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-{"text": "#snappy 2015-10-12\n<dholbach> good morning\n<clobrano> good morning\n<Chipaca> goood morning people!\n<mvo> hey Chipaca, good morning!\n<Chipaca> mvo: how's things?\n<mvo> Chipaca: busy, but good otherwise, how are you?\n<Chipaca> mvo: considering breakfast\n<Chipaca> :)\n<mvo> Chipaca: do it!\n<Chipaca> mvo: i need to fix the way we're using husks, i learned\n<Chipaca> um\n<Chipaca> not husks\n<Chipaca> the other thing\n<Chipaca> tombs\n<mvo> Chipaca: oh? how so?\n<mvo> Chipaca: the way you used them looked super nice\n<Chipaca> mvo: the function you give to tomb.Go is supposed to check whether the tomb.Kill has been called\n<Chipaca> mvo: http.Serve does not do that :)\n<Chipaca> i learned this in trying to make the server auto-go away after a bit ;)\n<mvo> Chipaca: heh, ok\n<Chipaca> so there'll be a branch about that sometime today, maybe :)\n<mvo> Chipaca: cool\n<Chipaca> we're also not doing that in tasks' tomb, but that's ok because there aren't cancelable tasks just yet\n<JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Monday, and happy World Arthritis Day! 😃\n<ogra_> ouch\n<Chipaca> wah, http.Server's Serve() calls out to private methods; i can't reimplement it tomb-friendly without reimplementing the guts of http :-(\n<Chipaca> pitti: o/\n<Chipaca> pitti: how much do you know about systemd's socket activation? :)\n<Chipaca> pitti: looking for a way to tell systemd to shut it down after inactivity\n<Chipaca> pitti: or lacking that, looking for a way to tell systemd it's shutting down due to inactivity\n<Chipaca> pitti: i've tried doing sd_notify(0, \"STOPPING=1\") but that still seems to get clients connecting after\n<pitti> Chipaca: not much, I'm afraid; sd_notify(3) looks like STOPPING=1, but do you actually shut down the service afterwards?\n<Chipaca> yep\n<pitti> Chipaca: you can't tell if a service is inactive from teh outside, the process itself needs to do that\n<Chipaca> sd_notify doesn't seem to make any difference\n<pitti> Chipaca: maybe it gets restarted immediately due to new clietns connecting?\n<Chipaca> yes\n<pitti> Chipaca: i. e. you might have stopped the .service, but not the corresponding .socket\n<Chipaca> and then it starts starting\n<Chipaca> pitti: i'm testing exactly that\n<Chipaca> that is: i'm trying to make sure that if the server decides to go away *just* as a new client connects, things still work\n<gberginc> can anyone help me get my demo snappy app that depends on a small shared library run?\n<gberginc> shared lib only has one function and my main app only calls that function\n<gberginc> all is packed into a snap\n<gberginc> the contents of the package can be seen at http://pastebin.com/4MA60S6r\n<gberginc> (well, the structure, that is)\n<biezpal> gberginc, you should define \"LD_LIBRARY_PATH\" variable to make library \"shared\" :)\n<gberginc> sorry, biezpal, I am completely new to Snappy - where should I add this? on my host I have specified LD_LIBRARY_PATH before building the app\n<biezpal> I mean, run \"export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/apps/heyho/current/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu\" in Snappy with your app installed on\n<biezpal> and try to run your app after this, this should help\n<ogra_> you shouldnt need that\n<ogra_> the wrapper that executes the snap binary will set it automatically\n<ogra_> you just need to put your lib in the right place in your snap\n<biezpal> ogra_, is it already implemented?\n<ogra_> lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ for amd64 and lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ for arm\n<ogra_> biezpal, since forever :)\n<biezpal> ogra_, few month ago we requested this feature)\n<biezpal> btw, where can we get changelogs?\n<gberginc> I have the lib in that folder but it doesn't seem to work\n<gberginc> I may have some other problems though :)\n<gberginc> because even after setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH it doesn't work; I'll look into\n<Chipaca> ogra_: um... you sure the LD_LIBRARY_PATH thing is done?\n<Chipaca> ogra_: it's not done by ubuntu-core-launcher, and it's not done by snappy\n<Chipaca> ogra_: i think it used to be done by the precursor of snapcraft, but i'm not sure\n<biezpal> :D\n<Chipaca> so AFAIK you still have to do it yourself\n<Chipaca> gberginc: if you share the snap itself, i can help, probably\n<gberginc> after setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH I see this in ldd\n<gberginc> (amd64)ubuntu@localhost:/apps/heyho.sideload/current$ ldd bin/main\n<gberginc>         linux-vdso.so.1 =>  (0x00007ffdf3fda000)\n<gberginc>         libmylib.so => /apps/heyho.sideload/current/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmylib.so (0x00007fa3a3019000)\n<gberginc>         libc.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0x00007fa3a2c4f000)\n<gberginc>         /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007fa3a321b000)\n<gberginc> but it still fails to start\n<gberginc> let me create a repo with the app\n<gberginc> ^ Chipaca\n<Chipaca> gberginc: how are you starting it, and what error do you get\n<ogra_> Chipaca, hmm ? ubuntu-core-launcher should do it since quite a while\n<Chipaca> ogra_: set LD_LIBRARY_PATH? nope\n<ogra_> yes\n<Chipaca> john@fogey:~/canonical/ubuntu-core-launcher$ grep -r LD_LIBRAR\n<Chipaca> john@fogey:~/canonical/ubuntu-core-launcher$\n<ogra_> now thats weird, i definitely remember apparmor chnges after this landed\n<ogra_> well, but then yes, you need a wrapper\n<Chipaca> gberginc: fwiw just the .snap would probably be enough to point you in the right direction, don't need to see the source itself\n<gberginc> Chipaca: ok, I'll share the snap\n<gberginc> Chipaca: http://k00.fr/2w2gp\n<biezpal> (amd64)ubuntu@management:~$ /apps/heyho.sideload/current/bin/main\n<biezpal> Hello from librarycos(0) = 1.000000\n<biezpal> (amd64)ubuntu@management:~$ /apps/heyho.sideload/current/bin/hoho\n<biezpal> Heyhohoho!\n<Chipaca> $ heyho.main\n<Chipaca> Hello from librarycos(0) = 1.000000\n<Chipaca> biezpal: don't call it directly, that's not contained!\n<Chipaca> biezpal: use the /apps/bin/* wrappers\n<Chipaca> gberginc: so\n<Chipaca> gberginc: move main to main.real\n<Chipaca> gberginc: and make \"main\" a script that does: #!/bin/sh\n<Chipaca> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SNAP_APP_PATH/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu $SNAP_APP_PATH/bin/main.real\n<Chipaca> (if you're packaging more than one architecture, $SNAPP_ARCH can help)\n * Chipaca wonders, not for the first time, why there isn't a SNAP_ variable for the multiarch string thing\n<gberginc> great, thanks Chipaca!\n<gberginc> Chipaca: it works!\n<Chipaca> *shocking*\n<gberginc> for me, yes :D\n<gberginc> I'll now try openfoam to see how easy it would be to make a framework/app out of it\n<olli> gm\n<jdstrand> ogra_: hey, I'm not working right now, but I was wondering how to force a module load with snappy config. I know about the 'modprobe' option, but that edits a file in /etc/modprobe.d. I think I need a file in /etc/modules-load.d to be edited, unless there is something I can put in modprobe.d\n<jdstrand> but I can't seem to find it\n<jdstrand> what I specifically need it iptable_filter and ip6table_filter to be loaded, since they don't autload from within a snap\n<ogra_> heh, i didnt even know abouot /etc/modules-load.d ... is that the same as /etc/modules ?\n<ogra_> (just broken down into single files)\n<jdstrand> yes\n<ogra_> Chipaca, ^^^ can we add that to snappy config for ubuntu-core ?\n<jdstrand> otherwise firewall snaps aren't going to work :)\n<ogra_> jdstrand, same game as always ... needs adding to writable paths in ubuntu-core-config and a function in snappy for snappy config\n<Chipaca> what's the difference between modprobe.d and modules-load.d?\n<jdstrand> both have man pages\n<ogra_> modprobe.d definest module parameters\n<jdstrand> the first adjusts options when loading\n<jdstrand> the second forces load on boot\n<Chipaca> oooh, haven't been told to rtfm in ages\n * Chipaca rtfm's\n<jdstrand> this is trying to deal with this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1496419\n<ubottu> Launchpad bug 1496419 in Snappy \"iptable_filter and ip6table_filter do not auto load\" [Undecided,New]\n * ogra_ adds an ubuntu-core-config task\n<jdstrand> cool, thanks\n<jdstrand> one of these days, I'll have a ufw snap in the store\n<ogra_> yay\n<ogra_> then i could actually snappify my firewall !\n * ogra_ already has a ufw firewall in use here ... but deb based \n<jdstrand> yeah, me too\n * davmor2 pictures ogra_'s home slowly turning into rasp pi2's \n<jdstrand> I really want to create a little 'router snap' for my soekris\n<Chipaca> ogra_: where does ubuntu-core-config come into the picture, btw?\n<ogra_> Chipaca, it defines the writable paths on the image\n<Chipaca> ah\n<ogra_> davmor2, nah, for real stuff i dont use RPis :)\n<davmor2> ogra_: oh sorry Beagle Board blacks is it ;)\n<ogra_> http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B00JR6X0ZK\n<ogra_> plain x86\n<davmor2> ogra_: nice\n<jdstrand> ogra_, Chipaca: so we need that writable path but also a 'modules-load' option in snappy config ubuntu-core. guessing that would just be a list that create a file in /etc/modules-load.d/ubuntu-core.conf that has one module per line\n<ogra_> jdstrand, yeah, that sounds correct\n<ogra_> by default just an empty file\n * jdstrand nods\n<Chipaca> how many modules would it be, worst case?\n<Chipaca> because making it a bunch of files would be easier :)\n<jdstrand> in my case, 2\n<jdstrand> :)\n<jdstrand> or any firewall snap\n<Chipaca> i mean, /etc/modules-load.d/ubuntu-core-$module for every module you want\n<jdstrand> I don't know what other modules don't autoload when under confinement\n<ogra_> well\n<ogra_> might not only be an autoload thing but simply some adjustment to the default image\n<jdstrand> that seems weird when comparing it to modprobe\n<jdstrand> Chipaca: ^\n<jdstrand> modprobe creates one file\n<ogra_> i can imagine that you might want to force load modules that wouldnt autoload when doing a certain oem project\n<jdstrand> ogra_: I had that feeling too, but I couldn't come up with an example\n<davmor2> jdstrand, ogra_: actually I'm surprised that ufw isn't in the base image it is way more pleasant to use that iptable :)\n<ogra_> davmor2, bot not everyone needs a firewall builtin into his drone :)\n<jdstrand> it wasn't considered minimal enough\n<davmor2> ogra_: but iptables is which is the actual firewall, ufw just makes your eyes bleed less using it :P\n<ogra_> well, a snappy install should essentially only be systemd, the snappy binary, a shell and the glue to make these three boot a system\n<ogra_> as minimal as possible\n<ogra_> sadly we're kind of moving away from that a little recently\n<Chipaca> we are?\n<ogra_> yeah, definitely\n<Chipaca> aww\n<ogra_> so many seed additions recently :/\n<davmor2> ogra_: but iptable is part of the kernel right so if you have the kernel installed it's there isn't it?\n<Chipaca> i'm still wanting to nuke python out of there\n<ogra_> davmor2, not the userspace\n<Chipaca> iptables the userspace things are quite large, even\n<davmor2> ogra_: grrrr ogra2 keeps getting priority over ogra_   fair enough wasn't sure if it was a separate thing or not nice to know though :)\n<Chipaca> ogra2 isn't an async ogra_ ?\n<ogra_> Chipaca, nah, its my snappy test setup for the bip snap in longterm testing :)\n * Chipaca reads \"yes, yes it is\"\n<ogra_> haha\n<longsleep> Chipaca: nuke python2 or python3 - but please keep a python there so snaps do not have to ship python for simple scripts and stuff\n<Chipaca> longsleep: https://github.com/micropython/micropython :D\n<longsleep> mhm - i am not sure i like that\n * longsleep prefers to have /usr/bin/python \n<ogra_> we will definitely get rid of python at some point\n<ogra_> thats like saying \"we need nodejs in the image so snaps dont need to ship it\"\n<longsleep> well, python has been standard on linuxes for centuries - i am not sure if node qualifies as comparison\n<Chipaca> ogra_: not node! v8, clearly\n<davmor2> Chipaca: isn't the system-image-cli stuff written in py3?\n<Chipaca> longsleep: so has X\n<Chipaca> davmor2: yes. But that's already on the chopping block.\n<longsleep> but whatever, in my case i would need a python framework to avoid having 30 snaps each shipping python for scripting\n<Chipaca> davmor2: apparmor-click is also py3\n<longsleep> to me, removing python is the same as removing /bin/sh\n<longsleep> or /bin/bash for that matter\n<Chipaca> oh, i agree. bash should also go >:D\n<jdstrand> I'm not saying python shouldn't go, but fyi, it adds something in the neighborhood of 40M to a snap\n<jdstrand> (if using it with snapcraft, for example)\n<Chipaca> here's the thing\n<Chipaca> right now, it's in a weird state\n<longsleep> yes - i mean that would be fine if there is a framework\n<Chipaca> where we don't *promise* it'll be there\n<Chipaca> but people still depend on it\n<longsleep> true, but this is the same as with sed, awk, sh, grep\n<Chipaca> so, i think we should do two things, in order, if/when we have infinite engineering resources\n<davmor2> Chipaca: Python Roulette\n<Chipaca> or what you say\n<ogra_> bash needs to die on the snappy image :)\n<Chipaca> basically, handwavy make it possible to use a \"python framework\" (which isn't possible right now)\n<Chipaca> and then remove everything not *strictly* essential from the core\n<longsleep> that sounds good to me\n<jdstrand> I don't think python should be a framework\n<Chipaca> framework is wrong, hence the handwavy bit\n<jdstrand> that isn't what frameworks are for. that are explicitly not for a substitute for libraries\n<Chipaca> frameworks can't depend on things, and are for controlling access to shared resources, nothing else\n<longsleep> isnt a framework something snaps can share or rely on?\n<Chipaca> longsleep: no\n<longsleep> ah\n<jdstrand> with this sorta is, cause the interpreter is versioned\n<Chipaca> longsleep: also, frameworks can't depend on things\n * jdstrand nods to handwavy bit\n<Chipaca> longsleep: so you couldn't make a framework that depended on the \"pthon\" \"framework\" \"\"\n * Chipaca adds more \"\"s in there\n<beuno> also, you don't need all of python\n * Chipaca also adds an y\n<beuno> so surely snapcraft can improve\n<longsleep> Chipaca: i see, so how to solve that?\n<beuno> and only bring in the bits you need\n<Chipaca> longsleep: today, carry on as you were\n<Chipaca> later, we'll see\n<Chipaca> longsleep: this is long-term after-lunch-break-chat stuff\n<Chipaca> beuno: hola :)\n<beuno> o/ Chipaca\n<longsleep> Chipaca: i see :) but is later also to remove one of the pythons? Right now there is 2 and 3 isn't it?\n<Chipaca> longsleep: no, only 3\n<Chipaca> wait\n<longsleep> Chipaca: oh 2 went away then already?\n<Chipaca> 2 is also on there!\n<Chipaca> what?\n<Chipaca> i thought we'd got rid of 2\n<longsleep> thats what i mean :)\n<Chipaca> :-(((\n<longsleep> well i did not check for a while\n<longsleep> maybe it is gone now\n<beuno> Chipaca, it used to be there because of cloud-init\n<Chipaca> ahhhh\n<Chipaca> 15.04 still has it\n<Chipaca> wily does not\n<Chipaca> phewww\n<beuno> right\n<longsleep> ah ok\n<Chipaca> longsleep: rolling --> awesomeness\n<longsleep> but 15.04 is what anyone should use now right?\n<Chipaca> also, much breakage, all the time\n<Chipaca> longsleep: only if you like things that don't break all the time\n * longsleep did not check on rolling since June or something\n<beuno> longsleep, rolling is slowly becoming 16.04\n<beuno> sometimes, not slowly and not backwards compatible\n<longsleep> Chipaca: so you would agree saying that python3 will be in 16.04 - or is 16.04 after lunch break stuff?\n<beuno> if you want to stay close to the LTS and can tolerate some breakage, I'd follow rolling\n<beuno> longsleep, we don't know\n<beuno> if we can, I think we'll try and release 16.04 without Python\n<Chipaca> 16.04 is 3× too far into the future for humble little me to guess at\n<beuno> everyone benefits from a smaller image\n<longsleep> beuno: Ok fair enough, but i suggest you think about sharing python with multiple snaps before removing it\n<beuno> longsleep, absolutely\n<Chipaca> longsleep: yeh, in what i said above there was an ordering\n<beuno> we need the same for node, java, etc\n<Chipaca> qt\n<beuno> so it's a general problem to solve\n<Chipaca> /o\\ qt\n<longsleep> Ok sounds good to me, as long as i can avoid adding python to all of my snaps\n<Chipaca> hah!\n<Chipaca> we've got python3.4 and 3.5 in wily\n<Chipaca> instead\n<longsleep> hehe\n<beuno> what's 40mb among friends?\n<Chipaca> probably a bug tho, i guess in the transition to 3.5 we forgot to update something\n<Chipaca> ogra_: ^?\n * Chipaca puts it on the floor and runs\n<longsleep> but can you agree in saying \"python2 is dead\" - use python3 or is there still some movement to resurrect python 2?\n<ogra_> i'm pretty sure we only seed one\n<ogra_> must be some dep that pulls in the other\n<beuno> longsleep, no chance py2 is coming back\n<longsleep> beuno: ok good thats what i wanted to hear :)\n<Chipaca> longsleep: python2 is dead. Long live python3.\n<longsleep> btw, python3 does still not support ipv6 listeners in the standard library .. totally sucks\n<ogra_> heh\n<ogra_> we dont seed any python\n<beuno> ogra_, python seeds us?\n<ogra_> some package deps seem to pul both of them in\n<ogra_> ah, wait\n<ogra_> we do seed python3-pycurl\n<ogra_> booo\n<Chipaca> longsleep: python3 does support ipv6 in the standard library, afaik, fwiw, etc\n<longsleep> Chipaca: yes but only for clients, the socketserver implementations do not\n<Chipaca> longsleep: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12763435/\n<Chipaca> longsleep: lies\n<Chipaca> you just need to set address_family to ipv6\n<longsleep> then ipv4 does not work\n<Chipaca> ah, yes it sucks you can't easily do both\n<Chipaca> more subclassing is needed\n<longsleep> yes that is what i mean sorry\n<longsleep> my rant was not precise enough :)\n<Chipaca> longsleep: but, http://code.activestate.com/recipes/578504-server-supporting-ipv4-and-ipv6/\n<Chipaca> that is a lot longer than it needs to be, also :)\n<longsleep> sure custom class is always possible\n<longsleep> i nowadays just use a simple go server instead\n<Chipaca> yes... yes... embrace that feeling of compiled speed\n<longsleep> Chipaca: i noticed that when implementing a workaround for bug #1480404\n<ubottu> bug 1480404 in webdm \"Webdm open/manage links cannot handle https\" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1480404\n<longsleep> the snap now runs a redirecting web server to https, just a simple python script but that cannot do dual stack\n * ogra_ always uses a 50 line shell script for webservers :P\n<ogra_> just some bi-directional nc wrapping is enough for everyone !\n<longsleep> mhm that includes argument parsing with GET and HEAD support?\n<ogra_> sure\n<longsleep> i mean the python script i have currently has 74 lines\n<ogra_> http://paste.ubuntu.com/12763576/\n<longsleep> ogra_: ok nice, here is what i use http://paste.ubuntu.com/12763590/\n<ogra_> misses curly brackets evereywhere :P\n<longsleep> yeah\n * ogra_ grins evil\n<longsleep> we could do it with node - plenty curly there\n<ogra_> haha, yeah\n<Chipaca> ogra_: what're the []'s around \\r\\n for?\n<Chipaca> ogra_: in tr -d '[\\r\\n]'\n<ogra_> it removes linefeeds and returns\n<Chipaca> yes\n<Chipaca> but what are the []s for\n<Chipaca> works without 'em\n<Chipaca> afaict\n<ogra_> i think thats how it arrives in encoded stings\n<ogra_> (that code is like 2 years old ... i dont remember anymore)\n<jdstrand> ogra_: hey, fyi, lp:~jdstrand/+junk/ufw-snap. see the readme.md file. to create a snap: make clean ; make snap. you'll need to adjust /etc/modules-load.d/something.conf to include iptable_filter and ip6table_filter until the feature is implemented in snappy config\n<jdstrand> ogra_: it is only very lightly tested and I'm heading out for the rest of the day (US holiday), but it is there if you want to play with it\n<ogra_> jdstrand, no snapcraft ?\n<jdstrand> no, snapcraft doesn't handle --root with setup.py right yet\n<jdstrand> serguisens knows about it\n<ogra_> ah, python\n<jdstrand> it is nice having ufw on my snappy system though :)\n * jdstrand heads out\n<jdstrand> ogra_: oh, if you are interested in trying it out and find a bug and feel like filing it, feel free to file it at lp:ufw\n#snappy 2015-10-13\n<biezpal> good morning all\n<biezpal> Seems like we have faced another \"random-version-string\" problem, similar to https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1498396\n<ubottu> Launchpad bug 1498396 in Snappy \"Random string in data path breaks application\" [Undecided,Fix committed]\n<biezpal> We have service in snap package with apparmor profile defined like:\n<biezpal> profile \"app_ovs-init-db_0.0.1\" {\n<biezpal>   capability,\n<biezpal>   ...\n<biezpal> In systemd this service exist with name \"app_ovs-init-db_IDDSYPEfafNM.service\" and seems like apparmor cannot change profile properly because of different names. When we trying to start service through ubuntu-core-launcher we see error:\n<biezpal> aa_change_onexec failed with -1\n<biezpal> . errmsg: No such file or directory\n<biezpal> If we change service name in apparmor profile and start service again - everything works fine.\n<biezpal> How can we configure apparmor profile to work with random named services?\n<jjohansen> biezpal: ?\n<jjohansen> biezpal: within a profile you can specify the name to transition to\n<jjohansen>   /foo px -> bar,\n<jjohansen> or you could use the the change_profile api\n<jjohansen> from a shell you can do\n<jjohansen>   aa-exec -p profile_name -- your shell command\n<jjohansen> and that will run your shell command with the specified profile_name\n<jjohansen> aa-exec is just a wrapper around the change_profile api\n<biezpal> jjohansen, but we need valid apparmor profile before snap package installed\n<biezpal> we have a list of service that should run automatically after package installed and we cannot change all profiles manually from shell\n<jjohansen> biezpal: so what kind of changes do you need to the profile?  Just changing the name, or do you need to change the profile contents?\n<jjohansen> sorry, I am reading the bug now\n<biezpal> apparmor profile that we have in snap package becomes invalid after install because of randow version in service name\n<jjohansen> biezpal: do you need the random version in the profile name?\n<biezpal> for example, profile defined for service_0.0.1 but system looking for service_IDDSYPEfafNM\n<biezpal> jjohansen, we don't need random version in profile :)\n<biezpal> cause we cannot define them in advance, before installation\n<jjohansen> right\n<biezpal> and because of it our services cannot start\n<jjohansen> so, I  am not sure what the best way to proceed from here, jdstrand will know the snap integration part much better\n<jjohansen> biezpal: unfortunately jdstrand won't come online for about 8 hours\n<biezpal> jjohansen, yes, we know :)\n<biezpal> thanks anyway\n<jjohansen> biezpal: my initial reaction is don't do that :)\n<jjohansen> it is possible to make the change_profile rule match multiple versions\n<jjohansen> and I am guessing that will be the route to go, but I'd run it past jdstrand first\n<biezpal> ok, waiting for jdstrand\n<dholbach> good morning\n<mvo> hey dholbach, good morning\n<dholbach> hi mvo\n<mvo> ogra_: hi, fwiw, I triggered a new build for vivid from proposed that contains some rest api fixes (just in case you wonder why a new build is happening right now)\n<fgimenez> good morning\n<Chipaca> mo'in\n<Chipaca> something weird is up with wily\n<Chipaca> getting stuck in emerg mode\n<Chipaca> mvo: o/\n<mvo> hey Chipaca\n<Chipaca> mvo: how's things?\n<Chipaca> mvo: did you know wily edge 199 -> 201 lands you in emergency mode right now?\n<Chipaca> mvo: (just in case you thought things were ok :-p)\n<mvo> Chipaca: uff\n<mvo> Chipaca: ok, thats alarming as it most likely affects stable in some way too\n<longsleep> good morning snappy\n<Chipaca> indeed, I am moderately alarmed by this\n<Chipaca> Chipaca code Mauve\n * Chipaca steals python *and* perl from under longsleep's feet\n<Chipaca> longsleep: morning :)\n<longsleep> hehe i switched from Perl to Python in 2001\n<longsleep> so have fun with the Perl but let me keep Python :P\n<longsleep> but aside from scripting languages, what is the best practice to create an snappy image with many snaps pre installed where some of the snaps are not in the store? I have to start with some build system for this soon - any suggestions?\n<fgimenez> hi mvo\n<mvo> hey fgimenez\n<fgimenez> i'm trying 15.04/edge r212 on kvm and it doesn't have eth0 up when started\n<fgimenez> mvo, is that a known issue? ^\n<mvo> fgimenez: not a know issue :(\n<fgimenez> mvo, i'll try to check again and ping you back, even more after sudo ifconfig eth0 up it only has a ipv6 address\n<Chipaca> fgimenez: not any eth0, or not ipv4?\n<Chipaca> ah\n<fgimenez> Chipaca, only lo\n<Chipaca> fgimenez: \"ifconfig eth0 up\", or ifup eth0?\n<Chipaca> fgimenez: what do you have in /etc/network/interfaces.d?\n<fgimenez> Chipaca, eth0 with: \"allow-hotpug eth0\\niface eth0 inet dhcp\"\n<Chipaca> fgimenez: and \"sudo journalctl -x\"?\n<Chipaca> fgimenez: anything red in that? :)\n<mvo> fgimenez: so it might be the new kernel http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/core-image-stats/vivid/20151013.1.changes\n<fgimenez> Chipaca, :) a few about ACPI, EXT4-fs and pkcsslotd, I also get http://paste.ubuntu.com/12771951/\n<mvo> Chipaca: hm, I just upgraded rolling and no panic, let me try to reproduce again with the exact versions\n<ogra_> fgimenez, there is actually a \\n in the eth0 file ?\n<fgimenez> ogra_, no, just for displaying it here :)\n<ogra_> ah, k\n<Chipaca> ogra_: excellent question :)\n<ogra_> hah, look ... my test server just started spilling autopilot reboot messages to the console ... it is on 211 ... lets see if it comes up\n<fgimenez> ogra_, latest stable was 185 on edge, right?\n<ogra_> fgimenez, yup\n<Chipaca> gah! map is not a function, it's a keyword :-(\n<fgimenez> ogra_, ok thx, i'll try upgrade and rollback from there\n * ogra_ waits for ogra2 to return ...\n<ogra_> there he is\n<ogra_> so looks like my installed/auto-upgraded server comes up fine with 212\n<ogra_> yep, all up\n<JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Tuesday, and happy Ada Lovelace Day! 😃\n<mvo> Chipaca: so r199->201 is a 40mb delta update and I strongly suspect it contains a new kernel *but* for me it did not panic :(\n<mvo> Chipaca: no new kernel, sorry\n<mvo> Chipaca: do you have some more details about the recovery mode you ended up in?\n<Chipaca> mvo: it looks recoverish?\n<Chipaca> mvo: dunno what details there are to be had :)\n<Chipaca> it's a kvm in snapshot mode, so i can drop back to the old thing and redo the update any time\n<Chipaca> (and have, multiple times, and it ends up in emerg mode every time)\n<Chipaca> ah, this might be relevant\n<Chipaca> failed to exec /bin/plymouth\n<mvo> Chipaca: I thnk the pylmouth is a red-herring\n<Chipaca> ok :)\n<mvo> Chipaca: does it tell you why its in recovery mode? or is it because of plymouth and its not a red-herring at all :) ?\n<Chipaca> ah, charset not found\n<mvo> Chipaca: ha!\n<Chipaca> failed to mount /boot/efi\n<mvo> Chipaca: so that indicates that the kernel has changed but no modules\n<Chipaca> because charset not found\n<mvo> Chipaca: so a new kernel but no modules, or rather, the filesystem has a new kernel abi and the old kernel is booted which then can not load the nls8859-1 module\n<ogra_> someone dropped vfat stuff ?\n<ogra_> it shouldnt be a module anymore\n * ogra_ asked for that ages ago \n<mvo> Chipaca: can you inspect the filesystem?\n<Chipaca> mvo: sure, what do i look for?\n<mvo> Chipaca: i.e. md5sums of /boot/grub/{a,b}/*\n<Chipaca> let me see if i can bring up ssh\n<mvo> Chipaca: and \"ls /lib/modules/ /writable/cache/system/\"\n<mvo> Chipaca: I actually suspect just 199->201 is not enough, something like ?->199->201, i.e. old-kernel->new->new maybe?\n<ogra_> (amd64)ogra@aleph2:~$ lsmod |grep vfat\n<ogra_> (amd64)ogra@aleph2:~$ cat /proc/filesystems |grep fat\n<ogra_> \tvfat\n<Chipaca> trying to bring up ssh froze stuff (?)\n<Chipaca> ogra_: what about nls\n<Chipaca> ogra_: problem isn't vfat\n<ogra_> nls8859-1 really needs to be compiled in, givcen that vaft is too\n<mvo> yeah, its nls8859\n<ogra_> i'm not doubting that :)\n<mvo> :)\n<ogra_> but vfat is useless without nls8859, so it needs to be compiled in too\n<mvo> all good, well, there is a bug in our code somewhere I think\n * mvo nods\n<Chipaca> where was the kernel config stored?\n<ogra_> (though it helps finding module issues :P )\n<ogra_> Chipaca, in boot (if you are lucky and the kernel is the same as in the device tarball(\n<Chipaca> mvo: before the reboot: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12772258/\n<Chipaca> ogra_: where in boot?\n<mvo> Chipaca: what does the module dirs look like?\n<ogra_> Chipaca, in /boot\n<Chipaca> $ ls /lib/modules/\n<Chipaca> 4.2.0-16-generic\n<Chipaca> $ ls /boot/\n<ogra_> oh !\n<Chipaca> efi  grub\n<ogra_> (amd64)ogra@aleph2:~$ ls /boot/\n<ogra_> System.map-3.19.0-31-generic  efi   initrd.img-3.19.0-31-generic  vmlinuz-3.19.0-31-generic.efi.signed\n<ogra_> abi-3.19.0-31-generic         grub  vmlinuz-3.19.0-31-generic\n<mvo> Chipaca: and the other one? /writable/cache ?\n<ogra_> no config anymore ?\n<mvo> Chipaca: and the other one? /writable/cache/system/lib/modules ?\n<Chipaca> $ ls /writable/cache/system/lib/modules/\n<Chipaca> 4.2.0-14-generic\n<mvo> Chipaca: so that is before the reboot?\n<Chipaca> yes\n<mvo> Chipaca: what is the content  /writable/cache/system/etc/system-image/channel.ini?\n<mvo> Chipaca: and /etc/system-image/channel.ini ?\n<mvo> Chipaca: so I'm super confused, /lib/modules is different on a/b but the kernel is the same but also the \"other\" parition has a lower version for the kernel modules than your current partition\n<Chipaca> mvo: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12772276/\n<mvo> Chipaca: thats puzzling\n<mvo> Chipaca: thanks, so other looks correct and yet it has the modules for 4.2.0-14-generic ?\n<mvo> Chipaca: it explains the failure, but how the systemd ended up in that state is the interessting part now :)\n<mvo> Chipaca: does it make sense so far? what I'm saying?\n<Chipaca> mvo: new system has .16 kernel and .14 modules --> how can it i don't even\n<Chipaca> mvo: makes sense to me\n<mvo> Chipaca: yeah, it does not make any sense, do you still have content in /writable/cache ? i.e. the delta update?\n<mvo> Chipaca: the delta update files?\n<mvo> Chipaca: so one theory might be that the delta update used the wrong base, e.g. \"other\" was \"185\" but the delta update used soemthing later that did no include the kernel change in the filesystem which is still a weak theory because the kernel itself was part of the delta\n<Chipaca> mvo: where in /writable/cache should i have content?\n<Chipaca> i mean, there's /writable/cache/system :)\n<Chipaca> let me start over, and see what system-image-cli has to say for itself\n<Chipaca> $ sudo system-image-cli -n\n<Chipaca> Upgrade path is 200:201\n<mvo> Chipaca: yeah, thanks. if you still have the state of before the upgrade, thats awsome, what revno was \"other\" before?\n<Chipaca> yes, i do still have the before-upgrade; always do kvm -snapshot here\n<mvo> Chipaca: we dtive system-image by pointing it to the \"other\" parition so that we get the delta download relative to this \"other\"\n<Chipaca> because i can commit a snapshot, but can't uncommit a non-snapshot :)\n<mvo> :)\n<Chipaca> version_detail: ubuntu=20151008,raw-device=20151008,version=197\n<Chipaca> that's /writable/cache/system/etc/system-image/channel.ini before the upgrade\n<Chipaca> (i mean, it has all the other stuff, but that's got the info you want)\n<mvo> Chipaca: could you run system-image-cli -C /writable/cache/system/etc/system-image -n\n<mvo> Chipaca: thats what snappy will do?\n<mvo> Chipaca: well, it will not use \"-n\"\n<Chipaca> I can, but you might not like it\n<mvo> Chipaca: this smells like a but in s-i or a bug in the way we drive it\n<Chipaca> $ sudo system-image-cli -C /writable/cache/system/etc/system-image -n\n<Chipaca> Already up-to-date\n<mvo> Chipaca: oh? well, that would explain the issue, but … but?\n<mvo> why does it think its up-to-date?\n<Chipaca> mvo: wait, we get to blame barry for this?\n<Chipaca> that's always a win!\n<mvo> Chipaca: do you have --debug or something in s-i?\n<mvo> Chipaca: well, we better have hard data to backup this claim ;)\n<Chipaca> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12772321/\n<mvo> Chipaca: hm, I hope this getprop failure is not the issue :(\n<mvo> Chipaca: what does \"sudo system-image-cli -n -v\" yield?\n<Chipaca> i'm assuming that's part of the \"check you're on an ubuntu phone\" code :)\n<mvo> Chipaca: ups, coud you set the -C dir to \"/writable/cache/system/etc/system-image/config.d\" instead?\n<mvo> Chipaca: sorry, I think I pasted you the wrong dir\n<Chipaca> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12772343/\n<mvo> ta\n<Chipaca> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12772348/\n<Chipaca> “Upgrade path is 201”\n<mvo> Chipaca: I wonder what that means, if it means a full download, we are good, if it means just the 200:201 delta not so much\n<Chipaca> i think a delta is written m:n\n<mvo> Chipaca: if you run it with \"--no-apply\" instead of \"-n\", what does it download?\n<Chipaca> as in the 200:201 you get without -C\n<mvo> the download will end up in /writable/cache\n<Chipaca> \thttp://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/rolling/edge/generic_amd64/version-201.tar.xz.asc -> /writable/cache/version-201.tar.xz.asc\n<mvo> i.e. sudo system-image-cli -C /writable/cache/system/etc/system-image/config.d/ -g -v\n<Chipaca> tadaa\n<Chipaca> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12772377/\n<Chipaca> includes: device-2bc2ee8db5cd33e143438171da503c2ce56eeb49adc0617872b9a099d18c2288.tar.xz\n<Chipaca> and that file has lib/modules/4.2.0-16-generic\n<Chipaca> and vmlinuz\n<Chipaca> wait, that shouldn't be a problem :)\n<mvo> Chipaca: ok, so the next suspect is the upgrader then that applies the upgrade\n<Chipaca> mvo: is that also system-image?\n<mvo> Chipaca: \"sudo ubuntu-core-upgrade --dry-run --leave-files\" maybe?\n<mvo> Chipaca: \"sudo ubuntu-core-upgrade --dry-run --leave-files --debug\" maybe?\n<Chipaca> Failed to read command file: None\n<mvo> Chipaca: is there a ubuntu_command file in /writable/cache ?\n<Chipaca> mvo: i could send you the kvm image, fwiw :)\n<mvo> Chipaca: that might be easier indeed\n<Chipaca> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12772390/\n<mvo> Chipaca: less learning expereince for you :P\n<Chipaca> indeed\n<Chipaca> which is why i'm not stopping you :)\n<mvo> Chipaca: I'm kidding, I will be so happy when this part gets replaced\n<longsleep> Does it make sense to test for future breakage anything other than 15.04/edge (which works fine). Should i test rolling/edge from time to time?\n<mvo> Chipaca: but maybe you will appreciate it more this way when we replace it\n<mvo> Chipaca: \"sudo ubuntu-core-upgrade --dry-run --leave-files --debug /writable/cache/ubuntu_command\"\n<mvo> Chipaca: sorry for my mistaken cmdline earlier\n<mvo> Chipaca: and feel free to upload your image to people.c.c or something and I can poke it harder\n<mvo> Chipaca: this command should give us some hints\n<Chipaca> ubuntu-core-upgrade: error: argument --debug: invalid int value: '/writable/cache/ubuntu_command'\n<Chipaca> :)\n * Chipaca goes with 9\n<Chipaca> whoa, that was verbose. doing over.\n<mvo> Chipaca: I get some lunch but will read scrollback\n<Chipaca> mvo: stderr: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12772425/\n<Chipaca> mvo: stdout looks like a tar listing, can upload if needed\n<mvo> Chipaca: hm, if you run that without --dry-run, does it unpack the right lib/modules? I suspect it will and this means something is missing here :(\n<mvo> Chipaca: i.e. somewhere what we did is not what snappy did\n * mvo really lunches first\n<olli> gm\n<Chipaca> mvo: indeed, that worked perfectly\n<Chipaca> doing over with strace\n<mvo> Chipaca: yeah, lets figure out what it execve()s :/\n<sergiusens> morning\n<Chipaca> olli: sergiusens: mo'in\n * sergiusens has a nasty cold since yesterday\n<Chipaca> so does the uk\n<Chipaca> they're calling it \"autumn\"\n<sergiusens> Chipaca, it snowed in the Altas Cumbres yesterday!\n<sergiusens> we are enjoying spring ;-)\n<Chipaca> wow, slightly late this year\n<Chipaca> usually it's september it snows :)\n<Chipaca> whaaaa\n<Chipaca> ok, lots of trace files :)\n<Chipaca> hah, well, that's something that went wrong\n<Chipaca> /tmp/trace.1080:execve(\"/usr/bin/system-image-cli\", [\"system-image-cli\", \"--progress\", \"json\", \"-C\", \"/etc/system-image/config.d\"], [/* 23 vars */]) = 0\n<Chipaca> and that happens if it can't read the one in /writable/cache\n<Chipaca> $ ls -l /writable/cache/system/etc/system-image/config.d/00_default.ini\n<Chipaca> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Oct 13 11:04 /writable/cache/system/etc/system-image/config.d/00_default.ini -> ../client.ini\n<Chipaca> puzzled, now\n<ogra_> why ?\n<ogra_> the old s-i-cli used /etc/system-image/client.ini by default, the new one uses the files under /etc/system-image/config.d/\n<Chipaca> i think this is related to a bug barry already fixed\n<Chipaca> with system-image not really requiring config to work\n<Chipaca> but we still treat it like it does\n<Chipaca> and system-image used to crash with a symlink, but he fixed taht\n<Chipaca> ogra_: in any case, it's doing the wrong update and getting into trouble\n * olli waves at Chipaca\n<Chipaca> i'm not sure when using the wrong config for system image is the right thing, but this isn't one of those times :)\n<ogra_> well, whats inside that client.ini  ?\n<ogra_> it should point to the new image\n<Chipaca> it's not there ^\n<Chipaca> broken symlink\n<ogra_> ah !\n<ogra_> it should be there\n<Chipaca> it refuses to bow to your imperialist views on existentialism\n<ogra_> http://paste.ubuntu.com/12772505/\n<Chipaca> i don't believe it's necessary any more\n<ogra_> (note that archive_master lives elsewhere in rolling, the above is stable)\n<Chipaca> k\n<ogra_> i thik it is still necessary\n * Chipaca buys ogra_ a box of chocolates of the wrong ABI\n<ogra_> haha\n<mvo> Chipaca: ha! so 00_default.ini is a dangling symlink on wily. nice catch. its not on 15.04 fortunately there is a client.ini there but  I think its there because I put it back\n<mvo> Chipaca: so the fix is to test for 01_channel.ini I guess (?) or 20_snappy.ini which is safer\n<mvo> Chipaca: nice work tracking this one down \\o/\n<Chipaca> what are we actually testing for?\n<mvo> Chipaca: that the other partition is \"valid\" (no-empty)\n<mvo> Chipaca: see systemimage.go:222\n * mvo needs to vanish again for some seconds\n<Chipaca> mvo: if the question is \"can system-image build an upgrade path from this\", then maybe we should check with barry and update the check\n<Chipaca> mvo: there's an XXX just below where you ponted me at in systemimage.go that points at potential trouble; it doesn't say *why* it does two different checks :-/\n<mvo> Chipaca: it otherIsEmpty() contains some info, no?\n<mvo> Chipaca: i.e. we need(ed) in the old days both client and channnel config, nowdays we don't need a client config but we still need a snappy specific config\n<Chipaca> ah, so it does, so it does\n<mvo> so checking for 20_snappy.ini seems prudent (unless I miss something)\n<longsleep> When testing snappy on bare metal, how many sdcards have you folks worn out already? These things drive me crazy eventually :/\n<Chipaca> longsleep: hard drives are a consumable; sd cards more so\n<mvo> fgimenez: how big is /boot now with the alpha images and the signed kernels?\n<fgimenez> mvo, let me check\n<longsleep> Chipaca: yeah, i am just wondering if this happens to other people as well\n<longsleep> i mean, flash 100x, the odds that the card is borked seem to be big\n<Chipaca> longsleep: yes. Fortunately update is usually good enough you only rarely need a full reflash, and that helps\n<mvo> longsleep: how many cards did you loose already? and how often does it happen?\n<longsleep> mvo: this is now the third card out of 5 which stopped working since i started working with snappy in march\n<Chipaca> longsleep: how often do you reflash?\n<mvo> longsleep: all the same batch of cards? just curious if there are differences between manufactors etc\n<mvo> longsleep: seems like a lot indeed\n<longsleep> Chipaca: sure they will last longer for normal use case - though the general quality of the sdcards seem like shit, i mean these are all sandisk cards - the normal ones though. The exreme ones seem to be more durable.\n<longsleep> mvo: yes those who give i/o errors are from the same batch\n<Chipaca> longsleep: like these? http://martybugs.net/articles/images/sandisk_box_large.jpg\n<Chipaca> ah, those are cf\n<longsleep> Chipaca: around 100 times\n<Chipaca> http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61ezDfz50AL.jpg\n<longsleep> Chipaca: yes those\n<Chipaca> longsleep: check they aren't fake sandisks\n<longsleep> and i got a broken one from transcend as well\n<beuno> longsleep, FWIW, I trashed an SD card in a single night when I wrote a small app that took pictures when it detected movement, and it rained that night  :)   (it was pointing out the window)\n<longsleep> beuno: yeah - thats why i ask here, if this is a common thing others must have dead sdcards as well\n<longsleep> or do you all get the expensive ones?\n<fgimenez> mvo, 76M in bbb, 131M in amd64\n<longsleep> Chipaca: hard to tell if its a fake\n<Chipaca> longsleep: yep, seems to vary a lot\n<longsleep> Chipaca: could be, but they worked fine half a year full capacity and all. So i find it unlikely\n<Chipaca> longsleep: ah, ok :)\n<Chipaca> longsleep: these days i mostly just get the expensive ones\n<Chipaca> longsleep: but if i were working with them in bulk i'd probably be ok wiht the cheaper ones\n<longsleep> Chipaca: right, thats why i am testing the cheap ones\n<longsleep> but the Transcend one which broke today is an expensive one, only 8GB though\n<longsleep> they give 30 years limited guarantee on that one\n<longsleep> haha they do not give that guarantee for write intensive applications\n<Chipaca> i'd be tempted to get it rma'd :)\n<longsleep> they explicitly list \"servers\" as write intensive or continuous use case in their warranty agreement\n<longsleep> so basically they know that the card can just fail when used in a server\n<longsleep> and that is for a card which is called \"Premium\"\n<mvo> Chipaca: do we have a bug for the upgrade issue or should we have one? I want to ensure its tracked because I will likely forget about it because of release and all this other stuff that is going on\n<Chipaca> mvo: filing i tnow\n<Chipaca> mvo: do you know why it failed for me and not for you?\n<beuno> spite?\n<mvo> Chipaca: \\o/ please add the relevant bits from irc so that we know how to fix it too :)\n<mvo> Chipaca: no idea yet, in a meeting right now so I can't check, will check tonight\n<Chipaca> beuno: +1\n<Chipaca> mvo: bug 1505682\n<ubottu> bug 1505682 in Snappy \"upgrade wily/edge 199->201 failed\" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1505682\n<Chipaca> mvo: let me know if i should expand it any\n<mvo> Chipaca: looks good\n<Chipaca> and wily.img.xz made it up\n<sergiusens> elopio, can you look at https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snapcraft/1500902/+merge/273444 again? or are we good already?\n<elopio> sergiusens: we are good.\n<sergiusens> elopio, \\o/\n<elopio> I saw Chipaca's +1 but forgot to push mine.\n<barry> mvo: hi.  what's up?\n<mvo> hey barry, we tracked down  a issue in snappy to a broken /etc/system-image/config.d/00_default.ini symlink. this may be snappy specific I need to look further into it\n<barry> mvo: cool.  si 3.0.2 in wily at least no longer crashes on dangling symlinks, but i don't think we ever tracked down why the symlink is dangling\n<barry> (don't think it is on touch)\n<mvo> barry: ok, thanks! thats good to know\n * mvo adds it to the bug\n<barry> mvo: i'm around all day so ping me if needed\n<mvo> barry: thanks, busy with $stuff today :( but much appreciated that offer\n<barry> mvo: i hear ya :)\n<plars> ogra_:  is pi2_0.15_all.snap still available somewhere?\n<ogra_> sure\n<ogra_> there is an achive folder in the download dir\n<plars> ogra_: got it, thanks!\n<elopio> Chipaca: are you getting a vet error on trunk?\n<Chipaca> elopio: negatory\n<Chipaca> well, i could get *actual* trunk\n<Chipaca> and see\n<Chipaca> give me a mo'\n<sergiusens> Chipaca, a month?\n<ogra_> no, he typoed mvo\n<Chipaca> yes, tests are slow\n<elopio> Chipaca: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12773266/\n<Chipaca> definitely not getting that\n<Chipaca> and would be disappointed with everything if i did\n<mvo> ogra_: heh\n<elopio> tarmac is not getting that either, so might be a wily thing.\n<Chipaca> i'm on wily\n<Chipaca> but haven't updated\n<Chipaca> on it now\n<Chipaca> elopio: i guess i can rewrite that test to use reflect instead of the lazier printf\n<elopio> Chipaca: that might be clearer, because I'm not sure what you are testing there.\n<Chipaca> elopio: pointer equality\n<Chipaca> elopio: i want to know they're the same *actual object*\n<Chipaca> elopio: but go won't let you compare functions, it protects you from thinking two functions that compare different give different values for the same inputs\n<Chipaca> or somehting, i don't know why it doesn't let you\n<elopio> Chipaca: got it. It might be nicer to actually excercise that d.router.NotFoundHandler instead of just checking the references.\n<elopio> but I'm not sure how hard it would be to write that test.\n<elopio> and I don't understand the vet error anyway. I'm upgrading here too.\n<Chipaca> elopio: updated, still not getting that\n<Chipaca> elopio: your vet probably comes from source\n<Guest42341> omg what am i doing here???\n<Chipaca> ogra_: https://pastebin.canonical.com/141658/ <- know issue of rpi2 on rolling?\n * ogra_ grumbles about 2fa\n<Chipaca> ogra_: sorry, comes from somebody working on server side, always 2fa'd in :)\n<ogra_> definitely not known, no\n<Chipaca> ogra_: anything verterok could try?\n<mvo> Chipaca: \"failed to find user uid/gid\"  hu? no clickpkg or snappypkg user on this system?\n<ogra_> works flawless here\n<Chipaca> um\n<verterok> Chipaca: o/\n<Chipaca> verterok: you did install the tools ppa, didn't you?\n<ogra_> (copy pasted the command)\n<Chipaca> mvo: i'd guess an old u-d-f\n<Chipaca> pre the switch\n<ogra_> 0.31-0ubuntu1\n<ogra_> is what i use atm\n<Chipaca> verterok: ppa:snappy-dev/tools is what i mean\n<verterok> Chipaca: I have the ppa, checking the installed version\n<Chipaca> ah, ok\n<ogra_> newer should work too\n<verterok> Chipaca: I have http://ppa.launchpad.net/snappy-dev/beta/ubuntu\n * Chipaca also builds just in case\n<Chipaca> verterok: ah! no, not that one\n<Chipaca> i thought we'd deleted that one already\n<verterok> Chipaca: ok, removing and adding the new one\n<Chipaca> that has 0.23\n<verterok> yup\n<ogra_> http://paste.ubuntu.com/12773485/\n<Chipaca> tools has 0.31\n<ogra_> just for reference\n<ogra_> sergiusens, can we tunr off that azure warning for RPi builds ?\n<Chipaca> ogra_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12773489/\n<ogra_> wut ?!?\n<Chipaca> ogra_: $ sudo tail -n1 /etc/sudoers\n<Chipaca> Defaults\tinsults\n<Chipaca> ogra_: just in case you thought sudo was all serious and only about security\n<ogra_> hah\n<qengho> I'm accustomed to, and like, having only a debian/ directory in source control and giving that to some kind of System that creates deb packages in architectures I don't own. Am I right in thinking that, in snappy, there are about five things missing from that kind of workflow?\n<Chipaca> qengho: not sure what you mean, but I'd start with \"no, you are not right\"\n<Chipaca> qengho: for example, lp:~snappy-dev/snappy-hub/snappy-examples has a bunch of sources of snaps in source control\n<qengho> Thanks, Chipaca. I'll look.\n<qengho> Okay, so cross-compiling is normal and expected, in this new world. And fabricating the programs for a package involves knowing something of the package, in this world too; there is no debian/rules kind of standard interface. I wish those facts were in the docs on the web site.\n<sergiusens> qengho, you want a snapcraft.yaml which defines everything, launchpad will build snaps from that\n<sergiusens> qengho, it is not open to public building just yet though\n<qengho> Huh.\n<sergiusens> qengho, more context maybe?\n<sergiusens> or huh to your huh ;-)\n<ogra_> huh huh\n<qengho> Okay, I've read most of the web site, and haven't heard of snapcraft yet.\n<sergiusens> qengho, https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/snapcraft/\n<qengho> sergiusens: I think that deserves to be merged into guides, pretty early.\n<Facu> Hi all! Question... we're installing the standard image in a raspberry pi 2... all works ok, and we can see the raspi in 'webdm.local'\n<Facu> it's nice, it works\n<sergiusens> qengho, right, Thibaut is working on that with dholbach\n<Facu> however, we want to start a *second* one, how we can change that name so we don't get BOTH trying to use webdm.local?\n<Facu> thanks!!\n<sergiusens> Facu, with snappy config and changing the hostname I think/hope\n<verterok> Chipaca: FYI, now its working  (building rolling)\n<qengho> Facu: this isn't a snappy answer, but: mdns should append numbers to avoid name collisions.   webdm.local, webdm1.local, webdm2.local\n<Facu> sergiusens, that is using u-d-f, or after it?\n<Facu> qengho, and there you don't know which one is which one :) (it will depend on boot order, right?)\n<sergiusens> Facu, after, on a running image\n<sergiusens> qengho, right there is a plan\n<sergiusens> to be fair, webdm needs lots of catching up to do\n<Facu> sergiusens, but to do that, I'd need to ssh into the raspi, and for that I'd need the IP ;)\n<qengho> Facu: Something like that. Also, there's probably a hyphen before the number, now that I think about it.\n<sergiusens> Facu, it might just be easier to connect your rpi2 to your network socket in your laptop and setup nm to share the connection\n<ogra_> sergiusens, i dont think webdm picks up the hostname\n<ogra_> it still uses webdm.local in any case\n<ogra_> (unless something changed recently)\n<Chipaca> ogra_: it only uses webdm if hostname is localhost\n<Chipaca> you need to restart the service though\n<Chipaca> so\n<ogra_> oh, i didnt know that !\n<Chipaca> echo \"config: {ubuntu-core: {hostname: potato}}\" | sudo snappy config ubuntu-core - | grep hostname\n<Chipaca> sudo snappy service restart\n<Chipaca> Facu: ^ those two should get you sorted\n<ogra_> creeezie ... it works !\n<sergiusens> ogra_, imagine that ;-)\n<sergiusens> ogra_, it was done for MWC fwiw\n<ogra_> ah\n<Facu> Chipaca, do you know if I can choose a different hostname at the u-d-f step?\n<ogra_> not at the u-d-f step\n<Chipaca> Facu: not unless you want to write your own oem snap\n<ogra_> you can pre-define settings inside the oem snap (but that would mean you need to use your own and are bound to always use --developer-mode )\n<Chipaca> ogra_: jinx, i guess\n<Facu> we're using developer mode already\n<Facu> ok\n<ogra_> :)\n<Facu> Chipaca, ogra_, sergiusens, qengho, thanks!!\n<elopio> fgimenez: so, what are we testing? 15.04 alpha?\n<fgimenez> elopio, yep, 14 for amd64 and 13 for armhf are the candidates\n<elopio> fgimenez: ok. And we are only missing some exploratory to see if we catch the ip issue again?\n<fgimenez> elopio, yes, the suite is passing on both (with eventual failures of the rollback test, but that's a test problem), i've tried -rollback and -update on amd64 too\n<fgimenez> elopio, also 13->14->13->14... oon amd64, i'm currently doing the same for bbb\n<elopio> fgimenez: awesome.\n<fgimenez> elopio, there's also this branch https://code.launchpad.net/~fgimenez/snappy/fix-activate-test, activate is not present in the rc images\n<fgimenez> elopio, and setupsuite does funny things on reboot :)\n<elopio> fgimenez: yeah, the setup has become scary\n<verterok> Chipaca, ogra_: hey, it's working now, old tools was the reason of my error.\n<verterok> Chipaca, ogra_: We are now seeing that the dhcp client is not starting on boot (no IP assigned to the device)...in case it's relevant let me know if you need more info about it\n<ogra_> verterok, weird, works here\n<Chipaca> verterok: more info plz :)\n<ogra_> do you use snapy config to modify the eth0 settings somehow ?\n<verterok> ogra_: no, we are sideloading a test snap. no other changes besides that\n<verterok> Chipaca, ogra_: looking at syslog\n<ogra_> oh, wait, you are using rolling\n<ogra_> that can indeed have unexpected breakage\n<elopio> fgimenez: oh, sorry, we were in the middle of something in the meeting.\n<verterok> ogra_: yes, we are on rolling\n<ogra_> (at any time)\n<elopio> fgimenez: ah, ovmf, this is the card: https://trello.com/c/I1BSZ6iV/130-run-tests-for-snappy-personal-and-uefi-boot\n<fgimenez> elopio, my connection was ugly, we can join again\n<verterok> yup, we know :)\n<elopio> fgimenez: no, don't worry. That was the last thing I wanted to mention.\n<elopio> we need to give it a try.\n<elopio> sergiusens: did you uplad the example snap?\n<elopio> *upload\n<fgimenez> elopio, ok thanks, there's the link you mentioned\n<sergiusens> elopio, oh sorry, no; which one was it?\n<elopio> sergiusens: bash config.\n<sergiusens> elopio, hah, you didn't update the version ;-\n<sergiusens> ;-)\n<elopio> sergiusens: I haven't made any changes to it.\n<sergiusens> elopio, ah, so it is a new package?\n<elopio> sergiusens: yes, it's not in the store.\n<sergiusens> elopio, uploaded\n<fgimenez> nice evening everyone o/\n<elopio> sergiusens: thanks!\n<tasdomas> hi\n<tasdomas> a quick question regarding hw-assign\n<tasdomas> let's say my snap specifies a service that requires access to a device (a pi-glow in this instance)\n<tasdomas> when I install it, the service does not have access\n<tasdomas> but even after performing hw-assign, it seems I need to restart the service for the settings to take effect\n<tasdomas> is there a nicer way of doing this?\n<ogra_> tasdomas, sadly not, there is a bug open that services should be auto-restarted though\n<jdstrand> beuno: hey, this isn't urgent-- at the next store rollout can you pull in the latest review tools?\n#snappy 2015-10-14\n<dholbach> good morning\n<tasdomas> morning\n<tasdomas> if a service requires access to a device, does it need to be restarted after hw-assign?\n<tasdomas> or is there a more elegant solution?\n<tasdomas> I noticed that the webcam-demo basically runs an executable periodically to retrieve an image, so I guess it does not have that problem\n<fgimenez> good morning\n<mvo> Chipaca: hi, a quick question about the rest api, i remember in some versions the ubuntu-core snap was not displayed, there was a question about this and I wonder if I misremember and if not if its fixed ?\n<tasdomas> does a service need to be restarted after running hw-assign for its package?\n<mvo> tasdomas: yes, this needs to be done manually at this point iirc\n<tasdomas> mvo, I see - thanks\n<tasdomas> mvo, took me a while to figure out why the webcam-demo does not need this\n<mvo> tasdomas: sorry, bug #1484645 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1484645)\n<ubottu> Launchpad bug 1484645 in Snappy \"Snappy hw-assign doesn't restart affected services\" [Medium,Triaged]\n<mvo> maybe we need to raise the priority of this one\n<mvo> or at least print some warning as a stop-gap\n<JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Wednesday, and happy World Maths Day! 😃\n<Chipaca> mvo: core is always displayed in the rest api, afaik\n<Chipaca> mvo: i believe the question was about when it would be displayed in the CPI\n<mvo> Chipaca: ok, in this case the question needs more context\n<mvo> Chipaca: aha, sorry, then I misread it, you should be in the CC so feel free to correct that :)\n<Guest42341> omg how do i end up on this channel???\n<tasdomas> is the source for the snappy mqtt package available anywhere?\n<Chipaca> what do you call a thing that looks like a mutex, but whose lock/unlock methods take a string and it only locks things with the same string?\n<Chipaca> i'd call it a mutex tree, except it's not a tree, it's more like a bush :)\n<mvo> Chipaca: sounds like a MutexManager to me\n<mvo> Chipaca: if I don't know what its good for I call it a manager :P\n<Chipaca> noted :)\n<mvo> Chipaca: you could of course make it something like a factory, i.e. GiveMeMutex(string) and it either gives you a ref for a new one or a existing one\n<Chipaca> mvo: yes, but there's a two-level thing going on that i'd lose\n<Chipaca> um, maybe\n<Chipaca> hm\n<Chipaca> mvo: some operations mutate the state of everything, so they need to lock a \"root\" mutex, whereas most things just read or mutate things on a leaf, so they *rlock* the root mutex and lock/rlock the leaf mutex\n<Chipaca> mvo: i'll push it as is, you tell me if a name pops out at you :)\n<Chipaca> mvo: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~chipaca/snappy/lock-ness/revision/771#daemon/mutex/mutex.go\n<beuno> jdstrand, ack\n<popey> dholbach: heya, do we have a simple snapcraft example which caters for the \"I have a simple C / C++ program I want to build and package as a snap?\n<dholbach> popey, https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/snapcraft/core/files/head:/examples/libpipeline/\n<popey> ta!\n<dholbach> sergiusens, tedg: about the Snappy Clinic?\n<dholbach> what do you think?\n<dholbach> I mean on Friday\n<sergiusens> dholbach, didn't I reply for Monday? :-)\n<dholbach> oh?\n<dholbach> sergiusens, ok... shall we have a chat on Friday then to talk about a propoer script?\n<dholbach> tedg, ^\n<sergiusens> dholbach, that sounds like a good plan\n<dholbach> awesome... which time? 14 UTC?\n<sergiusens> dholbach, 14 sounds good\n<dholbach> rock and roll - I'll pencil something into the calendar\n<sergiusens> dholbach, I might have a baby in arms potentially crying at that time, but for something private should be fine ;-)\n<dholbach> :-)\n * dholbach hugs sergiusens\n<ogra_> must be the mate overdose if it cries :)\n * sergiusens feels the hug and hugs back\n<sergiusens> ogra_, probably, but from the mother ;)\n<ogra_> haha\n<rickspencer3> mvo, did I see \"hw-assign\" fixes in your snappy stable release announcement? ;)\n<mvo> rickspencer3: yes, the override bug should be fixed in r7\n<rickspencer3> mvo, is that the one that made me have to edit the apparmor profile?\n<mvo> rickspencer3: yes, I believe that this one is fixed\n<rickspencer3> \\o/\n * Chipaca -> lunch\n<dholbach> mvo, ogra: got much to discuss for the call today - if not, I guess we can skip it?\n<ogra_> dholbach, nothing from me atm\n<dholbach> all right, let's skip it then\n<dholbach> from what I gathered mvo is going to be busy as well :)\n<ogra_> nah, he just pretends to :P\n * ogra_ upgrades to snapcraft 0.3 ... lets see if my snaps still build \n<ogra_> ogra@styx:~/Devel/branches/ircproxy$ snapcraft\n<ogra_> DEPRECATED: Use \"plugin\" instead of \"type\"\n<ogra_> Pulling ircproxy\n<ogra_> ...\n<ogra_> Staging ircproxy\n<ogra_> Snapping ircproxy\n<ogra_> Generated 'ircproxy_0.1_amd64.snap' snap\n<ogra_> ogra@styx:~/Devel/branches/ircproxy$\n<ogra_> \\o/\n * ogra_ changes \"type\" to \"plugin\" \n<mvo> dholbach: skip\n<ogra_> sergiusens, well done !!\n<sergiusens> ogra_, lol, at least that works :-P\n * sergiusens wonders where zyga is\n<sergiusens> it is the perfect moment to switch to git\n<ogra_> oh, is that better to do if zyga isnt around ?\n * ogra_ didnt know \n<sergiusens> lol\n<sergiusens> ogra_, he said he'd help with all the automation :-)\n<ogra_> ah\n<tedg> dholbach: sergiusens: sounds good\n<dholbach> cool cool\n<dholbach> sergiusens, tedg: at which time on Monday do you think we should do the Clinic?\n<dholbach> shall we maybe announce it a bit in advance?\n<tedg> If we go too early, people have an opportunity to think up hard questions.\n<tedg> Need to keep them on the edge.\n<dholbach> I'm not sure if that should be a real concern. :-)\n<tedg> Heh\n<dholbach> we're going to get those hard questions soon enough anyway :)\n<tedg> So I'm not particular on time. I guess it'd depend on who we expect the audience to be.\n<tedg> 1400UTC is a bit early for the West Coast US.\n<dholbach> ok\n<tedg> But, not sure if we're looking to include those folks or not.\n<dholbach> the latest I could offer (if you want me in there as well) is 16 UTC\n<dholbach> that's EOD (or near-EOD) for most Europeans, but I guess we could do that\n<tedg> dholbach: I think you'd have a better feel for what works than me or sergiusens\n<tedg> You choose, we'll follow :-)\n<sergiusens> dholbach, 16 utc seems like a good compromise catch all\n<dholbach> ok, let's try it - if it doesn't work, we'll do something different\n<dholbach> I'll send out the announce Thu or Fri - that should be good enough\n<sergiusens> dholbach, we should bounce the times so eventually everyone can join\n<dholbach> nice one! let's talk about that on Friday too then\n * ogra_ has lannding meeting on mondays at 16:00 UTC\n<sergiusens> ogra_, you still go to those?\n<ogra_> yes\n<sergiusens> ogra_, wow, why? :-P\n<ogra_> to help out with image build issues etc\n<ogra_> (and answer questions about plumbing which nobody else can answer anymore)\n<sergiusens> dholbach, btw, did you do your snapcraft dput magic?\n<dholbach> oh ok, no - will do\n<tedg> Did we ever add a logs command to snappy?\n<dholbach> sergiusens, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/wily/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=snapcraft\n<dholbach> sitting in the queue for the release admins\n<ogra_> hmm, what is \"snappy man\" and why does it spill formatting chars to my console ?\n<dholbach> fgimenez, elopio: do we know why http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/s/snapcraft/ is failing?\n<dholbach> will 0.3 fix it? :)\n<sergiusens> ogra_, that is what olli wanted, the man page (troff)\n<olli> sergiusens, I never said man or troff\n<ogra_> well, it would be nice if it was actually readable :)\n<olli> I want documentation to go to a website\n<olli> automatically\n<fgimenez> dholbach, according to this https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-wily/wily/amd64/s/snapcraft/20151005_190657@/log.gz there's a problem with the unit tests, let me check\n<ogra_> the funniest is that i have \"snappy man\" but not \"snappy help\" :)\n<sergiusens> fgimenez, did we disable unit test running from debian/rules?\n<fgimenez> sergiusens, no idea, currently in trunk there's no override there for the tests\n<Chipaca> ogra_: it's because you didn't want to ship troff in core. See what you've done?\n<ogra_> owww ... i didnt realize its my fault ... really sorry then\n * ogra_ seeds man :P\n<Chipaca> :-p\n<fgimenez> sergiusens, the failures are for 0.2.1 http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/s/snapcraft/wily/amd64/ no override there either\n<ogra_> we just need to tell people to then run: snappy man|man\n<Chipaca> |man -l -\n<ogra_> yeah\n<sergiusens> fgimenez, you are talking about autopackage tests, I'm talking about the regular debuild\n<fgimenez> sergiusens, yes, in debian/rules there's only an override for dh_compress http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/snapcraft/0.2/view/head:/debian/rules, the tests are not disabled there, but you are right, the errors in https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-wily/wily/amd64/s/snapcraft/20151005_190657@/log.gz come from adt-run while executing runtests\n<sergiusens> fgimenez, dholbach so unit tests aren't running from package build, I fixed it and reproduced the error\n<sergiusens> fails during package build, works fine outside of it\n<plars> ogra_: I'm bulding rolling/edge images for rpi2 with something like: \"core rolling --oem pi2.canonical --device raspi2_armhf --enable-ssh --developer-mode --channel edge\" and they seem to stop working at ubuntu-core rev 9, but 8 worked. Any idea what changed between those two that might have broken things?\n<fgimenez> sergiusens, great, thx :)\n<plars> ogra_: similarly, on generic_armhf, 186 works but 187 does not\n<ogra_> plars, rpi started using the new uboot setup between 8 and 9\n<plars> ogra_: what's different about it?\n<ogra_> http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/rolling/edge/raspi2_armhf/version-8.json (device=0.16 ...) http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/rolling/edge/raspi2_armhf/version-9.json (device=0.16-1 ...)\n<ogra_> i have to look that up\n<ogra_> oh, that was just the addition of linux-fiirmware i think\n<ogra_> shouldnt affect booting\n<ogra_> and it wouldnt affect amd64 indeed\n<plars> ogra_: it will very likely affect things for me - remember how I have to boot the test images from usb?\n<plars> ogra_: so I'll likely need to make similar changes to uboot that boots from the mmc on our rpi2\n<ogra_> well. i was wrong the uboot change was in 0.15 already\n<ogra_> when we dropped all txt files\n<plars> ogra_: right, this problem is just affecting rpi2, nothing else\n<ogra_> so between 8 and 9 there were only minor kernel adjustments\n<plars> I'm gussing 187 for generic_armhf got the same kernel adjustments?\n<plars> *guessing\n<ogra_> no idea, i dont touch amd64 usually\n<plars> ogra_: I'm not saying amd64\n<ogra_> oh, generic_armhf, sorry, i misread\n<ogra_> might be, i didnt look at BBB for a long time either\n<plars> :)\n<plars> something in those changes broke rpi2 for us\n<ogra_> (last time for the uboot changes but they were far before that)\n<plars> ogra_: bbb works fine\n<plars> rpi2 is completely busted for the way we have to automate it though\n<ogra_> well, both are identical on the uboot level\n<ogra_> both dont use txt files anymore and require editing of uboot.env\n<plars> so either we need some other options for automating (unlikely unless they release a rev of the board with better hardware) or we need to figure out what changed and roll it back\n<ogra_> and both use the same kernel ... with RPi having a set of extra HW patches on top\n<plars> ogra_: I don't expect bbb to break here, we don't have to do this trick to make bbb boot\n<plars> ogra_: bbb boots off the sd card, just as if you had flashed it, because we can boot a stable image off of emmc\n<ogra_> http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/core-image-stats/20151002.changes thats the rootfs changes of 187\n<plars> ogra_: rpi only has one place to boot from, so we have to resort to pushing the new image to usb - did anything with usb perhaps?\n<ogra_> plars, yes, i know, i'm working on a netboot setup for the Pi as discussed with the CI team last week\n<ogra_> hopefully ready on friday\n<plars> ogra_: oh? I didn't hear about this\n<plars> ogra_: they don't tell me anything anymore :)\n<ogra_> you will still need the boot partition intact ... but it then should completely operate from ram and be able to dd a remote image from network\n<ogra_> plars, blame ursual and celso :P\n<ogra_> *ursula\n<Ursinha> me\n<ogra_> plars, anyway, the 187 changes show a new systemd and udev\n<ogra_> perhaps your issue is related to that\n<Ursinha> plars: we can't advertise features other people are working on :P\n<plars> ogra_: hah, I thought that changelog looked familiar\n<ogra_> plars, so the idea is to have a script that itercepts the uboot boot via the serial port, then dumps a netboot config in place, pulls a remote kernel and initrd ... that initrd has dd and wget inside and writes that image to SD\n<plars> ogra_: it's the same point that bbb stopped getting ipv4 addresses on boot\n<plars> ogra_: I'm not sure that this is the same bug on rpi2 though, iirc when we looked at it with serial, it's just not getting past loading the kernel\n<ogra_> yes, probably a systemd regression\n<ogra_> i think pitti actually made some changes to networking that we perhaps need to adapt to\n * ogra_ remembers seeing a mail\n<plars> ogra_: where does it boot from though? the sd that it's about to dd over the top of? what happens if something goes wrong or if the new image that you dd is bad?\n<plars> ogra_: also, we've been down the path of trying to drive uboot automatically over serial before... it's bad\n<ogra_> you are screwed if the boot partition is broken indeed\n<plars> ogra_: isn't that exactly what we're trying to avoid?\n<ogra_> you cant avoid that\n<plars> :(\n<ogra_> as you know already :)\n<ogra_> i'm doing the best we can under the restrictions we have ... nothing more ... i cant magically swing my want and make an eMMC appear on the devic\n<ogra_> e\n<ogra_> *wand\n<plars> ogra_: yeah, I know... I think the way I already use is still better when it works though\n<ogra_> plars, do cprov and Ursinha know your way ?\n<plars> ogra_: yes\n * ogra_ wonders if it makes sense that he works on this then\n<jdstrand> mvo: is there something like this http://people.canonical.com/~lzemczak/landing-team/ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ for snappy?\n<jdstrand> mvo: and hello :)\n<ogra_> plars, the requirement was to dd a full image to the SD\n<plars> ogra_: I think they have different needs, and can more easily tolerate needing to reflash the sd if things go bad though\n<ogra_> i assume thats will be a very rare case anyway\n<Ursinha> plars: for us it'd be to reset the device to run new tests\n<plars> Ursinha: when ev talked to me about it, it sounds like you can handle needing to reflash a few by hand every day\n<plars> Ursinha: that's harder for me\n<plars> I need to be able to automatically reset it to a stable condition\n<ogra_> you will only need to manually re-flash if the dd actually failed to write the first megabytes of the img... as long as the first partition ends up on the SD you should be fine\n<Ursinha> plars: that's sort what we need, but we need a specific stable condition :)\n<ogra_> i wouldnt expect that to be \"a few per day\" ... rather a few per month if at all\n<plars> ogra_: I'd be willing to give it a try\n<ogra_> i'll hand it to you once i'm done :)\n<ogra_> jdstrand, indeed there is ;) the original of that stuff ... http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/core-image-stats/\n<jdstrand> I was thinking you might've had it. thanks!\n<ogra_> jdstrand, iirc lukasz uses my logs as input, i guess he can do the same for snappy too\n<ogra_> in case you need more details\n<jdstrand> I don't, no\n<mvo> jdstrand: what ogra_ said, plus there is a script https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/+junk/compare-channels that can be used to compare channels, e.g. \"compare-channels.py ubuntu-core edge alpha\". its slow though needs to download images\n<mvo> jdstrand: and hello to you as well :)\n<jdstrand> interesting, thanks :)\n<ogra_> mvo, why do you need images to compare channels ? manifests should be enough\n<mvo> ogra_: patches welcome :P\n<ogra_> well, just curious\n<ogra_> do yoou actually unpack them and compare contents ?\n<mvo> I don't know, I did that a long while ago, maybe I could not find the right manifests? sorry, I really don't remember\n<ogra_> fair enough\n<sergiusens> ogra_, mvo I bet it is because the channels don't have manifests, only cdimage has manifests\n<ogra_> sergiusens, well, index.json has all info about which manifest to look for\n<ogra_> which is what my script does\n * ogra_ makes a note to actiually store the manifests under http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/core-image-stats/ so we have the history for them\n<sergiusens> ogra_, ah, doesn't cdimage roll over though, faster than system image at least?\n<ogra_> yeah\n<elopio> sergiusens: could you please upload teh licensed snap example to the store?\n<ogra_> which is fine if you generate the changelog immediately after build\n<ogra_> but doesnt work when trying to go backwards\n<sergiusens> ogra_, that is the reason ;-) when mvo did this it was reactive to figure out something that couldn't use the sources you use ;-)\n<ogra_> i'll add some backup code to my script\n<ogra_> so we have the manifests for older images too\n<dholbach> sergiusens, snapcraft 0.3 is in wily :)\n<dholbach> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapcraft/\n<sergiusens> dholbach, great, I already fixed that test thing, we can dilute it to 0.4 now I hope\n<dholbach> nice!\n<sergiusens> dholbach, thanks a bunch\n<dholbach> let's open 0.4 then ;-)\n<jdstrand> mvo: fyi, I reviewed snappy-debug. please see my response to the email thread\n<sergiusens> elopio, fgimenez Chipaca I need one QA and one Chipaca to look at this :-) https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snapcraft/1506096/+merge/274418\n<Chipaca> chipaca levels are running rather low today\n<Chipaca> we'll see if we can scrounge one up for you\n<Chipaca> mvo: what's the state of https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/snappy-snapfs-mount/+merge/273883 ?\n<mvo> Chipaca: no change yet, sorry. I need to address the comments and thing some more about your other alternative\n<Chipaca> no worries\n<mvo> Chipaca: I kind of like the property of rm -rf /apps/$name/$ver\n<mvo> Chipaca: I would like to preserve this, but maybe thats all mood with all-snap anyway because once something is mounted there the rm -rf will not work anymore anyway\n<sergiusens> mvo, btw, are we keeping SNAP_APP_DATA_PATH and others or are we going to be bind mounting that into /apps/$name/$ver/data ?\n<sergiusens> we can keep the var too ;-)\n<Chipaca> mvo: it's not strictly true anyway; there's a bunch of odds and ends in the system as well\n<Chipaca> mvo: like apparmor, seccomp, and systemd chunks\n<mvo> Chipaca: yeah\n<mvo> sergiusens: hm, once we mount the snap we could bind mount too indeed. I have no immediate plans for this though\n<sergiusens> fgimenez, can you try real quick changing the port to 9999?\n<fgimenez> sergiusens, sure, give me a second\n<sergiusens> fgimenez, I don't know why it is going to a proxy since I added 'NO_PROXY' for :-(\n<fgimenez> sergiusens, it seems to work with lower case os.environ['no_proxy'] = '' :)\n<mhall119> asac: ping\n<sergiusens> olli, ^\n<olli> mhall119, wazzup\n<mhall119> olli: Hi, earlier this year we printed some appdev flyers to give away at conferences, they highlight the developer portal and the scopes, apps and web sections, We have a space available to add something about Snappy and a link to it's section on the devportal, I just need someone to tell me what words to use\n<mhall119> olli: see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EQ3Dm-lMMxEY584_vX10ESBlxVxin8RgIHHpPCpgtns/edit towards the bottom I have a comment for this\n<mhall119> I'd like to get snappy stuff added before asking for another batch to be printed\n<olli> mhall119, what's your timeline?\n<olli> I don't think I will get to this this week\n<mhall119> olli: if we can get it early next week, I'm going ot try and have them printed in time for FOSSETCON next month\n<olli> mhall119, I added a reminder for Mo\n<mhall119> thanks\n<manik> hey guys\n<manik> anyone around?\n<manik> how do i generate a device tarball for a particular platform?\n<tedg> I'm around, but I don't know how to do that :-)\n<manik> tedg: is there any way to tell where a device tarball came from in a given image?\n<manik> or what version it is?\n<manik> or really get any information about it?\n<manik> also, is there a way to access the contents of a .snap?\n<sergiusens> manik, your questions are rather broad\n<sergiusens> manik, there is no supported way to create a tarball\n<manik> sergiusens: thanks\n<manik> is there a way to see the snap contents?\n<sergiusens> manik, instructions on how to get started with one are here though https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/guides/porting/\n<sergiusens> manik, but to have it supported is another story\n<sergiusens> manik, to list contents of a .snap that has not been installed just dpkg -c [file.snap]\n<sergiusens> subject to change with all snaps\n<manik> ok\n#snappy 2015-10-15\n<tedg> sergiusens: So feeling a bit weird, I have to put the getting source options in setup_stage_packages() now\n<tedg> sergiusens: Because I need the source to know which packages we need.\n<tedg> sergiusens: It seems to be working, but seems kinda broken.\n<sergiusens> tedg, ok, but what are you talking about, I am missing some context\n<tedg> sergiusens: Porting catkin to snapcraft 0.3\n<tedg> sergiusens: So I need to get the source if it's on git or something to get the packages.xml\n<sergiusens> tedg, right, but this problem was alway there, right?\n<sergiusens> too many right don't make a wrong ?\n<sergiusens> rights\n<sergiusens> tedg, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ted/snapcraft/ros-catkin-plugin/view/head:/snapcraft/plugins/catkin.py#L121\n<tedg> sergiusens: Hmm, it worked before....\n<tedg> sergiusens: And I just changed my pull to override setup_stage_packages()\n<sergiusens> tedg, in your MP you inverted the setup_stage_packages and pull calls\n<sergiusens> tedg, I think that's why\n<tedg> sergiusens: What changed is the ordering in pull()\n<tedg> Oh, I must have unmerged that change.\n<tedg> So do you like reordering that or overrideing setup_stage_packages() better?\n<sergiusens> tedg, I'll answer with another question; are we ever going to need something from stage pacckage to satisfy a pull\n<sergiusens> tedg, ftr https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/snapcraft/ros-catkin-plugin/+merge/273048#diff-line-508\n<sergiusens> that's the inversion\n<sergiusens> tedg, I haven't checked if this change would break pip and friends\n<tedg> I'm curious if we just have bad naming.\n<tedg> If we shouldn't just call it \"pre-stage-packages\" and \"post-stage-packages\"\n<tedg> It's not that we don't need both, but we need to be clear about how they go.\n<tedg> Or, perhaps, put setup_stage_packages in the pull() for the super class.\n<tedg> Then the subclass could move it where it needs it.\n<sergiusens> tedg, I was wanting to implement pull in the base class today but I am waiting for your plugins to not cause one more update you need to do ;-)\n<tedg> Ha\n<tedg> This has touched more files than I expected\n<tedg> Everything is at least building now.\n<JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Thursday, and happy Conflict Resolution Day! 😃\n<biezpal> Hi all! We have a problem with random string in package version and apparmor profiles\n<biezpal> Apparmor profile:\n<biezpal> profile \"ovs_init-db_0.0.1\" {\n<biezpal> But system is waiting for:\n<biezpal> ovs_init-db_IDKQMVPQVIGN\n<biezpal> We cannot specify random version while preparing snap package. How should we handle it?\n<jjohansen> biezpal: did you have a chance to talk to jdstrand\n<biezpal> jjohansen, nope :(\n<biezpal> seems like we have a 12-hours difference in time :)\n<jjohansen> sadly I am going to give the same recommendation, he is the guy you should talk to\n<jjohansen> biezpal: yeah, that is a problem, I can ping him about it tomorrow for you but I don't know how much time he will have, so he may not get back right away\n<biezpal> jjohansen, thanks\n<Chipaca> Ooops, I did it again.\n<Chipaca> https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/snappy/lock-ness/+merge/274547\n<Chipaca> 1k lines\n<Chipaca> how did that happen\n<davmor2> Chipaca: they let you write the code, that's normally how it happens\n<Chipaca> and i'm lovin' it\n<Chipaca> mvo_: ogra2: fwiw, the lock adds 5ms, or 10%, to the quickest rest query on bbb\n<ogra_> Chipaca, stop taling to that test guy :P\n<ogra_> *talking\n<Chipaca> ogra_: why? beuno hardly ever has time for epic dissing contests these days, so i'll take it piecemeal from davmor2\n<ogra_> haha\n<davmor2> ogra_: someone has to deflate his head otherwise he can't get through doorways and it's expensive to get building modifications done in the UK\n<ogra_> oh, and i always thought that was a beard !\n<jdstrand> biezpal: fyi, your profile name is due to the fact that you are sideloading. there was a change in snappy not too long ago that does that. it changes not only the profile name but install dir, etc, etc\n<jdstrand> jjohansen: (fyi ^)\n<Chipaca> oh, missed that\n<Chipaca> biezpal: jjohansen: holler if you need more help with that\n<Chipaca> jdstrand: good catch :)\n<jdstrand> biezpal: if this isn't working right for you, I suggest talking to Chipaca or someone else here\n * Chipaca wonders what the problem is\n<biezpal> jdstrand, we know about random string version for sideloaded apps. The problem is that we cannot specify apparmor profile because of random string version\n<biezpal> before, we could specify number version in apparmor profile, but now it doesn't work\n<Chipaca> where/why do you have to specify the version?\n<biezpal> profile name contain version which is now random\n<biezpal> apparmor profile config, first line\n<biezpal> profile \"ovs_init-db_0.0.1\" {\n<jdstrand> biezpal: are you using 'security-policy' in your yaml?\n<biezpal> jdstrand, yes\n<jdstrand> biezpal: see this: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/snappy-hub/snappy-examples/view/head:/framework-template/meta/svc.apparmor.boilerplate\n<jdstrand> biezpal: basically, have ###VAR### in there, and use ###PROFILEATTACH###, then it all gets filled in for you\n<biezpal> jdstrand, so, we can use {APP_VERSION} in our profiles, right?\n<jdstrand> yes\n<jdstrand> ###VAR### gets expanded to all those vars\n<mvo_> Chipaca: nice\n<biezpal> jdstrand, ok, thanks, we'll try it now\n<biezpal> jdstrand,  seems like I didn't get you right.. How should we define @{APP_VERSION} for our app before installation?\n<Chipaca> biezpal: so\n<biezpal> ah, I see now..\n<jdstrand> biezpal: you don't have to. it gets filled in for you on install\n<Chipaca> biezpal: do you have click-review?\n<Chipaca> biezpal: click-review would've told you about ###vars### and ###profileattach###\n<biezpal> jdstrand, Chipaca yes, I see how it works now, thanks\n<Chipaca> biezpal: holler if you get stuck again please\n<biezpal> Chipaca, sure, I will :)\n<biezpal> thanks\n<tbr> aj\n<tbr> EWINDOW\n<Chipaca> tbr: ENOCOOKIE\n * davmor2 gives Chipaca a Cookie now will you stop complaining?\n<Chipaca> davmor2: http://i.imgur.com/05bXjHW.jpg\n<davmor2> Chipaca: say Cookie one more time......I dare you!\n<kenvandine> Cookie\n * Chipaca gets behind the bulletproof glass\n<kenvandine> :)\n<longsleep> Hey folks, what does \"support for secure boot\" mean with the latest stable release mean?\n<longsleep> -mean\n<mvo_> longsleep: that you can enable uefi and secure boot and the system will boot signed kernels\n<mvo_> longsleep: useful for systems who need a higher level of trust etc\n<ogra_> longsleep, after you switched yu rodroid to UEFI you can use signed kernels ;)\n<ogra_> *your\n<longsleep> mvo_: signed kernel wit UEFI and microsoft keys you mean?\n<mvo_> longsleep: yes\n<longsleep> mvo_: ah ok - thanks - so not relevant for arm\n<mvo_> well, the shim is signed with the microsoft key and that uses our key for the subsequent steps\n<mvo_> longsleep: yeah\n<longsleep> yes true, is it the same shim as with normal ubuntu?\n<mvo_> yes\n<tbr> well AArgh64 servers with UEFI...\n<tbr> if they ever ship\n<ogra_> longsleep, the last two releases were rather irrelevant to arm overall\n<mvo_> I guess the mail should have clarified that its about uefi secure boot\n<longsleep> ogra_: yeah i figured that, my odroids updated flawlessly from 5 to 6 and 7 though\n<ogra_> and the next one likely as well\n<longsleep> ogra_: did you look into possibilies for secure boot on armhf?\n<ogra_> not really ... would that be possible with uboot at all ?\n<longsleep> tbr: somewhere i read that 2016 will be the year of arm64 servers\n<ogra_> wasnt that arm64 laptops ?\n<longsleep> ogra_: mhm could have been laptos - i remember it not very good\n<longsleep> ogra_: i saw some code in u-boot with which was labled secure boot using some keys fused into the soc\n<longsleep> ogra_: did not look closes yet though\n<ogra_> \"fused into the soc\" heh\n<ogra_> might be hard to do if you are not a manufacturer\n<longsleep> true, but getting the uboot signed might be possible somehow\n<tbr> HS silicon often uses keys from a PROM inside the soc\n<longsleep> yeah - without knowing anything .. how are the phones which use u-boot protect their bootloader?\n<ogra_> usualyl from the preloader as i understand\n<longsleep> right, and how is the preloader protected from beeing overwritten with a preloader which does not validate anything?\n<tbr> longsleep: e.g. QC usually only loads a signed loader and will not boot if it's not signed\n<ogra_> yeah\n<tbr> and most phones don't use u-boot but a-boot or that other thing\n<ogra_> and you cant easily overwrite it either\n<longsleep> right\n<ogra_> some use uboot, but only chainloaded\n<longsleep> tbr: so i asume it is pretty hard to get secure boot on arm when the soc would boot any loader\n<tbr> longsleep: just as on x86, it's not an arch dependent problem\n<longsleep> tbr: right, i see - thanks!\n<longsleep> ogra_: are there any device which do not chain load uboot with some binary boot loader blob?\n<tbr> intel will also want your firstborn if you want the secure version of their CPUs\n<longsleep> hehe\n<ogra_> longsleep, yeah, most of them ...\n<ogra_> uboot on phones is rather a rare case ... it exists though\n<tbr> TI SoCs can usually be booted with u-boot directly\n<tbr> e.g. the BB with its AM335x\n<tbr> MLO is just a minimal u-boot\n<longsleep> oh, thats cool, so no proprietary part required to boot them up?\n<tbr> correct\n<tbr> not like RPi that requires that ginormous blob to boot the GPU before it even thinks about ARM cores\n<tbr> also u-boot on x86 works well\n<tbr> and I don't mean chain loaded\n<longsleep> is that in use on x86 in some machines one can buy?\n<tbr> yes, the minnowboard max for example\n<tbr> I'm not sure if it still requires the FSP blob or if someone figured that out yet\n<ogra_> i think you can re-flash the bnootloader on ALIX boards easily\n<ogra_> they come with coreboot preinstalled though\n<longsleep> coreboot is nice, though i read that most coreboot devices still load some blob to make hardware components work\n<ogra_> might be, i have two alix boards but never examined that level\n<tbr> that's the FSP and SM\n<tbr> you can get around those in some cases\n<tbr> you will still very much need the microcode updates though\n<longsleep> yeah - i would like to know what this stuff is doing though\n<tbr> the microcode in the soc is most often barely functional\n<tbr> fsp mostly sets up RAM timings and such IIRC\n<tbr> I've heard of a coreboot fork called libreboot (how inventive!) that manages on a few devices without those\n<longsleep> oh let me google that\n<longsleep> Ministry of Freedom (UK) lol\n<longsleep> they support the t400 - not so bad\n<ogra_> t400 ... pfft ...\n * ogra_ wants a t1000 to mow his lawn\n<longsleep> eheh\n<ogra_> but thats still 600 revisions away\n<longsleep> the t400 is a little old\n<longsleep> libreboot can be flashed on the bbb\n<longsleep> that would be awesome if it then could boot snappy\n * tbr fails to see the appeal on BBB, it already has a fully open source boot process\n<longsleep> oh it has? sorry then i was just ignorant\n<tbr> 14:25:22< tbr> TI SoCs can usually be booted with u-boot directly\n<tbr> 14:25:42< tbr> e.g. the BB with its AM335x\n<tbr> 14:25:50< tbr> MLO is just a minimal u-boot\n<longsleep> so the sources for MLO are public - i did not know that\n<longsleep> i do not have a BBB either though\n<ogra_> longsleep, MLO is uboot on a diet :)\n<tbr> which is necessary due to the internal SoC ram being only 32k or such. so all it does is try to set up the RAM and find the proper U-Boot binary\n<elopio> sergiusens: I'll review your code iff you upload the licensed snap.\n<elopio> that's my price :)\n<sergiusens> elopio, deal\n<Chipaca> elopio: \"licensed snap\"?\n<elopio> sergiusens: do you like or dislike docstrings?\n<sergiusens> elopio, wait, can we upload now?\n<sergiusens> elopio, I like!\n * ogra_ buys a license from elopio \n<elopio> Chipaca: yes, the one that has a funny paragraph that you have to agree with.\n<Chipaca> elopio: dude\n<sergiusens> elopio, I've just never done them properly, but I want to document the base plugin with docstrings\n<Chipaca> elopio: snappy-examples/licensed\n<elopio> I suspect you wrote that one.\n<sergiusens> Chipaca, he wants me to upload that ;-)\n<sergiusens> Chipaca, to the store\n<Chipaca> to the stoar\n<Chipaca> ok :)\n * Chipaca gets it now\n<sergiusens> elopio, I'll check on the 'all reviews must be manual' thing first\n<elopio> ogra_: the first one is free.\n<ogra_> yay\n * ogra_ feels the greed for more coming up \n<elopio> sergiusens: I was just thinking that it's so hard for me to understand the snapcraft code because it doesn't have comments. Like this compose method.\n<elopio> I think I'd even like an example in the docstring.\n<sergiusens> elopio, ah, give me an example on how to write a 'proper' docstring and I'll do it :-)\n<sergiusens> elopio, it is not as easy as it was to do in go ;-)\n<elopio> sergiusens: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/\n<sergiusens> elopio, in go I jst started writing them and all was fine, the world was happy; in python there are many iplicit semantic rules :-P\n<elopio> sergiusens: I'll start documenting some things I understand.\n<elopio> then you can copy the format.\n<sergiusens> elopio, does that work for you http://paste.ubuntu.com/12791820/\n<sergiusens> elopio, ignore the runtests.sh part (that will be a separate MP)\n<sergiusens> elopio, wht is the correct way to add an example?\n<elopio> sergiusens: looks good, but not perfect.\n<elopio> sergiusens: instead of Returns, it should be Return.\n<elopio> and the first sentence should be a single line.\n<elopio> there are some tools that take the first line of the docstring as a summary.\n<sergiusens> elopio, so I have around 50 chars to express it?\n<elopio> sergiusens: yes, the short summary. Then you write as many lines you want in the following paragraphs.\n<sergiusens> elopio, it seems there are many ways to write docscrings\n<sergiusens> which I dislike\n<sergiusens> elopio, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12791994/\n<elopio> sergiusens: yes. The form we tried to follow in the tests was to stick to pep 257 as much as possible, using the sphinx tags.\n<sergiusens> elopio, I found that and then a ::param ...:: format\n<sergiusens> elopio, I saw ``keyword`` as well\n<sergiusens> elopio, just show me one docsrting from a test I can follow and I will write awesome docstrings\n<sergiusens> I dislike the fact that there is choice on how to do this ;-)\n<ogra_> but linux ius abouot choice !\n<elopio> sergiusens: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk/view/head:/tests/autopilot/ubuntuuitoolkit/_custom_proxy_objects/_common.py#L121\n<elopio> sergiusens: there's free will, but we crush it on code reviews.\n<sergiusens> elopio, does help(something) pretty format all those ::param:: declaratons btw?\n<sergiusens> elopio, should I use ''' or \"\"\" ?\n<elopio> sergiusens: I don't know about help. But the idea is to generate an sphinx html out of this.\n<elopio> sergiusens: \"\"\"\n<sergiusens> elopio, is multiline allowed after ::param keyword:: ?\n<elopio> sergiusens: yes.\n<sergiusens> elopio, ah, I see it now\n<sergiusens> elopio, how do I ref a :param keyword: in return?\n<sergiusens> elopio, see, this is why I did not start doing this :-)\n<sergiusens> vmayoral, hey, since you joined, I'm interested in knowing if you have tried experimenting with faster sdcards\n<vmayoral> hey @sergiusens,\n<sergiusens> vmayoral, I talked about some of the i/o slowness with ogra_ and mvo_ and there are some ideas floating around aside from just slow sdcard that might affect you; primarily the shared usb bus\n<elopio> sergiusens: uhm, I don't know. Just name it.\n<vmayoral> sergiusens: we've ordered them, should be able to test it soon\n<elopio> http://sphinx-doc.org/domains.html#cross-referencing-python-objects\n<elopio> sergiusens: it seems you can reference attr, but not parameters.\n<elopio> sergiusens: this is the examples I mostly follow: http://sphinx-doc.org/domains.html#info-field-lists\n<sergiusens> elopio, how about this http://paste.ubuntu.com/12792139/?\n<elopio> sergiusens: perfect.\n<elopio> I tend to be more verbose on the second paragraph instead of the return keyword.\n<elopio> but as you prefer.\n<sergiusens> elopio, I wasn't sure, I just saw duplication and then saw the doc you sent me and the example from ui-toolkit :-P\n<elopio> sergiusens: just choose whatever makes you happy, and we'll copy that style. The things that are important for me are the param and return tags, and the one line summary.\n<sergiusens> elopio, great, I'll stick to this, I don't like free form :-)\n<sergiusens> elopio, the paragraph could be used to go into detail with examples\n<sergiusens> elopio, which I haven't seen how to do yet\n<elopio> sergiusens: ah, right.\n<elopio> there are two options for the examples. You can write doctest  https://docs.python.org/3/library/doctest.html\n<elopio> or you can make it free form with the sphinx syntax. Let me see if I can find a nice one.\n<sergiusens> elopio, I don't mind doctest as long as they can access the network or if that won't be a problem we will be facing on and on in the future\n<elopio> sergiusens: we don't necessarily run the doctests. We need to add a command that runs them, and we can choose not to run them while the package is being build, for example.\n<sergiusens> elopio, I'll table the doctest/examples with sphinx for now then and think about it\n<sergiusens> elopio, I've already pushed the docstring while you weren't looking\n<sergiusens> :-)\n<elopio> sergiusens: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~autopilot/autopilot/trunk/view/head:/autopilot/matchers/__init__.py#L49\n<sergiusens> vmayoral, great, we are looking forward to isolating the issue\n * sergiusens will brb\n<sergiusens> elopio, I uploaded licensed.canonical\n<sergiusens> tedg, is the catkin plugin ready for review? I saw some code changes but not sure if I should start code review yet\n<zyga> sergiusens: hey!\n<zyga> sergiusens: how are you\n<sergiusens> zyga, doing good, what's up?\n<zyga> sergiusens: holidays, a bit ill, enjoying rain and wind in Poland :)\n<elopio> sergiusens: thanks. I'm still confused by your branch.\n<elopio> I'm slow today.\n<sergiusens> elopio, the tests don't make it clear either?\n<elopio> sergiusens: it's like you are filling the missing properties with the values from the wiki, right?\n<sergiusens> elopio, exactly; and you might ask why I don't use .update() I guess\n<sergiusens> elopio, 1 I've had issues with it, 2 there is more to come (properties from the wiki will also do var expansion for the values)\n<elopio> sergiusens: no, I would just phrase the comments differently.\n<sergiusens> elopio, this is why we have reviews :-)\n<sergiusens> zyga, well go and relax if you are on holidays AND ill ;-)\n<elopio> sergiusens: yeah, but I don't know how to make it better. I'm trying...\n<sergiusens> elopio, exactly, I tried to explain using only a few words, maybe compose is what causes confusion and that word needs to be changed\n<elopio> sergiusens: :return: a dictionary that fills the missing values from the properties passed as an argument with values from the part in the wiki.\n<elopio> sergiusens: just a suggestion. Not sure if yours is better.\n<elopio> sergiusens: also I don't understand why would you return something if there is no wiki part. Shouldn't it raise an exception?\n<sergiusens> elopio, ah, I was trying to not use the word dictionary as that was implied in the type, but if that is fine, I don't mind using that\n<sergiusens> elopio, I can raise an exception too, that is debatable; I don't mind\n<elopio> sergiusens: I think it's clearer to raise an exception than to return a null value that later has to be interpreted.\n<sergiusens> elopio, I will raise an exception\n<sergiusens> elopio, right, as it is now, it is not a nul value, it is a nop\n<elopio> sergiusens: also, the docs are to be read by people, so make them as readable as possible. Don't worry that much about the metadata or duplication.\n<elopio> sergiusens: ah, I see. You return the same thing you get.\n<elopio> I'm inclined for the exception. The caller can take care of catching it to make it no-op.\n<sergiusens> elopio, ok, let me change that\n<elopio> sergiusens: and about the tests, I think that the name is the most important thing to make them readable.\n<elopio> instead of test_compose, I see three tests. something like\n<elopio> test_compose_must_update_missing_value_from_wiki -> you pass no source as argument\n<elopio> test_compose_must_keep_value_from_properties -> you pass source as an argument\n<elopio> test_compose_unexisting_wiki_part_must_raise_exception\n<elopio> sergiusens: and starting to nitpick, s/part1/part-from-wiki.\n<sergiusens> elopio, the nitpick I refuse as the part lives in both places :-)\n<sergiusens> elopio, but if it makes it clearer, then yeah, for the test it is fine\n<elopio> sergiusens: well, it wouln't hurt to make it more verbose like: part-that-exists-in-wiki\n<elopio> not a big deal if the name of the test is clear. And you can always throw comments instead.\n<elopio> sergiusens: anyway, now that I get what your branch does, +1. It looks correct to me.\n<elopio> I'll top approve after lunch.\n<sergiusens> elopio, I'll be fixing in the meantime :-)\n<elopio> sergiusens: and I would throw in an integration or example test.\n<elopio> but maybe not yet. We only have the curl part in the wiki, and there's no much sense in overwriting its properties. Maybe an example when we have more parts that make sense to extend\n<mvo_> Chipaca: *if* you are still around, I followed up on the snappy-snapfs-mount MP would love to hear your thoughts, but no rush, I call it a day now\n<sergiusens> tedg, maybe envvars can all be driven by the plugin and no need to have it in the parts?\n<tedg> sergiusens: Eh, I'm not sure that many people will use plugins though. I'd like to have less of them.\n<tedg> sergiusens: For instance if ROS didn't have so many relocation issues, it'd be nice if that didn't have to be a plugin. Just a repo and some stage-packages in the wiki.\n<tedg> I'm just not sure we're ever gonna live in a world where the libraries end up where we want.\n<tedg> And I hate pushing people to write shell scripts all the time.\n<sergiusens> tedg, well the thing is, for a part, we can't\n<sergiusens> tedg, as in, hey look for stuff here too\n<tedg> sergiusens: I guess I was thinking that the part would provide environment variables for things it builds. For instance \"I put my data here\"\n<sergiusens> tedg, right, I have that email in draft :-)\n<sergiusens> tedg, The wrapper thing is all fine and dandy to some extent for running, but building is so disparate\n<tedg> I feel like we're walking a dangerous path with encouraging so many wrappers.\n<sergiusens> tedg, so I replied and not sure if it will be for the worse :-)\n<sergiusens> tedg, wrt actual things in the pipeline, just leave a coment in the catkin branch when it is ready for another look\n<tedg> sergiusens: I think that it is, I'm building a test snap to see if it still all works.\n#snappy 2015-10-16\n<dholbach> good morning\n<fgimenez> good morning\n<dholbach> ogra_, ogra2: do you know who could help figuring out https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1506480 (link to \"Kernel requirements for Snappy\" is broken and I'm not sure what else to link to)?\n<ubottu> Launchpad bug 1506480 in Snappy \"Broken link in https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/guides/porting/\" [Undecided,New]\n<Chipaca> asac: beuno: http://jimbenton.tumblr.com/image/131162934224\n<tasdomas> morning\n<Chipaca> mo'in!\n<tasdomas> the wiki specification for snappy confinement mentions an assign.yaml file that can be used instead of running the hw-assign command\n<tasdomas> however, I couldn't find any more information about it (format, etc.)\n<tasdomas> is it supported?\n<Chipaca> tasdomas: where does it mention that?\n<tasdomas> Chipaca, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Specifications/SnappyConfinement\n<Chipaca> tasdomas: there's no assign.yaml in that doc\n<Chipaca> tasdomas: it says \"assign yaml\"\n<Chipaca> tasdomas: no dot\n<Chipaca> tasdomas: it's not a file; it's part of the oem config\n<tasdomas> Chipaca, ah, sorry - misread that\n<Chipaca> tasdomas: so, yes it's supported, for oem snaps\n<tasdomas> Chipaca, so for my own snap the only thing to do is use hw-assign, right?\n<Chipaca> tasdomas: right\n<Chipaca> tasdomas: what're you wanting to do?\n<tasdomas> Chipaca, I was writing a simple snappy app to control the piglow device on my orange matchbox\n<tasdomas> Chipaca, http://domas.monkus.lt/posts/2015-10-15-writing-a-snappy-application/\n<tasdomas> Chipaca, my main problem was that I need to restart the service after assigning the i2c device to it\n<Chipaca> really?\n<Chipaca> that's surprising to me -- but then i know little about i2c and the rpi2\n<Chipaca> tasdomas: are you sure it's not that you need to restart the service that uses it?\n<Chipaca> (that'd be bug 1484645 fwiw)\n<ubottu> bug 1484645 in Snappy \"Snappy hw-assign doesn't restart affected services\" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1484645\n<tasdomas> Chipaca, sorry - maybe I wasn't clear - my problem was that I needed to restart the service (exposed by my snappy app) that uses the i2c device\n<Chipaca> wow, it's going to be a long day\n<Chipaca> because you said exactly that\n<Chipaca> sorry :-(\n<Chipaca> tasdomas: that's a bug, we know about it, should get fixed (on rolling/edge) soonish\n<tasdomas> Chipaca, ah, cool!\n<tasdomas> Chipaca, can I bother you with one more question?\n<Chipaca> tasdomas: i dount you can bother me with a question, but you're welcome to try\n<Chipaca> doubt*\n<tasdomas> there's an mqtt snappy app available in the store - but I can't find the source for it\n<tasdomas> I want to modify it to make it mdns discoverable\n<Chipaca> tasdomas: have you tried asking the snap publisher?\n<Chipaca> or gone to the snap support url?\n<Chipaca> tasdomas: this one, i presume https://search.apps.ubuntu.com/api/v1/package/mosquitto.kartben\n<tasdomas> Chipaca, ah, will do\n<dpm> davidcalle, dholbach, looking at askubuntu, there seems to be quite a lot of questions around snappy already\n<dpm> might be worth for us looking at them in the upcoming weeks\n<dholbach> maybe we can talk about it in our next docs hour call?\n<dholbach> dpm, ^\n<dpm> it could be a good topic, yes\n<dholbach> cool\n<davidcalle> dholbach, dpm, +1\n<tasdomas> by the way, is it possible to use snapcraft to build a snappy package for a different architecture? e.g. build a RPi2 compatible package on my amd64 laptop?\n<dpm> davidcalle, dholbach, it might be worth creating a snapcraft tag as well. Right now we've got 'snappy' already, which redirects to 'ubuntu-core'\n<dholbach> yep, that makes sense\n<dholbach> ciao ppisati, do you know how we could fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1506480? (which information should we link to in the article there?)\n<ubottu> Launchpad bug 1506480 in Snappy \"Broken link in https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/guides/porting/\" [Undecided,New]\n<JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Friday, and happy World Food Day! 😃\n<ogra_> dholbach, ppisati should be able to help with the link\n<dholbach> cool\n<dpm> dholbach, davidcalle, do we have any document that specifies the format of the snapcraft.yaml file?\n<dholbach> dpm, no spec-like doc in our docs yet, but there's 1) https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/snapcraft/your-first-snap/ and 2) ./examples in lp:snapcraft and 3) https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/snapcraft/core/view/head:/docs/snapcraft-advanced-features.md which will land as soon as the md importer is working\n<davidcalle> dpm, closest thing we have to a spec for it in the the App dev manual\n<dholbach> ah yes, and that\n<davidcalle> It's actually quite detailed\n<dpm> davidcalle, yeah, I've gone through 1) and 2), but I've been missing a doc that is specific to snapcraft.yaml\n<davidcalle> dpm, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Rj9nVBttx62BvGlbnkmKOzAlAIEWuLNr1QaSGe3gQDA/edit#heading=h.8o7w1g30gucy\n<dpm> ahaha\n<dpm> I had actually seen this, but couldn't figure out where, glad I wasn't going mad\n<davidcalle> dpm, not sure the link is world-readable though, hopefully next week in some form on duc...\n<dpm> yeah\n<dpm> davidcalle, dholbach, http://askubuntu.com/questions/686167/what-is-snapcraft, this might help with AskUbuntu/Stackoverflow searches to give a 5 min intro and direct folks to the site\n<Chipaca> mvo: ping\n<davidcalle> dpm, this is excellent\n<davidcalle> dpm, love it :)\n<mvo> Chipaca: pong\n<dpm> glad it if it's useful :)\n<Chipaca> mvo: this race condition with the automount unit\n<Chipaca> mvo: tell me about it\n<mvo> Chipaca: its not that much that I know - so the code will activate and start the automount unit, right after that it runs the click stuff\n<dholbach> dpm, nice one!\n<dholbach> dpm, now we can't change the URLs anymore! :-)\n<mvo> Chipaca: when I do not unpack the meta,.click dirs it will fail to generate the apparmor profiles\n<mvo> Chipaca: however ls a bit later is fine\n<dpm> dholbach, oh, I can update the link after we've done the IA rearrangement. Or just make it point to https://developer.ubuntu.com/snappy\n<mvo> Chipaca: hm, maybe its something else, need to look deeper\n<dholbach> dpm, or we add redirects - in any case, no problem :)\n<Chipaca> mvo: aiui, systemctl should not return until automount has actually started\n<Chipaca> mvo: maybe we're creating the units but not starting the .automount until later?\n * Chipaca looks\n<mvo> Chipaca: adding a sleep did not solve it, so its something else\n<mvo> Chipaca: here we go, its a missing .click/manifest in the snap :/\n<mvo> Chipaca: sorry\n<mvo> Chipaca: let me fix that\n<Chipaca> hue hue hue, to quote a brazilian\n<mvo> Chipaca: we also may want to keep the .meta for now because of \"snappy list -v\"\n<mvo> unless we go husks\n<Chipaca> mvo: that one i don't follow\n<Chipaca> mvo: once automount is started, any access under it will trigger the mount\n<Chipaca> mvo: even if you're accessing things that are there\n<mvo> Chipaca: so only the active snap has a automount unit\n<Chipaca> ohhhh\n<mvo> Chipaca: so snappy list -v (old snap) will not have a meta/packages.yaml\n<Chipaca> yep yep\n<Chipaca> so, yeah, leave it for now, flag it for removal when we switch to lightweights\n<Chipaca> ok\n<mvo> yeah, will do\n<Chipaca> mvo: have you checked it for speed?\n<mvo> Chipaca: not yet, no\n<Chipaca> k\n<Chipaca> mvo: the lightweight thing of looking at remote manifests does not work for sideloaded stuff though\n<mvo> Chipaca: one more complication - the hooks expect .click/$name.$origin.manifest - and the $origin is not known at build time. so we can not ship that in the snap and need to generate it\n<mvo> Chipaca: once hooks are gone this is no longer a issue of course\n<Chipaca> hooks were going to be gone \"soon\" since i joined\n<Chipaca> not lookin' good\n<mvo> yeah\n<mvo> there is only one left\n<mvo> but that one is pretty sticky :P\n<mvo> Chipaca: do you want me to split the branch for the snapfs-mount up more?\n<Chipaca> mvo: how would you split it?\n<Chipaca> unless you moved all the systemd stuff to .. ahem .. systemd :-p\n<Chipaca> mvo: anyway, you don't have to, but my review is slower :)\n<mvo> Chipaca: I can do that I think if it helps (I will do that in any case in this MP, your suggestion makes sense)\n<mvo> but lunch first\n<Chipaca> mvo: i'm not sure the total time would be less, so i'd say nah\n<beuno> Chipaca, lol\n<longsleep> yaml question, how can i have a binary with a _ in the name?\n<tedg> sergiusens: So I think I may need to copy the options locally to stay under the 79 character limit :-)\n<sergiusens> tedg, harr harr :-)\n * sergiusens notices that today is not talk like a pirate day\n<tedg> sergiusens: It can be here!\n<tedg> matey\n<sergiusens> tedg, I couldn't sleep last night thingking about the override of setup_stage_packages; maybe it is best to use repo.Ubuntu directly instead\n<tedg> Since we can't have casual Friday's working from home, we should have talk like a pirate Fridays.\n<sergiusens> tedg, right on\n<tedg> sergiusens: Heh, I never meant for you to lose sleep over it :-)\n<sergiusens> although my vocabulary is rather scarce\n<sergiusens> tedg, it is one of those things\n<sergiusens> I also stayed up late as I went to a docker meetup to see a bunch of old friends\n<sergiusens> learned a lot about docker and why developer like it so much\n<tedg> I'm feeling like we might need to detach the plugin lifecycle from the overall one. Like have more phases for plugins.\n<tedg> I think it is nice. I just haven't see the overlays actually work well. Seems like they always get confused for me.\n<ogra_> because you talk like a pirate to them ?\n<tedg> Stupid overlays are no fun, they never talk like pirates.\n<dholbach> sergiusens, tedg: snappy clinic planning?\n<jdstrand> mvo: hey, curious if you had a chance to review my email re snappy-debug. I know we were both pretty busy yesterday\n<mvo> jdstrand: I saw it but have not acted on it yet, sorry\n<jdstrand> mvo: ack\n<dholbach> sergiusens, I found an interesting one: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12799579/\n<dholbach> not sure if we support this\n<dholbach> tedg, ^\n<dholbach> I just used: apt-get source bamtools\n<sergiusens> dholbach, thanks, perfect example for custom plugin\n<dholbach> I'll leave that one for you then :)\n<dholbach> tedg, sergiusens: I added two more examples to the pad\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: i should probably have pointed you at that talk earlier\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: 's good stuff\n<elopio> mvo: Chipaca: yes! with this last test I saw the moment when the last cloud init message appeared and the moment when the mode switched to regular. It's just twice as slow as the last time I tried.\n<elopio> fgimenez: ^\n<elopio> Chipaca: tell me more about waiting for a systemd service.\n<Chipaca> elopio: it's just a for loop with a sleep and a check\n<Chipaca> elopio: give me a sec\n<elopio> Chipaca: ah, we have that.\n<Chipaca> elopio: ah! show me the code :)\n<elopio> I thought you were talking about subscribing a listener to the service or something like that.\n<Chipaca> elopio: well, you could, but why bother\n<elopio> Chipaca: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/snappy/snappy/view/head:/_integration-tests/testutils/wait/wait.go\n<elopio> to work around the workaround I will just have to increase the maxWaitRetries.\n<Chipaca> elopio: and you're waiting for bootok?\n<elopio> Chipaca: I'm waiting for snappy_mode=regular\n<Chipaca> elopio: and is that better, or worse than waiting for boot ok?\n * sergiusens wonders if it is beer o clock already\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: it is!\n<elopio> Chipaca: better, I think. Instead of checking the service, we check it's effect.\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: you should come visit. can't have beer on my own (and ellie doesn't do beers)\n<elopio> *its\n<elopio> it's beer-on-hangout o'clock.\n<Chipaca> elopio: so, yeah, looks like you're already doing the right thing and all :)\n<Chipaca> elopio: wrt increasing maxWaitRetries, maybe instead have an arch-dependent base?\n<Chipaca> elopio: ie scale checkInterval by some bogomips factor\n<elopio> Chipaca: that would be nice.\n<Chipaca> var bogomips = map[string]int{\"arm\": 100, \"amd64\": 1, etc}\n<Chipaca> and index it on GOARCH\n<elopio> I'll make a card to be able to configure the wait, with a delay factor.\n<elopio> but anyway, this is a bug :) Instead of working it around, somebody should fix it.\n * elopio looks at somebody.\n<Chipaca> elopio: which is the bug, exactly?\n<Chipaca> elopio: that you can ssh in before you can log in?\n<elopio> Chipaca: you can sign in before boot-ok. both ssh and normal log in through serial. And if you are fast with a rollback, that makes the boot crazy.\n<elopio> https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1498293\n<ubottu> Launchpad bug 1498293 in Snappy \"after a successful update and reboot, the bootloader snappy_mode is set to 'try'\" [Critical,Triaged]\n<elopio> on bbb you don't have to be super fast. I actually can reproduce this manually.\n<Chipaca> elopio: so that's the bug\n<Chipaca> elopio: not that \"try\" thing :)\n<Chipaca> so, we want the boot-ok to be done *before* ssh and getty lets people in\n<Chipaca> pitti: do you remember offhand whether there's a target that would let us do that easily?\n<elopio> Chipaca: I think so. You could fix the rollback so it waits for boot-ok, but then it might affect something else.\n<elopio> Chipaca: and if you just move the log in after boot-ok, the reboot will take twice the time to let you access the board.\n<Chipaca> elopio: well, but it's letting you in before things are ready\n<sergiusens> Chipaca, I don't mind visiting; when are we having a sprint in London?\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: i have space for two for half a week every week\n<Chipaca> as long as they're not super tall :)\n<elopio> Chipaca: well, before cloud-init has finished. Most of the things are ready.\n<dholbach> tedg, sergiusens: is the announce text roughly what you expected?\n<sergiusens> dholbach, where is it?\n<dholbach> sergiusens, ah sorry - on the pad :)\n<sergiusens> dholbach, looks good, just added on clarification just in case\n<dholbach> thanks sergiusens\n<sergiusens> dholbach, btw, how hard would it be to patch clog?\n<dholbach> rock and roll\n<dholbach> let me check\n<sergiusens> dholbach, so ideally, patch CMakeLists.txt to take an arg to provide an alternate ~/.clogrc path\n<tedg> If sergiusens is happy I'm good.\n * tedg didn't keep a link to the pad :-)\n<dholbach> tedg,\n<dholbach> http://snappy.asac.ws:9001/p/snapcraft-clinics\n<sergiusens> -DLOGRC_PATH=$SNAP_APP_DATA_PATH or something like that, and then the code would need to expand the var\n<tedg> dholbach: +1\n<dholbach> sergiusens, I guess it's not too hard to do - maybe something to look into some other time?\n<dholbach> tedg, sergiusens: thibautr suggested next time we ask for proposals on what people would like to see snappified :)\n<fgimenez> have a nice weekend o/\n<sergiusens> dholbach, sounds like a good idea\n<sergiusens> dholbach, maybe at the end of the clinic we ask that question too\n<dholbach> for next time we can maybe leave it a bit more time in advance, so we can collect suggestions beforehand\n<sergiusens> elopio, very simple MP https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snapcraft/tested_or_not/+merge/274741\n<elopio>  sergiusens: why is that needed? I find it good to see if all your test code is being run.\n<elopio> if it isn't, you can probably remove it. Or you have a condition that has to be faked.\n<sergiusens> Chipaca, can we get the release from the rest api already or not?\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: i don't think that's in stable yet\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: why?\n<sergiusens> Chipaca, to be able to ask it to be able to ask the store if you know what I mean.\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: updating to latest edge to see if it's there yet\n<sergiusens> elopio, ok, it just bothers me to be honest :-)\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: wait, the release?\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: you could always get the release!\n<sergiusens> Chipaca, as in 15.04-core .. btw, I'm not saying you can't, I'm asking if you can! :-D\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: the store id is what was missing, and is there now\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12801235/\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: ^ that's the output in rolling/edge :)\n<sergiusens> Chipaca, yup, nice\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12801274/\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: that's 15.04, now\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: note the socket name has changed\n<sergiusens> Chipaca, life is good!\n<sergiusens> Chipaca, mind looking at this https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snapcraft/build-deps-request-something-missing/+merge/274749 among other complicated things in your life?\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: i don't *mind*, but it's friday afternoon and the malbec has already confessed its crimes\n<sergiusens> Chipaca, look at it and then decide ;-)\n * Chipaca obeys\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: no, that's too many lines of code for this hour\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: also, the complexity is astounding\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: flabbergasting\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: maybe split it in two or three and have a team work on it on monday\n<sergiusens> Chipaca, btw https://github.com/docopt/docopt.go\n<Chipaca> !\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: also, in that branch, i think you're using the Schwarzschild metric wrong; you need to use Kruskal–Szekeres coordinates to express it like that\n<pitti> Chipaca: Before=systemd-user-sessions.service? That's \"before people can log in\" (I didn't read the full backscroll)\n<Chipaca> pitti: that includes ssh and getty (both tty and serial)?\n<pitti> yes\n<Chipaca> elopio: could you try that?\n<Chipaca> pitti: thanks!\n<Chipaca> pitti: can something be after: multi-user.service *and* before: systemd-user-sessions.service?\n<Chipaca> that seems to be a no-no\n<pitti> no\n * Chipaca could test, but me has already checked out\n<pitti> as multi-user is after user-sessions\n<Chipaca> suspected as much\n<Chipaca> we need to check on monday, then, whether sessions is enough\n<pitti> it has multi-user in it, after all :)\n<pitti> right; I'm just on a drive-by, need to leave again\n<sergiusens> Chipaca, let me fix!\n<sergiusens> :-)\n<sergiusens> Chipaca, I like the docopts thing, but I can't easily add help to commands\n<sergiusens> tedg, final comment wrt setup_stage_packages\n<sergiusens> and there's a merge conflict (very minor)\n<tedg> Heh\n * tedg isn't sure if he wants to look\n<tedg> sergiusens: I don't think we can use pull with the current configuration of the command. Because the superclass is just empty.\n<sergiusens> tedg, right, I mean, pull() -> handle_source_options;\n<sergiusens> tedg, then have your private implementation of setup_stage_packages keeping self.stage_packages empty (or reuse if you want)\n<tedg> Oh, I see.\n<tedg> That seems a little scarier to me...\n<sergiusens> tedg, in other words, setup_stage_packages should have always been _setup_stage_packages\n<tedg> Because then we have two overrides\n<sergiusens> tedg, 2?\n<tedg> sergiusens: We'd have to override setup_stage_packages to be null, then have pull get sources, setup deps, and then call it.\n<sergiusens> tedg, let me try and propose something\n<sergiusens> tedg, meh, I'll do this in another proposal (I'll fix the priv/pub thing first)\n<tedg> sergiusens: I think restructuring pull() also would help.\n<sergiusens> tedg, indeed, that's why :-)\n<sergiusens> well another reason why\n<tedg> I think there may need to be a \"get_deps_from_source()\"\n<tedg> Or something for plugins.\n<tedg> sergiusens: I'm getting an odd error with trying to copy system libs. Basically the -dev packages are bringing in symlinks and that seems to be confusing snapcraft.\n<tedg> sergiusens: Does that sound like something you've seen?\n<tedg> http://paste.ubuntu.com/12804340/\n<tedg> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12804368/\n<tedg> The first results in the second :-)\n<sergiusens> tedg, that is weird, the path exists but can't be copied to\n<sergiusens> tedg, does /home/ubuntu/readlinetest/parts/ginac/install/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ exist?\n<tedg> sergiusens: No\n<sergiusens> tedg, that is the darn problem then :-/\n<tedg> sergiusens: I'll get an MR here in a sec.\n<sergiusens> tedg, its just a mnissing os.makedirs(os.path.basename(real_path, exist_ok=True)\n<sergiusens> before the copy\n<sergiusens> tedg, what I don't get is that that lib should of been relinked to the internal one\n<tedg> sergiusens: There is no internal one because it's on the list of blocked packages.\n<tedg> sergiusens: I'm not sure that readline should be on that list though.\n<sergiusens> tedg, ah, then the makedirs missing is the correct thing to do or if it is one of those that is always on the system, add it to the skip list\n<sergiusens> tedg, right, maybe not; the only real problematic one is libc\n<sergiusens> tedg, all others come inherited from deb2snap\n<tedg> sergiusens: So, I think it found a bug, but perhaps it isn't a bad bug once we get everything more refined.\n<sergiusens> tedg, what bug?\n<tedg> sergiusens: Not making the directory\n<sergiusens> tedg, right, that is indeed a bug\n#snappy 2015-10-17\n<sergiusens> elopio, Chipaca if you get bored https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snapcraft/cleanup/+merge/274801\n<sergiusens> :-)\n#snappy 2015-10-18\n<tmk> hi\n<tmk> any1 online?\n#snappy 2016-10-17\n<lpotter> I would guess it depends on the license it is released under\n<dr1337_> ogra_: how does snappy know where to mount the /writeable partition and what to do with it?\n<ogra_> dr1337, from the initrd (and the filesystem label)\n<dr1337> ogra_ nah I mean the snap command\n<dr1337> on snapcraft.io it's /snap\n<ogra_> well, that doesnt mount the writable partition\n<ogra_> snaps are just squashfses and the /snap path is hardcoded\n<ogra_> for more details, i guess zyga might be able to point you to the right code snippets\n<dr1337> and what's the gadget snap for?\n<ogra_> it describes the image (defining what kernel, bootloader and partitioning is used)\n<xnox> is it normal that my confined snap does not have access to /tmp?\n<ogra_> xnox, no ... it should spin up its own /tmp dir\n<xnox> e.g. i would have expected for mkdtemp() calls to work, as they do with e.g. PrivateTmp= in\n<ogra_> it doesnt have access to the systems /tmp though\n<xnox> my code calls mkdtemp()\n<xnox> and i hoped that it would just work(tm)\n<xnox> ogra_, as in the execution envrionment should set-up per exec $tmpdir and set envrionemnt variables that would make mkdtemp() to work.\n<ogra_> well, that should work ... on a per-snap base though\n<ogra_> apps within the same snap should use the same /tmp ... if thats not the case, it is a bug\n<autonomouse> D$HmMo100709_ubu\n<tbr_> someone needs to change their p4ssw0rd\n<xnox> ogra_, right. I will experiment more and probably will open a bug report\n<popey> jdstrand: is there a plan to update click-reviewers-tools in xenial? I am getting different results in snap-review on my laptop than the store gives. e.g. results on this app gives me bug 1618123 locally, https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/6141/rev/1/\n<mup> Bug #1618123: Add a build grade attribute to snaps <Canonical Click Reviewers tools:Fix Committed by cprov> <Snapcraft:Fix Released by caio1982> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1618123>\n<Elleo> I'm trying to implement an interface for download manager, and I'm wondering what the snappy equivalent of APP_PKGNAME and APP_ID_DBUS are for app armor rules; I managed to bodge something with SNAP_NAME, but that doesn't seem like a reliable approach\n<jdstrand> popey: eventually, yes. I'm working on a big update for snap declarations and figured I'd update it after\n<popey> jdstrand: ok, thanks.\n<mup> PR snapd#2155 opened: HACKING.md: fix spread command for reusing servers <Created by fgimenez> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2155>\n<mwhudson> morphis, ogra_: do we care about any wlan drivers that do *not* support nl80211?\n<ogra_> uuh, thats probably a kernel team question\n<ogra_> (but i'd guess wwe should care about all possible drivers)\n<mwhudson> i have a half-assed version of 'ip monitor' now\n<mwhudson> now to hack up something like what 'iw monitor' would be if that existed\n<mup> PR snapd#2156 opened: many: move from flags as ints to flags as structs-of-bools <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2156>\n<mup> Bug #1634088 opened: Cannot activate Chinese input method for Qt app <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1634088>\n<mup> Bug #1634089 opened: Cannot activate Chinese input method for Qt app <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1634089>\n<mup> PR snapd#2157 opened: read/write boot variables in a single operation <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2157>\n<dr1337> hey does anyone know of a commercial product that's currently on sale that uses snappy core?\n<mato_> Hi, I've created snapcraft.yaml for application which uses tesseract. Snap package is done, but application crashes because cannot access the files in /usr/share/tesseract-ocr/tessdata. Did I miss something in sanpcraft.yaml? (permissions)\n<mup> PR snapd#2158 opened: many: remove unnecessary snap name parameter from buying endpoint <Created by pete-woods> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2158>\n<mup> PR snapd#2159 opened: spread.yaml: dump apparmor denials on spread failure <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2159>\n<mup> PR snapd#2160 opened: image: tweak the cloud-init configuration <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2160>\n<mup> PR snapd#2161 opened: interfaces/builtin: add dcdbas_control interface <Created by tonyespy> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2161>\n<mup> PR snapd#2091 closed: interfaces: tweak wording and comment <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2091>\n<mup> PR snapd#2159 closed: spread.yaml: dump apparmor denials on spread failure <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2159>\n<mariogrip> I edited the origin on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/snapcraft/parts but https://parts.snapcraft.io/v1/parts.yaml wont edit\n<mariogrip> oh! nevermind, that's the git for the source right! sorry about that\n<mariogrip> how can i access .ssh with plugs?\n<mup> PR snapd#2162 opened: interfaces: add system-power-control interface <Created by morphis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2162>\n<mup> PR snapd#2155 closed: HACKING.md: fix spread command for reusing servers <Created by fgimenez> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2155>\n<mup> PR snapd#2163 opened: update dependency of ubuntu-core-launcher to snap-confine <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2163>\n<mup> PR snapd#2164 opened: many: add supports for keeping and finding assertions with different format iterations <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2164>\n<mup> PR snapd#2165 opened: snap: stop using ubuntu-core-launcher, use snap-confine <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2165>\n<blackboxsw> qengho, any idea what might cause a system to attempt looking for /var/lib/snapd/snaps/<my_snap>_x1.snap instead of the installed proper version \"12\" from the snap store.\n<blackboxsw> qengho, x1 seems to be a placeholder/indicator for locally installed snaps, which mine wasn't\n<blackboxsw> could it have something to do with intermittent network connectivity somehow? like validating w/ an unavilable snap store?\n<blackboxsw> I'm getting occasional errors from ureadahead as the system is starting up trying to access *_x1 files that don't exist\n<mup> PR snapd#2148 closed: many: introduce an assertion format iteration concept, refuse to add unsupported assertion <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2148>\n#snappy 2016-10-18\n<blackboxsw> hi folks, I've just started seeing failures based on the systemd triggered auto-update of installed snaps\n<blackboxsw>  cannot refresh snap-declaration for \"<mysnap>\": Get https://assertions.ubuntu.com/v1/assertions/snap-declaration/16/<myid>: dial tcp: lookup assertions.ubuntu.com on server misbehaving\n<blackboxsw> have we changed something with the snap store recently that could cause some of the snap auto-refresh services to fall over?\n<mup> PR snapd#2166 opened: snap: stop using ubuntu-core-launcher, use snap-confine <Created by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2166>\n<mup> PR snapd#2163 closed: debian: update dependency of ubuntu-core-launcher to snap-confine <Created by mvo5> <Closed by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2163>\n<dr1337> hey guys, anyone know where the snappy builder repos are being pulled from?\n<dr1337> like this one ? https://github.com/alexgg/ccimx6sbc-snappy\n<qengho> blackboxsw: No idea, without looking in source code.\n<blackboxsw> qengho, no worries, it seems intermittent\n<blackboxsw> I've seen many clients already update our snap via the auto-refresh mechanism.\n<blackboxsw> so I don't know if it was a temporary 404 of some content during a rollout\n<dr1337> Does anybody know what SNAP_CONTEXT environmental variable is for?\n<qengho> https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=SNAP_CONTEXT\n<mup> PR snapd#2165 closed: snap: stop using ubuntu-core-launcher, use snap-confine <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2165>\n<mup> PR snapd#2166 closed: snap: stop using ubuntu-core-launcher, use snap-confine <Created by niemeyer> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2166>\n<zyga> jdstrand: https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/172/files\n<mup> PR snap-confine#172: Improve decoding of mount flags <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/172>\n<zyga> jdstrand: https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/172/files\n<zyga> oh, sorry\n<jdstrand> zyga: heh, nice :)\n<jdstrand> I'm not going to review it right this second as I want to be more awake for the review, but added to my list\n<dr1337> qengho: thanks\n<mup> Bug #1621525 changed: classic environment variables for daemon snaps <Snappy:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621525>\n<ogra_> cjwatson, did some LP branch land last night or did the store change .... ?\n<ogra_> Launchpad uploaded this snap package to the store, but the store failed to\n<ogra_> scan it:\n<ogra_>   __all__: The upload does not appear to be a valid package.\n<ogra_> https://launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+snap/core/+build/7240\n<ogra_> gotthat for all core and ubuntu-core builds tonight ...\n<cjwatson> ogra_: src/devportal/clickapp_forms.py:            msg = _(\"The upload does not appear to be a valid package.\")\n<cjwatson> ogra_: so this is an SCA problem I'll bet\n<cjwatson> last SCA rollout was Friday though\n<cjwatson> and this succeeded yesterday\n<ogra_> cjwatson, yeah, weird ... i spoke to cprov when smoking about it\n<ogra_> he is taking a look now\n<cjwatson> ogra_: could yet be that we're sending the wrong data in the form, but the \"__all__\" smells of a bug on the SCA side to me\n<ogra_> yeah, smells like it mis-takes the architecture for the name or some such\n<cjwatson> ogra_: I don't think that's architecture, I think that's more like the __all__ special name in Python\n<cjwatson> given the double underscores\n<ogra_> hmm, yeah, or that :)\n<cjwatson> but there is no good reason for that to leak into error messages absent a bug :)\n<mup> PR snapd#2167 opened: Do not remove seed <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2167>\n<kyrofa> enoch85, you trying to reach me?\n<mup> PR snapd#2168 opened: snap/squashfs: try to hard link instead of copying. Also, switch to osutil.CopyFile for cp invocation <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2168>\n<zyga> jdstrand: hey, can you please ack and land https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/172\n<mup> PR snap-confine#172: Improve decoding of mount flags <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/172>\n<zyga> Pharaoh_Atem: hey\n<zyga> Pharaoh_Atem: can you perhaps get into the xdistro room if you are not in a session now\n<dr1337> ogra_ is the system-a and system-b partition structure with writable still apply to the /snap partition structure?\n<dr1337> what about /var/snap ?\n<ogra_> dr1337, thats dead since 15.04\n<dr1337> :/\n<dr1337> ogra_ where's the new documentation?\n<mup> PR snapcraft#777 closed: go plugin: don't put debugging symbols in generated binaries <Created by teknoraver> <Closed by teknoraver> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/777>\n<cprov> ogra_: other LP built snaps are working fine, including store release. Come by, when you have time, so we can take a closer look on what's going on and how to improve the error message.\n<cjwatson> ogra_,cprov: c-r-t passes on that snap, at least; I wonder if the scan data is nonsense\n<cprov> cjwatson: what's the LP snap url ?\n<cjwatson> cprov: https://launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+snap/core/+build/7241\n<cjwatson> cprov: well, ogra_ reported https://launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+snap/core/+build/7240, but either way\n<cprov> cjwatson: yeah, same error\n<ogra_> yeah, i got a whole set of ten snaps that exposed it\n<cprov> cjwatson: the error is indeed coming from the store, src/devportal/clickapp_forms.py :-/\n<cjwatson> cprov: William pointed out that the __all__ bit probably means it's a django form-global error\n<cjwatson> was anything deployed yesterday?  CUD say?\n<cprov> cjwatson: which seems to be accurate.\n<Son_Goku> zyga: it begins... https://github.com/Conan-Kudo/snapcraft/commit/c960914b97440e2dca7a66c22c07438d809590fc\n<cjwatson> ogra_: the failure is because /var/lib/snapd/void changed from mode 0700 to mode 0000\n<cjwatson> ogra_: this appears to crash the review tools\n<ogra_> woah\n<ogra_> thats mvo'S fault then i guess. he changed something regarding the writable paths yesterday that could cause this\n<ogra_> hmm, he says it must be the review tools\n<cjwatson> the same version of the review tools seem to work for me\n<ogra_> with 0700 you mean ?\n<cjwatson> with 0000\n<ogra_> hmm, so why dont they work in the store then\n<cjwatson> but I don't know SCA well enough, maybe there's some confinement going on or something\n<ogra_> yeah, sounds like an environmental problem then\n<cjwatson> cprov: do you know if this error was directly from click-review, or if it was from the SCA task?\n<enoch85> kyrofa: I was, but I solved it with oparoz\n<qengho> Who approves new app names for Ubutu snap store? I thought it was automatic if not in a blacklist.\n<qengho> The FJKong tried to register something. It awaits some review or something.\n<ogra_> a  name that was already taken ?\n<ogra_> (usually it does not block)\n<qengho> I can not imagine it was taken.\n<ogra_> then it should just work i think ... (definitely did for me the last times i registered one, though admittedly that was a while ago)\n<qengho> Me too.\n<FJKong> ogra_: thanks I got the problem solved\n<FJKong> I got answer from cprov\n<qengho> Should all names be suffixed with a hyphen and a username? FJ wanted to register 'qrq'. There is no chance that there will be a conflict in names.\n<cprov> qengho: only in the case the requester is not the upstream or doesn't have a clear relation with it.\n<mup> PR snapd#2169 opened: interfaces/builtin: finish decl based checks <Blocked> <Critical> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2169>\n<FJKong> cprov: I think this package is no longer maintained any more by upstream\n<qengho> FJKong: I guess you need to become upstream!\n<FJKong> ye, glad to do that\n<qengho> Okay, not a snappy problem then.\n<cjwatson> ogra_: narrowed down.  can you please file a bug against software-center-agent for this?\n<cjwatson> ogra_: working on a fix\n<ogra_> doing ...\n<ogra_> cjwatson, bug 1634443 (feel free to adjust summary/description to be  more accurate)\n<mup> Bug #1634443: changing directories like /var/lib/snapd  to 0000 mode causes review-tools to misbehave <Software Center Agent:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1634443>\n<kyrofa> enoch85, good deal\n<ogra_> lool, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1621380\n<mup> Bug #1621380: console-conf should allow to configure a hostname <Snappy:New> <subiquity (Ubuntu):In Progress> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621380>\n<lool> ogra_: added to notes, thakns\n<bencc> do I need to install something to run snap packages on ubuntu 16.04 server?\n<Chipaca> bencc, \"apt install snapd\" should be enough\n<bencc> Chipaca: thanks\n<bencc> I'm considering packaging minio\n<bencc> https://github.com/minio/minio\n<Chipaca> bencc, nice!\n<mup> PR snapd#2170 opened: tests: use the snapd-control-consumer snap from the store <Created by fgimenez> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2170>\n<mup> PR snapd#2164 closed: many: add supports for keeping and finding assertions with different format iterations <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2164>\n<pstolowski> matiasb, ping\n<matiasb> pstolowski, o/\n<pstolowski> matiasb, hey, are you going to join store filtering session?\n<matiasb> pstolowski, I guess I can be there if it helps\n<pstolowski> matiasb, i think there is some confusion about what this session is about.. looks like client-side filtering and we may need to know what store is capable of et\n<pstolowski> etc\n<pstolowski> matiasb, it's in rembrandt\n<matiasb> pstolowski, ack\n<pstolowski> in 4 minutes\n<mup> PR snapd#2171 opened: tests: reenable ubuntu-core tests on qemu <Created by fgimenez> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2171>\n<fgimenez> hey om26er, i'm in potter, well now i'm heading to the coffee machine :)\n<om26er> fgimenez: was just going to ask if you have the TTL cable, now borrowed HDMI from IS.\n<desrt> Chipaca: hihi\n<Chipaca> desrt, o/\n<desrt> Chipaca: got a chance to chat about XDG_RUNTIME_DIR inside of snaps?\n<desrt> am happy to meet in a hallway somewhere if you have some minutes\n<Chipaca> desrt, in half an hour?\n<desrt> sure\n<desrt> i'm in the desktop room if you want to come get me\n<om26er> fgimenez: Hey! if you have a wifi dongle, please bring that as well\n<fgimenez> om26er: ok, are you on the unity8 room?\n<om26er> yes\n<om26er> fgimenez: yes\n<mup> PR snapd#2156 closed: many: move from flags as ints to flags as structs-of-bools <Created by chipaca> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2156>\n<desrt> Chipaca: around?\n<mup> PR snapcraft#870 opened: sources: Add RPM source <Created by Conan-Kudo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/870>\n<mup> PR snapd#2151 closed: asserts,interfaces/policy: allow OR-ing of subrule constraints in plug/slot rules <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2151>\n<Chipaca> desrt, was around for a bit, missed your message here when i was out\n<Chipaca> desrt, want to come by Potter?\n<desrt> sure\n<lazyPower> lool you're my new best friend :)  *much fanfare*\n<lool> lazyPower: Hmmm?\n<lazyPower> that mail to the snap list about the docker snap being available for testing\n<lool> :-)\n<lazyPower> lool - its suspiciously well timed as well - http://imgur.com/a/7nKwM\n<lool> wow!\n<lazyPower> armhf lab, 6 ssd backed rpi2/3's\n<lazyPower> its not as fast as a proper ssd, but at least the storage is reliable ;)\n<lool> lazyPower: BTW do you know you can network boot rpi3?\n<lazyPower> i do but its a one way change, adn i wasn't ready to commit\n<lool> yeah, same here  :-)\n<lazyPower> i have been following the discussion on those addon wifi cards\n<lazyPower> sounds interesting enough\n<lazyPower> when we can maas enlist these boards, i'll be in nirvana\n<lool> lazyPower: is there a maas driver for devices without bmc?\n<lazyPower> i dont think so, but i'm not positive. I'd have to poke the #maas group\n<lool> lazyPower: how do you intend to drive power from maas for the rpis?\n<lazyPower> lool - well, the idea is that any time the board boots, it should read and attempt a pxe boot. maas will not re-pxe boot a provisioned machine so it should hten default to booting off the curtained disk\n<lazyPower> so i could in theory build a usb power brick with some additional love from a pi that can change power states on the ports\n<lazyPower> but thats WIP that has yet to be done, and that would be my first hardware hack in a heck of a long time\n<lazyPower> but i'm game to spend some weekends cycling on it\n<niemeyer> rharper: ping\n<rharper> niemeyer: here\n<niemeyer> rharper: Heya\n<rharper> hey\n<niemeyer> rharper: Looking into that cloud-init detail from PR snapd#2160\n<mup> PR snapd#2160: image: tweak the cloud-init configuration <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2160>\n<mup> Bug #1620442 changed: snap fails because XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is set to /run/user/1000 <snapd-interface> <Snappy Launcher:Triaged by zyga> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620442>\n<lazyPower> lool - i was actually looking for a programmable usb hub/power-brick, and the only one i found was intended for telescope equipment, and its to the tune of 250 USD which is quite expensive for what its doing.\n<mup> PR snapd#2172 opened: asserts,interfaces/policy: implement on-classic plug/slot constraints <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2172>\n<lazyPower> lool - so seems like we're also hitting an edge of a product market that doesn't exist yet\n<niemeyer> rharper: How does the logic take place when there is both a default cloud.cfg and something else on .d?\n<rharper> niemeyer: cloud-init does a dictionary based merging of all of the yaml cfg files present\n<rharper> so loading /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg and any *.cfg that's yaml in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d\n<niemeyer> rharper: How do we take an option off if they're mergeD?\n<rharper> I believe setting the value to None, or empty should suffice\n<niemeyer> rharper: Ok, so in theory if we use the full cloud.conf, will it work the same way?\n<niemeyer> rharper: Well, in practice actually? :)\n<iliv_> is there a way to specify a target for make in the snapcraft.yaml file?\n<rharper> niemeyer: I can test that quickly by duplicating /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg and putting that in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/cloud.cfg\n<rharper> niemeyer: I expect it to work the same; yes\n<niemeyer> rharper: Thanks, it'd be nice to have some certainty about how this work as we'll be baking it into snapd proper.. if it's just a sum, then that's nicer indeed\n<lool> lazyPower: one of the old ones we used was http://www.digital-loggers.com/lpc.html\n<lool> lazyPower: but it's still fairly expensive and in my case the US power sockets are annoying\n<lazyPower> ah yeah i was hoping to avoid the AC power plug all together and get power-controlled USB ports instead\n<lazyPower> but this is a good lead, i should look into getting a managed power-switch\n<rharper> niemeyer: in general though, we'd like to avoid duplicating the default cloud.cfg in the gadget;\n<niemeyer> rharper: I'm still not entirely sure that's a good idea, but as long as the results of including a full cloud.cfg are the same, that should be okay\n<rharper> niemeyer: to be fair, the current cloud.conf file was never the full config; for example, it left off the 05_logging.cfg which is in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/ ... so current users of that miss configuring that and cloud-init.log remains empty\n<rharper> niemeyer: I'm interested in any scenario you think might not work ...  ;\n<lazyPower> lool but to be fair, i think i'll wait for that maas work first :) then i'll invest in a managed power switch\n<lazyPower> until then, the plugin will be \"manual\" - as in, i get off my bum and to plug/unplug the board.\n<lazyPower> s/to/go/\n<niemeyer> rharper: The problem is cloud.cfg changing behind the gadget's back, which is exactly the motivation for doing this\n<niemeyer> rharper: Somebody cooking an image for a particular environment will not expect these settings to magically change after an update\n<rharper> niemeyer: right, if the core snap (or cloud-init snap) updated;\n<niemeyer> rharper: Which it does all the time, right? :)\n<rharper> the cloud.cfg is pretty static actually\n<rharper> but the concern you raise is real\n<niemeyer> rharper: Right, but if the point is that it's okay because it doesn't change, then why are we doing this? :)\n<rharper> because almost zero folks copying in the correct cloud.cfg and it clobbered the default configureation\n<rharper> this meant that cloud-init ran but didn't do anything as the list of datasources and config modules to run was empty\n<niemeyer> rharper: Can you rephrase this?  I didn\n<niemeyer> 't get the real point behind the comment\n<rharper> sure:  previous behavior was:  gadget needs 'cloud.conf' or cloud-init is disabled;  if cloud.conf exists, copy cloud.conf to /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg;  the overlay of cloud.cfg requires extracting the default cloud.cfg and the contents of /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/*.cfg to bundle the correct default configuration\n<rharper> ideally we'd not punish cloud-init users by requiring that assembly of configuration into a single file\n<niemeyer> rharper: In the previous phrasing you mentioned a bug (didn't do anything because ...).. what was the cause/consequence?\n<rharper> niemeyer: the bug was that the conf clobbers the default cloud-init config;\n<niemeyer> rharper: Okay.. I thought they were actually trying to clobber it\n<rharper> niemeyer: hrm; ok\n<rharper> niemeyer: I do think that puts almost too much burden on gadget creator to understand all of cloud-init's defaults (or at least to learn how to extract it all from cloud-init deb)\n<rharper> niemeyer: I agree that if a gadget wanted to disable the default config then overwriting the cloud.cfg in the core snap is the right way to do that;\n<rharper> niemeyer: I don't think folks would realize that they might also need the 05_logging.cfg and other defaults to get the same behavior one would get on a cloud-image\n<niemeyer> rharper: There's a grub.conf right next to it, and a gadget.yaml with a detailed specification of partitions..\n<niemeyer> rharper: I'm more concerned about behavior changing behind people's back than about them having to cargo cult a nice example\n<rharper> niemeyer: isn't that a general concern w.r.t conf files versus code in the core snap  ?\n<niemeyer> rharper: Hmm.. in which sense?\n<rharper> we could include a configuration file for  some other package in the core snap and an update could change behavior despite the config in the gadget\n<iliv_> is there a way to make snapcraft cd into a specific directory before calling the make plugin? in this case, a Makefile includes another Makefile and the path to the second file is relative.. so it never gets included as apparently snapcrafts cwd is not where the first Makefile resides.\n * iliv_ wondering if ogra_ might be able to help. He usually does :P\n<nacc> iliv_: i believe you might need to write a custom plugin then (pretty easy to do)\n<nacc> iliv_: it can probably inherit almost everything from the make plugin, except for the actual building step which knows about the details of your setup\n<iliv_> hmm\n<iliv_> alright\n<iliv_> thanks nacc\n<iliv_> where do I find make plugin's source code btw?\n<nacc> iliv_: that's what i've done in the past, at least\n<nacc> iliv_: it should all be in github (snapcraft iirc)\n<zyga> jdstrand: hey\n<zyga> jdstrand: I got notified about this bug earlier https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-confine/+bug/1620442\n<mup> Bug #1620442: snap fails because XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is set to /run/user/1000 <snapd-interface> <Snappy Launcher:Triaged by zyga> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620442>\n<zyga> jdstrand: it looks easy technically but I wanted to ask you about your opinion first\n<mup> PR snapd#2171 closed: tests: reenable ubuntu-core tests on qemu <Created by fgimenez> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2171>\n<mup> PR snapd#2173 opened: overlord/snapstate: move trash cleanup to a cleanup handler <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2173>\n<mup> PR snapd#2174 opened: store: send supported max-format when retrieving assertions <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2174>\n<Chipaca> jdstrand, whereabouts are you?\n<mup> PR snapd#2132 closed: interfaces/builtin: enable out of process providers for locationd <Created by vosst> <Merged by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2132>\n<Chipaca> jdstrand, dude we can tell you're not at the museum :-p\n<mup> PR snapd#2157 closed: boot,image,overlord,partition: read/write boot variables in single operation <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2157>\n<mup> PR snapd#2167 closed: snapstate, devicestate: do not remove seed <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2167>\n<mup> PR snapd#2174 closed: store: send supported max-format when retrieving assertions <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2174>\n<mup> PR snapd#2160 closed: image: tweak the cloud-init configuration <Created by mvo5> <Closed by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2160>\n<mup> PR snapd#2168 closed: snap/squashfs: try to hard link instead of copying. Also, switch to osutil.CopyFile for cp invocation <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2168>\n<mup> PR snapd#2154 closed: cmd/snap: make snap run not talk to snapd for finding the revision <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2154>\n<mup> PR snapd#2170 closed: tests: use the snapd-control-consumer snap from the store <Created by fgimenez> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2170>\n<jdstrand> Chipaca: yeah, not there\n<jdstrand> Chipaca: in my hotel room\n<Chipaca> jdstrand, we're in Potter, if you're feeling lonely\n<jdstrand> I'm feeling quite sleepy after last night tbh :)\n<Chipaca> jdstrand, but only if you have pants on\n<jdstrand> ya, you caught me there.  ;) I think I am going to call it a night in a few\n<jdstrand> zyga: I saw bug #1620442. on touch we set that to somewhere in /run and in snapd we currently allow: /{dev,run}/shm/snap.@{SNAP_NAME}.**\n<mup> Bug #1620442: snap fails because XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is set to /run/user/1000 <snapd-interface> <Snappy Launcher:Triaged by zyga> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620442>\n<jdstrand> zyga: actually that rule is irrelevant\n<jdstrand> zyga: but I don't think the bind mount is particularly necessary, we could just add an apparmor rule for /run/user/*/snap.$SNAP/**, set XDG_RUNTIME_DIR to point to that and mkdir\n<jdstrand> zyga: can you think of why it should be a bind mount? I mean, it is already honoring the envvar\n<jdstrand> zyga: (and this is something ubuntu-app-launch on Touch would set)\n<mup> PR snapd#2143 closed: overlord: check that the first installed gadget matches the model assertion <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2143>\n<mup> PR snapd#2172 closed: asserts,interfaces/policy: implement on-classic plug/slot constraints <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2172>\n<mup> PR snapd#2175 opened: overlord: checks for kernel installation/refresh based on model assertion and previous kernel <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2175>\n<mup> PR snapd#2123 closed: daemon: ensure `snap create-user --known` errors on classic (unless --force-managed is added) <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2123>\n<mup> PR snapd#2173 closed: overlord/snapstate: move trash cleanup to a cleanup handler <Created by chipaca> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2173>\n<k_> Hi, is there a way to test snap on centos 7?\n<mup> PR snapd#2122 closed: snappy: disable auto-import of assertions on classic <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2122>\n<mup> PR snapd#2176 opened: store,daemon,overlord: download things to a partials dir <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2176>\n<ypwong> slangasek, you may want to look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-image/+bug/1634557\n<mup> Bug #1634557: The writable partition is corrupted using the latest ubuntu-image(0.8 ) <Ubuntu Image:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1634557>\n<mup> PR snapd#2177 opened: many: use the new systemd backend for configuring GPIOs <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2177>\n<mup> PR snapd#2178 opened: snap: spool assertion candidates if snapd is not up yet <Created by mvo5> <Conflict> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2178>\n<slangasek> ypwong: hi - I had seen the bug and was going to raise this with barry today.  This is listed as a regression vs. 0.7?  where does this version of the package (0.8+17.04ubuntu1) come from?  that's not a version that's in the archive\n<mup> PR snapd#2179 opened: remove silly stuff <Created by mvo5> <Conflict> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2179>\n<slangasek> ypwong: ok, reproduced and it seems to not be a regression - we were just being spared this being an issue on the pi3 because of the firstboot autoresizing from the initramfs fixes it before we ever mount the rootfs\n<adam__> hello, I am looking at using ubuntu core snappy as the OS of choice for a raspberry pi solution to communicate with a webserver and some connected hardware via a serial port. I already have a node app that I want to repackage as a snap, but I am struggling to find the information that I need online: 1) Can I publish snaps privately, e.g. with proprietary closed source code and still make use of the auto-update functionality? 2) Can I \n<rhollan> Is there a snappy package that has networking utils, specifically bridge-utils? I want to bridge two docker containers to the hosts interface and have them get internal IP addresses and gateways and dns servers therefrom\n<rhollan> I don't have any bridge utils on the host side in snappy\n<mup> PR snapd#2180 opened: overlord/snapstate: two bugs for one <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2180>\n<Chipaca> ^ fix for #1628914 :-D\n<mup> Bug #1628914: ubuntu-core edge image switched to stable channel unpredictably and became unusable <Snappy:In Progress by chipaca> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1628914>\n * Chipaca ~> bed\n<mup> PR snapd#2179 closed: remove silly stuff <Created by mvo5> <Closed by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2179>\n#snappy 2016-10-19\n<mup> Bug #1634730 opened: 500 error when installing snap package <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1634730>\n<jdstrand> jjohansen: here is your bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1634753\n<mup> Bug #1634753: srcname from mount rule corrupted under load <aa-kernel> <AppArmor:In Progress by jjohansen> <linux (Ubuntu):Triaged> <linux (Ubuntu Xenial):Triaged> <linux (Ubuntu Yakkety):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1634753>\n<jjohansen> zyga: debs for the fixed kernel are in http://people.canonical.com/~jj/snap/\n<ogra_> pitti, should /etc/netplan/00-snapd-config.yaml be world readable ? (i see my WEP password in there)\n<pitti> ogra_: I guess you just answered that yourself :)\n<ogra_> well, want a bug ?\n<ogra_> :)\n<pitti> ogra_: sure, sounds like a good idea (although it's not \"my\" bug)\n<pitti> what creates that, console-conf?\n<ogra_> oh, i thought netplan itself ...\n<ogra_> but yeah, might be console-conf\n * ogra_ files bug 1634775 ... for mwhudson \n<mup> Bug #1634775: /etc/netplan/00-snapd-config.yaml should not be world readable <Snappy:New> <subiquity (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1634775>\n<mup> Bug #1634775 opened: /etc/netplan/00-snapd-config.yaml should not be world readable <Snappy:New> <subiquity (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1634775>\n<mup> PR snapd#2181 opened: client: add a few explicit error types (around the request cycle) <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2181>\n<Son_Goku> zyga: https://github.com/zyga/snapcore-fedora/pull/7\n<mup> PR zyga/snapcore-fedora#7: Add SELinux policy module subpackage <Created by Conan-Kudo> <https://github.com/zyga/snapcore-fedora/pull/7>\n<cjwatson> ogra_: the store should be properly fixed now to handle mode 0 directories in snaps\n<ogra_> yay !\n<iliv__> hey ogra_. did you see by chance my question from yesterday about a Makefile included in a Makefile via relative path?\n<zyga> Son_Goku: thank you :)\n<mup> PR snapd#2180 closed: overlord/snapstate: two bugs for one <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2180>\n<ogra_> iliv__, yes, but i'mm at a sprint this week ... how does your \"source:\" entry look like ?\n<kyrofa> zyga, ping\n<mup> PR snapd#2182 opened: tests/lib/fakestore/cmd/fakestore: trivial typo fix <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2182>\n<chihchun> barry: hi, is there a xenial ppa for ubuntu-image?\n<ogra_> chihchun, you should really use the snap\n<chihchun> ogra_: if there is snap on macos and windows, yes, I will :-)\n<kyrofa> ogra_, I'd love to see a lightning talk on ubuntu-image\n<ogra_> fgimenez, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23347670/\n<ogra_> kyrofa, hmm\n<kyrofa> ogra_, not saying that should be you... but barry isn't here, so... ;)\n<ogra_> kyrofa, yeah ... i get it ... the issue is that the key setup, creating an assertion etc\n<ogra_> .... are rather complex ...\n<kyrofa> ogra_, time-intensive?\n<kyrofa> ogra_, are you going to the hacking session tonight?\n<kyrofa> ogra_, if so, how would you feel about just getting together and give me a tutorial?\n<ogra_> kyrofa, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cJvRnpoQyLvY6pOLFPgUxMHrFVBCDNwAlrORARBiZlU/edit\n<ogra_> i could probably run a talk along that ...  but i'm not sure if it is fully up to date ( sergio is so fast improving things sometimes ;) )\n<mup> PR snapd#2182 closed: tests/lib/fakestore/cmd/fakestore: trivial typo fix <Created by chipaca> <Closed by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2182>\n<dr1337> ogra_ is that a tutorial on building core snap?\n<ogra_> dr1337, no, building an image\n<fgimenez> ogra_: thx!\n<dr1337> ogra_ Nice - I'd love access to that please\n<ogra_> you dont have access ?\n * ogra_ though it is a public doc ... i dont own it\n<dr1337> ogra_ not to that google docs\n<dr1337> ogra_ Have you thought of building an image for QEMU arm?\n<mup> PR snapd#2183 opened: tests/lib/fakestore/cmd/fakestore: make it log, and fix a typo <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2183>\n<kyrofa> ogra_, ah, handy document, thank you!\n<ogra_> dr1337, i just noticed it is now in the snapcraft.io tree https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/snappy-docs/blob/master/core/images.md so you can read it from there\n<dr1337> ogra_ thanks!\n<mup> Bug #1634822 opened: Console-conf needs a cancel button <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1634822>\n<mup> PR snapd#2184 opened: tests/lib/fakestore: fix logic to distinguish assertion not found errors <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2184>\n<Chipaca> davmor2, wrt bug 1634822, I'm sorry your system is sore\n<mup> Bug #1634822: Console-conf needs a cancel button <Snappy:New> <subiquity (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1634822>\n<mup> PR snapd#2183 closed: tests/lib/fakestore/cmd/fakestore: make it log, and fix a typo <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2183>\n<mup> PR snapd#2181 closed: client: add a few explicit error types (around the request cycle) <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2181>\n<mup> PR snapd#2184 closed: tests/lib/fakestore: fix logic to distinguish assertion not found errors <Created by pedronis> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2184>\n<mup> PR snapd#2175 closed: overlord: checks for kernel installation/refresh based on model assertion and previous kernel <Critical> <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2175>\n<ogra_> ToyKeeper, http://www.transcend-info.com/Products/No-401 and something like https://www.amazon.com/SD-to-Micro-Adapter/dp/B0143QFXYO\n<ogra_> ToyKeeper, http://www.transcend-info.com/Products/No-401 and something like https://www.amazon.com/SD-to-Micro-Adapter/dp/B0143QFXYO\n<mup> PR snapd#2185 opened: interfaces/builtin: home base declaration rule using on-classic for its policy <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2185>\n<iliv__> ogra_, the source: entry looks like this. source: parts/app/src/modules/\n<mup> Bug #1634880 opened: Interface for accessing lxd <snapd-interface> <Snappy:New for kalikiana> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1634880>\n<mup> Bug #1634885 opened: Removing /writable/ kills the system <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1634885>\n<mup> Bug #1634890 opened: File system not resized in Raspberry Pi 3 <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1634890>\n<barry> chihchun_afk, kyrofa good morning (here :).  we're using this ppa but i wouldn't necessarily count on it.  it's mostly for testing: https://launchpad.net/~canonical-foundations/+archive/ubuntu/ubuntu-image/+packages\n<kyrofa> barry, feels like morning here, too\n<barry> chihchun_afk, kyrofa but for xenial, i would also recommend just using the snap\n<barry> kyrofa: it's always morning somewhere!\n<mup> PR snapd#2186 opened: asserts: bump snap-declaration to allow signing with new-style plugs and slots <Created by emgee> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2186>\n<perrito666> hello people, I have a few doubts here, I am trying to build a snap for vim8 with a particular set of compile flags, how do I specify which packages this requires to run afterwards?\n<ogra_> perrito666, \"stage-packages\" if you mean the binaries you want installed alongside\n<perrito666> ogra_: yep, I had a feeling it was that but the wording in the docs is either not clear or beyond my english-fu\n<perrito666> ogra_: tx a lot\n<mup> Bug #1634909 opened: Disabling pc||pc-kernel||core should give a warning message <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1634909>\n<perrito666> and since I am here, lets say I specify a git repo as the \"source\" for the make plugin, is there a way to indicate the tag/checkout?\n<ogra_> ppisati, hmm, the kernel in -proposed looks good so far, but i did not get a wlan0 device in /proc/net/dev on first boot (second boot is fine)\n<ogra_> trying to repro that now\n<ppisati> ogra_: raspi?\n<ogra_> yep\n<ogra_> the uart error is gone at least\n<ogra_> and there was no wlan oops either\n<ogra_> probably it was just a glitch, lets see, trying the second time now\n<ppisati> ogra_: i remember there was a wlan in... console-conf\n<ogra_> yeah, i used wired though ... and there was no wlan0 in /proc/net/dev after i logged in via ssh\n<ppisati> ogra_: though i couldn't configure that (it kept timing out when trying to configure)\n<ppisati> ogra_: uhm k\n<ogra_> i have test images at http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/snappy/all-snaps/\n<ppisati> ogra_: did you run your script or did you rebuild the kernel.snap manually?\n<ogra_> ppisati, https://code.launchpad.net/~ogra/+snap/pi2-kernel/+build/7441 i got a hacked up version of the script running in a +junk tree now\n<ogra_> that forcefully pulls from -proposed\n<ppisati> ogra_: k\n<ogra_> GRR\n<ogra_> Network configuration timed out; please verify your settings.\n<ogra_> damned\n<ogra_> i wonder whyt consoole-conf does ...\n<ppisati> ogra_: yes, it's always like that\n<ogra_> before we had it and when i just used /etc/network/interfaces the wlan always worked\n<ppisati> ogra_: the funny thing is that on secondo boot, all the wifi details are there and it connects fine\n<ogra_> well, i blame either netplan or console-conf ...\n<ogra_> yeah\n<ogra_> as if there was some race\n * ogra_ tries a reset\n<mup> PR snapd#2187 opened: boot:no next boot to the same thing <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2187>\n<ppisati> ogra_: so you got the wlan interface this time\n<ogra_> it shows up but doesnt connect\n<ogra_> it did show up in the last try too in the UI but could not be found in /proc/net/dev after finishing the config\n<ppisati> ogra_: yes, that has always been my experience since console-conf entered the image\n<ogra_> right\n<ppisati> btw, how do you ssh if there's no user configure in that image?\n<ppisati> *ssh in\n<ogra_> lets see if it behaves after a reset\n<ogra_> you cant ...\n<ogra_> (which makes debugging console-conf a pain)\n<ogra_> LOL\n<ppisati> ogra_: right, but you said that you sshed in and checked /proc/dev/net/...\n<ogra_> heh\n<ogra_> so after reset the wlan0 interface comes up telling me it is connected in console-conf\n<ppisati> ogra_: yes, that's me experience too\n<ogra_> yes, i configured wired\n<ppisati> oh k\n<ogra_> well, seems to still time out\n<ogra_> sigh\n<ogra_> so i guess no wlan on pi3 for the RC image then\n<ppisati> ogra_: can you ssh in and check if the wlan is there?\n<ogra_> well, i can probably set up wired, lets see ... though usually if console-conf had one error you can forget about the whole thing\n<ppisati> ogra_: right, it usually loses its mind after a failed network config\n<ogra_> yep\n<ogra_> well, we still have two weeks :P\n<ogra_> ppisati, in general the kernel seems to be a lot better though ... something at least ... all oopses gone\n<ogra_> oh my\n<ogra_> now cosole-conf just crashed ... drops me back to \"please press enter\" and if i do that it prints python tracebacks\n<ppisati> ogra_: so, for the BBB panic bug, i tried to install console-conf on classic, reproduce the 'first boot' snappy boot environment and work from there\n<ppisati> ogra_: might be a strategy to debug this\n<ogra_> i did set BBB to verification-done for the sru kernel yesterday already\n<ogra_> ppisati, was the kernel from bug 1627643 the one in proposed ?\n<mup> Bug #1627643: oops on pi3 (seemingly wlan related) <Snappy:New> <linux-raspi2 (Ubuntu):New for p-pisati> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1627643>\n<ppisati> ogra_: or we punch a hole in the dev image so we can login via the serial console and check what's really going on\n<ppisati> ogra_: yes\n<ogra_> well, i wanted to play with systemd console but didnt have time for that yet\n<ogra_> \\o/\n<ogra_> something at least ... that kernel looks fine\n<ppisati> ogra_: good to know\n<ogra_> do you have an SRU bug that i can tag verification-done ?\n<ogra_> (though i need to test pi2 still)\n<ppisati> ogra_: let me find it\n<ogra_> ogra@localhost:~$ cat /proc/net/dev\n<ogra_> Inter-|   Receive                                                |  Transmit\n<ogra_>  face |bytes    packets errs drop fifo frame compressed multicast|bytes    packets errs drop fifo colls carrier compressed\n<ogra_>   sit0:       0       0    0    0    0     0          0         0        0       0    0    0    0     0       0          0\n<ogra_>     lo:  166400    2080    0    0    0     0          0         0   166400    2080    0    0    0     0       0          0\n<ogra_>   eth0:   83971    1140    0    6    0     0          0         0    13042      83    0    0    0     0       0          0\n<ogra_> ogra@localhost:~$\n<ogra_> hmm\n<ppisati> ogra_: does dmesg say anything wrt wlan?\n<ppisati> ogra_: does it require a fw the wlan on rpi3? i think it does\n<ogra_> http://paste.ubuntu.com/23348754/\n<ogra_> yeah, we have that in the image PPA ... the kernel snap contains it\n<ogra_> (i pulled it from your embedded PPA ages ago)\n<ppisati> ogra_: i need to grab my rpi3, it's in my room\n<ogra_> well, link to the image is above\n * ogra_ needs to test pi2 now ... and if yu give me the SRU bug# i'll set it to verification-done\n<ogra_> (if it works :P)\n<ppisati> ogra_: lsmod?\n<ogra_> sorry, already on the pi2 now\n<ogra_> ah, but i have an lsmod output in my shell history\n<ogra_> one sec\n<ogra_> http://paste.ubuntu.com/23348784/\n<ogra_> ogra@localhost:~$ uname -a\n<ogra_> Linux localhost.localdomain 4.4.0-1028-raspi2 #34-Ubuntu SMP Mon Oct 17 09:44:39 UTC 2016 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux\n<ogra_> ogra@localhost:~$\n<ogra_> :)\n<ogra_> pi2 looks GOOD !\n<ppisati> ogra_: ok, i don't have any way to login, nice\n<ogra_> well, wired works\n<ogra_> (we have a switch in the QA room that i use here)\n<ppisati> ogra_: k, i'm in the plenary room now\n<ogra_> yeah, i'll come too\n<mup> PR snapd#2188 opened: tests: wait for file written instead of log entries in the writable-areas test <Created by fgimenez> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2188>\n<Chipaca> davmor2, mksquashfs squashfs-root foo_$i.snap -noappend -comp xz -all-root -no-xattrs\n<mup> PR snapd#2189 opened: asserts,daemon: implement system-user-authority header/concept <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2189>\n<ogra_> Chipaca, unless it is a core snap ;) (then without -all-root)\n<Chipaca> ogra_, yeap\n<mup> PR snapd#2186 closed: asserts: bump snap-declaration to allow signing with new-style plugs and slots <Created by emgee> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2186>\n<mup> PR snapd#2169 closed: interfaces/builtin: finish decl based checks <Blocked> <Critical> <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2169>\n<mup> PR snapd#2185 closed: interfaces/builtin: home base declaration rule using on-classic for its policy <Critical> <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2185>\n<mup> PR snapd#2190 opened: overlord/ifacestate: setup security for slots before plugs <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2190>\n<mup> PR snapd#2187 closed: boot:no next boot to the same thing <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2187>\n<mup> PR snapd#2191 opened: boot: do not set boot to try mode if the revision is unchanged <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2191>\n<mup> PR snapd#2149 closed: Finalize declaration based checks <Blocked> <Critical> <Created by jdstrand> <Closed by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2149>\n<lotuspsychje> anyone knows howto list latest snap packages from terminal or ubuntu software on 16.04?\n<lotuspsychje> would be nice to know whats newly added\n<mup> PR snapd#2189 closed: asserts,daemon: implement system-user-authority header/concept <Critical> <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2189>\n<mup> PR snapd#2176 closed: store,daemon,overlord: download things to a partials dir <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2176>\n<mup> PR snapd#2178 closed: snap: spool assertion candidates if snapd is not up yet <Critical> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2178>\n<mup> PR snapd#2188 closed: tests: wait for file written instead of log entries in the writable-areas test <Created by fgimenez> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2188>\n<mup> Bug #1635011 opened: /v2/changes/ is not documented in rest.md <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1635011>\n<mup> Bug #1635016 opened: Missing dependency on ca-certificates <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1635016>\n<mup> PR snapd#2190 closed: overlord/ifacestate: setup security for slots before plugs <Critical> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2190>\n<perrito666> interesting, I made a snapcraft.yaml  (http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23350368/) and it seems to build correctly but when I isntall it 1) my binaries are prefixed with vim-hduran. and 2) they complain of the lack of a .so.0 file which is included in one of the packages I explicitly added to stage-packages any ideas?\n<slangasek> morphis: hi, I see you've marked bug #1634540 as 'critical'; is there a deadline for this work?\n<mup> Bug #1634540: Configuring a static IP address generates a netplan file without a gateway <nplan (Ubuntu):New> <subiquity (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1634540>\n<mup> PR snapd#2177 closed: many: use the new systemd backend for configuring GPIOs <Critical> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2177>\n<jjohansen> zyga: ppa for mvo or ogra_ to snap a kernel from https://launchpad.net/~apparmor-dev/+archive/ubuntu/apparmor-devel/+packages\n<rharper> ogra_: are you aware of any changes to live-build that now purge cloud-init ?  I've been rebuilding the core snap to include newer cloud-init to test out the system-user assertions; this worked last week, today however, in the build log, I see a purge  of cloud-init: The following packages will be REMOVED:\n<rharper>   cloud-init* locales* ubuntu-core*\n<rharper> looking for help in figuring out how to do builds of core snap that include cloud-init so we can get images that work in clouds\n<jgrimm> slangasek, ^^\n<slangasek> rharper, jgrimm: hrm\n<slangasek> I had not heard anything about this; certainly seems like a change we need to revert\n<rharper> slangasek: ok, last good build for me was on 10-13;  10-14 till now, the .manifest doesn't include cloud-init; https://code.launchpad.net/~raharper/+snap/core\n<slangasek> rharper: maybe worth a look at the history of the livecd-rootfs package in the snappy-dev ppa?\n<rharper> yeah, lemme look there\n<rharper> 2 http://ppa.launchpad.net/snappy-dev/image/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 livecd-rootfs amd64 2.420+ppa46 [47.0 kB]\n<rharper> that's the latest, published 10-10\n<rharper> used in both good builds and the current builds that purge\n<rharper> so something else is triggering it\n<eltigre> Hey, what's the state of \"snappy ubuntu core\" on raspberry pi devices? The documentation is outdated, the last available image is a year old, and does it support Raspberry pi 2?\n<eltigre> raspberry pi 3 , I mean\n<eltigre> I like the concept of snappy, but I'm a bit unsure about future device support etc\n<mwhudson> eltigre: pretty sure rpi 2 and 3 are target platforms\n<eltigre> I know rpi 2 is\n<mwhudson> eltigre: there has been some renaming of things recently though, where do you see things being a year old?\n<eltigre> first problem, when I go to https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/start/ and click the \"Get started on the Raspberry Pi 2 ›\"  the guide tells me to download a normal server image for arm\n<eltigre> I just found newer ubuntu-core images...\n<eltigre> ok, so the 16.04 snappy-core image boots, has an open ssh service, but it doesn't take ubuntu:ubuntu or root:ubuntu or ubuntu:snappy\n<mwhudson> eltigre: you need to configure a user on a vt or serial\n<eltigre> uhm...\n<eltigre> so vt means I need to attach hdmi+keyboard, not even sure how to do \"serial\"\n<eltigre> and I must really have the wrong documentation if this is the only way\n<mwhudson> eltigre: well having every device running ubuntu core having ubuntu:ubuntu be a sudoer is not ideal either!\n<eltigre> The server image has ubuntu:ubuntu and forces you to change the password at first login. For Raspberry Pi I think this security is enough, because you'd have an attacker in your home network scanning your network every minute for newly flashed rpis and then you'd still know because the password changed\n<eltigre> But that's just me. I can understand that. Would be nice to have documentation on this though.\n<mwhudson> yeah, documentation is definitely lacking\n<mwhudson> uh, why am i still waiting for a cloud-init timeout in a pc image?\n<mwhudson> i guess all the people who might know that are asleep\n<mwhudson> rharper: around?\n<mwhudson> this is infuriating\n<mwhudson> i guess i could try to understand what's going on\n#snappy 2016-10-20\n<dr1337> Hi guys is it possible to build an ubuntu image using local snaps defined in the model assertion instead of having to go through the snap store?\n<mup> Bug #1635101 opened: /snap/bin is not added to path for \"sudo su\" <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1635101>\n<dr1337_> mwhudson: most of the devs are in Europe so they would be asleep\n<dr1337_> mwhudson: and I agree the documentation is very patchy with lots of different components being constantly rewritten with out of date instructions. I'm almost at the point of giving up on Snappy and going with something easier like ResinOS.\n<ogra_> rharper, we do not purge, but snap prepare-image has a function that disables it if there is no cloud-init config in the gadget snap\n<ogra_> jdstrand, hmm, didnt you recently say you addded linux-generic-bbb to the kernel exceptions so it auto-lands ? https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/5912/review/rev/5/ is in manual review now\n<jdstrand> ogra_: I did but the store doesn't have it yet\n<ogra_> ah\n<jdstrand> ogra_: approved but not published\n<ogra_> yep, got the mail, thanks :)\n<jdstrand> np\n<ogra_> and published too ... :)\n<mup> PR snapd#2192 opened: snap: fix FTBFS because the buildds do not allow writing to syslog <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2192>\n<mup> PR snapd#2192 closed: snap: fix FTBFS because the buildds do not allow writing to syslog <Critical> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2192>\n<mwhudson> ogra_: ah maybe i need to update my snapd then\n<mwhudson> pitti: yo\n<pitti> hey mwhudson, how are you?\n<mwhudson> pitti: i'm ok\n<mwhudson> pitti: netplan and nameservers, how much work does that sound?\n<pitti> mwhudson: ok, jumping back :)\n<pitti> mwhudson: not that much, I just moved it to the top of my list as it seems to become a blocker RSN?\n<mwhudson> pitti: seems so if https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/subiquity/+bug/1634540 is critical\n<mup> Bug #1634540: Configuring a static IP address generates a netplan file without a gateway <nplan (Ubuntu):Invalid by pitti> <subiquity (Ubuntu):Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1634540>\n<mwhudson> because if you configure static addresses and no nameserver you're going to have a hard time talking to the store..\n<mwhudson> i guess we *could* put login.ubuntu.com's ip address in /etc/hosts :-)\n<pitti> mwhudson: well, if you don't configure a nameserver, resolved defaults to, so it shoudln't completely fail\n<mwhudson> pitti: oh huh\n<pitti> mwhudson: but it's better to be able to configure it of course\n<mwhudson> pitti: it definitely failed for me in qemu\n<mwhudson> pitti: is that user mode networking being odd?\n<pitti> mwhudson: it would only work if you ... oh crap, this is xenial, so no resolved\n<pitti> nevermind :)\n<mwhudson> ha\n * pitti just doesn't live in stable releases\n<mwhudson> well we already backported netplan itself for this...\n<mwhudson> backporting resolvd does feel a bit large-hammer\n<pitti> nah\n<pitti> we really don't want to do that\n<pitti> mwhudson: both networkd and NM support manual nameservers, so it's just a matter of adding the glue to pass it on, and writing tests\n<pitti> mwhudson: I'll start on that now\n<mwhudson> yeah, networkd looked pretty straightforward at least\n<pitti> mwhudson: getting that into xenial-updates will take a bit longer, but you can park it in your PPA in the meantime\n<mwhudson> (i know nothing about NM really)\n<mwhudson> yeah ppas r us\n<pitti> mwhudson: is yakkety a thing for snappy at all? or just x (and zesty/devel of course)?\n * pitti hopes not -- please no non-LTS releases any more, EVAR\n<mwhudson> just xenial + ppas i think really\n<mwhudson> and of course xenial implies devel release first, not that that rule is being stuck too 100%\n<pitti> I just don't want to repeat the vivid pain :)\n<mwhudson> xnox is in the hague, he can attack anyone who suggests anything like that\n<xnox> pitti, sure.... would you like to maintain yakkety, or whould you like to SRU everything from yakkety to xenial?\n<ogra_> mwhudson, i was just wondering, is VPN support in console-conf on the roadmap ?\n<xnox> people are talking about SRUing all of systemd user session work, and all of perfonal/unity8 as SRUs into xenial for ever.\n<pitti> xnox: I want to forget that yakkety exists :) I want to backport necessary stuff from devel (i. e. z now) to x\n<mwhudson> i'd better get on with the ui for nameservers...\n<pitti> xnox: uh, ambitious :)\n<mwhudson> ogra_: noone has mentioned it to me\n<ogra_> xnox, we should really just SRU zesty altogether :P\n<pitti> it works great!\n<pitti> ship it\n<ogra_> mwhudson, yeah, just came to my mind that IoT setups might want to use it\n<mwhudson> ogra_: is openvpn-client even in core\n<mwhudson> ?\n<pitti> urgh, happy typing of X.509 certificates into your serial console :)\n<ogra_> mwhudson, nops, apparently not\n<mwhudson> sounds like using telnet to debug http/2\n<ahayzen> Hey, has anyone experienced a situation where building a snap in a yakkety container is different to a snap built from in a VM ?  As the snap i've built from the container doesn't work on the host, whereas the one from the VM does and they both have the same size but a different md5sum\n<mwhudson> ogra_: i guess the gadget snap can provide it somehow?\n<ogra_> yeah, well, i will try to discuss it with the team here\n<mwhudson> ogra_: anyway, sounds like a medium term thing ...\n<ogra_> right, not super urgent ... definitely not for the release ... for that getting wifi to work on the pi3 would be a bit more important ;)\n<mwhudson> ogra_: do you have any idea what's actually going wrong there?\n<ogra_> mwhudson, not the slightest .... wlan doesnt work at all ... when you try to configure it it times out ... when you *then* try to do anything else network related ... i.e. try to set up wired, that doesnt work either anymore ....\n<mwhudson> ogra_: but if you run through console-conf on wired, then wlan works?\n<ogra_> btw, i just talked to mvo, we'll seed openvpn stuff so you have something you can later attach to\n<ogra_> iirc (have to test that again) if you configure both, iit doesnt work\n<ogra_> it only works if i use wired only\n<ogra_> it also works if i manually bring up wlan after booting\n<ogra_> fgimenez might be able to give more details, he tests that stuff all day atm\n<mwhudson> pitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23352576/ <- does that match planned syntax\n<pitti> mwhudson: looks good; I'm writing test cases like this:\n<pitti>     enblue:\n<pitti>       addresses: [\"\"]\n<pitti>       nameservers:\n<pitti>         search: [lab, kitchen]\n<pitti>         addresses: []''')\n<pitti> mwhudson: which is the same thing, just different YAML syntax\n<mwhudson> ogra_: can you do something like create /var/log/journal so the journal persists and then see what ends up in there\n<mwhudson> pitti: wait, it's per interface?\n<pitti> mwhudson: NM seems to have trouble with multiple search domains, argh\n<pitti> mwhudson: yes, it is; nameservers usually are\n<mwhudson> pitti: ok fine, but that's not what https://git.launchpad.net/netplan/tree/doc/netplan.md has :)\n<pitti> mwhudson: right, I'll fix that\n<pitti> that was obviously an error\n<pitti> thanks for pointing out\n * mwhudson rebases :)\n<pitti> mwhudson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23352599/\n<mwhudson> pitti: looks plausible at least\n<pitti> mwhudson: as I said, NM does not actaully seem to properly configure multiple search domains (I just see \"search lab\" in /etc/resolv.conf), but I hope that won't block you\n<mwhudson> pitti: i don't think that's important here no\n<mwhudson> maybe morphis could say more\n<mwhudson> pitti: you're probably not the ideal person to ask this but do you think it makes sense to allow configuring nameservers when using DHCP for an interface?\n<pitti> mwhudson: it's technically possible to configure this; my gut feeling is that it doesn't make much sense to expose this corner case in the UI, though\n<mwhudson> pitti: ok\n<ogra_> pitti, mwhudson, seeding the openvpn package is enough for you guys to have everything you need to later implement something in netplan and console-conf ?\n<mwhudson> ogra_: i don't think that's something i can answer off the top of my head\n<pitti> ogra_: probably; but doesn't make much sense to seed it until we actually can use it\n<ogra_> well, we release in two weeks, i just want to have all the requirements there so you can get to it later\n<pitti> we can seed it if/once we support it; until then, it's just dead weight\n<pitti> also, I don't think we want to abstract this in any form\n<pitti> if you want to configure openvpn, then add an openvpn config file\n<pitti> this isn't related to different backends like networkd vs. ifupdown vs. NetworkManager\n<ogra_> ok\n<pitti> I mean, maybe we want to put it into the yaml some day, but that shouldn't be a blocker\n<mup> Bug #1631791 changed: ubuntu-core/core unconditionally switches to the stable channel on all-snap images <Snappy:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1631791>\n<mwhudson> pitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23352666/ <- better?\n<ogra_> ppisati, hmm, the uart oops on pi3 is supposed to be fixed with todays -security/-update kernels, right ?\n<ogra_> ppisati, the QA team just showed me an oops that looks suspiciously like it\n<ogra_> ppisati, https://rocket.ubuntu.com/file-upload/E5QyRTm7Xq6nojq3E/photo_2016-10-20_10-39-04.jpg\n<mup> PR snapd#2162 closed: interfaces: add shutdown interface <Critical> <Created by morphis> <Merged by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2162>\n<zyga> Son_Goku: hey\n<zyga> Son_Goku: I pushed some small change\n<zyga> Son_Goku: let's try to run that for real\n<Son_Goku> I just pulled and it built\n<Son_Goku> don't know if it works, though\n<Son_Goku> ah, I'm missing that patch\n * Son_Goku pulls again\n<zyga> Son_Goku: I'm just rebuilding both to install now\n<ppisati> ogra_: cannot open that image\n<ppisati> ogra_: anyhow, >= 4.4.0-1028.34 should be fine\n<ogra_> 4.4.0-1029 is what we (should) have in the store\n<ogra_> hmm, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/290063684/buildlog_snap_ubuntu_xenial_armhf_pi2-kernel_BUILDING.txt.gz\n<ogra_> -1028 actually :)\n<mwhudson> cyphermox: https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/subiquity/pull/175\n<mup> PR CanonicalLtd/subiquity#175: add UI for entering nameservers <Created by mwhudson> <https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/subiquity/pull/175>\n<ogra_> ah, wrong log\n<ogra_> https://launchpadlibrarian.net/290161189/buildlog_snap_ubuntu_xenial_armhf_pi2-kernel_BUILDING.txt.gz\n<ogra_> that has actually -1029\n<ogra_> ppisati, hmm, but only:\n<ogra_> Get:5 http://ftpmaster.internal/ubuntu xenial-security/universe armhf linux-image-raspi2 armhf [2324 B]\n<ogra_> ppisati, where is .34 ?\n<ogra_> (also it would amke sense if you could come over to the snappy room, we are discussion uboot watchdog)\n<ogra_> *discussing\n<ppisati> ogra_: i'm here actually\n<zyga> Son_Goku: hmm, I dont see the snapd-selinux package\n<zyga> Son_Goku: ah, I'm a dork, noatch\n<zyga> noarch*\n<mup> PR snapd#2193 opened: add raw-usb iterface <Created by teknoraver> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2193>\n<zyga> Son_Goku: I need to redo the systemd units a little\n<zyga> Son_Goku: fingers crossed\n<Son_Goku> okay\n<mup> PR snapd#2194 opened: store: retry readyToBuy request <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2194>\n<zyga> Son_Goku: trying more\n<zyga> Son_Goku: so I see stuff that seems to imply the selinux policy is not loaded\n<zyga> Son_Goku: how do I reload it?\n<zyga> Son_Goku: I need a few more binaries, iterating\n<mup> PR snapd#2195 opened:  interfaces/builtin: add dcdbas-control interface <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2195>\n<alevipri> hello, I've installed libreoffice 5.2 via snap in xenial, then removed libreoffice 5.1 with synaptic\n<alevipri> however now the dash does not show LO icons\n<alevipri> how to fix this?\n<alevipri> I was thinking that the LO snap provides icons too\n<Simooon> Can anyone tell me how I'm supposed to verify that a snap package, made availible by some random developer I don't know, is the real deal, and not some sneaky way of installing a modified version of the program that sends all my data to haxx.ru?\n<Simooon> alevipri, well it is distributed by chanonical, so you would thing they have included everything. Have you tried restarting, to see if it is something that just needs to be reinitialized?\n<alevipri> Simooon already restarted\n<Simooon> alevipri, okay, I just started using snap yesterday, so I'm probably not the right person to help :-P\n<alevipri> before to remove LO 5.1 with synaptic, I notices icone were available for both deb and snap installed applications\n<alevipri> noticed* icons*\n<alevipri> so I can imagine I removed something with synaptic\n<Simooon> alevipri, I don't think synaptic is supposed to be able to touch the snaps\n<alevipri> however I was expected to install a snap containing all dependencies, icons too\n<Simooon> that seems to be the general idea\n<alevipri> Simoon yeah I think it too, however now LO launchers don't show icons\n<Simooon> if synaptics touched the snap by some weird bug or other interaction I don't understand, you can probably restore it to it's original form with the \"snap refresh\" command, however I think it is unlikely that synaptics have been able to touch it.\n<Simooon> worth a try though\n<mup> Bug #1635251 opened: /boot/efi/EFI/boot/ is writable as sudo <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1635251>\n<alevipri> Simooon tried but nothing changed\n<Simooon> alevipri, Well that is what I expected :-/\n<Simooon> alevipri,  Have you tried other applications where it worked?\n<mup> PR snapd#2195 closed:  interfaces/builtin: add dcdbas-control interface <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2195>\n<morphis_> pitti: ping\n<pitti> morphis_: pong\n<morphis_> pitti: while you're working on the DNS fix for netplan can you include https://launchpadlibrarian.net/290162595/nplan_0.12~16.04+ppa1_0.12~16.04+ppa2.diff.gz in your next upload as well (if you agree with that change)?\n<pitti> morphis_: no problem -- it's just a small change within that hack, so that doesn't make it any worse\n<morphis_> pitti: I can submit a proper MP as well if you want\n<morphis_> pitti: :-)\n<pitti> morphis_: we don't have the xenial version in VCS\n<morphis_> ah ok\n<morphis_> then nevermind :-)\n<pitti> morphis_: how far are we with dropping that hack?\n<morphis_> pitti: not much further, we're trying to hit deadlines for the final product right now\n<morphis_> but I wanted to check with mvo while being on the sprint in the hague what we can do about this\n<mup> Bug #1635258 opened: File system should 5% Ubuntu-image <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1635258>\n<alevipri> Simooon for example krita (snap) works with the correct icon\n<Simooon> alevipri, just installed the telegram app myself, and the icon shows up in the launcher, however the systray (or whatever that thing in the upper right conor is called) does not show the correct icon, but an error message icon instead. Perhaps there are just some general issues with icons still?\n<Simooon> alevipri, anyway I will reboot my system to see if that changes this minor issue\n<alevipri> Simooon the telegram-sergiuseng missing icon on the systray is a old bug\n<alevipri> s*\n<Simooon> alevipri, okay, will not reboot then :-P\n<alevipri> Simooon the point is, why before to remove LO 5.1 (deb) the icons os LO 5.2 (snap) were available?\n<alevipri> I suspect something is missing from the LO snap package\n<mup> PR snapd#2191 closed: boot: do not set boot to try mode if the revision is unchanged <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2191>\n<Simooon> alevipri, and it launched 5.2 before you removed 5.1?\n<Paz_> Hi. This is my first outing with Snappy and I'm trying to include a couple of libraries (.so files) to my snap package using the dump plugin, but having no joy.\n<qengho> Paz_: Where did the library files come from?\n<Paz_> Currently, they are pre-built. The final aim is to build them via snappy\n<qengho> Paz_: This is my long way of asking, why use the \"dump\" plugin? Are you sure that's what you need?\n<qengho> Hmm.\n<Paz_> No I'm not sure. Was using 'copy' plugin, but this is deprecated\n<qengho> Paz_: Okay, let's start at the beginning. What is the error message?\n<Paz_> During the Priming of the library I get the following message...\n<Paz_> No such file or directory: '/home/celldev/Development/snap-telegram-app/stage/moc_sessionmanager.cpp\n<john-mcaleely> awe_, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a8eydCb_55M6FQdrdZDXZ1Figkh6rLrERMbWO2v2KzI/edit\n<alevipri> Simooon there were 2 .desktop launchers per app, i.e. 1 for calc-deb and 1 for calc-snap\n<qengho> Paz_: Pastebin the entire output, starting after \"snap clean\".\n<mup> Bug #1635264 opened: ufw rules created even though there is no ufw on the system <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1635264>\n<Paz_> ok, give me a sec...\n<alevipri> Simooon both worked launching both LO versions and both showed LO icons correctly\n<alevipri> Simooon re-installed libreoffice-gtk with its dependencies\n<alevipri> now icons are shown again\n<alevipri> Simooon my conclusion is that something is missing from the LO snap package\n<Chipaca> pitti, are you around?\n<pitti> Chipaca: yes\n<Paz_> qengho: http://pastebin.com/Cpj3xpeq\n<Chipaca> pitti, hiya. Do you know anything about https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/InitrdInterface/ (and in particular about requirements around the shutdown executable)\n<Chipaca> pitti, i mean, do we disable it or anything?\n<Paz_> qengho: This is my YAML file http://pastebin.com/T3ukAnyD\n<pitti> Chipaca: we don't use systemd in the initrd; you can by using dracut instead of initramfs-tools, but I don't have much experience with it\n<Chipaca> pitti, this isn't to use systemd in the initrd; it's a way for systemd to hand control back to initrd on shutdown\n<qengho> Paz_: Does this print two entries?  $ ls -ld snapcraft.yaml telegram/app/deps/libqtelegram-ae/build_desktop\n<ogra_> Chipaca, hmm, i think we throw away the initrd after boot\n<ogra_> so if you expect to do anything with the initrd itself that will likely not work\n<Chipaca> ogra_, one problem at a time :-D\n<ogra_> heh, k\n<pitti> Chipaca: I don't think it actually uses that in Ubuntu; AFAIK pid 1 just exec()s systemd-shutdown (to make sure that all open  fds to the root fd are closed), which then unmounts everything (or rather, remounts r/o)\n<ogra_> and then falls over :P\n<ogra_> pitti, the prob we have here is that we have a mount inception ... the readonly bit of the fs sits inside the rw bit ... both are mounted on shutdown so the writable bit can not be unmounted because the ro bit inside keeps the fd open\n<Paz_> qengho: Yes it does, one for the .yaml file and the other is the directory\n<qengho> Cool.\n<qengho> Paz_: Comment-out your line31, \"stage: [...]\"\n<Paz_> qengho: OK, then run clean and snapcraft again?\n<qengho> Yes please.\n<qengho> Paz_: I don't understand that \"stage: \" list any more. I can't explain what it's supposed to be doing there.\n<Paz_> qengho: I was playing around, so understand if some stuff is nonsensical. Basically, I have 2 pre-built .so files which are needed to build the 'telegram' part. How do I make this visible to that part?\n<Paz_> qengho: I was manually moving these .so files into /lib before to make them visible, but now need this to be done via the YAML file\n<mup> PR snapd#2195 opened:  interfaces/builtin: add dcdbas-control interface <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2195>\n<rharper> ogra_: right; I'm not yet building an image; I'm building a new core snap pointed to my PPA so I can get an updated cloud-init into the core snap;  last week the core snap build ended up with my cloud-init in the .manifest;  the last two days the build no longer has it; trying to understand why.\n<ogra_> can you show me your ppa ?\n<rharper> yeah\n<rharper> https://code.launchpad.net/~raharper/+snap/core\n<rharper> those are the snaps; the PPA I point to is here: https://launchpad.net/~raharper/+archive/ubuntu/snapbuilds/+packages\n<Chipaca> pitti, ogra_, so the good news is, it works\n<ogra_> and the bad news ?\n<Chipaca> pitti, ogra_, /run needs to lose the noexec flag, and now i need to figure out if i can write shutdown as a shell script or not :-D\n<Chipaca> ogra_, I'll write it in python just to keep you happy\n * pitti watches ogra explode in anger\n<ogra_> Chipaca, it doesnt need to \"lose the noexec\" completely though, have a shutdown unit that remounts it \"exec\" right before shutdown\n<Chipaca> true dat\n<Chipaca> ogra_, BTW we have /lib/modules and /lib/firmware mounted twice\n<ogra_> which shutdown did you use ? busybox ?\n<ogra_> yeah, thats a bug i guess\n<Chipaca> ogra_, mksh-static\n<ogra_> ah\n<hurricanehrndz> anyone here use the libreoffice snap?\n<Chipaca> ogra_, because the binary needs to be called \"shutdown\"; imagine what happens if I put busybox there\n<Chipaca> ogra_, (spoiler: nothing; the busybox i tried didn't have that applet)\n<ogra_> well, if you put busybox there and create a link called shutdown, it should DTRT\n<ogra_> ah\n<ogra_> right, i was assuming we have the applet enabled\n<Paz_> qengho: Here is the latest snapcraft output with the 'stage' key commented out. http://pastebin.com/4MaLq7qK\n<Chipaca> ogra_, busybox will try to run as the applet even when symlinked\n<ogra_> hurricanehrndz, perhaps you get better results asking in #ubuntu-desktop (where the libreoffice maintainer tends to hang around)\n<ogra_> Chipaca, indeed ... i was assuming the applet is enabled\n<Paz_> qengho: As you can see, it is unable to find the 2 libs, qtelegram-ae and telegramqml\n<Paz_> qengho: I can see the .so files in my parts/.../src directory, however\n<hurricanehrndz> anyhow, has anyone else noticed spell checking does not work in libreoffice snap\n<rharper> ogra_: the build on 10-13 has cloud-init from my PPA in the .manifest, but 10-14 and newer don't;\n<rharper> comparing the build logs, when it's not included, there is an explicit purge of cloud-init* locales* ubuntu-core*;  I we see a 'Removing cloud-init; Purging configuration, and finally Del cloud-init'\n<ogra_> rharper, hmm, your livecd-rootfs is the wrong one\n<rharper> in the working case; there's only the 'Del cloud-init' line; but the files remain present in the core snap (and cloud-init is listed in the manifest)\n<ogra_> rharper, just throw it out\n<rharper> ogra_: I have an older version in my PPA but the logs show I'm picking up the one from the snappy-dev PPA\n<rharper> ogra_: which version of livecd-roofs should I be using?\n<rharper> Get:2 http://ppa.launchpad.net/snappy-dev/image/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 livecd-rootfs amd64 2.420+ppa46\n<rharper> is that not the right one ?\n<ogra_> yeah\n<ogra_> do you also see it getting the ubuntu-core meta package from our PPA ?\n<rharper> let's see\n<rharper> Get:65 http://ppa.launchpad.net/snappy-dev/image/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 ubuntu-core amd64 1.7.2 [2274 B]\n<ogra_> that looks good\n<ogra_> that has a hard dependency on cloud-init\n<rharper> huh\n<rharper> and indeed it pulls it in; I see it get installed\n<rharper> it's the purge part that's new\n<ogra_> well, grab the livecd-rootfs package and take a look at the changelog ... but we ship cloud-init by default in the normal core image ... so i wouldnt see why in your builds it gets removed\n<Simooon> alevipri, You are probably right.\n<ogra_> rharper, do you add/change any dependencies vs the archive cloud-init in your package ?\n<ogra_> that removal looks like you have a dependency on something added\n<ogra_> (and your package gets removed along with this)\n<rharper> ogra_: interesting\n<rharper> we've been updating it to be more explicit about dependencies (for example the ssh-import-id package)\n<rharper> I wonder which dep triggered it ?\n<rharper> the removal ?\n<ogra_> note that new dependencies require really thoourough discussion ... we are at the edge of our size restrictions of the image (actually there is quite a bugnch that will soon be dropped)\n<ogra_> ssh-import-id ids definitely nothing we want in the image\n<rharper> oh, right\n<ogra_> like lsb-release (which recently got in by accident but will soon be removed again)\n<ogra_> i just didnt get to do another cleanup yet\n<rharper> ogra_: this was quite helpful;  thank you for pointing me in the right direction\n<rharper> ogra_: is there a list of packages in the livecd-rootfs build that it explicitly purges?\n<ogra_> well, we make sure that we initially dont seed that stuff usually ... livecd-rootfs calls apt autoremove at some point ... the packages we explicitly remove are only apt, dpkg and locales\n<ogra_> there are scripts for these three in livecd-rootfs in the live-build/hooks/ubuntu-core dir\n<rharper> ogra_: great; I'll look at that\n<rharper> thanks again\n<ogra_> np\n<hurricanehrndz> anyhow, has anyone else noticed spell checking does not work in libreoffice snap\n<hurricanehrndz> Opps sorry for the spam\n<morphis_> pitti: you already finished the work?\n<pitti> morphis_: yes; I built a xenial package, lcoal autopkgtests just succeeded, so I'll upload to the SRU queue and update the bug\n<pitti> morphis_: I included your path change\n<morphis_> pitti: awesome, does it include the mkwifi driver bind fix as well? if yes I can ask mvo to push that package directly to our ppa\n<pitti>    * Blacklist mwifiex_pcie from rebinds (work around LP: #1630285)\n<mup> Bug #1630285: mwifiex_pcie crashes after several bind/unbind <kernel-da-key> <originate-from-1623583> <plano> <HWE Next:New> <linux (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1630285>\n<pitti> morphis_: I suppose you meak that one\n<pitti> morphis_: yes, that landed upstream too (in 0.13/zesty), so it's included in the  backport\n<pitti> morphis_: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=nplan\n<mup> PR snapd#2161 closed: interfaces/builtin: add dcdbas-control interface <Critical> <Created by tonyespy> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2161>\n<mup> PR snapd#2195 closed:  interfaces/builtin: add dcdbas-control interface <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2195>\n<pitti> morphis_: I think the \"edge\" (or whatever) snappy images are built including -proposed, so if that gets reviewed/accepted soon, you might not even need a PPA upload\n<pitti> apw: ^ if you have a minute, maybe you can review the nplan xenial SRU\n<apw> pitti, sure\n<morphis_> pitti: I've justed checked with niemeyer and mvo and we decided to leave it out of RC\n<morphis_> pitti: so no hurry\n<pitti> morphis_: apw just accepted it, anyway\n<morphis_> pitti: so it will be in xenial-updates in a bit?\n<pitti> morphis_: in a week (assuming it gets verified in time, so please report back to the bug); but as I said, I believe snappy images are built with -proposed, so the next image should pick it up\n<morphis_> aye\n<slangasek> morphis_: leave it out of RC> but is this a requirement for GA?\n<morphis_> slangasek: yes\n<slangasek> ok\n<morphis_> otherwise static IP configuration does not make sense inside console-conf\n<morphis_> as you can never reach the SSO service\n<mup> PR snapd#2196 opened: debian: run our udev rule before the snap udev rules <Critical> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2196>\n<mup> Bug #1635335 opened: main.go warning to stderr about syslog <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1635335>\n<mup> PR snapd#2196 closed: debian: run our udev rule before the snap udev rules <Critical> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2196>\n<mup> PR snapd#2197 opened: debian: ensure missing dirs for auto-import and partial <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2197>\n<mup> PR snapd#2198 opened: tests: only check pc model for the ubuntu-core-16-64 system <Created by fgimenez> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2198>\n<mup> PR snapd#2197 closed: debian: ensure missing dirs for auto-import and partial <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2197>\n<mwhudson> ok so we\n<mwhudson> ok so we're not panicing to get the console-conf changes in right now now now?\n<mup> PR snapd#2199 opened: osutil: add chattr funcs <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2199>\n<mwhudson> pitti: hm\n<mwhudson> i got a netplan failure in testing with\n<mwhudson> 2016-10-20 19:36:29,021 subiquitycore.utils:130 run_command returning: {'status': 1, 'err': \"Error in network definition //etc/netplan/00-snapd-config.yaml line 7 column 17: address '' is missing /prefixlength\\n\", 'output': ''}\n<mwhudson> surely you don't have to write the nameserver address as\n<mwhudson> i wonder what went wrong\n<slangasek> mwhudson: maybe cyphermox is currently fixing this?  there was a mismatch between console-conf and nplan about which level the dns server should be declared at\n<mwhudson> ah ok\n<cyphermox> err, what?\n<cyphermox> oh\n<mwhudson> oh yes\n<pitti> mwhudson: maybe you missed an identation?\n<mwhudson> yeah\n<cyphermox> mwhudson: that's because the nameservers are written in the wrong section\n<pitti> mwhudson: the per-interface addresses: needs prefix lenghts; the nameservers: addresses doesn't\n<mwhudson> yes i see it now\n<cyphermox> mwhudson: fixed in already in my local brandh\n<pitti> ok,\n<mwhudson> cyphermox: +1\n * mwhudson goes back to grinding email\n<cyphermox> mwhudson: I'll be pushing this in a minute, and preparing to build it in our PPA, along with a new image -- let me know if you have other fixes to land along with it\n<mwhudson> cyphermox: oh one thing\n<mwhudson> cyphermox: remove_ipv4_networks needs to clear gateway4 on Networkdev\n<cyphermox> ok\n<mwhudson> cyphermox: and, uh something needs to clear out the nameservers config when you enable dhcp too i guess\n<mwhudson> nameservers/searchdomains\n<cyphermox> mwhudson: here, pushed; please feel free to add your fixes now while I update the setup to use our PPA\n<mwhudson> cyphermox: pushing my fixes\n<mwhudson> cyphermox: i haven't tested in a kvm yet, just dry run\n<cyphermox> ok\n<mwhudson> oh yeah, when i make an image locally i have to wait for cloud-init to time out\n<mwhudson> which is very confusing\n<mwhudson> cyphermox: tested in kvm now, seems to work \\o/\n<cyphermox> ok, pushed your changes?\n<cyphermox> I see you did\n<cyphermox> ok, spinning a new release for the PPA\n<mwhudson> cyphermox: yay\n<rharper> mwhudson: you should be able to provide a seed so it won;t timeout looking for one (or disable cloud-init via cmdline or file in the image)\n<mwhudson> rharper: ok\n<mwhudson> i guess we do actually want it to run by default for the cloudy cases\n<mup> Bug #1635413 opened: newgrp doesn't work on classic <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1635413>\n<rharper> mwhudson: yeah; currently one has to create a new gadget which includes a 'cloud.conf' file in the gadget to prevent cloud-init from being disabled by default; so your \"hang\" seems strange to me\n<rharper> assuming your testing UC 16 recent images (from ~ogra 's people page)\n<mwhudson> rharper: i am making images myself\n<rharper> via ubuntu-build ?\n<mwhudson> ubuntu-image\n<rharper> err, yeah\n<rharper> snap prepare image should be disabling it\n<rharper> unless your gadget has cloud.conf in it\n<mwhudson> snap versoin 2.16ubuntu3\n<rharper> which the pc gadget doesn't\n<mwhudson> i'm just using the standard 'pc' gadget\n<rharper> very strange\n<rharper> from edge? or stable\n<hurricanehrndz> ogra_: Thanks for the heads up\n<mwhudson> rharper: edge\n<mwhudson> rharper: i'm using my own model assertoin but i don't see how that matters\n<rharper> mwhudson: very strange\n<rharper> you can inspect your image  (sudo kpartx -va <image>;  sudo mount /dev/mapper/loopNp3 /mnt;  find /mnt ) ; you should see /mnt/system-data/etc/cloud/cloud-init.disabled\n<rharper> which prevents cloud-init from running altogether;  if you see /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg; then the pc gadget you're using must have a 'cloud.conf' file in it\n<rharper> that's my experience building images with my own models for testing system-user assertions with newer cloud-init to inject those via user-data testing\n<mwhudson> mount: mount /dev/mapper/loop16p3 on /mnt failed: Structure needs cleaning\n<mwhudson> what\n<mwhudson> rharper: i don't really have anything in /mnt/system-data/ ?\n<mwhudson> rharper: or do you mean after i've booted the image?\n<mwhudson> i wonder if i should try ubuntu-image from the archive rather than snap\n<rharper> mwhudson: I'm using ubuntu-image from the beta channel\n<mwhudson> ubuntu-image          0.5+mvo8  15   canonical   devmode\n<rharper> it writes out .img file, which has 3 partitions , the 3 is the system-data/writable one; that includes the kernel, and core snaps\n<rharper> that's old\n<mwhudson> $ snap refresh --channel beta ubuntu-image\n<mwhudson> error: cannot refresh \"ubuntu-image\": snap \"ubuntu-image\" has no updates available\n<mwhudson> oh --devmode\n<rharper> ubuntu-image  0.5+mvo13  20   canonical  devmode\n<mwhudson> yeah ok\n<mwhudson> getting 22 from edge now\n<rharper> and I'm running snapd from xenial-proposed\n<rharper> 2.16, something, but I think you're there too\n<rharper> the new ubuntu-image + snapd prepare-image should get you going with a nocloud-net seed by default (and it's disabled by default)\n<mwhudson> rharper: looks happier indeed\n<rharper> cool\n#snappy 2016-10-21\n<hamptus> Hi everyone. I'm building an application using Kivy (https://kivy.org/) and it works on my laptop outside of a snap, but once I build it within a snap everything works except for the text input. Specifically, when I type into the application, it sees the keyboard events, but nothing shows up in the TextInput widget.\n<hamptus> I asked on the Kivy channel, but no one could help.\n<hamptus> This is the code for my snap: https://github.com/hamptus/kivy-snap\n<hamptus> If you run it, you can see that the key presses do print out to the console, but don't appear on my application. Can anyone think of a reason why?\n<mup> PR snapd#2200 opened: provide a human readable error message when download fails due to non purchase <Created by pete-woods> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2200>\n<ogra_> sil2100, https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/snappy-docs/blob/master/core/images.md\n<sil2100> ogra_: thanks!\n<sil2100> This is what I needed\n<ogra_> fgimenez, https://people.canonical.com/~ogra/snappy/all-snaps/daily/current/ has new pi images with the new kernel the kernel team built tonight ...\n<ogra_> davmor2, ^^\n<ogra_> (i'll test them myself the next session, but any extra data point helps)\n<davmor2> ogra_: thanks I'll let rvr know\n<Paz_> Hi. Does anyone know how to pull down a particular version of a source pointing to git. I have the commit hash\n<Paz_> I should add, I want to do this in my YAML file\n<mup> Bug #1635582 opened: inhibit snap refresh while console-conf is running <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1635582>\n<mup> Bug #1635584 opened: \"snap interfaces\" output hides some magical, essential package name <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1635584>\n<kyrofa> Paz_, for git, snapcraft supports source-branch and source-tag\n<kyrofa> Paz_, I don't think specific commit hashes are supported\n<Paz_> kyrofa: Thanks.\n<fasda> Can Snappy Ubuntu be installed on VirtualBox? I am running Windows host\n<Paz_> Anyone know how to include libraries (.so files) that I have staged into the build process for building my final part? They don't seem visible\n<mup> PR snapd#2201 opened: spread.yaml: Ensure ubuntu user has passwordless sudo for autopkgtests <Created by plars> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2201>\n<mup> PR snapd#2202 opened: image: work for a user <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2202>\n<Son_Goku> zyga: ping\n#snappy 2016-10-22\n<mup> PR snapcraft#865 closed: Add `init-plugin`  <Created by jaymell> <Closed by jaymell> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/865>\n<hamptus> Hi. I'm building a Python desktop application that listens for SDL2 events. On my dev machine (Ubuntu 16.04) the SDL_TextInputEvent is fired (Along with the SDL_KEYDOWN event). But, when I build the app to use as a snap, the SDL_TextInputEvent is not fired (the other events are). Any ideas?\n<mup> Bug #1577472 changed: The remapped $HOME directory shows as read-only to applications running in a snap <snapd-interface> <Snappy:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1577472>\n<manuki> Hello, I have a question that might look stupid but I couln't find the answer. How to I mount automatically a hard drive after startup ?\n<manuki> snappy is installed on an SDD nvme0n1 p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, and I would like to mount automatically /dev/sda1 to /writable/HDD\n<manuki> I can't touch /etc/fstab as there is a warning in the file: \"# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND, YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN\"\n<manuki> writable-path(5) doesn't help either as (source: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/wily/man5/writable-paths.5.html) the mount point must be a \"A  pre-existing  directory on the read-only root partition\"\n<lightuniverse> hi\n<lightuniverse> is anyone online?\n#snappy 2016-10-23\n<nhandler> I've been having an interesting time playing around with snapcraft. Managed to get Packer snapped up (https://uappexplorer.com/app/packer.nhandler). I have another snap just about ready to publish as well. I'm hoping to have some time tomorrow to write up a blog post about this experience.\n<mup> Bug #1635925 opened: Snappy Error - QOwnNotes Error with NTFS <ntfs> <qownnotes> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1635925>\n<Simooon> How do you guys evaluate whether a snap package is trust worthy? For now I've been looking them up on uappexplorer.com and checking out the domain that issued their email, to get some sense of theor motivation, but that seems like a flawed mothod.\n<Elleo> has anyone hit this when creating opengl based snaps? \"MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information\" followed by attempts and failures to load the wrong driver (i915_bpo_dri.so which doesn't exist), runs fine in devmode and other opengl snaps are fine\n<ahoneybun> well then: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23369719/\n<ahoneybun> rocketchat-server snap does this\n<Elleo> ahoneybun: are you using a non-ubuntu kernel?\n<mup> PR snapcraft#871 opened: Remove XXX comment from stage-packages <Created by nhandler> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/871>\n<ahoneybun> Elleo: I think Linode compile their own\n<ahoneybun> since my 16.04 server is on 4.7\n<ahoneybun> they might have based it on a upstream one without the Ubuntu stuff in it\n<Elleo> ahoneybun: yeah, that'd be my guess; apparmor currently still requires some custom patches (I think someone's working hard on getting them into the mainline kernel at the moment though)\n<Elleo> ahoneybun: it looks like you could rebuild snap-confine with \"--disable-apparmor\" to make it work on such a system (albeit without any app confinement)\n<Elleo> ahoneybun: might also be able to install with --devmode without recompiling anything, not sure if that does enough to skip the whole apparmor processing or not\n<Elleo> ahoneybun: (again that'd result in no confinement)\n<mup> Bug #1636023 opened: Name registration fails with no helpful message <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1636023>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#872 opened: Add some further bash-completion <Created by cwayne18> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/872>\n<not_MartinWimpre> hello, quick questions for anyone: is snapd working on Mint? is there a way to only get the \"release\" versions snaps like vlc versus the bleeding-edge git \"daily\" version?\n#snappy 2017-10-16\n<Son_Goku> sabdfl: so you're on this side of the pond now?\n<zyga-ubuntu> good morning\n * zyga-ubuntu does PR pass\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: o/\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: hey\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I'm willing to do a deep dive on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4030\n<mup> PR #4030: many: add internal squashfuse copy as \"snapfuse\" <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4030>\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: unless you are already doing that\n<Son_Goku> zyga-ubuntu\n<Son_Goku> that seems like a super-bad idea\n<zyga-ubuntu> Son_Goku: hey\n<zyga-ubuntu> Son_Goku: I know\n<zyga-ubuntu> Son_Goku: but if it's sufficient let's do it the best we can:\n<zyga-ubuntu> Son_Goku: I'd discard the generated files, discard uneeded code, integrate it into our build system, ete\n<zyga-ubuntu> Son_Goku: I haven't looked yet, maybe it is huge, maybe it will end up being a handful of files that we can just maintian\n<zyga-ubuntu> *maintain\n<zyga-ubuntu> Son_Goku: and good morning :)\n<zyga-ubuntu> Son_Goku: you're up early, it's barely sunrise here\n<Son_Goku> I'm about to pass out\n<zyga-ubuntu> my son is in a new school today\n<zyga-ubuntu> so I'm working from a coffee shop nearby\n<Son_Goku> zyga-ubuntu: I think it's a really bad idea to do this at all\n<zyga-ubuntu> Son_Goku: sure but what is the alternative?\n<zyga-ubuntu> Son_Goku: if we have to do it, we have to do it\n<zyga-ubuntu> Son_Goku: we canont just change apt defaults overnight (even though I agree they are bad)\n<zyga-ubuntu> Son_Goku: those should have been changed years ago\n<zyga-ubuntu> Son_Goku: but I think that now it is too late for that\n<Son_Goku> well, if people are updating graphically or using `apt upgrade`, they'd get it\n<Son_Goku> just fix apt-get upgrade's behavior\n<zyga-ubuntu> Son_Goku: yes but there is always a set that doesn't\n<zyga-ubuntu> Son_Goku: I think we've seen that already with snapd before (and we reverted a change that triggered that)\n<zyga-ubuntu> Son_Goku: it will also be a (I suspect) endless discussion in debian\n<zyga-ubuntu> Son_Goku: I think it's risky business to go and change that for snapd's sake\n<zyga-ubuntu> Son_Goku: (I'd still change it but on separate schedules)\n<zyga-ubuntu> Son_Goku: and once snapd can reliably depend on things, let's yank this\n<Son_Goku> then don't integrate it into the source tree\n<Son_Goku> just carry it as a separate tarball bundle\n<zyga-ubuntu> mmm\n<Son_Goku> that way it's harder to be lazy about it\n<zyga-ubuntu> that's interesting, perhaps that's a better idea indeed\n<zyga-ubuntu> Son_Goku: i'd require some tweaks to CI but yes, it's nicer this way\n<Son_Goku> zyga-ubuntu: I wish you'd do this with a vendor overlay tarball too\n<Son_Goku> basically, a tarball that only contains snapd-<version>/vendor/\n<zyga-ubuntu> Son_Goku: yes, I think that's a natural place to do this for releases\n<zyga-ubuntu> Son_Goku: I'll talk to mvo\n<Son_Goku> this would allow me to ship the snapd-<version>.tar.gz (or in debian parlance, snapd-<version>.orig.tar.gz) and snapd-<version>.vendor.tar.gz in distgit as sources while not using the vendor tarball on Fedora\n<Son_Goku> which would open the door to adding an EPEL build\n<Son_Goku> (aka CentOS)\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: a vendor tarball? we can do this easily\n<Son_Goku> I asked for this a year ago too, btw\n<mvo> :(\n<mvo> sorry\n<mvo> must have forgoten\n<Son_Goku> the experimental CentOS builds are super-brittle :(\n<Son_Goku> zyga-ubuntu: incidentally, for your amusement, with literally no expectation of anything working: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/ngompa/snapcore-el7/\n<mvo> Son_Goku: so snapd_2.28.5.{pristine,vendor}.tar.xz? a\n<Son_Goku> mvo: yep\n<Son_Goku> sounds fine with me :D\n<mvo> ok\n * mvo will update his release script\n<Son_Goku> mvo: basically, I need the base tarball to be closest to what git repo looks like, otherwise patches don't apply\n<Son_Goku> mvo: though you don't have to do weird underscores and whatnot :)\n<Son_Goku> unlike debian, I don't have such restrictions :)\n<mvo> Son_Goku: heh, ok\n<zyga-ubuntu> o/\n<Son_Goku> it can just be snapd-2.28.5.tar.xz and snapd-2.28.5.vendor.tar.xz\n<mvo> Son_Goku: ok, I may need to keep the current convention for people using our GH release page, so it might be snapd.vendor-only.tar.xz or I will just annouce the new format and assume that not a lot of people need to adjust their scripts\n<Son_Goku> sure\n<Son_Goku> that's fine\n<Son_Goku> I don't particularly care if you only just upload a vendor-only tarball\n<Son_Goku> as I can just get the regular one from the GitHub link as I do now\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I think it's just a handful of people, we'll be fine\n<Son_Goku> I just need the vendor code in a separate tarball that I can extract\n<mup> PR snapd#4047 opened: snap-confine: init all arrays with `= {0,}` <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4047>\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: .5 looks good so far\n * zyga-ubuntu tweaks details on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4008\n<mup> PR #4008: cmd/snap-update-ns: create missing mount points automatically <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4008>\n<Son_Goku> zyga-ubuntu: test and give karma for Fedora snapd updates\n<Son_Goku> they're on 2.28.5 now\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: could you or pawel try to reproduce the error on the pi3 that sergio got? I'm still nervous about it. otoh I have no report other than from sergio about it and would love to get that confirmed\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I cannot do that today, sorry, I won't be home until after 18\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: it seems the error cachio got was repeated on >1 SD card he had\n<zyga-ubuntu> maybe it's just bad luck but it does seem to indicate more than random issue\n<zyga-ubuntu> Son_Goku: only after I'm home, sorry :/\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: though my pi3 is still up\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I could try to test something remotely\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: hey\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: is your pi3 operational?\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: my pi3-1 is operational, though I cannot reflash it remotely\n<pstolowski> zyga-ubuntu, morning! yes, it is\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: I think mvo needs a little bit of help and I'm not at my office today\n<zyga-ubuntu> 09:12 < mvo> zyga-ubuntu: could you or pawel try to reproduce the error on the pi3 that sergio got? I'm still nervous about it. otoh I have no report other\n<zyga-ubuntu>              than from sergio about it and would love to get that confirmed\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: I can only run spread tests on pre-installed remotely\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: last week cachio ran into a bug where smoehing got corrupted in the boot process\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: it might be related to the SD card he was using (he tried two)\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: we need hands on testing to see if we can reproduce it\n<pstolowski> zyga-ubuntu, sure, happy to help. i need to reflash with latest edge image correct?\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: I think so, ideally build the image as cachio did\n * zyga-ubuntu looks \n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: look at this thread please: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snap-mode-try-on-raspberry-pi/2454\n<pstolowski> zyga-ubuntu, k\n<Guest92109> hello got stuck in network configuration can any one please help\n<zyga-ubuntu> Guest92109: hey, can you please ask a more precise question?\n<Guest92109> zyga-ubuntu: Sure\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: I commented on the thread with details of what I know\n<pstolowski> zyga-ubuntu, thanks\n<Guest92109> I got a machine with ubuntu core15.10\n<Guest92109> I need to configure eth0\n<Guest92109> I teied to edit /etc/network/interfaces file but it gives system is read-only message please help\n<zyga-ubuntu> Guest92109: 15.10 you say\n<zyga-ubuntu> hmmm\n<zyga-ubuntu> Guest92109: may I ask if you really want to use 15.10 or can you consider updating to ubuntu core 16?\n<pstolowski> zyga-ubuntu, what are the steps to build an image?\n<zyga-ubuntu> Guest92109: I don't think we support 15.10 anymore (apart from commercial contracts) as it was an early version and ubuntu core 16 has received immense fixes, features and improvements since\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: I think you need ubuntu-image and the pi3 model, one sec\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: $ sudo ubuntu-image -c beta -O pi3-beta.img pi3.model\n<Guest92109> <zyga-ubuntu> - I am using dell edge gateway 5000 series which comes with preinstalled snappy core 15.10 and need to configure same\n<zyga-ubuntu> Guest92109: it used to ship with 15.10 with the desire to update to 16-series, new releases are only using 16; in any case let me try to find someone who can help you\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: you need the pi3.model assertion\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: cachio sent a link somewhere to a repo with test scripts but I cannot find it\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: do you happen to remember how to fetch the pi3 model file\n<zyga-ubuntu> Guest92109: I've asked around but I don't know how soon I'll get an answer\n<zyga-ubuntu> Guest92109: may I suggest that you go to forum.snapcraft.io and ask your question there\n<Guest92109> zyga-ubuntu: thanks in advance would be a great help i am not getting any help onlien\n<zyga-ubuntu> Guest92109: please double check that you cannot upgrade your device to 16 series, then we can all help you easily\n<zyga-ubuntu> Guest92109: I think 15.10 is not supported anymore (apart from contractual obligations) and everyone is strongly encouraged to go to 16\n<Guest92109> zyga-ubuntu: Sure thanks but can u just answer is the read-only file system also persist in 16 series\n<Guest92109> While configuring /etc/network/interfaces file\n<zyga-ubuntu> Guest92109: yes although network configuration in 16 series is different and much much easier\n<zyga-ubuntu> Guest92109: apart from a menu-driven wizard we also use declarative YAML based nplan (netplan) configuration\n<zyga-ubuntu> Guest92109: while the system as a whole is read only the set of writable files is different\n<zyga-ubuntu> Guest92109: (between 16-series and 15.10)\n<zyga-ubuntu> kissiel: ^\n<zyga-ubuntu> kissiel: I think you are experienced with the dell gateways more than I am\n<Guest92109> zyga-ubuntu: Thanks can i get the steps of 16 series, i will get the idea regarding the configuration\n<zyga-ubuntu> Guest92109: it's a simple process you follow using the on-screen menu (also availale via serial port)\n<zyga-ubuntu> Guest92109: you can run \"console-conf\" after initial setup if you wish to change the configuration\n<kissiel> Guest92109: I'd poke around network-manager snap\n<zyga-ubuntu> kissiel: note, Guest92109 is using 15.10, I'm not sure we still ship that snap for 15.10\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu, pstolowski sorry, was distracted, do you still need the pi3 model assertion ? i\n<mvo> pstolowski: \"snap known --remote model series=16 brand-id=canonical model=pi3\"\n<kissiel> zyga-ubuntu: ah, right. maybe joc will know more, I'll ping him when he gets online\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: thank you, I had a copy but I forgot how I got it\n<zyga-ubuntu> Guest92109: joc is in the UK timezone, he should be around soon\n<Guest92109> zyga-ubuntu: Thanks a lot for ur support one last thing how would i know if he comes online\n<pstolowski> mvo, zyga-ubuntu thanks! so, I'm going to rebuild the pi3 image, flash it, configure pi3, then add the assertion on it, then run ubuntu-core-upgrade spread test on it in a loop; did i miss anything?\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: the assertion is needed to build the image\n<pstolowski> ah!\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: you need to set up the pi for external backend\n<pstolowski> ok\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: this is described in tests/external-backend.md\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: have a look, you just flash & first-boot as usual\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: then run a few scripts\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: (from the tree)\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: and then you are ready for testing\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: ask if you need help, I did this on Friday\n<pstolowski> zyga-ubuntu, oh yeah, i know that, just unclear on building the image + assertion part\n<mvo> pstolowski: yes, what zyga-ubuntu said and good luck\n<__chip__> morning peeps\n<zyga-ubuntu> __chip__: hello, good morning\n<__chip__> i'm on the road today -- doing admin stuff wrt the boys' schooling\n<__chip__> got my tablet with me (thus the nick)\n<zyga-ubuntu> __chip__: I'm on the road too, and my son changed school (well, maybe, trial week)\n<zyga-ubuntu> __chip__: fingers crossed for both of us :\n<zyga-ubuntu> :)\n<__chip__> zyga-ubuntu: hah. this is about changing schools also (looking into a different school)\n<__chip__> so, yeah, good luck to us\n<pstolowski> mvo, zyga-ubuntu ok, all clear, i see where the assertion is needed now, thanks\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: if you want I can keep running that test on my pi3 but I think it depends on SD card model\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: and some models corrput something\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: otherwise why would it never fail vs always fail?\n<pstolowski> ok, got the image built, falshing\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: did you build the image yourself when you did the test? or download a pre-made one? maybe its a specific combination of the ubuntu-image cmdline/kernel/gadget or something\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: no, I ran the pre-made one\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: ah, indeed\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: could be!\n<__chip__> pedronis: are you working today?\n<zyga-ubuntu> morphis: Guest92109 here has a dell gateway with ubuntu 15.10 and need help, can you please try to render assistance?\n * zyga-ubuntu is on the move again, I'll be online in ~~ hour\n<zyga-ubuntu> ttyl\n<mup> Bug #1723881 opened: [Feature Request] Support pre-invoke and post-invoke commands as DPkg::Pre-Invoke and DPkg::Post-Invoke in APT <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1723881>\n<joc> Guest92109: hi, i see you had some questions about the 5000 series gateways\n<pstolowski> mvo, it failed for me, but with slightly different output http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25751741/\n<pstolowski> Error: \"snap_mode\" not defined ?\n<pstolowski> mvo, it seems that re-running the test again after the above failure gives another unexpected failure, i assume the box is now in a bad shape and needs re-flashing before attempting tests again?\n<mvo> pstolowski: looking\n<mvo> pstolowski: could you please paste the other failure too?\n<mvo> pstolowski: this is very different from what cachio got, it went much further\n<pstolowski> mvo, the other failure after I re-run the tests: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25751799/\n<mvo> pstolowski: and a different error, I would love to compare the revisions of core/gadget/kernel you have and the revision of ubuntu-image to see where things are different\n<pstolowski> mvo, external:ubuntu-core-16-arm-32 .../tests/main/ubuntu-core-upgrade# snap list\n<pstolowski> Name        Version        Rev   Developer  Notes\n<pstolowski> core        16-2.28.5      3214  canonical  core\n<pstolowski> pi2-kernel  43    canonical  kernel\n<pstolowski> pi3         16.04-0.5      6     canonical  gadget\n<mvo> pstolowski: maybe we can put it into sergios forum post? this way we can compare notes more easily\n<pstolowski> sure\n<mvo> pstolowski: the followup looks indeed just like a test issue with a strange state, might be enough to just \"rm curChg\" in the debug shell and run again\n<mvo> pstolowski: thank you, this looks promising, it does not fail in the omg-cant-explain-what-is-going on way at least (which is the case for sergios error, I can't make any sense of it)\n<pstolowski> mvo, I hope I didn't miss anything in the setup. will re-try from scratch in a while\n<mvo> pstolowski: if you could rm curChg and run again, that would be nice\n<mvo> pstolowski: miss something> well, if its really hard to reproduce it means its not wide-spread at least. i.e. we can't reproduce it with the pre-build images, we can't reproduce the same error with ubuntu-image, so it must be sometihng special\n<mvo> pstolowski: well, hopefully\n<kissiel> Guest92109: joc is online, you could consult him\n<jamespage> anyone else hitting https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/1723898 ?\n<mup> Bug #1723898: Unable to build snaps using python plugin - pypi.debian.net no longer accessible <Snapcraft:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1723898>\n<jamespage> for the life of me I can't actually figure out where snapcraft is configured to use that\n<mvo> hrm, hrm, interfaces-cups-control test is busted\n<mvo> (in debian-unstable)\n<zyga-ubuntu> re\n<zyga-ubuntu> (and right on time)\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: heh :) debian-unstable cups control test is busted, that rings a bell, iirc we had artful broken as well recently. anyways, I'm debugging\n<Guest92109> kissiel: Thanks\n<Guest92109> joc: Hello I have a dell edge geteway with ubuntu 15.10 snappy core\n<Guest92109> I am having difficulty in configuring the network using the traditional ubuntu method in the interfaces file\n<Guest92109> as the system is read-only\n<joc> Guest92109: if i could first make a recommendation: if you are just beginning a project then zyga & kissiel were correct in urging you to update to Series 16 Ubuntu Core, we have been working with Dell to transition customers for serveral months to Series 16\n<joc> Guest92109: in addition I believe Dell announced that your version of Ubuntu Core would go End Of Life on September 30th so you will not receive further security updates\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: ack\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: let me know if I can help in some way\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I'm updating my branches\n<joc> Guest92109: in the meantime the supported method for configuring the network is to use network-manager which should come preinstalled on your system\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: yeah, I keep you updated, waiting for a debug shell right now. a cheap way would be to simply disable the test\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: on debian\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: is there a thread?\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: otoh, it will probably come back to use for artful+1\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: not yet, I just noticed with my most recent PR that it fails\n * zyga-ubuntu was reading something while stuck in transit and is a bit freaked out about this: \n<zyga-ubuntu> ok\n<zyga-ubuntu> http://papers.mathyvanhoef.com/ccs2017.pdf\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: note, our spread image differs for linode and qemu\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: qemu uses, I believe, real sid, while linode is using stretch\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I wanted to fix this a while ago but I wans't sure how\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: yeah, I'm running against linode just to be sure\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: however there was a new upstream release of cups to unstable yesterday so most likely fallout from that\n<Guest92109> joc: thanks for your valuable information\n<Guest92109> Will contact them and do the same\n<Guest92109> Can i get a doc where complete step is mentioned how to open network manager and configure\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: aha\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: that paper I linked to looks like a massive security issue that affects everything using wifi, expect surge of updates everywhere :/\n<Guest92109> I am new to core and tried various commands using snappy but could not get the setting . Thanks in advance\n<zyga-ubuntu> morphis: I think you need to update hostapd\n<joc> Guest92109: configuration should be via the \"nmcli\" command\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: can you try the test a few more times?\n<Guest92109> joc: sure will check and let u know :)\n<joc> Guest92109: there should be plenty of documentation for that in mangpages and on the internet, I would have to check with our Dell liasons whether there is some official docs for customers\n<Guest92109> joc: Thanks a lot would be a great help\n<mup> PR snapd#4048 opened: tests: fix interfaces-cups-control test for cups-2.2.5 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4048>\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: +1 :)\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: ta\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: silly idea - could we simply govendor the squashfuse binary :) ?\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: it looks like govendor does not care if the git repo is go\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: mmm, dunno, how do you envision that? a go binary linking to something that is squashfuse itself or just a \"govendor sync\" repo that keeps all of squashfuse code but is unrelated to go\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: the later, just to have the git checkout and we do the building ourselfs\n<zyga-ubuntu> I like that much more than the PR\n * kalikiana coffee\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: its slightly crazy but maybe a nicer option than the massive embedding\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: yes, certainly nicer\n<zyga-ubuntu> *certainly\n<ogra_> mvo, urgh ... i think i found your reason for the upgrade test issues ...\n<ogra_> mvo, https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/dev/snaps/5596/configurations/\n<ogra_> candidate and beta use the stable gadget (ancient firmware and uboot)\n<ogra_> if you dont start from edge this wil most likely always fail with newer kernels\n<ogra_> pstolowski's last comment on the thread helped a great deal ...\n<ogra_> mvo, if you dont mind, i'll switch beta and candidate to the latest edge gadget\n<pstolowski> ogra_, oh, the versions?\n<ogra_> pstolowski, yeah, your pi3 is the stable one\n<ogra_> (pi3 snap)\n<mvo> ogra_: lets not change it just yet, lets see if cachio can refresh to edge gadget to make the issue go away\n<mvo> ogra_: but it sounds great\n<mvo> ogra_: I mean, great in the sense that it sounds like a plausible theory\n<mvo> ogra_: and also would explain all the oddness around the issue\n<ogra_> mvo, well, he'Äd have to build an edge image and then downgrade kerne/coe to the espective target channels he wants to test\n<ogra_> mvo, what doesnt go well with that theory is that it only started recently\n<mvo> ogra_: yeah, he says it started recently, hm, hm\n<ogra_> there must be another aspect to it since the gadget channel setup has never changed after the first stable one\n<ogra_> but it is defintely one of the issues\n<pstolowski> ogra_, hmm, ok all the rpi3 stuff is new to me, so please bear with me... I didn't miss any setup test, did I?\n<ogra_> pstolowski, well, if i wanted to test beta i'*d also just builld a beta image, the issue is on ou side, not on yours\n<ogra_> *our\n<pstolowski> ok\n<pstolowski> ogra_, interestingly, i re-flashed and testing again, it a 3rd run of the test and so far so good\n<pstolowski> *it's a 3rd\n<mvo> pstolowski: ha!\n<ogra_> and pi3 is still at rev 6 ?\n<mvo> pstolowski: so you and cachio need to compare notes what is different\n<pstolowski> ogra_, yes, rev 6 still\n<ogra_> ++ fw_printenv snap_mode\n<ogra_> ## Error: \"snap_mode\" not defined\n<mvo> ogra_: lets try to find what this other factor is, then we need to fix the gadget to match the beta kernel. but lets try to get to the bottom of this first\n<ogra_> thats the thing that made me curious ...\n<ogra_> the stable gadget has still all the old variablle names\n<ogra_> the test should fail exactly there ...\n<ogra_> (from http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25751741/)\n<zyga-ubuntu> github feature idea: mark a PR as \"unbreaks master\" and stop testing and landing all other PRs\n<zyga-ubuntu> could help us with cases like the one today\n<zyga-ubuntu> do we have any friends there?\n<mvo> ogra_: hm, things should be ok if snap_mode is not definied at all (unless I miss something). when it needs to get set, snapd will set it. in what line in http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25751741/ should it fail you mean?\n<ogra_> mvo, sure, the point is that snap__mode doesnt even exist ... which is true for the ancient gadget but not true for all newer ones\n<ogra_> mvo, in the old gadget only \"snappy_mode\" is set\n<zyga-ubuntu> the price of renaming\n<ogra_> mvo, indeed just the missing variable isnt an issue but an indicator that yoou run old and incompatible binary bllobs and uboot\n<zyga-ubuntu> is eternal backwards compatibilty support code\n<mvo> ogra_: aha, yes\n<zyga-ubuntu> (said with the voice of malcom mcdowell)\n<zyga-ubuntu> *malcolm*\n<pstolowski> mvo, ogra_ ah, no, it eventually failed again http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25752176\n<mup> PR snapd#4030 closed: many: add internal squashfuse copy as \"snapfuse\" <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4030>\n<zyga-ubuntu> Read error on /boot/uboot/uboot.env: Success\n<zyga-ubuntu> something is not setting errno\n<mvo> pstolowski: if you hexdump -C /boot/uboot/uboot.env - what happens?\n<ogra_> mvo, note that this can actuallly be a eal corruption issue due to the ancient uboot vfat version in stable (vs very new kernel in beta and candidate)\n<pstolowski> mvo, I exited the spread test shell, is it still useful if I do that after spread restored the stuff?\n<ogra_> pstolowski, just call fw_printenv alone\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: I think so\n<zyga-ubuntu> just ssh into it\n<mvo> pstolowski: I think so too\n<ogra_> the test proobably swallows output\n<mvo> ogra_: yeah, corruption of the vfat would make a lot of sense. what version of uboot do we have there and in edge? might be worthwhile to do a quick scan of the uboot git log to see if anything related to vfat is there\n<pstolowski> ogra_, mvo, zyga-ubuntu fw_printenv output: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25752195/\n<ogra_> mvo, some 2015 version iirc, we neve properlly documented it and it isnt built fom source\n<ogra_> that onlly changed in edge when we switched to actual uboot source builds\n<ogra_> pstolowski, well, that doesnt look corrupt at all\n<mvo> pstolowski: the first call looks very short\n<ogra_> mvo, seeing that i take back my vfat theory :P\n<pstolowski> mvo, yeah, ignore it, probably I made a mistake copying\n<ogra_> there must be some issue how the test uses fw_printenv instead\n<mvo> ogra_: well: \"+ fw_printenv\n<mvo> Read error on /boot/uboot/uboot.env: Success\" is the error from the test\n<mvo> pstolowski: anything in dmesg?\n<mvo> pstolowski: related to read error or so?\n<pstolowski> mvo, snappy_mode in there?\n<ogra_> mvo, yes ... but nmanualy it woks\n<ogra_> pstolowski, yeah, eftover\n<ogra_> *left\n<mvo> ogra_: yeah, still odd, how could the test use it incorrectly? also no errno set :/\n<ogra_> pstolowski, there should also be a snap_mode *if* you ae in any of try/trying ... it gets unset afterwards\n<mup> PR snapd#4048 closed: tests: fix interfaces-cups-control test for cups-2.2.5 <Critical> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4048>\n<ogra_> mvo, well, i dont know, but manually running it obviously works ... perhaps missing env ? or does the test unmont snappy-boot at some point ?\n<mvo> ogra_: I don't think it does\n<pstolowski> mvo, nothing stands out in dmesg.. except for [    6.989717] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p2): couldn't mount as ext3 due to feature incompatibilities\n<pstolowski> [    7.004959] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p2): couldn't mount as ext2 due to feature incompatibilities\n<mvo> pstolowski: what ogra said, snappy_mode= can be ignored\n<ogra_> pstolowski, thats /writable ;) and normal noise from the ext4 driver looping over fs capabilities\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: could it be (in any way) related to the fact that more recent ubuntu versions use incompatible feature set for ext4\n<ogra_> (i whish we could just quieten that)\n<zyga-ubuntu> csum_metadata\n<zyga-ubuntu> chsum_metadata*\n<ogra_> zyga-ubuntu, wrong path :P we talk about a vfat ;)\n<zyga-ubuntu> ogra_: p2 is vfat?\n<zyga-ubuntu> ogra_: I thought p1 is\n<ogra_> zyga-ubuntu, system-boot is\n<ogra_> everywhere\n<ogra_> mvo, the original test ooutput has \"mesg: ttyname failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device\" https://paste.ubuntu.com/25728858/\n<ogra_> mvo, i wonder if that could inflluence fw_printenv functionality somehow\n<mvo> ogra_: I think thats something from spread actually, but it might be, I am looking at fw_printenv from the uboot git now\n<ogra_> mvo, better look at the one fgrom the deb source\n<ogra_> thats what we use\n<ogra_> (and it might be far behind git)\n<mvo> ogra_: the xenial one?\n<ogra_> yep\n<ogra_> 2016.01+dfsg1-2ubuntu3 ... nearly 2y old\n<zyga-ubuntu> how can 2016 be nearly two years old?\n<zyga-ubuntu> well,\n<zyga-ubuntu> nearly ok\n<ogra_> january 2016 ...\n<ogra_> (i could have said 22 months if you'd prefer that :P )\n<pstolowski> my tests also had a couple of 'mesg: ttyname failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device' errors\n<ogra_> yeah\n<ogra_> must not be the issue but it might indicate that you tty is somewhat different to the one you have when running fw_printenv manually\n<ogra_> something is surelly with the env\n<mvo> pstolowski, ogra_ http://git.denx.de/?p=u-boot.git;a=blob;f=tools/env/fw_env.c;h=ab06415898c2f718e8a926879379b1f8d74ca55d;hb=HEAD#l760 is the only place where this error is produced (looks the same in the 2016 version)\n<zyga-ubuntu> too bad it doesn't display rc\n<mvo> pstolowski: I would argue the code in there is incorrect\n<zyga-ubuntu> it may be just a partial read\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: yeah, exactly\n<zyga-ubuntu> (truncated environment?)\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: you mean something else truncated the uboot.env?\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: last week we learned how error messages suck\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: well, not sure if really truncated\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I didn't read the rest of the code\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I meant that if you have a fixed buffer\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: and then read until EOF\n<ogra_> well, uboot.env isnt truncated if you manually run fw_printenv\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: then eventually you will get a partially complete buffer\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: there might be a signal\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: unless there's some assumption about the alignment of the file\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: \"alignment\" in blocks\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: but yeah, I think the code in there is slightly naive\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: might be but we don't know\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: yeah, sadly it does not print rc which is the crucial bit\n<mvo> s/is/would be/ :/\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: maybe we just need to patch snapd to always write the environment in multiples of some block size\n<ogra_> mvo, zyga-ubuntu, but why does it work manually then ?\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: and fill the rest with zeros\n<zyga-ubuntu> ogra_: I don't suppose it is corrected by that process somewhere\n<zyga-ubuntu> ogra_: maybe it fails, then gets fixed, and then is correct\n<zyga-ubuntu> ogra_: we don't have snapshots of the file during the process to say\n<ogra_> well, you could stop the test before it calls fw_pintenv the first time i suppose\n<ogra_> and then manually run the command to see\n<mvo> pstolowski: could you please rerun the test just to see if it fails in a similar way again? plus please update the forum post so that all the \"evidence\" is in a single place\n<zyga-ubuntu> ogra_: it doesn't fail for me, I cannot reflash beta sadly (AFK)\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: I still suspect a signal that might cause the short read, but what signal could it be? usually it would be something like SIGWINCH but that is probably not it on a spread run and no other signal springs to my mind\n<zyga-ubuntu> phone\n * mvo lunch\n<zyga-ubuntu> re\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: so I was thinking that it could be a signal _but_ I'm somewhat skeptical; let me check something\n<zyga-ubuntu>        SIGWINCH    28,28,20    Ign     Window resize signal (4.3BSD, Sun)\n<zyga-ubuntu> SIGWINCH is ignored by default\n<ogra_> i guess we dont call out to fw_setenv when writing thhe file but use our own write finction ?\n<ogra_> *function\n<ogra_> (from snapd that is)\n<zyga-ubuntu>    Interruption of system calls and library functions by signal handlers\n<zyga-ubuntu>        If a signal handler is invoked while a system call or library\n<zyga-ubuntu>        function call is blocked, then either:\n<zyga-ubuntu>        * the call is automatically restarted after the signal handler\n<zyga-ubuntu>          returns; or\n<zyga-ubuntu>        * the call fails with the error EINTR.\n<zyga-ubuntu> ogra_: I think so\n<zyga-ubuntu>        If a blocked call to one of the following interfaces is interrupted\n<zyga-ubuntu>        by a signal handler, then the call will be automatically restarted\n<zyga-ubuntu>        after the signal handler returns if the SA_RESTART flag was used;\n<zyga-ubuntu>        otherwise the call will fail with the error EINTR:\n<zyga-ubuntu>        * read(2), readv(2), write(2), writev(2), and ioctl(2) calls on\n<zyga-ubuntu>          \"slow\" devices.  A \"slow\" device is one where the I/O call may\n<zyga-ubuntu>          block for an indefinite time, for example, a terminal, pipe, or\n<zyga-ubuntu>          socket.  If an I/O call on a slow device has already transferred\n<zyga-ubuntu>          some data by the time it is interrupted by a signal handler, then\n<zyga-ubuntu>          the call will return a success status (normally, the number of\n<zyga-ubuntu>          bytes transferred).  Note that a (local) disk is not a slow device\n<zyga-ubuntu>          according to this definition; I/O operations on disk devices are\n<zyga-ubuntu>          not interrupted by signals.\n<zyga-ubuntu> so I think the C code for uboot env handling may not be setting SA_RESTART in any place\n * zyga-ubuntu looks\n<pstolowski> mvo, will do\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: still no idea which signal it might be :/\n<zyga-ubuntu> ideally we'd rebuild that old uboot\n<zyga-ubuntu> and set a breakpoint and see\n<zyga-ubuntu> but ...\n<zyga-ubuntu> well\n<zyga-ubuntu> maybe we can?\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: can you reproduce this?\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: or does it happen only once?\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: ideally we'd have a copy of the binary that has this problem and the file that causes it\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: and then see what gdb tells us\n<ogra_> it prints the build date as very first line duing boot on serial\n<zyga-ubuntu> ogra_: any chance we can grab debug symbols for that build somewhere/\n<ogra_> nly via re-building ... i thinbk it gets stripped by default (it is a bootloade optimized for size after all)\n<zyga-ubuntu> ogra_: any -dbg package equivalent?\n<ogra_> noot reallly\n<ogra_> with the new setup it would be easy since we now build from upsteam tags ... stable was random local builds originally ... we need the string it prints, with lluck that had the commit in the version\n<ogra_> *has\n<zyga-ubuntu> aha\n<zyga-ubuntu> well, that depends on if pstolowski can reproduce this :)\n<zyga-ubuntu> ogra_: could you provide a build for pawel to try\n<zyga-ubuntu> ogra_: just that command with debug symbols with ~~ similar version (as close as you can get it)\n<ogra_> https://www.denx.de/wiki/DULG/DebuggingUBoot\n<ogra_> seems it is actually not stripped (nothing theer says you need a debug build)\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: can you run gdb and see if that build has symbols?\n<ogra_> https://www.denx.de/wiki/view/DULG/Debugging is a bit more informative and llinks to tips and tricks\n * zyga-ubuntu breaks, I'll probably miss standup but I may show up if lucky\n<pstolowski> just re-flashed to retest\n<zyga-ubuntu> re\n<zyga-ubuntu> Pharaoh_Atem: hey, can you remind me that repo sync issue in fedora/linode\n<zyga-ubuntu> Pharaoh_Atem: linode operators are in #linode but on OFTC, not freenode\n<zyga-ubuntu> Pharaoh_Atem: if you can give me those details again I'll collect everything and open a ticket\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu, pstolowski just finished reading backlog. lets see if it is reproducible and then we attack it\n<pstolowski> mvo, ... and i'm having issues now on 1st boot after flashing. it's taking forever on 'random: nonblocking pool is initialized'\n<pstolowski> not sure if this is entropy issue or what. console-conf doesn't show up\n<ogra_> no, thats a red herring\n<ogra_> it is simply the last thing the kernel prints before switching consoles\n<mvo> pstolowski: hm, is the network cable attached?\n<pstolowski> mvo, no\n<ogra_> that might then take 2min for the timeout\n<pstolowski> ogra_, i've been waiting much much longer already\n<ogra_> hmm\n<ogra_> mvo, i was actually wobndering if we should rip out the hardcoded DHCP default for eth0 that we add during build\n<ogra_> at least for physical images (probably cloud still needs it)\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I'll be away from home for at least three hours, after that I can spend any time debugging and exploring this with hands on\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I'll try to focus on coding but I can help pstolowski with gdb\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: thanks, I think we are good for now, if pstolowski can reproduce that is good enough for now\n<pstolowski> ok, i reflashed and this time it didn't hang on boot. weird.\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: does the uboot env CLI tool fail the same way?\n * zyga-ubuntu logs into ubuntu session, brb\n<pstolowski> zyga-ubuntu, not yet, the test is running\n<zyga-ubuntu> aha\n * zyga-ubuntu joins the standup\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1615 closed: schema: improve invalid app, hook, and part errors <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1615>\n<jamespage> sergiusens: hi - raised https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/1723945 based on the conversation we had last week\n<mup> Bug #1723945: provide support for use of DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH in environment variables <Snapcraft:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1723945>\n<jamespage> does that sounds about right?\n<mup> Issue snapcraft#1445 closed: ROS user oriented story <docs> <Created by sergiusens> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/1445>\n<mup> Issue snapcraft#1446 closed: MOOS user oriented story <docs> <Created by sergiusens> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/1446>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1577 closed: lxd: don't inject local snaps on a different arch <bug> <Created by kalikiana> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1577>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1610 closed: tests: reenable the cleanbuild integration test <Created by elopio> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1610>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1609 closed: tests: remove the duplicate nodejs integration tests <bug> <Created by elopio> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1609>\n<sergiusens> jamespage yeah, that should cover it\n<jamespage> sergiusens: also what would you think of https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/1723957\n<mup> Bug #1723957: cleanbuild: add PPA sources <Snapcraft:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1723957>\n<jamespage> I'm using cleanbuild to produce test binaries; currently hacking in my ppa sources using cloud-init in lxd user.user-data config\n<diddledan> I don't understand this behaviour at all: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/cleanbuild-remote-on-pi-grabs-wrong-arch-lxc-image/691/17\n<diddledan> cleanbuild should not be forcing the version of snapd to anything EXCEPT \"the latest\" stable, unless the user specifically tells snapcraft otherwise\n<diddledan> and doing the forcing by injecting host-side snaps is just plain wrong\n<diddledan> IMO\n<diddledan> and no, that opinion is not humble in any way :-p\n<mvo> pstolowski: how is that test going? the second run of the core-refresh testing?\n<kalikiana> diddledan: snapd? do you mean the core snap? snapcraft attempts to install the same version in the container that's being used on the host\n<pstolowski> mvo, well..\n<diddledan> yeah, core\n<pstolowski> mvo, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25753195/\n<kalikiana> diddledan: so if eg. you're using beta on the host to test something, the container will be using that, same goes for snapcraft itself\n<pstolowski> mvo, last failure unrelated, probably wifi dropped or something\n<diddledan> I think it's wrong to be injecting at all, foreign arch or not. Core should be updated using snap processes not by injecting random snaps. We should not be designing weird behaviour for the edge case of \"I want to test something\" by default\n<diddledan> an \"I want to test something\" should be an opt-in not a default\n<mvo> pstolowski: do you have a monitor attached, i.e. can you actually see what is on screen when its in this \"2017-10-16 15:41:20 Error debugging external:ubuntu-core-16-arm-32:tests/main/ubuntu-core-upgrade : EOF\" state?\n<diddledan> the whole point of cleanbuild is that the build is in a clean environment. The moment you start injecting stuff to match the host it is no-longer \"clean\"\n<kalikiana> diddledan: I wouldn't agree it's \"random\". If you're using snapcraft natively without a container, it uses whatever core you are running. The experience should as much as possible be the same\n<kalikiana> You should of course be testing that your snap works with stable before you release it, in both cases\n<pstolowski> mvo, no, no monitor (but i've usb-serial). but hmm.. i cannot access this pi3 via wifi anymore\n<diddledan> maybe if you think we should be doing this, the name \"cleanbuild\" is wrong. So let's rename it to \"meh, frankenstein, YMMV\"\n<pstolowski> mvo, if serial console doesn't lie, then the last thing that happened was systemd[1]: Started Journal Service\n<mvo> pstolowski: hm, that looks harmless\n<mvo> pstolowski: I wonder why it stops responding\n<mvo> pstolowski: fwiw, cachio saw some of these errors too (EOF) but we never got to the bottom of it, might actually be multiple causes just showing the same error\n<pstolowski> mvo, wifi seems dead, no led blinking\n<diddledan> and let's change the documentation to say \"this is not a clean environment. any attempt to get a system as close to build service is never going to work. We made it this way on purpose because we hate consistency\"\n<kalikiana> diddledan: Can we take a step back and you tell me what your expectation of cleanbuild is? If this is your impression that's certainly not what anyone wants :-)\n<pstolowski> mvo, I just powered it again; on normal boot that Systemd Journal Service message is followed by brcmf initialization, which apparently didn't happen\n<diddledan> my expectation is that cleanbuild builds in a clean environment. Is it wrong to assume that when the documentation says \"cleanbuild       Create a snap using a clean environment...\" that it will build using a clean environment?\n<mvo> pstolowski: hm, do you think you could put it on a cable connection? to make tests more reliable?\n<pstolowski> mvo, yeah, that might be a good idea\n<diddledan> also, when the documentation says \"Create a snap using a pristine environment managed by lxd\" I expect the environment to be unaltered\n<diddledan> I certainly do NOT expect for implementation in my host to \"leak\" through into the LXD container\n<kalikiana> diddledan: So even if you're doing, say, `snap install core --edge`, you wouldn't want the container to use the same channel?\n<diddledan> no\n<kalikiana> diddledan: Would you apply the same reasoning to persistent containers?\n<diddledan> if I did that then I would want a switch to tell snapcraft to change to using a different channel\n<diddledan> yes, I would\n<kalikiana> diddledan: One thing we could look into is a prompt like `You're using the \"core\" snap from the \"edge\" channel. Do you want to use  the same in the container?`\n<diddledan> most people building snaps are NOT going to want to change the core snap to test things because they're not developing the core snap nor snapd nor snapcraft\n<diddledan> if they really need to test their snap builds against a different core then they will know that they want a specific core and should then be tasked with telling snapcraft that specifically\n<kalikiana> diddledan: Right. We have slightly different perspectives here. To my mind, the same core snap increases predictability. But I see the point you're making\n<kalikiana> diddledan: Would you mind opening a new forum topic for it?\n<diddledan> the problem that you wrote the PR in the link above with core being injected to foreign arch snaps is a symptom, not the cause. the cause is that we're assuming the user wants to match their host with their build. Now your PR says \"match the host EXCEPT on remote builds.\" where are these exceptions going to end? why not just allow the user to specify the core they want to use rather than guessing\n<kalikiana> diddledan: The PR applies to both the core and snapcraft. We have to do this anyway to be able to get the correct snapcraft version.\n<kalikiana> If we decide to not push the core snap out of the box, that's a separate decision\n<kalikiana> Or maybe add a way to choose the channel explicitly etc.\n<kalikiana> diddledan: To be clear, we have to push snapcraft because it's calling itself.\n<diddledan> kalikiana: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/dont-match-the-core-snap-to-the-host-in-cleanbuild-environments/2486\n<kalikiana> diddledan: Thanks!\n<kalikiana> Will reply in a bit\n<diddledan> np\n<sergiusens> kalikiana just ensure it always comes from the stable channel\n<kalikiana> sergiusens: Yeah, that we can do. To be clear, though, we still want snapcraft itself to be injected from the host or same channel, right?\n<mup> Bug #1723974 opened: snap client doesn't work with Croatian language/characters <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1723974>\n<diddledan> kalikiana: I must apologise if I may have seemed aggressive above, I was just frustrated at my inability to articulate why I felt cleanbuild was behaving wonky\n<diddledan> group hug!\n<diddledan> :-p\n * kalikiana hugs diddledan \n<diddledan> yey\n<diddledan> for anyone who doesn't like hugs, as punishment I shall not hug you! :-D\n<sergiusens> kalikiana for persistent containers, most likely yes, for cleanbuild, only if it is in stable\n<kalikiana> Good point. Will think about how we can do that\n<pstolowski> mvo, 5 runs of pi3 ubuntu-core-upgrade test passed when on ethernet\n<ogra_> heh\n<ogra_> yay ?\n<mvo> pstolowski: interessting. so lets compare notes with cachio when he is back tomorrow and see what the differences are\n<mvo> pstolowski: thanks a lot for your test!\n<ogra_> this is starting to get curious ...\n<mvo> pstolowski: that gives me some peace of mind. this was an image produced with all bits from beta, right?\n<mvo> ogra_: to me it already was last week :) but yeah, it is very inconclusive\n<ogra_> did you bump the gadget in beta ?\n<ogra_> we should really do that\n<pstolowski> mvo, sudo ubuntu-image -c beta -O pi3-beta.img pi3.model, that's how I created it\n<mvo> pstolowski: great\n<mvo> pstolowski: lets see what sergio did - maybe it makes a difference if it was created without sudo or something else, also the revision of ubuntu-image. I'm sure we can now track it down better\n<pstolowski> ogra_, ethernet may have nothing to do here, it was just a re-test for yet another failure I pasted above where on the last run I lost access to my pi3 over wifi\n<mvo> ogra_: I did not touch the gadget\n<mvo> ogra_: I would like to wait until we solved this mystery, lets cange as little as possible\n<ogra_> mvo, well, then it is interesting that this kernel boots at all, since the dtb will be incomplete\n<ogra_> (i assume half the devices you have with the edge gadget wont simply be there or only half working)\n<mvo> ogra_: yeah, I think that is an interessting datapoint as well, the old dtb seems to be fine with most new kernels\n<ogra_> well\n<ogra_> the unstable wifi behavoiur might already be an indicator here\n<ogra_> (we only added the fully fixed wifi stuff after stable got released)\n<ogra_> it is like a lottery :)\n<mvo> ogra_: yeah, not saying its great, but interessting how uch apparently worked\n<ogra_> yeah\n<mvo> ogra_: yeah, maybe that is the answer, sergio just draw the short straw\n<ogra_> yep\n<mup> PR snapd#4049 opened: debian,vendor: import github.com/snapcore/squashfs and use <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4049>\n<kyrofa> sergiusens, kalikiana, elopio: someone _banned_ me. Who hates me today?\n<kyrofa> I can't rejoin :P\n<ogra_> have you been rude ?\n<ogra_> :)\n<elopio> kyrofa: sorry\n<kyrofa> ogra_, sometimes it slips\n<ogra_> haha\n<kyrofa> elopio, hahaha, was it you? Fess up\n<Chipaca> nice, we have a bug in the croatian translation that causes snap to panic\n<Chipaca> that's #1723974\n<mup> Bug #1723974: snap client doesn't work with Croatian language/characters <Snappy:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1723974>\n<Chipaca> also: “Pokušajte \"snap install hello-world\".”\n<ogra_> i guess re-exec should better use C.UTF-8 ;)\n<zyga-ubuntu> re\n<Chipaca> mvo: do you know who I need to pester to fix a buggy translation?\n<sergiusens> elopio can we make that timing thing the default on tests or is that something you did manually?\n<kalikiana> this was a looong meeting :-D I need food now to re-ful\n<elopio> sergiusens: I added a timer in setup and teardown. It makes things verbose, and only the outliers are useful. As a second step after fixing the outliers, I was thinking to add a max time, and fail the tests that cross that line.\n<elopio> but if you want, I can get it printed in travis.\n<elopio> kyrofa: the ros unit tests should not connect to the server, right? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/341066726/buildlog_ubuntu-artful-amd64.snapcraft_2.34-201710161334-d0be68b~ubuntu17.10.1_BUILDING.txt.gz\n<kyrofa> elopio, huh, looks like it is\n * kyrofa looks\n<kyrofa> elopio, indeed, it seems that it is\n<kyrofa> But it shouldn't be...\n<kyrofa> Oh oh, wrong test\n<kyrofa> elopio, fixing now\n<mup> PR snapd#4050 opened: cmd/snap: tell translators about arg names and descs req's <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4050>\n<mark__> Hey guys, could you help me out making a snap? https://askubuntu.com/questions/965455/how-do-i-create-an-opengles2-and-glfw3-snap\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1614 closed: apt repo: allow insecure repos <Created by kyrofa> <Closed by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1614>\n<Chipaca> mark__: hello\n<mark__> hi\n<Chipaca> mark__: I think the most effective way forward for you will be to ask in the forum\n<mark__> I did\n<Chipaca> mark__: ah! ok then you're set :-)\n<mark__> Thanks.\n<kyrofa> elopio, fixed\n<elopio> thank you!\n<Chipaca> mark__: about your other issue though\n<Chipaca> mark__: what distro are you on?\n<mark__> lubuntu\n<sergiusens> elopio I am not so confident about killing tests that take too long. It is an extra burden and in practice doesn't work really well (considering that we already get our runners killed for long running test executions anyways)\n<Chipaca> mark__: what's the output of `which stopwatch`?\n<Chipaca> mark__: which -a stopwatch, even\n<mark__> of both commands\n<mark__> the output is \"/snap/bin/stopwatch\"\n<Chipaca> mark__: and if you run stopwatch, it complains about /usr/local/bin/stopwatch?\n<mark__> Actually it's fixed now. I don't know, maybe because after the question I make a new snap and installed/removed it multiple times.\n<Chipaca> mark__: did you used to have it in /usr/local ?\n<mark__> So now\" snap run stopwatch\" and \"stopwatch\" produce the same results\n * Chipaca mangles the english language for fun & profit\n<Chipaca> mark__: that error looks like at some point you had a /usr/local/bin/stopwatch, and bash cached it\n<mark__> yeah, I had it installed manually before\n<mark__> using custom install.sh and uninstall.sh scripts\n<Chipaca> mark__: for what it's worth, when that happens, bash has a builtini \"hash\" that lets you tweak that cache\n<Chipaca> hash -r, if memory serves, updated the entries in it\n<Chipaca> or maybe it reset it\n<Chipaca> one of those :-)\n<mark__> oh, so that's solved then...\n<mark__> thanks\n<Chipaca> no problem\n<Chipaca> glad it was that :-)\n<mark__> I still can't load the graphics drivers though :(\n<Chipaca> mark__: yep, that's something else (and you'll need a snapcrafter for it i reckon)\n<elopio> kyrofa: wait, that test hasn't landed in master?\n<Chipaca> mark__: have you looked at one of the sample snaps that use opengl?\n<Chipaca> mark__: (no idea, just trying to help)\n<kyrofa> elopio, ah, yes indeed it has\n<kyrofa> elopio, I can propose a quick PR to fix it rather than putting it in the ament PR if you like\n<kyrofa> It's two lines\n<kyrofa> I suppose autopkgtest is barfing on it huh\n<elopio> kyrofa: is the PPA recipe. I'd appreciate if you make the PR, so I can move on with the PPA.\n<kyrofa> elopio, easy peasy. Two seconds\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1619 opened: tests: don't hit internet in ros2 units <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1619>\n<kyrofa> elopio, there you are ^^\n * sergiusens commutes to a location with something to eat lunch\n * zyga-ubuntu rests after a long day\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1620 opened: plugins: build-attributes is already in the state <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1620>\n<diddledan> popey: can you review https://github.com/snapcrafters/corebird/pull/13 for me please? :-)\n<mup> PR snapcrafters/corebird#13: add wayland support for artful (17.10) <Created by diddledan> <https://github.com/snapcrafters/corebird/pull/13>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1621 opened: integration tests: skip catkin test on non-xenial <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1621>\n<kyrofa> elopio, take a look at that ^^ one when you get a sec as well\n<kyrofa> Hey elopio, I have another thought for our tests. What if we had a Docker container pre-configured with all our dependencies. That would save a lot of setup time, wouldn't it?\n<kyrofa> I mean, the static tests that take a few seconds on my machine take over 5 minutes in travis\n<gouchi> hi\n<gouchi> I was wondering why we have to connect manually some interfaces with snap connect xxxx:home for example ?\n<gouchi> why it is not done automatically ?\n<kalikiana> gouchi: some interfaces don't autoconnect for security reasons. Have a look at this wiki https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/wiki/Interfaces\n<gouchi> kalikiana: thank you\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1620 closed: plugins: build-attributes is already in the state <bug> <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1620>\n<Arthur_D> hi, noob question: how does Snapcraft interact with Github - if I give it access to my Github account, will it edit anything regarding the repo or Github presentation? For example create some sort of link to the Snap on the Snapcraft website\n<sergiusens> Arthur_D it shouldn't, the scope is a bit broad, but it is I think the no brainer one that allows webhooks\n<sergiusens> instructions on manually hooking it all up are being worked on to avoid this scenario, it would however require more manual interaction and setup\n<Arthur_D> the reason I ask is because I contribute a bit to a project but don't want to create some sort of official or official looking snap, mainly wanted to test\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1619 closed: tests: don't hit internet in ros2 units <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1619>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1621 closed: integration tests: skip catkin test on non-xenial <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1621>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1622 opened: schema: sync patterns with snapd <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1622>\n#snappy 2017-10-17\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1568 closed: lxd: don't re-inject the same snaps <bug> <Created by kalikiana> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1568>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1618 closed: states: add scriptlets to build state <bug> <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1618>\n<zyga-ubuntu> o/\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: hey\n<zyga-ubuntu> just the man I wanted to see\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: https://github.com/snapcore/squashfuse/pull/1\n<mup> PR squashfuse#1: Tweak implementation of dummy go module <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/squashfuse/pull/1>\n<mvo> hey zyga-ubuntu\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: hyes, thanks for this PR! did you test it, does that work? I also tried a subdir approach and go get would only checkout the actual dir, not any other dirs. if it works, that would indeed be very nice\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: (i was doing it the other way around, the C source in a subdir)\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: it go builds but I didn't test the full govendor sync with it (I'd have to change paths)\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: right but that failed for me\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: the linker part was not working\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: and govendor complained if nothing referenced that\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: now it's working locally, if you commit I will be able to sync\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: let me try quickly based on your branch, if it works, +100, very nice\n<zyga-ubuntu> if it doesn't work we can remove that patch from history\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: one sec\n<zyga-ubuntu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/25757470/\n<zyga-ubuntu> you want this in your snapd tree\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: oh, nice, yeah, this way around it works\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: \\o/\n<zyga-ubuntu> I can push this into your branch\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: please do, I will take care of the rest, that will simply some things\n<zyga-ubuntu> just say the word\n<zyga-ubuntu> done\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: thanks\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: (I guess that was the word your were looking for ;)\n * mvo hugs zyga-ubuntu \n<zyga-ubuntu> woot, I hope we can quickly solve this\n<zyga-ubuntu> do you want to make .6 with this feature?\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: no more 2.28 :) it will be part of 2.29\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: unless regression of course, then there will be a .6\n<zyga-ubuntu> hmmmm\n<zyga-ubuntu> Obtaining dependencies\n<zyga-ubuntu> Found unused ./vendor packages:\n<zyga-ubuntu>  vu github.com/snapcore/squashfuse\n<zyga-ubuntu> Please fix via 'govendor remove +unused'\n<zyga-ubuntu> darn, govendor is too picky\n<zyga-ubuntu> why doesn't it see the test reference?\n<zyga-ubuntu> is govendor really syncing sudirectories or nothing?\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: hm, it is not complaining here, strange\n<zyga-ubuntu> let me reset my tree\n<zyga-ubuntu> it didn't complain when I had the tree in $GOPATH\n<zyga-ubuntu> but now it does\n<mvo> now I just need to make autogen.sh work in squashfuse\n<zyga-ubuntu> darn govendor\n<zyga-ubuntu> maybe we can just make get-deps.sh not fail on that?\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: I removed everyting squashfuse from my GOPATH and ran tests again, no error\n * zyga-ubuntu thinks\n<zyga-ubuntu> well\n<zyga-ubuntu> if it works in the build I'll be happy\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: and you want to twaek autogen for local development?\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I'm building the package now\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: it complains for me about SQ_WANT_HIGHLEVEL missing\n<mvo> eh, \"does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL\"\n<mvo> (not missing)\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: the beauty of autohell\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: did this work for you?\n<zyga-ubuntu> yes\n<zyga-ubuntu> but something odd is going on\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: I'm on artful, maybe because of that?\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I just saw your dummy-{gcc,ld} output\n<zyga-ubuntu> something must be cached somewhere\n<zyga-ubuntu> ah\n<zyga-ubuntu> man, we didn't change the hash in vendor.json\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: git pull\n<zyga-ubuntu> I'm on artful too\n<zyga-ubuntu> k\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: that will update the vendor.json\n<zyga-ubuntu> got that now\n<zyga-ubuntu> fatal: Could not parse object 'f066269fbbcd0ec6232cdffbc0fe48c7e2f7ad97'.\n<mvo> woah\n<zyga-ubuntu> # cd /home/zyga/go/.cache/govendor/github.com/snapcore/squashfuse; git reset --hard f066269fbbcd0ec6232cdffbc0fe48c7e2f7ad97\n<mvo> thats strange I just did \"govendor fetch github.com/snapcore/squashfuse\"\n<zyga-ubuntu> I'll kill that cache\n<zyga-ubuntu> now it worked\n<zyga-ubuntu> weird\n<zyga-ubuntu> maybe the cache was confused by my operations on the local tree earlier (I squashed/amended)\n<zyga-ubuntu> building in progress\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: yeah, just double checked, the hash i nthe vendor.json matches the git repo\n<zyga-ubuntu> it failed on three automake things now\n<zyga-ubuntu> Makefile.am:6: error: MAKE_EXPORT does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL\n<zyga-ubuntu> Makefile.am:36: error: SQ_WANT_HIGHLEVEL does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL\n<zyga-ubuntu> Makefile.am:48: error: SQ_WANT_LOWLEVEL does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL\n<zyga-ubuntu> I think we are now in sync\n<mvo> yes\n<mvo> same that i get\n<zyga-ubuntu> brb, daughther goes to school\n<zyga-ubuntu> re\n<zyga-ubuntu> sorry, kids as usual :)\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: are you patching those?\n<zyga-ubuntu> I just started\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: hi, looks like issue #12 for squashfuse discusses the issue we are seeing\n<mup> PR #12: Bugfix/lp1480248 test reenable <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/12>\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: looking\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: I patched them but got stuck right after that :/\n<zyga-ubuntu> hehe, look who reported it\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: how does it build in the archive? maybe there's a patch\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: aha, good idea\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: fwiw, feel free to attach your patch :)\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I don't have anything yet, just reading the configure script now\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: mehhhh\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I find it sad/silly that a half a dozen C file project is so hard to build\n<zyga-ubuntu> wat?\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: the m4 subdir is missing I think\n<zyga-ubuntu> I see it here\n<zyga-ubuntu> missing as in not copied somewhere?\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: thats govendor again, its really annyoing about subdirs\n<zyga-ubuntu> ah\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: rm -rf the squashfs and get it again\n<zyga-ubuntu> mv dummy m4/\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: and then check the dir\n<zyga-ubuntu> ah, right, I was looking at the full git tree\n<zyga-ubuntu> did you get\n<zyga-ubuntu> extract.c:51:17: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘sqfs_makedev’; did you mean ‘sqfs_mode’? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: I wonder how to overcome the m4 subdir problem\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: mv dummy m4/dummy\n<zyga-ubuntu> done\n<zyga-ubuntu> we'll get the full set\n<zyga-ubuntu> (silly but, well it should work)\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: heh, smart\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I'd say sad but I think we are in agreement :)\n * mvo hugs zyga-ubuntu again\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I'll try something entirely different to see how crazy that would be\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: I update the trees for your approach in the meantime\n<zyga-ubuntu> ok\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: note that squashfuse uses a library now\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: where will we keep it?\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: it seems we need to link that statically\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: yes, we need to link statically\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: note, just the library, the rest can be dynamic\n<zyga-ubuntu> (to avoid hair-pulling in other distros0\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: hm, adding github.com/snapcore/squashfuse/ does no longer work for me without go files in it, it is just silently ignored\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: take a break from this problem for two hours please\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: if my approach fails we can go back to adding more hackery\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: ok\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: how are we calling the binary? snapfuse?\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: yes\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4049/commits/bff17ef731ea8e2bc88a1ab2066b33a2bc8c0e31#diff-42c07ec7ffa970857b4e0db2614e482bR428\n<mup> PR #4049: debian,vendor: import github.com/snapcore/squashfs and use <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4049>\n<zyga-ubuntu> thank you!\n<knurd> Lo. Is it still possible somehow to set up your own snap store and configure snap to use it? Looks like https://github.com/noise/snapstore/ stopped working a while ago and was abandoned recently.\n<knurd> I already asked on https://plus.google.com/+ThorstenLeemhuis/posts/HyHfxaFQWz2 but got no reply\n<zyga-ubuntu> knurd: please look at forum.snapcraft.io, this has been extensively discussed there under the topic \"extenral repositories\"\n<knurd> zyga-ubuntu: thx for the pointer!\n<zyga-ubuntu> wa\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: almost there, I think\n<mwhudson> zyga-ubuntu: btw i poked at 2.28.5 in debian, i didn't do the dependency updates though\n<mwhudson> i should push what i have to alioth i guess\n<mwhudson> vendor.json diffs are hard to read :(\n<mvo> fwiw 4047 needs a second review\n<zyga-ubuntu> mwhudson: ack\n<zyga-ubuntu> mwhudson: I'll have a look, I cannot promise anything soon though (I need to trim my PR list)\n<mwhudson> yeah. o\n<mwhudson> bah\n<mwhudson> yeah, i'll try to poke at it over the next couple of days too\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25757771/\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: integrated into our build system\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: nice, I wonder if libfuse is installed by default\n<mvo> and 4028 (easy) needs a second review\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: curious what you did and how you overcame the m4 subdir issue\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I can link that statically\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: I think we just need to check in the lxd base image\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I just integrated that into our build, the whole set of m4 macros is needed for things we don't need\n<zyga-ubuntu> we can also drop code like non xz compression and windows support files\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: *nod*\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: shall I review 4028? :D\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: ;) I was hoping pstolowski or chipaca might have a look\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I tweaked the build system to simplify what we need, I'll run a spread test if that works\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I'll push this for reference but I want to re-do it so that we can import git history\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: we might be able to pull in fixes from squashfuse upstream this way\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: so far so good though\n<pstolowski> approved\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: we can also go through the code and simplify windows bits out\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: builds are ok, testing in spread\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: once this works I'll ask you to review and then let's see what to do about history, ok?\n<mvo> ok\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: https://github.com/zyga/snapd/tree/rfc/integrated-squashfuse\n<zyga-ubuntu> this is the code\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: and this is the new part essentially: https://github.com/zyga/snapd/commit/3545b115cb90e702779c43703f70db9e01b10cff\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: lxd test now running\n<zyga-ubuntu> fingers crossed\n<zyga-ubuntu> doh :)\n<zyga-ubuntu> silly mistake\n<zyga-ubuntu> fixed now, re-running tests\n<zyga-ubuntu> I didn't enable XZ\n<Chipaca> moin\n<zyga-ubuntu> Chipaca: hey\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: it works now, I think I need to expand this to cover more packaging\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: just cherry pick my bits from https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4030\n<mup> PR #4030: many: add internal squashfuse copy as \"snapfuse\" <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4030>\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: aha, thank you\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: I will revert 4049 back to the original state, lets see what niemeyer thinks about the two approaches as they have boths pros/cons\n<Tazmania> Hello, I have a Dell atom based mini PC came pre-installed with Ubuntu Core 16.  I would like to know if it is possible to install cmake and domoticz packages on it?  I am a newbie to Snappy, please pardon me.\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: but maybe/probably the govendor approach is doomed as it cannot statically link selectively via configure\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: fingers croessed\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4051\n<mup> PR #4051: many: add integrated snapfuse <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4051>\n<mup> PR snapd#4051 opened: many: add integrated snapfuse <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4051>\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I'll break for shower/coffee as I'm still in my pijamas today\n<mvo> Tazmania: if you want to develop its probably easiest if you \"snap install classic; classic\"\n<mvo> Tazmania: eh, \"sudo snap install --devmode --beta classic\" that is\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: heh, thank you!\n<zyga-ubuntu> Tazmania: and please look at forum.snapcraft.io, lots of friendly people there and lots of questions answered already\n<Tazmania> What's the difference between classic and the pre-installed?\n<Tazmania> zyga-ubuntu: thanks. I will check the forum\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: did you add a patch to fix the sqfs_makedev() error ?\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: compare diffstat in 4030 and 4051\n<zyga-ubuntu> automake is crazy\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: hmmmmm, I don't think I did\n<mvo> Tazmania: classic is a environment that makes it easy to develop using the classic tools\n<Tazmania> mvo: thanks\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: have a look at my branch please, let's see what we can cut from snapfuse/*.[ch]\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: interessting, I get a warning that is turned into an error here\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: hmm, spread passed for me, hmmm\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: cool\n<zyga-ubuntu> maybe I did but I didn't notice :)\n<zyga-ubuntu> anyway, afk for a moment\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: lets see what gustavo thinks, I personally would like to make snapfuse as much \"imported\" as possible and ideally not modify it but I see the advantages so lets see how gustavo feels about what approach should be taken\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: see you\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: shall we prepare an alt version that has working imported approach?\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I mean, it might be even this code, we could just depend on a script that gets the debian .orig tarball\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: (via get-deps)\n<popey> diddledan: sorry for the delay, testing your corebird snap\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: lets talk after you had your shower, I'm not sure myself.\n<zyga-ubuntu> I'm back already\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: ok, I'll look at failing tests in one of my PRs and let's wait to see if 4051 is green\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: for when you are back - do you happen to know why none of our tests caught the typo https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3617/files#diff-ec8cacef522dbb27eeb9ceed25f03b22R249 ? I mean, we have a integration test for network-control, why does that not fail on invalid content? can we add that?\n<mup> PR #3617: interfaces/builtin: use udev tagging more broadly <Created by adglkh> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3617>\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: looking\n<zyga-ubuntu> aha, that typo\n<zyga-ubuntu> let me think\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: I'm breaking it on purpose now and run the spread test to see if our checks are insufficient\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: does udev not error when we write incorrect files?\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: are those tests checking tun devices?\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I think the file was parsing OK, just not doing what we wanted\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: no, no checks for tun devices. hm, ok, if its valid syntax just the wrong one that is hard to test\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: maybe if the rules looks like `KERNEL==\"foo\", TAG+=\"...\",\\nKERNEL==\"bar\", TAG+=\"...\"` the rule is just a no-op\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: as in, it will never match both \"foo\" and \"bar\"\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: there was an extra \",\" at the end of the line\n<zyga-ubuntu> I can test that theory but I need to get to the bottom of something failing in my branch first\n<mvo> (in this particular case)\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: right but , is a separator for udev expressions\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: sure, I can chase this\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: aha, ok\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: we could build a simple safeguard\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: add a new api to udev.Specification\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: that has less flexibility in it\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: we could then rewrite vast majority of udev rules to use that\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: and maybe keep {modem,network}-manager as the only uses of the more powerful, type-unchecked api\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: essentially there's no type checking anywhere there\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: we could also have a test that parses all the snippets\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: and ensures that some simple impossible conditions are not present\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: like tests that attr == \"a\" and attr == \"b\" at the same time\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I did something similar-ish for apparmor rules earlier (I was fully parsing them, there's still a branch somewhere I can find)\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: ok, thank you. sounds all like some work\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: sorry, it's not apparmor, it was seccomp,\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: the branch starts at 87826dc09a7a43357500329032185544b53c5c91\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: feature/typed-syscalls in my remote\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: that ensures that seccomp rules are well typed\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: udev rules are not too sopisticated, we could do something like that too\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: even if it's just for testing\n * Chipaca realises the time and runs to make it to physio\n<zyga-ubuntu> Chipaca: o/\n<zyga-ubuntu> run slowly and safely man\n * zyga-ubuntu fixed his other brnach\n<mvo> pstolowski, zyga-ubuntu: related, the lxd-demo-server stopped because we had lxd as reserved for the OS, when that started to fail we changed something else, right? more strict checking in the interfaces code, does anyone remember details?\n<mvo> hey Chipaca\n<mvo> (sorry for the many questions, writing the retrospect right now)\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I don't remember, let me look\n<pstolowski> mvo, there was a change recently (the week after the sprint) to that interface\n<skjensen> Hi Guys, I'm trying to build Ubuntu Core for Nvidia TX1 it's a arm64 bit system. I'm following this guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM64/FoundationModel  but the link to download ubuntu-core-13.10-core-arm64.tar.gz is broken. I have tried to find a more recent version of the core for arm64 but without luck..\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I only found 042f9d0085bf6fe0ff82345cc58804d9e21eb318\n<skjensen> Does anyone know where I can find it, if it exist?\n<zyga-ubuntu> skjensen: ubuntu-core-13.10?\n<zyga-ubuntu> ogra_: ^\n<skjensen> I would like ubuntu-core-16.04\n<zyga-ubuntu> I think that's something for you\n<mvo> pstolowski: yes, we fixed the issue in that PR a week after the sprint. I wonder what commit/PR broke it though, it was reserved for the OS since forever afaik.\n<pstolowski> zyga-ubuntu, mvo yes, that's the change I meant\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I think we just never tested that combination mvo\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: you added a test for this later\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: after the brekage occurred\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: stgraber reported lxd-demo-server used to work and started breaking with 2.28\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu, pstolowski ok, I chase that, thanks for your input!\n<zyga-ubuntu> skjensen: ogra is the person for that question, I think there is (or might be) a model/gadget/kernel for TX1 but I'll let him answer with authority\n<zyga-ubuntu> wow, incredible, I can actually write a new feature now\n<zyga-ubuntu> and it's 11:56\n<ogra_> skjensen, the old ubuntu-core has been enamed to \"ubuntu-base\", tarballs can be found at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-base/\n<ogra_> *renamed\n<skjensen> Great thanks.. :) Is there one for the TX1?\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I spoke too soon, the fuse stuff, no fuse on 14.04\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: so packaging diverges\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: and this is now optional\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: meeh\n<zyga-ubuntu> skjensen: do you want classic ubuntu headless or the new snap-based ubuntu (aka ubuntu-core nowadays)\n<ogra_> skjensen, if you want an actual snap based UbuntuCore install then you need to create a gadget snap and use ubuntu-image to build an image for it ... the jetson tk1 is supported in the llinux-generic-bbb kernel (by selecting the tegra124-jetson-tk1.dtb devicetree froom the gadget snap)\n<skjensen> I want the new snap-based ubuntu due to the new features. It's for a IoT deployment\n<ogra_> skjensen, the -base tarballs are just root filesystems just pick the arm64 one\n<zyga-ubuntu> skjensen: I'd suggest you open a forum thread about TX1 core image\n<ogra_> skjensen, aha ... https://ograblog.wordpress.com/2017/05/30/building-u-boot-gadget-snap-packages-from-source/ and https://ograblog.wordpress.com/2017/06/13/patching-u-boot-for-use-in-an-ubuntu-core-gadget-snap/ ae what you want then\n<kalikiana> clobrano: hey\n<zyga-ubuntu> skjensen: you should familiarize yourself with some snappy concepts (models, gadget snaps, kernel snaps) to make a proper set of files needed to support this\n<c-lobrano> kalikiana: hi\n<kalikiana> c-lobrano: You wanted to work on bug 1722650?\n<mup> Bug #1722650: snapcraft requires optional VERSION_ID in os-release <bitesize> <Snapcraft:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1722650>\n<zyga-ubuntu> skjensen: doing that on the forum is easier and many people can participate (across timezones)\n<ogra_> skjensen, create that gadget, make it use tegra124-jetson-tk1.dtb and once you have that ping me again and we'll talk abut how you get yur own kernel build fom the linux-generic-bbb snap\n<zyga-ubuntu> ogra_: btw, do you have the TX1 or the TX2?\n<zyga-ubuntu> ogra_: are they decent machines? I was thinking about getting one simply because it has oodles of ram (for an arm board)\n<ogra_> zyga-ubuntu, nope ... i stopped after tegra2 ...\n<c-lobrano> kalikiana: yes, but before pushing a change according to what you suggested, I'd like to see what kind of file snapcraft is looking for\n<zyga-ubuntu> ogra_: aha, thank you\n<ogra_> they shoudl be in the relam of a dragonbard\n<skjensen> I got the TX1 and actually got a TK1 as well.. But we decided we needed the TX1 to run out software since it uses TensorFlow and that's not supported anymore on the TK1\n<kalikiana> c-lobrano: Do you have a local checkout of snapcraft?\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: shall I change the snapfuse PR now or would you rather wait for gustavo's opinion first?\n<kalikiana> c-lobrano: You can have a look at the \"libraries\" folder\n<c-lobrano> kalikiana: yes, I've already branched the project for a previous PR\n<c-lobrano> *forked\n<skjensen> It's a work project, so I got the next 2 months to dive into the snap universe and get a proper version up and running on the TX1. Thanks for all the help to get started on this. I will let you know how I get on.. :)\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: either way is fine with me\n<zyga-ubuntu> skjensen: welcome aboard, the forum has a \"docs\" category with useful documentation\n<skjensen> Great :)\n<zyga-ubuntu> skjensen: there's also the \"device\" category for topics related to making and supporting new devices\n<zyga-ubuntu> https://forum.snapcraft.io/c/device\n<zyga-ubuntu> https://forum.snapcraft.io/c/doc\n<zyga-ubuntu> https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/the-gadget-snap/696\n<ogra_> skjensen, well, start with the gadget and for easiness i'd take the tk1 first ... the gadget between the two will only differ minimally so you can re-use it for tx1 with some minimal changes ... the difference between the tw is that you will need your own kernel for the tx1 so fr a start the tk1 will be easier ...\n<zyga-ubuntu> https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/the-kernel-snap/697\n<ogra_> skjensen, just folllow the blogposts i gave yu abve, they have a step by step guide and all links to alll docs yu need\n<skjensen> ogra_ thanks, I will get started on the TK1 to get some experience.. and then move onto the TX1\n<ogra_> iirc there was also some jetson work done initially by parrot ... not sure if they put that in github though\n<kalikiana> c-lobrano: Perfect. So if you see the \"libraries\" folder, there's a file \"16.04\" in there, which if you open it contains a lot of filenames.\n<kalikiana> That's the ones that get stripped from the snap\n<c-lobrano> kalikiana: oh, I see\n<skjensen> ogra_ super, and I can guarantee you my work will go up on github for everyone to use..\n<ogra_> \\o/\n<c-lobrano> kalikiana: so, if no VERSION_ID exists, there is no way to find \"another equivalent\" file, right?\n<kalikiana> c-lobrano: The code basically wants to know that it runs on Ubuntu 16.04 and do its thing. If VERSION_ID isn't there... it should probably be equivalent to a different version, like say 17.10, in which case there's no file\n<c-lobrano> kalikiana: perfect, so I can propose my PR\n<kalikiana> c-lobrano: Yeah. I think kyrofa made a good point there with regard to abstracting it, tho not sure it should be done in the same PR... unless you'd like to look into that as well?\n<ogra_> mvo, you might want to mention https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/1724088 in the changelog for the release\n<mup> Bug #1724088: All snap packages fail to start with 'udev_enumerate_scan failed' <snapd (Ubuntu):Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1724088>\n<c-lobrano> kalikiana: oh, I wasn't subscribed to the bug yet, and I missed kryofa's comment. What about doing two PR, one for the bug and one for the \"new feature\"?\n<mup> PR snapd#4052 opened: tests: check for invalid udev files during all tests <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4052>\n<kalikiana> c-lobrano: Yeah, that's what I was thinking as well. The fix itself is straight-forward\n<c-lobrano> kalikiana: alright. I'm in the middle of ./runtest.sh unit, then I can push the PR\n<kalikiana> c-lobrano: Awesome. Thanks for working on it!\n<c-lobrano> kalikiana: yw :)\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: there's a typo in tihs:\n<zyga-ubuntu> 2017-10-12 Bureport from 16.04 users about udev_enumerate_scan failure not fixed until the machine is reported. This is unacceptable so we added cleanup code into snap-confine to cleanup the state that caused libudev to be erroring (releated to the udev device tagging that was incorrectly applied to nvidia devices) - PR#4042.\n<zyga-ubuntu> s/machine/machine is rebooted/\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: otherwise great writeup, thank you!\n * zyga-ubuntu goes to pick up his son from new school. will probably miss the standup in traffice, be back in two+ hours\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1623 opened: Removed dependency on VERSION_ID in os-release <Created by clobrano> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1623>\n<kalikiana> c-lobrano: Could you add a unit test for your fix? Probably in snapcraft/tests/test_libraries.py\n<c-lobrano> kalikiana: sure\n<zyga-ubuntu> re, waiting for son in school\n<c-lobrano> kalikiana: just let me see how to do it :)\n<niemeyer> o\n<niemeyer> o/\n<Chipaca> \\o\n<sergiusens> o/\n<Chipaca> /o/\n<Chipaca> \\o\\\n<niemeyer> \\_o_/\n<niemeyer> mvo: What's up with snapfuse? (Wondering about zyga's comment above)\n<niemeyer> (and about the new PR)\n<ogra_> first rule of the snappy yoga club ... don't talkk about the snappy yoga club\n<niemeyer> ogra_: You just broke it\n<ogra_> yeah, the evil in me ... :)\n<mvo> niemeyer: its mostly about details in how we should do it. I was trying to use \"govendor fetch\" to get it. however its really fighting govendor more than anything else. the alternative is to embedd it, zygas approach is to integrate it pretty close (including putting it into our make files instead of using the upstream makefiles). I was mostly curious about your suggested approach\n<mvo> ogra_: thanks for the pointer to the bug about udev_enum_failed\n<ogra_> np\n<ackk> hi, could anyone kick a CI run on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3916? I suspect there were some infrastructure issues on the previous run\n<mup> PR #3916: snap,wrappers: add support for socket activation <Created by albertodonato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3916>\n<niemeyer> mvo: What happened with govendor?  I was hopeful as well\n<mvo> niemeyer: its still there in #4049, but open issues and I had to be quite creative to make it go getable (https://github.com/snapcore/squashfuse/commit/ed6f37bbee6537e0598aa7f4f5dafa379be0c73a)\n<mup> PR #4049: debian,vendor: import github.com/snapcore/squashfs and use <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4049>\n<kalikiana> c-lobrano: Feel free to pester me with questions as needed :-D\n<niemeyer> mvo: Oh, I see.. so govendor will still use go get\n<mvo> niemeyer: we can further explore this, we need to link some (or all) libs for snapfuse statically to ensure we don't add other hidden dependencies\n<c-lobrano> kalikiana: :D I'll do\n<mvo> niemeyer: yes, I could not make it just fetch my git tree, it was slightly confusing as you can add things and it will not err/warn but just silently ignore it if it does not look like a go repo\n<niemeyer> Hmmm\n<mvo> niemeyer: we can talk more in the standup, zygas PR is much much closer (and conceptually easier). the downside is that we need to track upstream\n<mvo> (closer)\n<niemeyer> mvo: If all we want is to get the tree and not compile, we might just drop a Go file somewhere\n * kalikiana time for a break\n<mvo> niemeyer: that is what I did, unfortuantely once there are C files in the tree it will try to compile them (it being go)\n<niemeyer> mvo: It won't try to compile any place that you don't explicitly get\n<mvo> niemeyer: so yeah, we can make it work its just a bit more hacky and we need to solve how to  statically linki in that PR\n<niemeyer> mvo: e.g. if you create a directory and drop a println(\"hi\") on a .go file on it, and get _that_ package path, it won't care about the rest\n<mvo> niemeyer: correct, but it will also only get that directory and leave parent dirs empty\n<niemeyer> mvo: No.. it fetches the whole repository\n<niemeyer> mvo: There's no way to tell git to fetch a subtree\n<mvo> niemeyer: you are right, this is what I see with go get too, I wonder why I had a different experience with govendor, I can try this again and understand the details\n<skjensen> ogra_ I'm trying to follow your beaglebone guide to build for the TK1, but I'm a bit unsure about the uboot.env.in file? Where did you get that from?\n<ogra_> skjensen, you start with \"printenv\" in the uboot shell to get the default env ... then you need the load* scripts to load the right files and all the snappy_* and snap_* vars (and scripts)\n * zyga-ubuntu is online but in super-noisy place\n<ogra_> and examples are at https://github.com/ogra1/beaglebone-gadget/blob/master/uboot.env.in ... or https://github.com/ogra1/pi3-gadget/blob/master/uboot.env.in\n<skjensen> okay, thanks..\n<ogra_> the essential bits are \"loadfiles\" and \"snappy_boot\"\n<skjensen> okay.. :)\n<c-lobrano> kalikiana: I'm using TestSystemLibsOnNewRelease as template, mocking get_os_release_info in order to return a dict without VERSION_ID, but somehow I still get the 16.04 list of .so, maybe you can spot my mistake http://paste.ubuntu.com/25759264/\n<kalikiana> c-lobrano: _get_system_libs uses a global variable. Can you try unsetting it in the setup method?\n<kalikiana> ie. `_libraries = None`\n<kalikiana> it's set and checked at the top of the _get_system_libs function\n<c-lobrano> I see, but it doesn't seem to work\n<kalikiana> you tried it like that?\n<c-lobrano> yes, with global _libraries first\n<kalikiana> c-lobrano: Hmmm maybe you can mock.pantch _libraries?\n<kalikiana> And give it .return_value = None\n<c-lobrano> kalikiana: good idea, let me try\n * c-lobrano haven't used unittest.mock much so far\n<c-lobrano> kalikiana: it was easier than expected \"libraries._libraries = None\"\n<kalikiana> Oh, nice\n<c-lobrano> saint StackOverflow ;D\n<c-lobrano> kalikiana: weird, can't see the PR updated\n<kalikiana> c-lobrano: I don't see it either. Did you `git push origin bug-lp1722650` the branch?\n<c-lobrano> kalikiana: I did `git push -f` actually, but I can see it on my repo\n<c-lobrano> https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/compare/master...clobrano:bug-lp1722650\n<kalikiana> Hmm. Even if you amended the commit it should have updated automatically\n<kalikiana> Or did you completely re-do the branch under the same name?\n<cachio_> pstolowski, mvo I have the same issue with the pi3 using 2.28.5\n<cachio_> I try to creata the image by using the deb ubuntu-image\n<pstolowski> cachio_, i've just finished preparations, about to run the test\n<mvo> cachio_: did you and pstolowski figure out in what way the test differed between you?\n<kalikiana> btw sergiusens did you want to have a one on one today? You mentioned it the other day, but I have none anymore in my calendar since you removed it last time\n<cachio_> mvo, a diff is the tool we used to create the image\n<pstolowski> mvo, i used ubuntu-image from the distro (not snap), however the version number is the same, so perhaps that's irrelevant\n<c-lobrano> kalikiana: just amended\n<kalikiana> c-lobrano: Hmm weird. It should just show up then\n<mvo> cachio_, pstolowski aha, thats very interessting\n<pstolowski> mvo, it's hard to compare the versions of other stuff, Sergio flashed his card already. this time we will generate beta images at the same time\n<mvo> pstolowski: \\o/\n<Chipaca> kalikiana, sergiusens, kyrofa, who's fielding questions along the lines of \"why does a snap built with this snapcraft.yaml throw these library errors\"?\n * kyrofa runs\n<kyrofa> Chipaca, hit me :)\n<kalikiana> haha\n * Chipaca picks up a 15kg wrench\n<zyga-ubuntu> Chipaca: are you going to mend the computer?\n<Chipaca> kyrofa: actually i'm asking on behalf of https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/how-do-i-create-an-opengles2-and-glfw3-snap/2488\n * zyga-ubuntu is in a bus, working like it's his office\n<Chipaca> zyga-ubuntu: put pants on, man!\n<kyrofa> Chipaca, alright I'll take a look, thanks for the ping :)\n<zyga-ubuntu> Chipaca: oh my!\n<zyga-ubuntu> and I thought I just looked good\n<zyga-ubuntu> all the people staring\n<sergiusens> Chipaca the title doesn't make me feel it would be easy as the text below it makes it\n<c-lobrano> kalikiana: alright, changed commit message a bit, now github recognized the update :D\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: users gonna use\n<sergiusens> Chipaca isn't all the gl stuff supposed to be mirrored into the snap through the snapd mounts?\n<sergiusens> zyga-ubuntu ^ ?\n<Chipaca> was about to say, i think some magic is done, but ask zyga-ubuntu :-)\n<Chipaca> this might just be a \"add the opengl interface\" or something\n * Chipaca no sabe\n<kalikiana> c-lobrano: One note on the test data. How about using something other than Xenial where it's normal to have no VERSION_ID field?\n<kalikiana> Otherwise it's potentially confusing to someone reading the test\n<Chipaca> kalikiana: c-lobrano: you know about os-release-zoo?\n<kalikiana> Chipaca: What's that?\n<Chipaca> kalikiana: like an animal zoo, but of os-release files\n<Chipaca> kalikiana: https://github.com/zyga/os-release-zoo\n<kalikiana> Oh, neat\n<kalikiana> MAybe this one https://github.com/zyga/os-release-zoo/blob/master/elementary/elementary-0.4.txt works for this test\n<Chipaca> kalikiana: note that one is wrong\n<Chipaca> as in, it's what they shipped, but it's invalid\n<Chipaca> they have since fixed it (i think0\n<Chipaca> )\n<kalikiana> Ah, it has the invalid ID. There was even a snapcraft bug about it\n<Chipaca> :-)\n * ikey sometimes thinks os-release needs an UPDATE_MECHANISM field to properly describe the core architecture\n<Chipaca> ikey: also a SUCKS_LIKE field\n<Chipaca> IS_AT_LEAST_AS_BAD_AS=...\n<ikey> lol\n<c-lobrano> kalikiana: I think you're right. I'm not familiar with os-release-zoo\n<zyga-ubuntu> c-lobrano: hey\n<zyga-ubuntu> c-lobrano: github.com/zyga/os-release-zoo\n<pstolowski> cachio_, it failed for me with snap_mode not defined again, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25759787/\n<pstolowski> mvo, ^\n<c-lobrano> hey zyga-ubuntu, thank you, I'll look into it\n<pstolowski> cachio_, my versions: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25759794/\n<pstolowski> cachio_, how about yours?\n<cachio_> pstolowski, one min please\n<cachio_> flasing the new one\n<cachio_> pstolowski, did you use the ubuntu-image snap?\n<pstolowski> cachio_, yes\n<cachio_> pstolowski, https://paste.ubuntu.com/25759837/\n<cachio_> this is mine\n<cachio_> flashed with deb ubuntu image\n<cachio_> the only diff is the rev for the core\n<cachio_> pstolowski, I am gonna run the test now\n<elopio> sorry for not replying kyrofa, I spent too much time fixing my wifi yesterday\n<pstolowski> cachio_, why is it different?\n<ogra_> cachio_, please check if there is actually any corruption by running fw_printenv manuallly after the test, we found yesterday that this actually works and there might be just an issue how fw_printenv is used in the test or a bug in fw_printenv itself but no actual corruption of uboot.env or the vfat ...\n<kyrofa> elopio, quite alright. Things working better today?\n<elopio> kyrofa: docker will speed things, we can go back to it. However, the problem we had was that nobody is developing in docker, so it was hard to reproduce the errors.\n<elopio> also, we can't install snaps.\n<ogra_> cachio_, all manual runs of fw_printenv returned proper results yesterday even if the test failed\n<cachio_> ogra_, ok\n<kyrofa> elopio, yeah I was mostly meaning for normal units/integrations\n<kyrofa> But if there are weird failures there, yeah that would explain it\n<elopio> kyrofa: if we publish a snap before running the integration tests, there will be no deps to install.\n<kyrofa> Very true\n<kyrofa> elopio, but again: talking about unit tests and stuff\n<elopio> kyrofa: I'm not worried about unit, but I have no problem moving those to docker.\n<kyrofa> elopio, yeah I really just mean as an overall speedup step\n<pstolowski> cachio_, please paste your error if it hppens again\n<elopio> kyrofa: we still have the docker scripts around, because I didn't get a chance to move the CLA to lxc. My plan was to have everything consistent in lxc, but we can go the other way, no big arguments from me.\n<cachio_> pstolowski, it works when I flash with the deb }ubuntu-image\n<kyrofa> elopio, I have no strong feelings. We all know lxd better. I was just thinking from a speed perspective\n<cachio_> did you run the test with the image flashed with the snap ubuntu-image?\n<kyrofa> Not sure it's worth it\n<cachio_> mvo, when I use an image flashing with the deb ubuntu-image the tst pass, when I use the snap ubuntu-image the test fails\n<cachio_> mvo, interesting\n<cachio_> ogra_, also for you\n<elopio> kyrofa: would it make sense to explore having a persistent lxc container and caching it?\n<kyrofa> elopio, caching it... in lxc?\n<kyrofa> Ugh, in s3 I mean, sorry\n<kyrofa> Not awake yet\n<elopio> caching it in travis\n<kyrofa> How would that work?\n<ogra_> cachio_, hmm, has the deb even been updated sinc ethe snap exists ?\n<ogra_> also ... the deb requires you to use the foundations PPA for it to get the ext4libs version that make you not require sudo\n<ogra_> though neither should have any influence here\n<cachio_> I ran with sudo\n<kalikiana> elopio: Where would the container be created/ destroyed in that case?\n<cachio_> ogra_, is it a problem?\n<ogra_> well, it is a difference ... :)\n<mvo> cachio_: yay\n<ogra_> the version differemce might/could be a prob though\n<mvo> cachio_: that is awesome news, we have a smoking gun now\n<pstolowski> mvo, cachio_ well, it doesn't match my results\n<mvo> cachio_: I bet its the embedded mtools (or whatever vfat tools) inside the snap then\n<mvo> pstolowski: what do you get?\n<pstolowski> mvo, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25759787/\n<pstolowski> mvo, it's from a few moments ago, i flashed with ubuntu-image from the snap (yesterday I was using ubuntu-image from the deb)\n<ogra_> pstolowski, ubuntu-image deb or snap ? (and did you use sudo or not)\n<ogra_> aha\n<ogra_> so a smoking red herring then :P not a gun ...\n<cachio_> ogra_, I always used sudo\n<pstolowski> ogra_, yes I used sudo\n<ogra_> wwith the snap you shouldnt need to ...\n<ogra_> and with the deb, only if you dont use the PPA\n<pstolowski> ogra_, but no harm either way?\n<ogra_> theoretically not\n<ogra_> practically ... i dont know :)\n<mvo> pstolowski: well, its the EOF again, thats slightly different than the error from cachio_\n<mvo> pstolowski: still interessting and something I would love to figure out why the connection is broken\n * kalikiana going to step out for a bit, to find some food\n<pstolowski> mvo, but first and foremost, it's snap_try_core and snap_mode not defined again, right?\n<mvo> pstolowski: it will get cleared after a successful boot, so its ok if you don't see it\n<mvo> pstolowski, cachio_ I need to interrupt your testing with 2.28.5 and push 2.28.1 with a wpa fix to beta now\n<cachio_> mvo, np\n<cachio_> should I validate it now?\n<kyrofa> Yikes... using github to update branches is not working\n<kyrofa> Something is broken here\n<mvo> cachio_: yes please, once its ready, I'm uploading right now\n<kyrofa> It actually does the merge, but doesn't update the PR or tests\n<cachio_> mvo, I'll have lunch now in that case\n<mvo> cachio_: sure\n<mvo> cachio_: enjoy!\n<cachio_> mvo, and I'll create the images with the deb ubuntu-image then :)\n<mvo> cachio_: \\o/\n<kyrofa> Meh. \"We continue to investigate a queue backlog. You may experience that commits take longer than usual to appear in pull requests.\"\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1624 opened: kernel plugin: use latest stable core snap <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1624>\n<elopio> kyrofa, kalikiana: I don't know, just an idea that I would have to try. Maybe putting /var/snap/lxd in the cache, or something like that.\n<kyrofa> elopio, wait... I thought the cache required s3?\n<kyrofa> Maybe I'm mixing wires with other conversations we've had\n<elopio> kyrofa: you are talking about sharing files between stages. For that, they recommend not to use the cache, and use something external.\n<kyrofa> elopio, oh interesting. Wouldn't that be what we're doing if we cache lxd, though?\n<elopio> we want to share the snap between stages, it might be worth asking why they are recommending that.\n<elopio> yes. They also recommend not to cache images :)\n<elopio> but if there is no good reason, we can just ignore the recommendation.\n<kyrofa> Huh\n<ogra_> ppisati, sergiusens ... what is this ? https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/blob/master/snapcraft/plugins/kernel.py#L456 ... why was the kernel plugin not switched to download core ?\n<ogra_> (ubuntu-core has not been built since severeal months, all initrd scripts in there are definitely massively outdated)\n<mvo> cachio_: new beta core ready for testing, this is a cve fix, so feel free to bump to candidate as soon as we get ok from CE and we should also push to stable as QA allows\n<abeato> ppisati, sergiusens FTR: https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1624\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1624: kernel plugin: use latest stable core snap <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1624>\n<cwayne> mvo: cert tests are under way, we'll keep an eye out and let you know as soon as they're ready\n<mvo> cwayne: \\o/\n<mvo> cwayne: thank you, this is very important so I appreciate it\n<ppisati> ogra_: i don't know, maybe when the rename 's/ubuntu-core/core/' was done they forget to check every plugin?\n<ogra_> heh, well, kernel is the only plugin that downloads core ...\n<ogra_> i dont get how we didnt notice this though\n<ogra_> doesnt it print \"downloading ubuntu-core\" somewhere when it does that ?\n<ppisati> uhm\n<ogra_> it snt *that* bad given that all official kernel snaps re-pack the deb anyway ... but people building their own kernels miss the last fixes in the initrd scripts\n<kalikiana> elopio: Do you know if I can mock.patch for an entire module? I'm trying to patch check_open which is used in different files - and I don't want to have several mocks for all of them\n<elopio> kalikiana: yes, just use the path to the module they are all importing\n<kalikiana> elopio: That's what I tried... it's telling me the functions don't exist\n<kalikiana> elopio: This is how I'm specifying it `snapcraft.internal.lxd.sleep`\n<kalikiana> lxd is the folder containing __init__.py\n<elopio> kalikiana: are you importing snapcraft.internal.lxd in the test file?\n<kalikiana> elopio: No\n<kalikiana> elopio: even with that, I'm getting `AttributeError: <module 'snapcraft.internal.lxd' from '~/bau/snapcraft/snapcraft/internal/lxd/__init__.py'> does not have the attribute 'check_call'`\n<kalikiana> It seems to be looking in __init__.py, not inside the module where it's being used\n<kalikiana> elopio: I'm guessing I'd have to import those functions in __init__.py then, rather than the individual files\n<cachio_> cwayne, are you already testing 2.28.5 with the wpa fix?\n<kalikiana> elopio: Well, doesn't seem like I can. I can't use functions  from __init__.py in the other files\n<cwayne> cachio_: if that's the core in beta currently, yes\n<cachio_> cwayne, perfect\n<cachio_> please tell me once it is ready\n<cwayne> cachio_: thats rev 3242 right?\n<cachio_> cwayne, 3247\n<elopio> kalikiana: I'm confused, because you are talking about sleep, check_call and check_open. Not sure which one you are trying to mock. If it's sleep, just import time and mock.patch('time.sleep')\n<kalikiana> elopio: Yes. And right now all of these are imported individually\n<cwayne> cachio_: ah, were there two pushes to beta today?\n<cachio_> cwayne, yes\n<cwayne> ok, it's ongoing\n<cachio_> cwayne, the last is the valid one\n<cwayne> cachio_: ack, some systems were still running on 3241, we'll cancel and start up 3247 on those now\n<kyrofa> snappy-m-o, autopkgtest 1603 artful:amd64 xenial:arm64 xenial:armhf zesty:arm64\n<snappy-m-o> kyrofa: I've just triggered your test.\n<kyrofa> You're the best\n<cachio_> cwayne, great, thanks\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1625 opened: tests: use the snapcraft snap for integration tests <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1625>\n<ackk> uhm, https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapcraft/jobs/289097568 has a weird error\n<kalikiana> elopio: Alright, will see how far I get by not importing these by name. Already hit `open` not working. So that one I have to mock for the individual file, otherwise it silently fails\n<ackk> kyrofa, ^ beside that one, other tests on my PR are green\n<kyrofa> ackk, unfortunately, the other tests didn't even run due to that failure :P . I've poked it\n<ackk> kyrofa, thanks\n<kenvandine> nessita, i'm getting a 401 error trying to download a snap from the edge channel\n<kenvandine> - Download snap \"gnome-taquin\" (8) from channel \"edge\" (received an unexpected http response code (401) when trying to download https://api.snapcraft.io/api/v1/snaps/download/pyEMtK4uVBGIvCV2B1NHC1sb3c2bL7x6_8.snap)\n<kenvandine> nessita, is that something you can help with?\n<kenvandine> we saw this before with the same package, i released it to stable and it worked\n<kenvandine> but now there's a new revision in edge and seeing the same thing again\n<kenvandine> popey, ^^ it happened again, same package\n * sergiusens is always annoyed by our unittests requiring hg, svn and bzr\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1626 opened: lifecycle: split into its own package <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1626>\n<nessita> kenvandine, checking\n<nessita> kenvandine, what arch?\n<kenvandine> amd64\n<nessita> kenvandine, are you logged in? (is not a requirement but if you are is a different debug path)\n<kenvandine> nessita, yes and no :)\n<nessita> in other words, what command were you executing?\n<kenvandine> i've tried it both ways\n<kenvandine> sudo snap install --edge gnome-taquin\n<kenvandine> a wget of the url fails too\n<kenvandine> popey had tried that last time it happened\n<nessita> kenvandine, let me involve more relevant people then\n<kenvandine> cool\n * kenvandine wasn't sure who to bug\n<nessita> cprov, hi hi\n<nessita> cprov, so \"sudo snap install --edge gnome-taquin\" is failing with - Download snap \"gnome-taquin\" (8) from channel \"edge\" (received an unexpected http response code (401) when trying to download https://api.snapcraft.io/api/v1/snaps/download/pyEMtK4uVBGIvCV2B1NHC1sb3c2bL7x6_8.snap)\n<kenvandine> last time i released it to another channel and it was fine in the other channel\n<nessita> cprov, I've checked and the snap is public and released to edge for revision 8\n<kenvandine> now that i rebuilt the snap in edge it happens again\n<popey> works for me\n<popey> i am logged into the store tho\n<nessita> popey, what snapd are you running?\n<kenvandine> oh right... you are special though :)\n<kenvandine> that's right\n<popey> 2.28.5\n<popey> oh, also, I am special\n<kenvandine> doesn't work for my login and not logged in\n<kenvandine> popey, remember we debugged this before ;)\n<nessita> popey, so you are on beta for snapd?\n<kenvandine> nessita, we ruled out snapd versions last time\n<kenvandine> it was his login\n<kenvandine> if popey logs out it fails for him too\n<nessita> popey, you are a reviewer, so that may be giving you special access\n<kenvandine> right\n<popey> i am tracking beta for core, yes\n<popey> because reasons\n<popey> confirmed I get 401 from another (not logged in, snap 2.28.1) machine\n<mup> PR snapd#3954 closed: snap: introduce structured epochs <Created by chipaca> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3954>\n<cprov> nessita: yup, 401 comes from SCA, I will look in a bit\n<kenvandine> cprov, thx\n<nessita> cprov, if I login it works, and I'm guessing that's because I'm a reviewer, but I thought we killed all privileges for reviewers when downloading outside dashboard\n<cprov> nessita: right, works when I am logged in\n<kenvandine> i can download the snap via the browser\n<nessita> kenvandine, what do you mean?\n<nessita> kenvandine, from the dashboard site while logged in as you?\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1627 opened: lxd: split container classes into different files <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1627>\n<nessita> what's the link you used in the browser?\n<kenvandine> dashboard logged in\n<nessita> cprov, so the above indicates that only publishers and reviewers are being able to download, not other users\n<kenvandine> oh, actually i can install it when logged in\n<kenvandine> but i can't when not logged in\n<kyrofa> nessita, isn't that by design?\n<kenvandine> i can install from the stable channel when not logged in\n<kenvandine> but only for this snap\n<kenvandine> weird... scratch that... i can't install from stable either when not logged in\n * kenvandine could have sworn i could \n<nessita> kenvandine, but the issue was with edge, no?\n<kenvandine> was... but it exists with stable too it seems\n<kenvandine> when not logged in\n<kenvandine> nessita, i noticed there is a distribution blacklist\n<kenvandine> that lists like all the countries\n * kenvandine hasn't seen that before\n<nessita> gah did I miss checking for country restrictins?\n<kalikiana> elopio: I was successful with not importing by name in the end :-D  You'll see the result in my new PR\n<kenvandine> nah, it says no restrictions\n<kalikiana> Now time to wrap up for today\n<kenvandine> nessita, if i edit that it gives me a huge list of course\n<kenvandine> to select form\n<kenvandine> from\n<nessita> kenvandine, I don't see any restrictions set\n<nessita> kenvandine, as in the whitelist and blacklist are not defined, so that means all countries can access\n<kenvandine> package is public too\n<kenvandine> yeah\n<cprov> nessita: snapident & revs data match what I see in dashboard (public, not country_black/white lists and released at least once)\n<nessita> cprov, so revision 8 is shown as published in the channel map?\n<cprov> nessita: yes, released | 2017-10-17 17:28:31.979241\n<mup> Issue snapcraft#1628 opened: record lxc image used <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/1628>\n<kyrofa> What the heck is wrong with Travis. We're getting all sorts of errors that we didn't get before\n<kyrofa> BlockingIOErrors, address space conflicts\n<kyrofa> kalikiana, elopio we're getting container-related autopkgtest failures: https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-artful-snappy-dev-snapcraft-daily/artful/amd64/s/snapcraft/20171017_173440_d185c@/log.gz\n<kyrofa> It looks valid, the raw.idmap assertion looks wrong\n<kyrofa> At least, it's obviously different than what we expect\n<elopio> both 1000 0/both 1234 0 Hum, this seems related to the change kalikiana did for running with sudo\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1622 closed: schema: sync patterns with snapd <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1622>\n<sergiusens> elopio how about retriggering adt for snapcraft#1602 ?\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1602: tests: add the slow tag for ros snapd integration test <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1602>\n<sergiusens> elopio and what I mean about error prone is that in setUp I change the value we can easily confuse the whole thing. The text should say something like \"add it as a class attribute\"\n<kyrofa> sergiusens, that's the one I'm whining about now. Doesn't look like a retrigger will succeed\n<kyrofa> Actually I'm whining about its prereq\n<sergiusens> kyrofa which one is the prereq?\n<kyrofa> elopio, note that xenial amd64 passed, and is the only amd64 I ran\n<kyrofa> sergiusens, snapcraft#1603\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1603: tests: add /snap/bin to PATH in autopkgtests <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1603>\n<sergiusens> kyrofa the github side of it worked fine\n<sergiusens> kyrofa the adts of it all failed though\n<elopio> sergiusens: I updated the wording. Please let me know if it's better now.\n<kyrofa> sergiusens, indeed\n<kyrofa> elopio, oh wait... what. Maybe I lied. github is still weird right now, the amd64 run disappeared\n<kyrofa> Oh, no, it failed as well\n<kyrofa> I think that was an artifact from the previous run. This is really bad today\n<elopio> well, it's clear there's an issue in that test. It mocks getuid, and returns the wrong value.\n<kyrofa> elopio, and it looks like it fails everywhere\n<kyrofa> Obvious fix? Or would you like me to investigate?\n<kyrofa> I think we should focus on getting autopkgtests to pass until they do :P\n<elopio> kyrofa: obvious fix is to also patch SUDO_UID\n<kyrofa> elopio, wait... these are unit failures. Why aren't they failing on travis?\n<kyrofa> (or locally)\n<kyrofa> Because they run as root in autopkgtest?\n<elopio> because we don't run with SUDO maybe?\n<elopio> I don't like this test :/\n<kyrofa> Ah, indeed, SUDO_UID I see what you're saying now\n<cwayne> cachio_: looks good so far, waiting on a few more devices\n<cachio_> cwayne, great, here also looks promising\n<cachio_> just known issues\n<kyrofa> sergiusens, pre/post stanzas: are you thinking we'll have those around stage/prime as well?\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1629 opened: lxd: fix the unit test for the ser id map <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1629>\n<elopio> what do you kyrofa? snapcraft#1629\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1629: lxd: fix the unit test for the ser id map <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1629>\n<kyrofa> elopio, I'd prefer to see it testing that SUDO_UID actually takes precedence\n<kyrofa> elopio, i.e. make them different values\n<kyrofa> And have an \"expected\" in the scenario\n<kyrofa> Thoughts?\n<kyrofa> sergiusens, also, do you intend them to include a third stanza that replaces the plugin's? e.g. pre-pull, pull, and post-pull?\n<elopio> kyrofa: please refresh the diff and see if you like it better.\n<kyrofa> elopio, much better, but I'd also like to see a third case where they're both set and SUDO_UID is used instead of getuid\n<kyrofa> Thoughts?\n<kyrofa> I feel like that precedence is probably important behavior to preserve\n<elopio> you are right.\n<elopio> I don't like this test, so I was trying to not touch it a lot. But well, that's a small change.\n<kyrofa> Hahaha\n<kyrofa> Go wash your hands after\n<elopio> hum, no kyrofa, this third test would be a duplicate. On the first one, the env var is set, and os.getuid is not called.\n<kyrofa> elopio, are we testing for that? Or could the test also pass if it tried to call os.getuid first, got None, and fell back to SUDO_UID?\n<elopio> on the second one, the env var is not set, and os.getuid is called. This third test is the same as the first one. I just set the os.getuid return value as None, to make it clearer. But apparently, it's not :p\n<kyrofa> I suppose getting None from getuid would be odd\n<kyrofa> elopio, works for me\n<elopio> well, I can replace getuid None for a value.\n<kyrofa> elopio, doesn't matter too much. I agree with you\n<elopio> snappy-m-o autopkgtest 1629 xenial:amd64\n<snappy-m-o> elopio: I've just triggered your test.\n<cwayne> cachio_: so the only change in this core is the krack fix right?\n<cachio_> cwayne, there are few changes compared with 28.4\n<cachio_> but the diff with the previous 28.5 is just the fix\n<cwayne> cachio_: shouldn't we have done just 2.28.1+krack fix since that's what's in stable today?\n<cachio_> cwayne, that was the original idea, but it was also needed to add some other important fixes that are included in the 2.28.5 such as the fix for machines with nvidia drivers\n<cachio_> cwayne, so it was decided to go with the 2.28.5\n<cachio_> cwayne, so far everything working properly on my side\n<cachio_> cwayne, how is it going in your side?\n<cwayne> cachio_: either way, it looks like we're having some issues with the last device (unrelated to core), so I think in interest of speediness, we can push 3247 to candidate\n<cwayne> everything looks pretty normal here, just waiting on that last device (been having problems with the hw lately)\n<cachio_> cwayne, ok, which device is it?\n<elopio> snappy-m-o autopkgtest 1629 xenial:amd64\n<snappy-m-o> elopio: I've just triggered your test.\n<mwhudson> how do you guys test that snap updates work correctly?\n<mwhudson> i have a bug where the snap being updated breaks things :/\n<mwhudson> oh revert i guess\n<kyrofa> mwhudson, it depends on the snap. I use capistrano for Nextcloud\n<kyrofa> *sigh* I mean capybara. Man what is the deal today\n<kyrofa> mwhudson, and manual testing-- install the stable version, then test refreshing to candidate\n<mwhudson> whoa snap revert blew up in an exciting way\n<mwhudson> i think that's probably the overlayfs fun and games\n<kyrofa> mwhudson, overlayfs? Do I wanna know?\n<mwhudson> kyrofa: the snap i'm working on is subiquity, the server installer\n<mwhudson> it runs out of a livecd environment so everything is strange :)\n#snappy 2017-10-18\n<kyrofa> mwhudson, oh yes that sounds fun\n<sergiusens> kyrofa about pre and post, there's a very long forum post about that!\n<sergiusens> kyrofa so what is the veredict on https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1626 ? Or maybe elopio...\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1626: lifecycle: split into its own package <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1626>\n<zyga-suse> good morning\n<zyga-suse> Pharaoh_Atem: I'll start testing 2.28.5 update after breakfast\n<elopio> snappy-m-o autopkgtest 1630 xenial:amd64:integration\n<snappy-m-o> elopio: I've just triggered your test.\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1630 opened: tests: allow to select a suite when running autopkgtests <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1630>\n<mup> PR snapd#4028 closed: interfaces/mount: don't generate legacy per-hook/per-app mount profiles <Created by zyga> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4028>\n<zyga-suse> hey, good morning mvo\n<zyga-suse> mvo: heads up, I need to pick up my son from school again at .. 15:00 exactly,\n<mup> PR snapd#4009 closed: tests: adding test for network-manager interface <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4009>\n<mvo> zyga-suse: good morning\n<zyga-suse> :-)\n<mvo> zyga-suse: do you mind if I merge 3999?\n<zyga-suse> looking\n<mvo> zyga-suse: there is one followup {0,}->{0} for the array init, but otherwise it should be fine, I can do this followup in my 4000 pr\n<zyga-suse> mvo: I think we need to wait for jamie's review\n<zyga-suse> as for {0.} vs {0} - I don't mind. whatever indent does is fine\n<mvo> yeah\n<zyga-suse> mvo, jdstrand should be back tomorrow AFAIR\n<mvo> zyga-suse: ok\n<zyga-suse> mvo: question about .5 promotion\n<zyga-suse> mvo: when do you envision that will happen\n<kalikiana> o/\n<mvo> zyga-suse: hey, not entirely sure, we should discuss in the standup. usually on mondays but given the cirumstance maybe earlier is better\n<zyga-suse> I think that earlier is better too, given that many people are affected by nvidia\n<mvo> zyga-suse: yeah, that too\n<zyga-suse> NB: I won't be at the standup\n<mvo> zyga-suse: also now that the pi3 mystery is traced to ubuntu-image\n<zyga-suse> mvo: aha? different versions of embedded tools?\n<mvo> zyga-suse: yeah, i suspect that\n<mup> PR snapd#4047 closed: snap-confine: init all arrays with `= {0,}` <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4047>\n<mup> PR snapd#3872 closed: preserve TMPDIR and HOSTALIASES across snap-confine invocation (LP: #1682308) <Created by mwhudson> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3872>\n<c-lobrano> hey kalikiana, sorry for disappearing yesterday. I updated the PR on LP 1722650 using Gentoo's os-release-info, which does not have VERSION_ID (thanks zyga-suse as well)\n<c-lobrano> ^bug #1722650\n<mup> Bug #1722650: snapcraft requires optional VERSION_ID in os-release <bitesize> <Snapcraft:In Progress by c-lobrano> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1722650>\n<Chipaca> mvo: ping\n<mvo> Chipaca: pong\n<Chipaca> mvo: i'm lookinig into the translations thing\n<Chipaca> mvo: the translations are on the ubuntu package, not the snapd project\n<Chipaca> mvo: so i can't set up the branch to pull them back in\n<Chipaca> mvo: who knows this stuff?\n<mvo> Chipaca: I do\n<Chipaca> mvo: oh no :-)\n<mvo> Chipaca: its mostly sorted, expect a pr in a little bit\n<Chipaca> mvo: ah ok\n<mvo> Chipaca: I enabled translation on the project now\n<mvo> Chipaca: it was selected on the 15.04 branch\n<zyga-suse> Parlez-vous francais?\n<zyga-suse> will snapd now happily speak esperanto?\n<mvo> zyga-suse: yes\n<mvo> Chipaca: I was mostly adding the test we talked about\n<zyga-suse> mon dieu!\n<zyga-suse> mvo: will we now get perioidic imports of translations into github?\n<mvo> zyga-suse: yes, hopefully we can just pull from a LP git branch\n<mvo> zyga-suse: but that is not done yet\n<ogra_> pfft esperanto ...\n<ogra_> ... klingon is what we want !!!\n<mup> PR snapd#4053 opened: tests,po: sync translations from LP and add regression test for LP:1723974 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4053>\n<mvo> Chipaca: -^\n<mvo> Chipaca: fwiw, this panics for other translations as well\n<mvo> Chipaca: feel free to merge into your branch\n<kalikiana> c-lobrano: Cool! No worries. I'm testing it now\n<Chipaca> mvo: you know what would be cool? if i18n could be compiled to look in a non-system dir, for unit-ish testing\n<mvo> Chipaca: that can be done\n<Chipaca> mvo: SMOP and all that\n<mvo> Chipaca: actally vSMOP\n<mvo> actually\n<mvo> Chipaca: I can make this happen, sounds like the right task before lunch\n<Chipaca> mvo: i've merged your branch and am building the package to test it, fwiw\n<mvo> Chipaca: what do you envision? a unit test for cmd.go?\n<mvo> Chipaca: in addition to the integration test? or should this supersede it?\n<mvo> Chipaca: the i18n might be easy, iirc the cmd.go go-flags stuff is harder to re-init, iirc it has some global state that is hard to get rid of :/\n<Chipaca> mvo: the integration test doesn't seem to do anything that of necessity needs to be integration-y\n<Chipaca> ah\n<Chipaca> bah\n<Chipaca> mvo: maybe it's for another time then\n<mvo> Chipaca: yeah, the i18n part is \"simple\", but let me quickly poke at it, maybe I misremember, but I think there is a bunch func init() in go-flags\n<Chipaca> mvo: it's sort-of-kinda a static check that run-checks could do if it knew how\n<Chipaca> but might as well leave it in spread ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯\n<Chipaca> who do we know that speaks nb_NO?\n<Chipaca> fnordahl: ohi\n<fnordahl> Chipaca: jeg snakker norsk, hva trenger du?\n<fnordahl> Chipaca: What can I do for you today?\n<Chipaca> fnordahl: hello. I was just checking if there was a reason (beyond a typo) for “<assertion file>” to have been translated to “forutsetningsfil>”, i.e. for the missing opening <\n<zyga-suse> Chipaca: I was wondering why you didn't choose to add < > in go\n<zyga-suse> Chipaca: and just ask the translators to translate the markupless text\n<Chipaca> ...........................\n * zyga-suse implemented overlayfs hole-poking logic now, now the testing \n<zyga-suse> *lots* of tests to write\n<Chipaca> zyga-suse: that's my forehead hitting the keyboard\n<Chipaca> zyga-suse: I don't know either. Inertia?\n<Chipaca> OTOH, let's not fix it in that direction _right_ now (and lose the translations)\n<Chipaca> mvo: when we SRU, does that mean the language pack might also get updated? or is that separate?\n<fnordahl> Chipaca: the missing character does indeed look like a typo. To say anything about the actual wording used in the translation I need some context. In which files does the referenced sentences reside?\n<Chipaca> fnordahl: hmm, not sure if this answers your question: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/artful/+source/snapd/+pots/snappy/nb/+translate?batch=10&show=all&search=forutsetningsfil ?\n<mvo> Chipaca: its separate, the language-packs follow their own schedule\n<Chipaca> fnordahl: otherwise this https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/cmd/snap/cmd_ack.go is the source file for that string\n<Chipaca> (but that might not help much either)\n<fnordahl> sure that was helpful, i'll have a look and leave any suggestion I might have on the referenced page and comment here.\n<ackk> mvo, a couple of autopkgtests still failed on  https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3916, but I'm not sure it's related to the changes\n<mup> PR #3916: snap,wrappers: add support for socket activation <Created by albertodonato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3916>\n<mvo> ackk: you can ignore those, I will double check but those are unstable today\n<ackk> mvo, thanks\n<Son_Goku> zyga-suse: Yo\n<zyga-suse> Son_Goku: hey ho\n * Son_Goku sighs\n<Son_Goku> I'm disappoint\n<Son_Goku> I wanted 2.28.5 to be part of the Fedora 27 final freeze\n<Son_Goku> but no one bothered to give any karma for it\n<Son_Goku> I *hate* this\n<zyga-suse> :-/\n<Son_Goku> no one tests it, and I basically have to wait\n<Son_Goku> and twice I've been ruined by Ubuntu breakages and having to reset the counter\n<Son_Goku> because I *have* to move in lockstep or otherwise things break badly\n<Son_Goku> this is the really *not* fun part of snapd\n<zyga-suse> I don't disagree with other things but the whole 2.28.x release is not really broken just on ubuntu\n<Son_Goku> it's not really broken on Fedora\n<Son_Goku> all the problematic features are disabled\n<zyga-suse> I'm worried that nobody apart from sometimes me looks at fedora testing\n<zyga-suse> Son_Goku: udev is equally broken\n<zyga-suse> Son_Goku: most of the fixes were related to udev in one way or another\n<Son_Goku> you think you're worried? aside from myself, I don't think anyone actually looks at it or cares\n<Son_Goku> I have no numbers to prove any usage, since we don't have an equivalent to popcon in Fedora\n<Son_Goku> I do know that basically no one ever clicks the links on the snapcraft forum\n<zyga-suse> links for testing?\n<Son_Goku> yes\n<Son_Goku> I went through a ton of trouble to diagnose and fix static builds for snap-exec and snap-update-ns\n<Son_Goku> for base snaps\n<leocadio> Hello. Does anyone know if it's possible to make changes on the ath9k driver and compile it as a snap to be executed within a Ubuntu Core installation?\n<zyga-suse> re\n<Chipaca> leocadio: sounds like something for the forum\n<Chipaca> leocadio: AFAIK it's currently not possible -- i think currently you need to ship it in the kernel snap\n<zyga-suse> mvo, Chipaca: I'm going to pick up my son again, will miss standup.\n<zyga-suse> my update is simple, overlays work but I need to spend time on polishing fine details, fixing and writing tests\n<Chipaca> zyga-suse: i'm so excited about overlays :-)\n<zyga-suse> Chipaca: me too, it's a game changer in many ways\n<zyga-suse> I'm pushing a WIP branch but it's too early to even spread test (especially after what I just pushed)\n<zyga-suse> feel free to peek though :)\n<zyga-suse> with that note I'm off\n<mvo> zyga-suse: see you\n<Chipaca> mvo: wrt the translations thing, should i patch the nb_NO translation so the tests pass and we can land it?\n<Chipaca> mvo: or should we wait for launchpad to reflect the fixed translation?\n<mvo> Chipaca: do you have a link to nb_NO translation?\n<mvo> Chipaca: maybe I can fix myself or did you suggest a translation already?\n<Chipaca> mvo: i have suggested it\n<mvo> Chipaca: I think we should fix in git and land and not wait for LP. do you think you could contact the nb translation team? there must be a way to get in touch so that they can approve it?\n<Chipaca> mvo: once f.nordahl confirmed it was a sane suggestion :-)\n<mvo> Chipaca: heh, thanks to fnordahl then :)\n * Chipaca should've split that as fnord.ahl\n<Chipaca> yes indeed\n<Chipaca> but, launchpad hasn't accepted it yet\n<Chipaca> hence my question (as opposed to me pestering you to pull them again)\n<mvo> Chipaca: yeah, lets pester the nb team but also we should not block on it, we have a test so if this gets pullled in again we will know :)\n<Chipaca> mvo: so I hand edit the nb_NO.po?\n<Chipaca> nb.po actually\n<Chipaca> msgid \"-r can only be used with --hook\"\n<Chipaca> msgstr \"«-r» kan bare brukes sammen med «--hook»\"\n<Chipaca> oooohhhh\n<Chipaca> we need to fix quoting everywhere, and it always turns out to be huge. I'll probably do it on a plane six months from now :-)\n<Chipaca> (there's a bug along the lines of “use double quotes for X, single quotes for Y”)\n<Chipaca> mvo: anyway, unless you say no, i'm pushing a fix to nb.po so my branch looks green again\n<mvo> Chipaca: +1\n<Chipaca> ok, i'm going off for a while\n<mup> PR snapd#4051 closed: many: add integrated snapfuse <Created by zyga> <Closed by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4051>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1623 closed: Removed dependency on VERSION_ID in os-release <Created by clobrano> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1623>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1626 closed: lifecycle: split into its own package <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1626>\n<sergiusens> o/\n<sergiusens> In the end I decided to cancel my day off for today. There is just so much I want to get done\n<sergiusens> kalikiana mind looking at snapcraft#1480 ? The adt container test errors\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1480: beta <Created by snappy-m-o> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1480>\n<kalikiana> sergiusens: There's already a PR snapcraft#1629 for part of the failures - I'm actually looking into the one it doesn't fix that fails with \"no such file or directory\"\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1629: lxd: fix the unit test for the user id map <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1629>\n<zyga-suse> me is home\n<zyga-suse> time for a small break, then to attack overlayfs with tests\n<zyga-suse> :-)\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1624 closed: kernel plugin: use latest stable core snap <bug> <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1624>\n<kyrofa> pstolowski, curious to get your thoughts on https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/restarting-services-from-configure-hook-race-condition\n<pstolowski> kyrofa, are you watching me?\n<kyrofa> pstolowski, ha!\n<kyrofa> Yes\n<ogra_> kyrofa, is that the webcam link you forwarded to me in PM (havent clicked it yet) ?\n<kyrofa> ogra_, who ELSE would it be?\n<ogra_> indeed\n<pstolowski> kyrofa, I was reading it for the 2nd time a moment ago. still thinking - the response you got already was kinda what I thought about too (creating a config file solves the \"problem\" of transactional nature of the hook; but on the other hand it's against the idea of using snapctl when possible\n<kyrofa> pstolowski, my thoughts exactly\n<pstolowski> kyrofa, so, I need to think some more. clearly the introduction of snapctl outside of hooks introduced this kind of issue\n<kyrofa> pstolowski, well, it exposed it anyway. I would never say that feature wasn't required-- it's one of my favorites actually. Saving a config file felt super hacky\n<kyrofa> But yeah, making use of it is difficult\n<pstolowski> kyrofa, right, exposed; bad choice of words on my side\n<kyrofa> pstolowski, at the same time, what we have is conceptually correct. I like the transactional manner of this\n<kyrofa> My lockfile is admittedly probably just as hacky as saving config files, haha\n<pstolowski> kyrofa, would it make sense to be able to commit changes to config explicitely? `snapctl commit`? but it feels suspicious, we loose all the benefit of reverting config changes on failure\n<pstolowski> feels like a hack too\n<pstolowski> nah\n<kyrofa> pstolowski, yeah I considered that as well. I agree that it defeats some of the niceties and adds complexity...\n<kyrofa> But it feels more intuitive than trying to design a way to queue service restarts\n<kyrofa> I don't even know what that would look like\n<kyrofa> It also makes documentation hard. If configuring the port for apache succeeded but configuring the memory limit for PHP failed, the hook fails. I think the user should be able to assume everything they just set failed\n<kyrofa> pstolowski, here's a question\n<kyrofa> pstolowski, this problem exists because I can't actually restart the service. I have to kill it, then systemd brings it up in its own env\n<kyrofa> pstolowski, once snapctl supports restarting services, and I use it inside the hook, won't it get the hook's snapctl transaction?\n<kyrofa> i.e. its configuration\n<kyrofa> The context/cookie should be the same\n<pstolowski> kyrofa, indeed, but it's just going to send a request to snapd to restart the service (which in turn just restarts it via systemd)\n<kyrofa> Ah, darn\n<kyrofa> pstolowski, okay, what if snapctl grew the ability to queue generic shell commands that ran after the hook completed successfully\n<kyrofa> Then one could use `snapctl queue -- snapctl restart apache`\n<kyrofa> (in the hook)\n<pstolowski> kyrofa, hmm, maybe.. what about a \"post-configure\" hook?\n<kyrofa> That ran when `configure` succeeded? That could work, but requires one to save old values to compare new vs. old and determine what needs to be restarted\n<kyrofa> i.e. the restart conditions need to be determined out of context\n<kyrofa> Which is a bit of a buden\n<kyrofa> burden*\n<pstolowski> right, good point\n<Chipaca> linode is being funny again?\n * Chipaca hits the AGAIN button\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1603 closed: tests: add /snap/bin to PATH in autopkgtests <Created by elopio> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1603>\n<kyrofa> pstolowski, with the generic commands, we can build up a queue and then only run unique commands, so multiple service restart queues only end up restarting once, etc.\n<kyrofa> Well... maybe you don't want that as a generic feature. Hmm\n<pstolowski> kyrofa, atm I'm wondering if there is any way to expose cookie/context to the restarted service, so that it sees same transaction, and sapctl get from the service see yet-uncommited values. not sure that's easily doable though\n<kyrofa> pstolowski, that seems the simplest from the users point of view, certainly\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1631 opened: lxd: use FakeFilesystem in test_snap_containerized_remote <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1631>\n<kyrofa> pstolowski, although that still breaks the transactional nature of setting a configuration. That means it's possible for a service to be running with a configuration that failed to apply in the end\n<pstolowski> indeed\n<kalikiana> sergiusens: snapcraft#1631 is the missing piece to get the autopkg tests green again\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1631: lxd: use FakeFilesystem in test_snap_containerized_remote <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1631>\n<kalikiana> together with elopio's PR\n<elopio> together with two other PRs. We'll get there :)\n<kalikiana> Haha, true. I just meant the lxd ones, but yeah\n<kalikiana> elopio: your branch has conflicts btw\n<sergiusens> kalikiana can you just update elopio's branch with that PR as he moved the container tests into a new class\n<sergiusens> ?\n<kalikiana> sergiusens: That one doesn't test user id's so it wouldn't really benefit from the scenarios...\n<kalikiana> I can add it to his branch anyway\n<kalikiana> But not in the new class\n<elopio> conflict solved.\n<pstolowski> niemeyer, hey, any thoughts on the above discussion - I summarized it here: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/restarting-services-from-configure-hook-race-condition/2513/5 ?\n<niemeyer> Looking\n<sergiusens> nhandler hey, do you know how long the talks are for ATO?\n<kyrofa> sergiusens, four hours. You didn't know that?\n<pstolowski> niemeyer, hold one for a sec, forgot to document one more case\n<kyrofa> sergiusens, they anticipate between 300-500 slides\n<sergiusens> kalikiana the thing is, one will have conflicts as soon as the other lands, won't they? They both touch test_snap\n<sergiusens> kyrofa lol, given that there are 8 talks in parallel I think the combined value would add up to that number\n<kyrofa> Haha\n<sergiusens> kyrofa I will just use slides with single words ;-)\n<kyrofa> sergiusens, those are called CEO talks\n<sergiusens> heh\n * sergiusens leaves the computer for a bit to practise some aikido and get lunch\n<pstolowski> niemeyer, ok, now, updated with item #4\n<niemeyer> pstolowski: Thinking\n<kyrofa> pstolowski, good summary, thank you\n<niemeyer> pstolowski, kyrofa: Responded\n<kalikiana> elopio: sergiusens pushed my fix to the existing branch now\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1631 closed: lxd: use FakeFilesystem in test_snap_containerized_remote <Created by kalikiana> <Closed by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1631>\n<elopio> snappy-m-o autopkgtest 1629 xenial:amd64\n<snappy-m-o> elopio: I've just triggered your test.\n<pstolowski> niemeyer, thanks\n<niemeyer> pstolowski: #3972 reviewed again\n<mup> PR #3972: interfaces: sanitize plugs and slots early in ReadInfo <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3972>\n<niemeyer> pstolowski: LGTM with those details sorted\n<pstolowski> niemeyer, cool, thank you\n<facubatista> sergiusens, elopio, how can I see stdout in snapcraft tests after I put a print() in the tests?\n<elopio> facubatista: in unit tests, there's a self.fake_terminal that swallows all stdout and stderr.\n<facubatista> elopio, is there an easy way to disable it?\n<elopio> I wouldn't use print to debug. I would put a self.assertThat to confirm my assumptions. But, you can self.fake_terminal.getvalue()\n<facubatista> elopio, I can not open a pdb either\n<facubatista> elopio, I need to start checking the subversion machinery to see why a test fails in my computer\n<elopio> facubatista: comment it out in the setUp.\n<facubatista> elopio, is this a standard procedure? how do you debug when run tests?\n<elopio> I put assertions.\n<facubatista> elopio, but an assertions is a way to check a variable to a value... how do you just *see* different values when making the machinery move?\n<elopio> But it's not a happy thing. We need to split our logic from our presentation. One day...\n<elopio> When I don't understand a test, I put multiple assertions to check if my assumptions are correct until I understand it.\n<elopio> Not saying that's what you should do. You can disable the setup things that break pdb, and debug\n<facubatista> elopio, ack, thanks\n<mup> PR snapd#4017 closed: store: add download caching <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4017>\n<elopio> Probably sergiusens, kaliakiana and kyrofa have other methods.\n<facubatista> elopio, oh, subversion tests depends on machine's locale :/\n<kyrofa> elopio, facubatista yes I use a magical line: raise RuntimeError(<thing i want to see>)\n<kyrofa> The whole swallowing stdout/stderr for everything is awful\n<facubatista> kyrofa, that, like elopio's assert, makes possible to see ONE thing, not several\n<kyrofa> facubatista, you will hear no disagreement from me\n<elopio> Oh damn. That's a good finding, thanks facubatista\n<elopio> Please report a bug.\n<kyrofa> facubatista, sometimes that line becomes more magical: raise RuntimeError('{} {}'.format(<first thing>, <second thing>)) :P\n<facubatista> kyrofa, too much work error :p\n<kyrofa> Hahaha\n<facubatista> kyrofa, elopio, thanks!!\n<kalikiana> facubatista: You can also use the logger to read the output. Although it's slightly different depending on the test setup.\n<kalikiana> elopio: let me know if anything else comes up wrt autopkg tests, Travis is sadly slow to confirm... I'm headed to a pub now, but will check IRC later\n<elopio> Tx kalikiana\n<sergiusens> elopio you should alias autopkgtest to adt, some contracted and some expanded nouns gets me all the time ;-)\n<sergiusens> facubatista I use vs code and set breakpoints as a normal person :-P\n<elopio> Pitti renamed everything to autopktest. Adt is no more\n<sergiusens> elopio I really wish the unittest for subversion, hg and bzr tests were just removed or have fakes in place for those\n<sergiusens> facubatista you can blame kyrofa fo all the hidding, he always complained about leaked stdouts in the tests ;-)\n<sergiusens> kyrofa now that we are using click we could probably just mock the calls to click instead, just a hint for a rainy day :-)\n<elopio> Fakes + integration tests sounds good to me. Just integration doesn't sound so bad either\n<mwhudson> hooray for merging #3872  ;)\n<mup> PR #3872: preserve TMPDIR and HOSTALIASES across snap-confine invocation (LP: #1682308) <Created by mwhudson> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3872>\n<kyrofa> sergiusens, yes indeed\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1602 closed: tests: add the slow tag for ros snapd integration test <Created by elopio> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1602>\n<sergiusens> kyrofa does my comment on snapcraft#1613 make sense?\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1613: cross compilation: enable cross compilation of i386 kernel on x86-64 … <Created by piso77> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1613>\n<kyrofa> sergiusens, yeah probably\n * zyga-ubuntu fell asleep\n<zyga-ubuntu> man, I need to sleep more regularly\n<zyga-ubuntu> just woke up\n<sergiusens> kyrofa do you have time to test a branch for me on your trustworthy trusty sytem?\n<sergiusens> *system\n<kyrofa> sergiusens, haha, I ran out of HD space and blew it away\n<sergiusens> kyrofa oh, well, I thought you might like this https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/compare/master...sergiusens:libc6-and-friends?expand=1\n<kyrofa> sergiusens, ooo, fancy! Let me shuffle a few files around and get back to you\n<sergiusens> kyrofa that is, libraries from the past; next the more complicated elf patching, but I am still pondering on that\n<facubatista> sergiusens, import pdb; pdb.set_trace(), if not commenting out the fake_terminal thing, crashes with TypeError: bad argument type for built-in operation\n<facubatista> elopio, https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/1724674\n<mup> Bug #1724674: Subversion test fails in a non-english locale <Snapcraft:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1724674>\n<sergiusens> facubatista yeah, FakeTerminal might need what I mentioned above\n<sergiusens> kyrofa how is that going? I have a small refactor coming after that ;-)\n * sergiusens begins the relocation process\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1632 opened: libraries: exclude the full set of libc6 <bug> <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1632>\n<kyrofa> sergiusens, haven't tested yet, clearing space now. Would be nice to be able to test the PR's snap... ;)\n<kyrofa> elopio, in gitlab ci I can specify artifacts and it displays them on the PR. Do you know if Travis supports somethin similar?\n<elopio> kyrofa: it does not.\n<kyrofa> Darn. Well, I discovered something neat today that might prove useful: transfer.sh\n<kyrofa> elopio, sergiusens we could upload every PR's snapcraft there\n<elopio> when I asked about sharing files between stages, they said that's the solution. But everything is slow here. After my first project in gitlab, I'm happy to move all our stuff there :D\n<kyrofa> There's even a snap for it made by someone awesome: snap install transfer\n<elopio> kyrofa: how much space do we get there for free?\n<kyrofa> elopio, 10 gigs for each transfer. It stays there for 14 days\n<elopio> $26 of $2,000 per month\n<elopio> When I reach $ 2000 a month, we can keep running Transfer.sh.\n<elopio> it sounds they need more support to be sustainable. I'm happy to change my PR to use that instead of the cache. We can always fall back to the cache if they have to suspend the service.\n<elopio> actually, we still need the cache to share the file id between stages. But the benefit is that we can manually install and test it. Not bad.\n<kyrofa> Inded\n<kyrofa> With another e in there somewhere\n<stgraber> zyga-suse, jdstrand: we recently noticed this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1724697\n<mup> Bug #1724697: snap-confine shouldn't setup a seccomp policy if policy is @unrestricted <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1724697>\n<stgraber> can you comment on the approach? I may be able to spare a bit of time from one of the LXD devs to change snap-confine.\n<sergiusens> kyrofa elopio while we can switch CI systems we cannot move away from github without contention\n<sergiusens> I would push for proper hook design to get PRs into build.snapcraft.io\n<kyrofa> sergiusens, nah, not making a play for github-ci, just thinking about how to get snaps available from PRs\n<kyrofa> sergiusens, oh definitely the preferred option. Plan B is just uploading the snap from travis. Moving to gitlab-ci is not on our radar AFAIK as much as I whine\n<sergiusens> JamieBennet btw, we talked about that during the Sprint but it did not reach any roadmap ^\n<kyrofa> JamieBennett, please please pretty please\n<sergiusens> kyrofa we certainly should have proper guidelines for folks on gitlab though\n<kyrofa> sergiusens, yeah, would be handy to see a build.snapcraft.io integration there, but an `enable-ci gitlab` option would be pretty easy as well\n<sergiusens> We should work on the latter\n<zyga-suse> stgraber: ack, checking\n<zyga-suse> stgraber: the change to what @unrestricted means was done a while ago, along with the introduction to snap-seccomp\n<zyga-suse> stgraber: before the seccomp profile was parsed each time\n<zyga-suse> stgraber: now the profile is parsed and compiled only when the policy is prepared\n<zyga-suse> stgraber: because the compiled policy is a BPF program we didn't have a way to say \"don't load anything\" without introducing some form of header or other special semantics in interpreting the file content\n<zyga-suse> stgraber: mvo implemented a permissive policy as a workaround\n<zyga-suse> stgraber: if this breaks LXD we can definitely change this\n<zyga-suse> stgraber: e.g. by encoding a little header or by interpreting tuncated file as unconifned\n<zyga-suse> stgraber: (or perhaps a file containing just the string @unconfined, not to be confused with a truncated file due to another bug)\n<zyga-suse> stgraber: I commented as such on the bug report now\n<zyga-suse> stgraber: I'll catch up with mvo tomorrow morning about this\n<zyga-suse> stgraber: please try to indicate urgency or importance, is this a 2.28.6 material?\n * zyga-suse -> EOD\n#snappy 2017-10-19\n<sergiusens> kyrofa and?\n<kyrofa> sergiusens, seems to work, but my test case is broken anyway (opencv) so I still want to poke at it some more tomorrow. Left some comments on the PR\n<stgraber> zyga-suse: not crazy urgent, not warranting a point release on its own, but it is something we need sorted to have LXD actually be at feature parity with the deb package. Custom seccomp policies is a feature we've had quite a bit of interest for lately and it's pretty unfortunate that it's not working with the snap.\n<sergiusens> kyrofa it would be nice to know how it is broken and what is the test case, I'll most likely be off tomorrow but all the info you can get would be good\n<kyrofa> sergiusens, it's the bug I logged about snapcraft on trusty\n<kyrofa> Details are there\n<zyga-suse> stgraber: I understand, I'll talk to mvo\n<morphis> stgraber: zyga-suse: not sure what I see here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25770362/\n<stgraber> that's a snapd bug\n<stgraber> that got fixed in a 2.28 point release\n<morphis> ah good to know\n<morphis> which isn't yet in stable as it seems\n<morphis> stgraber: yeah, with latest candidate of core it seems to be fixed\n<zyga-suse> morphis: indeed, this is fixed in one of the point releases after 2.28, try .5 to be sure\n<elopio> snappy-m-o autopkgtest 1630 xenial:amd64:integration\n<snappy-m-o> elopio: I've just triggered your test.\n<sborovkov> ogra_: hi. Looks like psplash is not present in cm3? Is it like forgotten there?\n<zyga-suse> mvo: good morning\n<mvo> hey zyga-suse\n<mvo> zyga-suse: how ar ethings?\n<zyga-suse> mvo: sorry to start like that straight when you join\n<zyga-suse> https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1724697\n<mup> Bug #1724697: snap-confine shouldn't setup a seccomp policy if policy is @unrestricted <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1724697>\n<zyga-suse> we need to solve this quickly\n<zyga-suse> mvo, stgraber said it's not a 2.28.6 thing but important for him\n<zyga-suse> mvo: I think the idea to keep the file and put a unique string into it is simple and should be enough\n<mvo> zyga-suse: ok, sounds reasonable\n<mvo> zyga-suse: I'm just reading the bugreport\n<mvo> zyga-suse: I can work on a fix this morning, just doing some pi2 related research but I'm almost done\n<zyga-suse> mvo: I can help too\n<zyga-suse> mvo: I'm working on loads of tests for the new overlayfs mount feature\n<mvo> zyga-suse: overlays are priority\n<zyga-suse> ok\n<mvo> zyga-suse: at least that is my understanding :)\n<mvo> zyga-suse: hey, if we could get that for 2.29 ...\n<mvo> zyga-suse: maybe as a experimental thing or so?\n<zyga-suse> I think it's too soon as neither gustavo nor jamie saw it yet\n<zyga-suse> but we'll see :)\n<zyga-suse> I need to land a prereq branch\n<zyga-suse> I may yet tweak it to move files around and shrink diff for future PRs but not my priority yet\n<kalikiana> o/\n<c-lobrano> morning :)\n<c-lobrano> kalikiana: thinking about hardening `get_os_release_info`, as suggested by kryofa. What about a little bit more robust `get_os_release_info` and some `get_os_release_fieldname` that wrap the first and provide fallback? Like `get_os_release_version_id()`. This way, the user does not need to know the actual dictionary key name\n<kalikiana> c-lobrano: Hmm maybe one step further and make it a little class?\n<c-lobrano> kalikiana: yes, that would be good\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1633 opened:  recording: record information from the image in container builds  <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1633>\n<kalikiana> elopio: since you're awake: we hit the timeout again in snapcraft#1632 :-(\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1632: libraries: exclude the full set of libc6 <bug> <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1632>\n<elopio> I'm working on the split.\n * zyga-suse -> coffee\n<kalikiana> awesome\n<Chipaca> pedronis: how're things?\n<Chipaca> mvo: has #4050 earned your +1?\n<mup> PR #4050: cmd/snap: tell translators about arg names and descs req's <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4050>\n<mvo> Chipaca: I look in a tiny bit\n<Chipaca> mvo: how's things?\n<mvo> Chipaca: I can foresee nitpicking about tidyNoticef, as the name gives no hint that it transforms into a panic under certain conditions. but I have not made up my mind much\n<mvo> Chipaca: otherwise things are good mostly, looking at pi firware stuff right now\n<Chipaca> mvo: do we have a reproducer for the insane flip-flops?\n<mvo> Chipaca: what flip-flops, do you have a reference to a forum post or a bugreport?\n<mup> PR snapd#4054 opened: snap-{confine,seccomp}: make @unrestricted fully unrestricted <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4054>\n<mvo> zyga-suse: and you may say \"told you so\" now :) I remeber we talked about fully unrestricted seccomp and iirc you suggested we should do it in the above way\n<jacekn> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa3aaaaaaa\u0001d\n<jacekn> sorry\n<Chipaca> mvo: sorry, i meant the thing where sergio's pi3 would boot into one thing but think it's booting into another? something like that\n<mvo> Chipaca: we know it is caused by the ubuntu-image snap, once sergio uses the deb things are ok. my plan was to look into it more once I have a pi3 (should arrive today)\n<Chipaca> ah ok\n<mvo> Chipaca: which is a huge relief that its not a snapd issue\n<Chipaca> mvo: we can shake our fists at barry and move on :D\n<mvo> Chipaca: :-D\n<zyga-suse> mvo: impossible, I don't recall saying that ;-)\n * zyga-suse is progressing thrgough testing, with some nice simplifications and improvements to code in result of finding tiny details off\n<Son_Goku> mvo, zyga-suse: https://github.com/canonical-docs/snappy-docs/pull/138\n<mup> PR canonical-docs/snappy-docs#138: Update Fedora snapd to 2.28.5 <Created by Conan-Kudo> <https://github.com/canonical-docs/snappy-docs/pull/138>\n<Son_Goku> davidcalle ^\n<Son_Goku> zyga-suse: this will likely be the end of the line for Fedora 25\n<Son_Goku> as by the time 2.29 becomes available, Fedora 25 will EOL\n<Son_Goku> zyga-suse, you should reach out to pitti at some point to talk about downstream Fedora CI\n<Son_Goku> he's been working on a project to introduce the equivalent of autopkgtests in Fedora for a while now\n<mvo> zyga-suse: does \"cannot open current mount profile: /run/snapd/ns/snap.*<snap_name>*.fstab:permission denied\" ring any bell? we got a bugreport about this, I can forward\n * kalikiana break\n<mup> PR snapd#4055 opened: daemon: generate a forbidden response message if polkit dialog is dismissed <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4055>\n<mup> PR snapd#4056 opened: tests: improve revert related testing <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4056>\n<zyga-suse> mvo: hmmm, no, not immediately, looks like apparmor\n<zyga-suse> mvo: please forward\n<mvo> zyga-suse: I did\n<mvo> zyga-suse: its the mail from pierre, I don't have many details yet\n<zyga-suse> mvo: ePierre?\n<mvo> zyga-suse: yeah, I think so\n<mvo> zyga-suse: does http://paste.ubuntu.com/25771634/ ring a bell?\n<zyga-suse> mvo: that looks like a custom base snap with no /dev\n<mvo> zyga-suse: that is from core stable -> edge auto refresh test http://paste.ubuntu.com/25771638 has the debug\n<mvo> zyga-suse: anyway, I have a look\n<mvo> zyga-suse: but it looks like pierre foudn a bug\n<zyga-suse> mvo: this code didn't change\n<zyga-suse> mvo: I bet it's /dev missing\n<zyga-suse> mvo: FYI, I'm chatting with ePierre on #chekbox\n<zyga-suse> #checkbox\n<mvo> zyga-suse: aha, ok\n<zyga-suse> I want to collect some quick info since pierre is likely to EOD any time now\n<zyga-suse> mvo: can you forward the rport please?\n<mvo> zyga-suse: I did that already, you are in the CC\n<mvo> zyga-suse: message-id: 20171019102101.h7wlysxnpqjfufqk@bod\n<zyga-suse> I get 0 matches\n<zyga-suse> maybe gmail doesn't filter on those\n<zyga-suse> mvo: ok, I understand the issue now\n<zyga-suse> mvo: not sure why it happens but here's what happens:\n<zyga-suse> mvo: when we introduced snap-update-ns as the namespace initializer\n<zyga-suse> mvo: we removed the ability to read / process .fstab files from snap-confine\n<zyga-suse> mvo: after reverting we are running on the profile from the +next version\n<zyga-suse> mvo: I think it looks like a bug in the code that re-builds snap-confine's apparmor profile\n<zyga-suse> mvo: does that make sense?\n<zyga-suse> mvo: after revert we should immediately rebuild the profile\n<zyga-suse> mvo: what is curious here is that since the profile is *path based* it should not be a problem\n<zyga-suse> the old profile is around\n<zyga-suse> mvo: (around as in loaded in memory)\n<mvo> zyga-suse: well, we reboot in between in tests on core\n<mvo> zyga-suse: but yeah, it makes sense\n<zyga-suse> hmmm\n<mvo> zyga-suse: I mean, if its loaded in memory it will get lost accross the reboot\n<zyga-suse> this should not be an issue on core\n<zyga-suse> yes\n<zyga-suse> well\n<zyga-suse> no\n<mvo> zyga-suse: the report is about core afaict\n<zyga-suse> across reboot we'll keep the file in /etc/apparmor.d\n<zyga-suse> so it will get re-loaded\n<zyga-suse> was this on core on classic?\n<mvo> zyga-suse: from what I read its a regular core device (caracalla/stlouis9\n<mvo> )\n<zyga-suse> right\n * zyga-suse thinks\n<zyga-suse> it doesn't seem device specific\n<zyga-suse> so we should be able to reproduce it\n<mvo> yeah\n<zyga-suse> that was edge->stable?\n<mvo> I did a PR that tests some more things with reverts\n<mvo> yeah\n<zyga-suse> thank you\n<zyga-suse> do you want me to explore or shall I keep at layouts?\n<mvo> see the linked PR\n<zyga-suse> ack\n<mvo> I can work a bit on this and get a reliable test, then we can brainstorm again\n<mvo> zyga-suse: just wanted to double check that its not something obvious\n<mvo> (or known)\n<zyga-suse> no, nothing obviously smoking-gun-wrong\n<mvo> ta\n<zyga-suse> mvo: when we run reexecing snap-confine do we follow the current symlink?\n<zyga-suse> meh\n<zyga-suse> mvo: I'm dumb\n<zyga-suse> mvo: I understand now\n<zyga-suse> mvo: on core / is the core snap\n<zyga-suse> mvo: so when we get new core via update\n<zyga-suse> mvo: (and we don't reload the profile there)\n<zyga-suse> mvo: so when we get the new core, we must not follow any current symlinks and must use the old profile\n<zyga-suse> mvo: right?\n<zyga-suse> mvo: so we literally run /usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine\n<mvo> zyga-suse: correct\n<zyga-suse> mvo: so dump my other theories, the cause still is likely (we removed the right to touch .fstab profiles) but why it gets applied here is unclear\n<zyga-suse> mvo: (assuming before reboot)\n<zyga-suse> I'm getting hungry, let's break for some lunch\n<mvo> zyga-suse: good idea\n<kalikiana> mwhudson: Hey! I was wondering if we should discuss snapcraft#1557 a bit\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1557: cleanbuild: add a --image option to build in a different image <Created by mwhudson> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1557>\n<zyga-suse> re\n<Chipaca> kalikiana: you know it's 1am for mwhudson, yes?\n<kalikiana> Chipaca: Oh, I didn't realize. What timezone is he in?\n<zyga-suse> kalikiana: NZ\n<zyga-suse> \"the far side of the moon^Hearth\"\n<kalikiana> Heh\n<kalikiana> Thanks\n<kalikiana> I'll try to ping him at a better time then\n<Chipaca> kalikiana: that's not to say he isn't sometimes around at this time, but it's usually bad news :-)\n * zyga-suse works on 4008\n<zyga-suse> I can put some future code there to make eventual diff smaller\n<zyga-suse> hmm\n<zyga-suse> on go 1.9.1 I cannot \"go test\" stuff anoymre\n<zyga-suse> *anymore\n<zyga-suse> zyga@faroe:~/snapd/cmd/snap-update-ns> go test .\n<zyga-suse> # github.com/snapcore/snapd/vendor/gopkg.in/tomb.v2\n<zyga-suse> flag provided but not defined: -goversion\n<zyga-suse> niemeyer: ^ does this ring any bells?\n * zyga-suse reboots\n<zyga-suse> ok, all good now\n<zyga-suse> probably stale env after update\n<jdstrand> zyga-suse: overlayfs? I thought this was being done with bind mounts...\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: with both\n<niemeyer> zyga-suse: No, I've never seen that flag either I think\n<zyga-suse> niemeyer: it's all good now\n<niemeyer> zyga-suse: Perhaps go tool was out of date with underlying tooling\n<zyga-suse> yes, I just updated; it's okay now, probably some stale stuff while I was logged in\n<cachio> mvo, I am creating a test for gsettings interface, an I am getting \"gsettings: not found\" when I execute a command\n<mvo> cachio: curious what this is about\n<mvo> cachio: it is installed and in /usr/bin/gsettings I pressume?\n<cachio> yes\n<cachio> mvo, it is just a wrapper for gsettings command\n<cachio> the snap makes gsettings \"$@\"\n<zyga-suse> mvo: just saw this from go vet\n<zyga-suse> cmd/snap-repair/runner.go:254: arg r.RepairID() for printf verb %d of wrong type: string\n<zyga-suse> cmd/snap-repair/runner.go:415: arg repair.RepairID() for printf verb %d of wrong type: string\n<zyga-suse> mvo: shall I fix?\n<zyga-suse> odd, I don't see the issue\n<zyga-suse> %d is printing int's\n<cachio> pedronis, hey, tests/lib/assertions/auto-import.assert  is expired, do you know how to generate a new one?\n<jdstrand> zyga-suse: I was unaware that layouts required overlayfs. when was the greenlight given on overlayfs? we can't guarantee it is going DTRT with apparmor in modern kernels or in backported apparmor to older kernels. overlayfs is unbackportable to older kernels. all the same arguments as always...\n<Chipaca> zyga-suse: in 451, it's doing (\"... %s/%d != %s/%d\", repair.BrandID(), repair.RepairID(), brandID, repairID)\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: this is a new development (relatively), we plan to use overlayfs to poke writable holes over squashfs; I made a RFC branch that does this\n<zyga-suse> Chipaca: I know, I think go vet is wrong here\n<ogra_> sborovkov, i changed teams and all, i simply didnt get to cm3 yet, but should be ready before end of this week (i'm currently working on the remaining bits for cm3 and dragonbard splash support)\n<zyga-suse> Chipaca: especially after fixing it tests are failing\n<Chipaca> zyga-suse: RepairID() returns a string\n<zyga-suse> aha\n<jdstrand> zyga-suse: obviously it's a new development :) my question is where was it discussed? it seems to be ignoring the previous discussions\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: I don't remember if it was a hangout recently or IRC recently\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: I recall the earlier discussion but this is an experiment to see if we can use overlay for this purpose\n<jdstrand> zyga-suse: I thought things like this were supposed to be captured in the forum? this is a major technical decision\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: as it presents simpler semantics and has easier undo story\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: indeed, I wanted to talk to you about this because it's a big change but all the sprints/holidays were in the way\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: the short summary is that we'd like to use overlayfs over squashfs\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: as a hole-poking tool\n<zyga-suse> Chipaca: no, it's an int:\n<zyga-suse> ... error string = \"cannot fetch repair, repair id mismatch canonical/%!s(int=2) != canonical/4\"\n<zyga-suse> ... regex string = \"cannot fetch repair, repair id mismatch canonical/2 != canonical/4\"\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: anyway, let's put that on hold now\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: (the discussion)\n<Chipaca> zyga-suse: i was wrong ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯\n * Chipaca tries to find out why he was wrong\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: I'll have a thread and PR to review (very short) soon after https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4008 lands\n<mup> PR #4008: cmd/snap-update-ns: create missing mount points automatically <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4008>\n<zyga-suse> (that's what I'd like to focus on now)\n<jdstrand> I understand that. I have little confidence it is going to work reliably with apparmor  considering people are backporting apparmor to older kernels (or even an unpatched kernel). I mean, it might work with a recent Ubuntu kernel. note that overlayfs wasn't even an official thing in the upstream kernrel til relatively recently. this makes snaps that utilize the feature impossible to use on older kernels where you can't backport overlayfs\n * Chipaca disappears again\n * zyga-suse nods\n<jdstrand> tyhicks: warning ^. the plan is to try overlayfs to poke holes in squashfs in an exploratory PR\n<jdstrand> tyhicks: (in support of layouts)\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: I have the undo logic to tweak but it looks promising (so far)\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: the diff is very small so far, which is also very very promising\n<zyga-suse> ohg\n<zyga-suse> standup\n<jdstrand> well, except the technologies you are utilizing have to actually work right\n<jdstrand> not to mention my point that overlayfs is new so its use means those snaps can't work on older kernels\n<mup> PR snapd#3972 closed: interfaces: sanitize plugs and slots early in ReadInfo <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3972>\n<jdstrand> zyga-suse: I should also stress that overlafs didn't land in its current form. it landed early and had lots of trouble with LSMs. It still has trouble with LSMs. this means that there is a huge test matrix to make sure  the feature even works for kernels that claim to support the feature\n * jdstrand still wonders why he or tyhicks weren't pulled into the conversation\n<jdstrand> or jj\n<ogra_> pobably zyga will simply fix all missing LSM bits with overlayfs on the go then ;)\n<ogra_> ... will just delay the ETA for the feature by a few years :)\n<skjensen> Hi guys, I'm trying to build an image for my Nvidia TK1. I made an attempt on a snap gadget for the device and have created the model.json. But to make it into a image I need the gadget snap to be available. I'm on Ubuntu 16.04 (amd64) but the device I'm building for is armhf.  So I can't use the snap install --dangerous to install the gadget snap I need. How do I build the image on my arm64 workstation?\n<ogra_> skjensen, you need to use the ubuntu-image tool (theer is a snap with it) and use the --extra-snaps optin to point to your local gadget\n<ogra_> skjensen, https://docs.ubuntu.com/core/en/guides/build-device/image-building\n<skjensen> I did try that but with little luck..\n<ogra_> see part 3\n<ogra_> sudo ubuntu-image -c edge --extra-snaps /path/to/your/gadget.snap /path/to/your/model.assertion\n<skjensen> Still can't find it..\n<ogra_> whats the exact error ?\n<skjensen> skj@laptop:~/Documents/snap/TK1$ sudo ubuntu-image -c edge  --extra-snaps /home/skj/Documents/snap/TK1/tk1_16-0.1_armhf.snap /home/skj/Documents/snap/TK1/tk1.model\n<skjensen> error: cannot find snap \"tk1_16-0.1_armhf\": snap not found\n<skjensen> COMMAND FAILED: snap prepare-image --channel=edge --extra-snaps=/home/skj/Documents/snap/TK1/tk1_16-0.1_armhf.snap /home/skj/Documents/snap/TK1/tk1.model /tmp/tmp904xzqti/unpack\n<skjensen> and I have defined the gadget like this in the model.json file \"gadget\": \"tk1_16-0.1_armhf\",\n<ogra_> ah\n<ogra_> you just want the name in there\n<ogra_> \"tk1\"\n<ogra_> change that and re-create the assertion\n<skjensen> Yes, that's working.. :)\n<ogra_> ;)\n<skjensen> I had it with only the name to start with, but because it couldn't find it I changed to the complete name of the file..\n<skjensen> Okay, so far so good.. Now I need the kernel snap.. ogra, did you say I can use the bbb kernel?\n<ogra_> yeah \"linux-generic-bbb\" is the name ...\n<ogra_> though ubuntu-image might complain that this isnt a \"canonical\" package ... in that case use snap download oor grab it from https://code.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+snap/linux-generic-bbb/+build/76303 and use the --extra-snaps arg for it as well\n<skjensen> It found it correctly..\n<ogra_> cool\n<ogra_> i knoow there is some builtin policy that the owner of the gadget must match the owner of the kernel snap ... unless the kernel is owned by canonical ... seems we dropped it\n<skjensen> Nope.. you are right.. Just a delayed error message..\n<skjensen> error: cannot use kernel \"linux-generic-bbb\" published by \"QfOqF7d2M1Pk2O0SbEKqTdB9Ry2aI0BP\" for model by \"bdSXYoRKHbnUgDeg0MU6rJIID8IODntX\"\n<ogra_> so just pull it from the LP build page and use --extra-snaps\n<ogra_> that should ignore the requirement\n<skjensen> It's downloading.. :)\n<ogra_> (i hope)\n<skjensen> Me too.. Unfortunately I got to go pick up my son.. so will have to wait before I can test the image.. I'm right in saying I can flash this image to a SD card and boot from that?\n<ogra_> yes\n<ogra_> (if your booard generally can boot from SD indeed)\n<skjensen> It's one of it's best features, if there is a bootable SD card it will boot from that by default..\n<skjensen> Okay, I'm gone.. Thanks a lot for the help again.. :)\n<ogra_> then it shoould just woork (if your gadget is correct :) )\n<zyga-suse> ok, stuff is reabsed\n<zyga-suse> now to tie overlay mount entries to things that use them\n<zyga-suse> so that undo works :)\n<zyga-suse> come to think of it, I think it's actually easier than I thought\n<zyga-suse> perhaps we don't need to annotate overlays\n<zyga-suse> we can just keep them IFF there's anything mounted underneath\n<zyga-suse> so yeah, less patches needed :)\n * kalikiana  lunch time\n<Son_Goku> zyga-suse: overlays?\n<Son_Goku> are we using overlayfs now?\n<zyga-suse> well, I'm trying to\n<sergiusens> zyga-suse if you have a discussion on irc or a hangout the \"minutes\" for it at least should really make their way to the forum\n<sergiusens> kalikiana kyrofa elopio et. al. reminder I am out today\n<zyga-suse> sergiusens: are you referring to overlays or something else?\n<sergiusens> zyga-suse yes, but anything really needs to go there if it \"matters\"\n<sergiusens> kyrofa mind looking at snapcraft#1607 and snapcraft#1583 ? Those are yours and getting those failures out of the way would be great! ;-)\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1607: python plugin: use extracted pip <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1607>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1583: ament plugin: new plugin <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1583>\n<zyga-suse> yes, you are right; I wanted to describe this on the forum but I had a few crazy days and I spent most of the time on just coding this\n<zyga-suse> I'll write something now\n<Son_Goku> so for once, a feature that actually already has SELinux support :)\n<zyga-suse> Son_Goku: https://github.com/zyga/snapd/commit/f34aca5625013b3d02ee6dba384e9918770f94ef#diff-4480ffd44957efa3395867c929f88014R145\n<cachio> mvo, same error using devmode\n<cachio> to use gsettings\n<zyga-suse> cachio: any denials?\n<cachio> mvo, no\n<cachio> zyga-suse, I am using snap try\n<cachio> zyga-suse, could that affect?\n<Son_Goku> hmm\n<zyga-suse> yes, perhaps\n<kalikiana> kyrofa: mind taking another look at  snapcraft#1412 today? I hope I made it clearer now what's addressed there vs. the other PR\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1412: lxd: snapcraft refresh in containers <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1412>\n<kalikiana> kyrofa, elopio: also snapcraft#1627 should be fairly straight-forward. I'm splitting lxd.py into different classes/ files to make the code more maintainable. It's getting a bit unwieldy :-D so might even be better to get this in first, since it probably makes other PRs easier to review\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1627: lxd: split container classes into different files <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1627>\n<kyrofa> kalikiana, will do. Just want to fix my branches now that slow tests have landed etc.\n<zyga-suse> niemeyer: gentle ping about https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3958\n<mup> PR #3958: many: add support for /home on NFS <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3958>\n<kalikiana> kyrofa: Aye, no rush. Let me know if you need another review from me there.\n<mvo> cachio: if you post your work-in-progress branch I can have a look\n<cachio> mvo, sure\n<cachio> mvo, this is the branch https://github.com/sergiocazzolato/snapd/tree/tests-interface-gsettings\n<kyrofa> Agh, test_list_plugins will be the death of me\n<cachio> niemeyer, I think the problem about the refresh core is that after I start the stable version I see https://paste.ubuntu.com/25773077/\n<niemeyer> zyga-suse: Ack\n<niemeyer> cachio: Looking\n<cachio> niemeyer, I am using the stable version from long time ago\n<niemeyer> cachio: Yeah, so exactly what we discussed\n<cachio> so it triggers a refresh to the current stable\n<cachio> reboots the device and then I start the tests\n<cachio> running against stable instead of using beta\n<niemeyer> cachio: Yeah.. it's a simple race with auto-refresh\n<niemeyer> cachio: As mvo predicted\n<cachio> niemeyer, I should wait until the autorefresh is done to trigger the refresh to beta\n<niemeyer> cachio: Yeah, that should work\n<cachio> niemeyer, nice, thanks for the support\n<niemeyer> cachio: np!\n<kyrofa> elopio, kalikiana I'm getting this a lot on the pip PR: https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapcraft/jobs/289625934\n<kyrofa> elopio, kalikiana have you guys seen that elsewhere?\n<kyrofa> It's definitely not my error, but it only surfaces when running pip stuff, which makes me think I'm doing something to surface it\n<kalikiana> kyrofa: Yeah, I've seen and mentioned that before... the answer I got in the past was \"Re-run\"...\n<kyrofa> kalikiana, oh really? Okay so maybe not this PR then\n<kyrofa> kalikiana, I wasn't seeing it elsewhere, so was starting to question myself\n<kalikiana> kyrofa: I try to add a comment these days quoting the last lines of such errors, so we can check other PRs for the same false negatives\n<kalikiana> Otherwise it really is difficult to keep track of\n<mvo> zyga-suse: fwiw, I can reproduce the issue the ePiere was describing, I think I have a test, my local spread is just unhappy, steps are pretty simple, will send via mail\n<mvo> zyga-suse: i.e. the error is: \"cannot open current mount profile: ....fstab: permission denied\"\n<mvo> zyga-suse: and I get an apparmor denied from /usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine\n<zyga-suse> mvo: aha\n<zyga-suse> mvo: right\n<zyga-suse> mvo: I'll check it out, let me look at the mail\n<mvo> zyga-suse: I have not written the mail yet\n<zyga-suse> mvo: if you have access to the shell there\n<zyga-suse> mvo: look at the profile in /etc/apparmor.d\n<zyga-suse> mvo: you can also collect the data about the loaded profile in sysfs\n<zyga-suse> mvo: can you paste the denial really quick please?\n<mup> PR snapd#4057 opened: interfaces: remove duplicated MockPlug/MockSlot helpers from interface tests <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4057>\n<pstolowski> zyga-suse, can you look at this trivial if you have a moment? ^\n<mvo> zyga-suse: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25773282/\n<zyga-suse> mvo: you can also poke at /sys/kernel/security/apparmor\n<zyga-suse> pstolowski: yes\n<mvo> zyga-suse: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25773287/ is the denial\n<zyga-suse> mvo: and the denial?\n<zyga-suse> ah\n<zyga-suse> oh\n<zyga-suse> mknod?\n<zyga-suse> that's odd\n<zyga-suse> that's totally unexpected\n<zyga-suse> can you run with SNAP_CONFINE_DEBUG=yes\n<mvo> zyga-suse: this is the strace (the last few lines) http://paste.ubuntu.com/25773303/\n<zyga-suse> open(\"/run/snapd/ns/snap.test-snapd-tools.fstab\", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_CLOEXEC, 0666) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)\n<zyga-suse> mvo: that looks like a bug in apparmor\n<zyga-suse> mvo: we get open and mknod\n<zyga-suse> mvo: that doesn't make sense\n<mvo> zyga-suse: and http://paste.ubuntu.com/25773306/\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: ^\n<zyga-suse> pstolowski: why do you want that change?\n<zyga-suse> pstolowski: I wanted it the other way around but I didn't find a way to do it\n<zyga-suse> pstolowski: now we're keeping more test-only code in the real package\n<zyga-suse> mvo: thinking\n<jdstrand> is there actually an *apparmor* denial?\n<zyga-suse> mvo: `    /run/snapd/ns/*.fstab rw,` is the rule that should allow the open\n<pstolowski> zyga-suse, cause I need two other Mock* helpers like that in my other branch, so I thought I'd go ahead and change existing ones to avoid duplication\n<jdstrand> http://paste.ubuntu.com/25773282/ doesn't show there is anything in syslog/journalctl\n<zyga-suse> [  290.377428] audit: type=1400 audit(1508427272.862:36): apparmor=\"DENIED\" operation=\"mknod\" profile=\"/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine\" name=\"/run/snapd/ns/snap.test-snapd-tools.fstab\" pid=4066 comm=\"snap-confine\" requested_mask=\"c\" denied_mask=\"c\" fsuid=0 ouid=0\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: it's a separate pastebin\n<jdstrand> ok, yes, I see that\n<zyga-suse> pstolowski: can you make it so that we call one of the mock from the other and still use the test package rather than the main package?\n<zyga-suse> mvo: I don't have any theory yet\n<pstolowski> zyga-suse, i'm not totally clear on what do you mean? you don't want builtin.Mock*?\n<zyga-suse> pstolowski: no, I don't want builtin.Mock\n<zyga-suse> pstolowski: we can keep the mock in test-only code\n<zyga-suse> pstolowski: but becase we cannot do that yet there are two copies of the code\n<jdstrand> mvo: are you sure that the .real is what is being used and not snap.core....\n<zyga-suse> pstolowski: I was thinking one could call the other\n<zyga-suse> mvo: are there .real and plain profiles?\n<pstolowski> zyga-suse, ah, that. let me see\n<zyga-suse> pstolowski: and in general we should perfer test package to the main package\n<zyga-suse> pstolowski: thank you!\n<jdstrand> mvo: you pasted 'cat /etc/apparmor.d/usr.lib.snapd.snap-confine.real'\n<mvo> jdstrand, zyga-suse http://paste.ubuntu.com/25773336/\n<zyga-suse> mvo: (I mean are there both)\n<zyga-suse> mvo: good\n<mvo> zyga-suse, jdstrand so that is the only apparmor profile for snap-confine (this is on a core system)\n<jdstrand> mvo: what kernel are you using?\n<zyga-suse> yeah, my question exactly\n<jdstrand> cat /proc/version_signature\n<mvo> jdstrand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25773342/\n<zyga-suse> mvo: that product may have a different kernel snap\n<zyga-suse> mvo: but I assume you have done this on generic\n<zyga-suse> aha\n<mvo> jdstrand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25773346/\n<mvo> yeah, this is a stock (spread) core VM\n<zyga-suse> mvo: at this time I'd collect verbose apparmor debug data\n<zyga-suse> mvo: can you look at /sys/kernel/apparmor\n<mvo> zyga-suse: sure, what do I need to do ?\n<zyga-suse> mvo: and collect (cat + redirect) the profile for snap-confine\n<zyga-suse> just a moment\n<zyga-suse> cd /sys/kernel/security/apparmor\n<zyga-suse> cd policy/profiles\n<jdstrand> mvo: what if you downgrade the kernel to stable\n<zyga-suse> cd usr.lib.snapd.snap-confine.*\n<zyga-suse> mvo: collect everything there\n<zyga-suse> mvo: note that tar is silly and gets empty files\n<zyga-suse> you need a dumb cp -R copy\n<zyga-suse> then tarball\n<zyga-suse> then please send/attach that\n<zyga-suse> I'll have a look\n<zyga-suse> if you could, save the snap_confine profile text as well\n<zyga-suse> verbatim as it appears for you\n<zyga-suse> I know you pastebinned it but if it's in the same tarball it's more convenient\n<zyga-suse> mvo: after that you can experiment in any way, change the kernel as jdstrand suggeste\n<zyga-suse> *suggested, perhaps\n<mup> PR snapd#4057 closed: interfaces: remove duplicated MockPlug/MockSlot helpers from interface tests <Created by stolowski> <Closed by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4057>\n<mvo> zyga-suse: on the way via mail\n<mvo> zyga-suse: jdstrand going to the stable kernel now and trying it again\n<zyga-suse> thank you\n<jdstrand> mvo: you said this is part of spread. what test?\n<pstolowski> zyga-suse, I can make the Mock* method from tests call the one from builtin, so we get rid of duplicated body, a little win..\n<mvo> jdstrand: its a new spread test I'm currently working on. we got a report from CE QA about this issue\n<jdstrand> I see a test for that file in  tests/main/snap-discard-ns, but that wouldn't be confined since calling snap-discard-ns directly...\n<pstolowski> but not the other way around\n<zyga-suse> pstolowski: yeah, that's good\n<zyga-suse> pstolowski: little by little :)\n<mvo> jdstrand: and we have no test yet that checks snap refresh stable->edge and revert back\n<pstolowski> ok..\n<mvo> jdstrand: fwiw, stable kernel shows the same message\n<jdstrand> mvo: how can I reproduce?\n<jdstrand> mvo: do you have a branch somewhere?\n<jdstrand> mvo: what is it that you are reverting btw?\n<mvo> jdstrand: I reverted core\n * jdstrand wonders if it is a timing issue\n<mvo> jdstrand: one sec, I'm writing a mail and will CC you\n<jdstrand> eg, if the policy gets updated but the snap-confine binary does not...\n<jdstrand> (eg, as part of the revert)\n<mup> PR snapd#4058 opened: interfaces: reduce duplicated code in interface tests mocks <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4058>\n<jdstrand> fwiw, I would be surprised if there is a bug in apparmor for file mediation. I am not saying it isn't possible, but I would expect we would see a ton more issues if there was\n<pstolowski> zyga-suse, ^\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: yes, it's a bit mysterious why this happens\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: remember when we once saw a case of apparmor profile staying stale after being loaded?\n<zyga-suse> mvo: is this reproducible or did you just get it once and didn't try again?\n<jdstrand> if it happens as a result of reverting core, I suspect we are loading the policy from the reverted core but using the snap-confine binary from the unreverted core, or something similar\n<zyga-suse> pstolowski: +1\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: but note that on core we reboot and we don't have any core-derived profiles\n<pstolowski> tx\n<zyga-suse> mvo: maybe one more sanity check\n<jdstrand> I bet it is the cache file then\n<mvo> zyga-suse: I rebooted at least twice, manually loaded the profile to double check, definitely reproducible for me. but I have not done a full scenario yet\n<zyga-suse> mvo: reload that profile from disk\n<zyga-suse> mvo: and see if the data in sysfs changes\n<zyga-suse> mvo: and if the error goes away\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: yes, that's a good idea\n<zyga-suse> mvo: hold on, you reloaded the profile manually and it still failed?\n<jdstrand> eg, boot into current core, generate the cache. reboot into an older core, the mtime check is older than the previous cache file\n<mvo> zyga-suse: apparmor_parse -r /etc... ? I did that, same failure\n<zyga-suse> mvo: yes\n<zyga-suse> holly molly\n<jdstrand> I need a reproducer\n<jdstrand> I strongly suspect there is something along these lines\n<mvo> jdstrand: what file is the cache? I think your theory is correct\n<zyga-suse> mvo: /var/cache/apparmor I think\n<mvo> jdstrand: I can touch the file and see\n<zyga-suse> mvo: for that file\n<jdstrand> /etc/apparmor.d/cache\n<mvo> zyga-suse: cool, let me try that\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: oh, sorry\n<jdstrand> /var/cache/apparmor is for snaps. /etc/apparmor.d/cache is for system\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1591 closed: snapd integration tests: print stdout/stderr <Created by kyrofa> <Closed by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1591>\n<mvo> jdstrand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25773431/ <- looks suspcious\n<jdstrand> mvo: a better test might be to rm -f /etc/apparmor.d/cache/usr.lib.snapd.snap-confine* before the reboot\n<zyga-suse> september 27th?\n<zyga-suse> wat?\n<jdstrand> mvo: exacctly\n<mvo> jdstrand: if I remove the cache file and reload the profile things are ok.\n<zyga-suse> the cache looks good though\n<jdstrand> ok\n<jdstrand> so, I think the revert needs to remove the cache file unconditionally\n<zyga-suse> mvo: is that september 27th the moment when the profile was loaded?\n<zyga-suse> er\n<zyga-suse> when the image was built\n<mvo> zyga-suse: yes\n<jdstrand> it'll be regenerated on reboot\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: when is the cache not used?\n<jdstrand> it's always used as part of boot\n<zyga-suse> always even if stale?\n<zyga-suse> is there any staleness check?\n<jdstrand> no\n<jdstrand> yes\n<jdstrand> it doesn't use a stale cache. it has a check. it will regenerate it if stale\n<zyga-suse> what is the condition?\n<jdstrand> the problem is it doesn't look stale\n<jdstrand> mtime\n<mvo> could we rework the cache? I remember we had issues with this before, I vaguely remember some discussion to move to md5sum/sha1 or similar for cache comparing\n<zyga-suse> aha\n<zyga-suse> I see\n<jdstrand> the cache file is always going to be newer than the reverted core's profile\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: I think this will explain what I saw earlier as well\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: the issue that federico ran into right in front of my eyes\n<jdstrand> mvo: just remove the cache files on revert\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: all of them? /var/cache/apparmor /etc/apparmor/cache ?\n<jdstrand> that is the fast and correct fix for today. if want to use checksums, that could come later\n<jdstrand> no\n<jdstrand> we are talking about snap-confine. just remove the /etc/apparmor.d/cache/*snap-confine* profiles on core revert\n<mvo> jdstrand: I just found something, it makes me weep a bit\n * zyga-suse hugs mvo and is curious to know\n<mvo> jdstrand: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1460152\n<mup> Bug #1460152: apparmor cache not updated when apparmor.d rules change (breaks 15.04/stable -> 15.04/edge updates) <patch> <Snappy:Fix Released by mvo> <Snappy 15.04:Fix Released by mvo> <apparmor (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1460152>\n<zyga-suse> oh my https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/ubuntu/vivid/ubuntu-core-config/lp1460152-workaround/+merge/261179\n<zyga-suse> mvo: we barely notice this bug because the profile for snap-confine rarely changes in ways that newer revision can do *less* than the older revision\n<zyga-suse> mvo: where shall we change this?\n<zyga-suse> mvo: in request snapd restart?\n<zyga-suse> mvo: or in the apparmor backend?\n<zyga-suse> mvo: we could purge the cache whenever core is installed\n<zyga-suse> mvo: just in case\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: is the apparmor cache location the same in various distros?\n<jdstrand> in thinking about this, on core, should rm -rf /etc/apparmor.d/cache/*\n<jdstrand> on refresh/revert of the core snap\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: yeah, because new policy can be inside and we won't know\n<jdstrand> zyga-suse: we are talking about Ubuntu Core here. on classic, re-exec solves all this ith per-revision profiles\n<jdstrand> so on Ubuntu Core, we can depend on /etc/apparmor.d/cache\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: yes, but what about !snap-confine profiles?\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: well, we ge-gen those on startup now\n<jdstrand> what about them?\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: I think you are right, those are fine\n * jdstrand is confused. I thought we were talking about snap-confine\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: yes but I was thinking that the cache issue may affect other profiles too\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: but I agree with you that it is just for this single profile\n<jdstrand> snap profiles?\n<mvo> jdstrand: what was the downside of https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1460152/+attachment/4409034/+files/lp1460152-apparmor.diff  ? this syncs mtime of profile and cache, if there is a difference we re-generate. cheap and (at first glance) reliable, no?\n<mup> Bug #1460152: apparmor cache not updated when apparmor.d rules change (breaks 15.04/stable -> 15.04/edge updates) <patch> <Snappy:Fix Released by mvo> <Snappy 15.04:Fix Released by mvo> <apparmor (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1460152>\n<jdstrand> no-- cause of the overlord or whatever making sure if they are different they are regenerated\n<elopio> kyrofa: sorry, I didn't see the error and now that link is an execution in progress.\n<mvo> jdstrand: I can prepare something that \"rm -rf /etc/apparmor.d/cache/* on core devices when the core snap changes. but I still would to discuss how to make apprmor itself more reliable here\"\n<elopio> kyrofa: when I get repeated errors, I report them in a bug even if it's not clear if they are snapcraft's fault.\n<kyrofa> elopio, good idea. I'll do that again if I see it\n<mvo> jdstrand: if you think the syncing is ugly, just embedding the timestamp of the source file in the cache is also super cheap or putting an .aux file next to it with the timestamp\n<jdstrand> mvo: the downside is that apparmor would need an SRU everywhere. that will be too slow for you\n<mvo> jdstrand: *cough* dput ppa:snappy-dev/image apparmor_13371+ppa1_source.changes. problem solved until the SRU is in\n<mvo> jdstrand: it seems more correct to me and I'm happy to give it a shot\n<jdstrand> mvo: I'll defer to jjohansen on the best approach. It looks like he started to pick up that work\n<jdstrand> mvo: you know I very much hate that :P\n<jdstrand> mvo: I would very much prefer to not be ahead of upstream apparmor on this point\n<kyrofa> elopio, is snapcraft#1629 good to go?\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1629: lxd: fix the unit test for the user id map <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1629>\n<elopio> yes, it even got a green autopkgtest execution\n<zyga-suse> mvo: so we need a .6?\n<mvo> jdstrand: thats ok, I can do both: add code to snapd and poke at apparmor (or poke you guys to do that)\n<zyga-suse> mvo: I think we need a .6 :/\n<mvo> zyga-suse: no, not a regression\n<zyga-suse> mvo: it breaks revert\n<zyga-suse> mvo: CE won't like that\n<kyrofa> elopio, excellent, I'm merging it. So tired of bad autopkgtests\n<mvo> zyga-suse: but its stable->edge so far, no?\n<zyga-suse> no, this is ever since we have snap-update-ns\n<elopio> thanks kyrofa.\n<mvo> zyga-suse: if its old-stable->stable thats different\n<zyga-suse> mvo: hmmmm\n<jdstrand> mvo: note that we are probably going to do an apparmor SRU for the af_unix issue, so maintaining an extra apparmor in a ppa makes that more complicated\n<zyga-suse> not sure\n * zyga-suse looks\n<jdstrand> mvo: yes, rm -rf in PR +1. working with upstream on better parser +1\n<mvo> jdstrand: my suggestion about the ppa is only to quicken the sru process, i.e. we would not maintain something, we would just upload something that you guys have already in the upstream git\n<mvo> jdstrand: let me know if I can help, happy to poke at this again, the fact that I worked on this 2y ago and it came back indicates to me that I don't want to do this again in 2y :/\n<jdstrand> mvo: right, but then we'd need to remember to include that in the SRU so it isn't dropped\n<mvo> jdstrand: agreed\n<jdstrand> I'm not saying it isn't impossible or anything, just, we need to think through coordination, etc\n<mvo> jdstrand: as long as we have a regression test in our tree things should be ok.\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1629 closed: lxd: fix the unit test for the user id map <Created by elopio> <Merged by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1629>\n<zyga-suse> mvo: dccfcb26c5fe59fb259a800a22208f355e79d6bd is the patch that changes the policy\n<jdstrand> mvo: looking at trunk, it seems like there were commits related to this\n<zyga-suse> mvo: I don't see it in 2.28 release branch\n<zyga-suse> mvo: so I think it's looking like a quiet weekend\n<mvo> zyga-suse: :)\n<mvo> zyga-suse: yay, big hugs to the CE QA team then\n<jdstrand> mvo: with a regression fix: https://bugs.launchpad.net/apparmor/+bug/1484178\n<mup> Bug #1484178: Policy cache file mtimes are not being set correctly <AppArmor:Fix Released by tyhicks> <apparmor (Ubuntu):Fix Released by jdstrand> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1484178>\n<jdstrand> mvo: so it looks like a version of your patch made it in, but \"Starting in AppArmor 2.10, the policy cache file's mtime was meant to be updated to be equal to the newest mtime detected on the profile and abstraction files used to generate the policy cache file\"\n<jdstrand> mvo: this was something I was trying to think through. the include files are going to be a problem on revert\n<jdstrand> I think\n<jdstrand> so the parser is supposed to use the newest value of mtime between the profile and include files\n<tyhicks> that's correct\n<jdstrand> so if /etc/apparmor.d/tunables/global is newer than /etc/apparmor.d/*snap-confine*, the mtime of global will be used for the cache\n<jdstrand> if we revert but global did not change, then the mtime will be the same and the cache won't be stale\n<kyrofa> kalikiana, snapcraft#1412 has conflicts\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1412: lxd: snapcraft refresh in containers <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1412>\n<tyhicks> jdstrand: sounds like the cache read should be skipped in such a situation\n<tyhicks> the '--skip-read-cache' option of apparmor_parser\n<jdstrand> tyhicks: which part are you talking about?\n<jdstrand> tyhicks: in snapd on refresh/revert?\n<tyhicks> jdstrand: yes\n<jdstrand> for core\n<tyhicks> yes\n<jdstrand> that would work too, but having the stale cache files around seems wrong too\n<jdstrand> so long as we use --write-cache, that would be ok\n<tyhicks> jdstrand: you're talking about stale cache files for app snaps?\n<zyga-suse> the parser could unlink them\n<jdstrand> tyhicks: no, snap-confine\n<jdstrand> zyga-suse: I don't think the parser is the place to do this. it is doing what everyone asked\n<jdstrand> it still has a concept of 'newer'\n<jdstrand> in terms of what it is including. if there is a concept of 'newer' then reverts are problematic to handle in the parser itself\n * zyga-suse feels that cache in apparmor is not as transparent as it should and needs hand-holiding\n * mvo dinner\n<jdstrand> tyhicks: the problem is on core revert, the newer cache file is still used but with an older snap-confine. that broke things\n<mvo> yeah, I think hashes or list of mtimes of the inputs would be more reliable\n * mvo vanishes\n * zyga-suse too\n<jdstrand> mvo: if you recall from the bug, hashes will slow things down\n<tyhicks> jdstrand: how about simply updating the mtime of the profile on revert?\n<jdstrand> tyhicks: that could work too\n<jdstrand> tyhicks: well, no. it is in rofs\n<tyhicks> imo, that's what needs to happen\n<tyhicks> oh\n<jdstrand> /etc/apparmor.d is read-only. /etc/apparmor.d/cache is rw\n<jdstrand> mvo: the cache is meant to be pretty much as fast as you can read them off the disk. if we add hashes, consider hundreds or more profiles\n<mvo> jdstrand: if hashes are slow we could store the [(input1,mtime1),...(inputN,mtimeN)] and compare those, that should be quick\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: out of my PRs I'd like your review on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4008 -- it's long but most of that is tests\n<mup> PR #4008: cmd/snap-update-ns: create missing mount points automatically <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4008>\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: it contains go's version of mkpath\n<jdstrand> zyga-suse: it is already on my list. I'll put it towards the top. I've seen commits as recent as today-- is it ready for another review?\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: freeze/thaw logic that's new\n<mup> PR snapd#4059 opened: tests: add test that checks core reverts on core devices <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4059>\n<mvo> jdstrand: please don't get me wrong, I don't want to be pushy or anything, happy to help wit hthis stuff. but dinner now really :)\n<jdstrand> mvo: that would require changes to the format on disk and thus require jjohansen's input\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: and small glue that uses mkdir when we want to mount something but target is gone\n<kyrofa> elopio, will python3 -m unittest discover -b -v -s integration_tests\" not run _all_ the integration tests, including the packages below?\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: there's loads of unit tests and one comprehensive integration test\n<elopio> Not until tomorrow\n<kyrofa> elopio, isn't that how discover works?\n<jdstrand> mvo: checking and comparing the mtimes of everything is likely performant enough. I'm not sure of other ramifications. maybe it makes sense to bring up on the apparmor ML?\n * jjohansen reads backscroll to pickup context\n<tyhicks> jjohansen: don't spend time reading all of backscroll\n<tyhicks> jjohansen: I'll summarize\n<elopio> kyrofa: I'm moving some integration tests to a general suite, so we can properly filter.\n<zyga-suse> jjohansen: hey, long time no see :)\n<jdstrand> zyga-suse: I think I heard \"yes, it is ready for you to review\"?\n<jjohansen> hi zyga-suse\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: hmm?\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: I think it's ready now\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: NB, this is the code without any overlayfs\n<jdstrand> 11:42 < jdstrand> zyga-suse: it is already on my list. I'll put it towards the op. I've seen commits as recent as today-- is it ready for another review?\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: so should be non-controversial\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: ah, I didn't notice\n<kyrofa> elopio, ah, integration_tests/snapd, integration_tests/store etc. aren't packages, I see\n<elopio> kyrofa: at some point, somebody, probably not me but maybe... removed the init.py from some subdirs, so they are not discovered.\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: it's ready, the code today was more tests and shrinking the diff for next PRs\n<kyrofa> elopio, gotcha\n<tyhicks> jjohansen: on snap revert, snapd is rolling back profiles to old versions but there could be an include file that is newer so the mtime of the policy cache file isn't updated and the old cache file is loaded\n<jdstrand> zyga-suse: ok\n<niemeyer> zyga-suse: You've got a review\n<zyga-suse> niemeyer: thank you\n<niemeyer> zyga-suse: Thanks for the PR!\n<elopio> kyrofa: I'm moving everything around to make the split for Travis a little less painful.\n<niemeyer> zyga-suse: Ah, one more note, can we please drop the \"generated-\" prefix and use something more contextual?\n<niemeyer> zyga-suse: Every profile we have is generated\n<tyhicks> jjohansen: apparmor's policy cache implementation assumes that mtimes should only ever go forward but that's not the case when reverting back to older, read-only versions of a profile\n<jdstrand> tyhicks: that summarizes things ok, but more precisely, it is core snap revert, which includes system profiles in /etc/apparmor.d. non-core snap profiles are not affected because of how snapd manages them. there is an interplay with the /etc/apparmor.d profiles and the init script that is causing trouble\n<zyga-suse> niemeyer: whatever we want, we just need to have a prefix\n<tyhicks> jdstrand: sure but jj doesn't need that info\n<niemeyer> zyga-suse: What's common across all of the files?\n<tyhicks> at least, I didn't think he did :)\n<zyga-suse> niemeyer: so far we only have one file\n<jdstrand> tyhicks: I thought the system profile point was important, but ok\n<zyga-suse> niemeyer: but the theme is \"local tweaks to work around something\"\n<niemeyer> zyga-suse: How about nfs then?\n<niemeyer> zyga-suse: Or perhaps...\n<jjohansen> tyhicks: ? ah, so what you want is the hashing consistency check\n<zyga-suse> niemeyer: we need a glob to match the set we manage, we can juse use `*`\n<zyga-suse> niemeyer: then we can drop generated-\n<niemeyer> zyga-suse: If it's just one file, it'd be better to use that one file instead\n<jjohansen> which we started on ages ago, and never finished because its priority was dropped\n<jdstrand> jjohansen: I think what mvo wants is that if the profile or any included files are different, then regenerate the cache. how that is done I don't think he cares\n<tyhicks> jjohansen: I'm not asking for that but the snapd folks want something along those lines or for a list of profile and include file mtimes to be stored alongside the policy cache file\n<niemeyer> zyga-suse: nfs-support is a good name for the file\n<zyga-suse> ok\n<zyga-suse> I'll review the review comments and tweak this, I think it should land tomorrow\n<niemeyer> zyga-suse: The file is included/imported by name, right, not by glob?\n<zyga-suse> niemeyer: no\n<zyga-suse> niemeyer: everything in the directory is imported\n<zyga-suse> niemeyer: apaprmor includes are recursive\n<niemeyer> zyga-suse: Oh?\n<jdstrand> jjohansen: I speculated in the old bug that prompted the setting of mtime of the cache to that of the newest file patch that a hash of everything would be slow, so people thought about storiing of the list of all the mtimes and comparing those\n<niemeyer> zyga-suse: Okay, so the glob needs to be * indeed\n<jjohansen> jdstrand: well, its either store everything and compare. Or a hash and compare\n<niemeyer> Otherwise we may be including things we have no idea about\n<jdstrand> jjohansen: right\n<tyhicks> jjohansen: I'm currently of the opinion that snapd is subverting the policy cache, out from under apparmor_parser, and should be smart enough to use --skip-read-cache when appropriate\n<tyhicks> jdstrand: we could hash all the mtimes instead of hashing the profiles and include files themselves\n<jdstrand> it is true that snapd is moving forward and backward in time in arbitrary ways with the concept of revert\n<jdstrand> tyhicks: that's interesting\n<jjohansen> jdstrand: the hashing isn't that slow when you realize we read in those files already anyways, because we the time comparison is in the parse\n<tyhicks> and it doesn't have to be an cryptographic hash\n<jjohansen> right\n<kyrofa> snappy-m-o, autopkgtest 1627 xenial:amd64\n<snappy-m-o> kyrofa: I've just triggered your test.\n<jjohansen> I believe I was using murmer hash3, which is faster than a crypto hash but still fairly good\n<jdstrand> jjohansen: did you profile its performance?\n<tyhicks> jjohansen: I used djb2 for my old multiple policy cache implementation\n<jjohansen> jdstrand: it was never completed to the point where performance could be checked, but it should be at least a couple order of magnitudes faster than the disk read\n<jdstrand> cause while this is prompted by the system cache and the system profile in ro media, if we introduce a hash check I would expect it to be used for all profile loads (where we are considering the use of the cache), which could easily be hundreds of profiles\n<jjohansen> so I expect you won't even notice it\n<jjohansen> jdstrand: right, which brings us to another optimization that has never been finished. Calling the parser once with all the profiles to load and caching each file once (which means hashing them once)\n<jdstrand> just so it is understood why a crypto hash is not required, the idea is that if you can modify the files in /etc/apparmor.d{,/cache} to create a collision, you may as well just change them\n<tyhicks> jdstrand: speed is the #1 reason followed by what you just said\n<jdstrand> jjohansen: that would be quite nice since we are using templates, etc (we could actually optimize what snapd does to leverage that even more when the feature was there). I'm guessing that is quite far out though\n<jjohansen> jdstrand: we are hardening against an attack, this is just an optimization, and detecting files changes. A good hash makes that almost guarenteed\n * zyga-suse cannot find any bug reports about NFS and apparmor \n<jjohansen> a crypto hash would make the odds against an accidental collision even better, but for this, not worth the cost\n<tyhicks> if we do hashing, I'd think that we would want to use something very fast (djb2/murmur) and also continue to check the most recent mtime (like what we're doing today) to slightly reduce the chance of a collision under normal usage (doesn't help with snapd's revert situation)\n<jdstrand> right, I understand the reasoning, I just wanted it explicitly stated for posterity :)\n<jjohansen> zyga-suse: oh they have happened in the past, but you may need to file a new one. I am not sure there are any in launchpad, perhaps suse bugzilla\n<jdstrand> zyga-suse: let me check. I thought there was one\n<zyga-suse> jjohansen: aha, I'll look at suse then\n<zyga-suse> thank you!\n<jjohansen> tyhicks: yep that was the plan\n<zyga-suse> I looked at apparmor on LP and general google\n<tyhicks> jjohansen: do you agree that we just hash the mtimes rather than the file contents?\n<jjohansen> zyga-suse: I remember something around 2004-2006, can't remember the details, tony dealt with it\n<jjohansen> tyhicks: uh no\n<jdstrand> zyga-suse: I think I was only thinking of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/1662552, which you are familiar with\n<mup> Bug #1662552: snaps don't work with NFS home <snapd:In Progress by zyga> <snapd (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1662552>\n<jjohansen> tyhicks: we can consider it, but its not something I have spent enough time with to agree\n<zyga-suse> hmm, it feels I should file a new bug on apparmor specifically\n<jjohansen> zyga-suse: please do\n<jdstrand> tyhicks, jjohansen: to be clear, this conversation is about a proper solution. mvo and the snapd team will implement something to work with what is currently there (maybe --skip-read-cache, maybe rm -f of the cache files, etc)\n<tyhicks> jdstrand, jjohansen: I think that this was a useful technical deep dive but we don't currently have plans to work on this for 18.04\n<jdstrand> mvo: ^\n<zyga-suse> jjohansen: https://bugs.launchpad.net/apparmor/+bug/1724903\n<mup> Bug #1724903: NFS access is not transparent to processes with apparmor profile containing network rules <AppArmor:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1724903>\n<zyga-suse> jjohansen: if you have insight into how this works and why the workaround is needed could you pleaseadd it there\n<zyga-suse> I'm only aware of the surface of the issue\n<jjohansen> zyga-suse: hrmmm, my guess is because nfs is using the task asking the files cred instead of a kernel cred via the act as cb when doing the network stuff. But I will have to actually dig into it to be sure\n<jjohansen> zyga-suse: how about I distract you with the fedora kernel I gave stgraber instead ;)\n<zyga-suse> jdstrand: :D\n<zyga-suse> fedora kernel?\n<stgraber> :)\n<zyga-suse> jjohansen: note that that was just a gentle idea, I don't want you to drop what you are doing and work on that bug :)\n<jjohansen> hence the distraction to keep you occupied, so you don't realize I haven't worked on the bug :)\n<zyga-suse> I think I need to EOD now, kids are running unchecked here and I bet they have homework :)\n<mvo> jdstrand, tyhicks would you accept patches if there is agreement about the approach?\n<tyhicks> mvo (cc jjohansen): definitely :)\n<mvo> tyhicks: cool! and agreement is fast-hash+mtime? (cc jjohansen)?\n<jjohansen> zyga-suse: yes fedora kernel, its stack apparmor and selinux\n<jjohansen> mvo: give me a minute\n<mvo> jjohansen: sure :)\n<zyga-suse> jjohansen: oh, shiny!\n<zyga-suse> jjohansen: do you have RPM?\n<jjohansen> zyga-suse: for the kernel only atm\n<jjohansen> zyga-suse: http://people.canonical.com/~jj/fedora/\n<stgraber> jjohansen: one thing that was mentioned last week is that we could probably call the apparmor tools from within the core snap\n<zyga-suse> jjohansen: 1.1G?\n<jjohansen> give me a minute and I can send you an email with some instructions\n<stgraber> jjohansen: at which point we'd only really need apparmor support in the kernel, everything else would be coming from the core snap\n<jjohansen> zyga-suse: its all the rpms from the kernel build\n<jjohansen> stgraber: yep that is a possibility, just wanted to make sure zyga-suse understood there is no apparmor userspace rpm atm\n<zyga-suse> jjohansen: ack, I understand\n<cachio> niemeyer, is it any way to stop the auto-refresh?\n<kyrofa> cjwatson, any chance you're still around?\n<cjwatson> kyrofa: about to finish.  what is it?\n<kyrofa> cjwatson, quick question\n<Pharaoh_Atem> jjohansen: what is this?\n<kyrofa> cjwatson, back when we were discussing the `architectures` key at the sprint, we settled on using the grammar we already have\n<kyrofa> cjwatson, but this is something LP will need to parse\n<kyrofa> cjwatson, we discussed your using the grammar processing we already wrote, and I'd like to quickly discuss how you'd like to consume that\n<cjwatson> kyrofa: and I think what Sergio (or you?) said was that the relevant bit of the parser would be made available on PyPI as a thing we could use\n<Pharaoh_Atem> jjohansen: it's 1.1GB!\n<jjohansen> Pharaoh_Atem: development work towards LSM stacking, which will allow for multiple LSMs on a system at once. So if enabled, apparmor based snaps would work (in enforcing, not dev mode) on an selinux fedora\n<jjohansen> or you could use and Ubuntu container with apparmor on an selinux fedora\n<jjohansen> etc\n<kyrofa> cjwatson, that was my question: is that best for you? Or do you simply want it as part of the public API in snapcraft so you can import it, etc.\n<jjohansen> Pharaoh_Atem: its all the kernel rpms from a kernel build, you don't need all of them, just like an ubuntu kernel build you get lots of different debs out, but only need 1 or 2 for most things\n<cjwatson> kyrofa: PyPI would be much better for us; recall that LP is running in fairly tightly-controlled environments.\n<kyrofa> cjwatson, yep, good deal, that's all I needed! Just planning out tasks\n<kyrofa> cjwatson, thank you :)\n<cjwatson> kyrofa: And while we do still consume a few Python packages from the system, we want to move away from doing that.\n<Pharaoh_Atem> jjohansen: does someone want to start talking to the Fedora kernel team about this?\n<Pharaoh_Atem> because this is not something to enable lightly\n<Pharaoh_Atem> jjohansen: where's the src.rpm?\n<kyrofa> cjwatson, makes sense\n<jjohansen> Pharaoh_Atem: no, none of its upstream, its a work in progress. The selinux people are aware of it, we have been discussing LSM stacking for 5 years, slowly working towards it\n<jjohansen> Pharaoh_Atem: hrmm, if its not in the tarball then the build must have dropped it in a different location\n<Pharaoh_Atem> it's in SRPMS in the rpmbuild/ tree\n<jjohansen> I tared up the build dir\n<Pharaoh_Atem> looks like you archived rpmbuild/RPMS/*\n<Pharaoh_Atem> but not rpmbuild/SRPMS/*\n<jjohansen> Pharaoh_Atem: ack, so a different location, I didn't check, and its been a long time since I have dealt with rpm packaging\n<Pharaoh_Atem> jjohansen: you should get out more ;)\n<jjohansen> this was a quick one off for a demo, it wasn't meant for public consumption\n<jjohansen> well general public, people are welcome to play but I haven't even put together a good list of instructions\n<Pharaoh_Atem> jjohansen: feel free to set up something on https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/\n<Pharaoh_Atem> it's not particularly hard ;)\n<jjohansen> the plan was to fix some bugs, and make the git tree public, along with some instructions\n<zyga-ubuntu> jjohansen: I can help\n<Pharaoh_Atem> the only thing I'm not particularly happy about is that the LSM stacking doesn't help anything for RHEL/CentOS users\n<jjohansen> zyga-ubuntu: thanks for the offer, I will take you up on it, but it will be a few days before I can get back to playing with this\n<Pharaoh_Atem> as in, even if we got AppArmor enabled in Fedora, and had the userspace utilities packaged (not particularly difficult), it won't help for RHEL/CentOS users who use the RHEL kernel\n<zyga-ubuntu> Pharaoh_Atem: we won't necessairly have to package them\n<Pharaoh_Atem> zyga-ubuntu: trust me, that *will* be a requirement of the kernel team\n<jjohansen> Pharaoh_Atem: hrmm, maybe apparmor was enabled in at one of those at one point. not default, and not supported but enabled\n<jjohansen> s/enabled/compiled in/ so some one could set it on the grub kernel line\n<Pharaoh_Atem> jjohansen: it's not currently enabled in the Fedora kernel or the RHEL7 kernel\n<Pharaoh_Atem> as in, not compiled in at all\n<Pharaoh_Atem> zyga-ubuntu: it's not an unreasonable requirement to package and maintain the userspace for AppArmor\n<jjohansen> Pharaoh_Atem: yep, that may change. stgraber did a demo of an ubuntu container running on fedora with selinux enforcing the host and apparmor the guest\n<jjohansen> being able to fully support other OS containers is a compelling use case\n<Pharaoh_Atem> well, LXD will be fine with SELinux across the board\n<Pharaoh_Atem> I fixed the SELinux policy to add the LXD binaries, so now LXD just has to use it\n<Pharaoh_Atem> jjohansen: most people are fine with security systems being disabled\n<Pharaoh_Atem> and historically, it's been a huge burden to be an AppArmor user\n<Pharaoh_Atem> though hopefully that is changing with the more upstream-y policy of AppArmor team\n<skjensen> Any where I can find the source for building this kernel? https://code.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+snap/linux-generic-bbb/+build/76303  Downloading it and using it as an extra snap still give me the with different signatures on the kernel and gadget.. :(\n<Pharaoh_Atem> so at some point soon, kyrofa and zyga-ubuntu will work with the lxd copr packager to bring those into Fedora mainline\n<cjwatson> kyrofa: (BTW I don't particularly object if this is a matter of dumping snapcraft onto PyPI, but I also don't know whether that would be a pain due to non-standard packaging or whatever)\n<kyrofa> cjwatson, haha, me neither\n<cjwatson> kyrofa: though I guess adding all of snapcraft to our dependencies would bloat our virtualenv a *lot*, so it might be better if there were a more focused dependency split off from it, if that isn't too much hassle\n<cjwatson> kyrofa: oh, err - also, LP is currently Python 2\n<kyrofa> cjwatson, oh nooooooo\n<kyrofa> Hahaha\n<cjwatson> kyrofa: making just the parser bilingual might be easier than making the whole thing bilingual\n<cjwatson> which I'm fairly sure you have no interest in\n<kyrofa> cjwatson, indeed, that's definitely a point in favor of refactoring into its own thing (which is what I was planning for anyway)\n<kyrofa> cjwatson, glad we talked, that changes my time estimate a little\n<cjwatson> I obviously want to get LP onto Python 3 eventually, but it's lots of code and lots of dependencies\n<Pharaoh_Atem> will LP become Python 3?\n<cjwatson> glad I thought of that, that obviously changes things\n<cjwatson> Pharaoh_Atem: ... as I just wrote :)\n<kyrofa> cjwatson, but not unreasonably so\n<Pharaoh_Atem> well, you want it to, doesn't mean that's actually planned :P\n<kyrofa> cjwatson, sure, no problem at all\n<Pharaoh_Atem> last time I talked to anyone about LP, they said the project is effectively dead :/\n<kyrofa> But I appreciate the heads up\n<cjwatson> Pharaoh_Atem: they were lying\n<cjwatson> or misinformed\n<kyrofa> Pharaoh_Atem, it's a huge part of our infra\n<cjwatson> that sort of thing makes me quite cross because it erases e.g. my work\n<Pharaoh_Atem> kyrofa: plenty of people run on dead projects :)\n<Pharaoh_Atem> cjwatson: it gets said *a lot*\n<cjwatson> Pharaoh_Atem: turns out that porting three-quarters of a million lines of Python with 200 dependencies to Python 3 is a ton of work, and when it has to be fitted around the edges of feature work, that's tough\n<Pharaoh_Atem> X_X\n<Pharaoh_Atem> it'll be impressive at the end :)\n<kyrofa> cjwatson, 200? That's all?\n<cjwatson> Pharaoh_Atem: it's significantly less funded than it used to be, certainly, but it is not dead and if you're hearing that I'd appreciate correcting the misapprehensions\n<Pharaoh_Atem> kyrofa: dude, GitLab has almost 600 dependencies\n<Pharaoh_Atem> you should be glad LP only has 200\n<kyrofa> Pharaoh_Atem, I know, I wasn't being sarcastic, I'm genuinely surprised\n<cjwatson> kyrofa: last exact count was 208 I think\n<cjwatson> though that's not counting .deb-packaged deps\n<Pharaoh_Atem> cjwatson: the last couple of times I've reported LP bugs, people have messaged me to say to not bother\n<cjwatson> bah\n<Pharaoh_Atem> so *shrugs*\n<Pharaoh_Atem> sorry\n<cjwatson> next time please tell me who they are so I can correct them\n<Pharaoh_Atem> will do\n<cjwatson> possibly just by fixing the bug in question :P\n<kyrofa> Hahaha\n<cjwatson> if they're Canonical people, then I think it's actually really unprofessional\n<Pharaoh_Atem> yeah, it was definitely Canonicalers\n<Pharaoh_Atem> last year or so\n<Pharaoh_Atem> and again after I filed this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1678486\n<mup> Bug #1678486: Enable watching Red Hat Bugzilla bugs <Launchpad itself:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1678486>\n<cjwatson> I didn't notice that, but will look into the history\n<Pharaoh_Atem> the other time recently was when I asked about some of the incorrect project associations in LP\n<Pharaoh_Atem> I was told that no one maintains those and there's nothing anyone can do about it\n<cjwatson> That's not really about the LP codebase; those were always designed (rightly or wrongly) to be gardened by the community\n<Pharaoh_Atem> for example, the rpm5 guys hijacked the rpm registration on LP: https://launchpad.net/rpm\n<cjwatson> Pretty much anyone can change them, but the flip side is that pretty much anyone can change them back\n<Pharaoh_Atem> which means it's impossible to glue upstream rpm bugs to downstream issues\n<cjwatson> Oh, you don't mean the project/package associations, you mean metadata on projects?\n<Pharaoh_Atem> yeah\n<Pharaoh_Atem> as an example, this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/rpm/+bug/1475755\n<mup> Bug #1475755: rpmbuild auto provides not listing shared libraries <RPM:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1475755>\n<cjwatson> Somebody must've specifically asked for that\n<cjwatson> Honestly I think it might be best to register a new project name for upstream rpm\n<cjwatson> Or we could fight it out with ~rpm5 to get the project renamed to rpm5\n<Pharaoh_Atem> that's hard, since the \"rpm\" name is tied to the rpm package and all the tooling\n<cjwatson> The project name in Launchpad can't possibly be\n<cjwatson> I wasn't suggesting renaming rpm upstream ...\n<cjwatson> Just LP's view of it\n<Pharaoh_Atem> ah\n<Pharaoh_Atem> well, if the current \"RPM\" is renamed to RPM5 and kicked out of the associations, that'd fix it\n<cjwatson> Anyway, doesn't sound like you asked anyone who actually knew how this stuff is handled\n * Pharaoh_Atem shrugs\n<Pharaoh_Atem> I don't know anything\n<Pharaoh_Atem> all I know is what people tell me\n<Pharaoh_Atem> which apparently is 120% wrong :)\n<cjwatson> Can you (get somebody with suitable authority to) file a ticket on https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion about the rpm issues with as much detail as possible?\n<cjwatson> It may take some archaeology to sort out what's been happening\n<Pharaoh_Atem> I can try\n<cjwatson> thanks\n<Pharaoh_Atem> no promises, as most of the rpm guys just want to stay the fuck away from rpm5 maintainer\n<Pharaoh_Atem> he's kind of a toxic asshole\n<cjwatson> well, LP by policy wants to stay away from that sort of thing, it's not our business; we just want to have a semi-reasonable modelling of what things are called\n<Pharaoh_Atem> yeah\n<cjwatson> Pharaoh_Atem: oh, re \"you want it to, doesn't mean that's actually planned\" - I landed a bunch of branches just today making concrete progress towards it, even if it does feel a bit drop-in-the-ocean sometimes :)\n<cjwatson> (lots of \"from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals\" and associated fixups)\n<sergiusens> cjwatson and kyrofa snapcraft is already on pypi and yes we will split the package out as a stretch goal\n<kyrofa> sergiusens, you missed it: needs to be python2\n<kyrofa> Can't be a stretch goal :)\n<sergiusens> It can still be stretch.\n<niemeyer> cachio: Stop one in progress? snap abort\n<niemeyer> cachio: Prevent it from even getting started?  schedule the refresh\n<cachio> niemeyer, yes, testing that, because wait of the auto refresh is taking so long\n<niemeyer> cachio: The --last parameter of abort may come in handy\n<cachio> niemeyer, well the --last is not present inthe stable version so it makes the script fail\n<niemeyer> cachio: I'm pretty sure it is\n<niemeyer> cachio: It's been added a long while ago\n<cachio> niemeyer, https://paste.ubuntu.com/25774590/\n<cachio> this stable release is from mack I guess\n<cachio> march\n<niemeyer> cachio: lol\n<niemeyer> cachio: I'm sure *some day* stable didn't have it :)\n<cachio> niemeyer, :) sadly, np, I'll continue working with the change id instead\n<facubatista> sergiusens, push metadata to the store: https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1634\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1634: Push metadata to the Store <Created by facundobatista> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1634>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1634 opened: Push metadata to the Store <Created by facundobatista> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1634>\n#snappy 2017-10-20\n<elopio1> snappy-m-o autopkgtest 1630 ubuntu:xenial:integration\n<snappy-m-o> Computer says nooo. See logs for details:\n<snappy-m-o>  Command '['/tmp/tmp5u8uatg8/retry_autopkgtest.sh', '1630', 'ubuntu:xenial:integration']' returned non-zero exit status 1\n<elopio1> snappy-m-o autopkgtest 1630 xenial:amd64:integration\n<snappy-m-o> elopio1: I've just triggered your test.\n<zyga-ubuntu> good morning\n<mup> PR snapd#4060 opened: interfaces: clean system apparmor cache on core device <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4060>\n<mvo> Chipaca: hey, good morning. how are you? a quick question, currently if you ddo \"snap install foo; snap refresh --edge foo; snap revert foo\" afterwards you have foo from stable but you still track edge. I was wondering if that is something that users expect, i.e. if we violate the principle of least surprise here\n<Chipaca> mvo: I don't know. Maybe?\n<Chipaca> mvo: but mostly, no\n<Chipaca> mvo: \"snap refresh --channel foo bar\" is two operations: \"snap switch --channel foo bar && snap refresh bar\"\n<Chipaca> mvo: snap revert just blacklists current and goes back to the previous revision, it does nothing around switch\n<Chipaca> mvo: if you're on stable and \"snap refresh --beta bar\" and beta has the same revision as stable, you're saying a user would expect snap revert to .... what?\n<Chipaca> mvo: mostly, if their mental model is wrong, we need to see why and address that; i think revert's behaviour is relatively well defined\n<Chipaca> (relatively being about flags that should be per revision but aren't)\n<mvo> Chipaca: thanks, thats fine, was mostly wondering\n<Chipaca> wrt how to fix that, we could make revert comment\n<Chipaca> not sure we currently have enough info to do so, but we could\n<Chipaca> something like “reverted ‘foo’ to rev 232 (in channel stable), but still tracking beta”\n<Chipaca> not sure that wording in particular helps, but something like that?\n<mvo> Chipaca: aha, nice, I think that that would be a nice improvement\n<Chipaca> I suddenly have polkit-enabled snapd and it's magic\n * Chipaca hugs jamesh \n<jamesh> Chipaca: there's still more work to do, but the parts landed in 2.28 are probably most noticeable\n<Chipaca> mvo: we _do_ have the info to output that message\n<Chipaca> jamesh: is there / should there be a way for it to cache my password though?\n<Chipaca> ah, it is\n<Chipaca> just per op\n<Chipaca> ok\n<mvo> Chipaca: we show we reverted to what version but we don't show any channel info afaict\n<Chipaca> ah no it isn't\n<Chipaca> hm\n<Chipaca> the flow for login is weird\n<Chipaca> it asks for the passwords in the reverse order than before\n<Chipaca> mvo: correct\n<Chipaca> mvo: but we do store the channel from which we got each revision\n<jamesh> Chipaca: the policy is controlled by /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/io.snapcraft.snapd.policy plus and pkla files that modify the policy\n<jamesh> Chipaca: the policy should be auth_admin_keep for active users, so I'm not sure why that isn't happening\n<Chipaca> jamesh: “Operator of unix-session:c4 successfully authenticated as unix-user:john to gain TEMPORARY authorization for action io.snapcraft.snapd.login for unix-process:31007:75416645 [snap login jlenton@gmail.com] (owned by unix-user:john)” says the log\n<jamesh> Chipaca: the intent of the policy is to let an active user (i.e. logged in locally and without the screen locked) retain authorization, and require others to enter password every time\n<jamesh> I'm not sure why that isn't working\n<Chipaca> jamesh: is that just not working for me, or do you also see it?\n<jamesh> Chipaca: it seems to ask every time for me too.\n<jamesh> something to investigate, sure.\n<Chipaca> ok\n<mup> PR snapd#4061 opened: daemon, store: forward SSO invalid credentials errors as 401 Unauthorized responses <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4061>\n * kalikiana coffee break\n<cjwatson> sergiusens: can you elaborate on your comment that it can still be a stretch goal?  I don't see how we can do this without 2/3 bilingual parser code, and making all of snapcraft 2/3 bilingual sounds like considerably more work than splitting out the parser bits ...\n<cjwatson> (I don't want to dictate exactly how you do it, just making our reqs clear)\n<mup> Bug #1725208 opened: missing interface to exec cc <snapd-interface> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1725208>\n<mup> PR snapd#4062 opened: cmd/snap: warn when a snap is not from the tracking channel <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4062>\n<Chipaca> mvo: ^\n<jjohansen> mvo: sorry, for the delay I was looking for the patch I had started years ago to do the profile hashing for cache consistency, it wasn't were I thought it was so it took me a while to find it\n<jjohansen> It looks like its 80-90% done but doesn't apply cleanly against the current tree\n<mvo> Chipaca: nice!\n<mvo> jjohansen: can I help in some way?\n * zyga-ubuntu -> afk, need a coffee\n<mvo> jjohansen: thanks for getting back to me :)\n<jjohansen> I'll refresh it, and poke at it a little more, at a minimum I'll kick it over to you, but I might play with it this weekend\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: for when you are back, is it just me or are the gnome-shell extension not really working? I tried to add a clock with times from different timezones and nothing works and its all dubious :/\n<mvo> jjohansen: great, thanks!\n<jjohansen> mvo: so basically, yeah fast hashes are good enough, just hashing the timestamp would be a little faster, and might be sufficient\n<mvo> jjohansen: great! there is no real rush, so I'm happy to wait until after the weekend. but I would really like to get this upstream fixed to avoid that we run into this again in 1-2y when we change something structual again :)\n<mvo> jjohansen: and I'm happy to help, just to be clear.\n<jjohansen> I like help :)\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: could be just lost in transition, I switched to my phone for stuff like that\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: aha, ok. yeah, the whole extensions story feels very weak, none of the ones I tried worked\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I tried one that did work just now but it was ugly\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: and its super obscure how to add/manage them, apparently via the browser and a local service\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: which one was it?\n<zyga-ubuntu> https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/605/multiclock/ this one\n<zyga-ubuntu> but now that I try again I get an error\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: aha, this works indeed\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: anyway, not important\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: just annoying, I really liked my unity clock that told me what time .br .us etc have\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: yeah, I was using it too\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: as I said I switched to my phone for that, more consistency in features and more longevity\n * mvo nods\n * mvo nods sadly\n<Chipaca> \"oh boo hoo i cut myself on the bleeding edge with the big warning and the flashing lights\"\n * Chipaca grins evily\n<zyga-ubuntu> Chipaca: and the sign said \"fewer features, come right in\"\n<Chipaca> zyga-ubuntu: did the spinning blades around the entrance not give you a hint?\n<zyga-ubuntu> Chipaca: the conveyor belt was fused in the \"fast forward\" mode so like everyone else, I flew right in\n<ogra_> zyga-ubuntu, you get that wrong, the \"fewer features\" thing is a new feature ;)\n<Chipaca> ubunteros have been complaining about losing features since 6.06 at least\n * Chipaca included\n<zyga-ubuntu> http://images.uncyc.org/commons/4/4f/Gnomehint.png\n * zyga-ubuntu is sorry about this and gets back to work\n<Chipaca> zyga-ubuntu: sounds about right\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: niemeyer suggested I work with sergio on centralied package installation, do you know where that lives?\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: I get lunch now, but we can talk about this afterwards. its in prepare.sh I would assume\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: thank you, enjoy your lunch :)\n<zyga-ubuntu> cachio: hey :)\n<zyga-ubuntu> cachio: I just asked about something :)\n<zyga-ubuntu> 13:29 < zyga-ubuntu> mvo: niemeyer suggested I work with sergio on centralied package installation, do you know where that lives?\n<cachio> zyga-ubuntu, hey\n<cachio> zyga-ubuntu, yes, on minute\n * ogra_ notes that #3958 starts to have more traffic than most mailing lists he is subscribed to :P\n<mup> PR #3958: many: add support for /home on NFS <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3958>\n<cachio> zyga-ubuntu, https://github.com/snapcore/spread-images/pull/9\n<mup> PR spread-images#9: Install dependencies on the images <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/spread-images/pull/9>\n<zyga-ubuntu> cachio: so this will take over the regular installation logic?\n<Chipaca> do we have the 'debug build' feature enabled in our travis?\n<zyga-ubuntu> cachio: can you please add nfs-kernel-server there\n<zyga-ubuntu> Chipaca: what does that feature do, out of curiosity?\n<Chipaca> zyga-ubuntu: lets us ssh into it\n<Chipaca> https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/running-build-in-debug-mode/\n<cachio> zyga-ubuntu, sure\n<zyga-ubuntu> cachio: thank you :-)\n<zyga-ubuntu> ohhh\n<zyga-ubuntu> shiny\n<cachio> zyga-ubuntu, we are not currently installing nfs-kernel-server\n<cachio> should I install it just in ubuntu?\n<zyga-ubuntu> cachio: yes, that will be fine, thank you\n<zyga-ubuntu> ogra_: indeed, that PR has exactly 100 comments now :)\n<ogra_> so crazy\n<zyga-ubuntu> ogra_: review it, you will get 101th comment\n<cachio> zyga-ubuntu, the test on linode failed, I am rexecuting\n<cachio> once it passes I'll push the change\n<zyga-ubuntu> cachio: thank you\n<cachio> zyga-ubuntu, change added\n * kalikiana break\n<sergiusens> good morning!\n<sergiusens> cjwatson let me rephrase privately\n<zyga-ubuntu> hey sergiusens\n<sergiusens> zyga-ubuntu how is it going?\n * sergiusens is procrastinating on presentations he needs to get done\n<zyga-ubuntu> sergiusens: working on layous and new mount features\n<zyga-ubuntu> sergiusens: sleepy morning, dind't sleep well but now it's good (feels like 10AM now :)\n<sergiusens> zyga-ubuntu and yet you are almost EOD :-P\n<zyga-ubuntu> no no, I'll stay now\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: I ran into a issue sometimes, can you have a look at this and tell me if it rings any bells\n<zyga-ubuntu> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25779014/\n<zyga-ubuntu> I'll debug, just want to see if you've seen it\n<pstolowski> zyga-ubuntu, wow, i've never seen this kind of issue\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: thanks, maybe it's an impact of my work :/\n<zyga-ubuntu> hah\n<zyga-ubuntu> qemu:ubuntu-16.04-64 .../tests/main/interfaces-hooks# cat /var/lib/snapd/mount/snap.basic-iface-hooks-consumer.fstab\n<zyga-ubuntu> /snap/basic-iface-hooks-producer/x1/etc /snap/basic-iface-hooks-consumer/x1/initialtarget none bind,ro 0 0\n<mup> Issue snapcraft#1437 closed: cross-compile i386 kernel <designed> <Created by sergiusens> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/1437>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1613 closed: cross compilation: enable cross compilation of i386 kernel on x86-64 … <Created by piso77> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1613>\n<zyga-ubuntu> qemu:ubuntu-16.04-64 .../tests/main/interfaces-hooks# ls -ld /snap/basic-iface-hooks-producer/x1/etc\n<zyga-ubuntu> ls: cannot access '/snap/basic-iface-hooks-producer/x1/etc': No such file or directory\n<zyga-ubuntu> qemu:ubuntu-16.04-64 .../tests/main/interfaces-hooks# ls -ld /snap/basic-iface-hooks-consumer/x1/initialtarget\n<zyga-ubuntu> ls: cannot access '/snap/basic-iface-hooks-consumer/x1/initialtarget': No such file or directory\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: so now those get created\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: did you mean for basic-iface-hooks-producer/ to have an $SNAP/etc directory?\n<pstolowski> zyga-ubuntu, let me check, i need to refresh my memory\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: it's specified in snap.yaml but not in the tree\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: maybe it needed a fake file to keep the directory around?\n<pstolowski> zyga-ubuntu, ok. the test doesn't are about what's in the filesystem. it just cares about reading the attributes of interface\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: ok, I'll probably tweak the test to contain more realistic content interface use\n<pstolowski> zyga-ubuntu, can be any other interface if you can find one that has attributes and can be used instead in the test, although afair i had some issues with that and found out that content interface could be \"abused\" for this test\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: well, you could use the network interface\n<zyga-ubuntu> pstolowski: and then add any set of attributes inside\n<zyga-ubuntu> (or any other simple interface)\n<zyga-ubuntu> ah wait, you need the pair\n<zyga-ubuntu> hmm\n<elopio1> sergiusens: kyrofa kalikiana here is my task breakdown: http://pad.ubuntu.com/snapcraft-18-04-elopio\n * zyga-ubuntu -> lunch\n<mup> PR snapd#4063 opened: tests: add new kernel refresh/revert test for spread-cron <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4063>\n<mup> PR snapd#4058 closed: interfaces: reduce duplicated code in interface tests mocks <Created by stolowski> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4058>\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: hey, can you look at https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-xenial-snappy-dev-image/xenial/amd64/s/snapd/20171020_131659_7c6aa@/log.gz\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: one test failed there\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: sanity timeout expired: Interrupted system call\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: this says that snap-confine held a lock for more than 3 seconds\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: (we have a sigalrm being sent to us)\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: is it just a very slow vm? can we try 12s?\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I'd rather not change that amount yet, I just want to raise this in case there's something funny going on and we break in some D state in the kernel\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: I'll monitor tests for this\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: fair enough\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: it could be a slow VM but we usually grab this lock for tiny fractions of a second\n<mvo> zyga-ubuntu: is it in all tests? i have seen it before I think but not consistently\n<zyga-ubuntu> mvo: no, I just saw it now for the first time\n * zyga-ubuntu -> fetch water\n<zyga-ubuntu> man\n<zyga-ubuntu> I go to fetch some water into canisters\n<zyga-ubuntu> just to find they finished repairs and it's back on :)\n * zyga-ubuntu breaks, I'll ran into one problem and I need to think about it\n<mup> PR snapd#4064 opened: tests: new test for hardware-random-control interface <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4064>\n<niemeyer> mvo: The container based travis is flowing\n<niemeyer> mvo: For awareness, there were two different issues.. using the C language meant the checkout from git was done differently and paths didn't match anymore ($GOPATH semantics was gone).. then, the removal of the install section meant Travis cooked up a default install section for us while trying to help, but that broke things out as well\n<niemeyer> mvo: I'll write those notes in the forum so we don't lose it\n<niemeyer> Will just wait for tests to pass\n<mup> PR snapd#3960 closed: travis: switch to container based test runs <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3960>\n<niemeyer> mvo: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/ci-on-travis-now-using-containers/2547\n<mvo> niemeyer: nice, thanks for handling this\n<niemeyer> mvo: My pleasure, let's see if that kills the delays we've been observing\n<bashfulrobot> Are questions better in here, or in rocketchat?\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, here nowadays\n<bashfulrobot> ok, great.\n<kyrofa> Man, I do not know The Twitter. I never remember to make sure NOT to start a non-reply with a @\n<bashfulrobot> soooo.... for 18.04 I would really like tio use snaps for applets in Ubuntu Budgie. Now with V11 in dev, but no ETA, we are staying open at this point if it will be V10 vs V11. But with V10, applets have to reside in a certain folder location. Do snaps at this point have a mechanism to accomplish this? I know with confimenemtn, etc, this goes COMPLETELY against what snaps are...\n<popey> ogra_: have you attempted to get your nwjs snap working strictly? https://github.com/ogra1/nwjs\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, well, what ARE applets for budgie?\n<bashfulrobot> Essentially plugins and added features for teh Budgie Desktop.\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, so, like, .so ?\n<bashfulrobot> usually added to the panels, etc.\n<bashfulrobot> They can be written (currently) in vala, pythin and c++\n<nacc> are they themselves applications?\n<nacc> (things that run)\n<bashfulrobot> They do not\n<bashfulrobot> run on their own.\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, i.e. you wouldn't declare any `apps` for them?\n<bashfulrobot> kyrofa - they have to be run and written in a certain way to be consumed by the desktop\n<kyrofa> In that case, they aren't technically confined at all\n<nacc> kyrofa is probably a better expert here, then, but why is a snap a good idea for that?\n<bashfulrobot> nacc The idea is to make it easier for 3rd party people to package. Auto update. Solus in theory could take advantage of them too. We also try to push our core applets into Debian, so that requirement is moot in snaps.\n<nacc> bashfulrobot: i understand all that, but it does't sound like what you are packaging is actually a snap :)\n<nacc> (or at leasta  confined application in a snap)\n<bashfulrobot> Now you could be compeltely correct and maybe a snap is not the proper mechanism for this. But for the above reasons it \"seemed\" like it could be a good option (unless there is a reason technically to not do this).\n<bashfulrobot> nacc - this is true\n<bashfulrobot> It is kind of an odd edge case\n<bashfulrobot> I guess more so trying to use it as a delivery mechanism.\n<nacc> bashfulrobot: i'm curious what kyrofa things -- i have wondered how 'glue' fits into snaps myself. Things that are consumed by other applications. Perhaps what you want is to be a part?\n<kyrofa> Heh\n<bashfulrobot> exactly\n<kyrofa> Confinement is really only one aspect of snaps. There are a lot more, too\n<bashfulrobot> And as mentioned - I very well may be barking up the wrong tree where.\n<kyrofa> Bundling, updates, kind of the generic delivery method\n<bashfulrobot> But wanted to validate and see what the snap ecosystem thought of this.\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, nah, I hear where you're coming from, but I'll admit it's a bit unconventional\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, let's think this through\n<bashfulrobot> kryofa for sure. Has this type of thing come up before in discussion/\n<bashfulrobot> ?\n<kyrofa> Not in my experience, but I'm hardly the only snap dev\n<bashfulrobot> ah ha for sure\n<kyrofa> So: you have a specific directory where \"things\" need to be. What are those things? How are they called into?\n<kyrofa> e.g. does each applet have a single entry point?\n<bashfulrobot> disclosure... I am more of the packager, and not so much a developer of these applets. so I have to be cautious of what I say here so as to not stick my foot up my arse.\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, haha, everyone is an expert relative to their colleagues. In this room, I suspect you're the expert ;)\n<bashfulrobot> well a foot up the arse is uncomfortable either way. :-p\n<kyrofa> Yeah that sorta sucks\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, we can start on the other end of the discussion, and I can list possibilities\n<bashfulrobot> awesome. I'm just reviewing a few applets here to be clear on myanswer for your question.\n<kyrofa> So: snaps are a single squashfs image, as you know. They get mounted into e.g. /snap/snapname/version\n<bashfulrobot> yup.\n<kyrofa> A snap containing an applet would contain the applet itself as well as any of its dependencies\n<kyrofa> First question: would budgie itself be one of those dependencies?\n<kyrofa> Ignoring that question, I'll continue\n<kyrofa> Having applets in /snap isn't useful. You need some way to get the applets into the \"applet dir\" what is that, in /var somewhere?\n<bashfulrobot> Well budgie itself is needed, but is not a snap.\n<kyrofa> What if you made a symlink back to the applet in the snap?\n<bashfulrobot> That was a thought I had. But was concerned that it was a bit of tom folery and hacky.\n<bashfulrobot> fooler*\n<bashfulrobot> foolery*\n<kyrofa> Since you'd be using the snap solely as a delivery method, it's really just a lump of libs and assets\n<bashfulrobot> yeah\n<bashfulrobot> exactly that\n<kyrofa> You'd need to set up the LD_LIBRARY_PATH such that those things are found\n<kyrofa> It could also use the budgie on the system if you strip it out of the applet snaps\n<bashfulrobot> that is hte way it would need ot be today.\n<kyrofa> Yeah, I think you could make this happen. It does sound a bit hacky\n<bashfulrobot> kyrofa - also to loop back to an earlier question...\n<bashfulrobot> That you had\n<bashfulrobot> Each applet is a typical libpeas based applet - i.e. a .plugin file and and a module file. Both live in /usr/lib/budgie-desktop/plugins/applet-name/applet.plugin & applet_module\n<bashfulrobot> Each applet can have multiple instances - UUID for each applet.\n<kyrofa> So you'd need to symlink both of those out of the snap?\n<xan_IT> hi, can i ask noob question about snap packages inside ubuntu here?\n<kyrofa> xan_IT, always :)\n<bashfulrobot> kyrofa - yeah that is my concern (hacky). I don't want to do this \"just to do it\", but rather if it makes sense. And if it was a situation that the team had either looked at, or considered (glue code of sorts).\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, are they found recursively? e.g. could you symlink a dir?\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, I think it's interesting, snaps solve some of the problems you'd need to solve yourself otherwise\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, it's probably going to come down to weighting the pros and cons there\n<xan_IT> 1) snap packages are in sandbox area, true? so if i install same packages throught deb and snap, second will not overwrite first. true?\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, might be worth a prototype\n<bashfulrobot> yeah for sure.\n<bashfulrobot> I could work towards one.\n<xan_IT> 2) there is like https://packages.ubuntu.com/ for snap??\n<kyrofa> xan_IT, you're mixing terminology a bit, but yeah: when you install a snap, it typically doesn't mess with any debs\n<xan_IT> kyrofa what i mixing ? i want hunderstands :D\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, you know where to find us if you run into interesting issues there\n<bashfulrobot> xan_IT sandboxed yes, but if you use classic confinement, way more access (almost no confinement if I understand correctly)\n<roadmr> xan_IT: https://uappexplorer.com/snaps has a list of available snaps\n<bashfulrobot> xan_IT deb will not overwrite snap. snap is in a differnt location and a squashfs\n<kyrofa> xan_IT, when you say \"sandbox\" you're mostly talking about confinement, but what you seem to be asking is: \"will installing a snap interfere with a deb of the same thing\"\n<xan_IT> thz, so snap packages can access to all file system ?\n<nacc> xan_IT: it depends on the confinement of the snap\n<bashfulrobot> kyrofa - I just remembered. We did do sonme testing with symlinks....\n<bashfulrobot>  I know if you symlink /usr/lib/budgie-desktop/plugins/applet-name to somewhere else, then yes budgie-desktop is happy\n<bashfulrobot> BUT\n<xan_IT> nacc ?\n<bashfulrobot> updates broke because the link is tied to the version number\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, did you try symlinking through /snap/snapname/current ?\n<bashfulrobot> so I guess the snap YAML would need logic to recreate on each update\n<nacc> xan_IT: https://docs.snapcraft.io/reference/confinement\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, another symlink\n<kyrofa> snapd maintains that one\n<bashfulrobot> ahh - did not\n<bashfulrobot> Will ahve to try that\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, that could work really nicely actually. Snaps can be disabled as well, which removes that symlink (but leaves the snaps in place)\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, which would break the symlinks, thus ensuring those applets aren't loaded\n<nacc> (another use-case for current is that, e.g., you can find the core snap always at /snap/core/current)\n<nacc> that has some use for me, at least\n<xan_IT> so there is only 1 repository for snaps for all distributions?\n<kyrofa> xan_IT, indeed. Since snaps are designed to work on multiple distributions, there's not really a need for a store for each\n<bashfulrobot> kyrofa well you have given me something to think about. And that the path I was looking at is the way to do it today. I would be interested if more of this type of discussion pops up and what the overall community thinks of this methind and delivering something like a plugin via snap.\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, well, there are multiple facets to that\n<bashfulrobot> xan_IT just the store. Global to all distros that use snaps\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, I think we definitely want to support shipping plugins as snaps, the question is how they're consumed\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, we have a bug for a new interface for this\n<xan_IT> last question: who update snap packages?\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, but that requires the consumer to be a snap\n<nacc> yeah, it's itneresting. a pluginn is like between a part and app\n<nacc> xan_IT: the snap owner\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, having the consumer be not snapped is a different ballgame\n<kyrofa> Because interfaces don't help us\n<xan_IT> kyrofa, author of app, or a official mantainer for all packages?\n<bashfulrobot> right meaning the deps (like budgie desktop in this case)?\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, yep\n<bashfulrobot> right - yeah - somethign to consider for sure.\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, so yeah. Go snap that. You'll be done tomorrow, I expect\n<xan_IT> kyrofa, simply like debian repository or like play store/appstore ??\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, (kidding)\n<bashfulrobot> kyrofa - it's already done!\n<kyrofa> kyrofa, more like the play store\n<bashfulrobot> HA HA\n<kyrofa> Wow, sorry, that was for you xan_IT\n<kyrofa> Ha!\n<xan_IT> :)\n<kyrofa> xan_IT, there is no central packaging authority in the snap world\n<kyrofa> xan_IT, which means it's very easy to get YOUR app to YOUR users. Just release your update\n<kyrofa> xan_IT, in a more traditional packaging world this can be dangerous because you can break dependents, or your dependencies can break you\n<kyrofa> xan_IT, but since snaps bundle dependencies, we can skirt a lot of those issues\n<kyrofa> xan_IT, I don't mean to say that's a silver bullet, there are obviously tradeoffs there\n<bashfulrobot> xan_IT another perk, can hook up your github repo to build on push, etc too. See https://build.snapcraft.io/ and  https://docs.snapcraft.io/build-snaps/ci-integration\n<bashfulrobot> kyrofa - thanks a ton for all of your help and time! Excellent info as always!\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, yeah man, any time\n<bashfulrobot> I'll work on this and post back if I have success!\n<xan_IT> thz to all, so is like a store inside linux\n<xan_IT> or like npm\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, would also like to hear about utter and compete failure\n<bashfulrobot> ok, donlt you worry, my sorry arse will likely be back with questions!\n<bashfulrobot> hahah\n<kyrofa> xan_IT, yeah, kinda. Although what happens if you're distributing an npm package that has a system dependency?\n<bashfulrobot> kyrofa ^^\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, good\n<xan_IT> kyrofa i think npm not manage system dependency\n<kyrofa> xan_IT, right. So even with npm, you have to tell your users \"install these dependencies... now install npm... now install my package\"\n<kyrofa> xan_IT, with a snap, it's `snap install my-package` which contains npm, those dependencies, and your package\n<xan_IT> kyrofa i understands, is like npm++ :)\n<kyrofa> Hahaha, sure\n<xan_IT> :)\n<xan_IT> i need to go out, thz to all, i love all of you  :)\n<kyrofa> xan_IT, thanks for stopping by!\n<kyrofa> snappy-m-o, autopkgtest 1583 xenial:amd64\n<snappy-m-o> kyrofa: I've just triggered your test.\n<kyrofa> elopio1, I need your python and testing expertise\n<kyrofa> elopio1, help me brainstorm bug #1717921\n<mup> Bug #1717921: CI: BlockingIOError about 50% of the time <Snapcraft:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1717921>\n<kyrofa> It's killing me\n * Pharaoh_Atem sighs\n<cyphermox> ogra_: can you help verifying 1712224 ?\n<cyphermox> bug 1712224\n<mup> Bug #1712224: netplan should not try to unbind brcmfmac (like brcmfmac-sdio) <patch> <verification-needed> <verification-needed-xenial> <verification-needed-zesty> <nplan\n<mup> (Ubuntu):Fix Released by cyphermox> <nplan (Ubuntu Xenial):Fix Committed by cyphermox> <nplan (Ubuntu Zesty):Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1712224>\n<kyrofa> elopio1, unrelated question spawned by niemeyer's forum post: are we not using docker pretty much exclusively for our tests, now? Does that make getting off the VM system a possibility for us as well?\n<kyrofa> Or wait... maybe we only use docker to build the snap\n<bashfulrobot> refresh my memory $SNAPCRAFT_PART_INSTALL is reltive to what? teh snap dir?\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, I believe it's absolute\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, it's only used when building in snapcraft, and it points to that specific part's installdir\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, put files in there, and they'll be migrated into stage, prime, and finally the snap\n<kyrofa> bashfulrobot, that variable is not defined at runtime\n<bashfulrobot> kyrofa - thanks again!\n * bashfulrobot starting to refresh to finially finish mumble snap \n<sergiusens> bashfulrobot \\o/\n<sergiusens> kyrofa moving to docker won't help us as we need snapd; well we could move to docker with some hacks to have something running (snapd), but I don't really want to rely on that\n<sergiusens> the path to success elopio1 has layed out sounds better (dispatching though webhooks), but then we are at ground zero again with supporting our own infra\n * sergiusens heads to the train station\n<kyrofa> sergiusens, bin/snapcraft-classic still sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH\n<kyrofa> sergiusens, which I believe leaks into its calling environment, making cmake look there for libs as well\n<kyrofa> sergiusens, which on trusty results in cmake: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6: version `CXXABI_1.3.8' not found (required by /snap/snapcraft/x1/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libicuuc.so.55)\n<kyrofa> Does that sound accurate?\n<kyrofa> I didn't think LD_LIBRARY_PATH was needed\n<kyrofa> I'll try blowing it away and see what happens\n<kyrofa> sergiusens, yes, that fixes things. Are you sure that LD_LIBRARY_PATH is still needed? I'm not seeing problems removing it in my limited tests\n<kyrofa> sergiusens, now I'm running into the issue that I think your PR fixes\n<kyrofa> Things are looking up in the world\n<kyrofa> sergiusens, yep, your PR officially works great\n<kyrofa> sergiusens, just built the ROS indigo snap, works great\n<kyrofa> I'm gonna propose removing the LD_LIBRARY_PATH\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1635 opened: snap: remove leaking LD_LIBRARY_PATH <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1635>\n<bashfulrobot> sergiusens 0/\n<kyrofa> snappy-m-o, autopkgtest 1583 xenial:amd64 zesty:amd64 xenial:armhf\n<snappy-m-o> kyrofa: I've just triggered your test.\n * nacc wonders why steam isn't a snap yet\n<nacc> seems like the perfect target\n<nacc> and given that there is both an ubuntu and a valve repository, would allow some consolidation, and hopefully avoid all the breakage that ensues from people using the wrong .deb on the wrong system\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1636 opened: internal: more gracefully determine host OS <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1636>\n<kyrofa> snappy-m-o, autopkgtest 1635 xenial:amd64\n<snappy-m-o> kyrofa: I've just triggered your test.\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1637 opened: repo: add elementaryOS (no spaces) to deb distros <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1637>\n#snappy 2017-10-21\n<xan_IT> hi, i receive segmentation fault from snap ubuntu make\n<xan_IT> i found this, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/segmentation-fault-in-python-snap/2218/4\n<mup> PR snapcraft#1635 closed: snap: remove leaking LD_LIBRARY_PATH <bug> <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1635>\n<kyrofa> snappy-m-o, autopkgtest 1583 xenial:amd64 xenial:armhf zesty:amd64\n<snappy-m-o> kyrofa: I've just triggered your test.\n<Son_Goku> TRIGGERED!\n<skjensen> Hi Guys, I have made a build from ogra's repository on launchpad.  The build status is successful, but where do I download the snap?\n#snappy 2018-10-15\n<mborzecki> morning\n<mborzecki> mvo: hey\n<mvo> hey mborzecki - good morning\n<mborzecki> mvo: when's the release?\n<mvo> mborzecki: 2.36~pre2 happend last friday but it looks like we need a 2.35.5 :/\n<mvo> mborzecki: why? anything important pending?\n<mborzecki> mvo: no, just checking if we could squeeze in https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5979\n<mup> PR #5979: install: don't start disabled services <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5979>\n<mvo> mborzecki: mark it for 2.36 please\n<mvo> mborzecki: and alsp please mark for squash merge to merge the cherry-pick/pr easier\n<mborzecki> mvo: marked\n<mup> PR snapd#5983 opened: interfaces/home: don't allow snaps to write to $HOME/bin (2.35) <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5983>\n<mvo> mborzecki: ta\n<mvo> zyga: 5974 has some comment improvement suggestions, could you do a followup with those? I will merge and pull into 2.35 so that things move here\n<mup> PR snapd#5974 closed: osutil: workaround overlayfs on ubuntu 18.10 <Created by zyga> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5974>\n<mvo> zyga: in case you didn't already, not sure if all points where addressed\n<mvo> mborzecki: jdstrand pushed a bunch of PRs that look important but he did not attach a milestone - do you happen to know what he needs? I tagged them as 2.36\n<mvo> mborzecki: but I'm not sure if we might even pull things into 2.35 (cc zyga)\n<mborzecki> mvo: i recall the one about scrubbing env on profile change, i see it's tagged for 2.36\n<zyga> re\n<zyga> good morning\n<zyga> sorry for starting late, very very rough night\n<zyga> mvo: looking at 5974\n<zyga> ah that, I need to digest those as, as we were discussing in on IRC, we were also talking in the pull request\n<zyga> mvo: I believe all the code there is correct, we can tweak the comment\n<zyga> mvo: I will look at Jamie's pr's now\n<zyga> jdrab: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5982 this one is very important\n<mup> PR #5982: interfaces/many: conditionally use 'unsafe' with docker-support change_profile rules <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5982>\n<mup> PR snapd#5983 closed: interfaces/home: don't allow snaps to write to $HOME/bin (2.35) <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5983>\n<zyga> the k8s pull requests are something I was not tracking so I cannot asses those\n<pstolowski> mornings\n<mvo> zyga: thanks\n<mborzecki> zyga: pstolowski: hey\n<zyga> the unsafe PR is holly smokes long :)\n<zyga> mvo: I left some comments on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5980#pullrequestreview-164581442 - I suspect we should rename the fields/methods to match go naming scheme but otherwise this is a very welcome improvement\n<mup> PR #5980: interfaces/apparmor: conditionally add explicit deny rules for ptrace <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5980>\n<zyga> mvo: please let me know if you want to see those extra changes as additional patches in this PR directly or as a separate PR\n<mvo> zyga: ta, I have a look in a wee bit\n<zyga> British English wee bit :)\n<mvo> zyga: I don't know :) the wee as in little\n<zyga> exactly\n<zyga> that's what I meant :)\n<mvo> are there more meanings than this one?\n<zyga> not that I know of, I meant that it is specific to British English as a way to say little\n<sparkiegeek> https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/wee#Adjective https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/wee#Noun\n<sparkiegeek> oh, I meant to link to Etymology 2\n<zyga> lol\n<zyga> that's new :)\n<zyga> TIL wee things matter\n<zyga> pstolowski: is 5975 something we can land for 2.36?\n<zyga> it's +2 green right now\n<pstolowski> zyga: we could yes, but mvo wanted to have a look i think\n * zyga looks at k8s pull request\n<zyga> mvo: I would vote +1 on that since it makes everyday \"snap tasks\" much more understandable and accurate\n<zyga> mvo: but please do see it before merging\n<pstolowski> (let's squash merge then if we do)\n<zyga> sure, please set a tag there\n<mvo> zyga: yeah, I think its good, looking now (sorry, just had to finish the classic dimension forum post before it escapes my mind again :)\n<zyga> cool, thank you for doing that - I will gladly read it soon\n<Chipaca> good morning\n<zyga> good morning sir\n<Chipaca> zyga: are we there yet?\n<zyga> no, not quite\n<Chipaca> aww\n<mvo> pstolowski: 5975 looks great, please go ahead and squash merge it so that we can backport to 2.36\n<pstolowski> mvo: great, ty!\n<mvo> zyga: anything else we might need for 2.35.5 ? if not I will go ahead with this soon\n<zyga> mvo: I don't know of anything else but let me look at the full list of PRs\n<mup> PR snapd#5975 closed: ifacestate/hooks: only create interface hook tasks if hooks exist <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5975>\n<pstolowski> mvo: merged, shall i prepare PR for 2.36?\n<mvo> pstolowski: please do\n<pstolowski> sure\n<mvo> pstolowski: thank you\n<zyga> mvo: perhaps a subset of https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5696/files\n<mup> PR #5696: interfaces/opengl: add additional accesses for cuda <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5696>\n<zyga> where we have the extra directory but not the part that jdstrand pointed out (the mknod perm)\n<zyga> mvo: otherwise nothing else I see for 3.35.x\n<mup> PR snapd#5984 opened: ifacestate/hooks: only create interface hook tasks if hooks exist (2.36) <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5984>\n<mvo> zyga: thanks for double checking. I looked at 5980, it looks good, I agree with your comments about naming conventions though\n<zyga> I can push a patch to change it there and in the other PRs that are built on it\n<pstolowski> mvo, zyga ^ pr for 2.36 is up\n<mborzecki> pstolowski: did a pass on #5962\n<mup> PR #5962: ifacestate/hotplug: hotplug handlers <Complex> <Hotplug 🔌> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5962>\n<mvo> pstolowski: cool, thanks\n<mborzecki> heh github, if you search with query https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+%F0%9F%94%8C (using the hotplug emoji) it finds no PRs\n<pstolowski> mborzecki: thanks!\n<pstolowski> mborzecki: +1 for #5966, with one remaks (perhaps degville can help again)\n<mup> PR #5966: snap: overhaul validation error messages <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5966>\n<niemeyer> Yeah, the emojis are funny, but we should probably drop them\n<niemeyer> Morning all\n<mvo> good morning niemeyer\n<niemeyer> mvo: Yo\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: does searching by the contents of a tag find things? (doesn't work with 'complex' either)\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: probably not, seems like freetext search ignores labels\n<mvo> Chipaca: a while ago you looked into uc16 to ensure things cleanly unmount on stop/reboot, do you think you could you do the same for uc18 again?\n<Chipaca> mvo: I think I probably could :-) do you know it doesn't?\n<mvo> ppisati: did you had any luck getting to the bottom of the 4.15 pi3 b+ ethernet connection issues?\n<mvo> Chipaca: I suspect it might be :/\n<Chipaca> mvo: ok. Is there a working intel core18 i could look at?\n<mvo> Chipaca: http://people.canonical.com/~mvo/core18/\n<mvo> Chipaca: so http://people.canonical.com/~mvo/core18/core18-amd64-18-beta20180823.img.xz\n<Chipaca> thanks\n<mvo> Chipaca: should work, please do let me know if you notice anything\n<mvo> Chipaca: thank *you*\n<pstolowski> mvo: i think #5969 needs master merged, the base PR already landed\n<mup> PR #5969:  apparmor: add unit test for probeAppArmorParser and simplify code  <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5969>\n<mvo> pstolowski: thanks, done\n<pstolowski> thx\n<ppisati> mvo: the fix is already queued in bionic\n<mvo> ppisati: \\o/\n<mvo> ppisati: great to hear, do you have a rough eta for the snap? I guess its too much work to just do an edge build of the pi-kernel (?)\n<ppisati> mvo: as soon as the new SRU kernel is released - IIRC they cut a new kernel tomorrow, then it's 2 weeks after that\n<ppisati> mvo: but there was a respin of kernels last week, so the window might have slide a bit\n<ppisati> *slid\n<mvo> ppisati: ok. I wish we had git snapshots in the edge channel :) but I guess that is a wishlist item for another day. might actually be nice for you guys as well to get people testing/validating fixes\n<mvo> ppisati: thanks for this update!\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: i'm looking at snapshot file names, the code does not reverse the file name anywhere, so we sould be safe there wrt. parallel instances and extra _\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: yep, the filename is for the sysadmin, snapshots doesn't infer info from it\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: mhm, cool\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: only thing where it might be a problem is creating duplicate filenames, which we might not check for\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: but we use InstanceName so should be fine, afaik\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: yes, instance names are unique\n<Chipaca> i mean afaik we use instance name :)\n<Chipaca> mvo: how long does the 'resize partition' step take, usually? boot's been stuck there for a while now\n<mvo> Chipaca: probably entropy :(\n<mvo> Chipaca: just hammer at some keys\n<Chipaca> heh, that was it\n * mvo weeps a bit in the corner about this problem\n<mborzecki> heh, wonder what one will do when there's no keyboard attached\n<mborzecki> wiggle some gpios\n * Chipaca suddenly wishes for \"base: core | core18\n<Chipaca> huh\n<Chipaca> mvo: a 'snap install' got aborted by a refresh of core18; is that expected?\n<zyga> aborted?\n<zyga> can we even do that?\n<Chipaca> might've been just coincidence\n<Chipaca> 'snap tasks' say 'server misbehaving'\n<zyga> mvo: actually\n<zyga> mvo: perhaps https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5982#pullrequestreview-164628872 is a candidate for .5\n<zyga> mvo: but it is stacked on top of a pile of other things\n<zyga> so unsure\n<mup> PR #5982: interfaces/many: conditionally use 'unsafe' with docker-support change_profile rules <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5982>\n<zyga> you marked that PR as targeting 2.36 so perhaps you know better\n<Chipaca> mvo: bad news: we're hitting a variant of https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/8155\n<mvo> zyga: I can wait for jamie to clarify\n<mvo> Chipaca: uhhh\n<Chipaca> mvo: maybe :)\n * Chipaca is still digging\n<Chipaca> but, yeah, we just see the nasty [  364.293811] systemd-shutdown[1]: Failed to wait for process: Protocol error\n<Chipaca> which seems to mean that systemd < 238\n<mvo> Chipaca: hrm, hrm, or would need to sru\n<Chipaca> yeah, systemd --version says 237\n<Chipaca> we could also backport https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/8429/files\n<mup> PR systemd/systemd#8429: sd-shutdown improvements <ci-fails/needs-rework 🔥> <merged-but-needs-fixing> <pid1> <Created by medhefgo> <Merged by keszybz> <https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/8429>\n<zyga> uh fun\n<zyga> (not)\n<Chipaca> mvo: but all that _really_ does is turn up the logging\n<Chipaca> bah, maybe :)\n<Chipaca> for our case it might be the only difference\n<Chipaca> i wonder if i can't turn up the logging without that\n<mvo> Chipaca: ok\n<Chipaca> mvo: so. we might not need that patch\n<Chipaca> mvo: it's just that our systemd-shutdown helper unit isn't getting triggered\n<Chipaca> digging continues\n<Chipaca> that is: if I set it up by hand, I get\n<mvo> Chipaca: oh, nice\n<Chipaca> Successfully changed into root pivot.\n<Chipaca> Returning to initrd...\n<Chipaca> snapd system-shutdown helper: started.\n<Chipaca> snapd system-shutdown helper: no reboot parameter\n<Chipaca> snapd system-shutdown helper: * unable to disassociate loop device /dev/loop0s: No such device or address\n<Chipaca> snapd system-shutdown helper: - was able to unmount writable cleanly\n<Chipaca> snapd system-shutdown helper: - halting.\n<mvo> Chipaca: so maybe just a missing symlink to activate it?\n<Chipaca> pr'aps\n<Chipaca> rebooting to see :-)\n<zyga> Chipaca: really /dev/loop0s?\n<mvo> Chipaca: I can look for this is that helps you :)\n<zyga> what even is that\n<Chipaca> $ systemctl is-enabled snapd.system-shutdown.service\n<Chipaca> enabled\n<Chipaca> mvo: so it's not that :-|\n<Chipaca> zyga: ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯\n<Chipaca> zyga: /dev/loop0; the s is probably a typo\n<Chipaca> zyga: \t\t\tkmsg(\"* unable to disassociate loop device %ss: %s\",\n<zyga> ah\n<Chipaca> :)\n<zyga> good\n<zyga> at least\n<zyga> loop0 is probably the boot snap\n<Chipaca> it's probably fine;  disassociation is automatic after dunno-what-utils-linux-version\n<Chipaca> mvo: so,  the unit is enabled; it's not getting activated afaict\n<Chipaca> probably changes to systemd-shutdown\n<mvo> Chipaca: :/ hrm, hrm\n<Chipaca> ah\n<Chipaca> i think i might know why\n<Chipaca> mvo: the snapd snap does not ship sh\n<zyga> huh? why would we need to ship sh?\n<Chipaca> well, we don't, but we then create snapd.system-shutdown.service as if we did\n<zyga> is the service using shell?\n<Chipaca> sudo sed -i -e 's|/snap/snapd/659/bin/sh|/snap/core18/304/bin/dash|' /etc/systemd/system/snapd.system-shutdown.service && sudo systemctl daemon-reload -> works\n<Chipaca> zyga: ExecStart=/snap/core18/304/bin/dash -euc 'mount /run -o remount,exec; mkdir -p /run/initramfs; cp /usr/lib/snapd/system-shutdown /run/initramfs/shutdown'\n<zyga> ohohh\n<zyga> I see\n<mvo> Chipaca: oh woah - nice catch!\n<Chipaca> I don't remember why it does that instead of having multiple ExecStart= lines\n<Chipaca> let me try that instea\n<Chipaca> probably more portable\n * Chipaca tries\n<Chipaca> of course if I had 'vi' this would be slightly easier :-D\n<mvo> Chipaca: I thought we added this\n<mvo> Chipaca: maybe you need a newer core18?\n<Chipaca> mvo: I'll let it refresh\n<mvo> ok\n<Chipaca> mvo: which 'this' is this, btw?\n<mvo> Chipaca: I thought we added \"vi\" to core18\n<mvo> (vim.tiny to be exact)\n<Chipaca> mvo: ah, possibly, it seems the core image was ~200 revisions behind\n<zyga> brb, dog\n<Chipaca> ok\n<Chipaca> so\n<Chipaca> easy fix\n<mup> PR snapd#5985 opened: overlord/many: cleanup use of snapName vs. instanceName <Parallel installs ⛓> <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5985>\n<mvo> Chipaca: I like the ring of \"easy fix\" \\o/\n<Chipaca> mvo: what creates snapd.system-shutdown.service?\n<Chipaca> mvo: found it\n<Chipaca> hmm\n<Chipaca> mvo: what changes /bin/sh to /snap/snapd/<revno>/bin/sh ?\n<Chipaca> mvo: found it\n<sil2100> mvo: I have uploaded the probert with the fix for db that mwhudson prepared to our PPA, once it's built I'll be triggering a new core18\n<sil2100> Once that's in would be nice to confirm that the probert crash is gone\n<sil2100> zyga: ^\n<mvo> sil2100: nice\n<mvo> sil2100: I will test with my pi-64bit\n<zyga> As will once back\n<mvo> sil2100: nice fix\n<mvo> sil2100: great that this is under control\n<mvo> Chipaca: fwiw, this fix sounds a lot like we want it in 2.35.5 just to be one the safe side (if its someting that needs to go into snapd)\n<Chipaca> k\n<mvo> Chipaca: ta\n<mvo> Chipaca: but don't worry about this, I can do the backporting etc\n<Chipaca> mvo: there is no worry; there is only do\n<mvo> :)\n<mvo> DO!\n * mvo hugs Chipaca \n<zyga> sil2100: is that the image from Friday good for testing?\n<zyga> mvo: release day is like xmas\n<zyga> everyone has a present\n<sil2100> No, not yet\n<sil2100> I mean, not anymore ;)\n<sil2100> I'll have a new one soonish\n<zyga> ok\n<sil2100> The packages  need to publish though\n<zyga> I'll grab lunch quickly then\n<mup> PR snapd#5986 opened: data/systemd, wrappers: tweak system-shutdown helper for core18 <Simple 😃> <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5986>\n<Chipaca> mvo, zyga: ^\n<Chipaca> ooh, lunch, a capital idea\n<pstolowski> mborzecki: +1 on  #5985, would be good to land it fast\n<mup> PR #5985: overlord/many: cleanup use of snapName vs. instanceName <Parallel installs ⛓> <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5985>\n<mvo> Chipaca: thank you\n<zyga> Chipaca: reviewed\n<sil2100> mvo: ummm, could you re-build core18 snap? Since currently I guess the main snap recipe is owned by you for now\n<sil2100> probert is good\n<mborzecki> off to pick up the kids\n<jdstrand> mvo: hi!\n<jdstrand> mvo: I didn't tag those as 2.36 because I wasn't sure how suitable they were for it at this point in time and was going to let you decide (they are bigger than whatI (and probably you) were expecting last week\n<jdstrand> needless to say, they took more than 'a few hours'\n<jdstrand> mvo: I mean, I'm happy if they go into 2.36, but having them just in trunk is ok too\n<jdstrand> mvo: but I wanted to talk to you about this: audit: type=1400 audit(1539604887.557:452): apparmor=\"DENIED\" operation=\"exec\" profile=\"snap.hello-world.env\" name=\"/sbin/apparmor_parser\" pid=30864 comm=\"snap-exec\" requested_mask=\"x\" denied_mask=\"x\" fsuid=1000 ouid=0\n<jdstrand> mvo: it seems every snap run invocation is causing this. let me know when you have a moment\n<zyga> woah?\n<zyga> so snap-exec runs apparmor_parser\n<zyga> probably in the quest to compute system key\n<zyga> or something similar?\n<jdstrand> that is what I was thinking\n<zyga> what is worse\n<zyga> if apaprmor is updated\n<zyga> and we have a new apparmor parser\n<zyga> the system key will not match\n<zyga> but snapd doesn't care about the upgrade in the system\n<zyga> so it will always be wrong\n<jdstrand> so, release/apparmor.go init(), there is:\n<jdstrand> appArmorLevel, appArmorSummary = probeAppArmor()\n<zyga> until you reboot and snapd considers this\n<jdstrand> appArmorParserFeatures = probeAppArmorParser()\n<jdstrand> what is weird though, is if this is the issue, then why don't I see denials from probeAppArmor?\n<jdstrand> I only see denials for probeAppArmorParser\n<zyga> I think we allowed the former\n<jdstrand> I looked in the template. let me look again\n<zyga> oh, in that case I don't know\n<jdstrand> also, I was really surprised that snap run is doing all these checks\n<jdstrand> it isn't like it can do anything with the result\n<zyga> I think we d\n<zyga> we spin and wait\n<zyga> that's the purpose of system key there\n<jdstrand> and we are adding a bunch of stat()s and an exec() to the snap run\n<jdstrand> hmm\n<jdstrand> I definitely didn't mean for apparmor_parser to be called every time that an app was run\n<zyga> right\n<jdstrand> quite the opposite. I didn't even want it run every time a profile was compile\n<zyga> I think this falls under the idea I had a while ago with \"facts\" in /var/lib/snapd/facts - that would be written by snapd and interrogated by other parts of the stsack\n<jdstrand> I wanted it precisely once when snapd started :)\n<jdstrand> and I thought that was what happened with system-key\n<zyga> mmm, not quite\n<zyga> you need to be able to compute the system key\n<jdstrand> well, clearly\n<zyga> in snap-run\n<zyga> and quickly too as you now learned\n<jdstrand> we need to short circuit this or move it\n<jdstrand> I mean we could add a rule, but blech, I don't want this-- it is only useful for profile generation\n<zyga> I agree\n<zyga> hmmm hmm\n<jdstrand> snap run can literally do nothing with the information\n * pstolowski lunches\n<zyga> jdstrand: if you need me for this just ask, otherwise I'll be going through per user mount namespaces\n<jdstrand> yeah, I don't see /sys/kernel/security/apparmor/features in the template\n<jdstrand> zyga: thanks, I'll discuss with mvo and we can decide from there\n<jdstrand> it is definitely denied: $ ls /sys/kernel/security/apparmor/features/\n<jdstrand> ls: cannot open directory '/sys/kernel/security/apparmor/features/': Permission denied\n<jdstrand> so, probeAppArmor() is not getting called, but probeAppArmorParser() is...\n<jdstrand> which makes no sense cause they are both only called via init()...\n * jdstrand is confused\n<zyga> perhaps probe apparmor is really lazy?\n<jdstrand> huh\n<jdstrand> ./interfaces/system_key.go:sk.AppArmorParserFeatures = release.AppArmorParserFeatures()\n<jdstrand> ./interfaces/apparmor/backend.go:parserFeatures        = release.AppArmorParserFeatures\n<jdstrand> so in system_key, we assign '()' but in backend.go we do not\n<jdstrand> that is the same with AppAmorFeatures though...\n<zyga> !\n<mborzecki> re\n<jdstrand> maybeWaitForSecurityProfileRegeneration() does call interfaces.SystemKeyMismatch()\n<jdstrand> I'm really puzzled that I'm not seeing denials from release.AppArmorFeatures() but I am for release.AppArmorParserFeatures()\n<mvo> sil2100: sure\n<mvo> jdstrand: hi, reading backlog (looks like there is a lot of it :)\n<jdstrand> mvo: yes, halp :)\n<zyga> (insert 5th element quote0\n<jdstrand> I wonder what ioutil.ReadDir() is doing\n<jdstrand> maybe it doesn't trigger the apparmor denial\n<jdstrand> but then that would be a bug in system-key detection\n<jdstrand> hmm, it is just an os.Open\n<Chipaca> jdstrand: ls /sys/kernel/security/apparmor/features/ triggers the denial, but does stat on its own?\n<jdstrand> Chipaca: it would not, no\n<zyga> stat is not mediated anywhere AFAIK\n<Chipaca> jdstrand: maybe whatever's triggering the denial is not one of the required features that we stat in probeAppArmor\n<jdstrand> yes, that is what it is Chipaca\n<Chipaca> ah\n<jdstrand> probeAppArmor only does an isDirectory() which is just a stat\n<Chipaca> yup\n<Chipaca> and a rather dumb stat at that :)\n<zyga> aaah\n<jdstrand> ok, so mystery solved on the why probeAppArmor() doesn't trigger denials\n<zyga> man, that's magic\n<jdstrand> mvo: ^\n<mvo> jdstrand: I just finished reading backlog - indeed, we compute the system-key in snap run, sorry that I did not realize during the review about the implication of the apparmor parser test\n<jdstrand> so, the question is how to fix probeAppArmorParser\n<mup> PR snapd#5987 opened: cmd: refactor IPC and lifecycle of the helper process <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5987>\n<mvo> jdstrand: let me quickly look at this (its 5min until our standup)\n<zyga> standup time but I'll be 3 min late\n<zyga> brb\n<jdstrand> mvo: so, on the one hand, it does make sense that we might wait for profile regeneration for the unsafe, but on the other, I'd *way* much prefer we *not* exec apparmor_parser in every snap run\n<mvo> jdstrand: from the top of my head: probe once and then save the result in e.g. /run/snapd\n<jdstrand> mvo: that's what I was trying to do :)\n<jdstrand> mvo: you mean, just touch a file?\n<mvo> jdstrand: yeah\n<jdstrand> mvo: ok, let me work through that\n<mvo> jdstrand: thanks, the other option would be to simply not make it part of system-key and hope that something else triggers a re-run\n<jdstrand> mvo: which do you prefer?\n<mvo> jdstrand: let me quickly look at what goes into system-key already\n<mvo> jdstrand: it partly depenends on your preferences as well, if we remove it from the system-key worst case is that the profile is only re-generated with the next snapd refresh\n<jdstrand> it would be fast to add a touch at the end of probeAppArmorParser and then stat for it at the top\n<jdstrand> mvo: I think that is least correct\n<mvo> jdstrand: yeah, and cheapest :)\n<jdstrand> mvo: no, I meant removing and hoping is least correct\n<jdstrand> mvo: but is is also not correct to touch the file. cause, well, in theory the parser could've been updated in the mean time (that was always true with the intent of the original PR\n<jdstrand> )\n<mvo> jdstrand: we could use the mtime of apparmor_parser as input\n<mvo> of system-key\n<jdstrand> mvo: so, mtime and touch?\n<mvo> jdstrand: mtime of /usr/bin/apparmor_parser and if that changes the system-key changes and we re-generation apparmor. and when doing that we check apparmor features\n * jdstrand doesn't see how mtime is enough\n<jdstrand> that would require redoing system key generation a bit, no?\n<jdstrand> well wait\n<jdstrand> ok, I add mtime to the systemKey struct. then I always just check for that\n<jdstrand> so, that is a stat, and we only call probeAppArmorPaarser if they are different\n<jdstrand> ok, let me look at that\n<mvo> jdstrand: thank you! in the standup right now so I may be a bit slow replying\n<Chipaca> jdstrand: dunno if it helps, but i've got this in my bash history: grep -rl --include \\*.go --exclude \\*_test.go '^func init()' | xargs perl -pi -we 's/(^func init\\(.*)/\\1\\nprintln(\"$ARGV\")/'\n<Chipaca> jdstrand: adds a print to any and all init, so you can easily spot unexpected inits\n<zyga> jdstrand: offtopic, I think you should enqueue https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5885\n<mup> PR #5885: Adding DPDK interface for DPDK Snap <Created by wililupy> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5885>\n * Chipaca hugs mborzecki \n * mvo hugs mborzecki as well well\n<mborzecki> why the hugs?\n<mvo> jdstrand: standup over, anything I can help with?\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: dunno if you saw but at least mborzecki isn't here in 1h\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: no, that you said the above just as we wrapped (and I feel guilty because I said \"yes\", for myself, but know how that can be taken as a for all so I should've waited)\n<mvo> mborzecki: because Chipaca started it :) *grouphug*\n<Chipaca> :)\n<mvo> Chipaca: I think its fine, we just skip the bits from mborzecki  and talk about them tomorrow, no?\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: Ah, I didn't realize.. well, we can get together either way and just finish that list.. tomorrow we can review the whole thing again\n * Son_Goku hugs mborzecki \n<mborzecki> works for me\n<Son_Goku> I'm just happy someone besides me actually bothers to investigate SELinux stuff, so you deserve hugs from me anyway :D\n<jdstrand> mvo: not yet\n<mvo> ok\n<Son_Goku> mborzecki, when 2.36 becomes available, I'm going to push out for epel7 at the same time as fedora\n<zyga> mborzecki: hey, I pushed a few tweaks to snap-confine, would you be willing to look\n<zyga> it's nothing major really, and not that long\n<zyga> mostly a switch to pipe\n<jdstrand> Chipaca: that's interesting. thank you\n<mborzecki> Son_Goku: nice, thank you!\n<mup> PR snapd#5988 opened: cmd: rename ns_group to mount_ns <Simple 😃> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5988>\n<zyga> mvo: if you can, please land that, that's just a rename\n<zyga> ^\n<mvo> zyga: sure, I have a look\n<zyga> thank you!\n<niemeyer> zyga: You coming?\n<zyga> ah, sure\n<zyga> niemeyer: same URL?\n<degville> zyga: yep\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2353 opened: tests: remove dependency on snapcraft for integration tests <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2353>\n<ackk> hi, can classic snaps run deamons as specific system users?\n<smoser> zyga: is there expected to be a new snapd upload before release  of 18.10 ?\n<zyga> smoser: I defer to our release manager, mvo\n<zyga> I don't know\n<zyga> ackk: not at present\n<zyga> unless said daemons do that themselves\n<ackk> zyga, meaning, you can \"su\" as a different user from classic, right? IOW a daemon could run as \"nobody\" in that case?\n<kyr0> Hi, I have a snap package that when I launch it from the terminal, nothing happens. Where should I start to troubleshoot?\n<zyga> re\n<zyga> ackk: correct\n<zyga> kyr0: hello\n<zyga> kyr0: it depends on the software but you may have some good idea what is happening in general by using:\n<zyga> kyr0: SNAPD_DEBUG=1 snap run ...\n<zyga> (or just the program name)\n<kyr0> zyga: Thank you, ill start my investigation.\n<zyga> kyr0: you can also run \"snap run --shell\" to enter a shell with the same confinement\n<zyga> kyr0: but note, not the same environment\n<zyga> some of the environment is set by wrapper scripts in $SNAP\n<zyga> cd $SNAP to look around\n<zyga> you can run those scripts directly to execute the same command\n<zyga> hmm\n<zyga> Chipaca: still hear?\n<zyga> here*\n<kyr0> zyga: Thanks, i'll start looking into it\n<Chipaca> zyga: yes\n<zyga> oh god why :)\n<zyga> ok\n<zyga> I was thinking about taking the accounts service test manual for a moment\n<Chipaca> zyga: finished dinner, came to eod\n<zyga> it's failing all the time\n<zyga> wanted to discuss ideas\n<zyga> but can wait\n<zyga> not urgent :)\n<Chipaca> zyga: i've left it looping here to see if i can catch the failure\n<zyga> I caught it once\n<Chipaca> on iteration 20 with no failures\n<zyga> forgot about it\n<zyga> closed terminal\n<zyga> yes ;)\n<zyga> I would suggest adding ps aux to debug\n<zyga> I bet there's something very odd running then\n<zyga> (not accounts service)\n<Chipaca> yeap\n<Chipaca> zyga: instead of 'gdbus monitor --session --dest yadda', i'd do 'dbus-monitor --session' which is a lot more chatty\n<Chipaca> but, that assumes I can reproduce the issue :-D\n<zyga> Chipaca: is your unmount fix ready?\n<Chipaca> zyga: well, its spread is red, if that's what you're asking\n<Chipaca> or was when i looked last\n<Chipaca> zyga: https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/441628807/log.txt\n<Chipaca> zyga: the last run, degraded and snap-repair failed, which … not sure what those are about\n<zyga> I see\n<Chipaca> suspect something is actually broken\n<zyga> ah\n<zyga> I was just chatting with mvo about a possible release tonight\n<Chipaca> that'd be nice but integration tests aren't cooperating\n<Chipaca> and i don't know enough about those two tests to know if they're real or not\n<Chipaca> they're failing on core 18\n<Chipaca> are you seeing them fail there as well?\n<zyga> I see the error log now\n<zyga> hmmm\n<zyga> Chipaca: is ExecStart= ... ordered?\n<zyga> seems so according to manual pages\n<mup> PR snapd#5989 opened: interfaces/system-key: add parser mtime and only discover features on write <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5989>\n<Chipaca> zyga: yes, it's ordered\n<Chipaca> zyga: and yes it stops as soon as one fails, unless it starts with -\n<kyrofa> How is the possibility for a 2.36 release looking this week?\n<Chipaca> kyrofa: 0.47\n<Chipaca> kyrofa: but i'm probably overly pessimistic, so maybe it's .87\n<kyrofa> Chipaca, I'll take your earlier assessment :P\n<Chipaca> kyrofa: I hope I'm wrong, because I'm itching to update the brew formula so it no longer neads --HEAD\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2349 closed: extensions: use extension docstring <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2349>\n<popey> Chipaca: fyi, that person you conversed with was a spammer, i removed them\n<popey> (on the forum)\n<Chipaca> popey: they were? their question seemed relevant\n<Chipaca> booo\n<popey> it was a copy/pasta from a reddit thread a year ago\n<Chipaca> oh\n<popey> they do that to get credit on the forum, then slip a url edit in a few days later\n<Chipaca> right\n<popey> i didnt spot it until the edit\n<Chipaca> how isn't there an emoji for spam\n<popey> trademarks i guess\n<Chipaca> 🥫 came so close\n<Chipaca> anyhoo, it's a relief as the \"why do i need to log in\" thing should be well dead\n<popey> Yeah, i recently requested an edit to the appimage wiki because it claimed we still needed to login\n<popey> xkcd 386\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2354 opened: Preflight missing multipass <Created by evandandrea> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2354>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2350 closed: extensions: parse all declared extensions before applying <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2350>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2355 opened: extensions: cleanup and generic tests <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2355>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2246 closed: packaging: cleanup extension usage in setup.py <Created by sergiusens> <Closed by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2246>\n#snappy 2018-10-16\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2353 closed: tests: remove dependency on snapcraft for integration tests <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2353>\n<mborzecki> morning\n<mborzecki> ugh, travis jobs unhappy again\n<zyga> good morning\n<zyga> mborzecki: the dreaded accounts service test\n<mborzecki> zyga: hey\n<mborzecki> yeah, not repeating in isolation :/\n<zyga> I reproduced it but didn't noice and closed the session\n<mborzecki> ayy\n<mup> PR snapd#5990 opened: tests: do not run degraded test in autopkgtest env <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5990>\n<mvo> hey zyga\n<mvo> and hey mborzecki\n<mborzecki> mvo: hey\n<zyga> hey mvo\n<zyga> good morning\n<zyga> I haven't seen infinity yet\n<mvo> zyga: I just asked him in #ubuntu-release\n<zyga> I kicked off main again, I will try to hunt the accounts service failure\n<zyga> thanks!\n<mborzecki> hm maybe it's something about gce being slow or sth, that online accounts service is dbus activated, isn't it?\n<mvo> zyga: thank you - all autopkgtest are good except for the degraded one\n<mvo> zyga: I do the proper release now (without the umount fix sadly)\n<zyga> mborzecki: unlikely, bus activated services get the socket from systemd, right?\n<zyga> mborzecki: so you'd race with systemd\n<zyga> well - we shall see really\n<mup> PR snapd#5966 closed: snap: overhaul validation error messages <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5966>\n<mup> PR snapd#5991 opened: release: 2.35.5 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5991>\n<mup> PR snapd#5992 opened: release: merge 2.35.5 changes into the 2.36 branch <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5992>\n<zyga> https://blogs.gnome.org/tbernard/2018/10/15/restyling-apps-at-scale/ <- interesting for theming\n<mborzecki> heh pushed a commit with some additional debug to the PR that failed consistntly due to interfaces-accounts-service, and it's failing no more\n<mborzecki> why am i even suprised\n<zyga> brb\n<zyga> mborzecki: it's just an ordering issue\n<mborzecki> zyga: i'm not so sure, the testt that executed before this one do not seem reelvant\n<zyga> mborzecki: I sent a trivial PR, we'll see\n<mborzecki> zyga: are debug sections meged together?\n<mup> PR snapd#5993 opened: tests: show list of processes when ifaces-accounts-service fails <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5993>\n<pstolowski> mornings\n<mborzecki> pstolowski: hey\n<zyga> Oh! No\n<mborzecki> pulled logs from 6 failed runs, dropped into python to check if there's a test common to all failed jobs that ran before, seems there's no connection there\n<mborzecki> maybe we shuld just switch this test to manual to unblock prs\n<mborzecki> zyga: this is what i'm trying with here https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Ktcj47ZDqh/\n<mup> PR snapd#5991 closed: release: 2.35.5 <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5991>\n<mup> PR snapd#5990 closed: tests: do not run degraded test in autopkgtest env <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5990>\n<pedronis> mborzecki: the failure mode of that test look like the are different services that provide similar but different apis for something, it's quite weird\n<mup> PR snapd#5994 opened: tests/main/interfaces-accounts-service: more debugging <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5994>\n<mborzecki> https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/9oddtb/flatpaks_sandboxes_and_security/ another *pak & sandbox thread\n<mup> PR snapd#5984 closed: ifacestate/hooks: only create interface hook tasks if hooks exist (2.36) <Created by stolowski> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5984>\n<zyga> woot, that's great\n<zyga> thank you again pstolowski\n<zyga> I will try to optimise apparmor use next week\n<pstolowski> zyga: sounds awesome!\n<zyga> man, reading reddit is a waste of time\n<mborzecki> zyga: heh, usual bs in the comments\n<zyga> BS is one thing, I really cannot stand people that claim to know something but are clearly clueless about it\n<mborzecki> btw. on the topic of desktop themes, anyone running kde? do gtk apps from snaps have breeze properly applied to them?\n<zyga> mborzecki: sorry, I'm on gnome usually\n<zyga> but on the bright side, we will always have Adwaita\n<zyga> eh\n<zyga> not a great morning\n<mvo> sil2100: bad news, probert seems to be still crashing, I have a theory (only tested on my pi3-64)\n<zyga> question, what is probers?\n<zyga> probert\n<Chipaca> we need a \"this topic provides no added value\" thing for the forum :-|\n * zyga hugs Chipaca \n<zyga> what topic is that?\n<Chipaca> zyga: today, it's https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/gnome-calendar-is-not-in-spanish/7866/11\n<Chipaca> if it were a support ticket, i wouldn't mind\n<Chipaca> also, ps, spanish is not a regional language :)\n<sil2100> mvo: oh no\n<sil2100> Let me check if the right version has been pulled in\n<sil2100> Yeah, it looks like it\n<sil2100> mvo: so it's still crashing at the same place in console-conf? On startup?\n<Chipaca> zyga: has anything reached master since yesterday?\n<zyga> not that I know of :/\n<zyga> let me look\n<zyga> Chipaca: actually, I'm mistaken\n<zyga> 063f83e687d1fa2d339bc123ff5c37a2030afb50 landed\n<Chipaca> zyga: hello mistaken, i'm Chipaca\n<zyga> I'm Zygmunt if I'm not mistaken\n<zyga> ;-)\n<zyga> (or both, knowing me)\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: does 'gdbus monitor' work withouot --dest?\n<Chipaca> $ gdbus monitor --session\n<Chipaca> Error: Destination is not specified\n<sil2100> zyga: did you try a new image on your dragonboard?\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: go with dbus-monitor --session\n<zyga> sil2100: I only have the image from Friday\n<zyga> shall I re-download http://people.canonical.com/~lzemczak/dragonboard.img.xz ?\n<mup> PR snapd#5995 opened: tests/main/interfaces-accounts-service: switch to manual while we debug the test <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5995>\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: see #5994\n<mup> PR #5994: tests/main/interfaces-accounts-service: more debugging <⛔ Blocked> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5994>\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: better :)\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: or was it always like that, and I'm in need of more coffee?\n<zyga> meh, now travis is not doing much\n<zyga> ohhh coffee\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: no, i mistyped it, had it `dbus monitor` before\n<zyga> I could use that\n<Chipaca> hah, even more fun\n<mborzecki> did eavesdrop need to be expliclitly enabled for session bus?\n<zyga> not that I recall\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: what about checking the package version of accountsservice?\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: that should be the same as if you spin up the test image\n<Chipaca> hm, tru\n<Chipaca> e\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: gnome-online-accounts                 3.18.3-1ubuntu2\n<mborzecki> btw. pushed a repo with a minimal spread setup i use to spin up images, faster and smaller than doing the same from snapd tree https://github.com/bboozzoo/spread-mini\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: also: gdbus introspect --session --dest=org.gnome.OnlineAccounts --object-path=/org/gnome/OnlineAccounts/Manager\n<Chipaca> WTF, travis\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: zyga: as travis is kinda stuck, would you mind merging #5994 and #5993 into a single one?\n<mup> PR #5994: tests/main/interfaces-accounts-service: more debugging <⛔ Blocked> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5994>\n<mup> PR #5993: tests: show list of processes when ifaces-accounts-service fails <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5993>\n<mborzecki> hahah\n<Chipaca> oh wait one of them is already running\n<Chipaca> ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯\n<mborzecki> ok, hm last time we were debugging this test the observation was that the signature returned as 'expected' is correct and matches that of AddAccount\n<sil2100> zyga: I'll rebuild it in a moment\n<sil2100> (the image)\n<zyga> sil2100: ok\n<mborzecki> looking at my notes i was digging into gdbus to see if there's some parsing error\n<sil2100> I'm on the release sprint right now and we need to fix ubiquity first\n<zyga> sure\n<mvo> sil2100: sorry for the delay, had a call - my mistake, console-conf is working!\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: ISTR gdbus was funny about how it interpreted arguments\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: i switched to busctl now, will push a commit in a minute\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: but you can specify the type\n<mborzecki> at least this one is explicit about the types\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: ah, good\n<zyga> mborzecki: what is the chance that with more debugging it will no longer fail ;-) ?\n<mborzecki> zyga: high :)\n<zyga> still, I'd love to merge it\n<zyga> to see what is wrong\n<zyga> I'm wary of merging your branch with extra kills and what not just because we don't know the problem yet\n<mborzecki> the upside is we'll know more the next time it appears\n<zyga> yes, exactly\n<mborzecki> zyga: i'll drop pkills\n<sil2100> mvo: \\o/\n<sil2100> mvo: sweet!\n<sil2100> I'll prep a quick image for zyga in a moment for the db and upload it somewhere, since I'm at the office it should be a fast upload\n<zyga> cool\n<mborzecki> zyga: while pipe2 instead of socketpair in your pr?\n<zyga> no preference really\n<zyga> also no need to use sockets :-)\n<mborzecki> zyga: Chipaca: please take a look at #5994\n<mup> PR #5994: tests/main/interfaces-accounts-service: more debugging <⛔ Blocked> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5994>\n<zyga> what is in dbus.env?\n<mborzecki> zyga: when you dbus-launch it spits some stuff you can eval in the shell to set the environment variables, now it's dumped to a file in case i need to use it in debug section\n<zyga> right\n<zyga> I know that,\n<zyga> what is there in practice :)\n<zyga> is it just a variable definition?\n<Chipaca> DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS='unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-QvYL1sZnrl,guid=78c09efa6f3ce976cbffb0a35bc5bc72';\n<Chipaca> export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS;\n<Chipaca> DBUS_SESSION_BUS_PID=25966;\n<Chipaca> DBUS_SESSION_BUS_WINDOWID=119537665;\n<mborzecki> zyga: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TTh392C3Bb/\n<zyga> aha, I see\n<zyga> thanks!\n<mborzecki> oh, windowid?\n<mborzecki> wonder why i don't have it\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: probably because I did it from within X and you didn't\n<zyga> mborzecki: my PR passed\n<zyga> let's merge it\n<zyga> man, I knew this would happen\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: hm did it in tmux, which was in turn started by systemd user session, maybe that's why\n<zyga> sil2100: flashing now\n<Chipaca> an extra downside of this accounts service silliness is that it took me a day to see a trivial bug in my shutdown pr\n<zyga> now let's reproduce the f*r\n<mup> PR snapd#5993 closed: tests: show list of processes when ifaces-accounts-service fails <Created by zyga> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5993>\n<sil2100> zyga: thanks! Fingers crossed it's all resolved here as well\n<zyga> we will know soon\n<mup> PR snapd#5996 opened: [RFC] daemon: support `snap logs snapd` to get snapd logs <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5996>\n<mvo> cachio: good morning! new snapd 2.35.5 in beta - sorry for yet another dot release :/\n<mvo> cachio: but .4 is fine, this is just yet another fix on top\n<mup> PR snapd#5997 opened: ifacestate: simplify task chaining in ifacestate.Connect <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5997>\n<pstolowski> mborzecki: ^ the simplification you suggested in previous PRs\n<pstolowski> *PR\n<zyga> nice pstolowski :)\n<mborzecki> pstolowski: nice\n<zyga> sil2100, mvo: booting ...\n<zyga> fingers crossed\n<zyga> sil2100, mvo: no more crashes!\n<zyga> woot\n<mvo> zyga: yay\n<zyga> sil2100: what was the issue?\n<zyga> sil2100, mvo: although it does not crash I cannot actually connect to wifi\n<zyga> it times out all the time\n<zyga> (wifi dit not change)\n<mvo> zyga: same for me on my pi3-64\n<mvo> sil2100: -^\n<zyga> bor0en\n<zyga> or just broken\n<Chipaca> mvo: want me to give the appInfosFor a stab? I'm blocked waiting for spread otherwise :-)\n<Chipaca> bah, i've got other things i could do\n<Chipaca> like lunhc\n<Chipaca> lunch\n<Chipaca> but that's boring\n<zyga> sil2100: do you need that reported?\n<mup> PR snapd#5998 opened: osutil: tweak handling of error adduser errors <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5998>\n<mvo> Chipaca: app infos for as in 5996?\n<Chipaca> mvo: ah, yes :-)\n<mvo> Chipaca: I would not mind - but note its still an RFC PR that needs approval from gustavo\n<Chipaca> mvo: actually we could expose a pseudo-snap 'snapd' in /v2/snaps\n<mvo> Chipaca: that works for me\n<mvo> Chipaca: no strong opinion either way\n<Chipaca> mvo: snapInfosFor calls allLocalSnapInfos, if we make that one pseudo-snapd-aware, we get a consistent pseudo-snapd in the api (except you can't remove/refresh/etc it sometimes)\n<Chipaca> (the latter makes it awkward, i guess)\n<Chipaca> bah :)\n<Chipaca> it depends on what we want\n<Chipaca> i'll comment on the rfc\n * mvo nods\n<mvo> thank you!\n<pedronis> Chipaca: we have system and snapd (as pseudo but not quite things),  should snap logs system do the same,  do something?\n<pedronis> all of this is cute but without a plan it will get messy\n<zyga> snap logs system giving just snapd logs feels weird though\n<pedronis> yea, agreed\n<pedronis> also snapd will be a snap\n<zyga> but without services\n<zyga> so all kinds of weirdness\n<sil2100> zyga: yeah, not sure what's the reason for that not working, I think I also had wifi issues on my regular armhf rpi3 core18 last time\n<Chipaca> pedronis: zyga: FC on the RFC\n<sil2100> Not sure if that got reported somewhere\n<sil2100> I guess Paolo was looking at something like that?\n<pedronis> Chipaca: my C  is mostly that it probably needs a forum topic\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: what was the env var that dropped snap/snapcraft.yaml and manifest.yaml into the snap?\n<pedronis> Chipaca: I think  SNAPCRAFT_BUILD_INFO=1  from here:  https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/notifications-for-out-of-date-stage-packages/5161\n<Chipaca> thanks\n<sergiusens> Chipaca: I see you found it\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: yes, thanks\n<pstolowski> we're at the brink of opening 3rd page of PRs... would be good to land some\n<Chipaca> grep took me to the tests, and then samuele confirmed it :)\n<Chipaca> pstolowski: har har\n<sergiusens> Chipaca: hah, I thought you would have done a forum search first 😉\n<Chipaca> pstolowski: dunno if you noticed but we've been fighting the spread tests since at least yesterday\n<mborzecki> pstolowski: well, stuff is blocked by travis atm\n<pstolowski> Chipaca: yes i'm aware\n<Chipaca> pstolowski: almost everything in the first page is red\n<mborzecki> hopefully we can land #5994 soon\n<Chipaca> so, i mean, sure it'd be nice to land stuff\n<mup> PR #5994: tests/main/interfaces-accounts-service: more debugging <⛔ Blocked> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5994>\n<zyga> mborzecki: it failed in my PR\n<mborzecki> zyga: hm, which one?\n<zyga> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/OuTgkBZz/\n<zyga> https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5988\n<mup> PR #5988: cmd: rename ns_group to mount_ns <Simple 😃> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5988>\n<mborzecki> zyga: is that goa using 100MB of mem/\n<zyga> apparently\n<mborzecki> anyone willing to look at #5959 while we wait for PRs to be green again?\n<mup> PR #5959: systemd: extend Status() to work for socket and timer units <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5959>\n<zyga> mborzecki: done\n<mborzecki> zyga: thanks!\n<cachio> mvo, hi\n<cachio> sure\n<cachio> mvo, I'll make a run\n<zyga> mborzecki: I pushed https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5999\n<mup> PR #5999: tests: ensure that goa-daemon is off <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5999>\n<zyga> not sure if this is a red herring or real\n<cachio> mvo, should we promote 35.4 to stable?\n<mup> PR snapd#5999 opened: tests: ensure that goa-daemon is off <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5999>\n<pstolowski> Chipaca: #5961 gtg\n<mup> PR #5961: snap/pack, snap/squashfs: use type to determine mksquashfs args <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5961>\n<mborzecki> zyga: i'm not sure it's a problem though, the original error is Error: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: Type of message, '(ssssa{ss})', does not match expected type '(sssa{sv}a{ss})', so the expected type is correct and matches what busctl introspect shows\n<mborzecki> zyga: the mystery is why gdbus came up with (ssssa{ss})\n<mborzecki> zyga: it's like it's treating '{}' as s instead ov a{..}\n<mborzecki> and only occasionally\n<mborzecki> off to pick up the kids\n<dot-tobias> Hi everyone\n<zyga> hey\n<sil2100> mvo, zyga: another good news - we seem to have everything for enabling core18 dailies, so I'll do that once we spin out latest RC images for cosmic\n<sil2100> As I don't want to eat up precious resources before we're done with those\n<zyga> sil2100: ok let me know if you need any more testing\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2355 closed: extensions: cleanup and generic tests <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2355>\n<mup> PR snapd#6000 opened: snap,client: use a different exit code for retryable errors <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6000>\n<mvo> cachio: yeah, 2.35.4 can go to stable\n<Chipaca> mvo: do you need #5986 squashed?\n<mup> PR #5986: data/systemd, wrappers: tweak system-shutdown helper for core18 <Simple 😃> <⚠ Critical> <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5986>\n<mvo> sil2100: nice, thanks!\n<mvo> sil2100: did our 2.35.5 snapd upload from cosmisc-proposed made it?\n<Chipaca> also dunno what makes gdbus go ssssa{ss} instead of sssa{sv}a{ss} but it looks like it's over it for a bit\n<Chipaca> :-(\n<mvo> Chipaca: yes, please squash 5986 it will be needed for 2.36\n<mvo> Chipaca: and thanks for this PR, nice job!\n<Chipaca> mvo: should i retarget it? (it's currently targetted to 2.35)\n<Chipaca> targeted*\n<mvo> Chipaca: yeah, I really really job we are done with 2.35\n<Chipaca> :)\n<mvo> pedronis: I pushed a PR for the retryable errors, iirc field was askign for this in the context of auto-connect (just fyi)\n<dot-tobias> ogra: I'm trying to rotate the HDMI display connected to my Pi 3B running Core edge (edge because I need the mir-kiosk snap). setting pi-config.display-rotate=1 and then rebooting seems to bog the system, it does not boot up at all anymore. Removing the option from config.txt (SD inserted into the reader on my main machine) allows proper boot again. This does not occur on Core stable. Is this known or should I open a forum thread? Couldn't find\n<dot-tobias>  anything there.\n<mup> PR snapd#5986 closed: data/systemd, wrappers: tweak system-shutdown helper for core18 <Simple 😃> <⚠ Critical> <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5986>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2356 opened: nodejs plugin: add support for bases <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2356>\n<Chipaca> pstolowski: thanks for the review! I'll add a comment to Alike in a followup (but note it's only there for tests)\n<pstolowski> Chipaca: k, yes, i know it's for test\n<pedronis> mvo: ah, I see, was confused for a second (too many problems with similar terms)\n<mup> PR snapd#5961 closed: snap/pack, snap/squashfs: use type to determine mksquashfs args <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5961>\n<jdstrand> mvo: hey, do you want a 2.36 branch for PR 5989?\n<zyga> error: cannot communicate with server: Post http://localhost/v2/snaps: write unix @->/run/snapd.socket: write: broken pipe\n<mup> PR #5989: interfaces/system-key: add parser mtime and only discover features on write <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5989>\n<zyga> man, my trivial PR is red for 40 hours over random stuff\n<jdstrand> zyga: hey, I know the feeling\n<zyga> yeah :|\n<jdstrand> \"do I really want to fix that typo?\" ;)\n<zyga> mvo: the graceful restart thing, is that a thing?\n<zyga> graceful restart breaking snap install (perhaps) https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/6cblPVl4/\n<zyga> jdstrand: \"let's start with this simple PR\"\n<jdstrand> zyga: \"I'll just merge from trunk\"\n<zyga> jdstrand: I actually tried to debug various failures\n<jdstrand> zyga: I see you are looking at the accounts-service ones. thanks!\n<zyga> but this is not the very best of Tuesdays\n<jdstrand> been seeing those a lot\n<mvo> jdstrand: yes please - 2.36 for 5989\n<mvo> zyga: hm, the graceful stop breaks? or start? the log you pasted looks harmless?\n<mborzecki> re\n<zyga> snap install died on unix socket hangup\n<zyga> error: cannot communicate with server: Post http://localhost/v2/snaps: write unix @->/run/snapd.socket: write: broken pipe\n<mvo> zyga: oh? do you have more details?\n<mborzecki> zyga: got journactl of snapd?\n<zyga> doesn't look transparent\n<zyga> https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/441691823/log.txt\n<mvo> zyga: thanks, let me look\n<zyga> look for \"error executing\" please\n<zyga> save the log guys, I really want to land and iterate :/\n<zyga> so I want to restart that job\n<zyga> just tell me when please\n<mvo> zyga: right, I see the error\n<zyga> mborzecki: ready?\n<mborzecki> zyga: yeah\n<zyga> restarting job\n<mborzecki> mvo: isn't that just snap (the client) polling and hitting /run/snapd.sock with some unfortunate timing?\n<mvo> mborzecki: the log looks odd, it looks like core got installed\n<mvo> mborzecki: and with a snap snapd should not go into stop mode\n<mvo> mborzecki: aha, no - just the core configureation, hm\n<mvo> mborzecki: maybe it is just unfortunate timing\n<mvo> mborzecki: which still sucks :/\n<zyga> mvo: I'm more and more convinced we should do something with systemd to ensure we can shut down gracefully\n<zyga> (that is, pass the fd back and exit)\n<zyga> and then let systemd handle the grace period where we are going down\n<mvo> zyga: right, I'm not sure how to do that race-free yet, I am looking into a test to reproduce the current issue now\n<mborzecki> zyga: afaiu this is a remote end doing shutdown on a connection\n<pedronis> niemeyer: mvo: hi, reminder that I have a conflict with the standup\n<zyga> mvo: did you look at sd_pid_notify_with_fds ?\n<niemeyer> pedronis: Ack, thanks\n<mvo> zyga: I did not\n<mvo> zyga: thank you, I have a look now\n<mvo> zyga: aha, neat, that looks interessting\n<mborzecki> https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5994 is green, land it?\n<mup> PR #5994: tests/main/interfaces-accounts-service: more debugging <⛔ Blocked> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5994>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2357 opened: scons plugin: add support for bases <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2357>\n<mup> PR snapd#6001 opened: interfaces: typo 'allows' for consistency with other ifaces <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6001>\n<mup> PR snapd#5994 closed: tests/main/interfaces-accounts-service: more debugging <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5994>\n<mup> PR snapd#5988 closed: cmd: rename ns_group to mount_ns <Simple 😃> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5988>\n<mborzecki> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3D95h34pXs/\n<mborzecki> heh, so i broke dbus/gdbus/goa https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4bF95krMWf/\n<mup> PR snapd#5995 closed: tests/main/interfaces-accounts-service: switch to manual while we debug the test <Created by bboozzoo> <Closed by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5995>\n<mup> PR snapd#6002 opened: interfaces/system-key: add parser mtime and only discover features on write - 2.36 <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6002>\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: the dbus snakes are attacking\n<pstolowski> zyga: might be worth re-running the tests on 5170, they were last run 19 days ago\n<zyga> pstolowski: great point\n<zyga> pstolowski: they will fail on accounts service ;-)\n<pstolowski> :)\n<mup> PR snapd#5998 closed: osutil: tweak handling of error adduser errors <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5998>\n<jdstrand> mvo: fyi, https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6002/\n<mvo> jdstrand: thank you!\n<mup> PR #6002: interfaces/system-key: add parser mtime and only discover features on write - 2.36 <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6002>\n<jdstrand> mvo: fyi, I'll let you decide on PR 5980, PR 5981 and PR 5982 for 2.36 (I'm not pushing for it-- might be nice to have more testing), but it would be nice if they were in trunk by SLC\n<mup> PR #5980: interfaces/apparmor: conditionally add explicit deny rules for ptrace <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5980>\n<mup> PR #5981: interfaces/many: updates to support k8s worker nodes <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5981>\n<mup> PR #5982: interfaces/many: conditionally use 'unsafe' with docker-support change_profile rules <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5982>\n<jdstrand> mvo: that's just an fyi for what I'm thinking about. I know you're busy, so whatever you decide\n<sergiusens> mvo: cachio are are your travis pull requests just stalled? A quick check on your PR run tells me so, our are too 😢\n<cachio> sergiusens, we have several on the queue\n<sergiusens> but none are running right? just waiting?\n<cachio> 2 running\n<cachio> the rest waiting\n<cachio> 3 running\n<sergiusens> ah, I see, closer to the bottom https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapd/pull_requests\n<cachio> :)\n<sergiusens> mvo: what is the ETA for core16 coming to stable? Not rushing, just getting my ducks aligned 🙂\n<zyga> Chipaca, mvo: shall we land the .po update?\n<Chipaca> zyga: I'm not sure I can +1 it at this point :)\n<mvo> sergiusens: thats a sil2100 question now :)\n<mvo> sergiusens: foundations works on this\n<mvo> zyga: yes\n<mvo> Chipaca: no? why not?\n<Chipaca> zyga: mvo: but I +1 the ones mvo committed\n<Chipaca> mvo: 5 commits,  4 by me\n<mvo> Chipaca: haha\n<mvo> Chipaca: ok\n<Chipaca> there, I +1'ed it :)\n<mup> PR snapd#5935 closed: po: sync translations from launchpad <Created by mvo5> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5935>\n<mvo> thanks zyga\n<mborzecki> hm i can reproduce the problem with dbus when goa-daemon is in the process of dying and a call is made, at least in that situation busctl delivers more meaningful error message\n<mborzecki> still, we do not kill goa-daemon in the test\n<mvo> mborzecki: nice\n<zyga> mborzecki: my PR has kills it\n<Chipaca> zyga: mvo: #5980 has two +1's (from you two), is green, but jdstrand said it was ready for re-review. Seems to me to be a quick one :)\n<mup> PR #5980: interfaces/apparmor: conditionally add explicit deny rules for ptrace <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5980>\n<sil2100> mvo, sergiusens: aaaaa, for core16 it's well, not foundations as far as I know\n<sil2100> mvo, sergiusens: since I don't have upload access for core16 in the store or even snap recipe access (AFAIK)\n<mvo> sil2100: for core16 it is - for \"core\" (without the 16) we are still in charge\n<sergiusens> mvo feels like it might still be your problem if only to transition correctly 😅\n<mvo> sil2100: sounds like we need to fix the access :)\n<Chipaca> I could use reviews on #5957 (it unblocks #5955)\n<mup> PR #5957: overlord/snapshotstate/backend: fall back on sudo when no runuser <Snapshots 📸󠁟> <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5957>\n<mup> PR #5955:  cmd/snap, tests: snapshots for all <Snapshots 📸󠁟> <⛔ Blocked> <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5955>\n<mvo> sil2100: snap recipe is here https://github.com/snapcore/core16\n<mvo> sil2100: and you should have store access now :)\n<sil2100> mvo: thank you!\n<mvo> sil2100: let me know if I can help, sorry if my earlier reply to sergiusens  sounded strange, I think for core16 we need the same mechanisms as for core18, i.e. a watcher that scans for package changes and that then triggers a core16 build plus some (auto) testing\n<sil2100> mvo: sure! The script for core18 is ready btw., just waiting for some time to poke Steve about a nice comfy place for it to be on\n<sil2100> Hopefully I won't have to create a new instance for it, my mojo mojo is weak\n<mvo> sil2100: cool\n<mvo> sil2100: yeah, I had the same problem with my cnf-extractor-charm - fortunately I was rescued by IS\n<mvo> sil2100: speaking of this, thats something I need to talk to steve about as well :)\n<mvo> sil2100: anyway, none of your concerns (most likely)\n<tomwardill> hello! A question, what happens if a snap pre-refresh hook fails? Can it abort the refresh and continue with the existing installed version?\n<Chipaca> tomwardill: yes\n<pstolowski> tomwardill: it should work that way yes, are you experiencing something else?\n<tomwardill> Chipaca, pstolowski: We've not tried yet, was just checking if it worked that way\n<tomwardill> is it just a case of exit(1) from the hook?\n<Chipaca> tomwardill: yep\n<tomwardill> excellent, thanks.\n<Chipaca> at least that's what the integration test uses :-)\n<sil2100> sergiusens: anyway, we weren't looking at core16 recently yet\n<sil2100> sergiusens: so I guess it\n<sil2100> argh, I guess it\n<sil2100> (keyboard errors)\n<sil2100> I guess it'll still take a bit\n<sil2100> Since you mentioned it now, I'm doing an image test build to see what's the current state\n<mup> PR snapd#6003 opened: cmd/snap: block 'snap help <cmd> --all' <Simple 😃> <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6003>\n<Chipaca> hmm, hmm, snap refresh --offline\n<pedronis> Chipaca: what would that do ?\n<Chipaca> pedronis: remember apt-zip?\n<pedronis> no\n<Chipaca> https://wiki.debian.org/AptZip\n<pedronis> I see\n<Chipaca> pedronis: context is a person in the forum in 'the heart of africa' (says their profile), 3rd world with intermittent energy and connectivity, wanting to only talk to the store once and get everything for multiple devices\n<Chipaca> pedronis: I tagged you in one of the topics on this, there's a second (linked to that one)\n<Chipaca> anyway, i'm off for a bit\n<mup> PR snapd#6004 opened: cmd/snap-confine: reduce verbosity of debug and error messages <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6004>\n<jdstrand> mvo: I think this is what sergiusens may have been reporting. it looks like my 5981, 5989 and 6002 PRs are 'stuck'. 'Details' show all green for 5981, shows spread at 6 minutes for 5989 (did that restart?) and show nothing started for 6002\n<jdstrand> mvo: let me know if I should do something\n<zyga> dpkg-deb: error: <compress> from tar -cf subprocess was killed by signal (Illegal instruction), core dumped\n<zyga> that's a new error\n<mup> PR snapd#5992 closed: release: merge 2.35.5 changes into the 2.36 branch <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5992>\n<mvo> jdstrand: sorry for the slow reply - \"stuck> not sure what we can do, I poke around a bit\n<zyga> hey mvo\n<zyga> back from sports?\n<mvo> zyga: yes\n<zyga> mvo: I wonder if I can and 6001 today\n<zyga> mvo: there's a deadlock in one of the tests: https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/442145572/log.txt\n<mvo> zyga: urgh\n<zyga> look for PC=0x5626a1bf1aa1\n<mvo> zyga: hrm, hrm, its not even clear where it hangs\n<jdstrand> mvo: no worries. let me know if I need to mash any buttons or anything\n<zyga> mvo: if still here can I land 5999\n<zyga> jdstrand: I know there are other priority things on your plate but gentle ping about the oldest open PR: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5170\n<mup> PR #5170: interfaces/builtin: add adb interface <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5170>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2357 closed: scons plugin: add support for bases <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2357>\n<jdstrand> yes. it seems like it, but it isn't forgotten\n<zyga> that's great, I'll try to review your PRs tomorrow\n<zyga> jdstrand: I sent a rewording PR for snap-confine but it's just about making the debug and error messages more consistent so I didn't request your review on anything\n<zyga> there's a 2nd PR about IPC tweak (upgrading eventfd to a full pipe) so that the helper can do more\n<zyga> I don't think this is security critical either but if you want I can request your review\n<zyga> though I'd rather not really since it's just the start and I have more after that and it would probably not land this week\n<jdstrand> zyga: are they all static messages or is there string handling in the debug/error messages that changed?\n<jdstrand> s/is there/are there/\n<zyga> nothing new\n<zyga> just changing existing strings\n<zyga> no more string manipulation\n<zyga> (actually less, I remove some of the repeating arguments we keep saying over and over, like snap name)\n<zyga> In general I tried to make it more terse and more useful\n<mup> PR snapd#5980 closed: interfaces/apparmor: conditionally add explicit deny rules for ptrace <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5980>\n<zyga> jdstrand: can you please merge master into 5982\n<zyga> mvo: FYI: another PR had a deadlock in cmd/snap, something to be wary of\n<zyga> jdstrand: and 5981 please\n<zyga> ok, I gotta go\n<zyga> promised to watch Han Solo with my son :)\n<zyga> ttyl\n<jdstrand> zyga: nice, thanks! :)\n<jdstrand> zyga: enjoy :)\n * jdstrand wonders why 5981 is showing changes to master that were merged in 5980\n<jdstrand> after merging master\n<jdstrand> oh, it idn't have it yet\n<jdstrand> weird\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2358 opened: dotnet plugin: add support for bases <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2358>\n<mvo> zyga: same package the deadlock?\n<mvo> zyga: might be worth running it with go test -count 1000\n<Chipaca> zyga: deadlock?\n<Chipaca> ah\n<Chipaca> han solo wins\n<slvn_> Hey, my 10 snaps games are published for a while. Only two of them appear in the listing of snapcraft.io\n<mup> PR snapd#6005 opened: snap/pack, snap/squashfs: remove extra copy before mksquashfs <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6005>\n<mup> PR snapd#6006 opened: tests: move spread-shellcheck to run-checks --static <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6006>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2359 opened: [WIP] extensions: add glib <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2359>\n#snappy 2018-10-17\n<mup> PR snapd#5969 closed: apparmor: add unit test for probeAppArmorParser and simplify code  <Created by mvo5> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5969>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2356 closed: nodejs plugin: add support for bases <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2356>\n<mborzecki> morning\n<zyga>  Good morning\n<mborzecki> zyga: hey\n<zyga> Cold morning\n<mvo> hey zyga\n<zyga> Hey, how are you?\n<mvo> zyga: good, thank you - how are you?\n<mborzecki> mvo: morning\n<zyga> Good, last evening was fun :-) we loved the movie\n<mvo> hey mborzecki\n<mvo> lots of green tests today?\n<mborzecki> finally :)\n<mup> PR snapd#5948 closed: asserts, image: ensure kernel, gadget, base and required-snaps use valid snap names <Parallel installs ⛓> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5948>\n<mup> PR snapd#6003 closed: cmd/snap: block 'snap help <cmd> --all' <Simple 😃> <Created by chipaca> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6003>\n<mup> PR snapd#6005 closed: snap/pack, snap/squashfs: remove extra copy before mksquashfs <Created by chipaca> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6005>\n<mup> PR snapd#5999 closed: tests: ensure that goa-daemon is off <Created by zyga> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5999>\n<slvn_> Hey, my 10 snaps games are published for a while. Only two of them appear in the listing of snapcraft.io when searching in \"Games\", but appears in \"All snaps\". It seems Categories Game is not correctly detected. It happens also for many other Snaps.\n<zyga> Hey, slvn_ - I would recommend to ask in the four of you don’t get a reply here. It is still early and store people are in other time zones as well\n<mborzecki> slvn_: s/four/forum/\n<zyga> But do come back if you don’t get a reply! Thank you for making snaps :-)\n * zyga responds from a phone\n<pstolowski> mornings\n<zyga> Dzień dobry\n<mup> PR snapd#5997 closed: ifacestate: simplify task chaining in ifacestate.Connect <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5997>\n<slvn_> thanks, ok! I'll repost in a few hours\n<mborzecki> pstolowski: cześć :)\n<zyga> guten tag mvo :)\n<zyga> (not to force one minority language upon others)\n<mborzecki> https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/9ool14/xdgportal_support_landed_on_firefox_nightly/\n<zyga> that's cool\n<mborzecki> Download (curl) error for 'http://download.opensuse.org/update/leap/42.3/oss/x86_64/libgcrypt20-32bit-1.6.1-45.1.x86_64.rpm':\n<mborzecki> heh\n<slvn_> zyga, btw, who should be contacted for http://snapcraft.io issue ?\n<sparkiegeek> slvn_: if you look in the footer, you'll see links to where to file bugs\n<mup> PR snapd#5979 closed: install: don't start disabled services <Squash-merge> <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5979>\n<zyga> mvo: could you please review https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5727 - this is affecting Firefox in the wild and it would be good to have in 2.36\n<mup> PR #5727: interfaces/builtin, cmd/snap-seccomp: Allow read-only ptrace, for the Breakpad crash reporter <Created by jld> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5727>\n<mvo> zyga: this is waiting for a security review, no? happy to do a review but it seems we need jamie, no?\n<zyga> yeah, I suppose you are right\n<zyga> https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6004 is green and I'd love to land it - it is just tweaking debug messages\n<mup> PR #6004: cmd/snap-confine: reduce verbosity of debug and error messages <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6004>\n * zyga goes to bring a heater into the office\n<zyga> I miss the days of Pentium 4 heaters\n<sil2100> mvo, zyga: hey, could you fill in a bug for the non-working wifi here if you have a moment? https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-core18\n<zyga> sure\n<zyga> wow\n<zyga> no bugs\n<zyga> must be some decent software!\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: what if we move static checks to a separate job?\n<sil2100> (/me deletes all bugs after they pop up)\n<mvo> sil2100: added a bug (cc zyga)\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: unit tests already take ~8 minutes, so the stage is 8+ minutes anyway\n<zyga> oh\n<zyga> do you want both? :)\n<zyga> I just wrote mine but haven't sent it\n<zyga> well, you have two now\n<mvo> :)\n<mvo> sorry!\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: 1/8th is still a serious chunk in the wrong direction\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: static checks in a separate job would work, but I worry about using too many jobs\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: if you take the 1-2m off unit tests & static checks, and put it in a separate job, the total of the 1st stage should not be significantly affected\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: probably only way to know is to arrange it that way :)\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: I'll do it, and then we see :-)\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: ok\n<Chipaca> static checks shouldn't need the build-dep\n<mborzecki> hm we do run some go tools as static checks though\n<mborzecki> misspel, vet?\n<Chipaca> a lot\n<Chipaca> but go is there already\n<Chipaca> we need the build deps for the c libs\n<mborzecki> oh, btw. i had that branch with gometalinter a while ago\n<Chipaca> also we could move the travis-sie unit tests to 1.10 and it might be a little bit faster\n<Chipaca> travis-side*\n<Chipaca> and, yes i can install shellcheck from snap, will need to tweak the python to look there first\n<Chipaca> or fiddle with PATH\n<Chipaca> hm\n<mborzecki> you can set SHELLCHECK=/some/path for spread-shellcheck\n<mborzecki> uh, or not\n<Chipaca> :-)\n<mborzecki> ok, that should be a trivial change :P\n<mvo> sil2100: added one more for you in snap-core18 bugs :)\n<mborzecki> there's SHELLCHECK_SHELL which is kind of useless because spread does bash anywya\n<sil2100> mvo: thanks! ;)\n<sil2100> The more bugs the merrier, right?!\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: doesn't spread run with -u on also?\n<mup> PR snapd#6001 closed: interfaces: typo 'allows' for consistency with other ifaces <Simple 😃> <Created by zyga> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6001>\n<sil2100> mvo, zyga: btw... core18 dailies! http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/18/pending/\n<zyga> thanks pawel!\n<sil2100> (didn't check if they actually work yet, since still sprinting)\n<zyga> I can check later today\n<mvo> sil2100: nice! build from what channel?\n<mvo> sil2100: good stuff in any case\n<sil2100> mvo: edge by default as for 16\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: yup, looks like -u is set\n<mvo> sil2100: interessting, thats a pretty high risk level. I wonder if we should reconsider this as the default (more so if that the default for uc16)\n<mvo> sil2100: but not now :)\n<sil2100> It's a daily, it's like how we usually build regular images with PROPOSED enabled\n<sil2100> But yeah, we can have a discussion about that, right now an edge-build is just what we need for testing purposes!\n<mvo> sil2100: ok, if it matches then thats ok I guess. edge is very edgy, probably more so than proposed. but not supper important right now\n<mvo> sil2100: +1 :)\n<sil2100> Like the edge is edgy idea ;)\n<mvo> sil2100: in the (very) old days the term was \"crack of the day\" :P but of course for our stuff the CI is a huge and effective filter so that term does no longer make sense (still amusing though)\n<mvo> sil2100: anyway, great progress, thank you!\n<mvo> sil2100: does it also include detection of changes in the core18 packageset? or is that something that will come later?\n<alocer> i m having font problems. no fonts are availble when using colibri or flock-chat in snap. i m on fedora 28 selinux disabled.\n<alocer> tryed to mount the font directories as specified in mount-snap.fstab but not succeeded.\n<alocer> any idea\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: hehe, if I run the checks using apt-provided shellcheck on 16.04, that shellcheck has no -x option, so the lack of a stdout lock makes it look like it's had too many mushrooms\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: e.g.,\n<Chipaca> el l =SHELL-NAeM CEO  D E1 , C O D E2Sp..e c ify-- edxicalluedce=tC (ODbEa1s,hC,OsDh,Ek2.s.h )\n<mvo> Chipaca: lol\n<zyga> mborzecki: thanks for the review, updated\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: haha\n<zyga> https://github.com/features/actions <- missing a \"push to snap store\"\n<niemeyer> Yo\n<Chipaca> Wa\n<niemeyer> zyga: Yeah, I thought the same thing when I saw it.. this opens up some nice possibilities\n<zyga> I don't know if this is powered by or simply integrated with hashicorp tech though\n<zyga> but something to look at for sure\n<zyga> Chipaca: did you see https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1796125\n<mup> Bug #1796125: services in a snap with dependencies aren't started in correct order on install <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1796125>\n<mborzecki> anyone up for a review of #5959?\n<mup> PR #5959: systemd: extend Status() to work for socket and timer units <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5959>\n<zyga> looking\n<zyga> ah\n<zyga> I did :<\n<zyga> sorry\n<zyga> mborzecki: it has a conflict\n<Chipaca> I could really use reviews on #5957\n<mup> PR #5957: overlord/snapshotstate/backend: fall back on sudo when no runuser <Snapshots 📸󠁟> <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5957>\n<mborzecki> zyga: didn't notice, thanks\n<mborzecki> and pushed\n<pstolowski> zyga: commented on ipc/helper pr\n<zyga> thanks\n<zyga> pstolowski: replied, thank you\n<niemeyer> zyga: I think it's completely unrelated to HashiCorp.. they just reused the HCL, which is a JSON-like format that is nicer to type by hand\n<zyga> ah, I didn't know that\n<mborzecki> zyga: Chipaca: left a note in #1796125, looks like this is a problem in systemd but i has gone unnoticed for years now, doesn't change the fact we should do something about that\n<niemeyer> It's a nice format..\n<mup> Bug #1796125: services in a snap with dependencies aren't started in correct order on install <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1796125>\n<alocer> just trying to figure out what fonts does and snap app use ?\n<mborzecki> zyga: Chipaca: btw. https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/7947 is fun to read\n<mup> PR systemd/systemd#7947: man: systemctl doesn't operate multiple units in a single transaction <documentation> <Created by johnlinp> <https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/7947>\n<mborzecki> fwiw https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/systemd-devel/2018-January/040122.html is fun too\n<Chipaca> alocer: sorry, what's that again?\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: sounds like we need to work around the systemd bug by ordering things ourselves as well\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: zyga: either of you have a fedora 28 so you could look into reproducing alocer's issue?\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: either that or adding Requires/RequiredBy\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: requires/requiredby means you can't stop one without t'other\n<zyga> Chipaca: hmm? which issue is taht\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: yeah\n<Chipaca> alocer: what's the output of 'snap version'?\n<Chipaca> zyga: no fonts in colibri\n<mborzecki> zyga: fonts ^^ ~10:53\n<zyga> mborzecki: wow, I don't see that message, can you paste it again\n<zyga> IRC WTH?\n<Chipaca> zyga: search for alocer?\n<zyga> Chipaca: I looked\n<Chipaca> zyga: IRC is fine, your async client is wacko\n<mborzecki> 10:55:20      alocer | any idea\n<Chipaca> <alocer> i m having font problems. no fonts are availble when using colibri or flock-chat in snap. i m on fedora 28 selinux disabled.\n<Chipaca> <alocer> tryed to mount the font directories as specified in mount-snap.fstab but not succeeded.\n<Chipaca> zyga: ^\n<zyga> thanks\n * zyga looks\n<zyga> alocer: hold on please\n<zyga> alocer: so just install colibri and run it?\n<Chipaca> zyga: seriously it's not the first time i see irccloud mess up basic message delivery on you\n<zyga> alocer quit on ping timeout here\n<zyga> :/\n<Chipaca> zyga: here as well\n<zyga> hmm https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/uC4kEeDp/\n<zyga> I see a gazillion fonts in /usr/share/fonts\n<zyga> when I do snap run --shell colibri I cannot get the app to start\n<zyga> desktophelpers quit\n<zyga> as I cannot reproduce the issue and I suspect the desktop-launch is at fault I would recommend someone that maintains it to look deeper\n<zyga> I can launch colibri by running the real command though\n * zyga sighs that pastebinit is broken out of the box for several releases on fedora :/\n<zyga> willcooke: hey, do you know who maintains desktop-launch?\n<zyga> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bCfTD2k65M/ <- shellcheck on the desktop helpers\n<zyga> I didn't investigate what failed\n<willcooke> zyga, kenvandine\n<zyga> thanks!\n<willcooke> zyga, well, desktop team, but Ken is the main man\n<zyga> kenvandine: hey, could you give me a hand debugging app startup issue on fedora\n<zyga> I can run the app just fine manually in snap run --shell\n<zyga> but when invoked through desktop-launch it doesn't start at all\n<zyga> willcooke: super, I'll work with ken on this\n<willcooke> oSoMoN, are you able to offer any advice there too? ^\n<oSoMoN> zyga, maybe I can help, how does it fail?\n<zyga> oSoMoN: prints nothing at all\n<zyga> let me see if I can massage it to run with set -x\n<zyga> oSoMoN: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cjHb2cGhMg/\n<zyga> this is from snap run --shell\n<zyga> oSoMoN: if I just run ./colibri it does start\n<zyga> but fonts look wrong\n<zyga> and it shows this text:\n<zyga> colibri invoked without desktop helpers on fedora 28 https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/XP18dwTR/\n<oSoMoN> zyga, so it looks like it's going through the entire desktop-launch script fine, and then fails on the exec?\n<zyga> dunno\n<mborzecki> zyga: the fonts look a bit odd here too, a bit fuzzy i'd say\n<zyga> I see huge fonts\n<zyga> btw I have a hi-dpi setup\n<mborzecki> and the size is off too\n<oSoMoN> zyga, can you comment out all of the contents of desktop-launch but the last line (exec), and see if that works?\n<zyga> pstolowski: can you look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6004#discussion_r225866841 please\n<mup> PR #6004: cmd/snap-confine: reduce verbosity of debug and error messages <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6004>\n<zyga> oSoMoN: sure\n<zyga> oSoMoN: done, what did you expect to happen?\n<zyga> I got https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BbTqzyXmCt/\n<pstolowski> zyga: replied\n<zyga> ++ cat /home/zyga/snap/colibri/8/.config/user-dirs.dirs.md5sum\n<zyga> + [[ 7b7b9530d5860d479bc2941ec3351c69  - != \\7\\b\\7\\b\\9\\5\\3\\0\\d\\5\\8\\6\\0\\d\\4\\7\\9\\b\\c\\2\\9\\4\\1\\e\\c\\3\\3\\5\\1\\c\\6\\9\\ \\ \\- ]]\n<zyga>  \n<zyga> this looks ... od?\n<zyga> odd\n<pstolowski> sorry for confusion ;)\n<zyga> thanks, will do :)\n<zyga> oSoMoN: I'n not an expert on the desktop stack but since this is a shell script and I am terrible with shell I started by running shellcheck on it, perhaps it would be good to look at the list and see if anything could be a factor\n<oSoMoN> zyga, I'm not a shell script expert either\n<oSoMoN> zyga, I meant to comment out everything except for the last line, looks like you did the opposite\n<zyga> wait, what?\n<zyga> so just exec?\n<zyga> if so then I tried that and then the application does start\n<zyga> so something set along the way makes it not start\n<mvo> niemeyer: could you please add github.com/snapcore/classic-snap to the list of things that mup watches?\n<niemeyer> mvo: Of course\n<mvo> thank you\n<mvo> https://github.com/snapcore/classic-snap/pull/20 is the PR that made me ask about it. reviews welcome :)\n<mup> PR classic-snap#20: port classic to UC18 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/classic-snap/pull/20>\n<niemeyer> mvo: That's done\n<mvo> ta\n<niemeyer> Woah...\n<niemeyer> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/WHV6Qd8P/image.png\n<niemeyer> That makes the day...\n<mvo> niemeyer: yeah! Chipaca already used it to fix typos :)\n<niemeyer> Super cool\n<Chipaca> :-)\n * Chipaca wonders if \"you will be attributed in the commit\" is satisfied by a commit log of \"$you is a fool\"\n<zyga> mvo: reviewed\n<zyga> niemeyer: yeah, I saw that too, it's awesome to have that :)\n<zyga> perfect for typo and other things\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: snaps work on travis, but snapd isn't there by default. shellcheck on travis is 0.46, which is sufficiently new i think?\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: it's not 0.50, but 0.50 isn't even out yet :)\n<oSoMoN> zyga, can I easily reproduce in a fedora VM, or does this require some preliminary set-up?\n<zyga> oSoMoN: just install and run\n<oSoMoN> ok, I'll try that\n<zyga> thanks! let me know if I can help\n<oSoMoN> I'm downloading a fedora ISO, I'll let you know when I reproduce the issue and start investigating it\n<zyga> ok\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: any chance of getting a more recent version? iirc 0.5 i had here was more picky about out code than the version in 18.04 which is 0.4.6\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: grmbl. ok.\n<Chipaca> indeed 0.4.6 not 0.46\n<mborzecki> hm to do start the after/before services correctly then, we'd need to do the topo sort again\n<mborzecki> s/to do/to/\n<mborzecki> wonder if we could make that sort generic, iirc zyga will need something like this for mounts\n<zyga> yes please\n<zyga> we shoud\n<zyga> lattice or whatever\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: remind me, do we validate before/afters?\n<Chipaca> for cycles, i mean\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: yes, we do the 'sorting' but we're more interested in finding cycles\n<Chipaca> ah ok\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: but the algo is there\n<mborzecki> iirc we're using kahn\n<Chipaca> hah, validateAppOrderCycles\n<Chipaca> \"más claro, echale agua\"\n<mborzecki> i added it so i should probably be the one to fix it now :)\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: it's a lovely little algo tho\n<Chipaca> _please_ can i have reviews of #5957\n<mup> PR #5957: overlord/snapshotstate/backend: fall back on sudo when no runuser <Snapshots 📸󠁟> <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5957>\n<Chipaca> pedronis: what's #5712 waiting for?\n<mup> PR #5712: overlord: make InstallMany work like UpdateMany, issuing a single request to get candidates <Reviewed> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5712>\n<pedronis> Chipaca: more tests and a refactoring\n<pedronis> Chipaca: related to the Validate*Flags helpers, if you remember I used them more uniformly now\n<Chipaca> pedronis: ah. Should it get marked Blocked?\n<Chipaca> otherwise a trigger-happy me might merge it :)\n<pedronis> Chipaca: well, it wouldn't hurt anything\n<pedronis> it would just need a follow up\n<Chipaca> hmm\n<pedronis> sorry, I always hope to have that 30mins\n<Chipaca> :-D\n<pedronis> to do the thing\n<pedronis> but hasn't happened yet\n<pedronis> if it's annoying I can also temporarely close it\n<zyga> Chipaca: done\n<Chipaca> pedronis: no planning to have 30 minutes around ubuntu release time\n<zyga> brb, coffee time\n<mup> PR classic-snap#21 opened: create: improve user information <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/classic-snap/pull/21>\n<mvo> yay, thanks mup!\n<zyga> mvo: done\n<mvo> ta\n * mvo hugs zyga\n<zyga> I didn't get the coffee\n<zyga> ok, really coffee\n<Chipaca> jdstrand: #5727 could use a once-over from you i think\n<mup> PR #5727: interfaces/builtin, cmd/snap-seccomp: Allow read-only ptrace, for the Breakpad crash reporter <Created by jld> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5727>\n<mborzecki> off to pick up the kids\n<zyga> re\n<zyga> coffee expanded into lunch\n<Chipaca> lunch? so early?\n<Chipaca> … oh wait\n<Chipaca> drat\n<Chipaca> i had a morning, once\n<Chipaca> zyga: should I do the rename I mention in #5957?\n<zyga> Chipaca: looking\n<mup> PR #5957: overlord/snapshotstate/backend: fall back on sudo when no runuser <Snapshots 📸󠁟> <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5957>\n<Chipaca> zyga: the 'unify' comment\n<zyga> thinking\n<zyga> I added an idea but really this is bike shed hue now :)\n<zyga> Chipaca: is 2PM early for lunch?\n<pstolowski> it's not\n * pstolowski lunches\n<axino> hi\n<axino> is there a \"snap\" command knob to tell me if an installed snap has \"strict\" or \"classic\" confinement ?\n<ijohnson> axino: `snap info snap-name --verbose` and under \"notes\"\n<axino> ijohnson: nice, thanks !\n<niemeyer> Hey folks, we've got a conflict today in our standup, but would be nice to run that exercise for defining the features for the upcoming cycle.. should we/can we postpone the meeting today for an hour?\n<Chipaca> axino: if it's installed,  'snap list snap-name', if it's classic it says 'classic' in the Notes column\n<axino> Chipaca: ack, thanks\n<pstolowski> niemeyer: fine by me\n<mvo> niemeyer: works for me\n<niemeyer> Thanks, I've moved the calendar event\n<jdstrand> Chipaca: ack, yes\n<zyga> uh\n<zyga> did standup move?\n<zyga> ah, I see\n * zyga gets back to coding\n<Chipaca> jdstrand: thanks! :-)\n<mup> PR snapd#5959 closed: systemd: extend Status() to work for socket and timer units <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5959>\n<sergiusens> zyga: oSoMoN I wouldn't put too much effort in the shellcheck stuff, you might as well copy over from the extensions work (which has been shellchecked) https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2359/files\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2359: [WIP] extensions: add glib <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2359>\n<zyga> sergiusens: nice, thank you for the tip!\n<mup> PR snapd#6007 opened: tests/lib: add an @mozilla.com exception to the CLA checker <Simple 😃> <⛔ Blocked> <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6007>\n<mup> PR snapd#6008 opened: client, daemon, cmd/snap: indicate that services are socket/timer activated <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6008>\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: something you may want to look at ^^\n<Chipaca> will do\n<mborzecki> it's passing the status of activators to the client, so now we can play with the ui all we want\n<mup> PR snapd#6009 opened: cmd: use relative file names in locking APIs <Simple 😃> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6009>\n<mborzecki> i suppose `snap stop` `snap start` should also DTRT wrt after/before\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: as suppositions go, that's a solid one\n<mup> PR snapd#6010 opened: cmd/snap-discard-ns: add support for per-user mount namespaces <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6010>\n<mborzecki> having 2 separate paths to call sysstemctl is so much fun :)\n<oSoMoN> sergiusens, I'm not planning on applying shellcheck fixes to the desktop helpers, but I want to understand why this doesn't work under fedora\n<sergiusens> oSoMoN: I will not get in your way there 🙂\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: let's fix that\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: i forget why we have two :-)\n<zyga> new standup time :)\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: once upon a time, everything systemd went via systemd-the-package\n<Chipaca> meaning reimplementing things for runit or whatever was just writing a systemd-the-package-alike\n<zyga> mborzecki: can you please give a final vote on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6004\n<Chipaca> today it's probably less true :-D\n<mup> PR #6004: cmd/snap-confine: reduce verbosity of debug and error messages <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6004>\n<mup> PR classic-snap#22 opened: make snapcraft.yaml architecture specific <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/classic-snap/pull/22>\n<niemeyer> pedronis: Yeah, that's the code we were just discussing.. some more digging and testing is needed\n<niemeyer> pedronis: Have a good one\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: So, back to media, sorry for the detail\n<niemeyer> derail\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2361 opened: schema: remove deprecated plugin pull and build-properties <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2361>\n<pstolowski> i'll dig in in the morning and see if we're missing normalization somewhere\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: … ?\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: Sorry... I suggest going forward with the plan and preserving the current shape of our API, having \"icons\" as an independent entry\n<zyga> re\n<zyga> somewhat related https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6012\n<mup> PR #6012: interfaces: fix NormalizeInterfaceAttributes, add tests <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6012>\n<zyga> Chipaca: ^\n<mup> PR snapd#6012 opened: interfaces: fix NormalizeInterfaceAttributes, add tests <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6012>\n<cachio> mvo, 2.35.4 is stable now\n<cachio> mvo, smoke test in progress\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: wait, what for?\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: We can also add banners when we have a clear idea of how they look like, but we should clarify the discrepancies that exist between the spec and the dev API spec\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: there's never more than one icon AFAIK\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: is there going to be?\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: Oh my.. I thought we were missing it.. so that's *also* duplciate\n<niemeyer> duplicated\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: We just the banner then.. I wonder if we need more htan one\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: Either way, we should clarify if it's the dev API doc or the spec that is right\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: The dev API doc mentions \"key\", and \"filename\"\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: isn't the dev api the one snapcraft talks?\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: The comment is likely just bogus.. it mentions a filename, and provides an example without a URL\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: Well, or maybe not.. it's indeed storing the content, in which case it's the \"url\" parameter in the API that is unnecessary\n<mup> PR snapd#6013 opened: Revert \"snap, client, daemon, store: use and expose \"media\" more (#5906)\" <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6013>\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: I'm sure your statements make sense in the context of whatever it is you're looking at, but without that context I'm lost\n<zyga> mvo: if still around please look at 6012\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/docs/api/snap.html#get--dev-api-snaps-(snap_id)-binary-metadata\n<zyga> I had a look at how Normalize is used as well\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: that's not an api we talk to, is it?\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: Yeah, it's somewhat irrelevant, other than for understanding how we get what we get. On our end the problem is simpler.. we just need to support banners, and banner icon... the one question we need answered still is what's the use for those values.. can we have multiple banners, and why\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: Same thing for banner icon\n<Chipaca> a confirmation over icon being single would be nice\n<Chipaca> as well\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: in any case, #6013 reverts #5906\n<mup> PR #6013: Revert \"snap, client, daemon, store: use and expose \"media\" more (#5906)\" <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6013>\n<mup> PR #5906: snap, client, daemon, store: use and expose \"media\" more <Squash-merge> <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5906>\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: The obvious reasons for having multiple icons is format and size\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: pending confirmation of these things, a related question: should I make client standalone, and could I make snap use client instead of viceversa\n<Chipaca> and if yes, should I do that after the 1.10 move so we can use aliases\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: I think we had that agreement at some point, to avoid duplication by having the rest of the code importing client, which is okay. I can't remember if we ever discussed reasons for breaking that assumption with the \"snap\" package..\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: I think we just never got to it. It's a fair amount of work.\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: There are only two imports of \"snap\" inside the client, but that doesn't change what you just said\n<Chipaca> heh\n<Chipaca> i mean,  it's changing snap.Revision to client.Revision everywhere\n<Chipaca> that sort of thing\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: The alternative would be defining \"snap\" to be part of the client too\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: Which is reasonable to a degree..\n<Chipaca> client/snap/...\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: I mean just semantically, not necessarily the location itself\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: i got that, but we can have both\n<Chipaca> bah, i dunno\n<tomwardill> Hi, just to let you know the store is responding slowly / erroring, on both api and dashboard. We're working on it :)\n<Chipaca> and it's too late in the day to go poke\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: We have a bunch of *util packages in a similar category.. wouldn't be nice to have client/<everything>\n<niemeyer> tomwardill: Thanks for the note\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: And agreed, a bit late\n<zyga> tomwardill: thank you for the notice!\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: but there are things in snap that aren't client, so splitting it might be a good exercise\n<mvo> zyga: \\o/ you rock\n<zyga> mvo: I don't know if that is the problem though\n<zyga> I did not reproduce it\n<zyga> Chipaca: back now, sorry, the young one wanted food\n<mvo> zyga: it probably is not but still nice\n<zyga> Chipaca: reviewed https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5957#pullrequestreview-165744410\n<mup> PR #5957: overlord/snapshotstate/backend: fall back on sudo when no runuser <Snapshots 📸󠁟> <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5957>\n<jdstrand> roadmr: hi! can you pull r1141 of the review-tools?\n<zyga> hey jdstrand\n<roadmr> jdstrand: sure, will do!\n<zyga> sorry for not doing more reviews\n<jdstrand> roadmr: it would be nice if it was in before SLC, but not mandatory\n<zyga> I'll try to tomorrow, I'm just about to wrap it\n<jdstrand> zyga: hey :) no worries. belive, I know how that can happen\n<zyga> jdstrand: I sent one interesting PR but not security critical\n<jdstrand> believe me*\n<zyga> still I wrote it as tightly as I could\n<zyga> jdstrand: do you remember MNT_DETACH and unmount\n<zyga> jdstrand: and the case that if a dentry is mounted in one mount namespace it is EBUSY to remove it in another\n<zyga> jdstrand: that got fixed in the kernel since\n<zyga> jdstrand: it's not fixed on CentOS or RHEL ... :-(\n<zyga> jdstrand: we very much rely on that so bummer\n<jdstrand> well, still progress\n<roadmr> jdstrand: I'll do my best :)\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: client uses store uses overlord/auth btw\n * zyga EODs\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: /o\\\n<niemeyer> zyga: Have a good night\n<jdstrand> roadmr: thanks :)\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: http://r.chipaca.com/snap.png\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: http://r.chipaca.com/client.png\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: osutil is orange just because it's cgo\n<mup> PR snapd#6014 opened: ifstate: fix decoding of json numbers <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6014>\n<Chipaca> updated those pngs with splines\n * zyga sends gentle reminder for someone to look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1796125\n<cachio> mvo, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Sh4Zf7TyVc/\n<zyga> and really goes to play\n<mup> Bug #1796125: services in a snap with dependencies aren't started in correct order on install <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1796125>\n<cachio> mvo, this is the issue what we see snapd.socket failing\n<cachio> mvo, sorry, this error is caused by systemd\n<zyga> mvo: reviewed your pr\n<zyga> and I'm gone for real\n<mvo> zyga: thank you! and totally agree, we may need to think about this in a deeper level :) enjoy your evening!\n<cachio> mvo, this is the error\n<cachio> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KQjX3SYNXz/\n<cachio> at least one error easy to reproduce\n<cachio> seem to be a race\n * cachio afk\n<zyga> kenvandine: hey\n<zyga> kenvandine: just FYI there's an issue with desktop-launcher on Fedora\n<kenvandine> zyga: what kind of issue?\n<kenvandine> i tested the GNOME snaps recently on fedora\n<zyga> kenvandine: calibri doesn't start with it\n<zyga> I spent some time debugging\n<zyga> if the launcher runs and sets up stuff the app doesn't start, just quits (I didn't strace it)\n<zyga> if I run the app directly it runs but some stuff is wonky (fonts)\n<zyga> kenvandine: oSoMoN also looked at it I believe\n<zyga> kenvandine: the script is full of shellcheck warnings, not sure if related\n<kenvandine> zyga: do other snaps work?\n<kenvandine> like gnome-calculator?\n<zyga> kenvandine: I haven't tried many snaps, let me look\n<kenvandine> zyga: those are just places where we could quote variables\n<kenvandine> but shouldn't effect this\n<zyga> kenvandine: perhaps but maybe there are real bugs in the noise\n<kenvandine> perhaps\n<zyga> installing now\n<zyga> kenvandine: it runs\n<kenvandine> ok, interesting\n<zyga> kenvandine: I'll leave the rest to you though, it's far too late for work now :)\n<kenvandine> i can't debug right now, working on release stuff\n<zyga> ack :)\n<kenvandine> zyga: i'll look at it soon though\n<zyga> snapd gets killed on fedora ...\n<zyga> snapd gets killed on fedora by systemd https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/3VlZmBvX/\n<oSoMoN> kenvandine : I managed to observe the issue described by zyga in a fedora VM, but I'm afraid  I didn't go much further… chromium runs, and I've compared the desktop-launch scripts for chromium and colibri, the one for colibri appears to be a much older version, I wonder if rebuilding with a recent version would make things better?\n<kenvandine> maybe\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2362 opened: python plugin: add support for bases <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2362>\n<oSoMoN> hrmmm, snapcraft is not available in fedora, and installing classic snaps doesn't appear to be supported :/\n<kenvandine> oSoMoN: nope\n<oSoMoN> kenvandine, I'm rebuilding the snap with a more recent desktop-launch script and will test in my fedora VM, will let you know how that goes\n<oSoMoN> kenvandine, zyga: a more recent desktop-launch script didn't change anything, the snap still won't run\n<oSoMoN> I wonder what's so special about that snap\n<koala_man> are there any snaps written in Haskell that I can look at? I can make my build work locally with 'snapcraft cleanbuild' but not on snapcraft.io\n<oSoMoN> kenvandine, zyga: I'm going offline and won't be around until Monday, if there hasn't been progress on that issue by then I can pick it up and continue investigatingq\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2361 closed: schema: remove deprecated plugin pull and build-properties <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2361>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2363 opened: {make,cmake,autotools} plugin: add support for bases <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2363>\n#snappy 2018-10-18\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2360 closed: plainbox-provider plugin: add support for bases <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2360>\n<mup> PR snapd#5957 closed: overlord/snapshotstate/backend: fall back on sudo when no runuser <Snapshots 📸󠁟> <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5957>\n<mwhudson> what's the story with libseccomp and trusty and arm64 and ppc64el?\n<mwhudson> snapd is stuck in trusty-proposed because of this\n<mwhudson> oh wait no that's not why\n<mborzecki> morning\n<zyga> Hey\n<zyga> Did\n<zyga> Haha\n<zyga> My phone just fell and wrote this\n<mborzecki> zyga: hey\n<mborzecki> must be ai\n<zyga>  Hey mvo\n<mborzecki> mvo: hey\n<mvo> hey zyga and mborzecki\n<mvo> how is life today?\n<mborzecki> mvo: all red\n<mvo> urgh\n<mvo> do we know why?\n * mvo looks\n<zyga> It is all red because summer is over\n<mborzecki> mvo: random stuff afaict, there was some store hiccup yday too, maybe somewhat related\n<zyga> Well, that is one theory\n<zyga> Store was broken\n<zyga> So perhaps that is why\n * mvo nods\n<mborzecki> didn't we disable gccgo?\n<mvo> we can now, we got agreement we no longer need to support it\n<mborzecki> https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/442894803/log.txt the gccgo unit tests died in most mysterious way here\n<mborzecki> this PR https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5989\n<mup> PR #5989: interfaces/system-key: add parser mtime and only discover features on write <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5989>\n<mborzecki> uhh, restarted the job, the log is gone :/\n<mwhudson> mvo: golang-1.10 is in proposed everywhere now \\o/\n<mvo> mwhudson: awesome, thank you so much!\n<pstolowski> mornings\n<pstolowski> mvo: thank you for getting to the bottom of decoding issue! i've left a comment\n<pedronis> pstolowski: is normalize enough though, any number ends up out of state as float, no?\n<mvo> pstolowski: thank you! also to pedronis for his comments. I figured this would need more discussion :)\n<mvo> pstolowski: if you know what to do, feel free to just take my PR (or just cherry pick the commit if its useful) and go wild\n<pstolowski> pedronis: hmm but not with json.DecodeWithNumbers as mvo proposed?\n<pedronis> pstolowski: indeed, but we still need to massage that\n<pedronis> I mean there is still a missing link\n<pedronis> one approach would be to teach normalize about json.Number I suppose\n<pstolowski> mvo: sure, i'll dig into it\n<zyga> pedronis: yeah, I think we should do exactly that\n<pedronis> we probably want to call normalize before NewConnection though\n<pstolowski> it's annoying this is a second instance of such issue (first was around configuration afair)\n<mup> PR classic-snap#22 closed: make snapcraft.yaml architecture specific <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/classic-snap/pull/22>\n<pedronis> carrying around Numbers\n<pedronis> is a bit strange\n<mvo> pedronis: yeah, I was thinking that (normalize learns about json.Number), I have something local but its so trivial that I'm not sure its worth pushing\n<mvo> (on top of the UseNumbers PR)\n<zyga> mvo: shall I merge https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6012 ?\n<mup> PR #6012: interfaces: fix NormalizeInterfaceAttributes, add tests <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6012>\n<zyga> do you want it squashed?\n<mborzecki> damn, was checking out a problem with apparmor profiles not being loaded on arch, turns out i forgot to enable snapd.apparmor.service\n<mvo> zyga: I get the feeling we will need it squashfs yes\n<mvo> zyga: please do\n<mup> PR snapd#6012 closed: interfaces: fix NormalizeInterfaceAttributes, add tests <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6012>\n<mvo> zyga: thanks, I will cherry-pick into 2.36\n<zyga> thank you!\n<mvo> thank *you*\n<mvo> pstolowski: keep me updated please, I will go back to core18 (unless you want me to help of course)\n<mup> PR snapd#6009 closed: cmd: use relative file names in locking APIs <Simple 😃> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6009>\n<pstolowski> mvo: will do, thanks\n<pstolowski> mvo, pedronis we could maybe make getAttribute reflect check smarter, if you convert to int if that's what caller requested, wdyt?\n<pstolowski> sorry, mistyped\n<pstolowski>  we could maybe make getAttribute reflect check smarter and convert to int if that's what caller requested\n<pedronis> pstolowski: it's a bit too different from what we do everywhere else\n<pedronis> pstolowski: I think the result of getConns\n<pedronis> needs to be sane\n<pstolowski> i see, fair point\n<pedronis> pstolowski: btw, do we have a similar problem with dynamic attributes?\n<pedronis> I know we normalize but is a bit unclear if that's enough\n<pedronis> pstolowski: we can reboot in the middle of an op and then dynamic attributes would also come from state on disk\n<pstolowski> pedronis: i'm not sure anymore tbh, possibly yes, i trusted normalization but missed that json decoding/encoding problem\n<pedronis> pstolowski: we might want to write some kind of test about that\n<pstolowski> pedronis: yes, this what i'm aiming at first\n<pedronis> needs to serialize and unserialize state with dynamic attrs\n<pedronis> in it\n<mup> PR classic-snap#20 closed: port classic to UC18 and put into \"18\" branch <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/classic-snap/pull/20>\n<mup> PR snapd#6015 opened: tests/unit/gccgo: drop gccgo unit tests <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6015>\n<mvo> hey sil2100 - happy release day\n<sil2100> mvo: hey! Happy release day o/\n<zyga> is today 18.10 day?\n<mup> PR snapd#6016 opened: [RFC] move various name validation helpers to snap/name package <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6016>\n<mborzecki> pedronis: hi, the snap name split proposal ^^\n<zyga> mborzecki: did you see https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snapd-2-35-2-error-run-hook-configure-cannot-set-core-schedule-unsupported-system-option/8051\n<mborzecki> zyga: core.schedule?\n<zyga> mborzecki: didn't look at this more than \"looks like something you might know\"\n<mup> PR classic-snap#23 opened: create,classic: make the classic snap work on classic distributions (for 18) <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/classic-snap/pull/23>\n<mborzecki> opensuse mirrors at it again :(\n<mvo> zyga: I updated classic snap PR (21) you commented about. I will do shellcheck next and tests after that (need to think a bit about the tests)\n<zyga> mvo: can we use classic to run a script?\n<mvo> zyga: now we can\n<zyga> so that we could test \"running scripts inside classic\" via spread?\n<mvo> zyga: it was broken before\n<zyga> apt-get install && run something would be useful :)\n<zyga> perhaps a cli and a service?\n<mvo> zyga: sounds good, services are not supported (deliberately) but that needs a test too\n<zyga> ah I see\n<Chipaca> mvo: not supported as in won't install, or won't start?\n<Chipaca> did we come to an agreement about having 'install' not error if a service didn't start?\n<Chipaca> actually, before i get carried away: i need to go get a new phone :-(\n<zyga> oh\n<zyga> what happened?\n<mvo> Chipaca: correct, not starting\n<Chipaca> screen cracked, including the touchscreen, so no unlocking, so no 2fa\n<mvo> Chipaca: it will install fine (the service) but there will be a message that it won't run\n<Chipaca> mvo: nice\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: There's a Go app that generates the 2fa if you can still login.. it's quite convenient\n<niemeyer> Moins\n<mvo> good morning niemeyer\n<niemeyer> I'm a bit under the weather today, but feeling better compared to the night.. my voice just sounds like someone that shouldn't try to sing did some really hard singing\n<mup> PR classic-snap#24 opened: add shellcheck and fix warnings <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/classic-snap/pull/24>\n<zyga> mborzecki: hey, do you have a second\n<mborzecki> zyga: hm?\n<zyga> I'm looking at a bit of shell and not sure why it is structured like that\n<zyga> mborzecki: please look at snap-mgmt.sh.in, line 122\n<zyga> mborzecki: why do we do first a find\n<zyga> and then a for loop over a what looks like identical glbo\n<zyga> *glob\n<zyga> why not just iterate over find results?\n<zyga> is this fixing something?\n<mborzecki> zyga: don't know, i see it's the same in postrm in debian packaging, probable made its way from there\n<pedronis> zyga: probably the find and the glob fail differently\n<pedronis> zyga: it has a note in the postrm that some bits of that might not be mounted\n<pedronis> zyga: try  for a in /nonexisting/* ; do echo $a ; done  for example\n<zyga> right but the find would behave correctly?\n<zyga> could we not just iterate over results from find?\n<pedronis> zyga: the find fails too\n<pedronis> but the wc -l\n<pedronis> makes it work\n<zyga> ah, I see\n<zyga> right\n<zyga> because set -e is not active for pipe chains\n<zyga> makes sense, thank you pedronis\n<pedronis> but yes, maybe those needs for comment\n<pedronis> is usual shell fun\n<zyga> yes :)\n<pedronis> s/for/more/\n<mborzecki> the whole block should use find, `for mnt in $(find /run/snapd/ns -maxdepth 1 -name '*.mnt'); do ... done` or just find with -exec\n<mborzecki> heh, actually find is used properly in the file in some places, just not everywhere\n<mvo> mborzecki: yeah, I think it was just a suboptimal fix, looking at git history\n<mvo> mborzecki: go ahead and make it great :)\n<pedronis> mborzecki: ?\n<pedronis> mborzecki: that doesn't work if /run/snapd/ns doesn't exist\n<zyga> pedronis: I tested it just now\n<pedronis> zyga: ?\n<pedronis> do you have /run/snapd/ns ?\n<zyga> for i in $(find /nonexistent); do echo $i; done.\n<zyga> it says that the directory doesn't exist but exits successfully because of the sub-shell\n<pedronis> yea, that error is not nice though\n<zyga> yeah, I think we can make it better still, let me experiment\n<pedronis> anyway not sure it's the best time spent\n<pedronis> at this moment\n<pedronis> the current code is weird but not wrong or insane\n<zyga> I'm looking because I got a odd failure in that area\n<mborzecki> test -d .. && for .. ?\n<zyga> but perhaps 14.04 specific\n<zyga> it seems a symlink confused the inner parts of the loop\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: wrt #5906, what about: we keep the old behaviour, but also add a zeroth implementation of fields=,  just to cover media?\n<mup> PR #5906: snap, client, daemon, store: use and expose \"media\" more <Squash-merge> <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5906>\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: e.g. fields=+media\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: this assumes media is the end game tbh, which i'm not sure is what you meant\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: but I got conflicting messages yesterday as to whether it was the shape, or the duplication that you objected to\n<Chipaca> maybe it's both ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: It's both the shape and the duplication.. my concern is that we can't change our minds regularly once we have an API in the wild.. the best scenario is that the API is self-consistent, so we have a line of design that we can be truthful towards..\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: I wish we had media on day one, but we don't.. even if we agree this is the way to go, adding the field means being neither here nor there. If we keep this kind of design mindset, soon this will be a huge mess.\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: which is the design mindset you object to?\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: The mindset that it's okay to make the API inconsistent with itself everytime an idea that looks better than the prior one shows up\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: ok\n<greyback> quick qn: I have qemu-kvm installed but spread still fails for me with: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/WxVpFGrJwD/ (selected qemu image exists and was created using adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud). Any idea what I'm doing wrong?\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: how do we evolve the api, then? is the only way to have big versioned jumps?\n<Chipaca> greyback: is 'kvm' actually in PATH?\n<greyback> Chipaca: yes\n<pedronis> Chipaca: we need to design how to evolve the api\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: Yeah, that's generally what I try to do in other cases that resembled that kind of evolution. Learn, write down potential ideas, and once there is a great reason to break up, introducing a whole new API, and then reset the idea of what the current design is\n<Chipaca> greyback: all spread does is exec.Command(\"kvm\",  ...), which looks for \"kvm\" in $PATH\n<pedronis> Chipaca: I don't think keeping its shape as it is is tenable for much longer either\n<greyback> Chipaca: the $PATH specified in the spread.yaml?\n<niemeyer> pedronis: What's the potential deal breaker\n<niemeyer> ?\n<niemeyer> I haven't observed many complaints about the API yet\n<niemeyer> (which doesn't mean they don't exist)\n<pedronis> niemeyer: we already had to introduce duplication\n<pedronis> niemeyer: the flat top-level that mixes namespaces we don't fully control or have to control for not the best is not great either\n<niemeyer> pedronis: If the duplication you mention is developer/publisher, these are not actually duplicated, in the sense they were supposed to potentially represent different people.. we do have a problem which is not using the same structure for both, so indeed an inconsistency\n<niemeyer> pedronis: What's the flat top-level about?\n<pedronis> niemeyer: I understand that you think we can keep under control but an api that has at top level ,  left-corner-hero-icons is not great\n<niemeyer> pedronis: Sorry, I'm still missing what you really mean. If we can't keep the API under control, we're in the wrong business. :)  What's left-corner-hero-icons?\n<Chipaca> greyback: I don't think so, that's the one 'inside'; it uses the outside path to find that\n<Chipaca> greyback: e.g. i have  ~/bin/kvm because I like to monkey with the args (adding -smp 4 for ex)\n<Chipaca> greyback: and that just works\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: adding a toplevel entry per media type\n<greyback> Chipaca: ack. I'm reading spread code now, I see what you mean. I think my issue is permissions and kvm, trying to sort that out\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: will end up with e.g. left-corner-hero-icons at the top level\n<pedronis> or not\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: Only if that's how we design it\n<Chipaca> well, but that's what we're proposing now isn't it?\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: That sounds like a pretty terrible design\n<pedronis> we should not be designing that\n<pedronis> we have lots of thinks to design\n<Chipaca> we're saying:  don't do media, let's just have a toplevel per media type\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: That's why I one of the first things I asked is what are the media types we have\n<pedronis> niemeyer: btw there are a meeting about exactly desiging those types, and nobody of us has been invited\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: there's a meeting next week to decide that\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: If we have several icons, we can have an \"icons\" field\n<pedronis> niemeyer: I let you meditate on that, I have zero energy for this\n<pedronis> (which is sort of the point)\n<Chipaca> i just don't get why we care. the consumers of our api need something, the providers of the data we consume offer that something, why would we not funnel it across untouched\n<Chipaca> i mean, i get that we don't want duplication\n<Chipaca> and we don't want it to be ugly\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: Alternatively, we can have a plan to obsolete the other fields.. we'll need to figure who uses them and what events we need to wait for in order to kill them\n<pedronis> which was my point\n<pedronis> we need to think how to evolve\n<pedronis> the api\n<Chipaca> but that just means we have a chat to make sure we're on the same page (i thought we were) and just pass it through\n<pedronis> non-evolving it\n<pedronis> is not a path either\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: My main complaint here is the lose way to evolve the API\n<niemeyer> loose\n<Chipaca> i thought your main complaint was the shape and the duplication\n<pedronis> I'm happy to have a conversation how not-loosely evolve the api, I'm less api to be forced to be in all conversation because our api is too set in its way\n<Chipaca> sigh\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: i thought fields= gave us a way to evolve the api\n<pedronis> Chipaca: on that I agree with niemeyer, is too flaky\n<pedronis> annoying\n<pedronis> I mean it can be part of the picture\n<pedronis> but cannot be the whole solutions\n<pedronis> also because we have zero control on when we can drop stuff\n<pedronis> that way\n<Chipaca> i haven't heard a proposal that gives us any amount of control on when we can drop stuff\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: That is my main complaint... the shape and the duplication are symptoms of a loose API\n<niemeyer> \"Chipaca: Yeah, that's generally what I try to do in other cases that resembled that kind of evolution. Learn, write down potential ideas, and once there is a great reason to break up, introducing a whole new API, and then reset the idea of what the current design is\"\n<pedronis> Chipaca: we can discuss some\n<pedronis> maybe\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: introducing a whole new api is not what i thought of as evolving the api\n<niemeyer> and\n<niemeyer> \"Chipaca: Alternatively, we can have a plan to obsolete the other fields.. we'll need to figure who uses them and what events we need to wait for in order to kill them\"\n<pedronis> niemeyer: that works only if you control all the pieces around the api\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: Both of these are proposals for how to keep an API tight while allowing for changes over time\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: Incompatible changes, that is.. changing is easy\n<Chipaca> and saying we can have a plan is not a plan :-)\n<pedronis> Chipaca: one idea is to have versions for different consistent views of/on a snap\n<pedronis> (views = set of fields if you want)\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: Heh.. I'm not sure how to satisfy that kind of snarky request for plans.\n<Chipaca> apologies if I'm coming across as grumpy or overly confrontational\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: I've been trying to explain what the main issue in my view is, and what potential ideas for solving it could be\n<pedronis> anyway at the moment we have two solutions that are problematic, don't care duplications, and forcing something that is loose into the top-level\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: it's ok to admit we don't have a plan and that we need one\n<pedronis> both *are* problematic\n<pedronis> and one will also create potentially tensions\n<pedronis> for which is unclear we have time to spend\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: I don't know what you want, honestly. I'm offering two alternatives, both of them are real ways to work together and evolve the API. Just repeating that you want a plan or want people to admit to not have a plan is completely irrelevant.\n<pedronis> I want a plan to be able to obsolete fields\n<niemeyer> pedronis: The only way to do that is to evaluate the impact... once we stop providing a field, we break people that depend on that field being there.\n<mup> PR classic-snap#25 opened: Add simple spread tests <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/classic-snap/pull/25>\n<pedronis> so this is much easier on servers, but we there should be a way for us to track field\n<pedronis> usage without being nosy\n<niemeyer> pedronis: The alternative of reving up the API allows us to have a consistent new API without breaking the old one. It won't remove the old one, but it does obsolete the field as a side effect.\n<niemeyer> pedronis: Right\n<pedronis> yes, of which a variant is to rev the response format only\n<pedronis> if that's is enough\n<niemeyer> pedronis: Right.. that's the /v3/\n<pedronis> or using Accept\n<pedronis> or something\n<pedronis> we do have options\n<pedronis> not sure we can find a solution today and tomorrow\n<pedronis> but we do have options\n<niemeyer> pedronis: Yeah.. as mentioned earlier, in those situations I try to pack up a few high-profile changes that are clear reasons for the effort of breaking the API apart between vN and vN+1\n<Chipaca> so, I want two things: I want to not block gnome software from getting the media they need today, and I want to be able to ditch the current response format entirely soon after we move to v2 search\n<Chipaca> a clear reason for breaking the api is that we're moving to not conflating per-revision and per-snap information\n<Chipaca> and our current structure does not allow for it\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: Is there a place I can read more about the second issue?\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: not sure if there's info on the issue; there's info on the solution\n * Chipaca looks\n<zyga> mvo: reviewed\n * pedronis needs to have lunch + errand\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: That's a big document.. is there a particular issue or header I should be looking at?\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: yeah, and as I say it doesn't describe the issue, just the solution, under the \"Response\" header\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: there's a \"snap\" object with per-snap members, and at the same level a \"channel-map\" list with per-revision objects\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: If we don't have a clear problem being solved, in general I'd be tempted to not introducing the breaking API change\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: and instead pack it next to other ideas for the time it's rev'd up\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: the problem is that we conflate per-snap and per-revision, so for example 'snap info' lies (to the best of its ability)\n<Chipaca> of course one could argue that lying in this way is the only sane approach\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: Yeah, I remember these discussions when we redesigned the original API.. but I have memories of the issue going beyond the representation of the result, and into actual usability, in the sense it's convenient for the user to have \"snap info foo\" doing the right thing\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: Right, what you just said\n<Chipaca> :)\n<Chipaca> niemeyer: I've got to move on to other things now\n<zyga> mborzecki: I added debug, doesn't reproduce :)\n<zyga> same seed\n<zyga> same tree\n<zyga> two runs in parallel\n<zyga> I hope I can get to the bottom of this\n<mvo> zyga: thanks for the review\n<niemeyer> Chipaca: Me too.. tasty things\n * zyga -> walk\n * pstolowski lunch\n<zyga> mborzecki: ha\n<zyga> reproduced that same behavior\n<zyga> mborzecki: I think I know what's going on\n<zyga> and it does look exactly like the centos case\n<zyga> let me spawn a more regular VM and try\n<mborzecki> mhm\n<mborzecki> centos was failing in the same place when calling snap-mgmt purge\n<zyga> EBUSY https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/1eVl6UTk/\n<zyga> mborzecki: look at that please\n<zyga> waoh wait\n<zyga> it's ever more mysterious!!!\n<zyga> that makes totally no sense!\n<zyga> feels more and more like a kernel bug?\n<zyga> + umount -l /run/snapd/ns/test-snapd-tools.mnt\n<zyga> umount: /run/snapd/ns/test-snapd-tools.1000.mnt: not found\n<zyga> I'll add more debug, I wonder if there are some interesting processes running in parallel with postrm\n<zyga> and what's the full content of that directory before we loop over it\n<Chipaca> why would 'common' not get created, on opensuse and fedora?\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: just common? which test?\n<Chipaca> actually opensuse might be a different issue\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/442964462/log.txt\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: second failure there\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: sorry,  third\n<Chipaca> first is shellcheck, second opensuse, third fedora\n<Chipaca> snapshot fails if common is missing\n<Chipaca> and, common is missing, wtf\n<greyback> Chipaca: I had permission errors with kvm, which caused the issue. Binary was there, just failing. Working now. Thanks for the help\n<Chipaca> greyback: np\n<Chipaca> greyback: was the error misleading, or was that what the os was reporting?\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: selinux?\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: there were some changes in creating snap dirs, but we have tests that verify that those are present iirc\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: it's not consistently reproducible\n<greyback> Chipaca: misleading error. strace showed me the kvm binary was being run, but printing an error\n<zyga> Small break\n<Chipaca> greyback: what was the error?\n<greyback> Chipaca: \"need to run as root or suid\"\n<Chipaca> greyback: ah, not an error from exec?\n<greyback> Chipaca: right\n<greyback> I'll log a bug\n<Chipaca> greyback: looks like a bug in go\n<Chipaca> greyback: is that because you weren't in the kvm group or something?\n<greyback> Chipaca: essentially yeah (modulo some other group error I'd made)\n<Chipaca> greyback: do you happen to have the strace?\n<greyback> Chipaca: unfortunately not, sorry. I'll see if I can repro, once my spread run finishes\n<Chipaca> greyback: thank you. I tried to repro locally and couldn't.\n<Chipaca> greyback: (running spread as \"nobody\" just hangs, which is weird but different)\n<Chipaca> #6007 could use reviews\n<mup> PR #6007: tests/lib: add an @mozilla.com exception to the CLA checker <Simple 😃> <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6007>\n<mborzecki> off to pick up the kids\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2363 closed: {make,cmake,autotools} plugin: add support for bases <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2363>\n<jdstrand> mvo: ok, after *many* retries I finally got PR 6002 to pass spread. continuing to mash restart restart for PR 5989\n<mup> PR #6002: interfaces/system-key: add parser mtime and only discover features on write - 2.36 <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6002>\n<mup> PR #5989: interfaces/system-key: add parser mtime and only discover features on write <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5989>\n<mvo> jdstrand: thank you\n<jdstrand> I'm not sure what is going on. the failures are timeouts in some dbus code (totally unrelated to my PR)\n<jdstrand> anyway, will continue to keep mashing\n<jdstrand> mvo: if there was time, it would be great to get 5981 and 5982 reviewed and in trunk (cc zyga). if not, I understand\n<mvo> jdstrand: let me have a look\n * zyga is a bit indisposed now, sorry :|\n<zyga> mvo: is 2.36 today?\n<zyga> I will review it but I need to break for some time, food poisoning :(\n<zyga> mvo: my update for today: I updated adb interface again, worked on snap-update-ns per-user support, which is looking good, expect PRs today, digging into the weird issue with unmount I talked to mborzecki about\n<zyga> jdstrand: https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/1eVl6UTk/ FYI\n<zyga> jdstrand: carefully read lines 26 and 27\n<mup> PR classic-snap#23 closed: create,classic: make the classic snap work on classic distributions (for 18) <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/classic-snap/pull/23>\n<zyga> this is on a 4.5 kernel\n * zyga goes away again\n<Chipaca> mvo: see my note on #6013 being a blocker for 2.36\n<mup> PR #6013: Revert \"snap, client, daemon, store: use and expose \"media\" more (#5906)\" <⛔ Blocked> <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6013>\n<mvo> Chipaca: 'k\n<mvo> Chipaca: we have at least one more blocker\n<jdstrand> mvo: speaking of blockers. I know we discussed the bug, and I think it was implied, but PR 6002 should be a blocker too\n<mup> PR #6002: interfaces/system-key: add parser mtime and only discover features on write - 2.36 <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6002>\n<mvo> jdstrand: +1\n<ackk> hi, I'm having an issue with a snap that stages jq from the deb. it seems snapcraft stopped pulling in libjq1.so, so jq doesn't work anymore\n<ackk> (I'm using snapcrafat edge)\n<ackk> *snapcraft\n<ackk> https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/candid/blob/master/snap/snapcraft.yaml is the snapcraft config\n<ackk> ah, n/m I figured it out\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: polish is hard, let's do roadmap planning\n<mborzecki> heh :)\n<zyga> mborzecki: I know what is was!\n<mborzecki> zyga: umounts?\n<zyga> yes\n<zyga> I'll share after meeting\n<mborzecki> ok\n<Chipaca> #5955 is green; plz review\n<mup> PR #5955:  cmd/snap, tests: snapshots for all <Snapshots 📸󠁟> <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5955>\n<zyga> brb\n<zyga> mborzecki: I have a fix\n<mborzecki> zyga: diff?\n<ppisati> ogra: FYI - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-team/2018-October/096147.html\n * cachio lunch\n<mvo> zyga, cachio thanks for your classic snap review(s) - I updated 25\n<zyga> mborzecki: I just tested it manually, the fix is to avoid lib mount in a test I changed\n<zyga> mborzecki: I'll ping you for review :)\n<pstolowski> mvo: i've pushed my additions to json issue fix to https://github.com/stolowski/snapd/pull/new/fix-conn-attributes-numbers ; i've added normalization, one more test and updated hooks spread test. would you like to merge this into your PR or shall I re-propose a new one?\n<mvo> pstolowski: either way is fine\n<greyback> Chipaca: aaand naturally I cannot reproduce the bug now\n<pstolowski> mvo: ok i'll propose a new PR\n<mvo> pstolowski: ok\n<mup> PR snapd#6017 opened: interfaces: fix decoding of json numbers for static/dynamic attributes <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6017>\n<zyga> pstolowski: sent a quick comment there\n<pstolowski> zyga: yep, ty\n<mup> PR core18#85 opened: Add wpa-supplicant to the list of installed packages <Created by sil2100> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/85>\n<mup> PR core18#85 closed: Add wpa-supplicant to the list of installed packages <Created by sil2100> <Merged by sil2100> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/85>\n<zyga> jdstrand, niemeyer: cool interaction observation: on macOS doing find $HOME triggers an interactive question from the system \"terminal wants to access your contacts\" - rejecting that I get a denial to enter a particular folder on disk; that would be an interesting way to manage system connections\n<niemeyer> zyga: If only the kernel offered us a way to make these decisions...\n<zyga> yes, that's true\n<zyga> I was just surprised to see this\n<Chipaca> zyga: niemeyer: we did have a plan to almost get there\n<Chipaca> but it was a lot of work, and not prioritised\n<zyga> I could use a coffee\n<zyga> but let me wrap one thing up first...\n<jdstrand> zyga, niemeyer: fyi, the apparmor prompting work is still being worked on. jjohansen made a good bit of progress\n<zyga> mborzecki: I fired another round of tests now, with the fix in place\n<slvn_> slvn\n<slvn_> hi, I have an issue with snapcraft.io\n<slvn_> the website does not seem to take care of categories\n<slvn_> hence the search engine is not working correctly\n<slvn_> I have 10 snaps games that are published for a while. Only two of them appear in the listing of snapcraft.io when searching in \"Games\", but appears in \"All snaps\".\n<noise][> slvn_: we have some upcoming feature work to allow for publishers to self-select categories, but in the meantime if you can provide a list of your game snaps that need to be categorized in a forum post I can get someone from our advocacy team to review and get them associated to the category\n<slvn_> ok great !\n<mup> PR classic-snap#25 closed: Add simple spread tests <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/classic-snap/pull/25>\n<niemeyer> mvo: classic-snap#20 already went in, but fwiw thanks for the explanation. Sounds reasonabe\n<mup> PR classic-snap#20: port classic to UC18 and put into \"18\" branch <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/classic-snap/pull/20>\n<cyphermox> mvo: ping\n<cyphermox> mvo: I have just tested rev 445 of core18; adding wpasupplicant fixes the wifi connection issues (I can connect fine now)\n<cyphermox> (this is armhf+raspi3)\n<zyga> cyphermox: if you have an image I can test the dragon board\n<cyphermox> zyga: it was pre-testing, sil2100 will kick off a real build to get you a dragon image.\n<zyga> cool, sil2100 just let me know\n<sil2100> Will be kicking off a new image soonish\n<zyga> great, just let me know (with the URL, I never remember those)\n<sil2100> zyga: sure!\n<mvo> cyphermox: yay, thank you\n<sil2100> mvo: strange, I was sure we had that installed, but then I checked and we only *discussed* it being installed on the forums\n<zyga> mborzecki: back\n<zyga> mborzecki: the fix is https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6010/commits/b803e1c62350e76e7f62fd937ea443191cc496f7\n<mup> PR #6010: cmd/snap-discard-ns: add support for per-user mount namespaces <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6010>\n<zyga> and man, 14.04 :)\n<cachio> kyrofa, hey\n<cachio> kyleN, could you take a look to the nested suite?\n<kyrofa> Hey there cachio! I looked at the PR you linked. Am I correct in thinking that in order to get spread using an image with nested virt enabled you need to set those environment variables?\n<cachio> no env variables needed\n<cachio> kyrofa, those env variables are to configure our test suite\n<cachio> which kind of vm do you want to start?\n<cachio> I didnt try with kvm acceleration\n<kyrofa> cachio, multipass, actually\n<kyrofa> Have you tried that?\n<cachio> no\n<cachio> which on did you try?\n<kyrofa> cachio, I haven't tried at all after seeing that GCE link I shared saying that it needed to be enabled\n<kyrofa> cachio, so to be clear, are you saying you've already done that, or are you saying that you've got nested virt working without kvm?\n<cachio> yes\n<kyrofa> Hahaha, which one?\n<cachio> we run everyday that\n<cachio> ubuntu core, ubuntu 16, ubuntu 18\n<cachio> using qemu\n<cachio> 2gb of memory\n<kyrofa> cachio, but you didn't do https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instances/enable-nested-virtualization-vm-instances ? Wonder if you're getting a software version, then (this is not my area of expertise)\n<cachio> kyrofa, I see, this is if you want to use the gce tooling\n<cachio> kyrofa, in fact they are describing a process really similar to what we do\n<kyrofa> cachio, interesting, so this may already work. I'm testing now\n<cachio> but they show how to create your image and use a gce image for the nested vm\n<cachio> and we create the image as part of the test\n<kyrofa> cachio, yeah it was more the \"Enabling nested virtualization on an instance\" section that I was referring to\n<kyrofa> Makes it sound like by default this won't work unless you take that action to add that licenses thing\n<kyrofa> cachio, yeah, looks like multipass needs KVM:\n<kyrofa> # multipass launch xenial\n<kyrofa> failed to launch: CPU does not support KVM extensions.\n<kyrofa> # grep -cw vmx /proc/cpuinfo\n<kyrofa> 0\n<kyrofa> cachio, looks like we indeed need \"the special license key required for virtualization.\"\n<cachio> in that case we need to create an image with kvm enabled\n<cachio> kyrofa, let me check a bit more about enabling kvm on gce\n<kyrofa> cachio, would there be a downside to just enabling that in all the images we're using?\n<kyrofa> cachio, excellent, thank you\n<cachio> kyrofa, dont have enough permissions for that\n<cachio> I'll request them and I'll try again\n<kyrofa> Alright cachio, thank you!\n<cachio> kyrofa, np\n * cachio afk\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2364 opened: maven plugin: add support for bases <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2364>\n * zyga EODs\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2365 opened: multipass: change default CPU value <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2365>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2366 opened: qmake plugin: add support for bases <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2366>\n * cachio afk\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2264 closed: Fix issue where Rust cross compile target is ignored <Created by eberkund> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2264>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2365 closed: multipass: change default CPU value <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2365>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2367 opened: tests: add spread test exercising multipass build VMs <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2367>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2368 opened: {kbuild,kernel} plugin: add support for bases <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2368>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2366 closed: qmake plugin: add support for bases <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2366>\n#snappy 2018-10-19\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2368 closed: {kbuild,kernel} plugin: add support for bases <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2368>\n<erio> anything obviously wrong with this snapcraft.yaml ? https://pastebin.com/GSWxvuAQ\n<erio> maaaan.. cleanbuild takes ages\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2369 opened: Hide progress bar for dumb terminals <Created by eberkund> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2369>\n<mborzecki> morning\n<mborzecki> got to run an errand, back in ~30\n<zyga> Hey\n<zyga> Hey mvo\n<mvo> hey zyga\n<zyga> Prepping for SLC?\n<zyga> I forgot to mention that I will be working with Zbyszek from red hat today\n<zyga> I plan to discuss some Fedora issues as well as some cgroup topics\n<zyga> I will be around as usual, sort from the extra commute\n<mvo> zyga: yeah, preparing\n<mvo> zyga: cool, good luck\n<zyga> mvo: can you think of any systemd topics to ask about?\n<zyga> mborzecki: ^\n<mvo> zyga: heh - the mount race\n<mvo> zyga: but maybe not\n<zyga> Oh, for sure\n<zyga> No?\n<mvo> zyga: I mean, if its really util-linux then its none of his concern\n<mvo> zyga: but *maybe* it is not, might be nice to hear his opinion\n<zyga> I think it is worth trying at least\n<mvo> yeah\n<pstolowski> morning\n<mborzecki> zyga: yes, systemctl start <many-services> as single transaction\n<mborzecki> need to go to kids school\n<mborzecki> zyga: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1796125\n<mup> Bug #1796125: services in a snap with dependencies aren't started in correct order on install <snapd:New for maciek-borzecki> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1796125>\n<mborzecki> zyga: there are links to systemd github issues in the comments\n<mborzecki> zyga: would be great if he had a suggestion for a reasoanble workaround, or eta if they plan to do it\n<mborzecki> bbiab\n<mup> PR snapd#6014 closed: ifstate: fix decoding of json numbers <Created by mvo5> <Closed by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6014>\n<zyga> mborzecki: the one with services?\n<zyga> mborzecki: he replied on it already\n<zyga> But I will ask just in case :-)\n<zyga> Hey Chipaca\n<Chipaca> hey yourself\n<zyga> Chipaca: do you have any questions or issues to raise about systemd?\n<Chipaca> zyga: ?\n<Chipaca> zyga: I don't, offhand, why?\n<zyga> I’ll work with Zbyszek today\n<zyga> He is a systemd upstream\n<Chipaca> ah\n<Chipaca> zyga: is there a way to cause all the starts/stops to be in a single transaction\n<Chipaca> zyga: or do we need to do the topological sort ourselves\n<Chipaca> (we already are, almost ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ )\n<Chipaca> zyga: dunno if you remember from yesterday, this is that we have before/afters in units in a snap, and those are respected at system boot, but when we systemctl start them all at snap install time, they're started without ordering\n<mvo> Chipaca: oh, yes, that is a good one\n<zyga> I’ll ask\n<Chipaca> also try to convince them to absorb something else, people can only hate on one thing at a time\n<Chipaca> :-p\n<zyga> Is this the same issue that war reported by ian?\n<zyga> Or better yet: do you have a link\n<zyga> I’m on the tube now but I will collect them later\n<Chipaca> zyga: i think we talked about it in the standup\n<Chipaca> i don't have issues/links/etc to go with it\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: you around? let's chat about the snapname pr\n<zyga> mborzecki: ^ is this the same issue you mentioned?\n<Chipaca> relatedly, somebody is calling github.com/snapcore/snapd/client a \"library\" and i'm worried\n<pedronis> yes, if we need to treat it as one we need to know\n<pedronis> atm only asserts is officially used as a library, but from things we control tough\n<Chipaca> pedronis: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6011#issuecomment-431214304\n<mup> PR #6011: Fix import as module by adding go.mod files <Created by ryanjyoder> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6011>\n<Chipaca> pedronis: and http://r.chipaca.com/client.png if you need to make a point about things\n<pedronis> Chipaca: it's mostly auth from store provoking the mess I suppose\n<pedronis> we would need store/auth\n<pedronis> and to do reasosnable things with overlord/auth\n<pedronis> which is also misnamed atm\n<pedronis> and mixing a couple different concerns\n<Chipaca> pedronis: buy is the thing pulling in store\n<pedronis> not auth stuff?\n<pedronis> maybe that was long ago\n<Chipaca> no auth stuff\n<pedronis> yea, I see\n<pedronis> so it's Buy stuff\n<pedronis> :(\n<Chipaca> and it looks like it's just for a struct\n<Chipaca> or two\n<Chipaca> we could easily turn that one around\n<Chipaca> or we could go on and kill buy :-)\n<pedronis> after store, there's snap and overlord/auth\n<Chipaca> snap is http://r.chipaca.com/snap.png\n<pedronis> Chipaca: mmh, it doesn't import overlord/auth directly, or does it?\n<pedronis> anyway I seem confused\n<pedronis> either way it's a bit of work to make it a \"library\"\n<Chipaca> pedronis: if I copy the structs for Buy in, all client depends on is snap and asserts\n<pedronis> asserts is fine\n<pedronis> I suppose\n<Chipaca> pedronis: http://r.chipaca.com/client_pruned.png\n<Chipaca> so maybe we should do that\n<pedronis> Chipaca: the annoying bits  of snap,  are really that it pulls in squashfs,  dirs,  and maybe arch (I don't remember how naive or not that is these days)\n<pedronis> also snapdir\n<Chipaca> pedronis: why is the squashfs import annoying?\n<Chipaca> dirs is fine, it's just config\n<Chipaca> arch is a funny one, mostly because i'm not sure it needs to be its own package\n<pedronis> Chipaca: because is conceptually wrong, and because one day it might brings in a big library instead of shelling out\n<Chipaca> pedronis: can you explain the misconception to me?\n<pedronis> Chipaca: dealing with snaps abstractly/remotely vs concrentely are very different things\n<Chipaca> ah\n<Chipaca> pedronis: well, it would be easy to split\n<pedronis> it's just a taste thing\n<pedronis> but the bring in a library bit is a bit more serious\n<Chipaca> pedronis: snap/container.go -> snap/container/container.go (or some better name)\n<pedronis> potentially\n<pedronis> Chipaca: osutil/sys is also interesting\n<Chipaca> then snap can be the abstract, and snap/container be the \"open this thing\" and the \"build this thing\" aspects of it\n<Chipaca> osutil and osutil/sys are in the middle of finding themselves\n<Chipaca> :-p\n<Chipaca> the idea is that osutil/sys is like syscall, and has friendly wrappers in osutil\n<Chipaca> but there's work to do to finish that division, and so things are a bit messy still\n<Chipaca> (including a bit of duplication)\n<Chipaca> i'm not sure if that makes it better or not :-)\n<pedronis> Chipaca: just wondering why snap imports it\n<pedronis> directly\n<mup> PR classic-snap#21 closed: create: improve user information <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/classic-snap/pull/21>\n<Chipaca> pedronis: without looking, probably sys.UserID and sys.GroupID\n<Chipaca> now looking\n<Chipaca> \tUserXdgRuntimeDir(userID sys.UserID) string\n<pedronis> I see\n<pedronis> mmmh\n<pedronis> lots of conceptual decisions to make\n<pedronis> Chipaca: in theory the easiest is to invert and have anything in snap that client needs live in client, import client from snap\n<pedronis> but I'm not 100% happy with that\n<pedronis> either\n<Chipaca> pedronis: why not?\n<Chipaca> (sorry if this explain-your-thinking interrogation gets boring)\n<mup> PR classic-snap#26 opened:  Add simple spread tests <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/classic-snap/pull/26>\n<pedronis> Chipaca: it reads strange to me\n<pedronis> client.Revision\n<pedronis> is odd\n<pedronis> maybe is just me\n<Chipaca> ah, yes\n<Chipaca> no not just you\n<Chipaca> when i was saying we could do that i found the same thing\n<Chipaca> OTOH we could have client/snap and internal/snap?\n<Chipaca> dunno\n * pedronis errands\n<Chipaca> pedronis: ttfn\n<zyga> re\n<mup> PR snapd#6015 closed: tests/unit/gccgo: drop gccgo unit tests <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6015>\n<mup> PR snapd#6018 opened: nuke tests/unit/go-darwin <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6018>\n<Chipaca> I'd love to get reviews of #5955\n<mup> PR #5955: cmd/snap, tests: snapshots for all <Snapshots 📸󠁟> <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5955>\n<Chipaca> it's green! and the only thing between us and snapshots\n<mup> PR classic-snap#27 opened: add shellcheck and fix warnings (16) <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/classic-snap/pull/27>\n<mborzecki> re, finally\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2362 closed: python plugin: add support for bases <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2362>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2364 closed: maven plugin: add support for bases <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2364>\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: thanks for the reviews\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: any suggestions about snap/name?\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: I didn't understand your response to my comment :-)\n<Chipaca> sorry, stray middle click\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: what do you mean by \"you'd still need to have access to snap.Info\"?\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: how is that different between snap/validate and snap/name?\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: hmm maybe i misunderstood yours\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: ah\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: i thought you'd want to have all the validation code (now in snap/validate.go) in a seaprate snap/validate package?\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: mine was just: everything in name is called ValidateX\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: so why not call it validate :)\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: then using snap/validate primarily in snap/validate.go is a nice pattern as well\n<Chipaca> we do that in a few places even\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: right, but then we'd end up with some validate*() in snap/validate.go and some in snap/validate, felt a bit uneasy about that\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: but you have a point, it's snap/name now but all of it actually validation :/\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: looking at snap/validate.go in your pr, 1 sec\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: snap.ValidateVersion could move into the new package\n<Chipaca> dito snap.ValidateLicense\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: license calls out to spdx package?\n<Chipaca> yes\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: i think i'd rather keep it ValidateLicense in snap then\n<Chipaca> hm\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: so\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: how about keeping just snap.Validate as the public interface, and making everything else be either in snap/validate or private in snap?\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: the motivation was to not have another copy of ValidateName() in asserrts, but rather have a package slimmer than snap and have it importable in asserts\n<Chipaca> ha, now i understand the no-spdx thing more :-)\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: this strengthens my last suggestion above\n<Chipaca> i think\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: hm, let me check again, iirc snap.ValidateLayout may still need to be public, but the rest could be make private\n<Chipaca> grep says nothing uses it outside of snap.Validate\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: ValidateContainer is probably the only func other than Validate() that would need to be public\n<mborzecki> i see some calls to ValidateSlotName() but that would be validate.SlotName() (or validate.Slot()) now\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: yeah, snap/validate seems ok, a question about naming, since the validation code is mostly validating names right now, validate.SnapName() feels more fitting than validate.Snap(name string)\n<mup> PR snapd#6019 opened: ifacestate: optimize disconnect hooks <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6019>\n<pedronis> Chipaca: the problem of making it validate that it will be very tempting to move Validate itself or other things into it at some point\n<pedronis> Chipaca: also there are some name related regexpes that asserts could reuse\n<pedronis> Chipaca: making it about names (which are strings in the end), makes it easier to keep under control imo\n<mborzecki> snap/validate/name :)\n<pedronis> that is not funny\n<pedronis> Chipaca: mborzecki: anyway my 2cts\n<mborzecki> pedronis: which regexp you'd like to see public?\n<pedronis> mborzecki: asserts has at least a validAppName and validAlias atm\n<pedronis> degville: hi,  somebody liked this just now which  I wrote long ago,  https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/the-meaning-of-classic/861 is not under doc because niemeyer said he wanted to tweak it a bit but didn't get to it, maybe you can do something with it when you have time\n<pedronis> mborzecki: Chipaca: another approach would be to find something a bit more encompassing than \"name\" and also put Channel and some helpers for the various kind of IDs we have there\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: do you have /usr/bin/tar?\n<mup> PR snapd#6020 opened: overlord/snapshotstate/backend: detect path to tar in unit tests <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6020>\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: ^^\n<niemeyer> zyga: I've responded on the adb interface.. sorry that it's not just a LGTM, but the current proposal there looks quite cumbersome, and a bad precedent.. we should probably talk about it in a call if you have a moment\n<zyga> niemeyer: thank you, I'll check that out\n<zyga> niemeyer: perhaps next week, it's not urgent IMO\n<niemeyer> zyga: Today is better if you have a moment.. next week I'm in SLC\n<niemeyer> zyga: It's not urgent.. it's just been sitting there for very long\n<zyga> niemeyer: I'm not at home today but I'll try to find a moment\n * pstolowski lunch\n<zyga> niemeyer: I read the response, I think you are right and this feels like a new thing - with foo-support like approach we could have the adb  server part solved, I think we should still have the adb client part\n<niemeyer> zyga: We can have that to actually make the inter-snap logic work, but I wouldn't try to bake that in together\n<niemeyer> zyga: As that's not required for the person that submitted that request, as I understand it, and it would take longer to agree on the details\n<zyga> yes, that's true\n<zyga> the user would just run adb internally\n<niemeyer> zyga: Yeah, that sounds a lot like browser-support\n<niemeyer> zyga: And it becomes pretty sensible from the outside\n<zyga> I can make those changes if that's what we agree on\n<niemeyer> zyga: once we need a snap using adb from another snap, we can then have an \"adb\" plug+slot interface, that do just that\n<zyga> +1\n<niemeyer> zyga: If we can make that work, we can even get that merged today\n<zyga> sure, that would be nice :)\n<niemeyer> zyga: Since the details of what's allowed was already approved\n<niemeyer> zyga: (by jdstrnad)\n<niemeyer> zyga: Same as in the current incarnation, we shouldn't allow access to the devices unless adb-support is connected\n<niemeyer> zyga: There's another part which feels a bit awkward in that interface which is the network bits\n<niemeyer> zyga: Does it grant open access into the network?\n<zyga> ish\n<zyga> it needs localhost sockets\n<zyga> it's like network\n<zyga> this is how adb operates\n<zyga> (well network-bind and network()\n<niemeyer> zyga: Sure, but the comments there make it sound like we're granting open ended access into the network via that interface\n<niemeyer> zyga: That sounds undue\n<zyga> that's because we have no richer language\n<zyga> yes , that is true\n<niemeyer> zyga: If it's open ended and not localhost, and unless there's more missing that would prevent the access from being actually used for general network access, I think we can drop those permissions and mention that they'll need \"network-bind\" as well\n<niemeyer> zyga: Sure, and in some cases that's alright, but here it feels like we have a very purpose-specific interface that is then offering something unexpected, and unnecessarily so since we have another interface that grants exactly those permissions\n<niemeyer> zyga: Once we get the ability to define network context, we can include in the interface, and nobody breaks\n<niemeyer> The opposite isn't true\n<zyga> in a way but it is also internal part of the interface, it will always be broken without network-bind\n<niemeyer> zyga: That's not an internal part of the interface unless we define that it is\n<niemeyer> zyga: If it's open ended network access, I'd generally recommend letting people explicitly ask for it\n<niemeyer> jdstrand: ^\n<zyga> I mean without network-bind, adb will crash\n<niemeyer> zyga: Doesn't hurt, comes for free with auto-connection, and is truthful to what the snap is being able to do\n<zyga> sure, I don't mind that\n<zyga> I can make the modifications today\n<niemeyer> zyga: I understand.. that's why they'll use the plug..\n<niemeyer> zyga: Once we're able to further restrict so that it's not open ended access, we can be more precise in what we offer\n<niemeyer> zyga: and the interface might become self-sufficient\n<zyga> yeah, that's a good point\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2367 closed: tests: add spread test exercising multipass build VMs <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2367>\n<niemeyer> zyga: Pasted this conversation into the ticket for reference\n<niemeyer> zyga: Sorry for the terrible copy & paste... my client has c&p broken right now\n<Chipaca> pedronis: mborzecki: i'm ok with it not being validate if that'll keep it about simple strings as opposed to more complex stuff, if we don't want it to have more complex stuff (and i guess using it from asserts means we don't)\n<zyga> niemeyer: thank you :-)\n<niemeyer> I'm going to have lunch\n<zyga> enjoy :)\n<niemeyer> Thanks\n<Chipaca> pedronis: mborzecki: otoh i maintain that 'name' is a bad name :-) note how everywhere you use it you have to re-name (groan) it\n<Chipaca> pedronis: mborzecki: combine that with pedronis's observation about having other things we could move out if it weren't called 'name', and i really want it called something else :-)\n<Chipaca> pedronis: mborzecki: call it \"english-racing-green\"\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: moss?\n<mborzecki> a package full of surprises\n<Chipaca> i thought that was lichen\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: 'twas a bikeshed joke, just in case it was too unobvious\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: it was\n<Chipaca> sary\n<mborzecki> uh, it wans't :)\n<Chipaca> saryn't\n<Chipaca> things we want that package to do: validate instance names, validate snap names, validate channels, validate other ids\n<Chipaca> things we can't call it because conflicting things with too similar names; snapids, snapidents\n<Chipaca> name that probably only serves to make me giggle: snapvalids (groan)\n<noise][> you should feel bad about yourself Chipaca :)\n<Chipaca> every day, noise][. Every day.\n<pedronis> Chipaca: handle (the name, not the verb), moniker, refer, designate, nominate\n<Chipaca> nomnomnom\n<Chipaca> hmm, lunch\n<rbasak> Are the various SNAP_ environment variables documented anywhere? I'm looking at docs.snapcraft.io and don't see it anywhere obvious, and I'm a bit lost after the refactor.\n<rbasak> The environment variables were previously the reference section IIRC, but that doesn't seem to be there any more.\n<popey> google got me to https://snapdocs.labix.org/look-at-this/5368\n<popey> which is a mad url\n<Chipaca> popey: https://docs.snapcraft.io/moved-environmental-variables-that-snapcraft-exposes/5368\n<Chipaca> popey: dunno where it was moved to, offhand\n<Chipaca> popey: but until they get hidden, you can use the ids to find stuff :-)\n<rbasak> I want SNAP_* rather than SNAPCRAFT_*\n<rbasak> And also what they mean rather than what they're set to\n<mborzecki> rbasak: try this https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/security-policy-and-sandboxing/554\n<Chipaca> rbasak: https://docs.snapcraft.io/environmental-variables/7983\n<rbasak> Thanks!\n<rbasak> Though that doesn't explain SNAP_INSTANCE_DATA?\n<Chipaca> that'll be in https://docs.snapcraft.io/parallel-installs/7679\n<Chipaca> but i agree it should get added to the other one\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: ^ :-)\n<Chipaca> augh, i need to go have lunch\n * Chipaca goes\n<mborzecki> w8, why doesn't https://docs.snapcraft.io/environmental-variables/7983 have SNAP_INSTANCE_NAME?\n<rbasak> Thanks! That page also doesn't explain SNAP_INSTANCE_DATA, but I think from the context it's clear I can ignore SNAP_INSTANCE_*\n<mborzecki> rbasak: which version of snapd do you have? SNAP_INSTANCE_DATA is no more\n<rbasak> 2.34.2 on Xenial on this particular system\n<mborzecki> rbasak: ah ok, makes sense now\n<mborzecki> degville: added a note about SNAP_INSTANCE_NAME and SNAP_INSTANCE_KEY to https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/environmental-variables/7983\n<degville> mborzecki: thank you!\n * Chipaca sneaks SNAP_TROLL_NAME in to keep people on their toes\n * Chipaca is making lunch, so technically on lunch break\n<popey> can we s/environmental/environment/ too :)\n<popey> always makes my teeth clench when i see 'environmental'\n<mborzecki> degville: ^^\n<mborzecki> hm discourse should be smart enough to figure it out when the topic is changed\n<Chipaca> popey: to be fair, the environ is mental\n<popey> wakka wakka wakka\n<niemeyer> mborzecki: It pops it up in the list, but it doesn't resend notifications\n<degville> popey/mborzecki: changed.\n<popey> <3\n<degville> aww, shucks.\n<mborzecki> interesting observation, not a problem though, i was automatically redirected to https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/environment-variables/7983 by discourse, but the same did not happen on docs.snapcraft.io\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: 'snap fork a-snap a-snap_foo'\n<zyga> Chipaca: snap wait ...\n<zyga> oh wait!\n<Chipaca> or maybe 'snap switch --rename=a-snap_foo a-snap'\n<Chipaca> hmm\n<zyga> Chipaca: snap rename\n<Chipaca> snap rename core core18\n<Chipaca> mbuahaha\n<Chipaca> switch is wrong, because it isn't instant\n<Chipaca> it'd have to be 'snap refresh' and then not having the equivalent switch would be strange\n<Chipaca> so maybe 'snap rename' is the potato\n<mup> PR classic-snap#28 opened: enable spread tests for core as well <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/classic-snap/pull/28>\n<Chipaca> snap instantiate\n<Chipaca> snap summon\n<mup> PR snapd#6021 opened: data/systemd, wrappers: tweak system-shutdown helper for core18 (2.36) <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6021>\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: conjure\n<Chipaca> snap dwim\n<Chipaca> snap frogger\n * Chipaca checks his drink\n<Chipaca> looks like it's free-association-friday\n<zyga> I'll skip standup to grab some food, plus no way to have a call now\n<rbasak> I'm improving the git-ubuntu importer service, which lives inside the snap and is currently just a command. I want to make it into a systemd service which a sysadmin can enable, and once enabled, it will run as a specific user (not root). It seems to make sense to me to put its persistent data in $SNAP_DATA. But: 1) how should I ship a snap such that the service isn't enabled by default, but it can be\n<rbasak> enabled; 2) $SNAP_DATA is owned by root. Can I change that? What should the mechanism be to do that?\n<rbasak> Most git-ubuntu users will never use the service. However we maintain it in the same code base, and the snap is a convenient way of deploying it. I could split it into a different snap but would like to avoid having to maintain two.\n<rbasak> (and splitting it doesn't help me with ownership of $SNAP_DATA I don't think)\n<mup> PR snapd#6020 closed: overlord/snapshotstate/backend: detect path to tar in unit tests <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6020>\n<Chipaca> rbasak: so, first off, we don't currently support running services as non-root\n<Chipaca> rbasak: nor do we support setuid and fly\n<Chipaca> rbasak: but, to ship a service that's default disabled you can have a hook\n<Chipaca> rbasak: e.g. have a config hook that creates a file, and the service starts and quits if the file isn't there\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: in current master you can disable it from install hook\n<Chipaca> yes :-) but that's a week or so away at least\n<Chipaca> probably more\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: is it 2.36?\n<mborzecki> or --edge :)\n<rbasak> Chipaca: thanks\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: yes\n<rbasak> Given that the service is only expected to be used by (essentially just) me, perhaps I'll keep the service out of the snap for now then, together with its persistent directory.\n<rbasak> The classic snap gives me a command, and maybe I can run that command using a manually (non-snap) defined systemd service.\n<rbasak> Then I can run it as a user as well.\n<Chipaca> rbasak: OTOH james h has been working on user session services, but I have no idea how usable that is yet\n<Chipaca> rbasak: solutions are in the pipeline --- but it's a long, thin pipe\n<Chipaca> and it's like molasses in there :-p\n<mup> PR snapd#6007 closed: tests/lib: add an @mozilla.com exception to the CLA checker <Simple 😃> <Created by chipaca> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6007>\n<Chipaca> mvo: thanks!\n<mvo> Chipaca: thank you!\n<mup> PR snapd#6013 closed: Revert \"snap, client, daemon, store: use and expose \"media\" more (#5906)\" <⛔ Blocked> <Created by chipaca> <Closed by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6013>\n<mup> PR classic-snap#29 opened: create: only copy config that exists <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/classic-snap/pull/29>\n<Chipaca> mvo: one last 2.36 pr cooking here\n<Chipaca> do we support running on ecryptfs?\n<cachio> mvo, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/M5ZP7S4Jgn/\n<cachio> this is the debug info for the snapd.socket issue\n<cachio> mvo, perhaps that could help to understand the root cause of the issue\n<mup> PR snapd#6022 opened: daemon, snap: mark screenshots as deprecated <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6022>\n * cachio lunch\n<mup> PR snapd#6023 opened: overlord/snapstate, snap, wrappers: start services in the right order during install <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6023>\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: mvo: ^^\n<mborzecki> I've tagged it 2.36 but I guess 2.36.1 will be fine too\n<greyback> hey, I'm hacking on snapd to test a new interface, but getting stuck on \"error: snap \"core\" has \"auto-refresh\" change in progress\"\n<greyback> but I can't see any evidence of a refresh happening, and it's not changing out of this state either with time\n<Chipaca> greyback: are you running snapd from the terminal?\n<mvo> mborzecki: thank you\n<greyback> Chipaca: yes. I'm doing: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/S2GvCRWFjV/\n<mvo> cachio: thanks, checking\n<mvo> Chipaca: I think we do, iirc one of my systems if using it\n<greyback> Chipaca: if there's a better way to launch custom snapd, I'd happily use it\n<Chipaca> greyback: I use https://github.com/chipaca/bin/blob/master/run-snapd-srv but that might be just me\n<Chipaca> greyback: with your approach, don't you end up with a bunch of weirded bind mounts?\n<mborzecki> i just switch the binaries and let systemd restart the service\n<Chipaca> greyback: in any case, i'd be interested in the debug logs from snapd\n<greyback> Chipaca: I've only started using it today (found it in the forum), zyga's devscripts not working for me any more\n<mup> PR classic-snap#26 closed:  Add simple spread tests (16) <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/classic-snap/pull/26>\n<Chipaca> my script uses the fact that you can just run the snapd binary and it'll figure stuff out, mostly\n<Chipaca> but, anyway, the how is immaterial as long as i can see those logs ;-)\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: right, just snapd works fine, when you do changes in snap-{confine,update-ns,exec} things get hairy :)\n<greyback> Chipaca: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NmsMKVRyRw/\n<Chipaca> greyback: dude, turn on debug :-)\n<mborzecki> greyback: SNAPD_DEBUG=1\n<greyback> Chipaca: apologies! I only dabble in snapd\n<Chipaca> runs-snapd-srv sets all those for you :-)\n<greyback> Chipaca: aha line 4040 of https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/F32PzrKq8M/ shows something not happy with lxd\n<greyback> auto-connect of snap \"lxd\" will be retried because of \"lxd\" - \"core\" conflict\n<Chipaca> that's strange\n<Chipaca> that should either resolve or blow up, unless I misunderstood things\n<Chipaca> greyback: what's \"snap tasks --last=auto-refresh\" say?\n<Chipaca> assuming that's an auto-refresh and not an install. Maybe should've started with \"snap changes\" to figure that one out\n<greyback> Chipaca: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/tr6t5T5Nz5/ for snap tasks\n<greyback> https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/xt64zHTM3N/ for changes\n<Chipaca> greyback: what happens if you \"snap abort 171\"?\n<Chipaca> it's been stuck there since yesterday :-(\n<Chipaca> this should not happen\n<Chipaca> greyback: the interfaces you're playing with have nothing to do with lxd, i presume\n<greyback> Chipaca: yes, I'm not touching lxd\n<greyback> Chipaca: ok that unblocked things\n<pstolowski> that looks like an incarnation of an old bug i hoped i fixed\n<Chipaca> greyback: the pastebins, did you set an expire on them?\n<pstolowski> greyback: can you send me your state.json?\n<pstolowski> cachio: hey, can you ping me when back from lunch?\n<Chipaca> pstolowski: that's snapd/2.36~pre2+git964.f71d856~ubuntu16.04.1 fwiw\n<Chipaca> pstolowski: so, quite fresh :-)\n<greyback> Chipaca: expiry on just 1: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/tr6t5T5Nz5/. I'll repaste\n<Chipaca> greyback: please\n<pstolowski> Chipaca: yes, that's why i say incarnation of old bug ;)\n<greyback> Chipaca: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/KFtytY5scV/\n<Chipaca> pstolowski: :-(\n<Chipaca> greyback: thanks\n<pstolowski> greyback: send my your state.json if you can but not pastebin, it has private bits\n<Chipaca> also it can be big :-)\n<greyback> pstolowski: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/X96gdkt3rG/\n<greyback> oops\n<greyback> oh well\n<pstolowski> here you go...\n<Chipaca> heh\n<Chipaca> greyback: easy fix: snap logout\n<greyback> Chipaca: ta :)\n<pstolowski> yeah you need new macaroon now\n<Chipaca> raspberry macaroon for me plz\n<pstolowski> pastebin.c.c is wonderfull... shows me entire content, but asks for auth only if i want to download as text\n<Chipaca> pstolowski: that's because of abuse\n<Chipaca> ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯\n<Chipaca> people using it to host stuff\n<pstolowski> ah, hmm... interesting\n<Chipaca> and, stuff from a canonical.com domain no less. What could go wrong.\n<Chipaca> ubuntu.com*\n<Chipaca> bah, either, same diff\n<Chipaca> (so if you convince a browser to load it as .js, it has access to your cookies)\n<Chipaca> anyway\n<Chipaca> i need to run\n<Chipaca> and by that i mean leave, not actually run\n<Chipaca> running happens tomorrow\n<Chipaca> ttfn! ttyl\n<greyback> Chipaca: thanks for the help o/\n<pstolowski> have a good weekend Chipaca!\n<pstolowski> greyback: thanks for the state\n<greyback> np\n<greyback> oh, the lxd conflict thing is appearing in my logs again\n<pstolowski> oh, that's not good :(\n<pstolowski> greyback: was the core refreshed? or is it refreshing both core and lxd again?\n<greyback> pstolowski: just lxd I think: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/qGx999YXy7/\n<pstolowski> greyback: can you send me your current state again? do not abort anything\n<greyback> pstolowski: https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/fQFwFwpbdD/\n<greyback> if I can reformat it to help you, let me know\n<pstolowski> greyback: dont worry, i json_pp it\n<greyback> ok\n<pstolowski> and analyze in emacs\n<mup> PR classic-snap#29 closed: create: only copy config that exists <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/classic-snap/pull/29>\n<mup> PR snapd#5989 closed: interfaces/system-key: add parser mtime and only discover features on write <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5989>\n<mup> PR snapd#6018 closed: nuke tests/unit/go-darwin <Created by chipaca> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6018>\n<mup> PR snapd#6002 closed: interfaces/system-key: add parser mtime and only discover features on write - 2.36 <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6002>\n<mup> PR snapd#6021 closed: data/systemd, wrappers: tweak system-shutdown helper for core18 (2.36) <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6021>\n<mvo> 6017 needs a second review\n<mvo> its a release blocker too\n<mvo> *please* :)\n<mvo> mborzecki: thanks for 6023, looks very good\n<mborzecki> mvo: thanks for the review\n<pstolowski> mvo: i'm worried about the issue greyback just hit\n<mvo> mborzecki: I will go over it once more but first pass looks great\n<mvo> pstolowski: edge? beta? stable?\n<mvo> pstolowski: sorry, miss context, should I just read scrollback?\n<pstolowski> mvo: 2.36~pre2+git964.f71d856~ubuntu16.04.1\n<mvo> pstolowski: btw 6017 looks also really nice\n<mvo> pstolowski: aha, I read a bit of backlog now - can you reproduce this?\n<mvo> pstolowski: it looks like a blocker :/\n<pstolowski> mvo: i'm just trying to reproduce. i also have the problematic state, but it's very time consuming to understand these things from state\n<pstolowski> mvo: i wish we had a detailed log message (what's conflicting)\n<mborzecki> pstolowski: we could push a PR adding a message\n<pstolowski> mvo: of course i cannot reproduce, it needs auto-refresh of lxd\n<mborzecki> before 2.36 is released that is\n<pstolowski> might be a good idea\n<pstolowski> hmm actually we have something on debug level, not super precise but may give a clue\n<pstolowski> greyback: assuming you still see the lxd stuck on auto-connect, can you run your snapd with SNAPD_DEBUG=1 env set?\n<pstolowski> greyback: i see you did that already. would be interesing to see it again\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2370 opened: ant plugin: add support for bases <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2370>\n<mvo> pstolowski: thanks, keep me updated, I will read backlog and keep this issue in mind\n<pstolowski> mvo: will do. i suppose you're departing soon for the sprint?\n<mvo> pstolowski: sunday morning so plenty of time. it sounds like I will do a 2.36~rc1 or even final early next week. hopefully I find time dduring the sprint for it\n<pstolowski> mvo: okay, safe travels then, talk to you on monday!\n<mvo> thanks\n<xnox> mvo, hey does snapd.seeded.service need internet / access to snapstore to complete?\n<xnox> or can it complete offline on boot?\n<cachio> pstolowski, I just saw yuor message\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2371 opened: plugins: remove jhbuild <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2371>\n<mvo> xnox: it should work completely offline (all assertions should be in the local disk). why? do you see different behavior?\n<xnox> mvo, awesome! no, it's just cloud-init for some reason forces it to be after networking is started, which is not good in this one cloud.\n<xnox> we'd rather have seeded snaps before/in-parallel-to network up\n<mvo> xnox: ok\n<pedronis> xnox: there is some requirement tough for some part of cloud-init identifying the cloud to be done before snapd starts, otherwise cloud decition/cloud CDN stuff will not work\n<pedronis> *detection\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2372 opened: gradle plugin: add support for bases <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2372>\n<stokachu> whats the url that is used during snapcraft push?\n<stokachu> i need to get a firewall update for it\n<stokachu> i thought it was dashboard.snapcraft.io?\n<stokachu> sergiusens: do you know? ^\n * cachio afk\n<stokachu> or noise][ ?\n<xnox> pedronis, i know that bit. but thanks for pointing out.\n<Dmitrii-Sh> https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1791587/comments/4 <- found out that the proxy settings are not applied if the core snap is not installed\n<mup> Bug #1791587: [2.34.2] snapd ignores proxy settings set via core snap <cpe-onsite> <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1791587>\n<cjwatson> I answered stokachu on #is\n<sergiusens> stokachu: one sec\n<stokachu> sergiusens: i got it already lol\n<stokachu> thanks though\n<sergiusens> stokachu: ah, sorry, was deep in the waters\n<stokachu> all good man\n<mup> PR classic-snap#30 opened: enable spread tests for core as well (16) <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/classic-snap/pull/30>\n<Chipaca> cachio: you around?\n<Chipaca> cachio: 2018-10-19 16:05:00 Cannot allocate google:ubuntu-18.10-64: cannot find any Google image matching \"ubuntu-os-cloud-devel/daily-ubuntu-1810-cosmic-v20181002\" on project \"ubuntu-os-cloud-devel\"\n<Chipaca> Dmitrii-Sh: hi\n<Chipaca> Dmitrii-Sh: i thought we'd fixed that in 2.35 though\n<Dmitrii-Sh> Chipaca: hi\n<Dmitrii-Sh> Chipaca: I tried that when core was installed but apparently without the core snap it doesn't work\n<Dmitrii-Sh> Chipaca: also noted by the k8s team https://github.com/juju-solutions/bundle-canonical-kubernetes/issues/676#issuecomment-431449672\n<Chipaca> Dmitrii-Sh: you're on 2.34\n<Dmitrii-Sh> Chipaca: hmm\n<Dmitrii-Sh> ok\n<Chipaca>   Installed: 2.34.2\n<Chipaca> Dmitrii-Sh: when you get the core snap, you run snapd from the core snap, which is 2.35\n<Chipaca> Dmitrii-Sh: that might be the difference :-)\n<Dmitrii-Sh> Chipaca: so, snapd comes from the core snap?\n<Chipaca> Dmitrii-Sh: can you update your snapd package to 2.35?\n<Chipaca> Dmitrii-Sh: on ubuntu, if the core snap is installed, yes\n<Dmitrii-Sh> Chipaca: wow, that's new to me\n<Dmitrii-Sh> Chipaca: is it present in apt repos already (updates?)\n<Dmitrii-Sh> Chipaca: 2.34.2+18.04 looks to be the newest one\n<Chipaca> Dmitrii-Sh: cosmic has 2.35.5\n<Dmitrii-Sh> the problem is that every environment that we deploy for customers uses LTS versions\n<Chipaca> right, the SRUs are chugging along\n<Dmitrii-Sh> Chipaca: I see http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html\n<Chipaca> I don't know if there's a 2.35.5 in the pipeline\n<Chipaca> 'snap info core' shows there's a 2.35.5 core, but not all updates to core need to be updates to the snapd package\n<Chipaca> mvo would know :-)\n<Chipaca> anyhow\n<Chipaca> Dmitrii-Sh: if you could install snapd from proposed, that'll tell us if this is actually fixed :-)\n<Dmitrii-Sh> Chipaca: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/2.35.4~14.04/+build/15523520\n<Dmitrii-Sh> seems like the SRU is waiting on arch-specific deps\n<Dmitrii-Sh> snapd\n<Dmitrii-Sh> ppc64el: Dependency wait\n<Dmitrii-Sh> arm64: Dependency wait\n<Dmitrii-Sh> powerpc: Dependency wait\n<Dmitrii-Sh> Chipaca: ah, that's for 14.04 only\n<Chipaca> Dmitrii-Sh: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/2.35.4+18.04 ?\n<Dmitrii-Sh> Chipaca: getting a container to test now\n<Chipaca> neat, thank you\n<Chipaca> I'll get a container for some ice-cream, meanwhile\n<Dmitrii-Sh> Chipaca: right 👍\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2371 closed: plugins: remove jhbuild <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2371>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2372 closed: gradle plugin: add support for bases <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2372>\n<cachio> Chipaca, updating it\n<Dmitrii-Sh> Chipaca: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qtsbwhc2cY/\n<Dmitrii-Sh> hmm\n<Dmitrii-Sh> tried restarting too\n<Dmitrii-Sh> root@snaptest:~# strace -e connect -f -p `pgrep -f snapd` &\n<Dmitrii-Sh> root@snaptest:~# snap install fcbtesting\n<Dmitrii-Sh> [pid  1313] connect(4, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(9), sin_addr=inet_addr(\"\")}, 16) = -1 ENETUNREACH (Network is unreachable)\n<Dmitrii-Sh> [pid  1313] connect(4, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(9), sin_addr=inet_addr(\"\")}, 16) = -1 ENETUNREACH (Network is unreachable)\n<cachio> Chipaca, #6024\n<mup> PR #6024: tests: new cosmic image for spread tests on gce <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6024>\n<mup> PR snapd#6024 opened: tests: new cosmic image for spread tests on gce <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6024>\n<cachio> if you have a minute to take a look\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2373 opened: rust plugin: add support for bases <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2373>\n<cachio> Chipaca, I'll merge it if the tests pass\n<Chipaca> cachio: thanks\n<Chipaca> Dmitrii-Sh: hmm\n<Chipaca> gah\n<Chipaca> Dmitrii-Sh: sorry, my bad\n<Chipaca> Dmitrii-Sh: the fix in 2.35 is about the proxy store, not the http proxy\n<Chipaca> Dmitrii-Sh: question, why aren't you setting the proxy via /etc/environment?\n<Dmitrii-Sh> Chipaca: Juju sets it via core snap proxy settings\n<Dmitrii-Sh> and that's how we set it on the whole env\n<Dmitrii-Sh> nowadays /etc/environment is untouched by juju\n<Dmitrii-Sh> so it's very targeted proxy config to avoid workloads from getting any proxy settings\n<Chipaca> hm\n<Dmitrii-Sh> in other words: if we deploy an HTTP service and a client, the client should not be affected by global environment settings because they speak within the same deployment behind a firewall/proxy\n<Chipaca> Dmitrii-Sh: is this on 18.04?\n<Dmitrii-Sh> and if a charm requires proxy usage it must explicitly use JUJU_CHARM_HTTP(S)_PROXY proxy settings (e.g. charms that do curl or wget)\n<Dmitrii-Sh> Chipaca: yes\n<Dmitrii-Sh> Chipaca: what we use as a workaround is cloudinit userdata + setting environment variables to the systemd unit of snapd. This makes it more rigid as changing juju snap-related model-configs does not change the proxy setup. Besides, Juju documents usage of these model-configs and while they set core proxy settings, it doesn't result in working deployments\n<Chipaca> right\n<Chipaca> we need to talk about these things i suspect\n<Chipaca> this is, to me at least, an unexpected use case\n<Chipaca> with the http proxy we'd always assumed that if you were in classic, environ was fine; if you were in core, you had core so 'snap set' would work\n<Chipaca> what you're saying is that you want 'snap set' to always work even if core isn't there, and that that needs to win over the environ\n<Dmitrii-Sh> Chipaca: well, essentially, we don't want /etc/environment to be modified by snapd because it affects services we start. Not all traffic goes to the internet and most of it stays within an internal network(s) so we only apply proxy settings for applications that really need them (like apt, snapd and other package managers).\n<Dmitrii-Sh> for example, that was a problem with Juju hooks because HTTP_PROXY in the environment resulted in charm failures when traffic was local (and it was it most cases)\n<Chipaca> Dmitrii-Sh: wait, if you don't want /etc/environment modified by snapd, why are you calling 'snap set core proxy.yadda'?\n<Dmitrii-Sh> Chipaca: to set proxy settings for snapd itself but only when it retrieves snaps from the store or from enterprise proxy (e.g. a store is behind an internal firewall)\n<Chipaca> i'm lost now\n<Chipaca> when you say 'enterprise proxy', you mean the proxy store?\n<Chipaca> because that's a different setting, that's the one we fixed\n<Dmitrii-Sh> yes-yes, let me break it down :^)\n<Chipaca> and that one wasn't touching /etc/environment afaik\n<Dmitrii-Sh> 1) proxy settings -> http transport object setting to use a proxy\n<Chipaca> break it down into small pieces because it's been a long week and it's nearly midnight\n<Dmitrii-Sh> 2) enterprise proxy settings -> retrieve snaps from here\n<Dmitrii-Sh> proxy settings + enterprise proxy settings -> retrieve snaps from here via an http proxy\n<Dmitrii-Sh> app proxy settings -> /etc/environment (global) or snap-specific options coded by snap authors to modify http transport settings of apps\n<Dmitrii-Sh> what we (ideally) want to achieve: settings are set via Juju model-configs snap-http-proxy, snap-https-proxy which translates into core snap proxy settings\n<Dmitrii-Sh> this covers case (1) above\n<Dmitrii-Sh> and app proxy settings are unaffected by this\n<Dmitrii-Sh> juju can also set snap-store-proxy\tand snap-store-assertions\tsettings -> this will handle case (2) and modify the target URL of a snap store on snapd\n<Chipaca> Dmitrii-Sh: but you also want core snap proxy settings to not affect /etc/environment\n<Chipaca> in (1) i mean\n<Dmitrii-Sh> Chipaca: yes, because on a classic system this will potentially affect all workloads we deployed\n<Dmitrii-Sh> including the non-snap ones\n<Dmitrii-Sh> instead, we expect snaps themselves to expose proxy settings if they need to direct some application traffic via a proxy\n<Chipaca> Dmitrii-Sh: this is a rather big change of behaviour\n<Dmitrii-Sh> I am open to saying that per-snap global settings should be allowed because some snaps may be primitive in that regard\n<Chipaca> Dmitrii-Sh: are you in SCL next week?\n<Dmitrii-Sh> Chipaca: yes\n<Chipaca> Dmitrii-Sh: ok, talk it over with gustavo and/or mvo\n<Dmitrii-Sh> Chipaca: ok\n<Dmitrii-Sh> Chipaca: I'll just give you an example\n<Dmitrii-Sh> kubectl talks to kubeapi\n<Dmitrii-Sh> if we install it from a snap store via a proxy\n<Dmitrii-Sh> it doesn't mean kubectl should use proxy settings to talk to kubeapi\n<Chipaca> I do understand the use case, I think :)\n<Chipaca> what's there now is very simplistic, and only works on core and not classic\n<Dmitrii-Sh> right :^) in other words it's making only north-south traffic go through a proxy if needed, but leave east-west traffic within the data center unaffected\n<Dmitrii-Sh> north-south - download packages from the internet\n<Dmitrii-Sh> east-west - talk within a DC\n<Chipaca> so, one way to cover that is to expose that config, but skip the 'write /etc/environment' bit\n<Chipaca> on classic i mean\n<Chipaca> if we need the same thing on core then i dunno\n<Chipaca> it also means we need some internal thing with this, which i think we don't currently have\n<Chipaca> that is, i think we rely on the environment for this; we do store the config\n<Chipaca> hm\n<Chipaca> anyway, talk it over with snapd people in SCL\n<Chipaca> it's very doable, once we have a design\n<Chipaca> try to do it early in the week so I  can code it in the second half (i won't be there)\n<Chipaca> :-)\n<Dmitrii-Sh> Chipaca: ok, I'll do my best - a lot of people stumbled upon it in field engineering already\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2374 opened: build providers: destroy on create failures <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2374>\n<mup> PR snapd#6024 closed: tests: new cosmic image for spread tests on gce <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6024>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2370 closed: ant plugin: add support for bases <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2370>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2375 opened: sanity checks: verify that command-chain is not used with legacy adapter <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2375>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2373 closed: rust plugin: add support for bases <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2373>\n#snappy 2018-10-20\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2376 opened: jdk plugin: remove jdk <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2376>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2377 opened: cli: remove disable-parallel-build and geoip toggles <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2377>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2374 closed: build providers: destroy on create failures <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2374>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2376 closed: jdk plugin: remove jdk <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2376>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2375 closed: sanity checks: verify that command-chain is not used with legacy adapter <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2375>\n<mup> PR snapd#6006 closed: tests: move spread-shellcheck to run-checks --static <Created by chipaca> <Closed by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6006>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2377 closed: cli: remove disable-parallel-build and geoip toggles <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2377>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2378 opened: Release chagelog for 3.0 <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2378>\n<ping> Hi, I've a question about using snaps\n<ping> I have two GNU+Linux distros\n<ping> and is there a way to share the snaps between them?\n<ping> for example, storing them in a third SSD which I use to store stuff shared between both\n<ping> I want to do this because I've a very bad internet connection and re-download again the same set of snaps for all my distros is a little problematic\n<mup> PR snapd#6011 closed: Fix import as module by adding go.mod files <Created by ryanjyoder> <Closed by ryanjyoder> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6011>\n<mup> PR snapd#6025 opened: Add go.mod files <Created by ryanjyoder> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6025>\n<mup> PR snapd#6026 opened: cmd/snap: try not to panic on error from \"snap try\" <⚠ Critical> <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6026>\n#snappy 2018-10-21\n<sborovkov> hi, is there an interface that gives permissions to set thread priority / cpu affinity?\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2378 closed: Release chagelog for 3.0 <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2378>\n#snappy 2019-10-14\n<mborzecki> morning\n<zyga> mborzecki: good morning\n<mborzecki> zyga: hey\n<zyga> mborzecki: election results, uuuuh\n<mborzecki> zyga: not a surprise really\n<mvo> hey mborzecki and zyga\n<mborzecki> zyga: i'm happy sejm is more diversified, but wan's really expecting a significant power shift\n<zyga> hey mvo\n<zyga> mborzecki: did you see the new results this morning\n<zyga> mborzecki: pis has almost 50 now\n<mborzecki> mvo: hey\n<mborzecki> zyga: those aren't final yet\n<zyga> mborzecki: exactly :(\n<mup> PR core-build#57 opened: many: drop static files for \"core\" snap from the package <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/57>\n<mvo> mborzecki, zyga: can I get a review for this please? and for https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/83\n<mup> PR core#83: move most of the ubuntu-core config deb into the snap snap build <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/83>\n<mborzecki> mvo: can you take a quick look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7587 ?\n<mvo> without one review from a team member I cannot merge\n<mup> PR #7587: spread: generate delta when using google backend <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7587>\n<mvo> mborzecki: sure\n<zyga> I'll be around in 15\n<mup> PR core-build#48 closed: config: remove static files in etc,lib,usr,var <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/48>\n<zyga> mborzecki: is school cancelled for your kids as well?\n<mup> PR snapd#7587 closed: spread: generate delta when using google backend <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7587>\n<mborzecki> mvo: left some comments under https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/83\n<mup> PR core#83: move most of the ubuntu-core config deb into the snap snap build <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/83>\n<mborzecki> mvo: i suppose it was like this before too\n<mvo> mborzecki: yeah, these files just move in this PR - happy to do a followup with fixes\n<mborzecki> mvo: +1\n<mvo> mborzecki: \\o/\n<mborzecki> mvo: hm the travis job is red anyway\n<mvo> mborzecki: yeah, I need to tweak the ppa:snappy-dev/image archive as right now the builds are fighting over which content is correct\n<mvo> mborzecki: the coresponding one in core-build (57) is what is needed in the ppa to properly build\n<mvo> mborzecki: if you could also please look at https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/57\n<mup> PR core-build#57: many: drop static files for \"core\" snap from the package <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/57>\n<mvo> mborzecki: its the coresponding one for the one you reveiwed before\n<mup> PR core#83 closed: move most of the ubuntu-core config deb into the snap snap build <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/83>\n<zyga> eoan woes :/\n<zyga> moving back to vm\n<pstolowski> mornings\n<mvo> hey pstolowski\n<zyga> hey pawel\n<mup> PR core-build#57 closed: many: drop static files for \"core\" snap from the package <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/57>\n<mup> PR core#107 opened: extra-file: drop restorecon from sshd-host-keygen <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/107>\n<mborzecki> pstolowski: hey\n<mup> PR core#108 opened: extra-files: add /var/home to make snaps work on some distros <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/108>\n<zyga> thanks for that\n<mborzecki> got to run an errand, back in a bit\n<mvo> zyga: my pleasure\n<mup> PR core18#141 opened: static: add /var/home to make snaps work on some distros <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/141>\n<mup> PR snapd#7594 opened: tests: replace \"test-snapd-base-bare\" with real \"bare\" base snap <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7594>\n<mvo> zyga: also https://github.com/snapcore/bare-base/pull/1 (which I think mup is not monitoring yet)\n<mup> PR bare-base#1: Makefile: add /var/home to make snaps work on some distros #141 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/bare-base/pull/1>\n<mborzecki> re\n<zyga> one sec\n<zyga> hmm\n<pstolowski> :\n<mborzecki> mvo: can you take another look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7536 ? it's unclear to me whether we're still missing something there or not\n<mup> PR #7536: gadget: accept system-seed role and ubuntu-data label <Created by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7536>\n<mvo> mborzecki: in a meeting, but happy to do so later\n<mborzecki> mvo:  cool, thanks!\n<Chipaca> zyga: http://whatthecommit.com/index.txt\n<zyga> Chipaca: looking\n<zyga> hello btw :)\n<zyga> Chipaca: will you tell if I uses that :D ?\n<zyga> brb\n<zyga> let me get coffee\n<Chipaca> coffee sounds like a good idea\n<zyga> heh\n<zyga> my woes with eoan on suspend\n<zyga> translate to same woes in vmware on suspend\n<zyga> (vmware suspends VMs to save power if asked to by asking the os to suspend)\n<mup> PR snapd#7595 opened: seed/seedwriter: support writing Core 20 seeds (aka recovery systems) <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7595>\n * zyga runs spread _and_ gets that coffee he wanted\n<mborzecki> do you guys think it's legit to poke snapd api when a snap service is being stoped?\n<ondra> Chipaca I think I found another 20 seconds in first boot :0\n<ondra> Chipaca or more :)\n<pstolowski> ondra: hey, i'm working on pre-baking of firstboot stuff, with the plan to shave off those most expensive ops\n<pstolowski> pedronis: btw i saw your comment to Friday's standup notes, do you have a moment today to discuss?\n<Chipaca> ondra: tell me more :-)\n<ondra> pstolowski sure\n<Chipaca> pstolowski: ondra is finding things we can do that'll help current core16/18 though so as long as it's not disruptive it's good imho\n<ondra> Chipaca reading logs, we are trying to refresh catalogue from store, at very early stage. I'd think this is operation do not need to do pre-seeding\n<ondra> Chipaca it's so early in the boot, we have no network, so it keeps timing out.\n<Chipaca> ondra: you're saying skipping that saves us 20+ seconds?\n<ogra> yeah, snapd really shouldnt assume network ... we have many wlan equipped boards that first need wifi setup\n<ondra> Chipaca in our case there will be never network a this stage ( wireless only net interface, image has no baked in AP credentials)\n<ondra> Chipaca yep\n<pstolowski> ondra: funny you mention this as it's currently erroring/making noise in my pre-baking code (precisely because of no network in the chroot env) and i was about to look at what to do about it\n<Chipaca> ondra: you can trick it to skipping that step fwiw\n<ondra> Chipaca https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/73vXpjW3jf/\n<ondra> pstolowski Chipaca I'd argue that we have not even parsed seed.yaml, what do we actually need to refresh, or what do we expect to gain from it?\n<ondra> Chipaca pstolowski https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3f2ZPHrtmt/\n<ondra> this shaved me 20 seconds and no noise\n<Chipaca> ondra: if you drop in a snapd.service.d file with [Service] ExecStartPre=touch /var/cache/snapd/names, that should have it skip that catalog refresh\n<ondra> pstolowski Chipaca does it sounds like something we can assume?\n<Chipaca> ondra: or that :-)\n<Chipaca> ondra: but, if you do that, can you make seeded trigger a catalog refresh?\n<ondra> Chipaca I was thinking to simply check if we are seeded, and if not, assume this is first boot\n<ondra> Chipaca you mean to trigger refresh after it's seeded?\n<Chipaca> ondra: that would mean no catalogues for the first day of the device\n<Chipaca> ondra: yes, please\n<Chipaca> ondra: it's called \"refresh\" but they don't exist before the first refresh succeeds\n<ondra> Chipaca this is first shot, I'm sure this can be done better way\n<Chipaca> ondra: fair enough\n<ondra> Chipaca but are you sure it works this way? because this refresh cannot succeed for many reasons\n<Chipaca> ondra: right, it failing means it tries again sooner\n<ondra> Chipaca there are no snaps installed, so what is it actually refreshing? if this is brand store it should have no way to access store anyway\n<ondra> Chipaca we only get serial assertion once seeded\n<Chipaca> ondra: right but you're changing code that affects everybody :)\n<ogra> pfft\n<ogra> who cares about the others\n<ondra> Chipaca then let's make it way it works way we want :)\n<ondra> Chipaca this was my first shot to see if I can use seeded as detection of first boot\n<ondra> Chipaca now we need to decide what to do next, ideally I was thinking to schedule refresh in say 10 minutes or something\n<ondra> Chipaca but I think you guys know first boot sequence way better than me, so you might have better idea\n<ogra> does refresh uses deltas ? could we pre-seed it with data at build time so it only needs to do a delta update ?\n<ondra> I do not know if we even know at that point number of snaps we are about to seed, so we can guess delay\n<ondra> ogra what refresh? this pings server before we have any snap installed\n<ondra> at that point, there zero snaps to check for refresh\n<ogra> i thought it queies the store and fills a local db\n<ogra> *queries\n<Chipaca> ogra: catalog refresh is not refresh\n<Chipaca> oh dear looks like i'm lagged\n<ogra> ah, ok\n<ogra> (just thinking about cutting down the amount of data to request and transfer to cut down time)\n<ondra> ogra you want to refresh before you have even first version, ever heard \"trying to run before you can walk\"\n<ondra> :P\n<Chipaca> ondra: so, what we want at some point is to move catalog-refresh to a task, and then trigger that task from the right places/times\n<zyga> mvo: some packaging changes may be needed https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/stop-commands-and-snapd-package-cleanup/13688\n<ondra> Chipaca that sounds good\n<Chipaca> ondra: easy peasy :-p\n<ogra> ondra, no, i want to pre-fill a db and only apply a delta so you dont need the full db data\n<ondra> Chipaca I'd do test boot to see refresh time, because we might trigger refresh when we get serial assertion\n<ondra> ogra I think we do not get db delta, as we are only pulling assertions we care about and relevant to the system\n<Chipaca> ondra: meanwhile your approach is a good step in the right direction. I'd suggest moving the check earlier, even, to where the CanAutoRefresh check is\n<ondra> ogra but I might be wrong\n<ogra> i'm probably tricked by the name \"catalog-refresh\" then :)\n<ondra> Chipaca I was not brave to put it that early, you say it's safe, then indeed better place\n<Chipaca> ondra: putting it super early means it gets to try again every ~5 minutes or so\n<Chipaca> ondra: that's what we want :-)\n<ondra> Chipaca ah yeah indeed that's good one\n<Chipaca> then once seeded it'll do the catalog refresh, and set the next catalog refresh time and back off\n<ondra> Chipaca yep, it seems it triggered refresh once it got serial assertion, even with current change\n<mvo> zyga: packaging change where exactly? in lxd? or snapd?\n<ondra> Chipaca I just did fresh boot with change I had, so we have good trigger post seeding as well\n<ondra> Chipaca OK I will update change based on your suggestion and prepare PR\n<ondra> Chipaca we can then iterate there\n<ondra> Chipaca thanks for help :)\n<Chipaca> ondra: thank you!\n<zyga> mvo: in snapd\n<mborzecki> zyga: mvo: yeah, the situation is puzzling\n<mborzecki> maybe let's talk after/during standup?\n<mborzecki> i guess there's a reason why it's done in postrm and not prerm like other distros\n<mvo> mborzecki: after sounds ok\n<mup> PR core18#141 closed: static: add /var/home to make snaps work on some distros <Created by mvo5> <Merged by sil2100> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/141>\n<ogra> wow, there are distros using /var/home as default ? crazy !\n<Chipaca> ogra: silverblue i think\n<ogra> (i used to do that on servers with /var being the data partition ... but would never have imagined a distro doing this by default)\n * pstolowski lunch\n<mup> PR snapd#7596 opened: Skip catalog refresh on unseeded system <Created by kubiko> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7596>\n<ondra> Chipaca pstolowski https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7596\n<mup> PR #7596: Skip catalog refresh on unseeded system <Created by kubiko> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7596>\n<ondra> pstolowski I also created this PR, to run assertion check in parallel https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7590\n<mup> PR #7590: seed: seed16: run adding snaps in parallel <Needs Samuele review> <Created by kubiko> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7590>\n<zyga> brb\n<zyga> 1\n * zyga needs to leave the house and think\n<zyga> or work anywhere but here\n<zyga> I cannot stand the smell anymore (kitchen nearby)\n<mup> Bug #1650738 changed: Scan network failure error after first reboot <Snappy:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1650738>\n<mup> Bug #1649840 changed: unknown keys in model assertion are silently ignored <Snappy:Won't Fix> <Ubuntu Image:Invalid by sil2100> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1649840>\n<mup> Bug #1651722 changed: Latest candidate snap breaks running snapcraft in classic snap <Snappy:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1651722>\n<abeato> sil2100, hey, did you see my update to https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/ubuntu-image/pull/175 ?\n<mup> PR CanonicalLtd/ubuntu-image#175: Little kernel bootloader support <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/ubuntu-image/pull/175>\n * Chipaca goes for a short walk\n<sil2100> abeato: hey! Yes, let me look at that and action in a bit, I'm on the release sprint right now\n<zyga> mvo: I'm on a slow network, I cannot join the standup with video today\n<zyga> not sure if audio will work, I'll do my best\n<mvo> zyga: no worries\n<abeato> sil2100, cool, take you time, thanks\n<zyga> I cannot connect\n<zyga> Eoan and modem manager :-/\n<mup> Bug #1749538 changed: refresh time docs lacks the correct command <docs> <Snappy:Fix Released by morrisong> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1749538>\n<Chipaca> pedronis: wrt #1659153, I don't think there's a bug beyond the impedance mismatch (which could be alleviated by blocking private+name)\n<mup> Bug #1659153: /v2/find with select=private has different behaviour for queries and name searches <Snappy:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1659153>\n<Chipaca> pedronis: OTOH I'm not sure what store bug you mean :-)\n<Chipaca> pedronis: snap find --name hits the store's 'info' endpoint\n<Chipaca> not the search one\n<mborzecki> mvo: pedronis: ok, added a note in the forum about the prerm thung we agreed on\n<mborzecki> pedronis: can you take another look at claudio's PR https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7536 ? i'm not sure there's more to do there, and if we land it then i could start looking into https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7593\n<mup> PR #7536: gadget: accept system-seed role and ubuntu-data label <Created by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7536>\n<mup> PR #7593: recovery-tool: add sfdisk wrapper <Created by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7593>\n<pedronis> mborzecki: I'll try to look today or tomorrow morning at that PR\n<mborzecki> pedronis: great, thanks!\n<zyga> I managed to somehow connect\n<zyga> at this rate I will run windows with WSL to get a machine that works :|\n * Chipaca sends zyga a raspberry pi\n<mborzecki> zyga: what's wrong with eoan?\n<zyga> mborzecki: suspend resume kills my input\n<zyga> mborzecki: then does something really odd to my modem\n<zyga> ended up powering off\n<zyga> and then powering on\n<zyga> then I can connect\n<zyga> reboot is not good enough\n<zyga> gnome-shell connection menu gets very confused when this happens, so I really reboot out of a habit now\n<mborzecki> zyga: btw. i think i asked abut it already, is the input and modem connected via usb?\n<zyga> mborzecki: I don't know\n<zyga> mvo: packaging question: should /usr/bin/snap be a symbolic link to /usr/lib/snapd/snap?\n<zyga> mvo: in our debian/ubuntu packages\n<rbasak> ANy help with hacking on snapcraft please?\n<zyga> mborzecki: I don't think the touchpad / trackpoint is using usb\n<rbasak> I'm trying to look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/1841861 but a day later I still haven't managed to figure out how to run snapcraft from the source tree :-/\n<mup> Bug #1841861: Python plugins fails to build a snap when some parts depends on unpublished modules <Snapcraft:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1841861>\n<zyga> mborzecki: my knowledge ends at xinput that says:\n<zyga> SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad\n<rbasak> snapcraft seems to have its own plugin discovery and it's a plugin I'm trying to modify\n<zyga> TPPS/2 IBM TrackPoint\n<rbasak> But it's not using PYTHONPATH, and looking in the pip-installed area first.\n<rbasak> (having followed HACKING.md)\n<zyga> kenvandine: ^ actually, do you know how to debug xinput things going away on suspend\n<zyga> kenvandine: on my laptop suspend kills the trackpoint/touchpad until reboot\n<rbasak> And I'm about five levels deep in indirection trying to figure out how to get snapcraft to look in the source tree :-/\n<mvo> zyga: maybe, whats the advantage of doing it?\n<zyga> mvo: /usr/lib/snapd is enough to get all the new binaries\n<zyga> mvo: IIRC we do something like that on core18\n<mborzecki> zyga: hmm same on x250, not listed in lsusb\n<zyga> anyway\n<zyga> back to work\n<ijohnson> rbasak: I think the actual snapcraft devs such as cjp256 and sergiusens are off today, but also note that there is an additional channel for snapcraft specifically #snapcraft\n<rbasak> Joined, thanks!\n<sil2100> abeato: can we get https://snapcraft.io/docs/gadget-snap updated with the new names too?\n<abeato> sil2100, sure, let me edit\n<abeato> sil2100, ah, I thought that was the forum\n<abeato> sil2100, I don't know who needs to change that one\n<sil2100> Ah, the forum one too! I never know which one is the official one in the end\n<mvo> pedronis: do you want to review 7593 or do you think a review from maciej and me will be enough?\n<pedronis> mvo: I probably will not do a deep review, but I should look at it\n<abeato> sil2100, anyway, I've edited the forum one: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/the-gadget-snap/696\n<pedronis> mvo: also is recovery-tool called recovery-tool? shouldn't it be snap-recovery ?\n<pedronis> where will it get installed?\n<pedronis> I asked in the PR itself\n<abeato> ijohnson, hi! do you know where is the latest version of the dpdk/hugepages interfaces?\n<ijohnson> abeato: you mean the one that luke worked/is working on?\n<abeato> yes\n<ijohnson> one minute let me look\n<pedronis> Chipaca: I made a meta-comment in #7589, would like your input\n<abeato> pedronis, fyi I have edited https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/the-gadget-snap/696 , updating the role names for lk partitions as was decided\n<mup> PR #7589: cmd/snap: add ability to register \"snap internal\" commands <Needs Samuele review> <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7589>\n<abeato> ijohnson, k\n<mvo> pedronis: I think snap-recovery is more approprate, yes\n<pedronis> abeato: thank you\n<ijohnson> abeato: last I heard from Luke, https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5885 was up-to-date, I helped him a bit with the dpdk snap here: https://github.com/anonymouse64/dpdk-snap/tree/wip\n<mup> PR #5885: Adding DPDK interface for DPDK Snap <Decaying ☢> <Created by wililupy> <Closed by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5885>\n<ijohnson> err up-to-date insofar as that's all the work Luke had on it, not necessarily that it was complete\n<abeato> ijohnson, ok, thanks for the pointers\n<zyga> Wrapping up for now. Time to eat something\n<sil2100> abeato: merged your PR, thanks again! We should have it in edge soonish\n<sil2100> There's still one thing we want to add before we promote this further\n<sil2100> Hopefully having it in edge will be enough for now?\n<abeato> sil2100, awesome, thank you!\n<abeato> sil2100, sure, no hurry for me\n<kenvandine> zyga: sorry, I was out today for a holiday.  I'll catch up with you in the morning\n<jdstrand> joedborg: hey, I just saw this: 16:03 < joedborg> `[285928.025967] audit: type=1400 audit(1570741250.597:1384598): apparmor=\"DENIED\" operation=\"signal\" profile=\"docker-default\" pid=703 comm=\"kubelet\" requested_mask=\"receive\" denied_mask=\"receive\" signal=kill peer=\"snap.kubernetes-worker.kubelet\"`\n<jdstrand> joedborg: kubelet shouldn't be talking to a 'docker-default' profile, it should be talking to the one that containerd sets up\n<jdstrand> joedborg: oh, I read that backward. why is a docker container sending signals to kubelet?\n<ijohnson> jdstrand: joedborg: I don't remember the specifics, but IIRC the child profile (i.e. the container) needs to signal to the parent that it is done, I think that's something runC does\n<ijohnson> also welcome back jdstrand :-)\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: thanks, right, but the kubernetes-worker snap has a containerd with a different profile name than 'docker-default', so I'm confused why a profile named 'docker-default' is in play at all\n<jdstrand> joedborg: eff, I am a little slow today. that denial says that a process running under a 'docker-default' profile name was sent 'kill' by snap.kubernetes-worker.kubelet, and that was blocked because the docker-default profile doesn't allow receiving signals from snap.kubernetes-worker.kubelet\n<jdstrand> erf*\n<jdstrand> joedborg: so, why is kubelet talking to a container running under the 'docker-default' profile? the snap should be configured for it to talk to a containerd profile\n<ijohnson> jdstrand, well regardless of why it's named docker-default, the container is only allowed to transition to a docker-default profile from `docker-support` interface or to the `systemd-run` one from `k8s-support` interface if I'm reading those correctly\n<ijohnson> jdstrand: so if it started running under containerd-default we would have to change the apparmor transition rules wouldn't we?\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: the interfaces were adjusted for this before I left and there were no denials and no docker-default profiles on the system. I'm wondering what has changed. like, did something get dropped from the snap packaging? is the packaging moving to docker instead of containerd? something else?\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: ie:\n<jdstrand> # defaults for containerd\n<jdstrand> change_profile unsafe /** -> cri-containerd.apparmor.d,\n<jdstrand> signal (send) peer=cri-containerd.apparmor.d,\n<jdstrand> ptrace (read, trace) peer=cri-containerd.apparmor.d,\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: it all worked fine. this is for kubelet to *send* signals. the denial is about the container to *receive* them though\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: and there were patches to cri-containerd.apparmor.d in the kubernetes-worker package to allow this\n<jdstrand> (and for said profile to be named 'cri-containerd.apparmor.d', not 'docker-default'\n<jdstrand> )\n<jdstrand> so I'm confused why 'docker-default' is the profile name\n<jdstrand> the snap wasn't changed in 17 days according to github. I need more context from joedborg\n * jdstrand wonders if the control plane has a mix of docker and containerd. that would be weird...\n<joedborg> Hey jdstrand can we pick it up tomorrow please? I’ve got today off.  The eks-support branch in GitHub is up to date but I don’t think it’s very relevant\n<jdstrand> joedborg: yes, of course :)\n<jdstrand> joedborg: enjoy the rest of the day :)\n<joedborg> jdstrand: thanks :) I think it’s an issue of stuff in containerd still being constructed by apparmor\n<joedborg> That docker signal may be a red herring\n<joedborg> Constricted *\n<jdstrand> joedborg: well, kubelet shouldn't be sending a signal to anything with a 'docker-default' profile name when containerd is spinning up containers under the cri-containerd.apparmor.d profile\n<jdstrand> joedborg: unless there is an external docker that is spinning up stuff and the CP is telling kubelet to work with that container.\n<jdstrand> there are other things that could be wrong. we can look tomorrow\n<joedborg> jdstrand: yeah you might well be right as it’s a brown field deployment.  I’ll take a look in the AM and circle back.  Hope you had a good vacation btw\n<ijohnson> jdstrand: hmm I guess I never noticed that new containerd transition in docker-support, I only looked at kubernetes-support interface, it's still a bit confusing to me why certain things are in docker-support and not kubernetes-support when the docker snap doesn't use those things\n<ijohnson> jdstrand: anyways, for the docker snap specifically, the docker-default profile isn't persistent, it's just created in /tmp somewhere, loaded into the kernel and then the file is deleted, so it wouldn't show up anywhere in the normal apparmor packaging dirs\n<ijohnson> jdstrand: but anyways anyways I'll let you take care of this, as I haven't actually built this kubernetes snap and am just theorizing about everything\n<jdstrand> joedborg: thanks, it was great\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: yeah, I'm familiar with the way docker does things these days, but 'aa-status' would show it since the profile need to be loaded into the kernel for a process to be running under that profile. thanks\n<ijohnson> yes aa-status would still show it that's correct, I assumed you meant no docker-default profiles on the filesystem, sorry\n<jdstrand> no worries at all :)\n<mup> PR snapd#7597 opened: overlord/snapstate: add LastActiveDisabledServices, ComputeMissingDisabledServices <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7597>\n<mup> PR snapd#7598 opened: test/lib/names.sh: make backslash escaping explicit <Simple 😃> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7598>\n#snappy 2019-10-15\n<mup> PR snapd#7598 closed: test/lib/names.sh: make backslash escaping explicit <Simple 😃> <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7598>\n<mborzecki> morning\n<mvo> mborzecki: good morning\n<mborzecki> yay 7536 landed :P\n<mup> PR snapd#7536 closed: gadget: accept system-seed role and ubuntu-data label <Created by cmatsuoka> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7536>\n<mborzecki> mvo: thanks!\n<mvo> mborzecki: yes, finally :)\n<mborzecki> i've updated #7593\n<mup> PR #7593: recovery-tool: add sfdisk wrapper <Created by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7593>\n<mborzecki> and there are some comments from zyga too\n<mborzecki> hmm, new kernel, i better reboot\n<mborzecki> brb\n<mborzecki> and back on 5.3.6 kernel\n<mup> PR snapd#7599 opened: gadget: refactor ensureVolumeConsistency <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7599>\n<pstolowski> morning\n<mvo> pstolowski: hey, good morning!\n<mborzecki> pstolowski: hey\n<zyga> hello?\n<zyga> is this thing on?\n<zyga> I think I connected now\n<zyga> sorry for starting late, lucy was sleeping hugging me all the time and got grumpy the second I tried to put her to bed\n<mborzecki> zyga: hey\n<zyga> mborzecki: hey, question on how to proceed for you\n<zyga> mborzecki: I removed the guts of snap-update-ns so that I can create other tools with the same logic\n<zyga> mborzecki: I moved it to system/mount for lack of a better name\n<zyga> mborzecki: some bits can go to sandbox/cgroup\n<zyga> mborzecki: but most has no good place to go\n<zyga> mborzecki: ideas?\n<zyga> mborzecki: I'm mainly after plan-writable-mimic and execute-writable-mimic\n<zyga> mborzecki: this pulls in change, assumptions, restrictions and tresspassing\n<zyga> mborzecki: along with loads of tests\n<mborzecki> mvo: i'm looking at 7593, perhaps our consistency checks are too strict, in particular the len(volumes) != 0 only counts when constraints are used, but once there's a system-seed structure defines and SsytemSeed is not true, then we bail out, why not allow this case?\n<mborzecki> zyga: that's part of mount related logic though?\n<mborzecki> zyga: or hmm we call it namespace (or whatnot) often\n<zyga> mborzecki: mainly yes\n<mborzecki> zyga: system/mount/namespace?\n<zyga> mborzecki: I'd go for system/mount really, it would help abbreviate the API names and would look nice\n<zyga> mount.Change\n<zyga> mount.Assumptions\n<zyga> mount.Restrictions\n<zyga> etc\n<mborzecki> system/mounts stgm too\n<zyga> though\n<zyga> my main question is: can we use main :)\n<zyga> er\n<zyga> system/\n<zyga> or is that too vague\n<zyga> I want to have this because otherwise debugging some issues is very hard\n<zyga> and having an interactive tool where you can do stuff is very useful to understand things misbehaving\n<zyga> and sadly it's forbidden to import from \"main\" packages\n<mborzecki> zyga: hm we have osutil which kind of is system like already, and there's some mount related stuff in there too\n<zyga> mborzecki: yeah but any existing package may trigger import loops\n<mborzecki> zyga: osutil/mount ?\n<zyga> I can tryt\n<zyga> *try\n<zyga> let's see if that works\n<zyga> mborzecki: do you know if go has some rules on what is in a binary\n<zyga> if there's a package foo/bar\n<zyga> and I use only bar.Symbol\n<zyga> does it include all of foo?\n<mborzecki> zyga: no, bar is bar, foor is foo\n<zyga> mborzecki: so foo does _not_ bloat a binary using bar?\n<zyga> mborzecki: and the reverse case?\n<zyga> mborzecki: is presence of foo/bar affecting a binary that only uses symbols from foo?\n<mborzecki> zyga: same, no effect unless you import it, or it's imported internally\n<mborzecki> zyga: or you created an import loop :P\n<zyga> ok, let's give it a try\n<mborzecki> mvo: simply put, if i have a gadget yaml with system-seed and system-data, and use an empty ModelConstraints (just want to have consistency checked), this will error out\n<mvo> mborzecki: I need to look, could you please add a note in the PR? maybe we are too strict .) it seems like the refactor helped to reason about this easier\n<mvo> mborzecki: I'm in the middle of 7593 right now\n<mborzecki> mvo: ah ok, started to play with thhis code too, i'll leave a comment in the PR then\n<mvo> mborzecki: or feel free to propose a pr on top if you feel this should be ok, either way is fine with me :)\n<mvo> ackk: hey, in snapd 2.42 we improved the fuse performance in lxd, I heard maas is using this a lot, did you see improvements?\n<Chipaca> 👋\n<zyga> hello Chipaca\n<zyga> mborzecki: the easy branch https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7600\n<mup> PR #7600: sandbox/cgroup: move freeze/thaw code <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7600>\n<mup> PR snapd#7600 opened: sandbox/cgroup: move freeze/thaw code <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7600>\n<Chipaca> pedronis: 👋\n<Chipaca> pedronis: did you see my question about the quotes in the repair script?\n<pedronis> yes, but I didn't understand it\n<pedronis> maybe mvo does\n<Chipaca> pedronis: you didn't understand the question, or the origin of the quotes? :)\n<mvo> Chipaca: good morning! I did not see the quotes at all\n<mvo> Chipaca: oh, fun!\n<Chipaca> mvo: snap known --remote repair brand-id=canonical repair-id=1\n<Chipaca> mvo: the script has typographic quotes\n<pedronis> Chipaca: I think it's copying from a gdoc\n<mvo> Chipaca: haha - I see it now\n<Chipaca> mvo: that might be intentional, but I doubt it\n<pedronis> that did that\n<mvo> Chipaca: yeah, it was not\n<Chipaca> yeah, that would do it\n<mvo> Chipaca: we need to improve the way we sign assertions\n<mvo> Chipaca: or let assertion sign :)\n<mvo> Chipaca: THANKS for spotting this\n<Chipaca> it's silly that I worry about this, but I worry because although \"echo\" doesn't care, there's not a lot more that is as amicable\n<mvo> Chipaca: oh, totally\n<mvo> Chipaca: we need to improve our process here\n<Chipaca> that's all i needed to hear to stop worrying about it :-)\n<mvo> Chipaca: I'm editing a gdoc now so that we don't use gdocs for this :)\n<mborzecki> mvo: added a bunch of comments in #7593, i think some relate to how the seed/recovery is supposed to work, can you take a look and maybe we could discuss that with whoever is interested before/after the standup?\n<mup> PR #7593: recovery-tool: add sfdisk wrapper <Created by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7593>\n<zyga> mborzecki: I'm stuck\n<zyga> mborzecki: the challenge is as follows:\n<zyga> mborzecki: there's lots of tailored mocking going on\n<zyga> mborzecki: in osutil/ snap-update-ns and now in osutil/mount\n<zyga> mborzecki: then there's the general mocking all syscalls that are used in snap-update-ns\n<zyga> mborzecki: if you try to reconcile all of that it's a big mess\n<zyga> mborzecki: thinking about it, I see the following way forward and perhaps out of the problem as well\n<zyga> mborzecki: we can make a new package syscalls/ that has just the system calls and a means to mock them\n<zyga> mborzecki: as things move out of snap-update-ns, they get updated to use this package over the private mocking code used locally\n<zyga> mborzecki: then some parts of snap-update-ns, for example all the mk{dir,file,symlink} and openpath code move to osutil/\n<zyga> (or osutil/mk... if that helps to scope it)\n<zyga> mborzecki: while the real essence of mount, like secure bind mount, mimic logic, can move to osutil/mount\n<zyga> or even osutil/mimic\n<zyga> mborzecki: moving everything in bulk might help in the short term\n<zyga> mborzecki: but won't change how those things are messy internally when considered along with the rest of osutil\n<mborzecki> heh, if you move some of the calls to osutil there's probably going to be some funky import dependencies\n<zyga> mborzecki: there already are, much of the code uses osutil already\n<zyga> mborzecki: how would you feel about the syscalls package?\n<zyga> mborzecki: the public API would be various system calls\n<zyga> mborzecki: and a means to mock them all (e.g. with the recorder already present in another package)\n<mborzecki> zyga: there's stdlib syscalls already, could those wrappers just live in osutil instead?\n<zyga> mborzecki: yes but I'd like them not to\n<zyga> osutils is already kind of large\n<zyga> but most importantly it already has a number of them and some mocking\n<zyga> mborzecki: (mock-this, mock-that, not in general)\n<zyga> mborzecki: the idea is that eventually, over time, code could move to use the new pakcage\n<zyga> and drop its own mocking\n<zyga> mborzecki: this is why I think a new package would help\n<zyga> mborzecki: if we move them over to osutil right now you will see a number of separate mocking systems that need to be reconciled\n<mborzecki> zyga: osutils/syscalls? with a godoc that 'here lie the syscalls we can mock' ? :)\n<zyga> :D\n<zyga> mborzecki: that works for me\n<zyga> mborzecki: importantly, mock in bulk\n<zyga> not one by one\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: osutil/sys\n<Chipaca> ?\n<mborzecki> right, avoids a name clash with stdlib's syscalls\n<ogra> would gadgets on top of debian work or is there any special-casing-code that only allows them on ubuntu classic ?\n<zyga> Chipaca: would you prefer if this was in osutil/sys?\n<zyga> brb\n<Chipaca> zyga: i'm not sure quite what you're asking, but, probably? the difference between osutil/syscall[s] and the existing osutil/sys escapes me\n<pedronis> zyga: what are the changes to snap-update-ns about ?\n<zyga> pedronis: being able to expose the internals for interactive debugging\n<pedronis> zyga: what's the context? are you chasing a bug?\n<zyga> Yes, correct.\n<pedronis> which one?\n<zyga> I did that yesterday and thought that some of those could land\n<zyga> Not all changes are easy though\n<pedronis> zyga: I fear I still don't have enough context, maybe you need to propose the mess as is, and I can look what to do with it\n<pedronis> when I have a bit of time\n<zyga> I think some bits are easier than others but the main value already exists. In a branch I can build mimic-tool to experiment and see where the kernel behavior is coming from\n<pedronis> zyga: still no context\n<zyga> Finishing breakfast, I’ll be back soon\n<mvo> mborzecki: I addressed a bunch of your comments in 7593, I am looking into using \"-apend\" now\n<mborzecki> mvo:  thanks! btw. that's an interesting find about blockdev\n<mvo> mborzecki: thank you for pointing this out!\n<mvo> mborzecki: blockdev seems to be part of busybox fwiw\n<mborzecki> mvo: ah, that makes sens\n<mvo> mborzecki: also thanks for the comment about -apend, I was wondering about this myself but wasn't aware of -append :)\n<mup> PR snapd#7601 opened: overlord/ifacestate: use SetupMany in setupSecurityByBackend <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7601>\n<pedronis> mborzecki: what's the status of #7079, is it being absorbed by the snap-recovery work?\n<mup> PR #7079: [RFC] cmd/snap-image: tool for building UC images <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7079>\n<mborzecki> pedronis: not really, parts of it probably affected snap recovery work, but iirc claudio did not pull in any patches directly\n<pedronis> mvo: are we going to do a 2.42.1 ?  mvo, pstolowski: when should we try to land #7092, it's unblocked now?\n<mup> PR #7092: packaging: use snapd type and snapcraft 3.x <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7092>\n<mborzecki> pedronis: though, the sfdisk parts should be consolidated into the gadget package since we alredy have some code there\n<pedronis> mborzecki: it sounds like we would redo it on top of the recovery work at this point, no?\n<pedronis> should it be closed?\n<mborzecki> pedronis: other than that, the tools are run in different environment and differnt part of the cycle\n<mborzecki> pedronis: i can close it for now and we can discuss what to do witht he tool separately\n<pedronis> ok, sounds good\n<pedronis> mborzecki: to be clear, the medium term plan is still for ubuntu-image to be a thin wrapper around snapd code, but I don't we want to land two codebases doing partions into snapd, we probably want to get to one codebase surface maybe in two slightly diffferent ways\n<mup> PR snapd#7079 closed: [RFC] cmd/snap-image: tool for building UC images <Created by bboozzoo> <Closed by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7079>\n<pstolowski> pedronis: yes i think we should land 7092. going to deconflict it\n * Chipaca brb\n<mvo> mborzecki: I think 7593 is good for now, I want to do a followup with some real sfdisk tests but that will probably become quite a bit bigger\n<mborzecki> mvo: do you think it'd make sense to move the code that creates a LaidOutVolume out of sfdisk dump into gadget/partition.go ?\n<mup> PR snapd#7222 closed: tests: show just the last log as part of the debug output when check journal logs <Simple 😃> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Closed by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7222>\n<pedronis> mvo: mborzecki: volmgr is a strange name, it makes one think LVM\n<ogra> makes me think of androids vold ... :)\n<zyga> Voldmgrd\n<zyga> ;-)\n<ogra> pedronis, do you knwo off the top of your head if it is seamlessly possible to use gadget snaps on debian systems (i.e. to attach to a brand store or add certain interfaces)  or does snapd currently restrict this to ubuntu systems ?\n<mvo> pedronis: we could move it to osutil/fdisk ?\n<mup> PR snapd#7600 closed: sandbox/cgroup: move freeze/thaw code <Created by zyga> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7600>\n<pedronis> mvo: probably not osutil given it uses types from gadget\n<pedronis> it could be under gadget\n<mvo> pedronis: good point\n<mvo> pedronis: or just cmd/snap-recovery/fdisk ?\n<pedronis> that's fine too\n<pedronis> mostly against the volume manager terminology\n<mvo> pedronis: cool, I will rename to fdisk for now, I think it will later grow luks and stuff but even that seems to be ok to put under fdisk\n<pedronis> mvo: gadget/partition ?\n<pedronis> (I'm fine with fdisk as well)\n<mvo> pedronis: yeah, partition works for me, shall I keep it under cmd/snap-repair for now or do you prefer gagdet?\n<pedronis> mvo: as your prefer, discuss with mborzecki\n<mvo> pedronis: thanks, will do\n<pstolowski> got ubuntu-core-18-64:tests/core18/snapd-failover failure in one of my PRs: 2019-10-15T10:05:40Z INFO Waiting for restart...\n<pstolowski> error: cannot perform the following tasks:\n<pstolowski> - Mount snap \"snapd\" (unset) (remove /etc/systemd/system/snap-snapd-x2.mount: no such file or directory)\n<pstolowski> - Automatically connect eligible plugs and slots of snap \"snapd\" (there was a snapd rollback across the restart)\n<mup> Bug #1835024 changed: Links triggered within most snap apps open in a separate browser session <snapd:Incomplete> <xdg-utils (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1835024>\n<mup> Bug #1801201 changed: Installed snap icons missing if using pixmap <Snapcraft:New> <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1801201>\n<mup> Bug #1809729 changed: Removing a snap triggers 'Starting scheduled backup' notification <amd64> <apport-bug> <cosmic> <third-party-packages> <udev> <wayland-session> <snapd:Triaged> <deja-dup (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1809729>\n<mup> Bug #1773416 changed: Interface from Thunderbird/Firefox to LibreOffice/VLC <snapd-interface> <snapd:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1773416>\n<mup> Bug #1797745 changed: \"ln: failed to create symbolic link\" in deepin 15.7 <Snappy:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1797745>\n<zyga> it is frustrating when lxd and snapd use different bug trackers\n<zyga> and that launchpad does not automatically ping-back the other bug when an URL is mentioned.\n<zyga> stgraber: hello, could you kindly look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1773044 and if appropriate, convert it to an LXD bug on github please.\n<mup> Bug #1773044: Can't get snap gui apps (notepadqq and firefox) to run in LXD/LXC container <Snappy:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1773044>\n<mup> Bug #1773044 changed: Can't get snap gui apps (notepadqq and firefox) to run in LXD/LXC container <Snappy:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1773044>\n<stgraber> zyga: doesn't look like a bug, just misconfiguration by the user. I suspect they've bind-mounted the X11 socket which works fine for everything but snaps as snaps need the abstract Unix socket instead\n<mup> Bug #1763071 changed: Error message installing a paid snap as unauthenticated user <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1763071>\n<mup> Bug #1765979 changed: snap applications icons missing in launcher wayland <wayland> <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1765979>\n<mup> Bug #1766079 changed: ripgrep installed via snap fail to work in /lib/systemd/system folder <Snappy:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1766079>\n<Eighth_Doctor> zyga: I kind of wish that snapd didn't use launchpad as the bug tracker\n<Chipaca> diddledan: Dear Tea., … ?\n<Eighth_Doctor> it's surprisingly difficult to locate bugs in launchpad\n<zyga> Eighth_Doctor: that makes 1002 of us\n<zyga> Eighth_Doctor: at least we're looking now :)\n<zyga> Eighth_Doctor: progress!\n<Eighth_Doctor> yeah\n<Eighth_Doctor> the only really useful feature of launchpad is multi-tracker aggregation\n<Eighth_Doctor> that's actually a powerful feature if it worked more...\n<mup> Bug #1758465 changed: snapd doesn't upgrade on bionic when a local installed snap mount is failing <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1758465>\n<diddledan> hmm?\n<Chipaca> diddledan: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/need-to-add-our-product/13694?u=chipaca\n<diddledan> aha\n<diddledan> yeah, I think they missed an M\n<Eighth_Doctor> zyga: but does this mean I need to clone rhbz bugs to LP to get them fixed? ☹️\n<zyga> Eighth_Doctor: why would you do that?\n<zyga> ah\n<zyga> I see\n<zyga> are you saying that we should look at RHBZ bugs as well?\n<Eighth_Doctor> yes\n<mup> Bug #1750856 changed: snapd on s390x tried to run locationd tests, which does not exist on s390x <britney:Fix Released> <Snappy:Fix Released> <snapd (Ubuntu):In Progress> <snapd (Ubuntu Bionic):In Progress> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1750856>\n<mup> Bug #1752916 changed: Desktop interface should allow accessing to recent files and xdg dirs <snapd-interface> <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1752916>\n<Eighth_Doctor> I've been doing some of the triage for a while now, but if there's an actual code problem, it's a bit difficult to escalate because I don't know how to get people's attention on it\n<Chipaca> zyga: we do look at ubuntu/+source/snapd bugs, so why not rhbz bugs?\n<zyga> mvo: could you kindly check if the bionic task of this bug is still valid https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1750856\n<mup> Bug #1750856: snapd on s390x tried to run locationd tests, which does not exist on s390x <britney:Fix Released> <Snappy:Fix Released> <snapd (Ubuntu):In Progress> <snapd (Ubuntu Bionic):In Progress> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1750856>\n<zyga> Chipaca: I agree, it's just a matter of manpower and gardening the mess first\n<zyga> Eighth_Doctor: we have a recurring triage work, at some point we'll run out of overflowing NEW bugs and can look at existing bugs\n<zyga> Eighth_Doctor: can you point me to the list of snapd bugs in RH bugzilla please\n<zyga> Eighth_Doctor: I'll add that to our laundry list\n<Eighth_Doctor> http://bugz.fedoraproject.org/snapd\n<Eighth_Doctor> I need to write a script to mass-close all these SELinux bugs\n<diddledan> WONTFIX :-p\n<Eighth_Doctor> I'm pretty sure a large chunk of those are from before the policy rewrite that mborzecki did in May\n<Chipaca> how do we feel about snaps that tell users to do things that could easily trick them to run things unconfined?\n<mup> Bug #1748510 changed: shell's test gives false positive on readability of files <Snappy:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1748510>\n<zyga> Chipaca: RUN THIS SNAP WITHOUT PESKY ERRORS WITH THIS ONE TRICK\n<diddledan> Chipaca: that sounds dirty\n<diddledan> zyga: you'll never believe what happens next\n<zyga> diddledan: I know, I know\n<Eighth_Doctor> zyga: protip, all Fedora packages actually have a BugURL property set on them ;)\n<zyga> sudo wget | sh\n<Chipaca> 'loopchain' (brought to my attention by requesting a track) is like this\n<zyga> it's always like tat\n<zyga> *that\n<diddledan> love those instructions appearing everywhere because macOS\n<Eighth_Doctor> `rpm --query --queryformat \"%{BUGURL}\" snapd`\n<Chipaca> it doesn't seem to be immediately bad, but it makes me feel a little uncomfortable\n<Chipaca> \"to install, first snap install this, then apt install rabbitmq, then run thesnap.init, then run the scripts it wrote in $SNAP_COMMON\n<Chipaca> \"\n<Eighth_Doctor> zyga: thankfully all these Fedora 29 bugs go away when F29 EOLs next month\n * Chipaca would NOPE out of that really fast, but some users are perseverant... \n<diddledan> or \"run `$(thesnap.init)`\n<mup> Bug #1747200 changed: console conf crashes on dragonboard <subiquity:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1747200>\n<Chipaca> diddledan: sudo $(thesnap.ok)\n<Eighth_Doctor> Chipaca: you didn't think snaps would actually stop people from doing dumb things, did you? 😶\n<zyga> Eighth_Doctor: that's a bit annoying on the user side but that's very convenient for the developer side :)\n<zyga> diddledan: they will all need to change to curl | zsh\n<Eighth_Doctor> well, it's the only way I maintained my sanity with snapd bugs\n<zyga> and sudo won't help since macos is locked down more than ever now\n<Eighth_Doctor> macOS has become an annoying platform to be a developer on\n<Chipaca> Eighth_Doctor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TL0dfzK3Aqs\n<diddledan> love that song\n<Eighth_Doctor> it's a good song\n<Eighth_Doctor> and very appropriate here\n<Chipaca> BUT THE SUDO COMES AT NIGHT\n<mborzecki> Eighth_Doctor: i'm quite sure there's still a bunch of things popping up when installing snaps :/\n<zyga> is lxd security.nesting enabling nested apparmor?\n<mup> Bug #1744584 changed: Exclude Snap .cache from Dejadup backups <Déjà Dup:Fix Released> <Snappy:Invalid> <deja-dup (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1744584>\n<Eighth_Doctor> yeah\n<Eighth_Doctor> it's a lot less nowadays, thankfully\n<Eighth_Doctor> and some of the warnings I don't want to fix\n<mborzecki> Eighth_Doctor: i should try installing some snaps on my wife's lapotp to catch them all :P\n<Eighth_Doctor> there are cases where it's actually bad behavior it's blocking, and I'm okay with the denial status\n<mvo> zyga: sure, done\n<Eighth_Doctor> mborzecki: the issue right now is that Silverblue users are upset that snaps using the \"home\" perm fail to start because of `/var/home`\n<Eighth_Doctor> there's a symlink for `/home` to `/var/home`, but that isn't enough for snapd, I guess\n<zyga> mvo: thank you\n<zyga> Eighth_Doctor: there's been some patches to make /var/home work already\n<zyga> Eighth_Doctor: though we obviously lack the full test\n<Eighth_Doctor> zyga: oh cool, can I cherry-pick that into 2.42 release for Fedora?\n<zyga> Eighth_Doctor: it's not the full fix yet, just initial patches\n<Eighth_Doctor> I haven't pushed it yet because this bug just came up as I started working on it\n<zyga> Eighth_Doctor: base snaps will have /var/home so we can start binding onto it\n<Eighth_Doctor> ah, I see\n<Eighth_Doctor> we'll need to keep that in mind for fedora base as well\n<mup> Bug #1732494 changed: Impossible to manage package after Trusty --> Xenial upgrade <apport-bug> <i386> <third-party-packages> <xenial> <snapd:New> <snapd (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1732494>\n<zyga> mvo: do you have access to launchpad.net/snapd project description?\n<zyga> mvo: it would be good to change the first line\n<zyga> mvo: now it reads \"code hosted at URL\"\n<zyga> mvo: but if you re-assign bugs between projects all you get is \"code hosted at\" period\n<zyga> mvo: we could change it to say something nice, like \"snapd is the best way to manage snap packages\" :)\n<mvo> zyga: updted\n<zyga> mvo: super, thank you\n<zyga> can you edit again to replace the word \"snap ...\" with snaps\n<zyga> the message gets cut off at \"snap\"\n<mup> Bug #1647333 changed: adduser misses extrausers support for group management <patch> <snapd:New> <adduser (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <shadow (Ubuntu):In Progress by ogra> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1647333>\n<zyga> sorry :)\n<mvo> zyga: done\n<zyga> haha, now it says: the best way to manage snaps. Code\\n\n<zyga> and that's all :D\n<zyga> oh well, it's good enough\n<ogra> \"a good enough way to manage snaps\" ?\n<mup> Bug #1662452 changed: snap install squid-gary failed on Ubuntu Core <snapd:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1662452>\n * Chipaca breaks all the tests again\n<zyga> where are ubuntu-image bugs reported?\n<zyga> ogra: \"a good enough way to\"\n<zyga> mborzecki: do you know? ^\n<mborzecki> zyga: lp? or github project maybe\n<Chipaca> zyga: snaps@canonical.com ?\n<mborzecki> zyga: https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/ubuntu-image/ ?\n<zyga> thanks\n<Chipaca> popey: does email to that address reach you?\n<Chipaca> or who?\n<mborzecki> zyga: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-image apaprently\n<zyga> wait\n<zyga> no issues there\n<popey> Chipaca: no, mvo\n<zyga> oh the horror\n<zyga> thanks\n<mborzecki> zyga: yeah, there's this message that points to LP\n<Chipaca> zyga: it has no bugs! \\o/\n<zyga> Chipaca: I wish it was easier to find :)\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: no reported bugs :P\n<zyga> Chipaca: ship it!\n * Chipaca ships everyone with everyone\n<popey> Chipaca: i lamented this back in malta\n<zyga> Chipaca: do you remember when I first wanted to join the team\n<zyga> Chipaca: I was supposed to create ubuntu-image\n<zyga> Chipaca: and maybe help with \"resources\" aka \"capabilities\" aka \"skills\"\n<Chipaca> zyga: my memory is a two-week round-robin database\n<zyga> Chipaca: what?\n<zyga> ;-)\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: journalctl --vacuum-time=2w ? :P\n<zyga> <gif of hampster on a treadmill>\n<mup> Bug #1649839 changed: unknown snap and snapd version when image created via ubuntu-image <Ubuntu Image:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1649839>\n<mup> Bug #1655060 changed: snapcraft doesn't support the dbus daemon type <Snapcraft:New> <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1655060>\n<Chipaca> actually it's more like rrdtool but close enough\n<Chipaca> popey: was your lament about the fact that the email is there, or that it only goes to the m of the v.o.?\n<popey> both\n<popey> it should go to a project github page, or home page\n<popey> see lxd for the pinnacle of snapcraft store pages\n<mup> Bug #1655593 changed: chattr code (tests/main/chattr/task.yaml) fails on ppc64el <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1655593>\n<mup> Bug #1659523 changed: console-conf doesn't work well if using screen on Mac <subiquity:New for wangliming> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1659523>\n<zyga> mvo: can we put the snapcraft logo on snapd?\n<Chipaca> mvo: WDYT about having snaps@c.c also go to advocacy?\n<diddledan> zyga: that's far too sensible\n<Chipaca> mvo: and, WDYT about pointing ubuntu-image's contact to something better than an email address?\n<Chipaca> zyga: the snapcraft logo but in asciiart\n<zyga> Chipaca: in black and white\n<zyga> maybe that's too sad though\n<Chipaca> we have one of those\n<Chipaca> nah, sad is grey on grey\n<Chipaca> or is that depression\n<cachio> mborzecki, hey\n<mup> Bug #1679739 changed: System-User Assertions and the system time <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1679739>\n<mup> Bug #1683823 changed: snapstore returns multiple instances of the same publication (was snapcraft list-revisions showing multiple publications in the same channel) <apw-snappy> <Snapcraft:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1683823>\n<cachio> mborzecki, I m with the #7551\n<mup> PR #7551: tests: fix the how the systemd-journald.service is restarted during the prepare <Simple 😃> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7551>\n<ogra> Chipaca, isnt u-image foundations child now ?\n<Chipaca> ogra: je ne sais pas, je ne sais plus, je suis perdu, etc\n<zyga> pedronis: something for your awareness: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1679739 -- perhaps assertions should be loaded and only re-validated (and actually take effect) once we have system time synchronized\n<mup> Bug #1679739: System-User Assertions and the system time <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1679739>\n<mborzecki> cachio: do you have more details about those journal failures?\n<cachio> mborzecki, yes\n<mborzecki> cachio: i have a hunch that it's the stop that fails\n<cachio> mborzecki, basically what happens with restart\n<cachio> is that it stops\n<cachio> but sometimes it makes a flush\n<cachio> during stop\n<cachio> and while it is flushing\n<mup> Bug #1679210 changed: snap install --revision tracks stable by default <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1679210>\n<cachio> it tries to start\n<cachio> and it can't\n<mborzecki> yeah, probably when there's a lot of data bc snapd is chatty with debugs enabled\n<cachio> so retries many times until it reaches the starts limit\n<mborzecki> cachio: w8, so it didn't stop, is still flushing and nother journald instance starts up?\n<cachio> and fails\n<cachio> mborzecki, it doesn't finish the stop and it is trying to start\n<mborzecki> wow\n<cachio> mborzecki, if you see the log there, the error is Active: failed (Result: start-limit-hit) since Thu 2019-10-03\n<cachio> mborzecki, it is just happening on core18 and sometimes on core16\n<cachio> I could not reproduce is on classic\n<cachio> mborzecki, I am creating a debug session now\n<zyga> what on earth is \"ubuntu-snappy\" source package\n<cjwatson> Old name for the snapd source package\n<zyga> ah\n<mup> Bug #1657552 changed: [spread] install-sideload:reexec0 failure <Snappy:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1657552>\n<mup> Bug #1662772 changed: systemd[1]: Failed to start Set the hostname to the value stored on the writable partition <snappy-set-hostname.service> <Snappy:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1662772>\n<ogra> zyga, dont kill it in case you want to go back to a python based snapd :P\n<zyga> ogra: maybe one day we can snap install snapd0 ;)\n<ogra> haha\n<mup> Bug #1684343 changed: For candicate release is appearing on dragonboard the message \"ERROR hal_remove_bsskey response failed err\" <subiquity:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1684343>\n<mup> Bug #1671778 changed: failover:emptysystemd test fails <Snappy:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1671778>\n<mup> Bug #1679432 changed: Bluetooth SCO connections don't work on Dragonboard 410c <Snappy:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1679432>\n<mup> Bug #1679747 changed: Cannot send bluetooth SCO packets with Raspberry Pi 3 internal bluetooth module. <Snappy:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1679747>\n * pstolowski lunch\n<mup> Bug #1666690 changed: Dependency issues when sharing a library through content interface <personal> <Canonical System Image:New> <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1666690>\n<mup> Bug #1705985 changed: snaps fail to install on juju1 deployed lxc container <canonical-bootstack> <snapd:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1705985>\n<zyga> kenvandine: hello, could you please enqueue this bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1661626 -- there's some things related to gsettings and dbus signal for notification on changes. I could use some help in understanding how the desktop stack works in this area.\n<mup> Bug #1661626: GSettings/dconf reports incorrect values on setting change under confinement <desktop> <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1661626>\n<mup> Bug #1661626 changed: GSettings/dconf reports incorrect values on setting change under confinement <desktop> <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1661626>\n<mup> Bug #1662962 changed: 'snap find' does not allow channel specification <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1662962>\n<mup> Bug #1665683 changed: Strictly confined snapped desktop applications can't toggle Launch at Login <isv> <snapd:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1665683>\n<mup> Bug #1689302 changed: Can't set program_usb_boot_mode pi-config option <ce> <snapd:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1689302>\n<zyga> sil2100: could you please enqueue this bug to your list https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1740655 -- I'm not sure what to do about it\n<mup> Bug #1740655: Using dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt to disable Bluetooth results in unbootable system <Snappy:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1740655>\n * Chipaca stands up\n<ijohnson> morning folks, I think that https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7431 is basically ready, if folks want to take a really quick look and see if there's anything obvious that I could split out into different smaller PRs that would be great\n<mup> PR #7431: overlord/snapstate: don't re-enable and start disabled services on refresh, etc <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7431>\n<mup> PR snapd#7602 opened: overlord/many: extend check snap callback to take snap container <Remodel :train:> <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7602>\n<kenvandine> hey zyga\n<zyga> hey\n<zyga> how are you? :)\n<kenvandine> i'll look at it\n<mborzecki> weird failure with current master https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8P6hYK5PcJ/\n<kenvandine> good, recovering from a long weekend :)\n<zyga> kenvandine: thank you, it's not urgent, just something that came out of our bug gardening\n<zyga> mborzecki: two comments\n<zyga> mborzecki: how big is that deb?!?!\n<zyga> mborzecki: and maybe systemd became a virtual package somehow?\n<mborzecki> zyga: idk\n<zyga> cachio: can you please look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1847665 -- it seems one snap that we get from the store is not published for i386 - perhaps we need to nuke the test or perhaps we need to publish the test snap but it looks like it should work (the test snap name is multi-arch)\n<mup> Bug #1847665: snapd autopkgtest fails on i386 <snapd:Triaged> <snapd (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1847665>\n<zyga> cc mvo ^ not sure who has access to those\n<kenvandine> marcustomlinson: can you look at bug 1661626 ?\n<mup> Bug #1661626: GSettings/dconf reports incorrect values on setting change under confinement <desktop> <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1661626>\n<zyga> mvo: can you please look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/1844498 -- you were participating in the discussion there and I'm not sure if the snapd package task is something that is still accurate - should it change to triaged or invalid?\n<mup> Bug #1844498: 18.10+ cloud images have the LXD group as gid 1000 <id-5d84bb1ca26b0679a708dc40> <cloud-images:New> <cloud-init (Ubuntu):Invalid> <livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu):Fix Released by mwhudson> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1844498>\n<marcustomlinson> kenvandine: ok\n<kenvandine> marcustomlinson: thanks\n<sil2100> zyga: yes, something related to it is actually in the works\n<jdstrand> pedronis: hey, would you mind giving me an updated list of pulseaudio.snap-ids? if you don't have time, perhaps describe the query to roadmr (or me and I can find someone if he can't do it)?\n<zyga> sil2100: excellent, thank you\n<sil2100> zyga: so how it's most probably going to be resolved is for us shipping two different image flavors - one with bluetooth enabled, one with disabled\n<sil2100> Since from what I've been told on most pi's you can't actually have both serial and bluetooth enabled at the same time\n<zyga> sil2100: you can, it's just shifting the serial around to other pins\n<jdstrand> pedronis: I don't need it *immediately* since I can look in the snap usns dump and continue working, but I want to make sure I didn't miss any new ones\n<zyga> sil2100: AFAIK\n<zyga> jdstrand: hey :)\n<zyga> jdstrand: welcome back\n<sil2100> zyga: I'm not a pi expert so I can't really say, waveform would have more info about that\n<sil2100> ;)\n<jdstrand> pedronis: plan is, get through all current ones, propose a pr to manually connect, then right before 2.43 lands, do one more query and fill in any more\n<zyga> cool, I'm sure he knows more than I do\n<jdstrand> hey zyga, thanks! :)\n<zyga> just happy to see progress\n<pedronis> jdstrand: I can try to look tomorrow morning\n<cachio> zyga, I'll take a look\n<jdstrand> pedronis: thanks\n<zyga> cachio: thanks!\n<zyga> Chipaca: something that feels like a papercut and I agree with the reporter\n<zyga> https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1830183\n<zyga> Chipaca: related to how we log\n<mup> Bug #1830183: Absence of updates is labelled a critical error in syslog <snapd:Triaged> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1830183>\n<Chipaca> zyga: papercut, indeed\n<zyga> Chipaca: though not sure how to technically solve it\n<Chipaca> easily :-)\n<zyga> Chipaca: maybe we should talk to journald natively so that we can send those nice log properties\n<Chipaca> whoa\n<Chipaca> zyga: maybe, possibly, if there's a reasonable library for it, but that's not this bug\n<mup> PR snapd#7603 opened: dpdk and hugepages interfaces <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7603>\n<Chipaca> this bug is just \"don't log no-refreshes-available with INFO\" probably :)\n<Chipaca> zyga: that's what makes it papercut\n<zyga> Chipaca: IIRC the format is simple so it's just about formatting the error \"text\" correctly, I think we'd prefer to carry that code instead of depending on it\n<zyga> Chipaca: yeah :)\n<zyga> Chipaca: (and talking over the right FD)\n<Chipaca> yeah, and keeping up with changes, and and and\n<roadmr> mvo: are you around?\n<mvo> roadmr: yes\n<zyga> Chipaca: no, it's not like that actually\n<zyga> Chipaca: http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/journal-submit.html\n<Chipaca> zyga: are you really advocating for NIH'ing a systemd library\n<zyga> Chipaca: not a systemd library, a public protocol\n<pstolowski> i got lxd spread test failure again on 18.04, fails with \"snapd : Depends: systemd but it is not going to be installed\", has anyone seen this? 18.04 image needs updating?\n<zyga> pstolowski: maciek did IIRC\n<zyga> maybe apt database is empty?\n<zyga> pstolowski: this is interesting\n<zyga> https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/5e58e04cdc647a1fd50f71f02724dd0b5b8c1f4b\n<zyga> pstolowski: udev netlink hotplug panic\n<zyga> the bug behind it is https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1824162\n<mup> Bug #1824162: /usr/lib/snapd/snapd:11:runtime:runtime:runtime:runtime:runtime <artful> <bionic> <cosmic> <xenial> <zesty> <snapd:New> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1824162>\n<zyga> can you please enqueue looking at it\n<zyga> mvo: can I close https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/1824237 now?\n<mup> Bug #1824237: snap 'core' broken/missing and causing autopkgtest failures <snapd:In Progress by zyga> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <snapd (Ubuntu Cosmic):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1824237>\n<mvo> zyga: yes, all autopkgtest related bugs can be closed\n<zyga> mvo: _all_? I found one that looks like a real bug\n * zyga is done with triage for the day\n * zyga -> break / food\n<cachio> zyga, I dont have test-snapd-hello-multi-arch under my control\n<zyga> cachio: it probably belongs to mvo\n<cachio> zyga, not sure who created this one\n<zyga> someone from the store can probably help you move it?\n<pstolowski> zyga: hmm, i think i see where the problem is on the very high level.. go routine running in the background. will check, thanks for pointing out\n<zyga> roadmr: ^ test-snapd-hello-multi-arch, do you know who is in the collaborators?\n<roadmr> I can check\n<zyga> pstolowski, roadmr: cool, thank you for looking\n<zyga> (one messgage, two topics, take that tracking AI overloards)\n<roadmr> zyga: nobody 🦀\n<zyga> oh crab :D\n<zyga> roadmr: can you please give it to cachio and mvo perhaps, following all protocol\n<roadmr> zyga: the current owner (the \"canonical\" account, not sure if this is mvo?) has to add collaborators. I can't do it administratively :(\n<zyga> I see\n<zyga> is there an email address?\n<zyga> mvo: are _you_ secretly all of canonical? :D\n<ijohnson> does anybody have an example of scanning journald in spread tests for something specific in the logs? is there a helper for \"discard everything in the log from x point later on\" to just check something in the logs happened after a certain point?\n<zyga> ijohnson: plenty\n<zyga> we nuke the journal between tests\n<zyga> so anything that uses 'journal' helper functions is likely a candidate\n<ijohnson> right but which journal helper there are several\n<zyga> I can find a specific example but the main principle applies\n<zyga> yeah\n<zyga> but they all do the same thing\n<zyga> with various quirks on how\n<zyga> I agree that multitude of functions is confusing\n<ijohnson> all I need to do is check for a certain message in the log happening after a certain line in the test\n<ijohnson> thanks btw!\n<zyga> I think this is a buggy area\n<zyga> and the helper that we use most often has some loops inside\n<zyga> some journal versions have a marker concept\n<zyga> so you can cat the whole log since a marker was emitted\n<zyga> then grep that\n * zyga needs to break for some back pain relief\n<ijohnson> that feels like the right thing, do you have an example I can look at zyga?\n<ijohnson> or maybe cachio knows\n<zyga> ijohnson: sorry, leaving now\n<zyga> I can later\n<zyga> if you don't get it before\n<ijohnson> zyga: np get better I can figure it out\n<cachio> ijohnson, what we do in some scenarios\n<cachio> is to count the number of ocurrencies before and after\n<cachio> and compare the number is iscreased\n<zyga> ijohnson: just ward of caution, it's all good except on 14.04 :D\n<zyga> *word\n<cachio> ijohnson, take a look to test catalog-update\n<ijohnson> trusty seems not so trustworthy anymore with respect to features :-/\n<cachio> perhaps it could help\n<ijohnson> cachio, thanks looking\n<ijohnson> cachio: that looks like the easiest way to check this, thanks\n<cachio> ijohnson, yaw\n * Chipaca takes a break\n<mvo> I saw some failures in current PRs related to the lxd test, looks like systemd was not installable in there, anyone know more ?\n<pedronis> mvo: what's the public interface of 7593 ? most things seem unexported\n<pedronis> you create a SFDisk manually?\n<pedronis> mvo: I put some questions there\n * cachio lunch\n<mvo> pedronis: public interface is just partition.NewSFdisk() and you go from there, two exported methods on it, DeviceInfo and CreatePartitions\n<mvo> pedronis: I will check in the PR\n<pedronis> mvo: that new is private atm\n<pedronis> anyway see comments\n<mvo> pedronis: yeah, everything is spot on - I think we don't really need the interface, *might* be handy for tests later, I check the full branch from claudio - but we can always add it back once we need it so I'm +1 to remove it\n<pedronis> ok\n<thresh> what does \"grandfathering\" mean in context of https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/upcoming-pulseaudio-interface-deprecation/13418 ?\n<mup> PR snapd#7604 opened: many:  address issues related to explicit/implicit channels for image building <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7604>\n<pedronis> Chipaca: mvo: ^\n<pedronis> thresh: that a declaration will be setup in the store to keep them working (for now at least) with pulseaudio as they did so far\n<thresh> pedronis, good, thank you!\n<thresh> (i suck at idioms)\n<mvo> thanks pedronis\n<pstolowski> zyga: i think i found the bug in the upstream go-udev code that causes the crash\n<pstolowski> commented on the bug\n<mup> PR snapd#7605 opened: tests: configure the journald service for core systems <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7605>\n<mup> PR snapd#7551 closed: tests: fix the how the systemd-journald.service is restarted during the prepare <Simple 😃> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Closed by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7551>\n<zyga> pstolowski|afk: woot, great\n<zyga> makes bug gardening worthwhile :)\n<pstolowski|afk> yes :)\n<pstolowski|afk> slightly terrible we had this bug for a while\n<mvo> cachio: can you please have an eye on master in travis? I just noticed some failures in recent PRs related to lxd. would be great if we can get master green again (if its something real and not just transient)\n<mvo> pedronis: I updated the sfdisk PR now and addressed your points\n * ogra notes pstolowski|afk must have looong arms\n<jdstrand> Chipaca: hey, you gave me a cool command for downloading the snap.yaml (with caveats) of a snap in the public store. do you happen to know a command otoh to get the snap decl for a given snap name?\n<jdstrand> Chipaca: snap download would do it, but I don't want the snap, just the decl (I'll be doing hundreds of downloads)\n * jdstrand looks at 'snap download'\n<pstolowski|afk> ogra: now you know ;)\n<pedronis> jdstrand: which revisions do you need ?\n<jdstrand> pedronis: the latest\n<jdstrand> pedronis: well, I just need the snap decl, which is shared across revisions\n<pedronis> jdstrand: ? do you nee the snap.yaml or the snap decl?\n<pedronis> not the same thing\n<jdstrand> pedronis: the snap decl\n<pedronis> jdstrand: do you have the snap name or the snap id ?\n<jdstrand> pedronis: both\n<pedronis> jdstrand: something like: snap known --remote snap-declaration series=16 snap-id=KTe2wdAu5JKdRDUgYBuXXGjDXyzobvFI\n<jdstrand> pedronis: that is perfect, thanks! (cc Chipaca)\n<mup> PR snapd#7606 opened: tests: run apt update in lxd containers <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7606>\n<ijohnson> cachio: have you been able to figure out the issue with the lxd tests? I see it keeps failing consistently, and mvo's patch apt update still failed\n<ijohnson> err, mvo's patch to call apt update before doing the install of snapd in the container still fails (see #7606)\n<mup> PR #7606: tests: run apt update in lxd containers <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7606>\n<cachio>  ijohnson working on that\n<ijohnson> ack ok\n<cachio> ijohnson, I just finished a task and started with that one\n<cachio> ijohnson, currently debugging\n<ijohnson> cachio: I looked into it a little bit but didn't find anything if you weren't looking into it I was going to, but if you're on top of I'll work on other things\n<cachio> ijohnson, I'll try to fix it\n<cachio> otherwise I'll ping you in case I need help\n<joedborg> jdstrand: will you have some free time this PM?\n<ijohnson> cachio: ack sounds good\n<jdstrand> joedborg: if by 'this PM' you mean now, sure :)\n<jdstrand> zyga: hey, it looks like solus is still at 2.39.3 and parrot os at 2.37. curious when you think they'll get updated to 2.41+\n<jdstrand> popey, Wimpress: hey, can one of you talk to electron about https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/issues/4234?\n<joedborg> jdstrand: excellent.  Very basically, I'm still seeing times where containers are getting filesystem permission denied\n<jdstrand> joedborg: what are the denials? shall I login somewhere?\n<joedborg> jdstrand: let me copy your ssh keys\n<joedborg> jdstrand: ubuntu@\n<jdstrand> I'm in\n<joedborg> jdstrand: we can move this to 1:1 if we're worried about spamming.  Basically, this is an EKS node where I've ripped out the EKS provisioned kubelet and stopped docker, replacing it with our snap\n<jdstrand> ok. yes, let's privmsg since this isn't interesting to others\n<joedborg> jdstrand: the only pod that's having a problem is the aws-node pod, which tried to create `/host` in its namespace\n<mup> PR snapd#7607 opened: tests: taunch the lxd images folowing the pattern ubuntu:${VERSION_ID} <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7607>\n<cachio> ijohnson, if you want to take a look, there is a PR to fix the lxd issue\n<cachio> #pull\n<cachio> #7607\n<mup> PR #7607: tests: taunch the lxd images folowing the pattern ubuntu:${VERSION_ID} <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7607>\n<jdstrand> joedborg: I privmsg'd you\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: hi!\n<ijohnson> jdstrand: hey\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: joedborg and I are looking at a denial when running kubernetes-worker under strict mode on EKS\n<ijohnson> ok\n<jdstrand> Oct 15 20:31:57 ip-192-168-91-85 audit[21757]: AVC apparmor=\"DENIED\" operation=\"exec\" profile=\"snap.kubernetes-worker.containerd\" name=\"/app/install-aws.sh\" pid=21757 comm=\"sh\" requested_mask=\"x\" denied_mask=\"x\" fsuid=0 ouid=0\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: containerd is triying to run /app/install-aws.sh which corresponds to https://github.com/aws/amazon-vpc-cni-k8s/blob/master/scripts/install-aws.sh\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: the fact that it is at /app (and later /host) means we can't use a layout\n<ijohnson> right\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: and I thought I remembered you facing similar issues with greengrass\n<ijohnson> yeah so first I'll say what we did for the docker snap is that we patched dockerd (in your case probably containerd) to not run pivot_root and instead just do a chroot\n<joedborg> ijohnson: this is what we were talking about with perhaps needing to patch containerd's app armor template\n<joedborg> :)\n<ijohnson> joedborg: jdstrand: is there a reason why you need to do pivot_root?\n * ijohnson goes and finds the dockerd patches\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: I don't know what is doing a pivot_root\n<jdstrand> joedborg: ^\n<ijohnson> jdstrand: when the container is launched, it's rootfs is actually somewhere writable like `/var/snap/.../storage-drivers/....`\n<jdstrand> joedborg: is this a pivot_root or does EKS actually ship /app and /host?\n<ijohnson> jdstrand: and to start the container containerd/dockerd will do a pivot_root into that storage-driver dir\n<joedborg> jdstrand: that's what containerd does when the kubelet asks it to run a workload\n<ijohnson> this is all behind the scense\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: I should also reiterate this is classic, not core\n<ijohnson> *scenes\n<ijohnson> jdstrand: same problem on core as classic though\n<jdstrand> ah ok\n<jdstrand> so, in theory, container do could mv /var/snap/.../storage-drivers/..../app, then symlink from /var/snap/.../storage-drivers/..../app to /var/snap/.../storage-drivers/..../somewhere/deeper/app\n<ijohnson> anyways the issue that happened with the docker snap is that if dockerd ran pivot_root then all of the container fs accesses that the container thought were at `/app/...` were really actually at `/var/snap/.../storage-driver/some-big-uuid/app`\n<ijohnson> but how we solved that was do instead just not do a pivot_root and instead just do a chroot\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: right, makes sense\n<ijohnson> then apparmor doesn't see the container processes as accessing /app it sees /var/snap/.../app\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: is the chroot a configurable thing?\n<ijohnson> no :-(\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: yep\n<ijohnson> hence why we had to patch it\n<ijohnson> here's the patch we did: https://git.launchpad.net/~docker/+git/snap/tree/dockerd-patches/snappy-real-chroot.patch\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: ah, so you patched docker to do that\n<ijohnson> I'm trying to find where in containerd you would do the same patch\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: cool, thanks!\n<ijohnson> it might be in runc actually, it's been a while since I've looked at thsi stuff\n<joedborg> ijohnson: jdstrand: just as a (probably stupid) question, is there no way for apparmor to know that a process is being containerised and to  apply different rules?\n<joedborg> ijohnson: yeah it'll almost certainly be runc\n<ijohnson> well for dockerd it is in fact in github.com/moby/moby aka \"real dockerd\"\n<ijohnson> but there has to be an equivalent thing in runc/containerd\n<jdstrand> joedborg: re apparmor: apparmor absolutely knows stuff, but containerd/runc is doing things to complicate things\n<jdstrand> joedborg: ie, it is containerdc/runc that is putting the container into the cri-containerd.apparmor.d\n<ijohnson> joedborg: do you know offhand if containerd just runs the `runc` binary directly? or does it use the opencontainers go library ?\n<joedborg> jdstrand: ah i mean can't apparmor be told \"this proc is being called by containerd so should be allowed free range of the FS\"?\n<jdstrand> joedborg: and that profile is what your snap is loading\n<joedborg> ijohnson: almost certain that it calls the binary\n<ijohnson> jdstrand: but for that specific denial you showed me with /app that's for a snap ?\n<ijohnson> joedborg: ack thanks\n<joedborg> because the runtime binaries are dropped in via config\n<jdstrand> joedborg: so you can put whatever is needed for the container. *but* this denial is not for the container, but for containerd, and its doing something post pivot_root(). depending on your pov, apparmor doesn't handle pivot_root well\n<joedborg> jdstrand: yeah, i guess that was me question; can't it handle pivot root like it does chroot\n<ijohnson> yeah I can see apparmor's pivot_root handling being a bug right now but being a savior in other cirumstances so yeah ... I dunno\n<jdstrand> joedborg: it cannot\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: we have an upstream bug on it\n * jdstrand is trying to find it\n<ijohnson> I think I've seen the bug before\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: iirc, I think we want full mediation of the whole path with something like an alias mechanism to make it convenient and flexible\n<ijohnson> yeah that sounds right\n<ijohnson> I haven't been able to find the bit in containerd you need to patch, but I have to EOD now, I will resume looking tomorrow, if you can't wait, I found that there's already an option to specify disabling pivot_root when creating a container, referenced in the oci options\n<ijohnson> i.e. https://github.com/containerd/containerd/blob/master/runtime/v2/runc/options/oci.pb.go#L27-L28\n<ijohnson> I'm not sure how to use that, but that might avoid needing to patch things\n<jdstrand> this is the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/apparmor/+bug/1791711\n<ijohnson> anyways good luck, I will resume looking tomorrow to try and find the stuff y'all need\n<mup> Bug #1791711: path-based AppArmor controls for snap-confine are ineffective due to pivot_root <AppArmor:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1791711>\n<jdstrand> I thought there was another one\n<jdstrand> but that is what we reference in the snapd sources too\n<joedborg> thakns ijohnson, i'll ask on their slack\n<joedborg> have a good evenign\n<ijohnson> thanks you too\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: big thanks!\n<jdstrand> joedborg: ok, so with the plugs changes we discussed and this, I think we are set for the moment\n<joedborg> jdstrand: yeah, thanks for pointing out the k8s-support needing to be with containerd too, i'll test that tongiht\n<Chipaca> yusss\n<Chipaca> got a PR this PM as promised \\o/\n<mup> PR snapd#7608 opened: o/snapstate, etc: SnapState.Channel -> TrackingChannel, and a setter <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7608>\n * Chipaca had *more than half an hour* to spare before it was no longer technically PM\n * Chipaca now goes to wash the dishes\n#snappy 2019-10-16\n<mup> PR snapd#7607 closed: tests: launch the lxd images folowing the pattern ubuntu:${VERSION_ID} <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7607>\n<mborzecki> morning\n<mvo> hey mborzecki\n<mborzecki> mvo: how are the tests today? i'm seeing quite a lot of red\n<mborzecki> uhh lxd-nofuse/lxd-snapfuse\n<mvo> mborzecki: yeah, cachio debugged/fixed this one\n<mvo> mborzecki: mergering master should help :)\n<mborzecki> ah, great\n<zyga> o/\n<zyga> good morning\n<zyga> I'll grab some breakfast\n<mvo> zyga: good morning\n<mborzecki> zyga:  hey\n<zyga> o/\n<mborzecki> mvo:  can tou take a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7605 ? i think i'm missing something, /etc/systemd as a whole is listed in writable, shouldn't mkdir /etc/systemd/journal.conf.d succeed then?\n<mup> PR #7605: tests: configure the journald service for core systems <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7605>\n<zyga> mborzecki: are you sure /etc/systemd is writable? can you provide a reference?\n<mborzecki> zyga: ahh damn, looking at the wrong tab\n<mborzecki> zyga: it's writable on core18, on core there's individual directories under /etc/systemd\n<zyga> that's how I remember it\n<zyga> yeah, it's complex :/\n<mvo> mborzecki: sure, looking\n<mborzecki> mvo: nvm, mystery solved :P\n<mvo> mborzecki: but iirc on core16 not all of it is writable just selected parts\n<mborzecki> mvo: right, i have writable-paths from both open and was looking at the other tab :P\n<zyga> mborzecki: I wonder if xnox experiment to use systemd in initrd works out\n * mvo nods\n<zyga> I'll get to https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7547 now\n<mup> PR #7547: many: use a dedicated named cgroup hierarchy for tracking <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7547>\n<mborzecki> zyga: can you take a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7602 ?\n<mup> PR #7602: overlord/many: extend check snap callback to take snap container <Remodel :train:> <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7602>\n<mvo> zyga: 1825298 is interessting\n<mvo> dear launchpad, please stop timing out on me when I try to do bugtriage, love michael\n * mvo stops bug triage\n<zyga> mvo: looking now\n<zyga> mvo: oh boy\n<zyga> mvo: how do we leave this misery\n<mvo> zyga: thats a tricky one :(\n<mvo> zyga: also super annoying :(\n<zyga> mvo: one way out would be to stop using /etc for apparmor profiles we use\n<zyga> this would involve shipping empty replacements that do NOP\n<zyga> and shipping files in /var forever\n<mvo> zyga: does apparmor support /var ?\n<zyga> mvo: ubuntu's apparmor does, that's how our profiles work\n<zyga> mvo: other distributions don't until apparmor 3.0 eventually ships\n<zyga> mvo: we wrote snapd.apparmor.service to support that and use it on some systems\n<zyga> mvo: solus has a custom solution for loading profiles but it supports /var/lib/snapd/apparmor already\n<zyga> mvo: we can do it\n<mvo> zyga: interessting, might be a good option, I feel I lack some details though, need to look closer after I did this bug triage\n<zyga> mvo: sure, we can talk about it later today\n<zyga> mvo: I mainly worry about how to fit this into our framework of rollbacks\n<amurray> mvo zyga: you could change the profile in /etc to '#include if exists </var/...>' so that it can hang around and still work even if the one in /var goes away\n<zyga> amurray: hey :)\n<amurray> mvo zyga: ah sorry - this was added in AppArmor 2.13 iirc so won't work for older releases\n<zyga> amurray: last time we looked it was not supported\n<zyga> :D\n<zyga> exactly\n<amurray> hey zyga\n<zyga> so it's great, but we cannot have it\n<amurray> bah ignore me then... oh well\n<zyga> amurray: shipping software on linux is easy they said ;)\n<zyga> amurray: while we have you\n<zyga> amurray: do you have a moment to look at an idea we had\n<zyga> amurray: it's described here https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7547\n<mup> PR #7547: many: use a dedicated named cgroup hierarchy for tracking <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7547>\n<amurray> zyga: sure it's easy shipping software when you have snapd - shipping snapd however... that is harder :)\n<amurray> zyga: give me a sec\n<zyga> amurray: but the basic idea is that we mount a cgroup v1 hierarchy at /run/snapd/cgroup\n<zyga> amurray: no controllers just name=snapd\n<zyga> amurray: and we use it in v1 and v2 worlds so that we can always track processes\n<zyga> amurray: we want holes to be poked in the idea\n<amurray> zyga: my cgroups knowledge is a bit rusty but I will try and brush up and then review it in the next day or so if that's ok?\n<zyga> amurray: perfect\n<zyga> thank you so much\n * zyga takes bit out for a walk\n<amurray> zyga: no worries\n<mvo> amurray: hey, do you happen to know if there is a \"if file.exists()\" primitive in apparmor profiles? or an include_if_availalbe? context is bug 1825298\n<mup> Bug #1825298: apparmor.service fails to start when apt install/remove snapd due to snapd profile error <snapd:Confirmed> <snapd (Ubuntu):Triaged> <snapd (Ubuntu Cosmic):Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1825298>\n<pstolowski> morning\n<pstolowski> mborzecki: hey, have you looked at https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/S48Gyv5mpp/ recently? snapd deb failing to install inside container\n<mborzecki> pstolowski: he, it's fixed in master by cachio\n<pstolowski> mborzecki: ah, great\n<mvo> hey pstolowski !\n<pstolowski> o/\n<pstolowski> mvo: do you think https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1824162 is medium prio? i was contemplating setting it critical for a while :/\n<mup> Bug #1824162: /usr/lib/snapd/snapd:11:runtime:runtime:runtime:runtime:runtime <artful> <bionic> <cosmic> <xenial> <zesty> <snapd:Triaged by stolowski> <snapd (Ubuntu):In Progress> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1824162>\n<pstolowski> mvo: it may occur regardless of experimental hotplug flag, and may prevent clean shutdown of snapd; of course only if there is udev netlink activity\n<mvo> pstolowski: I saw the report\n<mvo> pstolowski: it should probably be high or criticial, yes\n<mvo> pstolowski: do we have a fix yet or is it complicated?\n<pstolowski> mvo: no fix but should be simple, i needed to think a bit about it. should have a PR today\n<mup> PR snapd#7593 closed: recovery-tool: add sfdisk wrapper <Created by cmatsuoka> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7593>\n<mup> PR snapd#7609 opened: snap-recovery: remove \"usedPartitions\" from sfdisk.Create() <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7609>\n<stealthybox> davdunc, could we update the aws-cli snap?   It's getting a bit too old to use with EKS.  Anything Weaveworks can do to help get this bumped regularly?  Cheers\n<zyga> mborzecki: updated https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7547\n<mup> PR #7547: many: use a dedicated named cgroup hierarchy for tracking <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7547>\n<zyga> mborzecki: I think I applied everything that we agreed upon\n<zyga> mborzecki: I didn't apply the changes that would impact people with the feature disabled for now\n<zyga> mborzecki: I'll do a small patch on top that enables this unconditionally to see if things fall apart\n<zyga> mborzecki: and then move this to happen for all snap confinement types\n<oSoMoN> pedronis, hello! would you mind voting on https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/auto-connecting-the-personal-files-interface-for-the-chromium-snap-part-ii/13705 ?\n<mup> PR snapd#7602 closed: overlord/many: extend check snap callback to take snap container <Remodel :train:> <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7602>\n<pedronis> mborzecki: please do a follow up to #7602 where you swap *snap.Info and snap.Container\n<mup> PR #7602: overlord/many: extend check snap callback to take snap container <Remodel :train:> <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7602>\n<mborzecki> pedronis: sure\n<pedronis> thanks\n<pedronis> mborzecki: to be clear, it means that now args are  snap, snapf, curSnap\n<mborzecki> pedronis: yup, got it :P\n<pedronis> mborzecki: I suppose snap, curSnap, snapf   if it's a bit simpler\n<pedronis> but snapf first is strange because of most of these will not use it\n<pedronis> it's ancillary to the infos\n<zyga> mborzecki: trivial https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7610\n<mup> PR #7610: cmd/snap-confine: remove leftover condition from capability world <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7610>\n<mup> PR snapd#7610 opened: cmd/snap-confine: remove leftover condition from capability world <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7610>\n<pstolowski> mvo: hmm i take my words back, a simple fix doesn't cut it for go-udev, it may get more complicated to fix\n<zyga> mborzecki: we need to talk\n<zyga> mborzecki: about classic mount ns\n<zyga> mborzecki: I have an idea that will resolve a problem that was raised during one of the review cycles\n<zyga> mborzecki: essentially, we can keep using the mount namespace we inherit when starting\n<zyga> mborzecki: and not re-associate back to pid-1 ns\n<zyga> mborzecki: I need to go for a haircut now, let's chat later, ok?\n<mborzecki> zyga: sgtm, deep in some bits of gadget/devicestate now\n<zyga> mborzecki: but the main idea is: since there is no persistence we don't need to re-associate with pid-1 ns\n<zyga> mborzecki: and anything we need to do (like tracking) can be forked to a helper that re-associates and quits\n<zyga> mborzecki: so that main process is where it was originally\n<zyga> mborzecki: this means that there is perfect compatibility and no impact to any odd setups that work today\n * zyga runs for an errand, ttyl\n<mvo> pstolowski: uh, thats slightly sad\n<mup> PR snapd#7577 closed: overlord: set fake serial in TestRemodelSwitchToDifferentKernel <Created by mvo5> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7577>\n<kjackal> hi jdstrand. I am settign up microk8s with strict confinement. Partially works. I have a problem with a pod getting a denial.\n<kjackal> apparmor=\"DENIED\" operation=\"ptrace\" profile=\"snap.microk8s.daemon-kubelet//systemd_run\" pid=3034 comm=\"mount\" requested_mask=\"trace\" denied_mask=\"trace\" peer=\"snap.microk8s.daemon-kubelet\"\n<kjackal> Have you seen this before?\n<Chipaca> kjackal: it's a bit early\n<kjackal> yeap I know, no worries. I will ping him later as well\n<pedronis> Chipaca: hi, I did a pass on #7608\n<mup> PR #7608: o/snapstate, etc: SnapState.Channel -> TrackingChannel, and a setter <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7608>\n<Chipaca> just reading it\n<Chipaca> pedronis: the \"Invalid channel\" was because that way it looked just like the error we would get from the store :-)\n<Chipaca> perhaps too cute a reason tho\n<Chipaca> pedronis: pushed fixes for those and the spread tests\n<Chipaca> now going for a walk, bbiab\n<pedronis> Chipaca: made a naming remark\n<mup> PR snapd#7611 opened: overlord/many: switch order of check snap parameters <Remodel :train:> <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7611>\n<mborzecki> pedronis: ^^\n<pedronis> mborzecki: thanks, the fact that nil now are packed together seems to mean it's the right thing\n<mborzecki> pedronis: wodnering about moving it further to the right, after flags though\n<pedronis> we tend to put flags as right as we can\n<pedronis> you would have:   nil, snapstate.Flags{}, nil\n<pedronis> doesn't look better to me,  any particular reason?\n<pedronis> if we want to shuffle again\n<pedronis> having after the first snap would still be best (except it needs more signature churn)\n<mborzecki> pedronis: otoh, it's probably good as it is in the PR, infos come first, then the container, then the rest\n<pedronis> mborzecki: as I said I'm fine with the PR state\n<mborzecki> ack\n<pstolowski> mborzecki: do you have a moment for https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7518 ?\n<mup> PR #7518: cmd/snap: sort tasks in snap debug timings output <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7518>\n<mborzecki> pstolowski: sure\n<pstolowski> thanks!\n<mup> PR snapd#7612 opened: gadget: add a public helper for parsing gadget metadata <Remodel :train:> <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7612>\n<mborzecki> another simple one ^^\n<mup> PR snapd#7355 closed: interfaces/apparmor: load multiple profiles in a single batch <Complex> <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7355>\n<pstolowski> pedronis: what's the problem with the transition in the store wrt #7092?\n<mup> PR #7092: packaging: use snapd type and snapcraft 3.x <⛔ Blocked> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7092>\n<mup> PR snapd#7613 opened: snap-recovery: add minimal binary so that we can use spread on it <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7613>\n<amurray> mvo: there is 'include if exists' - see say https://gitlab.com/apparmor/apparmor/blob/master/profiles/apparmor.d/abstractions/dri-enumerate#L11 for an example - but this is only supported by apparmor 2.13\n<amurray> and as zyga mentioned, this 2.13 is not available everywhere so include if exists is probably not a realistic option\n<pedronis> pstolowski: the store checks that the type of snap upload is like the one of the last approved one\n<pedronis> so for snapd is app\n<pedronis> atm\n<pedronis> we are discussing with the store to have an override\n<pedronis> it's a good check in general, but a couple of cases show we need an override\n<pstolowski> pedronis: i see, thanks\n<mvo> amurray: thank you!\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2751 closed: tests: move cli store push/upload tests to FakeStoreCommands <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2751>\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2745 closed: tests: update spread tests to account for content snaps <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2745>\n * pstolowski lunch\n<Chipaca> zyga: question about #7610, about something i only noticed thanks to pstolowski\n<mup> PR #7610: cmd/snap-confine: remove leftover condition from capability world <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7610>\n<zyga> sure\n<zyga> looking at the PR\n<Chipaca> zyga: why do you call geteuid etc when you've already loaded their answers via getresuid?\n<zyga> Chipaca: there's no good reason, it's just a bunch of old code few people touch\n<zyga> Chipaca: some reasons as that it is easier to ... reason about the code in front of you\n<zyga> vs some state\n<zyga> Chipaca: but I think that it can be simplified\n<zyga> pstolowski, Chipaca: would you mind if I open the simplification as another PR if this goes green?\n<zyga> I have some more in this area anyway\n<pstolowski> zyga: absolutely\n<Chipaca> zyga: what's currently 'if geteuid() != 0 { bail } ' could go right after the call to getresuid and make it easier to follow without needing the extra syscall\n<zyga> yeah\n<Chipaca> etc etc\n<zyga> I missed that, I looked at other parts and got confused\n<Chipaca> zyga: also these are all nits :-)\n<zyga> sure, but it's good to ask such questions\n<zyga> thank you for that!\n<zyga> :)\n<Chipaca> :)\n<Chipaca> speaking of questions, lunchp?\n * Chipaca goes\n<zyga> Chipaca: lunchp? is redundant, no?\n<zyga> it's either lunch? or lunchp\n<zyga> ;-)\n<Chipaca> I was questioning the very question, probably\n<zyga> Chipaca: (lunch?)? ;-)\n<mup> PR snapd#7610 closed: cmd/snap-confine: remove leftover condition from capability world <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7610>\n<zyga> it's in :)\n<mup> PR snapd#7611 closed: overlord/many: switch order of check snap parameters <Remodel :train:> <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7611>\n<zyga> mborzecki: I opened a draft of device cgroup changes I had stashed, there's more piled on top to support v2 but I think this is a good thing to discuss before\n<zyga> mborzecki: if you have some time now we can discuss before the standup\n<mup> PR snapd#7614 opened: cmd/snap-confine: implement snap-device-helper internally <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7614>\n<zyga> mborzecki: it's not complex, I think it's actually more readable than before\n<mborzecki> zyga: ok, let me grab a coffee\n<jdstrand> pstolowski: re 7355> woohoo, merged! :)\n<zyga> jdstrand: hey :)\n<zyga> jdstrand: there's something that you could look at to help us move forward with a feature\n<zyga> jdstrand: we also asked alex and he said he would look tomorrow\n<zyga> jdstrand: but it would be good for you be aware of it in general\n<zyga> jdstrand: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7547\n<mup> PR #7547: many: use a dedicated named cgroup hierarchy for tracking <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7547>\n<zyga> jdstrand: the main idea is that we mount a new cgroup at /run/snapd/cgroup, just for tracking processes\n<zyga> jdstrand: no controllers are involved\n<jdstrand> kjackal: yes, I have seen that and it should be addressed in snapd 2.42. what does 'snap version' give you?\n<zyga> jdstrand: and we use this method in v1 and v2 worlds where it surprisingly works for as long as v1 is in the kernel\n<zyga> jdstrand: we have some more plans for this, there's a follow up branch that adds and configures a release agent for the cgroup\n<zyga> jdstrand: and this lets us solve some long-standing bugs with resouce leaks as well as get the new desired features for app termination notification in snapd\n<kjackal> jdstrand: 2.42+git1515.143caf4~ubuntu16.04.1\n<jdstrand> zyga: thanks for making me aware. the idea seems ok otoh\n<kjackal> jdstrand: I am now in the middle of another addon that is failing. This time with:\n<kjackal> apparmor=\"DENIED\" operation=\"exec\" info=\"no new privs\" error=-1 profile=\"snap.microk8s.daemon-containerd\" name=\"/usr/local/bin/proxy-init\" pid=16941 comm=\"runc:[2:INIT]\" requested_mask=\"x\" denied_mask=\"x\" fsuid=0 ouid=0 target=\"cri-containerd.apparmor.d\"\n<jdstrand> kjackal: can you paste /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/snap.microk8s.daemon-kubelet ?\n<kjackal> jdstrand: Here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fqpxsZscF9/\n<jdstrand> kjackal: re the paste> you don't have the rule in there. can you paste /snap/microk8s/current/meta/snap.yaml ?\n<kjackal> jdstrand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4qMqPQjmKn/\n<jdstrand> hmm, I thought that was in 2.42\n * jdstrand double checks\n<jdstrand> kjackal: ok, I misread the trace denial. I saw it the other way around (kubelet tracing itself) but not kubelet's systemd-run needing to trace kubelet\n<jdstrand> kjackal: do you know what operation is causing that?\n<kjackal> jdstrand: I shared this via email https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mGHEfgiTDB6Nd11vgkPgCY2OrzrDGk7vmEgjrJGTKmA/edit?usp=sharing\n<jdstrand> kjackal: also, what kernel is this on?\n<kjackal> jdstrand: its on Linux ip-172-31-20-243 4.15.0-1051-aws #53-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 18 13:35:53 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux\n<mup> PR #53: Negate the integration build tag <Created by elopio> <Merged by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/53>\n<jdstrand> kjackal: ok, I understand the denial and will create a PR\n<jdstrand> kjackal: do you have more information on the proxy-init denial?\n<kjackal> I am looking into this now\n<kjackal> What other info would you like me to gather?\n<jdstrand> kjackal: like with the subpath, the context of the denial. also, this looks to be in aws, can you give me ssh access?\n<kjackal> of course, looking for you in LP\n<kjackal> jdstrand: try ubuntu@ec2-54-161-115-99.compute-1.amazonaws.com\n<jdstrand> kjackal: ok, I'm in\n<kjackal> there is a tmux session I am using, in case you want to show me anything\n<jdstrand> kjackal: what are you doing to trigger the proxy-init denial?\n<kjackal> jdstrand: it is part of the \"microk8s.enable linkerd\"\n<kjackal> all containers are failing. I suspect the reason is \"securityContext:\n<kjackal>           runAsUser: 2103\"\n<kjackal> jdstrand: see \"sudo microk8s.kubectl edit -n linkerd       deployment.apps/linkerd-controller\"\n<jdstrand> that is entirely possible\n<jdstrand> kjackal: that user doesn't exist on the main system, but more importantly, I think nnp (no new privs) may get in the way if you try to use a different user than what it is running as. try making that root\n<kjackal> jdstrand: the problem is that the manifests I apply are not mine\n<kjackal> jdstrand: I am deploying the linkerd manifests. If they fail out of the box they will fail from anyone\n<jdstrand> joedborg: are you using linkerd? have you seen/fixed kjackal's denial in kubernetes-worker?\n<roadmr> linkerd sounds like a startup's name (linkerd.io! we link all your links!)\n<joedborg> jdstrand: i'm not using linkered.  kjackal sent me some last week which one in particular?\n<jdstrand> joedborg: the one from 30 minutes ago\n<jdstrand> (in this channel)\n * joedborg found it\n<jdstrand> kjackal: nnp presents a number of challenges\n<kjackal> joedborg: these are the instructions for deploying linkerd https://linkerd.io/2/getting-started/\n<roadmr> I was just joking about linkerd.io :(\n<jdstrand> roadmr: clearly not ;)\n<roadmr> well it's like \"I was just joking about Donald Trump being president\" :(\n<joedborg> jdstrand: kjackal: Ah, no i haven't, but this may be where k8s-worker and microk0s diverge; microk8s runs a lot of infra outside of k8s, where as k8s-worker runs it inside, so there will be differences like this (where the paths are different, for example)\n<joedborg> thanks kjackal, I'll test it on my local cluster\n<jdstrand> joedborg: that's fine, thanks\n<kjackal> joedborg: jdstrand, do you think we could say that \"certain workloads will not run on strictly confined setup\" ?\n<jdstrand> kjackal: have you tried to use a layout for /usr/local/bin?\n<jdstrand> kjackal: it isn't in the current snap.yaml\n<jdstrand> kjackal: ala https://github.com/charmed-kubernetes/snap-kubernetes-worker/blob/master/snap/snapcraft.yaml\n<kjackal> jdstrand:  I can add it now\n<jdstrand> kjackal: I would like to better understand what is happening before saying that (re certain workloads)\n<joedborg> jdstrand kjackal I think it's possible to run all workloads under strict confinement, but that it hignes on getting runc to use chroot, rather than pivot (as we discussed yesterday)\n<jdstrand> kjackal: can you not install/refresh microk8s on the aws node I'm on for a bit (I'll let you know)?\n<jdstrand> kjackal: also, what is a command I can run to trigger the subpath denial?\n<joedborg> jdstrand: kjackal: ah, so I do get that same issue when running linkerd `[86131.195871] audit: type=1400 audit(1571232667.748:226767): apparmor=\"DENIED\" operation=\"exec\" info=\"no new privs\" error=-1 profile=\"snap.kubernetes-worker.containerd\" name=\"/usr/local/bin/proxy-init\" pid=10902 comm=\"runc:[2:INIT]\" requested_mask=\"x\" denied_mask=\"x\" fsuid=0 ouid=0 target=\"cri-containerd.apparmor.d\"`\n<kjackal> jdstrand: try this: sudo microk8s.kubectl apply -f  /var/snap/microk8s/current/testcfgmount.yaml\n<jdstrand> joedborg: is it possible to intercept that 'runAsUser: 2103' bit and remove it/make it '0'?\n<joedborg> jdstrand: it might be possible, but would probably mean no cross compatibility with running clusters\n<Chipaca> zyga: I had my hand on \"close window\" before mvo finished saying \"weird users of qemu\"\n * Chipaca stays well away\n<joedborg> jdstrand: just FYI, that's user 2103 from within containerd\n<pedronis> Chipaca: any reason not to change .Full already ? just more spread tests breaking? or something else\n<joedborg> jdstrand: like with the pivot root stuff\n<Chipaca> pedronis: no reason\n<Chipaca> pedronis: oh wait, you mean the implementation?\n<pedronis> Chipaca: yes\n<jdstrand> kjackal, joedborg: I need to study the linkerd issue. nnp is, shall we say, problematic atm for all the LSMs (including apparmor)\n<pedronis> it's used only in errors afaict\n<Chipaca> pedronis: I think it'll break some things without the patch\n<Chipaca> let me check though\n<joedborg> jdstrand: i imagine there's something been done to the docker snap to allow that\n<pedronis> Chipaca: afai see all usages are in cmd/snap/error.go\n<pedronis> Chipaca: this is Full, not Clean\n<Chipaca> pedronis: that's usage of .Full, usage of canon(ical)ize are in snapstate\n<pedronis> I don't see Full in snapstate\n<pedronis> (I might have removed it myself at some point, don't know, I don't see it anymore)\n<Chipaca> pedronis: my question is what happens if you do --channel=//foo//, shut down snapd ,restart with the new one that calls Canonize\n<pedronis> Chipaca: what it has to do with Full() tough?\n<pedronis> that's a different issue\n<Chipaca> ?\n<pedronis> Chipaca: yes, we want the patch very soon\n<Chipaca> pedronis: then we're talking cross-porpoises\n<Chipaca> pedronis: what're you talking about :-)\n<pedronis> Chipaca: change Channel.Full to be Canonize\n<pedronis> what code would explode ?\n<roadmr> 🐬\n<Chipaca> pedronis: i thought we were talking about making channel.Canonize call Channel.Full\n<Chipaca> pedronis: you were talking about renaming Channel.Full to be Channel.Canonize?\n<pedronis> no?\n<pedronis> no\n<pedronis> no\n<pedronis> no\n * Chipaca giggles\n<pedronis> Chipaca: use the code in Canonize as implementation for Full\n<Chipaca> ahhhhhhh\n<pedronis> then make channel.Full use Channel.Full\n<pedronis> still a bit unclear what this would make explode\n<pedronis> more than the current state of the PR\n<Chipaca> nothing, probably -- it's more lenient\n<Chipaca> might break some tests that could be checking the lack of leniency\n<pedronis> ok\n<Chipaca> other than that it should be about the same\n<pedronis> as I said, Channel.Full afaict is only used in cmd/snap/error.go\n<pedronis> Chipaca: I know we need to fix Clean at some point\n<pedronis> because in the new world is weird\n<pedronis> but that came come later\n<Chipaca> ok\n<pedronis> when we do the actual default track work\n<Chipaca> I'll write the code but not push it unless there's another reason to iterate this PR\n<Chipaca> I'll push it as separate otherwise\n<pedronis> as you prefer\n<pedronis> but let's try to use Full in full (as name)\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: hey did you do anything to docker to avoid denials like this:\n<jdstrand> [86131.195871] audit: type=1400 audit(1571232667.748:226767): apparmor=\"DENIED\" operation=\"exec\" info=\"no new privs\" error=-1 profile=\"snap.kubernetes-worker.containerd\" name=\"/usr/local/bin/proxy-init\" pid=10902 comm=\"runc:[2:INIT]\" requested_mask=\"x\" denied_mask=\"x\" fsuid=0 ouid=0 target=\"cri-containerd.apparmor.d\"\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: the theory is it has to do with runAsUser\n<jdstrand> kjackal, joedborg (cc joeubuntu, amurray): so that denial ^ is going to require not insignificant investigation, possibly from other members of the security team. nnp is quite problematic with LSMs with current kernels\n<joedborg> jdstrand: nnp?\n<jdstrand> kjackal, joedborg (cc joeubuntu, amurray): this is unplanned work and beyond the strict mode k8s minimum viable product\n<jdstrand> joedborg: 'no new privs'\n * joedborg reads kernel.org\n<joedborg> jdstrand: ah okay, cool\n<kjackal> jdstrand: This denial came up with the DNS addon and had to patch it https://github.com/ubuntu/microk8s/blob/feature/strict-v3/microk8s-resources/actions/coredns.yaml#L105\n<jdstrand> kjackal (cc joedborg, joeubuntu, amurray): without investigating, my concern is this may require kernel changes for things to run unpatched\n<kjackal> meaning, it is rather common\n<jdstrand> kjackal: indeed. this isn't 'just a snapd' thing\n<jdstrand> kjackal (cc joeubuntu, amurray and joedborg): I suggest trying to work around it for now. if you need me/the security team to investigate it, we likely need to discuss prioritizing/resourcing with Tim and Joe\n<kjackal> yeap\n<ijohnson> jdstrand: hmm I don't think I've seen that one before\n<jdstrand> it's possible kernel changes are not invloved. eg, there are code changes in snap-confine that I did to work around it. something similar might be possible in linkerd or containerd (beyond the oci change, etc)\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: ack, thanks\n<jdstrand> but it depends on what the investigation reveals\n<ijohnson> did y'all find anything more about pivot_root last night? I didn't see anything more on IRC after I left\n<jdstrand> kjackal: unless you escalate to Tim and joeubuntu, I'm not planning to look into it atm\n<jdstrand> kjackal: ok, swinging back to the trace denial\n<jdstrand> kjackal: I'm tinkering with the instance now\n<kjackal> thanks\n<mup> PR snapd#7606 closed: tests: run apt update in lxd containers <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7606>\n<kjackal> I will report back to Tim and we will see what we have to do about it. Thank you jdstrand\n<zyga> jdstrand: anything I can help with?\n * zyga has highlight on snap-confine\n<jdstrand> zyga: no, snap-confine is fine. I was just talking about some hoops I had to jump through wrt nnp for context on the linkerd denial\n<zyga> ack\n<jdstrand> kjackal: ok, I'm done. with this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HFpmhxVph5/ I'm able to run that test command\n<jdstrand> kjackal: those may not be the rules I use in the PR, but if you want to manually add them for testing, etc, there they are\n<jdstrand> kjackal: logging out of the instance. I'll ping you with the PR\n<kjackal> thank you jdstrand\n<kjackal> jdstrand: I tried to setup a branch on the latest channel for build of the strict microk8s. It seems things are blocked into maual review. Is there a way to automate the pushes?\n<jdstrand> kjackal: yes. I have to step away but will do that when I get back\n<kjackal> cool\n<oSoMoN> jdstrand, could you please vote/comment on https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/auto-connecting-the-personal-files-interface-for-the-chromium-snap-part-ii/13705 ?\n<oSoMoN> (thanks in advance!)\n * zyga goes for a nap\n<zyga> ttyl\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2752 opened: errors: migrate handful of errors to SnapcraftException <Created by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2752>\n<kjackal_v2> jdstrand: joedborg: the prometheus operator is also failing with the same error:\n<kjackal_v2> apparmor=\"DENIED\" operation=\"exec\" info=\"no new privs\" error=-1 profile=\"snap.microk8s.daemon-containerd\" name=\"/bin/operator\"\n * cachio lunch\n<joedborg> kjackal_v2: +1\n<mup> PR snapd#7615 opened: policy: implement CanRemove policy for the snapd type <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7615>\n<zyga> mvo: I'm fixing the bug with snapd removal\n<Chipaca> ttfn!\n<ogra> zyga, by makiing it unremovable ? :)\n<zyga> ogra: not today :)\n<ogra> hehe\n * ijohnson goes to lunch before mborzecki's schedule PR makes my brain hurt more\n<zyga> ijohnson|lunch: just schedule lunch, it will solve itself\n<ogra> snap feed --time=\n<ogra> ??\n * zyga needs to finish this tomorrow\n<zyga> time to rest\n<mup> PR snapd#7616 opened: interfaces/many: allow systemd-run to mount volume subPaths plus cleanups <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7616>\n<jdstrand> kjackal: fyi: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7616\n<mup> PR #7616: interfaces/many: allow k8s/systemd-run to mount volume subPaths plus cleanups <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7616>\n<kjackal> awesome, thank you jdstrand\n<jdstrand> kjackal: is that instance still up for me to verify ^ for the subPath fix?\n<kjackal> yes it is up\n<jdstrand> kjackal: do you mind if I check now real quick?\n<kjackal> jdstrand: no go ahead\n<kjackal> jdstrand: any suggestion for this:\n<kjackal> [ 4041.214192] audit: type=1400 audit(1571247745.450:4392): apparmor=\"DENIED\" operation=\"open\" profile=\"snap.microk8s.daemon-kubelet\" name=\"/var/lib/snapd/hostfs/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnvidia-ml.so.390.116\" pid=4464 comm=\"kubelet\" requested_mask=\"r\" denied_mask=\"r\" fsuid=0 ouid=0\n<kjackal> [ 4041.214196] audit: type=1400 audit(1571247745.450:4393): apparmor=\"DENIED\" operation=\"open\" profile=\"snap.microk8s.daemon-kubelet\" name=\"/var/lib/snapd/hostfs/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libnvidia-ml.so.390.116\" pid=4464 comm=\"kubelet\" requested_mask=\"r\" denied_mask=\"r\" fsuid=0 ouid=0\n<kjackal> [ 4041.361220] audit: type=1400 audit(1571247745.598:4394): apparmor=\"DENIED\" operation=\"open\" profile=\"snap.microk8s.daemon-containerd\" name=\"/etc/nvidia-container-runtime/config.toml\" pid=15115 comm=\"nvidia-containe\" requested_mask=\"r\" denied_mask=\"r\" fsuid=0 ouid=0\n<kjackal> trying to see if gpu support is broken or not\n<jdstrand> kjackal: I'm going to defer to zyga for that. it is curious you are seeing this in hostfs. I would expect the libs to be in /var/lib/snapd/lib/gl\n<jdstrand> kjackal: perhaps you could use a layout for /etc/nvidia-container-runtime and have it look in the right place?\n<jdstrand> kjackal: but usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libnvidia-ml.so.390.116 is not what I expected\n<jdstrand> kjackal: that said, zyga has looked at gpu support a lot. he may be eod atm\n<kjackal> ok, I will see what I can do\n<kjackal> thanks\n<zyga> jdstrand: there are cases where we take it from hostfs\n<jdstrand> kjackal: I'll ping you in a minute when I'm done with the test\n<jdstrand> (subPath)\n<zyga> kjackal: I'm EOD, please drop me a note with the details\n<kjackal> cool zyga, let me try some things first\n<jdstrand> kjackal: ok, this would be the result of when that PR is applied: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fFXYP5kNvk/, and with that 'sudo microk8s.kubectl apply -f /var/snap/microk8s/current/testcfgmount.yaml' doesn't have the ptrace trace denial\n<jdstrand> kjackal: so, cool :)\n<jdstrand> kjackal: logging out now\n<kjackal> many thanks jdstrand\n<jdstrand> kjackal: np. when you see that merged, the next day's core from edge will have it\n<kjackal> great\n<jdstrand> kjackal: this should be in 2.43\n<jdstrand> kjackal: are you using the same snap name for strict mode microk8s? I ask cause I don't see any failed reviews for microk8s\n<kjackal> let me fire the lp builder\n<jdstrand> kjackal: I'll look at the snap.yaml in the instance and create a snap decl\n<kjackal> just queued a build\n<kjackal> ETA in 13 minutes (estimated)\n<jdstrand> kjackal: it will fail due to the review-tools needing an update for your use of personal-files. I've made that change but it will need to be manually approved for now\n<jdstrand> kjackal: but you can ping my to manually approve in the meantime\n<kjackal> is this a one off approval or do I need to ping you on every new revision I want to push to the channel branch?\n<kjackal> jdstrand: ^\n<jdstrand> kjackal: until the review-tools are in prod, every one. after that, it will remember\n<kjackal> jdstrand: cool, for now I can wait. We may want to push one in a couple of weeks\n<jdstrand> roadmr: can you pull 20191016-1840UTC? just doc changes and 2 override additions\n<jdstrand> kjackal: ^ that has the change I mentioned\n<jdstrand> kjackal: ok, it should all be in place then\n<jdstrand> roadmr: and hi! :)\n<kjackal> awesome\n<roadmr> jdstrand: hey! sure thing\n<roadmr> jdstrand: when can we chat re: stateful review-tools?\n * cachio afk\n<jdstrand> roadmr: tomorrow?\n<jdstrand> roadmr: and thanks! :)\n<roadmr> jdstrand: sure, can I go by your google calendar?\n<roadmr> jdstrand: looks like there's no such tag in the repo :/\n<jdstrand> roadmr: yes, please look at the calendar\n * jdstrand looks at tag\n<roadmr> thanks!\n<jdstrand> roadmr: 20191016-1840UTC ? I see it in https://git.launchpad.net/review-tools?h=master\n<jdstrand> https://git.launchpad.net/review-tools/tag/?id=20191016-1840UTC\n<roadmr> jdstrand: ah! it's there now\n<jdstrand> roadmr: oh hah, I pushed the tag, not the commit :)\n<roadmr> jdstrand: some refreshing shenanigans, it seems\n<roadmr> 😆\n<ijohnson> jdstrand: re #7616 am I correct in thinking that mount rules for `/var/snap/@{SNAP_INSTANCE_NAME}/*/**` would allow a snap revision to mount stuff over another revision?\n<mup> PR #7616: interfaces/many: allow k8s/systemd-run to mount volume subPaths plus cleanups <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7616>\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: yep\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: hence my comment about refresh\n<ijohnson> is that intentional ?\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: did you see the commit message? I avoided SNAP_REVISION after all thinking that refresh would be potentially problematic\n<ijohnson> jdstrand: I did I just don't quite understand the reasoning\n<ijohnson> if they needs mounts to persist across refreshes then they should definitely use common\n<ijohnson> my original point was just that maybe someday they don't need to care about mounts persisting across  revisions and instead have incompatible data between revisions that they explicitly don't want to be shared across revisions\n<ijohnson> if that was the case they could then transition to mounting things on top of $SNAP_DATA, which would be per revision\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: I suspect that, like lxd, k8s will use the mechanism to not restart itself so pods aren't blown away\n<ijohnson> yes that is probably true\n<ijohnson> does lxd have rules to do mounts across revisions in $SNAP_DATA though?\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: lxd's profile allows transitioning to unconfined so there are no rules\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: (beyond allowing it to get to that point)\n<ijohnson> ah right yeah\n<ijohnson> lxd is special\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: iirc, this was why common/ was enforced in kubernetes-support\n<jdstrand> (ie, the refresh point, not lxd :)\n<jdstrand> it's been a while since I wrote those rules, but iirc I was enforcing best practice\n<ijohnson> jdstrand: perhaps given this we should just stick with common\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: ok. easy enough. we can rediscuss if there is a use case for SNAP_DATA\n<ijohnson> sure sounds good\n<ijohnson> feel free to force push if you want to remove that most recent commit\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: I am tempted to do that since I noticed typos in some commit messages ;) however, I did a revert commit so the discussion is captured for posterity\n<ijohnson> jdstrand: ack\n<mup> PR snapd#7617 opened: snap-confine.apparmor.in: harden pivot_root until we have full mediation <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7617>\n<jdstrand> roadmr: fyi, https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/snaps/microk8s/feedback/ has been giving a 504 for... 30 minutes?\n<jdstrand> roadmr: ish\n<roadmr> thanks jdstrand, fighting some minor fires store-side\n<jdstrand> roadmr: ok, just fyi. I'm not blocked\n<roadmr> right - seems to be widespread, get the same for e.g. core\n<jdstrand> roadmr: fyi, it is not *all* snaps. eg https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/snaps/telegraf/feedback/ is fine\n<roadmr> ah, interesting\n<roadmr> jdstrand: nessita found it's an n+1 queries problem which will hit snaps with many uploads\n<jdstrand> interesting\n<jdstrand> roadmr: I did see this with https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/snaps/app-outlet/ (notice no feedback/ in url) and it sometimes displayed\n<nessita> jdstrand, if you browse by revision, it should work\n<nessita> jdstrand, like https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/snaps/core/revisions/<revision>/\n<jdstrand> roadmr, nessita: well, I would need to know the revision. I guess I could snap info it.... also, I don't know if this makes a difference, but as a data point, I added scores of snap decls for snaps for pulseaudio, each with a feedback comment\n<jdstrand> (yesterday)\n<jdstrand> continuing that today\n<jdstrand> nessita: fyi, 504 with https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/snaps/app-outlet/revisions/1/\n<nessita> jdstrand, odd, it opened quite fast for me. Reloading...\n<nessita> hum 504 now\n<nessita> roadmr, maybe we have some sca fe with troubles?\n<jdstrand> nessita: that one didn't have many revisions iirc\n<roadmr> nessita: could be, or maybe the app units, one could have landed on an evil host\n<jdstrand> nessita: I just saw one with 73 revisions that was fine\n<nessita> jdstrand, yeah, we may have more than one issue. I mean, the linear queries is a problem and I've writen a test for it (that fails right now)\n<nessita> jdstrand, if you reload a few times https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/snaps/app-outlet/revisions/1/, do you get the right page from time to time?\n<jdstrand> nessita: I see it now\n<jdstrand> (30 revisions)\n<nessita> jdstrand, we may issues with one of the fe units or app units, let us look\n<roadmr> nessita: I would think app/backend units, the fe is just haproxy, shouldn't have any problems plus hasn't changed in a while\n<nessita> roadmr, jdstrand moving this to our private channel\n<roadmr> +1\n<nessita> roadmr, jdstrand #snastore please\n<nessita> roadmr, jdstrand #snapstore please\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2753 opened: cli: use click utilities for registering on push <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2753>\n<mup> PR snapd#7604 closed: many: address issues related to explicit/implicit channels for image building <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7604>\n#snappy 2019-10-17\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2753 closed: cli: use click utilities for registering on push <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2753>\n<mborzecki> morning\n<zyga> Hey\n<zyga> Taking Bit for a walk\n<mborzecki> zyga: hey\n<zyga> back in the office\n<zyga> man it's so wet today\n<zyga> it's not so cold but there's so much humidity everything is sticky wet\n<zyga> mborzecki: I'll work on the fix for apparmor now but later on I'd like to push some code through your review eyes ;)\n<mborzecki> hahah\n<mborzecki> zyga: i'm on a bug triage duty today, but want to finish some gadget stuff first\n<zyga> mborzecki: cool, enjoy it :)\n<zyga> mborzecki: perhaps you could triage fedora/rhel bugs\n<mborzecki> zyga: hm let me check whether i have the right permissions, last time i tried i couldn't switch them to resolved and assign to myself\n<mborzecki> zyga: should probably nag you and Eighth_Doctor to maybe add me to the snapd package\n<zyga> you have the required accounts and there's probably lots of stuff that is fixed\n<zyga> yeah, that's a good idea\n<zyga> add me as well if that's not already the case please\n<mup> PR snapd#7612 closed: gadget: add a public helper for parsing gadget metadata <Remodel :train:> <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7612>\n<pstolowski> morning\n<mborzecki> pstolowski: hey\n<mvo> hey pstolowski and mborzecki\n<mborzecki> mvo: hey\n<mvo> looks like we have lots of red, has anyone looked?\n<mvo> and happy release day\n<mborzecki> mvo: release day meaning we're going to see PRs failing on the store api? :)\n<mvo> mborzecki: most likely :/\n<mborzecki> mvo:  only 2 of recent PRs were red, pushed a little spelling fix to one with apparmor and pivot_root, the k8s one failed on store api returning 403\n<mup> PR snapd#7599 closed: gadget: refactor ensureVolumeConsistency <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7599>\n<mup> PR snapd#7618 opened: snap-install: add ext4,vfat creation support <Simple 😃> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7618>\n<mup> PR snapd#7618 closed: snap-install: add ext4,vfat creation support <Simple 😃> <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7618>\n<mup> PR snapd#7619 opened: image,seed: hide Seed16/Snap16, use seed.Open in image_test.go <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7619>\n<mborzecki> mvo: 7618 was quick, should i review it still?\n<mvo> mborzecki: no\n<mvo> mborzecki: I just noticed it duplicates code from the gadget\n<mvo> mborzecki: better code\n<mvo> mborzecki: so I will update and repush, sorry, I'm extracting mergable bits from the draft PR of claudio and didn't notice the duplication\n * zyga has some back pain today\n<zyga> I'll focus on reviews\n<pedronis> pushed some seed/image cleanups,  so now #7619 should be reviewed before #7595\n<mup> PR #7619: image,seed: hide Seed16/Snap16, use seed.Open in image_test.go <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7619>\n<mup> PR #7595: seed/seedwriter: support writing Core 20 seeds (aka recovery systems) <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7595>\n<mvo> mborzecki: and its back again, had to tweak it a little to support contentless mkfs from gadget but still very easy I hope\n<mup> PR snapd#7620 opened: snap-install: add ext4,vfat creation support <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7620>\n<mvo> mborzecki: layering of the mocking is a bit debatable, happy to fix it\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: #1840751 is fix-released, if you have the bandwidth\n<mup> Bug #1840751: Please include store-url when it exists <Snap Store:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1840751>\n<Chipaca> otherwise I'll leave it in my to-do\n<pedronis> Chipaca: hi, could you quickly backfill your standup notes for yesterday (maybe mvo should tell this, but I fear it might go all a bit downhill if we starts having gaps that are not because of time off)\n<Chipaca> drat, i forgot, yes\n<Chipaca> pedronis: thankyou for reminding me\n<pedronis> np\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: added a note in the topic and tagged it as upcoming for both of us :P\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: all I heard was \"it's a race\"\n<mborzecki> degville: i've gone through instructions in https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/building-a-snap-rpm-for-red-hat-enterprise-linux-rhel-8/13728 and updated them a bit, can you take a look whether i haven't butchered the language in the process?\n<degville> mborzecki: yes of course, thanks so much for looking through them and updating them!\n<degville> mborzecki: looks good - it's great to have the definitive article :) Thanks!\n<mborzecki> degville: it's using the release packages from github, at the cost of uglier download url :/ but i figured this would be better if the spec in master gains support for some new bianries that aren't in the latest release\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: degville: shouldn't the link point to the same place the example downloads?\n<Chipaca> or is it a different file\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: which example downloads?\n<mborzecki> the relase tarbal?\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: the spec file, but now i don't know what puts it there\n<Chipaca> so i'm confused and probably wrong\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: wha creates ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/snapd.spec ?\n<Chipaca> in those instructions i mean\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: the tar incantation\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: tar -xvJ -C ~/rpmbuild/SPECS --strip-components=3 -f snapd_2.42.no-vendor.tar.xz snapd-2.42/packaging/fedora/\n<Chipaca> ahhh\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: i might have missed the strip-components option there :)\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: ok, so, question stands! shouldn't the link in \"contains the recipe\" point to the release recipe, not master?\n<mborzecki> ah right\n<degville> Chipaca / mborzecki: right, that's my fault. I put that original link in, you're right Chipaca.\n<Chipaca> https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/release/2.42/packaging/fedora/snapd.spec is the 2.42 release blob\n<Chipaca> fwiw\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: degville: updated\n<degville> mborzecki: thank you!\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: is /blob/2.42/ the same as /blob/release/2.42?\n<Chipaca> anyway, i'll stop pestering now\n<zyga> pedronis: is this syntax new in go? https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7619/files#diff-4a51d32715a8521893a1f9ecf9236fb9R26\n<mup> PR #7619: image,seed: hide Seed16/Snap16, use seed.Open in image_test.go <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7619>\n<zyga> looks like type aliases\n<zyga> are those supported across all our go versions now?\n * zyga afk for a second\n<zyga> need to find some painkillers for the back\n<zyga> gosh, I love autumn and all the windy weather it brings\n<pedronis> zyga: yes, they are type aliases, we have already some (for tests) in the code base\n<pedronis> zyga: they were added in 1.9\n<pedronis> I think\n<Chipaca> yep, 1.9\n<mup> PR snapd#7573 closed: [RFC] client: add support for the new \"/v2/assertions/%s?remote=true\" <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7573>\n<mborzecki> ijohnson: silly me, pushed a fix for https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7443/files#r335908588 should have simplified this earlier since i was using the funky mon1-mon schedule in testing while working on the code, that's how the other part of the || came to be\n<mup> PR #7443: timeutil: fix schedules with ambiguous nth weekday spans <Bug> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7443>\n<ijohnson> mborzecki: great, I'll take a look in a bit thanks for explaining that\n<mborzecki> ok, onto the bug triage\n<mup> PR snapd#7621 opened: Add EPL-2.0 to licenses <Created by ralight> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7621>\n<mvo> mborzecki, zyga can someone on a fedora system check if \"golang.org/x/xerrors\" is available as a package?\n<zyga> mvo: hold on\n<zyga> mvo: a quick google ftp://rpmfind.net/linux/RPM/fedora/devel/rawhide/x86_64/g/golang-x-xerrors-devel-0-0.1.20190916gita985d34.fc32.noarch.html\n<zyga> mvo: so I suspect so\n<mborzecki> mvo:  i see it was released to 31 only\n<mvo> mborzecki: is it possible/easy to also releae for f30?\n<zyga> mvo: if needed it can be brouht to older releases\n<mborzecki> mvo: could probably ask the guy who maintains it to push a build for 30, although it's unsing a new packaging, so will require some tweaks\n<zyga> mvo: especially new devel packaes\n<mvo> will centos be a problem?\n<mborzecki> mvo: centos uses vendored pacakges\n<mvo> cool\n<mvo> well, it would make the PR I have here a lot nicer so would be nice to have it\n<mvo> and debian-sid has the package so its really just fedora\n<mborzecki> mvo: ah, it's the 1.13 error handling for older go releases\n<mvo> mborzecki: yeah\n<pstolowski> hmmmmm is there anything special about mount unit for core? on my WIP pre-baked image the unit is there in the fs (along one other snap), yet on boot it's not mounted and there is no trace of it in journal (the mount unit of other snap does appear there and gets mounted)\n<mvo> mborzecki: I think we will benefit in other areas too\n<zyga> pstolowski: which mount unit?\n<mvo> pstolowski: maybe not enabled in /{etc,lib}/systemd/system/mount.wants or something?\n<pstolowski> zyga: mount unit for core snap\n<mborzecki> btw. do you have an ubuntu system with nvidia?\n<zyga> mborzecki: me?\n<mborzecki> zyga: yes :P\n<zyga> mborzecki: not with ubuntu, last time I tried it wasn't working with this GPU\n<zyga> mborzecki: I think 19.10 will now work\n<zyga> mborzecki: but I don't have one installed\n<pstolowski> mvo: hmm interesting, will check, although mount unit is fine for lxd snap\n<mborzecki> zyga: ok, https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1824168 needs checking on nvidia, perhaps they updated the snap since that time\n<mup> Bug #1824168: classic opengl application on 19.04 fail to find gl drivers <amd64> <apport-bug> <disco> <snapd:New> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1824168>\n<zyga> Ok\n<mup> PR snapd#7622 opened: snap: make `snap known --remote` use snapd if available <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7622>\n<ogra> ogra@pocketbeagle:~$ grep BUG /etc/os-release\n<ogra> BUG_REPORT_URL=\"http://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/\"\n<ogra> given you guys did so much bug cleanup the last days ...\n<ogra> is that url in UbuntuCore still accurate ?\n<ogra> (thats core18)\n<pstolowski> mvo: aha! that is the case, thank you\n<Saviq> zyga: hey, is there somewhere we could read about / provide feedback on the hardware-support snaps (GL)?\n<ogra> there used to be a forum thread about this ...\n<zyga> Saviq: they are not on the roadmap anymore. What is present is on the forum\n<zyga> You can respond to existing topics there\n<zyga> I made one for OpenGL and one for CUDA\n<ogra> well, the Mir team made one for opengl too ... before yours i think\n<ogra> https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/libgl-and-snaps/6270\n<Saviq> and I suppose what you mean is https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/gpu-support-proposal/11247 and https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/hello-world-cuda-analysis/11250\n<ijohnson> mborzecki: I checked with my nvidia gpu + 19.04 and I can reproduce\n<mborzecki> hm someone reported a but about snapd 2.34.2ubuntu0.1 to 2.37.4ubuntu0.1 upgrade, but there's no 2.34 in the archive :?\n<mborzecki> ijohnson: thanks!\n<zyga> Saviq: yes\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/2.34.2ubuntu0.1\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: perhaps look in security you did not\n * Chipaca yodas\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: heh, thanks!\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: fwiw i got there via googling 'snapd <version>'\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: hmmm, still no deb there either, thought the old versions are just kept behind\n<mborzecki> unless, it was pulled maybe?\n<ogra> or the user has -proposed permanently enabled\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: ? the link is right there\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: on the right, \"builds\"\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: amd64\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/16332834/+files/snapd_2.34.2ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb\n<Chipaca> (and all the other debs we build)\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: right, there's where i downlaoded it from, but i'm not sure why it's not in archive.u.c or security.u.c pacakge pools\n<Chipaca> ahhh\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: because it got superseded, i assume\n<Chipaca> archive doesn't keep all old versions\n<Chipaca> huh, we don't restart snapd on removing the snapd snap\n<ogra> well, if you remove the snapd snap as a general user, you probably expect the deb to be gone too ?\n<Chipaca> well you'd be expecting wrong, then\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: --purge?\n<Chipaca> mborzecki: ?\n<mborzecki> Chipaca: duh, misread, it's the snapd snap\n<sergiusens> how do I deal with \"error: cannot install snap file: snap \"snapcraft\" assumes unsupported features: snapd2.39 (try to update snapd and refresh the core snap)\" but installing the snapd snap instead? I get \"error: cannot install \"snapd\": cannot install snapd snap on a model without a base snap yet\"\n<sergiusens> this is 16.04\n<sergiusens> and hello everyone\n<ogra> create a gadget for your install :P\n<ogra> (one thats base: core18 ... )\n<sergiusens> for my lxd container running a classic system?\n<ogra> (i wasnt serious)\n<zyga> sergiusens: install core\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: 1 sec\n<ogra> note that our classic installs all default us use core, not core18\n<sergiusens> good, I want to avoid installing core, snapcraft is on core18 and doesn't want to be installed\n<ogra> s/us/to/\n<sergiusens> zyga: so to install snapcraft I need to install core and core18?\n * ogra glares at his fingers\n<zyga> Yes\n<sergiusens> I went down this path as I was told the snapd snap fixed that\n<zyga> Until we ship snapd snap ootb\n<Chipaca> hold on\n<Chipaca> 1 sec\n<zyga> AFAIK it is not ready\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: can't you update your snapd package?\n<ogra> wouldnt that be snapd and core16 then, not core ?\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: otherwise, try this\n<sergiusens> Chipaca: I could add it to the work flow\n<Chipaca> sergiusens:  snap set system experimental.snapd-snap=true\n<zyga> ogra: it is not ready yet\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: then snap install snapd\n<ogra> zyga, yes, i got that ... but you'd not be using core in that scenario, right =\n<ogra> ?\n<Chipaca> zyga: snapd + core18 on classic works fine\n<sergiusens> Chipaca: ok, useful for play, but not to get out of this pickle :-)\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: what is your pickle?\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: as an aside: why are you running things on a 16.04 that is not up to date? :)\n<sergiusens> Chipaca: I build snapcraft with assumes command-chain, and 16.04 holding an older snapd\n<sergiusens> Chipaca: it is the latest minimal image\n<ogra> how could it \"hold an older snapd\" ? it re-execs into core\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: snapd 2.40 is in xenial-updates for quite a while now, but ok\n<ogra> (which should be auto-installed with your first snap)\n<sergiusens> Chipaca: yeah, the apt update proved that\n<Chipaca> sergiusens: and why does the 'snap set system' call not get you out of there?\n<sergiusens> Chipaca: oh, I read \"experimental\" and sort of hid from it\n<Chipaca> well, it's no longer experimental in a new enough snapd :)\n<zyga> Chipaca: there are still some issues in that setup\n<sergiusens> great then\n<Chipaca> zyga: what issues?\n<zyga> Chipaca: snapd tools directory injection into snap mount namespaces leads to stale tools over time\n<zyga> There is a topic forum describing this\n<zyga> Along with three proposals for solving it\n<zyga> Chipaca: I can find the link if you want to know more\n<Chipaca> zyga: you're mentioned in this thread, but dunno if you were aware (nor if you know what they're talking about): do you know what a 'readonly snapshot' means in this context? https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/intent-to-provide-chromium-as-a-snap-only/5987/2?u=chipaca\n<Chipaca> and more importantly why would it trip up snapd\n<Chipaca> zyga: ah, link to the forum, d'oh\n * pstolowski lunch\n<ondra> sergiusens ping\n<ondra> sergiusens you might have regression in snapcraft which is in beta\n<ondra> sergiusens run snapcraft init and then add in snapcraft.yaml plug definition from here https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/the-content-interface/1074\n<diddledan> ondra: I suspect you'll need to state which of those plug definitions you're using - there's several on that page\n<ogra> details ...\n<mup> PR snapd#7617 closed: snap-confine.apparmor.in: harden pivot_root until we have full mediation <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7617>\n<diddledan> ogra: details are the bane of our existence. down with details!\n<ondra> diddledan the very basic one https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PpBrFGnMcf/\n<ondra> diddledan I get \"Sorry, an error occurred in Snapcraft: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable\"\n<diddledan> ooh, interesting\n<ondra> diddledan seems like missing tests\n<ondra> diddledan this should be caught during testing\n<diddledan> yes, it should :-)\n<ondra> diddledan essentially it breaks now every snap using content interface plug\n<ondra> diddledan true I'm on beta :)\n<zyga> mborzecki: small test https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7623\n<zyga> jdstrand: ^\n<mup> PR #7623: tests: check world-writable and test-owned files <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7623>\n<mup> PR snapd#7623 opened: tests: check world-writable and test-owned files <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7623>\n<zyga> AFAIK we discussed this a while ago\n<jdstrand> I'll take a look\n<zyga> thank you\n<sergiusens> ondra: thanks, we will look into it, adding the Sharing a C-level library ? I guess we are naively expecting a default to be defined.\n<ondra> sergiusens I used that example straight from our docs\n<ondra> sergiusens in snap it broke I was just sharing socket\n<ogra> because our docs are always correct indeed :)\n<ondra> sergiusens but I wanted to demonstrate it on official example\n<ondra> ogra :P\n<sergiusens> Chipaca: I know why there are no updates, policy today is that build images are based on -release with no -updates\n<sergiusens> ondra: that's fine, no worries, we made changes there so there most likley is a regression\n<sergiusens> Chipaca: so is the outcome to use the snapd snap or just install core?\n<ondra> sergiusens cool, thanks\n<jdstrand> zyga: ok, fixed your hook comment (good catch!). See https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7616#pullrequestreview-303088818 for discussion\n<mup> PR #7616: interfaces/many: allow k8s/systemd-run to mount volume subPaths plus cleanups <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7616>\n<zyga> jdstrand: thank you, I'll look soon\n<jdstrand> zyga: thanks, not urgent (just needs to be in 2.43 :)\n<jdstrand> huh\n<jdstrand> so, yesterday I dropped pulseaudio from chocolate-doom-jdstrand and used audio-playback instead (fine)\n<jdstrand> I pushed that to git, which built the snap, which pushed it to edge which updated on my laptop\n<jdstrand> $ snap connections chocolate-doom-jdstrand|grep pulseaudio\n<jdstrand> pulseaudio              chocolate-doom-jdstrand:pulseaudio              :pulseaudio              -\n<jdstrand> $ grep pulseaudio /snap/chocolate-doom-jdstrand/current/meta/snap.yaml\n<jdstrand> [1]\n<sergiusens> ondra: https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2754\n<jdstrand> so... pulseaudio is connected after the refresh even though the current revision does not plugs it\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2754: meta: support the case of a plug without a default provider <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2754>\n<jdstrand> zyga: this seems like a bug ^\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2754 opened: meta: support the case of a plug without a default provider <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2754>\n<zyga> jdstrand: aha\n<zyga> in standup now\n<zyga> jdstrand: can you clarify, even though the revision does not plug it?\n<zyga> jdstrand: are you referring to \"snap connections\" claiming there is a connection even though a plug or slot has been removed?\n<jdstrand> zyga: the 'current' revision (ie, 81) does not 'plugs: pulseaudio'. the previous revision did. when snapd refreshed the snap from the previous to the current, pulseaudio remains connected\n<zyga> I see\n<jdstrand> zyga: unsurprisingly, that is also true of 'snap interfaces'\n<jdstrand> zyga: the profile on disk correctly only has audio-playback in the snippets\n<jdstrand> zyga: I'm going to file a bug. someone can mark it Invalid if it is operating as designed\n<kjackal_v2> jdstrand: any hints on this:\n<kjackal_v2> apparmor=\"DENIED\" operation=\"open\" profile=\"snap.microk8s.daemon-cluster-agent\" name=\"/proc/18749/mounts\" pid=18749 comm=\"python3\" requested_mask=\"r\" denied_mask=\"r\" fsuid=0 ouid=0\n<kjackal_v2> it comes from a command executing a python script\n<kjackal_v2> am I missing an interface?\n<jdstrand> or maybe not... what's going on LP?\n<zyga> jdstrand: thank you for the bug\n<zyga> jdstrand: lp is a bit wonky recently\n<ogra> release day ...\n<zyga> jdstrand: are you seeing timeout errors?\n<ogra> it is busy at some release party i guess\n<ogra> (getting drunk and such)\n<zyga> kjackal_v2: you can use mount-observe to avoid it\n<kjackal_v2> cool, trying that now, thanks zyga\n<jdstrand> kjackal_v2: plugs mount-observe\n<jdstrand> zyga: I see nothing. all white\n<zyga> jdstrand: oh that's even more buggy :)\n<jdstrand> there we go\n<kjackal_v2> there must be a tool suggesting the interfaces based on denials. thank you\n * jdstrand writes his bug report in an editor to then paste in\n<jdstrand> kjackal_v2: snappy-debug\n<zyga> kjackal_v2: there's snappy-debug\n<ogra> kjackal_v2, it is called snappy-debug\n<ogra> bah, snap\n<zyga> but I think we could instead have a tree-like output of files and patterns and associated interfaces that grant access\n<kjackal_v2> woohoo, thank you\n<jdstrand> kjackal_v2: I don't know if you saw, but it is called snappy-debug ;)\n<kjackal_v2> snappy-what ???\n<jdstrand> :)\n<zyga> jdstrand: I think snapd could even make that output\n<zyga> jdstrand: even based on dynamically created interfaces\n<zyga> jdstrand: that would be pretty neat actualy\n<zyga> *actually\n<jdstrand> zyga: the problem is globs and weird things like dbus rules and things with peers, etc\n<jdstrand> zyga: for best results (that snappy-debug is not currently doing) we need to use logprof to aid in suggestions\n<zyga> Yeah but those are all doable\n<jdstrand> and logprof is py3\n<jdstrand> snappy-debug receives nearly no love and I would still consider it poc code\n<jdstrand> I mean, it works, but isn't perfect\n<zyga> brb\n<mup> PR snapd#7518 closed: cmd/snap: sort tasks in snap debug timings output <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7518>\n<jdstrand> zyga: what would be quite cool is for snappy-debug to be able to query snapd on the fly (perhaps using your output) to obtain the policy to base suggestions on\n<jdstrand> right now I have to dump the policy snippets to disk in a rather convoluted manner and ship those snippets in snappy-debug\n<jdstrand> which, again, 'works', but it gets out of date and there are some problems wrt implicitCore and implicitClassic\n<jdstrand> anyway, we could discuss this over lunch sometime. it isn't like any of this is resourced :)\n<roadmr> jdstrand: hey there - hope it's not too short-notice, I scheduled the kickoff for the review-tools stateful thing in 50 min\n<jdstrand> roadmr: that's fine. do note that I'm booked til the roadmaap sprint and won't personally be able to do much wrt this until likely after. possibly just before\n<pedronis> pstolowski: which should probably discuss this issue with enable because I still think there is either a small bug in snapd or in some snaps, probably next week at this point though\n<jdstrand> possibly...\n<jdstrand> roadmr: my understanding was this was a 'next cycle' thing (in fact, the base snap stuff I've communicated in the forum as early next cycle)\n<pedronis> pstolowski: I made a note\n<jdstrand> roadmr: that doesn't mean I can't attend the meeting, just trying to set expectations\n<roadmr> jdstrand: right, we can clarify that in a bit. Our plan is to feature-flag this so it's ready to go once the tools support it, so there's no pressure on you ideally\n<jdstrand> roadmr: ack\n<pstolowski> pedronis: ok\n<jdstrand> pstolowski: fyi, in 2.42 snap install is fast since we only do the apparmor_parser at the end, but snap remove runs the parser on each disconnect\n<jdstrand> pstolowski: I don't recall if that was intentional (ie, it is still a known todo)\n<jdstrand> pstolowski: but if it was unknown, now it is known\n<jdstrand> :)\n<jdstrand> pstolowski: hey btw :)\n<pstolowski> jdstrand: hi! yes and no, we know we have a few variants of ops that need their own treatment... btw i've next PR up - https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7601 ; but yes i haven't considered remove yet\n<mup> PR #7601: overlord/ifacestate: use SetupMany in setupSecurityByBackend <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7601>\n<pstolowski> jdstrand: so, thanks for pointing out\n<jdstrand> ack on that PR (had it in my todo)\n<jdstrand> zyga: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1848516\n<mup> Bug #1848516: snap connections/interfaces shows dropped interfaces as connected after refresh <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1848516>\n<jdstrand> zyga: the end of that report is bizarre\n<Chipaca> found the issue with brave\n<Chipaca> https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/small-problem-with-brave-browser/13743/6?u=chipaca\n<Chipaca> anybody know the brave devs? popey?\n<ogra> they used to be active on the forum when packaging it first\n<ogra> @posix4e on the forum it seems\n<Chipaca> ogra: thanks\n<ogra> :)\n<Chipaca> hm, last seen jan 27\n<Chipaca> hmm\n<ogra> yeah ... at least this year though :)\n<zyga> jdstrand: returning from lunch and looking\n<Saviq> Can't find this documented anywhere, does the store expire old revisions of software? What are the rules for that?\n<ogra> afaik the store never deletes anything ... and revisions are only wiped when new stuff comes in\n<ogra> (unless you manually unrelease/close channels etc)\n<Chipaca> Saviq: if you're the publisher you can still install the old revisions\n<Chipaca> e.g. i can snap install --revision=1 http\n<ogra> show off ...\n<Chipaca> wait, i lied, i can onlu install 14 and on\n<Chipaca> huh\n<Chipaca> Saviq: so maybe there's more to it than that and we should ask the store :-D\n<ogra> probably only revisions that have been published once ?\n<Saviq> well, multipass's revisions start with no. 700+ (at least as far as `snapcraft revisions` is concerned)\n<Saviq> why I'm asking is I'm considering edge/pr-123 branches for pull requests, but would not like those to live ad infinitum\n<Saviq> so if there are *some* rules for expiration, I'd be much happier :)\n * cachio lunch\n<popey> Chipaca: they haven't been active for ages\n<popey> We may have to re-home it\n<zyga> jdstrand: question about https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7623 -- it shows we actually do use wrong permissions\n<mup> PR #7623: tests: check world-writable and test-owned files <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7623>\n<zyga> jdstrand: I made some changes to snap-confine where this test passes, do you think I should open that as a PR?\n<jdstrand> zyga: I have to step away but will circle back\n<zyga> ok\n<zyga> I'll commit and push it and give you a link\n<mup> PR snapd#7624 opened: snap: make `snap download` download via snapd if availalbe <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7624>\n<mup> PR snapd#7619 closed: image,seed: hide Seed16/Snap16, use seed.Open in image_test.go <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7619>\n<mvo> pedronis: yay\n<mvo> pedronis: ping me once this is merged into your other PR\n<pedronis> mvo: it is now\n<pedronis> #7595 is ready for review\n<mup> PR #7595: seed/seedwriter: support writing Core 20 seeds (aka recovery systems) <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7595>\n<mup> PR snapd#7625 opened: cmd/snap-confine: stop being setgid root <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7625>\n<mup> PR snapd#7233 closed: interfaces/firewall-control: add nf_nat_* to kmod plug <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <Closed by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7233>\n<mup> PR snapd#7626 opened: [RFC] managers: add remodel undo test for new required snaps case <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7626>\n<joedborg> hey ijohnson, do you happen to have the snapcraft.yaml for the docker snap you wrote?\n<ijohnson> joedborg: it's being maintained by tianon now on LP\n<joedborg> ijohnson: thanks!\n<ijohnson> joedborg: but anyways it's here : https://git.launchpad.net/~docker/+git/snap/tree/\n<joedborg> ijohnson: ah, nice, thanks.  just needed to \"borrow\" some bits :)\n<ijohnson> +1\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2741 closed: extensions: support using gjs from gnome runtime <Created by galgalesh> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2741>\n<jdstrand> zyga: can you take a look at this and bring it up in your standup: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1848567\n<mup> Bug #1848567: autogenerated per-snap snap-update-ns apparmor profile may contain many duplicate rules causing excessive parser memory usage <aa-parser> <AppArmor:New> <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1848567>\n<jdstrand> cc pedronis ^\n<jdstrand> zyga (cc pedronis): that could be an easy performance win\n<jdstrand> I say 'easy' because it is no risk for production, but I realize there could be a lot of testsuite changes\n<mup> PR snapd#7627 opened: overlord: add checks for bootvars in TestRemodelSwitchToDifferentKernel <Simple 😃> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7627>\n<ijohnson> jdstrand: I'll make sure it's discussed, that's could be a huge performance win it seems\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: yes, huge! and not just UC. eg, Ubuntu with preinstalled snaps on first boot could swap (or even OOM) due to this\n<ijohnson> yeah totally\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: the biggest number of dupes seems to be mostly around the content interface\n<jdstrand> layouts aren't too bad\n<jdstrand> at least anecdotally\n<ijohnson> yes it's quite odd because I have 3 graphical snaps on my system and they all have 17k line long snap-update-ns profiles and all the rest of my profiles are only about 100-200 lines\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: jjohansen mentioned to me that the issue is because mount rules don't have a quick and dirt second pass to pull out dupes\n<jdstrand> dirty*\n<ijohnson> but also all the graphical snaps use the content interface too\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: yes, exactly\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: I see that chromium ,discord, gedit, gimp, gnome-calculator, gnome-characters, gnome-logs, gnome-system-monitor, indicator-sensors, libreoffice, remmina, ...\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: you know, all the stuff no one uses :P\n<ijohnson> haha yeah :-O\n<oSoMoN> jdstrand, hey, until the voting period is over for https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/auto-connecting-the-personal-files-interface-for-the-chromium-snap-part-ii/13705, the chromium snap in the candidate channel is not installable. If I wanted to publish unrelated bug fixes in the chromium snap, should I simply revert the change to the personal-files plug temporarily, then add it back when auto-connection is granted?\n<jdstrand> oSoMoN: yes, that would be the best course. let me look at that request real quick\n<jdstrand> oSoMoN: let me look at the snapcraft.yaml. recall there is a review-tools change that is also needed\n<jdstrand> oSoMoN: I'd like to proactively add that ahead of the voting period expiration\n<oSoMoN> cool\n<jdstrand> oSoMoN: so your plan is to update the existing 'chromium-config' plug?\n<oSoMoN> jdstrand, yes, unless you advise otherwise\n<oSoMoN> the change is here: https://git.launchpad.net/~chromium-team/chromium-browser/+git/snap-from-source/commit/?id=ffd7ad54bca62c325f906014cd3b96bd2bcd2ee7\n<jdstrand> oSoMoN: in this case, I think that is fine. it also means I don't need to add anything to the review-tools\n<oSoMoN> even better\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2755 opened: extensions: kde-neon: add icon and sound themes <Created by galgalesh> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2755>\n#snappy 2019-10-18\n<mborzecki> morning\n<mup> PR snapd#7621 closed: spdx: add EPL-2.0 to licenses <Created by ralight> <Closed by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7621>\n<mborzecki> mvo: hey\n<mvo> hey mborzecki\n<mup> PR snapd#7609 closed: snap-recovery: remove \"usedPartitions\" from sfdisk.Create() <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7609>\n<mup> PR snapd#7620 closed: snap-install: add ext4,vfat creation support <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7620>\n<mvo> 7613 is ready for review now, pretty small and hopefully simple :)\n<mborzecki> mvo: so are we going with snap-recovery instead of recovery-tool, or will the former just stay an internal/testing thing for now?\n<mvo> mborzecki: hope I understand the question but snap-recovery is the new name of recovery-tool, recovery-tool is a bit too generic (iirc that was what was the outcome of the code review earlier)\n<mborzecki> mvo: ah ok, missed that\n<mvo> mborzecki: there should be no recovery-tool anymore unless I overlooked something :)\n<mup> PR snapd#7627 closed: overlord: add checks for bootvars in TestRemodelSwitchToDifferentKernel <Simple 😃> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7627>\n<pstolowski> morning\n<mvo> hey pstolowski\n<zyga> re\n<zyga> hey guys\n<zyga> feeling somewhat better, working from office now\n<zyga> resuming work on /etc -> /var move\n<mup> PR snapd#7628 opened: gadget: helper for volume compatibility checks <Remodel :train:> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7628>\n<mborzecki> mvo: ^^\n<mborzecki> pstolowski: zyga: hey\n<mvo> mborzecki: nice one\n<mvo> zyga: hey ! glad to hear that you feel better\n<zyga> mvo: thanks\n<pedronis> mborzecki: hi, btw now that claudio changes have landed #7509 should be unblocked ?\n<mup> PR #7509: gadget, snap/pack: perform extended validation of gadget metadata and contents <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7509>\n<mborzecki> pedronis: yes\n<zyga> mvo: check this out\n<zyga> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/Kpa4yYyI/\n<mborzecki> zyga: hm maybe snapd.failure.service ran and exited between the is-active calls?\n<zyga> that's a good hunch\n<zyga> perhaps it should stay-after-exit?\n<zyga> or leave a trace that the test can reliably check for\n<mup> PR snapd#7629 opened: snap-recovery: create filesystems as defined in the gadget <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7629>\n<mborzecki> osx jobs fail on travis?\n<zyga> mborzecki: I didn't see any failures, what did you get?\n<mborzecki> zyga: jobn fails, 10 minutes with no output, as if nothing got really executed\n<zyga> hum\n<zyga> I've submitted some changes so I will likely see that soon\n<zyga> but no output is a big hard to debug\n<zyga> macos has abandoned bash and switched to zsh\n<zyga> maybe that's a factor?\n<mborzecki> really?\n<mborzecki> wonder why\n<zyga> gpl\n<zyga> they never upgraded past gpl 2.0 licensed version\n<zyga> there's nothing gpl 3.0 on macos\n<mborzecki> duh\n<mborzecki> at least they didn't go with tcsh :P\n<zyga> mash :)\n<pedronis> mvo: so I'm ready to submit seed/seed20 code and the basics of using it for firstboot, but I need reviews otherwise it will just be huge diffs\n<zyga> mvo: question on your policy branch https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7615/files#r336367270\n<mup> PR #7615: policy: implement CanRemove policy for the snapd type <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7615>\n<pedronis> I'll have a break and then switch to doing reviews\n<mvo> zyga: sure, I have a look\n<mvo> pedronis: will review your PR in a little bit\n<Chipaca> 👋\n<Chipaca> just to note I'm not working today :-)\n<Chipaca> did I say note? I meant 'gloat'\n<zyga> Chipaca: are you okay?\n<pedronis> zyga: what's the status of #7547 ? does it need Jamie's review?\n<mup> PR #7547: many: use a dedicated named cgroup hierarchy for tracking <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7547>\n<zyga> pedronis: I asked for someone from security (jamie or alex) to review it\n<zyga> jamie had a look and mentioned the idea is sound (on IRC)\n<zyga> but there's no full review from him yet\n<zyga> I think it would be good to have one though it's all entirely behind a feature flag so we might land it without a review assuming we get one later\n<zyga> I have more code depending on this landing so moving it would unblock me\n<zyga> mborzecki: reviewed https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7628#pullrequestreview-303746745\n<mup> PR #7628: gadget: helper for volume compatibility checks <Remodel :train:> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7628>\n<mborzecki> thx\n<mvo> thanks zyga !\n<zyga> mvo: small review for you https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7626#pullrequestreview-303758751\n<mup> PR #7626: [RFC] managers: add remodel undo test for new required snaps case <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7626>\n<mvo> zyga: happy to discuss this in a bit, fwiw we use similar style in snapstate and wrappers, it seems to be ok if \"f() (err error)\" style is used - or am I misreading/misunderstanding?\n<zyga> mvo: it's still easy to define another err\n<zyga> mvo: I know we are using this style\n<zyga> but if we are going to rely on it I think it's a bit too fragile\n<pedronis> zyga: it's a bit more subtle\n<mvo> zyga: you mean if someone defines does \"return err2\" ?\n<pedronis> the return do an assignment afaiu\n<mvo> yeah, that is my understanding as well, so I wonder if I miss something\n<pedronis> zyga: see, this code  https://play.golang.org/p/gzUa03a0ET7\n<zyga> mvo: I could be wrong but last time I was doing it I had unexpected results from foo, err := ... style code even if err was defined\n<mvo> zyga: this case will work, I can add some test for this later\n<mvo> zyga: but in the middle of a review right now so I don't want to switch too much context :)\n<mvo> zyga: aha, pedronis was kind enough to add the pastebin\n<mvo> eh, play\n<pedronis> zyga: is the this bit of the spec: A \"return\" statement that specifies results sets the result parameters before any deferred functions are executed.\n<pedronis> https://golang.org/ref/spec#Return_statements\n<zyga> pedronis: that's interesting, I didn't know that\n<zyga> I was trying to craft something nefarious in the playground but could not\n<mvo> zyga: we could add a comment to this kind of code to ensure ppl are not nervous about it\n<pedronis> there are still some ways to get this idiom wrong:\n<pedronis> not defining err in the return type, but have some early err := but using the idiom anyway somehow\n<pedronis> some path that errors but returns nil to the caller (but still hope to get the undoing working)\n<pedronis> mvo: thanks for the review, I asked a question about one of your questions :)\n<zyga> I'll be back soon,\n<zyga> it's so cold in the office nowadays\n<zyga> I should turn more computers on\n<zyga> (heating is on but the office has weaker heat insulation compared to the rest of the house)\n<mvo> pedronis: thanks, I replied\n<pstolowski> yay, got the cloud image firstboot working end-to-end with pre-baked image \\o/\n<pstolowski> now onto open points.. system key, gadget configure hook..\n<zyga> pstolowski: nice milestone :)\n<pedronis> mvo: couple of comments in 7626\n<mvo> pedronis: thank you\n<pedronis> pstolowski: great\n<mup> PR snapd#7548 closed: tests: update snap logs to match for multiple lines for  \"running\" <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7548>\n<mvo> pedronis: thanks for your suggestions, I will update the undo PR accordingly, much simpler this way :)\n<mup> PR snapd#7630 opened: overlord/devicestate: check snap handler for gadget remodel compatibility <Remodel :train:> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7630>\n<mborzecki> mvo: pedronis: ^^\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2754 closed: meta: support the case of a plug without a default provider <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2754>\n<mvo> mborzecki: thanks, looking\n<zyga> mborzecki: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7630#pullrequestreview-303818422\n<mup> PR #7630: overlord/devicestate: check snap handler for gadget remodel compatibility <Remodel :train:> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7630>\n<zyga> mvo: is https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7613 already minimal or would merging master shrink it?\n<mup> PR #7613: snap-recovery: add minimal binary so that we can use spread on it <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7613>\n<zyga> mborzecki: can you do a pass over https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7614 as well\n<mup> PR #7614: cmd/snap-confine: implement snap-device-helper internally <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7614>\n<mvo> zyga: its already minimal, I merged master this morning\n<zyga> mvo: thanks, I'll review it then\n<zyga> mvo: I only asked because it said it is based on something and I wasn't sure\n<mvo> zyga: ta\n * pstolowski lunch\n * zyga break as well\n<zyga> mvo: I'll finish the review soon\n<mvo> zyga: no worries, I have lunch now\n<zyga> mvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7629#pullrequestreview-303823599 :)\n<mup> PR #7629: snap-recovery: create filesystems as defined in the gadget <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7629>\n<mup> PR snapd#7628 closed: gadget: helper for volume compatibility checks <Remodel :train:> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7628>\n<zyga> LXD test is failing a few times today\n<mborzecki> pedronis: updated #7509\n<mup> PR #7509: gadget, snap/pack: perform extended validation of gadget metadata and contents <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7509>\n<pedronis> jdstrand: hi, I made a meta comment in the system-backup PR, you probably know but you have quite few snapd PRs asking your review\n<jdstrand> pedronis: thanks, yes, going to get through as many as I can today\n<mborzecki> off to pick up the kids, or i'm gonna be late for standup\n<jdstrand> mvo: hey, others said they would bring this up in your standup, but fyi bug #1848567\n<mup> Bug #1848567: autogenerated per-snap snap-update-ns apparmor profile may contain many duplicate mount rules causing excessive parser memory usage <aa-parser> <AppArmor:New> <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1848567>\n<zyga> oh\n<jdstrand> zyga: oh, did you not see backscroll from after you eod'd?\n * jdstrand gathers\n<zyga> nope\n<zyga> I didn't read any\n<jdstrand> zyga: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NKFGsZtBZN/\n<zyga> jdstrand: thanks\n<zyga> jdstrand: I think there is an \"easy\" way to solve this\n<zyga> jdstrand: I can give it a try\n<zyga> jdstrand: we can de-duple in the apparmor spec\n<zyga> *de-dupe\n<zyga> jdstrand: and simply change how we emit lines for the offending rules\n<jdstrand> zyga: please only dedupe in snap-update-ns profiles though\n<zyga> jdstrand: I'll try\n<zyga> jdstrand: though\n<zyga> jdstrand: I think it'd be good to do globally\n<jdstrand> zyga: I do not\n<zyga> jdstrand: we can have some code that emits # line if line was already added\n<zyga> jdstrand: why?\n<zyga> jdstrand: doing it in a specific profile would create a special case\n<zyga> jdstrand: so more complexity to test\n<jdstrand> zyga: snap-update-ns is auto-generated so we need to make sure it is clean. the handcrafted snippets will have few duplicates and removing them will have essentially no performance gain but cause confusion in debugging and auditing\n<zyga> jdstrand: it depends on how it is done, we can keep the duplicated lines, just comment them out\n<pedronis> I agree with jdstrand that it will get confusing for debugging\n<Saviq> is there documentation somewhere about the acls I can give to `snapcraft export-login`?\n<zyga> pedronis: it's hard to say if it is confusing before we see it\n<pedronis> zyga: heh\n<pedronis> you are copying something into something else\n<pedronis> except removing some bits\n<jdstrand> zyga: please note the problem is that the parser doesn't (currently) have a cheap dedupe for mount rules. all others are dedupes fast. we just need to make sure the auto-generated profiles doesn't balloon\n<pedronis> depending on mixing of things\n<pedronis> that sounds confusing\n<pedronis> a priori\n<zyga> pedronis: I think you are confused by what I'm trying to do\n<zyga> jdstrand: sure, I understand the problem\n<pedronis> zyga: I expect every line from a template to end up in the final profile atm\n<pedronis> it sounds you want to change that\n<jdstrand> zyga: the commented out idea is better than removing, but we don't want that. why have 17000 commented out lines?\n<zyga> jdstrand: for the audit you wanted?\n<zyga> pedronis: I don't want to change anything related to the template\n<zyga> pedronis: or parse anything for that matter\n<pedronis> zyga: you are changing the relation between template content and output\n<jdstrand> zyga: I am talking about *auto-generated* rules. for templated policy with snippets, we  should have everything\n<zyga> pedronis: yes, but that is unavoidable, we must change something to get less output\n<pedronis> zyga: yes, but only for autogenerated stuff\n<zyga> jdstrand: sure, but I never intended to change the template here\n<zyga> pedronis: yes, that's what I was proposing\n<zyga> anyway, I think code speaks clearer than english\n<pedronis> zyga: so I'm not confused, but both me and jdstrand are saying no to that\n<zyga> I will have a look\n<zyga> and we can discuss it then\n<jdstrand> zyga: but you did say that you would dedupe snap.* profiles, not just snap-update-ns.*. snap.* aren't autogenerated\n<pedronis> zyga: please discuss with mvo how to prioritize this\n<zyga> jdstrand: my idea is to dedupe snippets\n<zyga> jdstrand: nothing more\n<zyga> jdstrand: this idea is super simple, it only depends on how we send mount rules as snippets\n<zyga> jdstrand: instead of sending one big block of unique text\n<jdstrand> zyga: snippets are also not autogenerated rules\n<zyga> jdstrand: we can send each mount rule\n<zyga> jdstrand: snippets are just that, the contets is auto generated or not\n<jdstrand> zyga: or rather, the ones in interfaces/builtins are not autogenerated\n<zyga> jdstrand: if we change the content permissions to generate each mount rule as a snippet\n<zyga> (actually we may already have deduplication in the snippets)\n<jdstrand> zyga: there is a difference between snapd calculating individual rules and adding them and snapd splatting out templated snippets\n<zyga> jdstrand: so instead of sending one, say, ten line snippet\n<zyga> jdstrand: we can send ten snippets\n<zyga> jdstrand: and if the next directory rule sends the 9 snippets that are the same\n<zyga> jdstrand: and one that is different\n<zyga> jdstrand: we end up with just 11 snippets now\n<zyga> jdstrand: as I said above, I don't intend to parse or split snippets that are provided to the spec\n<zyga> jdstrand: just be smarter about the snippets that we add to the spec in this case\n<jdstrand> zyga: there are implementation ideas that can be done to dedupe. that is fine. I'm saying that at the end of it all, we should have deduped snap-update-ns policy, but snap.* policy is character by character identical\n<jdstrand> to what we have now\n<zyga> jdstrand: I think I see your point but I don't think we should be this strict about this, this kind of approach introduces special cases that are error prone. I don't think we have any duplication in snap profiles today. Having said that I would not like to if-then-else this special case\n<jdstrand> zyga: it doesn't feel that hard. add a flag if and set it to true if generating snap-update-ns\n<zyga> jdstrand: btw, how did you run into this?\n<zyga> jdstrand: is there a simple test where we can measure the memory used by apparmor parser?\n<pedronis> jdstrand: agreed\n<jdstrand> zyga: people (including myself) were seeing OOMs in Ubuntu vms\n<jdstrand> zyga: did you read the bug? :)\n<zyga> jdstrand: I didn't notice the -f mem thing there, I read the summary only\n<zyga> jdstrand: I will look at adding a test that checks if the memory used by apparmor parser on a specific profile is not unreasonable\n<zyga> (though as with all \"benchmark\" style tests, it's not a clear-cut what is reasonable)\n<jdstrand> zyga: btw, there is duplication in the snap.* profiles today, but it is small and unimportant for performance and memory\n<jdstrand> zyga: that will be difficult and dependent on how many cpus you have\n<zyga> jdstrand: I would imagine a test that loads one specific profile should not depend on that\n<zyga> jdstrand: (load profile one by one, check that memory used by apparmor parser is << than some sane value)\n<zyga> (with the right arguments to force skipping cache to see the actual cost)\n<jdstrand> zyga: one profile no, but that is artificial with pstolowski's patches to load all of the snaps profiles with one parser invocation. it might be ok, but I don't know what a good number is. it is definitely less than 1.5G :)\n<zyga> jdstrand: btw, why is apparmor parser not de-duplicating mount rules?\n<jdstrand> zyga: that is in the bug :)\n<zyga> jdstrand: yeah, for sure, I need to see\n<jdstrand> zyga: it is a bug in apparmor_parser. it should be\n<zyga> I see\n<zyga> ok\n<zyga> mvo: can you triage https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1848567 :)\n<mup> Bug #1848567: autogenerated per-snap snap-update-ns apparmor profile may contain many duplicate mount rules causing excessive parser memory usage <aa-parser> <AppArmor:New> <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1848567>\n<jdstrand> zyga: but even if that was fixed, 17000 auto-generated rules need to be fixed\n<zyga> jdstrand: it looked good when we were writing it ;)\n<zyga> jdstrand: precise and all that\n<zyga> but yeah\n<jdstrand> that is impossible to read, audit and too much disk\n<pedronis> mborzecki: I don't understand why we need volumes for classic gadgets now in #7509\n<mup> PR #7509: gadget, snap/pack: perform extended validation of gadget metadata and contents <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7509>\n<zyga> jdstrand: perhaps we should not be this precise\n<jdstrand> zyga: well, I think things are pretty 'ok' with a single content interface. but the pattern in the filed is multiple content interfaces like with gnome-calculator\n<pedronis> mborzecki: commented there\n<jdstrand> zyga: we are precise for a reason. just dedupe: we are then precise and small\n<jdstrand> the file ends up being <700 lines (with comments) after deduped. that is totally fine\n<jdstrand> (for gnome-calculator that is)\n<jdstrand> memory is inline with all our othe profiles\n<jdstrand> time to compile too\n<jdstrand> it's a cheap win with no production risk since the rules loaded into the kernel are exactly the same as the 17000 line profile\n<zyga> jdstrand: because of apparmor parser DFA miminalization?\n<jdstrand> zyga: yeah\n<ijohnson> jdstrand: well looks like you got your bug discussed before I even had a chance to mention it :-)\n<jdstrand> zyga: there is an expensive dedupe stage and a cheap one. the cheap one is missing for mount in the parser.\n<zyga> yeah, I think I understand how the parser is ending up working this way\n<jdstrand> zyga: the idea is, do the cheap one then the expensive.\n<zyga> state machine transformations are expensive, especially the minimalization that results in exponential states\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: heh, it was good. now people know where everyone stands and the discussion in the standup can perhaps be more productive, shorter and about resourcing\n<ijohnson> +1\n<ijohnson> oh btw I still have a todo to look into stopping pivot_root for containerd, is that still necessary/relevant (cc joedborg)\n<mborzecki> pedronis: heh, right, leftover from the initial version of the pr\n<ijohnson> jdstrand: ^\n<pedronis> ijohnson: hi, I did a pass on the disabled services PRs\n<joedborg> ijohnson: I’ve tried with setting `no_pivot` to true but am still getting the app armor violations on the file system\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: kjackal is who wanted it (but I'm sure joedborg is interested too), but yes, kjackal saw prometheus had a similaar issue. I'll let him comment further\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: if you don't mind that is\n * kjackal reading\n<jdstrand> zyga: fyi, sha256sum for big vs deduped cache files: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YFCkGZysk2/\n<zyga> jdstrand: how did you dedupe?\n<ijohnson> pedronis: I saw that thanks\n<jdstrand> zyga: it is in the bug ;) I sort -u then put the preamble lines and the } in the right spot\n<zyga> jdstrand: +1\n<zyga> thanks\n<zyga> yeah, this is expected\n * jdstrand nods\n<kjackal> ijohnson: joedborg is probably the best to comment on this. The only thing I can say for sure is that we see issues with a number of workloads some of which are probably due to patches mising from containerd.\n<jdstrand> just wanted to prove that the kernel blob is the same. no reason to change our rules\n<ijohnson> jdstrand, kjackal, joedborg: ack I'll still take a look at it then. btw which snap is this for, the kubernetes-worker snap? I can't seem to find it on github anymore, I thought it was somewhere in https://github.com/charmed-kubernetes/bundle\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: https://github.com/charmed-kubernetes/snap-kubernetes-worker is kubernetes-worker\n<ijohnson> thanks jdstrand\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: https://github.com/ubuntu/microk8s/ is microk8s\n<joedborg> ah thanks jdstrand\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: (though I don't know where kjackal's strict mode branch is currently living)\n<jdstrand> otoh\n<kjackal> It is here https://github.com/ubuntu/microk8s/tree/feature/strict-v3\n<ijohnson> thanks everybody, will try to look into this soon\n<jdstrand> zyga: so, for the benchmark, /usr/bin/time -f \"wall: %E, mem: %M Kb\" apparmor_parser -QTK -o benchmark.cache profile\n<jdstrand> zyga: actually, just to be 100% consistent: /usr/bin/time -f \"wall: %E, mem: %M Kb\" apparmor_parser -j1 -QTK -o benchmark.cache profile\n<mup> PR snapd#7562 closed: tests: check the apparmor_parser when the file exists on snap-confine test <Simple 😃> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7562>\n<jdstrand> zyga: where profile is something akin to what gnome-calculator has (eg, multiple content plugs). maybe put memory at under 50000 and time at under 1 second?\n<zyga> jdstrand: thank you, I'll make sure this is tested\n<jdstrand> zyga: you might have to play with those thresholds. the deduped profile was ~32M here and < .5 seconds\n<jdstrand> here\n<zyga> jdstrand: I think I will put the threshold at 512M\n<zyga> if we needed more mem we will fail on some supported systems\n<jdstrand> zyga: maybe make sure it is < 1000? line? (it was 662 here)\n<zyga> but I need to sit down and code it first\n<zyga> most likely next week as we won't release over weekend anyway\n<jdstrand> zyga: soryy, 50000 was in k. that is 50M\n<jdstrand> zyga: 'time' uses 'k' but then I used 'm' in later comments. 50M as the upper limit initially sounds good\n * jdstrand tests on arm64 and armhf real quick\n<zyga> jdstrand: I'm only grumpy that nobody raised this during 19.10 beta\n<zyga> jdstrand: we could have fixed it for that release\n<zyga> jdstrand: but that's why I want to do a test\n<jdstrand> zyga: it isn't a 19.10 thing\n<zyga> jdstrand: so that next time we won't be burned by accident\n<zyga> jdstrand: oh I know\n<zyga> but it JUST SHIPPED and nobody noticed before :)\n<jdstrand> zyga: oh I see what you mean\n<jdstrand> zyga: yes, well, at least it was found by us rather than the field blowing up\n<zyga> jdstrand: well, the field may still blow up :)\n<jdstrand> zyga: but, for sure classic distro is feeling this and don't know it\n<jdstrand> zyga: most desktop system probably have 1.5G ram and swap these days, and it is desktop system that hit the pathological multiple content interface case\n<zyga> jdstrand: yeah\n<jdstrand> zyga: so OOM won't usually be hit unless other things are going on\n<zyga> jdstrand: if you want to review it today I may look at a quick PR after standup\n<zyga> jdstrand: if you are fine waiting it will be done next week\n<jdstrand> but, they could crawl with swap and be a bit slow\n<jdstrand> zyga: yes. I am off Mon and Tue. 2.43 material is fine\n<zyga> jdstrand: oh\n<zyga> hmmm\n<jdstrand> zyga: I'm going to try to get through all the PR reviews today\n<zyga> perhaps a quick iteration today is better\n<zyga> well, I'll leave that to you\n<zyga> otherwise I will resume reviews\n<zyga> and try to finish a bugfix for apparmor in another area\n<zyga> (the one with the include file)\n<jdstrand> zyga: 2.43 wasn't even branched yet as of... yesterday? wed?\n<zyga> I don't know the status of the release\n<zyga> sorry\n<jdstrand> that's fine. next week is fine. please discuss priority in standup (and feel free to relay I'm reviewing today and off Mon and Tue if that is useful)\n<jdstrand> zyga: ^\n<zyga> ok\n<jdstrand> zyga: a not nearly as important bug that I can't recall if I forwarded to you: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1848516\n<mup> Bug #1848516: snap connections/interfaces shows dropped interfaces as connected after refresh <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1848516>\n<jdstrand> zyga: oh, I did. I was really surprised remove/install still showed it as connected :)\n<jdstrand> erf, 'time' isn't in UC\n<ogra> jdstrand, lies ... my UC16 has it :P\n<jdstrand> ogra: /usr/bin/time?\n<ogra> ah, no, the shell builtin\n<jdstrand> (it is also a shell builtin, but that isn't what I want)\n * jdstrand nods\n<jdstrand> using classic snap\n<jdstrand> ogra: I totally forgot how handy /usr/bin/time is\n<ogra> haha, yeah\n<jdstrand> the builtin is all I think I've used for years :)\n<ogra> oh, it actually even comes from its own deb\n<ogra> i thought it is part of coreutils\n<jdstrand> huh, me too\n<jdstrand> zyga: oh, /usr/bin/time -f \"wall: %E, mem: %M Kb\" apparmor_parser -QTK -Ono-expr-simplify -j1 -o cache profile\n<jdstrand> zyga: (forgot -Ono-expr-simplify)\n<jdstrand> zyga: armhf: wall: 0:00.24, mem: 3472 Kb\n<jdstrand> zyga: arm64: wall: 0:00.45, mem: 5392 Kb\n * jdstrand moves along\n<ogra> heh, thats the same binary you call on armhf and arm64 i guess ?\n<ogra> (surprising it isnt 2x the memory size but only 1.5 or so ... )\n<ijohnson> hey Chipaca got a question yesterday about store connections from snapd... is there a single global timeout we set for all connections to the store? and if there is, can a user adjust that timeout?\n<mup> PR snapd#7574 closed: client: add KnownOptions to Know() and support remote assertions <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7574>\n<pedronis> ijohnson: John is off today,  we have a couple of timeouts and retry strategies, they are not user configurable atm\n<ijohnson> ah okay, thanks pedronis\n<mvo> 7622 is now also ready for a review\n<mvo> zyga: hm, it looks like I did not look closely enough, 7613 was the smallest snap-recovery PR in flight right now, I will apply your feedback to the other to this one. sorry that I overlooked this earlier\n<zyga> mvo: no worries :)\n<pedronis> mborzecki: re-reviewed 7509\n<mborzecki> pedronis: thanks\n<jdstrand> pedronis: hey, those snap-ids, they were for all stores, correct?\n<pedronis> jdstrand: yes\n<jdstrand> thanks\n<zyga> jdstrand: I think it works\n<zyga> jdstrand: have a look https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/FB0h24Ik/deduped-update-ns-profile\n<zyga> I need to adjust tests but it's simple enough\n<zyga> but firstd\n<zyga> foood :D\n * zyga had only breakfast and it's almost 5PM\n<jdstrand> zyga: yikes. that happened to me yesterday :\\\n<zyga> as a super-cheap approach for now until tests pass\n<zyga> jdstrand: diff that makes it go  https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/TCWMioYP/\n<zyga> it relies on spec.AddUpdateNS() de-duplicating already\n<zyga> ok, time for that food\n<joeubuntu> hey all - looking for a pointer. I've heard tales of a scenario where snaps can be built by pulling source down from github. Is there a link you can share so I can read up on it? I have not been able to find it with the googles.\n<joeubuntu> i.e. I'd somehow modify my snapcraft.yaml to git clone my repo? Is that a thing or do I misunderstand the feature?\n<ijohnson> joeubuntu: do you mean you have a snapcraft.yaml source on github you want to be built into a snap? or you just want to include some github repo in your snap?\n<ijohnson> joeubuntu: we have build.snapcraft.io which will automatically re-build your snap when you push to the github repository and publish the built snap into the edge channel\n<joeubuntu> ijohnson that is the goal!  right now I just copy my files in to ~/snap/snapName/snap/files\n<ijohnson> hmm I guess I didn't quite follow which thing is the goal :-)\n<joeubuntu> I want to use build.snapcraft.io , so thanks !\n<ijohnson> joeubuntu: ah okay cool, feel free to let us know if you can't get it setup\n<ogra> oh, so interesting (and i have never noticed that before ...)\n<ogra> $ du -hcs /usr/lib/chromium-browser\n<ogra> 230M\t/usr/lib/chromium-browser\n<ogra> $ ls -lh /var/lib/snapd/snaps/chromium_881.snap\n<ogra> -rw------- 1 root root 156M Okt 11 03:00 /var/lib/snapd/snaps/chromium_881.snap\n<ogra> oSoMoN, why the heck dont we blog left and right about this ^^^ :)\n<ogra> (i just had another \"snaps are too big\" discussion with someone ... and actually checked the sizes for the first time ... what a surprise :)\n<ijohnson> ogra: maybe popey should update that blog post?\n<ogra> well, its a bit unfair given you have 3 copies with the snap ... so you lose the advatage in the end again ... but the fact alone that the snap itself is 80M smaller is definitely not well known among the haters (and their parrots)\n<joeubuntu> Sorry for all the question... now that I am using build.snapcraft.io what does my snapcraft.yaml have to look like ? prior to using b.s.io I manually copied my files in to files/bin/* ?  In the repo they are just in the root.  I imagine I need to just update wrapper: source: to / and change the command from bin/foo to /foo ?\n<ijohnson> joeubuntu: so you have some files that are just on your mahcine's filesystem that need to be in the snap? if it doesn't make sense to put those files into your git repository, then you usually would either build those files inside a part in your snapcraft.yaml or upload those files somewhere and use the dump plugin in snapcraft with a source pointing to wherever you uploaded those files\n<ijohnson> does that make sense?\n<zyga> re\n<joeubuntu> ijohnson thanks,  I'll poke around. Thanks for the tips!\n<popey> ijohnson: I'm on vacation. Please email if there is something that needs my attention. Ta\n * ogra hugs popey ... no action needed enjoy holiday beers !\n<ijohnson> popey: enjoy the vacation! do something fun and stop checking notifications :-)\n * cachio lunch\n<oSoMoN> ogra, yeah, I wrote about it at some point to answer one of those \"snaps are big\" claim\n<oSoMoN> to be fair, that's quite the exception, snaps do tend to be bigger than their deb counterparts\n<oSoMoN> which is totally normal, given that they embed their dependencies\n<mvo> zyga: I addressed some of the feedback in 7629 in 7613, probably best to focus on 7613 for now and once that landed I will work on the remaining bits in the other one\n<zyga> mvo: cool, I'll finish the de-dupper for jdstrand and look\n<mvo> zyga: I still need to look at how not-to-install snpa-recover on rpms :/ but I'm running out of time for today\n<zyga> mvo: rm -f works :)\n<zyga> mvo: porting it to use snapd.mk also works\n<zyga> mvo: in snapd.mk there's a section for things that are removed if we are packaging for a classic distribution\n<zyga> mvo: thank you for looking into this :)\n<ogra> oSoMoN, indeed\n<mvo> zyga: ok, feel free to just do it and push while I'm away but I will try to get to it later tonight\n * mvo waves\n<zyga> mvo: I won't have time, I will finish this bug and work on a test\n<mup> PR snapd#7631 opened: interfaces/pulseaudio: adjust to manually connect by default <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7631>\n<pedronis> jdstrand: what's the status of #7228 ?\n<mup> PR #7228: interfaces: add audio-playback/record and pulseaudio spread tests <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7228>\n<jdstrand> pedronis: that is next up after I do PR reviews and store reviews, so, for next week\n<jdstrand> pedronis: but for 2.43 for sure. disco has the changes needed to actually write those tests now, so I can move forward\n<pedronis> jdstrand: ok, thanks for the update\n<jdstrand> pedronis: fyi, I talked with kenvandine and he said that the desktop team will hopefully have the sru done for bionic and xenial (see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/1781428)\n<mup> Bug #1781428: please enable snap mediation support <patch> <pulseaudio (Ubuntu):Fix Released by jamesh> <pulseaudio (Ubuntu Xenial):Triaged by jamesh> <pulseaudio (Ubuntu Bionic):Triaged by jamesh> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1781428>\n<jdstrand> pedronis: all the necessary dependencies are SRU'd, so just need the pulseaudio patch (though there may be a snapd-glib bug that needs fixing on xenial)\n<kenvandine> jdstrand: that reminds me to check on that :)\n<jdstrand> pedronis: I mention that because if it is SRUd before 2.43, I can adjust the aforementioned spread test to also include xenial and bionic rather than just disco (and now that I think of it, eoan)\n<jdstrand> kenvandine: thanks :)\n<jdstrand> popey, Wimpress: is there anything besides snapcraft-desktop-helpers and electron-builder that might templatize snapcraft.yaml/snap.yaml to include pulseaudio?\n<zyga> jdstrand: ok, I have a fix\n<zyga> jdstrand: I'll work on a perf test now\n<mup> PR snapd#7632 opened: interfaces/apparmor: avoid excessive repetition of snap-update-ns mount rules <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7632>\n<popey> jdstrand: we are both on holiday, please email or forum thread\n<zyga> jdstrand: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7632\n<mup> PR #7632: interfaces/apparmor: avoid excessive repetition of snap-update-ns mount rules <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7632>\n<zyga> jdstrand: if you don't mind I'll EOD now but watch for your feedback\n<zyga> jdstrand: I can implement the spread test that checks for memory usage next week\n<zyga> jdstrand: I wanted to ack the main part with you\n<zyga> jdstrand: namely changes to apparmor.Specification.AddUpdateNS\n * zyga EODs and waits for jdstrand's input passively \n<jdstrand> zyga: thanks! I've got a bunch of PRs enqueued ahead of that so may not get to it today\n<zyga> jdstrand: boo ;-)\n<zyga> jdstrand: can you just ack 3 line diff then\n<zyga> jdstrand: (or not ack)\n<zyga> that's the essence\n<zyga> https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7632/files#diff-8d0225478e724e1ef6689c6f12feac06L184\n<zyga> this one\n<mup> PR #7632: interfaces/apparmor: avoid excessive repetition of snap-update-ns mount rules <Bug> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7632>\n<zyga> I just realized this is just the layout part, not the content part\n<zyga> shoo\n<zyga> anyway, that's that\n<jdstrand> zyga: I'm going to want to really examine it and not rush it to make sure we end up with identical cache files\n<zyga> jdstrand: note, you don't have to approve it\n<zyga> jdstrand: just disapprove if the approach is too simple\n<zyga> jdstrand: but it's your call\n<zyga> jdstrand: I'll add the perf test and handle content interface next\n<jdstrand> zyga: it's apparmor policy generation. I requested myself for review\n<jdstrand> popey: sorry, thanks, done\n<mup> PR snapd#7616 closed: interfaces/many: allow k8s/systemd-run to mount volume subPaths plus cleanups <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7616>\n<jdstrand> kjackal: fyi ^. that should be in monday's core in edge\n<kjackal> woohoo awesome jdstrand\n<zyga> jdstrand: FYI https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7632 is updated to handle all the interfaces that used update-ns snippets\n<mup> PR #7632: interfaces/apparmor: avoid excessive repetition of snap-update-ns mount rules <Bug> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7632>\n<zyga> jdstrand: I _really_ EOD now :)\n<ijohnson> jdstrand: feel free to push #7579 to the back of your queue FWIW, the other PR's open in snapd are more important and we don't have anybody asking for that right now, just something I noticed\n<mup> PR #7579: interfaces/network-setup-observe: add Info D-Bus method accesses <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7579>\n * zyga waves and wishes everyone a good weekend\n<ijohnson> have a good weekend zyga\n<jdstrand> ijohnson: it is on the list, thanks\n<jdstrand> zyga: thanks!\n#snappy 2019-10-19\n<Eighth_Doctor> zyga, mborzecki: failure when trying to build snapd for el7 ppc64le: https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org//work/tasks/3761/38393761/build.log\n<Eighth_Doctor> err not el7, fc32 (rawhide)\n<Eighth_Doctor> https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=38393761\n#snappy 2019-10-20\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2756 opened: extractors: match setuptools metadata keys <Created by galgalesh> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2756>\n<grubbleapple> where's the best place to get news on the snapd project and any integration with epel-release/centos8 ?\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2756 closed: WIP: extractors: match setuptools metadata keys <Created by galgalesh> <Closed by galgalesh> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2756>\n<Eighth_Doctor> grubbleapple: well, I'm working on it...\n<Eighth_Doctor> if I have news to share, I'll share it on the snapcraft forums\n<mup> PR snapcraft#2518 closed: snapcraft/extractors/setuppy.py: match setuptools metadata keys <Created by anonymouse64> <Closed by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2518>\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC"}}
-{"text": "#ubuntu-design 2012-01-16\n<dholbach> good morning\n<bkerensa> sladen: Any chance of seeing a Ubuntu 125x125 web badge with the latest design guidelines?\n<MrChrisDruif> A 125x125 web badge with the \"latest\" design guidelines? Where can I find those guidelines bkerensa ?\n<MrChrisDruif> Do you mean the COF with that web badge btw?\n<bkerensa> MrChrisDruif: http://design.canonical.com/the-toolkit/ubuntu-brand-guidelines/ and yeah just a badge so bloggers and contributors can advocate on their blog for Ubuntu.... I have a Mozilla badge for instance\n<MrChrisDruif> Have they changed recently?\n<MrChrisDruif> Something like twibbon for adding to someone's avatar?\n<bkerensa> well the only one I could find was on Spreadubuntu and it uses the old logo\n<MrChrisDruif> I've used something like twibbon to add the COF to my avatar on facebook\n<bkerensa> nice\n<MrChrisDruif> So it's already out there, but not always as user-friendly as you'd want\n<bkerensa> But that is for avatars and not mean as a 125x125 web badge for blogs\n<bkerensa> http://affiliates-cdn.mozilla.org/media/uploads/banners/download_beta_small.png\n<bkerensa> thats what I mean something inviting\n<MrChrisDruif> bkerensa; can't you use this svg to make a 125x125 png? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:UbuntuCoF.svg\n<czajkowski> wendar: we're going to be busy on panels at fosdem\n<sladen> bkerensa: could you clarify, a pre-rendered PNG @ 125x125  and do you want CoF, or Word mark, or just the text?\n<sladen> bkerensa: or a banner\n<czajkowski> sladen: you coming to FOSDEM ?\n<bkerensa> sladen: I was think a banner with the wordmark and some sort of text that said maybe Try Ubuntu today or something\n<sladen> bkerensa: so more like a blog advert banner etc\n<MrChrisDruif> Ah, a bit like that firefox icon you showed yesterday?\n<bkerensa> sladen: Yeah like Mozzilla pushes for their FOSS products\n * bkerensa would rather advertise FOSS then actually sell products on his blog for instance\n<sladen> bkerensa: http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-branding/+filebug?field.title=Wishlist:+advert+banners+for+blogs+in+standard+sizes\n<sladen> bkerensa: and list the sizes that you're after, and what you'd like to see in them (if there are standards for these, can you link to them too)\n<bkerensa> k\n#ubuntu-design 2012-01-17\n<wendar> czajkowski: yup, FOSDEM is shaping up nicely (I'm at Linux.conf.au this week, just got network access to catch up)\n<dholbach> good morning\n<czajkowski> wendar: busy !\n<om26er> oh co'mon\n#ubuntu-design 2012-01-18\n<dholbach> good morning\n<doctormon> hey everyone\n<doctormon> Our weekly meeting will start in 8 mins\n<doctormon> OK time to start\n<doctormon> does anyone have any questios before I go into our progress?\n<doctormon> ok great\n<doctormon> So this week wendar is at SCALE and can't join us.\n<doctormon> There haven't been any further requests for design help from any projects this week\n<doctormon> There haven't been any requests for production help either.\n<doctormon> The work items on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-p-ux-participation are going well.\n<doctormon> Does anyone have anything to add?\n<doctormon> Okay then, thanks to everyone for coming and I'll see you all next week.\n<doctormon> Remember to email or message here in IRC if you have any requests or ideas.\n#ubuntu-design 2012-01-19\n<dholbach> good morning\n<om26er> swilson, Hey! about the wallpaper changing on the login screen, as the selected username changes, someone made an interesting point\n<om26er> \"Don't they have some sorta privacy problem with this? Like, if teenage boy wants to have nekkid lady wallpapers, maybe he don't want it to come up on family computer... Dunno, maybe it's not an issue?\"\n<swilson> hi there! yes, i believe that a bug has been created which raises this same issue - about embarrassing or confidentiality issues with this\n<swilson> this seems to be a bit of an edge case, but it may be significant enough to warrant giving some careful thought\n<imnichol> Or if you have bank info on your screen before it's locked\n#ubuntu-design 2012-01-20\n<doctormon> pleia2: https://bugs.launchpad.net/spreadubuntu/+bug/919197\n<webbugs> Launchpad bug 919197 in SpreadUbuntu \"New Category Needed 'Banners'\" [Undecided,New]\n<pleia2> doctormon: yay!\n<pleia2> I'll send an email to the web guy who usually runs things when I have a chance (am at SCALE10x this weekend, and muy busy)\n<doctormon> pleia2: awesome, thanks\n<mcbaine1>  Hi there ::: I'm really excited about going to FOSDEM  ... I put an advert in the national newspaper to see if anyone else is going and to get in touch etc... Anybody available for abit of travelling / FLOSS advice here atmo.   ??\n<mcbaine1> http://goo.gl/6knuF\n#ubuntu-design 2012-01-21\n<doctormon> mcbaine1: Hello\n<mcbaine1> yeah.. just realized  that I uninstalled compix\n<mcbaine1> **compiz\n<mcbaine1> can someone ask :::: \"Is the desktop on the bottom ??\"...please\n<doctormon> mcbaine1: I don't understand your question.\n<mcbaine1> it's irrelevant to U.\n<doctormon> mcbaine1: I see, is it relevant to anyone here?\n#ubuntu-design 2013-01-14\n<coalwater> hello, there's this tool i usually see on omgubuntu, they create wireframes for mockups and stuff, what's the tool used for that ?\n<xnox> coalwater: pencil, balsamiq, lucidcharts, dia...\n<xnox> inkscape =)\n<coalwater> xnox: ill check those, ty\n<PaoloRotolo> Hi all!\n<MrChrisDruif> Hi PaoloRotolo!\n<coalwater> MrChrisDruif everywhere :P\n<MrChrisDruif> Nah, not everywhere.\n<coalwater> MrChrisDruif: at least every where i go to, even my gtalk lol\n<coalwater> not complaining though\n<MrChrisDruif> =)\n#ubuntu-design 2013-01-15\n<PaoloRotolo> Hi all!\n#ubuntu-design 2013-01-16\n<mpt> Is there a \"download\" icon in the icon theme? I guess there must be.\n<mpt> Can't find it, though.\n<xnox> mpt: down pointing green arrow, let me find it for you.\n<mpt> thanks\n<mpt> Dear Gimp, showing/hiding a layer is not the type of action that should go into the undo/redo stack\n<xnox> find /usr/share/icons/ -name '*download*'\n<xnox> gives me: /usr/share/icons/Humanity/actions/48/browser-download.svg\n<xnox> /usr/share/icons/gnome/scalable/places/folder-download-symbolic.svg\n<xnox> (which is a fancy dotted down arrow)\n<davidcalle> mpt, hi, I see you have trouble finding icons : do you know about https://launchpad.net/icon-library ?\n<mpt> davidcalle, I did not!\n<davidcalle> mpt, it's fantastic. You just need to download it and run the icon-library.py file\n<davidcalle> life changer :)\n<mpt> Sweet!\n<mpt> ...And no, there doesn't seem to be a plain download icon. There's browser-download, cluttered with a disk.\n<mpt> I guess that's the closest.\n<xnox> mpt: /usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/emblems/emblem-downloads.png here is one cluttered with progress-bar\n<mpt> yeah :-)\n<xnox> /usr/share/icons/unity-icon-theme/places/svg/group-downloads.svg is a generic one, cluttered with a circle and it's not green\n<mpt> Is there ever a good time to include a progress bar in an icon?\n<xnox> /usr/share/icons/gnome/scalable/places/folder-download-symbolic.svg or dots?! =)\n<mpt> As opposed to overlaying a genuine progress bar over top of the icon.\n<xnox> mpt: well it's a clear indication that progress bars lie to you and huge downloads usually stall anyway and one never gets what one wants? =)))))\n * mpt wonders if \"It's just  a string change!\" is the UI equivalent of \"It's just a flesh wound!\"\n<mpt> When I insert an audio CD, I get a dialog, \"You have just inserted an audio CD. Choose what application to launch.\"\n<mpt> The default option is \"Ask what to do\", but it's ALREADY DONE THAT\n<xnox> so the drop down default should be moved further down to \"Lauch Music Player Rhythmbox\"?\n<xnox> yeah that option doesn't make sense. cause i want to keep it asking what to do & offer what to do _now_ at the same time.\n<PaoloRotolo> Hi all!\n#ubuntu-design 2013-01-17\n<mpt> Hi snwh!!!\n<mpt> LOUD NOISES\n<mpt> Oh dear, what did I do\n<snwh> mpt, what did you do?\n<mpt> snwh, you complained how quiet #ubuntu-design was, so I said \"Hi snwh!!!\" and \"LOUD NOISES\" and you dropped off IRC immediately\n<snwh> mpt, oh. I wasn't complaining, it was just an observation. :) -and skype had crashed by computer :/\n<mpt> You make a valid point, though, we should do more here\n<snwh> \"Topic for #ubuntu-design set by wendar at Fri Dec 16 12:02:30 2011\"\n<snwh> 2011 lol\n<mpt> Right now I'm designing the fix for bug 1033226\n<ubot5> bug 1033226 in update-manager (Ubuntu) \"No close option, only restart\" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1033226\n<snwh> I've been getting feedback from gnome designer regarding an icon I did for dconf-editor (https://dl.dropbox.com/u/7027392/dconf-editor.svg)\n<mpt> A consummate V\n<snwh> ?\n<snwh>  /me googled\n<mpt> http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail58.html\n<snwh> i was thinking  consummate as in marriage night\n<snwh> I'm still confused.\n<mpt> \"And then, using consummate Vs, give him teeth, spinities, and angry eyebrows.\"\n<mpt> Anyway, the point is that that checkmark looks a bit more like a V than a checkmark. :-)\n<mpt> Moving it to the left would fix that.\n<snwh> there's an \"unmagnified\" that's outside the glass too that is unseen on white\n<snwh> and I did have a smaller 'v' in an older version: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7027392/dconf-editor-alt.svg\n<snwh> mpt, since you're working on it :P - I've just noticed that the tabs are bit close to the \"Techinical Description\" https://dl.dropbox.com/u/7027392/updater.png\n<mpt> snwh, true, I want to merge those tabs into a single field\n<mpt> but I'd better discuss that with mterry\n<snwh> I also thought that it doesn't expand very much either -the treeview especially for a long list\n<mpt> ugh, yeah, expanders are busted in GTK generally\n<mpt> By default it's supposed to be \"tall enough to show six items in the list, with a minimum height of three items\"\n<mpt> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdates#expanded\n<mpt> But then it doesn't resize properly when you collapse it, so you resize it manually, then when you expand it it tries to obey that manual sizing, etc\n<snwh> Oh GTK\n<snwh> speaking of GTK, do you know (or know of someone who can tell me) how the breadcrumbs a la GCC are done? we want to emulate them in unity tweak tool.\n<mpt> GCC has breadcrumbs?\n<mpt> oh I see\n<snwh> the All Settings > Whatever\n<mpt> snwh, <https://code.launchpad.net/~software-store-developers/software-center/4.0> has better ones, with interlocking buttons\n<mpt> (we dropped them altogether in 5.0)\n<snwh> cool, cause right now we have duplication with the toolbar and overview layout https://dl.dropbox.com/u/7027392/utt.png\n<mpt> If you have just that many panels, you don't need those toolbar buttons at all\n<mpt> And if you have only two levels of hierarchy -- the table of contents + the individual panels -- you don't need breadcrumbs either\n<mpt> snwh, you could have something like the navigation mocked up in <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareAndUpdatesSettings?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=drivers-settings.mockup.png> instead.\n<snwh> mpt, the All Settings button, just being a button to the front page?\n#ubuntu-design 2013-01-18\n<mpt> snwh, yes ... I've wondered whether it should have a home icon as well as a label\n<mpt> Currently designing fixes for bug 165065 and <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-r-uefi-fastboot-ui>\n<ubot5> bug 165065 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) \"[wishlist] Ubuntu reboot into other OS\" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/165065\n * xnox got totally confused when I got update email, since there are _two_ fastboots.\n<xnox> one is UEFI as above, another is a clashing name of android utility to flash android devices (e.g. nexus7) which is also called fastboot.....\n<mpt> Done: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SessionHandling#Restart\n<xnox> mpt: amazing =) pinged slangasek about it.\n<xnox> we are not sure fastboot machines are available on the market yet =)\n#ubuntu-design 2015-01-13\n<Guest34> johnlea_ping\n#ubuntu-design 2016-01-18\n<mpt> “Lock the screen” is a weird synecdoche\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC"}}
-{"text": "#juju-dev 2012-10-29\n<rog> niemeyer: mind works find, i *think*\n<rog> s/mind/mine/\n<rog> s/find/fine/ :-)\n<Aram> rog: any idea how to rewrite code that uses /srv in Plan 9 to run under plan9port?\n<Aram> I'm trying to port history(1).\n<Aram> davecheney: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1315554/\n<davecheney> Aram: ty\n<Aram> cheers\n<niemeyer> rogpeppe: https://codereview.appspot.com/6720049/\n<davecheney> $ ls -1 /tmp | wc -l\n<davecheney> 20176\n<davecheney> protip - don't leave tests running in a loop\n<davecheney> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1315724/ << 24 hour stress test\n<davecheney> no GOMAXPROCS tomfoolery\n<davecheney> just while true ; do go test ./... ; done\n#juju-dev 2012-10-30\n<SpamapS> Hey can somebody from juju-core please come to this session at 11:00:  http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-r/meeting/21326/servercloud-r-juju-ci/\n<rogpeppe> SpamapS: will do\n<SpamapS> rogpeppe: ty!\n<SpamapS> anybody from go-aware team please join us in B3-M1\n<SpamapS> davecheney: around?\n<SpamapS> rogpeppe: ?\n<SpamapS> niemeyer: ?\n<davecheney> SpamapS: still looking for go team ?\n<SpamapS> davecheney: got 'em, but thanks\n<davecheney> npo\n<davecheney> https://codereview.appspot.com/6818053\n<davecheney> ^ quite trivial\n<fss> niemeyer: ping :-)\n<niemeyer> fss: Hey\n<fss> how is that CL going? (https://codereview.appspot.com/6631063/)\n<fss> niemeyer: I have another doubt, but I don't know if it's apropriate to ask it here, it's about juju and vpc... (does it work?)\n<niemeyer> fss: It doesn't work yet, but it must\n<fss> niemeyer: is there a ticket in lp?\n<niemeyer> fss: Not that I can recall.. please feel free to file one if you cannot fine it\n<niemeyer> find it\n<fss> niemeyer: right, I will do this\n<fss> that\n<niemeyer> Aram: https://codereview.appspot.com/6775076\n<niemeyer> fss: Thanks!\n<niemeyer> and it's lunch time here\n<davecheney> https://codereview.appspot.com/6775079/\n<davecheney> ^ rogpeppe fwereade mildly trivial\n<davecheney> except for the change to environs/dummy\n<davecheney> rogpeppe: https://codereview.appspot.com/6822056/diff/1/testing/mgo.go\n<davecheney> far less contraversial\n<niemeyer> fwereade: https://codereview.appspot.com/6823050\n#juju-dev 2012-10-31\n<davecheney> https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1073458\n<davecheney> ahh s3, my friend\n<davecheney> lucky(~/src/launchpad.net/juju-core) % juju deploy mysql &\n<davecheney> [1] 21606\n<davecheney> lucky(~/src/launchpad.net/juju-core) % juju deploy memcacheerror: cannot put charm: cannot make S3 control bucket: Your previous request to create the named bucket succeeded and you already own it.\n<fwereade> niemeyer, https://codereview.appspot.com/6820065 (bbs, ciggie)\n<niemeyer> davecheney: https://codereview.appspot.com/6819056\n<davecheney> amazon: eventual inconsistency !\n<davecheney> mramm: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1073458\n<davecheney> sorry to be an arse,\n<davecheney> could you please put the final word in this issue\n<davecheney> then it's all legal like\n<fwereade> niemeyer, https://codereview.appspot.com/6814055 reproposed with ResolveUnit in Conn\n<niemeyer> fwereade: Done\n<fwereade> niemeyer, cheers\n<niemeyer> fss: Morning\n<davecheney> niemeyer: there is no LICENCE file in py-juju\n<niemeyer> davecheney: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~juju/juju/trunk/view/head:/COPYING\n<davecheney> niemeyer: ty\n<davecheney> all: https://codereview.appspot.com/6818063\n<davecheney> ^ hopefully uncontraversial\n<niemeyer> fss: ping\n<niemeyer> davecheney: LGTM\n<davecheney> https://code.launchpad.net/~dave-cheney/+recipe/juju-core\n<davecheney> can someone else please try to build this\n<davecheney> i've used up my quota\n<davecheney> Aram:  cat /proc/$$/status | grep Cap\n<davecheney> rogpeppe: can you go here\n<davecheney> https://code.launchpad.net/~dave-cheney/+recipe/juju-core\n<davecheney> and request a new precise build pls\n<Aram> davecheney: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1320767/\n<davecheney> rogpeppe: https://codereview.appspot.com/6811061\n<davecheney> ^ trivial\n<rogpeppe> davecheney: replied\n<davecheney> rogpeppe: ty\n<davecheney> good point about running the tests\n<davecheney> fwereade: https://codereview.appspot.com/6811061\n<davecheney> ^ looking for a 2nd LGTM\n * fwereade looks\n<fwereade> davecheney, LGTM\n<davecheney> ty\n<davecheney> open question: should the version inside juju be linked (in some way) to the version of the deb ?\n<davecheney> rogpeppe: what is the name of the juju public bucket ?\n<rogpeppe> davecheney: juju-dist, i think\n<davecheney> rogpeppe: is the name encoded in the source somewhere ?\n<rogpeppe> davecheney: in environs/cloudinit, it's used to get the mongodb binaries\n<davecheney> rogpeppe: got it\n<davecheney> ta\n<davecheney> cloudinit died: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1321037/\n<davecheney> niemeyer: http://ec2-23-22-1-96.compute-1.amazonaws.com/?p=4\n<fss> niemeyer: hi :-)\n<fss> niemeyer: you pinged earlier, but I wasn't in the computer\n<niemeyer> davecheney: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~niemeyer/golang/stable-packaging/view/head:/rules\n<niemeyer> fss: Heya\n<davecheney> rogpeppe: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1321157/\n<davecheney> ^ why did the tests break ?!\n<davecheney> test 0\n<davecheney> tools_test.go:565: c.Assert(toolsList.Public, HasLen, len(test.expect))\n<davecheney> ... obtained []*state.Tools = []*state.Tools{(*state.Tools)(0xf8405834b0), (*state.Tools)(0xf840583550)}\n<davecheney> ... n int = 1\n<bigjools> hazmat: when you have a moment, can you please look at the provisioning agent stack trace here please? https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1068086\n<bigjools> bootstrap works, deployment goes bang like that\n<davecheney> jam: cmd/juju/status.go\n<davecheney> rogpeppe: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1321181/\n<fss> niemeyer: ptal https://codereview.appspot.com/6823060\n<niemeyer> davecheney: fss wants to know when we'll have the release out? :-)\n<davecheney> niemeyer: how long will he be online for :)\n<niemeyer> fss: ^ (!!)\n<davecheney> niemeyer: there is one problem with the version string we have chosen\n<davecheney> actually, it's not that bad\n<fss> niemeyer, davecheney: :)\n<davecheney> niemeyer: rogpeppe https://codereview.appspot.com/6821058\n<davecheney> ^ small fix so we can use tools in the 1.x range\n<davecheney> ty to rogpeppe for the debug\n<davecheney> niemeyer: rogpeppe ignore the change to export_test.go\n<fss> niemeyer, davecheney: that's something nice to read\n<niemeyer> davecheney: Looks strange\n<davecheney> preproposed\n<davecheney> reproposed\n<niemeyer> davecheney: Where are those names being put into the storage?\n<davecheney> dummy always calls putFakeTools from environs.Open\n<niemeyer> davecheney: Ah, super\n<davecheney> yes, super, lower case s\n<davecheney> it was never a problem when version.Current was 0.x\n<davecheney> in fact, i'll add a test case for that\n<davecheney> niemeyer: have you lost your room key ?\n<niemeyer> davecheney: I did\n<niemeyer> I'm in the room behind.. if you're leaving, can you please drop it here\n<niemeyer> ?\n<niemeyer> davecheney: ?\n<davecheney> niemeyer: yes, i have your key\n<niemeyer> davecheney: Cool.. I shouldn't be long, thanks\n<davecheney> kk\n<davecheney> all: i will be doing the 1.9.1 release at 6pm\n<davecheney> if you have any branches to land, please do so before then\n<davecheney> oh, it is always 6pm\n<davecheney> you'd better hurry :)\n<davecheney> niemeyer: rogpeppe https://codereview.appspot.com/6823061\n<fss> davecheney: which 6pm? :)\n<davecheney> fss: uhhh, good point\n<davecheney> might have to be someone elses 6pm :)\n<fss> davecheney: it's 4 pm here, is this 6pm enough? :)\n#juju-dev 2012-11-01\n<davecheney> TheMue: https://code.launchpad.net/~dave-cheney/+recipe/juju-core\n<davecheney> niemeyer: https://code.launchpad.net/~gophers/+archive/go/+build/3946897\n<davecheney> rogpeppe: niemeyer fwereade https://codereview.appspot.com/6814065\n<davecheney> trivial, please approve before checking in anything else\n<niemeyer> davecheney: +1\n<bigjools> hazmat: FYI that bug is https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1068086\n<bigjools> hazmat: someone on the maas-devel list said he fixed it by upgrading juju but hasn't said what versions he had\n<hazmat> bigjools, danke\n<bigjools> so when I know I'll tell you\n<davecheney> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1322955/\n<davecheney> ^ this is with 1.9.1\n<davecheney> mramm: niemeyer http://ec2-184-73-150-172.compute-1.amazonaws.com/\n<davecheney> ^ juju 1.9.1\n<davecheney> all: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/161Nt-AGqH50ldIQVKR8zIZO-cm7OyD-UkrU_-N_EhE4/edit\n<davecheney> ^ juju-core 1.9.1 release notes\n<davecheney> in progress\n<davecheney> contributions welcome\n<davecheney> TheMue: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/161Nt-AGqH50ldIQVKR8zIZO-cm7OyD-UkrU_-N_EhE4/edit\n<davecheney> niemeyer: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/161Nt-AGqH50ldIQVKR8zIZO-cm7OyD-UkrU_-N_EhE4/edit\n<davecheney> can i have some of your time to talk about changes to environments.yaml\n<davecheney> nag: http://codereview.appspot.com/6818074/\n<davecheney> fss: ping\n<davecheney> https://codereview.appspot.com/6810065\n<davecheney> ^ trivial\n<davecheney> fwereade: are you working on adding relations to juju status ?\n<fwereade> davecheney, no, that hasn't really been on my mind\n<davecheney> fwereade: taking into account travel and recovery\n<davecheney> i wouldn't get to it til mid next week\n<davecheney> does that sound ok ?\n<fwereade> davecheney, if you're offering to do it then I am content with whatever schedule works for you :)\n<davecheney> cool, i'll assign the issue to myself for 1.9.2\n<fwereade> davecheney, lovely, tyvm\n<davecheney> np\n#juju-dev 2012-11-02\n<davecheney> all: i have some time to kill between checking out and my flight\n<davecheney> if anyone wants to do some juju hacking (read, bug triage) i'll be in the lobby bar\n<mcclurmc> davecheney: how was the party last night? sorry i had to miss that\n<davecheney> mcclurmc: blurey\n<mcclurmc> lol\n<davecheney> once the bar tab ran out\n<davecheney> i spent a few hours playing giant jenga with some eastern europeans\n<davecheney> then stumbled back to the late bus\n<mcclurmc> yeah, that looked like fun (jenga)\n#juju-dev 2013-10-28\n<mattyw> If I've just uploaded a new proposal and I want to leave a comment other than \"please take a look\" shall I just do it on Rietveld or is there an lbox way of doing it that puts it in launchpad as well?\n<rick_h_> mattyw: I'm not following 100%. lbox will sync the description/comment to the LP MP. LP supports the description and commit message.\n<mattyw> rick_h_, I've already pushed the change, and I want to make a comment about it, there doesn't seem to be an option for that in lbox?\n<rick_h_> mattyw: sure thing, you have to either reply at the bottom or do a \"Publish ... comments\"\n<rick_h_> mattyw: and it'll give you an input to comment.\n<rick_h_> mattyw: we do 'code reviewer comments' by going through as if we were a reviewer putting in-line comments and then publishing them before asking for a review that way.\n<rick_h_> mattyw: you do have to be signed in to comment? Look in the upper right and check for the login link perhaps?\n<mattyw> rick_h_, I can see the reply button, just wonderd if it sync with lp automatically or if I should be using lbox\n<rick_h_> mattyw: yes, comments in lbox (reitveld) will be sync'd over to LP. see https://code.launchpad.net/~rharding/charmworld/proof-config2/+merge/192243 for an example where the comments were all made in reitveld, but got copied over ok.\n<rick_h_> mattyw: we just use lbox to sync the code. So if you edit the MP code, you need to re-lbox it to update the diff on reitveld\n<rick_h_> and final submit is lbox submit\n<mattyw> rick_h_, ok thanks - I'm going to blame my cognitive speed on my jet lag :)\n<mattyw> rick_h_, while I have your attention, I was told you might be able to answer the following (or point me to someone who can)\n<mattyw> rick_h_, ^^ it doesn't look like the jujucharms pages for charms not in the store get updated, is this on purpose?\n<rick_h_> mattyw: no, not on purpose. You're talking about jujucharms.com or manage.jujucharms.com?\n<rick_h_> mattyw: if there's an error on a charm that a revision introduces it'd not get updated. See http://manage.jujucharms.com/tools/proof-errors if the charm in question is in there.\n<mattyw> rick_h_, it's on jujucharms.com. I mean pages like this: https://jujucharms.com/fullscreen/search/~mattyw/precise/docker-3/?text=docker. Even though I've updated the readme the latest version doesn't appear, just wondered if this was intentional\n<rick_h_> mattyw: it's failing lint http://manage.jujucharms.com/~mattyw/precise/docker I'm not sure if that's causnig it to not update.\n<mattyw> rick_h_, I'll check it out, thanks :)\n<rick_h_> mattyw: sure thing. if that doesn't help it out we can follow up on it tomorrow. /me is actual away today\n<rick_h_> mattyw: it should re-check things after a new commit around 15-30min\n<rick_h_> mattyw: I'd also suggest you redo the readme like http://paste.mitechie.com/show/1055/ as the `` is markdown syntax and it renders it funny and might cause issues (thuogh shouldn't be breaking updating it)\n<mattyw> rick_h_, thanks for the suggestions, didn't realise you were away otherwise I'd have left you in peace\n<rick_h_> mattyw: np, quiet day around here so can irc between loads of cleaning/laundry :)\n<abentley> Why does juju chown the environments/*.jenv?  I'm getting a failure because of it: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6320043/\n<hazmat> abentley, cause it has secrets\n<abentley> hazmat: I can understand chmodding, but why does it chown?\n<hazmat> abentley, its a fallout from local provider needing sudo to bootstrap\n<hazmat> that stills sounds fishy.. but ie. prior to the chown (on environments dir) if you bootstrapped local, you wouldn't be able to use other providers because of perm errors on creating jenv in that dir\n<abentley> hazmat: If it must chown, it would be nice to chown to gid/uid of environments.yaml.  That way, secrets are not disclosed to other users.\n<abentley> hazmat: If it succeeded at chowning to 1000, then user \"ubuntu\" would know the contents of user \"jenkins\" (107) environments.yaml.\n<hazmat> abentley, sounds reasonable re gid/uid of env.yaml\n<hazmat> wathces seem to be interacting badly with container units\n<hazmat> hmm.. upgrader gone amuck trying to downgrade and stopping agents\n<sidnei> uhm, no thumper around\n#juju-dev 2013-10-29\n<rogpeppe> i'm taking another swap day today, BTW\n<mattyw> rogpeppe, I don't remember allowing that\n<rogpeppe> mattyw: oh\n<rogpeppe> mattyw: in which case i guess i'll just have to kill you\n<smoser> hey. whats the state of the null /none/manual provider ?\n<smoser> is that in 1.16 ?\n<natefinch> smoser: the manual provider is in 1.16 but it's not really ready for primetime. There's still some bugs around it.\n<smoser> natefinch, thats ok.\n<smoser> hey....\n<smoser> http://paste.ubuntu.com/6324341/\n<smoser> that seems to imply that \"Due to needing newer versions of LXC the local provider does require a newer kernel than the released version of 12.04. Therefore we install Linux 3.8 from the LTS Hardware Enablement Stack\"\n<smoser> which is declared as fact at https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/config-local.html\n<smoser> is incorrect\n<smoser> can we have that doc fixed please ?\n<smoser> or someone point me to why that statement exists  (hazmat?)\n<natefinch> smoser: I don't know the exact details, but we've definitely seen problems with 12.04.  Not only the old LXC but also the old MongoDB.  Are you sure you're not already running the newer kernel on that machine?\n<smoser> natefinch, i'm using the cloud archive\n<smoser> which is the solution designed by CTS for some supportable solution of juju on 12.04\n<smoser> ie, that is probably what doc should suggest.\n<natefinch> smoser: yeah, it sounds like the doc is just out of date.  I haven't really kept up on the exact nuances of the local provider, which is my only hesitation.  definitely we should make sure the documentation is accurate and suggests the least painful way to get it running on 12.04\n<hazmat> smoser, not sure why that verbiage appeared.\n<hazmat> smoser, specifically around manual provider it works, but you need to manually remove the $JUJU_HOME/environments/$manual_env_name.jenv to destroy/reset it\n<hazmat> and it leaves juju stuff on the machines in question..\n<hazmat> smoser lp:juju-core/docs\n<hazmat> smoser, there are performance issues with older kernels (including 3.8) and container networking that have been documented, not sure its relevant in this context though\n<smoser> hazmat, hallyn was unaware of such issues\n<smoser> so links to such documentation might be useful.\n<hazmat> smoser, i saw it referenced by the docker  community last month re this thread https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/docker-user/txAd5BiVapU/AfXvssMqkr4J\n<smoser> i think performance of veth is probably not a good enough reason to sugges tsomeone use a HWE kernel that is not necessary otherwise.\n<smoser> at least without citing that as the reason\n<smoser> HWE kernels have real drawbacks, forcing you to upgrade or lose security updates earlier than 12.04 LTS kernel.\n<sinzui> natefinch, do you have time to review two small branches that backport fixes to 1.16.1? https://codereview.appspot.com/18610043/ and https://codereview.appspot.com/18640043/\n<natefinch> sinzui: sure\n<natefinch> sinzui: the first one already got a LGTM from jam, so that's fine. I can lgtm the other one.\n * sinzui thinks his review emails are being eaten again\n<hatch> any word on a fix for the lxc/apt issue coming down the pipe? I'd really like to demo the GUI next week on lxc :)\n<sinzui> hatch is this the node problem?\n<hatch> sinzui: when I try and deploy the gui it fails with some apt-get stuff\n<hatch> I was told it was an lxc bug\n<hatch> happens on 12.04 and 12:10 with the most recent juju-core\n<sinzui> hatch, these are the bugs that I want to close today/tomorrow with a release https://launchpad.net/juju-core/+milestone/1.16.1\n<sinzui> hatch, there aren't any bugs about lxc reported that also speak of apt\n<hatch> ahh ok so that doesn't help unfortuately....I don't know what the true cause of it is, it could be lxc related and not juju related\n<sinzui> all apt bugs relate to firewalls in fact.\n<hatch> hmm ok I'll try and get some more information and file a formal bug so that someone can tell me one way or another if it's juju related or not\n<sinzui> I am sure it is a bug and maybe even reported. We want to tag it juju-gui so that I can drive a fix for it\n<hatch> sinzui: looks like after doing some updates after the sprint it's working again, so something must have landed to fix it :)\n<sinzui> okay hatch. If you do have bugs you care about, tag then with juju-gui so that I can arrange for fixes right away\n<hatch> will do thanks!\n<hazmat> smoser, re hwe sounds reasonable to me, i don't have any insight into why we doc'd hwe kernels for precise, we're not using any lxc functionality that's only later kernel rels afaics. the delta might be related to  lxc userspace tooling and how  a newer version of that interacts with older kernel versions, dunno.\n<sodre> hello. I am facing some issues with juju on an Openstack private cloud. Could someone explain point to some documentation on that ?\n<sodre> I am running Havana deployed on top of MAAS\n<sodre> hi Thumper, can you help me ?\n<thumper> maybe, what's your problem?\n<sodre> I am trying to run Juju on top of a Havana\n<sodre> on a private cloud.\n * thumper thinks \n<thumper> is your problem django?\n<sodre> I've deployed Havana using Juju/MAAS. But now I am having issues deploying VMs on top of Havana using juju.\n<thumper> ISTR that there is an issue with dependencies\n<thumper> MAAS needing one version and havana needing another\n<sodre> a version of Juju ?\n<thumper> no\n<thumper> djanog\n<thumper> but when juju deploys a machine\n<thumper> it adds the cloud-tools archive\n<thumper> which then installs a version of django that havana can't use\n<thumper> this is a known bug and something we are going to try to work around\n<thumper> but not sure of the fix just yet\n<thumper> does this sound like your problem may be related to that?\n<sodre> okay. What is the side effect of that django bug? My issue right now is that Juju cannot bootstrap _on top of_ Havana.\n<sodre> Havana, seems to behave just fine by itself.\n<thumper> I'm not entirely sure what the side effect it, just that it doesn't work\n<thumper> this could be it\n<thumper> IF it is the same issue\n<thumper> what stage does it fail?\n<sodre> after I setup my environments.yaml file to point to my Havana install\n<sodre> I call juju bootstrap.\n<sodre> it uploads all the tools to Swift/RadosGW\n<sodre> then the following error comes up:\n<thumper> can you see that the machine has started? can you ssh to it?\n<sodre> 2013-10-29 19:47:26 ERROR juju supercommand.go:282 cannot start bootstrap instance: index file has no data for cloud {RegionOne http://m1basic-05.vm.draco.metal.as:5000/v2.0} not found\n<thumper> ok... that sounds like something else\n<thumper> maybe\n<sodre> I think so.\n<thumper> so... perhaps this is simple stream related\n<sodre> how do people usually load up their images into a Private OpenStack install for using with Juju?\n<thumper> we now use simple streams to find the instances\n<sodre> exactly...\n<thumper> I don't know\n<thumper> wallyworld may be able to help when he starts in a few hours\n<thumper> as he did a lot of the simplestream stuff\n<sodre> okay.\n<thumper> sodre: which TZ are you in?\n<sodre> I'm on EST\n<thumper> so already 5pm?\n * thumper looks at the date applet\n<sodre> 4:05\n<thumper> oh, no falling back just yet\n * thumper thinks\n<thumper> gah, TZ confused again\n<thumper> anyway...\n<sodre> :)\n<thumper> wallyworld is in brisbane, AU\n<sodre> okay...\n<thumper> and not likely to start for a few hours\n<thumper> or stry smoser\n<thumper> s/stry/try/\n<sodre> Let me pm him.\n<thumper> sodre: he is in this channel\n<thumper> smoser: <sodre> how do people usually load up their images into a Private OpenStack install for using with Juju?\n<thumper> smoser: any idea?\n<sodre> ahh.. got it\n<sodre> I haven't used IRC in such a long time.\n<thumper> I understand, before working at canonical I hadn't used irc at all\n<thumper> ok, not quite at all, but very briefly\n<sodre> Do most people at canonical work from home ?\n<smoser> ah. sodre yes most people work from home.\n<smoser> the suggested way to load images into glance is at https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/simplestreams/example-sync\n<sodre> that is nice. I guess there is always development going ton.\n<sodre> Alright, let me clone that branch.\n<thumper> smoser: thanks\n<sodre> thanks thumper and smoser... I am still trying to get it to work... I'll be back soon.\n<thumper> sodre: good luck\n<sodre> smoser: are you still available ?\n<smoser> not really\n<smoser> qiuck....\n<sodre> for some reason the PUT requests are going itno /swift/simplestreams instead of swift/v1/simplestreams\n<sodre> any idea why that would be ?\n<sodre> Also, running swift from the command-line places things in the correct place.\n<smoser> unm...\n<smoser> i'm not sure.\n<smoser> that code there *is* used in production\n<smoser> so it is known working\n<sodre> okay. I am using radosgw, maybe it should default to v1\n<sodre> I'll give the code a quick read. Maybe I can figure out why it is not giving placing the v1 in PUT.\n<bigjools> wallyworld_: just for you: http://www.git-tower.com/blog/git-cheat-sheet/\n<wallyworld_> :-(\n<thumper> troll!\n<bigjools> like a boss\n<bigjools> I was using git yesterday as one of my home projects uses it\n<bigjools> hadn't been in for a while and needed to pull a particular branch to compile\n<bigjools> took me 45 minutes to work out how\n<bigjools> winning!\n<bigjools> who knew you had to pull *everything* and then \"checkout\"\n<bigjools> wallyworld_: I am low on coffee.  If you could stop by the local bean on the way over that'd be awesome\n<wallyworld_> it will cost you\n * bigjools bends over\n<wallyworld_> it's on the wrong side of the road so it will cost you a lot\n * thumper covers his eyes\n<thumper> there are children in this channel\n * wallyworld_ unips\n * bigjools goatses\n<thumper> WORK CHANNEL!!\n<bigjools> thumper: there sure are!\n * thumper cracks a whip\n<sodre> wallyworld_: do you work on simplestreams as well ?\n<wallyworld_> the juju side of things, yes\n<sodre> I have a question :)\n<wallyworld_> sure\n<sodre> I am trying to use sstream-mirror-glance, but the URLs it gives to the swift client lacks the /v1  part.\n<sodre> e.g. when I run it, I get the following error\n<sodre> Container PUT failed: http://m1basic-04.vm.draco.metal.as:80/swift/simplestreams 405 Method Not Allowed\n<sodre> However, if I  run ' swift post simplestreams '\n<sodre> everything goes fine.\n<sodre> I have logs from the Swift back-end as well, if you would like to see them.. +3lines.\n<wallyworld_> sodre: i have no knowledge of the lp:simplestreams project and associated tools. i just do the juju-core lib\n<wallyworld_> which is a separate codebase written in Go\n<sodre> got it\n<wallyworld_> sorry :-(\n<sodre> np\n<wallyworld_> but it does seems perhaps there is a bug there\n<sodre> yeah, in the Swift log, it shows that the sstream-mirror-glance code did a PUT /swift/simplestreams\n<sodre> while the swift CLI, did a POST followed by a PUT /swift/v1\n<sodre> at least I found out why... the code in simplestreams/openstack.py strips the version out :)\n<sodre> no I wonder why they are doing that.\n<wallyworld_> good question :-)\n<sodre> wallyworld_ : The simplestreams images are getting loaded into glance after I commented out the \"strip_versions\" call.\n<wallyworld_> \\o/\n<sodre> now I have another question which you might be able to help.\n<sodre> I am trying to deploy juju on top of Havana.\n<sodre> Havana itself seems to be working okay, i.e. I can launch CirrOS\n<sodre> create Networks, assign floating ips, etc...\n<sodre> let me clean up my bootstrap version\n<sodre> so I have sourced my admin-openrc.sh\n<sodre> I ran juju bootstrap\n<sodre> and then at the end I get the following error.\n<sodre> ERROR juju supercommand.go:282 cannot start bootstrap instance: index file has no data for cloud {RegionOne http://m1basic-05.vm.draco.metal.as:5000/v2.0}\n<sodre> I imagine that happens because it did a get for /swift/v1/admin-juju/streams/v1/index.json\n<sodre> and it failed.\n<sodre> how do I tell Juju to find /streams/v1/index.json in a different container ?\n<wallyworld_> sodre: you set the tools-url config option if you want to get simplestreams metadata from a non-default container\n<sodre> okay...  let me try taht.\n<wallyworld_> or, ensure the index file you are using has metadata for RegionOne and your endpoint\n<wallyworld_> sodre: actually\n<wallyworld_> not tools-url\n<wallyworld_> you want image-metadata-url for images\n<wallyworld_> i think that's what it can't find\n<wallyworld_> if it complains about tools, you need tools-url\n<thumper> Time to go and hit something, more emails after lunch\n * thumper -> gym\n<sodre> okay.\n<sodre> humm... not yet...\n<sodre> I'll play with it once I get home.\n<sodre> ttyl\n<sinzui> wallyworld_, do you understand what went wrong in this azure bootstrap. I see evidence that abentley's CI testing has placed current tools in juju-dist/testing/tools, but I don't see how out environments could collide and break: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6326844/\n * wallyworld_ looks\n<wallyworld_> sinzui: i've not seen that error before. it looks like it is failing to load image metadata from cloud-images.canonical.com\n * sinzui ponders setting image-metadata-url: http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases\n<wallyworld_> that may work, let me check the code\n<sinzui> wallyworld_, okay. I think so too. I am not testing changes yet :) This was a stable deploy for an upgrade test\n<wallyworld_> sinzui: btw, trunk has all the changes except for the --public option with sync tools (but you can create the json file for that by hand in the interim). i hope to land today in any case\n<sinzui> okay\n<sinzui> wallyworld_, I was starting the blessing/cursing of 1.16 r1977. Once the stable is updated, I was going to return to automate releases\n<wallyworld_> rightio\n<sinzui> damn. image-metadata-url did change anything\n<wallyworld_> did not?\n<sinzui> hmm, maybe the sjson is the issue\n<sinzui> 1.16 shouldn't be looking at it yet\n<sinzui> well there is evidence that the sjson is understood, but I don't think it is 100% vetted\n<wallyworld_> 1.16 should use sjson if it is there\n<adam_g> does anyone know what the status of the juju side of https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1239488 ?\n<_mup_> Bug #1239488: [SRU] Juju api client cannot distinguish between environments <verification-done> <MAAS:Fix Released by julian-edwards> <maas (Ubuntu):Triaged> <maas (Ubuntu Saucy):Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1239488>\n<wallyworld_> sinzui: the above bug will be fixed with the 1.16 release you are doing now, right?\n<sinzui> I don't think so wallyworld_ The bug does not claim to affect juju, let alone have a bug targeted to the 1.16.1 release\n<sinzui> These are the bug fixes we want to close https://launchpad.net/juju-core/+milestone/1.16.1\n<wallyworld_> there were juju changes to fix that maas env bug\n<adam_g> sinzui, i was told there was a corresponding juju change for the multi-tenant usage to actually work, have not been able to find what that buig is, tho\n<wallyworld_> bigjools: ^^^^^?\n<wallyworld_> you made changes to juju-core right?\n<bigjools> yes\n<wallyworld_> was the branch linked to a bug?\n * bigjools digs\n<adam_g> are those released ?\n<wallyworld_> not yet i don't think\n<bigjools> https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1081247\n<_mup_> Bug #1081247: maas provider releases all nodes it did not allocate [does not play well with others] <maas-provider> <pyjuju:Triaged> <juju-core:Fix Committed by julian-edwards> <juju-core 1.16:Fix Committed by rogpeppe> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1081247>\n<adam_g> bigjools, thanks\n<bigjools> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/maas/+bug/1229275\n<_mup_> Bug #1229275: [maas] juju destroy-environment also destroys nodes that are not controlled by juju <maas-provider> <theme-oil> <pyjuju:Triaged> <juju-core:Fix Committed by thumper> <juju-core 1.16:Fix Committed by rogpeppe> <juju-core (Ubuntu):Triaged> <maas (Ubuntu):Triaged> <juju-core (Ubuntu Saucy):Triaged> <maas (Ubuntu Saucy):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1229275>\n<bigjools> also that, but it has the same branches linked\n<adam_g> sinzui, when is 1.16.1 due?\n<wallyworld_> bigjools: that bug is against the wrong projevt\n<wallyworld_> that may be why sinzui  didn't see it\n<bigjools> wallyworld_: ha!\n<wallyworld_> to include it for the next 1.16 release\n<bigjools> wallyworld_: it does have a juju-core task\n<wallyworld_> oh, so it does\n<bigjools> I invalidated pyjuju\n<bigjools> does this url make you feel better? https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1081247\n<_mup_> Bug #1081247: maas provider releases all nodes it did not allocate [does not play well with others] <maas-provider> <pyjuju:Invalid> <juju-core:Fix Committed by julian-edwards> <juju-core 1.16:Fix Committed by rogpeppe> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1081247>\n<wallyworld_> yes :-)\n * wallyworld_ relocates, bbiab\n * bigjools prepares for his arrival\n * bigjools chuckles, evilly\n<sinzui> sorry bigjools wallyworld_ I had to jump into a hangout.\n<bigjools> no worries sinzui\n<sinzui> I am not rushing the 1.16.1 release. I can wait for a critical bug fix. I just need to know what needs merging\n#juju-dev 2013-10-30\n<wallyworld_> thumper: if you have a moment, i'd love a review on https://codereview.appspot.com/16550046/ so i can land it for curtis. no real hurry or anything\n * thumper looks at wallyworld_'s work\n<wallyworld_> \\o/ thanks\n<thumper> wallyworld_: I suggest we skip the package review today\n<thumper> nothing has been suggested and axwalk isn't around\n<wallyworld_> sounds good to me\n<thumper> cool\n * thumper goes back to writing emails\n<wallyworld_> thanks for review\n<thumper> np\n<thumper> sometimes I feel that if I don't suggest anything, you'll think I didn't read it\n<sodre> hi guys.. a quick question...\n<sodre> maybe not so quick.\n<sodre> I had a juju debug-hooks session going before I left the office.\n<sodre> That session got killed somehow. When I tried to start a new debug-hooks session from home, juju complains with the following error:\n<sodre> duplicate session: nova-cloud-controller/0\n<sodre> Connection to m1basic-07.vm.draco.metal.as closed.\n<sodre> ERROR exit status 1\n<sodre> is there a way to reset that status (possibly without reboot) ?\n<hazmat> sodre, you can login into the machine and kill the tmux session or reattach\n<sodre> that was my first thought :)\n<hazmat> tmux list-sessions shows nothing?\n<sodre> aha... :) my bad. I looked for byobu.\n<sodre> okay.. now I'm back! Thanks hazmat!\n<hazmat> np\n<bigjools> thumper: are you dealing with vlan stuff on the juju side?\n<bigjools> I have a vague plan of how I want to do this and need to talk to you guys\n<hazmat> bigjools, vlans as tag constraints or something more intrisinic?\n<hazmat> afaicr part of the issue is that provider specific tags are all exposed globally atm\n<hazmat> with something more intrinsic and specific to maas\n<hazmat> though i guess could just continue to stick more one use globals on.\n<bigjools> hazmat: it's all up for discussion. I don't necessarily like tags being used for everything. Not sure it'll work here either.\n<sodre> guys, is there a good starting point for deploying juju on a Private openstack install? I am having trouble with juju bootstrap\n<bigjools> hazmat: point is - nodes may be on multiple vlans and juju can ask for a specific vlan\n<hazmat> bigjools, you can allocate a machine on multiple vlans?\n<hazmat> gotcha\n<bigjools> hazmat: only if the machine has multiple network interfaces\n<hazmat> sodre, let's switch out to #juju and pastebin your $ juju bootstrap -v --debug\n<sodre> got it\n<hazmat> sodre, likely its an issue around syncing tools (juju sync-tools)..\n<sodre> could be.\n<hazmat> bigjools, right, but its a possibility, why would tags be a bad match here outside of the reuse of the semantic .. the and logic seems similiar\n<bigjools> hazmat: it could work for sure, we just need to discuss options and see if that is indeed the right way. I hate to jump on the first idea that comes up :)\n<hazmat> fair enough\n * bigjools lunches\n<hazmat> thumper, kinda of cool albeit not working, local provider and add-machine --to=lxc:1 ... the sub container doesn't  seem to be functional sadly.\n<hazmat> er.. not really create it appears\n<hazmat> any openstack/goose devs around?\n<thumper> hazmat: agreed, we don't support nested containers yet\n<thumper> bigjools: not sure who will be dealing with it yet\n<thumper> bigjools: we have to deliver a big hunk of stuff prior to network aware juju\n<thumper> bigjools: but I do have a big picture understanding of it\n<thumper> hazmat: please stop telling people to use \"-v\", if using --debug, verbose is implied\n<hazmat> really need some keyword calls for help here.. sodre is on #juju but having some issues getting a private openstack installation going .. looks like tool and image metadata issues.. but also notable as an annoyance is the upload of 34mb of tools every bootstrap and the failure of sync-tools\n<hazmat> thumper, sorry habbit\n<thumper> :)\n<bigjools> thumper: ok thanks\n * thumper looks at wallyworld_ for synctools problems that hazmat is watching someone have\n<wallyworld_> hmmm?\n<wallyworld_> k, /me read #juju\n<hazmat> wallyworld_, http://pastebin.com/t0H8DVVG\n<hazmat> wallyworld_, why is it doing uploads like that every bootstrap?\n<wallyworld_> hazmat: it uploads when it can't find tools\n<wallyworld_> iow it does a --upload-tools for you\n<wallyworld_> so the user doesn't have to type it\n<hazmat> wallyworld_, sure but every bootstrap?\n<wallyworld_> but if tools are there, it won't upload anything\n<wallyworld_> only if tools are missing\n<wallyworld_> once set up correctly, it won't do it\n<hazmat> umm.. he's done multiple bootstraps.. that's just his most recent run\n<wallyworld_> in that case, theres a problem finding tools\n<hazmat> yeah..\n<wallyworld_> otherwise it wouldn't upload\n<hazmat> wallyworld_, interestingly sync-tools through an error.. http://pastebin.com/BJJUrasS\n<hazmat> wallyworld_, way past EOD here.. hopefully you can help him out.. going to try and finish up some ODS demo work.\n<wallyworld_> huh, never seen that eror before\n<wallyworld_> ok, no problem\n<wallyworld_> thanks for helping\n<jam> wallyworld_: I'm off for a run, but the \"invalid literal t\" stuff looks like a bug in goose, search for something about json marshalling\n<jam> specificalyl, we make a list request\n<jam> and expect to get JSON back\n<jam> but end up getting just a plain listing\n<jam> which doesn't JSON.Unmarshal well\n<wallyworld_> oh, ok\n<bigjools> rvba: can you think of why the response to Azure's GetOSImages would get truncated inside the Go code? curl works ok.\n<bigjools> rvba: wallyworld_ is debugging and it only reads ~16k of a 159k response\n<rvba> bigjools: sounds fishy… I don't recall seeing that… let me have a quick look at the code and see if anything comes back…\n<wallyworld_> i blame ms... or go\n<jam> rvba: sounds a lot like an File.Read() rather than ioutil.ReadAll()\n<wallyworld_> jam: ioutil.ReadAll() fails the same way, so i have done my own read loop to try and see where it gets to\n<jam> wallyworld_: I wonder if it is getting something like EINTR and not retrying\n<wallyworld_> jam: could be. all i know is that reading from response.Body fails\n<wallyworld_> it is expecting 160kb response (which is absurd in itself but that's another story)\n<jam> wallyworld_: sure. I haven't seen it myself, I just know that it is easy to do a object.Read() when you actually want ioutil.ReadAll()\n<wallyworld_> but the connection is closed after reading 16k\n<jam> wallyworld_: there can certainly be a lot of OS Images ...\n<wallyworld_> jam: have you seen the xml. sooooo verbose\n<wallyworld_> all sorts of crap in there besides image details\n<rvba> wallyworld_: could this be related somehow to the change made in revision 226? (the \"request.Close = true\" thingy)?\n<wallyworld_> rvba: no, that change would have improve the situation if anything afaik\n<wallyworld_> cause it would have stopped go from reusing connections which may have been closed\n<rvba> I see.\n<wallyworld_> time to pick up the kid from school. will have to continue debugging when i get back\n<rogpeppe> mornin' all\n<dimitern> morning all\n<mgz> mornin'\n<dimitern> mgz, did we change the standup time to be 1h earlier? or my tz is wrong again in the calendar\n<mgz> hm, we just switched to summer time\n<mgz> so, I think it should have moved an hour forwards for both of us\n<dimitern> what's your local time now?\n<mgz> 10:20\n<dimitern> hmm, so the clock seems right\n<dimitern> but on the calendar I can see the standup at 11:45, whereas before it was at 12:45\n<mgz> right, I think the event is pinned on gmt, so, moves an hour with summer time ending\n<wallyworld> rvba: you around?\n<rvba> wallyworld: yep\n<wallyworld> rvba: running the azure test example utility, any idea why i get \"The versioning header is not specified or was specified incorrectly\"\n<wallyworld> gwacl/example/management/run.go\n<wallyworld> i had to hack out the retrier to stop the network connection close issue\n<rvba> wallyworld: hum, IIRC it should \"just work\", let me have a look.\n<rvba> wallyworld: what did you have to do?\n<wallyworld> instead of using the retrier: retrier := session.retryPolicy.getForkedHttpRetrier(session.client)\n<wallyworld> i just did a session.client.Do(req) directly\n<wallyworld> that allows the images to be listed ok\n<rvba> Weird.\n<wallyworld> there's a separate issue with the conection getting closed\n<wallyworld> so that hack just gets past that bit\n<wallyworld> i think there may be a real issue with the header version\n<wallyworld> since juju bootstrap also fails with that error on azure all of a sudden\n<rvba> Maybe the version we use is not supported anymore…\n<rvba> That would be weird… but anything is possible.\n<wallyworld> yeah, maybe\n<wallyworld> thanks for looking :-)\n<rvba> I'm still looking :)\n<wallyworld> so we use \"x-ms-version\", \"2013-03-01\"\n<wallyworld> is that the header it is refering to?\n<rvba> Yes\n<wallyworld> ok, maybe there's anew one? where do we look to find out?\n<jam> mgz, dimitern: Generally we've left the meeting at GMT so that when we have 5 different daylight switchover times triggering asynchronously we don't have to bump it around. But we can discuss changing the time if it works better for people.\n<rvba> Somewhere in the documentation.  But the point of using version headers like this is exactly to avoid trouble when the API changes :).\n<jam> My guess is that when Nate changes TZ in a couple weeks we might all want to move earlier\n<wallyworld> yeah, i would have thought so too\n<jam> but we'll have to check with wallyworld if that is going to work\n<wallyworld> might work :-)\n<jam> wallyworld: don't you switch on to daylight savings time? or is Queensland DST agnostic\n<wallyworld> sadly QLD is retarded. no DST here :-(\n<rvba> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/gg592580.aspx says \"2013-03-01\" is still the most recent version.\n<wallyworld> hmmm.\n<wallyworld> maybe there's an azure bug\n<dimitern> jam, nah, it's alright I just have to remember it's 1h later\n<jam> rvba: it also says \"last updated November 19, 2012\"\n<rvba> jam: indeed :)\n<dimitern> so are we using git now?\n<rvba> Let me try to run the example script…\n<jam> dimitern: not as in \"today we commit with git\" but as in \"we'll be working on migrating now\"\n<wallyworld> rvba: ok. let me know if you have to hack out the retrier\n<dimitern> jam, i see\n<jam> I'm trying to decide my personal involvement.\n<wallyworld> rvba: my command line was: go run -a run.go -cert=/home/ian/.juju/azure.pem -location=\"West US\" -subscriptionid=\"<blah>\" -pause=true\n<dimitern> it would be useful to have a \"crash course\" comparison between common bzr and git commands\n<jam> dimitern: http://www.git-tower.com/blog/git-cheat-sheet-detail/\n<dimitern> jam, cheers\n<rvba> wallyworld: ta\n<jam> dimitern: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/migration/en/survival/bzr-for-git-users.html is the reverse\n<jam> but it probably has the correlations\n<wallyworld> jam: i had a quick look at git today - it is weird. git pull doesn't actually update your branch\n<wallyworld> and you get the whole repo whether you want it or not\n<jam> wallyworld: so git has a concept of a bunch of local branches that track remote branches\n<jam> wallyworld: and it doesn't support remote ops like \"log\"\n<jam> so you *have* to pull locally\n<jam> to be able to see the history\n<wallyworld> :-(\n<jam> wallyworld: and under that circumstance, it doesn't make sense to always merged\n<jam> merge\n<wallyworld> and you need to checkout after pull to see the changes?\n<jam> wallyworld: \"git merge\" will also \"fast forward\" like \"bzr pull' unless you pass \"--no-ff\" or configure it to disable that.\n<jam> wallyworld: well, you can \"git log\" locally\n<jam> there is probably a \"bzr cat\" equivalent.\n<rvba> wallyworld: the command just hangs, no output, no nothing :/\n<wallyworld> i wonder how to set up a lightwieght checkout scenario\n<wallyworld> rvba: really? hmmmm\n<rvba> Oh wait, it crashed after a while\n<dimitern> so nothing in git like qbzr?\n<jam> wallyworld: each \"git repository\" is a working tree + repository + multiple branches\n<rvba> With \"The versioning header is not specified or was specified incorrectly.\"\n<jam> so you generally just have a repo and switch between the branches in there\n<jam> essentially the colocated version of bzr by default\n<wallyworld> rvba: right, that's what i see, except i have the conn closed issue too\n<rvba> Gosh, what a mess.\n<wallyworld> yeah :-(\n<natefinch> morning all\n<jam> wallyworld: I know it is possible to play with ENV args like GIT_REPO to allow you to say the history is \"over there\". And I've seen comments about other bits of sharing histories between working trees.\n<jam> wallyworld: but AFAICT the *common* behavior is that you have just one tree that you switch between branches and they all share the same repo\n<wallyworld> jam: ok. seems like we need to work out best practice for bzr refugees\n<wallyworld> from what i understand, seems like a shame though it forces you to get the *whole* repo\n<jam> wallyworld: well, you close/archive/rename branches when you don't need them anymore\n<jam> just like in bzr, they are just pointers into the revision graph, so they are \"cheap\"\n<jam> (gits actual objects are cheaper than bzr's because of extra files bzr keeps around for each branch)\n<wallyworld> but unlike bzr, you get the whole repo and potentially waste lots of disk space if there are lots of blos etc\n<wallyworld> i wonder if that can be avoided\n<jam> wallyworld: bzr pull gets the whole history\n<jam> not sure what you mean about waste\n<wallyworld> for that branch\n<wallyworld> easier to explain verbally :-)\n<jam> wallyworld: so again, usually you would work in the same \"working tree\" and just pull the branches next to yours\n<wallyworld> right. but i was told if you get a working tree, you also get all other working tree for all other branches in the repo regardless if you want them or not\n<jam> wallyworld: \"git clone\" defaults to hardlinking the archive\n<natefinch> wallyworld: yes, you do.  But you generally wouldn't check out multiple copies of the same project\n<jam> wallyworld: no other working trees\n<jam> just branch pointers\n<wallyworld> right. but if a repo contains project foo and project bar and you just want foo, you are forced to get bar too\n<wallyworld> i was hoping to avoid that\n<natefinch> wallyworld: yes, well, don't put two projects in the same repo :/\n<wallyworld> ok. seems like many people do though. let's hope we don't\n<jam> wallyworld: sure. though as nate says, they don't generally share repositories for projects that don't share ancestry.\n<jam> wallyworld: there is \"git clone --shared\"\n<jam> and --local, --bare, --mirror\n<wallyworld> i'm just going y what i've read/seen\n<jam> and shallow clones with --depth\n<jam> and\n<jam>  --separate-git-dir\n<rvba> wallyworld: what was the symptom of the other issue?  \"panic: use of closed network connection\"?\n<jam> wallyworld: so you can probably do whatever the fsck you want\n<wallyworld> rvba: yes\n<wallyworld> jam: great :-)\n<wallyworld> jam: still trying to grok the best approach to suit my workflow\n<natefinch> jam, wallyworld : except most of the time it's best to just get the whole repo and switch branches as you need to.  That actually works perfectly with Gopath, that assumes one spot on your hard drive for a project\n<jam> wallyworld: though as you mention, clone copies all branches by default, so mixed project repositories will generally cause clone to copy multiple ancestries. In *git's* world view there is just one global ancestry that happens to have disjoint pieces\n<rvba> Oh wait, it crashed after a while\n<rvba> wallyworld: I don't see it with revision 225.  With revision 226, I get that \"use of closed network connection\" error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6329291/\n<jam> natefinch: to be fair, the gopath model is particularly bad, so I'm not super keen that another tool does it, too :)\n<wallyworld> rvba: that is interesting indeed\n<jam> natefinch: prior to this, I always had 3 checkouts of a project I was working on. 1 was pristine trunk, 1 was the thing I was actively working on, and 1 was for code review that came back that needed tweaks without wanting to interrupt my current work\n<wallyworld> rvba: there's another way to try and work around Go's braindead http issue. i might try that\n<jam> natefinch: it is nice to be able to just fire up your text editor to see how it was done in trunk\n<natefinch> jam: you can still do that. They're just different branches, and switching between them is super fast in git\n<wallyworld> rvba: so that still leaves the versioning issue :-(\n<jam> natefinch: it is fast in bzr, too, it is *still* nice to not step on what I'm working on to see what it is like in another branch\n<jam> natefinch: note that I said *3* not N for all the branches I work on.\n<rvba> wallyworld: yep.  Let's see if the request looks sane.\n<jam> anyway, stand up time for those who are joining\n<jam> https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/am9obi5tZWluZWxAY2Fub25pY2FsLmNvbQ.mf0d8r5pfb44m16v9b2n5i29ig\n<jam> rogpeppe, dimitern, wallyworld, natefinch: ^^\n<jam> mgz: ^^\n<mgz> ta\n<wallyworld> rvba: thanks so much for looking. i'll check back after our standup\n<dimitern> so it is 1h earlier then\n<rvba> wallyworld: np\n<wallyworld> sinzui: not sure if you are online. if you are, i have some info for you\n<rvba> wallyworld: it's the deletion of the affinity group request that fails…\n<wallyworld> rvba: ok. do we do that during bootstrap also?\n<rvba> wallyworld: probably not\n<wallyworld> bootstrap fails with the \"same\" error\n<wallyworld> well, it did for me and curtis\n<rvba> wallyworld: well, maybe bootstrap does something similar (for some definition of \"similar\")\n<wallyworld> likely\n<wallyworld> i wonder why that particular api call fails\n<rvba> wallyworld: it would be worth knowing which API call fails exactly when running bootstrap.\n<rvba> Might help us pinpoint the problem.\n<rvba> Because the request seems okay to me, the api header is set.\n<wallyworld> rvba: i'll try and find out. but likely not tonight. too tired\n<wallyworld> rvba: unless ms changed something at their end?\n<wallyworld> wrt versioning?\n<wallyworld> nothing would surprise me\n<rvba> wallyworld: I tried using another version for that request, no dice\n<wallyworld> sigh\n<wallyworld> it shouldn't be this hard :-(\n<jam> natefinch: just wanted to poke, you'll be going of DST in another couple weeks, right? Is that going to impact you for the standup?\n<jam> wallyworld: Replacing the ginger beer with ginger wine leads to a particularly  lethal drink known as a Turbo Dark 'N' Stormy; a favourite tipple of Pembroke College Boat Club (Oxford)\n * wallyworld makes a note to try that tomorrow\n<natefinch> jam: yeah, I was going to bring that up.  The current standup time will soon be 5:45am for me, which is somewhat less than awesome\n<jam> natefinch: sounds pretty awesome for us. You were complaining that your daughter was waking up before you\n<jam> this way we get focused Nate time :)\n<natefinch> jam: ha yeah\n<jam> natefinch: so what time will work for you?\n<natefinch> jam: we could do a half hour earlier, that would be 6:15 my time, whcih is enough time for me to get up and make coffee, which is really all I need before the standup :)  Depends on what works for other people\n<jam> 'earlier' ?\n<natefinch> er later\n<wallyworld> i'll be totally drunk by then :-)\n<jam> wallyworld: not sure if that's a problem :)\n<wallyworld> that's 21:15 for me, but should work\n<wallyworld> jam: yeah, how would you know the difference, right?\n<jam> wallyworld: whmaobaou whaoeu baoeuwhaoeunwhou, might give it away\n<wallyworld> maybe :-)\n<jam> wallyworld: though, I guess when you got tipsy in SFO you didn't seem to mumble\n<wallyworld> i only had a couple of drinks, i'm not a 2 pot screamer :-)\n<wallyworld> hmmm. do you know what a 2 pot screamer is in the US?\n<wallyworld> maybe that's an australian expression\n<wallyworld> a \"pot\" in australia is a standard 285ml glass of beer\n<natefinch> wallyworld: never heard of a 2 pot screamer\n<wallyworld> maybe it makes sense now that i've explained what a \"pot\" is ?\n<natefinch> wallyworld: I inferred what it meant from context :)\n<jam> wallyworld: essentially a \"cheap date\" :)\n<wallyworld> yeah :-)\n<jam> natefinch: so if we chip in to buy you a coffee maker with built in grinder and timer we can keep the current time ? :)\n<natefinch> jam: sure, but I get to pick the model ;)\n<wallyworld> i don't mind if it is later\n<jam> natefinch: I think we can probably move it by 30min. It may mean that I get interrupted more when my son gets home, but I think we can work it out.\n<jam> natefinch: my wife and I had one, the main problem we had was that because the grinder is exposed (to let the grinds into the brewing section), it was *really* loud, and the grinding area needed to be cleaned after every run because the steam would get in there and you end up with soggy grounds\n<natefinch> jam: we can give it a try and change things if it's not working.   5:45 is less of a horrible time for me than most people I think.\n<jam> natefinch: sure, though it is the *daily* standup ,so I'd like to be at a reasonable time as much as possible\n<natefinch> jam: we could also move it even later, though that would probably mean Ian can't go\n<jam> natefinch: so we should definitely do it, you say ? :)\n<natefinch> jam: haha... it would mean about 50% less whining during the standup ;)\n<mgz> he doesn't drink that much wine\n<natefinch> interesting - https://github.com/juju\n<sinzui> Thank you for the email wallyworld\n<hazmat> jam, awesome stuff re scale testing.. have always enjoyed these write ups (+maas, +bzr back in the day)\n<hazmat> one curious bit was the 5s pump on the unit agent api for watch events, was wondering where that came from\n<hazmat> the all watcher client impl has something similiar but thats based on a periodic update and push, is that the same behavior/impl for the agent api?\n<sinzui> Hi devs, we have a critical bug in progress that I want you all to be aware of. Any insight into this issue will be appreciated. I currently think this issue is more than just blocking my 1.16.1 release, I think it is a bug that needs fixing for 1.16.1: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1246320\n<_mup_> Bug #1246320: Azure bootstrap fails: versioning header is not specified <azure> <bootstrap> <juju-core:In Progress> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1246320>\n<rogpeppe> lunch\n<rogpeppe> hazmat: all watchers use the same underlying poller (implemented by the state/watcher package)\n<jamespage> sinzui, this might sound like an odd question but the 1.16.1 release will just be juju-core changes right?\n<jamespage> not a re-sync of trunk of deps as well\n<sinzui> jamespage, https://launchpad.net/juju-core/+milestone/1.16.1is just bug fixes that are not entangled with other libraries. The fixes were backported from trunk\n<jamespage> sinzui, goody\n<jamespage> just making sure\n<jamespage> sinzui, dependency management needs to be a key focus for 14.04 if we want to get juju-core into main\n<sinzui> jamespage, understood.\n<jamespage> sinzui, I'm going to take a look at the state of the golang tooling for packaging early in cycle\n<jamespage> if its good enough I'd like to push out dependencies into their own packages\n<sinzui> jamespage, I am considering releases doe gwacl, goose, and gomaasapi. Would you want them as packages in 14.04?\n<natefinch> sinzui, jamespage: I would find it odd to have random Go packages as packages for apt-get.  They're basically useless on their own, and don't represent an actual usable application, unlike juju-core.  But maybe I'm misunderstanding what's being proposed.\n<sinzui> natefinch, it is odd. We tend to bend things like java to debian package management. debian maven for example strives to collect java libs in a tree that is shared for debian package management\n<sinzui> natefinch, I don't know the right path for go, but since it can wrap c libs, it cannot assume all packages are the same\n<jamespage> sinzui, not yet\n<sinzui> PS I had zero success with debian and maven for 13.04 and don't want to try anything like that again\n<arosales> mgz, if you have some time today could you take a look at the merge request @ https://code.launchpad.net/~dstroppa/juju-core/add-joyent-provider/+merge/189360\n<arosales> mgz, or possibly get it to the correct person for review\n<mgz> arosales: sure, that sounds reasonable\n<mgz> ah, whoops, I fixed bug 1243861 but didn't link the bug\n<_mup_> Bug #1243861: juju should add the cloud-archive repository differently <juju-core (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1243861>\n<arosales> mgz, thank you sir\n<mgz> ah, it's an ubuntu bug, that's why I missed it\n<sinzui> mgz, we have a fix for that bug going in 1.17 ?\n<mgz> sinzui: it's in 1.16.1 too\n<sinzui> fab.\n<mgz> linking up now\n<mgz> er... or, actually not merged on 1.16 branch yet, just proposed\n<mgz> submitted.\n<mgz> knew I was forgetting some branch as well as the openstack one\n<sinzui> Hi juju dev's I have updated https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1246320 . juju 1.14.1 is also broken with the same error. I think azure or streams has changed. I am looking for insight into the root cause\n<_mup_> Bug #1246320: Azure bootstrap fails: versioning header is not specified <azure> <bootstrap> <juju-core:In Progress> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1246320>\n<mgz> does seem like an azure change, we discussed it briefly in the standup\n<mgz> I guess the next step is fiddling with the version info gwacl sends and seeing what happens\n<mgz> or just escalating to microsoft and asking what changed\n<arosales> +1 on the importance of sinzui's bug\n<arosales> bug 1246320\n<_mup_> Bug #1246320: Azure bootstrap fails: versioning header is not specified <azure> <bootstrap> <juju-core:In Progress> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1246320>\n<mgz> arosales: have you got anyone on the azure end you can bother?\n<arosales> mgz, sure if its a platform issue I can ping microsoft\n<mgz> arosales: given it's failing on 1.14, 1.16, and trunk, when the exact same code was working before, something their side has changed\n<mgz> it may be that we now need to do something different, but it would be good to find out what they changed\n<arosales> mgz, if you can point me to an error message I can pass it their way\n<arosales> error message that would indicate azure is failing as they can still provision instances\n<arosales> be right back\n<mgz> is's basically MissingOrIncorrectVersionHeader, but we may still need to trace exactly what we're sending in the case it fails\n<mgz> hm... I have an idea\n<sinzui> mgz, I discussed azure APIVersion with utlemming in #juju.\n<sinzui> mgz, I just tried a global change of the APIVersion is gwacl by setting the date to today. All I accomplished was making bootstrap fail faster\n<rogpeppe2> dimitern: how's your knowledge of charm upgrade semantics?\n<sinzui> I will try some alternate dates\n<mgz> sinzui: too many jujus. I see that log now. did you also catch the earlier discussion here on it between wallyworld and rvba?\n<sinzui> I read it without full comprehension\n<mgz> well, rvba tried an alternate date and it didn't help\n<sinzui> mgz, fab, I will stop this line of inquiry\n<mgz> I do still worry about the whole on-some-requests-but-not-others aspects\n<mgz> could still be our http stack screwing up I guess, would be nice to wireshark and confirm the exact bits we send for the working vs non-working api calls\n<dimitern> rogpeppe, good\n<rogpeppe> dimitern: i'm trying to upgrade a charm that's in an error state, but it doesn't seem to be upgrading\n<rogpeppe> dimitern: from my reading of the logic in ModeHookError, it should allow upgrading in that case\n<rogpeppe> dimitern: ah, i get it now - i didn't use the upgrade-charm --force flag\n<dimitern> rogpeppe, right!\n<dimitern> rogpeppe, also, there's resolve --retry on the unit that's in an error state\n<rogpeppe> dimitern: yeah, i knew about that\n<rogpeppe> dimitern: i was just confused by the fact that the new charm had been downloaded, but the unit wasn't using it\n<rogpeppe> cool, it all works now.\n<natefinch> rogpeppe, mgz, dimitern:  my instance type constraint: https://codereview.appspot.com/14523052/\n<rogpeppe> natefinch: sorry, i'll have a look in the morning'\n<natefinch> rogpeppe: no problem\n<rogpeppe> natefinch: you might be interested to have a look at http://godoc.org/launchpad.net/juju-utils/cmd/gocharm\n<rogpeppe> natefinch: it's in an early stage - there are a few things that i know will change\n<natefinch> rogpeppe: nice, I'll definitely check it out\n<rogpeppe> natefinch: but the basic structure seems ok, i think\n<rogpeppe> natefinch: you'll also want to look at http://godoc.org/launchpad.net/juju-utils/hook\n<rogpeppe> natefinch: and there's an example charm in launchpad.net/juju-utils/cmd/gocharm/example-charms\n * rogpeppe is now done for the day\n<natefinch> rogpeppe: that's awesome.  Nice work\n<rogpeppe> natefinch: ta\n<rogpeppe> g'night all\n<bac> sinzui: would you have a moment for a hangout?\n<sinzui> I do\n<sinzui> arosales, juju-devs, I am contemplating freezing 1.16.1 and doing a release. I don't know how long it will take to sort out the azure issue, but I would rather do a 1.16.2 tomorrow then delay the maas and lxc fixes\n<arosales> sinzui, and it is looking like the azure issues may be platform dependent\n<arosales> sinzui, thanks for getting the xml rpc capture to utlemming.\n<arosales> sinzui, +1 on 1.16.1 from me and if needed a 1.16.2 for any azure fixes _if_  it is not the platform\n<sinzui> okay. I will proceed with the tests I setup yesterday, then deliver a tarball.\n<mgz> sinzui: going ahead with 1.16.1 now seems reasonable to me\n<thumper> morning folks\n<wallyworld_> sinzui: hi, so just to confirm, someone is talking to microsoft about the azure api issue?\n<sinzui> wallyworld_, I believe utlemming will\n<wallyworld_> ok, great\n<sinzui> He was in was delivering new images for them tomorrow\n<wallyworld_> i'll try and ensure the http connection issue (if i can confirm it for sure) is sorted\n<wallyworld_> btw, i'm almost 100% sure there's no streams issue here at all\n<thumper> finally wrote up loggo http://how-bazaar.blogspot.co.nz/2013/10/loggo-hierarchical-loggers-for-go.html\n<hazmat> thumper, ping..\n<thumper> hazmat: otp now\n<hazmat> thumper, any idea why a machine agent would just ignore containers deployed to it..\n<thumper> got more info?\n<hazmat> nothing in the machine log of note.. and a bunch of containers attached which are pending\n<hazmat> thumper switching channels\n<mramm> thumper: your blog post is now up on hacker news: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6643805\n * thumper -> gym\n<hazmat> jujucore.. there's a panic dump in cloudinit from sodre on #juju\n<hazmat> setting mongodb password\n<hazmat> for posterity http://paste.ubuntu.com/6332775/\n<wallyworld__> hazmat: is there a bug raised?\n<hazmat> wallyworld__, dunno.. wasn't there some size issue with password and mongodb?\n<wallyworld__> seems so, i was just wondering if a bug was raised so we could track it. i'll search and raise one if not done already\n<hazmat> cool\n<sodre> for the record, when that ocurred the admin-secret was set to : 'super-secret'\n<hazmat> solid!\n<wallyworld__> bug 1246517 fwiw\n<_mup_> Bug #1246517: user edited admin-secret causes panic in cloud-init <bootstrap> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1246517>\n<sinzui> thumper, where is the equivalent of the all-machine-log for local-provider environments?\n<sodre> _mup_ even with a long password it still crashes for me.\n<hazmat> sinzui, its in $juj_home\n<wallyworld__> sinzui: btw, juju-core trunk has the --public option now for tools sync. so everything should be in place for metadata generation with mirrors\n<sinzui> okay, thank you wallyworld__\n<wallyworld__> let me know if i can do anything else, or if there are issues etc etc\n<sinzui> wallyworld__, azure did change API yesterday. They believe it is backwards compatible...\n<wallyworld__> not for us it seems?\n<sinzui> our apps would disagree\n<wallyworld__> yep\n<wallyworld__> do we have details?\n<wallyworld__> is there a fix i can work on?\n<bigjools> \\o/\n<hazmat> so getting reports of lxc broken on maas in two different envs..\n<hazmat> if anyone can help debug .. see adam_g on #juju/can\n<sodre> hazmat, do you mean trying to add an lxc unit to a MAAS provisioned machine ?\n<bigjools> thumper did all the work for that\n<sinzui> thank you hazmat\n<sinzui> wallyworld__, they need URI, HTTP headers and Request body. my gwacl hack captured the body. I will hack gwacl some more to provide the rest\n<sinzui> wallyworld__, I need to finish 1.16.1 tarball first\n<wallyworld__> or i could help\n<sinzui> I cannot get local provider to work. I don't see any difference between 1.16 and 1.16.1\n<wallyworld__> what symptoms?\n<sinzui> wallyworld__, I will show you the patch\n<hazmat> sinzui, machine log?\n<hazmat> sinzui, lxc-ls output\n<hazmat> sodre, yes\n<hazmat> sodre, does it work for you?\n<sinzui> wallyworld__, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6332990/\n<sodre> nope. When I try to add an lxc unit it just hangs.\n<sodre> well, it keeps waiting for them to come up.\n<wallyworld_> sinzui: ok, i can get the extra info and put in bug report\n<sinzui> hazmat, The machine log : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6332998/\n<sinzui> hazmat, lxc-ls: curtis-local-machine-1  curtis-local-machine-2  lts-p\n<sinzui> hazmat, also, I did do an lxc-destroy for the two machines from previous tests because destroy-environment left them behind in /var/lib/lxc\n<hazmat> sinzui, its been working for me.. bbiam\n<hazmat> sinzui, lxc-destroy directly should be avoided if possible.. local provider leaaves some turds in /etc/lxc/autostart and /var/lib/juju otherwise\n<hazmat> not sure if it bookeeps enough to be smart about that\n<hazmat> sinzui, so lxc-ls --fancy shows them as running?\n<hazmat> sinzui, i assume there stuck in pending in status?\n<hazmat> sinzui, so if their running from --fancy.. log into one and pastebin /var/log/cloudinit-output.log\n#juju-dev 2013-10-31\n<sinzui> hazmat, yes --fancy shows them running\n<sinzui> hazmat, yes pending status, which is all I have ever seen since 1.14.0\n<hazmat> hmm\n<hazmat> that's a good start\n<hazmat> sinzui, jorge and marco had this issue, thumper had to do surgery on them.. but tbd if its needed here\n * hazmat waits for cloudinit output\n<sinzui> hazmat, cloud-init: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6333073/\n<hazmat> cool.. the source of fail\n<sinzui> which agrees with\n<sinzui> curtis-local-machine-1  RUNNING  -     -     YES\n<hazmat> sinzui, so let's try a clean tear down..\n<sinzui> I wonder if I need to locate abentley's bug that explained his two step clear lxc cache\n<hazmat> sinzui, issue there is no cloudinit data made it to the container\n<hazmat> sinzui, juju destroy-environment\n<sinzui> done\n<hazmat> sinzui, anything in ls /etc/lxc/auto ?\n<sinzui> no\n<hazmat> sinzui, how about ls /var/lib/juju/containers/\n<sinzui> hazmat, empty\n<hazmat> sinzui, hmm.. and ls /var/lib/juju/removed-containers/\n<hazmat> sinzui, this is trunk or 1.17 ?\n<hazmat> er. 1.16\n<sinzui> hazmat, 1.16.1 release candidate...the one that is supposed to fix lxc\n<hazmat> ah.. one of those\n<sinzui> hazmat, Lots in removed containers\n<sinzui> curtis-local-machine-1  curtis-me-machine-1    curtis-me-machine-1.2  curtis-me-machine-1.4\n<sinzui> curtis-local-machine-2  curtis-me-machine-1.1  curtis-me-machine-1.3  curtis-me-machine-2\n<hazmat> sinzui go ahead and kill them.\n<hazmat> and move  your $JUJU_HOME/$local_provider_name out of the way\n<sinzui> hazmat, done\n<hazmat> and that should be pristine for a new bootstrap\n<hazmat> sinzui, if your bootstraping.. with 1.16.1 tools you may need --upload-tools\n<hazmat> if there not published\n<sinzui> I think that last step is key. I have not done that today\n<hazmat> sinzui, yeah.. --debug on bootstrap and pastebin for posterity if needed\n<sinzui> hazmat, nothing different from my previous tests...so far http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6333122/\n<hazmat> sinzui, can you set juju set-env  logging-config=\"<root>=DEBUG;juju.provisioner=TRACE\"\n<hazmat> and then deploy something..\n<hazmat> sinzui, btw re logs $JUJU_HOME/$local-env-name/machine-0.log has the logs of interest\n<sinzui> yeah, that is what I am tailing\n<hazmat> oh.. cool\n<thumper> sinzui: no all machines log for local at this stage\n<hazmat> sinzui, so .. i get roughly the same content you did\n<hazmat> 2013-10-31 00:26:17 INFO juju.provisioner provisioner_task.go:367 started machine 1 as instance kapil-local-machine-1 with hardware <nil>\n<thumper> so, what's the summary of the current issues?\n<sinzui> hazmat, 3 running machines without net\n<hazmat> thumper, local provider seems to work on trunk.. sinzui has it failing for him 1.16.1\n<hazmat> thumper, somewhat more critical is that it doesn't seem to work on maas as a container at all atm\n<sinzui> hazmat, all three services/machines are pending\n<hazmat> sinzui, you can watch them do upstart and lxc-create via pstree\n * thumper sighs...\n<hazmat> thumper, the containers on maas are critical for some ODS stuff\n * thumper nods\n<thumper> let's get that working first then\n<hazmat> thumper, i'm going to give it a go with trunk on the maas i think..\n<hazmat> just to see if that helps at all. plus to have a source compile i can instrument.. since the logging here seems to be nil\n<thumper> hazmat: do you have any instructions for a virtual maas setup\n<hazmat> sinzui, cool, is cloudinit done from pstree?\n<thumper> so we can test locally?\n<sinzui> abentley reported this bug. I don't think it is related because I start my lts container every day\n<sinzui> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxc/+bug/1236490\n<_mup_> Bug #1236490: Container has no networking <amd64> <apparmor> <apport-bug> <saucy> <linux (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <lxc (Ubuntu):Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1236490>\n<hazmat> thumper, you mean did i attend the maas training ;-) ?\n<hazmat> no actually..\n * bigjools bans the maas training from existence\n<thumper> sinzui: hangout? I can talk through some things\n<hazmat> sinzui, can you pastebin lxc-ls --fancy\n<hazmat> not sure what you mean by no networking\n<sinzui> hazmat, yes it is. I can tell when my fan stops actually\n<hazmat> cloudinit is injected here via file\n<hazmat> sinzui, wow.. is that spinning rust?\n<hazmat> sinzui,  or ssd?\n<sinzui> ssd\n * hazmat runs a dozen containers normally\n<hazmat> only 2-4 for juju though\n<hazmat> i don't even notice them\n<sinzui> I have my fan tuned to come on often...its a mac and they run hot\n<hazmat> gotcha\n<sinzui> hazmat, no improvement http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6333175/\n<hazmat> that's intriguing\n<hazmat> sinzui, can you go to /var/lib/juju/containers\n<thumper> there should be console.log in there for each machine\n<hazmat> and pastebin the console.log\n<thumper> that is the output of running the cloudinit\n<hazmat> although in this case i think we want the container.log\n<thumper> sinzui: also pastebin ifconfig\n<hazmat> the netns stuff should have happened pre lxc\n<hazmat> er. pre cloudinit\n<sinzui> hazmat, console.log http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6333189/\n<sinzui> thumper, my ifconfig or one from a container?\n<thumper> sinzui: from the host\n<hazmat> sinzui, can you pastebin the container.log post ifconfig ..\n<hazmat> that should detail why the no netns\n<sinzui> thumper, ifconfig http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6333193/\n<hazmat> huh\n<hazmat> you've got three veth devices there.\n<hazmat> for your three containers\n<hazmat> sinzui, is dnsmasq running ?\n<thumper> sinzui: how about the lxc.conf from the /var/lib/juju/containers/<firstmachine>/\n<hazmat> you should see something like... 116       1190  0.0  0.0  28184   804 ?        S    Oct15   0:04 dnsmasq -u lxc-dnsmasq --strict-order --bind-interfaces --pid-file=/var/run/lxc/dnsmasq.pid --conf-file= --listen-address --dhcp-range, --dhcp-lease-max=253 --dhcp-no-override --except-interface=lo --interface=lxcbr0 --dhcp-leasefile=/var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.lxcbr0.leases --dhcp-authoritative\n<hazmat> er.. ignoring the preamble.. that's from ps aux | grep dnsmasq\n<sinzui> hazmat, yes http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6333198/\n<hazmat> sinzui, the container.log should have the netns come up....\n<sinzui> hazmat, the lxc.conf from -1 http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6333199/\n * hazmat leaves to thumper's capable hands\n<thumper> ok, this needs help from an lxc person\n<thumper> as it is outside the remit of juju\n<thumper> the container didn't get networking\n<thumper> prior to all the juju shit\n<sinzui> thumper, fab, as I think too\n<thumper> sinzui: if you bring up a machine manually, does it get an ip address?\n<sinzui> while abentley's bug is not identical, I will try the work around\n<sinzui> thumper, do you mean bring one down than bring it back up again?\n<thumper> sinzui: what do you get with \"ls -l /var/cache/lxc\" ?\n<thumper> actually\n<thumper> sinzui: ls -lh /var/cache/lxc/cloud-precise/\n<sinzui> thumper,\n<sinzui> drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul  1 18:29 cloud-precise\n<sinzui> drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jan  9  2013 precise\n<sinzui> thumper, -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 221M Jun 24 03:07 ubuntu-12.04.2-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz\n<sinzui> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 206M Dec 17  2012 ubuntu-12.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz\n<thumper> ok, that's it\n<thumper> ubuntu-12.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz is too old\n<thumper> and the refresh mechanism isn't working\n<thumper> this is the problem marco had\n<thumper> and jorge\n<thumper> smoser is aware\n<thumper> sinzui: delete the file\n<hazmat> sinzui, can you post the console.log\n<thumper> destroy the environment\n<hazmat> er.. container.log\n<hazmat> sinzui, ^\n<thumper> and start again\n<hazmat> before destroying\n<smoser> thats a known issue.\n<smoser> yeah, remove that file.\n<thumper> lxc will download a fresh copy of the cloud image\n<hazmat> oh.. that one\n<thumper> and it \"should\" work\n<hazmat> i forget about that.. i ran into that as well\n<hazmat> smoser, so what causes that?\n<hazmat> smoser, with the new lxc cloud template / cloud img download there's no dot versioning around point releases..\n<hazmat> but never really understood why the old container wouldn't netns\n<thumper> sinzui: still there?\n<smoser> \"new lxc cloud template\" ?\n<sinzui> hazmat, I have a copy of the container log. anything else before I start purging\n<smoser> there is no such thing as \"dot\"\n<smoser> ever.\n<smoser> 12.04.3 is no different than 12.04\n<smoser> the cloud images do not distinguish them in name. they did at one point and that was a bug.\n<hazmat> smoser, it is though from a cached file sense\n<smoser> that is independent of .2 verus .3\n<hazmat> previously it did.. and it worked better for caching and invalidation purposes when the point release incremented\n<smoser> previously it was broken on the server side in naming\n<smoser> which broke people who expect to 'wget http://path/to/some/known/current/release/file.img'\n<smoser> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1220366\n<_mup_> Bug #1220366: cloud-images have inconsistent filenames in 12.04.3 <bot-comment> <cloud-images> <cloud-images-build> <Ubuntu:Fix Released by utlemming> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1220366>\n<sinzui> thumper, I am bootstrapping again\n<hazmat> ic\n<hazmat> that should fix sinzui's issue then\n<smoser> the cloud template needs to be smarter.\n<smoser> but we really would rather make a lxc wrapper that was smarter.\n<smoser> ie, hallyn doesn't think such knowledge should live in lxc itself.\n<hazmat> smoser, ala the kvm front end.. or ala docker front end?\n<smoser> uvtool-lxc is the plan in my head.\n<smoser> which is also ideally where the \"--use-the-fastest\" cloning argument goes.\n<sinzui> My fan has started\n<smoser> :)\n<hazmat> smoser, the default behavior with -s works for me generally.. ie autodetect btrfs ;-).. but i'm curious about the docker lvm thin provisioning on sparse file dev pool\n<sinzui> whoa! there it is. Installed\n<hazmat> sidnei just got the that merged into lxc-clone (re lvm-thin) support\n<hazmat> sinzui, do we have tools published for 1.16.1 or tarball?\n<smoser> hazmat, i think there were issues with that default behavior.\n<smoser> are you sure it even remains ?\n<smoser> and it wouldn't select unionfs\n * hazmat checks\n<sinzui> Thank you rocket scientists! hazmat thumper smoser. I really appreciate your patience\n<thumper> sinzui: awesome\n<thumper> that's one fixed\n<thumper> and that fault should definitely be logged on the local provider troubleshooting page <- jcastro, marcoceppi\n<thumper> now to look at maas\n<bigjools> o/\n<bigjools> I just got pinged about this\n<thumper> hazmat: what versions were you playing with?\n<bigjools> narrowed it down any yet?\n<thumper> bigjools: not started looking yet\n<hazmat> thumper, 1.16.0 for maas\n<bigjools> thumper: I guess I should fire up my maas server? :)\n<thumper> bigjools: gimmie time to shower (haven't since back from the gym yet), and we can have an initial call prior to working out debugging plan\n<thumper> bigjools: ack\n<sinzui> hazmat, yes, my testing tools are in place in aws and hp and canonistack. I place them in the testing/ subdir and point the tools url to them: http://juju-dist.s3.amazonaws.com/\n<bigjools> thumper: roger mcdodger\n<sinzui> hazmat, and I will officially make the tarball in about 10 minutes\n<hazmat> smoser, it requires explicit lxc-clone -s  but yeah.. it works without specing btrfs directly\n<hazmat> du -hs /var/lib/lxc/container-name -> 7mb\n<sinzui> hazmat, and you can see all the scripts I am using at https://code.launchpad.net/~juju-qa/juju-core/ci-cd-scripts2\n<sinzui> you can make your own deb without any juju parts installed\n<wallyworld_> bigjools: how long does an juju azure bootstrap instance normally take to spin up?\n<smoser> wallyworld_, ~ 5 minutes i think\n<bigjools> wallyworld_: from memory not at all quick, I think it was like 5-10 m\n<wallyworld_> ok, ta. just bootstrapped an and waiting for juju status\n<wallyworld_> s/just/have been\n<marcoceppi> thumper: can you summarize what should be logged?\n<thumper> marcoceppi: the symptom was that the machines were pending, and lxc-ls --fancy showed the machines started but with no ipv4 address\n<thumper> marcoceppi: ls -lh /var/cache/lxc/cloud-precise showed ubuntu-12.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz to be over 4 months old\n<thumper> marcoceppi: delete that file, destroy the environment and try again\n<thumper> a new lxc cloud image will be downloaded and all should be good\n<thumper> bigjools: hangout?\n<thumper> marcoceppi: does that all make sense?\n<sinzui> thumper, marcoceppi It makes sense to me. marcoceppi  can interview me tomorrow or he/nick can invite me to try updating the docs\n * thumper nods\n<thumper> thanks sinzui\n<bigjools> thumper: calling you....\n<thumper> which me?\n<bigjools> the head\n<bigjools> wrong one?\n<bigjools> this is why I don';t have two g+ profiles\n<marcoceppi> thumper: yeah, that's what happened to me\n<marcoceppi> already recorded\n<wallyworld_> bigjools: do you know the magic command to ssh into a bootstrap node on azure? i have the ip address of the machine\n<bigjools> juju ssh 0 :)\n<wallyworld_> bigjools: doesn't work. times out\n<wallyworld_> bootstrap has failed\n<wallyworld_> but i have the ip address of the bootstrap node\n<bigjools> ummmm in that case you're probably screwed\n<bigjools> it will be firewalled\n<wallyworld_> well, when i say bootstrap failed, it completes but juju status fails\n<bigjools> ok\n<wallyworld_> and i want to find out why\n<bigjools> can you telnet port 22?\n<wallyworld_> i'll try\n<wallyworld_> yes\n<wallyworld_> when i try ssh directly, it fails with a permission denied error (publickey)\n<bigjools> so it's up but hasn't added the key\n<wallyworld_> yeah, seems so\n<sinzui> wallyworld_, with azure, I wait 30 minutes for the machine to really be up\n<bigjools> which means bootstrap was not as successful as you might think\n<wallyworld_> sinzui: really? oh joy\n<bigjools> !\n<wallyworld_> wtf takes so long\n<bigjools> oh - yes the crazy provisioner\n<bigjools> you can see in the MS dashboard\n<wallyworld_> so before when juju status timed out and i destoyed my env, i should have just  waited\n<sinzui> wallyworld_, on canonistack, we get TLS timeouts while the bootstrap node is coming up, but azure is silent. I have seen the machine come up in 20 minutes, but 30 is realistic\n<wallyworld_> dashboard? you have a link?\n<wallyworld_> sinzui: ok. i think i've fixed the azure incompatibility but am trying to make sure\n<bigjools> wallyworld_: well not exactly you would need my password.  let me look at it\n<wallyworld_> ok\n<wallyworld_> bigjools: i bet i can guess it\n<wallyworld_> aussieaussieaussieoioioi\n<bigjools> wallyworld_: \"ianisacocktrumpet\"\n<wallyworld_> that would have been my next guess\n<bigjools> wallyworld_: in fact it was so secure I can't remember it :)\n<wallyworld_> ha ha ha\n<bigjools> wallyworld_: get your own credentials\n<wallyworld_> bigjools: they're in the mail apparently\n<wallyworld_> i only needed yours cause of this azure cockup and the time pressure to fix it\n<bigjools> yeah np\n<sinzui> I encrypted my creds and put them in the CI machine so that my team could build better testing\n<wallyworld_> i wonder what else besides juju msft broke with their change?\n<bigjools> wallyworld_: btw baldrick left a hidden present that the mower found\n<wallyworld_> \\o/ :-D\n<bigjools> you can imagine the result\n<wallyworld_> did it splat all over you /me asks hopefully?\n<bigjools> >:(\n<sinzui> Your dog is named baldrick?\n<wallyworld_> yep :-D\n<wallyworld_> he has a cunning plan\n * sinzui was just telling his son about Ebenezer black adder 5 minutes ago.\n<bigjools> wallyworld_: I see two VMs running\n * wallyworld_ is finding it hard to type cause he is laughing so hard to bigjools\n<bigjools> one of them from juju the other I think for a gwacl run\n<wallyworld_> bigjools: ah the gwacl one needs to be shutdown. i thought i did\n * bigjools considers putting baldrick's present in wallyworld_'s mailbox\n<wallyworld_> sinzui: blackadder is one of my favourite tv shows\n<wallyworld_> bigjools: how can you, it's all vapourised all over you, right?\n<bigjools> there's some left\n<wallyworld_> next time get jen to mow the lawn after baldrick has visited :-D\n<bigjools> wallyworld_: so the cpu graph shows it finishing a heavy load at 11:45\n<wallyworld_> the juju one?\n<wallyworld_> what's the ip address?\n<bigjools>\n<wallyworld_> yep, that's the one juju status keeps polling mongo for trying to do a status\n<wallyworld_> :-(\n<wallyworld_> i really need to get the logs off that sucker\n<bigjools> wallyworld_: 17070 and 37017 ports are open\n<bigjools> that's it\n<wallyworld_> 37017 is the mgo port\n * bigjools wonders if it's the non-ssl mgo\n<wallyworld_> and it says conection refused\n<wallyworld_> ah\n<wallyworld_> that could be it\n * bigjools gets lunch while wallyworld_ fixes it\n * wallyworld_ doesn't know how to fix that one\n<bigjools> deploy with saucy?\n<wallyworld_> ah ok\n<wallyworld_> good idea\n<bigjools> it might have failed to add the cloud archive\n<wallyworld_> yeah, sounds likely\n<bigjools> although doesn't explain why you can't ssh in\n<wallyworld_> hopefully saucy will work\n<bigjools> heard a lot of swearing coming from the living room earlier - jen found jake pulling keys off her laptop again... ROFL\n * bigjools lunches\n<wallyworld_> lol\n<thumper> sinzui: still around?\n<sinzui> I am\n<thumper> sinzui: I have a critical bug\n<thumper> sinzui: for 1.16\n<thumper> sinzui: it is the lxc and maas problem\n<thumper> that they are using for ods\n<thumper> demo\n<thumper> always last minute\n<thumper> it is a regression introduced when the provisioner moved to the api\n<sinzui> I just cut 1.16.1, but plan a 1.16.2 for azure.\n<thumper> but no one noticed\n<sinzui> thumper, Do I need to take down 1.16.1\n<thumper> no\n<thumper> I don't think so\n<thumper> because they can use a custom release\n<thumper> I think\n<thumper> but we may have a 1.16.2 real soon now\n<thumper> if they do need a release\n<thumper> what's the timeframe for 1.16.2?\n<thumper> bigjools: I have a plan\n<sinzui> I can make it tomorrow immediately after 1.16.1 is needed. I hope for an azure fix of couse\n * thumper nods\n<thumper> ok\n<thumper> let me file this bug and get to work\n * sinzui creates milestone\n<wallyworld_> sinzui: azure fix will be commited to gwacl today i hope\n<sinzui> wallyworld_, excellent. Testing will be quick since it is limited to two providers\n<wallyworld_> i'm doing a local test now\n<sinzui> Did I mention abentley got rudimentary CI running on HP. we can run about 200 upgrade and bootstrap tests a day\n<wallyworld_> ran into the precise mongo thing i think\n<wallyworld_> trying on saucy\n<thumper> wallyworld_: are you chasing the azure issue?\n<thumper> wallyworld_: is there a bug?\n<wallyworld_> yes. the issue is with msft, not us\n<wallyworld_> we need to change gwacl cause they broke the api\n<wallyworld_> i'm testing now\n<thumper> :)\n<thumper> wallyworld_: can you target the bug to 1.16.2?\n<wallyworld_> but azure is sloooooow\n<wallyworld_> thumper: sure. there's 2 of them - a public and a private\n * thumper nods\n<thumper> bigjools: lp:1246556 for the juju maas bug\n<thumper> which it seems mup can't understand, bug 1246556\n<_mup_> Bug #1246556: lxc containers broken with maas <api> <maas-provider> <juju-core:Triaged by thumper> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1246556>\n * thumper moved some code around, all tests still pass\n<thumper> I find this mildly disturbing\n<wallyworld_> bigjools: not sure how many azure instances i have running - i think 2. a bootstrap using saucy still doesn't allow juju status to connect sadly\n<wallyworld_> thumper: i have 2 small azure mp's for the 1.16.2 release if you have a moment sometime https://code.launchpad.net/~wallyworld/gwacl/azure-management-api-change https://code.launchpad.net/~wallyworld/gwacl/fix-request-eof-2/+merge/193346\n * thumper is in deep thought\n<thumper> sorry\n<wallyworld_> np\n<wallyworld_> bigjools: what is the price for 2 small gwacl reviews?\n<wallyworld_> needed for juju 1.16.2 release tomorrow\n<thumper> bigjools: bugger...\n<thumper> bigjools: it seems like the quick fix won't work very well at al\n<thumper> may have to fix it the right way\n<bigjools> wallyworld_: I can look for you, after all you came bearing gifts yesterday\n<wallyworld_> indeed i did\n<wallyworld_> they are only small\n<wallyworld_> branches\n<bigjools> thumper: great architecture FTW\n<bigjools> 466 lines\n<bigjools> is small in juju world?\n<wallyworld_> bigjools: sadly i have a saucy node running now which also disallows connections to mongo\n<bigjools> wallyworld_: is the firewall endpoint open?\n<wallyworld_> not sure. what port is that do you know?\n<wallyworld_> i thought you said before 37017 was open?\n<wallyworld_> which is the port the client is sing to contact mongo\n<bigjools> ok\n<bigjools> wallyworld_: hang on I need to make call first\n<wallyworld_> ok\n<bigjools> wallyworld_: first comment - pease remove the factored version numbers\n<wallyworld_> why?\n<bigjools> I previously had someone stop doing that - each api request is separately versioned and if you factor it you will introduce subtle  bugs\n<wallyworld_> it kinda sucks having them all copied and pasted in the code\n<bigjools> yes - but it needs to be done\n<wallyworld_> ok then\n<bigjools> I rooted out at least 3 bugs last time I unfactored it\n<wallyworld_> sigh\n<bigjools> I know\n<wallyworld_> how the fook do we keep track of all the apis\n<wallyworld_> sounds like a nightmare\n<bigjools> wallyworld_: fwiw the version should be associated with the request struct ideally\n<bigjools> they change versions when the format changes\n<bigjools> so they are very closely tied\n<wallyworld_> ok. for now though, i'll just go back to how it was\n<wallyworld_> and do a search and replace of string\n<bigjools> wallyworld_: for example if you update the refactored version you would change all the calls at once, and introduce potentially subtle sematic changes\n<wallyworld_> i thought they would all change together\n<wallyworld_> as a group\n<bigjools> IME they dont\n<wallyworld_> :-(\n<bigjools> it might say they do....\n<bigjools> but I call BS\n<wallyworld_> fair enough. it is msft after all\n<bigjools> you might want to mention this in the code\n<wallyworld_> ok\n<thumper> arg\n<thumper> stabby stabby\n * thumper is trying to unpick something\n<thumper> but others are sewing things tighter together\n<bigjools> wallyworld_: I bailed on the other one\n<wallyworld_> bigjools: i wanted to avoid a random custom data so i could hard code the expected response\n<bigjools> wallyworld_: why?\n<wallyworld_> same reason i like to use strings in tests\n<bigjools> the test demonstrates that it copes with random input\n<bigjools> you should always use random data where the data itself doesn't matter\n<wallyworld_> using the same api call in a test though as the logic sort of negates the test\n<bigjools> otherwise it says to the test reader that you're crafting a particular scenario\n<bigjools> feel free to ignore it, you have my +1 already\n<wallyworld_> ok, i'll think about it\n<wallyworld_> thanks\n<wallyworld_> why bail on other one?\n<bigjools> because it's deep Go innards that I know nothing about\n<wallyworld_> ok\n<bigjools> you're the Go expert :)\n<wallyworld_> i used same technique as in goose etc\n<wallyworld_> you reckon?\n<bigjools> self-approve?\n<wallyworld_> might do\n<bigjools> do you need all you instances on my azure account?\n<bigjools> your\n<wallyworld_> bigjools: the saucy one would be good. but i need to be able to ssh in to see the cloud init log\n<bigjools> you need a custom image with the backdoor\n<wallyworld_> ugh ok\n<bigjools> you have to build one and upload it to private storage and tell the api to use it when booting\n<bigjools> I forgot how though :(\n<wallyworld_> i never knew how\n<thumper> jam3: ping\n<wallyworld_> in the first place\n<bigjools> there's a config item for a custom kernel\n<bigjools> image I mean\n<jam> thumper: pong\n<thumper> jam: hangout? I have a critical bug to discuss\n<wallyworld_> bigjools: and you can't ssh in at all and grab the cloud init log?\n<jam> thumper: sure, I have to head out in about 20min\n<thumper> jam: ack\n<thumper> jam: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/72cpjufs8mm0i0htkjiuch72s8?hl=en\n<jam> I'm getting \"call ended because of server error\" give me a sec\n * thumper nods\n<jam> thumper: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/72cpjqbfsmf42rpnbt2o36cgk0\n<jam> see if this one works\n<jam> If I follow your link, I got the \"new\" hangout layout\n<jam> thumper: I saw you show up for 1 second\n<thumper> jam: I have new, you have old\n<thumper> they don't like each other\n<thumper> server error\n<thumper> skype?\n<jam> thumper: know of any way to trigger the right one?\n<thumper> mumble\n<thumper> I don't care\n<jam> thumper: I'm on skype, and you're in my friends list\n<jam> but not showing as online\n * thumper starts skype\n<thumper> jam: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1246556\n<_mup_> Bug #1246556: lxc containers broken with maas <api> <maas-provider> <juju-core:Triaged by thumper> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1246556>\n<bigjools> wallyworld_: no, unless cloud-init finishes putting the ssh key in your're buggered\n<wallyworld_> \\o/\n<wallyworld_> maybe it should do that first up if it doesn't already\n<bigjools> wallyworld_: hence you need the backdoor.  Having said that - there is an api field for adding a user and p/w\n<bigjools> but we don't use it as it's mental\n<wallyworld_> got a hint where i look save me searching?\n<wallyworld_> i might do it to debug\n<bigjools> hang on\n<bigjools> wallyworld_: in LinuxProvisioningConfiguration you set a Username and Password.  It's in the same place Customdata goes\n<wallyworld_> ok, ta\n<bigjools> wallyworld_: line 545 in provider/azure/environ.go\n<wallyworld_> great\n<bigjools> it was a mandatory field so we randomised it\n<bigjools> yay security\n<wallyworld_> lol serious? mandatory?\n<wallyworld_> wtf\n<bigjools> this is msft\n * wallyworld_ sighs *again*\n<thumper> jam:  lp:~thumper/juju-core/maas-lxc\n<sodre> juju-devs: is anyone still up ?\n<wallyworld_> sodre: some of us are here\n<sodre> hi wallyworld_: I traced the reason for that earlier panic on juju bootstrap\n<wallyworld_> oh cool\n<wallyworld_> admin-secret issue i think?\n<sodre> I've updated the bug report on launchpad. But I was wondering if you could explain to me something related to it.\n<sodre> yeah, it had nothing to do with the admin-secret.\n<wallyworld_> i'll read the bug\n<sodre> The issue is that jujud tries to get the provider-state through swift without authentication.\n<wallyworld_> it should use creds when it tries to get it\n<wallyworld_> i think from memory\n<wallyworld_> let me check\n<sodre> from the client side, (juju) connects to swift using goose.\n<sodre> but the bootstrap level seems to use (Go 1.1 package http)\n<jam> sodre, wallyworld_: provider-state needs to be in a container that is world readable because all of the clients download stuff from the container via wget/direct http access\n<jam> when we set up the bucket ourselves, we set the .r:.rlistings *\n<sodre> for somereason that is not being set on on my version\n<jam> sodre: you're on Havana ?\n<sodre> yes\n<wallyworld_> jam: not necessarily the conatiner itself but the file\n<jam> wallyworld_: we need the container, we put all the charm data, tool data, etc in there\n<wallyworld_> i think\n<jam> and all needs to be downloadable from plain wget\n<jam> we don't need it on EC2 because we can generate Signed URLs, but we don't have support for that on Openstack\n<wallyworld_> and doesn't wget work so long as the file itself is readable?\n<sodre> right now, my way around it has been to put tools in the juju-dist and set that world readable.\n<sodre> but then this provider-state issue came up.\n<jam> wallyworld_: as in, we put a bunch of stuff in the container, and *each* needs to be world readable. It is a fair point that you could just have each file have the ACL, but we need all of them anyway\n<wallyworld_> jam: sure. but now in trunk, public storage instances are gone from the providers\n<wallyworld_> azure, maas never had them anyway\n<jam> wallyworld_: \"private\" storage *must* be public for Openstack\n<jam> wallyworld_: so if your patch which got rid of the PublicStorage api also removed setting .r:.rlistings for the other Storage, then you broke openstack deployments\n<wallyworld_> i didn't tinker with the other Storage to my kmowledge\n<jam> wallyworld_: we *don't* want to give our Provider credentials to the agents running on non machine-0, so they have to have credentials-free access to download the charm blobs from storage\n<jam> wallyworld_: \"rlisting\" doesn't exist in the source tree\n<wallyworld_> jam: right. so i just checked, the \"private\" storage on openstack does have rlistings perms\n<jam> unless that is in goose\n<wallyworld_> jam: it's a const in goose\n<jam> wallyworld_: k\n<wallyworld_> swift.PublicRead\n<wallyworld_> see line 514 of provider.go\n<wallyworld_> in openstack package\n<jam> wallyworld_: yep\n<jam> I found ti\n<jam> sodre: can you \"swift stat\" your container to see what the ACL is ?\n * wallyworld_ has to go get kid from school\n<sodre> I need to bootstrap again, because I've set it by hand.\n<sodre> give me one se.d\n<sodre> also, I'm on 1.16, not trunk. fyi\n<sodre> .r:*\n<sodre> humm... strange....\n<sodre> i need a new bucket name... one sec.\n<sodre> jenvs from hell...\n<sodre> the read acl is empty http://paste.ubuntu.com/6334137/\n<sodre> jam: any ideas if that can be fixed in 1.16.1 ? or 1.17 ?\n<wallyworld_> sodre: did you create that control bucket by hand?\n<sodre> yes\n<sodre> I got it to work as follows\n<wallyworld_> sodre: because juju will not set read acl if it exists already\n<sodre> I first swift post juju-control-bucket --read-acl .r:*\n<sodre> no... no..\n<sodre> if the bucket does not exist, it is still not setting it to .r:*\n<wallyworld_> really? the code in that area hasn't changed. it uses PublicRead = ACL(\".r:*,.rlistings\")\n<sodre> maybe it is the , .rlistings ?\n<sodre> because it is not setting it to read mode right now\n<sodre> ... it could be a radosgw issue again..\n<wallyworld_> could a havana thing maybe?\n<sodre> let me try the following.\n<sodre> I have a bucket right now with read ACL set to empty.\n<sodre> swift post pet.sodre.juju-control-02 --read-acl .rlistings\n<sodre> the read acl is still empty.\n<sodre> should it have changed ?\n<wallyworld_> um. not sure. i don't use the swift tool for that sort of thing too often\n<wallyworld_> cause juju does it for me :-)\n<sodre> are you using radosgw as well ?\n<wallyworld_> i've tested juju on hpcloud and our own internal openstacj deployment using folsom and grizzly\n<sodre> two variables: It could be Havana, or it could be RadosGW\n<wallyworld_> i'm testing now our our openstack\n<wallyworld_> sodre: so a seift post does set the read acl for me\n<wallyworld_> ie it is non empty after a swift post --read-acl ....\n<sodre> can you paste the readacl line for me.\n<wallyworld_> sure\n<wallyworld_>  Read ACL: .rlistings\n<sodre> humm..\n<sodre> strange!\n<wallyworld_> and i think this is on havana\n<sodre> what is .rlistings for anyways ?\n<wallyworld_> it allows unauthed clients to list the container\n<wallyworld_> the contents thereof\n<sodre> I see.\n<sodre> It seems that Rados does not support rlistings\n<sodre> shouldn't a plain .r:* suffice ?\n<wallyworld_> well that sucks if true\n<wallyworld_> don't think so - certain operations do need to list the files in a container\n<wallyworld_> but i can't tell you the specifics of the top of my head\n<sodre> http://wiki.ceph.com/01Planning/02Blueprints/Dumpling/Better_Swift_Compatability_for_Radosgw\n<wallyworld_> ah\n<wallyworld_> well, that sorta explains it :-(\n<wallyworld_> it does say .rlisting has something done\n<sodre> there as a patch in the wild, but it seems they did not want to apply it.\n<sodre> according to http://www.mail-archive.com/ceph-devel@vger.kernel.org/msg13829.html\n<sodre> all that is needed is to set a READ permission to  see it via S3\n<sodre> I imagine unauthenticated access.\n<sodre> wallyworld_: I've updated the bug report one more time.... what is the easiest way for me to modify the juju-core code?\n<wallyworld_> what do you want to change?\n<sodre> I would like to see why it is not honoring the .r:*\n<sodre> when working with RadosGW\n<wallyworld_> right now, you need to use bzr to get a copy of the source code off launchpad\n<wallyworld_> go get works too\n<wallyworld_> have you ever done that?\n<sodre> yeah, I did it quickly today. I am not sure how to ``debug'' the code, ie.. gdb did not really help\n<sodre> is there a way to step through, or are debug statements the standard ?\n<wallyworld_> lol\n<wallyworld_> Go has very limited tooling support for debugging\n<sodre> i.c.\n<wallyworld_> in my experience\n<wallyworld_> i think you can use gdb\n<wallyworld_> but i have not done that myself\n<wallyworld_> i'm used to modern IDEs\n<sodre> sure I can use that as well, will it work in eclipse ?\n<wallyworld_> perhaps. I use Intellij where there is a decent Go plugin but it does lack debug support sadly\n<sodre> juju-core will be the first \"Go\" code I ever read\n<wallyworld_> it's similar syntax to C - not too hard to read\n<sodre> alright... so I don't spend too much time digging... in which file should I be looking for these rlistings ?\n<wallyworld_> for openstack, there's two main files of interest....\n<wallyworld_> provider/openstack/provider.go <--- this one sets up the storage instance for an openstack environment\n<wallyworld_> it creates it with the ACL I pasted above\n<wallyworld_> and provider/openstack/storage.go <--- this one creates the container (if required) and reads/writes/lists files therein\n<wallyworld_> your main interest will be in storage.go\n<sodre> got it\n<wallyworld_> the Storage interface is quite simple - it has List(), Put(), Get() etc methods\n<wallyworld_> i normally just use lots of fmt.Println() statements to debug\n<wallyworld_> thrre's also debug logging\n<wallyworld_> if you run a command like bootstrap with --debug, it will print useful info also\n<sodre> yeah, --debug is my friend :)\n<sodre> it seems the code went to goose\n<sodre> i'll spend some time with it.\n<sodre> thanks a lot man!\n<wallyworld_> np. do ask if you have more questions\n<wallyworld_> yes, goose is the lib used by juju to talk to openstack\n<sodre> thanks. I should probably go to sleep ... its 4am here\n<sodre> the good thing is that there is a work around\n<wallyworld_> wow. yes. go to bed!\n<wallyworld_> where are you?\n<sodre> tz= EST\n<sodre> I live in the DC area\n<wallyworld_> ah ok. i'm in australia\n<wallyworld_> so almost drinking time here :-)\n<sodre> nice :)\n<wallyworld_> thanks for all your hard work!\n<sodre> I'm trying to deploy OpenStack at work\n<sodre> I need to show them a demo ...\n<sodre> so... here is an issue\n<sodre> I am running my compiled version of juju\n<sodre> how do I bootstrap my system ?\n<sodre> it can't find 1.17\n<wallyworld_> you need to use --upload-tools\n<wallyworld_> if you are running from source\n<sodre> tsk tsk tsk... IU need to sleep\n<sodre> :)\n<sodre> s/IU/Im\n<wallyworld_> yeah tomorrow!\n<sodre> btw...\n<sodre> 2013-10-31 08:05:44 INFO juju.environs.sync sync.go:103 listing target bucket\n<sodre> 2013-10-31 08:05:44 DEBUG juju.environs.tools storage.go:35 reading v1.* tools\n<sodre> 2013-10-31 08:05:45 ERROR juju supercommand.go:282 failed to list contents of container: pet.sodre.juju-control-02\n<sodre> issue *listing contents*\n<wallyworld_> right, that is consistent with not having rlisting permissions\n<wallyworld_> juju needs to list the tools available to find the correct ones to use\n<sodre> this is a bad bug in RadosGW\n<sodre> alright.. ttyl\n<rogpeppe> mornin' all\n<rvba> Hi wallyworld_, did you figure out what the issue with the Azure provider was?\n<wallyworld_> rvba: hi, yes. msft screwed us over\n<rvba> wallyworld_: nice :/\n<wallyworld_> they changed the api in an incompatible way\n<rvba> Great.\n<wallyworld_> tl;dr; we needed to change the apiversion passed to various management calls\n<rvba> So much for having API versions and all that jazz.\n<wallyworld_> yeah\n<wallyworld_> and we also needed to tweak the run utility to base64 encode the userdata\n<rvba> All right, thanks for the update.\n<wallyworld_> i'm landing some stuff now. thanks for the input yesterday\n<wallyworld_> just had trick or tweaters at my door\n<wallyworld_> treaters lol\n<mgz> mornin'\n * thumper hopes jam can run the meeting tonight as he is hacking now he's back\n<natefinch> morning all\n<jam> fwereade: welcome back\n<jam> team meeting: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/bWFyay5yYW1tLWNocmlzdGVuc2VuQGNhbm9uaWNhbC5jb20.09gvki7lhmlucq76s2d0lns804\n<jam> fwereade_: ^^\n<jam> axw: ^^\n<fwereade_> jam, I am trying\n<jam> sure, we've been having trouble with new vs old G+ interfaces\n<axw> my machine froze, joining now\n<fwereade_> jam, it's weird, it is literally *just* the hangout that's not working\n<jam> fwereade_: extra joy in that it was working with just you and I until more people joined\n<fwereade_> jam, yeah, indeed\n<fwereade_> jam, there's a crazy storm out here but I doubt its effect is selective enough to be causing this\n<jam> fwereade_: is dimiter around today?\n<fwereade_> jam, he is, but he was out earlier; he expected to make it back for the meeting though\n<rogpeppe> damn, did i miss the team meeting today?\n<rogpeppe> jam: sorry about that, i totally forgot\n<natefinch> rogpeppe: yeah but you didn't miss much\n<rogpeppe> jam: i'd have joined if you'd pinged me...\n<rogpeppe> natefinch: ok, that's good\n<natefinch> rogpeppe: thumper was just talking about how much he loves having loggo on github\n<rogpeppe> natefinch: ironically?\n<thumper> ?!?\n<rogpeppe> thumper: you really *do* love having loggo on github?\n<thumper> heh\n * thumper goes back to work\n<natefinch> rogpeppe: I wasn't being serious :)\n<rogpeppe> natefinch: it sounded like you weren't - just checking\n<natefinch> rogpeppe: actually I think the only real complaint was having his username in the import url.  He says it feels too unprofessional\n<rogpeppe> natefinch: yeah, that's actually part of why i chose launchpad for some projects\n<rogpeppe> natefinch: the user name doesn't seem like that important a part of the project\n<natefinch> rogpeppe: yeah, I wish there was a different way to do it... you can do something like a project team and have the project under the team.\n<rogpeppe> natefinch: yeah\n<thumper> can you have a team of one?\n<sinzui> yes\n<sinzui> You can have a team of 0 in Lp\n<thumper> sinzui: I was referring to github\n<thumper> jam: I think I may have a complete fix with tests\n<natefinch> thumper: yes, you can have a team of 1 on github\n<thumper> natefinch: so I could create an org called loggo?\n<thumper> is it worth it?\n<sinzui> thumper, github is similar to Lp, no one is in the team when it is created, you add members.\n<natefinch> thumper: up to you... you'd have github.com/loggo/loggo\n<thumper> meh\n<thumper> except they call it an organisation\n<mgz> make the team ~loggo :)\n<thumper> heh\n<mgz> ACCEPT THE TILDE\n<thumper> probably an invalid character\n<natefinch> yeah it's just alphanumeric and dashes\n * thumper twiddles fingers while the local lxc downloads and the amazon one spins up\n * thumper proposes while he waits\n<thumper> ok... local provider still works with my change\n * thumper waits for ec2\n<natefinch> why working so late, thumper?\\\n<thumper> natefinch: critical bug around lxc and maas\n<thumper> natefinch: they want it for the ODS demo\n<thumper> and sinzui is waiting on it to cut 1.16.2\n<natefinch> thumper: ahh, bummer\n<thumper> sinzui: care to land a branch that increments the version number on lp:juju-core/1.16\n<sinzui> thumper, oops, I will do that, thank your for reminding me\n<natefinch> sinzui: please make sure you increment scripts/win-installer/setup.iss as well.  It needs to get updated for the windows installer.\n<natefinch> (it's just a text file, the version number is at the top, you'll see it)\n<sinzui> natefinch, oh. I've got no notes on that. Have you been doing it each time you run it?\n<natefinch> sinzui: yeah, I've just been modifying it when I create the installer, but obviously that's not a good habit to keep up\n<natefinch> sinzui: I'm considering just making script that'll update all the right spots.\n<thumper> \\o/\n<thumper> works on ec2\n<thumper> have ubuntu deployed into 1/lxc/0\n<thumper> jam, fwereade_: https://codereview.appspot.com/20220043/\n<thumper> and dimitern if he wants\n<thumper> this is to fix lxc on maas for the demo\n<thumper> makes it so we don't get an environ config for lxc provisioners\n<dimitern> thumper, looking\n<thumper> local provider works\n<thumper> and ec2 was able to provision a container\n<thumper> and deploy the ubuntu charm into it\n<thumper> so we know it at least works on something\n<sinzui> I wish I knew how to make DeployLocalSuite.TestDeployNumUnits pass on my computer\n<thumper> I really want to hand this off as it is almost 1am\n<dimitern> thumper, reviewed\n<thumper> dimitern: ta\n<thumper> sinzui: about to land my 1.16 branch\n<thumper> sinzui: wallyworld_ landed the azure fixes already\n<sinzui> I saw\n<thumper> sinzui: once mine is in, you should be good for 1.16.2\n<sinzui> rock\n<sinzui> Maybe I wont purse 1.16.1. It has not built yet\n<thumper> sinzui: however I'm about to go to bed\n<thumper> hopefully all lands ok\n<thumper> how long does it normally take?\n<thumper> and who can see if it is in progress?\n<sinzui> thumper, jamespages has the juju release scripted. He builds the new package and send it off to Ubuntu and the PPA builders in on go.\n<sinzui> He emails me when he has run the script\n<thumper> sinzui: I was really referring to the landing bot\n<sinzui> 15 minutes\n<thumper> I think I'll wait just to be sure\n<sinzui> natefinch, Is this right https://codereview.appspot.com/20230043 ?\n<natefinch> sinzui: great.  LGTM'd\n<sinzui> jamespage, are you about?\n<natefinch> fwereade_: do we have a list of the client commands that need to be API-ified?  I figured I'd knock one or two out\n<fwereade_> natefinch, we have a list of the ones that don't, and there are 2 of them\n<natefinch> fwereade_: haha ok\n<natefinch> fwereade_: what uses the API now, so I can see how it should be set up?\n<natefinch> fwereade_: nevermind, looks like add unit does  (I thought I remembered that one did)\n<fwereade_> natefinch, I think \"get\" does too\n<natefinch> fwereade_: figured I'd start on status, unless you have another suggestion\n<fwereade_> natefinch, yeah, let me chat to you about it after meeting\n<natefinch> fwereade_: sure.  I'm going to be AFK in about a half hour (for about an hour)\n<jam> natefinch: status is going to be much bigger than some of the other ones, and might involve some checking to make sure we are getting the passwords set on first connect, etc.\n<jam> something like \"set\" would be much easier if you want to get your feet wet\n<natefinch> jam: that's fine, I can do set to start :)\n<mattyw> the env vars that get set in a running hook - like: CHARM_DIR and JUJU_UNIT_NAME - where abouts are they actually set in the code?\n<fwereade_> mattyw, uniter/context.go\n<mattyw> fwereade_, cool thanks, think I just found it\n<rogpeppe> fwereade_: do you know any way of configuring the local provider so that it doesn't download a whole precise image when a precise charm is started?\n<rogpeppe> fwereade_: (at least, i *think* that's what it's taking ages to do - i'm not sure if there's any way of telling at all)\n<fwereade_> rogpeppe, I in't think we grabbed the whole thing every time\n<rogpeppe> fwereade_: i'm not sure how to tell what it's doing\n<rogpeppe> fwereade_: will we always grab the whole thing in a newly bootstrapped local env?\n<fwereade_> rogpeppe, I believe that is currently the case, but I have not looked at the code in question myself\n<rogpeppe> fwereade_: ah, sorry, i thought you were the one that reviewed it\n<rogpeppe> fwereade_: so no way to avoid that first download then. hmm.\n<rogpeppe> fwereade_: another small question: is there a good place for a charm to stash local state that *doesn't* get managed under git? for example, a unix-domain socket or something that should not be rolled back on failure?\n<fwereade_> rogpeppe, there's no canonical location, no\n<rogpeppe> fwereade_: i guess $CHARM_DIR/../charm-state might work ok, although it's not great.\n<fwereade_> rogpeppe, eww? name it after the charm outside the juju data-dir I would think?\n<rogpeppe> fwereade_: or just make up a name in /var/lib which includes the env uuid and the unit name\n<fwereade_> rogpeppe, +1\n<mramm> hey all: thumper's blog post about his logging library for Go is now up on hacker news: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6643805 please upvote it if you think it is interesting, and feel free to comment on hacker news if you think you have something to add.\n<natefinch> mramm: if I could get to hacker news, I'd upvote it\n<adam_g> what is the proper way to upgrade an environment using a custom built juju and jujud binary pair? someone showed me last week but i've forgotten\n<mgz> adam_g: the magic is simply to have the juju you run to do the upgrade have the matched jujud as a sibling in the directory\n<mgz> this is very magic, but hey go hey go go\n<adam_g> thats what i thought\n<adam_g> adding the --upload-tools flag seems to skip going to s3\n<mramm> natefinch: problems with hackernews? thumper had them yesterday too. :(\n<natefinch> mramm: looking online, it's a DNS propagation issue\n<sodre_zzz>     juju-devs: has anyone seen this type of error with Juju & RadosGW\n<sodre_zzz> caused by: failed unmarshaling the response body: bootstrap-verify\n<mgz> sodre_zzz: can you manually fetch that object from the provider storage and see what it contains?\n<mgz> ...what provider even is that?\n<sodre> OpenStack, but Swift is served by ceph-radosgw\n<mgz> so, `swift list` to get CONTAINER, then `swift get CONTAINER bootstrap-verify`\n<sodre> alright... one sec.\n<hazmat> wallyworld_, wasn't there some facility you mentioned about auto upload-tools?\n<sodre> ahhh.. the error is different!\n<sodre> mgz: it says  juju was unable to list the contents of the container.\n<mgz> sodre: looking in ~/.juju/environments/ENV.jenv where ENV is the name of your environment will also tell you if you find the 'control-bucket' key at the bottom\n<sodre> Let me pastebinit\n<sodre> wasn't there a but where juju is expecting to see a .json object when listing contents in swift?\n<sodre> s/but/bug/\n<mgz> sodre: we might not be parsing the error response correctly\n<mgz> so, you're seeing a follow-on error rather than the underlying cause\n<mgz> sodre: can you file a bug against juju-core for this please?\n<sodre> will do, but can you take a look at the pastebin first ?\n<mgz> I need to transfer back home now, so would like to pick up later\n<mgz> sodre: sure, fast :)\n<sodre> http://paste.ubuntu.com/6336731/\n<sodre> this is with Havana, fyi.\n<mgz> sodre: yeah, looks like we're just expecting json and getting plain text\n<sodre> yeap, the error is in goose\n<mgz> there's a bug for this (or something very related) against goose already\n<sodre> yeap, that's what I thought.\n<mgz> if you can find that and add more details, that would be ace\n<sodre> i'll search for that.\n<sodre> thanks mgz\n<mgz> I've already got that bug on my list to look at\n<fwereade_> bbl\n<sodre> jam: are you around >?\n<sodre> I have quick goose patch/bug\n<natefinch> sodre: it's pretty late for Jam, almost 10pm.  Anything that I could help you with?\n<sodre> sure\n<sodre> the current version of goose/swift.go\n<sodre> it requests a list of entries in a container but forgets to set the format to json\n<sodre> the patch is very short,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6336923/\n<sodre> natefinch, what do you think ?\n<natefinch> sodre: looks good, except you need to gofmt your source.  You have two spaces where the standard format is a tab.\n<sodre> got it, how is that done ? I am new to go\n<natefinch> go fmt <filename>  it'll rewrite the file\n<sodre> http://paste.ubuntu.com/6336944/, where should I send this to?\n<natefinch> so, in theory, you should branch lp:goose, make your change, and then propose the branch for merging to the lp:goose trunk\n<sodre> got it\n<natefinch> sodre: if you have credentials etc on launchpad, it's not too hard\n<sodre> I am new to Opensource collaboration...\n<sodre> I have an account on lp. but I've never contributed anything other than bug reporrts.\n<sodre> can you quickly walk me through it or point me to docs with the steps.\n<natefinch> sodre: I'm pretty new to the launchpad process too.  Let me see if I can find the steps somewhere\n<sodre> okay.\n<natefinch> sodre: ok, so presuming you started off by doing a bzr branch lp:goose to get your local copy.... you can do this to commit and propose your change (from the root directory of goose on your local drive):\n<natefinch> bzr commit -m 'commit comment'\n<natefinch> bzr push lp:~sodre/goose/<branchname>\n<natefinch> bzr lp-propose lp:goose\n<sodre> cool\n<sodre> I'm filing the bug report as well.\n<natefinch> awesome\n<natefinch> sodre: thanks for the bug and for the fix.  It's really a huge help even for little fixes like this.\n<natefinch> brb\n<sodre> np. I am just trying to get OS running here at work.\n<natefinch> TIL: when it looks like everyone else on freenode has quit at the same time... probably it's you that has actually quit\n<natefinch> sodre: I missed anything you might have said after you said you were just trying to get OS to work.\n<sodre> I didn't say anything :)\n<sodre> I just came across the bug because I need to get OpenStack running where I work.\n<sinzui> natefinch, will you have time today to create a a juju 1.16.2 windows package and file an Rt to get it signed?\n<natefinch> sinzui: sure will.   Hopefully this time the RT will actually be acted upon\n<sinzui> natefinch, send me the rt number and I will track it. I am happy for a delay since I never know when the builders will complete\n<natefinch> sinzui: ok\n<natefinch> sinzui: you probably will get an email about it, but here's the link: https://rt.admin.canonical.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=65618\n<sinzui> thank you natefinch. I will add that to my task list for 1.16.2\n<natefinch> sinzui: no, thank you.  I just want to make sure the windows installer stays available at the same version as the other platforms\n<sinzui> This one has to get to the users since they are the group that most likely will use juju on azure.\n<natefinch> morning thumper\n<thumper> morning natefinch\n * thumper feels a little knackered\n<natefinch> seems like you were just here :)\n<thumper> :)\n<thumper> yeah\n<thumper> I know that feeling\n<thumper> however I also have three kids still in bed\n<thumper> instead of at school\n<thumper> the event we went to last night was a lot later than I expected\n<thumper> didn't get home until about 22:30\n<natefinch> thumper: doh\n<thumper> which is way late for the youngest two\n<thumper> if I knew it was going to be that late, I would have organised a babysitter\n * thumper shrugs\n<thumper> oh well\n<natefinch> how old are your kids?\n<thumper> 8, 10 and 12\n<thumper> it was a \"world of wearable arts\" show for the eldest\n<natefinch> sounds like fun\n<thumper> it was quite good, but went on and on\n<thumper> you can really tell which outfits the kids did themselves, and which parents helped on\n<thumper> :)\n<natefinch> haha yeah....\n<jam> thumper: I had some comments on your proposal, they aren't critical but it might be good to get them in if sinzui is going to be doing a 1.16.2 soon\n<sinzui> jam, the tarball was sent\n<jam> well then, I guess it doesn't matter :)\n<sinzui> I might be convinced to make another if there are zero downloads of it\n<jam> sinzui: I'm not a big fan of reusing numbers regardless\n<thumper> jam: I may not worry too much for the 1.16 branch, but may take them into account on the move to trunk\n<sinzui> me neither. This is case where the one packers we are delivering too is traveling\n<thumper> sinzui: how dare he?\n<thumper> travel when we need him\n<thumper> geez\n<sinzui> SPoF\n<natefinch> busfactor violation\n<thumper> true that\n<jam> sinzui: I *thought* that when he set up the super special PPA he did give you access. At least, I listed a short list of names\n<jam> with you on it\n<sinzui> I don't see any new PPA on my list...\n<sinzui> oh, let me check teams\n<natefinch> thumper: if you get time today, I have a couple branches that could use some reviewing:  ec2 instance constraints: https://codereview.appspot.com/14523052/   modification to destroy-environment to require environment name: https://codereview.appspot.com/14502070/\n<jam> I don't know if that team actually got set up, but we did discuss it\n<thumper> natefinch: ok, I'll add to the list :)\n<sinzui> jam, thank you and your elephantine memory. I was added to a  team  8 days ago\n * sinzui starts scripting\n<thumper> natefinch: so this is \"juju destroy-environment amazon\"\n<natefinch> thumper: correct\n<thumper> cool\n<thumper> juju destroy-environment production\n<thumper> oops\n<natefinch> that's basically the only change from current behavior\n<natefinch> I did add an exclamation point to the warning message, too.\n<thumper> :)\n<thumper> nice\n<natefinch> forgot there was a tweak to scanning the input... the code that was there before was actually completely borked. It happened to work, but also returned an error we were ignoring\n<arosales> bcsaller, do you have some time to join us @ https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/YW50b25pby5yb3NhbGVzQGNhbm9uaWNhbC5jb20.tj9cngmc3p25r5nvbdthk5up8c\n<sodre> sinzui: have you already fixed 1209003\n<sinzui> sodre, no, no work has been done on it yet\n<sinzui> sodre, sorry, work has started on it and iI need to target it\n<sodre> okay. I've placed the patch on a branch for review. It is one-line.\n<sodre> I found the bug through a different route, so I did not notice it was duplicate of your bug until a few minutes ago.\n<thumper> sinzui: good news, adam_g confirmed my work on maas, it makes lxc containers work (FSVO work)\n<sinzui> I hit the mysql+apparmor bug while testing local provider today. I almost stalled the releases. I am glad I remembered the bug\n<thumper> sinzui: what's that bug?\n<sinzui> thumper, https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1236994\n<_mup_> Bug #1236994: Mysql doesn't deploy on local provider due to apparmor <juju-core:Incomplete> <mysql (Juju Charms Collection):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1236994>\n<thumper> wha?\n<thumper> it used to work, what broke?\n<sinzui> thumper, I think the issue is intermittent. I think I deployed that last night when I confirmed my local provider worked\n<jamespage> sinzui, I am now - I guess you need me to push 1.16.2 everywhere right?\n<natefinch> I'm outta here. night all\n<thumper> night natefinch\n<jamespage> sinzui, don't expect armhf for quantal and raring btw\n<jamespage> we are missing the dpkg magic fix in those series right now\n<sinzui> quantal is dead to me\n<sinzui> maybe we should stop releasing quantal packages. I think users have had 6 months to get to raring\n<jamespage> sinzui, not really - raring expires in 2 months\n<jamespage> :-)\n<jamespage> 9 month support these days\n<jamespage> sinzui, I'd prefer we keep publishing - I still have to test using juju-core for those series\n<sinzui> yeah, but I think juju-core has tried to give users an extra 3 months.\n<jamespage> but just not fuss about armhf\n<jamespage> sinzui, where do you want to pull trusty binaries from? I've not uploaded to ppa for that series?\n<jamespage> I can do - the distro package will supercede anyone actually running on trusty once it lands\n<thumper> sinzui, jamespage: FWIW +1 on not caring about quantal and raring armhf\n<sinzui> jamespage, this is the script we use for releases and CI. We pull from 3 archives, including Ubuntu: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6337941/\n<sinzui> jamespage, I think trusty will work. I need to switch to Lp API to get packages from the new archive.\n<jamespage> sinzui, should do\n<jamespage> I'll leave it off the backports like last cycle then\n<sinzui> sorry lines 197  start where I define the archives to search\n<jamespage> sinzui, OK - its nearly baked - everything is built - just waiting for LP to publish to ppa.launchpad.net\n<sinzui> fab. I am rushing to finsh my script while getting children ready for Halloween\n<jamespage> sinzui, oh fun\n<jamespage> sinzui, bear in mind that http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/j/juju-core/ won't get the armhf bits\n<sinzui> ugh\n<jamespage> sinzui, trying to remember where they appear\n<jamespage> its ports.ubuntu.com or something\n<jamespage> sinzui, http://ports.ubuntu.com/pool/universe/j/juju-core/\n<sinzui> jamespage, will we do this for the final release of trust?\n<jamespage> sinzui, sorry - do what?\n * jamespage thinks his brain is not quite working right\n<sinzui> will armhf always be in ports for trust?\n<jamespage> sinzui, yes\n<jamespage> I think so\n<jamespage> sinzui, might be easier to just pull everything from the PPA\n<sinzui> My mind has left the building. I look forward to a walk in the dark with people dressed weirder that me\n<sinzui> Do my eyes deceive me, I think everything is int eh staging ppa\n<jamespage> sinzui, yes - its all done\n<sodre> sinzui: should I change #1209003 to Fix Commited ? I have placed a pull request already.\n<_mup_> Bug #1209003: juju bootstrap fails with openstack provider (failed unmarshaling the response body) <openstack> <Go OpenStack Exchange:In Progress by psodre> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1209003>\n<thumper> man...\n<thumper> I'm normally a bit drained on Fridays due to the late meetings\n<thumper> but actually coding after the meetings to fix the critical bug as knocked me out\n * thumper turns on the coffee machine\n<jamespage> sinzui, I'm dropping for today\n<jamespage> sinzui, if you need me todo anything tomorrow am my time ping me a mail\n<sinzui> Thank you for your time jamespage\n<jamespage> sinzui, np - ditto\n<bigjools> thumper: a good coffee fixes everything\n * thumper looks for wallyworld_\n<wallyworld_> yes?\n<thumper> hey\n<wallyworld_> ho\n<thumper> got time to chat?\n<wallyworld_> ok\n<thumper> https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/72cpimmkjidp1clo6ipgc9gg90?hl=en\n<adam_g> is bootstrapping an environment /w 1.16.2-precise-amd64 expected to pull 1.16.0 tools or 1.16.2 down from S3?\n<thumper> adam_g: I believe it matches on major and minor\n<thumper> adam_g: to be sure --upload-tools\n<adam_g> thumper, seemed to have only matched major. ill roll with --upload-tools for now\n<jcastro> http://askubuntu.com/questions/369263/juju-bootstrap-fails-with-temporary-failure-in-name-resolution-using-amazon-aw\n<jcastro> did we break a bucket?\n#juju-dev 2013-11-01\n<wallyworld__> jcastro: that bucket is his control bucket, created on demand at bootstrap time; it's not a public bucket which we could break\n<wallyworld__> maybe ec2 was being particularly slow at that time - sadly stuff can take time to propagate through after an action is performed from what I understand\n<wallyworld__> juju does wait for ec2 to \"catch up\"; maybe it didn't wait long enough this time. or maybe there was another error which went unnoticed in the output\n<sinzui> thumper-afk, that mysql on lxc bug is very erratic. I just deployed it twice on lxc successfully.  My successful runs are between the hours of 0 an 6 UTC\n<adam_g> hmph\n<adam_g> trying to use 2 different juju environments in one maas (two different maas users/keys)\n<adam_g> http://paste.ubuntu.com/6338725/\n<adam_g> one fails to start\n<wallyworld__> adam_g: 1.16 has a bug in this area - 1.16.2 is being packaged now and will allow maas to better support juju with multiple users. but i'm not sure if the symptoms you are seeing exactly relate to the problem as i've not run into the issue myself\n<bigjools> looks different to me\n<adam_g> wallyworld__, ssory, should have mentioned. im using 1.16.2\n<thumper> adam_g: that's weird, not seen that before\n<wallyworld__> adam_g: in that case, my maas foo is not good enough. maybe bigjools  can help\n<adam_g> tried re-bootstrapping again, this time with only one environment. was the same thing\n<adam_g> trying again on another cluster\n<sodre> adam_g: what is exactly the issue you're facing?\n<bigjools> it doesn;t look anything to do with maas to me, there's a mongo connection error\n<sinzui> adam_g, tools are in canonistack and aws, your tests might be different now\n<adam_g> sodre, with two separate maas users, each with their own juju environment, only one bootstraps\n<adam_g> 2013-07-15 00:35:38 DEBUG juju.state open.go:88 connection failed, will retry: dial tcp connection refused\n<adam_g> 2013-07-15 00:35:38 ERROR juju.state open.go:93 TLS handshake failed: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid\n<sodre> is one of them *not admin* ?\n<adam_g> sodre, neither of them are\n<sodre> one sec.\n<adam_g> hmm. ive gotten further on another maas cluster (with the same versions of both juju and maas)\n<sodre> can you see if the workaround in #1245092 works for you ?\n<wallyworld__> sodre: you can revert your rev 110 to remove the json fix using a cherry pick - bzr merge -r 110..109\n<_mup_> Bug #1245092: environ-provisioner fails to start <admin> <bootstrap> <Go MAAS API Library:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1245092>\n<adam_g> sodre, make both users admin?\n<sodre> wallyworld__: okay I'll do that. but at the moment I can't test with my live deployment without the json fix :(\n<sodre> adam_g: or at least one of them and see if that one bootstraps.\n<wallyworld__> you can add the json fix when you tst but just not commit it\n<sinzui> We need to support sync or sum checking with gwacl to upload tools\n<adam_g> sodre, fwiw, i was able to bootstrap 2 environments with non-admin users on another cluster\n<wallyworld__> sinzui: you saying tools upload is unreliable on Azure?\n<sodre> adam_g: okay... then maybe that is a different bug.\n<sinzui> wallyworld__, Iam saying I have been uploading tools for 20 minutes, most of them are already in azure.\n<wallyworld__> ah right\n<sinzui> bigjools, Do to accidents in team organisation, I can create series in charms. Does your tarmac charm really need to be in saucy? Would you be willing to skip to trusty?\n<wallyworld__> i noticed yesterday Azure is really, really sloooooooow\n<sinzui> wallyworld__, tools check sums will change we regenerated, so checksum is a requirement\n<wallyworld__> yeah. we calculate checksums anyway, so makes sense to short circuit upload if possible\n<bigjools> sinzui: it is series-agnostic\n<bigjools> I pushed it to precise for now\n<thumper> axw: morning\n<axw> thumper: ahoy\n<thumper> axw: I'd like to point you at https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1246905\n<_mup_> Bug #1246905: status for manual provider hangs <manual-provider> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1246905>\n<axw> looking\n<thumper> axw: I've not dug into it any more than my comment says\n<axw> okey dokey. I'll dig in. thanks\n<axw> thumper: if you have a moment later, I replied to the thread about interfaces... keen to hear if you have any suggestions, as I know you went through something similar not too long ago\n<thumper> axw: heh, you mean that world of hurt?\n<axw> can't remember if you had to deal with this particular problem\n<axw> heh :)\n<adam_g> bigjools, 2013-07-15 00:56:15 ERROR juju.state open.go:93 TLS handshake failed: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid  <- any idea?\n<bigjools> adam_g: none at all, sorry.  this looks like a connection problem to mongo, which is nothing to do with maas\n<bigjools> we tested that multi-user worked already so maybe an env issue for you?\n<adam_g> bigjools, yeah, looks lthat way. multi-user stuff is working fine in another environment\n<bigjools> sorry I can't help more :(\n<adam_g> cls\n<adam_g> what  is reponsible for /var/lib/juju/server.pem ?\n * thumper -> school run\n<wallyworld__> adam_g: that is generated by cloud init based on the ca-private-key in the environment settings as far as i know\n<wallyworld__> or ca-cert perhaps\n<sinzui> Damn. I cannot upload public tools to hp\n<sinzui> I can see my test from this afternoon, but now my creds don't work\n * sinzui uploads tools using the gui\n<sinzui> Oh something has cursed me. sync-tools fails, swift fails, js errors using Hp's gui\n * sinzui drinks more\n<adam_g> wallyworld__, cloud-config contains: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6338969/\n<adam_g> mongo is running: usr/bin/mongod --auth --dbpath=/var/lib/juju/db --sslOnNormalPorts --sslPEMKeyFile /var/lib/juju/server.pem --sslPEMKeyPassword xxxxxxx --bind_ip --port 37017 --noprealloc --syslog --smallfiles\n<adam_g> but\n<adam_g> Oct 31 20:21:47 ewing mongod.37017[14138]: Thu Oct 31 20:21:47.025 [conn2326] end connection (0 connections now open)\n<adam_g> Oct 31 20:21:47 ewing mongod.37017[14138]: Thu Oct 31 20:21:47.204 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #2327 (1 connection now open)\n<adam_g> Oct 31 20:21:47 ewing mongod.37017[14138]: Thu Oct 31 20:21:47.205 [conn2327] ERROR: error:14094412:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert bad certificate\n<adam_g> (^ from syslog)\n<adam_g> and\n<adam_g> 2013-10-31 20:22:09 ERROR juju.state open.go:93 TLS handshake failed: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid\n<adam_g> cloud-init-output\n<wallyworld__> adam_g: sadly i'm not very familiar with issues pertaining to certificate generation etc.  i have no idea how to debug your issue. if you are around in about 4 hours, the folks from europe will come online and will be able to help a lot more\n<wallyworld__> the mechanics all seem ok, but the content must be wrong and i don't know why\n<sinzui> I think Hp Cloud is in flames\n<sinzui> I cannot eve talk to my deployed env, or create a new env\n<sodre> wallyworld: when you have time, can you help me with the cherry picking. I am getting an error saying revision 110 does not exist\n<wallyworld__> sodre: are you working from the same branch you pushed to lp?\n<wallyworld__>  110. By Patrick Carlos 8 hours ago\n<wallyworld__>     Closes #1246827. GOOSE asks for swift.list to be in json format.\n<_mup_> Bug #1246827: swift List expects JSON output but does not pass format=json in http request <Go OpenStack Exchange:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1246827>\n<sodre> yeah. that is what happened.\n<wallyworld__> in any case, so long as your current copy of the branch only has the fixes for that branch that's all that matters\n<thumper> wallyworld__: you firefighting?\n<wallyworld__> thumper: no, just helping on irc\n<wallyworld__> and doing a review\n<thumper> wallyworld__: work in progress that I'm considering landing ... https://code.launchpad.net/~thumper/juju-core/kvm-container-interface/+merge/193533\n<thumper> start of the kvm bits\n<sodre> okay, maybe I need to make a new branch and check-pick from there.\n<thumper> work I had in a pipeline\n<wallyworld__> thumper: that's a lot of green :-)\n<thumper> sure is\n<thumper> and here you just thought that I sat on my thumb all day\n<wallyworld__> sodre: no need to start again i don't think - the diff looks ok actually, so you must have removed the code\n<wallyworld__> thumper: well......\n<wallyworld__> no comment\n<sodre> yeah, got it :(\n<sodre> :)\n<sodre> the code needs testing with pure Swift like canonistack or hp cloud, just to be safe.\n<wallyworld__> sodre: i tested with canonistack and it's ok\n<wallyworld__> after i made a change\n<wallyworld__> but the unit tests need fixing also\n<sodre> cool. I tested with radosgw and it works as well.\n<wallyworld__> thumper: just started; so for lxc, there's a golxc lib. no gokvm equivalent? also, container/interface.go contains \"kvm\" in the docstrings\n<thumper> hmm... yes no gokvm\n<thumper> I though we'd just wrap it in the container/kvm bit\n<thumper> it isn't complicated\n<wallyworld__> on the surface, it would be good to implement this consistently\n<sodre> walyworld__: I fixed the unit test. and I've added the StatusNoContent  to requestdata.  let me know if you need anything else.\n<thumper> much simpler interface than lxc\n<wallyworld__> ok\n<wallyworld__> sodre: will do, thanks\n<thumper> the container/lxc or container/kvm is the juju interface to the containers\n<thumper> so in that respect, it is consistent\n<wallyworld__> ok. will read more\n<sinzui> does anyone have an hp cloud envs that they can get the status of now\n<thumper> I'm not going to add a new top level project for the hell of it\n<thumper> not yet, anyway\n<sinzui> oh brilliant, I think someone took away my access to hp while I was deploying\n<thumper> haha\n<sinzui> I am in the console and watching the feature disappear\n<sinzui> CI is DEAD\n * thumper calls it a day a little earlier than normal\n<thumper> given the late night antics\n<thumper> have a good weekend everyone\n<wallyworld__> sodre: because you have this : \"-params.Add(\"format\", \"json\")\" in the diff, it looks like someone has already added that change in and you would now be removing it. so add it back toyour branch and re-push\n<sodre> :)\n<wallyworld__> sinzui: well that suck donkey balls :-(\n<wallyworld__> sinzui: want me to try and log in?\n<sinzui> yeah. because someone not me may have just broken all juju deploys. that is to say I had to jack hammer the tools into place and I cannot verofy they work\n<sinzui> wallyworld__, If you bootstrap on HP, do you get 1.16.2\n<wallyworld__> sinzui: i'll look, just a sec\n<sinzui> oh, fuck I still need to copy those packages to the public PPA\n<wallyworld__> sodre: you want to remove 50\t+ fmt.Sprintf(\"%s\", bodydata)\n<sodre> ohhh... sorry\n<wallyworld__> np :-)\n<sodre> what do I do with bodydata ?\n<wallyworld__> sodre: well, i this case i think you can ignore it. this is just a test mock and we don't implement container acl, so we just want to return an ok response\n<sodre> alright I'll take away the entire ioutiol.ReadAll\n<wallyworld__> sinzui: my wallyworld login on hp cloud still have access to the accounts for the public bucket and also another account with compute resources etc\n<wallyworld__> sodre: what is the content of the body?\n<wallyworld__> sodre: maybe we want to just assert that looks sensiblw\n<wallyworld__> sinzui: did you want to use that for anything till your access can be sortedout?\n<sodre> wallyworld__: I think it is just the header with X-Container-Read\n<sinzui> wallyworld__, I want confirmation that a bootstrap gets the tools I uploaded via the gui\n<wallyworld__> sinzui: ok, checking now\n<sinzui> wallyworld__, have you deployed using the juju-public-tools region?\n<wallyworld__> sinzui: yes, the required url is baked into juju for 1.16\n<wallyworld__> so no need for tools-url or anything else\n<sinzui> hmm. I was told not to do that\n<wallyworld__> you were told wrong :-)\n<wallyworld__> well, i believe so\n<sinzui> Hey the console lets me see juju-scale test again and I can see my three machines are still up\n<wallyworld__> sinzui: was a reason given?the whole idea of hpcloud in 1.16 was to remove the need for public-bucket-url and tools-url ie make it config free. and that's also in the release notes\n<sinzui> wallyworld__, hey I am in, I have access from the command line again\n<wallyworld__> \\o/\n<sinzui> log says it selected 1.16.2 for upgrade\n<wallyworld__> great\n<sinzui> so maybe someone was messing with me or HP  got paralytic for 2 hours\n<sinzui> \\o/ upgrade is perfect\n<wallyworld__> whoohoo\n<sinzui> I guess in theory, I could run the script to republish the tools. It will tell me if I did something wrong\n<sodre> wallyworld__: I pushed the code to lp:~psodre/goose/radosgw-acl\n<sodre> now I need to fix the swift-jason branch I just messed up.\n<wallyworld__> sodre: i see what may have happened - i didn't notice the prereq branch. can you please resubmit the mp and leave out the prereq. you can choose to keep history so existing comments are retained\n<wallyworld__> for some reason, the preview diff is now messed up also. hopefully resubmit will help\n<sodre> okay...\n<wallyworld__> sodre: in case you don't know, use the Resubmit proposal link\n<sodre> ahhh\n<sodre> I really need to get used to lp\n<wallyworld__> it's good once you know all the features\n<sodre> sorry, where is the resubmit\n<wallyworld__> top right\n<sodre> on the bug page ?\n<wallyworld__> no, the mp page\n<sodre> got it.\n<sodre> so no prereq.\n<wallyworld__> yep\n<wallyworld__> that's better\n<wallyworld__> except the json line is still there\n<sodre> argh.\n<sodre> how do I see that ?\n<wallyworld__> look t the preview diff\n<sodre> okay okay...\n<wallyworld__> on the mp page\n<wallyworld__> i'd say you added it to get stuff working\n<sodre> I can take it out.\n<wallyworld__> sodre: normally it would be ok to leave in, but because someone else is supposed to have a fix in progress, it's best not to overlap\n<sodre> I am the one assigned the json bug\n<wallyworld__> oh?\n<sodre> yeah, sinzui set it to me.\n<wallyworld__> ok. it was discussed yesterday that someone in our team would start on it. but since you have the bug, go for it\n<wallyworld__> link the bug to your branch\n<wallyworld__> so now you have 2 bugs linked\n<sodre> I had a branch just for that bug\n<sodre> it is already linked.\n<sodre> maybe the best would be to approve/merge that first.\n<sodre> then merge the radosgw-acl\n<wallyworld__> sure. that's the more \"correct\" way\n<wallyworld__> although for one line... :-)\n<sodre> i know\n<sodre> okay... let me just link the entire branch to both bugs.\n<wallyworld__> since you have the branch, propose it and i'lllook\n<wallyworld__> argh. whatever works :-)\n<sodre> alright its proposed and linked to the bug\n<wallyworld__> sodre: i've approved, thanks. next step is to set the commit message (usually copy the description) and mark as approved. then the landing bot will take over\n<sodre> okay. is that in the Merge Proposal page as well ?\n<sodre> cool\n<wallyworld__> yep\n<wallyworld__> sodre: update the descption to reference both bugs also :-)\n<sodre> is it just a matter of writing #XXXX ?\n<sodre> or is there a special markup ?\n<wallyworld__> If you write bug XXXXX it will be hyperlinked. I think lp:XXXX works also\n<wallyworld__> it's been a while so i can't recall with 100% certainty\n<sodre> alright. all done.\n<wallyworld__> right, so bug #XXXworks also :-)\n<wallyworld__> sodre: i've marked a approved at the top of the mp. it should land in trunk in about 5 minutes\n<sodre> :) that is so coo\n<sodre> cool\n<sodre> once that is done, can I delete the branches ?\n<wallyworld__> you can delete them off your local disk yes. but not on launchpad\n<wallyworld__> you can always get them off lp again if needed\n<sodre> okay.\n<wallyworld__> sodre: merged already :-)\n<wallyworld__> you fixed two bugs. thank you\n<sodre> \\o/\n<wallyworld__> now i'll update the dependencies in juju-core so your work gets included in the next release\n<sodre> I see. Do these changes ever make it back to saucy ?\n<wallyworld__> long story. they will go into juju 1.18 (next release). that will be available via a ppa. i don't believe we are allowed to put 1.18 in saucy backports\n<sodre> I see. I know that we had a release today, 1.16.2 ( or something) is that available through PPA as well ?\n<wallyworld__> yes\n<wallyworld__> if not now, then very soon\n<wallyworld__> release smoke testing happening as we speak\n<sodre> alright, I'll just tell people at work to update their juju version.\n<wallyworld__> if they want your fix, they will need to grab trunk and compile themselves\n<wallyworld__> we will be releasing 1.17 as a beta to iron out any issues prior to 1.18\n<sodre> Got it,  compiling juju with go is fairly straightforward as well. so it should not be an issue.\n<wallyworld__> sodre: just got the release email for 1.16.2. ppa is at https://launchpad.net/~juju/+archive/stable\n<sodre> thanks. I'll add that. I was looking forward to the MAAS/lxc fix\n<rogpeppe1> mornin' all\n<axw> morning\n<rogpeppe> axw: you might be interested to have a look at some stuff i've been doing to make it easy (hopefully) to write charms in Go: http://godoc.org/launchpad.net/juju-utils/cmd/gocharm\n<axw> rogpeppe: looks cool :)\n<rogpeppe> axw: thanks\n<axw> I like the thought of having go-gettable \"charm helpers\"\n<axw> makes them feel a bit more first class\n<rogpeppe> axw: did you see launchpad.net/juju-utils/charmbits/httpserver ?\n<axw> rogpeppe: didn't get that far yet, but I did see it in hte imports\n<rogpeppe> axw: i'm trying to come up with a scheme that lets people build charms modularly\n<rogpeppe> axw: it seems to be working ok so far, although i'm slightly concerned that people might find the abstractions hard to deal with\n<axw> rogpeppe: so that charmbits/httpserver package is used in a charm that is also the application?\n<axw> I mean.. service\n<rogpeppe> axw: yes\n<rogpeppe> axw: the idea is that you can write an entirely self-contained charm in Go if you want\n<axw> yup\n<rogpeppe> axw: the awkward piece being you want to be able to tell upstart to run a piece of your charm as a service and you don't really want to make another binary for that\n<axw> yeah I was just thinking about that.. you haven't got to that part yet? I don't see anything to do with running the binary outside of a hook\n<rogpeppe> axw: actually that bit is done\n<axw> ah yeah\n<axw> I see now.\n<rogpeppe> axw: see http://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/juju-utils/view/head:/charmbits/httpserver/server.go#L112\n<rogpeppe> axw: and hook.Context.RegisterCommand\n<rogpeppe> axw: there's a standup in 7 minutes if you fancy coming along BTW\n<axw> rogpeppe: sure, wife's out so I may as well\n<axw> ta\n<fwereade_> mgzh, meeting\n<mgzh> ta\n<rogpeppe> frickin' new hangouts\n<rogpeppe> natefinch: ping\n * fwereade_ has to go to the shop while it's open, bbiab\n<sodre> !on-call\n<rogpeppe>  i like the fact that i can reboot and my local juju environment is still running just fine\n<rogpeppe> i like the fact that i can reboot and my local juju environment is still running just fine\n * rogpeppe gets some lunch\n<natefinch> rogpeppe: let me know when you're back from lunch'\n<abentley> sinzui: When mysql dies for you, does mysql/1 go into an error state?\n<sinzui> abentley, install error\n<abentley> sinzui: For me, it just went to 'error', not 'install-error', so I guess it's because Jenkins only has mem=2G.\n<sinzui> oh\n<natefinch> fwereade_: you around?\n<fwereade_> natefinch, hey dude, sort of\n<fwereade_> natefinch, explaining juju to anold colleague\n<natefinch> fwereade_: heh... possibly quick question (if not, that's ok).  The server API for set was already written, with part of the implementation having this comment:\n<natefinch> / parseSettingsCompatible parses setting strings in a way that is\n<natefinch> / compatible with the behavior before this CL based on the issue\n<natefinch> / http://pad.lv/1194945. Until then setting an option to an empty\n<natefinch> / string caused it to reset to the default value. We now allow\n<natefinch> / empty strings as actual values, but we want to preserve the API\n<natefinch> / behavior.\n<natefinch> fwereade_: this makes the API implementation retain the behavior of setting a value to \"\" causing the value to get unset.\n<natefinch> fwereade_: The comment makes it seem like that's on purpose... but that just totally breaks the expected functionality of set if we always go through the API, so I'm not really sure what the correct course of action is.\n<fwereade_> natefinch, I think we need parallel implementations for now, that's just a compatibility thing for the gui\n<natefinch> fwereade_: oh, the GUI, ok\n<fwereade_> natefinch, we want to express the cli functionality now\n<fwereade_> natefinch, and *that's* a job for aslightly neater ServiceSet call\n<fwereade_> natefinch, so we have halfachanceofoneday being able toset a bunch ofservice attributes transactionally\n<fwereade_> natefinch, eg, set charm and config at the same time\n<natefinch> fwereade_: so we  need two - the existing one for the GUI and a new one for the CLI\n<fwereade_> natefinch, yes please -- ask frankban if heeverstarted on the newserviceset thing\n<natefinch> fwereade_: cool, thanks for clearing that up\n<rogpeppe> natefinch: ping\n<natefinch> rogpeppe: howdy\n<rogpeppe> natefinch: fancy a chat about HA?\n<natefinch> rogpeppe: definitely\n<rogpeppe> natefinch: we could try G+ again - i've rebooted, so it *may* be ok again\n<natefinch> rogpeppe: might as well give it a second change\n<natefinch> chance\n<rogpeppe> natefinch: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/bWFyay5yYW1tLWNocmlzdGVuc2VuQGNhbm9uaWNhbC5jb20.09gvki7lhmlucq76s2d0lns804?authuser=1\n<fwereade_> bbl\n<sinzui> rogpeppe, CI is failing for juju-core. One reason relates lxc-provisoner has no credentials for the user attribute. The test is not using lxc though. We are starting a caonistack instance. Also note that juju 1.16.0 client got the 1.16.2 agent. Do you have any insights https://pastebin.canonical.com/99724/\n<rogpeppe> sinzui: on a call currently - will get back to you\n<rogpeppe> need to reboot again :-(\n<sinzui> rogpeppe, I can elaborate about the error. I don't think the juju version is the issue because we see the same messages when using 1.16.2. The issue may be that the juju client is in a precise lxc bootstrapping precise on canonistack.\n<sinzui> we don't see this issue running saucy clients/client not in lxc\n<rogpeppe> sinzui: looking now\n<rogpeppe> sinzui: what is the CI actually trying to do?\n<rogpeppe> sinzui: that error message is coming from the openstack provider\n<sinzui> rogpeppe, It is verifying I can deploy a simple stack to canonistack\n<sinzui> rogpeppe, jenkins in canonistack created an lxc to build juju-core tip, then from in the lxc, began bootstrapping canonistack, hp, and aws envs\n<rogpeppe> sinzui: so the bootstrap worked ok?\n<sinzui> rogpeppe, no, bootstrap returned an error\n<rogpeppe> sinzui: hmm, weird, then how come the bootstrap node is working ok?\n<rogpeppe> sinzui: what error did bootstrap return?\n<sinzui> abentley, what error did the bootstrap return for CI of canonistack?\n<rogpeppe> sinzui: so the bootstrap returned an error, but it successfully started an instance running the machine agent? from the error returned, that seems quite odd, as the error should have stopped it bootstrapping before it got anywhere near that stage.\n<sinzui> rogpeppe, me network/ssh is busted. I cannot sshuttle this hour. I think I need to reboot to get into my 3rd test of this scenaro\n<abentley> sinzui, rogpeppe: bootstrap didn't error, but after bootstrap, nothing worked.  Not \"status\", not \"deploy\".  It just hangs.\n<abentley> (And occasionally emits ERROR TLS handshake failed: EOF)\n<rogpeppe> abentley: ah, that makes more sense\n<rogpeppe> abentley: could you paste (privately) the contents of the .jenv file for the environment? (elide private keys if you care)\n<abentley> rogpeppe: https://pastebin.canonical.com/99730/\n<abentley> rogpeppe: I can also add your public ssh key to the bootstrap node so you can log in, if you like.\n<rogpeppe> abentley: that would be useful, thanks\n<sinzui> abentley, rogpeppe my third test did eventually let me in. all is good. I will go downgrade to 1.16.0 again\n<abentley> rogpeppe: You should be able to ssh to ubuntu@ now.\n<rogpeppe> abentley: thanks. does that still have the problem?\n<abentley> rogpeppe: Yes.\n<abentley> sinzui: I am experiencing this issue with saucy.\n<sinzui> abentley, I am not...\n<sinzui> abentley, I downgraded to 1.16.0 on precise in an lxc. I deployed and got the 1.16.2 agent. I has just started. I am now deploying services\n<abentley> sinzui: This issue is not really related to juju CI.  I'm trying to create a jenkins node where I will eventually do CI.  I'm doing this because the existing jenkins node has 2G and that may not be enough.\n<abentley> But this is really just juju bootstrap not leading to to a working environment on canonistack.\n<sinzui> abentley, ha ha, i just hit the max security groups/instances again\n<abentley> sinzui: That was fast!\n<sinzui> abentley, I will tear this down. I don't think we need it since I misunderstood the scenario\n<sinzui> abentley, or maybe no...I think missed the step where I go the the lxc. my machine is now angry that I have an out of date package installed\n<sinzui> also. I need to work from OS X for sometime today. Once again I botched the homebrew pull request. I will never use githubs edit feature again. I will work with the real code and real tests\n<sinzui> now apt is angry. I think I need to do one thing at a time to achieve something\n<rogpeppe> abentley: i can't connect to that machine\n<abentley> rogpeppe: Does it refuse to authenticate you or can you not even connect to it?\n<rogpeppe> abentley: connection timed out\n<abentley> rogpeppe: do you have your .ssh/config set up to allow you to ssh into canonistack machines?\n<abentley> rogpeppe: I just sshed in successfully.\n<rogpeppe> abentley: ah, probably not\n<abentley> rogpeppe: the crucial thing is to have chinstrap act as a proxy.\n<rogpeppe> abentley: sample config?\n<abentley> rogpeppe: https://pastebin.canonical.com/99741/\n<rogpeppe> abentley: bingo!\n * sinzui interesting. githubs dimensions aren't broken in safari. Just chromium\n<rogpeppe> abentley: is the environment working now?\n<rogpeppe> abentley: i think i know what your problem was\n<abentley> rogpeppe: Yes, it's working now.\n<rogpeppe> abentley: ha\n<rogpeppe> abentley: so there's an easy fix:\n<rogpeppe> abentley: run juju status\n<abentley> rogpeppe: But juju status doesn't work.\n<abentley> rogpeppe: I does now, but it didn't.\n<abentley> s/I does/It does/\n<rogpeppe> abentley: really? it worked for me when i copied your jenv file to your instance and ran juju status\n<rogpeppe> abentley: and that caused the secrets to be pushed to the environment which caused everything to start working\n<abentley> <abentley> sinzui, rogpeppe: bootstrap didn't error, but after bootstrap, nothing worked.  Not \"status\", not \"deploy\".  It just hangs.\n<abentley> (And occasionally emits ERROR TLS handshake failed: EOF)\n<rogpeppe> abentley: hmm, i wonder if that's an addressing problem\n<rogpeppe> abentley: where were you trying to run juju status from?\n<abentley> rogpeppe: IME, that's what you get when the bootstrap node isn't responsing to API requests even at the http level.\n<abentley> rogpeppe: I was running status from this laptop I'm typing on.\n<rogpeppe> abentley: the bootstrap node was responding to API requests - i have a feeling your juju client just had no connectivity to the bootstrap node\n<rogpeppe> abentley: but... you say it works now?\n<abentley> rogpeppe: IME when there's no connectivity, nothing happens at all, not \" ERROR TLS handshake failed: EOF\"\n<abentley> rogpeppe: I did restart sshuttle just now.\n<rogpeppe> abentley: i wonder if was an issue with that\n<abentley> rogpeppe: I guess it's possible.  I took the \"ERROR TLS handshake failed: EOF\" messages as an indication that the sshuttle tunnel was working.\n<rogpeppe> abentley: basically, the API server seemed to be running just fine, which makes me think that the problem was elsewhere.\n<rogpeppe> abentley: if the tunnel was playing up, you might easily get an error like that (which is from the TLS negotiation taking place *within* the ssh tunnel)\n<abentley> rogpeppe: When I restarted, I switch to using itself as the tunnel endpoint.  I had previously been using  Normally, that's not a problem, but these machines are in different regions.\n<abentley> is lcy01, is lcy02\n<rogpeppe> abentley: ah, so that was the problem?\n<abentley> rogpeppe: Yes, I had the same symptoms when I switched back to\n<rogpeppe> abentley: great.\n<rogpeppe> abentley: if you reported a bug, i guess we can mark it as invalid...\n<rogpeppe> abentley: we should probably fix things so that the provisioner doesn't constantly fall over while waiting for a valid environment, i guess\n<rogpeppe> abentley: actually, that should be fixed in trunk already\n<abentley> rogpeppe: I didn't file a bug, but the whole episode only increases the importance of bug #1224057 to me.\n<_mup_> Bug #1224057: Juju needs more than SSH access <addressability> <canonistack> <improvement> <ssh> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1224057>\n<rogpeppe> fwereade_: current status of my HA discussion with nate: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1hGa2PNz6JyGFc7FjA-gX2_UnXRUGAZbS8O9TiS51bl8/edit\n<rogpeppe> fwereade_: you'll probably want to bikeshed a bit on names etc\n<abentley> sinzui: Has there been a bug reported that 1.16.0 deploys agent 1.16.2?\n * sinzui no\n * sinzui abentley: I know version mismatch is discussed in bugs, but I don't see a specific bug about the mismatch\n<rogpeppe> right, that's me done\n<rogpeppe> happy weekends all\n<abentley> rogpeppe: thanks!\n<abentley> sinzui: Bug #1247232\n<_mup_> Bug #1247232: Juju 1.16.0 deploys agent version 1.16.2 <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1247232>\n<sinzui> thank you abentley\n<hazmat> jam, how do we trigger the support for untrusted certs?\n<jam> hazmat: set \"ssl-hostname-verification: false\" in the environment config.\n<hazmat> ah.. found it. ssl-hostname-verification\n<hazmat> jam, thanks\n<jam> rogpeppe1: if you're around https://codereview.appspot.com/20940043\n<jam> It turns out that Uniter didn't share the common code that you fixed to use the cached addresses\n<rogpeppe1> jam: oops. looking.\n<jam> rogpeppe1: not really your fault, the code *should* have been shared\n<abentley> sinzui: I am seeing a bug deploying wordpress on the local provider (on precise): https://pastebin.canonical.com/99751/\n<rogpeppe1> jam: reviewed\n<jam> rogpeppe1: it doesn't include CACert because Uniter doesn't use it\n<jam> Uniter grabs APIAddresses to pass to the hook context\n<jam> but it doesn't give them the cert\n<rogpeppe1> jam: hmm, maybe it should\n<rogpeppe1> jam: i think we *should* pass the cert to the hook context (i think there's an existing issue about that)\n<rogpeppe1> jam: so i think it's worth providing in the API so we can easily do that later\n<rogpeppe1> jam: but don't bother if it's a hassle\n<jam> rogpeppe1: when it comes to that point, then we can easily move the function from Addresser to APIAddresser, I'd like to keep the change focused\n<rogpeppe1> jam: ok\n<jam> rogpeppe1: I'm not worried (particularly much) about the memory overhead. Just that every place that used to include Addresser now has to grow 2 lines to do the same thing.\n<rogpeppe1> jam: there are only two such places AFAICS\n<abentley> sinzui: from cgroup-lite.log: https://pastebin.canonical.com/99753/\n<rogpeppe1> jam: i kinda think it would make both of those places more readable (more explicit that they make both state and API addresses available)\n<rogpeppe1> jam: but i don't mind much - i just had to think quite hard when reading the code in common\n<jam> rogpeppe1: do you think they should be renamed to StateAddresser and APIAddresser then ?\n<abentley> sinzui: The problem appears to be cgroups-lite being upgraded.  If I remove the package manually, the installs complete successfuly.\n<rogpeppe1> jam: that would be inclination, yes\n<rogpeppe1> s/be/be my/\n<abentley> sinzui: It affected both mysql and wordpress.\n<abentley> sinzui: I suspect removing apt-get upgrade from the install scripts would also fix it.\n<sinzui> abentley: I am still swimming in the ramifications of this news\n<sinzui> abentley: Does this relate to cloud-archive?\n<abentley> sinzui: I don't know if it's packaged there.\n<abentley> sinzui: The cloud archive is an apt source in the lxc containers.\n<sinzui> I see\n<abentley> sinzui: I do not see groups-lite in http://ubuntu-cloud.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/pool/main/c/\n * sinzui yep, that is where I am\n<abentley> s/groups-lite/cgroups-lite/\n<sinzui> I wonder if a dep in the archive uses it though\n<abentley> sinzui: I bet it's installed in the cloud images, but not an up-to-date version.\n<abentley> sinzui: It was attempting to upgrade it, not to install it.\n#juju-dev 2013-11-03\n<davecheney> wowo, google compute engine is really janky\n<davecheney> shithouse first user experience\n<davecheney> Project '{{deleted.name}}' is now scheduled to be deleted after {{deleted.date|date:'short'}\n<davecheney> ^ awesome\n<davecheney> Error\n<davecheney> API rate limit exceeded. Rate limit may take several minutes to update if Google Compute Engine has just been enabled, or if this is the first time you use Google Compute Engine.\n<davecheney> this is not a consumer service\n<davecheney> Creating instance \"bootstrap\", this may take a few minutes. Do not refresh or navigate away from this page.\n<davecheney> wow, thanks 90's\n<davecheney> % juju switch \"null\"\n<davecheney> ERROR \"null\" is not a name of an existing defined environment\n<davecheney> ^ the docs say to do this\n<davecheney> ignore\n<davecheney> copy and paste error\n<davecheney> https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1247688\n<_mup_> Bug #1247688: manual provisioning fails on debian wheezy host <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1247688>\n<davecheney> W: Failed to fetch http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/raring-backports/multiverse/source/Sources  404  Not Found [IP: 80]\n<davecheney> what the f is going on with the mirrors this morning\n<davecheney> http://paste.ubuntu.com/6355925/\n<davecheney> bootstrap is fucked, AGIAN\n<davecheney> has anyone been able to use saucy ?\n<davecheney> i can't bootstrap any saucy series charms\n<wallyworld_> davecheney: the metadata you have uploaded for tools does not contain tools for saucy\n<wallyworld_> you may need to re-generate and upload\n<davecheney> well shit\n<davecheney> wallyworld_: i did bootstrap --upload-tools\n<wallyworld_> what was the client?\n<wallyworld_> series\n<wallyworld_> the metadata has\n<wallyworld_>             \"products\": [\n<wallyworld_>                 \"com.ubuntu.juju:12.04:amd64\",\n<wallyworld_>                 \"com.ubuntu.juju:13.04:amd64\"\n<wallyworld_>             ]\n<wallyworld_> so raring and precise\n<davecheney> raring client\n<wallyworld_> right\n<wallyworld_> so a araring client doesn't upload tools for saucy\n<wallyworld_> there is a work around\n<davecheney> wallyworld_: thanks, i'll just deploy local:raring/ubuntu\n<wallyworld_> ok. sorry about confusion\n<davecheney> nah, it's ok\n<davecheney> this is only a problem in the dev version\n<wallyworld_> yeah\n<davecheney> AWWW FUCK\n<davecheney> now my provisioner is broken because it can't ever get past that fauly saucy machine to provision my raring machine\n#juju-dev 2014-10-27\n<fwereade> wallyworld, anastasiamac: if I wake up tomorrow with even a cursory pre-review of http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/263/diff/ I will be most grateful\n * fwereade bed right now\n<wallyworld> ok, will do\n<fwereade> <3\n<wallyworld> good night :-)\n<anastasiamac> fwereade: k :-)\n<bigjools> hey folks, what's the quickest you've seen an LXC come up, given its image is already cached?\n<stokachu> bigjools: 32 seconds\n<bigjools> stokachu: precisely?  lol\n<stokachu> bigjools: yea ive got a counter\n<bigjools> that's fairly swift, thanks\n<stokachu> thats using ubuntu-cloud template btw\n<stokachu> regular ubuntu is slightly longer\n<bigjools> we're trying to work out if it's a problem when juju uses maas to make LXCs if the DNS entry takes up to a minute to appear\n<stokachu> and with lxc-clone enabled\n<stokachu> bigjools: im actually testing juju+maas 1.7 ill let you know if i see anything like that\n<bigjools> stokachu: well this feature is not present yetr\n<stokachu> ah ok\n<bigjools> we're working on it now, but trying to get a feel for what will be a problem\n<bigjools> we're having to make some compromises\n<stokachu> cool, understood\n<bigjools> https://code.launchpad.net/~gmb/maas/add-ptr-records-bug-1382190/+merge/239493 if you're interested\n<stokachu> nice will take a look\n<bigjools> stokachu: wait, are you working on your Sunday?!\n<stokachu> bigjools: yea :( trying to get our unmanaged installer ready for tuesday's lds release\n<stokachu> so we're testing daily maas 1.7 right now\n<bigjools> stokachu: ah ok. LXCs don't get DNS until that branch lands :)\n<stokachu> good to know, fortunately we're using KVM for our bootstrap node in maas\n<stokachu> so it works well\n<bigjools> stokachu: ok so what would be good to know is if a delay getting the DNS entry up after the LXC appears will be a problem in practice\n<stokachu> bigjools: ok cool, i subscribed the team to that bug and added a note on our tasklist to keep an eye on that\n<bigjools> great thanks\n<stokachu> np\n<anastasiamac> axw, wallyworld: isLoopback is great idea but it does not work for explicit \"localhost\"...\n<axw> anastasiamac: no, you'd still need a string comparison for that\n<axw> you're just cutting out the comparison to and ::1\n<anastasiamac> axw: k... m with u :-)\n<anastasiamac> axw: it looks like it does not cater for ip where hostport is only ::1 either...\n<anastasiamac> axw: to be fair, I suspect that it's url.parse that does not cater for this case...\n<anastasiamac> axw: just how it does not cater for malformed urls...\n<axw> anastasiamac: ah, no, you're right, SplitHostPort expects there to be a port... in that case if you get an error you could tack on a \":0\" and try again. starting to get a little convoluted...\n<anastasiamac> axw: hmm... do u think that mayb regular experession could work neater? it will abbrv8 the if- and is easier to modify to cater for \"funny\" cases...\n<axw> anastasiamac: actually, is the port even optional? I'm not sure there is a default port for apt proxies?\n<anastasiamac> axw: from apt.conf man page... \"  http\n<anastasiamac>        HTTP URIs; http::Proxy is the default http proxy to use. It is in\n<anastasiamac>        the standard form of http://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/. Per host\n<anastasiamac>        proxies can also be specified by using the form http::Proxy::<host>\n<anastasiamac>        with the special keyword DIRECT meaning to use no proxies. If no\n<anastasiamac>        one of the above settings is specified, http_proxy environment\n<anastasiamac>        variable will be used.\"\n<axw> ok\n<anastasiamac> axw: it looks like port could be optional... unless square brakcets have other meaninng...\n<axw> nope, that would mean optiona\n<axw> l\n<anastasiamac> axw: ;-(\n<anastasiamac> i'll do a regexp for now... we can alsways neat it up once url.parse and net.IP.isLoopback cater for every possibility... :-)\n<axw> okey dokey\n<anastasiamac> axw: i do prefer to call on framework rathern than rely on regexp\n<anastasiamac> axw: thnx for pointing me in the right (i.e. proper) direction! :-)\n<axw> nps\n<bigjools> folks, when juju destroys an environment, does it keep issuing commands to destroy individual machines if it later notices that one is not in the state it expected (ie getting destroyed)?  This might be provider-specific, in which case I'm talking about maas.\n<bigjools> axw: you worked on the maas provider recently :) --^\n<axw> bigjools: I'll check what it does\n<bigjools> cheers\n<axw> I think it issues a single release call\n<axw> bigjools: http://pad.lv/1319016\n<axw> it does a single release API call\n<axw> bigjools: why do you ask?\n<bigjools> axw: because https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1381619\n<mup> Bug #1381619: Failed to destroy-environment when node is in commissioning or new state <cloud-installer> <oil> <juju-core:Triaged> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1381619>\n<bigjools> axw: ignore the bug title, look at what greg posted\n<bigjools> I'll need to explain some background perhaps:\n<bigjools> we added some more states. It used to go from ALLOCATED straight to READY as soon as an API call was issued to release the node, however now it goes via a RELEASING state\n<bigjools> but because this broke some API users, we folded RELEASING into ALLOCATED so that API users never see it\n<bigjools> I wondered if juju was issuing a release call, and still seeing ALLOCATED when in reality it's RELEASING, so juju issues another release?\n<axw> bigjools: ah ok. nope, we don't interpret the error or retry at the moment\n<bigjools> oh ,weird then\n<axw> good to know for the bug I mentioned tho...\n<bigjools> yeah\n<axw> I'll paste that in there\n<bigjools> axw: how does it know when the env is destroyed?  Or does it just fire and forget?\n<axw> bigjools: it'll do do a release of all nodes, and check if it passed/failed based on HTTP status code only\n<bigjools> ok\n<bigjools> hmmm\n<bigjools> that bug makes no sense then, unless people were mannually titting about with things first\n<axw> bigjools: hmm. actually, Bootstrap will do a release of the bootstrap node if it manages to acquire it and then something goes wrong\n<axw> then when the env is destroyed, it'll try to release it again\n<bigjools> ah\n<axw> I *think* anyway\n<bigjools> axw: so releasing twice?\n<axw> why did the instance stop showing up tho? i.e. why \"ERROR bootstrap failed: refreshing addresses: no instances found\n<axw> Stopping instance...\"\n<bigjools> NFI what was going on there\n<bigjools> it's a shame people don't report what actions they were taking, and just post log snippets\n<axw> bigjools: actually no, that error message greg pasted is from the first attempt to release\n<axw> there may or may not be a second attempt, depending on what MAAS returns to Juju when it tries to list nodes with agent-name later, but I don't think it's relevant\n<bigjools> axw: looking at the event log, it did fail while coming up\n<bigjools> well\n<bigjools> something caused bootstrap to release the node while it was deploying\n<axw> (the second attempt would occur after that error is listed)\n<bigjools> I asked greg to file another bug with more info\n<axw> wallyworld: can you please take a look at http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/137/diff/2-3/\n<wallyworld> sure, justing finishing a review, will look real soon\n<axw> there's a drive by fix to ssh/run_test.go, which failed when I tried to land my change once\n<axw> yep no rush\n<axw> the main change is that I've made the metadata commands use environs.New, rather than environs.Prepare; i.e. they require an existing env now\n<wallyworld> axw: i think the changes are ok - any env should already be existing when using those metadata commands\n<axw> wallyworld: thanks. utils/ssh is used by testing, so can't use the existing ShortWait/LongWait\n<wallyworld> ah ok\n * wallyworld -> get more coffee, it's an emergency\n<axw> wallyworld: I've removed myself from that credential bug and moved it back to the planning lane. azure and joyent still need doing.\n<wallyworld> axw: ok, np\n<mattyw> morning everyone\n<wallyworld> axw: if you get a chance before your EOD, cloud you look at http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/264/ ? it's a large number of file but 99% of the changes are mechanical - the tools stream needs to be added as a parameter to many test methods\n<axw> wallyworld: ok\n<wallyworld> ty, if you don't get to it, that;s fine\n<axw> nah I need a break from storage, will look now\n<voidspace> morning all\n<lazyPower> o/ morning core devs\n<wallyworld> axw: thanks for review :-) i prefer to use string literals in tests to cause breakage when things change, so that tests are thought about\n<jam> morning voidspace\n<jam> voidspace: did you see: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/962 wallyworld wants to cache your lookup, which I think we were talking about doing a different way\n<jam> ah, read it wrong, you proposed it :)\n<jam> the email comes as \"no-reply\" and then is responded by \"ian\" so the mail preview always gives me the wrong impression\n * wallyworld doesn't want to cache the lookup - the pr implements a cache and i had a query about it\n<jam> wallyworld: we can't change vpc at all for the lifetime of an environment\n<axw> wallyworld: ok\n<jam> wallyworld: instances in 1 vpc can't communicate via private network to instances in another vpc\n<jam> wallyworld: so the \"lifetime of juju process\" is a misnomer\n<jam> it is \"lifetime of a juju environment\"\n<wallyworld> jam: ok, thanks. the pr said the vpc *could* change\n<wallyworld> it was unclear if that would be in the lifetime of an env or not\n<jam> wallyworld: first thoughts were that it could, further thinking realized \"no we can't actually support that\"\n<wallyworld> ok, np. i think then my only concern (from memory) is that a muctex should be used\n<wallyworld> mutex\n<voidspace> yeah, my mistake in the description\n<voidspace> the vpc changing would be \"bad\" for an environment - but it isn't likely to happen during the lifetime of a process anyway\n * TheMue wonders about the Google Calendar. It shows the correct time now after switching back from DST, but the alerts are for a false time?!?!?!\n<voidspace> wallyworld: I'll add the mutex\n<wallyworld> voidspace: ok, thanks, that then conforms to existing practice\n<voidspace> wallyworld: that's in code already committed - it was just missed in the review of that code\n<voidspace> easy to add it now\n<wallyworld> voidspace: np. i also had a question about one of the tests\n<voidspace> wallyworld: yes, I just answered that\n<voidspace> wallyworld: the test is the same because I want to *prove* that cached value is used\n<voidspace> wallyworld: so even after changing what the api would return I expect to get the previous value back\n<wallyworld> ah, let me take another look\n<voidspace> wallyworld: proving that a second api call wasn't made\n<voidspace> wallyworld: that's the intent\n<wallyworld> voidspace: i may be dumb, but from what i can tell, the code could still make an api call and return those result values and make the test pass. the more correct approach would be to mock out the api call and put in an assert that it is not called\n<jam> TheMue: you didn't get your reminder for our 1:1? I didn't see you around, I should have pinged, I guess\n<voidspace> wallyworld: if it made an api call it would get the opposite result\n<voidspace> wallyworld: if you remove the caching and run the test it fails\n<voidspace> wallyworld: I did check that\n<voidspace> wallyworld: also, with the mutex\n<wallyworld> voidspace: ok, then i was being dumb :-)\n<TheMue> jam: I got it, for in 18 minutes. And later I thought that it would conflict with our standup.\n<voidspace> wallyworld: there is a mutex in the call to e.ec2()\n<voidspace> wallyworld: the common pattern in ec2.go where e.ec2() is used seems to be *not* to use an extra mutex\n<TheMue> jam: but no I got the alert for the standup, also one hour too late.\n<wallyworld> voidspace: ok, np. i missed that nuance\n<jam> TheMue: are these email alarms or popup ones?\n<TheMue> jam: email\n<voidspace> wallyworld: the mutex in use seems to be a config mutex - preventing the ec2 configuration changing whilst we're building the ec2 instance\n<voidspace> although it doesn't prevent it changing whilst we're using it :-/\n<wallyworld> voidspace: yeah, that was my worry\n<wallyworld> voidspace: anyway, that's a separate issue it seems, so i marked it lgtm\n<voidspace> wallyworld: locking every use would serialise all our api calls though\n<voidspace> wallyworld: awesome, thanks\n<wallyworld> np, thanks for putting up with my questions\n<voidspace> heh :-)\n<TheMue> jam: but simply won't care for them in the future now as I now it :D and will be at standup at the correct time\n<voidspace> wallyworld: I'll change the PR description before merging, so the comment about default-vpc is correct\n<wallyworld> awesome, ty\n<fwereade> wallyworld, thanks for the review\n<fwereade> wallyworld, lots of that stuff is preexisting, but now someone's complained about them I can muster up the emotinal strength to work on some of them a bit ;p\n<wallyworld> fwereade: np, it looks great but as i said, i am unfamiliar with the finer detail\n<fwereade> wallyworld, it needs more steps before it's really approaching properly sane tbh\n<wallyworld> fwereade: yeah, i figured as much, hard to tell what was new vs moved\n<fwereade> wallyworld, that's the trouble\n<wallyworld> eat an elephant one bite at a time\n<fwereade> wallyworld, exactly\n<fwereade> wallyworld, and I've only really been going on this path for a week and it's already feeling noticeably better\n<wallyworld> yep :-)\n<fwereade> wallyworld, actions needs a bunch of work too\n<wallyworld> if it all works, i reckon commit what you've done so far\n<wallyworld> so it doesn't bit rot\n<fwereade> wallyworld, well, it's worth another pass to fix your suggestions\n<wallyworld> ok\n<wallyworld> they were not mandatory\n<wallyworld> if the code was existing\n<wallyworld> but would be nice to see them fixed sometime\n<fwereade> wallyworld, yeah, I reserve the right to ignore the ones that turn out to be rabbit holes\n<fwereade> wallyworld, at least for this branch\n<wallyworld> yep, np there\n<jam> TheMue: standup ?\n<fwereade> wallyworld, but I am very firmly trying to steer a happy course between fix-only-what's-needed and FIX-ALL-THE-THINGS, cos the former leads where we are today and the latter stops me doing anything directly\n<wallyworld> fwereade: +100\n<TheMue> jam: coming, my clock say :59 ;)\n<fwereade> wallyworld, just pushed a couple of updates, would you give it a quick once-over? I didn't fix the yucky docstring because whenever I start trying to edit that file I start pulling on loose threads everywhere and get sucked in\n<wallyworld> sure\n<wallyworld> fwereade: changes look sound\n<fwereade> wallyworld, awesome\n<fwereade> wallyworld, is that a ship-it, then? :)\n<wallyworld> fwereade: if you are happy, yeah :-) as i said, take my +1 with a little skepticism :-)\n<wallyworld> but i like the direction it is heading very much\n<fwereade> wallyworld, cool\n<fwereade> wallyworld, I'm making a big effort to avoid changing functionality\n<fwereade> wallyworld, not that it always works, I just realised that I broke relation settings caching in one of the previous branches, so that's th enext one before I can fix actions\n<wallyworld> yep, tests will tell us :-)\n<hazmat> something in 1.21alpha2 seems to have broken the allwatcher\n<hazmat> its no longer reporting all the services in an environment\n<perrito666> morning\n<natefinch> morning\n<mattyw> tasdomas, as OCR could you take a look at this http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/265/?\n * perrito666 tries to convince his ubuntu that it can upgrade to a new version\n<voidspace> jam: so I haven't yet found the neutron api for assigning a private p address\n<voidspace> jam: one example I saw created a port to reserve the address\n<voidspace> http://blog.felipe-alfaro.com/2014/05/09/fixed-ip-addresses-with-openstack-neutron-for-tenant-networks/\n<voidspace> I'm not sure a port is quite what we want\n<voidspace> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Neutron/APIv2-specification#Create_Port\n<voidspace> The APIv2 spec doesn't seem to have an alternative api though\n<voidspace> I'll look and see if dimiter has written about this in the networking spec\n<jam> voidspace: I'm back in our 1:1 hangout\n<voidspace> jam: ok\n<jam> I found \"UpdatePort\" which I think is what we want\n<voidspace> jam: except the addresses you provide overwrite the existing ones\n<jam> voidspace: yeah\n<voidspace> jam: so effectively that would be manual management\n<jam> I don't see a way to \"request a new one\"\n<jam> voidspace: I'm seriously considering manual management\n<jam> voidspace: as that gives us a token\n<jam> \"this IP address that I'm assigning is going to go to this LXC\"\n<perrito666> I would really appreciate a review on this http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/238/ looks big but its not\n<tasdomas> mattyw, reviewed your PR - looks good\n<mattyw> tasdomas, thanks very much\n<TheMue> Hmm, did something changed on runTransaction()? My so far working migration now aborts since I merged master.\n<TheMue> Sadly it doesn't says why it is aborting.\n<fwereade> perrito666, LGTM with trivials\n<fwereade> perrito666, good change, thanks\n<perrito666> fwereade: tx for the review\n<fwereade> jam, can I send you into #juju-gui to have a talk with frankban about something networky-looking please?\n * perrito666 visists a friend company for coworking for the day and he gets his space bar fixed\n<fwereade> jam, no public networks from the AllWatcher: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8703311/ (although I see a localhost with public scope..?)\n<frankban> fwereade: yeah, but no ipv4 address with public scope\n<fwereade> frankban, indeed, but localhost doesn't helpmost people very much ;p\n<frankban> fwereade: yeah, and this breaks local quickstart usage\n<fwereade> frankban, I'm sorry I can't give you my full attention right now -- dimitern may be on a swap day? otherwise jam or TheMue are most likely to have something relevant to say about networking\n<fwereade> frankban, it sounds like a critical bug regardless, please go ahead and report it\n<frankban> fwereade: this seems to be part of a more general problem with the mega-watchers: hazmat filed bug 1386143\n<mup> Bug #1386143: 1.21 alpha 2 broke watch api, no longer reports all services <api> <regression> <juju-core:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1386143>\n<fwereade> frankban, ok, cool, would you add it to that bug then (assuming status gives you what you want, but the watcher is broken?)\n<frankban> fwereade: sure, and thanks\n<fwereade> waigani, heads up: ^^ I think you/menn0/thumper have been in state lately?\n<jw4> fwereade: morning; were you saying you were going to do a bunch of refactoring in actions?\n<fwereade> jw4, have you been seeing the changes going by in uniter?\n<fwereade> jw4, it's an extension of that really -- trying to move context/runner related stuff out of uniter\n<jw4> fwereade, ah, you mean the hook context stuff?  I haven't caught up the last 24 hours yet :)\n<jw4> fwereade: sure  I remember now\n<fwereade> jw4, in particular, I think the validation stuff needs to move into the context package\n<jw4> fwereade: kk\n<fwereade> jw4, and the RunActions stuff needs at least *some* explicit testing beyond \"RunAction fails on a non-action context\"\n<fwereade> jw4, but, I'm getting there\n<fwereade> jw4, I'm 90% focused on structural stuff and testability\n<jw4> fwereade: you're on a tear... did you rest this weekend at all?\n<fwereade> jw4, I just managed to ignore everything else and focus on code for the week :)\n<fwereade> jw4, the weekend was mostly relaxed\n<jw4> fwereade: lol... good\n<fwereade> jw4, once I've got a load of the uniter stuff out of the way I should be able to rework the modes into an explicit hook queue\n<fwereade> jw4, it's what I \"should\" be doing right now but I need to clear the underbrush first iyswim\n<jw4> fwereade: yep, yep\n<jam> frankban: is this on EC2? And do you have default-vpc available there?\n<jam> 172.* looks suspiciously like the cloud-local addresses EC2 likes to give out\n<jam> ah, I guess this was a local environ\n<jam> so not ec2\n<jam> voidspace: since you're on at this time, do you have a chance to look at the networking part of bug #1386143 ?\n<mup> Bug #1386143: 1.21 alpha 2 broke watch api, no longer reports all services <api> <regression> <juju-core:Confirmed> <juju-gui:Triaged> <juju-quickstart:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1386143>\n<frankban> jam: the addresses problem is on a local env, yes\n<jam> frankban: so I think the issue is that the 10.* address *is* the public address on local\n<frankban> jam: exactly, and it was previously\n<voidspace> jam: sure\n* ChanServ changed the topic of #juju-dev to: https://juju.ubuntu.com | On-call reviewer: see calendar | Open critical bugs: 1386204\n<sinzui> natefinch, jam, can you find someone to fix a test that fails when we increment to alpha3? bug 1386204\n<mup> Bug #1386204:  metadataSuite.TestAsJSONBuffer fails when version is alpha3 <ci> <regression> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1386204>\n<mgz> eric wrote the test, but should be pretty simple for anyone to fix up\n<jam> voidspace: so I'm guessing how we determine public vs private cahnged,\n<voidspace> jam: ok\n<voidspace> *looks* like it should be easy...\n<voidspace> a backup test\n<voidspace> jam: ah, I thought you were referring to 1386204\n<voidspace> sinzui: jam: 1386204 we can fix by formatting the current version into the test data\n<voidspace> currently it's hardcoded and will fail every time the version changes\n<voidspace> sinzui: jam: I'll propose a branch for that\n<sinzui> thank you voidspace\n<sinzui> voidspace, you might want to merge https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/970 to get the version change too.\n<perrito666> natefinch: ericsnow wwitzel3 getting there\n<voidspace> sinzui: I have a branch that works with trunk (trivial) and also passes with the version changed manually\n<voidspace> sinzui: I'll just propose it separately\n<sinzui> thank you voidspace\n<voidspace> https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/971/\n<voidspace> There's no reviewboard url yet\n<voidspace> natefinch: care for a (hopefully) easy review?\n<mgz> voidspace: seems fine to me\n<voidspace> mgz: cool, will this merge or do I need to force?\n * voidspace is grabbing coffee\n<mgz> it is the blocking bug, so you just need to mark as fixes-NNN\n<perrito666> ericsnow: natefinch wwitzel3 the call got unusable\n* ChanServ changed the topic of #juju-dev to: https://juju.ubuntu.com | On-call reviewer: see calendar | Open critical bugs: 1386204 1385289\n<sinzui> natefinch, jam I have escalated Bug #1385289 because the last 8 devel revisions tested failed because upgrades consistently timeout on all providers...including stable and devel maas\n<mup> Bug #1385289: local storage migration is very slow <ci> <regression> <test-failure> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1385289>\n<natefinch> perrito666: np\n<voidspace> ericsnow: I didn't see a reviewboard review created for this PR\n<voidspace> ericsnow: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/971\n<ericsnow> voidspace: checking\n<ericsnow> voidspace: looks like github is rate-limiting the requests\n<ericsnow> voidspace: I'll see if I can work around that better (may not happen immediately)\n<voidspace> ericsnow: does it just drop them you think?\n<voidspace> ericsnow: ok, np\n<ericsnow> voidspace: I'm thinking it drops requests (\"API rate limit exceeded ...\")\n<ericsnow> voidspace: I should be able to work around that though\n<ericsnow> voidspace: did it not create a review request at all?\n<voidspace> ericsnow: as far as I can tell not\n<voidspace> sinzui: how can tell which revision was used for the 1.21alpha2 release?\n<voidspace> sinzui: looking for the version number change in the commit history?\n<ericsnow> voidspace: bummer (I would have expected it to make one)\n<ericsnow> voidspace: in the meantime you can use rbt post\n<voidspace> ericsnow: no need on this occasion, but thanks\n<ericsnow> voidspace: k\n<sinzui> voidspace, https://github.com/juju/juju/releases\n<sinzui> voidspace, reports.vapour.ws will one day republish that ^ info\n<voidspace> sinzui: ah, cool - thanks\n<voidspace> I checked my tags in my local clone, but I don't have them all\n<voidspace> maybe this is a git thing\n<voidspace> I have the major release tags, but not the alphas\n<voidspace> well, minor release tags\n<voidspace> ah\n<voidspace> git pull upstream master  --tags\n<voidspace> now I have them\n<voidspace> sinzui: my fix for issue 1386204 landed\n<voidspace> sinzui: I've marked it as fix committed\n<sinzui> voidspace, rock\n<TheMue> Gna, first needed to find why PR failed (overlapping change regarding DocID) and now the fixes block it. :)\n<voidspace> Is anyone else looking at bug 1386143\n<voidspace> https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1386143\n<mup> Bug #1386143: 1.21 alpha 2 broke watch api, no longer reports all services <api> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-gui:Triaged> <juju-quickstart:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1386143>\n<voidspace> frankban: ping\n<voidspace> now do I get the megawatcher output?\n<voidspace> Bug report above states \"Probably a side effect of this regression: on local environments, the mega-watcher for machines no longer reports the ipv4 address in the public scope\"\n<frankban> voidspace: pong\n<voidspace> frankban: hey\n<voidspace> frankban: see above\n<voidspace> frankban: I'd like repro instructions for getting the mega-watcher log\n<voidspace> frankban: as you reported for bug 1386143\n<mup> Bug #1386143: 1.21 alpha 2 broke watch api, no longer reports all services <api> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-gui:Triaged> <juju-quickstart:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1386143>\n<frankban> voidspace: ok\n<frankban> voidspace: do you have quickstart installed? otherwise I can quickly write a script to see the mega-watcher output\n<voidspace> frankban: I don't have it installed no\n<voidspace> frankban: I'm happy to install it if it helps\n<voidspace> is it just from juju-plugins?\n<frankban> voidspace: no, ok I am adding dupe instraction re quickstart to the bug\n<voidspace> frankban: cool, thanks\n<voidspace> Ok, I now have juju-quickstart installed\n<voidspace> frankban: so, running juju-quickstart dies with:\n<voidspace> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8706138/\n<voidspace> frankban: is this the error you're getting?\n<voidspace> I'd still like to be able to see the megawatcher output directly\n<frankban> voidspace: no, this is a very old version of quickstart\n<voidspace> frankban: hah, ok\n<voidspace> I need to add the right ppa then\n<voidspace> I assumed I had it already\n<voidspace> frankban: is the version in the juju-stable ppa correct?\n<frankban> voidspace: yeah, added instructions for that too in https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1386143\n<mup> Bug #1386143: 1.21 alpha 2 broke watch api, no longer reports all services <api> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-gui:Triaged> <juju-quickstart:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1386143>\n<voidspace> or should I get from source\n<voidspace> frankban: thanks\n<frankban> voidspace: did not mention it, but the current version in the PPA is juju quickstart v1.4.4\n<frankban> voidspace: FWIW sometimes I use this quick and dirty script to observe the juju megawatcher: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8706233/\n<voidspace> frankban: awesome, thanks\n * perrito666 just now realizes that the build is blocked\n<voidspace> frankban: so I've relinked the /usr/bin/juju* binaries to my built ones (so I can use juju-quickstart) and I'm doing git bisect\n<voidspace> see if I can tell where this broke\n<voidspace> frankban: as the bug is reported against alpha2 I'm assuming alpha 1 is known good\n<frankban> voidspace: I am not sure about that\n<frankban> voidspace: FYI the env var JUJU can be used in quickstart to override the JUJU binaty location, so that you don't have to relink the distro juju\n<frankban> binary even\n<voidspace> frankban: hah\n<voidspace> frankban: that would be better...\n<voidspace> frankban: so we're not sure that 1.21 alpha 1 is good\n<voidspace> frankban: so I need to go back and find the last good release and bisect from there\n<frankban> voidspace: I did not test that\n<voidspace> frankban: ok, thanks\n<tvansteenburgh> voidspace: i've been using deployer with alpha1 since it came out w/ no problem\n<frankban> np, thank you for looking at that\n<tvansteenburgh> voidspace: (fwiw), i think this broke in alpha2\n<voidspace> tvansteenburgh: cool, thanks\n<voidspace> tvansteenburgh: I'm mid-bisect so stopping to double check would be \"inconvenient\"\n<voidspace> although I'll probably check on my laptop anyway\n<voidspace> wasting time on a bisect that can never work would be *worse*\n<frankban> voidspace: I suppose you already noticed that, but FYI the addresses bug (quickstart) is only part of the bigger problem (and we assumed to be related but we are not really sure), the bigger problem being entities (e.g. services) not listed in the mega-watcher responses\n<frankban> voidspace: if you are tackling also that, then my watch script can be useful while bisecting, e.g. bisect, bootstrap, deploy one or two services, run the script to see the watcher response reflect the status, etc.\n<hazmat> tvansteenburgh, alpha2 is the breaker\n<hazmat> alpha1 is fine\n<hazmat> tvansteenburgh, this has nothing to do with deployer per se\n<hazmat> tvansteenburgh, this is just core having broken the all|mega-watcher\n<tvansteenburgh> hazmat: understood, i was just trying to help voidspace limit the breadth of his bisect :)\n<hazmat> right\n<hazmat> voidspace, you have a script already?\n* ChanServ changed the topic of #juju-dev to: https://juju.ubuntu.com | On-call reviewer: see calendar | Open critical bugs:  1385289\n<hazmat> the issue is that you'll need to cross grade your api servers to match your bisect or bootstrap per.. ick\n<voidspace> hazmat: no, but it's not a comlex set of steps\n<voidspace> hazmat: I'll destroy-environment and go install ./... in between each bisect\n<voidspace> hazmat: (had to stop - restarting now)\n<voidspace> hazmat: it's building a local environment, so not complex\n<voidspace> hazmat: I'll probably script it\n<natefinch> perrito666: your restore worker is LGTM\n<perrito666> natefinch: tx, I just got power back\n<perrito666> apparently 40°C exceeds what the power converters can handle\n<ericsnow> what would cause \"state changing too quickly; try again soon\" when running a transaction?\n<wwitzel3> ericsnow: not sure, the only place that error comes from is the txn transactionRunner.Run\n<perrito666> ericsnow: wwitzel3 most likely too many retries to run a tx.Op with no success\n<ericsnow> wwitzel3: yeah, and I'm not exactly sure what I did to change the existing behavior\n<wwitzel3> ericsnow: and the body of that is just a for loop that used nrRetries (set to 3) .. so after 3 attempts, the if none of the return paths in the for loop hit, you get that error.\n<ericsnow> perrito666: what does the retries?\n<cmars> ericsnow, that error is often (though not always) a bug in the logic for state changes.\n<ericsnow> cmars: I'm introducing a separate DB just for backups and running backups-related queries against that\n<cmars> ericsnow, a transaction that fails to maintain the assert condition for the duration of the operation will error out that way\n<ericsnow> cmars: I'll look into that\n<cmars> ericsnow, for example your operation negated the assert condition, that'd be a logic bug\n<cmars> ericsnow, could also be a concurrency issue, in which you're requiring conditions that fail to converge when you'd expect\n<fwereade> cmars, hey, did you come to a conclusion about service-owner?\n<cmars> fwereade, service-owner.. the context escapes me atm\n<fwereade> cmars, we added it to hook contexts as part of the initial abortive metrics spike\n<fwereade> cmars, AFAIK nobody uses it\n<fwereade> cmars, I'd really like to just delete it and hope nobody notices\n<fwereade> cmars, also, would you confirm that we'll be dropping the allow-add-metrics-only-in-some-hooks? because I'd like to drop it right now ;p\n<thumper> natefinch: hey\n<natefinch> thumper: yo coming\n<natefinch> wwitzel3: lxc meeting?\n<perrito666> rick_h_: how do you remove the tool bar form gvim?\n<natefinch> perrito666: install emacs ;)\n<katco> did someone say emacs?\n<natefinch> heh\n<perrito666> natefinch: sadly I only have 10 fingers in my hand\n<katco> no worries, they sell foot pedals now!\n<menn0> perrito666, katco: I use Emacs with Evil which reduces the need for non-standard appendages\n<menn0> https://gitorious.org/evil/pages/Home\n<menn0> it also requires that your brain has been rewired for Vim bindings but mine already was :)\n<menn0> it's a really well written extension anyway\n<katco> menn0: i've used that when vim ppl try to help me out at my keyboard\n<katco> menn0: i hear good things\n<natefinch> evidenly redhat is branching out.  My daughter played with some of these at school: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-3c1hIpxVvms/T5CvbwxJV7I/AAAAAAAABZ0/xDYY4yOkm9E/s1600/easter+scentos.jpg\n<waigani> thumper/menn0 what should I test for when a machine has not instanceid and there is no instanceData doc?\n<menn0> waigani: I think so. The test should ensure that a warning is logged.\n<waigani> menn0: okay, cheers\n<menn0> waigani, thumper: bug 1386143 could be due to migration changes ...\n<mup> Bug #1386143: 1.21 alpha 2 broke watch api, no longer reports all services <api> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-gui:Triaged> <juju-quickstart:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1386143>\n<alexisb> waigani, hey there\n<alexisb> I need to chat with mramm before we meet, mind if I am a few minutes late?\n<thumper> menn0: hmm... ya think?\n<menn0> waigani, thumper: in fact I think we already fixed that bug but it didn't make alpha2. this is probably due to the doubled up env UUID prefixing in the allwatcher.\n<thumper> ah...\n<fwereade> wallyworld, ping\n<thumper> sinzui: what is the process for broken alphas?\n<waigani> alexisb: when are we meeting?\n<menn0> thumper: the fix is part of the machines colleciton change\n<thumper> sinzui: do we just try the next alpha?\n * thumper nod\n<thumper> s\n<menn0> thumper: shall I dig in to this a bit?\n<wallyworld> fwereade: am in a meeting, will ping soon\n<thumper> menn0: yeah, have a quick dig and see if the machine fixes did fix it\n<cmars> wallyworld, ping me as well when you're done\n<menn0> thumper: k\n<waigani> alexisb: just ping we when you're ready\n<fwereade> wallyworld, cool, talking to cmars about the interactions between metrics and status\n<fwereade> wallyworld, rough eta?\n<fwereade> thumper, menn0, waigani: o/\n<thumper> o/\n<wallyworld> fwereade: 30 mins?\n<waigani> fwereade: hey\n<fwereade> thumper, menn0, waigani: hazmat had a bug about AllWatcher not notifying about important stuff; frankban had probable confirmation; can I rest assured that you guys are loking into  it/on it?\n<waigani> fwereade: sounds like the above bug?\n<thumper> fwereade: yeah, menn0 is looking into it now\n<fwereade> waigani, menn0, thumper: yay, you're already on it, I am redundant :)\n<sinzui> thumper, we fix them in the next alpha. We want to release alpha3 this week\n<fwereade> wallyworld, cmars: please talk when you're both free\n<fwereade> wallyworld, cmars: will try to be back in half an hour, if not I think you have enough to talk about\n * fwereade goes to play some lego star wars\n<alexisb> waigani, sent you a reschedule\n<waigani> alexisb: sweet, thanks\n<waigani> menn0: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/177/\n<menn0> waigani: I'm going to be a while... looking at this regression\n<waigani> menn0: all good, I'll move onto sequences\n<menn0> waigani: sounds good. that's not going to rely on the instancedata branch\n<waigani> menn0: I'll put my initials next to what I'm working on in the MESS doc\n<menn0> waigani: good idea\n<menn0> waigani: I'll do the same\n<menn0> waigani: remember to add LK cards as you go as well\n<waigani> menn0: sigh, I'll add those now. I added your username in the MESS doc\n<menn0> waigani: cheers\n<voidspac_> menn0: ping\n<menn0> voidspac_: hey\n<voidspac_> menn0: hi, how's it going?\n<voidspac_> menn0: are you working on 1386143?\n<menn0> voidspac_: not too bad\n<menn0> voidspac_: I am indeed\n<menn0> voidspac_: I suspect it's already been fixed by Jesse and I\n<voidspac_> menn0: I started to look at it - my intention was to do a git bisect\n<ericsnow> voidspac_: thanks for taking care of that backup metadata test :)\n<menn0> voidspac_: we noticed the problem and fixed it but the branch didn't land before alpha2 was fixed\n<voidspac_> menn0: but following the repro instructions on the bug I couldn't get juju-quickstart working even with 1.20!\n<voidspac_> menn0: hah\n<menn0> voidspac_: s/fixed/cut/\n<voidspac_> menn0: what is the problem?\n<voidspac_> ericsnow: no problem, easy fix\n<menn0> voidspac_: a buggy change introduced as part of env UUID migrations\n<voidspac_> menn0: ah right, can I look at your branch?\n<voidspac_> menn0: I started looking through the diff between 1.21 alpha 1 and alpha 2\n<voidspac_> it's about 8000 lines or something...\n<menn0> if it's what I think it is then the fix is already merged.\n<menn0> voidspac_: it'll be part of 69c60b6fb293a7e6ea3a32d6365cf5eccd257fa5\n<voidspac_> menn0: doesn't look like anything landed on trunk\n<menn0> voidspac_: the bottom of megawatcher.go\n<voidspac_> menn0: ah, right - so trunk should already be unbroken\n<menn0> voidspac_: the docID method was adding the environment UUID onto ids that already had it\n<voidspac_> menn0: I'll try it with the repro instructions\n<menn0> voidspac_: I'm doing the repro with master now\n<voidspac_> menn0: cool\n<menn0> voidspac_: looking better so far. there's unit deltas coming out of the allwatcher with master where there wasnt with alpha2\n<rick_h_> perrito666: https://github.com/mitechie/pyvim/blob/master/.vimrc#L116\n<menn0> voidspac_: quickstart works with master so it looks like the problem is fixed \\o/\n<voidspac_> menn0: awesome, great news\n<wallyworld> fwereade: sorry, free now, too late?\n<menn0> voidspac_: I'll try one more thing to confirm and then will update the ticket\n<wallyworld> cmars: hi, did we need to talk?\n<fwereade> wallyworld, cmars: heyhey\n<cmars> wallyworld, yeah, wanted to catch up on status stuff\n<wallyworld> sure\n<cmars> and other things\n<wallyworld> hangout?\n<fwereade> one of you statr one please :)\n<wallyworld> we can use this one https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/ian-tim\n<fwereade> wallyworld, joined\n<wallyworld> fwereade: cmars posted one aove\n<wallyworld> https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/gqzen7cwgsho4s6fxwqrgoc7dma?hl=en\n<menn0> voidspac_, thumper, waigani: regarding bug 1386143... quickstart and the GUI are definitely working with master. still doing a few more checks though.\n<mup> Bug #1386143: 1.21 alpha 2 broke watch api, no longer reports all services <api> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged by menno.smits> <juju-gui:Triaged> <juju-quickstart:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1386143>\n<waigani> menn0: good to hear!\n<thumper> menn0:  good\n<thumper> thanks\n<waigani> menn0/thumper manual upgrade testing, deploy wordpress and mysql before upgrade?\n<waigani> anything else?\n<menn0> waigani: I have a script which also sets up some subordinate units\n<menn0> waigani: I think I've sent it to you before\n<waigani> menn0: yeah I just remembered that, looking for it now...\n<menn0> waigani: that's what I've been using\n<waigani> thumper/menn0: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/269/\n<perrito666> katco: but tell me, does you editor clean and refreshes like mine? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7254758/Photo%2027-10-14%2019%2017%2054.jpg\n<perrito666> and no, I did not go to te supermarket just for the sake of this discussion\n<waigani> perrito666: lol\n<rick_h_> menn0: <3 glad to hear about bugs already fixed\n#juju-dev 2014-10-28\n<cmars> contrib Casey Marshall\n<cmars> (that was for mup_)\n<wallyworld> thumper: i disagree that bug 1385289 should block landings. stuff isn't broken, it's slower\n<mup_> Bug #1385289: local storage migration is very slow <ci> <regression> <test-failure> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1385289>\n<wallyworld> it should be critical for sure\n<davecheney> $ go version\n<davecheney> go version devel +211c346906d0 Tue Oct 28 09:56:33 2014 +1100 linux/power64le\n<thumper> wallyworld: agreed\n<davecheney> ^ real go, on power\n<wallyworld> \\o/\n<thumper> nice\n<davecheney> thumper: fixed a few bugs there today\n<thumper> \\o/\n<davecheney> including some stuff that makes me wonder how the guys at google were testing this\n<davecheney> https://code.google.com/p/go/source/detail?r=cf3c9803a3d2116a9621fb1e9b2226a8fa3d5e10\n * thumper -> physio\n<davecheney> for example\n<waigani> menn0: you about?\n<menn0> waigani: yep\n<waigani> menn0: i've hit a tricky one, can we talk it over?\n<waigani> menn0: standup channel?\n<menn0> yep and yep\n<perrito666> sorry did you say that the critical bug was fixed?\n<waigani> menn0: should we add a check for the EnvUUID as a generic test for all the upgrade steps?\n<menn0> waigani: it already does :)\n<menn0> see checkAddEnvUUIDToCollection\n<waigani> menn0: ? how did the tests pass then?\n<menn0> that checks that document has the env-uuid field\n<menn0> but it doesn't check that the struct has it added\n<menn0> there's no generic way to do that\n<menn0> well... I maybe there is but it won't be pretty\n<waigani> reflection and assuming the name is EnvUUID?\n<waigani> yeah, it would be ugly\n<waigani> I'm happy to let it go\n<menn0> I think the best bet is to check in the test function after checkAddEnvUUIDToCollection has done its thing\n<menn0> so for instanceData, check EnvUUID where MachineId and Status are checked\n<rick_h_> wallyworld_: I'm going to check with frankban on adding this as a new bug but fyi on https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1336843 as it's a fix in alpha2 that has a follow up effect.\n<mup_> Bug #1336843: bootstrap without a jenv destroys an existing environment  <bootstrap> <juju-core:Fix Released by cox-katherine-e> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1336843>\n<wallyworld_> rick_h_: no worries, file a bug if needed and katco can look into it\n<rick_h_> wallyworld_: cool\n<wallyworld_> rick_h_: if there's an issue, we'll fix asap\n<wallyworld_> thanks for letting us know\n<davecheney> thumper: $ juju version\n<wallyworld_> axw: long story wrt SyncBuiltTools, maybe my explanation was crap. i took out the stream param and wrote to a \"custom\" directory/stream when building the tools but it failed and i traced through the code to figure out what was happening. but the logic that syncs expects the tools in the source datasource to be in the same stream as the destination, since it needs to read from the public cloud that way. hard to explain,\n<wallyworld_> happy to discuss if needed\n<davecheney> 1.21-alpha3-trusty-power64le\n<thumper> davecheney: awesome to see\n<waigani> menn0: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/269/\n * menn0 looks\n<davecheney> ok, now back to what I was supposed to be doing\n<axw> wallyworld_: SyncBuiltTools needs a stream param; I was just saying --upload-tools should set an obviously arbitrary value\n<wallyworld_> axw: trouble is that an arbitrary value breaks the processing, but i'll take another look to be sure\n<menn0> waigani: done\n<waigani> sweet, thanks menno\n<wallyworld_> since upload-tools calls a method which copies from source to dest, and that copy needs to have same stream for source and dest, not an arbitrary one for source\n<axw> wallyworld_: upload-tools does not do that anymore.\n<axw> look at uploadTools in cmd/juju/upgradejuju.go; it opens the file and passes it to UploadTools\n<wallyworld_> some infrastructure did in the tests\n<wallyworld_> i'll take another look to be sure,but a whole bunch of sync tools tests failed\n<wallyworld_> if the source stream != dest stream\n<wallyworld_> and sync tools calls that same shared function as upload tools ses from emory\n<waigani> menn0: testing for EnvUUID field, we currently are not doing it for any of the collections. Shouldn't be for all or none?\n<menn0> waigani: probably\n<menn0> waigani: your call\n<menn0> waigani: the most important thing I guess is that the field is there in the DB, which we are testing\n<menn0> waigani: it's trivial to add the field to the struct later if we've forgotten\n<waigani> menn0: yep, I'll leave it as is\n<axw> wallyworld_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8712745/    <- all tests pass in cmd/juju with this, and upgrade-juju works as expected. haven't tested bootstrap, but should be the same.\n<wallyworld_> axw: trouble is, when i made that change, most tests in environs.sync fail\n<axw> ?? how could a change in cmd/juju affect environs/sync?\n<wallyworld_> oh, i see what your saying\n<wallyworld_> you're\n<wallyworld_> i had experimented with not having the streams parameter at all\n<wallyworld_> and just using \"custom\" all the time\n<axw> right, the param is needed for *other* cases, just no in this and the bootstrap case\n<axw> not*\n<wallyworld_> right ok, fair point. sorry i misunderstood you\n<axw> nps\n<wallyworld_> i'll change that when i do the index file fix\n<axw> it's a fairly minor thing, just wanted to make sure we both were on the same page\n<wallyworld_> yeah, np. thanks for pushing the issue\n<waigani> menn0: the instanceData upgrade step. To add a post-env UUID, based on the machine _id have to either: assume machine _id is pre-env and pass it through st.docID() (in which case, the upgrade step has to come before machine upgrade), or assume the machine _id is post-env (in which case, the upgrade step has to come after the machine upgrade)\n<waigani> menn0: i.e. I don't see how we can make the step not care about order\n<menn0> waigani: or you could detect if the machine is pre or post env UUID upgrade\n<menn0> waigani: by checking the env-uuid field\n<waigani> menn0: or that\n<waigani> menn0: okay, will do\n<menn0> waigani: if that seems too messy, then pick and ordering and add a comment in the list of steps explaining that the ordering is important and why\n<waigani> menn0: I didn't suggest it as it seemed a bit messy, I'll see how bad it looks and fall back to a comment\n<waigani> menn0: I also forgot about just checking the EnvUUID - thought we'd have to regex to _id\n<menn0> waigani: cool. yeah, just see how it looks.\n<axw> wallyworld_: what's the simplest way to create tools+metadata from source?\n<axw> I only want the built tools in the metadata I create\n<wallyworld_> axw: there's no easy way as such. if you have a tarball, you can easily generate metadata, but as far as i know, there's no easy way to get a tarball from source\n<axw> wallyworld_: that's what I though - thanks\n<wallyworld_> axw: what are you trying to do?\n<axw> just want to live test the upgrade bug\n<axw> I've got a unit test\n<axw> I'll bootstrap local and pull the tarball out of there\n<wallyworld_> yep, that's what i do\n<wallyworld_> maybe we need a maketarball plugin\n<waigani> menn0: so we search for instanceData docs with the machineID - pre or post env depending on whether or not the instanceData upgrade step has been run\n<waigani> menn0: I'm thinking order just matters: migrate 1. instanceid, 2. machines envUUID 3. instanceData envUUID\n<menn0> menn0: that's probably less messy isn't it?\n<menn0> menn0: just write a comment explaining it and be done with it\n<waigani> menn0: sgtm!\n<waigani> menn0: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/177/\n<waigani> menn0: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/269/\n * menn0 is looking\n<menn0> waigani: done\n<waigani> menn0: cheers\n<waigani> thumper: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/269/\n<waigani> thumper: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/177/\n<thumper> ack\n<wallyworld_> thumper: remind me, we're not meant to run apt-get update for local provider are we? i thought we'd check for dependencies like cpu-checker and complain if they weren't there, but not just install shit onto a user's host http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8714033/\n<davecheney> thumper: menn0 https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/976\n<davecheney> i haven't created an rbt review for this yet\n<davecheney> i want to get a sense for how gross you think this is\n<davecheney> (I think it's 50% gross)\n<thumper> davecheney: rbt gets magically created for you now\n<thumper> wallyworld_: yes we are supposed to run update by default for local\n<thumper> wallyworld_: we should be able to configure it off for those who know what they are doing\n<wallyworld_> thumper: ok, ta\n<thumper> and have done an update recently themselves\n<wallyworld_> thumper: that was on my hst\n<wallyworld_> host\n<wallyworld_> not the lxc container\n<thumper> oh...\n<thumper> no, we install shit\n<wallyworld_> that log from when i bootstrapped\n<thumper> which is just another reason to fix the local provider\n<wallyworld_> yeah :-(\n<thumper> so that machine zero is a container too\n<wallyworld_> i thought we'd check but not install\n<thumper> I don't remember that\n<wallyworld_> maybe i'm making it up\n<wallyworld_> jam: i have an lxc question - you suggested in a bug comment setting a http/apt/whatever proxy to instead of http://localhost:8000 where is the lxcbr0 bridging address. i have set up a little http server on the host and can wget to it fine from the host, but inside the lxc container, wget can't get out due to connection refused. could be a firewall issue between container and host? do you\n<wallyworld_> have any suggestion?\n<jam> wallyworld_: so you put an http server on your host machine, and then are unable to access from lxc, is that correct?\n<jam> wallyworld_: did you start your HTTP server before starting LXC?\n<jam> Is it binding to \"*\" ( or is it binding to 127.* or to an explicit IP address?\n<wallyworld_> jam: yes, but can access localhost:PORT from host\n<jam> wallyworld_: from the *host* can you access\n<wallyworld_> yes\n<wallyworld_> from my PC\n<wallyworld_> oh\n<wallyworld_> sec, let me check\n<jam> wallyworld_: my first thought is that your service isn't bound to all networks\n<wallyworld_> jam: yeah, can't connect to from host. i was just trying to validate the replacing localhost with the bridge address actualy worked\n<wallyworld_> maybe there's no need to do that\n<jam> wallyworld_: so are you just doing something like python SimpleHTTPServer ?\n<wallyworld_> the http proxy, apt proxy etc are all set to <bridge addr> as required\n<jam> Are you handing it an address to bind to ?\n<jam> Rather than \"\" ?\n<jam> wallyworld_: it might certainly be a real life issue, as having your HTTP proxy set up may not bind it to the LXC bridge address if it comes up first.\n<wallyworld_> jam: ah, i see the issue, the little go prog is binding to localhost\n<wallyworld_> http.ListenAndServe(\"localhost:8000\", nil)\n<jam> wallyworld_: right, I think you can change that to \":8000' or maybe \"\"\n<wallyworld_> jam: i assumed that would cover all connections into the physical host\n<jam> wallyworld_: nope, specifying localhost restricts it to 127.* as it is how you avoid making something publi\n<wallyworld_> oh, i'll try that, ty :-)\n<wallyworld_> jam: you are awesome, that worked, ty\n<jam> wallyworld_: np\n<menn0> davecheney: looking now\n<menn0> davecheney: done\n<stokachu> anyone notice when doing a juju bootstrap with a maas provider that when it runs its apt-get update/upgrade it returns a non zero status?\n<stokachu> even though its chugging right along\n<axw> stokachu: apt-get update/upgrade fails, but bootstrap continues on? what version of juju is that?\n<stokachu> 1.20.10\n<stokachu> the upgrade doesn't fail though\n<axw> can't say I've seen that. we do \"set -e\" ... can't see any obvious reason why that'd happen\n<stokachu> it returns the same 124 status code\n<davecheney> stokachu: exit 124 is timeout\n<davecheney> that is coming from deep the bowels of apt\n<stokachu> ok\n<davecheney> stokachu: did you paste the bootstrap log ?\n<stokachu> nah im doing another deploy\n<stokachu> ill paste once it fails again\n<davecheney> kk\n<davecheney> The following packages have unmet dependencies: gdb : Depends: libpython3.4 (>= 3.4~b1) but it is not going to be installed\n<davecheney> kill me\n<tasdomas> morning\n<tasdomas> ashipika was trying to land his PR and got this response from the buildbot: http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/1029/console\n<tasdomas> any ideas as to what may be causing this?\n<ashipika> and this one is interesting, as well http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/1028/console\n<davecheney> my tasdomas mongodb shat itself on startup\n<davecheney> that is why it cannot complete the TLS handshake\n<tasdomas> davecheney, should we retry the merge?\n<davecheney> yes\n<davecheney> it'll pass eventually\n<tasdomas> davecheney, ok - ashipika's first attempt failed when godeps failed to retrieve launchpad.net/tomb\n<davecheney> yup\n<davecheney> in that case\n<davecheney> launchpad shat itself\n<ashipika> :D\n<ashipika> shit is definitely transitive..\n<davecheney> ashipika: we checkout all the build deps on each build\n<davecheney> makes the build suceptable to other systems that are weakly available\n<ashipika> davecheney: no problem, should i just keep retrying them until the build succeeds?\n<davecheney> ashipika: yup\n<davecheney> both of those failures are transiant\n<ashipika> davecheney: rogerroger\n<davecheney> sorry for the inconveneince\n<ashipika> davecheney: no, no, i completely  understand.. thanks for the info\n<davecheney> ashipika: np\n<dimitern> morning all\n<jam> morning dimitern\n<dimitern> hey, jam!\n<mattyw> morning all\n<mattyw> dimitern, morning\n<TheMue> morning\n<voidspace> morning all\n<jam> dimitern: I'm not sure if you saw the calendar update, but we moved the standup time by 45 minutes to see if it would work better for everyone (you may not be back yet, I guess)\n<jam> TheMue: voidspace: just a poke that it is soon since I know the calendar is changed\n * fwereade out for a bit\n<jam> hey fwereade\n<jam> have fun :)\n<voidspace> jam: omw\n<voidspace> jam: hmmm... firefox is in a redirect loop\n<voidspace> restarting browser time...\n<jam> voidspace: sounds exciting\n<jam> where will you end up next ? :)\n<voidspace> oh it is\n<voidspace> hah\n<voidspace> always an adventure\n<dimitern> voidspace, jam, TheMue, hey guys, I've just came back - omw for the standup\n<voidspace> dimitern: hey\n<perrito666> morning\n<voidspace> perrito666: morning\n<mattyw> dimitern, after the standup could you take a look at this? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/265/\n<dimitern> mattyw, sure\n<mattyw> dimitern, thanks very much - it's the fix for the add-unit bug you found last week\n<dimitern> mattyw, sweet!\n<perrito666> is anyone using exuberant-ctags?\n<mattyw> perrito666, I am\n<perrito666> mattyw: and that with vi?\n<mattyw> perrito666, of course (are there other editors ;) )\n<perrito666> mattyw: I am getting an empty tagbar with go\n<perrito666> yet, if I ctags -x on a go file I get results\n<mattyw> perrito666, you use tagbar? wow - not used that in a loooong time.\n<mattyw> perrito666, which ctags are you using for go?\n<perrito666> mattyw: care to share what are you using?\n<perrito666> 5.9-svn\n<mattyw> perrito666, https://github.com/jstemmer/gotags\n<perrito666> mattyw: I am a bit wary of using go get as a package manager, since I tend to nuke my /bin in go\n<mattyw> perrito666, I don't update it enough to worry about package management - just build it then move it somewhere you don't nuke\n<mattyw> perrito666, do you use godef?\n<mattyw> perrito666, and by extension vim-godef?\n<perrito666> mattyw: I dont, what is it?\n<mattyw> perrito666, https://github.com/dgryski/vim-godef\n<perrito666> sweeeet\n<wwitzel3> fwereade: so I decided to go the explicit route and add a --no-remote-unit option\n<fwereade> wwitzel3, ok, that sounds sane\n<fwereade> wwitzel3, what do we do if nothing's specified and no units are in the relation? require --no-remote-unit, or just execute without one?\n<perrito666> ericsnow: ping\n<wwitzel3> fwereade: my thought was require --no-remote-unit .. easiest is to just ask what they'd prefer as the desired behavior and make sure it is documented accordingly\n<perrito666> rogpeppe: your timing is not the best :p\n<rogpeppe> perrito666: i'm sorry - i only just saw it\n<rogpeppe> perrito666: it shouldn't be hard to change though, should it?\n<perrito666> nope, its just that I have to revert it :p it would be nice to have a $$revert$$\n<rogpeppe> perrito666: ha, yes\n<rogpeppe> perrito666: git makes it very easy to do that though\n<perrito666> rogpeppe: It does since the bot treats it as a merge\n<perrito666> rogpeppe: Ill make sure that you did not miss anything before making the change but you might be right\n<rogpeppe> perrito666: thanks\n<rogpeppe> perrito666: i don't like seeing nice small APIs made bigger because of testing issues :)\n<perrito666> rogpeppe: I like it no more than having smart dummy objects :p It was a fast trade off, anyway going for your way now BUT, you will have to review it :p\n<rogpeppe> perrito666: np\n<fwereade> wwitzel3, I'm inclined to think that not having a remote unit is actually perfectly valid\n<fwereade> wwitzel3, and I'm also starting to feel sure that specifying a remote unit that appears not to exist *may* be valid\n<fwereade> wwitzel3, so it shouldn't be an automatic error\n<fwereade> wwitzel3, but it should probably be some sort of warning..?\n<fwereade> sorry bbiab\n<wwitzel3> fwereade: ok, that sounds fine to me\n<voidspace> rebooting\n<voidspace> dimitern: ping\n<ericsnow> dimitern: could you take a look at the patches I have up?\n<ericsnow> dimitern: the most important are http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/67/ and http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/135/)\n<ericsnow> dimitern: however, I could really use eyes on http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/79/ and http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/126/ as well\n * perrito666 looks at the 47\" tv and wonders how comfortable its as a work screen\n<dimitern> voidspace, pong\n<dimitern> ericsnow, sure, looking\n<ericsnow> dimitern: thanks :)\n<dimitern> I was on a call, sorry for responding slowly\n<voidspace> dimitern: so we have stub implementation of AllocateAddress for all providers\n<voidspace> dimitern: that needs to change\n<voidspace> dimitern: I've mostly done that\n<dimitern> voidspace, great\n<voidspace> dimitern:  AllocateAddress(_ instance.Id, _ network.Id, _ network.Address) error\n<voidspace> dimitern: ?\n<dimitern> voidspace, that sounds good to me\n<voidspace> dimitern: cool, there's an existing test (dummy provider) that needs to change too\n<voidspace> just finishing that\n<dimitern> voidspace, possibly with the addition of a concrete error type returned for \"conflict\" or \"address already reserved\" sort of error\n<voidspace> dimitern: I figured we could sort that out later...\n<voidspace> dimitern: as we also need to handle \"request failed - couldn't reach server\" errors too\n<dimitern> voidspace, yeah, fair point -- just a reminder\n<voidspace> changing error type to a concrete type is trivial\n<dimitern> voidspace, \"request failed\", as in \"i did 5 attempts so far and it failed all\" ?\n<voidspace> dimitern: I guess\n<voidspace> whatever strategy we pick\n<voidspace> I did discuss that with John a bit yesterday but it morphed into a discussion about race conditions\n<dimitern> voidspace, I think ec2 deserves some retrying logic, being occasionally flaky\n<voidspace> dimitern: yep, ideally we'd abstract the retry machinery so it can just be reused\n<voidspace> rather than ad-hoc retrying of all api calls\n<dimitern> voidspace, there's *some* reusable bits already - around the AttemptStrategy type\n<voidspace> right\n<dimitern> voidspace, I even seem to recall a strategy that takes rate limiting into account for ec2, but I might be wrong\n<voidspace> dimitern: right, we did some rate limiting work\n<voidspace> man, that was one of the first things I worked on\n<dimitern> voidspace, yeah :) -- but wasn't that related to our apiserver only?\n * TheMue listens\n<dimitern> ericsnow, hey\n<voidspace> dimitern: I don't recall the details...\n<dimitern> ericsnow, so wrt http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/126/ - did you reach an agreement with davecheney about the approach ?\n<voidspace> dimitern: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/274/\n<dimitern> voidspace, cheers -- will have a look after I'm done with ericsnow's\n<voidspace> dimitern: cool, thanks\n<TheMue> voidspace: AllocateAddress looks fine, implementation is nice short so far :D\n<voidspace> TheMue: :-)\n<voidspace> TheMue: yeah, done...\n<TheMue> +1\n<voidspace> TheMue: thanks\n<ericsnow> dimitern: wrt 126, while I addressed all his comments, I never heard back from Dave\n<dimitern> ericsnow, right, I'd send him a mail and ask for a final look, considering his initial not lgtm, just to be on the nice side\n<ericsnow> dimitern: oh, that...we did sort that out.  I re-wrote it using direct HTTP requests rather than going through the websockets API\n<dimitern> ericsnow, ah, ok -- it's fine then :)\n<dimitern> voidspace, you've got a review\n<dimitern> ericsnow, 1 review done, 3 to go\n<ericsnow> dimitern: rock on! :)\n<voidspace> dimitern: thanks\n<voidspace> dimitern: cool, I'll remove the TODO and merge\n<dimitern> voidspace, +1\n<voidspace> how odd\n<voidspace> internet on my desktop just stopped working\n<voidspace> was still working for everyone else in the house\n<voidspace> anyway, a reboot fixed it\n<perrito666>  rogpeppe https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/978\n<rogpeppe> perrito666: one thing: please make sure that the call to MgoTestPackage is in peergrouper_test, not peergrouper\n<rogpeppe> perrito666: otherwise the tests in your workerJujuConnSuite will never be tested\n<rogpeppe> perrito666: (in Go 1.3 at any rate)\n<rogpeppe> perrito666: ah, i see that's already the case\n<perrito666> rogpeppe: it is there where already tests in peergrouper_test\n<rogpeppe> perrito666: BTW in the peergrouper version I've got, workerJujuConnSuite is already defined in peergrouper_test\n<perrito666> rogpeppe: ?\n<rogpeppe> perrito666: that was a week ago, commit 9301dcf0b882a1ab389297518a145b29668da51e\n<rogpeppe> perrito666: so i'd just revert the name to the same thing - worker_test.go\n<rogpeppe> perrito666: (there are other external tests too, such as initiate_test.go)\n<rogpeppe> perrito666: anyway, reviewed\n* ChanServ changed the topic of #juju-dev to: https://juju.ubuntu.com | On-call reviewer: see calendar | Open critical bugs:  1385289 1386766\n<perrito666> rogpeppe: I did not change the name, I have worker_external_test.go and worker_test.go is still there\n<perrito666> tx for the review btw\n<rogpeppe> perrito666: but worker_test.go is in peergrouper_test already, right?\n<perrito666> rogpeppe: no more, I also reverted that :)\n<rogpeppe> perrito666: ok\n<perrito666> my lunch was so diet that I actually took me less to cook it than a full test run\n<perrito666> rogpeppe: this patch was sponsored by my new diet :p you can thank my wife\n<rogpeppe> perrito666: i highly recommend the 5-2 diet BTW\n<rogpeppe> perrito666: means you only have to try hard on two days in a week\n<perrito666> rogpeppe: there is no spec on wp on how \"normal\" can be a normal day\n<rogpeppe> perrito666: whatever you like, pretty much\n<perrito666> rogpeppe: according to the dietitian my problem is not that I eat caloric things, its just that I eat a lot of it, for any definition of it\n<rogpeppe> perrito666: yeah, so the 5-2 diet is good for just that\n<rogpeppe> perrito666: you can still pig out :)\n<rogpeppe> perrito666: (all but those two days)\n<perrito666> :p\n * perrito666 gives it a shot\n<perrito666> uff, we are blocked.. again?\n<rogpeppe> perrito666: you should watch the original documentary\n<rogpeppe> perrito666: google for [horizon 5-2 diet documentary]\n<sinzui> natefinch, can you arrange for a rollback to address bug 1386766? when it is removed, we can then test a fix the the upgrade regression that merged a few hours ago\n<mup> Bug #1386766: generate-tools breaks scripted and documented behaviour <ci> <metadata> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1386766>\n<TheMue> dimitern: thx\n<dimitern> TheMue, np :)\n<dimitern> ericsnow, all reviews done\n<ericsnow> dimitern: awesome! Thanks for doing that.\n<dimitern> ericsnow, np :) thanks for doing all that work\n<natefinch> sinzui: ok\n<voidspace> dammit, dimitern has left\n<voidspace> he always escapes before I can harrass him\n<wwitzel3> having this bag of pistachios by my desk was a mistake, I can't feel the tips of my fingers now\n<voidspace> wwitzel3: :-)\n<voidspace> wwitzel3: a bag of pistachios is never a mistake\n<voidspace> pretty much by definition\n<perrito666> wwitzel3: that sounds a lot like you are alergit to pistachios\n<voidspace> TheMue: have you made progress?\n<wwitzel3> perrito666: haha, my fingers are alergic to cracking open 100 of them\n<perrito666> wwitzel3: oh, you shoult learn to do with your midle front tooth, its a life changer\n<perrito666> :p\n<natefinch> wwitzel3: you should buy them shelled :)\n<natefinch> wwitzel3: I actually did the math and at least at my grocery store, they actually come out to almost the exact same price per pound of edible bits\n<perrito666> oh, that is an option too\n<perrito666> natefinch: for that you actually had to peel all of them and weight them\n<perrito666> right?\n<wwitzel3> natefinch: yeah, but then, I eat too many and I've complaining about a stomach ache .. either way I'd be complaining :P\n<natefinch> haha yep\n<perrito666> anyway I cannot eat pistachios while not having beer, so I eat peanuts which are easier to peel\n<natefinch> perrito666: yes, actually.  I bought a bag of the in-shell version, ate them, then weighed the shells\n<perrito666> natefinch: clever\n<natefinch> perrito666: I forget the percentage right now... maybe 30% of the weight was shell... something like that\n<perrito666> ericsnow: ping\n<ericsnow> perrito666: hey\n<perrito666> ericsnow: priv\n<wwitzel3> well that 14.10 upgrade did not go well .. had to boot a live CD and do a boot repair, and now things are a bit wonky\n<wwitzel3> all my dev stuff still works fine though, so that's good\n<perrito666> wwitzel3: ah I got an \"interesting\" behavior in network for a moment\n<perrito666> wwitzel3: and in the rest of my system too as you most likely saw in my attempt at a hangout yesterday\n<natefinch> sinzui: reverting that merge here: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/979\n<sinzui> thank you very much natefinch .\n<perrito666> natefinch: you missed the fix tag\n<natefinch> dammit\n<natefinch> now remind me, because I always forget... do I put that in the $$ $$ or do I have to put it in the previous commit message?  Also does it have to be 'fixes-1386766' or is it supposed to be 'fixes 1386766'  (space vs. hyphen)?\n<natefinch> sinzui, perrito666 ^^\n<sinzui> natefinch, fixes-1386766\n<sinzui> you can optionally __fixes-1386766__ to make it bold and show the works you mean it\n<natefinch> sinzui: yes, but does that work inside the $$stuff$$?  I feel like I've tried that in the past and it didn't work\n<natefinch> since I think it expects just alphanumeric inside the $$ $$\n<sinzui> natefinch, \"$$merge$$ fixes-1386766\" in the same comment is fine\n<natefinch> ok\n<sinzui> natefinch, and if you think CI is blocking you from merging a critical fix, add __JFDI__ to make it be tested and merged on success. __JFDI__ is our safety to ensure an automated system doesn't stop os from doing the right thing\n<natefinch> ok, I thought i remembered as JFDI, but couldn't remmeber the exact syntax.  Is there documentation of this stuff somewhere?\n<sinzui> natefinch, in an email to canonical-juju.\n<natefinch> email is not documentation :)\n<sinzui> natefinch, I can add a page to reports.vapour.ws\n<natefinch> sinzui: that would be awesome, thank you :)\n<sinzui> natefinch, I am not saying it is, but I write a lot of official gdocs, an no one reads them\n<katco> sinzui: i am familiar with that problem; one solution is to have much fewer docs, but more sections so that you have a single starting point to give people\n<katco> sinzui: and when these situations arise, you just point and go: \"go forth and learn\"\n<natefinch> sinzui: I understand the frustration.  hopefully we can help people remember that documentation exists\n<natefinch> yep\n<katco> it doesn't help that docs is not very navigatable imo\n<natefinch> yes, sorry, I thought gdocs was a typo.   Google docs is a terrible place to keep documentation\n<katco> natefinch: well, it's not _horrible_, but i feel like there needs to be some sort of indexing mechanism\n<natefinch> docs should be at a website with a url that means something\n<rick_h_> katco: howdy, I mentioned it to wallyworld last night. There was a small issue that came out of the work to not destroy envs when there's no jenv file that we hit. https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1386703\n<mup> Bug #1386703: New instance created when bootstrapping an existing env without the jenv file <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1386703>\n<natefinch> like juju.ubuntu.com/docs\n<katco> rick_h_: thanks, i'll have a look. are you all blocked on this or what's going on?\n<rick_h_> katco: as an fyi, not sure where it'll fit on the todo list but wanted to bring it front/center as it's an issue for quickstart\n<katco> rick_h_: yeah... i'll bring it up to wallyworld_ tonight in our standup\n<rick_h_> katco: no blocked, but would be great if the release didn't close one bug and open another right next to it.\n<rick_h_> katco: ty\n<katco> rick_h_: gotcha. thanks for the ping.\n<voidspace> g'night all\n<natefinch> I wish godeps didn't say \"failed\" when it's actually working as designed\n<natefinch> ah dammit.... google's winsvc package isn't importable in linux, because it's all // +build !windows   ... and so godeps can't find it, so godeps -t doesn't include it in the output\n<perrito666> natefinch: fork it?\n<natefinch> ahh, you know what works?  GOOS=windows godeps -t ./... > dependencies.tsv\n * natefinch feels pretty smart\n<natefinch> it works because windows dependencies are a strict superset of the linux dependencies\n<natefinch> perrito666: quick review? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/277/diff/#\n<perrito666> natefinch: what is the 58 added at the end of service?\n<natefinch> perrito666: I forget.  some hg thing.... possibly an easy to remember incremental diff id.  It's optional, so people who insert dependencies in the file by hand often forget it.... but since I generate the file with godeps, it remembers and puts it in there\n<perrito666> good enough for me\n<perrito666> natefinch: lgtmd\n<natefinch> perrito666: thanks\n<thumper> morning folks\n<natefinch> morning thumper\n<alexisb> morning thumper\n * thumper looks sadly at his very full inbox\n<natefinch> thumper or fwereade: got a second for a UX question?    charm level constraints include \"container type blacklist\"  what do we do if the user says to deploy a charm to a container that the charm says it doesn't support?  Warn the user?  prevent the deployment?  If we prevent it, is there a way to override?\n<natefinch> (or anyone else who has an opinion is free to speak up too :)\n<thumper> I think that we shouldn't stop them, but yes to warning\n<thumper> and say \"the charm says this won't work\"\n<perrito666> did the metadata fix land?\n<thumper> but if the user explicitly says \"do it this way\" we let them try\n<natefinch> thumper: sounds good\n<natefinch> thumper: do we still skip over newly created containers made with add-machine?\n<natefinch> thumper: actually... do we auto-deploy to an empty container?\n<natefinch> thinking about 'juju add-machine && juju deploy foo' will add a machine and then deploy foo to it... but not sure if that's true of 'juju add-machine lxc:4 && juju deploy foo'\n<thumper> maybe...\n<waigani> menn0_: was it relations or relationScopes that broke the world?\n<natefinch> thumper: easy enough to test.... still, I presume it would skip containers by default\n<natefinch> dammit\n<natefinch> stupid replicaset tests, who wrote that crap, anyway?\n<natefinch> sinzui: tests giving \"No space left on device\"\n<sinzui> hmm\n<sinzui> which one natefinch\n<natefinch> sinzui: http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/1042/console\n<sinzui> natefinch, this might be tricky I see 29G free.\n * sinzui pokes arround\n<sinzui> ah, this is the machine instance\n<waigani> menn0: remember those selects from yesterday? They just selected _id. But then the unmarshalled charm doc is expected to have a URL - which *was* the id but is now it's own field. So I've added \"url\" to the select and all works again.\n<sinzui> natefinch, this perplexing. I don't see evidence of the instance size being changed. We can see about 6G available on the root disk\n<menn0> waigani: that makes sense\n<waigani> menn0: yep, cool\n * sinzui ponders changing the working dir to one of the mounted disks\n<perrito666> sinzui: I am having an interesting issue, I have my script, that creates a stream structure with \"juju metadata generate-tools -d ${BUILD_FOLDER}/juju-dist/\" creating, among other things, juju-dist/tools/streams/v1/index.json but then I have juju failing because it cannot find juju-dist/tools/streams/v1/index.sjson\n<perrito666> sinzui: happened to you?\n<sinzui> perrito666, pull trunk, natefinch reverted wallyworld_'s commit that changed the default behaviour\n * perrito666 pulls again\n<waigani> menn0: and with that state passes\n<waigani> \\o/\n<menn0> waigani: awesome\n<natefinch> perrito666: it hasn't landed yet.... it keeps failing\n<perrito666> natefinch: ah\n<perrito666> a world of joy\n<natefinch> indeed\n<natefinch> sinzui: I'm happy to retry, but my EOD is in 5 minutes\n * perrito666 drinks a beverage at 90°C to protest against the summer heat\n<sinzui> perrito666, maybe something else is broken or we aren't testing the reverted commit. CI still cannot deploy anything using streams\n<sinzui> natefinch, retry your branch\n<natefinch> sinzui: it's going\n<sinzui> thank you for your time natefinch\n<waigani> menn0/thumper: what do you thing about creating an interface for environment specific collection documents with DocID and EnvUUID fields? One use would be testing for those fields in the upgrade steps. Would there be other value to make it worthwhile?\n * thumper otp\n<menn0> waigani: what would the interface look like? remember that interfaces are only for methods, not for fields\n<waigani> menn0: ah right, it would have to be an embedded struct - messy\n<perrito666> ok I am taking a break while natefinch chanes land, bbl\n<perrito666> and as I said that, the change landed\n<natefinch> huzzah\n<thumper> perrito666: plz send some summer heat my way\n<thumper> bit chilly here still\n<perrito666> thumper: sure, Ill be glad to get rid of some summer heat, specially because its still freaking spring\n<alexisb> wallyworld_, you around?\n<wallyworld_> alexisb: yes, ia am, i have a few emails to respond to, did you want to chat? i'm in a meeting now but will be free soon\n<alexisb> yeah I do, if you are in a meeting now then I will ping you in about 20 minutes\n<wallyworld_> sure\n<perrito666> ericsnow: what implementation of tar are you using?\n<ericsnow> perrito666: pretty sure it's the one you put into the utils repo\n<perrito666> ericsnow: the symlinks implementation is broken and I recall fixing it\n<perrito666> ericsnow: 972 has a rb link?\n<waigani> what should happen if you upgrade juju while a unit agent-state is pending?\n<davecheney> thumper: the uniter tests don't pass for me at trunk\n<davecheney> have you seen that ?\n<anastasiamac> perrito666: thnx 4 z review!\n<perrito666> np, don't take me as an authority anyway\n<perrito666> most where suggestions\n#juju-dev 2014-10-29\n<davecheney> all: master is not passing the tests for me\n<davecheney> uniter, api client, worker/uniter\n<davecheney> all fail\n<perrito666> anastasiamac: I actually added anothe rcomment but apparently did not go trough reviewboard\n<perrito666> anastasiamac: try to change the uses of fmt.Errorf for errors.Annotate\n<anastasiamac> perrito666:of course! thnx :-) will do\n<anastasiamac> perrito666: constructive suggestions r an amazing feedback, especially atm ;-)\n<anastasiamac> perrito666: english hard atm too...\n<perrito666> anastasiamac: I am south american I am certainly in no position to criticize anyone's english\n<anastasiamac> perrito666: :-)\n<thumper> davecheney: master as of 9am this morning passed for me\n<thumper> davecheney: what is your last commit?\n<davecheney> thumper: i just pulled master\n<davecheney> i was trying to get my branch up to date and the tests were all failing\n<davecheney> so i switch to master\n<davecheney> and they are still failing\n<thumper> davecheney: let me try\n* ChanServ changed the topic of #juju-dev to: https://juju.ubuntu.com | On-call reviewer: see calendar | Open critical bugs:  None\n<thumper> davecheney: running now\n<davecheney> thumper: eg, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8726080/\n<davecheney> http://paste.ubuntu.com/8726089/\n<thumper> works here\n<thumper> smells of timing issue\n<davecheney> well shit\n<davecheney> ok, i'll break out my tools\n<davecheney> oh hang on\n<davecheney> these are the actions\n<davecheney> tests\n<davecheney> i raised bugs about this before\n<thumper> I thought this was parallel charm upload?\n<davecheney> thumper: what rev of charm.v2 do you have ?\n<davecheney> i don't trust godeps any more\n<thumper> um...\n<thumper> it should be charm.v4\n<thumper> I think\n * thumper looks\n<waigani> menn0_: added another step for the migrations. state/watcher.go update <coll>Watcher.merge() - change.Id -> localID\n<thumper> davecheney: yeah, I'm using charm.v4\n<davecheney> thumper: can you tell me the exact rev\n<bigjools> hey axw, can you remind me what causes juju to try and release twice when bootstrap goes awry?\n<waigani> menn0_: I think that one is a bug that will bite a few more times\n<davecheney> charm.v4, for all of the promise of gopkg.in\n<davecheney> doesn't ensure we're running the same code\n<menn0_> waigani: yeah, that's one that I catch while looking for transactions that touch the collection, but it's good to mention it explicitly\n<thumper> davecheney: 8b3cc836f54c2c78ce73d198100a30bb31d28392\n<thumper> davecheney: I have godeps working fine\n<davecheney> same\n<davecheney> ok\n<davecheney> scratch that\n<davecheney> thumper: could you run\n<thumper> davecheney: if you have \"export JUJU_MAKE_GODEPS=true\" and use \"make check\"\n<davecheney> thumper: i don't trust godeps\n<thumper> it makes sure your deps are up to date and runs the tests\n<davecheney> i know how to run the command\n<waigani> menn0_: yeah, saves some brain power. the change.Id being passed in will always be a DocID but needs to be a localID. I misunderstood that during the transaction sweep.\n<davecheney> i just don't trust it to work\n<davecheney> thumper: can you please try\n<thumper> it fails for me when I have different origins and upstreams\n<davecheney> env GOMAXPROCS=42 go test github.com/juju/juju/api/uniter\n<thumper> so I have to fetch upstream manually\n<thumper> davecheney: sure\n<thumper> davecheney: test passed here\n<menn0_> waigani, thumper: i'm currently trying to figure out a regression with the relation/relationscopes branch.\n<waigani> menn0_: want to pair?\n<menn0_> waigani: not at this stage thanks\n<menn0> waigani: I'm slowly making progress\n<waigani> menn0: cool. If you need a rubber duck let me know\n<menn0> waigani, thumper: when I destroy a service some relations aren't being deleted\n<menn0> waigani, thumper: i'll get there but it's painful\n<waigani> menn0: makes sense if it's looking for the wrong id right?\n<thumper> menn0: hmm... interesting\n<menn0> waigani: yes. i'm sure it's something like that but it's not obvious. it could be a watcher problem.\n<menn0> it only seems to affect subordinate relations AFAICT\n<waigani> menn0: checked the merge func? ;)\n<menn0> waigani: no but I think I just found it. missed a change in WatchRelations\n<waigani> nice\n<menn0> stupid prefix matching crap\n<waigani> ah right\n * thumper heads off to see specialist\n<thumper> bbl\n<menn0> waigani: the unit tests didn't notice by fluke\n<menn0> waigani: with an _id like this \"60d7b1b0-4fea-452f-8748-70c05cf489ec:wp0:db mysql:server\"\n<menn0> waigani: WatchRelations was matching on _ids starting with \"mysql:\" or containing \" mysql:\"\n<axw> bigjools: if bootstrap fails after acquiring, it'll release the bootstrap node; juju will then destroy the environment. whether it releases again depends on whether it's possible for MAAS to report that the bootstrap node still has the agent_name we gave it\n<waigani> ah fuck\n<axw> bigjools: now that I write that out in full, it probably never happens\n<waigani> menn0: is it a regex match?\n<menn0> waigani: it just happened to always match with the \"containing\" case in the test but the prefix match is no longer correct\n<bigjools> axw: heh, ok :)\n<menn0> waigani: no just a simple bit of string matching\n<menn0> waigani: I'll update the test and then fix\n<bigjools> axw: it's just that we have observed this behaviour but now we can't make it happen again\n<menn0> waigani: it's a bit of a fluke that I found it\n<menn0> waigani: which is worrying\n<bigjools> axw: in here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1386327\n<mup> Bug #1386327: Juju fails to destroy-environment with wipe enabled: Node cannot be released in its current state ('Disk erasing'). <MAAS:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1386327>\n<waigani> menn0: might be worth while searching all the transactions\n<axw> bigjools: if the first release failed, then it would attempt again (just the once)\n<waigani> menn0: or at least adding it to the doc for something to check\n<bigjools> axw: right\n<menn0> waigani: yeah, I'll add it to the doc\n<waigani> MESS doc that is\n<waigani> menn0: you drew the short straw on that one\n<waigani> but good you spotted the problem, we can now keep an eye out for it\n<axw> bigjools: is it possible for release to return before agent_name is removed from a node?\n<bigjools> axw: yes\n<bigjools> in the bug, it has to wipe the disk before it returns, so sits (internally) at a different state.  The extra state is swallowed in the API to avoid confusing unaware API clients\n<waigani> menn0: how did you notice relations were left behind after a service was destroyed?\n<bigjools> axw: so you end up seeing what looks like a node that didn't start releasing, but it really is\n<menn0> waigani: the service wasn't completely being removed\n<menn0> waigani: the units and machines were but the service was being left behind in a Dying state with one relation intact\n<menn0> waigani: I've just updated the manual test instructions to include testing of service removal\n<waigani> menn0: ah right, fair call\n<davecheney> thumper: solved it\n<davecheney> out of date names dependency\n<davecheney> godeps didn't detect it\n<waigani> menn0: does mediawiki take ages to install for you?\n<waigani> it's been sitting on pending for well over 5min\n<menn0> waigani: I'm not sure exactly how long but that seems on the long side. also depends on you machine and how busy it is of course.\n<menn0> waigani: or, you've broken something :)\n<waigani> yeah...\n<waigani> might be time for a restart\n<davecheney> ok, now I have some other failing tests\n<davecheney> christ\n<perrito666> :| gmail now adds a button \"view issue\" and \"view pull request\" on the email list for PRs\n<perrito666> davecheney: want me to try?\n<thumper> davecheney: have you updated godeps recently?\n<perrito666> nite ppl\n<perrito666> thumper: btw, for that heat you wanted, near 30° its 22:51 and has been night for 3hs :p\n<thumper> perrito666: it is about 15 here\n<waigani> and has been day for more hours\n<menn0> waigani: I'm adding State.strictLocalID as part of this\n<menn0> it's like localID() but errors if the prefix isn't there\n<waigani> menn0: okay...\n<waigani> menn0: used when we assume the id passed in is a DocID\n<menn0> waigani: it's useful in cases where ids for multiple envs could be seen but you just want to deal with the ones for the State's environment\n<menn0> waigani: for example in the watchers\n<waigani> menn0: oh I see\n<menn0> waigani: i'll push this branch soon so you can see\n<thumper> arse\n * thumper needs git help\n<thumper> menn0: around?\n<menn0> thumper: yep\n<rick_h_> thumper: what'd you break?\n<thumper> my branch\n<rick_h_> stop doing that :P\n<thumper> my branch was 5 commits behind master\n<thumper> and I did \"git reset master\" without \"git merge master\"\n<thumper> and now I have a bunch of changes I didn't make\n<thumper> was trying the other rebase options\n<thumper> forgot it only really works when you have all of the master revisions\n<thumper> bugger\n<thumper> so I have some dangling head somewhere\n<thumper> that I want back\n<thumper> as the tip of the branch\n<thumper> how do I find it?\n * menn0 googles\n<rick_h_> oops\n<rick_h_> trying to think if you can get it without reflog'ing it\n<rick_h_> reset's not something I ever do except for git reset --hard HEAD when I want to really kill some work\n<rick_h_> thumper: highly recommend https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/blob/develop/HACKING.rst#syncing-your-feature-branch-with-develop-trunk for the whole 'sync with master to my feature branch' just s/develop/master for your use.\n<thumper> I blame menn0\n<rick_h_> hah\n<rick_h_> good call, find a scape goat\n<thumper> I'm just going to revert everything I know isn't mine\n<thumper> i looks like it will be quicker\n<menn0> thumper: i'm not sure why I get the blame. I don't think I encouraged you to use reset did I?\n<thumper> menn0: if you had never mentioned reset, I'd still be happily rebasing :P\n<thumper> menn0: and you fit my need of a scapegoat\n<menn0> thumper: ok, to get back to where you were\n<menn0> thumper: git reflog | head\n<thumper> I'm there already\n<thumper> :)\n<menn0> thumper: ok\n<thumper> however...\n<thumper> for future me\n<thumper> what does that do?\n<menn0> thumper: shows you the history of what you've been doing\n<thumper> ok, I see the commit I care about\n<menn0> thumper: to recover you find the hash from when you last committed to the branch\n<menn0> thumper: and then git reset --hard <hash>\n<thumper> huh\n<menn0> thumper: I just tried it out to be sure\n<thumper> is that all?\n<menn0> thumper: yep\n<rick_h_> reflog ftw\n<thumper> ok, will remember that for next time I screw up\n<menn0> thumper: the thing is that dangling references will eventually get garbage collected by git\n<menn0> thumper: so you don't want to leave it too long\n<menn0> thumper: after the screwup to recover\n<menn0> thumper: this link is helpful: http://effectif.com/git/recovering-lost-git-commits\n * thumper bookmarks\n<menn0> thumper: best quote: \"it's like time travel, only cheaper\" :)\n<davecheney> thumper: no i have not updated godeps\n<davecheney> i think the last time I did was when we were on that sprint in NZ\n<menn0> waigani, thumper: finally! http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/284/\n<menn0> waigani: reviewing your charms branch now\n<waigani> menn0: thanks, I've got minUnits up too\n<waigani> menn0: let me nut out this problem then I'll get onto your branch\n<menn0> waigani: np\n<menn0> waigani: I think we need to a EnvUUID method to state to avoid repeating \"st.EnvironTag().Id()\" all over the place\n<waigani> menn0: agreed\n<ericsnow> menn0: when you get a chance, I'd love to get your feedback on http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/243.\n<menn0> ericsnow: will do. I had seen that review request - just hadn't gotten there yet.\n<ericsnow> menn0: no worries, I appreciate your time :)\n<davecheney> can someone help please\n<davecheney> http://paste.ubuntu.com/8727429/\n<davecheney> ^ this goes into stress.bash\n<davecheney> cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/juju/juju/apiserver/client\n<davecheney> bash stress.bash\n * menn0 will run\n<davecheney> ta\n<davecheney> there is a logical race between uploading the charm and whatever the test is doing\n<menn0> davecheney: it's still running but I see a clientSuite.TestAddCharmConcurrently failure\n<menn0> davecheney: done now\n<davecheney> http://paste.ubuntu.com/8727454/\n<davecheney> failing hiallriously\n<menn0> davecheney: that's what I see\n<davecheney> i have anothe rfailure\n<menn0> davecheney: actually, on closer inspection my failure is different\n<menn0> davecheney: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8727496/\n<davecheney> https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1386968\n<mup> Bug #1386968: apiserver/client: clientSuite.TestAddCharmConcurrently failure do to local race <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1386968>\n<waigani> ugh\n<menn0> ericsnow: ping\n<ericsnow> menn0: hey\n<menn0> ericsnow: so doesn't option 2 involve using --oplog\n<menn0> ericsnow: ?\n<ericsnow> menn0: yeah\n<menn0> ericsnow: but it looks like it's not being used when specific dbs are backed up\n<ericsnow> menn0: correct\n<menn0> ericsnow: so what's the plan?\n<ericsnow> menn0: with option 2 we don't dump specific DBs\n<menn0> ericsnow: ok. so why leave the support in there for backing up individual dbs?\n<ericsnow> menn0: I'm hopeful that we will be able to stick to option 2\n<ericsnow> menn0: in case option 2 doesn't pan out :)\n<menn0> menn0: right. got it.\n<waigani> menn0: started looking but Bella will be here in 10min, I'll be doing the dad thing\n<menn0> waigani: np\n<menn0> waigani: i have an errand to run shortly myself\n<waigani> menn0: btw cleanup docs has an id type of bson.ObjectId - which screws up our upgrade step assumtions\n<waigani> menn0: not a huge problem, but I'll have to do some rejigging tomorrow\n<thumper> owwie...\n * thumper goes to lie down\n<thumper> shoulder is really starting to ache now\n<menn0> waigani: yeah, I've seen that. let's discuss tomorrow. there's a few ways we could tackle that.\n<thumper> go an injection in it this afternoon\n<thumper> hopefully should settle down in the next two weeks\n<thumper> here's hoping\n<waigani> menn0: sounds like a plan\n<menn0> ericsnow: are you sure this branch even compiles?\n<menn0> ericsnow: mongoDumper.Dump looks incomplete with both unused and undeclared variables\n<menn0> ericsnow: and mongoDumper.strip() has no code\n<ericsnow> menn0: yeah, I created the review request thinking I'd wrapped things up\n<ericsnow> menn0: I have it fixed up and will be updating momentarily\n<menn0> ericsnow: ok\n<waigani> menn0: shouldn't we always use strictLocalID unless we have a reason not to?\n<davecheney> tada, data race http://paste.ubuntu.com/8727559/\n<davecheney> func (s *MockCharmStore) WithTestMode(testMode bool) charm.Repository { s.TestMode = testMode return s\n<davecheney> }\n<davecheney> man\n<davecheney> we have _SO MANY_ of these races\n<menn0> :(\n<davecheney> oh wow\n<davecheney> that methods is pants on head retarded\n<davecheney> it doens't return you a _new_ repository with a test flag set\n<davecheney> it updates the repo that you passed to it ...\n<davecheney> oh, and fantastic, the callers of that expect this behavior\n<davecheney> fml, https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1386968/comments/2\n<mup> Bug #1386968: apiserver/client: clientSuite.TestAddCharmConcurrently failure do to local race <juju-core:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1386968>\n<ericsnow> menn0: I've updated that patch\n<ericsnow> menn0: and am signing off\n<menn0> ericsnow: ok. i'm looking at your other one now\n<ericsnow> menn0: cool\n<menn0> ericsnow: I'll try to finish reviewing both\n<ericsnow> menn0: thanks again\n<menn0> ericsnow: np.\n<wallyworld_> axw: i've found a problem with the recent work to validate credentials, and the use of Open vs Prepare - it does break validate-tools\n<wallyworld_> you want to run validate-tools before deploying an environment\n<wallyworld_> to see where the tools will come from\n<wallyworld_> but that's not possible now, since the environment is not prepared, and hence is missing derived attrs\n<wallyworld_> like control-bucket for ec2\n<wallyworld_> in any case, control-bucket should now be obsolete for deploying new environments\n<axw> wallyworld_: yuck, that's a problem. I want to be able to change the manual provider so we can specify the bootstrap host in placement directives, but that involves restricting Prepare to bootstrap\n<davecheney> menn0: if you read this and are not filled with dredd, http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/286/diff/#\n<davecheney> let me know\n<wallyworld_> axw: yeah. the environment is created in order to get parameters specific to the environment to use to search\n<menn0> davecheney: I have to stop for a bit soon so I won't be able to get to this for a few hours\n<wallyworld_> axw: given the validation commands are now broken, short term to get alpha3 released, we'll need a fix that works with what we have\n<wallyworld_> i have not raised a bug yet\n<davecheney> menn0: that's ok\n<davecheney> you don't need to review it\n<axw> wallyworld_: revert to using Prepare for now I guess, will just need to change the metadata tests to set up a mock ec2 endpoint\n<wallyworld_> axw: will that revert affect the credentials validation\n<axw> nope\n<wallyworld_> i can change to using Prepare in my current redo of the tools stream stuff\n<wallyworld_> i found this issue by testing that work\n<axw> wallyworld_: if it's not too much hassle. otherwise let me know and I'll fix it\n<wallyworld_> it's no problem\n<wallyworld_> i'm in the area anyway\n<menn0> davecheney: i've just had a quick look and although it's not pretty it does look reasonable\n<davecheney> hey\n<davecheney> it's much better\n<davecheney> the caller doesn't need to remember to defer this magic cleanup function\n<davecheney> that's something the test suite should do\n<davecheney> and more improtantly\n<davecheney> it highlights just how horrible that test is\n<davecheney> updating a shared mutable package level variable\n<menn0> davecheney: you know that CleanupSuite (embedded in BaseSuite) already provides something very similar to what you've done with afterFunc?\n<menn0> davecheney: there's an AddCleanup method\n<davecheney> menn0: cool\n<davecheney> i was going to use that\n<davecheney> but for some reason I thought it was only on the suites that had something to do with mongo\n<davecheney> i'll fix the patch to use AddCleanup\n<menn0> davecheney: ok\n<menn0> davecheney: I'll be back on later but I need to go know\n<menn0> now\n<davecheney> thanks for pointing me to the place it lives\n<wallyworld_> axw: sadly, the metadata commands fail with an access credentials check error - i wonder if the verifyCredentials calls could be moved to Open() instead of Prepare(). I wonder if that's too late in the bootstrap process\n<axw> wallyworld_: the bug (raised by mark) requested that we do this ASAP in the bootstrap process - and it is kinda necessary to ensure we get the error message early on\n<axw> wallyworld_: what is going wrong with the metadata commands?\n<wallyworld_> axw: yeah, i understand the context. the metadata commands can be run without env credentials, so that verify check fails\n<axw> ah.\n<wallyworld_> we could add a method to the BootstrapContext\n<axw> wallyworld_: can we do this some other way? without opening an environment? cos really, we're not exactly opening a fully defined environment\n<wallyworld_> right now, an env instance is needed to ask for things from\n<axw> yes... can we change that.\n<wallyworld_> not that easily, but yes\n<wallyworld_> because creating an env manipulates config\n<wallyworld_> i'll have a poke around, but there's potentially a fair bit to unpick\n<axw> yeah I took a look, doesn't look like something we can do easily\n<wallyworld_> axw: could add a method to BootstrapContext - ValidateCredentials() bool\n<wallyworld_> would work for now\n<wallyworld_> so that we can get alpha3 out\n<wallyworld_> i also gotta make sync-tools backwards compatible, bit of a pita\n<axw> wallyworld_: we can make it bootstrap only I suppose, would be nice not to but it'll do for now\n<wallyworld_> yeah, agreed it's not nice :-(\n<wallyworld_> i'll try it after fixing sync tools\n<wallyworld_> lots of touch points there\n<dimitern> morning all\n<axw> wallyworld_: FYI I've not sent a PR with my metadata changes yet, because I want to explore the usage of it a bit first. I would like to avoid churning packages\n<wallyworld_> axw: +1\n<wallyworld_> axw: i'm almost finished the tools rework, including credentials verification fix. keep getting mongo replicaset errors testing sadly\n<wallyworld_> timeouts mainly\n<axw> okey dokey\n<axw> gotta make dinner shortly, ping when it's ready and I'll take a look\n<dimitern> wallyworld_, hey\n<wallyworld_> hi\n<dimitern> wallyworld_, so re that network-bridge-related bugs\n<dimitern> wallyworld_, that guy probably misread or misunderstood what the code he pasted does\n<wallyworld_> likely\n<wallyworld_> i'm not 100% either\n<dimitern> wallyworld_, but seeing lxcbr0 in there *at all* is wrong and should be fixed\n<wallyworld_> dimitern: which bit?\n<dimitern> wallyworld_, in fact I'm thinking of doing that today, as this is likely the 15th bug report related to that piece of code in the maas provider\n<fwereade> ok, uniter tests passing again, popping out to shops, bbs\n<wallyworld_> dimitern: that would be awesome\n<wallyworld_> i don't know enough about networking\n<dimitern> wallyworld_, there is some code in there that aims to \"restore\" /etc/network/interfaces the way they *should* look like in a stock trusty install, but that's really not the point - we shouldn't be using the bridge at all, but first we should respect the network-bridge setting\n<dimitern> at least\n<wallyworld_> sounds reasonable\n<TheMue> morning\n<dimitern> wallyworld_, cool, thanks\n<dimitern> TheMue, morning\n<wallyworld_> dimitern: no, thank you, i have no idea really\n<dimitern> wallyworld_, well, I have to admit the simple solution of just using \"network-bridge\" in there as a temporary fix (so at least it's configurable) simply didn't occur to me earlier, and we can't just remove the bridge creation until we've implemented the static ip reservation api maas 1.7 gives us; so tl;dr - thanks for pointing that out :)\n<wallyworld_> np, it was an educated guess :-)\n<mattyw> morning all\n<voidspace> morning all\n<TheMue> mattyw, voidspace: heya\n<mattyw> TheMue, morning morning\n<fwereade> voidspace, would you be free to take a look at a couple of gsamfira's PRs? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/782 https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/833\n<fwereade> voidspace, gsamfira: I should be able to get to them later, but I realised I broke something in the uniter and I'm focused on unbreaking it\n<gsamfira> fwereade: heh, no worries\n<fwereade> and if anyone *else* is free -- jam, dimitern maybe? -- http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/288/diff/# is the code, on which I'd really a appreciate a logic/style pre-review, but I haven't yet fixed all the tests (sigh)\n<jam> fwereade: looking\n<jam> fwereade: is \"State().Members\" a map and you want the keys to be in the member name slice ?\n<jam> (I wonder if memberName, _ :=  would be an obvious way to write that)\n<jam> at least, I first read it as \"Members is a slice\" and we just want to copy the slice, but then iteration doesn't work like that :)\n<jam> fwereade: I also thought: \"contextRelations := map[int]*ContextRelation{}\" was bad form because you end up with a nil map, you actually want make() there, don't you?\n<jam> hmm. play.golang says I'm wrong\n<jam> var x map[int]string is a nil map, but x := map[int]string{} is an empty map\n<voidspace> jam: have you picked up both PRs or should I look at one?\n<jam> voidspace: I'm looking at fwereade's not gsamfira's\n<voidspace> jam: ah, cool\n<voidspace> fwereade: sure, I'll look at the gsamfira reviews\n<fwereade> jam, yeah, I've never understood the preference for make()ing maps over just using a literal\n<jam> fwereade: well, because \"var foo map\" doesn't work\n<jam> fwereade: so it would seem that the way to create a map is with \"make\"\n<fwereade> jam, sure, but the literal syntax works fine, so I'm not sure why people prefer to avoid it\n<jam> fwereade: in *my* case, not knowing (or expecting) it to wokr\n<jam> work\n<fwereade> jam, it's essentially just the same as slices\n<fwereade> jam, var gives nil, type{} gives empty\n<jam> fwereade: except empty slice lets you append as well as a nil slice\n<jam> and call len\n<fwereade> jam, indeed, *that*'s the reason people use var foo string{} :)\n<jam> and iterate\n<jam> etc\n<fwereade> jam, len and range work on nil maps too\n<fwereade> jam, it's just insertion\n<jam> fwereade: right, but you can't add stuff\n<jam> which is why it is odd\n<jam> \"the things I want to do with a slice\" function the same with nil or empty\n<jam> \"the things I want to do with a map\" all work the same except for, ya know, adding stuff\n<fwereade> jam, it's always felt a bit warty to me\n<fwereade> jam, defensible ofc but a bit inelegant\n<jam> fwereade: question about \"members\" cache vs \"others\" cache\n<jam> why do we clean out others here and there, does that effect our transactionality ?\n<jam> (things which we touch are never refreshed\n<voidspace> dimitern: the network id that AllocateAddress will take, is that a \"provider specific\" id (i.e. one we can pass directly to ec2)\n<dimitern> voidspace, that's the idea, yes\n<dimitern> voidspace, for ec2 it probably will be a subnet-id\n<fwereade> jam, so, the idea is that you *can* always get settings for remote units that aren't currently part of the relation\n<dimitern> voidspace, but it's unused for now - intended to be future-proof :)\n<fwereade> jam, but that we expect that to be \"rare\"\n<jam> fwereade: I don't disagree on either of those points\n<fwereade> jam, so we persist them only for the lifetime of the context\n<jam> is this a lifetime of data cached in memory issue ?\n<fwereade> jam, it doesn't affect the guarantees we make\n<fwereade> jam, yeah\n<fwereade> jam, it's always been, and always will be, possible to see relation data \"from the future\"\n<fwereade> jam, but within a given context, once you've asked for some settings, they won't change\n<jam> fwereade: sure, but what causes Prune() to be called\n<jam> as if you do \"relation-get NOT_A_MEMBER\" and then trigger a Prune and then another \"relation-get NOT_A_MEMBER\" you will get different data\n<jam> (*can* get different data)\n<voidspace> dimitern: ah, we're designing in imaginary future use cases...\n<dimitern> voidspace, it's not imaginary, it's in the draft model :)\n<voidspace> dimitern: :-p\n<jam> fwereade: also \"relation-get A_MEMBER\" and then mark that as no longer a member and \"relation-get WAS_A_MEMBER\" will give different data\n<fwereade> jam, we Prune to the current membership list at context creation time\n<fwereade> jam, calling prune/remove/invalidate while a context is in play will not have happy consequenes, I agree\n<jam> fwereade: so I do see one possible bug, which is if you do \"context.Settings(\"x/2\"), then context.InvalidateMember(\"x/2\"), and then context.Settings(\"x/2\") it won't reread the data\n<jam> because it will pull it out of \"other\"\n<fwereade> jam, how would it get into \"other\" in the first place?\n<jam> fwereade: the first Settings call\n<fwereade> jam, TestInvalidateMemberUncachesMemberSettings\n<jam> fwereade: but it isn't a member\n<jam> until you call InvalidateMember\n<fwereade> ah!\n<fwereade> wait\n<fwereade> surely it will\n<jam> fwereade: I think it is just a \"delete self.other[memberName]\" in InvalidateMember\n<fwereade> ah yes I see\n<jam> fwereade: RelationCache.Settings unconditionally falls back to other\n<fwereade> jam, thanks, well spotted\n<jam> if settings is nil\n<fwereade> jam, yeah\n<fwereade> jam, I think I'd prefer:\n<fwereade> TestInvalidateMemberUncachesMemberSettings\n<fwereade>         if !isMember {\n<fwereade>             settings = cache.others[unitName]\n<fwereade>         }\n<fwereade>         if settings == nil {\n<fwereade>             var err error\n<fwereade>             settings, err = cache.readSettings(unitName)\n<fwereade>             if err != nil {\n<fwereade>                 return nil, err\n<fwereade>             }\n<fwereade>         }\n<jam> fwereade: lgtm\n<fwereade> jam, cheers\n<jam> it still seems a bit odd that you might have the data sitting around\n<jam> fwereade: but still test-worthy however it is solved\n<fwereade> jam, agreed\n<jam> fwereade: so going back to understand the lifetime of these objects\n<fwereade> jam, I think the fundamental problem is an assumption that I'll always call Prune before Remove or Invalidate\n<jam> fwereade: I'm more thinking about when does the cache actually get invalidated\n<voidspace> dimitern: is the default-vpc represented as a network interface in ec2?\n<fwereade> jam, expand please?\n<jam> so we have this data which is cached, which if you explicitly call InvalidateMember will refresh the cache\n<jam> but otherwise the cache has unbounded lifetime\n<jam> it is created when you start a context\n<jam> (and pruned at that point)\n<jam> I would have thought a cache would only exist for the lifetime of a contextx\n<dimitern> voidspace, no, it's an account attribute containing a vpc id in the form \"vpc-xxxx\" an interface would have id like \"eni-xxxx\"\n<fwereade> jam, consider charms which real the full state of a given relation to determine their config\n<fwereade> jam, they enter a relation with 10 remote units\n<voidspace> dimitern: ok, so we need to tell ec2 which network interface to assign the ip address to\n<fwereade> jam, even if they don't have a -joined hook implemented, they'll run 10 -changed hooks\n<voidspace> dimitern: do we have to get all of them and work out which subnet the address belongs to and which interface the subnet is on?\n<fwereade> jam, and in the Nth hook they'll grab N sets of settings\n<fwereade> jam, despite N-1 of them being ones they got just a second or so ago\n<jam> fwereade: sure. though when the hooks trigger tomorrow won't they want updated data ?\n<jam> Is this just live until the current set of hooks finish ?\n<fwereade> jam, they *might*, but we're guaranteed to run a -changed hook, at some point, for any that have changed their data\n<fwereade> jam, so we invalidate just before running the -changed hook and call it good\n<jam> fwereade: but if you do so, then isn't that still true for the case of running 10 changed hooks ?\n<jam> anyway, otp now, I'll need to context switch, but I want to discuss it with you just to get an understanding.\n<fwereade> jam, ok, I will quickly dump in here, ping me when you want\n<fwereade> 10 units in scope with cached settings\n<fwereade> all 10 remote units change their settings\n<fwereade> we trigger a changed for the first one, and invalidate its settings\n<fwereade> that changed hook asks for all settings, downloads exactly one (the invalidated one)\n<fwereade> changed for the second one, with invalidated settings\n<fwereade> again asks for all settings, only needs to hit the api for one set\n<fwereade> <repeat>\n<fwereade> total impact: 10 settings gets over the 10 hooks; unit saw a consistent -- if not strictly accurate -- view of the changes, and is now fully up to date\n<fwereade> (and next week, when just one of them changes settings, we again just download one set of changed settings)\n<fwereade> jam, see above\n<jam> fwereade: as long as the jujud daemon wasn't restarted\n<fwereade> jam, so, yes, it would be nice to cache them on disk\n<fwereade> jam, I'm not doing that right now\n<jam> fwereade: well, our API shouldn't be so expensive that that is necessary, should it?\n<fwereade> jam, depends how big the services get\n<fwereade> jam, all data is big data when you have enough of it ;p\n<fwereade> jam, but, yes, I don't see a strong need to cache it on disk\n<jam> fwereade: I'm personally more in favor of less caching until you know that it will help\n<fwereade> jam, I think people have asked for it once or twice\n<jam> as cache invalidation is hard\n<fwereade> jam, agreed :)\n<fwereade> jam, I think this case is well-understood, though\n<jam> and tends to do well on benchmarks but when you have real load hit rates may be low\n<fwereade> jam., not to mention pre-existing ;)\n<fwereade> jam, quite so\n<jam> IIRC some of launchpad spend up when they stopped caching some stuff because the extra cached data had low hit rates and was pushing out good data\n<jam> very different use acse\n<jam> case, though.\n<fwereade> jam, however, given that the gimme-all-the-relation-data tool is a pretty frequent request\n<fwereade> jam, and seems to be the first thing people write when doing helpers for a new language\n<fwereade> jam, I'm reasonably confident that it maps well to many use cases\n<natefinch> fwereade: Have you looked at the output variables spec? https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1Bz8YGJL7OcVgcK-K47MEH7-vlJVPvm34wKUPWO8FQko/edit\n<natefinch> fwereade: I'm supposed to be sizing this for alexis for this cycle, and I want to make sure the spec actually describes the thing we want to build\n<natefinch> fwereade: ahh, hmm, hazmat left a comment on that one about there being a new document from brussels, but I can't seem to find it.  Fun.\n<fwereade> natefinch, dammit\n<fwereade> natefinch, nor can I\n<fwereade> natefinch, niemeyer put it together, would you ask him when he comes online?\n<natefinch> fwereade: sure\n<wallyworld_> axw: finally got it sorted after having dinner, if you have time, or else it can wait till tomorrow https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/988 just the 2nd commit really\n<natefinch> fwereade: also - charm level constraints have container and architecture blacklists..... how would those actually work, from a user's point of view?  we don't generally put things in containers automatically, so the only time we do is when a user specifically tells us to, at which point, do we just warn them that the charm probably won't work there?  That doesn't seem like the best UX, but I'm not sure how else to implem\n<natefinch> ent it\n<wallyworld_> fwereade: i'd love 5 mins of your time if you have it\n<fwereade> wallyworld_, sure, start a hangout? natefinch, with you properly in 5?\n<natefinch> fwereade: sure sure\n<wallyworld_> fwereade: yeah, our 1:1\n<fwereade> wallyworld_, regular-catchup?\n<wallyworld_> yup\n<fwereade> wallyworld_, I think I'm in there\n<wallyworld_> https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/ian-william\n<fwereade> natefinch, fwiw, I would be treating it like series\n<hazmat> natefinch, re output variables?\n<hazmat> natefinch, https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1JcWkE4SNxXuFClZGBcwnU3w13IpRU1yxMhddQG6mKyE/edit#heading=h.swixk07ju5hq\n<natefinch> hazmat: thanks.... google docs couldn't find that one for some reason\n<hazmat> natefinch, odd.. its setup for find and edit by everyone @ canonical\n<natefinch> hazmat: yeah, I don't know why search wasn't finding it\n<natefinch> hazmat: of course now that I've opened it, search finds it just fine :/\n<natefinch> hazmat: great, this looks much more like what I was expecting than the old spec\n<fwereade> natefinch, I think there are some things to worry about with that spec -- the concept of a \"schema\" is so tortured as to be a positive impediment to understanding\n<fwereade> natefinch, but I will make my comments on the doc (and try to talk to gustavo about it tomorrow)\n<fwereade> natefinch, anyway, re blacklists\n<fwereade> natefinch, IMO we shouldn't even try to deploy things in places they declare they won't work\n<natefinch> fwereade: that seems to make sense\n<fwereade> natefinch, in particular I don't think arch/container blacklists are even constraints\n<fwereade> natefinch, for constraints in charms, I think there's more wiggle room -- the constraints in charms are *recommendations*, that we will follow if we can but deploy anyway and warn if we can't meet them\n<fwereade> natefinch, and they are ofc just suggestions, and completely ignored if the service has real constraints\n<fwereade> natefinch, indicating that the administrator knows he knows better\n<fwereade> natefinch, that said\n<fwereade> natefinch, constraints in charms are not currently a thing AFAIK?\n<natefinch> fwereade: my thought was that charm constraints would turn into real constraints during deploy, but get overridden by any other constraints specified by the CLI etc.\n<natefinch> fwereade: correct\n<natefinch> fwereade: it is a thing I am being tasked with writing :)\n<natefinch> fwereade: well, my team :)\n<hazmat> fwereade, unrelated.. but was curious.. what's the status on leader election?\n<fwereade> hazmat, ramping up\n<fwereade> hazmat, I'm churning on the uniter\n<hazmat> fwereade, k, thanks\n<fwereade> hazmat, it's taking a bit of time to actually get us to having a global sense of hook ordering\n<fwereade> hazmat, and katco is about to make a start on the server side\n<fwereade> natefinch, given that container type and arch are already constraints though\n<fwereade> natefinch, probably it makes sense to draw a distinction between preferred and required constraints in a charm\n<natefinch> fwereade: *nod* there's RAM and rootdisk charm-level constraints in the spec as well\n<natefinch> fwereade: those are a little easier to grok than the arch and container blacklists, since blacklists are the opposite of what we do with constraints now\n<fwereade> natefinch, provider-specific constraints are gonna be fun, too\n<fwereade> natefinch, do you overlap with thumper?\n<natefinch> fwereade: yeah, late in the day for a couple hours\n<fwereade> natefinch, please talk to him about the upcoming distinctions between provider/account/environment, and think through the implications\n<fwereade> natefinch, I will hopefully be in a position to pop on late tonight so I will join you if I can\n<fwereade> natefinch, I would suggest it's something to write into the spec but explicitly carve out as a \"phase 2\" task\n<natefinch> fwereade: cool.  I was hoping to push off provider-specific constraints until v2, but not sure if everyone will agree with that. :)   there's just instance-type and cloud-blacklist\n<natefinch> (v2 of charm level constraints that is)\n<fwereade> natefinch, ah, didn't know about cloud-blacklist\n<fwereade> natefinch, to my mind, that implies you need to think it through properly for v1\n<natefinch> yeah....\n<fwereade> natefinch, the big issue os how we identify clouds\n<natefinch> I can think it through for v1, I just don't want to write it for v1 ;)\n<natefinch> fwereade: yes, since right now openstack is openstack, not HP vs. canonistack\n<fwereade> natefinch, the core question is \"what is a cloud\" :) ...and how do we clearly identify them\n<fwereade> natefinch, exactly\n<fwereade> natefinch, not to mention that azure != azure-in-china\n<natefinch> bleh\n<fwereade> natefinch, and that in some ways that matters (does an account bind to a cloud?)\n<fwereade> natefinch, and in some ways it doesn't (instance sizes are probably the same in the azure case at least)\n<fwereade> natefinch, (although, yeah, instance types across openstacks will surely vary)\n<fwereade> natefinch, I think it's about \"provider\" as a concept distinct from \"provider *type*\"\n<fwereade> natefinch, anyway thumper is at the sharp end re providers/accounts, and your notions of \"what is a cloud\" will need to align\n<fwereade> natefinch, is that enough context for you to have a useful chat with him, do you think?\n<natefinch> fwereade: yep, thanks, that's very helpful.\n<fwereade> natefinch, cool\n<jam> fwereade: so I think I've covered the logic question and aside from that one bug, lgtm\n * TheMue has to step out, yesterday mentioned appointment in garage. bbiab\n<perrito666> morning all btw\n<natefinch> morning perrito666\n<fwereade> jam, lovely, thanks\n<natefinch> The longer I spend trying to come up with  estimates for work items, the larger the estimates get\n<perrito666> natefinch: it usually is the other way around\n<natefinch> perrito666: no way... the longer I spend on it, the more paranoid I get that I'm not estimating enough time.  I don't think anyone in the history of programming has ever over-estimated the amount of time something will take to implement.\n<perrito666> a truck full of oxygen tanks just took a speedbump at 40-60 ... I am still trying to have my blood unfreeze.\n<perrito666> that is km not miles\n<natefinch> heh\n<perrito666> anyone feels like reviewing this overly trivial change? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/289/diff/#\n<perrito666> brb, mechanic\n<voidspace> fwereade: ping\n<fwereade> voidspace, pong\n<voidspace> fwereade: are you up to date with the latest strategy for reboot and the clearing of the reboot flag?\n<voidspace> fwereade: the latest strategy is to clear the flag *immediately before* reboot\n<voidspace> fwereade: so there is still a very small window for jujud to die and the reboot not to happen\n<fwereade> voidspace, I think so, yeah -- so long as we schedule a delayed reboot before clearing the flag, and then do an immediate reboot afterwards to save time, I'm ok with it\n<voidspace> fwereade: cool\n<voidspace> fwereade: some of your comments on the PR, from a while back,  haven't been replied to since discussions\n<voidspace> but they're now out of date\n<fwereade> voidspace, it leaves the possibility that someone will cancel the reboot but I can live with that\n<voidspace> right\n<voidspace> fwereade: by \"someone\", you mean a user logged into a machine?\n<fwereade> voidspace, yeah\n<voidspace> heh\n<voidspace> they get the mess they asked for then\n<fwereade> voidspace, or, y'know, just any old manifestation of the universe's desire to teach us humility\n<voidspace> :-)\n<voidspace> I have quite a few friends like that\n<voidspace> or in fact, just juju itself...\n<kwmonroe> kv7tbgks\n<kwmonroe> welp.. that's the berries\n<jam> kwmonroe: that won't be the first password that this irc channel has voided  :)\n<kwmonroe> ugh.  just got good at typing it too.\n<jam> kwmonroe: if it had been longer lived, I would just say \"you probably needed to rotate your passwords anyway\"x\n<ashipika> Hello… could somebody help me out with the lxc provider?\n<jam> ashipika: what's up ?\n<ashipika> my question is: is there a performance benefit to reusing existing containers for new units instead of creating new ones.. especially in the case of lxc-clone-aufs being defined in the environments.yaml\n<ashipika> jam: i'm trying to fix a really annoying bug..\n<ashipika> jam: where there's a leftover container that fails to start in a previous deploy and is not cleaned up during destroy-envrionment\n<ashipika> jam: so when i bootstrap a new environment and try to add a unit, it reuses the leftover container.. and of course, fails to start again\n<ashipika> jam: a workaround i wrote is to retry by starting a new container.. and it works.. but the questions is why reuse containers in the first place..\n* ChanServ changed the topic of #juju-dev to: https://juju.ubuntu.com | On-call reviewer: see calendar | Open critical bugs:  1387172\n<sinzui> natefinch, :(  the two restore tests are failing. I thought they would be fixed with the other fixes landed yesterday. Can you arrange for someone to look into bug 1387172\n<mup> Bug #1387172: restore consistently fails <backup-restore> <ci> <regression> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1387172>\n<perrito666> sinzui: looking\n<bac> sinzui, mgz: jenkins-github-lander has been updated.  bin/lander-check-pulls now accepts a --debug flag to be a little less mysterious about what it is doing.\n<mgz> bac: I'll have a look\n<natefinch> sinzui: sure\n<perrito666> natefinch: o/\n<sinzui> perrito666, sorry, I know restore code didn't change\n<perrito666> sinzui: worry not, I am pretty sure I know what changed\n<perrito666> natefinch: sinzui I am pretty sure this is because of the changes on _id field for machines\n<marcoceppi> what's the default scope?\n<marcoceppi> on a relation\n<mattyw> has anyone seen/ is fixing this failure? http://paste.ubuntu.com/8733212/. It's very intermittent\n<mgz> mattyw: that one is new to me\n<mattyw> mgz, I'm being lucky today, It happened here: http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/1053/console\n<mgz> I saw another one of yours on that too\n<mattyw> mgz, and I got a different failure here http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/1052/console\n<mattyw> mgz, yup, pretty* sure it's not my change doing it\n<mgz> seems worth a bug with intermittent-failure tag\n<perrito666> mattyw: mgz devecheney was complaining of the same last night iirc\n<perrito666> mattyw: updated dependencies later?\n<perrito666> lately?\n<mgz> perrito666: he got it in a landing job, which should always have deps as specified\n<mattyw> perrito666, yep, I've not actually seen the test fail locally though\n<natefinch> perrito666: yeah, that id change seems like it screwed up a bunch of stuff\n<perrito666> natefinch: it did\n<perrito666> I am also not sure if my fix is right, I am for the moment just trying to figure if I got the issue right\n<natefinch> perrito666: this is why you don't encode metadata into an id field\n<mgz> backup/restore on ci is currently very unhappy\n<perrito666> mgz: I know I know, working on it\n<mgz> perrito666: <3\n<perrito666> man, testing old restore requires some patience\n<katco> hey everyone, i'm ocr today, but i've been directed to try and fix a bug before our cut tomorrow, so i'll be working on that. sorry for any inconvenience.\n<perrito666> its ok we can optically recognize characters for you\n<natefinch> fwereade: you have any time to talk about exposing zones to charms? There's a spec, but it's huge and not super-focused\n<perrito666> this is how waiting for the old restore to finish feels :p https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLlUgilKqms\n<natefinch> hehh\n<perrito666> who wants to be the hero to unlock CI with a mighy review? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/292/\n<mgz> perrito666: done\n<perrito666> tx\n<fwereade> natefinch, probably in an hour?\n<natefinch> fwereade: sure\n<perrito666> sinzui: mgz how far are we from a new run of functional-backup-restore* ?\n<sinzui> perrito666, 1h\n * perrito666 cries\n<sinzui> perrito666, this is a rebuild of the last rev\n<perrito666> sinzui: tx\n<voidspace> and back...\n<TheMue> voidspace: made a knot into your internet wire?\n<voidspace> TheMue: they actually fixed it!\n<voidspace> TheMue: I'm back up to 15mbs\n<voidspace> after six months...\n<voidspace> TheMue: only 1mbps upstream, but it's still double yesterday...\n<TheMue> voidspace: is this the promised bandwidth?\n<voidspace> TheMue: yep\n<TheMue> voidspace: that's good. for a longer time I only had about a half of the promised bandwidth, the backend has been too slow for all who ordererd a higher bandwidth\n<TheMue> voidspace: now I'm at 80 to 90% downstream and 100% upstream most of the times\n<TheMue> voidspace: means 40 to 45 mbits down and 10 up\n<voidspace> TheMue: yeah, that's pretty normal to get much less than the \"maximum\" you pay for\n<TheMue> voidspace: exactly\n<voidspace> TheMue: in theory this should be a 12mbit line - it's currently 15mbit and I'm actually getting 12\n<voidspace> TheMue: 4045mbits\n<voidspace> TheMue: lucky man :-)\n<TheMue> voidspace: I am, yeah. but you know, it never can be enough *lol*\n<voidspace> right\n<voidspace> true enough\n<voidspace> gsamfira: ping\n<voidspace> networkInterface := instancesResp.Reservation.Instances[0].Interfaces[0]\n<voidspace> heh :-)\n<gsamfira> voidspace pong\n<voidspace> actually I want\n<voidspace> networkInterfaceId := instancesResp.Reservation.Instances[0].Interfaces[0].Id\n<natefinch> fwereade: in moonstone whenever you're ready: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/moonstone?authuser=1\n<perrito666> sinzui: mm, something is odd in the test run its failing even before getting to the test per se\n<sinzui> perrito666, :( Hp might be having issues. Your rev is still queued to be tested\n<natefinch> hazmat: do you have time in the next hour to talk about exposing zones to charms?  It's on my list of stuff to do this cycle and I want to make sure I understand what needs to be implemented\n<hazmat> natefinch, i have time now for 12m\n<natefinch> hazmat: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/moonstone?authuser=1\n<perrito666> can I get a second review on http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/289/? its one line\n<natefinch> perrito666: I guess there's no test for that?\n<natefinch> perrito666: maybe there should be?\n * natefinch gives more work to Horacio, as usual.\n<perrito666> natefinch: yes, good idea\n<perrito666> natefinch: its my job to do the work you give me :p not that I am going to complain\n<natefinch> :D\n<natefinch> gah, why the hell can't people document their friggin' features?\n<natefinch> latest offender:  zone placements   evidently juju deploy zone=foo is a thing, but you wouldn't know it from juju help deploy\n<perrito666> natefinch: well it wouldnt be fair, if they did I would be the only one with more work\n<perrito666> ;)\n<perrito666> dont we have tests that check that all flags are documented?\n<natefinch> probably not.... that's a little hard to do\n<perrito666> natefinch: well you know the flags you just need to call help and check that they at least appear there\n<natefinch> perrito666: well, in this case, zone is a placement directive, which means it's not actually a flag\n<perrito666> bu\n<natefinch> it's 'juju deploy mysql zone=us-east-1b'\n<natefinch> (not -zone=us-east-1b)\n<natefinch> perrito666: er, I guess it's only add-machine\n<natefinch> https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/charms-ha.html\n<perrito666> natefinch: tested\n<mfoord> g'night all\n<natefinch> perrito666: looking\n<natefinch> perrito666: reviewed, couple minor things in the test\n<perrito666> natefinch: did you notice that you can actually select blocks of code and comment on that?\n<sebas5384> hi o/\n<sebas5384> i was wondering if I still need swift in openstack in order to bootstrap an openstack environment\n<natefinch> sebas5384: we're working on removing the storage requirement for juju, but I'm not sure it's in stable code yet\n<perrito666> natefinch: fixed\n<sebas5384> natefinch: yeah, think I sow that in a release notes somewhere\n<natefinch> sinzui: the storage requirement for juju was removed recently, but I presume that's in 1.21, which isn't a stable release, right?\n<sinzui> natefinch, that is right\n<natefinch> sebas5384: so if you want to do some testing with 1.21 alpha, you're welcome to.  We're pushing to get it to stable in the next few weeks\n<sebas5384> ahh great, I'm going to download it to test it :)\n<sebas5384> thanks!! :D\n<natefinch> perrito666: ship it!\n<perrito666> utils dont have a bot right?\n * perrito666 feels a bit silly\n<natefinch> I think that's correct\n<perrito666> man do I feel dumb :p\n<perrito666> reminds me of an european guy I found in a public restroom at a party on the weekend he was making all kind of gestures to the water tap until I passed and just turned the handle on and he stood looking at it and said \"oh, one of those\"\n<natefinch> haha, I do that\n<perrito666> sinzui: natefinch mgz aaand we have a pass http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/functional-ha-backup-restore/963/\n<natefinch> perrito666: yay!\n<sinzui> yep I was just marking the bug fix released\n<perrito666> sinzui: tx\n<sinzui> there is something a miss in the unittest runs. both an instance and a real machine disappeared. I am rerunning the tests\n<perrito666> sinzui: I  have my finger ready to trigger a $$merge$$ :p\n<sinzui> perrito666, go ahead, you are unblocked\n<perrito666> davecheney: could you tell me a bit more about http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/275/#comment1666 ?\n* ChanServ changed the topic of #juju-dev to: https://juju.ubuntu.com | On-call reviewer: see calendar | Open critical bugs:  None\n<davecheney> perrito666: it's better to write code that doesn't need that bit of boiler plate\n<davecheney> 'cos if that method gets refactored and that code lost\n<davecheney> all hell will break loose\n<natefinch> I agree...   foo := foo is cute for language nerds, but it's never a good idea in production code.\n<thumper> menn0: change pwd code updated\n<menn0> thumper: ok, i'll have a look shortly\n<thumper> cheers\n<perrito666> davecheney: I guessed so much, then I git blamed and suddenly I doubted myself\n<menn0> thumper: done\n<menn0> thumper: if you have a chance could you look at http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/284/ pls?\n<katco> is there a way to specify an ec2 availability zone when bootstrapping?\n<perrito666> katco: having ec2 complaining of no more machines?\n<katco> perrito666: i am =/\n<perrito666> katco: change region, goes faster\n<katco> perrito666: you sound like you've run into this before :)\n<katco> perrito666: tyvm, sir. i'm unblocked :)\n<perrito666> katco: backup and restore testing makes me bump into this often :p\n<katco> perrito666: hehe\n<wwitzel3> menn0: ping\n<menn0> wwitzel3: hi\n<wwitzel3> menn0: I am unable to replicate that bug, can you try destroying your lxc template and see if you run in to the same issue?\n<menn0> wwitzel3: will do\n<perrito666> davecheney: natefinch if I understand correctly that is done because the member from the for declaration is always the same var but the one inside is subject to the scope of that loop right?\n<wwitzel3> menn0: I tried with both trusty and precise and I'm not getting any of those errors, what i think is likely the cause is the lxc-template we generate for machine-0 probably has the old \"anything\" certs\n<menn0> wwitzel3: that's quite likely. I think I've had these templates for ages.\n<wwitzel3> menn0: I'm testing out ec2 right now just to be sure.\n<menn0> wwitzel3: if that is the problem (I'm bootstrapping again now) how do avoid it biting other people?\n<menn0> wwitzel3: should we have an upgrade step for alpha2 or 3 that deletes the templates?\n<wwitzel3> menn0: good question, lets see if removing the template indeed fixes it for you, and if so, I'll defer to thumper or jam on what they want to do.\n<menn0> wwitzel3: sounds good\n<wwitzel3> menn0: and then what ever they tell me to do, I'll do :)\n<wwitzel3> menn0: we could always go with the olde, \"local provider isn't production\"\n<menn0> wwitzel3: true\n<wwitzel3> menn0: but that isn't very friendl ;)\n<menn0> wwitzel3: no it's not and deleting the templates probably isn't that hard\n<menn0> wwitzel3: although I guess it's not an upgrade problem actually\n<menn0> wwitzel3: this happens even with a fresh bootstrap\n<menn0> wwitzel3: I wonder if there's a way that Juju could detect that the certs are bad\n<wwitzel3> menn0: maybe, I don't know enough about how that template is generated .. I think we won't that the machine-0 certs are bad until another machine attempts to connect.\n<menn0> waigani: since thumper doesn't appear to be around could you have a look at http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/284/ please?\n<waigani> menn0: half way through\n<menn0> waigani: ok cheers :)\n<wwitzel3> menn0: ec2 is good\n<menn0> wwitzel3: my bootstrap just finished here and I still see the problem\n<menn0> wwitzel3: :(\n<menn0> wwitzel3: the template was definitely re-created from scratch. I watched Juju do that by monitoring lxc-ls --fancy\n<davecheney> perrito666: https://golang.org/doc/faq#closures_and_goroutines\n<perrito666> davecheney: tx\n<davecheney> talks about a different problem, but the underlying cause is the same\n<davecheney> for _, x := range A_SLICE_OF_VALUES {\n<davecheney>         go something(x)\n<davecheney> }\n<davecheney> in this case it was\n<davecheney> for _, x := range A_SLICE_OF_VALUES {\n<davecheney> append(something, &x)\n<wwitzel3> menn0: hrmm, i've got nothing .. all clean http://paste.ubuntu.com/8738740/ (machine-0), http://paste.ubuntu.com/8738764/ (unit-mysql)\n<perrito666> davecheney: that is why it does x:=x to get a non shared x I assume\n<wwitzel3> menn0: all-machines is aggregating .. machine-1 and machine-2 are good .. not even one occurance of that error you are seeing :/\n<menn0> wwitzel3: well I'm seeing the same as what I reported on the ticket. All machine logs except machine-0 and and all unit logs are reporting the rsyslog worker continually restarting\n<menn0> wwitzel3: so you've tried it with the local provider on your machine?\n<perrito666> and yes, it is waiting for someone to not know this to delete that line thinking its useless\n<davecheney> perrito666: yup\n<davecheney> but that nastyness can be avoided by changing the type of the slice being iterated over\n<wwitzel3> menn0: yeah those logs are local provider\n<perrito666> well since I am refactoring, why not\n * thumper is back\n<thumper> physio again\n<menn0> wwitzel3: and you're using current master not 1.20?\n * davecheney pops champaign \n * thumper is somewhat broken\n<perrito666> davecheney: or, I could delete that line and let the hell break loose and then go to sleep :p\n<davecheney> perrito666: whatever works for you\n<wwitzel3> menn0: yep, current master, 4e078f90b7d31b80feac167197679ad67a59650c\n<menn0> wwitzel3: that's what i'm using\n<menn0> wwitzel3: wtf!\n<menn0> wwitzel3: there must be some difference between our machines\n<wwitzel3> yeah :/\n<menn0> wwitzel3: go version? I'm using 1.2.1 linux/amd64\n<wwitzel3> menn0: go version go1.2.1 linux/amd64\n<wwitzel3> menn0: Linux wwitzel3-ThinkPad-W540 3.16.0-23-generic #31-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 21 17:56:17 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux\n<davecheney> perrito666: i thought this was matty's change anyway ?\n<menn0> wwitzel3: remind me how to get that?\n<perrito666> nope, I refactored the tests for peergrouper because it was causing me an import cycle\n<wwitzel3> menn0: uname -a\n<menn0> wwitzel3: Linux bazhou 3.13.0-37-generic #64-Ubuntu SMP Mon Sep 22 21:28:38 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux\n<waigani> menn0: done http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/284/\n<menn0> wwitzel3: your kernel is a little ahead but I don't see how this would affect this problem\n<wwitzel3> menn0: yeah, me either\n<menn0> wwitzel3: are you on utopic or trusty\n<menn0> wwitzel3: i'm still on trusty?\n<menn0> s/\\?//\n<wwitzel3> menn0: utopic, deploying trusty\n<wwitzel3> menn0: but my ec2 was all trusty\n<menn0> wwitzel3: but juju was built on utopic right?\n<menn0> wwitzel3: that might be the difference\n<menn0> wwitzel3: I think we need to try on some other people's machines to narrow this down\n<anastasiamac> katco: morning :-) saw ur email\n<wwitzel3> menn0: maybe .. we need to draw some straws\n<wwitzel3> exactly :)\n<katco> anastasiamac: good morning :)\n<anastasiamac> katco: makes sense to me but what do i know\n<menn0> thumper: what distro is your machine running?\n<thumper> menn0: ubuntu :-)\n<menn0> thumper: which series I mean\n<thumper> trusty\n<wwitzel3> thumper wins!\n<menn0> can you follow the repro instructions for bug 1387388 with current master please?\n<mup> Bug #1387388: rsyslog worker broken due to certificate signing problem <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1387388>\n<menn0> thumper: it happens consistently for me but never for wwitzel3 but I'm on trusty and he's building on utopic\n<menn0> thumper: we're trying to establish if that's the difference\n<thumper> kk\n * thumper grabs upstream\n<thumper> :-(\n<thumper> WARNING unknown config field \"tools-url\"\n<thumper> I get that six times\n<thumper> just destroying the local environment\n<wwitzel3> yeah, I got that too\n<menn0> that happens when you mix Juju versions\n<menn0> I think what's happening is that tools-url is no longer a known config option\n<menn0> everything still works but it is annoying\n<thumper> is there an upgrade step that fixes the config?\n<menn0> I don't think that will help\n<menn0> it's the client\n<thumper> no it isn't\n<thumper> um...\n<thumper> wat?\n<menn0> perhaps i'm wrong...\n<thumper> where is that warning coming from\n<thumper> ?\n<thumper> oh...\n<thumper> I bet it is the bootstrap-config stored in the JENV\n<menn0> that sounds right\n<wwitzel3> menn0: oh, the certs are stored in the local.jenv .. so if that was stale, that might also impact the rsyslog clients.\n<wwitzel3> menn0: but we remove that with destroy-environment right?\n<menn0> wwitzel3: the .jenv is certainly supposed to get removed on destroy\n<wwitzel3> menn0: yeah, I thought so\n<wwitzel3> menn0: brb,grabbing some food\n<thumper> menn0: what should I see?\n<menn0> thumper: check the logs of any of the machines except 0, or any of the units\n<thumper> seems to work here\n<menn0> thumper: do you see the rsyslog worker restarting\n<thumper> although I have different logging issues\n<thumper> but I think that is an older currently running local provider for another user\n<perrito666> oh I see why this change was not made before\n<anastasiamac> thumper: wallyworld assured me that noone in the world has \"tools-url\" anymore\n<anastasiamac> thumper: and if they do, they will change it :-)\n<wallyworld_> tools-url was deprecated post 1.16\n<anastasiamac> wallyworld_: yes and removed now-ish ;-)\n<menn0> waigani: thanks for the review. looks like you weren't looking at the latest version as the first thing you picked up was fixed in rev 2 (pushed last night)\n<thumper> wallyworld_: so where did it come from?\n<rick_h_> thumper: just looking at the title, admin can see other user's passwords?\n<thumper> rick_h_: not see, but change\n<rick_h_> thumper: ah ok /me goes back to reviews\n * wallyworld_ reads backscroll\n<thumper> rick_h_: juju only stores a salted hash of the password\n<thumper> rick_h_: so if you forget or lose it, we have to have a way to generate another\n<rick_h_> thumper: ok cool, sorry. Later in my day so misread that as admin could see it\n<perrito666> davecheney: sorry mate, making the change to a pointer slice goes all the end to replica set public API and replicaset.Config document it is not worth it, Ill make it cleaner so it is obvious to someone that plays go by the ear\n<thumper> rick_h_: np\n<wallyworld_> thumper: i'm guessing you have an environments.yaml that is old, one which had a tools-url config attribute specified perhaps\n * thumper just hit two different intermittent test failures\n<thumper> wallyworld_: there is no tools-url in my environments.yaml\n<thumper> I looked\n<thumper> and the environment I created was a few days ago\n<thumper> wallyworld_: it is possible that the tools-url was populated but empty\n<thumper> so it existed as a value, but empty\n<wallyworld_> in that case i'm not sure, will look into it\n<wallyworld_> it should have been totally deleted\n<wallyworld_> from the code\n<wallyworld_> so should not be present, empty or not\n<anastasiamac> wallyworld_,thumper: tools-url is not in current codebase\n * anastasiamac thinks\n<wallyworld_> thumper: maybe you have an older jenv file which is being used?\n<thumper> wallyworld_: nope\n<thumper> anastasiamac: yes, but when I created the environment a few days ago, was it there?\n<wallyworld_> it could have been\n<anastasiamac> thumper: can u do a search in ur codebase?...\n<thumper> anastasiamac: I have master :)\n<thumper> I expect it to be the same as your master\n<thumper> dvcs ftw\n<anastasiamac> thumper: my master is the same as urs\n<thumper> not there\n<menn0> wwitzel3, thumper: I'll do some more experimentation to see if I can figure out the rsyslog issue\n<thumper> wallyworld_: tools-url was in the 1.20 branch\n<wallyworld_> yes, it was processed as a deprecated attribute\n<menn0> thumper, wallyworld_, anastasiamac: I certainly see this warning when I've bootstrapped with 1.20 and then upgrade to 1.21\n<menn0> when I later destroy the environment with the 1.21\n<wallyworld_> what we should do in 1.21 is add an upgrade step to delete it\n<menn0> client\n<anastasiamac> menn0: could u paste the warning u get?\n<wallyworld_> i think because it is defined in the config schema, an empty value is inserted\n<wallyworld_> we already have an upgrade step to delete old values\n<thumper> wallyworld_: 1.20 branch, environs/config/config.go:852\n<waigani> menn0: just the first comment if from rev 1. The rest are rev 2.\n<wallyworld_> we just need to add tools-url to that existing step\n<thumper> wallyworld_: it always added a blank \"tools-url\" to the config\n<menn0> waigani: yep. got it\n<wallyworld_> right, that explains it\n<wallyworld_> we'll add the upgrade step to delete it\n<thumper> wallyworld_: also, bootstrap-config in the jenv on the user's machine will still have it\n<thumper> wallyworld_: which means they will still get the warning\n<thumper> every time they use the environment\n<thumper> unless you update the bootstrap config in the jenv file\n<wallyworld_> maybe we should only emit that warning if the value is not \"\"\n * thumper nods\n<thumper> that would reduce the likelihood of false errors\n<wallyworld_> cause changing jenv = yuk\n<thumper> ack\n * wallyworld_ looks at anastasiamac :-)\n<thumper> alexisb: ping\n<thumper> ha, it is only 4:23pm for alexisb\n<thumper> so close\n<thumper> alexisb: last part of first iteration of user management has landed for 1.21\n<thumper> \\o/\n<thumper> it is DONE DONE\n<wallyworld_> about time :-P\n<thumper> yeah\n<thumper> true that\n * anastasiamac looks back at wallyworld\n<thumper> now... on to this messy things\n<anastasiamac> wallyworld_: m onto it ;-)\n<rick_h_> thumper: and this means the remote auth stuff is there to hook into?\n<thumper> anastasiamac: wallyworld_ is looking at you with the not so subtle suggestion that you do all the work\n<thumper> rick_h_: no\n<rick_h_> thumper: but but but :P\n<thumper> rick_h_: this means that juju has users and environments have users\n<wallyworld_> anastasiamac: awesome - you need to add to the existing upgrade step, and also not emit a warning if an unknown alue is empty\n<thumper> rick_h_: and they can log in\n<thumper> rick_h_: cmars is working on the remote identity stuff\n<thumper> rick_h_: and making good progress\n<wallyworld_> thumper: it's called delegation :-)\n<rick_h_> thumper: so how long before until we need the GUI to be speaking this stuff?\n<thumper> rick_h_: so this remote identity stuff is not blocked on us at all\n<cmars> rick_h_, we can stub out the GUI until you're ready :)\n<thumper> rick_h_: not sure what you mean there\n<rick_h_> thumper: cmars I mean when will someone bootstrap with these users and want to type that username/password into a GUI?\n<thumper> rick_h_: the GUI doesn't need to do any of this\n<thumper> rick_h_: so, this isn't the boostrap user being different\n<cmars> rick_h_, ah, that's not remote identity\n<rick_h_> thumper: so if I juju deploy juju-gui into an environment as user XXXX, I don't have the secret, but need too login with user/password?\n<thumper> rick_h_: that will come in 1.22\n<rick_h_> thumper: ah ok\n<rick_h_> thumper: yea, that's whaat I'm tring to track when we need to start updating our login box\n<rick_h_> thumper: ok, but we do need to update the username box\n<ericsnow> menn0: when you have a sec, take a look at the latest revision revision of those two review requests (243, 268)\n<thumper> rick_h_: you can use \"juju api-info user password\"\n<rick_h_> because logging in with the secret as 'admin' might not be true\n<thumper> rick_h_: and that will give you the username and password to log into the gui\n<rick_h_> thumper: ok, is this documented so we can poke at it?\n<thumper> rick_h_: I added it to the 1.21 release notes\n<thumper> rick_h_: poke away\n<thumper> rick_h_: it is in 1.21-alpha2\n<menn0> ericsnow: I will try. juggling a bunch of stuff right now\n<rick_h_> thumper: ok, so this will be in 1.21 mid-month it sounds like\n<ericsnow> menn0: no worries :)\n<thumper> rick_h_: ack\n<rick_h_> thumper: ok\n<thumper> rick_h_: but for now, the initial user is still \"admin\"\n<thumper> rick_h_: and the password is still stored in the same place\n<rick_h_> thumper: right, but they can create more\n<thumper> rick_h_: ack\n<rick_h_> thumper: and those new ones the user will not be able to login to the GUI without updating it\n<thumper> rick_h_: when you add a user, it gives you a jenv file\n<rick_h_> thumper: so sounds like I need to get some work items down\n<thumper> rick_h_: ah... wat?\n<thumper> rick_h_: why would they not be able to log in?\n<rick_h_> thumper: I bootstrap env as admin.\n<rick_h_> thumper: I create rick user with password\n<thumper> rick_h_: call me\n<rick_h_> thumper: k, sec\n<ericsnow> menn0: can I give you a hand?\n<alexisb> thumper, AWESOME!!!!!!\n * thumper runs to let the dog out\n<rick_h_> thumper: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/daily-standup?authuser=1\n * fwereade also cheers at thumper\n<menn0> ericsnow: thanks but I don't think so. I need to get a branch landed and narrow down a rsyslog worker problem that only seems to happen on my machine\n<ericsnow> menn0: k, let me know if that changes (I should be on a little longer at least)\n<thumper> wallyworld_: I need to put our 1:1 off for 30 minutes\n<thumper> wallyworld_: is that ok with you\n<thumper> ?\n<thumper> just found something I was supposed to do an hour ago :-(\n * thumper waits for 15s for a response\n<wallyworld_> thumper: sure, np\n<menn0> waigani: i've responded to your review\n<waigani> menn0: done\n<menn0> waigani: thank you\n<waigani> alexisb: ready when you are\n#juju-dev 2014-10-30\n<thumper> wallyworld_: thanks\n<wallyworld_> sure :-)\n<perrito666> ericsnow: not to be a party pooper but login using github is no longer working\n<perrito666> ericsnow: I get a 404 from github\n<ericsnow> perrito666: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻\n<perrito666> lol\n<ericsnow> perrito666: I'm so gladd thumper showed me that URL :)\n<ericsnow> perrito666: you get a 404 in your browser or in rbt?\n<perrito666> browser I changed browser and when I try to re-login I go to oauth, log into github and then get redirected to a 404 page\n<ericsnow> perrito666: try it now\n<perrito666> still now the oauth button goes directly to the 404 since I am already logged in\n<ericsnow> perrito666: a github 404\n<ericsnow> perrito666: ?\n<perrito666> yup, that is what I meant by: <perrito666> ericsnow: I get a 404 from github\n * fwereade has updated http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/288/ and is busy pushing right now\n * fwereade would *really* like to be able to merge it tomorrow morning -- and, fwiw, jam has already taken a look at the logic, but it necessitated a depressing quantity of test changes that could use a look\n * fwereade goes to bed\n<mwhudson> thumper: is one of the ideas between multi-environment to support things like having most things in MAAS but being able to burst to EC2?\n<thumper> no\n<thumper> not multi-provider\n<thumper> still one provider\n<thumper> but separate environments\n<mwhudson> ah\n<wallyworld_> axw: standup?\n<axw> wallyworld_: sorry, brt\n<waigani> menn0: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/295/\n<waigani> menn0: I have to take Bella to ice skating, back online in 40min or so\n<waigani> menn0: see what you think of the solution for interface ids\n<thumper> menn0: https://github.com/juju/loggo/pull/5\n<menn0> thumper: just finishing up another review. You're next :)\n<thumper> menn0: ack\n<menn0> thumper: I've had a look and have one question.\n<menn0> thumper: (see PR)\n<thumper> kk\n<menn0> thumper: done\n<menn0> wallyworld_, axw, thumper: I have a local environment that's failing to upgrade from 1.20 to current master due to:\n<menn0> upgrade step \"migrate tools into environment storage\" failed: failed to fetch tools: stat /home/menno/.juju/local/storage/tools/released/juju- no such file or directory\n<wallyworld_> hmmm\n<menn0> looking in my .juju it looks like the directory should be \"releases\" not \"released\"\n<menn0> does that ring any bells?\n<wallyworld_> yeah, it needs to retry\n<wallyworld_> i'll fix\n<menn0> the upgrade logic is retrying all the steps anyway\n<menn0> but it's not getting there yet\n<menn0> wallyworld_: is \"released\" correct?\n<wallyworld_> menn0: it is for 1.21\n<menn0> wallyworld_: right\n<wallyworld_> i did test that upgrade a couple of days ago\n<wallyworld_> something must have changed\n<wallyworld_> sigh\n<wallyworld_> so i need to fix\n<menn0> wallyworld_: I think I've seen this once before but then it stopped happening\n<wallyworld_> could be, i'll take a look. thanks for letting me know\n<menn0> wallyworld_: np\n<menn0> wallyworld_: in case it's relevant, fwereade would like us to split out the upgrade steps that act state.State directly from the ones that use api.State, running all the state.State steps first (on state servers only obviously)\n<wallyworld_> sounds reasonable\n<menn0> wallyworld_: it's actually more important then I actually first realised, especially now that we have upgrade steps defined for various alpha releases. You really need all the DB migrations for all intermediate releases to have run before other upgrade steps.\n<axw> wallyworld_: the upgrade step will need to use LegacyRelases or whatever you named it\n<wallyworld_> yes, changing tha now\n<axw> cool\n<jam> axw: are you still around?\n<jam> I'm running into problems with \"AddCharmConcurrently\" sometimes failing (about 1 in 3 for me, and it failed on the bot)\n<axw> jam: I am\n<axw> oh\n<jam> and you were the last person to touch the \"c.Assert(blobs, gc.HasLen, 10)\" line\n<axw> yeah, I was trying to fix it :)\n<axw> jam: anything useful in the error output?\n<jam> http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/1073/console\n<jam> it lists the blobs it did find\n<axw> thanks\n<jam> which in my case is 9 total blobs, and only 1 of them has \"true\"\n<jam> axw: I *do* see 10 calls to Client.AddCharm\n<jam> oddly, I then see 10 \"successfully dialed mongo on 127.\" but only 8 \"successfully dialed mongo on ::1\"\n<jam> that seems a bit WTF to me\n<jam> why would we be dialing mongo separately, because of the storage abstraction?\n<jam> resource catalog entry created with id \"47d6e7812099383e8266f590d37b7f5369ef43931aecc72a4b86674e7052f346a391648209b8e69ea5b649d2c0e86da0\"\n<axw> jam: possibly because we're Copying the mgo.Session\n<jam> concerns me, because it is exactly the same identity\n<axw> jam: IIRC that particular id is based on a hash of the content\n<axw> and so it's expected\n<jam> I do only see 9 \"managed resource entry created\" calls\n<jam> log entries\n<axw> yeah, odd.\n<jam> and 9 \"resource catalog entry created\" lines\n<jam> axw: ok, weird... I see all of the requests result in a success response\n<jam> (you can match up the RequestId 3-12 and see the Response for each one of them)\n<jam> axw: I have a theory... that one of those \"concurrent\" uploads actually doesn't start until the first success finishes\n<jam> and thus it doesn't have anything to upload because the content is already in the db\n<axw> sounds very plausible...\n<axw> yep\n<axw> that'd do it\n<axw> we should just check <= 10\n<jam> axw: but why would it ever be >10\n<axw> jam: heh, true\n<jam> axw: I think we need to check with dimitern on what his thoughts are\n<jam> I understand that we want to make sure if there is *some* concurrency, only one entry wins\n<jam> axw: but I think line 1019 of apiserver/client/client.go is responsible\n<jam> \"if stateCharm.IsUploaded(), return nil)\n<axw> jam: yep\n<jam> axw: so how was it failing before that you were trying to fix it ?\n<axw> jam: I misremembered. I just changed it to work with the blobstore-backed charm storage; some bugs were found in the blobstore as a result of running that test, but it didn't end in me changing the test for that purpose\n<jam> axw: yeah, I'm looking at your diff, trying to see how the test was intended to work\n<axw> jam: IMO we should just remove the count check. I guess it'd be nice to force the concurrency, but seems like a lot more work than it's worth\n<axw> would be nice for it to not be random though\n<jam> axw: so I'm trying to figure out if the old test was just as wrong, or if it is just that we introduced deduping and now only sometimes it fails\n<axw> jam: I'm pretty sure it was broken before. the only change, looking at the diff is how the charm archive is stored - in the blobstore as opposed to in provider storage\n<axw> and the existence check was there before\n<jam> axw: it doesn't help that \"git blame apiserver/client/client.go\" lists the last modification for \"IsUploaded()\" lists a revision that \"git log\" say doesn't include the file\n<axw> huh\n<jam> axw: I'm guessing that \"git blame\" is tracking hunks being moved between files while \"git log\" isn't\n<jam> axw: how about a reasonable compromise of asserting that we do have at least 2 entries (so at least *some* concurrency was observed)\n<jam> fair enough?\n<axw> jam: it's still possible to fail though... I'm not super keen on that\n<axw> what if we synchronise 2 of the calls in the storage Put?\n<axw> then we at least exercise the concurrency of the state changes\n<jam> axw: so it would have to not be concurrent at all on 10 requests, and ATM we've seen at least 9\n<jam> axw: so you mean have Put wait to return until it gets a second request ?\n<axw> yeah I guess it's pretty unlikely to fail\n<jam> I do like that more\n<jam> (I'm all for \"deterministic\" concurrency)\n<jam> I'm not 100% sure how to do that, though\n<jam> I guess recordingStore could do it for us?\n<axw> jam: yep, if we have a waitgroup or something in there we could use that\n<axw> we could just have them all wait actually - the bits after storage.Put don't interact with blob storage\n<axw> oh actually I lie\n<axw> they can Remove\n<jam> axw: I think they have to Remove because they end up as \"false\"\n<axw> right\n<axw> and if we sync them all then we lose potential testing of concurrent Put/Remove\n<jam> axw: well we can do it as a barrier\n<jam> so the code waits at the beginning of Put until it accrues 10 requests and then all of them unblock\n<axw> yes that'd be better. I was thinking in terms of having it at the end\n<jam> axw: so... hmm. could it be done with a sync.WaitGroup ?\n<jam> I don't know if it is evil or not, but rs.Put() could do a \"wg.Done(); wg.Wait()\" sort of thing?\n<jam> so we have 2 WGs, one for \"the goroutine is completely done\" and another for \"each goroutine has gotten to the start of Put()\"\n<axw> jam: that seems fine to me\n<jam> axw: so if I put a time.Sleep(10ms) into the for loop, it fails reliably\n<jam> and with putBarrier and the sleep it passes reliably\n<jam> axw: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/297/\n<axw> jam: thanks, just finishing a review will take a look in a sec\n<axw> actually this may take a bit, I'll switch now\n<axw> jam: LGTM, thanks\n<wallyworld_> axw: this makes upgrades look in the old releases dir http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/296/\n<axw> wallyworld_: on it\n<wallyworld_> ta\n<jam> dimitern: morning\n<mattyw> morning folks\n * fwereade has $$merged$$ 987, and is going back to bed for a bit, not feeling so good\n<fwereade> bollocks, forgot to push the last tweaks, at least they're trivials\n<fwereade> I'll do them later\n<TheMue> morning\n<dimitern> morning all\n<perrito666> morning\n<axw> wallyworld_: team meeting?\n<jam> voidspace: TheMue: team meeting\n<TheMue> jam: I'm in there.\n<jam> TheMue: not standup, juju-core-team\n<jam> TheMue: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/juju-core-team\n<TheMue> jam: oh, ouch, coming.\n<jam> voidspace: you as well, if you didn't realize\n<jam> fwereade: are you coming ?\n<perrito666> jam: he mentioned going to bed\n<voidspace> oops\n<voidspace> sorry\n<voidspace> I forgot both...\n<voidspace> we have three m1.small instances running on the ec2 account\n<voidspace> I think they've been there for a few days\n<voidspace> ah no, launched October 30th\n<mattyw> mgz, looks like we just landed some code that doesn't build\n<mattyw> http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/1081/console\n<perrito666> mattyw: looks like fwereade change https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/987\n<mattyw> submitted a fix for it: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/299/\n<mattyw> axw, you're ocr today right? could you take a look at this ^^?\n<perrito666> mattyw: do the test pass with those alone?\n<mattyw> perrito666, they do\n<axw> mattyw: sorry, EOD as soon as this meeting is up. been online for about 10h and back for another meeting later :/\n<mattyw> axw, ok no problem, it is quite trivial - fixing build failures that have landed\n<axw> mattyw: looks like perrito666 already did it anyway\n<perrito666> mattyw: I just lgtmd but you might need davecheney love\n<perrito666> although its a really trivial change\n<mattyw> axw, perrito666 ok cheers guys\n<perrito666> mattyw: but as will said: <fwereade> bollocks, forgot to push the last tweaks, at least they're trivials\n<perrito666> which I presume conains your change\n<wallyworld_> axw: yeah, was at soccer tonight, see you again in 90 mins\n<mattyw> could I get another review from a \"graduated\" reviewer so we can get this landed?  http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/299/\n<TheMue> mattyw: done\n<mattyw> TheMue, thanks very much\n<TheMue> yw\n<jam> mgz: mattyw: do we know how we were able to land the code on the bot if it doesn't even compile ?\n<mattyw> jam, no idea, I pinged mgz to see if the logs can tell us any more\n<mattyw> jam, this is the offending merge: http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/1080/console but it shows the context test as passing. Then it fails in the next merge http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/1081/console\n<jam> mattyw: what is really strange is that it is failing inside \"cmd/juju\" how would that even have visibility into worker/uniter/context/factory_test.go\n<mattyw> jam, there's something odd happening there, because the line that contains uniter/context correctly states the build failed - just the build errors are nowhere near it\n<rogpeppe> review appreciated on this change that makes it possible to use Go 1.4 with our testing stuff: https://github.com/juju/testing/pull/36\n<mattyw> jam, that must just be a bug with the way output is captured\n<jam> mattyw: it may be a stderr vs stdout buffering issue\n<jam> (stdout is oftend buffered and stderr is immediate)\n<mattyw> jam, sounds most likely\n<jam> though you have 300s from the time of that error messages and when it gets to uniter build failed, but I guess it isn't that many lines\n<jam> mattyw: I think we need someone investigating this, but I'm at a loss for any more information myself\n<jam> this feels a *lot* like we can't trust our bot to reject bad patches, which is a bad place to be\n * jam away\n<mattyw> jam, I don't really see how that could land at all. Maybe running tests with -a to force rebuilding all the packages might help?\n<mattyw> jam, that's all I can think of\n<jam> mattyw: yeah, I just did a checkout of 2224d55 and it clearly doesn't \"go test\" here.\n<mattyw> jam, it clearly shows it passing in the log of the merge\n<mattyw> jam, even though we know it doesn't\n<jam> mattyw: ok  \tgithub.com/juju/juju/worker/uniter/context\t17.402s yeah\n<jam> mattyw: this feels a *lot* like we were running the tests on raw \"master\" rather than the merge of \"master\" and the new code, but we've had rejections for bad patches before\n<mattyw> jam, we've had this issue before, where broken code lands\n<mattyw> jam, and we've tried landing intentionally broken stuff before to check it gets rejected\n<jam> mattyw: so I feel like we are well into territory that we need mgz/someone who set up this bot/ to be doing the investigation\n<jam> but we clearly were able to land broken code on trunk, and than is (IMO) a Critical priority bug because it causes us to land Critical breakage accidentally\n<perrito666> mattyw: jam I have seen the delay between error and the test stdout when there is a compilation errror, same happened to me when I encountered an import cycle\n<jam> perrito666: sure, I'm not particularly worried about that. I *am* worried that William's patch caused a build failure but it didn't fail the merge, but it did fail the *next* merge.\n<jam> and I can checkout the revision that the bot landed and \"go test\" fails in that directory for me\n<perrito666> do you have the link for the merge job that passed?\n<axw> wallyworld_: sorry\n<axw> had clicked the button and it was lagging :p\n<wallyworld_> np :-)\n<axw> to answer, yes, I think so\n<wallyworld_> we'll catch up tomorrow\n<wallyworld_> it was a good meeting\n<axw> cya tomorrow\n<axw> yep\n<perrito666> anastasiamac_: hey is http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/300/diff/# released? I see that the launchpad bug is marked as fix released\n<anastasiamac_> perrito666: there was a minor inconvenience with the fix...\n<perrito666> oh ok, so that still needs a review?\n<anastasiamac_> perrito666: actually 2: 1. warning was displayed when not needed 2. upgrade did not clean deleted attribute\n<TheMue> phew, back again after some troubles with my network\n<anastasiamac_> perrito666: would be gr8 :-)\n<anastasiamac_> perrito666: thnx for the review :-)\n<perrito666> np\n<anastasiamac_> perrito666: hope no oxygen tanks at high speed for u today :-)\n<perrito666> anastasiamac_: I would certainly hope a) they deliver once a week only and b) the already know there is a speed bump there for next time\n<anastasiamac_> perrito666: u have oxygen delivered once a week?\n<perrito666> anastasiamac_: I believe they where delivering to a construction nearby, its oxygen used for soldering not for hospitals\n<anastasiamac_> perrito666: ahh! makes sense ...\n<wallyworld_> ericsnow: since you're ocr, could you take a look at http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/302/ ? it's a critical bug fix for alpha3\n<wallyworld_> :-)\n<ericsnow> wallyworld_: will do\n<wallyworld_> thanks\n<wwitzel3> fwereade: ping\n<wwitzel3> natefinch: are you able to get on to the tosca call?\n<wwitzel3> natefinch: I keep getting disconnected when I dail in\n<natefinch> wwitzel3: oops, lost track of time, lemme try\n<natefinch> wwitzel3: works for me\n<wwitzel3> natefinch: just worked for me too *shrug*\n<perrito666> something tells me that our standup is pushed?\n<ericsnow> perrito666: presumably it got tosca'ed an hour later\n<perrito666> lol, well if we could toscate :p the calendar appt that would be awesome\n<natefinch> yeah sorry guys\n<perrito666> dont worry everything is awesome\n<perrito666> :p\n<perrito666> ill get you to see that movie\n<natefinch> I just bought it, actually :)\n<natefinch> I had opportunity to watch it on the way to and from brussels, but I didn't want to watch it without my wife\n<perrito666> natefinch: lol, I watched all the movies in the plane it wwas a long flight\n<perrito666> natefinch: you could include your kids too, you know, as an excuse to watch a kids movie\n<ericsnow> natefinch-afk, perrito666, wwitzel3: standup?\n<perrito666> ericsnow: my calendar says like in 2 hs\n<ericsnow> perrito666: my bad\n<katco> fwereade: ping\n<rogpeppe> mgz: ping\n<mgz> rogpeppe: hey\n<rogpeppe> mgz: hiysa\n<rogpeppe> mgz: we're just debating bzr stuff\n<rogpeppe> mgz: if i've done \"bzr checkout --lightweight something -r N\n<rogpeppe> \"\n<mgz> yup\n<rogpeppe> mgz: is there some way of finding out the revision digest that i've just checked out?\n<mgz> bzr revno --tree\n<rogpeppe> mgz: unfortunately that prints:\n<rogpeppe> bzr: ERROR: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', 'GhostRevisionsHaveNoRevno', 'Could not determine revno for {roger.peppe@canonical.com-20130430112516-r2iav07y5kqd9cmk} because its ancestry shows a ghost at {roger.peppe@canonical.com-20130913075328-6ok3ntchesxkt04o}')\n<mgz> you've done a checkout of a remote branch? not a local one?\n<rogpeppe> mgz: yes\n<mgz> Don't Do That\n<rogpeppe> mgz: because we're only interested in the tree (and now, the revision-info of that tree)\n<rogpeppe> mgz: we don't care about the history at all\n<mgz> (it's a bug, but you're asking bzr to do bascially everything over the api)\n<rogpeppe> mgz: yeah, ok\n<mgz> you can fixup the remote branch to not tickle the bug probably, but I'd have to go lookup how\n<rogpeppe> mgz: it needs to work with any branch\n<rogpeppe> mgz: as this is part of an automated process, ingesting charms/bundles to the charm store\n<mgz> rogpeppe: bug 1161018\n<mup> Bug #1161018: bzr revno fails on ghost ancestry <Bazaar:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1161018>\n<mgz> has a workaround (which is slow - needs to fetch some things over http, but fine for just revno I think as that shouldn't touch packs)\n<mgz> (just less fine for update if that also hits the issue)\n<rogpeppe> mgz: i don't see a workaround there\n<mgz> use nosmart+ for the remote branch url\n<mgz> as in, force bzr not to use the api, but just touch the remote objects directly\n<rogpeppe> mgz: what would a url using nosmart+ look like?\n<alexisb> natefinch-afk, perrito666 : can someone on moonstone take a look at the request in comment #9 and get it resolved asap:\n<alexisb> https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1384001\n<mup> Bug #1384001: Juju doesn't retry hard enough when destroying MAAS environments <cloud-installer> <destroy-environment> <maas-provider> <Go MAAS API Library:Fix Committed by rvb> <juju-core:Triaged> <MAAS:Fix Committed by rvb> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1384001>\n<mgz> rogpeppe: literally just any other url with nosmart+ on the front\n<mgz> so, nosmart+lp:... nosmart+http://...\n<perrito666> alexisb: looking\n<rogpeppe> mgz: interesting. that's about 20 times faster too.\n<rogpeppe> mgz: (and it works)\n<alexisb> mgz, the version change issue you are working, is it related to a specific bug?\n<alexisb> mgz, I just want to make sure core is not also trying to work the same bug :)\n<mgz> alexisb: it looks like it's just an accidential change\n<rogpeppe> mgz: sorry, that's bollocks\n<rogpeppe> mgz: but it does work\n<alexisb> mgz, is there a bug number?\n<mgz> commit 6ae54f8... changes version back from alpha3 to alpha2\n<mgz> alexisb: filing now\n<perrito666> alexisb: natefinch-afk running now tests before PR the change\n<alexisb> perrito666, mgz thanks guys!\n<mgz> bug 1387764 filed, putting up a branhc now\n<mup> Bug #1387764: Version reverted from alpha3 to alpha2 <ci> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1387764>\n<perrito666> ok anyone ? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1004\n<alexisb> ericsnow, Please take a look ^^\n<mgz> perrito666: looks fine to me, what's the reviewboard bits up to atm?\n<mgz> https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1005 for the version fix\n<ericsnow> alexisb: will do\n<alexisb> mgz, may have already done it :)\n<perrito666> mgz: reviewboard?\n<alexisb> thanks all for pulling together to get these critical bugs nailed\n<perrito666> mgz: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/306/\n<mgz> perrito666: do I need to manually create still? I thought it was magically handled now\n<mgz> (lgtmed btw)\n<perrito666> mgz: should be magically created\n<perrito666> though you have to add the comment by hand\n<perrito666> meh 1387764 is blocking me\n<mgz> perrito666: mwahaha, easy way to resolve that :)\n<perrito666> mgz: go to rb\n<perrito666> look for your pr\n<perrito666> make sure its not draft\n<perrito666> if so publish it\n<perrito666> because its not there\n<mgz> I do not see anything...\n<perrito666> mgz: rbt post it\n<perrito666> plz\n<perrito666> or even better\n<perrito666> hold\n<mgz> I can rbt post\n<perrito666> mgz: there, you have the lgtm in github... but now I just realized that you need a graduated\n<perrito666> mgz: like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsdvhJTqLak :p bad joke, I know\n<perrito666> rogpeppe: could you lgtm mgz branch? you have super powers\n<rogpeppe> perrito666: which branch?\n<perrito666> https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1005/files\n<rogpeppe> mgz, perrito666: i don't understand the issue but i trust martin :)\n<rogpeppe> reviewed\n<perrito666> rogpeppe: someone backed the version number\n<perrito666> by accident I assume\n<perrito666> mgz: merge your thing\n<mgz> doing\n<mgz> perrito666: wtf, that trailer is basically the whole film\n<perrito666> mgz: 70s\n<perrito666> anyway, how do I know when CI is unlocked?\n<mgz> I shall do it as soon as pos\n<mgz> perrito666: at least a while for it to go through merge though\n<perrito666> I never get if that is automated or someone needs to do something by hand\n<mgz> the marking is by-hand\n<perrito666> is it the lp search query?\n<mgz> I'll do that as soon as the build succeeds, rather than waiting for all test jobs though\n<mgz> yeah, but peoples are the oneses who mark bugs fix released\n<jw4> review request for the on call reviewer today : http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/307/\n<jw4> I did a pre-review just commenting on things that might make the intent clearer.\n<perrito666> mgz: are we there? are we there?\n<mgz> not yet, needs to go through build revision and publish\n * perrito666 runs in circles\n * perrito666 feels assigned\n<perrito666> natefinch-afk: ericsnow wwitzel3 ?\n<perrito666> standup?\n<ericsnow> wwitzel3: standup?\n<natefinch> perrito666, wwitzel3, ericsnow: sorry guys... the halloween party at my kid's preschool ran over\n<ericsnow> natefinch: no worries, perrito666 and I talked about restore\n<perrito666> natefinch: ah you have that :p\n<perrito666> I was not aware it was to the level of having school parties\n<perrito666> I thought it was only the disguises + getting candy\n<natefinch> perrito666: this was basically a shortish thing at the end of the day where all the kids dress up and parade around the parkinglot :)\n<mgz> perrito666: publish-revision running now\n<mgz> (was slow as eric had sent a change through just before mine, and I didn't really want to interrupt)\n * perrito666 eyes eric\n<mgz> perrito666: so, eta 20 mins\n<perrito666> heh, how nice it would be to do $$mergeafter##$$\n<natefinch> I love the way everyone rags on simple streams for putting the \"simple\" in the name.\n<mgz> natefinch: I view it as like, refering to someone as simple\n<mgz> a semi-polite way of saying it's a bit dumb\n<natefinch> lol\n<natefinch> nice\n<perrito666> ericsnow: isnt there a metadata FromJson?\n<ericsnow> perrito666: nope\n<perrito666> booo\n<perrito666> :p\n<ericsnow> perrito666: I figured if we needed it for restore we could add it then :)\n<perrito666> ericsnow: I dont want to lie to you, at this point I am ranting at my dog for your decission\n<ericsnow> perrito666: ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)\n<perrito666> mgz: ?\n<mgz> looks like it's just finishing\n<mgz> publish-revision/1104 is what I'm watching\n<ericsnow> natefinch: didn't this get superceded: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/237/\n<ericsnow> natefinch: I.E. you can discard it :)\n<perrito666> mgz: finished \\o/\n<mgz> itsblue!\n<mgz> perrito666: go ahead and land\n<natefinch> ericsnow: yeah, thanks for reminding me\n<ericsnow> natefinch: it's my job, sir\n * ericsnow shines badge\n<perrito666> ericsnow: its rbt post -v ### right?\n<perrito666> to update\n<ericsnow> perrito666: for an update it -r ### (or just use -u)\n<perrito666> ericsnow: rbt post -u?\n<ericsnow> perrito666: yeah, it will figure out the right one and ask you\n<perrito666> fwereade: hey, did you ever got a chance to look at charm-sync spec?\n<mfoord> g'night all\n<menn0> davecheney, mwhudson: email standup today?\n<perrito666> afghahsgfhagsfh I hate local restriction to have juju-local package\n<jw4> ericsnow: thanks for looking at that review\n<ericsnow> jw4: yeah, still working on it :)\n<waigani> mwhudson,davecheney,menn0: did I miss standup or are we skipping it today?\n<jw4> ericsnow: ta x2\n<menn0> waigani: we haven't had it. I suggested email standup but davecheney and mwhudson aren't around yet.\n<waigani> menn0: davecheney just popped up\n<davecheney> menn0: sure\n<waigani> scratch that, davecheney just dropped out\n<waigani> okay email\n<wwitzel3> menn0: you dig up more on that local provider issue you were having?\n<menn0> wwitzel3: no I haven't but that's one of the things I want to do this morning\n<menn0> wwitzel3: had a number of other things to take care of yesterday\n<menn0> wwitzel3: and since it appears to just be my machine it seemed less important\n<natefinch> perrito666: you might as well start writing doc strings now, no need for my review to go through first ;)\n<mwhudson> menn0: i'm on leave today\n<menn0> mwhudson: oh yeah, sorry. have a good day off :)\n<waigani> menn0: just manually testing upgrade for my branch, then saw in your standup notes about Ian's branch.\n<menn0> waigani: yeah, there's a tools related upgrade step that keeps failing\n<perrito666> natefinch: ok ok\n<waigani> menn0: okay, so we'll wait for the fix\n<menn0> waigani: i'm checking now to see if it's been fixed\n<perrito666> natefinch: you exagerate, its not that bad\n<natefinch> perrito666: it's not that good if I stop writing comments that are just \"docs\"\n<natefinch> (because there's too many)\n<menn0> wwitzel3: I think I see something that could be related to this rsyslog problem\n<menn0> wwitzel3: can you do this: cd $GOPATH/src/code.google.com/p/go.crypto ; hg heads\n<menn0> wwitzel3: what do you get?\n<perrito666> natefinch: that might depend on your patience :p (documenting as we speak)\n<menn0> wwitzel3: for me, I'm not on the version listed in dependencies.tsv. which could be the problem. godeps issue?\n<menn0> wwitzel3: i'll manually switch to the version in deps.tsv and see if that resolves the issue\n<menn0> wwitzel3: never mind. it turns out I don't understand mercurial well enough. the right command to see the checked out rev is \"hg id\" and that shows the version matching deps.tsv\n<menn0> wwitzel3: i'll keep digging\n<menn0> waigani: I just did a successful 1.20 to current master upgrade and I can see Ian's fix landed yesterday so you should be good to try your manual test again\n<waigani> menn0: awesome, thanks for checking that\n<fwereade> perrito666, wwitzel3, katco: sorry, I've been in bed most of the day\n<fwereade> perrito666, I didn't :(\n<fwereade> perrito666, mail me with a link (again I presume...)\n<perrito666> fwereade: feeling better?\n<perrito666> fwereade: you are lucky that my backlog is long :p or that would make absolutely no sense\n<fwereade> perrito666, I'm not planning to do lots of work right *now*\n<fwereade> perrito666, but, yeah, hopefully will be with it again tomorrow\n<wwitzel3> fwereade: no worries, hope you feel better :)\n<fwereade> wwitzel3, cheers\n<perrito666> fwereade: for whenever you return, we might have broken your uniter context remaining commits\n<fwereade> wwitzel3, what can I do for you?\n<fwereade> perrito666, I had a super-quick look back just now, yeah\n<perrito666> sorry\n<fwereade> perrito666, looks like I broke things pretty hard myself\n<fwereade> perrito666, whatever needed to be done, needed to be done\n<fwereade> perrito666, I will try to catch up\n<katco> fwereade: no worries at all. hope you're feeling better\n<menn0> waigani: here's that EnvironUUID branch. Can you have a look please? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/308/\n<wwitzel3> fwereade: well after rebasing master I broke, I was before doing relationer.Context() and then calling UnitNames() on that context.\n<fwereade> katco, yeah, will try to sleep better tonight :)\n<wwitzel3> fwereade: that is for the remoteUnit inference method\n<fwereade> wwitzel3, ah, sorry\n<waigani> menn0: will do\n<katco> fwereade: i have some material for you to review which might help put you to sleep :)\n<fwereade> wwitzel3, I think you can just use .ContextInfo().MemberNames\n<waigani> fwereade: thanks for the recommendations :)\n<wwitzel3> fwereade: I see that I need to now get the RelationContext to get UnitNames, so was wondering if I should ... oh ok\n<fwereade> wwitzel3, that's what will be called in the factory to determine membership\n<wwitzel3> fwereade: I will give that a shot right now, thanks\n<fwereade> wwitzel3, or since you're in-package, .state.Members(), but that's a map\n<wallyworld_> menn0: you have a minute for a chat?\n<waigani> menn0: done\n<menn0> waigani: thanks\n<menn0> wallyworld_: sure\n<wallyworld_> https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/tanzanite-stand\n<alexisb> katco, ping\n<katco> alexisb: howdy\n<alexisb> howdy!\n<katco> :)\n<katco> what can i do for you?\n<alexisb> I am working on milestone breakdowns, was wondering where you were with the LE work you and fwereade broke down in brussels\n<katco> alexisb: working on that right now actually. i'm wrapping up the 1st draft of the spec\n<katco> alexisb: then wallyworld_ will give it a once-over to make sure i'm not wasting fwereade's time, and we'll propose it for feedback\n<alexisb> katco, ah ok, so official work has not begun yet\n<katco> alexisb: well, i consider the architecture part of the work ;)\n<alexisb> lol\n<alexisb> very true\n<alexisb> but that answers my q I will make sure to account for it in the roadmap\n<jw4> ericsnow: great comments; I'll respond to some of the points and update the PR.  Thanks\n<alexisb> thanks!\n<ericsnow> jw4: cool\n<katco> alexisb: sure thing! good talking with you again\n<alexisb> dido\n<wallyworld_> menn0: bug 1387884 raised\n<mup> Bug #1387884: juju upgrade from 1.20 to 1.21alpha3 is broken <regression> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:In Progress by menno.smits> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1387884>\n<menn0> wallyworld_: thanks\n<menn0> waigani: i've just been chatting to wallyworld_. part of the recent upgrade problems is due to the splitting out of upgrade steps by alpha releases\n<waigani> menn0: oh really>\n<waigani> ?\n<fwereade> katco, had a brief chat with wallyworld_ about it a day or two ago, I presume he passed on what needed to be?\n<menn0> waigani: it means when an upgrade from 1.20 to 1.21 alpha3 happens, the steps are really being run in the wrong order\n<katco> fwereade: indeed he did, thank you\n<menn0> waigani: going to merge them back into one list for 1.21 now\n<fwereade> katco, cool -- broadly sane in your estimation?\n * wallyworld_ afk for a bit to have breakfast etc\n * katco has a good... \"not manager but manages people\"\n<waigani> menn0: I don't follow. why the wrong order?\n<katco> fwereade: yes absolutely\n<menn0> waigani: if you upgrade from 1.20 to 1.21alpha3 the steps for alpha1 are run, then alpha2, then alpha3\n<fwereade> katco, excellent, so long as it really is\n<menn0> waigani:  the steps for alpha3 have the machine and instancedata upgrade\n<fwereade> katco, it's your job to tell me when I'm being crazy\n<fwereade> katco, everyone else's too ofc\n<katco> fwereade: do i constrain my comments to professional work?\n<menn0> waigani: which means the steps for alpha1 and alpha2 have trouble because they sometimes need to be able to look up machines\n<menn0> waigani: because the running software is actually alpha3\n<katco> fwereade: ;)\n<menn0> waigani: the steps shouldn't be split out by alpha version\n<fwereade> katco, I'm grinning broadly but not yet able to formulate a coherent response\n<waigani> menn0: got it\n<menn0> waigani: I'm fixing now.\n<menn0> waigani: alpha3 is being held up until this is sorted (should be easy though)\n<katco> fwereade: haha ok good the joke made it across OK. that pause is always nerve wracking :p\n<waigani> menn0: I've hit a really interesting bug, in the process of hunting it down. A test failed once I merged the machines branch with the sequences branch. I'll touch base with you on it later\n<menn0> waigani: ok cool\n<perrito666> ok EOD, have a nice one people\n<menn0> wallyworld_: if we have upgrade steps defined for 1.21 (final) they currently won't run when an upgrade to a 1.21 alpha or beta release happens\n<menn0> wallyworld_: I can tweak the upgrade steps logic to ignore the release tag (i.e. alpha/beta)\n<menn0> wallyworld_: or we can define the upgrade steps against alpha1\n<menn0> wallyworld_: I prefer the former\n<menn0> wallyworld_: but it does reduce our flexibility a little\n<menn0> wallyworld_: what do you think?\n<wallyworld_> menn0: my vision was always for the release tag to be ignored, thus we would be testing upgrade steps along the way as if it were final release, so the former\n<menn0> wallyworld_: ok will do\n<wallyworld_> we hadn't really got to the point of needed to do this till now\n<wallyworld_> so it upgrades were sort of done initilly as a mvp\n<wallyworld_> with improvements as needed\n<menn0> it should be easy to fix\n<menn0> and it's just the current crop of upgrade steps\n<menn0> that are exposing problems\n<menn0> this is also fallout from the release number change\n<wallyworld_> yeah\n<waigani> wtf\n<menn0> katco: I love the tabular status output btw. I use it all the time.\n<katco> menn0: so glad to hear it! i love it myself :)\n<waigani> katco: I like the oneliner, thanks :)\n<katco> waigani: np :)\n<katco> really i just coded it all up. not my ideas... thank you to ecosystems/tanzanite for guidance\n<waigani> menn0: so a sequence doc is being entered into the db with an old id. I can't track down where from (yet)\n<menn0> waigani: sounds fun :)\n<waigani> #$@$\n<ericsnow> wallyworld_: I gave you a ship-it on #302 but you'll need someone else to follow up. :)\n<wallyworld_> ericsnow: thank you, really appreciate it; the streams stuff can be hairy\n<ericsnow> wallyworld_: is it hairy because you pulled your hair out while writing it <wink>\n<wallyworld_> ericsnow: yes, yes i did. and now you've done a review, you are an expert and fair game to write the next simplestreams patch :-P\n<ericsnow> wallyworld_: sorry, you're breaking up, I didn't catch that, going into a tunnel now\n<wallyworld_> lol\n<alexisb> menn0, wallyworld_ davecheney was one of you designated lead in thumper's absence?\n<alexisb> oops\n<menn0> alexisb: i don't believe so\n<wallyworld_> not me\n<alexisb> menn0, ack\n<alexisb> sorry wallyworld_ I meant waigani\n<wallyworld_> ah yeah :-)\n<alexisb> davecheney, we have had a request come in that requires some arm skills, I am going to send you and mwhudson a note\n<alexisb> davecheney, please work with me on priorities compared with other tasks\n<menn0> wallyworld_: I have a branch to sort out the 1.21 upgrades\n<wallyworld_> menn0: awesome, i'll review. did you test live?\n<menn0> wallyworld_: all the steps are currently assigned against 1.21-alpha1\n<menn0> wallyworld_: yep, tested an upgrade of a complex env from 1.20\n<wallyworld_> not 1.21?\n<menn0> wallyworld_: that will come in a later change today\n<wallyworld_> +1\n<menn0> wallyworld_: but this change solves the immediate problem\n<wallyworld_> first priority is to unblock the release\n<wallyworld_> yep\n<menn0> wallyworld_: pushing now\n<wallyworld_> tyvm\n<menn0> wallyworld_: nothing like impending family commitment to focus your efforts :)\n<wallyworld_> :-)\n<menn0> wallyworld_: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/309/\n<wallyworld_> looking\n<wallyworld_> menn0: +1, ship that sucker\n<menn0> wallyworld_: thanks. merging now.\n<wallyworld_> no, thank you\n<anastasiamac> ericsnow: thnx for the review :-) i agree readibility is important\n<ericsnow> anastasiamac: glad to help :)\n<fwereade> waigani, talk to jw4 re sequence documents\n<anastasiamac> ericsnow: i also agree to not changing code unrelated to my patch...\n * fwereade really should sleep now\n<waigani> fwereade: sorted it, thanks\n<ericsnow> anastasiamac: no worries, sometimes it's okay to slip a few little things like that in\n<fwereade> anastasiamac, ericsnow: it's a hard balance, but I will not complain about driveby readability fixes that don't change behaviour\n<ericsnow> fwereade: +1\n<fwereade> anastasiamac, ericsnow: and if you spot such things, and separate them out into separate PRs, I will be positively delighted\n<anastasiamac> fwereade: thnx :-) will aim to delight u positively :-)\n<fwereade> anastasiamac, ericsnow: because apart from anything else, separating them out makes it possible to do them that little bit better\n<jw4> fwereade: (waigani) fwiw, we're using sequence() far less widespread than I thought, and I think we can fold it into the same transaction that we use it in (need to verify though)\n<fwereade> jw4, waigani: my main concern there is that sequence() output ends up user-visible\n<jw4> fwereade: I see.  If it's within the same transaction that seems acceptable\n<fwereade> jw4, waigani: and if we're returning values that depend on sequence() result -- ie \"what unit we just created\" -- we don't want to unnecessarily burn sequence numbers\n<fwereade> jw4, waigani: actually, dammit, it is more complex\n<fwereade> waigani, you said it was sorted? expand super-quickly please?\n<fwereade> jw4, the issue there is\n<fwereade> jw4, that if we return \"someservice/123\" from a sequence() call outside a txn\n<fwereade> jw4, we can be sure we really did create someservice/123\n<fwereade> jw4, if we're doing a sequence call inside a txn\n<fwereade> jw4, we either lose visibility on what we actually created\n<fwereade> jw4, or we end up adding an effective txn-revno assert on the sequence doc\n<fwereade> jw4, thus screwing parallelisability\n<fwereade> jw4, am I making sense?\n<jw4> fwereade: yes...\n<jw4> fwereade: but...\n<wallyworld> perrito666: did you get the msg i just posted? my connection may have dropped?\n<jw4> fwereade: I'm thinking we might be able to guess at the next sequence number, set the id's for both the sequence and the usage of it in a multi-try txn loop, and then assert in the transaction that the number is what we predicted\n<fwereade> jw4, so we can probably guess pretty well, that's not the issue\n<jw4> if the assert doesn't pass it fails the txn loop just like any other contention\n<jw4> no, I mean guess *before* we use it\n<fwereade> jw4, the issue is that the *existence* of the assert enforces txn serialization\n<fwereade> jw4, thus preventing parallel uses of the same sequence doc\n<jw4> fwereade: hmm - since all our multi doc transactions are two phase commit's that's what would happen anyway right?\n<fwereade> jw4, well, that's the advantage of assigning sequence numbers outside the txn\n<fwereade> jw4, there may well be\n<jw4> fwereade: if we want to ensure ordered sequence numbers we give up parallelism (or is it concurrency? i forget)\n<fwereade> jw4, -- in the add-unit case, there certainly are --\n<fwereade> jw4, other considerations that prevent concurrent db ops\n<jw4> fwereade: brb - keep going\n<perrito666> wallyworld: I did not\n<fwereade> jw4, but in the general case we need to choose between knowing what sequence number we picked, and allowing parallel ops against the same sequence\n<wallyworld> <wallyworld_> perrito666: hi, bug 1320543\n<wallyworld> <wallyworld_> did you mean to assign that to yourself?\n<wallyworld> <wallyworld_> anastasia is working on it already, but it hadn't been assigned to her (sorry)\n<mup> Bug #1320543: debug-log uses internal names for filtering <debug-log> <usability> <juju-core:Triaged by anastasia-macmood> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1320543>\n<perrito666> wallyworld: I did but did not yet work on it so be my guest re-assigning it\n<wallyworld> already done :-)\n<fwereade> jw4, wait, actually, I'm net even sure it's a choice\n<perrito666> I just started reading code and was suddenly redirected to fix one of my PRs\n<anastasiamac> wallyworld: thnx :-)\n<fwereade> jw4, atucally that's an overstatement\n<fwereade> jw4, so\n<fwereade> jw4, picking the sequence inside the txn *requires* that we sacrifice parallelism, because we have to be able to assert the state of the sequence doc\n<fwereade> jw4, in some situations that's acceptable\n<fwereade> jw4, ie actions, I think, but push back if you're not 100% convinced\n<fwereade> jw4, it's *coincidentally* acceptable even in the add-unit case\n<fwereade> jw4, because the write to the service doc serialises the txns anyway\n<fwereade> jw4, and unless we get *really* clever that's unavoidable, because refcount\n<fwereade> jw4, even if it's not on the service doc\n<fwereade> jw4, I think I need a refresher on where we're using sequence() :)\n<jw4> fwereade: good news\n<jw4> fwereade: not very many places\n<fwereade> jw4, brb myself, keep talking yourself :)\n<jw4> fwereade: grep -r 'sequence(' yields 3 usages : relations, actions, machines\n<jw4> fwereade: now, maybe other collections are using the same mechanism not with the state/sequence.go helper func\n<jw4> need to dig on that one\n * jw4 is juggling bread in the oven - brb\n<jw4> (figuratively)\n#juju-dev 2014-10-31\n<wallyworld> axw: hiya, i'd love a second lgtm on http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/302 if possible\n<fwereade> jw4, what was the last thing you saw me say?\n<fwereade> jw4, last thing I saw you say was (figuratively)\n<wallyworld> perrito666: ping\n<wallyworld> bug 1384001 was marked as Fix Committed in juju core, except it's not. It's only fix committed in core when the dependencies file is updated\n<mup> Bug #1384001: Juju doesn't retry hard enough when destroying MAAS environments <cloud-installer> <destroy-environment> <maas-provider> <Go MAAS API Library:Fix Committed by rvb> <juju-core:In Progress by wallyworld> <MAAS:Fix Committed by rvb> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1384001>\n<jw4> fwereade: I wandered off when your autocomplete quit working\n<jw4> fwereade: :)\n<jw4> fwereade: I guess I don't see any way around serializing sequence() if we want to ensure ordered sequence numbers\n<jw4> fwiw, I found that the unit sequence number is using a similar but less stringent mechanism using 'unitseq' right on the service doc\n<wallyworld> perrito666: ignore me\n<wallyworld> my godeps failed\n<wallyworld> sorry\n * jw4 eod-ish\n<axw> wallyworld: will take a look in a sec\n<wallyworld> np, ty\n<cmars> of all the api client tests, which one is a good example of how to mock test an api client? I don't want to follow the wrong example.\n<perrito666> wallyworld: I just came back from dinner, I am pretty sure I committed that and juju bot thinks likewise\n<wallyworld> perrito666: yeah, forget i even mentioned it, my master was out of date and godeps didn;t work, so toally my mstake\n<perrito666> that is why you changed the state of the bug I assume :)\n<perrito666> ok then, going to sleep, see you all tomorrow\n<wallyworld> perrito666: see ya. i did change the bug back to waht it shold be\n<wallyworld> cmars: sadly, in juju/api/client, I am not aware of a test suite which doesn't run up the full stack. it's todo to not do that, but i don't thinks it's been done yet anywhere :-(\n<waigani> menn0: wired up the step: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/310/\n<menn0> waigani: will take a look shortly\n<menn0> waigani: np\n<menn0> wallyworld: here's part of the upgrade steps rework: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/311/\n<menn0> part 2 even\n<wallyworld> menn0: ok, ta. just about to go to lunch, will look when i get back\n<menn0> wallyworld: np\n<menn0> waigani: change looks good\n<waigani> menn0: thanks\n<wallyworld> menn0: one query in the review\n<menn0> wallyworld: looking\n<menn0> wallyworld: just responded\n<wallyworld> looking\n<wallyworld> menn0: maybe make it so that if Tag != \"\", then run steps for fromVersion? But if we are already fully on fromVersion, seems unnecessary to run steps again?\n<menn0> wallyworld: that's how it works already I believe\n<wallyworld> hmmm, ok. if thats how it works now, then we shouldn't change the behaviour in this branch perhaps. but seems wrong\n<menn0> wallyworld: this branch changes the behaviour in terms of the target version\n<menn0> wallyworld: those 2 extra tests just confirm already existing behaviour\n<menn0> wallyworld: it makes sense because 1.21-alpha/beta < 1.21\n<wallyworld> yeah, that appears true. i was just surpised to see it running steps unnecessarily\n<wallyworld> yes when Tag != \"\", run the steps\n<menn0> wallyworld: so if you're upgrading past 1.21 the steps for 1.21 should get run\n<wallyworld> yes, but not if you're upgrading from 1.21\n<menn0> wallyworld: I wouldn't say it's running steps unnecessarily. more steps may have been added between alpha/beta and final.\n<wallyworld> yes, and in those cases, Tag != \"\"\n<wallyworld> and we don't support upgrading from dev versions\n<wallyworld> but anyway, if it's existing behaviour, no need to hld up this branch\n<menn0> wallyworld: ok\n<wallyworld> just surprised me is all\n<wallyworld> ie i don't agree with it :-)\n<menn0> wallyworld: I think the behaviour is ok but whatever :)\n<menn0> wallyworld: I'll make that test change you suggested and re-push\n<wallyworld> well, so long as the steps are idempotent, it diesn't matter\n<wallyworld> but there's a cost to running unnecessary steps\n<wallyworld> just added a ship it, thanks for extra 1.22 change\n<menn0> wallyworld: the problem is I guess, that we don't know which steps were run when coming from a alpha/beta release\n<wallyworld> yes, but we don't officially support upgrading from alpha/beta\n<menn0> wallyworld: I'm not adding 1.22 to the test data btw. I just changed the releases to be 1.20-alpha/beta to 1.21 to take advantage of what's already there.\n<wallyworld> yep, +1\n<menn0> wallyworld: thanks. will merge now.\n<wallyworld> thanks for fixing\n<menn0> wallyworld: FYI fwereade has asked me to look at the relation scope issue for subordinate relations\n<menn0> wallyworld: where they should be scoped to the machine, not the principal service\n<menn0> wallyworld: apparently it's affecting Landscaope\n<menn0> Landscape\n<menn0> wallyworld: ring any bells?\n<wallyworld> menn0: vaguely\n<wallyworld> menn0: as yes\n<wallyworld> they want to add a single global chamr on a machine\n<menn0> wallyworld: he asked me check with you regarding the priority of this\n<menn0> wallyworld: that's the one\n<wallyworld> menn0: if you ask landscape, very high\n<wallyworld> we did rule it out of cope this cycle\n<wallyworld> but\n<wallyworld> if you had bandwidth to fix, that would be amazeballs. but it will be big\n<menn0> wallyworld: he's asked me to look because i've just been in that code to do the env UUID upgrade\n<wallyworld> and not just landscape want it, wil be very useful\n<wallyworld> ok, can you then see if you can spec out what the changes will be, so it can be estimated and scoped?\n<menn0> I don't strictly have the cycles. thumper wants me focused on the multi-environment work\n<wallyworld> ok\n<wallyworld> in that case, leave it, as we already told them it would not be in scope this cycle\n<menn0> i'll do the initial thinking and scoping and see how it looks\n<wallyworld> ok, ta, anything would be good as ti will be more than we have now\n<jog> good afternoon wallyworld, FYI bug 1364410 has become consistently reproducible again in Juju CI\n<mup> Bug #1364410: API server fails to start with \"address already in use\" in MachineSuite tests <ci> <intermittent-failure> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1364410>\n<wallyworld> hi\n<wallyworld> i wasn't aware of that bug, thanks for letting us know\n<wallyworld> jog: sadly, looking at the bug report, if it is the issue i think it is, it will not be easy to fix\n<jog> it was a blocking CI regression bug in early September but sinzui demoted it after it became intermittent and we were able to get a blessed build revision\n<wallyworld> any fix will likely be a lot of work from what i now remember after reading the bug, as it changes the way tests are set up\n<wallyworld> so i'm not sure off hand how timely a fix can be\n<wallyworld> i'll take a look, just got to finish some wip\n<jog> wallyworld, ok currently the last 10 ppc64el unit test runs have failed\n<wallyworld> i thought ppc64el was non voting?\n<jog> it was non-voting for awhile but once the compiler test was worked around/disabled we set it back to voting\n<wallyworld> maybe not\n<wallyworld>  ah ok\n<wallyworld> i guess a call needs to be made if we want to ship alpha3 this week\n<jog> maybe this test needs to be disabled as well, so we can at least gain coverage from the rest? Depending on how risky this issue is to users?\n<jog> if a fix is not coming soon, disabling the entire suite is not ideal\n<jog> i.e. disable == make it non-voting\n<wallyworld> if it's only on ppc64el, maybe we can skip to get alpha3 out, and then unskip once that happens\n<jog> wallyworld, unit tests are passing for other arches but there are a number of other non-unit test failures preventing a blessed revision\n<wallyworld> jog: just local upgrades though i think?\n<wallyworld> and a fix is currently going through CI now\n<jog> I also see a  functional-ha-backup-restore and  kvm-upgrade-trusty-amd64 failure... I'll go see if I can find out why\n<wallyworld> ok, ta\n<wallyworld> axw: a small one http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/313\n<wallyworld> ty :-)\n<axw> wallyworld: done\n<wallyworld> ty\n<wallyworld> jog: i think i know why local upgrade tests are failing\n<wallyworld> juju --show-log set-env -e local-upgrade-trusty-amd64 tools-metadata-url=\n<wallyworld> tools-metadata-url is deprecated, replaced by agent-metadata-url\n<wallyworld> config will be migrated on start up, but old attr name is not valid in set-env\n<wallyworld> so test script needs to be tweaked\n<jog> wallyworld, hmm... I thought we could not depreciate something like that and would need to support both  tools-metadata-url and agent-metadata-url until the major version changes?\n<wallyworld> we do support both\n<wallyworld> in config\n<wallyworld> the approach is to print a warning when deploying an environment, and copy across the value for people\n<wallyworld> thus if you have an environments.yaml with the old attr, it will be migrated\n<wallyworld> when you deploy your environment\n<wallyworld> we've not supported set-env in that way before\n<jog> I see... you said that above... so it's just set-env you think we need to update in the test scripts\n<wallyworld> not sure if that's something (set-env) we need to do or not\n<wallyworld> just set-env yes\n<wallyworld> for end customers, tools-metadata-url is only ever read only\n<wallyworld> they could update it, but there's no reason to\n<wallyworld> if stakeholder strongly feel we need to add deprecated handling to set-env, we could do that\n<wallyworld> it just hasn't come up before as an issue\n<jog> I could see it being an issue if enterprise user scripts break. CI certainly has scripting that's setting tools-metadata-url\n<jog> those same scripts are used for <1.21, so we'll need to add some checking\n<axw> wallyworld: I'm going to take a look at #1387421, then I'll look at the scp bugs\n<mup> Bug #1387421: cmd/juju: add help on placement directives (zones, maas host name) <cmdline> <docs> <juju-core:Triaged by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1387421>\n<wallyworld> ok. i'd be surprised in any enterprise user set tools-metadata-url after bootstrapping. but other depecated attrs, maybe they do\n<wallyworld> axw: ok, sounds good. i'm about to look into the critical blocker to see if there's any palatable fix\n<axw> okey dokey\n<wallyworld> jog: if i'm not around later past my EOD, could you ask curtis about his opinion on the set-env handling of deprecated attributes. it's not something we've supported in the past but if we need to we can add it\n<jog> wallyworld, I think he's out Friday\n<wallyworld> ok, we can talk next week\n<wallyworld> maybe if i get time i can look to add it\n<jog> If I had to bet though, risk of breaking external customers in the same way this breaks CI will make it an issue :-/\n<wallyworld> except that external customers will not set tools-metadata-url\n<wallyworld> but yeah, for other maybe; i'd have to check to see what ones have been deprecated\n<jog> I know we're doing things a bit different, so maybe I'm wrong\n<wallyworld> for customers tools-metadata-url is static\n<wallyworld> set once in yaml\n<wallyworld> main use is for private clouds, and those are i think almost always openstack, and suck customers would use keystronr catalog instead i would think\n<wallyworld> jog: i'm looking at http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/run-unit-tests-trusty-ppc64el/ as linked in the bg - i can't see test runs with evidence of that same bug\n<wallyworld> i've looked at a few console logs, there's failures, but they are openstack reated\n<wallyworld> or upgrade related\n<wallyworld> not related to the api server port issue\n<jog> wallyworld, I could have mis-diagnosed it as the same... I initially opened bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1387936 and it has a log with the failure we're seeing\n<mup> Bug #1387936: Unit tests on ppc64el trusty failing with streams resources not found <ci> <ppc64el> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1387936>\n<wallyworld> jog: there errors look like the control hooks aren't running, which is indicative of a compiler issue\n<wallyworld> jog: that bug you just pasted isn't a bug\n<wallyworld> juju will look for simplstream data in several places, and with debug on, it logs the places it tries but is unsuccessful\n<wallyworld> this helps developers diagnose issues if people complain their system won't bootstrap\n<wallyworld> the compiler issue i mention above in the past has been a gccgo vs golang go issue\n<wallyworld> they handle stack frames differently\n<wallyworld> so some low level stuff fails on gccgo\n<wallyworld> jog: on the basis of the above, it would be great if we could unblock landings from bug 1364410\n<mup> Bug #1364410: API server fails to start with \"address already in use\" in MachineSuite tests <ci> <intermittent-failure> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1364410>\n<jog> ok... I thought all the compiler issues had been worked around. mgz would working with various people on that... I can drop the severity to high for now.\n<wallyworld> jog: i have no answer for why the hooks aren't being run - in the past it's been a compiler issue\n<jog> ok, it's set back to high\n<wallyworld> ty :-)\n<wallyworld> jog: i'll start the work to handle deprecated settings in set-env, so when it lands you can keep the CI scripts unchanged\n<jog> wallyworld, that would be awesome and less risky, in case of possible customer scripting... It's 11pm here I'm about to turn in, anything else before I go?\n<wallyworld> jog: nah, thanks for your help\n<jog> thanks to you as well\n<jog> FYI, I moved the functional-ha-backup-restore test from HP to AWS and it passed, so possibly HP cloud flakiness\n<jog> wallyworld, would you please comment in bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1387936 with your suspicions about the compiler?\n<mup> Bug #1387936: Unit tests on ppc64el trusty failing <ci> <ppc64el> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1387936>\n<hazmat> finally re azure.. instance level public ips.. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/azure/dn690118.aspx\n<hazmat> axw, fwiw re storage, gce just added its first local disk availability .. not by itype.. by api allocation at creation (81usd per month per dev) https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/local-ssd\n<axw> hazmat: 81 USD???\n<axw> sounds like a lot\n<axw> so they never had ephemeral storage before?\n<hazmat> axw, no\n<hazmat> axw, they always did net-storage afaics, they don't have sizing options (its per gb on local ssd) and color of black (model t ref) is 375gb\n<axw> so I see. reasonably hefty\n<mattyw> morning all\n<TheMue> morning\n<mattyw> TheMue, morning\n<voidspace> TheMue: dimitern: ok if I'm late to standup by ten minutes?\n<dimitern> voidspace, np\n<voidspace> thanks\n<voidspace> dimitern: TheMue: omw\n<hazmat> davecheney, ping\n<voidspace> gsamfira: hey\n<davecheney> hazmat: ack\n<voidspace> gsamfira: dimitern asked if reboot deals with debug-hooks in the same way it does juju-run?\n<mattyw> is fwereade around today or off still?\n<fwereade> mattyw, I'm here\n<fwereade> mattyw, what can I do for you?\n<perrito666> morning all\n<wallyworld___> axw: thanks for scp fixes\n<wallyworld___> fwereade: since you are ocr, can i pretty please get a review on a critical bug fix for alpha3 http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/317/ ?\n<axw> wallyworld___: nps\n<fwereade> wallyworld___, just toasting a sandwich, on it in 5\n<wallyworld___> sure, thanks\n<fwereade> wallyworld___, LGTM, maybe one test tweak\n<wallyworld___> fwereade: ty\n<perrito666> man in this coutry its easier to get uranium that a port replicator for my lenovo model\n<natefinch> perrito666: sorry, we'll have to move our 1:1, I have to go catch an escaped chicken\n<perrito666> natefinch: np\n<perrito666> best reason ever, btw\n<natefinch> I live to amuse.\n<perrito666> natefinch: nah, no pics nor vids of you chasing a chicken, thats not fun\n<natefinch> perrito666: closest I can come (my daughter, not me): https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10303745_10152646984367028_7439232690755188047_n.jpg?oh=4e262e18b2e2723819b2bb8e2b250b53&oe=54E3659E&__gda__=1423914888_2c43b0a7691dfd8982b5deb1773a1595\n<perrito666> is that the runnaway chicken?\n<natefinch> nah, just one she picked up a while back.\n<natefinch> I have surprisingly few pictures of the chickens :)\n<perrito666> natefinch: she smiles too much I dont think she knows what will happen to that chicken in the future\n<natefinch> perrito666: we are actually due for a \"harvest\" in a week or so\n<wwitzel3> yum\n<perrito666> a good things about chicken is that they loose the cute factor when they are ready to eat\n<natefinch> Yeah, the only hard part is the initial act of going from chicken the bird to chicken the meat.  Really, once the feathers are off, they're not so much different than what you see in the grocery store.\n<natefinch> perrito666: moonstone?\n<perrito666> well once you tags.Strip(\"<head>\") they kind of no longer look like chickens anyway\n<natefinch> haha yeah\n<alexisb> natefinch, does your team have time to take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1388073\n<mup> Bug #1388073: set-env no longer accepts empty values <ci> <compatibility> <regression> <set-env> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1388073>\n<alexisb> we need to get that resolved asap\n<natefinch> alexisb: ok\n<alexisb> thanks\n<tasdomas> natefinch, alexisb - I'm fixing #1388073\n<mup> Bug #1388073: set-env no longer accepts empty values <ci> <compatibility> <regression> <set-env> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1388073>\n<alexisb> tasdomas, thanks!\n<mgz> tasdomas: okay, I want to yell at you\n<mgz> why cd17b6f3\n<tasdomas> mgz, because we had that same piece of code pasted over 4 different places?\n<mgz> you wrote it wrong again!\n<mgz> straight up regresses bug 1379208\n<mup> Bug #1379208: TestAddMetrics fails on gccgo <ci> <gccgo> <regression> <test-failure> <juju-core:Fix Released by gz> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1379208>\n<perrito666> Hey I keep having power outages, running to greener pastures now\n<mgz> tasdomas: see bug 1387936\n<mup> Bug #1387936: Unit tests on ppc64el trusty failing <ci> <ppc64el> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1387936>\n<mgz> has link to one of the test runs\n<alexisb> mgz, in comment #3 of that bug, (2) Is Ian's change for a critical bug fix or is it something we can revert?\n<mgz> alexisb: I'm still trying to tease out if it's an accidental merge issue or an intended change, there are like 70 files touched, which makes a straight revert annoying\n<mgz> I'll add more details in a second\n<alexisb> mgz, ack, let core know how we can help\n<voidspace> yay, back online\n<voidspace> not sure if it's permanent or temporary\n<alexisb> and thanks mgz for triaging!\n<voidspace> they're still futzing with the line\n<alexisb> voidspace, are you one of those that gets nervous when they are disconnected\n<voidspace> alexisb: might have been the most productive hour of the day ;-)\n<voidspace> alexisb: although I compulsively click things when I'm thinking\n<alexisb> lol\n<voidspace> alexisb: and it's distracting when the clicks do nothing...\n<katco> fwereade: ping\n<fwereade> katco, pong\n<katco> fwereade: what i think is a reasonable draft of that spec is up\n<fwereade> katco, lovely, thanks\n<katco> fwereade: wallyworld didn't see anything too egregious, so i think we're ready for your +1\n<katco> fwereade: (or not as the case may be) :)\n<fwereade> katco, brilliant, I *might* get to it tonight but I'm afraid I'm off to a halloween thing at laura's school imminently\n<katco> fwereade: how dare you care about your family!\n<fwereade> katco, ;p\n<katco> fwereade: totally understand :) have fun and HAPPY HALLOWEEN! :D\n<fwereade> katco, laura is dressed as a dinosaur :)\n<katco> fwereade: oh dear. pictures!!\n<katco> fwereade: mine is a ladybug :)\n<fwereade> aww :)\n<katco> alexisb: is yours going as a tractor or something similar? :)\n<alexisb> katco, he is going as a lion as he loves the \"roar\"\n<katco> alexisb: aw :)\n<natefinch> katco: have you seen the ladtbug girl books?\n<katco> natefinch: i have not! link please!!\n<natefinch> http://www.ladybuggirl.com/\n<katco> natefinch: ok you are DIRECTLY responsible for me not being productive for the next bit of time.\n<natefinch> katco: great art and good morals and strong girl lead\n<katco> natefinch: love it\n<natefinch> katco: yep :)\n<natefinch> katco: Lily, our eldest: https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/p526x296/10624919_10152847646912028_8733903205136776490_n.jpg?oh=1ba16b1062ac2694854a3a2c57886f6a&oe=54E5B3A7&__gda__=1423915697_a6cde75ffa599528b4531dab195d58d5\n<katco> natefinch: oh my she is DARLING!\n<katco> is that... a donut on a rope? haha\n<natefinch> haha.. halloween tradition, like bobbing for apples, but more sanitary\n<katco> lol\n<natefinch> our younger daughter, Zoë: https://scontent-a-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10538654_10152847638537028_3233943882042977754_n.jpg?oh=8f5b74c34d729c2175c4a99e3895f8d7&oe=54EB41C1\n<katco> natefinch: that smile is infectious :D\n<natefinch> the giggles even more so :)\n<katco> you have some cute ladies :D\n<natefinch> katco: thanks :)\n<alexisb> natefinch, love the picture of Zoe!\n<alexisb> Lily is also very cute, but Zoe's smile is awesome\n<tasdomas> natefinch, mgz, http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/320/ - should fix part of 1387936 and 1388073\n<mgz> tasdomas: thanks!\n * perrito666 is back\n<alexisb> mgz, so is the last blocking the commit from Ian?\n<mgz> alexisb: I'm still not sure where it started breaking\n<mgz> ideally someone in the US can follow up and track down the point - it's confused by one of the failures being a variable segfault when running the tests\n<alexisb> natefinch, I know you have tasks today, perrito666, katco, ericsnow, tasdomas, cmars ^^ can any of you help out\n<alexisb> we need to get 1.21 released so this is top priority\n<alexisb> fwereade, ^^\n<ericsnow> alexisb: I'll take a look but no one should let that stop them from looking too :)\n<mgz> ericsnow: basically, test with -compiler gccgo in provider/openstack is fubar\n<mgz> I'm not sure exactly which change regressed, it's very messy\n<ericsnow> mgz: that means I would need to set things up to test against an openstack provider?\n<mgz> ericsnow: nope just the unit tests\n<mgz> go test -compiler gccgo\n<ericsnow> mgz: k\n<tasdomas> could somebody take another look at http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/320/ ?\n<jrwren_> natefinch: <3 ladybug girl. I read all of those to my duahgter.\n<ericsnow> mgz: so should I expect \"go test -compiler gccgo\" to have failed? (it didn't)\n<mgz> it fails in provider/openstack for me\n<perrito666> well ubuntu upgrade plus power issues let my machine in a not so nice shape\n<ericsnow> mgz: I just did an \"apt-get install gccgo\" before running it (didn't have gccgo installed yet)\n<natefinch> jrwren_: Yeah, we got one as a gift, loved it, and have been getting all the rest of them.\n<perrito666> mgz: go test -compiler gccgo for provider/openstack or all of it?\n<ericsnow> mgz: never mind (was in the state directory)\n<mgz> perrito666: provider/openstack is the interesting bit\n<mgz> ericsnow: you have the failures/segfault now?\n<ericsnow> mgz: running\n * perrito666 runs all of provider just in case\n<natefinch> ls\n<natefinch> heh\n<voidspace> agent      cloudinit             dependencies.tsv   etc       mongo       rpc      upgrades\n<natefinch> holy shit it worked\n<voidspace> :-)\n<ericsnow> mgz: aborted (\"munmap of stack space failed: errno 22\") in apiserver\n<perrito666> mgz: ok  \tgithub.com/juju/juju/provider/openstack\t51.623s\n<perrito666> master\n<perrito666> go test -compiler gccgo github.com/juju/juju/provider/...\n<ericsnow> mgz: (still running)\n<natefinch> on master I can't even get the test to compile in that directory\n<natefinch> /tmp/go-build382239753/github.com/juju/juju/provider/openstack/_test/_testmain.go:52:15: error: reference to undefined identifier ‘testing.MainStart’\n<natefinch>   m := testing.MainStart(matchString, tests, benchmarks, examples)\n<natefinch>                ^\n<natefinch> FAIL\tgithub.com/juju/juju/provider/openstack [build failed]\n<natefinch> hm... I wonder if I screwed myself by upgrading to go 1.4 yesterday\n<mgz> hm...\n<perrito666> mgz: I seem to be immune to these issues\n<natefinch> ahh, I think I know what it is... the new go tool running with the old gccgo ... funny\n<mgz> perrito666: gccgo version?\n<perrito666> gccgo (Ubuntu 4.9.1-16ubuntu6) 4.9.1\n<perrito666> ubuntu 14.10\n<ericsnow> mgz: segfault in github.com/juju/juju/environs/simplestreams and in github.com/juju/juju/provider/openstack\n<ericsnow> mgz: also, github.com/juju/juju/worker/uniter/jujuc failed\n<ericsnow> mgz: so more than just provider/openstack failed for me\n<mgz> the jujuc one tasdomas has branch up fixing\n<mgz> I think simplestreams/openstack is the same regression, but I have been failing to get it to pass by reverting the changes I think may be to blame\n<natefinch> I need one of these: http://goo.gl/OPhW6a\n<mgz> eheeh\n<ericsnow> mgz: the segfaults looked similar\n<ericsnow> mgz: \"panic during panic\"\n<mgz> ericsnow: you sometimes get other panics as well :)\n<natefinch> yay for gccgo\n<ericsnow> mgz: for the 2 segfaults: \"/home/esnow/projects/go-workspace/src/github.com/juju/juju/environs/simplestreams/simplestreams_test.go:23\" and /home/esnow/projects/go-workspace/src/github.com/juju/juju/provider/openstack/provider_test.go:29\n<tasdomas> mgz, ericsnow, natefinch - landing my fix\n<ericsnow> mgz: for both a separate goroutine was sitting at the same spot in provider/dummy/environs.go, in case that matters\n<natefinch> tasdomas: awesome, thanks for getting that in, I know it's late on friday for you\n<ericsnow> natefinch, tasdomas: +1\n<tasdomas> natefinch, it was my f-up to begin with\n<perrito666> mgz: can I give you any more info?\n<mgz> perrito666: paste me a clean run with -v?\n<perrito666> natefinch: no you dont\n<voidspace> wwitzel3: you need a review on 318\n<voidspace> wwitzel3: juju-run\n<natefinch> perrito666: haha\n<perrito666> I mean, really why would they print that, its not even a dynamic link\n<ericsnow> mgz: which issue are we looking at?\n<mgz> ericsnow: the segfaults\n<perrito666> mgz: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8763738/\n<perrito666> mgz: hardly informative\n<ericsnow> mgz: I mean the launchpad issue\n<mgz> ericsnow: so, what I *tried* to do was back to a known good change to narrow down what the cause was\n<ericsnow> mgz: yeah, which would that be?\n<mgz> but I have been failing to get a clean run, even though the test on jenkins was blue as of 29th rev f2292c20\n<mgz> I suspect it's either Ian's giant re-landing pr #988 or the later pr #996 but that seems to not be right?\n<ericsnow> mgz: same here (metrics-related compile failure)\n<ericsnow> mgz: at f2292c20\n<mgz> ericsnow: run godeps there?\n<ericsnow> mgz: that's better (running now)\n<ericsnow> mgz: same panic at f2292c20\n<mgz> yeah... hence my general confusion\n<wwitzel3> voidspace: please :)\n<perrito666> clearly its an issue with our toolchain versions\n<ericsnow> mgz: I get all sorts of failures (not panics) in the provider/openstack tests at ae4d5862a42c443e15f3fe49c2322010fecc83b3\n<mgz> ericsnow: run multiple times as well, the results are not consistent on the same version\n * ericsnow tries at a1a74d5ff07a30942c48b75ccd2fb1bbf8dad59a (where sinzui merged in from his alpha3 branch)\n<ericsnow> mgz: ah, okay\n<voidspace> wwitzel3: hmmm... my EOD now\n<voidspace> dammit\n<voidspace> wwitzel3: it looks pretty straightforward though\n<ericsnow> mgz: same results  (74 passed, 2 skipped, 5 FAILED, 1 PANICKED) at a1a74d5ff07a30942c48b75ccd2fb1bbf8dad59a\n<voidspace> wwitzel3: providing new flags and using those in NewRunContext to find the right context\n<voidspace> wwitzel3: there's at least one place returning a bare err that should maybe be errors.Trace(err)\n<voidspace> wwitzel3: I'll go jogging and if I get back & showered before our guests arrive I'll try and get a review in\n<mgz> ericsnow: right so, I think that's just the panic varying, sometimes it hard aborts the test run, sometimes it's recovered and you see the failures\n<ericsnow> mgz: ah\n<ericsnow> mgz: I'll try it a few times in a row then\n<wwitzel3> voidspace: appreciate it, I'll double check all my error returns, and yep, that is a good summary of what is going on\n<tasdomas> mgz, natefinch, voidspace, ericsnow, my PR is in core now\n<ericsnow> mgz: yep, I get the full panic sometimes and the failed tests sometimes\n<natefinch> tasdomas: huzzah!  nice work\n<natefinch> tasdomas: now get out of here. No one should be working that late on a Friday :)\n<ericsnow> mgz: no panic at c9630181b910dd96ac32868142fd9512442b7629\n<mgz> ericsnow: thank you!\n<ericsnow> mgz: trying to narrow it down\n<mgz> yeqah, that's good for me too\n<mgz> wait... noly ran one test, what did I mess up\n<ericsnow> mgz: never mind, I still get intermittent panics at c9630181b910dd96ac32868142fd9512442b7629\n<mgz> yeah, that's what I just saw\n<mgz> so... my guess is intermittent panics with gccgo on amd64 was already a thing\n<mgz> but that still doesn't help me with which change made the ppc test job fail reliably\n<ericsnow> mgz: yep, I get the same panic back to July\n<alexisb> ericsnow, mgz you not hitting known gccgo issues are you?\n<voidspace> I've gotta go\n<voidspace> guests arriving\n<voidspace> happy weekend everyone\n<ericsnow> alexisb, mgz: perhaps...regardless, it looks like the panics are an orthogonal issue\n<natefinch> happy weekend all\n<perrito666> ericsnow: care to explain? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/298/#comment1932\n<ericsnow> perrito666: I'll respond there.\n<perrito666> tx\n<ericsnow> perrito666: done\n<perrito666> tx a lot\n * perrito666 keeps fixing\n<ericsnow> perrito666: sorry I haven't been able to review more or otherwise take a look at that review request\n<perrito666> ericsnow: np, I have my hands full, many of your comments have been useful either to fix things or to re-think why I wrote some things\n<perrito666> many of the things I didn't like where just reactions to the re-write in backups and therer\n<perrito666> fore not as nice as I would have liked at the moment\n<perrito666> ericsnow: ah I see what you mean, well I would have expected that pattern not to exist, but for the sake of consistency I will make it follow it\n<ericsnow> perrito666: thanks!\n<perrito666> man, it is specially hard to open files when your kb distribution has / only over the 7\n#juju-dev 2014-11-02\n<menn0> mwhudson, waigani: email standup again?\n<mwhudson> if you like\n<waigani> menn0: yep, writing mine now\n<mwhudson> you guys don't like talking as much as tim, hey? :)\n<waigani> hehe\n<menn0> mwhudson: that and, then thumper know what we've been up to while he's away\n<mwhudson> fair enough\n<waigani> menn0: strictLocalID branch not working out?\n<menn0> waigani: just not seeing the point\n<menn0> waigani: looking at it now\n<menn0> waigani: many of the uses of localID still need to be relaxed because they're in generic code that could see old or new style ids\n<menn0> waigani: so what we have now (localID and strictLocalID) might actually be fine\n<waigani> menn0: yeah, i thought that is what we concluded on Friday - but use strictLocalID unless you know you have to relax the check\n<menn0> waigani: yeah we were thinking that might be best\n<bodie_> I keep getting breakage in firewaller_test L139 TestGetMachinePorts ... mismatch at .Results[0].Ports[0].PortRange.FromPort: unequal; obtained 4321; expected 1234\n<bodie_> anyone else seeing this?\n<bodie_> maybe I just need to go get -u -v, let me see if that fixes it\n<menn0> bodie_: strange. works for me.\n<menn0> wallyworld: ping\n<wallyworld> hey\n<menn0> are you still looking at that blocker?\n<wallyworld> i fixed it last night, was hoping for a review from tim when  woke up, then only just realised he's away this week\n<wallyworld>  http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/321\n<wallyworld> if you want to look\n<menn0> looking now\n<wallyworld> ty\n<bodie_> there we go.  cleared up with a little more careful updating of tools\n<menn0> wallyworld: why is it important to not write metadata if it hasn't changed?\n<wallyworld> menn0: because it otherwise updates the \"updated\" attribute and caused issues with the scripts used to publish the metadata\n<menn0> wallyworld: got it. the reason for the change wasn't clear to me.\n<wallyworld> np, sorry\n<wallyworld> it came up in a conversation over the weekend\n<wallyworld> the bug didn't mention it\n<alexisb> wallyworld, ping\n<wallyworld> hey\n<alexisb> hey there wallyworld how goes it?\n<wallyworld> alright consider it's monday\n<alexisb> yay for monday!\n<wallyworld> or sunday evening for sime\n<wallyworld> some\n<alexisb> I sent mail regarding an lxc issue, looks like that may be a hot item (or going to get hot)\n<alexisb> I will find out more on monday\n<alexisb> but just giving you an heads up\n<wallyworld> sure, ok. if it's the one i'm thinking of, i asked dimiter about it lasy week, and he's doing a temporary fi\n<wallyworld> fix\n<wallyworld> there's a proper fix as part of the ongoing network stuff coming up\n<wallyworld> but right now it's all a bit broken\n<alexisb> yeah there seems to be 3 related bugs (outlined in the email) but I didnt go look at all of them in detail\n<wallyworld> it depends on individual machine network setups though as to whether it's broken or not\n<menn0> wallyworld: review done\n<wallyworld> i'll read the email in more detail and see what's up with it\n<wallyworld> thanks menn0\n<alexisb> thanks wallyworld\n<wallyworld> np. now go and enjoy the rest of your sunday\n<wallyworld> and hopefully we'll have a 1.21 alpha3 elease real soon now\n<bodie_> hm\n<bodie_> I'm trying to add some actions-related testing to charm but it looks like charm master breaks juju master\n<bodie_> so I'm not sure what to base it on -- the v4 branch appears to have the breaking change as well\n<bodie_> charm commit 190b3a5d removes charm/testing/repo/quantal/metered-custom, which is tested against in juju CharmTestHelperSuite.TestTestingCharm\n<bodie_> the charm revision listed in godeps is fine\n<menn0> waigani: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/322/\n<davecheney> dear lazy-irc, is the build blocked ?\n<menn0> davecheney: yep\n<davecheney> well shit\n<menn0> davecheney: i think Ian is about to merge the fix though\n<waigani> menn0: done\n<menn0> waigani: cheers\n<menn0> waigani: I like your suggestion. Changing now.\n<waigani_> menn0: ah great\n<menn0> waigani_: PTAL http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/322/\n<davecheney> https://github.com/juju/charm/issues/69\n<wallyworld> davecheney: one part of that bug was a map ordering issue, and has been fixed. the other failures are due to compiler issues as per the bug comments\n<davecheney> wallyworld: my mistake\n<davecheney> i missed those in the updates\n<wallyworld> davecheney: np, it's a long conversation\n<davecheney> wallyworld: be aware\n<davecheney> gccgo on ppc is completely fucked up\n<davecheney> we don't appear to be able to push the updated revision out properly\n<wallyworld> yeah?\n<wallyworld> :-(\n<davecheney> this issue is 8 months old now\n<davecheney> it's nearly a toddler\n<wallyworld> we need to escalate this then\n<davecheney> ok, not sure who to talk to about this\n<wallyworld> alexis\n<davecheney> i haven't been involved in this since vegas\n<wallyworld> give her the info and she can prod the right people\n<wallyworld> i think you are saying the issues have been fixed but we don't have the latest version in the archives?\n<davecheney> if only it were that simple\n<davecheney> wallyworld: forwarding you mail\n<wallyworld> ty\n<wallyworld> will send it on\n<bodie_> shall I open a PR against charm v4 so that it is no longer a breaking change but includes the misnamed testing repo, which tests in juju core were written against?\n<bodie_> https://github.com/juju/charm/pull/68\n<bodie_> or shall we migrate to charm v5, since I also have some changes I would like to make which deprecate some tested bits in charm v4\n<waigani> menn0: done, looks good\n<davecheney> wallyworld: ok, done\n<davecheney> importantly, all version of trusty, even 14.04.01 are known to be BROKEN\n<wallyworld> davecheney: thanks, i'l follow up\n<davecheney> you must enabled trusty-updates **BEFORE** installing juju\n<davecheney> otherwise -> FAIL\n<wallyworld> ouch\n<rick_h_> bodie_: what's up?\n<rick_h_> bodie_: I'd suggest working with roger and uros  on charm updates. The v4 is in the list for core deps. Not sure what 'breaking change' is?\n#juju-dev 2015-10-26\n<cherylj> wallyworld_: ping?\n<wallyworld_> hey\n<wallyworld_> wot you doing working on a sunday\n<cherylj> heh\n<cherylj> being concerned about lxc containers on wily\n<wallyworld_> which bits?\n<rick_h__> cherylj: how does that go?\n<mup> Bug #1509747 changed: Intermittent lxc failures on wily <bug-squad> <lxc> <wily> <juju-core:Invalid> <systemd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1509747>\n<mup> Bug #1509747 opened: Intermittent lxc failures on wily <bug-squad> <lxc> <wily> <juju-core:Invalid> <systemd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1509747>\n<mup> Bug #1509747 changed: Intermittent lxc failures on wily <bug-squad> <lxc> <wily> <juju-core:Invalid> <systemd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1509747>\n<wallyworld> axw: that the client might see tools the bootstrap agent can't see is the reason for the patch; the approach allows the client to be opinionated about what it asks for based on user input, but provides a safety net that the agent can reject that if the tools are not available server side. if the bootstrap agent were to use a flag to determne if newer tools were required, it would essentially be the same code as written now anyway\n<wallyworld> because the bootstrap agent would search for tools and set agent-version accordingly\n<axw> wallyworld: the agent says \"bootstrap, then upgrade to to the latest patch version\". \"latest patch version\" may means different things to the CLI and the bootstrap agent. why fail to upgrade to .1 just because .2 isn't there?\n<mup> Bug #1509353 changed: local provider service cannot be enabled after disabling <local-provider> <systemd> <juju-core:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1509353>\n<wallyworld> to match user expectation\n<wallyworld> if user can see latest version is .2, and server cn't, i think we'd rather log that\n<wallyworld> and allow user to upgrade as required after\n<wallyworld> i dislike the whole auto upgrade thing anyway\n<wallyworld> for 2.0, we should flip that\n<wallyworld> i guess it's a matter of opinion which way works best\n<axw> wallyworld: what's meant to happen is that it upgrades to the latest available patch version. we're changing the meaning of \"latest available\" from what the client sees to what the bootstrap agent sees\n<wallyworld> i can see both sides\n<axw> wallyworld: if we're doing away with it\n<axw> wallyworld: then fine, I can live with this\n<wallyworld> it won't be changed till 2.0, so if there's a real problem with the current approach, i'd need to change that now\n<axw> wallyworld: it's not a problem, I just don't agree with the approach. let's fix the actual problem first though - shipit\n<wallyworld> i think your view is good\n<wallyworld> i did oscillate between the 2 approaches\n<axw> wallyworld: my way means a lot more work for not a lot more gain\n<wallyworld> that was part of my thnkong\n<wallyworld> ok, i'll ship it, it does solve the immediate problem\n<davecheney> ... Panic: local error: bad record MAC (PC=0x414706)\n<davecheney> every\n<davecheney> god\n<davecheney> damn\n<davecheney> day\n<axw> wallyworld: just responded to your email on simplestreams. let me know ify ou think that's a reasonable limitation to live with, and I'll make it so\n<wallyworld> ok\n<wallyworld> looking\n<axw> wallyworld: I have coded the image ID parsing, but it would be good not to have to\n<axw> wallyworld: actually I could do something hackish with the stream, and exclude the SKUs with \"DAILY\" in the name if stream=release, use those ones only if stream=daily\n<wallyworld> axw: the structured metadata stuff does support streams\n<wallyworld> so we don't lose anything there\n<axw> wallyworld: azure doesn't have a concept of image streams\n<axw> wallyworld: (but I can fake it by parsing the SKU name)\n<wallyworld> i think that sound s ok\n<wallyworld> axw: so i think for option a), the suggestion is to modify azure's findImage() to not query juju's structured metadata collection, but query the provider apis instead?\n<axw> wallyworld: right\n<wallyworld> axw: my concern is that perhaps the cpc folks want to control the images use\n<axw> wallyworld: query it with a fixed publisher of \"Canonical\", and offering of \"UbuntuServer\" (something similar for Windows)\n<wallyworld> dvia simplestreams\n<wallyworld> or are we saying that they would do that via what they publish to azure\n<axw> wallyworld: pretty sure this information is based on images that are provided by CPC, but we'll see what Ben says\n<wallyworld> ok\n<axw> fwereade: I see you're looking at http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/2958/, can you please also take another look at http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/2935/ later?\n<rogpeppe> a small fix to make the recent changes to fslock.NewLock backwardly compatible: https://github.com/juju/utils/pull/166\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, dammit, I sort of see the backward compatibility concerns, but... (1) I really do not want to encourage people to use wall clocks and (2) anyone using a package without some sort of pinning is asking for trouble anyway\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: in a call\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, np\n<perrito666> wallyworld: anastasiamac axw brt\n<wallyworld> sure\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: we really should maintain backward compat when possible.\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: also, we *are* using version pinning but this bit us.\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, ok, I imagine you updated for something else and this was a surprise?\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: because pinning to the latest version of juju (which hasn't yet been updated to use latest utils changes) but we need a more recent change in another utils package\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: yes\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: i don't want to predicate moving our stuff forward on landing the change in juju-core\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, I must say I'd still prefer to go for a doc note saying \"if you must, you can use the NewClockWithGlobalTime func which uses the old interface\"?\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: also, having the default function use wall clock time seems reasonable to me - it's idiomatic and obvious\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, right, but it's also an implicit dependency on global time which has bitten us more times than I care to count\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, NewLockWithClock implies that explicit dependencies are the special case\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, and that's subtly corrosive imo\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: it's reasonable to make new functions that do this\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: but let's *please* preserve backward compatibility rather than introducing gratuitous breakage of old code\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: when reasonablew\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: particularly when in non-gopkg packages\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: juju-core is not the only consumer of the packages under github.com/juju\n<fwereade> rogpeppe,  right, but that's not gratuitous breakage; it's addressing a real problem, that implicit dependencies hamstring our ability to cleanly use and test code\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: you're going to have to change the code anyway\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: it's not a problem currently for third party packages currently\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: but you're making it one\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: doing a search for fslock.NewLock is easy to do\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, I definitely think it should be *easy* to change -- having a func with the old interface, and a pointer to same, seems reasonable\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: currently we *cannot* move forward with this backwardly incompatible change\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: please can we agree to fix it\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, so, is the problem that there is no func with the old signature; or that a global search-and--replace is an excessive burden?\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: the problem is that there is no func with the old signature\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: so there is no version of juju-core we can pin to that both provides us with the new functionality we need in utils and compiles\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, I would happily support the introduction of a func with that signature, but I can't make peace with the obvious default constructor being the one with implicit dependencies\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: please, for the sake of backward compatibilty. you can mark it as \"deprecated\" if you really want.\n<mgz_> because we have godeps, I'm fine with api breakage on stuff without versioning for sanity\n<mgz_> we're not breaking the ability to build old juju versions\n<mgz_> and the code wasn't actually around long enough for anyone else to use it\n<rogpeppe> mgz_: as it happens, this *is* breaking our ability to compile stuff\n<mgz_> rogpeppe: you have packages not using godeps? I thought all the stuff you had used it?\n<rogpeppe> mgz_: no, we use godeps\n<mgz_> so, it's fine, you pin at the older version till you update to use the new api\n<rogpeppe> mgz_: but we've landed a new feature in a utils package, but we can't use it because the latest version of utils is incompatible with all versions of juju-core\n<mgz_> sure, that's expected\n<rogpeppe> mgz_: so you're saying we can't move forward with our stuff until all the clock dependency stuff is implemented in juju-core?\n<mgz_> function of how go works and the fact we haven't put enough thought into the apis we share\n<rogpeppe> mgz_: there's an easy solution: preserve a compatible API\n<mgz_> rogpeppe: nope, but you can change to use a different constructor\n<rogpeppe> mgz_: which is trivial in this case\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, I agree we should have kept a convenience func around, but I don't think it's sensible to keep the API pinned to the first version we thought of\n<mgz_> that omits the clock\n<rogpeppe> mgz_: no, i can't\n<rogpeppe> mgz_: fwereade thinks there should be no such constructor\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, is introducing a new constructor not trivial in this case? it seems that's what the CL does\n<mgz_> he can be pursuaded\n<mgz_> provided it's not the default one\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, no, I said that a convenience constructor is fine; nbut that the NewLock name shoudl be reserved for the right way to use the package\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: the CL keeps the old constructor as is\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, yes, that is my problem with iit\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: it preserves backwards compatibility\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, with a bad API, yes\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: arguably yes, but backward compatibility trumps bad API in this case, i think\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: it's just a name\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, names are important\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: yes, i agree\n<mgz_> rogpeppe: make the change NewLock (has clock) and NewLockGlobalTime or wtv and it's fine\n<rogpeppe> mgz_: that's not possible for us\n<rogpeppe> mgz_: because we're not calling NewLock\n<rogpeppe> mgz_: it's juju-core that calls NewLock\n<mgz_> it is, you just change the name when you bump the dep\n<rogpeppe> mgz_: we can't\n<mgz_> meph, that is a little fun\n<rogpeppe> mgz_: because we're dependent on juju-core\n<rogpeppe> mgz_: juju-core needs to be changed to use the new function\n<rogpeppe> mgz_: but i suspect that's not trivial\n<mgz_> and you can't pin to the right juju-core version because you need something there?\n<rogpeppe> mgz_: there is no right juju-core version\n<mgz_> rogpeppe: which juju-core are you basing from?\n<mgz_> master?\n<rogpeppe> mgz_: latest master\n<mgz_> okay, so we can still fix this\n<mgz_> utils gains a constructor\n<mgz_> master of juju/juju picks that up and renames callers\n<mgz_> you then pin at that landed master version\n<rogpeppe> mgz_: i guess we could land a change in juju master to just globally substiture NewTimer to add clock.WallClock as an argument.\n<rogpeppe> mgz_: but that's avoiding the whole reason for doing this\n<mgz_> this is true.\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, mgz, at least it's moving the config one step out towards the edges, which is worthwhile in itself I think? small step but positive?\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: tbh i'm not entirely convinced by passing the clock as an argument to everything anyway, because isn't it really something that's fundamentally global?\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: i see an argument for being able to fake it\n<mgz_> I feel the monad rising up\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, it's really not -- it may be convenient in one situation, but the pain of depending on wall-clock time in tests is fricking devastating in aggregate\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: but i'm not sure about the capability to have several kinds of clock extant in the same program\n<fwereade> mgz_, lol\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, indeed: ideally, you'll have a single clock configured at the top level and delivered wherever it needs to go\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: isn't that just because it's not possible to fake time.Time in general?\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: if everyone used juju/clock instead (which provided a fakable time), wouldn't that be good enough?\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, well, (1), I do have use cases where it's good to know what happens when clocks diverge; and (2) if the clock can't be faked without poking into globals, it's not fakeable enough imo\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, I've ended up deciding that the urge to patch is basically always wrong -- it's just working around having made implicit a dependency that ought to be explicit\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, and that leads towards heavy constructors, which aren't necessarily so pretty\n<mgz_> well, the issue is more that time can mean several things and code doesn't have a good mechanism for saying what it actually cares about\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: for most things, i tend to agree, but clock does seem pretty global to me. although testing clock divergence is interesting.\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, but are still better than the alternative -- in which you have just as many dependencies but they're hidden, and waiting to trip up the unwary maintainer\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: i wish that the mechanism used by the Go playground was generally accessible\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, that'd mitigate, yes, but I'm on a pretty strong all-global-mutable-state-is-bad kick at the moment\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, maybe it'd even mitigate enough not to matter -- if I could create a complete sandboxed runtime I wouldn't be so worried about the globals inside it\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: in fact, you probably wouldn't want that, as it would preclude actual real timeouts in tests\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, ha, good point\n<fwereade> well\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: but the idea of a sandboxed runtime started for each test is an interesting one\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, yeah, so long as you had the watchdog timer outside it I think it cold work quite nicely\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: well, the watchdog timer *is* outside it\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, but you'd want access to that for the bits that really do involve timeouts\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, so, yeah, it's fiddly\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: can we land my change (to preserve backward compatibility) so that we can at least move forward without needing to update juju-core, until juju-core is at least ready to use the new API, at which point the names can be changed?\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: because we are not developing juju-core and really don't want our moving forward to be predicated on changes there\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: think of it like this: the API has been \"wrong\" for >2 years now. another week or so surely isn't too bad.\n<fwereade> dooferlad, do you have the bandwidth to follow up on that; and, rogpeppe, to absorb that change when it does come?\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: we don't have a problem with absorbing the change 'cos we're not actually using the fslock API\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: (only indirectly)\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: going for lunch now\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, ok, cool -- and dooferlad, does that work for you? I presume you had a actually-use-in-juju-core change coming up anyway?\n<dooferlad> fwereade: yes, once my changes land I will be happy to fix the integration with Juju core\n<fwereade> dooferlad, rogpeppe: awesome, ty both\n<dooferlad> fwereade, rogpeppe: I am in part stuck until http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/2908/ lands, which is related, so if wise heads could take a look that would be delightful. Once that lands in utils I can change the function sigs in juju-core to use an injected time and we will all be happy.\n<rogpeppe> dooferlad: tbh i don't really know why we're using file-creation-based locking anyway when we could use flock\n<rogpeppe> fwereade: are we planning on getting rid of the global logger instances too?\n<dooferlad> rogpeppe: we started with file based locking, but if a lock wasn't released before the process holding it went away we got in a pickle. This happend a lot when rebooting machines during tests. This is attempting to have a way of automatically breaking stale locks. Flock is linux only.\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, I would like to, yeah, but it's not so near the top of my list\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, they're yucky but not generally actively painful IME\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, or at least not so often\n<rogpeppe> dooferlad: i'm sure there's some equivalent on all the platforms we use\n<fwereade> rogpeppe, whereas implicit dependencies on wall-clock time are an ongoing thorn in our side\n<mup> Bug #1506666 changed: juju bootstrap fails in virtualbox <local-provider> <network> <virtualbox> <wily> <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1506666>\n<rogpeppe> dooferlad: unix has had flock or fcntl(F_SETLK) for a long time\n<rogpeppe> dooferlad: and windows locks files by default anyway when they're open\n<rogpeppe> dooferlad: it would certainly be more efficient to use the OS file lock primitives\n<dooferlad> rogpeppe: I don't know about the Windows side of things. I was trying to modify what we are already using to be more useful. I dislike using file locks, but that is what we currently have.\n<rogpeppe> dooferlad: yeah, sorry, it was just a random aside. i don't like it but that is indeed what we've got\n<dooferlad> rogpeppe: no problem. Sore topic.\n<mup> Bug #1506666 opened: juju bootstrap fails in virtualbox <local-provider> <network> <virtualbox> <wily> <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1506666>\n<mup> Bug #1506666 changed: juju bootstrap fails in virtualbox <local-provider> <network> <virtualbox> <wily> <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1506666>\n<mup> Bug #1506666 opened: juju bootstrap fails in virtualbox <local-provider> <network> <virtualbox> <wily> <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1506666>\n<mup> Bug #1506666 changed: juju bootstrap fails in virtualbox <local-provider> <network> <virtualbox> <wily> <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1506666>\n<katco`> wwitzel3: ericsnow: natefinch: standup?\n<natefinch> katco`: we're there\n * katco` mutters at computer\n<katco`> fwereade: ping\n<fwereade> katco, pong\n<cherylj> frobware: Can you make sure that someone picks up bug 1483879 as part of sapphire's bug squad work this iteration?\n<mup> Bug #1483879: MAAS provider: terminate-machine --force or destroy-environment don't DHCP release container IPs <bug-squad> <destroy-machine> <landscape> <maas-provider> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1483879>\n<katco> fwereade: can you hop in moonstone rq? https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/moonstone?authuser=1\n<frobware> cherylj, ack. I would like to sync up today if you have time.\n<cherylj> frobware: I'm free for the next hour\n<frobware> cherylj, OK can you jump on the following https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/juju-sapphire\n<cherylj> frobware: yes, let me find my headset.\n<cherylj> frobware: I'm there\n<rogpeppe> anyone know why we're using github.com/gabriel-samfira/sys rather than the repo it's cloned from (golang.org/x/sys) ?\n<ericsnow> rogpeppe: Go 1.2 compatibility\n<rogpeppe> ericsnow: oh, marvellous\n<ericsnow> rogpeppe: yep :(\n<rogpeppe> ericsnow: couldn't we at least make our own fork rather than copying some random guy's ?\n<ericsnow> rogpeppe: gsamfira isn't exactly a \"random guy\" (he's one of the cloudbase folks)\n<ericsnow> rogpeppe: but I doubt anyone would object to a fork under the juju org\n<rogpeppe> ericsnow: ok, i see\n<mup> Bug #1497301 changed: mongodb3  SASL authentication failure <ci> <mongodb> <regression> <unit-tests> <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1497301>\n<mup> Bug #1510129 opened: error: cannot re-bootstrap environment: cannot bootstrap new instance: Juju cannot bootstrap because no tools are available for your environment. <backup-restore> <ci> <intermittent-failure> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510129>\n<mup> Bug #1510132 opened: redefinition of ‘noMethods$MarshalYAML$hash’ <ci> <testing> <juju-core:New> <juju-core model-migration:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510132>\n<mup> Bug #1510133 opened: juju's ConnSuite should not start a UnitAssigner worker <tech-debt> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510133>\n<rogpeppe> mgz_: looks like release testing hasn't run on master for a week now. it's making me nervous, particularly with the big chicago-cubs push recently. any chance we could prioritise it?\n<rogpeppe> mgz_: also, should feature branches be deleted after they've been merged?\n<mgz_> rogpeppe: yeah, we've been futzing with priorities and trying to get 1.24/1.25 done last week meant master has been rather neglected\n<mgz_> feature branches can be deleted after merge, I've not bothered so far as github has good interface for showing what's in and what's not yet anyway\n<perrito666> bbl outside lunch\n<fwereade> tasdomas, have you run the meter-status tests with -race? I think the code field, at least, is problematic\n<dooferlad> dimitern: hangout?\n<dimitern> dooferlad, omw\n<ericsnow> wwitzel3: ready\n<wwitzel3> ericsnow: ok, just finishing lunch\n<ericsnow> wwitzel3: np\n<natefinch> fwereade: if I'm just copying  uniter's SetAgentStatus code... why am I not just calling the uniter's version?\n<fwereade> natefinch, the functionality is the same but the auth certainly shouldn't be\n<fwereade> natefinch, different facades responsible for different auth\n<natefinch> fwereade: hmm true....\n<fwereade> natefinch, but calling through to the same underlying implementation because they're doing the same thing\n<natefinch> fwereade: ok.  I can live with that. There's only a small bit of logic in the unitAgentFinder that is shared.... got an idea of where I could move that so both implementations could share it?\n<fwereade> natefinch, I guess a subpackage of apiserver/common, ideally, but that'd really want to drag the status code in as well... so, I guess, in common/setstatus.go, unless you have time/energy to extract a package\n<natefinch> fwereade: I'll put it in setstatus.go.... time and energy for this bug are long gone, unfortunately.\n<fwereade> natefinch, sgtm\n<natefinch> fwereade: is there a non-terrible way to figure out if an error returned by the API is a notfound error?  Or if not, has someone already written the terrible code that I can reuse?\n<fwereade> look for IsCodeNotFound\n<fwereade> if you were a wonderful person you'd translate that back to a NotFoundError on the way out of the api client code but nobody else ever does that ;p\n<fwereade> that was not expressed appropriately\n<fwereade> I am entirely aware you are a wonderful person already ;p\n<natefinch> fwereade: haha, perfectly appropriately... .and I had been thinking of doing tha\n<natefinch> lol\n * fwereade eod, might pass by later\n<mgz_> how do I find the specs and shizzle for this cycle?\n<mgz_> ah, alexisb linked them all in her summary doc, that'll do\n<natefinch> man our API comments are terrible\n<natefinch> SetEntityStatus take a Status - which is a string, an Info - which is a string, and Data - which is a map[string]interface.... and no description of what each of those things are actually ofr\n<natefinch> for\n<natefinch> katco: got the unit status setting code working. Needs tests, though, which will take a bit.\n<katco> natefinch: yay :) get those tests written! :)\n<thumper> mramm: hey, we are going to need to change our call times :)\n<thumper> mramm: since nz is now in summer time\n<frobware> cherylj, ping - 1496972, should that not be for 1.24 as well?\n<cherylj> frobware: I targeted it to 1.25.1 as we're hoping to not do 1.24.8.  But yeah, I should check with the guys that brought it up in the cross team call/\n<cherylj> make sure they're not committed to 1.24 or anything\n<thumper> cherylj: is http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/2998/diff/# a forward port or did this not land yet?\n<cherylj> thumper: the 1.26 revision addressing fwereade's comments had not landed yet.  This is it.\n<thumper> cherylj: what's the difference?\n<cherylj> thumper: the biggest difference is that the retry strategy is generated by the provisioner, rather than the lxc code\n<thumper> k\n<cherylj> thumper: the original review is here:  http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/2761/\n<cherylj> if you want it for reference\n<mattyw> davechen1y, are you around?\n<perrito666> wallyworld_: axw anastasiamac I might be a bit late, suddenly I have no sound from the browser\n<wallyworld_> \\o/\n<perrito666> software makes me really miserable\n<anastasiamac> :(\n<anastasiamac> perrito666: i *think* i know what u mean :P\n<perrito666> ready, found an alternate solution\n<axw> thumper: do machine provisioners run concurrently for each hosted env?\n<axw> thumper: and firewaller\n#juju-dev 2015-10-27\n<davechen1y> lucky(~/src/github.com/juju/juju) % gb test\n<davechen1y> FATAL command \"test\" failed: failed to resolve import path \"github.com/juju/juju/api\": cannot find package \"golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack\" in any of:\n<davechen1y> ^ who added a dependency on the new http2 stuff ?\n<thumper> axw: yes\n<thumper> I believe so\n * thumper shrugs\n<thumper> davechen1y: the shrug was for the http2 stuff\n<axw> davechen1y: \"go list\" shows no dependency on http2\n<thumper> perhaps just a test dep?\n<davechen1y> could be a test dep\n<davechen1y> still digging\n<davechen1y> ok\n<davechen1y> ignore this\n<davechen1y> short version: it's a go 1.6 thing\n<davechen1y> ignore it\n<thumper> :)\n<mup> Bug #1510333 opened: worker/uniter: converge on a single approach for updating goal state <tech-debt> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510333>\n<mup> Bug #1510333 changed: worker/uniter: converge on a single approach for updating goal state <tech-debt> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510333>\n<mup> Bug #1510333 opened: worker/uniter: converge on a single approach for updating goal state <tech-debt> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510333>\n<davechen1y> http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3000/\n<davechen1y> anyone ?\n<thumper> davechen1y: this is from where?\n<thumper> was it juju/juju/ssh?\n<thumper> I was going to suggest we just have juju/ssh rather than juju/utils/ssh\n<thumper> but then I saw the other deps on the utils package\n<thumper> and thought \"meh\"\n<davechen1y> thumper: the only thing worse than a utils packge is a utils repo\n<davechen1y> thumper: and the only thing worse than a utils repo is having several\n<davechen1y> one evil at a time\n<thumper> :)\n<thumper> k\n<thumper> axw: if you are happy with https://github.com/juju/retry/pull/1 I'll merge it :)\n<axw> thumper: sorry, I keep getting distracted\n<thumper> axw: I was hoping fwereade would have looked, but I'm prepared to land it now\n<axw> thumper: lemme take another quick look\n<thumper> cheers\n<sinzui> thumper: I have added github.com/juju/retry. We wont know it works until there is a branch to merge. Since there isn't a branch there now, I don't know which packages deps it imports.\n<thumper> sinzui: https://github.com/juju/retry/pull/1\n<sinzui> thank youn thumper . I will quickly add the deps I see\n<thumper> cheers\n<axw> thumper: reviewed\n<thumper> axw: ta\n<thumper> sinzui: I'll try merging now\n<thumper> sinzui: is it ready?\n<sinzui> thumper: yep, I am watching to procs now\n<thumper> sinzui: who handles which repos go to reviewboard?\n<sinzui> thumper: I don't know the config. I am sure ericsnow knows.\n<thumper> \\o/ landed\n<sinzui> thumper: I see real go test was really run too\n<thumper> as opposed to what?\n<sinzui> thumper: the merge job just sending a success without actually merging the branch and running the tests\n<thumper> :)\n<thumper> I must admit, I do find it pleasing to see more tests than code :)\n<sinzui> :))\n<davechen1y>                         logger.Debugf(\"keeping unrecognised existing ssh key %q: %v\", key, err)\n<davechen1y> ERRORS LOGGED AT DEBUGGG!\n<anastasiamac> \"some error are more equal than others\"? :P\n<davechen1y> \"some errors are more like guidelines\"\n<anastasiamac> :P\n<davechen1y> thumper: FFS\n<thumper> davechen1y: hey\n<davechen1y> tried to apply your suggestions to use the errors package, all the fucking tests expect an exact string\n<davechen1y> tempted to tell you to stick your recommendation\n<thumper> davechen1y: that's fine for now\n<davechen1y> cannot even upgrade them to errors.Annotate\n<thumper> we can \"fix\" it later\n<davechen1y> heh, fix\n<natefinch> Man, can't tell you how much I hate all our gc.ErrorMatches tests.  What a nightmare.\n<davechen1y> i fixed it, with a hammer\n<davechen1y> axw: re ExecuteCommandOnMachine\n<davechen1y> what if it went to juju/utils/exec\n<axw> davechen1y: SGTM\n<axw> davechen1y: oh hum, but htat means utils/exec depends on ssh?\n<axw> davechen1y: if it's a PITA, don't worry. I'd just like for hte ssh package to be a bit leaner\n<davechen1y> i think i can fix that\n<davechen1y> type Client interface {\n<davechen1y> type Client interface {\n<davechen1y>  // Client is an interface for SSH clients to implement\n<davechen1y> type Client interface {\n<davechen1y> ^ honestly, it should just say \"client is an interface\"\n<davechen1y> for all the good that comment does :)\n<davechen1y> axw, hmm\n<davechen1y> this is quite tricky\n<davechen1y> execonmachien requires something that mathces Command(...) *ssh.Cmd\n<davechen1y> dunno if it can be teased apart easily\n<axw> davechen1y: yeah, just drop it. maybe it can be refactored later, not worth blocking the move over\n<davechen1y> mkay\n<davechen1y> i'm going to loose my shit this week http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju-utils/47/console\n<davechen1y> ^ anyone want to guess why this broke ?\n<axw> davechen1y: because it's using go 1.2 I'm guessing\n<axw> davechen1y: (and we're trying to compile it with that when we should just be downloading it and then checking out the older rev)\n<davechen1y> axw: i think there might be some sort of conditional compilation going on there\n<davechen1y> we pin the revision we want in juju/juju\n<davechen1y> but trying to compile juju/utils, it floats freely\n<axw> davechen1y: ah hm, cos we don't have a dependencies.tsv there ? :/\n<davechen1y> i dunno if adding one automatically help\n<axw> bit of an oversight\n * axw shrugs\n<davechen1y> here's what I propose\n<davechen1y> 1. i go an have some lunch\n<davechen1y> 2. it magically fixes itselp\n<davechen1y> sgtm ?\n<axw> :)\n<axw> sounds good. I'll do the same\n<natefinch> 1. switch to gb\n<natefinch> 2. ???\n<natefinch> 3. profit\n<dimitern> frobware, hey, I'll be a couple of minutes late for our 1:!\n<dimitern> 1:1\n<frobware> dimitern, ok\n<dimitern> jam, fwereade, standup?\n<axw> fwereade: my latest rev on http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/2935/ is quite substantial, I'd appreciate a look at the last commit when you can\n<axw> fwereade: there's an unrelated fix mised in there, but it's also up for review as http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3002/\n<axw> s/mised/mixed/\n<fwereade> axw, thanks\n<fwereade> axw, both reviewed\n<fwereade> https://github.com/juju/juju/wiki/howto:-implement-effective-config-structs\n<fwereade> ...if anyone feels like some light reading or arguing\n<wallyworld> fwereade: did you have time for a chat?\n<fwereade> wallyworld, just about to have lunch -- what time is it for you?\n<wallyworld> 23:00, i don't mind waiting\n<wallyworld> just ping when you're free\n<mup> Bug #1510533 opened: destroy-environment panics <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510533>\n<mup> Bug #1510533 changed: destroy-environment panics <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510533>\n<mup> Bug #1510533 opened: destroy-environment panics <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510533>\n<katco> ericsnow: wwitzel3: natefinch: please do the standup without me. cats shattered lots of glass on our kitchen floor and my dog ate some\n<perrito666> katco: ate some cat or glass?\n<wwitzel3> katco: ok\n<frobware> dimitern, ping\n<abentley> sinzui: chat?\n<sinzui> abentley: sure\n<mup> Bug #1403689 changed: Server should handle tools of unknown or unsupported series <upgrade-juju> <upload-tools> <juju-core:Fix Released by wallyworld> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <juju-core 1.25:Fix Released by wallyworld> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1403689>\n<mup> Bug #1510619 opened: Wily: add machine fails using kvm and lxcbr0 <add-machine> <cloud-installer> <kvm> <network> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510619>\n<voidspace> mgz_: ping\n<mgz_> voidspace: wotcha\n<voidspace> mgz_: hey\n<voidspace> mgz_: so we have plans to get rid of the need for ignore-addresses on master\n<mgz_> ace\n<voidspace> mgz_: but we're going to land the fix and test it with those needing it *before* we actually remove ignore-addresses\n<voidspace> (I work on the proposed fix next)\n<voidspace> mgz_: so we'll land the change to ignore-addresses on containers and master first\n<voidspace> mgz_: because currently containers are broken when you use ignore-machine-addresses\n<voidspace> mgz_: and next a question...\n<mgz_> voidspace: sounds fair\n<voidspace> mgz_: when I attempt to do an upgrade from 120/1.22 to 1.24 but using --upload-tools\n<voidspace> mgz_: it fails with \"unknown series wily\"\n<voidspace> mgz_: dimitern thought you might have encountered this, or similar, when testing upgrades with QA and know a workaround\n<mgz_> voidspace: yeah, we've had a lot of that in testing,\n<voidspace> mgz_: did you solve it?\n<mgz_> not sure if I know a specific workaround when using --upload-tools for upgrade though\n<voidspace> :-/\n<voidspace> I'll ask aaron\n<voidspace> abentley: ping\n<mgz_> bug  1403689 is part of it\n<voidspace> bug 1403689\n<mup> Bug #1403689: Server should handle tools of unknown or unsupported series <upgrade-juju> <upload-tools> <juju-core:Fix Released by wallyworld> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <juju-core 1.25:Fix Released by wallyworld> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1403689>\n<voidspace> mgz_: ah, I wondered if there was a bug for it\n<voidspace> mgz_: thanks\n<voidspace> unassigned for 1.24 currently\n<mgz_> what CI does is actually use streams, which we then control\n<voidspace> right\n<voidspace> I thought as much, and we can't suggest that to IS I don't think\n<voidspace> we want them to test the new binaries\n<mgz_> but yeah, bug suggests --upload-tools to 1.25 would work?\n<voidspace> 1.25 isn't released yet\n<mgz_> upgrades with --upload-tools are pretty dodgy anyway\n<voidspace> needed when you have new binaries for a user to test\n<sinzui> voidspace: your experience mirror's abentley's frustration over the past 48 hours\n<voidspace> sinzui: heh\n<voidspace> ouch\n<sinzui> voidspace: the stupid client makes assumptions about its host to decide what to upload to the series and since 1.20.x doesn't check distro-info-data correctly, it will die because of vivid or wily\n<voidspace> right :-/\n<voidspace> sinzui: it makes testing upgrades / fixes for upgrade bugs impossible\n<voidspace> hopefully the fix is correct, so we never have the issue again\n<sinzui> voidspace: abentley  might want to bu you beer\n<voidspace> sinzui: hah\n<voidspace> sinzui: no, I meant the fix that wallyworld has allegedly committed to 1.25 and master\n<voidspace> not that I've done it\n<voidspace> he hasn't committed it to 1.24 though, which is where we need it\n<sinzui> voidspace: CI tests 1.20 upgrades to the candidate we test. abentley is updating the test to use upload-tools as needed. so your change is exactly what we are looking to test\n<voidspace> right\n<voidspace> so we need 1.20 and onwards fixed really\n<voidspace> might be worth abentley pinging wallyworld about it\n<sinzui> voidspace: yeah, we can do a 1.20 release if we need to. We just need to make several jobs non-voting before hand to check to deal with unsupported features\n<voidspace> sinzui: although a 1.20 to 1.22 upgrade works I believe, 1.24 is the problematic version\n<voidspace> sinzui: so just fixing 1.22 on would suffice\n<voidspace> which is one less release at least\n<sinzui> voidspace: we can test/release 1.22 at anytime. we have special PPA setup for its distrubution too\n<voidspace> cool\n<voidspace> I've added a comment to the bug\n<mup> Bug #1510651 opened: Agents are \"lost\" after terminating a state server in an HA env <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510651>\n<voidspace> frobware: our proposed fix for getting rid of ignore-machine-addresses can't work\n<voidspace> frobware: it's effectively what we're already doing\n<voidspace> frobware: we might need to prefer a provider fallback address over an exact match machine address\n<voidspace> frobware: I'll discuss it with dimiter tomorrow\n<voidspace> frobware: meanwhile, the fix for containers has landed on 1.25 and is landing on master\n<voidspace> frobware: and I've tested on both 1.25 and master\n<abentley> voidspace: pong\n<voidspace> abentley: unping\n<voidspace> abentley: it's about the wily issue and upgrades\n<voidspace> abentley: see the above conversation if you want... :-)\n<voidspace> abentley: I'll try and persuade wallyworld that we need the fix for 1.22 & 1.24\n<abentley> voidspace: I'm not sure whether we need 1.22.  1.24 would be nice, given that we may need to do a 1.24.8 at some point.\n<voidspace> abentley: well, if you want to test an upgrade *from* 1.22 (as I do as it happens and I thought you needed to) then we need it in 1.22\n<abentley> voidspace: Mwuh?  You mean he fixed the server instead of the client?\n<voidspace> abentley: the error message is from the api server\n<voidspace> not a client issue as far as I know\n<voidspace> abentley: see bug 1403689\n<mup> Bug #1403689: Server should handle tools of unknown or unsupported series <upgrade-juju> <upload-tools> <juju-core:Fix Released by wallyworld> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <juju-core 1.25:Fix Released by wallyworld> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1403689>\n<voidspace> abentley: it's the api server that rejects the upload\n<abentley> voidspace: The client should not try to upload tools that it knows will be rejected by the server.\n<natefinch> katco: is your dog ok?\n<voidspace> abentley: not sure how it was fixed\n<mup> Bug #1510619 changed: Wily: add machine fails using kvm and lxcbr0 <add-machine> <cloud-installer> <kvm> <network> <juju-core:Invalid> <lxc (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510619>\n<mup> Bug #1510619 opened: Wily: add machine fails using kvm and lxcbr0 <add-machine> <cloud-installer> <kvm> <network> <juju-core:Invalid> <lxc (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510619>\n<mup> Bug #1510619 changed: Wily: add machine fails using kvm and lxcbr0 <add-machine> <cloud-installer> <kvm> <network> <juju-core:Invalid> <lxc (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510619>\n<mup> Bug #1510675 opened: vSphere provider leaves behind virtual machines upon bootstrap failure <bootstrap> <vsphere> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510675>\n<mup> Bug #1510675 changed: vSphere provider leaves behind virtual machines upon bootstrap failure <bootstrap> <vsphere> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510675>\n<mup> Bug #1510675 opened: vSphere provider leaves behind virtual machines upon bootstrap failure <bootstrap> <vsphere> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510675>\n<mup> Bug #1510688 opened: sync-tools tries to upload agents that are not permitted by the state server <sync-tools> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510688>\n<mup> Bug #1510689 opened: juju upgrade --upload-tools tries to upload tools agents that are not permitted by the state server <upgrade-juju> <upload-tools> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510689>\n<mup> Bug #1510688 changed: sync-tools tries to upload agents that are not permitted by the state server <sync-tools> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510688>\n<mup> Bug #1510689 changed: juju upgrade --upload-tools tries to upload tools agents that are not permitted by the state server <upgrade-juju> <upload-tools> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510689>\n<mup> Bug #1510688 opened: sync-tools tries to upload agents that are not permitted by the state server <sync-tools> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510688>\n<mup> Bug #1510689 opened: juju upgrade --upload-tools tries to upload tools agents that are not permitted by the state server <upgrade-juju> <upload-tools> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510689>\n<wallyworld> cmars: running a bit late, can i ping you\n<cmars> wallyworld, sure, np\n<alexisb> cmars, that was my fault, that wallyworld was late\n<cmars> alexisb, heh no worries\n<wallyworld> cmars: it's always alexisb fault\n<wallyworld> there now\n<wallyworld> axw: anastasiamac: perrito666: i have to make an emergency run to the school to drop off some stuff, so will miss standup; i'll talk to you guys when i get back to catch up\n<anastasiamac> wallyworld: k\n<perrito666> wallyworld: k\n#juju-dev 2015-10-28\n<thumper> menn0: https://github.com/juju/retry/pull/2\n<menn0> thumper: looking\n<thumper> cheers\n<thumper> wallyworld: do you know if the ci bot is even looking at master?\n<thumper> seems that the bug was fixed by cmars some time ago\n<wallyworld> thumper: they can only target one branch at a time, maybe 1.25 has been getting priority\n<thumper> probably...\n * thumper sighs\n<thumper> FARK!!!\n<thumper> peergrouper test\n<thumper> damnit\n<thumper> hate it!\n<davecheney> thumper: it _never_ passes for me\n<thumper> it mostly fails for me too\n<thumper> saying that, it just passed\n<thumper> if I run it by itself\n<thumper> second time it failed\n<menn0> thumper: review done. I ended up deleting and changing a lot of my initial comments so ignore the notification emails and go with what's on the PR\n<menn0> thumper: summary is I think MaxWait is a strange parameter to have. MaxDuration seems more intuitive to me.\n<menn0> thumper: I'd want to be able to say, \"keep trying for up to 10 mins\", not \"keep trying while the sum of the waits between attempts is less than 10 mins\"\n<menn0> thumper: if Func doesn't take long they work out to be about the same but I bet that sometimes Func can take a while making it hard to figure out exactly how long a series of attempts might take\n<thumper> menn0: yeah... I did wonder about that bit too\n<thumper> menn0: whether or not to take into consideration the time taken to call Func\n<thumper> menn0: although... it makes testing harder :)\n<thumper> menn0: because we need something to advance the clock...\n<menn0> thumper: if time is recorded when retry.Call is first called then it's easy to know how long everything has taken so far\n<thumper> menn0: however with the mock clock, it is um... different\n<menn0> the test Clock can do that right?\n<thumper> hmm...\n<thumper> we can make it do that\n<thumper> just by keeping track of now\n<thumper> and advancing now every time we are asked to sleep :)\n<thumper> menn0: here is a mind fcukingly boring review: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/3605\n<thumper> ugh...\n<thumper> master CI failed due to deploying a local charm failing\n<thumper> WTF?\n<menn0> thumper: was otp, looking now\n<menn0> thumper: review done... super exciting that one\n<thumper> :)\n<mup> Bug #1510787 opened: juju upgrade-charm errors when it shouldn't <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510787>\n<mup> Bug #1509747 opened: Intermittent lxc failures on wily, juju-template-restart.service race condition <bug-squad> <cloud-installer> <lxc> <wily> <juju-core:Confirmed> <systemd (Ubuntu):Confirmed for pitti> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1509747>\n<mup> Bug #1509747 changed: Intermittent lxc failures on wily, juju-template-restart.service race condition <bug-squad> <cloud-installer> <lxc> <wily> <juju-core:Confirmed> <systemd (Ubuntu):Confirmed for pitti> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1509747>\n<mup> Bug #1509747 opened: Intermittent lxc failures on wily, juju-template-restart.service race condition <bug-squad> <cloud-installer> <lxc> <wily> <juju-core:Confirmed> <systemd (Ubuntu):Confirmed for pitti> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1509747>\n<mup> Bug #1509747 changed: Intermittent lxc failures on wily, juju-template-restart.service race condition <bug-squad> <cloud-installer> <lxc> <wily> <juju-core:Confirmed> <systemd (Ubuntu):Confirmed for pitti> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1509747>\n<mup> Bug #1509747 opened: Intermittent lxc failures on wily, juju-template-restart.service race condition <bug-squad> <cloud-installer> <lxc> <wily> <juju-core:Confirmed> <systemd (Ubuntu):Confirmed for pitti> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1509747>\n<voidspace> dimitern: ping\n<voidspace> dimitern: do you know how I can reproduce a situation where \"ignore-machine-addresses\" is *required*?\n<voidspace> dimitern: (i.e. reproduce the bug it fixes)\n<dooferlad> frobware: ping\n<frobware> dooferlad, omw\n<dimitern> voidspace, I can think of an example\n<dimitern> voidspace, how about: bootstrap, juju ssh 0, add a virtual NIC with an address like, watch the logs to see it gets picked up and set among the API host ports\n<dimitern> voidspace, it won't work just by installing the lxc package outside of juju, as we're detecting the presence of /etc/default/lxc-net and parsing it to find the LXC bridge device name, then filter any addresses on it\n<voidspace> dimitern: ok, I'll try that\n<dimitern> voidspace, however, you can try: sudo apt-get install lxc -y after bootstrapping, then rm /etc/default/lxc-net, and reboot the node\n<voidspace> dimitern: our proposed fix from yesterday won't work - it's what we're already doing!\n<dimitern> (or just reboot jujud)\n<voidspace> dimitern: I think the fix might have to be that we prefer a *fallback address* from the provider list in favour of an exact scope match from machine\n<voidspace> dimitern: better would be to filter the addresses we send from the machine, so we don't send unusable addresses\n<dimitern> voidspace, we do that for lxcbr0 addresses, if we can detect them\n<voidspace> right\n<voidspace> better, we should ignore machine addresses by default and understand the circumstances where we actually need them\n<voidspace> (and use them only where we need them)\n * dimitern is thinking whether a fallback match from the provider addresses can always be preferred to an exact machine address match \n<voidspace> dimitern: we can topic it in standup again\n<dimitern> voidspace, ok\n * voidspace is going to get coffee\n<dimitern> voidspace, hey, do you remember that change to \"devices new\" API that needed type=container in the arguments in order to show up in the UI?\n<voidspace> dimitern: I remember, but that isn't quite right\n<voidspace> dimitern: they have removed devices with a parent from the ui and last I saw they hadn't got round to putting them back\n<voidspace> dimitern: they're going to put them on the node detail pages\n<voidspace> dimitern: they decided not to use \"type=container\" afaik\n<voidspace> dimitern: so we don't need to do anything\n<voidspace> dimitern: but *currently* devices with a parent don't show in the ui at all\n<voidspace> which sucks\n<dimitern> voidspace, right, ok - as I couldn't find a reference to the type=container argument in maas src (1.8 or trunk)\n<voidspace> dimitern: if you find the maas bug (I can't recall it) they changed the title to remove the reference to type=container\n<voidspace> dimitern: they changed the title to \"remove devices with a parent from the devices page\"\n<voidspace> dimitern: and they have a new, not-yet-fixed bug, to add them to the node details page\n<voidspace> wallyworld: ping\n<dimitern> voidspace, I see, well - as long as the device is registered and maas can clean it up with its parent, I don't care so much it's not visible in the UI\n<voidspace> dimitern: I think it's a shame\n<voidspace> dimitern: I liked the visibility\n<voidspace> but ah well\n<dimitern> voidspace, it is a shame, but not quite ours ;)\n<dimitern> TheMue, jam, standup?\n<jam> brt\n<voidspace> dooferlad: I assume you checked those USB ethernet adaptors work with Ubuntu... ?\n<dooferlad> voidspace: reports say yes.\n<voidspace> dooferlad: cool, thanks\n<voidspace> dooferlad: and *not* the 4x SATA SSD - one disk is sufficient?\n<dooferlad> voidspace: we have been told to just go msata and the charm will be updated to use one disk\n<voidspace> dooferlad: ok\n<voidspace> dooferlad: those msata disks look funky\n<dooferlad> voidspace: overnighting a disk later if needed is a tradeoff we seem to be OK with.\n<voidspace> cool\n<dooferlad> voidspace: just plugged in one of those USB3 adapters. Shows up as enx00e060001127 on my desktop in the output of ifconfig\n<voidspace> dooferlad: great\n<mup> Bug #1510875 opened: unable to interrupt 'juju boostrap' on MAAS before the node is running <bootstrap> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510875>\n<mup> Bug #1510875 changed: unable to interrupt 'juju boostrap' on MAAS before the node is running <bootstrap> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510875>\n<mup> Bug #1510875 opened: unable to interrupt 'juju boostrap' on MAAS before the node is running <bootstrap> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510875>\n<voidspace> dooferlad: and those nucs will be fine with my existing PDU\n<frobware> voidspace, AMT based NUCs, correct?\n<voidspace> frobware: non-AMT I believe\n<dooferlad> frobware: they are AMT\n<voidspace> hah\n<voidspace> frobware: believe dooferlad and not me...\n<frobware> voidspace, ok, just checking as if they're AMT based they can be shared...\n<frobware> voidspace, with other rigs should priorities change, et al.\n<dimitern> frobware, hw ordered; doc updated with actual prices (with exp. delivery to BG it turned out a bit more than 100 GBP cheaper!)\n<frobware> dimitern, great\n<dimitern> I mean, not due to the delivery, just price changes I guess\n<frobware> dimitern, dooferlad, voidspace: I suspect there's some surge pricing for those components going on in some amazon spreadsheet... :)\n<dooferlad> frobware: Amazon ran out of NUCs\n<dimitern> :D\n<dooferlad> frobware: so now they are £327 instead of £220\n<frobware> dooferlad, wow\n<dooferlad> frobware: now sold from Kikatek for that delightful mark up\n<dimitern> dooferlad, what I ordered is a bare bones kit - no ram, ssd\n<frobware> dimitern, which is pretty much the default, no?\n<dooferlad> dimitern: yes, that is what I got\n<dimitern> frobware, it is as offered from intel, but some vendors spice it up\n<dooferlad> http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/nuc/nuc-kit-dc53427hye-board-d53427rke.html\n<voidspace> dammit, I had some in my basket from amazon\n<voidspace> but too late to hit the button\n<voidspace> so I should probably cancel that order - unless I order the NUCs elsewhere at the higher price\n<voidspace> or just wait for amazon to get new stock\n<dooferlad> voidspace: amazon stock is due in weeks, right?\n<voidspace> dooferlad: allegedly\n<voidspace> dooferlad: I'm happy to wait, so long as they actually arrive\n<frobware> voidspace, I'm hoping we can make some progress with vMAAS and a smaller bundle to begin with\n<voidspace> frobware: yep, that would be good\n<mup> Bug #1510132 changed: redefinition of ‘noMethods$MarshalYAML$hash’ <blocker> <ci> <ppc64el> <regression> <testing> <juju-core:Fix Released by cmars> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510132>\n<mup> Bug #1510944 opened: Only state-server upgrades from 1.20 <intermittent-failure> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510944>\n<sinzui> cherylj: there is a regression in 1.22 https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1510952\n<mup> Bug #1510952: Upgrades broken in 1.22 tip <blocker> <ci> <regression> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core 1.22:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510952>\n<cherylj> sinzui: thanks for the heads up\n<cherylj> sinzui: has that test run on 1.24 yet?\n<sinzui> cherylj: no, it hasn't\n<sinzui> It will test next I think\n<cherylj> ok, thanks\n<mup> Bug #1510951 opened: Upgrades broken in 1.22 tip <blocker> <ci> <regression> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510951>\n<mup> Bug #1510952 opened: Upgrades broken in 1.22 tip <blocker> <ci> <regression> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core 1.22:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510952>\n<natefinch> fwereade: I added setting of unit statuses in the last changes to the unit assigner review: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/2814/\n<fwereade> natefinch, awesome, thanks\n<natefinch> er, in the last two changes, that is.\n<alexisb> dimitern, ping\n<dimitern> alexisb, oh, sorry - omw\n * fwereade needs to stop early, will be back this evening to talk to NZ\n<frobware> dooferlad, having just spoken with cherylj we should look at 1.24 first for #1510651\n<mup> Bug #1510651: Agents are \"lost\" after terminating a state server in an HA env <bug-squad> <ensure-availability> <juju-core:Triaged by dooferlad> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1510651>\n<dooferlad> frobware: thanks, spotted the bug update\n<natefinch> wwitzel3: I know you're there, I can hear you typing\n<natefinch> ericsnow: you around?\n<ericsnow> natefinch: yep\n<natefinch> ericsnow: the lxd remote config value - I presume that should be an IP address or domain name?\n<ericsnow> natefinch: yep\n<ericsnow> natefinch: I'll make that more clear\n<cherylj> perrito666: got a sec?\n<natefinch> ericsnow: I'm adding an isLocal() function to the environ, since we're checking that in a couple places\n<ericsnow> natefinch: k\n<natefinch> ericsnow: (the logic is simple, but I don't want remote() == \"\" getting tossed around the codebase everywhere\n<ericsnow> natefinch: fine with me\n<ericsnow> natefinch: method on environConfig?\n<natefinch> ericsnow: on the environ. I don't want to have to know to look at the config to determine if it's local.  There's some law about not doing foo.bar.baz()... forget now what it's called.  Just expose it at the higher level.  The config itself doesn't need to know about local or not, I don't think.\n<ericsnow> natefinch: you're doing foo.bar.<something> either way and the config is what identifies the remote as local or not\n<mup> Bug #1507771 changed: Juju deploy fails when template container cannot be started <cdo-qa> <lxc> <maas> <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1507771>\n<natefinch> ericsnow: if you're calling it on the environ, then only environ needs to know that it's getting information from the config.  Everywher else just calls the function on the environ.   And the environ is the thing that is interpreting the config.  The config is just holding the data.  Adding isLocal to the config is putting environ-level logic in the data bag that is the config\n<ericsnow> natefinch: k\n<ericsnow> natefinch: not a big deal to me either way :)\n<ericsnow> natefinch: the method is useful regardless\n<natefinch> ericsnow: agreed :)\n<natefinch> ericsnow: fwiw, I started with it on the config and then decided it was probably more appropriate on the environ... but yeah, it's not a huge deal either way\n<mup> Bug #1507771 opened: Juju deploy fails when template container cannot be started <cdo-qa> <lxc> <maas> <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1507771>\n<mup> Bug #1507771 changed: Juju deploy fails when template container cannot be started <cdo-qa> <lxc> <maas> <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1507771>\n<natefinch> ericsnow: your dependency injection makes my goto definition useless :/\n<ericsnow> natefinch: you're using a goto?\n<natefinch> ericsnow: yeah, godef\n<natefinch> ericsnow: which will just go to the definition of the interface.. there's no real way around it\n<natefinch> (I think the go oracle has a way to find implementors of an interface, but I haven't been able to get that working)\n<ericsnow> natefinch: ah\n<ericsnow> natefinch: yeah, bummer\n<natefinch> ericsnow: the downside of interfaces everwhere... figuring out what code is actually getting called is hard\n<ericsnow> katco: you have any ideas on a name to use instead of \"clientServerMethods\"?\n<perrito666> cherylj: I do now\n<cherylj> perrito666: just wanted to follow up on bug 1507867\n<mup> Bug #1507867: juju upgrade failures <canonical-bootstack> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Triaged by mfoord> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1507867>\n<cherylj> it looks like there were two pieces:  the ignore machine address for containers, and the mongo issues\n<cherylj> I see mfoord took the machine addresses / containers part\n<cherylj> are you still working the mongo side?\n<cherylj> or were you going to hand that off to sapphire?\n<perrito666> indeed, on the mongo issues we are stil waiting some logs that might shed light on the mather sadly the resources of bootstck are  a bit scarce right now and they cannot run the test yet, I intended to do the handoff once these logs where in place but I might as well do it now\n<cherylj> perrito666: should we open up a new bug to track just the mongo stuff?\n<perrito666> cherylj: that would be advisable looking again at the current one it is becoming a bit of a mix\n<cherylj> perrito666: okay, I will create one and try to extract the meaningful mongo bits\n * perrito666 is wondering why he came to work to the only coffee shop without internet in town\n<katco> ericsnow: well, 3 of them have to do with certificates, so there's a cert struct/interface in there for sure\n<katco> ericsnow: the wait and config... perhaps belong in 2 separate interfaces?\n<ericsnow> katco: clientServerMethods is just there to help organize the methods better (so the Client methods aren't split across several files)\n<ericsnow> katco: in my mind the name communicates that pretty well\n<katco> ericsnow: well, first, grouping them into a struct doesn't preclue them being split across files :)\n<katco> ericsnow: what do you mean by, \"organize the methods\"?\n<ericsnow> katco: my point is that they were methods of Client before I moved them under their own struct (which Client now embeds)\n<ericsnow> katco: grouping the different Client methods\n<ericsnow> katco: and splitting them across multiple files\n<katco> ericsnow: ok. so i think i'm just asking that you take that to its logical conclusion and group them into types that make sense\n<katco> ericsnow: \"server\" methods is too generic\n<ericsnow> katco: I was following the grouping I was already using (see conn_raw.go)\n<katco> ericsnow: i think you're grouping in terms of implementation, and it probably makes more sense to group in terms of what the group of methods do\n<katco> ericsnow: you even have comments grouping them\n<ericsnow> katco: right\n<ericsnow> katco: ah, so your concern is with \"Server\" rather than with the whole name?\n<katco> ericsnow: well, the client should take implementations of interface it needs\n<katco> ericsnow: so no, the whole thing\n<katco> ericsnow: the fact that it's for the client is implicit because the client is embedding the types\n<ericsnow> katco: all the client needs is the raw *lxd.Client (as returned by newRawClient())\n<ericsnow> katco: I can change it back so the clientServerMethods methods are methods of Client instead if you like\n<ericsnow> katco: that may be less confusing\n<ericsnow> katco: (though it splits Client methods across multiple files)\n<katco> ericsnow: no i think what you've done is a good thing, you're doing IoC\n<katco> ericsnow: i'm just saying split things out to be a little more fine-grained\n<ericsnow> katco: but it's not meant to be IOC\n<katco> ericsnow: well it is :) and it's a good thing\n<ericsnow> katco: IOC here would be providing the raw client as an interface (or multiple)\n<katco> ericsnow: that's exactly what i'm saying\n<ericsnow> katco: right; that's orthogonal to the clientServerMethods type\n<ericsnow> katco: I wasn't planning on doing any IOC yet with the raw client\n<katco> ericsnow: you've extracted out the functionality, but haven't encapsulated it in a way that makes sense\n<ericsnow> katco: my point is that I haven't extracted out any  functionality; it was already there as-is\n<katco> ericsnow: you extracted it out into another type, right?\n<ericsnow> katco: the only thing I did was move the Client methods in a given file into their own type so that I wouldn't have Client methods spread across mutliple files\n<katco> ericsnow: that is extracting the functionality out, isn't it?\n<katco> ericsnow: it's fine for now. if you just want to collect them in the same file, leave it on client and put them all in a file together\n<ericsnow> katco: hmm, one goal is to avoid massive files like that though\n<katco> ericsnow: no i mean, same type, new file\n<ericsnow> katco: that's the way I had it in the first place :)\n<ericsnow> katco: but having a type split across multiple files is a pain point\n<katco> ericsnow: that's better than a new type that isn't encapsulating properly :)\n<katco> ericsnow: it is?\n<ericsnow> katco: it has been for me\n<natefinch> katco, ericsnow: I definitely highly dislike having a single type split across files\n<natefinch> katco, ericsnow: it makes it harder to understand the type as a whole, and it means you have to go hunting through files to find the method you're interested in.\n<cherylj> perrito666: it looks like there was another bug spun off to track the ignore-machine-addresses with containers.  Let's keep bug 1507867 for the mongo issues.\n<mup> Bug #1507867: juju upgrade failures <canonical-bootstack> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Triaged by mfoord> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1507867>\n<perrito666> sounds fair\n<cherylj> perrito666: I'm going to put in an update that we are waiting on logs from bootstack and assign the bug to you\n<cherylj> once you have a chance to talk with someone from sapphire to do a hand off, please update the bug assignee\n<perrito666> ok, Ill do a handoff as soon as we get these\n<cherylj> awesome, thanks!\n<perrito666> everything is awesome\n * perrito666 sings\n<cherylj> everything is cool when you're part of a team?\n<alexisb> wwitzel3, ping\n<mup> Bug #1511090 opened: MAAS documentation on jujucharms.com incorrectly advised disable network management <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511090>\n<wwitzel3> alexisb: pong\n<alexisb> heya wwitzel3 I was going to ask you to reach out to adam, but you did\n<alexisb> wwitzel3, also do you have documentation regarding deploying openstack on lxd provider?  or is that someone else?\n<alexisb> I heard it now exists\n<wwitzel3> alexisb: we have an email chain between James Page and myself, but we didn't have any official docs yet since it is a lot tweaking still.\n<alexisb> wwitzel3, ack\n<alexisb> thanks!\n<ericsnow> natefinch: ptal: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/2927/\n<natefinch> ericsnow: looking\n<ericsnow> natefinch: ta\n<fwereade> thumper, waigani, just joined onyx-standup\n<mup> Bug #1511103 opened: relation-get error: permission denied <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511103>\n<mup> Bug #1511103 changed: relation-get error: permission denied <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511103>\n<mup> Bug #1511103 opened: relation-get error: permission denied <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511103>\n<mup> Bug #1511135 opened: storage: add bundle support <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511135>\n<mup> Bug #1511135 changed: storage: add bundle support <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511135>\n<mup> Bug #1511135 opened: storage: add bundle support <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511135>\n<mup> Bug #1511138 opened: Bootstrap with the vSphere provider fails to log into the virtual machine <bootstrap> <cloud-init> <vsphere> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511138>\n<mup> Bug #1511138 changed: Bootstrap with the vSphere provider fails to log into the virtual machine <bootstrap> <cloud-init> <vsphere> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511138>\n<mup> Bug #1511138 opened: Bootstrap with the vSphere provider fails to log into the virtual machine <bootstrap> <cloud-init> <vsphere> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511138>\n<ericsnow> cmars: so, you like my latest LXD branch, huh? :)\n<ericsnow> cmars: wwitzel3 has one up that fixes the remaining bugs you noted: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3015/\n<cmars> ericsnow, wwitzel3 you guys rock\n<ericsnow> cmars: hey, it's a fun one to work on :)\n<wwitzel3> indeed\n#juju-dev 2015-10-29\n<mup> Bug #1511090 changed: MAAS documentation on jujucharms.com incorrectly advised disable network management <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511090>\n<mup> Bug #1511090 opened: MAAS documentation on jujucharms.com incorrectly advised disable network management <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511090>\n<mup> Bug #1511090 changed: MAAS documentation on jujucharms.com incorrectly advised disable network management <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511090>\n<thumper> ericsnow: around?\n<thumper> menn0: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3018/diff/# a rename PR that I thought was up already\n<thumper> grrr... FFS\n * thumper headdesks\n<menn0> thumper: ship it\n<thumper> ta\n<menn0> thumper: that one should have come with a warning about not operating heavy machine due to drowsiness\n<menn0> :-p\n<thumper> :)\n<natefinch> ericsnow: don't suppose you're around?\n<thumper> menn0: what watches the allwatcher?\n<menn0> thumper: what do you mean? what uses it?\n<thumper> yeah...\n<thumper> It has a ServerUUID on environmenst\n<thumper> and I want to rename it :)\n<menn0> thumper: it's exposed via the apiserver ... primarily used by the GUI\n<thumper> so... probably no one is looking at the ServerUUID...\n<thumper> because it is always the same...\n<thumper> for now at least\n<menn0> thumper: the reporting of environments was only just added\n<menn0> for the allenvwatcher\n * thumper nods\n<menn0> thumper: the allwatcher (aka megawatcher) doesn't return environment entities\n<menn0> thumper: it's only the allenvwatcher\n<menn0> thumper: you might want to check with rog because he's the only potential user of that right now\n<menn0> thumper: just let him know it's changing\n<thumper> I just sent an email to rog and uros saying names are changing\n<wallyworld> menn0: is it true that when we define a new state doc for a collection, we no longer need EnvUUID   string `bson:\"env-uuid\"\n<menn0> wallyworld: that's correct, the underlying multi-env layer will add it\n<wallyworld> menn0: awesome, and TxnRevno ?\n<menn0> wallyworld: I have a tech debt item to remove all the existing structs and code the constructs them\n<wallyworld> ok, i won't add to your burden :-)\n<menn0> wallyworld: you don't normally put txnrevno on your structs\n<wallyworld> rightio\n<menn0> wallyworld: that's a mgo/txn field\n<wallyworld> indeed\n<wallyworld> i guess we use it in places\n<menn0> wallyworld: some places in the code do read it, but they're rare/evil cases\n<wallyworld> that's what i thought\n<wallyworld> thanks\n<mup> Bug #1511235 opened: juju-reboot --now defect in 1.24.7 <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511235>\n<mup> Bug #1511235 changed: juju-reboot --now defect in 1.24.7 <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511235>\n<mup> Bug #1511235 opened: juju-reboot --now defect in 1.24.7 <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511235>\n<dimitern> jam, hey, I wanted to pass an idea by you, if you have 5m..\n<dimitern> jam, as part of fixing that d-m and d-e --force issue on maas, I'm thinking of adding a few optional methods that a provider can implement if it wants to observe containers - OnContainerIni, OnContainerCreate, OnContainerDestroy\n<dimitern> jam, those are going to be called at the apiserver side of the provisioner - at the one-time container init step (per container type), during the container broker's StartInstance, and before the broker destroys a container\n<dimitern> jam, this will give maas and other providers that want to, the ability to hook into those steps and do extra stuff - i.e. in maas, creating/removing a device for the container, allocating IPs from the provider, etc.\n<jam> dimitern: what is Init vs Create ?\n<jam> dimitern: and how does the APIServer know the ContainerBroker is doing StartInstance, isn't ContainerBroker part of the machine agent?\n<dimitern> jam, Init is the one-time container initialization the first time we need to provision a container of a given type, Create is called before actually starting the container (ideally the callback can take the cloudconfig and modify it, as well as the container entity to tweak its config)\n<dimitern> jam, the apiserver knows we're about to provision a container as the container provisioner, which uses the container broker, will call ContainerManagerConfig on Init and ProvisioningInfo before Start\n<jam> dimitern: I might call it something like \"InitializeContainers\" then, but maybe not. not a big deal\n<jam> dimitern: I don't really think we want side-effects from calling Config, but having the InstanceBroker send an explicit message to theAPI server that its about to start a container is fine\n<dimitern> jam, I'm ok with finding better names, but the idea is very useful I think - and can decouple provider-specific container management from the provisioner\n<jam> dimitern: sure\n<jam> for AMZ we want to be able to grab IP addresses as well\n<jam> ContainerInit might also be a time when we reconfigure bridges, etc. in the future\n<dimitern> jam, yeah, and for maas - create a device, possibly allocate an IP as well\n<dimitern> jam, this is the rough sketch - http://paste.ubuntu.com/12997865/ (in the container package) << fwereade, I'd like your thoughts on this as well - we can topic it during standup\n<dimitern> jam, fwereade, voidspace, frobware, standup?\n<jam> omw\n<frobware> dimitern, voidspace, jam: as utopic is no longer supported do we care that our 'add juju-br0' to /e/n/i does not work?\n<dimitern> frobware, I'm not sure I follow you - what's utopic specific about that?\n<frobware> dimitern, the ifup fails.\n<rogpeppe> anyone know of a tool that can merge Go coverage profiles?\n<rogpeppe> axw: ^\n<jam> frobware: I don't think we care if it is broken on U, but it matters if it doesn't work on T or V/W/X\n<rogpeppe> here's a branch that fixes two outstanding hight-priority juju-core bugs (and makes tools uploading work with macaroons too): http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3023/; reviews appreciated.\n<rogpeppe> s/hight/high/\n<dimitern> frobware, sorry, got distracted with the iter. spreadsheet\n<dimitern> frobware, ifup juju-br0 fails only on utopic due to what?\n<frobware> dimitern, no such device\n<dimitern> frobware, even though juju-br0 is in /e/n/i ?\n<frobware> dimitern, yes\n<frobware> dimitern, I didn't look further - perhaps bridge-utils is missing.\n<dimitern> frobware, but I guess that's because even if /e/n/i has juju-br0, /run/network/ifstate doesn't\n<frobware> dimitern, possibly; but trusty, vivid, wily are OK\n<dimitern> frobware, I think we can ignore utopic then :)\n<voidspace> sounds good to me\n<frobware> dimitern, I already have.\n<voidspace> I even managed to upgrade my laptop (one of the few flawless upgrades I've ever done...)\n<frobware> voidspace, news in your INBOX\n<voidspace> frobware: I saw, I can pick it up after my current branch is done - but that will mean Monday\n<perrito666> frobware: you are making a risky bet on how voidspace manages his mail filters :p\n<frobware> perrito666, I just beame his filter. :)\n<frobware> s/beam/became/...\n<voidspace> hah\n<voidspace> perrito666: if/when I pick it up I'll probably talk to you about it\n<perrito666> mm, that would be a very interesting feature on mail \"make sure this mail stays in  the inbox\"\n<perrito666> voidspace: sure I have all sorts of bad things to say about\n<frobware> perrito666, about ...\n<perrito666> the task :)\n<frobware> perrito666, anything you want to get off your chest. :)\n<perrito666> nah :)\n<voidspace> :-)\n<perrito666> frobware: voidspace none of you is telling me if its off or over :p\n<frobware> perrito666, https://www.englishforums.com/English/ToHandOverAndToHandOff/bchhkz/post.htm\n<frobware> perrito666, the slang would be \"chucking it over the wall\" - and thanks! :)\n<perrito666> we should all switch to spanish\n<perrito666> :p\n<frobware> we should all switch to spanish beer\n<perrito666> frobware: well for what I have seen in english speakers, beer can give them the idea that they can speak spanish\n<perrito666> :p\n<frobware> voidspace, please could you put your last comment in the bug if not already captured -- seems useful info.\n<voidspace> frobware: ok\n<jam> dooferlad: dimitern: https://github.com/dooferlad/kvm_maas/pull/2 is my update to the script that is working here (at least for 1 node) with multiple subnets/interfaces\n<dimitern> jam, nice! I'll give it a try on my vmaas later\n<jam> the CLI I tested is: ./kmaas.py m1-test1 -s -s -t dual-nic-template.xml --debug\n<jam> where and is registered already in both virt-manager and maas\n<dimitern> and maas CC is on both of these, but managing only the first one?\n<jam> dimitern: yeah, CC is managing\n<jam> is registerd with virt as an internal-only netwok\n<dimitern> right, ok\n<mup> Bug #1511390 opened: Setup of MAAS Server using pod-cloud-installer failing <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511390>\n<mup> Bug #1511390 changed: Setup of MAAS Server using pod-cloud-installer failing <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511390>\n<katco> wwitzel3: meeting time\n<fwereade> natefinch, is this the right diff range: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/2814/diff/24-26/ ?\n<fwereade> natefinch, assuming it is, LGTM with a trivial\n<perrito666> bbl lunch with wife\n<rogpeppe> please could someone review this change (it fixes two high-priority bugs)? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3023/\n<rogpeppe> ericsnow: ^\n<ericsnow> rogpeppe: will do\n<rogpeppe> ericsnow: thanks\n<rogpeppe> ericsnow: and another little one: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3026/\n<ericsnow> rogpeppe: k\n<rogpeppe> ericsnow: ta\n<rogpeppe> ericsnow: responded to your review of http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3023/\n<ericsnow> rogpeppe: k\n<frobware> voidspace, http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3027/\n<voidspace> frobware: looking\n<voidspace> frobware: LGTM\n<frobware> voidspace, thanks. I forget - to merge this it is just $$merge$$ in the PR?\n<natefinch> fwereade: that's the right diff, yeah\n<voidspace> frobware: correct\n<frobware> voidspace, and because it is not master do I need some incantation with [fixes-xyz]?\n<alexisb> heh juju core team, meeting?\n<alexisb> wwitzel3, perrito666, cherylj, natefinch\n<alexisb> others who are around and it is not there eod\n<cherylj> brt\n<voidspace> frobware: no, you only need $$fixes-xyz$$  if the branch you're merging to (including master) is blocked by a critical bug\n<frobware> voidspace, thanks for the clarification\n<alexisb> ericsnow, ping\n<katco> ericsnow: wwitzel3: not coming to the core meeting?\n<frobware> cherylj, I saw that https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1496972 was just reset to 1.26, but I had already started landing into 1.25.\n<mup> Bug #1496972: juju bootstrap fails to successfully configure the bridge juju-br0 when deploying with wily 4.2 kernel <hs-arm64> <kernel-da-key> <network> <juju-core:Triaged\n<mup> by frobware> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged by frobware> <Ubuntu:Invalid by jsalisbury> <Ubuntu Wily:Invalid by jsalisbury> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1496972>\n<cherylj> frobware: I just created a 1.25 task\n<cherylj> frobware: so it should go into 1.25 and 1.26\n<frobware> cherylj, it's currently landing in 1.25.... ok\n<frobware> cherylj, also wondering whether this should go into 1.24\n<cherylj> frobware: how complex is the fix?\n<frobware> cherylj, trivial but significant: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3027/\n<ericsnow> rogpeppe: updates to both patches LGTM\n<rogpeppe> ericsnow: ta!\n<wwitzel3> katco: was away eating, forgot about it, you all still going?\n<natefinch> wwitzel3: done now\n<alexisb> wwitzel3, I figured you were out rolling tractor tires\n<rogpeppe> mgz_: just reviewed https://github.com/juju/charm/pull/164\n<mgz_> rogpeppe: they're ignored because I wanted to preserve existing behaviour to make the branch easy to land\n<rogpeppe> mgz_: ok, fair enough\n<rogpeppe> mgz_: please add a TODO, then LGTM\n<mgz_> but it got messed up anyway because callers are so confused\n<mgz_> rogpeppe: okay\n<rogpeppe> mgz_: unfortunately this commit in utils breaks some tests in juju-core: e6c1e5206ced12cd6201ad2a488e3df6a245eed4\n<mgz_> rogpeppe: that's expected, the mass dep bump will need to bring in test changes as well\n<rogpeppe> mgz_: yeah\n<rogpeppe> mgz_: i'll stick on the old utils for now then\n<voidspace> EOW\n<voidspace> o/\n<perrito666> voidspace: bye\n<katco> ericsnow: i'm ready when you are\n<jog> rogpeppe, looks like a possible regression in the latest CI run on master, related to cookies\n<rogpeppe> jog: interesting, thanks. i'll take a look.\n<jog> rogpeppe, I'll open a bug but you can see failures here: http://reports.vapour.ws/releases/rules/735\n<rogpeppe> jog: ah yes, i knew about that but thought it wouldn't be a problem for CI\n<rogpeppe> jog: the cookie format has changed\n<rogpeppe> jog: i did consider ignoring the error\n<rogpeppe> jog: but thought it was easy enough for people to delete the cookie file if they got that error\n<rogpeppe> jog: do you know if that CI run is starting with a fresh home dir?\n<rogpeppe> jog: given that the juju version using the previous format hasn't been released, i am surprised that this is an issue\n<jog> rogpeppe, we ensure jenv file are removed but I don't think we clean the entire JUJU_HOME\n<rogpeppe> jog: ah\n<rogpeppe> jog: that seems like it's an easy way to run into test pollution to me\n<rogpeppe> jog: i think you should really clean $HOME/.go-cookies before running the tests at the very least\n<mup> Bug #1511537 opened: Failed to load cookies EOF <ci> <intermittent-failure> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511537>\n<rogpeppe> jog: or set $JUJU_COOKIEFILE to something else\n<jog> rogpeppe, I'm checking our test slaves\n<rogpeppe> jog: hmm, that bug is another interesting one.\n<jog> ses just opened that one for something he saw yesterday\n<rogpeppe> jog: this makes me more inclined to the view that failing to load cookies should just be a warning not an error\n<rogpeppe> jog: i swithered about that decision when implementing this\n<jog> where should the .go-cookies file be? In $JUJU_HOME?\n<rogpeppe> jog: usually in $HOME/.go-cookies\n<rogpeppe> jog: but $JUJU_COOKIEFILE can place them elsewhere\n<rogpeppe> jog: how can i find out the commit hash of http://reports.vapour.ws/releases/3230/job/functional-ha-backup-restore/attempt/2766 ?\n<jog> rogpeppe, there are breadcrumbs at the top of that page. Go back one to http://reports.vapour.ws/releases/3230\n<jog> you'll see 'Revision ID' with a link near the top\n<rogpeppe> jog: ah, i didn't realise that grey text was clickable\n<rogpeppe> jog: i *think* that bug (1511537) has been fixed by the dependency update landed today\n<jog> rogpeppe, ah... you said in $HOME... .go-cookies is global for the user\n<rogpeppe> jog: i think the intermittent problem was probably caused by the fact that concurrent juju client instances were stepping one one anothers' toes because the cookie logic wasn't safe for concurrent use\n<rogpeppe> jog: yes it is (very deliberately)\n<jog> so we drive multiple tests in parallel from a single slave...\n<rogpeppe> jog: ok, that makes sense\n<jog> and they can be varying version of Juju\n<rogpeppe> jog: do you use a different value of $JUJU_HOME for each running test?\n<jog> yes\n<jog> err... no\n<jog> each test has a unique environment name though\n<rogpeppe> jog: ok, well you should probably do that. and set JUJU_COOKIEFILE=$JUJU_HOME/cookies\n<rogpeppe> jog: i mean, it's *supposed* to work ok with everything concurrently, but i think it's probably best to have each test as isolated as possible (i'd probably have a different value of $HOME too)\n<jog> we have a $JUJU_HOME with an environment.yaml for each to the various clouds and substrates that we test on.\n<rogpeppe> jog: anyway, this will be more important in the future when you have CI tests that rely on macaroon authorization\n<jog> rogpeppe, with 75+ tests that's not a trivial change for CI. There is also likely CI driver code that sets $JUJU_HOME. Not that it can't be done but not at the flip of a switch.\n<rogpeppe> jog: fair enough\n<rogpeppe> jog: anyway, i hope the intermittent issue should have gone away now\n<rogpeppe> jog: and deleting the cookie file should cause the CI to succeed OK\n<rogpeppe> jog: well, at least to fix *that* issue :)\n<rogpeppe> jog: you could always set JUJU_COOKIEFILE=$(tempfile)\n<jog> that's that type of change I'm thinking of making in the short term\n<jog> also are you going to make that a Warning?\n<rogpeppe> jog: the reason i'm not sure about that is that i'm not sure of the best API for persistent-cookiejar. It seems kind of wrong to not give the caller any info about the fact that loading the cookie jar has failed, but the alternative is returning both a valid cookiejar *and* an error which also seems wrong\n<rogpeppe> jog: for the time being, i might leave it as an error but if it causes further CI issues, i'll change it\n<rogpeppe> jog: after all, if it hadn't been an error, we wouldn't have discovered this potential test cross-talk issue\n<rogpeppe> jog: so it's not all bad :)\n<mup> Bug #1511543 opened: Unhelpful error message when trying from a location with a full disk <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511543>\n<axw> rogpeppe: gocov can merge profiles\n<axw> rogpeppe: not aware of any others\n#juju-dev 2015-10-30\n<mup> Bug #1511589 opened: maas provider, hwclock out of sync means juju will not work <kanban-cross-team> <landscape> <maas-provider> <juju-core:New> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511589>\n<rogpeppe> axw: how would i use gocov to merge coverage profiles? it's not clear from the README\n<axw> rogpeppe: sorry, IIANM you can \"gocov convert profile [profile...]\". but it's going to give you gocov JSON output, if it's not clear\n<rogpeppe> axw: so my aim here was to try and see the combined test coverage of juju/api when running the juju/apiserver/client and juju/api tests\n<rogpeppe> axw: and i like the nice red-green line-by-line HTML output of the usual coverage tool\n<rogpeppe> axw: can i use gocov to do that?\n<axw> rogpeppe: cmars added support to gocov for testing multiple packages, so you should be able to \"gocov test juju/api juju/apiserver/client\"\n<axw> rogpeppe: there's command-line \"gocov annotate\" for annotated source, and https://github.com/matm/gocov-html if you want HTML\n<axw> rogpeppe: (and I just noticed that doesn't do red/green, assuming the screenshot is representative; sorry)\n<rogpeppe> axw: trying it anyway. we'll see.\n<rogpeppe> axw: hmm, doesn't seem to have worked: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13007149/\n<rogpeppe> axw: and /tmp/cov.out is empty\n<axw> rogpeppe: hrm, I'll take a look\n<axw> rogpeppe: did you just fetch gocov?\n<rogpeppe> axw: hmm, maybe i should've used go test then gocov convert\n<rogpeppe> axw: yeah\n<axw> rogpeppe: that should work\n<rogpeppe> axw: um\n<rogpeppe> axw: it looks like i didn't\n<rogpeppe> % ls -l `{whatis gocov}\n<rogpeppe> -rwxrwxr-x 1 rog rog 3907964 Mar 22  2013 /home/rog/src/go/bin/gocov\n<axw> oops :)\n<rogpeppe> axw: ah!\n<rogpeppe> axw: the command isn't in the top level dir\n<rogpeppe> axw: i did go install github.com/axw/gocov\n<axw> rogpeppe: hrm, I've just realised that \"gocov test <pkg>\" does not tell you about dependent packages. so you'll need to specify -coverpkg\n<rogpeppe> axw: ah, i wondered about that\n<axw> rogpeppe: original gocov used to do it, but then it became a shim around \"go test -cover\"\n<axw> it should probably do it again, since it supports multiple packages now\n<rogpeppe> axw: hmm\n<rogpeppe> % gocov test -coverpkg ./api ./api ./apiserver/client > /tmp/cov.out\n<rogpeppe> warning: no packages being tested depend on github.com/juju/juju/api\n * axw tries\n<rogpeppe> axw: that doesn't seem right to me - both those packages depend on juju/api\n<axw> rogpeppe: maybe something to do with relative package path?\n<rogpeppe> axw: i'll try abs\n<axw> rogpeppe: I just tried it on a dummy package\n<axw> worked ok\n<rogpeppe> axw: using absolute path didn't help\n<rogpeppe> axw: i'll try go test then gocov convert\n<axw> rogpeppe: weird, putting \"-coverpkg ./api\" *after* the package names seems to work ...\n<axw> rogpeppe: hmm or maybe not\n<axw> ok just do it your way ;p\n<rogpeppe> axw: trying it now\n * rogpeppe wishes command line flag parsing wasn't context-sensitive\n<axw> rogpeppe: oh it does work, I was seeing warnings for another reason (I was using ./... and not all packages depend on it)\n<frobware> dimitern, please could you take a look at http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3030/\n<axw> rogpeppe: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13007210/\n<axw> rogpeppe: I read that as: api tests 56% of api, apiserver/client tests 43.7%, together they do 77.78%\n<rogpeppe> axw: that doesn't look right to me\n<rogpeppe> axw: for example EnsureAvailability is well tested by apiserver/client but comes up as 0%\n<axw> hrm\n<dimitern> frobware, sure, looking\n<axw> rogpeppe: seems to happen regardless of whether I'm merging... checking what happens when I just use \"go test -cover\"\n<rogpeppe> axw: so i get the same issue when manually using gocov convert with multiple files\n<dimitern> frobware, lgtm\n<axw> rogpeppe: just tested with \"go test -coverpkg github.com/juju/juju/api <etc>\" and it shows 0% coverage for Client.EnsureAvailability\n<rogpeppe> axw: yeah, i just saw that too. maybe our tests are at fault\n<axw> rogpeppe: ah... it's calling the apiserver/client code directly I think\n<rogpeppe> axw: ah, so it is\n<rogpeppe> axw: ok, we're all mixed up in our testing approaches here\n<rogpeppe> axw: thanks\n<axw> rogpeppe: nps\n<axw> rogpeppe: one of these days I'd like to get coverage generated by CI\n<axw> merged for the whole tree\n<rogpeppe> axw: yes, that would be great\n<dimitern> axw, hey, since you're here - a question: do you know if there's any way in a manual environment to add a new machine and a new container on it in a single command?\n<dimitern> e.g. like in other envs you can add-machine lxc\n<dimitern> I guessed not, but wasn't completely sure\n<mup> Bug #1511659 opened: Destroyed leader, new leader not elected. <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511659>\n<mup> Bug #1511659 changed: Destroyed leader, new leader not elected. <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511659>\n<mup> Bug #1511659 opened: Destroyed leader, new leader not elected. <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511659>\n<dimitern> fwereade, hey, how's that for a better UX: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13007523/\n<dimitern> I'll fix the typo\n<fwereade> dimitern, nice\n<dimitern> fwereade, I've added a PrecheckContainerHost method on the state.Policy.Prechecker\n<dimitern> fwereade, which can be called with or without the host being provisioned (the latter in the case you've done $ juju add-machine lxc)\n<fwereade> dimitern, excellent\n<dimitern> fwereade, yeah, I agree it's much cleaner like this; now just a couple of provisioner API methods are needed to allow the worker to notify the apiserver that it's about to start/stop a container, so the NICs can be created with the pre-generated MAC etc.\n<fwereade> dimitern, yeah, sgtm\n<fwereade> dimitern, lovely\n<dimitern> jam, dooferlad, standup?\n<frobware> anybody else see \"cannot load cookies: json: cannot unmarshal object into Go value of type []cookiejar.entry\" - this from 'juju ssh 0'\n<dimitern> frobware, you probably need to update the deps\n<frobware> dimitern, done that\n<dimitern> frobware, so that's not a build error?\n<frobware> dimitern, bootstrap works, trying to 'juju ssh 0' borks\n<dimitern> frobware, hmm I haven't seen this - try with juju ssh --debug 0\n<frobware> dimitern, just starting a git bisect to see if it is just me, or something recent.\n<dimitern> frobware, I think I noticed some sort of bug related to loading cookies and bootstrap issues today or yesterday - might be worth a quick search\n * dimitern is surprised to find out $ juju deploy mysvc --to 0,lxc:1,2,lxc works but it's not documented\n<mup> Bug #1511717 opened: Incompatible cookie format change <compatibility> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511717>\n<mup> Bug #1511717 changed: Incompatible cookie format change <compatibility> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511717>\n<mup> Bug #1511717 opened: Incompatible cookie format change <compatibility> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511717>\n<mup> Bug #1511589 changed: maas provider, hwclock out of sync means juju will not work <landscape> <maas-provider> <juju-core:Invalid> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511589>\n<frobware> dimitern, forward port to master - http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3031/ (do these need reviewing if they have been reviewed on 1.25?)\n<dimitern> frobware, will have a look in a bit; yes - they do need reviewing (albeit a quick one, since it's a port)\n<frobware> dimitern, well this was a cherry-pick\n<dimitern> frobware, ship it! ;)\n<katco> natefinch: sorry, what's the status on http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/2814/ ?\n<katco> ericsnow: you should have your reviews from me\n<ericsnow> katco: thanks!\n<natefinch> katco: I have to write a couple small tests and then I have a shipit from william\n<katco> natefinch: k, i know it's friday labs, but extenuating circumstances, can you land that today?\n<natefinch> katco: yeah... I think friday labs is only friday afternoons anyway, right?\n<katco> natefinch: i think we can spare a day :)\n<natefinch> katco: regardless, it should be very fast to finish up\n<katco> natefinch: cool\n<natefinch> Is there a way to make a new unit without having to invoke methods on state?  there's a state.newUnit, which is obviously not exported, and the fields of Unit are not exported...\n<natefinch> (this is for testing)\n<natefinch> fwereade, dimitern, rogpeppe, wwitzel3, ericsnow, katco, etc ^\n<katco> natefinch: there's the factory\n<ericsnow> natefinch: I've only ever used the state stuff (see the helper in state/workloads_test.go)\n<ericsnow> natefinch: but that uses ConnSuite\n<katco> natefinch: ericsnow: sec, hunting for this\n<rogpeppe> natefinch: what are you trying to do?\n<dimitern> natefinch, why without calling a state method?\n<katco> natefinch: https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/master/testing/factory/factory.go\n<natefinch> rogpeppe: test a function that takes a unit without doing a full stack test\n<katco> natefinch: but forgot it still uses state =/\n<natefinch> dimitern: because using state will make my test take 100 times longer\n<rogpeppe> natefinch: you could always use an interface type\n<katco> natefinch: don't dwell on this too long. your budget is spent\n<rogpeppe> natefinch: that's not a problem to be solved in isolation\n<rogpeppe> natefinch: someone should spend some time looking at how to speed up *all* state-based tests\n<rogpeppe> natefinch: i can't believe noone seems to have allocated any time for that\n<natefinch> rogpeppe: I don't have time to solve the problem in general. I just want to write a unit test\n<katco> rogpeppe: i think what he's saying is that he doesn't want it to be state based at all\n<rogpeppe> natefinch: so write the test the same way as all the other tests are written\n<dimitern> natefinch, ah, well - interfaces & mocking then\n<natefinch> the code in the function that I'm testing is very very simple\n<rogpeppe> natefinch: making it different will only make things harder in the long run\n<rogpeppe> natefinch: what does your function look like?\n<natefinch> rogpeppe: I think I can fix it with judicious application of a tiny special-case interface, actually\n<rogpeppe> natefinch: that's often the case\n<natefinch> instead of casting a state.Entity to *state.Unit. cast to an interface with the one function I need from Unit.\n<frobware> cherylj, ping - any chance we could quickly chat about https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1412621\n<mup> Bug #1412621: replica set EMPTYCONFIG MAAS bootstrap <adoption> <bootstrap> <bug-squad> <charmers> <cpec> <cpp> <maas-provider> <mongodb> <oil> <juju-core:Triaged by frobware> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1412621>\n<fwereade> natefinch, +100 to that, if you must cast cast to the narrowest possible interface\n<natefinch> fwereade: yep, just a single function.  And now my 3 tests take less than a millisecond each to run.\n<fwereade> natefinch, <3\n<fwereade> natefinch, and you can get nice coverage of weird errors as well, and it'll still take less than a ms :)\n<natefinch> fwereade: yep.  tested the error paths as well.\n<fwereade> natefinch, perfect :)\n<katco> natefinch: well done :)\n<mup> Bug #1511771 opened: regression setting tools-metadata-url <blocker> <ci> <regression> <set-env> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511771>\n * wwitzel3 goes to look at those tests to remember the implementation\n<natefinch> This branch has conflicts that must be resolved\n<natefinch> noooooooo!!!\n<natefinch> I guess it's to be expected given that it's a 29 day old PR :/\n<natefinch> gah, why does git rebase master tell me I'm up to date when github says there's conflicts merging?\n<natefinch> ahh, my local master was out of date\n<natefinch> katco: merging the unitassigner stuff now.... assuming the bot is working and will pick it up, which is looking somewhat questionable currently.\n<katco> natefinch: eh? why, what's going on with the bot?\n<natefinch> katco: nevermind, it was just being slo\n<natefinch> except that master is blocked now... sonofa\n<alexisb> frobware, cherylj is out today\n<alexisb> I need a volunteer to help with a friday afternoon activity\n<alexisb> anyone around and willing?\n<natefinch> alexisb: I'm around.  I'd rather work on minjujuversion, but can do other things as needed\n<alexisb> natefinch, this shouldnt take long, I just have a couple of qs to get me unstuck\n<mup> Bug #1511812 opened: 1.25.0 cannot bootstrap local environment on wily host  <cloud-installer> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511812>\n<mup> Bug #1511812 changed: 1.25.0 cannot bootstrap local environment on wily host  <cloud-installer> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511812>\n<mup> Bug #1511812 opened: 1.25.0 cannot bootstrap local environment on wily host  <cloud-installer> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511812>\n<mup> Bug #1511822 opened: imports github.com/juju/juju/workload/api/internal/client: use of internal package not allowed <blocker> <ci> <regression> <wily> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511822>\n<mup> Bug #1511822 changed: imports github.com/juju/juju/workload/api/internal/client: use of internal package not allowed <blocker> <ci> <regression> <wily> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511822>\n<mup> Bug #1511822 opened: imports github.com/juju/juju/workload/api/internal/client: use of internal package not allowed <blocker> <ci> <regression> <wily> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511822>\n<mup> Bug #1511822 changed: imports github.com/juju/juju/workload/api/internal/client: use of internal package not allowed <blocker> <ci> <regression> <wily> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511822>\n<mup> Bug #1511822 opened: imports github.com/juju/juju/workload/api/internal/client: use of internal package not allowed <blocker> <ci> <regression> <wily> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511822>\n<mup> Bug #1511865 opened: juju run output is unusable <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511865>\n<mup> Bug #1511865 changed: juju run output is unusable <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511865>\n#juju-dev 2015-10-31\n<mup> Bug #1511812 changed: 1.25.0 and 1.24.6 cannot bootstrap local environment on wily host <bug-squad> <cloud-installer> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511812>\n<mup> Bug #1511944 opened: CLI commands cannot take multiple arguments even when they are unambigious, requiring multiple calls instead <cli-ux> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511944>\n<mup> Bug #1511944 changed: CLI commands cannot take multiple arguments even when they are unambigious, requiring multiple calls instead <cli-ux> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511944>\n<mup> Bug #1511944 opened: CLI commands cannot take multiple arguments even when they are unambigious, requiring multiple calls instead <cli-ux> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511944>\n<mup> Bug #1511944 changed: CLI commands cannot take multiple arguments even when they are unambigious, requiring multiple calls instead <cli-ux> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511944>\n<mup> Bug #1511944 opened: CLI commands cannot take multiple arguments even when they are unambigious, requiring multiple calls instead <cli-ux> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1511944>\n#juju-dev 2015-11-01\n<mup> Bug #1488245 changed: Recurring lxc issue: failed to retrieve the template to clone  <canonical-bootstack> <lxc> <juju-core:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1488245>\n#juju-dev 2016-10-31\n<menn0> axw: review done\n<axw> menn0: thanks, I'll run up a 1.25 env and test on there before I land\n<menn0> axw: great, thanks\n<menn0> axw: thanks for the edits\n<axw> menn0: so 2.4 handles the \"_id $in [...]\" method well - it completed instantly. using Bulk isn't terrible though, it takes 3 seconds to remove 10000 docs\n<axw> menn0: so I'm inclined to just use Bulk for simplicity\n<menn0> axw: that SGTM\n<axw> menn0: np\n<axw> cool\n<menn0> axw: 3s for 10000 docs locally or on azure?\n<axw> menn0: on azure\n<axw> one last test with 2.0 on a fresh VM\n<menn0> axw: that seems like it should be fine to me\n<axw> menn0: cool. I'm just going to test on the exact same VM size, with mongo 3.x/wiredtiger without waiting for things to go pear shaped this time. should be a better comparison\n<axw> if it's the same I'll shipit\n<menn0> axw: +1\n<wallyworld> axw: when you have time, a small one, no rush https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6516\n<axw> wallyworld: what is the \"elsewhere\" that tests the same functionality?\n<wallyworld> axw: test cases in testChangeRemoteApplications\n<axw> wallyworld: LGTM\n<wallyworld> ty\n<wallyworld> axw: this line https://github.com/juju/version/blob/master/version.go#L143 causes this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1637079 . I think we should just remove that series check entirely from ParseBinary? The bugs happens when you have a juju agent running on a system without zesty in its distro info data and the agent tries to parse zesty tools\n<mup> Bug #1637079: Upgrade stuck due to out-of-date distro-info-data package <canonical-is> <eda> <juju:Triaged by alexis-bruemmer> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1637079>\n<axw> wallyworld: SGTM, but does removing that get you all the way?\n<wallyworld> i think so, will check a bit more closely to try and be sure\n<axw> wallyworld: we should be changing the binary format to replace series with OS at some point. there's no need for separate agent binaries per series\n<wallyworld> axw: oh tell me about it. bootstrapping on aws is sooooooo because it uploads i think 3 copies of the tools tarballs, one for each of a few series. takes forever\n<wallyworld> maybe a 2.2 thing\n<axw> wallyworld: seriously? I thought we fixed that to just upload one, and have the controller explode it into the various series\n<axw> if we're uploading multiple times, I think we can fix that without changing the format at least\n<wallyworld> hmmm. maybe. i haven't checked in a while. maybe the tarball has grown so large it still take sages\n<axw> it does take a long time\n<wallyworld> on ADSL yeah it does :-(\n<wallyworld> axw: two small ones for whenever https://github.com/juju/utils/pull/247 https://github.com/juju/version/pull/4\n<wallyworld> axw: thanks for reviews. there's little that can be done for other usages of GetOSFromSeries() in juju - all cases require the OS to make a decision about something wrt cloud init and such. so i'll just update the deps\n<axw> okey dokey\n<wallyworld> damn, pulling in tip of utils breaks other apis, sigh\n<rogpeppe> anyone know ModelMachineInfo.Status is instance status or agent status?\n<rogpeppe> anyone around that may be able to do a review of a change to testing/checkers to ignore time zones when comparing times? https://github.com/juju/testing/pull/115\n<rogpeppe> dimitern: ^\n<dimitern> rogpeppe: looking\n<rogpeppe> dimitern: thanks!\n<rogpeppe> dimitern: are you all at the sprint this week?\n<dimitern> rogpeppe: thankfully, no :)\n<rogpeppe> dimitern: :)\n<rogpeppe> dimitern: just it seem very quiet here atm\n<dimitern> rogpeppe: LGTM, but I'm curious - why was that needed?\n<rogpeppe> dimitern: just a test failure due to two times being different only in zone (we were using UTC, bson unmarshals as local) and i got fed up. i've wanted to make this change for ages :)\n<dimitern> rogpeppe: quiet yes.. I'm tasked with making sure develop merges OK into staging though, so I haven't noticed :)\n<perrito666> morning all\n<zeestrat> Hey, when is 2.0.1 coming to the juju/stable PPA?\n<dimitern> mgz: ping\n<mgz> dimitern: yo\n<dimitern> mgz: hey, I've been watching the last few CI runs on develop\n<dimitern> mgz: any idea about the build errors?\n<mgz> the last few?\n<mgz> the earlier ones were from balloons changing the packaging branch\n<mgz> but those should be gone with the latest builds?\n<mgz> hm, something new\n<dimitern> latest one still has a few: http://reports.vapour.ws/releases/4540\n<mgz> also those results are misleading\n<mgz> hardly anything actually ran\n<mgz> there was talk about poking around with S3 on friday, I'll look and see what actually changed\n<dimitern> ok\n<dimitern> mgz: do you think we could merge develop into staging today, or we need a bless first?\n<mgz> ideally we get a bless, but of the last 10 runs most have failed due to non-juju code reasons\n<balloons> we do need a bless. I was hoping a PR would land so we'd get a testrun -- really nothing has landed?\n<balloons> ohh, no, it landed.. I see, weird\n<mgz> stuff has landed, we're stuck on the build/publish step\n<mgz> of xenial ppc64 build at least is blocking things\n<mgz> perhaps other stuff?\n * mgz goes to clean up ppc64el-slave\n<mgz> which stilson are you today...\n<mgz> hm, 05 isn't actually out of disk\n<mgz> dimitern: I deleting a bunch of things from that machine and am trying a rerun of the ppc64 build job\n<dimitern> mgz: +1\n<mgz> that should unblock various things, obviously we have some config issues as well\n<mgz> as the jobs that failed shouldn't run before publish I presume\n<SimonKLB> who's involved with the juju charm store development?\n<SimonKLB> i renamed a user to use it's username for a team instead, launchpad seem ok with it, but it's not possible to make the changes migrate to the juju charm store\n<SimonKLB> or at least im not sure how to do it\n<natefinch> rogpeppe: ^\n<mgz> ah, standup is a different hour\n<mgz> thanks clocks...\n<natefinch> haha\n<natefinch> I laugh, but ours changes next week\n<mgz> yeah, then standup time will move again\n<mgz> hm, no katco today?\n<mgz> she appeareth\n<mgz> dimitern: standup!\n<mgz> also... other people who are around?\n<katco> dimitern: macgreag1ir: voidspace: frobware: standup time\n<voidspace> katco: oh, screw - our clocks changed and I forgot that changed standup time\n<voidspace> katco: omw\n<katco> no worries!\n<katco> dooferlad: standup time\n<dimitern> katco: isn't it in an hour's time?\n<natefinch> nope, you guys had daylight saving end and we haven't yet\n<mgz> dimitern: clocks, they are a changin'\n<natefinch> next week it'll be back to the same time\n<natefinch> since we end our saving time next week\n<natefinch> huzzah\n<katco> dimitern: confusion abounds\n<dimitern> oh I see\n<dimitern> omw then\n<rogpeppe> SimonKLB: I'm not sure exactly what you mean by \"i renamed a user to use it's username for a team instead,\"\n<rick_h___> rogpeppe: in SSO you can change the user be but that blows up on the chsrmstore without manual intervention\n<rogpeppe> rick_h___: yeah, we discussed it by PM\n<rick_h___> Ah cool\n<rogpeppe> rick_h___: my question above was because i found the grammar hard to parse\n<SimonKLB> my bad \\o\n<SimonKLB> rick_h___: would deleting the user be sufficient? because i only have some test-charms pushed\n<SimonKLB> do whatever is the easiest for you guys\n<voidspace> dimitern: so for maas 2, \"not_networks\" needs to be changed in gomaasapi rather than in juju\n<dimitern> voidspace: for maas 2.1 only IIRC - let me double check\n<voidspace> dimitern: according to bug 163919 it's maas 2.0\n<mup> Bug #163919: didyouknow plugin bug <Exaile:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/163919>\n<voidspace> uhm\n<voidspace> bug 1636919\n<mup> Bug #1636919: MAAS machine selected with space in violation of constraint <ci> <jujuqa> <maas-provider> <networking> <juju:Triaged> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1636919>\n<voidspace> dimitern: ah, no - it's an api change as well\n<voidspace> dimitern: (for gomaasapi)\n<voidspace> dimitern: juju needs to pass a slice of strings not a string\n<dimitern> voidspace: according to http://maas.ubuntu.com/docs2.0/api.html#machines - not_networks is still acceptable for API 2.0\n<voidspace> dimitern: I've pinged mpontillo on #juju (canonical)\n<voidspace> dimitern: no response yet, but I'll check with him\n<voidspace> dimitern: what maas API version do you see with 2.1? I don't have 2.1 setup\n<dimitern> voidspace: I've checked the source, but as for 2.1 API docs -  http://maas.ubuntu.com/docs2.1/api.html#machines still mentions not_networks and not \"not_subnets\"\n<dimitern> voidspace: I guess the docs were not updated recently\n<voidspace> dimitern: well, if they're incorrect for 2.1 they could be incorrect for 2.0 as well...\n<mgz> dimitern: I filed bugs\n<voidspace> dimitern: I'll find out\n<voidspace> mgz: the maas guys are at the sprint - as far as you know is \"not_subnets\" correct for 2.0 or only for 2.1?\n<mgz> for both\n<dimitern> voidspace: If all else fails, use the source :)\n<voidspace> dimitern: so you're saying that according to the source, \"not_networks\" is correct for 2.0?\n<voidspace> we don't officially support 2.1 yet anyway ;-)\n<mgz> bug 1637009 probably what you're most interested in\n<mup> Bug #1637009: [2.0,2.1] Node acquisition constraints API documentation needs to be updated to match reality <MAAS:In Progress by mpontillo> <MAAS 1.9:In Progress by mpontillo> <MAAS 2.0:In Progress by mpontillo> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1637009>\n * voidspace goes to checkout maas\n<dimitern> voidspace, yeah - I can confirm on the actual 2.0 vmaas here..\n<voidspace> dimitern: ah, so that's in contradiction to the bug that mgz just linked to\n<mgz> bug 1637182 and bug 1637192 also relevent\n<mup> Bug #1637182: Help and documentation 'list of unicodes' inconsistent <MAAS:In Progress by mpontillo> <MAAS 1.9:In Progress by mpontillo> <MAAS 2.0:In Progress by mpontillo> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1637182>\n<mup> Bug #1637192: [2.0,2.1] Allocate using subnets or not_subnets with space fails <MAAS:Triaged by mpontillo> <MAAS 1.9:Triaged by mpontillo> <MAAS 2.0:Triaged by mpontillo> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1637192>\n<mgz> and bug 1636250\n<mup> Bug #1636250: [2.1] machines allocate API returns a random machine if incorrect - parameters are used <MAAS:Fix Committed by andreserl> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1636250>\n<mgz> not_networks is accepted and silently ignored on 2.0 and 2.1\n<dimitern> mgz: not quite: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23407376/\n<dimitern> mgz: for 2.1 - http://paste.ubuntu.com/23407383/\n<dimitern> but I'll test it with the MAAS CLI manually on both\n<mgz> what am I looking for there dimitern?\n<mgz> I only see (wrong) docstring matches for your grep\n<mgz> also, bugs document the pretty extensive testing I did for this across three maas versions\n<dimitern> mgz: I've tried `$ maas 21-root machines allocate dry_run=True not_subnets=space:0 verbose=True` on 2.1 and got `unorderable types: Subnet() < Subnet()`\n<dimitern> with not_networks there's no error, but it doesn't seem to work\n<mgz> dimitern: see bug 1637192 as linked above\n<mup> Bug #1637192: [2.0,2.1] Allocate using subnets or not_subnets with space fails <MAAS:Triaged by mpontillo> <MAAS 1.9:Triaged by mpontillo> <MAAS 2.0:Triaged by mpontillo> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1637192>\n<mgz> there's a bit more background to that that's on a maas mailing list\n<mgz> but I think the bug has the conclusion at least\n<mpontillo> dimitern: the 'unorderable types' one is a bug in the error message. what we're trying to do is render a string that says something like \"failed to match constraint: xyz\", but when we go to figure out what to put in xyz we crash ;-)\n<mpontillo> dimitern: https://code.launchpad.net/~mpontillo/maas/update-constraints-docs--bugs-1637182-1637009/+merge/309617 clarifies the docs\n<dimitern> mpontillo: cheeers! :)\n<mpontillo> dimitern: but yeah, I can confirm that going from 1.x to 2.x we renamed the '[not_]networks' constraint to '[not_]subnets'. MAAS 2.1 was also recently changed to reject unknown constraints.\n<dimitern> mpontillo: so *both* 2.0 and 2.1 API only accept \"not_subnets\" (even if it doesn't complain in the former case) ?\n<mpontillo> dimitern: correct, when we moved to MAAS 2.x we made that change. we also dropped legacy 'connected_to' and 'not_connected_to' constraints in 2.x\n<dimitern> mpontillo: ok, thanks for confirming!\n<mpontillo> dimitern: voidspace: np. also, be aware when testing this that the corresponding *positive* constraints will probably not do what you expect. that is, 'subnets' and 'not_subnets' do not filter an inverse set of machines if multiple subnets match the specifier.\n<mpontillo> (long story short, only matching nodes *not* in a set of subnets is well-supported, if you try to pass in, for example, subnets:space:x and space x has 3 subnets, we'll try to find a node with all 3, which is probably not useful)\n<mpontillo> but that is more of a wishlist because this works as-expected when using the interfaces constraint.\n<voidspace> mpontillo: ok, thanks\n<redir> rick_h___: yt?\n<perrito666> voidspace: still working?\n<voidspace> perrito666: still around anyway\n<perrito666> voidspace: I am trying to determine an issue that is most likely unrelated to this but am getting a constant spam error because juju cant  SetLinkLayerDevices\n<perrito666> voidspace: how big of an issue is that error?\n<voidspace> perrito666: ah, I've seen that - I think it's spurious\n<perrito666> voidspace: apparently Its trying to use the same id for more than one thing\n<perrito666> voidspace: ack, I thought so\n<voidspace> perrito666: dimitern is really the one who needs to answer I'm afraid\n<perrito666> yep, blame said the same but he is not here :p\n<voidspace> perrito666: but I saw the same error when I was trying to diagnose a vsphere issue - and it had nothing to do with that error\n<perrito666> voidspace: yeah, same here\n<perrito666> :)\n<perrito666> spaces are blowing all over the place in vsphere\n<voidspace> perrito666: yeah, that needs fixing - it shouldn't error out if spaces aren't supported\n<voidspace> perrito666: if you file a bug I'll fix it ;-)\n<perrito666> voidspace: I dont have enough information, I believe this is actually causing a problem for me here\n<natefinch> perrito666: what auth types does vsphere allow?\n<natefinch> perrito666: just userpass?\n<natefinch> anyone else know?  Would be nice if our docs specified this :/\n<natefinch> looks like just userpass from the credential s chema\n<voidspace> natefinch: perrito666: I've only ever *seen* userpass...\n<voidspace> perrito666: actually, the specific issue I saw was \"unrecognised type\" for an interface, not id re-use\n<voidspace> perrito666: so that is \"new\"\n<babbageclunk> morning everyone! I'm in Hamilton!\n<perrito666> natefinch: I have the same experience as voidspace\n<perrito666> voidspace: I learned it was due to id reuse after digging into the code the error is completely misleading\n<redir> babbageclunk: congrats\n<veebers> babbageclunk: nice! Where is your final destination in NZ?\n<voidspace> perrito666: ah, ok\n<babbageclunk> veebers: uh, a grave somewhere I guess? ;)\n<babbageclunk> I mean, Welly.\n<babbageclunk> But we'll have a longish boringish interlude in Palmerston North while all our stuff is being shipped.\n<veebers> babbageclunk: wow dark. I love it\n<babbageclunk> veebers: I mean, Palmy's not that bad.\n<veebers> ^_^\n<perrito666> hey all, how do I pass availability zone to bootstrap?\n<mup> Bug #1637695 changed: Charm-guide: Openstack on LXD directions do not work <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1637695>\n<perrito666> Alexis wallyworld I'll be a few mins late to the standup sorry\n<wallyworld> np\n#juju-dev 2016-11-01\n<redir> how do I kill an app in error state?\n<anastasiamac> redir: do u want to resolve the error or remove the app?\n<redir> remove\n<redir> anastasiamac: ^\n<anastasiamac> redir: juju remove-application?\n<redir> yeah that doesn't get rid of it\n<anastasiamac> redir: what does it say?\n<redir> remove-app says nothing anastasiamac\n<redir> just returns\n<redir> but the app (ubuntu) is still there in an error state and the machine is still there too\n<anastasiamac> redir: do u know what's error? anything in the logs?\n<redir> ERROR juju.worker.uniter.operation hook \"install\" failed: exit status 127\n<redir> but is seems to keep renewing leadership lease\n<anastasiamac> redir: in the past, we'd restart jujud on the machine to make sure that leadership gets kicked too... mayb it'll help here...\n<anastasiamac> redir: i think it's worth a bug tho with repro steps...\n<redir> nope nope, not killing any machines on this maas since it is sooo hard to get the nodes up and running.\n<redir> and there's no one there to wiggle the wires for 2 weeks\n<redir> all I did was `juju deploy ubuntu --series precise --to kvm:0\n<anastasiamac> redir: not killing machine... just re-starting jujud..\n<axw> menn0: the logs I had from IS had messages for transactions we were running. they were all for lease & status. there were just a lot more entities than I thought there were\n<axw> menn0: so 9000 txn over 2 hours isn't unusual in their env\n<redir> trick-or-treaters are starting\n * redir eods\n<axw> still not not sure why there was a spike (previous period had only ~1000)\n<menn0> axw: hmm interesting\n<babbageclunk> wallyworld: I think my change would be simpler if I ripped out the blank model uuid from the api first.\n<wallyworld> babbageclunk: i din't really have enough context to comment\n<wallyworld> model uuid in 2.0 should not be blank though i don't think\n<babbageclunk> wallyworld: https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/staging/apiserver/utils.go#L47\n<babbageclunk> wallyworld: Where do I need to check? I guess all of the clients?\n<wallyworld> babbageclunk: from memory, i tried taking that check out recently and stuff failed. i can't recall exactly what though\n<wallyworld> i think right now there's still a legitimate use case for empty model uuid in that context\n<wallyworld> backup might have been one case\n<babbageclunk> wallyworld: Ah, ok - I'll leave it alone then.\n<wallyworld> i was hoping we could remove that check\n<wallyworld> it may be that there's just legacy code to fix, but am not sure now\n<axw> wallyworld menn0: monitoring is paying dividends... just found a mongo session leak\n<wallyworld> yay!\n<wallyworld> axw: where?\n<axw> wallyworld: apiserver/logsink. we've got a loop that never breaks as long as the apiserver is running\n<axw> wallyworld: so the session it copies at the start of the handler never gets closed\n<axw> wallyworld: client reconnects and starts a new one when the client conn breaks, and so we have a slow buildup of goroutines & sessions\n<wallyworld> how often does  aclient conn break?\n<wallyworld> you mean each new incoming api request?\n<axw> wallyworld: well in my env, there's been 4 new goroutines added for this in the past 90 minutes. pretty slow buildup\n<axw> wallyworld: it's not one per API request, this is the logsink thing. it's a long-lived websocket\n<wallyworld> makes sense\n<natefinch> anyone know how vsphere configuration is supposed to work?\n<natefinch> I can;t tell if my the code has a weird bug or if it's doing what it's supposed to do\n<wallyworld> nfi\n<wallyworld> horatio is your man\n<natefinch> Horatio; a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy\n<natefinch> technically the second part is talking about yorick, but it's funnier to take it out of context\n<menn0> axw: nice work. hooray for monitoring!\n<blahdeblah> natefinch: context, schmontext\n<blahdeblah> natefinch: I *may* know something about vsphere configuration also\n<natefinch> blahdeblah: cool, well, I think I figured it out, since I see code explicitly doing what I thought might be a bug.  In fact, there's like 100 lines of reflection to do it, for some odd and scary reason\n<blahdeblah> Well, in that case, I know nothing about vsphere :-)\n<natefinch> lol\n<natefinch> blahdeblah: thanks anyway :)  What it was, was that the docs say to set your yaml like the example here: https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/help-vmware\n<natefinch> where the regions are just empty... but then when it gets saved into your clouds.yaml, the regions get endpoint set with the value from the cloud endpoint... which seemed like a very weird bug\n<natefinch> but looking at the code, it's intentional.... just seems weird to manually copy them out when they're saved rather than simply interpret them that way at runtime.\n<anastasiamac> axw: this is awesome.. i don't think we had logsink in 1.25... did we?\n<axw> anastasiamac: I think we did, I'll check\n<blahdeblah> anastasiamac: Are you thinking what I'm thinking? :-)\n<anastasiamac> axw: oooh.. it'd b great if we have a fix to put it before 1.25.7 goes out then :D\n<anastasiamac> blahdeblah: :D\n<anastasiamac> blahdeblah: always!!\n<blahdeblah> anastasiamac: you are definitely thinking what I'm thinking. :-)\n<axw> anastasiamac: it's there, but the code is different. I don't think the bug applies to 1.25\n<blahdeblah> d'oh!\n<wallyworld> axw: interesting. os.Mkdir(\"/some/path\", 0660) only creates the directory with 0640 and there's no error\n<wallyworld> at least on my yakkety system\n<wallyworld> so unit tests fail \\o/\n<axw> wallyworld: umask\n<wallyworld> ah\n<axw> wallyworld: try clearing umask and running again\n<wallyworld> ta\n<wallyworld> forgot about that\n<wallyworld> yep, that was it\n<axw> wallyworld: I guess IsolationSuite should clear it?\n<wallyworld> yeah, i think so\n<wallyworld> except not every suite embeds that sadly\n<wallyworld> the one that failed for me doesn't\n<anastasiamac> wallyworld: looks like awesome drive-by improvement :D\n<wallyworld> fix every test suite?\n<wallyworld> there's a lot of them\n<anastasiamac> if u r really keen :D but i was talking about the test (or its suite) that was brought up to u attention\n<wallyworld> it embeds BaseSuite. I'd rather approach the problem holistically\n<wallyworld> look at making BaseSuite embed IsolationSuite\n<wallyworld> but there will be consequences\n<anastasiamac> i would have prefered for this suite to embed IsolationSuite rather than Base... It looks like it needs it\n<wallyworld> piecemeal embedding IsolationSuite here and there isn't the best approach\n<wallyworld> every suite should embedd BaseSuite\n<anastasiamac> no it' not... but it gets us to a better place\n<wallyworld> that gives standard log captures, cleanup etc\n<natefinch> what does basesuite do that isolation doesn't?\n<anastasiamac> i think basesuite is more limited\n<anastasiamac> isolationsuite should b used where file systems r touched... off memor...\n<wallyworld> JujuOSEnvSuite vs OSEnvSuite\n<natefinch> if you need logging to figure out why your tests failed, it means your tests are bad\n<wallyworld> i'm not talking about that\n<wallyworld> log capture prevents logginf leaking onto the console\n<natefinch> ahh\n<anastasiamac> fun regression in tests \\o/ https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1466520\n<mup> Bug #1466520: serviceSuite setup fails <ci> <intermittent-failure> <unit-tests> <juju:Triaged> <juju-core:Fix Released> <juju-core 1.24:Won't Fix> <juju-core 1.25:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1466520>\n<mup> Bug #1466520 changed: serviceSuite setup fails <ci> <intermittent-failure> <unit-tests> <juju:Triaged> <juju-core:Fix Released> <juju-core 1.24:Won't Fix> <juju-core 1.25:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1466520>\n<mup> Bug #1514922 changed: Deploying to maas ppc64le with proxies kills websocket <charmers> <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1514922>\n<natefinch> if anyone is feeling ambitious, interactive add-cloud:  https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6498   +1,670 −58\n<wallyworld> axw: i think we should move the ec2 withDefaultControllerConstraints() method and generically apply it to all providers. i can't see a reason why we would not want to ensure a minimum memory spec in all cases\n<axw> wallyworld: we already do have a min memory of 1G for all instances, see environs/instances/instancetype.go. but perhaps we should do something controller-specific\n<wallyworld> axw: yeah, that's my point. 1G is too small for controllers, eg azure gets 1.5GB. aws gets 3.75 which is what we'd want for all providers\n<axw> wallyworld: sure, sounds like a good idea. I think we'll need tests for each provider to check which instance types get used by default tho\n<wallyworld> otherwise we allow people to bootstrap with undersized controllers where steady state is say 2GB and it thrashes/pages all the time\n<wallyworld> do we care what instance types get used?\n<wallyworld> so long as the capabilities are met?\n<wallyworld> and for openstack say, we don't know ahead of time that the instance types are called\n<axw> wallyworld: IIANM, if you set a min of 3.75G on azure you get something with ~7GB\n<axw> there's one with slightly less than 3.75GB that would probably be appropriate\n<wallyworld> ok, i'll look at adding some for of sanity check or something\n<axw> wallyworld: for openstack we wouldn't do it, I'm just saying as a general sort of rule - to make sure we don't go costing people more than necessary\n<wallyworld> yep, will add it to azure etc\n<wallyworld> anastasiamac: you able to look at https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6518 for me?\n<anastasiamac> wallyworld: that's the really big one :D\n<wallyworld> not really\n<wallyworld> a few files, but minimal changes\n<anastasiamac> wallyworld: i'll look in a sec.. i did see it coming in earlier and was posptponing the pleasure\n<wallyworld> only +192 :-)\n<wallyworld> -156\n<anastasiamac> yep agaisnt 66 files... gimme asec\n<wallyworld> most straight search and replace\n<wallyworld> would be far easier in review board :-(\n<anastasiamac> like grep? I love it when u use it :D\n<wallyworld> since yo'd have a paginated list of files\n<wallyworld> anastasiamac: i tried to explain the the PR description why Must was called. all tests use Must - that's our standard practice. the other places used Host except where it was not possible  eg existing method did not return error.\n<wallyworld> there's no one explanation\n<wallyworld> and the WIP PR will oblitarate most of this anyway\n<wallyworld> and the stuff this PR replaced all used to panic\n<wallyworld> it's just that the method in utils was incorrectly named\n<wallyworld> so all this core PR does is adapt to the new method name essentially\n<anastasiamac> agent/agent.go is nt a test and it only has .Must calls....\n<anastasiamac> in var initialisations.. if we can panic, shouldn;t it be handled differently\n<anastasiamac> ?\n<wallyworld> right, as i said in the description, for var initialisation it is needed\n<anastasiamac> the same question for api/certpool?...\n<anastasiamac> right but that means thatw e can still panic\n<wallyworld> sure, that's what it always ever did\n<wallyworld> the old HostSeries used to panic\n<anastasiamac> so if we paniced before and will panic now, what's the improvement?\n<anastasiamac> wallyworld: i'd appreciate if u got a second opinion :D\n<wallyworld> the improvement is not is this host series stuff - i am forced to adapt to use the new apis because i committed changes to tip of utils repo\n<wallyworld> work has landed there that core does not use properly let\n<wallyworld> there's a WIP PR for that\n<wallyworld> this just adapts core to use the apis from tip of utils\n<wallyworld> i have landed changes elsewhere in utils that are needed\n<wallyworld> this PR is just method renames, no bheaviour changes\n<wallyworld> except for the dep updates which do bring in desired behaviour\n<anastasiamac> wallyworld: like i said - i don;t have issues with code but m not understanding the value of the change... revving up the dependency is fine... but the change in util is the one that we are adapting to here...\n<wallyworld> but the change it not the HostSeries stuff\n<wallyworld> that is a byproduct because other wor landed in utils\n<wallyworld> my chage is to the internals of utils elsewhere\n<anastasiamac> so maybe do a depenedncy rev up as a separate PR?\n<wallyworld> i can't - tip of utils has changed\n<wallyworld> this PR *is* the dependency change\n<wallyworld> with adaoptions for the altered apis\n<anastasiamac> k... hangon m going to call royalty.. a sec\n<wallyworld> which we are now forced to consume\n<babbageclunk> how anti goto are we?\n<babbageclunk> not at all? great!\n<anastasiamac> babbageclunk: :) i thought i saw it in our codebase...\n<mup> Bug # changed: 1484105, 1506460, 1515475, 1545562, 1592609\n<babbageclunk> anastasiamac: Was only half a joke - the error flow in the code I'm working in is a bit unusual, I think goto would probably work a lot better than what I've got now. If it's not going to give people conniptions I'll try it out.\n<anastasiamac> babbageclunk: \\o/\n<axw> anastasiamac: \"Once the checks succeed, LGTM \\o/\"  <- why is that a prereq? the checks are a subset of a merge run?\n<axw> (AFAICT the checks failed because of an interimittent failure)\n<anastasiamac> axw: failed checks sometimes indicate test failures :D\n<anastasiamac> if it's intermittent... would b nice to fix but we have landed code with intermittency before.. o m leaving at ur discretion\n<anastasiamac> axw: hence, approved and lgtm'ed :D\n<axw> anastasiamac: okey dokey\n<axw> anastasiamac: thanks for the review\n<babbageclunk> yay, I think that code's much better with goto!\n<anastasiamac> axw: ur PR is merged \\o/ awesome!!\n<axw> anastasiamac: :)  just upgraded my azure env, will see how it fares now\n<anastasiamac> axw: m holding my breath :D\n<axw> anastasiamac: please see my reply on https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6520\n<axw> anastasiamac: happy for me to land now?\n<kjackal> hey everyone, is there a rest api for juju? Where can I find documentation for it?\n<hoenir> hi , could anyone explain to me why I'm getting this log messages, tring to set some custom tools on bootstrap but I'm gettings this logs\n<hoenir> http://paste.ubuntu.com/23410800/\n<hoenir> Some thoughts on this? Anyone?\n<hoenir> anyone?\n<mgz> hoenir: it's telling you your data doesn't have everything it needs\n<hoenir> mgz, so please direct me where to read on \"what it needs\"\n<mgz> now that is a much harder question :)\n<mgz> I think it's just that the final url for the tools results in a 404? so you need to fix/change that location\n<mgz> turning on trace logging/looking at the actual requests made may help\n<mgz> and I'd just refer to the code in environs/simplestreams for what's actually happening\n<mgz> which is pretty confusing as it's several layers of support across change versions\n<mgz> I'm going to be out from standup, summary, I have the minimal ssh fix done, looking at a more comprehesive one\n<mgz> as dash with no prompt and no control codes is still pretty annoying to work over\n<anastasiamac> voidspace: ping :D\n<voidspace> anastasiamac: pong\n<anastasiamac> voidspace: sorry, pm-ing u :D\n<perrito666> anastasiamac: do you not sleep?\n<perrito666> rick_h___: you bailed on me yesterday, I was too busy to rant at you then :p\n<anastasiamac> perrito666: not on irc :D\n<mup> Bug #1333162 opened: cannot bootstrap on openstack provider:  Multiple security_group matches found for name 'XYZ', use an ID to be more specific. <bug-squad> <charmers>\n<mup> <openstack-provider> <repeatability> <security> <uosci> <juju:Incomplete> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1333162>\n<deanman> Any ideas how i could debug the following error 'agent is not communicating with the server' when deploying a charm using LXD ?\n<rick_h___> kjackal: https://godoc.org/github.com/juju/juju/api\n<kjackal> thanks rick_h___\n<kjackal> rick_h___: This does not look like a rest api\n<rick_h___> kjackal: it's a websocket API for the most part. There's some restful bits, but for the most part it's async with events pushed across the websocket.\n<kjackal> rick_h___: I see. thanks\n<rick_h___> kjackal: best thing might be to look at clients like the WIP libjuju https://github.com/juju/python-libjuju\n<rick_h___> kjackal: not sure what you're looking to do/etc\n<kjackal> rick_h___: I saw python-libjuju but its WIP. We have a client that wants to use its own admin console to drive juju deployments. I am exploring what would be the right way to do that\n<kjackal> rick_h___: any suggestions?\n<rick_h___> kjackal: in python or another language?\n<kjackal> Not sure about the language, I would guess python. Thats why a REST api would seem a good starting point. Do we have a reference example?\n<kjackal> rick_h___: ^\n<kjackal> rick_h___: the Juju gui on juju 1 was doing something similar (drive juju) not sure how that worked\n<katco> frobware: mgz: dooferlad: standup time?\n<voidspace> katco: just to confirm, new developer workflow, for a branch forked off staging I propose it against develop. Right?\n<katco> voidspace: correct, unless it's a fix for a revision-release (e.g. 2.0.2), then you fork the 2.0 branch and propose both there and to develop\n<voidspace> katco: ok, I thought we were doing backports - i.e. propose against develop then cherry-pick to propose against 2.0\n<katco> voidspace: i believe it's the other way around? didn't we have this conversation in a standup and rick said, \"no it's more like a forward-port\"?\n<voidspace> katco: we have had this conversation and my memory (which I wouldn't rely on) was that we concluded back-port... :-)\n<voidspace> katco: this one is easy, so it doesn't matter anyway\n<katco> voidspace: lol y3ep\n<mgz> voidspace: do you need review on your maas constraint changes still?\n<katco> balloons: any idea why the bot isn't getting triggered for this? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6414\n<hackedbellini> Hi guys! I'm using juju here. I have the landscape-charm deployed on some machines as a subordinate charm. I removed it from one of them, but the unit still shows on \"juju status\". It was really removed since it doesn't appear on juju-gui. Also trying to \"juju remove-unit landscape-client/3\" gives me a \"ERROR no units were destroyed: unit\n<hackedbellini> \"landscape-client/3\" is a subordinate\". How can I get rid of it?\n<natefinch> you can't remove subordinates without removing the parent unit\n<natefinch> the thought is that many subordinates fundamentally change how the parent functions, and removing them could break the parent.\n<natefinch> I don't entirely agree with outright preventing people from doing it, but that's the way it works right now.\n<katco> sinzui: mgz: any ideas re. my question to balloons above?\n<mgz> is hoenir a public member of the juju devs group?\n<hackedbellini> natefinch: I see. But I removed it before, it just didn't vanish from \"juju status\". Because he is in an \"inconsistent\" state now it is on \"maintainance\" workload saying that it \"Need computer-title and juju-info to proceed\" on the message\n<mgz> seems not. so, you can either land for him, or we can sign him up.\n<katco> mgz: he's in the group. looks like he just needs to make it public\n<hackedbellini> it don't even shows on juju-gui anymore\n<katco> hoenir: can you please make your juju team status public?\n<natefinch> hackedbellini: I don't know what the GUI does, but if it's in juju-status, it exists\n<hoenir> katco, yea sure, let me search what button should I press in order to do that.\n<katco> hoenir: i always forget myself :)\n<mgz> hoenir: go to <https://github.com/orgs/juju/people?&query=hoenir>\n<katco> hoenir: after you do that, try the merge one more time\n<mgz> and mark your membership as public\n<hoenir> yeah mgz thanks ! I'm now Public\n<hackedbellini> natefinch: ahh, I remember what I did. I removed the relation that existed between the subordinate charm and the charm itself. The relation doesn't exists anymore (the reason why I can't see it on juju-gui) but the unit still shows on status\n<natefinch> ahh\n<mgz> okay, don't need to do anything else, bot will believe your comment next run\n<natefinch> hmm interesting\n<hoenir> yohooo katco it worked !\n<hackedbellini> natefinch: so the unit that is still there is useless. It doesn't do anything without the relation. That is the reason that I want to remove it\n<hackedbellini> it is just polluting my status =P\n<katco> hoenir: yay! i'm really sorry, i think you've been struggling with that for awhile haven't you?\n<natefinch> hackedbellini: can you kill the parent unit and replace it?\n<hoenir> katco, nah it was a fun experience, and thanks a lot for taking time to review my PR.\n<hackedbellini> natefinch: hrm, I'd rather not have to do that if possible\n<katco> hoenir: no worries, hth. thanks for the pr!\n<natefinch> hackedbellini: it sounds like a bug... if there's no relationship, then it shouldn't be treated like a subordinate... it's probably one of those corner cases we just hadn't really spent much time on\n<hackedbellini> natefinch: hrm that explains it. Is there any way to hack it so I can \"force\" the unit deletion?\n<natefinch> hackedbellini: not that I know of, let me check the code to see if there's a backdoor we can try\n<natefinch> hackedbellini: unfortunately, the code that determines whether it's a subordinate or not just reads a field in mongo, so to change it, you'd have to twiddle with mongo\n<hackedbellini> natefinch: hrm I don't have any experience with nosql databases (if it was postgresql I would try to hack it myself =P), but if you tell me what should I do there I can try it!\n<voidspace> mgz: I do, but I want dimitern to QA it as well\n<mgz> voidspace: I don't see from the diff where the 1.9/2.0+ split is\n<voidspace> mgz: are you looking at the gomaasapi PR?\n<voidspace> mgz: there's two branches - a gomaasapi that addresses both bugs for 2.0\n<mgz> voidspace: yeah, I'm not quite sure where the bits are going to fit together\n<voidspace> mgz: the gomaasapi fix is 2.0 only\n<voidspace> mgz: separate branch for 1.9 (that code is in juju - about to turn it into a PR)\n<mgz> voidspace: gotcha\n<voidspace> rick_h___:  katco: dimitern has a public holiday today which is why he wasn't at standup\n<katco> voidspace: yeah just realized that a few minutes ago :)\n<natefinch> hackedbellini: sorry, had to step out, missed your message before I left. I don't really recommend triddling with the DB.  My recommendation is to create a new unit of the parent on a different machine and kill this machine. Sorry, I think that's the best you can do.\n<hackedbellini> natefinch: yeah I did that =P. Thaks for your time anyway! :)\n<natefinch> hackedbellini: file a bug, if you haven't.  I think it's worth tracking.  Might also convince people that being able to remove a subordinate is a good idea\n<balloons> katco, sorry I never saw your pings :-(\n<balloons> katco, I will look now and see if I still have the logs on what it saw the PR as\n<katco> balloons: no worries. we got it figured out\n<balloons> katco, ohh? Why didn't it trigger?\n<katco> balloons: his juju membership wasn't public\n<balloons> ahh. I wonder if dmitern has the same problem.. menno as well\n<rogpeppe1> i've been trying to start an local lxd controller, and it's taking ages (it's been about 30 minutes so far mostly running apt-get update, upgrade and install). anyone got an idea what might be my issue?\n<rogpeppe1> just the \"Installing curl\" step has taken about 15 minutes so far\n<rogpeppe1> (it's still running)\n<rogpeppe1> i just bootstrapped an aws controller easily within the time that step has been taking\n<rogpeppe1> ah, seems like it's trying to connect via IPv6\n<rogpeppe1> E: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/c/cpu-checker/cpu-checker_0.7-0ubuntu7_amd64.deb  Unable to connect to archive.ubuntu.com:http: [IP: 2001:67c:1560:8001::11 80]\n<rogpeppe1> sigh\n<natefinch> anyone have time for a big review?  Trying to get this reviewed in the next day or two so it can be mergeed by EOW: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6498\n<natefinch> 1600 lines, but almost all new code\n<babbageclunk> hey menn0, writing some more tests - what do you think should happen if a machine agent tries to log in to a model that's been migrated and the model's been removed?\n<menn0> babbageclunk: error I think\n<menn0> hmm\n<menn0> babbageclunk: if the model has been removed then maybe it's ok to redirect\n<babbageclunk> ok\n<menn0> babbageclunk: but really, the situation shouldn't happen\n<menn0> babbageclunk: great care is taken during the migration to make sure that all the agents are talking to the new model\n<menn0> new controller\n<menn0> babbageclunk: what is the least complicated thing to do in the redirect code?\n<babbageclunk> menn0: Ok, thanks - redirect's probably simplest for me\n<menn0> babbageclunk: as long as there's no redirects while the model data is still there\n<menn0> babbageclunk: the migrationminion still needs to be able to connect back to the source controller post SUCCESS\n<alexisb> heya babbageclunk welcome to the cool TZ :)\n<menn0> (for a little while anyway)\n<babbageclunk> thanks alexisb!\n<babbageclunk> menn0: Yup, I've got a test for that.\n<menn0> babbageclunk: sweet\n<babbageclunk> menn0: Hmm, actually at the moment (with no changes) it gives a login error because the machine doesn't exist - ok to leave it like that? Since it's something that shouldn't happen anyway.\n<menn0> babbageclunk: yep that's fine\n<babbageclunk> menn0: woot, then it's on to some manual testing!\n<menn0> babbageclunk: awesome!\n<alexisb> team having some networking issues\n<alexisb> will be on the standup as soon as I can\n<alexisb> wallyworld, ^^\n<alexisb> wallyworld, menn0 please get started without me\n<wallyworld> ok\n#juju-dev 2016-11-02\n<alexisb> ok axw ready when you are\n * redir eods. may be back later.\n<blahdeblah> hi folks - anyone available to help troubleshoot what looks like a bug in user removal?  https://pastebin.canonical.com/169528/\n<wallyworld> blahdeblah: not sure about troubleshoot - looks like a straight bug. when users are removed, they are actually marked as inactive. looks there's there's some logic issues there\n<wallyworld> axw: remind me - for bootstrap, the majority of machine config is done via ssh; cloud init is used to get the ssh keys onto the machine I think. is that also the case for workload machine provisioning ie we do the bulk of setup via ssh and not cloud init?\n<axw> wallyworld: we don't use ssh at all for non-bootstrap machine provisioning\n<wallyworld> axw: ta, i thought that was the case but wasn't certain\n<axw> wallyworld: (apart from one or two providers which may use it internally)\n<natefinch> axw, menn0: do you want me to come into the tech board meeting to talk about the dependencies I emailed about, or are you good?\n<menn0> natefinch: it might be useful if you could talk about them when we get to that bit, but we can also manage without you if you're finishing up for the day\n<natefinch> menn0: I have some time\n<menn0> natefinch: cool. i'll ping you when we get to it (or join whenever you like)\n<natefinch> menn0: cool, thanks\n<menn0> natefinch: now?\n<natefinch> menn0: omw\n<mup> Bug #1254402 changed: error bootstrapping on ec2 duplicate security group <ec2-provider> <security> <juju-core:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1254402>\n<mup> Bug #1456725 changed: TestActionEvents fails <ci> <juju-core:Expired> <juju-core 1.22:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1456725>\n<mup> Bug #1502139 changed: Panic in TestUpgradeJuju <ci> <panic> <juju-core:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1502139>\n<redir> anastasiamac: yt?\n<anastasiamac> redir: i m. why r u? (was doing a school pick-up)...\n<wallyworld> anastasiamac: do you recall - i think --metadata-source for bootstrap was broken around beta15 timeframe and it needed to be fixed before 2.0GA. Right?\n<anastasiamac> wallyworld: sounds about right..\n<anastasiamac> wallyworld: why r u in beta15?\n<wallyworld> i'm not\n<dimitern> voidspace: ping\n<voidspace> dimitern: pong\n<dimitern> voidspace: so I've been testing your gomaasapi change: https://github.com/juju/gomaasapi/pull/62\n<dimitern> voidspace: it looks like it's doing the right thing (compared to the maas cli at least) with one or more negative spaces constraints\n<voidspace> dimitern: great\n<dimitern> voidspace: however, I can see that 'unorderable types Subnet() < Subnet()' in some cases\n<dimitern> voidspace: is there a bug for that in maas?\n<voidspace> dimitern: I've never seen that\n<voidspace> dimitern: is that an error from MAAS or in the gomaasapi code?\n<dimitern> voidspace: from maas - e.g. when trying `jujy bootstrap --no-gui --debug vmaas-21 --config=~/.j/conf-x-fast.yaml --constraints 'arch=amd64 spaces=^compute,^external'` - the config just sets trace logging, default-series: xenial, disables apt update/upgrade\n<voidspace> dimitern: ah, so definitely sounds like a MAAS bug\n<dimitern> voidspace: there's 1 machine that matches those spaces, and here's the error we get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23415499/\n<dimitern> voidspace: yeah, IIRC mpontillo did mention something about that and they seem to be fixing it\n<voidspace> dimitern: cool, so I don't think we should hold up this PR with it - I haven't seen a MAAS bug for it\n<voidspace> dimitern: worth filing even if it turns out to be a duplicate\n<dimitern> voidspace: I'll look into filing one later today; just testing with 2.0 now - 2.1 tested OK\n<voidspace> dimitern: I have a very short PR fixing not_networks for 1.9 I'd like you to test too if possible\n<voidspace> dimitern: will ping in a couple of minutes\n<dimitern> voidspace: sure - can do - is it about the way we serialize multiple negatives?\n<voidspace> dimitern: yep\n<voidspace> dimitern: changing from comma separated to multiple parameters\n<dimitern> voidspace: ok\n<dimitern> mgz: ping\n<dimitern> mgz: do you know which mongo version are we using for the windows CI slave running this job: http://reports.vapour.ws/releases/4546/job/run-unit-tests-win2012-amd64/attempt/3002#highlight\n<dimitern> mgz: if it's 2.6.x, the test might be failing due to this mongo bug - https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-14840\n<dimitern> voidspace: tested on 2.0 successfully and LGTM-ed\n<voidspace> dimitern: you rock\n<dimitern> voidspace: it took me a lot longer to setup the spaces / subnets on maas than to run bootstrap OK :)\n<voidspace> dimitern: I can imagine\n<voidspace> dimitern: my maas 2 is not playing ball and won't enlist new nodes\n<voidspace> burned a few hours on it :-/\n<voidspace> dimitern: might have to reinstall from scratch\n<voidspace> got inveigled in another conversation\n<voidspace> about to create the PR for maas 1.9\n<voidspace> and I'll do PRs to bump the gomaasapi dependency in juju\n<voidspace> both for 2.0 and develop branches\n<dimitern> voidspace: I'm now using frobware's kvm-maas-add|remove-node with great success to add nodes - see https://github.com/frobware/kvm-maas/pull/1\n<dimitern> it takes <5m to create, enlist, and commission 6 KVM nodes with multiple NICs\n<voidspace> dimitern: yeah, I've used that before - don't know why I didn't think of it.\n<voidspace> dimitern: will try it now\n<voidspace> dimitern: it uses the api so should work fine\n<voidspace> dimitern: I'll just delete my existing nodes that MAAS won't recognise and try again\n<dimitern> voidspace: it works quite well, but I'd suggest trying my modified version (re that PR), as it improves quite a few things :)\n<dimitern> voidspace: like not hard-coding 4 NICs per node but as many as you've passed as args\n<voidspace> dimitern: where's your version?\n<dimitern> voidspace: this branch essentially: https://github.com/dimitern/kvm-maas/tree/multiple-networks\n<voidspace> dimitern: cool, thanks\n<voidspace> dimitern: I only have two spaces/subnets defined in maas - but that's easy to change and enough to test this anyway\n<dimitern> voidspace: +1\n * dimitern steps out for ~1h\n<rogpeppe1> does anyone know if juju restore actually works?\n<mgz> dimitern: see bug 1637294 btw\n<mup> Bug #1637294: Windows host needs a current mongodb (3.2.x) <juju-ci-tools:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1637294>\n<dimitern> mgz: cheers!\n * dimitern is just getting out the door - bbiab hopefully in ~1h\n<SimonKLB> is aws efs volumes something that is on the horizon or will it be a while before network shared storage will be available in juju?\n<SimonKLB> it would be really great being able to deploy multiple units that share the same filesystem\n<voidspace> dimitern: sorry for the delay I got distracted: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6528\n<voidspace> dimitern: bugger, I need to retarget that to develop not staging\n<voidspace> dimitern: done\n<voidspace> unfortunately means pre-check failed\n<voidspace> all unit tests pass though\n<voidspace> dimitern: and https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6529\n<voidspace> dimitern: gah, conflicts\n<voidspace> dimitern: rick_h___: so, when a PR forked off staging but targetted against develop has conflicts\n<voidspace> dimitern: rick_h___: I assume the correct approach is to merge develop into the PR and fix the conflicts?\n<voidspace> I have both \"go fmt\" and build failures (probably related to go version) with current develop\n<voidspace> so I've fixed both those as part of the conflict resolution and they'll now show up in my PR\n<voidspace> running all related tests\n<rick_h___> voidspace: the best thing is to cherry pick the conflict commit and resolve the conflicts\n<rick_h___> voidspace: imo\n<voidspace> rick_h___: so fork off develop and just make the new commit\n<voidspace> rick_h___: I think that has the same end result - and I still need to fix the two issues\n<voidspace> rick_h___: thanks\n<rick_h___> voidspace: so checkout develop, update it from upstream, go to your branch, and cherry pick the conflict from develop\n<voidspace> rick_h___: ah, I see\n<voidspace> rick_h___: that would be better, yes\n<voidspace> rick_h___: I'm still concerned that we have a \"go fmt\" error and a build error on develop!\n<voidspace> rick_h___: (the build error is in a test)\n<voidspace> rick_h___: and is likely to be go version related - but with my fix tests all pass\n<voidspace> rick_h___: this is now my PR (very short) https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6529/files\n<voidspace> rick_h___: (self assignment to args.Host was the build error I saw)\n<voidspace> mgz: thanks for the magic incatation on my branch - I've repeated it\n<mgz> voidspace: I'm a little surprised it didn't listen to mine\n<mgz> voidspace: also, lgtm\n<voidspace> mgz: cool, thanks\n<voidspace> mgz: I'll wait for the check and for dimitern to QA\n * dimitern is back\n<rogpeppe1> a small names change to make it easier to work with empty cloud credentials: https://github.com/juju/names/pull/77\n<rogpeppe1> reviews appreciated: ^\n<dimitern> voidspace: looking at both of your PRs, and QAing the 1.9 one\n<dimitern> actually QAing both of them as it's trivial\n<voidspace> rick_h___: is our 1:1 going to be on?\n<voidspace> rick_h___: I have no burning questions, so happy to skip this week\n<mup> Bug #1638560 opened: 1.25 broken on MacOS sierra <osx> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1638560>\n<abentley> rogpeppe1: Hi.  I've been asked to do one of the things we talked about yesterday: test the latest juju against a released version of JIMM, to ensure juju doesn't break what JIMM uses.  Do you have any tips on how to go about that?\n<rick_h___> voidspace: skip please\n<voidspace> rick_h___: kk\n<dimitern> voidspace: both PRs LGTM\n<voidspace> dimitern: you rock, you really do\n<voidspace> dimitern: about to propose same PRs against 2.0\n<dimitern> voidspace: ;) cheers\n<katco> natefinch: dimitern: frobware: standup time\n<frobware> katco: skipping, at the cloud sprint.\n<katco> frobware: ah ok... ta!\n<rick_h___> dimitern: ping for call\n<mpontillo> dimitern: the 500 error happens in lieu of a \"no machine matched constraints\" error. positive space constraints should happen in the interfaces constraint; they will not work properly in the 'subnets' constraint.\n<mpontillo> voidspace: ^\n<voidspace> mpontillo: ok, interesting\n * dimitern well, it's been good 4 years... take good care ;)\n<natefinch> dammit\n<natefinch> mgz, voidspace, dooferlad: any of you know dimiter's home email?\n<natefinch> got it, thanks\n<katco> ....\n<katco> what just happened?\n<mgz> I do not know.\n<voidspace> :-(\n<natefinch> check your email\n<perrito666> natefinch: I believe that their reactions are mail related\n<natefinch> ahh, right\n<mgz> okay, I think I finally have a solution I might like with this ssh stuff\n<mgz> and I can do it in two somewhat sane prs\n<rick_h___> mgz: did you see jam's reply there?\n<rick_h___> mgz: he sent an email on the ssh notes a couple of days ago I think?\n<mgz> rick_h___: yeah, that sent me off down a rabbit hole\n<rick_h___> ah ok nice\n<mgz> which, to be fair, gets to a much better final result, but involves deeper magic\n<alexisb_> changing locations all, will be back online is a few minutes\n<mup> Bug # changed: 1541482, 1597601, 1626304, 1634289\n<rick_h___> heh, that was a drop off\n<katco> yeah\n<katco> i think the event ends when the person ends it, not when the time-delayed stream ends\n<katco> i've had that happen a few times now\n<natefinch> easy review anyone? https://github.com/juju/jsonschema/pull/2\n<natefinch> +19 -19\n<mgz> natefinch: I'm in reviewing mode while waiting for build so okay\n<mgz> natefinch: heh - er, are we going to use this for actual translations ever?\n<mgz> because if so singular/plural is wrong\n<natefinch> I'm not sure what you mean.  It's used for generating interactive UI\n<mgz> natefinch: https://www.gnu.org/savannah-checkouts/gnu/gettext/manual/html_node/Plural-forms.html\n<natefinch> ahh, the old \"multiple plural forms\"\n<mgz> if we only ever want this to do english it's fine\n<natefinch> you uh, let me know when we plan to translate Juju, and I'll get right on making this better :)\n<perrito666> well this is great, I only have decaf and I live too far from the coffee shop... I really need a second car or a bike safe city\n<natefinch> perrito666: I feel you, I ran out of coffee today too. luckily I have caffeine pills in the cupboard which let me function until I could get to a coffee shop\n<perrito666> natefinch: I live way closer to \"civilization\" than you do, I just have one car only which my wife takes to work so even though I live closer its not all that close\n<natefinch> mgz: anyway... yes, for now, I think it's sufficient.  At some point, if we want to localize juju, we'll need to update this.  But that's a much bigger job.  This is just so you can take jsonschema and produce reasonable english-looking queries out of it\n<mgz> natefinch: code changes approved.\n<natefinch> mgz: thanks :)\n<mgz> perrito666: I don't really believe that you can't use the internet to cause a man on a scooter to bring you coffee\n<perrito666> mgz: never been to south america eh?\n<mgz> perrito666: I simply trust your ingenuity\n<perrito666> well I guess I could kidnap one of mi neighbours and ask their family to bring me coffee but its a bit excessive\n<mgz> :D\n<natefinch> lol\n<katco> dooferlad: hey are you still around?\n<alexisb> perrito666, nice job on the quick turnaround on the backup/restore test failure\n<perrito666> thank me when CI passes, jenkins does not always agree with me ;)\n<perrito666> anyway, ill step out for a moment\n<redir> natefinch: yt?\n<menn0> wallyworld: unit tests appear to failing on non-ubuntu test hosts and it could be a recent change by you\n<wallyworld> damn ok, will look\n<menn0> wallyworld: http://reports.vapour.ws/releases/4551/job/run-unit-tests-win2012-amd64/attempt/3007#highlight\n<wallyworld> how did it land i wonder\n<wallyworld> i have meeting for the next hour will look after\n<menn0> wallyworld: b/c the windows tests for merge only seem to test packages under cmd/\n<menn0> which is a bit shit\n<wallyworld> well that sucks\n<perrito666> menn0: that sucks a lot\n<perrito666> and by that I dont mean wallyworld but the limited scope of windows tests\n<wallyworld> oh i suck too\n<wallyworld> menn0: luckily looks like it will just be a skip\n<menn0> wallyworld: sweet\n<babbageclunk> menn0: To do a migration, do I need to have bootstrapped both controllers with the feature flag?\n<menn0> yep\n<babbageclunk> that would explain it then!\n<menn0> I have this in my shell config:\n<babbageclunk> okthx\n<menn0> export JUJU_DEV_FEATURE_FLAGS=migration,developer-mode\n<babbageclunk> cool - what's developer-mode?\n<menn0> it enables commands like dump-db and dump-model\n<menn0> I *think* it also enables the introspection worker\n<menn0> or maybe that runs all the time, not sure\n<perrito666> babbageclunk: the world becomes pixelated around you and you hear 8 bit music, a bit like what happens in tron :p\n<babbageclunk> perrito666: so it's like DMT?\n<perrito666> wouldnt know :) but I would adventure things are a bit more nerdy\n<perrito666> like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEkrWRHCDQU\n<babbageclunk> I'm pretty sure that's how I learned to program!\n<perrito666> babbageclunk: to be more accurate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEkrWRHCDQU&feature=youtu.be&t=134\n<babbageclunk> perrito666: I had to have a one minute cad chill-out to recover https://youtu.be/mNTj05I4k5I?t=6m9s\n#juju-dev 2016-11-03\n<alexisb> anastasiamac, I will be right there\n<anastasiamac> alexisb: me 2\n<perrito666> alexisb: ill grab a bite and be back is that ok?\n<alexisb> yes perrito666\n<babbageclunk> anyone have a script for quickly opening a mongo shell on a controller?\n<veebers> babbageclunk: I think menn0 had something that I cribbed off a while ago\n<menn0> babbageclunk: yes, I do... give me a sec\n<wgrant> https://github.com/juju/juju/wiki/Login-into-MongoDB is what I normally use\n * anastasiamac cheers for ppl using wiki \\o/\n<wgrant> So I see that various Juju 1.25.7 bugs are now Fix Released, but I can't see the release anywhere. Is it mid-release, so we can expect to be able to upgrade environments in the next few days?\n<menn0> babbageclunk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23418892/\n * menn0 updates the wiki\n<anastasiamac> wgrant: mid-release. should go into proposed soon. just finalising release notes :D\n<wgrant> anastasiamac: Marvellous, thanks.\n<menn0> wgrant, babbageclunk, anastasiamac: i've updated and reorganised that wiki page\n<babbageclunk> menn0: Thanks!\n<anastasiamac> menn0: \\o/\n<menn0> babbageclunk: also remember that \"juju dump-db\" often negates the need for using the mongo shell\n<babbageclunk> Can anyone tell me why sometimes when I build juju the version number gets increased and sometimes it doesn't? Or rather: I think it used to (so rebuild/upgrade-juju would push out the new version), and now it appears not to.\n<menn0> babbageclunk: if you're deploying a local build the build number gets incremented\n<menn0> babbageclunk: and every time you run upgrade-juju with a local build the number gets incremented again\n<babbageclunk> menn0: ugh, the reason my redirection wasn't happening was because my bootstrapped controllers were using binaries from the stream instead of my local ones, until I bumped the version locally and upgrade-juju'd.\n<babbageclunk> menn0: but based on your description I don't understand why.\n<menn0> babbageclunk: if you want to be sure your local build is used, pass --build-agent to bootstrap / upgrade-juju\n<menn0> babbageclunk: i'm guessing you haven't rebased lately so your tree still has the version as 2.0.1\n<menn0> babbageclunk: which means the client will use the recently released 2.0.1 instead of your own build\n<menn0> it's bitten me enough that I always use --build-agent now\n<babbageclunk> menn0: yeah, that'll be it. I'll do that too.\n<babbageclunk> menn0: I think I'm not in the habit because it's *usually* ahead, but not in my tree at the moment.\n<babbageclunk> menn0: Hmm - this tree is rebased though. Although I think it might be based on the wrong branch?\n<menn0> babbageclunk: I suspect that's true for all of us\n<menn0> babbageclunk: we're usually ahead, but sometimes not\n<menn0> babbageclunk: and it often takes a while to figure out what's going on\n<babbageclunk> menn0: It's branched off staging at the moment.\n<menn0> that's it then\n<babbageclunk> What should I be branching off? develop?\n<menn0> babbageclunk: staging where possible\n<menn0> babbageclunk: sticking with --build-agent should avoid the issue\n<babbageclunk> menn0: ok, cool - thankks\n<menn0> wallyworld or axw: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6534\n<menn0> it's big and dull (sorry)\n<wallyworld> :-(\n<wallyworld> :-)\n<menn0> wallyworld: very mechanical, you can probably skim a lot of it\n<wallyworld> will do, didn't mean the :-(\n<axw> wallyworld: I'm thinking I'll add an option to nova.Client to disable API version discovery, and then update juju 2.0 branch to set it. sound OK to you?\n<axw> wallyworld: we've got another bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1638704\n<mup> Bug #1638704: openstack provider: if use-floating-ip=true, uses incorrect compute API endpoint to determine available floating IPs <juju:Triaged by alexis-bruemmer> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1638704>\n<wallyworld> axw: when would we enable it again?\n<axw> wallyworld: when we use non-deprecated APIs\n<wallyworld> so all the neutron ones support the versioning?\n<axw> wallyworld: we might need to get a little bit smarter about selecting microversions when too\n<wallyworld> but the nova network ones don't?\n<axw> wallyworld: the nova API has versioning, but we don't specify which microversion to use. so you get the latest one\n<axw> wallyworld: and the latest one has the old network API endpoints removed\n<wallyworld> ah\n<wallyworld> maybe we need to consider specifying micro version for 2.1 as well then? assuming we disable for 2.0.x as you say\n<axw> wallyworld: yes, probably a good idea to do that. maybe not immediately, but certainly need to keep it in mind\n<wallyworld> yup\n<babbageclunk> menn0: The client side of the redirection isn't working because it doesn't pass any credentials.\n<babbageclunk> menn0: https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/staging/juju/api.go#L79\n<babbageclunk> menn0: rogpeppe doesn't seem to be around (presumably at the sprint)\n<babbageclunk> Oh duh, he's no longer in the same timezone as me!\n<babbageclunk> menn0: I don't know enough about macaroons to understand \"we'll use macaroon authentication directly without sending account details\"\n<babbageclunk> menn0: I can see in the redirected login request it doesn't send any macaroons\n<menn0> babbageclunk: i've got to pick up a kid... will help when i'm back\n<babbageclunk> menn0: ok\n<axw> wallyworld: https://github.com/go-goose/goose/pull/29 <- adds method so we can revert to old behaviour in juju 2.0.x\n<wallyworld> ok\n<axw> wallyworld: https://github.com/go-goose/goose/pull/28 <- another fix related to volume attachments\n<wallyworld> axw: they both look good, thanks\n<axw> wallyworld: thanks\n<wallyworld> menn0: oh and i reviewed yours too, had a question but +1\n<menn0> wallyworld: tyvm\n<menn0> babbageclunk: so getting back to this redirect issue\n<menn0> babbageclunk: a user account can either use username/password or macaroons\n<menn0> it looks like the client code doesn't accomodate that\n<babbageclunk> menn0: I mean, I think it's right that it can't know what the user should be on the destination controller, isn't it?\n<menn0> the auth details will in fact be the same for the migration case\n<babbageclunk> menn0: ah, ok\n<menn0> actually... they probably will be\n<menn0> not guaranteed\n * menn0 ponders\n<babbageclunk> so how can I find what macaroons should be attached to the login request? At the moment nothing gets passed.\n<menn0> babbageclunk: macroons will already get attached if there are some\n<menn0> babbageclunk: but the admin user won't have any, it'll be using username/password\n<babbageclunk> menn0: How would I have gotten macaroons? If it'd been registered instead of being admin? I can check that.\n<menn0> babbageclunk: yes, when juju register is used you get a macaroon\n<babbageclunk> ok, I'll try that.\n<menn0> babbageclunk: there's also a way to switch the admin user to macaroons, via \"juju login\" I think\n<babbageclunk> I mean, I guess we need to solve the other problem too, but it'd be good to see it working with macaroons\n<menn0> babbageclunk: yeah and i'm not sure what the right answer is for the user/password case\n<menn0> babbageclunk: we don't necessarily want to sending off passwords to arbitrary controllers\n<menn0> maybe it's ok...\n<axw> babbageclunk: also if you use \"juju change-user-password\", your initial password is cleared and you get a macaroon\n<menn0> axw: thanks. I was trying to remember the trick you've mentioned before\n<axw> anastasiamac: teeny weeny review please: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6535\n<axw> fixes 3 openstack bugs\n<menn0> babbageclunk: the more I think about it, the more I think using the username and password, if they were provided originally is probably ok\n<babbageclunk> axw: thanks - annoyingly the sequence of things I tried seems to have left me in an unrecoverable state, other than blowing away the lxcs for my dest controller.\n<menn0> babbageclunk: not ideal but ok\n<menn0> babbageclunk: I just saw this: // TODO(rog) update cached model addresses.\n<menn0> babbageclunk: that'll need to be taken care of now\n<babbageclunk> menn0: yes - was about to ping him about that.\n<menn0> babbageclunk: that would involve reporting back to the caller somehow that the redirect has happened, and some access to the new addresses will be required so that the caller can save them\n<menn0> babbageclunk: I wonder if it would be saner to have NewAPIConnection return the RedirectError instead of handling it all transparently\n<menn0> babbageclunk: then the caller can take care of updating the cached addresses\n<menn0> babbageclunk: and the caller can decide if it's ok to retry with username and password in place\n<menn0> babbageclunk: changing that will involve coordination with rog though\n<anastasiamac> axw: when asked so amazingly smoothly, of course m looking \\o/\n<axw> veebers: any ideas about this? http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/9607/artifact/artifacts/trusty-err.log/*view*/\n<axw> mgz: when you're around, can you please see if any of the CI ec2 instances can be cleaned up? merge jobs are failing like in http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/9608/artifact/artifacts/trusty-err.log/*view*/\n<veebers> axw: ugh sorry went EOD without disconnecting and I\"m just heading out the door to an appointment now. I can try take a look when I get back in. I'm pretty sure there are scripts that clean up stale machines so it might rectify itself in a little\n<axw> veebers: np, figured you were EOD\n<mgz> morning all\n<mgz> axw: taking a look\n<mgz> axw: well, that's a little scary, we really shouldn't be close to quota on aws\n<mgz> axw: but mjs' branch has landed since, so we should be back under, I'll retrigger merge on yours\n<axw> mgz: gracias\n<mgz> axw: the pre-check on pr #6536 also failed for that reason, can !!build!! to retrigger\n<axw> mgz: ok, thanks\n<axw> mgz: !!build!! never seems to work for me. I just added it, and there's nothing in http://juju-ci.vapour.ws/job/github-check-merge-juju/\n<axw> nothing running\n<mgz> axw: fun. it didn't work for me either, but does for some people. I'll see if I can find out why.\n<axw> mgz: thanks\n<mgz> well, mystery\n<mgz> config still doesn't have user restrictions set at all, the match is rebuild on `!!.*!!` pattern\n<mgz> and the log just states PR ... not changed\n<mgz> docs for the jenkins plugin not very useful\n<mgz> rick_h___: are you around or busy with sessions?\n<rick_h___> mgz: bit of both\n<rick_h___> On my phone, what's up?\n<mgz> rick_h___: 1:1 - nothing urgent from me though, so I'm fine leaving it till next week\n<mgz> only news is I've done a bunch of CI stuff this morning as we'd leaked lots of machines in us-east-1 which was causing job failures\n<mgz> back to windows this afternoon\n<rick_h___> mgz: ah sorry, did I not update the calendar?\n<rick_h___> mgz: thanks for the heads up in ci stuff\n<voidspace> mgz: care to rubber stamp this?\n<voidspace> mgz: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6537\n<voidspace> mgz: reviewed and QA'd for develop (and still in the merge queue I think)\n<mgz> voidspace: sure thing\n<mgz> voidspace: lgtm\n<voidspace> mgz: tyvm\n<rick_h___> frobware: room opereta in 10min\n<frobware> rick_h___: heading there now\n<natefinch> redir: thanks for the review of my add-cloud stuff!\n<dooferlad> voidspace, katco, natefinch, mgz: standup?\n<katco> dooferlad: oh wow... time warp. brt\n<alexisb> katco, ping\n<katco> alexisb: pong\n<alexisb> good morning\n<katco> alexisb: howdy\n<alexisb> katco, are there folks on the rteam that would be able to looks at a regression on devel:\n<alexisb> https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1638944\n<mup> Bug #1638944: HA failed: timeout waiting for controller response <ci> <ha> <jujuqa> <juju:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1638944>\n<katco> alexisb: nate is the only one between things; however, i just emailed torsten. it looks like issues with the CI environment are actually obfuscating blesses\n<alexisb> katco, lovely, did you include me on that email?\n<katco> alexisb: no, i will forward to you and rick\n<alexisb> thanks\n<katco> alexisb: there you are\n<katco> alexisb: let me look at the bug\n<alexisb> katco, thanks, let me know if you guys can pick it up\n<katco> mgz: do you think this bug ^^^ is legit?\n<katco> alexisb: also, do we know this is a regression? with HA might be more an intermittent test failure? although doesn't look like it's occurred since june?\n<alexisb> hmm, if tha tis the case then we need to push back\n<alexisb> by putting a comment in the bug and marking it invalid\n<katco> abentley: ping\n<abentley> katco: pong\n<mgz> katco: the recovery test failures do seem to have an actual regression recently,\n<katco> abentley: hey, how are you\n<mgz> but it's somewhat obscured by being split across several generic issues\n<abentley> katco: Not bad.  How're you doing?\n<katco> abentley: doing ok. a bit mad that it's fall here and 85F\n<katco> abentley: not sure how it is up there\n<mgz> bug 1626573 seems to be the most actionable one\n<mup> Bug #1626573: Restore-backup cannot initiate replica set <ci> <intermittent-failure> <restore-backup> <juju:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1626573>\n<abentley> katco: 11C, and it's been closer to 3 in the past week.\n<katco> abentley: lucky :)\n<katco> mgz: ok, you think looking at this would solve more issues including the regression?\n<mgz> I think we do need to look at the ha-recovery issue, though we don't have a clean window\n<mgz> due to all the build failures end of last week\n<katco> mgz: ok ta. it sounds like alexisb is saying this is lower priority than the crit bugs we have on our board anyway, so maybe a moot point\n<katco> alexisb: fwiw mick is out and frobware is at the sprint. so it's just voidspace natefinch mgz and i\n<alexisb> katco, I will try to get someone on it today but we are all pretty booked atm and most of NZ/AUS is out today given they are getting on a plane\n<katco> alexisb: yep\n<deanman> Should proxy settings be forwarded in all users of a newly spawned LXD?\n<dooferlad> voidspace, katco, mgz... three tiny PRs to improve your karma: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6538 https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6539 https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6540\n * dooferlad goes for tea.\n<mgz> dooferlad: a couple of those are small bug scary :)\n<katco> oh cool a 264 line test!\n<redir> natefinch: np\n<voidspace> mgz: care to apply another rubber stamp?\n<voidspace> mgz: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6541\n<mgz> voidspace: a-looking\n<mgz> voidspace: lgtm\n<voidspace> mgz: ta :-)\n<mgz> dooferlad: your prs are being guinea pigs, don't mind me\n * menn0 has 2 blocks of jelly-tip chocolate for wallyworld \n<wallyworld> yay :-D\n * redir steps out for a few\n<babbageclunk> menn0: didn't get a response from rogpeppe - do you think I should just start moving the redirect handling up?\n<babbageclunk> menn0: Or I can pause on this and start doing the status change until I/we can discuss with him.\n<menn0> babbageclunk: that might be better\n<babbageclunk> menn0: ok cool\n<menn0> babbageclunk: i'm worried about breaking the API\n<menn0> i've already managed to annoy them once recently by breaking the API of the \"api\" pacakge\n<babbageclunk> menn0: yeah, would much rather talk to him about it first - he's likely to have a good idea about how we could handle it.\n<menn0> babbageclunk: agreed\n<redir> back\n#juju-dev 2016-11-04\n<rogpeppe> babbageclunk: hiya\n<mup> Bug #1639170 opened: openstack trusty:liberty deployment fails due to no relations and insufficient peer units <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1639170>\n<balloons> dooferlad, afternoon to you\n<dooferlad> balloons: hi\n<dooferlad> balloons: I was just about to get lunch. Will this be quick?\n<balloons> so dooferlad, mgz and I spent some time debugging why the triggers weren't working yesterday, and made some changes along with updating the plugin we use\n<balloons> dooferlad, yea, don't skip lunch for me ;) I was just letting you know that it seems the troubles with some people not being able to trigger a rebuild aren't fixed -- since you still can't\n<dooferlad> balloons: thanks for the update. I wouldn't skip lunch, only delay it.\n<dooferlad> babbageclunk, voidspace, mgz, katco, natefinch: I have two little PRs up still: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6539 https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6538 if someone could take a look\n<voidspace> dooferlad: grabbing coffee first, then will grab one\n<dooferlad> voidspace: thanks!\n<katco> dooferlad: reviewed 6538\n<dooferlad> katco: just in time for the standup too!\n<voidspace> dooferlad: I'm looking at 6539, but standup time\n<katco> mgz: standup time\n<mgz> katco: ta, I'll hop over\n<alexisb> perrito666, you around?\n<perrito666> alexisb: just recovering from a computer crash\n<perrito666> alexisb: what can I do for you?\n<rick_h___> katco: can you please join https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/rick?authuser=1 as soon as you can ?\n<katco> rick_h___: brt\n<voidspace> going to pick up daughter from school\n<voidspace> brb\n<natefinch> whoever decided to standardize on ctxt as an abbreviation for context should be ashamed of themselves :/\n<voidspace> natefinch: why?\n<natefinch> because ctx is a much more common abbreviation, which is why I constantly get errors like this: undefined: ctx in ctx.Stdout\n<voidspace> natefinch: ah!\n<voidspace> fair enough\n<voidspace> right, I'm off to London\n<voidspace> see you all on Monday\n<balloons> katco, https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1639291 has the trace log attached if you still want it\n<mup> Bug #1639291: upgrade-juju fails after bootstrapping with agent-version <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1639291>\n<katco> balloons: ta\n<balloons> katco, note.. I see different behavoirs under 2.0.0 than 2.0.1. I will redo the tests to confirm\n<balloons> both logs are attached\n<katco> balloons: k, i'll treat this as central place for info\n<balloons> Should juju 2 be looking at kvm support? juju.cmd.jujud determining kvm support: INFO: Your CPU does not support KVM extensions\n<katco> balloons: i thought we had foregone kvm support for 2.x\n<balloons> that was my thought.. Another bug I believe\n<rick_h___> No isn't redir working on that?\n<balloons> rick_h___, what does juju 2 use kvm for?\n<redir> yup\n<balloons> ah, you are solving https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1547665\n<mup> Bug #1547665: juju 2.0 no longer supports KVM for local provider <2.0-count> <juju:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1547665>\n<redir> balloons: currently I am working on removing our uvtool-libvirt dependency so kvm will work on ppc64 (and arm64)\n<natefinch> redir: made all your suggested code review changes: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6498\n<marcoceppi> who can tell me everything I need to know about spaces and AWS\n<natefinch> not sure there are many networking people on at this time of day.  I think they're all european timezones\n<perrito666> marcoceppi: as natefinch said, most networking people is afaik in europe and some even traveling for a sprint\n<marcoceppi> perrito666 natefinch :(\n<rick_h___> marcoceppi: make sure your account is vpc enabled\n<marcoceppi> rick_h___: it is\n<marcoceppi> rick_h___: I want to bind relations on different spaces\n<rick_h___> marcoceppi: though the code isn't complete and not everything will work, like endpoint binding I believe.\n<marcoceppi> rick_h___: so we need juju to be updated, otherwise it's all flat VPC?\n<marcoceppi> i see the vpc-id in model config, and stuff\n<rick_h___> marcoceppi: so you can deploy to different spaces but not get the binding. The charm has to be grabbing the right nic I think.\n<rick_h___> marcoceppi: try it? Just deploy with --bind for the spaces you've got.\n<rick_h___> https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.0/network-spaces and https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.0/charms-deploying\n<rick_h___> marcoceppi: ^ the deploying with binding section\n<marcoceppi> rick_h___: are spaces supported in bundles?\n<marcoceppi> rick_h___: cool, I'll try bind when I land\n<rick_h___> marcoceppi: so spaces constraints are, I'll have to check the code if bindings with endpoints made the spec.\n<marcoceppi> rick_h___: awesome, bundles would be nice, but if it has to be a script that runs deploy a few times with bind for this guy, all the better\n<rick_h___> Marcoceppi yea, only in constraints sorry\n<marcoceppi> cheers, no worries\n<natefinch> sinzui: FYI github-check-merge doesn't seem to rerun if you git commit --amend && git push -f on an existing PR\n<natefinch> (which is something that I do all the time)\n<natefinch> e.g. https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6498\n<sinzui> natefinch: interesting\n<perrito666> natefinch: even if you !!something!!?\n<natefinch> perrito666: well, I could yes, but I shouldn't have to, is the point\n<natefinch> this happens fairly often - I push something up, realize I forgot to git add a file, so I do so, ammend the previous commit and push up. The checks fail on the original push (because missing file), but then it never reruns.\n#juju-dev 2016-11-05\n<mup> Bug #1639494 opened: juju model-default no-proxy setting is valid for CIDR IP  <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1639494>\n#juju-dev 2016-11-06\n<nzWJlipjilACVY> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EsJLNGVJ7E & https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/15893, http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-foundation-idUSKBN12Z2SL & https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/3774 (ctrl+f qatar) - please don't let these be buried\n<babbageclunk> veebers: ping?\n<veebers> babbageclunk: hey o/ what's up?\n<babbageclunk> veebers: hey, I'm having trouble getting the PR checks run - I created a PR against the staging branch, and the run failed correctly.\n<babbageclunk> veebers: Then I recreated it against develop, but it still marks the check as failed and links to the same run?\n<babbageclunk> https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6543\n<veebers> babbageclunk: can you link me?\n<veebers> heh :-)\n<babbageclunk> https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6544\n<babbageclunk> yeah, I figured some context would be good.\n<babbageclunk> You can see that both PRs link to build 176: http://juju-ci.vapour.ws/job/github-check-merge-juju/176/\n<veebers> babbageclunk: ah right, so the latest PR was run with the previous PR id/run number/thing. Let me have a dig around see what I can find\n<babbageclunk> veebers: Thanks!\n<veebers> babbageclunk: can you submit a comment for that PR of \"!!retry!!\" please?\n<babbageclunk> veebers: ok\n<babbageclunk> veebers: didn't seem to have any effect - do I need to be a member of a specific elite club to do that?\n<veebers> babbageclunk: I don't think so? I'm just trying to work out how these triggers work etc. (as I haven't seen them before :-\\).\n<babbageclunk> veebers: ok, thanks\n<babbageclunk> veebers: Ooh, !!build!! seems to have helped! Or did you give something a kick?\n<veebers> babbageclunk: I think it was your build comment. Odd as reading the config anything between !!.*!! should trigger it. At any rate seems to be uding the right PR now to build\n<babbageclunk> veebers: maybe it doesn't poll that frequently and !!retry!! would have worked fine if I'd just been more patient.\n<veebers> babbageclunk: perhaps. I'll make sure to confirm with balloons tomorrow, see if we can't figure out what went wrong\n<veebers> babbageclunk: also, I like to image all the \"!!.*!!\" comments as a developer yelling at the screen \"BUILD! damnit, no gah, RETRY!\"\n<babbageclunk> veebers: haha\n<babbageclunk> veebers: oh, looks like daylight savings ended up north? our meeting's at 1:15 now?\n<veebers> babbageclunk: I was just going to ask you the same thing :-)\n<veebers> babbageclunk: Who would be around for todays standup,  would you know? A bunch are enroute to a sprint\n#juju-dev 2017-10-30\n<axw> wallyworld: I put it on the calendar already, but just reminding you: I'm away this coming Fri-Mon\n<axw> babbageclunk: do you have time to be a second reviewer for https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/7984?\n<babbageclunk> axw: sure\n<babbageclunk> axw: net line reduction automatic approval\n<axw> :)\n<babbageclunk> I mean, ok, I'll actually read it\n<axw> wallyworld: what version of Juju was the relation bug found in? beta1? I'm failing to repro with wordpress-mysql. just noticed bug says mediawiki, will try that - can't see why it'd matter tho\n<thumper> https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/7987 fixes constraints handling with bundle deployment.\n<wallyworld> axw: i tested in tip of develop last week. found it by remove-relation <id> from the offering model, and then add-relation again from the consuming model\n<wallyworld> axw: i'll try and repro\n<axw> wallyworld: ah, I just removed it from the consuming model. I'll try that way\n<babbageclunk> wallyworld: one of the migration test failures looked like a timeout, the other one looks like a genuine problem - we require a model type when importing a model, but older versions don't set one when exporting.\n<wallyworld> ah\n<wallyworld> i guess default to IAAS\n<babbageclunk> creating a bug now\n<babbageclunk> yu[\n<babbageclunk> p\n<veebers> babbageclunk: I don't think it's a timeout as the whole test is about 15 minutes, timeout is 50m. That being said I'm unsure why that log just stops\n<wallyworld> veebers: you're back!\n<babbageclunk> veebers: hmm\n<veebers> wallyworld: hey o/ aye I am, first day back today :-)\n<axw> wallyworld: seems to be some other bug though. I removed relation between hosted mysql and wordpress. something caused wordpress unit to restart, and now it's in an error loop complaining about the relation directory being non-empty\n<wallyworld> interesting. i wonder how mediawiki behaves\n<veebers> babbageclunk: let me have another quick look at those logs\n<wallyworld> thumper: lgtm\n<axw> wallyworld: remove-relation on the offering side didn't trigger anything. I'll look into the other thing I found\n<wallyworld> righto, i'll try and reproduce\n<axw> I mean didn't trigger any errors... re-adding relation just worked\n<wallyworld> axw: you tested with lxd?\n<axw> wallyworld: yep\n<axw> wallyworld: and now the remote relation worker seems to have stopped working: ERROR juju.worker exited \"mysql\": watching status for offer: verification failed: macaroon not found in storage\n<axw> \"juju offers\" shows no relation, though the client thinks it has related\n<wallyworld> axw: hmmm, looks like macaroon has got cleaned up on offer side but we are not minting a new one\n<wallyworld> axw: i have a meeting now but will debug a bit when i am free\n<axw> wallyworld: sure. I'll keep digging\n<thumper> wallyworld: there in a minute\n<axw> so if I remove the remote app from the consuming side, and then re-relate, it fixes it up\n<wallyworld> axw:  that would be because that causes a RegisterRelation which mints a new macaroon\n<axw> wallyworld: the remote relation worker should be re-registering if the relation was removed. I suppose the worker isn't tidying up properly. will look more after lunch\n<wallyworld> axw: yeah, i'll look between meetings if i get time\n<babbageclunk> axw: fixing this - https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1728486\n<mup> Bug #1728486: migration: allow model type to be blank when importing <juju:Triaged by 2-xtian> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1728486>\n<babbageclunk> axw: I should obviously make the reading side accept blank.\n<babbageclunk> axw: Do you think I should make sure the exporting side also sets model type?\n<babbageclunk> axw: I think the intention was that the 2.2 branch would export models as v3, so type would be set automatically.\n<axw> babbageclunk: sorry just looking at the code, one minute\n<babbageclunk> axw: but the description dependency was updated in 2.2 for some unrelated change and now it emits v4 models, but with blank type.\n<babbageclunk> axw: thanks\n<axw> babbageclunk: ugh, that's unfortunate. yes I think the exporter should be required to set the model type for v4\n<axw> babbageclunk: reading side shouldn't have needed to accept blank, but obviously will now\n<babbageclunk> axw: do you think I should set the default in description or in migration_export.go?\n<axw> babbageclunk: I think migration_export.go, I think description should be relatively dumb - not making choices, just checking the choices you made are correct\n<babbageclunk> axw: cool, thanks!\n<thumper> later peeps\n * thumper EODs\n<wallyworld> jam: did you forget to add a video call?\n<jam> wallyworld: I did, but I just added \"caas\"\n<jam> I will brt, need to use a restroom\n<axw> wallyworld: the unitcount refcounting on relations for local vs. remote units looks dodgy. we never increment for remote units, but we sometimes decrement for remote\n<axw> that might explain the \"permission denied\" error I saw\n<axw> wallyworld: I think we should be maintaining relation.unitcount for both local and remote units. i.e. unitcount == number of units in scope, at all times\n<axw> wallyworld: otherwise you can remove the relation without taking units out of scope\n<axw> wallyworld: why does having a time-before caveat stop things from working? you should still get a verification error?\n<mup> Bug #1726945 changed: [2.3] consume feature hard to manage <docteam> <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1726945>\n<mup> Bug #1726945 opened: [2.3] consume feature hard to manage <docteam> <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1726945>\n<mup> Bug #1726945 changed: [2.3] consume feature hard to manage <docteam> <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1726945>\n<bdx> heyyyyy\n<bdx> I've got this model in a crazy stuck state on 2.3-beta2.5\n<bdx> lol\n<bdx> 2.3-beta2.1\n<bdx> whoops\n<bdx> ha\n<bdx> not sure if anyone wants to take a gander\n<bdx> http://paste.ubuntu.com/25854148/\n<bdx> I can't get the units es-lxd-test/{0,1} to go away\n<bdx> I mean, its not really a big deal to me\n<bdx> but, possibly its a difficult situation to repro\n<bdx> and someone might want to hop in and take what they need\n<bdx> I'll leave it up for the next day or so\n<bdx> if anyone wants to take a closer look, ping me\n<bdx> I'll create a bug anyway\n<bdx> well, not that tough\n<bdx> https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1728721\n<mup> Bug #1728721: units stuck in model after failed deploy <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1728721>\n<hml> bdx: do you have a build number for your juju 2.3-beta2.1?\n<bdx> hml: its whats in the beta snap channel\n<bdx> rev: 2640\n<hml> bdx: ty\n#juju-dev 2017-10-31\n<axw> veebers: seems the latest artful deploy test doesn't have any issues with lxd - did you change anything?\n<veebers> axw: I'm pretty sure nothing changed. Let me take a deeper look\n<axw> veebers: some other error to do with the disk/db being full tho\n<axw> maybe the other error was related to that?\n<veebers> axw: ah, right. Will have  a look in a sec, just OTP\n<veebers> axw: hmm, I'll take a look at the artful slave now. It's possible its a space thing, or a lxd setup thing.\n<veebers> axw: ok, so that machine totally gets filled up during charm deployment resulting in failure. Not sure why it's getting filled up, not sure if it's the reason for the error from yesterday. I'll get an artful machine that works to try it out on.\n<axw> veebers: cool, thanks for the update\n<veebers> axw: ugh, having a mind blank, if a charm apt-get installs something, which log would I see all that in? (or how would I see those details)\n<axw> veebers: it should show up in the unit log in /var/log/juju, if you haven't changed the model config's loggng-config\n<axw> logging-config*\n<veebers> ah right unit log, awesome cheers\n<axw> veebers: you can also see it in debug-log, filtering with --include unit-foo-0\n<babbageclunk> axw: another easy one? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/7991\n<axw> babbageclunk: LGTM\n<babbageclunk> ta\n * babbageclunk goes for a run\n<axw> wallyworld_: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/7996\n<wallyworld_> looking\n<wallyworld_> axw: just a couple of small things, thanks for doing that\n<wallyworld_> glad the changes weren't too big\n<babbageclunk> wallyworld_: review my merge? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/7997\n<wallyworld_> babbageclunk: sure\n<wallyworld_> babbageclunk: i didn't realise we hadn't done the history limiting yet\n<babbageclunk> wallyworld_: oh yeah\n<babbageclunk> thanks!\n<wallyworld_> np\n<axw> wallyworld_: please see my response to your comment about nil checks\n<wallyworld_> ok\n<wallyworld_> axw: fair enough, i wasn't sure without deep diving into it again\n<axw> wallyworld_: np. landing now\n<wallyworld_> thanks again\n<jam> axw: are you around?\n<axw> jam: I am now\n<axw> had to take my son to the doctor\n<jam> axw: np. I had some thoughts about leadership that I wanted to chat with you about\n<axw> jam: sure\n<axw> jam: HO, or here?\n<jam> HO is probably good\n<axw> jam: ok, just a minute - need to post someone on halloween door duty :)\n<jam> np\n<jam> https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/morning-jam?authuser=1\n<mup> Bug #1728902 opened: leadership worker wakes up too often <leadership> <juju-core:In Progress by jameinel> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1728902>\n<rick_h> axw: ping, when you're around bdx is looking for some maas storage help and the docs seem a bit weak and wondered if you could give him a hand.\n<rick_h> bdx: might be worth hitting up the list for best async ability but we'll see\n<bdx> rick_h: totally, thx\n * rick_h has to start to prep the house. family will be here for halloween in < 1hr\n<babbageclunk> rick_h: I'm assuming you're dressed as dracula while you type.\n<rick_h> babbageclunk: naw, I just wear a big orange sweatshirt that says \"STAFF\" on it\n * rick_h is the family roadie\n<thumper> balloons, wallyworld,veebers: my laptop died\n<thumper> on my other one now\n<thumper> FSVO died\n<wallyworld> oh :-(\n<wallyworld> we just finished call\n<wallyworld> will fix more issues today\n<thumper> I gathered you would have\n<wallyworld> re-evaluate tomorrow\n<veebers> thumper: ugh, hopefully you can revive it\n<thumper> well, the machine is running, just no wifi\n<thumper> although it says it is connected to the AP, it doesn't have an IP address\n<balloons> ugh thumper, sorry to hear that\n<thumper> will take it inside, connect with wires and update it\n<thumper> see if that fixes it\n<babbageclunk> wallyworld: oh no!\n<babbageclunk> oops, misread - thumper oh no!\n<babbageclunk> what's FSVO? Google isn't helping.\n<wpk> \"for some values of\"\n<thumper> wpk: you still here?\n<thumper> wpk: my laptop is having network issues\n<thumper> wpk: the wireless connects but only gets ipv6 address, but there are no ipv6 routes\n<babbageclunk> Weird, I use that expression all the time but never abbrev'd.\n<wpk> thumper: tcpdump to see if asks for an IP address?\n<thumper> it didn't ask\n<thumper> lots of ARP\n<wpk> thumper: start dhclient manually?\n<thumper> wpk: how?\n<wpk> thumper: have you tried turning it off and on again?\n<wpk> (hello IT)\n<wpk> dhclient -4 wlp2s0\n<wpk> (or however your wifi is called, I miss the good ol' \"wlan0\" times..)\n<thumper> wpk: moved to PMs\n<axw> bdx: I'm here now, but I see you've emailed the list... *looking*\n<axw> bdx: sounds like you're sorted now, thanks for the docs suggestion, +1\n<bdx> axw: thanks, np\n<axw> wallyworld: there's a new GCP region, asia-south1: https://cloudplatform.googleblog.com/2017/10/GCP-arrives-in-India-with-launch-of-Mumbai-region.html\n<axw> 2.3 would be a good time to get that in too\n<wallyworld> indeed\n<wallyworld> i'll create a bug\n * axw files a bug\n<wallyworld> ok, you can :-)\n<babbageclunk> wpk: Ha, that geographic midpoint is actually on land! That seems surprising enough that we should definitely go there.\n<babbageclunk> I guess what we actually want is a geographic midpoint where the metric is travel time. I don't think the Solomon Islands would do very well then.\n<hml> babbbageclunk: there are different calulation methods, but nothing on travel distance.  :-(\n<hml> there’s a meet in the middle, but it assumes driving a car -\n<hml> not sure we can do that across the pacific\n<babbageclunk> hml: yeah, it would really need take into account multiple-hop flights as well. Probably expedia and the other big travel sites have that info, but I'd be surprised if they hand it out to people.\n<wpk> babbageclunk: there's a direct flight from Brisbane\n<wpk> 4h15m\n<babbageclunk> wpk: well alright, let's do this!\n<hml> holy crap: i saw 45H first\n<hml> then it went down to 27H - via brisbane\n<anastasiamac> it sounds like bne is a central point after all ...\n<wpk> The cheapest flight I found is actually around the world trip - WAW-DXB-BNE-HIR-NAN-LAX-WAW (and it's only $4k ! :>)\n<blahdeblah> anastasiamac: As if we needed a web site to tell us that...\n<anastasiamac> blahdeblah: :D yeah, i know, right?... the obvious  \\o/\n<blahdeblah> It's totally central - between the Gold & Sunshine Coasts\n<wpk> but then I won't get to go around the world :P\n<wpk> and I have been to Brisbane already\n<wpk> hugged a Koala\n<wpk> so - meh :P\n#juju-dev 2017-11-01\n<axw> wallyworld: vsphere got a bit broken during the provisioner changes. I'm going to update common.Bootstrap to do the zone selection\n<axw> might leave the other providers alone for now, just aim to get this fixed for beta2\n<wallyworld> yikes, ok\n<wallyworld> sgtm\n<axw_> wallyworld: I connected to VPN so not sure you saw this: wallyworld: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8007 fixes the vsphere issue, do you have time to review?\n<wallyworld> axw_: oh awesome, tyvm, lloking in a sec\n<axw_> veebers: I've got a fix ^ for the vsphere issue that balloons mentioned, but braixen is still buggered. if you bootstrap with \"--to zone=aron.internal\", you'll get a \"Connection refused\" error. I have no idea where that's coming form, or how to debug that - do you?\n<jam> axw: I looked at it as well\n<jam> balloons: veebers: the bot has repeatedly tried to run my patches, and seems to be starting, but failing to comment when the merge fails\n<axw> jam: thanks\n<axw> wallyworld: and thanks\n<wallyworld> np, thanks for fixing\n<jam> veebers: : ci.jujucharms.com/job/github-merge-juju/437/console is one of those cases\n<wallyworld> jam: the point of moving to a single az param to start instance is to get that selection logic out of the providers\n<wallyworld> it's been moved up to eg the provisioner\n<wallyworld> by the time start instance is called, we will have selected a single az\n<jam> wallyworld: storage and networking both have a heavy impact on az selection\n<jam> wallyworld: which means all you're really doing is changing *which* function on the provider selects the az\n<wallyworld> they do; i'd have to read the code to refresh my memory\n<wallyworld> jam: i see axw is responding to your pr comments, so i'll defer to those save having same conversation in 2 places\n<axw> jam wallyworld: the provisioner (and with this PR, bootstrap) first consult the provider via DeriveAvailabilityZone. if the provider says it doesn't care, then we iterate over the zones.\n<axw> jam: DeriveAvailabilityZone does things like returning a zone based on placement, or based on the volume attachments, spaces, etc.\n<wallyworld> right, the provider still gets to filter out unsuitable zones\n<jam> axw: does it also account for the subnet= provisioning that we have for AWS (which was quite well received, and we'd like to extend to other providers)\n<jam> axw: I'm not 100% sure why DeriveAZ is better than just StartInstance\n<axw> jam: AFAIK that's unchanged\n<axw> jam: in two words: provisioner parallelisation\n<jam> axw: subnet= *also* impacts zone\n<axw> jam: yep, that code is unchanged. Derive... will still pull out the zone from subnet=\n<jam> axw: how does this impact parallel provisioning at all?\n<jam> you still need to do a derive for every instance, right?\n<jam> whether it is done inside or outside the StartInstance call\n<axw> jam: derivation isn't the problem, automatic spreading is\n<axw> distribution groups\n<jam> axw: because the one doesn't exist yet, it doesn't bias us from not using it?\n<jam> axw: my biggest concern is that Derive only returns 1 entry\n<jam> which seems very much wrong\n<jam> a space might span multiple zones and you want spreading, or it may not\n<jam> if we want to switch StartInstance to only allow 1 that's fine\n<jam> but Derive can certainly return multiple possibilities\n<axw> jam: like I said in the PR, what's there satisfies today's needs. we can easily change it as needed\n<axw> jam: FWIW I did originally advocate for it returning multiple, I just didn't recall subnet= when I was talked down :)\n<axw> jam: on an entirely different topic, I just ran a couple of tests upgrading from an older version of 2.3-beta2 (698a34c22f2176a6de8cd24c5ea4aa5b11637069) to tip of develop, and it works\n<axw> jam: the second time the upgrade took a while, which might be related to the errors - but it did eventually upgrade\n<jam> wow, just saw NEWS entry that there was a van attack in NYC today\n<jam> axw: k. it might have been in progress, was mostly concerned about a 2.2 to a 2.3 being an issue\n<axw> oh crap :(\n<jam> axw: can I talk you back up? :)\n<jam> axw: does Derive take the Placement directives (it seems like it must)\n<axw> jam: yes it does\n<axw> jam: I'm happy for it to change, but not in this PR\n<veebers> jam: ack, seems it'll be an error in the check script. I'll fix that up first thing in my morn\n<veebers> sorry about that :-\\\n<axw> wallyworld: http://ci.jujucharms.com/job/github-merge-juju/440/console <- error in remote relation firewaller test, FYI in case there's a real issue\n<wallyworld> ta, will look\n<wallyworld> axw: i have a recollection of seeing that failure ages ago but not since. i'll see if i can repro locally\n<axw> okey dokey\n<jam> balloons: bug #1729248 I went to investigate test suite failures merging code into develop\n<mup> Bug #1729248: ProvisionerSuite.TestProvisionerStopRetryingIfDying fails intermittently <intermittent-failure> <juju:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1729248>\n<jam> however, the stack trace that it is giving appears to be *2.2* code\n<jam> though even there, the numbers don't line up\n<jam> I can't say for sure, but the string it says is on the line that failed \"stop(c, p)\" was removed in 2.3 and only exists in the 2.2 codebase\n<jam> now, that line *does* seem to exist in the branch from Anastasia, but it *shouldn't* exist after merging into develop\n<jam> is it possible that there is something wrong with the build that it isn't properly merging into develop/pulling source code from the original branch rather than the merged result?\n<jam> axw: I have a concern about the merge bot, are you around possibly to discuss?\n<axw> jam: I'm here but my wife and kids just got home. I can spare a couple of minutes before I head down\n<axw> jam: that when did you see that error? I think I fixed it as a drive by in my PR\n<axw> jam: and my PR also removed \"stop(c, p)\" :)\n<axw> so I think that explains that\n<axw> jam: linked in the bug, gtg - have a good day\n<jam> axw: have a good day. The issue is less about the test failing randomly, and more that the bot seems to be running the test suite against the PR code *rather* than against the merged PR + Develop code\n<jam> though maybe you're code landed right in-between run 1 and run 2 ?\n<jam> could be\n<balloons> Something weird going on?\n<jam> balloons: we've had an intermittent test, and I went to reproduce it, but couldn't get my source tree to line up with the failure lines reported in the merge request\n<jam> balloons: but I think I've sorted it out\n<balloons> axw, thanks for fixing the vsphere issue, though as you've noted, I still don't know why the DC and vcenter refuse to talk to each other\n<jam> Anastasia tried to merge against version X, which failed with intermittent failure. Andrew merged his code which fixed that in passing, then Anastasia landed her code, which now didn't have the failure ethire\n<anastasiamac> jam: balloons: thnx for figuring this out \\o/\n<jam> anastasiamac: well, it seems to be mostly axw doing a driveby fix\n<anastasiamac> axw: \\o/ (i rescind all previous \\o/ on the subject then)\n<jam> :,(\n<jam> :)\n<anastasiamac> jam: but thank you for looking in my absence\n<balloons> I just asked a question :-)\n<anastasiamac> balloons: and a valid question it was!\n<ryebot> I'm trying to bootstrap a controller with strict egress restrictions. I've set up an apt mirror and bootstrapped using it with --config apt-mirror=<my mirror>, however I'm still seeing apt operations fail because they're trying to access security.ubuntu.com. Is there a way to make them point at my apt mirror, or otherwise avoid this issue?\n<jam> axw: so, i just created a controller running 500 applications, each with 3 units to test out the leadership code\n<jam> axw: when doing an upgrade, it spins *hard* on corrupt lease document\n<jam> axw: and while doing that, it actually ends up running out of open file handles\n<jam> axw: looks like your changes to leases might account for a 100:70 improvement (whether you want to call that down 30% or 100/70 = 40% improvement or whatever). But getting away from a shared clock document is a pretty big win.\n<wallyworld_> balloons: veebers: we having release call?\n<axw> jam: bugger. I'm still looking for a way to fix that. thanks for testing - the improvement sounds nice though, thanks for testing\n#juju-dev 2017-11-02\n<axw> wallyworld: can you please take a look at https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8011\n<axw> jam: when you're on, ^^ workaround to upgrade lease docs\n<jam> wallyworld_: did we lose you ?\n<axw> jam: are you able to share your ubuntu-lite charm? looks to be private. I'd like to try to repro the FD leak thing\n<axw> coming up empty when lookiung through the code\n<jam> axw: so I've done charm push and charm release, do you know what the next thing is to make it more public?\n<axw> jam: I think you need to \"charm grant\", just not sure what args atm\n<jam> looks like just \"charm grant CHARM everyone\"\n<axw> yup\n<jam> axw: fwiw, you can do it just fine with just \"juju deploy ubuntu\" over and over again, but I should have granted read to everyone on the charms involved\n<axw> jam: ok. I can access now, thanks\n<axw> jam: so I foolishly tried to run the test on azure, forgetting about container networking. tried to force the issue with lxd, adding a \"wrench\" in the lease manager - no leak. so I guess it only shows up when there's a lot of agents. I'm not going to be able to repro today, and I'm off till Tuesday\n<axw> jam: however. I did find a rather big issue with the singular/leadership apiserver calls\n<jam> axw: k. it only happened before your patch to clean up leases\n<jam> axw: want me to investigate?\n<axw> jam: if you're able to, that would be great\n<jam> just doing a deploy with old and upgrade to sligtly older than current should be enough to trigger it\n<jam> actually, upgrading to beta2 final, right?\n<jam> axw: what's the apiserver calls issue?\n<axw> jam: yeah I think so\n<axw> jam: the issue I found: the SingularClaimer and LeadershipClaimer methods on State return the worker *at that time*, they don't automatically use the internally restarted one\n<axw> jam: and the API server facades bind that at connection time...\n<axw> jam: so if you don't disconnect the API, you'll keep getting the same broken claimer\n<jam> gotcha\n<jam> you have a patch for that, or want me to look at the same time?\n<axw> jam: I'm working on a patch, might only get as far as WIP though. I'll let you know later on\n<axw> jam: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8014, couldn't come up with a decent way to test it, the SetClock.. thing is a bit kludgey. I've gtg shortly, feel free to take and improve if you're not keen on that\n<jam> k, have a good weekend\n<jam> I had to do something similar for PingBatcher, I'll see how it compares\n<babbageclunk> wallyworld: hey, do we support migrating models with cross-model relations now?\n<anastasiamac> wallyworld: babbageclunk: could u plz rubber-stamp 1-line change? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8016\n<babbageclunk> anastasiamac: approved!\n<anastasiamac> babbageclunk: \\o/\n<babbageclunk> wallyworld: oh ignore me, I remember now - we support exporting them (for dump-model) but not importing.\n<wallyworld> babbageclunk: we don't support importing models with offers\n<babbageclunk> wallyworld: thanks - got confused/worried about whether we allowed migrations with CMR\n<wallyworld> babbageclunk: yeah, we don't support migrating models with offers (yet) because we have no way of updating consuming models that the offer location has changed\n<babbageclunk> makes sense\n<wallyworld> we need to solve that though, but had to draw the line somewhere\n<babbageclunk> wallyworld: Can you review this please? It's the relationscopes precheck: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8018\n<wallyworld> sure\n<babbageclunk> ta\n#juju-dev 2017-11-03\n<wallyworld> babbageclunk: lgtm, thanks for fixing\n<babbageclunk> wallyworld: awesome thanks\n<anastasiamac> wallyworld: thumper: balloons: PTAL https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8019\n<wallyworld> jeez, that was hard\n<anastasiamac> i'll make it up to u :)\n * babbageclunk goes for a run\n<wallyworld> babbageclunk: when you're back, s small cmr fix https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8020\n<babbageclunk> wallyworld: looking\n<babbageclunk> wallyworld: approved - sorry, got interrupted\n<wallyworld> babbageclunk: no worries, thank you!\n<niedbalski> thumper, wallyworld, axw hey guys, is there a chance to have this somehow backported for 1.25? https://github.com/juju/juju/commit/a5b17045853bc711fb4ff1f1494d1f4be5ab50a6\n<mup> Bug #1729930 opened: juju.state.leadership manager.go:72 stopping leadership manager with error: state changing too quickly; try again soon <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1729930>\n#juju-dev 2017-11-05\n<bdx> https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1730228\n<mup> Bug #1730228: enable-ha doesn't apply zone directive to subsequent instances <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1730228>\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC"}}
-{"text": "#ubuntu-uk 2011-01-24\n<hamitron> 12 C and above is fine\n<hamitron> :)\n<hamitron> fingers crossed it is just a fan\n<hamitron> be freaky if we had same problem on same day\n<markjones> http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/1065/avsz.jpg\n<hamitron> as I have never had it before\n<Azelphur> haha\n<hamitron> hehe\n<ali1234> hoho\n<Azelphur> wtf\n<Azelphur> the resolution has gone all messed\n<Azelphur> the login box is like 1 inch wide\n<hamitron> have you tried a livecd?\n<hamitron> :/\n<hamitron> we all know you mess with things Azelphur ;)\n<Azelphur> hamitron, I'd have to use the livecd for a while\n<hamitron> even if you don't say\n<Azelphur> to confirm\n<Azelphur> :p\n<hamitron> yeh\n<hamitron> but worth it?\n<hamitron> can watch porn or whatever you do\n<Azelphur> lol\n<Azelphur> wtf lol\n<Azelphur> it's launched X on :1.0\n * Azelphur reboots and see's if it does it again\n<hamitron> :/\n<hamitron> was so much easier with config files ;)\n<hamitron> pink punchbag on boffer :(\n<hamitron> not been great stuff lately\n<Azelphur> there, I'm up \\o/\n<Azelphur> now to play with it for a while and see if it dies\n<hamitron> the 1 day i didn't look, it was an external hdd that was cool\n<hamitron> :)\n<bigcalm> Night kids\n<Azelphur> hamitron: haha, pink punchbag\n<Azelphur> you know there's other boffer-like sites right?\n<Azelphur> I do a 4 site rotation every day :P\n<hamitron> no\n<hamitron> I don't want more\n<hamitron> just means there is a greater chance of spending money\n<Azelphur> haha\n<Azelphur> in other random news, you'll never be as cool as this guy, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4txVqr1eNwc\n<hamitron> I am cool? :D\n<Azelphur> yes, but not as cool as that guy.\n<hamitron> he gonna bulch or something?\n<hamitron> belch*\n<Azelphur> *shrug*\n<hamitron> looks more like earthworm jim\n<Azelphur> hamitron: this is hilarious, I'm beating this huge guy at a game of strength xD\n<Azelphur> http://game.azelphur.com/forum/official-post-your-picture-thread?page=2#comment-592 I'm beating this guy\n<hamitron> hmmm?\n<Azelphur> (I'm on the first page if you havn't seen me)\n<Azelphur> we both have these http://www.amazon.co.uk/Powerball-Neon-Pro/dp/B000OT8J9G and I had the lead on him for like a week with 9.4k points\n<Azelphur> then after a week of trying he finally got ahead with 9.9k, so 2 hours later I got 10.1k\n<Azelphur> xxD\n<Myrtti> minecraft would be overly simple if it had a map.\n<hamitron> you had to included your monitor setup in your pic...\n<Myrtti> wow.\n<Azelphur> hamitron: indeed :D\n<hamitron> Azelphur: still working?\n<Azelphur> hamitron: yup\n<hamitron> was gonna say, tempted to play a game tonight on my stable system ;)\n<hamitron> only now it has little affect\n<hamitron> hopefully, anyway\n<hamitron> no downloading tonight\n<hamitron> used 59Gb or 60Gb download\n<hamitron> so full speed tomorrows \\o/ :D\n<Azelphur> \\o/\n<hamitron> brb, coffee\n<hamitron> still ok Azelphur?\n<hamitron> :D\n<Azelphur> hamitron: yup\n<Azelphur> maybe same problem same day\n<Azelphur> xd\n<hamitron> must admit, I have had problems a few days\n<hamitron> months even\n<hamitron> just didn't seem to happen all the time\n<Azelphur> haha\n<hamitron> I was often stable for over a week\n<hamitron> then it would just freeze on me regularly for a few hours\n<hamitron> then right itself\n<Azelphur> \\o/\n<hamitron> serves me right for using old fans out of old fried PSU ;)\n<Azelphur> hehe\n<hamitron> I assume you don't do that\n * hamitron looks at the monitor setup\n<Azelphur> :p\n<cr215> anyone have any experience with the pulseaudio-equalizer?\n<cr215> i installed it in the terminal but i cant find it anywhere\\\n<HazRPG> morning all\n<HazRPG> guess its too early for some folk\n<HazRPG> Why is cumbria always a deadzone for everything :/\n<mattt> HazRPG: huh\n<HazRPG> us cumbrians don't have an awful lot of supports of anything lol\n<HazRPG> Cumbrian LUG seems to have died\n<HazRPG> (just as an example)\n<HazRPG> brb\n<screen-x> morning :)\n<AlanBell> morning\n<TheOpenSourcerer> morning all\n<czajkowski> Aloha\n<screen-x> morning czajkowski :)\n<HazRPG> bk\n<screen-x> HazRPG: bacon cheeseburger and chips?\n<HazRPG> screen-x: not quite xD\n<TheOpenSourcerer> +1T for this suggestion: http://www.stefanoforenza.com/ubuntu-11-10-naming/\n<HazRPG> haha omg I forgot I had that!\n * HazRPG adds pokemon theme to playlist for car mix\n<HazRPG> xD\n * jpds will now negate everything HazRPG says with 'I'm sorry, I don't play Pokemon'.\n<HazRPG> jpds: fair enough, I'm making a CD for the car of random funnies\n<HazRPG> along with some classics\n<HazRPG> Rock You Like a Hurricane (for e.g.)\n<HazRPG> urgh, not fair - my kenny rogers stuff seems to be corrupted and I have no idea where the CD went for it >_<\n<HazRPG> must on my CD shelf somewhere...\n<MooDoo> hello all\n<bigcalm> Morning peeps\n<HazRPG> morning\n<HazRPG> argh, I knew there was a reason I didn't use media player to make playlists :/\n<hoover> morning folks\n<kazade> directhex, morning, I was just wondering.. should I use badgerports.org for Maverick, or is there a better place to get updated mono packages?\n * Neoti moin all....... work as normal.... DOH!!!\n<HazRPG> mornin\n<HazRPG> suppose I should get ready to bounce to uni\n<dutchie> bounce?\n<dutchie> is your preferred mode of transport pogo stick?\n<Neoti> HazRGP Bounce to uni .... what are you a ball\n<HazRPG> Neoti: I might be...\n<HazRPG> ^^,\n<HazRPG> dutchie: totally should be xD\n<Neoti> LOL now that i want to see\n<HazRPG> what, me bouncing around like a ball, or on a pogo stick?\n<bigcalm> dutchie: space hopper :)\n<bigcalm> dutchie: though you might be too young to remember them\n<Neoti> LOL thats a website killer gram and there are some girl on space hoppers ... lol ....\n<HazRPG> bigcalm: heh, I remember those\n<HazRPG> never owned one myself though\n<dutchie> bigcalm: not quite too young :)\n<dogmatic69> is it ok to use the same public key all over?\n<dogmatic69> ie for login to my server and github\n<Neoti> i dont see why not ....\n<Neoti> dogmatic69 : i have my key on about 8 servers....\n<dogmatic69> Neoti: cool, even if someone has access to the pub key it will still be ok?\n<dutchie> that's the point of a \"public\" key\n<Neoti> correct\n<dogmatic69> cool, just making sure\n<dogmatic69> thanks :)\n<Neoti> you stick your key                         all over the place so you can connect to things securely ... just dont publish the privvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvatekey ...\n<dogmatic69> ye\n<Neoti1> Hey All im not on my work computer....\n * Neoti now on work computer as Neoti1\n<Neoti1> Whos around...\n<DJones> Morning all\n<HazRPG> right I'm away to uni, later\n<HazRPG> o/\n<popey> morning all\n<MooDoo> morning popey\n<dutchie> lo popey\n<DJones> hi popey\n<bigcalm> Morning popey\n<TheOpenSourcerer> lo popey\n * Neoti1 Welll my nagios install is going mad becouse the network just went down ... ARGH!!!!!! DOH!!!! what fun today is going to be \n * diplo sets Neotil to mode 'Not Flapping'\n<diplo> :P\n<hoover> mornin popey\n<hoover> Neoti1: have you checked out icinga?\n<Neoti1> hoover : no i have not ..... whats that\n<Neoti1> hoover : just had a look adn i will try it out later on a test machine see if its any good ..... thanks for that\n<diplo> Still based on nagios mind\n<diplo> Just had the cgi's etc improved and a few other parts, still core nagios though\n<DJones> Damm, goint to have to install windows on a acer laptop to update the bios\n<diplo> Can't do it via boot disk DJones  ?\n<DJones> diplo: Not sure yet, something I'll have to look at\n<DJones> diplo: Doesn't look like it, the update is a windows setup.exe\n<diplo> Dell site used to do those as default, but if you delved deeper you could find a cli update\n<DJones> This one is an Acer Aspire, I've had a look, but doesn't seem to be much I can find that seems hopefull\n<DJones> I wonder whether it'd run under wine :)\n<Neoti1> Does anyone use the Alwayson group for broadband or VPNs ?\n<diplo> heh, I just looked on there site, one bios update for a model is to 'Fix keyboard issues with linux' but with a windows installer and dos installer.. nothing linux update able in there :D\n<dogmatic69> can anyone recomend a decent place to buy a new pc?\n<DJones> diplo: I'm considering trying a windows xp live usb to see if that would work\n<DJones> dogmatic69: Have a look at nakedcomputer.org Might give you some suggestions of os free machines if thats what you're looking for\n<dogmatic69> ye, or a place that sells components but will ship built (for work, and they want that :/)\n<czajkowski> TheOpenSourcerer: thakns\n<czajkowski> *thanks even\n<TheOpenSourcerer> np czajkowski\n<MooDoo> czajkowski: morning, you feeling better?\n<czajkowski> good bit thanks\n<MooDoo> czajkowski: no worrues :)\n<gord> omg found custard creams, monday has been rescued!\n<screen-x> :)\n<czajkowski> gord: you are amusing\n<MooDoo> gord: sorry choc bourbons are better\n<gord> ha, hahahahaha, haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. no\n<Neoti1> custard creams all the way!!!!\n<MooDoo> gord: meh!\n<lazarus_> christ my hamstrings are sore this morning\n<davmor2> morning all\n<DJones> MooDoo: ,1 for choc bourbons\n<DJones> +1 even\n<davmor2> MooDoo: I got a bunch of aq's in the biscuit barrel\n<MooDoo> my fave and choc moo cow biscuits\n<lazarus_> morning\n * TheOpenSourcerer curses all this talk of biscuits and legs it to make a coffee and grab some Digestives.\n<lazarus_> has no comp comp\n * Neoti1 see TheopenSourcerer go for a coffee and gets one him self... \n<diplo> Anyone know of a good tool to remove lots and lots of duplicate CSS lines ?\n<popey> diplo: vi\n<diplo> yeah but that means defining each line that's wrong\n<diplo> Can do that with netbeans\n<Neoti1> (CTRL+A DEL) LOL... he he\n<diplo> Or can I get it to see if there is an exact duplicate to delete any lines following ?\n<diplo> I've debated that Neoti1 if it wasn't so big i would start again\n<Neoti1> sorry diplo.... had to say it ...\n * TheOpenSourcerer returns armed with coffee, a digestive AND a shortbread finger too :-D\n<diplo> Hmm having to install vim :/\n<diplo> Want to go back to ubuntu on my lappy but I can't resolve the fans spinning all the time\n<czajkowski> diplo: are you running Ubuntu one ?\n<diplo> On windows yeah, and actually on ubuntu box as well yeah\n<diplo> I think the issue is that linux doesn't detect the fan properly\n<diplo> Keep meaning to maybe try askubuntu, asked here a few times with out a reply yet.\n<czajkowski> diplo: I just found from times my fans used to spin crazy when I was synin my U1\n<diplo> okay, will give it a try under u1, was defo an issue with Windows as U1 was running at 25%+ when running with sync turned on\n<diplo> Didn't even think about it on ubuntu\n<bigcalm> popey: checked the map recently? (near spawn area)\n<popey> ooer\n<Myrtti> can the multiplayer maps be played in Peaceful if others aren't?\n<popey> yes\n<popey> you can switch off monsters in smp\n<popey> bigcalm: you?\n<Myrtti> so I can play the map with you guys in Peaceful even if you're playing it with monsters?\n<popey> oh, sorry, misunderstood\n<popey> no\n<bigcalm> No\n<matti> ;]\n<Myrtti> boo.\n<popey> the server dictates whether there are monsters\n<bigcalm> popey: making a hot tap\n<Laney> how do you get the mob drops without mobs?\n<Myrtti> I'll just continue on my single player baby steps map then\n<Myrtti> btw, would a #ubuntu-uk-minecraft be a good idea ;]\n<Myrtti> or do you have it already :-D\n<popey> heh\n<bigcalm> Na. Minecraft comes under the heading of kittens\n* popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List: http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines - http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting Thursday January 27th 21:00 GMT in #ubuntu-uk-meeting http://tinyurl.com/uukmeet | \\o/ Cats (and minecraft)\n<bigcalm> :D\n<Myrtti> popey: thanks for the distraction tho, there's been a lot going on lately and minecraft is a good distraction from overly active brain\n<bigcalm> We wouldn't want to be off topic\n<popey> :) its fun\n<bigcalm> Much fun\n<popey> Myrtti: you're welcome to jump on the server any time, it's pretty much always up\n<popey> bigcalm: i might generate day _and_ night graphs\n<bigcalm> Last night popey and I made a mob grinder from a dungeon mob spawner. Sadly we're only collecting feathers\n<gord> popey, want my script? also keeps a history\n * popey modifies the script\n<bigcalm> popey: I think that would be useful\n<popey> gord: i has one :)\n<popey> http://popeydc.dyndns.org/maps/2011/\n<popey> :)\n<gord> popey, is it the same one i have? because i copy pasted from somewhere\n<popey> no, i wrote mine\n<bigcalm> Those maps are going to take up a lot of space\n<bigcalm> Going to make an animation from them?\n<gord> .... people less lazy than me *shakes fist*\n * czajkowski hugs Myrtti \n<Myrtti> I'm trying to work though, which I call a personal feat\n<Myrtti> I can do video editing and instructing pidgin usage, but I've got no hope of thinking about anything complex about marketing or learning Qt\n<gord> learning Qt isn't easy at the best of times\n<Myrtti> Qt Quick is fairly simple though\n<screen-x> I have a box which is 99.7% id, 0.0% wa, but loadavg is 2, why should that be?\n<jpds> screen-x: Is it HP?\n<screen-x> jpds: no, it's a VM.\n<popey> yay http://popeydc.dyndns.org/maps/current_day.png vs http://popeydc.dyndns.org/maps/current_night.png\n<screen-x> loadavg is normally 0.3ish\n<popey> bigcalm: yeah, maybe\n<screen-x> but has been high since a reboot this morning, but I haven't been able to work out why.\n<MartijnVdS> popey: you need more upstream bandwidth :)\n<popey> MartijnVdS: :)\n<popey> alan@hactar:~/bin$ du -hs /var/www/maps/\n<popey> 1.6G    /var/www/maps/\n<popey> ls\n<popey> bah\n<lazarus_> MartijnVdS: popey howdy\n<screen-x> jpds: why the HP comment?\n<Myrtti> you do know what load means though? it probably is waiting for the hard drive\n<screen-x> Myrtti: but in that case you'd expect a large value for io wait.\n<jpds> screen-x: bug #574910\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 574910 in Pantheon \"High load averages on Lucid while idling\" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/574910\n<lazarus_>  does gwibber have issues with twitter ?\n<czajkowski> lazarus_: from time to time depending on what verion you are running\n<czajkowski> it may get a bit slow in updating\n<czajkowski> lazarus_: killing it and restarting tends to fix it tbh\n<lazarus_> ok\n<DJones> lazarus_: Which version of ubuntu are you using, I've found 10.10 is quite stable, very rarely a problem, but earlier versions were unstable\n<lazarus_> DJones: 10.10\n<popey> bigcalm: might pop on the server later and go for a very very long wander :)\n * DaveMorris is confused with su.  Written a small backup script which I want to run as my user, by dumping it in cron.daily.  I switch to root (sudo su) to test it, and run it but it asks for my password before doing the su command.  The su command is su dave -c \"/etc/cron.daily/daily-backup.sh\" however if I do su dave -c \"whoami\" it works fine\n<bigcalm> popey: take food!\n<bigcalm> And a boat\n<DaveMorris> grrr\n<DaveMorris> stupid mistake, which you always find after posting :)\n * gord designs bot to constantly walk forward on popey's minecraft server, eating up all his hard-drive space\n<Laney> DaveMorris: sudo -u username yourcommandhere\n<DaveMorris> Laney: yeah I was doing that correctly\n<DaveMorris> the script I was then calling, didn't contain what I thought it did\n<DaveMorris> it was trying to do a su as well\n<tugrik> ew\n<bigcalm> popey: got to the other chest. Loaf of bred, 2 red stone, 3 iron, bucket, saddle and 3 string\n<tugrik> don't su in scripts :)\n<tugrik> best to run the script as that user in /etc/cron/crontab IMHO\n<tugrik> sorry, make that \"/etc/crontab\" :)\n<popey> heheh bigcalm :)\n<popey> bigcalm: is it still spawning?\n<DJones> Are there any benefits to installing 64-bit Ubuntu on a machine with max ram of 2Gb?\n<bigcalm> popey: yep, I've cleane it up as well\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Anyone know of an on-line place I can get someone to connect to with a Windows Computer so that I can then connect too and get remote control of their PC?\n<bigcalm> Much more productive now\n<DJones> Its not going to be a regular use machine, more for playing & testing\n<popey> TheOpenSourcerer: yuuguu\n<ubuntuuk-planet> [Paul Tansom] What have I done? - http://www.linuxlore.co.uk/2011/01/23/what-have-i-done/\n<popey> TheOpenSourcerer: crossloop\n<MartijnVdS> popey: that link of yours is a hit here at work :)\n<Nafallo> http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/12254668 ← slightly off-topic, but relevant to your interest.\n<popey> hehe\n<TheOpenSourcerer> popey: Thanks. Will look at both of them.\n<popey> yuuguu is java based, and cross platform, crossloop is windows only, but might work in wine at your end\n<popey> TheOpenSourcerer: dimdim also\n<DJones> Could be interesting, Sky set to buy a wireless hotspot provider & offer it to broadband customers as a competition to BT's service\n<Neoti1> LOL djones Sky use BT for there broadband anyway.... there just a reseller of the BT wholesale stuff... what would be good is if Virgin media did something with wifi .. now that would really challenge BT .....\n<DJones> Neoti1: Not always, they're installing their own equipment in some exchanges so apart from using the wires from house to exchange they're not reselling\n<gord> when i was with sky, they wern't based on bt\n<Neoti1> i work with another high level telecom company and im sure when i looked last they used BT Wholesale for broadband and then just packaged it up as there own with there own router etc.... will have to look again ...\n<DJones> gord: Same here, sky put their equipment in our exchange and they charge a lot less than the reseller price, something like £10/mth for unlimited instead £18/mth\n<DJones> Neoti1: It depends which exchange, if they've not put their own equipment into an exchange, then they do resell the bt package, but otherwise its just a sky package\n * Neoti1 stands corrected by DJones :)\n<DJones> :)\n<Neoti1> Djones : what would also be good is if Sky would offer Satalite internet via there sky box...\n<DJones> I've been on sky for about 3-4 years since they enable our exchange\n<Neoti1> that would also be kinda cool\n<gord> i doubt they have the bandwidth for a large scale satellite internet system\n<gord> especially one that has to share with the tv service\n<DJones> I'd like them to offer internet access via the sky receiver\n<DJones> iplayer etc\n<Neoti1> well would be kinda good .... VM have TV and Internet on one line... sky could offer internet and TV over the air waves etc.\n<gord> yeah but like i said, bandwidth is limited\n<Neoti1> Yeah... suppose your rite there\n<gord> satellite tech is really only good for broadcasting, when you want the same signal to go out to looots of places, its not really suited for the internet\n<DJones> I'd be tempted to move to VM, but they won't cable our road, even though houses within 100 yards do get cable\n<gord> VM won't cable our *town*, i hate them :(\n<Neoti1> is it a private road?\n<Neoti1> i love VM ... i have 50MB... soon to be 100MB when i get the trial....\n<DJones> Nope, right at the entrance to a housing estate, some of which seems to have cable\n * DJones considers sueing VM for distcrimination because of where I live :)\n * Neoti1 Hates DJones consideration to sue!!!! \n<Neoti1> LOL\n<Neoti1> Djones, im sure they will cable the road soon ....\n<davmor2> DJones: did you think that the council wouldn't give permission to dig it up, or that the estate didn't exist when the cable was laid?\n<Neoti1> or if you all get together and start a group thing to get VM to cable the street that will work\n<DJones> Neoti1: I doubt it, I've asked them a few times over the last 5 years, its always \"They have no plans in that area\"\n * Neoti1 VM get your finger out and cable more streets!!!!!!\n<DJones> davmor2: Its possible, but you'd think the VM sales people that come round knocking at the door about once a year would know that the area wasn't cabled before trying to sell me a tv & broadband package\n<davmor2> DJones: Not if the council say no.  VM's hands are tied in those instances as they have no grounds to countermand the councils say so,  if you find that is the case you can approach your council as a tax payer but vm can't it's daft\n<czajkowski> http://twitpic.com/3sza02  NYOMMY!!!\n<bigcalm> Had porridge. That was yum\n<DJones> davmor2: I think its probably a case that they extended the cabling into the estate as it was being finished, but because some of the houses right at the entrance to it were show houses, they didn't quite get there because the developer didn't want the show houses looking a mess/difficult to get to\n<davmor2> DJones: sounds about right\n<davmor2> DJones: over here it's the home builders responsibility to contact cable/electric/bt etc to inform them that the properties are ready for connection, if the same rule applies down there then maybe the builders didn't want cable streaks in their paths\n<DJones> That'd make sense\n<Neoti1> i personally dont move to a place/area that does not have cable... i Hate BT's BB services.....\n<Azelphur> Neoti1: there isn't all that much of the UK covered by cable :(\n<Azelphur> also, VFast is interesting\n * Azelphur isn't in a coverage area for that either\n * Neoti1 Looks at Vfast with interest \n<Azelphur> they do 10mbit (soon 100mbit) WiMax\n<Azelphur> but you have to be line of site to their antenna\n<Neoti1> or have a friend between the antenna that can re-broadcast the signal for you ... LOL....\n<Azelphur> haha\n<Gringo> #help\n<Azelphur> !ask | Gringo\n<lubotu3> Gringo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)\n<Gringo> Need some help guys im i on the right channel?\n<Azelphur> if it's ubuntu help you need, yup :)\n<Gringo> Just installed ubuntu but i have no sound :/\n<DJones> Gringo: Ask away, if we can't help, you could also try the #ubuntu channel which is a lot busier\n<Gringo> Under sound preferences/hardware it says internal audio 1output/1 input analolog stero duplex\n<Gringo> anyone?\n<DJones> Gringo: Do you know which soundcard is installed?\n<Gringo> its a built in one on my gigabyte mobo\n<DJones> !paste | Gringo Can you run \"lspci\" in a terminal and copy the output into the pastebin link that the bot gives & then copy the link to website it gives you here so we can see what hardware you've got\n<lubotu3> Gringo Can you run \"lspci\" in a terminal and copy the output into the pastebin link that the bot gives & then copy the link to website it gives you here so we can see what hardware you've got: Pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://pastebin.ubuntu-uk.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)\n<Gringo> http://pastebin.ubuntu-uk.org/100839\n<DJones> Gringo: This might help, it gives details of troubleshooting methods & the person seems to have got sound working by the end of it http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1661716\n<DJones> Although just reading it, they seem to have sound working, their problem was with the microphones\n<Gringo> ill give it a shot thanx buddy, 1 more more question i cant open rar files says archieve types not supported\n<DJones> !rar\n<lubotu3> rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free\n<DJones> You need to install the winrar app or unrar-free from synaptic\n<DJones> Gringo: The package you need to install will be \"unrar\" that should solve that problem\n<Neoti1> or 7z thin thats what it is\n<Gringo> whats the command for rar i tried the sudo app get but that didnt work\n<MartijnVdS> Gringo: please read what people were telling you :)\n<DJones> From a terminal, try \"sudo apt-get install unrar\" which will ask you for your password\n<Gringo> thanx\n * Neoti1 LOL @ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-12262714\n<MartijnVdS> Neoti1: a bit of a neighing laugh? :)\n<Neoti1> lol\n<Neoti1> have u seeen this http://www.ebuyer.com/product/251310 i might get one .... bloody awesome... stick a dual graphicss card in there for the dual screens i have and bang ...\n<popey> yes, I got their spam today too :)\n<Neoti1> :) ....\n<popey> I like that the first comment is from someone running Ubuntu\n<Neoti1> some on the reviews has put about ubuntu 64bit etc... so looks good tome.. though i would like to know the mobo specs...\n<Neoti1> snap!\n<Azelphur> has anyone noticed nautilus seems to be terrible at copying things to USB drives\n<Neoti1> humm add a sata raid mirror and an extra HDD and a dual screen graphincs card and NICE!\n<Azelphur> just now for example I copied a 700MB file, it shot straight to 670MB complete, then stopped for ages\n<Azelphur> \\o/\n<MartijnVdS> \\o/ disk cache :)\n<gord> Azelphur, yeah its not nautilus, its linux ;) its not terrible just hard to actually report the right statistics\n<Azelphur> lol\n<Neoti1> gord its turned in to windows.... with the whole thing or reporting stats wrong\n<czajkowski> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SQoF24ozJw pretty damn good\n<DJones> That install is fast :)\n<Neoti1> LOL thats good ... was it made with Kdenlive though or on a ubuntu computer cos thaqt would be ace\n<bigcalm> czajkowski: I spy Sil\n<DJones> Neoti1: End credits say produced and created with Kdenlive on 10.10\n<Neoti1> ah did not see that .. lol AWESOME!!!!!!!\n<Neoti1> ok im after a dual headed Graphics card for using in ubuntu which one ?\n<davmor2> czajkowski: yeap it is that's why I retweeted it I thought it was worthy\n<Neoti1> whats more supported Nvidia ?\n<Neoti1> thinking about a NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS ?\n<czajkowski> *sigh* yes please send me a doc to review.. then don't attach it :(\n<gord> Neoti1, the 8000 series is currently pretty well supported via the open source drivers i hear\n<Neoti1> gord was thinking http://www.ebuyer.com/product/174131\n<gord> i can't comment on the open soruce drivers but i use two monitors with my current graphics card just fine, nvidia gtx 260, used to run two monitors off a geforce 6600 just fine also\n<Azelphur> multi monitor discussion? why has nobody highlighted me yet :P\n<dogmatic69> im running a geforce 9800 1gig with 2x monitors on the ubuntu supplied drivers\n<Azelphur> I'm running a GTX 570 and 8800GT with 4x1920x1200\n<dogmatic69> ^ nice\n<Neoti1> Double nice ^\n<dogmatic69> 4x nice :D\n<Neoti1> lol\n<Azelphur> xD\n<Azelphur> http://game.azelphur.com/forum/official-post-your-rig-thread\n<dogmatic69> Azelphur: you on the antique desk?\n<Azelphur> yup :p\n<Azelphur> I need a new desk but havn't seen anything I like\n<Azelphur> they don't build em like they used to.\n<Twinkletoes> The resolvconf package doesn't populate /etc/resolv.conf upon reboot, but only when manually restarting networking.  man resolv.conf gives a similar example to my setup (iface eth0 inet static) so I'm assuming I'm doing things right.  Why doesn't resolvconf work at reboot?\n<brobostigon> afternoonings all.\n<Neoti1> howdy\n<brobostigon> afternoonings Neoti1\n * brobostigon has decided to stick with gingerbread, but give up on native gmail and use k9 insted.\n<Neoti1> what phone u got\n<Neoti1> i got galaxy s i9000\n<Neoti1> only Froyo tho\n<brobostigon> Neoti1: htc dream\n<Neoti1> kool\n<Azelphur> I got HTC Desire Z \\o/\n<Neoti1> what that heavy bulky phone ... he he\n<DJones> Azelphur: How do you cope? ...... A phone only has one screen :)\n<Neoti1> lol....\n * brobostigon installs setcpu\n<Azelphur> haha :D\n<Azelphur> DJones: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/Photos/January%202011/IMG_20110117_033502.jpg is how I cope\n<brobostigon> urghh, that coffee ijust made is awful.\n<Azelphur> that gets me up to 3, but it isn't exactly 4.\n<DJones> Heh\n<Neoti1> what specs the netbook ?\n<cps> afternoon peeps :)\n<brobostigon> cps: afternoonings ttm :)\n<Azelphur> Neoti Atom N450 1.6ghz, I think 1GB RAM\n<cps> brobostigon: hey, how are you?\n<Neoti1> what make ...\n<Azelphur> it's an Asus EEE 1001P\n<Neoti1> oh ...\n<brobostigon> cps: not bad, my eczema is calming down, and the infection is going. how about you?\n<cps> brobostigon: I'm okay :) good to hear about the eczema\n<brobostigon> cps: :)\n * cps bought a new keyboard today\n<brobostigon> cps: what kind?\n<cps> brobostigon: just a cheap one from argos\n<screen-x> cps: as bigcalm says, a new keyboard is as good as a holiday\n<cps> it's a very good one, however\n<cps> excellent build quality, good tactile feedback\n<davmor2> Azelphur: http://ubuntuone.com/p/Zp1/ no idea what you mean and as soon as I find the power lead for the other monitor they'll be another 2 pc up and running :)\n<cps> screen-x: I can't see how a keyboard would compare to a holiday :s lol\n<brobostigon> cps: ah, ok.\n<screen-x> cps: refreshing for the hands/wrists/arms to be in a slightly different position\n<Azelphur> davmor2: cool :D\n<cps> screen-x: ah\n<cps> the old keyboard I used was advertised as an “ergonomic” keyboard for some reason\n<cps> looked rather normal but it was the cheapest USB keyboard available\n * cps opens the vent above his window\n<cps> hmm\n<cps> haggis, neeps and tatties tomorrow\n * Neoti1 installs \"My Traceroute\" on my hosted CentOS 5.5 box to prove to a network provider the packet lose is on there end!!!!\n<cps> Neoti: haha, how long has that situation being going omn for?\n<cps> Neoti1 *\n<Neoti1> about 6 days.... i have given so much info to the provider and this is the last thing im sending to them... i send SIP RTP down the line and packets keep getting lost so MTR if left running for an hour will tell me deffinetly which router is losing the packets and how much packet lose there is .... which this i can go to the provider and give them hell ... lol\n<brobostigon> ok, does anyone here have android 2.3, and know how to reduce the mount of workspaces, ie, delete workspaces with the native android launcher. please.\n * cps digs out his g2\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: afaik you can't\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: not good. :(\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: I've left the outer two empty\n<brobostigon> adw-launcher here we come.\n<DJones> brobostigon: I think you have to change to a different launcher\n<popey> brobostigon: why do you want less workspaces?\n<brobostigon> DJones: thats what i will have to do.\n<brobostigon> popey: they are there doing nothing,\n<popey> and that is a problem why?\n<brobostigon> popey: because i dont want them there, is i am not going to use them, and it uses resources better used elsewhere.\n<gord> eerrr\n<gord> nooooo\n<gord> it will use up no more resources than 1 workspace if you don't use them\n * brobostigon thinks he needs to go bang his head on a hard surface.\n<brobostigon> cheers gord\n<popey> indeed\n<popey> i guess it's like having multiple desktops in x\n<brobostigon> popey: indeed.\n<popey> But then I know someone who obsessively closes windows because they get confused by having more than one thing open\n<kaushal> hi\n<popey> which is insanely frustrating\n<kaushal> Please guide further about http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/557694/\n * popey expects an sql query from kaushal \n<kaushal> popey: hi\n<popey> ah, there it is\n<kaushal> popey: you are super fast\n<brobostigon> i have four workspaces open here and about half dozen apps.\n<popey> you're asking an oracle question on an ubuntu mailing list kaushal ?\n<popey> I hope you have your flame retardant underpants on?\n<popey> you're going to get quite a kicking\n<popey> (I suspect)\n<popey> mind you the person I am talking about (multiple windows open not) also refuses to have two items of food in her mouth at once\n<popey> can't cope with two tastes\n<popey> very weird\n<screen-x> popey: I always mix my cereals :)\n * DJones wonders if a bacon buttie counts as two seperate tastes, or would that only be with the addition of sausage or hp sauce\n<gord> ... why are you people putting two items of food in your mouth at once? o_O stop cramming your face! eat slower!\n<DJones> gord: I'm catching up, after having teeth out last week, I've got a weeks worth of crispy food to catch up on\n<popey> gord: roast dinner, a piece of meat and some vegetables on a fork isn't unheard of\n<popey> for her, she would eat exactly one thing at a time\n<popey> mind you, my OCD habits are just as bad :D\n<popey> I find it hard to put washing on the washing line if the pegs don't match (both wood or both plastic, or both one colour)\n<bigcalm> popey: when are the maps regenerated?\n<popey> every 10 mins\n<bigcalm> On the 10 min mark?\n<popey> yes\n<popey> http://popeydc.dyndns.org/maps/\n<popey> see current_day and current_night\n<bigcalm> Ta\n<popey> generated 2 mins ago\n<popey> hehe, i see gord visited :)\n * dutchie visits\n * dutchie needs a break from maths :(\n<jpds> dutchie: Teach your computer how to count.\n<screen-x> popey: how big are your vnstat dbs?\n<popey> que?\n<popey> -rw-r--r--  1 root root 2272 2011-01-24 15:35 eth0\n<popey> small\n<jpds> screen-x: It's RRD.\n<screen-x> Mine are all exactly that size, reguardless of length of time recording.\n<screen-x> jpds: ahh, that would make sense\n<popey> anyway kaushal put that in a file and save it, then at the sql> prompt type @filename.sql\n<popey> it will run it\n<popey> kaushal: or just paste it into the sql> prompt\n<popey> without all those quotes around it\n * dutchie loads up the popeymap to locate where his house went\n<popey> :)\n<brobostigon> and why one earth does the power control in gingerbread not have a control to turn data on and off.\n<gord> brobostigon, you mean the widget? it never had that, there isn't enough space\n<brobostigon> gord: the cm version of 2.2.1 did.\n<gord> i have wifi, blutooth, sound, sync and brightness\n<brobostigon> gord: in 2.3 here same, but in the cyanogenmod version of 2.2.1 it had one for data aswell.\n<gord> data would be kinda silly, you only really need that if you are roaming (auto turns off then anyway) or you are gonna go over your limit, in which case thats really a one time thing, so you can just enable it in the settings. don't need quick access\n<brobostigon> gord: i find sometimes it uses alot of power consimpation, so i tented to only turn it on when needed.\n<brobostigon> consumption* tended*\n * czajkowski has a fruit mix. day got a lot better\n<czajkowski> yummy melon and pineapple wiht some mango\n<gord> ... note to self, steal czajkowski's food. has the tasty things\n<czajkowski> gord: tesco 2 tubs for 2 quid\n<czajkowski> one frutity one exotic\n<czajkowski> both damn tasty\n<czajkowski> gord: told you, do your shopping online :)\n<dutchie> i think i will go to tesco in a minute\n * AlanBell has borbon creams\n<czajkowski> ohhh tasty\n * Neoti1 victory is mine .... that provider has admitted its there problem regarding my packet lose ... YEY!!!!\n<kaushal> popey: hi again\n<kaushal> sorry was away\n<kaushal> I did run that it did not exit\n<popey> kaushal: explain?\n<popey> what makes you think it should exit?\n<kaushal> popey: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/557703/\n<kaushal> popey: shall i pastebin the query ?\n<kaushal> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/557694/\n<ubuntuuk-planet> [Alan Bell] Edubuntu at BETT 2011 - http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2011/01/24/edubuntu-at-bett-2011/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=edubuntu-at-bett-2011\n<popey> kazade: you didnt read what I typed\n<popey> 16:07:37 < popey> what makes you think it should exit?\n<popey> what if you just paste it into sqlplus?\n * dutchie burned tongue with coffee :(\n<kazade> popey, ??\n<popey> http://unreasonablefaith.com/2011/01/24/an-ant-drinking-from-a-raindrop/ wow\n<kazade> oh tab completion fail popey\n<popey> sorry\n<czajkowski> dutchie: not good\n<popey> 22671 alan      20   0 2481m 1.4g 5064 S   17 48.2 100:10.98 java\n<popey> :)\n<bigcalm> popey: I've been walking a little\n<popey> so you have\n<Myrtti> boo.\n<Myrtti> stupid minecraft\n<Myrtti> I lost my house.\n<bigcalm> At a big cave. Don't know if I should keep walking or not\n<Myrtti> I can't find it.\n<bigcalm> Myrtti: build another one :)\n<Myrtti> not that I care too much, but it has all my junk\n<dogmatic69> Myrtti: build a compas, will take you back to spawn\n<Myrtti> and this is the THIRD house I've build\n<dogmatic69> 4 gold + 1 red stone dust\n<Myrtti> dogmatic69: I didn't build my house there, so I'm at lost even with the compass\n<Myrtti> stupid goddammit...\n<dogmatic69> :D\n<Myrtti> *cough*\n<Myrtti> *sigh*\n<dogmatic69> i always build a huge tower so it can be seen from pretty far\n<popey> Myrtti: generate a map\n<popey> then you will be able to find it again\n<Myrtti> popey: what would you recommend for an app for that?\n<popey> i use mcmap\n<Myrtti> thankies\n<popey> its in git\n<popey> somewhere :)\n<popey> git clone https://github.com/Zahl/mcmap.git\n<popey> in my bash history as it happens\n<popey> just run mcmap with one parameter which is the \"world1\" folder where your world data is, which is probably directly under where your minecraft.jar is\n<popey> bigcalm: i see a pile of sand in amongst some trees at teh very top right of the map :)\n<popey> yours?\n<bigcalm> No, I've walked to the bottom left\n<popey> ah\n<Myrtti> how do you get down from the top of the pillar without killing yourself in the fall?\n<popey> dig\n<bigcalm> Lots of snow and then some lights\n<popey> i build two towers adjacent\n<Myrtti> ah, ok\n<popey> look odown, jump and place, jump and place\n<popey> *down\n<popey> step onto second one and dig it back down leaving the other one up\n<czajkowski> sounds like some new craze of a dance move popey\n<popey> :)\n<popey> I do not dance*\n<popey>  \n<popey> *(this is a tiny lie)\n<popey> bigcalm: generating a google maps zoomable map :)\n<popey> takes 40 mins !\n<Myrtti> ha, there they are, both my houses\n<czajkowski> heh\n<popey> :)\n<Myrtti> now I'm made a pillar at where I'm lost...\n<popey> regenerate map :)\n<Myrtti> oh good grief\n<popey> see where you are\n<Myrtti> I'm on the other side of the damned map\n<popey> hehe\n * Neoti1 yey home time...\n<popey> nice to get out and about\n<danfish> afternoon all\n<danfish> \\o/ in 20mins my linode will have had an uptime of 100 days :)\n<pr0ph3t> hi all\n * Myrtti facepalms http://flickr.com/gp/myrtti/2hA8Gc\n<gord> tesco don't allow non alphanumeric characters for passwords and you can't have more than ten characters.. why would anyone ever enforce a limit of 10 characters on a password!!\n<Myrtti> my bank has even worse\n<gord> \"sound be between six and ten characters in length, upper-case and lower-case letters are treated the same\". so basically, you can brute force this on a zx zpectrum\n<Myrtti> then again, the password is only for identification, the actual login comes with a onetime passkey\n<gord> s/sound/should\n<DJones> There's not a lot of consistency with banks & their online logon's\n<DJones> One bank uses an id number/password/secret information & the secret info has to be entered via drop down boxes rather than typing it in\n<popey>  heheh Myrtti\n<popey> bigcalm: discovered the server.properties file :) and spawn-monsters=true\n<pr0ph3t> I have a problem with my 3g integrated modem, basically I cannot connect, in practice it seems there is no signal, i.e. the radio is off, but in windows works fine, in exactly the same spot. I have a Asus UL30A-QX328V Laptop, running Ubuntu 10.10 and 11.04 64 bit with kernel 2.6.37-12-generic, any help would be greatly appreciated!\n<popey> pr0ph3t: how are you trying to connect?\n<pr0ph3t> popey, different ways, I tried the wizard as well\n<popey> you have a sim in it, from which network?\n<pr0ph3t> O2-UK\n<popey> and when you go through network manager, does it ask you for the carrier?\n<pr0ph3t> it's a laptop on contract from O2\n<pr0ph3t> yes\n<pr0ph3t> popey, the apn, the password and the username\n<popey> you have seen http://dev.iksaif.net/boards/2/topics/54 ?\n<pr0ph3t> popey, indeed\n<pr0ph3t> yes I have\n<popey> have you tried the patch?\n<sprite> ( o Y o )\n<popey> hello sprite\n<pr0ph3t> I tried to get in touch with Dan but he hasn't replied yet\n<sprite> hello :]\n<pr0ph3t> popey, the patch was merged into mainline a while ago\n<pr0ph3t> it works with control files with either \"0\" or \"1\" in them\n<popey> ah\n<pr0ph3t> and the wwan file has 1 in it\n<pr0ph3t> but the radio seems to be off still\n<pr0ph3t> I tried to ask the guy on that thread and also on ubuntu forums, he has the same model as me, but he hasn't replied, a month since I first tried to contact him\n<popey> file a bug?\n<popey> against network manager\n<pr0ph3t> but he says he managed to get it to work\n<pr0ph3t> I did\n<pr0ph3t> but if he managed to get it to work\n<popey> whats the bug number?\n<pr0ph3t> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/700627\n<lubotu3> Ubuntu bug 700627 in network-manager (Ubuntu) \"Network Manager switches 3G modem radio off at boot\" [Undecided,New]\n<pr0ph3t> popey, that's the bug, it is regarding an anomaly that I found when looking at syslog\n<popey> pr0ph3t: same on a live cd?\n<pr0ph3t> I have never tried it on live I don't think, why would it be different?\n<pr0ph3t> I will give it a go though, live usb is the same right?\n<pr0ph3t> popey, it's my first bug report so there might be something wrong or inappropriate, I apologise in advance\n<popey> its the best way to say its not anything to do with any fiddling you've done :)\n<popey> no, nothing wrong at all\n<popey> its great, very descriptive\n<popey> just trying to narrow it down\n<kaushal> popey: hi again\n<pr0ph3t> I'll load 10.10 then on live usb ok?\n<kaushal> sorry got disconnected\n<popey> pr0ph3t: probably a good idea\n<popey> pr0ph3t: could try 11.04 too, if broken in both, add that to the bug report\n<pr0ph3t> !lapsus\n<popey> bigcalm / gord / Myrtti http://popeydc.dyndns.org/gmaps/\n<pr0ph3t> it's a utility for asus laptops\n<dutchie> popey: wow, cool\n<kaushal> popey: please guide me about overcoming this issue --> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/557755/\n * cps noms on a beefburger\n<Myrtti> wicked\n<popey> kaushal: that looks poorly formatted sql query\n<kaushal> ok\n<popey> bit of a mess of carriage returns\n<kaushal> popey: shall i pastebin the impdp log\n<popey> no\n<gord> popey, ahem, already found diamonds :P\n<pr0ph3t> I would like to run a KDE applet from GNOME, I also need to compile it, is that possible?\n<pr0ph3t> when I do ./configure it asks me whether I have kde installed correctly\n<popey> heh\n<pr0ph3t> because of kde-config\n<popey> yay gord\n<popey> gord: is that your little house in the water\n<pr0ph3t> it's a KDE panel applet\n<gord> popey, yeah, not really a house, just something nice enough to keep the creepers away, just covers a deeep hole that goes to that diamond level\n<popey> :D\n<gord> i guess i also found gold and that new blue stuff too...\n<gord> i think i already found everything o_O\n<dutchie> lapis lazuli\n<Twinkletoes> The resolvconf package doesn't populate /etc/resolv.conf upon reboot, but only when manually restarting networking.  man resolv.conf gives a similar example to my setup (iface eth0 inet static) so I'm assuming I'm doing things right.  Why doesn't resolvconf work at reboot?\n<Gringo> Hi all need some help cant get no sound at all, someone recommended me this site but no luck http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1661716\n<Gringo> guys\n<luklew> hi everybody\n<luklew> i'm searching channel where i can learn english :D\n<luklew> any suggestions?\n<MartijnVdS> ##english?\n<luklew> hmm\n<MartijnVdS> (I don't know if it existd)\n<MartijnVdS> (exists)\n<luklew> exists\n<luklew> thanks Martin :)\n<luklew> but i prefer some IT channel\n<luklew> ok, i'm going to learn :D\n<MartijnVdS> you seem to understand English already ;)\n<MartijnVdS> at least a little\n<Gringo> #ubuntu\n<bigcalm> popey: cool map\n<AlanBell> anyone got their haggis ready for tomorrow?\n<bigcalm> o/\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Euuuggghhhh!\n<bigcalm> Super supper\n<TheOpenSourcerer> I'm OK with the Whiskey but not the stuffed sheep's stomach bit.\n * bigcalm disappears for a bit\n<mgdm> Mine's still in Tesco :P\n<mgdm> but it shall be acquired\n<dutchie> the college bar quiz tomorrow night has a bottle of whisky as a prize\n * hamitron pokes Azelphur\n<hamitron> :)\n<DJones> mmmmmhh  Haggis\n<hamitron> today is a good day\n<MartijnVdS> hamitron: Ice Cube - Today Was a Good Day?\n<hamitron> no, just a good day ;)\n<hamitron> yesterday I was all poo poo nvidi\n<MartijnVdS> hamitron: \"\"Today I didn't even have to use my A.K.\n<MartijnVdS> I gotta say it was a good day\n<hamitron> nvidia\n<daubers> AlanBell: I'm working to $silly o'clock tomorrow night :(\n<hamitron> today I can tollerate them\n * Azelphur pokes hamitron\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Can't really see much benefit of this. http://www.networkworld.com/community/fedora-15-changes-network-device-naming\n<hamitron> Azelphur: it sorted now?\n<hamitron> last time I ask if it is\n<hamitron> :)\n<Azelphur> yup no more freezes\n<Azelphur> :D\n<ali1234> TheOpenSourcerer: consistent network device naming sounds good\n<Azelphur> so it was either X updates or busted fan\n<ali1234> ubuntu already implements it through a hack\n<ali1234> but when it goes wrong it's hard to fix (you have to edit an obscure file)\n<TheOpenSourcerer> ali1234: But my devices are always consistently names anyway... ethX\n<TheOpenSourcerer> what was eth0 is eth0 tomorrow.\n<ali1234> TheOpenSourcerer: yes and if you replace a network card your networking breaks\n<ali1234> and to fix it you have to edit /etc/udev.7/70-persistent-network.conf\n * hamitron is starting to want intel graphics :( someone slap me for it plz\n<hamitron> less drivers hassles... and could try wayland :)\n<ali1234> this sucks. hopefully fedora changes will force the UI designers to make something actually useful for once.\n<gord> hamitron, intel drivers aren't perfect by a long shot\n<hamitron> no, but grass is always greener... I have nvidia ;)\n<popey> bigcalm: shame it takes so long to generate!\n<popey> bigcalm: it can be run on multiple cores, which is neat\n<bigcalm> popey: need moar power!\n * popey jumps on mc\n<hamitron> what is the aim of minecraft? ;/\n<hamitron> website makes it sound like \"second life\"\n<popey> its more like lego\n<dogmatic69> hamitron: the main aim is to waste months of you life :D\n<ali1234> minecraft is way better than second life\n<ali1234> and i never even played it and i know that\n<hamitron> it does look better, yeh\n<hamitron> :)\n<hamitron> but what is the aim? ;/\n<popey> uses more resources :)\n<dogmatic69> survive\n<dogmatic69> dont get eaten by zombies\n<dogmatic69> collect cool stuff\n<hamitron> and it is a persistent server?\n<brobostigon> maybe make cool stuff aswell?\n<dogmatic69> ?\n<ali1234> clearly the aim of minecraft is to explore and learn about the world\n<popey> its probably the best ~10 I have ever spent on software\n<hamitron> if you log out, you can log back in and continue were you left off in multiplayer?\n<dutchie> yeah\n<dutchie> as long as no-one else has destroyed it :)\n<hamitron> is the aim to destroy another?\n<popey> you can\n<ali1234> sure, if you want\n<popey> some people have tournaments\n<hamitron> how often does it change night to day and back?\n<dogmatic69> hamitron: time continues on the server\n<popey> minutes\n<popey> 20 mins or so day\n<dogmatic69> 20 min for 24h\n<ali1234> minecraft is a sandbox game, second life is a distributed (and extremely slow and hard to use, and you have to pay *per triangle*) 3d editor\n<hamitron> so monsters come out at night... are they still there when day comes?\n<ali1234> no\n<popey> some\n<dogmatic69> some\n<hamitron> k :)\n<ali1234> oh rly?\n<popey> yeah, creepers dont die in sun\n<hamitron> I'm almost convinced :/\n<dogmatic69> spiders and creepers\n<popey> spiders dont\n<hamitron> can you kill them?\n<hamitron> :D\n<dogmatic69> and spiders can now climb walls :/\n<dogmatic69> you can punch, hit with tools, sward and tnt\n<dogmatic69> also build cannons with tnt\n<daubers> and you can make yourself a bow and arrow\n<hamitron> these blow up lego blocks?\n<dogmatic69> ye and the bow :)\n<popey> ya\n<popey> and snowballs\n<dogmatic69> \"lego\" blocks\n<popey> you can make armour\n<popey> out of the hide of cows you kill\n<dogmatic69> build sky scrapers or underground lairs\n<hamitron> are there any comunities with long term servers that never reset then?\n<dogmatic69> bacon... mmmm\n<popey> yes\n<popey> lots\n<dogmatic69> hamitron: you want to reset now and then\n<dogmatic69> eg: new version added new locks, can find them in explored places\n<hamitron> how often is that?\n<popey> when the author adds a new item, it sometimes only appears in newly generated \"chunks\" of the world\n<popey> a chunk is a 64x64x128 deep (iirc) block of the world\n<dogmatic69> sounds about right\n<popey> so if you update the server and there's new items, nobody will see them until they explore new parts of the map\n<popey> hamitron: you've seen the map on my box?\n<ali1234> what payment methods do they take?\n<popey> paypal iirc\n<hamitron> popey: no :/\n<dogmatic69> and if its well explored that could take 1h to get to\n<popey> credit card if you use that\n<ali1234> i cancelled my paypal account\n<popey> ali1234: you can use cc without a pp account\n<ali1234> visa?\n<hamitron> dogmatic69: but you can build another hut to move to a different part?\n<popey> hamitron: http://popeydc.dyndns.org/maps/current_day.png\n<dogmatic69> paypal just handles the payment, i dont have an account either\n<ali1234> ok, cool\n<popey> yeah ali1234\n<dogmatic69> ali1234: also the price is going up with each new version\n<hamitron> oh, so the world is a limited size?\n<popey> yes\n<popey> 8 times the surface of the earth\n<dogmatic69> its 15 euro atm, will be 25 when its done\n<hamitron> only 8? ;/\n<popey> heh\n<dogmatic69> 1 block == 1m3\n<ali1234> \"ali1234\" is taken FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF\n<popey> lol\n<popey> you can literally walk for hours\n<popey> if you survive :)\n<gord> you could prolly set a minecraft game on peaceful, tape down w and spacebar and walk for years\n<hamitron> hamitron is taken :/\n<hamitron> So far 0 people have registered\n<gord> you would run out of hard-drive space long before the game runs out of precision ;)\n<dogmatic69> there is a youtube video like that, cart track runs in ff for 10min+\n<hamitron> is registration maybe broken?\n<ali1234> i just registered\n<popey> :)\n<hamitron> bah\n<hamitron> can't stand having different login names :/\n<popey> he's recently moved to amazon i think\n<popey> because his servers get a royal pounding\n * MartijnVdS is happy\n<MartijnVdS> u1ms now has Warner music as well as EMI in the EU store\n<MartijnVdS> still no Sony\n<MartijnVdS> but it's a lot better than it was\n<popey> sony :(\n<dogmatic69> hamitron: if dogmatic69 is not available, i dont use that site :D\n<hamitron> it is how I feel :/\n<MartijnVdS> popey: yeah meh.. but it actually contains popular music now, instead of mostly indie stuff\n<ali1234> purchased :]\n<ali1234> i'm going to waste so much time playing this game\n<jonsaint> need help for a friend........my friend has just installed ubuntu 10.10 server edition, is there a front end gooey that works??\n<MartijnVdS> jonsaint: for what?\n<jonsaint> for ubuntu server 10.10 edition#\n<MonsterKiller> does one have to restart to apply changes to host.deny?\n<MartijnVdS> MonsterKiller: no\n<MonsterKiller> okay :) thanks\n<hamitron> I may wait till sales of the final version drop and it is open sourced ;)\n * hamitron is a patient guy\n<ali1234> jonsaint: why did he install server?\n<MartijnVdS> jonsaint: Ubuntu Server can be lots of kinds of server\n<MartijnVdS> jonsaint: some of those have configuration frontends, others only have config files to edit\n<DJones> jonsaint: A gui as in Gnome/KDE/XFCE etc?\n<TheOpenSourcerer> jonsaint: If you mean like the Gnome Desktop, just type \"sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment\"\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Then wait a while ;-)\n<MartijnVdS> a LOOONG while :P\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Depends on how fast your Internet access is\n<MartijnVdS> TheOpenSourcerer: and your disk\n<jonsaint> its ok, hes managed to do it. cheers all. once again you have all been superb.\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Right then. Horizon time. Laterz\n<ali1234> anybody got a link to a grub2 usb image i can just dd?\n<popey> hamitron: i knew you wouldnt :)\n<daubers> I love it when hard data backs up your hypothesis \\o/\n<hamitron> popey: you mean to say I look like a tight git? ;/\n<hamitron> need to think of a username anyway\n<hamitron> :/\n<hamitron> is the username showed in games popey?\n<hamitron> or is the in game name seperate\n<popey> yes\n<ali1234> lol which?\n<hamitron> :)\n<hamitron> love \"yes\" answers \\o/ ;)\n<MartijnVdS> use \"xor\" next time :)\n<hamitron> haha\n<popey> yes to usernames shown in game\n<hamitron> :/\n<hamitron> better not pick something dirty then\n<MartijnVdS> hamitron: \"Hammy Tron\"\n<ali1234> to answer my previous question: http://www.supergrubdisk.org/category/download/supergrub2diskdownload/\n<jonsaint> hi al (again) my friend wants to know how he can check whos connected to his box?\n<hamitron> command \"w\"\n<hamitron> or is that shell only?\n<jonsaint> he said hes currently in terminal and he wants to know whos connected to him\n<mgdm> 'who'\n<mgdm> or w, even\n<MartijnVdS> alias doctor=who\n<jonsaint> a friend of mine, hes got some 'virtual box' or something with ubuntu 10.10 server on there\n<ali1234> try 'netstat -tn'\n<jonsaint> thanks. il give him a call and get him to try it\n<hamitron> hmmm\n<ali1234> hmmmmmmm indeed\n<hamitron> still can't get a damn name to be accepted\n<hamitron> minecraft :(\n<hamitron> I am trying ;/\n<hamitron> must be loads of users?\n<ali1234> got my second choice (which i normally use when playing games anyway)\n<hamitron> all mine are taken\n<hamitron> :/\n<Myrtti> MINECRAAFFFTTTT\n<ali1234> does 'update-grub' also reinstall grub to the mbr?\n<ali1234> or does it just update the menus?\n<dutchie> uneducated guess based on install-grub being a separate thing: no\n<ali1234> dutchie: there is no install-grub, there is grub-install but that is part of grub package, not ubuntu scripts\n<dutchie> i did say \"uneducated\"\n<ali1234> awesome i can play minecraft now\n<ali1234> is the browser version known to not work properly on ubuntu?\n<ali1234> i just get a grey box\n<ali1234> like when the plugin crashes\n<popey> i suspect so\n<popey> i just grab the jar\n<popey> and run it with lots of memory\n<popey> java -jar -Xmx2048 -Xms2048 minecraft.jar\n<MartijnVdS> -oracle-bill-to=alan@popey.com\n<MartijnVdS> that's the new Java 7 feature, isn't it?\n<brobostigon> minecraft.net seems dead.i was just going to have a look.\n<ali1234> 2048M? i need to buy more memory\n<czajkowski> evening chaparoos\n<popey> brobostigon: www.minecraft.net\n<popey> ali1234: yeah\n<popey> 1GB might be enough\n<popey> depends how big the map is\n<ali1234> i'll still need to buy more memory\n<brobostigon> popey: yep, chromium shows me a dead page.\n<popey> :)\n<ali1234> i hit swap all the time as it is\n<ali1234> 4GB is no longer enough to run ubuntu\n<popey> fine here brobostigon\n<brobostigon> hmm.\n<popey> brobostigon: you actually using www.minecraft.net and not minecraft.net\n<popey> there was an issue with the latter\n<brobostigon> let me check and try again.\n<brobostigon> weird.\n * hamitron can't get the www one to work either\n * popey shrugs\n<popey> its often busy\n<popey> usually a refresh fixes it\n<hamitron> I got a name \\o/\n * hamitron does a backflip\n<hamitron> Hamish_Itsonu was taken, but Ric_Hard wasn't\n<hamitron> weird ;/\n<hamitron> popey: is your server up 24/7?\n<hamitron> or do ppl here play in a common place?\n<hamitron> I got it :)\n<popey> hamitron: yes\n<popey> generally speaking its up\n<hamitron> popey: mind if I join? (need ip)\n<popey> please do\n<popey> popeydc.dyndns.org\n * dutchie needs to find out why minecraft pushes loadavg up to >7\n<MartijnVdS> because it threads a lot, as Java programs do\n<dutchie> that shouldn't cause performance to die terribly though, should it?\n<MartijnVdS> if they're all using a scarce resource (same bit of memory, the disk or CPU power)\n<dogmatic69> dutchie: because its java\n<dutchie> well i did think that a bit :)\n<dogmatic69> dutchie: guess when i ran minecraft on my server http://tinyurl.com/67ajqcx\n<dutchie> heh\n<dogmatic69> thats a 256mb slice btw\n * Neoti had a nice game of Magic: The gathering now off to bed.... night all \n<popey> poor laptop is swapping as it generates the map\n<popey> gonna make it so it only generates the map once a day :)\n<gord> popey, have a different computer do it? not got a revo laying about? ;)\n<ali1234> how big is the map data directory?\n<hamitron> am I safe at the top of the tunnel of water?\n<gord> you are never safe\n<hamitron> I took 3 candles from you tunnels of doom btw ;/\n<hamitron> your*\n<hamitron> didn't know wtf I was doing\n<popey> ali1234: 707MB here\n<utrinqueparatus> Evening all\n<bigcalm> Since google have changed my work apps account into a gmail account, I can't have work and personal email open in the same browser at the same time\n<bigcalm> Damn you Google!\n<shauno> have you tried http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2010/08/access-two-gmail-accounts-at-once-in.html ?\n<bigcalm> No\n<moreati> bigcalm: google has limited multi-sign-in support, or use two browsers\n<bigcalm> shauno: ta for the link\n<utrinqueparatus> I think someone should make a better cbt detailing scripting languages. linuxcbt scripting edition is pants!!!\n<hamitron> it broke?\n<hamitron> black screen and music :/\n<ubuntuuk-planet> [Ralph Janke] Why is Ubuntu Using Google Maps and not OpenStreetMaps? - http://drupal.txwikinger.me.uk/content/why-ubuntu-using-google-maps-and-not-openstreetmaps\n<ubuntuuk-planet> [Dominic Watkins] on Mac hints and tips and mini Ubuntu servers - http://rowla.dyndns.org/blog/2011/01/24/mac-os-x-hints-and-tips/\n<czajkowski> sigh\n<hamitron> indeed\n<Azelphur> hamitron: hmm, I'm starting to get jumps again\n<Azelphur> CPU at 55C, GPU at 69C\n<brobostigon> nos da, sleep well.\n<popey> nn\n<brobostigon> nos da popey, sleep well.\n<dutchie> popey: going to update the get_iplayer link in http://popey.com/blog/2010/01/14/ubuntu-boxee-and-get_iplayer-on-the-acer-aspire-revo/ to point at http://www.infradead.org/get_iplayer/html/get_iplayer.html\n<dutchie> ?\n<dutchie> or alternatively note that it's in the repos nowadays\n<popey> the one in the repo is old\n<popey> iirc\n<cps> hello\n<popey> hi\n<cps> looks like another all-nighter for me then -.-\n<hamitron> popey: what was server again?\n<hamitron> (everything crashed and I didn't save it ;)\n<hamitron> nvm\n<popey> :)\n * cps shuffles his virgin trains-branded cards\n<hamitron> doesn't work with synergy+ either\n<hamitron> :/\n<cps> :\\\n#ubuntu-uk 2011-01-25\n<popey> whats synergy?\n<Azelphur> popey: its like a network based kvm only no monitor\n<Azelphur> so its great for controlling more than 1 machine with 1 keyboard and mouse\n<Azelphur> hamitron: my pc just froze again\n<Azelphur> :(\n<dutchie> popey: seems to be only one minor release behind that mentioned on the web\n<dutchie> !info get-iplayer\n<lubotu3> get-iplayer (source: get-iplayer): download/stream available BBC iPlayer TV and radio programmes. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.78-1 (maverick), package size 130 kB, installed size 504 kB\n<dutchie> http://www.infradead.org/get_iplayer/html/get_iplayer.html \"The latest version is v2.79\"\n<popey> hmm\n<dutchie> (thanks for the reference btw)\n<dutchie> although if you particularly care, i can get round to sticking an updated version on my blog\n<popey> I use 2.79\n<popey> when i use it\n<popey> (rarely)\n<popey> well, it kinda just runs on my server, i never look at it\n<popey> and now bed\n<dutchie> night\n<exobuzz> xbmc has a nice iplayer plugin#\n<exobuzz> also doesnt use flash\n<exobuzz> (so can use any video acceleration if supported by hardware)\n<Azelphur> hehe, mythtv refuses to do that because bbc get smad.\n<exobuzz> ok get iplayer also doesnt use flash. but you can seek in xbmc\n<exobuzz> i aint heard a peep from the bbc yet. and if i did i would ignore it heh\n<Azelphur> they got the android app took down\n<exobuzz> i do the iplayer pluygin for xbmc these days. hence my comment\n<Azelphur> because it didn't use flash\n<exobuzz> yeh but its harder to take downa  bunch of source\n<Azelphur> indeed\n<Azelphur> I wish mythtv would support that stuff too\n<Azelphur> they won't do youtube and stuff out of piracy fears\n<exobuzz> even on my dekstop machine i use xbmc with iplayer instead of iplayer website\n<exobuzz> can do better bitrates out of the box\n<Azelphur> :P\n<exobuzz> and muhc less cpu/crashing of course\n<exobuzz> -typos\n<exobuzz> i had a couple of ales. sorry and new keyboard. its one of those at work here\n<exobuzz> keyboard of course.\n<exobuzz> ahem\n<Azelphur> hehe\n * exobuzz is just waiting for new emgd drive for joggler so that xbmc works\n<exobuzz> *please*\n<exobuzz> drive-r\n<exobuzz> any day now im sure. or week. they said q1 2011 on a forum post\n<exobuzz> there is a beta in meego source tree\n<exobuzz> (which worked wirth xorg 1.9 - woo - like with maverick properly without downgrading x - but then 3d stuff did crash a little)\n<exobuzz> just a brain dump anyway.. tis late\n<ujjain> Hoi. I have a question. If I am well off the pace, does that mean I am slow or fast?\n<dutchie> usually slow\n<dutchie> would have thought that would be pretty clear from the context, but i don't think i've ever heard it used to mean you're ahead\n<ujjain> It was confusing for me. You´re well of the pace in all 3 sectors.\n<ujjain> I thought it was a compliment, but I am no sure anymore. Probably not.\n<dutchie> well do ou think that you are doing well or not?\n<ujjain> Lewis Hamilton well off the pace in Australian GP practice | Sport ...\n<ujjain> 27 Mar 2009 ... Lewis Hamilton finished the second practice in 18th,\n<ujjain> It´s probably bad.\n<ujjain> I was not doing that well, so makes sense. I just thought ´well of the pace´ sounded like a complimnt in the first place.\n<dutchie> i can only apologise for our language :)\n<ujjain> Thanks :p\n<HazRPG> morning\n<Compacthack> Morning all\n<Compacthack> Given up on installing 10.10 on My Macbook Air via USB key, ordered an external USB DVD drive from apple\n<HazRPG> Compacthack: heh, you could have tried installing it via network if you have a regular desktop\n<HazRPG> Compacthack: what happens when you try installing it from USB anyways?\n<Compacthack> Can't boot onto the live usb key, so you have to copy the usb key to a partition\n<Compacthack> then boot into that partition\n<shauno> I had the same problem on my mbp (long story short, I don't have an optical drive anymore).  I ended up using vmware's raw disk access to install it in vmware, but onto a real partition\n<Compacthack> Interesting so its not just the MBA,\n<Compacthack> I can boot and run the installer, but apparently it has a bug, when you try and alter partitions that are on the same physical drive as the install partition it gets upset\n<Compacthack> Got 10.10 in virtualbox, but would like that native feel and touch.\n<HazRPG> hmm, it could just be the partitioning scheme that Mac's use\n<HazRPG> have you tried looking for a guide or tutorial or something on how to install ubuntu onto a MacBook Air\n<HazRPG> oh wait\n<HazRPG> just read your first part\n<HazRPG> hmmm... have you tried changing the BIOS to let it boot from USB?\n<shauno> there is no bios\n<HazRPG> or do you have an option at the BIOS that tells you \"press ... to select boot drive\" or similar\n<Knightdroid> Morning\n<Compacthack> the guide has big holes in it,\n<Compacthack> unfortunately\n<HazRPG> ah but there will be somehow - it'll just be hidden with a splash screen to stop people tampering\n<shauno> nope.  literally no bios.  it uses EFI instead\n<Compacthack> after a lot of digging in the forum I found that you can issue a unmount followed by a pile of switches and you can get through. But I thought for $83AUD I'll bit the bullet\n<HazRPG> Compacthack: have you tried this for example: http://www.ehow.com/how_6178465_boot-air-usb-external-drive.html\n<Compacthack> Thats very interesting, I think this was written pre the current vers of MBA, maybe if I did this, and installed the OS on an external drive the copied the installed OS onto a partition on the SSD then used rEFIt to boot into that partition\n<Compacthack> after reading that again, I think they are talking about a usb external drive as an external CD drive?\n<Compacthack> \"Turn your laptop back on and insert the installation CD for the system  software you wish to use when booting from the external drive.\n<Compacthack> Read more:  How to Boot a MacBook Air From a USB External Drive | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_6178465_boot-air-usb-external-drive.html#ixzz1C1mulAKW\n<Compacthack> \"\n<HazRPG> yeah they are, however I think the same would apply for any USB bootable device\n<Compacthack> I thought too, but surprise surprise I think Apple have locked it down!\n<Compacthack> Maybe they want to sell more of there USB-DVD drives\n<shauno> heh.  trust me, dvd drives is not where their profit comes from :)\n<shauno> if the installer freaks out trying to alter partitions on the disk it's running from, have you tried setting the partitions up from within osx first, and then just skipping fdisk in the installer?\n * HazRPG agrees with shauno\n<Compacthack> Yep, have set paritions sizes in OSX, the installer won't even just format them, but the strange thing is that if you drop out of the installer and just run the system live you can use gparted to create, format the swap and ext4 root, but the installer still freaks out\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Morning earthlings: http://www.channelregister.co.uk/2011/01/24/italy_consumers_sue_microsoft/\n * Neoti has now purchased http://www.ebuyer.com/product/251310 with some additions, sata raid 1 mirror card with extra 1TB hdd and a Nvidia Geforce 9000 Dual Headed graphics card with HDMI out Plus 2 x Samsung Black 22\" monitors.... Should be a beat when its working with Ubuntu 64Bit edition...\n<Neoti> Hey all\n<Myrtti> Neoti: have you checked the raid card works in linux?\n<Myrtti> though I haven't checked the latest hardware compatibility efforts too closely\n<DJones> Morning all\n<Compacthack> Morning DJones\n<DJones> Hi Compacthack\n<popey> Neoti: i agree with Myrtti. chances are that any sata raid card you buy from ebuyer under 100 quid will be fakeraid\n<MooDoo> hello all\n<DJones> Heya MooDoo\n<wintellect> Mornin\n<gord> http://forum.xda-developers.com/index.php the colours kind of remind me of somewhere else...\n<MartijnVdS> gord: still no 2.3 :(\n<Myrtti> atleast I have 2.2.2 now\n<Myrtti> got it yesterday, finally\n<MartijnVdS> Myrtti: But I want 2.3.x! :'(\n<Myrtti> sure, so do I, but I can only assume that 2.2.2 might have been a bug fix update that precedes 2.3\n<MartijnVdS> I want a countdown website\n<MartijnVdS> like Ubuntu has!\n<Myrtti> good luck with getting that ;]\n<MartijnVdS> Myrtti: yeah not even Googlers know\n<Neoti1> hey all im now back at my computer at work ...\n<Neoti1> thanks for the comments about the raid card... i think it works\n<Neoti1> though not sure ...\n<Neoti1> if it dont work... well hay... any one need a raid card and a 1 TB hard drive ? lol\n<czajkowski> aloha\n<DJones> Greetings czajkowski\n * Neoti1 just had to correct someone else's fooked up PHP code for creating files ... argh!!!! if you don't know what your doing leave me code alone!!!!!!!!!\n<Neoti1> howdy czajkowski hows things\n<czajkowski> Neoti1: not sooo bad\n<popey> Neoti: which raid card did you get in the end?\n<popey> anyone on natty fancy confirming bug 707320\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 707320 in gwibber (Ubuntu) \"Scrolling timeline flickers between current and top\" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/707320\n * popey pokes gord \n<gord> bit busy trying to get places in for A2, sorry :(\n<popey> ok, nw\n<Silver_Fox_> Hello.\n<Neoti1> popey : i have chosen the starview raid card\n<davmor2> morning all\n<Neoti1> popey : http://www.ebuyer.com/product/123967\n<popey> Neoti1: that will be fakeraid\n<popey> almost entirely worthless\n<directhex> not worthless, just not a raid controller\n<popey> hence \"almost\"\n<directhex> no difference between it & a bare sata controller\n<directhex> remember the old rocketraid resistor trick?\n<popey> no\n<popey> did that \"upgrade\" your raid card?\n<directhex> popey, turned a bare ide controller into a raid card :)\n<popey> hah\n<Neoti1> popey : when it turns up i will install the other 1TB drive create a mirror and let you know ....\n<popey> i wouldn't do that\n<popey> is it only going to run Linux?\n<popey> i.e. no windows?\n<Neoti1> i have lernd from experiance that mirror raid on a standard desktop is price less ... as i have lost loads of databefore and im not doign that again so i have desided to mirror the drives and if one drive fails at least i can replace it and rebuild the array and not lose any data ... well thats the plan\n<popey> I am not saying RAID is not good to have\n<Neoti1> popey i will have  ubuntu 64bit on there\n<popey> Just that you haven't bought a RAID card\n<Neoti1> well if its not raid then they are about to be sued : Product Description\n<Neoti1> You get four RAID-ready internal Serial ATA ports for your high performance Serial ATA hard drives. Whether you need Striping (RAID 0), Mirroring (RAID 1), or both (RAID 0+1), this card has you covered. The PCISATA4R1 also supports RAID 1+S (Mirrored-Sparing), which automatically replaces a failed hard drive and rebuilds the system if a booting hard drive fails.\n<popey> it's not hardware raid, it's fakeraid\n<popey> !fakeraid\n<lubotu3> Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto\n<popey> read that :)\n * tugrik cries\n<tugrik> I learnt about fakeraid the hard way\n<popey> fakeraid cards are in effect software raid\n<popey> your cpu will be doing the work\n<tugrik> with the added fun of some of them not being supported by linux\n<popey> and as such you might as well use linux kernel md software raid\n<tugrik> in fact maybe all of them ?\n<Neoti1> ok ... recommend a good raid card for me to use ? and when this one turns up i will return it back to them ...\n<popey> they are now tugrik\n<popey> Neoti1: I'd use software raid\n<popey> linux md raid\n<popey> !raid\n<lubotu3> Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto\n<tugrik> really?  I set up a box over Christmas and fakeraid didn't appear to be supported then\n<Neoti1> !argh\n<popey> oh, same links :)\n<popey> tugrik: maybe it didnt have dmraid module /package installed?\n<popey> Neoti1: if you really want a decent raid card, go for anything over 100 quid :)\n<popey> lsi, adaptec.. 3ware\n<popey> any of those should be fine\n<matti> ;]\n<matti> popey: ;]\n<popey> matti: got a playbook yet? :)\n<matti> popey: No.\n<popey> :(\n<matti> popey: I am no longer with RIM ;]\n<popey> oh, i didnt realise\n<matti> popey: No worries ;)\n<popey> good ;)\n<matti> popey: I moved to Greenwich and work for Puppet Labs / Pinetec Limited (mcollective guys) / eBay / Gumtree etc ...\n<popey> nice\n<matti> popey: Its a small consultancy owned by a friend.\n<matti> popey: So, now I do everything and nothing ;]\n<matti> popey: Good fun ;]\n<popey> haha\n<matti> popey: I am also trying out myself in a role of senior... having dudes under me...\n<matti> popey: Learning how to trust people and how to delegate is the hardest...\n<Neoti1> ah i have heard alot of good things about 3ware i will order one of those i think ...\n<Neoti1> will let you know\n * matti is not really a people person either.\n<Neoti1> although adaptec are a bit cheaper ..\n<Neoti1> humm\n<matti> popey: If you fancy a coffee at some point, let me know ;] Coffee on me ;]\n * Neoti1 ponders about 3ware or adaptec.....\n<popey> \\o/\n<matti> ivanka: hey ;]\n * DJones notes that coffee has been mentioned and wonders where brobostigan is?\n<matti> popey: But I have to admit, that the workload has indeed increased ;p I cannot slack whole day \"compiling\" ;p\n<ivanka> hi Matti\n<directhex> Neoti, only some adaptec cards are real raid\n<matti> directhex: Hey :)\n<directhex> Neoti, rule of thumb: only buy a card with a heatsink on it!\n<devush> planning to run 10.10 on mac-air with virtual box.  any concerns?\n<matti> ivanka: All good up there high in the sky at Millibank?\n<markjones> DJones, yes, i wonder where he is too\n<devush> i had currently 10.10 on vmware player under windows.\n<matti> ivanka: Pass my regards on jpds if/when you see him :)\n<devush> i will move it to mac-ar.\n<matti> jpds: :)\n<devush> mac-air i mean\n<ivanka> matti: just got in so it is too soon to tell :-) Will pass on regards as and when the opportunity arises\n<markjones> devush, should run fine in a VM\n<matti> ivanka: Thanks :)\n<czajkowski> ivanka: aloha there! long time no see\n<devush> ok. basically i want to run ubuntu as i always do, but taking the mac as it is very light. could not see any alternative. probably later on i will give try to get it directly on mac-air.\n<devush> i heard there are issues in installing it on mac-air. especially booting it from the external drive etc. so called bootcamp also does not works with ubuntu i heard.\n<popey> devush: i run ubuntu on my mac\n<popey> devush: its not perfect\n<popey> i use bootcamp\n<devush> popey, how you installed.\n<devush> ok.\n<markjones> I used Virtualbox\n<popey> i used bootcamp to partition the drive up, and then installed refit to give me a boot loader\n<popey> then installed ubuntu on the second partition\n<popey> its a macbook pro\n<devush> not perfect. is it better to run on the VM then. I will be doing java developement with eclispe etc. i will have 4GB macair.\n<popey> define \"better\" :)\n<devush> as there is no DVD etc. drive on mac-air. i heard that only the mac DVD drive can boot from other OS. So i am not sure, how i will boot from ubuntu to install it.\n<popey> ah yes, dunno how it works on the macbook air\n<czajkowski> *sigh* today is not going well\n<czajkowski> :(\n<devush> thanks anyway. i will update once i will get the mac delivered.\n<Neoti1> ok 3ware it is\n<markjones> devush, you do know that you can install ubuntu via a USB Drive?\n<popey> markjones: how do you get the mac to boot from usb?\n<ivanka> czajkowski: hello hello!\n<ivanka> czajkowski: are you better today?\n<markjones> http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1948\n<popey> ta\n<popey> hang on\n<markjones> specifically: connect the device, restart, and immediately press and hold the Option key to access Startup Manager.\n<popey> thats for booting osx\n<popey> ahhh\n<popey> but it needs to be specially formatted?\n<popey> gpt\n<czajkowski> ivanka: yup a lot thanks. How are things with you ?\n<devush> markjones, i will try. but i heard only the MAC provided USB drives works for the booting other OS.\n<devush> popey, yes you are correct.\n<devush> current and the new mac-air etc. supports osx and through bootcamp win7.  and if you can afford to get the mac-DVD drive, then you can boot iso images like ubuntu.\n<ivanka> czajkowski: glad to hear it. Things are pretty hectic as usual but I am managing to keep my head (well, my nose at least!) above water :-)\n<devush> i asked earlier also. is there anybody with HP Tx2. i have issues and problems with mouse with 10.10.  reverting back to 10.04 works fine. has to do with touchscreen and mouse combination.\n<Neoti1> who was it who put me on the XBMC .....\n<Neoti1> i am using it and the XBMC remote control for andriod just wanted more info on it,\n<markjones> devush, tried an older kernel?\n<czajkowski> ivanka: excellent to hear\n<devush> no. never thought of it.\n<markjones> that seemd to fix my wireless driver issue\n<devush> is that to replace after the installation. or is there another image for 10.10\n<markjones> when you boot grub, it gives you the option to hit escape, choose a kernel from there\n<markjones> it usually gives you 2 seconds to ht escape, then boots normally\n<devush> markjones, thanks, i noticed that. i will give the try.\n<markjones> no problem\n * davmor2 prods czajkowski you need some camomile tea to help easy your muscles down :)\n<czajkowski> davmor2: I dont run PPA on work macine\n<gord> i just watched a video of gnome shells daily build from yesterday, haven't really paid attention since GUADEC... i mean, i don't want to sound petty, but at this point i'm pretty sure they could use unity's translation strings even\n<davmor2> gord: oh where the video at please\n<davmor2> czajkowski: What?\n<czajkowski> davmor2: dont want to install LO on work machine\n<gord> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bn-iROFqNho&feature=player_embedded\n<davmor2> czajkowski: I don't think I asked you too honest\n<Myrtti> while true; do rsync -avuz --progress  ~/.minecraft/saves/World1 ~/.minecraft/tarbackup; tar cvjf ~/.minecraft/minecraft-`date +%s`-world1.tar.bz2 ~/.minecraft/tarbackup;echo \"done for now\";sleep 30m;done \\o/\n<popey> :)\n<jpds> Wouldn't cron do it better?\n<Myrtti> I don't want it to be chugging when I'm not playing\n<Myrtti> useless overhead\n<popey> check for the lock file before tarring it up?\n<popey> if the lock file is there, you're playing\n<Myrtti> this was about the best I could do with my concentration potential of an earthworm I currently have\n<gord> i have had bad experiences with things reading the minecraft save files whilst its running, can corrupt all your saves\n<popey> i might just take a daily snapshot\n<gord> minecraft save directories are fun like that\n<popey> i cant figure out how to turn dirt into farmland\n<Myrtti> with a hoe?\n<popey> i see someone else (hamitron?) has, and i fed his wheat which is now fully grown\n<popey> i must be doing it wrong\n<popey> it just digs the dirt up\n<Myrtti> you are doing it wrong\n<Myrtti> use it like you'd put torches up\n<Myrtti> or build stuff\n<popey> doh\n<popey> right click!\n<Myrtti> yeah.\n<popey> thank you!\n<Myrtti> np\n * Myrtti still thinks #ubuntu-uk-minecraft would be in order ;-)\n<brobostigon> afternoonings all.\n * popey joins\n<shauno> Myrtti: glad you cleared that up, actually.  just flicked past, and for a moment, thought they were talking about farmville :/\n<Myrtti> shauno: oh no, now you've ruined it for me\n<Myrtti> these germans have funky drinks\n<brobostigon> elaborate Myrtti ?\n<brobostigon> please.\n<Myrtti> carbonated apple juice, Volvic water with peach ice tea flavour\n<brobostigon> yep.\n<Myrtti> I wasn't too much into the lager with the lime lemon flavour\n<Myrtti> I'm not a lager person.\n<brobostigon> urghh. ingermany it would be a pilsner, lager doesnt exist in germany by law,\n<brobostigon> and cant exist, because of how its made nd lagers ingrediants.\n<Myrtti> well whatever that tastes like lager\n<brobostigon> ok. no worries.\n<Myrtti> I'm not a beer person :-D\n<brobostigon> :)\n<brobostigon> i am not a lager man, but i do like a good pilsner.\n<czajkowski> awww I like the iecraft chater\n<czajkowski> tis amusing\n<Myrtti> czajkowski: I'm sure it'll still be here ;-)\n<davmor2> Myrtti: no what you need is an ubuntu-uk minecraft server :D\n<brobostigon> davmor2: doesnt popey have that already, :)\n<czajkowski> Myrtti: :D\n<davmor2> brobostigon: no idea\n<Myrtti> I might suggest setting up a minecraft server to my workmates\n<Myrtti> since they play online poker and stuff every fortnight\n<brobostigon> davmor2: popeydc.dyndns.org, or similer i believe.\n<Myrtti> I've not yet found a game that I'd enjoy playing with them, but minecraft is nice\n<Gringo> HI guys i need help anything simple to get my soundcard working? i have no sound at all voulume is turned up etc i have just installed ubuntu my soundcard is Realtek ALC887\n<davmor2> Gringo: do you have a Graphics card with hdmi out?\n<brobostigon> Gringo: have you checked with lshw and lspci to see if its being recognised.\n<Gringo> no hdmi and have no idea what lshw is im quite new to ubuntu plus all the commands\n<Gringo> my gfx card is 8800GT\n<brobostigon> Gringo: can you open a terminal please.\n<Gringo> sure\n<brobostigon> Gringo: sudo lshw    ,and see if its lists your soundcard,\n<Gringo> escription: Audio device\n<Gringo>              product: N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller\n<Gringo>              vendor: Intel Corporation\n<Gringo>              physical id: 1b\n<Gringo>              bus info: pci@0000:00:1b.0\n<Gringo>              version: 01\n<Gringo>              width: 64 bits\n<Gringo>              clock: 33MHz\n<Gringo>              capabilities: pm msi pciexpress bus_master cap_list\n<Gringo>              configuration: driver=HDA Intel latency=0\n<Gringo>              resources: irq:16 memory:fdff8000-fdffbfff\n<Gringo> opps sorry for spamming\n<Myrtti> pastebin is a friend\n<brobostigon> Gringo: thats good, it knows your soundcard exists, ok, try \"alsamixer\" in terminal and seeif  its showingy the right volumecontrols.\n<Gringo> cannot load mixer controls: Invalid argument\n<cps> afternoon peeps :)\n<brobostigon> Gringo: hmm, ok. sorry to have to ask you to do this, but try \"dmesg\" interminal andlook forsoundcard errors, its going spit out alot of output.\n<Gringo> my soundcard works fine on windows 7, what im i looking for? will it say error?\n<Gringo> whats the pastebin link?\n<brobostigon> Gringo: itwill mention your seound device, which you found with lshw.\n<brobostigon> !pastebin\n<lubotu3> For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.\n<brobostigon> Gringo: sorry about this, real life calls.\n<brobostigon> Gringo: there loads ofpeoplehere whocanhelp you further,\n<Gringo> thats ok i appreciate your help  http://paste.ubuntu.com/558119/\n<brobostigon> sorry, :)\n * brobostigon prods cps \n<Gringo> any idea guys?\n<davmor2> Gringo: do you have a headset for skype plugged in at all?\n<Gringo> i have a headset but not plugged in\n<davmor2> Gringo: just trying to rule out the obvious first\n<cps> brobostigon: hey :)\n<Gringo> i have just the green socket connected, which connected to my sub\n<Gringo> no sorry, green connects to my monitor\n<Gringo> and a lead from my monitor connect to my sub\n<bigcalm> Hi peeps\n<Gringo> any ideas?\n<brobostigon> back.\n<brobostigon> cps: :)\n<cps> wb brobostigon :)\n<Gringo> brobostigon did you see the pastebin? wb\n<brobostigon> Gringo: let me scroll up and get it.\n<brobostigon> got it\n<brobostigon> Gringo: do you have several soundcards/chips like onboard for example.\n<Gringo> my soundcard is on board and thats the only 1 i have which works spot on with windows 7\n<brobostigon> imean at all,working or not.\n<Gringo> no i dont just 1 soundcard\n<brobostigon> ok.\n<Gringo> how come that alsa mixer didnt work?\n<brobostigon> thats weird,because the kernel is loading hda, which is for intel sound.\n<brobostigon> when yours is realtek.\n<Gringo> when i type alsamixer i get this ...    cannot load mixer controls: Invalid argument\n<brobostigon> Gringo: not sure,  seems alsa either cant pickup the mixer, or the soundcard as a while is working somehow. i think.\n<brobostigon> Gringo: try \"sudo alsamixer\"\n<Gringo> same message\n<Neoti|work> hey all\n<Neoti|work> dam work computer crashed on me\n<brobostigon> Gringo: what is your sound card model again, please.\n<brobostigon> afternoonings Neoti|work\n<Neoti|work> afternoon\n<Gringo> Realtek ALC887\n<Neoti|work> i just put xbmc on my pc and am controlling it from my andriod phone ... how cool is that ...\n<brobostigon> Gringo: so why is lshw sounding it as a intel,syou pasted earlier.\n<Gringo> no idea\n<Gringo> not sure if thats the model or what but i have gigabyte onboard sound and io think this is the card Intel N10/ICH 7\n<popey> oooer, windows key opens up unity bar now!\n<popey> popey approves\n<brobostigon> i did askearlier if you hadmore than one sound card/cipearlier andyou said no.\n<brobostigon> chip*\n<Gringo> i only have 1 soundcard  i built this pc buddy and trust me i only have 1 soundcard the one thats built in\n<brobostigon> popey: any ideas ?\n<popey> hmm?\n<brobostigon> Gringo: i am not sure, sorry. i dont know how to proceed.\n<Gringo> neither do i lol\n<Gringo> i had a look at this but cant get it to work http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1661716\n<brobostigon> popey: sorry, any ideas on Gringo's issue.\n<popey> nope, sorry\n<czajkowski> Myrtti: you mind find this useful  http://twitter.com/#!/czajkowski/status/29910175720669185\n<Gringo> how can i get alsamixer working?\n<brobostigon> Gringo: its a moreunderlying issue, maybe with alsa itself.\n<brobostigon> or the underlying drivers.\n<Gringo> back to windows 7 then...\n<Gringo> thanx for your help anyway.\n<brobostigon> Gringo: i am sure it canbe fixed, justgret holdof the right people.\n<Gringo> any other chat room i can check?\n<brobostigon> Gringo: for example, maybe youneed totellalsa whichsound card/chip to use.i wouldpop over to the main ubuntu room.\n<brobostigon> i ont know if there is an alsa irc room.\n<Gringo> #ubuntu\n<brobostigon> yes.\n<brobostigon> itmight be quite busy, sobe patient.\n<gord> makes me sad that there is no package for Boodler :( http://boodler.org\n<Neoti|work> !ubuntu\n<lubotu3> Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com\n<Neoti|work> thought id do that for the hell of it ...\n<popey> :)\n<kazade> afternoon everyone\n<popey> lo\n<kazade> how's things popey ?\n<popey> meh\n<popey> lua\n<Azelphur> I did some electronics and I didn't break it \\o/\n<popey> comments?\n<kazade> lua?\n<kazade> as in the scripting language?\n<popey> yes\n<popey> and Love\n<kazade> never tried it :)\n<kazade> I don't suppose anyone knows how to get a Gtk+ progress bar to redraw itself?\n<Azelphur> popey: MattJ is very into LUA (and XMPP)\n<Azelphur> from what I understand it's comparable to python\n<popey> ta\n<Gringo> #ubuntu\n<Gringo> #ubuntu\n<X3N> kazade: why do you need to redraw it?\n<popey> X3N: you on the loco contacts list?\n<X3N> nope\n<popey> you should be\n<kazade> X3N, well, I have a progress bar on a form, and I have a loop that does stuff. If I create a progress bar and set it to pulse, it won't get redrawn until after the loop (thus missing the point)\n<kazade> I'm guessing I need to either redraw during the loop, or move the loop into another thread\n<popey> X3N: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/loco-contacts/2011-January/005179.html could you ping dholbach some one-line answers to those?\n<popey> or daviey\n<gord> kazade, as long as you are blocking the glib mainloop with your loop, it won't be able to run\n<gord> kazade, so yes, either move your loop into a different thread or convert it to a gsource based loop\n<X3N> popey: I think that's more of a Daviey thing as elected contact n'all\n * X3N cop-out #1\n<X3N> I'll do it actually, shouldn't take a minute\n * AlanBell has HAGGIS \\o/\n * BigRedS struggles to feign envy\n * dutchie is missing haggis to go and see a talk on AI by Eliezer Yudkowsky\n<brobostigon> afternoonings all.\n<BigRedS> G'morning brobostigon!\n<brobostigon> hey BigRedS :)\n<BigRedS> morning! How's it going\n<BigRedS> ?\n<brobostigon> BigRedS: not bad, my eczema is calming,the infection is going. how about you?\n<popey> X3N: sure\n<popey> AlanBell: jealous!\n<BigRedS> brobostigon: Whoop! I'm needlessly busy :/ Everything I do appears to be a tad more complex than it should be\n<X3N> popey: done it :)\n<brobostigon> BigRedS: hmm, challenging.\n * popey hugs X3N \n<czajkowski> *poke*/c\n<czajkowski> grrr\n<MichealH> Hi all\n<MichealH> :)\n<BigRedS> brobostigon: yeah, it's like everything's working at just-a-bit-less-plain-simple-than-it-might-be\n<BigRedS> which reminds me (for some reason) is there a u-uk fosdem somethingorother happening?\n<brobostigon> BigRedS: hmm, ohwell.\n<BigRedS> keeps me out of mischief :)\n<brobostigon> :)\n<jacobw> evening\n<brobostigon> afternoonings jacobw\n<jacobw> whats up brobostigon ?\n<brobostigon> jacobw: not alot, just annoyed and frustrated, really. and you?\n<jacobw> brobostigon: not so bad, i'm on a course for my job so i'm being overloaded with jargon\n<brobostigon> jacobw: we can help.if you need helpwith jargon.\n<jacobw> hehe\n<jacobw> LO is at a stable release :)\n<jacobw> i'll have to swap out OO.o on my machine with LO when i get the chance\n<brobostigon> when itried to install libreoffice here, it automaticcly downloaded fromdebian experimental, and got rid of oo.o, and automaticlly replaced it.\n<brobostigon> made it very easy,\n<jacobw> on debian?\n<brobostigon> yes.\n<jacobw> hmm i can imagine debian have been proactive in replacing OO.o\n<jacobw> LO is going to be in 11.04 though isn't it?\n<brobostigon> jacobw: idont know, it doesnt seem to be in sid yet, only in experimental.\n<AlanBell> jacobw: so it would seem\n<brobostigon> http://www.osnews.com/story/24325/Port_Gallium3D_to_Haiku_Earn_2000_/\n<brobostigon> :)\n<popey> libreoffice is already in 11.04 :)\n<jacobw> \\o/\n<popey> alan@wopr:~$ which libreoffice\n<popey> /usr/bin/libreoffice\n<brobostigon> wopr :)\n<popey> :)\n<czajkowski> anyonehere in Millbank ?\n<czajkowski> *anyone\n<gord> is libreoffice that good? i see a lot of people talking about it but i'm not sure why the buzz is there\n<popey> its faster IMO\n<brobostigon> and smaller\n<czajkowski> may install it tonight on home machines\n<czajkowski> fought with OO all day long today\n<popey> its not that different of course\n<gord> i don't use either, open office annoyed me too much for me to consider something that was based on it really worth using\n<moreati> gord; Which bits bugged you? (also often annoyed)\n<davmor2> gord, popey: I like the fact they include the launcher for all the apps again, it mean you can add the launcher to app launcher and open any of the office apps from it\n<gord> it would be easier for me to name the bits that didn't bug me moreati ;)\n<moreati> gord: fairy knuth\n<popey> W: Bizarre Error - File size is not what the server reported 19441 9721\n<popey> nice, thank you apt\n<popey> gord: is the workspace switcher deliberately precious about being at the bottom of the list of apps in the launcher?\n<gord> popey, yeah, its part of a group at the bottom, it'll eventually hint that you can't move it outside of its group but i don't think the code for that is done yet\n<lazarus_> http://img696.imageshack.us/i/screenshotly.png/\n<kvarley> is there a way to stop an apt-get install command when it's downloading a large data file?\n<kvarley> nvm I got it\n<MichealH> CTRL-C :P No, That would break dpkg\n<popey> no it wouldnt\n<popey> if its just downloading you can kill it anytime\n<awilkins> Graaaaaaagh. Why do managers have to think that managing == meddling. Sometimes managing is LEAVING me ALONE until something pops out......\n<awilkins> \"things not going well - _must change stuff_\"\n<awilkins> \"More meetings! They fix EVERYTHING!\"\n<awilkins> /me takes a chill pill. Literally.\n<awilkins> A good thing I can dry-swallow.\n<MartijnVdS> pump up the valium!\n<pr0ph3t> hi all\n<pr0ph3t> when I start cairo-dock my title bar disappears, if I quit it and restart the window manager it reappears, anyone know why r how I can have a look at what happens from the console?I'm running compiz\n<X3N> you could try compiz --replace --debug and then start cairo-dock\n<HazRPG> woot! New internets :D\n * DJones looks and thinks, nope same old internet\n<HazRPG> heh, true... but my connections to it has changed ;)\n<HazRPG> better, faster, stronger...\n<HazRPG> :P\n<HazRPG> (new ISP)\n<DJones> Ah, that maybe explains the reduction in HazRPG@....[ping timeout] :)\n<HazRPG> :P\n<DJones> who are you with now\n<HazRPG> I've gone for an average ping rating of ~80ms to ~23ms\n<HazRPG> can't complain with that :P\n<HazRPG> I've gone with BE\n<HazRPG> or BeThere, or however you want to call them\n<HazRPG> (o2 basically I think?)\n<DJones> Heh\n<gord> i'm on be, they are pretty good\n * HazRPG wonders if its worth getting extra IP's to have a bridged connection instead of a NAT one ...\n<gord> i mean, just bt resellers, but they don't cram up the tubes with bt crap\n<HazRPG> gord: Yeah, my friend was with them too - and he highly recommended them.\n<HazRPG> gord: lucky git could get 24Mbps :/\n<gord> i get 3\n<gord> thats fine, thtas more than sky were getting me (1)\n<HazRPG> yeah I've gone from 5 to ~9\n<gord> honestly don't feel the need for a higher bandwidth right now, maybe when there is a HD film streaming service thats not encoded at stupid low bitrates\n<HazRPG> wow, really only 3?\n<HazRPG> gord: haha you mean like stage6 use to be...\n<HazRPG> DJones: I was with UKOnline before this, but had no choice but to leave them due to being bought out by Sky\n<DJones> HazRPG: I'm on sky & found them better than anybody else, I guess it depends on individual circumstances\n<HazRPG> UK Online /were/ the best ISP I've ever had to date, no other ISP would ever let you ring them at silly o'clock and get grade A service from people who knew what they were talking about... they didn't do the usual \"well try this, try that\", they usually asked \"what have you tried so far?\" which to me is a far better question to ask\n<gord> sky aren't too bad, they are just too big, if you have a problem with them then you have mounds of red tape and support bots to get through\n<gord> i just log onto the be irc channel though my phone wifi and ask whats ging on :)\n<HazRPG> DJones: I was on hold with Sky for about 2hrs to just ask about the deal you could get to stick with them, or to grab your MAC code... I was going to stick with them, but after being on the phone for 2hrs... I gave in and just asked for the Mac code outright\n<HazRPG> gord: haha yeah I logged onto the BE irc while I was on hold to sky, and they managed to convince me to go with them xD\n<DJones> gord: I expected that a couple of months after a problem, but must admit they were excellent, even knew & accepted that I wasn't using windows & talked me through things,took 10 miutes to diagnose the fault & arrange to send replacement hardware out\n<HazRPG> DJones: well if I think correctly, Sky and UK Online have the same phone staff if I recall...\n<DJones> HazRPG: I must have struck lucky :)\n<HazRPG> cos the guy I spoke to on the phone was exactly the same guy I always seem to be transferred to, heh first question he asked was \"how's the ol' ubunut scene treatin ya dude\" after I'd say \"hi\"\n<HazRPG> ya don't get service like that much these days :P\n<HazRPG> almost felt bad for leaving\n<HazRPG> only thing that miffed me was that their lines are only open till 11pm - which to me is useless when I can be up till around 4am sometimes\n<HazRPG> oh wow, there's a new mumble coming out soon! :o\n<Neoti> hey lazarus_> how did you get the CPY mem and network stats on the left whats the program ?\n<BigRedS> I've just moved my /etc/X11/xorg.conf, done /etc/init.d/gdm restart, and been returned to a login screen claiming I'm already logged in. Having authenticated, I've just found myself in *exactly* the state I was in before restarting\n<BigRedS> shell sessions still open etc. Is this X being really clever, or does restarting gdm not do what I think it does any more?\n<BigRedS> Ah, and now I keep looping through the above. Perhaps I broke something\n<Azelphur> I have separate / and /home, so I can just reinstall my OS right? :P\n<DJones> Yup\n<DJones> Just mount / & format in the partitioning, mount /home without formatting\n<Azelphur> fun\n<Azelphur> I think I might have a bad install, having a few weird issues\n<Azelphur> and I know I installed from a dodgy flash drive\n<Azelphur> \\o/\n<BigRedS> Should the proprietary ATI driver from the 'Additional Drivers' wotsit provide enough goodness for me to us the ATI control centre?\n<MartijnVdS> yes\n<MartijnVdS> but why would you want to use that piece of.. trash :)\n<BigRedS> So I can use my second monitor\n<BigRedS> 'cause the gnome way certainly doesn't work, and I'm pretending it's possible to do without writing my own xorg.conf\n<MartijnVdS> uhr\n<MartijnVdS> why doesn't gnome work?\n<MartijnVdS> it should just work\n<MartijnVdS> with no xorg changes\n<BigRedS> Yeah, and has done elsewhere\n<BigRedS> IIRC it asks me to logout, when I log in again both monitors are set to the same resolution\n<MartijnVdS> BigRedS: strange, I've never experienced that\n<MartijnVdS> only in very old versions of Ubuntu\n<BigRedS> Nah, this is maverick\n<BigRedS> ah, no, on logging back in it's back to just one monitor working\n<MartijnVdS> BigRedS: then you go to monitor prefs, set it up the way you want, click \"apply\"?\n<MartijnVdS> BigRedS: works here :)\n<BigRedS> I've seen suggestions that the catalyst issue is the result of some bug fixed in fresh-from-git X but i'd really tather not do that\n<BigRedS> MartijnVdS: Window pops up. \"Please log ou and log back in again\"\n<MartijnVdS> BigRedS: is that the exact text?\n<BigRedS> I'm wondering if this is fixed by not using the proprietary driver\n<MartijnVdS> uhr yes\n<BigRedS> er. s/log ou and/log out and/\n<MartijnVdS> That works fine with the free driver\n<popey> Azelphur: a dodgy usb drive wouldn't explain this\n<BigRedS> oh. The additional drivers thing subtly says I'm not using that driver either\n<Azelphur> popey: :(\n<MartijnVdS> popey: RAMmie Dodgers might ;)\n<BigRedS> I've no idea what's going on. One day I'll understand X. Just as wayland becomes popular :)\n<MartijnVdS> BigRedS: \"don't install the proprietary drivers, unless you really need a feature it provides\"\n<BigRedS> MartijnVdS: MartijnVdS I took the Alternative drivers wotsit telling me I was using an different version to suggest I was using a/the free one\n<MartijnVdS> BigRedS: can you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and /var/log/Xorg.0.log?\n<BigRedS> FWIW, I did this before I started : http://pastebin.com/q2PCE2aL\n<BigRedS> 'course, that's less useful now :)\n<MartijnVdS> yeah :)\n<BigRedS> MartijnVdS: http://avi.co/stuff/Xorg.0.log  and http://avi.co/stuff/xorg.conf\n<BigRedS> cheers!\n<MartijnVdS> BigRedS: so X is using the fglrx (non-free) driver\n<BigRedS> mm, this is immediately post-reboot having told 'additional drivers' to try non-free\n<MartijnVdS> BigRedS: I'd recommend uninstalling all packages with \"fglrx\" in the name, then rebooting\n<MartijnVdS> like I said, don't install non-free drivers unless you REALLY need them\n<MartijnVdS> (too bad Ubuntu \"advertises\" them on first boot :))\n<BigRedS> Yeah, I already had when you said that and figured I'd give it a go :) Besides it looked like free wasn't working either :)\n<MartijnVdS> but free we can debug :P\n<BigRedS> Yeah, I love that. \"Your system's too free for my liking. Have some closed-source bugs\"\n<MartijnVdS> haha :)\n<MartijnVdS> \"Hi, we're the Ubuntu community and we HATE freedom.\"\n<BigRedS> haha, it does sort-of look like that.\n<BigRedS> Ooooh. Now it appears neither monitor is used :) both are sleeping\n<MartijnVdS> cool\n<BigRedS> I get a brief flash of the splash screen, then they go into power save\n<MartijnVdS> then it should come upt with a \"broken X config\" soon\n<BigRedS> oh, cool\n<MartijnVdS> just choose the option that's most like \"repair\"\n<BigRedS> yeah, I recall seeing that before I think\n<BigRedS> hm, still no picture\n<BigRedS> can I force this from a shell?\n<BigRedS> rming xorg.conf and restarting gdm springs to mind...\n<BigRedS> ahhh\n<BigRedS> [    19.162] (EE) No drivers available.\n<MartijnVdS> weird\n<MartijnVdS> do you still have xserver-xorg-video-radeon installed?\n<MartijnVdS> (package name)\n<BigRedS> yup\n<MartijnVdS> but.. not even the \"Repair X\" but comes up?\n<MartijnVdS> that uses VESA\n<MartijnVdS> so it should always work\n<BigRedS> mmm. xorg.conf still reckons it should be loading fglrx\n<MartijnVdS> BigRedS: try commenting that section (or removing it)\n<BigRedS> just doing that. briefly got that lovely broken-X multicolour static, but it ended up with a login box\n<BigRedS> whoo! :)\n<BigRedS> And, finally, I have both monitors working.\n<MartijnVdS> *\\o/*\n<BigRedS> Thanks! You've substantially more patience than I do :)\n<BigRedS> I've been swearing loudly at X approximately nightly for the past few days. Now I blame ATi\n<MartijnVdS> BigRedS: I've solved the problem 600 times before ;)\n<BigRedS> haha\n<MartijnVdS> it always boils down to \"But.. it OFFERED to install the non-free driver\"\n<MartijnVdS> \"Yes, but you should have said no\"\n<MartijnVdS> \"But it OFFERED\"\n<MartijnVdS> \"That explains the shipment of herbal viagra that's here for you\"\n<MartijnVdS> \"<silent coworker>\"\n<BigRedS> haha\n<BigRedS> Yeah, any issue on any desktop at work is the fault of Ubuntu and its fascination with proprietary software\n<MartijnVdS> BigRedS: also, I'm the designated Ubuntu helpdesk :(\n<MartijnVdS> at work\n<BigRedS> Ah. Nah, we just rant at it, every so often someone installs whatever it is they'd rather use for a few weeks, then gets told to go back to ubuntu\n<MartijnVdS> hah\n<MartijnVdS> everyone used \"a\" distro before I came there\n<MartijnVdS> then everyone switched to Ubuntu\n<MartijnVdS> because Gentoo's too hard\n<MartijnVdS> and Debian\n<MartijnVdS> and [insert distro of the week]\n<mgdm> and Gentoo kills baby polar bears\n<mgdm> and penguins, no doubt\n<BigRedS> haha\n<BigRedS> we've a gentooite\n<BigRedS> keeps telling us off for not compiling things or something\n<MartijnVdS> mgdm: and it's for people who add spoilers to perfectly good cars.\n<mgdm> http://funroll-loops.info/\n<mgdm> MartijnVdS: aye, exactly :)\n<MartijnVdS> :)\n<mgdm> bewarned, NSFW link :P\n<MartijnVdS> oh we had a few FreeBSDites\n<BigRedS> We've a gentoo, debian, arch, ubuntu and indifferent.\n<MartijnVdS> *shudder*\n<BigRedS> Mostly united in a distaste of RH\n<mgdm> I'm currently not enjoying Ubuntu due to (probably) fglrx\n<MartijnVdS> mgdm: I just fixed BigRedS's fglrx problem by having him remove it ;)\n<BigRedS> it's a good fix :)\n<mgdm> Oh, wait, no, I'm using the radeon driver\n<mgdm> it + external monitor = crashy fun times\n<MartijnVdS> mgdm: I demand proof! :)\n<mgdm> MartijnVdS: my laptop. Plugin in external monitor to DisplayPort. Attempt to use external monitor. X locks up, solid.\n<mgdm> it only works if the monitor is there at boot\n<mgdm> switching users also locks up\n<MartijnVdS> mgdm: ah displayport\n<MartijnVdS> newfanglyness!\n<mgdm> same happens with the VGA port, FWIW\n<MartijnVdS> what kind of radeon chip do you have?\n<mgdm> one sec, reminding myself\n<MartijnVdS> mgdm: lspci | grep VGA\n * popey tickles MartijnVdS \n * MartijnVdS jumps\n<popey> \\o/\n<BigRedS> then spend weeks trying to make xterm big enough to see the whole line ;)\n<mgdm> ATI Technologies Inc Mobility Radeon HD 3400 Series\n<MartijnVdS> mgdm: can you ssh into the machine when X hangs? what does /var/log/Xorg.0.log say?\n<mgdm> I don't have another machine handy to ssh in with\n<MartijnVdS> mgdm: smart phone?\n<mgdm> Hmm, didn't think of that\n<mgdm> \"[  8558.971] (II) AIGLX: Suspending AIGLX clients for VT switch\" is the last thing in the old log\n<MartijnVdS> that's what it should do\n<MartijnVdS> except for the crash bit afterward\n<mgdm> then the screen goes all stripey and the machine is (I believe) still alive, but X is b0rked\n<MartijnVdS> so it's just misconfiguring the chip\n<MartijnVdS> might have to file a bug for that :/\n<mgdm> apparently the same hardware works fine in Fedora\n<mgdm> I'm going to give that a shot some time\n<mgdm> another possibility is turning off compiz\n<MartijnVdS> back to the 20th century ;)\n<mgdm> indeed\n<glynn-home> lx is on his way to the office\n<czajkowski> popey: you going to font event?\n<popey> dunno\n<hamitron> freen monsters in my pool :/\n<hamitron> green*\n<bigcalm> Creepers\n<hamitron> will they leave?\n<hamitron> without rearranging everything\n<bigcalm> Not if they see you\n<bigcalm> If you can kill them without them blowing up, they might drop gunpowder. Which you can then use to make tnt\n<hamitron> I got expensive wooden panelling in that room ;/\n<bigcalm> Kill spiders. Use their string to make a bow\n<bigcalm> Fire arrows at the creepers\n<hamitron> they gone \\o/\n<hamitron> is that normal for them to arrive? ;/\n<czajkowski> popey: k\n<popey> hamitron: yes, if its dark\n<hamitron> never go swimming in the dark... kids ;/\n<cps> ergh\n * cps yawns\n<cps> hamitron: make me a sammich\n#ubuntu-uk 2011-01-26\n<d3ngar_> hey there\n<d3ngar_> I have a touchpad that I would like to switch off\n<d3ngar_> Can't see it in the  System > Pref > Mouse\n<andylockran> howdt\n<d3ngar_> this channel rocks\n<dutchie>  [31396.166223] Valid eCryptfs headers not found in file header region or xattr region\n<dutchie> [31396.166234] Either the lower file is not in a valid eCryptfs format, or the key could not be retrieved. Plaintext passthrough mode is not enabled; returning -EIO\n<dutchie> this doesn't look good\n<diplo> morning all\n<dutchie> morning\n<BigRedS> g'morning!\n<ujjain> Is there a word for when a man does everything a woman says? He is... not smitten, but...\n<diplo> under the thumb\n<ujjain> by the balls, under the thumb, but it´s not what I meant, but I guess I´ll never find the word likes this :P\n<BigRedS> there's a term that's less... derisory.. but I can't remember what it is\n<shauno> ujjain: in my house, we'd just call it trained :)\n<ujjain> hehehehe :p\n<HazRPG> mornin\n<TheOpenSourcerer> This is quite interesting - not sure about the practicalities but even so... http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/01/multi-touch-in-ubuntu-using-a-webcam-and-your-hands-video/\n<HazRPG> *clicks*\n<HazRPG> woah\n<Neoti|work> morning all .....\n<HazRPG> morning Neoti|work\n<HazRPG> that's pretty awesome TheOpenSourcerer\n<Neoti|work> hey hazrpg\n<MooDoo> hello all\n<HazRPG> howdy doodle :)\n<DJones> Morning all\n<gord> morning all\n<HazRPG> morning DJones & gord\n<daubers> Morning\n<AlanBell> morning\n<screen-x> morning :)\n<daubers> Did anyone get an email back from the ose?\n<screen-x> Just tried to install printer, set it up on desk, connected to power, but it didn't show up in lsusb. Fixed problem by connecting printer to computer :)\n<AlanBell> daubers: ose?\n<daubers> open source expo\n<daubers> I applied for tickets but never got an email confirming it...\n<AlanBell> \"Registration Confirmation - Please read\" was the subject\n<AlanBell> Stand number: 96 - 5x4m <- *big*\n<mattt> what's all the hype w/ this open source expo thing?\n<AlanBell> Furniture being provided for each of you: lockable cupboard/plinth. Chairs x2. And power, light/elec\n<daubers> I meant for tickets :) Not for actually showing ....\n<AlanBell> Net connection: the organisers  will be providing 2 drops so please bring routers and long cables.\n<BigRedS> I love subject lines that say \"please read\"\n<AlanBell> mattt: wouldn't say it was hyped, but we are exhibiting there\n<BigRedS> \"oooooooh! I was going to *eat* my email!\"\n<mattt> AlanBell: cool, hope it's a good one for you guys\n<mattt> is there an ubuntu booth at fosdem?  any of you guys going to that?\n<AlanBell> czajkowski: ^^\n * daubers should head to work now really\n<Indy> Hi folks\n<Indy> Does anyone here have any experience with Linux on Sony vaio laptops?\n<AlanBell> there is a page about them on help.ubuntu.com\n<Indy> AlanBell: Is there?\n<Indy> Im specially after installing nvidia drivers\n<AlanBell> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Laptop/Sony/Vaio/FSeries/Maverick\n<AlanBell> and if you are feeling brave https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Laptop/Sony/Vaio/FSeries/Natty\n<Indy> AlanBell: Sorry my irc just went dead. Could you repost that URL.  Thanks\n<AlanBell> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Laptop/Sony/Vaio/FSeries/Maverick\n<AlanBell> and if you are feeling brave https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Laptop/Sony/Vaio/FSeries/Natty\n<AlanBell> I think we should launch http://beta.ubuntu-uk.org/ at the open source expo\n<gord> ... i don't know *how* tesco managed to get custard creams to taste like pancakes but they have... for shame\n<danfish> good morning :)\n<danfish> AlanBell: good idea - how do you 'launch' the website - a redirect?\n<MooDoo> AlanBell: don't forget to change the logo for the podcast or people will go blind :)\n<AlanBell> danfish: remove the beta. (I know that isn't a very web 2.0 thing to do)\n<AlanBell> MooDoo: *podcasting* makes you go blind now?\n<AlanBell> oh, I see what you mean now :)\n<danfish> AlanBell: if it works, why overcomplicate things..\n * Neoti|work lol @ AlanBell podcasting....\n<Indy> AlanBell: I tried the fix on that page and unfortunately ended up exactly the same\n<AlanBell> Indy: I have no idea about nvidia stuff, but why not describe your issue, someone might be able to offer help\n<AlanBell> or at least sympathy and a cup of tea\n<czajkowski> mattt: yup there is\n<Indy> Basically when I install the nvidia driver Linux just boots up to the login screen. It just doesn't setup the nvidia driver. The way to get back to the GUI is to delete xorg.conf file. This puts me into a very low GUI mode. I've been sort of regretting ever buying the Sony because I didn't realise nvidia had driver issues\n<BigRedS> I ranted all over IRC yesterday about my ATi problems and Martin came along and fixed it all for me :)\n<Indy> I just don't get it with nvidia. How come their windows version works but Linux doesn't\n<Indy> How can I spread the good word about Linux when I can't get my damn pc to work\n<directhex> Indy, nvidia-installer breaks things\n<czajkowski> gord: any idea where I'd find Ev online ?\n<gord> czajkowski, nope sorry\n<gord> (would help more, but busy today :( )\n<Indy> directhex: Ive tried everything\n<HazRPG> why is it, that its always the important stuff a person will lose :/\n<BigRedS> Hm. Caramel flavoured coffee doesn't taste quite as good as the coffee powder itself smells.\n<Neoti> anyone used ZoneMinder before ?\n * BigRedS has Quite briefly\n<BigRedS> what's the acutal question?\n<Neoti> BigRedS : just wandered if anyone used ZoneMinder in conjunction with Grandstream cams or just if anyone had used it at all ... etc... thinking of useing it and connecting it to my XBMC Media center etc ...\n<danfish> I do use zoneminder, but not with Grandstream cams or XBMC\n<BigRedS> ahh, thinking about it, not for a while, and not with Grandstream or xbmc\n<BigRedS> I'm probably quite useless :)\n * Neoti LOL @ BigRedS\n<n1md4> I use ZM with both IP and coaxial cameras, but nothing with XBMC.\n<Neoti> is it any good ...\n<Neoti> the web internet face seems a little crappy ... ?????\n<davmor2> morning all\n<MooDoo> morning davmor2\n<danfish> Neoti: as a CCTV appliance, it's pretty good by comparison to others. The web interface is basic but does the job. As it's open source, you can always make your own :)\n<davmor2> MooDoo: You on mornings again how did you wrangle that deal?\n<n1md4> It's okay.  The interface isn't great, but functional enough.  Motion-detect on multiple feeds requires a lot of CPU time.\n<MooDoo> davmor2: it's a two week shift pattern, 9 - 5:30 for two weeks, then earlies, then weekends and finally lates :S\n<Neoti> i tried it a while ago with an axis cam and did not pick it up for some reason ..... i will have another goo later\n<davmor2> MooDoo: I do not envy you at all\n<MooDoo> davmor2: neither do i\n<n1md4> Neoti: I'm using 4 Axis cams, and found, you have to play around with video settings quite a bit before you win!\n<Neoti> i spent 2 days at my previouse work place trying to get 1 axis cam working ... he he ... could not even get a video feed ....\n<Neoti> hopfully the project has updated a little bit and work ... lol ....\n<bigcalm> Good morning peeps :)\n<n1md4> Ha!  I doubt it :P  Message me if you get stuck.\n * AlanBell haz CDs \\o/\n<MooDoo> yay o/\n<AlanBell> oh, no I don't\n<czajkowski> I do\n * bigcalm haz STDs /o\\\n * czajkowski has a 100 here \n<czajkowski> :)\n<AlanBell> I have two baseball caps\n<bigcalm> Actualy, I don't. Just popped into my head\n<AlanBell> a squillion aubergine Ubuntu lanyards\n<AlanBell> 20 or so small orange circle of friends badges\n<AlanBell> copy of the official Ubuntu book\n<AlanBell> a load of stickers\n<AlanBell> an L and XL maverick Tshirt\n<AlanBell> one of which will be going to Paula\n<danfish> ...and a copy of the Art of Community ;)\n<mattt> czajkowski: you still giving a talk?  what day/time?\n<BigRedS> AlanBell: is this potential foss-at-the-barbican loot?\n<czajkowski> mattt: Saturday 1pm\n<AlanBell> BigRedS: some of it is, certainly\n<mattt> czajkowski: good luck!  will try to catch it if i can\n<czajkowski> mattt: there is a wiki page set up to add all Ubuntu folks going to fosdem\n<czajkowski> thanks\n<mattt> czajkowski: i should update that now\n<AlanBell> I think this is a one-off loco team gift, not an every release thing\n<AlanBell> there should be a banner and tablecloth\n<AlanBell> and we should get CDs each release\n<Neoti> hay did someone say ubuntu loot ..... ?\n<Neoti> where ?\n<AlanBell> Neoti: come along to http://www.opensourceexpo.co.uk/ for some of it\n<AlanBell> markjones: ping\n<daubers> Is there a  nice web based project management tool around?\n<AlanBell> big project or small project?\n<bigcalm> sugarcrm?\n<daubers> AlanBell: Many small-medium sized projects\n<AlanBell> vtiger and openERP both have some project management facilites, but at the rudimentary level (best level for project management IMHO)\n<daubers> Hmm.... might be a bit OTT for what I'm after\n<AlanBell> openproj is more sophisticated and I think has a web based something, not sure if that part is Free\n<daubers> Looking at the website, doesn't look it\n<daubers> Might be an evening with Django tonight\n<AlanBell> and there is project.net\n<AlanBell> and other things like trac\n<czajkowski> https://twitter.com/#!/savs/status/30192485674254336  :)\n<daubers> trac doesn't do what I want very well...\n<daubers> I tried to mend it, but broke trac horribkly :)\n<AlanBell> something homebrew in django sounds like a great approach\n<knightwise> morning everybody\n * knightwise is on ubuntu 10.10 on his macbook air ! \n<knightwise> and its Friggin fast\n<BigRedS> Something homebrew in djanog is never a great approach\n<BigRedS> :)\n<daubers> Hmm. project.net wants an orcale db\n<BigRedS> MySQL?\n<AlanBell> knightwise: did you need an official CD drive to install it?\n<daubers> BigRedS: I think it actually wants the Oracle DB not the DB Oracle acquired :)\n<matti> ;]\n<matti> AlanBell: ;]\n<knightwise> AlanBell: what do you mean by official ?\n<knightwise> you mean the \"expensive apple one\" ?\n<knightwise> nope :)\n<knightwise> i just used my samsung one\n<AlanBell> I read somewhere that the only usb cd drive it would boot from was an apple one\n<AlanBell> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/How%20to%20install%20Ubuntu%20on%20MacBook%20Air%20using%20live%20CD\n<knightwise> the only thing i cant get working is to disable the touchpad while typing\n<knightwise> allthough i have set that up in the mouse preferences options\n<AlanBell> help.ubuntu.com is a wiki . . .\n<knightwise> but this baby is F.A.S.T. !\n<BigRedS> AlanBell: historically, they can boot off Firewire but not USB\n<BigRedS> AFAIK. So that might be the source of only working from an apple external CD drive\n<knightwise> BigRedS: just take any external USB cd rom drive and it works\n<knightwise> Macbook air has no Firewire port, remember ?\n<AlanBell> if you have a laptop with no firewire port, and a video camera with firewire output, is one totally stuffed?\n<BigRedS> Oh yeah!\n<BigRedS> I'm still stuck in PPC days as far as apple hardware's concerned\n<knightwise> BigRedS: i have a 3G imac in the basement , been meaning to get ubuntu on there\n<knightwise> but the 15 inch screen is a litle too small\n<danfish> didn't the PPC port stop at 9.10?\n<BigRedS> I've a small collection of G4 towers carrying out various duties. Almost seems a shame to have all of them hidden away in cupboards though\n<BigRedS> Err, G3 actually, I think. Translucent turquoise ones\n<Neoti> knightwise which samsung do you have\n<knightwise> just a regular external bus powered DVD writer\n<knightwise> Neoti: have you tried other models that did not work ?\n<Neoti> nope just asking\n<knightwise> Neoti: don't worry , i've tried 2 different models of \"non apple\" external drives , and both worked\n<knightwise> ok , Macbook air and Ubuntu 10.10 are a match made in heaven so far ..   with OSX this baby was kinda sluggish , now its incredibly fast ! :)\n<MooDoo> knightwise: ssd?\n<knightwise> MooDoo: nope , plain \"spinning drive\"\n<knightwise> its not the latest 2010 model , its the one before that ( the 2.1)\n<MooDoo> knightwise: well there is an upgrade then :D\n<knightwise> but still , FAST\n<knightwise> MooDoo: true, but kinda kostly i think\n<MooDoo> knightwise: my 120 cost £190\n<knightwise> hmm , did you replace it yoursellf ?\n<MooDoo> knightwise: sorry i don't have a macbook i just meant in my laptop, and yes i did\n<knightwise> with the macbook air , its quite an \"operation\"\n<HazRPG> not sure I like the wasapea\n<HazRPG> (graze)\n<moreati> davmor2: Those app reviews you're tweeting link directly to the apt:// url, which tries to immediately install that app. Not desirable imo - they should link to a page showing the review. Is it Software Centre that's generating them? Id like to file a bug.\n<davmor2> moreati: top secret can't tell you ;)  I don't know if the project is currently available for public reports let me check what needs to happen :)\n<moreati> davmor2: righto\n<Laney> yay for code drops\n<knightwise> anyone know a good video-bloggin software for ubuntu ?\n<knightwise> just to record some video and stuff\n<knightwise> (using the webcam)\n<gord> knightwise, cheese ?\n<knightwise> and dont say cheeze\n<knightwise> Darn :) too late :p\n<gord> whats wrong with it?\n<moreati> knightwise: If you can tell why not cheese, it might help\n<knightwise> kinda \"jerky\"\n<knightwise> stutters when you record video :(\n<knightwise> werid\n<gord> its because it has to encode the video at the same time\n<gord> your machine might be too slow for that resolution\n<czajkowski> Announcing the ODFPlugfest UK http://www.odfplugfest.co.uk/ all communities and developers are welcome to take part, we have space for talks and it is a freeevent to take part in\n<bigcalm> czajkowski: cross post spammer :P\n<czajkowski> toodlesbyup\n<czajkowski> bigcalm: :(\n<bigcalm> czajkowski: *big hugs* :)\n<knightwise> gord: thats possible\n * davmor2 prods czajkowski \n<knightwise> hey czajkowski\n * czajkowski stabs davmor2 \n<moreati> knightwise: as gord suggests that may b a limitation of your hardware/drivers, rather than cheese. Kamoso maybe has some different tweaks, but dropping the resolution or using a webcam with hardware compression is probably the way to go\n<czajkowski> knightwise: hi\n<davmor2> czajkowski: well that the mornings out the way then :)\n * daubers attacks python with a stick\n * davmor2 awaits to hear that daubers has been eaten by a boa constrictor\n<knightwise> CCD\n<knightwise> oops\n<daubers> I'm using subprocess to get some data off stdout while a program is running and waiting for a bit to giove that program an instruction, but subprocess isn't giving me all the poxy output\n<gord> ubuntu thinks my kindle is a \"digital audio player\" =\\\n<bigcalm> Does it have mp3s on it?\n<gord> no\n<MartijnVdS> gord: but it could\n<gord> yes but that doesn't mean the description is correct\n<shauno> stick a folder on it named dcim, and it'll probably call it a camera instead :)\n<knightwise> DC42_Daflo\n<knightwise> KDI_44\n<knightwise> Crud\n<knightwise> stupid keyboard switch tool\n<knightwise> AZE\n<knightwise> aarg è!\n<knightwise> sorry\n<shauno> I always chuckle when I hit the right key combo to switch to dvorak by accident.  takes typos to a whole new level :)\n * Neoti|work needs more voip clients..... \n * Neoti|work steps out for FOOD! and COFFEEE!......\n<Gringo> Hey guys need some help, 1 of my drives doesnt show up i have to mount it using terminal everytime, how can i make it so it starts like the other when i start ubuntu?\n<MartijnVdS> Gringo: is it always connected? or is it an external disk (like an USB disk)\n<Gringo> its always connected\n<AlanBell> !fstab\n<lubotu3> The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions\n<MartijnVdS> AlanBell: afaik you can configure that in \"Disk Utility\" (palimpsest) as well?\n<Gringo> i have 2 hard drives, 1 partioned into 3 and the other just normal, its the normal one my d drive that doesnt show up unless i mount it with terminal\n<MartijnVdS> Gringo: see the links AlanBell and lubotu3 provided\n<MartijnVdS> Gringo: they explain how to do it\n<DJones> Thats the important job of the day done, salaries paid :)\n<Gringo> #ubuntu\n<andylockran> howdy\n<MartijnVdS> o/\n<Neoti|work> hey there\n<andylockran> you well ?\n<Neoti|work> yeah good .... u?\n<daubers> nom nom nom lunch\n<Neoti|work> i got a JP with cheese and beans.. lol ... nom nom nom in deed...\n<daubers> Why does shepherds pie always taste better reheated the day after? Just like lasagne\n<X3N> maybe all the juices marinate everything more\n<daubers> Possibly\n<daubers> Either way it makes excellent lunch nomming\n<Neoti|work> you nom that nom away ...\n<Neoti|work> lol\n<brobostigon> afternoonings all.\n<brobostigon> how do i change a root owned folder, so i can access it aswell asread and write to said folder, from or as a normaluser, please.\n<brobostigon> ie /mnt/*\n<BigRedS> brobostigon: chmod 666 <file> ?\n<moreati> brobostigon: You either take ownership of the folder, change the group of the folder to one you're a member of and make it group writable, or you make it world writable\n<BigRedS> er <directory>\n<moreati> chmod 666 is the third option\n<brobostigon> cheers BigRedS and moreati :)\n<BigRedS> note that with directories, execute rights are really list-contents rights\n<brobostigon> hmm.\n<moreati> brobostigon: not that making things world writable is usually poor practise in a shared environment like a server, but if it's your own machine then whatever..\n<moreati> *note\n<brobostigon> ok, so, chmod 666, and then, chmod +rw ?\n<BigRedS> chmod 666 is chmdo +rw, they're two ways of denoting the same\n<BigRedS> well, teh former states where to end up and the latter states thechange to make. but chances are it'll be at 666. The only right missing with chmod 666 is execute\n<moreati> brobostigon: the other approach is sudo chown <user>:<group> <folder>\n<BigRedS> ...which you'd normally want in a directory\n<brobostigon> hmm, ok,\n<Laney> ugo=rw\n * brobostigon goes to bang his head on his desk.\n<brobostigon> a friend to my rescue, with a beer. :)\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_653_4FsTEfc/TI44ObEDe5I/AAAAAAAABJ8/-XDR0avRf7A/s1600/tactical+facepalm.jpg\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: lol, :)\n<moreati> brobostigon: are you in good hands or do you need further assistance?\n<brobostigon> moreati: probebly need further assistance.\n<moreati> okay: Some queries: What is the path of the folder? Is it empty?\n<brobostigon>  /mnt/**\n<brobostigon> nd it has a textfile in it atthe moment,\n<shauno> permissions on mountpoints tend to be defined by mount options, rather than by chmod\n<MartijnVdS> shauno: well, you can change them after mounting with chmod\n<brobostigon> shauno: at the moment, i am testing, so i dont want a permemnt fstab entry yet.\n<daubers> MartijnVdS: I always prefered the double facepalm http://media.photobucket.com/image/star%20trek%20double%20facepalm/SGM-Daly91/Star%20Trek/double-facepalm.jpg?o=1\n<moreati> brobostigon: why did you say '/mnt/**' Are we talking about 1 folder here or many?\n<MartijnVdS> daubers: http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/6566/182832-quadruple_facepalm_super.jpg\n<brobostigon> moreati: it is a single folder, a mountpoint, with a single txt file inside.\n<moreati> brobostigon: What is the path of the mount point? What filesystem is being mounted?\n<MartijnVdS> http://i.imgur.com/M22iv.jpg\n<brobostigon> moreati: /mnt/server and sshfs\n<moreati> brobostigon: and is it mounted now?\n<brobostigon> yes.\n<moreati> okay. Do you want _every_ user able to write into that folder, just yourself, or a group of users?\n<bigcalm> mc just crashed :(\n<bigcalm> Damn windows\n<brobostigon> moreati: just myself.\n<bigcalm> Or damn Java\n<brobostigon> brb.\n<brobostigon> one minute.\n<moreati> brobostigon: sudo chown -R <username>:<group> /mnt/server\n<gran> any idea why my computer continues to change to screensaver no matter what i do with the power management options?\n<gran> and what file i can edit?\n<BigRedS> gran: Do you know which screensaver you're using? I know I've installed alternative ones before that Gnome power manager's been unaware of, and so unable to configure\n<moreati> brobostigon: if you're on Ubuntu  <group> is likely to be the same as <username>, check by running the command groups and looking at the first entry\n<brobostigon> moreati: thankyou,\n<moreati> brobostigon: the -R means recursive i.e. make the change to every file/folder inside the path as well\n<brobostigon> moreati: works, cheeers. :)\n<gran> BigRedS,  its done it since the install, after about 10 minutes it takes me to a login screen. Whether the cable is plugged in or not\n<BigRedS> the cable?\n<BigRedS> Ohh, laptop power lead?\n<BigRedS> try adding the Inhibitor Applet to the panel, see if 'activating' that stops the screensaver from working\n<moreati> gran: do you really mean the login screen? or do you mean you need to unlock the screensaver with your password?\n<moreati> gran: as well as the screensaver timeout, there are power saver timeouts in System > Preferences > Power Management\n<moreati> brobostigon: read this for a little more detail behind file permissions http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/filepermissions.html\n<gran> yeh thats what i mean moreati\n<gran> :)\n<brobostigon> thank you moreati :)\n<bigcalm> popey: taking a break, will track some more later\n<moreati> gran: the first bit, or the second bit :)\n<popey> :)\n<gran> oh sorry  need to unlock the screensaver... but the screensaver shouldn't even come on, i've set it to \"never\"\n<moreati> gran: Have you looked in System > Preferences > Power Management where the screen blanking can also lock the screen\n<DJones> gran: How long is it before the screensaver kicks in, there was a bug a few versions back where a blank screen was coming up after 10 minutes as though it was the blank screen screensaver?\n<gran> yeh moreati, about 10 minutes DJones\n<gran> well.. i just went to make a sandwich came back and it was up :P\n<gran> just really annoying watching films etc\n<moreati> gran did you look at both tabs (On Mains Power, On Battery Power)? What is 'Put display to sleep when incative' set to on each of those tabs?\n<gran> \"never\" on mains and an hour with battery\n<gran> its running on mains now\n<gran> so shouldn't have come on\n<moreati> gran: then your settings are right, you may suffering the bug that DJones mentioned\n<moreati> gran: (Do you mean 'screen is going to sleep' by 'come on', the term is confusing me)\n<gran> nah sorry, display turns off and to turn it back on i have to put in the password every time\n<gran> its not hibernating or anything\n<DJones> gran: Have a look at this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=341617 There is a section to add to the xorg file that can stop the bug I was thinking of\n<gran> thanks mate\n<DJones> That talks about kubuntu, but I had the same bug on ubuntu as well\n<DJones> Aparently the bug was to do with beryl/xgl so it could be something comepletely different now that beryl is compiz, but could be worth checking anyway\n<gran> whats the filepatch to xorg.conf again sorry?\n<DJones> /etc/X11\n<gran> thanks\n<gran> whats happened to ctrl alt backspace btw? they removed it?\n<gran> how do i restart x now?\n<maco> gran: zapping was disabled upstream a year or two ago. you can reenable it in your keyboard settings\n<DJones> !dontzap\n<lubotu3> To re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap\n<maco> (its one of the \"enable ____ keyboard shortcut\" things in there)\n<gran> cheers\n<moreati> gran: until you've re-eabled it I think logging out restarts X, but reboot definately does :)\n<maco> yes logging out restarts X\n<maco> in one version, theres this lovely bug where the dm asking X to restart properly doesnt work...instead it crashes. which is fine for ubuntu users since gdm apparently just smashes X with a hammer til it dies, then spawns a new one, while kdm actually uses the restart command thats supposed to work for X, resulting in it not coming back up for logging back in.... i forget which release that is. 10.04 or 10.10 i think\n<gran> cheers guys, i'll have to wait and see if it worked\n<moreati> now that's something to use those facepalm pictures for\n<bigcalm> popey: can you re-generate the map please?\n<cps> afternoon peeps :)\n<BigRedS> g'morning cps\n<cps> BigRedS: Morning?! It's 15:09!!\n<BigRedS> cps: ach, near enough\n<BigRedS> :)\n<cps> :\\\n<cps> meh\n * cps air guitars to Money for Nothing by Dire Straits\n<dwatkins> Does Ubuntu's 7zip package also lack a manpage like CentOS's one does? Just curious...\n<DJones> 7zip or p7zip?\n * BigRedS has no manual entry for 7zip\n<BigRedS> I have p7zip-full installed\n<dwatkins> I was only able to find 'p7zip' which includes a binary called 7za which is currently extracting my archive, DJones.\n<DJones> man 7zip gives me nothing, but man p7zip has a man page\n<DJones> On 10.04\n<dwatkins> 'No manual entry for 7za'\n<BigRedS> Man p7zip doesn't give me anything on 10.10\n<shauno> it should do; per the last two entries in http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/i386/p7zip/filelist\n<maco> BigRedS: its not a default package\n<dwatkins>    http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/i386/p7zip/filelist\n<dwatkins> oops, sorry\n<DJones> i installed p7zip & got the man page\n<dwatkins> 7zr and p7zip have manpages in that ubuntu package, thanks shauno, but the one in CentOS (built by rpmforge) seems to have only html documentation; thanks all, I was just curious to compare distros.\n<dwatkins> in summary: Ubuntu > CentOS\n<shauno> I believe ubuntu inherits debian's position that not having a manpage is a bug\n<dwatkins> shauno: I would agree with that state, also\n<maco> shauno: its possible to get packages into ubuntu without a manpage, but most packages come from debian, so most have one\n<AlanBell> any opinions on webalyzer vs awstats?\n<maco> ive never used webalyzer, but ive had no issue with awstats\n<dwatkins> I use webalyzer, it's very good in my opinion, AlanBell.\n<dwatkins> and now you are back at square one, sorry...\n<ali1234> i use webalyzer, it's a little old fashioned\n<ali1234> also it won't give you mor than a year's worth of stats\n<dutchie> i hate freedom, so i use google analytics\n<dwatkins> there's also analog, ali1234\n<ali1234> and the reports are not very detailed\n<hamitron> ali1234: no pleasing some of us ;)\n<ali1234> well, i use webalyzer because it \"just works\" out of the box\n<ali1234> i couldn't figure out how to configure any of those others\n<ali1234> they wouldn't even give me anything\n<maco> mm yeah, awstats needs a bit of config. by which i mean, i think i had to change 1 line in /etc/awstats/awstats.conf\n<maco> LogFormat=1\n<maco> (to tell it its apache2)\n<ali1234> webalyzer doesn't seem to care even if the log format changes in the middle of the file (eg cos you changed webserver)\n<dwatkins> There's also Cacti or Munin, of course, but they are different.\n<ali1234> but thing is, i have quite a complex set up of vhosts too\n<moreati> TO make the choice worse. I came across http://polliwog.sourceforge.net/ moons ago, GA like but self hostable\n<ali1234> by default, they all just hit /var/log/apache2/ on a cron job or something\n<ali1234> that doesn't work for me, i have separate logs\n<AlanBell> ok, webalyzer was easy, but can I feed it old logs that are now compressed like access.log.9.gz\n<jpds> Why would you want to change webserver?\n * DJones notes that gran hasn't spoken for 30 minutes & wonders whether the screensaver kicked in or not?\n<gran> :) sadly facebook distracted me\n<DJones> Hehehe\n<cps> ergh\n<cps> wireless dropped\n<gran> DJones,  fail :( and it only took 5 minutes grr\n<DJones> Ah well, thats a bugger\n<DJones> That was my only thought\n<ubuntuuk-planet> [Jonathan Riddell] KDE's 4.6 Release Day - http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/4378\n<popey> bigcalm: running now\n<bigcalm> popey: too late :P\n<bigcalm> Just joined up the cobble stone\n<bigcalm> Need a lot more track though\n<popey> you are op, you can give it to yourself\n<popey> t /give bigcalm 66 64\n<bigcalm> I see\n<bigcalm> I'll give it a go\n<dutchie> http://graphjam.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/funny-graphs82.png\n<bigcalm> Having to type it each time is lame :P\n<popey> hah\n<popey> give 100 then\n<bigcalm> dutchie: heh\n<davmor2> dutchie: but are they causin' a commotion cause they are so awesome?\n * czajkowski prods davmor2 \n<davmor2> czajkowski: What?\n<czajkowski> nada\n<moreati> He's mellowed, this morning's reponse was stabbing\n<Azelphur> Can you get web based SIP clients that'll just call you?\n<Azelphur> Like, click this button to call my mobile type thing.\n<moreati> hmmm, it would need to involve flash. Is skype acceptably SIP like?\n<Azelphur> nope, don't like skype :(\n<Azelphur> gmail can do it for free\n<Azelphur> but you have to have a gmail account :(\n<popey> Azelphur: you dont have a google account?\n<Azelphur> I do, other people don't\n<Azelphur> I run my stuff off google apps, some strange people use hotmail.\n<moreati> http://www.voipfone.co.uk/PB_Call_Me_Back.php but that involves the web user typing their number and getting a called by some relay bot\n<Azelphur> close :p\n<popey> Azelphur: give them an account on your domain :)\n<Azelphur> haha\n<moreati> Azelphur: you want them to actually use their laptop/whatever's builtin microphone and your server to call you then relay sound/\n<moreati> ?\n<Azelphur> moreati: yea\n<Azelphur> you can do it via gmail because I have a US number so it's a local call\n<Azelphur> but signing up for stuff is boring :p\n<moreati> Azelphur: why? What does that gain you, other than problems with muted microphones, flash permissions and machines with no microphone?\n<Azelphur> *shrug* figured it'd be fun\n<Azelphur> I already have like 300 telephone numbers dotted around the planet\n<Azelphur> it's just for giggles really xD\n<moreati> http://code.google.com/p/flashsipgateway/\n<Azelphur> fancy\n<moreati> then again, no code\n<Azelphur> hehe\n<moreati> http://code.google.com/p/siprtmp/\n<Azelphur> that looks better :D\n<screen-x> writing clearly about CMSs is hard :(  'Select \"Main Menu\" from the \"Menus\" menu.'\n<Azelphur> sup dawg, so I herd u liek menus...\n<MartijnVdS> Minecrafters? http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/2680-Minecraft (might not be entirely family friendly)\n<BigRedS> ooh\n<popey> oooo\n<popey> page crashes flash here\n<MartijnVdS> popey: reload a few times.. flash crashes all the time on natty\n<popey> heh\n<popey> fine in ff, crap in chrome\n<Azelphur> (17:15:40) MartijnVdS: popey: reload a few times.. flash crashes all the time\n<Azelphur> fixed\n<gord> compiz bug, getting fixed in this release\n<gord> chrome + flash = crash\n<MartijnVdS> aha\n<MartijnVdS> l'explain!\n<dutchie> MartijnVdS: haha, very good\n<MartijnVdS> dutchie: zero punctuation tends to rock\n<jpds> Not necessarily.\n<MartijnVdS> jpds: usually\n<popey> he's pretty much on the money with that one\n<Azelphur> gord: happen to know much about the compiz wallpaper bug?\n<popey> although misses the multiplayer element\n<Azelphur> I've missed my compiz wallpaper :(\n<gord> i know nothing about it\n<Azelphur> aww.\n<bigcalm> popey: all tracks joined up\n<popey> bigcalm: if only they were straight!\n<bigcalm> popey: have you tried running a cart on it yet?\n<popey> no\n<bigcalm> Me neither\n<popey> wanted to make a cart booster\n<bigcalm> yes\n<popey> but the track kept messing up\n<bigcalm> Will make one on the roof of the grass house\n<bigcalm> Server not running?\n<popey> fine here\n * exobuzz tries out xPud\n<popey> exobuzz: join us in minecraft! :D\n<exobuzz> hehe thanks for the offer. but i think im going to fiddle with xpud and see if its worth running on the joggler ;-)\n<mfraz74> popey: do you get any errors with squid-deb-proxy?\n<gord> terrifying news everybody! https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-January/032355.html\n * exobuzz runs mesa 7.11-git from xorg-edgers anyway. seems ok ;-)\n<exobuzz> why cant xorg make flexible api, so that drivers can work between versions though etc\n<exobuzz> would make it easier when using binary over drivers too\n<exobuzz> binary only\n<exobuzz> sandy bridge support seems pretty good anyway. most 3d stuff i have tried works nicely\n<moreati> \"demoting several of the ancient X drivers ... voodoo\" there goes part of my childhood\n<moreati> Trying to remember my first 3D acceleration card, it was a passthrough that came with a Tseng(?) 2D card\n<brobostigon> noswaith dda all.\n<brobostigon> good evening all\n<moreati> evening\n<brobostigon> good evening moreati\n * brobostigon is alittle tipsy\n * MartijnVdS is a little tired\n<MartijnVdS> http://goo.gl/maps/iHJP\n<MartijnVdS> ^ because of that\n * brobostigon makes coffee for MartijnVdS \n * MartijnVdS gets a beer instead, sorry :)_\n<mfraz74> Anyone know if Jono's doing his show tonight?\n<MartijnVdS> Jono has a show? :)\n<mfraz74> well it isn't a show as such!\n<MartijnVdS> oh ustream tuff?\n<MartijnVdS> +s\n<mfraz74> yes\n<brobostigon> mfraz74: good call, :)\n<brobostigon> mfraz74: sorry,\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS:  good call, :)\n * MartijnVdS puts on some 80s music\n<mfraz74> MartijnVdS: I'm listening to Now 5 at the moment :)\n<MartijnVdS> mfraz74: Wham! - Freedom (actually the whole album, Wham - Make it Big)\n<lazarus_> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DScZ42PPIyo&feature=my_favorites&list=FLGXNEcpKYHtI  <3\n<mfraz74> MartijnVdS: I'm recording the album from vinyl to minidisc and then onto the computer using QHiMDTransfer\n<MartijnVdS> why through md first?\n * MartijnVdS has a record player with USB port ;)\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: i was transferring some \"the who\"the other day, that way.\n<mfraz74> because I have a better turntable downstairs and it is away from computer interference. I'm using HiMD in PCM mode too\n<MartijnVdS> good thing most new albums include mp3 download vouchers\n<MartijnVdS> also, the Ubuntu Music Store now has EMI and Warner in the EU (instead of just EMI)\n<mfraz74> I'd still prefer to rip them myself to oog\n<MartijnVdS> mfraz74: with CDs, sure.. but with I'm not a vinyl expert (and I don't have the best turntable ever)\n<mfraz74> MartijnVdS: Mine isn't a very expensive one, it's a £120 Project II\n<MartijnVdS> I have a Sony, about the same price\n<BigRedS> Anyone know of a way to perform regexp substitution on all emails in thunderbird\n<BigRedS> ?\n<MartijnVdS> BigRedS: uhm.. what kind?\n<mgdm> It's mbox format, fundamentally\n<mgdm> so you could do it with $SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE\n<MartijnVdS> make sure to exit tbird first\n<MartijnVdS> but first: what's the problem that you're trying to solve? :)\n<BigRedS> Ooop. Got distracted :). We get emails in response to support tickets, which contain the ticket number\n<BigRedS> I want to replace that with a URL, which basically just involves prepending it with a particular string\n<BigRedS> I'd pondered doing it all over the mbox file, but I want to be able to do it while tbird is open\n<BigRedS> ah. Hometime!\n<MartijnVdS> BigRedS: can't you do it on the server? :)\n<mgdm> write an extension to rewrite it on the client side?\n<mgdm> I realise that may result in shaving many a yak\n<MartijnVdS> mgdm: yak farmers around the globe rejoice\n<mgdm> heh heh\n * MartijnVdS went on a yak shaving spree last year at work\n<MartijnVdS> now we have everything \"debianized\" and deployed quickly \\o/\n<brobostigon> ok, does sshfs, use the same amount of data locally onthe mountpoint, untill its unmounted?\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: not that I know of\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: as far as I know it's a \"remote fs\"\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: so i put something inside said mountpoint, as it goes straight to the server, and with reading creates the appropriate latency.\n<MartijnVdS> yes\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: thank for clarifying that, you confirmed what i expected.\n<MartijnVdS> it's like nfs, smbfs, etc.\n<brobostigon> thought so, the latency concerns me.\n<Avo> Hi - Anyone here able to help me with a NFS query? I'm trying to understand the mp/mountpoint export option\n * brobostigon wishes for gigabit ethernet.\n<MartijnVdS> Avo: if you provide mountpoint=, it will only export that directory if it's mounted\n<MartijnVdS> Avo: so say you say \"mountpoint=/home\", the export you're defining will onle be an export if /home is mounted\n<ubuntuuk-planet> [Tony] Well, that\u0019s about all we have time for - http://tonywhitmore.co.uk/blog/2010/12/22/well-thats-about-all-we-have-time-for/\n<Avo> Thanks. Does it look in /etc/fstab to check there is a mountpoint for it? Just not sure how it checks. You could still have a home folder, but that wouldn't count?\n<MartijnVdS> Avo: no it checks if the pointed-to folder is actually a mount point\n<MartijnVdS> Avo: you can check if a folder is a mount point by typing \"mount\"\n<MartijnVdS> putting it in /etc/fstab will mount something on boot, so that would make it a mount point\n<MartijnVdS> Example time :)\n<MartijnVdS> Say your /home is on a separate partition\n<MartijnVdS> and it's in /etc/fstab, and mounts on startup\n<MartijnVdS> and in your /etc/exports you define an export for /home with the \"mountpoint\" option also set to /home\n<MartijnVdS> then the /home export will only work if the mounting of /home worked at startup\n<MartijnVdS> if it didn't work (filesystem error, disk not present, etc.), it won't be exported\n<Avo> Ah ok. Thanks for the example\n<MartijnVdS> so you don't end up with clients writing files in the wrong filesystem (/ in case /home wasn't mounted)\n<Avo> Yup\n<MartijnVdS> I don't know if you need to re-export if you unmount/remount after exporting filesystems\n<MartijnVdS> best way to find out is to try it :)\n<Avo> Ok. Time for some testing. Thanks\n<MartijnVdS> np\n<Guest82138> Any UK netbooks ship with Ubuntu ?\n<popey> Guest82138: dell latitude 2120?\n<popey> not sure it's classed as a netbook, 10\" screen 1366x768\n<Guest82138> I'll go look at 2120, thx\n<Guest82138> popey: Now in Dell Hell, does list Ubuntu in spec but try finding how to buy !\n<MartijnVdS> it tends to be easier to call Dell\n<Guest82138> \"call\" - yuk\n<Guest82138> found a Latitude 2110 with Ubuntu 9.10 £289+shipping+VAT\n<daubers> Evening\n<danfish> 'ello 'ello\n<brobostigon> evening danfish and daubers\n<danfish> lo brobostigon :)\n<brobostigon> :)\n<danfish> eczema status?\n<brobostigon> danfish: infection calming, eczema slightly dry, but not bad.\n<danfish> good to hear\n<brobostigon> danfish: no more yellow thingies on my skin.\n<danfish> daubers: did you decide on django for your project thingy?\n<danfish> brobostigon: yellow thingies are never fun\n<brobostigon> danfish: totally, they get very sore and painful, and hurt alot when you try and keep your skin clean, and also when i tryand put my cream on.\n<daubers> danfish: Yup, Going to sit and do some design for it on Friday\n<HazRPG> okay, having a weird experience with a printer here\n<HazRPG> seems to be printing stuff in landscape form\n<HazRPG> yet the test page prints out fine :S\n<HazRPG> I've checked all settings\n<HazRPG> (of the printer I mean)\n<HazRPG> and as far as I can see both the application, plus the drivers are set to print in portrait form\n<azeyu> hi there\n<danfish> daubers: there's a example of a task/project management project on the django website that I've been hacking around on\n<azeyu> is it possible to x display on x display ?\n<danfish> Workstyle I think it's called\n<danfish> azeyu: not sure what you mean\n<daubers> danfish: Oh?\n<danfish> daubers: let me get the link\n<azeyu> xdisplay on xdisplay\n<HazRPG> hmm, just made a dummy document and its printed it out fine\n<HazRPG> must just be the .doc my sister downloaded that seems to be encoded funny made?\n<HazRPG> (its a job application form)\n<danfish> daubers: http://workstyle-py.sourceforge.net/\n<danfish> it's listed as a GTD type thing, but there's more to it than that\n<daubers> Hmmm....\n * daubers wonders if he has a spare VM on the work server\n<daubers> I have one thats running a test of vtiger I could install that alongside and have a play with...\n<danfish> sounds like a plan - I rather like the task.py view\n<azeyu> LEAVING\n<daubers> danfish: Ta, I'll install that tomorrow and have a play\n * daubers heads to bed\n<danfish> o/\n * popey files bug 708375\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 708375 in shotwell (Ubuntu) \"Shotwell doesn't remember \"Hide photos already imported\" tickbox\" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/708375\n * popey pokes shotwell in the face\n<brobostigon> nos da, sleep well.\n<andylockran> howdy all\n<andylockran> I'm trying to tidy up my CV, and considering writing it in html and styling it with css (as that's what I know best).  Would anyone have any views on this?\n<popey> andylockran: whois the target for your cv?\n<popey> fact is any agency _will_ ask for it in word format no matter what you edit it in\n<czajkowski> aye\n<popey> so I'd keep a copy in pdf, word, and plain text if needed\n<czajkowski> they dont like .pdf\n<czajkowski> :(\n<czajkowski> most upsetting\n<popey> indeed, that's why I said doc :)\n<popey> understandable\n<andylockran> thanks for the advice :)\n<popey> they strip out your personal details from the word doc and pass it on\n<czajkowski> popey: was just agreeing\n<andylockran> Not sure where I'm sending it yet, all I know is that I'm sending it ...\n<popey> they also have auto-cv import tools into their recruitment databases\n<popey> which almost always only ever accept word\n<popey> having your cv in html/css is fine, if you want to link to it somewhere, but if it's over email then doc/pdf/txt is the way to go\n#ubuntu-uk 2011-01-27\n<directhex> there's a reason agencies don't accept pdf\n<directhex> they strip your contact details in the version they send to prospective employers. otheerwise the employer could contact you direct & cut out the middle-man (who earns a lot per successful candidate)\n<popey> yup\n<popey> parasitic bastards\n * popey is happy that his current contract isnt through an agency\n<popey> which is rare for me\n<moreati> not only do they strip your name, someties they add extra skills/experience\n<popey> heh, yeah :)\n<popey> My very first job was obtained because the agency lied and told them that I could drive. At the time I hadn't had any lessons :)\n<theone_> fgh\n<ubuntuuk-planet> [Jonathan Riddell] 4.6 Release Supper - http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/4379\n<MooDoo> hello all\n<AlanBell> morning all\n<AlanBell> meeting at 21:00 this evening\n<MooDoo> AlanBell: is it on the topic?   i didn't notice\n<AlanBell> Meeting Thursday January 27th 21:00 GMT in #ubuntu-uk-meeting http://tinyurl.com/uukmeet\n<AlanBell> \\o/ Cats (and minecraft)\n<MooDoo> oooo mine craft :)\n<AlanBell> not sure what the big deal is about cats\n<AlanBell> do they give you eggs? I don't think so.\n<HazRPG> good morning everybody\n<MooDoo> morning\n<DJones> Morning all\n<DJones> AlanBell: Although I'm not fussed about cats, I think I'd rather have a cat sitting on my lap than an egg producer with a beak & claws\n<HazRPG> personally I'd rather have a dog\n<MartijnVdS> cats > *\n<DJones> Dogs FTW\n<HazRPG> at least dogs are entertaining\n<MartijnVdS> so are cats :)\n<DJones> Cats & Dogs together are even more entertaining :)\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Cats are good\n<MartijnVdS> dogs are needy\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Morning BTW\n<MartijnVdS> \\o TOS\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: true... however dogs will always be a mans best friend\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Hmm - I might need a different \"handle\" - really not sure about TOS.\n<HazRPG> a cat tends to do their own thing\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: that's why I like them :)\n<HazRPG> having a cat is like having a teenager in the house all day long\n<HazRPG> they just constantly nag until you let them out so they can go out and party\n<HazRPG> dogs are happy to just go where-ever you want to go\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: nah you just need to train your cats better.\n<MartijnVdS> In/out when $boss wants it\n<MartijnVdS> Food when $boss wants it\n<MartijnVdS> etc.\n<MartijnVdS> works fine with my parents' cat :)\n<HazRPG> yeah, but you can't exactly go out with a cat can you and have a walk together lol\n<DJones> HazRPG: Tell that to my dog, yes he's happy to go out with me whenever I want, but when he doesn't want to come in, he does a good job of being selectively ignorant\n<HazRPG> DJones: dogs just like having fun too much lol\n<DJones> One advantage cats have over dogs is that they don't bark & when they make a noise, its very rarely anywhere near as loud as a dog barking\n<HazRPG> I don't know how my mum's managed to do it, cos she owns 2 dogs and 8 pups at the moment (bare in mind she use to HATE dogs all of her life - but since she got her first dog like 2 years ago, she seems to love them now)\n<DJones> What breed does she have?\n<HazRPG> anyways, she's managed to train that first dog to be like the perfect pet/friend - always listens\n<HazRPG> I haven't a clue, in arabic they seem to call them \"multipoo\"\n<DJones> heh\n<DJones> Our dog has a native american name, \"Oscar TwoPoo\" based on experience while on his regular walks\n<HazRPG> its a pure white dog, it'd be about 40cm ish in height, has naturally wavey hair\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: like this? http://www.flickr.com/photos/tannie/5386744767/\n<HazRPG> her daughter looks like a dalmatian - cos she got pregnant from a street dog lol\n<HazRPG> but I don't mean those white dogs with black spots type of dalmatian though\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: haha yeah that's the one\n<HazRPG> except the one my mum has, has softer looking hair\n<HazRPG> might just be cos she baths it every other day\n<popey> morning all\n<MartijnVdS> howdy popey\n * popey tickles MooDoo with http://popeydc.dyndns.org/maps/ and http://popeydc.dyndns.org/gmaps/\n<HazRPG> http://picasaweb.google.com/hazrpg/MumSDogsPuppies?feat=directlink <== puppy power!\n<DJones> HazRPG: Nice and cute, although not sure about the ribbons\n<popey> anyone fancy confirming a bug for me?\n<popey> bug 708393\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 708393 in pitivi (Ubuntu) \"Pitivi crashes when adding a mov file to the timeline\" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/708393\n<popey> I'm using natty, but would be interested to know if it works in 10.10\n<HazRPG> DJones: the ribbons are temporary, it just so my mum can associate each one with the right names until she gets them all proper collars\n<HazRPG> she doesn't see the point in getting collars when we're not sure how big they're going to get\n<DJones> Is she keeping them all\n<HazRPG> nor if she's keeping them all\n<HazRPG> heh, nah she's not sure\n<HazRPG> she got rid of the last set (minus tutu, which is the mother in the background of the first photo) but this time she really doesn't want to\n<HazRPG> just because she seems to have like a full set of very different dogs\n<HazRPG> lol\n<HazRPG> not fair :( by the time I get to see the pup's they'll be huge!\n<DJones> keeping 8 or 9 dogs would be expensive though, probably more for vets fee's, insurance etc, food possibly less so because they're not huge dogs that'd eat big meals\n<HazRPG> tutu there stands in at about half a meter or so, but she's almost a meter long and man can she eat!\n * DJones ponders a bring your pet to IRC day\n<HazRPG> DJones: haha\n<HazRPG> mum's planning on opening her own veterinary\n<HazRPG> *slash* hair-dresser shop\n<HazRPG> its an odd mix\n<HazRPG> but in egypt vets are only open on a Thursday, and hair dressers aren't open at all on a Thursday - its weird\n<HazRPG> obviously the rooms for the animals will be completely different to the rooms for hair cutting\n<HazRPG> with different entrances\n<HazRPG> (she's retired, she just wants something to do now lol)\n * gord looks at his schedule, decides not to do an entire week of uds this time, maybe skip entirely\n<HazRPG> man, why can't I find any photos of mum's first dog\n * Neoti|work I hate formatting data....\n<HazRPG> don't we all\n<HazRPG> suppose I should get cracking on some work\n * HazRPG goes to look at some boring relationship diagrams\n<popey> gord: are you allowed to choose not to go to UDS?\n<popey> also gord any idea if my bug 708393 is compiz/unity related?\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 708393 in pitivi (Ubuntu) \"Pitivi crashes when adding a mov file to the timeline\" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/708393\n<MartijnVdS> popey: all bugs in natty are compiz/unity-related :P\n<gord> depends how needed i'll be, if not then i don't have to go this time\n<popey> ahh\n<gord> popey, doubt its related, more likely gstreamer\n<popey> it gives an x type error\n<gord> it'll be asking for some buggy format that X can't do, compiz shouldn't cause X errors in applications\n<MartijnVdS> Any Nottinghamites in here? :) http://periodicvideos.blogspot.com/2011/01/public-lecture.html\n<Neoti|work> im from nottingham\n<MartijnVdS> Neoti|work: check the link :)\n<Neoti|work> i just did .. lol ....\n<Neoti|work> where in notts u from,\n<popey> hehe\n<popey> gord: known bug that you can't drag stuff to the trash in unity?\n<gord> i think so, i brought it up with the guys doing the launcher once at least\n<MartijnVdS> Neoti|work: I'm not from Nottingham :)\n<MartijnVdS> Neoti|work: I just follow Brady's channels on Youtube\n<Neoti|work> ah ....\n<popey> i notice that in natty the bin has reverted back to being called Trash\n<popey> and in nautilus it's called Wastebasket\n * popey files a new bug about this\n<wintellect> is \"Recycle Bin\" patented by Apple / MS?  :P\n<popey> no\n<Neoti|work> just out of interest in the next release of ubuntu have they fixed PPTP vpn ..... ??? is it is broken and there are some bug reports about it on ubuntu website etc...\n * seeif slaps ajmcpherson around a bit with a large trout\n<popey> o_O\n * HazRPG wonders why he always has the urge to click links\n<TheOpenSourcerer> HazRPG: It's genetically encoded\n<HazRPG> TheOpenSourcerer: ^^,\n * popey clicks on TheOpenSourcerer \n<HazRPG> popey: did it do anything :O\n<TheOpenSourcerer> moar coffee (and perhaps a biscuit...)\n * DJones offers popey some antivirus just in case\n * TheOpenSourcerer is NOT contagious \n<gord> popey, translations in unity aren't turned on yet, i'm dealing with a merge request for that right now, doesn't need a bug :) in nautilus its called rubbish bin here\n * HazRPG 's twitches.\n * HazRPG eye's twitches.\n<popey> gord: the shortcut is called wastebasket\n<popey> bookmark thingy\n<HazRPG> apparently I have the pizzaman song\n<gord> popey, i don't have a bookmark to the rubbish bin at all\n<popey> under places\n<HazRPG> \"I tell her I wanted a fork...\"\n<popey> I have alan, Desktop, File System, Network, Floppy Drive (gah!), Wastebasket\n<gord> popey, yeah there its callled rubbish bin here\n<gord> and i don't have a floppy drive :P its not 1995!\n<popey> neither do i\n<popey> my machine has never had one\n<HazRPG> hmm, I have 3 floppy drives that have never seen the light of day since 1997\n<directhex> i stopped putting a floppy drive into pc builds after vista came out\n<directhex> xp still needed one\n<HazRPG> about about 10 floppies which probably has corrupt data on it\n<HazRPG> directhex: really? I've never had a floppy drive on any XP machine I've owned\n<popey> directhex: http://popey.com/house/ & http://popey.com/~alan/house/scripts/ & buy a currentcost and a cable\n<popey> HazRPG: for sata drivers during install\n<gord> if you don't have a floppy drive, how on earth do you play the secret of monkey island?!\n<gord> also, really... minecraft should come on floppy disks\n<directhex> HazRPG, xp will only load drivers during install from A:\\, so if you need to add a driver to install...\n<BigRedS> directhex: you can do it from local HDD, and I'm pretty sure from a second CD drive, too\n<directhex> gord, http://store.steampowered.com/app/32360/ ?\n<BigRedS> It's a bunch of faff, but as supported as anything else is in an XP install\n<popey> local hdd on a machine that cant see the disk controller?\n<directhex> BigRedS, no.\n<popey> thats paradoxical\n<BigRedS> popey: yeah. Say a USB stick or a disk that's not on the controller you're trying to install support for\n<andylockran> howdy guys\n<andylockran> and gals\n<popey> nope\n<directhex> BigRedS, the NT5 installer will only read the drivers integrated into the install media driver database, or A:\\\n<popey> xp does not support usb on install\n<directhex> BigRedS, you're thinking of vista\n<gord> directhex, yeah but thats the special addition that looks weird, booooo! *ignores other mode*\n<BigRedS> I've never installed vista\n<directhex> or xp by the sound of it!\n<BigRedS> I've done that at least a couple of times with XP on Dells to get the raid cards working. The get-the-stuff-off-a-different-local-disk thing.\n<HazRPG> woah, vista can be installed!?\n<gord> and now my bin icon is called rubbish bin in unity :) woo\n<BigRedS> Hm. All I can find on the subject is \"replace the windows CD with one wth a driver on it\"\n<BigRedS> I'm sure it was documented *somewhere*\n<BigRedS> anyway, nobody is installing XP these days so it's not like it matters\n<directhex> BigRedS, things that don't exist can't be documented\n<BigRedS> I didn't just guess that it'd work and try it\n<popey> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/916196/en-us\n<DJones> BigRedS: I'm going to have to install XP so I can install a bios update on a laptop ):\n<BigRedS> popey: yeah, so USB doesn't. I *know* I've got raid card controllers inserted into an XP install before off a local HDD\n<BigRedS> or, thinking about it, more likely server 03\n<popey> I *know* you haven't\n<BigRedS> or whichever one was XP dressed up as a server\n<popey> maybe :)\n<BigRedS> fair enough\n<directhex> 2k3 isn't xp\n<directhex> but xp64 is 2k3\n<directhex> both are still nt5-series though\n<directhex> yay for the 5.2 kernel. blocking game installs since... 2003!\n<HazRPG> time to do some mail\n<HazRPG> bbl\n<czajkowski> Aloha\n<HazRPG> (why some things can't be done electronically is beyond me :/)\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: because there's a whole generation of people who don't \"get\" computers\n<MartijnVdS> not really anyway\n<HazRPG> yeah but by surely constantly pushing paper, people are just going to get use to paper and it'll never be electronic\n<HazRPG> I remember that computers were the new way to save trees way back when :/\n<HazRPG> still hasn't took off lol\n<HazRPG> I have a feeling its more to do with people don't want people to get lazy and forget how to write lol\n<HazRPG> (remembers a time when I had to hand write an essay T_T)\n<HazRPG> anyways, back in a bit\n * HazRPG looks forward to seeing more diagrams ;?\n * screen-x feels sorry for cold calling people that get his number\n<screen-x> muhahhahaa\n<popey> gord: full screen minecraft sucks on 11.04\n<popey> gord: is it same for you? framerate is awful\n<gord> popey, fullscreen how, f11?\n<popey> no, maximise the window\n<popey> so it takes up one screen\n<popey> f11 maxes over both screens and is thus worse\n<popey> one frame every 10-20 seconds\n<gord> huh, it works fine maximised here, 70-80fps (and i have it set to limit fps)\n<popey> nvidia?\n<gord> yeah\n<gord> works fine on this gtx260 machine and my 9600gtm in the laptop\n<popey> unusable here\n<gord> popey, how updated is the system? new xorg at the moment that might be screwing things up for you\n<gord> i haven't done a proper update since last week\n<popey> been like it all the time I have been on natty\n * czajkowski peers into #ubuntu-uk \n<gord> not sure then :(\n<Myrtti> but how can you keep an eye on IRC if you play minecraft fullscreen? :->\n<popey> two screens\n<HazRPG> back\n<czajkowski> popey: geek!\n<bigcalm> Morning peeps\n<bigcalm> I can't play minecraft full screen, it makes me feel ill (motion sickness I guess)\n<czajkowski> bigcalm: *hugs*\n<popey> i tried it with red/blue glasses\n<bigcalm> czajkowski: 2 screens maketh the geek?\n<popey> ok, so i run glxgears\n<bigcalm> czajkowski: *big hugs*\n<popey> 35712 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7142.334 FPS\n<popey> but the screen updates once every so often\n<popey> its not smooth at all\n<popey> (not full screen)\n<bigcalm> :S\n<HazRPG> has anyone got the ubuntu hoodie's?\n<popey> XIO:  fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server \":0.0\" after 45 requests (45 known processed) with 0 events remaining.\n<popey> :S\n<popey> gord: run glxgears\n<bigcalm> popey: it's 100% smooth for me in 3d\n<bigcalm> Don't have the glasses to play with though\n<popey> do you see two windows in t  he laucnher?\n<gord> popey, glxgears  Running synchronized to the vertical refresh.  The framerate should be approximately the same as the monitor refresh rate. 300 frames in 5.0 seconds = 59.931 FPS\n<gord> all runs fine\n<bigcalm> popey: 2 windows?\n<bigcalm> Oh, I'm on windows atm :)\n<popey> two items in the unity launcher\n<popey> each with 3 dots next to them\n<bigcalm> Still don't know what you're talking about\n<gord> popey, bug we know about in a service we use to get window information, seems to be fixed in the latest version of that service though\n<gord> happens with glx windows\n<popey> my system prety much locks up when i run glxgears\n<popey> 100% cpu\n<gord> popey, maybe in opengl settings in nvidia-settings set sync to vblank and allow flipping. might need to restart your session\n<popey> does that change immediately?\n<popey> that fixed glxgears!\n<popey> nice one\n * popey hugs gord \n<gord> \\o/\n<andylockran> :)\n<popey> not fixed minecraft tho :(\n<HazRPG> got an interesting question for ya, do you guys use OpenOffice or LibreOffice at the moment?\n<popey> libreoffice\n<HazRPG> o/\n * HazRPG whispers: that was me high-fiving you\n<popey> ^5 is high five :)\n<Myrtti> meh\n<popey> o/ is \"hi\"\n<Myrtti> LaTeX all the way\n<HazRPG> popey: yeah I know\n<HazRPG> how bout o| for high-five then ^^\n<HazRPG> it just looks more high-fivey\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Ah HAAAAAA!!!\n<HazRPG> TheOpenSourcerer: Eureka?\n<TheOpenSourcerer> :-)\n<TheOpenSourcerer> OpenERP - MRP Scheduler.\n<HazRPG> popey: Q) is there any point putting both, English (United Kingdom) & English in an install of LibreOffice?\n<HazRPG> just notice by default it tries to put both\n<TheOpenSourcerer> HazRPG: IIRC in the OOo language pack, en_GB is sort of bundled in the main English pack along with some of the other English translations...\n<BigRedS> istr there being some hackery going on with the various Englishes, some being effectively diffs against a 'main' one\n<BigRedS> so to get en_uk you need 'english' and the 'diff' to make it into UK, for en_us you just then need to add the 'diff' to get en_us out of the same 'english'\n<popey> TheOpenSourcerer: its separate in lo\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Oh OK.\n<popey> you install the base, then add in tha lang pack\n<HazRPG> oh\n<popey> well, thats what I had to do last night on osx\n<TheOpenSourcerer> That's better IMHO\n<popey> yeah\n<lazarus_> morning\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Less baggage the better\n<HazRPG> so wait, you saying I should take out the English (UK) on install... and then download the language pack for UK?\n * HazRPG confused\n<popey> uh, in libreoffice if i click \"get more templates online\" it goes to openoffice.org\n<HazRPG> popey: yeah cos it still uses the same base really\n<HazRPG> they'll eventually transfer everything over, just give em chance\n<HazRPG> I mean they only just left OpenOffice lol\n<popey> I am well aware of the history\n<HazRPG> I didn't say you didn't :P\n<popey> http://www.libreoffice.org/features/templates/ exists\n<HazRPG> popey: yeah, but there aren't any templates there\n<HazRPG> in fact I think the idea is they'll be hosting them on the document foundation wiki\n<popey> yes, which is linked from that page\n<HazRPG> so it is\n<HazRPG> only a handful of templates on there though\n<popey> yup\n<HazRPG> might be worth pointing it out as a bug then?\n<popey> kinda why I mentioned it :)\n<davmor2> morning all\n<HazRPG> davmor2: o/\n<Silver_Fox_> Hello davmor2\n<HazRPG> popey: have you posted it? or shall I?\n<daubers> Morning\n<popey> I'll speak to the LO guys first\n<HazRPG> popey: ah you mean in #libreoffice?\n<HazRPG> oh wow, LibreOffice puts back the awesome document icons back in\n<HazRPG> why did Oracle feel the need to make them all the same colour :/\n * czajkowski hugs davmor2 \n<davmor2> czajkowski: You not feeling well again?\n<czajkowski> :p\n<davmor2> morning czajkowski\n * Neoti|work thinks playing Magic: The gathering is going to turn in to Minecraft where i lost blocks of hours playing it...\n<shauno> now you're losing hours playing with blocks :)\n<directhex> lego!\n<directhex> Neoti|work, the real card game, or the online game?\n<Neoti|work> directhex : both lol\n<Neoti|work> tho last night the online game\n<czajkowski> feck I need to do my expenses :(\n<screen-x> every so often, my NTP server rejects all its peers and goes of to sulk in stratum 16, I setup a cron job to log what was happening: http://paste.ubuntu.com/558960/\n<screen-x> Any idea how to solve it.. stop running my main ntp server in a vm? add more upstream servers?\n * screen-x wonders over to #ubuntu-server, apologies to those of you who are in both..\n * BigRedS wonders if screen-x is actually wandering\n<BigRedS> :)\n<dwatkins> Windows has finally caught-up to Linux and allowed you to run a screensaver on the background: http://j.mp/icsyW3 also works with 9031.com's screensavers (i.e. the Lego one)\n<screen-x> BigRedS: that'd be the one :)\n<MartijnVdS> dwatkins: Welcome to 1991 :)\n<dwatkins> precisely, MartijnVdS :)\n<dwatkins> MartijnVdS: I ran glmatrix on the desktop of my Ubuntu machine a couple years ago, was nice\n<screen-x> MartijnVdS: I used to think running a winamp visualisation as a background was the coolest thing ever :p\n<MartijnVdS> I've run xplanet as a background\n<MartijnVdS> with ISS and Hubble projected onto it\n<dwatkins> MartijnVdS: I did that, then moved the processing over to a server, oonce an hour, with clouds :D\n<dwatkins> also, I added various text to the image, such as a calendar\n<dwatkins> I should set it up again to automatically update my desktop background each hour on my work machine.\n<ubuntuuk-planet> [Jamie Bennett] Linaro image downloads - http://www.linuxuk.org/2011/01/linaro-image-downloads/\n<screen-x> Is it rude to ask my question in here, then in #ubuntu-server, then in #ntp?\n<popey> not if you dont get an answer\n<screen-x> cool :)\n<screen-x> BigRedS: donkey.avi.co, brilliant :)\n<X3N> screen-x: clocks and VMs don't play nice\n<X3N> often\n<BigRedS> screen-x: Yeah, my hostnames are shrek-themed :)\n<HazRPG> BigRedS: haha interesting choice :P\n<HazRPG> mine at one point were names from Blizzard lores, then I switched to female names from One Tree Hill, and now I just use animals - mainly because I wanted my laptop to be called Penguin ^^,\n<BigRedS> My laptop's still called 'moses' from when they were biblical characters\n<popey> \\o/ WOPR\n<BigRedS> but someone did object to getting an email from mailer-daemon@god and then I started helping out more at my synagogue and figured even more people were likely to\n<HazRPG> haha\n<cps> afternoon peeps :)\n<Silver_Fox_> o/\n<Silver_Fox_> How are you ?\n<HazRPG> popey: apparently it was a bug, but has been changed in the final release\n<HazRPG> popey: also it points to http://templates.libreoffice.org/ but that redirects back to the OpenOffice.org site for now since that's where all the templates are hosted\n<cps> Silver_Fox_, I'm alright :)\n<shauno> wow.  nothing hurts my head quite like running screen inside a screen session\n<dwatkins> shauno: try connecting to multiple remote systems, running nested screen sessions on each ;)\n<HazRPG> dwatkins: gets confusing sometimes doesn't it xD\n<dwatkins> This is how I used to regularly use my terminal, shauno - http://rowla.dyndns.org/images/screen-nested.png\n<shauno> that's not far off what I've got atm.  from within screen, I'm logged into two more hosts .. each of which is running screen\n<dwatkins> admittedly, I've gone back to another machine there, but I often had 3 or 4 levels of nesting\n<shauno> hah, funky screenshot.  glad I don't use status bars :)\n<dwatkins> It makes it easier to tell where you are, but you lose a line each time, of course.\n * dwatkins notes that vmware workstation supports multiple named snapshots, but vmware server does not\n<screen-x> dwatkins: I've recently migrated from vmware server to kvm+libvirt, much less hassle..\n<dwatkins> I can well imagine, screen-x.\n<directhex> shauno, i ran qbasic in dos in windows in qbasic in windows in dos once\n<directhex> it ran out of ram :(\n<cps> directhex, wat\n<directhex> i wrote a DOS-like command prompt in qbasic\n<directhex> left it running when i went to the loo, forgot what i was looking at when i came back & assumed i'd quit windows for some reason. so started windows & qbasic to do more hacking\n<MartijnVdS> fail :)\n<cps> back in a minute\n<HoaxKey> Afternoon all, I ma having problem after problem today trying to sort out my backup system.\n<HoaxKey> having successfully installed Sbackup, I come to formatting my usb hard drive in order to use as a back. It is currently in fat 32 and sbackup gave me errors about files sizes too large (even when i limited them to 4GB))\n<HoaxKey> So i try to unmount UNTITLED 1 the usb hard disk and it doesnt do anything.\n<HoaxKey> i cannot format it because it doesnt know the mount point which is apparently the fault of having a space in the volume label. to fix this i need to unmount it, and so the circle of shite continues. Is anyone available to guide me through this I've been at it for hours with no luck.\n<daubers> HoaxKey: Can you pastebin the output of \"mount\" please?\n<HoaxKey> daubers, http://pastebin.com/g7Jeu7MX\n<MartijnVdS> try \"umount /media/UNTITLED\\ 1\" (without the \"\" but with the \\)\n<MartijnVdS> or try the disk utility in System -> Administration :)\n<daubers> or umount /dev/sdb2\n<daubers> You'll need to use sudo though\n<daubers> sudo umount /dev/sdb2\n<HoaxKey> i get no error when using sudo umount /dev/sdb2\n<MartijnVdS> HoaxKey: then it's now unmounted :)\n<MartijnVdS> congratulations\n<directhex> no error means no problem\n<HoaxKey> but the drive is still lsited under the \"Places\" menu\n<MartijnVdS> HoaxKey: sure, because it's still connected\n<MartijnVdS> HoaxKey: look at the Disk Utility in System -> Administration\n<MartijnVdS> HoaxKey: it should tell The Truth®\n<HoaxKey> it is lsited in disk utility\n<HoaxKey> also in gparted\n<MartijnVdS> HoaxKey: sure it's listed.. that's because the disk is physically in the system\n<daubers> HoaxKey: Look at the mount command again, if you've not reopened it in places it should be unmounted\n<MartijnVdS> HoaxKey: click on it in disk utility to unmount/remount/format/partition/etc.\n<HoaxKey> it appears not to be listed  by mount\n<MartijnVdS> then it's not mounted\n<daubers> HoaxKey: Then the disk is not mounted :)\n<HoaxKey> When i try to alter the label via disk utility apply is greyed out\n<HoaxKey> also the disk seems to have 2 partitions a msall 20mb one and a large 500gb one\n<directhex> HoaxKey, sometimes usb disks have a nice useful small partition with windows-only crap on it. it may even be read-only\n<popey> gord: how long after hitting the maximise button on a terminal does it go full screen?\n<gord> popey, instantly?\n<popey> hmm\n<popey> 1-5 seconds here\n<popey> is it a know issue that the close button for an app maximised on screen 2 are on screen 1?\n<Gringo> guys quick question whats the exact command to get winrar? i keep getting couldnt get package\n<popey> there is no winrar for linux\n<gord> yeah\n<popey> its unrar\n<popey> sudo apt-get install unrar\n<Gringo> oh its unrar? i was typing winrar\n<popey> win <- windows\n<Gringo> thanx guys\n<directhex> ._.\n<jpds> popey: so: fail ← faildows ?\n<popey> also\n<popey> double clicking titlebar maximises a window, but double clicking again doesn't unmaximise\n<davmor2> jpds: No that would be faild'ohs\n<markjones> Shwma' pawb (Hello All)\n<jpds> markjones: Привет.\n<MartijnVdS> jpds: privet!\n<popey> http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/digitaltv/news/a300488/sky-confirms-the-cloud-acquisition.html\n<popey> *shudder*\n<JamesPage> :q!\n<JamesPage> (oops wrong window!)\n<jpds> JamesPage: It was a fitting smiley.\n<danfish> that Sky must be stopped I tells ye - first they by the cloud, next it'll be the wind and rain and we'll all be doomed! Actually they can have the rain\n<danfish> s/by/buy\n<daubers> I quite like the rain\n<Myrtti> latests news on the Deepwater Horizon accident is that apparently one of the causes for it was the Windows NT4 that had crashed to BSOD and couldn't do the alarms\n<popey> gord, 5 seconds to take a gnome terminal full screen :(\n<czajkowski> Myrtti: how is your shoulder/neck this week ?\n<Myrtti> it's back to normal, so atleast life hasn't played me a total screwball\n<Pendulum> Myrtti: glad it's feeling better\n<czajkowski> Myrtti: glad to hear it\n * danfish throws a snowball at czajkowski :D\n * davmor2 awaits to hear the ambulance sirens as czajkowski beats danfish to within an inch of his life\n<gord> popey, we fixed the unmaximise by double clicking, in todays release. maybe give these things a go again when the new packages are built?\n<MartijnVdS>  /me wonders how those things break\n<MartijnVdS> they're quite.. central..\n * MartijnVdS has \"make test\" to prevent breakage like that ;)\n<danfish> davmor2: nah - she's too far away.....come again she's not\n * danfish calls own ambulance and waits patiently\n * davmor2 hears the distant siren and assumes czajkowski work is done :)\n * czajkowski peers at danfish  whats with the boldness\n<czajkowski> danfish: clearly davmor2 is rubbing off on you!\n<MartijnVdS> .. eww\n * AlanBell wonders if czajkowski is going to make it to the opensourceexpo?\n<czajkowski> andylockran: I am\n<czajkowski> coming up wed and thurs\n<czajkowski> and going to font thingy on thursday\n<czajkowski> and friday head to fosdem\n<czajkowski> next week is a bit of a mad week\n<davmor2> czajkowski: Wash you keyboard out with soapy water this instant\n<MonsterKiller> how does one see max disk space / used disk space on ubuntu server?\n<BigRedS> MonsterKiller: df\n<BigRedS> df -h to have it in human-friendly units\n<MonsterKiller> thanks\n * danfish stops being ill at the thought rubbing again davmor2 (no offence davmor2) and looks forwards to opensourceexpo\n<danfish> czajkowski: my weekend starts today, hence the boldness:)\n<popey> gord cool\n<czajkowski> danfish: jammy\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Thanks for the RT czajkowski. Seen this one too? http://www.osor.eu/news/ch-public-spending-cuts-for-cantons-using-or-migrating-to-free-software\n<czajkowski> TheOpenSourcerer:  np\n<danfish> czajkowski: I'm being all romantic and taking my beloved away for a weekend :)\n<czajkowski> TheOpenSourcerer: did you tweet that recently ?\n<czajkowski> was gonna rt it\n<czajkowski> danfish: awww no rugby on then I take it :p\n<TheOpenSourcerer> czajkowski: 45m ago https://twitter.com/opensourcerer/statuses/30623055386509312\n<TheOpenSourcerer> I am *mightily* looking forward to our rugby geek-up :-D\n<czajkowski> TheOpenSourcerer: :D\n<danfish> I'm sure it will be a great event. I for one am still booked on a conference about STD's :<\n<TheOpenSourcerer> ZOMG! Bug 160311 is apparently *finally* fixed. (In Natty). A backport anyone?\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 160311 in metacity \"Resizing windows by grabbing window borders is difficult [please no more comments; patches welcome]\" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/160311\n<czajkowski> danfish: surely you all there is to know\n<czajkowski> danfish: and it was the pub you suggesed, make someone else go !\n<gord> TheOpenSourcerer, did you not read the bug? \"working grip backported to gtk2 already avaiulable in ppa\"\n<danfish> czajkowski: I'll tell you what, you tweet me the score, and I'll tweet pics of the slideshow I'll have to endure!\n<gord> i'v had that fix running on maverick/natty for a looong time\n<directhex> TheOpenSourcerer, which bug is that?\n<TheOpenSourcerer> gord: No - I just read my email.\n<gord> directhex, the one he mentioned and the one that lubotu3 verbosed?\n<gord> what is it with people not reading today? :(\n<directhex> oh. i just started using alt-middleclick to resize windows...\n<TheOpenSourcerer> It's the one where you can't grab the edge of a window and resize because they are only 1px wide. Try that on a high res window.\n * Laney uses a tiling WM. no resizing here!\n * Laney neckbeards off into the sunset\n * Azelphur hugs compiz\n<czajkowski> danfish: hardly seems very fair at all\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Hmmm - snowing in Farnham...\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Not much mind...\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Got to sow my seed this weekend too.\n<dwatkins> I moved to Edinburgh expescint lots of snow and now it's all happening near where I used to live, TheOpenSourcerer ')\n<danfish> TheOpenSourcerer: chili's ?\n<TheOpenSourcerer> :-D\n * TheOpenSourcerer installs http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/01/ubuntu-countdown-widget-for-android-released/ on his phone\n<cps> back in a minute peeps\n<TheOpenSourcerer> danfish: I have: Bulgarian Carrot, Bangalore Torpedo, Naga Jolokia, Carribean Red Hot, Demon Red, Portugal, Cayenne, Thai Mound, Hot Jalapeno, Dorset Naga, Fatalii, Aji Crystal, Lemon Drop, Goat Horn & The Black Naga.\n * cps` returns\n<Laney> OMG THE CPS\n * Laney RUNS\n<cps> Laney: calm down! I ain't a monster!\n<Pendulum> TheOpenSourcerer: now I want something with hot chilis in it\n<davmor2> Pendulum: Chocolate?\n * cps laughs\n<dwatkins> http://uksnowmap.com/ shows more snow in the last few minutes\n<dwatkins> it's coming towards me!\n<Pendulum> davmor2: don't have any of that either :(\n<danfish> TheOpenSourcerer: have you a bumper load of medicated toilet roll arriving as well? :P\n<danfish> TheOpenSourcerer: that's one heck of a selection - looks great :)\n<danfish> TheOpenSourcerer: only got Jalapenos and Pinnochio's Nose this year\n<TheOpenSourcerer> I am going to have to restrict my sowing somewhat. Not sure what to leave out yet.\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Will probably only grow 6 varieties.\n<bigcalm> Mix them up randomly\n<danfish> TheOpenSourcerer: alternatively grow them all to small size and flog the ones you don't want at a farmer's market or whatnot?\n<TheOpenSourcerer> By the time you've paid for the pots, compost etc. there really isn't enough to make it worthwhile.\n<TheOpenSourcerer> I do give a few to mates etc.\n<hamitron> popey: you alive?\n<AlanBell> TheOpenSourcerer: what did you use for the ftp mount problem in the end?\n<andylockran> lftp :)\n<TheOpenSourcerer> blimey - thanks andylockran that was quick.\n<TheOpenSourcerer> AlanBell: yes lftp.\n<andylockran> no problemo.. just happened to be paying attention\n<TheOpenSourcerer> AlanBell: A snippet of the script: http://paste.ubuntu.com/556533/\n<popey> hamitron: ya\n<hamitron> I started a forest fire and was worried\n<hamitron> was heading to someones house\n<hamitron> ;)\n<popey> haha\n<popey> good job we have a backup :)\n<hamitron> yeh\n<hamitron> it is ok I think\n<screen-x> What's the current state of flash on 64bit?\n<BigRedS> works for me\n<screen-x> good :)\n<davmor2> screen-x: works here has done for a while, but then I install flashfox which seems to fix it :)\n<screen-x> davmor2: ok, just got new workstation, and going to install 64bit on it :)\n<KrisDouglas> Hello, I have a clonezilla dump of my ubuntu install, it is split into 9 parts\n<KrisDouglas> .gz.aa, .ab etc..\n<KrisDouglas> is there a way to merge them\n<KrisDouglas> cat doesn't work\n<bigcalm> popey and all minecraft geeks: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/2680-Minecraft :D\n<Laney> all i have done so far is explore a huuuuuuuuge cave\n<Laney> and make some water flow into some lava\n<Laney> mmm obsidian\n<directhex> i fear my wife getting minecraft\n<directhex> it would likely end a marriage already strained by farmville\n<Laney> you could craft your dream house together!\n<DJones> directhex: Don't you have to \"think\" for minecraft? I'd have thought that Farmville users & Minecraft users were at opposite ends of the spectrum\n<directhex> DJones, not really. only the forced socialization differs.\n<pr0ph3t> hi all\n<pr0ph3t> I have a problem with cairo dock, after about 15 minutes it sttarted, cairo dock starts using just over 70% of my RAM, how can I find out what the problem is? I wouldn't want to delete the configs as it took me a while to do it\n<popey> :) bigcalm\n<popey> bigcalm: i started a new bridge from the big house\n<popey> bigcalm: also implemented a daily backup :)\n<bigcalm> popey: aha, so this map is a keeper?\n<popey> i think so\n<popey> got a nice backup script which does online backups of the map\n<directhex> pr0ph3t, back up your config, and bisect\n<Laney> popey: how do you do the screenshots?\n<Laney> got a link to script?\n<popey> F3\n<popey> iirc, maybe f2\n<directhex> alt-f4\n<popey> :)\n<Laney> that's how you automate it?\n<pr0ph3t> directhex thanks, bisect? Is that something like deleting configs until I find what is causing the problem?\n<popey> Laney: automate what?\n<Laney> the screenshots\n<Laney> didn't you have a page with them?\n<popey> Laney: i am not automating screenshots, I'm automating backups\n<popey> and maps\n<Laney> i swear i saw a huge image of a minecraft map the other day\n<Laney> hmm\n<Laney> was that manual?\n<popey> no, its automatic\n<popey> but its not screenshots\n<Laney> oh ok\n<popey> http://popeydc.dyndns.org/maps/ and http://popeydc.dyndns.org/gmaps/\n<directhex> pr0ph3t, yes, basically. try halfway between \"known good\" and \"buggered\". if it's still buggered, try halfway from there to \"known good\" - otherwise if it's fixed halfway, go halfway from there back towards buggered. eventually you find the 1 breaking change\n<Laney> got source?\n<directhex> google mapscraft? cute\n<directhex> popey, so if i understand correctly, you're expanding the borders of the known universe nightly on your server?\n<popey> yeah, they're in git, one is called mcmap the other is called minecraft-overviewer\n<popey> directhex: not always,\n<popey> a lot of time is spent toiling underground or within the 'known world'\n<AlanBell> o/ Daviey\n<directhex> popey, i meant all the map generation you speak of\n<popey> the map generation is just based on what has been explored in the game\n<popey> the in game world generates on the fly as you reach the edge\n<popey> first person to hit the edge, generates the next chunk\n<Laney> I want images of my underground lair too :(\n<popey> yeah, some have options for that too\n<gord> i have not physically seen another person on popey's minecraft server yet ;) i know they exist, they sometimes say \"hi\", but its like living in a world where ghosts just randomly talk to you\n<popey> heh\n<popey> we're quite well spread out\n<screen-x> If I kill and restart do-release-upgrade, will it resume the download, or restart it?\n<davmor2> gord: you mean like this life?\n<popey> screen-x: resume\n<screen-x> \\o/\n<gord> i'm not! i never stray from the spawn because you never see people if you do ;)\n<gord> course i did stray once to make an epic mountain house... http://gordallott.com/img/Screenshot-6.png\n<hamitron> snow!\n<hamitron> :D\n<popey> how did you get that map in the top right?\n<hamitron> how did you get the map? ;)\n<gord> it came with a mod that adds ambient occulsion\n<popey> ambient who?\n<BigRedS> I never quite got round to making houses: http://avi.co/stuff/lancasters.png http://avi.co/stuff/destroyer.png\n<gord> http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?t=55700 - makes minecraft look way prettier\n<popey> Laney: you're welcome to jump on the popey server :)\n<popey> (everyone is)\n<daubers> popey: What're you using to make the maps?\n<BigRedS> where is the popey server? The work server appears to have died of neglect :(\n<popey> popeydc.dyndns.org\n<popey> daubers: mcmap and minecraft-overviewer\n<directhex> wake me when minecraft has bump mapping\n<Laney> cool, may well do\n<popey> I dont know what bump mapping is so its clearly not required\n<directhex> popey, an amazing new graphical effect used to make quake 3 ultra-realistic\n<gord> directhex, actually that's tangent space normal mapping ;)\n * directhex slaps gord with carmack's reverse\n<gord> you can't, the creative labs guys own the patent on that!\n<popey> bigcalm: kids home\n<bigcalm> popey: enjoy kid time :)\n<Myrtti> ihihii, I've found two monster spawner caves and found sulfur and yarn there\n<Myrtti> can't get them otherwise with peaceful\n * daubers waits for his server tests to finish so he can slap a second 5690 in it and start them again\n<bigcalm> You should turn dungeons into mob grinders :D\n<Myrtti> er, right.\n<gord> before monsters were in multiplayer, i had to do all kinds of crazy things to get what i needed. would have to look for hours and hours for a spider spawner. then fight all the spiders off, no small feet. light up the spawner so they wouldn't spawn then make a trap out of it to get string from them\n<Myrtti> is using Minutor cheating? or is it just intelligent planning?\n<dutchie> gord: what did you do with that much string?\n<gord> Myrtti, generally depends, if you use it to find things then yeah, your not exploring. using it to find materials doubly so, but to find your way home after getting lost or just to look at your world, thats fine\n<Myrtti> aww.\n<Myrtti> oh well\n<gord> Myrtti, if you want to \"cheat\" go ahead, but it'll prolly make the game less fun in the long run\n<Myrtti> I just urgently needed iron to finish off a project :-/\n<Myrtti> after finding the caves though minutor became a bit useless because I found all I needed\n<gord> you could strip mine, thats what i do when i need minerals\n<gord> get yourself down underground, somewhere from level 12-16 or so. dig out a line, move two spaces across and dig another line so that basically you can see every block in the area, keep doing that\n<gord> you'll find so much iron and diamond and everything else you won't know what to do with it\n * daubers decided to try and mine a long tunnel from one edge of the map to the other.... then realised the map is more or less infinite in that plane :(\n<Laney> how long did you spend before realising?\n<daubers> Laney: It takes 2 game days to walk from one end to the other :()\n<daubers> :)\n * daubers heads home\n<popey> I have never heard of Minutor Myrtti\n<X3N> !version\n<lubotu3> To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »\n<X3N> ah yes -a\n<bigcalm> http://twitpic.com/3twdv8\n<bigcalm> Humm\n<AlanBell> evening all\n<bigcalm> Morning\n<danfish> grrr - virgin cable down \"You will currently be experiencing Loss of all services\" <-- website but no 'why?'\n<MartijnVdS> danfish: lots of companies don't explain \"why\", while \"why\" would be the most useful thing :)\n<BigRedS> Is 'why' ueful that often? I don't think I've ever minded particularly what it is that whoever has broken\n<BigRedS> I mean, it's interesting, sure, but that can wait until they've finished unbreaking it\n<danfish> ooh - they've update the status to 'will be fixed by 22:23'. That's incredibly precise!\n<AlanBell> they are educating their customers on the difference between \"precise\" and \"accurate\"\n<danfish> AlanBell: very true. Ho hum. The android-usb tether option at least is a backup and works with ubuntu seemlessly :)\n<moreati> evening danfish\n<danfish> lo moreati\n<danfish> I'm on a technically 'no tethering allowed' mobile phone contract - my question is \"how can they tell if you are tethering?\"\n<czajkowski> evening\n<moreati> danfish: in theory deep packet inspeciton, plus analysis of headers like user-agent or simply port matching (e.g. he has traffic on port X the only software that uses that port is for PC)\n<danfish> wotcha czajkowski\n<moreati> I highly doubt any networks actually do it - more likely just he's used 25 GB this month, that's probably tethering\n<danfish> moreati: so in theory, if I tunnel everything over ssh etc they can't tell?\n<czajkowski> danfish: still enjoying the weekend so far\n<moreati> danfish: they couldn't prove anything, but it would make it likely - possibly evedence enough in a civil court case\n<danfish> czajkowski: yup :) wine opened, kids in bed, and leaving in the morning :)\n<czajkowski> danfish: it's only 8\n<czajkowski> wow\n<czajkowski> good going\n<moreati> danfish: Didn't know you had kids (assuming I haven't confused with someone else)\n<danfish> czajkowski: bribery did enter into bedtime discussions tonight I'm afraid\n<danfish> moreati: yup - 2 boys under 4\n<moreati> danfish: In that my apologies, I've confused you for someone else\n<danfish> moreati: np\n<czajkowski> danfish: we used to always be in bed by 7:20  we would hear corrie start\n<czajkowski> was like that till we were 11 maybe 12\n<danfish> czajkowski: tbh, the Corrie music still drives me out of the room ;)\n<Azelphur> http://threestore.three.co.uk/DealSummary.aspx?tariffid=2507&offerCode=24TXT5D057&id=1183 thinking of getting my mum on this, any comments?\n<Azelphur> she currently pays £10/mo contract anyway, this is £15 (£3 monthly discount so £12?) and has a nice free android phone and more minutes/texts and internet :o\n<popey> dont be cheap, get her an iphone :)\n<Azelphur> except, I actually like my mum :D\n<danfish> Azelphur: hah - but will she actually use mobile internet?\n<nucc1> erm, does anybody know this website? www.legalsounds.com ?\n<Azelphur> danfish: probably not, the main things I can see her using are the GPS, MP3 playback, she hates phone keyboards (so much so she refuses to text message) so the on screen keyboard will be good, free skype is something she'd also use\n<Azelphur> also the ability to read her email on the move, as she gets her work schedule via email\n<Azelphur> and she always grumbles that she needs more minutes\n<Azelphur> so for £2 extra a month, not bad I figure\n<AlanBell> meeting in an hourish\n<HazRPG> Man, I'm really stumped... I can't seem to find a way to get RSS feeds in chrome to pass it over to Juice\n<Oli``> Anybody know how to get get_iplayer to play live BBC2?\n<AlanBell> popey hates . . oh I can't be bothered, just get the iPhone\n<Azelphur> haha\n<HazRPG> juice can recognise \"podcast://\", etc... and will open up Juice... but is there no real extension that'll send the URL properly for Juice to pick it up?\n<HazRPG> The google RSS extension seems to send the URL using %20, etc... and just causes more work - anyone have any ideas?\n<Azelphur> HazRPG: could do what I do with steam:// urls, I just have the browser launch a bash script and handle it how I want it.\n<HazRPG> oh\n<HazRPG> interesting\n<HazRPG> thanks Azelphur :)\n<Azelphur> danfish: hehe, it's cheap because samsung don't bother to update it\n<Azelphur> but I don't care, I root and flash all my phones on day one anyway :D\n<danfish> :)\n<HazRPG> :)\n<Azelphur> android 1.5, samsung herd u lieked it.\n<HazRPG> Azelphur: heh, did a better way... I just changed an existing extension that handled \"feed://\" requests and changed it to \"podcast://\" instead... bout to test it... obviously I had to do a bit of other changes otherwise the code wouldn't run properly too but that was the main gist of it\n<HazRPG> holy crap, that actually worked xD\n<HazRPG> I have the urge to post this up onto the google extension site... but I'm not sure if they'll accept this or not :/\n * AlanBell tickles popey \n<AlanBell> meeting starting now in #ubuntu-uk-meeting\n<AlanBell> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeamMeetingAgenda\n * DJones points TheOpenSourcerer at uk-meeting\n * TheOpenSourcerer has already joined\n<jacobw> chow\n<DJones> jacobw: Multitask, eating & meeting\n<jacobw> nom\n<jacobw> i'm watching the programme that was on the iplayer last night about public schools and politics in this country\n<MartijnVdS> hmm politics\n<MartijnVdS> good idea.. time for sleep\n<jacobw> :)\n<jacobw> i hate the way people think that priviledge makes them superior\n<jacobw> </rant>\n<MartijnVdS> jacobw: from my \"outside\" viewpoint, the British \"class\" system is weird as well :)\n<MartijnVdS> jacobw: it's not there officially, but it's there.\n<jacobw> i must admit, i've not experienced a great deal of it in my life, but to see the effect it still has on our government is fustrating\n<jacobw> even more fustrating is how no one believed me when i said that nick clegg was so similar to david cameron before the election\n* AlanBell changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List: http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines - http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting Thursday February 10th 21:00 GMT in #ubuntu-uk-meeting http://tinyurl.com/uukmeet | \\o/ Chickens (and minecraft)\n<ubuntuuk-planet> [Ralph Janke] February 2011 Ubuntu Hour in Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada - http://drupal.txwikinger.me.uk/content/february-2011-ubuntu-hour-waterloo-region-ontario-canada\n<zleap> hi\n<AlanBell> who is Ralph Janke?\n<devush> hi zleap\n<DJones> AlanBell: Is it txwikinger?\n<zleap> hi\n<AlanBell> ah\n<brobostigon> evening all.\n<zleap> how do i get control back from virtual box\n<AlanBell> right control zleap\n<zleap> thanks\n<zleap> i copied a windows xp cd to a flash drive can i install it from a flash drive\n<devush> how you transfered the disk.\n<devush> just copied? zleap\n<zleap> yeah\n<devush> well. not really\n<zleap> ok\n<devush> you need to make the iso image.\n<devush> you are on which system.\n<zleap> how do i do that\n * AlanBell hopes this isn't going in a dubious direction\n<zleap> Ubuntu\n<devush> as your host\n<devush> ok.\n<zleap> yeah running linux on a netbook and want to install xp onto virtual box\n<devush> i think brasero disk burner can make the iso from the disk. you can try zleap. let me check on my syste\n<zleap> k\n<devush> you do not have the CD/DVD on the system where you are installing. i assume on netbook you do not have CD etc. correct\n<zleap> devush, yeah\n<zleap> i have a desktip with a cd drive in\n<zleap> deskto\n<devush> if you start the brasero. then at the bottom there is an option to burn the image from teh cd/dvd.\n<zleap> ook\n<devush> zleap. you should try to burn the image. once you have the iso image. you can put it in the flash drive etc.\n<devush> and in the virtual box give the iso file.\n<zleap> ok\n<devush> i never tried virtual box. but did this in vmware hundreds of times. it should work. unless some body corrects me\n<devush> so what you on netbook currently?\n<zleap> ubuntu on both computers\n<devush> ok. i see you have linux and want xp on the top.\n<zleap> yeah\n<devush> fine. it should work. try it.\n<zleap> as virtual box ose does not support usbm,  but on netbook it should support the netbook webcam\n<devush> if it is xp CD, it should make a image iso of around 600 MB.\n<devush> zleap. not idea on that size.\n<zleap> well not sure how else to do it\n<devush> i am also currently running ubuntu in vmware player on the top of XP>\n<zleap> unless i buy virtual box\n<devush> but soon i will transfer the ubuntu VM to the MAC.\n<devush> well you can run the vmware player. which is also free.\n<devush> it works fine.\n<zleap> ok\n<devush> but if you can bring the virtual box to work, then you have probably better system. i have never used the virtualbox. have used Vmware over 10 years now!.\n<zleap> can't find that option in brassero but here is how to do that on a command line http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-creating-cd-rom-iso-image.html\n<devush> well yes. you should be able to do it.\n<devush> zleap. you can see the option here on this link\n<devush> http://www.raymond.cc/blog/archives/2008/08/10/how-to-test-and-boot-an-iso-image-without-burning-to-cd-or-dvd/\n<devush> you just point your iso file on your flash. or better copy it to the linux first for the speed. good luck\n<zleap> thanks\n<zleap> well it's doing something\n<kieko> hi, dvd is not playing on laptop, help? I using sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh\n<devush> for the test purposes. you can always download the iso file of some small OS, like puppy-linux or anything and try it with virtualbox.\n<zleap> ok\n<zleap> i have installed xp before so i know it works\n<zleap> just before i had a cdrom drive to point to\n<zleap> ok copying now\n<devush> ok. fine. i mean time iso file is corrupted. in that sense. !\n<zleap> ok if there is a problem will try with a different iso\n<zleap> i have 10.10 somewhere\n<devush> ya. that is a good way. with ubuntu.\n<zleap> i need a bigger flash drive\n<zleap> 2gb is ok but it runs out of space to quickly\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Anyone use a USB Turntable to rip vinyl on Ubuntu recently?\n<dutchie> TheOpenSourcerer: that sounds like the sort of thing MartijnVdS might do\n<HazRPG> stupid thing :/ won't let me upload my extension to the google chrome site :/\n<zleap> yay xp boot / set up screen thingy\n<HazRPG> the one time I decide that something I've made might be useful to others, and it won't even let me upload it :/\n<dutchie> HazRPG: what does it do?\n<HazRPG> its a podcast extension (or RSS feed extension)\n<dutchie> cool\n<TheOpenSourcerer> lsusb sees the turntable but I can't hear any music when I play a record. Audacity remains silent.\n<dutchie> does it show up in sound inputs?\n<HazRPG> dutchie: basically adds features to the existing RSS extension that google have pumped out, but with a some tweaks to allow it to parse the URL to add things like \"podcast://\", \"feed://\", \"pcast://\" and a few other common URL types that applications usually register\n<devush> zleap. it looks like it is working.\n<zleap> yeah\n<TheOpenSourcerer> I see a PCM2900 Audio Codec which I think is it.\n<zleap> i am an idiot though rebooted and told it to boot from cd again\n<zleap> duh\n<devush> never mind\n<zleap> ok its installing properly now\n<zleap> this was xp rebooting as part of install\n<HazRPG> so that when your on a webpage with some RSS on it, you can view the contents in a webpage, and then at the top pick if you want to open it up in an application, etc\n<zleap> man i am not used to things doing that\n<HazRPG> works pretty well I'd say\n<AlanBell> TheOpenSourcerer: you want to see it as a device rather than a codec\n<AlanBell> TheOpenSourcerer: what is the line in lsusb?\n<zleap> hmm this could be the quickes xp install on record\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Bus 004 Device 002: ID 08bb:2900 Texas Instruments Japan PCM2900 Audio Codec\n<TheOpenSourcerer> I think.\n<AlanBell> wierd!\n<devush> zleap: sure. as CD is generally very slow.\n<zleap> yeah\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Maybe I need to check my cabling in the daylight... ;-)\n<zleap> and this is going from iso,  which i guess is from hard disk\n<devush> zleap: you should probably got faster netbook also.\n<AlanBell> that is probably it\n<zleap> well duron 1600 vs atom at same speed\n<HazRPG> even modified the usual RSS icon that we all know, to have a lemon in the bottom corner for the Open Source podcast receiver Juice.\n<zleap> or similar speed but as atoms are er faster anyway as they are newer\n<devush> zleap: yes iso from HDD is fater. i think around 70 MB/s or so. not sure.\n<zleap> ok\n<HazRPG> oh well, just an extension that shall never see the light of day I guess lol\n<TheOpenSourcerer> The Sound Prefs refer to it as PCM2900 Audio Codec Analog stereo. There's a translation bug there... Should say Analogue.\n<zleap> well i can run a few xp programs hopefully which will be a good thing\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Anyway - am bored now. Going to bed,\n<zleap> k\n<TheOpenSourcerer> nn all.\n<devush> i need the XP for the DVDFlick or something like that. which basically allows you to create DVD from any random media files. even to menu etc.\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Oooh - lots of errors in syslog:\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Jan 27 22:36:00 lobsang pulseaudio[1895]: alsa-source.c: Error opening PCM device hw:1: Device or resource busy\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Jan 27 22:35:31 lobsang kernel: [ 4936.388992] 2:2:3: endpoint lacks sample rate attribute bit, cannot set.\n<kieko> I installed mplayer and some mplayer skins but the player is not there ?\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Bug 644708 :-(\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 644708 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) \"usb audio partially broken\" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/644708\n<zleap> devush, sounds good\n<devush> zleap: nice to hear that!\n<zleap> someone at the rugby club wanted a way to make a dvd from the files off a video camera\n<devush> zleap: last time when i tried to make the iso image of my XP CD. i had problem, but never tried it on ubuntu. i know all these dd=if etc. commands\n<zleap> the one i posted worked fine\n<zleap> just had tro use mtab to figure out where the cdrom disk was\n<zleap> /dev/sr0 here\n<devush> go to the XP optimize site. they have link to the DVD program. search it on google - XP Optimize\n<zleap> then tell it to creatre it in a more useful place\n<zleap> ok\n<zleap> yeah may do that, as i don't really need a lot of the stuff that comes with xp\n<zleap> on a more on topic note what do you think of unity\n<devush> may be we should try to runs the XP software on the wine directly on ubuntu.\n<zleap> ?\n<zleap> some of it works on wine\n<devush> ok. my last try of wine was at least 7-8 years ago.\n<zleap> i have got the crossover package from when it was free download for a while,   that worked nicely\n<devush> things are changed now.\n<zleap> well i think i got star wars working with it\n<zleap> sometimes its probably easier to simply use a virtual machine it depends what you want to do i guess\n<devush> is anybody using the tmux?\n<zleap> nope\n<zleap> 9 mins to go\n<zleap> lol windows xp includes the most secure version of internet explorer to date,  note to self install firefox\n<devush> stats could be different from the reality.\n<zleap> well this was ie 6 iirc\n<devush> could be true given the criteria of testing it.\n<devush> you should ask basically under which condition etc.\n<zleap> didn't they do a securirty test between apple, linux and windows 7 and linux won\n<maco> zleap: you're thinking of teh Pwn2Own competition\n<maco> apple loses every time\n<devush> well all these things are manipulated.\n<zleap> yeah\n<devush> zleap.do you have programming background\n<zleap> not much\n<zleap> done stuff in basic\n<maco> but the stuff that takes them down tends to be like... Flash\n<zleap> well flash does tend to be rather insecure\n * zleap cranks handle while xp loads\n * brobostigon gets zleap some wd45\n<devush> zleap: tiobe provides the top language index. i read lots of stories how they manipulate to put one or the other languages top in the list.\n<zleap> wd45 or wd40\n<brobostigon> zleap: wd40, :p\n<zleap> zzzzzzzzzzzz\n<brobostigon> damn, joke failiure, :(\n<zleap> naa its windows taking ages to log in\n<brobostigon> :(\n * zleap is used to linux type password, hit enter and go\n<zleap> hmm so far so good i am in\n<zleap> hmm pressed wrong button and shut it down was meant to switch from full screen mode\n<zleap> hi kristjan\n<kristjan> hello\n#ubuntu-uk 2011-01-28\n<Azelphur> popey: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/screenshots/Janurary%202011/andshot.png call me when you can do this on iphone :D\n<hamitron> what is teh cheapest (decent) android phone now?\n<Azelphur> hamitron: I just told my mum to get a refurb off three for £15/mo\n<Azelphur> that's a dirt cheap contract deal\n<hamitron> per month :/\n<Azelphur> if you do get it you have to be ready to get your hands dirty in terms of rooting, samsung abandoned it.\n<Azelphur> hamitron: what do you want your phone to do?\n<hamitron> be handy if I can phone people\n * brobostigon hugs his htc dream\n<hamitron> errr, also want something to \"play\" with\n<hamitron> cheap\n<hamitron> so i can void warrenty\n<hamitron> warranty*\n<Azelphur> so you want the next step up from the dream?\n<hamitron> bah, whatever\n * hamitron shrugs\n<Azelphur> maybe take a look at the milestone\n<hamitron> oh, must have wifi\n<Azelphur> it's kinda old now but if you want cheap, it is the next step up from the G1\n<brobostigon> Azelphur: isnt thatthe nexus one?\n<Azelphur> myself, I love my HTC Desire Z\n<Azelphur> brobostigon: nope, it's a HTC Desire Z :D\n<hamitron> is a G1 ok?\n<brobostigon> Azelphur: oh,didnt know, researchneeded.\n<Azelphur> hamitron: sure, you've got it rooted and running android 2.2\n<Azelphur> if you don't find it too slow, then by all means stick with your G1\n<brobostigon> hamitron: lack on ram and internal meoeryreally, compared to whatyou get now.\n<Azelphur> I upgraded from G1 because I found it too painfully slow\n<Azelphur> the G2 is muuuuuuuch faster\n<hamitron> can you strip stuff off to make it run fast?\n<Azelphur> the G1? Not really\n<Azelphur> it's gonna be slow more or less what ever you do\n<brobostigon> hamitron: yes,definatly, :)\n<Azelphur> it was pretty slow when it was on android 1 xD\n<brobostigon> Azelphur: i disagree.\n<Azelphur> ok\n<hamitron> what is the going rate for a G1 now?\n<Azelphur> £90\n<hamitron> new?\n<brobostigon> Azelphur: i can get my htc dream,running almost as good as my mums galaxy spica.\n<Azelphur> used\n<hamitron> pffffft\n<Azelphur> brobostigon: that's what I want my mum to get, a spica :)\n<hamitron> £90 is above what I'm willing to pay\n<Azelphur> hamitron: I thought you already have a dream\n<hamitron> I had a nokia 5230\n<hamitron> now using a nokia ngage\n<Azelphur> I see :P\n<hamitron> least my phone has proper gaming controls ;)\n<brobostigon> Azelphur: it needs a major android upgrade, it still has 2.1, and the laucher majotly needs changing, it is a majot resourcee hog.\n<Azelphur> brobostigon: yea, I know it's still stuck on 1.5\n<Azelphur> but I can just reflash it there are roms for it\n<Azelphur> brobostigon: cheapest G1 I can see :p\n<brobostigon> Azelphur: i was going to put 2.2.1on my mums,but my mum didnt want me too, as it wouldmeanshe is in breach of contract.\n<Azelphur> brobostigon: yea, my mum is a lot more laid back with tech, she knows I know what I'm doing so just lets me get on with it :)\n<Azelphur> when she gets it she'll hand it to me and have me set it up nice for her, and off she'll go.\n<brobostigon> Azelphur: my mum believes the same, but still wont let me, she doesnt want to be inbreach of contract,\n<Azelphur> hamitron: if you want a G1 I might be able to sell you mine\n<Azelphur> brobostigon: xD\n<brobostigon> Azelphur: i have done a huge amount of tweking on mymums already,.\n<Azelphur> :)\n<Azelphur> I breached 3 different mobile contracts in the space of a month\n<Azelphur> breaching contract like a pro.\n<brobostigon> lol, :)\n<Azelphur> :D\n<Azelphur> Had t-mobile, tethered, they lowered cap to 500MB so I switched to 3, tethered, then popey linked giffgaff on twitter, so I switched to giffgaff, and tethered.\n<Azelphur> xD\n<Azelphur> going for the high score!\n<brobostigon> good night all, sleep well.\n<Azelphur> hamitron: if you want a G1 I may be interested in selling you mine\n<brobostigon> me tired.\n<Azelphur> then I can upgrade my brother\n<Azelphur> hamitron: It's in reasonably good condition too, it's had invisible shield on it since day 1 so no scratches :)\n<Azelphur> that said, buying a G1 is pointless now days, you can get a milestone for hardly anything more and they are astronomically faster.\n<zleap> cya\n<hamitron> Azelphur: well, if it is that pointless, it should drop in price the going rate\n<Azelphur> :)\n<hamitron> this is my thinking, wait till it is \"useless\" according to most people, then use it if I can\n<Azelphur> hehe\n<hamitron> part of me wants to get a N8\n<hamitron> or one of teh cheaper versions\n * Azelphur refuses to buy phones without a keyboard\n<hamitron> well, I think my ideal phone would have no keyboard, but have an option to use a seperate keyboard and screen\n<Azelphur> :)\n<Azelphur> have you thought about an n900?\n<Azelphur> they are pretty cheap now and still cool\n<hamitron> Azelphur: my idea of cheap is below £100 ;/\n<pr0ph3t> hi all\n<Azelphur> hamitron: yea, so buy my G1 off me and I'll put a bit on top and get my brother a droid :D\n<Azelphur> (as long as my brothers interested)\n<pr0ph3t> is there a tool in ubuntu that helps finding out which websites are being visited by the computers connected to a home wifi network?\n<Azelphur> pr0ph3t: seems like a bad invasion of privacy :p\n<pr0ph3t> Azelphur, it's my home network :P\n<Azelphur> are you notifying the users that your doing it?\n<pr0ph3t> well of course\n<pr0ph3t> but they don't think I can\n<Azelphur> I'd do it at the router level\n<Azelphur> pr0ph3t: you could do it with wireshark\n<Azelphur> and a fancy filter.\n<pr0ph3t> I know how to block sites from the router\n<pr0ph3t> but it's more of a logging thing\n<pr0ph3t> so when if I'm told they are studying, I can actually check they are, from like a log file\n<Azelphur> pr0ph3t: so yea, tcpdump/wireshark maybe\n<Azelphur> pr0ph3t: why not just use a vnc server on the machine\n<Azelphur> far more effective / easy\n<pr0ph3t> Azelphur, that's intrusive though, I was just thinking I come back home, and check whether users have been on facebook all day or just a little bit etc.\n<Azelphur> hehe, not really any more intrusive than logging every website anyone has ever visited tbh\n<hamitron> G1 takes 2 sims?\n<Azelphur> hamitron: nope\n<Azelphur> pr0ph3t: personally, I'd work on a different approach though\n<Azelphur> I'm gonna go on one of my parenting rants now, xD\n<hamitron> N900 does?\n<Azelphur> hamitron: not afaik\n<Azelphur> if you do stuff like what your doing, your teaching your kid basically that they can get away with it as long as you don't notice\n<Azelphur> the way you should be doing it, is consequences if they mess up :)\n<Azelphur> don't get your homework done on time? firewall facebook for a week or something\n<Azelphur> far more effective\n<pr0ph3t> Azelphur, it's not that serious, I'm not into punishments etc, it ends up being more of a laugh and perhaps a challenge rather than a lesson for someone\n<Azelphur> ok :P\n<pr0ph3t> the only one that's gonna learn from it is me\n<Azelphur> then yea, break out the man tcpdump\n<Azelphur> or wireshark\n<pr0ph3t> wireshark works on wireless?\n<Azelphur> *shrug*\n<Azelphur> my router has tcpdump built in :D\n<Azelphur> but I only really use it for debugging purposes.\n<pr0ph3t> sorry, just the name suggests... never mind\n<Azelphur> o.O\n<hamitron> Azelphur: you know how to get the url filtering working on your router?\n<Azelphur> if I was going to do url filtering I'd probably use opendns\n<hamitron> yeh, that was my next plan\n<AlanBell> morning peeps\n<jacobw> morning\n<Myrtti> meh\n<DJones> Morning all\n<daubers> Morning\n<diplo> Morning\n<MartijnVdS> \\o\n<Myrtti> I may need to buy The Oatmeal book\n<imexil> Morning. Has any of heard anything new about Skype's open source plans for the client. Looks like they completely dropped that idea :(\n<DJones> imexil: Which open source plans are you thinking of? I run Skype on ubuntu, not sure if you mean that, or them actually opensourcing skype itself\n<czajkowski> aloha\n<czajkowski> How have I no eggs :( this never happens\n<DJones> Morning czajkowski\n * DJones points czajkowski at AlanBell \n<imexil> DJones: Skype announced back in Sep 2009 that they are planning to open source the client code (probably since they have no interest/resources to keep the linux client up to date)\n<czajkowski> DJones: ello\n<kaushal> hi\n * daubers locks himself away in his office\n<kaushal> I am running the command /usr/bin/mail -s \"DNDList\" kaushal@example.com < /home/kaushal/ttsl/dndmessage\n<kaushal> inside the /home/kaushal/ttsl/dndmessage message there is a content wherein date is mentioned it needs to be changed I mean i need to run it on Monday and Thursday\n<kaushal> please suggest\n<MartijnVdS> kaushal: write a small script (in Perl or shell)\n<MartijnVdS> or use something like:\n<kaushal> so lets say i run this via a shell script the message should say \"The File dated \"Monday\" is uploaded\"\n<kaushal> MartijnVdS: hope it is clear to you\n<daubers> Gods damnit. I need to update libre office on the mac, and the download page doesn't offer me any friggin downloads\n<MartijnVdS> kaushal: make a small shell script that does:\n<MartijnVdS> TODAY=`date +%A`\n<MartijnVdS> sed -e \"s/TEMPLATE_TODAY/$TODAY/g\" input_file\n<MartijnVdS> and then put in your input file:\n<MartijnVdS> \"The file for TEMPLATE_TODAY was done.\"\n<MartijnVdS> then make the cronjob something like:\n<MartijnVdS> script.sh | mail -s \"Foo\" foo@bar.com\n<gord> popey, checked into your gnome-terminal maximize lag problems, seems its a bug with gnome-terminal itself under compositing blocks in an X call, prolly better to suggest the lovely Terminator for now :)\n * dutchie wonders what the chances of terminator becoming default terminal app are\n<Myrtti> terminator ♥\n<MartijnVdS> dutchie: ♫ The chances of Terminator becoming default, are a million to one he said </wotw>\n<dutchie> is this some music reference that i am too young to get again?\n<MartijnVdS> dutchie: http://www.thewaroftheworlds.com/\n<dutchie> :o\n<MartijnVdS> dutchie: Jeff Wayne's musical version :)\n<dutchie> how did i not hear about this when it was in the uk\n<MartijnVdS> dutchie: because you're a recluse/shut-in? :P\n<dutchie> i'm going to say \"because oxford is cut off from the rest of the world\"\n<MartijnVdS> dutchie: I have it on vinyl :)\n<dutchie> pretty sure that all of my knowledge of current affairs is via twitter at the moment\n<MartijnVdS> dutchie: the original story is set mostly around Woking/London.. not too far away :)\n * MartijnVdS has just finished re-reasing the book\n<MartijnVdS> reading*\n<czajkowski> Anyone have any experience with http://url.ie/8zv6\n<MartijnVdS> Google Maps helped a lot with the geographic picture for me :)\n<BigRedS> czajkowski: whatever that is is taking a while to lad. What is it?\n<BigRedS> s/lad/load/\n<MartijnVdS> BigRedS: it's the Scroll\n<czajkowski> BigRedS: android tablet\n<MartijnVdS> czajkowski: there's a review here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POn7TgzCR9M\n<BigRedS> aha! No, in that case...\n<gord> czajkowski, pretty much all android tablets at this point are.. not good. best off waiting for gingerbread devices, ideally one made by google\n<MartijnVdS> gord: honeycomb*\n<gord> yes\n<czajkowski> hmmm\n<czajkowski> ok\n<MartijnVdS> looking at the Honeycomb article on ARs\n<MartijnVdS> can't wait for a tablet with it to be released :)\n<MartijnVdS> preferably with \"clean\" firmware, not hacked-up Samsung/HTC/etc. poo\n<bigcalm> Ug\n<Myrtti> bah.\n<Myrtti> tickets to Finland bought.\n<Myrtti> I had hoped a longer stay in UK but alas, that wasn't meant to be\n<MooDoo> hello all\n<DJones> I would have thought going home was a good feeling\n<bigcalm> Myrtti: emigrate to Blighty?\n<Myrtti> bigcalm, DJones: I don't feel home in my apartment and the reason for quick departure to Finland isn't a happy one, so...\n * bigcalm hugs Myrtti\n<Myrtti> my only consolation in this is that the reason isn't so urgent that I needed to start harassing Ryanair to reimburse or anything\n<Myrtti> so, from Berlin to UK today, to Finland on Sunday\n<Myrtti> I'm going to be so dead next week...\n<Neioti|work> moin all\n<daubers> Myrtti: Chocolate will help with that\n<Myrtti> daubers: I highly doubt it\n<daubers> Myrtti: Enough of it will certainly give you a burst of energy for a short time\n<daubers> Myrtti: Cake is a better solution to any problem though\n<DJones> daubers: Chocolate cake sounds even better\n<daubers> DJones: I dunno... a victoria sponge is certainly very welcome at times\n * BigRedS is using ice cream to solve problems at the minute\n<MartijnVdS> Tea.\n<MartijnVdS> best problem solvent ;)\n<Waterwolffy> hey\n<Waterwolffy> i installed ubuntu on my laptop using wubi\n<Waterwolffy> yesterday i installed some updates and shut down\n<Waterwolffy> today when i opened it and try to select ubuntu from boot menu, it says \"unknown command loadfont\"\n<Waterwolffy> i have tried googling but too many answers to get any working-for-sure one\n<Waterwolffy> anyone know what's wrong?\n<DJones> Waterwolffy: I don't use wubi and can't help with that, but if you don't get an answer here, try #ubuntu thats the main supprot channel & should might get a quicker response\n<Waterwolffy> yeah I found a thread that looks promising\n<Waterwolffy> if it won't work I'll try there\n<Waterwolffy> thanks\n<bigcalm> What ever happened to Kemopetrol? Need more Finnish goodness\n<Myrtti> Von Hertzen Brothers?\n * bigcalm investigates on Spotify\n<bigcalm> Rockin' \\m/\n<Myrtti> Magenta Skycode might be interesting too\n * daubers turns on the heating\n<Myrtti> apparently all purchases of iPhone4's are revokable in Finland, if the seller hasn't specifically told during sales that the device must not be used below 0 centigrade\n<bigcalm> Tricky\n<bigcalm> How does your Nexus One cope with the cold?\n<Myrtti> haven't had any trouble\n<MartijnVdS> neither has mine\n<Myrtti> but apparently one of the Nordic insurance companies is fuming at Apple because their clients are claiming insurance for their broken iPhones that Apple doesn't take responsibility of because \"the warranty is void if the phone has been used in cold temperatures\" - I heard that approximately quarter of all their insurance claims atm are from broken iphones\n<bigcalm> Nasty\n<Myrtti> I knew there was some other reason for not getting an iphone than the need to use crippleware to manage it ;-)\n<davmor2> morning all\n * davmor2 prods czajkowski morning\n<bigcalm> Myrtti: have you modded your n1?\n<Myrtti> bigcalm: nah, apart from the stickers I have on it\n * czajkowski hugs davmor2 \n<bigcalm> Awww ;)\n<Myrtti> my only reason for it would be to get openvpn to work, and that's not good enough reason\n<bigcalm> Fair enough\n<davmor2> czajkowski: you're just going out of you way to freak me out now aren't you ;)\n<Myrtti> since froyo enabled tethering, my main reason for rooting it disappeared\n<czajkowski> davmor2: cannot wait to see you next week :)\n<Myrtti> besides, my adventures with the warranty proved the point of not messing with the phone\n<bigcalm> Heh\n<Myrtti> \"hi, my phone is broken, it is jammed in boot, no I don't have a receipt, I got this for free in California\"\n<bigcalm> :O\n<Myrtti> \"ok, let's see\" - two weeks pass, the phone is sent to UK and back - \"ok, here's a new phone\"\n<davmor2> czajkowski: Nice :)\n<Myrtti> \"our bad\"\n<MooDoo> czajkowski: davmor2 what the heck are you two playing at?\n<andylockran> howdy\n<davmor2> MooDoo: We're trying to figure out the best way of freaking out the channel is it working :)\n<MooDoo> davmor2: it's working, hugging czajkowski isn't natural\n<czajkowski> :o\n<czajkowski> oi\n * davmor2 hugs czajkowski to show how natural it is :P\n<MooDoo> davmor2: czajkowski i'm going to be sick\n * czajkowski hugs MooDoo \n<MooDoo> czajkowski: don't be disgusting\n<MooDoo> czajkowski: er you stopped why?\n<davmor2> MooDoo: She saw the effect the hug was having on you and ran\n<MooDoo> davmor2: i melted, she's good, think i'm in love :)\n<davmor2> czajkowski: run faster\n * MooDoo runs after czajkowski with flowers and chocalate :)\n<DJones> MooDoo: 2 weeks + a few days to valentines day, don't forget the card & red roses\n<MooDoo> DJones: i don't know you that well ;)\n<DJones> Damm\n * AlanBell whispers \"white chocolate\" to MooDoo \n * MooDoo is very thankful his wife doesn't use irc :)\n<AlanBell> :)\n<AlanBell> moving on, anyone else about for the expo on Thursday?\n<andylockran> czajkowski: is helpdesk-coordinator a mgmt role or secretarial ?\n<czajkowski> andylockran: not sure tbh\n<czajkowski> andylockran: I only poke the adverts, Kelly is dealing with them\n<davmor2> MooDoo: don't look now but guest1234445 is looking really steamed\n<MooDoo> davmor2: huh?\n<andylockran> czajkowski: ok, I might ping a email over to kelly in time.\n<czajkowski> ok\n<AlanBell> davmor2 have you been giving Mrs MooDoo IRC lessons?\n * MooDoo cottons on :)\n<davmor2> guest1234445 is now know as MrsMooDoo\n<andylockran> czajkowski: how you enjoying life since the move?\n<czajkowski> yup all good thanks\n<czajkowski> 3rd month down\n<MooDoo> davmor2: pmsl, i can't get her off windows never mind irc\n<czajkowski> kinda flown by tbh\n<davmor2> MooDoo: you know they do irc clients for windows right :D\n<Myrtti> well, according to the Telegraph IRC is  used by Russian hackers and criminals anyway\n<MooDoo> davmor2: i'm not worried, she finds computers boring\n<DJones> There's also freenodes webchat\n<davmor2> MooDoo: infact they do pidgin for windows :)\n<daubers> Myrtti: Which are you then?\n<daubers> :p\n<MooDoo> davmor2: yes they do indeed, but she checks facebook and reads the entertainment news and that's about it lol\n<andylockran> czajkowski: you going to any of the 6nations ?\n<czajkowski> andylockran: nope\n<czajkowski> andylockran: we do have this planned though http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/615/detail/\n<andylockran> look at the second registered :p\n<andylockran> oops - I've dropped down the list\n<MartijnVdS> andylockran: people travelled back in time to register before you!\n<bigcalm> Just had my company xmas meal reimbursed. Better late than never :)\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: wow, just over a month :)\n * bigcalm throws it at his credit card bill\n<andylockran> MartijnVdS: looks like it :p\n<andylockran> bigcalm: I've got expenses from Nov outstanding.\n<MartijnVdS> andylockran: call The Doctor :)\n<bigcalm> Ack\n<MartijnVdS> my employer guarantees payment within 2 weeks, as long as you collect all relevant signatures :)\n<andylockran> I don't mind too much - stops me spending it... and quite nice to get a lump sump put in now and again.\n<bigcalm> Aye, I like that too\n<daubers> HAH!\n<daubers> Just had an email from Microsoft which contains the text \"Upgrade upto three PCs running XP and Wista to Windows 7 for only £149.99\"\n<daubers> I must have missed Windows Wista....\n<daubers> http://yfrog.com/h8yn0p\n<shauno> tweetie for mac eh.  didn't peg you for a freedom hater ;p\n<daubers> shauno: Useful for testing stuffs with. A lot of my customers use OSX.\n<davmor2> shauno: we all hate freedom that's why we follow popey and jono :D\n<bigcalm> Freedom is overrated\n * bigcalm caresses his electronic tag\n<iclebyte> am i correct in thinking that /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf should have 4 entries? 2 per array when using RAID1\n<mattt> don't think so\n<mattt> at least not on mine\n<mattt> it's one per array\n<iclebyte> should it be the UUID of the mdX device or of the one of the hard disks?\n<iclebyte> fstab has the UUID's of the arrays rather than specific devices\n<mattt> i'd imagine the mdX device\n<iclebyte> can you check for me?\n<mattt> yeah, i'm using it on lenny tho -- so there's no UUID reference\n<iclebyte> type blkid into your shell as root\n<iclebyte> oh  =(\n<mattt> :(\n<iclebyte> i'm trying it on 10.04 and it's just causing issues. if i do a warm reboot after hitting rescue mode the system comes up fine. as soon as i do a cold boot it fails\n<iclebyte> this is driving me insane in the membrane\n<daubers> iclebyte: I've got a raid 1 on 10.10 which has one entry per raid1\n<daubers> in /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf\n<daubers> THats a 2 disk raid1\n<daubers> and my fstab uses the blkid of /dev/md0 :)\n<HazRPG> morning\n<HazRPG> or afternoon rather\n<daubers> iclebyte: http://pastebin.ubuntu-uk.org/102228\n<bigcalm> \"Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clause\n<bigcalm> \" Why?\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: which RDBMS?\n<bigcalm> ?\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: what kind of database engine are you talking to\n<gord> why would you need two timestamp columns in a table?\n<bigcalm> Oh\n<MartijnVdS> gord: lots of reasons\n<bigcalm> I'm just wondering why the limit should be in place\n<bigcalm> MartijnVdS: checking\n<gord> i don't see a single reason\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: postgresql, mysql, sqlite, etc.?\n<bigcalm> oh, mysql\n<bigcalm> I thought you meant something else :)\n<iclebyte> daubers, and is that the UUID of the RAID array?\n<Twinkletoes> If I want to install the kernel headers, if I use apt-get install \"linux-headers-$(uname -r)\" will that package also get updated when I update my kernel? (or just do apt-get upgrade?)\n<daubers> iclebyte: The UUID in mdadm.conf is the UUID given by mdadm, not of the blkid of /dev/md0\n<daubers> iclebyte: To get that UUID do \"sudo mdadm --query --detail /dev/md0\" where md0 is the identifier of you RAID device\n<bigcalm> Twinkletoes: I don't think so as you are specifying a perticular kernel. Have a look for the dummy package instead\n<Twinkletoes> bigcalm: Is that just linux-headers-2.6?  THe one that's listed as a virtual package?\n * bigcalm shrugs :)\n<Twinkletoes> bigcalm: Haha! - Ok, thanks :)\n<bigcalm> My knowledge stops there\n<bigcalm> gord: to counter your statement. There is already a column that is updated with the current timestamp on each write. The column I want to add is a 'created_at' that will only be set once.\n<iclebyte> daubers, this has gone totally pear shaped\n<iclebyte> i've ended up rebuilding the array in the rescue mode - i did think it was strange that when i instructed the 10.04 install to build the array it never performed a sync\n<daubers> Woot!\n * daubers has just written a more or less generic python built in type to xml and back again library\n<daubers> Now I can send my dicts and tuples across the wire without having to worry about them \\o/\n<iclebyte> daubers, playing with python? =)\n<daubers> iclebyte: Kinda, doing this for work though\n<brobostigon> afternoonings all.\n<MartijnVdS> afternoonigon :)\n<brobostigon> afternoonings MartijnVdS :)\n<HazRPG> wow... my hearing must be dying O.o\n * HazRPG watching hak5\n<HazRPG> apparently they played a 16000hz sound in the background to prove a point, but I couldn't hear it...\n<MartijnVdS> point proven :)\n<HazRPG> oh hey brobostigon :)\n<brobostigon> hey HazRPG :)\n<HazRPG> hey MartijnVdS\n<MartijnVdS> hey RPG\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: yeah they played it in the background to show that as you get older you can't hear that sound anymore... hold on, I'm going to ask my sis if she can hear it xD\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: your stereo might be filtering it ;)\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: I like how you assumed it was stereo ;)\n<HazRPG> 5.1 Surround ftw ;D\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: \"a stereo set\" could be a home theatre system imho :)\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: and have 21.6 for all I care ;)\n<HazRPG> I guess\n<HazRPG> (googles for a 16000hz file)\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: it stops at 52s for me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nUkNvl8mQw\n<MartijnVdS> volume drops around 40, but still audible\n<HazRPG> all the way throught :O\n<HazRPG> through*\n<MartijnVdS> there is no sound after 52.. I hear a *click*\n<shauno> I'm always wary of those, because compression codecs vary in their handling of high frequencies too.  and with youtube recoding everything you hand it, you don't control that\n<dogmatic69> hi all\n<HazRPG> true\n<MartijnVdS> shauno: that might explain the click -- the codecs truncating inaudible frequencies\n<HazRPG> I'm having a feeling the podcast I'm watching might have put in a sound file for 16,000hz... but the codec compression might not have done it right\n<dogmatic69> trying to get usb wifi working, its a tl-wn821n v3.1 but not having any luck\n<HazRPG> cos my sister said she couldn't hear anything either\n<shauno> clicks off at 52s for me too, and others in the comments.  not gonna claim I'm not getting old, but that's suss ;)\n<HazRPG> well I can hear up to 18000hz on this site: http://www.freemosquitoringtones.org/hearing_test/\n<HazRPG> maybe my hearing isn't as bad as I thought\n<brobostigon> dogmatic69: have you looked inside lsusb  and dmesg , to see if the kernel is picking it up properly, and then have you installed bluez, bluetooth drivers.\n<HazRPG> might explain why I always hear a buzzing noise in my computer room\n<brobostigon> dogmatic69: sorry, yousaid wifi, ingnore the last bit of what i said.\n<HazRPG> too much electrical stuff floating around\n<dogmatic69> brobostigon: lsusb shows it i think\n<brobostigon> dogmatic69: and does \"ls /dev/wlan*\" return anything ?\n<dogmatic69> atheros comms\n<brobostigon> dogmatic69: hmm, have you done a search \"sudo apt-cache search\" to see if there any specific drivers you need to install for atheros.\n<dogmatic69> ls /dev/wlan says no such file or folder\n<brobostigon> ls /dev/wlan*\n<dogmatic69> yes\n<brobostigon> dont forget the *\n<dogmatic69> nothing found\n<brobostigon> dogmatic69: do a search, you might need a firmware blob for it.\n<brobostigon> dogmatic69: try the hw database on help.ubuntu.com/commmunity\n<dogmatic69> i have\n<brobostigon> and ?\n<dogmatic69> last 6ish https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsTP-Link\n<dogmatic69> right at the bottom\n<dogmatic69> everyone says 'works out the box'\n<dogmatic69> i have followed the instructions on the last one and installed the drivers but still nothing\n<brobostigon> dogmatic69: can you check dmesg before and after you have plugged it in, and pastebin the output, also lsusb please.\n<BigRedS> Quick sanity check, if I have a script with a bash shebang, but I call it as `sh script.sh`, sh ignores the shebang and it gets parsed by /bin/sh, doesn't it?\n<BigRedS> so bashisms wotn work\n<dogmatic69> i cant paste the output cos its not connected :D\n<dogmatic69> ill give you a summary, one sec\n<brobostigon> dogmatic69: how did you install drivers then, you mentioned?\n * brobostigon  goes to make a cuppa.\n<brobostigon> dogmatic69: have you had a lookat https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Atheros\n<brobostigon> !info ath5k\n<lubotu3> Package ath5k does not exist in maverick\n<brobostigon> !info madwifi\n<lubotu3> Package madwifi does not exist in maverick\n<dogmatic69> brobostigon: http://bin.cakephp.org/view/248045309\n<dogmatic69> line 800ish where the gap is was after connecting it\n<brobostigon> [ 1325.450988] ath9k_hif_usb: probe of 2-1:1.0 failed with error -22\n<brobostigon> looks like it knows it there, but is trying to load it, with error, not seen it before,\n<dogmatic69> :(\n<dogmatic69> brobostigon: that last link 'Install the package using either Synaptic or apt-get' is not an option\n<dogmatic69> all i got is my laptop to download things with\n<brobostigon> dogmatic69: it ispossible,  get the debian package from packages.ubuntu.com and copythe debian package to this machine, and inst6all it using dpkg.\n<dogmatic69> right\n<dogmatic69> brobostigon: is this the stuff? http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick-backports/allpackages\n<brobostigon> dogmatic69: what is the package name youneed ?\n<brobostigon> dogmatic69: and which version of ubuntu are youusing?\n<dogmatic69> it says 'Look for the ath5k module, located in the package linux-backports-modules-intrepid.'\n<dogmatic69> 10.10 x32\n<dogmatic69> x84\n<brobostigon> 86*\n<dogmatic69> 3x lucky :D\n<brobostigon> there isnt an ath5k pckage that i can find, for maverick.\n<brobostigon> well i thought atheros drivers were directly inthe kernel now, as my eeepc has an atheros wifi chipset, and it worked straight out.\n<BigRedS> mm, i'm fairly sure it's in the kernel now\n<brobostigon> thats what i thought BigRedS.\n<BigRedS> wikipedia agrees, but with no citation\n<brobostigon> my eeepc also agrees, :)\n<BigRedS> Haha, ah yeah :)\n<BigRedS> Hm. I've just found a bunch of files with suffixes 'old', 'older', 'evenolder' and 'oldest' :/\n<brobostigon> Linux debian 2.6.37-trunk-686 #1 SMP Thu Jan 6 14:39:08 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux\n<BigRedS> rather than the expected date +%F...\n<brobostigon> interesting.\n<shauno> sounds like the kind of thing I'd do.  I still dread finding random 40Gb directories named 'stuff'.\n<BigRedS> haha\n<bigcalm> Anybody here got their Nexus One to link to their car via bluetooth?\n<MartijnVdS> works fine\n<MartijnVdS> well my dad's car, but same thing really ;)\n<bigcalm> What's the car?\n<MartijnVdS> Meriva\n<MartijnVdS> (Opel/Vauxhall)\n<popey> bah, did I miss a meeting?\n<TheOpenSourcerer> lol\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: it's a HFP system: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluetooth_profile#Hands-Free_Profile_.28HFP.29\n<AlanBell> eggs fried in chilli oil are yummy\n<AlanBell> popey: yup\n<TheOpenSourcerer> oooh - mince pie :-)\n<popey> :( sorry\n<AlanBell> never mind\n<bigcalm> MartijnVdS: I've never been able to get my 407 to link :(\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: what kind of set/radio? or is it built-in?\n<bigcalm> Built in\n<bigcalm> Linked with my GF's old phone\n<bigcalm> I should see if it will link with her HTC Wildfire\n * bigcalm ponders\n<dogmatic69> will a download from today be different to the one from a month ago?\n<MartijnVdS> dogmatic69: download of what?\n<dogmatic69> the ubuntu  that is\n<dogmatic69> like 10.10 x86\n<AlanBell> not if it is a released version\n<MartijnVdS> dogmatic69: if it's the same version, the download should be the same, but you can always check against the MD5SUMS file\n<dogmatic69> k\n<TheOpenSourcerer> AlanBell: take a look at bug 700966 Sounds like there is a simple fix.\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 700966 in OpenERP Web Client \"[6.0.0_rc2] Wiki pages displayed in wiki syntax\" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/700966\n<AlanBell> oooooohhhhhh\n * AlanBell beats openerp with the chown stick\n<MartijnVdS> clown stick!\n<czajkowski>  \n<bigcalm> czajkowski: lost for words?\n<czajkowski> yup\n<czajkowski> :)\n<Pendulum> czajkowski: I didn't know you were ever lost for words\n<czajkowski> it happens from time to time\n<AlanBell> Pendulum is far enough away to say stuff like that :)\n<Pendulum> AlanBell: nah, czajkowski just loves me too much. She needs me to get nice rooms with without windows in the showers and with jacuzzis in them at UDS ;-)\n<czajkowski> Pendulum: awwwww you know you're more to me than a room buddy :(\n<czajkowski> who else is going to listen to youtube wake up calls!\n<Pendulum> or bring you salt water taffy\n<czajkowski> this is true :D\n<czajkowski> nyommy\n<Pendulum> btw, was the taffy from Baltimore superior at all? because I'm going to be in Baltimore again in March...\n<czajkowski> yes was nice, it did have a lot of the chocolate one in it, which isn't the nicest, but had lots of the red and white ones:D\n * daubers makes a pot of coffee\n<Pendulum> czajkowski: was it better than the stuff from Martin?\n<MooDoo> yum yum yum subway eaten :)\n<czajkowski> Pendulum: aye\n<czajkowski> nicer\n<czajkowski> chewie\n<czajkowski> r\n * Pendulum adds buy czajkowski salt water taffy to the BAltimore todo list\n<czajkowski> :D\n<czajkowski> awww\n<MooDoo> creep ;)\n<hamitron> :)\n<Pendulum> oh, I take that back. I have seen czajkowski speechless. And it generally involves her mouth having salt water taffy in it\n<czajkowski> Pendulum: to be fair then I just mumble\n<czajkowski> or stop talking mid sentence\n<Pendulum> or interrupt yourself to mumble about taffy\n<czajkowski> ideed\n<Pendulum> \"What do you think about the changes beind ma-- oooh taffy!\"\n<MooDoo> Pendulum: \"<insert anything witty here-- oooh taffy!\"\n<Pendulum> MooDoo: nah, it was generaly an Ubuntu related statement\n<MooDoo> pah Pendulum we could of had some fun here at czajkowski 's expense :)\n<Pendulum> I don't think she ever interrupted herself saying \"Let's go to breakfast\" for example\n<czajkowski> yup pretty much sums up Orlando hotel\n<Pendulum> MooDoo: well it was at UDS\n<Pendulum> I love that hotel\n<czajkowski> and breakfast did mean bacon and syrup\n<Pendulum> I really hope we go back\n<MooDoo> czajkowski: pancakes bacon and maple syrup.....ftw!\n<AlanBell> ^^ WRONG\n<AlanBell> pancakes and syrup is full of win, bacon is full of win. These are separate things\n<czajkowski> AlanBell: eh no your wrong\n<MooDoo> no no no no\n<czajkowski> why nobody gets this is beyond me\n<MooDoo> czajkowski: i get it :) i love it :)  lets do breakfast.\n * hamitron agrees with AB\n<czajkowski> MooDoo: indeed\n<Pendulum> AlanBell: have you tried them together?\n<daubers> If I want to duel boot OSX and Ubuntu do I still have to muck around with rEFIt?\n<AlanBell> I will try anything Pendulum\n * AlanBell isn't sure that came out quite right\n<shauno> daubers: it should work without, but much smoother with refit\n<shauno> that said, I haven't poked grub-efi for a while\n<daubers> shauno: Smoother how?\n<X3N> is duel booting where each OS battles each other until one wins?\n<AlanBell> I have had bacon with syrup on it, it isn't quite as good as bacon with syrup off it\n<X3N> I want that\n<daubers> X3N: Surely thats what Windows does when another OS is present :)\n<shauno> daubers: bootcamp can be a bit obnoxious in expecting windows. refit is on your side\n<AlanBell> X3N: with the new trend of 4 primary partitions all used, Windows wins :(\n<X3N> haha\n<AlanBell> it really is a nasty thing to do\n<HazRPG> hmm, is there anything like cPanel for ubuntu - but with a lil more sauce ;)\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Microsoft's Windows revenues plunge 30% http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9206799/Microsoft_s_Windows_revenues_plunge_30_\n<BigRedS> blimey\n<BigRedS> HazRPG: virtualmin?\n<Neoti|work> HazRPG : webmin\n<BigRedS> I've not seen cPanel in a Looooooong time, but find virtualmin quite agreeable\n<TheOpenSourcerer> HazRPG: What do you want to do? I find things like CPanel, Plesk, Webmin etc all just get IN MY WAY\n<MooDoo> i <3 cpanel\n<dogmatic69> webmin is pants\n<HazRPG> well I'm thinking of changing my hosting provider - but thinking of going the VPN way instead of a regular web host\n<BigRedS> TheOpenSourcerer: handy thing with virtualmin is that it keeps the files all human readable, so if you want to go crazy with vi you still can\n<HazRPG> but I'm not exactly a linux server guru just yet (heck I still haven't even used one yet)\n<dogmatic69> HazRPG: im with slicehost and they are pretty good\n<BigRedS> ...and also webmin, virualmin's just an extension to it\n<AlanBell> HazRPG: get a VPS running Ubuntu server or Debian\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: that is the plan ;)\n<AlanBell> bytemark or bitfolk\n<MooDoo> or memset\n * TheOpenSourcerer notes how AlanBell is coming round to the idea of servers *without* GUIs. :-)\n<dogmatic69> BigRedS: but webmin's idea of structure and the new ubuntu / apache ideas clash\n<BigRedS> what's changed in new ubuntu/apache?\n<HazRPG> I just want to finally shift over my 5 or so domains away from GooHost.co.uk cos I'm getting royally screwed over with them\n<BigRedS> I thought we'd put it on a relatively modern ubuntu server\n<HazRPG> at first, wasn't so bad @ £49 - I could deal with it, but not that they've pumped the price up, not so much\n<AlanBell> £49 per month?\n<HazRPG> a year\n<HazRPG> should have pointed that out ^^,\n<AlanBell> an\n<AlanBell> ah\n<AlanBell> I was going to sell you something a little cheaper :)\n<HazRPG> like what? lol\n<AlanBell> we do fairly big VPS boxes for some of our customers\n<HazRPG> see you said a little cheaper, I have a feeling your going to say its something like £30p.m.\n<AlanBell> £40\n<HazRPG> ah\n<shauno> I believe ebox is the closest thing to a suggested replacement for webmin now.  it's still not great tho.  servers are pretty much sticking to \"tty or go home\".  we may never be free from 1970 :)\n<AlanBell> itym Zentyal\n<HazRPG> see, the most I've ever done with my server was try and get tty (or similar) access - and after a month of e-mailing managed to get some access... and all I really needed it for was cron jobs\n<HazRPG> I hate trying to work out how much bandwidth one would need - its mind boggling\n<gord> i love sd cards, you can \"copy\" 500mb across in two seconds but it'll take half an hour to unmount\n<MartijnVdS> gord: \\o/ cache\n<shauno> ugh, who's idea was it to rename ebox to sound like an off-brand pharma?\n<MartijnVdS> shauno: Tesco Value Ebox\n<HazRPG> is Zentyal essentially eBox?\n<HazRPG> cos the logo looks exactly the same\n<BigRedS> I hate websites like that\n<AlanBell> HazRPG: yes, it was rebranded\n<lazarus_> hey\n<HazRPG> hey\n<HazRPG> hmm, 100GB doesn't sound like an awful lot of bandwidth - might just be me though\n * HazRPG is thinking of going with bitfolk\n<AlanBell> it is rather a lot, unless you are hosting .isos or videos\n<BigRedS> yeah, I only ever hit my 30GB limit at around release day\n<HazRPG> BigRedS: release day for what if you don't mind me asking?\n<BigRedS> ubuntus\n<HazRPG> ah\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: Well I plan to put mumble and host maybe 6-7 domains\n<BigRedS> it's a torrent node for ubuntus and debians. I almost don't notice debians\n<HazRPG> none of which have real heavy traffic\n<AlanBell> don't worry about it at all then\n<AlanBell> and bytemark are really nice about traffic spikes\n<HazRPG> I worked it out, if I set the limit on 560Kb/s per session (I think its per session) that it comes down to about 3GB per month (I think)\n<AlanBell> we got slashdotted a few times and they gave us more ram temporarily and we never discussed bandwidth\n<AlanBell> HazRPG: look at the total size of your websites, multiply by the total number of visitors per month, bet it is under a GB if everyone read everything\n<HazRPG> not sure how many visitors I get (if any haha)\n<lazarus_> grr windows is going bye bye\n<HazRPG> I know I do all the time, cos I tend to put up important files/exes/scripts that I might need to help someone out\n<shauno> I think my average weight per page is pretty obscene, and 100Gb would still give me about half a million pageviews\n<HazRPG> total comes to around 200MB of files so far though\n<HazRPG> I should really learn to monitor how much bandwidth I use :/\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: is bitfolk a company you've dealt with before?\n<AlanBell> yes\n<HazRPG> just noticed \"consultancy services £50/hour\" I'm guessing that's not for general support is it\n<AlanBell> no, that would be for consultancy services :)\n<HazRPG> yeah, I was just having a dumb moment\n<Database> Hey people.\n<sandfly> I am looking for a little advice, i have ascanner is not being recognised, Should i file a bug report and with whom\n<popey> sandfly: which make/model of scanner?\n<sandfly> its  combo\n<sandfly> tho printer works\n<HazRPG> thanks for the help gusy\n<HazRPG> guys* even\n<popey> ok, which make/model of scanner multifunction device is it sandfly ?\n<sandfly> photosmart B110\n<popey> canon?\n<popey> oh, hp\n<sandfly> hP\n<popey> http://www.sane-project.org/sane-mfgs.html#Z-HEWLETT-PACKARD\n<HazRPG> typical, guys I'm working for are on holiday - and the FTP is down :/\n<popey> not listed unfortunately\n<popey> bug 685583\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 685583 in HPLIP \"HP Photosmart B110 does not work on Ubuntu 10.04\" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/685583\n<popey> sandfly: known bug :(\n<sandfly> ok\n<popey> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1639975\n<popey> some tips there sandfly\n<sandfly> how did u find that\n<popey> google :)\n<MartijnVdS> magic :P\n<sandfly> i am rubish at finding any thing on launchpad\n<popey> use google, it finds stuff in launchpad\n<sandfly> ok\n<popey> I used the terms photosmart B110 scanner ubuntu\n<popey> second hit was that forum post, which links to the bug\n<sandfly> cool\n<sandfly> just back fram a long trip so i haven't hard your show for a while , looking forward to catching up\n<sandfly> And thanks for the pointers\n<popey> no probs and thanks! :)\n<dogmatic69> should i install this for my tp-link wifi issue? http://linuxwireless.org/download/compat-wireless-2.6/\n<brobostigon> dogmatic69: its packages inthe repos,i think.\n<brobostigon> http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/linux-backports-modules-compat-wireless-2.6.36-maverick-generic\n<dogmatic69> brobostigon: uname -a == 2.6.35-22\n<dogmatic69> how can i update the system 'manually'\n<brobostigon> http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=compat+wireless&searchon=all&suite=maverick&section=all\n<dogmatic69> brobostigon: i dont see anything to download there\n<moreati> !backports\n<lubotu3> If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging\n<brobostigon> dogmatic69: that is the list, when i did a search for compat wireless.\n<brobostigon> dogmatic69: youneed to work out which package matches your system, get the debian package fromtthe package page, and then download it,copy it to said machine, and instll it manaullywith dpkg.\n<dogmatic69> well i just downloaded on and it wont install\n<dogmatic69> software center opened and 'install' is not clickable\n<brobostigon> dogmatic69: install it from cli will dpkg.\n<brobostigon> sudo dpkg -i *.deb\n<dogmatic69> brobostigon: dependency problems\n * hamitron spanks popey\n<brobostigon> dogmatic69: look lower down the package page, for things it depends on, its listed on the same package page lower down.\n<utrinqueparatus> how do i joing a ubuntu server to a samba based centos PDC domain?\n<dogmatic69> i downloaded this http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/i386/linux-backports-modules-compat-wireless-2.6.36-maverick-generic/download\n<brobostigon> http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/i386/linux-backports-modules-compat-wireless-2.6.36-maverick-generic/\n<utrinqueparatus> it will be acting as a fileshare\n<brobostigon> lookfuther down the page, it klists its package dependencies.\n<popey> hello hamitron !\n<popey> hamitron: love the volcano!\n<utrinqueparatus> is it possible to have a fileshare with domain authentication from a samba pdc?\n<andylockran> hey guys\n<andylockran> anyone good with perl?\n<andylockran> http://dpaste.com/362962/\n<andylockran> or just logic :p\n<moreati> andylockran: what's the question?\n<andylockran> moreati: looks like the last two lines are out of order.\n<andylockran> in that swap the two round\n<moreati> yes: also remove the semi-colon from line 8, and place the swapped line 7 in {}\n<moreati> andylockran: why does line 6 end  with + 1?\n<moreati> actually, i don't get that whole paste. What exactly is being tested for?\n<andylockran> moreati: actually, looking at it\n<andylockran> the last line is part of the previous line (as no colon) so it returns as expected..\n<andylockran> it's meant to be checking for a sane vat value.\n<andylockran> I don't get the paste either.. I'm not a dev :;p\n<dogmatic69> brobostigon: even using it on my upto-date ubuntu10.10 does not work, i do not know how people have on the site that it works out the box\n<brobostigon> dogmatic69: i am not sure then, there might be someintricasy in said usb adaptor or you computer thats causing aproblem, i dont know.\n<dogmatic69> gonna try it on windows tonight\n<dogmatic69> there is not even a led on the stupid thing to show that its working\n<dogmatic69> tx for the help though\n<brobostigon> dogmatic69: i am quite used to that, no seeing hw do things like that, i look in other places.\n<hamitron> damn phone, popey: had serious lag\n<hamitron> but gone now\n<popey> :(\n<popey> when was that?\n<hamitron> when I said \"LAG\" on server\n<hamitron> just after 3:30 I think\n<popey> ace, will look at log\n<popey> AM?\n<hamitron> PM\n<hamitron> I am not hardcore enough for AM\n<hamitron> :)\n<hamitron> got work and rl ;/\n<hamitron> maybe all the kiddies got home from school :/\n<popey> hamitron: have suspended the map generation jobs, and moved them all to early morning 6-8AM\n<popey> should make it less wobbly\n<hamitron> cool :)\n<Azelphur> popey: did you see my android screenshot earlier? :P\n<popey> nope\n<Azelphur> popey: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/screenshots/Janurary%202011/andshot.png\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Sheesh - I've just got a renewal bill (£20) for my driving license - That never used to happen. Been driving for 25yrs. Got to send a new photo.\n<Azelphur> That's an FTP server, SSH Client, Skype, Playstation emulator, Remote notifier, XMPP client, IRC Client, Overclocking profiler, vnstat-like thing, tasker, and 2 voip accounts\n<Azelphur> all at the same time :D\n<Azelphur> do that on an iphone, lol\n<popey> :)\n<Azelphur> hehe\n<bigcalm> popey: track finished\n<Azelphur> popey: it actually manages all that fine too, the emu is running happy at 50+fps all the time :D\n<Azelphur> I could run more, I just couldn't find anything else to run, lmao\n<popey> bigcalm: yay\n<popey> setiathome?\n<bigcalm> popey: would be more of a yay if it worked :P\n<popey> well, yes\n<bigcalm> I think that the number on thing that servers need is passwords\n<popey> oh?\n<bigcalm> You don't think?\n<HazRPG> rofl, have you seen how numb3rs describes irc?\n<popey> power\n<popey> cooling\n<HazRPG> I think its using IRSSI xD\n<HazRPG> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2rGTXHvPCQ\n<gord> i love setting something \"going\" only to return to it half an hour later with it sitting on a password dialogue\n<popey> Yay! http://www.graze.com/b/GQXPP\n<daubers> Woot \\o/ Missus is having dinner with her parents, which means it's take away and geeky tv night!\n<popey> tomorrows box is on the way\n<popey> yay daubers\n<popey> daubers: minecraft!\n<daubers> popey: I'm all Minecrafted out\n<popey> bah, unpossible!\n<daubers> I built my massive underground railway last night\n<daubers> Got fed up trying to keep the damn thing moving under it's own power....\n<daubers> I could sit and paint some Warhammer miniatures and watch Thunderbirds with a curry from the place down the road.\n<popey> but but but\n<popey> join us on the popey server :)\n<popey> or not :)\n<gord> daubers, do you know about boosters?\n<daubers> :p\n<daubers> gord: Yeah, I can't get them to work particularly well :(\n<gord> they aren't too tricky, poke me some time and i'll take a look\n<popey> tracks seem broken in smp\n<gord> no they work fine\n<popey> no, laying them\n<popey> put 10 in a row, the last one is wrong orientation\n<popey> lay the 11th, and that one flips, and the 11th is wrong\n<popey> so lay 100 in a row and you end up with a few here and there the wrong way round\n<popey> there's loads of them on the bridges in the popey map\n<gord> weird, doesn't happen on my server\n<popey> wonder if mine is outdated\n<hamitron> you not gonna reset? :(\n<popey> no\n<hamitron> thank gawd\n<hamitron> ;/\n<popey> just wondering if I need an updated jar file\n<gord> last one i got was for the colours update thingy\n<gord> i really need to figure out a way of farming sheep, seems like there is no good way of getting wool\n<hamitron> how much you need?\n<gord> hundreds and hundreds\n<hamitron> if you can put it to good use, can have mine\n<gord> meh i abandoned the giant zx spectrum mascots idea\n<popey> hmm, mine is outdates\n<popey> *outdated\n<popey> will update it later on\n<bigcalm> \\o/\n<bigcalm> Hopefully not losing much\n<popey> gord: you could probably farm them with fast moving water :)\n<bigcalm> popey: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asImTDkPWKA\n<gord> yeah there are ways of building traps to basically farm anything that spawns on land, but those always feel like cheating\n<hamitron> help\n<popey> :)\n<bigcalm> Just set this video to full screen\n<bigcalm> I'm being sucked into the monitor\n<popey> :)\n * brobostigon shakes fist @ the adsl\n<n1md4> hello.  anyone know if it's possible to upgrade hardware RAID disk capacity on SAS1068.\n<directhex> n1md4, you're already using 8 disks?\n<n1md4> directhex: Sorry, 2 disk RAID1.\n<Azelphur> anyone know of an IRC bot that'll read an RSS feed and chuck new entries into a channel?\n<bigcalm> Azelphur: I'd suggest running an eggdrop and finding a tcl script to do that\n<OmNomSequitur> AnnoyBot6000.\n<Azelphur> bigcalm: :)\n<Azelphur> OmNomSequitur: haha, you know there's a bot in here that does it right? ;)\n<popey> ubuntuuk-planet <-\n<Azelphur> indeed\n<n1md4> Citing http://hwraid.le-vert.net/wiki/LSI \"LSI MegaRAID SAS (megasr crap): This is the first of the broken cards series by LSI. I hope you don't have one.\" Well, I have! Lovely when that happens.\n<popey> :(\n<popey> whats broken about it?\n<popey> ahh, fakeraid\n<popey> say no more\n<popey> useful page\n * popey hugs bigcalm \n<bigcalm> popey: I've just disconnected\n<popey> so i saw :)\n * popey pokes gord with a disconnection :)\n<selinuxium> Evening   o/\n<bigcalm> Omnipresent!\n * bigcalm drums his fingers\n<czajkowski> oh a selinuxium\n<bigcalm> I have trees to plant!\n<popey> yay\n<gord> popey, okay done that, sorry was logged in and left it running in the background, was just keeping the server from sleeping so my grass would grow\n * popey backs up first\n<popey> heheh\n<bigcalm> Gooooooooooooood\n<selinuxium> I do love joining the end of a conversation... :)\n<bigcalm> End?\n<bigcalm> It's pretty much constant\n<selinuxium> Well, not the beginning...\n<selinuxium> there is no end...\n<selinuxium> :)\n<bigcalm> There is no end to the minecraft talk\n<selinuxium> How is everyone today?\n<selinuxium> OH! I have yet to play it...\n<popey> dude!\n<MartijnVdS> You have yet to play today?\n * AlanBell also admits to a lack of minecraft experience\n<selinuxium> *cough*   ....ever ?\n<MartijnVdS> are you a Minecraft virgin, AlanBell?\n * AlanBell resists crude puns\n<AlanBell> never played it, yes\n * Darael sees no problem with not having played minecraft.  He hasn't either.\n<davmor2> MartijnVdS: so am I, I don't have enough hours in the day to play too\n<popey> bigcalm / gord it's back\n<bigcalm> \\o/\n<shauno> I can't touch minecraft.  I'm still recovering from a 3 year warcraft addiction.  And minecraft seems to just suck people right in\n<brobostigon> or the spare money, to buy it.\n<selinuxium> So has someone done a PPA for minecraft? or do I have to just download it?\n<bigcalm> popey: track is fixed\n<popey> its payware\n<popey> !\n<popey> seriously?\n<selinuxium> popey, O_o\n<bigcalm> popey: But we have to manually correct all of the kinks\n<popey> selinuxium: its cheap\n<popey> sure\n<popey> can do that in a train :)\n<selinuxium> People... Paying... For game.... On Linux... ;)\n<bigcalm> selinuxium: every platform\n<popey> selinuxium: its java\n<MartijnVdS> If you pay for Minecraft, you pay ORACLE\n<MartijnVdS> *ahem*\n<popey> haha\n<popey> yay, home time\n<popey> ttfn all\n<selinuxium> ttfn\n * daubers ponders which takeaway to go to\n<daubers> Chinese, nepalese, indian or the chippy\n<brobostigon> +1 indian\n<Darael> indian++; chinese++\n<MartijnVdS> indianese!\n<brobostigon> lol\n<directhex> korean!\n<maco> mmm bibimbap\n<directhex> korean's really uncommon in the uk, but i had some in cambridge\n<maco> hmm UK loses a point for lack of korean food then\n<TheOpenSourcerer> ++indian - and grab me a bag of Onion Bhaji too would you please?\n<directhex> maco, \"ethnic foods\" are tied to immigration. the uk is filled with people from india, bangladesh, and pakistan - not so much korea\n<directhex> or mexican\n<maco> i know theres at least some ethiopian there too\n<maco> because i looked up ethiopian restaurants in edinburgh to figure out the likelihood Riddell wouldve already tried it before visiting DC\n<MartijnVdS> Look what I found: http://www.imgur.com/dFYri.jpg\n<maco> directhex: one of the ethiopian restaurants in the city i grew up in was started by a lawyer who fell in love with the food while visiting DC all the time. DC has high ethiopian immigration, Pittsburgh does not\n<ali1234> MartijnVdS: nice\n<MartijnVdS> ali1234: 12\" -- another nice find at the local record store :)\n<directhex> maco, well, \"tied to\", not directly a part of ;)\n<daubers> \\o/ went to the indian\n<brobostigon> :)\n<HazRPG> hurray, my google extension is published :D\n<HazRPG> https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/gmkbolemmamlpfbnieckhgaghdccmkhe?hl=en\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: cool\n<brobostigon> wicked,\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: thanks :)\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: thanks :)\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: :)\n<HazRPG> finally I feel I gave back a lil ^^,\n<HazRPG> granted, can't take full ownership since the base is google's version - but I think I done some good tweaks to it :)\n * brobostigon gets HazRPG a congratulatory beer\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: hurray :D\n * HazRPG raises beer glass\n * brobostigon joins in.\n<MartijnVdS> congratulatory beer? count me in!\n * brobostigon gets MartijnVdS one.\n<HazRPG> \\o/\n * HazRPG wondering if there's actually a need for an RSS subscribe addon to open up juice\n<gord> popey, maps don't seem to be generating :(\n<popey> yeah, supressed for a bit because they were bogging down and possibly causing lag\n<popey> did you notice any?\n<gord> nope\n<gord> do you not run the map gen with nice?\n<brobostigon> gammon, yummy, :)\n<gord> grass still hasn't grown far enough... left it for two hours already!\n<MartijnVdS> it's like watching grass grow/paint dry/etc.\n<popey> gord: hmm, nice idea\n<popey> GEDDIT!\n<popey> \\o/ gord\n<popey> gord:\n<popey> gord:\n<popey> gord:\n<popey> :)\n<gord> you broke the server?\n<popey> minecraft, fullscreen in unity. IT R FIXED!\n<gord> oh cool\n<gord> wonder what went wrong\n<popey> oh, server broke?\n<gord> i alt tabbed back and i was disconnected, tried to connect and can't log in it seems\n<popey> it seems \"busy\"\n<popey> i blame you for recommending nice -19 :)\n<popey> \"oops\"\n<dogmatic69> hows the pizza?\n<popey> not arrived yet\n<gord> i didn't say nice -19!\n<popey> how do you specify +19?\n<gord> nice -n19\n<popey> ahh\n<popey> swapping its poor little heart out\n<gord> i'm not supprised :)\n<gord> \"stop running the kernel! need to generate maps!!!\"\n<popey> should be okay now\n<gord> ah there it goes\n<popey> unity fail\n<popey> well, sloppy focus fail\n<popey> i should turn that off\n<dogmatic69> popey: when did you start that map?\n<dogmatic69> before the updates or after?\n<czajkowski> hmm I am all out of something nice to eat ;( no goodies\n * czajkowski needs treats \n * brobostigon scp's czajkowski some of his chocolate buttons.\n<gord> chocolate buttons are so great\n<czajkowski> :D\n * Darael looks disappointed that brobostigon used scp - now he can't intercept them.\n<brobostigon> hehe, :)\n<brobostigon> is there a prog i can use for google latitude, without acutally using google's latitude app. ?\n<HazRPG> what sort of things are you wanting that latitude provide?\n<Neoti> hey anyone use Trixbox/asterisk/freepbx?\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: friend location, and broadcastof mylocation. without the massive battery drain.\n<HazRPG> ah, is that on the android?\n<brobostigon> yes\n<brobostigon> 2.2.1\n * MartijnVdS has 2.2.2\n<brobostigon> :(\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: on Nexus One\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: htc dream.\n<MartijnVdS> is that the G1?\n<brobostigon> yes.\n * MartijnVdS strokes his Nexus\n<brobostigon> samething, justdifferent names.\n * brobostigon also strokes his g1\n<MartijnVdS> gave my magic to my dad\n<MartijnVdS> he has 2.2.x now as well\n * brobostigon wouldnt say no to a donated upgrade.\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: you're a bit young to be my dad, sorry :P\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: very true, iamsure, :)\n<czajkowski> popey: did you ever have a job working with trains\n<popey> czajkowski: nope :)\n<czajkowski> popey: just a child hood love :)\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: hmmm, trying to find something for ya but can't see to find anything, you could always try to make your own?\n<HazRPG> the API's are out there\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: I have a Nexus One too :)\n<HazRPG> well worth the import :)\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: i thought so, iihavent found anything either.\n<AlanBell> tax return done \\o/\n<brobostigon> :)\n<HazRPG> \\o/\n * AlanBell rewards himself with a hot chocolate with Baileys\n<brobostigon> yummy,\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: ^5\n<AlanBell> ^5\n<Azelphur> Oh dear, anonymous just declared open season on the UK police force\n<Azelphur> I think we're kinda screwed now\n<gord> oh noe, they might make a website go offline\n<Azelphur> lol\n<Azelphur> gord: or take out a call center, or start a huge protest\n<Azelphur> or DDoS a fax machine, who knows with those nutters. I'm sure they'll come up with something inventive.\n<brobostigon> or DDoS'ing the number10 website. who-ho.\n<gord> they never actually do anything big, they do one thing that gets them some attention then skulk off declaring victory even though nothing has changed\n<Azelphur> *shrug*\n<brobostigon> hmm,\n<brobostigon> !\n<drt494223> how can i extract the audio from flv files? (wanting to get youtube mp3 rips)\n<brobostigon> ffmpeg\n<gord> mplayer foobar.flv -dumpaudio\n<drt494223> danke ,\n * brobostigon implors gord to say bitte,\n<drt494223> didnt work :(   it creates a file called stream.data  ; not playable by mplayer\n<ali1234> drt494223: i've used ffmpeg for that before, let me check ...\n<ali1234> specifically i decomposed a flv to wav audio and png sequence so i could put it back together and have the audio stay in sync\n<drt494223> i tried using ffmpeg just now,   with this cmdline : ffmpeg -i bqpXy991dGY.flv  -f mp3 -vn -acodec copy ouputfile.mp3\n<drt494223> file outputfile.mp3 says its an audio file, but still mplayer cant play it\n<drt494223> ali1234: how would i do that?\n<ali1234> hmmmmmmm my usb drive has gone funny\n<brobostigon> drt494223: have youtried toplay it with vlc , which uses ffmpeg.\n<drt494223> brobostigon: didnt work\n<brobostigon> drt494223: have you got ubuntu-restricted-extras installed.\n<drt494223> brobostigon: how to check?\n<brobostigon> drt494223: in synaptic, searchfor it, and it will tell you.\n<drt494223> i have ....buntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid main restricted   in sources.list\n<brobostigon> drt494223: ubuntu-restricted-extras is a package, not a repo.\n<drt494223> brobostigon: ok, its installed now\n<brobostigon> drt494223: it inscludes packages for restrcited formats, hence the name,like mp3, which is according to dfsg a restricted format.\n<drt494223> well i managed it now with this:   ffmpeg -i bqpXy991dGY.flv -acodec copy bqpXy991dGY.aac\n<drt494223> thnx all\n<brobostigon> you're welcome drt494223.\n * brobostigon rocks out to hendrix, (bbc4)\n<brobostigon> :( only one song.\n<brobostigon> nos da, sleep well all.\n<BigRedS> g'night brobostigon!\n<brobostigon> nos da BigRedS\n#ubuntu-uk 2011-01-29\n<devush> hi trying to share the directory in 10.10 running on vmware player under XP host.\n<devush> i can ping the XP host from ubuntu and access the internet though vmware NAT setup.\n<devush>  but can not ping from the XP to ubuntu. ? is there any firewall by default. how to change that\n<HazRPG> hmmm, I appear to be getting DOS and Port Scans from freenode :/\n<HazRPG> anyone else getting this?\n<HazRPG> or at least I'm guessing is freenode...\n<Azelphur> HazRPG: how do you figure it's a DoS?\n<HazRPG> Azelphur: My router logged and reported it as such\n<HazRPG> logged like 10 times\n<Azelphur> routers are generally stupid\n<Azelphur> my old one would continually log me playing TF2 as a DoS attack\n<HazRPG> my internet also went down not long after it logged those\n<Azelphur> it's probably just freenode scanning for open proxies, a lot of networks do that\n<HazRPG> yeah I know freenode does that - I remember reading it somewhere on their website under the terms of use or something like that\n<Azelphur> :)\n * HazRPG always reads the fine print ;)\n<HazRPG> I was just checking to make sure it was a false negative on my router's part\n<HazRPG> might see if I can set up a rule to ignore that IP as a DoS\n<HazRPG> I really have a sudden urge to wipe my server... I blame hak5 for that lol\n<Azelphur> o.O\n<HazRPG> By the face I'm guessing you don't know what hak5 is then xD\n<HazRPG> hak5.org <== mega awesome sauce of a web-show\n<Azelphur> it's some tech blog?\n<HazRPG> sort of ... but in video form ;)\n<HazRPG> I've learned so much from these guys ever since they started up in 2005\n<HazRPG> I highly recommend season 6-7.\n<HazRPG> Think there's a torrent on their forum to grab the older episodes\n<Azelphur> cool :)\n<HazRPG> new stuff so far is CES conference stuff mainly, which has some awesome new gadgets n stuff coming out - but the thing that's really got me going is the cool project they've got going - making some a VPS of your own - and making a cluster of them too\n<HazRPG> [thus the reason I want to format my server haha]\n<HazRPG> That, and the fact that I REALLY want to get my hands dirty with some ubuntu server stuff\n<HazRPG> or debian - whichever\n<Azelphur> HazRPG: I already have a big ubuntu server :)\n<HazRPG> Azelphur: nice :P\n<Azelphur> HazRPG: http://game.azelphur.com/forum/low-down-new-server\n<hamitron> poser ;/\n<HazRPG> wow\n<Azelphur> :D\n<HazRPG> do your players help fund it?\n<Azelphur> HazRPG: yea\n<Azelphur> I get a bit off adsense too.\n<HazRPG> I mean I know that's a pretty decent price for that kind of server, but its not exactly pocket change :P\n<HazRPG> ah cool\n<Azelphur> HazRPG: you can see donation stats on the left\n<Azelphur> they include adsense too\n<HazRPG> cool\n<HazRPG> pretty impressive use of drupal there I must say :)\n<Azelphur> ty :D\n<HazRPG> theme hand coded?\n<Azelphur> HazRPG: I quite like the server status thing in the top left too\n<Azelphur> nope, the theme is pixture_reloaded\n<Azelphur> but the donations and server status thing is custom code\n<HazRPG> yeah I was going to say I've not seen those two before\n<HazRPG> ^^,\n<Azelphur> :)\n<Azelphur> the game servers have a plugin that updates their status in MySQL as it changes\n<Azelphur> and the website just pulls from that\n<hamitron> how long does stuff from boffer take to arrive azel?\n<Azelphur> hamitron: dunno, like a week?\n<hamitron> cool\n<hamitron> :)\n<hamitron> I got the pack of skype keyboards\n<Azelphur> hehe\n<HazRPG> boffer?\n<Azelphur> HazRPG: I have my own mini qdb/bash.org too in drupal :P\n<HazRPG> heh nice :P\n<HazRPG> never really messed around with drupal much, feel inspired to do so for my next rendition of my portfolio site\n<Azelphur> it's a great tool :)\n<HazRPG> my current one became more of a code template then an actual portfolio site :P\n<HazRPG> http://www.hazrpg.co.uk/\n<Azelphur> :)\n<HazRPG> should forward you to /port_mine/\n<Azelphur> yea\n<HazRPG> since / is my original one and it looks really dated now\n<HazRPG> for you to really get a feel of the template you'd have to see the proper php side of the code - however I also tried to make a nicely structured html side too\n<HazRPG> that way it could /potentially/ fit into any website\n<HazRPG> css-wise I mean\n<Azelphur> hehe :)\n<HazRPG> wow, I started that site in 2008 xD\n<HazRPG> it was used for this project http://www.hazrpg.co.uk/bat/ and they were quite happy with it, however hasn't been merged to the main site yet\n<Azelphur> :D\n<HazRPG> cos it was a \"project\" for uni to work for a company for free :/\n<HazRPG> it was me an 3 other dudes\n<HazRPG> I was doing the site, someone else did designs and another grabbed and formatted the content\n<HazRPG> I had the hard job basically - but well I'm good at it, or at least I'd say I was\n<HazRPG> and well, the content guy failed the year, so he's re-doing it\n<HazRPG> and well he's decided to continue doing the same project :/\n<HazRPG> which I think is a dumb move\n<HazRPG> since he's not a coder, by any means\n<HazRPG> but well whatever\n<HazRPG> it will, hopefully, replace this: http://borderairtraining.com/\n<HazRPG> which, sadly, looks a mess\n<HazRPG> I think I talk to much sometimes\n<HazRPG> too*\n * HazRPG sits quietly\n<hamitron> :)\n<HazRPG> hamitron: sup dude :)\n<hamitron> just chilling\n<hamitron> literally\n<hamitron> cold again :/\n<HazRPG> same\n<HazRPG> can't wait for spring\n<matelot> can someone help me figure out why I can not access my home netwrok http server\n<matelot> from external\n<AlanBell> morning all\n<AlanBell> matelot: sounds like something you need to set up on your router\n<matelot> AlanBell I did port-forwarding, let me show\n<matelot> http running: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/328610/\n<matelot> port forwardiong: http://i.imgur.com/3gAQ6.jpg\n<AlanBell> matelot: I think that your http server is bound to localhost\n<matelot> AlanBell oh really , how to fix that ?\n<AlanBell> you have given it a port, but not an IP address\n<matelot> iI can see the page locally like :\n<matelot> that's where I port-forwarding to (\n<AlanBell> oh ok, maybe it is working\n<AlanBell> so you can see it from another machine on your local network\n<AlanBell> the router settings look ok (although you are currently forwarding all ports from 80 to 8080 to that machine)\n<AlanBell> how are you testing it from the outside?\n<matelot> AlanBell: sorry just back now - I test from my workplace PC via RDP\n<AlanBell> fair enough\n<AlanBell> that should work\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Morning all - quiet in here isn't it?\n<AlanBell> BOO\n<czajkowski> Aloha\n<AlanBell> would never have put you as an in the night garden fan czajkowski\n<czajkowski> thats it\n<AlanBell> iggle piggle and the tombelyboos and so on\n<czajkowski> more amusing is the mickey mouse and his tool kit game\n<czajkowski> yes\n<czajkowski> dora the explorer is also good, but a bit advanced for a 2 year old\n<AlanBell> ¡Hola!\n<czajkowski> :s\n<MartijnVdS> OUCH MY LEGS\n<MartijnVdS> (http://goo.gl/maps/BjXC)\n<gabrieluk> hello!\n<gabrieluk> Im using the touchpad of my laptop.why do i feel the mouse goes faster horizontal than vertical?\n<MartijnVdS> because there are more pixels horizontally and it's compensating?\n<MartijnVdS> also, humans are biased -- up/down things always seem smaller than left/right ones :)\n<gabrieluk> :)\n<gabrieluk> i dunno...it just feels wierd...it looks that whrn i go left/right goes faster...i dont have this feeling on windows or mac\n<MartijnVdS> I don't know what it could be\n<gabrieluk> btw,i'm loving being a linux guy finally :P\n<MartijnVdS> nice to hear\n<popey> morning all!\n * MartijnVdS upgrades laptop to natty\n<MartijnVdS> popey: morning!\n<daubers> Morning\n<DJones> Morning all\n<MartijnVdS> everyone's waking up :)\n<DJones> Heh\n<DJones> Is there a way to tell how much video memory is being used?\n<DJones> Or more specifically, how much is available\n<MartijnVdS> DJones: good question :)\n<MartijnVdS> I have no idea how to look that up\n<DJones> One updates finish, I'll try installing sysinfo & hardinfo\n<DJones> s/One/Once\n<gabrieluk> DJones,this might help u http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1398776\n<Thingymebob> MartijnVdS: Use lspci to find you device then lspci -v -s 00:02.0 where the number represents the address of your video device\n<DJones> Hmmh, Memory at fecf0000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4K]\n<gabrieluk> DJones,sry,i just \"googled\" that,the link does not answer\n<DJones> gabrieluk: No worries, I've found one that might help, but I think the answer is the 4K\n<DJones> actually, maybe not\n<gabrieluk> Is there a link with cool clt commands that i can \"play\" around to learn ubuntu?not a beginners guide,just a list with cool and usefull commands\n<Thingymebob> DJones: This is a nice one grep: -i ram /var/log/Xorg.0.log; grep -i mem /var/log/Xorg.0.log\n<DJones> Thingymebob: Thanks, 131072 KB\n<gabrieluk> look what i found,it might be usefull http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1543783\n<DJones> gabrieluk: \"clt\" commands, was that meant to be \"cli\" commands?\n<gabrieluk> lol,yes and no.clt ,control line terminal\n<gabrieluk> cli,control line interface,right?\n<DJones> !cli\n<lubotu3> The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro\n<DJones> Maybe something useful in that\n<gabrieluk> thanks,i dont know where i heard clt..lol\n<gabrieluk> !clt\n<gabrieluk> who  da heck told me clt...o myy\n<Thingymebob> gabrieluk: http://www.commandlinefu.com/\n<brobostigon> morning all.\n<brobostigon> bbc news have killed click again, for other stuff, :(\n<bigcalm> popey: there's a fun little rollercoaster near the spawn point now :)\n<czajkowski> Aloha\n<brobostigon> afternoonings czajkowski\n<Pendulum> hiya czajkowski\n<jacobw> good afternoon ubunteros\n<brobostigon> afternoonings jacobw\n<HazRPG> hey hey\n<brobostigon> afternoonings HazRPG\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: o/ :)\n<Gringo> guys quick question is there something similar to nero i can download?\n<AlanBell> brassero burns CDs and things\n<jacobw> Brasero is included in the default install\n<HazRPG> Gringo: for ubuntu? Use brassero\n<BigRedS> depensd how similar you're after. There is a pay-for Nero for Linux. Else K3B is quite close, and brasero less so but easier\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: :) o/\n<BigRedS> K3B involves a whole bunch of additional libraries that you'd probably rather not need to install\n<Gringo> brassero anygood? already in ubunto or i need to apt-get?\n<jacobw> I'd give Brasero a go first, seen as its in the default install it should meet the needs of most users\n<BigRedS> already there, but I think it goes by \"CD burning\" or something in the menu\n<HazRPG> Gringo: already in there dude ;)\n<Gringo> tried it but it broze on me\n<Gringo> i put wreritable disc dragged few mp3's and broze up\n<HazRPG> froze you mean?\n<Gringo> yes, sorry\n<Gringo> says starting recording but my dvd drive aint doing nothing\n<HazRPG> give it a moment, it'll start burning - are you making an audio CD?\n<HazRPG> if it is, it'll be normalising audio/etc\n<Gringo> i dragged few mp3,s to it, itsre-writeble disc\n<HazRPG> hmm, not sure - never tried a used a rewritable\n<Gringo> says burning audio cd, and starting to record under the the bar that goes across but the bar is stuck in the middle\n<brobostigon> help.ubuntu.com/community might be worth a look.\n<Gringo> any other program\n<HazRPG> Gringo: which version of ubuntu are you using?\n<Gringo> latest\n<brobostigon> 10.10 ?\n<brobostigon> 11.04?\n<Gringo> 10.04 (lucid)\n<Gringo> 64bit\n<HazRPG> Gringo: the reason brobostigon asks is because 10.10 is the last version released and 11.04 is the latest but still in alpha stages\n<HazRPG> Gringo: have you downloaded all the lastest updates/patches?\n<brobostigon> however 10.04 was the last LTS i believe,\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: yeah :)\n<HazRPG> Gringo: LTS = Long Term Support\n<Gringo> ah thanx, i downloaded it few days ago using wibi so i thought i had latest, how do i get 1010?\n<HazRPG> Gringo: you can either download an ISO for the latest from: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download\n<Gringo> what happens with the short term support?\n<HazRPG> Gringo: the way ubuntu works is, a new version is released every 6 months\n<HazRPG> which is where you get the version numbers \"<Year>.<Month>\"\n<HazRPG> so 10.10 = 2010 October\n<brobostigon> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases\n<AlanBell> you can upgrade 10.04 to 10.10\n<Gringo> the short version will we still get support? if not what happens after 6 months\n<HazRPG> the LTS versions of ubuntu will be updated for 5 years I think\n<AlanBell> it won't prompt you to do so until the next LTS though\n<Gringo> and after 5 years? ubuntu no more?\n<brobostigon> Gringo: its describes the support periods onthe site mentioned.\n<Gringo> sorry guys im new to ubuntu always used windows\n<HazRPG> Gringo: its cool dude, don't worry - we were all there at one point too ;)\n<brobostigon> definatly, :)\n<brobostigon> we are here to help,Gringo :)\n<HazRPG> regular versions of ubuntu (not LTS) will still get updates for a year or 2 years I think?\n<HazRPG> oh, its 3 years\n<HazRPG> my mistake\n<HazRPG> so regular = 3 years support, LTS = 5 year support\n<AlanBell> there is a nice chart explaining it somewhere\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: yeah I was trying to find it :P\n<brobostigon> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases\n<AlanBell> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: On the ball there dude ;)\n<Gringo> after 3 years what does that exactly mean? we dont get ubuntu updates?\n<AlanBell> correct, but you have new versions you can upgrade to\n<HazRPG> Gringo: basically yeah - but after 3 years, there will have been 6 versions of ubuntu been released\n<AlanBell> updates are things like security fixes, small things that fix the versions of applications you already have\n<Gringo> oh i see but then u can upgrade to a new version and have further updates?\n<AlanBell> releases will take a load of applications up a full version level and could have more substantial changes\n<Gringo> how do i get 10.10 within ubuntu? package manager?\n<AlanBell> update manager\n<AlanBell> which is in the system menu somewhere\n<AlanBell> then go to the settings button\n<AlanBell> third tab is updates\n<brobostigon> however as its lts,dontyou have to tell it to allow upgrades to normalversios, and not just lts's.\n<AlanBell> at the bottom there is a dropdown \"show new distribution releases\"\n<Gringo> guys 1 more quick question, just click on the update manager and check for updates it found 3 but its saying not authenticated  you are about to install software that cant be authenticated, is this safe?\n<AlanBell> change that from \"Long term support releases only\" to \"normal releases\"\n<brobostigon> ah, i just noticed, :)\n<HazRPG> Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the difference between a linux distro (e.g. ubuntu) and a microsoft release (e.g. Windows) is that linux is ever changing to fix bugs, errors, security, visuals of how things look, etc... so you'll find that updates for your system will happen almost daily or weekly of some kind.\n<AlanBell> HazRPG: nope, you are wrong :)\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: or even by minute or hour.\n<HazRPG> xD\n<Gringo> guys this updates are ok? not authenticated\n<AlanBell> Gringo: yeah, it is OK\n<HazRPG> Gringo: yeah dude, you won't have to worry as much as you do on a windows machine\n<Gringo> thanx guys i will try to upgrade and report back, thanx again guys , i appreciate your help\n<brobostigon> Gringo: pleasebackup, justtobe safe,before hand.\n<AlanBell> if you change that dropdown then update manager should offer a distribution upgrade to 10.10\n<HazRPG> Gringo: btw, another way to upgrade is by downloading the ISO and using the burned CD to upgrade\n<Gringo> i dont need firewall or antivirus? im only using firewall from my router\n<AlanBell> HazRPG: only the alternate CD\n<AlanBell> !firewall\n<lubotu3> Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.\n<AlanBell> !virus\n<lubotu3> Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: does ubuntu not accept upgrades from CD anymore?\n<AlanBell> HazRPG: not the live CD as it doesn't contain the packaged packages as such\n<brobostigon> ie, proper debian packages.\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: oh, heh I thought it worked on both\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: I'm sure back in 6.06 I upgrade to 6.10 via a LiveCD :s\n<HazRPG> upgraded*\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: was it ncurses or live installation  ?\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: ?\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: the installation cd method, you used.\n<HazRPG> I could have sworn when I popped the LiveCD back then of 6.10 it asked if I wanted to use it as a repo, and then update-manager suggested an upgrade using the disc\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: as the ncurses,ie alternate installer has proper debian packages. however the live cd doesnt.\n<HazRPG> it still had to download a few files during install - but was handy\n<HazRPG> you know, could easily have been the alt-CD but I didn't realise\n<HazRPG> (I always download all versions, since I can distribute it around to people :))\n<AlanBell> I think the live CD has about 3 packages on it so it does prompt you but it doesn't actually do much\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: personally I find it's easier to keep /home on a separate partition and just re-install the whole O/S from scratch ^^,\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: i test both ways, sometimes it works better than others,\n<brobostigon> personally i prefer, the alternate cd, as i like the ncurses debian installer.\n<AlanBell> contents of the /pool directory on 10.04 LTS http://paste.ubuntu.com/559896/\n<AlanBell> you can do a magic trick where you do an over the top install without nuking /home and without separate partitions\n<HazRPG> really?\n<Azelphur> AlanBell: you own omg ubuntu?\n<AlanBell> I think popey may have written about it somewhere\n<AlanBell> Azelphur: gah, no\n<Azelphur> haha\n * Nafallo waits for btrfs to land instead\n<AlanBell> d00d and humphreybc do\n<AlanBell> Azelphur: why on earth would you think that?\n<Azelphur> I see :)\n<Azelphur> your recent twitter post says \"Our exclusive interview with Linus Torvalds\" and links to omgubuntu\n<HazRPG> xD\n<AlanBell> links to a post on OMG entitled \"Our exclusive interview with Linus Torvalds\"\n<Azelphur> hehe\n<AlanBell> http://www.ohso.co/about.html\n<Azelphur> fun :p\n<Azelphur> sigh, x freeze again :(\n<Azelphur> haha, thats interesting\n<Azelphur> since X crashed twice in a matter of minutes i decided to reboot\n<AlanBell> popey is now running a session in #ubuntu-classroom and #ubuntu-classroom-chat\n<MartijnVdS> Thingymebob: that's total video memory, not \"in use\" or \"unused\" :)\n<Azelphur> now it says device /home is busy\n<AlanBell> do go watch/heckle\n<AlanBell>                     ^^^^^^ actually don't do that bit\n<Azelphur> xD\n<AlanBell> The session is called \"How to fix a broken machine\"\n<Azelphur> there, got my PC back up after the X crash now :P\n<Pendulum> sounds like Azelphur could use popey's session...\n<Azelphur> haha\n<Azelphur> Pendulum: I doubt his session will cover quad screen setups which cause X instability\n<Pendulum> fair enough\n<Azelphur> I am in there though :D\n<popey> wish i had more time to cover more stuff\n<AlanBell> it was good\n<AlanBell> and I appreciated the chicken hilight in it :)\n<popey> hehe :)\n * czajkowski has some fillet steak in, pepper sauce and potato gratins\n<czajkowski> just made some white chocolate buns :D\n<AlanBell> they do look nice\n<czajkowski> :D\n<HazRPG> hmmm, anyone know if its costly to use a CNC machine?\n<HazRPG> OMG HE'S GOING TO MAKE A PORTAL SHIRT!\n<HazRPG> :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O !!!!!!!!\n<Pendulum> czajkowski: you're getting far too domestic :P Where's the JD?\n<czajkowski> Pendulum: bottle of wine\n<HazRPG> heh, that was meant for a different chat... but still!\n * HazRPG watching The Ben Heck Show\n<HazRPG> engineering ftw!\n<czajkowski> Pendulum: Red and white\n * Neoti now has ubuntu 10.10 on my new system!!! \\0/\n<brobostigon> :)\n<Neoti> hey brobostigon. hows u\n<brobostigon> Neoti: alittlecool, myhip and backhurt, but otherwise good. how about you?\n<Neoti> i have a couple broken nails my leg hurts .... just put a bed up .... can sleep a lot better tonight !! yey ...\n * brobostigon gets Neoti a drink,\n * Neoti accepts drink!!..... suggests a coffee for us both!!\n<samuel> ;p\n * czajkowski grins at AlanBell \n<brobostigon> scp --- Pot of coffee ------ Neoti's Hand\n<Neoti> Nice!!! ....\n * Neoti off to make a well deserved coffee.....\n<samuel> whts this about\n<brobostigon> samuel: we are the uk ubuntu loco itc channel.\n<brobostigon> irc*\n<samuel> righty ho, im quite new to ubuntu and ll\n<bigcalm> Neoti: on 1st read, I thought you had broken a couple of nails while installing Ubuntu 10.10\n<brobostigon> samuel: welcome, :)\n<samuel> thanks :)\n<brobostigon> :)\n<samuel> forgive me for being dumb but whats an irc channel\n<bigcalm> This is\n<brobostigon> yes.\n<bigcalm> #ubuntu-uk is an IRC channel\n<brobostigon> onthe network freenode\n<samuel> yes i see.\n<bigcalm> Freenode is a network of IRC servers. Within that network, you have thousands of channels\n<brobostigon> irc = internet relay chat\n<samuel> what does it get used for?\n<brobostigon> samuel: you name it.\n<bigcalm> Conversations such as this :)\n<samuel> :0)\n<samuel> would i be right in saying that it one could use it for I.T support??\n<brobostigon> samuel: yes, :)\n<brobostigon> like here, :)\n<samuel> thats cool\n<HazRPG> samuel: delayed, but welcome :)\n<jacobw> that is the primary function of this channel\n<HazRPG> indeed\n<bigcalm> Well, within the realms of Ubuntu anyways\n<bigcalm> -s\n<HazRPG> one of the many frequents of this channel should be able to help with most problems ubuntu related - if not, we try our best to see if we can find a solution somewhere\n<jacobw> it isn't a guarantee though, everybody here is a volunteer and isn't obliged to answer any given question\n<jacobw> but most people try to answer most questions\n<samuel> seems convenient\n<HazRPG> oh, don't feel insulted if no one replies straight away, remember some people are logged in on here from work, home, etc so some of them might not be around when you asked the question straight away - but they do try their best as soon as they do become available\n<HazRPG> some people might have also seen the question and have started looking it up for you, and will reply when they've found a solution - all depends on the type of people\n<samuel> ok well thankyou all and thanks for the warm welcome\n<HazRPG> no problem, hope to see you around :)\n<HazRPG> I find it odd that we only really get like 152 people in this channel\n<HazRPG> or sometimes a bit more\n<HazRPG> would have thought there was more people in the UK using ubuntu than that\n<mattt> anyone in/around london want to buy a relatively new msi wind u230 netbook?  :D\n * HazRPG lives far north\n * brobostigon also, kinda,south midlands.\n<HazRPG> brb\n * Neoti had a nice cup of coffee.... back now\n * jacobw has also just had a nice cup of coffee\n<jacobw> milk first ftw\n<brobostigon> Neoti: me too, a nice coffee aswell. :)\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: some people in this channel aren't in the uk at all ;)\n<mattt> MartijnVdS: then get out!\n<mattt> (kidding)\n<MartijnVdS> :'(\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: true... but they are brits though right?\n * MartijnVdS is Dutch\n<HazRPG> I mean I know ball is british...\n<HazRPG> oh really?\n * HazRPG hugs MartijnVdS\n<mattt> MartijnVdS: where in nl?\n * brobostigon also hugs MartijnVdS \n<MartijnVdS> mattt: in the middle between all the big cities :)\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: I fucking love love nl dude\n<jacobw> did you know that hjkl scrolls in evince the same that it does in vi?\n<MartijnVdS> mattt: (in a town called \"Alphen\")\n<HazRPG> I would really love to go to the Blender studio in amsterdam!\n<mattt> MartijnVdS: unsurprisingly, never heard of it :D\n<OmNomSequitur> What's the maximum amount of RAM a 64-bit Ubuntu install can address?\n<jacobw> \"the continent\" ftw\n<mattt> would love to do a road trip through holland\n<HazRPG> OmNomSequitur: Err... lots?\n<OmNomSequitur> ...\n<brobostigon> OmNomSequitur: its probebly inthe terabytes.\n<HazRPG> OmNomSequitur: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit\n<Nafallo> hopefully more than terabytes :-)\n<HazRPG> OmNomSequitur: 16EB enough?\n<Nafallo> otherwise we'll need 128-bit soon.\n<brobostigon> petabytes.\n * mattt heads off to watch the game\n<jacobw> OmNomSequitur: 2^64 bits i imagine\n<jacobw> give or take a few :p\n<HazRPG> 16.8 Million TB ;)\n<brobostigon> :)\n<HazRPG> OmNomSequitur: which is why I said lots ;)\n * Nafallo grins\n<Nafallo> the initial response was off by a \"few millions\"\n * brobostigon wishes the football away.\n<HazRPG> erm, your more likely to find limits within your hardware then you are the operating system\n * HazRPG agrees with brobostigon\n<MartijnVdS> mattt: in the middle between Amsterdam and Rotterdam (north/south), and in the middle between Utrecht and Leiden (east/west)\n * HazRPG goes to make himself a shisha pipe with some watermelon tobacco :)\n<Nafallo> hardware wise the biggest I've seen in a single system is 4TB.\n<MartijnVdS> mattt: or just check google maps :P\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: I've been to both Utrecht and Amsterdam :)\n<jacobw> :o that's huge\n<HazRPG> I stayed in Utrecht, but took the train to Amsterdam, what a lovely country :)\n<brobostigon> and greatbeer, :)\n<HazRPG> totally :)\n * HazRPG was really amused by the bicycle parks xD\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: they're useful\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: we have an apple-shaped bicycle park here :)\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: http://www.metaalnieuws.nl/nieuws/4826/fiets-stallen-in-een-appel-van-thermisch-verzinkt-staal-.html\n<HazRPG> haha awesome\n<HazRPG> just loaded his shisha pipe\n<HazRPG> almost time to smoke :)\n<HazRPG> cherry flavour :)\n<HazRPG> (this is what happens when one gets too lazy to go to the shop to get cigs xD)\n<MartijnVdS> that, or you quit :P\n<HazRPG> that would be too easy xD\n<bigcalm> Good luck\n * brobostigon wants a pipe like the one HazRPG has.\n<gord> phew, finally finished my minecraft project\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: they're awesome :)\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: however to do so, iwould either have to into the shed, according to out rental agreement, i am not allowed to smoke inside.\n<brobostigon> our*\n<HazRPG> heh the joys of my parents working abroad :)\n<brobostigon> :)\n<HazRPG> also, mum smokes so she doesn't mind\n<brobostigon> i see.\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: i think iwill have to make a geek leir, a build a shed with electricity and heating etc.\n<gord> i don't let anyone smoke in my house, not sure if its against my rental agreement, but its sure against gords \"i don't want my house to stink of smoke\" rule\n<MartijnVdS> gord: I have that rule as well :)\n<dutchie> gord: what is your minecraft project?\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: go for it :P\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: i think i will save abit of money, and do it,\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: problem solved then.\n<gord> dutchie, its on popeys server\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: ^^,\n<HazRPG> I've never done much in the ways of woodworks... but I'll lend a hand if ya want :)\n<brobostigon> brobostigon's geek leir, :)\n<dutchie> i was hoping to get some work done today and not play minecraft\n<MartijnVdS> \"Welcome to my underground lair\"\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: thank you for the offer.\n<dutchie> oh well\n<HazRPG> I'm good with network cables, a crimp tool, etc\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: thts would definatly be helpful.\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: can you do wireless cables?\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: xD\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: lay cables under the back lawn.\n * HazRPG <== doesn't trust wireless\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: you need better quality wifi cables :)\n<brobostigon> :)\n<HazRPG> nah, all you need is some CAT5/6 and some bare copper wires\n<HazRPG> rap copper wires around CAT5/6\n<HazRPG> attach each end to an antenna... sorted\n<HazRPG> wireless cables xD\n<brobostigon> :)\n<HazRPG> gonna see if the phones have been reinstated in egypt and give my mum a call - see how the Egyptians are doing\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: i saw earlier, they were. on one of the rss i am subscribed to.\n * brobostigon swears he heard a cracking noise when he just moved.\n<Pendulum> brobostigon: that does happen sometimes\n<suprengr> brobostigon:  that'll be the the splinter in the finger\n<suprengr> [..& hi all o/  ]\n<brobostigon> Pendulum: yes, i am just concerned as to idf it was related to my osteoporosis.\n<brobostigon> suprengr: nope.\n<Pendulum> brobostigon: fair enough. I've got a condition called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome so I constantly snap, crackle, and pop\n * suprengr thinks whooops... made a boo boo there\n<brobostigon> Pendulum: ah, interesting.\n<Pendulum> brobostigon: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ehlers%E2%80%93Danlos_syndrome (if you're interested)\n<brobostigon> Pendulum: thank you, yes.\n<Pendulum> brobostigon: if you have questions, feel free to PM me\n<brobostigon> Pendulum: will do, :)\n<Pendulum> (although it looks like I may be teaching a class now so I may take some time to respond ;) )\n<brobostigon> no worries.\n<Neoti> Hey people i need a screen capturing program like greenshot or snagit for ubuntu .... any ideas ?\n<suprengr> Neoti: Video or still? For normal screen capture 'with a plus' [better choices] try looking at \"Shutter\" -  in normal repos / software manager... & normal 'don't blame me's' apply,\n<Neoti> i need one for stills and one for doing screen casts like on my vblog here http://www.youtube.com/uandmeboth12?gl=GB&hl=en-GB\n<DJones> !screencast\n<lubotu3> Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.\n<selinuxium> Hi all\n<HazRPG> woo, families doing ok\n<HazRPG> although apparently they started throwing tear gas on the street where my mum lives\n<HazRPG> joys lol\n<brobostigon> thats good to hear, they are ok.\n<HazRPG> tottaly\n<HazRPG> Hopefully Mubarak will be a good boy and step down ^^,\n<directhex> HazRPG, no problems calling them? i guess the phones are back?\n<directhex> oh no, looters hit the egypt museum /o\\\n<popey> evening all\n<HazRPG> directhex: yeah, just came back on a few hrs ago apparently lol\n<HazRPG> popey: evening\n<HazRPG> directhex: really!?\n<HazRPG> directhex: you watching the news?\n<directhex> HazRPG, i am\n<HazRPG> directhex: ... I need to get me a TV in this room T_T\n<bigcalm> Evening popey\n<directhex> HazRPG, online streaming\n * HazRPG light bulb flashes over head\n<Pendulum> HazRPG: glad your family is okay!\n * HazRPG facepalms himself\n<HazRPG> thanks :)\n<HazRPG> I think we should make an open-sourced government for them xD\n<directhex> http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/\n<HazRPG> directhex: yeah, I was watching it :P\n<HazRPG> but the arabic version\n<HazRPG> sometimes its funny to stop the differences in news\n<directhex> HazRPG, my arabic isn't quite good enough for the news\n<HazRPG> :p\n<HazRPG> directhex: wait, you know arabic at all?\n<directhex> no!\n<HazRPG> ^^,\n<popey> anyone on natty noticed the \"grab handles\" for resizing a window up or left are _outside_ the window?\n<HazRPG> gotta love english news, and trying to pronounce names right xD\n<HazRPG> altho its spent tahrir - its sort of pronounced as Tah-rear\n * czajkowski yawns \n<HazRPG> popey: don't think I have dude\n<popey> are you on natty now in unity?\n<HazRPG> nah, not right now\n<HazRPG> got it on my laptop\n<HazRPG> which is off\n<HazRPG> I'll check it in a moment, gotta go sort something else out first\n<MartijnVdS> AlJazeera English is also on freeview and freesat\n<HazRPG> still need a tv ;)\n<popey> AIUI a new satellite is going up to sit with Astra ones in place and will have a smaller footprint MartijnVdS\n<popey> apparently channels will move to that so you scummy europeans cant steal our telly :)\n<MartijnVdS> popey: Not if the channel islands need to keep \"in focus\" :)\n<MartijnVdS> popey: and Northern Ireland\n<popey> it's quite a funky footprint\n<HazRPG> rofl\n<HazRPG> really?\n<HazRPG> that's just plain daft\n<HazRPG> they should make a world network - to share all channels\n<MartijnVdS> popey: also, Al Jazeera English is on Astra 1 as well, so I can watch it anyway\n<HazRPG> that would be awesome :)\n<popey> sure\n<popey> I meant more our beloved BBC :)\n<HazRPG> oh lol\n<popey> Don't want you watching Total Wipeout (UK Edition) now do we!\n<MartijnVdS> popey: I'll find a way of watching :)\n<MartijnVdS> popey: don't worry\n * popey shakes fist at europeans\n<HazRPG> torrents \\o/\n<HazRPG> er, I mean iPlayer via VPN!\n<HazRPG> er... I mean\n<HazRPG> don't do illegal things people!\n<brobostigon> get_iplaayer via a proxy\n<HazRPG> *fags fingers*\n<MartijnVdS> popey: do you know the name of the new sat?\n<popey> no\n<popey> someone at work was talking about it\n<popey> ITVHD isnt on freesat is it?\n<HazRPG> I want BASR :(\n<Nafallo> yeah... cause that works so well with the Internet :-P (global network, except Egypt)\n<MartijnVdS> popey: it is\n<popey> is c4hd?\n<MartijnVdS> popey: no\n<popey> ah, that was it\n<HazRPG> Nafallo: ?\n<popey> yeah, C4HD will move over to the new satellite so it will appear on freesat\n<HazRPG> Badr <== I mean\n<HazRPG> that's the satellite I want to pick up\n<HazRPG> or nilesat/arabsat/hotbird\n * HazRPG missing watching arabic films\n<Nafallo> HazRPG: what?\n<directhex> hotbird 6 you can get from the uk\n<HazRPG> directhex: oh realy?\n<directhex> HazRPG, you'll need a dish pointed at it, of course\n<HazRPG> I bought a box from egypt last time I was there, just need a dish to go side-by-side my astra (sky) one\n<HazRPG> directhex: obviously ^,^\n<directhex> HazRPG, cyfra+ runs on HB6/8/9, and plenty of polish people in the UK tune that\n<MartijnVdS> popey: Someone projected the \"horror footprint\" (used by Polish channels to keep them inside Poland) onto the UK: http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w202/jalumsx/footprint.jpg\n<HazRPG> directhex: apparently BADR4 can be picked up in the UK: http://www.arabsat.com/pages/BADR4.aspx\n<HazRPG> can imagine it being weak though\n<gabrieluk> Hya.Is there any free software for email marketing for ubuntu?\n<directhex> HazRPG, you'll need a 1m dish\n * popey points gabrieluk at AlanBell who may know the answer\n<directhex> HazRPG, maybe 135cm\n<popey> gabrieluk: when you say \"email marketing\" do you mean \"spam\"?\n<gabrieluk> AlanBell,that one is for ya\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: kingofsat.net for channel lists per satellite, to see if a sat is visible: http://www.dishpointer.com/\n<HazRPG> directhex: so tempting to just a a MASSIVE one\n<directhex> HazRPG, a 2m dish would get you badr6\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: if it's visible, and you're in the footprint, and have a large enough dish, you can receive :)\n<HazRPG> I think my dad got a 2m dish in saudi xD\n<gabrieluk> popey,yes ,kind of...i have a list of 5000 ,and i want to send them html email\n<MartijnVdS> I know people have 2m dishes in Turkey to get Dutch tv from Astra 1 and 3\n<popey> gabrieluk: :(\n<gabrieluk> is not really spam,cause they are rellated to the theme of the email,altough they dont know me\n<popey> did they ask for the mail?\n<gabrieluk> no\n<popey> thats spam then\n<gabrieluk> hehe,so i will be a spamer,if you want to label a simple email campaign ;P\n<popey> :(\n<gabrieluk> whats the problem then,this is normal,you have a product ,and you want to reach people\n<MartijnVdS> popey: we'll see :)\n<popey> it may be \"normal\" but that doesn't make it \"right\"\n<directhex> freedom 0\n<gabrieluk> this is done for thousand of companies man,don't make me look the bad guy....i'm looking for sponsorship for a free project\n<popey> freedom 0 doesn't force people to support duff practices\n<MartijnVdS> popey: good thing the new satellites won't launch until q4-2012 :P\n<popey> :) MartijnVdS\n<gabrieluk> popey,so u are saying you are the anti-spam guy?lol\n<popey> did I say that?\n<gabrieluk> well,it looks like\n<MartijnVdS> aren't most people anti-spam?\n<popey> clearly not\n<directhex> gabrieluk, i don't know of any email marketing software, but it's not something anyone here has much experience with. the problem you'll face, as always, is pushing enough SMTP traffic. you can't just run your own locall, since it'll get greylisted, and no relays like spammers\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: i would say yes.\n<gabrieluk> well,if is a bad spam to millions of people yes...but if  is for a noble cause ,for few thousands..that are related with the topic somehow is different,isn't?\n<czajkowski> most unsolicited mail I get gets marked as junk and added to spam list\n<BigRedS> gabrieluk: not IMO\n<HazRPG> wish I knew how to mount a satellite dish :/\n<BigRedS> unsolicited 'charity' email generally just lowers my opinion of the charity\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: you're on the internet\n<directhex> HazRPG, with some bolts!\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: there are 100s of howtos :)\n<gabrieluk> kk,so here i am,i new spammer in the area...hope i wont be crucified :(\n<HazRPG> yeah, but it helps when the dish you buy comes with all the bits xD\n<BigRedS> But, even with permission to send mass mail out (from the recipients) It's *hard* to send it out with any gurantee that everyone will get it\n<HazRPG> the instructions I got, was NO WHERE NEAR close to what was in the box\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: there are forums full of people who can help ;)\n<HazRPG> and there were bits missing (I'm pretty sure of it) or rather bits for other things :s\n<directhex> gabrieluk, i don't think there's any spam software in the archive, so your best bet is just to google about\n<HazRPG> spam software?\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: do you have a dish only? does it include an LNB?\n<gabrieluk> lol.spam software....i feel like a hacker already ,doing nasty things...nasty,nasty\n<popey> reminds me, I should put my quad-lnb up\n<HazRPG> I have 2 LNB's from Egypt, A receiver (also from Egypt) and a dish\n<HazRPG> isn't spam software called scripts? And usually it's the script kiddies that use them?\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: find a satellite forum, there are loads of people who can help online\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: not always\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: I can see myself putting a massive hole in the wall and fudging it up somehow xD\n<BigRedS> It *is* possible to have a lot of people who have signed up to receive your email...\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: when that happens, call someone to repair it :)\n<HazRPG> BigRedS: yeah, but normally that'd be done in php - and called mailing lists :P\n<MartijnVdS> proper mailing lists are python anyway\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: Good point. Think I need to get me some better drills and drill bits.\n<Nafallo> MartijnVdS: you mean launchpad? :-)\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: Really?\n<MartijnVdS> Nafallo: mailman\n<HazRPG> arghhh really need smokes now xD, brb shops\n<popey> \\o/ mailman\n<HazRPG> popey: btw, I had the same troubles on laptop as you mentioned earlier\n<HazRPG> postal \\o/\n * brobostigon scp's HazRPG some of his kentucky tobacco.\n<Nafallo> MartijnVdS: sounds more like flesh and blood :-P\n<MartijnVdS> Nafallo: pythons are flesh and blood :P\n<popey> doesnt the author of mailman work for canonical now?\n<popey> he wrote the mailing list bit of launchpad\n<gabrieluk> talking about canonical,have you guys ever had an experience with their paid support?any good?#\n * popey points to jpds \n<popey> hey jpds, what's canonicals paid support like? :D\n * czajkowski hands popey a bun \n<Nafallo> jpds is not sales :-)\n<popey> heh\n<MartijnVdS> Nafallo: and you are? :P\n<Nafallo> MartijnVdS: no\n<Nafallo> *sigh* what have I eaten to make my tummy feel so achy :-/\n * brobostigon should really not put his beer on his desk within arm reach.\n<czajkowski> Nafallo: too many crazy energy drinks?\n<Nafallo> czajkowski: almost none. I've gone over to water.\n<czajkowski> oh MY Jack Daniels!\n<Nafallo> one of the Tesco foods must have been bad.\n * Nafallo takes anti-ache pills\n * Nafallo idly wonders of he's with Alien...\n<suprengr> HazRPG: are you trying to contact / help Egypt?\n<TheOpenSourcerer> http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2011/01/29/ot-the-return-of-the-chillies/\n * mattt needs help w/ his taxes -- any recommendations for a personal tax expert?  :)\n<HazRPG> suprengr: how do you mean?\n<HazRPG> suprengr: contacted mum using my skype credit\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: oh yeah, you were saying do the dish myself - I hate heights >_<\n<suprengr> HazRPG:  as in... if u are you trying to contact & help Egypt democracy? I hope this helps.  Good luck. try this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560007/\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: if you have a good view of the horizon, you can mount a dish waist-high if you want to :)\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: you can do that as long as you can see the horizon from where the dish is\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: interesting\n<HazRPG> I think I should be able to from my garden where the sky dish is\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: check that dishpointer site -- it'll tell you a minimum height\n<HazRPG> although that's high up, but might be able to do it :)\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: cool\n<HazRPG> need to get a better bracket to hold the dish with, since the one I got doesn't assemble right\n<HazRPG> i.e. doesn't assemble at all to the dish xD\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: call someone to do it for you :)\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: that means spending lots of money xD\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: not lots... if it's a good guy he should be able to do it in less than an hour\n<HazRPG> I guess\n<HazRPG> I'll look into it\n<HazRPG> need to fix the electric shower too :/\n<HazRPG> which has decided to stop producing enough hot water (more like warm) and pressure :/\n<HazRPG> shouldn't be too hard to do that though\n<HazRPG> I think\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: I want one of these: http://www.wavefrontier.us/images/CPIC_Boise.gif\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: up to 16 satellites at once :)\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: haha nice\n<HazRPG> what are they called?\n<MartijnVdS> Wavefrontier T90\n<HazRPG> or is it a special dish that does that?\n<MartijnVdS> what kind of dish do you have?\n<HazRPG> errrmm... moment xD\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: that's the whole thing, dish + extra reflector = T90\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: (it's one set: the dish and reflector need to be calibrated)\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: ah\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: the one I've got is a fortec star I think\n<HazRPG> 90cm\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: just a normal offset dish then :)\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: indeed\n<HazRPG> but like I said, the thing doesn't assemble right :/\n * brobostigon noms on roast chicken and curried couscous. :)\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: well the back panel of the dish is there, and the arm that comes out of the front of the dish... however the stand, just seems like it came with the wrong parts and doesn't assemble right\n<HazRPG> the instructions given were completely wrong too\n<HazRPG> also fearful that the 90cm dish won't be adequate enough to pick up the satellites I want\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: you want BADR6 right?\n<MartijnVdS> you'd need almost 2m of dish\n<HazRPG> well I have two LNB's so would be nice to get BADR6, and either hotbird or nilesat\n<HazRPG> think nilesat would be out of reach altogether though :(\n * HazRPG feels like a dumbass right now\n<MartijnVdS> also 2m\n<HazRPG> just tried to access nilesat.com.eg ... but well Egypt's internet is off xD\n<MartijnVdS> Some sat experts in the Netherlands say they can barely see Nilesat's carrier waves\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: yeah, we should call it \"gypt\" now.. not so much E-\n<MartijnVdS> ;)\n<HazRPG> ;)\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: did you ask someone or something?\n<HazRPG> \"sat experts\"\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: no, I'm on a Dutch sat forum, and it has a \"Search\" button :)\n<mattt> MartijnVdS: ha!\n<HazRPG> ah xD\n<HazRPG> essentially, if I can access Nile TV (pref the english one, cos they usually show subbed arabic films :) - and well my arabic isn't perfect), MBC1-4, MBC Action, Mazzika, Melody, *thinks* and other arabic channels ... me would be happy :)\n * brobostigon wonders if HazRPG can lend him his pipe, as brobostigon cant find his pipe. :(\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: find a UK sat forum, find the experts/real hobbyists :)\n<HazRPG> :P\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: ooo! Nile TV International (the english one) is apparently on hotbird :D\n<HazRPG> don't seem to recognise any of these other ones T_T\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: found it , yay:)\n<HazRPG> http://www.lyngsat.com/hotbird.html\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: :)\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: :)\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: lyngsat and kingofsat.net are your friend :)\n<HazRPG> yeah lyngsat is my favourite site to view\n * brobostigon goes into existng cold shed, with his eeepc for abit.\n<MartijnVdS> it doesn't have the frequencies in enough detail sometimes\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: time to freeze LIKE A MAN\n<HazRPG> true\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: yes, :(\n<HazRPG> I want that satellite you showed me earlier T_T\n<HazRPG> what was it called again?\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: the dish, you mean? Wavefrontier T90\n<HazRPG> yeah, thanks :)\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: http://www.satellites.co.uk/forums/dish-setup-single-sat-multi-sat-motorised-systems/87844-wave-frontier-t90-where-get.html\n<brobostigon> hopefully the eeepc will survive th cold, ?\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: just run some cpu-intensive stuff on it ;)\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: yes,\n * brobostigon fires up blender\n<HazRPG> surely cold = good for PC's right?\n<MartijnVdS> 8-)\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: you can overclock it better\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: moisture is more difficult,\n<HazRPG> true...\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: torcs ?\n<MartijnVdS> ?\n<HazRPG> but, but, but... water cooling xD\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: its an opengl car racing game.\n<brobostigon> damn, forgot m beer, :(\n<MartijnVdS> good idea! beer!\n<ubuntuuk-planet> [Chris Jones] Monitoring an Apple Airport Express/Extreme with Munin - http://www.tenshu.net/archives/2011/01/29/monitoring-an-apple-airport-expressextreme-with-munin/\n<ubuntuuk-planet> [Alan Lord] OT \u0013 The return of the Chillies - http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2011/01/29/ot-the-return-of-the-chillies/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ot-the-return-of-the-chillies\n * brobostigon goes back inside, into the warm.\n<AlanBell> oh, chilli planting season :)\n<brobostigon> igive up.\n<popey> brobostigon: hmm?\n<popey> it could be minecraft'o'clock\n<Pendulum> yay for warmth!\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: am I right in thinking that non of the american satellites can be picked up in europe?\n<Pendulum> ergh. every time someone mentions minecraft I consider buying it\n<brobostigon> popey: i survived the cold for alittle while like a man, but couldnt for too long.\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: they're all below the horizon, yes\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: some of the sats over the atlantic can be picked up though\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: they carry NasaTV\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: ?\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: also ESA TV\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: NASA and ESA have TV channels that broadcast science programs/updates on missions/etc.\n<HazRPG> ah\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: they're on Atlantic Bird 1\n<HazRPG> ooo cool\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: http://www.lyngsat.com/freetv/United-States.html -- and again, the dishpointer.com site can tell you if a satellite is above or below the horizon from your position on the planet:)\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: oh yeah, there's pretty cool coverage of Atlantic Bird 1 around most of the world it seems\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: nah, not most of the world :)\n<HazRPG> http://www.eutelsat.com/satellites/125e.html <==\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: there's this problem with the earth being spherical and the satellite being on one side of it :P\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: no pacific/asian coverage, see :)\n<HazRPG> well yeah I know that ^^,\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: the earth is semi-spherical.\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: for most intents ant purposes, spherical is a good approximation :)\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: I was trying to make a point\n<MartijnVdS> and*(\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: however it is accurate,\n<brobostigon> isnt'\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: it's sphere-ish.\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: happy now? :P\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: it's not pancake-ish\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: yes, :)\n<brobostigon> no.\n<brobostigon> spheroid i do believe is the word.\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: stop picking nits :)\n * brobostigon shuts up.\n<brobostigon> :)\n<HazRPG> hmm, interesting... if I move my Sky dish like half a cm to the right, I could get arabsat off it xD\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: except it's too small\n<HazRPG> well, yeah... xD\n * MartijnVdS listens to the Police - Walking on the Moon\n * brobostigon thinks MartijnVdS has a good thought.\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: on vinyl :)\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: dark side.\n<brobostigon> :)\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: I listened to some Zappa yesterday.. it's .. weird\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: very, yes.\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: also, it was weird.. sides 1 and 4 were on one LP, 2 and 3 on the other\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: hmm, very weird, yes.\n<MartijnVdS> apparently Blonde on Blonde has the same \"layout\"\n<brobostigon> ok.\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: did you see my image link yesterday?\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: http://i.imgur.com/dFYri.jpg\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: no, let me look.\n<brobostigon> lol\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: the original 12\" :)\n<popey> MartijnVdS: i know someone who would appreciate that\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: oh,\n<MartijnVdS> popey: you? :)\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: have you tried using DishPointer?\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: once\n<HazRPG> the app I mean\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: i like, that.\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: no\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: too expensive :)\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: hmm, this is weird, I told it (on the site) to list satellites I can receive and nilesat is on there ... but dish size is unknown... plus the footprint would lead me to believe that receiving it would be impossible\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: which one is nilesat?\n<MartijnVdS> ah 7W?\n<HazRPG> yeah\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: \"Outside of footprint\" for me\n<HazRPG> same\n<MartijnVdS> and I'm closer to Egypt than all of the UK :)\n<HazRPG> but why would it show it on the list :S\n<MartijnVdS> because it's in the \"visible arc\"\n<MartijnVdS> it's above the horizon\n<MartijnVdS> it's just not pointed at you\n<HazRPG> makes sense\n<HazRPG> :(\n<HazRPG> although I think I saw that Nile TV Int. is on BADR :)\n<MartijnVdS> my appartment is east/west-oriented.. so I need 2 dishes if I want satellites from both sides :)\n<HazRPG> :P\n<MartijnVdS> I need a 3m dish for some satellites 8-)\n<HazRPG> same xD\n<MartijnVdS> ah wait C-band, that's old-style\n<HazRPG> what's the difference between C & K?\n<HazRPG> or is it Ku?\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: Ku = 12-18GHz\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: C-band is 3.4&5.8GHz\n<HazRPG> ah\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: and the bandwidth on C-band is smaller, and the transmissions aren't always DVB\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: some of those \"satellite uplink trucks\" use it afaik\n<MartijnVdS> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satellite_truck\n<HazRPG> wow, if I want BADR 6 I need 120cm\n<MartijnVdS> that's not too moch\n<MartijnVdS> much\n<HazRPG> but BADR3/4 is fine on a 90cm - which I have\n<HazRPG> and hotbird is fine on 90 too\n * HazRPG wonders if we can get Hotbird & BADR off the same point of the dish\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: not likely, if they're in different positions, you'll need multiple LNBs on a rail\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: and maybe a \"wide\" dish\n<MartijnVdS> (with a focal area instead of a point)\n<HazRPG> ah, I do have multiple LNB's\n<HazRPG> I've got 2\n<MartijnVdS> ARGH!!\n * MartijnVdS shouts at compiz in natty\n<HazRPG> (4 if you include the 2 on my sky dish xD)\n<MartijnVdS> If I drag a window around, I don't want to maximize it thankyou\n<HazRPG> :P\n<MartijnVdS> also, I want windows to \"bump into\" each other.. and they don't\n<MartijnVdS> the plugin is active\n<HazRPG> weird :s\n * MartijnVdS blames the whole unity-is-compiz crack\n<HazRPG> :P\n<HazRPG> it will be\n<HazRPG> hmm, well the general direction of both directions seem to be roughly 25-45 degree angle differences\n<HazRPG> I'm sure if I pointed it inbetween the two and placed the LNBs right I might be able to get both\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: not really.. your dish would beed to be \"bent\" in a way it probably isn't\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: unless you have a Visiosat or Wavefrontier dish :)\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: (the \"Big bisat\" line)\n<Neoti> hey guys just converted another windows user to ubuntu!!!\n * Neoti is happy !!!!\n<HazRPG> hurray :D\n<Neoti> !ubuntu\n<lubotu3> Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com\n<HazRPG> I've managed to get one of my friends to change too :P\n<brobostigon> Neoti: you have pointed said user to here for help ?\n<HazRPG> he's been wearing the ubuntu tee for about a year that I got him, but never actually installed it\n<HazRPG> (only ever running it off LiveCD)\n<Neoti> to both the forum and IRC #ubuntu-uk\n<HazRPG> but he's not got it install pure on his laptop :)\n<Neoti> and asked them to call me for help to ...\n<brobostigon> Neoti: thats good.\n<Neoti> yep.\n<Neoti> there usb wifi card did not work but i found a fix .... thats the only thing i had to fix everything else on there computer was picked up ... YEY!!!!!!!\n<brobostigon> yay Neoti :)\n * Neoti wobbling those windows!!!!!\n<brobostigon> lol\n<brobostigon> Neoti: you should show this person gnome-shell and eventually  gnome3. it will slow them awayeven more.\n<Neoti> he he\n<brobostigon> blow*\n<Neoti> one step at a time\n<brobostigon> yes, :)\n<Neoti> i just want them to use it for a night and get use to it etc...\n<brobostigon> good idea. ease.\n<Neoti> i have put xchat on there for them ... and they know how to use irc as they used it in windows\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: :( I don't want to have 3 dishes mounted to my room/house\n<HazRPG> roof*\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: T90 \\o/\n<HazRPG> ^^,\n<brobostigon> altohugh as i beleieve, ubuntu will never have true gnome3, as it will be optional as unity will be standerd. so, well.\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: if you do it right, it can even replace the freesat/sky dish :)\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: what am I going to do with my old dish though :P\n<popey> brobostigon: define \"true gnome3\" ?\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: slide down a hill in the snow 8-)\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: put on ebay?\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: haha\n<brobostigon> popey: that doesnt exist yet, good point. however as gnome2 is now in debian without any specific changes from standerd gnome.\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: ebay was a thought, however like I said the mounting pole doesn't assemble right :P\n<MartijnVdS> time for some sleep\n<popey> brobostigon: what makes you think ubuntu wont ship gnome3?\n<MartijnVdS> gubuntu 8-)\n<brobostigon> popey: seperatly, to install serpatly from unity.\n<popey> brobostigon: pretty sure ubuntu will ship gnome3 in the repo\n<popey> especially if debian does\n<brobostigon> popey: agreed, yes, inrepo. thats what i was trying to say,\n<popey> sorry, i dont see how that means \"ubuntu will never have true gnome3\"\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: night dude\n<popey> wouldn't be surprised if someone created a gnome3 (no unity) derivative of ubuntu\n<brobostigon> popey: thts a good thought,:)\n<HazRPG> you can get 1Gbps from Cat5e can't you - you don't need Cat6 right?\n<HazRPG> popey: I wouldn't either\n<popey> I'm not sure it's a _good_ idea\n<HazRPG> popey: which, using Cat5e for a 1Gbps backbone?\n<brobostigon> interesting though,\n<popey> no idea\n * brobostigon shuts up now. as he is tipsy.\n<popey> oh, ok then.\n<AlanBell> HazRPG: I think yes, but run length might be longer on cat6\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: only going to be fitting it around my house :P\n<brobostigon> i might do something i did a long time ago, start from alternate cd, cli only, and then build from there, as a challange, again. however, i would love to try unity, it is definatly looking interesting from what i have seen.\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: looking to buy a nice big roll of Cat5e or possibly Cat6\n<HazRPG> and finally have some tidy cables around here :P\n<AlanBell> and a crimp tool :)\n<HazRPG> already have one of those ;)\n<HazRPG> already got the wall boxes too\n<AlanBell> I once made about 200 patch cables\n<HazRPG> technically the wall boxes are in the right places so far, but the cables they're using are really old and were just off-cuts of other cables I had lying around\n<HazRPG> nothing is neatly tucked away though, and I'm wanting to put one of my other boxes in the living room and finally get my PS3 off wireless\n * HazRPG wonders if it'll be best to trunk them through the walls and under the floorboards or if it'll just be easier to tack them to the wall :/\n<penguin42> AlanBell: And then noticed that you could buy them online for less than the cost of the cables and connectors?\n<AlanBell> penguin42: this was a long time ago\n<AlanBell> I was just so pleased not to be running about with a 50ohm terminator on my keyring any more\n<penguin42> AlanBell: Haha, you know that's not a bad idea - I'm sure I still have one some where\n<AlanBell> it was a major innovation to have people cutting their own cables only able to too out their own computer\n<AlanBell> take out\n<markjones> AlanBell, the presentation I did went well, ianto went home because he was exhausted. There was a lot of interest in Ubuntu\n<brobostigon> markjones: thats really good to hear,, :)\n<AlanBell> great markjones\n<AlanBell> got photos?\n<markjones> It's been video'd\n<markjones> and had photos taken\n<brobostigon> markjones: can you link us up, please.\n<markjones> not up yet\n<markjones> give them a few days\n<brobostigon> markjones: could you give me a shout whenit is please.\n<markjones> yup\n<brobostigon> iechyd dda markjones :)\n<brobostigon> diolch,*\n<markjones> AlanBell, Kaia asks why you haven't spoken to her in ages\n<AlanBell> heh\n<brobostigon> shine on you crzy diamond, is too sad, :(\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: woah! I've had like 24 downloads of my extension so far!\n<HazRPG> that's awesome :)\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: wicked, :)\n<HazRPG> since I've only had it up for like a day\n<brobostigon> cool\n<HazRPG> although so far one guy has reviewed it with just one star :(\n<brobostigon> hmm.\n<brobostigon> ohwell.\n<HazRPG> I thought it worked well, guy didn't even leave a comment for it\n<HazRPG> I did say in the description that it was basically the same as the Google one, but with tweaks to get it to work for applications instead of just feeding it to a Google or other RSS feed account online\n<HazRPG> You'd think that if someone was going to rate something, they'd at least leave a comment to say why :/\n<HazRPG> I guess I'll see what happens in the next couple of days\n<brobostigon> yes. think positivily.\n<Neoti> Hi All, just created a system for XBMC i love the fact i can remote control it from my phone (Andriod) if there a online video plug in that includes some XXX lol..... like the online video plug in for Media portal .........\n<brobostigon> nos da,sleep well,me tired bunny.\n * Neoti Goodnight ubuntu people!!! Loves ubuntu too much!!!!\n#ubuntu-uk 2011-01-30\n<ubuntuuk-planet> [Jonathan Riddell] Thinkpad T410 and Kubuntu - http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/4381\n<MartijnVdS> popey: http://www.killmydaynow.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/KMDN-Daily-PicDump-No.64_90-550x550.jpg\n<Sysunix> Hi everyone, I've got a little problem with my packard bell laptop. my headphone doesn't work and they seem to not even be in alsamixer..\n<Sysunix> An idea ? :/\n<MartijnVdS> Sysunix: try the standard graphical mixer app\n<MartijnVdS> Sysunix: you should be able to use it to select the outout\n<Sysunix> there isn't \"headphone\" in the app\n<Sysunix> MartijnVdS*\n<MartijnVdS> Sysunix: in the \"Hardware\" tab, there's a dropdown box\n<MartijnVdS> what does it contain?\n<MartijnVdS> Sysunix: also, check the \"Output\" tab, it has a \"Connector\" dropdown to specify which one to use\n<MartijnVdS> brb, making breakfast\n<Sysunix> hum, there is : analog stereo duplex/output, digital stereo HDMI and digital stereo duplex\n<Sysunix> when i try to test the headphone, the sound come from the speakers\n<Sysunix> not from the headphone :/\n<MartijnVdS> Sysunix: and the \"Output\" tab?\n<Sysunix> i've got just one thing\n<Sysunix> \"analog stereo\"\n<MartijnVdS> and the other list is from the hardware tab?\n<Sysunix> yep\n<MartijnVdS> might be a bug then\n<MartijnVdS> !audio\n<lubotu3> If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.\n<MartijnVdS> Sysunix: try that troubleshooting link\n<Sysunix> i don't understand why i don't even have the headphone in alsamixer\n<MartijnVdS> Sysunix: because (part of) the sound chip is wired up in a way Ubuntu doesn't expect, I think\n<Sysunix> mh\n<Sysunix> my english isn't that good, it'll take me a while to read all this page ^^ Have you seen something which could help me in this page ? (the troubleshooting one)\n<MartijnVdS> hm that troubleshooting page is a bit .. bad\n<MartijnVdS> Sysunix: I can't help you any further at the moment, I don't know anything about this :)\n<MartijnVdS> !weekend\n<lubotu3> It's a weekend. Often on weekends the paid developers and a lot of the community may not be around to answer your question. Please be patient, wait longer than you normally would or try again during the working week.\n<Sysunix> ok MartijnVdS :) Thanks for tried\n<Neoti> hey all\n<HazRPG> howdy\n<MartijnVdS> \\o HazRPG\n<Neoti> im looking for an XBMC online video thing line onlinevideos in mediaportal for apple trailers and xxx and stuff....\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: o/\n * MartijnVdS designates today as \"Prepare kitchen for disassembly-day\"\n<HazRPG> Neoti: You mean like an addon/plugin?\n<Neoti> yes... also i download an adon and try and install zip from with in xbmc and it fails also when i try and extract the zip directly in to the xmbc fiolder it says i have no permission.... how do i get around that...\n<MartijnVdS> how did you install xbmc?\n<HazRPG> Neoti: Also, I'm guessing your using ubuntu, not windows, right?\n<Neoti> i followed the commands here... http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=Installing_XBMC_for_Linux\n<Neoti> only the top four\n<Neoti> and its ubuntu 10.10\n<MartijnVdS> ok, so you have the xbmc package\n<Neoti> yep... i also plaid with my andriod and remote controlled it last night .. was cool...\n<Neoti> just need to install plug ins etc\n<AlanBell> morning all\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: mornin o/\n<HazRPG> Neoti: It really depends on the type of plugin you want to install dude apparently\n<HazRPG> apparently video plugins go in the /plugins/video/ folder, music in the /plguins/music/ folder, pictures in the /plugins/pictures/ folder and other programs (and launchers, etc) are in /plugins/programs/\n<HazRPG> they go into your home directory btw\n<Neoti> ok i want to install the XBMC Zone installer from xbmczone.. it says download it load up xbmc navigate to the dir and select the zip to install i do that and get installation failed\n<HazRPG> Neoti: So for example you had a video plugin you wanted to install, you would copy the directory in the zip file to ~/.xbmc/plugins/video/\n<HazRPG> Neoti: http://wiki.xbmc.org/?title=HOW-TO_install_and_use_plugins_in_XBMC#Manually_installing_plugins\n<Neoti> also how do i change the address bar to show the address as i want to go to ~/.xbmc but see no way of navigating to it in the explorer, i can do in terminal but want explorer lol\n<HazRPG> you mean nautilus :P\n<Neoti> yes\n<HazRPG> erm, easiest way (since I don't like how you can't type into it anymore :/) is go to your home directory\n<HazRPG> press CTRL+H\n<HazRPG> that'll show hidden folders\n<HazRPG> and look for .xbmc\n<Neoti> ah.. thanks\n<HazRPG> you can even start typing that and it'll find it that way too\n<HazRPG> CTRL+H will hide those folders again btw\n<HazRPG> I think if I'm right, the XBMC Zone needs to go into /plugins/programs/\n<HazRPG> however you don't /need/ to install XBMC Zone, you can just download the plugins/addons directly from their site and unzip them into the plugins directories I told you about\n<HazRPG> from my understanding of it at least\n<HazRPG> Neoti: Hope that helps ya dude\n<Neoti> so where to i extract xbmc zone to ... ?\n<HazRPG> ~/.xbmc/plugins/programs/ I think\n<HazRPG> still looking around to make sure\n<HazRPG> they're website is pretty poor :/\n<HazRPG> their*\n<HazRPG> Neoti: Apparently there are 3 more commands you can do. If you want a selection of skins type: sudo apt-get install xbmc-skin-*\n<HazRPG> if you want more remotes: sudo apt-get install xbmc-eventclients-*\n<HazRPG> and if you want more scripts: sudo apt-get install xbmc-scripts\n<Neoti> also in ~/,xbmc there is no plugins dir theres addons but no plugins\n<HazRPG> hmm\n<HazRPG> try putting them in the addons folder then\n<HazRPG> if not, make a plugins folder\n<Neoti> i did that....\n<HazRPG> which?\n<HazRPG> both?\n<Neoti> there is no ~/,xbmc/plugins\n<HazRPG> Neoti: That's what I mean, try putting them in the addons folder - if it doesn't work putting them in there, then make a plugins folder inside ~/.xbmc/\n<HazRPG> Neoti: Btw, the guys @ #xbmc might be able to help you out more\n<Neoti> ok .... but i see now why people like windows morethen linux windows \"install exe done\" linux download no what ... lol ..... though i linux still but i see why a lot of people like windows...\n<HazRPG> or #xbmc-linux :)\n<HazRPG> Neoti: dude, don't think that way... xbmc plugins still need to be placed in the same folder on a windows machine\n<Neoti> on a qwindows machine its much much easiyer tho..... i would have been done by now ... lol ....\n<HazRPG> there just isn't an easy way to put plugins in for xbmc it seems - that's the developers fault, not linux ;)\n<HazRPG> Neoti: You say that, but I'm on a windows machine right now - and even I'm having trouble getting these plugins to work xD\n<HazRPG> gotta remember, even in the windows world, not everyone makes their packages easy for people to run\n<HazRPG> but still, even in the linux world, most people will make a .deb file so that its easy for you to install their stuff\n<HazRPG> in fact, some will even try to get their software added into repo's much like the Ubuntu Software Manager thing\n<HazRPG> don't you think the software manager is better than the windows one?\n<HazRPG> I mean the windows one will just show you what's installed so you can remove it\n<HazRPG> the ubuntu one, has software you can actually install!\n<Neoti> yeah program installation is fine in windows its install exe done, in linux its apt-get or .deb / the problem is that on windows its easyer to make changes then on linux IE the changes i am trying to do here etc....\n<HazRPG> again, like I said - not necessarily, it all boils down to the developer of the software\n<HazRPG> I mean XBMC doesn't have an easy way to install their plugins\n<Neoti> also i have just downloaded xbmc to windows and installed the zip file fine and it just took 3 mins ... so you can now see what i mean ...\n<HazRPG> really?\n<HazRPG> it failed on mine :(\n<Neoti> dont get me wrong ubuntu is great and i like it .... but on the configuration side its a little harder then windows... which is why *some* people just stick with windows...\n<Neoti> it would be easy to convert people to ubuntu if things like this where sorted out i guess ...\n<HazRPG> the problem doesn't lie that its easy or not, the problem is there are too many variants on linux available - each one working different to the next\n<HazRPG> if more people converted to ubuntu, then people might start making standard set of installers (.deb) files\n<HazRPG> think about it this way... reason it is so easy in windows, is because windows has dominated the application market for years\n<HazRPG> for a software developer to make linux apps, they have to make several different types of installers depending on what distro you use\n<HazRPG> with windows, windows accepts just one .exe\n<HazRPG> in linux, there is .rpm, .deb, etc\n<Neoti> i see your point i totally agree but in my example just now linux i tried for 30 mins got no where still have not got it working , windows working near enough straight away... etc....\n<HazRPG> I just wish the whole community of linux would adopt just one installer type, and stick with it for all distros of linux - then and only then, would it be easier\n<Neoti> yes i agree on the installation side one installer would be good\n<Neoti> and i do like the synaptic manager and the ubuntu one ... as compared to windows for example ...\n<Neoti> and some things on ubuntu work better then windows ....\n<HazRPG> I think as a community, it would be better if everyone agreed on one type, and all helped to develop it to be the standard linux way of installing\n<HazRPG> Neoti: Yeah I agree\n<Neoti> in ubuntu im kept up to date on all chat services i have on windows i have to either install loads of clients or use something like trillion and sigh up for yet another user name etc...\n<HazRPG> Neoti: Best thing I like about ubuntu, is the fact that ALL software automatically gets updates\n<Neoti> again this is good and bad ...\n<Neoti> but mostly good\n<HazRPG> Neoti: btw, in windows you can use things like pidgin instead of trillian - that's what I use ;)\n<AlanBell> would be good if android used .deb too\n<HazRPG> Neoti: Yeah, its mostly good - because instead of going to each website to download updates for a piece of software, they're all located under the update manager\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: would be harder for them to use .deb wouldn't it?\n<AlanBell> don't see why\n<HazRPG> aren't android apps essentially java applications?\n * HazRPG recalls seeing something like that in the SDK\n<AlanBell> yes, in a special not-java kind of way\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: yeah, its weird :/\n<AlanBell> there are plenty of java applications packaged as .deb files\n<HazRPG> wonder why google decided to make a complete new (*sigh*) installer type :/\n<HazRPG> completely*\n<AlanBell> they rewrote the JVM to avoid licensing it from Sun, then Oracle bought Sun and are now sueing Google\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: that doesn't surprise me\n<AlanBell> android packages are basically .jar files, which are basically .zip files\n<HazRPG> indeed\n<HazRPG> you could argue that .deb is basically a .zip too though ;)\n<AlanBell> yup\n<HazRPG> btw, Neoti: XBMC Zone hasn't been updated since 2008\n<HazRPG> and XBMC has changed from using \"plugins\" to \"addons\" like you said\n<HazRPG> so best to do the below: http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=Unofficial_Add-on_Repositories\n<HazRPG> instead of using XBMC Zone\n<HazRPG> since the plugins aren't supported from Zone anymore\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: Do you work for canonical at all? Or do some projects for ubuntu?\n<HazRPG> just interested\n<AlanBell> I don't work for Canonical, but I do work with their corporate services team from time to time\n<HazRPG> was a reason to why I asked that, but can't remember now (was going to suggest something that the devs could maybe work on)\n<AlanBell> I am involved in several areas of the Ubuntu project now\n<HazRPG> cool\n<HazRPG> ah! yes, now I remember\n<HazRPG> chat\n<HazRPG> wouldn't it be a good idea if ubuntu was made in such a way, that people could login to irc - without having to know what irc was, or even how the \"chat\" thing worked\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: they should know what to expect though\n<HazRPG> so that people can get logged into their local LoCo irc channel, or the standard #ubuntu channel\n<AlanBell> they kind of can\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: nobody may be around to help\n<HazRPG> for help/support\n<AlanBell> HazRPG: if you launch xchat-gnome it autoconnects to freenode, tries to use your username as a nick and connects to #ubuntu-countrycode\n<AlanBell> which in our case connects to #ubuntu-GB, which redirects to here\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: Yeah I know, but if you don't install xchat - then you'd never know would you\n<AlanBell> agreed\n<AlanBell> getting xchat on the default install would be good in my opinion\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: I agree, but that could be the disclaimer at the start though\n<AlanBell> or another IRC client with similar loco-connecting functionality\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: indeed\n<HazRPG> just from experience, I end up being the support guy that my fellow converts contact - and well I don't mind that, but well gets annoying after a while xD\n<HazRPG> I mean, there was one day - I got like 8 phone calls around roughly the same time because of an update xD\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: See, that could be a feature mentioned on the homepage of the ubuntu site about ubuntu. \"Xchat client installed by default - this will connect to your local community, to help with some problems you may encounter. Please note: These are volunteers, and will try to help if they are available...\" something along them lines and that the forum is the best place if they want more help, etc\n<AlanBell> hey, send them all here\n<AlanBell> with the new loco site http://beta.ubuntu-uk.org/\n<AlanBell> we have http://beta.ubuntu-uk.org/todays-chatter/\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: I've been trying to get coophi to join IRC for ages now, but he keeps saying \"I'll get round to it\"\n<AlanBell> http://beta.ubuntu-uk.org/join-the-conversation/\n<MartijnVdS> time for tea!\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: Yeah, I am liking how beta.ubuntu-uk.org is coming along :)\n<HazRPG> still think the logo in the corner needs changed though\n<AlanBell> the map is almost working\n<HazRPG> (top-right podcast one)\n<AlanBell> yes, I only went mad with the colours so that the podcast folk would object and change it for me\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: good plan ;)\n<HazRPG> heck, I've been tempted to change it xD\n<HazRPG> hmm, I just thought - if all the LoCo's have a \"join the conversation\" type things on their site... well, maybe, just maybe, one of the dev's could make a - I don't know - a desktop widget / greeting / intro / thing...\n<HazRPG> (dev's of ubuntu I mean)\n<HazRPG> and in the intro, it could point them to their local LoCo depending on country setting, etc\n<HazRPG> that would be more useful\n<AlanBell> anyone can be a dev of ubuntu\n<HazRPG> heh, yeah I know :P\n<AlanBell> there are nice python IRC libraries\n<Neoti> well i sorted out my xbmc now ...\n<HazRPG> but my skills aren't exactly that great\n<Neoti> thanks for the help HazRPG\n<HazRPG> Neoti: No problem dude, I'm guess #xbmc-linux were more help though :P\n<Neoti> nope.\n<Neoti> well\n<Neoti> kinda\n<Neoti> the plugins page was the only help\n<Neoti> i now have the content i wanted apple trailers and game trailers etc .... so im good ...\n<HazRPG> :)\n<HazRPG> Neoti: Personally, I use Boxee - which is a variant of XBMC\n<HazRPG> and, well so much easier to use then XBMC\n<HazRPG> Neoti: Worth checking out: http://www.boxee.tv/\n<AlanBell> HazRPG: mad corner podcast thing has been removed until the launch of Season 4\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: woot!\n<HazRPG> guessing you have magic ninja ftp access then :OP\n<HazRPG> :P*\n<AlanBell> magic ninja wordpress access\n<HazRPG> oh, really this is made with wordpress :o\n * HazRPG impressed\n<AlanBell> yeah\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: any reason why there's a nasty purple box around the photo though?\n<Neoti> you'll have to make a video for youtube of it ...\n<HazRPG> Neoti: Boxee you mean?\n<HazRPG> there's a video on their site if I recall\n<AlanBell> the tasteful aubergine border you mean?\n<Neoti> i will look at it later... for now i have moved from GBpvr to MediaPortal to xbmc... im just a media center slut....!!!!! lol\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: yeah, it looks wrong somehow\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: first time I saw it about a week or so ago... I thought it was clickable\n<HazRPG> Neoti: If I recall I recommended Boxee to you when others were shouting XBMC xD\n<Neoti> i know but i looked at xbmc first and thought \"o shiny and pritty\" and sorta stuck with it ... sorry Haz.... i will look now ...\n * Neoti Thinks he offended HazRPG..... About to fix that tho!!! SORRY!!!!!\n<HazRPG> Neoti: Nah dude, don't be sorry - we're a community dude :) we'll all have our own opinions as to what works best for us\n<markjones> Where I was this weekend: http://bit.ly/dEXMnm\n<HazRPG> Neoti: Personally I like Boxee, because they're getting sponsors from things lik Vudu movies, NetFlix, etc (and yes although those are american brands, it won't be long before the BBC and stuff try to get involved)\n<HazRPG> Neoti: I recall seeing somewhere before boxee lauched (back in alpha) their promise to keep boxee free and open\n<HazRPG> Neoti: They'll be making their money from their sponsors, their boxes that they've made, etc... so as a whole I can see them striving to better goals then XMBC - but that's just me\n<HazRPG> plus since it's the same base, plugins for either work fine\n<HazRPG> markjones: why does this guy look familiar to me: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bryn_s/5399282735/in/set-72157625934186738/\n<Neoti> in xbmc is there away to use my wintv 3000 card by huppage?\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: he's you, you see him every day in the mirror?\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: Not quite :P\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: just guessing :)\n<HazRPG> hmm, does ubuntu actually have an official page on facebook?\n<HazRPG> with the whole boom of all things going social media :/\n<HazRPG> I'm sure I have a friend that looks like him\n<HazRPG> omg wait... he looks like that kid from superbad xD\n<AlanBell> http://www.facebook.com/ubuntulinux\n<AlanBell> 326,220 people like this\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: yeah I've noticed that, but it could just be fan-based\n<MartijnVdS> argh\n<MartijnVdS> because one type of Intel wlan chip has issues with 802.11n they've disabled it on ALL iwlagn devices?\n * MartijnVdS pokes around in /etc/modprobe.d/\n<HazRPG> heh, wow 2 of my mates \"liked\" that page ^^,\n<HazRPG> one of them I met here on this channel, and one irl\n<AlanBell> http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2205498133\n<AlanBell> I think that one may be more official or something\n<AlanBell> I don't know the difference between a group and a page really\n<HazRPG> both can be made by anyone (much like a wiki)\n<HazRPG> a page however, can be automatically made by simply putting \"keyword\" in your \"info\" section of your profile\n<HazRPG> a group, has to actually be made\n<MartijnVdS> one of those also contains wikipedia content\n<MartijnVdS> by default\n<MartijnVdS>         tx bitrate: 162.0 MBit/s MCS 12 40Mhz\n<MartijnVdS> \\o/\n<HazRPG> with groups, you've got discussions, etc so its more like making a community (much like google groups, etc), and a page, is just for updates\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: ?\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: I've disabled the disabling of 802.11n in the iwlagn driver\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: /etc/modprobe.d/intel-5300-iwlagn-disable11n.conf\n<MartijnVdS> I have a 6300, but it still triggered and disabled the N bit\n<MartijnVdS> which is unfortunate, because N works fine\n * Neoti getting coffee!\n<HazRPG> heh, nice :)\n<MartijnVdS> now all I need is N and ipv6 on my ps3 and I'm completely in the 21th century ;)\n<MartijnVdS> st\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: I wish I could get N for my PS3 too, and my router :/\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: My ISP gave me a Fritz!Box 7340.. it has native ipv6-over-dsl support, and wifi-n :)\n<HazRPG> I wish I'd studied engineering, and electronics at school\n<MartijnVdS> no concurrent 2/5GHz though :(\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: what did you study?\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: The only subjects they had available :/\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: My parents moved to saudi for work\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: so.. you have a BA in knitting? :P\n<HazRPG> so for my GCSE's I had to take English, Computing, Bio, Chem, Phys, then either History, French or Geography\n<HazRPG> Math was a must too\n * HazRPG tries to remember other subjects\n<HazRPG> arabic was a must, but well my arabic was poor for reading/writing so I got opt-ed out for it\n<HazRPG> if the example was spoken - I would have been able to pass with flying colours\n<HazRPG> exam* not example xD\n<HazRPG> I took English Lit. but we didn't have teachers for it - but thankfully we had a british teacher, who said she'd teach me it after school hours and managed to get a classroom organised with the principle\n<HazRPG> think there was 3 of us in total that took it\n<HazRPG> erm... think that was it\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: I've got a HND in Computing?\n<HazRPG> shame though, cos I taught everything I know myself - didn't actually learn anything at college\n<HazRPG> I mean I wrote my first piece of HTML when I was 13\n * MartijnVdS just did Dutch, English, Math [option B, the harder one :)], Phys, Chem, History, and a few \"non-exam\" subjects.. then tried studying CS for a year and dropped out because Linux was too much fun :P\n<HazRPG> (hurray for web crawler apps back in the 90's)\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: Hotbot!\n<HazRPG> ?\n<HazRPG> oh heh lol\n<MartijnVdS> that was one of the early search engines\n<MartijnVdS> with altavista, yahoo, etc.\n<HazRPG> nah, I was old-school - didn't know about search engines until much later on\n<HazRPG> I used an actual web crawler app to sprawl through the net\n<HazRPG> it was called Bee something or other\n<HazRPG> haha no way\n<HazRPG> www.pagetutor.com <== still exists!\n<HazRPG> that was the site that taught me my basics xD\n<MartijnVdS> my dad taught me GW-BASIC when I was 9 or 10\n<MartijnVdS> so I've been programming since then :)\n<HazRPG> looks like it hasn't changed much either\n<HazRPG> yeah I crawled for \"How to make a computer program\" at the same time as \"How to make a website\"\n<HazRPG> so I wrote my first HTML and C++ HelloWorld app back when I was 13\n<HazRPG> I hated computing at school though, because we had to make a VB6 app for a database - when all I wanted to do was C++ coding\n<HazRPG> even when I went to college, they pushed VB6 down our throats\n<HazRPG> :/\n<HazRPG> was so glad my HND involved C++ and Java\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: Was that for the ZX?\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: no, DOS :)\n<HazRPG> haha old-school\n<HazRPG> did some Basic myself at one point\n<HazRPG> BlitzBasic <== that's the one\n<HazRPG> made a really really simple game in blitzbasic\n<markjones> HazRPG, he is @nwdls on twitter, Rhodri ap Dyfrig is his real name.\n<markjones> and.. yeah, i dunno :P\n<HazRPG> markjones: yeah, he looks like this kid: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2395586/\n<markjones> aah, xD\n<HazRPG> but a European version of him\n<HazRPG> smile/glasses look similar though\n<HazRPG> markjones: what was the event about dude?\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: a European version? You mean half his weight? :P\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: that... and the fact that he's paler - with a more european facial structure\n<HazRPG> eye type, hair, facial expressions, etc\n<HazRPG> makes him look sort of british / sort of european\n<HazRPG> where as the guy from superbad, you can tell he's american\n<markjones> HazRPG, It was an event about technology and the Welsh Language, there were talks on everything from Wordpress to Ubuntu\n<HazRPG> markjones: nice :)\n<HazRPG> markjones: were was it hosted?\n<HazRPG> I'm tempted to get my friends to go to Ucubed - looks like it could be fun\n<markjones> HazRPG, it was hosted in Wales at Aberystwyth University, we were using the same building the BBC has a newsroom and studio in :D\n<HazRPG> haha nice\n<markjones> yeah. t'was ace\n<AlanBell> cloud computing meets parenting /o\\\n<HazRPG> xD\n<HazRPG> anyone going to Ucubed btw?\n<AlanBell> lots of tears due to entering a club penguin password with caps lock on too many times and now the account is locked for an hour\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: oops >_<\n<HazRPG> this guy is dumb: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsW-eXhMZzc\n<AlanBell> heh, he is totally not getting that it is locked out on my computer as well as the children's one\n<HazRPG> bet he didn't realise that the xbox360 games have a video section on them\n<HazRPG> if he had a DreamCast in the past, he'd have known the same thing - because you get a message when you put a DreamCast game into a stereo saying \"this is a DreamCast game...\"\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: ^^,\n * Neoti Looking at Mythbuntu and Boxee... need a media center that supports My TV Capture card... or might just buy a newone... any suggestions for one that supported under ubuntu?\n<MartijnVdS> the mythbuntu wiki has lists\n<MartijnVdS> (of supported cards)\n<bigcalm> I have a dual head digital card in my mythtv box. But I haven't used that box for about 2 years. Need to sell it really\n<Neoti> whats the card ?\n<dutchie> bigcalm: ooh, i might be tempted to take that off you\n<MartijnVdS> I have a sat card in my desktop\n<MartijnVdS> don't really use it that much tbh\n<bigcalm> Can't remember :)\n<bigcalm> dutchie: http://www.lazygnome.net/diary/592\n<bigcalm> Very old blog entry, doesn't say much about it, but that's the case\n<dutchie> looks quite shiny\n<HazRPG> Neoti: #boxee <==\n<bigcalm> It's a very quiet case. Silicon buffers on the mounts for the harddrives and DVD drive\n<Neoti> im thereHaxRPG\n<bigcalm> 2 x 120mm fans\n<bigcalm> (I think)\n<Neoti> should be HazRPG\n<bigcalm> 2gb ram (max that the mobo will take)\n<Neoti> im also just reading the link from lazygnome ...\n<Neoti> seems good ...\n<Neoti> i want a list of every bit of hardware supported by ubuntu ... does such a list exsist !???? i wander...\n<bigcalm> Neoti: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/\n<Gringo> Hey guys can i use utorrent with ubuntu?\n<MartijnVdS> !torrent\n<lubotu3> Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P\n<Neoti> Doh , my wintv PVR 3000 is not supported https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaHauppauge DOH DOH DOH... !!!!!!!\n<bigcalm> It might be at a later date\n<Darael> Neoti: The hardware support doesn't list everything that'll work, just the ones that have been tested.  If it's not mentioned, give it a go?\n<HazRPG> Gringo: nope, there is a torrent program already built in\n<HazRPG> as MartijnVdS just pointed out :P\n<Darael> Listing absolutely everything that works would presumably require having a list of every single model of each component that exists, which doesn't seem likely somehow...\n<HazRPG> Neoti: Best way is to test it out\n<HazRPG> Gringo: How's things going anyways? With your whole switching to ubuntu.\n<HazRPG> going good so far?\n<bigcalm> Time to go walking :)\n<Darael> Neoti: Also bear in mind that the only thing listed on that page as not working hasn't been tested since 2005 - there's a good chance it's been made to work in the intervening six years.  Try it, maybe it'll work.\n<Neoti> ok im selling Hauppauge WinTV HVR-3000 - DVB-T/DVB-S it includes all cables and the remote, plus the remote has never been used.\n<HazRPG> !kernel\n<lubotu3> The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages\n<christhecoolboy> hey AlanBell :)\n<HazRPG> Neoti: Btw, support for that card was added in kernel 2.6.28-rc1\n<AlanBell> christhecoolboy: o/\n<HazRPG> Neoti: The version of the kernel in Ubuntu 10.10 is 2.6.35 - so your TV card should work out of the box :)\n<christhecoolboy> so what can I do?\n<christhecoolboy> I cant even install it\n<christhecoolboy> its static...\n<HazRPG> christhecoolboy: hi \\o\n<Neoti> oh ... ok ... did not know that ...\n<AlanBell> christhecoolboy: do you have an external monitor to plug in?\n<HazRPG> Neoti: Here's for reference: http://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Hauppauge_WinTV-HVR-3000\n<christhecoolboy> Not where I am at the moment\n<HazRPG> Neoti: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickMeerkat/TechnicalOverview#Linux kernel 2.6.35\n<Neoti> i guess im still a newb\n<christhecoolboy> isnt there a command\n<christhecoolboy> that I can put\n<HazRPG> Neoti: Thing to remember is that the kernel controls everything, so drivers are usually included with the kernel\n<Neoti> ah so if i plug this card in it will get picked up? also what is a good program for viewing the stations ?\n<Neoti> in ubuntu ....\n<HazRPG> Window does the same thing (sorta), except microsoft don't tend to keep on-top of drivers for ALL devices like linux tries to\n<AlanBell> I have a black prototype webbook that is broken and has no hdd, I used to have a white one which was more functional but I can't find it right now\n<HazRPG> Neoti: Not sure, my TV card I use to have got washed away in the floods in 2005... and I didn't start using linux until 2006\n<HazRPG> Neoti: My guess would be XBMC, Boxee, MythTV, etc\n<christhecoolboy> ;'(\n<AlanBell> ah, there it is\n<HazRPG> what's the problem exactly christhecoolboy?\n<christhecoolboy> when I try to install\n<christhecoolboy> its all static\n<christhecoolboy> and I cant see a lot\n<christhecoolboy> just static\n<HazRPG> you mean when you try to install ubuntu?\n<christhecoolboy> yeah\n<christhecoolboy> when I start the CD\n<christhecoolboy> its fine\n<christhecoolboy> then as soon as the screen loads\n<christhecoolboy> static\n<HazRPG> ohhh\n<AlanBell> it is a crappy chipset\n<HazRPG> heh, I thought you meant it would only let you put a static IP address\n<AlanBell> openchrome drivers\n<christhecoolboy> well, my sister wanted a netbook\n<christhecoolboy> and that was only £30\n<HazRPG> hmm, what netbook we talking about here?\n<AlanBell> yay, power supply and it boots\n<christhecoolboy> elonex webbook\n<AlanBell> crappy company too\n<AlanBell> totally screwed us over\n<christhecoolboy> my mum bought it for my sis\n<christhecoolboy> cause it was cheap\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: what have you tried so far?\n<christhecoolboy> and my sis is 7\n<christhecoolboy> so its a good first netbook\n<AlanBell> HazRPG: the last article I wrote was 9.10\n<AlanBell> but I think I got 10.04 up on it\n<HazRPG> what version of ubuntu are you using?\n<christhecoolboy> me?\n<AlanBell> http://webbookblog.com/ubuntu-9-10-the-karmic-koala/\n<HazRPG> heh, was just about to say I saw a forum somewhere that they were running 8.xx\n<christhecoolboy> isnt there a command I can put it before it installs\n<christhecoolboy> and how do I do it?\n<brobostigon> morning all.\n<christhecoolboy> morning brobostigon\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: morning \\o\n<AlanBell> you could try the alternate CD\n<AlanBell> this webbook isn't seeing it's hdd at the moment\n<brobostigon> morning HazRPG and christhecoolboy :)\n<HazRPG> oh wait, so the LiveCD is fine - but once its install it messes up?\n<brobostigon> morning AlanBell :)\n<christhecoolboy> no the Live CD is messed up too\n<AlanBell> HazRPG: it is a *very* screwed up machine, the EDI information that the bios provides is a lie\n<HazRPG> ouch!\n<AlanBell> the control keys were fitted the wrong way round too, just shows the quality\n<HazRPG> :/\n<AlanBell> ah, it has no HDD, that will be why the BIOS isn't seeing it :)\n<HazRPG> xD\n<daubers> Morning\n<HazRPG> daubers: morning \\o\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: wait, do you have his netbook on you?\n * daubers has just been and got more flight cases from maplins as they're #15 off at the moment\n<AlanBell> you have to love the little hole in the case where the webcam would be if they paid to fit one\n<christhecoolboy> HazRPG, he has the same netbook\n<HazRPG> ah\n<AlanBell> and the bluetooth symbol on the keyboard is a nice touch. Would have been nicer if they had fitted a bluetooth chip.\n<christhecoolboy> AlanBell, isnt there a way of putting in extra commands before the disc loads...\n<HazRPG> xD\n<HazRPG> you can in the alt-version of the disc I think\n<christhecoolboy> HazRPG, huh?\n<HazRPG> there's two types of ubuntu discs\n<HazRPG> desktop Live CD\n<HazRPG> and desktop Alternative Install CD\n<christhecoolboy> ok\n<christhecoolboy> I got a thing up\n<christhecoolboy> boot options\n<HazRPG> AlanBell is properly going to be the best man to help you out since he has the hardware :)\n<christhecoolboy> what is nomodeset\n<jacobw> morning\n<HazRPG> jacobw: mornin \\o\n * AlanBell has a booted webbook\n<AlanBell> running 10.04\n<christhecoolboy> what do I do on \"Other Options\"\n<christhecoolboy> to get it to work with graphics\n<AlanBell> 1024x600 resolution, no screen corruption\n<christhecoolboy> how?\n<christhecoolboy> I am a bit of a noob\n<AlanBell> I used the technique of slapping in random hdds from my desk drawer until the bios recognised one and it booted\n<christhecoolboy> boot options blah blah... \"quiet splash --\"\n<christhecoolboy> what do I put after all of the \"blah blahs\"\n<AlanBell> http://pastebin.com/qeNFfNbe\n<AlanBell> that is the xorg.conf that works\n<AlanBell> it won't autodetect the graphics and get it right\n<christhecoolboy> how do I put that on the Boot Options?\n<AlanBell> and I don't think you can edit the xorg.conf of a live CD before it boots\n<AlanBell> I think you need to find a vga monitor\n<christhecoolboy> I dont have one :(\n<HazRPG> christhecoolboy: from what I can... yeah what AlanBell said ^^,\n<AlanBell> only temporary\n<HazRPG> christhecoolboy: what are you using right now?\n<christhecoolboy> All my computers have built in screens\n<AlanBell> just borrow one somewhere, do the install and download that xorg.conf\n<christhecoolboy> I have 1 imac\n<christhecoolboy> 1 touch screen PC\n<christhecoolboy> and 2 laptops\n<HazRPG> ouch\n<HazRPG> got a friend you can borrow one from?\n<christhecoolboy> nope\n<MartijnVdS> No friends, awww\n<AlanBell> you *might* be able to do a text mode install from the alternate CD, and boot to a command line and edit the xorg.conf\n<AlanBell> christhecoolboy: not in London next week are you?\n<christhecoolboy> nope\n<HazRPG> christhecoolboy: I live on the border of england/scotland if your near there\n<AlanBell> try a library/school/office or something\n<christhecoolboy> they wont let you mess with the monitors :(\n<HazRPG> christhecoolboy: you'd be surprised, if you ask\n<christhecoolboy> hmmmmm...\n<christhecoolboy> I wonder...\n<christhecoolboy> does my TV have VGA?\n<AlanBell> flat panel TV with vga input\n<HazRPG> if you go into a secondary school and see if the techies will help you get your netbook plugged into a monitor - I'm sure they will\n<HazRPG> or even previous college you use to go to, etc\n<AlanBell> I am going to upgrade this one to 10.10 and see what happens\n<MartijnVdS> VGA input on a flat-panel TV?\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: yeah some do\n<christhecoolboy> MartijnVdS, most HD TV's do\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: My friend has a samsung that does, and so does my sister\n<MartijnVdS> My old TV had one\n<MartijnVdS> but my new one only has HDMI\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: Really depends on the manufacturer really and model\n<MartijnVdS> sure\n<HazRPG> christhecoolboy: you'll need a VGA cable to be able to hook it up though\n<christhecoolboy> I *might* have one somewhere\n<jacobw> does anyone know of a guide to getting banshee set up with the ubuntu one music store? i'm having trouble with previously downloaded tracks\n<MartijnVdS> jacobw: try \"re-load library\" (from the Tools menu)\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: I just thought, on the LiveCD - one would guess it still boots everything up even though the screen is screwy - think you'd be able to press CTRL+ALT+F1?\n<AlanBell> HazRPG: good suggestion, I seem to recall that not working though\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: Ah :/\n<AlanBell> in fact on this one with working X I have broken consoles\n<HazRPG> :(\n * MartijnVdS had to unbreak X on natty this morning\n<MartijnVdS> it was crashing on some evdev stuff related to the USB HID devices that my bluetooth dongle presents to the world\n<MartijnVdS> as in real SEGVs\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: random\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: maybe it's the \"16 buttons\" bit\n<HazRPG> possibly\n<HazRPG> I think its time for some coffee\n<HazRPG> looks like coffee time to me\n<MartijnVdS> nah\n<MartijnVdS> tea\n<MartijnVdS> it's time for tea.\n<HazRPG> as in dinner?\n<HazRPG> or as in tea the drink?\n<MartijnVdS> tea the drink :)\n * HazRPG always gets annoyed when people call dinner \"tea\"\n<AlanBell> christhecoolboy: looking at http://www.openchrome.org/trac/wiki/About it seems that there might be a possibility that the 3d hardware could work again one day\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: You seem like the kind of guy that would know, is it hard to make your own OEM discs for ubuntu?\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: oem-config-remaster - Remaster a CD with additional oem-config functionality\n<HazRPG> with settings, etc that I would normally do\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: that's a package :)\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: Sweet :)\n<AlanBell> the webbook uses oem-config-prepare\n<AlanBell> that is/was an option on the alternate CD\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: I was just thinking, because it might be an idea for christhecoolboy to make a CD that has the Xconf changes he needs - that way he won't have to worry about it in future\n * HazRPG wonders why he went into the kitchen again\n<domjohnson> Can fsck cause data loss?\n<HazRPG> oh yeah! coffee!\n<AlanBell> HazRPG: we actually made bootable SD cards that dropped a disk image onto the hdd for restores\n<AlanBell> never explored custom CDs really as there is no optical drive\n<domjohnson> Why might a USB External HDD not show up in lsusb or nautilus?\n<domjohnson> Or Gparted?\n<brobostigon> domjohnson: is it powered  ?\n<domjohnson> Yes\n<brobostigon> is itplugged in inthat case?\n<domjohnson> And it looks like its plugged in - the LED is flashing\n<brobostigon> ok.\n<brobostigon> domjohnson: how about in dmesg ?\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: oh really?\n<domjohnson> Ok, its recognised now\n<domjohnson> But\n<domjohnson> it says 'an operation is already pending'\n * HazRPG tempted to install proxmox on my server\n<christhecoolboy> Minecraft should be called Digdugcraft! ROFL\n<HazRPG> I still haven't played minecraft >_<\n<HazRPG> do you actually have to pay for minecraft?\n<christhecoolboy> HazRPG, yes\n<christhecoolboy> about £10\n<christhecoolboy> its cheaper than normal video games\n<christhecoolboy> normal games are like £39.99\n<HazRPG> I think they should put minecraft on steam :P\n<christhecoolboy> does that mean that I can have a cup of tea?\n<HazRPG> yeah I normally buy indie games, more fun, cheaper :)\n<domjohnson> Got it working now :)\n<domjohnson> Cheers brobostigon - unplugged it and plugged it back in (the power), rebooted, and it worked.\n * HazRPG can't believe I just bought minecraft T_T\n<MartijnVdS> \"Have you tried turning it off and back on again\" 8-)\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: it's been nice knowing you 8-)\n<HazRPG> ^^<\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: good luck with the addiction\n<HazRPG> ^^,\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: I have smoking for that ^^,\n<HazRPG> Rush is more addictive anyway\n<HazRPG> (game on steam)\n<HazRPG> ok this game laggggs like crazy >_<\n<jonsaint> john7274..\n<czajkowski> Aloha\n<Pendulum> hiya czajkowski\n<MartijnVdS> \\o czajkowski\n<AlanBell> o/\n<czajkowski> hows folks\n<HazRPG> how do you build anything :S\n<HazRPG> \\o hey\n<markjones> HazRPG, you have to hit stuff to get bricks\n<HazRPG> markjones: yeah I got that bit :P\n<HazRPG> got loads of stuff so far\n<markjones> http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Crafting\n<markjones> make a Cratg\n<Pendulum> czajkowski: how's you?\n<markjones> *Crafting table ASAP\n<czajkowski> Pendulum: good had yummy breakfast\n<Pendulum> :)\n<markjones> HazRPG, prod me in about 5 hours if you want any more help\n<HazRPG> its getting dark... doesn't that mean bad things xD\n<HazRPG> I managed to crash the game somehow xD\n<HazRPG> markjones: can't get the crafting table to work :/\n<HazRPG> ah ha! nvm\n<Myrtti> booyah.\n<Myrtti> Finland... snowy\n<Thingymebob> The day the routers died! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_y36fG2Oba0 hilarous\n<AlanBell> awesome\n<HazRPG> I died :(\n<HazRPG> wow, popey has spent a lot of hours on this game hasn't he T_T\n<HazRPG> just logged in on his server\n<Nafallo> Thingymebob: \\o/\n<HazRPG> I don't think I /get/ this game\n * HazRPG 's mind boggles\n<HazRPG> I understand second life though :/ which is weird\n<directhex> it's like second life, but you punch trees, and it doesn't use Mono\n<HazRPG> directhex: yeah I know, but I can understand 3D modelling...\n<directhex> HazRPG, well, think of it more like voxel modelling :p\n<HazRPG> anything you need, you create - which I guess is similar here, except you have to /find/ the materials you want to use lol\n<HazRPG> which is a pain to me xD\n<directhex> HazRPG, punch more trees\n<christhecoolboy> hey AlanBell?\n<AlanBell> o/\n<christhecoolboy> its installed\n<christhecoolboy> where do I put that file you sent me?\n<AlanBell> awesome\n<christhecoolboy> ^^\n<AlanBell> /etc/X11/xorg.conf\n<HazRPG> directhex: that's all well and good, but don't I need to make doors, torches, etc?\n<directhex> HazRPG, from wood, primarily. which is sourced from tree punching\n<HazRPG> torches need coal :/\n<christhecoolboy> ok\n * christhecoolboy has a problem\n<HazRPG> and I can't find any blocks to get that from :/\n<christhecoolboy> :(\n<directhex> HazRPG, dig down!\n<christhecoolboy> I cant see text\n<christhecoolboy> its like || box | ||\n * HazRPG pushes minecraft to one side before I get really hooked\n<HazRPG> I'll come back to it later xD\n<christhecoolboy> and unity keeps on crashing?\n<christhecoolboy> :(\n<AlanBell> can you get to a terminal christhecoolboy?\n<AlanBell> my upgrade has another hour or so to go\n<christhecoolboy> no\n * HazRPG omg I forgot I had chumbawamba\n<christhecoolboy> when I move the mouse\n<christhecoolboy> to the unity\n<christhecoolboy> it crashes\n<AlanBell> oh :(\n<MartijnVdS> sounds like unity\n<AlanBell> when you log on do you have an option to go to the classic desktop or something like that?\n<christhecoolboy> no\n<christhecoolboy> it auto logs in\n<AlanBell> can you log out?\n<christhecoolboy> erm...\n * christhecoolboy has terminal\n<HazRPG> christhecoolboy: are you using 11.04?\n<AlanBell> yay\n<christhecoolboy> no\n<christhecoolboy> 10.10\n<christhecoolboy> netbook\n<HazRPG> ah\n<HazRPG> was wondering how you had unity xD\n<christhecoolboy> xorg.conf is empty?\n<christhecoolboy> In terminal\n<christhecoolboy> I wrote 'sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf'\n<christhecoolboy> without the 's\n<AlanBell> wget -O /etc/X11/xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=qeNFfNbe\n<AlanBell> christhecoolboy: do that ^^\n<christhecoolboy> ok\n<AlanBell> it will download the xorg.conf and put it in the right place\n<AlanBell> actually stick sudo in front of it\n<AlanBell> sudo wget -O /etc/X11/xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=qeNFfNbe\n<HazRPG> hmm, does anyone know what happened to zabadda?\n<brobostigon> gksudo gedit     -    sudo nano  .only sudo for cli apps, and gksudo for gui apps, othertwise breakage possible.\n<selinuxium> morning!\n<HazRPG> never see him in irc anymore\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: oh yeah, whatever happened to that adrino card you were messing around with about 6-12months ago?\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: you were having time issues if I recall\n<christhecoolboy> wget: invalid option -- '0'\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: different tactic something much simpler, i simplief the plan from then, i now have it picking up signals from the various car hydraulic components, and out putting the right singnalbased onswitch and potentiometer position.\n<AlanBell> capital O\n<AlanBell> oOoO\n<christhecoolboy> saved\n<christhecoolboy> I thought it was zero\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: ah cool\n<AlanBell> short for Output file\n<christhecoolboy> now what about unity?\n<christhecoolboy> its crashing\n<christhecoolboy> also, is that done now?\n<selinuxium> Hi guys, would anyone know how to record a stream from ustream? I have a gig tonight that they are streaming..\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: however with the plans my dad gave me a few days ago, we will need something that can multithread and has more program memory and ram.\n<AlanBell> christhecoolboy: ok, reboot and cross fingers,toes and other stuff and for good measure hold a black cat under a ladder\n<christhecoolboy> ok\n<christhecoolboy> xD\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: or connect several controllers togather.\n<christhecoolboy> it says about a kernal panic?\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: ah\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: hmmm...\n<AlanBell> christhecoolboy: bother\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: anf i am doing my best to keep everything as OSS as possible.\n<christhecoolboy> what do I do? ;'(\n<christhecoolboy> oooooh\n<christhecoolboy> it works\n<christhecoolboy> now we need to fix problem too\n<christhecoolboy> the weird thing\n<christhecoolboy> its not showing text\n<christhecoolboy> on the top\n<christhecoolboy> screen\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: :)\n<HazRPG> I'm sure you could get several adrino's together\n * HazRPG trying to remember what the project was for exactly...\n<HazRPG> I know it was car related xD\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: however as it is, i am sure we will be able to find an arduino with enough memory.\n<HazRPG> :)\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: i did say, :)\n<brobostigon> maybe.\n<AlanBell> christhecoolboy: it started working?\n<christhecoolboy> yup\n<christhecoolboy> now...\n<christhecoolboy> when I try desktop version\n<AlanBell> nice\n<christhecoolboy> its all fine\n<christhecoolboy> how do I fix it?\n<AlanBell> so unity is broken\n<AlanBell> I don't think that is going to work\n<AlanBell> mutter probably uses some accelleration stuff that isn't available in openchrome\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: 1KB, is going to be making it tight inprogram memory.\n<christhecoolboy> any fixes?\n<AlanBell> after I have upgraded this one to 10.10 I will probably upgrade again to the development version 11.04\n<AlanBell> christhecoolboy: probably not\n<christhecoolboy> oh :(\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: I'm sure it'll be fine\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: besides, if you release it as an actual piece of hardware - they'll be able to make one with bigger memory\n<HazRPG> hey guys, having a mild problem with bootup of ubuntu 10.10\n<HazRPG> seems that sometimes it'll boot and sometimes it won't\n<HazRPG> it'll just freeze at the terminal\n<HazRPG> this is after the bootloader\n<HazRPG> with a blank cursor at the top left\n<HazRPG> I'll have to restart, and try to boot again to try and get in\n<HazRPG> don't know what causes it\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: very good point, yes, :)\n<HazRPG> do you get that too?\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: is it sticking justafter grub,but before the kernel buffer messages. ?\n<HazRPG> yeah\n<brobostigon> Linux debian 2.6.37-trunk-686 #1 SMP Thu Jan 6 14:39:08 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: however i am using debian sid/unstable with the above kernel and most recent grub2.\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: I'm just using standard ubuntu 10.10 with current updates\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: i dont think we can compare then.\n<HazRPG> its just weird how it just randomly does that before booting the O/S :/\n<HazRPG> it did this in 10.04 too\n<HazRPG> but was fine in other versions before that\n<Neoti> im back\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: on my eeepc,with 10.10, i didnt have the problem, however here it sid its there. and it seems to only do it, it seems, when gnome-shell plays up, and i have to force restart.\n<brobostigon> Neoti: wb. :)\n<Neoti> just booted windows up on my other partition on this computer loaded the huppage capture card and the software kept crashing ..... i got 0 analogue stations 0 digital stations and 1 radio station ... YIPEE!!!! lol .... ARGH!!! DAM WINDOWS!!!!!\n<Neoti> so i am going to try my luck on ubuntu!\n<Neoti> also stupid Q is UK east or west europe.... i can not think\n<brobostigon> western europe.\n<brobostigon> Neoti: poland, turkey etc is eastern europe\n<Neoti> ah ... good.. i thought it was west ... just thought i would check ... i had freevo selected on west but thought its always best to check ... he he\n<brobostigon> :)\n<brobostigon> ok.\n<Neoti> ok i have the huppage thing installed i have also install TVtime to test picture output, i have a device hooked up to composite 1 and i can see the picture etc... i can not get TV on here becuse the area is crap , but how do i get a picture in XBMC now that i now my card sorta works lol\n<HazRPG> Neoti: should have a setup section somewhere in XBMC somewhere\n<selinuxium> Does anyone know how to record a stream from ustream? I am gigging tonight and the club is streaming it. Would really like to record it...\n<Neoti> ok this video shows TV being used i just cant find how to enable it... and i cant find stuff on the net either....\n<Neoti> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAFZBrUz3Rs&feature=related\n<daubers> Nice!\n<daubers>  Window manager warning: Received a _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE message for 0x4e00003 (Update Man); these messages lack timestamps and therefore suck.\n<christhecoolboy> I need help :(\n<christhecoolboy> AlanBell?\n<AlanBell> sorry, I am off out now\n<AlanBell> catch me later in the week or ask your question and someone may know\n<AlanBell> my webook upgrade appears to be failing\n<christhecoolboy> its an emergency :(\n<Thingymebob> wow unity is bad right now\n<HazRPG> just used nano for the first time \\o/\n<brobostigon> :)\n * HazRPG +1 ubuntu skill\n<brobostigon> much easier to use than other alternatives.\n<HazRPG> couldn't be bothered loggin out of my sister's session to login to mine to change /etc/apt/sources.list\n<brobostigon> ah,\n<HazRPG> (she doesn't have admin access at all)\n<czajkowski> c\n<brobostigon> i see.\n<HazRPG> so CTRL+ALT+F1\n<HazRPG> which I use often anyways - quicker to access the terminal that way\n<HazRPG> win :)\n<brobostigon> i always have a terminal window open, 99% of the time.\n * brobostigon needs some inspiration.\n<Gringo> Where can i et some cool ubuntu themes from?\n<brobostigon> gnome-look i think its called, is a good start.\n<Gringo> ...\n<Gringo> #ubuntu\n<brobostigon>  /join #ubuntu\n<OmNomSequitur> Gringo should've tried #ubuntu-mx\n<brobostigon> ideas of a voicemail app for android, thats works with o2 ?\n<DJones> brobostigon: brobostigon Don't O2 provide a voicemail service?\n<brobostigon> DJones: yes, i was just thinking as to if there something that canshow me,if ihave voicemail without having to ring their number.\n<HazRPG> OmNomSequitur: what does the mx part for?\n<HazRPG> there are apps so that it records the actual phone calls onto your phone instead\n<DJones> brobostigon: Right, don't know how o2 work, but with vodafone, if i've got voicemail, i get a message in the notification area\n<brobostigon> DJones: ok, i havent seen such a think yet. hmm.\n<OmNomSequitur> HazRPG: Mexico.\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: don't think o2 support that\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: o2 doesn't support a lot of things :/\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: :(\n<HazRPG> I hate how it doesn't support delivery reports properly :/\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: that too,\n<HazRPG> typing in #0* in front of a message is not a delivery report :/\n<HazRPG> sorry its *0#\n<HazRPG> if you type that infront of a message body, you'll get sent a text message back when they receive the message\n<HazRPG> personally, that's just laziness as far as the network is concerned :/\n<brobostigon> hmm,\n<HazRPG> its just a hack/tweak imho\n<HazRPG> don't worry the *0# doesn't get sent to the recipient\n<HazRPG> it gets parsed out\n<brobostigon> interesting.\n<moreati> HazRPG: A random question, but it's always bugged me. Do you know how blackberries do push notifications without draining their battery like Android/$other?\n<HazRPG> moreati: how do ya mean?\n<brobostigon> the sync in android uses massive amounts of battery here. unusable unless i am plugged in.\n<HazRPG> moreati: might be worth changing how often it checks for sync stuff\n<moreati> HazRPG: as I understand it a blackberry phone on a supported network can receive events TCP/IP level events like 'new email', much like any other phone can receive an SMS. TO achieve the same Android and others resort to regular polling - or maintaining long lived TCP/IP connections. The former achieves 'push' without the battery drain of the latter\n<moreati> Basically a Blackberry server can ping a blackberry phone at some layer below IP, as I understand it\n<HazRPG> as far as I know, the the android doesn't maintain long lived TCP/IP connections - it just looks every x amount of time\n<HazRPG> just change it from the default 30 seconds to something longer\n<HazRPG> other than that, there is no real way to do it - since that is a special feature of the blackberry client/server\n<moreati> HazRPG: I'm happy enough with my battery life, I'm just curious really. Thanks though\n<HazRPG> not unless your willing to make your own set of services/apps\n<HazRPG> shouldn't be too hard to make, you could make a server application that checks as much as it wants to say gmail/etc, when something new is received set a flag to say 1 (0 = none, 1 = new stuff) and then make an application on your phone to just randomly \"ping\" the server to see if a new flag of stuff has been done\n<HazRPG> I mean the way the applications do it now is that they have to authenticate with the services in question, and then sync the data between the two\n<HazRPG> where-as you could make an app to just check if something new has happened, then set off the regular sync method on the phone when new stuff is actually available\n<HazRPG> but all depends on your coding skill - and I wouldn't be surprised if someone has/is working on something similar\n<moreati> HazRPG: my half-idea was a monitor somewhere online, web-to-sms gateway, and a daemon that intercepted particularly formatted messages on the phone to trigger a fetch by the app - no need for frequent polling\n<HazRPG> that could be do-able also I guess\n<HazRPG> google calendar can be used to send free sms's :P\n<HazRPG> I've seen a few apps that have exploited such\n<HazRPG> because you can set the calender to send text messages as reminders of events\n<HazRPG> but you can also put a URL for the calender to grab a list of events\n<HazRPG> I've seen people make server applications, which creates a list that google calender accepts, and likewise sends your phone a message - at which point they've make an application for their phone to see those messages, parse out the data and then delete the message so that it doesn't show up in your inbox\n<moreati> HazRPG: That's basically what I'd imagined, good to know it works :)\n<HazRPG> just a case of making one for your needs ;)\n<HazRPG> http://hackyourday.com/2007/12/03/using-google-calendar-to-send-free-sms/\n<HazRPG> haven't read it, but that's the \"hack\" I guess you could call it\n<HazRPG> (hack in the sense that it does what you want, and not in the illegal sense of hacking)\n<HazRPG> urgh... out of smokes T_T\n<HazRPG> brb\n * brobostigon scp's HazRPG some of his.\n<HazRPG> what does scp stand for\n<brobostigon> secure copy. copy over ssh.\n<HazRPG> ah lol\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: it just means, no one inbetween can nick them.\n<HazRPG> :P\n<brobostigon> :)\n<brobostigon> new top gear, tonight, 8pm bbc2.\n<moreati> brobostigon: First ep was a bit meh, but we live in hope ;)\n<suprengr> tonight's show might be greatest sjow ........................................................in the wooorrld!\n<brobostigon> moreati: well, we will see,yes.\n<moreati> brobostigon: How hard can it be :)\n<brobostigon> moreati: not much, :)\n<HazRPG> is it possible to do something similar to CTRL+ALT+F1 on ubuntu/debian server?\n<brobostigon> screen or byobu\n<brobostigon> i prefer byobu, as it shows you loads of system details and stats, at the bottom ofyou terminal window.\n<mgdm> screen use to do that too?\n<brobostigon> mgdm: i never maanaged to get screen to do that. anyways, screen runs inside byobu nyways.\n<dutchie> byobu is just an interface to screenrc\n<brobostigon> yes, dutchie.\n<dutchie> there is a byobu command that can dump out a screenrc that you can use anywhere with just screen installed\n<brobostigon> i didnt know about that, ilike.\n<popey> HazRPG: just \"su - youruser\" to switch to your account then \"sudo whatever\"\n<popey> HazRPG: or su -c <youruser> sudo <blah>\"\n<HazRPG> popey: Reason for my question was I was wondering if you can open up several terminals sorta speak on ubuntu server\n<popey> terminator?\n<popey> !info terminator\n<lubotu3> terminator (source: terminator): multiple GNOME terminals in one window. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.95-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 226 kB, installed size 1884 kB\n<HazRPG> cool\n<HazRPG> :/ looking at videos of gnome-shell and unity... I don't think I like either...\n<MartijnVdS> there's still the classic panel\n<shauno> change is bad!\n<HazRPG> shauno: not all change is bad\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: from when is the gnome-shell videos youhave watched? its changing fairly quuickly right now, so its ikely different from the videos youhave seen, now.\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: the one I saw was of 2/12/2010 - he downloaded the latest version straight from git\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: it has changed abit since then.\n<MartijnVdS> 2/12 European or 2/12 US? :)\n<brobostigon> :)\n<HazRPG> ;) european ;p\n<HazRPG> this is -uk you know ;)\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: sure, but the UK is part of Europe\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: Sure TV says it's not, but it is.\n<moreati> MartijnVdS: I thought dd/mm was the European convention as well\n<HazRPG> okay... I was saying dd/mm/yyyy\n<HazRPG> personally I think the whole world should just switch to yyyy/mm/dd and rid the confusion >_<\n<shauno> hah, I use yyyymmdd\n<MartijnVdS> moreati: I wish the world would adopy yyyy-mm-dd\n<moreati> HazRPG: technically ISO 8601 uses dashes: so yyy-mm-dd\n<MartijnVdS> adopt\n<HazRPG> true\n<shauno> it's fantastic.  alphabetical order becomes chronological order, and everything starts to make sense by default\n<moreati> shauno: for the next 9989 years at least :)\n<MartijnVdS> moreati: it even works with 5-digit years\n<moreati> damn, no 7989\n<MartijnVdS> moreati: or more\n<HazRPG> lol\n<moreati> not if we're writing strings using 4 digit years now\n<shauno> if all goes to plan, it won't be my problem by then :)\n<HazRPG> hah, exactly\n<HazRPG> xD\n<MartijnVdS> moreati: but if we write them in iso8601 format, they can be parsed and re-printed as yyyyy-mm-dd :)\n<MartijnVdS> moreati: if we can do it now, we can do it in 8000 years\n<HazRPG> I mean me... I'll be luck if I see 2100\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: with your smoking habit... :P\n<HazRPG> regardless of smoking habit xD\n<HazRPG> I'd be a 110 or so by then\n<HazRPG> holy crap: http://abovethelaw.com/2010/01/seventh-circuit-rules-dungeons-dragons-a-threat-to-prison-security/\n<HazRPG> Apparently D&D is \"gang-like\" activity - according the some american prison guards and a judge agreeing!\n<shauno> Apparently you've never seen dwarfs attack in groups, or you'd probably agree.\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: good thing I'm not going to the US any time soon\n<HazRPG> heh, true... but still\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: Land of the \"free\"\n<HazRPG> best quote ever: I mean, let’s be clear, it’s not like Singer is a peaceful man. Singer is in jail on a life sentence forfirst-degree murder. He killed his sister’s boyfriend with a sledgehammer (and now you see why I suggested that Singer probably plays a Dwarf, warrior class). If he’s found an outlet for some of his more violent tendencies, isn’t that a good thing?\n<nucc1> i'm about to signup for a linode... anyone got a referral?\n<MartijnVdS> hmm. Amy Pond in HD :)\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: :)\n<MartijnVdS> yay promos for the \"old\" series :)\n<brobostigon> :)\n<brobostigon> ah.\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: how do I go about installing gnome-shell?\n<HazRPG> oh wait, heh sudo apt-get install gnome-shell worked xD\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/testing use that ppa, the in repopackages are very outdated,\n<HazRPG> ah cool\n<brobostigon> :)\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: which ubuntu version are you using?\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: 10.10\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: i would compilefrom the gnome git then, its more upto date thanthe inrepopackages, thwyare dead old.\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: that ppa is natty 11.04 only,\n<brobostigon> https://webstats.gnome.org/GnomeShell#Building\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: would this not work: http://joneslee85.wordpress.com/2010/06/06/howto-install-gnome-shell-on-ubuntu-maverick-10-10/ ?\n<brobostigon> https://webstats.gnome.org/GnomeShell/DistributionPackages\n<brobostigon> let melook.\n<brobostigon> that isnt going to work anymore, asthe ppa it uses is the same asimentioned eralier, andis natty only now.\n<HazRPG> just typed it in a browser, and maverick is there: http://ppa.launchpad.net/ricotz/staging/ubuntu/dists/\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: ok, i havent tried from there.\n<brobostigon> https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/staging/+packages\n<brobostigon> it looks like there arent any gnome-shell packages in that ppa.\n<HazRPG> wow, that epically failed in a virtual machine >_<\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: its opengl driven.\n<HazRPG> I can that in the terminal lol\n<HazRPG> failed to create OpenGL framebuffer\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: how do ya figure its not got the packages in there?\n<HazRPG> the 3 it shows, are the last ones updated\n<HazRPG> at the top it says \"3 source packages\", \"17 binary packages\"\n<HazRPG> the 3 you see are the source ones\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: maybe, but i cant see a wayof listing them,\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/staging/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=&field.series_filter=\n<brobostigon> gnome-shell version in maverick 2.31 .in debian experimental 2.91, so the ubuntu main repopackages are quite far behind.\n<brobostigon> no recent gnome-shell package, most recent, is clutter, which is part of gnome-shell.\n<HazRPG> oh\n<HazRPG> heh#\n<brobostigon> HazRPG: i would just use the packages inthe maverick repo, they are very old, but they will give you a part impression, unless you have natty or want to compile from gnome's git.\n<HazRPG> fair enough\n<HazRPG> might try out natty on my laptop\n<brobostigon> https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/testing\n<brobostigon> use the packages from there.\n<brobostigon> only realoption, other thncompiling from git.\n<bigcalm> Good evening peeps :)\n<popey> heya!\n<brobostigon> evening bigcalm\n<Pendulum> hiya bigcalm\n<bigcalm> What's happening?\n<popey> relaxing before work tomorrow\n<Pendulum> watching the US Figure Skating Championships (yes, really)\n<bigcalm> Hayley has the day off tomorrow, which means I get a tea fairy for the day :)\n<brobostigon> going over my route from my lastdriving lesson, readyfor tmrw's.\n<popey> :D\n<popey> nice\n<popey> I am really into chai at the moment\n<mgdm> I've not had that in a wee while\n<popey> i have to use two teabags because one isnt strong enough for me\n<mgdm> I did have a chai latte thing a while ago that was *really* nice\n<popey> yeah. i love the starbucks ones\n<AlanBell> hi all\n<popey> wifey bought me some twinings chai teabags, which are nice but not the same\n<popey> hi AlanBell\n<Pendulum> hi AlanBell\n<mgdm> popey: Oh yeah, I think I had the Whitards equivalent... they were OK, but not great\n<popey> aq recommended something else though, said it was more like the starbucks one\n<popey> \"The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.\"\n<popey> nice\n<popey> asda.com\n<popey> probably a dodgy proxy or sommat\n<mgdm> usually means an error got thrown and not caught in the output compression,w hen I see that\n<mgdm> but then I often control the bit that throws the error :)\n<popey> drinkemchai is the one aq recommended\n<popey> hehe\n<Pendulum> I feel like someone else claimed that about asda's site last week or the weekend before?\n<Pendulum> (in this channel, even)\n<DJones> asda.com works fine for me\n<popey> http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBYQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fgroceries.asda.com%2Fasda-estore%2Fproducts%2Fproducts.jsp%3FskuId%3D66397880%26departmentid%3D1214921923747%26aisleid%3D1214921926017%26startValue%3D100&rct=j&q=2344159%20asda&ei=vd5FTYbyE43i4AbguKw9&usg=AFQjCNFqSU6YSpzPC3KhOnT1hJVlIAgcFg&cad=rja\n<popey> erk, sorry\n<popey> that may or may not link to the item in question\n * popey is watching Al Jazeera\n<popey> bloke was reading out tweets\n<mgdm> I wonder if I could do something with the steamer bit of my espresso machine to make that :)\n<bigcalm> Grr\n<popey> someone in Egypt was sharing out his open wifi and said \"I'm sharing wifi with my bldg\", the bloke read it out as \"sharing wifi with my blog\". plum\n<popey> mgdm: what machine do you have?\n<AlanBell> I am at her majesty's theatre\n<popey> in that london?\n<AlanBell> yes\n<mgdm> popey: it's a Delonghi BCO-231, i think (not sure on the model number)\n<mgdm> Oh, 261\n<AlanBell> where phantom is normally on\n<AlanBell> but for one night only...\n<AlanBell> my little girl \\o/\n<popey> :D\n<popey> blimey, now?\n<AlanBell> just finished\n<popey> thats late\n<AlanBell> dance competition show thing\n<popey> how did she do?\n<AlanBell> great\n<popey> :)\n<AlanBell> but up against stage schools\n<Pendulum> AlanBell: I'm glad it went well :)\n<brobostigon> nos da, sleep well.\n<bigcalm> What the flip-flop is VirgrimMedia doing with my connection?\n<AlanBell> pen you would have enjoyed it\n<mgdm> flip-flop seems like a fair assessment\n<Pendulum> AlanBell: well, yeah, I'd assumed that :P\n<bigcalm> Flippity floppity foo\n * bigcalm goes looking for a mouse so that mines may be crafted\n<AlanBell> incidentally swype typos pen to porn\n<Pendulum> Is that something that can be said in this channel? :P\n<AlanBell> it was a technical comment\n * DJones blames AlanBell's fingers, swype for pen came up with pen for me\n<popey> bigcalm: seen ali1234's underground glass house?\n<bigcalm> Not yet\n<popey> its pretty\n<bigcalm> ...\n<gord> one of the problems with minecraft, someone can make something great underground but no one else will know its there ;)\n<bigcalm> ADSA long life batteries are anything but\n<gord> ha\n<gord> yes, they are not good\n<bigcalm> !ping\n<lubotu3> ping-pong, a fun game for all the family\n<bigcalm> ffs\n<moreati>  bigcalm I highly recommend these, particularly for high drain usage http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low_self-discharge_NiMH_battery\n<bigcalm> Gotta get me some LSD :D\n<bigcalm> I can't play minecraft on popey's server due to constant disconnects :(\n<popey> :(\n<gord> maaan i can't wait for an arm image for my ac100, firefox 4 is gonna run sweet on this thing\n<bigcalm> This is making me grumpy\n<bigcalm> And we lost in the hockey. 2 - 11\n<hamitron> :/\n<popey> yo hamitron !\n<popey> I think we need some pyramids near the Sphynx!\n<hamitron> near where?\n<hamitron> my plan is to make 4 volcano, then a pyrimid that dwarfs them\n<hamitron> if that fits in\n<popey> http://popeydc.dyndns.org/gmaps/ south east on that map along the train line from your place\n<popey> half way between your place and the south eastern edge of the map\n<hamitron> omg, you can see my place on the map\n<hamitron> haha\n<popey> :)\n<popey> whats that stack of earth north of your volcano?\n<popey> is that the start of a new one?\n<hamitron> yes\n<popey> nice\n<hamitron> I have put borders for another 3\n<hamitron> one, NW, one N and one NE\n<popey> i can see pumpkins directly north from your hosue\n<hamitron> see what? ;)\n<bigcalm> Remaining Lease Time\n<bigcalm> 0 days 00:53:52\n<bigcalm> Not good\n<bigcalm> What are vm playing at?\n<hamitron> will a pyrimid be good to the west of the sphinx?\n * popey shrugs\n<hamitron> big area of sand\n<popey> yeah, I guess so :)\n<gord> you should really make pyramids out of gold blocks ;)\n<popey> gold inside\n<hamitron> and you can mine for me \\o/\n<hamitron> ;)\n<hamitron> donate gold to your god\n<hamitron> ;/\n<popey> heh\n<hamitron> I was thinking a 51x51 grid for the base?\n<popey> is the map tall enough for that?\n<popey> given I guess it would be 51 high?\n<hamitron> 25 high\n<gord> depends how far above sea level you are\n<hamitron> I can make it 101x101 if you prefer ;)\n<popey> btw gord do you see bug 710356 ?\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 710356 in unity (Ubuntu) \"Window resize grab area is outside window\" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/710356\n<popey> I'd test how high you can go, and make it that big -1 so you can stand on it :)\n<gord> popey, not on a system that can run unity at the moment, can't test\n<popey> ok, nvm :)\n<popey> I'm sure someone will look at it at some point :)\n<gord> minecraft i think is 128 blocks of height, with water at 64\n<gord> we have people doing daily triaging of unity bugs, we see them all :)\n<popey> Excellent smithers.\n<hamitron> so i can fit 101x101 in\n<popey> thats gonna be immense\n<popey> wonder if we could ship sand to you via train from elsewhere :)\n<hamitron> sand!?!!?!\n<hamitron> sandstone ;)\n<popey> heh, yeah\n<hamitron> made to last time\n<gord> i think my sphere of glass was around 600+ sand all together, doesn't take long to mine sand if you do it right\n<hamitron> I think it should be 101x101\n<gord> well... if you wanted a sand pyramid you'd have to fill the insides too, thats gonna add up\n<hamitron> no point in doing a half assed job\n<dutchie> 1/6 * n * (n+1) * (2n+1)\n<popey> yeah, sand would fail\n<popey> as soon as someone dug underneath it\n<popey> collapse!\n<popey> alan@wopr:~/Games/Minecraft$ cat run_minecraft.sh\n<popey> java -Xmx4096M -Xms2048M -jar Minecraft.jar\n<hamitron> be ok if you lined it with gold and fire\n<popey> :S\n<hamitron> ;)\n<dutchie> how many blocks you need to do a trianglular pyramid\n<popey> \\o/ maths\n<hamitron> fire!\n<hamitron> is all we need\n<gord> hey, i have a run_minecraft.sh script too -_-\n<hamitron> and a train\n<hamitron> ;)\n * HazRPG wonders why they never made a super mario bros 2 movie :/\n<gord> because the first one was awful\n<HazRPG> I like it :/\n<HazRPG> in fact I was just watching it\n<moreati> It just didn't have any depth to the characters\n<HazRPG> come on, it was the 90's man\n<gord> hamitron, don't forget to bury all the people that helped make it with you in a tomb, to take to the afterlife\n<HazRPG> boom boom acka-lacka lacka boom, boom boom acka-lacka boom boom!\n<HazRPG> open the door, get on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur!\n * HazRPG dances\n<gord> speaking of terrible movies, i saw resident evil afterlife 3d last night. it is terrible.\n<moreati> Wow so may sequels they've switched to hex notation?\n<HazRPG> moreati: xD\n<hamitron> heading to the sand castle site soon\n<HazRPG> Final Fantasy E xD\n<HazRPG> that should totally be the next FF name\n<HazRPG> not 14 or XIV\n<HazRPG> FF xE\n<HazRPG> or 0E\n<HazRPG> hamitron: ...?\n<HazRPG> oh minecraft\n<HazRPG> heh I bought that earlier today\n<popey> :)\n<popey> feel free to join us on my server :)\n<HazRPG> popey: was on your server for a bit too\n<popey> oh cool :)\n<HazRPG> love the work you've done making it\n<popey> i do feel bad calling it a server\n<popey> I have done very little :)\n<HazRPG> how long did it take to make it?\n * popey points to hamitron gord ali1234 and bigcalm \n<HazRPG> yeah I noticed bigcalm's notice xD\n<HazRPG> \"remember to close the door\" or something\n<popey> :)\n<HazRPG> man, I hate early mornings :/\n<HazRPG> gotta get up at like 7-8am\n<HazRPG> I prefer 9am starts :/\n<gord> i'm not sure how people who don't own warm small cats to sit on their lap even survive the cold harsh winter\n<dutchie> what about large dog-shaped cats that like sitting on your lap anyway?\n * bigcalm is adding pointless support pillars to the bridges\n * HazRPG prefers dogs\n * moreati prefers central heating\n<hamitron> heating? ;/\n<hamitron> mud hut built\n<hamitron> \\o/\n<HazRPG> Argh! Was just about to install ubuntu on my netbook - but I forgot one thing\n<HazRPG> it doesn't have a CD drive xD\n * HazRPG ratches around for that bootable pendrive I made a while back\n<HazRPG> is the netbook or regular version best for a netbook?\n<HazRPG> I mean obvious naming would say that the netbook would be\n<HazRPG> but not sure if I could deal with the 3D unity\n<HazRPG> normal one should work fine right?\n<popey> what netbook?\n<gord> the netbook and regular editions arn't fundamentally different, you can change a netbook edition install into a regular install very quickly. same for the other way around\n<gord> ie: you can try the netbook version, if your netbook can't handle it just apt-get remove ubuntu-netbook-default-settings (i think) and you should get a regular gnome-panel setup\n<HazRPG> gord: thanks, managed to find my 10.04 USB\n<HazRPG> http://www.loopsandpluto.com/products/Moss-T%252dShirt.html <== woot\n#ubuntu-uk 2012-01-23\n<ubuntuuk-planet> [Jono Bacon] Hacking On Accomplishments - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/01/23/hacking-on-accomplishments/\n<czajkowski> aloha\n<Myrtti> moin\n<czajkowski> Myrtti: anythign nice planned this week ?\n<Myrtti> we've got a Jaiku meetup in Tampere to reminisce\n<czajkowski> cool, like meet ups always different people at them\n<Myrtti> yeah well I've met all these people before, it'll be more like a funeral wake than anything else\n<Myrtti> (Jaiku was shut down a week ago)\n<czajkowski> :/\n<MooDoo> morning all\n<daubers> Morning\n<MartijnVdS> \\o\n<DJones> Morning all\n * daubers feels like rubbish this morning :(\n<MooDoo> daubers: man flu?\n<daubers> MooDoo: Maybe. Lots of driving over the weekend + not much sleep more likely\n<MooDoo> oh dear :(\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Morning peeps\n<MooDoo> morning\n<smittix> Morning\n<bigcalm> Good morning peeps!\n<bigcalm> I has Xoom \\o/\n<popey> heh\n<bigcalm> Morning popey\n<danfish> lo\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: xooooooom!\n<bigcalm> Indeedie\n<bigcalm> Wow, the touch screen is so responsive. This is a completely different world from the poop cheepy tablet I bought before\n<oimon> i just discovered that sony use an ubuntu based splashtop on their laptops\n<bigcalm> Where's a davmor2 when you need one?\n<Myrtti> I can imitate one\n * Myrtti pokes czajkowski \n<Myrtti> there\n<Myrtti> :-D\n<bigcalm> :D\n<popey> oimon: interesting, got a link or anything?\n<MooDoo> lol @ Myrtti\n<czajkowski> Myrtti: oi lol\n<czajkowski> davmor2 doesnt come on till later in the morning\n<Myrtti> and suddenly, a wild davmor2 appears.\n<Myrtti> when I was in school we had this theory that if you mention some of the teachers by name, they appear as if by magic\n<czajkowski> Myrtti: ahh yes the bettlejuice effect :)\n<czajkowski> say it 3 times and they appear!\n<Myrtti> I thought it was candyman\n<Myrtti> I don't watch horror movies at all and thrillers only at home, so I'm not sure\n<bigcalm> MartijnVdS: did you say you had a Xoom?\n<bigcalm> Myrtti: it was Beetlejuice. I think Candyman was 5 times (not seen it though)\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: I do\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: I've reflashed it with stock US firmware (there's a guide on xda-developer)\n<bigcalm> MartijnVdS: I was going to ask if you've been sent the OTA ICS update\n<bigcalm> But you've altered it from stock\n<bigcalm> I'm in no rush, just wondering when to expect it to update in the UK\n<hoover> good morning\n<bigcalm> Hi hoovie\n<JamesTait> Good morning all!\n<brobostigon> good morning everyone.\n<oimon> popey: no, a friend got it out on the train. instant-on system. i clicked on the ackowledgements and opensource info and they use a 2.6.x kernel, some elements of ubuntu 8.10 and mozilla browser with bing search\n<oimon> Sony models that have shipped with Quick Web Access (powered by Splashtop) include the following: • VAIO NW Series notebooks  • VAIO P Series netbooks\n<oimon> source is here: http://www.splashtop.com/opensource\n<hoover> hey biggie\n<popey> oimon: i didnt think splashtop was ubuntu powered, wondered what elements made you think it was\n<popey> haha the source 404's\n<oimon> popey: it was mentioned on the acknowledgements page with a list of elements used (busybox, kernel). it may just have been the wifi drivers from ubuntu\n<oimon> popey: yeah :(\n<oimon> my friend wanted to change bing as search provider on the browser but didn't seem possible. the instant on was very nice\n<popey> yeah, my acer revo came with it\n<bigcalm> Instant on? I never turned mine off to find out\n<popey> heh\n<oimon> i like to shut all my devices down at night\n<oimon> phone, tablet, laptop..\n<popey> are you 75 years old?\n<czajkowski> I only shut down laptop\n<bigcalm> I shut down laptops and workstations. Servers I tend to leave running\n<Daviey> 'workstations'..\n<Daviey> who has a 'workstation', these days?\n<MartijnVdS> My laptop auto-suspends after an hour\n<bigcalm> I do\n<oimon> it's nice to know devices are switched off :D\n<MartijnVdS> my tablet and phone turn \"off\" (screen off) and are on the charger at night\n<oimon> i don't leave stuff charging overnight\n<MartijnVdS> you must not have a smart phone\n<MartijnVdS> or not move much during the day\n<Daviey> bigcalm: is this yours, http://www.chuckc.net/images/labeledsetup.jpg ?\n<Myrtti> AND SUDDENLY A DAVMOR2 APPEARS\n<bigcalm> Heh\n<bigcalm> Not quite\n<davmor2> morning all\n<bigcalm> davmor2: welcome. No need to bring your Xoom on Thursday ;)\n<davmor2> Myrtti: you been talking about me again\n<davmor2> bigcalm: you got one then :)\n<bigcalm> Yep, arrived this morning\n<bigcalm> davmor2: have you put a non-stock rom on it?\n<bigcalm> s/it/yours\n<davmor2> bigcalm: Nope\n<oimon> MartijnVdS: my phone still lasts more than a working day, but i don't make phone calls\n<davmor2> bigcalm: just did updates\n<Myrtti> davmor2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/814138/\n<bigcalm> davmor2: good, so have you been sent ICS OTA?\n<davmor2> hahaha\n<davmor2> bigcalm: not that I'm aware of\n<Myrtti> that's almost good enough to go into the book\n<davmor2> bigcalm: just general updates\n<bigcalm> davmor2: ok, ta. Just wondering when I should expect ICS to be available in the UK\n<MooDoo> moring davmor2\n<davmor2> bigcalm: from what I understand they are rolling out samples in the US now Scandinavia seem to get it next with the UK after that\n<bigcalm> Daviey: this is my setup: https://plus.google.com/113834766641843352499/posts/ZfAXJ1PDpWz\n<davmor2> MooDoo: me awld mukka 'ow am ya bud\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: I have :)\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: but as I said, on US firmware\n<bigcalm> Ah, I see!\n<MooDoo> davmor2: aye not bad, can't grumble.....too much\n * czajkowski hugs davmor2 \n * MooDoo hugs davmor2 and pokes czajkowski \n<oimon> does deprecated code still work? i.e. is it removed, or flagged to be removed? warning: ‘gtk_vbox_new’ is deprecated (declared at /usr/include/gtk-3.0/gtk/deprecated/gtkvbox.h:62): Use 'gtk_box_new' instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]\n<davmor2> mines looking a little too untidy for a photo op at the moment but I have 5pc and a server into 3 kvms, 2 laptops and a netbook\n<matti> oimon: Yes, in most cases.\n<davmor2> czajkowski: 'ows the back sweetie oh and err PROD!\n<oimon> matti: hmm.. so removing Werror is bad then :D\n<matti> oimon: Yes ;p\n<gord> bigcalm, your room there looks exactly the same as the room i am in, down to the radiator and everything\n<davmor2> Myrtti: see you can get away with poking czajkowski but somehow it sounds wrong coming from a bloke Prods are the \"PC\" way forward ;)\n<bigcalm> gord: spooky\n<bigcalm> gord: same mess?\n<Myrtti> davmor2: I was just imitating you!\n<Myrtti> :-P\n<Myrtti> I did get an \"oi\" too :-P\n<gord> bigcalm, less banana's\n * funkyHat pokes everyone\n<Myrtti> funkyHat: I thought I already took your cake away\n<gord> and more speakers\n<Myrtti> funkyHat: don't make me come for the beverage as well\n * funkyHat giggles and runs away\n<gord> and more cats\n<davmor2> Myrtti: yes only czajkowski is being nice to me now as a new year resolution I might be down in London soon though so that will change :D\n<funkyHat> Myrtti: yes, the lack of cake is making me act up!\n<gord> i do have books making my monitors higher though\n<MooDoo> davmor2: czajkowski?? nice??  nah that's not right :D\n<czajkowski> MooDoo: I'm always nice ask davmor2\n<MooDoo> davmor2: can you confirm that dubious statement from czajkowski ?\n<davmor2> MooDoo: her's trying but it always sounds like someone is holding a gun to her head when she says it :D\n<MooDoo> davmor2: what you given her to make her nice to you?\n<czajkowski> :(\n<MooDoo> czajkowski: is nver nice to me :( lol\n<davmor2> MooDoo: A new year apparently\n<MooDoo> davmor2: blimey.....\n<czajkowski> MooDoo: are you from northhampton?\n<MooDoo> czajkowski: nope\n<davmor2> MooDoo: deny it and run\n * funkyHat is from Northampton\n<MooDoo> davmor2: damn i missed something there\n<davmor2> czajkowski: now as if he lives there\n<czajkowski> ah but you dont follow rugby and we thrashed them at the weekend :D\n<davmor2> ask\n<MooDoo> czajkowski: yes yes i am from northampton...definately\n<MooDoo> czajkowski: i'm a quins fan not a saints fan\n<davmor2> MooDoo: I thought you were in Nottingham :D\n<funkyHat> Rugby is less boring than most team sports, I suppose\n<directhex> pfft, northampton\n<MooDoo> davmor2: yes but i've an affinity with quins\n<matti> directhex: Is that entire Mono or just this one platform?\n<directhex> as someone who went to uni in southampton, there is only one thing northampton is good for\n<directhex> which is Buddies USA diners\n<directhex> matti, depends on whether boycottnovell has run a headline with the story yet\n<davmor2> directhex: is it War huuuu!\n<matti> directhex: Uhm.\n<matti> directhex: I see.\n<MooDoo> davmor2: perhaps i should be nice to czajkowski ?\n<directhex> matti, packages.qa reports a full-package removal, regardless of the specifics. and perhaps i know from experience that readers and editors of a certain website are incapable of fact checking, so won't actually check the bug being ANAIS, not RoM\n<matti> Haha\n<davmor2> MooDoo: I think she has a nicebot setup so when I say czajkowski prod! something nice is returned to be honest ;)\n<matti> directhex: The first thing I did was look at the bug.\n<matti> directhex: Does not seem like whole Mono will go.\n<funkyHat> directhex: I would have to agree. I was trying to think of something else but can't\n<MooDoo> davmor2: phew, well we need the real czajkowski i miss her!\n<matti> directhex: I was surprised as some of our internal development is making an effort to move from .NET on Mono.\n * funkyHat has escaped to London\n<matti> directhex: So it would be funny thing if the support would go away :)\n<davmor2> funkyHat: that's easy just don't live, work or drive there it's a doodle to leave then\n<directhex> matti, mono needs to be formally removed from s390, otherwise 105 other packages keep trying to build with it needlessly\n<AlanBell> I expect the user of mono on the 31bit S390 will be up in arms\n<matti> directhex: That's fine and more than reasonable :)\n<matti> directhex: I am just worried about it on x86*\n<directhex> AlanBell, let me get the stats...\n<matti> directhex: I rather commit sepuku than end up in a position to keep on packaging Mono for my internal team.\n * matti dislikes anything that touches Windows ...\n<directhex> AlanBell, well, only 15 s390 users have popcon installed...\n<matti> AlanBell: :)\n<AlanBell> directhex: I am quite impressed at the 15!\n<directhex> AlanBell, so 31.6% of Debian users across all architectures have Mono installed, meaning... 4.7 s390 users!\n<oimon> notice that 32-bit vs 64-bit is almost at tipping point on popcon.debian.org\n<directhex> i would be astonished if anyone was running s390 by choice rather than s390x\n<directhex> we're adding s390x packages to mono\n<oimon> logarithmic chart..hmmm\n<AlanBell> directhex: that is 3.7 more than I would have expected\n<directhex> AlanBell, you can prove anything with statistics :p\n<directhex> AlanBell, we also just fixed musicbrainz support when ripping cds with banshee on itanium. very important user base.\n<Laney> except that dbus is still broken\n<directhex> pfft dbus\n<directhex> why didn't we upload the fix for that?\n<Laney> you thought it might be wrong\n<directhex> i wasn't sure! i was seeking further comment!\n<Laney> well *i* dunno!\n<Laney> ask #mono ¬_¬\n<davmor2> bigcalm: there's part of my layout http://ubuntuone.com/7KmJOHbEYZ567Q0mZZYwmV\n<bigcalm> Looks noisey\n * popey decides not to take a pic of his setup until it's tidied\n<bigcalm> popey: sensible\n * gord is agreeing with popey \n<davmor2> popey: that was mine pre usage it's a bit messier now bit's of paper with notes on scattered liberally :)\n<davmor2> bigcalm: the noisiest thing in that room is me :D\n<bigcalm> Hah\n<davmor2> bigcalm: I'll take that as agreement then :D\n<Myrtti> \"Let this be a lesson for future generations: do not use Google Translate to translate Finnish and assume it does a good job.\" http://www.mtv3.fi/uutiset/kotimaa.shtml/2012/01/1482051/googlen-kaannoskukkanen-kaikista-paavoista-tuli-pesusienia :-|\n<gordonjcp> Myrtti: heh\n<davmor2> Myrtti: it doesn't do a good job on Brazilian/Portuguese?  either there were some hilarious incidents with a friends facebook comments :)\n<gordonjcp> Myrtti: I tend to work on the assumption that there are damn sight more Finnish-to-English translations than English-to-Finnish\n<gordonjcp> Myrtti: hence it probably does a better job of Finnish to English\n<gordonjcp> which still isn't brilliant at times\n<Myrtti> gordonjcp: I wouldn't use it at all if there receiving end doesn't understand any Finnish\n<Myrtti> or isn't atleast minimally knowledgeable about Finland\n<gord> http://ubuntuone.com/5rRghtDT2mJXGsSWbI6fXP - how gord lives\n<dwatkins> only two displays, gord? ;)\n<bigcalm> gord: spooky room. You even have the same web cam as me now!\n<oimon> http://ubuntuone.com/34gUnM0Ioa935DGnSoKWzt rather large orifice\n * AlanBell thinks SpongeBob would be an excellent president\n<AlanBell> oimon: I want one of those aero chair things\n<AlanBell> aeron or something\n<oimon> very nice\n<bigcalm> AlanBell: they are worth it\n<oimon> last chair did my back in . never have problems with this one\n<gord> bigcalm, nah, this is a playstation eye\n<gord> bigcalm, can your webcam do 125frames per second? mine can!\n<bigcalm> gord: so is mine now :)\n<gord> oooh okay\n<bigcalm> gord: that photo of mine is from a while back\n<oimon> i feel motivated to tidy my office now\n<oimon> i thought it was tidy till i looked at the photo\n<gord> bigcalm, but you surely don't have a wookie protecting your systems\n<bigcalm> gord: I have a tux and a tardis on guard duty\n<gord> that'll never stop darth vader\n<gord> who is an ever present threat\n<bigcalm> True\n<dwatkins> http://ubuntuone.com/1hBYg1QZHYE3kjbqNnXCL6 is where I'm currently sitting\n<oimon> the next thread is gonna be the view from our window :D\n<dwatkins> if you like :) I can see the Pentland hills from here.\n<AlanBell> aeron chairs are still around £400 on ebay\n<dwatkins> 800 quid new, iirc\n<oimon> i always regret getting the charles eames chair from my former employer rather than the cheaper aeron type chair\n<dwatkins> how come, oimon?\n<dwatkins> I was lucky and managed to secure an aeron chair for working from home a few years back when they shut an office down\n<oimon> the charles eames chair was an expensive leather one from the board room. got it for prestige value, but the aeron chair i sat on every day was incredibly comfy\n<dwatkins> yeah, aerons are great, I'm sure my back problems would be worse if I didn't have them\n<bigcalm> Anybody here work standing up?\n<popey> i have a friend who does\n<bigcalm> Pondering if it's any good\n<oimon> i would be exhausted in 10 mins\n<bigcalm> aquarius: how did working standing up go for you?\n * oimon is 75\n<davmor2> bigcalm: I know a couple of people that do\n<Myrtti> saddlechairs might be a good option to standup desks\n<Myrtti> expensive tho\n<ikonia> there are those desks which move up and down\n<dwatkins> I've tried working standing up, it's fine so long as the floor has some give in it\n<ikonia> you can sit down, then stand up and move the desk up with you\n<Myrtti> dwatkins: or you're wearing good shoes\n<oimon> i can't see any benefit tbh\n<dwatkins> indeed Myrtti\n<dwatkins> in some offices they have desks you can raise to a height you can use standing up\n<dwatkins> make sure the power cables are long enough, obv.\n<christel> back when my spine was shagged, i found that the cheapest solution was to use a massive gym ball as a chair\n<christel> it was comfortable and ensured good posture!\n<ikonia> dwatkins: I've just come from a site from those desks, they where very cool\n<christel> (and doubled as a toy for when bored)\n<dwatkins> ikonia: groovy, which country?\n<ikonia> christel: I sometimes do that at home, kicks the abs muscales in\n<ikonia> dwatkins: Sweaden\n<dwatkins> ikonia: I suspected that was the case\n<TheOpenSourcerer> dwatkins: I saw those at Ericsson in Stockholm in the late 90's  - a few hardcore Swedes used to use the \"standing up\" posture for work.\n<ikonia> note \"just come back\" = sometime in the last 4 months\n<dwatkins> a colleague of mine reported the same desks in Sweden, ikonia\n<ikonia> it just seems like yesterday\n<christel> ikonia: *nod*\n<ikonia> dwatkins: it was a good working atmosphere and useful way to work\n<Myrtti> back in 1999 we had those desks at school\n<christel> saddle chairs are also good\n<christel> i have one in the garage that i no longer use\n<Myrtti> ooo\n<Myrtti> sell it to me?\n<christel> you can have it!\n<Myrtti> :-o\n<ikonia> dwatkins: gather round a desk for something, stand up, sit down working alone, stand up for a bit of creative stuff\n<ikonia> AT&T in the states had them in their operations center too\n<ikonia> christel: shame on you, use it\n<davmor2> christel: do you own the side saddle variety, being as you are a LADY\n<christel> davmor2: hahaha\n<christel> ikonia: nah, i no longer \"need\" to use it so it's been \"retired\" :)\n<ikonia> christel: there is no need, push further\n<Myrtti> I have gym ball in my \"chicken coop\"\n<dwatkins> I had a knee chair once, you kneel on it\n<awilkins> My mum has one of those, which I had when I was a teenager\n<MartijnVdS> yes it cuts off circulation to your lower leggs\n<MartijnVdS> for me anyway\n<awilkins> It makes my shins ache\n<Myrtti> yeah I tried to use a knee chair, my knees didn't like it :-|\n<christel> dwatkins: ooh i used to have that when i was Much younger\n<awilkins> Gymball might be OK\n<davmor2> Myrtti: when you say gym ball do you mean a balance ball or a heavy gym ball?\n<dwatkins> yeah, it's fone for a bit but gets a bit tiring after a while\n<awilkins> Especially if I can get Jessica Biel to come and sit on it (like in \"Stealth\")\n<christel> davmor2: a swiss ball\n<Myrtti> davmor2: huge inflatable thera-band fitness/excercise/gym ball\n<ikonia> I want a Bosu\n<ikonia> but they are a real rip off\n<davmor2> christel: but those are made from chocolate surely\n<christel> i used a 75cm (30\") as a \"chair\"\n<ikonia> I sit on a spike\n<ikonia> </python>\n<awilkins> I have an Ikea \"Magnus\" I think\n<awilkins> Was about 80-90 quid\n<awilkins> It has the mesh back, a leather seat, lumbar support\n<MartijnVdS> I have one of those as well\n<MartijnVdS> ♥\n<awilkins> Sometimes I use the floating back mode which does tone you up\n<davmor2> awilkins: I have a huge leather chair from stapples iirc that cost about £100 more than that but is still comfortable 5 years in\n<MartijnVdS> awilkins: Markus I think? http://www.ikea.com/nl/nl/catalog/products/40103100/\n<awilkins> davmor2, My office is also like a chicken coop\n<christel> ikonia: i get bosu's pretty cheap\n<awilkins> MartijnVdS, That's the one\n<christel> as it's considered a \"rehabilition product\" so it's sold by several of my suppliers at cost\n<davmor2> awilkins: mines an entire room I guess that is the difference :)\n<awilkins> My only gripe is the left armrest is wobbly but I can't find the allen key to tighten it up\n<awilkins> davmor2, My office is also an entire room, but it's a really tiny one\n<MartijnVdS> awilkins: any hardware/tool store has them\n<ikonia> christel: I'm interested\n<dwatkins> awilkins: I find those sets of hex-bits invaluable for many things\n<christel> i bought an extreme balance board not long ago, but david thinks it's a miniature zee-zaw\n<davmor2> awilkins: mines not huge 4x3 ish\n<awilkins> 4x3 m?\n<awilkins> I'd KILL for a 4x3 m office\n<davmor2> awilkins: Yeap\n<dwatkins> http://www.maplin.co.uk/33-piece-security-bit-set-11520 is what I have\n<dwatkins> ...somewhere\n<awilkins> I think mine is more like 3x2\n<oimon> i'm thinking of moving to a smaller office :D\n<oimon> i feel guilty having so much room\n<davmor2> oimon: I don't quite have enough I don't think.  /me need MOAR!\n<christel> ikonia: that can be arranged!\n<ikonia> xxxx\n<christel> i need to order a portable ultrasound unit thing so i can grab a bosu at the same time!\n<dwatkins> do you sit on a ball or a half-sphere with the Bosu?\n<dwatkins> looks like something I should get to improve balance and general core muscles\n<christel> the bosu (BOth Sides Up) can be used for a variety of execerises (stable or unstable depending on which way up you've got it) it#s also great for just adding some challenge to your normal excersizes -- but yeah, it's a balance training tool :)\n<dwatkins> nifty, looks like something I've used before in pyhsio for my back, will look into getting one\n<christel> yeah quite possibly, it's used a lot for rehab stuff by physiotherapists :)\n<christel> i do unstable squats on a bosu (so ball side down, flat bottom up) :)\n<dwatkins> yeah, my physiotherapist also suggested getting on of those big rolls\n<dwatkins> seeing the price of these, I think I'll wait a bit ;)\n<Myrtti> bosu? I need one\n<Myrtti> I was told by my physio years ago I need to a) get a better balance b) strengthen my ankles\n<christel> ah, a big foam roller? they are great!\n<christel> i use a rumbleroller (a bumpy one) now and again\n<dwatkins> I started doing Capaoera recently, but can't go at the moment having broken a toe (!)\n<dwatkins> that and swimming and cycling to work should sort me out in time :)\n<christel> what problems do you have with your back if you don't mind me asking?\n<dwatkins> mainly just stiffness, probably due to sitting and not getting a lot of e?cercise for the past 25 years ;)\n<dwatkins> occasional twinges, I gather it's quite common in people who work at a desk for a living and don't get a huge amount of excercise\n<christel> i used to have serious issues with my lower spine and found that weight training helped a tremendous amount as it built up sufficient muscle to keep stuff \"in place\" for longer :)\n<Myrtti> I feel so blessed for not having my back problems anymore\n<dwatkins> yeah, I gather strengthening the core muscles will help a lot\n<oimon> i slouch a lot, but seem to get away with it\n<gord> bigcalm, davmor2 - also in the vein of showing pictures from before, i feel the need to show off how nice and tidy my PC internals are ;) http://ubuntuone.com/2xQunhiHcLv5PUgXxepzMW - i can actually get at stuff without digging through cables!\n<bigcalm> Is there a need to open up your system that often?\n<dwatkins> I like cases with the PSU out the way\n<oimon> SATA improved things a lot in that area\n<popey> gord: your computer is upside down\n<gord> bigcalm, nope, but when i do i don't hate life\n<gord> popey, \"better airflow\" or something, there is a fan that pipes the bottom compartment into the main one, then there are three fans at the top to get rid of air in the main compartment\n<popey> sweet\n<directhex> i need to go & shorten my hair.\n<oimon> just slopped pasta sauce on myself before a big meeting\n<popey> cunning\n<directhex> claim it's the latest fashion\n<oimon> in attempting to clean it, the resulting wet patch is even worse\n<oimon> near my groin area\n<oimon> member of staff trying for 10 days to get a password reset with central helpdesk..pure dilbert\n<MartijnVdS> Still claim it's the latest fashion. With a straight face\n<Laney> wow\n<Laney> just got some epic screen corruption\n<czajkowski> Laney: I did up to last week then upgraded to lastest kernel and it was perfect again\n<Laney> http://orangesquash.org.uk/~laney/errrr.png\n<czajkowski> Laney: mine last week http://twitpic.com/85czwx/full\n<Laney> consistency :P\n<Laney> guess i should restart X ...\n<awilkins> Laney, Looks like a corrupted font table\n<awilkins> Laney, The same block of corruption r\n<awilkins> epeats for the same letter each tine\n<awilkins> I just have a corrupted touch-typing table, it seems\n<popey> 新春快乐 \\o/\n<bigcalm> o.O\n* popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting 2nd February 21:00 UK time #ubuntu-uk-meeting | \"Where we're going, we don't need roads.\" | 新春快乐\n<AlanBell> happy new year to you too\n<bigcalm> Ah\n<bigcalm> Googled it?\n<MartijnVdS> 茶 ?\n<bigcalm> Looks like a UFO\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: it's \"tea\"\n<bigcalm> I see\n<bigcalm> mmm, tea\n<AlanBell> it is a simplified form of 樂\n<AlanBell> http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E4%B9%90\n<MartijnVdS> AlanBell: uhm.. I posted http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E8%8C%B6 you posted http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E6%A8%82\n<MartijnVdS> AlanBell: none of those is http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E4%B9%90\n<AlanBell> so you did\n<MartijnVdS> oh wait, that's the last word in /topic\n * MartijnVdS is stupid\n<AlanBell> google translate doesn't do the last one, I thought thats what you were querying\n<MartijnVdS> no, I was saying \"tea\" :)\n<AlanBell> 珈琲\n<MartijnVdS> AlanBell: 檸檬水\n<oimon> join #ubuntu-jp\n<popey> cn\n<oimon> ah\n<oimon> chomps on a mandarin\n<MartijnVdS> poor man\n * popey fancies chinese for tea, bet they're all closed\n<popey> how dare they!\n<MartijnVdS> Chinese bank holiday? ;)\n * AlanBell has crispy duck in the freezer, might have to get one out\n<oimon> show it to the chickens\n<MartijnVdS> \"Lay eggs or else..\"\n<oimon> \"that's what happens if you mess with me\"\n * oimon was excused from the meeting, the stain was unrelated\n<MartijnVdS> oimon: \"This is what happens to poultry that crosses an Alan\"\n * TheOpenSourcerer just had yesterday's left-over homemade Chicken Dhansak, Saag Aloo, Basmati Rice and Naan :-D Sprinkled with a Bhut Jolokia to give it some kick.\n<TheOpenSourcerer> It was lovely. Even if I say so myself.\n<oimon> were you playing jelly botty?\n * daubers has almost finished the awesome Hackspace door authorisation system\n<daubers> \\o/\n<Laney> rfid?\n<MartijnVdS> Oyster cards\n<MartijnVdS> ?\n<Laney> elaborate randomly generated maze\n<czajkowski> never leave home without one\n<Laney> sokoban\n<bigcalm> Knock 3 times?\n<MartijnVdS> Laney: nethack? :)\n<Laney> :-)\n<daubers> rfid cards\n<daubers> But I've built a rotating sign thing with GTK3 to have at the door so we can show what's going on and who's in the space \\o/\n<daubers> all works with some mqtt based magic\n<davmor2> MartijnVdS: Oyster Card saved me a fortune in London travel\n<MartijnVdS> davmor2: by not working?\n<davmor2> MartijnVdS: nope worked fine\n<AlanBell> daubers: london hackspace lets you register oyster cards with the rfid reader\n<daubers> AlanBell: I know. We're doing it a bit different\n<daubers> More because we want people to have a token to show they're a member\n<AlanBell> ok\n<AlanBell> daubers: purely out of interest what is the approx cost of the rfid lock?\n<daubers> AlanBell: In total about £50-60 ish\n<daubers> That's for one unit\n<daubers> We're putting in 2, so is twice that (ish)\n<daubers> If we were making 100 it would be much much less :)\n<daubers> also would be cheaper if it was a standalone unit, and not networked\n * daubers makes some coffee\n<smittix> Gnome-Tweak-Tool really needs options for changing desktop font\n * daubers needs to figure out the best pay and go sim for a 3g dongle sending sms's once every few weeks\n<bigcalm> Sounds like a embedded security system\n<daubers> bigcalm: Ish, more for temperature/humidity monitoring. Want warnings on set levels\n<bigcalm> Ah\n<ahayzen> *** ahayzen changes theme and Pidgin crashes =-O\n<d3ngar> Hey\n<d3ngar> I seem to have a major problem with my laptop monitor: it doesn't show anything. It is connected and recognised though. Once Ubuntu boots, I can see stuff on the second screen\n<d3ngar> Any ideas?\n<directhex> d3ngar, at all? not even whilst booting?\n<d3ngar> The BIOS boot sequence is displayed fine\n<d3ngar> Everything thereafter is rubbish\n<d3ngar> Also, my system keep crashing because of a Kernel Module\n<d3ngar> dell_wmi\n<d3ngar> I don't know what it does, but I keep getting an error in dmesg\n<d3ngar> Can I somehow disable the module?\n<kvarley> \"No caching mode page present\" <--- I get that message on my netbook while doing an install from my SD card prepared by unetbootin. Any ideas?\n<christel> the ocado man looked exactly like AlanBell today!\n<christel> only he had a scottish accent\n<DJones> That could have been AlanMacBell\n<christel> hahaha\n<AlanBell> did he deliver some eggs?\n<czajkowski> christel: did you order 24 eggs\n<christel> haha\n<christel> he did deliver eggs!\n<christel> czajkowski: only 18!\n<christel> i didn't order ANY flour :p\n<popey> 18 eggs!\n<popey> blimey\n<bigcalm> o.O\n<czajkowski> ohh we're having pie tonight\n<d3ngar> How can I change the default kernel to load?\n<gord> eh, its not pie night\n<gord> its chinese night\n<popey> +1\n<christel> nooo it's ovenbaked rainbow trout night!\n<christel> with lots of yummy veg and herbs and creamy saucy goodness\n<gord> noo, its chinese night\n * gord looks at the day\n<gord> chinese new year for those that don't know ;)\n * popey points to the /topic\n<christel> oh fine, i'll give you that one! :P\n<christel> i will pretend that my trout is a dragon\n<Pendulum> christel: fish is apparently one of the favoured foods for Chinese New Year so I think you're fine not pretending it's a dragon ;)\n<christel> woop!\n<christel> :D\n<davmor2> christel: a fire breathing trout don't eat it become a T'interweb phenomenon\n<christel> haha\n<d3ngar> Is there a way of booting into an older version of the kernel?\n<Pendulum> christel: you could always teach David that trout is what a dragon is. Then he'll always believe dragons are real :)\n<christel> hahaha\n<davmor2> Pendulum: They are real don't tell me they're not I won't believe you :P\n<daubers> d3ngar: If your after an older kernal you've installed, you can just select if from the grub menu\n<gord> its absolutely fantastic that google chrome barfs out a bunch of annoying stuff on stdout, i love that, its not like i wanted to see anything in my terminal\n<popey> you run chrome from a terminal?\n<popey> don't you have some kind of launcher on your computer? :p\n<gord> yeah, but when you launch unity from a terminal, programs associate that terminal as their STDOUT\n<gord> so i get everything... very annoying\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Looks fun, and it's a British company behind it. http://www.evi.com/\n<gordonjcp> <grumble>\n<gordonjcp> well now I have a new reason to dislike CM7\n<Hornet-> waiting for CM9 tbh\n<Hornet-> or rather my touchpad is\n<gordonjcp> Hornet-: doubt it'll run on an HTC Desire ;-)\n<gordonjcp> but failing silently if you decide you don't like doing TLS any more isn't really acceptable behaviour\n * czajkowski hugs aquarius \n<smittix> gah\n<smittix> bad day today.\n<smittix> Evening all\n * aquarius is hugged\n<czajkowski> aquarius: well you get a hug and a wallop, hug cause I'f found a way to entertain myself  and a wallop as there is a bug only you seem to know why it does such a thing!\n<bigcalm> aquarius: work place day this Thursday at the Light House :)\n<aquarius> bigcalm, ah, thursday's out. day of meetings\n<aquarius> what bug?\n<aquarius> czajkowski, ^\n<bigcalm> aquarius: poop\n<czajkowski> aquarius: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-music-store/+bug/910921\n<lubotu3> Ubuntu bug 910921 in ubuntuone-music-store \"downloading users paid music from system keeps bringing you back to page 1\" [Undecided,New]\n<AlanBell> haggis day on wednesday\n<aquarius> czajkowski, right, yeah. Sorry. That one's my fault, but fixing it is hard-ish.\n<czajkowski> aquarius: *wallop*\n<czajkowski> do you have any idea how flipping annoying that is\n<czajkowski> I'd 10 pages to do of 10 songs, from page 2 onwards it gets irksome!\n<AlanBell> czajkowski: middle click the links\n<czajkowski> aquarius: the other irritation which nobody seems to understand why is when you click download a song you cant click all 10 on a page to start to redownload it doesnt recognise\n<czajkowski> aquarius: on a track pad\n<gordonjcp> http://www.gjcp.net/~gordonjcp/corruptfont.jpg\n<AlanBell> left and right click together should do a middle click\n<gordonjcp> ^^ hmmm\n<czajkowski> gordonjcp: what kernel are you running ?\n<gordonjcp> Linux saito 3.0.0-12-generic #20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux\n<gordonjcp> I can't actually read that now so hopefully it'll make sense to you\n<AlanBell> 13:03 < Laney> http://orangesquash.org.uk/~laney/errrr.png\n<czajkowski> Linux sheldon 3.2.0-9-generic #16-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 13 20:46:38 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux\n<czajkowski> gordonjcp: so upgrading to that kernel removes that issue\n<gordonjcp> czajkowski: I'm going to have to bounce X to read that ;-)\n<aquarius> czajkowski, mainly because I never implemented that; having to redownload is meant to be very rare, so I didn't think about it needing to poke lots all at once\n<aquarius> czajkowski, do not middle click the links. Ignore AlanBell on this.\n<czajkowski> I'm unique :)\n<AlanBell> aquarius: I have every confidence I will be ignored ;)\n<AlanBell> seems to work for me though, I get lots of file downloads starting. I don't have two pages of music though\n<AlanBell> actually I am probably not understanding the problem\n<czajkowski> AlanBell: when I go past page 1 I get thrown bac to page 1 each time after I hit the download button\n<czajkowski> aquarius: can you at leas tack the bug exists :)\n<czajkowski> so I know I'm not going insane\n<AlanBell> yeah, I don't see how you have pages of music, I have to drill down by artist and cd title\n<czajkowski> AlanBell: music I've bought\n<AlanBell> under the files tab?\n<czajkowski> AlanBell: under bought/purchased music\n<popey> why are you visiting that page czajkowski ?\n<AlanBell> https://one.ubuntu.com/files/ I have a \"Purchased Music\" link there, but I think you are talking about something else\n<czajkowski> via banshee I am\n<popey> the bug isnt clear\n<AlanBell> aaaahhhhh\n<czajkowski> popey: I may ahve delete all my purchased music so trying to redownload them\n<popey> you dont mention banshee at all\n<czajkowski> true I had been discussing it hte last day in u1 channel so did leave that bit out in the bug my bad\n<AlanBell> that will be why I am giving you crap advice about middle clicking things\n<czajkowski> AlanBell: tis ok my fault for not being clearer to you\n<daubers> Evening\n<gordonjcp> czajkowski: are you on 12.04?\n * AlanBell hugs czajkowski, not your fault at all!\n<Azelphur> Dam, Orange are really good at pulling out budget android phones\n<Azelphur> San francisco 2 looks pretty decent :o\n<Azelphur> the first version was always my recommended budget one, but the new one is the same price and just seems all round better :D\n<czajkowski> gordonjcp: yes\n<gordonjcp> czajkowski: ah, I'm using 11.10\n<gordonjcp> czajkowski: I tried 12.04 but it was worse, and my machine hasn't really got a high enough spec for 12.04\n * daubers tries the DVD writing thing again\n<czajkowski> gordonjcp: bummer\n<gordonjcp> I stuck two gig in it and it ran at somewhat less than 100% memory usage and about 50% swap usage\n<gordonjcp> but the graphics corruption was worse than even in the link I posted\n<AlanBell> gordonjcp: looks more like the font corruption Laney had than graphics corruption\n<AlanBell> except for the black blocks on the far right border\n<kvarley> I formatted my sd card to ext4 via gparted. Now it won't let me write/delete files/folders unless I am root. How can I change it so that anybody can change the stuff on there?\n<gordonjcp> AlanBell: it's a bit of both\n<AlanBell> kvarley: if you create a folder as root you can then chown it to your regular user\n<kvarley> AlanBell: I did chmod -R 777 and it seems to have worked\n<kvarley> AlanBell: Thanks though, I shall bear that in mind for future cards =]\n<AlanBell> 777 is probably not a good thing\n * AlanBell frowns at octal permissions\n<hamitron> AlanBell, what would you use?\n<AlanBell> hamitron: well maybe chmod ug+rw or something\n<hamitron> would that be the same as 660?\n<AlanBell> point being I don't like people talking about 777 or 644 or whatever because lots of people see that withough having the first clue what it means in terms of user group other / read write execute\n<hamitron> I only know the octal form, is why i asked\n<hamitron> :)\n<hamitron> I think the way you say is probably clearer and better to explain\n<AlanBell> 110 in binary is 6 in octal, but a heap of people don't know that and don't know that it is turning on r and w and off x\n<Azelphur> yea, I tend to always use the letters it makes more sense / is human readable\n<AlanBell> you get people saying \"I just set everything to 777 and all my permissions problems went away\"\n<Azelphur> haha\n<hamitron> I tend to use 644 or 755\n<hamitron> but I remember reading a chapter on permissions in my first book on linux\n<hamitron> :)\n<Azelphur> On my desktop I don't really care too much as I'm the only user\n<AlanBell> sure, and by all means use octal yourself\n<Azelphur> On my server, I give it a seconds thought as to who should have access\n<AlanBell> just when explaining to other people I would always use the letters\n<hamitron> AlanBell, I will, just never thought about how it looks to someone else\n<Azelphur> when someone asks me about permissions I usually just explain how to read the output from ls -l\n<Azelphur> and then it becomes pretty obvious what's going on\n<AlanBell> yes\n<AlanBell> and then chmod ug=rwx or whatever actually ties up with that\n<hamitron> isn't there a way to do it in the GUI?\n<AlanBell> yes, if you have permissions to do it\n<AlanBell> then we get into running nautilus as root ;)\n<hamitron> :/\n<AlanBell> now what should I get from the Chinese for dinner?\n<hamitron> chips!\n<AlanBell> philistine\n<TheOpenSourcerer> curry :-D\n<hamitron> hehe\n<hamitron> I got chicken and chips once.... well, it was called that\n<hamitron> chicken was really balls of rubber\n<AlanBell> ribs with salt and chilli and plain noodles are a given, but what main dish I wonder\n<AlanBell> beef in chilli oyster sauce perhaps\n<hamitron> isn't chinky food expensive for what you get where you are?\n<hamitron> the helpings look so small\n<hamitron> :/\n<AlanBell> chinky isn't a nice word hamitron\n<hamitron> hmmm, sorry\n<AlanBell> just ordered it, £21.15 for two people\n<hamitron> that is my point\n<hamitron> ;/\n<AlanBell> but it is yummy\n<hamitron> fish chips and mushy peas for £2.20\n<monsterwizard> Do you think video and image editing should be done in media or art class\n<monsterwizard> and NOT ICT\n<hamitron> media I'd say\n<AlanBell> that was the problem with sticking that C in the middle of IT\n<hamitron> but I'd say it is nearer to ICT than something like Art\n<monsterwizard> Screw it\n<monsterwizard> Just teach Computer Science\n<hamitron> I'd just not teach it tbh\n<hamitron> well, only to those that choose it\n<monsterwizard> And perhaps teach spreedsheets in maths or accounting\n<hamitron> I actually used spreadsheets most in science\n<hamitron> if you start adding computers into Maths, you end up with people who can't add up :/\n<monsterwizard> If I were in charge, I'd teach python or something similar. Get students used to other operating systems. And I'd teach Basic csa.\n<monsterwizard> Computer Science concepts are perhaps best left for the maths classroom\n<hamitron> why not C?\n<hamitron> ;/\n<hamitron> a proper language\n<hamitron> or pascal maybe for the kids\n<monsterwizard> C maybe too complicated for people who don't want to in School\n<monsterwizard> pascal?\n<monsterwizard> mmmmm Python is more relevant.\n<monsterwizard> And good at teaching the basics. Perhaps getting to algorithms sooner\n<hamitron> I've never used Python for anything worthwhile\n<hamitron> ;)\n<monsterwizard> C maybe for A-level students\n<hamitron> tbh, do we really need all these programmers?\n<monsterwizard> No but we need more of them :P\n<monsterwizard> Surely people should know the basics\n<monsterwizard> Considering computers are so important.\n<hamitron> most people I know don't know how to word process\n<hamitron> ;)\n<monsterwizard> It's not the intention to make people into programmers.\n<hamitron> I'd say they need to learn to type a letter, before program\n<hamitron> and the younger generation who write letters to me for work, don't know how to spell\n<hamitron> heck, most can't even talk English without some misuse of some word that totally throws me\n<hamitron> \"sick init?\" ;/\n<monsterwizard> Haha.\n<monsterwizard> Slang.\n<monsterwizard> Language evolves :P\n<hamitron> sick = bad\n<hamitron> or now it = good?\n<monsterwizard> Depends on he context.\n * hamitron facedesk\n<monsterwizard> Sick can mean good.\n<hamitron> how?\n<monsterwizard> For example, \"Aww that football mathc was sick\"\n<monsterwizard> Sick could mean, awesome, good, cool.\n<hamitron> that is just wrong\n<monsterwizard> Slang?\n<monsterwizard> Come onnnn.\n<hamitron> it sounds wrong, is wrong and always will be wrong\n<hamitron> ;)\n<monsterwizard> Nope.\n<monsterwizard> The English spoken 500 years ago, is that wrong too?\n<monsterwizard> Or is the English we'e using now 'more wrong'.\n<monsterwizard> we're*\n<hamitron> I am always right, whenever asked.... so yes ;D\n<monsterwizard> :/\n<monsterwizard> Well I'm very sorry to hear that.\n<hamitron> but seriously, I have actually misunderstood people using \"sick\" wrongly\n<hamitron> \"that was sick\" ..... just confusing\n<hamitron> someone crapping their pants is sick, not good\n<hamitron> ;/\n<monsterwizard> Sick can mean bad also\n<hamitron> so it means nothing now\n<monsterwizard> \"That was just sick\"\n<hamitron> :/\n<monsterwizard> You should speak to different types of people I think.\n<hamitron> well, anyone who speaks stupid won't work with me for long\n<hamitron> communication is a key part to things working smoothly\n<monsterwizard> Haha.\n<shauno> I don't have a problem with slang so much; language does change.  I just find it very difficult to work with people who can't tone it down when it's not the time/place for it\n<monsterwizard> I'd recommend adapting to peoples use of speech\n<monsterwizard> I don't mind doing tha\n<hamitron> I get told off weekly in here, for language I use\n<hamitron> :/\n<hamitron> but people are weird here ;)\n<monsterwizard> I don't get it. Why don't you adapt to slang?\n<hamitron> I don't hear it\n<hamitron> or at least very rarely\n<monsterwizard> :(\n<monsterwizard> Where are you from?\n<hamitron> East Yorkshire\n<hamitron> but my clients are all older\n<monsterwizard> Oh come on.\n<monsterwizard> Yorkshire people are the worst for this :P\n<monsterwizard> How about local slang.\n<hamitron> local slang is normal and makes sense\n<popey> trolololololol\n<hamitron> all this black rapper stuff is just, weird :/\n<monsterwizard> lmao\n<hamitron> I give up with it \\o/\n<monsterwizard> So you own a business?\n<monsterwizard> or at least in managment\n<hamitron> yep, and work for another also\n<ali1234> does the guest session thing automatically clear all the cached stuff when you log out?\n<Laney> did holmes go down?\n<popey> ali1234: yes, it has a home directory in /tmp which gets deleted\n<ali1234> cool\n<Laney> holmes[.freenode.net]\n<jacobw> quit\n<jacobw> :p\n * popey hugs directhex for http://rosskempfolds.tumblr.com/\n<czajkowski> lol\n<ubuntuuk-planet> [Jono Bacon] Nicholas Skaggs QA Blog - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/01/23/nicholas-skaggs-qa-blog/\n<czajkowski> http://abstract.desktopnexus.com/cat/other/\n<bigcalm> There's a lot of poop in there\n<czajkowski> http://animals.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/769931/  massive selection\n<gordonjcp> anyone got contact details for Andy Stanford-Clark?\n<gordonjcp> he's apparently in search of food in Glasgow\n<czajkowski> tweet him ?\n<czajkowski> ah you did\n<bigcalm> Cow Bride?!\n<czajkowski> blame jon\n<ali1234> i don't understand this benefits cap thing\n<ali1234> specifically i don't understand the table at the bottom of this page:\n<ali1234> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-16675314\n<ali1234> i don't understand how two people can get £133.91 a week JSA\n<ali1234> and i also don't understand how you could get tax credit when you are unemployed and therefore don't pay any tax\n<Azelphur> ali1234: thats very high, are you sure that's right?\n<ali1234> no i'm not sure\n<ali1234> like i said, i don't understand it\n<Azelphur> I'm on ESA which is the disabled equiv and I get like £55?\n<ali1234> basically i don't understand how any household can get £500 a week in benefits unless they have 20 kids are both parents have absolutely crippling disabilities eg they are both deaf and blind and quadraplegic\n<jimmie> Possibly a bit of an odd question but does anyone here play Minecraft? Im having trouble with something on 11.10\n<ali1234> and i don't mean  i don't understand it in a daily mail sort of way\n<Azelphur> yea that's crazy\n<ali1234> i mean i don't understand how it is possible under the existing benefits system, after careful study of it\n<ali1234> jimmie: yeah loads of us do\n<Azelphur> jimmie: I play minecraft and run a big server all on Ubuntu\n<jimmie> Perfect\n<Azelphur> XUbuntu 11.10 desktop, Ubuntu 11.10 Server :)\n<jimmie> Well, I installed it using a Minecraft installer script, and I dont believe I have a minecraft folder.\n<ali1234> bleeeeeeh\n<jimmie> Not sure if that happens as a result of the script or im insane\n<ali1234> dont use that script, it is silly and messes up your java\n<Azelphur> and pointless lol\n<Azelphur> ali1234: what does it do, install sun? :/\n<jimmie> I had ho. Since thewebsite was down the other day so I couldnt get the jar\n<ali1234> yeah and set it as default\n<jimmie> But the script managed to get it.\n<Azelphur> ugh\n<ali1234> what i do is this\n<jimmie> Ill try it again\n<jimmie> Ho-hum\n<ali1234> get the jar, and then run it java -jar minecraft.jar\n<ali1234> then quit minecraft\n<ali1234> then i put the jar file into ~/.minecraft/\n<Azelphur> ali1234: great minds, did exactly the same thing\n<ali1234> whenever i play i just run it from the terminal\n<Azelphur> I have a launcher\n<ali1234> also, install optifine\n<jimmie> optifine\n<ali1234> it makes it run much faster\n<Azelphur> hehe\n<jimmie> ?\n<ali1234> it's a mod\n<ali1234> Azelphur: does your launcher work properly?\n<ali1234> cos mine doesn't\n<Azelphur> yep\n<ali1234> unity cannot differentiate java programs\n<ali1234> wait you don't use unity\n<Azelphur> :D\n<Azelphur> hmm there was some router from buffalo everyone recommended as a nice dd-wrt box\n<ali1234> i have a DGND3700 now\n<ali1234> expensive but amazing\n<ali1234> the gbit ports actually work at full speed\n<Azelphur> yea, I have a WRT610N which is much the same, my friend wants a cheapo one\n<ali1234> and it does both ADSL and external modem\n<ali1234> WRT610N is i think the same thing but without ADSL\n<Azelphur> yea :)\n#ubuntu-uk 2012-01-24\n<Myrtti> oh look\n<Myrtti> it's a wild ivanka\n<Azelphur> ali1234: just set up my server so that I have apache for my PHP stuff, and nginx to serve the large static files :D\n<ivanka> Myrtti: only sometimes.\n<ubuntuuk-planet> [Jono Bacon] From Old To New Python GTK - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/01/24/from-old-to-new-python-gtk/\n<MooDoo> morning all\n<Pendulum> hiya MooDoo\n<MooDoo> @_\n<MooDoo> :)\n<AlanBell> hi Pendulum who should be asleep\n<popey> AlanBell: http://bartaz.github.com/impress.js\n<popey> via Daviey\n<AlanBell> nice\n<daubers> Morning\n<DJones> AlanBell: Just noticed this, quite interesting http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/news/extremadura-move-all-its-40000-desktops-open-source\n<danfish> morning all - a bit damp out today\n * TheOpenSourcerer goes to check if any of his seed has germinated yet.\n<danfish> chili planting time already!\n<smittix> morning all\n<TheOpenSourcerer> danfish: Indeed. Gone a bit mad this year: http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2012/01/21/ot-chillies-2012/\n<smittix> TheOpenSourcerer: It's not Hemp is it heh\n<TheOpenSourcerer> smittix: Nope something far stronger than that!\n<smittix> TheOpenSourcerer: Ghost Chillies?\n<TheOpenSourcerer> yeah, I have 4 Naga (Ghost type) varieties.\n<MartijnVdS> TheOpenSourcerer: http://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Naga ?\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Black Naga, Bhut Jolokia, Dorset Naga & Naga Viper. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhut_Jolokia_chili_pepper\n<MartijnVdS> \"While all naga corpses convey poison resistance when eaten, black naga corpses are also acidic.\"\n<TheOpenSourcerer> lol\n<danfish> TheOpenSourcerer: yikes! I've not even ordered seed yet!\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Ahh.\n<TheOpenSourcerer> I'm a week earlier this year, but have for the last 2 years started them at the end of Jan.\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Sown in pots some of the seed will take 4-6 weeks even to germinate.\n<danfish> I am going to concentrate a bit more on crops in open ground this year\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Using my \"how-I-used-grow-hemp\" technique I'm getting good germination rates in around 1 - 2 weeks.\n<danfish> ah, home grown hemp for clothing of course ;)\n<MartijnVdS> Why is it that all people I know who grow pepper got started with hemp first\n<MartijnVdS> ;)\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Already planted Garlic and Eschalotte in Nov. And just planted some Jermor (banana shallots this weekend.\n<TheOpenSourcerer> First early spuds are chitting too :-)\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Along with the Naga, I also have the Trinidad Scorpion \"Butch T\" this year - The current world's hottest chilli. :-D\n<oimon> adverse weather conditions\n<smittix> TheOpenSourcerer: Nice, I need to get round to planting some.\n<daubers> gtk3 question (as it's a PITA): How can I force a gtk window to refresh? I've been using a while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() type loop, but this seems to randomly not work at times. I remember seeing something about another way of doing this? Does anyone have a clue what that might have been?\n<MartijnVdS> daubers: ask aquarius, he's a GTK Guru\n<JamesTait> G'mornin' all! :D\n<MartijnVdS> Good morning!\n<daubers> GTK makes me a sad panda sometimes\n<MartijnVdS> daubers: what with the gothic make-up and everything?\n<daubers> Hah! No\n<dwatkins> hi folks\n<daubers> bah, add a print to it and it works\n<dwatkins> haha \"hastebin.com\" - pastebin without the rest of the UI\n<czajkowski> aloha\n<bigcalm> Morning :)\n<christel> morning lovelies\n<occupy64k> goog morning\n<occupy64k> or good\n<funkyHat> Hi christel ⢁)\n<christel> hai hai :D\n<funkyHat> I'm not sure I like this being awake in the morning nonsense\n<christel> haha\n<andylock1an> morning guys - anyone used Synology NAS Solutions? I want a low-maintenance device rather than building something myself - as I'm not here at Linux Admin.\n<gord> everything time i use google docs i get frustrated. just have to keep reminding myself, at least its not open office\n<andylock1an> gord: amen to that\n<occupy64k> are google docs that bad?\n<funkyHat> Use LaTeX ;)\n<gord> google docs would be fine, if it wasn't glitchy\n<gord> i've had it suddenly just insert the html of the google docs page into the document before\n<occupy64k> maybe that's a feature\n<funkyHat> gord: google hates you\n<gord> up until recently using it with a corporate account when you also had a gmail account was a nightmare too. had to use an entirely different browser\n<occupy64k> Just use Emacs org mode\n<daubers> GAHHHHHHHHHHHH\n<daubers> GTK sucks\n<daubers> Why the hell doesn't it tell me if the mainloop can't run?\n<gord> why wouldn't the mainloop be able to run?\n<gord> if its being blocked by something, then there isn't much it can do about it\n<daubers> I don't know? It just stops responding!\n<gord> well see there is your problem, something else is blocking the mainloop from running, the mainloop code can't get called because of this other thing. the other thing is your problem, not the mainloop\n<daubers> I'd also love to know why it doesn't redraw things a lot of the time\n<gord> it sounds like a poorly constructed application ;)\n<daubers> :p\n<daubers> Would be less poorly constructed if there where some adequate docs for gtk3\n<gord> well gtk2 applies in most cases, apart from the nitty gritty stuff\n<gord> the actually drawing code for example\n<daubers> which  seems to be where I get all the stupid issues\n<daubers> I'd love to know what gtk_list_store_iter_next: assertion `priv->stamp == iter->stamp' failed means too\n<gord> sounds like you are modifying a list model whist iterating over it (bad idea)\n<daubers> Urgh\n<daubers> Nothings ever simple is it :)\n<daubers> So is the recommended way to create a second list without the thing you want to remove in it and then switch them?\n<gord> its been a loooooooooong time (years unfortunately :((( ) since i worked with gtk list models, but iirc, you should be able to remove by iter\n<gord> so find the iter, break out, remove by iter\n * daubers waits to see if that broke anything else\n<daubers> \\o/\n<daubers> something else broke\n<daubers> gord: Ta, shall have to shout at it some more\n<gord> np. i kinda miss gtk programming, a lot of people don't really know how to use it anymore and gnome has everyone all confused. you can make really nice stuff with it if you bend it to your will ;)\n<daubers> turns out its my loops that wait for stuff to redraw\n<gord> ah ;) mainloops don't like you doing that - use signals and timeouts\n<gordonjcp> gord: yeah\n<daubers> gord: Can't find any docs on them annoyingly. Was trying too earlier\n<gordonjcp> gord: http://www.gjcp.net/~gordonjcp/lysdr.jpg\n<daubers> gord: https://code.launchpad.net/~daubers/+junk/rdghackauthbot is what I'm screaming at today\n * MartijnVdS would never accept commit messages like that ;)\n<daubers> MartijnVdS: The \"moar stuffs\" message?\n<MartijnVdS> daubers: and \"arduino stuff\"\n<MartijnVdS> \"more work\"\n<MartijnVdS> \"a few more functions added\"\n<daubers> MartijnVdS: You can tell I'm doing this for me can't you :)\n<MartijnVdS> :)\n<Laney> argh\n<Laney> why can't I get into the habit of using 'less' instead of 'more'?\n<MartijnVdS> alias more=less\n<daubers> Laney: because less is more?\n<MartijnVdS> Laney: because you're old and inflexible?\n<Laney> i don't want to fix it with an alias that has to be done on every machine\n<jpds> Laney: sudo apt-get install most\n<Laney> daubers: if less is more then i shouldn't have any trouble transitioning :(\n<Laney> jpds: hah\n<AlanBell> !info most\n<lubotu3> most (source: most): Pager program similar to more and less. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.0.0a-2 (oneiric), package size 46 kB, installed size 168 kB\n<AlanBell> is it good?\n<daubers> !good\n<lubotu3> Usually, there is no single \"best\" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.\n<jpds> AlanBell: Only one way to find out.\n<AlanBell> it *is* good :)\n<AlanBell> alias less=most\n<Laney> it doesn't let me press end to go to the end\n<kvarley> You know when you press up in gnome-terminal? Where are the previously run commands stored?\n<LjL> kvarley: ~/.bash_history\n<kvarley> LjL: thanks\n<LjL> kvarley: you can also type \"history\" to see the list, or use ctrl+r to search in the list on the fly\n<Laney> well, $HISTFILE\n<jpds> kvarley: echo $HISTFILE\n<jpds> Not all of us use bash.\n<LjL> another shell might not even have history at all, i talk about the defaults, especially when someone doesn't specify and says something like \"press up in gnome-terminal\"\n<popey> +1\n<jpds> default --- anything that is not your fault. ;)\n<kvarley> I am using bash. =] I'm yet to try zsh\n<brobostigon> good morning everyone.\n<daubers> urgh..... realised that to make this work I need to get my mqtt stuff into a function I that GTK can call while it's idle instead of a running it as a thread\n<oimon> i notice redhat are making more bugs \"private\" so that those without paid support cannot see the bugs or KB articles referred to\n<daubers> \\o/ fixed it\n<davmor2> morning all\n<popey> hmm, firefox 10 seems to have opengl disabled on 12.04\n<popey> maybe just my laptop\n<daubers> gord: Ta muchly for the tips. Stripped out all the threads and done it as idle functions now :)\n<popey> about:support under graphics I have GPU Accelerated Windows 0/1\n<popey> ☹\n<danfish> cd /usr/src/\n<davmor2> popey: is it not a plugin?\n<popey> dont think so\n<danfish> oops\n<popey> hmm, mozilla blog post says they dont plan on enabling it on linux\n<gord> i enabled it on firefox once, wasn't any faster and made bad stuff happen to the rest of the stack, not a fun experience\n<popey> hah\n<oimon> i'm getting \"kernel: swapper: page allocation failure. order:1, mode:0x20\". apparently i'm running out of low memory - anyone understand what's happening?\n<popey> oh well look at that, it just works in chrome\n<AlanBell> popey: the impress.js thing?\n<popey> yeah\n<AlanBell> works for me in firefox on 12.04\n<popey> it works\n<AlanBell> way smoother in chrome\n<popey> but 1fps\n<popey> its doing software rendering in frefox\n<ali12345> Doh\n<ali12345> Autojoin :/\n<davmor2> hmmmmmmm tis a happy day now that lp has reordering on bugs especially the age fields :D\n<ali12345> Cool. I remember listening to the uds stream about that\n<davmor2> popey: is that using the latest X?  today had an update for it\n * czajkowski hugs davmor2 Good day! \n<popey> davmor2: its not x, its firefox\n<popey> AIUI\n<davmor2> czajkowski: proddington prod\n<davmor2> popey: no just checking that it was a driver issue with the latest X or something\n<popey> dont think so\n<davmor2> what's the URL I'll try it here I have a couple of precise boxes knocking about\n<davmor2> as you do\n<popey> http://github.com/bartaz/impress.js\n<davmor2> popey: and have you tried it in another browser epiphany or chrome/chromium or rekonq\n<popey> yes, as I said, it works fine in chrome\n<davmor2> popey: it's working but not as smoothly as it could I think,  I'm using the demo at, bartaz.github.com/impress.js/#/bored\n<popey> yes, that is the issue\n<popey> 3d rendering is disabled in firefox by default on linux\n<popey> (it seems)\n<oimon> which ff you using popey?\n<popey> 10\n<popey> in 12.04\n<ali12345> Popey: did you see my question re screencast?\n<popey> i didnt\n<ali12345> You mentioned somewhere that nvidia is choppy and nouveax is faster\n<popey> hmm\n<popey> maybe in the past..\n<ali12345> But you did a screencast of minecraft\n<popey> i have multiple machines, one nvidia, one intel\n<ali12345> Which crashes everytime wth nouveau for me\n<popey> most recently minecraft ones have been on intel i7\n<davmor2> popey: about:config see if you can enable it\n<popey> davmor2: i have\n<ali12345> Minecraft works on intel now?\n<davmor2> popey: any better now?\n<oimon> yeah, sucks a bundle on this precise box\n<popey> davmor2: no,\n<ali12345> Anyway, the situation is still poor re screencasting and nvidia\n<popey> ali12345: works okay, better than it did, but still has graphical artifacts here ansd there\n<popey> yeah\n<popey> kazam is coming along nicely, but still has issues with flicker and that stupid drop shadow\n<ali12345> Yeah its a driver issue though imo\n<popey> i spoke to the kernel guys and they laughed at me\n<popey> 'oh, you bought intel on a tick ,you should have waited for a tock'\n<popey> ☹\n<ali12345> Never had much trouble wth the drop shadows tho\n<AlanBell> so the stupid dropshadow, is that part of the background?\n<popey> no\n<popey> its drawn on top of everything\n<popey> it's a png file\n<popey> I ususally rm it\n<popey> looks like a stacking bug\n<ali12345> Someone finally fixed the interlace bug in intel driver\n<ali12345> Now that nobody has an interlace tv any more\n<AlanBell> it looks daft when you zoom in to the desktop and the shadow gets detached from the top bar\n * AlanBell pops to the shops to get a haggis\n<ali12345> How do you zoom? enable ezoom in ccsm?\n<danfish> AlanBell: did you order a male or female haggis?\n<czajkowski> danfish: England V Ireland Saturday 17th March 2012 17:00 Gonna be a epic way to celebrte paddys day!\n<danfish> czajkowski: absolutely! Don't be too upset when we beat your lot to a pulp ;)\n<czajkowski> danfish: see folks said that and were very upset last year in the pub\n<danfish> hehe - I wonder who you are talking about :)\n<czajkowski> poor TheOpenSourcerer\n * TheOpenSourcerer is being completely silent on the matter.\n<oimon> i wonder why google don't wanna open source picasa?\n<oimon> such a pain getting v3.9 installed\n<popey> maybe they do, but can't\n<oimon> yeah, would be nice to hear something about it from the goog\n<czajkowski> TheOpenSourcerer: danfish any predictions for the coming season?\n<TheOpenSourcerer> (12:20:32) ***TheOpenSourcerer is being completely silent on the matter.\n<czajkowski> :)\n<czajkowski> ok\n * daubers predicts a large number of people will get grumpy at a large number of other people\n<daubers> Though that applies to any sport really\n<AlanBell> danfish: the more deadly female kind\n<AlanBell> also found out some fun gender related information about sleeping bags\n<AlanBell> I was looking in Millets for some kids sleeping bags and asked what the difference was between the model 200 and 200w\n<AlanBell> turns out the 200w is a womens sleeping bag - which I expressed some surprise that there was any difference. You can also get them in \"left\" and \"right\" which is the side the zip goes\n<AlanBell> and you can zip together a 200w to another 200w, or a 200 to a 200, but you can't zip a 200 to a 200w\n<popey> whats the difference?\n<hamitron> gender of the zip?\n<AlanBell> the 200w is 20cm shorter\n<oimon> the 200w steals the covers from the 200 in the night\n<hamitron> hehe\n<oimon> and denies it\n<Myrtti> left and right atleast in Finnish ones mean that if you've got one each you can zip them together and make one big *double* sleeping bag\n<AlanBell> Myrtti: yes, thats what it means on these ones\n<TheOpenSourcerer> ^^--^^ Ewww. Can't imagine why anyone would want to do *that*\n * AlanBell draws TheOpenSourcerer a diagram\n<bigcalm> Heh\n<TheOpenSourcerer> imagebin it :-) AlanBell\n<hamitron> tent has pole in the middle :/\n<kvarley> Anybody know of any applications to test the performance of flash memory? (microSDHC, etc)\n<oimon> double sleeping bag is like sleeping with a 5ft hot water bottle = nice\n<davmor2> czajkowski: what with a 24-6 win to England :P\n<czajkowski> davmor2: :)\n<czajkowski> davmor2: go see pm :)\n<czajkowski> and behave\n<davmor2> czajkowski: NO! :P\n<hamitron> kvarley, I wouldn't test write performance.... could shorten the life of it\n<diplo> afternoon all\n<gord> https://plus.google.com/112811220238447511854/posts/XWYJQhYATdG *cough* http://www.markshuttleworth.com/ *cough*\n<gord> such a bad *cough* today - http://www.pcpro.co.uk/news/372385/ubuntu-rips-up-drop-down-menus *splutter*\n * AlanBell prepares to slap gord if it doesn't work with orca\n<AlanBell> but it does look pretty\n<gord> i may have completely forgotten about orca ;) i'll make sure its fixed and talk to the qa guys about integrating orca into the tests\n<Mez_> Great fun - I've been tasked with \"work out something for the team to do for a day that can be used to show an iterative agile process.  Something like a paper airplane, but something that the whole team can work on).\n<Mez_> Anyone have any ideas?\n * AlanBell gets out a haddock and slaps gord round the face with it\n<AlanBell> it looks like a great idea gord, I can see this being quite popular\n<davmor2> AlanBell, gord: I can see people who hate unity crying into hankies now, me on the other hand I think it's cool :)\n<AlanBell> lol at the windows adverts in the video\n<AlanBell> ooooh to hudCLI\n<AlanBell> gord: so when is it landing in precise?\n<gord> AlanBell, next unity release is next week, so if everything goes well, then\n<czajkowski> gord: you work on funky stuff\n<TheOpenSourcerer> That looks quite cool. Might make unity more [ahem] usable. I especially liked the hud-cli. Neat\n<TheOpenSourcerer> lol \"EMACS users just grunt and… nevermind\"\n<Myrtti> Mez: spaghtti and marshmellows\n<Mez> Myrtti: not sure that'd take them all dya.\n<Myrtti> Mez: real life Angry Birds then\n<Mez> Not too sure the RSPCA would like that :P\n<Myrtti> \"build the best trebuchet you can. success of the team is measured by the strength, beauty and performance of the device in use of hurling stuffed Angry Birds toys\"\n<Myrtti> available material: wooden sticks, rubberbands, hot glue, sellotape, paperclips\n<Myrtti> etc.\n<AlanBell> and number of pigs destroyed\n<Myrtti> or distance of birds traveled\n<Mez> YeahYeah - thats where your first comment had me going.  Nott too sure whether we'd have the materials ... but could be done.\n * bigcalm expects a live demonstration from gord on Thursday :P\n<czajkowski> gord: when are you coming down here\n<Mez> bigcalm: it's for friday.\n<Mez> It's actually more for the product owner than anyone else.\n<gord> czajkowski, here? where is here?\n<czajkowski> see I'm getting the lingo right, everything north of London is NORTH :)\n<czajkowski> gord: London\n<TheOpenSourcerer> gord, what triggers the hud to appear? I would like it to be when I cough in a particular way.\n<czajkowski> right beside the London eye\n<gord> czajkowski, ah, no no. not if i can avoid it. trip to london means 5am get up and not home till 9pm\n<AlanBell> TheOpenSourcerer: if your cough is enough to press the alt button then I think it should work\n<gord> TheOpenSourcerer, tapping alt\n<czajkowski> gord: stay over!\n<AlanBell> gord: when the 350MB of updates today installs I should have the hud from the PPA\n<czajkowski> just doing an update\n<czajkowski> may not have been wise considering I want a working machine in 30 mins\n<popey> 14:26:20 < czajkowski> gord: when are you coming down here\n<popey> it's \"up here\", always 'up' towards the capital city\n<popey> even if you're going north\n<czajkowski> very confusing\n<czajkowski> :/\n<popey> heh\n * czajkowski goes back to her books to get the lingo right\n * gord questions popey's reasoning\n<popey> s/north/south/\n<popey> :D\n<czajkowski> anyone going to FOSDEM - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fosdem/2012\n * oimon reads shuttleworths post. unity is becoming a concept OS!\n<oimon> interestingly not a tablet friendly idea.\n<AlanBell> it is perhaps a fairly significant thing to be dropping into the LTS at this stage\n<gord> oimon, well, until voice recognition is hooked up\n<DJones> I'm just looking at this http://www.pcpro.co.uk/news/372385/ubuntu-rips-up-drop-down-menus\n<AlanBell> gord: is that the plan (it would work quite well actually)\n<oimon> i like this idea though, rather clever\n<daubers> I'm quite intrigued to try the hud thing. Think it's one of those things that looks a bit odd till you try it\n<gord> AlanBell, yeah, eventually. not soon\n<Laney> does it offer a way to explore a program's capabilities?\n<AlanBell> it has the menu content already, that could be made into a grammar table on the fly for pocketsphinx to look at\n<oimon> does it make heavy use of zeitgeist?\n<hamitron> what if you don't know the name of the app?\n<gord> oimon, doesn't touch zeitgeist, what would zeitgeist have to use?\n<gordonjcp> AlanBell: so the future of the Unity GUI is in fact the command line?\n<popey> ☺\n<AlanBell> so it seems gordonjcp\n * hamitron moves to xterm\n<popey> hamitron: hud isnt for apps, its for menus\n<hamitron> menus?\n<popey> yes, menus\n<hamitron> how you get the menu with apps?\n * popey notes hamitron probably hasn't read the article\n<hamitron> I have sort of\n<popey> ok, I'll stop talking till you have\n<czajkowski> heh\n<popey> 38\n<popey> BAH!\n<hamitron> so what would you type to insert a spreadsheet?\n<hamitron> popey, I mis-read the first time\n<hamitron> ;/\n<davmor2> gord: when does that hit 12.04?\n<gord> davmor2, next week\n<AlanBell> gord: have you looked at creating jsgf files from the menu content?\n<davmor2> gord: you can give me a demo on thursday then :)\n<hamitron> the worst thing I can see about 12.04, too many changes from 10.04 for users to get used to\n<gord> AlanBell, nope, but you should talk to tedg if you have ideas there\n<hamitron> be almost like the jump I had from Windows 2000 to Windows 7\n<AlanBell> hamitron: well they still have a year to think about it\n<hamitron> true\n<hamitron> just thinking, staff training, etc\n<hamitron> like, I still hate the new windows 7 menu\n<oimon> xfce is similar to gnome2 in 10.04\n<oimon> not too hard to include that option\n<gord> you can set the windows 7 menu to be \"classic\" can't you?\n<gord> i think i remember doing that\n<hamitron> gord, no\n<hamitron> you could in vista\n<gord> ah\n<hamitron> tbh, it wasn't such a big jump from XP\n<hamitron> but I was from 2000\n<hamitron> and I'm probably the sort of person who doesn't like change so much\n<hamitron> :)\n<gord> i can imagine - though weirdly xp -> vista is a larger jump than xp->7\n<hamitron> I never used XP much\n<hamitron> when i did, set it on classic menu\n<hamitron> I will ofc try the next ubuntu\n<hamitron> but just got a bad feeling, I won't be happy\n<hamitron> dunno how unity works yet\n<hamitron> suppose could maybe use LXDE\n<oimon> lxde is quite like winxp\n<hamitron> it is?\n<hamitron> I'd compared it more to win95\n<directhex> <hamitron> the worst thing I can see about 12.04, too many changes from 10.04 for users to get used to <-- i am dreading this for my users\n<hamitron> yeh, be worse when you are in charge of them\n<hamitron> at least I can tweak stuff for personal use\n<oimon> mind you , when i upgraded my users to RHEL6, nobody complained about KDE4\n<oimon> and it's the buggy 4.3.x version they use\n<hamitron> how does Unity compare to Gnome2 and KDE?\n<hamitron> is it easy to \"pick up\"?\n<oimon> hamitron: where have you been?\n<popey> for newbs, totally\n<oimon> try a live cd :D\n<directhex> in my testing, unity has been easier for gnome2 users than shell\n<hamitron> live cd are a large download\n<directhex> but the HUD thing changes matters\n<hamitron> ;/\n<hamitron> most machines here had a vista license, so just moved them onto that\n<hamitron> so no rush\n<oimon> i've never seen a machine than vista works on\n<hamitron> seems ok so far\n<oimon> except my dad's laptop. all others slow to crawl and disk is thrashing, and is unusable (literally)\n<hamitron> oh dear\n<hamitron> well, ok so far\n<hamitron> :)\n<hamitron> my main worry, they only have 2Gb ram\n<awilkins> gord: I see in that HUD screenshot, the normal menu isn't there - there is room for it, did you decide not to present it in the top bar of the HUD (or HUM - Head Up Menu) when you open it?\n<gord> awilkins, yeah its not present when you have the hud open, but its not removed or anything. its the same design as the dash, when you open the dash, the panel goes transparent and the menu vanishes\n<awilkins> gord: if you hold alt, does the \"real\" menu appear (the current behaviour). Not that I care, I mouse menus, but I know people who are freakish about keyboard usage of menus\n<gord> awilkins, ah thats a good point, right now no its not opening the menu, but thats my bug :) will fix\n<ubuntuuk-planet> [Laura Czajkowski] FOSDEM 2012 - http://www.lczajkowski.com/2012/01/24/fosdem-2012/\n<davmor2> bigcalm: you saddo ;) brain the size of a planet and you make it connect to you phone ;)\n<bigcalm> A sign that I'm getting old: Twenty Twelve sounds like a futuristic date even now\n<bigcalm> davmor2: ;)\n<davmor2> bigcalm: no that is just a sign that you were born a century ago :D\n<bigcalm> davmor2: do you have a case? I've ordered one of these: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B005ARXH08\n<davmor2> bigcalm: I just got the rubber one so I didn't knock it off things as I walked passed :)\n<bigcalm> Ah\n<bigcalm> I can see mine travelling with me\n<bigcalm> I wonder if it's worth getting a bt keyboard\n<davmor2> bigcalm: mine will with me I might treat myself to a more appropriate case at a latter date but mine is mostly just there when I need it:)\n<bigcalm> Fair enough\n<popey> i want a boxee remote\n<popey> or 3\n<daubers> \"I want doesn't get\" as my mum always used to tell me\n<popey> yeah, i tell my kids that too\n<popey> but I have a job, so meh\n<daubers> heh :p\n<gord> the crappy windows vista remote popey recommended to me years ago has served me surprisingly well\n<bigcalm> :D\n<popey> yeah, i just ordered another one of them!\n<popey> no good for ubuntu tv tho ☺\n * bigcalm adds a bt kb to his amazon wishlist. Enough spending has been done recently!\n<gord> the mouse driving it does is really horrible to use, but in a pinch, its really useful\n<popey> +1\n * daubers seems to be gaining vast amounts of samsung kit recently\n<daubers> phone, TV, monitor.....\n<bigcalm> ICS on the phone yet?\n<daubers> Not yet... supposed to be february\n<bigcalm> Ah, goodo :)\n<bigcalm> April can't come soon enough for me!\n<TheOpenSourcerer> lol - love the fact that Canonical's pr firm email me interesting things after I have already read them via twitter.\n<bigcalm> :)\n<oimon> is gord a secret OMG lover?\n<davmor2> oimon: there is no secret about it :D\n<gord> why what have a i done now?\n<gord> -a\n<oimon> whoever made the video,\n<gord> i didn't make the video :)\n<gord> olli did http://www.olli-ries.com/?p=669\n<bigcalm> I think I sucked air though my teeth while talking to a potential new client on the phone. I should be working in a garage\n<AlanBell> oimon: whoever made the video spends time looking at microsoft stuff\n<AlanBell> google adsense for me is always alfresco adverts\n<popey> i get ads for red diesel\n<oimon> tasty\n<popey> I can't, I'm on a dfiet\n<popey> *diet\n<bigcalm> Are you a farmer?\n<popey> Ooo arrr\n<bigcalm> Or am I thinking of something else?\n<oimon> popey: preapre to get swamped by twitter spammers after your latest tweet\n<oimon> certain keyword\n<bigcalm> 'computer'\n<popey> haha\n<popey> i already have them all\n<oimon> or maybe fans of carry-on films will match on phwoooar\n<oimon> i'm not unity's biggest fan, but slashdot commenters are all luddites\n<bigcalm> Your fault for reading /. comments\n<bigcalm> Or /. at all really\n<oimon> every time i restart hotot, the ui has changed a bit and i have to find where the buttons are this time :D\n<davmor2> bigcalm: you terry pratchett fanboy ;)\n<bigcalm> davmor2: I wouldn't say fanboy, but I do enjoy his work\n<bigcalm> Why?\n<davmor2> bigcalm: pic lists your wireless connection name :D\n<bigcalm> Oh, yes :)\n<oimon> 90% of /. commenters think this is a alt-f2 app chooser thing rather than app menus\n<daubers> oimon: 99% of /. commenters don't read the article\n<oimon> daubers: i thought it was 101% :P\n<jpds> What article?\n<daubers> oimon: Well 1000% of statistics are made up to fit the statisticians evil purposes\n<gordonjcp> AlanBell: HUD looks quite fun actually\n<gordonjcp> AlanBell: from a programming point of view will we need to do any magic?\n<AlanBell> gordonjcp: no magic, if your app doesn't break global menus\n<oimon> just noticed linuxconf.au talks are now on youtube\n<daubers> where's the PPA for that btw?\n<AlanBell> ppa for HUD?\n<jutnux> Had a biology exam today\n<jutnux> And hello everyone :-)\n<kvarley> jutnux: hi there\n<daubers> AlanBell: Ya\n<ahayzen> Are the global menus still going to remain as a way of accessing the menus? Even when the HUD is fully implemented?\n<jutnux> kvarley: Howdy\n<AlanBell> https://launchpad.net/~unity-team/+archive/hud\n<daubers> AlanBell: Ta muchly\n<AlanBell> ahayzen: I would imagine they would have to be, hopefully they will make them more pretty to match\n<ahayzen> AlanBell: Thanks.... Hopefully we will end up with both ways. The HUD for Keyboard use and global menus for mouse?\n<shaneo1> hi I have just installed LTSP on 11.10 server, but having issues with defaulting to unity 2d as unity 3d does not work on the thin clients at the moment\n<shaneo1> any ideas\n<jutnux> Can I ask why you are using the server install rather than the desktop one?\n<AlanBell> gord: ok, so this HUD thing, I can't work out what it is doing. doesn't seem to pop up when I have gnome-terminal running\n<gord> AlanBell, step by step, explain ;)\n<AlanBell> I installed from the ppa, started gnome-terminal, hit alt, nothing happens\n<AlanBell> ah, hang on, it is doing stuff now\n<gord> i may have been a little stingy with the timeout to consider a \"tap\"\n<AlanBell> ooh, a very very fast tap\n<AlanBell> err, those are not gnome-terminal menu items it is showing me\n<gord> problem is that we don't have the code in to detect if the user did say alt+h right now, its really more complicated than you would think to figure that out. so i'm being stingy to stop those cases coming up too much\n<gord> AlanBell, we ignore terminals right now, for debugging reasons\n<AlanBell> aaah right, I will stop testing it with that then :)\n<AlanBell> ok, now it is making more sense, I couldn't figure out what was going on with terminal having focus and it showing me nautilus menu options\n * AlanBell thinks this has been written by someone who does not have enough monitors\n<gord> i have two\n<AlanBell> is it going to pop up on the same screen as the global menu would do for an application?\n<gord> maybe after the multi-monitor work lands\n<AlanBell> ok, if you focus one application and use the HUD, then focus another and press alt, you get the icon of the first application until you press a letter\n<oimon>  if i'm using nautilus, hit alt, and type network, i don't see network\n<oimon> am i holding it wrong?\n<oimon> would expect to see go -> network\n<ahayzen> gord: On the video it shows a song being selected in banshee... however (in oneiric) there is no entry for Bookmarks and then the songs ... So my question is how does the HUD know what songs are in banshee and how to play them?\n<Daviey> !ping\n<lubotu3> another contentless ping... sigh...\n<gord> oimon, yeah that should show network, there is some clever fuzzy matching going on thats not matching there, file a bug against indicator-appmenu?\n<oimon> gord, sure thing, wanted to check i was using it right\n<gord> ahayzen, tools -> bookmarks?\n<ahayzen> gord: Oh yh ... sorry ...\n<gord> np ;)\n<popey> this stuff should go in a FAQ\n<ahayzen> gord: I was thinking it was something cleaver going on with the Music lens or DBus ... oh well lol\n * daubers goes home\n<ubuntubhoy> is ubuntu freaking out when unplugged from the mains in a laptop running 64bit a common issue, or will it be a hardware compatibility issue my side ?\n<bigcalm> Doesn't happen to me\n<popey> define freak out\n<MartijnVdS> popey: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqupk71a-O0 ?\n<bigcalm> MartijnVdS: just what I was thinking\n<ubuntubhoy> popey, as in dumps me to a text screen with no input, should really have taken note of the actual text, but basically a screen full of tuff crashing out\n<ubuntubhoy> stuff*\n<ubuntubhoy> happens both with Oneiric, and Precise\n<gord>  sounds like X dies\n<ubuntubhoy> 32 bit works fine, as does windows\n<bigcalm> Grrr, Spotify are really pushing facebook connection thingy on my client. Getting irritating. I paid the monthly subscription to stop the irritation :(\n<popey> bigcalm: tell them in #spotify\n * MartijnVdS replaces bigcalm's hand with a hook, gives him an eyepatch and a hat\n<gord> netflix on ps3 is awful for that\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: in case you want to drop your support for Spotify ;)\n<gord> there are like five genres and one is \"facebook\"\n<MartijnVdS> ಠ_ಠ\n<gord> the selection is really limited, really rather surprising\n<bigcalm> Sod, dog walking day and I'm late\n<bigcalm> Toodles\n<gord> davmor2, you about?\n<davmor2> gord: I am\n<gord> davmor2, cool, so oil rush was a pre-order on the software centre right?\n<davmor2> gord: indeed\n<gord> did they push up alpha builds until it released? or was it just quite literally a pre-order\n<davmor2> gord: no it was pre-release I think not pre order you got software\n<gord> cool, thanks :)\n<davmor2> gord: iirc I think there is at least one update in the packaging queue unless it has gone out already it all becomes a blur\n<davmor2> gord: it's an awesome game but it don't half suck the go go juice out of your system :)\n<davmor2> gord: you install ryzom yet?\n<gord> davmor2, though honestly my time for pc games since we last talked about has been zero :(\n<gord> busy busy\n<davmor2> no seriously welcome to my world ;)\n<davmor2> gord: even when I've got down time I got so much that has been on the back boiler there is no time free\n<davmor2> gord: on a plus side hud looks cool\n<davmor2> gord: you don't really see my work :(\n<SuperEngineer> weee! Google+ relaxes real name policy to allow pseudonyms http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-16700902\n<gord> davmor2, true, but then again sometimes i'd call that a blessing ;)\n<smittix> evening!\n<daubers> Evening\n<smittix> How goes daubers ?\n<mattt> herro\n<MartijnVdS> howdy\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Hah - Just typed \"Growing Chiilies\" into Google - I'm #2\n<brobostigon> cool :)\n<MartijnVdS> growling chillies?\n<jutnux> Howdy all\n<jacobw> hey\n<ubuntuuk-planet> [Jono Bacon] The HUD: Call For Testers - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/01/24/hud-call-for-testers/\n<jacobw> :)\n<jacobw> hud looks great, the mockups looks like its been developed for a while\n<jacobw> is canonical trying to do apple style suprise new stuff?\n<popey> like we haven't before?\n<popey> font... design.. branding.. unity...\n<jacobw> true\n<ahayzen> I guess it is a good way of hitting the news and getting more publicity, the HUD is everywhere on the news at the moment\n * jacobw looks forward to 12.04\n<popey> exactly\n<popey> and releasing when the time is right is also wise\n<popey> not saying the time was right, just saying thats wise ;)\n<popey> also, keeping it under wraps till you've developed it means other people can't... 'borrow' it and say they made it themselves\n<popey> *cough*\n<jacobw> 'borrowing' is killing open source man :p\n<popey> gord: firefox, tap alt, type 'down' expect to see 'downloads' but don't\n<popey> i see shutdown options\n<jutnux> AlanBell: popey: Do you reckon you could remove my pin from the \"Where are we\" page? :-)\n<popey> ☹\n<popey> i dunno that I can, AlanBell will know\n<jutnux> Okie dokie.\n<jutnux> How are you all then?\n<popey> tickety boo\n<gord> popey, looks like the service has a hard time with firefox, can you file a bug against indicator-appmenu?\n<popey> sure\n<popey> ubuntu-bug or plan lp?\n<popey> *plain\n<gord> launchpad\n<popey> ok\n<AlanBell> jutnux: sure\n<AlanBell> jutnux: it is in the trash now, should be gone\n<popey> bug 921231\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 921231 in Application Menu Indicator \"HUD can't find download menu item in firefox\" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/921231\n<jutnux> AlanBell: Thanks :-)\n<jutnux> THe HUD looks extremely nice.\n<smittix> ouch, new laptop lasts about 20minutes on battery with 11.10\n<smittix> time to get to work by the looks of things.\n<gord> grrr stupid popey, his ping whilst i was walking about with my ps3 controller has lead to me putting down the ps3 controller somewhere that i don't know where i put it and now i can't find it. its obviously entirely his fault\n<popey> haha\n<popey> gord: should I buy a PS3?\n<gord> stupid wireless technology\n<popey> gord: name 3 must-have games on PS3\n<kvarley> popey: No. Don't do it!\n<gord> only three? ;)\n<popey> hah\n<popey> did you see the launchpad guy who brought his ps3 to the rally in budapest?\n<gord> i love my ps3, but if you don't play much games now, or get enough from steam, its not really worth it :)\n<popey> he was playing at like 160x120 on a projector\n<gord> there was a ps3 at budapest?!\n<popey> yeah\n<jutnux> popey: Little Big Planet 2 and I have an Xbox.\n<gord> no one tells me these things :(\n<popey> gmb knows who he is\n<gord> in orlando we played left4dead 2 multiplayer on two projectors, that was fun ;)\n<popey> i told him to use our room which has an hdmi equipped projector, he was using composite out ☺\n<popey> couldn't read the text his friends were typing\n<czajkowski> gord: were you in a corner eating all the bisscuits!\n<jacobw> 160x120?!\n<jacobw> :|\n<popey> humour\n<popey> exaggeration for comedic effect\n<popey> i can't remember his name but i do recall showing him a video of a family guy character and saying he sounded like it\n<gord> well.. i guess i need to shop for a new controller on amazon, seeing as the one i had in my hand 15 minutes ago is lost to the sock and screw dimension\n<AlanBell> hmm, hud-cli isn't in the ppa\n<gord> AlanBell, indicator-appmenu-tools\n<AlanBell> ah right, a new package\n<czajkowski> anyone seen issues like this on 12.04 on running todays updates\n<czajkowski> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/815871/\n<gord> turns out i put it behind the sofa, not sure the reason why, maybe ghosts put it there\n<czajkowski> was it the cat?\n<gord> that makes too much sense for it to not be the cat\n<czajkowski> popey: do you know if its possible to take a screen capture in Ubuntu the way you can on a mac by selecting a certain area, I dont want to have to crop each and every image afterwards\n<bigcalm> What should I get Hayley for her 40th birthday in May? Not sure how to trump the ### quid pen I gave her at xmas\n<bigcalm> czajkowski: you can alt-printscreen to capture the active window\n<AlanBell> czajkowski: gnome-screenshot -i\n<popey> czajkowski: install shutter\n<popey> its a really nice screenshot tool\n<czajkowski> ok so how does shutter work ?\n<popey> install it, run it\n<popey> press one of the buttons to take a screenshot\n<czajkowski> bigcalm: aye I dont want the active window writing stuff for a manual which means I only want images\n<bigcalm> Fair enough\n<czajkowski> bigcalm: I do that for bugs tis handy thanks\n<czajkowski> AlanBell: might look into that if I can select the area\n<smittix> I hate laptops sometimes!\n<czajkowski> thanks folks\n<AlanBell> czajkowski: you can\n<bigcalm> :)\n<AlanBell> and it is the same tool as alt+prtscr\n<czajkowski> cheers\n<AlanBell> top tip, if you like alt+prtscr to take a screenshot, then HUD might not be ready for you :)\n * popey once again recommends shutter ☺\n<bigcalm> Heh\n<smittix> does anyone else get continuous head parking on a laptop?\n<bigcalm> AlanBell: can HUD be bound to Alt Gr?\n<czajkowski> AlanBell: maybe UI'll try HUD after this manual is written\n<AlanBell> dunno, ask gord\n<czajkowski> am close to killing the developer\n<czajkowski> no documentation so I've to test things 3-4 times to see if I'm getting what I think I should be getting\n<bigcalm> You're a trooper!\n<czajkowski> no I'm insane\n<czajkowski> I did this for a mate\n<czajkowski> not expecting a 46 page manial\n<czajkowski> *manual\n<bigcalm> o.O\n<czajkowski> lotta diagrams\n<czajkowski> and explainations\n * bigcalm takes soap away from czajkowski :)\n<czajkowski> indeed\n<czajkowski> SLEEP!\n<AlanBell> bigcalm: yes, in ccsm you can bind it to other keys\n<popey> bug 921270\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 921270 in Application Menu Indicator \"HUD picks the wrong application to search\" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/921270\n<AlanBell> I have hud bound to the funny windows right click context menu key\n<bigcalm> Oh, the context menu key\n<AlanBell> popey: I think it is just the icon not updated\n<popey> ah\n<popey> you may be right\n<AlanBell> press a key and it updates and searches the correct app, that confused me too\n<AlanBell> there is some very screwed up searching going on\n * popey updates bugs\n<AlanBell> bug #921275\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 921275 in Application Menu Indicator \"HUD searching method is hard to fathom\" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/921275\n#ubuntu-uk 2012-01-25\n<ubuntuuk-planet> [Dominic Watkins] Prompt with colour-changing smiley dependant upon exit code of command - http://rowla.dyndns.org/blog/2012/01/24/prompt-with-colour-changing-smiley-dependant-upon-exit-code-of-command/\n<diplo> Morning all\n<Myrtti> moin\n<AlanBell> lornisng\n<AlanBell> gah, home keys\n<AlanBell> morning\n<TheOpenSourcerer> lornisng AlanBell\n * AlanBell goes to top up the cofeee levels\n<daubers> Morning\n<popey> ;prmosmh AlanBell\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Oooh Chiral superconductivity\n<TheOpenSourcerer> This effect breaks time-reversal symmetry\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Is there *anything* that graphene can't do? http://arstechnica.com/science/news/2012/01/graphene-may-exhibit-exotic-superconductivity.ars\n<daubers> TheOpenSourcerer: Solve p vs np?\n<DJones> TheOpenSourcerer: Solve bug1 ?\n<daubers> Make cheese?\n<smittix> Good Morning Fellow Ubuntu'ers\n<oimon> AlanBell: would you say bug 921275 is a dupe of 921068?\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 921275 in Application Menu Indicator \"HUD searching method is hard to fathom\" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/921275\n<bigcalm> !ping\n<lubotu3> another contentless ping... sigh...\n<TheOpenSourcerer> !pong\n<lubotu3> pong is an old atari game. It's fun!\n<bigcalm> !ding\n<lubotu3> dong\n<TheOpenSourcerer> !Leslie Phillips\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Nice. Visit this link from your mobile data connection: http://lew.io/headers.php On O\" they send your Mobile Phone Number to every site you visit...\n<TheOpenSourcerer> s/O2\n<AlanBell> eww\n<danfish> morning\n<danfish> anybody know anyone who works at giffgaff?\n<danfish> they've made a complete horlicks of porting my wife's mobile phone number :(\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Not really -  They use a fairly \"opensource\" method of support ;-)\n<TheOpenSourcerer> danfish: Have you seen the noise about O2 this morning? sending your mobile # to every site you visit.\n<bigcalm> Would be nice if trac were to email me when a client adds an attachment to a ticket :|\n<danfish> TheOpenSourcerer: oh that's just the cherry on top of the icing. I'm setting up my own mobile network.\n * danfish orders a thousand carrier pidgeons\n<danfish> at least if they don't work you can eat them\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Wonder if O2 might be trending soon...\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Ewww - Scary plane landings... http://news.cnet.com/8301-13772_3-57365171-52/dont-fly-this-at-home-video-of-scary-landings-goes-viral/\n<andylockran> howdy all\n<andylockran> anyone used a Synology NAS before?\n<andylockran> They look really neat, do two-way sync and also backup and 'time-based backups' to Amazon S3.\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Hah Hah: https://twitter.com/#!/o2\n<andylockran> man, I need faster internet..\n<andylockran> crikey TheOpenSourcerer they're in a spot of bother :D\n<bigcalm> Wow, nice morning for o2\n<AlanBell> damage control mode ON!\n<AlanBell> and just when I was going to re-code our website to text adverts to visitors\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Ooops: http://blogs.ec.europa.eu/neelie-kroes/donottrack/ \"... it’s a directive to protect us against all kinds of malware and spyware,  to ensure the confidentiality of your electronic communications, and to  outlaw automated unsolicited marketing phone calls and spam without the  consent of the receiver.\"\n<czajkowski> aloha\n<bigcalm> Hi czajkowski\n<rml_home> O2 customers, this is for you - http://lew.io/headers.php\n<andylockran> that's nice :D works a treat on my O2 phone.\n<Daviey> One more reason to use a VPN :)\n<Daviey>  or proxy.\n<gord> do vpns/proxies work on mobiles?\n<czajkowski> gord: there is the option for a vpn on my phone though never tried it\n<rml_home> FWIW I'm a fraud investigator, and using proxies is a big red flag.\n<Daviey> rml_home: uh?\n<Daviey> gord: yes, they do.\n<gord> proxies are pretty common\n<oimon> rml_home: what kind of fraud?\n<danfish> what happens when a fraud investigator is suspected of fraud? Are there fraud investigator investigators?\n<gord> what about fraud investigator investigators that are su... yeah lets not do that\n<rml_home> Daviey/oimon:  My company takes online payments.  Peeps coming via an anonymising proxy stand out a mile\n * danfish decides to setup the vpn he's meant to do for yonks\n<popey> rml_home: like every virgin media customer?\n<oimon> don't the FBI own some tor nodes?\n<Daviey> rml_home: who said anything about anonymising proxies?\n<rml_home> Daviey: I read a whole subtext into your \"uh?\"\n<Daviey> rml_home: considering proxies as a whole as a red flag is concerning... :)\n<rml_home> Daviey: I look at a lot of other stuff too, but coming via an anonymising proxy is a legitimate concern\n<oimon> in your line of work i can see why.\n<rml_home> it's a red flag, not a ban hammer\n<Daviey> At no point was i suggesting a \"anonymising proxy\".\n<oimon> anywayyyy....\n<Daviey> Although, i'd be interested in seeing how you determine an \"anonymising proxy\".. unless it is from a provider which specalises in this.\n<rml_home> Daviey: There are sites which specialise in this stuff unfortunately\n<Daviey> andylockran: feeling bored?  Fancy writing a page that grabs the phone number from the headers, and inserts it into asterisk to call them and say \"thanks for visiting my web page 'foobar' ?\n<Daviey> rml_home: right.. :/\n<rml_home> http://hidemyass.com/ is one of my favourites right now\n<Daviey> Someone on my team used to work for Anonymizer.\n<Daviey> I used to use SafeWeb, which was CIA funded :)\n<rml_home> I try to do the best I can for my employer to mitigate fraud.  Most of our customers don't do tricksy stuff.  The ones that do get extra scrutiny\n<Mez> I'm looking for a way to get a dessktop boot locked down to only be allowed to use the browser.\n<Mez> Anyone have any suggestions on this?\n<bigcalm> Mez: quick google gave me this for ubuntu: http://www.instructables.com/id/Setting-Up-Ubuntu-as-a-Kiosk-Web-Appliance/\n<popey> Mez: google for ubuntu kiosk mode\n<popey> indeed, thats the first hit\n<oimon> mez, also disable the firefox restore sessions thing if using firefox ...\n<Mez> Hmm...\n<oimon> hmm that guide is more for display screens than what you're after i guess\n<Mez> well, without --kiosk it might be suitable.\n<oimon> kde3 used to have kiosk admin tool\n<czajkowski> huzzah found bug that's beeng annoying and developer couldnt confrm but now can, dont feel like an tool\n<oimon> someone should do a live cd of this really\n<popey> delete all users and logon as guest ☺\n<czajkowski> great now my batter is swigging from being empty to being charged all within a min or so\n<popey> my laptop lasted for 5 hours the other night when i tested it\n<czajkowski> popey: aye I'm getting just short of 6 now\n<czajkowski> loving it\n<czajkowski> :D\n<smittix> My laptop lasted 19 minutes last night.\n<bigcalm> I'm pleased with the battery life of my Xoom so far\n<gord> my laptop would last 8-10 until platform sprint :( new kernel came out and the awesome power management stuff went away\n<bigcalm> Read that as 8-10 mins. Most confusing\n<andylockran> Daviey: I would if I had the time.. busy man with new work :D\n<danfish> pff - call that battery life! I've gotton a year out of a AA cell....on an arduino ;)\n<Daviey> andylockran: an awesome person like you, should take, what 3 mins?\n<gord> i've never had to replace the batteries in my ps3 blutooth remote ever!\n<Mez> andylockran: that o2 stuff apparentl affects giffgaff too!\n<smittix> My Pacemaker battery is lasting along time too\n<gord> aa batteries obviously last the longest, will have to jerry rig my laptop to run on them\n * popey gets his giffgaff sim out\n<bigcalm> Oh matron\n<Daviey> Mez: it goes back a long time it eems\n<daubers> danfish: How did you get around the silly voltage regulatory eating mAh?\n<AlanBell> laptop with AA batteries -> http://www.norhtec.com/products/gecko/index.html\n * daubers installs the hud\n<danfish> daubers: some rather clever code (obviously not written by me!) from this guy http://jeelabs.org/2012/01/19/the-beat-still-goes-on/\n<daubers> danfish: Ah, are you using arduinos or jeenodes?\n<danfish> jeenode with this for power http://jeelabs.com/products/aa-power-board\n<daubers> :) That'll be why\n<danfish> :)\n<daubers> The voltage regulator on the arduino eats power even when the atmega is set to idle\n<daubers> or idle power down\n<danfish> yeah, it's not the most efficient one they could have chosen\n<gordonjcp> power efficiency isn't really a goal\n<danfish> gordonjcp: quite right...it's a journey not a goal\n<daubers> heh :) I've just been taking arduinos appart to get the to the power efficiency I want\n<gordonjcp> you're starting from the wrong place\n<danfish> gordonjcp: eh?\n<gordonjcp> danfish: if you want it to be power efficient, forget the arduino\n<gordonjcp> and indeed the ATMega 8-bit family\n<gordonjcp> you wouldn't start building a fuel-efficient car by getting a V8 and a 3-speed auto box, would you?\n<danfish> true\n<AlanBell> everyone got a haggis?\n<bigcalm> Mmmm, haggis\n<bigcalm> Is it burns night?\n * popey is making pizza tonight\n<popey> nobody else in the house likes haggis\n<DJones> If anybody is bothered about the O2 mobile leaking mobile numbers, pocketlint have a work around http://www.pocket-lint.com/news/44141/o2-leaking-phone-number-to-websites\n<bigcalm> Awww\n<popey> might pop out and get some tho\n* AlanBell changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting 2nd February 21:00 UK time #ubuntu-uk-meeting | \"Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face, Great chieftain o' the puddin-race!\"\n * DJones thinks haggis is a great idea\n * popey suspects waitrose would be the best place to go\n<danfish> haggis crumbled on pizza?\n<popey> heh, nice idea!\n<bigcalm> popey: waitrose sell lovely pre-sliced haggis that you microwave for 1 minute\n<popey> oooo\n<bigcalm> 2 slices per pack\n<Daviey> DJones: Please don't spread that around.. it's making it really hard for those trying to abuse this.\n<bigcalm> So a sensible amount\n<DJones> Daviey: Heh, you better tell pocketlint as well\n<AlanBell> I saw that yesterday bigcalm, but went and got a more propper one\n<Daviey> DJones: heh\n<DJones> Daviey: Post a link to the pocketlink story on /. it'll be as good a DOS attack on pocketlink :)\n<DJones> eww. Waitrose sell haggis in a tin, that doesn't sound good\n<popey> it is actually\n<popey> its in the usual sack thing\n<AlanBell> they also do a huge haggis for £15 that feeds 10 people\n<DJones> AlanBell: Or 2 people with normal appetites\n<christel> i have never had haggis :s\n<AlanBell> DJones: I was slightly tempted, but it looked a bit big even for me\n<AlanBell> christel: sainsburys in town has them\n<christel> ooh\n<Daviey> DJones: good thinking\n<danfish> AlanBell: can't you just get some of your chicken feed, marinate it in a puddle for a week, then wrap it in a sock - would look very similar to most haggis I've eaten :P\n * popey goes to waitrose to look for haggis\n<DJones> oi Leave some for me\n<brobostigon> good afternoon everyone.\n<AlanBell> danfish: that is approximately how it works I believer\n<sagaci> just updated my virtualbox instance and the mouse won't move :S\n<mattt> holy crap\n<mattt> you guys see that stuff about o2?\n<AlanBell> yup\n<DJones> Why isn't there a \"Tab\" key on the right hand side of a keyboard, it would make navigating websites/filling numerical boxes in much easier\n<davmor2> morning all\n<ubuntubhoy> DJones, they expect you to have 2 hands\n<ubuntubhoy> unless your a pirate\n<davmor2> czajkowski: prod prod prod prod prod prod prod prod prod prod prod prod prod prod prod your get the idea\n<DJones> ubuntubhoy: Yeah, but one is moving a ruler up and down a piece of paper, it'd be less RSI with one on the right\n<bigcalm> Afternoon Dave2\n<bigcalm> Afternoon davmor2 as well\n<gord> and to all other daves a good afternoon too\n<davmor2> bigcalm: morning\n<davmor2> morning gord\n<bigcalm> Daviey: get a better timezone\n<davmor2> bigcalm: haha tab fail\n<DJones> gord: And good afternoon to you too\n<Daviey> bigcalm: wilco\n<bigcalm> I'm easily amused: https://twitter.com/#!/bigcalm/status/162147052082561024\n<czajkowski> davmor2: hello my der\n<czajkowski> *dear\n<davmor2> bigcalm: hahaha\n<gord> reflection makes it look like its bent\n<bigcalm> Search for 'snake 97' on the android market\n<davmor2> bigcalm: I have like work to do ;)\n<bigcalm> Actually quite playable on my phone\n<bigcalm> Just silly on the Xoom\n<ubuntubhoy> would be better used as a dialler\n<ubuntubhoy> that would be nice\n<Neoti_Laptop> are there any PHP masters in here ... ?\n<dwatkins> No, just padouin.\n<dwatkins> possibly spelled Padawan\n<davmor2> Naughty 02 http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3508857\n<davmor2> o2 even\n<dwatkins> davmor2: yeah, I checked with Three and Vodafone, it's just O2 that's sending the telephone number in the headers\n<directhex> <thom> essentially, all mobile providers do it, but they whitelist the sites they send that header to. O2 are saying a router upgrade dropped the whitelist in the skip\n<dwatkins> i'd like to know which sites they send it to, then.\n<oimon> sounds legit\n<dwatkins> Perhaps it's a scam to find out what the most popular phone is amongst hackers ;)\n<directhex> dwatkins, payment portals\n<directhex> dwatkins, so you can pay for android market etc via your phone bill\n<dwatkins> directhex: ah yes, that makes perfect sense\n<dwatkins> I vaguely wondered how that worked last time I used one.\n * mattt has an o2 phone :(\n<mattt> but fortunately it's a work phone\n<mattt> :P\n<dwatkins> mattt: likewise :) I can turn it off when I want to\n<smittix> A few additional arguments passed to grub has boosted my battery :)\n<smittix> And I have screen brightness control back. YAY!\n<bigcalm> Made myself a 3 large egg omelette for lunch. Wondering if it was sensible now\n<bigcalm> Nice one, smittix\n<smittix> bigcalm: mmmm omelette\n<bigcalm> Trying to cut down on my carbohydrate intake. So went for the most protean laden thing I could think of (and could make)\n<bigcalm> Not something I'll be eating every day though\n<czajkowski> has the min max x boxes gone for anyone else today running Precise?\n<popey> not me\n<czajkowski> bugger\n<czajkowski> I cn only alt f4 them to close\n<popey> screenshot?\n<popey> sounds like compiz crash\n<oimon> unity --reset?\n<popey> compiz --replace\n<czajkowski> popey: http://twitpic.com/8bintd\n<popey> put the mouse up there\n<oimon> oeer missi\n<popey> or hold down ALT\n<popey> menu and buttons hide by default\n<popey> have done for ages\n<czajkowski> popey: http://twitpic.com/8bioau\n<czajkowski> danit it not capturing the moue\n<czajkowski> *mouse\n<popey> does the menu not appear when you put the mouse at the top left?\n<czajkowski>   nope\n<czajkowski> but does if I go half way down\n<popey> have you installed all updates?\n<popey> I'd logout and back in again\n<czajkowski> yup did more this morning\n<czajkowski> and mvo could recreate my s/w center bug as well\n<popey> I am properly liking 12.04\n<popey> except for the bugs\n<czajkowski> aye there are some annoying onces\n<smittix> Might install it this afternoon.\n<smittix> Is it usable or very buggy?\n<czajkowski> very useable\n<czajkowski> some slight annoying bugs\n<czajkowski> but it's a lot better than previous early stages\n<oimon> probably subject to breakage when a lot of new packages come down the update chute\n<popey> we had new x yesterday\n<popey> very few issues\n<smittix> Cool, will check it out.\n<dwatkins> new on stable or testing release, popey?\n<andylockran> Howdy\n<dickie_> what do Ido now\n<DJones> Hello dickie_\n<dickie_> Hello all\n<gord> y'know i've been working on unity in its various forms for over two years now. but i still sometimes close the terminal that i started unity with...\n<popey> gord: you should start unity from tty1\n<gord> popey, not good for watching debug messages\n<popey> do it in screen?\n<popey> then if you close the terminal its fine\n<gord> true, but really i just need to stop being an idiot\n<popey> there is that\n<bigcalm_> Grumble sticks\n<davmor2> gord: you're not an idiot, a bit of a muppet maybe but not an idiot ;)\n<bigcalm_> That'll be why then\n<davmor2> bigcalm: what will be why then\n<bigcalm> davmor2: why I was having freenode trouble\n<davmor2> bigcalm: why's that then?\n<bigcalm> o.O\n<bigcalm> Net split\n<bigcalm> And nickserv isn't available for me to identify with\n<monsterwizard> Is it possible to do a programming internship after my degree?\n<monsterwizard> is it heard of?\n<gord> why wouldn't you just go for a full job?\n<oimon> monsterwizard: i think you are fixated :D\n<oimon> try to enjoy your degree too!\n<monsterwizard> gord more job prospects?\n<monsterwizard> oimon I'm so attached to the grades it's depressing.\n<gord> monsterwizard, how would having a real job instead of an internship make any difference?\n<davmor2> monsterwizard: you don't think you'll get experience from a full-time job?\n<monsterwizard> You're correct :P\n<oimon> you're wrong\n<oimon> in my humble opinion...\n<dwatkins> My first job was effectively an internship - they paid me very little to learn as I went.\n<monsterwizard> I'm worried that they'll look a my grades..and no one in the entire world will hire me.\n<dwatkins> grades aren't everything\n<bigcalm> I got my job with few grades (no A levels or degree)\n<oimon> by grades, you mean shcool grades or uni exam marks?\n<dwatkins> I don't have a degree.\n<monsterwizard> It's mainly group work. I haven't found friends to work with so I get put with the drop outs :/\n<monsterwizard> uni grades.\n<oimon> uni grades don't count - only final degree mark counts\n<czajkowski> http://blog.o2.co.uk/home/2012/01/o2-mobile-numbers-and-web-browsing.html\n<dwatkins> or experience, oimon ;)\n<monsterwizard> It's my first year and the grades don't count but I have the chance to do an intership after year two\n<hamitron> don't uni grades affect the final degree mark? o.O\n<gord> why on earth does totem send the alt keypress every 30 seconds... if its to stop the screensaver coming up i'm going to scream\n * czajkowski hugs gord \n<czajkowski> monsterwizard: which uni ?\n<monsterwizard> West England.\n<oimon> my sis went there\n<dwatkins> monsterwizard: a year in industry between 2nd and 3rd year? Which degree, out of interest?\n<davmor2> gord: muhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa\n<monsterwizard> Computer Science.\n<hamitron> monsterwizard, imo, that experience can be useful\n * dwatkins agrees with hamitron \n<monsterwizard> if they accept me.\n<dwatkins> My brothers did that, was very useful\n<hamitron> I didn't do it, and wish I had\n<monsterwizard> but are you making a living?\n<dwatkins> likewise, I dropped out before going to work for Siemens in Munich\n<monsterwizard> can you provide food for yourself?\n * dwatkins grins\n<monsterwizard> While buying the odd electronic device and book?\n<davmor2> gord: if it's a any key press chage it to tab you'll soon find out :)\n<dwatkins> monsterwizard: despite what you may have been told, having a degree is not essential in order to get a job you enjoy and that pays well\n<dwatkins> It's just a very good idea to start off with.\n<monsterwizard> dwatkins will that be the case in the future as these qualifications become more important.\n<monsterwizard> ?\n<dwatkins> monsterwizard: I can't say, but it depends who you're being compared to\n<oimon> degree isn't esssential but can involve a bit of luck getting started in your career\n<dwatkins> Imagine you're in an interview against your closest friends at uni, monsterwizard\n<oimon> i'm sure we have this convo every few weeks. try to chill :D\n<monsterwizard> haha yeah I must\n<dwatkins> if you have the edge, more experience etc. you're more likely to get the job\n<monsterwizard> and just one more question.\n<monsterwizard> I feel if I become a sys admin I would of failed\n<monsterwizard> it's not that bad of a job, right?\n<dwatkins> That's quite a generalisation.\n<smittix> popey: How do you manage your iPhone within Linux?\n<hamitron> getting any job you enjoy, is not really failure\n<smittix> Or don't you?\n<dwatkins> I'd love to be the sysadmin of an interesting place with fun people, monsterwizard, but I'd hate to be a sysadmin for a small company that's going nowhere\n<smittix> monsterwizard: I started as a sysadmin\n * dwatkins also started as a sysadmin, in a sense\n<monsterwizard> ahh ok.\n<smittix> we all have to start somewhere.\n<popey> smittix: define 'manage' ?\n<smittix> popey: Do you add content via linux?\n<popey> no\n<smittix> ahh\n<popey> i pull photos off it with shotwell\n<oimon> sysadmin with linux is fun. sysadmin with windows is downtime and patching and apologising and stomach aches.  just my experience\n<monsterwizard> smittix you're right\n<monsterwizard> But I do want to be involved in creating something.\n<monsterwizard> I love building stuffs.\n<oimon> i create happiness\n<dwatkins> oimon: depends on the office, our sysadmin is fairly chilled-out, doesn't need to worry about updates etc.\n<oimon> and build infrastructure\n<dwatkins> oimon: are you building the great British firewall? ;)\n<oimon> is there one?\n<dwatkins> oimon: not that I'm aware of, I'm being silly about the US laws which were proposed, SOPA, PIPA etc.\n<smittix> Where I started was an SME. With a terrible infrastructure.\n<oimon> maybe my feigned ignorance is proof that i'm working on it\n<smittix> So I had the chance to prove myself.\n<dwatkins> oimon: cunning\n * dwatkins hands oimon a fox to pet\n * oimon installs linux on it\n * bigcalm would like nickserv to come back :)\n<dwatkins> can we just invite it, bigcalm?\n<Dave2> We all would.\n<ahayzen> yey i'm back :)\n * bigcalm feels naked and exposed\n<monsterwizard> Anyway, cheers everyone for making me feel better.\n<ahayzen> ok that was scary wht happened?\n<jpds> !netsplit | ahayzen\n<lubotu3> ahayzen: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit\n<bigcalm> ahayzen: Dave2 had something nasty for lunch\n<ahayzen> jpds: thx\n<ahayzen> bigcalm: lol\n<bigcalm> Or what jpds pointed at\n<dwatkins> czajkowski / TheOpenSourcerer - http://blog.o2.co.uk/home/2012/01/o2-mobile-numbers-and-web-browsing.html\n<davmor2> gord: hud why is it not showing me urls from history in FF?\n<TheOpenSourcerer> dwatkins: Seen it. Thanks.\n<davmor2> gord: it does on the video ;)\n<bigcalm> davmor2: we should get a live demonstration of a fully working system tomorrow ;)\n<gord> davmor2, iruno,  maybe it hates you? i don't really do the backend ;)\n<bigcalm> Haha\n<TheOpenSourcerer> And cz<tab> already posted that link\n<TheOpenSourcerer> (15:43:08) czajkowski: http://blog.o2.co.uk/home/2012/01/o2-mobile-numbers-and-web-browsing.html\n<dwatkins> oh cool, TheOpenSourcerer :)\n<czajkowski> dwatkins: thanks though\n<dwatkins> welcome :)\n<dwatkins> I was on the phone when you pasted this, czajkowski - thought it was the original story\n<dwatkins> anyhoo, moving on...\n<TheOpenSourcerer> It was interesting how \"relatively\" quickly the issue spread and got dealt with. I doubt that would have happened without Twitter/Facebook etc.\n<davmor2> gord: gee that's okay then ;)\n<dwatkins> absolutely, TheOpenSourcerer\n<AlanBell> \"We share mobile numbers with selected trusted partners for 3 reasons: 1) to manage age verification, which manages access to adult content,\" that is reassuring\n<dwatkins> I was just wondering about that too, AlanBell - how do they know my age, though?\n<Dave2> You pay £1 via a credit card\n<popey> they dont, but they know if you have a credit card\n<dwatkins> gotcha\n<Dave2> (They then give you £2.50 credit)\n<AlanBell> you can phone up and get the age bar lifted, you have to do that if you want to get access to hardcore sites like the ubuntu forums\n<Dave2> You don't need to phone up any more, I did it all online.\n<popey> Phwoar!\n<dwatkins> all that sedicious content...\n<hamitron> forums are just too exciting ;/\n<AlanBell> it was Orange that classified them as 18+ I think\n<TheOpenSourcerer> They also block (censor) access to Tor apparently... https://blog.torproject.org/blog/tale-new-censors-vodafone-uk-t-mobile-uk-o2-uk-and-t-mobile-usa As does most other UK mobile telcos\n<AlanBell> I had a tedious conversation with Orange about the forums once\n<davmor2> AlanBell: let me guess they saw it as a chat client and didn't want minors exposed to it\n<AlanBell> \"can you adjust your filter to not include this site?\" \"yes sir, I will change your settings so you can look at all the porn you want sir . . .\" \"no, that isn't what I mean . . .\"\n<oimon> \"can you reclassify the site as non-adult\"\n<AlanBell> went round in circles for 10 minutes and I gave up\n<oimon> who does the classification? orange or 3rd party?\n<AlanBell> 3rd party\n<AlanBell> it might have changed now, that was some years ago when 3g dongles were a novelty\n * bigcalm bounces\n<KrisDouglas> What is the point in relationships, very stressful and you can't use your computer 24/7 :)\n<popey> →  #relationships\n<KrisDouglas> haha\n<oimon> is there such a room?\n<popey> no idea\n<popey> but it's not here ☺\n<oimon> maybe at 2 in the morning\n<oimon> i never read the scrollback..i don't know what happens in here at the lonely hour of 2am\n<KrisDouglas> I feel that it's a valid point, ubuntu is too attractive nowadays.\n<KrisDouglas> Anyway, I actually have a valid question\n<KrisDouglas> :)\n<KrisDouglas> With the new Java license, and not being able to distribute it, are you responsible for keeping it up to date on ubuntu?\n<Neoti_Laptop> anyone know kdenlive and MTL ?\n * AlanBell puts the haggis on :)\n<AlanBell> KrisDouglas: openJDK is the new hotness\n<AlanBell> sun java is old and busted\n<MartijnVdS> \\o/\n<KrisDouglas> AlanBell, when it comes to OJDK, what's its performance like in comparison? I heard it has been improving, but things like Minecraft aren't quite right yet?\n<popey> i have been running minecraft with ojdk for over a year\n<andylockran> kewl\n<KrisDouglas> popey, damn, I feel like I've missed the boat here.\n<KrisDouglas> popey, how does it run on your machine?\n<bigcalm> It's only 5 blocks of wood, make a new one\n<KrisDouglas> bigcalm, hurr.\n<davmor2> AlanBell: Take the haggis off your head it was a fun gag when you were 10 but not any more ;)\n<davmor2> KrisDouglas: I run sikuli on ojdk I get the odd issue with rendering but nothing worth writing home about\n<bigcalm> What's the betting that the Xoom case I ordered will arrive tomorrow?\n<davmor2> bigcalm: You know it will\n<bigcalm> Open the Software Centre on the far right monitor to install a new .deb. Admin password window appears on the far left monitor. Odd and confusing as it looks as though nothing is happening\n<davmor2> bigcalm: write a bug for it I'll pass on the info\n<bigcalm> I'm using xfce, not sure if that'll make any difference\n<davmor2> bigcalm: it might :(\n<davmor2> bigcalm: it may be that you installed on one screen and then went to the other and because of that it opened on the left screen maybe?\n<bigcalm> davmor2: chromium downloaded a .deb. I clicked and ran it though Software Centre. This is all on the right hand monitor\n<bigcalm> I believe that my left hand monitor is set as the default one\n<bigcalm> I live with it, once I realised where the password box had gone ;)\n<davmor2> bigcalm: see USC triggers policykit for the user password but I'm assuming it should open in the desktop that has focus but I don't know how well xfce handles that\n<davmor2> w3m you know what's missing an ascii art plugin everyone would browse the web from there tty if only w3m had ascii art :D\n<bigcalm> I recall playing mplayer and quake through the ascii video driver\n<bigcalm> Quite enjoyable\n<popey> KrisDouglas: no different than with sun jdk\n<davmor2> bigcalm: there is an ascii tv app\n<KrisDouglas> Interesting, thanks for the info popey, I will have to (re)install it and have a play\n<KrisDouglas> SIlly old me.\n<KrisDouglas> Silly8\n<davmor2> bigcalm: You've never seen static till you see it through ascii art\n<KrisDouglas> davmor2, I bet that is something else.\n<brobostigon> reminds of vlc's terminal output.\n<AlanBell> telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl\n<davmor2> AlanBell: ah starwars from 20th century Text\n<KrisDouglas> AlanBell, I should have left the office by now. Damn you and your ASCII Starwars!\n<bigcalm> Heh\n<danfish> w00t! Despite the problems on the O2/giffgaff network, they've finally sorted my wife's number port :)\n<danfish> VPN setup for web browsing as well\n<davmor2> KrisDouglas: Well if you will play rather than work then whose fault is it :P\n<Azelphur> I ported my number to giffgaff went pretty smoothly :D\n<Azelphur> Only thing that irritates me about giffgaff is the coverage isn't as good as 3 :(\n<danfish> Azelphur: my port went fine as well\n<Azelphur> :D\n<danfish> The coverage is the same as O2 and in the SE is pretty good\n<gordonjcp> danfish: giffgaff == O2\n<gordonjcp> which is why the coverage is the same\n<Azelphur> lies, SE coverage is bad\n<Azelphur> At my aunts in Ashford I get no bars a lot of the time :/\n<Azelphur> and all around my cousins in romney it's bad too\n<danfish> gordonjcp: exactly!\n<danfish> Azelphur: mileage may vary - does Ashford have fire yet? :P\n<Azelphur> lmao\n<Azelphur> danfish: dunno, you could say that about romney, but Ashford is a major travel hub xD\n<danfish> Azelphur: true - prob should switch that round\n<Azelphur> hehe\n<danfish> time to bath the monkeys/children\n<Azelphur> haha, thats odd, according to the map there's masts all over the place right near my aunts\n<Azelphur> sense, makes none.\n<danfish> Azelphur: there was a problem with data in the early days of the iphone in the south east - too many iphones!\n<Azelphur> oh, it found the wrong road that's why, dam having multiple roads with the same name :P\n<aquarius> birmingham people: you coming out to play on Saturday evening? :)\n<smittix> Evening all\n<Azelphur> People on O2/Giffgaff: http://conversation.which.co.uk/technology/o2-sharing-mobile-phone-number-network-provider/\n<zleap> hello\n<jacobw> evening\n<zleap> evening, how are you\n<jacobw> sedentry, yourself?\n<jacobw> yo SuperEngineer\n<popey> Evening slackers\n<jacobw> evening popey :)\n<SuperEngineer> yo 2u2 jacobw\n<bigcalm> Morning popey\n<jacobw> gmt relevant salutations only\n<MartijnVdS> Good $DAY_PART, $PERSON\n<bigcalm> The thought of going to Wolverhampton tomorrow is making me feel tired now. Not a good start\n<jacobw> where are you now?\n<bigcalm> Newport, Shropshire\n<bigcalm> I should check time trains\n<SuperEngineer> bigcalm: oh scheiss - that's where the boss lives - you don't know me - never heard of me - i don't exist etc\n<zleap> hi,  got some news today,  computer programming group i suggested to local youth service,  has been approved in principle,  i need to sort out some paperwork, then start to promote / advertise the group\n<Azelphur> zleap: sounds awesome :D\n<bigcalm> Heh\n<jacobw> :D\n<zleap> yep\n<bigcalm> I work from home. Tomorrow is a monthly work place day with some mostly Canonical people\n<jacobw> do you have enough instructors zleap ?\n<zleap> i am going to stick to open source  or free software tools, e.g python,  scratch,  ruby,  etc,  as these are available to everyone,  I am sure Visual studio education edition has restrictions\n<Azelphur> zleap: nice :D\n<Azelphur> +1 for python\n<zleap> jacobw, well i am looking at kids teaching them selves and getting help from peers,   after all the raspberry pi people want to get back to what we had in the 80's where people were self motivated\n<dwatkins> zleap: I like the idea of using free stuffs, hope all goes well :)\n<zleap> however having somewhere to meet up and swap notes,  get help from others is a good thing to teach collaboration\n<jacobw> sounds great\n<zleap> dwatkins, yeah,  well the budget is probably zero, they can install scratch and kidsruby freely\n<dwatkins> I have a friend who teaches ICT, he tries to teach \"word processing\" as opposed to \"how to use MS Word\" and other such things\n<zleap> sounds good\n<dwatkins> better to have them learn how stuff works and that the computer is a tool etc. than where to click, I'd say\n<jacobw> i'm not quite what word processing is supposed to be\n<zleap> i am also going to try and get people in to helping with OSS projects as this i think is a good way to show what you can do,  get respect from the community etc\n<Azelphur> zleap: where is this going on?\n<zleap> local youth centre in Paignton\n<dwatkins> zleap: I suspect there will also be a lot of people asking for help fixing computers ;)\n<Azelphur> dam you and your being on the wrong side of England :(\n<dwatkins> I had a reputation where I used to live in a block of flats as the computer guy as I was spotted carrying various SGI machines into the flat when I moved in\n<zleap> yeah,  well this is aimed at young pepple 11+  , oh yeah i got asked for some help yesterday  so could end up fixing things,\n<Azelphur> dwatkins: haha, I have that reputation amongst anyone that knows me, I don't particularly mind\n<Azelphur> I just follow a simple policy, If (windows box) { nope not helping }\n<smittix> COD4 time\n<dwatkins> heh, I'm quite a long way from Paignton - 500 miles\n<Azelphur> barring special circumstances anyway\n<dwatkins> Azelphur: yeah, I don't mind either - it's amusing when I get questions on facebook like \"we reset the laptop to factory settings but Vista still boots up, what do we do to reset it?\"\n<Azelphur> dwatkins: 266 here :(\n<zleap> Azelphur, i know someone in brixixham like that,,  however he is willing to help fix windows as long as they agree to try Linux,   so far quite a few people have asked for help migrating to Linux as its better\n<Azelphur> dwatkins: haha :D\n * dwatkins is in Edinburgh\n<dwatkins> I'm guessing they'd just reset the BIOS, Azelphur\n<Azelphur> zleap: yea, I'm sort of like that, If you've got a decent reason for sticking to Windows I will generally help, or if your willing to give Linux a shot :)\n<Azelphur> random things, I made a cool IRC bot in python+twisted with in 30 minutes\n<dwatkins> zleap: for these same people, I put Ubuntu on their hard disk as a backup OS, since their kids had managed to riddle Windows with viruses, so they could still get online and do stuff when (not if) it happened again\n<zleap> ideally what i would like to do is bring in external groups,  to give talks,   on related subjects,   or organise events where this can happen,\n<jacobw> what does it use twisted for?\n<Azelphur> jacobw: IRC?\n<Azelphur> twisted being a networking framework and all\n<jacobw> yus\n<Azelphur> lol\n<jacobw> i would have thought python had its own irc modules\n<Azelphur> basically, it can send notifications from pretty much anything to IRC\n<dwatkins> handy\n<zleap> dwatkins, sounds a good plan  I have a stack of Linux cd's here,  from 10.04. 10.10 and some 11.04\n<Azelphur> for example, typing \"uptime | irc\" in a terminal results in (20:20:53) `TheServer:  15:21:24 up 20 days, 19:52,  3 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.06, 0.09\n<Azelphur> :D\n<dwatkins> zleap: trouble is, they understood windows little enough, Ubuntu confused them as they didn't know what to do with it\n<dwatkins> \"Where's the internet, you know, the blue 'e'...?\"\n<Azelphur> so I just have a bash script that monitors when game updates are available, and it just echo \"Update available\" | irc \\o/\n<zleap> well if its introduced properly  by people who care (like me) then that may change\n<dwatkins> indeed, zleap :)\n<popey> dwatkins: thats just a user education thing\n<zleap> anyway raspberry PI runs Linux, I want to promote that too\n<popey> i gave ubuntu to a guy who went \"Oh, firefox! I know that!\"\n<popey> i haven't heard from him since\n<zleap> this is where the open cd is handy  people get used to the same software that is in Linux\n<bigcalm> :(\n<dwatkins> I setup a machine once for someone who insisted on using some hoopy website's software for chatting to people, she'd been on there years. It had its own custom client, but of course was windows-only.\n<dwatkins> I spent hours installing anti-malware software.\n<popey> heh, nice\n<jacobw> show new users a 'hacker' pose of multipe tmux windows on a console with vi open and editting some network stack code and tcpdump capturing something\n<zleap> well the place where i am doing this is literally 5 mins away,  so a  chance of perhaps getting some sort of Ubuntu related event down here,  I want things like bar camps and unconferences too,  so people can showcase what they can do\n<zleap> when i first met with the volujnteer co-ordiator she suggest we have a open day type thing so people interested can come along,  i vision either a hand ful of kids or a huge group turning up,  in the case of teh latter it could change things slightly due to the level of interest\n<AlanBell> Azelphur: can you do tail -f | irc ?\n<Azelphur> AlanBell: haha, I wonder, let me try :P\n<jacobw> should definately\n * jacobw ponders\n<Azelphur> AlanBell: yes, that works :)\n<AlanBell> cool :)\n<AlanBell> can I have a copy?\n<Azelphur> yea sure, It's not too pretty but I'll zip it up :)\n<AlanBell> thanks\n * jacobw is also interested\n<popey> ditto\n<Azelphur> In that case I'll pretty it up a bit and github it\n<jacobw> don't break it! ;)\n<Azelphur> haha\n<AlanBell> I am not too worried about pretty\n<AlanBell> twisted is a good framework\n<Azelphur> well, just enough so that you don't have to dive into the code to get it to do things :P\n * popey resists making jokes about AlanBell and 'pretty'\n<jacobw> i've been messing with perl today\n<jacobw> my brain hurts\n<MartijnVdS> jacobw: I mess with perl for a living.\n<MartijnVdS> jacobw: My brain doesn't.\n<jacobw> MartijnVdS: i pity thee\n<jacobw> meh meh\n<MartijnVdS> jacobw: it pays well ;)\n<jacobw> i like `if ($foo =~ /bar/)` etc\n<jacobw> i prefer the regular expressions in perl to those in python\n<MartijnVdS> What don't you like?\n<jacobw> re.compile(etc)\n<MartijnVdS> no in Perl :)\n<jacobw> oh\n<jacobw> mostly DBI\n<Azelphur> now I actually have to figure out how to use github :D\n<MartijnVdS> DBI is better than how PHP does it. Prepared statements!\n<jacobw> ha\n<MartijnVdS> jacobw: also, DBIx::Class makes it even better (ORM)\n<Azelphur> and git, haha\n<jacobw> better than PHP isn't great :p\n * jacobw will look in to that\n<jacobw> also, perl can't decide if its OO or not\n<MartijnVdS> https://metacpan.org/module/DBIx::Class\n<jacobw> perhaps perl6 will decide\n<MartijnVdS> jacobw: https://metacpan.org/module/Moose is the solution for that problem\n<MartijnVdS> perl6 is dead imho. Or at least a completely separate language\n<jacobw> i'm not sure there's much demand for a new version of perl\n<AlanBell> Azelphur: or launchpad and bzr\n<jacobw> its the modules that people depend on not the language features\n<MartijnVdS> jacobw: the 5.*-version is still going strong.\n<Azelphur> AlanBell: haha\n<MartijnVdS> and they're going to do deprecation of the REALLY odd bits\n<jacobw> :)\n<zleap> is there a perl 7 then or is perl 6 an upgrade from perl 5\n<brobostigon> !info perl unstable\n<lubotu3> perl (source: perl): Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and Report Language. In component main, is standard. Version 5.14.2-6 (unstable), package size 3610 kB, installed size 11192 kB (Only available for any all)\n<brobostigon> !info perl experimental\n<lubotu3> 'experimental' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, unstable\n<Azelphur> AlanBell jacobw popey https://github.com/Azelphur/Twisted-IRCat here you go :D\n<jacobw> cheers man\n<popey> nice one\n<Azelphur> :)\n<palnj> hi guys :P\n<zleap> hi,  palnj long time no see, how ya doin ?\n<palnj> very well, thanks, zleap\n<zleap> good\n<palnj> i had a ton of coursework to do :P\n<zleap> ah\n<palnj> exams and stuff\n<palnj> Science, mainly\n<zleap> ah\n<zleap> how did they go >\n<zleap> ?\n<palnj> found it proper easy most of the time though :) which was good (obviously)\n<zleap> cool,\n<palnj> i get my results March 16th...so i dont know (yet)\n<AlanBell> thanks Azelphur\n<Azelphur> yw :D\n<zleap> well good luck and hope you did well :)\n<popey>  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-16731071\n<jacobw> woop woop\n<AlanBell> \"When you've been using it for a little while it seems like it's reading your mind, in a good way.\" if you have the correct sort of mind\n<jacobw> palnj: which science?\n<palnj> jacobw: all three, but only the first three modules\n<jacobw> seperate sciences?\n<palnj> doing modules 4/5/6 for bio/phys/chem at the end of this year and then module 7 (adv. science / applying principles) end of next year :P\n<jacobw> my school did double award when i did my gcses\n<palnj> yep, i'm in year 10\n<jacobw> that sounds great ;)\n<palnj> ah, I do triple Science\n<palnj> Three exams over two years for each Science\n<palnj> So nine exams in total\n<jacobw> are you planning to do science a levels?\n<bigcalm> Made use of the Ubuntu font via google fonts in a new client project. It's still in dev so unlikely to make it to production. But it's pleasing me none the less\n<AlanBell> I put it on all kinds of places as the default font, but not via google fonts\n<gordonjcp> hmm, I tried the HUD on 12.04 but pressing alt just brings up the normal menu\n<gordonjcp> any hints on how to troubleshoot it?\n<AlanBell> yeah, you need faster fingers\n<AlanBell> just a quick tippy tap of the alt key\n<jacobw> sudo apt-get install faster-fingers\n<AlanBell> pebkac\n<gordonjcp> hmm\n<gordonjcp> now I have no menu at all\n<bigcalm> 120 updates for the laptop. Best do this now rather than on iffy wifi in Wolverhampton tomorrow\n<AlanBell> I have had the hud installed all day and have not used it once\n<gordonjcp> okay, restarted X, if I just tap <ALT> I get a brief flash of the normal menu\n<AlanBell> unity3d?\n<popey> gord: is it intentional that if you tap alt, then tap it again to get rid of HUD, the window that has focus loses it?\n<popey> if you press escape instead of alt, you get focus back to your app, but not if you alt, then alt\n<AlanBell> there is a bug about that\n<gord> oh really? i knew about the losing focus thing but didn't know it worked with escape\n<popey> yeah, reproducable\n<AlanBell> gord: are bugs supposed to be in unity now?\n<AlanBell> not indicator-appmenu\n<gord> depends if its a shell bug or a backend bug\n<gord> popey's bug is a shell bug\n<gord> \"doesn't find x\" is a backend bug\n<AlanBell> ok\n<popey> gord: what should I file this against?\n<AlanBell> bug 921249\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 921249 in unity \"HUD: Using HUD often results in window losing focus\" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/921249\n<popey> excellent thanks\n<gord> wish i could figure out the power management problems in ubuntu, makes me sad to hear that fan constantly whining whilst if i log in to windows its all silent\n<gord> even if i completely shut down X and any session, it carries on. can't be something in the user space\n<popey> bug 921450\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 921450 in xorg (Ubuntu) \"nVidia GPU lockup\" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/921450\n<popey> most annoying bug of the moment\n<gordonjcp> ah, it needs to be unity, not unity 2d\n<gord> not quite\n<gord> i'm obviously in unity and i don't get lockups\n<gord> I've seen the youtube causing things to get laggy and unresponsive thing on intel though\n<gordonjcp> sorry, that was in reference to my own lack of HUD\n<gord> felt like it was a memory leak in youtube\n<gord> ah\n<gordonjcp> yeah, I'm on intel graphics\n<gordonjcp> unity 3d doesn't really work\n<gordonjcp> I've been logged in for three minutes and now all four case and CPU fans are screaming at full speed\n<gordonjcp> and the display is nothing but stripy garbage\n<gordonjcp> but HUD is pretty cool\n<gord> your drivers don't work ;)\n<gord> stripy garbage = driver texture corruption\n<gord> especially on intel\n<gordonjcp> yup\n<gordonjcp> I know\n<gordonjcp> is there a way to get normal menus too?\n<gord> menus are there\n<gordonjcp> where?\n<gord> in the top bar? where they always are\n<gordonjcp> nope\n<popey> ooo lightdm has regressed in latest update\n<gordonjcp> they're not there\n<popey> no option for changing session\n<gordonjcp> I had to switch back to Unity 2d\n<gordonjcp> a) the stripy garbage was annoying me, and b) gedit wasn't working well in HUD\n<gordonjcp> nothing from any of the menus come up\n<gordonjcp> well, you can open some files\n<bigcalm> Gosh darn it\n<bigcalm> This Symfony 1.4 project is now 318MB in svn\n<gord> apport is being a pain in the bum tonight :(\n<bigcalm> Must remember to take cash tomorrow morning!\n<popey> bug 921867\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 921867 in lightdm (Ubuntu) \"Lightdm regression, possible g-s-d crash, no session menu\" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/921867\n<popey> anyone fancy rebooting to see if they get that in 12.04?\n<AlanBell> popey: so you can still log in and get to the desktop right?\n<popey> yes\n<popey> but the desktop looks like it has no theme\n<gordonjcp> hmm\n<gordonjcp> now menus just plain don't appear\n<AlanBell> upgrading now popey\n<gordonjcp> man, this is going to be the fourth reinstall since monday\n<gordonjcp> this is getting pretty old\n<gordonjcp> granted the first two turned out to be due to a failing hard disk\n<gord> you know about ppa purge right? just downgrade your indicator-appmenu\n<gordonjcp> gord: that still leaves me with 12.04\n<gordonjcp> my PC is struggling to run it\n<popey> i forsee myself buying a thinkpad tomorrow\n<gord> if you get an x220, you get to join the rest of us in the secret club\n<gord> no macbooks allowed\n<gordonjcp> I wish I was in a position to buy a PC that can run Ubuntu\n<ubuntuuk-planet> [Dominic Watkins] Automated ssh reconnects and handling slow connections - http://rowla.dyndns.org/blog/2012/01/25/automated-ssh-reconnects-and-handling-slow-connections/\n<gordonjcp> y\n<gordonjcp> ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]\n * gordonjcp extracts cat\n<AlanBell> and back again\n<popey> AlanBell: you didnt get the issue then?\n<AlanBell> only part of it\n<AlanBell> I updated the bug, the cog thing happened a couple of days ago I think, I wasn't sure if it was a bug or a feature\n<AlanBell> I wish unity stuff would make it more obvious when it is a bug and when it is a feature\n<AlanBell> another bug/feature thing, the close, minimise, maximise buttons on the dash and hud. Are they supposed to look like that?\n<ubuntubhoy> if they can fix it, its a  bug. If they cant, its a feature\n<AlanBell> ubuntubhoy: you would think\n<ubuntubhoy> and as for the buttons, not the best design\n<AlanBell> some things based on the results of user testing are rather questionable features\n<ubuntubhoy> HUD you can excuse\n<ubuntubhoy> but dash should be more polished by now\n<AlanBell> you get just the red and white badly anti-aliased outline buttons?\n<ubuntubhoy> yip\n<ubuntubhoy> not updated today though\n<AlanBell> gordonjcp: you will be pleased to know I just lost my menus\n<AlanBell> HUD still works (for small values of works)\n<gordonjcp> AlanBell: yeah, it looks like it has potential but it's not *quite* there yet ;-)\n<AlanBell> yeah, which is fine\n<gordonjcp> I ran ppa-purge to get back the non-HUD appmenu\n<AlanBell> there is a mahusive bug in the search at the moment that means if you type a full word it won't find that word\n<gordonjcp> and it really went on what I can only describe as a PCP-fuelled shotgun rampage\n<AlanBell> so it does fuzzy matching great, but you have to be a fuzzy person to use hud\n<gordonjcp> yeah, I noticed that\n<gordonjcp> I still find the matching in the alt-f2 window not exactly great\n * AlanBell is not sufficiently fuzzy to use HUD\n<gordonjcp> type \"gnome-terminal\" and most of the time you'll get \"gnome-calculator\"\n<mgdm_> Does it cater for the \"I don't know what I'm looking for but I'll know when I find it so I'm reading all the menus\" use case?\n<mgdm_> Because without that, I can't work GUI apps\n<gordonjcp> in fact, as I just found out there, I can repeatably get it to do this\n<AlanBell> mgdm_: no, it caters for the \"um, think it is called options or something like that\" use case\n<gordonjcp> press alt-f2, type \"gnome-terminal\", wait for 30 seconds or so until it finishes searching, click on the gnome-terminal icon, and it starts gnome-calculator\n<AlanBell> actually the \"I think it is called opti or something like that\" use case. \"Options\" won't work\n<mgdm_> AlanBell: hmmmm\n<gordonjcp> I really just want alt-f2 to work the way it did in Gnome 2, or XFCE, or if you're using lxpanel\n<mgdm_> AlanBell: what about typing 'Preferences' when the app calls it 'Options', or vice-versa?\n<AlanBell> mgdm_: the discoverable menus are still there\n<mgdm> aaaah, ok\n<mgdm> I misread\n<AlanBell> mgdm: that should in theory work or be made to work\n<AlanBell> as long as you call it preferen\n<mgdm> I do find that when I'm on the Mac, 90% of the time I forget about the dock and just use Spotlight or occasionally Alfred to start things\n<mgdm> so I can imagine it would work for me, but I want my pointy-clicky fallback :-)\n<AlanBell> http://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/hudcontrols.png are those the min/max/close buttons other people see on the dash/hud?\n<ubuntubhoy> as an additional interface option it might prove useful, just as long as it is not intended to replace anything\n<ubuntubhoy> AlanBell, yeah\n<AlanBell> ubuntubhoy: I don't see how it can replace menus, it relies on the applications being designed to have menus in order to work\n<AlanBell> I can imagine people using it in preference to menus most of the time\n<ubuntubhoy> for me its a kinda Ubutnu Gnome Do thingy\n<ubuntubhoy> in that way it will work well I think\n<ubuntubhoy> better integration & more scope\n<gordonjcp> right, off to reinstall\n<AlanBell> it is a neat trick, but not massively compelling\n<AlanBell> lenses are a bigger deal\n<AlanBell> just wish they would provide a framework for doing lenses that require authentication\n<ubuntubhoy> weird, net split on every other channel I'm on but here, and this is the busiest\n<AlanBell> it is a bit splitty today\n<gordonjcp> I know 12.04 is only an alpha but I really hope that's nothing like representative of the finished version\n<ubuntubhoy> still 3 months to go\n<popey> 2.5 ☺\n<gordonjcp> I tried it on a new PC at work\n<gordonjcp> it's *just about* usable on an i5 with 4G of RAM\n<ubuntubhoy> popey, I always wait a couple of weeks before downloading or updating installs that I need :d\n<popey> heh\n<gordonjcp> my desktop at home is somewhat behind the curve, being a 3GHz P4 with 2G of RAM\n<popey> works fine on my 2.2GHz laptop\n<popey> pretty snippy\n<popey> dual core though, which I guess helps\n<AlanBell> Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU       M 330  @ 2.13GHz works well\n<gordonjcp> popey: on my desktop it sits at 100% CPU usage and 100% RAM usage, with just the desktop and a single terminal\n<popey> sweet\n<gordonjcp> all the fans screaming away full blast\n<ubuntubhoy> lol\n<ubuntubhoy> works ok on my netbook\n<AlanBell> Cpu(s):  2.6%us,  2.1%sy,  0.0%ni, 95.3%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st\n<popey> bedlington\n<popey> nn all\n<popey> Cpu(s):  1.7%us,  0.3%sy,  0.0%ni, 97.8%id,  0.2%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st\n<popey> with firefox, 2 terminals and thunderbird open\n<popey> model name\t: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz\n<popey> :D\n<gordonjcp> yeah, it would be nice if Ubuntu could be run on something other than the latest and greatest\n<gordonjcp> ;-)\n<AlanBell> I do have 8GB ram, and it is using 3233 of it\n<gordonjcp> AlanBell: yeah, if it's going to take that much memory I'll switch distros\n<gordonjcp> I don't like Unity *that* much\n<AlanBell> I dunno what it is doing with the ram, I do have a few applications open, no virtual machines though\n<gordonjcp> urgh, I give up\n<gordonjcp> I need some stuff packaged for Ubuntu\n<gordonjcp> who wants paid to do it?\n<AlanBell> and I am driving a reasonably large desktop http://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/desktop.png\n<AlanBell> is it stuff that can go into Debian first?\n<gordonjcp> maybe\n<gordonjcp> ie. there's nothing stopping it going into Debian first\n<gordonjcp> apart from the sheer opacity of the debian packaging process\n<AlanBell> yeah, it does rather expect you to know 20 years of evolution\n#ubuntu-uk 2012-01-26\n<gordonjcp> AlanBell: contrast with packaging for Arch...\n<AlanBell> Arch is a real mixed bag of a project\n<gordonjcp> AlanBell: take a sample PKGBUILD file, fill in the blanks, run makepkg\n<gordonjcp> if you're doing it properly you do a test build in a clean chroot so it ensures that all deps are pulled in correctly\n<gordonjcp> some of the packages in Ubuntu aren't very good at that\n<gordonjcp> jackd for example is pretty fundamentally on drugs\n<gordonjcp> install jackd2, it pulls in qjackctl and all the Qt deps\n<gordonjcp> *why*?\n<AlanBell> better than the rpm based distros in general I think\n<AlanBell> Arch has some quite good documentation, but the project ethos of being self-centred as possible kind of encourages a pretty toxic community from what I have seen of it\n<gordonjcp> AlanBell: mh\n<gordonjcp> AlanBell: it's pretty much the same as any distro\n<gordonjcp> 99.9% of the people involved just get on with it, and then there are 0.1% of noisy arseholes who make a nuisance of themselves\n<AlanBell> yeah, might be that I only bump into the 0.1%\n<gordonjcp> it doesn't help that #archlinux gets periodically crapflooded by people going \"ZOMG N000BZORS USE UBUNTU1!!1!!1!!! LOLZ LOLZ LOLZ\"\n<AlanBell> they are not the residents?\n<AlanBell> maybe those are the people I bump into\n<gordonjcp> no\n<AlanBell> I had a look on their mailing list earlier to see what that was like, seemed to be a big discussion about how to make it less user friendly\n<AlanBell> I am curious to know where the people who write the good documentation are\n<directhex> oh, i have another example\n<directhex> install any app that uses ffmpeg, it pulls in DECNET support for networking of PDP11s\n<gordonjcp> AlanBell: I don't know, I think it's far more user-friendly than Ubuntu\n<gordonjcp> it's a lot easier to install\n<gordonjcp> none of this tedious mucking about with unetbootin and then having a weirdly broken-looking textmode installer that just sits there for ten minutes apparently doing nothing\n<ubuntubhoy> I actually only have 1 issue with the Ubuntu installer, it never imports users from other Ubuntu installs for me\n<ubuntubhoy> but that could be because I usually only have single user setups\n<gordonjcp> ubuntubhoy: I don't like the horrible unetbootin menu thing\n<gordonjcp> because it doesn't give you any feedback that it's actually doing anything\n<gordonjcp> has it hung? is it just slow? is it supposed to take ten minutes?\n<gordonjcp> the trick is to use a USB stick with an access LED on it\n<directhex> why on earth would you use unetbootin?\n<gordonjcp> directhex: because the iso doesn't work if you just dd it to a usb stick\n<ubuntubhoy> I kinda agree on unetbootin, but it is so damn handy\n<ubuntubhoy> and I always use usb over disk\n<ubuntubhoy> plus USB creator has only ever worked on a few of my installs\n<gordonjcp> I've never managed to get usb creator to create anything that resembled a bootable disk\n<gordonjcp> I mean, I've got an iso, ran usb-creator, examined the stick afterwards and there is *nothing* that even vaguely looks like any sane BIOS could boot it\n<ubuntubhoy> lol\n<ubuntubhoy> mostly it just refuses to do anything for me\n<ubuntubhoy> just craps out\n<gordonjcp> yeah\n * AlanBell sees a gord bug making headlines at OMG\n<gordonjcp> I mean why isn't there just an image that you can write to a USB stick?\n<gordonjcp> why have the extra step of making an iso, that needs to be converted back to something that'll go on a USB drive?\n<gordonjcp> I guess it means that you can write a CD-R with it\n<gordonjcp> presumably travelling back in time to when you could buy blank CD-Rs and drives to use them with is left as an exercise for the user\n<gordonjcp> it's bizarre, there are images for booting from legacy optical media, but not from 9-track magtape?\n<ubuntubhoy> hmm, Biffy Clyro headlining Rock Ness\n<gordonjcp> a) biffy clyro, b) Inverness\n<ubuntubhoy> c) good times\n<gordonjcp> chuck in some people with beaded dreadlocks and you've got a perfect storm of awful\n<ubuntubhoy> lol\n<gordonjcp> and I've probably got to do some tech for the <word I won't use on #ubuntu-uk> too\n<ubuntubhoy> are non-beaded dreadlocks ok then\n<gordonjcp> yes because when you set them on fire you don't get hit by bead shrapnel\n<gordonjcp> music festivals *suck* these days\n<ubuntubhoy> but dreadlock beads tend to be plastic - so you get melt burn as well\n<gordonjcp> bloody jugglers and facepainters everywhere and then charging five quid for a lukewarm can of Tennents\n<cpnangil^> hmm\n<cpnangil^> can anyone help me decipher some old handwritten text?\n<gordonjcp> and a half-cooked burger that's been lying in a tupperware box in direct sunlight all morning growing botulinum toxin\n<ubuntubhoy> old as in 1970's ?\n<gordonjcp> cpnangil^: how old?\n<gordonjcp> and where are you?\n<cpnangil^> Im in boston\n<ubuntubhoy> obviously Ubuntu-UK makes sense then\n<cpnangil^> claims to be from 1662\n<gordonjcp> cpnangil^: I know a paleographic analyst\n<gordonjcp> cpnangil^: if you can get up to Edinburgh she may be able to help you out\n<gordonjcp> it's just up the A1\n<gordonjcp> she will want paid though. You may have to buy her some very nice shoes.\n<cpnangil^> http://i.imgur.com/6bDf7.jpg\n<cpnangil^> I can figure it partially\n<ubuntubhoy> you got the original\n<ubuntubhoy> keck, build crashed again\n<ubuntubhoy> time for baw, baws - laters\n<Azelphur> jacobw popey AlanBell for when you guys wake up, added a bunch of stuff including XMPP support, https://github.com/Azelphur/TwistedCat :D\n<Azelphur> (netcat to your android phone, because I can!)\n<gord> AlanBell, not a bug :P\n<MooDoo> morning all\n<DJones> Morning all\n<daubers> Morning\n<MooDoo> join #smugmug\n<MooDoo> oops\n<gord> MooDoo, is very proud of his mug\n<daubers> gord: I see HUD made the BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-16731071\n<gord> neat\n<MooDoo> gord: smug tastic :)\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Morning everyone - Howdidoodee?\n<AlanBell> gord: not a bug? I think you are over-weighting the centre pixel\n<davmor2> czajkowski: you idle get wake up, morning prod :P\n<MooDoo> davmor2: be warned she's not having much fun on the tube at the moment :D\n<popey> ooh, my themes have disappeared\n<davmor2> MooDoo:  oh joy\n<popey> ok, so i suspect I have the same thing that happened to gordonjcp\n<popey> the theme was removed yesterday and it defaulted back to some other theme and moved the buttons to the right\n<popey> maybe\n<popey> yay, ubuntu-desktop was missing\n * popey installs a zillion missing packages\n<oimon> alpha ubuntu is alpha :P\n<popey> gord: hud does sometimes annoyingly pop up when i alt-tab\n<popey> after I have alt-tabbed to another window, the window appears and I start typing and it ends up in the hud, not the app\n<oimon> you've been hud-winked\n<JamesTait> Good morning all!\n<MooDoo> morning\n<daubers> Oh finder, why are you so pants\n<gord> popey, yeah alt is tricky, alt tab slower for now\n<davmor2> I blame czajkowski for these noise school kids ruining our co-working space\n<gord> AlanBell, so you know the code splits the image up in to quadrants right, well what it does is it tests those quadrants to see if there is a lot of difference, if there is, it delves in to them more. by altering a specific pixel you trick the code in to investigating those quadrants more, i think it will go up to 8 levels deeper. point is that by changing that pixel, you trick the code in to paying way more attention there. its not a bug, its an exploit\n<gord> the \"fix\" would be to just do the simple average every pixel approach, but thats way to slow\n<bigcalm_lappy> Hazar, I is 'ere!\n<bigcalm_lappy> There's a silly school trip visiting the Light House today. It might be saner to converse via IRC\n<daubers> https://twitter.com/#!/daubers/status/162473275044282368/photo/1 <- Why I dispise finder on osx\n<bigcalm_lappy> Poor Alex is the only one not in channel\n<gord> that pretty much ruins the point\n<oimon> daubers: the first file is in RAID1 :D\n<daubers> oimon: :p\n<oimon> actually btrfs will allow you to do that\n<daubers> The first file is actually on a raid6\n<daubers> the second file is on the macs internal drive\n<daubers> same file just copied across\n<AlanBell> gord: it goes 16 levels deep, the point is that the centre pixel is shared by all 4 of the first level quadrants so it gets counted 4 times\n<oimon> hmmm...having a facebook for the enterprise (yammer) seems to be an excuse to spend all day on it\n<bigcalm_lappy> Nutella?\n<oimon> constant streams of gubbins coming from corporate services types\n<AlanBell> gord: the fix would be to make the quadrants 1px smaller all round, so the top left one would be 1,1 to centreX-1,centreY-1 rather than 0,0 to centreX,centreY\n<gord> AlanBell, patches welcome\n<AlanBell> gord: sure, do you agree with my thinking?\n<gord> AlanBell, if they are *all* reduced by one pixel around, it'll always pick different pixels, which will stop the exploit sure\n<gord> well, i could still exploit it ;) but yeah\n<AlanBell> yeah, a diagonal cross in the centre would still do it\n<andylockran> howdy all\n<popey> gnnnnn\n<popey> my laptop is unusable now, these GPU lockups are driving me nuts\n<oimon> getting spammed from sony psn because some numpty got his email address wrong on christmas day\n<andylockran> anyone have recommendations for a CRM - Sugar looks interesting but be interesting to see what other people do?\n<oimon> can't unsubscribe\n<popey> i have the same problem from microsoft xbox\n<Daviey> popey: mbp7,1 GPU lockups?\n<oimon> i regularly get flight tickets, share dividend notices, loads of stuff from my similarly named eejit twins\n<popey> yes Daviey\n<Daviey> popey: odd.. using non-free?\n<popey> yes\n<Daviey> popey: not that this helps, but graphics are fine for me :/.\n<popey> bug 921450\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 921450 in xorg (Ubuntu) \"nVidia GPU lockup\" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/921450\n<Daviey> popey: in other news, the sound bug your reported was fixed day before yesterday\n<popey> which sound bug?\n * popey looks at the lenovo site\n<oimon> popey: are you monitoring the gpu temperature?\n<Daviey> popey: the sound issue on the mbp\n<Daviey> bug 909419\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 909419 in linux (Ubuntu) \"[Several MacBooks (with PCI SSID 10de:cb89)] Choppy sound. Videos play double speed\" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/909419\n<popey> oh that one ☺\n<Daviey> popey: what is your fan doing?\n<popey> not much\n<popey> can you get gpu temps from the cli?\n<Daviey> popey: hmm, i seem to have lost /proc/acpi/thermal_zone\n<popey> i dont have that either Daviey\n<Laney> oh awesome, I had that sound bug too\n<Laney> silly macbooks\n<Daviey> dave@voodoo:~$ sudo nvidia-settings -q [gpu:0]/GPUCoreTemp 2>/dev/null | grep Attribute Attribute 'GPUCoreTemp' (voodoo:0[gpu:0]): 56.\n<Daviey> line wrap fail\n<czajkowski> aloha\n<Daviey> dave@voodoo:~$ sudo nvidia-settings -q [gpu:0]/GPUCoreTemp 2>/dev/null | grep Attribute\n<Daviey>   Attribute 'GPUCoreTemp' (voodoo:0[gpu:0]): 56.\n<czajkowski> davmor2: ello my dear\n<gord> popey, nvidia-settings --query 0/gpucoretemp\n<popey> that requires X ☺\n<popey> which is currently dead\n<davmor2> czajkowski: prod, prodity prod prod prod prod prod prod prod prod prod prod prod\n<davmor2> czajkowski: oh bigcalm says prod too\n<gord> popey, yeah but this is nvidia ;) they don't really do nice open source ways of doing things\n<bigcalm_lappy> I was wondering why that didn't highlight\n<popey> heh\n<bigcalm_lappy> Then I notice my nickname as I'm away from home\n<bigcalm_lappy> Hi peeps :)\n<popey> gord: which x220? i5?\n<gord> popey, i have an i3 x220, i think they go up to i5/i7 though\n<gord> only real recommendation is the IPS screen and as much ram as you can fit in it\n<bigcalm_lappy> How much are they?\n<bigcalm_lappy> Ballpark figure\n<gord> depends, anywhere from 600-1500 last i checked\n<bigcalm_lappy> Yikes\n<bigcalm_lappy> This i3 dell poop was just over 500 quid\n<oimon> they do a tablet version\n<bigcalm_lappy> Regret it every time I turn it on\n * daubers got an i5 samsung for £400\n<popey> yeah, sladen has the tablet version\n<oimon> i like my dell lappy. served me well and still going god\n<oimon> /od/ood\n<bigcalm_lappy> This is a 1st gen i3\n<Daviey> popey: you /need/ X?\n<Daviey> popey: well do you have SSH?\n<popey> heh\n<popey> gord: IPS screen?\n<Dave2> Can you get IPS screens in laptops?\n<Daviey> ssh -X alan@pos-laptop :)\n<gord> popey, yeah, its really nice, basically has unlimited viewing angles\n<gord> was only a few quid more when i checked\n * Dave2 spent ages tracking down a laptop that wasn't 1366x768, didn't even try to find one that wasn't TN\n<sladen> Dave2: yes, but not with the capacitive finger touch on the X220 tablet version\n<sladen> Dave2: there aren't any.  Give up;  all of the displays are not  1024x768 panels, cut a bit wider\n<sladen> s/not/now/\n<popey> gord: http://popey.com/~alan/Selection_001.png\n<gord> popey, \"premium\"\n<Dave2> sladen: I got a 1600x900 laptop, still not great, but I wasn't willing to buy 1366x768\n<popey> gord: 6 or 9 cell?\n<gord> popey, 9 cell will go 10 hours if ubuntu's not screwing up the power management like it always is ;) i got 9 cell\n<popey> heh\n<Daviey> gord: was it Ubuntu that broke power management?\n<bigcalm_lappy> Replace the spinning rust with an SSD and improve the battery life anyway?\n<popey> http://popey.com/~alan/x220.png  <- not cheap\n<gord> Daviey, it was *fantastic* the week before platform sprint. amazing, wonderful - https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/112811220238447511854/albums/5693907288078855329/5693907286109635026 - but then kernel 3.2 dropped during platform sprint and i was back to 4-5 hours\n<popey> sladen / gord comments on the above spec?\n<oimon> what's that \"web price\" ?\n<oimon> marketing gimmick?\n<gord> popey, you might not need the i7, the i3 does just fine for me - chances are you can get the ram cheaper on amazon or ebuyer too. ssd is almost certainly worth it - i'm waiting for UDS and will pick up one there\n<czajkowski> oimon: no it's a price for buying via the web as some places dont stop them or you do get a better price for buying things online\n<czajkowski> mine is a i5\n<Daviey> gord: I wonder if that is Ubuntu's fault or mainline kernel regression? :)\n<gord> Daviey, well the confusing bit is that if i go back to the old kernel i don't get my power back.. very weird\n<andylockran> interesting\n<popey> gord: problem with buying RAM elsewhere is I'll end up with sticks of RAM 'spare' that I'll never use\n<andylockran> I''ve got a lovely ssd, love it\n<gord> popey, desk shrapnel\n<popey> haha\n<popey> hmm, maybe downgrade CPU, switch to SSD\n<Daviey> gord: wow\n<Daviey> that is nuts.\n<popey> http://www.ebuyer.com/192734-lenovo-256gb-thinkpad-sdd-1-8-sata-ii-read-230mb-s-write-43n3417\n<popey> lolwut\n<gord> yeah... ssds are expensive\n<gord> http://www.ebuyer.com/318420-samsung-128gb-830-series-ssd-2-5-sata-ii-laptop-upgrade-kit-mz-7pc128n-eu is what i am after\n<oimon> usually £1 per gb\n<popey> will that fit in your thinkpad?\n<gord> i have been told it does ;)\n<gord> i will need to do further investigation at some point\n<gord> there was a thread about it on warthogs some time ago\n<popey> lenovo website is sucking\n<popey> \"You are now leaving Lenovo's website and being redirected to the website of Digital River, the seller and merchant of record.\"\n<popey> time passes\n<oimon> you were hit by a grue\n<Daviey> No Guru Mediation error?\n<bigcalm_lappy> Somebody kill davmor2 now\n<bigcalm_lappy> davmor2 is looking lovingly at gord\n<bigcalm_lappy> At least it looks like that to me\n * smittix prods MooDoo \n<smittix> Thanks for the ticket update MooDoo heh\n<davmor2> bigcalm_lappy: is suddenly unable to see his screen as his fingers break it as I slam his lid down on his fingers\n<czajkowski> tut tut such violence\n<MooDoo> czajkowski: you love it\n * bigcalm_lappy sips his coffee quitely\n<popey> http://www.ebuyer.com/169923-tenda-wireless-n150-access-point-router-extender-w311r-\n<popey> interesting device\n<popey> 3 year warranty price is interesting\n<gord> £12 quid? hard to trust\n<oimon> pics look v cheap quality\n<_x_X_X_x_> hii\n<oimon> basically it's a wireless AP that supports bridging?\n<_x_X_X_x_> how i can change group and owner from root to www-data?\n<oimon> chown www-data:www-data <dir name>\n<oimon> use -R for recursive changes\n<bigcalm_lappy> If the group name is the same as the username, you can omit the group name\n<bigcalm_lappy> www-data:\n<TheOpenSourcerer> technically correct would be:\n<TheOpenSourcerer> sudo chown -R www-data: dir_tree_to_chown\n<oimon> hmm http://boingboing.net/2012/01/25/insane-english-copyright-rulin.html\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Man my broadband is sick today: \"Firefox can't find the server at www.google.co.uk.\"\n<oimon> or is it your dns?\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Nah - loads of dropped packets on the adsl.\n<oimon> virgin?\n<TheOpenSourcerer> dns is google ;-)\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Nope [cough, cough] talktalkbusiness\n<TheOpenSourcerer> I used to be on Pipex years ago - they have been bought, then the acquiree was bought and so forth until now I'm on talktalk and they are not optimal IMHO - But where I live I can't get much better from anyone anyway so it's rather moot really.\n<popey> your area not cabled?\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Hah CABLE! My telephone lines are aluminium...\n<TheOpenSourcerer> We are on an exchange that BT don't think exists as far as supporting anything more that plain old adsl2\n<heeed> owdo\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Yet - I live in one of the most affluent parishes/boroughs in the country... Just there is too much space and not enough big houses I guess ;-)\n<TheOpenSourcerer> AlanBell: Will find this interesting http://www.information-age.com/channels/the-cloud-and-virtualization/news/1680113/hillingdon-council-puts-3500-staff-on-google-apps.thtml\n<popey> heeed: hey!\n<popey> Lunchtime!\n<heeed> still whinging about the cable?\n<heeed> +1 for lunchtime\n<gord> lunchtime?\n<gord> not yet\n<popey> not me heeed ☺\n * popey loves his cable\n<bigcalm_lappy> popey: you can now find out when you'll be getting 60mb\n<popey> oh, how?\n<bigcalm_lappy> The checker tells be October\n<bigcalm_lappy> Go to my.vm\n<bigcalm_lappy> There it a link on there\n<oimon> joey @ omg does a great job around alpha/beta time of giving a round up of new features for those who are running alphas\n<oimon> nice to know what to gcheck with each apt-get\n<Oli> Skyrim for £20 on the PC/Wine http://www.greenmangaming.co.uk/games/rpgs/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-uk/\n<Oli> (It's not from Steam but They give you a Steam key)\n<Myrtti> Why can't Dell sell their laptops with Ubuntu in UK like they do in US? :-<\n<oimon> Myrtti: which model?\n<oimon> if you ask, they sometimes do.\n<popey> i see no link bigcalm_lappy\n<popey> bah\n<AlanBell> TheOpenSourcerer: heh, so *thats* what they did in the end\n<Myrtti> oimon: dell vostro v131\n<oimon> Myrtti: looks nice. always worth asking them\n<oimon> i've managed it on desktops\n<bigcalm_lappy> popey: log in and it'll hit you with a pop over\n<oimon> well, i manage to get no-OS rather that windows\n<oimon> vendors do seem to be cashing in on SSD ..prices seem high when purchased with a machine\n<bigcalm_lappy> I'm logged in, give me your postcode\n<smittix> Does anyone know how OMGUbuntu get away with using ubunu in their domain name?\n<AlanBell> smittix: they asked I think\n<smittix> AlanBell: Ahh ok. I asked too and got refused :/\n<bigcalm_lappy> Oh, just go to: http://doublespeed.virginmedia.com/\n<smittix> That was a few years ago though\n * AlanBell has haggis & eggs for lunch\n<popey> oooo!\n<popey> I have haggis, you just reminded me\n<popey> yay!\n<AlanBell> haggis & eggs is a great combination\n<AlanBell> probably even works with shop eggs ;)\n<bigcalm_lappy> I want haggis\n<popey> yeah, I can imagine that\n<bigcalm_lappy> But doubt I'll get it in this cafe\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Hmmm - Lunch... Curry, Curry or... Ah I Know. CURRY!\n<oimon> smittix: a few yrs ago, it was OK for .co.uk\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Or maybe Oxtail Soup.\n<popey> smittix: there is no 'getting away with' using ubuntu in the domain name, anyone can\n<popey> there is a trademark policy\n<popey> which is pretty permissive\n<JGJones> smittix - the actual truth is that they've got certain photos that shouldn't be exposed ;-)\n<Neoti_Laptop> hi im having problems with rendering in kdenlive\n<Neoti_Laptop> when i record a screen cast with gtk-recordmydesktop and view the ogv file everything looks fine, when i put it in to kdenlive i get little gray blocks and the text is all distorted on when i view it with clip monitor. any ideas ?\n<Neoti_Laptop>  i have created a profile to match my monitor size and fps etc...\n<Neoti_Laptop> any help ?\n<popey> I have never had much success editing ogv files in any editor really\n<popey> one reason I switched from recordmydesktop to kazam\n<popey> KAZAM!\n<popey> should have an exclamation in the name\n<Neoti_Laptop> how do i get that ? is it windows ?\n<popey> no, linux\n<popey> !kazam\n<popey> bah\n<AlanBell> like Joomla!\n<popey> and Yahoo!\n<smittix> popey: I got told by someone from Canonical that I couldn't use the name Ubuntu in my domain name.\n<popey> https://launchpad.net/kazam\n<popey> smittix: depends what you're doing on the domain\n<popey> given how many people who work for canonical read omg, I don't think they have a problem\n<AlanBell> http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy\n<smittix> This was a few years back with the same time of site that OMG has become.\n<smittix> It was called UbuntuHOW\n<popey> i remember that\n<gord> hey me too\n<gord> we should get the How2 guys to do something on ubuntu\n<AlanBell> smittix: I suspect OMG started out then said \"we have 30,000 readers, can we use the trademark?\"\n<smittix> True, although I had a fair number of readers too.\n<smittix> I downed the site anyway and tried something else.\n<popey> can someone else try and buy a laptop from shop.lenovo.com, just go as far as adding it to the basket and try to pay\n<popey> you wont get to the enter credit card stuff i suspect\n<popey> checkout.lenovo.com is dead\n<AlanBell> smittix: a read of the trademark policy does make your questions entirely understandable, they are squarely in the \"very unlikely\" definition\n<smittix> Permission from us is necessary to use any of the Trademarks under any circumstances other than those specifically permitted above. These include: Use in a domain name or URL.\n<smittix> Yeah\n<smittix> Nevermind. I hope my new domain name gets a decent response. heh\n<popey> ubuntuwhy.com? ☺\n<gord> popey, don't be tempted by third party sites though, they add £500 to the price\n<smittix> heh nixaddict.com\n<AlanBell> smittix: I raised the question with trademarks ages and ages ago, if Canonical wanted to force OMG to rebrand they would have done it by now\n<smittix> AlanBell: Ok\n<popey> given sabdfl likes the site, thats not going to happen really is it?\n<bigcalm_lappy> Tabs are not a good thing to have\n<popey> gord: do you have the one with the camera?\n<gord> popey, yup, not a bad camera\n<popey> the 720p one?\n<gord> doesn't seem to be, but cheese is hanging\n<popey> nice\n<gord> oh wait yes it is\n<oimon> You are now leaving Lenovo's website and being redirected to the website of Digital River, the seller and merchant of recor\n<Neoti_Laptop> ok how do i use kazam... just recorded a test but can not find the file ...\n<Neoti_Laptop> :P\n<gord> popey, http://ubuntuone.com/0mRbkT6uMdwLPeoG7jsABu - quality involved\n<popey> haha\n<oimon> popey: is there a phone number in the site?\n<oimon> fails for me too\n<popey> dunno oimon but I expect nothing will be fixed until america properly wakes up\n<oimon> joy\n<gord> davmor2, just plays games all day, easiest job in the world\n<Neoti_Laptop> popey where does kazam store its recordings theres no prompts nothing to say when its placed the file ?\n<popey> Neoti_Laptop: it prompts you when you finish recording\n<popey> edit or save\n<popey> choose save, then it pops up a usual dialog\n<Neoti_Laptop> ok i dont have either option on my screen and just recorded 2 videos...\n<popey> odd\n<popey> maybe ask in #kazam\n<davmor2> gord: I have to read books too\n<Neoti_Laptop> i have latest ubuntu with unity etc... i have no options i just recorded another 10 sec video thinking i must have missed it or been thick but nope nothing i have pause, finissh , record set up ... nothing else ..\n<popey> its under active development\n<popey> you may have found a bug\n<Neoti_Laptop> lol.... everything i touch at the moment seems to have a bug ... :P .... doh!\n<popey> ☺\n<Neoti_Laptop> i want to record my screen and edit it with kdenlive ... the pgv file in mplayer looks fine kkdenlive it fooking it up .... all i want to do is add some titles thats it ... agh!!!\n<Neoti_Laptop> *ogv\n<Neoti_Laptop> the videos i have watchedc on vimeo and youtube show it working fine... but for me it dont fooking work .... and i followed them to the letter....\n<Neoti_Laptop> im of to get some food as im now getting grouchy and fooked off with this ... lol ... sorry guys .. just want it to work ...\n<mgdm> Anyone here using Cinnamon as their desktop?\n<Daviey> mgdm: No, but i did have cinnamon on my ice cream the other day.\n<ubuntubhoy> I had it in a shot, Fireball. Lovely\n<ubuntubhoy> Cinnamon & whisky shot, real nice\n * popey is reminded of all those videos of people eating a teaspoon of cinnamon\n<daubers> back in the day we went to war so they could have a teaspoon of cinnamon\n<daubers> Or was it nutmeg..... might have been both\n<oimon_> wasn't that dune?\n * czajkowski is reminded of the song, just a spoon full of sugar....\n<daubers> We went to war with the dutch over nutmeg, so maybe I was thinking of that\n * Guest72520 test\n<Guest72520> argh\n<Guest72520> i thought i'd try irssi instead of pidgin - how can i get nickserv to use my nick?\n<Guest72520> though it was / msg nickserv identify user pass\n<mgdm> try /nick yournick\n<daubers> yup, but you need to change your nick first\n<Guest72520> it's ignoring me\n<daubers> still signed in somewhere else?\n<Guest72520> no\n<Guest72520> get no response from nickserv\n<Guest72520> i'll try more brutal tactics..\n<DJones> A bit worrying when Symantec go public and say stop using our software http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-16740153?\n<davmor2> hmmmmmmm currryyyyyyyyyyy\n<ubuntubhoy> Edwina ?\n<oimon_> man ,irc is a dark art\n<davmor2> No real curry fro dinner\n<davmor2> for even\n<davmor2> czajkowski: prod afternoon\n<czajkowski> davmor2: oi oi\n<MooDoo> czajkowski: davmor2 PROD POKE PROD to you both\n<czajkowski> MooDoo: ello\n * davmor2 tickles czajkowski \n<czajkowski> I haz no tickles :/\n * bigcalm_lappy hugs czajkowski\n * czajkowski locks bigcalm_lappy davmor2 and MooDoo in a room together \n<bigcalm_lappy> :o\n<bigcalm_lappy> What did I do wrong to deserve that?\n * MooDoo smashes out of the room with davmor2 as a battering ram and give czajkowski a big kiss on the cheek :) xx\n<davmor2> czajkowski: but then the three of us can plot against you together you sure that's a good move :P\n<bigcalm_lappy> This place has become colder now that mrevil has left\n<czajkowski> lack of body heat\n<czajkowski> cuddle davmor2\n<davmor2> oi get off you weirdo\n<bigcalm_lappy> I think gord might complain\n<bigcalm_lappy> czajkowski: davmor2 is picking on me!\n<czajkowski> have you been paying attention all this time, pick on him!\n<davmor2> czajkowski: speak English woman I know you're Irish and all that, and I know my English sucks but hey.......\n * czajkowski peers at davmor2 \n * AlanBell wonders about beer in Farnham soonish\n<bigcalm_lappy> 3pm?\n<AlanBell> well, maybe not that soon\n<TheOpenSourcerer> make it 4 and you're on\n<oimon_> raspberry pi featured on radio 4\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Yes, I heard that too oimon_\n<davmor2> MOOOOOOOOO!\n<MooDoo> davmor2: behave woman :)\n<davmor2> bigcalm_lappy: is just praising you all apart from czajkowski\n<AlanBell> beer in London thursday/friday next week might work too\n<czajkowski> nest thursday\n<czajkowski> is good before fosdem train on friday ;)\n<AlanBell> yes, next thursday is good, TheOpenSourcerer and I have a vTiger day then\n<oimon_> hope we'll see some good python and C courses coming out of RPi\n<czajkowski> AlanBell: the cask ?\n<daubers> tempted to get a few rpi's and try and run some basic programming courses at the hacksapce\n<daubers> directhex: Minecraft 1.2 will have new LWJGL\n<AlanBell> czajkowski: cask is OK, I think we are in goodge street\n<AlanBell> anywhere central is good\n<czajkowski> AlanBell: the surrey lot may know of somethign closer I only know that one and the fact you can book tables\n<Barry> t\n<directhex> daubers, they said that for beta 1.3 or so\n<directhex> daubers, i still have a bug open\n<oimon_> is software-center crashiness in 12.04 alpha a known issue?\n<popey> AlanBell: next thursday i can probably make too\n<directhex> Daniel Kaplan (Official Rep) 10 months ago\n<directhex> This will be fixed in 1.5. We have updated lwjgl Sorry for the trouble.\n<DJones> directhex: From the latest release notes, \"As you know, Minecraft is run using the Light-weight Java Game Library (LWJGL). We’ve been using a really old version of LWJGL because last time we tried to update it the game broke down and became unplayable for a lot of people. We are going to try to update it again once we release Minecraft 1.2.\"\n<directhex> DJones, \"once we release 1.2\" means \"after 1.2 is out\"\n<daubers> directhex: :)\n<DJones> directhex: cynic :)\n<bigcalm_lappy> Coppers in here, oh mu\n<bigcalm_lappy> my\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Wow - http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/01/26/windows_azure_money_maker_not/ MS making $60m on Azure... Bet they spent more on those \"Cloud Power\" ads on London Underground...\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Sorry, not making, but revenue figure\n<bigcalm_lappy> Well, copper, singular\n<smittix> hmm Dia is pretty good.\n<smittix> I now have a digital diagram of our racks heh\n * oimon holds down the super key in precise, gets a nice surprise\n<AlanBell> the overlay shortcut guide :)\n<oimon> i was talking to someone on the train who said he had to stop using unity because the shortcuts overrode his normal ones :-\\\n<directhex> i killed the super key thing in unity\n<directhex> it broke gnome do\n<oimon> yeah i think my friend only ever used terminal & an IDe\n<ali1234> who is good for registering domains?\n<ali1234> i want a .tv\n<oimon> symantec advises disabling PC anywhere after it's code was 'open sourced' ..good confidence in a product there\n<zleap> hello\n<popey> oimon: old code\n<zleap> oimon, was thjs relaed to anonomous saying they had got hold of the source code and were going to publically release it\n<oimon> zleap, it wasn't anonymous but someone who found old code on some indian military(?) servers\n<zleap> ah\n<zleap> pc anywere thats the remote access stuff right\n<gord> ali1234, gandi.net are pretty great, not sure if they do .tv though\n<ali1234> they do\n<ali1234> and they are the cheapest i've seen yet\n<gord> good service with them\n<DJones> oimon: The latest advice from Symantec says that the stolen material had included blueprints for Norton Antivirus Corporate Edition, Norton Internet Security, Norton SystemWorks (Norton Utilities and Norton GoBack) and pcAnywhere.\n<AlanBell> \"blueprints\"\n<AlanBell> media dumbed down term for source code\n<zleap> I will probably send for a pack of 100 12.04 cd's when available\n<zleap> to me software blue print would be a piece of paper where someone has say sketched out what the UI would look like,\n<AlanBell> zleap: I can give you a heap of CDs\n<zleap> ok cool\n<AlanBell> where are you based?\n<zleap> well if I get this computer group set up, i will look in to that\n<zleap> Paignton\n<AlanBell> ok, if you can figure out how to get them from Farnham or London you can have them\n<zleap> ok, what would the postage be ?\n<zleap> given to buy 100 it costs >81 quid  i can't see it costing anywhere near that to send via mail , I can send you a cheque or something for postage\n<jonathonf> oh i don't know, according to peter cannon's g+ it can cost £32 to post some stickers\n<zleap> hmm\n<zleap> well the cost includes postage for 100 cds\n<ali1234> gord: got a referal code you want me to use or anything?\n<gord> ali1234, nah\n<zleap> maybe I can stick all the ones I have here in an envelope,  (count em) then ask at the post office how much it may cost to send them\n<zleap> that would give me a rough idea\n<jonathonf> standard parcels, no tracking, 5kg, £13.61\n<jonathonf> http://www.royalmail.com/price-finder\n<jonathonf> 10kg is £17.53\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Parcelforce 48hr should be around £10 for UK mainland.\n<TheOpenSourcerer> With an account it is about £8 IIRC.\n<ali1234> any idea why openshot says libx264 is missing, when i have it?\n<ali1234> oh, nvm it tells you how to fix it\n<popey> heh\n<zleap> hi popey\n<jonathonf> holy moly: http://www.nasa.gov/images/content/618486main_earth_full.jpg\n<zleap> wow\n<MooDoo> yeah it's the earth, big deal ;)\n<zleap> quite good detail\n<ali1234> http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/BlueMarble/\n<ali1234> 500 metres/pixel\n<popey> tis a lovely pic\n<popey> shame it's USA ☺\n<ali1234> http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/BlueMarble/BlueMarble_monthlies.php\n<zleap> i am sure they have taken others\n<popey> wow, clicking that jpg, x just exploded\n<popey> had to login again\n<ali1234> the 8000x8000 one?\n<popey> yeah, dunno if that triggered it\n<popey> but it was just after\n<shauno> heh, bluemarble at 500m/px is telling me it has 31 minutes left on 1.3GB.  yeouch\n<ali1234> they have torrents\n<popey> http://paste.ubuntu.com/817811/\n<shauno> I think torrents would be slower on work's network.  they like to block anything they can spell\n<zleap> you can see outflow from the mississipi river i think,\n<shauno> the US looks pretty baren from space\n<zleap> yeah, it looks better at nigfht you can see where cities are\n<shauno> it was more the lack of green that gets me\n<popey> someone made a ruby script which grabs the daily satellite pic of the uk iirc\n<zleap> cool\n<AlanBell> oh heck\n<zleap> ok what makes ruby and ruby on rails different from say python or c\n<popey> different language\n<gord> would be nice to get some thing like that to make a daily desktop wallpaper\n<gord> that might be fun to code\n<popey> yeah, thats what it did\n<jonathonf> ruby is similar to python, they're both interpreted\n<zleap> yeah but wha would i use ruby for\n<jonathonf> c is a lower-level language\n<zleap> right\n<AlanBell> if you accidentally do something very silly with rm, in what order does it delete things?\n<zleap> not sure\n<ali1234> whatever order they are on disk\n<daubers> AlanBell: Normally the order of \"ARGHH!!! OH MY GOD ARGHHHHHH!\"\n<popey> inode order?\n<ali1234> yeah\n<zleap> so rm -r /  means that root goes first\n<popey> no\n<popey> you can't delete root\n<heeed> ubuntu in the news again http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-16731071\n<jonathonf> iirc ext doesn't delete the data, just unlinks the inode, so you should be able to recover it (somehow)\n<AlanBell> I caught it fairly quick, just don't know what it did\n<shauno> I think it uses the same order you'll see with ls -U\n<zleap> AlanBell, if I pay postage are you happy to send the cd's please ?\n<AlanBell> zleap: sure\n<popey> http://extundelete.sourceforge.net/\n<zleap> I will try and figure out how much it costs to send 20 - 25 cd's i have that many  older ones here\n<shauno> I'm assuming he's a good geek and has backups, just isn't sure what he's retreiving from them ;)\n<zleap> AlanBell, thanks\n * popey hugs his backups\n<zleap> Ok will ask at post office sometime over the next few days\n<ali1234> so does this HUD thing have a way to list all possible commands?\n<zleap> its nice in that article that xerox parc have been given proper credit for the development of the GUI many people believe it was MS or Apple I think\n<gord> ali1234, nope\n<ali1234> also how does it work with programs like blender?\n<gord> it doesn't\n<ali1234> well that's a bit rubbish then\n<gord> well it uses appmenu, so anything that doesn't support appmenu, hud can't do\n<ali1234> so basically it doesn't work with anything that isn't gtk or qt and doesn't work with anything xhosted?\n<zleap> so that sounds like a good reason for people to build in that support and hopefully they will do so\n<gord> i actually want to spend some time adding appmenu support to blender :) can see it being very useful there\n<ali1234> not really\n<ali1234> you hardly ever use the menus in blender\n<ali1234> it is designed to be used with 1 hand on keyboard and one hand on mouse at all times\n<ali1234> that's why all keyboard shortcuts are like \"a\" and not \"ctrl-shift-a\"\n<AlanBell> would the hud help with blender if it did work then?\n<ali1234> no, because it requires you to take your hand off the mouse\n<gord> it would help me in blender\n<ali1234> it would just slow down an experienced blender user\n<ali1234> well, unless they learn to type really fast with their left hand\n<gord> experienced users will always use the key combos\n<gord> for anything\n<ali1234> even beginners use the shortcuts in blender because there's no alternative\n<gord> i use the menus\n<ali1234> :/\n<gord> because i don't know all the key combinations\n<gord> nor do i use it enough to learn them\n<ali1234> that must be sloooooooow\n<ali1234> you must know a b g\n<gord> i know a few\n<ali1234> x y z\n<gord> i know the common things, its the uncommon ones i don't\n<ali1234> and the numpad\n<gord> which is what hud would be good for\n<oimon> HUD and ubuntu tv both seem to have had a warm reception (few noisy naysayers)..\n<ali1234> that's because all the naysayers already left\n<oimon> even on g+ etc. even naysayers have to put their hands up and say, well at least it's an interesting concept\n<daubers> \\o/\n<ali1234> personally i think it's awful\n<oimon> \"few\" naysayers\n<ali1234> but presumably it will be as easy to kill as global menus\n<AlanBell> yeah, don't tap alt\n<ali1234> unlike the window management, which is kind of fundamental\n<gord> you think everything is awful though ali1234 ;)\n<oimon> buttons on the left still don't work for me\n<ali1234> yeah\n<AlanBell> I am happy with menus going back into windows, global menu doesn't work for me\n<ali1234> global menu is going?\n<AlanBell> gord: did you see the bug suggestion about putting the HUD on the application\n * oimon wonders if popey got his lenovo in the end\n<popey> when i installed hud, i realised how little I ever use menus\n<gord> AlanBell, i did\n<popey> nope oimon\n<AlanBell> ali1234: yeah, it will be optional\n<ali1234> about time :)\n<oimon> thinkpad on the ISS is a great PR :)\n<popey> sabdfl took a thinkpad to ISS\n<AlanBell> gord: that would really make sense for me, if the hud was window attached, top left of my left monitor is quite a long way from where I do most work really\n<popey> sadly running windows\n<ali1234> does anyone else get anoyed when you try to click \"back\" in firefox or something, and the launcher slides out and covers it, and you accidentally click on something else?\n<popey> nope\n<AlanBell> popey: and he did some blender renders on it\n<popey> because I have the launcher always out\n<gord> AlanBell, might change it so its per monitor. but not per app anytime soon\n<oimon> http://ubuntuone.com/4dajA311koyxyyYWuqMWEd breakfast anyone?\n<ali1234> awsome\n<ali1234> where is that?\n<oimon> his is a genuine breakfast from a cafe in Great Yarmouth that my mate told me about. Its called the \"Kids breakfast\" because it weighs the same as a small child @ 10 pounds!! It costs 15 quid and If you eat it within 60 minutes you get it for free.....noone has ever finished\n<ahayzen> oimon: Now thats what i call breakfast :)\n<jonathonf> tsk... that's so unhealthy. non-diet coke.\n<ali1234> i could eat that. not in 60 minutes though\n<ali1234> the bread is the killer\n<popey> I'd struggle with the toast\n<oimon> i'd need real life gaviscon men and a gaviscon hose pipe\n<popey> jeez, its toast, fried and raw bread!\n<AlanBell> that looks fabulous\n<oimon> apparently the cafe is called jesters\n<jpds> jonathonf: And diet coke is healthy?\n<oimon> what are the black things\n<ali1234> black pudding\n<jonathonf> well... no... but i couldn't come up with a better \"joke\" :(\n<zleap> that looks awsome\n<zleap> and yummy\n<zleap> mind you,  it would be good with a few friends to share\n<oimon> i coudn't eat anything that's touched a baked bean\n<oimon> one of my little \"things\"\n<popey> hahaha\n * popey rubs baked beans all over the channel\n<zleap> oimon, same here\n<zleap> i like tinned spaghetti though\n* AlanBell changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting 2nd February 21:00 UK time #ubuntu-uk-meeting | baked beans ftw \\o/\n<popey> i never used to eat baked beans then when i was 17 I went to a friends house and his mum made baked bean toasties\n<oimon> if i find a baked bean in the kitchen sink, it's game over\n<popey> i ate one and discovered they were lovely\n<oimon> my 2yr old son eats curried baked beans, at least they smell ok\n<oimon> i can eat alphabetti spaghetti,\n<TheOpenSourcerer> That's a bit light on bacon if you ask me.\n<shauno> I can't imagine what game ends with beans in the sink\n<zleap> yeah or spaghetti rings\n<oimon> shauno, the washing up game\n<oimon> i always lose\n<daubers> curried bakes beans are _awesome_\n<directhex> competitive eating protip: soak your bread\n<directhex> dip it in any liquid you have\n<shauno> oimon: get a dishwasher.  they're like robots, without the revolts\n<directhex> shauno, your dishwasher hasn't revolted yet?\n<oimon> i have one, but still pots, pans and baby stuff need sink attention\n<zleap> its odd that both come in tomato sauce, so it must be the taste of the beans in the sauce,\n<oimon> the texture of a bean is the worst thing ever\n<popey> you are odd\n<oimon> only by society's majority verdict\n<oimon> my least favourite liquid drink in the world is tea\n<shauno> directhex: revolting, but not revolted\n<popey> my daughter loved the cauliflower pizza I made yesterday\n<oimon> i want bacon and sossy sandwich now\n<zleap> i don't like tea either\n<daubers> oimon: Are you really a closet american?\n<zleap> hey me and oimon seem to have quite a bit in common\n* popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting 2nd February 21:00 UK time #ubuntu-uk-meeting | Tea & baked beans ftw \\o/ |\n<directhex> zleap, poor you :(\n<zleap> lol\n<zleap> well i we all have one thing in common - ubuntu\n<shauno> feeling I should keep quiet on that one\n<zleap> well Linux then\n<popey> gord: comment on the youtube video about hud...\n<popey> \"What about dyslexic people?\"\n<ali1234> why does openshot only export 9 seconds of video from a 10 second project?\n<gord> popey, supports them better than most search algorithms\n<zleap> time paradox\n<shauno> taxes\n<zleap> it seems the school version of the raspberry pi will have a case, hopefully a trans parent one, so people can see in side,\n<zleap> i would probably need one of those simply to demo it in the after school club\n<shauno> I'm astounded how much the innocent inclusion of a space in trans parent completely changed my mental picture\n<zleap> sorry\n<zleap> i see your point\n<zleap> transparent\n<zleap> hmm my shelf currently has a row of books, 1x latex book, 1x playwork book, 1x first aid manual, 1x html book, 1x football (nfl) for dummies book and a dummies book on autism\n<zleap> a real mix there eh\n<shauno> oh I wasn't trying to be picky about it.  just never saw that word in that light before :)\n<zleap> shauno, no problem,   until you pointed it out i hadn't noticed how the meaning was changed\n<shauno> how quickly my head went from rasberry pi, to tim curry\n<popey> http://www.jestersdiner.com/gallery\n<zleap> nice\n<zleap> is that were you get that huge breakfast from\n<andylockran> Howdy all\n<Linuxsapien> meh\n<Linuxsapien>  no one listens in here now :(\n<andylockran> Is it best to store files in MySQL, or references to files and store them in a web-accessible dir?\n<ujjain> The discussions were all but done. - Discussions were close to ´done´ or not at all close?\n<ujjain> sorry about the English question :P It ś a hard language.\n<ali1234> andylockran: depends on the file size\n<ali1234> ujjain: close to done\n<ujjain> You should not save files in MySQL.\n<ali1234> i disagree\n<ujjain> ¨I am all but happy about this¨  = unhappy. It seems, hmm.\n<ali1234> nobody would ever say that\n<directhex> BLOB is the devil. don't store files in mysql\n<ujjain> I have a very big image gallery, I have the meta database in database.\n<ujjain> and the files hosted on the server.\n<ujjain> Yes, directhex++.\n<ujjain> especially if you have 5000 visitors daily, it´s painful.\n<ujjain> to get every 1mb file from the MySQL, data integrity scary, meta data in SQL, + files on server, was an obvious best choice for me.\n<ujjain> ¨I am all but happy about this¨ < does this make sense. does it mean you are unhappy?\n<DJones> Probably black pudding or burnt mushrooms\n<DJones> Ugh\n<ali1234> ujjain: it doesn't make sense\n<ali1234> nobody would say that\n<shauno> I can see the logic, but you'd never hear it used\n<ujjain> ali1234: I see, it sounds very natural to me, but the exact same construction makes the exact opposite here.\n<ujjain> I am all but happy would be a way of saying ¨I am totally unhappy about this¨.\n<ujjain> ¨The talks are all but constructive¨ would be a good way to say  the talks are in/un/constructive (inconstructive)\n<shauno> for an odd definition of 'good'.  if you're at all unsure about how the other party will understand the phrase, it's better to be unambiguous\n<ujjain> ¨the talks are all but constructive¨ < does this make any sense?\n<andylockran> ali1234: yeah, I should probably just store directory paths\n<AlanBell> it is a colloquialism, not many people in not many parts of the country would say that ujjain\n<AlanBell> in fact all but a few would say it ;)\n<ali1234> ujjain: no, you can only use that idiom in relation to completeness of a task\n<ujjain> AlanBell: ah ok :) I´ll interpret ´all but´, as close... but not totally.\n<ujjain> ali1234: thanks a lot! :)\n<ali1234> argh openshot is so buggy\n<ali1234> every time i try a new program i find several bugs. does anyone else actually use this stuff?\n<shauno> no.  they just write tutorials on how easy it is to install ubuntu, and then go back to using their macs for useful work\n<shauno> (really should have added a smiley to that one)\n<shauno> just always found it odd that instalation tutorials have always vastly outnumbered any other task-based tutorial.  \"what's next\" is severly under-represented\n<ali1234> true dat\n<ali1234> if installing is so easy, why are you telling us how to do it for the 10 millionth time?\n<ali1234> bug 922196, bug 922203, bug 922207\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 922196 in openshot (Ubuntu) \"openshot cuts off the last second of video when exporting to bluray\" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/922196\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 922203 in openshot (Ubuntu) \"down dissolves revert to up dissolves when moved on the timeline\" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/922203\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 922207 in openshot (Ubuntu) \"\"replace clip\" does not work if the new clip has the same filename but is in a different directory\" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/922207\n<czajkowski> AlanBell: did we settle on the cask for next thursday ?\n<AlanBell> TheOpenSourcerer: sound good to you? ^\n<AlanBell> it is in pimlico\n<AlanBell> not quite sure why we are going to pimlico for expensive beer, but I am fine with the cask\n<brobostigon> afternononings eevryone.\n<czajkowski> AlanBell: we can book a table and thursday being busy plus nice beer :)\n<AlanBell> and I suppose if popey is coming from the tower of power it is convenient for that\n<czajkowski> and ade\n<czajkowski> but not from the tower\n<popey> to the tower!\n<Azelphur> jacobw popey AlanBell dunno if you saw me saying at like 3am last night, added a bunch of stuff including XMPP support, https://github.com/Azelphur/TwistedCat :D\n<Azelphur> netcat to your android phone \\o/\n<popey> heh\n<awilkins> #svn\n * czajkowski imagines ade walking from the tower covered in flames from passing through the door \n<AlanBell> ade has bounced on my trampoline I think\n<popey> he has\n<AlanBell> um, that isn't a very strange euphamism\n<czajkowski> ROFLOL\n * AlanBell grumbles at hud\n<gord> from reddit.com/r/flossworldproblems \"Canonical prototyping a search bar got more press than FreeBSD 9 (freebsd.org)\" ¬_¬\n<AlanBell> it broke my global menu, but if hud searched properly I wouldn't need the global menu because I would be using the hud\n<gord> made me giggle\n<AlanBell> bug 921068 needs fixing, then I don't need menus any more\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 921068 in Application Menu Indicator \"HUD search results for full words are not matching correctly\" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/921068\n<gordonjcp> heh\n<gordonjcp> I couldn't get any sense out of HUD at all\n<gordonjcp> start to type in \"File\", get to \"Fil\" and it would be showing \"View->Filters\"\n<gordonjcp> okay, maybe it wants \"open\" then \"o-p-e\" \"View->Highlighting Mode->OpenCL\"\n<popey> gordonjcp: why would you want 'file' ?\n<gordonjcp> popey: to, uh, open a file\n<popey> right\n<popey> but the menu option to open a file is 'open' as you then tried\n<gordonjcp> popey: I certainly didn't want View->Filters and don't remember gedit even having that as an option\n<zleap> yeah i want to be able to seachj for files but then know which folder it is in,  so perhaps a feature you get with firefox downloads open containing folder would be good\n<gordonjcp> popey: right, which matched \"OpenCL\"\n<popey> which is duff\n<popey> ope finds open for me\n<dogmatic69> is there a way I can make /dev/ttyS0 point to /dev/ttyUSB0\n<popey> (in gedit)\n<MartijnVdS> dogmatic69: ln -s ?\n<zleap> popey, would a symlink do that (asking about dogmatic69s question)\n<dogmatic69> MartijnVdS: ttyS0 exists, can I just delete it?\n<zleap> ok to answer that question - yes :)\n<popey> gord: is there a bug already filed that menus disappear?\n<MartijnVdS> dogmatic69: yes, or move it aside\n<gordonjcp> popey: I couldn't really spend a lot of time on it, the graphics corruption was too bad\n<popey> ahhh\n<popey> bummer\n<MartijnVdS> dogmatic69: won't stick beyond reboot anyway\n<gordonjcp> popey: 12.04 just isn't happy on my machine\n<zleap> MartijnVdS, what would happen if you put it in the bash-rc fle\n<zleap> file\n<dogmatic69> cool, thanks\n<MartijnVdS> zleap: don't put device stuff in a bashrc\n<zleap> ok\n<zleap> just asking\n<MartijnVdS> Best way to make it stick would be using udev rules\n<MartijnVdS> But it's usually a better option to \"educate\" the program that's trying to use the wrong device\n * AlanBell sees an update for the hud :)\n * brobostigon puts a berrel of hooky on the community table for eeveyone to heko themselves to, he is feeling generous.\n<brobostigon> help*\n<AlanBell> aaah the hud mixes up stuff from the indicators with stuff from the app you are in because it is all one menu\n<popey> yeah, so you can press alt then type shutdown I guess\n<AlanBell> yeah, I couldn't work out why it was always showing me thunderbirds new message in random apps like gedit\n<AlanBell> but it is because it is showing options from the messages indicator\n<AlanBell> I think the searching is better now, but it is still better at fuzzy matching than exact matching\n<bigcalm> I have returned!\n<bigcalm> Don't all get up at once\n<ali1234> who is this lord richard allan guy?\n<ali1234> facebook can't possibly realise that a large proportion of their \"users\" are in fact bots accounts created specifically to carry out malicious acts\n<ali1234> so is he lying to a judge or what?\n<jacobw> zzz\n<jacobw> nested tmux sessions are annoying\n<popey> ali1234: no idea what you're on about ☺\n<AlanBell> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-16742870\n<ali1234> yeah, that\n<AlanBell> I was just reading it\n<AlanBell> in an \"oh, so *thats* what ali1234 was on about\" kind of way\n<ali1234> i've heard that facebook bot owners typically have thousands of bot accounts\n<ali1234> it only takes a photo of a sexy girl and you can get 300 friends easily\n<ali1234> so much for neighbourhood watch\n<bigcalm> Time for a Facebook cull! Wonder if I'll cull myself this time\n<smittix> Evening all\n<jacobw> evening smittix\n<smittix> Website woes tonight. Thought I'd give myself a break\n<jacobw> what's up?\n<smittix> Just setup my VPS to serve a wordpress site and im getting Server Error 500's\n<smittix> Im sure there is a PHP module I have missed. I can remember having this problem a while back.\n<smittix> But can't for the life of me remember the name of the package I installed to get it working.\n<Azelphur> smittix: have you checked /var/log/apache2/error.log assuming your using apache2\n<smittix> Azelphur: Yeah, Nothing there that stands out.\n<Azelphur> :(\n<smittix> Yeah nothing to go from at all really\n<smittix> ahhh. Light bulb moment.\n<smittix> brb\n<smittix> Nope that was not it.\n<jacobw> are you installing from packages?\n<TK5791> Hello\n<TK5791> Am I in the right channel to get some help with Ubuntu?\n<Azelphur> !ask | TK5791\n<lubotu3> TK5791: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience\n<Azelphur> :)\n<TK5791> how do I mount a network drive in Ubuntu?\n<Azelphur> what type of network drive?\n<TK5791> Seagate NAS\n<TK5791> Go Flex to be procise\n<Azelphur> hmm, not sure what protocol they talk\n<bigcalm> When in doubt, try smb/cifs\n<TK5791> my dictionary doesn't work in LibreOffice, anyone know how to fix?\n<TK5791> anyone home/\n<TK5791> there are 133 users on this channel and no one is saying anything?\n<TK5791> what gives???\n<AlanBell> we are all asleep\n<TK5791> sounds like your all dead more like\n<AlanBell> generally if people don't know the answer they don't say anything, plus loads of people are connected 24/7 but not at their computers\n<AlanBell> undead\n<AlanBell> what dictionary?\n<TK5791> UK English\n<TK5791> in Libra it simply doesn't appear\n<AlanBell> hmm, works for me\n<AlanBell> are you on oneiric (11.10)\n<TK5791> when I attempt to spell check it just tell me that everything is ok and then quits\n<TK5791> however I know that some of the words are wrong.\n<AlanBell> no wavey red underlines on words?\n<TK5791> nope\n<ahayzen> in the status bar at the bottom does it have 'English (UK)' ?\n<TK5791> yes\n<TK5791> however when I attempt to specify UK English as the main dictionary nothing happens\n<TK5791> very frustrating\n<TK5791> in fact Ubuntu is very frustrating period\n<TK5791> strike that last remark\n<TK5791> linux is very frustrating\n<zleap> why\n<ahayzen> Is autospell check enabled?\n<TK5791> yes\n<TK5791> tools - language - for all text - English (UK) (I'm unable to put a tick against this)\n<ahayzen> i can't either but my spell check is working\n<TK5791> well then you are either lucky or I am just dam unlucky\n<ahayzen> so if you go Tools => Options => language settings => writing aids ... are all the 'User defined dictionaries' ticked?\n<smittix> Azelphur: sorted it\n<Azelphur> smittix: :D\n<smittix> I was right with the \"lightbulb moment\"\n<smittix> I just didnt restart apache heh\n<TK5791> yep\n<smittix> I hadn't installed php5-gd\n<TK5791> can anyone suggest an open source alternative to Libra?\n<TK5791> Libre\n<bigcalm> Abiword\n<TK5791> <bigcalm> thank you I'll give it a try\n<ahayzen> bigcalm: I like abiword :)\n<zleap> libreoffice is open source or do you want a simpler program ?\n<TK5791> no no no.... I want  a program that works\n<TK5791> libreoffice dictionary isn't working.... and no one seems to know how to fix it\n<TK5791> this all = frustration\n<ahayzen> TK5791: You could try the specific libreoffice channel (#libreoffice), as most of us here aren't libreoffice experts\n<AlanBell> and normally it just works\n<popey> TK5791: within libreoffice writer, if you go to tols -> spelling and grammar, what do you see in the top part of that window?\n<AlanBell> so you installed 11.10 from scratch right?\n<popey> http://popey.com/~alan/lo.png\n<popey> should look like that\n<TK5791> it should look like this but all I get  is an empty box next to Text Language\n<TK5791> clearly the software hasn't engaged the dictionary\n<popey> ahh, thats good!\n<TK5791> assigned the dic is probably a better way of putting it\n<popey> the box which on my picture has English in, is that empty and if you click it there's no options there?\n<TK5791> correct\n<popey> ok\n<popey> so the dictionary isnt installed by the look of it\n<AlanBell> oh, it uses the system dictionaries\n<TK5791> really\n<TK5791> doesn't it come pre installed?\n<popey> it does, yes\n<popey> something has gone awry\n<TK5791> that figures\n<AlanBell> yes it does, but it isn't a libreoffice dictionary, it is across the whole shebang\n<popey> there's a single one line command I could give you which could just fix it\n<popey> if you are okay opening up a terminal?\n<TK5791> terminal right?\n<popey> yeah, if you can get to a terminal and issue this command it should install any missing stuff\n<TK5791> ok I'm ready\n<TK5791> do I need to quit the application 1st?\n<popey> now, there's one check before we do it, are you using Ubuntu or Kubuntu or some other derivative like Mint?\n<popey> yes\n<TK5791> ubuntu\n<popey> ok\n<popey> sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^\n<popey> that is the command\n<popey> the caret on the end is important\n<popey> it will ask for your password\n<popey> then it _should_ install extra missing stuff\n<TK5791> ok\n<TK5791> its completed install I'll give it a bash\n<popey> did it download and install stuff?\n<popey> maybe stuff with dictionary type names?\n<TK5791> it installed something.... do I need to do something in the software to assign the dictionary?\n<popey> shouldn't have to\n<popey> it should figure it out\n<popey> if not, then something else may be amiss\n<TK5791> ok... then nothing has changed\n<popey> hmm\n<popey> ok, in libreoffice go to Tools -> Options\n<TK5791> ok\n<popey> Then on the left under 'Language Settings' there is 'Writing aids'\n<TK5791> yep\n<popey> http://popey.com/~alan/lo.png\n<popey> thats what mine looks like\n<TK5791> i appear to be missing GB English\n<popey> ahh, thats progress\n<popey> no idea how you add that\n<popey> congratulations! you have successfully reached the limits of my libreoffice knowledge!\n<popey> You win a prize ☺\n<TK5791> ok\n<TK5791> thanks anyway\n<popey> I don't know if AlanBell knows more ☺\n<AlanBell> ok, lets see\n<AlanBell> ok TK5791 can you go to the system settings program and find the language support option in there\n<AlanBell> so in the dash search for system settings, or it might be on the launcher bar\n<smittix> TK5791: What version of Ubuntu?\n<TK5791> found it Alan\n<TK5791> its updating the language.. something was missing apparently\n<AlanBell> oooh\n<popey> yay\n<AlanBell> in that list it should start with English (United Kingdom) followed by English\n<TK5791> aye ;)\n<AlanBell> then some other colonies of the old British Empire\n<TK5791> fixed\n<AlanBell> yay\n<TK5791> its working now\n<TK5791> blimey that was a slog\n<TK5791> thank you thank you thank you thank you\n<smittix> another happy customer.\n<TK5791> now if I could only figure out how to mount a network drive\n<popey> a windows one?\n<bigcalm> Whenever I move my mouse to the bottom of this monitor, I keep expecting it to then appear on my Xoom tablet. Too many screens on this desk -\n<TK5791> no I linux one... Go Flex Seagate to be more precise\n<AlanBell> TK5791: in the nautilus file manager go to file-connect to server, in the type dropdown select the type of share (windows, ssh, etc) and put in the address to connect to\n<dutchie> hmmm\n<dutchie> cron is doing something strange\n<smittix> bigcalm: HEH\n<bigcalm> The device may show up on your 'Network' places\n<dutchie> well, not doing anything at all\n<TK5791> sorry don't know where Nautilus is\n<bigcalm> dutchie: what should it be doing?\n<bigcalm> 'something'\n<dutchie> it's supposed to be running a desktop background rotation script and a script wrapper round get_iplayer\n<dutchie> but it isn't\n<AlanBell> TK5791: nautilus is the name of the file manager, like finder or windows explorer\n<dutchie> I added a \"* * * * * echo hi > /home/josh/cronstamp\" and that ran\n<TK5791> I've found connect to server\n<dutchie> so i am assuming there is something wrong with the lines invoking the scripts\n<TK5791> it seems to be what you're referring to\n<AlanBell> great\n<TK5791> does afp mean anything\n<TK5791> I can see the drive, but can it mounted like a folder in win?\n<bigcalm> AFP is a news site\n<AlanBell> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Filing_Protocol\n<TK5791> AFP Volume\n<bigcalm> Oh\n<AlanBell> dunno if it supports that, most NAS devices present stuff as windows shares as well as other protocols\n<dutchie> ok, changing from \"/path/to/script\" to \"/bin/bash /path/to/script\" didn't make a difference\n<bigcalm> dutchie: if you're calling a .sh, try \"/bin/sh /home/josh/myfunkyscript.sh\"\n<dutchie> heh\n * bigcalm shrugs :S\n<TK5791> I own a mac but I can assure you the drive wasn't set up on the mac but rather on Win vista\n<AlanBell> bug 846473\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 846473 in nautilus (Ubuntu) \"Browse networks shows afp mounts but can't mount them\" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/846473\n<AlanBell> apparently the fix is that it can mount them now\n<AlanBell> I suspect the NAS box can serve up the same stuff as a windows share, AFP thing webdav etc. etc. The one that is advertised best is the AFP share, but it might not be the best one to connect to\n<TK5791> ok\n<TK5791> thank you again Alan... you've been a trem help\n<smittix> laptopamabob\n<dutchie> i made an askubuntu thing, http://askubuntu.com/questions/98855/cron-jobs-not-running\n<smittix> Can anyone access nixaddict.com ?\n<bigcalm> Oops, nothing here :(\n<smittix> that's ok. I can't get anything. Must be DNS\n<smittix> No post's I have only just brought it up.\n<bigcalm> I see\n<bigcalm> Yes, the site works for me\n<smittix> ta :)\n<HazRPG> \\o greets from Egypt!\n<AlanBell> o/ HazRPG\n#ubuntu-uk 2012-01-27\n<Azelphur> Is there something I can use to log all the packets to and from a specific address?\n<AlanBell> wireshark\n<AlanBell> though that is more for investigating stuff real time than a long term logging thing\n<Azelphur> hehe\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: hows it going dude?\n<AlanBell> not so bad HazRPG\n<AlanBell> how is egypt?\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: good good\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: yeah egypt isn't too bad really, slowly getting settled in (along with catching up on local family drama that they apparently didn't want to tell me about in the past because they didn't want me to worry too much)\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: amazing how much stuff happens when your not around 24/7\n<HazRPG> weekends being friday/saturday just seems awkward btw\n<HazRPG> i was use to thurs/fri in saudi, and obv sat/sun UK... but fri/sat just seems random\n<popey> AlanBell: looked at the source for myunity?\n<popey> Good old BASIC\n<HazRPG> hurray for BASIC \\o/\n<ubuntuuk-planet> [Jonathan Riddell] Plasma and KDE Applications 4.8 on Kubuntu - http://blogs.kde.org/node/4529\n<directhex> BASIC?\n<directhex> oh, gambas\n<directhex> for people who pine after VB6 ._.\n<ubuntubhoy> I was thinking more CB86 myself\n<directhex> QBASIC was the best BASIC\n<ubuntubhoy> that was the free QuickBasic ?\n<ubuntubhoy> or have I got it the wrong way round\n<czajkowski> aloha\n<AlanBell> popey: heh, no, I didn't realise it was BASIC\n<AlanBell> I did look at the source for compizconfig-settings-manager and I have patched it to remove the slider bars\n<MooDoo> morning all\n<danfish> greetings\n<smittix> Morning all\n<czajkowski> how are we all this fine friday morning\n<MooDoo> morning morning, i'm fine czajkowski thanks, hows the back?\n<czajkowski> good thanks\n<smittix> Not too bad, at least it's friday!\n<MooDoo> ace\n<czajkowski> was a little bit sore last nigth after physio\n<MooDoo> yay\n<MooDoo> that was to smittix not you czajkowski lol\n<smittix> heh\n<czajkowski> ;)\n<MooDoo> just changed all my dns over to opendns, so noticed and improvement.\n<smittix> So there is an improvement MooDoo ?\n<MooDoo> yes sorry, typo\n<smittix> Cool\n<mrevell> Hello Ubuntuns\n<MartijnVdS> mrevell: Ubuntians?\n<MartijnVdS> Ubuntistas?\n<mrevell> Ubunteros :)\n<diplo> Morning all\n<bigcalm> Good morning peeps\n<Laney> howdy ho\n * popey slaps mrevell \n * mrevell thanks popey\n<popey> bug 272826\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 272826 in Ubuntu Website \"\"Ubuntero\" inappropriate for female contributors\" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/272826\n<popey> not that I'm a female contributor\n<popey> well, not on weekdays anyway\n<MartijnVdS> blame jono for that name, I think? :)\n<mrevell> popey, My heart has sunk a little at being reminded of that bug.\n<popey> heh\n<mrevell> MartijnVdS, Jeff Waugh I think.\n<MartijnVdS> mrevell: That long ago already? Time flied :)\n<MartijnVdS> flies *\n<mrevell> Sho does\n<popey> we're gonna hit a million bugs soon\n<MartijnVdS> ONE MILLION BUGS *pinky at corner of mouth*\n<bigcalm> Waugh, huh, what is he good for?\n<Myrtti> PINK mentio... oh\n<bigcalm> Heh, awwww\n<MartijnVdS> Myrtti: I triggered a highlight? :)\n<Myrtti> MARMITE DAMNIT\n<Myrtti> yes. yes you did.\n<popey> \\o/\n<oimon> i'm watching loads of bugs that should have been closed or obsoleted. is there a policy on closing stuff that realtes to unsupported releases?\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Morning Ubuntlings\n<TheOpenSourcerer> !!! IT'S FRIDAY !!!\n<MartijnVdS> TheOpenSourcerer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Hmm, ubot knows nothing about IT'S FRIDAY\n<MartijnVdS> TheOpenSourcerer: time to teach it.\n<smittix> hmm bbpress doesnt seem to like permalinks\n<oimon> does xchat-gnome do native ubuntu notifications if someone mentions your name?\n<MartijnVdS> oimon: let's try :)\n<oimon> hmm\n<oimon> tryagain please?\n<MartijnVdS> oimon: let's try again!\n<oimon> meh. how lame\n<bigcalm> oimon: xchat does, don't know about the -gnome wrapper\n<oimon> orly, how weird\n<bigcalm> I don't actually know why there is a -gnome\n<oimon> allegedly a nicer ui\n * oimon goes to check xchat plain\n<oimon> hmm. xchat plain seems better :P\n<bigcalm> oimon: but what of the highlighting thingy?\n<bigcalm> oimon: is there OSD notification joy?\n<Myrtti> lol\n<Myrtti> Finnish news are laughing at Daily Mail\n<Myrtti> \"Winter's coming with a vengeance... Siberian storm to bring -5C temperatures to Britain and the big freeze could last a month\"\n<Myrtti> Siberian storm :-DDDDD\n<MartijnVdS> woo -5\n<MartijnVdS> Myrtti: You're from Finland. Isn't -5°C a warm breeze over there? ;)\n<Myrtti> yes :-D\n<bigcalm> Myrtti: you know DM is not to be paid attention to?\n<oimon> bigcalm: i missed that due to no OSD :(\n<Daviey> I seem to be listening to beach boys, and loving it.\n<Myrtti> bigcalm: I know, but one of our main tv channels doesn't\n<Myrtti> http://www.mtv3.fi/uutiset/ulkomaat.shtml/2012/01/1484628/kylmaa-on-kuin-siperiassa-tama-on-brittien-kasitys-asiasta\n<bigcalm> I don't think Spotify liked being hybernated :S\n<brobostigon> good morning everyone,\n<bigcalm> Hi brobostigon\n<MartijnVdS> g'morning brobostigon\n<brobostigon> morninf bigcalm and MartijnVdS\n<oimon> does anyone use Document templates? right click on desktop and look at the create documnet menu option\n<oimon> i've never even noticed it before.\n<popey> i have noticed it, and never used it\n<sagaci> oimon: or lack of templates, you mean\n<oimon> bug 372132\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 372132 in nautilus (Ubuntu) \"\"Create Document\" Templates difficult to use\" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/372132\n<bigcalm> I don't think I even used that feature on ms windows\n<oimon> it would be useful if it allowed openoffice and other new documents, or new tomboy note\n<oimon> but rather pointless without clear guidance on adding templates, or without default ones\n<sagaci> yep, I don't understand why they keep it empty, with only Empty Document available\n<oimon> the weird thing about the rationale behind keeping it empty, should mean that it is hidden until you add templates, since it is useless otherwise\n<andylockran> Morning Campers\n<brobostigon> morning andylockran\n<AlanBell> oimon: wow, that is a really cool feature I never knew existed\n<oimon> AlanBell: yeah, and i've used ubuntu since 2004\n<smittix> I use the Templates dir quite alot. Right click and create an invoice is pretty handy.\n<MartijnVdS> smittix: but it's poorly documented (to say the least)\n<shauno> that's been in nautilus for as long as I can remember.  and always felt broken, since $XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR defaults to $HOME (or $HOME/Templates in ubuntu).  feels like something that belongs under /usr/share so packages can populate it\n<MartijnVdS> shauno: both really\n<shauno> well being able to add them per-user is A Neat Trick.  having 'new abiword document' there because you have abiword install just seems completely obvious\n<smittix> MartijnVdS: Yeah, I only found it through a some obscure google search.\n<shauno> relevant: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/17439/\n<oimon> wow, i'd forgotten all about that site\n<popey> you and everyone else\n<shauno> well, there's nothing there saying that it's left for archive purposes and all the cool kids have moved to stackexchange.  but good idea is still a good idea\n<gord> someone reminded me the other day that slashdot still existed, surprised me\n<bigcalm> Fnar fnar\n<MartijnVdS> gord: CmdrTaco no longer works there though\n<oimon> slashdot still ha interesting stories\n<MartijnVdS> I prefer Ars myself\n<MartijnVdS> ArsTechnica++\n<oimon> oeer missis\n<oimon> good recovery\n<shauno> I've never gotten around to removing slashdot from my feed reader, but they do tend to be a few days behind everyone else now\n<gord> i always found the slashdot story feed to just be inflammatory articles designed to agitate its reader base. its the daily mail of software news\n<oimon> it saves me reading everything about everything. if i've already seen the story then meh, but otherwise the articles are often interesting topics\n<oimon> but gord, you read reddit :P\n<gord> for the cat pictures!\n<gord> reddit.com/r/aww is where it is at\n<MartijnVdS> gord: /r/adviceanimals\n<oimon> just realised i'd left that picture of a massive breakfast open in image viewer...and it's friday...hungry now\n<oimon> face it guys, we're too old for reddit\n<oimon> it's for kids\n<MartijnVdS> oimon: Reddit is fun.\n<gord> am 25 years old, prime demographic\n<oimon> gord: ah you look older :P\n<MartijnVdS> oimon: I can let my trolling bits run wild there ;)\n<MartijnVdS> (no NOT on /r/gonewild)\n<MartijnVdS> (nsfw, obviously)\n<oimon> demographic of reddit seems to be kids to want to know how to do stuff to girls\n<MartijnVdS> oimon: that's /r/askreddit. Just point them at /r/seduction and THEN point SRS at them :)\n<MartijnVdS> Trolling at its finest\n<popey> i never visit reddit ☹\n<popey> unless someone links to something specific\n<MartijnVdS> popey: you shuold :)\n<shauno> I rarely leave reddit.  I have an exceptionally dull job.\n<gord> the key to reddit is to just find your niche, subscribe to the smaller subreddits that you find interesting and remove the bigger annoying ones full of morons\n<MartijnVdS> gord: and /r/random\n<gord> really wish the local co-op wasn't having a sale on christmas chocolates. i bought these cadbury heroes for dirt cheep on monday and have inhaled 2/3rds the box\n<popey> \\o/ cleaner has left, i can emerge from my cave\n<MartijnVdS> To the pope-mobile!\n<brobostigon> lol\n<diplo> Cleaner?!?!? Don't you work from home now ?\n<gord> main reason i don't have a cleaner, the awkwardness\n<popey> diplo: yes, i work from home, I don't clean from home\n<gord> jerry seinfeld put it best. i'm sorry i'm such a slob.. i could of cleaned that up, i'm just lazy. i know. i'm so sorry\n<diplo> pfft :)\n<popey> wifey works full time too\n<smittix> Anyone any good with Wordpress?\n<popey> wassup?\n<smittix> Installed BBPress and it doesnt seem to like Permalinks.\n<popey> never used bbpress\n<smittix> ahh, actually let me see if mod_rewrite is actually on.\n<smittix> HAH, What a dumbass. I hadn't even enabled mod_rewrite,duh.\n * MartijnVdS points & laughs\n<MartijnVdS> ;)\n<smittix> :)\n<smittix> I was setting the VPS up all night. I was tired ;)\n<davmor2> morning all\n<davmor2> czajkowski: prod prod prodity prod prod prod prodity prod prod prod prod proddity prod!\n<oimon> cleaners are great. wifey doesn't work and we can barely afford it, but she is looking after our sprog. the cleaner works like a maniac for 2hrs and the house is good again\n<oimon> for another week\n<bigcalm> davmor2: https://twitter.com/#!/bigcalm/status/162645009705869312\n<MooDoo> hi davmor2\n<davmor2> MooDoo: morning dude\n<davmor2> bigcalm: nice\n<bigcalm> davmor2: it was waiting for me when I got home, hanging from the letter box\n<bigcalm> So no worries\n<bigcalm> I'll probably bring it in 2 weeks. So very pleased with it\n<davmor2> bigcalm: looks good to be honest\n<bigcalm> davmor2: and it was a good job I bought the Xoom when I did. It's no longer for sale on the Carphone Warehouse site\n<bigcalm> Gosh darn you skype. You've become rather pants in the last 16 hours\n<Daviey> bigcalm: You use skype?\n<Daviey> I guess you use skype for verbal, and ICQ for text chat?  How are those flares doing? :)\n<bigcalm> Daviey: I use skype for business calls and some clients like to converse over it as well\n<davmor2> Daviey: It's a work thing for him bless\n<bigcalm> Daviey: flares have moth holes in them :(\n<davmor2> bigcalm: install skype on your xoom and try that instead :)\n<bigcalm> Heh, tempting\n<daubers> Morning\n * daubers attemptes to coat his throat in chocolatey goodness\n<bigcalm> If I get sick, I'll blame Alex and gord. But mostly Alex I think\n<gord> why me?!\n<gord> i'm a victim\n<bigcalm> Heh\n<bigcalm> Possibly infectious\n<gord> i'm going to bring smallpox next time out of spite\n<davmor2> bigcalm: just go on #wolveslug and blame moreati directly :D\n<bigcalm> Haha\n<bigcalm> Oh my goodness\n<bigcalm> I now have skype set up on the Xoom to take calls\n<bigcalm> And it works \\o/\n<bigcalm> davmor2: ta for the suggestion\n<bigcalm> No idea if the video conferencing works though\n<davmor2> bigcalm: I'd go and get mine and tell you to call me but I can't be bothered :P\n<bigcalm> Hah\n * smittix can't stop listening to Massive Attack - Tear Drops\n<smittix> Damn you spotify.\n<MooDoo> lol\n<smittix> I always do it with songs I like though. I will wear them out and not like them a week later.\n<czajkowski> davmor2: good day to you\n<davmor2> czajkowski: prod!\n<DJones> christel: Just came across a refence to this, thought you'd like it http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_L_xtQKmEeWU/S-nmKg_pX5I/AAAAAAAABtI/mQD6D5IZNjw/s1600/DSCF0821.JPG\n<bigcalm> Gooooooooo\n * christel looksies\n<christel> OH MY GOD\n<davmor2> christel: but none for you :P\n<DJones> christel: Its supposed to be starting to appear in the shops\n<bigcalm> And nobody knows where it comes from\n<bigcalm> It just appears\n<DJones> I blame gremlins\n<davmor2> any a11y guys about?  if so how do you expand a collapsed tab?\n * davmor2 is spending a day in orca/keyboard land to see what you can and can't do in USC\n<czajkowski> whoo sheldon is behaving well. abotyer 117 updates to go\n<czajkowski> might get rid of the annoying crash when I boot up and do nothing but seemingy something is broken\n<AlanBell> o/ davmor2\n<AlanBell> collapsed tab??\n<davmor2> AlanBell: goto the installed tab in USC you see accessories etc normally you would click on the pissy little arrow to expand the tab\n<AlanBell> usc is a train wreak\n<davmor2> AlanBell: Yes I know I'm being selfish though in that if I can get the A11y working better for orca/and real people  it will help with test automation through things like ldtp\n<AlanBell> davmor2: enter or sometimes right\n<davmor2> AlanBell: tried both nothing\n<AlanBell> yeah, ldtp is great\n<AlanBell> usc is full of nonstandard non-gtk non-working widgets\n<AlanBell> that isn't a real treeview control\n<davmor2> AlanBell: it say it is\n<AlanBell> + and - on the numeric keypad\n<davmor2> AlanBell: that's the one thanks\n<AlanBell> that might end up putting you into orca flat review mode too\n<AlanBell> so even with a mouse I can't expand the categories by double clicking the names of them\n<davmor2> AlanBell: no that seemed to work, however notification, notifyosd is starting to get on my wick\n<AlanBell> what you want is my speech dispatcher plugin that gets orca to append text to /tmp/orca.out\n<AlanBell> then you can tail -f orca.out in a window so you can read what it says\n<davmor2> AlanBell: unfortunately it just crashed USC not so good :)\n<davmor2> AlanBell: No I have gwibber on the go so it keeps popping up notification notifyosd not very useful to be honest :(\n<davmor2> AlanBell: it's a real eye opener on how bad an experience you are likely to get to be honest :(\n<AlanBell> indeed, going eyes-free is an eye-opener\n<AlanBell> at the moment barely anything apart from ubiquity has had any attention to orca readability\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Oh wow, this Graphene stuff is so cool it's beginning to hurt: http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/115909-graphene-the-perfect-water-filter\n<bigcalm> That is fantastic\n<bigcalm> Super-vodka!\n<MartijnVdS> \\o/ super-vodka! :)\n<AlanBell> davmor2: every time a custom widget is used a kitten dies\n<davmor2> AlanBell: That has no effect on me, replace kitten with czajkowski and then I'd care who would I have to pick on then :D\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Funny, a friend is touring in SE Asia. She's just checked in to somewhere in Laos. I saw a \"Get Directions\" link on FB and thought it would be funny to see what it said... Bing Maps said - can't find a route. :-(\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Google, in about 2 secs gave me a 7500 driving direction map. :-)\n<MartijnVdS> aww :)\n<TheOpenSourcerer> 7809miles - 7 days.\n<TheOpenSourcerer> No stops.\n<TheOpenSourcerer> :-(\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Through some very dodgy areas too.\n<TheOpenSourcerer> So I guess maybe Bing is right to not suggest a driving route.\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Krygystan, Tajikistan, Afganistan, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Burma... Dodgy.\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Or I go through Iran on the alternative route :-D\n<MartijnVdS> Wow.. Google knows enough roads to plan a road trip to Asia.\n<MartijnVdS> Modern tech++\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Yeah - two ways/\n<MartijnVdS> TheOpenSourcerer: what if you 'avoid highways'\n * MartijnVdS is trying to find the longest possible route\n<MartijnVdS> from anywhere to anywhere\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Dunno - Try it yourself. Stick an interesting destination like somewhere in Cambodia...\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Longest route would probably be to Vladivostok or somewhere on the east coast of Russia. Or perhaps Alaska to Tierra del Feugo\n<MartijnVdS> TheOpenSourcerer: Cape Town to Колыма\n<MartijnVdS> TheOpenSourcerer: 19 days :)\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Cool.\n<smittix> mmm Fried Chicken\n<kvarley> When I add a PPA and update my sources list it says not found. Why is this?\n<MartijnVdS> kvarley: maybe the PPA doesn't exist for your version of Ubuntu\n<kvarley> MartijnVdS: Ah yeah, that's the case\n<kvarley> MartijnVdS: Ty\n<iclebyte> has any one seen a scenario when building a software RAID1 array via the 10.04LTS installer in which when creating the first MD device the only partitions listed are sda1 and sda2 - no sda1 and sdb1?\n * mattt is waiting on lunch\n * iclebyte doesn't seem to get lunches these days\n<mattt> iclebyte: that's horrible ... lunch is essential\n<Supermanintights> hey guys, i'm setting up a linode, using ubuntu 11.10 - and i've logged into it via ssh.  it's telling me to do the following: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/818885/  what's the command to edit via console again, I'm not 100% sure\n<Supermanintights> thanks\n<gord> haaah. kinect advert, runs on ubuntu ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lsu-6wfCH7M\n<mattt> Supermanintights: vi/nano\n<Supermanintights> thanks\n<bigcalm> davmor2: I can confirm that video calls do not work with skype on the Xoom\n<popey> thats rubbish\n<MartijnVdS> They don't?\n<bigcalm> Doesn't work for me\n<popey> works on the transformer\n * MartijnVdS uses GTalk anyway\n<bigcalm> Locks up the app which eventually has to be force closed\n<bigcalm> Voice calls work just fine\n<popey> oh, thats different\n<bigcalm> Installing skype told me that the device wasn't supported but might work anyway\n<bigcalm> So it does and it doesn't :)\n<bigcalm> Not that I need to use video calling for work though\n<popey> i left a transformer on, on my desk and suddenly skype call started, my brother was drunk video calling me\n<bigcalm> Haha\n<davmor2> popey: nice\n<bigcalm> I'm glad that I can sign into the same account on multiple devices\n<bigcalm> Skype IM on my workstation (which has a useable keyboard). Skype Audio on my Xoom (which doesn't).\n<davmor2> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lsu-6wfCH7M muhahahahah does this mean we can add this to bug1  1:47 in not the gnome menu :D\n<zleap> hi\n<Myrtti> tea ♥\n<AlanBell> well spotted davmor2\n<davmor2> AlanBell: not me someone else I just thought everyone else would like it :)\n<davmor2> AlanBell: Shockingly in USC it's not quite as bad as I thought,  it's mostly badly name/keyboard interactive buttons that seem to be the issue\n<davmor2> AlanBell: admittedly I am on page 3 of the bug report\n<AlanBell> there is a lot of unexpected navigation that doesn't work, like the thing on the left that you can't go up and down, you have to tab\n<AlanBell> and the toolbar fake notebook tabs with dropdown menus that are not menus\n<davmor2> AlanBell: already noted also it has no name so you don't know what you are tabbing up and down\n* popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting 2nd February 21:00 UK time #ubuntu-uk-meeting | ☕ Tea & baked beans ftw \\o/ |\n * AlanBell expects a hot drink\n<popey> haha\n<AlanBell> soo predictable\n<MartijnVdS> AlanBell: Warm whiskey?\n<popey> ☑\n<AlanBell> ☕\n<davmor2> haha\n<MartijnVdS> Too bad the Unicode6 emoticons don't play well with Irssi, or Screen\n<hamitron> so many special chars\n<hamitron> :/\n<MartijnVdS> 😣\n<MartijnVdS> it's screen\n<popey> we are a channel full of special characters\n<MartijnVdS> j.p.c\n<hamitron> that didn't work in YChat either\n<hamitron> popey, haha :D\n<davmor2> popey: and so says EPIC BRIAN :D\n<andylockran> popey: did you get paid much for that appearance?\n<popey> wut?\n<andylockran> EPIC BRIAN :p\n<popey> i have no idea what you're on about\n<andylockran> popey is sooo MoneySuperMarket.com\n<andylockran> you must have seen the advert?\n<davmor2> AlanBell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/922657 that's as far as I could get tabbing in webkitaccessibilty core dumped USC :(\n<lubotu3> Ubuntu bug 922657 in software-center (Ubuntu) \"The Big A11y/orca/keyboard only list\" [Undecided,New]\n<andylockran> am I imagining things?\n<davmor2> AlanBell: feel free to add any I missed :)\n * Pendulum subscribes to bug\n<AlanBell> awesome\n<Pendulum> davmor2: also thank you :)\n<davmor2> Pendulum: I did say I would stay on top of them, again purely selfish reasons it'll make automation easier :)\n<zleap> hmm,  listening to the moody blues, nights in white satin, the picture in vlc is starwars errant knight\n<davmor2> zleap: and what is wrong with that, he is a knight in white satin ;)\n<zleap> nothing it is supposded to display the album or single cover,  it does however come up with some really interesting pictures sometimes\n<zleap> AlanBell, can i message you please ?\n<AlanBell> zleap: sure, but I might go unresponsive, loads of screaming kids are about to arrive\n<zleap> ok\n<davmor2> unity spotify people do you use the spotify scope?\n<bigcalm> I want new spotify :(\n<gord> do you still have to pay for spotify to get the linux version?\n<bigcalm> Time to look at windows version in wine\n<bigcalm> No idea, but I pay\n<davmor2> gord: no idea I just saw the top ten lens link in omgubuntu and thought I'd have a look\n<Myrtti> I probably use it as much on my mobile, so I pay as well\n<popey> davmor2: i have used it\n<gord> everyone says spotify is a really great thing, but last time i used it it was horrible... should try it again i guess\n<bigcalm> Nope, windows version doesn't work in wine in 11.10 for me :(\n<gord> crazy people still on 11.10\n<bigcalm> :P\n<gord> (it prolly doesn't work on 12.04 either)\n<davmor2> gord: add me to the crazy list, I have all sorts :P\n<gord> i don't have a crazy list, i have a \"sane\" list. it consists of me and my cat.\n<bigcalm> Mow\n<diplo> 9.10/10.04 and 11.10 here :/\n<diplo> Scared breaking my revo putting 11.10 on it for xbmc :)\n<diplo> breaks on two of my other machines\n<davmor2> gord: ther eare one to many on that list.......the cat can stay\n<gord> i think one of my xbmc machines is on maverick. eh. no point in upgrading them\n<gord> i'll prolly upgrade them all to 12.04 once that is out and stay on there\n<davmor2> gord: for a couple of years or so right :)\n * hamitron is waiting till he does anything major\n<gord> davmor2, 5 is the aim ;)\n<gord> spotify seems to think every computer is a mac\n<davmor2> gord: Yeah but they'll be a newer lts out in 2 years :)\n<gord> right. but for an xbmc, what is there that i could want in a newer lts?\n<gord> wut. spotify is in qt. but uses the gtk file chooser?\n<davmor2> gord: shiny shiny\n<davmor2> gord: oh nice\n<gord> well spotify just crashes constantly and couldn't play half my mp3 files. nevermind then.\n<diplo> gord, you using eden ?\n<bigcalm> How might I use grep to find instances of <? not <?php ?\n<drhodesmumby> bigcalm: I'd first grep for the <? then pipe the results of that into a grep -v for the <?php\n<drhodesmumby> bigcalm: -v gives you results which don't contain the search string, so you'd be stripping out <?php from your original grep's results.\n<bigcalm> drhodesmumby: indeed, I use it to remove svn results. Ta for the mental prod :)\n<drhodesmumby> bigcalm: no problem. :-)\n<drhodesmumby> Hello everyone by the way.\n<dwatkins> beware of unescaped chevrons when grepping like that\n<dwatkins> I've wiped-out whole logfiles grepping for usernames in IRC logs.\n<bigcalm> My line did what I needed :)\n<bigcalm> grep -r \"<?\" ./ | grep -v svn | grep -v \"Derivatives.ppx\" | grep -v \"<?php\" | grep -v sql | less\n<dwatkins> Linux saves an otherwise disastrous day :D\n<bigcalm> Short tags are rife in this project and it's not working when short tags are disabled :)\n<drhodesmumby> There's probably a more elegant way to do it with a single grep, but quite frankly why dig when pipes and -v are so simple? :P\n<bigcalm> Indeed\n<andylockran> yeah, I dig pipes :D\n<bigcalm> Really what I need to look for are \"<? \" and \"<?\\n\"\n<bigcalm> \\n being a new line\n<drhodesmumby> bigcalm: doesn't grep recognise the newline character?\n<drhodesmumby> A quick google suggests $ at the end of the pattern is a newline.\n<christel> Nafallo: you around?\n<gordonjcp> y'know, in 11.10 the search-y thing in alt-f2 doesn't match full words either\n<gordonjcp> alt-f2, type \"evinc\" first suggestion is evince, type \"evince\" and the first suggestion is \"evince-previewer\"\n<bigcalm> Almost forgot to find and replace <?= with <?php echo\n<bigcalm> mgdm: ping\n<Pendulum> TheOpenSourcerer: are you around? I need a chili expert\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Could be!\n<Pendulum> do you know of any sites that would be good for identifying chilis?\n<Pendulum> my mum has just brought home about 5 different types, but didn't keep track of what they were\n<Pendulum> so I am probably going to play \"match the chili\" this afternoon to try to sort it\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Take some decent pictures and let me have a look over the weekend. If you are RHS members they can identify any plant from you. Or ask on Twitter - There are quite a few chilli experts on there.\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Being accurate on species can be hard because many varieties look the same.\n<Pendulum> TheOpenSourcerer: I should probably mention that she's cooking them tonight\n<TheOpenSourcerer> What do you really want to know about them?\n<Pendulum> well, actually over the afternoon\n<Pendulum> I'd like to know what they are\n<Pendulum> that's really all I care about\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Pictures should be enough to give you a decent idea.\n<Pendulum> I should probably mention that some of them are dried\n<Pendulum> TheOpenSourcerer: mostly we're a bit in shock as she went off to shop at 9AM and it took her 3 1/2 hours to come back and we think she bought out the store\n<Pendulum> and she doesn't even like chilis\n<awilkins> Have we had a row^W discussion about ACTA today?\n<ali1234> eve redesigned their menu... now it works exactly like unity\n<ali1234> i find this hilarious\n<ali1234> the only thing it doesn't have is a dash\n<ali1234> it has a classic style start menu instead\n * AlanBell facepalms at the myunity form\n<AlanBell> and gambas in general (though that might be unfair)\n<Azelphur> syslog = dmesg right?\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: no\n<Azelphur> how does one look at the syslog? :P\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: dmesg prints the contents kernel message buffer\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: klogd also reads that, and sends it to syslog\n<MartijnVdS> (it ends up in /var/log//kern.log)\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: Usually in files in /var/log :)\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: check /etc/rsyslog.conf and /etc/rsyslog.d/* for details\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: (or /etc/syslog.conf on older systems with syslogd instead of rsyslogd)\n<Azelphur> ah, /var/log/syslog\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: yes, depending on log level (severity) and source (facility)\n<mattt> evening all\n<MartijnVdS> hi mattttttt\n<mattt> MartijnVdS: how's things?  :)\n<MartijnVdS> OK :) Just ordered some Moo cards\n<MartijnVdS> moo++\n<zleap> what are moo cards\n<MartijnVdS> zleap: business cards (or half-height business cards) from moo.com\n<mattt> MartijnVdS: what's your business?\n<MartijnVdS> mattt: Not much really.. I just put some of my photos on the front, and my name + email on the back\n<MartijnVdS> mattt: I intend to give them out when making photos\n<MartijnVdS> mattt: http://www.flickr.com/photos/treenaks\n<jacobw> evening\n<popey> AlanBell: haha, had a look at the source huh?\n<AlanBell> popey: yeah /o\\\n<AlanBell> epic epic fail\n<popey> i know we can do better\n<zleap> ah\n<zleap> i get business cards from vistaprint\n<AlanBell> popey: yeah, I am sure it is possible\n<AlanBell> did you see all the hard coded do this if distribution is \"Ubuntu 11.04\" stuff\n<popey> yes\n<zleap> ohh stickers,  could make some custom ubuntu-uk stickers :)\n<AlanBell> and the super-wide single form with non-standard widgets to scroll bits of it into view, never mind the fact you can tab out of the visible area\n<MartijnVdS> zleap: easily.\n<popey> http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/01/27/ubuntu-developer-summit-sponsorship-now-open-3/\n<zleap> yeah\n<AlanBell> so yeah, myunity could be done better, yes.\n<MartijnVdS> zleap: My sister is a teacher, she has some ideas like \"make a card game\"\n<zleap> cool\n<mattt> MartijnVdS: you seem to go to a lot of music shows\n<MartijnVdS> AlanBell: what is \"gambas\"?\n<MartijnVdS> mattt: Not as many as I used to\n<popey> !info gambas\n<lubotu3> Package gambas does not exist in oneiric\n<popey> bah\n<jacobw> VB\n<MartijnVdS> Is it Visual BASIC for Linux?\n<popey> !info gambas2\n<lubotu3> gambas2 (source: gambas2): Complete visual development environment for Gambas. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.22.0-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 3 kB, installed size 136 kB\n<popey> yes\n<zleap> 50 stickers/labels \t£15.99\n<zleap> could be good,  popey would we be able to use the ubuntu-uk logo for this legally ?\n<MartijnVdS> zleap: you can have every sticker/label be different if you want\n<popey> depends if you want to sell them or give them away\n<zleap> give them away\n<AlanBell> advocacy stuff is fine\n<zleap> or stick them on things\n<popey> yeah, no problem\n<zleap> cool\n<zleap> so logo + website would be a good idea, that it acts as advoacy for ubuntu\n<MartijnVdS> zleap: want my referral code? (gives me a small discount next time I order something :))\n<zleap> can do,  but not ordering just yet, but something to keep hold of for later\n<popey> make sure you use the official logo, not the old multi-colour one\n<MartijnVdS> the new purple one?\n<popey> http://design.ubuntu.com/ has the brand guidelines\n<AlanBell> or the LoCo logo\n<MartijnVdS> Or your hackergotchi ;)\n<popey> The giant floating head of Alan Bell\n<popey> I typo'd that as Alanb Ell which I think looks better\n<MartijnVdS> stick it around town!\n<MartijnVdS> Al Anbell\n<popey> A Lanbell\n<zleap> http://www.zleap.net/ i got it on my website too ( well the new ubuntu one not the ubuntu-uk one)\n<popey> ask dave taylor?\n<zleap> who me ?\n<zleap> ok,   i am filling in an application form,  one of the catagories says I need to be familar with new technologies so I have put I am familar with modern operating systems such as Linux\n<zleap> :D\n<zleap> hmm,   libreoffice does not always show up in the alt-tab list in 11.10\n<jacobw> \\o/ hustle\n<zleap> ah,   right if I have 1 document open,  it does not show up, if I start a 2nd (new) document it shows up in alt-tab\n<zleap> While I am familiar with Windows.  I am more interested in modern and open  systems such as Linux (Ubuntu).\n<zleap> hi chrisccoulson\n<chrisccoulson> hi\n<zleap> how are you ?\n<ubuntuuk-planet> [Jono Bacon] Ubuntu Developer Summit Sponsorship Now Open - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/01/27/ubuntu-developer-summit-sponsorship-now-open-3/\n<ali1234> zleap: modern technologies = mobile development, apps stores, html5\n<zleap> ah\n<zleap> so ubuntu software centre etc\n<ali1234> and \"the cloud\"\n<zleap> this is a primary school teaching asssistnat psot\n<zleap> raspberry pI perhaps\n<ali1234> i think that covers most buzzards from the past 12 months\n<ali1234> buzzards lol\n<ali1234> that was not autocorrect, i actually typed that\n<zleap> ok\n<zleap> buzzwords i take it\n<jacobw> ah\n<zleap> ok so would raspberry Pi mean new technologies,\n<ali1234> i dunno about teaching posts\n<ali1234> i'd guess that it's not quite so bleeding edge\n<zleap> given that it is not even out, yet,  I am putting that i am familar with Linux which it will run,  so should not have a problem using it\n<ali1234> you should think about what you'll be doing, and then say you can do that\n<ali1234> i mean literally\n<zleap> helping kids with computers partly I guess\n<zleap> helping to support maths,  english, and the curriculum\n<zleap> sports\n<ali1234> there's no point saying you can use linux if they don't even know what that is\n<Azelphur> ali1234: I've got someone elses miner connected to my bitcoin daemon, got any ideas how I can calculate their hash rate?\n<zleap> maybe\n<ali1234> Azelphur: not without running a pool daemon\n<ali1234> or something else between bitcoind and them\n<Azelphur> ali1234: yea that's what I figured, I found bitcoin mining proxy if you've heard of it, but it doesn't seem to work any more\n<zleap> but would it be useful to know what Linux is given that the reaspberry pi is aimedat schools and will run it\n<zleap> ok will concentrate onother stuff too,\n<Azelphur> I've been trying to figure out why but without much luck, it seems to not accept/reject shares any more\n<ali1234> zleap: that is true, but it's not helpful t put it on a application if the persn reading it does not know what it is\n<zleap> Ok\n<zleap> so put familar with windows\n<ali1234> certainly, if they use windows\n<ali1234> which they probably do\n<zleap> which for me is XP,  given i dumped it at home 2 years ago\n<zleap> yeah,  they do in schools\n<zleap> ok i will re-word what I have put\n<zleap> i have a feeling on slight tangent note that many schools won't be able to afford these raspberry pies given budgets are already under strain\n<ali1234> they are not going to start marketing them to schools for a while anyway\n<popey> schools spend stupid money on computers\n<ali1234> the thing is, they spend lots of money on windows computers because they are expensive\n<MartijnVdS> popey: and not only in the UK.. my sister told me how they do it where she works (as a teacher)\n<ali1234> then they are going to say \"we already have windows machines, why do we want this as well?\"\n<popey> indeed\n<popey> the IT people will have no clue about RasPi\n<popey> the IT people in schools are able to teach office and little else\n<zleap> popey, so having some knowledge of it is a plus\n<StevenR> popey: that's not the fault of the people\n<StevenR> popey: the IT curriculum is basically rubbish\n<Azelphur> back when I went to school, the IT teacher wasn't that great, and also doubled as the PE teacher \\o/\n<jacobw> headline: \"£3 million computer project regenerates inner city school\"\n<ali1234> it doesn't matter who's fault it is\n<zleap> which if I put I am familar with Linux ali1234 said don't no point in putting  Linux on my application if the person reading it doesn't know what it is\n<Azelphur> Didn't have a clue what she was talking about and just kept spreading FUD about how I was a security risk, I think it was a jelousy thing\n<jacobw> lol, IT and PE\n<mrevell> sup exciting Friday evening people?\n<shauno> tis an interesting combination\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: I've been told putty \"caused viruses\"\n<popey> StevenR: i didnt say it was\n<MartijnVdS> ಠ_ಠ\n<zleap> Azelphur, yeah I have had, that,   I find i get more repect from children by saying not sure\n<MartijnVdS> also, we played Netwars on the Novell network after hours :)\n<zleap> rather than tryung to pretend or make out I know everything\n<MartijnVdS> They didn't like that one :)\n<StevenR> popey: I know :)\n<Azelphur> MartijnVdS: I've been told File > Save As in MS word was a virus and I was responsible for damaging a computer\n<zleap> Lol\n<jacobw> just leave stupid people alone ;p\n<jacobw> evolution takes care them\n<zleap> i have been given a bbc basic program to type in to gwbasic\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMp1RrCy4w4\n<Azelphur> MartijnVdS: and when I tried to explain that file > save and file > save as do the same thing, pointing out the title of the window, the teacher grabbed the mouse off me and went panic mode :D\n<MartijnVdS> NO actually THIS one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huPbTdqJhRo\n<shauno> that's pretty much the same anywhere you challenge authority\n<popey> depends how you do it\n<zleap> I really want to call this computer group I want to set up hacking group as we are essentially hacking in the proper original meaning sense\n<Azelphur> MartijnVdS: \\o/\n<Azelphur> but re good/bad IT teachers, it really is the teachers fault as to how they handle it, I went through a number of schools\n<jacobw> zleap: hackspace?\n<zleap> yeah\n<zleap> try telling non geeks and managers that\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: We had a few good teachers too. One wrote 64k demos (this was the mid 90s)\n<Azelphur> although I never did actually meet a good IT teacher, I had good music teachers a couple times\n<Azelphur> MartijnVdS: cool :D\n<zleap> hacking = breaking into computers = illigal\n<Azelphur> I mean, I was grade 4 piano when I hit high school, there was one teacher that just said, here's a complicated piece of music go learn it and left me to my own devices\n<jacobw> IT in secondary education is just a lot of people inventing a job for themselves\n<Azelphur> and there was another teacher who made me complete all the mundane coursework about the basics of how to read sheet music, and got angry with me when I completed the coursework too fast haha\n<zleap> in year 9 i got to play with the doomsday cd,  a large lp size gold disk (circa 1989)\n<Azelphur> so that gives you a good reference of the good/bad context :p\n<MartijnVdS> jacobw: I'd love some kind of apprentice system. Teach someone the \"tricks of the trade\" of programming\n<zleap> back in the days when they let 1 year 9 and 2 year 7s use computers while the teacher was elsewhere\n<Azelphur> MartijnVdS: that's kinda what IRC is, I've pointed quite a few people in the right direction, it's awesome to see someone evolve into a good programmer based on where you started em :p\n<jacobw> i learnt more from IRC than from school during the GCSE years\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: Yeah, but it's even cooler IRL\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: it's easier to spend an afternoon helping someone understand some complex bit\n<Azelphur> Yea, I've certainly learned way more from IRC than I have all the educational type places I've been, combined\n<zleap> i did give one of the kids a ubuntu cd the other day,  I think he said that his mum knew what ubuntu was,  so there is hope he may install it :D\n<Azelphur> MartijnVdS: perhaps, usually I just break out collabedit or vnc/teamviewer and it works fine over the net :)\n<zleap> i think i may put multi tasking in conversation on this form,  as irc requries you to follow 1 conversation among many\n<jacobw> ha\n<jacobw> so does life in general\n<zleap> yeah\n<Azelphur> you should see me sometimes when I talk with my close friends, sometimes we have up to 3 conversations at the same time\n<Azelphur> (ie, talking to 1 person about 3 different topics in the same window at the same time)\n<zleap> i get that at the after school club,  several kids want you me to do / make something at the same time\n<Azelphur> hehe\n<dwatkins> Azelphur: try doing that in three languages ;)\n<Azelphur> haha\n<dwatkins> It's really difficult the first few times, even if you're fluent in them all, but you get used to it\n<Azelphur> :P\n<zleap> i guess if you are a hacker in the true sense then multitasking a true skill esp if you're programming and are holding on to lots of info at the same time\n<jacobw> humans can't multitask\n<jacobw> context switching is just too difficult for our wetware\n<zleap> neither can comptuers unless they can execute more than 1 instruction at exactly the same time\n<zleap> i was under the impression they just did this very fast,  so it seemed as if they can do this,  ok multi processor systems probably can\n<jacobw> its not about how fast you can process data, its about how well you can keep track of the data your processing\n<zleap> well our brain seems to be able to control lots of body functions at the same time\n<jacobw> the brain does\n<zleap> yeah\n<jacobw> the mind isn't involved\n<zleap> ah, so you meant the human mind can't not the brain\n<jacobw> yeah\n<zleap> ok\n<jacobw> http://www.azarask.in/blog/post/you-cant-multitask/\n<ubuntuuk-planet> [Jono Bacon] Quick Team Update - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/01/27/quick-team-update/\n<jacobw> mr bacon is blogging tonight\n<zleap> ok we can switch between tasks\n<zleap> what about using windows and going nuts with frustration at the same time\n<jacobw> the time it takes to switch your mind to a task is multiplied many times if you keep switching from one task to another\n<zleap> well i did this with libreoffice earlier, tried to put spaces between paragraphs it insists on indenting a numbered paragraph and adding more numbers,  fed up with itm, I am using lyx saving as text then importing back in to libreoffice to save to doc for submission\n<zleap> so can't really blame windows for driving people nuts its software\n<jacobw> people fustrate themselves, although windows doesn't help\n<zleap> yeah\n<jacobw> i hate windows firewall :( so not like iptables\n<zleap> well what i was doing earlier was just frustrating,  as with lyx and latex i can concentrate on content,  if I want numbered paragraphs i tell it, and it says as i want,\n<zleap> pressing enter does not end up doing things I don't want in a plain text file\n<jacobw> i'm not a fan of 'office productivity suites'\n<jacobw> text editors, wikis and html should be good enough for anyone :p\n<zleap> well for some documents latex is very handy,  esp for doing things like chemical formulae\n<zleap> or complex math stuff\n<jacobw> complex math is what latex is designed for :)\n<zleap> yeah\n<zleap> exactly\n<zleap> but it is also good for typing up assignments\n<zleap> only mention LaTeX to the wrong group of people as in non tech, science groups and they get the wrong idea\n<jacobw> ha\n<zleap> or could do\n<zleap> which reminds me i need to send in my subs for the UK-TUG\n<jacobw> look;gawk;find;sed;talk;grep;touch;finger;find;fl\n<jacobw> ex;unzip;head;tail; mount;workbone;fsck;yes;gasp;fsck;more;yes;yes;eje\n<jacobw> ct;umount;makeclean; zip;split;done;exit:xargs!!;\n<zleap> yeah seen that one :)\n<jacobw> its some debian developer's email signature\n<zleap> what is workbone ?  no man page for it\n<jacobw> cd player\n<zleap> ah\n<jacobw> i had to look that up too\n<zleap> have you tried creating a file called breasts, moving to another user and doing touch breasts  u get cannot touch breasts, permission denied\n<jacobw> haha\n<zleap> usualyl works if you create the initial file as root (sudo)  then doing it\n<Neoline> can anyone help with remote desktop viewer logs in ubuntu?\n<AlanBell> what type of viewer Neoline?\n<jacobw> Neoline: is your ubuntu machine client or serve?\n<Neoline> @AlanBell : someone tried thrice to access my machine over internet as I have a static ip..Is there any place I can see that history?\n<Neoline> @jacobw: I'm a server (i suppose?)\n<jacobw> how do you know that you have a static ip?\n<AlanBell> how do you know they tried?\n<zleap> router may have some info on what has connected\n<Neoline> 1. Cause I know.. :) I mean, our network does have a static IP and its VNC port was accidentally forwarded to my machine..\n<AlanBell> are you in india Neoline?\n<zleap> how do you accidently port forward something\n<Neoline> 2. Cause I could see the Ubuntu notification that another user is trying to access your machine remotely (or something like that)\n<jacobw> assuming you actually have a public address statically assigned to your computer unless your running a VNC server then you're computer would have refused the connection\n<popey> meh, I'd ignore it and disable the port forwarding and get on with your life\n<gordonjcp> indeed\n<AlanBell> and maybe turn off the vino desktop sharing\n<Neoline> Well, we all have static addresses in our network internally.. and recently my machine's IP was changed from 192.168.1.x to y.. Router had a configuration for y already.\n<gordonjcp> Neoline: so chances are it's someone who previously had an account on the box with the IP address yours used to have\n<Neoline> Yes I did that already @popey, @AlenBell. Just curious to find out who tried to access, if that possible\n<AlanBell> and they would not have had access to any other ports probably\n<Neoline> thats*\n<Neoline> And I am in India @AlanBell\n<AlanBell> ok, I don't think that logs anywhere, but when it prompted you it should have said where the connection was coming from I think\n<jacobw> check your not running any VNC servers, if you are check the appropriate access logs, disable the port forward and read about NAT\n<Neoline> @AlanBell : Yes it did :) But it was for a few seconds. So I couldn't note down!\n<AlanBell> jacobw: \"the appropriate access logs\" was the question, just there are none\n<Neoline> @jacobw : umm.. I'm on Ubuntu 10.04.. any idea which VNC server does it have by default?\n<AlanBell> as vino isn't a system service it doesn't log to /var/log it is a user process\n<Neoline> @AlanBell : Aah.. ok.. got it.. so no chances that there will be a log right?\n<AlanBell> !vino\n<jacobw> Neoline: it doesn't run any by default\n<Neoline> @AlanBell : Oh k.. Got it.\n<AlanBell> Neoline: not in /var/log if it was anywhere it would be in your home directory somewhere, but I am fairly sure it doesn't\n<Neoline> @jacobw : I meant which one it has already installed.. Anyway got it..\n<czajkowski> peekaboo\n<popey> MOO!\n<zleap> boo\n<czajkowski> todays lesson\n<zleap> k\n<czajkowski> do not get in a french cab. crazy drivers\n<zleap> lol\n<Neoline> Hmmm.. vino does not keep logs https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vino/+bug/330310 :( anyway, Thanks a lot for the help guys!\n<lubotu3> Ubuntu bug 330310 in vino \"no logs or log files in vino\" [Wishlist,In progress]\n<czajkowski> pretty sure we came vrry close to crashing at least twice\n<AlanBell> hi czajkowski\n<zleap> not good,  where are you then,  i assume france but where abouts in france\n<czajkowski> paris\n<zleap> ah\n<AlanBell> oh la la\n<zleap> yeah pretty crazy paris\n<czajkowski> taxi kept crossing the 4 lanes up the tails of ither cars\n<czajkowski> alanbell surprise for jon for anniversary :)\n<zleap> http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-fr\n<jacobw> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLcwhgrxTWs\n<jacobw> lol\n<Azelphur> ali1234: hmm, this is odd, I think these things can't detect you mining if your solo, I've tried bitHopper and bitcoin mining proxy, they both pass work on, but never report any accepted shares and never calculate a hashrate :(\n<dwatkins> czajkowski: Paris is pretty insane for driving in general - I was on the peripherique once and realised just after someone cut me up changing lanes that we were in an underpass that looked very familiar from a certain car crash that was made quite famous a few years back\n<ali1234> Azelphur: you're doing it wrong\n<Azelphur> D:\n<Azelphur> what am I doing wrong?\n<ali1234> \"it\"\n<Azelphur> woo \\o/\n<Azelphur> ali1234: I've got a guy who's renting me his FPGA miner, but I have no way of telling what he's actually doing, so I'm kinda paying blind at this point >.<\n<ali1234> trololololo\n<Azelphur> indeed D:\n#ubuntu-uk 2012-01-28\n<phil-wong> Hi\n<jutnux> Morning all.\n<mattt> hello jutnux\n<AlanBell> morning all\n<jutnux> Morning AlanBell \\o\n<occupy64k> hello\n<popey> morning\n<jutnux> Hello\n<popey> anyone on 12.04 fancy confirming 923021 ?\n<popey> Daviey: do you get that on your mbp\n<popey> bug 923021\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 923021 in gnome-screensaver (Ubuntu) \"Screensaver takes a long time to display the password unlock screen\" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/923021\n<MartijnVdS> popey: Oh it shows up in the end?\n<popey> yes. takes a while\n * MartijnVdS has rebooted several times because password unlock wouldn't come\n<MartijnVdS> confirmed\n<Daviey> popey: +1'd\n<popey> ta\n<brobostigon> good morning everyone.\n<popey> yes\n<brobostigon> morning popey\n<jacobw> morning\n<brobostigon> morning jacobw\n<jacobw> !ping\n<lubotu3> another contentless ping... sigh...\n<AlanBell> tax return done \\o/\n<AlanBell> repaymnet due £0.60\n<AlanBell> drinks are on me :)\n<jacobw> a panda cola?\n<popey> hah\n * AlanBell is using empathy \"people nearby\" to debate lunch options with the kids\n<brobostigon> :)\n<popey> \\o/ Avahi\n<popey> AlanBell: did you see Evan Dandrea's tweet about irc and jabber\n<popey> (Jabber \\o/ btw)\n<gordonjcp> how do I get pulseaudio to see a new sound card?\n<popey> get alsa to see it first I guess/\n<popey> ?\n<gordonjcp> alsa does see it\n<popey> pavucontrol is handy\n<gordonjcp> ah, I need to kill pulse and let it restart\n<gordonjcp> not exactly seamless...\n<AlanBell> popey: I did, I don't understand how jabber relates to IRC though\n<AlanBell> I thought it was a person to person protocol\n<AlanBell> s/jabber/xmpp/\n<popey> you can have rooms\n<AlanBell> I think I set up a server once and had a look at the protocol, can't say I have ever used it with another person\n<AlanBell> you can pass arbitary packets of stuff across it, bit like telepathy tubes\n<directhex> it's called \"MUC\" - multi user chat\n<directhex> as defined in XMPP Extension Protocol XEP-0045\n<Neoti> so my video editing woes continu!!\n<AlanBell> interesting, and that has existed for some time\n<Neoti> on ubuntu 10.10 kinda works ok with some problems and ogv is a no go... better to use avi if screen capturing etc....\n<AlanBell> anyone running a jabberd server? I can't be bothered to set one up just to look at it\n<AlanBell> and google talk is only in the USA right?\n<Neoti> though i can not get kazam working in ubuntu 10.10 just does not load!\n<AlanBell> I have a feeling most jabber users don't approach it by reading the protocol specifications first. I am going about this the wrong way I think.\n<Neoti> ok FFMPEG might be the root problem...\n<Neoti> or unity ... checking now\n<gord> 10.10, wow\n<gord> is that still supported?\n<AlanBell> !10.10\n<lubotu3> Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1010\n<gord> doesn't tell me :(\n<AlanBell> it doesn't, I thought most of those did\n<Neoti> AlanBell gord can you recommend a good screen capture program that will output to avi as recordmydesktop only does ogv and the file format is rubish not the program its self...\n<AlanBell> I think it is supported to 12.10, 2 years\n<AlanBell> you can upload .ogv to blip.tv and youtube if youtube is having a good day\n<AlanBell> though most of the time you upload for an hour to youtube and get just a green screen\n<Neoti> i want to edit the video cut bits out add titles etc... and i have proved in my mind that ogv is crap! however the videos i have done in avi on windows, when putting them through kdenlive work fine... well on ubuntu 10.10 as i think either ffmpeg or unity is messing up the video out put in the clip monitor in kdenlive on 11.10.....\n<AlanBell> hmm, not sure then. I use openshot to edit stuff and it handles ogv fine and can export in various formats\n<Neoti> humm i will have to try that out ...\n<Neoti> seems similar to kdenlive\n<Neoti> my requirments for what i do are just ability to add titles, fade in and out, cut a section of video out and delete that section and out put in 1280x720 600k 15FPS mp4 for youtube etc... if it can do that and is easy to use gr8\n<gordonjcp> Neoti: AVI is a file format, not an encoding\n<gordonjcp> Neoti: you can make .avi files that just cannot sanely be edited\n<Neoti> well over the last week i have had more luck with avi then ogv.\n<gordonjcp> Neoti: .avi and .ogv makes very little difference\n<gordonjcp> the codec in use does\n<popey> AlanBell: Google talk isnt USA only\n<Neoti> so based on the above unity/ubuntu 11.10 uses a differant or updated codec which is broken! to the codecs used on ubuntu 10.10 ?\n<jacobw> no\n<jacobw> its nothing to do with ubuntu\n<AlanBell> applications like openshot benefit from an extra year of development Neoti\n<popey> Neoti: read all of the above, and cant actually see what the issue is\n<shauno> a bit slow, but I'm using jabberd14 to provide an xmpp server  (and it sounds like you're confusing google chat with google voice - the later is the telephony 'thing', and is US-only.  talk is just IM/xmpp, and is global)\n<popey> nothing specific anyway\n<AlanBell> shauno: yeah, I am no doubt confused\n<AlanBell> I only looked at XMPP 4 years or so ago when looking at Sametime and SIP stuff\n<AlanBell> any instructions on trying google talk, all I see on http://www.google.com/talk/ is a browser plugin and an XP client\n<shauno> I don't use their service; I run my own jabber server, and can talk to people who are using their service, because xmpp 'federates'\n<AlanBell> ok\n<popey> AlanBell: which client?\n<shauno> I believe the capabilty is coming to Live (nee msn) soon too.  and aol/aim already has it. so eventually we can chat to people cross networks without needing ugly client-side hacks (like having 8 accounts signed into one client)\n<popey> http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Talk/thread?tid=423612adbab19852&hl=en AlanBell\n<popey> 3rd party clients can access it\n<Neoti> ok from the begining for popey, i recorded a test video on ubuntu 11.10 32bit with unity and all updates as of 11am yesterday, i updated kdenlive so i was using the most up to date copy, and in clip monitor when i view the recorded video i get little grey blocks on the video before rendering and befor adding it to the time lline... if i open the recorded video just in move player it views fine no gray little blocks so\n<Neoti> the problem is pointed at kdenlive, so i thought i would add another clip in avi format from a couple of months ago and see what happend and again i got the same little gray blocks in clip monitor so the problem would seem to be kdenlive... i had an ubuntu 10.10 installation on a machine so i updated kdenlive to latest and added the same videos and no little gray blocks. so the problem now points to kdenlive on unity/u\n<Neoti> buntu 11.10. i do still have some problems with rendering but i think i have found a way to fix them\n<popey> Neoti: what video card?\n<Neoti> 04:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G98 [GeForce 8400 GS] (rev a1)\n<popey> colour me unsurprised\n<Neoti> also i have tried this in 11.10 on a dell 15r laptop and i get the same results\n<popey> i get video corruption when using 3d desktop recording on nvidia\n<Neoti> that has an intel graphics card\n<Neoti> humm...... so if i dont use 3d desktop it should be fine ? humm time to test that out\n<popey> i had better success with unit2d and the compositor switched off\n<popey> for recording a 3d game specifically\n<popey> AlanBell: i use bitlbee connected to google talk for my alan@popey.com address.\n<shauno> I've never actually tried bitlbee.  does moving that kinda thing into your irc client really work out well?\n<popey> i dont use it that much tbh\n<popey> not many people contact me via IM anymore\n<Neoti> popey i think you might be right about compositing ? i not longer get grey blocks on 11.04 gonna test on my other machine un unity 2d with no composit\n<popey> i did have some success with just recording the desktop using an ffmpeg script\n<popey> https://launchpad.net/ffscreencast\n<popey> which records the audio from the sound card and from a microphone\n<Neoti> popy AlanBell ok after testing im sticking with avi works in kdenlive 10.10 and my videos from now on are going to be in avi not ogv but i need to find a ubuntu screen capture program that will output in avi format\n<Neoti> AlanBell just testing openshot now ...\n<Neoti> ok i have had a quick play and ogv sucks BIG TIME!!!!!!! the videos i made on windows with CamStudio in AVI format work perfectly for editing, the ubuntu recordings with recordmyscreen suck... i can not edit them well some messes up!!\n<gord> you know you can convert ogv into another format prior to editing right?\n<Neoti> yes and when i did that it might as well had been a ogv file same thing happend.....\n<popey> depends what you convert it to\n<popey> also, this is not news ☺\n<Neoti> ogv to avi with memcoder\n<popey> ogv has never been good for video editing\n<gord> would be nice to move things over to webm these days also, theora is old\n<Neoti> WHY THE FOOK DO GOOD PROGRAMS LIKE RECORDMYDESKTOP USE IT THEN !!!!! AGH... OGV SUCKS!!!\n<popey> because some of us dont actually edit\n<AlanBell> it is easy to write to I guess\n<gord> at any rate, if you convert it to say mp4 using mencoder - then still have problems. the issue is not with the container or the codec\n<gord> but rather, the editor\n<Neoti> ok ok... if you are recording something to just dump on youtube fine its ok... but when you want to edit it and add titles and cut bits out ITS FLIPPIN CRAP!!!!\n<popey> +1\n<AlanBell> and you don't have to pay licenses to anyone to create a video in ogv format\n<popey> so convert it?\n<Neoti> i would love to see a program like CamStudio be ported to ubuntu and USE AVI!!!!\n<Neoti> CamStudio is awesome...\n<Neoti> it outputs in a good editable format ... IE Kdenlive will edit it...\n<popey> my ffmpeg script does ☺\n<popey> as does kazam\n<Neoti> i want recordmydesktop to switch to AVI!!!\n<Neoti> lol :P\n<gord> avi is a bad format, everyone is moving away from it\n<popey> use h264 in an mkv container and you will have more success IMO\n<Neoti> kazam did not give me the option to save the video after i recorded a 30 sec test clip just loading term typeing ifconfig clear finish video etc\n<Neoti> gord yes h264 and mkv is good... i have had nothing too bad happen when trying to edit that format ...\n<gordonjcp> Neoti: .ogv/.avi makes no difference\n<Neoti> but camstudio outputs to avi so ... have to use what i got...! lol\n<gordonjcp> Neoti: it's just a wrapper around the encoding\n<gordonjcp> like I told you earlier\n<gordonjcp> Neoti: the problem is you basically don't understand video editing ;-)\n<gordonjcp> any sort of compressed format that uses keyframes is going to give you problems\n<popey> Neoti: i recorded a video 5 mins ago with kazam and it worked fine\n<Neoti> gordonjcp i see your point but after riding my hair out for the last week trying to edit 1 10min video the evidence i have says something else is going on.\n<gord> love film send me too many discs these days, keep losing them\n<gordonjcp> Neoti: okay, what are you shooting on?\n<Neoti> recordmydesktop on a HP DX2400 dual core @ 800x600 @15FPS\n<gordonjcp> okay\n<gordonjcp> so what output format is it saving to?\n<Neoti> i have pauses in the video where i clicked pause etc\n<popey> ahhh\n<Neoti> ogv\n<popey> you pause recordmydesktop?\n<popey> yeah, dont do that, thats broken\n<Neoti> yes\n<Neoti> just like in camstudio\n<gordonjcp> Neoti: yes, but what format?\n<popey> gordonjcp: ogv\n<popey> rmd only records to ogv\n<popey> rmd is barely maintained anymore\n<popey> as is xvidcap so i asked for it to be removed from the repo\n<popey> we shoudl fix up kazam and get rmd removed too\n<Neoti> popey yes...\n<Neoti> however on my 11.04 it just does not load\n<gordonjcp> wow\n<AlanBell> what is the package name for kazam?\n<gordonjcp> rmd *really* shows up the graphics corruption bug ;-)\n<Neoti> on 11.10 on my laptop it loads but after recording does not give me options to save\n<popey> AlanBell: its nmot in the repo yet\n<popey> https://launchpad.net/kazam\n<popey> there is a ppa\n<popey> and #kazam\n<popey> dev is very active\n<popey> and is keen to get it in the repo for 12.04\n<swat_> afternoon\n<popey> hi swat_\n<gordonjcp> :-/\n<gord> heh, just an ffmpeg frontend, neat\n<popey> yeah\n<swat_> popey: are you still interested in the lecture idea?\n<gordonjcp> I was going to use something like rmd or kazam to record a demo video of some of my software\n<gordonjcp> that's not going to work though\n<popey> swat_: remind me when/where?\n<gord> should get it moved over to webm\n<swat_> popey: the where would be crawley/brighton - but the date is up for discussion\n<popey> gord: it does already do webm\n<gord> popey, am just reading the code, but it looks hard-coded to x264 from here\n<popey> wonder if he removed webm then\n<popey> you looking at lp:kazam?\n<AlanBell> x264 is the one franhoffer want a cut of right?\n<gord> i am, it actually looks like the temp file gets saved as x264 then it gets encoded with gstreamer over to whatever you want\n<popey> ah\n<gord> the temp file needs to be changed to webm or, really, something lossless\n<gord> AlanBell, franhoffer and about a million other people\n<gord> there is a \"consortium\" ;)\n<popey> file a bug gord ☺\n<AlanBell> gord: a cartel\n<popey> the problem is that webm writing isnt anywhere near as performant\n<popey> so you get a crappy fps\n<Myrtti> I was going to suggest on the mailing list to use a live disk and run 'shred -vn 7' on the disk, but then I read man shred and it says it's not reliable on ex3 (and probably not on ext4 then, either)\n<gord> yea huffyuv would make more sense\n<Myrtti> now I'm disappointed and baffled\n<popey> but huffyuv has colourspace issues\n<popey> rgb vs yuv\n<Neoti> avi created by camstudio on ubuntu 11.10 in kdenlive works\n<penguin42> Myrtti: Shred on the entire disk is OK, shredding individual files on a journalled filesystem is difficult\n<gord> theres a colourspace conversion, but yuv has enough precision to handle it\n<gord> mathematically, rgb -> yuv -> rgb will end up with a different value, but really just because of floating point limitations\n<penguin42> Myrtti: If something overwrites the data in a file the filesystem may just put the new data elsewhere not really overwriting the original sector\n<penguin42> Myrtti: And it'll go through the journal as well\n<popey> in gstreamer gord ?\n<gord> popey, don't follow, whats it got to do with gstreamer?\n<Myrtti> oh, that would make sense, I suspected that could be the case and it was - as I said - baffling\n<popey> how else will the conversion happen gord ?\n<popey> if kazam wrote temp to huffyuv and you choose to export/save to x264 or webm\n<gord> popey, ffmpeg converts the rgb screen capture to huffyuv. gstreamer loads the huffyuv and then just deliverts the video data (doing any conversions it needs, gstreamer handles that fine) to the encoder\n<gord> honestly, pretty much every video codec under the sun is in yuv or some variant anyway\n * AlanBell fails to be impressed by kazam results so far\n<MartijnVdS> Kazam. Is that like shazam?\n<popey> I'd like to see anyone impressed with any screencasting app on linux, especially on a composited desktop ☹\n<popey> they _all_ suck\n<penguin42> the graphics drivers need fixing!\n<penguin42> popey: Are the gnome-screenshot apps working reliably for you with compositing?\n<shauno> hopefully it'll see some improvement when they finally take X out back 'n shoot it\n<penguin42> shauno: Doubt it\n<popey> i hear the gnome shell screencasting app is good\n<popey> not tried it\n<penguin42> popey: The reason I ask about the screenshot is that you'd hope the screencast stuff would use the same mechanisms\n<gord> gnome-screenshot works fine\n<gord> but it takes one huge framebuffer snapshot, screencasting apps can't have that luxury if they want to be quick\n<penguin42> gord: Sure - but isn't it the same interface?\n<gord> no\n<penguin42> ah\n<penguin42> gord: what interface do the screen casters used?\n<popey> x11grab\n<AlanBell> with kazam do you save the file or send it to openshot?\n<penguin42> but either way that means the graphics card is successfully getting the composited data back for the screenshot\n<popey> i always save\n<gord> you are assuming that graphics cards are syncronous\n<AlanBell> ok, I was sending to openshot and it seemed really low resolution and 8 minutes long for some reason. then the desktop crashed altogether\n<gord> they are very very asyncronous, X will return that a geometry on the screen has changed - but the gpu has not drawn it yet\n<penguin42> gord: Ah, and the full screen shot is doing a sync?\n<gord> it doesn't matter for a fullscreenshot\n<gord> you are just capturing what things are like now\n<penguin42> gord: Yeh true\n<AlanBell> turns out kazam is fine, openshot is not best friends with webm right now\n<popey> webm doesnt seem mature enough\n<gord> its pretty good for what i need it for, basically as a format i can trust youtube won't screw up\n<gord> and its better than theora as a \"default\" for ubuntu, given we can't choose 264\n<popey> yeah\n<gord> the thought occurs that it has been far too long since we have had a new season of the IT crowd\n<popey> they didnt renew\n<popey> iirc\n<gord> extended special in 2012 then thats our lot :(\n<popey> BigRedS: hows the speccy?\n * bigcalm awakens\n<Pendulum> bigcalm: sleeping away your weekend?\n<bigcalm> Pendulum: was at a dinner party until 2am last night. Then had to deliver Hayley to a coach pick-up point for silly o'clock in the morning. Went back to bed :)\n<bigcalm> Pendulum: still feel full from last night\n<popey> gord / AlanBell did we decide that there is a bug already filed about focus stealing from hud if you press alt to open and alt to close it?\n<AlanBell> bug 921249\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 921249 in unity \"HUD: Using HUD often results in window losing focus\" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/921249\n<AlanBell> bug 921407\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 921407 in unity \"application window does not get the focus returned\" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/921407\n<popey> nice one\n<AlanBell> bug 921512 affects the dash as well as the hud\n<lubotu3> Launchpad bug 921512 in unity \"hud doesn't get dismissed if you click in the other monitor\" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/921512\n<AlanBell> just notice it more on the hud because with the hud you are still doing stuff in the application on the other monitor, if you bring up the dash you are normally switching tasks\n<HazRPG> sup all \\o\n<AlanBell> o/ HazRPG\n<AlanBell> how is the land of the pyramids?\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: not too bad :)\n<HazRPG> AlanBell: how's things back home?\n<brobostigon> afternoonings HazRPG :)\n<HazRPG> brobostigon: good afternoon ^_^\n<HazRPG> anyone here had any luck with the Huawei e5830 on ubuntu here?\n<HazRPG> doesn't seem to pick it up on 11.10 for some reason correctly :/\n<MartijnVdS> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1411777 ?\n<HazRPG> (in USB mode, not wifi)\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: I seen that, its an old post that worked on 10.10/10.04... doesn't seem to work at all on 11.10\n<HazRPG> (well lsusb picks it up incorrectly at least)\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: shows up as being \"12d1:142d\" when it should be \"12d1:1401\" if i'm not mistaken\n<Supermanintights> hey guys, i run the following set up on my computer - hdd's - http://screencast.com/t/FVSbJ2Bp1AE - can someone give me a suggestion on how i can merge G with C?\n<Supermanintights> I've ran out of space on drive C so need to increase it somehow\n<AlanBell> Supermanintights: you appear to be running windows\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: maybe you need usb-modeswitch?\n<Supermanintights> AlanBell, i run windows and ubuntu\n<Supermanintights> windows is the active OS on that screenshot, but it's just what i'm working in - i can switch to ubuntu in seconds if it's required?\n<AlanBell> Supermanintights: well I am not really sure what the question has to do with Ubuntu :)\n<AlanBell> I guess ubuntu is the 20gb drive with 4gb of swap right?\n<Supermanintights> LOL\n<AlanBell> s/drive/partition/\n<shauno> the platform-agnostic answer is that the partitions labelled there as C: and G: aren't going to be mergable if that's what order they're in on-disk.  you need concurrent space for that\n<Supermanintights> AlanBell, the question is justified as ubtunu guys helped me to arrange the different partitions ;-), yes you're right\n<AlanBell> I think windows has something like LVM these days but I don't know what they call it\n<HazRPG> Supermanintights: what shauno said... (took the words out of my mouth almost - sorta speak)\n<Supermanintights> cheers shauno/hazrpg - i'm looking at a way of changing the order now\n<shauno> last time I used windows, the partitioner was a blue & yellow tool in dos :/\n<shauno> so I've no idea what it'll offer to abstract a volume above those two\n<HazRPG> Supermanintights: without risking being hit in the face, the only way your going to be able to do that is lose some data to have some space to merge with\n<HazRPG> s/without/at the risk/*\n<Supermanintights> meh\n<Supermanintights> ok, thanks\n<Supermanintights> i'll find a way\n<HazRPG> Supermanintights: best thing to do, open up the \"manage\" tool (I forget its actual name in windows, access: right-click \"my computer\" or \"Computer\" and pick \"Manage\") and select the hard drive management one... then screencap that so we can see the order of your drive\n<HazRPG> Supermanintights: alternatively, go into ubuntu and check out gparted\n<Supermanintights> i did try gparted before, but i couldn't figure it out - how to do this task\n<Supermanintights> http://screencast.com/t/xM4pOm8JKT\n<HazRPG> Supermanintights: to merge, your going to have to clear something first, be it the G: drive, etc... but it highly depends on the order your drives are partitioned\n<Supermanintights> would it be better/easier to go back into gparted? (only reason screenshots are windows is because it's what I'm using at the moment) - hte B/G (same one) drive are empty\n<Supermanintights> it's basically a partition i'm trying to extend into C - as i don't have the space to install anything else on it anmore\n<Supermanintights> anymore\n<popey> is G empty?\n<Supermanintights> yeah\n<gordonjcp> Supermanintights: or buy a new hard disk\n<popey> are c and g contiguous?\n * Supermanintights looks up that word\n<popey> next to eachotehr\n<Supermanintights> oh, no\n<HazRPG> popey: see his new screen if you can\n<popey> which one?\n<Supermanintights> http://screencast.com/t/xM4pOm8JKT - (G is now B - i tried cheating that way)\n<popey> based on that screenshot what do you want to do exactly?\n<popey> merge D and G?\n<Supermanintights> no\n<popey> er D and B\n<Supermanintights> d: is my storage, that's fine\n<HazRPG> seems to me, that D and B are logical, so the only merge you can do is D to B...\n<Supermanintights> C:\\ has less than 1gb of free space - that's my windows software partition\n<Supermanintights> i need to merge B with C\n<Supermanintights> C needs to be extended\n<popey> ok, that can be done, but its long and you could lose data\n<popey> but I would do it in gparted\n<Supermanintights> i'm happy to go to gparted\n<popey> delete B, move D up the disk\n<Supermanintights> give me 2 seconds and i'll boot into it now\n<popey> no\n<popey> wait\n<popey> bah\n<HazRPG> bah indeed o.O\n<Supermanintights> sorry, i was hasty - \"delete B, move up the disk\"\n<Supermanintights> ok, what next\n<popey> well, first is 'backup'\n<HazRPG> popey: is it really possible without him a) losing ubuntu settings/etc, b) losing media and storage, c) losing both data\n<popey> yes HazRPG\n<popey> i haven't finished\n<HazRPG> popey: cool, go ahead :)\n<Supermanintights> backup - my backup drive is corrupted, so i'll have to take the risk (I'll live if it loses everything)\n<popey> ok, so basically the thing you want to do is delete B, shrink the extended partition D lives in, move the extended partition containing D to the right, move the swap partition to the right, move ubuntu partition to the right, expand C into the space made\n<Supermanintights> ah i get you\n<Supermanintights> i think\n<popey> you can do all that in gparted\n<Supermanintights> awesome\n<Supermanintights> just backing up my work files and nzb's onto my mem stick\n<Supermanintights> then i'll go do it\n<mattt> if there's anything i dislike doing, it's shopping\n<HazRPG> popey: ahh, i see what you did there...\n<DJones> Has anybody noticed that American TV ad's are actually better than 80% of British TV?\n<gordonjcp> DJones: no, not particularly\n<DJones> Just watching some tv via the web which has american tv ad's and they're far funnier & more entertaining\n<gordonjcp> I don't know\n<gordonjcp> I find that 99% of american TV programmes seem to be just a stream of dick and fart jokes with a laugh track badly dubbed over\n<gordonjcp> or crap police procedurals that constantly drop the anvil about the evils of drugs\n<DJones> I'm just talking about the tv ad breaks, not the programmes themselves\n<gordonjcp> ah, I don't watch TV with ads in\n<gordonjcp> I don't really watch a lot of TV, tbh\n<AlanBell> DJones: when I was in America everything seemed to be adverts for drugs you should demand from your doctor\n<DJones> AlanBell: This is mostly cars & IRS tax savings scams\n<DJones> Apart from the $10 any size, any toppings pizza hit pizza\n<bigcalm> Home alone for the weekend. What do I want for tea?\n<DJones> bigcalm: Pizza or Chilli\n<DJones> Or chilli beef pizza\n<bigcalm> Next!\n<DJones> Salad?\n<bigcalm> Next!\n<Pendulum> sushi\n<DJones> Actually, thinking about it, Salad should be against the COC anyway\n<bigcalm> Pendulum: I'd love to, but supermarket sushi is a joke. If I wanted fresh, it would mean a long drive\n<gordonjcp> o_O\n<gordonjcp> *make* sushi fresh\n<bigcalm> gordonjcp: I'm in the mood for others to make food for me :P\n<bigcalm> Pizza, chinese, chips, kebab. Those are the same-old same-old options I can think of\n<popey> gnnnnnnnnn\n<popey> GPU lockups\n<bigcalm> How does one eat a GPU lockup?\n<SuperEngineer> eee - we used ta dreeem o GPU lockups when we were kids!\n<SuperEngineer> eveninks all o/\n<popey> flour tortilla, tomato puree spread on top, some ham, another tortiila on top, more tomato puree, cheese, ham, another tortilla, cheese, slam in oven. add chilli to taste..\n<mrevell> bigcalm,  Hey, around?\n<bigcalm> ...\n<bigcalm> Oops\n<penguin42> http://www.youtube.com/my_speed is interesting, speed averages as seen by youtube for you, your isp, apparent location, country etc\n<gordonjcp> interesting stuff\n<MartijnVdS> penguin42: ooh, shiny\n<penguin42> I'm averaging about 7.1Mbps apparently - ADSL sync'd at about 11Mbps\n<MartijnVdS> I'm still waiting (since October..) for the fibre people to finish their work\n<MartijnVdS> Fibre with my address on it sticks out of the ground 7 floors down\n<MartijnVdS> I WANT MY 500/500!\n<penguin42> MartijnVdS: And then what is supposed to happen? Do they run fibre up to your flat?\n<MartijnVdS> penguin42: yes\n<MartijnVdS> penguin42: everyone gets a (set of) fibre for themselves\n<penguin42> MartijnVdS: OK, it's just it would kind of make sense for a building of that size to run fast fibre to the basement and shove a switch on it\n<MartijnVdS> penguin42: so 500/500 for everyone who wants it!\n<MartijnVdS> penguin42: they're thinking big :)\n<SuperEngineer> I love the way SETI@Home keep sending *me* BOINC work packets to search for... me.\n<SuperEngineer> Here I am - right under their noses!\n<SuperEngineer> ;)\n<MartijnVdS> ?\n<SuperEngineer> MartijnVdS:  ? to you too\n<MartijnVdS> SuperEngineer: ‽\n<SuperEngineer> MartijnVdS: just my way of saying hi\n<MartijnVdS> SuperEngineer: Hi! :)\n * bigcalm would like to be able to drag/drop contacts between google accounts in Thunderbird. Somebody make this happen please\n<bigcalm> Oh, it did work :D\n<MartijnVdS> wut\n<MartijnVdS> you can drag contacts from tbird to gmail?\n<popey> gnnnn\n<popey> another gpu lockup\n<popey> this thinkpad can't come fast enough\n<MartijnVdS> popey: gpu lockup? what kind of gpu\n<popey> 04:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Device 08a0 (rev a2)\n<swat_> 3~/lastlog -h\n<swat_> hehe, that went well\n<popey> wow, have you heard the bong you get in a terminal if you press backspace on a command line that has nothing on it\n<popey> in unity2d\n<MartijnVdS> popey: no?\n<popey> oh, also from irc hilights\n<popey> its offensively loud\n<MartijnVdS> popey: BOING\n<popey> yeah, thanks\n<StevenR> popey: *BONG*\n<popey> sonar\n<popey> in mixer -> sound effects\n<MartijnVdS> try 'glass'\n * popey chooses mute\n<popey> trying unity 2d to see if i still get gpu lockups\n<bastones> What GPU do you have popey? Just wondering.\n<MartijnVdS> bastones: an nvidia one\n<bastones> Ah right\n<MartijnVdS> popey: nouveau or the non-free driver?\n<bastones> Have you installed the proprietary driver?\n<popey> i am using nvidia-current, yes\n<MartijnVdS> popey: does nouveau work at all?\n<bastones> Did you have the same issue(s) when using the nouveau driver?\n<popey> it works, but i havent used it recently\n<bastones> You may want to try uninstall the proprietary driver perhaps. just a thought.\n<popey> sure, one thing at a time\n<bastones> I suggested it in the case that using Unity 2D results in the same issue.\n<HazRPG> anyone good at debugging/fixing audio issues? Because I'm sadly still without sound :(\n<HazRPG> seems jackd screwed things up (and it only got installed because an app installed it), however reverting back to pulse/alsa seems to not be working\n<HazRPG> pulse just seems to hang on startup\n<popey> did you uninstall jackd?\n<MartijnVdS> yes, and jackd2 :)\n<mattt> uk netflix is horrendous\n<mattt> what's the deal?\n * mgdm discovers the Magic Trackpad he got works with gestures if you use Unity, but requires faff to make it work on not-Unity\n<mgdm> bah\n<mgdm> oh, it requires compiz\n<mgdm> Hmmm\n<zleap> hi all\n<ali1234> popey: so are you using nvidia on precise?\n<ali1234> i want to upgrade because unity keeps crashing when i minimize windows\n<ali1234> it's happened about 5 times now\n<ubuntuuk-planet> [Jono Bacon] Python GTK Documentation - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/01/28/python-gtk-documentation/\n<ali1234> !hardy\n<lubotu3> Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 12 2011, Server support continues until 2013. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.\n<swat_> !precise\n<lubotu3> Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 - Blueprints at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1\n<swat_> nice\n<pangolin> I am.\n<ali1234> maybe i should upgrade this VPS\n<ali1234> i wonder what the options are\n<swat_> when's the podcast back?\n<davmor2> czajkowski: prod\n<czajkowski> boo\n<davmor2> czajkowski: treated myself to a new mobo/processor/memory bundle so am trying it out\n<jacobw> evening\n<davmor2> next skype test\n<czajkowski> sweet\n<gord> would quite like a new motherboard\n<davmor2> gord: £149 quad core phenom asus mobo complete with uefi onboard gfx(but I'm using my dedicated card) 4gig of memory but upto 32gig seemed fair to me :)\n<gord> davmor2, i just want a new motherboard as the usb controller is acting up on mine ;)\n<davmor2> gord: what CPU?\n<gord> davmor2, quad core i7 on mine\n<davmor2> hmmm can't help you out there sorry :(\n<gord> to be honest, the only reason i haven't got one is because i'd have to take everything apart and put it back together again\n<gord> not the most fun way of spending my weekend\n<davmor2> gord: that's what I've just done I had great fun apart from the fact I only had a 20 not 24 pin power connector :)\n<davmor2> right I'm gone enjoy your weekends all\n<shauno> re: twitter; does popey really have tiny fingers?\n<gord> i've not spent a large amount of time looking at popey's fingers\n<ubuntuuk-planet> [Gareth France] Tottenham Court Road \u0013 28th January 2012 - http://cliftonts.co.uk/cubuntu/?p=64\n<popey> shauno: have you seen the size of leffe glasses?\n * mgdm makes chocolate cake\n<mgdm> mmmm, leffe\n<shauno> yes, I have a few.  living with students ftw :D\n<popey> heh\n<jutnux> Hey all, what have we been up to tonight?\n<directhex> fosdem gives opportunities for leffe\n<shauno> mostly, arguing with people who are wrong on the internet.  luckily, elsewhere entirely :)\n<directhex> drunk as nature intended: out of the bottle, for breakfast\n<mgdm> hard core\n<jutnux> Sweet\n * popey watched benjamin button with wifey whilst drinking leffe bruin\n<jutnux> Sounds fun\n<popey> 7.5/10\n<jutnux> I sat playing poker with 8 other people and becoming slightly entoxicated.\n<mattt> had a look at netflix uk -- bit disappointing\n<popey> how so?\n<popey> other than silverlight\n<jutnux> Netflix was good for the month free trial ;-)\n<mattt> popey: selection is terrible\n<mgdm> I'm hoping they get an app on the Sony Bravia some time soon so I can try it out\n<mgdm> Lovefilm has that, for what it's worth\n<shauno> I've been rather disappointed with netflix too\n<shauno> the good news is that it adapts if it thinks you're travelling.  you'll be offered the US library from a US IP\n<shauno> other than that, it's mostly bollywood and chinese movies\n<shauno> a fantastic example, is that it has \"donnie darko 2: samantha darko\".  but not \"donnie darko\" itself.  B-movies'R'us\n<mgdm> I didn't even know there was a sequel\n<popey> stay that way\n * mgdm is currently watching Ghostbusters\n<shauno> neither did I.  until I got netflix-uk ;)\n<mgdm> hehe, thanks for the anti-recommendation\n<popey> bedlington methinks\n<popey> nn chaps\n<popey> and Daviey\n<mgdm> g'night popey\n<shauno> I understand that they have to renegotiate content with the local licencees.  my main problem is that you can only do the trial once.  so I can't check back in 6 months to see if they have any content yet\n * mgdm is still amused that the XML namespace for XUL is http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul\n<mattt> shauno: i did a random search for superbad and two of the actors in it ... nothing came up\n<mattt> shauno: which gives you an indication as to how lacking it is\n#ubuntu-uk 2012-01-29\n<ali1234> what's the syntax for wildcards in a bind zone file?\n<matti> ;]\n<matti> mgdm: Who you gonna call???\n<jacobw> rfc1912 2.7\n<ali1234> do i need @ and *.@ or is just *.@ enough?\n<shauno> I just use *.\n<ali1234> *.@ doesn't seem valid... the admin tool won't accept it\n<ali1234> *.example.com. got turned into just *\n<jacobw> afaik, the wildcard will match anything in its scope that isn't otherwise defined\n<shauno> I use @ for the SOA record.  and then *. IN A wh.at.ev.er\n<ali1234> i don't have a SOA record\n<shauno> I'm not sure how that works then; I'm authorative for the domain, so I kinda need one\n<shauno> (the SOA has refresh, serial, ttl, etc)\n<ali1234> i just have @ 10800 IN A w.x.y.z\n<ali1234> and now i have * 1080 IN A w.x.y.z as well\n<shauno> try *. IN A w.x.y.z\n<shauno> that works here, but that's in a full record\n<ali1234> but does that replace the one with @ or in addition to it?\n<shauno> I honestly couldn't tell you; the only @ records I have are the SOA ones\n<ali1234> *. isn;t accepted\n<shauno> (for domains I answer, I'm the only NS or the auth NS, so it's a full record)\n<ali1234> \"syntax error in name field\"\n<ali1234> it will only allow me to enter * 10800 IN A ...\n<ali1234> oh well, i'll just wait 3 hours and see whathappens\n<shauno> hm, I can't force that error\n<shauno> I get \"ignoring out-of-zone data (*)\" for \"*.\", which I was really sure was valid.  and an a-ok for * IN A ..\n<shauno> (using named-checkzone)\n<jacobw> shouldn't *. match anything up to root?\n<shauno> that's my understanding, yeah\n<shauno> I rather confused by not having an @ SOA record tho.  I don't have any zone without such a record\n<ali1234> i'm entering the config into an online web interface\n<ali1234> it probably has a hidden SOA record or something\n<jacobw> i'm thinking that because *. would match anything up to the root its considered out of zone\n<ali1234> and then just merges what you enter\n<jacobw> whereas * is kind of wrong because it doesn't incomplete but only matches within the zone so its ok\n<shauno> http://paste.ubuntu.com/820737/   that's what mine looks like.  * IN A ad.dr.es.s works for me, but *. doesn't; which isn't how I understood it\n<shauno> but ^ is why not having an SOA confuses me\n<ali1234> shauno: i don't have access to the whole config file, just a web form where i enter a snippet\n<ali1234> so the SOA record is probably outside my control\n<shauno> ouch\n<shauno> that kinda makes sense, and kinda sucks at the same time\n<shauno> I prefer to see it, even if I can't touch it\n<ali1234> well it's pretty cool... i can put SFR record etc i assume\n<ali1234> but yeah it would be nice to see some context\n<ali1234> hmm looks like putting * in the A record overrides all the defined CNAMEs\n<shauno> yeah; there's no particular order.  a wildcard will win, even if it's last\n<ali1234> hmm\n<ali1234> so i can't have a wildcard that would accept potential mistyped addresses eg wwww.example.com, while also defining specific subdomains for other servers?\n<shauno> in all honesty, bind9 makes my ex-wife look like the paragon of common sense.  and she was american.\n<jacobw> lol\n<shauno> glad someone chuckled.  the awkward silence was starting to look spiteful ;)\n<jacobw> http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4592#section-2.2.1\n<jacobw> its too late to be thinking about DNS\n<Pendulum> hah\n<Pendulum> shauno: I chuckled and I'm American. I'm not sure what that says about me.\n<shauno> Pendulum: american ultimately had nothing to do with it.  it's just a more straight-forward punchline :)\n<Pendulum> shauno: I meant more that I wasn't sure what it said about me that I liked the punchline :)\n<shauno> the alternative would sound less like a joke, and more like .. dude\n<directhex> moo.\n<shauno> short version, she holds world records in her weight class for powerlifting.  and I think solairs is kinda neat in it's own little ways.  neither wrong, just basic incompatibilities\n<ali1234> ah... i think can put the wildcard as a cname, then it doesn't overwrite the other cnames :)\n<shauno> anyhow, enough excuses.  * IN A works here.  I've no idea what pre-processing is happening there\n<directhex> so what's the IN mean?\n<jacobw> INternet\n<shauno> india?  (internet address?  honestly .. my bind-foo isn't workable, not heavy)\n<shauno> er, is/not\n<directhex> it's hard to google for \"in\"\n<shauno> I have a feeling IN is a leftover\n<jacobw> yeah, its vestigal\n<shauno> I have IN A, IN AAAA, IN SRV, IN TXT .. all IN ..\n<jacobw> unix and linux system administration page 577 defines IN as internet\n<shauno> I'll bow to that then.  this bottle doesn't define it at all\n<jacobw> you don't need it anymore, by default IN is assumed by all implementations\n<jacobw> bottles don't define much :)\n<shauno> that bit I didn't know; for the most part, I just copy lines that I know to work\n<shauno> I get one day off this week.  bottles define that day.  nothing more, nothing less\n<directhex> hm... how much extra hate do i get if i add two architectures to src:mono on debian?\n<jacobw> why hate?\n<ubuntuuk-planet> [Jono Bacon] More Ubuntu Accomplishments Hacking - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/01/29/more-ubuntu-accomplishments-hacking/\n<ali1234> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 777 2012-01-29 04:33 access.log\n<ali1234> how is it possible for the webserver to be writing to this file?\n<hamitron> does it pass events to some logging daemon?\n<hamitron> off to bed anyway\n<hamitron> gl o/\n<danfish> tell me why I don't like Sunday, tell me why I don't like Sunday....coz tomorrow's Monday :(\n<MartijnVdS> danfish: that's not how the song goes ;)\n<danfish> MartijnVdS: quite. I spend the week looking forwards to Friday and the weekend and it goes too quickly\n<danfish> ho hum, a week off in Feb to recharge my batteries and jumpstart some projects :)\n<MartijnVdS> danfish: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0 or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGgMZpGYiy8&ob=av3n\n<danfish> ahh, the cure - the music of my youth\n<danfish> music is not the same now </endoldgitmode>\n<jutnux> Morning\n<daubers> Morning\n<popey> morning\n<brobostigon> good morning everyone.\n<jutnux> Howdy\n<bigcalm> Ug\n<daubers> think it may be past time to retire the old NSLU2 :(\n<daubers> taking it nearly 10 minutes to run an SQL query\n<popey> heh\n<bigcalm> Things I have discovered about Thunderbird: 1) you can drag contacts from one account to another. 2) this deletes them from the original account just fine. 3) the target account does not have the moved contacts after reloading Thunderbird\n<bigcalm> I have lost countless contacts :(\n<popey> uhm\n<popey> unity 2d remembers which desktop you opened apps on\n<popey> thats odd\n<bigcalm> For instance, I used to have popey's mobile number. This is no longer the case\n<bigcalm> popey: you can sleep safely at night now\n<daubers> probably shouldn't have asked libre office to plot all 300000 rows of that table :(\n<popey> my mobile number isnt hard to find ☺\n * MartijnVdS looks in his mobile phone\n<MartijnVdS> indeed :)\n<danfish> bigcalm: nah - to summon popey just beam the circle of friends into the night sky ala batman ;)\n<bigcalm> Heh\n<HazRPG> heh\n<HazRPG> \\o hi\n<MartijnVdS> danfish: not an image of a pope?\n<HazRPG> my current egy number is sooooo easy to remember!\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: 123456789?\n<HazRPG> all I have to remember is the last 4 digits\n<MartijnVdS> 1337!\n<HazRPG> because it starts with 0111110\n<MartijnVdS> Binary number?\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: almost!\n<HazRPG> tis awesome!\n<MartijnVdS> I haven't found any pattern to my phone number yet\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: like i said, my egy number is mega!\n<popey> mine is in my email sig now\n<HazRPG> cos you get to pick your number from a list here if you get a month sub. type contract\n<MartijnVdS> popey: don't you get prank callers from that? (when emailing public lists)\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: depends on the mailing lists really\n<HazRPG> lol\n<HazRPG> google really wants people to make sure they read their new terms don't they o.O\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: Have you seen the abuse IRC ops get _on irc_? I wouldn't want k1dd13s to know my phone number :)\n<HazRPG> 2 e-mails, and several notifications\n<danfish> daubers: talking of old hardware, I've just pressed my viglen mpc back into service!\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: same\n<MartijnVdS> HazRPG: I like that though. Lots of other companies change their TOS/privacy policies without notice\n<HazRPG> MartijnVdS: true, true\n<daubers> danfish: \\o/ mine still cuts out randomly :)\n<danfish> daubers: (I'm running debian on it but don't tell anyone!)\n<HazRPG> right i have some errants to attend to, speak to ya all later \\o\n<popey> not yet MartijnVdS\n<HazRPG> s/errants/errands/*\n<daubers> danfish: Heh :) I blame the uupc bunch for supplying me with duff hardware\n<daubers> though it might just need the heatsink to be reseated.....\n<danfish> daubers: time for a class action suit ;)\n<daubers> danfish: Is that what batman wears?\n<daubers> note: I may be doped up on every anti flu remedy I could find in the flat, and may make even less sense than usual\n<danfish> haha\n<danfish> daubers: best flu remedy ever = hot toddy + whisky + cocodamol (soluble)\n<danfish> take 4 times daily until comatose\n<danfish> is AlanBell around? How to cook the perfect roast chicken?\n * popey looks at his chicken in the oven\n * popey doubts it will be perfect but it will be tasty\n<ging> did you watch how to cook like heston?\n<ging> he did a chicken\n<ging> he massively under cooks it for 2hours then over cooks it for 15 minutes\n * MartijnVdS waves Cooking for Geeks around\n * daubers is now tempted to nuke libre office\n<daubers> it's still trying to graph this stuff\n<AlanBell> MartijnVdS: I wouldn't expect IRC trolls to make phone calls, it would show up on their parent's bill\n<AlanBell> danfish: not sure how to cook chickens, but I have some great recipes for rat http://reocities.com/SunsetStrip/amphitheatre/8707/rats.html\n<MartijnVdS> AlanBell: I've had someone from #u-nl make \"fake\" phone calls using SIP gateways in China\n<MartijnVdS> AlanBell: all I heard was silence, but it happened several times/day, sometimes at night\n<AlanBell> that isn't good\n<Pendulum> MartijnVdS: that's a bit frightening\n<MartijnVdS> Pendulum: it stopped after I talked to Vodafone about it\n<popey> bah\n<popey> nouveau gives me big black boxes where web content should be\n<popey> nvidia gives me gpu lockups\n<MartijnVdS> it's trying to tell you to stop browsing, start working :)\n<popey> this thinkpad can't arrive soon enough\n<penguin42> popey: Is this in unity2d or 3d? (for both Nouveau and nvidia?)\n<popey> 3d\n<popey> i have used nvidia driver for both and get gpu lockups on both 3d and 2d\n<popey> only just switched to nouveau to see if i still get the lockups\n<popey> and now I get lots of flicker and black boxes in content\n<penguin42> I'd hope nouveau can cope with 2d\n<popey> 2d still does compositing\n * popey logs out and into 2d\n<penguin42> popey: Yeh but it doesn't push it anywhere as hard\n<penguin42> popey: And I'd assume it doesn't use GL to do it?\n<gord> compositing is gl\n<penguin42> hmm that's a shame; it works ok on cards that don't do any native GL (e.g. cirrus in KVM) but I guess that's the emulation in X?\n<gord> compositing is turned off\n<MartijnVdS> How does it composite then?\n<MartijnVdS> if compositing is turned off\n<popey> i give up\n<popey> think I'll just put this laptop away and use my desktop until the thinkpad arrives\n<penguin42> popey: Please donate it to a Nouvaeu dev\n<popey> its going to my wife\n<penguin42> if you just do a metacity --replace & it'll be useable on one of them\n<popey> gonna back it up and stick osx on it\n<gord> MartijnVdS, uh, it doesn't?\n<MartijnVdS> gord: then how do windows appear on the screen etc.?\n<gord> MartijnVdS, that is not what compositing is\n * MartijnVdS looks confused\n<gord> a compositing window manager is a window manager that allows windows to be layered over each other, that is not what something like metacity does in its 2d mode\n<gord> it just blits shapes\n<penguin42> I'm not sure metacity even does that - it just puts the window where it wants it and the app draws where X tells it\n<gord> more likely yes\n<penguin42> it's much more efficient, but obviously not as pretty\n<MartijnVdS> http://cgi.cs.indiana.edu/~oracle/ \\o/\n<popey> bah, unity 2d firefox flickers like bonkers with nouveau\n * popey pokes chrisccoulson with a stick\n<chrisccoulson> hi popey\n * popey tickles aquarius \n<popey> what ho!\n<aquarius> yo\n<OmNomDePlume> Anyone watching the tennis?\n<aquarius> I have a survey question: is it substantially useful to have a version of summit on your mobile phone which works when you don't have a network connection? Specifically, when would this be useful? (Obviously having it is more useful than not having it; I'm trying to work out *how* useful.)\n<popey> when walking between hotel and venue\n<popey> and in evening when you're out and about in a foreign country and there is no 3g (expensive) and no wifi\n<MartijnVdS> When random people are clogging the conference wifi\n<popey> also at breakfast where the wifi didnt reach\n<MartijnVdS> with their apt-get updates/upgrades\n<popey> that doesnt happen so much these days\n<popey> UDS wifi is probably the best conf wifi\n * popey tickles Nafallo \n<MartijnVdS> popey: You haven't been to YAPC::EU or FOSDEM have you ;)\n<popey> i havent been to fosdem for a while\n<aquarius> OK. There are two issues with offline access to summit. The first is that once you've taken something offline, it's quite likely to go out of date, especially given the rapidity with which the UDS schedule changes over the course of the week; the second is that you'd have to have gone and visited summit while online to get the data to cache. Do either of those constitute a severe problem?\n<popey> last time I went the wifi was shocking\n<OmNomDePlume> Djokovic is serving for the championship.\n<popey> no aquarius\n<popey> aquarius: so long as the UI lets you know how stale the data is\n<popey> and provides and easy 'sync' button\n<aquarius> I agree entirely that it'd be useful at breakfast and in the evenings, I just don't know whether it's useful *enough* that I'm prepared to put the work in to *try* and make it possible :)\n<MartijnVdS> ah, so it's a laziness issue :P\n<popey> arguably you want to be away from summit in the evenings\n<popey> and be doing things like drinking / eating / team-building\n<aquarius> MartijnVdS, well, it's a time-and-resources issue; I only have a limited amount of spare time, and I have more projects than I have spare time. So I'm trying to work out whether I should do further work on summit rather than one of my other projects ;)\n<aquarius> I've already made it mobile-friendly, which fixes one of my two big annoyances at UDS; the other big annoyance is not having access to summit when I'm away from the wifi, so I'm trying to quantify how much that also annoys other people :)\n<popey> right, laptop pretty much unusable right now\n<aquarius> s/two big annoyances/two big summit-related annoyances/ ;-)\n * popey kicks off a backup and looks for an OSX CD\n<popey> need a new hostname for the thinkpad when it arrives\n<MartijnVdS> deep-thought\n<gord> aquarius, don't we have that app now?\n<bigcalm> ponder-stibbons\n<gord> its like a conference app and you get the summit through that\n<aquarius> gord, the app is shit. It's shit, yes it is.\n<bigcalm> !ohmy | aquarius\n<lubotu3> aquarius: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.\n<gord> it really is, but better than using summet.ubuntu on my phone\n<popey> ooo deep-thought I like\n<aquarius> Guidebook is constantly out of date, it constantly tries to cache\n<aquarius> gord, why's Guidebook better?\n<aquarius> bigcalm, I keep forgetting that. Thanks.\n<gord> summit doesn't fit easily\n<bigcalm> :)\n<aquarius> gord, yeah, that's what I've fixed. It now does, beautifully :)\n<gord> woo\n<aquarius> my goal here is to kill guidebook stone dead and have people just use summit, because we can rev it more quickly and do what we want with it.\n<gord> does summit have some javascript to auto-update as well?\n<aquarius> not at the moment, no (although being able to hit \"refresh\" does that well enough, I think)\n<bigcalm> aquarius: the workplace day in Wolves is going fortnightly. Any more chance of getting you to join us? ;)\n<aquarius> bigcalm, the issue is that most days I'm not really able to travel; I'm tethered here :)\n<aquarius> gord, I'd only need auto-updating JS if summit also works offline, which is what I'm debating doing as my next piece of work on it\n<aquarius> hence the questions :)\n<bigcalm> aquarius: the cafe has draft beer\n<aquarius> heh. I'm not tethered here because this is the only place with beer in it :)\n<bigcalm> :P\n<bigcalm> It also includes the occasional pretty red-head. I get a ribbing from davmor2 every time I look up from my screen\n<aquarius> now, that's just gonna distract me from work\n<gord> hrm yeah, wifi.. especially since chances are, hotel room wifi is crap\n<gord> i like to look up and plan my sessions in the morning before breakfast\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: you're calling aquarius a pretty redhead now? :P\n<AlanBell> o/ aquarius\n<AlanBell> you did the flat view? awesome, it was on my list to do that before -q\n<aquarius> AlanBell, ya. Well, mhall and cjohnston did most of the work; I just added some tweaks. summit is now lovely on mobiles, yay\n<AlanBell> yay\n<AlanBell> I was going to do it as a nested <ul>\n<aquarius> AlanBell, my first set of changes are in trunk now, which is nice.\n<AlanBell> it is nicer to read with orca like that too\n<aquarius> OK, next survey question. If you're offline (let's say you're in a restaurant somewhere offsite at UDS), and you pull up summit (which now works offline), and summit knows that the data it's showing is five hours old *but* you don't have a network connection (and so can't refresh it), should it still tell you that the schedule is 5 hours old (and might have been changed in the interim) even if you can't do anything\n<aquarius>  about it?\n<popey> yes\n<aquarius> why?\n<aquarius> (not necessarily disagreeing with you; just clarifying)\n<popey> because i may assume that the device synced when i was in the hotel\n<popey> but it didnt, and I dont know that\n<aquarius> right. (Note: it will not do so. The one advantage of an actual native app over a website is that a native app can sync even when you're not looking at it.)\n<popey> look at the email client on iphone\n<popey> right at the bottom of your inbox is a date/time stamp of when you last synced mail\n<popey> tis handy\n<aquarius> popey, do you have a screenshot of said email client exhibitng that?\n<popey> i do/can\n<aquarius> (from google images is fine; it doesn't have to be yours, so you don't have to blur out all the email names etc)\n<popey> see twitter\n<popey> https://twitter.com/#!/popey/status/163635555500949507/photo/1\n<aquarius> gotcha\n<aquarius> and the refresh arrow next to it will update that?\n<popey> yes, or pull down\n<popey> and the status changes\n<popey> see twitter ☺\n<popey> https://twitter.com/#!/popey/status/163635960666521601/photo/1\n<popey> interestingly thats arguably an old app\n<aquarius> ?\n<aquarius> don't know what that means\n<popey> it might not be the 'best' way\n<popey> facebook shows the 'last updated' date time in the bit when you pull the UI down\n<popey> https://twitter.com/#!/popey/status/163636826865807360/photo/1\n<aquarius> ya, FB on android does the same thing\n<popey> which is probably preferable\n<popey> but the stupid thing is that will trigger a 'get'\n<popey> or at least try to\n<popey> or give you some 'no network' error\n<popey> although if you pull down and dont let go, but push back up, it doesnt update\n<popey> only updates if you pull down and let go\n<aquarius> I can handle that, though\n<aquarius> it won't go and GET and then fail and give you a \"no page available\", no fear :)\n<popey> ☺\n<aquarius> Summary question 3: the offline stuff will inevitably mean that you have to refresh the page a bit more often (because you'll get cached data more often). Is it a good idea that summit should work this way on all browsers (desktop and mobile), or just on mobile?\n<gord> geez, steam for android eats up a lot of battery\n<popey> wait, there's steam for android now?\n<popey> (and not linux desktop)\n<penguin42> aquarius: Does that necessarily have to be true? I mean if you're find you're online can't you fetch the data anyway and not rely on the cache?\n<aquarius> penguin42, no. That's not how appcaches work. If you've appcached a page, then the browser gets it from the cache and doesn't even look at the internet. It will then, after it's displayed it, look at the internet to see if there's a newer version, and the result of that can be detected with javascript.\n<gord> popey, its not steam steam, its really just an IM\n<gord> you can't install mobile games with it or anything\n<penguin42> aquarius: oh that's ok, if it displays the cached one, and then updates if it gets it; bonus points for displaying some indicator that it's updating\n<popey> ah\n<kvarley> Is there a chat application that can be overlayed on OpenGL games? Like Raptr and Steam.\n<ubuntuuk-planet> [Tony] Amy and Andrew: Behind the scenes - http://tonywhitmore.co.uk/blog/2012/01/28/amy-and-andrew-behind-the-scenes/\n<Guest37546> can someone help me i want to install ubuntu on an old laptop running windows me. i don't think the disk drive is working and my other comps are macs\n<Guest37546> hello?\n<Myrtti> do you know if the laptop can boot off USB?\n<Guest37546> i don't think so i was in the bios earlier setting cd to first boot option and didn't notice anything about usb\n<Myrtti> it has a CD drive tho?\n<Guest37546> yeh and a floppy disk drive but i don't think the cd drive is working properly\n<Myrtti> I have no ideas :-|\n<Myrtti> you could try the CD anyway\n<Guest37546> ok thanx for trying\n<Guest37546> i did but it won't recognise there is a cd in the drive anymore\n<directhex> Guest32137, so you can't boot from any external media at all?\n<Guest37546> not that I'm aware of no. unless you know a way to use a floppy disc?\n<penguin42> Guest37546: Does it have USB - just can't boot from it?\n<Guest37546> yeh\n<penguin42> Guest37546: You *might* be able to do it with a Grub boot floppy\n<Guest37546> what is thet?\n<Guest37546> *that\n<penguin42> Guest37546: Grub is one of the Linux boot loaders, you can get a premade image of Grub that you can write to a floppy, it can then boot off other devices - *if* the BIOS can see the other device\n<directhex> you're venturing into lands that require a high degree of technical expertise. as in \"i'm a 7 year linux sysadmin, and wouldn't want to do any of the choices available to me\" if i could avoid it\n<penguin42> not forgetting holy water, a cockrel and vials of mercury\n<aquarius> new question for Android people: why should I install cyanogen? Interested to hear people's reasons. :)\n<penguin42> aquarius: Depends what on; it's more responsive and fixes some bugs in the standard install on my phone\n<aquarius> bugs?\n<aquarius> I like the \"more responsive\" thing, because that and battery life are the reasons I'm contemplating doing this, which is something I swore I wouldn't do :)\n<penguin42> aquarius: Yeh, the standard ROM on the Orange San Francisco (Aka ZTE Blade) had the compass pointing 180deg out - as I found out the hard way\n<aquarius> oh, right, I don't have that sort of bug :P\n<penguin42> I'm not sure the battery life is great on cyanogen\n<penguin42> aquarius: What does your phone currently have on?\n<aquarius> stock Android 4.0 ICS\n<penguin42> hmm if you're on ICS (very nice...) then I doubt there is as much gain\n<aquarius> it's not very nice. It's slow and it eats battery.\n<penguin42> My phone was on 2.2 when 2.3/2.4 was already out, hence it was a good upgrade\n<aquarius> that's why I want to fix it :)\n<penguin42> aquarius: Which phone?\n<aquarius> Nexus S\n<penguin42> aquarius: Well the other thing was my phone was cheap, so if I bricked it then I didn't have to worry too much; now a Nexus S I guess the decision is a little different\n<aquarius> :)\n<directhex> aquarius, look at cyanogenmod as the biggest community android distro. usual reasons for replacing your bundled os apply\n<aquarius> directhex, what usual reasons?\n<popey> aquarius: i put cyanogen on an htc hero to get newer android and plain android so not sense UI'd\n<directhex> your bundled os is filled with sucky crapware and is old?\n<aquarius> ya, but it isn't. I've got a Nexus S: it runs stock Android, and it's running ICS>\n<directhex> so 0 benefit\n<aquarius> this is one of the reasons I'm resistant to new ROMs; I wanted to see whether eveyrone's reason for changing ROMs was \"get rid of sense UI and crapware and get an upgrade\" and so on, none of which apply to me\n<jacobw> the google branded phones have current stock android\n<aquarius> the reason I'm contemplating this (which I said I'd never do) is that I upgraded to ICS and I am dog sick of it being slow and clunky and eating battery like there is no tomorrow\n<jacobw> there isn't much cost to trying a few different ROMs\n<popey> there is if the custom rom is unreliable\n<jacobw> the larger ROM projects are usually reliable\n<Azelphur> I just found out you can generate bitcoin vanity addresses :D\n<aquarius> there's a time cost, at least.\n<aquarius> and also a mental cost in having to understand a load of stuff that I don't want to\n * Myrtti loves JuiceDefender\n<Azelphur> 1AZLPHRgfVgdSbwGeZAqrkjmskDTc2j7Uu valid address :D, probably will try and get 1AzeLphur* at some point but it'll take a couple days of crypto to get it\n<jacobw> the time required should mostly be to root and flash, which is quick with AAHK\n<aquarius> no. I also need to understand what a \"radio\" is, whether I need it, whether I need to download google apps separately, whether I need to \"root\" my phone, why I need to root it...\n<aquarius> what \"aahk\" is, and so on :)\n<jacobw> its not as complicated as you'd think, aahk is 'android advanced hack kit' which will root, install a bootloader with tools and flash a radio image for you.\n<aquarius> my brain's already full, though. To learn new stuff I have to forget something ;-)\n * aquarius vacillates about whether to install a new ROM.\n<jacobw> after that all you need to do is to put the rom image on storage and flash it from the bootloader tools\n<popey> jacobw: its not complicated, but it's extra stuff to put in the brain\n<BigRedS> aquarius: 'radio' is used to refer to the rom that manages the GSM chip. You probably don't need to do anything to it, but if you do then it'll be done automagically by whatever installs whichever rom you pick\n<directhex> aquarius wants to learn \"cyanogenmod\" but aquarius already knows four moves! forget a move to make room for \"cyanogenmod\"?\n * aquarius laughs\n<jacobw> haha\n<aquarius> that's exactly how it is. I might end up forgetting how spoons work or something\n<directhex> aquarius forgot \"mean look\"!\n<BigRedS> basically, installing a new android rom now is like installing a linux distro a few years ago. A tad clunky, but relatively easy and hard to get wrong if you follow the instructions\n<jacobw> it'd be cool if you could choose to forget something like removing service packs in XP in change for easy time learning something else\n<jacobw> s/change/exchange\n<popey> I am trying to forget SAP\n<jacobw> BigRedS: the cyanogen mod forums are full of people who've managed to do it wrong :(\n<BigRedS> jacobw: yeah, because all the people who get it right don't feel the need to post :)\n<BigRedS> I've only bricked a single phone, and that was basically because I was using a dodgy usb extension lead. If you're less complacent than I was (which I guess you'll be) you'll be fine\n<BigRedS> just follow the instructions and don't assume anything\n<jacobw> i need to try miui 2.1.20, i'm currently using cyanogenmod because miui 2.1.6 wouldn't boot for me\n<penguin42> BigRedS: What did you brick?\n<BigRedS> my Galaxy\n<BigRedS> We even made up the special cable to unbrick it, but that didn't work either. I keep meaning to dismanlte it all over ebay\n<penguin42> ouch; must be jtagable\n<ali1234> unity just crashed when minimizing firefox again\n<ali1234> except i'm doing a distro upgrade and it failed to restart\n<jacobw> :(\n<ali1234> so now i can't get to the upgrade window to see if it's finished or needs interaction\n<popey> can you not unity --reset from tty0?\n<ali1234> no, it crashed with segmentation fault\n<popey> nice\n<ali1234> i can probably start a proper window manager though\n<popey> heh\n<ali1234> metacity works\n<ali1234> it's amazing how much faster metacity is than unity\n<directhex> compiz?\n<ali1234> no, compiz is fine\n<ali1234> it's only the unity plugint hat makes it slow\n<ali1234> i mean compiz isn't speedy sure\n<ali1234> but it's not significantly slower than metacity\n<directhex> at least unity's focus badness is really compiz's fault\n<ali1234> focus badness? you mean when you open a new firefox window and type in google and your typing goes to the previous window?\n<ali1234> every single time...\n<directhex> ali1234, yes! that one!\n<ali1234> the worst part is they fixed that once and now it's back\n<directhex> ali1234, compiz cannot handle the idea of window focus. which is a problem for a window manager...\n<ali1234> and i bet nobody even knows what fixed it\n<ali1234> compiz is pretty bad\n<directhex> but it has wobbly windows!\n<ali1234> i only used to use it for ezoom\n<ali1234> but that is now disabled anyway\n<ali1234> i never had focus problems before unity though\n<ali1234> i guess it's time to reopen that focus bug\n<ali1234> well, we'll see if it's fixed in precise first\n<ali1234> assuming this upgrade ever finishes\n<ali1234> and assuming i don't reboot to a black screen because nvidia driver doesn't work\n<aquarius> I note that it's amazing how much faster dos 6.2 is than unity too, because it does less :)\n<ali1234> yeah, but unity doesn't do anything that metacity doesn't do\n<ali1234> actually it does rather less\n<ali1234> a more fair comparison would be unity vs metacity vs windows 3.1\n<aquarius> yes it does. metacity moves windows around and that's it. It doesn't show me what's running; it doesn't let me switch easily between apps with the mouse; it doesn't let me start and switch to a specific app with one keypress; it doesn't show me whether I'm connected to the network; it doesn't let me change my volume with the mouse, etc, etc, etc.\n<ali1234> i dunno if you've ever tried to run windows 3.1 on modern hardware\n<ali1234> well i have, and it doesn't run any faster than it did on a 486\n<ali1234> it's still faster than unity though\n<ali1234> well baring the rather strange design issues where unity is both a window manager and also a panel, unity doesn't do any of that stuff either\n<ali1234> most of it is done by indicators\n<aquarius> Unity is all of those things, though. It's not just a window manager, and that's the point.\n<ali1234> if you are going to include them in unity then i'm going to include panels etc in metacity\n<aquarius> fine, that's not a problem, at which point your argument is that Gnome 2 is faster than Unity, which is a reasonable argument.\n<aquarius> The reason for choosing Unity over Gnome 2 is not about performance.\n<ali1234> essentially you are making the argument that it is OK that unity gets a framerate below 10 FPS on a high end GPU, because it also does a load of stuff that shouldn't even be in a window manager\n<ali1234> so no only is it slow, it;s also badly designed :)\n<ali1234> it's not even about gnome 2\n<ali1234> unity-2d is also significantly faster\n<ali1234> and it does all exactly the same things\n<aquarius> Not at all (although I don't have that problem in the slightest, so I suspect I have better-supported hardware than you). I'm making the argument that Unity isn't a window manager, it's a desktop shell.\n<ali1234> i don't care what it is\n<aquarius> So run Unity Qt; that's what it's for. That seems like a fine idea to me,\n<ali1234> i only care that when i try to move a window, there is a 3 second lag before the screen redraws\n<ali1234> the problem with unity-2d is that multimonitor support is completely broken, otherwise i would use it\n<aquarius> indeed. I can imagine that that's really irritating -- as I say, that doesn't happen to me, because I chose supported hardware. I can also see that it's annoying that you can't have all of (a) Unity's features, (b) multi-monitor support, and (c) support for your hardware, all at once, right now. We're working on it, obviously.\n<ali1234> unfortunately there is no supported hardware that is capable of running the software that i actually want\n<ali1234> i'm assuming that nvidia is not supported\n<aquarius> Yeah. The open-source software world as a whole has that problem, sometimes. Progress is slower than we'd all like.\n<ali1234> i don't really understand why pretty much all software that requires acceleration only works with nvidia binary, except for unity, which only works properly with nouveau\n<ali1234> i can only assume that there is a fundamental design issue with unity that prevents it from hosting applications which also make use of 3d graphics\n<directhex> fglrx works for me :p\n<ali1234> lol\n<ali1234> i take it you don't ever play games in wine\n<ali1234> oh hey the upgrade finished\n<ali1234> well it certainly boots up fast\n<directhex> ali1234, no, i don't play games in wine. native, or reboot to windows\n<ali1234> typical wine/fglrx user \"why is the sky pink and i have a white box around the mouse cursor?\"\n<ali1234> gaming in wine works flawlessly if you use nvidia - but only if you don't have unity running at the same time - then you get 10 FPS if you are lucky\n<directhex> spacechem works. stick to native games.\n<ali1234> native games are terrible\n<directhex> no, that's FOSS games.\n<gordonjcp> who the hell plays games on PCs anyway?\n<gordonjcp> buy a PS3\n<ali1234> i concur\n<directhex> people who want to play games which are only available on, or better on, PC? or want to play games with mods?\n<ali1234> but don't buy a PS3, but nintendo, the games are better\n<directhex> pfft\n<directhex> the wii is a bundle of fail\n<ali1234> PS3 only has two games\n<ali1234> \"generic FPS game\" and \"generic sword fighting game\"\n<directhex> yeah now you';re just being somewhat on the retarded side of retarded\n<brobostigon> atm, my only playing seems to be tuxracer on my tablet, while waiting for doctors and hospital appointments.\n<gordonjcp> ali1234: actually\n<gordonjcp> there are very few FPSes on the PS3\n<gordonjcp> most of the single-person viewpoint 3D shooters are third-person\n<gordonjcp> on account of how the dynamics of playing FPSes with a gamepad is all wack and shit\n<gord> eh\n<gord> there are lots of fps games on the ps3\n<ali1234> all i have to say about that is \"goldeneye\"\n<gordonjcp> gord: bet there's more third-person shooters\n<directhex> saying \"the ps3 is only FPSes\" is like saying \"the wii is only crappy minigame collection shovelware\"\n<directhex> except less accurate\n<ali1234> yeah those 3rd person games where yo \"lock\" on stuff... it doesn't really matter if you have a gun or a sword, the gameplay mechanic is the same\n<gord> i have a ps3 and i have a wii, i get my wii out once a year for the one single game that comes out for it that is worth playing\n<gord> last year it was zelda, i won't even get it out this year as there are no games coming out for it anymore that are worth your time\n<ali1234> oh i don't disagree that the wii only has 1 good game a year\n<ali1234> but i can't think of a single PS3 game that i would want to play\n<gord> i have about two shelves full of fantastic ps3 games\n<ali1234> and PC only gets a good game every 2 - 3 years as well\n<directhex> http://i.imgur.com/DNUAH.jpg - i speak with experience on gaming.\n<directhex> ali1234 is a bad troll, tbh\n<directhex> a good troll is less obvious\n<ali1234> i;ve owned all of those as well, except for xbox and nes\n<ali1234> xbox 360 that is. had a xbox for a while\n<directhex> modern gaming is fantastic. we've never had it so good. the number of brilliant games per year has only been going up year-on-year in the last decade\n<popey> pffft, european snes\n<gord> the US snes is an eye sore :P\n<gord> the european one is so pretty, japanese one too\n<popey> reminds me of parma violets\n<directhex> popey, i'm european! it was sold with street fighter 2 from Future Zone in oxford!\n<popey> hah\n<popey> i have 3 gamecubes ☺\n<popey> two purple, one black\n<directhex> yes i remember, including saving my pocket money for a second pad\n<directhex> we have 2 cubes\n<popey> two n64s\n<directhex> wife and i each have a cube\n<gord> i have like three dreamcasts\n<gord> but only because they break if you look at them the wrong way\n<directhex> gord, there's a fix for the cutting out problem\n<popey> i dont think I've ever seen a dreamcast in the flesh other than in a shop\n<gord> directhex, cutting out? no, the lasers die\n<directhex> gord, just needs a screwdriver\n<gord> really easy\n<directhex> gord, my laser is fine. but i had it randomly rebooting\n<directhex> common enough issue\n<directhex> metal fatigue on the PSU connector pins\n<gord> yeah no its not that, its the drive for me\n<directhex> wish i had a Set5 dev kit instead of a retail console\n<ali1234> mine used to overheat. had to put it on it's side to make it work\n<gord> i may be deemed a \"heavy user\" of dreamcasts though ;)\n<directhex> my rez disc hasn't needed to come off the shelf since Rez HD hit XBLA\n<popey> do you manually plug stuff in when you need it or have a giant scart-o-tron?\n<directhex> popey, i now only have the current-gen stuff always connected\n<directhex> popey, i can't have everything at once due to power constraints and shared cables\n<popey> gotcha\n<directhex> e.g. the snes and n64 share an av cable; the snes and nes share a power brick\n<directhex> i have decent av cables in a box - component for ps2, rgb scart for cube, etc\n<directhex> xbox has a 160g disk and xbmc, but haven't used that for ages\n<popey> heh, my xbox was decommisioned just last week\n<popey> also xbmc\n<directhex> it's 2012. i demand HD\n<directhex> good job the av receiver upscales the NES!\n<gord> upscaling ruins the nes :P\n<directhex> gord, mostly the problem is getting wii virtual console games to display. my old av receiver couldsn't upscale virtual console games over hdmi\n<gord> virtual console throws the video mode into the same mode the console uses, used to have the same problem with my old tv\n<gord> new tv handles it fine though\n<directhex> the sony handles it. the onkyo did not\n<gord> i got a really nice connector for my megadrive, it outputs over svideo so its a really nice clear crisp signal. i hate it. i want my old co-ax back\n<directhex> RF modulator!\n<ali1234> speaking of TVs\n<gord> one day i'll have a big enough place that i can have a game room and have a dedicated CRT to old consoles, new tv's can't handle them properly\n<directhex> the problem is light guns\n<directhex> my zapper is now a paperweight. boo\n<ali1234> is ubuntu TV going to be a full TV solution, or will it be like existing smart TVs, where it's a mode that you switch to independent of the \"watching TV\" mode\n<gord> so how do you hunt ducks?!\n<directhex> i don't. boo.\n<gord> the duck population will get out of control!\n<directhex> i should play some more rayman.\n<gord> origins?\n<directhex> yes\n<gord> beat that the other week, tis good\n<directhex> it's exceedingly unoriginal\n<directhex> in the best way\n<directhex> i.e. it's like rayman 1, but prettier and smoother - and less brutal on the lives front\n<gord> they wanted to open source the graphics engine powering it, wonder if they will\n<popey> ali1234: integrated, is the idea\n<directhex> http://www.develop-online.net/news/38204/Ancel-wants-UbiArt-tech-to-be-free-for-all ?\n<popey> so the epg is shown in the UI along with film selection, local video etc\n<ali1234> cool\n<gord> doing the new resident evil on my 3ds at the mo, also good\n<directhex> don't have a 3ds\n<directhex> funny thing - i own 3d games and movies which i put into my ps3, connected to my 3d-capable av receiver, into my 3d tv. and i take 3d photos with my 3d camera. but i skipped the 3ds\n<directhex> mobile gaming has never been a thing for me. i'm the driver, so i get little chance to do \"full\" 3d games, rather than stolen moments\n<gord> 3ds is easily the best device for 3d atm :)\n<directhex> tbh imho there won't be mobile handhelds after the 3ds and vita. mobile phones have devalued dedicated mobile systems too far\n<directhex> poor sales of both systems suggest i'm not alone\n<gord> actually the 3ds has sold hugely\n * popey googles vita\n<gord> some of us don't want a mobile phone to play games on\n<popey> oh, sony\n<directhex> after they cut the asking price on the 3ds by more than 33% it sold okay\n<directhex> nowhere near expectations, hence nintendo's earnings warning to their shareholders\n<gord> yeah, they misspriced it, but that doesn't mean that mobiles are taking over\n<directhex> the ds was the success it was, thanks to non-game games\n<gord> it actually means that at the right price, people do want a dedicated machine. mobiles frankly suck for gaming\n<directhex> nintendogs\n<directhex> brain age\n<directhex> etc\n<directhex> 3ds needs to compete with smartphone apps for the non-gamer market\n<Myrtti> Professor Layton ♥\n<gord> but it doesn't\n<gord> it has its market\n<Myrtti> I'm a nongamer and I play professor layton ♥\n<directhex> its market is shrinking. that's the point\n<gord> but its not\n<gord> its expanding, hugely\n<directhex> Myrtti,  http://techcrunch.com/2011/10/17/professor-layton-leaves-the-nintendo-stable-to-join-ios/\n<directhex> gord, the earnings warning is imaginary, then?\n<gord> directhex, thats as a result of them not having a console offering really. the wii isn't selling, not the 3ds\n<gord> no one is making games for it and no one is buying games for it\n<Myrtti> directhex: I'm not going to buy an iphone for playing it.\n<gord> frankly the 3ds saved them from a truly disastrous earnings report\n<gord> Myrtti, don't worry, the new layton game for the 3ds should come out in the west this year :) already out in japan iirc\n<directhex> nobody ever bought games for the wii. they branched out into selling wii sports to grandparents, without understanding that grandparents don't want new games, they want wii sports again and again and again FOREVER\n<directhex> \"hardcore\" wii games have always flopped\n<Myrtti> gord: I know, I keep track on the subject\n<directhex> madworld barely sold\n<gord> prolly know more than me then, i hate layton games ;) - or more aptly. i get stuck on them, decide the puzzle is stupid regardless of everyone else getting past it easily and quit forever\n<ali1234> that couldn't be anything to do with madworld being \"generic swordfighting game\" released in a sea of identical games, could it?\n<ali1234> i mean if you want games like that, get a PS3\n<directhex> ali1234, yes it's definitely that. wait, it's not a swordfighting game and you don't know a thing about this stuff\n<directhex> same difference\n<ali1234> why does the cover art have a picture of a guy with a sword then?\n<gord> isn't there some saying about not judging a book by its cover?\n<directhex> this is a sword: http://www.medieval-weaponry.co.uk/acatalog/SH2404-1000.jpg\n<directhex> this is a chainsaw: http://www.a-water-pump.com/images/powertools/husqvarna/HUS_3120xp_lg.jpg\n<directhex> in most cultures, they are considered different implements\n<ali1234> therein lies the problem. you can make an exact clone of a thousand other games and change one tiny detail like \"the main character has a chainsaw instead of a sword\" and PS3 owners think that represents value for money\n<ali1234> what's thatgame that has a reputation for being hard? the one where you are a ninja?\n<directhex> omg, it has \"polygons\" on a \"screen\", it's such a rip-off!\n<directhex> ninja gaiden.\n<ali1234> yeah that's the one\n<ali1234> it's like people who buy the new fifa game every year or how ever often it comes out\n<ali1234> i don't understand why they do it\n<ali1234> i'm now watching random ninja gaiden footage on youtube and there's some enemy with a chainsaw lol\n<ali1234> and apart from the graphic style this is an identical game\n<directhex> because they care about the team roster updates, presumably\n<directhex> i'm not sufficienly interested in the genre to know what other changes are made to the content on an annual basis beyond team refreshes\n<gord> i could go ahead and claim that all romance novels are the same book\n<gord> i'm not going to because i have no knowledge on that subject, its not a genre i enjoy\n<ali1234> i can understand if you want to buy a newer game cos it has better graphics or whatever\n<gord> i'm content to let people who like that genre enjoy that kind of thing without berating them though\n<ali1234> i just can't understand people who buy every driving game, or every FPS game, or every 3rd person beat-em-up game when they are all the same\n<directhex> let's see what came out in 2011...\n<gord> aren't all action movies the same?\n<ali1234> yes, yes they are\n<ali1234> and most of them are terrible\n<gord> so you should watch die hard then no other action movie ever?\n<ali1234> just made because they know that people will go to watch them because \"i like action movies\"\n<ali1234> you can watch all the die hard movies, but you should probably skip anything made by the asylum\n<gord> i do like action movies, i will go see them too, because i like things that i know i like\n<directhex> duke nukem forever was 2011!\n<gord> i like chocolate, i buy that like, every week, man what is wrong with me\n<gord> same thing again and again\n<ali1234> oh yeah\n<ali1234> wasn't DNF panned for being a generic FPS game?\n<directhex> i was kidding. and nuke nukem forever was panned for far more than that\n<ali1234> saints row 2 was quite popular i heard\n<directhex> SR3 WAS OUT LAST YEAR\n<directhex> BAh\n<directhex> er, sr2 was a couple of years ago\n<ali1234> oh 3 then :)\n<directhex> they're clearly rip-offs of the GTA3 concept, but with their own stylistic and thematic take on the genre\n<ali1234> there's generally quite a big gap between GTA games\n<directhex> nah, they're all just gta3 with a new skin\n<ali1234> no i mean time wise\n<ali1234> i mean how old is 4 now?\n<gord> eh not really big gaps between them\n<directhex> 4? about 3 years. i'd need to check\n<gord> its just been a few years since 4\n<directhex> 29 April 2008\n<directhex> but the gta games have all been identical since gta3. not a single important element changed, therefore they're the same game with a different skin. yup.\n<ali1234> indeed\n<directhex> gta4 is equally fun to vice city.\n<gord> untrue\n<gord> vice city has 80s music\n<ali1234> vice city is my favorite because of that :)\n<directhex> gord, and tommy vercetti doesn't handle like a walrus\n<directhex> gta4's table tennis engine can't have helped\n<gord> i actually don't like any gta games apart from 1 and vice city, your references are lost on me ;)\n<ali1234> i can understand if you want to get some new content in the same game after 3 years though\n<gord> and in vice city i was just driving around to the 80s music really\n<directhex> gta4 uses the \"RAGE\" engine (not to be confused with the id Tech 5 engine, used in the game \"RAGE\"). RAGE is the engine for rockstar table tennis\n<ali1234> GTA has very high replay value though, i guess that's why there's relatively few clones of it despite the big gaps\n<directhex> there are loads of gta clones\n<directhex> god what a flooded genre it is\n<directhex> saint's row is probably the best, but there were dozens during the xbox/ps2 era\n<directhex> they even started taking established franchises and turning them into \"open world\" gta clones. say, red faction guerilla\n<ali1234> there's a lot of open world games now but it's not quite the same thing\n<directhex> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Theft_Auto_clone\n<directhex> sure they are. drive around in other peoples' vehicles, killing bystanders\n<ali1234> i mean you could say stalker or fallout or oblivion are \"GTA clones\" but they aren't really\n<ali1234> they just have an open world\n<directhex> sometimes it's a horse or sometimes it's a car, or sometimes it's a fighter jet\n<directhex> but just cause is gta on a tropical island. saint's row 3 is gta with dildo bats and burt reynolds.\n<gord> if you want to get in to it, gta is ripping off TES :P\n<ali1234> or assassin's creed, that has an open world too\n<ali1234> the first one was basically GTA without cars\n<directhex> parkour game? clearly a mirror's edge ripoff\n<ali1234> mirrors edge is first person\n<ali1234> so that's a FPS without guns :)\n<directhex> technically...\n<directhex> you need to shoot at least one bullet to complete mirror's edge\n<ali1234> ok, very few guns then :)\n<directhex> you can take guns from the people you fight\n<directhex> there's an achievement for causing no bullet damage in a complete playthrough though\n<directhex> looks like i have about 28 ps3 games, and 42 xbox games\n<ali1234> so which is better, CoD or BF?\n<directhex> and on steam..... three hundred and fifty two\n<directhex> ali1234, no idea. i have no interest in \"realistic\" shooters like battlefield or call of duty\n<ali1234> can you at least understand why i would not consider buying BOTH of them?\n<gord> most people don't buy both of them\n<ali1234> i'm not even sure if they are on the same systems\n<directhex> ali1234, sure. but the way you've been talking this evening implies you'd also discount a hundred other games for being too similar, from borderlands to zeno clash\n<directhex> ali1234, both are multiplatform\n<ali1234> i wouldn't buy more than one such game every couple of years\n<ali1234> so i'd get which ever one i thought had most replay value\n<directhex> http://steamcommunity.com/id/directhex/games?tab=all\n<ali1234> i've heard CoD is extremely linear so it probably wouldn't be that one\n<directhex> CoD and Battlefield both have pretty lame singleplayer, afaik. they're bought only for multiplayer\n<ali1234> hmm can you get aggregate stats for games? how long people play them for on average?\n<directhex> depends on the game.\n<ali1234> \"steam games\"\n<directhex> general case: no\n<ali1234> they should have a top 10 for that or something\n<directhex> oh, top 10 you can do\n<directhex> except when steam falls over\n<directhex> like right now\n<ali1234> i can see top 10 most played\n<ali1234> but i mean, top 10 most replayed :)\n<ali1234> good to see civilization in the top\n<directhex> i'm still not convinced about civ5 versus civ4\n<directhex> they made some MAJOR ruleset changes\n<ali1234> i haven't played it since 2\n<directhex> civ4 is excellent, especially with the beyond the sword expansion\n<directhex> which plugs various holes in the long-game gameplay\n<ali1234> it can't have changed that much though right? i mean they haven't made it into a FPS yet right?\n<directhex> e.g. it institutes corporations as a late-game replacement for religion. and the apostolic palace as early-game united nations\n<directhex> ali1234, you know the next x-com and syndicate games are fps, right?\n<ali1234> yes of course :)\n<ali1234> they already made a couple of xcom FPS games\n<directhex> ali1234, no army stacking in civ5. and hex-based map\n<ali1234> yay hexes\n<ali1234> presumaby you can still stack armies in cities though?\n<directhex> nope.\n<ali1234> awesome\n<directhex> also, merged attack & defense score on units\n<ali1234> it always annoyed me when the computer had like 50 phalanx in the city and they somehow wear down your bomber\n<ali1234> despite being armed with only spears\n<directhex> cities get their own attack rating, with or without a garrison, which they can use to defend\n<directhex> e.g. walls increase the city's attack rating\n<directhex> you can attck any unit within 2 hexes in any direction\n<directhex> obviously a garrison bumps your city's attack score\n<gord> next xcom game is actually a strategy game\n<gord> the fps got bumped to next year because it was obvious everyone hated it\n<ali1234> hehe\n<directhex> oh, they also added city states to civ5\n<gord> they won't be able to rebottle the lightning of the first though. the only turn based strategy game i have ever played that was legitimately  scary\n<directhex> single-city neutral players. making them allied gives you a per-state bonus\n<directhex> sometimes the city states will give you mini-quests, like \"nuke another city state plz\"\n<directhex> generally though, i still feel civ4:bts is a better experience. largely because they totally screwed diplomacy in 5\n<directhex> and the theme song for 4 is far superior\n<directhex> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJiHDmyhE1A\n<directhex> hated civ3 and civ:ctp\n<ali1234> what ever happened to combat flight sims?\n<directhex> alpha centauri was good\n<directhex> ali1234, i think il2 sturmovic is the main franchise still going in that genre\n<mgdm> Alpha Centauri was the last game I sank a decent amount of time into\n<mgdm> since then I don't have the attention span for anything more than Angry Birds\n<directhex> http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/sid_meiers_alpha_centauri\n<gord> flight simulators don't get made anymore\n<directhex> microsoft have a new one out soon.\n<gord> yeah, but no\n<gord> it just looks like their last one, refitted into the free to play model\n<directhex> so?\n<gord> so its not really a new game\n<directhex> the last il2 game was in 2011\n<directhex> which is pretty recent\n<directhex> general case though, games are expensive to make and flight sims are a tiny market\n<ali1234> yet \"ship simulator: extreme\" gets made\n<shauno> x-plane had a major release fairly recently.  they're still ou tthere\n<gordonjcp> railsim\n<gordonjcp> that just...\n<directhex> ali1234, that's eastern-european shovelware though\n<ali1234> yeah like 50% of the games in simulation category are train simulators or add ons\n<directhex> railworks is £1000 of serious business.\n<gordonjcp> I know a guy who develops scenarios for rail simulators\n<directhex> http://store.steampowered.com/app/24010/ - all the dlc for railworks 3 is £1048.12\n<gordonjcp> he knows an awful lot about trains, and timetables, and railway routes\n<directhex> oh, there's a new train simulator in debian now. i know about it because it's mono-based :p\n<ali1234> i guess train simulator kind of makes sense, if you are controlling multiple trains and signals and stuff\n<ali1234> if it was just \"train driver simulator\" that would be awful\n<directhex> ali1234, it is.\n<directhex> ali1234, that's railworks, the one with a grand of dlc\n<ali1234> you just control... how fast the train goes?\n<directhex> ali1234, there's even a zombie DLC for it. let me find the video\n<ali1234> the one train...\n<ali1234> LOL\n<directhex> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5QggbEWtGQ\n<ali1234> i mean if it was like amodel railway type thing where you build the track and control multiple trains... like roller coaster tycoon... *that* would be good\n<directhex> ali1234, i'm not aware of one after Sid Meier's Railroads\n<shauno> that's basically how I treat openttd\n<directhex> http://images.amazon.com/images/G/01/videogames/detail-page/railroads-100206-3-lg.jpg\n<directhex> http://0.tqn.com/d/compsimgames/1/0/3/x/1/SMR0071.jpg\n<directhex> it's fun\n<directhex> a bit crashy though\n<directhex> also, it's a pc game. remember the \"who would play a pc game?\" thing?\n<ali1234> sure. it depends what you want from a game though\n<directhex> fun?\n<ali1234> yeah but that's like saying you want a car with 4 wheels and an engine\n<directhex> clearly there's only one correct choice of car, everyone else is wrong\n<ali1234> there are multiple correct choices for different people\n<directhex> see? you've come so far in only an hour.\n<ali1234> however there are also choices that are incorrect for everyone\n<ali1234> then there are people who buy 5 sports cars\n<ali1234> (or more)\n<czajkowski> aloha\n<popey> yo\n<AlanBell> bon soir\n<BigRedS> Good morning\n<czajkowski> just back :)\n<popey> good food?\n<czajkowski> yup not bad, I didnt eat the snails!\n<popey> haha\n<popey> wuss\n<czajkowski> not a hope in hell!\n<popey> they dont actually taste of anything. it's the garlic butter / breadcrumbs / whatever that you taste\n<mgdm> +1\n<popey> still yummy ☺\n<czajkowski> so someone tried to tell me today while trying to force feed a snail into me\n<popey> haha\n<popey> so we cant all be wrong\n<czajkowski> I do beg to differ ;)\n<gordonjcp> they're a bit like whelks\n<popey> ... or are we just colluding to get you to eat the disgusting slimy filth?\n<popey> its funny there's not much I won't eat\n<czajkowski> I'm going with the latter\n<czajkowski> popey: same with him\n<czajkowski> very odd\n<popey> jelly makes me feel a bit sick\n<popey> jelly you get with eels that is, not lime jelly\n<AlanBell> I am not keen on raw tomatoes but that is about it\n<popey> eaten or thrown?\n * popey makes notes for oggcamp 12\n * AlanBell is delighted to see the oggcamp 12 announcment\n * mgdm will attempt to make it to an oggcamp this year\n<gordonjcp> \\o/\n* AlanBell changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting 2nd February 21:00 UK time #ubuntu-uk-meeting | \"* popey makes notes for oggcamp 12\"\n * mgdm wonders if lobbing petrol money at gordonjcp might result in transport :P\n<gordonjcp> mgdm: yeah, of course\n<mgdm> gordonjcp: the reverse would work too, I have a car :)\n<gordonjcp> yup\n<popey> uhm\n<BigRedS> AlanBell: Ah, so no binary numbering scheme?\n<AlanBell> BigRedS: it wasn't me that just announced it ;)\n<popey> Oh hi all. Looks like Sophie has been at my computer for the last 5 minutes\n<AlanBell> lulz\n<mgdm>  :D\n<BigRedS> ah, I can't see/find the announcement anyway; is it just what's in the topic?\n<AlanBell> BigRedS: yeah\n<gordonjcp> well\n<gordonjcp> he's said it now\n<gordonjcp> mgdm and I have booked transport\n<gordonjcp> better make it happen\n<BigRedS> haha\n * AlanBell heads off to bed before causing more trouble\n<ali1234> after upgrading i no longer have java, is that normal?\n<shauno> I believe that's intentional; to do with oracle expiring the license for their jre I believe\n<directhex> yep\n<directhex> oracle java cannot be distributed except on oracle's website\n<directhex> because oracle\n<hamitron> suck\n<ali1234> but i was using openjdk\n<ali1234> i still have openjdk 6 policy tool installed\n<ali1234> and openjdk 7 policy tool\n<ali1234> it doesn't work though\n<ali1234> \"openjdk-6-jre-headless is already the newest version.\"\n<ali1234> the focus bug is still here too\n#ubuntu-uk 2013-01-21\n<Laney> what happened?\n<dwatkins> snow\n<knightwise> Hey everyone\n<Laney> AHA!\n<MartijnVdS> Lots of snow happened here\n<knightwise> And an earthquake MartijnVdS\n * knightwise spent 3 hours on his commute to work\n<dwatkins> my brother got part-way to work then turned around and is now working from home\n<MartijnVdS> knightwise: That earthquake was in a different country :P\n<knightwise> MartijnVdS Limburg is still part of the netherlands :) right ?\n * MartijnVdS didn't even try going to work... trains are always (snow-)flaky\n<MartijnVdS> knightwise: We don't call people who live there \"reserve-belgen\" for nothing :P\n<knightwise> Lol MartijnVdS , I thought Brabanders were 'reserve belgen'\n<MartijnVdS> knightwise: \"belg\" = \"ben eerst limburger geweest\"\n<knightwise> MartijnVdS: :) What does that make me ?\n<MartijnVdS> knightwise: weird\n<knightwise> I hardly still fit the description of 'a belgian' :p\n<MartijnVdS> knightwise: you don't keep a knife at work, to cut corners?\n<MartijnVdS> knightwise: (yay belgenmoppen)\n<directhex> working from home means no snow days :'(\n<MartijnVdS> directhex: you could work nights..\n<MartijnVdS> directhex: and build snowmen during the day\n<directhex> i mean snow day as in \"can't get to work, sorry, i still get paid though right?\"\n<MartijnVdS> directhex: yeah :)\n<directhex> don't wanna go *outside*\n<MartijnVdS> I need to refill the wiper fluid in my car :(\n<MartijnVdS> worst timing EVER\n<knightwise> define 'cannot get to work'\n<knightwise> i mean , you can always WALK to work\n<knightwise> MartijnVdS: i have been surfing in stray spraywater from drivers in front of me to clean my windshield :)\n<directhex> my office is 85 miles from my home\n<MartijnVdS> knightwise: if walking to work and back takes so long you won't be able to work a full day, that's \"cannot get to work\" :)\n<knightwise> directhex: you are excused\n<knightwise> Ah crud\n<knightwise> looks like i'm getting a laptop from work :(\n<knightwise> Probably some 25 pound 15 inch behemoth\n<knightwise> runnig XP\n<directhex> yay!\n<directhex> i have a work laptop too\n<directhex> lenovo x230 with ubuntu\n<directhex> standard company offering.... i wrote the standard :D\n<directhex> it's good to be king\n<knightwise> directhex: i hate you\n * knightwise uses 12.10 on his macbook air (11.6 inch) with a citrix client\n<dogmatic69> anyone want to guess where my server is? http://i.imgur.com/A3K2NTd.jpg\n<directhex> under the snow?\n<dogmatic69> directhex: the only building with no snow on the roof :D\n<knightwise> Dude ,thats poorly isolated then\n<popey> morning\n<MartijnVdS> \\o popey\n<knightwise> hey popey\n<dogmatic69> knightwise: isolated? or insulated\n<knightwise> erm ... insulated\n * knightwise is not a native speaker\n<dogmatic69> ye, there is no insulation there\n<MartijnVdS> This is what the world looks like for me: http://i.imgur.com/xqe1PrS.jpg\n<Laney> idyllic\n * Laney coughs\n<directhex> little boxes\n<directhex> on a hillside\n<MartijnVdS> directhex: hillside?!\n<popey> they dream of hills\n<MartijnVdS> this is polder country! :)\n<knightwise> Dutch don't have hills.\n<knightwise> 80  percent of their country is below sealevel\n<knightwise> its like God tried to tell them something there...\n<dwatkins> or perhaps just that they're going against the flow...\n<MartijnVdS> dwatkins: http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2013/01/belgium_suspends_fyra_high-spe.php\n<MartijnVdS> dwatkins: proof ;)\n<knightwise> MartijnVdS: LOL :) God .. that train is a disaster !\n<MartijnVdS> knightwise: .. I have a Fyra ticket to go to FOSDEM in 2 weeks\n<MartijnVdS> knightwise: good thing the return journey is by Thalys\n<brobostigon> good morning everyone,\n<knightwise> MartijnVdS: I'm still waiting for word back from canonical if they are going to bring one of those Ubuntu phones to Fossdem\n<knightwise> If so : i'm going too\n<popey> i thought I answered that for you?\n<knightwise> popey: I called the secretary ( Michelle Surtees) who was going to make some extra inquiry\n<knightwise> (it never hurts to try)\n * directhex is skipping fosdem this year\n<popey> hahaha\n<popey> Can I just point out that Michelle isn't my (or anyone's) secretary, before I get a punch in the nuts from her.\n<knightwise> oops .. sorry ! :)\n<michelle_> popey: lol thank you :)\n<popey> ☺\n<knightwise> Oh Crud !\n<knightwise> Michelle ?\n<michelle_> knightwise: heh apology accepted :)\n<michelle_> hi\n<popey> tee hee\n<knightwise> I've NEVER blushed on IRC before ..\n<knightwise> But .. now I do ! :p))\n<michelle_> knightwise: lol\n<Azelphur> popey: Cube reflection and deformation, Wallpaper, Extra animations, Color filter, Cube gears, Reflection, etc...\n<Azelphur> just to reply to yesterdays question :P\n<popey> some of that was disabled as we migrated to GLES for ARM\n<popey> if I recall correctly\n<Azelphur> think so, yea\n<Azelphur> the API has been changed too so you can't build/install the plugins yourself\n<Azelphur> :<\n<Azelphur> I'll probably uninstall Ubuntu's compiz and jump onto stable\n<popey> stable meaning 0.8?\n<Azelphur> yea\n<popey> interesting\n<Azelphur> 0.9 has always been a bit dodgy, but there again it has always been Ubuntu added bugs apparently\n<Azelphur> like the cube flickering bug in 12.04 XD\n<Laney> did you check the 'compiz-plugins' package\n<Azelphur> Laney: yea, there's bug reports up and stuff for it\n<Laney> hmm\n<Azelphur> https://answers.launchpad.net/compiz/+question/206524\n<Laney> +  In order to complete support for OpenGL|ES, some plugins were not (yet)\n<Laney> +  ported and have been disabled for now. Those are: animationaddon, bicubic,\n<Laney> +  blur, colorfilter, cubeaddon, gears, group, loginout, reflex, thumbnail,\n<Laney> +  stackswitch, wallpaper, trip. However, those are only 13 out of 84 plugins.\n<Laney> +  We welcome patches to revive the disabled plugins.\n<popey> ok, so not the ones Azelphur listed\n<Azelphur> indeed :P\n<popey> oh, some\n<Azelphur> uhh, yes the ones I listed?\n<Azelphur> xD\n<Azelphur> Cube reflection and deformation = cubeaddon\n<Azelphur> Extra animations = animationaddon\n<Azelphur> I'm not too grumpy about most of them, but wallpaper I make heavy use of, and not having cubeaddon / extra animations is annoying aesthetically :P\n<popey> you can probably just enable them and rebuild?\n<popey> given you're not on ARM\n<Azelphur> nah as I say, API changes stop them from being built\n<popey> oh, because they weren't maintained..\n<davmor2> Morning all\n<Azelphur> in Ubuntus fork of compiz that introduces API changes, sure I guess :p\n<Azelphur> they are fine in mainline afaik\n<popey> what desktop would you use with compiz 0.8?\n<Laney> you could look at what work is needed to fix them in lp:compiz :-)\n<Azelphur> popey: I run Xubuntu now days\n<Azelphur> Last I checked Unity falls over on separate X screens, but I havn't checked it for 6 months or so\n<Azelphur> I use Unity on my laptop though\n<AlanBell> Laney: is the upshot of bug 954352 that we will get a working wayland in Raring?\n<lubotu3> bug 954352 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu Raring) \"Enable wayland backend\" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/954352\n<Azelphur> that would be cool :o\n<kvarley> Is there a good resource that will explain simply why Wayland is better than X11?\n<kvarley> Or why Wayland will be replacing X11 in the end\n<AlanBell> doesn't mean it will be used by default, just that GTK will be compiled to be compatible with it\n<Laney> if it all pans out you'll be able to use the gdk backend\n<Azelphur> kvarley: X11 has a lot of cruft, it's rapidly approaching it's 30th birthday. It was designed in an era where 3d accelerated graphics cards didn't exist and everybody used monochrome displays. Wayland has native compositing, tear free, and lots of other very nice features.\n<Laney> someone else is taking care of the bureaucratic task\n<kvarley> Azelphur: So in the end most distros will use Wayland?\n<Azelphur> kvarley: hopefully, but I think that's a few years off yet.\n<directhex> we have devs working on wayland.\n<Azelphur> I can't wait for wayland, so many fixes for things that affect me\n<directhex> kittin! https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/385174_10151399893826438_447384511_n.jpg\n<MartijnVdS> awww\n<Azelphur> cute :p\n<popey> awww\n<Laney> Couriered sachet of pepper\n<Laney> Thanks, Prime. Thime.\n<davmor2> Laney: Surely you mean prime thyme :P\n<popey> \\o/ Look Around You!\n<Laney> http://www.thanksants.com/\n<popey> \\o/ VT52\n<MartijnVdS> does it do unicode?\n<popey> no\n<popey> http://www.thanksants.com/%C5%82o%C5%82\n<brobostigon> whats a good simple program, i can use, to pickup pictures from a webcam connected to my rpi ?\n<popey> webcam\n<brobostigon> ok, good name, :)\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: look for programs that do \"v4l\" (or v4l2) -- those should be able to do it\n<MartijnVdS> vlc can stream video :)\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: good point yes. as that is aplication interface.\n<popey> i want to re-stream my home webcam using vlc, couldn't quite get it working\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: there's a no-x version of vlc\n<popey> cvlc\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: now that would be useful.\n<brobostigon> let me look up both.\n<popey> i tried using cvlc but it actually spat the video out to the console, aalib style\n<brobostigon> interesting.\n<dwatkins> I assume that's not its aim\n<MartijnVdS> http://www.videolan.org/doc/streaming-howto/en/\n<MartijnVdS> that's old docs\n<MartijnVdS> http://wiki.videolan.org/Documentation:Streaming_HowTo_New is newer\n<brobostigon> isnt vlc rather large a package ?\n<czajkowski> http://hackntalk.eventbrite.com/   BigRedS if you're back in London\n<davmor2> popey: xeoma maybe? It's in USC don't know how much :)\n<brobostigon> i do a search on ubuntu and webcam, and what is the first result, popey.com\n<brobostigon> as it says on popey's blog, how do i setup apache, to pickup pictures scp'd into said users home dir ?\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: a2enmod userdir\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: then put the files in ~/public_html/\n<MartijnVdS> (or some directory below that)\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: so that will then outwardly look like taylorworld.me.uk/user/etc ?\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: /~username/etc.\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: ok, let me try that, thank you.\n<mungbean> unsure whether to use nouveau or nvidia drivers for fastest desktop experience - have always used nvidia but wondering if nouveau is sufficient for desktop?\n<gord> try it and find out?\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: that worked, thank you.\n<mungbean> gord: am trying it, but changed too many variables :(\n<mungbean> today is the first day i am using elementary OS on a full time basis on my work PC, rather than normal ubuntu\n<mungbean> its flippin' fast\n<brobostigon> question, webcam is working, but it is repeatingly asking me for my ssh pasword, which it shouldnt, as i have it specified in webcams config file. any ideas?\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: set up a special account + ssh key + scp-only access ?\n<popey> bug 1075539\n<lubotu3> Error: Launchpad bug 1075539 could not be found\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: umm, ok.\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: ssh with a password-less key is great, except it allows access to all the things, as you\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: hence the \"separate account\" suggestion\n<MartijnVdS> you could probably limit the key on your normal account as well.. let me find something\n<MartijnVdS> http://michaelahale.com/blog/2008/08/01/restrict-an-ssh-user-to-scp-only-access/\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: more infoz on authorized-keys: http://www.eng.cam.ac.uk/help/jpmg/ssh/authorized_keys_howto.html\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: ah, i see, yes, interesting, thank you.\n<brobostigon> this will be new, also i have not tried with ssh keys alot before.\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: if you have 2 machines to try it on, go for it :)\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: it's a very useful thing to know when sysadmining\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: certainly, i can imagine, i have just been reading about them, :)\n<kvarley> Anybody know of a packaged version of Ambiance for XFCE 4.10 (running on XUbuntu) ?\n<kvarley> The one I use normally hasn't been updated for 12.10 yet\n<brobostigon> weird, i have setup ssh keys for that webcam user, and it is still asking for the key passphrase on every upload.\n<kvarley> brobostigon: ssh-add ?\n<mgdm> are the permissions on the various key files correct?\n<mgdm> That always gets me, I set them to 600\n<brobostigon> kvarley: done,\n<brobostigon> kvarley: let me check that, server end?\n<mgdm> both ends, but yeah, .ssh/authorized_keys is often the one that's not quite right\n<brobostigon> ok.\n<knightwise> hey brobostigon mgdm !\n<brobostigon> hey knightwise\n<mgdm> Hi knightwise\n<mungbean> guys, i'm used to selinux and tweaking the permissions, how do i do apparmor? dmesg is full of messages from telepathy etc\n<popey> mungbean: what kinds of messages?\n<mungbean> popey: [ 8470.322930] type=1400 audit(1358776859.354:167): apparmor=\"DENIED\" operation=\"mknod\" parent=1 profile=\"/usr/lib/telepathy/mission-control-5\" name=\"XXXX/.mission-control/accounts/gabble/jabber/XXXXXXX\" pid=19292 comm=\"mission-control\" requested_mask=\"c\" denied_mask=\"c\" fsuid=1000 ouid=1000\n<popey> bug 819321 perhaps?\n<lubotu3> bug 819321 in telepathy-mission-control-5 (Ubuntu) \"apparmor profile for telepathy need c-mask.\" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/819321\n<mungbean> my home dir is /data/home rather than /home...might be related\n<popey> should give you an idea of what to fiddle\n<mungbean> chars\n<popey> np\n<mungbean> \"Although this bug is fixed, the same symptoms appear when using the default apparmor configuration if user accounts are not stored in /home\"\n<mungbean> should fix my home dir prob :P\n<brobostigon> ok, i have added ssh public key, to authorized_keys on both end, and webcam is still asking for my password for is_rsa everytime it tries to upload still.\n<dwatkins> brobostigon: on a new shell can you ssh without the need for a passwd nor passphrase?\n<brobostigon> dwatkins: let me try.\n<popey> you probably want to run \"ssh-agent screen\" then in the screen run \"ssh-add\" to add your key then run \"webcam\"\n<popey> (that's what i do)\n<brobostigon> on the server end ?\n<brobostigon> woop, thank you popey :)\n<dwatkins> Linux saves an otherwise disastrous day.\n<MartijnVdS> \\o/ agent\n<mungbean> which package to remove to get rid of overlay scrollbars?\n<mungbean> ii  liboverlay-scrollbar-0.2-0             0.2.16-0ubuntu1.1                         Scrollbar overlayed widget - shared lib\n<mungbean> ii  liboverlay-scrollbar3-0.2-0            0.2.16-0ubuntu1.1                         Scrollbar overlayed widget - shared lib\n<mungbean> ii  overlay-scrollbar                      0.2.16-0ubuntu1.1                         Scrollbar overlayed widget\n<directhex> mungbean, all three\n<directhex> mungbean, the bottom one is a metapackage to pull in the first 2. one of those is gtk2 one is gtk3\n<brobostigon> in webcam config, what is a good trigger value,?\n<directhex> 73!\n<brobostigon> on what basis ?\n<popey> twelvety!\n<Seeker`> 6\n<popey> depends how much your background changes\n<Seeker`> what are we talking about?\n<popey> I fiddled with the number until it wasn't trying to upload every second image\n<brobostigon> it will change very litle.\n<popey> mine is set to 100\n<brobostigon> ok.\n<mungbean> anyone recommend a gmail app that sits in the tray?\n<mungbean> used to use checkgmail but not working in this DE?\n<directhex> the tray doesn't work properly in ubuntu, by order of the design team\n<directhex> unless you change a dconf value\n<mungbean> directhex: i'm on gala\n<mungbean> don't think its a whitelist problem\n<davmor2> mungbean: might still be double check it\n<davmor2> mungbean: what version of ubuntu are you on?\n<mungbean> elementary uses 12.04\n<mungbean> only unity has whitelists afaik\n<davmor2> mungbean: it might be a generic setting though.\n<mungbean> owncloud, snyapse etc work ootb though\n<davmor2> mungbean: owncloud is a kde project so will use the libnotify project, pass on synapse\n<mungbean> aha, i get ya davmor2\n<AwAk3e> This morning I woke up to this error - \"Reboot and Select proper boot device\" on my ubuntu installation. I've checked to see that the BIOS detects the hard drive and it does, I also went through the installation process again and it detected the hard drive there, however when I use fdisk and having booted from a bootable disc, it can't find the drive. Does anyone know how to resolve this?\n<davmor2> mungbean: indicator not libnotify sorry\n<davmor2> but you get the idea\n<directhex> fsvo \"work\"\n<directhex> i've had to give up on deploying owncloud\n<solarcloud_AFK> freedomrun, http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/309887\n<bigcalm> mgdm: any good with pack()? :)\n<mgdm> bigcalm: nein\n<bigcalm> \\o/\n<meet> how safe is the janitor utility in ubuntu tweak\n<popey> never used it\n<popey> what does it claim to do\n<gord> iirc it mainly just cleans up old kernels\n<popey> the old computer janitor did.. but also removed some needed stuff, dunno how much more clever tweak is\n<gord> ooh in tweak, oh no i have no idea\n<gord> i stay away from anything that calls itself words like tweak\n * popey makes an app called Gord Tweak\n<meet> :)\n * Laney tweaks popey's nipples\n * Laney titters and skips off\n * popey writes a cheque to Laney \n<davmor2> popey: you have to pay Laney to do that?  Just insult czajkowski she'll hurt you for free :)\n<solarcloud_3scrn> davmor2: http://bcove.me/3n7wxb64 foward to t=1m:30s  .. \"she knew what to expect, really.\"\n<solarcloud_3scrn> Choke anyone ?? http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/01/did-you-notice-were-back\n<BigRedS> I need to make a few packages that will each consist of a shell script to dump in /usr/sbin and a config file in /etc. What's the current least-excessive-faff way of doing that?\n<brobostigon> interesting, i just did a quickie calculation, of webcam recording for 30mins, and then scaling it up to 24hrs, it would make roughly 120mb of images and 14448 images. which seems like an awful lot.\n<dwatkins> I do wonder how youtube manages those \"10 hours of nyan cat\" videos\n<daftykins> brobostigon: what purpose is that for? security cam style?\n<dwatkins> does someone upload a 20 minute video that's just repeated 30 times?\n<brobostigon> daftykins: kinda, yes.\n<brobostigon> daftykins: i am using xawtv webcam program, as popey suggested earlier.\n<daftykins> brobostigon: an electrician i had do a job told me about these ones he put up nearby, motion activated with custom sounds and SD card for storage :>\n<brobostigon> daftykins: ok.\n<daftykins> so he put a recording of himself whispering on it, as naturally you look up toward that\n<daftykins> if you could put motion detection in, so it only records then, that'd be neat\n<brobostigon> daftykins: i do believe it does that already.\n<daftykins> should solve the storage element then\n<brobostigon> as far as i can tell, in my 30min sample. there was only movement in it, for around 15secs, as i walked past it.\n<daftykins> and it still came to 120MB ?\n<daftykins> oh it's taking stills?\n<brobostigon> yes.\n<brobostigon> daftykins: i calculated that 30 min sample up to 24hrs, and that 120mb is for 24hrs.\n<daftykins> oh my bad\n<brobostigon> no worries.\n<popey> brobostigon: less if you turn it into a video\n<popey> which is fun to do\n<brobostigon> so ffmpeg them together?\n<ali1234> 120mb for 30 minutes of video? that's tiny\n<brobostigon> no, 120mb, for 24hrs of images, calculated up, from 30mins of images.\n<dwatkins> extrapolated?\n<brobostigon> dwatkins: yes.\n<dwatkins> just checking, not actually repeated\n<brobostigon> (120mb / 24) / 2\n<ali1234> so in 30 minutes it took 2.5mb of images?\n<brobostigon> ali1234: yes.\n<ali1234> that's like 1 per minute 320x240 jpeg\n<brobostigon> resolution yes, thats correct, but it is set to 50% jpeg quality.\n<dwatkins> if that's converted into a video, that should use less space\n<brobostigon> or i just put a bigger sd card into the rpi.\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: You're gonna need a bigger boat - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gciFoEbOA8\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: huh ?\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: bigger card.. bigger boat.. jaws\n<dwatkins> could you upload them periodically, then free up space?\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: ah, :)\n<brobostigon> dwatkins: cron job, logrotate, could work.\n<MartijnVdS> mount a remote directory\n<MartijnVdS> put them there directly ;)\n<MartijnVdS> you'll have as much space as you put in the remote machine\n<brobostigon> good thinking batman\n<MartijnVdS> sshfs, cifs, nfs\n<brobostigon> libv4l2: error dequeuing buf: Input/output error\n<brobostigon> v4l2: read: Input/output error\n<brobostigon> weird error.\n * bigcalm grumbles at mysql server. Won't start on my bytemark server. 12.04.1 on it and my local dev machine but the dev machine works\n<bigcalm> Copied the dev conf over to the bytemark machine and still doesn't work\n<bigcalm> Anybody with thoughts? :)\n<daftykins> logs?\n<bigcalm> daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1556679/\n<daftykins> wow that's not very descript\n<bigcalm> I quite agree\n<daftykins> aren't there mysql specific logs in a subfolder beneath /var/log ?\n<bigcalm> Nothing in the mysql error log\n<daftykins> ah :( i don't really have any experience sadly\n<bigcalm> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1556687/\n<daftykins> cannot allocate memory\n<daftykins> hrmm\n<bigcalm> Getting close to restarting the server\n<bigcalm> How does one clear the apt-cache?\n<daftykins> sudo apt-get clean\n<bigcalm> Ta\n<daftykins> ^_^\n<daftykins> worth running the db daemon on your test box where it works, checking if that buffer size is 128MB there too?\n<daftykins> to see how it compares\n<daftykins> gotta head off now though, gl!\n<bigcalm> rebooting worked :(\n<technux> anyone here?\n<AlanBell> technux: yes\n#ubuntu-uk 2013-01-22\n<MartijnVdS> AlanBell: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kgrt7XZ-BQw\n<solarcloud_AFK> Morning .. http://bit.ly/UOeHDh\n<knightwise> morning\n<andylockran> hey all\n<andylockran> anyone here run a company that can give me some Joomla support - 3 days per month?\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Almost certainly Andy\n<TheOpenSourcerer> andylockran: ^^\n<andylockran> TheOpenSourcerer: can I have a contact nunmer Alan?\n<TheOpenSourcerer> sure: Office: 0844 3576000.\n<andylockran> You in the office now?\n<solarcloud_3scrn> andylockran: You tried Yopla ?\n<solarcloud_3scrn> scrub that... soz\n<andylockran> reading through the man page of automysqlbackup - any suggestions to have it mysqldump from mulitple mysql instances?\n<andylockran> in ubuntu, it seems you're only allowed to use /etc/default/automysqlbackup as the config\n<andylockran> whereas I have multiple configs in /etc/automysqlbackup/$host.config that I'd like to use.\n<diplo> I've always wrote my own andylockran, can take a look if you like ?\n<TheOpenSourcerer> andylockran: I've hacked the automysqlbackup to do what I need. It's only bash ;-)\n<diplo> I have a very simple shell script that connects and dumps from each of our customers web hosts\n<andylockran> TheOpenSourcerer: yeah, I should hack it up.\n<popey> morning\n<timp> s\n<knightwise> s!\n<iahmad> Hi David\n * popey tickles GingerDog \n<JamesTait> Good morning all! :-D\n<knightwise> hey JamesTait\n<JamesTait> knightwise, o/\n<knightwise> hey michelle_ !\n<DJones> Would anybody recommend an online radio app for ubuntu, ideally I'd like one that will let me add internet radio stations and have buttons for presets for favourite stations\n<knightwise> I use spotify to be honest\n<knightwise> not bad actually\n<knightwise> but thats not what you are lookin for i'm afraid\n<mungbean> online app? or app for online radio?\n<DJones> app for online radio, i want things like radio 4 & various local radios as presets\n<mungbean> don't they all do it? banshee, amarok etc\n<mungbean> i used to listen to internet radio on amarok\n<knightwise> mungbean: indeed.\n<DJones> I didn't even consider those\n<knightwise> DJones: If you have a mobile device I would give Stitcher a go.\n<mungbean> clementine is my preferred audio player app over the last couple of years\n<DJones> +1 for clementine\n<DJones> Although I thought it just did lastfm streaming for radio\n<DJones> Just having a look at Radio Tray\n<mungbean> http://radiotray.sourceforge.net/\n<mungbean> yeah lol\n<mungbean> just foound it\n<popey> i use tune in radio on ios and android for radio stuff\n<popey> it's a really great radio app\n<popey> it's my alarm clock too, it can wake up to the radio (any stream you like) and also record shows\n<directhex> i wonder whether WP8's hardware certification requires an FM radio the way WP7 did, for no good reason\n<DJones> I use that on android, just hoping I can find a decent desktop app\n<brobostigon> good morning everyone,\n<knightwise> ²hey brobostigon\n<knightwise> you're up late :p\n<knightwise> its allmost noon\n<brobostigon> hey knightwise\n<brobostigon> knightwise: remeber, you are an hour ahead of us. :)\n<knightwise> ah yes :) I always tend to forget that one over here\n<brobostigon> :)\n<dwatkins> remember folks, if you're going to cycle to work along the canal in the snow, make sure your panniers are waterproof - I fell in tiday :)\n<dwatkins> *today\n<popey> you fell in the canal?!\n<brobostigon> ouchie, :(\n * directhex stays at home in the warm\n<mungbean> oof\n<dwatkins> popey: yep, was a bit concerned for a moment that I might not get out, but was fine\n<dwatkins> my phones are drying\n<popey> dwatkins reminds me of https://twitter.com/Uk_Sniper1/status/292321931183652865\n<dwatkins> popey: haha\n<dwatkins> I hope the dog was ok\n<dwatkins> https://twitter.com/glymph/status/293671952458076161\n<dwatkins> that's me\n<Seeker`> dwatkins: how deep was it?\n<dwatkins> Seeker`: not sure, I couldn't feel the bottom\n<mungbean> which canal?\n<dwatkins> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_Canal_(Scotland)\n<mungbean> sounds cold\n<dwatkins> haha, it's only 5 feet deep :D\n<Seeker`> Probably warmer than the surrounding air, unless it was frozen over :P\n<Laney> O_O\n<dwatkins> mungbean: surprisingly it wasn't that cold, despite other parts of the canal being iced over\n<dwatkins> I think I was about here: http://goo.gl/maps/YSrqz\n<dwatkins> it was almost worth it for the look on my boss's face, though\n<dwatkins> I calmly told her how I'd fallen in and she couldn't believe it, especially since I was standing in front of her in dry clothes (they'd been in the pannier which hadn't gone under water)\n<mungbean> cycling naked again...\n<dwatkins> haha\n * dwatkins makes a \"keep calm and cycle on\" poster\n<mungbean> keep dry and stay on the path\n<michelle_> Hey knightwise :)\n<davidmarais> can anybody help me? My computer crashed and now I have lost all my IRC channels. My channels are still under my preferences but my IRC is not logging into them.\n<davmor2> czajkowski: prod just cause I haven't in ages\n<davmor2> davidmarais: what client do you use\n<davmor2> michelle_: hello stranger\n<diplo> hah you scared them off davmor2 :D\n<davmor2> diplo: it's my magnetic personality some I attract other I repel :D\n<diplo> heh\n<davmor2> morning all by the way, I got caught up in discussions else where\n<brobostigon> that reminds me of a joke, data made in the star trek film, generations.\n<davmor2> brobostigon: you suck at this don't you, you don't come out with half a statement like that and not complete it with the joke ;)\n<brobostigon> davmor2: haha, i am sure most here have seen it, and know the bit i was refferring to.\n<davmor2> brobostigon: I've seen it but when it was first released I can't remember that far back ;)\n<brobostigon> davmor2: ah, i see. ok.\n<knightwise> data joke ! Lol :)\n<Laney> wtf\n<Laney> *yesterday* I bought a subscription to the Guardian crossword app\n<Laney> today: Unfortunately, since introducing this subscription model, the uptake has been less than we would have hoped. As a result, we have taken the\n<Laney> +difficult decision to end our work on and support for our Android crosswords app.\n<popey> haha\n<Laney> perhaps it has something to do with the fact that there was no in-app indication that there even was a trial period\n<Laney> so after two weeks the crosswords just stop coming with no message to tell you why\n<gord> aren't there thousands of pre-existing crossword apps?\n<czajkowski> davmor2: ello just going on lunch bbiab\n * popey pokes jnick_tait with http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTpUVAcvWfU\n<ali1234> lol eraserhead\n<jnick_tait> mr popey, you were very correct and i was very kerrong... in my defence i would say that i was think of this curiousity.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpgyVxP8OG8\n<popey> :D\n<Laney> oh gord\n<popey> ok thats odd\n<jnick_tait> popey, i thought it might appeal to your sense of the not quite right\n<directhex> apparently adding openjdk-7-jre to an ubuntu iso makes it not fit on a cd.\n<d3ngar> That's very sad...\n<popey> it doesnt fit on a cd anyway\n<directhex> if i pulled openjdk and crashplan back off, it'd fit\n<directhex> removing qt helps\n<knightwise> Ick !\n<knightwise> Java !\n * knightwise is wrestling with the current java expliot at work\n<directhex> knightwise, yeah, i know, java is basically worse than hitler. sadly, that's business for you\n<knightwise> LOL\n<directhex> i don't think i can free up another ~45 meg to make this fit on a CD.\n<knightwise> directhex: dump Java :) be nice to the users\n<directhex> knightwise, do you have a non-java version of CrashPlan's backup client?\n<knightwise> directhex: I feel your pain\n<dwatkins> directhex: I would like to see that, as it slows my Mac at work down\n * d3ngar actually likes Java a lot\n<directhex> sadly, java is still the top choice for cross-platform Enterprise(tm) software\n<dwatkins> indeed, directhex\n<d3ngar> Ys\n<directhex> doesn't make it any less bad than hitler though\n<d3ngar> I'm no developer, but in our company I do the occasional bit of deskopt app\n<dwatkins> that escalated fast\n<d3ngar> directhex: as a Jew I don't like the Hitler comparison, I know you are trying to be quirky, but it's not that great\n<d3ngar> And when I do need to write something that works on all platforms, I generally like using Java\n<d3ngar> I quite like Python as a language, but you have to install all sorts of additional things to make the same programme run on different machines\n<d3ngar> Not so good\n<d3ngar> Java is better in that regard\n<directhex> java's fine as long as you don't expect end-users to interact with it (since java apps always feel extremely heavy) and have buckets of ram lying around (since java's ram consumption is extraordinarily high). funnily enough it's fast, for pure cpu-bound code.\n<d3ngar> directhex: agreed. Which they would have done something about Java's extensive RAM usage, but I guess it's what it is.\n<Laney> bah\n<Laney> always freezing when returning from lunch\n<directhex> quit moaning. i'm still snowed in\n<dwatkins> Laney: I refuse to accept any complaints about it being cold, I fell into the canal this morning on my bike ;)\n<Laney> heh\n<Laney> how was the rest of the journey?\n<dwatkins> wet\n<Laney> 14.6° in here\n<dwatkins> 12 parsecs here\n<Laney> actually that's downstairs, colder up 'ere\n<dwatkins> oh sorry, that's degrees, that is pretty cold\n<dwatkins> parts of the canal were frozen\n<Laney> nice\n<Laney> did the electronics survive?\n<dwatkins> one phone did, I think - the other is still drying\n<dwatkins> thankfully I didn't have my iPad nor laptop with me (don't normally take them on the bike anyway)\n<Laney> I wonder if my waterproof panniers would survive a dunk like that\n<dwatkins> Laney: I hadn't done mine up correctly, big mistake\n<dwatkins> they hold water very well, though.... once it's got in\n<Laney> doh\n<Laney> I know a guy who got hugged off his bike into a canal by a drunk chap once\n<dwatkins> how mean\n<Laney> it was a brompton as well, which I bet made it look even more amusing\n * Laney looks at sladen\n<einonm> Hmm. Looks like Ubuntu got a +1 due to Fedora getting a -1 from Alan Cox https://plus.google.com/u/0/111104121194250082892/posts/aCiB7kTLXTh\n<Seeker`> popey: that 1080p phone definitely has a good GPU :D\n<daftykin1> omg @ client running a .exe from a .zip on a spam email FedEx fake\n<daftykin1> =/\n<solarcloud_3scrn> ❄ Here is a snow flake , do you have any where you are ?? ❄ ❄❄  ❄❄❄  ❄❄❄❄    ❄❄❄❄❄    ❄❄❄❄❄❄     ❄❄❄❄❄❄     ❄❄ ❄❄ ❄❄ ❄\n<MartijnVdS> ⛄\n<MartijnVdS> ⛇\n<davmor2> a +alancox comment :D Unity seems to be \"mostly harmless\" - not quite my choice of desktop but not aimed at me either\n<Azelphur> Seems I'm still getting this gedit issue, it's odd nobody else seems affected, I did a fresh install to 12.10 and it's still happening :s\n<Azelphur> that is, minimise gedit -> you no longer have a text cursor\n<daftykins> XD\n<daftykins> carat plays hide and seek?\n<popey> a text cursor?\n<popey> how are you minimising gedit and where dont you see the text cursor?\n<Azelphur> I'll make a video to be more descriptive, one second\n<Azelphur> ah, more interesting, it seems to only happen when I'm doing a mouse gesture, perhaps it's related to me holding middle click while minimising\n<Azelphur> yea this seems fairly reproducible, hold down middle click and use a keycombo to minimise gedit (usually alt+F9)\n<Azelphur> and now you have no text cursor, enjoy xD\n<Azelphur> I bet someone can replicate that now I understand what causes it\n<Azelphur> popey: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nn3qu5e4cjf8s1w/2013-01-22%2019.08.12.mp4?m video uploaded\n<popey> alt+f9 doesn't minimise here\n<Azelphur> popey: yea, I've had it set in compiz for a few releases, I guess they changed it at some point\n<Azelphur> I dunno what it's set to now, it'll be in the general tab of ccsm I think\n<Azelphur> just thought, I can easily try and replicate this on my laptop, see if I get anywhere\n<Azelphur> nope, gah. Can't reproduce it on my laptop\n<daftykins> the voice of Azelphur :O\n<Azelphur> indeed\n<Azelphur> since it seems to just be a bug with my weird setup, I found a workaround\n<daftykins> Azelphur: curiously it appears to have left before the window even 'peels' away\n<Azelphur> fun\n<daftykins> unless that's just how window management goes, sorta 'animations' stop before the redraw\n<daftykins> Azelphur: what do you mouse middle click for?\n<Azelphur> daftykins: initiate mouse gesture\n<daftykins> what kind of things do you do with that?\n<Azelphur> daftykins: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/screenshots/2013/Jan/2013-01-22-201924_800x1405_scrot.png\n<daftykins> my word\n<daftykins> but keyboard shortcuts :'(\n<Azelphur> I have keyboard shortcuts too, but I often have my hand on the mouse and a gesture is pretty easy\n<daftykins> ah\n<Azelphur> this is why I miss the compiz fire plugin though, it was set up with easystroke to display a trail on my mouse when performing a gesture\n<Azelphur> which was awesome. :<\n<daftykins> :(\n<daftykins> i remember a coursemate at Uni using some gesture firefox add-on\n<daftykins> though i didn't see that being easier to draw a line to go 'back' versus hitting the hardware mouse button, if you have one\n<Azelphur> yea, it shines with things like close/maximise/minimise\n<Azelphur> as those buttons are annoyingly small\n<popey> \\o/ my hand never leaves the keyboard for the mouse ☺\n<Azelphur> hehe\n<daftykins> ^\n<popey> i use alt+space, n  for minimise, and alt+space, x for maximise\n<daftykins> i try to avoid mousing\n<popey> have done for many many years\n<constrictor> I am getting unable to find suitable address error when trying to mount a NAS share any help ?\n<daftykins> what's your mount command?\n<constrictor> sudo mount -t cifs -o user=administrator,password=mypassword // /home/kwabena/Netdrive\n<popey> has the IP of the NAS changed>?\n<popey> that IP doesn't look static\n<constrictor> the ip is the same\n<popey> so you can ping it?\n<daftykins> are those slashes right for the device side 0o\n<constrictor> yep I am getting 100% responses\n<popey> ya\n<Azelphur> another thing for the Azelphur broke it list, https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/screenshots/2013/Jan/2013-01-22-174340_582x712_scrot.png\n<daftykins> XD\n<daftykins> i prefer to idle on IRC and let others trawl that abomination of a timewasting device, linking me to the goodies instead\n<popey> heh\n<brobostigon> sorry, but what is the syntax, to pipe the output from a program into pastebinit ?\n<popey> foo | pastebinit\n<brobostigon> thank you popey\n<constrictor> anyway thanks guys, I got in through http, configured ftp and accessed it through there\n<daftykins> 0o\n<daftykins> nothin' like givin' up on your problem\n<brobostigon> popey: thats giving me error, \"You are trying to send an empty document, exiting.\"\n<popey> your program isn't outputting anything to stdout\n<daftykins> brobostigon: > it to a file and check\n<brobostigon> popey: it is output form webcam, v4l2 errors.\n<brobostigon> daftykins: let me try that, and pastebinit in reverse.\n<solarcloud_3scrn> Aloha, Hi there  G+comm very active today .. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/55128914/Lubuntu%20docs/Google%20Plus%20%26%20G%2Bcomm%20very%20active%20today.png\n<solarcloud_3scrn> Anyone checked their GPlus lately ??\n<brobostigon> http://pastebin.com/nd0D9Ypz thats the error i am getting,\n<solarcloud_3scrn> brobostigon: Can't help you , but nice blog all the same :D http://blog.taylorworld.me.uk/\n<brobostigon> solarcloud_3scrn: thats my mums, for her toy bear.\n<solarcloud_3scrn> Oh, sorry , thought was your bog, oh well... nice bit I'm looking at next on #aspie ??\n<brobostigon> solarcloud_3scrn: at next on ?\n<solarcloud_3scrn> righht, doesn't sound like a good link..so I won't click it.. #aspietalks stats  ...\n<brobostigon> solarcloud_3scrn: thats just another irc channel i go to, they wanted channel statistics, let the ones i do for here, as they asked me, because i also have aspergers.\n<brobostigon> solarcloud_3scrn: ie, aspie being shortform for aspergers.\n<brobostigon> or someone with aspergers.\n<solarcloud_3scrn> I well aware; as I run the #wrongplanet G+comm. http://goo.gl/N7Lgq\n<solarcloud_3scrn> ** I'm\n<brobostigon> ah.\n<brobostigon> solarcloud_3scrn: do yu have it yourself?\n<solarcloud_3scrn> once, but now I do porridge ..\n<brobostigon> that isnt possible, you will aspergers/autism all your life, it will always be there.\n<brobostigon> have*\n<solarcloud_3scrn> Well my medical records said I had an asperger incident .. as I paid £50 for them ..and scanned them in .. so maybe the law is different here..\n<solarcloud_3scrn> you are not aspie all the time IMHO\n<popey> brobostigon: so the webcam was working but now isnt? what changed?\n<brobostigon> popey: i havent changed anything, that i know of, i have just changed the quality etc abit in webcam's config file.\n<popey> is there another thing holding the webcam open?\n<popey> like cheese or another webcam process running in screen?\n<brobostigon> popey: not that i know of, let me run lsof on it.\n<brobostigon> lsof returns nothing.\n<popey> what type of webcam is it?\n<brobostigon> Bus 001 Device 004: ID 046d:089d Logitech, Inc. QuickCam E2500 series\n<popey> bummer\n<brobostigon> ?\n<brobostigon> oh dear.\n<solarcloud_3scrn> Will the Logitech 9000 make any difference ??\n<brobostigon> solarcloud_3scrn: not a clue, dont have it.\n<brobostigon> popey: ie, there is some existing issue?\n<popey> brobostigon: pass\n<brobostigon> popey: ok, you bummer just gave me an impression, you knew more. :)\n<brobostigon> your*\n<brobostigon> sorry,\n<brobostigon> i did find https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/326674\n<lubotu3> Ubuntu bug 326674 in linux (Ubuntu Jaunty) \"Logitech Quickcam E2500 not supported\" [Medium,Fix released]\n<brobostigon> wrong thing entirly.\n<dwatkins> popey: http://imgur.com/gallery/mDDF0\n<dwatkins> (cat-related)\n#ubuntu-uk 2013-01-23\n<solarcloud_3scrn> Dunno what papers in the UK/environ's run sports' issues on a Wednesday   .. but Bradford will be all over them today .. as they're going to Wembley in the League.\n<neuro> do you not get mainland papers in .uk?\n<neuro> erm, in .im?\n<solarcloud_3scrn> neuro: We get all of them , just can't recall if sports is a section in the newspaper on Wednesday, if you read my post .. didn't mention ManxLand.\n<neuro> virtually every national paper has a sport (not \"sports\"!) section\n<neuro> daily\n<neuro> and bradford is the top story on bbc.co.uk/sport\n<solarcloud_3scrn> Soz for calling it sports ..it's the first thingy I see most days ... http://goo.gl/a11kR neuro\n<neuro> scary!\n<solarcloud_3scrn> Sorry 'bout that...\n<brobostigon> good morning everyone,\n<czajkowski> morning folks\n<dwatkins> hiya\n<brobostigon> morning czajkowski and dwatkins\n<JamesTait> Good morning all! :)\n<SuperMatt> good morning\n<SuperMatt> so all this talk kof rolling releasaes\n<SuperMatt> TBH, I feel like I've been on a rolling release for ages\n<SuperMatt> I always install late alpha/early beta versions\n<andylockran> morning\n<constrictor> Has anyone set up their own video conferencing solutions here?\n<constrictor> i.e. web based video conferencing where presenter and audience log in to a URL and everything is kept in there?\n<diplo> Morning all\n<constrictor> morning diplo\n<czajkowski> contempt: used www.brighttalk.com/\n * davidmarais heading to GS2\n<popey> Good morning.\n<TheOpenSourcerer> bah humbug.\n * popey hugs TheOpenSourcerer \n<TheOpenSourcerer> Battling some annoying PM software in OpenERP\n<popey> Did you see I found a trello-like kanban thing?\n<popey> it's very nice\n<popey> http://wholemeal.co.nz/projects/fulcrum.html\n<popey> shame it's written in ruby\n<einonm> what's wrong with ruby? I've just started playing about with it\n<TheOpenSourcerer> neat popey\n<BigRedS> einonm: everything\n<mungbean> ruby on rails popey ?\n<BigRedS> well, I've not yet got anything against the language itself, but most things written in it seem to be done so poorly\n<mungbean> i've used RoR and it seems so non-enterprise ready\n<BigRedS> and it is the language of the devops\n<popey> yes mungbean\n<einonm> BigRedS: bash scripts FTW?\n<popey> packaging is a laugh\n<mungbean> had real problems running up redmine\n<directhex> sigh @ bug 997042\n<lubotu3> bug 997042 in evolution-data-server (Ubuntu) \"LDAP address book intermittently non-functional\" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/997042\n<BigRedS> einonm: Perl!\n<BigRedS> (seriously)\n<mungbean> however once up, it is stable\n<popey> i recently discovered that Frozen Bubble is written in Perl\n<mungbean> :-|\n<solarcloud_3scrn> TheOpenSourcerer: Hi there, I was wondering what book you are reading at the moment from [PACKT] Publishing , & can we expect a new blog/post any time soon ??\n<popey> directhex: do you know if it happens with upstream evolution?\n<TheOpenSourcerer> solarcloud_3scrn: I have nothing to read from Packt at the moment.\n<rowinggolfer> where to buy a small business server machine?\n<solarcloud_3scrn> TheOpenSourcerer: Oh, Soo the adverts on the right of www.theopensourcerer.com , are just that, ... adverts.\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Kind of yeah - They have been there for ages...\n<directhex> popey, really hard to test, given how interwoven gnome technologies (like e-d-s) can be\n<TheOpenSourcerer> I tend not to blog that much now. Mainly Twitter and G+\n<solarcloud_3scrn> TheOpenSourcerer:  what is the Alan Lord; twitter & G+ address ?\n<TheOpenSourcerer> twitter: @opensourcerer, G+ Alan Lord\n<solarcloud_3scrn> scanning .. for \"  \" ...\n<davmor2> Morning all\n<einonm> BigRedS: perl, that's like python with more wrinkles and grey hair, right? ;)\n<solarcloud_3scrn> TheOpenSourcerer:  following on twitter & G+Plus... now .. already following you in my 'Ubuntu' circle, Soo sorry if I've asked you that before..... I'm Lenny|M (sic) ...  but I'll look at your tweets so far, some time today ... thanx.\n<BigRedS> einonm: haha, yeah. Python definitely looks a bit like a hyperactive kid from here :)\n<BigRedS> and it's bloody everywhere\n<einonm> so what does the aspiring web-type write webpages in these days? Last time I did one, 'under construction' gifs were all the rage\n<popey> directhex: can you test with a fedora CD?\n<BigRedS> einonm: whatever they like? >>90% of what we're hosting is PHP.\n<BigRedS> We are, though, the Debian of hosting rather than the Arch :)\n<davmor2> wow popey there I was believing that Perl wasn't all that useful and then you go and tell me that frozen bubble is written in it so now my entire universe has been flipped upside down, excuse me while I reboot into windows ;)\n<einonm> BigRedS:  Hmm. Perhaps I should carry on waiting until all these new-fangled languages go away and someone writes a proper framework in c\n<popey> haha\n<solarcloud_3scrn> Damn, just realised that I putt my left sock on inside out, today .. It's an alternative one !!\n<directhex> einonm,  they did: mono/mini/mini-amd64.c\n * directhex flees\n<einonm> mono? Isn't that c# with extra patents?\n<directhex> it is literally impossible for anything except c# to be patented. it's the law.\n<davmor2> directhex: you obviously haven't seen Judge Dredd enough the quote is \"I am the Law!\"\n<zleap> hello\n<davmor2> zleap: hello\n<zleap> what file do i edit to tell linux that say a specifc ip is a readablename\n<zleap> e,.g raspberry pi,  so i can then do ssh pi@raspberrypi   I can't remember what file i edited\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Gosh - It's snowing quite heavily again here\n<zleap> its just raining here\n<zleap> a hosts\n<zleap> i got it\n<directhex> zleap, /etc/hosts\n<directhex> same filename on windows, surprisingly\n<zleap> thats it,  i just thought of it\n<zleap> i was trying to also think of how to google for the file\n<directhex> c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc/hosts\n<zleap> ouch\n<zleap> thanks\n<knightwise> The classic question : should I enable swap on an ssd ... No .. right ?\n<popey> i see no reason not to\n<directhex> no swap = no hibernate\n<rowinggolfer> ssd aside, is it still swap size should be approx 2x ram capacity?\n<directhex> nah\n<directhex> PC will become unusable long before that\n<brobostigon> cbs action, tribbles, :)\n<directhex> swap should be enough for hibernate, no more, imho\n<popey> +1\n * BigRedS notes that it never really was a rule that swap be 2 x RAM\n<gord> if you happen to want to use hibernate, which you might not want to in this day and age\n<BigRedS> hibernating is a bit like saving a session and powering down, but it takes longer and is less reliable :)\n<gord> i find it takes a lot longer to read 4/8gb of hibernate from the swap space than to just boot up\n<BigRedS> I've an md array which is resyncing, is there a way I can find out which disk is being readded? I'm sure I've seen that question answered here before :)\n<BigRedS> Googling's not being overly helpful, and oddly it doesn't seem to have put that info into syslog\n<popey> md is dead to me ☺\n<Laney> BigRedS: Can you see \"RebuildStarted event detected on md device /dev/md...\" in syslog?\n<Laney> I see that for my rebuild yesterday and slightly above that is \"md: bind<sdc>\" which is the device I readded\n<BigRedS> Laney: nope. But I do have a handy call trace from ext which pinpoints the broken disk :)\n<diplo> This isn't a ubuntu question but general none the less, want help finding an answer\n<diplo> We have an old ERP system, we offer a view before print, this toggles from 80 to 132 in the terminal window\n<diplo> This works fine in a normal session, if we're running in a screen session this fails.. any ideas how to debug/search for it issues fix as my foo is failing big time atm\n<daubers> BigRedS: It should say in /proc/mdstat\n<BigRedS> daubers: yeah, it does when it needs resyncing, but not when it's actually resyncing\n<BigRedS> https://gist.github.com/4605712 is what it looks like\n<popey> bug 1103475\n<lubotu3> bug 1103475 in Compiz \"compiz fails to start properly after update to 1:\" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1103475\n<StrontiumCat> bug 2\n<lubotu3> Error: Launchpad bug 2 could not be found\n<StrontiumCat> bug 1103477\n<lubotu3> bug 1103477 in juju-gui \"Add test for relation removal\" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1103477\n<popey> bug 1087375\n<lubotu3> bug 1087375 in Unity \"unity desktop freezes after login (with ppa:unity-team/staging on virtualbox vm)\" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1087375\n<StrontiumCat> bug 107939\n<lubotu3> bug 73058 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) \"duplicate for #107939 GUI Installer crashed... Ubuntu 6.10 off LiveCD\" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73058\n * popey wonders if StrontiumCat is picking bugs at random\n<StrontiumCat> hehe\n<StrontiumCat> sorry =)\n<xnox> StrontiumCat: you can chat with lubotu3 in private =)\n<StrontiumCat> i'm shy =)\n<Seeker`> bug 1\n<lubotu3> bug 1 in Ubuntu \"Microsoft has a majority market share\" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1\n<Seeker`> Still not fixed :(\n<mungbean> how do i disable crash reporter please?\n<mungbean> Seeker`: does android not outnumber MS on computing devices yet?\n<mungbean> or are we talking about desktops\n<Seeker`> mungbean: read the bug :)\n<mungbean> meh\n<mungbean> tldr\n<popey> mungbean: which bit of the crash reporter?\n<popey> you can remove apport and whoopsie\n<mungbean> the packages?\n<popey> which would mean your crashes don't get reported (so we don't know they're happening and thus can't fix them)\n<popey> yes\n<mungbean> i'm on elemtnary so you probably don't care either :P\n<mungbean> unsupported use of ubuntu apps :P\n<popey> oh they don't remove those ?\n<popey> that's a bit daft\n<mungbean> no, maybe they send them somewhere else? (probably not)\n<popey> unlikely\n<Seeker`> mungbean: you only had to read the first 10 words to get the answer to your question...\n<mungbean> Seeker`: is still copying a link to my browser\n<popey> mungbean: maybe you should file a bug with them and let them know?\n<Laney> System Settings → Privacy → Diagnostics\n<mungbean> thanks Laney\n<bigcalm> Afternoon peeps :)\n<brobostigon> From 2001:7f8:4::3b41:1 icmp_seq=1 Destination unreachable: Administratively prohibited\n<brobostigon> anyone encountered an error like that before ?\n<brobostigon> i was trying to ping google, ping/ipv4 worked fine,\n<solarcloud_3srcn> bigcalm, Afternoon ... Anyone sen if *Bradford* were in the newspapers today ??\n<solarcloud_3srcn> **seen\n<kvarley> Does this (https://launchpad.net/consortium) mean we will be able to install the consort desktop environment on ubuntu?\n<kvarley> If it does, that'd be awesome. I'd install consortium via ubuntu mini for the family PCs :)\n<czajkowski> knightwise: means they are working on some dev you can always contact the developer for more info\n<ali1234> swing and a miss...\n<czajkowski> bah\n<Laney> ffs\n<czajkowski> Laney: sup ?\n<Laney> I get a few spam phone calls a day on my mobile now\n<Laney> PPIers apparently\n<directhex> PPIers i hang up on, usually after mumbling \"for freak's sake\" or similar\n<directhex> \"windows support\" i ask whether their family are aware they are professional thieves\n<directhex> they usually hang up on me\n<Laney> I just answered it and played ladyhawke at them\n<MartijnVdS> Whee! http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/doctorwho/articles/Date-Confirmed-for-the-Doctors-Return\n * popey rubs his legs in the direction of Jenna-Louise Coleman\n<BigRedS> Is she the new assistant?\n<MartijnVdS> she is\n<BigRedS> I only ever see the christmas specials of dr who. I might see more of this particular series\n<MartijnVdS> another Neil Gaiman episode is planne\n<MartijnVdS> \\o/.\n<popey> http://x-surface.tumblr.com/\n<MartijnVdS> popey: Troll'd :)\n<popey> yeah\n<MartijnVdS> Apple Mac SE teardown video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_Qq5nVCsRI\n<popey> ☺  I do love Dave Jones, he's so funny\n<popey> at one point in that video he says something like \"If this youtube gig goes all to buggery, I can work as an Apple engineer\"\n<MartijnVdS> :)\n<MartijnVdS> Motor-mouth Aussie ;)\n * DJones hopes popey's love is fraternal\n<MartijnVdS> DJones: why? don't you love popey back?\n<nigelb> AlanBell: hey!\n<nigelb> AlanBell: I'm in London! Near Kings Cross.\n<MartijnVdS> poor you :P\n<nigelb> lol\n<Azelphur> does anyone here do home automation stuff? I'm interested in doing some basic security and lights to start with :P\n<Azelphur> but I'm not really sure where to get started\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: Z-Wave :)\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: USB controllers exist (so you can write your own software, Linux driver software exists)\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: and wireless switches, dimmers, sensors, etc.\n<Azelphur> cool\n<daftykins> Azelphur + USB things = danger\n<daftykins> ;)\n<Azelphur> lol\n<brobostigon> good aplication for an rpi, controlling that lot, maybe.\n<MartijnVdS> daftykins: I doubt he'll boil away the north sea\n<Azelphur> daftykins: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REvmhBO99I4 \\o/\n<Azelphur> I have a home server already setup\n<daftykins> 8D\n<Azelphur> I will need wireless and easily removable kit that said, since this is a rented place\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: hence, Zwave :)\n<Azelphur> funky, I'm on their site reading now\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: http://zwave-products.co.uk/\n<Azelphur> yea that's where I'm at\n<Azelphur> lol only 400 quid for the control unit\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: USB control units are lots cheaper\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: but you'll have to write your own cron jobs ;)\n<Azelphur> that's pretty much what I want anyway, I want control over it from the PC.\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: https://code.google.com/p/open-zwave/wiki/Controller_Compatibility_List\n<Azelphur> http://www.vesternet.com/z-wave-tricklestar-usb-adapter so one of these?\n<Azelphur> that's more my price range ;)\n<MartijnVdS> yeah\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: https://code.google.com/p/open-zwave/wiki/ProjectsUsingOZW is also useful\n<Azelphur> cool, it has a python library, that's me set.\n<Azelphur> I know my python. :)\n<MartijnVdS> (things that need context)\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: http://fnu.iranger.com/ozwcp.jpg\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: that already exists\n<Azelphur> sweet, that looks like it needs work :p\n * Azelphur can do things with that\n<Azelphur> I'd probably be doing something with my phone for the remote\n<Azelphur> what sort of thing would I want for the control of a light?\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: http://www.vesternet.com/z-wave-everspring-on-off-socket or http://www.vesternet.com/z-wave-everspring-dimmer-socket\n<MartijnVdS> http://www.vesternet.com/z-wave/lighting-sockets :)\n<Azelphur> ah no, I'm talking about room lights, not ones that plug into a wall\n<Azelphur> the type of light with a switch on the wall\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: look at the bottom of that page\n<Azelphur> I see\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: or top.. they have \"inserts\" for behind the switch, or complete switch replacements\n<Azelphur> http://www.vesternet.com/z-wave-merten-electronic-switch-wall-socket the stuff at the bottom says it requires a cover too\n<MartijnVdS> well of course :)\n<MartijnVdS> that's just the back\n<Azelphur> it says a Z-Wave cover specifically, and links to a 60 quid product lol\n<MartijnVdS> they know how to make money\n<Azelphur> for a total of £90 per light, which is steep ;)\n<Azelphur> unless I only need the £27.60 part for it to work\n<MartijnVdS> maybe you can find cheaper versions in China (but mind the frequency it uses :)\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: you only need the £27,60 part but it'll look ugly :)\n<Azelphur> haha\n<MartijnVdS> also.. sticking your fingers into unprotected power sockets?\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: I have these (or things like these): http://www.vesternet.com/z-wave-fibaro\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: you put them in the wall (behind the switch or where the wires for the light come out)\n<Azelphur> cool, wouldn't it be too big to fit though?\n<Azelphur> unless you dug out more wall for it to fit\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: British electricity standards are different from those here in .nl\n<Azelphur> ah\n<Azelphur> http://www.uk-automation.co.uk/products/Fibaro-Dimmer-Bypass.html what about this?\n<MartijnVdS> that's if you want to use one of the dimmers to dim low power lights\n<MartijnVdS> (LEDs)\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: I have one of these in every room: http://www.onlinebouwmarkt.nl/winkel/images/uploads/Centraaldoos%20-%20vierkant.jpg (in the ceiling)\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: and similar on the wall where switches/etc are\n<MartijnVdS> (which you mount to them)\n<Azelphur> what are they? that just looks like a plastic box to me lol\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: they are :) They were put there while the house was being built.. and the wires run from my meter to the ceiling points, and from there to the switches :)\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: (yay star topologies)\n<Azelphur> ah, I can't dig into any walls, I'm renting ;)\n<Azelphur> I like the idea of that Z-Wave Fibaro I found, just that it doesn't take a proper light\n<Azelphur> http://zwave-products.co.uk/shop/article_31/MK-Astral-LDF11-WHI-1G-Dimmer-_-Input-Fascia.html?pse=coa this maybe?\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: You don't have to.. aren't switches, etc. mounted on boxes like that there?\n<Azelphur> our switches are mounted on the wall\n<MartijnVdS> so are mine\n<MartijnVdS> but they connect to wires _in_ the wall\n<Azelphur> ah, yea that's right\n<Azelphur> there are indeed wires in the wall\n<MartijnVdS> so there's a little hole behind each (set of) switch(es)\n<Azelphur> yea, but I imagine there's not much room back there\n<MartijnVdS> those receivers/dimmers are made to fit those holes :)\n<Azelphur> the one I linked?\n<MartijnVdS> and.. EU law.. you have 1 or 2 weeks to send them back for no reason ;)\n<Azelphur> hehe\n<MartijnVdS> I think that's only a face plate (\"Fascia\")\n<Azelphur> ah\n<Azelphur> yea I'm just trying to figure out exactly what to get, the stuff that you have confuses me on how exactly it operates\n<Azelphur> I would have thought there would be a simple \"replace your light switch with this and now it's Z-Wave compatible\" thing\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: you can call one (or several) of the companies.. they'll probably know more about how electricity systems work in the UK :)\n<Azelphur> hehe yea, I'm more trying to figure out how Z-Wave works atm\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: 868 MHz :)\n<Azelphur> well yea, I got that much, you have a USB thing that sends radio signals to <something>\n<Azelphur> I just havn't figured out what the something is yet\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: yes.. switches, dimmers, sensors (it's two-way)\n<Azelphur> I see\n<MartijnVdS> \"Fibaro\" units are like the plug-in ones: they contain a Z-Wave radio (with a unique id)\n<MartijnVdS> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z-wave\n<MartijnVdS> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z-wave#Z-Wave_network_setup\n<Azelphur> ah I see, the fibaro is much smaller than I thought it was\n<Azelphur> I'm gonna have a little peek behind a light switch and see how much space is there\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrical_wiring_in_the_United_Kingdom\n<Azelphur> fun\n<Azelphur> not touching any wires as of yet, just looking to see if I think it'll fit :)\n<daftykins> no frying yourself alive now Azelphur\n<daftykins> well, unless it's video'd\n<Azelphur> noted XD\n<daftykins> :D\n<MartijnVdS> youtube live streaming ;)\n<daftykins> i wonder if some of my really pointless videos would sell for money to those clipshows\n<daftykins> £250 still :O\n<solarcloud_3srcn> mmmpphf, I've asked twice whether someone ad seen if *Bradford* were in the papers ( whatever part./section it is) 'cos they beat Villa(Hurrah!!) in the League .. oh well, Don't read ya' newspapers, then.\n<solarcloud_3srcn> **had\n<Azelphur> yea, looks like there's a little box back there\n<Azelphur> might be a bit tight\n<neuro> well\n<neuro> this is interesting\n<neuro> i switched to a new ovh/kimsufi server last month\n<neuro> only now getting it up to speed\n<neuro> seems i'm on a gigabit port\n<neuro> 533Mbit peak at the moment ...\n<neuro> *boggle*\n<MartijnVdS> nice\n<Azelphur> MartijnVdS: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vtmb4zkur21ze94/2013-01-23%2020.18.57.jpg reckon it'll fit?\n<neuro> 640!!\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: yes\n<neuro> 784!!!!!\n<Azelphur> cool\n<neuro> 950!?!!?!?!!?!\n<MartijnVdS> neuro: 10GigE-port?\n<Azelphur> so all I need to get started and play around is a fibaro and the USB device?\n<neuro> MartijnVdS: gig\n<Azelphur> that should get me control of one light?\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: yes.. and maybe a plug-in one\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: so you can play around with that as well\n<Azelphur> hehe, I'll start small and aim for one light, and buy more things if it doesn't end up like my arduino :P\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: then buy the plug-in one first\n<solarcloud_3srcn> .. looks like they got paint in the wires / on the wires too ! Azelphur\n<neuro> downloads complete, back to kilobit per sec burble\n<neuro> wow\n<neuro> colour me impressed\n<Azelphur> solarcloud_3srcn: yea, this place doesn't exactly pass health and safety, the landlord is in serious trouble\n<MartijnVdS> neuro: you sound like me when I got 100/100 at home 8-)\n<neuro> MartijnVdS: :)\n<Azelphur> I literally had inspectors randomly knock on my door the other day and ask me about the landlord\n<neuro> the spec for the box says GigE connection, but 100Mbps throughput\n<Azelphur> and I basically said all the same stuff that everyone else in the block apparently said, nobody is happy, and the inspectors are after him :P\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Azelphur: I've only ever rented in eire, so I wouldn't know, .... sorry.\n<Azelphur> hehe\n<neuro> unless they're not rate limiting inside the ovh datacentres ... maybe that's it\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: my upstairs neighbor's house is for sale.. :)\n<Azelphur> MartijnVdS: haha\n<Azelphur> maybe one day when I get rich ;)\n<solarcloud_3srcn> MartijnVdS: Is that in Dutch-land ??\n<MartijnVdS> solarcloud_3srcn: Itis\n<Azelphur> MartijnVdS: know of any chinese knockoff / cheaper versions of the fibaro? I had a ebay search but didn't find much.\n<Azelphur> I find it odd that the light is more expensive than the controller xD\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: I haven't looked myself.. a coworker was going on about them :)\n<solarcloud_3srcn> ok .. is there a marketplatz .. r web address for the adv.ert or sommit ? MartijnVdS\n<Azelphur> ah\n<MartijnVdS> solarcloud_3srcn: marktplaats.nl\n<Azelphur> MartijnVdS: definitely enough info to get me started hunting and learning though, ty :D\n<solarcloud_3srcn> MartijnVdS: Where is the advert for the property on the net ??\n<MartijnVdS> solarcloud_3srcn: funda.nl\n<solarcloud_3srcn> plz be specific,,,\n<MartijnVdS> solarcloud_3srcn: ah, my neighbor isn't on there I think\n<MartijnVdS> solarcloud_3srcn: (which is why it's taking so long)\n<solarcloud_3srcn> oh .. lol\n<solarcloud_3srcn> strange case o' deja vu.\n<MartijnVdS> solarcloud_3srcn: they're changing the matrix\n<solarcloud_3srcn> !dejavu\n<solarcloud_3srcn> even the .bot is flumixed.\n<MartijnVdS> solarcloud_3srcn: there's this one.. that's nearby, in a similar building: http://www.funda.nl/koop/alphen-aan-den-rijn/appartement-48654731-saffierstraat-116/\n<solarcloud_3srcn> opening....\n<solarcloud_3srcn> You are about 15 minutes from the devil's sister...\n<MartijnVdS> solarcloud_3srcn: who?\n<solarcloud_3srcn> my sis.\n<MartijnVdS> solarcloud_3srcn: in Leiden?\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Voorschoten.\n<MartijnVdS> On The Hague side of Leiden :)\n<solarcloud_3srcn> yep.\n<solarcloud_3srcn> MartijnVdS: Found it .. Near the Hotel de Gouden Leeuw .. took a while...\n * solarcloud_3srcn remembers the ostriches fondly, but that fondly.\n<MartijnVdS> THAT fondly?\n<daftykins> http://www.polygon.com/2013/1/23/3908286/thq-dissolved-studios-sold-off-ceo-announces-in-letter-to-staff\n<solarcloud_3srcn> kinda petulant, If I recall.\n<MartijnVdS> what's a thq?\n<solarcloud_3srcn> dunno, game maker ?\n<MartijnVdS> ah Saint's Row games\n<MartijnVdS> and lots of licensed titles\n<solarcloud_3srcn> true.. mostly winblows.\n<MartijnVdS> mostly console even\n<MartijnVdS> but TV-show tie-in games etc.\n<solarcloud_3srcn> true,\n<MartijnVdS> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_THQ_games\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Soo, MartijnVdS, as you are near my sibling o' satan, .. Quick question: What's the snow & ice like in Holland at moment ?\n<MartijnVdS> solarcloud_3srcn: Lots of frozen snow left over from Sunday... but streets & bicycle lanes have been cleared\n<solarcloud_3srcn> nice ..\n<MartijnVdS> Walking is.. perilous :)\n * solarcloud_3srcn wonders if he should run and Ad. in Delft freecycle for ice spiked shoe-overlays to give to the needy (for a postal price :) )\n<MartijnVdS> ha :)\n<solarcloud_3srcn> but seriosly, they are looking for a moderator for that site, if you interested (it's not just delft) .. but you'll prob.ly say No, oh well.\n<MartijnVdS> I've moderated enough sites. Never again :)\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Yeah, the only free(cycle) thingy I got in Holland was chippy mayonnaise... & that sucked balls and blew chunks compared to Hellman's diet mayo.\n<AlanBell> hi nigelb \\o\n<solarcloud_3srcn> :-[\n<solarcloud_3srcn> AlanBell: We had a guy on the Ubuntu Gcomm .. who was using Win8 .. and couldn't load a UNETBOOTIN file to generate an ISO burning program to install UBUNTU .. What are your thought-s on how to-do this ??\n<BigRedS> Couldn't load a unetbootin file? in that the installer broke?\n<solarcloud_3srcn> felt sorry 4 the guy as everyone just told him a stressball .. http://liveusb.info/dotclear/index.php?pages/Tux-Anti-Stress\n<BigRedS> Did it present an error message?\n<solarcloud_3srcn> bigBigR: Doesn't seem to load in Win8 .. dunnno never tried it, so I wouldn't know.\n<BigRedS> okay...\n<AlanBell> solarcloud_3srcn: got a link to the conversation?\n<BigRedS> without knowing what happened it's hard to suggest solutions, but either way it's likely a Windows (or perhaps Unetbootin) issue rather than a Ubuntu one\n<BigRedS> someone here *might* know, but perhaps a Windowsy person would be more reliably useful?\n<AlanBell> or he hasn't burned the iso in a useful way\n<daftykins> who are you talking about?\n<AlanBell> we don't know!\n<solarcloud_3srcn> some russian on Ubuntu G+comm.\n<AlanBell> I am unable to locate such a conversation\n<daftykins> oic\n<solarcloud_3srcn> +AlanBell, t was days ago .. and not fruitfull either way.\n<solarcloud_3srcn> **it was...\n<Azelphur> I'll just put this here... http://youtu.be/ivBpNGwvrpg :P\n<daftykins> XD\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Azelphur: I'm thnking he's not for Ben or Jerry, then. ^_^ http://www.magicfreebiesuk.co.uk/search/?search_term=ice+cream\n<daftykins> i saw the original for that\n<daftykins> epic edit\n<Azelphur> hehe\n<daftykins> :D\n<Myrtti> ooooo http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/nabeesocks/nabee-socks-warm-and-happy-hugs-for-your-feet - for those of us who fly a lot and hate the compression socks...\n<Myrtti> I might throw my money at Kickstarter and get all four pairs\n<solarcloud_3srcn> opening...\n<daftykins> lawl\n<daftykins> can you not just take your footwear off whilst on the plane?\n<Myrtti> sure, but how would that help against DVT?\n<daftykins> well you're meant to get up and move around anyway\n<daftykins> no need to spend for the same result surely\n<Myrtti> because there aren't any other reasons for wearing the socks, right?\n<solarcloud_3srcn> \"here at Nabee sock's , We've put warm and hugs into socks.\" Pleeeease.\n<Myrtti> I just mentioned it here because I know there's lots of people who travel a lot by air. I happen to need them for another reason too, but ok. Nevermind.\n<Myrtti> moving on\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Myrtti: Good try, keep going....\n<AlanBell> knox in box, hugs in socks. Knox on hugs in socks in box\n<daftykins> i didn't mean for you to get so defensive Myrtti\n<AlanBell> daftykins: that isn't the same result at all, pressure is needed, so taking shoes off doesn't provide that, you have to wear small/tight socks to have the effect\n<popey> Myrtti: nice pitch, shame the mens are only available in black/grey\n<AlanBell> whether it works or not I don't know, but taking shoes off is not the same thing\n<daftykins> AlanBell: i didn't mean just the shoe removing for that part\n<daftykins> nevermind, you lot ruin a simple convo at times =/\n<popey> although tbh that's probably an advantage, multiple pairs of black/grey rather than lots of random patterns I'd lose ☺\n<popey> oh, bum, US shipping only\n * solarcloud_3srcn poses consoling gravitational hugs ...\n<solarcloud_3srcn> \\o/\n<Myrtti> popey: don't pick a perk and pay 10USD extra for shipping\n<popey> Hmm, April.. could get them shipped to someone and I could pick up at UDS\n<popey> oh, where does it say that?\n<Myrtti> https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/nabeesocks/nabee-socks-warm-and-happy-hugs-for-your-feet/posts/388915\n<Myrtti> popey: also Emma Jane in Facebook\n<popey> ta\n<Myrtti> \"Read all of the words. Ships internationally. Don't choose a reward, use whatever amount you want, plus $10 for international shipping. Send him a message to say what you want.\"\n<popey> oh ffs\n<popey> oh, i see ☺\n<popey> i got the \"Sorry, the reward you've selected ships within the US only. If you're in the US, click \"In the US\" below\"\n<popey> hence the ffs before I saw your line ☺\n * popey ♥  kickstarter\n * solarcloud_3srcn wonders: But Will It Blend ?? http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gcw/gcw-zero-open-source-gaming-handheld?ref=discover_pop\n<kostas> \\nick Mentor32\n<popey> ooh nice solarcloud_3srcn\n<BigRedS> Oooh\n * BigRedS has a eurostar ticket for fosdem\n<BigRedS> Conveniently, there's actually two\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Are you going to delirium ??\n<solarcloud_3srcn> BigRedS: Are you ?\n<Myrtti> my eyes glaze over the pitch videos and I just read the actual text...\n<Myrtti> I suppose I'm a minority member of kickstarter users\n<Myrtti> in that aspect\n<BigRedS> solarcloud_3srcn: Is that the 'official' beery thing on the friday?\n<solarcloud_3srcn> yep.. till 6am on saturday :D\n<BigRedS> nah, likely not. First time I went to fosdem I could smell it from a mile or so away\n<solarcloud_3srcn> oh, your a regular ?\n<BigRedS> not seen fit to get much closer since\n<BigRedS> ah, no, my first time at fosdem was the year before last\n<solarcloud_3srcn> mine , 2012.\n<BigRedS> It just took me way too long to work out when 2012 was\n<BigRedS> :/\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Belgium.. mmm Where them /beaches/ at ? https://dl.dropbox.com/u/55128914/Attachments%20Email%20Xchat/Delirium%20at%20the%20back%20..JPEG\n<solarcloud_3srcn> First lesson of Fosdem .. bring a debit card, not a credit card :)\n<BigRedS> hahaha\n<solarcloud_3srcn> BigRedS: Checkout the G+comm. and the couchsurfing group... just to be social, that is.. need any links ??\n<BigRedS> Nah, going with people from work, so I've definitely *some* people to drink with :) Generally, though, I found that if you walk into a bar and follow the sound of an argument you find fosdem people#\n<solarcloud_3srcn> k\n<solarcloud_3srcn> did I miss Jono tonight ??\n<solarcloud_3srcn> I get a network error ? http://ubuntuonair.com/\n<popey> i updated the dns for the site\n<popey> jono was on earlier\n<solarcloud_3srcn> oh OK\n<popey> will fix in a bit\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Is there anyway I can watch the meeting ??\n<solarcloud_3srcn> popey : ??\n<solarcloud_3srcn> popey: ** Is there any way I can watch the meeting ??\n * solarcloud_3srcn gives up askin'            .\n<popey> solarcloud_3srcn: yes\n<popey> http://ubuntuonair.com/\n<popey> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=synlnIErJKU\n<solarcloud_3srcn> popey, brilliant, thanx  .. just fit it in before ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8USz0xVZo0\n<popey> meh\n<popey> i have _no_ time for him\n<solarcloud_3srcn> classic response.. I just really watch the daily vlogs.\n<dogmatic69> omg skype v4 > skype v2\n<Laney> someone learned to count!\n<popey> well done you!\n<mgdm> so someone is going to take a phone out of a box, and he's got YouTube to let him stream it?\n<mgdm> blimey\n<mgdm> and I concur with popey, I've often wondered why that guy is as well known as he appears to be\n<mgdm> well, I say 'often'. More than once.\n#ubuntu-uk 2013-01-24\n<knightwise> morning\n<diplo> Morning\n<knightwise> hey diplo  !\n<knightwise> how are you :)\n<popey> morning\n<diplo> Morning knightwise, sorry work call :)\n<diplo> Good thanks, albeit a tad cold this morning! And you ?\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Morning all.\n<aptanet> TheOpenSourcerer, a cold an icy morning it is too\n<nigelb> Morning popey\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Hi aptanet, morning popey\n<nigelb> Hey TheOpenSourcerer\n<TheOpenSourcerer> hey nigelb how's it going? long time no see\n<nigelb> TheOpenSourcerer: Going good. I'm in London!\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Cool.\n<popey> yo yo yo\n<TheOpenSourcerer> For good, or just visiting?\n<nigelb> just visiting.\n<nigelb> I'll be here for 3 weeks, I hope to meet as many of you guys as I can manage ;)\n<popey> London all of that time or moving about?\n<TheOpenSourcerer> That sounds like a plan.\n<nigelb> Cambridge for a week.\n<nigelb> Otherwise, I'll be in London most days I think.\n<TheOpenSourcerer> popey: Ever written any tips on screencasting?\n<popey> nah, they're mostly in my head\n<TheOpenSourcerer> OK - ta.\n<popey> anything specific you were after?\n<aptanet> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreencastTeam/RecordingScreencasts\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Not really. I have a new module for vtiger  I want to screencast.\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Thanks aptanet\n<popey> that page is old and outdated\n<aptanet> by popey ;)\n<aptanet> yes, the three on your blog are a bit old too\n * popey brainstorms\n<TheOpenSourcerer> I was just going to write some script notes first then do it.\n<TheOpenSourcerer> On a clean desktop\n<aptanet> I've found Kazam better than record my desktop\n<aptanet> although it is prone to stopping responding I find\n<popey> http://beta.etherpad.org/p/screencasting\n<popey> lets go!\n<TheOpenSourcerer> :-)\n<TheOpenSourcerer> That etherpad keeps dropping out.\n<davmor2> Morning all\n<popey> strange, fine here\n<TheOpenSourcerer> It's OK now seemingly.\n<awilkins> Not having problems\n<diplo> I still love watching multiple edits on documents, its the future :)\n<aptanet> when you're thinking about typing something and it appears from somewhere else if fun!\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Nice, one of our VMs has a Load Avg of 68 :-)\n<TheOpenSourcerer> bloody apache and WP again.\n<popey> hah\n * popey hugs lighttpd\n * Laney looks down and sees that his top is on inside out and backwards\n<popey> bug 1103638\n<lubotu3> bug 1103638 in update-manager (Ubuntu) \"software updater window spacing wrong\" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1103638\n<diplo> lol one is bad, 2 is well...\n<diplo> :P\n<popey> anyone else notice that?\n<popey> after you update on raring\n<JamesTait> Good morning all! :-D\n<diplo> OCD kicking in again popey :)\n * diplo is debating writing a phone app..\n * JamesTait really should update to Raring. Maybe over the weekend.\n<diplo> Any one here tried writing one yet apart from sil ?\n<davmor2> JamesTait: morning dude\n<JamesTait> Howzit davmor2! :)\n<hoover> hi folks\n<knightwise> hey hoover\n<timp> Hi, I tried to install 10.04 from dvd on external optical drive on a MacBook Pro, last years (non-retina) model. It nearly worked: i even heard the little drum role, but the screen remained completely blank.\n<timp> Any suggestions?\n<knightwise> 10.04 ?\n<timp> yes\n<knightwise> 12.04 works out of the box.\n<timp> Doh, sorry, 12.04\n<timp> Nope#\n<knightwise> http://maketecheasier.com/install-ubuntu-12-10-in-macbook-air/2012/11/08\n<knightwise> thats odd.\n<knightwise> are you using the amd/mac iso ?\n<timp> The standard amd iso\n<timp> thanks for the link, I will try again tonight.\n<knightwise> could be a no-acpi settins in grub\n<knightwise> i had that problem too\n<knightwise> if you hit me up on facebook or google+ i\"ll get you in touch with one of my listeners who had the same problem.\n<einonm> timp: If the drumroll sounds, it may well just be the display settings - CTRL-ALT-F1 may get you a prompt to login\n<timp> einonm: thanks\n<brobostigon> good morning everyone,\n<popey> yo\n<brobostigon> morning popey\n<bigcalm_laptop> Good morning peeps :)\n<brobostigon> morning bigcalm_laptop\n<bigcalm_laptop> Hi brobostigon\n<brobostigon> ok, lets say. i used get-iplayer, to download something to my rpi, how would you stream that from there to another machine on the same network, whith the rpi being headless ?\n<gord> smbfs? ssh+ftp?\n<diplo> I have a similar setup, albeit a microserver and yeah as gord says I stick it in a samba share\n<diplo> and point xbmc in my case to said samba share\n<TheOpenSourcerer> brobostigon: dlna, rygel?\n<gord> is what i do, i've also used a upnp setup in the past too, which worked well and something i want to explore in the future but xbmc was a bit buggy with it at the time\n<brobostigon> two questions, will it download the whole file before playback? and how can i get it to do that without having to download said file wholly or partially first ?\n<TheOpenSourcerer> dlna/upnp I think is a proper streaming service.\n<TheOpenSourcerer> It works on my TV from my home server.\n<brobostigon> ok, let me make notes, and research those possibilities.\n<gord> it won't download the whole file before playback, unless your video player is beyond terrible\n<TheOpenSourcerer> If you are using a Pi though you probably don't want to do real-time encoding ;-)\n * bigcalm_laptop pokes gord\n<brobostigon> gord: ok, i just remeber some attempts at this before. doing that,\n * bigcalm_laptop pokes mrevell\n<gord> only thing i have seen download the whole file before playback is a sftp filesystem extension for windows that would download the files to a temporary directory before letting the thing open it\n * gord is poked\n<mrevell> AH, hey bigcalm_laptop. I got back late from a meet-up in Manchester last night so I'm still at home. Are you all there?\n<brobostigon> gord: ah,\n<bigcalm_laptop> mrevell: davmor2 and myself are here\n<bigcalm_laptop> mrevell: you're welcome to join us\n<brobostigon> TheOpenSourcerer: good point, yes.\n<davmor2> mrevell: yeah come you can tell us all about your new job and the globe trotting that you are doing :)\n<mrevell> heh :)\n<brobostigon> minidlna seems a good candidate, for what i am looking for.\n<bigcalm_laptop> Is that the mysql drop in replacement?\n<bigcalm_laptop> Oh, maybe not. I think I'm still a little tired today\n<SuperMatt> no, you're thinking of maria\n<SuperMatt> the only thing that's stopping me from dropping postgres on unsuspecting asses over here is bloody wordpress\n<SuperMatt> though I guess if I can prove that wordpress works fine with maria, then I might be able to convince the devs to make the switch\n<bigcalm_laptop> SuperMatt: drizzle is another drop in replacement for mysql\n<SuperMatt> considering that fedora 19 may go maria (if it ever gets out of the door), and it's being developed by formers mysql devs, maria might be the better option\n<SuperMatt> hah, silly me\n<SuperMatt> the maria db wikipedia page says wordpress is \"officially supported\"\n<SuperMatt> I'm just going to have a look around to see where I can find that \"official\" confirmation\n<SuperMatt> brilliant, zend support it too, so I could move everything across the maria 10\n<SuperMatt> or just keep maria for wordpress and use postgres for everything else\n<hoover> Should be ok to use maria as it's a drop-in binary replacement for mysql\n<SuperMatt> well, currently it is ;)\n<SuperMatt> I don't imagine that if maria and mysql were no longer compatible that wordpress would stop working\n<SuperMatt> it's not like wordpress sites need to worry about transactions, etc\n<brobostigon> what the best format for videos to be in, so that dlna can playback and stream them properly ?\n<brobostigon> btw, i got minidlna up and running properly, :)\n<popey> i dont think dnla cares\n<popey> the client might\n<brobostigon> hmm, get-iplayer and minidlna end, it is a .flv\n<popey> h264 seems to be the codec of choice which plays on most things\n<popey> flv is the container\n<brobostigon> ok.\n<popey> what's inside it?\n<popey> get_iplayer usually converts .flv to .mp4 when it finishes iirc\n<brobostigon> how do i find out from cli ?\n<popey> mplayer will tell you\n<Azelphur> doesn't iplayer serve mp4 as it's high quality option?\n<brobostigon> it didnt convert it to mp4 for some reason.\n<popey> do you have libav/ffmpeg installed?\n<popey> if not it wont\n<gord> most things that can play h264 can also play flv though\n<brobostigon> popey: ah, ok. let me try again then.\n<popey> Selected video codec: [ffh264] vfm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg H.264)\n<popey> Selected audio codec: [ffac3] afm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg AC-3)\n<popey> for example is what you might get from mplayer\n<brobostigon> i have installed ffmpeg now, so will try and pull a different video off iplayer, and see whats happens.\n<popey> or just manually convert one you already have\n<popey> i think get_iplayer just changes the container, not the internal codecs\n<brobostigon> i will have to do that yes.\n<brobostigon> ah.\n<popey> what are you playing them with?\n<popey> i.e. what frontend?\n<brobostigon> mediahouse on my nexus7. is the first client i tried.\n<einonm> gord: watch out though, flv is a container, whereas h.264 is a video codec, so there is quite a difference\n<popey> https://www.theyetee.com/\n<popey> oops\n<brobostigon> spoton popey , ffmpeg was the problem.\n<popey> cool\n<brobostigon> WOOP\n<brobostigon> it is working really quite well. i am impressed.\n<knightwise> hey popey brobostigon\n<brobostigon> hey knightwise\n<knightwise> hmm.. i'm using the nxfree nomachine client / server\n<knightwise> but it doesnt seem to like unity very much :(\n<brobostigon> i wonder, if there is an risk of the rpi overheating and burning,? hmmm,\n<knightwise> is there still an lts supported version without unity (with standard gnome ?)\n<knightwise> or has that also gone the way of the dodo ?\n<brobostigon> standard gnome is there is the repos, and i beleieve there is a gnome-ubuntu remix.\n<knightwise> standard gnome  ? but thats gnome 3 ..right ?\n<brobostigon> yes.\n<knightwise> hmm.. dunno if the Nomachine client likes that any better\n<diplo> knightwise: xfce ?\n<knightwise> sure ,b ut then you need to hack some preferences into the nxclient and i've tried several things.\n<BigRedS> I'm after an XMPP client that supports a few different accounts being configured, but lets me treat them separately, anyone know of any?\n<BigRedS> so (easy) different statuses/messages for each, ideally separate contact lists. I'm thinking basically Pidgin's interface but tabbed...\n<knightwise> BigRedS: Centerim ?\n<BigRedS> knightwise: oooh, perhaps. Hadn't considered text-mode.\n<BigRedS> thansk!\n<BigRedS> haha, you can judge software's maintenance activity by which woman is in the photo in the background of the screenshot...\n<knightwise> ah , i got it\n<awilkins> BigRedS, Are we saying the maintenance is inversely proportional to how attractive the screenshot people are?\n<knightwise> need to specify what desktop the nomachine client should launch\n<knightwise> works nog\n<knightwise> now\n<awilkins> BigRedS, ie ; super hot - obv. rubbish software being covered up by glitz?\n<knightwise> whow\n<knightwise> remote desktop with NXclient (running XFCE on the far end) is FAST !\n<BigRedS> awilkins: haha, nah just which woman is in the background. Though I'm not sure who it would be now...\n<knightwise> what screenshot are you referring to ?\n<BigRedS> http://www.centerim.org/index.php/File:Centerim-screenshot.png\n<awilkins> An old shot of Alysson Hannigan\n<awilkins> From this we can infer the software is maintained by people who liked Buffy the Vampire Slayer\n<knightwise> aah the allison hannigan wallpaper ?\n * knightwise had big time nerd crush on her\n<knightwise> and i still think she's hot\n<knightwise> had her on my wallpaper for a long time.\n<knightwise> Currently boasting artwork from \"the mad shipyards\" (google to find out)\n<awilkins> She gets hotter as time goes on, if anything\n<knightwise> indeed\n<knightwise> do i like her in ginger more then in dark brown\n<awilkins> Her turn in \"How I Met Your Mother\" is nothing short of inspired\n<dwatkins> Gillian Anderson is awesome\n<knightwise> gillian anderson ?\n<awilkins> X-Files Scully\n<dwatkins> yeah awilkins\n<knightwise> oh Skully\n<awilkins> I had the issue of FHM that was trading for £10 a copy on ebay\n<dwatkins> Karin Gillian isn't bad either, can you detect a theme?\n<knightwise> yeah .. she's like the big sis everybody wanted as a kid\n<awilkins> The one with Gillian Anderson in her underwear\n<knightwise> http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-CHlMXEsEMkY/UNQOSoSLYII/AAAAAAAAAyc/DVc3N2UBPzM/s1600/gillian_anderson_4.jpg\n<knightwise> sooo pretty\n<knightwise> cool :) Lxde remote desktop is lightning fast :)\n<SuperMatt> I would love if someone in canonical worked on a proper rdp contender for linux\n<BigRedS> ssh -x\n * BigRedS doesn't use rdp\n<SuperMatt> I know we have x-forwarding, but it's not the same as having a whole desktop running quite fast\n<SuperMatt> and I mean faster than vnc too\n<SuperMatt> I had to work from home on monday and vnc was painful\n<dwatkins> NX and VNC are fine for what I need\n<AlanBell> SuperMatt: I suspect someone will do something with wayland\n<AlanBell> http://wayland.freedesktop.org/faq.html#heading_toc_j_8\n<knightwise> SuperMatt: you need to connect to a windows machine ?\n<knightwise> I am currently using NXFree , but thats not realy an 'remote desktop' client\n<knightwise> more of a terminal server one\n<knightwise> ha : )\n<knightwise> used NXfree to connect to a virtual machine i'm running at home\n<knightwise> virtual machine is also running with another user logged in\n<knightwise> using vnc to connect to the other X session of that user :)\n<dwatkins> I often use NX to remote control my machine at home, especially as it has less port restrictions than the office network\n<SuperMatt> knightwise: no, not connecting to windows.\n<SuperMatt> RDP just seems to do remote displays way better than vnc\n<SuperMatt> xfordwarding is nice for the odd app or two, but it can't replace being able to access your hole desktop\n<awilkins> I think there's an RDP server for Linux somewhere, when I mention it here people link it\n<awilkins> http://www.xrdp.org/\n * SuperMatt nods\n<SuperMatt> I've never managed to get that to load unity though\n<SuperMatt> could just be me\n<knightwise> SuperMatt: i know you'll swear at me but .. teamviewer isn't so bad\n<SuperMatt> maybe I should just try xrdp when I get home\n<solarcloud_3srcn> AlanBell: Thank-you once again for sending me a 12.10 DVD that you had spare (plenty for for anyone interested) .. As I recently had an email from Amazon.us about the reality of buying one ... £5 is nothing when you thnk about it .... :: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/55128914/Lubuntu%20docs/Ubuntu%20DVD%20..%20the%20reality%20of%20getting%20UBUNTU%20on%20DVD.PNG\n<AlanBell> wow, always amazes me how many people sell them\n<solarcloud_3srcn> 2 people, if you look, so far .. but your right, Prob.ly more ..\n<popey> not a single ubuntu thinkpad on amazon\n<solarcloud_3srcn> ebay, dr watson, ebay ..\n<solarcloud_3srcn> su. from Hollande..\n<solarcloud_3srcn> **usu. from ...\n<AlanBell> novatech do nice laptops popey :)\n<AlanBell> http://www.youtube.com/user/NovatechLTD/videos?query=ubuntu\n<solarcloud_3srcn> still got yours to sell ?? :D\n<solarcloud_3srcn> I saw Alan Lord's tweet pic.. v. nice.\n<AlanBell> not selling it, that is aptanet's laptop now :)\n<solarcloud_3srcn> cool, surethingy.\n<aptanet> and it's getting well used!\n<popey> If it doesn't have a touchpoint it's not a proper laptop\n<popey> so it's thinkpad or dell latitude for me now\n<solarcloud_3srcn> aptanet: You are darling of new tech. How's the getdeb download's , or haven't you bothered ???\n<aptanet> getdeb downloads?\n<aptanet> not looked at them, and the site is offline at the moment - power outage!\n<solarcloud_3srcn> https://plus.google.com/+getdeb/posts/FF1gRuZN7pM\n<solarcloud_3srcn> AKA PlayDeb ..\n<dragonkeeper> http://tinyurl.com/b8lfupt\n<AlanBell> don't spam us with affiliate links dragonkeeper\n<solarcloud_3srcn> dragonkeeper: gifgaff is an information controller from ebay .. stay away !!\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Wonder's if that advert would still be an affiliate link if it was on www.archive.org (or whatever the way-back machine is) ??\n * solarcloud_3srcn     \"     \"   \"\n * solarcloud_3srcn alsowonders if PlayDeb's archive is ready for the way-back machine ??\n<AlanBell> on irclogs.ubuntu.com we add rel=nofollow to the links so you don't get google pagerank from spamming junk into the channels\n<solarcloud_3srcn> logical.\n<solarcloud_3srcn> \\o/ Hello Ginger Thurs.\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Time for *free* beer dregg's http://goo.gl/1L2YW\n<dwatkins> dregg's what? ;)\n<popey> reminds me, must make some more ginger beer\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Soz ,to many g's http://dictionary.reverso.net/english-definition/dreg\n<andrewebdev> I've just finished setting up for myself a new pc, and I'm wondering if it's possible to just copy my private ssh key to the new computer, from my old laptop, or should I generate a new one?\n<brobostigon> another question, what controls inside dlna, the quality of playback on the client ? is it directly the source video quality?\n<popey> andrewebdev: is your old laptop being decommissioned?\n<solarcloud_3srcn> AlanBell: Well, at least the #channel is going, at last, today .. thanx everyone.\n<andrewebdev> popey, I am planning to still use it\n<popey> if so, I'd copy ~/.ssh over, if not, and you're keeping both machines, I'd create a new one\n<andrewebdev> ok thx\n<popey> so if you lose one machine (or it gets stolen or compromised) you can remove that one key from remote machines and keep the safe one\n<andrewebdev> ah i see that makes sense yes\n<einonm1> brobostigon: I'm not sure if dlna dlna adaptive streaming\n<andrewebdev> ta :)\n<einonm1> ...dlna has adaptive streaming\n<brobostigon> einonm1: so it adjusts to the client ?\n<einonm1> to the link speed, if it is present. As I said, I'm not sure if DLNA does that.\n<brobostigon> einonm1: ok, thank you,\n<einonm1> basically, it first tests if it can shove the best quality stream down the pipe - if it can't it tries the next best etc.\n<brobostigon> ah, i see.\n<einonm1> but you need either multiple streams of different quality, or (like on blu-ray) a codec that can cope with adaptive bitrates\n<brobostigon> good point,\n<popey> brobostigon: what client are you using?\n<brobostigon> popey: mediahouse on android 4.2.1\n<popey> any good?\n<brobostigon> not bad, weird menu system, but seems to work well enough,\n<brobostigon> it was simply the first one i found, so i choose it by chance.\n<solarcloud_3srcn> popey: Pre-loved.Do they ever stop with the Adverts ? Prob.ly not  http://www.preloved.co.uk/adverts/list?keyword=thinkpad\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Is is daftykins or dwatkins , but it looks like my Co-op a/c in St Peters Port 'aint that good anymore   http://www.isleofman.com/News/details/52423/island-signs-tax-co-operation-agreements-with-jersey-and-guernsey\n<popey> daftykins is an islander\n<solarcloud_3srcn> popey: Fair enough, I'll talk to him later when he see's the post .. thanx popey.\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Note to diaspora, *don't worry* it's mostly the Esther-Louise-Rantzen types that live here ... http://goo.gl/b2Jt0\n<aptanet> getting slightly annoyed with this wireless card dropping connection seemingly randomly\n<aptanet> each time I have to disable and re-enable wireless to authenticate again :(\n<solarcloud_3srcn> aptanet: Just outta interest has the novatech laptop/ultrabook gotta Wireless disable screen option in the Bios, like dell's has ?? http://goo.gl/rZKkF . Just askin'     .\n<aptanet> good question, without rebooting I'm not sure!\n<solarcloud_3srcn> aptanet: Crumb.s .. hope I've not started anything, Oh dear.\n<popey> aptanet: which wireless device is it?\n<aptanet> not sure about the BIOS, but there's a hotkey on the keyboard - and it works\n<aptanet> Ralink corp. Device 3290\n<aptanet> I've had to update the kernel and install firmware to get it working\n<aptanet> that said, my netbook does exactly the same thing with the stock kernel and an express card nic\n<popey> aptanet: 12.10?\n<aptanet> popey, yes\n<solarcloud_3srcn> http://h-node.org/search/results/en/1/search/wifi/Ralink\n<solarcloud_3srcn> @seen daftykins\n * solarcloud_3srcn just forgot who to ask to 'see' ppl's last sighting since absence ??\n<solarcloud_3srcn> AlanBell: thoughts on above Question. ??\n<AlanBell> sorry, which question, I wasn't paying attention\n<AlanBell> and I am off out now\n<AlanBell> ping me with a question and I will see it\n<solarcloud_3srcn> no prob.s.\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Laura Boyle – Mitchelstown http://open.spotify.com/track/6W5SZHPJ9reZ9kLhBZ7Mv9  Awaiting bigcalm 's arrival...\n<cocoa117> when using nfsv4 to export filesystem to linux client. does the locally bind filesystem automatically export?\n<cocoa117> e.g. /media/pool/family on /srv/sto/home/pans/multimedia type none (rw,bind)\n<cocoa117> so when i exports /srv/sto/home as root to clients, do i get access to the /meida/pool/family folder?\n<MartijnVdS> I have no idea.. what happened when you tried? ;)\n<MartijnVdS> hm\n<MartijnVdS> Bug 1085342 is getting annoying\n<lubotu3> bug 1085342 in eglibc (Ubuntu) \"Pulseaudio applications hang (Totem, GNOME Shell etc.)\" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1085342\n<daftykins> solarcloud_3srcn: co-op in St. Peter Port? huh?\n<solarcloud_3srcn> daftykins: Ignorance is bliss ! But there is an ethical bank in .. I'll PM'd you...\n<daftykins> roger that\n<bigcalm> Evening peeps\n<brobostigon> evening bigcalm\n<bigcalm> What am I missing out on by doing work rather than IRC during the day time?\n<solarcloud_3srcn> bigcalm: Mostly Links from your UrlGrabber :: http://www.redbubble.com/people/robbrown/works/8613327-ubuntu-linux-for-human-beings\n<bigcalm> My url grabber?\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Sorry I use Xchat ...\n<bigcalm> That's nothing to be ashamed of ;)\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Yeah, If only I could figure women out too ! https://dl.dropbox.com/u/55128914/Attachments%20Email%20Xchat/understanding%20women%20book.jpg\n<directhex> http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/594741935758161354/659E25E17B1F8C8BC58459B1288B19F95A6AF7AE/\n<popey> wossat?\n<Azelphur> half life 1 :P\n<directhex> popey, hl1, just released for linux and osx\n<directhex> as in 11 minutes ago\n<Azelphur> WHAT\n * Azelphur downloads hard.\n<popey> hah\n<Azelphur> aww, I only have half life source.\n<directhex> steam steam://install/70\n<solarcloud_3srcn> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaF5O5Mzi9E&list=PLcrbfJq0A8FltP69pumdih1X0VQMb7adq\n<Azelphur> yea just takes me to the buy page\n<solarcloud_3srcn> I remember a lot of this :: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/55128914/Lubuntu%20docs/Half%20Life%20Loading%20Bar.PNG\n<directhex> solarcloud_3srcn, then you're a youngun. there was no bar like that in pre-steam half-life\n<directhex> remember, this is a game from 1998\n<solarcloud_3srcn> mmmmphf .... '98 tech .. What's the big deal about then ??\n<cambrianExplosio> Hi everyone, is anyone using Ubuntu on a Macbook here?\n<solarcloud_3srcn> not me ..\n<directhex> well, there was no steam. half-life came instead with \"sierra utilities\". which had a minor bug whereby it would delete all your files when you uninstalled it\n<directhex> half-life patch day was hell. a 45-meg patch on 28.8k dialup was lame\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Sounds familiar.\n<solarcloud_3srcn> mmmmhpf .... '98 tech .. What's the big deal about *today* ,then ??\n<directhex> solarcloud_3srcn, well, it's been ported to linux and osx, and released within the last hour\n<directhex> part of why that's interesting is a) steam for mac came out years ago, yet never saw ports of hl1-based games, and b) the rather messy history of the unreleased osx port\n<solarcloud_3srcn> screw this |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| I'm seeing what www.phoronix.com says ...\n<popey> that's an interesting point directhex, I hadn't considered that.\n<popey> we're up to what? 60+ Linux games on steam now?\n<directhex> popey, fully working, or in the CDR?\n<popey> both?\n<directhex> 45 and 84 respectively\n<directhex> YMMV. IANAL. IDDQD.\n<directhex> i have 53 of them\n<popey> nice\n#ubuntu-uk 2013-01-25\n<solarcloud_3srcn> YMMV means \"Your Mileage May Vary\" , IANAL means \"I Am Not A Lawyer (this is an uninformed opinion)\" IDDQD means \"Cheat code for Doom\" , err OK . directhex, Your obviously not a bowler.\n<BigRedS> In answer to my earlier questiond, mdadm -D /dev/mdX has the state of each member at the bottom\n<solarcloud_3srcn> directhex: phoronix.com retorts ::  http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTI4MzE\n<solarcloud_3srcn> With over a dozen comments so far ::: http://phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?77091-Valve-Pushes-Out-Half-Life-For-Linux#post308374\n<Azelphur> valve has originally ported their original half life original title original to linux original.\n<popey> Azelphur: and cs:source by the look of it\n<Azelphur> :o\n<Azelphur> this is a good day.\n<Azelphur> even though my boiler has apparently died and the house is getting cold, this is still a good day.\n<Azelphur> xD\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: fire up half life.. have your GPU keep you warm ;)\n<knightwise> hey MartijnVdS\n<knightwise> you are up early\n<diplo> Morning\n<knightwise> hey directhex\n<knightwise> hey diplo\n<kvarley> Can anybody recommend a good RAW viewer? I don't want an editor or album manager, just a viewer like the default image viewer does for JPGs, etc in Ubuntu\n<MartijnVdS> kvarley: rawtherapee?\n<MartijnVdS> kvarley: or, if you set the default viewer to \"Shotwell viewer\" you just get the viewer part of shotwell\n<MartijnVdS> not the manager bits\n<kvarley> MartijnVdS: Ok ty\n<kvarley> Another question, is it possible to use VirtualBox to install Ubuntu on an actual hard drive? /dev/sdc for example? I have a netbook that is a problem and need some bootable OS to test it with\n<kvarley> Loading from USB on this model is being awkward\n<popey> being awkward how?\n<kvarley> popey: The system goes really slow after 5 mins last time I tried it\n<kvarley> I think the CPU may have overheated in the past\n<kvarley> It was a while ago tho so I need to try USB again really\n<AlanBell> morning all\n<TheOpenSourcerer> mornign all.\n * TheOpenSourcerer has produced a screencast. Would like AlanBell to review it before going public...\n<popey> morning\n<popey> never seen that kvarley\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Thanks for the etherpad stuff popey that was useful.\n<popey> np\n<knightwise> hey popey TheOpenSourcerer\n<TheOpenSourcerer> wotcha knightwise\n<kvarley> popey: Checked  the HDD still works, that is fine. Reassembling the netbook then gonna try booting Ubuntu via a SATA CD drive\n<knightwise> Netbooks are cool :)\n<knightwise> did this weeks podcast on \"bringing your netbook back to life'\n<kvarley> knightwise: Netbooks are dead lol\n<kvarley> knightwise: I just figure if I can make this one work I can give it to a relative\n<kvarley> Surprising amount of dust in this one considering it was so tightly sealed\n<knightwise> kvarley: i disagree http://knightwise.com/kw503-return-of-the-netbook/\n<knightwise> Been using one as my main 'portable thin client' for the last week.\n<knightwise> loving it so far!\n<einonm> I tried putting Ubuntu server 11.10 on my netbook last week - just hung there after I filled in all the forms at the start. So it's still on life support...\n<directhex> counter-strike 1.6 for linux too. fancy.\n<kvarley> directhex: Has that been added too? I'm really hoping for CS:GO\n<directhex> kvarley, half-added. requires badgers to run\n<kvarley> directhex: hehe ok\n<directhex> kvarley, http://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/178xsx/native_counterstrike_16_on_steam_for_linux/\n<kvarley> Taking this netbook has made me realise a few things. 1) Netbook ribbon cables are actually sensibly placed. 2) Netbooks shouldn't be opened. 3) Only 1 fan in the whole netbook for the GPU is stupid\n<kvarley> directhex: Thanks, I may have to try this out\n<popey> directhex: i don't have a beta tab in properties of CS:Source\n<directhex> popey, where did i say CS:Source?\n<popey> ignore me\n<kvarley> popey: It lives ... sort of\n<kvarley> I'm booting from live USB\n<kvarley> The netbook is held together with about 30 screws but none of them are actually needed. Everything snaps into place\n<popey> which netbook?\n<kvarley> Asus 1201N\n<popey> oh, thats similar to wifeys 1008HA\n<popey> I say \"wifeys\" she hasn't touched it in a year or more\n<kvarley> hehe\n<kvarley> I didn't miss this fan noise one bit\n<kvarley> Think this was one of the first to get nvidias ION tech in it\n<rowinggolfer> built a server yesterday. 2*1TB drives in raid 10 configuration. Followed the howto here. https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/advanced-installation.html\n<rowinggolfer> really, really good documentation :)\n<rowinggolfer> 5 year support was the differentiator for me.\n<rowinggolfer> ie.. there are still many things that canonical are doing right.\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Anyone got any experience with sakis3g?\n<rowinggolfer> never heard of it.. and I can't get to http://www.sakis3g.org/\n<brobostigon> good morning everyone.\n<rowinggolfer> morning brobostigon\n<brobostigon> morning rowinggolfer\n<directhex> rowinggolfer, 2 drives in raid10?\n<knightwise> got a little grub question here\n<knightwise> anyone in ?\n<dwatkins> no, they're all having a snowball fight\n<andylockran> morning\n<knightwise> morning\n<knightwise> i'm installing ubuntu on my macbook and doing the manual partitioning thing\n<knightwise> ive got an Ssd drive (sda)\n<knightwise> i just created a root partition and a home partition\n<directhex> dual-booting the macbook or not?\n<knightwise> it has placed them on SDa1 and SDA2\n<knightwise> Single booting\n<knightwise> no dual boot\n<knightwise> now it leaves 1 megabyte of free space on SDA\n<knightwise> (donno why)\n<knightwise> question is : Where do i install grub\n<knightwise> /dev/sda or /dev/sda1 ?\n<andylockran> knightwise: I used refit for mac\n<knightwise> yeah , but in order to install refit you need to install osx first\n<andylockran> and installed grub to the partition, rather than to the disk\n<andylockran> ah, ok\n<knightwise> ok, but can you install refit without osx ?\n<knightwise> because when I boot , I just get a blinkin cursor\n<knightwise> so i have the feeling the grub isnt doing anything or isnt even working.\n<knightwise> So do i install grub to /sda (which is one megabyte, empty space)\n<knightwise> or to /sda1 where i have my / partition ?\n<andylockran> sounds like you need to have a mini OSX partition on there\n<knightwise> smells like it.\n<knightwise> perhaps do a 10 gig osx install.. and then go with Refit ?\n<andylockran> yeah, I just read a recommendation of 10-15GB for the OSX partition\n<andylockran> as youll need it for firmware updates to the macbook too\n<knightwise> yeah , i thought about that too\n<knightwise> its that , i only have a 128 ssd\n<knightwise> so i would like to keep the osx footprint to a minimum\n<andylockran> https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=925992\n<directhex> at this point i'm super concerned about your setup\n<davmor2> Morning all\n<directhex> macs don't use BIOS booting, they expect a GPT-partitioned disk with an EFI boot partition\n<knightwise> holdon\n<directhex> whether you also have a shadow MBR table as well is a secondary issue\n<knightwise> installer is telling me i should install a 35 meg efi boot partition first ! :)\n<andylockran> I have read that grub2 were working on a open source 'bless' for EFI\n<knightwise> so i think i have to put the bootloader in there\n<knightwise> ok , giving it a whirl\n<knightwise> the workaround i have is that i use an osx installer disk to do the firmware updates :)\n<andylockran> that'd work\n<rowinggolfer> directhex, yes.\n<rowinggolfer> directhex, it appears counter intuitive, but raid10 < raid 5\n<knightwise> directhex: super concerned ?  about me ?\n<knightwise> hmmm\n<knightwise> there is a shadow table there somewhere\n<knightwise> now the mac says it cannot find a bootable os\n<directhex> rowinggolfer, raid10 needs 4 disks.\n<knightwise> ok , going the other route\n<knightwise> installing a 20 gig OSX partition and using Refit\n<rowinggolfer> directhex, that's a common configuration, but 2 disks is the minimum.\n<directhex> that doesn't make any sense\n<directhex> raid 0 is striping data across 2 or more disks. raid 1 is mirroring data across 2 or more disks. unless you're doing partition-level mirroring or striping which is, well, stupid since it'll decrease performance not increase it\n<rowinggolfer> I'm not looking for performance.\n<rowinggolfer> but redundancy.\n<shauno> then why add striping?\n<timp2> Hi, I am trying to install amd ubuntu 12.10 from external usb CD drive, it semed to be working, but screen went blank, now I have just had the little drum roll, but completely blank screen\n<timp2> Ctrl Alt F1 does nothing\n<timp2> Sorry, on an 18month old macbookPro\n<directhex> rowinggolfer, then what on earth does using partition-level raid 0 gain you, other than complexity and another layer of potential failure?\n<knightwise> hey timp\n<knightwise> did you use refit ?\n<timp2> hi knightwise\n<timp2> efi ?\n<knightwise> are you singlebooting  or dual booting ?\n<rowinggolfer> directhex, to be honest, I dunno. I'll need to revisit this.\n<timp2> dual booting,\n<knightwise> have you installed REFIT on your OSX os\n<knightwise> that will help you to dual boot\n<timp2> yes, I think so,\n<knightwise> did you take a look at the howto i sent you yesterday ?\n<knightwise> http://maketecheasier.com/install-ubuntu-12-10-in-macbook-air/2012/11/08\n<timp2> yes, and that was pretty much what I did originally\n<knightwise> ok\n<knightwise> ubuntu try this\n<timp2> though I am trying from a usb DVD\n<knightwise> its an old hawto but it has to do with your grub settyings\n<knightwise> wait , have you installed it yet ? or just trying to boot from the livce cd  ?\n<timp2> I suspect it is the video firmware, possibly due to it having been updatd.\n<knightwise>  seems that something in the Macbook power management causes a kernel panic, so you’ll need to run the installer with the “noapic” option (press space at the splash screen, then F6). Note: you may need to reboot several times, as the installer may kernel panic before you have the option to set “noapic”. Also, note that the wifi won’t work (we’ll fix this in the next step), so don’t try to install updates during the inst\n<knightwise> Once the installation finishes, you’ll need to boot up with the noapic option (press ‘e’ in GRUB and add it to the kernel parameters, right next to “splash” and “quiet”), and then add it permanently once you’ve booted up. You can find detailed directions for both of these steps in the Ubuntu guide for Kernel Boot Parameters\n<knightwise> See step 4 of this manual : http://cberner.com/2012/07/10/installing-ubuntu-12-04-on-macbook-pro-retina/\n<timp2> knightwise: thanks, looks like I need to blockout a bit more time than I have this minute, but thanks, I will read those and start again when I get back\n<knightwise> no worries , good lucj !\n<kvarley> I just ran updates and my xorg conf got wiped because I have manually installed AMD graphics drivers. Will restoring the xorg conf work or will I also have to add the kernel modules again? I'm not sure if my kernel got updated or not\n<diplo> TheOpenSourcerer: Nice vid :)\n<TheOpenSourcerer> thanks diplo\n<TheOpenSourcerer> For others if they are interested: Gelocation for vtiger CRM - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1FxiADQpsU\n<diplo> May have to integrate something like that for our erp system now :)\n<TheOpenSourcerer> What's your ERP?\n<diplo> Called chalice, we're re-writing our text based one to web based\n<popey> \"standing on the shoulders of others... and all that\" :D\n<TheOpenSourcerer> :-D\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Yeah - got that a b it wrong but couldn't be bothered to go back\n<diplo> Trying to make it stand out from the text/console one by adding features that we can't do in the old one\n<directhex> rowinggolfer, if you're using RAID0 across partitions on the same drive, i.e. sda1 and sda2 are raid0'd, sdb1 and sdb2 are raid0'd, and md0 and md1 are raid1'd, then you'll actually gain less than nothing - you'll decrease performance compared to just using flat raid1, as all sequential disk reads/writes larger than the raid0 stripe size are no longer sequential, they're random (as the disk needs to bounce between stripes on both partition\n<directhex> s)\n * popey hugs btrfs RAID1\n * popey dreams of btrfs RAID5\n * brobostigon checks to make sure the stats are working properly.\n * davmor2 checks popey 's meds, you should be tripping the the light fantastic not dreaming sysadmin dreams.......\n<brobostigon> yep, looks good, :)\n<brobostigon> oh dear, are the bbc going to trash daily politics for the tennis now.\n<directhex> anyone have a use for 2 months of lovefilm?\n<brobostigon> lovefilm, umm, never tried it.\n<dwatkins> I use it, it's not too bad.\n<kvarley> dwatkins: Lame that there is no android client tho\n<kvarley> Being silverlight and all\n<Azelphur> hmm, think my boiler has bit the dust, :(\n<Azelphur> it fails to turn on and makes a high pitched whistling sound\n<directhex> i've got a few 2-month-free new customer discount codes\n<rowinggolfer> directhex, I follow your logic. thanks.\n<rowinggolfer> directhex, my choice was swayed by http://www.acronis.co.uk/resource/tips-tricks/2005/whats-raid-10.html\n<rowinggolfer> biab - gonna get some lunch. need a good one today as haggis for dinner ;)\n<constrictor> how do i find out what graphics card I'm running from the command line\n<daftykins> lspci\n<directhex> lspci | grep VGA\n<constrictor> thanks daftykins\n<daftykins> just had two synology NAS' turn up along with 4 x 2TB WD Reds :)\n<directhex> daftykins, for RAID10? :p\n<daftykins> lol no\n<daftykins> two separate two bay units\n<daftykins> amusingly these are backups for RAIDs\n<daftykins> just had to phone verified by visa due to a rejection ordering something from a website\n<daftykins> 'we haven't got enough trained advisors right now, we can give you a call back in 30 mins'\n<daftykins> nice\n<daftykins> heh these little Synology NAS' are cute :>\n<dwatkins> daftykins: agreed, I'm considering getting a DS413j\n<dwatkins> the interface is pretty good, it seems to run a linux, and they're not too pricey\n<dwatkins> also, loads of plug 'n play applications for them\n<daftykins> :)\n<daftykins> got a couple of the super basic 212j's for some clients backup\n<daftykins> just fitted the drives, powered on and installed the OS over the network\n<daftykins> very neat web UI\n<daftykins> and off it goes creating the RAID1 setup :>\n<daftykins> ext4 is its' poison\n<popey> \\o/ btrfs\n<gord> \\o/ whatever we use by default because i'm too lazy to use anything else\n<mgdm> \\o/ ext3\n * mgdm avoids btrfs\n<daftykins> it's checking all the sectors now, i like this\n<davmor2> mgdm: ext4 I think you'll find is the default :P\n<popey> mgdm: wuss!\n<mgdm> I've not formatted a partition in ages, so defaults don't matter :)\n<BigRedS> I kep meaning to have a fiddle with btrfs, but I don't have a large body of data that I'm not that fussed about\n<BigRedS> actually, I just don't have that much data...\n<popey> /dev/sdc         22T   13T  8.2T  62% /srv\n<popey> thats my btrfs volume\n<rowinggolfer> is btrfs now on a par with zfs (functionality wise, not license etc..)\n<popey> quite impressed by the reliability of it now\n<SuperMatt> I've never gotten around to trying btrs, because every time I try to use it, I forget that I can't use it on /boot, get frustrated and then go back to ext4\n<BigRedS> haha, I love how many things still need a separate /boot. I'm still expecting it to become te norm to have a 2GB disk soldered tothe motherboard for /boot to live on\n<mgdm> disk? Flash :)\n<BigRedS> ah, yeah, I suppose\n<BigRedS> Oh yeah, we had some HPs (I think) with sd card slot on the board\n<BigRedS> Is there a synergy-alike that's better for simply conjoining two Linux PCs? I've not tried Synergy for some time, but wondered if there was some more native 'solution'\n<MartijnVdS> what's synergy? :)\n<daftykins> the one that forwards kb+mouse input over LAN\n<rowinggolfer> keylogging heaven.\n<daftykins> omg verified by visa is such rubbish\n<daftykins> rowinggolfer: not if you SSH tunnel it =]\n<BigRedS> ach, we're all friends here anyway\n<BigRedS> says he with the encrypted filesystem\n<daftykins> 0o\n<gord> i think fridays should be ubuntu-uk-synergy-party-friday, where we all connect to an internet synergy server and try and get work done when sharing one virtual mouse and keyboard\n<daftykins> that assumes work gets done without that!\n<Azelphur> Anyone know how I can stream microphone from my PC to my Laptop?#\n<brobostigon> vlc ?\n<Azelphur> yea I mean, an actual working example, I've been trying with vlc and various methods without luck\n<popey> pulse and gst both have networked audio\n<popey> questions\n<popey> bah\n<popey> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2715257/moving-audio-over-a-local-network-using-gstreamer\n<Azelphur> don't really wanna move audio, just wanna listen to the mic\n<brobostigon> pulseaudio could do that, pipe the microphone input on machineA, to speaker output on machineB.\n<brobostigon> can*\n<Azelphur> fun\n<brobostigon> yes.\n<popey> uhm\n<daftykins> that oh-so frequent of usecases ;)\n * davmor2 thinks Azelphur is setting up a budget recording studio\n<daftykins> nah it's just his dream to never have to leave his seat\n<daftykins> :>\n<Azelphur> I used mumble, made it work\n<gord> doesn't mumble compress the audio with speex? ie, be terrible for music?\n<Azelphur> that's ok I only want it to listen in and find out when my fire alarm stops going off\n<gord> oh okay\n<gord> not concerned about the fire?\n<gord> i'd be more worried about that\n<Azelphur> no fire\n<daftykins> doh, this second NAS didn't come with the screws D:\n<gord> you don't have a container full of thousands of random screws through years of computer owning?\n<daftykins> yep\n<daftykins> not the point though is it\n<gord> i think that is entirely the point of the container ;P\n<daftykins> your being facetious is entirely unwelcome\n<gord> i think i'm helping\n<daftykins> you're wrong\n<gord> i don't think thats possible\n<daftykins> no need to troll\n<popey> gord: have you tried this tack in a job interview yet? ☺\n<popey> friend of mine did\n<popey> interviewer: what do you consider are your weaknesses?\n<popey> friend: I don't have any weaknesses\n<popey> i: isn't that arrogant?\n<popey> f: No, arrogance isn't one of my weaknesses\n<popey> zing!\n<daftykins> do you know the result?\n<popey> he didnt get the job\n<daftykins> XD\n<popey> colour me unsurprised\n<daftykins> sounds like it would've gone down well as the guy in Trainspotting's interview technique\n<mgdm> heheh\n<popey> directhex: oi! why does it say half life (beta) is not available on my platform?\n<popey> ooh, not watched trainspotting for years\n * popey queues it up\n<daftykins> heh\n<popey> watched inglorious basterds yesterday which was fun\n<daftykins> yeah that wasn't half bad\n<daftykins> bit o' scalpin'\n<gord> if anyone asks me what my weaknesses are i just walk out. you never expose your weakness. its called evolution - duh\n<popey> cant remember the last proper job interview I had\n<daftykins> most i've been to have been quite a joke\n<daftykins> one states (local government) woman kept saying she kept wanting to call me John after the Led Zeppelin drummer given my surname :(\n<daftykins> i nearly asked if it would help me get the job if i learnt the drums\n<daftykins> but i got it anyway \\o/\n<daftykins> that was about 4 years ago now :O\n<gord> i don't think i've ever not gotten a job after an interview, plenty of failed applications but always managed to get the job once i got to the interview part. must be my winning personality/threats of violence\n<daftykins> could be\n<daftykins> bet that'd be a different story now though\n<daftykins> apparently most super mundane jobs locally have 25+ applicants\n<daftykins> bad time to be an interviewer\n<gord> yeah probably, haven't actually applied for a job for about 4 years\n<czajkowski> gord: do you bribe them with your odd sweets\n * daftykins starts on another creme egg\n<popey> ooh, sweets!\n * popey gets some\n<SuperMatt> sweets? This is how my office treated us today https://twitter.com/WCRS_LDN/status/294830796500512769/photo/1\n<czajkowski> JELLIES!!!!!!!!!!!!\n<SuperMatt> this is a new weekly thing\n<SuperMatt> fridays are gonna be totes awesome from now on\n<daftykins> O_O\n<daftykins> SuperMatt: i'm applying :D\n<SuperMatt> I'm afraid I'm the only linux guy the company need\n<daftykins> i am not this\n * TheOpenSourcerer spies wine gums!\n<TheOpenSourcerer> I had some fruit gums earlier :-)\n * brobostigon has jelly babies, :)\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Ooh\n * TheOpenSourcerer notices it is approaching Friday evening.\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Huuzaahhh\n<brobostigon> i can have them now, i couldnt because they had artificial colourings and preservatives in them.\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Beer O'clock thrusts into view\n<daftykins> are you allergic to those?\n<brobostigon> :D\n<brobostigon> daftykins: some, yes.\n<daftykins> that sucks hard\n<brobostigon> definatly.\n<daftykins> glad i don't have to think about what i eat\n<gord> i saw creme eggs on the shelves like, 1st of january this year. at first i was completely outraged obviously, but then i realized that i can now eat a cream egg so that outrage went away quickly\n<brobostigon> daftykins: :)\n<daftykins> gord: same here, i mean why is Easter stuff stocked so early? makes zero sense\n<daftykins> but then mere seconds after that thought, OM NOM NOM CREME EGGS!\n<gord> its stocked early because easter stuff is delicious\n<daftykins> heh\n<daftykins> maybe they're applying genius supermarket sale techniques\n<daftykins> people are fat after Christmas and New Year, so in order to beat them to trying to lose that weight in the gym, provide more comfort junk food that they can guiltily stock up on\n<daftykins> genius plan\n<gord> i was thinking earlier that the only way supermarkets are going to be able to compete with amazon in the future is if they instigate something like amazons suggestions, ala you bought x, other people who bought x also bought y kind of thing. anyway the end result is that i should be allowed to go snooping through other peoples shopping whilst in the supermarket\n<daftykins> gord: you can do this by pretending to be a checkout staffer!\n<dwatkins> some people might consider that to be taking things a bit too far, especially considering some of the hilarious and tragic suggestions Amazon has made over the years\n<dwatkins> \"you bought this book on C++? How about a book about some things a small minority of people do in the bedroom which aren't fit for discussion on an Ubuntu IRC channel?\"\n<Azelphur> Anyone bored feel free to make suggestions on this: http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20130125084110AAPXJms\n<daftykins> dwatkins: how intrigueing\n<daftykins> trust me it's not picnic being a landlord\n<daftykins> but that's definitely taking the biscuit and possibly some of the cake too\n<daftykins> if you've scrutinised your contract, it might be best to officially pursue some action regarding that alarm\n<Azelphur> daftykins, yea, I'm really starting to get to that point, I've asked him nicely, sent recorded mail, etc\n<daftykins> Azelphur: does the phone never get answered?\n<daftykins> you could, although it'd suck, offer to be a key holder on site for the fire alarm in some way i guess\n<daftykins> but it sounds like they need to be relocated\n<Azelphur> daftykins, It's only ever answered once, out of around 30 calls.\n<daftykins> =/\n<daftykins> that's a joke\n<Azelphur> yep\n<Azelphur> think it might have finally stopped, brb going home xD\n<daftykins> the problem is of course that you have to stay nicey nicey otherwise they can only make it harder for you and you won't want to live there :(\n<daftykins> zomg Azelphur out of his chair D:\n<daftykins> historic moment\n<daftykins> ;)\n<Azelphur> there we go, back home\n<Azelphur> yea, I went to my brothers and listened on mumble for it to stop\n<Azelphur> daftykins: he's doing lots of other unacceptable stuff to, the summary is that the place is in a state of disrepair\n<Azelphur> right now I got no hot water or heating because the boiler is fucked, having to use electric fan heater to stay warm\n<daftykins> >_<\n<Azelphur> so yea, he's no doubt gonna be getting in trouble\n<daftykins> is there a boiler per property or shared per a #?\n<Azelphur> per property\n<daftykins> if you got no headway, you could probably claim some health and safety thing over the fire alarm misuse and noise issue\n<Azelphur> baring in mind I'm aspergers and noise sensitive, it makes the flat totally untenable\n<Azelphur> fire alarm goes off I just pick my laptop up and leave pretty much.\n<Azelphur> even for a normal person it'd be pretty bad, they are commercial grade sirens\n<daftykins> i used to wake up with a fright every Tuesday morning in Uni halls of residence as the test went off for a few seconds >_<\n<Azelphur> fun\n<Azelphur> the longest stint we've had is 6 hours, that one was a little over 2 hours\n<daftykins> cor la\n<Laney> no boiler> how long ago did you inform the landlord?\n<Azelphur> about 2 hours ago, via an answering machine on the \"24/7 emergency line\"\n<Laney> i have had good luck with the council's environmental health department before\n<bigcalm> Afternoon peeps :)\n<Laney> they'll come round and do a little inspection then light a fire if anything's wrong\n<Azelphur> fun\n<daftykins> well at least then, there really *IS* a fire :P\n<bigcalm> Anybody know if I can buy online with dell but have the invoice handled by my company, or do I have to do such things on the phone?\n<daftykins> shouldn't cost anything to go through the motions on the site\n<daftykins> though beware, once a phone number / email is in, the lovely outsourced individuals will be climbing over each other to try and get the sale\n<aptanet> solarcloud_3srcn, no sign of any wireless settings in the bios on the laptop - I remembered to check when I rebooted :)\n<daftykins> what kind of wireless settings 0o\n<solarcloud_3srcn> daftykins: Saw this today :: http://manx.net/tv/mt-tv/watch/52461/chief-minister-briefing-2-  (3mins in)...\n<solarcloud_3srcn> SuperMatt: As Far As http://t.co/JAwXjoXC :::    .... it's called stodge.\n<solarcloud_3srcn> aptanet: never under.estimate the power of drop-box to put people in the picture of a bios system.\n<daftykins> solarcloud_3srcn: ruh-roh\n<solarcloud_3srcn> daftykins: Take it that's a chortle lol, then ?\n<daftykins> nah it sounds a bit serious if that presenter is trying to suggest the Channel Islands of Jersey and Guernsey will be annoyed at the IoM's recent actions\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Unite the clans !!\n<AlanBell> nigelb: are you in London?\n<daftykins> i still don't really have a clue what it's all about\n<daftykins> solarcloud_3srcn: looks like your local news presenters are as annoying as ours\n<solarcloud_3srcn> It's basically an Americae institute FATCA (not sure of spelling there) .. kicking as$ outta the OECD smaller dominions .. but I must get a paper, Yes.\n<daftykins> i might have to visit the IoM some day, see what yet another rock is like\n<daftykins> solarcloud_3srcn: is the TT still held?\n<solarcloud_3srcn> yep. but accommodation is ike, couchsurfing :: intermitent.\n<solarcloud_3srcn> **like\n<daftykins> hehe\n<daftykins> http://www.channelonline.tv/channelonline_aboutus1/\n<daftykins> look how daft ours look\n<solarcloud_3srcn> daftykins: Have you come across any interesting #-tags on twitter today ??\n<solarcloud_3srcn> opening...\n<daftykins> i don't use twitter, i think it's a pile of @!#%^\n<solarcloud_3srcn> oh Ok .soz ... Well, gargoyles a plenty there, I must say.\n<daftykins> ^_^\n<solarcloud_3srcn> daftykins:   mmmh ... Yoga . A by-word for chillout everywhere .. All depends on the teacher of course .. but I see a global need on most channels\n<solarcloud_3srcn> http://www.channelonline.tv/channelonline_guernseynews/DisplayArticle.asp?ID=503351\n<daftykins> oh my word\n<daftykins> the crap they have kids doing now\n<solarcloud_3srcn> lol\n<popey> what's wrong with yoga?\n<daftykins> oh hush\n<popey> ʘ‿ಠ\n<solarcloud_3srcn> At least it's in-doors . Think of all of the cross-country double lessons going on today .. I digress, but it is a bettr option, popey.\n<AlanBell> anyone in London?\n<daftykins> may help combat obesity? know what else might do that? not carting your chubby kids to school and back on an *island* >_<\n<daftykins> (in a car)\n<solarcloud_3srcn> The walk to school is prob.ly the safest part of their day ... except in Lurgan. NI.\n<popey> When we go away there's a bunch of people who go and do yoga first thing in the morning. they seem better off for it\n<daftykins> popey: where's that d'you mean?\n<popey> when we go away for work events\n<daftykins> ah yeah\n<popey> like sprints and the Ubuntu Developer Summit\n * solarcloud_3srcn thnks popey is omnipotent \n<daftykins> i don't think there's anything wrong with it itself, i just don't think primary school kids need peace and to 'de-stress' XD\n<daftykins> although if they're surrounding themselves with constant noisy technology, perhaps it is of benefit\n<solarcloud_3srcn> daftykins: I epends how the teacher plays them , as I said.\n<popey> kids certainly need a way to wind down\n<solarcloud_3srcn> **depends\n<popey> reading is good for that\n<popey> that's one reason why we always read to our kids at bed time\n<popey> and the telly/computer/ds/ipad go off a while before bed\n<popey> yoga focusses the mind I guess. ☺\n * solarcloud_3srcn says  \"Good for the popeys\" !!\n<daftykins> popey: do you practice the no-electronics in the bedroom strategy too?\n<popey> yeah\n<solarcloud_3srcn> oooh, that's a bit harsh daftykins\n<popey> no TV in the kids rooms, no PC\n<solarcloud_3srcn> ouch !\n<daftykins> solarcloud_3srcn: no it's very important, these days the kids are snapping themselves nude and sharing to one another >_<\n<daftykins> gotta clamp down\n<popey> they can use them in the morning\n<popey> just not before bed\n<popey> sophie has just started getting into email\n<solarcloud_3srcn> right, 'cos in the final analysis, It just makes *you* look bad, right ?\n<daftykins> dun-dun-duuuun\n<popey> solarcloud_3srcn: que?\n<daftykins> solarcloud_3srcn: i find that a very daft statement\n<daftykins> it's that the kids don't realise the consequences of that kind of thing\n<popey> yeah, it's funny, lots of kids in her class got ipads / ipod touches for xmas\n<popey> so they now have email addresses\n<popey> she's been off sick a couple of days, and got emails from her schoolfriends wishing her well\n<daftykins> crikey\n<popey> very cute\n<daftykins> what age is that?\n<popey> and yes, I saw one of the mails had a webcam photo attached\n<popey> 9\n<daftykins> crikey\n<popey> yeah\n<popey> when we heard other kids getting ipads we were somewhat dismayed\n<popey> peer pressure\n<daftykins> oh my word, super slow archive extract, i detect disk issues\n<popey> but we have loads of devices in the house so they don't need their own\n<daftykins> yeah, next they'll be after the 'new model'\n<popey> yeah\n<popey> not having that going on here ☺\n<daftykins> :D\n<popey> although she is using a nexus 7 ☺\n<popey> shared one\n * daftykins pats 3 year old smartphone\n<daftykins> no contracts for me.\n<popey> me either\n<solarcloud_3srcn> It's like watching two Old clucking hen's, you two ^_^\n<popey> hah\n<daftykins> well i'm far from having kids but i find the issues surrounding their upbringing and technology quite interesting :)\n<popey> yeah, me too\n<popey> i worry about these things\n<popey> i caught sophie looking at a safe video on youtube recently\n<daftykins> treading that fine line between giving them what they *need* versus what might affect them in relation to their peers\n<popey> but the comments were less than savoury\n<daftykins> :( all too common that one yeah\n<popey> i hear there are browser extensions to block comments\n<popey> might install those\n<daftykins> iirc you have some website blocking in place at home, don't you?\n<popey> she doesn't need to see that crap\n<popey> only the usual opendns blocking\n<daftykins> ah do they have a blacklist?\n<daftykins> or just in using their DNS?\n<popey> yeah, but i never maintain it\n<popey> yeah\n<popey> i have never seen anything untoward\n<popey> and I keep an eye on things\n<popey> we have sophies email set to forward every mail she recives to mum\n<popey> will turn that off in a few years, but not yet\n<daftykins> *nod*\n<popey> sam doesnt have mail yet, he's only 6\n<daftykins> i'm pretty surprised at some of the aptitude of younger kids that are appearing online on even, freenode here lately\n<daftykins> i imagine how different it would've been having such easy access to further information on topics i was interested in back then\n<daftykins> always on broadband to get it too, rather than the classic driving your parents mad with big dial-up phonebills :D\n<popey> heh, yeah\n<popey> my mum had never used a computer before 2 years ago\n<popey> her very first internet connection was 20Mb broadband :D\n<popey> she will never know the pain of dial-up\n<solarcloud_3srcn> :-$:-/O:-)    can we talk about halflife 1 now ?\n<popey> also, my mother in law has an ipad\n<popey> she got it as a retirement present\n<daftykins> heh\n<popey> it's helped her stay in contact (mostly fb but also email) with people\n<popey> (she just pinged me which is what made me think of it)\n<daftykins> one of my clients got given one by one of his directorships recently, for 'reading notes on' because they *totally* didn't have laptops already\n<popey> haha\n<popey> thats the \"its for doing my homework\" excuse ☺\n<daftykins> :D\n<popey> i used that one in 1983\n<daftykins> he groaned as much as me, but he's loving it now\n<popey> got me a Sinclair Spectrum\n<daftykins> =]\n<solarcloud_3srcn> popey, 'ave you tried M.U.L.E  on it yet ?? (S-Spectrum) ??\n<popey> nope\n * solarcloud_3srcn wonders if popey even knows what SWars M.U.L.E. actually is , mmmmhpf !\n<popey> nope ☺\n<solarcloud_3srcn> oh well .. perhaps this will help .. http://www.worldofmule.net/tiki-read_article.php?articleId=30 also http://www.worldofspectrum.org/forums/showthread.php?p=198568#post198568\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Man , I'm so tired .. I'm sweating tears !  .. Yesterday was the Alternative sock day. Today is the Wet insoles o' shoes Day,    but ya know; I can't complain. :::::::: Anyone gotta Ubuntu rash to itch ???\n<nigelb> AlanBell: In cabridge now. won't be back in London until the weeek after next, I'm afraid.\n<AlanBell> ok\n<directhex> CS 1.6 on Linux is now official, no hax needed to run it\n<brobostigon> CS ?\n<Aivaras> Counter Strike from steam.\n<brobostigon> ah.\n<Aivaras> I just saw that it is on Beta now.\n<Aivaras> http://steamcommunity.com/games/221410/announcements/detail/1766803738391201366?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=t.co\n<daftykins> for whoever plays that ;)\n<directhex> 4th most popular game on steam\n<directhex> 40k people playing it right now\n<directhex> more popular than CS:S or CS:GO\n<directhex> bah\n<timp_> Hi, I have managed to get ubuntu server running on my macbook pro, but cannot get desktop up.\n<timp_> Can I upgrade from server to desktop?\n<timp_> What is the package I need?\n<directhex> timp_, yeah, just install the ubuntu-desktop package\n<timp_> yay, thanks\n<timp_> Oh, what about wireless?\n<timp_> I have two macs, this one, wireless and the other booted with ubuntu server\n<timp_> If I connect them with an ethernet cable can I get to the outside world?\n<directhex> maybe there *is* some incompatibility right now for people who don't own HL1 as well as CS\n<directhex> i just did a reinstall of CS only without HL installed, and it's behaving differently to installing CS with HL already installed\n<directhex> gah\n<daftykins> hrmm\n<daftykins> didn't Windows based Steam get around that by having a base package?\n<directhex> daftykins, yeah, but something's changed since this afternoon\n<daftykins> ah-har\n<daftykins> i know what you mean about CS 1.6 btw, i just more meant shocking that people *do* still play it\n<directhex> i have a sad CEO who can't get it to run\n<daftykins> CEO 0o\n<daftykins> i'm seeing an update on HL1 0o\n<daftykins> 400MB!\n<directhex> daftykins, like i said, stuff has changed around!\n<daftykins> yeah my surprise was my verification\n<daftykins> amusingly the Windows client is seizing up refusing to play ball, it has that update paused and won't do anything about it\n<daftykins> good times\n<directhex> daftykins, do you own HL1?\n<daftykins> yeah\n<directhex> oddness\n<daftykins> ah\n<daftykins> i hit pause, instead of resume\n<daftykins> then resume, then it was done instantly\n#ubuntu-uk 2013-01-26\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Terrorists WIN !!\n<daftykins> pow pow\n<daftykins> http://i.imgur.com/h6PXrBa.gif\n<daftykins> amusing GIF, safe for all times\n<solarcloud_3srcn> nice.. daftykins\n<solarcloud_3srcn> I've bookmarked it..\n<solarcloud_3srcn> ' pow pow '.. can't wait to see all of those cat picts today.. Oh wait It's Caturday. Oh dear,\n<solarcloud_3srcn> http://wp.me/phA9d-Sn has been updated tonight .. at last.. a new book to read !\n<popey> morning\n<AlanBell> morning\n<brobostigon> good morning everyone,\n<alexcockell> Morning all..\n<brobostigon> afternoon alexcockell\n<popey> hello\n<alexcockell> Oh - got a bit of a giggle here...\n<alexcockell> Who here runs LG smart TVs?\n<alexcockell> Aware there's been a Big Annual Update been roled out?\n<alexcockell> *rolled\n<alexcockell> Historically they rolled out updates model by model... only they've now goen to the Universal Update model..\n<alexcockell> ... and Smart Tvs have massive jumped in sales volumes...\n<popey> i dont own a smart tv\n<alexcockell> They have 1 or 2 servers hosting the whole of the UK\n<alexcockell> ... and I'd guess about 10 million Smart TVs installed int he UK...\n<alexcockell> They announce an update..\n<alexcockell> TV prompts you when you start it up...\n<alexcockell> 400Mb shoudl, on most ADSL connections take about 20 mins tops?\n<alexcockell> Many complaints about it taking >6hrs\n<popey> to download or update?\n<alexcockell> Download - as the telly ideally downloads it itsself..\n<popey> wouldn't get this with Ubuntu T ;)\n<alexcockell> 2 boxes hosting 10m?\n<alexcockell> Yeah - cos we have a CDN...\n<popey> 10 million!?\n<popey> from one company\n<popey> thats 50% of all households\n<alexcockell> Basing it on them having a 5th of the UK telly market..\n<popey> unlikely\n<alexcockell> Multiple tellies?\n<popey> multiple _smart_ tellies\n<popey> i still call unlikely\n<alexcockell> Yeah - point taken - but STBs as well - or WDTV-type units..\n<popey> from one mfr?\n<popey> still, fun ☺\n<alexcockell> Getting on that way though - smart tellies HAVE sold quite heavily over the last couple of years\n<alexcockell> Consider Sony, Samsung, PG, Panny...\n<alexcockell> *LG\n<popey> yeah, but there's a zillion manufacturers\n<popey> all those cheapo chinese ones you get in tesco too\n<alexcockell> Well - 5m maybe..\n<alexcockell> But as back-of-an-envelope calcs...\n<alexcockell> Still a case that they have piss-poor infrastructure..\n<alexcockell> I wexpected my router to go mad when attempting the update... net activity lights to flash at a Netflix/iPlayer rate as the update hammered down..\n<alexcockell> But - no.\n<alexcockell> they were VERY interested to hear the suggestion of getting someone like Akamai to shoulder the load...\n<penguin42> alexcockell: Doing all at one is very very dangerous; they're going to have one hell of a bad monday morning when everyone complains about a broken updating\n<alexcockell> They already have...\n<alexcockell> Yeah - first time they went to Universal Update model..\n<alexcockell> Used to be model by model..\n<alexcockell> Penguin42 - Oh - don't I know!  Been in the 2nd line supprt, and now capacity planning game for long enough!\n<alexcockell> So instead of maybe 50thou of this model, 20thou of that...\n<alexcockell> And what happens when they release to the States?\n<alexcockell> Even the workaround model of download-to-PC, load onto USB key and hope... more risk of bricking the telly..\n<alexcockell> They released last night - first people jumped on it and got the update - everyone else stuck at \"0% updating...\" status page....\n<alexcockell> I bounced the telly a couple of times then thought \"fuck this\" and cancelled..\n<alexcockell> And on hearing they had 1 or 2 releas servers - instead of 1 or 2 THOUSAND\n<brobostigon> is there a terminal version of something like gkrellm, that can read the temperaure from the rpi?\n<Laney> AIEEEEEEEEEEE\n<penguin42> brobostigon: I don't know Pi, but most stuff tends to come out of /sys/class/hwmon - e.g. /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp1_input\n<penguin42> brobostigon: also try sensors-detect\n<brobostigon> /opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp   that seems to be the command to pull the temperature.\n<brobostigon> penguin42: let me look at that, minute.\n<brobostigon> nope, there is no /sys/class/hwmon\n<penguin42> hmph\n<brobostigon> would it be possible, to create a byobu addon, to lets say every 5 secs, runs that command, and then display it in byobu?\n<penguin42> brobostigon: Probably; but probably the right way is to figure out how to teach sensors-detect about it, and then I'd bet there's something already like that for lmsensors\n<brobostigon> penguin42: ok, umm, thank you.\n<solarcloud_3srcn> morning, Afternoon, whatever (!)\n<popey> pip pip\n<penguin42> solarcloud_3srcn: g'day\n<solarcloud_3srcn> nice minifigs popey !\n<solarcloud_3srcn> penguin42: Said g'day when I worked at a flight reserve. agency .. everyone just looked at me funny :)\n<penguin42> solarcloud_3srcn: Well it does solve the timezone problem\n<solarcloud_3srcn> yeah, true.\n<dwatkins> The history of the Minifig: http://eho.st/pjymxy7h\n<solarcloud_3srcn> C'est La Vie    .\n * solarcloud_3srcn downloads pic hard & forwards to chris pirillo quickly.. thanx.\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Today I am merely a Log floating on the chat channels of life :) https://dl.dropbox.com/u/55128914/Attachments%20Email%20Xchat/01%20Glendalough%20130612%20Pano.jpg\n<daftykins> haha\n<daftykins> nice pic that\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Twenty karma points If Anyone Can Tell Me This Fella's Name ?? http://goo.gl/msSDy\n<daftykins> pass\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Aaaww  Poor Freedo .. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Freedo.svg\n<daftykins> Linux libre 0o\n<solarcloud_3srcn> mm.. nother mailing list I see :D\n<daftykins> he appears to be a good choice for a dental mascot\n<solarcloud_3srcn> yes, he had a brother, but he was like Bert of Bert & Ernie (seen as evils)...\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Today wil mark the point that I have not successfully watch TV for over 7 months !! https://dl.dropbox.com/u/55128914/Attachments%20Email%20Xchat/Trinitron%20now%20under%20the%20sink.JPG\n<solarcloud_3srcn> *..will mark...\n<solarcloud_3srcn> http://t.co/Of6ho1X1\n<directhex> that sink is vile\n<directhex> clean it\n<solarcloud_3srcn> It's already clean, dude ( cleaned it months ago !!)\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Yoke : Anti-Joke Cat             ‏@AntiJokeCat                                                       Why was six afraid of seven? It wasn't. Numbers are not sentient and thus are incapable of feeling fear.\n<daftykins> i +1 directhex\n<daftykins> also, high voltage CRT beside water source, that's a recipe for... fun?\n<brobostigon> or, sizzzle.\n<solarcloud_3srcn> it died ages ago.\n<gord> when is sizzling not fun? sun bathing, bacon, saussages, fun for everyone\n<solarcloud_3srcn> I mean it is at the tip now ...\n<brobostigon> not the sizzle when you put electronics in water.\n<solarcloud_3srcn> I noticed Ubuntu Tv meeting wasn't on last night :(\n<daftykins> i can't see Ubuntu doing anything good for TV\n<brobostigon> directhex: whats the ice on the paths in town like?\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Well, if there's no meeting = there's no collusion or crowdsourcing, so it's no happening either way.\n<solarcloud_3srcn> **it's not happ...\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Looking forward to The Last Train to Zona Verde this Spring http://t.co/5BIbOREY\n<gord> http://www.pcworld.com/article/261487/pc_in_a_keyboard_comes_with_ubuntu_linux_preloaded.html interesting\n<solarcloud_3srcn> opening...\n<penguin42> gord: Makes sense\n<penguin42> gord: And not that hard I guess, a full size keyboard is quite big, compare it to a netbook\n<solarcloud_3srcn> no HDMI ??\n<popey> solarcloud_3srcn: i think it did happen\n * solarcloud_3srcn sees a winblows superkey .. mmmmphf !!\n<daftykins> 'super' is OS agnostic\n<daftykins> although if you mean it's adorned by the Windows logo, meh\n<popey> ☹  windows key\n<solarcloud_3srcn> must be a sticker for that, somewhere ?\n<popey> note the old Asus EEE PC which shipped with Linux didn't have a \"Windows Key\" but a key with a \"Home\" icon on it\n<popey> very good reason for that\n<daftykins> indeed\n<daftykins> no paying Microsoft\n<daftykins> for the 'privilege'\n<popey> other way round\n<daftykins> really?\n<popey> Microsoft place great limitations on what the Windows key can do\n<popey> if you ship a machine running non-windows but with a windows key, microsoft will send the lawyers in\n<popey> specifically if the windows key does something in software\n<solarcloud_3srcn> What would canonical do ?\n<popey> we don't sell hardware, not our problem\n<solarcloud_3srcn> k\n<solarcloud_3srcn> I must say, I thnk the 1.8GHz is underpowered, today , As there is the 2.13 GHz Atom processor that does the exact same job.\n<gord> its a year old article, so yes its using old tech\n<gord> or half a year even\n<solarcloud_3srcn> gord: good try thou ;D\n<gord> a newer atom would put the price up too, i don't think there is much in .3ghz\n<solarcloud_3srcn> & in other news .. TWIL (Jordan !!) http://twil.tv/2013/01/htc-windows-phone-8x-review-from-an-android-users-point-of-view/ (24thJan'13)\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Time for porridge .. & sultanas ..\n<directhex> brobostigon, not so bad now, crunches underfoot\n<brobostigon> directhex: any chance of me slipping and breaking anything?\n<directhex> brobostigon, lower than this morning\n<dwatkins> don't fall in the canal, especially with a phone\n<dwatkins> my iPhone is booting, but wifi and bluetooth don't work, and the touchscreen isn't working correctly.\n<brobostigon> directhex: ok, good, i was alittle worried seeing ice everywhere.\n<brobostigon> dwatkins: yes, best avoided.\n<daftykins> dwatkins: booting with iOS, or...?\n<popey> dwatkins: have you done the usual put the phone in a pot of rice/coffee?\n<popey> bit late now, probably should have back when you hauled yourself out of the canal ⍨\n<daftykins> ooh now i see what he means\n<daftykins> indeed, full disassemble time\n<daftykins> get the anhydrous goodness going\n<solarcloud_3srcn> https://plus.google.com/u/0/s/rice%20dry%20iphone\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Anyone heard of Spearmint [not the Rhino !!] ??  http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTI4MzY\n<popey> newp\n<solarcloud_3srcn> popey: Your right, It's Prob.ly not relevant.\n * popey shrugs\n<brobostigon> boots i reckon, for my walk to the pub, play safe.\n<MartijnVdS> BBC HD - Bletchley Park 's Lost Heroes\n<MartijnVdS> *now* :)\n<solarcloud_3srcn> One for VLC :::: http://www.nasa.gov/mp4/721845main_marsdunes20130124-320-jpl.mp4\n<solarcloud_3srcn> New group on identi.ca  :::http://identi.ca/group/libreplanet\n<popey> is there any point using identi.ca when Ev is shutting it down?\n<solarcloud_3srcn> it's not shut down yet .. that's like saying why buy a newspaper if the Idependant 'I' will go outta print.\n<popey> not really\n<solarcloud_3srcn> well, it still gives me great news, so it is.\n * solarcloud_3srcn lives in the *now*.\n<solarcloud_3srcn> albeit a noosphere...\n<czajkowski> popey: why is he shutting it down ?\n<solarcloud_3srcn> czajkowski: No-one knows , but the new license is MIT , I thnk.  I'll see if anyone's flattr'd it recently, hang-on.\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Ok, so the founder has only 119 flattr's and mostly uses fbook .. http://flattr.com/profile/evan/things Also people are not 'claiming their donations with http://flattr.com/thing/425469/statusnet-on-Twitter having 42 unclaimed donations. so it's not that there's no money, It's that the dude don't care.\n<solarcloud_3srcn> What was it that *Mouth* said on the goonies ? All that 'rich stuff' unclaimed ... http://flattr.com/catalog/unclaimed/toplist\n<popey> czajkowski: he said identica was only ever set up as an example of what status.net can do\n<popey> he's moved on to pump.io or whatever his new thing of choice is\n<directhex> identica.ca was never useful\n<ali1234> suppose i want to install upstream git in /usr/local, how do i remove the packaged version without breaking dependencies?\n<solarcloud_3srcn> directhex: It's so un-useful it's on my browser bar !! It for people who share, not ppl. who just suck on the pipe of the day. Maybe some ppl just wouldn't understand.\n<ali1234> is there some way to make apt think that the package is installed without having the files in the filesystem?\n<daftykins> sym links not good enough?\n<solarcloud_3srcn> I dont know what they are ?\n<ali1234> sym links?\n<directhex> ali1234, yes. you want software called \"equivs\"\n<ali1234> directhex: just found that on askubuntu actually...\n<directhex> which takes a small input file (there are examples in /usr/share/docs) and produces an empty dummy package to satisfy dependencies\n<ali1234> http://eric.lubow.org/2010/system-administration/creating-dummy-packages-on-debian/\n<popey> solarcloud_3srcn: it might be good for getting news, but no good for interacting with real people.\n<ali1234> neither is twitter\n<popey> meh\n<ali1234> i'm getting lots of obvious spam accounts on my wordpress\n<ali1234> but they're not doing anything\n<ali1234> they all have names that match \"wk[a-z]{2}[0-9]{3}[a-z]{3}\"\n<ali1234> and free email addresses from hotmail, gmail, ymail etc\n<solarcloud_3srcn> ali1234: It's not like anyone knows anyone on wordpress anyway ...\n<ali1234> what\n<daftykins> is kismet not spotting them easily?\n<ali1234> i don't use it on that site\n<ali1234> kismet scans comments anyway\n<ali1234> they haven't posted any\n<daftykins> oh accounts\n<ali1234> they're just making hundreds of accounts and then not doing anything\n<daftykins> i'm not even sure if that's happening on mine\n<daftykins> oh i think i have just requirements to enter name+email\n<ali1234> we require a full account in order to comment\n<ali1234> we had zero spam problems\n<ali1234> well, none have been reported to me anyway\n<daftykins> hmm wp 3.5.1\n<ali1234> hmm i like the whirly new icon on raring\n<ali1234> unity still unbelievably slow in a VM though\n<daftykins> yeah pretty bad in vmware workstation 8\n<ali1234> hmm so when i booted raring dbus-service immediately crashed\n<ali1234> it's reported on launchpad, claims to be fixed released, in the package version i have installed\n<ali1234> it's clearly the same bug as it's only 2 days old\n<ali1234> should i reopen bug or make a new one?\n<ali1234> dconf-service sorry\n<ali1234> i will make a new bug, and if it is marked duplicate i'll reopen the original bug\n<ali1234> does the daily image have a build number or something?\n<penguin42> bug number?\n<ali1234> bug 1105102\n<lubotu3> bug 1105102 in glib2.0 (Ubuntu) \"dconf-service crashed with SIGSEGV in g_variant_builder_add_value()\" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1105102\n<popey> i saw mention of a dconf issue yesterday in -desktop\n<ali1234> \"This bug was fixed in the package glib2.0 - 2.35.4-0ubuntu5\"\n<ali1234> nope, i have that version installed after using daily iso\n<daftykins> i keep reading 'raring' as RARing\n<daftykins> :D\n<ali1234> and it still crashes immediately on first boot\n<ali1234> daftykins: me too\n<daftykins> glad to hear i'm not alone there\n<ali1234> heh, changelog \"should\" fix\n<penguin42> ali1234: Reopen I'd say, either that or if you've already opened a new one then put a comment there pointing to it\n<ali1234> penguin42: ok, i'll reopen\n<ali1234> actually i might be misreading apt-cache output, let me check\n<daftykins> are you re-opening 1105102 or 1104883 that's claimed as a dupe too?\n<ali1234> i dunno yet\n<ali1234> haven't determined which version is actually installed\n<ali1234> apt-cache output is horrible and unclear\n<ali1234> synaptic isn't installed\n<ali1234> software center won't tell me\n<ali1234> so i'm kind of stumped\n<ali1234> ah glib2.0 is a source package anyway\n<ali1234> actually, i can't reopen the bug\n<ali1234> well then i'll just make a new one\n<penguin42> ali1234: dpkg -l to find the current version of something\n<penguin42> ali1234: (sometimes | cat   to force it to give full version)\n<ali1234> glib2.0 is a source package... so that doesn't work\n<ali1234> gotta know the binary name\n<penguin42> dpkg -l libglib2.0-0\n<ali1234> yeah\n<ali1234> it's the new version\n<ali1234> opened a new bug as it's the only thing i can do\n<ali1234> but 1106322\n<ali1234> bug 1106322\n<lubotu3> Error: Launchpad bug 1106322 could not be found\n<ali1234> and it's private\n<solarcloud_3srcn> that's what she said.\n<ali1234> bug 1106322\n<penguin42> hang on\n<penguin42> ali1234: OK, so you believe it's 1105102 that should be reopened?\n<ali1234> i don't know\n<penguin42> ali1234: I've reopened 1105102 and put a link to your new bug\n<ali1234> since i can't reopen it it's irrelevant what i think :)\n<penguin42> ali1234: Not necessarily, I might believe you!\n<ali1234> i have absolutely no idea if it's the same bug or not\n<ali1234> my question was about the correct procedure\n<penguin42> ali1234: Looks like it's the same to me; but I suspect the backtrace might not have enough info to be sure\n<ali1234> well it's pretty easy t reproduce\n<ali1234> why does no one ever actually look at why this stuff crashes?\n<ali1234> i mean there's a patch that says \"variant checking\"\n<ali1234> what exactly was the variant that caused the crash? and where did it come from?\n<ali1234> why didn't it happen on developer machines?\n<ali1234> just fixing bugs is not enough in my opinion\n<penguin42> ali1234: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/raring/glib2.0/raring-proposed/revision/188  is the comemnt on the actual fix\n<ali1234> tells me absolutely nothing\n<penguin42> ali1234: I don't think there is any testing on the dailies - so it's entirely possible the first time that glib version has been paired with the app that crashes it didn't come together until that daily was built\n<ali1234> fair enough\n<ali1234> but that's speculation\n<penguin42> ali1234: If you look a the debian/patches/git_fix_gvariant_tuple_checking.patch  entry there is a long explanation of the mistake that was made in glib\n<ali1234> and besides, if software is really that brittle, something is wron\n<penguin42> ali1234: Software really is that brittle\n<ali1234> so what that means is somewhere there is another bug, which is now hidden by fixing this one...\n<penguin42> ali1234: Well glib is in the end the low level library, so it's the one that's supposed to be the careful one; and  yes I agree the way I read it is the crash is the result of a compound of two bugs\n<ali1234> i don't think i've ever seen a bug that wasn't really two or more bugs\n<ali1234> glib should scream blue murder if an app does something bad\n<ali1234> like instead of spamming warnings that nobody looks at, force terminate the app\n<penguin42> ali1234: Have you tried running most gnome apps from the command line and seeing how much screaming goes on?\n<penguin42> ali1234: It's a hard trade off - do you crash an app because of a small error; you don't really want stuff to crash, so in terms of how many times does it screw up for the end user it's difficult to know; but I'd love for the day when .xsesession-errors is empty to be soon\n<ali1234> if it crashed like that since day one, developers would have no choice but to fix the problems\n<penguin42> ali1234: Yeh so one way is to have a more severe mode that does crash on every warning and then get the devs to run with that turned on\n<ali1234> well making it option isn't much use... if they were going to do that they could just look at the warnings\n<penguin42> ali1234: But then turn that off at release so it doesn't break stuff for the user\n<ali1234> plus, if it's even possible to continue, why is it even a warning?\n<penguin42> ali1234: One problem though is when a library adds another check, an app that was written against an older lib would then die even if it would have carried on working\n<ali1234> so: stop futzing with the API, and stop building tightly coupled systems like dconf\n<penguin42> ali1234: Doesn't work in practice\n<ali1234> did anyone ever try it?\n<penguin42> ali1234: It's not just api futzing, a dev might notice something else that an app could do wrong and add a check for it\n<ali1234> all possible ways of using an API should be valid\n<penguin42> ali1234: An interesting difference between debian and ubuntu is that ubuntu uses Fortify that spots buffer overflows, and a lot of universe segs early on because of that spot\n<ali1234> good :)\n<penguin42> ali1234: A lot of them are almost false postives; i.e. things that are technically wrong but could never actually cause something to break\n<ali1234> that's what i mean\n<ali1234> that shouldn't be a possible situation, ever\n<ali1234> this is a fundamental problem in software development as we know it\n<penguin42> ali1234: I think it's harder with things like Java, but they still seem to find ways to crash with Null pointer checks\n<ali1234> managed code does help but it doesn't stop people making bad APIs\n<penguin42> ali1234: It feels like what you're asking for is actually impossible\n<penguin42> it kind of feels like it's wandering into a halting problem like thing\n<ali1234> ban loops\n<penguin42> good idea\n<ali1234> but yeah, that's why i said it's a fundamental problem\n<penguin42> ali1234: There are languages where dynamic allocation is banned but then they're frankly useless\n<ali1234> it's not like i have a solution\n * penguin42 has worked on some static analysis tools - they're good for some stuff\n<popey> we use coverity on some projects\n<penguin42> yeh I've seen some coverity scans - quite neat\n<penguin42> popey: But ali1234 has a good point; forcing people to watch the warning output of gnome apps would be a good thing!\n<ali1234> a big problem with those warnings is they are so unspecific\n<ali1234> could it throw an exception, launch gdb, and show me a backtrace?\n<penguin42> ali1234: You can nail a debugger on them and find what's going on; compare them to python or java errors where you get a page of splurge and then have to figure out whether you care or not\n<ali1234> otherwise i have no idea where the problem i\n<penguin42> yeh I don't think it's hard to attach a debugger to them\n<ali1234> python errors are excellent. full backtrace every time. what vould be better than that?\n<penguin42> ali1234: Bit of a pain for warnings; again something switchable so you can see it when you're prepared to takethe time to debug it would be good\n<ali1234> catch it, or the program crashes\n<ali1234> oh great, i love it when apport says my packages are out of date even though the new ones aren't available on any mirror.\n<popey> which mirror?\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Who cares about real ppl .. It's not who it is but what is being said, surely. 'Real people' .. come from Madrid .. and they're crap in bed anyway.\n<solarcloud_3srcn> popey, soz that was from some time ago ..\n<solarcloud_3srcn> (8.10pm)UTC\n<ali1234> wow ... gnome-panel fails to build from source on raring\n<ali1234> both the source package and the upstream bug\n<ali1234> *git\n<ali1234> bug 1106440\n<lubotu3> bug 1106440 in gnome-panel (Ubuntu) \"fails to build from source on raring\" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1106440\n<penguin42> ali1234: Is that failing in the build farm as well?\n<ali1234> i have no idea how t check that\n<ali1234> but i would love to know\n<ali1234> successfully built on the 18th\n<penguin42> erm I can't find it either at the moment, but it's possible one of hte\n<ali1234> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/1:3.6.2-0ubuntu3/+build/4071784\n<penguin42> the packages it depends on has been updated; the other possibility is that you have something in your environment that is stopping it building - e.g. something that's installed that isn't installed on the builders\n<ali1234> i don't have much installed... literally what i said in the steps to reproduce... it's a vm\n<ali1234> so i'm guessing the former\n#ubuntu-uk 2013-01-27\n<penguin42> ali1234: Interesting\n<penguin42> ali1234: I've just got a package update for libgtk and the change in it is 'Enable Wayland backend' - and your error is that it can't find the wayland stuff\n<ali1234> sounds like the culprit\n<penguin42> ali1234: Can you tell me the version of your libgtk-3-0* packages - are they 3.6.4-0ubuntu2 ?\n<ali1234> yes\n<penguin42> ali1234: Ah someone got there a few hours before you\n<ali1234> oh?\n<penguin42> yeh it's just been duped to bug 1106188\n<lubotu3> bug 1106188 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) \"Unable to build any GTK app, because of missing wayland-client.pc\" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1106188\n<ali1234> cool\n<ali1234> i'm really disappointed this guy never posts https://plus.google.com/u/0/109940541467224286660/posts\n<ali1234> here is a classic example of useless glib errors\n<ali1234> ERROR:panel-applet.c:2087:panel_applet_constructed: code should not be reached Aborted (core dumped)\n<daftykins> 0o\n<ali1234> gnome-panel doesn't contain a file called panel-applet.c\n<daftykins> should not be reached? sounds like an intentional fail\n<ali1234> and the bug is obviously in gnome-panel\n<ali1234> and i know exactly how to reproduce it\n<ali1234> oh wait, my bad\n<ali1234> it's under a different directory\n<popey> happy birthday Laney\n * MartijnVdS played with Blender's video editing bits yesterday.. once you get used to \"How Blender does things\" it's quite good\n<ging> I have a birthday tommorow!\n<popey> our snowman is dying\n<SuperMatt> morning chumps\n<dwatkins> wotcher\n<popey> pip pip\n<knightwise> morning everyone\n<knightwise> small question\n<knightwise> i've installed ubuntu on my macbook air and found out that if I upgrade the kernell,\n<knightwise> the wifi stops working;\n<knightwise> its ok \"out of the box\" in .17, but it breaks in .22\n<knightwise> so i've reinstalled the .17 , but how to do i tell Gnome it needs to pick \"that one\" instead of the .22 ?\n<knightwise> i mean Grub , not gnome\n<ali1234> easymode: uninstall .22?\n<knightwise> ah , thats also an option :)\n<ali1234> hardmode: edit the grub.conf (every time you install a new kernel)\n<knightwise> hadn't thought of that :)\n<knightwise> ah , ok  , i'll try that one too.\n<ali1234> super hardmode: build a package of .17 with a fake extra version bump\n<ali1234> super duper hardmode: get the bug fixed upstream\n<knightwise> naaah :-)\n<ali1234> actually the last one isn't that hard\n<ali1234> also what is .22?\n<knightwise> latest kernell version\n<ali1234> do you mean 3.5.0-22?\n<knightwise> yep\n<knightwise> it works fine in the .17 , but breaks in the .22\n<ali1234> so what you need to do is test the vanilla kernels\n<ali1234> test the newest upstream kernel and report it as broken upstream if that doesn't work\n<ali1234> then do a bisect to find exactly where it breaks... though you ca probably find it by eyeballing the distro git\n<ali1234> since there won't be too many commits\n<ali1234> let me look...\n<knightwise> ok , its a 2012 macbook air.\n<knightwise> 11.6 inch version\n<ali1234> that doesn't tell me much\n<ali1234> what wifi chipset?\n<ali1234> can you test the intermediate kernels... 18, 19, 20, 21?\n<knightwise> ok , i\"ll do that later on and report back to  ? i'll install the intermediate ones\n<ali1234> not sure if they will still be available\n<ali1234> 23 is actually newest on git...\n<knightwise> yep , i think so , i got the entire list when i do sudo apt-get install\n<knightwise> at the dinner table at the moment :) 'ill check in a jiffy\n<knightwise> wifey looking at me all strange when I talk about kernels and stuff ;)\n<ali1234> is it BCM4322?\n<knightwise> The 2012 MacBook Air also features the same Broadcom BCM4322 Intesifi Single-Chip 802.11n Wi-Fi Transceiver, and Broadcom BCM20702 Single-Chip Bluetooth 4.0 Processor with Bluetooth Low Energy support. The stereo speaker design is also identical to models released in 2011 and 2010.\n<ali1234> yeah i read that too\n<ali1234> but what modules does it use when it actually works?\n<knightwise> erm . i'll have to be on the machine for that , give me a couple of minutes to finish brekkies and i'll check\n<ali1234> i see a couple of bcm patches\n<SuperMatt> http://www.fandigital.com/p/zoncolor.html < this is one of the first theme packs where I've seen someone *really* put the work in\n<knightwise> in the .23 ?\n<ali1234> no, between 17 and 22\n<ali1234> SuperMatt: that looks pretty good\n<SuperMatt> it bloody well is!\n<knightwise> yeah , but in the .22 i boot with no wifi adapter detected ,\n<knightwise> when I boot in the .17 its ok.\n<knightwise> so i'll see where it breaks along the way\n<SuperMatt> http://www.supermatt.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Screenshot-from-2013-01-27-100345.png\n<knightwise> ok\n<knightwise> ali1234:\n<knightwise> i'm  at the machine ,\n<ali1234> SuperMatt: what font is that?\n<knightwise> i think i'll need to boot into 1.17 to find out what the wifi chipset is .. right ?\n<SuperMatt> ali1234: where?\n<ali1234> yeah that would be best\n<ali1234> SuperMatt: on your screenshot\n<ali1234> is it droid sans?\n<SuperMatt> I only ever use the ubuntu font\n<ali1234> lies.\n<ali1234> ubuntu is not that narrow\n<SuperMatt> you talking about in the middle?\n<SuperMatt> I need to know specifically where :P\n<SuperMatt> there's lots of fonts on the page\n<ali1234> no, on the panel\n<ali1234> also why does the clock text align properly with your name?\n<SuperMatt> panel is definitely ubuntu\n<ali1234> *not\n<ali1234> you've set hinting to maximum :(\n<SuperMatt> but I use tweak tool to knock the font scaling down to 0.7\n<ali1234> how can you look at your indicator area and not feel physically ill?\n<SuperMatt> I don't tend to look up there all that much\n<ali1234> it's only out by one pixel but damn, it looks annoying as hell to me\n<SuperMatt> but you're right about that\n<ali1234> i would switch desktop over that\n<SuperMatt> I'm running raring at the mo\n<ali1234> it's why i don't use KDE :)\n<SuperMatt> could be that it's only shifted becayse I changed the theme and need to log out and back in again\n<ali1234> maybe\n<ali1234> is @billgates the real bill gates?\n<SuperMatt> probably not\n<SuperMatt> oh wait, you mean on twitter\n<SuperMatt> could be\n<ali1234> it's not very amusing for a parody account\n<dwatkins> https://twitter.com/BillGates says 'verified'\n<ali1234> must be real\n<dwatkins> he does a lot of good charity work\n<dwatkins> no idea if it's just dealing with the 'symptoms' or the actual causes of poverty etc. but that's another question\n<SuperMatt> ok, there's a file in the homedir somewhere where you set the paths of your Pictures and Music folders, etc\n<SuperMatt> where is that?\n<SuperMatt> got it\n<dwatkins> oh cool, what's the file, SuperMatt?\n<SuperMatt> .config/user-dirs.dirs\n<dwatkins> cheers\n<SuperMatt> shoulda just looked in .config anyway#\n<SuperMatt> even after logging out and back in again, my time/name thing is still out of whack\n<SuperMatt> blame raring\n<dwatkins> out of whack in what way, SuperMatt?\n<SuperMatt> take a look at my earlier pic\n<SuperMatt> http://www.supermatt.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Screenshot-from-2013-01-27-100345.png\n<dwatkins> I assume you can't move/remove the middle one even by holding down alt or some other modifier\n<SuperMatt> well, it's unity\n<SuperMatt> so probably not\n<SuperMatt> it doesn't bother me\n<SuperMatt> only other people\n<ali1234> it makes me (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)\n<SuperMatt> it may well be a raring thing\n<SuperMatt> one tic\n<SuperMatt> I have another raring screenshot\n<SuperMatt> same in the other one\n<SuperMatt> I guess it's time I raised a bug\n<SuperMatt> I guess it's not the date that's in the wrong place, I think it's the name because that's not on by default\n<ali1234> the date looks like is is misaligned to me\n<lukasz> Hi\n<SuperMatt> ali1234: submitted\n<SuperMatt> 1106800\n<lukasz> Could you help me to install lastest firefox (18.0) ?\n<lukasz> I have downloaded and extracted package\n<lukasz> I dont know how is next\n<popey> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/01/26/mitch_kapor_lotus_123_anniversary/\n<popey> saw that, thought of AlanBell\n<brobostigon> good morning everyone,\n<SuperMatt> lukasz: I believe that firefox 19 is now in the repositories\n<SuperMatt> if you run an update, it'll be there\n<popey> SuperMatt: 19 is in beta, 18 is in the repo\n<popey> SuperMatt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1576051/\n<SuperMatt> ah, fair enough\n<SuperMatt> I don't use firefox these days\n<popey> me either\n<SuperMatt> having said that, I do constantly change when I find firefox/chrome has a feature that chrome/firefox doesn't have\n<jacobw> morning\n<Paladine> hey folks\n<Paladine> I just wanted to let the apple users among you know that I am assisting Olswang with a UK based group action against Google for bypassing Safari cookie settings between sept 2011/Feb 2012 - if any of you want to join the lawsuit please get in touch with with Daniel.Tench@olswang.com this is a serious lawsuit with a very prestigious law firm behind it, if you want more info feel free to pm me\n<jacobw> Paladine: that's interesting\n<jacobw> Paladine: i've heard of \"class action\" in the US, is this something similar?\n<Paladine> this is a Group Action which is similar yes\n<Paladine> we are hoping to enjoin millions of UK users\n<Paladine> potentially the biggest ever lawsuit in the UK\n<MartijnVdS> too bad only 3 people use Safari\n<Laney> meow\n<Paladine> actually 10s of millions of UK people use safari\n<MartijnVdS> 10s of people 8-)\n<jacobw> that's a lot of people\n<Paladine> on their iPhones, iPads, Mac Books, Windows Machines\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: pop = 62,641,000; no way >1 in 6 has a mac\n<popey> Sounds like a nice little earner for the lawyers\n<Paladine> MartijnVdS, check the metrics on Apple devices in us in the UK\n<Paladine> use*\n<dwatkins> I use an Apple device, but I use Chrome and Firefox.\n<Paladine> oh and disclaimer, I am not getting paid for assisting Olswang in this case\n<jacobw> Safari has run on Windows since 2008 :|\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: also, how many of those people block cookies, etc.\n<Paladine> although I don't know if that will change in the future, if it does I will make sure I disclose it\n<dwatkins> who benefits from this lawsuit, Paladine? I'm genuinely curious what the ideal result would be.\n<Paladine> MartijnVdS, you don't understand the case do you, Google were BYPASSING Safari cookie blocking\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: but if you don't enable the blocking in the first place.. there's nothing to bypass\n<Paladine> Safari blocks 3rd party cookies by default\n<Paladine> Google found a way to circumvent the settings\n<dwatkins> I suspect a very small group of people have 1) iOS/OS X 2) Safari as their main browser and 3) Cookies blocked\n<jacobw> Solve breaking and entering by not locking your door?\n<dwatkins> ah ok, it's the default\n<popey> dwatkins: nah, loads of people who buy iPhones have that exact combination\n<Paladine> and ipads\n<dwatkins> fair enough, popey\n<dwatkins> so what should happen, assuming the lawsuit is successful? is it a slap on the wrist for Google, or is the money meant to do something?\n<Paladine> if the lawsuit is successful we are expecting damages against google to the tune of 10s of millions\n<ali1234> \"Apple holds 28% of the UK smartphone market, with 8.6 million users\"\n<Paladine> maybe even in excess of 100 million\n<dwatkins> so each iPhone user gets £11.63?\n<ali1234> lolno\n<Paladine> ali, that is the smartphone market, not add to that ipads, mac books (pro and airs), apple desktop machines etc.\n<ali1234> each user will get £1, lawyers take the rest\n<popey> +1\n<MartijnVdS> Also, Google have stopped doing it and apologised. This tends to count in court.\n<Paladine> this case isn't about money, it is about making sure Google pay the penalty for breaching the law\n<ali1234> Paladine: iphone owners and ipad owners are the same people\n<popey> that £1 doesn't begin to cover the lack of care most people have\n<SuperMatt> and the people that benefit from that penalty are?\n<dwatkins> ali1234: indeed, I am concerned this will result in Google paying out, lawyers making ots of money, but users not benefitting apart from a slightly higher liklihood companies won't circumvent such defaults in future\n<jacobw> The EU cookie law requires from consent from a user before a cookie is set on they're browser, if one of the major web companies is violating this law either by ignoring it or circumventing enforcement mechanisms like cookie blocking (which is more deliberate than ignoring the law) then they're definitely liable to a group action claim IMO\n<Paladine> ali, not true, for example, I was an iPad owner but not an iPhone user\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: better go after more large companies for not (or hardly) paying tax then\n<ali1234> popey, how many ipads and iphones do you have now?\n<popey> household has one ipad, two iphones, two machines running osx\n<popey> only one of them runs safari\n<Paladine> Supermatt, the entire UK benefit, because it sends a clear message to the rest of the big tech companies that circumventing law will have serious consequences\n<jacobw> The users benefit from the company being challenged on it's violation of the law that users as part of the electorate that provides the legislature with the mandate to created\n<popey> i see the US have already gone through this..\n<popey> http://money.cnn.com/2012/08/09/technology/google-safari-settle/index.html\n<ali1234> wat\n<popey> looks like someone in the UK being opportunistic\n<SuperMatt> yes, but if google are fined, what benefit do the people get? where does the money go\n<MartijnVdS> SuperMatt: lawyers\n<Paladine> now feel free to disagree as much as you like, I merely came here to let you all know about the lawsuit (because I know a lot of people here have apple devices) dont shoot the messenger\n<popey> well, you're not just a messenger\n<popey> you're working on it\n<ali1234> this is interesting information to me anyway\n<popey> indeed\n<popey> its interesting\n<dwatkins> Paladine: I appreciate the message being sent to companies like Google. It's good this is happening in general.\n<ali1234> i mean i don't give a toss about apple users... apple does far worse to them than google ever has, and they do it every day\n<ali1234> just because it's legal doesn't make it moral\n<dwatkins> Personally I'd prefer the proceeds to be given to some relevant charity, but anyway.\n<jacobw> If they're fined by the EU body that's responsible for web regulation then that body will have more funds to do it's work, though each litigant will have to pay legal fees as all litigants do\n<Paladine> I have worked on improving cookie laws in the UK for the last 5 years, this is the first time I have had an opportunity to take such an action and raise so much awareness\n<Paladine> so yeah, I agreed to help them when they contacted me\n<ali1234> oh, so you;re the one we should blame for that disaster then?\n<jacobw> I didn't realize how cynical this channel was :|\n<MartijnVdS> ali1234: it's not as bad as the one we have.. where _explicit consent_ is required to set cookies.. and guess how it's stored if you don't want cookies.\n<Paladine> I worked personally on the changes to 5(3) of the ePrivacy Directive with the EU Commission, yeah, and I am proud of that work\n<dwatkins> MartijnVdS: lolwut\n<MartijnVdS> ali1234: I have a browser preference flag.. why can't the law just let me use that?\n<MartijnVdS> dwatkins: Dutch lawmakers = computer-illiterate\n<dwatkins> MartijnVdS: sadly this does not surprise me\n<jacobw> Paladine: thanks, web privacy is important to many of us\n<Paladine> MartijnVdS, because 99% of the population know absolutely nothing about browser settings nor ever change them, just because you are tech savvy does that mean everyone else should just go to hell?\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: No, but requiring every site to have a (different!) pop-up is annoying as well.\n<Paladine> and I happen to know the Dutch Law Makers very well, they are far from computer illiterate, they are some of the most well informed legislators in Europe\n<dwatkins> \"For cookies that are deemed to be ‘strictly necessary for the delivery of a service requested by the user’ the consent of the user is not needed.\"\n<Paladine> thereis no requirement to have pop-ups\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: Browser makers could implement it instead of website builders: just like \"This site wants to install a plugin\" or \"It wants to know your location\"\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: no there's a requirement for disclosure (and in some countries, consent)\n<Paladine> pop-ups were implemtented by the ad industry to deliberately make the situation cumbersome and make users complain, looks like they managed to trick you eh?\n<dwatkins> I remember pop-ups.\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: bbc.co.uk ?\n<Paladine> MartijnVdS, I am a respected expert on 5(3) across the world, I know it incredibly well, I worked on it, so I know everything there is to know about the law, the process which made it law and the lobbying by industry against it, I have lived and breathed 5(3) for the last 5 years\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: they don't do ads...\n<MartijnVdS> but they DO have the annoying popup\n<Paladine> 5(3) is not just about ads\n<Paladine> it is about tracking\n<Paladine> it isnt just ads that track\n<MartijnVdS> As if they won't find other ways to do that.\n<Paladine> BBC have a whoile bunch of tracking technologies on their site\n<ali1234> so what's the alternative to popups?\n<MartijnVdS> Also, only European sites have to comply. US sites just ignore it.\n<MartijnVdS> ali1234: \"no tracking\"\n<ali1234> just remove all tracking technology from the site?\n<Paladine> and 5(3) isn't just about cookies it is about any technology which requires interaction with an end users terminal equipment in order to track them\n<dwatkins> Ghostery is handy as a browser extension, blocks all manner ot trackers. Some websites show over ten different systems in use.\n<Paladine> so it includes device identifiers and serverside fingerprinting too\n<kvarley> How can I enable remote desktop viewing from an SSH session?\n<MartijnVdS> kvarley: which way?\n<MartijnVdS> kvarley: view the desktop of another machine on the SSH client, or view the desktop of an SSH server on an SSH client?\n<kvarley> I'm logged into my desktop on SSH and want to enable remote desktop access on my desktop for all\n<MartijnVdS> uhr\n<kvarley> So enable VNC from ssh\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Morning.  I just fell outta bed !\n<dwatkins> x11vnc is what I use for this\n<MartijnVdS> kvarley: that's going to be hard..\n<Paladine> actually US sites have to comply too and this will soon be much more clear when the new Data Protection Regulation becomes law in 2016\n<kvarley> MartijnVdS: What's the config util in ubuntu called? Surely I can just run the config app via SSH with X forwarding?\n<MartijnVdS> kvarley: no, because your session variables (Dbus etc.) don't match up\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: Still, the current way of notifying is BAD\n<Paladine> I was just in Brussels last week in meetings with Article 29 Working Party, EU Politicians, EU Commission and the FTC\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: and I'm still not convinced the tracking is 100% bad\n<Paladine> FTC are currently beginning discussion with EU regulators about bringing mutual actions against privacy violaters\n<Paladine> it is not about whether the tracking is good or bad, it is about obtaining consent\n<Paladine> you want tracking and profiling of your behaviour that is fine, many people don't, the law requires consent be given, you want it give your consent\n<ali1234> public websites should be covered by implied consent like anything else public\n<ali1234> \"in my opinion\"\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: so set an HTTP header, have the browser add one of those \"permission\" bars like it does for the \"Location\" API, or something\n<Paladine> research shows that implied consent is bad because most of the population are not tech savvy and therefore never change their settings but they don't like being tracked when they are made aware of it\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: so I can configure my browser for \"consent to everything\" if I want to.. or \"Deny everything\"\n<ali1234> it doesn't matter\n<Paladine> that is why we spent 5 years changing the law to require informed consent\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: we have sites that only work if you click \"Yes, I accept tracking cookies\"\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: if you don't, you get a blank page with \"Enable cookies anyway\"\n<ali1234> actually they say \"yes, i accept cookies\"\n<ali1234> no mention of tracking\n<Paladine> so they lose most of their visitors then, their loss\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: except they dont\n<ali1234> basically it just says \"click here to make website work\"\n<ali1234> absolutely nobody refuses\n<MartijnVdS> exactly\n<ali1234> nobody is informed\n<ali1234> you cannot legislate around stupidity\n<MartijnVdS> not usefully anywy\n<Paladine> ali, that is because the Information Commissioners Office in the UK are in breach of EU Law and advising sites to use implied consent (against EU law) that will be dealt with with the new regulation\n<kvarley> MartijnVdS: I used an SSH session with X forwarding to run \"vino-preferences\" which allowed me to gain access to a VNC session :)\n<MartijnVdS> kvarley: ok\n<Paladine> ali, currently 8% of visitors across a large sample are refusing to accept the cookies\n<ali1234> no, it's because nobody reads the damn popups\n<Paladine> that is a HUGE nbumber\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: I'm in the Netherlands, explicit consent is required here\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: the popups just get more annoying, it doesn't help with educating users\n<Paladine> MartijnVdS, I know, I know the netherlands law and legislators very well\n<ali1234> i could easily see that the 8% is people who clicked the wrong button on accident\n * kvarley never accepts cookie disclosures for random sites because it's wasting my time\n<Paladine> ali, there is only 1 button \"Accept\"\n<kvarley> Is providing an opt-out button ok?\n<Paladine> so they cant click the wrong one\n<ali1234> that's not true, sometimes there are two buttons\n<Paladine> no opt-out isnt compliant\n<kvarley> Hhmm\n<Paladine> ali, the sites we are monitoring are using a single button\n<ali1234> so, what you're saying is that 8% of users... do nothing?\n<Paladine> we are monitoring a wide sample of sites using the same api\n<ali1234> how do you monitor that exactly?\n<MartijnVdS> honour system?\n<Paladine> we have access to the API stats\n<ali1234> since there is no button to opt out, there are no stats on how many people opted out\n<Paladine> and yes 8% of users are doing nothing\n<ali1234> it's like saying \"100% of people who didn't visit the site rejected tracking\"\n<Paladine> we know how many people are visiting the page and how many people are clicking the \"Allow\" or \"Continue\" button\n<Paladine> so yes it is easy to derive stats on how many arent\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: do you have stats on how many people actually read the notice, and how many accidentally clicked the wrong button?\n<ali1234> what does one of these sites look like anyway?\n<MartijnVdS> because those numbers are very important in determining whether it's effective\n<Paladine> and the 8% is why the US lobby are so strong at the moment, because to you 8% may not sound liek a lot (and this is before DNT is even implemented) but to big corps 8% is a huge number\n<ali1234> have you got an example of \"the correct way\"?\n<MartijnVdS> ali1234: omroep.nl\n<Paladine> we are seeing similar figures for DNT in Firefox too, around 7%\n<ali1234> so you can't use the site at all without accepting cookies?\n<Paladine> so before DNT has even become a standard, 7% of users are enabling it\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: is that \"7% wants to be tracked\" or \"7% does NOT want &\"\n<Paladine> we are currently still gathering stats for Chrome\n<Paladine> 7% turn on DNT\n<Paladine> brb need to go bathroom\n<Azelphur> this reminds me to turn on DNT.\n<MartijnVdS> ali1234: yes, because they're required by law to track how many visitors they get, from which part(s) of the country/world\n<MartijnVdS> ali1234: and there's no exception in the \"cookie law\".. so you HAVE to accept their tracking cookies if you want to use the site(s)\n<ali1234> hmm also, how exactly do you track the number of people who don't want to be tracked, without breaking the law you're trying to monitor?\n<MartijnVdS> ali1234: I have no idea.\n<MartijnVdS> I love how the \"I don't want to be tracked\" data is stored.. in a cookie\n<ali1234> if there is a site which has no purpose other than tracking people, is it covered by the \"strictly necessary\" exception?\n<MartijnVdS> Like \"Google Analytics\"?\n<MartijnVdS> As far as I've heard.. no\n<ali1234> nah. more like a site that just says \"you last visited on ...\" and nothing else at all\n<ali1234> whendidilastvisitthiswebsite.com\n<Paladine> MartijnVdS, there is no law which requires web sites to track visitors\n<Paladine> the Data Retention Directive only applies to telecommunications companies, not content providers\n<Paladine> so I am not sure why you think it does\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: Dutch Public Broadcasting is required to keep stats on its visitors\n<Paladine> and where did you see that?\n<Paladine> because I know the dutch law very well and it is explicitly written into the dutch transposition of the data retention directive that content providers are NOT required to retain data\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: it's part of the charter of \"Dutch Public Broadcasting\" (NPO) to report on its performance.\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: i.e. how many people it's reaching, related demographic data\n<Paladine> Charter != Law\n<Paladine> a Charter doesnt override law either\n<Paladine> so if their charter is incompatible with law they need to chaneg their charter\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: except they won't get subsidies if they can't prove they're doing their work\n<ali1234> yeah, instead of having tracking cookies, they could just shut down instead\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: and then we wouldn't have public broadcasting anymore\n<ali1234> they would be within the law\n<Paladine> you can argue the point as much as you like, their charter doesn't override law, same as BBC's charter doesnt\n<Paladine> if their charter is incompatible with law they need to change it\n<penguin42> hmm impressive change in weather over night\n<ali1234> if the law is incompatible with reality they need to change it\n<Paladine> I will have a chat with Jacob Kohnstamm about it\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: they can't change their own charter\n<brobostigon> penguin42: that was yesterday, sun and gradual daytime increase in temperature.\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: Dutch public broadcasting is.. weird\n<Paladine> ali, if you dont like the law you are free to lobby to change it, that is the wonderful thing about democracy\n<Paladine> if you dont want to lobby to change it then dont complain about it\n<ali1234> tat's bullshit\n<ali1234> sorry but it is\n<ali1234> you're saying that anyone who can get a law passed automatically justifies that law as correct\n<MartijnVdS> The Germans tried that years ago\n<penguin42> brobostigon: I think it actually his something like 7c last night, but down to 3c here now - all the snow's gone\n<Paladine> yeah it is soo much bullshit, that is why despite corporate lobby pumping millions of euros into lobbying against 5(3) changes, we still managed to have the law changed without any resources, just through democracy....such bullshit that\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: next time, have it changed in a less idiotic way\n<brobostigon> penguin42: yes, here it was about that temperature here also last night,\n<Paladine> ali, I never said that at all, I said if you don't like a law lobby to have it changed.  I lobbied against 5(3) of the ePrivacy Directive and got it changed because I didn't agree with it, if you don't like something get off your ass and do somethign about it instead of just whining\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: \"mediawet\" is the law that requires NPO to report its performance (which is incompatible with what's known as \"cookie law\" here)\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: so yes.. we have conflicting laws.\n<ali1234> Paladine: lobbying and whining are exactly the same thing\n<Paladine> no lobbying is getting off your ass and delivering reasoned arguments backed up by empirical research to legislators\n<ali1234> if you whine long enough, the law will get changed, no matter how ridiculous what you are asking for it. you are the living proof of that.\n<penguin42> ali1234: http://research.cs.wisc.edu/cbi/  is an interesting approach top bug solving\n<Paladine> whining is just what you are doing now\n<Paladine> MartijnVdS, I don't think mediawet is incompatible with the directive, the directive doesn't make it illegal to gather site statistics, it makes it illegal to track users without consent\n<Paladine> having stats which show 2 000 000 people from amsterdam visited this page on this day is not unlawful under the directive\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: Except Dutch law is more strict than the EU directive.\n<Paladine> stats which show that 1 users with this IP address visited all these pages in succession - that is illegal without consent\n<Paladine> because it allows you to infer behaviour and build a profile\n<Paladine> no it isnt the dutch law is verbatim\n<Paladine> it is wored identically to the directive\n<Paladine> worded\n<MartijnVdS> It's in need of a rewrite then\n<Paladine> it was passed by your constitutional court, so if you don't like it complain to them\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: uhhh.. we have a constitutional court?\n<ali1234> penguin42: not sure how that is different to apport really...\n<MartijnVdS> as far as I know, Dutch law can't be tested for \"constitution-compliance\".\n<Paladine> your supreme court makes judgements on constitutional matters\n<penguin42> ali1234: Oh read the detail it's very very different\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: except cookie law != constitution\n<penguin42> ali1234: It's sampling normal running not  just crashes and it's sampling things like just branches\n<Paladine> Directive 5(3) of the ePrivacy Directive is based on the Lisbon Treaty articles on Privacy\n<Paladine> you are a signatory to the Lisbon Treaty\n<Paladine> the Lisbon Treaty is an EU Wide Consitution\n<Paladine> Constitution\n<ali1234> penguin42: but... i don't see how that's useful, to know that, for example \"pos < x never, pos == x once, and pos > x fourteen times\"\n<ali1234> i mean it still has to handle all those cases\n<Paladine> the whole reason 5(3) was changed was because of the strengthening of Privacy as a fundamental citizens right under the Lisbon Treaty\n<penguin42> ali1234: The idea is to get massive correlation data that it normally goes that way, and then when something crashes you can flag that it's gone down an unusual path\n<ali1234> hmm\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: I'm not against what it's trying to accomplish, I just think it's trying to accomplish it in a bad way\n<ali1234> i guess that could help find one bug\n<penguin42> ali1234: They have examples of using it to find race conditions and lots of stuff\n<ali1234> buuuuuut... what i want is a programming language where bugs are impossible :)\n<penguin42> ali1234: I'll give you one; it's going to have the single verb 'doHelloWorld'\n<jacobw> there's no bugs, just unexpected behaviors\n<ali1234> no, there are bugs\n<ali1234> segfault is not unexpected behaviour, it's *always* an error\n<Paladine> MartijnVdS, I say again, the directive is good, the way industry have chosen to comply is the problem, they have done so in a deliberate attempt to annoy consumers and drive them against the directive, I was present at all the meetings and saw the lobbying directily, I have even had meetings with the industry groups such as IAB, I know their methods and tactics very well\n<jacobw> yes :)\n<jacobw> (j/k)\n<MartijnVdS> Paladine: It could have been prevented with more careful wording of the directive.\n<penguin42> we seem to have almost as many euphemisms for bugs as we do for sex\n<Paladine> the Directive does not require compliance using the method industry have chosen, there are far more suitable methods of compliance, but the industry want to derail the law because it costs them money\n<jacobw> penguin42: well, bugs and sex are very important to programmers, unfortunately they get much more the former ;)\n<Paladine> anyway I have a lot to do so I better get back to it, but thanks for the chat\n<jacobw> good luck Paladine\n<MartijnVdS> fighting windmills\n<penguin42> jacobw: and that's before we get to endianness\n<jacobw> ha\n<ali1234> turing machines have a halting problem. but do we really need a turing machine to post stuff on twitter?\n<penguin42> ali1234: I'm not sure I know; but it's amazing how almost all systems turn out to be Turing machines if you look hard enough\n<ali1234> what if we have a programming language with only two datatypes: int, and char[139];\n * penguin42 hands ali1234 bcpl\n<penguin42> ali1234: If you can index into your char[139] array by a variable then I believe you have the same problem; you have to prove that it's not possible to overflow the 139\n<ali1234> you can't :)\n<ali1234> and no pointers either\n<penguin42> ali1234: If you can't index into the array then how do you form the contents?\n<ali1234> the programming language has a function readupto139charactersfromuser();\n<penguin42> ali1234: OK, so what operations can you do on tweet_t ?\n<ali1234> and the string would be neither readable nor writable\n<ali1234> or rather, it would be immutable\n<ali1234> or const, or whatever\n<penguin42> ali1234: Yeh so you're not going to be overflow it; but you're going to have a pretty basic tweet program\n<ali1234> essentially, an opaque blob\n<ali1234> also, maxint = 256\n<penguin42> why not 139 ?\n<ali1234> even better\n<ali1234> and each function can have no more than two arguments\n<ali1234> thus, it is possible to directly test all possible inputs to a function (since every string is equivalent)\n<penguin42> ali1234: The trick is you can make programming languages that you can't make any significant bugs in; but you can't do anything significant in them\n<ali1234> maybe you can' do anything significant, but that doesn't preclude writing a twitter client\n<penguin42> ali1234: In your language you can't highlight part of the tweet, edit it or do anything else\n<penguin42> ali1234: All you've done is move all the complexity into the implementation of the language (which can now do very little)\n<ali1234> well, this is what managed languages do...\n<ali1234> but obviously not to an extreme\n<penguin42> ali1234: The challenge is to get a language you can write useful programmes AND make it hard to write bugs\n<ali1234> we have loads of languages like that already\n<ali1234> i think it's more interesting to make a less useful language when bugs are impossible... it's a less explored avenue :)\n<AlanBell> there are a few, depending on how you define bugs\n<AlanBell> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATS_(programming_language) would be one\n<ali1234> yeah, that's exactly the kind of thing i'm talking about\n<penguin42> AlanBell: Interesting one\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Happy 300th issue of UWNews ... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue300\n * dwatkins is mildly surprised to note gmail promoting godaddy\n<popey> surely godaddy are paying for it like any other customer?\n<MartijnVdS> dwatkins: anyone can buy ads\n<dwatkins> ah yes\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Anyone wanna go all conspiracy theory ? .. Count me out ! http://www.indiegogo.com/Citizen-Spy-Not?c=home\n<penguin42> hmm I can't find where in ff the setting for 'open new tab as the one you just closed' - or whatever it's called; because it's on and annoying me\n<MartijnVdS> ctrl+shift+tab\n<MartijnVdS> uhr\n<MartijnVdS> T\n<MartijnVdS> not tab\n<penguin42> MartijnVdS: No, I mean it's doing it whenever I opena  tab and I don't want it to\n<MartijnVdS> don't press shift ;)\n<MartijnVdS> ctrl+t\n<penguin42> hehe possible\n<Paladine> http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/27/idUSnPreXJWM1a+13c+PRN20130127  < more info on the Google case for those that are interested\n<dwatkins> Paladine: wouldn't the decision to circumvent the Safari setting be likely to have been made in the US, and therefore not something a UK court can penalise Google for?\n<Paladine> that is for UK courts to decide, the lawsuit is being issued against both Google's US and UK companies\n<penguin42> dwatkins: Does that matter? They do business here, they usually redirect you to google.co.uk etc\n<dwatkins> ah I see\n<Paladine> the US Safe Web Act permits US courts to take action against non us companies, why shouldn't other countries do the same?\n<Paladine> it is a good question though and one that came up in brussels this week in a meeting with Julie Brills from the FTC, she stated she sees no reason legally why other jurisdictions can't take legal action against US companies since the US do the same\n<ali1234> the issue is always going to be enforcement\n<ali1234> i can't see google pulling out of the UK\n<dwatkins> I can see them being fined for this, though.\n<ali1234> oh certainly\n<Paladine> no this isnt a fine, they already got away with it from the regulator\n<Paladine> this is a lawsuit\n<ali1234> who doesn't want free money?\n<Paladine> so there is the potential for vast damages being issued against them\n<dwatkins> so a fine, all be it a big one?\n<Paladine> damages != fine\n<Paladine> fines are paid to the state\n<Paladine> damages are paid to claimants\n<dwatkins> oh I see, thanks\n<Paladine> the maximum fine google could have faced was £500 000 from the information commissioner\n<Paladine> but the maximum damages are unlimited and will likely exceed £100M is enough people join the action\n<Paladine> s/is/if\n<knightwise> ls\n<knightwise> oops  sorru   wrong window\n<knightwise> danm ipad keyboard\n<solarcloud_3srcn> popey: Just so we know .. when is the next episode likely to be of the Ubuntu-UK podcast ??\n<jacobw> that's a popular question, the answer is usually that it'll be ready when it's ready\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Nice and wharme in my house today :D\n<dwatkins> It's time for some nice loud Pendulum.\n<Pendulum> dwatkins: I'm quiet :P\n<dwatkins> haha\n<solarcloud_3srcn> scanning for Pendulum on spotify ...\n<Pendulum> heh\n<dwatkins> I have Immersion playing on the speakers I just installed, may use them for some Doctor Who shortly.\n<solarcloud_3srcn> mmmphf ! don't thnk muych o ' Pendulum, anyhow ::: http://open.spotify.com/track/4rVRolQ2qr0TqGQSl000pM\n<dwatkins> each to their own :) I also like all kinds of other music\n<dwatkins> I don't have Spotify anymore, so I can't follow that link.\n<solarcloud_3srcn> true.\n<solarcloud_3srcn> it should just be a webpage ..\n<dwatkins> ah yes, it tells me which track it is, so I could probably find it in iTunes\n<solarcloud_3srcn> hands up who hates iTunes ??\n<solarcloud_3srcn> o/\n<dwatkins> :-p\n<dwatkins> It works, people can say what they like.\n * penguin42 flicks a CD case at solarcloud_3srcn\n<solarcloud_3srcn> I haven't used it in 5 years, Anyway the Real news is that I have a Pepperoni pizza coming out of the Oven in 7 mins ... :)\n<dwatkins> I won't mention carbohydratyes, solarcloud_3srcn ;)\n<dwatkins> you avoid iTunes, I avoid carbs and sugar.\n * solarcloud_3srcn wonders if £1.50 piza is all it's cracked up to-be ?\n<dwatkins> you will probably get what you paid for.\n<solarcloud_3srcn> mm. 2 for £3.\n * solarcloud_3srcn broke his vow of 'fb coventry' today , by allowing someone to join his fb linux group .. damn facebook group .. no-one ever shares anything anyway !\n<solarcloud_3srcn> What's that beebing noise ?\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Oh pizza .. :)\n<dwatkins> or a model B with 32k...\n<jacobw> crappy, i've been missing 'homage to catalonia' on Radio 4 for the last half hour\n<dwatkins> is there a +1? ;)\n<jacobw> no, but there's the iPlayer for listening at one's convenience\n<jacobw> and, stashing forever with get_iplayer :p\n<solarcloud_3srcn> jacobw: OH POoo. I read it was about Eric Cantana\n<jacobw> it's not\n<solarcloud_3srcn> jacobw: yes, anything but ..\n<penguin42> http://www.ediblegeography.com/the-last-places/   the wine cellar under the ministry of defence\n<solarcloud_3srcn> opening...\n<solarcloud_3srcn> mmm . don't see a boss , but the red wine's nice..\n<popey> (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻\n<solarcloud_3srcn> hieroglyph's popey ? Are you watching SWars again ?\n * penguin42 thinks popey has been reading unicodeemoticons\n<jacobw> my emotions are on the astral plane >_>\n<popey> solarcloud_3srcn: dunno soon\n<popey> solarcloud_3srcn: we're off out for curry soon to decide when to do season 6\n<solarcloud_3srcn> popey, I just don't know how to donate, other than phone messages.\n<solarcloud_3srcn> BTW the pizza was a https://dl.dropbox.com/u/55128914/Attachments%20Email%20Xchat/success.png\n<penguin42> someone put some more coal on the ubuntu archive servers please\n<bigcalm> Ahoy\n<bigcalm> Playing Half-Life with a trackball is not as easy as one would hope\n<solarcloud_3srcn> bigcalm: What make/model is the trackball ??\n<bigcalm> Logitech M570\n<solarcloud_3srcn> scanning..\n<solarcloud_3srcn> looks kinda LibreCAD to me .. but I haven't a clue as I've never used one.\n<penguin42> is that the one with the big marbely ball?\n<solarcloud_3srcn> looks like it .. either blue or red ball...\n<bigcalm> penguin42: no, that's the Logitech Marble\n<bigcalm> (which I also have)\n<penguin42> ah\n<solarcloud_3srcn> bigcalm: Have you captured any monsters yet ??\n<brobostigon> itv2, toy story, sid, :)\n<neuro> toy story on itv2? yuck\n<neuro> ads :(\n<brobostigon> yes, advertising is not conductive to a smooth viewing experience.\n<neuro> and they'll trim the crap out of the credits too :(\n<brobostigon> out-takes if memory serves, at the end.\n<neuro> na\n<neuro> just credits\n<popey> ugh, hideous compression artifacts too\n<neuro> i'm a purist, i want to see the whole movie\n<neuro> popey: if you're watching on freeview, aye\n<popey> virgin\n<neuro> probably just as bad\n<popey> oh, we have hd\n * popey looks\n<neuro> yeah, was gonna say :)\n<solarcloud_3srcn> mmp  neauro is a puritan .. do you wear a hat ??\n<bigcalm> Does itv2 have an HD version?\n<popey> bah, cant find itv hd\n<neuro> bigcalm: yup\n<popey> oh its 2\n * bigcalm scratches his noggin\n<popey> not on virgin\n<penguin42> what are the bitrates like on HD, or are they just more pixels compressed harder?\n<bigcalm> That'll be why I don't remember seeing an itv2 HD :)\n<neuro> penguin42: depends on the platform and the channel\n<neuro> in theory sky have more available bandwidth to just throw Mbps at the problem\n<neuro> virgin has some constraints, freeview has serious constraints\n<neuro> the freeview HD multiplex only has about 28Mbps to go around\n<neuro> shared amongst 4 24/7 channels\n<mgdm> However Freeview HD at least uses a modern codec\n<neuro> popey: yeah, sky only, i think\n<neuro> h.264 baby\n<mgdm> whereas SD Freeview uses old MPEG2 crap\n<neuro> well, it wasn't crap when it was spec'd\n<bigcalm> How about freesat?\n<neuro> bigcalm: sky only\n<mgdm> neuro: yes, true\n<bigcalm> I see\n<neuro> channel 225\n<neuro> although it switches to 118 and moves SD to 225 once you're a sky subscriber\n<neuro> quite neat\n<mgdm> I suspect that DVB-S uses MPEG 2 in a transport stream the same as DVB-T\n<neuro> yup\n<neuro> and DVB-C\n<neuro> the only difference on DVB-T was QAM\n<neuro> 8k vs 64k\n<neuro> eventually they all went 64k so they could squeeze some more channels in\n<neuro> and improve tx robustness\n<neuro> oops, rx robustness, i meant\n<neuro> it's a shame when we went itvdigital -> freeview they couldn't have respecced everything to DVB-T2 / h264, but there were too many itvdigital/ondigital boxes out there, so they stuck with regular DVB-T\n<mgdm> yeah\n<neuro> so DVB-T2 is HD only\n<neuro> for now\n<mgdm> I suspect the new Local TV stuff will be DVB-T2\n<neuro> most likely\n<mgdm> but that's idle speculation\n<neuro> :)\n<neuro> just a shame they're squandering the old analogue UHF frequencies\n<neuro> could easily have added three or four DVB-T2 multiplexes\n<neuro> i think one more may be on the cards, but again ... idle speculation\n<mgdm> No money in that, when they could be sold to mobile networks ;-)\n<neuro> i know\n<daftykins> only trouble with standards is how many standards there are ;D\n<neuro> although LTE in the 800-900 band would be nice for building penetration\n<solarcloud_3srcn> And now for somm-it completely different :::::http://vimeo.com/57370112#\n<neuro> daftykins: the world can rarely agree on one thing\n<neuro> especially when it comes to television with so many commercial interests involved\n<neuro> long gone are the days when the beeb could just create something at R&D and then magically turn it into a standard\n<neuro> cf NICAM\n<daftykins> certainly glad the Beeb aren't in charge of things\n<neuro> really?\n<neuro> teletext and NICAM were pretty kick ass\n<daftykins> past is past\n<daftykins> :)\n<neuro> 728kbps 14-bit 32kHz stereo audio\n<neuro> now you get TV channels broadcasting video at almost that low a rate\n<daftykins> it's alright because there's nothing worth seeing :)\n<neuro> grumpy guts :)\n<daftykins> nah it's not being grumpy, i'm just saying TV is terrible today :)\n<neuro> most media is\n<daftykins> it's ok though, the broadcast model shall soon be dead with any luck\n<neuro> doubtful\n<daftykins> that's where the luck part comes in\n<neuro> there's still a desire for \"as it happens\" media consumption\n * mgdm would be upset if the broadcast model died soon\n<brobostigon> QI and HIGNFY rock. :)\n<mgdm> I'd have to go and find another job\n<neuro> and the reason ratings aren't as high these days is because of multichannel profligation, not due to receding viewing figures in total\n<neuro> it's easy to get 20m watching a programme when there's only 3 channels to pick from\n<neuro> but when there's potentially several hundred channels ...\n<daftykins> i just have a bunch of stuff stashed locally that i watch at-will\n<neuro> ah but what new stuff do you get?\n<daftykins> i'm not paying the Beeb to churn out their... well their.\n<neuro> is it all youtube indie style stuff?\n<daftykins> just this US spy parody series called 'Archer' right now\n<daftykins> animated\n<daftykins> youtube? not sure i follow\n<neuro> Archer\n<neuro> which is broadcast on FX\n<mgdm> Presumably you bought that all legally on DVD or something similar, or a paid-for download?\n<neuro> :)\n<daftykins> i'm not sure how it being broadcast originally bears any relevance to what i'm saying?\n * neuro pays his licence fee and netflix dues, even though i rarely watch actual tv on my humax (and aerial is disconnected from tv, because samsung's freeview implementation circa 2008 was rubbish)\n<daftykins> *he\n<neuro> daftykins: you're predicting the end of the broadcast model\n<neuro> but Archer is brought to you via that same model\n<popey> http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gcw/gcw-zero-open-source-gaming-handheld\n<popey> iiinteresting\n<daftykins> neuro: it would be if i lived in the US, i suppose\n<daftykins> but no i obtain it after the fact\n<neuro> um\n<neuro> archer has been on Ch 5\n<neuro> or at least one of their offshoots (5USA?)\n<neuro> and i'm saying archer possibly wouldn't exist but for that broadcast model\n<daftykins> ah, a point at last\n<daftykins> :)\n<neuro> that was my point 2 minutes ago :)\n<neuro> i obviously just didn't articulate it clearly enough :(\n<daftykins> do you not think it antiquated to have to be somewhere at a specific time to watch a program?\n<neuro> no\n<neuro> but at the same time, that idea isn't new\n<daftykins> did it need to be new?\n<neuro> cf video cassette recorders\n<neuro> no\n<neuro> but i'm pretty sure there were \"THE BROADCAST MODEL IS DOOOOOOMED\" conversations after home video took off\n<daftykins> heh\n<daftykins> sure but there's a generational element isn't there\n<neuro> VHS, Betamax, DVD, HD-DVD, Blu-Ray, TiVo, PVRs, YouTube ... and the broadcast channels just keep on goin'\n<daftykins> just the other day at lunch with friends one was referring to his parents rushing off home to catch a program ¬_¬ sounded so sad\n<penguin42> neuro: And what's wrong with video 2000 ?\n<neuro> some people actually enjoy the social aspect of watching at point of broadcast\n<popey> yeah, i do\n<neuro> penguin42: sorry!!! v2000 was frickin' awesome! double sided video tapes!!\n<popey> i like to watch some programmes as they air\n<daftykins> how-so? talking about it the day after?\n<popey> not seeing spoilers for one\n<neuro> daftykins: i mean ... take that example you just gave us\n<neuro> those parents were going to enjoy watching that programme as it aired, together\n<popey> and interacting\n<popey> e.g. Doctor Who for the first example, and Question Time for the second\n<neuro> and maybe they were really looking forward to seeing it, and didn't want to wait until watching it recorded later\n<neuro> good examples\n<popey> everything else I pvr\n<neuro> and the new media aspect can enhance shared live viewing\n<popey> I never watch stuff live on commercial TV\n<popey> alsways 15 mins or more offset so I can skip ads\n<neuro> cf twitter, zeebox, etc\n<daftykins> i keep trying to pause and rewind any live TV when i'm subjected to it :(\n<neuro> daftykins: with a decent PVR, you can\n<daftykins> that's not the point imo\n<neuro> what is the point?\n<neuro> :)\n<popey> watching Question Time with twitter on the laptop is fun ☺\n<daftykins> i think broadcast is outmoded for current generations\n<popey> depending who is on it and the topic of the week\n<popey> if by \"current generation\" you mean people under 25, I agre\n<popey> +e\n<popey> they have zero attention span\n<popey> </generalisation>\n<neuro> daftykins: i disagree with outmoded\n<daftykins> say i go to a friends and they say, oh hey have you seen series x?\n<daftykins> \"oh no i haven't\"\n<neuro> otherwise for every live event ever, we'd just put the event in the middle of a field somewhere, film it and upload it on youtube\n<neuro> who needs spectators?\n<daftykins> ok let's play an episode from this lovely on-demand subscription service i have here\n<brobostigon> was a good ep of question time the other day, ian hislop was on.\n<neuro> daftykins: replace \"on-demand subscription service\" with \"this handy DVD\", or \"this convenient VHS bought in a shop\" or \"this fabulous recording I made from the TV\"\n<popey> ooh.. you missed VideoCD!\n<neuro> or \"this 8mm film I took from the TV\"\n<neuro> crap\n<popey> ☺\n<neuro> and laserdisc\n<popey> lasterdisc was readonly tho\n<popey> (I was gonna mention that too) ;)\n<neuro> well i was talking about buying a tv series from a shop as well as home recording\n<daftykins> neuro: not sufficient given release delays / decisions not to even produce\n<popey> ok ☺\n<neuro> daftykins: all that's changed is the speed of releases\n<daftykins> with regard to what?\n<neuro> your point\n<neuro> it took years for some US cinema releases to reach the UK\n<neuro> it would take months for home video releases to come after theatrical release\n<daftykins> this sounds like a tangent\n<neuro> not really\n<neuro> you're talking about introducing some new content to a friend who hasn't seen it before\n<neuro> and taking the use case of something like netflix to make it\n<daftykins> that was the example scenario, the means was the service\n<shauno> that's the one part of broadcast I really want to see die.  geolocking markets doesn't work anymore.\n<neuro> i'm just saying there have always been ways to introduce new content to people, they were just slower\n<neuro> or less convienent\n<daftykins> shauno: indeed\n<popey> Oooh!\n<neuro> agreed with that\n<popey> Watching itv2 - Toy Story right now..\n<popey> adverts came on\n<daftykins> neuro: well that bears no relevance to what i'm thinking about\n<popey> Sam said \"can we skip it?\"\n<popey> \"no\"\n<popey> \"Why not?\"\n<popey> heh\n<neuro> daftykins: i have no idea what point you're trying to make then\n<neuro> popey: synchronicity :)\n<daftykins> pesky adverts\n * popey muted the telly\n<popey> time for tea\n<neuro> daftykins: i'm trying to say that you're talking about replacements for broadcast media that in some way have always been there\n<daftykins> neuro: that a nice online service you pay for access to would let you have the freedom to watch whatever whenever\n<neuro> yeah\n<neuro> amazon\n<shauno> ironically, the reason geolocking doesn't work is because broadcast does.  I want to see shows at the same time (±) that my friends do\n<daftykins> sure, but media is wasteful\n<neuro> or going down to HMV or Tower or Virgin Megastore and buying the video\n<neuro> or renting it\n<daftykins> again, outmoded\n<neuro> no, just obsoleted\n<neuro> the actual *activity* hasn't really changed\n<daftykins> now you're arguing semantics\n<neuro> just the method of consumption and the convenience of access\n<neuro> no, i'm really not\n<penguin42> hmm I guess with things like online film rentals are bunches of people all renting the same thing at the same time?\n<daftykins> i'm sorry but i find this incredibly tedious, so i'm going to stop now\n<neuro> the only real danger i can see to \"broadcast\" media is indie content makers getting more eyes onto their content via youtube, etc\n<neuro> that's the real disruptor\n<daftykins> we're not on the same page and i don't feel i have the will in me to be bothered making it so\n<neuro> not so much that the consumption method is different, but that the creation method has less of a barrier to entry\n<neuro> wow\n<neuro> ok, fair enough\n<neuro> LET'S TALK ABOUT KITTENS\n<neuro> THEY ARE NON-THREATENING AND FLUFFY\n<daftykins> you are free to enjoy watching broadcast and i shall resume this paused file i have here as and when i wish :>\n<neuro> i thought you didn't have the will to be bothered\n<daftykins> no need to push it\n<neuro> my point was that the paused file you're watching would not exist but for the broadcast model\n<popey> reasons why I hate my kids watching adverts...\n<neuro> they want stuff?\n<popey> i just told them I don't like them singing advert jingles and stuff\n<neuro> uh oh\n<popey> (sophie sang \"funky pidgeon dot com\")\n<daftykins> popey: XD\n<neuro> haha\n<neuro> pwned\n<popey> then sam said \"For embarrasing moments there huggies, sponsors of you've been framed\"\n<daftykins> neuro: let it go :)\n<popey> which made me wtf even more\n<neuro> daftykins: what?\n<daftykins> i'm tempted to up a vid to YBF to try and get the money\n<neuro> why did you say let it go?\n<neuro> i was talking to popey\n<daftykins> ok\n<popey> i have a vid of wifey on holiday in the sea, big wave comes in and her boobs pop out\n<popey> kids keep asking me to send it in to YBF\n<daftykins> XD\n<daftykins> may make more money elsewhere.\n<daftykins> *cough*\n<neuro> popey: just give in and let them sing jingles, as i believe everything in demolition man will one day come true\n<popey> hah\n<neuro> except for the three seashells, as I don't think that was fully explained to my satisfaction\n<daftykins> i better learn the taco bell menu\n<neuro> :)\n<neuro> and stop eating salt, as it's bad for you and therefore is illegal\n<neuro> WILL BE, WILL BE illegal\n<shauno> yet taco bell took over the world.  not exactly healthfood\n<daftykins> tell you what they should outlaw before that\n<neuro> pepper?\n<daftykins> people that put things on food before trying it first\n<neuro> OOOH scum\n<daftykins> inorite, unacceptable!\n<solarcloud_3srcn> pepperoni !\n<neuro> and people who say they don't like stuff without trying it\n<daftykins> neuro: the animals D:\n<neuro> they need a slap\n<shauno> (obiligatory horse burger joke here)\n<neuro> lol\n<neuro> HORSE BURGER? NEIGH PROBLEM!\n<solarcloud_3srcn> lol\n<neuro> haha, it's funny because i'm scottish, and i'd say \"no\" as \"nay\"\n<neuro> hmm, chrome and its 50-odd tabs wants me to restart it to do an update\n<solarcloud_3srcn> over here yes is \"tay\" in manx .. sounds similar..\n<neuro> i think chrome and I will have to have words\n<neuro> acht, sod it, the word is: command-q\n<daftykins> in FF at least file -> exit keeps all the tabs\n<neuro> it does/can in chrome too\n<neuro> i just hate reloading all those tabs\n<daftykins> i have to do that because a client of mine keeps 3+ windows with 20+ tabs each constantly =|\n<neuro> and why chrome always wants to use my GTX 640M instead of the intel lightweight GPU is beyond me\n<neuro> i think it's a flash thing\n<popey> so now I tell the kids it's tea time...\n<neuro> and?\n<penguin42> daftykins: ?!\n<popey> \"Can you pause the telly!\"\n<neuro> well, can't you?\n<popey> i put stuff on food before trying it\n<neuro> SCUM!\n<popey> e.g. mustard or horseraddish on beef\n<popey> mint sauce on lamb\n<popey> etc\n<daftykins> penguin42: yeah :( technology abuse my non-understanders\n<neuro> well, i think daftykins meant \"trying it for the first time\" (although i may be wrong?)\n<penguin42> daftykins: hmm, you can always bookmark the set of tabs\n<neuro> surely by now you know what beef and lamb tastes like\n<popey> i used to work with someone who was unable to have two items of food in her mouth at once\n<popey> had to eat meat then eat some veg\n<daftykins> nah i meant if you go to a restaurant, so you don't know their food, why put stuff on before sampling it without 0o\n<popey> never put meat and veg on the fork\n<popey> it was hilarious to watch\n<daftykins> popey: dear god, my old man's the opposite - he has to have one piece of every food item on the plate per forkload\n<neuro> :)\n<daftykins> that however, is painful to watch\n<popey> hah\n<daftykins> he takes 3x longer than anyone else to eat\n<neuro> that sounds backwards\n<neuro> surely having bits of all the food on the plate, he'd be finished faster than someone putting one or two bits on the fork\n<popey> other people are odd\n<popey> all of them\n<neuro> yup\n<neuro> you're odd\n<neuro> i'm not\n<neuro> this talk about food is making me hungry though\n<neuro> and i had a pot noodle for lunch, and that's not exactly food\n * popey has left-overs from roast dinner\n<daftykins> i don't like roasts and yet it's what's tonight :(\n<penguin42> oh, send them over here then\n<popey> outrage!\n<daftykins> ^_^\n<daftykins> that reminds me, i was going to look up a film i never saw\n<penguin42> which?\n<daftykins> err, that Bruce Willis and kid that sees ghosts one\n<penguin42> Sixth sense?\n<daftykins> that's the one ja\n<daftykins> though i've already had it ruined over the years naturally =/\n<penguin42> good film\n<solarcloud_3srcn> penguin42: My best film of all time .... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_i9u9Ps7zh4\n<daftykins> people should be shot for uploading videos at the wrong aspect ratio\n<mgdm> that's slightly extreme\n<daftykins> if taken literally, yeah\n<penguin42> solarcloud_3srcn: Hmm, those are 'ok'\n * penguin42 prefers High planes drifter\n<popey> Sunday afternoon is: Children brushing my hair and putting it in a pony tail.\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Apt request : can popey have a feather in his hair please, as a feature ?\n<daftykins> popey: you have long hair? 0o\n * solarcloud_3srcn Maps the t'internet .. ::: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/55128914/Attachments%20Email%20Xchat/AK38c.jpg\n<daftykins> i wonder what a sea of downoads is\n<solarcloud_3srcn> not an aacount-an-see anyway !! haha..\n<penguin42> daftykins: /var/cache/apt/archives?\n<daftykins> penguin42: i was just being a spelling pedant\n<daftykins> also i frequently run a good clean ^_^\n<daftykins> and purge my older kernels\n<penguin42> solarcloud_3srcn: I'm sure the cats must occupy a larger area of the internet\n<solarcloud_3srcn> penguin, true, but is 'occupy'still going, in your part of the woods ?\n<solarcloud_3srcn> take that as a no\n<penguin42> solarcloud_3srcn: haha well I didn't mean that occupy; I think in this part of the woods they got as far as about 3 tents on a piece of grass near the town hall for about a week\n<penguin42> a year or so ago\n<solarcloud_3srcn> They still meet on a mumble server believe it or not !\n<penguin42> has mumble got any better? It used to be almost but not entirely possible to get the audio to work reliably\n<solarcloud_3srcn> no\n<solarcloud_3srcn> everyone gets frustrated with mumble .. needs crowdfunding ... !!\n<penguin42> solarcloud_3srcn: I guess they keep trying to have meetings to discuss it but ....\n<solarcloud_3srcn> lol\n<solarcloud_3srcn> could be forked easy enough, if i recall.\n<alex__> alex\n<alex__> Fine, don't ask me then\n<meet> Which is a good light weight distro using ubuntu? I plan to use it from a live usb and use it in my college to do practical work and classes\n<AlanBell> I would just use Ubuntu\n<daftykins> meet: xubuntu is lighter\n<ali1234> \"portable\" ubuntu\n<meet> ali1234 is there such thing?\n<ali1234> can you install nvidia driver and amd driver onto a live usb, and then have it still work correctly?\n<ali1234> meet: yes, use the live usb creator\n<AlanBell> yes with the persistent partition thing\n<ali1234> but i would expect issues now that ubuntu requires a working 3d driver\n<ali1234> since getting that to work is highly machine dependent\n<ali1234> i would go with a distro that doesn't have this requirement\n<ali1234> and nobody better even think of saying llvmpipe is a workable replacement for 3d acceleration, because it isn't\n<AlanBell> not entirely sure that you can install the nvidia drivers then go use an ATI machine and install drivers for that and then flip about between all kinds of machines and have it just work\n<AlanBell> but maybe you can\n<meet> Daftykins are these the lightest distros out there? I also will not need thunderbird and all that bloat\n<daftykins> meet: well with a persistent install, you can just remove packages...\n<ali1234> the lightest distro are also hard to use\n<ali1234> removing packages that you don;t use won't make the system run faster\n<daftykins> meet: are you sure you can even boot your own OS in a College? most machines are locked down in such places\n<solarcloud_3srcn> AlanBell: How was London ??\n<AlanBell> cold\n<solarcloud_3srcn> ok, fair enough.\n<meet> Daftykins ya I checked the other day. I was able to boot from a USB\n<solarcloud_3srcn> meet: You could try, Lubuntu , I do, and it's fine.\n<meet> Ali1234 so is there any thing which is ubuntu based and has unneeded softwares removed like the music player and all\n<daftykins> meet: you might get told off for that. even if it works, wouldn't there be a web proxy to block net access? or is it not really a well provisioned college?\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Lubuntu.\n<ali1234> meet: why worry.just having stuff on  usb disk isn't going to slow anything down\n<ali1234> the killer is unity\n<solarcloud_3srcn> yes, Unity is not in Lubuntu.\n<meet> Daftykins you may say that ;-)\n<daftykins> ^_^\n<MartijnVdS> Which pay-as-you-go SIM should I get? Or does anyone know a website where I can compare deals?\n<daftykins> meet: just be sure not to mount the local disks, that may make them angry :>\n<solarcloud_3srcn> MartijnVdS: For the UK ?\n<meet> Ya. Probably won't need them at all\n<MartijnVdS> yes\n<daftykins> when i was teaching at a College i still knew the BIOS passwords so i booted liveUSBs to show students stuff, but one time it caused the system to fsck itself\n<MartijnVdS> solarcloud_3srcn: I'll be going there soon.. and I want a SIM for my mifi :)\n<daftykins> which was odd 'cause i didn't even mount them i don't think 0o\n<solarcloud_3srcn> dunno , I'm in an enclave called the Isle of Man. soz.\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: for data, three are the best value, and have the best data i have ever had.\n<MartijnVdS> solarcloud_3srcn: the more data the better :)\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: even in remote places (I'll be going to Land's End)\n<MartijnVdS> ?\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: also, three payg, for £15 do no fup unlimited data,\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: that does sound good\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: lands end, i dont know, not been.\n<solarcloud_3srcn> MartijnVdS: Say hello to the Lizard, for me ^_^\n<ali1234> do three still do that unlimited free skype to skype calls with other three users?\n<brobostigon> no idea, ali1234\n<meet> Daftykins - haha! Ok then I will opt for ubuntu with an l. Btw will I able to install jdk and everythng else normaly?\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: I'll post photos ;)\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: I'll be going in May\n<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: :)\n<daftykins> meet: again, hit up pendrivelinux.com and learn about persistent installs.\n<meet> ok. I was planning to use unetbootin which I felt was easy\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Strong winds forecast for lower Wales tonite, BTW.\n<ali1234> use live image creator tool in ubuntu\n<ali1234> unetbootin does not set up a proper persistent portable install\n<solarcloud_3srcn> agreed.\n<MartijnVdS> neither does it set up EFI properly\n<solarcloud_3srcn> AlanBell: What was the meeting you are doing in the #meeting channel ?\n<AlanBell> IRC Council\n<solarcloud_3srcn> ah, elders only, ...\n * solarcloud_3srcn is merely a padawan ;)\n<meet> Ali1234 is it ubuntu only?\n<solarcloud_3srcn> meet not that I recall.\n<AlanBell> startup disk creator is what it is called\n<meet> Ok... Will search for that.  thanks everyone :-)\n<solarcloud_3srcn> AlanBell: Have got any response from your shopping app. yet ? i.e. can they give feedback on the gnome page ?\n<AlanBell> there are some comments here https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/564/amazon-shopping/\n<solarcloud_3srcn> opening...\n<AlanBell> it hasn't really generated any revenue at all, which is interesting\n<AlanBell> about 15 clicks or something\n<directhex> banshee used to contribute thousands to gnome, but since people started dumping banshee, those numbers are rather sad now\n<AlanBell> dunno if I am reading it right, might be 1262 views of detail pages, 15 of them clicked on other stuff\n<AlanBell> there was a comment from the reviewer saying that I might like to talk to the foundation about getting the shopping thing in by default\n<AlanBell> but as it generates no money at the moment it is rather an academic point\n<solarcloud_3srcn> AlanBell: that would be good, Does it take up much server time, your side or not /\n<solarcloud_3srcn> ?\n<AlanBell> no, hardly any\n<solarcloud_3srcn> k\n<solarcloud_3srcn> well at least you've opened it up, for everyone .. kudos to AlanBell !!\n<directhex> is semi-integrated shopping right in the OS something people want? i can't say i've used it in unity either\n<AlanBell> probably not\n<AlanBell> would be interesting to know if there is any revenue from the unity shopping lens, I expect there is a bit\n<directhex> I'm not saying \"YOU SUCK STOP HACKING\" i just wanbt to better understand the usage patterns\n<AlanBell> I actually quite like it as a concept personally\n<ali1234> i don't want integrated anything :/\n<AlanBell> and I think you should always nominate an affiliate code when shopping on Amazon as a moral principal\n<AlanBell> otherwise you are just giving the commission to Amazon on top of their profit margin\n<ali1234> because capitalism is the ultimate moral philosophy, right?\n<AlanBell> consumerism ftw\n<AlanBell> but if you do shop on Amazon you get to give a 5% kickback to any good cause of your choosing that has an affiliate ID\n<ali1234> which is basically none, as we found\n<daftykins> hrmm does OS X read and write on NTFS yet, anyone know?\n<AlanBell> and if Jeff Bezos is your chosen good cause, then carry on shopping from a browser :)\n<ali1234> if everyone uses affiliate codes they'll just put the prices up 5%\n<ali1234> you can't win this game\n<ali1234> the only way is to not play\n<AlanBell> my kids school has an affiliate code, lots of small places do\n<ali1234> a large number of the shops on amazon have their own websites too. what you should really do is search amazon, then google for their site and buy there\n<ali1234> if you have some problem with giving bezos money that is\n<AlanBell> yes, that is good, if they do the shipping\n<AlanBell> lots of places have given up on logistics and just put all their stuff in an Amazon warehouse and let Amazon deal with it\n<daftykins> 'fulfilled by Amazon'\n<daftykins> definitely tougher to find stuff *actually* sold by them lately i find\n<daftykins> unless there's a trick to it i don't know of\n<ali1234> there is. select \"super saver delivery\" only\n<ali1234> the small shops may do free delivery but it's not the same so they get filtered\n<daftykins> that's one step later\n<daftykins> is it not?\n<ali1234> yes\n<ali1234> but i feel you might be asking for a \"do what i want\" button\n<daftykins> not really.\n<daftykins> btw that sounds very arrogant\n<ali1234> well, complaining about 1 extra click to buy something sounds like first world problems\n<ali1234> bug 994921\n<lubotu3> bug 994921 in apport (Ubuntu Quantal) \"'ubuntu-bug /var/crash/app.crash' (and even more so, 'apport-cli -c /var/crash/app.crash') should still allow manual bug filing in stable releases\" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/994921\n<daftykins> wasn't really a complaint, perhaps you just read my statement with the attitude you carry around?\n<czajkowski> evening\n<daftykins> hi\n<czajkowski> daftykins: hows things\n<daftykins> not bad thanks! getting closer to my house buying completion on the 5th :) and you?\n<czajkowski> good thanks, busy but looking for to FOSDEM next weekend\n<daftykins> ah-har\n * solarcloud_3srcn finishes his 3 for a pound cadbury's creme egg and wonder's why Uncle Sam owns them now ...\n<daftykins> mmm creme eggs\n<solarcloud_3srcn> they are nice. but they are /were mine, and not Terry's !\n<solarcloud_3srcn> Brace yourself the 'Easter Egg's2 posts are coming ...\n<solarcloud_3srcn>                                                                                                                                                        .\n<brobostigon> is there a html frontend for get-iplayer? something that will alow my mum to use get-iplayer without her having to learn the terminal commands.\n<ali1234> yeah. it's at bbc.co.uk/iplayer\n<brobostigon> haha\n<directhex> yes\n<ali1234> i'm serious btw. they have download links for \"portable media devices\" which is what get-iplayer fetches\n<ali1234> right under the actual embedded video\n<directhex> http://linuxcentre.net/getiplayer/get_iplayer-pvr-manager\n<brobostigon> interesting, thank you directhex\n<ali1234> actually those website downloads are wmv nonsense\n<brobostigon> they are flv and then converted into mp4 with ffmpeg, as popey pointed out a few days ago.\n<ali1234> get-iplayer is\n<ali1234> the iplayer website serves up wmv files\n<ali1234> you have to play it in windows media player to obtain a license and then transfer the license to your player along with the file\n#ubuntu-uk 2014-01-20\n<directhex> sounds like he'd be a great fit working for NetApp\n<daftykins> do they enjoy matchstick storage setups?\n<directhex> they enjoy piles of crazy disks\n<MooDoo> morning all\n<knightwise> morning\n<MooDoo> morning\n<knightwise> morning MooDoo\n<knightwise> how are you\n<MooDoo> knightwise: i'm ok thanks :) could do with more weekend :D\n<knightwise> me too\n<knightwise> been spending far too much time on my laptop this weekend\n<knightwise> Had an issue with my wifi on my ubuntu machine\n<knightwise> looks like one of the last driver updates gives it some trouble in playing nice with a mixed N/G network\n<knightwise> distro rolled to debian and mint , only to find the same problem :(\n<MooDoo> booo\n<knightwise> true . I am getting constant tcp retransmissions\n<knightwise> and i'm having zero issues with all the other machines on the network\n<knightwise> problem started appearing when I got my new router\n<knightwise> so its the combo new router/latest driver on ubuntu thats the culprit\n<popey> Good morning\n<knightwise> morning popey\n<Myrtti> popey: may I recommend - if you sprinkle salt on your poached/boiled eggs, get Herbamare from somewhere\n<popey> ooh, spooky. Just finished nomming poached eggs\n<popey> ooh, that looks tasty\n<TheOpenSourcerer> morning all\n<Myrtti> popey: it's not spooky as I'm myself still more or less on UK time and finished my staple breakfast myself just now\n<Myrtti> ;-)\n<Myrtti> just good timing\n<popey> ☻\n<knightwise> anyone else have any experience with slow wifi on 13.10 if you use it in a combined G/N network ?\n<Myrtti> it's a supermarket essential over here but I had to order some from Amazon to have it in UK as I forgot to bring some over\n<Myrtti> holland and barretts might have it tho\n<popey> oh, amazon uk sell it\n<Myrtti> oh yes\n<popey> http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bioforce-Herbamare-Herb-Salt-Pack-nom-nom-nom/dp/B009F7M3UE\n<Myrtti> I would order one smaller pot at first ;-)\n<Myrtti> unless you plan to bribe your relatives with it\n<popey> heh\n<Myrtti> yes it's expensive per weight if you buy a small pot but then you don't like it then you've saved money\n<Myrtti> now quite intrigued by the 'spicy' variant.\n<Myrtti> never tried\n<Myrtti> knightwise: I just have wifi and connection problems all the time with all my kit :-|\n<knightwise> yeah, but this is the first time i'm having serious issues\n<knightwise> the ubuntu machine gets tcp retransmissions and stuff\n<knightwise> while all the other hosts don't have any problem\n<popey> knightwise: intel wifi?\n<knightwise> yep\n<knightwise> its on a Lenovo Twist laptop\n<popey> known issue, disable N\n<knightwise> Disable N on the laptop or on the router ,\n<popey> http://askubuntu.com/questions/119578/how-to-fix-slow-wireless-on-machines-with-intel-wireless-cards\n<popey> laptop\n<directhex> laptop\n<directhex> intel /o\\\n<popey> see the answer there at the top\n<directhex> this specific issue is why i cringe when people praise intel blindly\n * knightwise wish he had known this before he nuked his entire machine\n<directhex> well.actually.cat\n<knightwise> I gave debian a try over hte weekend , and after you do your upgrades .. same thing happens\n<popey> poke intel with a stick\n<knightwise> and when I had an apple airport extreme router .. no problems ...\n<popey> it's been broken for months\n<knightwise> popey: thanx for the tip\n<popey> np\n<popey> sorry it's not good news\n<knightwise> i'll probably reinstall my machine with Xubuntu or Lubuntu\n<knightwise> make it a little leaner\n<knightwise> at least now I know what to do\n<knightwise> funny think is , the intel card doesnt even see the N network\n<directhex> years.\n<knightwise> hmmmm. currently trying out mobaxterm on windows\n<knightwise> nice terminal app\n<knightwise> better then putty\n<JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Day Of Acceptance! :-D\n<knightwise> hey JamesTait\n * DJones doesn't accept that its \"Day of acceptance\"\n<JamesTait> Hey knightwise. :)\n<JamesTait> DJones, http://www.3elove.com/pages/idoa\n<JamesTait> It's on the internet, it must be true. ;)\n<JamesTait> It's also Penguin Appreciation Day, apparently.\n<diplo> Morning all\n<daubers> Morning\n<bigcalm> Good morning peeps :)\n<popey> yo\n * popey is updating to trusty\n<foobarry> crusty?\n<popey> fresh!\n<bigcalm> I hope to be starting with trusty on Wednesday\n<bigcalm> Oh, best send a tweet\n<bigcalm> (I took the weekend off)\n<AlanBell> popey: with or without xmir?\n<popey> I'm just upgrading at the moment\n * daubers goes to steal a company credit card to book parking\n<knightwise> popey: would it be advised to try the alpha of 14.04 ?\n<knightwise> for kinda daily use ?\n<knightwise> or does it fall down every time a flee sneezes\n<popey> well, I only just updated\n<Myrtti> /o\\ I might have just recruited some knitters into cleaning and packing my apartment up for moving to UK. Payment in food, yarn and furniture\n<popey> oh, you're actually moving over here permanently?\n<Myrtti> landlord wants the apartment, makes no sense to start looking for a new place here\n<directhex> IMMIGRANTS!\n<directhex> HERE FOR OUR BENEFITS AND TEA!\n<daubers> WON'T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE BISCUITS?\n<Myrtti> I was actually planning on paying taxes?\n<foobarry> radical\n<popey> bigcalm: what's with those spy camera tweets?\n<popey> i saw it the other day and then again a few days later and thought my twitter was broken\n<bigcalm> ;)\n<bigcalm> popey: google it :)\n<bigcalm> It's more amusing if you already know the reference\n<popey> oh, your laptop?\n<bigcalm> Yus\n<diplo> Anyone use a SVN gui in here like Tortoise on windows ?\n<diplo> If so, any recommendations\n<AlanBell> access #libertos list\n<AlanBell> fail\n<diplo> :D\n<foobarry> diplo: redmine?\n<Seeker`> AlanBell: your / key is staging a mutiny?\n<foobarry> although i don't know this windows you speak of\n<diplo> Sorry, meant local to OS.. svn log/st etc\n<AlanBell> Seeker`: finger trouble this morning ;)\n<diplo> Redmine is a web app task type thing isn't it\n<foobarry> yes\n<Myrtti> how bad is it on the scale from 0 to 10 that we started putting stuff related to the move to a Trello board?\n<AlanBell> diplo: yeah, with integration with various version control things\n<diplo> Yeah, this is for running on my PC. I like to use tortoise as quick way to scroll through logs on certain commits\n<diplo> Used Rabbit before but it seemed quite bugged\n<diplo> buggy*\n<diplo> http://rabbitvcs.org/\n<AlanBell> Myrtti: not too bad, I would say about pi\n<foobarry> do they need to be named after animals?\n<bigcalm> AlanBell: speaking of Pi. Any project updates?\n<jussi> hrm, what day is it today... Ive totally lost track...\n<AlanBell> bigcalm: yeah, I have a stack of pi devices arrived today :)\n<AlanBell> bigcalm: and I am preparing some other updates shortly\n<bigcalm> yay\n<foobarry> do i have to quit all libreoffice apps to get it to reload list of pritners? calc, impress, writer etc?\n<Seeker`> jussi: November 5th 1955\n<jussi>  /me smacks Seeker`\n<foobarry> it's $today\n<foobarry> `date`\n<jussi> Seeker`: my calendar says sunday, but that doesnt seem right. maybe the meds have really messed with my head...\n<Seeker`> jussi: its monday\n<foobarry> if irc is busy with talk of food and work, then its monday\n<jussi> foobarry: yeah, true tha\n<jussi> t\n<jussi> I guess this si the reason they made me sign a thing to not make any important decisions while on these meds.\n<Seeker`> what meds?\n<Seeker`> jussi: ^\n<brobostigon> good morning everyone\n<jussi> Seeker`: some opiate based stuff they have me on for pain relief after cutting the back of my throat out\n<jussi> morning brobostigon\n<Seeker`> sounds fun\n<brobostigon> morning jussi\n<Seeker`> which part of the back of your throat did they cut out?\n<jussi> Seeker`: anythign but. its a world of pain\n<jussi> Seeker`: in english? some part of the tonsils - the special ones at the back that have to do with swallowing\n<jussi> nielurisat (I think) in finnish\n<jussi> Myrtti: can probably translate better than I.\n<Seeker`> that just translates to tonsils according to google\n<foobarry> i just had a look in #ubuntu-fi\n<foobarry> is it mostly lurkers?\n<MartijnVdS> foobarry: no, the Finnish are a quiet people who don't talk much ;)\n<jussi> Seeker`: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palatine_tonsil\n<foobarry> thats why jussi and Myrtti don't even lurk in there?\n<Seeker`> jussi: ah, ok\n<davmor2> Morning all\n<brobostigon> morning davmor2\n * popey migrates laptop from ext4 to btrfs\n<popey> \\o/\n<directhex> butterfs!\n<popey> ButterFuss!\n<foobarry> butterkist\n<Myrtti> foobarry: it's mainly support, the interesting discussions which rarely if ever happen, happen elsewhere\n<Myrtti> besides I don't really parcipate to any of their events of which I'm not sure they even have\n<Myrtti> no reason to stay - so I'm not there\n<daubers> popey: I built a btrfs array for home over the weekend\n<bashrc> nice\n<popey> ☻\n<daubers> got it serving up roaming profiles to my windows machines as well using Samba4 as the domain controller\n<YaManicKill> Anyone have any experience with RAID usb devices that *aren't* drobos? I know drobos are brilliant and you'd all recommend them blah blah, but I don't have that kinda money just now :-P\n<daubers> need to get my linux machines authenticating to it and using it for home folders now\n<daubers> drobos suck\n<bashrc> I don't have any windows machines anymore\n<YaManicKill> daubers: well, that's one I've not heard before :-P\n<daubers> YaManicKill: Ask popey, he had much mirth with them :)\n<popey> well\n<popey> some mirth\n<popey> I wouldn't buy another one\n<Seeker`> popey: just out of interest, are there any pieces of paper in your house which aren't laminated right now?\n<popey> hah, some\n<Seeker`> popey: those are the sheets which are too large to fit in the laminator?\n<popey> indeed\n<davmor2> popey: did you manage to get the house through the laminator in the end?\n<popey> ☻\n<davmor2> popey: you know the garden shed tends to just be 7 sheets of really thick paper like material right?\n<davmor2> popey: trees are made of paper too so those can go through\n<daubers> popey: bonuspoints for laminating davmor2\n<bigcalm> popey: btfs will work well on a single SSD in a laptop?\n<popey> bigcalm: why not?\n<YaManicKill> popey: is that drobos in general? or hardware RAID controllers overall?\n<bigcalm> popey: I have no idea, I'm asking you :)\n<daubers> YaManicKill: Drobo != RAID\n<popey> bigcalm: ext4 will work well on a single SSD in a laptop?\n<daubers> YaManicKill: Drop = some weird proprietary raid like thing\n<davmor2> popey: does btrfs have the optimisations for ssd's\n<daubers> davmor2: Yes\n<popey> it knows what an SSD is\n<daubers> It supports TRIM and the like\n<davmor2> daubers: thanks popey ;)  I was assuming it would but thought I'd ask\n<directhex> the value of Dogecoin, buoyed by association with Jamaican bobsledders, combined with a 20M DOGE donation, means Jamaica should now have sufficient funding to send its 2-man bobsled team to the Sochi winter olympics\n<directhex> this is a real thing.\n<YaManicKill> daubers: oh reaaally. Now that I didn't know.\n<YaManicKill> That explains a lot, and makes my decision easier.\n<YaManicKill> Ok, well let me change my question...has anyone ever had any experience with hardware RAID controllers? I'm looking at buying one, and not sure what people think about them.\n<daubers> directhex: The future is weird\n<daubers> YaManicKill: Which brand/number of drives/Rreq'd RAID level?\n<davmor2> daubers: of course the future is weird we are in control of it\n<directhex> daubers, yes\n<YaManicKill> daubers: brand of hdd or RAID controller?\n<daubers> YaManicKill: RAID controller\n<YaManicKill> daubers: sharkoon, initially looking at 3 drives in RAID5 but with ability to expand up to the 5 the controller I'm looking at supports, but I could live with 4 easily.\n<YaManicKill> http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sharkoon-5-Bay-Raid-Housing-inch-eSATA/dp/B004VJ4CSW/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_S_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=3DPPREXJEH156&coliid=I200GGSB0K5G74\n<YaManicKill> that's the one I'm looking at\n<bigcalm> popey: sure, so the default of ext4 is fine. But you mentioned that you were using btfs on your laptop. I assume that the laptop is using an SSD\n<daubers> Ah, ok, no idea what controller that will have inside :) Probably LSI\n * daubers only tends to deal in PCIe cards\n<bigcalm> Morning davmor2, how's the new toy?\n<YaManicKill> oh right. Yeah, this is for a mpc\n<davmor2> bigcalm: very nice till they broke the universe :)\n<YaManicKill> they don't mention anywhere on amazon or their website what controller they use\n<popey> bigcalm: yes, ssd\n<bigcalm> directhex: the amount has dropped to $684 :|\n<bigcalm> popey: I know nothing of btfs. What would be the advantage of using it on a single drive over etx4?\n<directhex> bigcalm, withdrawl\n<popey> it has features ext4 doesn't have\n<bigcalm> directhex: ah\n<diddledan> mornign\n<popey> and i have room for two SSDs in my laptop, so I could do funky thinks like mirroring\n<directhex> http://dogechain.info/address/DCLmwBUiY9EE8ND6FYtDfbFsiQD8LAZvAZ\n<bigcalm> Ooo\n<directhex> popey,  RAID0!\n<popey> tis quite fast rsyncing from one ssd to another\n<directhex> bigcalm, looks like most of the doge have been moved to http://dogechain.info/address/DDEgZ8YntMfbxjaYuem36xQCDAosyiaBfp\n<diddledan> wtf is a doge?\n<YaManicKill> dogecoin\n<YaManicKill> or doge themsevles?\n<diddledan> (I know of the doge meme, but that doesn't make sense with this)\n<YaManicKill> It's just a new cryptocurrency with lots of doges everywhere.\n<YaManicKill> Think bitcoin, but with everyone thinking doge is funny every second of every day\n<diddledan> huh?\n<YaManicKill> Do you know bitcoin?\n<diddledan> yeah, I know bitcoin - I'm failing to understand the link with a popculture meme\n<YaManicKill> The link is \"We like doge, we like cryptocurrency, let's make a cryptocurrency with doge memes\".\n<YaManicKill> It's got nothing on a technical level to do with it.\n<YaManicKill> They just put the meme everywhere on it.\n<YaManicKill> Stop trying to understand it. Just...accept it.\n<diddledan> ok, so it's called doge - has it been vetted like bitcoin has on an academic level to prove that it's impossible to just \"invent\" \"coins\"?\n<diddledan> .. and therefore that the inventors of the currency can't devalue your stock\n<YaManicKill> It uses lightcoin technology, so it depends on that one.\n<YaManicKill> As for your question, no idea.\n<diddledan> I don't get the point of cloning other currencies with a different key and claiming it's new and better\n<diddledan> it everyone clones everyone else then there'll be thousands of currencies all with next-to-no intrinsic value\n<YaManicKill> Yup.\n<diddledan> the reason bitcoin has value is because people want it\n<foobarry> just like beanie babies\n<YaManicKill> Wow, 1990s flashback.\n<diddledan> so it brings me back to \"what's the point of dogecoin?\"\n<davmor2> diddledan: I think you are over thinking it, Why do people climb mountains, pot hole, swim the channel.  Cause it is there! why do people make there own version of a currency cause it's there and they think they can get rich quick. ;)\n<Myrtti> oh dear crikey let all the cryptocurrencies burrrrnnnnnnnnn\n<foobarry> diddledan: a speculators tool\n<foobarry> like shares in china.com or whatever vacuous things people bought shares in during the .com bubble\n<foobarry> pasta ready-meal is creamy and contains nutmeg..tastes suspiciously like rice pudding which is a dessert. my mouth is confused\n<diddledan> lol\n<diddledan> maybe it _is_ rice pudding?!\n<foobarry> because it also has bacon\n<diddledan> just in a different pot\n<diddledan> and with bacon\n<diddledan> wtf?!\n<foobarry> my mum used to make vermicelli pud like this\n<Myrtti> the concept of pudding/dessert is sometimes so confusing\n<Myrtti> in Finland rice pudding/barley pudding is tranlated into porridge. Rice porridge, barley porridge. It doesn't necessarily have a dessert connotation - so having barley porridge as a school lunch was a normal thing to occur once a month\n<foobarry> usually for me, bacon = main course, sweet stuff = dessert\n<foobarry> except breakfast, which is often sweet\n<Myrtti> sure, but Finns usually put a tiny bit of salt into rice porridge - it doesn't still mean that it can't be served as a dessert\n<popey> smells like lunchtime\n * popey looks for recipes for what to do with belly pork\n<bigcalm> popey: hog roast!\n<popey> yeah, i think so\n<davmor2> Myrtti: don't the finns add salt to everything? ;)\n<bigcalm> I can't believe that we ate a whole pig\n<popey> i can ☻\n<davmor2> bigcalm: I wouldn't put anything past you :P\n<bigcalm> davmor2: It wasn't just me, popey helped\n<popey> http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2009/oct/11/nigel-slater-recipes-pork-belly\n<popey> gonna go for the first one in that list and roast it slowly\n<davmor2> bigcalm: oh well easy then :)\n<bigcalm> Oh, I think we have some ribs in the freezer. Might have them later in the week\n<diddledan> pig sounds tasty\n<davmor2> spiderpig\n<bigcalm> Not nice thought\n<diddledan> I wonder how long it'll be before chickens are crossed with spiders to get extra drumsticks\n<diddledan> and then the chickens will probably take over the world but that's another story\n<foobarry> or octopi\n<AlanBell> yay, spider chickens \\o/\n<davmor2> bigcalm: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=714-Ioa4XQw\n<diddledan> I for one welcome our new overlords\n<bigcalm> Time for me to leave IRC alone for a while\n<foobarry> married women lusting after gary barlow on my facebook feed :S\n<davmor2> bigcalm: that was my reference for spiderpig :)\n<bigcalm> davmor2: I know the video without looking at it. I just don't want to think about cooking and eating a pig that's part spider. Now I feel rather sick\n<davmor2> bigcalm: wuss insects are the food of the future did you not see QI\n<foobarry> my sister called from surrey with a laptop problem. ascertained that the backlight had gone, she shone a torch on the screen to see stuff :D\n<davmor2> bigcalm: Arachnids too\n * bigcalm hugs the /clear command\n<diddledan> think how mary jane feels about kissing spiderman?! </troll>\n<davmor2> diddledan: spiderman is a troll what films and comics have you been looking at?\n<diddledan> I thought spiderman was a spider.. man\n<foobarry> used the wrong gateway ip while in the server room while setting up drac :( have to go back to fix before i can see the servers\n<foobarry> stoopid non standard default gateway addresses\n<diddledan> fudge\n<diddledan> crickets!\n<foobarry> numpties\n<knightwise> aha , it appears the new version of Geary supports attaching files :)\n<knightwise> nice\n<directhex> it's the future!\n<knightwise> lol :)\n<knightwise> its a nice looking mail all\n<knightwise> app\n<directhex> wake me when it has caldav and ldap address books\n<BigRedS> I just want it to support multiple accounts\n<knightwise> true , that would be nice\n<BigRedS> caldav, address books would be *nice* but that seems to be to be a fairly necessary feature\n<DJones> I thought geary did support multiple accounts\n<knightwise> I thought it did came with a link to your address book ?\n<BigRedS> I'd have at least tried it by now if it could do that\n<knightwise> i like this interface though\n<knightwise> makes thunderbird look cluttered\n<popey> any UI is uncluttered when it's not finished\n<knightwise> true\n<knightwise> well .. at least its better then evolution\n<BigRedS> I'm not so concerned about thunderbird's clutteredness as I am its apparent need for half my ram\n<BigRedS> and the way that every GUI mail client seems to not bother checking folders until I click on them\n<diddledan> thunderbird is indeed memory hungry. it can bring even the mightiest of beasts to their knees\n<diddledan> like david and his adversary goliath\n<diddledan> only david is the bad guy in this tale, and goliath is us.\n<diddledan> wtf? maplin email today: \"USD GPS Dongle with SiRF Star III GPS chipset. compatible with windows, macintosh and linux redhat 7.3\"\n<diddledan> 7.3 is from way back in 1999\n<diddledan> afaicr\n<popey> \\o/ migration to btrfs complete\n<diddledan> popey: that on your nas or your desktop?\n<popey> laptop\n<popey> alan@deep-thought:~$ mount | grep btrfs\n<popey> /dev/sdb1 on / type btrfs (rw,noatime,nodiratime)\n<popey> /dev/sda1 on /home type btrfs (rw,noatime,nodiratime)\n<popey> \\o/\n<diddledan> meh, laptop/dekstop :-p\n<diddledan> well done :-)\n<popey> alan@deep-thought:~$ df -h | grep sd\n<popey> /dev/sdb1            231G  164G   65G  72% /\n<popey> /dev/sda1            224G  138G   85G  62% /home\n<popey> \\o/\n<popey> need to remove my old home from /\n<popey> /dev/sdb1            231G   27G  202G  12% /\n<popey> \\o/ much better\n<foobarry> strawberry licorice. nom\n<foobarry> i wonder if there's a .nom TLD\n<daubers> Airports are boring\n<Seeker`> daubers: which airport?\n<foobarry> all\n<Seeker`> Heathrow need to use higher resolition shadow maps for their planes\n<Seeker`> https://twitter.com/Simon_Fe1/status/362250251022778371/photo/1\n<MartijnVdS> Seeker`: 8-)\n<daubers> Seeker`: Heathrow T5\n<MartijnVdS> daubers: airports are fascinating. As long as you're just passing through on your commute ;)\n<Seeker`> MartijnVdS: I pointed that out to Simon_Fe on the way to LA :D\n<MartijnVdS> daubers: my bus goes via Schiphol airport\n<daubers> MartijnVdS: This kinda is a commute, off to Zurich for work for a couple of days\n<MartijnVdS> daubers: sure but not a daily one\n<daubers> MartijnVdS: Nah, a daily air commute would kill me\n * MartijnVdS actually considered a 4 days London/3 days Netherlands (\"home\") job once. Decided I'd probably go crazy instead :)\n<daubers> Urgh\n * Seeker` imagines a Mrs Doubtfire type situation\n<MartijnVdS> Seeker`: not THAT kind of job..\n<Seeker`> MartijnVdS: I meant the scene where he is running between a friend and the someonee else and forgets who is meant to be at which table\n<MartijnVdS> Seeker`: Yes, that sort of thing is why I didn't take it ;)\n<foobarry> .tattoo seems to be the most expensive TLD\n<foobarry> £200/year\n<Guest24851> Hi, a drive area which I partitioned won't mount, anyone know about this sort of thing?\n<Guest24851> I got this error message -\n<Guest24851> Error mounting system-managed device /dev/sda7: Command-line `mount \"/mnt/d456c373-1d42-4b00-b9a3-1aad4f465d32\"' exited with non-zero exit status 32: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda7,\n<Guest24851>        missing codepage or helper program, or other error\n<Guest24851>        In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try\n<Guest24851>        dmesg | tail  or so\n<foobarry> \"A leading bookmaker has suspended betting on the Queen announcing her abdication by the end of the year after a large gamble was placed in the Windsor area.\"\n<foobarry> harry?\n<foobarry> charlie?\n<MartijnVdS> foobarry: phil?\n<foobarry> philly? has one been to the bookies again?\n<DJones> Nah, Camilla\n<MartijnVdS> I wonder how many people bet on the day before (or the day after) she reaches \"longest reigning monarch\"\n<YaManicKill> ha\n<foobarry> nfs server has iowait , how to determine the busy user?\n<popey> foobarry: iotop?\n<popey> sudo iotop -o\n<foobarry> shows nfsd processes..\n<foobarry> i could follow via netstat -p\n<foobarry> nope\n<bigcalm> #ubuntu-uk has contempt, but for what?\n<directhex> court\n<Laney> due process\n<davmor2> bigcalm: people asking what we have contempt for?\n<bubu> Hey guys, I think a package is pulling in ruby1.8, and I would like to know which package this is. It's being installed and update-alternatives is updating to point to it instead of ruby 2.\n<bubu> ~$ apt-cache rdepends ruby1.8 --installed\n<bubu> ruby1.8\n<bubu> Reverse Depends:\n<bubu>  |passenger-dev\n<bubu>  |passenger\n<bubu>  |crash-watch\n<bubu> but I have other nodes with passenger on that haven't pulled in ruby1.8 ....\n * bubu scratches head\n<popey> bubu: try \"aptitude why ruby1.8\"\n<bubu> popey: i A passenger    Depends    ruby2.0 | ruby1.9.1 | ruby1.8 | ruby-interpreter\n<bubu> but that doesn't make sense to me, I have passenger on another node, and that hasn't had ruby1.8 installed on it..\n<popey> rubygems wants it here\n<bubu> huh?\n<popey> i am on 14.04 tho\n<bubu> am 12.04\n<shauno> bubu: on a fresh 12.04 (well, Vagrant, anyway), ruby points to 1.8.  is there a chance you installed ruby 2 on the other node?\n<bubu> nope\n<bubu> josh@ci4:~$ dpkg -l | grep ruby\n<bubu> ii  libruby1.9.1                                           Libraries necessary to run Ruby 1.9.1\n<bubu> ii  ruby-2.0.0-p353                                2.0.0-p353                          no description given\n<bubu> ii  ruby-daemon-controller                         1.1.8-1~precise1                    Library for robust daemon management\n<bubu> ii  ruby-rack                                      1.3.5-1                             Modular Ruby webserver interface\n<bubu> ii  ruby1.9.1                                              Interpreter of object-oriented scripting lang\n<bubu> looks like texlive-full installs ruby1.8 ...\n<shauno> this is what I have on a fresh image of precise-cloud; http://paste.ubuntu.com/6787672/\n<shauno> so I guess my question isn't why this machine is installing 1.8, but why the other machine has 2\n<bubu> shauno: thanks but its not a fresh install\n<bubu> looks like texlive-full installs ruby1.8\n<bubu> I'm using chef, so chef runs, installs ruby 2, updates alternatives etc. then libtex-full is installed which pulls in ruby1.8 which updates-alternatives again to be helpful\n<bubu> is there a way to install a package like texlive-full, but not install the ruby 1.8 it then tries to install?\n<BigRedS> presumably texlive-full depends on ruby 1.8?\n<BigRedS> oh, it's a metapackage. Well, you could install all of its dependencies bar those which depend on ruby1.8\n<bubu> BigRedS: How can I do that?\n<bubu> I could apt-get download textlive-full and then force install that deb file using dpkg but that feels nasty and possibly broken\n<BigRedS> you could look at the depends list and install all of it that doesn't pull in ruby1.8\n<BigRedS> I think there's a way to blacklist a package but I can't remember\n<BigRedS> so you don't accidentally install it\n<bubu> --ignore-depends ?\n<SuperMatt> Hi\n<BigRedS> if you put ruby1.8 on hold then you'll need to do a force to make it install\n<BigRedS> and then you can safely go through all the texlive depends installing them; any that rely on ruby1.8 will fail\n<BigRedS> no, ignore depends will just install stuff without making sure it's got what it needs in order to run\n<bubu> I'm pretty sure it just needs ruby, but installs ruby1.8\n<bubu> I have ruby 2 installed as system ruby so it should be ok...\n<BigRedS> yeah, ruby irritates the crap out of me so I tend to not install things that depend on it\n<BigRedS> but if whatever it is depends on just \"ruby\" then I'd not expect anything to try to install ruby1.8\n<bubu> I'm using backports so it's http://ppa.launchpad.net/texlive-backports/ppa/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-amd64/Packages\n<BigRedS> and I'd be surprised to find something that works in ruby 1.8 also work in 2.0\n<bubu> aye, big change\n<BigRedS> but, yeah, all of that does just appear to depend on ruby\n<BigRedS> maybe try putting ruby1.8 on hold and then installing the package\n<bubu> can't see anything specific to ruby1.8 libs in there\n<BigRedS> at worst, that way you'll probably see what it is that's causing dpkg to want ruby1.8\n<bubu> textlive wants to install context context-modules ruby ruby1.8 texlife-full, looks like it's context which wants ruby\n * MartijnVdS pokes his Pi\n<diddledan> shauno: you about?\n<shauno> in theory\n<diddledan> lol\n<diddledan> I got a question - my UPS is on 12% load and it just tried to do a self test but when it finished it said \"refused\"\n<shauno> not entirely sober, so if I go quiet, it's in everyone's best interest\n<diddledan> any idea what was refused and why?\n<shauno> sorry, I don't do soho, call back in office hours :)\n<diddledan> lol\n<diddledan> fair enough\n<shauno> either battery age/condition/lame, or it's not happy with the input power, I'd assume\n<diddledan> hmm, input voltage _is_ quite high at 246.19\n<shauno> generally you won't attempt a self-test if you're not fully charged, if it's not convinced it can run the battery down 20% without falling over, or if the input is out of range so there's no plan B\n<shauno> that said, I'm not sure if soho units bother with 'plan B'.  I don't normally deal with anything under 80kW, so the little boxes are a little odd to me\n<diddledan> I'm wondering if I can suck any log info off it\n<shauno> what is it ?\n<diddledan> smart-ups 750\n<MartijnVdS> pronounced \"Smart-OOPS\"\n<shauno> I'm gonna stick to my alcohol story :)  you can send it some pretty basic commands over serial, but it's a (very) messy protocol that I wouldn't feel comfortable ad-libbing\n<shauno> (google will call it either \"apc smart protocol\" or \"apc link language\" though)\n<shauno> it's not the most fun you've ever had though.  most likely the closest you'd be able to get is to command a runtime callibration and look up the letter it gives you when it refuses\n<BigRedS> MartijnVdS: I'm nicking that pronounciation\n<MartijnVdS> ... Raspberry Pi only had 1GB (of 16) for /\n<shauno> resize2fs?\n<MartijnVdS> shauno: yeah, the did the trick\n<MartijnVdS> shauno: but getting a \"Disk full\" error during apt-get is annyoing :)\n<MartijnVdS> annoying, too\n<shauno> if you like pain, try running java apps on it :)\n<MartijnVdS> shauno: I'm going to run a tiny \"Google Cloud Print\" connector daemon on it\n<MartijnVdS> shauno: so I don't have to configure Chrome to do that.. because that breaks Chrome for some reason\n<MartijnVdS> (\"Could not load your profile\")\n<shauno> I've been trying to run a java app that was originally distributed on a 700MHz VIA /w 256MB\n<shauno> was honestly suprised how much worse the pi performs\n<diddledan__> shauno: I think that's probably due to evolution of java rather than badness of the pi\n<MartijnVdS> the pi's CPU is *slow*\n<shauno> it is.  a whole lot slower than the clock count betrays.\n<diddledan__> I suppose part of that is no instruction reordering\n<shauno> we have an app that used to be distributed on hardware.  but the HW is all dying.  I thought the pi might be a cheap way to keep it alive.  I was wrong.\n<shauno> instead I'm distributing instructions on replacing the HDD with a CF card, because the pathetic cooling killing the HDD is the #1 killer, and the mobo it uses happens to have a CF carrier on the underside\n<zleap> isn't there a beagle board or beagle bone that is better spec than the pi,  and can run ubuntu\n<zleap> maybe something like that would work\n<MartijnVdS> or a NUC\n<shauno> it doesn't need to be ubuntu, the original is so old it's using RH pre-RHEL as a platform :)\n<ali1234> how do you disable upstart services?\n<shauno> as far as I can tell, you uninstall them\n<ali1234> the linux software for leap motion runs a leapd as root with upstart - it's a system service that runs all the time\n<shauno> I may be wrong, I often am; but it appears to be built around the ethos of \"if you don't want it running, why did you install it\"\n<ali1234> it runs the monitoring code constantly, so if you wave your hands near your computer -> 100% cpu use\n<ali1234> the daemon doesn't even need to run as root, it runs perfectly fine as a user\n<ali1234> but more to the point there is absolutely no reason for it to run constantly in the first place\n<ali1234> i just deleted /etc/init.d/leapd - that seems to have got rid of it\n<diddledan__> that isn't upstart then\n<diddledan__> upstart jobs are in /etc/init/\n<ali1234> diddledan__: /lib/init/upstart-job - read it\n<diddledan__> ali1234: your point being?\n<ali1234> my point being you're completely wrong :)\n<diddledan__> ali1234: that is a wrapper which gets called on upstart jobs that ALSO have an init.d script to maintain backwards compatibility\n<diddledan__> upstart stores it's jobs in /etc/init - anything in /etc/init.d related to an upstart job is backwards compatibility only\n<diddledan__> removing the job from /etc/init will disable it whereas removing the job from /etc/init.d MAY NOT\n<diddledan__> as a test, remove /etc/init.d/cron and then issue `restart cron` - the job will still start and stop even though you've removed the init.d script because that is JUST a backwards compatibility thing\n<BigRedS> to answer the more original question, I comment-out the entirety of their file in /etc/init/\n#ubuntu-uk 2014-01-21\n<RaxMatt> hmmm... should I got saucy, precise, or trusty on my rax desktop?\n<RaxMatt> *go\n<MooDoo> morning all\n<Myrtti> meh\n<Myrtti> \"morning\"\n<knightwise> morning ! :)\n<MooDoo> how are you knightwise Myrtti\n<knightwise> doing ok. finally found the root cause of my slow wifi at home\n<MooDoo> knightwise: brill what was it?  hardware?  signal interference?\n<knightwise> hardware\n<knightwise> turns out you have to disable the N spectrum on intel wifi cards under ubuntu\n<knightwise> bad driver/firmware/update thingie\n<Myrtti> tired, stressed, wondering if I'm coming down with a flu\n<MooDoo> my daughter got me up at 3am :(\n<knightwise> funny thing is : i didn't have that problem when I had my airport extreme router.\n<knightwise> and with the asus i do .. Funny\n<knightwise> Myrtti: take good care of yourself\n<knightwise> hot coco and stuff\n<knightwise> DId a nice google search . I pasted part of my Plex media servers configuration webpage url into google\n<knightwise> :) Been watching stuff on random plex servers all over the world :) Funny :p\n<knightwise> hrmphf... flaky connecton to home server today\n<knightwise> even irc is slow\n<MooDoo> not built my home server yet, need drives/memory for it\n<knightwise> I have an I5 with 16 gigs of ram and about 6Tb of storage running a couple of VMs\n<knightwise> works pretty fine\n<MooDoo> I've got a dell poweredge server, but it only support 500gb drives, which will do\n<knightwise> storage is not that important unless you also use it as a media server\n<JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Hugging Day! :-D\n<MooDoo> knightwise: nah, looking to have a play with openstack\n<knightwise> Cool :)\n * knightwise now needs to figure out how to disable N on his network card.\n<MartijnVdS> knightwise: why? because it's flaky?\n<knightwise> MartijnVdS: no , because of the known issue I had. Terrible wifi speeds, dropped TCP packets .. The works\n<JamesTait> knightwise, is this the Intel card with those problems?\n<MartijnVdS> knightwise: if it's intel, /sys/modules/iwlwifi/11n_disable (or something) -- just \"echo 1\" into it. And for after a reboot, put a \"local.conf\" in /etc/modprobe.d/ with \"options iwlwifi 11n_disable=1\" (or whatever the file in /sys/modules is called)\n<MartijnVdS> knightwise: but 11G is a lot worse than 11N for performance, consider upgrading anyway :)\n<JamesTait> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/924099\n<lubotu3> Ubuntu bug 924099 in linux (Ubuntu) \"8086:4236 iwlagn kernel module must disable n-support to work with Intel 5300 wireless card\" [Medium,Expired]\n<JamesTait> Actually, MartijnVdS got the more recent version, I think.\n<MartijnVdS> yeah, and in iwlwifi the problem *should* be fixed, afaik\n<MartijnVdS> ah: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2134937\n<knightwise> MartijnVdS: JamesTait : I thikn its an intel card\n<knightwise> I think there is a command that lets you check right ?\n<MartijnVdS> knightwise: read the kernel log, it'll tell you. Also, lsmod.\n<MartijnVdS> knightwise: also, lspci :)\n<knightwise> I found this link http://askubuntu.com/questions/119578/how-to-fix-slow-wireless-on-machines-with-intel-wireless-cards\n<MartijnVdS> knightwise: like I said.. use the 11n_disable module parameter\n<MartijnVdS> knightwise: that's what that page also suggests\n<knightwise> 03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Wireless-N 2230 (rev c4)\n<MartijnVdS> yes, and Centrino network adapters are know to flake out with some brands of router\n<knightwise> Gonna give it a try.\n<MartijnVdS> *cough*Linksys*cough*\n<knightwise> Asus\n<MartijnVdS> knightwise: Asus also use Broadcom chips, like Linksys\n * MartijnVdS only buys TP-Link these days. Yay atheros.\n<MartijnVdS> (also, openwrt ;))\n<knightwise> Error: Module iwlwifi is in use by: iwldvm\n<MartijnVdS> knightwise: so rmmod that as well\n<knightwise> ?\n<knightwise> i'm afraid you lost me there\n<MartijnVdS> knightwise: rmmod iwldvm\n<MartijnVdS> then rmmod iwlwifi\n<knightwise> ok, followed the rest of the tutorial\n<MartijnVdS> you should see more stability now\n<knightwise> This  command gave me an empty file though  gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi-disable11n.conf\n<MartijnVdS> knightwise: yes, because you're creating it\n<knightwise> so i just pasted the line in there\n<MartijnVdS> and putting that one line in there\n<knightwise> gonna reboot the machine now\n<knightwise> ( The machine is at home , I'm accessing it vai SSH )\n<knightwise> but I just noticed that my network traffic at home is getting a lot faster now that i'm rebooting the laptop\n<knightwise> so it seems it is sending out quite a bit of network crap\n<knightwise> thanx again for your help in this guys\n<MartijnVdS> knightwise: maybe it's compromised and spamming? Bittorrenting?\n<knightwise> Nope, just did a clean nuke and pave\n<MartijnVdS> maybe the NSA installed some custom firmware that does it for you ;)\n<MooDoo> will you guys shush i'm trying to snoop knightwise's lan\n<knightwise> MartijnVdS: that would be tax dollars wasted :p\n<MooDoo> ;)\n<knightwise> MooDoo: Find the my little porny vids yet ?\n<MartijnVdS> or the Belgian equivalent\n<MooDoo> knightwise: yes and i'm quite impressed, you're bendy :D\n<MooDoo> lol\n<MartijnVdS> Pony videos? knightwise = brony? ;)\n<knightwise> NOOOOOO\n * knightwise runs away every time he sees furries\n<knightwise> (and pony's)\n<MartijnVdS> knightwise: don't be ashamed, lots of adult men are bronies\n<MooDoo> WTF is a bronies?\n<MartijnVdS> MooDoo: http://whatisabrony.com/\n<MooDoo> holy sh*t balls\n<knightwise> True ;) there are some cool MLP mods out there\n<knightwise> Terminator-pony, borg-pony etc\n<MooDoo> get out, just get out\n<MartijnVdS> MooDoo: learn something new every day ;)\n<ali1234> go to bronycon\n * knightwise is listening to some chilly tunes on cmd.fm\n<knightwise> nice geeky streaming radio that looks like a command line interface :)\n<directhex> http://steamcommunity.com/groups/steamuniverse/discussions/1/648817378243644036/\n<Myrtti> directhex: need any torrent seeders?\n<knightwise> Mobaxterm is a great replacement for Putty for those of you on Windows btw\n<knightwise> Xforwarding, Socks Tunnel, SFTP , all in one :)\n<Myrtti> does it support URL clicking?\n<knightwise> In a chatrroom ?\n<knightwise> erm .. no i don't think so\n<knightwise> bugger\n<Myrtti> right, can't recommend to irssi/weechat heavy users then\n<Myrtti> oh well\n<Myrtti> I haven't kept up to nutty / puttytray development so maybe they're still alright\n<diplo> Morning all\n<directhex> Myrtti, i don't know what's coming next for Ye Olde SteamOSe - much of its raison d'etre is gone with valve's merging in of changes\n<Myrtti> whee\n<knightwise> MrGarlic: Weechat ?\n<Myrtti> !info weechat\n<lubotu3> weechat (source: weechat): Fast, light and extensible chat client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1-2 (saucy), package size 1 kB, installed size 31 kB\n<MartijnVdS> Myrtti: weechat? sounds like the thing you do while.. doing your business at the urinals\n<Myrtti> I didn't name it, don't blame mee\n<brobostigon> morning boys and girls.\n<MooDoo> morning brobostigon\n<ali1234> directhex: why haven't they hired you yet?\n<brobostigon> morning MooDoo\n<MooDoo> someone want to hire me, I make good tea :D\n<MartijnVdS> MooDoo: hmmm tea\n<brobostigon> coffee :)\n<MartijnVdS> brobostigon: heathen!\n<brobostigon> heh :(\n<MartijnVdS> :P\n<brobostigon> need to find a new strap for my pebble, the rubber strap isnt ideal.\n<MooDoo> MartijnVdS: 24k a year to make you tea and you're on ;)\n<MartijnVdS> MooDoo: only if you do the dishes too 8-)\n<MooDoo> MartijnVdS: steady on there\n<bigcalm> Good morning peeps :)\n<MooDoo> morning\n<Laney> cold this morning\n<knightwise> hey Laney\n<knightwise> good morning :)\n<Laney> ey up\n<knightwise> it is .. and it is supposed to be cold :)\n<foobarry> quite rfreshing\n<knightwise> high time it got chilly . Weather has been so fracked up , my neighbours peacocks are screaming in the morning.\n<knightwise> normally they dont do that untill march\n<ali1234> \"AAAAAAARGH\" - a peacock, yesterday\n<Laney> yeah, saw some plant shoots the other day that shouldn't have happened for a couple of months\n<Laney> bet these frosts have done them in\n<MooDoo> surprised it's sunny here i am, was expecting rain.\n<MartijnVdS> Laney: you've had frost then? We haven't even had that..\n<MooDoo> MartijnVdS: was quite thick yesterday not so much this morning\n<bigcalm> directhex: what's next in store for ye old Ye Olde SteamOSe?\n<MartijnVdS> retro gaming? 8-)\n * MartijnVdS actually fired up an old PS/2 (386DX!) this weekend. And it still worked\n<directhex> bigcalm, excellent question. i don't really know - much of its reason to exist is gone now\n<directhex> radical change in scope? hmph\n<bigcalm> What features didn't they include?\n<directhex> i haven't had a chance to analyse yet\n<directhex> am on the clock\n<bigcalm> Fair enough :)\n<BigRedS> Argh. Has anyone here worked out how to get an SMTP server delisted as a spam-sender by google?\n<MartijnVdS> by not sending spam?\n<BigRedS> yeah we stopped doing that three days ago\n<MartijnVdS> * don't be on \"residential IP space\"\n<BigRedS> and everyone else delisted us about two and a half days ago\n<BigRedS> nah, it's a proper smtp server\n<MartijnVdS> * have your host name + reverse mapping correctly (so foo.com -> AND -> foo.com)\n<BigRedS> yep\n<BigRedS> it's a shared mailserver, and at least some of the domains are spfed up\n<BigRedS> but everyone else at least has a form where you can fess up and say \"but we've fixed it, take our mail?\". It took MS about 15 minutes...\n<MartijnVdS> BigRedS: apparently, Google's 5xx rejection code contains an URL\n * popey bites the bullet and orders 16GB for his X220\n<MartijnVdS> BigRedS: https://support.google.com/mail/answer/81126\n<MartijnVdS> popey: \\o/ 16G\n<MooDoo> popey: where you get that from, I've just had a look at crucial and their system says it'll only hold 8gb, might be wrong - http://www.crucial.com/uk/store/listparts.aspx?model=Thinkpad%20X220&Cat=RAM\n<BigRedS> MartijnVdS: yeah, that one ends with suggestions on how to form marketing emails\n<popey> its wrong\n<MooDoo> obviously if you purchased 16gb lo\n<popey> i canvassed the internets first\n<BigRedS> I did find a form for bulk senders to apply for some sort of permission which I've filled in, but it's very much \"I send lots of mail\" and not \"I run this mailserver\"\n<MooDoo> ah it officially supports 8gb, but people have been putting in 2x8gb chips into the 2 slots.\n<davmor2> Morning all\n<bigcalm> Morning davmor2\n<MooDoo> morning davmor2\n<davmor2> MooDoo, bigcalm: how are you both?\n<bigcalm> davmor2: experiencing a very long day\n<MooDoo> davmor2: I'm fab :)\n<davmor2> bigcalm: must be a long day if you are experiencing it this early on :)\n<davmor2> MooDoo: excellent :)\n<bigcalm> davmor2: my spy camera, I mean laptop, arrives tomorrow\n<bigcalm> I've been wearing my headphones since 9am and yet haven't listened to any music yet. Forgetting they are there and getting engrossed in my work...\n<MooDoo> bigcalm: comfy then\n<foobarry> my ones hurt the top of my head :(\n<foobarry> need more cushion\n<bigcalm> MooDoo: this headset is surprisingly so, more so than my cans which are meant to be higher quality\n<MooDoo> I borrow my sons over the ear ones, but they are terrible and leave me ear sore after about 10 min\n<MooDoo> s\n<Seeker`> I wish I could get another pair of sennheiser HD457s\n<bigcalm> That's what my cans do as well as leaving a dent in my hair where the connecting band sits\n<popey> I am using bluetooth headphones\n<popey> wired\n<popey> because bluetooth sucks\n<bigcalm> Heh\n<MartijnVdS> bluetooth is great. To connect my phone to my car stereo (for navigation & music)\n<popey> it keeps timing out\n<popey> dont know if its the cans or ubuntu\n<Seeker`> popey: try them on your mac?\n * MartijnVdS wonders how to work the NFC bit in his laptop\n<MartijnVdS> apparently, a driver has been loaded.\n<davmor2> popey: desktop or phone or both?\n<popey> hah\n<popey> desktop\n<popey> phone doesn't work at all\n<davmor2> popey: I have a feeling it is ubuntu I tried my headset on android and it works fine\n<popey> yeah\n<SengSoft> I have become attached to the Synapse App that I installed last night , successfully , in Ubuntu-Mate_Desktop 13.10 , https://twitter.com/Noobslab/status/169558718122426368 . : Nothing else to say ..no-Comeback . Off to Smithfields .. Applets FTW ! .\n<SengSoft> https://imgur.com/AqHbiTm\n * Seeker` can't find any good headphones :(\n<bigcalm> Bloomin spammers\n<bigcalm> Is it Wednesday yet?\n<davmor2> bigcalm: NO!\n<foobarry> nicest usb creator i've found is windows only :(\n<foobarry> called rufus\n<YaManicKill> Is it friday?\n<YaManicKill> foobarry: dd? :-P\n<popey> yeah, i use dd\n<foobarry> dd doesn't work for all isos\n<foobarry> ...does it?\n<BigRedS> I'm one of those people whose never had a problem with unetbootin :)\n<popey> which ones dont work?\n<foobarry> this is for a esxi installer iso\n<YaManicKill> I've not had one not work for a long time.\n<BigRedS> Don't the ISOs have to be crafted with that in mind? or does USB boot Just Work with an iso9660 image?\n<foobarry> if dd worked, then why did vmware write this page ? https://pubs.vmware.com/vsphere-50/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.vmware.vsphere.install.doc_50%2FGUID-33C3E7D5-20D0-4F84-B2E3-5CD33D32EAA8.html\n<YaManicKill> There was a nice one that ran on ubuntu that I tried a while ago. Weird English translations, as it was French, but it worked.\n<popey> gosh thats complicated\n<directhex> the ISO needs to be crafted with that in mind\n<BigRedS> VMWare seem to have put some effort in to making that not-straightforward\n<directhex> basically you stick an MBR boot sector in the first few bytes of the ISO9660 image, in a space which is basically padding\n<directhex> you only need 432 bytes for a boot sector\n<BigRedS> yeah, that's the sort of thing I thought was going on\n<YaManicKill> Ah, multisystem. http://liveusb.info/dotclear/\n<YaManicKill> That's the one I used for a while.\n<YaManicKill> Lets you stick multiple isos on and not had any issues with anything.\n<directhex> there are basically 4 different ways to boot: BIOS from CD, BIOS from USB, UEFI from CD, UEFI from USB. you need 4 boot loaders - one for each\n<directhex> UEFI from CD: you create a tiny FAT32 partition with a boot loader EFI application inside, and embed it in an el torito floppy record\n<directhex> UEFI from USB: just make sure the first partition on your USB stick is FAT32, and contains an EFI boot loader\n<directhex> BIOS from CD: 432 byte boot sector in an el torito floppy record\n<directhex> BIOS from USB: 432 bytes at the start of the drive, with a small offset\n<directhex> the trick is making a .iso which is all 4 of these things at once\n<directhex> this also ignores macs, which expect HFS+\n<DJones> C4RR3: Just £16.99 a month\n<DJones> Phone cost Free\n<DJones> Grr\n<DJones> Mis-paste\n<BigRedS> Miss Paste? Sounds lovely\n<azamat> hi @all . On my ubuntu 13.10, sound goes to maximum sometimes. Why is that?\n<bigcalm> Sometimes my workstation boots with audio muted. One of those things (tm)\n<YaManicKill> Yeah, me too.\n<MooDoo> I can catch the mouse roller wheel and sometimes that takes it to maximum\n<bigcalm> I wish that devices with wifi all came with a standard port to attach an external aerial\n<bigcalm> Ran out of ethernet ports on my router in my office so I'm not using the wifi on my workstation\n<Dave2> was \"not\" meant to be \"now\"?\n<bigcalm> Yes\n<bigcalm> The workstation in under my desk and about 4 feet from the wifi router - yet my workstation isn't showing a stong signal\n<bigcalm> Plus, I get about 3MB/s max when transferring between server and workstation :(\n<Dave2> Might I suggest buying a switch\n<bigcalm> s/in/is\n<bigcalm> Dave2: I want this one but don't have the money: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Netgear-Wireless-N-Port-Gigabit-Firewall/dp/B005UGRIIG/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pd_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=LXT6MFP2WUWA&coliid=I3M4BGF1YGV466\n<bigcalm> To replace the wifi router I am using\n<bigcalm> Really need to keep down the number of mains sockets in use\n<ormiret> I'm intrigued; why do you care how many sockets are in use?\n<Dave2> that's... a bit pricy\n<bigcalm> ormiret: because one _can_ have too many\n<bigcalm> Dave2: yep, a cheaper alternative would be nice :)\n<Dave2> Cheaper alternative: a switch and a power brick thing\n<bigcalm> *grumble*\n<bigcalm> I used to have a switch until I gave it away on freecycle\n<bigcalm> Was only 10/100 though\n<Dave2> you can buy a switch for £hardlyanything\n<Dave2> http://www.amazon.co.uk/TP-Link-TL-SG1005D-Gigabit-Unmanaged-Desktop/dp/B000N99BBC/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1390307440&sr=8-2&keywords=tp-link+switch £12.48\n<MartijnVdS> I have one of those in white I think\n<MartijnVdS> works great\n<Dave2>  Instant Order Update for Dave Wickham. You purchased this item on 20 Nov 2011. View this order.\n<MartijnVdS> 8-)\n<diplo> I have one of those TP Link ones as well, is good\n<bigcalm> I guess\n<Dave2> I should buy the 8 port one though, because I'm running out of sockets and have run out of network ports.\n<Dave2> This is a switch that's attached to my router.\n<bigcalm> I should build some shelves to put the server and other bits on. My desk it getting messy\n * MartijnVdS ponders http://www.amazon.co.uk/TP-Link-TL-SG1016DE-16-Port-Gigabit-Management/dp/B00DQ4ED7S\n<Dave2> hah\n<Dave2> My understanding is that the cheap TP-Link switches have the same chipset as that one, and so are effectively dumb managed switches\n<Dave2> (May be wrong on that)\n<MartijnVdS> Dave2: except the cheaper ones don't have an IP to talk to for management\n<Dave2> Hence the dumb bit\n<bigcalm> My router is running openwrt, so I don't really need a managed switch\n<Dave2> Those two statements don't really follow on from one another\n<bigcalm> Ta for the advice, I might order an 8 port plastic one\n<bigcalm> They don't?\n<MartijnVdS> Dave2: well, the ethernet ports built into a router like that could be used like managed switch ports\n<bigcalm> For my use, I just need extra ports. So unmanaged seems to make sense?\n<Dave2> No; your router has a managed switch built in, but if you did want to have vlan tagging, then you would lose the ability to have a trunked port going to the switch with different vlan tagging going on there.\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: usually, yes.\n<Dave2> Of course, you probably don't actually care about any of that\n<MartijnVdS> though managed switches can be higher throughput (paradoxically)\n<bigcalm> Dave2: I see and you are correct in this instance :)\n<bigcalm> Any advantage of getting a metal one rather than plastic?\n<Dave2> I'm not sure what the other differences are.\n<Dave2> Metal is nicer.\n<bigcalm> This is true\n<MartijnVdS> you could connect the metal case to ground, I suppose\n * bigcalm measures his office for putting up shelves\n<bigcalm> Can't decide if I want to put shelves on the whole of the wall behind my desk or to leave space for art work\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: behind your desk as in \"in front of you when using the desk\" or \"behind you when using it\"\n<bigcalm> MartijnVdS: in front of me when I'm using it\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: then use it for art. Put the shelves behind you\n * MartijnVdS wishes he'd done that\n<bigcalm> MartijnVdS: not enough room behind me. This is the smallest bedroom in the house and only really fits my desk and my chair\n<bigcalm> MartijnVdS: https://twitter.com/bigcalm/status/414351141859000322\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: ah. hmm\n<bigcalm> Time for a new photo\n<bigcalm> MartijnVdS: https://twitter.com/bigcalm/status/425616683739262976/photo/1\n<diplo> bigcalm: Corner shelves above the printer ?\n<bigcalm> diplo: I was wondering about using the whole of the left hand wall for shelves and include the corner\n<bigcalm> So many choices\n<bigcalm> In the very bottom left of the photo you can see the door handle of the open door\n<RaxMatt> hullo\n<popey> hi\n<RaxMatt> how are we all today?\n<popey> meh\n<RaxMatt> oh\n<RaxMatt> something happened?\n<MartijnVdS> it's a grey day outside here\n<MooDoo> i think everyone is having one of those dayas todya\n<Myrtti> http://www.flickr.com/photos/myrtti/archives/date-taken/2014/01/21/ greetings from Finland\n<RaxMatt> it was extremely foggy here at raxtowers this morning\n<foobarry> MooDoo: i certainly am having one of those days\n<MooDoo> foobarry: yeah me to, but mine is coz i'm tired 3 hours of sleep last night\n<MartijnVdS> MooDoo: been out partying?\n<MooDoo> MartijnVdS: no little one came into the bedroom at 3am wide awake\n<MartijnVdS> MooDoo: ah, so someone else was out partying ;)\n<MooDoo> MartijnVdS: if she was she's in trouble. then again who knows what 2 year olds get up to while we're asleep ;)\n<MartijnVdS> :)\n<popey> yay, my ram is coming via DPD\n<foobarry> if my boy doesn't wake me up in the night he gets to put marbles in his reward jar\n<MartijnVdS> popey: already? that's quick!\n<foobarry> so the laptop will break 1 week from now?\n<foobarry> or 1 day after support runs out\n<popey> its got a year or so support left\n<bigcalm> What was the bz2 method that people suggested I used for compressing a 4.2GB mysql dump?\n<YaManicKill> rm\n<YaManicKill> that's the most efficient compression I know :-P\n<davmor2> bigcalm: you know when you open a browser and in the middle is this google text box :P  were you after the compression format or the command to do it?\n<bigcalm> davmor2: I use `tar jcvf foo.tar.bz2 foo`. Somebody suggested a better method\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: there's create_dump_on_stdout_somehow | bzip2 -9 > dump.bz2\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: if you want moar compression, try xz\n<bigcalm> I have the dump now. Just want to compress it for xfer to my server\n<MartijnVdS> xz -9 file -- why tar if it's one file?\n<bigcalm> I normally use zxvf for one handed quickness but thought that bz2 was meant to be better for some reason\n<bigcalm> MartijnVdS: muscle memory :)\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: tar is smart with extensions now I think -- the \"j\" or \"z\" don't matter anymore -- at least when extracting\n<bigcalm> Oh, xz is a utility. I'll give it a go :)\n<MartijnVdS> gz < bz2 < xz (compression-ratio wise, usually)\n<MartijnVdS> (some files might gzip better or bzip better, but most will xz the best)\n<davmor2> MartijnVdS: so for the next person to beat xzip they will need to do zzip but then it just sounds like your machine is sleeping when you run the command zz\n<MartijnVdS> davmor2: well they could do yzip instead\n<MartijnVdS> davmor2: and/or skip to greek letters\n<MartijnVdS> µzip sounds nice and micro :)\n<davmor2> MartijnVdS: yeah but then it sounds like a question\n<davmor2> why zip\n * MartijnVdS used \"arj\" last week\n<MartijnVdS> well, unarj\n<davmor2> MartijnVdS, bigcalm: I quite like 7zips archive it is pretty compact\n<bigcalm> I'm looking for speed more than compression I guess\n<MartijnVdS> davmor2: 7zip uses lzma, same as xz, but xz actually has a unixy file format ;)\n<bigcalm> I'll give xz a go\n<davmor2> bigcalm: 7zip is fast so I assume that xz should be too\n<MartijnVdS> 7zip decompression is fast\n<MartijnVdS> compression isn't really\n<MartijnVdS> if you want fast, try gzip -1 ;)\n<bigcalm> I do need to actually compress the file as well :P\n<bigcalm> Ah, lunch is ready :)\n<foobarry> \"3 billion devices run java\"\n<foobarry> i wonder how many are up to date\n<Seeker`> 3\n<directhex> javacard.\n<directhex> runs on SIM cards\n<MartijnVdS> isn't that a very special very stripped-down thing though\n<bigcalm> 4.1GB MySQL dump -> xz for 9m43.448s -> 165MB .xz file\n<foobarry> shhh\n<bigcalm> Sorry, didn't mean to wake you\n<YaManicKill> That amused me more than it probably should...\n<bigcalm> ETA (from pv) to import the database is 1 hour\n * bigcalm does some other stuff\n<davmor2> bigcalm: that sounds a bit more portable\n<bigcalm> Can anybody recommend some very simple software for chopping section out of an mp3?\n<Myrtti> a specific section or just splitting it?\n<foobarry> more simple than audacity?\n<bigcalm> A specific section\n<bigcalm> foobarry: I currently know of no software, so any suggestions would be good\n<Myrtti> audacity is good\n<bigcalm> Ta, I'll give it a go\n<foobarry> ffmpeg can cut sections too\n<bigcalm> Simple implying GUI ;)\n<foobarry> i refer you to prevous answer :)\n<Myrtti> ooer http://travel.stackexchange.com/questions/20207/why-are-airline-passengers-asked-to-lift-up-window-shades-during-takeoff-and-lan?utm_source=google&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=travel-promotion&utm_content=travel-promo-windows-google\n<foobarry> got a summary?\n<Myrtti> so that there's more eyes to see if there's problems and the passangers eyesight is acclimatized to the outside lighting if there's a need to evacuate\n<Myrtti> same reason why during takeoff and landing in the dark the lights are turned off\n<foobarry> so for crashy reasons\n<Myrtti> yeah - apparently european officials require that the plane needs to be able to be evacuated in 90sec\n<bigcalm> My db import finally finished: 4.08GB 0:40:35 [1.72MB/s]\n<foobarry> i was a fire marshall once, only to find out when the fire drill was\n<foobarry> get the lift down 26 flights before you have to walk\n<Myrtti> http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1uzne_a380-emergency-evacuation-test_tech\n<bigcalm> Love the comment \"That was really funny! anyone want to chat with a cutie like me^^? :))\"\n<diddledan__> bigcalm: yeah, I would. you cute thing you.\n<bigcalm> o.O\n<diddledan__> :-p\n * foobarry closes irc for a bit\n<diddledan__> foobarry: was it _that_ offensive that I might think bigcalm is cute? :-o\n<foobarry> umm\n * foobarry goes away\n<diddledan__> lol\n<diddledan__> I think that's a yes then\n<foobarry> i'm not used to seeing the word cutie on irc\n<diddledan__> true, let's tru QT\n<diddledan__> try*\n<diddledan__> ubuntu phone ftw\n<popey> \\o/\n<bigcalm> One of the advantages of recording all sky calls is getting rather odd snippets like this one: http://discworld.cuth.eu/dump/yelling.mp3\n<Dave2> SKY CALLS\n<bigcalm> skype\n<Dave2> Heavenly conversations\n<firefox> Hello, I have a question about my computer. It was given to me by a friend and she told me the password but it will not take it anymore and i cannot do anything but basic stuff. No administration stuff. Is there any way to override the password\n<directhex> firefox, ubuntu computer?\n<firefox> yes\n<diddledan__> firefox: you need to reboot into single user mode and replace the password using `passwd` utility.\n<diddledan__> either that or do some dohickery in the live dvd\n<firefox> ok thanks\n<firefox> i will try it\n<diddledan__> that might be easier but needs another pc available to burn the dvd\n<diddledan__> I hate that grub is so difficult to get to appear with quiet boot - I've still not found a sure-fire way of getting the menu up\n<directhex> ask it nicely!\n<foobarry> left shift key?\n<diddledan__> \"computer... oh computer...\"; \"scotty, try this\"; \"oh a keyboard, how quaint\"\n<popey> AlanBell: http://designspark.com/eng/blog/day-one-with-parallella\n<AlanBell> popey: nice, I am looking forward to it turning up\n * MartijnVdS has soup!\n<DJones> bigcalm: You know that laptop you ordered? Has it arrived yet, or are you going to cancel and order one of these http://www.maximumpc.com/dell_reaffirms_commitment_project_sputnik_launches_new_ubuntu_laptop_developers2013\n<popey> thats the touch screen one? I do like the look of them\n<MartijnVdS> if they're like the XPS12, they're great\n<ali1234> i don't understand how they can put an i7 in a 13\" and not have it melt a hole through the floor into the core of the earth\n<ali1234> china syndrome style...\n<MartijnVdS> ali1234: Magic\n<diddledan__> thems look sleek\n<diddledan__> for anyone looking seriously at them: http://www.dell.com/uk/business/p/xps-13-linux/pd\n<bigcalm> DJones: it's due to arrive tomorrow\n<bigcalm> Though the order tracking page says that it is still in Cina\n<foobarry> curse of the big clam\n<foobarry> in other news http://lifehacker.com/the-most-and-least-reliable-hard-drive-brands-1505797966\n<MartijnVdS> So me not buying seagate is a good decision\n<directhex> no no no they used GREENS?\n<directhex> are they freaking mentally ill?\n<foobarry> any bad seagate ones are probably maxtor in their genes\n<foobarry> annual failure rate of one specific piece of kit is running around 15% so far, and still 3 months left\n<JanC> only 8 GiB of RAM?\n * popey will be looking out for DPD guy for his 16GB RAM! :D\n<JanC> ali1234: that's a massively underclocked i7, remember?\n<ali1234> yeah i suspected something like that\n<JanC> U series\n<bigcalm> popey: you are going to get your ram before I get my laptop. Slightly miffed about that for some reason\n<popey> hah\n<bigcalm> Wifey has gone to a friend's place for a wee drink. Which means I'll be picking her up later. Which means I'm off the sauce tonight\n * bigcalm twiddles thumbs\n<bigcalm> Sod it, I'll fix some broken unit tests\n<moreati> bigcalm: your spy cam arrived yet?\n<bigcalm> moreati: order tracking page says tomorrow. Then again, it also says that it's still in China\n<bigcalm> moreati: I was hoping to bring it to the LUG\n<Scratman> Greetings all\n<Scratman> I have an issue with my machine, if I type into my browser, my browser advises that it is unable to connect, how can I resolve this?\n<directhex> um... why do you expect something to reply on port 8081?\n<Scratman> directhex I'm following a tutorial to stream my webcam over my network, link  http://cjjulius.wordpress.com/2013/05/31/creating-a-simple-linux-webcam-server/\n<directhex> lsof -i :8081\n<Scratman> copy and paste to terminal?\n<directhex> yes\n<Scratman> Done\n<Scratman> Leaves me back at the default prompt scratman@scratman:~$\n<Scratman> Still unable to connect at\n<directhex> lsof would tell you which apps are running and listening on port 8081\n<directhex> did it report anything?\n<Scratman> One moment\n<Scratman> Nothing\n<bigcalm> Did running motion do anything?\n<Scratman> Just restarted the process, it's running, but lsof -i still reports nothing\n<directhex> ok, so you aren't running anything which would be listening to you on port 8081\n<directhex> Scratman, which process is the motion process? you said it's running, do you know the PID?\n<bigcalm> px aux | grep motion\n<Scratman> px: command not found\n<bigcalm> Oops\n<bigcalm> ps\n<bigcalm> Slip of the finger\n<bigcalm> ps aux | grep motion\n<Scratman> Motion ID 8051\n<Scratman> in motion.conf under Live Webcam Server it states:- webcam_port 8081\n<Scratman> have I done something stupid, or is this confusing?\n<Scratman> scratman   8051 12.6  0.3  46880 13656 ?        Sl   22:35   0:50 motion\n<Scratman> scratman    9386  0.0  0.0   4392   828 pts/3    S+   22:42   0:00 grep --color=auto motion\n<directhex> there is definitely a motion process with PID 8051\n<Scratman> ps aux | grep motion returned 2 lines, first was : scratman   8051 12.6  0.3  46880 13656 ?        Sl   22:35   0:50 motion\n<directhex> lsof -iPn | grep 8051\n<Scratman> lsof: unknown protocol name (Pn) in: -i Pn\n<directhex> grr\n<directhex> -i -P -n\n<Scratman> lsof -i -P -n ?\n<diddledan__> sudo netstat -anp might help, also\n<Scratman> directhex what am I looking for?\n<Scratman> diddledan-- What am I looking for?\n<directhex> Scratman, evidence of the motion process actually listening on *any* port\n<diddledan__> Scratman: your motion process - if it's there then it'll tell you what port it's listening on\n<diddledan__> you _could_ pass the output through grep\n<Scratman> Motion isn't listed in either result.....\n<diddledan__> then it hasn't opened aport at all\n<Scratman> Well, that would explain why firefox doesn't find it....\n<Scratman> Now I need to work out how to make it open a port.\n<Scratman> I  don't understand why it's not opening a port.....\n<Scratman> and to be honest, I'm too tired to work it out tonight\n<Scratman> Thanks for the help guys, I'll have a think, check the man page tomorrow, and see how I get on\n<Scratman> gOODBYE\n<Scratman> Sorry, caps lock.   Goodbye.\n<diddledan> yey for ip6\n<daftykins> O_O\n#ubuntu-uk 2014-01-22\n<bigcalm> directhex: renewed interest in the torrent for release 4. Wonder what sparked that\n<daftykins> aww i missed the communal seeding drive of a new'un\n * bigcalm sleeps\n<daftykins> nn sir\n<diddledan> *yawwn*\n<diddledan> should really sleep\n<diddledan> messing with nameservers right now tho\n<MooDoo> morning all\n<JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Celebration Of Life Day! :-D\n<MooDoo> morning JamesTait\n<MartijnVdS> \\o\n<diplo> Morning all\n<MooDoo> morning diplo\n<diplo> Rather liveley here this morning!\n<MooDoo> never is this time of the morming, people are only just waking up\n * diplo would be quite happy still in bed\n<MooDoo> diplo: me too\n<JamesTait> Me three.\n<knightwise> morning everyone\n<jussi> hrm, seems my clock disappeared (on ubuntu). anyone know how to get it back?\n<ali1234> restart indicator-datetime-service\n<ali1234> open shell and run \"/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-datetime-service &\"\n<popey> http://blog.backblaze.com/2014/01/21/what-hard-drive-should-i-buy/ interesting\n<jussi> hrm, not going to work, still on 32bit here\n<popey> /usr/lib/*/indicator-datetime-service &\n<popey> then\n<ali1234> then you have a 32 bit equivalent path\n<Myrtti> oh my GAWD there was something bright and flashing I could see from the corner of my eye on my pillow\n<Myrtti> two concecutive glances and it's only a pillow\n<Myrtti> now I realise it's the SUN COMING FROM THE WINDOW\n<jussi> ali1234: and popey, yup, that fixed it. thanks\n<MooDoo> Myrtti: sun? sun?  lies, there is no such thing\n<Myrtti> http://en.ilmatieteenlaitos.fi/weather/tampere\n<popey> bah, ram is being delivered when I am at the optician\n<popey> \\o/ dpd allow me to redirect to neighbour\n<jussi> MooDoo: open ther blinds... :P\n<MooDoo> Myrtti: nice :)\n<MooDoo> http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/2641170 here's mone\n * MooDoo senses popey is a little excited at getting his RAM\n<popey> JUST A BIT\n<hoover> Morning lads & lassies\n<MooDoo> morning hoover\n<BigRedS> Gooood Morning!\n<bashrc> morning\n<MooDoo> It's a beautiful day hay hay !\n<MooDoo> popey: how spooky, I just read that backblaze blog post yesterday....been using their service for a couple of months, took about a week to do my initial backup :S\n<popey> oh interesting, I haven't used their service. any good?\n<popey> and does it work on linux?\n<MooDoo> popey: er not sure about linux, it's on a spare windows machine I have, don't think there is a linux clietn\n<MooDoo> popey: not at the moment - https://help.backblaze.com/entries/20203476-Is-Backblaze-going-to-offer-Linux-support-\n<diddledan> *yawwn*\n<MooDoo> diplo: coffee\n<diddledan> definitely\n<bigcalm> A client has asked me to set up a VPN with the endpoint of Am I right in thinking that you can't use anything but a /32 with an odd number?\n<bigcalm> Good morning peeps :)\n<diddledan> bigcalm: a /31 doesn't make sense in the real world\n<bigcalm> diddledan: it's just 2 IP addresses for use with a VPN\n<diddledan> are you sure?\n<bigcalm> Quite sure, it's what we've been setting up for sometime now\n<diddledan> 1bit = 2 addresses, network id is one and broadcast is the other, meaning 0 usable ip addresses\n<diddledan> host ip addresses**\n<MartijnVdS> that, or a point-to-point link\n<bigcalm> I assure you, what we are doing works :)\n<diddledan> but anywho .127/31 is .127 and .127\n<diddledan> .126 and .127\n<bigcalm> I'm not explaining the whole set-up. Just that I think Rackspace will reject the .127/31 request. .126/31 would work though\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: throw it at ipcalc :)\n * bigcalm passes on the request as the client has stated, just to see what happens\n<TheOpenSourcerer> I used to have Hitachi and Samsung drives and thought they were good. Samsung drives went to Seagate, Hitachi now gone to WD... http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2014/01/putting-hard-drive-reliablity-to-the-test-shows-not-all-disks-are-equal/\n<foobarry> golden rule used to be \"don't buy maxtor\"\n<diddledan> lol\n<diddledan> maxtor were fun\n<MooDoo> I just use WD drives, never had a problem with them yet\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Seagate look absolutely terrible in this report\n<diddledan> I try to stick with WD too\n<foobarry> they used a particular seagate model, which probably is made in the maxtor factory\n<foobarry> seagates with seagate DNA were good IME\n<foobarry> where are quantum fireballs now?\n<MartijnVdS> foobarry: quantum bigfoot!\n<TheOpenSourcerer> UK unemployment down again, and by 167k last month... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-25841570\n<foobarry> you mean uk employment statistics...\n<jussi> TheOpenSourcerer: good news!\n<bashrc> Is this unemployment down, or people being no longer counted\n<TheOpenSourcerer> You'd need to ask the ONC I guess.\n<foobarry> we have struggled to hire for ages\n<bashrc> when I was unemployed I was recommended to \"sign off\" on a couple of occasions, even though I was looking for a job\n<foobarry> only attracting people on the continent, which means UK people want more munneh\n<jussi> foobarry: I think we have had some similar issues with hiring. mind, finding good embedded SW people isnt the easiest...\n<bashrc> struggling to hire is laughable given the current situation\n<TheOpenSourcerer> It isn't bashrc\n<TheOpenSourcerer> The UK has generally failed miserably to educate our kids for the last 20 years in anything remotely \"technical\"\n<foobarry> considering we are paying OK wages\n<bashrc> if you're struggling to hire then you're not offering a market clearing rate\n<jussi> bashrc: there are plenty of applicants, however, qualified, experienced people...\n<foobarry> but everything is 10-15% more expensive than a couple of years ago, so bashrc  thats correct but HR don't agree\n<bashrc> there are lots of smart people out there\n<foobarry> earning moer money\n<bashrc> if you're not offering a market clearing rate then htat's the explanation.  It's not that there aren't enough suitable candidates\n<TheOpenSourcerer> There are a lot more \"less smart\" people than smart ones... Esp. in tech.\n<foobarry> $employer is hiring contractors at london market rates, but permies on much lower salary = death of dept.\n<diddledan> and then there's idiots... like me.\n<jussi> bashrc: I put it to you that you are wrong.\n<jussi> but then again, we are looking for very specific skill sets\n<bashrc> I'm not seeing many fewer folks coming out of universities.  Are all of those people unemployable.  That doesn't seem plausible\n<foobarry> my problem is inflexible HR process\n<foobarry> we see good people sometimes but cannot tweak our JD or pay scale up or down to accomodate them\n<jussi> yeah, I think for us, its more that there is right now a gap in the market for certain skill sets, with experience.\n<bashrc> I've seen recent university science graduates become unix hackers within a few months of employment\n<bashrc> so I don't think htere is an IQ deficit\n<MooDoo> are employers wanting experience or grades, I know that i'd prefer experience over a uni degree\n<foobarry> experience propped up with a degree\n<MooDoo> :)\n<foobarry> there are exceptions but i feel a good Bsc degree underpins your approach to work\n<foobarry> even affecting guys in their 30s+ who don't seem to understand principles of computing\n<MartijnVdS> foobarry: I don't know.. lots of BSc's I know knew a lot of theory, not much practice.\n<BigRedS> I keep meaning to do a CS 101 style course to get some of the underlying theory down\n<MooDoo> I don't have a degree and I seem to be doing ok for myself lol\n<BigRedS> most of my knowledge of how computers work is related directly to kernel complaints\n<BigRedS> MartijnVdS: yeah, I think a degree for the theory plus experience for the practice is what's being advocated\n<diplo> Anyone heard from SuperMatt ?\n<ali1234> the problem is that employers want a degree and 5 years of experience and they also want you to be 22 so they can pay you as little as possible\n<MooDoo> diplo: not lately, probably too busy with rackspace.\n<BigRedS> ali1234: I think a problem is the vagueness. When I was looking for work most positions were really vague on what they wanted\n<BigRedS> \"£22K+; a PHd in CS would be an advantage but isn't essential\"\n<BigRedS> so \"We'll consider anybody, but not give any clues as to what the position is\"\n<ali1234> that means one of two things\n<ali1234> either there is no position, or it means you will be the sole \"computer expert\" for the entire company\n<diplo> I can't see sometimes how this advantage is with having a phd.. I had lots of consultants in at my last place. Qualified till the hilt with sod all real world experience except writing down 'This would be good for you' but with never implementing it\n<MartijnVdS> BigRedS: 22k£? Is that before or after tax?\n<BigRedS> Ah, they never made that clear either, so before\n<BigRedS> that was a made-up number\n<czajkowski> Aloha\n<MooDoo> morning Laura\n<czajkowski> ello\n<bigcalm> WAH!\n<bigcalm> ETA has moved to tomorrow\n<bigcalm> Oh well, back to work\n<DJones> Does anybody know how to change the data range for a chart in LibreOffice\n<MooDoo> jussi: are you anything to do with ubuntu bots?\n<MooDoo> jussi: it's ok ignore that\n<davmor2> Morning all\n * popey goes to get his eyes tested\n<bigcalm> No laptop for me today *sniff*\n<MooDoo> morning davmor2\n<davmor2> bigcalm: tell me you wouldn't think about getting this http://thisisnthappiness.com/post/74108351942/lego-escher\n<bigcalm> davmor2: seen it before and would love it as a kit\n<davmor2> bigcalm: Sue wants it so I can build it for her :D\n * czajkowski pokes davmor2 ello \n<davmor2> czajkowski: hello trouble how are you?\n<czajkowski> not bad looking at events I want to go to\n<czajkowski> and this one has caught my eye based on the name alone thegeekgathering.org\n<MooDoo> wow 2013 had some great speakers\n<MartijnVdS> MooDoo: 7.1? 5.1? 7.2?\n<MooDoo> MartijnVdS: excuse me?  don't get you?\n<MartijnVdS> MooDoo: speakers.. 7 front 1 subwoofer, etc.\n<MooDoo> MartijnVdS: oh i meant people speakers at a conference...or were you trying to be funny ;)\n<MartijnVdS> MooDoo: both ;)\n<davmor2> MooDoo, MartijnVdS: see that would of worked if you said, Dolby Digital, mono or stereo? :)\n<MartijnVdS> davmor2: yeah :)\n<MartijnVdS> davmor2: Pro Logic, btw.\n<davmor2> MartijnVdS: haha\n<MooDoo> you're all gits\n<davmor2> MooDoo: geeks man you need to fix your autocorrect\n<MooDoo> davmor2: no I believe I was correct in the first instance ;)\n<MartijnVdS> MooDoo: <something about checking out and commmitting>\n<davmor2> MooDoo: well that as well :P\n<MooDoo> MartijnVdS: I hate committing :)\n<MartijnVdS> MooDoo: watch out for a detached head state then :)\n<MooDoo> MartijnVdS: I'd repond if I knew git ;)\n<RaxMatt> diplo: I'm here\n<davmor2> MooDoo: you only hate committing because when you do they put you in the padded room right ;)\n<MartijnVdS> MooDoo: you could just tag someone else\n<MooDoo> MartijnVdS: I prefer stab, and I can do that to czajkowski and davmor2  :D\n<DJones> MooDoo: davmor2 Its easy to tell the difference between geek & Git, git pull downloads software, geek pull normally downloads a punch\n<MartijnVdS> MooDoo: http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/mr+stabby/ ?\n<MooDoo> MartijnVdS: like it :D\n<Myrtti> in other, exiting news http://phys.org/news/2014-01-fastest-real-world-fiber-14tbs.html\n<Myrtti> \"This is believed to be the fastest speed ever achieved in commercial grade hardware in a real-world environment and is equivalent to transmitting 44 uncompressed HD films in a single second.\n<Myrtti> \"\n<BigRedS> Is that the 14 year old?\n<diplo> RaxMatt: Was just going to see how things were going ?\n<MooDoo> BigRedS: ?\n<BigRedS> ah. no\n<RaxMatt> diplo: they're going very well thanks. It's a little slow this week because training isn't as forth coming as it otherwise would have been, but it's a lot of fun being here\n<BigRedS> there was a site going round the other day where a kid was saying he'd solved everyone's compression issues\n<BigRedS> I didn't see the URL before somehiow\n<MooDoo> global jam in a few months - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam\n<diplo> RaxMatt: Great, glad to hear it.. will have to keep us updated on it :)\n<RaxMatt> I shall\n<RaxMatt> though I'm sure you're all eager to know if I can get you a discount\n<RaxMatt> the answer is no\n<diplo> Nah, I've looked at jobs @ rackspace before, but it's to far away for me :/\n<diplo> And discounts, no! Free stuff, yeah! :P\n<MooDoo> ah RaxMatt wondered who you were :D\n<RaxMatt> :D\n<Myrtti> yeah, took me a while too\n<MooDoo> RaxMatt: are you there now?  having fun?\n<RaxMatt> I am, and I am\n<MooDoo> RaxMatt: and you're on irc, result :D\n<bigcalm> davmor2: how does it look for tonight?\n<RaxMatt> well I'm not getting much in the way of training just yet, so I've been told I can do anything\n<RaxMatt> I'm not going to be able to do customer stuff for 6 weeks\n<davmor2> I'm going he is having an autopsy so no news about anything till Friday at the earliest\n<davmor2> bigcalm: ^]\n<MooDoo> RaxMatt: 6 weeks?  that the learning term?\n<bigcalm> davmor2: hope you're okay man\n<MooDoo> davmor2: ?\n<davmor2> bigcalm: bit gutted but other than that I'm good thanks ;)\n<davmor2> MooDoo: uncle died at the weekend\n<bigcalm> davmor2: have an early wake for the man :)\n<MooDoo> davmor2: ah sorry to hear that chap\n<RaxMatt> MooDoo: yuppers!\n<MooDoo> RaxMatt: wow, and too busy to train you eh lol\n<RaxMatt> well, someone started last week, so they've started his training already (some of it already organised for this week). So they're gonna make me join his training from next week onwards, and play catch up with the things I didn't learn later in the 6 weeks\n<MooDoo> RaxMatt: self learning time it is then :D\n<MooDoo> RaxMatt: put your flag up :)\n<RaxMatt> I haven't got my flag yet. I'm gonna try and get a gotham city flag or a batman flag\n<MooDoo> lol\n<davmor2> RaxMatt: Walk outside and shout this linux and openstack thing is just never gonna work, you'll be amazed at how many people take the time to prove you wrong ;)\n<RaxMatt> hah, I'm not going to do that\n<davmor2> RaxMatt: You're just no fun at all are you :P  Enjoy from what I understand they are a really cool team there :)\n<bigcalm> RaxMatt: why the change of nick?\n<RaxMatt> because I work for rackspace now\n<MooDoo> RaxMatt: now you'll have to start nominating people to work at rackspace -\n<bigcalm> RaxMatt: in the mean time you could assist Rory in working our our VPN problems ;)\n<davmor2> bigcalm: RaxMatt worked for superman before?\n<hoover> Hey biggie!\n<bigcalm> davmor2: ah, that would make sense\n<bigcalm> Hi hoovie :)\n<RaxMatt> bigcalm: nope, can't do customer stuff!\n<bigcalm> Poo\n<RaxMatt> plus, you might not be one of my customers\n<bigcalm> RaxMatt: it would be amusing if that happened\n<RaxMatt> brb, gonna get lunch from the exceptionally cheap hardrack cafe\n<bigcalm> Oh dear me\n<RaxMatt> basically if you're an smb spending less than 5K on linux, I'm your man\n<RaxMatt> brb\n<ali1234> that's funny, cos when i worked for an SMB spending less than 5k on linux, rackspace were basically \"yeah we don't do anything that small\"\n<bigcalm> I have no idea how much our client is spending with Rackspace.\n<ali1234> that was several years ago though\n<foobarry> arrrgh why did i update java..nothing works\n<foobarry> Starting with Java 7 Update 51, Java has enhanced security model to make user system less vulnerable to the external exploits. The new version of Java does not allow users to run the applications that are not signed (Unsigned), Self signed (not signed by trusted authority) and the applications that are missing permission attributes.\n<MartijnVdS> so actually useful updates\n<MartijnVdS> finally\n<Myrtti> foobarry: yeah, we got hit by that at work\n<knightwise> heya\n<foobarry> Myrtti: the suggested workaround doesn't have a site list\n<foobarry> security-edit site list no existy\n<foobarry> ah, because in windows, the control panel-Java points to the old version, how helpful\n<balor> Can anyone tell me the i10n shorthand for Wales?  For example en-gb is British English, ga-ie is Gaelic Irish, what's Welsh?  Internet searches suggest cy-gb, but CY is the ISO 3166 and TLD for Cyprus.\n<shauno> cy-gb should be correct\n<balor> http://cy.wikipedia.org is Welsh, so I suppose cy it is.\n<RaxMatt> ali1234: the difference now I guess is cloud computing\n<shauno> it's lang-country, where lang is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes and country you already have nailed\n<davmor2> balor: cy for Cymru\n<balor> davmor2, thanks.  I'm sure the Cypriots are pleased :)\n<MartijnVdS> balor: well, they're having enough trouble figuring out if they're Greek or Turkish, right?\n<knightwise> MartijnVdS: your tip worked :)\n<knightwise> Wifi now restored to normal speeds on my notebook\n<knightwise> :)\n<davmor2> knightwise: oh what tip was that then?\n<knightwise> http://askubuntu.com/questions/119578/how-to-fix-slow-wireless-on-machines-with-intel-wireless-cards\n<knightwise> had a terrible time trying to mix up an intell wifi card and a broadcom chip on my Asus router\n<popey> \\o/ 16GB\n<foobarry> you know you marry well when you wife opens a convo \"\" Just got the fake windows call [scam]\"\n<foobarry> \"he hung up as soon as I said that it was interesting because I don't use windows\"\n<foobarry> my brother, an intelligent man, rang in a panic \"foobarry, this man is on the phone from canada saying people are attacking my pc right now\"\n<BigRedS> knightwise: iwlwifi.11n_disable=1 ?\n<MartijnVdS> it should still be slow\n<MartijnVdS> as 802.11g *is* slow :)\n<knightwise> BigRedS: correct\n<BigRedS> I was bemused to hear the other day that wifi comes in faster-than-54Mbps flavours\n<BigRedS> knightwise: yeah, I briefly didn't need that but I've gone back about ten kernels to Crunchbang and it's definitely necessary again\n<MartijnVdS> BigRedS: my advertised-as-300MBps doesn't really go that fast though :)\n<foobarry> are you guys seeing dropped packets etc?\n<foobarry> with pings, or other effects?\n<BigRedS> foobarry: on mine the thing just disappears and NM claims an inability to configure it\n<BigRedS> I can't remember in all honesty, I last debugged it about a year ago and have just shoved that line onto my cmdline fairly automatically since\n<foobarry> BigRedS: its fixed in later kernel?\n<BigRedS> not in whatever 13.10 had a month or so ago\n * diplo is hereing Mr popey on Linux Unplugged, thought I recognised the voice\n<diplo> :)\n<bigcalm> popey: as my laptop's ETA has changed to tomorrow, you have an extra day to make 14.04 be more awesome before I install it\n<popey> \"thanks\"\n<bigcalm> popey: most welcome ;)\n<bigcalm> popey: so are you running memtest on your new 16GB to see that it all works?\n<popey> i only run memtest when things break\n<popey> KiB Mem:  16314304 total,  7999684 used,  8314620 free,     1700 buffers\n<popey> seems to be working\n<MartijnVdS> time to open a few more tabs\n<MartijnVdS> you're not using >50% of it!\n<popey> or a VM or five\n<MartijnVdS> why not\n<BigRedS> what's everyone's favourite desktop virt? I'd like one that only does anything to my networking when it's actually running, ideally\n<ali1234> virtualbox?\n<BigRedS> Yeah, the only reason I have to not use that is 'oracle'\n<ali1234> virtualbox-ose?\n<BigRedS> which isn't a very good one\n<knightwise> Virtualbox :) I love its command line interface\n<foobarry> i use vmware player for occasional spin ups of vms\n<MartijnVdS> vbox is great.. until you want to suspend your laptop with a VM running\n<MartijnVdS> then it prevents suspend\n<ali1234> suspend the VM first\n<MartijnVdS> ali1234: it should do that for me, then bring it back on host-resume\n<popey> what do you want to virtualise?\n<MartijnVdS> a development box, created by vagrant\n<MartijnVdS> but I don't want to hunt down vagrant boxes when I need to catch my bus\n<ali1234> MartijnVdS: it can't be hard to implement\n<popey> ^ BigRedS ☻\n<foobarry> kvm is good but not v nice tools\n<MartijnVdS> virsh is nice once you've used it a bit\n<MartijnVdS> but yeah it's a lot of manual stuff\n<dwatkins> there's a GUI for qemu, too\n<popey> !info virt-manager\n<lubotu3> virt-manager (source: virt-manager): desktop application for managing virtual machines. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.5-1ubuntu1.1 (saucy), package size 273 kB, installed size 3264 kB\n<foobarry> vmware does special things when it installs ubuntu - do others do that too?\n<foobarry> quick config type stuff\n<foobarry> virt-manager is so redhat\n<foobarry> ugly grey boxes, looks alpha quality\n<ali1234> do people say \"Q-M-U\" or \"kee-moo\"?\n<ali1234> i saw a video where some guy kept saying \"kee-moo\" and i had no idea what he was talking about for like 10 minutes\n<diddledan__> neither. que emu\n<ali1234> like the spanish?\n<ali1234> why would you say it like that?\n<diddledan__> no like queue\n<ali1234> like queue emu?\n<ali1234> like the bird?\n<popey> queue emu\n<popey> yes\n<popey> kyoo-eee-myoo\n<dwatkins> kew emm you\n<diddledan__> guy who recently left at work used to call it kwaymoo\n<MooDoo> oh that's strange as i call it kwem-oo\n<popey> potato/potato\n<diddledan__> spud\n<diddledan__> :-p\n<popey> tayto → czajkowski\n<foobarry> kwemu\n<diddledan__> can't go wrong with either \"tatties\" or \"spuds\" :-p\n<MooDoo> oh you said tatties ;)\n<dwatkins> t8r\n<davmor2> diddledan__: I can't call them tatties not after Russell Howard called breasts Tattiebojangles\n<diddledan__> lol\n<Myrtti> virt-manager is nice\n<diddledan__> I like the big bang theory name for a breast-centric magazine: \"bombay badonkadonks\"\n<czajkowski> :D\n<directhex> um...\n<directhex> that'd be butts, not breasts\n<Myrtti> my irssi vm got stuck waiting for a harddrive to appear that I've got with me in Finland and I just connected over qemu+ssh and fixed it\n<diddledan__> really?\n<directhex> really\n<diddledan__> shows how well I know my pr0n :-p\n<ali1234> i pity anyone reading this log... how to pronounce \"qemu\" to \"butts\" in 20 lines\n<diddledan__> ali1234: impressive, no?\n<davmor2> ali1234: I'm pretty sure we can discount about 10 lines of that from people being sensible :D\n<knightwise> Lol\n<foobarry> /clear\n<knightwise> I run all the services I need in VMs on top of my linux machine\n<knightwise> the linux \"host\" machine is basically a NAS with VMware software on it sharing out all the data via samba\n<diddledan__> knightwise: which hypervisor tech do you use?\n<diddledan__> aah\n<diddledan__> vmware server or workstation?\n<knightwise> Virtualbox on a LMDE machine\n<knightwise> 3 Vm\"s taking care of the different services like plex , remote login etc etc\n<directhex> vbox :'(\n<knightwise> that way I can easily swap out functionalities/servers without having to touch the base system\n<diddledan__> yeah, I don't like vbox since oracle pwn'd it\n<foobarry> massive headache incoming\n<foobarry> think i've caught the kids cold\n<BigRedS> popey: linuxes, generally debian\n<BigRedS> so I tried virt-manager and LXC but LXC's helper scripts are a bit broken in Wheezy\n<MartijnVdS> I don't trust LXC\n<BigRedS> and more than once something's been confused by that always-up virtbr1 device\n<MartijnVdS> it's not virtual enough\n<BigRedS> we use openvz a fair bit at work so I'm fairly comfortable with the concept, and LXC is the modern and hip equivalent\n<Myrtti> well then http://www.ryanair.com/en/news/ryanair-partners-with-google-flight-search\n<diplo> I've never tried openvz is it easy enough to use, I've tried kvm multiple times with virt-manager etc and just don't seem to get on with it that well\n<popey> BigRedS: desktop or server I meant, kvm should be good enough IMO\n<popey> had my eyes tested today. pondering what best value for specs is\n<popey> I'll only need them for close up work (soldering) currently, but will need them for reading in the future (3 years maybe)\n<popey> do people buy online or is it a case that you really need to go to bricks & mortar?\n<MartijnVdS> popey: people get their eyes measured \"IRL\", but I know a few who've ordered glasses online after that\n<MartijnVdS> all you need is the inter-eye distance, and the lens parameters\n<popey> i have some numbers on a card, I guess that's it?\n<diplo> I've not done online yet, but I'm debating it next time\n<diplo> Yeah your report card from the opticians is all you need\n<foobarry> who tested your eyes?\n<popey> sphere, cyl and axis\n<diplo> http://www.glasses.com/virtual-try-on.html\n<diplo> Saw this the other day\n<popey> +1.25, -0.5, 90 and +1.25, -0.25, 90\n<popey> that look like the right numbers?\n<popey> foobarry: optician\n<foobarry> no idea about this but do people usually go for 2nd opinion?\n<foobarry> or is it clear cut\n<MartijnVdS> popey: those look like mine, except I have -1.50ish\n<popey> i trust this guy\n<diplo> popey: yep, same as mine :)\n<MartijnVdS> popey: it's sphere/cylinder/axis, one for each eye\n<popey> been to him before\n<MartijnVdS> (cylinder + cylinder-axis, there's also a lesser-used prism + prism-axis)\n<MartijnVdS> http://www.vision-training.com/en/Vision%20test/Understand%20presecription.html\n<popey> he said he slightly over-prescribed so they'd last longer as they turn from \"doing electronics with the kids\" glasses into \"reading\" glasses\n<popey> ta\n<bigcalm> popey: I order my glasses from these people: http://www.spex4less.com/\n<awilkins> I just have a pair of +1 reading glasses I bought off the shelf in Sainsbury's\n<awilkins> Plastic lenses, no frames\n<awilkins> Useful up to about 2 feet away from my eyeballs\n<bigcalm> awilkins: you have a very long nose\n * popey hugs laney for bug 959505\n<lubotu3> bug 959505 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) \"gedit wants to save in \"recently used\" by default\" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/959505\n<foobarry> \\o/\n<foobarry> gets me a lot\n<Laney> not my favourite behaviour\n<MartijnVdS> didn't upstream claim it was a feature?\n<Laney> it didn't happen by accident\n<MartijnVdS> i.e. it was a feature\n<foobarry> however its not possible\n<MartijnVdS> foobarry: Gnome devs are not known for common sense\n<foobarry> so a half baked feature\n<awilkins> Recently used can contain folders...\n<awilkins> ... but yes, it's mostly a bit daft\n<bigcalm> Maybe the idea is that you then chose a directory from those recently used?\n<Dave2> Solution: use a real text editor\n * Dave2 hides.\n<bigcalm> Use a real IDE ;)\n<TwistedLucidity> Dave2: MS Word?\n<Dave2> Said real IDE being called \"vim\"\n<MartijnVdS> TwistedLucidity: Excel of course.\n<MartijnVdS> TwistedLucidity: that's also the One True Database System\n<awilkins> The main thing that annoys me about Unix text editors (including vim) is they append a final line ending to files even when there wasn't one\n<awilkins> It's a niche thing\n<Seeker`> C files are meant to have one\n<MartijnVdS> you can configure them to not do that ususally\n<awilkins> But there are certain files in certain VCS repositories (bzr, I'm looking at you) that don't cope with it\n<popey> Dave2: gvim does the same as gedit ☻\n<Seeker`> you should only be writing C on unix :P\n<MartijnVdS> Seeker`: and Perl\n<TwistedLucidity> Seeker`: C? Pfft. Use butterflies.\n<Seeker`> none of this VCS nonsense :P Remember, its 1970!\n<awilkins> popey, I don't run into that with gvim usually because I either use :w ~/thefile.txt\n<MartijnVdS> Seeker`: rcs.\n<Dave2> popey: :w ~/foo.txt\n<awilkins> Or I'm editing an existing file\n<MartijnVdS> or I'm editing a non-existing (but named from the command line) file\n<awilkins> That too\n<awilkins> I very rarely click the menus in gvim except for things like colorscheme\n<awilkins> And Copy and Paste, ironically, when I want to paste to another app\n<awilkins> Although I think ctrl-shift-C etc work actually /me checks\n<awilkins> No. They don't. Maybe in vim in a terminal.\n<awilkins> Yes, that works\n<Dave2> +gP to paste, or something\n<MartijnVdS> awilkins: \"*p\n<Dave2> \"gP\n<MartijnVdS> register * = system clipboard\n<Dave2> oh, that's a bit easier than \"+gP\n<MartijnVdS> register + = \"copy/paste\" clipboard (* = middle click clipboard)\n<Dave2> I shall have to remember that\n<Dave2> ahh,\n<Dave2> that makes sense\n<Dave2> I usually don't bother and just use the menus but decided that I should really learn it\n<MartijnVdS> I'm thinking of just mapping it to Ctrl+Shift+[CV]\n<bigcalm> From a Rackspace support ticket \"There are a couple of reasons why your edge device is dropping this connection. One of those is that some devices don't support multiple SAs running at the same time.\" - What's an SA?\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: context?\n<bigcalm> MartijnVdS: VPN\n<bigcalm> IPsec\n<MartijnVdS> security associations\n<bigcalm> Okay, I still don't understand :)\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: Basic IPSec ;)\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPsec#Security_association\n<bigcalm> Humm, okay\n * bigcalm passes the buck :D\n<jpds> ipsec++\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: time to go to ipsec training! ;)\n<bigcalm> MartijnVdS: I'd rather not :P That's what Rackspace are there to do\n<bigcalm> Anybody who has used Walsh Western before know what \"PLAN COMMITTED\" is meant to be?\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: wasn't SuperMatt going to work for them? :)\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: git add ~/.plan; git commit\n<RaxMatt> going to work for you?\n<RaxMatt> *who?\n<MartijnVdS> RaxMatt: Rackspace?\n<RaxMatt> yes\n<RaxMatt> I'm here now\n<RaxMatt> Should I just start highlighting Rackspace so I can support you all from here?\n<MartijnVdS> RaxMatt: see bigcalm's lines about vpns and rackspace :)\n<RaxMatt> I'm actually not allowed to do customer stuff yet :P\n<bigcalm> I'm acting as a little bit of a middle man at the moment I fear\n<MartijnVdS> http://www.icann.org/en/news/announcements/announcement-2-21jan14-en.htm\n<MartijnVdS> new GTLDs\n<shauno> they seem to have burried the list quite well\n<jussi> MooDoo: I am, but then again, you said ignre it... :P\n<bigcalm> Crontab: */1 * * * * - run once per minute?\n<popey> or * * * * *\n<directhex> */1 == *\n<bigcalm> Indeed, but I've come across the above from a client\n<bigcalm> Just checking that what they've done is weird\n<bigcalm> There are instances of */2 and */5, I guess things got whittled down to */1 for some\n<bigcalm> Date\tTime\tLocation\tActivity\n<bigcalm> 22/01/14\t 16:07\t WWI - LUTTERWORTH\t ORDER DISPATCHED FROM HUB.\n<bigcalm> Lutterworth is 1 hour 14 minutes away from me according to google maps\n<bigcalm> What are the chances of a delivery tonight?\n<popey> KiB Mem:  16314304 total, 14374528 used,  1939776 free,     1700 buffers\n<popey> KiB Swap:  8501244 total,        0 used,  8501244 free.  6869884 cached Mem\n<popey> \\o/\n<popey> still no swap used\n<bigcalm> How are you using 14GB?\n<popey>  1710 root      20   0 1380056 1.006g 160268 S  11.6  6.5  45:28.05 Xorg\n<popey> I'm not using 14G\n<popey> 6.8G is cache\n<bigcalm> 14374528 = 13.7GB\n<popey> you're not reading it right\n<popey> used doesn't mean \"consumed by applications\" in top\n<bigcalm> I never do :)\n<popey> heh\n<bigcalm> I've never understood the output of top and free\n<popey> used includes cached AIUI\n<bigcalm> I see\n<bigcalm> RaxMatt: have you heard of the name Curtis Nicholson?\n<bigcalm> He's one of our 'SErvice Delivery Managers'\n<bigcalm> Is there a crontab setting that might be disabling sending mail by default? I'm scratching my head with this client's server\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: only by disabling cron.. you could set MAILTO= to some invalid/nullrouted address\n<bigcalm> I have a file of crontab jobs in /etc/cron.d/. If I edit that file, when would the changes take effect?\n<MartijnVdS> the moment cron notices the file to be changed\n * bigcalm grumbles at this server\n<bigcalm> I wonder if there is a problem with this file of cronjobs\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: restart crond and check syslog\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: it'll grumble there if there's a broken file\n<bigcalm> Ta :)\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: but only once.. so if you put a broken crontab somewhere, it will *ignore* it (permissions wrong = broken too)\n<bigcalm> MartijnVdS: so I see!\n<bigcalm> Jan 22 18:22:01 localhost cron[9591]: (*system*td-mail-crons) WRONG FILE OWNER (/etc/cron.d/td-mail-crons)\n<bigcalm> This is annoying :)\n<MartijnVdS> those files should be root:root\n<bigcalm> Jan 22 18:24:01 localhost cron[9591]: (*system*td-mail-crons) INSECURE MODE (group/other writable) (/etc/cron.d/td-mail-crons)\n<bigcalm> Yeah\n<bigcalm> Meh\n<MartijnVdS> but yeah it only warns once per restart I think.. and maybe once every time you change the file or change permissions on the file\n<bigcalm> We're using jenkins for automatic deployment of a project. One of the bits is a crontab job file\n<MartijnVdS> that must be able to set permissions\n<bigcalm> I understand that the file needs to be secure\n<bigcalm> But getting this crontab file deployed automatically is proving a tad annoying\n<Rix0n> Hi, I've not dabbled in linux/ubuntu for a while, and I'm running 12.04... I've forgotten the name of the package I need to be able to mount NTFS filesystems. I've enabled the universe and multiverse sources but still can't find what I'm looking for.\n<bigcalm> Weeee\n<bigcalm> Jan 22 18:28:01 localhost cron[9591]: Error: bad minute; while reading /etc/cron.d/td-mail-crons\n<Rix0n> oh wait i take that back, I just installed restricted-extras and I can now browse them\n<bigcalm> Jan 22 18:28:01 localhost cron[9591]: (*system*td-mail-crons) ERROR (Syntax error, this crontab file will be ignored)\n * bigcalm sighs\n<bigcalm> Ah, I think that error is down to a comment line of ###########################\n<bigcalm> I think cron expects all comments to start with '# ' (space)\n<bigcalm> Every line in the crontab file is commented out and yet it still complains about 'bad minute'\n<bigcalm> I think I might give up for the evening\n<bigcalm> Shower before LUG I think\n<DJones> Heh, unusual (and puts things into perspective in the real world) response to a software support request https://twitter.com/andrey_butov/status/426018565561401344/photo/1\n<RaxMatt> bigcalm: nope\n<MartijnVdS> aw poo. I lost my Debian keyring PGP key about a decade ago in a disk crash :(\n<MartijnVdS> (not that I don't already have all of Valve's games..)\n<Laney> future ones!\n<daftykins> huh?\n#ubuntu-uk 2014-01-23\n<MooDoo> hello all\n<Myrtti> http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lindaliukas/hello-ruby\n<Guest13800> heylo\n<MooDoo> that looks great Myrtti\n<JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Handwriting Day! :-D\n<MooDoo> morning JamesTait :)\n<MartijnVdS> \\o\n<diplo> Morning all\n<MooDoo> morning\n<brobostigon> week two of workfare/mwa here i come,\n<bigcalm> Good morning peeps :)\n<MooDoo> morning bigcalm\n<bigcalm> !14.04\n<lubotu3> Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+1\n<darrenflaherty> hey jpds\n<MooDoo> bigcalm: I'm running LTS on my laptop, looking forward to upgrading to Trusty :)\n<bigcalm> MooDoo: is there an ISO I can get?\n<MooDoo> bigcalm: for trusty?\n<bigcalm> Or do I have to install 13.10 and then try and move to 14.04?\n<bigcalm> MooDoo: yes\n<MooDoo> well there is this page - http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/\n<MooDoo> bigcalm: what version are you on at the moment?\n<bigcalm> MooDoo: not yet installed. This is for my new laptop that just arrived :)\n<MooDoo> bigcalm: go for Saucy then, it's the current version\n<MooDoo> 13.10, then you can upgrade when it's released, unless your a die hard and like to play :D\n<bigcalm> Ah, dailey-live. I was searching the cdimage site but didn't really know where to look\n<MooDoo> I just llike to use LTS releases as I'm not bothered about cutting edge tech for what I use\n<bigcalm> MooDoo: I realise that, I wanted to see how well +1 worked out of the box :)\n<MooDoo> ah there you go then :)\n * bigcalm curses his desktop's wifi - limiting the download to 4ish MB/s\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: you should talk to knightwise ;)\n * foobarry has been virused.\n<MooDoo> foobarry: oooops\n<MartijnVdS> foobarry: what kind?\n<darrenflaherty> drussell, hi\n<Myrtti> -22C and I need to go get some food and mail a letter X-|\n<foobarry> MartijnVdS: headache/high temp/pains/cough\n * foobarry crawls back to bed\n<MooDoo> ah not computer virus lol\n<bigcalm> foobarry: I seriously thought you meant a computer virus. Doh. Get well soon\n<MooDoo> bigcalm: you're not the only one :d\n<darrenflaherty> jnick_tait: hi\n<bigcalm> Right, how does one transfer the 14.04 ISO onto a USB stick in Linux? The Startup Disk Creator keeps on failing me\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: dd\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: dd if=isofile of=/dev/sdX\n<bigcalm> That all?\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: it's a hybrid image, which works (and boots) in CD-ROM mode (BIOS and UEFI) and USB stick mode (also BIOS and UEFI)\n<bigcalm> Fair enough :)\n<bigcalm> sdc\n<bigcalm> dd if=Downloads/trusty-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdc\n<bigcalm> Nice and simple\n<directhex> clearly the tech was stolen from Ye Olde SteamOSe\n<bigcalm> Heh\n<MartijnVdS> directhex: obviously, where else?\n<directhex> (note: THIS IS A JOKE, THE REVERSE IS TRUE)\n<bigcalm> Before turning the new laptop on, I have already replaced the windows8 HDD with a blank SSD\n<bigcalm> Now to see if the image boots\n<bigcalm> dd says that it's finished its work yet the USB stick is still flashing :S\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: cache!\n<MartijnVdS> maybe waiting for 'sync' helps?\n<bigcalm> Yeah, fun\n<bigcalm> I'm surprised with dd though. Would have thought that it would have done write immediately\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: add \"fsync\" to the command line :)\n<bigcalm> MartijnVdS: I'll try to remember that for next time ;)\n<bigcalm> Installing \\o/\n<bigcalm> The install screen says \"Welcome to Ubuntu 13.10\"\n<MooDoo> yay\n<bigcalm> I'm guessing that there are more important things to do before the install screen text\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: I'd file a bug just in case\n<bigcalm> Heh\n<bigcalm> The 'grub-efi-amd64-signed' package failed to install into /target/. Without the GRUB boot loader, the installed system will not boot.\n<MartijnVdS> uhhh\n<MartijnVdS> how did you partition the drive?\n<MartijnVdS> just \"Automatic use all\" or manually?\n<bigcalm> MartijnVdS: left eveything to to the automatic stuff\n<bigcalm> The \"Install crashed\" window will now not close\n<bigcalm> Issued a sudo shutdown -P now from tty2\n<bigcalm> Now, do I try with 13.10 or try and tinker with the efi system?\n<bigcalm> popey: ping :)\n<bigcalm> http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/answers/id-1873959/solved-ubuntu-linux-installing-computer.html\n<bigcalm> The guy gives up and installs Fedora\n<bigcalm> Appointment with my bank manager in a bit. Best have a shave :S\n<diplo> Anybody here use VMWare ESX with failover? ( redundancy )\n<bigcalm> Good news about OZC\n<MartijnVdS> Oh?\n<bigcalm> http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2014/01/toshiba-purchase-of-ocz-finalized-first-new-products-released/\n<davmor2> Morning all\n * foobarry resurfaces\n<bashrc> periscope up\n<MooDoo> morning davmor2\n<davmor2> Hey MooDoo 'ow am ya chap\n<davmor2> bigcalm: is your spycamera here yet?\n<MooDoo> davmor2: fedup.com :D\n<davmor2> MooDoo: have a sadtrombone.com you won't feel so glum\n<MooDoo> new job please lol\n<davmor2> MooDoo: take a look see at http://www.canonical.com/careers\n<RaxMatt> hey guys\n<MartijnVdS> MattMan\n<RaxMatt> ¬.¬\n<MooDoo> davmor2: yeah just had a look, liked the look of the support engineer one, but can't speak manderin ;)\n<MartijnVdS> MooDoo: no better way to learn than immersion\n<davmor2> MooDoo: wuss ;)\n<MooDoo> MartijnVdS: I think mandering is a bit over my head :)\n<MooDoo> davmor2: geez thanks for the support :p\n<knightwise> afternoon everyone\n<MooDoo> hello knightwise\n<foobarry> anyone get a letter from the tax man today?\n<foobarry> about new tax code\n<knightwise> hey MooDoo :)\n<knightwise>  how are you guys today\n * knightwise is playing with his Xfce box , tweakin it a bit\n<knightwise> Does anybody know the name of the backup application that is the standard one in ubuntu ?\n<foobarry> dejadup?\n<knightwise> i Like the fact you can backup your stuff anywhere\n<knightwise> ah :) Dejadup ! :)\n<MooDoo> trying to introduce code club to my local school :D\n<bigcalm> davmor2: yes. Tried to install 14.04. Looks like it got to the end except for this error: <bigcalm> The 'grub-efi-amd64-signed' package failed to install into /target/. Without the GRUB boot loader, the installed system will not boot.\n<bigcalm> The screen is very nice\n<davmor2> xnox: ^\n<xnox> bigcalm: do you have full install log? \"ubuntu-bug ubiquity\" if using desktop cd, or collect syslog if using d-i.\n<xnox> bigcalm: it shouldn't be a problem if grub-efi-amd64-signed fails to install, that only has detached secureboot signatures.\n<bigcalm> xnox: Once I OK'd that error, the whoops something crashed window appeared and would not clear\n<bigcalm> I haven't tried booting since installing\n<bigcalm> Will give it a go :)\n<bigcalm> Ah, no boot device found :)\n<xnox> bigcalm: i'd be interested in that crash dialog to be submitted before reboot... or ubuntu-bug ubiquity also before reboot.... =)\n<xnox> bigcalm: otherwise, can you fetch /var/log/installer/* from that system, if there is anything?\n<xnox> bigcalm: e.g. by booting back into live cd and mounting the target.\n<bigcalm> xnox: do you want me to start the install from fresh and then try to provide you with information. Or do you want me to boot to the 'try before you buy' desktop and try to provide you with information?\n<davmor2> bigcalm: I'd say xnox is awesome but he does have to get his head out of the doorways, so I won't :)\n<xnox> bigcalm: from the \"try before you buy\" provide me with info =)\n<bigcalm> xnox: okay, walk me though it :)\n<xnox> bigcalm: boot into live cd, click Try Ubuntu, \"ctrl-alt-t\" on the keyboard to start terminal, \"sudo nautilus\"\n<MartijnVdS> or Ctrl+Alt+F1, and just go from the terminal :)\n<xnox> bigcalm: under devices on the left you should see your current hard-drives, click on them to mount\n<xnox> bigcalm: than, find the most recent install and open up \"var/log/installer\" i want all of those files copied & pasted into e.g. http://paste.ubuntu.com\n<xnox> (e.g. open firefox on the left) assuming you have internet connection.\n<bigcalm> Sorry, a silly client phoned\n * bigcalm presses keys\n<bigcalm> var/log/installer does not exist\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: on the (not-quite-)installed system\n<xnox> bigcalm: =(((( reinstall\n<xnox> bigcalm: and if the install crashes, don't reboot, press \"ctrl-alt-t\" and do \"ubuntu-bug ubiquity\"\n<xnox> or if poop-ups appear click through to file a bug.\n<bigcalm> Will do\n<knightwise> :) Deja-du :) Its like Crashplan for linux :)\n<bigcalm> Tried to do that last bit, it didn't work\n<directhex> crashplan is like crashplan for linux!\n<knightwise> directhex: I think i should give the headless version of crashplan a try on linux ,\n<knightwise> because the \"regular\" one isn't any good :(\n<knightwise> keeps storing updates in the wrong location\n<bigcalm> Waiting for LP to process the report and let me finish it\n<bigcalm> Does this usually take a while?\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: about a minute, I guess\n<bigcalm> Still waiting\n<bigcalm> Oh, it did finish :)\n<bigcalm> Just that the screen looks the same as it did before - laptop is on the floor while I got on with work\n<MartijnVdS> ♫ let the laptops hit the floor\n<MartijnVdS> ?\n<twager> Anyone tell me if the Nokia Lumia mounts as a block device in Linux ?\n<davmor2> twager: I'm assuming mtp same as android\n<knightwise> Mass storage device\n<knightwise> at least the 620 does\n<bigcalm> xnox: bug 1271934\n<lubotu3> bug 1271934 in grub-installer (Ubuntu) \"14.04 failed to complete install with the error \"The 'grub-efi-amd64-signed' package failed to install into /target/.\"\" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1271934\n<xnox> bigcalm: scary!\n<bigcalm> xnox: it is?\n<MartijnVdS> Jan 23 13:19:07 ubuntu ubiquity: E: Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 14.04 LTS _Trusty Tahr_ - Alpha amd64 (20140123)/pool/main/g/grub2/grub-efi-amd64-bin_2.00-22_amd64.deb  Hash Sum mismatch\n<MartijnVdS> so either your 'dd' went wrong, or your copy of the .iso got corrupted somehow, or the copy on the server is corrupt.\n<bigcalm> Okay, I'll start by re-running dd and do another install\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: I'd restart with checking the ISO :)\n<xnox> bigcalm: your media is most-likely borked.\n<bigcalm> Yay\n<twager> davmor2: Don't think so as my xperia mounts ok but my old sanfran does not..\n<MartijnVdS> xnox: it could be that the iso he downloaded is borked\n<xnox> bigcalm: yeah or that.\n<xnox> bigcalm: i have the same iso stamp and grub-efi-amd64-signed .deb md5sum matches on disk and in Packages.gz file.\n<xnox> bigcalm: verify iso md5sum after download, and recreate your install media.\n<bigcalm> d2ef4f5333aec03ea1ca11abd2f1c0fc *trusty-desktop-amd64.iso\n<bigcalm> d2ef4f5333aec03ea1ca11abd2f1c0fc  trusty-desktop-amd64.iso\n<bigcalm> md5sum is correct\n<smittix> afternoon all\n<knightwise> hey smittix\n<knightwise> :)\n<bigcalm> What was the option to write at once rather than have it cache?\n<bigcalm> dd\n<xnox> bigcalm: hm, can you do $ mount trusty-desktop-amd64.iso /mnt/\n<xnox> wait, nah,\n<xnox> bigcalm: boot into \"try ubuntu\" and do $ md5sum /cdrom/pool/main/g/grub2-signed/grub-efi-amd64-signed_1.27+2.00-22_amd64.deb\n<xnox> bigcalm: and compare it with mounting iso locally, I get: d4bd5b4f9dcd9876cf50e04396c2f930\n<bigcalm> xnox: I get that md5sum as well\n<davmor2> bigcalm: what are you burning it from?\n<xnox> bigcalm: click on network manager on the top right and disable interentz\n<bigcalm> Ug, I've just shutdown the machine again\n<xnox> bigcalm: wait a second.\n * bigcalm waits :)\n<xnox> bigcalm: it's not -signed which is borked in your log but grub-efi-amd64-bin\n<bigcalm> davmor2: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/trusty-desktop-amd64.iso\n<davmor2> bigcalm: no I use k3b how did you burn the image?\n<xnox> f35d0af7f65c6ee2e58fa2cbe1577360  ./pool/main/g/grub2/grub-efi-amd64-bin_2.00-22_amd64.deb\n<bigcalm> davmor2: oh, dd\n<xnox> bigcalm: can you check md5sum of above (prefix with cdrom) from within \"Try Ubuntu session\" ?\n<bigcalm> xnox: sure, one moment\n<bigcalm> Yay, different number!\n<davmor2> bigcalm: that might be the issue then.  You want to use growisofs iirc if you are burning from the cli.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CdDvd/Burning bottom of the page unless you are using a usb stick\n<xnox> bigcalm: i rest my case, sir =) re-create media ;-)\n<xnox> bigcalm: there should a boot option - press esc at the beginning to execute / validate installation media.\n<xnox> bigcalm: it takes a while, but helps to catch errors like these.\n<bigcalm> http://paste.ubuntu.com/6803047/\n<bigcalm> Okay\n<bigcalm> xnox: thanks for the help :)\n<bigcalm> Check finished: errors found in 17 files!\n<MartijnVdS> time to buy a new USB stick\n<BigRedS> Apparently there's a site/toy that'll let you 'open' another webpage in it and play around with the HTML as a way of learning HTML; anyone know what it is?\n<MartijnVdS> Ctrl+Shift+J in Chrome ;)\n<MartijnVdS> you can edit the HTML and see the effects immediately from there\n<BigRedS> ooh, nifty\n<MartijnVdS> also CSS and JS, of course\n<foobarry> if this is real then cool http://messagetoeagle.com/easterislandbodies.php#.UuEjunhFDQo\n<MartijnVdS> message toe agle?\n<foobarry> why did nobody dig before?\n<MooDoo> foobarry: http://www.livescience.com/20580-easter-island-heads-bodies.html\n<MartijnVdS> foobarry: the images look shopped\n<Myrtti> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ahu_Tongariki.jpg\n<Myrtti> well, the news of the petroglyphs hasn't yet made surface elsewhere it seems\n<Myrtti> petroglyphs themselves though http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter_Island#Petroglyphs\n<bigcalm> Does the 5th one have a cake on its head?\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: that must mean he's the boss\n<bigcalm> :D\n<Myrtti> bigcalm: no, a 'pukao'\n<Myrtti> damn you and the person who set me on a Wikipedia binge\n<MartijnVdS> Myrtti: at least it's not tvtropes\n<bigcalm> HEhe, aww\n<MartijnVdS> Myrtti: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LandmarkOfLore\n<Myrtti> ahha! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moai#Markings_.28post_stone_working.29\n<Myrtti> höh\n<foobarry> we nicked one for the brit museum?\n<Myrtti> MartijnVdS: neither that article or \"weaponised landmark\" mentions the jumping Moai from Super Mario on Gameboy\n<bigcalm> Re-created the install media. Now running the check before installing :)\n<foobarry> time for a kip\n<bigcalm> No errors \\o/\n<MartijnVdS> Myrtti: Super Mario Land's World 3 has Moai not only in the background, but also as enemies. (They're called by other names in the manual, but come on.) Even the boss is a stone-throwing Moai. Not to mention the fact that World 3 is called Easton.\n<MartijnVdS> Myrtti: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EenieMeenieMinyMoai\n<Myrtti> right\n<Laney> wow, just started bucketing down\n<MooDoo> yeah here too :D\n<Laney> funny that\n<diplo> Blue skies here, for once no rain!\n<RaxMatt> my servers are on rackspace now \\o/\n<RaxMatt> and by jimminy they're fast\n<bigcalm> I have a working laptop. Yay :)\n<bigcalm> xnox & davmor2: thank you both :)\n<davmor2> bigcalm: you're welcome dude enjoy all the goodness\n * bigcalm waits for things to break :P\n<bigcalm> I see that there is a lack of a battery monitor icon :(\n<davmor2> bigcalm: on the installed system ther eshould be\n<bigcalm> davmor2: I don't see it\n * bigcalm shuts down to get on with his darn work\n<SuperMatt> yo yo yo\n<davmor2> bigcalm: go into settings power and see what the status is for the show battery status in the menu bar I have it when battery is present\n<SuperMatt> In west philidelphia bored and raised, on the playground is where I spend most of my days\n<davmor2> SuperMatt: fired already that was quick ;)\n<bigcalm> davmor2: as do I\n<davmor2> SuperMatt: at least your old nick^wjob hadn't gone hey\n<RaxMatt> I'm still here\n<SuperMatt> I'm just porting my server across\n<MooDoo> SuperMatt: RaxMatt free hosting now on their cloud?\n<davmor2> bigcalm: I'm just updating I'll see if mine disappears\n<bigcalm> Wow, I had a newer version of ubuntu than davmor2 for a change\n<SuperMatt> MooDoo: yup\n<davmor2> bigcalm: busy working on the older version for the apps :)\n<MooDoo> SuperMatt: nice\n<davmor2> bigcalm: oh no I'm up-to-date so just you then dude :P\n<bigcalm> davmor2: ho hum\n<bigcalm> Also, who thought it would be a good idea to make the track pad buttons also part of the track pad?\n<davmor2> forgot the archive is frozen for alpha2\n<davmor2> bigcalm: that is the issue on mine that I told you about really annoying right.  You can get used to it though\n<bigcalm> davmor2: means that I can no longer use 2 hands to move windows around\n<bigcalm> Guess I'll continue to use an external mouse\n<davmor2> bigcalm: yes you can\n<davmor2> bigcalm: left click and move works fine here\n<davmor2> bigcalm: or you can just click down and keep your finger pressed down and move it\n<MartijnVdS> bit it annoys!\n<davmor2> MartijnVdS: indeed it's when you get everything lined up nicely and then go to click on the button and it moves the cursor nothing worse\n<bigcalm> The touch screen is odd in Ubuntu\n<MartijnVdS> that too\n<MartijnVdS> can't get scrolling to work with it\n<MartijnVdS> it's \"just\" a mouse pointer\n<bigcalm> Yep\n<popey> bigcalm: pong\n<popey> I think I may have a memory leak\n<popey>   PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND\n<popey>  1710 root      20   0 2671944 2.212g 210352 S  12.6 14.2 108:28.86 Xorg\n<bigcalm> popey: too late, xnox and davmor2 helped me get my laptop install fixed\n<MartijnVdS> popey: only 2GB? You have 16! ;)\n<popey> your spycam arrived?\n<foobarry> resources exapnd to what's avaiable...\n<popey> its also constant 10%\n<popey> which it never was on saucy\n<davmor2> popey: what have was told you about the ear buds, when you feel resistance stop pushing\n<popey> davmor2: you on trusty on intel?\n<popey> (or anyone)\n<davmor2> popey: I am\n<davmor2> popey: it is optimus gfx\n<popey> top.. press m, is xorg near top?\n<popey> no, intel\n<davmor2> but the nvidia bit is broken\n<davmor2> popey: second\n<popey> my latest ebay item arrived broken ☹\n<popey> http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/141142336606?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649\n<foobarry> compiz top on my 1204 box grr\n<popey> http://imgur.com/KiZEPZ6,nspyQCB\n<bigcalm> popey: https://twitter.com/bigcalm/status/426375609325858816/photo/1\n<bigcalm> Well this isn't good\n<bigcalm> I can't shutdown my laptop\n<popey> omg!\n<bigcalm> It constantly reboots\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: it's spying on you\n<popey> laptop with numeric keypad ⍨\n<bigcalm> popey: the keyboard is rather odd\n<bigcalm> Not used the laptop in anger yet\n<bigcalm> I've tried sudo shutdown -P now\n<bigcalm> Even that rebooted\n<bigcalm> To take the battery out, I will have to unscrew the back of the machine\n<bigcalm> Time to press and hold the power button\n<davmor2> popey: htop makes it clearer still :)\n<davmor2> popey: I a laptop with an numeric pad too, it's great for typing in credit card numbers :D\n * davmor2 hugs htop it's so much easier to follow than top :)\n<popey> oh jeez\n<popey> every single damn time I say top\n<popey> someone somewhere on the internet tells me to use htop\n<Dave2> popey: have you tried htop?\n<popey> \"no\".\n<MartijnVdS> Dave2: is the \"h\" silent (like in American \"herb\")\n<popey> i even ran top just now, took a screenshot to put online and then thought \"nah, someone will say use htop\"\n<popey> goits\n<davmor2> popey: top is great for a quick assessment but I find it easier to follow things on htop.  Which is all I said not that you should use it :P\n<foobarry> do u have to be dumb to get on daytime quiz shows?\n<MartijnVdS> foobarry: \"u\"? are you trying to get on a daytime quiz show? ;)\n<popey> i just don't see it\n<popey> http://imgur.com/qJ36U9Z\n<popey> \"Is xorg using lots of RAM?\" -> \"Yes\"\n<MartijnVdS> popey: do you have 3d-heavy programs running?\n<popey> nope\n<foobarry> htop can show threaded processes or not\n<MartijnVdS> foobarry: so can top\n<foobarry> htop shows colours\n<popey> it's like me saying \"can you google for foo\"\n<popey> \"No, I'd rather use BING\"\n<popey> I DO NOT CARE\n<popey> the question was \"is xorg using ram\" not \"what's your favorite cpu monitor\"\n<popey> meh\n<popey> ☻\n<foobarry> popey got trolled\n<popey> 5GB disk cache tho ☻\n<MartijnVdS> popey: and an SSD?\n<popey> two\n<popey>  / or one, /home on the other\n<popey> http://www.itwire.com/it-industry-news/deals/62910-ibm-sells-server-division-to-lenovo\n<MartijnVdS> popey: still, all SSD\n<popey> ya\n<popey> no rust\n<foobarry> http://www.itnews.com.au/News/370344,hacker-gets-facebooks-keys-to-the-kingdom.aspx\n<JGJones> I might be a bit late to the party, but I was wondering my dear friend popey if you had heard of this excellent CPU monitor. It comes with colour too. As an additional bonus, it also have an extra letter over top. This letter is h. Most probably stand for Hyper and we all know Hyper make anything better. So popey, allow me to introduce you to htop!\n<popey> \"lol\"\n<JGJones> No love for atop though? :P\n<diplo> Or iotop\n<foobarry> i've got 50 mins of enfroced bed rest, what programme/youtube/etc can i watch?\n<bigcalm> foobarry: hat films\n<bigcalm> foobarry: they are nutty :)\n<foobarry> iplayer is still flash based? ugh\n<bigcalm> get_iplayer FTW!\n<bigcalm> And the web interface even more so :D\n<foobarry> chrome frw\n<popey> foobarry: here's one for you.. only 11 mins though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlZ8iPaufTg\n<popey> :D\n<Myrtti> bigcalm: get-iplayer is nice, because you can set it to use a proxy by default ;-)\n<popey> Myrtti: feel free to send me your tv license fee and I'll passs it on, promise.\n<Myrtti> popey: I'll have to ask the SO for that\n<foobarry> popey: seemed rather incorrect view in the first 10 seconds\n<popey> yeah, he dives right in\n<popey> was only joshing\n<foobarry> showed blatant ignorance\n<foobarry> he lost me already\n<popey> heh\n<shauno> oh tihs goes on the \"if you do this\" list.  uses a setting \"maxLenght\".  if you subconsciously use the correct spelling, no workey.\n<bigcalm> Anybody know why my laptop reboots instead of powering off?\n<davmor2> bigcalm: it hates you?\n<bigcalm> davmor2: that's a given\n<drussell> lol\n<davmor2> bigcalm: I can't think of an obvious reason why it wouldn't shut down\n<drussell> davmor2: what's the laptop? and recent change or always been like that?\n<drussell> davmor2: and same behaviour from VT as from gui?\n<bigcalm> It shuts down, and then powers back up again. I wonder if it's something in the BIOS (or whatever it's called these days)\n<davmor2> drussell: not my laptop bigcalms\n<bigcalm> drussell: http://www.dell.com/uk/p/inspiron-15-7537/pd?oc=cn75305&model_id=inspiron-15-7537\n<drussell> davmor2: sorry, apologies, not paying enough attention!\n<bigcalm> drussell: running 14.04\n<drussell> bigcalm: always done it, or new behaviour?\n<bigcalm> drussell: the machine was delivered this morning :)\n<drussell> bigcalm: hehehe awesome, congrats :o)\n<drussell> bigcalm: sometimes they need different acpi quirks loaded to get around that kind of issue\n<bigcalm> drussell: I thought it might be an apci issue, just don't know what the best settings will be :)\n<drussell> bigcalm: if you switch to a VT after having logged out, what does \"sudo shutdown -h -q now\" do?\n<bigcalm> I haven't tried with -q\n<bigcalm> But -P now reboots\n<drussell> bigcalm: interesting\n<bigcalm> Is -h -q the same as -P now?\n<drussell> bigcalm: the -q shouldn't make any difference, just quiet\n<bigcalm> Ah, -h is halt\n<drussell> bigcalm: yup\n<bigcalm> I'll try just doing a halt\n<drussell> bigcalm: H P and h are all the same\n<drussell> bigcalm: are you using the nvidia binary drivers also?\n<bigcalm> drussell: not yet\n<bigcalm> lspci: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6803821/\n<bigcalm> I get the feeling that I'll run into the optimus problems\n<bigcalm> I've issued a halt. I can't tell if it's finished shutting down or has frozen :S\n<drussell> bigcalm: it's likely.... if you're not planning to use the nvidia hardware, can you disable it from the uefi settings?\n<drussell> bigcalm: lol @ shutdown or frozen\n<bigcalm> The ubuntu and 5 dots are on screen with the 1st one orange\n<bigcalm> I held down power\n<bigcalm> I want to use nvidia!\n<drussell> bigcalm: in that case, I'd suggest installing the binary drivers, see if that changes the behaviour for better or worse\n<bigcalm> Are you still talking about the shut down issue?\n<bigcalm> I'll get around to graphics some other time :)\n<Myrtti> oops http://usvsth3m.com/post/74285062011/you-wont-believe-why-the-victoria-line-is-currently\n<davmor2> bigcalm: stay on intel for now the nvidia guys still haven't fixed the 3.13 kernel issue yet\n<bigcalm> davmor2: that's what I thought\n<davmor2> bigcalm: it's in the works apparently\n<davmor2> drussell: optimus is broken on 3.13 the intel part is fine but the minute you enable the nvidia bit it falls back to safe gfx mode\n<drussell> davmor2: ahhhhhh I thought that'd been fixed :o(\n * Laney gives in and mails directhex for a key\n<mapps> applied for another job\n<mapps> :D\n<mapps> annoying it just says salary 'competitive'\n<bigcalm> mapps: what kind of job?\n<mapps> system engineer architecht fanc title really.way more fancy than needs be\n<mapps> working for William Hill in London\n<mapps> annoying when they just say competitive and stuff\n<mapps> they had a few other roles but im not doing tchnical lead/service support roles 20-25k and living in London?\n<Laney> \"crap but we know someone will take it anyway\"\n<mapps> yea definitely\n<mapps> and sure if you live 10 to a house you'd manage\n<mapps> but i couldn't manage on 25k in London paying 1200+ rent\n<TheOpenSourcerer> directhex: Nice one :-) You got an indirect mention in ars: http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2014/01/steamos-beta-adds-legacy-bios-official-dual-boot-support/\n<directhex> TheOpenSourcerer, old news! the new news is https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2014/01/msg00006.html\n<ali1234> i'm impressed how quickly valve picked that stuff up. they've also been very responsive to the trivial bugs i reported on steam for linux\n<ali1234> which were just silly stuff like \"your XDG shortcuts are wrong\"\n<ali1234> really trivial stuff that doesn't even affect the officially supported platforms. but they fixed it anyway\n<directhex> their engineers are really sharp\n<directhex> it'd piss them the hell off to be wrong\n<MartijnVdS> like true debian devs ;)\n<TheOpenSourcerer> directhex: Yeah - I'd heard that a day or two ago.\n<MartijnVdS> Good news: http://www.zdnet.com/uks-security-branch-says-ubuntu-most-secure-end-user-os-7000025312/\n<MartijnVdS> UK's security branch says Ubuntu most secure end-user OS\n<ali1234> NO\n<ali1234> no they don't\n<ali1234> this was well and truly debunked last week\n<MartijnVdS> tell that to zdnet\n<ali1234> zdnet sucks\n * bigcalm waves from the new laptop :)\n<MartijnVdS> \\o\n<MartijnVdS> it working OK then?\n<bigcalm> MartijnVdS, current problem is that I can't power off the machine without holding down the power button. But working okay otherwise :)\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: just suspend instead ;)\n<bigcalm> ;)\n<Myrtti> well, the Hello Ruby-book which had less than ten backers when I first saw it, now has 1213 backers, with less than a day behind it, and has got 537% of the requested funding\n<bigcalm> I really really like the display\n<popey> bigcalm: what happens when you shutdown?\n<bigcalm> popey: the system powers itself back on\n<popey> bigcalm: be interested to know if the upstream kernel does it\n<popey> http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.13-trusty/\n<popey> that one\n<bigcalm> popey: so just install the deb and reboot?\n<popey> debs\n<popey> the two amd64 and the all one\n<bigcalm> Oh yes, headers as well\n<bigcalm> Okay\n<bigcalm> Any particular order?\n<popey> all 3 at once\n<popey> download them and dpkg -i 1.deb 2.deb 3.deb\n<bigcalm> ah, I see\n<popey> and maybe then also grab the 3.12 too\n<popey> be interested to know if this is a regression\n * bigcalm reboot\n<bigcalm> s\n<bigcalm> <bigcalm> Linux iain-laptop 3.13.0-031300-generic #201401192235 SMP Mon Jan 20 03:36:48 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux\n<bigcalm> <bigcalm> Shutdown worked correctly and did not power back on until I told it to do so\n<bigcalm> <bigcalm> Do you want me to check 3.12 as well?\n<bigcalm> Wrote all of that in the wrong channel :D\n<bigcalm> davmor2: battery notification icon appears once I've suspended the laptop by closing the lid\n<bigcalm> popey: ?\n<popey> no\n<bigcalm> Okay\n<popey> so 3.13.0-031300-generic works and stock 3.13 does not?\n<popey> bug time!\n<bigcalm> Heh\n<popey> thats good news\n<popey> you can keep using that kernel for now\n<bigcalm> Shall I stick with this kernal?\n<bigcalm> kernel\n<bigcalm> Sure\n<popey> reboot into the broken one and do \"ubuntu-bug linux\" to file a bug\n<bigcalm> Okay\n<popey> and give us the url or ping jsalisbury with it directly\n<bigcalm> How do I get grub to show when booting? It's booting straight into Ubuntu without asking\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: hold shift I think\n<bigcalm> Okay, I'll try that\n<popey> yes, hold shift as soon as it powers on\n<popey> and choose the second option\n<popey> and then you'll get the list\n<bigcalm> Tally ho!\n<bigcalm> That didn't work :(\n<bigcalm> Keeps booting directly without showing grub\n<bigcalm> Can I edit grub to show the list every time?\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: in /etc/default/grub comment the GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT line and update-grub\n<bigcalm> Ta\n<MartijnVdS> maybve set GRUB_TIMEOUT to non-zero\n<bigcalm> Reboot :)\n<popey> uhm\n<popey> hold shift earlier\n<popey> like, all the time\n<bigcalm> I did\n<popey> after you press power button\n<directhex> BEEP\n<directhex> KEY HELD ERROR, PRESS F1 TO CONTINUE\n<popey> nope\n<popey> shouldn't, thats why it's shift surely?\n<bigcalm> brb\n<directhex> i once had a motherboard that would throw a \"no keyboard, press f1\" error if windows ever crashed. shut down cleanly, fine. reboot forcefully, keyboard not found\n<directhex> this applied only to USB keyboards\n<directhex> so i had a cheap old PS/2 keyboard hanging out the back of the PC, just to hit F1 to continue on occasion\n<ali1234> i had a motherboard once where the PS/2 mouse port died\n<ali1234> you cannot disable PS/2 mouse in windows NT, it's built in to the kernel\n<ali1234> so that computer could not ever run windows again\n<MartijnVdS> why not? couldn't it cope with 2 mice at once?\n<ali1234> because it would freeze as soon as anything tried to open the mouse\n<ali1234> even if no mouse was plugged in\n<MartijnVdS> ah.. not just electrically dead\n<MartijnVdS> actively dead ;)\n<bigcalm> Good/bad news\n<bigcalm> I've rebooted with the default kernel 3.13.0-5-generic\n<bigcalm> I can now shut down correctly\n<MartijnVdS> \\o/\n<bigcalm> Which means that I don't have a bug to report :S\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: you do.. it's still in the Ubuntu kernel\n<MartijnVdS> so they need to get whatever patch is in upstream (or revert whatever they did to break it)\n<bigcalm> I can't reproduce the issue though\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: but you can with the Ubuntu kernel right?\n<MartijnVdS> so it's something that's different between stock and ubuntu kernels\n<bigcalm> Linux iain-laptop 3.13.0-5-generic #20-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jan 20 19:56:38 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux\n<MartijnVdS> ah wait\n<bigcalm> As far as I can tell, this is the ubuntu kernel\n<MartijnVdS> the *default* kernel.. not the *stock* one, I need to read better :)\n<bigcalm> The issue has gone away since installing the 2nd kernel and then booting with the original one\n<bigcalm> Most confusing\n<MartijnVdS> what if you power down completely and boot the original one\n<MartijnVdS> (so not stock but ubuntu, the previously broken one)\n<bigcalm> I'll give it a go\n<popey> yeah, start from scratch\n<bigcalm> The system is still shutting down correctly with the kernel that comes with Ubuntu 14.04\n<bigcalm> Now to try to remove the upstream kernel and see if it still happens\n<bigcalm> How do I do that? :)\n<bigcalm> I do have a bug to report though :)\n<bigcalm> Bluetooth won't stay disabled\n<bigcalm> !ping\n<lubotu3> pong!\n<oly> hi, any suggestions for me ubuntu 14.10 is locking at boot think its todo with sound\n<oly> 14.04 even, is there a parameter to disable at boot\n<oly> or a module i can block,\n<oly> previous versions of the kernel work, i think something changed probably because there never used to be any driver :p\n<ali1234> you can blacklist alsa modules\n<oly> cool i will give that a try, i was not sure if alsa was a module or if it was a sound driver i needed to blacklist\n<diddledan__> so I managed to sleep through the entire day\n<bigcalm> Much rebooting later. Bluetooth continues to ignore being turned off. This is with both kernels\n<bigcalm> Wee, my keybord lights up :D\n<popey> bigcalm: dpkg -l *3.13.0-031300-generic*\n<popey> bigcalm: when you say bluetooth ignores being turned off.. you mean you turn it off and it stays on?\n<popey> or do you mean you turn it off, reboot, and its back on?\n<ali1234> oly could be either. alsa is a module and each driver is also a separate module.\n<ali1234> probably go for the driver if you know which one it is\n<oly> yeah still happened,\n<oly> not sure on the driver, its likely loading the wrong one\n<oly> as looks like theris still no driver file for this sound card\n<ali1234> check the system logs\n<oly> will report a bug i can see a kernel oops in the logs when i go back to the older kernel\n<bigcalm> popey: the later\n<popey> bigcalm: thats been the case for years\n<popey> add a cronjob to sudo rfkill blah to shut it down ☻\n<ali1234> or disable in the bios\n<popey> bug 922375\n<popey> hmm\n<lubotu3> bug 922375 in gnome-bluetooth (Ubuntu) \"Bluetooth indicator will not stay turned off after reboot\" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/922375\n<ali1234> rfkill is supposed to save state and restore at the next boot, like alsa does with volume\n<popey> ah\n<ali1234> at least i think it is\n<ali1234> maybe the udev rule got broken recently, like the alsa one did\n<ali1234> bug 1268301\n<lubotu3> bug 1268301 in alsa-utils (Ubuntu) \"udev alsa restore restore rules are broken\" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1268301\n<bigcalm> popey: funky\n<ali1234> or maybe it doesn't work anything like that, i dunno\n<ali1234> ah here we go: /var/lib/rfkill/saved-state\n<ali1234> and /etc/init/rfkill-store.conf and -restore.conf\n<ali1234> does not appear to use udev\n<oly> that sounds a bit like the issue i am hitting\n<ali1234> nah, you have an oops :)\n<ali1234> show oops pls\n<oly> um one sec need to setup ssh on the other maching\n<ali1234> the alsa udev thing doesn't get fixed by swapping kernels either, it's caused because the udev rules changed, and the way they are parsed is quite complex, so changes in an unrelated rule can affect other rules\n<oly> http://pastebin.com/3NqnYFKW\n<ali1234> ooh, that's your video driver\n<oly> actually thats for the working one lol\n<ali1234> definitely report that\n<oly> 3.12.0-7 that works fine, i actually have graphics\n<ali1234> probably already reported then\n<oly> whats best way to report, the docs are confusing is it ubunt-bug\n<oly> i was reading some of the docs and could not find an actual command that seemed relevant, they all seemed geared towards applications\n<ali1234> yeah, they are\n<ali1234> that bug should eventually end up on bugs.freedesktop.org anyway\n<ali1234> but you might want to test with the vanilla kernels\n<ali1234> i just searched and i don't see it already reported upstream\n<oly> what shoudl i type to report it to launchpad ?\n<ali1234> https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=67345\n<lubotu3> Freedesktop bug 67345 in DRM/Intel \"[BayTrail-M] [drm:intel_pipe_config_compare] *ERROR* mismatch in clock (expected 146250, found 0)\" [Normal,Verified: fixed]\n<ali1234> might already be fixed\n<oly> probably fixed in the kernel that does not boot :)\n<ali1234> probably, yes\n<oly> thanks for the help anyway ali1234, will try some things tomorrow\n<oly> at least i have touch screen and video,\n<oly> although anyone know if you can make onscreenkeyboard work with unity ?\n<oly> it seems to work for everything but the dash :p\n<oly> anyway thanks again night\n#ubuntu-uk 2014-01-24\n<ali1234> can you retweet a tweet @ someone who doesn't follow you?\n<popey> yes\n<popey> you can retweet anything so long as you can see it and the person doesn't have their stream private\n<ali1234> but when i click retweet it doesn't let me edit it... i'm too old for this stuff\n<ali1234> i'll just email them the link. lol\n<popey> hah\n<bobtuny> Anyone here?\n<ali1234> yes\n<MooDoo> morning all\n<knightwise> morning MooDoo\n<MooDoo> knightwise: hello :) it's friday :)\n<knightwise> I kneuw :)\n<knightwise> I'm having soundconverter have a crack at some of the flac files I found online\n * knightwise has a day off today \n<knightwise> now I need to drag .epub files out of a recursive file directory structure into one folder\n<knightwise> still looking how to do that\n<knightwise> find -r *.epub /sourcedirs/ | mv /targetdir/\n<knightwise> probably not .. right ?\n * MooDoo shrugs...sorry\n<diddledan__> knightwise: find /path/to/epub/parent *.epub -exec mv '{}' /target/epub/dir \\;\n<knightwise> hey diddledan__ :) thanx ! :)\n<knightwise> found it in the meantime :)\n<knightwise> I have to go through quite a bit of folders :) Been playing with Wget and some google \"intitle\" searches :)\n<mapps> morning\n<knightwise> hey mapps\n<MooDoo> morning morning\n<MartijnVdS> knightwise: hence the 'find' which moves it for you\n<MartijnVdS> \\o *\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Morning one and all :-D\n<knightwise> morning guys :)\n<mapps> so uh i was logged into my machine using ajaxterm through apache webserver on https:// had a problem with apache..did /etc/init.d/apachectl stop.. and uh oh why cant i do anything\n<mapps> d'oh i was using ajaxterm through the webserver:D\n<JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Friday and happy Belly Laugh Day! :-D\n<Myrtti> morning\n<MartijnVdS> hey, new Java.\n<Myrtti> my trusty(!) virtual machine had gotten a booboo during the week I wasn't showing it TLC :-(\n<MartijnVdS> Myrtti: what happened?\n<Myrtti> no idea, it wouldn't boot\n<Myrtti> quicker to reinstall the whole thing and start over than to dig deeper\n<MartijnVdS> aww\n<Myrtti> I'm not experienced enough with the problems they have to waste time on problem solving\n<MartijnVdS> Myrtti: does it show any messages? would it be bugreport-worthy?\n<Myrtti> doubt it, it's more likely to be a PEBKAC than anything else\n<mapps> pebkac?\n<MartijnVdS> mapps: problem exists betweek keyboard and chaird. aka \"user error\"\n<mapps> ahh course\n<mapps> thx\n<diddledan__> PEBKAC tends to be the primary source of errors for me\n<MartijnVdS> diddledan__: get a bean bag instead\n<diddledan__> lol\n<diddledan__> I need a big ball\n<diddledan__> that way I'll improve my posture at the same time\n<knightwise> ls\n<knightwise> oops wrong window\n<diddledan__> knightwise: I agree\n<mapps> lol\n<mapps> treadmill desk is the future\n<mapps> :D\n<mapps> office chaire=silent killer!!\n<MartijnVdS> mapps: http://goo.gl/alp3eT\n<mapps> lol MartijnVdS\n<Myrtti> you mean working sitting crosslegged in a onesie on your bed isn't good?\n<Myrtti> damn.\n<diddledan__> Myrtti: onsesies ftw\n<diplo> Morning all\n<SuperMatt> I just went the longjohns route this morning\n<SuperMatt> so I'm nice and warm :D\n<DJones> Morning\n<TheOpenSourcerer> I got my wife a onesie for Xmas - she thinks it's great. It's purple with dots. Makes her look like a big baby :-)\n<mapps> doesnt everyone look like a big baby in them? They dont appeal to me at all:)\n<MartijnVdS> but they're nice and warm!\n<YaManicKill> Yeah, great for using in the winter, in the house.\n<YaManicKill> Never to be seen by other people :-P\n<directhex> nggggg\n<SuperMatt> I wouldn't be surprised if I saw people in their onesies popping down to the corner shop, or whatever\n<SuperMatt> because for some people laziness trumps decency\n<directhex> i've seen people in onesies in the town centre\n<directhex> also 25% packet loss wtf\n<popey> i saw someone in a onesie in the co-op recently\n<popey> she was buying chocolate\n<popey> pretty sure we knew what was going on there\n<TheOpenSourcerer> My missus won't go out in hers. But should think it's common in Banbury and Farnborough ;-)\n<MartijnVdS> TheOpenSourcerer: that article you retweeted mentions my employer (zaaksysteem.nl) :)\n<TheOpenSourcerer> :-D\n<popey>  my missus won't wear hers\n<TheOpenSourcerer> https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/community/osor/news/oss-use-dutch-town-lowers-it-cost-24-vs-peers\n<MartijnVdS> yeah, that one :)\n<popey> so sophie stole it, and it's massively too big for her\n<popey> https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/--BXYQ48p1IA/UtRU_1ScPiI/AAAAAAAAjO8/qC5Omxq3wGk/w677-h903-no/IMG_2690.JPG\n<popey> has to hitch it up\n<TheOpenSourcerer> ha ha\n<bigcalm> Good morning peeps :)\n<bigcalm> Gosh, Sophie is getting tall\n<SuperMatt> I shall one day get a onsie\n<bigcalm> popey: the photo behind her head, there appears to be more people than your unit of 4?\n<SuperMatt> maybe on the way home tonight because it's payday\n<MartijnVdS> SuperMatt: amazon\n<bigcalm> SuperMatt: Rackspace are paying you already?\n<foobarry> SuperMatt: i've seen people in their pyjamas in coop too\n<MartijnVdS> foobarry: The Dude?\n<foobarry> and slippers. buying superkings for their toddlers\n<SuperMatt> bigcalm: yes, fortunately\n<SuperMatt> and my last job's pay came in too\n<SuperMatt> a little too much in fact\n<SuperMatt> they called me yesterday in a panic because they over paid me\n<popey> bigcalm: sister, her kids\n<bigcalm> Ah, okay\n<SuperMatt> they want me to send the money back, but haven't actually sent the bacs details \\o/\n<foobarry> ubuntu one app stopped uploading pictures :S\n<SuperMatt> eek\n * Laney snuggles directhex \n<diddledan__> Laney: stop that canoodling - you're making us jealous :-p\n<Laney> there's room in this spoon for three\n<Laney> NO MORE THOUGH\n * knightwise thinks MartijnVdS deserves a hugg too because now my ubuntu machine runs like a charm :) \n<MartijnVdS> Laney: you weren't in Prague at the UDS were you? :)\n<Laney> no\n<knightwise> anyone of you guys coming to fossdem ?\n<Laney> the dholbach hug?\n<Laney> yes\n<MartijnVdS> Laney: yeah that one :)\n<MartijnVdS> knightwise: maybe\n<knightwise> same here. If there are gonna be some peeps around that I know I might go too\n<knightwise> or i'll just go do do some interviews for HPR or the Knightwise.com podcast\n<Laney> my first UDS was the one in \"Brussels\"\n<MartijnVdS> Laney: was there a room named that?\n<MartijnVdS> Laney: where was that?\n<Laney> not sure, a magical coach took us there\n<Laney> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-M\n<MartijnVdS> Laney: ah, no, the real city of brussels. Didn't go there\n<Laney> got to see sabdfl walking around in his towel & slippers\n<Laney> you had to cross the lobby to get to the gym & sauna from the rooms\n<Laney> weird\n<MartijnVdS> the photo is the same as the one on the UDS-L page\n<MartijnVdS> UDS-Jaunty was my last :|\n<Laney> you're old skool\n<popey>   PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND\n<popey>  1710 root      20   0 4389528 3.642g 389388 S  21.5 23.4 187:02.22 Xorg\n<popey> wheeee\n<popey> was 2.3 G yesterday\n<MartijnVdS> Laney: my first was \"The Mataro Sessions\", https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MataroConference\n<Laney> huh\n<Laney> hadn't heard of that one\n<MartijnVdS> Laney: the very first one, just after 4.10 came out\n<Laney> did you work for canonical?\n<Laney> back in those idealistic days of yore\n<Laney> shipping the \"best GNOME desktop\"\n<MartijnVdS> No, I didn't.. just a community member :)\n<popey> ah old names in the changelog for that wiki page\n<Laney> that sladen\n<MartijnVdS> Laney: http://www.flickr.com/search/?w=31717518@N02&q=mataro\n<MartijnVdS> recognise ALL the people! 8-)\n<MartijnVdS> (and ancient launchpad)\n<davmor2> Morning all\n<brobostigon> good morning everyone.\n<MartijnVdS> \\o brobostigon\n<brobostigon> morning MartijnVdS\n<bigcalm> Morning davmor2\n<brobostigon> no more workfare/mwa untill wednesday now, makes me happy, my back and hip hurt.\n<bigcalm> davmor2: battery notification is displayed once I resume from a suspend. But not from a cold boot.\n<foobarry>       20   0  282m 116m  12m S    1  1.5 232:23.14 Xorg\n<foobarry>  up 51 days, 17:27,\n<diddledan__> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-25840502\n<MartijnVdS> FASTESTEST EVAR\n<MartijnVdS> In all of space and time!\n<diddledan__> :-)\n<davmor2> bigcalm: file a bug :)\n<YaManicKill> \"It allows them to increase their capacity without having to spend much more money.\"\n<YaManicKill> Bet we'll see increase in prices though...\n<MartijnVdS> YaManicKill: also, transceivers aren't cheap\n<MartijnVdS> for fibre\n<YaManicKill> Yeah\n<diddledan__> I've got a gigabit-capable sfp port on my router - I want BT to install FTTP so that I can get superspeed\n<diddledan__> 40 Mbps just doesn't cut it\n<MartijnVdS> I have a gigabit media converter in my house (and fibre going into it)\n<MartijnVdS> but the other end is only 100mbit :(\n<MartijnVdS> hance I only have 100/100 at home\n<MartijnVdS> hence8\n<MartijnVdS> *\n<YaManicKill> I just want decent speed wifi. Need to save up my pennies and get a decent router. I'm on 76Mb/s internet, but with the router that they provided me with, I'm getting max of 4MB/s\n<MartijnVdS> wifi is never as fast as advertised\n * popey hands YaManicKill an ethernet cable\n<YaManicKill> popey: Oh, where do I plug that into my phone?\n<popey> android phone?\n<YaManicKill> MartijnVdS: I know, but 4Mb/s is crap\n<YaManicKill> popey: of course\n<diddledan__> do any androids support usb-ethernet adapters?\n<popey> yeah, usb ethernet ☻\n<popey> apple ones are best ㋛\n<YaManicKill> Oh for crying out loud.\n<popey> why is your wifi so slow?\n<YaManicKill> What about my tablet? It doesn't support otg\n<popey> bummer\n<YaManicKill> popey: because it's a crappy router that plusnet gave me.\n<popey> ah, shame\n<diddledan__> plusnet -_-\n<diddledan__> cheap as chips\n<popey> i had the same with my vm box so bought a netgear and slapped dd-wrt on it\n<diddledan__> but not as tasty\n<YaManicKill> Aye, I'm just trying to prioritise money just now. Just bought a house, you see :-P\n<YaManicKill> s/bought a house/about to buy a house/\n<MartijnVdS> sounds like the best time to invest in a proper router ;)\n<YaManicKill> Yep, but just need to convince the wife we need a proper decent one.\n<YaManicKill> s/proper decent/wifi ac/\n<bigcalm> Constantly getting \"Error: bad minute\" from crontab. Are there rules for how comments should be constructed?\n<popey> # this is a comment\n<MartijnVdS> make sure # is at the start of the line\n<bigcalm> Yep, that's the case\n<MartijnVdS> bad minute could indicate someone used a minute > 59\n<bigcalm> I replaced all of the blank lines with # # and now it works\n<YaManicKill> ha\n<bigcalm> Since when does crontab not like blank lines?\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: then they weren't really blank. Did they contain spaces?\n<foobarry> when there's special characters\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: also.. DOS line endings maybe? :)\n<bigcalm> Ahhhh, the line endings could be the issue!\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: so.. do you want authorization to hurt the author? :)\n<bigcalm> MartijnVdS: chance would be a fine thing\n<bigcalm> ^M everywhere\n<MartijnVdS> who invented those horrible things anyway\n<davmor2> bigcalm: I never add blank lines to crontab.  I just type in the comment and then the command next line is the next comment.\n<bigcalm> Taken from a website somewhere: Crontab delimits jobs with line breaks (newlines). Each job occupies one line. Therefore, if crontab sees anything other than an integer in the first column of a line, it throws the “bad minute” error, since the minute argument is the first one crontab encounters.\n<Dave2> well that's wrong\n<Dave2> you can have comments in cron\n<foobarry> i remember getting emails from crontab in the past\n<bigcalm> Comments are ignored\n<foobarry> \"there are blank lines in your corontab\"\n<Dave2> Yes. But they are newlines which don't start with integers.\n<MartijnVdS> the cron I know can handle that fine\n<bigcalm> Would be nice if crontab would ignore blank lines as well\n<YaManicKill> Easy fix though... just have a blank comment line\n<YaManicKill> #\n<YaManicKill> Sorted :-)\n<bigcalm> This is the default cron in 12.04\n<MartijnVdS> Or a long comment line: 0 * * * * /bin/true\n<bigcalm> YaManicKill: just done that, looks horrible\n<YaManicKill> bigcalm: better than nothing\n<bigcalm> True\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: how does a default 12.04 crontab end up with dos line endings\n<bigcalm> I know, the deployment script can remove blank lines from the file before it copies to the destination\n<bigcalm> MartijnVdS: line endings are no longer the issue\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: Blank lines in crontab are fine in Ubuntu's cron\n<MartijnVdS> you're aware /etc/cron.d/* crontabs use a different format?\n<MartijnVdS> with the username to run as between the time and the command\n<MartijnVdS> man 5 crontab, too\n<MartijnVdS> that manual claims:\n<bigcalm> MartijnVdS: yes\n<MartijnVdS>        Blank lines and leading spaces and tabs are ignored.  Lines whose first\n<MartijnVdS>        non-space  character  is a hash-sign (#) are comments, and are ignored.\n<bigcalm> Yep, it's the line endings then. This is nuts\n<bigcalm> My IDE should be saving everything with \\n\n<Dave2> The line ending, on a blank line, is also the line beginning.</zen>\n<MartijnVdS> Dave2: ^$\n<foobarry> 674234368 bytes (674 MB) copied, 329.015 s, 2.0 MB/s\n<foobarry> copying to a usb stick..2MB/s :-|\n<arsen> anyone have any recommended dedicated server providers? not too fussed where it is, currently using a ~£25/mo OVH box but its a bit tired :(\n<foobarry> how can i boot a mac mini from usb if the windows key isn't recognised on the keyboard?\n<foobarry> answer:burn a cd\n<bigcalm> Is there a cli util to convert line endings to \\n for a given file/files?\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: \"fromdos\"\n<MartijnVdS> you can also use sed but that takes work to figure out :)\n<bigcalm> Doesn't appear to be installed by default, but okay\n<MartijnVdS> sudo apt-get install tofrodos\n<bigcalm> Ta\n<foobarry> to frodos!\n<foobarry> isn't that what the hobbits say?\n<davmor2> MartijnVdS: tofrodos for breakfast\n<bigcalm> Greedy\n * popey considers lunch\n<MartijnVdS> davmor2: as in \"I'll have two frodos for breakfast\"\n<davmor2> MartijnVdS: that's just gluttony\n<MartijnVdS> davmor2: ok, maybe I'll save one for second breakfast then\n<davmor2> MartijnVdS: haha\n<foobarry> hmm booting linux on a mac seems overly complex\n<MartijnVdS> foobarry: they're made to run macos after all\n<foobarry> how dare they\n<popey> http://comparemyradio.com/compare/BBC_Radio_2/BBC_Radio_1\n<popey> neat\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Why can't I compare Radio 4 ;-)\n<MartijnVdS> why can't I compare Dutch radio stations ;)\n<popey> hehe, just booted a viglen mpc-l, its running lucid\n<popey> anyone want to take a guess when it was last booted? (it's fscking now) - will check the log when it's done\n<MartijnVdS> 2011-04-23\n<TheOpenSourcerer> 24/01/2010\n<popey> 70%\n<davmor2> popey: 2011-01-28\n<davmor2> popey: that would give you a month or two before you got bored :)\n<popey> still says 70% and no disk activity ⍨\n<DJones> Have MS actually bought Nokia's mobile phone business, just a bit confused as to why Nokia would bring out an Android phone (even if it is supposed to be skinned to look like Windows mobile) if they're owned my MS\n<diddledan__> DJones: maybe they had that on the drawing board already before MS bought them\n<DJones> diddledan__: Yeah, thats what I'm guessing/reading\n<foobarry> Myrtti is our resident expert on these things\n<Myrtti> huh\n<Myrtti> what\n<Myrtti> where\n<foobarry> nokia stuffs\n<Myrtti> Nokia wasn't sold\n * foobarry is dipping his BLT sandwich into carrot and coriander soup..yum\n<Myrtti> and Nokia isn't owned by MS\n<MartijnVdS> yet\n<diddledan__> Myrtti: afaik the phone business was\n<Myrtti> MartijnVdS: MS has no reason to buy the rest of the company\n<Myrtti> and it's doubtful it would be sold\n<DJones> diddledan__: As I read it, the deal hasn't been completed yet for the phone business yet\n<diddledan__> Myrtti: \"nokia\" isn't allowed to operate in a competitive field for 2 years last I heard of the \"deal\"\n<popey> 71%!\n<Myrtti> yes, but it's also probable that the Android development started before the purchase plans were published\n<Myrtti> so the fact they've done something like that isn't surprising at all\n<diddledan__> indeed, that would be my guess\n<Myrtti> Following the sale, Nokia will focus on three core business units; its Here mapping service (which Microsoft will license for four years under the deal), its infrastructure division Nokia Solutions and Networks (NSN), and on developing and licensing its \"advanced technologies\".\n<Myrtti> so whatever that R&D on 'advanced technologies' is...\n<MartijnVdS> nanoprobes\n<foobarry> bacon\n<diddledan__> nano bacon?\n<brobostigon> robo bacon?\n<diddledan__> that's end of the world tech that\n<davmor2> guys you need maxo bacon not nano you'd hardly taste it else :D\n<diddledan__> speaking of robots. there's a straight-to-dvd movie I wanna watch - it's got both robots AND zombies!\n<diddledan__> can't remember the title tho\n<diddledan__> here 'tis: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XMsC1KiRaQ\n<popey> 72% - man this is taking ages\n<MartijnVdS> popey: still fscking?\n<popey> ya\n<popey> disk blink very sporadically\n<bigcalm> How much of the HDD did you use in it?\n<bigcalm> I still have 2 doing nothing. No idea what to do with them\n<bigcalm> Anybody want 2 door stops?\n<popey> i think it was 80G\n<popey> I'm giving mine to @andysc because his died\n<DJones> bigcalm: If a relative was still alive, I'd tell her to ask you for a door stop, she used to use a 2\" WW2 shell as a door stop\n<popey> forgot how quiet these are\n<bigcalm> No fan iirc\n<bigcalm> But a really REALLY bright blue LED on front\n<bigcalm> Which lights up a whole room, stopping one from sleeping. Tape to the rescue\n<MartijnVdS> solder and a regular diode :)\n<MartijnVdS> I'm thinking of getting a JBC362\n<MartijnVdS> fanless, dual gigabit ethernet\n<MartijnVdS> GMA500 graphics though.. but I'm not going to use that anyway\n<popey> 74!\n<popey> yeah, that LED is a bit bright\n<MartijnVdS> popey: wow, it's getting faster\n<davmor2> popey: isn't the first 50% finding out is there is issue and the final 50% fixing them :)\n<popey> 75\n<JGJones> popey - is it your btrfs partition?\n<popey> no\n<popey> a viglen\n<davmor2> JGJones: no on lucid :)#\n<JGJones> ah. Should get a Granny™ to do it. They're very patient. (Was told by a friend upgrading a PC for his gran recently. 256MB. And she was using Vista. No it's not slow for her).\n<MartijnVdS> popey: has it hit 80% yet?\n<popey> 77\n<MartijnVdS> what's it *doing*\n<popey> well indeed\n<popey> i just see a plymouth(?) screen and a checking thing\n<SuperMatt> wooo, dkim set up on my server\n<Laney> OH GOD NOT THE ARCHERS\n<czajkowski> someone put me out of my misery\n<czajkowski> can you alphabetical sort stuff on lo or google docs\n<czajkowski> or is it staring me in the face\n<TheOpenSourcerer> czajkowski: yes\n<czajkowski> yes it's starting at me where......\n<TheOpenSourcerer> What, exactly, do you want to sort?\n<czajkowski> a list of cities\n<czajkowski> *cities\n<TheOpenSourcerer> In a spreadsheet?\n<czajkowski> nope in a plai document\n<MartijnVdS> czajkowski: sort list_of_cities.txt\n<czajkowski> I was going to use a spreadsheet but if I copy that into the document it copies the table and I don't need the table\n<MartijnVdS> czajkowski: sort list_of_cities.txt > sorted_list_of_cities.txt (don't use the same filename twice!)\n<MartijnVdS> czajkowski: can't you shift+paste (\"Paste Special\" -> text only)\n<czajkowski> hmmmm\n<czajkowski> that may work\n<czajkowski> seems to be a fairly simple thing to want to do in a document but missing from LO and Google docs\n<bashrc> add it as a feature request\n<TheOpenSourcerer> You can do this in spreadsheet - not sure about in a writer or doc...\n<MartijnVdS> also, it would work if you used LaTeX source and vim ;)\n<czajkowski> MartijnVdS: bah\n<czajkowski> bashrc: indeed\n<TheOpenSourcerer> why not just C&P into something that you can sort then C&P back?\n<popey> thats what I'd do\n<czajkowski> true I guess\n<czajkowski> just baffling that it's missing\n<popey> 80\n<TheOpenSourcerer> 65\n<SuperMatt> 12\n<MartijnVdS> 42\n<SuperMatt> Mornington Crescent\n<davmor2> czajkowski: don't forget that documents are dumb.  The cleverness comes from what you do with it.  Like running sort etc\n<TheOpenSourcerer> gah!\n<TheOpenSourcerer> 8\n<TheOpenSourcerer> Mornington Crescent!\n<MartijnVdS> that's numberwang!\n<SuperMatt> too slow man\n<SuperMatt> I've already won\n<TheOpenSourcerer> I had it ready\n<TheOpenSourcerer> but got sidetracked by a though about Ajax.\n<TheOpenSourcerer> s/thought\n<czajkowski> right sorted it\n<czajkowski> into spreadsheet and sort it\n<czajkowski> thanks folks\n<SuperMatt> huzzah!\n<popey> 82 ☹\n<czajkowski> what game are we playing\n<czajkowski> 4 - the hours left in todays work day :)\n<popey> percentage fscked of my viglen I booted up after an unknown period of time\n<foobarry> why so slow?\n<foobarry> i had sparc 10's fsck quicker than that\n<popey> no idea\n<popey> i cant tell what it's doing\n<popey> it's an 80GB HDD with an AMD Geode CPU and not much RAM\n<diddledan__> I like how when you say \"it's fscking the disc\" it could conceivably be either good OR bad\n<diddledan__> ARGH MY DISC IS FSCKED!\n<diddledan__> or dammit it fscked my disc last night!\n<popey> 84\n<SuperMatt> I think it'll be just about done by dinner time\n<diddledan__> lol\n<brobostigon> https://github.com/keelanc/bcsexagesimal/blob/master/src/bcsexagesimal.c now this i like.\n<foobarry> operation \"close chrome tabs\" is in effect\n<diplo> Sorry, the program \"run\" closed unexpectedly\n<diplo> :)\n<foobarry> diplo: #windows?\n<diplo> Nope 13.10\n<diddledan__> \"run\"?\n<diddledan__> that's a very generic program name\n<foobarry> a.out ?\n<diddledan__> lol\n<diplo> heh, why I posted it, was Hotot crashed\n<foobarry> i remember hotot\n<foobarry> used to use it years ago\n<diplo> This PC stays on 24/5 - But after 2 days or so Hotot crashes with that\n<diplo> Not really an inconvenience but maybe worth bug reporting it I guess\n<popey> 86!\n<MartijnVdS> popey: maybe it'll get to 100% before the weekend!\n<Myrtti> suction cups are stupid\n<Myrtti> I've got an obsession on sticking them on the skin\n<Dave2> That's one way to interpret that\n<Dave2> Although now I bet the next time I see a suction cup I'm going to try that. (I probably have too much hair for one to stick though.)\n<MartijnVdS> Dave2: try when you've just shaved\n<Myrtti> don't put it on your forehead for prolonged periods.\n<Myrtti> nuff said\n<MartijnVdS> Myrtti: why?\n<Myrtti> don't put it anywhere visible for prolonged periods\n<Myrtti> MartijnVdS: because suction cups suc\n<Myrtti> suck\n<Dave2> I'd hope they do\n<Dave2> MartijnVdS: now that's an idea.\n<Myrtti> if you didn't get the wisdom behind 'suction cups suck' and 'don't put them anywhere visible on your skin for prolonged periods', don't worry, it'll appear to you in about half an hour\n<Myrtti> I'm obviously *not* speaking from experience\n<Dave2> Now you're just making me want to try even more.\n<JGJones> Is there a package for that?\n<popey> 90\n<JGJones> What time did you start popey?\n<popey> ~12:30\n * DJones predicts a power cut at popey's in about an hour\n<popey> hah\n<JGJones> Storms expected tonight. High possibility of power cuts.\n<JGJones> Oh nothing to worry about, it's not as if we have anything we're waiting for.\n<foobarry> waiting 2 weeks for 2 repair man to arrive\n<popey> oh ffs\n<popey> laptop froze, rebooted\n<popey> now x wont start\n<popey> [    13.922] (EE) Server terminated successfully (0). Closing log file.\n<popey> what the hell\n<popey> restarted lightdm\n<popey> 91\n<davmor2> popey: man that is still going\n<popey> ya\n<popey> disk is probably utterly broken\n<popey> and when it finally boots there'll be like a bazillion broken sectors\n<bigcalm> popey: want a replacement? ;)\n<popey> hah\n<bigcalm> Surprised but pleased that the Revo is still working well as my parents' server\n<popey> yeah, my revo is chugging along\n<diddledan__> first generation atoms those if memory serves?\n<popey> ya\n<popey> atom + nvidia\n<diddledan__> the nvidia chip was actually pretty awesome\n<popey> yeah\n<popey> with vdpau it was\n<diddledan__> made it a sweet media-centre with vdpau\n<brobostigon> any suggestions for a more detailed android battery usage meters, than the standard one. please.\n<popey> brobostigon: battery widget\n<brobostigon> thank you popey\n<popey> \\o/ fsck done!\n<brobostigon> :)\n<bigcalm> Do I order this or keep looking? http://www.amazon.co.uk/TP-LINK-TL-SG108-8-Port-Gigabit-Ethernet/dp/B00A121WN6/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pd_S_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=LXT6MFP2WUWA&coliid=I3CSVGNLRUBWZ4\n<diddledan__> popey: does it still work?\n<popey> kinda\n<diddledan__> bigcalm: switches got cheap\n<bigcalm> diddledan__: they did\n<popey> looks okay\n<diddledan__> bigcalm: I remember buying a huge-ass 10Mbps HUB (NOT switch) for just shy of a ton back in the 90s\n<bigcalm> I want this though: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B005UGRIIG/ref=s9_simh_gw_p147_d3_i1?pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=07N8057S8YWC7WBNRSXB&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=455344027&pf_rd_i=468294\n<diddledan__> yeah, the netgear prosafe range are pretty solid\n<bigcalm> popey: want to buy back this WNDR3700? ;)\n<popey> hah\n<popey> what's wrong with it?\n<popey> also, how much did you give me for it?\n<diddledan__> not enough ports :-p\n<popey> (I may)\n<diddledan__> popey: does he make a loss on it, break even or get a small profit (should you buy it back)?\n<diddledan__> :-p\n<bigcalm> popey: nothing wrong with it except that I need more than the 4 ethernet ports it provides.\n<bigcalm> popey: £50\n<popey> ahhh\n<bigcalm> It might make me consider the Netgear Wireless-N 8 Port Gigabit VPN Firewall\n<bigcalm> I still have this WNDR3800 I bricked. Never got around to trying to fix it\n<bigcalm> Anybody heard of / used pcmshop.com ?   http://www.pcmshop.info/Netgear-8-Port-ProSafe-Wireless-N-Gigabit-VPN-Firewall-FVS318N-100NAS-A5485530\n<ali1234> i'll give you £20 for the WNDR3800. or i'll fix it for £20.\n<bigcalm> There's no advantage of doing so (for me) as it's the same number of ports\n<bigcalm> I have a usb ttl device, just need to get around to plugging it in\n<bigcalm> I wonder if the netgear switch I'm looking at has the NSA loving going on\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: dumb switch or smart\n<bigcalm> MartijnVdS: the one with wifi, so smart\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: then maybe\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: but if it's firewalled so it can't talk to the outside AND nothing from the outside can talk to it.. how is it going to talk to them?\n<bigcalm> ...\n<bigcalm> I want to buy this as it'll mean that I don't need an extra mains socket in use\n<bigcalm> I like things to be neat\n<bigcalm> popey: or was is £70. One of those two numbers anyway :)\n<DJones> bigcalm: Has your laptop arrived yet?\n<DJones> Missed the last 48 hours on IRC due to a funeral\n<bigcalm> DJones: sorry man :(\n<bigcalm> DJones: https://twitter.com/bigcalm/status/426375609325858816/photo/1\n<bigcalm> DJones: very nice so far. Had a problem with 14.04 where the laptop would power back on after being told to shut down. But that issue appears to have gone away after trying the upstream kernel and then going back to the ubuntu one - most odd\n<bigcalm> DJones: the keys will take some getting used to. They remind me of the keys on a public internet phone\n<bigcalm> DJones: the mouse pad is annoying as the left and right mouse buttons are also track pad\n<ali1234> MartijnVdS: what they do is intercept the package after it leaves the seller and before it gets to you. they put in a small circuit board which is about 1cmx1cm, and that contains a radio that copies all ethernet packets. they can then monitor you from up to 8 miles away.\n<bigcalm> DJones: the touch screen is just a gimmick (to me) as Ubuntu isn't really set up for touch yet\n<DJones> bigcalm: Interesting, at least it will install Ubuntu without issues from the sound of things\n<MartijnVdS> ali1234: ah wait that one. Just open the case yourself first :)\n<DJones> bigcalm: But looks nice\n<bigcalm> DJones: yes. As long as the install media isn't corrupted (as mine was 1st time)\n<ali1234> yeah the thing is that that small circuit is built into the ethernet connector\n<ali1234> so you won't see it if you just open the case\n<MartijnVdS> ali1234: also, 8 miles? I can't even get wifi over 100m\n<ali1234> you have to xray the circuit board\n<ali1234> it might have been 8km. probably not though, US hates metric\n<DJones> bigcalm: Its tempting......................................\n<bigcalm> DJones: it's heavy - cast AU. Also getting used to it\n<DJones> bigcalm: How is it with Minecraft\n<bigcalm> DJones: yet to try that! Heh\n<DJones> Thats the killer app...\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: cast Al I hope. Au is a bit expensive to make laptops out ofg\n<bigcalm> Erm, yes, Al :D\n<DJones> Cast Gold?\n<MartijnVdS> DJones: you don't have a gold laptop?\n<bigcalm> DJones: the battery is under the back panel that has to be unscrewed to access. So don't expect a 3rd party enhancement any time soon\n<bigcalm> DJones: I've yet to see what the battery performance is like yet. Only been setting things up so far\n<DJones> bigcalm: Cheers, will give it a week then will poke your brain\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: my XPS-12 can go for about 6 hours\n<bigcalm> DJones: this is the output of lspci http://paste.ubuntu.com/6803821/ - Bloody optimus :S\n<DJones> Heh, thought that might be an issue\n<bigcalm> DJones: don't leave it too long, Dell are doing free shipping at the moment\n<bigcalm> MartijnVdS: this isn't an XPS and it's a larger screen. I have high hopes though :)\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: it is haswell though, right?\n<DJones> bigcalm: ...points at work credit credit card...\n<bigcalm> MartijnVdS: yes\n<bigcalm> DJones: if you make it a work purchase, I'm sure you could get it cheaper than the 799 I paid\n<bigcalm> MartijnVdS: what's haswell?\n<MartijnVdS> bigcalm: your laptop\n<MartijnVdS> CPU\n<bigcalm> Ah, okay\n<DJones> bigcalm: Probably not\n<bigcalm> DJones: work bought me my Alienware X51 - much cheaper than doing so as a consumer as the sales reps all want the commission so can drop the price\n<DJones> bigcalm: Don't think there will be much difference\n<bigcalm> I'll check Minecraft in a bit ;)\n<davmor2> bigcalm: sometimes I wonder if you bother to read the things you paste what haswell ;)\n<mapps> phw my nexus7 charged\n<mapps> thought it was broked:D wouldnt turn on and didnt show the battery icon when i plugged it in\n<mapps> but left it for hours and its now charged and powered up\n<diddledan__> mapps: running ubuntu?\n<mapps> nope\n<mapps> not tried that yet\n<mapps> perhapos i should\n<bigcalm> davmor2: I really don't know what haswell is though :)\n<diddledan__> I've read that in the past some people have had issues similar to that when running ubuntu on there where their device will drain down so completely that it won't charge (sometimes using a specific model of charger has overcome the problem)\n * bigcalm doesn't know about hardware\n * bigcalm goes to eat food instead\n<davmor2> bigcalm: the line from your lspci paste actually gives a pretty good description hence saying what I said :P\n<mapps> diddledan__,  i remember reading that same happens with nexus7 running droid ..if its drains completely it takes hours to charge..but there was also the problem where it wouldnt charge at all sometimes..my first n7 i had to take back to argos\n<mapps> it ran down and then no matter what i did couldnbt get ut to charge up\n<MartijnVdS> wow. g+ is flaky atm\n<diddledan__> I guess when it completely runs out of juice the hardware can't rebootstrap enough to get the charging software to put the device into a charging state until after it's got enough charge to be able to run the software (catch 22)\n<diddledan__> software/firmware\n<mapps> yea\n<mapps> i never used g+\n<mapps> :D\n<diddledan__> I forget to use g+\n<davmor2> diddledan__: I haven't had that issue\n<diddledan__> also most the folk I know apart from you lot aren't on there\n<diddledan__> one major annoyance I have with g+ is that it doesn't ajax new content until you click the \"new\" button\n<davmor2> diddledan__: are you saying you know people outside of us?  :P\n<diddledan__> davmor2: good point\n<diddledan__> so when does google become wayland corp and own the entire planet?\n<mapps> ya\n<mapps> free taxis\n<mapps> whatever next\n<davmor2> diddledan__: no Intel become wayland.  Google become skynet\n<mapps> what a nuisance..lost my passport between manchester airport and home;/\n<diddledan__> ergh, mapps that sucks\n<mapps> gotta get a replacement lost/stolen fill in a new form..a lost form 2 new photos AND get it all countersigned\n<diddledan__> and, free taxis? shuddup and take my money!\n<mapps> right pain if it was a rep[lacement dont need countersign but as its lost i do..luckily my friends wifes a teacher\n<diddledan__> oh. no money involved.\n<mapps> but it also says 'may have to come for an interview to prove your identity' lol shouldnt they be more worred about the people they dont know are here and illegals on fake passports..than me a genuine brit\n<mapps> thinking of going away in March too so must get it sorted\n<mapps> :)\n<DJones> mapps: How do they know you're a genuine BRIT though, as against somebody who's looked at a gravestone for a random DOB\n<mapps> hm\n<mapps> well\n<mapps> it asks my mum/dads dob place of birty etc too\n<DJones> Yeah, but .... google.... or more specialised family history websites\n<diddledan__> they should implant a chip at birth and then you can just wave your foot over a head-height scanner\n<MartijnVdS> \"Sorry, you can't ride this roller coaster\"\n<DJones> diddledan__: Only after the replacement hips\n<DJones> diddledan__: You have a lot of tails\n<diddledan__> either that or minority-report style retina scanners everywhere\n<shauno> I'd totally be in favour of the implant idea, if we could actually trust anyone to compartmentalize data cleanly\n<diddledan__> shauno: gchq are being fasttracked through the court of human rights\n<diddledan__> technically it's a challenge to gchq that's being fasttracked**\n<diddledan__> I guess the court things something might be amiss?\n<mapps> about what?\n<mapps> and yes retina scanners/chips :D do away with passports\n<mapps> heh\n<shauno> just saying I like the idea but not the side effects.  I like the idea of having scanners in door handles so your front door works magically; in laptops so it only works for the right users, etc\n<shauno> but my landlord, employer, border control, boots don't all need access to the same info.  and we've wound up in a strange place where they all would\n<DJones> shauno: as long as you don't work for google/ms/spammer/government/nsa etc I'm sure the info wouldn't be available :)\n<shauno> I dunno.  tesco probably know more about me than the state.  phillips probably have better records of when I'm home or not than I do.  it's pretty much everywhere now\n<Myrtti> stupid Google\n<mapps> that was strange\n<mapps> is my dir containing cgiirc on my server and it was saying server error..perhaps downtime or exceeded capacity..restarted apache and it worked fine hm\n<shauno> hah, I just noticed valve released their own version of 'ye olde steamos'.  very cool  (yes, I'm a bit late)\n<daftykins> :D\n<directhex> yeah, but theirs doesn't support dmraid\n<directhex> i do a video of that, and i get a queue out the door of people offering me \"services\" as thanks\n<shauno> yeah, I noticed your comparison on the forum\n<diddledan__> \"services\"?\n<diddledan__> as in personal or bona fide?\n<MartijnVdS> pro bono?\n<mapps> what would it be useful for shauno\n<MartijnVdS>  oh wow.. look what I just found: http://i.imgur.com/vy9q7tf.jpg\n<diddledan__> which version of the kernel was that?\n<MartijnVdS> let me check\n<diddledan__> 2.4 or earlier? :-p\n<MartijnVdS> it has http://www.toms.net/rb/ on it\n<diddledan__> 16MB of RAMS!\n<MartijnVdS> diddledan__: \"Slink and a half with a 2.2.13 kernel\"\n<shauno> heh, I still have the old-style fsf membership 'card' in the same format\n<diddledan__> I'd like to see you try to put it into a slot-load dvd drive :-p\n<diddledan__> aka every mac since 2005\n<MartijnVdS> all files are from 1999-2000\n<diddledan__> nice\n<MartijnVdS> january 2000\n<shauno> heh, my mac doesn't have a dvd drive :)  but the one ones are usb\n<diddledan__> shauno: yeah, but that's because you broke it\n<shauno> nah it still works.  it's in a drawer somewhere, I think\n<diddledan__> my mac has a usb dvd drive because it didn't come with one\n<MartijnVdS> I'm going to boot it in a vm\n<MartijnVdS> or not.. I'm going to make an iso anyway\n<diddledan__> it'll fly even in qemu's emulation mode (as opposed to hardwared virtualisation - kvm or kqemu e.g.)\n<MartijnVdS> diddledan__: oh probably :)\n<shauno> I appear to have broken my fireplace.  I didn't know that was possible :/\n<daftykins> as in an electric/gas fire unit?\n<MartijnVdS> shauno: chimney fire?\n<diddledan__> shauno: you're pretty good at breaking things\n<shauno> nah, the grate snapped\n<shauno> not gas/electric, fireplace = a hole in the wall you burn stuff in\n<daftykins> fair enough\n<diddledan__> like photos of the ex?\n<daftykins> the term is often misused\n<diddledan__> or better - like voodoo dolls of the ex?\n<daftykins> nearly time for your weekend sleeping pills diddledan! :D\n<diddledan__> :-p\n<MartijnVdS> http://tomorrowcorporation.com/littleinferno (available on steam on linux)\n<Azelphur> hey MartijnVdS a while back we were working on getting my IPv6 going, and my ISP needed to give me some details and activate me\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: and, did they? :)\n<Azelphur> MartijnVdS: they did indeed, here's the info they gave me http://pastebin.com/ZpaHmQWa\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: ah so it's a manual job :)\n<Azelphur> hehe\n<diddledan__> google+ being down has made the news: http://techcrunch.com/2014/01/24/gmail-goes-down-across-the-world/\n<Azelphur> so on openwrt, I assume I'm editing my wan6 interface\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: can you paste your /etc/config/network as well?\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: (you can blank out any passwords)\n<diddledan__> Azelphur: which isp are you using?\n<diddledan__> (sheer curiosity here)\n<Azelphur> MartijnVdS: http://pastebin.com/i0f8JYnj\n<Azelphur> diddledan__: enta.net\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: http://pastebin.com/EpSxJLgu -- I've modified it a bit :)\n<Azelphur> oO\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: - ip6assign on interface lan is now 64, so autoconfigure will actually work\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: - wan6 is now static/manually configured\n<Azelphur> so just drop that config in, and then networking restart?\n<MartijnVdS> I suppose\n<diddledan__> except ipv4 won't work then\n<diddledan__> oh wait\n<diddledan__> ignore me\n<diddledan__> ip4 is configged by pppoe\n<MartijnVdS> /ignore diddledan__\n<diddledan__> /nick diddledan_\n * MartijnVdS hopes Azelphur didn't drop off the net\n<Azelphur> MartijnVdS: nah, I'm back\n<Azelphur> it's actually looking a little hopeful\n<Azelphur> MartijnVdS: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3832397/screenshots/2014/Jan/2014-01-24-211126_1702x915_scrot.png\n<Azelphur> but http://test-ipv6.com/ says I don't have IPv6 :(\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: let me try :)\n<Azelphur> also for some reason my DNS stopped working\n<Azelphur> swapped from my ISPs DNS to google DNS to resolve that, though\n<shauno> curious, if you're assigning it to wan6, why does wan have a v6 address and wan6 doesn't?\n<MartijnVdS> shauno: openwrt handles interface aliases strangely\n<shauno> just curious.  it makes it a bit strange trying to compare the config to the apparent output\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: on the device, can you do \"route  -n -A inet6\"\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: and pastebin it\n<Azelphur> MartijnVdS: on router or PC?\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: on the router\n<Azelphur> MartijnVdS: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=u6b66KzV\n<diddledan__> your default ::1 route looks odd\n<MartijnVdS> everything to :: seems odd\n<diddledan__> oh wait\n<diddledan__> that's loopback\n<diddledan__> ignore me again\n<Azelphur> xD\n<diddledan__> ::/0 is default route\n<diddledan__> which you don't have one of\n<diddledan__> so your router doesn't know where to send ip6 packets that need to leave your network\n<MartijnVdS> but that's what ip6gw should be for\n<MartijnVdS> probably best to ask on an OpenWRT-specific channel\n<diddledan__> ip6gw is to a network not a single ip - it should have a :2 at the end?\n<ujjain1> I am going to move to London.\n<MartijnVdS> diddledan__: nah, his ISP gave him an entire /64 for a single PTP link between router and ISP\n<MartijnVdS> diddledan__: so I'm guessing :0 and :1 are used for that\n<MartijnVdS> but I have no idea..\n<Azelphur> MartijnVdS: righto I'll move to #openwrt, could you jump in and perhaps dumb down things they say xD\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: just say you got those things from your ISP <pastebin here>, and this is your config now <pastebin here>, and if they have pointers to help make it work\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: because routes don't seem to be getting set correctly :)\n<Azelphur> ok\n<MartijnVdS> Azelphur: can you paste the output of \"ifconfig -a\" as well?\n<Azelphur> MartijnVdS: http://pastebin.com/hADGLDBr\n<MartijnVdS> noything weird that I can see, but ask  openwrt :)\n<ujjain1> MartijnVdS, do you live in the UK?\n<MartijnVdS> ujjain1: no\n<ujjain1> ah ok, Holland then.\n<diddledan__> holland is the next logical location after the uk?\n<MartijnVdS> diddledan__: of course!\n<MartijnVdS> diddledan__: for everything!\n<diddledan__> MartijnVdS: except bandwidth where the roles are reversed - you've pretty much got the whole internet thing sewn up over there\n<MartijnVdS> diddledan__: yup :)\n<ujjain1> diddledan__, he has a Dutch name.\n<diddledan__> ujjain1: I ignore the j and just pronounce it Martin\n<ujjain1> well, I am going to move to London from the Netherlands and I am scared, financially etc., but I feel I am being to anxious anyway.\n<ujjain1> haha yeah,\n<ujjain1> I recently saw a map of Europe´s funniest accents in English, I laughed when I saw #1 French, I was a bit sad when I saw #2 Dutch.\n<diddledan__> they're funnier than scottish or scouse??\n<diddledan__> www.worldenergy is down - I can't get in via ssh and I don't have any other access details to get into the machine to see why mysql isn't working\n<diddledan__> .org*\n<diddledan__> :-(\n<diddledan__> I guess it's going to remain down till after the weekend\n<shauno> I will admit, the size of subnets still boggles my mind.  \"I can has ipv6?\"  \"sure kid, have a /56\" takes some getting used to\n<shauno> I have two /48's, one on each router.  that makes my head hurt\n<diddledan__> shauno: that's a LOT of address space (2x/48)\n<shauno> indeed\n<shauno> it's just funny the way it works out.  get a /48, nice and easy.  try to point one /56 to one endopint and another /56 to another .. it's easier for them to just dole out another /48\n<diddledan__> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-25860454\n<shauno> now that's a 10-minute class you'll remember\n<shauno> I was reading about the 'rosetta' mission recently.  it still amazes me that they can target a tiny little rock in the middle of one big nothing, and hit it\n<diddledan__> more info: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/01/22/amateurs_tag_new_supernova/\n<diddledan__> shauno: and yet they aim at mars and miss so much they can't even figure out where the damned thing went\n<diddledan__> (metric+imperial)\n<shauno> hey, there's a lot of nothing out there\n<diddledan__> but doing the numbers right is kinda an obvious thing to try, though, no?\n<shauno> I've been playing a whole lot of KSP .. I still have a little dude in a tin can somewhere that I have no idea how to bring home.  one 'oopsie' is all it takes\n<diddledan__> KSP is awesome. I haven't got out of kerbin's gravity yet\n<diddledan__> I don't play games much though\n<shauno> I'm actually putting together a mars mission right now :)\n<shauno> completely overdone though.  I spend last night docking chunks together at 6-7 seconds per frame\n<diddledan__> ouch\n<diddledan__> that's SLOW\n<diddledan__> you must have had a helluva lot of components to be that slow\n<shauno> to put it midly :)\n<shauno> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23042/Screen%20Shot%202014-01-24%20at%2008.01.51.png   (the stripey texturing is an odd glitch I keep hitting when I drive it too hard)\n<shauno> (the green section is a floating gas station, 90,000 units of fuel in orbit.  and red station is my 'tug' come to refuel.  it can tow pretty much anything I can put into orbit, to pretty much anywhere)\n<shauno> (I since discovered the coloured lights are a huge fps hit, but .. I like them :)\n<Azelphur> MartijnVdS: found a dude who's on enta+openwrt, he's gonna send me his configs in the morning \\o/\n<bigcalm> Tum te tum\n<shauno> I really should look into a new router.  atm I have one that has the throughput, but no toys (it's apple), and one that has teh powerz but lame throughput\n<shauno> out of curiousity, I popped up a ssh honeypot.  the results after the first week kinda broke my stereotypes.  china's only in third place, after india & the US\n<diddledan__> shauno: proxies\n<shauno> it doesn't seem so, actually.  they all came from a single host, but out-numbered everyone else\n<shauno> interesting to trawl through the list of attempted passwords though\n<shauno> I'm actually surprised to see not a single AWS address in 5,000 attempts, since they have something of a reputation for being a cesspool\n<shauno> also interesting to see a series of attempts from nanjing for root/alpine.  that's the default root pass on the iphone\n<shauno> seems a bit tenuous, since you have to root your phone, install ssh but not change the password.  and then be behind a carrier that doesn't NAT mobile, assuming they exist\n#ubuntu-uk 2014-01-25\n<MartijnVdS> http://bropages.org/\n<foobarry> most of my fail2ban bans are from china\n<foobarry> \"my\" i mean directed at a few work servers\n<shauno> yeah. That'd always been my assumption too - that's why I found it interesting that I've logged more attempts from India than China.\n<foobarry> both big places\n<shauno> well, sorted by attempts; china win if you sort by unique IPs.  so I guess it's skewing towards people who'll try a bigger password list\n<foobarry> ok, so matches my fail2ban scenario\n<shauno> yeah.  you shouldn't see a lot of attempts from a single IP if you're banning them after x many\n<foobarry> so lenovo are getting the ibm servers\n<foobarry> will take a while to improve though. currently its  terrible to administer ibm servers\n<foobarry> CHINANET jiangsu province network\n<foobarry> nearly all fail2bans over last 24 hrs from there\n<foobarry> s/24/6/\n<popey> Morning\n<MartijnVdS> \\o popey\n<MartijnVdS> popey: is the fsck done? :)\n<popey> it did finish, but it never boots\n<popey> will look again later\n<foobarry> \"mario kart gives me breath, because i can play sitting down\".\n<foobarry> the answer to why he didn't want to play wii golf\n<foobarry> lazy teenager already at 4?\n<Myrtti> I know this isn't the most brilliant thing around and it's got some flaws, but https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/751733865/smartscope-reinventing-the-oscilloscope\n<Myrtti> might still be interesting to some\n<brobostigon> good morning everyone.\n<MartijnVdS> \\o\n<brobostigon> morning MartijnVdS\n<foobarry> elementary are developing shotwell now?  i thought shotwell would be better than geary for yorba.\n<foobarry> feel bad for watching click without my son\n<brobostigon> click is on in 20mins, i think.\n<foobarry> i recorded it\n<foobarry> dont take chances on live tv with little kids\n<foobarry> heh http://ahprojects.com/projects/camoflash\n<foobarry> i spy ubuntu on click\n<foobarry> on the robot section\n<brobostigon> :)\n<knightwise> afternoon guys\n<brobostigon> quick visit.\n<brobostigon> wb knightwise\n<knightwise> hey there\n<knightwise> how are you bro\n<brobostigon> not bad, and you?\n<knightwise> doing ok.. Wife sleeping on the couch\n<knightwise> taking the time to tinker on the computer a bit\n<knightwise> jsut installed the tor browser and stuff\n<brobostigon> :)\n<knightwise> and torify is a pretty cool command when you think of it :)\n<knightwise> firefox vs torify firefox :)\n<brobostigon> i similerly like orbot on my droids.\n<knightwise> do you need root for that ?\n<knightwise> probably right ?\n<brobostigon> nope.\n<knightwise> ah\n * knightwise googles orbot\n<knightwise> sounds very interesting\n<knightwise> especially when you are on open wifi and stuff\n<brobostigon> however you can run it on root, and it adds a few more features to it.\n<brobostigon> yes.\n<brobostigon> i do however have openvpn setup, for that aswell.\n * knightwise needs to get openvpn working on his router\n<knightwise> should not be that hard though.\n<knightwise> I have an asus AC66U with Merlin\n * brobostigon points knightwise at MartijnVdS's blog for guideance.\n<knightwise> Url again ?\n<knightwise> (me needs to subscribe)\n<brobostigon> let me try and find it.\n<brobostigon> i cant find it, :(\n<knightwise> no prob , i'll ding him when I see him\n<brobostigon> :)\n * knightwise needs some tea\n<popey> http://dhmholley.co.uk/civclicker.html IS FUN\n<popey> -caps\n<penguin42> popey: Ahem - damn you, that's some time wasted :-)\n<popey> yeah, fun isnt it?\n<shauno> okay, I'm missing something - where does Ore come from?\n<Myrtti> stone\n<Myrtti> if you upgrade miners\n<Myrtti> popey: I hate you\n<shauno> but I need 10 ore to upgrade miners.  I seem to be stuck in a catch-22 there\n<directhex> fire your smiths\n<directhex> same when you need leather, fire your tanners\n<shauno> no smiths, seemed silly with no ore  lol\n<shauno> I just did ore.total=10 on the error console, jump-started that catch-22 :)\n<DJones> Heh, friend just sent me a link to this http://www.sadanduseless.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/2581.jpg possibly something you'd agree with Myrtti  especially when you hear people in the uk commenting on cold weather\n<Myrtti> http://lordeh.tumblr.com/image/2899693012\n<DJones> Thats not quite the normal pic's he sends, but yes the sentiment is very similar\n<Myrtti> it's the garden swing picture, isn't it?\n<DJones> I think the last picture was his car under about 6 feet of snow\n<DJones> Or quirky ones like this https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t1/q71/s720x720/1533886_10203231754453931_1018423267_n.jpg\n<DJones> Myrtti: You mentioned the garden swing picture.... https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/168420_1854126432164_5913589_n.jpg\n<Myrtti> http://isjkl.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/meanwhile-in-finland.jpg?w=720\n<DJones> Is that typical of the whole country in winter, or do different areas get affected differently\n<Myrtti> well you can see the amount of snow now-ish http://www.flickr.com/photos/myrtti/12067909824/ from the edge of the planter\n<Myrtti> I suspect there's less snow on the southern coast\n<DJones> Friend moved to Jyväskylä from the UK about 5 years ago after speaking/meeting his partner on facebook, brave to do that, but they're a good match for each other\n<Myrtti> AlanBell: what happened to your cloak!\n<AlanBell> Myrtti: I appear to have fallen off the internet\n<Myrtti> you have\n<AlanBell> Myrtti: lots of weather is happening, it might have something to do with that\n<Myrtti> indeed\n<MartijnVdS> weather? where?\n<popey> ♥\n<popey> a tree fell on a car at frimley park hospital just now\n<popey> yay, went out to take sam to a party, come back to 176K piety\n<Myrtti> well atleast this makes a little bit more sense than Settlers online\n * AlanBell is looking forward to haggis\n<mapps> yea the weather's pretty bad..i wokeup to rain banging on my windows and thunder and lightnoing!\n<Myrtti> very very frightning\n<Myrtti> sorry\n<Myrtti> I'll see myself out\n<MartijnVdS> galileo?\n<mapps> well\n<mapps> Myrtti, the prospect of having to walk to work i that weather was frightening\n<mapps> :P\n<TheProphetS> Hi all\n<MartijnVdS> \\o\n<TheProphetS> I have a problem with ubuntu 13.10. I could not see the mouse pointer and fonts were super large so I tried removing nvidia drivers and reinstalling them but now I the screen is just black, I see grub, but Ubuntu does not show. I am pretty positive it gets to the login screen but I can't see anything. I have an intel card as well and the pc is connected to an LG tv\n<MartijnVdS> what happens when you connect the screen to the intel card?\n<MartijnVdS> it might be seeing the wrong one first, and using that\n<TheProphetS> I can see the screen but no pointer and large fonts just like it was with the nvidia\n<MartijnVdS> Did it work and break later, or did it never work?\n<MartijnVdS> Does the installer show correctly?\n<TheProphetS> It always worked\n<TheProphetS> The installer you mean the nvidia one? I was using the repository drivers\n<MartijnVdS> what broke it then?\n<MartijnVdS> no, I mean the Ubuntu installer :)\n<MartijnVdS> did that also have big fonts?\n<TheProphetS> Never had big fonts before\n<TheProphetS> And could always see the pointer\n<MartijnVdS> so, what changed to make that happen?\n<TheProphetS> I'm guessing an update of some sort\n<TheProphetS> I run aptitude safe-upgrade usually to be on the safe side of things\n<MartijnVdS> hmm\n<MartijnVdS> I don't have nvidia, so I don't know if I can help you\n<MartijnVdS> popey might know, he always knows.\n<TheProphetS> Is there a way to remove all nvidia stuff and maybe unity as well , and would that help?\n<MartijnVdS> I doubt it\n<popey> how did you remove the nvidia drivers?\n<TheProphetS> Also when I connect to the intel card I can't see the virtual terminals, I just see the still image of X\n<TheProphetS> Sudo apt-get purge nvidia*\n<popey> and how did you install them?\n<TheProphetS> Sudo apt-get install nvidia-current\n<popey> you may have removed something else that's needed\n<popey> try \"sudo apt-get install ubuntu-dsktop^\"\n<popey> er\n<popey> sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^\n<TheProphetS> Is it ok if I do it when connected to the intel card? I can't seem to find a way to access the other virtual terminals\n<popey> yes\n<TheProphetS> I'm gonna have to try safe mode now, can't even see the login screen with the intel card now, or at least I could see it for a few seconds and then it went blank\n<TheProphetS> I mean recovery mode, sorry\n<TheProphetS> Ubuntu-desktop is already the newest version apparently\n<TheProphetS> At the moment I have the nvidia 304 driver installed\n<TheProphetS> But also nvidia-driver, nvidia-glx, nvidia-kernel-amd64, nvidia-kernel-dkms, and many others are NOT installed, is that wrong?\n<Myrtti> this made me chuckle. http://imgur.com/gallery/ulwiHGy\n<MartijnVdS> Myrtti: custom status messages \\o/ :)\n<MartijnVdS> we used to do that at uni\n<Myrtti> (also, sorry for the language on the first image)\n<bigcalm> Evening peeps :)\n<popey> TheProphetS:  you need the ^ on the end\n<MartijnVdS> \\o bigcalm\n<popey> bigcalm: hows the laptop?\n<TheProphetS> Popey I have unmet dependencies\n<popey> can you pastebin it?\n<bigcalm> popey: pretty sweet. Glad I bought it :)\n<popey> 18:22:11 < TheProphetS> But also nvidia-driver, nvidia-glx, nvidia-kernel-amd64, nvidia-kernel-dkms, and many others are NOT installed, is that wrong?\n<popey> TheProphetS: yes, because you removed nvidia* which was a bad thing to do\n<bigcalm> Oh, is nVidia working properly in 14.04 yet? :)\n<TheProphetS> Unmet dependencies are for libgoa-1.0-0\n<popey> can you pastebin the full output?\n<popey> sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<popey> sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^ | pastebinit\n<popey> then give us the link\n<TheProphetS> I am using the root shell from the recovery mode and I think I'm not connected right now, gonna try and get online from the shell\n<TheProphetS> Although I shouldn't since its a root shell\n<popey> do  you have wired or wifi?\n<TheProphetS> Wifi\n<TheProphetS> Maybe there's a way to start in text mode\n<popey> there is\n<MartijnVdS> there is, it's rescue mode\n<DJones> !text\n<lubotu3> To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode\n<popey> \\o/\n<MartijnVdS> oh?\n * MartijnVdS learns something new\n<TheProphetS> Dunno what I've done exactly but I managed to start a shell and install pastebinit\n<TheProphetS> A proper login shell from recovery mode\n<TheProphetS> Http://paste.ubuntu.com/6815808\n<popey> TheProphetS: do you have any PPAs enabled in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ?\n<TheProphetS> Sorry about the capital H\n<popey> i suspect you have the gnome3 team ppa enabled\n<TheProphetS> Yes\n<popey> do you use gnome shell?\n<TheProphetS> Not really, just when unity breaks or when something new comes up in gnome shell\n<popey> ah\n<popey> well that's contributing to your woes a bit\n<TheProphetS> Should I purge it? I don't mind really\n<popey> but probably unrelated to the nvidia issue\n<popey> maybe ☻\n<popey> i probably would, to get back to stock. you can always try and re-add later\n<MartijnVdS> popey: a different gtk setting could lead to big fonts -- dpi stuff\n<popey> true\n<popey> good point!\n<TheProphetS> Gnome-shell is not installed at the moment\n<popey> but other related things are\n<popey> which one do you have?\n<popey> gnome3, gnome3-next or gnome3-staging >\n<popey> ?\n<popey> basically \"sudo apt-get install ppa-purge\" then \"sudo ppa-purge ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3\" or \"/gnome3-next\" or \"/gnome3-staging\" depending on which one you have in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/\n<popey> i need to go and bath the kids\n<popey> (not an euphemism)\n<TheProphetS> Ok enjoy the bath :-) thank you!\n<TheProphetS> Have you tried SteamOS yet?\n<maps|work> not i\n<TheProphetS> How about the 14.04 LTS?\n<maps|work> na im way back on 13.10 :)\n<maps|work> im always quite slow to upgrade\n<maps|work> what are you running?\n<maps|work> hi apache\n<maps|work> http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-57617743-93/does-your-isp-throttle-bittorrent-traffic-find-out/?part=rss&subj=news&tag=title\n<maps|work> http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-57617743-93/does-your-isp-throttle-bittorrent-traffic-find-out/?part=rss&subj=news&tag=title\n<maps|work> UKs higher than i thought\n<maps|work> whereas the United Kingdom was the second most throttled country in Europe with 28 percent,\n<shauno> if only that was the biggest thing wrong with connectivity in the UK\n<maps|work> well yea i just wish i could get cable or FTC\n<maps|work> who are you with\n<shauno> I haven't lived in the UK for 13 years.  so my last there was freeserve\n<maps|work> ah wow that was ages back i had freeserve whgen it was dialup and pcworld ran it or something iirc\n<maps|work> where'd you live now? Spain?\n<shauno> hah, I wish.  Ireland for now\n<shauno> I'm on UPC.  they appear to be in roughly half of europe.  they do block tpb due to court process, but other than that, I'm glad it doesn't resemble the UK too closely\n<maps|work> yea this lame blocking torrent sites is just dumb..it's just like whack-a-mole block one domain a new one pops up\n<maps|work> even if they block the domain and associated IP it hardly stops it.. a quick google of tpb and any idiot can get round the UK block\n<shauno> I pay for 120, usually get closer to 150-180 depending on time of day, and don't have \"think of the children\" filtering.  For me, it's about as good as it gets without moving to the Netherlands\n<maps|work> lol think of the children you mean all this talk abourt blocking porn/suicide sites/violence etc? what a load of nonsense - these filters are operating atm but not enforced and existing customers have to opt in but IIRC you'll have to opt out in the future\n<maps|work> its all a totla waste of tme..\n<shauno> it sounds kinda idealistic, but it doesn't bother me what they're blocking.  it bothers me that they've now built the infrastructure, so they can add anything they like, whenever they like\n<maps|work> what do you mean about add anything they like?\n<maps|work> yea it is idealistic..I mean it's not practical..how easy is it to circumvent..be it a proxy or a VPN or a web based proxy so the user needn even have to know how to setup an http proxy/vpn server\n<maps|work> i.e. tpbunblocked.me any fool can click that - and the filtering of websites leads to sites being blocked thjat shouldnt be i.e. the UK filter has ended u blocking some sex education sites/rape charity sites..clearly not intended\n<shauno> it's a \"slippery slope\" scenario.  If the filters don't exist, you can just say \"not technically feasible\" any request\n<maps|work> yep..where do they stop i hate talk about censoring the net..its like parents that say ask.fm needs to be monitorred or shut down\n<maps|work> how would that wo0rk..shutdown ask.fm and the next day a new one opens up under a differnt name/different location...if people want to find a way to access stuff they will\n<shauno> once they do, \"omgz child porn\" turns into \"protect the copyright holders\" turns into \"there's an injunction about x scandal involving y football player\", and it winds up being full-scale thought police far too quickly\n<maps|work> look at how the darkweb (tor) is full of child porn apparently - well they cant filter that\n<maps|work> yea\n<maps|work> but then no one country/person owns the internet so they can never FULLY filter it\n<shauno> I guess my issue is that being able to say no to everything was far more trustworthy than letting some civil servant decide what to say no to\n<maps|work> what do you mean being able to say no to everything?\n<shauno> well, when the simple excuse was that it wasn't possible.  the simple, innocent days\n<maps|work> will this uk wide filter last or will it exist for a bit and eventually be scrapped?!\n<shauno> I hope it won't last, but I don't hold my hopes high.  the chances of finding enough politicians willing to stand the \"fighting to allow child porn\" flak is unlikely\n<shauno> I do hope for a lot more transparency.  we should have access to a full list of what's filtered, why, at who's request.  and requests that are pending/denied.\n<shauno> that would inspire a lot more confidence in whoever gets to tick the boxes\n<maps|work> thing is it cant be maintained..each isp has their own filter and its based on algorithms..not someone manually adding/removbing..surely its too time consuming to  have to manually add/remove sites\n<shauno> what I do find an interesting mental exercise; I'm currently in the process of moving to central/eastern europe.  \"the other side of the curtain\" by all accounts.  and I find it interesting to see things from their point of view\n<penguin42> shauno: Where about?\n<shauno> 40 years to oust the russian, often a price paid in blood; and the net result is that they now have a different name for big brother.  that feels like a huge letdown\n<shauno> penguin42: slovakia\n<penguin42> shauno: Interesting, I don't know anyone who has gone there\n<maps|work> not sure what you mean? you mean becuase they used to be russian controlled and now arent\n<maps|work> ive been to Czech republic (formerly czechoslovakia) and was meant to go to Bratislava few months back but couldnt..will go sometime this year\n<shauno> because it used to be the stazi trying to monitor what they read, who they talked to, etc, and now there's western govts doing exactly the same thing much more efficiently\n<penguin42> yeh, I know people in Brno\n<shauno> I've only been to brno once.  it wasn't my idea, it was ryanair's :|\n<penguin42> shauno: It shouldn't really be too much of a surprise to anyone - after all Cryptography was pretty much banned in France until fairly recently\n<maps|work> hm howcome you meant to Brno and not PRAGUE\n<shauno> brno was the closest airport to where we were meant to be going (bts/bratislava)\n<maps|work> AHH\n<maps|work> yea there's no airport in bratislava right? when i was looking a lot of flights were to austria then transfer i think?\n<penguin42> that is bizarre; http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/rearrange-your-office-easy-wit-143995\n<shauno> my only impressions were that it's a scary airport; they still have doors marked in cyrillic before passport\n<penguin42> (in a great way)\n<shauno> bratislava has a pretty decent airport.  it feels like grant money; completely overdone for their needs\n<MartijnVdS> lots of airports are like that\n<shauno> so ryanair fly their rather than vienna because it's much cheaper, but only a 1hr bus transfer to vienna\n<shauno> but the airport is so quiet that they still meet every flight with a fire engine\n<shauno> it honestly feels like you've just walked in on one big charade.  and I've been there .. I think 20 times in the last 24 months\n<MartijnVdS> shauno: Bratislava? Why go so often?\n<shauno> because I'm simple, and there's a girl involved\n<MartijnVdS> Maybe she gets the firetrucks to go out and greet your plane? :)\n<shauno> I'm trying not to be an idiot about it, but the job market looks fantastic from my POV.\n<shauno> overall they're basically assembly lines.  last I heard they produce more cars per capita than any other country globally\n<penguin42> shauno: Generally it seems pretty good at the moment\n<MartijnVdS> work-from-home jobs work from everywhere, also, development jobs are everywhere (local and \"remote\" work)\n<shauno> but there's a lot of multinationals just begging for anyone who doesn't think that networks are pure voodoo.  and a lot of the same multinationals that have to meet employment goals of native english-speakers\n<penguin42> MartijnVdS: Nod\n<MartijnVdS> one of the few jobs that have seen very little decline, software dev\n<shauno> dell, amazon, at&t, novell, ibm, etc.  just crying out for anybody at all, with a heavy preference to native english speakers\n<penguin42> MartijnVdS: Oh it's because as more developers are added we manage to make bigger, more complex systems that have more places to add more developers - goto START\n<MartijnVdS> penguin42: sounds like.. a job security machine\n<maps|work> hm there's an airport in Bratislava? howcome they fly to Vienna and you have to go from there then on most flights?\n<MartijnVdS> maps|work: vienna airport is bigger, more flights go to it\n<maps|work> aha\n<MartijnVdS> maps|work: bratislava airport is probably a lot cheaper to land at (hence ryanair)\n<maps|work> when i looked on expedia i didnt see a single direct flight to BTS airport\n<maps|work> if its cheaper why wouldnt more fly direct\n<maps|work> direct seems better?\n<MartijnVdS> maps|work: ryanair doesn't allow (m)any third parties to access their flight data\n<jussi> ryanscare dont usually come on the agregated searches\n<shauno> yeah, ryanair don't like indexers.  they dont' want \"we're the cheapest\" to be a question\n<maps|work> ah\n<maps|work> but jet2 dont fly direct for example\n<jussi> vienna is a very big airport... a major hub iirc.\n<maps|work> and ryanair was horrible when i flew to majorcaused -used jet2 for Prague and KLM for Holland both way better..do any others than ryan air fly direct??\n<shauno> ryanair are about the only 'western' carrier I've found that do\n<maps|work> ahh ok thought so..damn flying direct would be way better!!!! oi know you can get easily from vienna to bts but its a hassle - how long does it take?\n<MartijnVdS> maps|work: Ryanair to the Netherlands flies to Eindhoven. Which is almost as far from Amsterdam as Birmingham is from London\n<shauno> it's about an hour by bus, and about the same by rail\n<maps|work> I flew to Schiphol very big airport\n<jussi> MartijnVdS: oh come on, doesnt the netherlands fit into Birmingham? :P\n<shauno> annoyingly, by rail is *much* cheaper from bratislava to vienna, than the reverse\n<MartijnVdS> jussi: shush\n<jussi> hehe\n<MartijnVdS> maps|work: Schiphol is a great airport.. and I've seen a few :)\n<MartijnVdS> SFO isn't bad either\n<jussi> I love schiphol.\n<maps|work> yes , I had a McDonalds and heineken for my pre flight meal\n<jussi> Helsinki is also nice.\n<shauno> last I used the trains there, it was e15 for a bts-vnn return, and e40 for vnn-bts one-way.  and starting in bratislava bought you access to vienna's public transport for 24hrs\n<maps|work> hey MartijnVdS howcome everywhere on Holland was Heineken? very rarely saw say Amstel or anything else?\n<maps|work> but Amstel is nice\n<jussi> but then again... avoid CDG like the plague...\n<maps|work> Heineken was EVERYWHERE\n<MartijnVdS> maps|work: yes, and we HATE it :)\n<maps|work> yes so why is it everywhere?\n<maps|work> what do you like?\n<jussi> price....?\n<shauno> http://www.bts.aero/en/passengers/flight-information/current-arrivals/  gives you an idea of who uses BTS.  it's pretty much ryanair and a bunch of airlines you've never heard of\n<MartijnVdS> maps|work: well, I'm biased, my brothers are brewers ;)\n<MartijnVdS> maps|work: http://www.vandestreek-bier.nl/\n<maps|work> ah\n<maps|work> you dont like Amstel either? amstel and groslch were both fine but rarely saw them\n<maps|work> heineken was expensive most places nearly 6 euros\n<MartijnVdS> maps|work: it's all mass-produced. I prefer beer from smaller/local breweries -- much more interesting taste than plain pilsner\n<shauno> paris was the worst I've found yet.  for 8e you can get a bartender to laugh at you.  to add liquid goes up from there\n<MartijnVdS> shauno: ask for wine instead?\n<maps|work> lol shauno\n<shauno> I'm not a big wine guy\n<maps|work> so noo other airline flies direct to BTS that sucks - so is it best to fly direct with ryan air and just make do with rubbish airline or fly with someone else and do a transfer from vienna?\n<shauno> it works as long as it's cloyingly dry.  it's difficult express that in a bar that speaks Foreignese\n<shauno> personally, I stick with ryanair.  despite the reputation, they're pretty decent as long as you're willing to play the game\n<maps|work> i mean sure theyre ok but damn i mean there reaqlly isnt any room KLM/jet2 was way more comfortable\n<shauno> but I do have a bias that I'm in the republic, and there's not so many flying from here  (it's difficult to penetrate ryanair's home turf)\n<jussi> maps|work: its a short flight...\n<maps|work> true\n<MartijnVdS> shauno: \"un vin sec s'il vous plaît\"\n<maps|work> but it was still nicer on klm and jet2:D\n<MartijnVdS> speaking of French\n<maps|work> if it wasnt a short flight..wouldnt even consider!\n<shauno> I've developed a very useful talent.  I'm usually asleep before they've finished boarding, let alone flying\n<MartijnVdS> I need to book a hotel there :)\n<maps|work> hey MartijnVdS  i went to amsterdam dungeons on my last day in Holland..that was fun!!\n<maps|work> we were just walking around killing some time ..we'd checked out of hotel and flight home was later that evening\n<MartijnVdS> maps|work: I've never been to those\n<MartijnVdS> (and I work in Amsterdam..)\n<shauno> it helps that my regular flight requires me to leave the house at 1am, to make a bus for a 6am flight and a 10am arrival.  passing out as soon as I'm sat down is almost mandatory\n<jussi> shauno: ouch\n<maps|work> i hadnt been to any of them before .id heard of london dungeons but hadnt been..it was cool man!\n<maps|work> i still remember the young girl..near Hard Rock cafe 'yes it is ok to cycle at night you wont get raped here' :D think she maybe meant something different\n<jussi> maps|work: can you play dungeons and dragons there? :P\n<shauno> it works out surprisingly well.  3 hours of doze on the bus, 3 hours of sleep on the plane, and I'm good to go when we land\n<shauno> a'dam is strange for that.  it's okay to cycle pretty much anywhere.  walking or driving is scary - militant cyclists hide around every corner\n<maps|work> yep cars..tram..cyclists..walking around is tough!!\n<penguin42> shauno: You've just given me a mental image of someone on a penny-black with a machine gun\n<shauno> penguin42: that wouldn't be far off.  the cyclists 'run' a'dam.\n<maps|work> hah jussi  :D honestly though its way cooler than i thought it'd be id like to go to the london dungeons at some point now after how good amsterdam one was\n<shauno> I did like amsterdam though.  it's on the short list of places I'd live in by choice\n<maps|work> not sure i would\n<maps|work> too used to the uk. MartijnVdS  you live near central ams?\n<shauno> the center is impossibly cute, and they're absurdly friendly for what's essentially a germanic people\n<shauno> I'm not used to the UK; I left at 20.  and you honestly couldn't pay me to go back\n<penguin42> this Virgin router is very broken; it's showing my netbook which is connected to 1) the wifi on the router, (192.168.0.x?) and via ether via another NAT layer with the NATd address and showing it under the Wireless devices that's impossible\n<penguin42> shauno: We won't bite\n<MartijnVdS> maps|work: I live ~40km from the centre of Amsterdam, in a small town :)\n<maps|work> im confused penguin42  so it is using wifi but u say it isnt?\n<MartijnVdS> maps|work: one hour by bus, or 30 minutes by car (but no affordable parking spots available..)\n<maps|work> cycle!\n<penguin42> maps|work: It's showing it connected via the wifi (which it is) but showing it's internal wired address on the wifi pane\n<shauno> penguin42: a large part of my problem is that I find that difficult to believe\n<penguin42> shauno: Haha - where in the UK were you?\n<shauno> portsmouth, plymouth, oxford, newcastle, barrow (south lakes), and near helensburgh\n<shauno> errr near glasgow (helensburgh)\n<penguin42> hmm, never been to any of those places\n<maps|work> portsmouths ok\n<maps|work> lived there when i was at uni\n<shauno> my last visit to the UK .. I wandered from the bar to the nearest corner shop to buy smokes.  I accidentally reached into the wrong pocket and produced a 10e note instead of a 10gbp note\n<shauno> they didn't just laugh at me.  they grabbed my jacket and pushed me out the door\n<shauno> while, yes, I was rather drunk - I wasn't antisocially so - I'm far too much of an introvert for that.  but I've lived england, scotland, ireland, the US, and I've never been treated like that anywhere but 'home turf'\n<maps|work> =[\n<penguin42> :-(\n<shauno> (that was newcastle city center, but I honestly don't have a better opinion of anywhere that uses 'innit' in a sentence)\n<maps|work> i find the red light just so funny MartijnVdS  :D how its a normal bar then 3 hookers in a window :D\n<shauno> I thought my scheme of carrying euros in left-hand pockets and sterling in right-hand pockets was genius.  oh well\n<maps|work> best solution\n<maps|work> stop smoking\n<maps|work> !\n<jussi> see, here in .fi, cash is almost unknown... excet for somethiing you use in the slot machines in service stations :P\n<MartijnVdS> similar in .nl\n<shauno> I'm kinda scared of plastic  lol\n<penguin42> uses plastic for most stuff\n<MartijnVdS> though some people use cash almost exclusively\n<shauno> I had a bad experience, not long after I moved here from the US.  I only got a credit card because the debit scheme in ireland is unheard of anywhere else, and I live on the internet\n<maps|work> in pub MartijnVdS ? have to use cash\n<shauno> so I went to a job interview in london, went to check-in at the hotel, and required my CC pin for the first time ever.  I had no idea what it was.  very awkward\n<MartijnVdS> maps|work: Nah, you can use cards in most now\n<maps|work> for just 1 beer?!\n<MartijnVdS> maps|work: sure\n<maps|work> oh didnt know often pubs/bars have 10GBP minimu\n<shauno> I try to use my card where I Can just because it makes accounting easier, but I try to make sure I have enough cash to cover eventualities\n<penguin42> some shops do as well\n<MartijnVdS> maps|work: they lowered transaction costs here to have shops accept cards for lower amounts\n<shauno> minimums tend to apply to credit but not debit, fwiw\n<MartijnVdS> the \"we use your credit card as a tab\" system is unknown here though :( Like that bit of pubs in the UK :)\n<maps|work> yes MartijnVdS  have you been to cz? totally diff there its all on tab --- get a beer..sit down tab get another etc\n<shauno> long ago I worked in 'service' .. processing charges on credit were a percentage with a fixed minimum, charges on debit were just the fixed minimum\n<maps|work> very different to UK\n<directhex> cash\n<directhex> seriously\n<directhex> it's 2014 and we trade using shiny pebbles\n<directhex> i mean, wtf?\n<MartijnVdS> maps|work: I've been to Prague. Horrible city.\n<maps|work> ya but sometimes they charge you to use a card in a shop too remember\n<maps|work> :(\n<shauno> prague is pretty but unfriendly.  bratislava is ugly but friendly :)\n<MartijnVdS> shauno: when I was there, prague was ugly and unfriendly\n<MartijnVdS> though beer was cheaper than water\n<maps|work> i thought bratislava was meant to be nice not ugly - MartijnVdS  people sya Prague is beautiful and also a lot of locals have poor english..not like NL\n<shauno> hah, yeah, BA is the same.  cans are cheaper than plastic, and plastic is cheaper than glass.  the contents appear to be irrelevant\n<maps|work> guy in a bar in the redlight (guess he was the man running it) said that the people he finds the most annoying are Italians in Holland\n<MartijnVdS> maps|work: macho shouty guys?\n<shauno> everyone finds italians annoying, but you didn't hear that from me\n<MartijnVdS> maps|work: that's the stereotype anyway\n<maps|work> i think he said theyre sleazy too\n<maps|work> yea\n<MartijnVdS> There are lots of people who believe everyone is the stereotype :)\n<shauno> I have a problem with italians at work, where they appear to think italian is an international language\n<MartijnVdS> I try to avoid stereotype-thinking as much as possible\n<maps|work> lol shauno\n<MartijnVdS> shauno: and the handwaving!\n<shauno> less so the handwaving, cisco's voip doesn't stretch that far\n<MartijnVdS> shauno: reply in clerical latin then\n<shauno> but as far as I'm concerned, international languages are english, podonghua, german, and french.  in that order.   italians disagree.\n<penguin42> podonghua?\n<MartijnVdS> penguin42: \"standard chinese\", mandarin\n<shauno> what we call mandarin, is a very bad stereotype; 'mandarins' were politicians.  potonghua is \"the people's language\"\n<MartijnVdS> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_Chinese\n<daftykins> ooh, interesting\n<penguin42> oh, interesting fact of the day :-)\n<jennie> hello\n<MartijnVdS> shauno: in Dutch, the tiny sweet orange citrus fruit are called \"mandarijnen\" 8-)\n<MartijnVdS> hi jennie\n<penguin42> MartijnVdS: Same in the UK\n<shauno> so (without the tones) wo hoi shoi podonghua ma?  not, do you speak mandarin\n<jennie> hi MartijnVdS , are you from UK ?\n<MartijnVdS> jennie: I'm not :)\n<MartijnVdS> but some of the other people in here are\n<jennie> ok\n<daftykins> we let him off for it occasionally\n<daftykins> ;)\n<penguin42> jennie: And you?\n<jennie> penguin42 are you from UK ?\n * penguin42 is\n<MartijnVdS> penguin42: your name ssounds Antarctic to me ;)\n * penguin42 hands MartijnVdS a herring\n<MartijnVdS> penguin42: http://www.lauraspeaksdutch.info/wp-content/uploads/2006/09/img_0256.JPG\n<shauno> I have to say, the chinese are acutally amazing to deal with.  all you need is \"I'm sorry, may I ask, do you speak english\" in mandarin rather than just continuing in english, and you win them on the spot\n<shauno> the trick is not just to ask if they speak english; but to recognise the decorum they expect from a 'servant'.  instant win\n<daftykins> penguin42: was it red?\n<MartijnVdS> it's the same with the French really :)\n<daftykins> shauno: servant? 0o\n<shauno> I find french difficult.  I Can just about manage \"8am\".  phone back after 8am.  please.  please.\n<MartijnVdS> shauno: but most nouns are the same as in English\n<MartijnVdS> s/most/a lot/\n<shauno> daftykins: confucianism is very heirachial.  to an extreme.  you can find youtube videos of, eg, hairdressesers rehearing the \"welcome how many I help\" act\n<daftykins> rehearing? 0o\n<MartijnVdS> daftykins: don't you rehearse when you need to talk to customers?\n<daftykins> ...no?\n<MartijnVdS> do you ever talk to customers?\n<maps|work> well\n<maps|work> jennie didnt say much eh\n<MartijnVdS> just checking if everyone here is from the uk 8-)\n * dwatkins waves\n<shauno> sorry, this isn't my most sober, and my keyboard is strugling to translate.  they have routines like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USeSAGfko-U\n<maps|work> most of us are:D\n<maps|work> we have a few odd ones out like MartijnVdS  :D\n * MartijnVdS listens to Michael Jackson's Thriller.. that video is oddly synchronised.\n<daftykins> shauno: gone already at 9pm!?\n<maps|work> heh\n<daftykins> MartijnVdS: well, clients yeah, but mostly it's ad-hoc on the spot explanations of issues discovered then and there\n<shauno> I forgot to sleep last night.  I worked 12 hours.  shifts are weird.\n<daftykins> erk!\n<MartijnVdS> shauno: you *forgot*?\n<daftykins> Irish, 'nough said ;)\n<shauno> sleeping is fairly down my list of priorities.  I have a job that's conductive to napping.\n<shauno> eg, if it's not beeping, I can do pretty much anything that doesnt' look inexcusable\n * MartijnVdS Ctrl+Gs at shauno \n<maps|work> http://krebsonsecurity.com/2014/01/bug-exposes-ip-cameras-baby-monitors/\n<maps|work> always see stff like this with IP cameras..but lol clicking OK when asked for user/pass and you get in:D\n<maps|work> ctrl +g?\n<shauno> oh it gets better.  I've found a firefox extension called 'muter', so the beeping is optional.  so on the weekends, when there's no grownups - we take turns\n<shauno> ^G should create the terminal bell, from memory\n<MartijnVdS> maps|work: Ctrl+G = \\007 = ASCII \"BEL\"\n<MartijnVdS> = \\a\n<mr_dick> join #dogecoin\n<MartijnVdS> mr_dick: such forget. much /. wow.\n<mr_dick> lol\n<maps|work> ;]\n<maps|work> hm#\n<maps|work> he cant make his mind up\n<maps|work> ;]\n<maps|work> what linux sites/podcasts/magazines do you all read\n<brobostigon> osnews\n<moreati> maps|work: lwn, hacker news, links from twitter, planet python, python weekly, postgresql weekly, 2 or 3 subreddits\n<bigcalm> Anybody here tried playing 140 on Steam on Linux?\n<bigcalm> The game doesn't seem to run for me\n<bigcalm> !ping\n<lubotu3> pong!\n<bigcalm> Oh\n<Myrtti> popey: http://www.corsair.com/us/mx-rgb\n<Myrtti> (obviously no idea how good it is but omg pretty!)\n<maps|work> never even heard of 140\n<maps|work> ooh thats pretty Myrtti  hadn't seen that before\n<popey> Myrtti: i really want a keyboard with touchpoint\n<Myrtti> oh, right\n<maps|work> stupid work machine crashed\n<maps|work> can someone paste the respnse i got to my question about what linux sites people read\n<maps|work> please;]\n<Myrtti> osnews lwn, hacker news, links from twitter, planet python, python  weekly, postgresql weekly, 2 or 3 subreddits\n<Myrtti> maps|work: ^\n<Myrtti> (didn't include nicknames because it's late and didn't want to unnecessarily highlight)\n<maps|work> thanks:D\n<maps|work> ARGHHH whats happening - sorry got distracted someone pestering me at work-can u paste again:(\n<maps|work> il cp it to notepad then:D\n#ubuntu-uk 2014-01-26\n<moreati> maps|work: also the channel is logged, see the /topic for the url\n<maps|work> ahh thanks moreati\n<maps|work> didnt even think of that, cheers\n<maps|work> :)\n<Azelphur> MartijnVdS: IPv6 is now functional \\o/\n<Azelphur> anyone awake to help me with network-manager not working?\n<Azelphur> this ones a longstanding issue, it won't ever connect, always used dhclient eth0 as a workaround, but that doesn't work for IPv6 :(\n<Azelphur> http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=wgcBK8Y7 looks like it might shed some light on the issue\n<daftykins> those logs read like both v4 and v6 are failing to get a timely response from your DHCP server for both\n<Azelphur> daftykins, really? to me it looks like apparmor is denying the machine to even make a DHCP request\n<Azelphur> if I dhclient eth0 it comes straight up, so the routers DHCP is fine\n<daftykins> oh yeah, i mean as a result potentially\n<daftykins> i thought as you're here you'd have v4 working at least, do you run static instead?\n<daftykins> you and your setups ;) how can even DHCP be quirky XD\n<Azelphur> I'm on my laptop at the moment, my PC has had this problem for a while\n<Azelphur> but dhclient eth0 works as a workaround, although no IPv6, and also annoying\n<daftykins> ah\n<daftykins> no extra switches or what not with dhclient to query for both?\n<daftykins> i've still had pretty much zero exposure to v6 sadly\n<Azelphur> not that I know of, would prefer to fix it properly anyway\n<Azelphur> running dhclient every boot gets old\n<daftykins> indeed!\n<daftykins> i take it the interfaces file is clean of eth0 references so as to not ruin NM's day?\n<Azelphur> yup, only loopback in there\n<daftykins> hrmmph\n<daftykins> desktop always did it across clean installs, so trying a fresh user wouldn't help?\n<Azelphur> nah I imagine a clean install would help\n<daftykins> or find the NM config and nuke it as a test i guess\n<daftykins> anywho, must sleep :D\n<daftykins> semi crazy o'clock reached\n<daftykins> gl with it!\n<Azelphur> \\o/\n<ali1234> i thought you weren't supposed to use dhcp with ipv6?\n<Azelphur> ali1234: seems to work now, https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3832397/screenshots/2014/Jan/2014-01-26-041110_972x765_scrot.png\n<Azelphur> it was apparmor.\n<mapps> hey\n<mapps> i had trouble getting ipv6 working..using a he.net tunnel..i could acces ipv6 www sites but not ipv6 irc\n<mapps> ;(\n<mapps> anyone got any ideas?\n<mapps> ?:(\n<MartijnVdS> mapps: does ping6 work?\n<MartijnVdS> mapps: which IRC server are you using? is it up?\n<brobostigon> good morning everyone.\n<TwistedLucidity> Unpaid overtime. What's good about it? :-(\n<MartijnVdS> TwistedLucidity: for the employer? Free labour!\n<knightwise> popey: you awake ?\n<knightwise> morning everyone :)\n * knightwise is looking for a minecraft player to write a guestblogpost on knightwise.com\n * brobostigon is a minecraft newbie.\n<knightwise> brobostigon: its cross platform right ? i mean you can play it on mac/pc/linux\n<brobostigon> its java, yes.\n<MartijnVdS> it is\n * TwistedLucidity is wonderiny why the Lenovo support site doesn't work in FF on Kubuntu\n<knightwise> anyone feeling interested to do a blogpost on it ?\n<knightwise> because I don't know anything about the game , it would be kinda idiotic for me to do a writeup\n<knightwise> and I would hate to leave it out of our \"game week\" series\n<TwistedLucidity> knightwise: Minetest is a F/OSS version of Minecraft http://www.minetest.net/ I really can't comment much further as I've never played Minecraft.\n<knightwise> thanx TwistedLucidity i'll look at the link ! :)\n<brobostigon> i used to run a minetest server also.\n * TwistedLucidity has discovered that Lenovo uses Google Analytics for *every mouse click*. That explains why their site does not work here.\n * TwistedLucidity thinks Lenovo are idiots for doing this\n<MartijnVdS> TwistedLucidity: probably management wanted more/spiffier graphs\n<TwistedLucidity> Probably, but they'll get mor sales the easier I can get at the parts list!\n<TwistedLucidity> And get this, genuine Lenovo screw & take kit is ~£30 from resellers but ~£5 direct from Lenovo.\n<TwistedLucidity> Madness\n<MartijnVdS> see, they're not making money on that\n<popey> morning\n<MartijnVdS> they're making sure you use the resellers\n<MartijnVdS> \\o popey\n<popey> i am now knightwise\n<MartijnVdS> popey: hi knightwise!\n<TwistedLucidity> Ah, but I intend to buy more.\n<Myrtti> popey: did you order the herb salt?\n<popey> not yet\n<Myrtti> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNLcwqUOXfQ <--\n<Myrtti> (not related)\n<Myrtti> (a lot)\n * popey wonders what whenever he visits a steam page it's in spanish\n<popey> http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=218631926\n<popey> http://imgur.com/vQRiUrx\n<MartijnVdS> popey: do you have cookies for their domain? Maybe it's set to spanish in there\n<MartijnVdS> popey: maybe you can select the language in a preference screen and store it in your profile somehow?\n<ali1234> that happened to me before\n<ali1234> you just have to switch language back to en and it remembers\n<ali1234> happens if you follow a google search result that happens to link to another language page\n<popey> ahh\n<popey> problem is, how do you change language when you're in a language you can't read ☻\n<popey> in fact i see no option in http://steamcommunity.com/id/popeydc/edit\n<popey> aha, found it under the top right menu\n<foobarry> is nemo the fish meant to be disabled? one fin seems stunted\n<MartijnVdS> foobarry: yes, it's mentioned in the movie several times\n<MartijnVdS> he has a weird fin\n<foobarry> http://www.breaknenter.org/projects/inception/\n<foobarry> You can also use Inception to elevate privileges on (almost) any machine you have physical access to.\n<Seeker`> popey: why are you looking at a unicomp keyboard specifically\n * penguin42 removes a very clean 5p piece from the drier\n<Laney> probably worth about 10p now\n<TwistedLucidity> penguin42: Has it shrunk, maybe it 10p before it went in the drier?\n<penguin42> haha cold have been\n * Laney knows someone who bought 10p for £1 because it was extremely shiny\n<penguin42> Laney: Please introduce me to them\n<foobarry> i have some snake oil for them\n<popey> Seeker`: i want a keyboard which is clacky like the model m, but has a super key and a nipple\n<penguin42> 'Excuse me, but can I buy your nipple?'\n<popey> as I'm off to florida next week I may order one and get it shipped to co-worker who lives there\n<penguin42> popey: wth would you want a full size keyboard with a nipple?\n<popey> why would i not?\n<Seeker`> because you'd use a mouse instead? :P\n<penguin42> well the only point in nipples seems to be to provide a very compact pointing device on laptops where you don't have the room for a mouse\n<popey> mice are for losers\n<popey> and gamers\n<popey> that is not the case\n<popey> there are multiple reasons why nipple > mouse\n<popey> (and some cases where mouse > nipple)\n * penguin42 has never liked nipples; always prefer the trackpads\n<foobarry> dell inverted ones are nice\n<popey> I do have a mouse on both desktop and laptop but almost never use them\n<popey> only use mice for gaming, and even then rarely\n<Seeker`> I'm using a \"Das Keyboard\" which I love, but it does'nt have the nipple\n<popey> having a middle button on a thinkpad keyboard also is a winner for scrolling\n<penguin42> (Note, don't bother phoning Lloyds at the moment - it's >10min wait for an adviser)\n<shauno> interesting read foobarry.  I gotta admit to a little smugness reading that OSX already mitigates it\n<penguin42> it's odd, this story was doing the rounds a few years ago - I'd thought there was some basic fix that went in back then\n<penguin42> but fundamentally the only fix is to need user confirm of any hot plug\n<shauno> it seems apple's fix is to disable the functionality while the screen's locked, which seems like a sane compromise to me\n<penguin42> nod\n<foobarry> even thru display port?\n<foobarry> id like to try this when i get well again/have time\n<penguin42> I think you mean thunderbolt not display port\n<foobarry> either or\n<penguin42> in which case I suspect they'll disable firewire interface on it, but I doubt they'll stop a dma attack via pci-e\n<penguin42> foobarry: I don't think there's much nasty you can do on display prot\n<penguin42> port\n<shauno> it seems the CVE specifically addresses the firewire dma, so fw over tb should be the same; but no idea about pci-e dma\n<penguin42> I suspect the thunderbolt interfaces to have an iommu or the like, but not sure - e.g. if you hot plugged say something that pretended to be a SATA controller or a video card onto the thunderbolt port it might be able to DMA from anywhere\n<penguin42> but firewire is just so much easier because you can mount the attack from a laptop with firewire\n<foobarry> what about powered on machines with a boot loader password like truecypt?\n<penguin42> make no difference\n<foobarry> its pre boot\n<penguin42> preboot it's harder\n<penguin42> but I'd insert some extra code at that point that stores the passphrase entered and transmits it to the evil person\n<penguin42> then walk away and wait for the user to type their passphrase\n<shauno> on mine it seems it's not available at that stage because I have a firmware password\n<penguin42> yeh that's a good thing to have\n<shauno> I think on most machines there's little concern at that stage because there's no drivers loaded yet.  although efi can make that a bit murky (eg, I do have firewire drivers at efi)\n<penguin42> shauno: Still, an interesting question if it has enabled expresscard/thunderbolt/firewire at that point - I wouldn't be too surprised if it's initialised expresscard at that point\n<shauno> it seems it's mostly interesting that you can use it to hit a system that's up, and leave it up.  that's quite sneaky\n<penguin42> nod\n<penguin42> machine left at screensaver or in powersave\n<shauno> right - you open my laptop, you get a lock screen\n<shauno> hm, that civclicker .. zombies are kinda overpowered\n<penguin42> haha you must have gone on for a bit longer - after about 5 hours yesterday I got my life back\n<shauno> 12 hour shifts beg for such distractions\n<shauno> but as soon as I figured out that the 'underworld' religion lets you raise the dead and use them as regular workers - but they don't count towards housing or food costs\n<shauno> I starved every last worker.  I now have a population of zero, with nearly 7 million zombies\n<penguin42> haha\n<penguin42> much more useful than cats\n<shauno> whenever you need more workers, just send them to war against anyone.  win or lose, you'll still end up with enough corpses to make a net gain\n<penguin42> you might want to report that as a bug :-)\n<shauno> the other catch that makes them overpowered is that the cost doesn't scale.  living workers get more expensive every time you buy them.  zombies are fixed at 100 piety\n<shauno> it doesn't seem to count zombies against population though.  so I peaked at 'small town', and now have a 'thorp' (the smallest settlement size) with 7 million residents\n<penguin42> but are you 'overcrowded'?\n<shauno> nowhere close, that's buildings vs land size, not population\n<shauno> and I have a whole tonne of land acquired from raiding\n<shauno> the only downside I've found from this tactic, is that there's no such thing as a happy zombie, so you're capped at 'content'\n<penguin42> but does anything bad happen when your population is content?\n<penguin42> and I guess your zombies don't get ill so you don't need apothecaries\n<shauno> doesn't seem so.  I think there's a production bonus for being happier?  but I pretty much have a chinese labour market, I don't need production bonuses\n<penguin42> can you use zombies as clerics?\n<shauno> yes.  I pretty much have to, since piety is required to raise more dead\n<penguin42> yeh that's what I was thinking\n<shauno> (although they also gain piety from deaths, so mass-murder is also a valid tactic)\n<penguin42> you should be a Daily Mail headline righter\n<penguin42> writer\n<shauno> that actually crossed my mind during an attack.  the status log had \"barbarians killed an unemployed\"\n<Myrtti> I wonder if it's possible that my laptop wifi interferes with the wifi of my Nexus 5?\n<foobarry> run wifi analyser\n<foobarry> to check how busy the channels are\n<foobarry> and have your neighbours had a baby recently?\n<foobarry> Bletchley is currently in the throes of a bitter dispute, between owners who want to create a brand new visitors centre, and volunteers who have been working on the site for years.'\n<penguin42> who are the owners?\n<foobarry> dunno, haven't watched the bbc report\n<foobarry> the people who raised 4M moneys\n<foobarry> to save it\n<foobarry> btw... http://theinvisiblethings.blogspot.co.uk/2009/10/evil-maid-goes-after-truecrypt.html\n<mapps> ah MartijnVdS i went to sleep sorry\n<mapps> <MartijnVdS> mapps: does ping6 work?\n<mapps> <MartijnVdS> mapps: which IRC server are you using? is it up?\n<mapps> but no and no but i can nslookup an ipv6 host\n<shauno> so if you, eg, \"ping -c 1 2a03:2880:2110:df07:face:b00c:0:1\" computer says no?\n<mapps> yea it says no\n<mapps> but i can do like nslookup iov6.google.com ?\n<mapps> and it returns the ipv6\n<mapps> this is using an he.net ipv6 tunnel\n<shauno> it sounds like you don't have v6 but your nameserver does\n<mapps> ahh\n<mapps> of course\n<mapps> because im using the google ns\n<mapps> hmm\n<mapps> this was on windows7 too...and now its a bit of a mess not sure how to remove the tunnel etc and readd\n<mapps> maybe i should leave that and try setting it up on my ubuntumachine\n<brobostigon> if i have 'hg clone' a repo, how do i update said clone for any changes?\n<mapps> no idea:D\n<brobostigon> git i know, but mercurial, not a clue.\n<mapps> hey shauno  just remebered i can reach ipv6.google and the ipv6 test says im ipv6 enabled?\n<mapps> geez how can people pay these rents..house few doors down £1725 a month\n<penguin42> mapps: For what size house?\n<mapps> 4bed\n<mapps> feels like a lot to me\n<mapps> i d struggle to pay it on my own\n<shauno> I honestly wouldn't know where to start on windows.  especially since I think 7 should try to do toredo out-of-the-box, which will confuse me hugely\n<penguin42> mapps: a 1 bed flat is about 700 here I think, so a few people sharing would be cheaper than 3 of those - but probably less space than 3 1 bed flats?\n<mapps> im not sure its 4 bed with a dining room/lounge/kitchen and a really big garden\n<mapps> wheres here\n<mapps> and i was on about paying it alone i dont wanna rent with others!\n<mapps> anyone watch Helix?\n<an0n432O> hi\n<mapps> hi an0key_\n<mapps> an0n432O,\n<an0n432O> hi mapps\n<mapps> pretty cold outside brrr!\n<penguin421> stay in this nice warm channel\n<mapps> ;]\n<an0n432O> yeah\n<an0n432O> def\n<daftykins> it's going down to the nippy lows of 4 deg C on the island tonight!\n<daftykins> :)\n<an0n432O> i thought iy would never get cold\n<an0n432O> it\n<mapps> heh\n<mapps> well id rather it was a tad warme\n<mapps> going from inside-> outsides not nice\n<mapps> :(\n<an0n432O> it has been though, unusually\n<mapps> the walk to work || walk to gym ==  walk as fast as possible\n<mapps> :D\n<an0n432O> u n/s?\n<an0n432O> i had to get up at 6 and walk a mile\n<mapps> n/s?\n<an0n432O> north/south uk?\n<mapps> ahh\n<mapps> midlands now\n<mapps> from south originally\n<an0n432O> 1/2 and 1/2 then but colder than here\n<mapps> often get told how i sound 'posh' or 'gay' as some say one fool even said i put my accent on\n<mapps> :D\n<daftykins> i have my Guernsey voice and my England voice ;)\n<mapps> i just have my normal voice\n<mapps> lol\n<an0n432O> whats wrong with being gay? its 2014\n<mapps> i couldnt manage to put on a fake accent and maintain it 24/7..thatd be pretty tough no?\n<mapps> to keep it up and not slip up\n<an0n432O> yeah gurnsey is a bit posh\n<an0n432O> yeah\n<mapps> didnt say there was an0n432O  but im not :)\n<an0n432O> i know\n<daftykins> lol Guernsey's not posh\n<directhex> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuR5YMyfeNI\n<an0n432O> i mean whoever says your gay\n<an0n432O> the accent is i mean\n<an0n432O> whats that?\n<Myrtti> daftykins: oi\n<Myrtti> daftykins: recommend me a reputable webshop for the blue jumpers\n<Myrtti> something that sells products not knitted by tiny hands in Bangladesh\n<an0n432O> directhex, u a hex programmer? i just discovered i hate machine code and assembler\n<directhex> no. i like c# though\n<an0n432O> ok\n<an0n432O> i can cope with c. i just tried assembler, fuckin nasty\n<mapps> c/c++ is ok\n<bigcalm> !ohmy | an0n432O\n<lubotu3> an0n432O: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.\n<mapps> assembler..hm i never find decent assembler guides/references\n<an0n432O> yeah its ok\n<an0n432O> its not really used anymore is it?\n<mapps> well uhh i guess not mainstream but sometimes itd be useful\n<an0n432O> yeah\n<directhex> inline assembly is used in plenty of c projects\n<an0n432O> a happy medium between basic and assembler\n<an0n432O> there just too much maths in it\n<mapps> whats that mean directhex  asm in c?!\n<directhex> mapps, yeah. C source with scraps of asm inside\n<an0n432O> c is a higher level language than assembler\n<directhex> pretty common, especially in JITters and interpreters\n<mapps> yea\n<mapps> asm is lower level of coz\n<daftykins> Myrtti: err, me? not familiar with any i'm afraid :( unless i shipped you a true 'Guernsey' :D\n<Myrtti> awwwww\n<an0n432O> its a horrible language. adding/dividing,etc in 2's,4's and eights,etc\n<mapps> ;]\n<an0n432O> using registers for everything, writing lines of code just to add up 10 and 5\n<an0n432O> evil\n<mapps> tvs so rubbish\n<an0n432O> ill stick to c and basic\n<an0n432O> yeah, do c4 or bbc ever make any new programmes?\n<mapps> rubbish ones\n<mapps> like Miranda\n<mapps> ugh\n<an0n432O> i reckon theyve gone skint cos no one pays a tv licence anymore, they just watch over the internet\n<SuperEngineer> bigcalm: just got out the bath [fwiw] - well done for the interception earlier on\n<penguin421> directhex: Although most JITs don't bother with the asm - they just spit machine code direct into memory\n<daftykins> Myrtti: oh wait you actually did mean a real Guernsey\n<daftykins> Myrtti: they're only locally made as it's a high skill job afaik\n<daftykins> there was a news item the other day about how high in demand they are, but so few people locally can make them\n<mapps> whats this?\n<daftykins> a Guernsey\n<an0n432O> could anyone here recommend a super fast, super quiet server?\n<MartijnVdS> an0n432O: a CPS somewhere\n<daftykins> any PC can be a server, depends what you want to run\n<MartijnVdS> VPS*\n<penguin421> yeh, a server somewhere else is always the quietest :-)\n<MartijnVdS> well, the host it runs on is probably *LOUD*, but you won't hear it from home ;)\n<mapps> lol\n<an0n432O> its for my room\n<an0n432O> so i need to get some sleep\n<an0n432O> i want a proper deicated server\n<an0n432O> webhosting, etc\n<MartijnVdS> an0n432O: how powerful do you want it?\n<an0n432O> sick\n<MartijnVdS> because fanless ones exist\n<an0n432O> yes thats it\n<MartijnVdS> an0n432O: http://linitx.com/product/jetway-jbc362f362600-intel-atom-16ghz-barebone-system/13607\n<MartijnVdS> an0n432O: just add an SSD and some memory\n<an0n432O> cool\n<an0n432O> how much?\n<MartijnVdS> it's an 1.6GHz atom, so it's not a speed monster.. but it should be fine for most home-server purposes\n<MartijnVdS> an0n432O: you can buy it on that site, or maybe you can find it cheaper somewhere lese\n * MartijnVdS hasn't checked\n<penguin421> an0n432O: I got an MSI C847MS  motherboard and put it in an old chassis; it's a dual core 1.1GHz celeron\n<Myrtti> daftykins: well, I suppose an article like this doesn't make it any easier ;-) http://www.taloussanomat.fi/harrastukset/2014/01/26/ma-seuduilla-nailla-oon-tunnettu-kalamiesneule/20141168/139\n<penguin421> an0n432O: It's fanless, and I put it in a case with a PSU that's got a temperature controlled fan that hardly ever goes around, and with an SSD it's almost always silent\n<penguin421> an0n432O: But, in the end it's only a 1.1GHz celeron\n<brobostigon> anyone built apache wave before?\n<an0n432O> looks noisy\n<an0n432O> id like a blade server\n<SuperEngineer> while every body's on the hardware part of their brain stores... anyone know if DDR2 RAM can still be got obtained [from a *reliable* source?]\n<MartijnVdS> SuperEngineer: sure\n<penguin421> an0n432O: Yeh but blade servers are normally only slightly quieter than a 747 engine\n<SuperEngineer> oooh!\n<penguin421> SuperEngineer: Yeh\n<an0n432O> no good then\n<penguin421> SuperEngineer: crucial.com has it\n<an0n432O> id rather not build one\n<MartijnVdS> SuperEngineer: http://tweakers.net/categorie/545/geheugen-intern/producten/#filter:q1YqSExPDc6sSlWyMjQw0FEqKMpMTvXNzFOyAnKKC1KT3TJzSlKLipWsqpUMjc1BVFlijpJVtJKpUmxtbS0A\n<MartijnVdS> SuperEngineer: ;)\n<an0n432O> that jetway looks noisy\n<MartijnVdS> an0n432O: it's fanless.\n<an0n432O> ok\n<an0n432O> cool\n * SuperEngineer checks out various links...\n<an0n432O> id like something a bit more powerful though\n<penguin421> SuperEngineer: http://www.crucial.com/uk/store/listmodule/DDR2/list.html   or go to their motherboard/model checker thing\n<MartijnVdS> SuperEngineer: you need something like that tweakers.net/pricewatch for the UK ;)\n<daftykins> Myrtti: seriously though do you want to buy one? :>\n<Myrtti> daftykins: mabbe\n<SuperEngineer> thanks MartijnVdS\n<Myrtti> but before anything I need pizza\n<SuperEngineer> & penguin421\n * Myrtti goes to microwave\n * penguin421 reckons a gehugen-intern is RAM\n<MartijnVdS> penguin421: memory-internal\n<MartijnVdS> but it lists mostly Dutch online stores\n<penguin421> MartijnVdS: The picture was better :-)\n<penguin421> MartijnVdS: There is a sight like that which lists many EU sites - but I can't remember it's name - it had 3 or 4 UK ones on but mostly German\n<MartijnVdS> penguin421: http://uk.hardware.info/pricecomparer ?\n<SuperEngineer> MartijnVdS: I *do* like the way way crucial works.... thanks a mil\n<SuperEngineer> ...though surprised at price... [£53 tax incl.]\n<SuperEngineer> [for 4GB]\n<penguin421> SuperEngineer: DDR2 is now more expensive\n<SuperEngineer> penguin421: yup... just found out!  ;)\n<SuperEngineer> ... if only the \"don't waste the planet\" part of my brain would let me a new pooter :)\n<SuperEngineer> *let me buy\n<SuperEngineer> [still that + graphics card upgrade is still a cheap option.... especially as current pooter only has a prob with *1* Steam game - rest of my pooter's world is a good 1]\n<maps|work> hello\n<shauno> ugh, try buying ecc ddr2.  that'll make you sadface.\n<daftykins> ECC D:\n<daftykins> madness!\n<maps|work> http://gizmodo.com/meth-in-london-heroin-in-zagreb-the-answer-is-found-i-1508209127\n<bigcalm> Good evening peeps :)\n<popey> yo\n<popey>  3283 root      20   0 8539064 5.377g 243172 S  12.9 34.6 326:31.88 Xorg\n<popey> grrr\n<diplo> Still having xorg issues then popey  :(\n<maps|work> ;[\n<popey> yeah, luckily it's reproduced by others so no just me\n<popey> Seems April 5 2010 was the last time my viglen was booted\n<webpigeon> o.O\n<brobostigon> ello webpigeon\n<webpigeon> Hello brobostigon :)\n<bigcalm> popey: you got it booted, cor\n<bigcalm> popey: now what? :P\n<brobostigon> webpigeon: didnt know you hung out here, :)\n<webpigeon> brobostigon: I'm about, I just don't talk much\n<brobostigon> webpigeon: ah.\n<maps|work> ello\n<popey> bigcalm: reformat\n<bigcalm> popey: ah, and then skip?\n<popey> no, but it's not well.\n#ubuntu-uk 2015-01-19\n<diddledan> random user in #haxe thought that reinstalling their IDE would fix a compile issue with their code\n<diddledan> don't you love how windows users do that?!\n<daftykins> :D\n<daftykins> turn it off and on again!\n<diddledan> step one in diagnosis: reainstall all the things\n<diddledan> --a\n<daftykins> nuke it from orbit\n<diddledan> it's nuts\n<daftykins> weird one in #ubuntu earlier, some users getting their graphics device show up as vmware due to using that galium version or something (i don't have a clue what i'm talking about on that front)\n<daftykins> so suddenly you start thinking they're using a VM and lying to you, but newp\n<diddledan> o_O\n<diddledan> really?!\n<daftykins> *nod*\n<diddledan> it reports a vmware card even when not virutal?!\n<daftykins> hang on might still have the link\n<daftykins> https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=175164\n<diddledan> that really is wonky\n<diddledan> oh. permissions. the user wasn't allowed to access the hardware\n<diddledan> this is why x starts as root on most systems\n<diddledan> donno why he was running it under a user account manually\n<diddledan> oh, that haxe user just uttered: \"I'm in the process of re installing again, even though I can see everything was installed to the right path.\"\n<diddledan> doing it _again_ because doing it once didn't work!\n<daftykins> lmao\n<daftykins> diddledan: you must share this pearl of wisdom: \"what is the definition of insanity? doing the exact same thing and expecting a different result!\"\n<diddledan> flogging a dead donky\n<diddledan> lol\n<diddledan> I suppose probability might come into it - the law of averages suggests that if he does it enough times he'll end up with shakespear\n<daftykins> but there are no monkeys?\n<diddledan> oh, good point\n<daftykins> unless.. dan! you're not being rude to users again are you? :)\n<diddledan> hmm\n<diddledan> lol\n<diddledan> me? rude? nevar!\n<daftykins> :D\n<daftykins> hmm just fed the next Sopranos bluray into my xbox\n<daftykins> i don't really trust slot loaders\n<daftykins> i remember getting one and seeing the little manual say \"no heart shaped discs\"\n<daftykins> i've never even seen one O_O\n<mapp> morning all\n<daftykins> o/\n<daftykins> just got into bed here\n<daftykins> shift change!\n<mapp> heh\n<mapp> i gotta get some sleep soon\n<mapp> flight at 2\n<daftykins> \\o/\n<daftykins> bed for me, laters \\o\n<mapp> cya mate\n<mapp> none of the other night owls upo?\n<knightwise> morning everyone\n<mapp> morn\n<knightwise> hey mapp , how are you today\n<mapp> notbad gotta get a few hrs s;ee[ on a bit\n<mapp> sleep\n<mapp> fight at 2;30;]\n<knightwise> You on your phone ?\n<mapp> nah netbook but watching tv..why because of my typos:P\n<mapp> heh\n<knightwise> yep :)\n<mapp> ;]\n<knightwise> grr , been trying to get retropi working on my raspberry pie for days now\n<knightwise> somehow it doesn't seem to recognise the controller in the game.\n<knightwise> documentation is poor , instructional video's are ancient.\n<knightwise> been puting a lot of time in it so far . Still no luck.\n<knightwise> gmblhhhh$\n<knightwise> Monday ...\n<opione> back\n<brobostigon> morning boys and girls.\n<knightwise> good morning brobostigon\n<brobostigon> good morning knightwise\n<christel> morning brobostigon, knightwise :)\n<knightwise> hey christel\n<knightwise> how are you on this gloomy monday\n<christel> not too bad! could have done with an extra hour in bed! yourself? :)\n<knightwise> same :) working from home today , so I kept the PJ's on as long as possible\n<knightwise> Currently snuggle up with a book in the dark for about half an hour before I get ready for work :)\n<brobostigon> morning christel :)\n<knightwise> Me + coffee + Ebook + darkness = 30 minutes of bloss\n<knightwise> bliss\n * brobostigon points out the window, and sees bright blue skies.\n * knightwise has snow \n<brobostigon> :)\n<davmor2> Morning all\n<knightwise> hey davmor2\n<brobostigon> morning davmor2\n<knightwise> hmmm.. raspberry pi is misbehaving\n * knightwise is gonna kick it into the dmz and make it think about what its done\n<MartijnVdS> knightwise: \"it\"? a windows machine?\n<knightwise> Raspbian running pi\n<MartijnVdS> what did it do wrong\n<knightwise> retropi and my controller wont play nice\n<knightwise> documentation is crap\n<MartijnVdS> what's retropi?\n<zmoylan-pi> bad documentation... open source... you don't day :-)\n<zmoylan-pi> *say\n<MartijnVdS> some open source stuff has awesome docs\n<zmoylan-pi> those are people reading the code :-)\n<MartijnVdS> zmoylan-pi: have you *seen* the coreutils code? I prefer the man pages ;)\n<knightwise> I'm trying to turn it into a retro gaming machine\n<knightwise> Retropi = Raspberry pi + emulation station\n<awilkins> An emulator distro\n<awilkins> Drop ROMs and disk images into it, pow, instant gaming\n<awilkins> (for given values of \"instant\" that involve making SDCard images and SSHing files)\n<knightwise> and getting the friggin controllers working (my current issue)\n<awilkins> Are we talking something like a std. XBox / PC controller?\n<knightwise> correct . I got me a PS3 usb controller just to make it standard\n<Laney> today is will-nest-installer-keep-his-third-appointment day\n<Laney> place your bets\n<MartijnVdS> oh that sounds cool\n<MartijnVdS> Laney: maybe he has some Yodel packages to deliver first\n<Laney> SORRY YOU WERE OUT\n<MartijnVdS> \"But you installed my thermostat\" \"Yeah but you weren't in a state to accept packages\"\n<knightwise> \"in a state\" as in \"wearing pants when you opened the door ? \"\n<zmoylan-pi> wouldn't you need a kempston joystick for retro pi? :-)\n<knightwise> it would be cool zmoylan-pi\n<knightwise> http://www.weblogsinc.com/common/images/2634287974241518.JPG.19313260267924226\n<knightwise> I got me one of these too\n<zmoylan-pi> and if you were nekkid when they arrived to deliver a package you were technically 'out' :-P\n<MartijnVdS> zmoylan-pi: what if you're closeted though.. then you're never \"out\"\n<knightwise> out of the closet ?\n * knightwise is out of line\n<MartijnVdS> Out of space\n<JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Monday, and happy Tin Can Day! :-D\n<knightwise> morning peeps\n<popey> hello again\n<knightwise> hey popey :)\n<knightwise> happy monday to you\n<zmoylan-pi> happy... monday...?\n * zmoylan-pi looks askance at knightwise \n<MartijnVdS> zmoylan-pi: he's Belgian. They don't know better :P\n<knightwise> zmoylan-pi: waves pink fluffy unicorn at zmoylan-pi\n * zmoylan-pi shoots unicorn with nerf and mounts head on wall\n * knightwise takes out garden hose to flood MartijnVdS 's country\n<knightwise> Fact : Some dutch cities are further below the waterline then the maximum diving depth of the first submarines :)\n<MartijnVdS> And that's why we built a system of interlocking walls, to keep back the water ;)\n<MartijnVdS> also, we check them a lot\n<zmoylan-pi> a wall that keeps water out also keeps water in\n<zmoylan-pi> they're funny that way :-)\n<MartijnVdS> zmoylan-pi: don't put water in then ;)\n<awilkins> Why use a garden hose when a few pounds of strategically placed dynamite will do?\n * zmoylan-pi shakes fist at clouds\n<knightwise> Dutch people are not like pot noodles\n<knightwise> don't add water to make them tasty\n<zmoylan-pi> might make them testy\n * knightwise thinks we should get off MartijnVdS 's case :)\n<knightwise> zmoylan-pi: give me back my pink fluffy unicorn head !\n<awilkins> knightwise, a quick check of Rule 34 proves you wrong as predicted\n * zmoylan-pi hands back knightwise's fluffy unicorn head on the nice wooden plaque\n<knightwise> awilkins: thanx for that :)\n<knightwise> zmoylan-pi: at least now I don't have to feed it anymore\n<zmoylan-pi> it must be hard to fund a store that stocks unicorn food\n<knightwise> Its even harder to find the rainbow-pooper-scoopers\n<zmoylan-pi> i'd have though unicorn poop sold on ebay for a bundle\n<knightwise> zmoylan-pi: my business plan .. right there !\n<knightwise> soooo weird .. but pretty soothing to listen to http://youarelistening.to/numbers\n<davmor2> JamesTait: Oh you'll never go to heaven, rpt, In a bake bean tin, rpt, cause a baked bean tin, rpt, got baked beans in, rtp :)\n<Laney> fancy that, he did turn up\n<JamesTait> davmor2, oh you'll never go to heaven in a baked bean tin, cos a baked bean tin's got baked beans in....\n<JamesTait> Lalalala\n * JamesTait hums along to himself\n<davmor2> oh.... I ain't gonna cry, I ain't gonna cry my lord, I ain't gonna cry my lord\n<mapp> buh bye\n<mapp> gotta go to the airport now\n<mapp> assuming i can get a taxi:D\n<zmoylan-pi> are they in season? :-)\n<mapp> well\n<mapp> it's hard to get one here sometimes\n<mapp> called one at the border on friday..told 5mins..never turns up!\n<zmoylan-pi> ah, you called interdimensional taxis. always on a different plane\n<MartijnVdS> *groan*\n<bigcalm> Good morning peeps :)\n<popey> moin\n<daubers> is it?\n<bashrc> morning bigcalm\n<bigcalm> It's close enough\n<daubers> I suppose monday is the morning of the week ahead\n<popey> hey, cpu people\n<popey> i know what socket my mobo has, is there a way to see what the \"best\" cpu I can put in it is?\n<MartijnVdS> popey: wikipedia has lists of CPUs by socket\n<MartijnVdS> popey: or if you're up for some parsing Dutch, tweakers.net/pricewatch -> go to the CPU (\"processoren\") category, then select the socket in the sidebar\n<MartijnVdS> that + Intel's ARK\n<popey> hmmm\n<popey> it has a sandybridge i7 2600 in it\n<popey> according to wikipedia I could go to ivy bridge\n<MartijnVdS> popey: check the mainboard manual as well, some never get the newer bios required for newer CPU support\n<popey> ah, true\n<MartijnVdS> i7-3770k is a good one.. I have its successor (4770k) and it's *FAST*\n<bigcalm> i7-4500U - don't suppose there's any point in trying to change a laptop's CPU?\n<davmor2> popey: mobo instruction book?\n<popey> haha\n<popey> no idea where that is!\n<davmor2> popey: pdf is on the mobo manufactures site\n<zmoylan-pi> get it online quicker\n<popey> yeah. dunno if it will mentioned CPUs made after the mobo tho :)\n<zmoylan-pi> just make sure you know what revision your bios is.  just in case\n<davmor2> popey: it has to tell you what it supports or you can put in the wrong chip :)\n<davmor2> popey: quick look at my board in google threw up this site http://www.cpu-upgrade.com/\n<ali1234> that's a BGA package, it's almost certainly soldered\n<ali1234> i7-4500U that is\n<cocoa117> does anyone know what is the UK keyboard map for preseeding during a PXE setup?\n<cocoa117> the line \"d-i keyboard-configuration/layoutcode string uk\" seems don't work\n<davmor2> cocoa117: try EN_GB maybe?\n<cocoa117> davmor2, tried that, i thought that is locale settings\n<bigcalm> Morning intrbiz\n<intrbiz> bigcalm: morning\n<intrbiz> bigcalm: how goes the office? managed to find somewhere to park?\n<bigcalm> intrbiz: it's cold here. We've even had snow (not a lot though)\n<bigcalm> Yeah, parked at Abbey Foregate and walked in. It's fairly cheap at £2.70 for the day\n<intrbiz> bigcalm: snow today?\n<intrbiz> bigcalm: not had any snow here today, a little yesterday which didn't stick\n<bigcalm> intrbiz: considering parting up by the cinema for free, but I don't know if they enforce a time restriction\n<bigcalm> Yeah, didn't stick here as well, darn cold though\n<intrbiz> bigcalm: i've parked before at cinema / asda for a day without hassel, not sure if I'd do it regularly\n<bigcalm> I'm going to be knackered this evening\n<bigcalm> Driving straight to badminton from here. Wont be eating before. Think anybody will be up for eating afterwards?\n<intrbiz> bigcalm: i would be, depends who else shows\n<bashrc> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZeUntdObCA\n<bigcalm> intrbiz: good lad :)\n<daftykins> oy vey\n<diddledan> allo daftykins\n * diddledan watching the video that bashrc posted a while ago\n<diddledan> about ipmi\n<diddledan> (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZeUntdObCA)\n<popey> the mjg59 one?\n<popey> was fun. not finished it yet\n<popey> the one about OneRNG was also interesting\n<daftykins> \"i can't believe it's not VNC\" :D\n<popey> what's the canonical way to make disks sleep on linux?\n<diddledan> power button\n<diddledan> :-p\n<popey> I have 2x4 disk arrays in my server, and often they're idle for extended periods\n<popey> useful\n<diddledan> hdparm can set a timeout I believe\n<popey> ah thats it\n<diddledan> \\o/\n<diddledan> I'm awesome!\n<popey> hdparm -B /dev/sda\n<popey>  APM_level      = not supported\n<daftykins> i keep mine spinning 'cause my old man always told me spinning down and up induced wear 0o\n<daftykins> but then i have enterprise level disks / WD Reds now\n<SuperEngineer> This is actually very beautiful & very wise. A little gem of wisdom for download &/or wisdom.  Beautiful words re being old vs being young\n<SuperEngineer> http://paste.ubuntu.com/9787964/\n<daftykins> argh it's not window wrapped\n<SuperEngineer> yeah, sorry about that -download & read as text\n<daftykins> seems to prompt for login doing that\n<SuperEngineer> oh boogah! will correct it now\n<popey> right, all set to spin down after 5 mins. lets see how that works out\n<daftykins> 'tis nice that :)\n<popey> wheee, building stuff on my phone\n<daftykins> that'll be a hot potato :)\n<SuperEngineer> http://paste.ubuntu.com/9788048/\n<SuperEngineer> try that\n<daftykins> huzzah!\n<popey> its surprisingly not :S\n<popey> oh, balls, only building in one core\n<popey> that was foolish\n * popey considers killing it and adding a -j4\n<popey> hah! that's mnore like it\n<SuperEngineer> popey, permission to go very off topic for a mo, please...\n<SuperEngineer> did you get FreeDOS running as a live USB?\n<popey> http://paste.ubuntu.com/9788067/\n<popey> yes!\n<SuperEngineer> hurumph!\n<popey> used it to update firmware on my hard drives :)\n<popey> zero effort\n<popey> http://chtaube.eu/computers/freedos/bootable-usb/\n<popey> used that\n * SuperEngineer is overcome with jealousy\n<popey> what didnt work for you?\n<SuperEngineer> ..and is now checking out that link. Thanks\n<daftykins> i've also used win98 boot files to make a bootable flash drive for DOS tools\n<SuperEngineer> I used Unetbootin.. it kept failing [on 3 machines] saying it wasn't there... even it was telling me it wasn't there\n<popey> you could fit a lot of old dos games on a 32gb usb stick\n<popey> oh no dont use that\n<popey> just dd it\n<popey> dd if=foo of=/dev/sdX\n<SuperEngineer> yeah... I definitely got the idea that it was not suitable for Unetbootin!\n<popey> could even fit windows 3.1 and loads of silly windows stuff on a stick\n * popey ponders\n<popey> could be fun\n<popey> could be fun to _install_ dos and windows on a laptop actually\n<popey> not done that for a while.\n<SuperEngineer> \"FreeDOS prebuilt bootable USB flash drive image\"... now why does that seem a more sensible option... lol\n<popey> hehe\n<davmor2> popey: dos and windows 95 or 3.11\n<SuperEngineer> will give it a go - again, thank you\n<popey> dual boot!\n<popey> windows 95 would get owned in seconds\n<popey> although with no wifi driver, might be okay :D\n * popey is tempted\n<davmor2> popey: hahaha\n<davmor2> can't connect to the internet still powned\n<popey> :)\n<MartijnVdS> wheee\n * SuperEngineer installed an old out of support XFCE [Werewolf] derivative on old netbook yesterday.  No wifi needed for intended purpose, so safe, so fast :)\n<MartijnVdS> I was kind of rich for an hour there\n<popey> oh?\n<MartijnVdS> popey: borrowed some money, buying a garage in my appartment building. Money's in escrow now.\n<MartijnVdS> apartment? Dutch uses 2 p's there. We're weird.\n<SuperEngineer> popey, SuperEngineer now has bootable FreeDOS US.  Thank you.\n<SuperEngineer> *USB\n<popey> huzzah!\n<popey> fill it with stuff!\n<MartijnVdS> DOS stuff?\n<SuperEngineer> will do!\n<MartijnVdS> WordPerfect 5.1?\n<MartijnVdS> Norton Commander?\n<SuperEngineer> yeasssss - norton Commander!\n * SuperEngineer into timewarp of real Peter Norton, forgets symantec [ooooo - so pleasant!]\n<zmoylan-pi> laplink3 for serial cable transfers\n<SuperEngineer> considering Sidekick now\n<zmoylan-pi> pkzip 2.04g\n<MartijnVdS> ooh yeah\n<MartijnVdS> Telix!\n<zmoylan-pi> i probably have a copy here if i look :-)\n<zmoylan-pi> dbase iii+\n<zmoylan-pi> lotus 123\n<MartijnVdS> ooh yes\n<zmoylan-pi> qbasic\n<MartijnVdS> zmoylan-pi: nah the full suite - quickbasic 4.5\n<zmoylan-pi> oooh, then qbx 7.1\n<MartijnVdS> \"Last stable release: 4.5 - 1988 - 27 years ago\"\n<MartijnVdS> thanks wikipedia. Now I feel old\n<zmoylan-pi> they moved to qbx quick basic extended after that\n<SuperEngineer> ...that was also my last stable \"release\" - proud to say I've never been stable since!  :D\n<MartijnVdS> 8-)\n * MartijnVdS stables SuperEngineer \n<SuperEngineer> :)\n<SuperEngineer> never thought typing \"dir c:\" & \"dir a:\" could make a person so happy\n<zmoylan-pi> there\n<zmoylan-pi> 's a dos web browser iirc\n<zmoylan-pi> archne?\n<diddledan> windows95/dos : cd progra~1\n<diddledan> arachne?\n<diddledan> as in arachnid, spider, web\n<zmoylan-pi> think so, i used it in 90s to get 286 on the web\n<zmoylan-pi> let me look...\n<zmoylan-pi> still going... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arachne_(web_browser)\n<SuperEngineer> ...hmmm just tried typing dir staights:   :)\n<SuperEngineer> *straights\n<zmoylan-pi> took 15 minutes to render slashdot page, not bad on 14,400 modem and 286 with 640k ram\n<diddledan> zmoylan-pi: try again in a vm :-D\n<diddledan> zmoylan-pi: on an octocore 16GB RAMS uberbeast\n<zmoylan-pi> nah this was a proper 286 with b&w vga card. so even if you plugged in colour monitor you got b&w image :-)\n<diddledan> aye, load the same page on a monster and measure the difference :-p\n<SuperEngineer> Where do I file a FreeDOS bug: need to file a report \"FreeDOS has just caused me to book next weekend for digging out my old DOS disks\"  ;)\n<popey> \\o/ disk spindown working\n<popey> took 30s to ls a directory \\o/\n<SuperEngineer> time to go eat - thanks for the help folks [he says sneaking FreeDOS USB into pocket] ;)\n<zmoylan-pi> freedos on usb... just to annoy the nsa and their automatic tools :-)\n<shauno> bah.  you know it's too cold to type when bash complains it can't find 'fimd' or 'greg'\n<diddledan> I hate greg\n<diddledan> he's an evil SOB\n<shauno> I have no heating and it's been quite chilly lately.  of course, my response has been to stick an arduino in the kitchen to keep track of how cold :)\n<lopta> I just got into a conversation with one of the young chaps at work. Had to explain to him all about the Domesday Project.\n<zmoylan-pi> why do you have no heating?\n<diddledan> heating ftw\n<daftykins> ^\n<daftykins> got down to between 4 and 6 deg C here, house dips to ~12 and becomes pretty nasty\n<daftykins> last night i took the wireless thermostat up to the bedroom so i could fire it up before getting out XD\n<daftykins> i can't use a program because i'm too inconsistent\n<diddledan> teehee\n<diddledan> I should put some socks on - naked feet causes heatloss\n<daftykins> indeed!\n<daftykins> ugh, another monday game night ruined due to Microsoft\n<diddledan> grr\n<daftykins> they can't keep their damned online services up for 5 minutes\n<diddledan> what did they do this time?\n<diddledan> aah\n<diddledan> their online services aren't\n<daftykins> basically i can play games but my friends list doesn't work, so i can't actually play them with my two pals\n<shauno> zmoylan-pi: because oil heating is normal here, and oil heating means that lazy people don't know they're running out until they run out\n<diddledan> \\o/\n<daftykins> =]\n<daftykins> good times\n<shauno> it was 5.2 degrees when I woke up.  5.2 *indoors*\n<diddledan> ouch\n<daftykins> O_O\n<daftykins> foreigheit or centius? :>\n<shauno> lol.  degrees Censible, not degrees Freedom\n<daftykins> good lawd\n<daftykins> i thought my place had no insulation\n<shauno> well, it's better than last winter.  I got my kitchen window fixed so it closes :)\n<diddledan> lol\n<daftykins> D:\n<diddledan> small steps\n<daftykins> you gotta go to work to warm up\n<shauno> I just shut myself in the living room with the fireplace\n<shauno> the rest of the house is a barren wasteland\n<zmoylan-pi> current external temp 1c here\n<zmoylan-pi> about 14c internally, usually have a clock with temp on it but it's grown legs at some point\n * zmoylan-pi imagines shauno with a barrel with open fire in it in his room for some reason :-)\n<diddledan> I'm not sure an underpass counts as \"his room\"\n<m0nkey_> lol\n<zmoylan-pi> as long as he has proper fingerless gloves and bobble hat he'll be grand\n#ubuntu-uk 2015-01-20\n<maps> yo\n<maps> ;]\n<daftykins> 'lo\n<mapps> hey dude\n<mapps> so my nexus7 issue looks to have been simply a case of the oplug borked\n<mapps> using my dads nexus7 plug i guess any plug with usb would work but its chargin\n<mapps> ;]\n<daftykins> they vary a lot in amp ratings these days\n<mapps> o\n<mapps> i thought all can be used for any device..they donmt even give you the plug most times..just the USB cable\n<daftykins> chap i know is insistent on keeping around all these rubbish old 500mA ones, when most devices want 1.2-2.1A\n<mapps> what were the 500mA ones used for\n<daftykins> earlier smartphones\n<mapps> o\n<daftykins> actually i might be thinking of USB spec there, definitely seen 800mA - 1A though\n<shauno> 500mA used to be the usb standard, so wall-warts were built for 500 because why would you want anything else?\n<ali1234> i was playing around with an old nicad charger earlier... 60mA trickle charging\n<mapps> hm i got a motorola moto g dual sim phone so i could use ee and gib tel both nano sims..the guide says not to use sim adapters..id planned on using nano -> micro adapters..motoraol site says any damage through using adapters is your own fault --- so guess thats why\n<mapps> and hopefully it would work?\n<ali1234> of course it will work\n<daftykins> ali1234: haha, weren't all the batteries dead?\n<mapps> ;D\n<mapps> thought so\n<ali1234> the worst that will happen is it might get stuck in the slot\n<ali1234> then just remove it carefully ie don't jam a screwdriver in it\n<mapps> yea\n<ali1234> daftykins: that's what i'm trying to figure out\n<daftykins> huzzah!\n<ali1234> nicads only wear out through use though, afaik\n<ali1234> unlike lithium batteries\n<shauno> usually what they actually mean by that is that they don't support it.  if there's any odd behaviour they'll blame your adaptor first\n<shauno> (I mean, they're literally plastic shims.  it's hard to go wrong, and if you do, it's your fault)\n<mapps> anyone recommend some good linux like magazine ..read a few of fullcirclemagazine and follow urban penguin video guides..nothing in particular just general\n<mapps> ugh feel like hayfever's coming on\n<mapps> but surely not..not tyhe right season for it\n<diddledan> flu\n<mapps> nah it happenms everytime i go to my dads\n<mapps> he reckons its the grass..but seems unlikely]\n<diddledan> he smokes grass? :-p\n<mapps> no:P\n<mapps> the grass in the garden heh\n * diddledan trollin\n<mapps> ;]\n<mapps> 2 broke girls..state of affairs then a few hrs sleep probably\n<diddledan> I'm watching leverage\n<mapps> what ep?\n<mapps> i got a bit fedup with leverage tbh\n<diddledan> I'm up to s1e11 - the juror job\n<mapps> In the year 2043, 93.6% has been wiped out by a virus released by \"Army of the Twelve Monkeys\". James Cole uses a dangerous and untested form of time travel to return to 2015 in an effort to change the fate of the human race. With the help of Cassandra Railly, a virologist, and Jennifer Goines, a math genius with mental issues, Cole will attempt to track down and destroy the source of the\n<mapps> deadly virus.\n<mapps> hm\n<mapps> what to do]\n<diddledan> mapps: was it you asking about linux mags? I subscribe to \"linux voice\" which started off the back of a kickstarter-esque drive to fund their first year's cycle - they're just entering their second year now. it's the former editorial team that left linux format a while ago\n<mapps> ye\n<mapps> REMEMBER hearing of that..any good?\n<diddledan> they are, yeah - plus their appeal to foss freedoms\n<diddledan> they release their articles within 9 months under creative commons licenses\n<mapps> cool\n<mapps> still not got my nexus7 to turn on..using a diff charger and the backlight comes on..sio id assume its charging? but cant get it to turn on..tried hard reset..power and vol +_\n<diddledan> grr\n<mapps> i remember reading it takes hours to charge up after a nexus7 is drained down to 0\n<mapps> but my other charger mnusn';t be workming tried it with my moto g phone..doesnt charge, using my dads nexus7 charger it does...but yea still nothing\n<mapps> dunno whether to keep trying hard reset or leave it plugged in fora few more hours?\n<diddledan> try holding volume up and down along with power button for about 30 seconds\n<mapps> vol down? thought only vol up does anything?\n<diddledan> both volume up and down\n<diddledan> together\n<mapps> loadsa posts about this issue eh]\n<mapps> people say about the battery and connectors coming lose..but surely if that was the case when i plug the charger in the backlight wouldnt come on?\n<diddledan> yeah, I _think_ that the battery is probably a requirement for any power to work\n<mapps> yea but i mean would it come on just due to mains\n<mapps> the backjlight?\n<knightwise> morning everyone :)\n<diddledan> allo\n<Myrtti_> time of day\n<diddledan> Myrtti: bedtime?\n<Myrtti> nah, crochet time\n<bigcalm> Good morning peeps :)\n<diddledan> m00\n<JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Cheese Lovers Day! :-D\n<diddledan> cheese, gromit?\n<brobostigon> good morning boys and girls.\n<bigcalm> !ping\n<lubotu3> pong!\n<popey> yo\n<MartijnVdS> yoyo\n<popey> ahhh, so nice having disks spin down in my server\n<popey> loving it\n<popey> 30s spin up is less fun :)\n<MartijnVdS> popey: doesn't that decrease their lifespan though? if you stop/start them a lot?\n<popey> define \" a lot \"\n<MartijnVdS> several times an hour?\n<popey> its not that often\n<popey> once every 6 hours if I dont use the server\n<MartijnVdS> sounds reasonable enough :)\n<popey> well, one set of disks wakes every 6 hours to do a backup\n<popey> the other set of disks wakes up once a day to update databases and stuff\n<popey> http://paste.ubuntu.com/9793465/\n<popey> they look like that a _lot_\n<MartijnVdS> what do you use them for?\n<popey> one set of 4 is for rsnapshot backups\n<popey> of laptop, VPSs, desktop, phone :)\n<popey> the other is a set of 4 as a dumping ground for stuff that i can easily re-get\n<popey> e.g. downloaded stuff like music\n<popey> i destroyed my 12 disk btrfs volume after some of it got corrupted :(\n<MartijnVdS> :( did you figure out the reason for the SATA errors btw?\n<popey> yeah, i think it's the array\n<popey> have taken that out\n<diddledan> :-(\n<davmor2> JamesTait: I missed todays announcement but black bomber ftw \\o/\n<JamesTait> davmor2, happy Cheese Lovers' Day. :)\n<davmor2> JamesTait: hence the black bomber comment :)\n<bashrc> black bomber?\n<davmor2> bashrc: look it up\n<DJones> Heh, there's a major new bridge being built near me across the mersey, just hope it doesn't join to the rest of the road network like this one http://bit.ly/1ztrL8a\n<DJones> Although the kids would love it in snowy weather\n<zmoylan-pi> wow a bridge that was designed to hate cyclists :-)\n<DJones> They'd be ok coming down....\n<zmoylan-pi> unless there's frost on the ground...\n<davmor2> bashrc: http://www.snowdoniacheese.co.uk/cheese/black-bomber/ one of the best mature Cheddars about\n<bashrc> never heard of it\n<popey> mmmmm cheese\n<popey> http://drool.popey.com\n<zmoylan-pi> how many types of cheeses are there again? :-)\n<diddledan> DJones: err, wtf? is that real?\n<DJones> diddledan: Yep, The Sanpo Bridge\n<davmor2> zmoylan-pi: 4 solid, speadable, cottage and cream\n<diddledan> wow\n<DJones> Looks like its got a cyclepath up the side :)\n<zmoylan-pi> blessed are the cheesemakers...\n<davmor2> He's not the messiah he's a very naughty boy\n<zmoylan-pi> i feel a rewatching of the sacred movie is in order...\n<diddledan> davmor2:!!\n<diddledan> davmor2: all hail brain\n<davmor2> zmoylan-pi: the princess bride?\n<zmoylan-pi> now leaning towards double feature\n<diddledan> lol\n<diddledan> you're all different. you're all individuals. (I'm not!)\n<davmor2> zmoylan-pi: oh you meant the holy grail\n<zmoylan-pi> nobody, and i repeat nobody is to throw anything until i blow this whistle\n<davmor2> right who was that?\n<diddledan> zmoylan-pi: you're a pervert\n<zmoylan-pi> well he did say jehovah...\n<diddledan> any women present?\n<davmor2> stone him\n<zmoylan-pi> welease woger\n<diddledan> woger the cabin boty\n<diddledan> boy*\n<Azelphur> haha wow, #freenode is a mess atm, so much spam and trolls in there xD\n<davmor2> Azelphur: stop joining so many channels then\n<Azelphur> never :P\n<davmor2> Azelphur: well stop spamming them then ;)\n<zmoylan-pi> you could monitor that channel for ips to block so\n<Azelphur> haha\n<Azelphur> in other news the drivers for my fingerprint scanner on my new laptop work great, as long as you only want to do one scan :P\n<Azelphur> and...the thing to enroll your fingerprint wants to scan your finger 5 times\n<Azelphur> :<\n * zmoylan-pi scribbles note to bring knife if i want to nick Azelphur's laptop :-P\n<Azelphur> well, you can't, since I can't train the laptop to recognise my print haha\n<zmoylan-pi> i'll bring it just in case\n * zmoylan-pi also brings the soundtrack for reservoir dogs to pass time\n<Azelphur> hehe\n<shauno> is there a way to export the build config for your running kernel?\n<shauno> (other than /proc/kconfig, since distros don't seem to use this option)\n<diddledan> shauno: is it not in /boot?\n<diddledan> (I haven't checked but that used to be a common place to store it\n<diddledan> )\n<diddledan> shauno: I have /boot/config-3.16.0-25-generic\n<shauno> oh aye, that looks just the ticket, cheers\n<diddledan> I assume that's done via the debian packaging thing\n<diddledan> rather than necessarily being standard\n<diddledan> so building your own kernel won't replicate unless you either do it yourself or create a .deb\n<SuperEngineer> Anyone hrard of this company, or know of a better option for replacement batteries? http://www.ukbatteryfast.co.uk/acer-aspire-one-aoa150-battery-p-852\n<popey> i bought one on ebay a while back\n<popey> http://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/power_biz from that vendor\n<diddledan> I just heard what has to be almost the worst thing ever: someone wants to eat an after-eight at 2pm!\n<SuperEngineer> thanks popey\n<shauno> oh this is gonna get messy.  trying to just grab 3.17 from sid, but it wants to bring a new version of gcc with it ..\n<popey> http://steamleft.com/span/76561198026048912\n<popey> \"It would take you...\n<popey> 2187 continuous hours\n<popey> 91 days,3 hours,49 minutes\n<diddledan> shauno: awesome!\n<popey> of gameplay to complete your Steam library\"\n<popey> oops\n<popey> sorry\n<ali1234> how is that calculated?\n<diddledan> popey: see you in three months\n<popey> no idea\n<ali1234> how many games do you have?\n<diddledan> ali1234: all of them\n<diddledan> :-p\n<popey> not many\n<ali1234> about 150 to 200 right?\n<popey> 206\n<ali1234> so that's 10 hours per game\n * popey notes 218 hours clocked up in one gane\n<popey> *game\n<popey> not doing this right!\n<ali1234> data on games from http://howlongtobeat.com/ apparently\n<popey> 47 hours on LA Noire#\n<ali1234> i'd say about 90% of the games i have are rubbish anyway, possibly more\n<MartijnVdS> yeah lots of them are\n<ali1234> 233 total games, 168 for linux, 25 that i consider \"good\", and about 50 that i want to play but they either don't work or aren't ported yet\n<MartijnVdS> I've been gaming on my Windows machine.. yay Elite: Dangerous :)\n<shauno> man, this is gonna totally send me into 'grumpy old man' mode.  yes|make oldconfig doesn't work anymore :(\n<ali1234> does anyone else think ubuntu and linux are totally inappropriate for use in robotics?\n<bashrc> not at all\n<bashrc> a few years ago I used ubuntu extensively for robotics\n<zmoylan-pi> gives you a fighting chance if the robot goes rogue :-)\n<ali1234> how did you get around the slow interrupt handling and lack of real-time?\n<bashrc> In my case I wasn't needing deterministic tasking\n<bashrc> I used ROS\n<ali1234> also, does anyone else think they're completely inappropriate for IoT as well?\n<ali1234> is there any hardware that can run ubuntu and uses less than 0.001W?\n<MartijnVdS> 0.001W? that's not a lot\n<zmoylan-pi> devices are getting smaller all the time... http://www.independent.ie/business/technology/mousebox-is-a-computer-in-a-mouse-the-next-evolution-of-the-pc-30922506.html\n<ali1234> it's what you need for IoT if you don't want to be carrying around a huge battery\n<MartijnVdS> ali1234: my Hue Tap doesn't even have a battery :)\n<ali1234> mirocontrollers designed for IoT are typically 200 micro amps per MHz\n<MartijnVdS> ali1234: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2014/08/gallery-dissecting-the-philips-hue-tap-wireless-battery-less-controller/\n<ali1234> there's no need for anything more\n<ali1234> right, that uses such little power it can work from the energy of button pushes\n<MartijnVdS> exactly\n<shauno> most the things that are advertising 2-3 year battery life don't require an OS in the first place\n<ali1234> IoT devices that need replacement batteries or have to be charged every day are just going to end up gathering dust in a cupboard\n<ali1234> and that definitely includes anything running linux\n<MartijnVdS> unless it can super-suspend somehow and only use power when required\n<MartijnVdS> but not a lot of things do that\n<ali1234> even if you have things that are plugged in like lightbulbs... well, okay\n<ali1234> let's say you put an ubuntu computer into every lightbulb in your house\n<ali1234> that's going to cost you £10 per year per lightbulb in electricity just because of how power hungry linux is\n<shauno> these are things you wouldn't use linux for in the first place though\n<ali1234> you'd think that\n * zmoylan-pi looks at all the rasp pi projects out there :-)\n<ali1234> http://www.ubuntu.com/things\n<shauno> hah\n<MartijnVdS> ali1234: on the cloud-side of IoT I would probably run Ubuntu though.. the bit all the devices talk to\n<ali1234> it's almost as if someone is just desperately trying to jump on every bandwagon without considering any of the technical details at all\n<shauno> I noticed a project recently where a guy had done a rather well-finished build with an rpi making an 'internet radio'\n<shauno> watching him stare at it for 2 minutes while it sat doing SFA while it booted, was excruciating\n<shauno> \"simply put the SD card in your Beaglebone, power it on, wait 1-2 minutes and your snappy system\"  nope.  fial.\n<shauno> *fail  heh\n<ali1234> http://spritesmods.com/?art=clockradio&page=1\n<zmoylan-pi> if he put the finished project in an old valve radio case it would be appropriate :-)\n<zmoylan-pi> 'takes a while for the wireless to warm up', my father words explaining the old valve radio he got as wedding present\n<knightwise> ali1234: shauno are you guys talking about pi-musicbox ?\n<ali1234> no\n<knightwise> I played with that , its pretty good and might be a good solution if you want to stream internet radio, spotify AND music from your NAs\n<zmoylan-pi> can't you do that on your phone?\n<shauno> I was more commenting that it shouldn't take 2 minutes to boot a radio\n * zmoylan-pi who grew up with valve radios isn't too pushed by that :-)\n<shauno> well, we shouldn't be aiming to emulate the 1930s\n<zmoylan-pi> good things come to those who wait :-)\n<shauno> nah\n<shauno> good things come to those who buy into a closed ecosystem, because open suffers from very low standards ;)\n<zmoylan-pi> i have noticed a few people complain about the amount of time it takes a smart tv to boot\n<knightwise> the whole point of the rasp is that you let it run in the background\n<shauno> the whole point of the pi is to get a cheap computer into schools\n<shauno> it's not really suited for most the tasks we're putting it to.  eg, it has absolutely no power management at all\n<zmoylan-pi> there are after market boards that can assist with that\n<shauno> there's boards that'll add a soft shutdown.  there's not a way to add, eg, a sleep state\n<ali1234> the raspberry pi is really terrible hardware in almost every way\n<ali1234> it's in the awkward position where it is neither efficient nor powerful\n<zmoylan-pi> cheap, powerful, flexible. pick one\n<ali1234> at this point the raspberry pi is none of these things\n<zmoylan-pi> well that's moores law... :-)\n<ali1234> most people use it like a more expensive arduino\n<zmoylan-pi> it's an arduino that doesn't need to be connected to a pc to program\n<ali1234> so it's an arduino?\n<zmoylan-pi> less flexible than an arduino\n<ali1234> it would be more accurate to say it's like an arduino with a PC permanently connected to it using power\n<ali1234> a PC from 1993 though\n<zmoylan-pi> no pc i had in 93 did usb or wireless :-)\n<ali1234> the raspberry pi doesn't do wireless\n<zmoylan-pi> does when i plug in wireless adapter\n<ali1234> and it does USB about as well as a PC from 1997\n<shauno> my amiga does wireless if you plug in a wireless adapter\n<zmoylan-pi> well... an amiga...\n<zmoylan-pi> one season of babylon 5 can't be wrong :-)\n<knightwise> Lol\n<zmoylan-pi> the pi is a compromise.  and fairly good one.  it's captured the mind share of people who ignored all the better single board computers that were already out there\n<ali1234> yes, entirely through marketing\n<ali1234> it's basically captured the market for people who want to pretend they are computer programmers without learning anything\n<ali1234> ie the market previously served by arduino\n<zmoylan-pi> same as 8bit computers in 80s so.  but a lot of programmers did start on those systems\n<ali1234> and before arduino that market was served by those books where you had to type in the program onto your BBC or C64\n<zmoylan-pi> i had a spectrum you insensitive clod :-)\n<ali1234> lol\n<zmoylan-pi> and i spent days typing in some listings.  and i learned from it\n<ali1234> what did you learn?\n<zmoylan-pi> 1) where the buttons where 2) not to make typos 3) what the flip syntax error was 4) to code\n<zmoylan-pi> and save often to tape\n<awilkins_> Spectrum 128 +2 was so much more productive\n<awilkins_> i) Semi-decent keyboard\n<awilkins_> ii) A BASIC mode that didn't use the stupid keycap token thing\n<awilkins_> You could type \"LOAD\" instead of J\n<zmoylan-pi> the renumber option for code in the editor\n * popey <3 his +2\n<awilkins_> The reason Pi doesn't have the same impact as the home micros of back then is because it's trying to replicate the same experience\n<awilkins_> You can't, because YouTube\n<zmoylan-pi> i didn't like the non standard joystick ports though\n<awilkins_> And every other source of always-on instant gratification over the network\n<popey> yeah, those sinclair joysticks were terrible\n<zmoylan-pi> they've sold 4 million pis.  if that's failure...\n * popey loved his Konix Speed King\n<awilkins_> I had a Powerplay Cruiser with 2 plugs, one for Sinclair socket\n<shauno> hah, I have one of those for the amiga  (the konix)\n<awilkins_> <3 Powerplay Cruiser\n<awilkins_> Never liked the Konix, game me blisters\n<zmoylan-pi> i had cheetah 125+ joysticks for +2.  i ended up using keyboard all the time\n<popey> I used to get great scores on Hyper Sports with it\n<daftykins> is that J loading thing why i keep seeing people post messages and end it with a single line of 'J' online? i think it's J anyway\n<popey> it was good for races, left-right-left-right was easy with very little movement\n<awilkins_> \"J\" was the key with \"LOAD\" on it\n<popey> J pp\n<awilkins_> Spectrum used to expand single keypresses (and combos) into BASIC tokens\n<zmoylan-pi> j symbol shift p twice\n<shauno> and I'm not saying the pi is a failure.  I'm saying linux isn't the answer to everything.  especially when they want to shove a generalized distro on there.  the more generic you try to make it, the less suited it is for embedded use\n<awilkins_> Yeah, those old computers just used to boot straight into a BASIC environment\n<zmoylan-pi> and that's why there's so many distros to run on the pi including risc os from bbc archimedes :-)\n<awilkins_> But the point about instant gratification still holds\n<zmoylan-pi> programmers are different, we will work for days to make something that saves us 5 minutes in the future if we feel it's worth it\n<shauno> it's not just gratification.  I was mostly referencing to the 'internet of things' stuff we were talking about before.  2 minutes for my laptop to boot is acceptable.  2 minutes for my lightbulb to boot isn't\n<daftykins> hehe\n * zmoylan-pi has cfl light bulbs that 2-3 mins to warm up. i pointed it out recently that it's better at night as it's not instant bright light hurting your eyes :-)\n<daftykins> true that, takes ages to get bright in my bedroom though\n<daftykins> what if i sat on the cat accidentally!?\n<zmoylan-pi> the cat would let me know\n<daftykins> via telegram? :D\n<daftykins> \"urgent telegram for zmoylan-pi from dafty's cat!\"\n<zmoylan-pi> the worlds most one sided game of x's and o's :-)\n<popey> Myrtti: how often do you \"remove all channels\" in irssinotifier\n<popey> ?\n<Myrtti> popey: I don't get highlighted often, so not a lot, especially now that I'm not in most Ubuntu channels I used to frequent and thus don't get hilights\n<Myrtti> and even then I've configured it to alert only when I'm away\n<popey> ok\n<camason> hi guys. Just booted up an old 13.04 install - trying to update and upgrade, but apt is showing a bunch of 404 errors against security.ubuntu.com raring-security\n<camason> any pointers?\n<popey> it will do\n<popey> 13.04 is out of support\n<awilkins_> 404 is because the files are not there anymore!\n<camason> makes sense\n<popey> disable the security repo in system settings and upgrade it\n<popey> or reinstall, whatever\n<awilkins_> From memory there's a \"old stuff\" repo?\n<awilkins_> Not sure how much it has in it\n<popey> http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/\n<popey> s/stuff/releases/\n<awilkins_> Last time I looked was for my very very old MythTV box\n<awilkins_> I do wonder if the new builds will actually perform better on the hardware\n<awilkins_> Since they redid it all in Qt4\n<awilkins_> For that kind of gap I'd probably back up my /home and reinstall / restore (to a subfolder)\n<camason> I imagine it would be easier now If I just purge this install and start again?\n<daftykins> camason: yeah backup and clean install of 14.04.1 would make far more sense and be time effective\n<mapps> hhi all\n<camason> ok I'll do that. I'll burn 14.04 to the CD as that's still working\n<daftykins> *DVD\n<daftykins> 14.04.1 ;)\n<camason> I was too lazy to type dvd\n<daftykins> hah\n<camason> crazy year for work... thought I'd actually boot my gaming PC to have a session, only to remember that the Windows 7 install was fubar, and ubuntu was on an old non-lts release\n<daftykins> camason: if it were still before Christmas we could get you a flash drive to install from\n<camason> eh?\n<daftykins> as a present\n<camason> nice\n<camason> typical tonight I left all my USB drives at the office\n<camason> I need to do it anyway... TF2 just isn't the same on a Mac\n<daftykins> heh\n<camason> I have a GTX 780 in there I've never used. Been sat there for a year\n<camason> is there a tl:dr anywhere on what's changed in ubuntu since 2013?\n<mapps> ]brrr\n<daftykins> pass.\n<mapps> this weather sucks\n<mapps> i can go to work in shorts and tshirt most days back in gib\n<camason> yeah it sucks a lot. Riding a motorcycle in it is terrible\n<mapps> here im cold:((\n<mapps> never need a coat there..hjere do\n<mapps> sent a text to my boss saying im staying perm\n<mapps> ;D\n<daftykins> XD\n<daftykins> it's down to 5 deg C here on Guernsey atm\n<mapps> said id decide by 19th jan when i went back to uk]\n<mapps> Gibraltar\n<mapps> Tuesday 20:00\n<mapps> Mostly Cloudy\n<mapps> undefined\n<mapps> 9°C | °F\n<mapps> Precipitation: 5%\n<mapps> Humidity: 93%\n<mapps> Wind: 6 mph\n<mapps> TemperaturePrecipitationWind\n<mapps> and thats 'cold' for them\n<mapps> never seen it really cold..sometim,es strongish winds from the sea but thats it\n<daftykins> yeah coastal can be a bit blargh\n<mapps> daddy's fixing my iphone screen atm:DDD\n<mapps> and its rained maybe 3-4x since ive been there 4 months\n<daftykins> nasty fruity tech :P\n<mapps> but besides that all good\n<mapps> im getting paid a good wage for being there 8% rise..rent allowance and 2 free flights to uk each year\n<mapps> if i come back to uk..same job but none of that\n<daftykins> 8D\n<daftykins> sounded like you said the place is a bit of a dive though?\n<mapps> hmm\n<mapps> not dive\n<mapps> dead\n<mapps> true\n<mapps> because people only go out fridays..so rest of the week it's very quiet..relaxed..like a retirement/ghost town\n<mapps> no bars/pubs open past 11pm place is EMPTY\n<mapps> but there's also virtually no crime..everyone woiuld know who it is hey..it's so small\n<mapps> and better weather]\n<daftykins> i quite fancy a curry tonight, but there's a heavy downpour right now\n<daftykins> i wouldn't even fancy walking the 60m to my local ;)\n<mapps> no home del?\n<daftykins> well i genuinely am 60m from their door, so i wouldn't try to be so cheeky\n<daftykins> i also take the carrier bag back in from the last time, to recycle :>\n<mapps> ;]\n<daftykins> new stuff look inside it and see nothing, look puzzled for a moment, then realise what i'm going on about :>\n<brobostigon> any ideas why, messages from a contact in bitlbee, would show in the control channel, insted of in a seperate window for said contact?\n<popey> a bug?\n<brobostigon> messages from all my other contacts show in seperate windows as they are meant to, except for from one specific contact.\n<popey> http://imgur.com/z5jwkis :)\n<daftykins> \\o/\n<mjayk> o/\n<daftykins> hi\n<mjayk> hayhay\n#ubuntu-uk 2015-01-21\n<mapps> hm\n<mapps> quite a few eps behind on the flash now\n<mapps> grmpf\n<mapps> ;]\n<mapps> 2 eps left of flash\n * zmoylan-pi puts on father ted\n<mapps> ;]\n<mapps> im thinkingof watching either life after beth or guardians of the galaxy next\n * zmoylan-pi wonders what superduper features we can expect from windows 10\n<lemap> hm win10]\n<lemap> win8 sucks enough...some reason my cursor just gets stuck randomly...everythung else will be working fine\n<zmoylan-pi> it used to be odd numbers of windows were the good ones but 2 even numbers in a row will throw that off\n<brobostigon> morning boys and girls.\n<Myrtti> you know, it would be great if on Amazon Marketplace shops it would say in cat sized letters which country the goods are shipped from\n<Myrtti> Business Name: ULTRA TOP, Business Address: Leicester. Ships from: HONG DAMNIT KONG\n<diddledan> morning\n<knightwise> hey diddledan\n<knightwise> how are you man\n<diddledan> awake\n<diddledan> :-(\n<diddledan> :-p\n * knightwise has been playing around with crouton on the chromebook \n<knightwise> a vain effort to get audio working\n<knightwise> although ... mumble seems to behave no\n<knightwise> w\n<davmor2> Morning all\n<knightwise> hey davmor2\n<davmor2> popey: ubrick scope is fun\n<JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Hugging Day! :-D\n<zmoylan-pi> during flu season... what genius thought that one up? :-)\n<knightwise> JamesTait: hugging day ?\n<knightwise> Why don't I work in a modeling agency or something\n<JamesTait> Probably someone in the Southern hemisphere, zmoylan-pi. ;)\n<zmoylan-pi> a face that looked like it was on fire and someone put it out with a shovel knightwise? :-P\n<knightwise> zmoylan-pi: you flatter me\n<knightwise> maybe I have the body of a swimsuit model ?\n<zmoylan-pi> missed a word... steam shovel\n<JamesTait> I'm home alone, knightwise. Apart from the cats. I could hug them.\n<zmoylan-pi> hugging cats, isn't that an extreme sport?\n<JamesTait> But it could make tomorrow awkward: Answer Your Cat's Questions Day.\n<diddledan> knightwise, I've got the body of a swimsuit model. it is just hidden behind a bearish exteriour\n<knightwise> diddledan: grizly bear or pooh-bear\n<diddledan> knightwise, either?\n<diddledan> :-p\n * DJones hands diddledan Borat's mankini\n * DJones hands the rest of the channel some eye bleach\n * knightwise runs away screaming\n<diddledan> teehee\n * knightwise pokes eyes out with old rusty ISA-cards\n * zmoylan-pi passes around forks or chopsticks for channel to use to poke their eyes out hygenically\n * knightwise stops licking used toilet seats to say 'thank you'\n<DJones> A couple fo years back, we were at a family news eve party & my wifes cousin turned up at the door (from the pub) dressed in one of those, I've never heard female aged relatives scream so much\n<zmoylan-pi> wait till the year he forgets to wear it?\n * JamesTait shudders\n<davmor2> man JamesTait went with hug day so it sounds like people like him, I mean how does /me throws hugs at JamesTait sound the slightest bit scary :D  /me throws bears at JamesTait to hug him\n<JamesTait> davmor2, I was tempted by Squirrel Appreciation Day.\n<mapps> hm\n<mapps> nadal gonna be out of the aus o already\n * zmoylan-pi continues plans to raise a squirrel army\n<mapps> O_o\n * davmor2 coats JamesTait and acorns and throws squirrels at him\n * zmoylan-pi stuffs JamesTait in barrel and tops it off with angry squirrels before nailing on lid\n * DJones sets the Animal Liberation Front onto zmoylan-pi \n * zmoylan-pi prepares a second barrel for alf.  gets the rottweilers ready to top of barrel\n * JamesTait wonders who alf is.\n<zmoylan-pi> animal liberation front\n * JamesTait throws a shift key at zmoylan-pi. ;)\n<DJones> There's only one ALF\n<DJones> https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQgmtXvRPhPbzO_zg1vDoCLBBceOxZcRLio2RxxqLsL8IBJx02a\n * zmoylan-pi is shifty enough >_>\n<czajkowski> aloha\n<czajkowski> zmoylan-pi: hows the weather over there ?\n<zmoylan-pi> snow receding so no time for you to be travelling as no transport would be cancelled :-)\n<czajkowski> I may have broken my curse of travelling to .ie I managed to get there this christmas with no delays!\n<czajkowski> none!\n<zmoylan-pi> it's a trap luring you into making bolder plans...\n<diddledan> I've seen people typing using the capslock key to get sentence case - i.e. the initial cap of a sentence\n<diddledan> *capslock, a, capslock, rest-of-sentence*\n<JamesTait> diddledan, my eldest son is one such person. :-/\n<diddledan> I wonder if they do ALF as *capslock, a, capslock, capslock, l, capslock, capslock, f, capslock*\n<diddledan> that would mess with my head\n<czajkowski> zmoylan-pi: no more travel plans for the future for a while, bought a house so planning the big move\n * czajkowski firmly cements her roots in Surrey \n * zmoylan-pi would love to see neighbours faces when they see chickens been brought in... :-P\n<zmoylan-pi> my uncle who kept pigeons AND chickens got a few looks when he moved\n<czajkowski> yeah...\n<czajkowski> shall move them in under the cover of night :)\n<zmoylan-pi> and let the dawn introduce them to a whole new experience :-D\n<czajkowski> they're mostly ok tbh, there are the odd mornings when they're super noisy when they lay but not so much in the winter time\n<czajkowski> we only have 6 :)\n<zmoylan-pi> great burgalar alarm, at least for my uncle\n<czajkowski> Bash nmakes more noise\n<czajkowski> :/\n<Laney> czajkowski: congrats!\n<czajkowski> Laney: thanks :)\n<Laney> are you renting now?\n<czajkowski> been a busy few months\n<czajkowski> yup\n<Laney> fun fun\n<czajkowski> but we've just bought in Godalming\n<Laney> we just bought too\n<czajkowski> so hoping to move in March\n<czajkowski> fingers crossed\n<czajkowski> and at some point plan a wedding :)\n<Laney> need to get a man in to do $jobs, but I keep putting it off\n<Laney> oh yeah that old thing :P\n<czajkowski> Laney: aye we have a good few jobs to do, but thankfully Jons stepdad is a builder who does house renovations\n<czajkowski> :D\n<Laney> convenient or what!\n<czajkowski> does anyone use evolution and has calendar working nicely set up for exchange mail ?\n<czajkowski> Laney: that was another reason to picking the house, we knew if we got it we could get stuff done\n<zmoylan-pi> irish person with english builders... seems wrong somehow :-)\n<czajkowski> for starters the entire house needs painting inside, an do that in a week once we hire one of his crew fo rht eweek\n<czajkowski> and then do the place up bit by bit\n<Laney> nod\n<Laney> I need to figure out the green deal shenanigans to get the last single glazed windows replaced\n<Laney> which includes the one in this office\n * Laney shivers\n<czajkowski> yes all the windows need double glazing\n<czajkowski> :(\n<czajkowski> cannot wait to set up my office there\n<Laney> look into this green deal home improvement fund\n<czajkowski> living on pinterest to get some ideas\n<czajkowski> and houzz\n<czajkowski> Laney: link?\n<Laney> you can get 1.5K ish grant for energy efficiency stuff\n<Laney> https://www.gov.uk/green-deal-energy-saving-measures/get-money-back-from-the-green-deal-home-improvement-fund\n<Laney> and you can use the EPC which you already have when buying the house instead of paying for a new assessment\n<knightwise> silly question , what if i would like to build a simple text menu in the command line to launch command line apps\n<knightwise> like press 1 to launch irssi , 2 to launch wordgrinder etc.\n<knightwise> are there any simple ways to do that ?\n<czajkowski> Laney: nice\n<czajkowski> thanks\n<Laney> need to get off my bum and find out who to call\n<diplo> knightwise, can do it with python etc building on ncurses\n<diplo> I started playing with something myself for work a while ago\n<popey> knightwise: http://www.tuxradar.com/content/code-project-build-ncurses-ui-python\n * knightwise is taking a lok\n<diplo> heh was just about to link to that  :)\n<knightwise> looks like something I can start with\n<Laney> snow's really coming down here\n<popey> ooh\n<popey> #uksnow\n<popey> http://uksnowmap.com/\n<popey> none here\n<MooDoo> hello all\n<knightwise> Belgium has sunny skies\n<knightwise> hey MooDoo\n<Laney> easing off already\n<Laney> boo\n<MooDoo> look like but constant here\n<MooDoo> light not like\n<MooDoo> oooo quite heavy now\n<Laney> looks like MooDoo has a 5 minute snow lag on me ;-)\n * awilkins draws up the blind to do a snowcheck\n<awilkins> Snow status zero\n<bashrc> status: snowing\n<bashrc> lunchtime could be amusing\n<awilkins> Kickstarter hits $1.6M in less than 24 hours...\n<awilkins> For a card game.\n<awilkins> The power of a solid following on the web.\n<awilkins> At least they aren't going all \"Star Citizen\" and offering SUPER POWERED KITTEN CARDS for $2,500 apiece.\n<knightwise> *sigh*\n<knightwise> getting a little tired of this cyber-begging\n<popey> cyber begging?\n<bashrc> kickstarter is ok, but it's not something which could form a sustainable business model\n<bashrc> status: not snowing\n<knightwise> true. But all the patreon campains , this and that campains. I understand its a business model\n<popey> trending towards 24M USD http://www.kicktraq.com/projects/elanlee/exploding-kittens/\n<popey> knightwise: the other option being?\n<bashrc> I think patreon is a more sustainable thing, because it's like an ongoing subscription\n<bashrc> rather than just a one-off event\n<popey> I mean, If you make video or other content and want to get paid (i.e. it be the sole source of income) what's your option?\n<popey> Adverts? No good unless you have millions of followers like Yogscast or MKBHD\n<popey> patreon is neat in that you can pick and choose what content you want to pay for and how much.\n<knightwise> popey: don't know really ..\n<awilkins> Patreon is OK for ongoing content (like journalism) but how do you get something like Star Citizen or Elite funded like that?\n<popey> you and I have the luxury of having a job which pays, and the content creation is a sideline.\n<awilkins> \"Hey guys, we wrote 1,000 lines of C++ today! *thrills*\"\n<popey> thats what kickstarter is for\n<awilkins> Exactly\n<popey> see also that librem laptop\n<MooDoo> patreon works well, I sponsor and pay per video for a max amount\n<popey> https://www.crowdsupply.com/purism/librem-laptop\n<popey> 98%\n<knightwise> popey: i agree with you on that\n<popey> they're going to hit their target\n<popey> which is awesome for them.\n<awilkins> Ooh, is that a really nice shiny metal unibody construction?\n<knightwise> it IS a cool cardgame\n<awilkins> Maybe kickstarters should have an upper limit\n<awilkins> Like \"The thing we are going to do will cost $10,000 to develop. Upper limit will be $40,000, because how much can you really polish a shiny diamond?\"\n * awilkins is now snow-positive\n<awilkins> OOh, 4k display on that Purism laptop\n<awilkins> £1,500 for a laptop that high end... but I bet the VAT in customs applies\n<awilkins> £1800 is pretty good\n<awilkins> That's with 16GB of RAM and the stupid-HD screen\n<knightwise> a 4K on a laotop ?\n<awilkins> 3840x2160\n<awilkins> Ok, it's an 8k\n<awilkins> If the k means \"thousand thousand pixels\"\n<bashrc> ok, they've added a uk keyboard option, so I think I'll try to get a librem laptop\n<bashrc> my troubles with starting my existing laptop (from cold) are ongoing\n<bigcalm> Good morning peeps :)\n<bigcalm> Hi intrbiz\n<intrbiz> bigcalm: hello\n * bigcalm heads off towards the LUG\n<awilkins_> Why can't rsync have a \"this is clearly going much more slowly than it would take to transfer the rest of the file in boring old normal mode\"\n<awilkins_> fallback mode\n<awilkins_> Watching it thrash CPU on the source box and transfer data at 8kB/s\n<awilkins_> On a 100Mb/s network segment\n<x86bit> Hi\n<x86bit> I need some help setting up my proftpd server, I cant seem to access it from out side my network\n<x86bit>  I need some help setting up my proftpd server, I cant seem to access it from out side my network\n<ChunkzZ> anyone here have virgin media as their ISP?\n<Hemlock> Im on sky but I know a little about virgin\n<ChunkzZ> I need a new wireless router. I'm using a dlink 615 with my superhub (from virgin) but it keeps disconnecting etc on different devices so need a new wireless router. can you recommend any?\n<ChunkzZ> I was looking at this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/291151529053\n<ChunkzZ> will that work with virgin? or do i need something like this? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Netgear-WNDR3800-N600-Premium-WiFi-Wireless-N-Gigabit-Cable-Broadband-Router-/311213508015?pt=UK_Computing_Wireless_Routers&hash=item4875c545af\n<popey> is your superhub in modem only mode?\n<popey> (if not, you should consider it)\n<ChunkzZ> yeah it's in modem mode\n<popey> I use a netgear wndr3700\n<popey> been rock solid.\n<popey> I put dd-wrt on mine\n<ChunkzZ> you with virgin?\n<popey> yes\n<Hemlock> Lucky you guys can swap out your routers\n<Hemlock> Sky only let you use their shitty boxes\n<popey> yeah, so i hear\n<ChunkzZ> so I can use this? Netgear WNDR3800 N600 Premium WiFi Wireless-N Gigabit Cable Broadband Router\n<popey> my vm actually went down an hour ago\n<popey> only for a few mins\n<popey> which is quite rare here\n<ChunkzZ> the d/c's is driving my family mad\n<popey> what exactly happens?\n<ChunkzZ> on ipads and android it just disconnects\n<popey> what, the wifi?\n<ChunkzZ> yeah\n<popey> how many neighbours also have wifi?\n<ChunkzZ> a lot lol\n<popey> there's a nice android app called wifi analyzer\n<popey> which lets you see what your neighbours have\n<popey> and see what channel they're on\n<popey> I moved my ones to another channel away from theirs\n<shauno> I like to 'encourage' devices to use 5ghz where they can too\n<shauno> (there seems to be a whole lot less contention there)\n<ChunkzZ> my dlink 615 only supports 2.4\n<popey> the 3800 is the newer version of my 3700\n<popey> should be fine\n<popey> dual band too, so does 2.4 and 5\n<shauno> well, it depends how many of your devices do 5 too, else it's a pretty useless suggestion.  but where usable, it's worth trying.  (and where not usable, easily ignored :)\n<popey> i fiddled the firmware on mine to use channels above what the neighbours use :)\n<popey> thanks to MartijnVdS\n<shauno> I guess he ain't kidding\n<ali1234> anyone ever used these lithium ion AA batteries in a project?\n<ali1234> you should be able to run a raspberry pi a+ for about 8 hours on two \"AA\" batteries with them\n<ChunkzZ> popey, just checked wifi analyzer and I was running on the same channel as my next door neighbours. changed it to 3 which no one else is running and it seems fine. could that of been causing it?\n<popey> it doesnt help\n<ChunkzZ> saying that, I shall go ahead and buy the router one up from yours :) still, that'll do nicely with 2.4 and 5 :)\n<popey> problem is the channels overlap\n<popey> as you see in the display in wifi analyzer\n<popey> yeah, its a nice router\n<ChunkzZ> I'll defo order it tomorrow. thanks! also, my dad is saying it's not disconnecting now.\n<ChunkzZ> his ipad would just randomly disconnect lol\n<ChunkzZ> damn neighbours\n<popey> heh\n<popey> Glad we could help!\n<ChunkzZ> :) you did, I'm grateful. now it's bed time................................................\n#ubuntu-uk 2015-01-22\n<mapps> timeto start 12 monkeys :)\n<mapps> hm\n<mapps> i got 2 pis..diff locations..same exact ones, same sd card, wireless adapter etc - one of them is slow as hell when i run say sudo apt-get install x..anyone have any idea why?\n<m0nkey_> running on battery?\n<mapps> Both on mains\n<mapps> iots reallly slow when doing apt-get besides that seems fine..and not the downloading but reading package list 1%..2 etc\n<mapps> hm\n<Guest53371> mornig all\n<MooDoo> sigh\n<selinuxium> Hello o/\n<MooDoo> howdy\n<sebsebseb> hi\n<popey> hello\n<sebsebseb> popey: about a week to go ;d\n<popey> indeed!\n<sebsebseb> first two interesting other things though for me ;)\n<Laney> ha\n<Laney>  We promised to tell you if anyone launches a new tariff that could save\n<Laney>    you more than £1 a week\n<Laney> thanks EDF!\n<selinuxium> Week til what?\n<Laney> what?\n<Laney> but one of the tarriffs they list is with First Utility who currently are nicking some of my money, so ...\n<JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day! :-D\n * DJones Wonders if the cat really wants to know why I'm holding a kebab stick\n * awilkins wonders where his cat is and why he didn't know he had one\n<davmor2> JamesTait: Charlie Says Meow Meow, Mew Mew Meow Meow\n<sebsebseb> oh I joined here earlier\n<sebsebseb> ,but put noting in here about Wndows 10 hmm\n<sebsebseb> two other channels though yes\n<sebsebseb> anyway seems Desktop Linux will get some real compettion from it\n<sebsebseb> and most users wil get it for free when upgraing from Windows 7 or 8 to it seems.\n<sebsebseb> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/01/windows-10-microsoft-plan-to-win-users-back\n<bashrc> ugh. it's closed source. How can anyone trust that?\n<sebsebseb> bashrc: so is Apple or most of it, but yet the amount of users\n<bashrc> code that you can't see is code that you can't trust\n<sebsebseb> indeed, but most computer users don't really know about that\n<davmor2> sebsebseb: no it won't Desktop linux has never been competition for windows in reality,  Chrome OS on the other hand is the closest thing that Microsoft have to real competition and that again is pretty closed too\n<sebsebseb> well  and Android\n<sebsebseb> then\n<sebsebseb> that's competion to\n<sebsebseb> davmor2: well  Desktop Linux was meant to replace Unix, it's just for  lots of people or usauly it can replace using WIndows to yeah\n<sebsebseb> if that's what you meant\n<popey> that doesn't mean they see it as competition\n<davmor2> sebsebseb: no microsoft is trying to be competition to android on devices, MS already lost that battle and is playing catch up\n<popey> in fact I had a marketing VP of Microsoft tell me \"We have no competition\"\n<sebsebseb> popey: I think there was some old  thing from a few years back,  where  on Microsoft's competition list or well potential threats competion list, they actaully put Canonical as well\n<bashrc> \"convenient and powerful\", but probably bugged\n<sebsebseb> popey: yeah  Apple aim at a diffenrwdt market really, so even that, isn't really porper compeition to them\n<davmor2> sebsebseb: no I mean that when you own 90% of the desktop market the other 10% split between your competition they are not really competition\n<bashrc> \"universal\" meaning the apps only run on Windows\n<popey> it's less that they have no competition, more they are somewhat arrogant to think they have no competition\n<sebsebseb> davmor2: espeically with Apple yeah, and what's that like\n<sebsebseb> davmor2: aiming for  those who want to pay premium prices\n<sebsebseb> instead of pretty much anyone\n<sebsebseb> and those who think the Apple design and look is so  something, but that's another hting\n<sebsebseb> anyway  Windows 10 wil move most of the computer using world forward,  because like it or not, that's what most computer users are going to use on lap tops and destkops  that are being used at the time, or well probably\n<bashrc> or backwards\n<popey> heh\n<sebsebseb> or backwards maybe yeah, depending on how it's looked at\n<popey> sebsebseb: its still not open source / free software :)\n<bashrc> more centralised, closed crap\n<sebsebseb> popey: maybe 30 years time they open source Windows :d\n<sebsebseb> when  it's  not realy used anymoe heh\n<sebsebseb> they did that with a version of DOS actually\n<popey> not really\n<popey> they made it available for a museum\n<popey> they didn't \"open source\" it\n<bashrc> \"harmony in your household\"\n<sebsebseb> oh, well I don't remember quite hten, but I think I may have read that it got open sourced,  but as I said I don't remember uqite\n<bashrc> \"co-engineering project\"?\n<bashrc> at the end of the advert I think they're trying to coopt some of the language of open source\n<sebsebseb> in fact maybe in 30 years time,  ReactOS wil be ready to replace WIndows being used by most people or not,  shame really about the such slow development of ReactOS since lack of developers, I mean imagine that if it was more developed much more developed\n<popey> yes, people thought \"ooh, source code\" and thought it meant \"open source\"\n<popey> given how many thousands of developers microsoft has, reactos will _always_ be playing catch up\n<popey> and some way behind\n<popey> MS had some thousand or so people working on one device for example.\n<bashrc> that MS had a thousand developers on a device shows how inefficient they must be. It must be quite hard to coordinate a team of that size\n<popey> oh I dunno. it takes a lot to make a whole new device\n<popey> (Microsoft HoloLens)\n<sebsebseb> HoloLens ???????\n<sebsebseb> what's that or was that a joke?\n<popey> no\n<bashrc> that's true, but a thouand? That seems like an incredibly large team\n<popey> sure\n<popey> Samsung recently moved a thousand people to work on Tizen\n * sebsebseb waits for  first Ubuntu Phone :d\n<popey> these are huge companies\n<sebsebseb> yeah OS's take time to make.....  how long depnds on how made, waht people etc etc,  but right we all know that here I guess anyway :d\n * bashrc thinks open source is maybe a thin blue line\n<popey> sebsebseb: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2015/01/hands-on-with-hololens-making-the-virtual-real/\n<awilkins> Sure a lot of those thousand are people making demo content and apps, people marketing, etc\n<awilkins> In general I like Microsoft peripheral hardware\n<awilkins> Their mice / joysticks / gamepads are all solid and good quality\n<selinuxium> msg: popey Hi fella. Got a few Ubuntu Business questions you might be able to help steer me towards so answers if that is OK?\n<popey> wassup?\n<brobostigon> morning boys and girls.\n<MooDoo> morning brobostigon\n<brobostigon> morning MooDoo\n<selinuxium> 'lo Brobo\n<brobostigon> morning selinuxium\n<cybernova> hi, i have a 20£ voucher for HelloFresh from Amazon, dont know what to do with it, so if you want it the code is HFNYAMZ1 and is valid only for UK and NI\n<cybernova> bye\n<awilkins> Anyone want the worst job ever? : http://jobview.monster.com/getjob.aspx?JobId=144461403&jvs=cf,can-6342,can,0&WT.mc_n=olm_sk_feed_ziprecruiter\n<awilkins> Hmm. cybernova may just be some kinda innovative spammer, but who spams IRC channels....\n<awilkins> And this HelloFresh thing looks like my kinda thing actually.\n * Myrtti_ just cooks from the Hairy Dieters books and orders stuff from Tesco\n<awilkins> Really, I should just adopt a routine of committing to opening one of the vast quantity of recipe books I have and cooking a new thing at least once a week\n<awilkins> But I think this addresses the whole \"mental effort\" thing\n<bigcalm> Good morning peeps :)\n<popey> awilkins: i have used gousto\n<popey> which is very much like hellofresh\n<popey> you pick recipes, they send you the exact ingredients and a recipe card\n<Myrtti_> incidentally I've lost nearly 12kilos since we started Hairy Dieters. With occasional relapse into a chicken kebab and Christmas without gaining any weight.\n<Myrtti_> we started in September I think\n<awilkins> My problem is lack of exercise\n<awilkins> Doing this new job working at home and my home/life balance is still wobbling about\n<Myrtti> so is mine, but if I go exercise with all this bulk I'll break my knees to even worse condition\n<Myrtti> so, weightloss with a food regimen first\n<awilkins> Need to set a timer or something and delineate when worktime stops and exercise time starts\n<awilkins> Myrtti, build some muscle mass as well ; a great passive slimming aid\n<awilkins> Should be able to do that with low-impact exercise\n * awilkins shuts up and concentrates on his own health\n<Myrtti> yeah, that is the long time plan. I'm just a bit limited with my options on low-impact and having already once hurt myself in the gym permanently, it's a bit scary to start over.\n<diddledan> mornin\n<daftykins> hi sir\n<popey> http://www.onegoodthingbyjillee.com/2012/02/coolest-easiest-yummiest-yogurt-pops.html\n<popey> think i need to do that\n<mapps> anyone familiar with enabling ssl on squid?\n<daftykins> lol.\n<mapps> or do i need to download the source and compile..cant do it from a repo install?\n<mapps> why lol?\n<daftykins> mapps and his antics :P\n<mapps> :D\n<mapps> ;]\n<mapps> i did google and have a quick read and seems i may have to use source\n<daftykins> VPNing not enough anymore?\n<mapps> well\n<mapps> my friend wants to use my connectioon remotely\n<mapps> and hes an idiot..he wont manage to use a vpn\n<mapps> it'd be easier for me to explain setting a browser to use a proxy:)\n<daftykins> so give a shell account over SSH and explain PuTTY tunnel + SOCKS proxy in firefox ?\n<daftykins> next to no setup\n<mapps> also..any idea on why my 2nd pi is sloooow compred to my one back in stoke? any apt-get command is slow as anything...yet same pi/power supply/sd card\n<mapps> LOL ssh dream on..he'd be lost\n<daftykins> yours involves way more faffing on your part though\n<mapps> yea:(\n<mapps> any idea on the pi?:(\n<daftykins> explaining how to download PuTTY and configure the tunnel, zero effort\n<daftykins> idea on what with a pi?\n<mapps> why it's so damn slow..running any apt-get command\n<daftykins> probably because they suck for network and disk IO\n<mapps> building dependency tree...x % TAKES AGES\n<mapps> yea but then my other one is like 10x faster\n<daftykins> dunno, SD card speed etc etc\n<daftykins> never used one and don't intend to break that tradition now :)\n<mapps> all same as other one:)\n<mapps> grmp[f\n<mapps> useless\n<mapps> :D\n<daftykins> go the shell account route, simples.\n<daftykins> i SSH to my VPS up in England to proxy via when i need to pretend to be English\n<daftykins> or more to the point establish why your mate is wanting to browse weirdly 0o\n<daftykins> i wouldn't have anyone else slowing me down :D\n<mapps> ok next q..my IP here changes..on bt i wanna use a dyndns hostname and auto update the IP..but the pis behind the router..will it work? the no-ip client asks for my internet facing interface..well neither are really\n<daftykins> it'll work it out.\n<mapps> ok:D\n<daftykins> it doesn't matter that it's not a direct interface, NAT takes care of that\n<daftykins> why don't you just try these things :P\n<mapps> well\n<mapps> trying anything on this pi\n<mapps> is SLOW as i was saying\n<mapps> else i would\n<mapps> lol\n<daftykins> oy vey.\n<shauno> it's quicker to just ask dafty :)\n<mapps> ja\n<daftykins> *sigh*\n<shauno> you don't learn anything that way, but ..\n<mapps> should i bother trying win10 in a vm..no doubt it'll suck:D\n<daftykins> it's nothing like the latest presentation, unless they've put out new media yet\n<mapps> oh\n<mapps> you try on a vm or as main os?7\n<daftykins> i'm not an idiot, so VM\n<daftykins> :>\n<mapps> heh\n<mapps> could be an old or empty machine if youd put it as main os\n<mapps> :D\n<daftykins> i only have a pile of craptops\n<mapps> finally got my pesky nexus7 to turn on..when they run down completely..man they take AGES to charge up..like ages\n<daftykins> maybe that's down to the charger ampage we were talking about the other day?\n<mapps> i think it's a known 'problem' if it gets to 0% the nexus acts like a brick for ages\n<mapps> i was using trhe charger it came with\n<mapps> O_o\n<daftykins> oh i see\n<daftykins> yeah that's big with all such devices i think really\n<daftykins> you shouldn't ever let tablets go flat\n<mapps> yea\n<mapps> :(\n<daftykins> heh yesterday i updated a guys old laptop that we hadn't booted since April\n<mapps> heh\n<daftykins> when we got its' replacement probably XD\n<mapps> super old?\n<daftykins> mmm, kind of\n<mapps> p4?:P\n<mapps> hjeh\n<daftykins> http://www.engadget.com/2008/10/09/sony-Vaio-tt-unboxing-hands-on-and-impressions/\n<daftykins> core 2 duo mobile, 4GB RAM and SSD\n<daftykins> in a carbon fibre shell\n<mapps> ;]\n<daftykins> it's done him well for years, gets taken all over the globe for business use\n<daftykins> still does at least 6hrs battery i would expect\n<mapps> thats not bad\n<mapps> my laptop didnt last too long..used on flight for a bit..and on the bus 10mins..dead\n<mapps> 3-4hrs max\n<daftykins> was more like 8-9 hrs new\n<daftykins> we went through a few generations of sony ultraportables before, during and after the whole netbook thing\n<mapps> this film chained is good\n<mapps> :D\n<shauno> I'm watching 'kon tiki', but I'm starting to suspect it should have had subtitles\n<mapps> heh\n<daftykins> mapps]: logged in and i see the updated win10 tech preview image is 'coming soon'\n<shauno> traitors!\n<diddledan> shauno, were you n0rty and downloaded it accidentally?\n<shauno> lol - naw\n<daftykins> i can't be a traitor since i don't run desktop Linux :D\n<shauno> I used something that looked like win8 on a server recently?\n<diddledan> shauno, no, i meant the kontiki thing\n<diddledan> shauno, I notice though that you said that almost an hour ago\n<diddledan> I suck\n<shauno> it's okay dan.  we're way past expecting you to make sense :)\n<daftykins> d'aww\n<diddledan> this looks really fun: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3339966/\n<daftykins> 0o\n<diddledan> it helps that it's entirely original tv rather than \"marvel's <insert random comic book hero du jour here>\"\n<diddledan> the world is surely going to get fed up with marvel soon\n<diddledan> if it hasn't already\n<daftykins> i'm already on season 5 of 6, of my Sopranos bluray set\n<diddledan> jeez, louisae\n<diddledan> louise*\n<diddledan> you been busy\n<daftykins> haha\n<daftykins> there are only 13 eps per season for 1-5, ~50 mins each\n<diddledan> aah, that helps\n<daftykins> but yeah pretty much watch one or two every day\n<diddledan> usual run for an american series seems to be about 20ish?\n<daftykins> yip\n<daftykins> they seemed to make them do that for season 6\n<daftykins> i was gonna watch that windows 10 event, but 2 hours? ugh\n<diddledan> british tv on the other hand is 6 eps\n<daftykins> the brief recaps will suffice ;)\n<daftykins> Sopranos was thankfully from a time before all this tendancy to become poorly written due to being pushed for ratings, it seems like\n<mapps> 7hm\n#ubuntu-uk 2015-01-23\n<diddledan> interesting - tesco/talktalk's blinkbox does ultraviolet now\n<diddledan> might be worth switching my purchasing habbit to them rather than googleplaydoh\n<diddledan> specifically because it will mean I have the same library for titles I may get physically as gifts e.g.\n<shauno> I have no idea what that means\n<mapps> same\n<diddledan> blinkbox, ultraviolet or googleplaydoh?\n<mapps> ;]\n<shauno> yes\n<daftykins> when you buy a film on BD/DVD ultraviolet is the streaming service attached\n<daftykins> so you get both one or two physical copies plus x number of streams\n<diddledan> blinkbox: blinkbox.com; ultraviolet: uvvu.com; googleplaydoh: play.google.com\n<mapps> hmm\n<mapps> stupid thunderbird\n<mapps> maybe i should giveup with using an email app\n<daftykins> heh\n<daftykins> that is a bit 90s\n<daftykins> :>\n<shauno> aye.  away to mutt with ya\n<mapps> yea\n<mapps> i just like it\n<mapps> but every time it decides to download ALL emails no matter what i do\n<mapps> like emails from years back:D\n<diddledan> mapps, I hear that. with an 8GB email archive it takes a while for thunderbird to sync when I set it up anew\n<daftykins> i upgraded office version on the boss' old laptop before i left, yesterday\n<daftykins> it's gonna pull down his 19GB worth of email :P\n<daftykins> and that's only the stuff we leave on the hosted setup.\n<diddledan> ooooooooooooohhhhh: simon \"scotty\" pegg is going to co-write the next startrek!\n<daftykins> he keeps showing up in films that don't seem like they should be comedies, giving them a comedic vibe\n<diddledan> I love his scotty\n<daftykins> not seen either of those new films\n<diddledan> I loved \"paul\" too\n<diddledan> paul is an awesome movie\n<mapps]> diddledan did you want it to dl them all?\n<mapps]> :)\n<shauno> diddledan:\n<shauno> how to remove wp plugin without removing its data?\n<diddledan> shauno, just delete it\n<diddledan> shauno, don't deactivate it first\n<shauno> I think I just broke someone else's site :)\n<diddledan> \\o/\n<daftykins> \\o/\n<shauno> I have no idea what that was, I think I'm just going to leave it alone and see if anyone notices\n<daftykins> sounds like a fine approach to me\n<shauno> well, I tend to update all her stuff whenever I'm in the area, because she avoids any button she doesn't understand\n<shauno> so I updated jetpack, and it disappeared.  so I tried to reinstall it, but it said it was already installed.  and then it was installed but wouldn't activate\n<shauno> I'm not entirely sure what happened next, but it appears to be back now?\n<daftykins> XD\n<daftykins> this firewall on my bigv.io still blocks wordpress cals\n<daftykins> *calls\n<mapps]> grmpf\n<mapps]> got to get the bus at 6;40am\n<shauno> then go to bed?\n<mapps]> i will in a bit\n<mapps]> :D\n<mapps]> tennis is on\n<daftykins> lol\n<shauno> ...\n<mapps]> lol why?:D\n<mapps]> 7gonna have to sleep in 2 shifts\n<mapps]> few hrs now few hours when i get back\n<mapps]> :)\n<shauno> well, personally, tennis doesn't rank highly on the list of reasons I'm not in bed, that's all\n<mapps]> oh\n<daftykins> +1\n<shauno> (it's right up there with cricket & golf on my list of \"things I can't imagine people watching unless they're high\")\n<mapps]> hm\n<shauno> it does seem like something a dog would happily watch, but a cat would squint at you and wonder what the punchline was\n<diddledan> hmm, I've only got 560GB of download in my sabnzb queue :-p\n<diddledan> I don't do illegal, obviously\n<diddledan> it's incrementing as we speak, because I went through my sickbeard listings and told it to research everything it had previously decided wasn't available\n<diddledan> up to 600GB\n<diddledan> luckily I still have 2.6 thousand spaces left\n<diddledan> \"2685.90 GB Free Space\"\n<diddledan> see, 2.6k-spaces\n<knightwise> mornin peeps\n<diddledan> morning knightwise\n<zmoylan-pi> happy friday\n<popey> yo\n * diddledan awaits the jamestait \"what day is today?\"\n<diddledan> corrolary - where is he?!\n<diddledan> tabcomplete can't find him so I'm assuming he d/c'd\n<Myrtti> he always does\n<arsenip_> happy friday :)\n<diddledan> I don't think disconnection should be allowed\n<davmor2> Morning all\n<diddledan> I wonder when MS will unleash the next build of windows10 (they said within the next week on wednesday)\n<diddledan> I'm getting antsy\n<diddledan> I want it NOW\n<bashrc> meh\n<diddledan> I'm an instant gratification nut\n<diddledan> as soon as it's announced I want it\n<popey> also \"meh\"\n<popey> my GameOS machine runs Windows 7.\n<popey> I'd be tempted to upgrade to Windows 10 if it didn't break everything on the machine, just for the free upgrade\n<diddledan> from what I can tell windows 10 will get delivered as a windows-update patch\n<diddledan> i.e. everyone who has windows update turned on will receive it\n<popey> i doubt that\n<ali1234> maybe for people who have windows 8\n<popey> I suspect you'll have to buy it at zero cost\n<diddledan> anyone who has 7sp1, 8 or 8.1\n * bashrc refuses to support windows anymore\n<popey> quite the delta from 7 to 10\n<ali1234> if they upgrade 7, a very large number of companies will go absolutely ape shit\n<ali1234> we are talking \"switch to ubuntu\" levels of rage\n<bashrc> bonus\n<diddledan> the windows site says: \"We will offer a free upgrade to Windows 10 for qualified new or existing Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 devices that upgrade in the first year!*\" with the smallprint stating: \"*It is our intent that most of these devices will qualify, but some hardware/software requirements apply and feature availability may vary by device. Devices must be connected to the internet and have Windows Update enabled. ISP\n<diddledan> fees may apply. Windows 7 SP1 and Windows 8.1 Update required.\"\n<popey> that doesnt mean they get it automagically\n<popey> it'll be optional\n<ali1234> right, it will just be a popup box that says \"click here to download windows 10\"\n<diddledan> fair enough - I probably just read too much into the requirement for windows update to be enabled\n<ali1234> the key word here is \"offer\"\n<diddledan> maybe they'll put it in the optional section which requires manual ticking of boxes\n<ali1234> i doubt windows is even capable of in-place upgrades like that\n<ali1234> you need install media\n<diddledan> windows 8 upgrades to 8.1 without a dvd\n<diddledan> and windows 7 upgrades to 8 with just a small application download which then does the rest\n<diddledan> i.e. no dvd again\n<ali1234> er, no it doesn't\n<diddledan> yes it does. I've done it\n<ali1234> that small application downloads the windows 8 ISO and then burns it to a disc\n<diddledan> nope\n<ali1234> then you install it like any other version of windows\n<ali1234> i've got a burned windows 8 disc here that i made using that procedure\n<diddledan> afair it was an in situ update without a dvd required\n<diddledan> you _can_ make a dvd, but it's not needed if you're doing a like-for-like upgrade\n<diddledan> i.e. updating 32bit 7 to 64bit 8 will require the dvd\n<diddledan> but 32 to 32 can be done within the booted os\n<MooDoo> morning all\n<zmoylan-pi> we can ship win10 to you on floppy...\n<popey> microdrives!\n<zmoylan-pi> i was thinking 8\" single side floppies\n<popey> i installed MSDOS 6.22 on a \"modern\" laptop the other day\n<popey> that was fun :)\n<popey> and fast!\n<diddledan> popey, I bet you didn't need any drivers, either\n<knightwise> morning peeps\n<diddledan> knightwise, you said that already\n<popey> well, no, but things dont work\n<popey> like sound\n<diddledan> popey, who needs audio?!\n<ali1234> this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhPA_TpkzkA\n<knightwise> diddledan: you werent awake the first time\n<popey> to play games\n<popey> wanted to play some dos games\n<diddledan> dosbox ftw\n * knightwise is still trying to get his retropi install working\n<diddledan> blindfold speedrun?!\n<popey> nah, i want to run on real hardware, not emulated\n<zmoylan-pi> probably drivers in config.sys for uk keyboard\n<zmoylan-pi> well... country\n<popey> that was all default right for me\n<popey> i used the DOS setup.exe\n<ali1234> wait, dos has a setup.exe?\n<zmoylan-pi> so still set up drivers so\n<popey> yes\n<zmoylan-pi> dos 4 onwards had a setup iirc\n<ali1234> i never knew that\n<popey> heh, DOS 4 was the Windows Me.\n<zmoylan-pi> dos 3 when i started was just fdisk the drive, format the drive (assuming it was ide, could be very wierd otherwise) /s and copy over the floppy into directory called \\dos\n<ali1234> DOS 4? I only has 6.22\n<popey> yeah, I started with 3.3\n<popey> or maybe 3.1\n<zmoylan-pi> dos 4 was terrible, used too much memory, no one used it\n<ali1234> sys c:\\ and then copy config.sys and autoexec.bat\n<zmoylan-pi> only reason to use it was for partitions bigger than 32mb\n<popey> http://i.imgur.com/z5jwkis.jpg\n<popey> fun\n<popey> thats on a 32GB USB stick so I can use it on anyones PC :)\n<zmoylan-pi> oh, kill the smartdrv, waste of memory :-)\n<popey> well it is now, yeah\n<popey> that was my default install\n<zmoylan-pi> but at least it's /x to kill the write behind feature that annoyed everyone\n<popey> i liked the fact that its full screen, and not some odd window\n<popey> so things it can't do.. sound, network...\n<zmoylan-pi> dos 6.22 can link to another computer with serial/paralled cable, primitive network :-)\n<ali1234> refering the text mode VGA as \"fullscreen\"\n<popey> hehe :)\n<ali1234> you sound like some hotshot 20 yr old node developer\n<zmoylan-pi> i had been using laplink since dos 3 days so never used it.\n<popey> ahh, my three headed laplink cable\n<popey> that was closely guarded\n<zmoylan-pi> yeah, i wrote very rude labels and stuck them all over my one so no one would borrow it\n<zmoylan-pi> my first social engineering :'-)\n<ali1234> laplink was... bad\n<zmoylan-pi> laplink was excellent\n<popey> actually i wonder if the sound card in the thinkpad might just work\n<ali1234> luckily i was using an amiga at the time when it was popular\n<popey> need to find some dos game with audio\n<popey> JamesTait: slacker\n<bashrc> I think it was just a null modem cable\n<zmoylan-pi> there is an external parallel sound card that might do it iirc\n<ali1234> ethernet was common by the time i was forced to switch to PC\n<JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Friday, and happy Handwriting Day! :-D\n<popey> \\o/\n<zmoylan-pi> we've already done happy friday JamesTait, friday trumps handwriting day :-)\n<popey> \\o/ just found some old CDs I burned from 1998 with games on\n<bashrc> gosh\n<popey> haha, has loads of dos utilities\n<popey> like arj, rar200, pkarc\n<zmoylan-pi> i think i might have a zip file on my phone with a backup of all my games from then...\n<zmoylan-pi> commander keen...\n<zmoylan-pi> mahjongg\n<popey> i put the cd in my windows pc, microsoft security essentials found a virus on it :)\n<popey> Joe:Win16/Stupid\n<popey> *Joke\n<bashrc> don't copy that floppy\n<zmoylan-pi> unless you're the government...\n<popey> haha, there's a linux install guide from 1997 on it\n<awilkins> Ooh, null modem cables\n<awilkins> Used to string our Amigas together with those and play Populous 2\n<zmoylan-pi> is that the one that warns about making your monitor explode getting x to work? :-)\n<diddledan> I went to college with a guy who had coax lan - I think it was ethernet, but it mighta been token I guess\n<brobostigon> morning boys and girls.\n<diddledan> allo\n<zmoylan-pi> my first network was a novell network on ne2000 boards connected via coax\n * bashrc didn't know anything about linux until 1999/2000\n<zmoylan-pi> then we discovered cheap ne2000 clones... the original ne2000 boards cost as much as a cheap laptop now\n<bashrc> I had a coax lan. coax was unreliable\n<diddledan> I remember asking the college it guys about their server because it was showing a non-graphical terminal - I said something like \"is that linux?\" and they replied \"no, it's a real netware server\"\n<JamesTait> zmoylan-pi++\n<diddledan> because netware > linux, right?\n<zmoylan-pi> coax worked fine as long as the cable was kept away from people kicking it and the terminators/connectors were good. at work we'd have a cable problem every 2-3 months.\n<ali1234> coax was bad but it was still miles better than laplink\n<popey> at the time netware was better\n<ali1234> and netware 4 was much better than linux was at the time yes\n<zmoylan-pi> netware software was a rock.  it just kept running\n<diddledan> this was circa 99/00\n<popey> oh i got out of netware in ~1996\n<bashrc> humidity could cause strange behavior of the coax networks\n<diddledan> so linux was about 6 years old. a regular bubby\n<zmoylan-pi> there's a famous story of a novell netware server walled up for a couple of years accidently and still kept running.\n<ali1234> netware was probably still better than linux in 1999 but it was crippled due to using IPX not TCP/IP\n<popey> i think there are still fat ethernet cables laid at my local college that I put in 20 years ago.\n<JamesTait> GTA over IPX over coax made up far too much of my final year at uni.\n<zmoylan-pi> they are kept to punish the bad pupils :-)\n<bashrc> a company I was at used netware until about 2003\n<popey> IPXSPX\n<popey> NETX\n<popey> IPODI!\n<popey> memories...\n<zmoylan-pi> don't forget share.exe if you want file locking :-)\n<diddledan> netbeui?\n<diddledan> is that spelt right?\n<bashrc> something like that\n<awilkins> Ugh, had blocked all that horrible networking stuff from my mind\n<diddledan> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NetBIOS\n<awilkins> Hooray for TCP/IP\n<MooDoo> one of my first certification was for Novell Netware....\n<MooDoo> blast from the past\n<diddledan> crazy that MS still clings to netbios names\n<zmoylan-pi> my boss while at a wedding saw the hotels server sitting behind reception desk leaned over and downed their server while drunk for a giggle.\n<MooDoo> bit of a T**t then\n<diddledan> zmoylan-pi, well you would, wouldn't you!\n<zmoylan-pi> waking up the next morning at checkout he saw the technical staff frantically at the server wondering what was wrong.  he 'fixed' it for them and slunk out so embarrassed.\n<MooDoo> what a kn*b\n<zmoylan-pi> drunk, very drunk...\n<JamesTait> My first job out of uni involved preparing for Y2K by migrating our Novell Netware 4 network to a Windows NT domain (to also integrate our small office network with the group network over ISDN).\n<zmoylan-pi> but he'd tell that story to customers as to why they shouldn't put servers in publically accessible places so some good came of it\n<diddledan> o_O the gadget show website is reporting that the iwatch will have a battery life of 2.5hours\n<awilkins> Is that in Dick Tracy videophone mode?\n<JamesTait> Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?\n<zmoylan-pi> 2.5 hours... does that count as battery life?\n<zmoylan-pi> or a demo\n<knightwise>  so much for 'worlds most innovative company'\n<zmoylan-pi> i see argos are now selling pebble\n<zmoylan-pi> some people when they move house don't kid around... https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B7-pnOmCMAA72mv.jpg:large\n<diplo> They seem to do that a fair bit in the states i think zmoylan-pi , there is a TV series about it\n<diplo> :)\n<zmoylan-pi> wouldn't it be cheaper to take a copy of the plans and you know just make a second copy?\n<diplo> But this is 'Merica!\n<diplo> :)\n<awilkins> You could even knock down the old house and call it a \"teleport\"\n<awilkins> http://hardware.slashdot.org/story/15/01/22/2233248/researchers-moot-teleportation-via-destructive-3d-printing\n<zmoylan-pi> you could leave the old house and call it a teleport accident...\n<awilkins> Anyone see that article about the Chinese buildings made with a ginormous 3D printer?\n<awilkins> They're kinda weird inside, look like the excretions of some giant termits\n<zmoylan-pi> haven't we been using giant 3d printers since we started pouring concrete into moulds onsite?\n<awilkins> Moulds not the same\n<awilkins> http://rt.com/news/224423-china-3d-printer-house/\n<awilkins> Those blocks look quite light\n<diddledan> why do reporters insist on calling the material that 3d printers extrude \"ink\"?!\n<zmoylan-pi> because reporters are dumb and their general audience dumber\n<zmoylan-pi> they go for the cliche rather than educate these days it seems\n<awilkins> Also quite like the houses made of expanded polystyrene bricks like LEGO that you then fill with concrete\n<zmoylan-pi> i liked the carlsberg bottle that was designed to be used as a housebrick when it was empty\n<diddledan> the other thing that annoys me about news reports is that the reporter usually insists on putting a pun or many into it\n<knightwise> wasnt that a heineken one\n<knightwise> I'm thinking of styrofoam bricks and wood when we do our home reno\n<zmoylan-pi> could be some other booze, i don't drink sorry\n<knightwise> we have been thinking about putting in an addition\n<knightwise> extention i mean\n<zmoylan-pi> heineken, yup http://inhabitat.com/heineken-wobo-the-brick-that-holds-beer/\n<diddledan> https://github.com/alex/what-happens-when\n<awilkins> That Heineken story makes my browser choke\n<zmoylan-pi> some good would come from all the empty bottles\n<awilkins> Ugh, whatever it is on that page totally locks up Firefox\n<awilkins> This seems to be a trend I've noticed recently\n<awilkins> Newspaper websites do it too\n<zmoylan-pi> works fine on my firefox, i use ghostery though so that might be stopping the nasty\n<awilkins> Closed all my Firefox windows. Process is still caning a CPI\n<awilkins> CPU\n * awilkins kill -9s it\n<diddledan> awilkins, it might be a rogue flash ad\n<awilkins> Not the plugin hosting process (has a separate process name, no?)\n<diddledan> it might do\n<awilkins> The website of The Independent does something similar\n<awilkins> Page scrolls really slowly, eats CPU\n<zmoylan-pi> newspapers do seem to be guilty of most addons sucking cpu at the same time\n<zmoylan-pi> i think it's to punish us for not buying a paper copy\n<awilkins> Or possibly to mine BitCoin for Rupert Murdoch\n<zmoylan-pi> or mine secrets for rupert murdoch, he got away with hacking once...\n * awilkins wonders if there are any distributed mining things that work by farming workunits out to js in peoples browsers\n<awilkins> Of course there is : http://www.bitcoinplus.com/miner/embeddable\n<awilkins> Bitcoin mining plugin for WordPress\n<awilkins> The dude only wants a 19%  cut!\n<MooDoo> i'll install it to my WP sites, would me I get 0.000000000000001 of a BC in about 20 years\n<awilkins> There's a WP site at my old work that has about 100 plugins in it\n<zmoylan-pi> tbh, i'd prefer my doddery relatives computers were mining bitcoins than sending spam\n<awilkins> Don't think they'd notice another one...\n<andrewebdev> I'm wondering, since the announcement of LXD I've not really seen much documentation and/or tutorials on it. Does anyone know where I can find docs on using it?\n<knightwise> p0p0k@t3ptl\n<knightwise> That is the name of a mountain in africa\n<awilkins> Nice coverup\n<awilkins> All we saw was\n<awilkins> ***********\n<knightwise> LOL\n<knightwise> nice one awilkins\n<zmoylan-pi> dibs on his paypal :-P\n<awilkins> That bitcoin miner plugin thing seems to be a Java applet\n<awilkins> +1 for speed -1 for getting people to run it\n<zmoylan-pi> if you sell it right you could need a 20 page list of instructions and some people would install it :-)\n<popey> hmm\n<awilkins> One that's pure js and has WebGL support : https://github.com/derjanb/hamiyoca\n<popey> seems my thinkpad doesn't want to be a soundblaster 16 or awe32\n<awilkins> AWE32 was a great card\n<zmoylan-pi> don't thinkpads also have an awful awful modem pretending to be a sound card driver?\n<MooDoo> dma=1 irq=5 iirc :D\n<zmoylan-pi> same irq as our network cards...\n<zmoylan-pi> base 320h\n<popey> yeah, says it cant find the card\n<popey> unsurprisingly\n<davmor2> popey: is this for dosbox by anychance?\n<zmoylan-pi> maybe some mad genius wrote a driver to make it think an ac'97 is a soundblaster in dos? :-)\n<popey> davmor2: no, real hardware\n<davmor2> popey: ah :)  try soundblaster pro\n<popey> not an option\n<knightwise> mpsyt :)\n<davmor2> popey: pc speaker\n<knightwise> Better then Spotify\n<popey> gravis, sb, sound man 16, pro audio spectrum, awe 32, soundscape, disney sound source, tandy sound source\n<popey> (duke 3d)\n<zmoylan-pi> ad lib\n<bigcalm> Good morning peeps :)\n<diddledan> not for much longer\n<davmor2> bigcalm: hello\n<bigcalm> o/\n<diddledan> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-30948123\n<MooDoo> google also released 3 zero days for apple osx too\n<knightwise> quick question\n<knightwise> suppose I ssh into a machine from the command line and would like to launch an app\n<knightwise> how do i put that in one command line command\n<knightwise> ssh me@server:command or ssh me@server / command ?\n<Laney> laney@iota:~$ ssh vivid.local echo hello knightwise from \\$\\(hostname\\)\n<Laney> hello knightwise from vivid\n<awilkins> knightwise, GUI app?\n<awilkins> ssh -X user@server 'command line'\n<knightwise> commmand line app\n<knightwise> the error i'm getting wehn i do it your way is : \"the term environment variable is unset\"\n<mapps> back y'all\n<mapps> back in the sun\n<mapps> :D\n<zmoylan-pi> natural light, get it off me!!\n<awilkins> knightwise, That sounds like an app-specific error\n<knightwise> mc ? doesnt strike me as an exotic app\n<mapps> ;]\n<awilkins> try  ssh user@server 'TERM=xterm mc'\n<awilkins> mc is ncurses\n<awilkins> since you're shelling straight in and just running it you're not starting a terminal on the server\n<awilkins> hence no TERM env var\n<awilkins> Since it can't predict terminal behaviour it's throwing a spaz\n<awilkins> set it to whatever your local term env says (gnome-terminal says xterm for me here)\n<knightwise> ha\n<knightwise> i\"ll try\n<knightwise> IT WORKS :)\n<popey> ChunkzZ: has your internet connection improved since moving wifi channel?\n<Azelphur> muhahah, victory is mine, finally bypassed threes new tethering detection.\n<Azelphur> set up a SSH Server on the phone to socks proxy and am using tsocks for applications that don't support socks.\n<Myrtti> oh, they've got a tethering detection? bother.\n<Azelphur> Myrtti, yea, they always have, but up until the past couple months it had just been layer 7\n<Azelphur> Myrtti, now they are doing something new, I dunno what it is, at first I thought it was TTL but ping -t 65 doesn't get through.\n<Azelphur> whatever it is, it's clever I'll give themt hat\n<Azelphur> SO MANY FUCKING TUNNELS >.>\n<Myrtti> tsk.\n<Azelphur> just realised I typed ^ in ubuntu-uk and not my channel, sorry >.>\n<Azelphur> not the place for that.\n<Azelphur> on a train, tunnels keep disconnecting my internet, first world problems :(\n<zmoylan-pi> but if you have no tunnels where would you run your trains?? :-)\n<shauno> bridges :)\n<zmoylan-pi> nah, proper trains have tunnels\n<SuperEngineer> but surley - trains should be using clouds - everybody using clouds - why not trains? Let's see how clever you are nowcloud users! [hurumph]\n * zmoylan-pi doesn't want to see a load bearing cloud as the weather might be nasty\n<SuperEngineer> lol\n<zmoylan-pi> i mean in ireland we run rail lines across bogs and those are fun\n<SuperEngineer> ...& as to the phrase \" proper trains have tunnels\".. anybody told Euro Tunnel that?  they seem to prefer the M20\n<zmoylan-pi> well if you build a rail line on a bog it eventually provides it's own tunnel as it sinks and closes over the train :-)\n<shauno> gotta admit, not so impressed with the trains in Ireland\n<shauno> I mean - they all go to dublin?  Who in their right mind ..\n<SuperEngineer> glug glug... \"the expected arrival for dublin will be a bit late. We apologise for the delay\"\n<SuperEngineer> I bog therefore I'm late\n<zmoylan-pi> trains in ireland are ok, cheaper often to get a flight from one end of country to the other, and quicker.  but trains are still popular\n<diddledan> shauno, to be fair pretty much every train in england ends up at \"bristol temple-meads\"\n<zmoylan-pi> there's a causeway in tipperary i think that seems to sink every 50-70 years.  eventually the next causeway will have been built on enough rubble to not sink\n<shauno> I'd quite like a line that heads south, so I can get to shannon instead of relying on dublin airport :/\n<diddledan> zmoylan-pi, it's a long way to tipperary\n<SuperEngineer> ooooooooohh no!\n<zmoylan-pi> especially when you have to disembark, walk with luggage through a few feet of bog and then a few miles to next town to catch the linking bus\n * SuperEngineer stops clock on waiting for that 1!\n<diddledan> yeah, that's every commuter's nightmare phrase: rail replacement service\n<zmoylan-pi> well dublin airport is really just named dublin airport to confuse invading forces... :-P\n<zmoylan-pi> it's so remote from dublin that ryan air flies into it and calls it dublin airport\n<SuperEngineer> Got stuck there once.. was using ticket from manager who got ill...\n<SuperEngineer> ...plane went\n<SuperEngineer> 2tech\n<SuperEngineer> 2.\n<SuperEngineer> i went to #business lounge ;)\n<SuperEngineer> ...free food... oh, & free booze\n<SuperEngineer> me likey Dublin airport :D\n<zmoylan-pi> free booze... in ireland... i wonder what that costs them :-)\n<SuperEngineer> I wondered that at the time!\n<zmoylan-pi> well... till the free booze kicked in\n<SuperEngineer> ..but then had another freebie & forgot about it!  ;D\n<SuperEngineer> My main gripe with Dublin airport... they fixed the darned plane - no fair!\n<SuperEngineer> no free booze or food on plane\n<SuperEngineer> [except a muffin - no comment]\n<zmoylan-pi> a bran muffin... and then they charge to use the loo!  the fiends!!\n<shauno> I've spent so much time on ryanair, I was quite confused when Austrian fed us\n<SuperEngineer> definite lol\n<SuperEngineer> zmoylan-pi, ^\n<SuperEngineer> Here's a good one; man from BT apparently arrived this morning, declared telegraph pole unsafe & cut all lines without warning anybody so he could remove the pole!\n * SuperEngineer is back to using 3g dongle atm\n<zmoylan-pi> irony would be if after he cut the wires the pole fell...\n<SuperEngineer> yup\n<diddledan> SuperEngineer, I believe if it's off for more than 4 hours you're allowed to claim compensation\n<SuperEngineer> correct\n<SuperEngineer> already underway\n<diddledan> well done :-)\n<ali1234> i just found the stupidest bug ever\n<SuperEngineer> [though not sure re 4 hourd bit - but no hope till Monday is out of any time limit!]\n<ali1234> how do i report bugs against the upgrade tool?\n<SuperEngineer> a stupid bug, that's a bit technocratist!\n<ali1234> it's really stupid though\n<ali1234> 1. install 13.10\n<ali1234> 2. upgrade to 14.04\n<ali1234> 3. enable partner repo\n<ali1234> 4. install skype\n<SuperEngineer> surely you mean a bug of impaired mentality :D\n<ali1234> it doesn't work, because you get the version for 13.10\n<ali1234> developer of impaired mentality perhaps, but the bug is just plain stupid\n<SuperEngineer> ok - agreed\n<SuperEngineer> why not just install 14.04 first?\n<ali1234> yes, let me just get in my time machine and do that\n<zmoylan-pi> don't forget the lotto numbers\n<SuperEngineer> still waiting for those lotto numbers... that time machine must have a faulty starter motor\n<zmoylan-pi> you're waiting for someone to give you a delorean to install it\n<ali1234> it's funny how whenever i have to do anything computer related for anyone else i always hit a bug\n<ali1234> but i hardly ever do\n<zmoylan-pi> anytime i have to touch someones windows computer i usually have to wait a sizeable chunk of a gigabyte of updates to install\n<ali1234> bug 1414150\n<lubotu3> bug 1414150 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) \"release upgrader doesn't update partner repo URL if it isn't enabled\" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1414150\n<mapps> taken  eh\n<mapps> a 3rd one now..prob same as 1/2 no doubt\n<ali1234> what's a good OS image for raspberry pi that will work with 4GB card and allow me to test the audio and camera module?\n<ali1234> oh and wifi\n<brobostigon> raspbian\n<zmoylan-pi> though a 4gb card is on the small side these days\n<brobostigon> yes, my both, runs on 16gb sd cards, and they got filled very quickly.\n<zmoylan-pi> you think to yourself i'll only keep a tiny amount of data on them and the next thing you know you're connecting a 1tb drive... :-)\n<brobostigon> yep, :)\n<ali1234> well...\n<mapps> my pesky vpn isnt working grr\n<mapps> can connect but not access net..grmpf ive set ipforwarding on and the iptables rules\n<daftykins> diagnose it\n<daftykins> ping by IP, check routes...\n<daftykins> all the usual\n<mapps> yea going to\n<mapps> just a pain\n<mapps> especially because i forgot my charger for my big laptop LOL..double checked my bags before i left and somehow didnt consider charger\n<mapps> unpacked realised i dont have it so have to use my netbook for everything\n<daftykins> a fate worse than death\n<daftykins> mapps: hey the windows 10 image got updated - http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=522102\n<mapps> wonder how diff it is\n<mapps> lets see\n<daftykins> well it's definitely different to the first image they put out :>\n<mapps> apparently ws like -7  in heathrow last night\n<mapps> did feel cold when i got there heh\n<daftykins> wowzer\n<mapps> mustve been -2 or so at 6am\n<mapps> tethered my phone to laptop and watched old GOAT\n<mapps> BUT he lost\n<mapps> :((\n<daftykins> no idea what that is\n<mapps> ROGER THE FEDERER\n<mapps> fed express\n<mapps> :D\n<mapps> old greatest of all time\n<mapps> he\n<daftykins> aah\n<daftykins> we have a mate that looks exactly like him\n<daftykins> when we see him, we ask how the ol' tennis is going\n<diddledan> does anyone in the uk here have win10 installed?\n<diddledan> seems cortana doesn't like me :-(\n<mapps> daftykins,  does i thought\n<daftykins> diddledan: i'll have it up in a VM shortly\n<daftykins> downloading right now\n * daftykins goes back to making a sandwich\n<diddledan> daftykins, I'm getting cortana say that she's \"unavailable to help in your location\"\n<mapps> thought you already did\n<mapps> you deld old win10\n<daftykins> diddledan: did you download the UK ISO?\n<daftykins> mapps: yeah the old build doesn't update to the new\n<diddledan> daftykins, I upgraded in-place from an already installed 10\n<daftykins> meh i only have a VM with nothing on it, i'll just nuke it\n<daftykins> got on on my laptop here under vbox and one on the desktop with vmware ws\n<mapps> i almost lost £2500 on fed..my 3g saved me\n<mapps> lol\n<mapps> if i hadnt have been able to put the match on wouldnt have been able to switch:)\n<daftykins> or you could just not gamble :>\n<mapps> i was trading like a pro on betfair i prefer to say\n<mapps> :d\n<mapps> ;D\n<mapps> layed United at 1/5 for £1000 (200 quid risk) lay the short odds back the big odds1\n<mapps> fiinished 0-0..meanwhile my mug friend lost like 400 on it ..tsk\n<daftykins> o0\n<mapps> crazy how much yen is bet on stuff..5.8 million on the federer match 4.5 on united\n<mapps> imagine all that moey in 20 pound notes\n<mapps> :D\n<daftykins> haha\n<daftykins> my mate was working nuclear research in Tokyo, getting paid all in yen in cash. foreigners can't hold accounts or something he said, so he brings it all back to England\n<daftykins> next thing, the Japanese PM is doing some thing which drops the value so it's all worth way less, doh!\n<daftykins> ah i cannot cut this cathedral city cheddar for sandwiches without wanting a piece\n<mapps> lol\n<mapps> really\n<mapps> like suitcases full of cash\n<mapps> cant he get paid into a uk bank\n<diddledan> daftykins, cathedral city is nummy\n<ali1234> so anyway as i was saying\n<ali1234> i just want to test the hardware and i only hav a 4GB card\n<daftykins> mapps: i think the language barrier might've had something to do with his reluctance\n<mapps> heh\n<daftykins> gogo virtualbox, give me something other than a blank screen for win10 :P\n<ali1234> bringing a suitcase full of cash through customs tho...\n<ali1234> i can't imagine that being easy\n<daftykins> =]\n<mapps> 07827 668566wow\n<mapps> oops\n<mapps> wow android is diff to ios\n<mapps> i cant even figure out how to edit a contact\n<mapps> LOL\n<zmoylan-pi> you're supposed to fire up chrome and log into google and change it there like a good little user :-)\n<mapps> what?!\n<mapps> you cant do it on the phone?!\n<zmoylan-pi> you can but it can be annoying\n<mapps> yea\n<mapps> also its a PITA\n<mapps> if i ring a UK number it says call ended\n<mapps> have to add +44 to every contact\n<mapps> on my iphone if i call 079 xxx abroad it still works\n<daftykins> pfft it's easy\n<zmoylan-pi> shouldn't have to do that. i didn't when i used android phone\n<mapps> what about the second issue>\n<mapps> hmm\n<mapps> honestly 01483 47xxx call ended\n<daftykins> now that you travel a lot you should enter all numbers longhand\n<mapps> type +44 483 and it works\n<daftykins> that's quite funny, 01481 is the Guernsey area code\n<daftykins> :>\n<mapps> :D\n<zmoylan-pi> i just stopped the contacts sync and used the sim for storing numbers\n<daftykins> i only needed to remember 5 digits to call home when i was a kid over at friends ;_;\n<mapps> id rather force it to just work and call uk numbers like normal\n<daftykins> zmoylan-pi: negating the wonderful backup that is cloud data? tsk tsk\n<daftykins> i love not having to deal with that SIM junk anymore\n<zmoylan-pi> if it's important it wouldn't be in the cloud for every one to see\n<diddledan> I love cloud sync\n<diddledan> I'd be lost without it\n<zmoylan-pi> i liked sync on palm, i liked sync on psion, i don't like backing up personal data via internet.\n<diddledan> it just annoys me that each company needs their own silo\n<zmoylan-pi> psion had vcf, palm talked with that\n<daftykins> i had a series 3c with PsiWin :>\n<zmoylan-pi> simple, elegant, worked.  then wince came along and it all went wrong\n<zmoylan-pi> psiwin, the most complex vb app i ever locked horns with :-)\n<daftykins> diddledan: ugh what have they done to WIndows Update =|\n<zmoylan-pi> when it worked it was fantastic, when it didn't you'd swear a bit and get it working again\n<zmoylan-pi> vb and serial communications were never 100%\n<diddledan> daftykins, ?\n<daftykins> in win10\n<diddledan> I can't say I've noticed any diff?\n<daftykins> it ran a metro'y app which brought up a huge settings cog to be the windows update app now\n<daftykins> seems to be joined with backup and restore\n<daftykins> *recovery\n<diddledan> it's part of the new control panel\n<diddledan> the settings app and control panel are almost the same thing (supposedly) now\n<diddledan> or rather more is done via the settings app than the evilness that is the win32 control panel\n<daftykins> ;]\n<daftykins> hmm WU is gone from the Control Panel, that's all i spy\n<mapps> vb\n<mapps> urgh\n#ubuntu-uk 2015-01-24\n<davmor2> Morning all\n<daftykins> o/\n<popey> urgh\n<daftykins> that's how i feel ;)\n<davmor2> popey: that's how I felt ages ago\n * daftykins brings out the Branston\n<daftykins> i saw something quite sad in the supermarket earlier, the place now making the sandwiches for their lunch section thinks that \"ham, cheese and pickle\" is to be made with gherkins instead of branston :S\n<brobostigon> morning boys and girls.\n<popey> outrage\n<popey> http://imgur.com/gallery/Vvx5oU3\n<popey> about right\n<davmor2> popey: I'm outraged there is no Links in there\n<daftykins> :P\n<davmor2> popey: or links2, or lynx, or wget and read the source it's like the matrix of browsers :D\n<knightwise> hey peeps\n<daftykins> heya\n<knightwise> hey. how ya doin daftykins\n<knightwise> im out shoppin with the wifr. theb\n<knightwise> irc on phone. sorrybfor typo\n<daftykins> mmm not too shabby ty, i think the ol' shingles is healing up now - slowly :) how's you?\n<daftykins> ah-har, not clothes i hope ;)\n<knightwise> yep\n<daftykins> D:\n<knightwise> and a dryer\n<popey> moo\n<penguin42> hey popey\n<daftykins> gents o/\n<zmoylan-pi> mammals o/\n<brobostigon> carbon based life forms.\n<zmoylan-pi> there is a bot in the channel, probably silicon based lifeforms too\n<popey> !botsnack\n<lubotu3> Yum! Err, I mean, APT!\n<popey> \\o/\n<popey> how to out a bot in one easy step :)\n * zmoylan-pi sticks with 'everything i sat is a lie'\n<zmoylan-pi> *say\n<zmoylan-pi> that and a nokia in a sock to take out terminators and i'm covered :-)\n<MartijnVdS> zmoylan-pi: maybe that borg-killing picture\n<MartijnVdS> https://www.reddit.com/r/DaystromInstitute/comments/2gwp37/why_did_picard_think_a_complex_impossible_shape/\n<MartijnVdS> http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Topological_anomaly\n<zmoylan-pi> couldn't we just email them an epub of escher? :-)\n<MartijnVdS> hmmm\n<MartijnVdS> (y)\n<popey> https://www.flickr.com/photos/88574960@N02/sets/72157632858317817/\n<popey> wow\n<daftykins> oh my word\n<popey> apparently done in their \"lego room\"\n<daftykins> how the other half live\n<shauno> the other half live in lego castles?\n<daftykins> that they do\n<daftykins> they're a lot smaller so we never notice\n<davmor2> WOW just WOW\n<diddledan> daftykins, did you get 10 installed?\n<diddledan> allo folks\n<directhex> daftykins: you had shingles? that sucks, i had that a couple of years ago\n * zmoylan-pi had that when i was teenager\n<directhex> i'm not convinced the meds weren't worse than the illness itself\n<diddledan> I had the pox when I was teeny\n<directhex> felt *so* pukey after my morning dose of antiretrovirals. yuck\n<penguin42> oh I hadn't realised they were using them for shingles\n<directhex> penguin42: risk of nerve damage\n<penguin42> directhex: From the drugs or not using the drugs?\n<directhex> not using\n<penguin42> nod\n<penguin42> I'll have to watch out in later life; I got chicken pox in my 30s\n<directhex> shingles is a VZV (chicken pox) re-activation on a spinal nerve, so it manifests in a patch on your skin for an area affected by a single major spinal nerve\n<directhex> if it's a nerve related to your face or eyes, you're in trouble\n<penguin42> (Oddly I was in hospital for an unrelated problem when I was about 9 when the rest of the ward had chicken pox and I didn't)\n<popey> hmm, is it possible (in windows) to raise the refresh rate above 60Hz? Mine doesn't seem to go any higher.\n<penguin42> popey: I suspect it depends on what the monitor tells it\n<popey> DVI if that matters.\n<popey> the help for the monitor suggests it can go to 75Hz\n<MartijnVdS> popey: depends on what the screen claims it can do\n<directhex> popey: at your target res?\n<popey> but the UI won't let me\n<MartijnVdS> popey: what does \"xrandr\" say?\n<popey> oh, I guess maybe not\n<popey> MartijnVdS: Windows :S\n<MartijnVdS> popey: oh :(\n<diddledan> there's not much reason to do so unless you're running 3d off it\n<MartijnVdS> My screen does 75Hz up to 1280x1024\n<MartijnVdS> and 60Hz above that\n<popey> oh okay, so probably not possible\n<popey> I just noticed flicker in the corner of the screen\n<directhex> popey: try feeding a proper .inf for your monitor, not relying on EDID/PnP profile\n<popey> will do\n<diddledan> interesting - 3 has bought o2\n<directhex> confirmed?\n<directhex> oh, yes. hm\n<brobostigon> i think there are still loads of hoops to go though, like competition approval etc.\n<popey> wonder what that will mean for giffgaff\n<directhex> concerns about price rises... people *do* know o2 was already one of the most expensive networks, right?\n<directhex> yeah, i wonder for giffgaff\n<brobostigon> and i believe, its is hutchison whampoa that has boought o2, not three directly.\n<directhex> technically, yes\n<DJones> Can't see it changing existing contracts\n<popey> heh, it can do 1024x768@75Hz!\n<popey> no higher\n<brobostigon> one would hope, it expands three's existing 3g/4g/lte, and will allow three customers to roam with o2 in lower signal areas.\n<diddledan> brobostigon, I would surmise that the first order of business would be to allow the two networks to roam between as you hope, and then eventually merge the infrastructures\n<brobostigon> yes, i would agree diddledan\n<ali1234> yeah better signal for three would be great\n<brobostigon> and more consistant data,\n<penguin42> curious, my VM router has a log message from 23/00/2015\n<diddledan> penguin42, magic\n<penguin42> diddledan: https://plus.google.com/photos/118251468822440261663/albums/6108006605325208145/6108006610806106050\n<diddledan> weird\n#ubuntu-uk 2015-01-25\n<zmoylan-pi> splitters\n<diddledan> zmoylan-pi, can't trust anyone\n<diddledan> daftykins, so it turns out that cortana doesn't work when the system is set to a british locale - only available in english (US) according to their forums\n<diddledan> I really wanted to give it a go\n<daftykins> diddledan: ah that figures, come to think of it i vaguely recall it's country limited too\n<daftykins> why don't you install the US image and proxy it via the US? :>\n<daftykins> perhaps via a digital ocean droplet or some such\n<diddledan> the version of cortana on phones (for winpho8.1) only became british capable a couple months ago\n<diddledan> lol\n<zmoylan-pi> not even the peoples popular front?\n<penguin42> does it get confused if you tell it you want to knock up a quick fix?\n<diddledan> you'da thunk they'd have made it available everywhere the phones can do it tho\n<diddledan> zmoylan-pi, the popular front? as in betty on the street corner's cleavage?\n<penguin42> diddledan: That is hard, language stuff like that is pretty new\n<daftykins> considering how xbox live goes down every monday night me and my friends play of late, perhaps MS aren't confident they can keep cortana running for all the people playing with win10 ;)\n<diddledan> maybe\n<mapps> hi all\n<mapps> hm\n<diddledan> yawn\n<davmor2> Morning all\n<diddledan> ello\n<brobostigon> morning boys and girls.\n<davmor2> morning brobostigon diddledan how's life this fine morning?\n<brobostigon> morning davmor2\n<penguin42> hmm, why is my DNS broken\n<zmoylan-pi> did you hit it with a hammer?\n<zmoylan-pi> was it on a shelf and the cat knocked it off?\n<penguin42> no, but I just did and it's come back\n<zmoylan-pi> that'll teach it\n<zmoylan-pi> you'd be amazed the amount of wonky hardware that behaves perfectly when there's a good hammer handy\n<penguin42> well, this appears to have been software - restarted bind on my router, it was spewing 'no valid DS' for everything, which I think is dnssec stuff, but don't understand any more\n<daftykins> o0\n<daftykins> how rude of it\n<penguin42> yes, I'm not sure it's better or worse that restarting made it go away\n<zmoylan-pi> makes it feel... windowsy...\n<daftykins> ;)\n<penguin42> well, I always worry more with things like bind that something dodgy is happening\n<diddledan> penguin42, as long as bind stays bound you don't have a problem :-p\n<penguin42> diddledan: well a bound bind that doesn't reply to anything isn't much yse\n<daftykins> needs more glue ;)\n<diddledan> there's nothing quite like a good bit of bondage\n<DJones> diddledan: TMI\n<diddledan> :-p\n * zmoylan-pi hands around the forks, chopsticks and mind bleach\n * DJones joins zmoylan-pi and hands out a tazer\n<diddledan> DJones, TMI\n<zmoylan-pi> diddledan would probably enjoy that DJones\n<daftykins> welcome to the Sunday surgery on #ubuntu-uk\n<davmor2> I'll just stick with Mjölnir good as tazer and hitty thing\n<DJones> diddledan: Hey, you brought up the bondage\n<diddledan> DJones, and you continued it with your special toys\n<DJones> diddledan: You consider tazers as a \"special toy\" that is seriously to much information\n<diddledan> lol\n<DJones> Anybway, enough of your personal life......\n * DJones hands popey an eclectic guitar\n<DJones> (Yup, I spelt that how I meant)\n<daftykins> don't even want to know how that's used\n * daftykins whistles\n * zmoylan-pi breaks out the kazoos and hands them around\n<penguin42> DJones: Does that play floyd ?\n<DJones> penguin42: Probably more deep purple than pink floyd\n<davmor2> DJones: it's not very eclectic if it only play deep purple :P\n<zmoylan-pi> he can play barney the dinosaur on it for more purple... :-)\n * daftykins disabled TR-069 on his ISP supplied router to stop them connecting in\n * zmoylan-pi waits for daftykins to be denounced as a rebel and taken away by security forces\n<daftykins> NOOOOO!\n * daftykins gets dragged off through some double-doors\n<daftykins> just heard a nasty tale about an infected router over in the US\n<diddledan> daftykins, you rebel\n<diddledan> daftykins, yeah I don't like remote management backdoors\n<daftykins> http://paste.ubuntu.com/9868532/\n<daftykins> what a bunch of cruft\n<daftykins> CWMP-S is what i just murdered\n<daftykins> the client looks for firmware but i doubt i'll ever see firmware\n<diddledan> stabby stab stab\n<daftykins> kind of tempting to just run my own device again\n<daftykins> at least i'd be in charge of it, then ;)\n<diddledan> daftykins, telnet!\n<daftykins> yeah that's what i'm logged in over XD\n<daftykins> i doubt it's externally facing ;D\n<daftykins> he says :(\n<diddledan> hope so\n<daftykins> you have to telnet in to dump the IPs it dishes out via DHCP, for DNS... then setup your own\n<daftykins> otherwise if you just add them to the web admin, it always gives out itself as a response in addition\n<daftykins> so buggy :D\n<daftykins> {Administrator}[upgrade]=>lastUpgradeInfo\n<daftykins> Last Upgrade Time    : 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z\n<daftykins> :D\n<zmoylan-pi> jesus's was a nipper?\n<zmoylan-pi> so... linux was in alpha then :-P\n<diddledan> I'm not sure but I think that was even before linus made his first announcement\n<daftykins> possibly before Linus learnt the f-word :o\n<diddledan> don't be silly\n<diddledan> linus was born knowing the f-word\n<zmoylan-pi> he always knew the word f...riday\n<diddledan> TGIFriday\n<diddledan> oh dear. new trend sweeping my facebook folk at the mo: they're all posting 7 facts about themselves because someone told them to.\n<daftykins> =|\n<daftykins> sign out, clear your cache, never look back\n<diddledan> lol\n<davmor2> diddledan: you can hear the bleating right?\n<daftykins> it's deafening\n<diddledan> baaa\n<diddledan> omg, did I just do that?!\n<diddledan> what have people done to me!?\n<zmoylan-pi> block facebook.com at your router, it's the only way to be sure\n<diddledan> but. my \"friends\"!\n<zmoylan-pi> friends don't let friends use facebook\n<diddledan> I don't \"let\" them, they do it without my consent\n<zmoylan-pi> just means you're not administrating enough punishment beatings to me :-P\n<diddledan> and we're back to the bondage again\n<diddledan> see, DJones, it's not just me :-p\n<zmoylan-pi> you don't need to tie them up to administer a beating\n<diddledan> lol\n<diddledan> semantics\n<zmoylan-pi> no, actions\n<mapps> hi all\n<brobostigon> evening mapps\n<DJones> Remind me not to watch \"Slash - made in stoke\" and to try headbanging along with the music with a shaved head\n<mapps> hey brobostigon\n<mapps> time to watch arrow:D\n<brobostigon> :)\n<mapps> u watch arrow?\n<brobostigon> i do not,\n<mapps> o\n<mapps> off to work back later\n<mapps> cya\n<Picada> Heyy\n#ubuntu-uk 2016-01-25\n<m0nkey_> Anyone else using BTSync? Do you have 'Pro' and is it worth it?\n<mapps> nie\n<mapps> yay\n<mapps> going ukraine in march\n<mapps> :D\n<\\sv> for the second time in history i get to ask with genuine meaning; east or west mapps ?\n<mapps> going to kyiv and lyiv\n<mapps> so west\n<\\sv> :) ahh cool\n * \\sv wonders how long before a wall\n<mapps> tbh i think we will have soviet unin again in 20yrs\n<mapps> russia isnt happy\n<\\sv> mapps, im not sure how approriate politics is for a logged ubuntu chnnel\n<mapps> true\n<mapps> if you have never been\n<mapps> you should:)\n * \\sv hops in a tardis\n<\\sv> ussr here i came\n<mapps> har har\n<knightwise> morning\n<\\sv> morning knightwise\n<knightwise> yoyo\n<knightwise> how are you doing ,\n<zmoylan-pi> just remember to be careful out there, it's monday...\n<MooDoo> morning all\n<knightwise> hey MooDoo\n<brobostigon> morning boys and girls.\n<knightwise> hey brobostigon\n<brobostigon> morning knightwise\n<davmor2> Morning all\n<MooDoo> morning mate\n<davmor2> MooDoo: How am ya mucka\n<JamesTait> Good evening all!  Have a rotten Monday, and a terrible Opposite Day! 😃\n<knightwise> Why thanx JamesTait\n<JamesTait> Noisy in here today.\n<MooDoo> davmor2: I'm ok thanks :) what about your good self?\n<davmor2> MooDoo: too busy but wonderful thanks :)\n<MooDoo> good good :)\n<diplo> Anyone know if it's possible to install/utilise udisk1 rather than 2 on 15.10 ?\n<diplo> They've removed loads of functionality from udisks2 :/\n<davmor2> JamesTait: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xweiQukBM_k\n<foobarry> does anyone here own a metal detector?\n<zmoylan-pi> i have the tricorder app for android which uses the compass to see variances in magnetic field... :-)\n<zmoylan-pi> i can show people my metal hip... :-D\n<_Sponge> Godd afternoon !\n<_Sponge> ***Good\n<_Sponge> How was the UbuCon ?\n<MooDoo> well from all the posts I've seen online about it, it looked awesome, then again that could of been scale lol\n * \\sv god left the building when some guy decided inequality was a good idea\n<diddledan>  davmor2 I really have no idea where you pull these songs out from\n<diddledan> speaking of ubucon and scale - are any videos going to be posted I wonder?\n<foobarry> is \"datacenter\" the accepted UK spelling too?\n<diddledan> no\n<diddledan> datacentre\n<foobarry> ta\n<davmor2> diddledan: memory mostly :)\n<davmor2> diddledan: sometimes you have to pervert them for a good cause mostly because I think JamesTait picks the most obscure day to catch me out :)\n<davmor2> diddledan: I'm waiting for irony day so I can ironically point to ironic by alanis morrisette :D\n<diddledan> lol and lol\n<foobarry> i'm gonna blow your minds\n<foobarry> who wants their minds blown\n * davmor2 beats foobarry isn't\n<davmor2> bets even\n<foobarry> https://asciinema.org/\n<foobarry> check it out\n<foobarry> console screencasts in tiny files including copy paste\n<foobarry> amazeballs.\n<foobarry> i use a local version onsite and do tutorials and examples and workshops using it\n<dogmatic69_> hi all\n<davmor2> dogmatic69_: Hello\n<dogmatic69_> I have not used my PC for a week or two, just started it up and it wont boot :/\n<dogmatic69_> VFS: cant find root or something\n<dogmatic69_> sup davmor2\n<davmor2> dogmatic69_: congratulations on breaking your system\n<dogmatic69_> :(\n<dogmatic69_> I have not done anything\n<dogmatic69_> VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (0,0)\n<davmor2> dogmatic69_: I'm only teasing, might be a issue with the drive have a look at checkfs\n<dogmatic69_> can I do that from grub, or livedisk....\n<davmor2> dogmatic69_: have a look online for the error and see if I'm right first don't want you running something and making it worse, it isn't an error I've hit before\n<dogmatic69_> only things I can find is \"I fixed this with a format and reinstall\"\n<dogmatic69_> :/\n<davmor2> dogmatic69_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1751574\n<dogmatic69_> been on that one\n<dogmatic69_> ls (hd0,1)/boot/grub # Should see a lot of *.mod files\n<dogmatic69_> I get errors :/\n<dogmatic69_> busy building a live USB\n<davmor2> https://www.maketecheasier.com/check-repair-filesystem-fsck-linux/\n<dogmatic69_> doubt any HDD will work after having a multimeter poking around its internals :D\n<dogmatic69_> gah live disk wont even boot\n<dogmatic69_> after I pick 'try before you buy' it just goes blank. LCD starts blinking its led like there is no source\n<dogmatic69_> right, so live disk wont even work....\n#ubuntu-uk 2016-01-26\n<mapps> hi all\n<MooDoo> morning all\n<davmor2> Morning all\n<JamesTait> Good morning all!  Happy Tuesday, and happy Australia Day! 😃\n<JamesTait> No Men At Work or Neighbours theme tune, thank you. 😝\n<JamesTait> davmor2, that means you!\n<davmor2> pfff\n<davmor2> JamesTait: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwlxeYA1SQI\n<davmor2> JamesTait: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_D-LmRNdQiQ\n<davmor2> JamesTait: I think that covers you pretty well, one is not neighbours and the other isn't Men At Work :P\n<JamesTait> Oh, I forgot about Home & Away (understandable).\n<brobostigon> morning boys and girls.\n<MooDoo> morning brobostigon\n<brobostigon> morning MooDoo\n<davmor2> morning brobostigon\n<davmor2> MooDoo: me owld mucka\n<MooDoo> davmor2: ello ow am ya!?\n<brobostigon> morning davmor2\n<davmor2> MooDoo: Am good ta, 'ow am yow?\n<MooDoo> davmor2: I'm coping :)\n<davmor2> MooDoo: oh that good hey :)  cheer yourself up and listen to absolute 80's  :)\n<MooDoo> davmor2: yeah that'll do it for now lol\n<MooDoo> :)\n<foobarry> whats the word i'm looking for\n<foobarry> if i want another way to say that i want editorial control over changes to a website to achieve a harmonious writing style across the site\n<foobarry> instead of harmonious\n<foobarry> consistent look and feel ?\n<foobarry> that should do. thanks guys\n<davmor2> foobarry: don't mention it.....no no really don't ;)\n<_Sponge> Blustery day here. Rain on , than off, then on again ...\n<davmor2> _Sponge: so England then\n<_Sponge> No ManxLand.\n<_Sponge> not that it matters.\n<_Sponge> Did anyone see that FairTaxTown documentary on the Beeb ?\n<_Sponge> My friend, the Lady from the Isle of Man, was on that.\n<awilkins> I did\n<awilkins> http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b06ygl19\n<awilkins> TLDW : Yes, it's perfectly possible for small businesses to use the same tax-avoidance schemes as the big boys\n<awilkins> TBH I think the only thing that will get HMRC and the government to fix the situation is when someone commercializes tax-avoidance for small business\n<awilkins> Given that 99% of businesses in the UK are small businesses, there's a market there\n<directhex> wasn't that what the did at the end?\n<directhex> selling their \"fair tax town\" formula?\n<awilkins> I don't think they actually went through with it\n<awilkins> Currently they are still on the Light Side of the Tax\n<awilkins> They created a viable tax avoidance scheme but are only using it as a campaigning tool right now AFAICT\n<awilkins> The ringleader is running for head of the HMRC board\n<awilkins> https://www.change.org/p/consider-steve-lewis-for-next-chief-executive-of-hmrc-board-peoplestaxman\n<awilkins> From their front page : \"The Fair Tax Town Scheme is designed to put us in a strong negotiating position with HMRC, and not to avoid tax…\"\n<awilkins> Actually using the tax avoidance scheme would presumably be the nuclear option\n<knightwise> yo peeps\n<zmoylan-pi> o/\n<knightwise> hey zmoylan-pi how are you due\n<zmoylan-pi> better than your autocorrect? :-)\n<knightwise> Haha :)\n<knightwise> Fewwy Funnah\n<zmoylan-pi> proper keyboards for the non abbreviated win \\o/\n<knightwise> The one on my mbp is big enough .. i just type too fast\n<zmoylan-pi> no such thing as typing too fast... merely a computer too slow to keep up\n<davmor2> zmoylan-pi: stop using that zx81 and use something a little more modern you know like an amiga or atari then ;)\n<zmoylan-pi> a zx81? do you think i'm made of money... ::hugs zx80::\n<davmor2> hahahaha\n<zmoylan-pi> and stay away from those new fangled ram packs... nothing but wobble... :-)\n<zmoylan-pi> i was tempted when i saw someone had connect a zx spectrum to twitter till i saw the network card used had a more powerful processor than the speccy\n<davmor2> I liked the guy that turned the raspi into a 48k emulator and installed it in an old spectrum I thought that was genius and all so he could play jetset willy :)\n<zmoylan-pi> it's not the same using a pc keyboard in an emulator somehow...\n<zmoylan-pi> maplins sell a fuse keyboard that is very reminiscent of the bbc keyboard.  tempting but too expensive\n<davmor2> ah the good old bbc micro :) whisks me back to school :)\n<MooDoo> used to play chucky egg or frak on our bbc at schoo :)\n<davmor2> we weren't really allowed to play games on them except for adventure games as those meant you read stuff as they were all text based :)\n<mapps> hm new x files was ok\n<diddledan> mapps: I liked it\n<diddledan> mapps: way to cluster filesystem-check our collective minds :-p\n<diddledan> everything we thought we knew about the cannon of the x-files… nope, you’re wrong\n<awilkins> Mulder : now a skeptic\n<awilkins> Scully : Enrolled in a commune in the Nevada desert that wears tinfoil hats and sends messages to aliens by drinking phosphorescent chemicals and peeing pictograms onto the vast desert mesa\n<awilkins> Smoking Man : wears a nicotine patch\n<awilkins> Lone Gunmen : all happily married\n<diddledan> awilkins: lmao\n<moreati> awilkins: married to other people, or to each other?\n<bigcalm> Good morning peeps :)\n<popey> hi bigcalm\n<popey> no lag on steamlink even on wifi here\n<bigcalm> popey: I haven't used mine for some time now, might have improved\n<popey> i just booted it up, did an OTA update and played GTA5\n<popey> didn't notice\n<bigcalm> popey: the issue I, and directhex, found was that now and then there would be a freeze in game play. Followed by restored game play, but the last action of the controller repeated many times.\n<bigcalm> Resulting in walking off ledges in Lego games mostly\n<popey> maybe I haven't played long enough to trigger that\n<popey> or don't have those games\n<bigcalm> This is over wifi n and LAN over power\n<bigcalm> It wasn't any one game, happens for all streaming things\n<bigcalm> As I say, I haven't used it for some time. Might have been fixed\n<bigcalm> directhex: Steam link still causing lag pockets for you?\n<_Sponge> knightwise: Still there ?\n<mapps> hmm\n<mapps> what to watch\n<brobostigon> the simpsons, :)\n<mapps> heh\n * davmor2 just leaves this here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0N4twV28Mw\n<diddledan> I’ve started on the hot-crossed buns already - it’s not even february!\n<davmor2> diddledan: dude that is so wrong\n<diddledan> :-p\n<diddledan> yet it feels so right\n<davmor2> you simply shouldn't stop eating hot-cross buns :)\n<zmoylan-pi> -5 points for use of the word dude... unless you work(ed) for dell... :-P\n<davmor2> zmoylan-pi: -5 for the use of that word that I use all the time :P\n<mapps> heh\n<mapps> lol shock numerous people claiming they had the 33mil winning ticket\n<diddledan> do they really think that camelot won’t check?\n<mapps> who knows, some people ust want attention from papers/tv\n<mapps> how could camelot check though if you bought the ticket in a shop and then chucked it away\n<diddledan> they won’t pay if you don’t have the ticket IIRC\n<mapps> ya i thought so..so saying you binned it or washed it\n<zmoylan-pi> just attach the genital electrodes and put them through lie detector test... not saying it's accurate but will thin the herd... :-D\n<mapps> means it goes unclaimed right?\n<mapps> how did this 21 yr old die..says she got wdged between 2 sofas on a drinking session?!\n<diddledan> o_O\n<mapps> some young girl travelling in australia\n<mapps> said she was on beta blockers and a history of palpitations..still seems odd\n<mapps> caught the end of murder games bbc3 docu drama about a 14yr old groomed by an 18yr old\n<mapps> pretty sad story;/\n<diddledan> mapps: lucifer is fun\n<mapps> i was looking at that earlier as it happens\n<diddledan> just watching the first ep\n<mapps> started 'power' ..heard of it? it sounded whack\n<mapps> but 7.8 , 8.2/10 on tv.com/imdb\n<diddledan> don’t think I know that one\n<mapps> so figured id give it a try...directed by 50 cent\n<mapps> ima download the bbc3 doc, it's strange to think something as innocent as playing games could endup in murder\n<zmoylan-pi> did you not notice all the gun fighting over cards in westerns?\n<mapps> heh\n<mapps> but i mean this is young kids being groomed over game forums and team speak stuff\n<mapps> must be so many vile people lurking on forums/server trying to groom kids, impossible to get a #\n<diddledan> mapps: I want to know why I haven’t been groomed by any vile people. I’m most disappointed\n<mapps> you want to be? to troll them i assume?\n<mapps> or report them\n<diddledan> mapps: it’s just that I must be offensive or something\n<mapps> heh\n<diddledan> ooh, just spooted the credit on lucifer - it’s exec produced by jerry bruckheimer\n<mapps> i thought i saw lucifer mentioned months back..maybe it was a pre air\n<diddledan> I mentioned it a while back when I saw the pre-air trailer\n<mapps> aha47\n<diddledan> apparently it’s perfectly acceptible for the fbi to run child-porn sites: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/judge-rules-fbi-running-child-porn-site-for-13-days-was-not-outrageous-conduct-playpen\n<zmoylan-pi> and the nsa's giant hoovering up of all data probably is largest child porn collection\n<mapps> hmm\n<mapps> a honeypot diddledan?\n<zmoylan-pi> who knew basic was evil... :-) https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2016/jan/25/johnny-cashs-basic-threat/\n<mapps> cya work time\n#ubuntu-uk 2016-01-27\n<_Sponge> Still up ?\n<_Sponge> www.FreiendsReunited.co.uk just went bust ... https://medium.com/@liife/the-story-so-far-3c312f885fb2#.1waxlsmvn\n<_Sponge> The creator sold it to ITV for £125 million in 2005.\n<_Sponge> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friends_Reunited\n<_Sponge> Sad to see it go.\n<_Sponge> Could it run as a semi-offline App in Ubuntu ?\n<_Sponge> Probably worth £10 grand or so.\n * _Sponge wonders how messaging would work with six-weekly updates ?\n<_Sponge> Probably so few people using it that you'd run the whole messaging service on about 20MegaBytes.\n<mapps> morning\n<mapps> kinda sad, wonder why it failed\n<mapps> when facebook became so big\n<knightwise> hey mapps\n<mapps> sup mate\n<knightwise> doin ok ;  how bout you ?\n<mapps> not bad:)\n<MooDoo> howdy all\n<knightwise> heya MooDoo\n<brobostigon> morning boys and girls.\n<davmor2> Morning all\n<bittin-> morning\n<MooDoo> morning\n<knightwise> hey MooDoo\n<JamesTait> Good morning all!  Happy Wednesday, and happy Chocolate Cake Day! 🙌 🎂\n<davmor2> JamesTait: well this was easy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQCQnARnKbc\n<JamesTait> davmor2, that's just chocolate though. Where's my cake?\n<davmor2> JamesTait: the cake is a lie but if you must https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOMSZQ7RacQ\n<davmor2> JamesTait: or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMgU5B2TZIA\n<JamesTait> davmor2, I think my ears are bleeding.\n<davmor2> JamesTait: Hey you wanted cake I told you the cake was a lie :)\n<foobarry> can i put /quote PASS in my irssi config?\n<foobarry> to automatically login and pass\n<Myrtti> for freenode?\n<Myrtti> or in general?\n<foobarry> for each irc net , but irc.net in particular because i keep getting disconnected and losing connection\n<foobarry> and it isn't logging me back in automagically\n<Myrtti> If freenode, check http://freenode.net/sasl/\n<Myrtti> ircnet has a password? that's new\n<foobarry> oh, my bouncer does\n<foobarry> thanks\n<Myrtti> also /help network\n<\\s__> http://paste.ubuntu.com/14678503/ HUH?\n<\\s__> why is down? (it isnt)\n<directhex> it's not\n<\\s__> yeah but it says it is\n<directhex> it says 404\n<\\s__> 404 means not found\n<directhex> yes.\n<directhex> because utopic (14.10) isn't available on the upgrade server any more\n<\\s__> 404 not found thus down but when i go there it isnt\n<\\s__> right?\n<\\s__> so i have to start over in april?\n<directhex> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades\n<\\s__> thats stupid\n<\\s__> urgh\n<directhex> you can upgrade from LTS to LTS (so you can upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04, in april), or you need to do some manual hackery to do 14.04->14.10->15.04->15.10 to do short-term upgrades after some of those short-term releases are EOL\n<\\s__> anual hackery to do 14.04->14.10->15.04->15.10 is what i was trying to do\n<\\s__> im annoyed; im going to go shoot some pharmacuticals (im on cancer drugs.. i may have cancer but heh im still humorous)\n<Myrtti> gee, thanks. Now I've got Elton John's Circle of Life in my head...\n<Myrtti> damnit\n<davmor2> Myrtti: lucky you I have hit me baby one more time stuck in my head\n<Myrtti> well it's not that bad clearly, how hard can babies hit you?\n<davmor2> Myrtti: you might want to try https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0J2QdDbelmY\n<Myrtti> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-Z2BDDogCI\n<davmor2> Myrtti: nice\n<mapps> afternoon\n<Laney> stuuuuuudent loan freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee\n<davmor2> \\o/ ota 9\n<diddledan> Laney: achievement unlocked!\n<Laney> I made a manual payment to do it\n<Laney> martin lewis would have me for breakfast\n<Seeker`> :O\n<Seeker`> I hate the idea of paying off my student loan faster than I have to. I also hate having a student loan. Currently I hate the former more than the latter.\n<Seeker`> I think I've still got ~4k left\n<diddledan> davmor2: +1 on the sweet like chocolate choice\n<davmor2> diddledan: hahaha :)\n<davmor2> Laney: Congratulation dude :)  How long did that take?\n<Laney> davmor2: I graduated in 2008 :P\n<Laney> but didn't actually start repaying for a few years after that\n<Seeker`> I graduated in 2008 too. And started repaying that year. Not fair :P\n<davmor2> Laney: that's not too shabby at all then dude well done, what you gonna put that money toward now your house and get your mortgage paid off faster?\n<Laney> ummm\n<Laney> got some \"home improvements\" to get done\n<davmor2> Laney: oh well that's an investment too :)\n<Laney> save up for that canal boat\n<Laney> ohhh yeahhhh\n * Laney is going to retire by 40\n<diddledan> :-o\n<Laney> hahaha as if\n<Laney> good to have dreams though, right?\n<diddledan> I don't think I'll ever be able to retire :-p\n<davmor2> Laney: no you won't you love the pain of software too much ;)\n<diddledan> \\o/ soft wares!\n<diddledan> or should that be warez?\n * diddledan shows his 90s illegal download knowledge\n<Laney> davmor2: then I'll cruise around the waterways of the UK fixing the bugs that bother *me* and not ones which QA engineers dig up :P\n<davmor2> Laney: pfff you make it sound like I have to look :P\n<Laney> got to keep each other in work eh\n<Laney> (for now...)\n<diddledan> davmor2: do you attract bugs like daftykins does with hard disks?\n<diddledan> speaky of whom.. where's dafty?\n<davmor2> diddledan: No, no I write the bugs and destroy developers hopes and dreams\n<diddledan> \\o/\n<mapps> hi all\n<davmor2> mapps: hello\n<mapps> hi:D\n<\\sv> freenode.net is down\n<\\sv> its down\n<\\sv> down i tell you\n<zmoylan-pi> ♪ the net came back, the very next day... ♫\n<davmor2> gotta love that the PM is blaming Labour for Google not paying it's taxes for 5 years now who have been in power again for the last 5 years.........\n<foobarry> google keyboard sucks\n<foobarry> been using it and putting up for too long. gotta see if swype is still around\n#ubuntu-uk 2016-01-28\n<mapps> hi;[\n<mapps> ;]\n<Guest40989> morning all\n<Guest40989> sigh\n<MooDoo> ah lost connection again\n<Myrtti> MooDoo: srsly, SASL\n<Myrtti> we ordered a hard case for my lappy few days back. Will report how it turns out.\n<Myrtti> http://www.ipearl-inc.com/dell-xps13.html\n<MooDoo> Myrtti: nah it's more my virgin media connection, it drops out for a bit then ah i don't know lol\n<Myrtti> yes, but if you have SASL, your client with auto authenticate to your account\n<Myrtti> that's the point\n<moreati> and you don't get nickserv /msg ing you every time\n<Myrtti> and you'll authenticate before joining any channels\n<Myrtti> guaranteed, unless services have gone awol\n<davmor2> Morning All\n<MooDoo> morning davmor2\n<JamesTait> Good morning all!  Happy Thursday, and happy Data Privacy Day! 😃\n<foobarry> hooray for lets encryp\n<foobarry> t\n<MooDoo> foobarry: only if there is a back door thank you very much :)\n<foobarry> hmm\n<foobarry> maybe there is\n<brobostigon> morning boys and girls.\n * foobarry wave\n * zmoylan-pi surfs\n<brobostigon> o/\n<SuperMatt> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WipM3SAYqK4 - linux sucks 2016 is out!\n<davmor2> JamesTait: Got you covered bro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5p-uspcgRY\n<brobostigon> https://github.com/zalun/mercurius-irssi/issues/4\n<gh00st> join #corporate\n<\\sv> sasl means i can log into the same account here and not have to og out of my lappy?\n<Myrtti> you can do that even without sasl\n<diddledan> davmor2: I've not heard that tune before - it is a fun one. and very good for the subject of JamesTait's day. good choice!\n<diddledan> SuperMatt: thanks for the linux sucks link - I love those presentations.. watching in a mo\n<davmor2> diddledan: it's not the version I was looking for, I think the version I knew was like late 70's early 80's but it was the same lyrics so it did :)  The version I had took in the back of my mind was a bit more pop-y\n<diddledan> the resurgence of proprietary causes neckbeards to say \"and we woulda gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kids\" :-p\n<diddledan> linux voice want to make a book: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1644407908/beep-beep-yarr\n<m0nkey_> Evenin\n<diddledan> ello m0nkey_\n<diddledan> the mains voltage has been strangely high of late - my UPS currently says the mains is at 248 right now\n<m0nkey_> diddledan: it can go anywhere between 210 and 260 from my experience.\n<m0nkey_> It's the amps that you have to worry about\n * zmoylan-pi remembers vividly the thud as my father was flipped across the room by step down transformer he made to increase the amps of house voltage\n<m0nkey_> Amps is the killer, not volts.\n<m0nkey_> I've eaten 240V and 13A and survived. However, my arm hurt for a few days. It's not fun being electrocuted.\n<diddledan> TV repair men regularly got 30kV belts off the UHT\n<diddledan> (have I got the right acronym there?)\n<diddledan> maybe I mean the LOPT?\n<m0nkey_> if it dont contain the amps, it'll hurt but wont kill.\n<m0nkey_> but yeah, the old tube tv's.. had fun in our local tv repair shop, was my dad's friend.\n<diddledan> aye\n<m0nkey_> arcing voltages to a grounded screwdriver.. fun times :)\n<diddledan> these days everyone is scared of anything over 50V as though high-voltage is evil\n<diddledan> (dad's in the trade so he hears all the nonsensical stuff :-p)\n<m0nkey_> heh, i knew a sparky that would often invite me to hold either the positive or nagative 240V mains line :)\n<m0nkey_> perfectly safe if you are wearing rubble soles and only holding one of the two\n<m0nkey_> rubble?\n<m0nkey_> lol\n<m0nkey_> rubber\n<m0nkey_> although rubble would also be non-conductive\n<zmoylan-pi> if it's dry\n<zmoylan-pi> i've been electrocuted by mains and it was nothing to the pain i got from shock from piezo spark from cigarette lighter.  my arm was ached for entire day\n<diddledan> zmoylan-pi: ouch @ the piezo\n<m0nkey_> anyway, back to work for me\n<m0nkey_> back later\n<zmoylan-pi> as a curious kid i placed a wire in to see if the spark was powerful.... you live and learn :-)\n<diddledan> tata\n<czajkowski> aloha\n<diddledan> a million ways to die in the west: very fun film\n<diddledan> there's a nice cameo by Christopher Lloyd\n<m0nkey_> the hot topic of Montreal right now.. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/burgundy-lion-oqlf-1.3423616\n<mapps> went and registered for my gibraltar id card yay\n<mapps> one fool says 'are you registerring to become giraltarian' uh no what would be the point..0 dfff to being british\n * m0nkey_ is a confirmed Canadian\n<diddledan> m0nkey_: the Quebecoise are a bit odd like that\n<diddledan> \"how dare you use words!\"\n<m0nkey_> I'm not a girl\n<m0nkey_> It's Quebecois\n<diddledan> oops\n<diddledan> sorry me :-p\n<mapps> youre canadian?\n<diddledan> he is now\n<mapps> my friend here is, from winnipeg\n<mapps> aka winterpeg\n<mapps> ;]\n<diddledan> mormon decided to renounce brutishness :-p\n<diddledan> err\n<diddledan> britishness**\n<m0nkey_> I'm a card carrying Brit and Canadian.\n<mapps> dual citizenship i imagine\n<diddledan> what about geekistan?\n<diddledan> I made my own geek membership card.. I'm not sure that counts\n<mapps> lol\n<gebbione> hi all, somehow recently i experience something strange, while lots of apps are open some sort of panic happens and the ubuntu machine locks out the account ... when entering again i have lost all apps\n<gebbione> i.e. it is like a new session\n<\\sv> http://paste.ubuntu.com/14691668/ what happening\n#ubuntu-uk 2016-01-29\n<m0nkey_> I've decided I've gone slightly nuts\n<m0nkey_> I'm installing ESXi on a Intel Celeron machine, where I injected the Realtek NIC driver.\n<m0nkey_> Yes, that nuts.\n<diddledan> java plugin is dead: https://blogs.oracle.com/java-platform-group/entry/moving_to_a_plugin_free\n<diddledan> m0nkey_: I think you're beyond help there\n<m0nkey_> Well, it installed and is on the network\n<diddledan> wow\n<diddledan> I didn't know ESXi even did that (installation. and network. whodatunkit?)\n<m0nkey_> admittedly, it's only ESXi 5.5.. 6.0 wont run\n<m0nkey_> Heck, getting 5.5 on it is a win for me\n<diddledan> I thought getting ESXi in general was win\n<diddledan> or lose. depending on your perspective :-p\n<m0nkey_> i've been screwing around with proxmox, xenserver, kvm on debian, etc.. but i just like esxi\n<m0nkey_>  and we start installing a debian VM :)\n<m0nkey_> diddledan, it was crazy.. but it's working\n<diddledan> \\o/\n<m0nkey_> got a couple of VMs going, it seems perfectly happy\n<m0nkey_> diddledan, you downloading something?\n<diddledan> erm\n<m0nkey_> maybe it's not you :)\n<diddledan> nope\n<diddledan> I was having trouble with a video conference the other day too\n<m0nkey_> nvm.. i know who it is now :)\n<diddledan> oh it's your end?\n<m0nkey_> yeah\n<m0nkey_> I know who it is leaching shit off me now :)\n<m0nkey_> Anyway, tis my bedtime\n<diddledan> nn\n<m0nkey_> night fella\n<\\sv> m0nkey_,\n<diddledan> how does that work? negative interest rates in japanland?!\n<diddledan> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/01/27/vmware_fusion_and_workstation_development_team_fired/\n<mapps> hi all\n<mapps> sup7\n<\\sv> seriously.... all i want is a vacuum i dont have carpets. whys that hard?\n<MooDoo> morning all\n<\\sv> MooDoo, mornin\n<Guest62408> morning peeps\n<knightwise> Tron Soundtrack ,Headphones, terminal window .... #amiahackeryet ?\n<MooDoo> knightwise: no, it's not 2am ;)\n<zmoylan-pi> it is somewhere on the planet\n<MooDoo> HACK THE PLANET HACK THE PLANET\n * zmoylan-pi listens to wind outside and settles for nailing bits of it down instead...\n<davmor2> Morning all\n<MooDoo> morning davmor2\n<JamesTait> Good morning all!  Happy Friday, and happy Fun At Work Day! 😃\n<MooDoo> it's only fun as it's friday\n<davmor2> JamesTait: how about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBShN8qT4lk\n<zmoylan-pi> today is watch people using umbrellas impersonate mary poppins day...\n<knightwise> zmoylan-piha\n<brobostigon> morning boys and girls.\n<knightwise> hey brobostigon\n<brobostigon> hi knightwise\n<MooDoo> howdy\n<knightwise> Ranger is a pretty sweet filebrowser :)\n * brobostigon neds to write up a bug on ubuntu touch, r227 breaks bluetooth.\n<brobostigon> needs*\n<popey> brobostigon, i think it's known. saw someone else mention it\n<brobostigon> popey: ah ok, thats good its known.\n<popey> https://bugs.launchpad.net/libhybris/+bug/1539566\n<lubotu3`> Ubuntu bug 1539566 in Canonical System Image \"Bluetooth dead on mako and flo.\" [Critical,New]\n<brobostigon> ah thank you.\n<davmor2> yay my bug is popular who'd of thunk it\n<davmor2> brobostigon: 227 on what channel\n<brobostigon> davmor2: rc-proposed.\n<davmor2> brobostigon: what device?\n<brobostigon> mako\n<davmor2> brobostigon: so it is the bq-aquaris channel not the rc-proposed channel phew yeap same issue, libhybris broked it should be fixed on Tuesday image, or you can roll back 3 images if you need bt working now\n<brobostigon> davmor2: http://people.canonical.com/~lzemczak/landing-team/ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en/mako/ it seems to be that channel. ah i see, oh dear. thank you.\n<diddledan> morning\n<davmor2> diddledan: Morning\n<davmor2> MOOOOOOO!\n<diddledan> dooooo\n<davmor2> diddledan: :)\n<shauno> revisting an old question .. any recommendations for email apps on ubuntu phone yet?  (other than dekko ..)\n<diddledan> omg\n * diddledan prods shauno to see if the apparition is real\n<shauno> moo.\n<diddledan> o/\n<diddledan> I think the standard answer is \"just use dekko\"\n<diddledan> though I don't really know much about the phone\n<shauno> I've tried, it doesn't work\n<shauno> (it gets an \"unexpectedhere: could not parse list: expected a list\" when it tries to list folders.  apparently dovecot's a little too esoteric for it)\n<diddledan> weird\n<shauno> my phone's off being fixed, so this is all I've got 'till friday.  and .. well I didn't expect much.  but it still didn't deliver\n<shauno> sms works though!  that was first on my very short list.  3g kinda works, once you figure out how to trick it into working.  email doesn't, and jabber doesn't exist.\n<diddledan> :-(\n<diddledan> grade C-: must try harder?\n<zmoylan-pi> no web interface for the email service?\n * zmoylan-pi slums it with gmail in opera since ms killed the nokia mail service that was a nice little app\n<diddledan> opera? oh yeah, you use idiots phones\n<diddledan> :-p\n<zmoylan-pi> wanna play phone conkers? you hit my phone with your phone, i hit your phone with my phone.  we'll see which one wins... :-D\n<diddledan> bonkers conkers\n<davmor2> zmoylan-pi: your on http://img.wonderhowto.com/img/74/32/63440132340612/0/from-backpack-transceiver-smartphone-visual-history-mobile-phone.w654.jpg :D\n<zmoylan-pi> that's just a battery pack... i reckon my nokia can take it... :-)\n<davmor2> zmoylan-pi: no the whole thing it the phone the receiver part is just that so it is battery and transceiver and aerial etc\n<m6lpi> \\sv: hey\n<davmor2> hello\n<\\sv> m6lpi, hey\n<m6lpi> how goes?\n<\\sv> its ok neil\n<m6lpi> good good\n<popey> ebenink!\n<m6lpi> ?\n<m6lpi> popey: you drunk again ?\n<popey> \"again\"\n<popey> No ossifer, I'm drunk dink\n<m6lpi> though in fairness you were well behaved at oggcamp\n<diddledan> wait, it's Friday.. what are you all doing being social and drinking alcohol for?!\n<diddledan> Friday is coding night\n<diddledan> and Saturday is sleep after coding till 5am\n<diddledan> were there any recordings made of the ubucon@scale?\n<Myrtti> it's also FOSDEM, I'm told\n<Myrtti> so is it the Belgian beer?\n<zmoylan-pi> nah, he's drinking imported british beer... :-)\n<diddledan> beeer\n<diddledan> I have none :-(\n<brobostigon> :(\n * brobostigon points at his crate of franziskaner in the kitchen, and gets diddledan one.\n<diddledan> \\o/\n<brobostigon> :)\n<diddledan> danke\n<diddledan> beer. good. me. drink.\n<diddledan> man. grr.\n<brobostigon> :)\n<brobostigon> yw.\n<diddledan> omg, blade runner was set 3 years from now and one of the replicants was created this year\n<diddledan> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Blade_Runner_characters#Roy_Batty\n<zmoylan-pi> and they're making a sequel...\n<zmoylan-pi> though i can't see any sequel making all the fans happy\n<diddledan> :-(\n<diddledan> they ruined it already with the many reedits, didn't they?\n<zmoylan-pi> well.... if you don't like one version of blade runner you can always wait for the next one... :-)\n<zmoylan-pi> the first one was special as there was nothing else like it at the time...\n<zmoylan-pi> first dvd i bought when i finally got a dvd player...\n<diddledan> I think the first DVD I acquired was a bundled jobby with my DVD drive\n<diddledan> specifically sphere, iirc\n<diddledan> I had the blade runner game as the first DVD-based game that I played\n#ubuntu-uk 2016-01-30\n<mapps> hi\n<\\sv> can i invoice hmrc for time taken to do a tax return?\n * \\sv will invoice them 46.87p for the time taken. it is nothing but mere coincidence that i owe £46.86p in tax\n<zmoylan-pi> because civil servants have such a sense of humour they won't put you on list for full investigation...\n<\\sv> well... it'dcost them more than theyd get\n<\\sv> http://paste.ubuntu.com/14729306/ show my working\n<zmoylan-pi> i don't think you understand their methods yet....\n<\\sv> no i dont\n<\\sv> anyone able to help?\n<Myrtti> It's not worth your time. just pay up.\n<\\sv> Myrtti, i worked out i owe less than 10 quid actially. but thats before i apply for tax rebate/deductions\n<ali1234> if you want to make life difficult for HMRC, try to make it so that what you owe them or they owe you is 99p or less\n<ali1234> but not exactly zero\n<ali1234> especially if they owe it to you, because they won't ever actually pay it because it is less than £1\n<ali1234> but they'll send you lots of extra paperwork for no reason, which you can completely ignore\n<brobostigon> morning boys and girls.\n * awilkins admires his multiscreen setup and plays spotify:track:5ypA0RZ7Wdis2a9QtSTL54\n<foobarry> https://www.packtpub.com/packt/offers/free-learning might be of use to unity engine ppl\n<locodir-user> Hello\n<locodir-user> Is anyone online?\n<guestiguess> Hello?\n<guestiguess> Is anyone online?\n<bashrc> I am, but not paying much attention to irc\n<ali1234> if i post to a facebook group and the admin deletes it, can i still see the post?\n<ali1234> answer: no\n<knightwise> hey guys\n<diddledan> evening\n<penguin42> indeed it is\n * penguin42 wonders when the phone exchange codes changed to numerical prefixes; there's an old shop being renovated and has a letter prefix on it\n#ubuntu-uk 2016-01-31\n<mapps> 3 eps left s2 of power\n<knightwise> morning mapps\n<knightwise> started watching \"the expanse\" yesterday\n<knightwise> not a bad show\n<brobostigon> morning boys and girls.\n<MooDoo> morning\n<brobostigon> morning MooDoo\n<MooDoo> :)\n<brobostigon> :)\n<mapps> hi all;]\n<mapps> on last ep of power now yay\n<mapps> s2e10 cool show\n<SuperEngineer> Since reinstal of 14.04.03 I have a niggle... I'm sure clicking icon on active app in Launcher used to minimise the app.  Now it doesn't. WTF did I not set correctly? [my brain, perhaps?]\n<SuperEngineer> [& morning, peeps]  ;-)\n<moreati> SuperEngineer: https://askubuntu.com/questions/36433/can-i-use-the-unity-launcher-icon-to-minimize-applications-windows/436542#436542\n * SuperEngineer checks it out - ta moreati \n<moreati> for those on 15.10 http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2015/10/ubuntu-1510-minimize-click/\n<SuperEngineer> ooooooo.... works again [me a happy bunny now]\n<SuperEngineer> Thanks, moreati - I obviously loost my googlefoo at the same time as the setting ;-)\n<czajkowski> aloha\n * SuperEngineer minimises windows for the fun of it... because now I can again\n<MooDoo> ooo netsplit\n * penguin42 throws MooDoo a very long network cable\n<MooDoo> pendulum: I'm ok :)\n * penguin42 swings too and fro\n<SuperEngineer> penguin42 is now known as pendulum\n<diddledan> hello\n<penguin42> hi\n#ubuntu-uk 2017-01-23\n<brobostigon> morning boys and girls.\n<SuperMatt> morning\n<SuperMatt> lovely weather we're having\n<brobostigon> lovely weather, lolz,\n<SuperMatt> Looks like the fog is slowly getting thinner\n<davmor2> Morning all\n<SuperMatt> g'day\n<CoderEurope> G'Morning Brexiteers.\n<JamesTait> Good morning all! Happy Monday, and happy Handwriting Day! 😃 🖋\n<davmor2> JamesTait: I think this song mentions writing more than most https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9Dg-g7t2l4 and this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jzDnsjYv9A\n<diddledan> I do love that disturbed cover of the sound of silence\n<diddledan> this thread makes me angry https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2017-January/017274.html\n<diddledan> specifically the repeated pattern of the author across many threads\n<diddledan> the person seems to be very confrontational. and they like ranting long diatribes in some emails expecting people to read it all\n<SuperMatt> I kinda get what his problem is though. There's a bug with lvm, and he just wants a fix backported to 16.04\n<diddledan> I wouldn't say it's a bug to trample your data when you copy an active-in-use filesystem\n<davmor2> here's the big question why would you duplicate UUID's the Unique part right there at the front kinda says there shouldn't be duplicates of it :D\n<diddledan> exactly. dding an lvm is a bad idea\n<diddledan> lvm provides facilities for copying data\n<diddledan> having two disks/partitions with the same UUID surely falls into undefined behaviour territory\n<diddledan> so complaining that behaviour is weird when the behaviour is undefined seems a bit.. silly?\n<davmor2> I hit this serveral times before I figured it out with my backup schema.  I would install ubuntu server everything worked, I would dump on my backup and everything broke...turns out /etc points to uuids quite a lot in Ubuntu and the uuid had changes killing the system :D\n<SebthreeBQM10HD> hi\n#ubuntu-uk 2017-01-24\n<KnightW0rk> morning\n<davmor2> Morning all\n<SuperMatt> Good morning\n<SuperMatt> I need more sleep and water\n<andylockran> Morning guys\n * davmor2 thinks SuperMatt is actually AquaMan \n<diddledan> allo\n<SuperMatt> I'm not Aquaman!\n<SuperMatt> I'm totally better\n<davmor2> nah not if your only sleeping in the water you're not :P\n<SuperMatt> I want sleep *and* water, not sleep *in* water\n<JamesTait> Good morning all! Happy Tuesday, and happy Compliment Day! 😃\n<diddledan> JamesTait: you're great at these day of the day\n<JamesTait> Why thank you! I love what you've done with your hair today.\n<diddledan> bedhair ftw\n<brobostigon> morning boys and girls.\n<davmor2> JamesTait: I think this covers it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WybiA263bw\n<diddledan> 200 squiddlers for an acer 4K 24inch monika: http://www.ebuyer.com/700238-acer-cb240hyk-24-ips-ultra-hd-4k-monitor-um-qb0ee-001\n<davmor2> diddledan: I was just reading that self same email :)\n<davmor2> diddledan: £64 saving isn't to be sniffed at either :)\n<diddledan> ooh, late nite linux episode 2 is podcasted\n<foobarry> how can i tell if a windows PC has a certain update installed?\n<foobarry> running wuapp and searcing installed updates doesn't show it\n<diddledan> no idea\n<knightw0rk> hey everyone\n<davmor2> foobarry: you know this is Ubuntu-UK right not windows uk ;)\n<foobarry> not sure where else to ask...\n<foobarry> i haven't used windows properly for 15+ yrs\n<knightw0rk> what was your question foobarry\n<popey> foobarry: windows 10? it has a history list in windows update which lists all the updates\n<foobarry> 8.1\n<popey> oh, no idea\n<foobarry> the history list seems to list only up to 2015\n<popey> never used 8\n<foobarry> its possible that 1) nobody is updating 2) they do something funky with the images since they are VMs\n<diddledan> if it's a new VM then the image it was created-from was probably minted in 2015\n<foobarry> thats a worry if true\n<diddledan> it's a hassle updating base images for Windows mass-distribution\n<foobarry> not if its your full time job\n<diddledan> IIRC you need to install it on a system and bypass the OOBE system on first-boot-after-install, do all the updates required, do any other stuff required to customise the base image, run sysprep and finally create an image.\n<diddledan> it's several hours work\n<foobarry> yes, enough time since 2015 surely\n * diddledan twiddles his thumbs waiting for delivery man\n<davmor2> diddledan: I kidnapped him knowing you were waiting on something\n<diddledan> grr\n<davmor2> muhahahahahahahaha\n<diddledan> the expanse season 2 starts next week! \\o/\n<davmor2> I didn't see season 1 ;)\n<diddledan> it's awesome\n<diddledan> I love the realism\n<diddledan> parcel arrived\n<diddledan> it's plugged-in and running. I have a working ups again\n<daftykins> \\o/\n<daftykins> i'm still without a shower ;) timber treatment fella is coming over tomorrow to assess the damage\n<davmor2> I'm gonna laugh my ass off if he walks in, deep inhales and says yes that is damaged :D\n<daftykins> :D\n<daftykins> well it's a bit more than that, 1) active furniture beetle (woodworm) 2) rotten AND woodworm eaten joist 3) listed property\n<diddledan> listed in the \"condemned\" column :-p\n<daftykins> well, the room floor will be hopefully \\o/\n<daftykins> i've been doing jobs for my wealthy clients boat guy at the mo, check out the formers boat up in a warehouse :D https://www.dropbox.com/s/cvcchzlswwhdtja/VID_20170124_142418.mp4?dl=0\n<daftykins> https://youtu.be/DHLP0eyXsSo?t=311 now THAT is a shower for a small room like mine :>\n<zmoylan-pi> but then you'd have a slippery part of the floor in one part of the room a few times per day depending on the number of times it is in use... but very interesting design\n<davmor2> daftykins: I have a problem with that video it showed no shower :)\n<zmoylan-pi> and the panels would have to be lower than the shower head and controls as they would protrude from the wall... but still possible\n<diddledan> https://twitter.com/emgent/status/823945790561382400\n<diddledan> oh dear symantec issuing fake certs again: https://www.scmagazine.com/once-again-symantec-spotted-improperly-issuing-certs/article/633266/\n<daftykins> davmor2: ok it was more an enclosure :P\n<davmor2> daftykins: the video after shows you it as a shower\n<daftykins> i don't allow autoplay so i'm not sure which one would've followed\n<davmor2> daftykins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLmOrg79a5o\n<daftykins> haha yeah it actually isn't hugely practical when you have to keep moving the shower head :>\n<zmoylan-pi> should be possible to make a shower head that moves out of the way as doors are closed over\n<daftykins> aww yeah another new client \\o/\n<daftykins> help pay for the bathroom drama this ;)\n<zmoylan-pi> you'll be able to celebrate by brewing up some bathtub gin... :-P\n<daftykins> woohoo!\n<popey> ali1234: seen http://www.savethedate.foo/ ? seems like a puzzle up your street\n<ali1234> doesnt work in firefox :/\n<daftykins> this just looks like a copy of zahada, which a mate of mine made\n<daftykins> http://www.mcgov.co.uk/zahadamore.php\n<ali1234> number 4 is an actual puzzle tho\n<ali1234> hmm i dont think they expect it to e solved in under two hours\n<diddledan> have you done it?\n<ali1234> hacker news did it\n<diddledan> aha\n<ali1234> its just an advert for google i/o in may\n<diddledan> I figured it was about googley io\n<ali1234> i will have totally forgotten about it by then\n<zmoylan-pi> i'm sure they'll pop an advert or two in your face before then\n#ubuntu-uk 2017-01-25\n<diddledan> this is reassuring: https://twitter.com/SwiftOnSecurity/status/824069134363332608\n<diddledan> emergency! kittens! https://twitter.com/EmrgencyKittens/status/824074862981500929\n<brobostigon> morning boys and girls.\n<SebthreeBQM10HD> hi\n<davmor2> Morning all\n<SebthreeBQM10HD> davmor2, morning\n<SuperMatt> good morning\n<SuperMatt> WFH day today :D\n<davmor2> SuperMatt: I almost always do :)  I sometimes work from the caravan too :)\n<davmor2> SuperMatt: the commute is aweful right\n<zmoylan-pi> heard of someone who worked during their commute and that time was taken into consideration so an hour each way commute meant only 6 hours in the office per day...\n<JamesTait> Good morning all! Happy Wednesday, and happy A Room Of One’s Own Day! 😃\n<zmoylan-pi> i'd cheer but i'd wake up a bunch of people... :-P\n<davmor2> JamesTait: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6Q3mHyzn78\n<SuperMatt> oooh, I'd love a room of my own, but the cat and wife have differenr ideas\n<zmoylan-pi> you just need to set the cat against the wife and while they're fighting go off and find a quiet corner... :-P\n<SuperMatt> They love each other too much\n<zmoylan-pi> never said it would be easy...\n<SuperMatt> It couldn't happen, I'ms sure of it\n<foobarry> can anyone see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1180652 please?\n<lubotu3> Error: Error getting bugzilla.redhat.com bug #1180652: NotPermitted\n<zmoylan-pi> what i'm hearing is that they're so tight that they must be plotting against you... :-P\n<zmoylan-pi> 'you are not authorised to access bug #'...\n<foobarry> my login doesn't seem to work with the bugzilla\n<awilkins> Is there an Ubuntu / Canonical team that has overall responsibility for VPN?\n<SuperMatt> I'm sure they just pull from upstream projects\n<diplo> Hey guys, if you were to change /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max\n<diplo> would you use sysctl or echo value > /proc/sys....\n<diplo> ?\n<diplo> Just a temp test\n<SuperMatt> I think both would work\n<SuperMatt> I would do sysctl myself, because chances are I want it to persist\n<SuperMatt> and I'd write it to /ect/sysctl.conf (or whatever)\n<diplo> yeah it's a issue with our software so it's a quick test on a customer site\n<diplo> Doesn't happen on any other site\n<diplo> Will try sysctl :) thanks\n<foobarry> need a new dishwasher, any recs? needs to be slim\n<zmoylan-pi> ...and run linux? :-P\n<diplo> OK to add to the question above, pid_max - anyone know how the max is calculated? I've got different values on different systems\n<diplo> Combination of proc / memory ?\n<zmoylan-pi> if i was going for an appliance like a dishwasher i'd be looking at which magazine survey ratings instead of single ancedotes.  just my 2c\n<diplo> +1 - I sold my dishwasher, prefer handwashing\n<diplo> Apart from dinner parties :P\n<zmoylan-pi> that's when you serve fish and let the cat lick everything clean before boiling it all... :-P\n<foobarry> weirdo\n<diplo> hah, my wife always asked why I hand washed, I think our dishwasher was rubbish tbh, but it got me away from her as well :)\n<foobarry> i do think dishwashing is a sign of a marriage under strain\n<diplo> Well we are divorced :P\n<foobarry> QED\n<diplo> But I actually don't mind doing it, my girlfriend uses a dishwasher and her plates / glasses never seem as clean as if you hand wash them\n<SuperMatt> If they aren't coming out as clean in the dishwasher, then you're over loading it, or not topping up the salt\n<diplo> I did suggest that to her :) but I decided not to pursue it\n<zmoylan-pi> then the dishwasher should be able to point that out\n<diplo> Much preffered solution zmoylan-pi\n<diplo> :P\n<diplo> Anyone got a redhat access portal login ?\n<diplo> https://access.redhat.com/solutions/874023\n<SuperMatt> The wife and I live alone, but we have made sure we have enough plates, etc, to last us a few days until the dish washer is full, and then we put it on\n<SuperMatt> The mother in law does about 3 loads a day. Don't know how\n<diplo> Oh my! I couldn't wait that long\n<zmoylan-pi> solution: paper plates :-)\n<diplo> I wash as I cook/complete then wash up as the kids finish\n<SuperMatt> I will rinse as I go along, and put things in to the dishwasher then\n<SuperMatt> but my wife is a \"soaker\"\n<SuperMatt> it always makes me shudder\n<SuperMatt> I don't mind something being left to soak, but if it has been left for more than half an hour, it's not going to make any more difference\n<diplo> I'm a soaker for 5 mins whilst I do something else, like my water red hot\n<diplo> God are we getting old!!!! :(\n<SuperMatt> I know, I have a wife and a mortage, both things I didn't have 2 years ago when I left my twenties behind\n<diplo> Well I am old then if you're in your twenties ( obviously not as old as popey though! )\n<diplo> :P\n<foobarry> SuperMatt: do rackspace offer managed windows servers?\n<foobarry> where they patch and look after SQL server dbs etc?\n<SuperMatt> I don't work for RS any more, but yes, they do\n<foobarry> i know :P\n<foobarry> any idea on pricing, or wasn't your area...\n<SuperMatt> wasn't my area at all\n<SuperMatt> but more expensive than linux\n<foobarry> sure\n<SuperMatt> I think you can get managed DBs from Rackspace too\n<foobarry> thanks\n<foobarry> that'll do\n<SuperMatt> and some may say that's preferable\n<diplo> Who do you guys use for dynamic dns ?\n<daftykins> no-ip here\n<daftykins> diplo: although the last domain i bought from namecheap.com allows dynamic update from a client utility, so that could work too\n<diplo> I've been thinking buying a domain specifically for it yeah, I guess if I can get dhclient to work with it that would do\n<diplo> Wonder if any of the other registrars allow that\n<diplo> no-ip wants you to renew monthly doesn't it.. I think that's who I am with now, keep forgetting to do it, quite happy to pay a small sum or may just script something myself\n<foobarry> dyndns is $40 pa\n<foobarry> sounds a lot\n<daftykins> they don't do a free account anymore, but no-ip do.\n<daftykins> diplo: just pay no-ip the $25 USD for a year then :>\n<diplo> Yeah, thought about it.. but for what I get/want I was thinking more like a tenner :D - Just reading up whether I can update 123-reg or gandi with an api :P\n<diplo> Oooh I can with digital ocean I think! ooh!\n<popey> diplo: THANKS! :D\n<daftykins> o0\n<diplo> heheh\n<diplo> Someone has beaten me to it daftykins - Shell script ahoy\n<daftykins> every time i've tried to use a dynamic DNS updater on an ubuntu server with repo packages, they've all been utterly useless\n<diplo> yes, which is why I wanted something else daftykins\n<diplo> I had an issue with afraid.org because of dhclient on the version of ubuntu I was on and my router didn't support it\n<daftykins> yeah i just wanted to share just how rubbish they are and see whether anyone else had encountered the same\n<daftykins> seems to be my experience of universe packages :P\n<daftykins> \"oh neat i found an appropriate program... oh it doesn't work\"\n<SuperMatt> I've just moved my DNS to digital ocean. I needed 20 zones, but they limit you to 10. Despite being a saturday morning, I sitll got an upgrade\n<SuperMatt> digital ocean have their heads screwed on\n<SuperMatt> The limit is only so they don't get people creating accounts and registering a million spammy domains\n<diplo> Ah right I see, I may move all my stuff over to, see how  Iget on with this dns :P\n<diplo> And success! The one I found was old api but fix0red it now \\o/\n<diddledan> Bryan Lunduke \"The Lunduke Hour: You put Linux on THAT?!\" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlBS66kd3JE (some swearing)\n<SuperMatt> that reminds me, is it the time of year for Lunduke's Why Linux Sucks talk?\n<daftykins> diddledan: i am confused, this hour seems to be 30 mins long\n<diddledan> yeah I spotted that, too\n<diddledan> Blessed are they who just can't even, for they shall be able to. https://twitter.com/JesusOfNaz316/status/824247461325639680\n<diplo> Now with SSL certificate - woohoo!\n<diddledan> \\o/\n<diplo> Onlu took me an hour and 3/4 :D\n<m0nkey_> 9:50 am On FedEx vehicle for delivery .. *squeals*\n<diplo> Learning ssl was hard :P\n<diddledan> I still haven't learnt SSL - it's all binary gibberish that I can't decipher\n<m0nkey_> diddledan, that's because you don't have the key\n<diddledan> it's almost like they're talking in code\n<diddledan> m0nkey_: we'll lose you to the machine later today then? :-p\n<m0nkey_> yes, I am entering the matrix\n<m0nkey_> as soon as it's arrived and setup\n<diplo> Created a LE cert on my VPS and then copied it down, next thing to do is to automate the renewal process and then get it to sftp it to the correct directory and check perms on update\n<diplo> https://github.com/andy-partington/shell_scripts/ if anyone wants to use the DO dynamic thing\n<diplo> Going to tidy the code up eventually\n<diddledan> how you respond to twitter - two images, one when you first join, the other after a few years: https://twitter.com/furrygirl/status/824129821273976832\n<diddledan> daftykins: notice I've been trying to explain my links better the past couple of days? :-)\n<daftykins> diddledan: i'm so proud, it brings a tear to my eye!\n<m0nkey_> FEDEX!!\n<diddledan> \\o/\n<daftykins> i'll have you know i never fed the ex\n<m0nkey_> MY VIVE!\n<diddledan> daftykins: is that why they're now \"ex\"?\n<daftykins> oh tux you went and did it eh :P\n<daftykins> you silly billy!\n<daftykins> diddledan: lies, there's no correlation!\n<m0nkey_> Would it be wrong of me to admit I'm squealing like a little bitch right now? :)\n<diddledan> no, the squealing is wrong, though\n<daftykins> glad you're enjoying it, but we'll see how long it lasts\n<m0nkey_> daftykins, not even plugged it in yet. it's got to get to room temperature\n<diddledan> how long until you knock yourself out by headbutting your desk?\n<daftykins> hehe\n<daftykins> i think he has his own padded room!\n<m0nkey_> OH MY DEAR GOD. THAT IS AWESOME\n<KrimZon> #\n<KrimZon> oops\n<diddledan> m0nkey_: did you lean on the pool-table yet?\n<daftykins> :D\n<diddledan> ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLhlHvIajpk\n<daftykins> might as well get a pint in and lean on the bar </Only Fools>\n<m0nkey_> diddledan, not yet\n<m0nkey_> been doing some zombie training and playing in the lab\n<danielthebague> Hi folks, whats the news or status for the BQ e4.5 ubuntu phone?\n<daftykins> danielthebague: wrong channel\n<daftykins> !phone\n<lubotu3> Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch\n<danielthebague> yeah already switched to touch channel\n<daftykins> good stuff\n<danielthebague> thanks\n<danielthebague> Just out of interest is anyone in the not so near future  going to purchase a ubuntu phone handset, hopefully this isn't a sore topic\n#ubuntu-uk 2017-01-26\n<CoderEurope> Happy Australia day !\n<SuperMatt> good to see, now that chrome and firefox are starting to report insecure sites, that more sites are going https by default\n<diddledan> morning\n<diddledan> SuperMatt: yeah, they're making people actually start to think about security\n<diddledan> both end-users and site-owners alike\n<kn1ghtw0rk> I have a first line support guy in my team that is seriously making me doubt my sanity\n<diddledan> kn1ghtw0rk: surely your lack of sanity should be the first warning sign, no? ;-)\n<kn1ghtw0rk> I have never had an abundance of sanity\n<kn1ghtw0rk> you all know that\n<diddledan> I'm glad I'm not alone :-)\n<diddledan> life would be boring if we were sane\n<davmor2> Morning all\n<diddledan> davmor2: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/514480991952699392/RkBBZpB2.jpeg\n<JamesTait> Good morning all! Happy Thursday, and happy Australia Day! 😃  🌏  🐨\n<davmor2> diddledan: I think this is slightly more disturbing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgI7kIkwca8\n<diddledan> HAL FTW\n<davmor2> JamesTait: just for something that isn't men down under https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GtyMeEcPPE\n<brobostigon> morning boys and girls.\n<davmor2> JamesTait: no coffee yet men at work, land down under kinda got merged into one that and I copy pasted :P\n<foobarry> bought a dishwasher at 8pm last night, was installed before 9am today :|\n<diddledan> foobarry: that's a fast turnaround\n<foobarry> yeah\n<zmoylan-pi> so how did you decide in the end which brand to go for?  the one with no blue leds? :-P\n<foobarry> bosch. was interested in samsung but they didn't seem to do slimline ones\n<foobarry> need to fit in 45cm gap\n<zmoylan-pi> didn't they just recall a home appliance as it was impersonating their latest mobile offering?\n<zmoylan-pi> samsung that is\n<foobarry> used topcashback and an voucher code to make things a bit cheaper\n<foobarry> well i would like an oven to make things hot\n<foobarry> and a hob to flame things\n<zmoylan-pi> a samsung fridge perhaps... :-P\n<TwistedLucidity> zmoylan-pi: Yeah. In the USA their combi washer/dryer (I think) had a conflragation \"feature\"\n<daftykins> aww yeah new specs all the way from Hong Kong - https://www.dropbox.com/s/vu061glld8bampw/IMG_20170126_122104.jpg?dl=0\n<daftykins> bottom pair, missing a lens... are the ones i trashed in my spill 2 and a bit years ago\n<daftykins> it reached 0 deg C this morning D:\n<zmoylan-pi> yeah 2 weather warnings in south of ireland... mostly just rain but does feel nippy out\n<zmoylan-pi> and renewables ie wind is now providing 60+% or irish leccy at the mo... http://smartgriddashboard.eirgrid.com/\n<daftykins> oh dear that gives me a 503\n<daftykins> does that mean someone broke wind?\n<zmoylan-pi> they seem to be running that server on a rasp pi and it often can't keep up with number of connections\n<daftykins> yay it's alive now\n<daftykins> that's pretty cool if accurate\n<daftykins> strangely, they're planning on running a large power cable from the northern tip of France just to the east of me here - up through the island of Alderney - to England O_O\n<zmoylan-pi> the person i got the link from is an engineer who fixes the wind turbines amongst other things so i'm inclined to believe it's at least rougly accurate\n<daftykins> very neat\n<daftykins> i'd bet there are some fun systems to play with in power generation\n<daftykins> oh my specs were shipped by a courier named sky net, i think it's the rise of the machines\n<zmoylan-pi> lots of big toys... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4G4hO76H6AU\n<daftykins> glaxo smithkline o0\n<zmoylan-pi> all the big pharmacuticals are huge in ireland for manufacturing and research\n<daftykins> hmm, tax angles i take it?\n<zmoylan-pi> no, i think a lot of them predate the tax advantages\n<daftykins> hehe\n<zmoylan-pi> i remember listening to a podcast a few months back from the early 70s about medical research in ireland bringing in international companies\n<zmoylan-pi> *back of a radio documentary from\n<daftykins> :D\n<daftykins> oh i got the timber treatment guys report today to forward to my insurance adjuster, so there's a bit more progress... although they want to trash the rest of my bathroom now, which will mean moving out\n<zmoylan-pi> ... or crossing your legs for a few weeks...\n<daftykins> yip :>\n<daftykins> i have to head up a clients in a moment for a shower :/\n<zmoylan-pi> get a camping shower gizmo and shower in the garden... :-P\n<zmoylan-pi> hypothermia... but clean... :-P\n<daftykins> i don't have a garden :> just a little tiny deck with not so great drainage\n<daftykins> think the tap that's there is rusted solid too...\n<zmoylan-pi> it's just a bag of water so you can give yourself a navy shower.  wet, soap, rinse, soap, rinse...\n<foobarry> do we have any coders in here looking for an exciting job?\n<zmoylan-pi> i think the coders are down the pub drowning their sorrows over having to use ms software\n<daftykins> nah they're busy building the latest applications from source because their distro's default repos have all broken software packaged :)\n<dogmatic69> Hi all, im looking for a way to send the keystroke F1 to a terminal session, but it seems like the window manager is catching it\n<dogmatic69> any ideas how I can force it to send?\n<zmoylan-pi> try an onscreen keyboard?\n<foobarry> are there any good subreddits for programmingjobs?\n<dogmatic69> one sec\n<foobarry> no MS software in this job\n<foobarry> anywhere\n<foobarry> r/jobbit\n<dogmatic69> zmoylan-pi: the onscreeen dont even have function keys\n<dogmatic69> doubt it would work anyway, I think it is the window manager catching for help screens. most apps have F1 for help\n<diddledan> dogmatic69: first result on google: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/53581/sending-function-keys-f1-f12-over-ssh\n<dogmatic69> \"Another way to see the escape sequence for a function key is to press Ctrl+V in a terminal application that doesn't rebind the Ctrl+V key (such as the shell). Ctrl+V inserts the next character (which will be the escape character) literally, and you'll be able to see the rest of the sequence, which consists of ordinary characters.\"\n<dogmatic69> try that, and hit F1.. nothing happens\n<dogmatic69> ctrl+v -> F1 ... nothing\n<diddledan> that isn't what it tells you\n<diddledan> F1 == ^[OP\n<foobarry> google drive is dreadful\n<foobarry> impossible to navigate folders with any persistence\n<zmoylan-pi> i use dropbox... i wouldn't use it for anything secure mind\n<foobarry> this is a work collaboration between different institutions\n<foobarry> no choice\n<foobarry> cannot see contents of folders easily at all\n<daftykins> i've seen Google Drive fall over and be unreliable, too\n<daftykins> no idea what you mean is happening though\n<SuperMatt> I'm all about the OwnCloud\n<foobarry> when documents are in nested folders, navigating those foldesr is really cludgy\n<foobarry> and opening docs and navigating them is too\n<foobarry> it was ages before i realised there were folders full of files\n<foobarry> maybe i need that insync client\n<daftykins> on a clients Windows 7 system, i tried moving his Documents folder into the Google Drive root so that it'd keep them backed up - problem? it breaks indexing so search no longer works within it - and the client regularly crashed a couple of years back, generally pretty terrible\n<zmoylan-pi> ooooh, shiny.... http://kde.slimbook.es/\n<daftykins> https://youtu.be/4hHIv9RmDvY kittys + laser pointer now in 4K!\n#ubuntu-uk 2017-01-27\n<m0nkey_> Gah, it's been almost two and a half hours since I went to the dentist, and my mouth still hasn't unfrozen.\n<m0nkey_> Odd sensation though, drinking cold water feels warm on one side of my tongue\n<knightwise> morning\n<diplo> Morning all\n<foobarry> hello from a train\n<foobarry> never irc'd on a train before :|\n<diplo> I used to do that on my way up to Nottingham on the train\n<diplo> Bored our of my brain :P\n<foobarry> heh i'm on my way to leicester\n<diplo> Poor you :P\n<foobarry> i need MOSH\n<SuperMatt> You want to mosh?\n * SuperMatt starts playing some Iron Maiden\n<brobostigon> morning boys and girls.\n<SuperMatt> morning\n<brobostigon> morning\n<TwistedLucidity> o/\n<diplo> Hey guys, we support customers remotely using teamviewer, someone has mentioned Zoho assist, any of you guys used it before ?\n<SuperMatt> What do you support your customers in doing exactly?\n<SuperMatt> personally, I don't trust any of the remote software\n<diplo> Neither do I, desktop support occasionally, setting up sessions to our software\n<diplo> We're using a very old version of teamviewer licensed and it's either upgrade time or try another product, just thought i'd see what others use\n<davmor2> Morning all\n<TwistedLucidity> diplo: Not a lot of help, but lots of alts here - http://alternativeto.net/software/teamviewer/?license=free (Zoho Assist is in there too)\n<TwistedLucidity> We make do with Go-To Meeting etc (which doens't work on GNU/Linux)\n<TwistedLucidity> Oh, I've restricted the license to Free/Open; easy enough to add proprietary back in.\n<davmor2> Rocketchat does voice and video calls I believe\n<foobarry> anyone use google keep?\n<foobarry> opinions vs evernote?\n<davmor2> foobarry: I do but only cause I use voice to make notes and that is what it defaults to\n<davmor2> foobarry: personally I think it is more basic than evernote but it depends how many of evernotes features you used\n<foobarry> sharing notes, reading on my phone, also share to evernote from a web page\n<foobarry> the evernote web clipper is really good\n<TwistedLucidity> davmor2: Does it allow for remote control?\n<TwistedLucidity> \"it\" being RocketChat.\n<davmor2> foobarry: keep I think does all of that only obviously using all google services.\n<TwistedLucidity> And, more importantly, can it punch people who don't read the step-by-step instructions that are in front of their face?\n<diplo> We do use on some linux desktops TwistedLucidity - hadn't taken that into account actually thanks\n<davmor2> TwistedLucidity: no, no you can't, but you can run sudo snap install slappy ;)\n<TwistedLucidity> davmor2: LOL\n<diplo> I use Keep for my shopping lists, make it at work and tick off in the shop\n<TwistedLucidity> diplo: If it's Linux-linux, just \"ssh -Y\" the wee sod. Or proxy VNC over SSH.\n<diplo> Yeah, the people who are controlling it etc are not the cleverest\n * TwistedLucidity sorts his parent's router by proxying the web interface over a reverse SSH tunnel. Feels l33t.\n<davmor2> TwistedLucidity: not sure about features you would need to check on theirs site, as far as I am aware it is somewhere between slack and hangouts\n<foobarry> Like the Chrome Save to Google extension, the Keep clipping function doesn’t clip the entire page, so it’s still not a full replacement for apps like Pocket and Evernote. Still, these are nice updates if you want to use Keep not just for taking notes but also quickly saving things from the web\n<TwistedLucidity> Used slack for ~5 mins, never used hangouts; but I shall check. Thanks!\n<TwistedLucidity> For Pocket, consider Wallabag.\n<foobarry> pocket doesn't work for me\n<foobarry> first few web pages i tried just didn't work\n<TwistedLucidity> davmor2: On the RocketChat page now. No idea what it does, too busy playing with the floating dots on their banner :-S\n<davmor2> TwistedLucidity: sucka\n<davmor2> TwistedLucidity: just read the features and click on the demo\n<TwistedLucidity> Ooo, it's in a snap. Right, really need to figure out how to get a snap to use an external MariaDB instance on not bundle it's own. But will deffo test it out.\n<SuperMatt> diplo: I use Keep in the same way\n<TwistedLucidity> LOL. Screensharing is undocumented.\n<TwistedLucidity> \"Why can't I remote monitor the server?\"\n<TwistedLucidity> \"Is the service running?\"\n<TwistedLucidity> \"No. Do I need to start it?\"\n<TwistedLucidity> ARGH!\n<davmor2> TwistedLucidity: Hello World isn't just a developer demo, it's an introduction the pain the world will inflict on you when you hit the release button :)\n<foobarry> aww google keep clipper doesn't store the text from a web page\n<foobarry> just a link\n<foobarry> evernote is so much better\n<davmor2> foobarry: I did say it was more basic\n<davmor2> foobarry: my usage is mostly reminders and shopping lists so it is perfect for me\n<foobarry> its a shame or i'd switch over\n<SebthreeBQM10HD> hi\n<davmor2> SebthreeBQM10HD: hi\n<SebthreeBQM10HD> davmor2, hi\n<diplo> Anyone updated cPanel DNS via a script ?\n<diplo> Like my example for Digital OCean the other day, most of the stuff I'm finding is a few years old, but thought I'd ask around before writing my own\n<SuperMatt> my opinion of cpanel is \"ARGH! KILL IT WITH FIRE!\"\n<davmor2> popey: you are evil\n<diplo> SuperMatt: Agreed.\n<SebthreeBQM10HD> ]\n<SebthreeBQM10HD> -6777yyyyy\n<SebthreeBQM10HD> hi\n#ubuntu-uk 2017-01-28\n<brobostigon> morning boys and girls.\n<SuperMatt> good morning on this chilly saturday\n<brobostigon> morning\n<SuperMatt> Today is a day for writing a wordpress theme\n * penguin42 updates his Mum's machine from 12.04\n<brobostigon> wowzer\n<daftykins> O_O\n<penguin42> well it was working and still LTS so hey that's the point\n<DJones> penguin42: Must admit, I've only recently upgraded my server from 12.04...as you say it still worked, was still LTS and supported...etc\n<DJones> Yay for 5 year LTS releases\n<penguin42> what has stopped working on that machine is h.264 playback through ff, firefox complains of an outdated libav; now I can't honestly remember whether the libav on there is a standard ubuntu one or not, but either way it means her machine can't watch our cctv, so I need to fix that so I may as well update first\n<daftykins> oh yeah i suppose it was going to be good until this April\n<daftykins> agreed on the sticking to what works as long as it's LTS, however i will absolutely slay anyone running EOL due to laziness (and do) :)\n<penguin42> nod\n<penguin42> the odd thing I had to remember was the trick on it to make the 1366x768 TV/monitor work on it\n<daftykins> oh dear, another modeline / hardcoded EDID to combat useless VGA?\n<penguin42> nod, it's kind of annoying it isn't in distros\n<penguin42> I eventually found I'd added an xrandr command in her .profile\n<daftykins> ah har\n<daftykins> i often go in and find folks have VGA where both their PC and monitor has a digital interconnect of whichever variety free, so i just order in a cable from amazon for say £5 and throw it on the bill\n<daftykins> one client had been getting by with the wrong resolution due to VGA hassles, even on a Windows machine for so long that he thought his eyes were going bad\n<daftykins> turned out it was just a super thin badly shielded cable but throwing HDMI in just made him say 'wow' :>\n<penguin42> daftykins: Oh that's not the problem; the problem is that 1366 is a weird resolution; it's not divisible by 8\n<daftykins> i know you've mentioned that before but _all_ 1366x768 monitors i've had exposure to work fine on Windows machines\n<daftykins> sure some rare ones say they're outputting at 1360 wide instead, but most are properly stating 1366\n<penguin42> in this case I'm giving it a 1360x768 modeline\n<daftykins> this is why X.org can't die any sooner though, hand edits in 2017? just no\n<penguin42> it's not X's fault, or at least nothing that's not fixable by shipping a few mode lines\n<penguin42> replacing X because of this type of thing is just entirely the wrong thing to do\n<daftykins> it is in the majority of situations, because somehow EDID reading fails on Linux where it doesn't on Windows... and i'm only saying replace because that's the way things are going, it's not going to get fixed\n<penguin42> yeh but replacing it doesn't solve the problem it just invents a lot of new ones\n<daftykins> why doesn't it if the new display server has already resolved that issue atop a whole new approach?\n<penguin42> because the new display servers will all have lots of fun new imaginative screwups because they've not remembered all the things X has fixe din the last 30 years\n<daftykins> ok, but we're talking about this specific problem right now which it hasn't fixed, not other ones\n<daftykins> why are we even seeing such basic display woes in an OS that FOSS advocates push so much?\n<daftykins> fair enough if the idea is just to wait for VGA to disappear, that's fine by me\n<penguin42> because people just shout and moan and say it's peoples crap monitors rather than fixing it\n<penguin42> daftykins: I dont the problem is either X or VGA\n<daftykins> well it does need to be caveated with the fact that just because we've both seen the same result (wrong resolution) doesn't mean we've seen the same scenario\n<penguin42> right, but as far as I understand the problem is 1) 1366 isn't divisable by 8, and 2) Many TVs have broken EDID set up\n<penguin42> daftykins: but neither of those is fundamental of either VGA or X\n<daftykins> sorry but if it was 1, then it would've been fixed ages ago in software and we'd not have seen it again\n<penguin42> (1) certainly is part of the problem\n<daftykins> from my perspective i see an OS that can work and one that can't, simple as that\n<penguin42> right, but neither of them is a fundamental problem with X or VGA; it's just that people can't be bothered fixing it\n<penguin42> they'd rather spend their time inventing alternatives to X instead\n<daftykins> i think this has devolved to semantics now\n<penguin42> there's things that need fixing in a replacement for X, but this isn't one that's fundamental about X or VGA\n<daftykins> avoiding VGA is simply easier than dealing with users with edge cases such as this\n<penguin42> my assumption is just we'll see similar problems on HDMI etc - the actual monitor ID on VGA is hardly robust, but it's pretty simple\n<penguin42> you do get problems on EDID but mostly with dodgy cables/projectors etc and for that I agree VGA is to blame\n<daftykins> mmm, probably more issues leaning toward DRM with the digital interconnects\n<penguin42> bad firmware in TVs etc can screwup the IDs on hdmi as well\n<daftykins> yeah, that one can be pinned on the race to the bottom with LCDs and folks choosing the quirky brands that have messed up somewhere\n<daftykins> although i don't think i've seen any HDMI woes that weren't cheap cables, certainly for actual computers HDMI isn't really the wisest choice\n<penguin42> yeh well that's the big problem with the 1366 displays\n<daftykins> not entirely since often Windows will work with them :>\n<DJones> Grrr, not sure whether to blame schools for failing to teach, or teens/adolecents for not learning, sat here listening to music, mates 15 year old hears a song and asks \"what has Birmingham got to do with Alabama\" (Listening to sweet home alabama..... Duh...\n<daftykins> are you thinking the geographic angle to looking up that Birmingham is in Alabama? :>\n<DJones> Yup\n<daftykins> mm probably was just a google away to find out\n<DJones> As far as I can see thats the relevant reference\n<DJones> Maybe I'm just getting nostalgic listening to 70/80's rock music and thinking this is where I come from\n<daftykins> :>\n<DJones> Yeah, I am 50 years old, I grew up with 60/70/80's music, some 90's before it went  all screamy and assault to the senses\n<daftykins> indeed, or even the wub-wubs of the last 10 years too (at least i'm told it passes for music)\n<DJones> I've ignored most music in the last 20 years, hasn't been the same since Freddie passed away\n<DJones> Outside of classical music, there are no strong voices\n<DJones> (Freddie Mercury)\n * DJones regrets cutting his waist length ponytail off\n<daftykins> i've found that whereas i never used to walk or cycle anywhere without something on earphones, i'm much preferring to just have peace these last few years\n<daftykins> so the music discovery has died off mostly too and just been shelved\n<DJones> I can agree with that (But I'm married) I like silence, much prefer it to any sound except under certain circumstances, ie, I've got to be on the excercise bike/weights machine etc)\n<daftykins> ah yeah\n<daftykins> i'm loathe to persist with any exercise right now since i'm without a shower (ripped out due to a water leak discovery and insurance claim in the works)\n<daftykins> i'm even using the bus of late instead of cycling for the same reason\n<DJones> Yeah, I saw your rotten wood pictures\n<daftykins> ah right - just waiting on the adjuster's response right now\n<daftykins> then to get quotes, oy :P\n<DJones> Hopefully it'll work out right for you\n<daftykins> they'll cover some of it, but it's going to be a costly couple of months for sure since redoing the room will count as 'betterment'\n<DJones> I just picked up a £400 excercise bike for £30 on a 2nd hand resale website\n<daftykins> :O that's quite the drop\n<DJones> Yup\n<daftykins> i keep watching the local one's electronics pages but people are too daft to even put up the model of product they list\n<daftykins> *products\n<DJones> I think there was something dodgy about buying it, bloke said he was selling it becuase of tumours in his legs, partner said she was selling it because she'd started going out on a real bike.\n<DJones> But, whatever...\n<daftykins> heh\n<DJones> I've started looking at local bring & buy/sell websites which is where Ifoound the exercise bike\n<DJones> 99% seems to be spam, but occasionally, you find a bargain\n<zmoylan-pi> but 99% of exercise bikes end up as clothes hangers... :-)\n<daftykins> :D\n * zmoylan-pi prepares to go to monthly dublin flea market tomorrow to see what bargains i can find... :-)\n<zmoylan-pi> i think it's adverts on electronics were they list very specific information that is most dodgy.  suggests someone who is shifting a lot of gear...\n<daftykins> hah\n<daftykins> well i listed a printer once with a link to the full spec page, had a phone call from a guy asking me if it was wifi and \"can you not just read the box?\"\n<daftykins> 1) why do you think i'm in front of it? 2) why didn't you read the link and decide if it was right for you?\n<daftykins> i was asking £20 for an inkjet XD\n<zmoylan-pi> ....and $50 for a cartridge...? :-)\n<daftykins> as is tradition! hence my never opening it ;D\n * penguin42 should have run computer-janitor on my mums machine first; it seems to have 120+ kernels installed which is making anything that updates the initrd's ***slow***\n<daftykins> oof\n<daftykins> must be using a few inodes too :>\n<zmoylan-pi> you'll never know when your mother will want to try and use a previous kernel to hack the gibson... :-P\n<penguin42> daftykins: Oh that's irrelevant compared to her mozilla cache I think\n<penguin42> hmm mind you I guess it multiplies by modules so you do get a lot\n<daftykins> were/are you doing this all remotely?\n<penguin42> no\n<zmoylan-pi> this is why i visit relatives so rarely... 'can you take a 5 minute look at our computer...'\n<zmoylan-pi> how long does it take to boot? an hour and a half...\n<daftykins> beats going to the hairdresser ;)\n<zmoylan-pi> moylan is an irish pun for 'offspring of the bald one'... hairdressers aren't a time consuming thing for my family... :-)\n<penguin42> ouch, it's got a few hundred linux-headers packages as well\n<daftykins> yeah that's what i meant by yonder inodes being munched up\n<daftykins> i always take a glance at \"dpkg -l | grep linux-\" and purge all the history, apt-get autoremove doesn't always do the job\n<penguin42> yeh it's about 15mins into deleting them\n<zmoylan-pi> wow\n<penguin42> still going; it's down about 1M inodes so far :-)\n<zmoylan-pi> remember when you did updates and only 1 computer had an internet connection and it was the one been updated fixed so you had no access to the internet? :-)\n<penguin42> oh only vaguely, I put in a firewall/nat box very early\n * zmoylan-pi mumbles young whipper snappers and waves cane in the air...\n<daftykins> :>\n<penguin42> I think it was a 386/sx at first\n<zmoylan-pi> amstrad pcs, xts with single or on a good day twin 5.25\" floppies.  or on a really really good day a single 3.5\" floppy\n<zmoylan-pi> before getting a mitac xt at work with a 20mb hardcard\n<daftykins> uh oh we've got us a good old fashioned oldest-tech-off!\n<zmoylan-pi> sorry sorry... in modern news i may have found a replacement for my dumbphone...\n * penguin42 notes the 386/sx was just my earliest router/nat box - my 1st machine was a BBC B with a cassette player for storage\n<zmoylan-pi> oh, in that case a zx spectrum +2\n<daftykins> zmoylan-pi: *gasp* but... but the nokia!?\n<zmoylan-pi> all hail the glorious cassettes for storage... :-D\n<zmoylan-pi> i see the latest argos catalog now has cassette players for hipsters\n<zmoylan-pi> technically if the hardware tests pass the phone it is an older nokia phone. a nokia e63.  about 3 years older than my nokia asha 302 which was made in 2012\n<zmoylan-pi> it's in near mint condition with the camera and flash still covered by factory cellophane strip and earphone socket plugged with cap.\n<daftykins> impressive!\n<zmoylan-pi> and i should have a directory somewhere here with all my symbian apps and data... :-)\n<zmoylan-pi> €39 shekels with a 90 day warranty to find any hardware bugs\n<daftykins> not a huge loss then if it turns out to be a duck\n<zmoylan-pi> yup.  i might give python a go on symbian again.\n<zmoylan-pi> i like the nokia dumbphone but i do need a text editor and i can find no java based one that works for the 302\n<zmoylan-pi> and there's a certain joy when people ask how often you need to charge it and you just say sunday :-D\n<daftykins> this OnePlus 3 / 3T a couple of mates have got now seems to be giving them 4 days, which is pretty good for a full size smartphone with 4G\n<zmoylan-pi> 4 days is very good but how heavy a user are they.  when i used psion i got a week from batteries when most got a month\n<daftykins> mmm they said normal usage for them, which their prior phone got a day on\n<zmoylan-pi> when my iphone 3g was brand new i once ran it from 100% -> 10% in just over an hour\n<daftykins> haha\n<daftykins> must've had poor optimisation for trying to ramp up the power and find a UMTS signal at the time\n<daftykins> what was local coverage for 3G like at that point?\n<zmoylan-pi> seems taking pics, using maps, gps, data and sending tweets eats the battery.  in a very good 3g coverage area\n<zmoylan-pi> ...while listening to music\n<zmoylan-pi> whereas the 302 does all that bar gps for 14ish hours and reached 50% battery\n<zmoylan-pi> but 4 days even on light use on a smart phone would suggest that even i would struggle to make it run flat in 1 day\n<daftykins> could be\n<daftykins> i'm a bit religious with mine of turning wifi off when i leave the house... switching down to 2G only when home due to the granite etc\n<zmoylan-pi> for example my huawei y625 cheapy tesco media player was used for 3+ hours listening to podcasts and mp3s and is down to 54%\n<zmoylan-pi> via bt headset. wifi off\n<zmoylan-pi> now tomorrow when i head to the flea market i'll have bt off as well and use fm radio and it will be about the same as fm radio eats the battery a fair bit\n<zmoylan-pi> i use llama for turning off wifi automatically. handy app\n<daftykins> no holidays to Norway for you with that thing, then :) given their FM switch-off\n<zmoylan-pi> they plan to turn off fm radio... but i've heard a few people say they may have to back down.  i have a dab radio and i do like it but i would never buy a portable dab radio as reception is awful\n<daftykins> don't think i've seen one in use yet\n<zmoylan-pi> even in radio blackspots in ireland (lots of granite mountains) fm radio works fairly well.  dab, not at all\n<zmoylan-pi> i got 2 cheap dab radios in tescos. ireland has dab coverage for dublin area and there's 1 great station that plays bbc, npr, chinese, german news hours so you get some interesting coverage of events\n<penguin42>  <still deleting kernel images>\n<daftykins> O_O\n<daftykins> see i would've backed up /home and nuked it with a clean LTS image\n<daftykins> :>\n<zmoylan-pi> hindsight is 20/20 :-)\n<penguin42> well I did back up /home, but hmm - I should have done the computer-janitor first\n<daftykins> well no, i just don't believe in upgrades of any kind\n<zmoylan-pi> spoken like a true windows user :-D\n<daftykins> and enough Loonix to know :>\n * penguin42 has had ubuntu boxes survive at least 5 years of 6 monthly upgrades\n<daftykins> eeeeh, exceptions i'm sure - but when it's your time on the line\n<zmoylan-pi> yeah, but next time penguin42 sees number of kernels > 20 they'll remember the waiting today...\n<zmoylan-pi> for me it was if i ever saw a user had more than 3000 data files... backups over serial then parallel and then finally usb cables would take f.o.r.e.v.e.r.\n<daftykins> that's definitely the longest bit of the job, mmm\n<daftykins> keep seeing budget machines that are new enough but still lack USB 3.0 of late\n<zmoylan-pi> it was then quicker to take apart the pc, move the drive to another pc with a spare drive and copy via hard disk transfer\n<daftykins> yip\n<daftykins> i've actually found that it's quicker to boot a live Loonix session and mount NTFS volumes, when there's a single disk config, and copy to an external as it saves having the OS running too\n<zmoylan-pi> live distros of linux are a godsend\n<daftykins> yip\n<daftykins> even done some Windows only tasks by pasting executables onto install media and hitting shift+F10 to get a command prompt window on top of the installer screens\n<penguin42> right, it's just about booted OK in 14.04, press the button again....\n<daftykins> * a Wile-E-Coyote crater appears in the Manchester area\n<daftykins> :)\n<zmoylan-pi> and acme dodges another refund... :-P\n<penguin42> Meep Meep!\n<penguin42> I mean it should be quicker this time right - I mean it's not got a zillion kernel files to delete, and it couldn't possibly keep me up until 5am....\n<daftykins> :D\n<penguin42> and yes, lots and lots of inodes, down from ~2.4M to ~500k - but still only 5%-1% of inode usage so not actually a problem\n<daftykins> mmm, did once have a user who'd run out from so many upgrades and all the headers kicking around\n<penguin42> This is a useful size hard drive, might be more of a problem on an SSD say; I dont hit it on my other machines because I have separate /boot which ubuntu constantly falls flat into on every update\n<daftykins> only if someone tried to cram a Linux distro onto one of those little cache SSDs that's ~32GB\n<penguin42> yeh\n<penguin42> I've only run out of inodes on old systems with discs in the 10s of MB or when creating things like floppy installations\n<daftykins> i read a piece earlier speaking of SK Hynix planning a 72 layer 10nm 3D NAND die by year end O_O\n<daftykins> hmm, too long ago to recall what this #ubuntu help requester had\n * penguin42 wonders what the aspect ratio of that is - I mean 72 layer\n<daftykins> ?\n<daftykins> they're pretty slim :>\n<penguin42> yeh but if a bit is in the 10s of nm across, by the time you get 72 layers it's very deep\n<daftykins> welp, means they'll reach 256Gb so 64GB per chip\n<penguin42> a quick search for hynix 72 layer said 512Gb\n<daftykins> ah my mistake that's what i meant, ja\n<daftykins> 2TB on a tiny M.2 SSD :)\n<zmoylan-pi> seagate have a 12tb spinny drive in the works with 14 and 16tb to follow in 18 months or so...\n<daftykins> they're also firing lots of folks and closing a factory... still blows my mind how they sell drives with only a 12 month warranty too\n<daftykins> (some models that is)\n<daftykins> doesn't exactly speak of confidence...\n<penguin42> daftykins: http://www.chipworks.com/about-chipworks/overview/blog/intelmicron-detail-their-3d-nand-iedm\n<zmoylan-pi> yeah, my last seagate died after i spent a week transferring files onto it's 2tb capacity\n<zmoylan-pi> but then at this point i've had drives from every manufacturer fail on me\n<daftykins> nothing new to me in that link, sir\n<zmoylan-pi> i usually just add them to top of my naughty list and buy some other manufacturer till a new failure drops them from the top\n<daftykins> they keep on merging and so we're running out :)\n * penguin42 was hoping for a vertical scale on that micrograph\n<zmoylan-pi> this is sadly very true\n#ubuntu-uk 2017-01-29\n<daftykins> only thing about that SK Hynix news piece is it's TLC they're referring to, usually the one i try to avoid\n<penguin42> nod, I did hear a theory that the 3d RAMs tended to have bigger cells on each layer so they weren't quite as bad as the 2D cells where they'd tried to cram them in, but still yes\n<daftykins> i think that was because they kept to higher process sizes (32nm+) in the early days of 3D, now it seems the race to cheap cost has them combining them all\n<penguin42> nod\n<daftykins> nn folks \\o\n<zmoylan-1i> o/\n<penguin42> hmm other than a plymouth animation going awol and a rather slow startup it seems OK\n<Bilz> I have a new laptop with intel hd 620 graphics using Ubuntu 16.04. In kernel 4.4, lshw -C display shows that the intel card is UNCLAIMED. In kernel 4.8.17, it does not say UNCLAIMED anymore. presumably the drivers are more up to date in the newer kernel. is it possibe to take the driver from the newer kernel and use it in the older kernel.  (I should mention I've never had to update the kernel like this before, so I don't know much\n<Bilz> about them)\n<SuperMatt> It would indeed be possible if you rebuilt the kernel/driver modules, but my question is why not just use ubuntu 16.10?\n<brobostigon> morning boys and girls.\n<SuperEngineer> O/\n<daftykins> SuperEngineer: correct answer would've been to suggest an HWE stack :)\n<SuperEngineer> ;-)\n<daftykins> though unclaimed isn't exactly confirmation of anything i'd wager\n#ubuntu-uk 2018-01-22\n<thelinuxbox> hi, i'm messing around with the ubuntu iso contents, i was wondering if this screen can be disabled https://i.stack.imgur.com/GtEi5.png so instead of the iso booting to that blank screen it boots to the hidden menu behind it, the menu that looks like this > https://i.stack.imgur.com/FfEwE.png\n<thelinuxbox> i'm guessing \"Hidden 10\" must be somewhere, but I'm just not sure where\n<diplo> Morning all\n<brobostigon> morning boys and girls.\n<thelinuxbox> Good morning brobostigon :)\n<thelinuxbox> Good morning everyone :)\n<brobostigon> morning\n<czajkowski> anyone here managed to get Netflix to download on a browser on Ubuntu\n<czajkowski> I can do it on the app on my phone\n<czajkowski> but can't find an app on Ubuntu\n<brobostigon> netflix to download what in a browser?\n<SuperMatt> Netflix runs in a browser\n<brobostigon> exactly.\n<SuperMatt> including firefox in linux\n<brobostigon> and chrome.\n<SuperMatt> which came as a surprise to us all\n<diplo> I guess she means offline viewing guys\n<diplo> I've never tried though\n<czajkowski> yes\n<brobostigon> i have never seen the option to do that.\n<SuperMatt> You can't do offline viewing, I believe\n<czajkowski> hmm I think you can on windows\n<diplo> They have a windows 'app'\n<diplo> Windows 10\n<brobostigon> i see, useless for some of us, :)\n<diplo> I like netflix, don't like win10 so deal with streaming for now, guess I could use my sons Android tabket\n<diplo> tablet*\n<brobostigon> is the tabket the north korean tablet? lol.\n<diplo> :p\n<Azelphur> Is anyone here familiar with ebook readers, which ones are good, which ones are not good, etc?\n<Azelphur> Pondering buying one, but don't really know what I should look for\n<daftykins> price of books and how evil the ecosystem provider is would be top i'd imagine :D\n<zmoylan-pi> i've been using ereaders since i first downloaded etexts for my then palm iiix. i've had 4-5 e-ink ereaders.  they work well, have great battery life, work fine outdoors in direct sunlight, it's like reading paper.  and i kept going back to using my cheap tiny phone screens for reading ebooks. less hassle\n<Azelphur> I'm only really concerned with my ability to place ebooks on the device that were downloaded elsewhere, I have no interest in an ecosystem/store\n<Azelphur> zmoylan-pi: that's amusing, I do actually have my mobile and have read ebooks on a mobile before\n<zmoylan-pi> it works fine on dumb phones but whe you have a smart phone a part of your brain is constantly reminding you that you are draining the battery reading a book...\n<daftykins> i had a feeling that might be the case :)\n<Azelphur> eh, that wouldn't bother me too much, I never go anywhere without a portable battery\n<Azelphur> I just feel like e-ink might be easier on the eyes, especially when reading before bed\n<zmoylan-pi> e-ink is definitely more easy on the eyes than smart phones.  also better when outdoors in direct sun light. but it's another device to charge/carry/care for which irked me\n<Azelphur> suppose so, for me I'm only really one for before-bed reading anyway, so it'd probably be right next to a cable always anyway\n<Azelphur> but yea, think you're right, I'll just stick to my phone\n<Azelphur> no point burning money\n<zmoylan-pi> and you can always try green text on black background to see if that makes phone screen easier to read which i find\n<Azelphur> what app do you use?\n<daftykins> i used to use that HP Touchpad tablet but the low screen res was irritating\n<zmoylan-pi> well on my dumb nokia asha 302 i use albite a java app that works very well... on android which i use as a media player, pod catcher i use cool reader\n<daftykins> i prefer dead tree to have some off screen time :)\n<Azelphur> zmoylan-pi: cool ;) will give it a go\n<Azelphur> thanks\n<zmoylan-pi> when i was in hospital last year for 7 weeks the dumb nokia was dead handy as ereader as it only needed charging once a week\n<Azelphur> zmoylan-pi: eh, gotta get on my level, I carry 25600mAh with me\n<zmoylan-pi> and if i dropped the phone when i fell asleep it was a nokia and there was little risk of damaging it\n<zmoylan-pi> yes but by using the nokia i can last a week with mp3s for music and audio books and comedies, fm radio, web, email, irc, rss, java games\n<zmoylan-pi> oh... and ereader... :-)\n<Azelphur> hehe\n#ubuntu-uk 2018-01-23\n<brobostigon> morning boys and girls.\n<czajkowski> aloha\n<SuperMatt> ahoi hoi\n<zmoylan-pi> i tought it was ahoy hoy...\n<SuperMatt> I really don't know which it is\n<zmoylan-pi> i thought it was a nod to the naval greeting\n<brobostigon> it is, yes.\n<zmoylan-pi> which is usually spelt with a y\n<SuperMatt> well... phooey\n<zmoylan-pi> phoooi? :-)\n<SuperMatt> ¬.¬\n<zmoylan-pi> >_>\n<SuperMatt> D:\n<zmoylan-pi> =^..^=\n<diddledan> https://twitter.com/Kuwaddo/status/955810068661981185\n<diplo> hah, replies are also quite good\n<diddledan> haha, I hadn't looked at the replies\n<diddledan> baby groot is epic\n<diplo> :)\n<diplo> Replies are what waste half my time online\n<diplo> :P\n<zmoylan-pi> https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/23/obituaries/ursula-k-le-guin-acclaimed-for-her-fantasy-fiction-is-dead-at-88.html\n#ubuntu-uk 2018-01-24\n<MooDoo> howdy all\n<brobostigon> morning boys and girls.\n<SuperMatt> good morning\n<brobostigon> morning\n<czajkowski> aloha\n<brobostigon> morning\n<czajkowski> so oddly when I launch some applications they are so max screen I can't see how to mimmise them :/\n<czajkowski> somewhat baffled\n<popey> Morning :)\n<czajkowski> popey: ello ello\n * diddledan pokes daftykins to see if there is any life left in the idler\n * zmoylan-pi hands diddledan the cattle prod upgrade...\n<diddledan> it has been far too quiet in here lately (I'm also at fault there)\n * diddledan drops the cattle prod on his toe\n<diddledan> weirdly, clicking links in my gmail inbox in ff58 on buntu opens the new tab and then immediately closes it again\n<zmoylan-pi> none shall pass...\n<zmoylan-pi> popups that is\n<diddledan> I have to middle click it to do it via a different mechanism\n<m0nkey_> diddledan: how's that gsuite working out for you?\n<diddledan> Does its job.\n<uniquorn> Hey\n<m0nkey_> I may set-up G Suite, disable purchases from the Play store to prevent locking myself in.\n<uniquorn> So... Im from Sweden. I need an app called bankid on my phone to engage with the government. Can I ask if Ubuntu on a phone would support this?\n<m0nkey_> Wasn't Ubuntu touch dropped?\n<diddledan> It was\n<uniquorn> Ok so there's no Ubuntu edge or something similar?\n<daftykins> diddledan: a much delayed... \"ow!\" :D\n<diddledan> \"ow my *alls\"\n<daftykins> yep, falls\n<daftykins> i present to you, hardware porn, cats and the final haul of out of warranty disks (which also meets item 1) https://dafty.rocks/nextcloud/index.php/s/GanfIt7T2Gxo5us\n<diddledan> DUST BUNNIES!\n<daftykins> not my place of course\n<diddledan> ooh, WD Gold!\n<daftykins> nah RE2\n<daftykins> err RE4 even\n<diddledan> dame thing, aren't they?\n<diddledan> same*\n<diddledan> gold is the old name\n<diddledan> afaik\n<diddledan> I might be wrong\n<daftykins> new surely, these disks are old\n<daftykins> enterprise models before they launched the Reds\n<diddledan> aha\n<daftykins> i actually thought his desktop had Reds in RAID-1, but newp - so i've got a bunch of randoms now\n<daftykins> weirdly, one of the four reds only writes at 105MB/sec whilst the rest hit 150MB/sec\n<diddledan> popey: should we try amazon go while in Seattle? https://www.amazon.com/b?node=16008589011\n<daftykins> got a live session booted on a core 2 duo upstairs, SSH server installed and then remoted in 4 times from here to zero 3 disks xD\n<daftykins> you two off on a holiday? :)\n<diddledan> yeah we're off on a secret trist\n<daftykins> nice, be sure to find Frasier!\n<zmoylan-pi> all those 2tb drives... how titchy :-) see the 512gb card for phones announced :-)\n<daftykins> ah these are all old yeah\n<daftykins> no plans what to do with them, but technically being out of warranty and spinning so long, they could pop\n<zmoylan-pi> recommend the new helium filled jobbies just to save weight... :-D\n<daftykins> ;)\n<diddledan> do those helium ones float?\n<daftykins> i feel a bit iffy about those for now - also totally dislike the idea of the SMR drives (shingled magnetic recording) where write rates are slow due to needing to wait for it to rewrite adjacent tracks\n<zmoylan-pi> no, not light enough... you need hydrogen ones to float but no smoking is allowed of course...\n<diddledan> not even the magic smoke?\n<diddledan> the blue kind\n<zmoylan-pi> well when the magic smoke is released the problem goes away\n<diddledan> Rabies from Maid Marian and her Merry Men has died :-( http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-42775406\n<daftykins> how old! O_O\n<zmoylan-pi> In a 2003 interview, Lewis said he turned to acting after many years working in computers. He added that when they decided to make him a manager, \"it was time to move on and became an actor\".\n#ubuntu-uk 2018-01-25\n<diddledan> that's the obvious reaction\n<zmoylan-pi> i still prefer the mainframe os developer who quit, joined a commune and refused to deal with any time units smaller than a season... :-)\n<daftykins> diddledan: i keenly await your debut film\n<diddledan> pah\n<popey> diddledan: i was thinking of trying amazon go while there myself actually, assuming it works with non US accounts\n<brobostigon> morning boys and girls.\n<diddledan> allo allo\n<daftykins> \\o\n<daftykins> oops i nearly had two heads\n<zmoylan-pi> theese is night 'awk calling\n<diddledan> \\oo/\n<daftykins> woo!\n<zmoylan-pi> hey, it's president zaphod... ::counts the arms::\n<zmoylan-pi> imposter!1\n<daftykins> i'm watching Terminator 1 on bluray, i was just testing it but i've ended up just sitting here...\n<diddledan> lol\n<zmoylan-pi> a simpler time when all you had to do to stop the robot rebellion was have access to one hydralic press...\n<daftykins> :D\n<daftykins> aww spoilers :P\n<zmoylan-pi> and your speaker system wasn't spying on you...\n<diddledan> \"the robots are revolting!\"\n<daftykins> how rude\n<zmoylan-pi> now the press would be computer controlled and need a 5 minute warm up plus updates before it squashed it's first terminator...\n<Azelphur> browsing eBay, found a graphics card with \"super low consumption and calorific value\" for all you people on a diet of graphics cards, https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GTX960-4GB-GDDR5-128Bit-PCI-E-Extended-Port-Game-Graphic-Video-Card-Fit-PC-Hot/112691798850?hash=item1a3cf46342:g:uLIAAOSw401aD~0O\n<zmoylan-pi> is it gluten free? :-)\n<Azelphur> Dunno, you'll have to ask the seller and let us know\n<daftykins> :D\n<daftykins> mmm silicon snacks\n<zmoylan-pi> be honest scooby, you'd do it for a silicon snack... :-)\n<daftykins> \"ruh-roh, rot rintel!\"\n<zmoylan-pi> at least it's not nvidia...\n<Azelphur> It's a fake graphics card btw, don't buy it.\n<zmoylan-pi> but a stradivarius video card? :-P\n<Azelphur> haha\n<daftykins> nvidia might not be open sauce's fave, but they do run nice :P\n<zmoylan-pi> assumiung nothing goes wrong for you in the lifetime of the card...\n<zmoylan-pi> nvidia is for life not just for christmas...\n<Azelphur> Amusingly, I'm looking at them because there's an opening to scam the scammers, kinda amusing\n<Azelphur> The scammers take old cards, reflash the firmware so they appear as new cards, and sell them on eBay to unsuspecting noobs\n<zmoylan-pi> well the gold standard is the guy who got the scammer to carve a wooden c64...\n<Azelphur> But, if you buy one, remove the heatsink and check the chip, you can prove what it is, do an ebay chargeback, get them banned, and guet a free gpu\n<daftykins> i'd much rather a whole PCB with RAM chips too ;D (for non-HBM)\n<NET||abuse> hey guys, i'm doing maintenance on my cluster, i think my setup was uncompressed, so i've run scrub, rebalance and now defrag, but i've added the -clzo option to the defrag, and i haven't re-mounted, but added lzo to the fstab\n<NET||abuse> when do i need to remount, or what happens to uncompressed files on disk which are perhaps written after the defrag but before remount,\n<NET||abuse> or does the btrfs just know that files on disk are not compressed, and lazy re-write them as compressed then if they move them.\n<diddledan> wat: https://youtu.be/bUR_eUVcABg\n<daftykins> no thanks :<\n<diddledan> looks like it's a wrapper around a barstewardised emacs\n<daftykins> PR for pints welcome\n<diddledan> is facebook down for anyone else? it's telling me \"your account is unavailable due to a site issue\" and saying I should try later\n<daftykins> sounds like an upgrade :)\n<daftykins> tried the ol' downdetector website?\n<diddledan> perhaps I've been deleted\n<diddledan> amnesia is free right now on humble: https://www.humblebundle.com/store/amnesia-collection\n<daftykins> amnesia's no fun! ;)\n<diddledan> scary\n<diddledan> aka \"how to spy on the ladies' changing rooms\" https://twitter.com/doctorow/status/956617953369362433\n<zmoylan-pi> no need for high tech... https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/real-life-stories/voyeur-spied-hotel-guests-beds-7701281\n<zmoylan-pi> https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/admiral-charges-hotmail-users-more-for-car-insurance-hrzjxsslr\n<diddledan> wat\n<diddledan> paywall\n<daftykins> :D\n<daftykins> seems pretty fair, if based on statistics\n<diddledan> only if you really are a bad driver\n<diddledan> if you're a great driver it's unfair discrimination\n<zmoylan-pi> bad driver, bad webmail provider... you can see the obvious link...\n<diddledan> what they really need is a five-star rating system where they just plain ask you: \"how good a driver are you?\"\n<diddledan> well MS stopped handing out hotmail.com emails years ago so the only folk who have them are like me: old\n<diddledan> those young whipper snappers with their live.com emails and Windows Vista\n<zmoylan-pi> even worse, people who stick with obsolete tech, can you imagine the cars they drive?? http://www.fordmodelt.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/ford1-1024x674.jpg\n#ubuntu-uk 2018-01-26\n<brobostigon> morning boys and girls.\n<BobMottram[m]> G'day\n<SuperMatt> friday friday friday\n<Azelphur> gotta get down on friday?\n<SuperMatt> OH GOD\n<SuperMatt> You had to remind us, didn't you?\n<Azelphur> hehe\n<daftykins> we have it as a trigger in another channel (:\n<daftykins> bit like a rick-rolling but without a good tune\n<SuperMatt> If it wasn't for the fact that no one is around much in the office on a friday, I'd have it blast out of the speakers of my work machine\n<daftykins> i thought nobody around would be the reason *to* play it ;D\n<diddledan> epic teacher is epic: https://twitter.com/heydebigale/status/956922033023074304\n<daftykins> guaranteed every student just thought she'd stayed out all night\n<ana_> hi. ubuntu just did the normal update, when restarting, wi-fi just won't connect\n<ana_> keeps asking for password then asks again\n<daftykins> forget the network entirely, try that\n<daftykins> ana_: did you try that?\n<daftykins> or are you getting support elsewhere...\n<ana_> try what?\n<ana_> daftykins, i am not getting support elsewhere\n<ana_> i googled it, no solution\n<daftykins> 21:21 < daftykins> forget the network entirely, try that\n<ana_> what is \"that\"\n<daftykins> the first part of the sentence\n<daftykins> FORGET THE NETWORK\n<ana_> yes i'm using ethernet now, i.e. cable not wifi. other wise i woun't be talking ...\n<ana_> here ...\n<diddledan> methinks there's a lingo barrier\n<ana_> yes. me not know lingo. plain english needed please :)\n<daftykins> saving a wireless network is how it's usually used, so delete the profile for it, so it doesn't remember it\n<daftykins> it was totally clear to me, i have no idea how any English speaker can fail to understand that\n<ana_> tried that, didn't work\n<ana_> (i think)\n<daftykins> confirm.\n<ana_> deleted the network from the list of networks, re-found it, re-entered password. problem not solved\n<daftykins> can you run: dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999\n<ana_> http://termbin.com/w9rs\n<daftykins> oh dear\n<daftykins> diddledan: i did it again\n<diddledan> damn you did. that's a nasty disk right there\n<daftykins> ana_: umm, aside from the wifi issue - your hard disk is faulty and if you have any important data on it, you are living on borrowed time\n<daftykins> likely the upgrade has caused breakage by writing to bad areas\n<ana_> ok. so i should change the hard drive?\n<ana_> thank you daftykins\n<daftykins> yep\n<daftykins> no problem\n<ana_> ok thank you\n<ana_> so that's the next step then ... thanks\n<ana_> can i ask further .. why would my hard drive be damaged?\n<daftykins> age\n<daftykins> looks like a 320GB museum piece\n<ana_> hmm\n<ana_> oh\n<diddledan> UDMA/133 - IDE\n<ana_> hehe\n<daftykins> ana_: if you wouldn't mind one more command: sudo apt install smartmontools && sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | nc termbin.com 9999\n<daftykins> (select 'no configuration' when/if a screen asks\n<daftykins> )\n<ana_> can i ask what that will do\n<daftykins> share the diagnostics information of your disk with us, nothing personally identifiable\n<daftykins> just confirms how far gone it is\n<diddledan> it will install smartmontools then it will ran smartctl then it will post to termbin.com\n<daftykins> ^\n<diddledan> reading goes from left to right\n<ana_> $ sudo apt install smartmontool\n<ana_> [sudo] password for ana:\n<ana_> Reading package lists... Done\n<ana_> Building dependency tree\n<ana_> Reading state information... Done\n<ana_> E: Unable to locate package smartmontool\n<daftykins> it's smartmontools\n<ana_> $ sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | nc termbin.com 9999\n<ana_> sudo: smartctl: command not found\n<ana_> ah\n<ana_> shoiuld i answer everything yes?\n<daftykins> yep\n<ana_> ok\n<ana_> oh dear\n<ana_> can i post here?\n<daftykins> yep\n<ana_> Package configuration\n<ana_>                ┌───────────────────────────┤ Postfix Configuration ├───────────────────────────┐\n<ana_>                │ Please select the mail server configuration type that best meets your needs.  │\n<ana_>                │                                                                               │\n<ana_>                │  No configuration:                                                            │\n<ana_>                │   Should be chosen to leave the current configuration unchanged.              │\n<ana_>                │  Internet site:                                                               │\n<ana_>                │   Mail is sent and received directly using SMTP.                              │\n<ana_>                │  Internet with smarthost:                                                     │\n<ana_>                │   Mail is received directly using SMTP or by running a utility such           │\n<diddledan> ee gads\n<daftykins> oh i thought you meant the URL\n<ana_>                │   as fetchmail. Outgoing mail is sent using a smarthost.                      │\n<daftykins> select 'no configuration' there\n<ana_>                │  Satellite system:                                                            │\n<ana_>                │   All mail is sent to another machine, called a 'smarthost', for delivery.    │\n<ana_>                │  Local only:                                                                  │\n<ana_>                │   The only delivered mail is the mail for local users. There is no network.   │\n<ana_>                │                                                                               │\n<ana_>                │ General type of mail configuration:                                           │\n<ana_>                │                                                                               │\n<ana_>                │                           No configuration           ↑                        │\n<ana_>                │                           Internet Site              ▮\n<ana_> sorry :)\n<ana_> (Reading database ... 95%\n<ana_> what i am installing?\n<ana_> (please don't answer 'a program')\n<diddledan> a _specific_ program\n<diddledan> :-p\n<ana_> :)\n<diddledan> you're installing smartmontools, as I pointed out above\n<ana_> ~$ sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | nc termbin.com 9999\n<ana_> http://termbin.com/5pp6\n<diddledan> she's dead jim\n<daftykins> yeah 2,900 bad sectors, DANGER UBUNTU ROBINSON!\n<ana_> ok. so, basically, do a back up of hard drive, change hard drive\n<diddledan> yeah, at this point with that disk anything you write to it is suspect\n<daftykins> yep, do you have an external hard disk to backup to?\n<ana_> yes i do regular backups\n<ana_> as in, yearly or so... hehe\n<daftykins> xD\n<daftykins> i like the honesty\n<ana_> i knew i had to change the hard drive, but it does mean to halt all other work for a day or two\n<ana_> so i was postponing\n<diddledan> I like that message near the top of the smart output: \"Drive failure expected in less than 24 hours. SAVE ALL DATA.\"\n<daftykins> that's a fairly old machine, you might want to consider picking up a solid state drive (SSD) instead of HDD for the replacement, it'll be a huge speed increase\n<ana_> well all important stuff is sent to other people, so, i was surviving\n<ana_> most my files ultimately live in several people's servers or computers\n<daftykins> yeah the longer it's even turned on, the less likely you'll be able to get your data off safely\n<daftykins> ah that's handy then\n<ana_> hand on. solid state drive\n<ana_> instead of hdd? what does it mean?\n<diddledan> HDD is a spinning lump of metal. SSD is microchips\n<ana_> wonder if it would fit  on this laptop\n<daftykins> definitely, already seen the specs\n<daftykins> though i'd take it to a reliable source for assistance in choosing such an upgrade\n<ana_> in any case ... i have this internal hard drive to replace in  a draw, waiting for replacent ... but will make a note, for next time\n<ana_> wow, thanks again\n<daftykins> ah\n<diddledan> drawer hard disks are awesome\n<ana_> this channels helpfulness will never cease to amaze me\n<ana_> haha :)\n<ana_> thank you!\n<diddledan> \"I need a new disk\".. \"oh there's one in that drawer!\"\n<ana_> need to call it a night now\n<ana_> :D\n<diddledan> me too\n<ana_> thank you thank you! good night :)\n<diddledan> sleep now\n<daftykins> g'night to you both \\o\n<diddledan> nn\n#ubuntu-uk 2018-01-27\n<brobostigon> morning boys and girls.\n<daftykins> morning indeed!\n<brobostigon> morning daftykins\n<daftykins> diddledan: what was the brand of 10Gb NICs you picked up when you got dabbling?\n<diddledan> for vmware I got an intel, and for freenas I got a chelsio\n<daftykins> ja just found some chelsios :)\n<daftykins> just messing about really but looking at what the options would be\n<penguin42> I guess you're using 10G-T\n<diddledan> https://insights.ubuntu.com/?p=82808\n<diddledan> aka \"Let's all descend upon Seattle\" :-p\n<zmoylan-pi> what? is it 80% of the price of nutella?! :-P\n<diddledan> hmm?\n<zmoylan-pi> missed the nutella riots in france? :-)\n<diddledan> guess I must have\n<penguin42> do pay attention\n<penguin42> I guess you missed the 50 escaped apes as well?\n<diddledan> 50 escaped apes? are they super intelligent?\n<penguin42> well, that depends if they were also behind the nutella riots\n<zmoylan-pi> the riots _DID_ provide a distraction while they were escaping...\n<diddledan> see, right now I'm unsure whether these things actually happened or you're yanking my noodle\n<zmoylan-pi> noodles are too serious to be yanked... trust me, i'm a pastafarian...\n<penguin42> diddledan: Seriously, both did\n<zmoylan-pi> nutella riots.. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-42826028\n<penguin42> https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jan/26/paris-zoo-shut-baboons-escape\n<diddledan> jeez\n<zmoylan-pi> 2018 the year the headlines seemed faker than the enquirer headlines of the 1980s...\n<penguin42> There's no requirement for reality to make sense\n<zmoylan-pi> ...so not covered by warranty then...bugger...\n<diddledan> sleepysleep time\n * zmoylan-pi hands diddledan a mug of happy sleepy snoozy snooze\n<diddledan> *thud*\n<diddledan> zzzz\n * diddledan sets alerm for silly oclock\n<zmoylan-pi> if only it were an alarm clock... :-) https://i.imgur.com/i9c6X7i.jpg\n<penguin42> zmoylan-pi: I'd assume it would play the call of the Norwegian Blue\n#ubuntu-uk 2018-01-28\n<brobostigon> morning boys and girls.\n<Nafallo> morning\n<brobostigon> morning\n#ubuntu-uk 2020-01-20\n<brobostigon> morning\n<zxmoypi>  o/\n<brobostigon> \\o\n<knightwise> hey guys\n<brobostigon> morning\n<sebsebseb> hi\n#ubuntu-uk 2020-01-21\n<Myrtti> brrrrrr\n<Myrtti> cold\n<keithbarry> Hello I am ne her and need help\n<keithbarry> new and here\n#ubuntu-uk 2020-01-22\n<brobostigon> morning\n<zxmoypi> o/\n<brobostigon> \\o\n<zxmoypi> terry jone, monty python star dies aged 77 :'( https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-51209197\n<brobostigon> :(\n<brobostigon> and writer of, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_Adams%27_Starship_Titanic:_A_Novel :)\n<zxmoypi> director of life of brian....\n<brobostigon> voice actor to the game of the same name.\n#ubuntu-uk 2020-01-23\n<brobostigon> morning\n<zxmoypi> o/\n<brobostigon> \\o\n#ubuntu-uk 2020-01-24\n<brobostigon> morning\n<zxmoypi> o/\n<brobostigon> o/\n#ubuntu-uk 2020-01-25\n<brobostigon> morning\n<zxmoypi> o/\n<brobostigon> \\o\n<knightwise> hey peepz\n<daftykins> \\o\n#ubuntu-uk 2020-01-26\n<brobostigon> morning\n<zxmoypi> o/\n<brobostigon> o/\n<daftykins> \\o\n<daftykins> about to go on a journey to the electronics recycling centre to offload some old gear\n<daftykins> mostly faulty parts though i think\n<daftykins> my little 3\" Casio portable TV is still working, just nothing to pick up ;D\n<penguin42> drive it off a Pi?\n<daftykins> it only has the antenna, can't think of anything more impractical\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC"}}
-{"text": "#ubuntu-it-meeting 2011-09-04\n<giorgio_> ho un problema ho la srivania tutta grigia si vede solo la barradi sopra e la barra di sotto\n<giorgio_> potete aiutarmi\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC"}}
-{"text": "#ubuntu-news 2010-04-19\n<nhandler> akgraner: You should set an irc alias to make that announcement (if you haven't already)\n<akgraner> nhandler, not sure I understand what you mean?\n<nhandler> akgraner: So you would be able to do: /announceuwn 189     and then have your IRC client send the announcement message to all of the channels\n<akgraner> ahhh ok\n<akgraner> didn't know that is what it is called\n<akgraner> I'll set that\n<akgraner> thanks!\n<nhandler> No problem akgraner.\n<akgraner> :-)\n<akgraner> nhandler, a couple of the presenters have asked for a session before open week on how to use Lernid\n<akgraner> I'm going to email all of them  - who is the person(s) to ask to lead a lernid session?\n<nhandler> akgraner: There isn't really anything to know about that other than the few things on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lernid/Session%20Leaders\n<nhandler> Do you really think that is worth a session?\n<akgraner> There are several who have never even looked at lernid and I think they just have some questions\n<nhandler> I would be interested in knowing what questions they have. I still don't think it is worth a session, but mbudde would be the best candidate\n<akgraner> k - let me see who else responds and I'll let you know\n<nhandler> akgraner: Another option is to simply forward the questions to the ubuntu-classroom@ mailing list, and I or someone else can answer them\n<akgraner> ok so far they haven't been asked in email for but I'll ask them too submit them that way\n<nhandler> Also point them to that link\n<akgraner> ok can do\n#ubuntu-news 2010-04-20\n<akgraner> nhandler, should mdz's interview go onto the Fridge?\n<akgraner> or anyone?\n<nhandler> akgraner: What was that interview about again? I can't remember\n<akgraner> Ubuntu Turkey LoCo Team Interviewed him - http://akgraner.com/?p=262\n<akgraner> well it was on the Ubuntu User Blog 1st well technically the Turkish Team blog\n<nhandler> akgraner: Yeah, it could probably go on the fridge. Want to post it?\n<akgraner> yep I can - :)\n<akgraner> let me do that now\n<nhandler> I'll be around for another hour or so to review\n<akgraner> k thanks!\n<akgraner> nhandler,  http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/2021\n<nhandler> akgraner: I would add a <BR> tag after the image.\n<nhandler> Other than that, it looks good\n<akgraner> ok let me add that and let you see it one more time :-)  then I publish  - grab the Forum Link, add the discuss the add the planet tag right?\n<nhandler> Yep\n<akgraner> nhandler, refresh and take a look now :-)\n<nhandler> Go ahead and publish akgraner :)\n<nhandler> I told you that you would get the hang of this quickly :)\n<akgraner> :-) yeah but I like knowing you all are looking over my shoulder there is something a bit comforting about that :-)\n<nhandler> :)\n<akgraner> alrighty it's done - :-) Thanks\n#ubuntu-news 2010-04-23\n<nhandler> akgraner: Can we toss the 200th issue meeting on the fridge ?\n<akgraner> As in an article or just on the Calendar\n<akgraner> I need to move it to the 6th  - completely overlooked 29th as release day\n<akgraner> nhandler,  - I added it to the Calendar - but need to change the date - see above reason^^\n<akgraner> The first meeting we can hold in -news, but the details on specific content will need to be discusses in ##johnc4510 - as we don't want to give away all the surprise content to everyone before the date\n<akgraner> and I was hoping we could have monthly -news meetings as well but wanted to get through UDS 1st\n<nhandler> akgraner: On the calendar\n<nhandler> Were you able to change the date? Or do you need me to?\n<akgraner> yep it's on there you can change it if you want I am in the middle of something else right this sec\n<nhandler> akgraner: Moved\n<akgraner> nhandler, awesome - Thank you!!\n<nhandler> np\n#ubuntu-news 2011-04-18\n<akgraner> johnc4510, I didn't get back home til much later than planned ...if you are around this week ping me..:-)\n<pleia2> do we have a blueprint yet? I think having a session at UDS is important\n<akgraner> pleia2, ahhh I new I forgot something and you are right we do need a session...I'll do that now\n<pleia2> thanks akgraner :)\n<akgraner> thanks for the reminder...:-)\n<akgraner> pleia2, I need to add some goals - but the BP has been created - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntu-news-team\n<akgraner> I'll send out notice to the teams who make up the news team once the goals are in place\n<akgraner> (which should be later this evening\n#ubuntu-news 2011-04-19\n<akgraner> adding the 6.06 EOL announcement to the Fridge now...\n#ubuntu-news 2012-04-16\n<pleia2> Unit193 (and anyone else interested in editoral review): have at it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue261\n<pleia2> ended up bullet pointing those two sections, no use losing sleep over it\n * nlsthzn got called out to an unexpected night shift :( \n<nlsthzn> so missed out on the summaries\n<Unit193> nlsthzn: You got it then?\n<nlsthzn> ?\n<nlsthzn> Unit193: I am not following (which may be because it is 0600am and I have been awake the whole time)\n<Unit193> Heh, felt so late here too, but then I remembered dI got about 3 hours last night.\n<Unit193> echo \"that take place in IRC\"|sed s/in/on/\n<Unit193> Errr... English...\n<Unit193> And in the same one, s/of/or/ \"Jorge Castro: Ubuntu OpenWeek call for instructors\"\n<Unit193> \"about the end of life of the last Pre-Unity release.\" Isn't 10.04 LTS still alive?\n<Unit193> And text in quotes is sometimes starting out in caps, and sometimes not...\n<pleia2> you're welcome to make direct edits\n<Unit193> I'm sure we went over this already, but the \"new members\" section differs from the \"TeamReport\".  I want to make sure they're needed, I'm being nitpicky. :P\n<pleia2> differs from?\n<pleia2> the team report is from march, the new members are from the latest meeting (in april)\n<Unit193> Doh, I'm an idiot. :P\n<pleia2> the team report is just laggy because it takes a while for teams to write them (me included)\n<Unit193> So, any changes you want?\n<pleia2> you can make the other changes you mentioned above, I'd do s/last Pre-Unity release/last non-LTS Pre-Unity release\n<Unit193> ...And wiki crapped out on me, I'll see if I can get it back.\n<Unit193> And it's using a cross of en_US and en_UK.\n<pleia2> we want us\n<Unit193> Meh, didn't see an order of names and guessed I was supposed to toss mine in. :P\n<Unit193> pleia2: Feel free to take apeek at the diff.\n<pleia2> Unit193: thanks :)\n<Unit193> Sure, if it helps, but I know you've gotta be lacking if you're calling me.\n<JoseeAntonioR> pleia2: sorry, I had to rush for lots of things for school, but I promise that the UWN in Spanish will be ready for tomorrow, don't worry about ir\n<JoseeAntonioR> pleia2: tomorrow, as soon as I get home, I'll finish to translate the UWN. I have to go now, but it'll be ready.\n<pleia2> JoseeAntonioR: great! have a good night :)\n<dholbach> good morning\n<bkerensa> dholbach: starting early this week on our next issue\n<dholbach> bkerensa, cool, do you have any plans for it already?\n<bkerensa> dholbach: I did a rought draft intro about the candidate window but I hope you will expand it because your words are much more eloquent\n<bkerensa> dholbach: now I am just harvesting sayings of our devs ;)\n<dholbach> cool - thanks for that\n<dholbach> I'm sure you're eloquent as well :-)\n<bkerensa> dholbach: fyi we can meet any day except tuesday at UDS.... I am going to be crewing for cjohnston that day\n<dholbach> I'm sure we'll find a time :)\n<SilverLion> good morning\n<benonsoftware> pleia2: Sorry for not writing any summaries for the UWN, I started school again today\n<akgraner> Hey all - looks like the newsletter is ready to go  - I forgot to tell everyone I was in Indiana this weekend and flew back in time to see Warren Haynes last night.  Crazy yet fun weekend.\n<SilverLion> akgraner: saw the pics on FB ;)\n<akgraner> Oh that's not all of them\n<akgraner> :-) - it was a great show, and some much needed down time, but I still talked about Linux, Ubuntu, and Linaro.  :-/\n<akgraner> I wanted to get a picture of me giving Warren Haynes an Ubuntu CD, but sadly my family removed all my Ubuntu Swag from the car and my purse before we left the house\n<SilverLion> akgraner: :/\n<akgraner> Yeah I know sometimes I just can't turn off my in-grained marketing gene :-)\n<riso> I just submitted an article to the fridge: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/?p=4791\n<SilverLion> delivers a 404\n<SilverLion> akgraner: my article was accepted by ronnie and will be published next month with your daughter ;)\n<akgraner> :-)  thank goodness you didn't talk to her.. one day paybacks are going to be a pain for me I am sure :-)\n<SilverLion> akgraner: well hang on ...\n<akgraner> :-P\n * SilverLion is going to send a FB-Message to Becca\n<akgraner> Um, everything she says gets to be reviewed by Pete or I :-)\n<akgraner> well unless she post it on FB - then I just tell her what to remove\n<riso> mm, so it does. Well, I'm not sure how to get the link to it then. It is in the fridge under the ubuntu acct. Title: CLI bindings for libcanberra and a new user timer app\n<akgraner> riso - I'll look for it  - in just a second\n<riso> ah, so maybe this works: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=4791&action=edit\n<akgraner> when did you submit it?\n<riso> ~40 min\n<akgraner> ahh ok  - I'll take a look in just a few - on the phone right now - once I finish this call, I'll look though\n<riso> great, no problem\n<pleia2> I'll publish in about 2.5 hours\n<pleia2> so if anyone else can do edtorial review that'd be great: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue261\n<Unit193> Since I was last person to edit it, I shouldn't. (Though, now it's not the middle of the night)\n<pleia2> :)\n<riso> hello. If it hasn't been processed yet, I submitted this today: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=4791&action=edit\n<pleia2> I'll take a look\n<pleia2> \"Once you do this, be sure to notify a Fridge editor\" is an important step, we aren't alerted when people create posts in WP\n<pleia2> riso: could your post explain why this is valuable news to Ubuntu users?\n<pleia2> (it's unclear to me)\n<pleia2> ah, I see akgraner was going to take a look too\n<riso> yeah, I already posted something here several hours ago\n<riso> right\n<pleia2> thanks :) sorry I didn't see it\n<riso> The most important thing at the level of Ubuntu users would be the announcement of the new app, the other half is more developer level. I'm not sure if there's a more appropriate place\n<pleia2> hmm\n<pleia2> is this a default part of Ubuntu? I guess I don't really understand what the app is and why people need to be informed about it\n<riso> it is currently a \"blessed gnome\" dependency, i believe\n<pleia2> \"blessed gnome\"?\n<riso> ah, the library is\n<pleia2> maybe edit the post to describe what the library is used for that would impact regular users?\n<riso> I believe it is a standard component of the gnome base.\n<riso> that could be done. The impact is really only visible to developers though.\n<riso> the application using it is user-level of course\n<pleia2> ok, maybe add a line about the news being for developers? we get everyone from brand new linux users to hard core developers reading the fridge, so it needs to be written so that even if not everyone understands it, the audience is clear\n<riso> that makes sense. It should be partitioned into two pieces for the relative audiences then\n<pleia2> yeah\n<riso> Perhaps it should be two separate posts even?\n<pleia2> I think we should keep it to one\n<riso> Very good\n<pleia2> maybe just used some heading tags that say something like \"For developers\" and \"For users\"\n<riso> Right, that's what I was thinking\n<riso> I can't take care of it right now though...I have to go.\n<pleia2> no problem, just mention in here later when you can\n<pleia2> thanks!\n<riso> sure, thanks for the review!\n<SilverLion> akgraner, ping\n<akgraner> SilverLion, pong\n<SilverLion> akgraner just leaving the note that i am there if you need me ;)\n<akgraner> ok thanks - it's Monday and I am digging through my email after being away from my inbox for 2.5 days\n<pleia2> The new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue261\n#ubuntu-news 2012-04-17\n<JoseeAntonioR> pleia2: what's the strange character in the LoCo news section?\n<pleia2> JoseeAntonioR: if you follow the url link it should bring you to the blog title\n<pleia2> which has the strange character, I think it transferred poorly between blog/google doc/wiki :\\\n<JoseeAntonioR> hmm, no problem then :) I'm very sorry for the delay, I'm almost finished with it, it's just that I've had a though weekend with school\n<JoseeAntonioR> pleia2: ok, the Spanish edition is now ready\n<pleia2> JoseeAntonioR: great!\n<pleia2> and no worries about it being late, I understand :)\n<JoseeAntonioR> thanks :)\n<JoseeAntonioR> pleia2: do you have a second for a PM?\n<pleia2> sure\n<dholbach> good morning\n<SilverLion> morning every1\n<SilverLion> hey coplon/passstab\n<passstab> hi\n<passstab> sorry about coplon\n<passstab> fixing now\n<passstab> http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTA4ODU\n<passstab> is that a good link?\n<passstab> IDK if you just use the mailing list\n<riso> http://fridge.ubuntu.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=4791&action=edit is ready to be reviewed/published\n<akgraner> riso  - thanks!\n#ubuntu-news 2012-04-18\n<dholbach> good morning\n<SilverLion> morning\n<risotto> in case my message was missed before, http://fridge.ubuntu.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=4791&action=edit is ready to be reviewed/published\n<akgraner> risotto, there are some questions still - what email address can I send comments too?\n<akgraner> While I can ask you here  - it would be easier for me to send you comments etc in editors formating etc\n<SilverLion> hi everyone\n<nlsthzn> Hey SilverLion :)\n<nlsthzn> ooh a bit late on the hello\n<SilverLion> cprofitt: hey there\n<cprofitt> hey SilverLion\n<MrChrisDruif> Aloha cprofitt ! ^_^\n<SilverLion> cprofitt: just wanted to thank you again for your support ;) finally found a home now with Ronnie Tucker ;)\n<cprofitt> ?\n<cprofitt> Ronnie Tucker?\n<SilverLion> cprofitt: http://fullcirclemagazine.org\n<cprofitt> I am still not following SilverLion ...\n<SilverLion> cprofitt: last time we talked I was a little unhappy in this community\n<cprofitt> ah...\n<SilverLion> and in the meantime i pretty much grew together with Ronnie Tucker and have to create the epub (mobile) version of the Magazine now\n * cprofitt nods\n<cprofitt> I think I understand now... great to hear\n<MrChrisDruif> cprofitt; how's it going?\n<akgraner> whoa  - cprofitt's in da house!\n<SilverLion> akgraner: the Lion is too ;)\n<akgraner> :-) but sadly I still have 3 more things to write before my day ends\n<akgraner> then I can transition to Ubuntu stuff for the remained of the day\n<akgraner> :-)\n<akgraner> bbiab\n<MrChrisDruif> See ya later akgraner ^_^\n<MrChrisDruif> cprofitt; I don't know if you remembered, but months ago you withheld your testimonial for when I was finally going for Ubuntu Member. I'm up for tomorrow night! ^_^\n<cprofitt> MrChrisDruif: I withheld?\n<cprofitt> wiki link?\n<MrChrisDruif> Well, withheld or wasn't going to write one\n<MrChrisDruif> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MrChrisDruif/Testimonials\n<Unit193> MrChrisDruif: I'll be there, as you know, so I'll do mine there.\n * MrChrisDruif can't remember if I did yours! O_O\n<cprofitt> all done MrChrisDruif\n<MrChrisDruif> Thanks cprofitt\n<MrChrisDruif> ^_^\n#ubuntu-news 2012-04-19\n<dholbach> good morning\n<Unit193> Howdy.\n<SilverLion> mornin\n<SilverLion> good evening\n<nlsthzn> o/\n<SilverLion> nlsthzn, long time no see man!\n<nlsthzn> Why SilverLion , where you blind?\n<nlsthzn> *were\n<SilverLion> nlsthzn, seems like it :D\n<nlsthzn> :) how are you?\n<SilverLion> nlsthzn, busy getting my 23 inch Screen back on track\n<nlsthzn> nice\n<SilverLion> nlsthzn, but i wait till the release of Lubuntu 12.04\n<nlsthzn> I am still trying to get my screen to use it's naitive resolution\n<SilverLion> nlsthzn, ;)\n#ubuntu-news 2012-04-20\n<dholbach> good morning\n<SilverLion> good morning\n<SilverLion> philipballew ping\n<bkerensa> dholbach: hi\n<dholbach> hi bkerensa\n<bkerensa> dholbach: does Germany still have the Love Parade?\n<SilverLion> dholbach & bkerensa good morning from north-rhine westfalia ;)\n<bkerensa> SilverLion:Good Morning Indeed (1:53am here in wet Oregon)\n<dholbach> SilverLion, whereabouts in NRW are you?\n<SilverLion> bkerensa: and you are still up?\n<bkerensa> SilverLion: Only for a short bit more then to sleep :)\n * bkerensa is watching some Paul Oakenfold videos\n<dholbach> bkerensa, in 2010 we had the last one and it turned into http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_Parade_disaster\n<bkerensa> oh\n<SilverLion> dholbach: seems like there will be one in Berlin this year\n<bkerensa> o.o\n<dholbach> SilverLion, aha - I didn't hear about it elsewhere\n<SilverLion> dholbach: btw. did you get a g+ message from a guy called HarryLweber ?\n<SilverLion> dholbach: http://www.b-parade.de/projekt.html ;)\n<dholbach> SilverLion, I don't recall\n * SilverLion is happy to know a bit more then dholbach\n<JanC> http://techcrunch.com/2012/04/19/an-interview-with-millenium-technology-prize-finalist-linus-torvalds/ --> small nice thing from Linus about Ubuntu about 2/3rd into there  ☺\n#ubuntu-news 2012-04-21\n<pleia2> good morning news friends!\n<nlsthzn> news summaries, iso testing...\n<nlsthzn> so much to do :p\n<pleia2> indeed\n<pleia2> I'm going to blog about the team again, hopefully pull in some new people\n * pleia2 has half-written blog post\n * pleia2 works on it\n<pleia2> ok, here we go http://princessleia.com/journal/?p=5897\n#ubuntu-news 2012-04-22\n<passstab> IW isn't working for me right now\n<passstab> but somebody should probably put http://lifehacker.com/5904069/five-best-distributions\n<passstab> nvm i did it\n<pleia2> thanks passstab\n<passstab> np :)\n<passstab> how do you decide what goes in \"other articles of intrust\" ?\n<pleia2> it tends to be big linux-related news, or generic \"best of\" articles that we find interesting\n<pleia2> I like to include debian news there too\n<pleia2> need to run off to the airport, but I'll be back in a bit (dropping my fiance off *sniff*)\n<passstab> b\n<akgraner> Ubuntu stats are in\n * MrChrisDruif checks real quick if all flavor meetings are up to date and if he can make one/two summaries\n<akgraner> security and updates anre in as well\n<akgraner> MrChrisDruif, thanks for checking on that\n<MrChrisDruif> I *think* only Lubuntu had a meeting...again\n<MrChrisDruif> pleia2; no Xubuntu meeting?\n<Unit193> Nope.\n<MrChrisDruif> Thanks Unit193\n<MrChrisDruif> Saves me searching\n<Unit193> Unless they hid it from me. >_>\n<pleia2> akgraner: thank you!\n<pleia2> MrChrisDruif: right\n<akgraner> pleia2, let me know if you need a reviewer - I'm going to be afk for a couple hours but will check back before turning in for the night - stayed up to late watching ppv UMA fights last night and I am paying for it now\n<akgraner> but will be happy to review and move stuff over in a few hours for you if you want\n<pleia2> akgraner: thanks :) I'm running out to lunch now but I suspect I'll need to write some summaries, and when I write summaries I need more pairs of eyes reviewing\n * pleia2 seeks sushi\n<akgraner> pleia2, ping my on gmail (my phone will yell at me if you do) and I'll help with some summaries\n<pleia2> still need several summaries, I'll start writing some soon\n<nlsthzn> :( after the last of the Sc2 games I will get 6 hours sleep then I will clean up what is left...\n<pleia2> nlsthzn: it needs to be finished in the next couple hours, thanks though\n<nlsthzn> hmmm...\n<nlsthzn> k... then I can try and do a few in an hour or so...\n<Unit193> I can be useless and look over it when everyone is done. :P\n<pleia2> Unit193: that's not useless!\n<Unit193> It is if you don't really know what you're doing. :D\n#ubuntu-news 2013-04-15\n<pleia2> ok, newsletter sent off to editors\n<pleia2> Unit193: care to link check? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue312\n<Unit193> Either script is broken, or no unexpected dead links.\n<JoseeAntonioR> pleia2: stats have been pulled?\n<pleia2> JoseeAntonioR: yeah, it's pretty much ready aside from final editing (then adding \"in this issue\" and pulling out stray comments)\n<JoseeAntonioR> ok!\n<JoseeAntonioR> tomorrow I have to do a MUN audition, but once I'm done I'll get straight to it\n<bkerensa> :D\n<dholbach> good morning\n<smartboyhw> JoseeAntonioR, how's the news?:P\n<JoseeAntonioR> smartboyhw: will try to work on that in a minute\n<JoseeAntonioR> ok, working on releasing now\n<smartboyhw> JoseeAntonioR: \\o/\n<JoseeAntonioR> I'm manually working on the line breaks, so please be patient\n<JoseeAntonioR> Unit193: link check please?\n<Unit193> Did not too long ago, nothing unexpected.\n<JoseeAntonioR> great, thanks\n<akgraner> looks like it cuts off at this line - People Contributing the best questions and answers this week: Luis\n<akgraner> Alvarado (http://askubunt\n<akgraner> oops\n<JoseeAntonioR> hmm?\n<JoseeAntonioR> The new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue312\n<smartboyhw> JoseeAntonioR: \\o/ thx for releasing…):)\n<JoseeAntonioR> no worries, smartboyhw!\n<smartboyhw> JoseeAntonioR why shall I worry?\n<JoseeAntonioR> it's an expression\n#ubuntu-news 2013-04-16\n<smartboyhw> JoseeAntonioR: Just joking:P\n<akgraner> JoseeAntonioR, thank you!  I'll fix the forum post in just a few - social media'ing is complete and the Fridge post is approved\n<JoseeAntonioR> great, thanks a bunch!\n<pleia2> ah, we need to get someone else with access to all our social media accounts\n<pleia2> akgraner: I'll get you the twitter login info before I leave :)\n<akgraner> pleia2, cool  - I have the FB and Google+ stuff\n<harris> what is worth reading today in the email\n<harris> and why didnt lyz send it\n<JoseeAntonioR> harris: because lyz was busy, and most of the articles are worth reading\n<harris> can you tell her i say hi and she does a good job\n<JoseeAntonioR> pleia2: ^\n<harris> who is pleia2\n<JoseeAntonioR> lyz\n<harris> you just cant go by liz\n<harris> lyz\n<harris> and how do i get to it do i click the wiki\n<JoseeAntonioR> yes, click on the wiki link and you'll get to the newsletter\n<harris> i only have time to read one which should i read\n<JoseeAntonioR> I think that's up to you\n<harris> you wrote it\n<harris> i dont know whats good\n<harris> JoseeAntonioR,\n<JoseeAntonioR> harris: I didn't exactly write it, it's a collaboration between many team members\n<harris> just which one should i read\n<harris> JoseeAntonioR, isnt it 13.04 not 13.05\n<JoseeAntonioR> harris: 13.05 is for the Ubuntu Developer Summit, which is occurring in May\n<harris> ok\n<harris> none of them seem interesting\n<harris> and since you wont tell me which to read im just unsubscribing\n<skellat> Have a nice day then\n<JoseeAntonioR> oh, just read this\n<Unit193> JoseeAntonioR: He's known to not wait for much.\n<JoseeAntonioR> Unit193: you've dealed with him before?\n<Unit193> Not me personally, but seen when he asked to be an op, and him trying to get unbanned too. (Pretty sure he isn't now.)\n<dholbach> good morning\n#ubuntu-news 2013-04-17\n<dholbach> good morning\n#ubuntu-news 2013-04-18\n<dholbach> good morning\n<JoseeAntonioR> pleia2 or akgraner: there's a guy who's got an Ubuntu Community Survey and wants to post it to the fridge+planet, I can do planet, but is it appropriate for the Fridge?\n<pleia2> not really\n<JoseeAntonioR> ok, thanks!\n<pleia2> fridge is official news, 3rd party surveys are not :)\n<pleia2> can include your post in the planet section of UWN though\n<JoseeAntonioR> yeah, I still get a bit confused when they ask me about something getting on the fridge\n<JoseeAntonioR> yep, I'll do that, but once I've got the blog post\n<JoseeAntonioR> everything's going good over Portland?\n<pleia2> yep, wrapping up in 40 minutes or so and heading to the airport\n#ubuntu-news 2013-04-19\n<smartboyhw_> JoseeAntonioR: Who's \"that guy\"?\n<JoseeAntonioR> smartboyhw_: I think I may respect the privacy, as he talked to me via IRC\n<JoseeAntonioR> pleia2: have a nice flight!\n<smartboyhw_> JoseeAntonioR: Or rather, is he an Ubuntu member?\n<JoseeAntonioR> nope\n<smartboyhw_> pleia2: Have a nice trip:)\n<smartboyhw_> JoseeAntonioR: Not sure can that go to the Planet section\n<JoseeAntonioR> smartboyhw_: I can post it\n<smartboyhw_> JoseeAntonioR: :)\n<dholbach> good morning\n#ubuntu-news 2013-04-20\n<pleia2> summary writer email sent out\n<pleia2> I'll probably be able to do most of the prep this weekend\n<pleia2> JoseeAntonioR: I'm going to give you a shell account on my community server so you can run the scripts without the whitespace problem, please send me your preferred username and public ssh key when you have a chance :)\n<Unit193> Ooooh!  Free shell account!\n<pleia2> heh\n<smartboyhw> pleia2, if you have any spare time do me a flavour and review my wordings for the UWN draft:P\n<pleia2> smartboyhw: a lot of these are really short again\n<smartboyhw> pleia2, grrr.\n<pleia2> like in the \"10 Best Ubuntu 13.04 Features\" you want to say what some of them are\n * smartboyhw leaves them for the other people.\n<smartboyhw> No time to fix, sleep!\n<pleia2> people won't touch them since they will think they are done already\n<pleia2> I'll need to fix them all :(\n<pleia2> I've tried to explain this to you before, the summaries need to do more than just repeat what the article title is in different words\n<smartboyhw> pleia2, extremely sorry:(\n<pleia2> I highly encourage you to take more time on each one and leave some of the work for others instead of doing everything quickly like this\n * smartboyhw posts a reminder to self at the computer.\n<pleia2> doing them all quickly just makes more work for me\n<smartboyhw> pleia2, OK\n<Pendulum> smartboyhw: when I do summaries, I generally figure they should be about a paragraph (so about 4 sentences). And they really do require reading the entire article. I'd had summaries longer than that for longer articles (it's hard to get 8 pages into 4 sentences), but you can't really get a good summary in less than a paragraph\n<Pendulum> *I have done summaries longer\n<skellat> New summary for Burning Circle 110: \"The  newly appointed Leader for Ubuntu Ohio, Stephen Michael Kellat, talks  about the on-going Membership Awareness Poll as an effort to gauge what  members are actually out there.  Mention is given as to preparing for a  possible UbuCon at Ohio Linux Fest 2013.  The leader declared at the end  that he intends to set up IRC office hours but has come to no decision  yet in that regard.\"\n<Pendulum> Did we start summarizing podcasts? We used to just post the notes provided by the podcasters\n<pleia2> thanks Pendulum and skellat :)\n<JoseeAntonioR> pleia2: ping\n<pleia2> JoseeAntonioR: pong\n<JoseeAntonioR> pleia2: mind a PM to send the info?\n<pleia2> go for it\n#ubuntu-news 2013-04-21\n<harris> where is liz\n<pleia2> o_O\n<Unit193> Pretty much normal MO.\n<skellat> Ohio Statewide Conference Call (Raring Ringtail Release Party) is set for Thursday night at 9 PM Eastern via TalkShoe.com.  Call-in to 1-724-444-7444, conference ID is 127739, then hit 1# unless you have a TalkShoe account.  Everybody joins the call muted initially.  No set length for the event.\n#ubuntu-news 2014-04-14\n<jose> email sent to editors\n<jose> ok, getting ready to release in less than 5m\n<jose> ok, working on it now\n<jose> Unit193: mind link checking, please? :) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue363\n<Unit193> Looks good.\n<jose> thanks!\n<jose> The new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue363\n#ubuntu-news 2014-04-16\n<ubusurfer> hi\n#ubuntu-news 2014-04-17\n<jose> pleia2: you doing the release announcement on the Fridge?\n * PaulW2U it looks like this is that time again where I add hundreds of links to the working .doc only for pleia2 to keep the best and delete the rest  :o)\n<jose> haha, maybe if they're all 14.04 reviews we can group them?\n<PaulW2U> I think some of them are just speculating about what's going to be released very soon. Anyway, there will be plenty for pleia2 to group/edit/delete/move etc :)\n<pleia2> jose: I'll be around for the next 2-3 hours, if it's released in that time I'll be able to post it\n<pleia2> I'll be sure to mention here if I do :)\n<jose> ok, I can take care if needed :)\n<pleia2> PaulW2U: thanks \\o/\n<jose> pleia2: we're good to go\n<pleia2> I do not see an announcement yet\n<pleia2> aha, there it is\n<pleia2> jose: you want to do it?\n<jose> sure, I'm all set\n<pleia2> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2014-April/000182.html\n<pleia2> thanks :)\n * pleia2 runs off to publish the xubuntu one\n<jose> announcement is now on the fridge\n<pleia2> thanks jose \\o/\n * jose pops champagne... but doesn't drink it\n * pleia2 too\n<pleia2> we're having our release party next week so I can drink then (hopefully)\n<pleia2> PaulW2U: so if you want, you can move all the release-related posts up as bullet points under the main announcement and I'll cull as needed\n<PaulW2U> ok, i'll do that shortly\n<jose> pleia2: ronnie tucket x-posted the announcement to the planet via his personal blog, not sure if we should give him a heads up\n<jose> (and I'm working with IS as Fridge doesn't appear)\n<pleia2> jose: fridge always takes forever to appear, it's the caching\n<pleia2> xubuntu.org has the same problem, they've known about it for ages\n<pleia2> I gave up complaining, but by all means :)\n<jose> :P\n<jose> well, let's hope they can fix it at some point\n<jose> (even if that's in 2020)\n#ubuntu-news 2014-04-18\n<gonyere> do you want summaries for all/some of the coverage re: the 14.04 release? or should I just skip down to planet/cloud news?\n#ubuntu-news 2014-04-19\n<jose> gonyere: we usually don't do summaries for bullet-pointed lists, and I think PaulW2U was about to put them in a list\n * jose double checks\n<gonyere> thats what i figured\n<gonyere> just wondered if there was one or two that we wanted to highlight\n<jose> I don't think so :)\n<jose> thanks a lot for working on summaries!\n<gonyere> np :) I just wish there were other areas of Ubuntu that were as easy to contribute to!\n#ubuntu-news 2014-04-20\n<PaulW2U> canonical and blogosphere summaries still to be written if anyone wants to do them. 'night all\n#ubuntu-news 2015-04-13\n<pleia2> anyone else about to write summaries? ahoneybun?\n * pleia2 starts moving things over && prep wiki\n * ahoneybun looks to write pausing The Walking Dead\n<pleia2> :D\n<pleia2> thanks!\n<Unit193> ahoneybun: Didn't that end two weeks ago?\n<ahoneybun> Unit193: Netflix :)\n<ahoneybun> pleia2: sorry I've been lazy this whole weekend\n<ahoneybun> things are moving! lol\n<pleia2> haha, sorry, moving stuff over to the wiki :)\n<ahoneybun> and someone is adding summaries\n<pleia2> looks like only two people in the document, me and you\n<pleia2> I do some editorial review when I move stuff over\n<ahoneybun> yep\n<Unit193> Sorry, but I've turned out to be terrible with writing those. :3\n<ahoneybun> https://insights.ubuntu.com/2015/04/08/the-power-of-software-defined-networking-appliances-sdna/ this is a bit out of my range lol\n<pleia2> ahoneybun: no worries :) I'll take care of it, thanks for your help with the blogosphere articles! be sure to add your name to the bottom of the doc\n<ahoneybun> np pleia2 I'll try to get more next wee\n<ahoneybun> *week\n<pleia2> Unit193: it's not for everyone :) care to link check? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue412\n<Unit193> That I can.\n<Unit193> Good.\n<pleia2> thanks\n<PaulW2U> added an \"Other Article of Interest\" to the wiki\n<MooDoo> sorry all i did one summary then had a problem with a non sleepy daughter.....:S\n<PaulW2U> editorial review done\n<pleia2> wow, I've been trying to release this newsletter for a half hour now\n<pleia2> work keeps pinging me D:\n<pleia2> once this is done, I'll get the loco council call for nominees up on the fridge\n<wxl> yay\n<pleia2> and tomorrow we should have news re: membership board\n<pleia2> Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 412 for the week April 6 - 12, 2015 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue412\n<pleia2> it's nice when hotel wifi cooperates :)\n<pleia2> ok, all done, off to conference social now \\o/\n#ubuntu-news 2015-04-14\n<ahoneybun> yy\n<ahoneybun> *yay\n<ahoneybun> yay!\n#ubuntu-news 2015-04-16\n<pleia2> MooDoo: happy birthday! (I know I'm late your time)\n<ahoneybun> pleia2: hello\n<pleia2> o/ ahoneybun\n<ahoneybun> o/\n<ahoneybun> pleia2: where are the logs of the decision for the Membership Board?\n<pleia2> ahoneybun: you'll have to look back into archives for when they had meetings, so they have meetings on the 1st Thursday of the month @ 22:00 UTC and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 12:00 UTC so just figure out those dates, and look for the logs at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/\n<pleia2> so let's see, the first thursday of this month was the 2nd\n<pleia2> here's the one from then: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2015/04/02/%23ubuntu-meeting.html#t21:03\n<pleia2> err, bad paste: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2015/04/02/%23ubuntu-meeting.html#t22:04\n<pleia2> half the meeting was getting enough board members to show up, which is why it was important to restaff ;)\n<pleia2> it may be good to include a link to the meeting logs in the announcement emails they send out (like https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-news-team/2015-April/002197.html)\n<pleia2> easier to keep track of them that way, then it doesn't take cross referencing dates with logs to dig them up :)\n<ahoneybun> pleia2: I don't think I will get the old email since I just sub to it now that I am a member\n<pleia2> ahoneybun: you probably have access to the private archives, but I meant the *public* emails they send to announce new members\n<pleia2> results are sent to the ubuntu-news-team mailing list so we can include them in UWN\n<ahoneybun> pleia2: I just want to see how I got voted in lol\n<pleia2> ahoneybun: oh, I thought you meant logs for membership meetings\n<ahoneybun> membership to the Board\n<pleia2> ahoneybun: the CC just does a condorcet vote across all candidates based on your email to the membership board and what we know of you from the community\n<pleia2> not much discussion really\n<ahoneybun> oh ok\n<ahoneybun> thanks\n<pleia2> :)\n<MooDoo> thanks pleia2 :D xx\n#ubuntu-news 2015-04-17\n * pleia2 adds a few articles and sends off to summary writers\n#ubuntu-news 2015-04-19\n * PaulW2U counts summaries - 9 still to be done\n<pleia2> thanks PaulW2U\n<ahoneybun> done 3\n<pleia2> \\o/\n<ahoneybun> 4 done\n<ahoneybun> in total\n#ubuntu-news 2016-04-18\n<tsimonq2> pleia2: and if I do end up releasing by myself, is there an editor I can consult to ensure it's high-quality?\n<pleia2> tsimonq2: the problem is right now is that I'm the only editor, and since you're writing a lot of the summaries I'd rather keep those roles at least somewhat separate\n<pleia2> tsimonq2: so I think it makes sense for us to continue releasing together so I can do a final once through\n<pleia2> still no summaries :(\n<pleia2> tsimonq2: are you going to have any time this evening to work on this?\n<pleia2> working on planet now\n<pleia2> and now general news\n<tsimonq2> pleia2: accidentally kept important things mounted when I removed a directory containing a bootstrap, so I intended to but was recovering :(\n<tsimonq2> actually working on it now\n<tsimonq2> although it won't show my name it's me, not logged in with Google right now\n<pleia2> bullet-pointed blogosphere, just need press and audio&video one\n<tsimonq2> working :)\n<pleia2> thanks, adding stats now\n<tsimonq2> ok\n<tsimonq2> heheheh Bryan Lunduke interviews Mark Shuttleworth\n<tsimonq2> this is gonna get interesting XD\n<pleia2> :)\n<tsimonq2>  \\o/ off of chromebook, onto Lubuntu live USB, gonna log into Google and continue to work while debootstrap runs\n<pleia2> ok, stats are done, I have dinner reservations so I need to run out\n<pleia2> I'll move the rest of the summaries over when I return, and send off to editors\n<tsimonq2> pleia2: I'll finish them up :)\n<tsimonq2> have fun pleia2 \")\n<tsimonq2> *:)\n<pleia2> thanks :)\n<tsimonq2> pleia2: should be all good, look at some comments but otherwise good to go\n<pleia2> tsimonq2: so the kubuntu podcast blog post has some info in it, I'd just summarize that\n<pleia2> tsimonq2: for uk podcast, I usually take from the bullet-point list and chop out a few things if it gets too wordy/linky\n<pleia2> tsimonq2: actually, just checked the date on kubuntu - november! oops :)\n<pleia2> I thought it was strange that ahoneybun didn't tell us about it, he usually does\n<tsimonq2> little late for me to finish them up, sorry\n<tsimonq2> in bed :P\n<tsimonq2> I did get a few done though\n<pleia2> thanks for working on these\n<pleia2> expanding a few of them before I move them over\n<pleia2> have a good night :)\n<tsimonq2> you too :)\n<tsimonq2> normal time tomorrow for release?\n<tsimonq2> pleia2: ^\n<pleia2> tsimonq2: I have a meeting at 3:30 pacific outside of my home, so I may be slightly later than normal (normal is 5 pacific)\n<tsimonq2> alright, I'll keep that in mind\n<tsimonq2> thanks and night :)\n<pleia2> Unit193: link check? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue462\n<Unit193> http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-my/3355-ubuntu-16.04-release-party-with- ~ http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-ca/3361-kw-ubuntu-16.04-xenial-xerus-release-party/ ~ http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-us-mi/3354-ubuntu-michigan-16.04-release-party/\n<pleia2> Unit193: all broken?\n<Unit193> Whoop, missed http://marcoceppi.com/2016/04/charm-2-point-oh/rsions too.\n<Unit193> pleia2: Yep.\n<pleia2> fun times\n<Unit193> I didn't break 'em! :3\n<pleia2> oh that last one was just some bad copy-paste from me\n<pleia2> I think they'er all fixed, try again?\n<Unit193> Looked cached, niice.  No FPs even!  Wow.\n<Unit193> Good to go, that is.\n<ahoneybun> pleia2, about what?\n<pleia2> ahoneybun: kubuntu podcast #6 ended up on planet again, even though it's from november ;)\n<tsimonq2> pleia2: you around?\n<tsimonq2> pleia2: oh that's right, you have a meeting, let me know :)\n#ubuntu-news 2016-04-19\n<tsimonq2> starting pre-relase tasks, basically everything but posting places\n<tsimonq2> *release\n<tsimonq2> step 13 done\n<tsimonq2> step 14 donw\n<tsimonq2> *done\n<tsimonq2> step 15 done\n<tsimonq2> Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 462 for the week April 11 - 17, 2016 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue462\n<tsimonq2> step 16 done\n<tsimonq2> pleia2: waiting for you to proceed, if another hour passes and you aren't here, I'll finish up\n<pleia2> woo city traffic\n<pleia2> tsimonq2: here now  :P\n<tsimonq2> yay\n<ahoneybun> heyo all\n<pleia2> doing my final review now\n<pleia2> random pcworld article pasted in the middle of the adding snaps article o_O\n<pleia2> fixed\n<tsimonq2> this is why you review ;)\n<pleia2> and no forgotten/last minute ubuntu-news-team posts, I think we're good to go\n<tsimonq2> awesome\n<pleia2> tsimonq2: you can't run the script twice (caching is too strong) so you'll have to edit anything you generated by hand to remove the pcworld article link\n<tsimonq2> alright\n<pleia2> I'll put on social media\n<tsimonq2> alright\n<pleia2> want to work on fridge? (should be able to log in this time)\n<tsimonq2> after I sdjust my files locally :)\n<tsimonq2> *adjust\n<pleia2> doesn't look like you can post to discourse, I think your posts keeps getting stuck in a queue that's never emptied, I never see them show up even when it tries to post :\\\n<pleia2> and I don't know who the active admins are there these days who can help with that\n<tsimonq2> so you do discourse I do fridge?\n<tsimonq2> (done adjusting files)\n<pleia2> yeah\n<tsimonq2> alright\n<pleia2> sigh, links didn't generate for fridge, \"And much more!\" at the end of the list looks fine, so that's odd\n<tsimonq2> yeah I was looking at that...\n<tsimonq2> *sigh* generating Planet manually will be fun...\n<pleia2> I'm still looking at the script, want to do the forums?\n<tsimonq2> sure\n<pleia2> tsimonq2: http://princessleia.com/temp/462\n<pleia2> I don't know what happened, but it worked this time\n<pleia2> I haven't checked the links, so you'll still want to do that before posting to fridge\n<pleia2> I'll work on the wiki\n<tsimonq2> doing forums, somehow, NONE of the \"In This Issue\" articles came up...\n<tsimonq2> I blame myself :P\n<tsimonq2> oh duh, no liks for Forums\n<tsimonq2> *links\n<tsimonq2> just...today :P\n<pleia2> I can regenerate that one too if you need\n<pleia2> we do want a list of in this issue, but no links\n<tsimonq2> alright\n<tsimonq2> I'll run some sed magic on the bullet points...\n<pleia2> just wait a moment please\n<pleia2> tsimonq2: http://princessleia.com/temp/462/\n<pleia2> that should be everything you need\n<pleia2> generated properly\n<pleia2> no need for sed magic\n<tsimonq2> thanks :)\n<tsimonq2> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2320926\n<pleia2> thanks, wiki is done, I'll do email while you work on testing fridge links\n<tsimonq2> alright\n<pleia2> then I'll copy your fridge html w/ fixed links for discourse\n<tsimonq2> k\n<tsimonq2> published\n<pleia2> looks good, copying over for discourse\n<tsimonq2>  \\o/ emails sending out\n<tsimonq2> s/sending/receiving/\n<tsimonq2> wording is important ;)\n<tsimonq2> oh jeez, I just need to sleep :|\n<pleia2> tsimonq2: fridge is showing to issue 462 posts in the post queue, did you start one earlier?\n<pleia2> one is published and the other is a draft\n<tsimonq2> then nuke draft if you could, I think I did but it was being weird, so yeah\n<pleia2> ok\n<tsimonq2> everything else is done?\n<pleia2> I think so\n<tsimonq2> you did wiki and emails...1-3?\n<tsimonq2> on it!\n<pleia2> ok, discourse is done\n<pleia2> in the middle of 1\n<pleia2> so don't create another page, or the wiki will be very confused\n<pleia2> ugh, edit conflicts\n<tsimonq2> no no no no no no noooooooo\n<tsimonq2> gosh darnit\n<tsimonq2>  /o\\\n<pleia2> please slow down :)\n<pleia2> alright, sorted and icons are there\n<pleia2> oh, but it didn't take my 16.04 template change\n<pleia2> tsimonq2: can you edit the Issue463 manually to add the 16.04 edits from the template?\n<tsimonq2> oh that's right, that's a thing, sure\n<pleia2> the template is up to date, but I think your version of the page was created before I had saved it\n<tsimonq2> yeah\n<pleia2> and I reverted my page creation back to yours after the conflicts\n<pleia2> thanks :)\n<tsimonq2> off to bed for me, thank you for your patience, night\n<pleia2> have a good night\n<tsimonq2> you too :)\n#ubuntu-news 2016-04-20\n<tsimonq2> pleia2: \\o/ Ars Technica article featuring Ubuntu\n<pleia2> it's been known to happen :)\n<tsimonq2> pleia2: worth adding in UWN? how-to featuring Ubuntu...\n<pleia2> you can add it to the press section and we'll evaluate later\n<tsimonq2> k\n#ubuntu-news 2016-04-21\n<pleia2> adding release announcement to fridge\n<pleia2> and there it is\n<jose> \\i/\n<jose> \\o/*\n<pleia2> :)\n<pleia2> tsimonq2: think you can work on collecting news from the planet?\n<pleia2> I'll dig up news from elsewhere\n<pleia2> just having an overwhelming week over here as it is, Ubuntu LTS release is another sack on top of that :)\n<pleia2> looks like there was no community Q&A this week, just jcastro's release edition juju office hours (added to doc, will need a summary basic)\n#ubuntu-news 2016-04-22\n<tsimonq2> *yawn* woke up from nap, been told Y has a name, then I have some homework, so maybe later but no promises, I have a lot of homework\n<tsimonq2> pleia2: I'll work on making sure that the articles are good on the document, then all you have to do is check over and send out to summary writers\n<tsimonq2> good meaning present\n<pleia2> tsimonq2: can you add articles from the planet? else I'll take care of it\n<pleia2> but I'm collecting other news, and have a ton else on my plate tonight\n<tsimonq2> k there\n<tsimonq2> pleia2: flavor release announcements - where do those go?\n<tsimonq2> pleia2: with general news maybe?\n<pleia2> tsimonq2: official ones from the flavors themselves? we don't typically put them in\n<tsimonq2> pleia2: oh? why not, just curious?\n<pleia2> tsimonq2: I recommend searching through the archives for the last UWN that had a release in it to see how we've done things\n<tsimonq2> pleia2: alright I'll do that, thank you\n<pleia2> tsimonq2: not all flavors have them, some are delayed or hard to link to, it ends up looking messy and incomplete\n<tsimonq2> alright\n * tsimonq2 is just a little biased because I wrote the Lubuntu one, but makes total sense :)\n<pleia2> yeah, I'm usually involved with writing the Xubuntu one\n<tsimonq2> but I wrote it all myself the night before ;)\n<tsimonq2> (not smart, but I was tasked :P)\n<pleia2> happens all the time\n<tsimonq2> pleia2: https://s3hh.wordpress.com/2016/04/20/lxd-image-updates/ good for planet? thought I'd double-check with you.\n<pleia2> tsimonq2: too distracted right now, want to just add it and I'll sort through them later? feel free to leave a comment saying you're not sure about it so I can pay particular attention :)\n<tsimonq2> alright, that's fine pleia2 :)\n<pleia2> thank you\n<tsimonq2> planet links done, collecting general release articles\n#ubuntu-news 2016-04-23\n<tsimonq2> pleia2: gone from early tomorrow morning to Sunday afternoon, just an FYI\n<pleia2> tsimonq2: ok, I'm not sure about my schedule yet, prep for trip means I may actually be around tomorrow, but I'll definitely be back by Sunday night to prep for editors\n<tsimonq2> alright\n<tsimonq2> then when I get back Sunday I'll ensure summaries are good to go\n<pleia2> thank you :)\n<tsimonq2> so you are ready to send off to editors when you get back\n<tsimonq2> np\n<pleia2> enjoy your time afk\n<pleia2> hopefully it's for fun ;)\n<tsimonq2> yeah, going up north, we have a couple campers and no cellular service or WiFi ;)\n<tsimonq2> if you don't mind me asking, where are you off to?\n<pleia2> nice\n<pleia2> Austin, for the OpenStack Summit\n<tsimonq2> oh I've been hearing bits and pieces about that\n<tsimonq2> have fun :)\n<pleia2> thanks, hope to!\n<tsimonq2> then will you be around at the normal time for release on Monday?\n<pleia2> I'll likely want to do it myself quite late\n<tsimonq2> alright, that's fine :)\n<pleia2> so if you could check the document for any obvious mistakes during the day, that would be helpful (like, CamelCase, broken headers, random links inserted somewhere :P)\n<tsimonq2> I'll do my best :)\n<tsimonq2> pleia2: anything else I need to do before I head off for the night? (went to bed at 1 AM last night and woke up at 5...)\n<pleia2> going to pull the ars article, they do cover ubuntu here and there, and it is too much of a how-to\n<tsimonq2> alright\n<pleia2> tsimonq2: nope, have a good evening, and camping!\n<tsimonq2> thanks :)\n<pleia2> ok, dropping the lxd one too\n<pleia2> newsletter is loooong\n<pleia2> sent to summary writers\n#ubuntu-news 2017-04-18\n<tsimonq2> Two-week issue.\n<tsimonq2> You think that it'd be a bigger news release because of the release, but if you guessed that, you guessed wrong.\n<tsimonq2> Plus, I just didn't get to it this week.\n#ubuntu-news 2017-04-19\n<guiverc_t> tsimonq2, re: release weeks, at least twice I've seen pleia note the lack of news on release week in the time I've been involved\n<tsimonq2> guiverc_t: Ok\n<tsimonq2> guiverc_t: ack\n<tsimonq2> :)\n<guiverc_t> clarification on my last:  my count likely include rc|testing releases  [count otherwise is a high % of...]\n<jose> 'ello. Marius Nestor from Softpedia has reached out to me since none of his Softpedia news covering Ubuntu have been included in UWN. any specifics why?\n<PaulW2U> looks like that its just the last three issues - #502/3/4\n<PaulW2U> as both #500 and #501 included softpedia articles\n<PaulW2U> tsimonq2: guiverc_t do either of you use liferea? let me know if you want my feedlist\n<PaulW2U> as it includes all the regular sources that I used to use\n<jose> Marius just told me he's writing a new article about ubuntu and gnome\n<pleia2> yeah, the reason is just UWN staff turnover, different people are collecting the news now\n<PaulW2U> I've just updated the prep doc with everything I can find from my usual sources\n<PaulW2U> jose: 6 softpedia links for issue 505\n<jose> hehe I'll pass it on, thanks! :)\n<tsimonq2> PaulW2U: I used to.\n<tsimonq2> jose: Oh? It certainly wasn't intentional. Marius is a nice guy!\n<tsimonq2> PaulW2U: Pass it my way? :)\n<PaulW2U> tsimonq2: I'll email you the xml file later, just import it into liferea\n<tsimonq2> PaulW2U: OK :)\n<guiverc> PaulW2U, yep.  liferea is a favorite program for me...\n<guiverc> jose - re: softpedia; probably mostly me selecting articles, so my fault.. (issue numbers by Paul confirm I think)  ...\n<guiverc> specifics as to why I can't say - comments (my thinking) will have been deleted weeks ago from gdoc...\n<tsimonq2> guiverc: It happens... :)\n<guiverc> :) & thanks @ tsimonq2\n#ubuntu-news 2017-04-20\n<guiverc> looked in gdoc history; .. before pasting to gdoc I work in local file but its stored in non-backed up folder so can't see history.   issue #503 had a softpedia article in blogo (not news) before going to summary writers... it isn't there in final though\n<guiverc> re: dropped #503 article - reason found; in comments I recommended it be dropped due url that referred to 17.04 as Wily Werewolf  .. another agreed and dropped it..\n#ubuntu-news 2017-04-21\n<guiverc> adding LoCo events ... I think they should list dates in UWN to save people from having to open links... looking at random old issues on wiki thought; I can't find any with dates.. dates are in loco.ubuntu.com/events/ so easily added; we could also just have aforementioned url event-table for more details etc.\n<tsimonq2> guiverc: ack\n<guiverc> ack?\n<tsimonq2> guiverc: Acknowledgement.\n<guiverc> pasting email right now   -  but I think I see reason for ack.  (ack > nak)\n<tsimonq2> :)\n<guiverc> just had heart-attack .... summary email arrived in my gmail acccount; with bcc's visible  WTF??  thankfully only b/c it's sending account.\n#ubuntu-news 2017-04-22\n<tsimonq2> guiverc: :)\n#ubuntu-news 2017-04-23\n<jose> working on membership board announcement for fridge\n<tsimonq2> jose: gracias\n<jose> np\n#ubuntu-news 2018-04-16\n<krytarik> Then I'll go to bed now and let you plug along with the list. :)\n<krytarik> I've been awake for 24 hours now...\n<krytarik> Mainly just because it's also a rather unfortunate time to get at 2 AM in the night though.. :P\n<Wild_Man> night\n<Bashing-om> krytarik: Thanks heaps for your guidance and hand holding - this day :)\n<krytarik> Ugh, in fact it also carried over the full history of the template page though, so maybe just copy the stuff from the raw view and create a new page with it.\n<krytarik> Sure, you two also do lots of things I hope I can build on. :)\n<pleia2> did you copy the IssueTemplate or use the wiki template feature?\n<pleia2> copying will bring in history, built in template feature will not\n<pleia2> Wild_Man: btw, where the wiki page says \"Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue ### for the week of April 8 - 14, 2018.\" you want to replace ### with the issue number, some of the scripts rely upon this\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: So guess the proper workflow from now is: delete the current page, visit  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue523  where it then asks if you want to create a new page, and the select the page template we have from there.\n<pleia2> ++\n<krytarik> pleia2: Yeah, I also just figured out how the template system works there. :P\n<pleia2> :D\n<Wild_Man> okay, thanks pleia2\n<krytarik> And yes, indeed a missing issue number would be horrible on many ways and that too. :P\n<krytarik> Eh, can't speeell anymore..\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: Seriously, please recreate the page following the steps I outlined, rather than editing the current one any further.\n<Wild_Man> I just deleted it\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, even with it delete when I click on the address and it brings it up it shows revision history for everyone all the way back to 2009\n<pleia2> hold down ctrl and shift when you refresh\n<pleia2> it's just cached\n<pleia2> (it is gone)\n<Wild_Man> okay\n<Wild_Man> pleia2, what he wants to get rid of I believe is the edit history so it looks clean but I see edit history going way back, do you see the same when you click on info?\n<krytarik> I don't see an option to pull in a template on creating a new page now though - other than copy-pasting from the template yourself.. :P\n<Wild_Man> I do not either\n<pleia2> when you load up the empty page, just search for \"IssueTemplate\"\n<pleia2> then click on \"UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/IssueTemplate\"\n<pleia2> that will copy the issue template into a new, empty page\n<pleia2> you do this instead of selecting \"Create new empty page\"\n<Wild_Man> thanks please that worked\n<Wild_Man> pleia2,\n<krytarik> Oh heh!  On the page where you are also just offered to create an empty page at the top.. >_>\n * pleia2 nods\n<krytarik> I never paid particular attention to the list there.. :P\n<pleia2> hehe\n<krytarik> Wild_Man abandoned the page creation for now it seems.. :P\n<Bashing-om> If nothing else I can do, going back to my regularly scheduled support :)\n<krytarik> Multitask between #ubuntu & co and lending Wild_Man a hand when he reappears, I'd think would be nice. :)\n<Wild_Man> I have it recreated I think, I have to eat real quick\n<Bashing-om> krytarik: Wild_Man I pop back up \"on demand\" :P\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, ok, you can see this right https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue523\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Yepper .. page loaded .\n<krytarik> Heh, it doesn't actually kill the history even now though, it just refilled the page content back up.. >_>\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: So sorry for trying the obvious route first, now we'll just have to live with what we got. :P\n<Wild_Man> history goes back to like 2009\n<Wild_Man> np\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: History ? All I see is the template and \"contents\" .\n<pleia2> if the template was indeed used this time, it could be because of the deletion/recreation cycle, it just kept it :(\n<Wild_Man> wiki is a strange animal\n<pleia2> if you look at past issues, it worked fine\n<pleia2> just be sure to use the template on the first try with the next issue ;)\n<Wild_Man> I did this time I just messed up the title and had to rename it\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, was hoping to not show that history of renaming\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, ok\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: loaded https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue523 and I do not see a history .. should I login to see an effect ?\n<krytarik> Well, apparently the shuffling of the page location wasn't logged there either.\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, no that is fine I just wanted to make sure the page showed up\n<krytarik> Bashing-om: Click on \"Info\" at the top.\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: K .. back in lurk mode .\n<Wild_Man> you will have to be logged in to see the info i think\n<krytarik> No.\n<krytarik> I know because I'm usually never logged in and always see the history. :P\n<Wild_Man> I am always logged in so I just thought we had to be to see it\n<krytarik> Heh, \"always logged in to the wiki\" is not something I hear often.. :P\n<Bashing-om> sounds like Wild_Man is addicted :)\n<krytarik> Anyway, enough screwing up at the wiki for now - g'night!\n<krytarik> Sounds like he is editing the wiki all the time. :D\n<krytarik> So should have tons of experience by now! \\o/\n<Wild_Man> What I mean is when I click on a wiki page I am logged in but I do not click on them very often\n<Wild_Man> pleia2, under in this issue, so I list just one of the topics in the general community section or all of them?\n<Wild_Man> so/do\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: No news is good news .. any way I can help ?\n<Wild_Man> tsimonq2, you around?\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, I am afraid for us both to be editing the wiki at the same time, I do not think it works as well as gdocs\n<Wild_Man> if you want to give it a go I will take a break that is for sure\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: That is why I did not signin .. as had that same thought .\n<Wild_Man> I can save it and you can take over a few minutes is you want too\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: What is it that \"we\" are then doing ? I am all for learning what to do .\n<Wild_Man> right now I am adding what will be in this issue, I am comparing it to older issues to get a better understanding\n<Wild_Man> once that is done it will be pretty eassy to copy and paste\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Sure .. I do as I can . Not much going on in support .\n<Wild_Man> I was thinking about coping and pasting from gdocs then go back to what is in this issue\n<Wild_Man> I have saved it, look at an old news letter for reference, I click on the edit of the old one to help with syntax, like for bullets use the * but you have to indent it four spaces\n<Wild_Man> brb\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: You mean that we are manually c/p from https://docs.google.com/document/d/18ZbtFHQq6uMj7iuRLd11VH8V5Uc_FA0IfgiRUcbMbQk/edit to wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue523 ???\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, yes but you have to use an old one and compare the two to make sure the formatting is correct for each piece you paste, I would paste a small piece then preview it and make sure is is formatted correctly\n<Wild_Man> I know moin does not like more then one person at a time editing it\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: And again ,, I have no experience with formatting in the wiki .. will be a slow learning process :(\n<Wild_Man> me to basically, I just learn as I go\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Trying to signin now .. not looking good for the home team :(\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: OK ! I am at the ubuntu wiki HOME page. what to do to load the working template ?\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, it is here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue523 give me a minute I am going to post the loco events I ran the script and have the results\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: When I go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue523 ; I have a blank document in my browser .\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, try now!\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: ack .. will advise .\n<Wild_Man> I was working on it, I think that is why\n<Wild_Man> I am doing pretty good\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, how you doing?\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: I am so lost ! .. I still have a blank template . Do I not need to signin and go through the ubuntu wiki HOME page ??\n<Wild_Man> no you should be able to just click the link you posted, that is what I did and it worked\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, may clear the cache on that page by going to more actions\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: My well being .. I have a pounding headache .. and my back hurts :(\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, do not worry about it tonight I will continue, I am doing good at the moment\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: After the cache clear ,,, I now have \"loco events\" of 18.04 .. I presune as the result of a script -- but that is all .\n<Bashing-om> presume*\n<Bashing-om> aspirin ! will be good for the effort .\n<Wild_Man> that is because I am working the page I think give me a minute I will save it then clear cache and try\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, I saved it and stopped working try now please\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: ack\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, did not work?\n<Wild_Man> I do not understand all these shot three letters\n<Wild_Man> shot/short\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: What I see in a screen shot : http://i.imgur.com/q6suOv6.png .\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, that is it, you have to remember it is a work in progress\n<Wild_Man> I have added all that so far\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: But -- you had advised you had been copying and pasteing from gdoc .. I see nothing from gdoc .\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, no I said I was thinking about it and when you said you were going to take over I said you can copy and paste from gdoc\n<Wild_Man> I will take a break a few minutes and you can do that, look at my messages above to see how I suggested you do it\n<Wild_Man> I will be right here\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: I give it my best.\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, good enough\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Still to this time I can not login (immutable page) . click sighin and that takes me to the ubuntu wuku home page .. on this page I am lost as to how to get to the wiki we are editing .\n<Bashing-om> wiki*\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, it should sign you in, it always directs you away from the page you were on now go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue523\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: there .\n<Wild_Man> You will still be logged in after you click on that link\n<Wild_Man> moin is something but it gets easier\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, you are signed in and on that page right?\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Nope .. have \" Immutable Page \" . and if I cloik on signin takes me eventually to the ubuntu wiki HOME page . what other action than clicking signin is there ?\n<Wild_Man> it you go to the home page are you sign in\n<Wild_Man> it/when\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, ^^\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Yes, ok .. so I ask again .. from the home page how to I get the wiki page we are editing ??\n<Wild_Man> leave that page open then just click on the link above to the wiki page we are working on and you should stayed signed in. You should see your name close to the top of the page that means you are signed in\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: trying :)\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Yepper !  Making progress .\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, you doing okay?\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Up to;; .. the LoCo News section in the wiki . Moving real slow .. not checked my work to this time .\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, preview it and let me know\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Ouch ! A lot of \" Edit conflict - other version:\" . Not seen what I can do about it !\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, that is why I said do one little piece at a time the check it\n<Wild_Man> bhave you saved it yet?\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: No O have not saved it .. this is the 3rd section .\n<Bashing-om> no I have not *\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, is it looking better? I can not see it until it is saved but if it is real bad you can cancel it before it is saved\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: click cancel or try and see what the issue is ?\n<Wild_Man> If you want me to look save it\n<Wild_Man> but then it can not be canceled but I am sure we can fix it\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: At this point I am the more comfortable to cancel .. is no big deal to redo the c/p . family dramma at this time .. lemme attend to family . canceling out.\n<Wild_Man> ok thanks Bashing-om\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: and now logged out of the wiki\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, okay, you going to hang around?\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Yeah ,, back when things here settle out .\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, I have a lot of done now\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: You the man :) Moving right on along .. I be back at your back .\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, I am done for the night if you are up to it will you check all the links and make sure they work\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: That I can do :)\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, Thanks!\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: A quick look and looks good . checking links now .\n<Wild_Man> It still needs a little work, what is in this issue needs to be finished but I am to tired tonight\n<Wild_Man> Krytarik the wiki is mostly done, \"what is in this issue needs finished\"\n<Wild_Man> Info from askubuntu and I could not find unconfirmed bugs info, I did not try to compare previous +- bugs because the last news letter 17.10 was in dev or just released\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-ko/3733-ubuntu-18.04-lts-release-party-@-busan/ does not complete .\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, can you remove and save?\n<Wild_Man> If not just post the ones that do not work here and krytarik or I will remove them tomorrow\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Yeah will do  ..#2 http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-ko/3729-ubuntu-18.04-lts-release-party-@-seoul/ . ) does not like the @ ??\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, without glasses I can barely see so I it needs removed please do so.\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, I copied them right out of the terminal after running the command\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, be my guess that some of those loco teams no longer exist\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, the other links or working with the @ so it is not that\n<Wild_Man> or/are\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Is a long process to verify the links .. am up to \"Ubuntu 16.04 Updates\" and taking a short finger rest break .\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, I know, there is a lot of them\n<Wild_Man> I think there will be less next time since we are doing weekly\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: So far with 3 DNE's .. loco all .. maybe I see what is up prior to removing the loco entries .\n<Wild_Man> okay thanks\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Meeds to be done anyway .. just dewww eeeett .\n<Wild_Man> if I could not run a script to get them they would not be there at all\n<Wild_Man> soooo many!\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: That's a good idea ! back to verifying .\n<Bashing-om> links verified up to \"Ubuntu 17.10 Updates\" Break time !\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, thanks good work!\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: thought you had called it for this session :P\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, I am relaxing with my wife, no more work, going to bed soon\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: My other half has hit the sheets . I got to be up at OH dark thirty but will finish what is on the plate !\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, thanks! do not over do it.\n<Bashing-om> Fixed the 3 Korean loco links and all links are all verified ! - NEXT - ??\n<Bashing-om> Calling it a night and catching 2 Zs - will pick this back up in about 5 hours .\n<krytarik> Bashing-om: Yeah, there is something funky about the '@' in the Korean LoCo's event links, nice you could figure it out too.  And I don't think we're supposed to check all the update links.. :D\n<krytarik> ...Well, at least not manually anyway.\n<krytarik> Heh, looks like Wild_Man accidentally killed the template. :D\n<krytarik> Reverted.\n<krytarik> Oh, forgot the camelCase check..\n<Bashing-om> krytarik: making progress ... moving on along . next for me ?\n<krytarik> Morning.  Nothing yet I guess, the wiki page is ready so far, and publishing is a bit later today.\n<Bashing-om> krytarik: HoKay :)\n<krytarik> Could have a look at the changes I've done there though. :)\n<krytarik> Basically a bunch of formatting fixes, and then the issue summary.\n<Bashing-om> krytarik: Got to run to towm .. a few minutes will and look soon .\n<Bashing-om> Looking now at what we have produced.\n<Bashing-om> By Golly ! .. I think we dooodd it . I am proud for us .\n<Wild_Man> hello krytarik, it is published correct? I can put it on the forum now?\n<krytarik> No, it's not published yet - I just dropped the 'work in progress' bit already because the wiki page is basically done.\n<krytarik> Otoh, I'm not sure why we shouldn't just start now.. :)\n<Bashing-om> krytarik: Wild_Man Me not know much .. but looked good to me .\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: By the way ,, I found the errors in those 3 Korea links and fixed .\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, okay! I left this in Security Team - 12 October 2017 - https://insights.ubuntu.com/2017/10/12/security-team-weekly-summary-october-12-2017 even though it is old so we could move it to the gdoc so we can find it next time, do we leave it in the wiki or paste it to gdoc then remove ti?\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, nice! Thanks\n<Wild_Man> I assume it was not an error because of the copy and paste?\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: No .. upstream from there .. As it is a party notice, do not know that is worth the time to find out where it breaks .\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: Ugh, I didn't notice you carried those old ones over.. so please drop off the wiki, yes - not sure we want the March ones either, that is.\n<Bashing-om> krytarik: I failed there also to note old info :(\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, I did not carry it over they are already present so we can find the links easier next time. I just did not remove that one because it is not present in the gdoc\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, my thought is it is on the person that maintain the link to make sure it works on there end and not ours\n<Wild_Man> A lot of notes and some links are present in the template krytarik that is why it is there\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Quite possiblly .. we \"could\" drop an email to the originator .\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: Ah yeah, they seem to be in the template too - so yes, those that aren't in the Google Doc too, please copy over.\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, do you have time to copy that link I posted above to the gdoc?\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: I can sure make the time .. is gdoc cleared for the next issue ?\n<Wild_Man> I have to get my morning meal and take my vitamins.\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, I do not think so I think it is left in place and we create a new one every time\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: I can move the insight link to gdoc and make a note to leave it .\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, there is a note in that section that says leave these links already\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Done .. awaiting however to set the date for the security team .\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, I was going to move all the links to the end if the wiki last night I just got to tired by the time I got it all put there\n<Wild_Man> it is looking ggod\n<Wild_Man> good\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, you can leave the old dates for that link in place but you have to copy them from the wiki if the link is still in the wiki, it was October 2017\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: Oh btw, you did pretty good work there. :)\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: K .. but my idea was to make it obvious there was OLD info in place .\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, thanks! since it is a template does it still go live when it is saved or is there something else that has to be done to publish it?\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, okay\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: That is, I was impressed it was almost all done when got up and looked at it.  Oh, and wrt the 'Unconfirmed' bug stats, I just did what the comments in the template say - search for all bugs with the 'New' status.\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Mind ya I do not know the re-new gdocs process if ya say but the date in .. I for sure will .\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, okay\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: You seem to be confusing the template with the actual issue right now - anyway, the issue wiki page is already live of course.\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, most of it was an way copy and paste from gdoc, I left that part to the last\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, I do not quite understand that\n<tsimonq2> This Week in Lubuntu Development #3 is coming out as soon as I'm done with it. Can I sneak it in? ;)\n<krytarik> Nope!\n<tsimonq2> :))\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, it is published?\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: Ok, well let's be even more clear and say 1.) the wiki page is already published, and just has to be linked in the various places, but 2.) it's not published to e.g. the Fridge either yet, similar to all the mail and social stuff.\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, right I just meant I can now post it to the forum?\n<krytarik> Yeah, I figure.\n<krytarik> Have got to start somewhere! :)\n<Wild_Man> I tsimonq2 is going to do the social media this time since I do not have access\n<Wild_Man> I/and\n<tsimonq2> Can y'all hold off for just like 30 minutes, unless you started the process already? ;)\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, to be honest linking it to other places I am not sure of those places\n<Wild_Man> I can wait\n<Wild_Man> not sure about krytarik it may be to late\n<tsimonq2> As long as you haven't done email yet, it's fine.\n<Wild_Man> no I do not think I have access to that, I my understanding you plan to do that this time\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: Well, it's barely evening here too. :)  And I still have got to go out even!  Also, all the stuff generated by the publishing script, plus the wiki pages mentioned here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/EditingPolicies - could start with that.\n<krytarik> Also, I've just overhauled the update scripts too.. >_>\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, I have to leave soon as well, I have a couple of appointments\n<krytarik> Yes, since I'm just done with the above, I'm about to leave for a bit now too. :)\n<Wild_Man> tsimonq2, do you leave some of the letter out when you post to the forum because of the issue sometimes the posts are to long and can not be posted? I knew this could happen but I thought for the letter it was not an issue anymore\n<Wild_Man> tsimonq2, I think I figured it out\n<tsimonq2> OK\n<tsimonq2> whoops\n<tsimonq2> https://lubuntu.me/this-week-in-lubuntu-development-3/\n<krytarik> Somebody could already start over on the Google Doc with this.. :)\n<Wild_Man> tsimonq2, does not work in source mode either\n<Wild_Man> tsimonq2, suggestions? I posted to ask the admins but I am doubt they have an answer\n<tsimonq2> Wild_Man: I can take care of it if you give me a min.\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: You did run the publishing script on it yet however, didn't you?\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, yes I did\n<krytarik> And what error message do you get there now?\n<Wild_Man> it looks good but the forum has rules against posts that are to long\n<Wild_Man> the script is working perfect\n<Wild_Man> forum security software is the issue\n<krytarik> I thought you'd circumvent those by being a staff member though?\n<Wild_Man> no the rules apply to me too\n<Wild_Man> that is why we post the wireless script to pastebin most of the time\n<Wild_Man> I could leave out some links in the letter then it would probably post\n<Wild_Man> I am curious how tsimonq2 will get it done\n<Wild_Man> he has been able to do it in the past\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: You haven't dropped the Oct 2017 link from the meeting section yet though.\n * tsimonq2 cracks knuckles\n<krytarik> And like I said, I'd drop the March ones too.\n<tsimonq2> What issue is this?\n<tsimonq2> (number)\n<krytarik> 523\n<Wild_Man> I thought Bashing-om did it ooops!\n<tsimonq2> kthx\n<Wild_Man> do I have time before tsimonq2 runs the script\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Sorry . I be a gofer, you did not direct me to take that action :)\n<tsimonq2> Wild_Man: I can rerun it.\n<tsimonq2> Do you need me to after you make an edit?\n<tsimonq2> krytarik: Pushed a helpful commit. Git pull, pl0x.\n<Wild_Man> tsimonq2, give me a minute, after I remove the links it might be small enough to go on the forum\n<krytarik> tsimonq2: Hehe yeah, that's a good idea.. :D\n<krytarik> tsimonq2: Also just noticed in this context, we should make the 'code' page default to the Git repos.. :)\n<tsimonq2> krytarik: code> doeeeeeeeetttttttttttt :)\n<tsimonq2> Wild_Man: OK.\n<tsimonq2> Wild_Man: Actually... wait wat O_o\n<tsimonq2> Wild_Man: Can you not, please :)\n<Wild_Man> tsimonq2, sorry I just removed the one link already.\n<tsimonq2> I haven't regenerated it yet.\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, I did not see any links from March\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: Well, it's right there..\n<Wild_Man> tsimonq2, you can regenerate it now, I just removed one link but krytarik says there are links from March he may want to remove it\n<tsimonq2> OK\n<tsimonq2> gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah\n<tsimonq2> Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.\n<tsimonq2> If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error. If possible, please include the error page URL plus the date and time the error occured.\n<Wild_Man> Like I said not eye glasses so I am having trouble seeing at the moment\n<tsimonq2> Tip : Please shorten long posts by using https://paste.ubuntu.com/ for terminal and log output and link to it in your posts.\n<tsimonq2> Ubuntu Forums\n<Wild_Man> I know but we do not do that for the letter do we?\n<krytarik> \"Sorry about that, Ubuntu Forums.\" :D\n<Wild_Man> I know this was an issue for liz for a while\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: Tbh, if you can't see the two March links right above where you just removed the Oct 2017 one, I'm fine with that too..  At least they're from this year! :P\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, I totally did not see them\n<krytarik> And we didn't do any issue this year so far, soo.. :)\n<Wild_Man> tsimonq2, I know about pastebin but I did not think we do that for the letter when we post it\n<Wild_Man> I have looked for my glasses every where I can think of but they have been missing for six weeks\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, is there a way for the scripts that we use to get all those links to confirm they are working links otherwise they do not print them?\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Behind the seat of the Pick-Up :)\n<krytarik> I'd just drop the 'updates' section with the billions of link and put a note there instead.\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, LOL\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, you mean to post it on the forum?\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: Well, I was going to mention earlier, at least the ones in the 'updates' section are pulled directly from the mailing list archive pages, so they should be fine.\n<krytarik> Yes, I mean to get over the security hurdle there - I mean they are a lot! :P\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Sitting before this diaplay, I manage nicely to see with \"readers\" from the Dollar Store .\n<Wild_Man> Yes there is!\n<Bashing-om> display*\n<Wild_Man> I bought a pair from the store here but I guess I bought the wrong ones I have to hold the laptop in a certain place to see it so it is not feasible\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, I get free glasses from the VA so I just have to wait for my appointment\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: So one could instead just link there to e.g.: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue523#Updates_and_Security_for_14.04.2C_16.04.2C_and_17.10 - or even do that for the subsections.\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, we might have to do that, tsimonq2 is working on it so we will see what he comes up with\n<krytarik> Or only do it for the normal updates, and leave the security ones there.\n<Wild_Man> I have to go I will check on the progress when I get back\n<Bashing-om> I am starting to work up sources for next week's letter .\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, is there a way to make the link I add for to the forum go to Updates for 17.10 only and I can leave the rest of the links in ?\n<Wild_Man> What I tried failed\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, you here?\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Here :)\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, Rick just replied to my pm he is going to help us starting about the 1st of May\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Good man Rick .. Real glad he feels up to it . We need all the help we can get ,\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, I am glad too\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: Yes, like I suggested, keep the security updates as it is, but drop the direct links off all three sections for the normal updates, and replace them each with e.g.: \"Please see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue523#Ubuntu_14.04_Updates\"\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, I did not really want to drop all of them they help to fill out the letter even though I think they are ugly, I did drop 17.10 and added the link you suggested that was the best I could, I think it is good enough, next time I do not think it will be as long since it will only be a week worth of updates\n<Wild_Man> I have it posted to the forum\n<Bashing-om> Look'n !!\n<Wild_Man> I have to fix something to eat real quick I missed my meal\n<Bashing-om> \\o/\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: No, the way the scripts work anyway, is that they always pull the updates from the whole month so far - no idea if it was amended in the past issues though.  And you decided to just drop the updates on the most recent release, yes..? :D\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, I am trying to leave as much content as possible so it will have a fuller look if I remove all the update section it is going to look bare\n<Wild_Man> I am not really happy with either option\n<krytarik> Well yeah, thinking about it this way, I guess an empty section in the middle would look a bit odd indeed. :P\n<Wild_Man> No good option in my opinion\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: So do you want to do steps 20-24 on EditingPolicies with me in the meantime then? :)  I already looked at what that really means.\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, to do you have access to the mailing list?\n<Wild_Man> I am looking now\n<Wild_Man> I have the page open reviewing\n<krytarik> I'm not subscribed to either mailing list yet, no.\n<krytarik> Basically it refers all to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, yes I can do 20 and 21 or if you are busy I can do them all\n<krytarik> I'd like the second option. :D  I'm also taking dinner right now.\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, okay!\n#ubuntu-news 2018-04-17\n<Wild_Man> tsimonq2, I have published the letter to the forum, I did try the mailing list but it failed, I figure I do not have the proper access\n<Wild_Man> pleia2, when you have time would you please give us access to the social media and the m/l? I assume that is why the m/l with the letter was rejected\n<krytarik> (..I already have got access to the first, but I didn't want to do social media.)\n<pleia2> krytarik already has access to all the social media stuff\n<pleia2> are you subscribed to the mailing list? I don't see anything in the queue\n<krytarik> I know for a fact that Wild_Man is used to doing this for the forums, so.. :)\n<krytarik> Yes, because it got rejected outright - I suspect content filter.\n<Wild_Man> I subscribed about 15 minutes ago then I sent the letter to the mailing list and it came back as rejected\n<pleia2> what email address did you send from?\n<Wild_Man> wildmanne39@ubuntu.com\n<Wild_Man> it may be an issue with that\n<pleia2> you're not a member of the mailing list\n<Wild_Man> I guess it is not showing up yet, I did not receive a reply after I signed up\n<Wild_Man> should I have received a reply?\n<pleia2> yeah, you have confirm membership\n<pleia2> so random people can't just sign you up\n<Wild_Man> maybe it is just taking its time then\n<pleia2> check spam filter too? it shouldn't take long\n<Wild_Man> ok\n<Wild_Man> Okay I am a member now\n<pleia2> ok, try to send now\n<Wild_Man> still rejected\n<pleia2> can you forward me the rejection notice? lyz@ubuntu.com\n<Wild_Man> yes\n<pleia2> the mailing list is configured to hold messages from members for moderation, so I'm not sure what's happening :\\\n<krytarik> I already thought earlier the size or the sheer amount of links today might matter..\n<Wild_Man> the message I doubt is helpful\n<pleia2> Wild_Man: can you forward me the entire email? not just the text, I know what the text is :)\n<Wild_Man> ok\n<Wild_Man> brb\n<pleia2> Wild_Man: sorry, not the UWN text, I'm asking for you to forward me the exact rejection notice that you got from the ubuntu news mailing list\n<pleia2> not just copying the rejection text into an email, forward the full rejection email\n<pleia2> I'm still not seeing your address as subscribed to the mailing list :\\\n<Wild_Man> I just sent the full rejection there is not much there but when it came back the letter is as an attachment but that is not how I sent it\n<Wild_Man> does it take time for the servers to catch up?\n<pleia2> you subscribed to ubuntu-news-team, but not ubuntu-news\n<Wild_Man> okay\n<krytarik> ..Funny, at logging in to the Fridge's WP, I can't continue if the ubuntu-fridge team membership box isn't ticked - but it won't give me any access other than to my profile settings then anyway. :P\n<pleia2> Wild_Man: so you need to subscribe to ubuntu-news and then I can click the box to let your messages through automatically\n<pleia2> I can't do this until you subscribe though\n<Wild_Man> doing now\n<pleia2> krytarik: are you able to update social media? or share whatever is needed with others?\n<pleia2> I need to step out to run some errands before everything closes ;)\n<krytarik> Tbh, I didn't think of the latter option yet.. :P\n<krytarik> And yes, goo!\n<Wild_Man> I am signed up!\n<pleia2> still not showing up :( https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-news this one?\n<pleia2> you're definitely on ubuntu-news-team, but that's just for discussion, ubuntu-news is the one you need to be on in order to send/receive the newsletter itself\n<Wild_Man> pleia2, yes I signed yp but it may take a minute to show up, do what you need to and it will be here when you get back\n<pleia2> ah, you signed up with your gmail account\n<pleia2> you need to sign up with the ubuntu.com address if that's the one you want to send the newsletter from\n<Wild_Man> on my end it shows with the ubuntu one\n<Wild_Man> it does not matter\n<pleia2> ubuntu-news-team has the ubuntu address, ubuntu-news has the gmail account\n<pleia2> you want to send the newsletter from your gmail account?\n<Wild_Man> I sent them from both from thunderbird with the same settings\n<Wild_Man> yes that is okay\n<pleia2> I don't love it, but if you must\n<Wild_Man> I do not know why it did that but I do not have tome to figure it out this second\n<Wild_Man> I will work on it\n<pleia2> your gmail account can send to the list now\n<Wild_Man> Thanks\n<pleia2> any luck?\n<pleia2> ok, I actually do need to go out now ;) I'll check back upon my return if you're still having trouble with anything\n<Wild_Man> it has not been rejected yet\n<krytarik> Fwiw, I can't seem to log in to Facebook at all due to what seems to be an issue with it and Firefox currently - keeps on saying 'cookies required'...\n<tsimonq2> krytarik: Give it what it wants!\n<tsimonq2> Cookies are good.\n<tsimonq2> Especially chocolate chip.\n<tsimonq2> :P\n<krytarik> Well, they are enabled though.. :P\n<Bashing-om> Uuummmmm Chocolate Chip Cookies :D\n<Unit193> Oatmeal Raisin*\n<tsimonq2> Sugar cookies?\n<Wild_Man> tsimonq2, we have made progress with posting to the forum and I think the mailing list went through this time\n<tsimonq2> ok\n<Wild_Man> if you want me to do twitter in the future since krytarik does not have a twitter account let me know and we can set it up\\\n<tsimonq2> krytarik has the ability to do Twitter.\n<Wild_Man> ok\n<pleia2> Wild_Man: you can always check the mailing list archives to check if it's been posted :) it has https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-news/\n<Wild_Man> pleia2, thanks\n<krytarik> Nobody has thought of or decided for 'claiming' the custom URL on Google+ yet..? :P\n<pleia2> you can't until you have a certain number of followers\n<pleia2> but look at that, we do now!\n<krytarik> Yes!\n<pleia2> done :)\n<krytarik> And here I thought 178 was little.. :P\n<pleia2> https://plus.google.com/+UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter\n<krytarik> Yeep! \\o/\n<pleia2> could be they loosened the restrictions on it, when I claimed +Xubuntu we for sure had over 1000\n<krytarik> Oh yeah, that could be too.\n<Wild_Man> pleia2, do I have to join this list to send them email loco-contacts@lists.ubuntu.com\n<pleia2> yes\n<Wild_Man> thanks\n<pleia2> if you don't want to receive emails from the list, there's a setting for that after you subscribe\n<Wild_Man> ok\n<Wild_Man> pleia2, is this the one I need https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/loco-contacts\n<pleia2> yes\n<Wild_Man> thanks\n<krytarik> Google+ certainly does an amount of caching there too.. :P\n<pleia2> Google+ is terrible\n<tsimonq2> Ditto.\n<krytarik> And while Wild_Man is gonna do Twitter after the mailing list, I still can't do Facebook nor the Fridge of course.\n * tsimonq2 punts to pleia2 \n<tsimonq2> I hate Facebook. :P\n<tsimonq2> I can do the Fridge.\n<pleia2> krytarik: would you like me to do facebook?\n<krytarik> pleia2: Well yes, since it doesn't appear to work with Firefox currently, and I can't technically use Chrome/ium either. :P\n<pleia2> ok, done\n<krytarik> Btw, since I'm just looking at the Fridge's front page again - was it used to be all monospace for the forwarded release announcements and such?\n<pleia2> no, I think guiverc uses the WYSIWYG editor to paste in the announcements from the mailing lists, so they don't have the native formatting that old posts have\n<guiverc> from lists.ubuntu & yeah I don't worry much about formatting\n<Wild_Man> pleia2, I posted to twitter, I think the format is right\n<Wild_Man> All M/L are done\n<guiverc> is there a wiki on formatting for fridge that anyone knows?  or is it markdown/wiki-like?\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Publishing complete ?\n<Wild_Man> I think so\n<Bashing-om> Then we can all get a good nights sleep :P\n<Wild_Man> I am going to relax, I have not even turned the tv on today\n<krytarik> I haven't watched TV for like 4 days now - but I'm pretty sure I didn't miss much either.. :P\n<pleia2> guiverc: it's HTML\n<Bashing-om> Somebody break out the champaign ( Chocolate Chip Cookies goes well ) :P\n<pleia2> congrats everyone :)\n<Wild_Man> when I sent out the emails for the summary writers there was an email in there that said something like reply to this email address if you need to contact us, is it possible some writers have been replying to that address and no one has looked?\n<Wild_Man> \\o/\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, to put the stuff from gdoc into the wiki you just need to copy and paste it into the proper section and it should be formatted correctly\n<Wild_Man> pleia2, when do we start a new gdoc?\n<pleia2> you just delete the stuff from the existing gdoc and start over\n<pleia2> don't delete the headings ;) just the articles\n<Wild_Man> okay that is what I wonder as well, I for sure was going to leave the headings or I would be lost\n<pleia2> Wild_Man: the ubuntu news gmail account?\n<pleia2> I don't remember what email address is referenced in the email\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: copy paste for the most part . only bit of formnatting I recall is the summary heading inclosed between 3 dashes. na ofcourse spacing between entries .\n<Wild_Man> pleia2, says editors email account\n<pleia2> I'll look at the doc\n<Wild_Man> it is the one with the summary writers email addresses\n<pleia2> ah, editor.ubuntu.news@ubuntu.com\n<pleia2> no one has emailed that account, I do check it\n<Wild_Man> okay thanks, I had three yeses and one new person is going to start the first of next month\n<pleia2> that's good to hear :)\n<Wild_Man> indeed!\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: What browser are you running ?? I am presently using chromium and had to install 2 plugins for c/p to gdoc .\n<Wild_Man> I am using FF\n<pleia2> I'm using Chrome and never had a problem c/p to/from gdocs\n<Wild_Man> you copy and paste the heading and all the contest under that heading and it should be formatted perfectly\n<Wild_Man> it was all the other stuff that took me a while last night\n<Bashing-om> pleia2: After I got the plugins installed both gdoc and chromiun were happy to cooperate .\n<Wild_Man> I need to take some meds\n<pleia2> Wild_Man: sometimes that's how I feel after publishing UWN too ;)\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: Speaking of all the other stuff, please \"git pull\" again on the script repo.\n<Wild_Man> ok\n<krytarik> ..Pahaha. :D\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, we did not miss publishing anywhere did we?\n<Wild_Man> happy days, I just received another reply yes from a summary writer\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: tsimonq2 is gonna do the Fridge he said, but otherwise nah.\n<Wild_Man> That is what I thought but I wanted to make sure there is a lot of details to check when publishing as I learned today\n<krytarik> Which fwiw, is the source I personally get the UWN from.. :P\n<krytarik> Well, at least you subscribed to all the mailing lists today..  And I didn't have to yet! \\o/\n<krytarik> So next time it'll be much less time-consuming.\n<Wild_Man> very true\n<tsimonq2> krytarik: Wanna take Fridge?\n<krytarik> tsimonq2: ...Unless you magically made my account there anything more than dumb, I can't still. :P\n<tsimonq2> krytarik: Have you cleared your cache?\n<krytarik> Well, it was like this right from the start - and as I noticed just earlier, one can't even log in without being in and ticking the appropriate team.\n<krytarik> To be clear, I can log in but I only get the profile settings then.\n<krytarik> (And yes, I just also cleared the cache.)\n<guiverc> krytarik: i have to add a /wpmin something to get more options (note: i'm no expert - i just follow notes)\n<krytarik> Yes, of course one has to append \"wp-admin/\" to get there in the first place.\n<krytarik> I'm currently looking at the dashboard, that is. :)\n<pleia2> krytarik: did you submit a ticket?\n<krytarik> Not in the last 1.5 days yet, no.\n<pleia2> ok\n<krytarik> I seem to have been busy enough as is already. :P\n<pleia2> no worries, just wanted to make sure you weren't stuck or anything\n<tsimonq2> pleia2: Could I please get a peer review? http://ubuntu-news.org/2018/04/17/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-523/\n<tsimonq2> I haven't done this in months, ya know. ;)\n<pleia2> hehe\n * pleia2 has a look\n<pleia2> ltgm, all links check out\n<tsimonq2> \\o/\n<Wild_Man> sounds like we passed?\n<tsimonq2> Looks like it. :)\n<pleia2> yes, gold stars all around!\n<Wild_Man> :)\n<Bashing-om> :)\n<krytarik> pleia2: https://rt.ubuntu.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=28954 - this is the one about the previous occasion I mentioned btw.\n<pleia2> interesting, 2016 is after they revoked our access and told us they wouldn't give it back x_x\n<krytarik> Yes, that's what I was particularly thinking of here.\n<pleia2> but now that I look at it, we do have admin on xubuntu.org\n<pleia2> curious\n<krytarik> Yes. :D\n<Bashing-om> pleia2: krytarik :; Sharpening our tools are we ?\n<krytarik> More like looking for the lost marbles..\n<Bashing-om> LOL ...\n<Bashing-om> I jave little marbles to loose .. so I sure got to find some .\n* tsimonq2 changed the topic of #ubuntu-news to: The Ubuntu News Channel - You report it, we publish it! [M\n<tsimonq2> C[M\n<tsimonq2> C[M\n<tsimonq2> C[M\n<tsimonq2> C[M\n<tsimonq2> C[M\n<tsimonq2> I *suck* at this.\n<tsimonq2> Argh.\n<tsimonq2> Bear with me, lol.\n<Wild_Man> takes practice\n<Wild_Man> I do not use op's often\n<pleia2> tsimonq2: pro tip: use the chanserv topic command and then no one knows who is doing it, or messing up ;)\n* tsimonq2 changed the topic of #ubuntu-news to: The Ubuntu News Channel - You report it, we publish it! Serving the Fridge, Ubuntu Weekly News, and other fine publications. | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewsTeam | Current UWN Prep: http://bit.ly/vDkJyf\n<tsimonq2> That double space has been annoying me. :P\n<pleia2> lol\n<tsimonq2> pleia2: chanserv> But that's no fun. :P\n<tsimonq2> Also, first topic update in 3.5 years \\o/\n * Bashing-om likey \\o/\n<krytarik> You just wanted to have your name on it! :(\n<tsimonq2> krytarik: No, I just despise double spaces.\n<tsimonq2> And, the lack of Oxford commas.\n<tsimonq2> ::P\n<tsimonq2> *:P\n<krytarik> Yeah, true me too, and I know another one too. :P\n<tsimonq2> Although, I know how much pleia2 *loves* the Oxford comma. ;)\n<pleia2> they should only be used when necessary for clarity :P\n<krytarik> Yes!  Same! \\o/\n<tsimonq2> No, they should be used *always*. :P\n<Bashing-om> and the krytarik periods :)\n<krytarik> You mean more like spurious spaces.. :P\n<tsimonq2> Oh, and \"..\" instead of \"...\"\n<tsimonq2> >_>\n<krytarik> Yes, I variate there!\n<tsimonq2> (Only in #ubuntu-news do we argume about grammar. :P)\n<tsimonq2> *argue\n<pleia2> hehe\n<Bashing-om> And style, content, and, presentation :)\n<krytarik> Period!\n<Bashing-om> LOL\n<tsimonq2> That extra comma...\n<tsimonq2> :P\n<krytarik> Yes.. :(\n<Bashing-om> Late for the date for some rack time .. we do this more tomorrow :)\n<krytarik> Cool, managed to log in to Facebook now - somehow..\n<krytarik> So, given what we now know about the admin on Canonical-hosted WordPress thing, it just occurred to me that it might yield a better outcome if, rather than having them fix the role level (to anything other than blank options) for a single team member (me), we request the role level be raised to admin for everybody on the ubuntu-fridge team. :)\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, howefield fixed it where the whole news letter can be posted on the forum, so I added the updates for 17.10\n<krytarik> Oh cool - I shouldn't ask what did it.. :P\n<Wild_Man> pleia2, tsimonq2 I received two emails today one of them with profanity in it about wanting to be removed from the newsletter mailing list, I figure I should reply with the message go to the mailing list page and include the link to unsubscribe but I just want to make sure that is the protocol?\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, he has not told me yet, he fixed it and went off line but no I would not post it here in the open channel anyway\n<tsimonq2> Wild_Man: Please forward me the email, and I can take care of it.\n<pleia2> Wild_Man: PM me their email addresses and I'll remove them, you can reply by saying something like \"In the future, be aware that you can unsubscribe yourself by going logging in to the mailing list page\"\n<tsimonq2> Er\n * tsimonq2 tags pleia2 \n<tsimonq2> pleia2: Thanks. :)\n<pleia2> no sense in making them jump through hoops to unsubscribe if they're already unhappy\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: I mean that's probably technicalities I wouldn't be particularly interested in knowing. :P\n<Wild_Man> true\n<Wild_Man> I am going to see if I can find some links, I have been at the VA almost all day\n<Wild_Man> I did clear out the gdoc last night so it is ready\n<Wild_Man> I also need to pm Rick with links to this channel and the wiki page before I forget\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, has bashing-om been here today?\n<krytarik> Not yet.\n<Wild_Man> ok\n<Wild_Man> will pleia2 and thanks tsimonq2\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, are you thinking about trying to make a script to pull from the hub? or does that fall into the same category as the forum?\n<krytarik> Well, I already gave a statement about this some days ago - please see the public logs of this channel.\n<Wild_Man> ok\n<Wild_Man> tsimonq2, what exactly is the purpose of this page http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2018/04/17/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-523/\n<tsimonq2> Wild_Man: What about it?\n<krytarik> I'm just writing a script however, that creates the 'in this issue' list automatically. :P\n<Wild_Man> what is its purpose since it is just a short version of the letter, I am just wondering why have it at all?\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, that is awesome!\n<pleia2> Wild_Man: the fridge is the community news blog, some people subscribe to it to get news, including UWN\n<pleia2> this is also how the newsletter gets to planet.ubuntu.com\n<pleia2> so just like we post it to the mailing list, forums, social media... fridge is just another place where people get to see it\n<Wild_Man> pleia2, so the planet gets the shortened version with the link to see the full version?\n<pleia2> yes\n<pleia2> the full version is too long for a blog :)\n<Wild_Man> Thanks for clearing that up\n<Wild_Man> hello Bashing-om\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, for most sections we really only need about 3 stories correct?\n<Wild_Man> I added 3 to the planet section\n<krytarik> Well, I'd say no more than 5 or such.\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Here we go again .. I see the gdoc has begun for next issue :)\n<Wild_Man> okay we are thnking along the same lines\n<krytarik> Depends on what you find the week, of course.\n<Wild_Man> of course\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, I cleared it out last night so it would be easy to start today\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Gonna add 2 links to general ..\n<Wild_Man> good deal Bashing-om, howefield fixed the forum issue for us so now the whole news letter is on the forum\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Hreat news about the forum .. lemme check the rss feed .. see what I can find for gdoc .\n<Bashing-om> Great*\n<Wild_Man> what other sources can we use under canonical it says most come from insights.ubuntu.com so that implies we may get some from other sources?\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: This one: http://www.roaksoax.com/2018/04/maas-2-4-0-beta-2-released . Put it under conical or cloud or blog ???\n<wildmanne39> never mind about the question above I found the answer\n<Bashing-om> wildmanne39: Ehat are your thouhgts on MAAS . The AP is cloud directed .. and Cononical is the driver but the source is from a blog .\n<Bashing-om> What*\n<wildmanne39> It could go under cloud, we have three other ones in the Planet already Bashing-om\n<wildmanne39> it may be a question to asked the experienced people on there thoughts, either way is okay with me\n<wildmanne39> I am going to log out and see if I can get back on now as Wild Man\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Yepper I too think cloud for MAAS :)\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, it is more appropriate\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Nope, no can do ,, as the source is a blog .. and no blogs in the Cloud and no summaries . .. I Put the MAAS source in the blog section .\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, any idea how to undo an edit we were working in the same section and it blew up\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, never mind I found the undo button and fixed it\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, if it can not go in the cloud then it is more appropriate in the Planet section where I found it\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, I guess this falls out side of what we should publish but it is interesting https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2018/04/microsoft-linux-custom-kernel-azure-sphere?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+d0od+%28OMG%21+Ubuntu%21%29\n<Wild_Man> biab I need to do a few things\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Lemme sign oot of gdoc .. and back in .. see what the state is ..  as to kernel-azure . I was going to look at that one in length and then see if we could make it relevant .\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: gdoc looks all right to me at this time .\n<Wild_Man> I fixed Bashing-om\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: K .. ack to \"looking for sources\"\n<Bashing-om> back*\n<Wild_Man> eating Bashing-om\n#ubuntu-news 2018-04-18\n<Wild_Man> I thought all news from insights.ubuntu.com goes under Canonical News is that not the case?\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Well, we can make it so .. area of interest ?  For now my effort is to get the sources onto gdocs with the thought that they will be re-arranged :)\n<Wild_Man> I have been putting them where I believe they fut the best, less work later just my opinion and also makes it easier to see what areas we need to add links too and the ones we have enough in already\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, ^^\n<Wild_Man> fut/fit\n<krytarik> Issue summary script done and pushed! \\o/\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, so just do a pull again?\n<krytarik> Yep.\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, I bet you could do one to do the Bug Stats\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: I do try and place where belongs . But in the interest of getting done and moving on .. place it \"somewhere\" . Do we have an interest in highlighting \" Call for testing: mongodb 3.6 \" ?\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, not in my opinion, you could save the link in case we meed more material later but so far we are getting plenty\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Sounds good .\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: Well, I thought about that shortly, but it's easy enough to get manually, polling the LP API is rather convoluted, and I'd wage a guess that getting the diff to the previous week automatically too would be rather infeasible either.  (I had to research \"unfeasible\" vs \"infeasible\" in the meantime..)\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, I see, and funny to the last part\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, this links helps me also understand where I should place links and also more places to check for links\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: ^^ ya mean this link : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/LinkSuggestions ?\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, yes\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: I running through it at this time .\n<krytarik> Looking at the Google Doc now, yes I agree with Wild_Man, please try and put the links in the appropriate sections right away - also, no feed links, but the one to the actual website.\n<Bashing-om> krytarik: Willdo :)\n<krytarik> Also just removed a spurious link from last week.\n<krytarik> And the ones that are in the blog section currently also shouldn't have those long referrer appendages.\n<krytarik> (I'll quickly fix the latter.)\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, the link you removed was it in the Weekly Ubuntu Development Team Meetings section?\n<krytarik> No, it was desktop team weekly summary, and also was in the 'other community' section, and also no proper link but funky formatting.\n<krytarik> Which made it a bit more noticable to begin with. :)\n<Wild_Man> I understand. I have been going to the site to copy the links instead of using the ones in the feed, that is just something I have always done to make sure the link works\n<krytarik> Bashing-om: To be clear, by the first one I mean the two links that are currently sitting in the 'general news' section - one of which is a blog post, and the other one is also this: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/nrn74a2oqZY/ubuntu-studio-plans-to-reboot\n<krytarik> Which is also actually a duplicate.\n<Bashing-om> We have planets' \" http://www.roaksoax.com/2018/04/maas-2-4-0-beta-2-released \" in blogs .. it is a blog .. should it remain in blogs ?\n<krytarik> If it's on the Planet, it belongs in there.\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: Yes, exactly, that's the way to go. :)\n<Wild_Man> I also read the info in the section where we edit the template as we are preparing it they sections marked with # gives a lot of good information and even what is on the planet it says put in the planet only if it does not fit better somewhere else\n<krytarik> Ah right, the LoCo News situation recently.. :D\n<Wild_Man> According to that this link  \" http://www.roaksoax.com/2018/04/maas-2-4-0-beta-2-released \" in blogs .. it is a blog .. should it remain in blogs is best suited for the cloud section.\n<krytarik> But, in that case it promoted the article, not demoted.\n<Wild_Man> I pasted to much of the text and made it unreadable, that link I just posted should e in the cloud section\n<Wild_Man> e/be\n<Wild_Man> This is what I was thinking of \"The Planet\n<Wild_Man> This section includes articles published by Ubuntu Members on their personal blogs. Articles should remain in this section if they can't be moved to another more appropriate area.\"\n<Bashing-om> Calling it a night . looked over a few of the items, getting some ideas for the summaries . Work on them tomorrow .  \\o\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: An insight article - not generated from canonical : https://insights.ubuntu.com/2018/04/18/eclipse-2018-survey-the-iot-landscape-what-it-empirically-looks-like ; maybe better placed in general ?\n<pleia2> the report they're talking about may not have been generated by Canonical, but the article certainly is, with a focus on Ubuntu\n<pleia2> so I'd still say it's Canonical News\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, there is your answer, I was a little slow\n<Wild_Man> thanks pleia2\n<pleia2> sorry, didn't mean to interrupt :)\n<Wild_Man> pleia2, you did not all input is greatly appreciated, I just want to make sure he sees that you replied to him\n<Bashing-om> pleia2: Good article heavy on ubuntu . // Next is a couple of large conference advisories .. put them under Loco ?\n<pleia2> depends on whether a LoCo is running them\n<pleia2> Canonical does their own events often that don't engage the local communities\n<Bashing-om> pleia2: The one I am looking at presenly is created by Canonical : KubeCon + CloudnativeCon Europe 2018 .\n<Wild_Man> pleia2, do you think this has a place? it is kinda of ironic to me, https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2018/04/microsoft-linux-custom-kernel-azure-sphere?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+d0od+%28OMG%21+Ubuntu%21%29\n<pleia2> Bashing-om: link?\n<pleia2> Wild_Man: That one probably goes under \"other articles of interest\"\n<Bashing-om> pleia2: https://insights.ubuntu.com/2018/04/18/kubecon-cloudnativecon-europe-2018 .\n<pleia2> Bashing-om: ah yeah, that's Canonical, not LoCo\n<Wild_Man> I have a facebook friend that give me links sometimes, I have added two from her today but she does not want to contribute directly\n<Wild_Man> thanks pleia2, I thought that might be the case if it was something we should allow\n<Wild_Man> I installed updates last night for 18.04 and now my laptop is warm and the fan is running all the time, I need to see if I can find or file a bug about it\n<Wild_Man> brb\n#ubuntu-news 2018-04-19\n<krytarik> LOL, I was just about to go ahead finally and file a ticket for me on the WP role issue at the Fridge - but glad I checked before once again still.. :D\n<pleia2> krytarik: does it work now?\n<krytarik> Yes, it does - to the extent that's expected anyway. :)\n<pleia2> great\n<pleia2> problems solving themselves \\o/\n<krytarik> Yeep!\n<krytarik> Also, I've got a simple idea how to get the top 5 threads on the forums too - by using the link I posted earlier (will have to scour the logs for it) and then just manually picking the first five threads that started in the same week. :P\n<pleia2> that works, it's how we did the AskUbuntu one before someone wrote us a script\n<krytarik> Just got to pulling it, for everyone else again: https://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchdate=7&sortby=replycount&searchfromtype=vBForum%3APost&forumchoice[]=327&forumchoice[]=125&prefixchoice[]=&childforums=1&type[]=1\n<Bashing-om> getter done .. here I go again :P\n<krytarik> I just updated the translation stats script btw - regardless of whether or not we want to continue using it in the future.\n<Bashing-om> krytarik: Human Machine Interface: http://www.electronicdesign.com/industrial-automation/choosing-right-linux-distribution-your-embedded-application . Toward the end of the article is ubuntu - can we put this in the general heading ?\n<krytarik> Certainly not in General, no.\n<Bashing-om> krytarik: K; so please define for me what constitues a palcement in general - How intensive of an effort to fill that heading ? .\n<krytarik> \"Suggested sources: ubuntu-news-team mailing list, fridge.ubuntu.com\" - from the comments in the template.\n<Bashing-om> krytarik: ack\n<Bashing-om> A family concern of a grandchild - school and conduct - I will rerurn when the pressing matter is concluded .\n<krytarik> :D\n<oerheks> yay, adblockers legal ( in Germany ) https://yro.slashdot.org/story/18/04/19/2041236/german-supreme-court-rules-ad-blockers-legal\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, you around?\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: Yep.  Seen the channel log of earlier today yet? :)\n<Wild_Man> no. I will read it now, guessing it is important?\n#ubuntu-news 2018-04-20\n<Bashing-om> Michael Larabel is some kind of prolifferant . Getting boreing \" Michael Larabel writes \" .\n<krytarik> Could always variate at the verb at least though! :P\n<Bashing-om> https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Rise-Tomb-Raider-Linux-Tomorrow is outdated by the former article . remove it ?\n<Bashing-om> http://news.softpedia.com/news/kde-applications-open-source-software-suite-gets-first-major-release-in-2018-520768.shtml though more detailed is a repeat of the ups Michael Larabel article .\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, by what former article?\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, I realize that link that Tomb Raider has already been released today but I see it as just a way to let people know that it has been released, just my opinion we will see what krytarik thinks and the second link to me in no way just restates that gnome has been released it talks about many apps so, I looked that that before I posted it, I think it is good to keep it again just my opinion I am not an expert at this\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, I have been thinking about the Tomb Raider link since it will be next week before we publish I think you are correct we should remove it, we can probably find an updated one to replace it with\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Does not this suffuce for Tomb raider \"https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=tomb-raider-20 ' in our summary ?\n<krytarik> Someone please reword the KDE Applications summary. :P\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, that will do, I looked at the the kde application link again and the writer of that article changed his article from just talking about Dolphin to include all the things in the link you posted so it is a duplicate now but the second link is better I think we should leave that one and remove the first one\n<krytarik> Or in fact, pick the Softpedia one in favor of that.\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, that is what I am saying as well, it is better in my opinion\n<krytarik> Yeah, I've just read your last message. :)\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, I am curious do it show me logged into gdoc? I see you and Bashing-om but not myself, I assume that is the way gdoc is supposed to be\n<Wild_Man> do/does\n<krytarik> Yeah, one always just sees the other ones.\n<Wild_Man> ok\n<Wild_Man> I hope Bashing-om looks in here to see what we said about removing that link because I think he is trying to rewrite the summary, I wonder if I should remove it?\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Agreed .. to scrap Michael Larabel's article and write up the release article .\n<krytarik> Yeep! :D\n<krytarik> Also, the robot summary is both too short and the sentence doesn't really make sense to me at the end.\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, I am not good at grammar these days, why does not summary need rewritten?\n<Wild_Man> not/that, I really need to triple check my typing before posting in here\n<krytarik> Also, keep in mind that this time we'll also try and sling in the other editors - so there will hopefully a bit more review be going on than just us three.\n<Wild_Man> I hope more summary writers as well but I would hate to leave the summaries until the weekend and be disappointed, so I do not know.\n<Wild_Man> I only received four replies out of about 30\n<guiverc> Wild_Man: as someone who wrote to writers regularly after summaries, 4 replies of 30 is actually very good!  Lyz would probably say its an outstanding response!  likewise Simon..\n<Wild_Man> guiverc, It sure is better then none\n<guiverc> also I only have 'view mode' to doc, writers will need write access to gdoc too\n<krytarik> guiverc: If you would like write access to it, PM me your email address and I can add you.\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, did you look the gdoc down so people can not easily edit it?\n<guiverc> PM - you're stretching an old guy like me...  (let me know you got it)\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: We did last we after a lengthy discussion - don't you remember?\n<krytarik> ..Week.\n<Wild_Man> lets not talk about getting older guiverc\n<Wild_Man> I was not sure that it was actually done\n<Wild_Man> Yes I remember the discussion\n<Wild_Man> I hope if the summary writers show up to write that they pop in here.\n<guiverc> Would be nice, but I never saw it  (I didn't do email summaries that long anyway  -- i did ~50 contribs before I actually entered this room anyway\n<Wild_Man> I am afraid if the come and see they can not write to the gdoc that they will just leave\n<Wild_Man> the/they\n<krytarik> Well, I certainly don't want to check every day if anybody has planted an easter egg someplace in it.. :P  Unlike just deleting the whole thing like last week, which is pretty obvious.\n<krytarik> And e.g. my computer can't really handle the docs' history function at all, so..\n<Wild_Man> Do you want to add the emails of the people that replied and said they would help? or wait until they show up?\n<krytarik> If they are Gmail ones, I guess yes.\n<Wild_Man> they have to be gmail?\n<krytarik> Yep, or connected to it.\n<oerheks> oerheks@ubuntu.com was not valid :-(\n<guiverc> why not just mention in email that they'll need to request-write access (if they don't already have it)... ie. warning & be ready for responses...\n<guiverc> i noted a 'request write' access on gdoc (alas after I'd mentioned access here)\n<Wild_Man> guiverc, that is what I was thinking of doing, is editing the email that goes out to the summary writers\n<guiverc> :)\n<Bashing-om> We have enough material ? ( still need to populate general) Do we want to write up a success story on the Dell XPS on 18.04 ?\n<Bashing-om> https://daniel.holba.ch/blog/2018/04/a-month-with-dell-xps-13-9370/\n<krytarik> General is really only for official community news.\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, we can probably use it but as krytarik said not in General, I am having trouble finding articles to put in this section\n<Bashing-om> krytarik: Yup, and my official community news sources are skimppy this week :P\n<krytarik> Iirc it isn't always populated.\n<Bashing-om> krytarik: Well, yeah .. got nothing to say, best say nothing :)\n<krytarik> Yuup! :)\n<krytarik> Bashing-om: As to the above post, maybe replace the literally one-sentence gksu one with it..?\n<krytarik> Could write about the OMG post on it instead then if you'd like.\n<krytarik> ..Or that was someplace else.\n<Bashing-om> krytarik: Might be able to flesh out the gksu issue ,, seen some flack in the channels in that respect .\n<krytarik> I mean it's kind of important, so we should find some proper post about it.\n<Bashing-om> krytarik: See what i can find - uncle Google !\n<krytarik> Yep!  At it too! :P\n<krytarik> Or just wait two days.. :P\n<Bashing-om> Saturday will bring it's own problems . let us deal with what is now . gksu !\n<Wild_Man> the one I posted by Jeremy Bicha has a link to the bug report on how to do it now, he is the dev that removed it\n<krytarik> Yeah, but no details whatsoever..\n<krytarik> I mean that's like linking to the bug report directly - except with one more click.\n<krytarik> http://www.linux-magazin.de/news/ubuntu-18-04-lts-verzichtet-auf-gksu/ - the German one I had in mind there instead btw. :P\n<krytarik> So I'd say we wait a day at least and see what more pops up.\n<Bashing-om> krytarik: Yup seen that , points to : https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=892768 and we can reference the bug to flesh out the summary .\n<krytarik> That's like writing a post yourself..\n<Bashing-om> krytarik: Would for sure be stretching the definition of \"summary\" .\n<Wild_Man> this is from today https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2389656&highlight=gksusetting it up is a bother\n<krytarik> Yes...\n<Bashing-om> krytarik: As An aside, I have no used gksu in ages ... since I seen the man page for ' sudo -H ' .\n<krytarik> I'll go to bed now, good night folks! :)\n<krytarik> I have never used 'sudo -H' myself yet tbh.\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, sudo -H no longer works either\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: I still use it here on xubuntu 18.04 .\n<Wild_Man> I tried earlier on Ubuntu it is a no go\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Ouch .. lemme test ! updates may have killed it .\n<krytarik> Who needs root anymore... :D\n<Wild_Man> I do!\n<krytarik> Such a stickler to the core..\n<Wild_Man> Yep!\n<krytarik> Fwiw, I always use 'sudo -i'.. :P\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: ' sudo -H ' upper case h .. still works for me .\n<Wild_Man> that is good\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, sudo -i does work\n<krytarik> See, I always use the most robust stuff! :P\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: However, I can believe that I must learn policyKit .\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, sudo -H works for me now, I guess 18.04 was acting up earlier\n<Wild_Man> I tried several times earlier and it did not work\n<krytarik> \"Don't work\"... :D\n<krytarik> Details, dude!\n<Wild_Man> I use the terminal for almost everything these days\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Them there Grimlins .. never can tell what they are up to .\n<krytarik> I got Lynx there.. :P\n<Wild_Man> indeed\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Should we stretch \"summary\" an in the gksu article also give the debian bug report link ?\n<Wild_Man> Yes I think so\n<Wild_Man> No, I just remembered that it says no links in the summary its self, you have to add it after the summary\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, ^^\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Let's see if it flies by a sweep :) // that is waht I meant to ass it after the header's link .\n<Bashing-om> ass/*add\n<Wild_Man> ok\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Like so - have a look - is what I suggest . And rest on it .\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, maybe I am getting to tired, you want me to look at the gksu article right? I do not see the link to the bug report\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, I did add a link under the General Section that I think can stay there\n<Wild_Man> I think it is time to call it a night\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: I placed it right below the https://jeremy.bicha link .\n<Wild_Man> maybe I need to refresh the page\n<Wild_Man> it showed up after refreshing the page, that works for me\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, tomorrow we probably should adjust the summary to say the bug report link is included?\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: So yes .. let's call it a night :)\n<Wild_Man> Indeed!\n<Wild_Man> see you tomorrow after I get done at the VA\n<Wild_Man> Thanks for all the great work!\n<Bashing-om> Nite nite - do not let the bed bugs bite :P\n<Wild_Man> Night\n<Bashing-om> Taking a break from mowing - catch up on where we are for publishing . I see we have added help :)\n<krytarik> Yes! :)\n<Bashing-om> At a stopping place, back to mowing . I return here soonest :)\n<krytarik> Now, wrt this channel's ACL: 1.) Who is Beuno..?  And 2.) I'd like to have op rights too (I'm no Ubuntu member yet still), just in case.. :)\n<krytarik> (To be clear, particularly for the case where spammers quite literally hit every channel in the Ubuntu namespace, regardless of topic or size - which I've also seen hit this one before.)\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: WB :) .. I am in the midst of mowing .. in and out as I take an opportunity of respite from the mower .\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, Okay did you see my message you in the gdoc?\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: No ..I did not see any in gdoc .. lemme recheck .\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Uh Huh .. it workie // was of some wonder how to chat there :)\n<Bashing-om> Gonna go have that reel mower beat up in me a bit more .. back in jusst a few .\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, see you!\n<Bashing-om> Back .. My attention however is presently in the forum - will check here periodically .\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, okay\n#ubuntu-news 2018-04-21\n<guiverc> i went into uwn doc, didn't find any needing summaries - looks done :)  (or I need stronger glasses)\n<oerheks> yay, FFMPEY \"Wu\" 4.0 http://ffmpeg.org/index.html#pr4.0\n<oerheks> FFMPEG*\n<krytarik> ...Wait, with the current highest role of editor for any of us on the Fridge's WP, we can't even change the widgets on the site!?\n<krytarik> (I merely wanted to see if we could add button linked to the general @ubuntu_news Twitter account alongside the RSS one to the Subscribe widget.)\n<pleia2> no, we just submit tickets when we want something changed, in reality it's pretty rare\n<krytarik> That really makes me want to cry now. :D\n<pleia2> now that you're the boss you're welcome to talk to them about opening access, but I chose my battles with Canonical IS and this one wasn't worth it to me ;)\n<krytarik> Yeah, I hear you.\n<Bashing-om> memory leaks fixes in 18.04 LTS: The probable fix is in . https://feaneron.com/2018/04/20/the-infamous-gnome-shell-memory-leak/ . Do we re-write the original summary or replace it ?\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, Bashing-om this is pretty important, it just came out today https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=GNOME-Shell-Memory-Leak-Fix do we want to add it?\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Awaiting response drom above \" memory leaks fixes in 18.04 LTS: The probable fix is in . https://feaneron.com/2018/04/20/the-infamous-gnome-shell-memory-leak/ . Do we re-write the original summary or replace it ?\" .\n<krytarik> You two figure it out! :P\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, I would replace it\n<Wild_Man> The new link is a much more concise article and easier to read imo\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: I am all for adding an editorial note to what we have, to see an additional summary .\n<Bashing-om> woNot doing the backgraound research .. but feaneron seems to be the project leader .\n<krytarik> Oh btw, I'd still like someone other than myself (conflict of interest) to work over the Studio reboot summary 1.) so the currently only sentence makes more sense, and 2.) hopefully get together an additional one. :)\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, I do not find the link you posted, I thought the gnome leak was published in the 523?\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: 524: https://community.ubuntu.com/t/help-test-memory-leaks-fixes-in-18-04-lts/5251 // my new source: https://feaneron.com/2018/04/20/the-infamous-gnome-shell-memory-leak/ .\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, I guess you can use the link that you want to use, it hurts my eyes trying to read the small print\n<Wild_Man> Okay, I found that one by Will Cooke but I was looking for one with the link you posted above.\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: I will also look at your new link - the fix does need to be made public . Just. do we add an editorial note to what we have ?\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: My thought is not to take away from the effort that our community provided .\n<Wild_Man> I think that will be fine, we do not want to diminish the work that will has done\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: A bit out of the norm to editorialize, but is such a thing acceptable practice ?\n<Wild_Man> From what I have seen everything else is looking good, I am still dealing with a problem user on the forum that is causing trouble on FB also since last night so I am going to be busy with that for some time\n<krytarik> As to what source to use, I think if you first heard of it from phoronix, which I think is the case, it's fair to reference it and mention that it links to the original post.\n<Wild_Man> I am not sure how sure exactly what you plan to write I would just add the leak is not fixed and include the link and see what others have to say\n<Wild_Man> scratched not\n<Wild_Man> I need to put out fires\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: While here ... xfcw has released their updates . Are there constraints on how many aricles are presented .. and are there constraints on the length of the newsletter .\n<Bashing-om> xfce*\n<krytarik> What would that be btw..?\n<Bashing-om> krytarik: still looking at new material // so far xfce with 2 releases .\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, no constraints, just it depends on how much help we have\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Well, I can make the time to add these 3 to UWN .\n<krytarik> If you want to write about updates to individual parts of Xfce, I'd group them under one header at least though.\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, wrote a summary for Ubuntu Studio and put it as a suggested, I will leave it up to you if you want to use it\n<Bashing-om> krytarik: Hey. We do like xfce .. will make up a common heading and include in this edition :)\n<krytarik> Yes, we do!\n<krytarik> Bashing-om: On the Gnome memory leak post, please not so much quoting.\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: I have read the OMG article earlier, and I'm not particularly convinced yet the summary captures its content sufficiently. :)\n<krytarik> But it's closer already indeed.\n<Bashing-om> krytarik: That long quote - IMHO - carries all of the relevant info ... yes ?\n<krytarik> Well, we aren't to quote everything but to summarize.\n<Wild_Man> The only place we can quote is apparently for pod casts\n<krytarik> Well tbh, that's arguable too - but since it's always been done this way so far..\n<krytarik> At least I've changed the always same intro who is on the show the week to just a simple list already now.\n<tsimonq2> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2018-April/004438.html\n<tsimonq2>  /!\\ /!\\ Help test! /!\\ /!\\\n<guiverc> tsimonq2, is it worth putting it on fridge?  (from memory testing qualifies)\n<Bashing-om> tsimonq2: Looking ^ .\n<tsimonq2> guiverc: Yes.\n<Bashing-om> Interesting: https://insights.ubuntu.com/2018/04/20/design-and-web-team-summary-20-april-2018 . Does it suit for inclusion ?\n<guiverc> i'll put on fridge (hyper-text-free though!)\n<guiverc> (i meant https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2018-April/004438.html on fridge)\n<Wild_Man> I think it does that is why I included it\n<guiverc> tsimonq2, adam con.. of ?? it only has his name - Ubuntu Release Team???\n<tsimonq2> guiverc: Adam Conrad is on the Ubuntu Release Team, yes.\n<guiverc> use that, or just Ubuntu team (start - Adam Conrad of ...)\n<tsimonq2> Nah, Ubuntu Release Team is better, imho. :)\n<guiverc> thanks.  will use urt\n<tsimonq2> Cool. :)\n#ubuntu-news 2018-04-22\n<krytarik> guiverc: Can you not post in monospace font this time though? :P\n<guiverc> krytarik, i don't see ability to change font - i know ~0 about wp, headings, preformatted, paragraph, bold, italics, ..  (in both text & visual mode)\n<krytarik> If you leave the editor for a bit, I can fix it.\n<tsimonq2> I'll Fix The Thing once it's posted.\n<tsimonq2> Or.\n<tsimonq2> That. :)\n<guiverc> am out of editor... using gedit now :)\n<krytarik> That's not what I meant... :P\n<krytarik> guiverc: Fixed!\n<krytarik> Thou shall continue.\n<guiverc> thanks - it saved it as draft - use it or start again?\n<krytarik> Btw, the trick is not to paste or in fact use at all the \"visual\" editor, but \"text\" instead.\n<guiverc> i didn't see a 'font' option (i assume you changed default krytarik) - as for visual, it was how i was shown from memory - i can explore later..  http://fridge.ubuntu.com/?p=8325&preview=true  if you'd like to preview  (links are good)  - mentions uwn523 @ bottom which may be 'next post' i normally don't notice..\n<krytarik> I merely removed the '<pre>' tags that got added all over the post automatically.\n<krytarik> Yes, it's cool.  I removed the 'more' tag too btw - I think we don't need it for this short one..?\n<guiverc> posted - thanks krytarik   ( http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2018/04/22/first-set-of-bionic-sort-of-rc-images-for-18-04/ )\n<guiverc> thanks tsimonq2\n<guiverc> does the <pre> mean preformatted?  (seem to recall those tags in askubuntu)\n<krytarik> Yes.\n<krytarik> Or something - but it does mean codey and monospacey.\n<guiverc> thanks - that'll be easier to remember (i hope) - i prefer monospace anyway (but don't explore for fear of..)\n<krytarik> Well, it looks rather crappy on the website though if it's used for everything. :P\n<guiverc> (okay except my own systems, fixing problems b/c I blew it up when others can't see is fun!)\n<guiverc> i only read the text; and only see it in liferea (or lynx) so i'd likely not notice\n<guiverc> note: i didn't click 'planet' for it   (i'm now thinking maybe I should..)  ah well\n<krytarik> Well, on the previous release it was on there anyway.\n<Wild_Man> why did we post that one article to the fridge instead of waiting to post the news letter? was that just as a favor?\n<krytarik> This is not only UWN, but also Fridge.\n<Bashing-om> krytarik: Wild_Man : Would a link on our final freeze summary suffice ?\n<Wild_Man> I thought we just post uwn to the Fridge\n<krytarik> Bashing-om: Well, both are different topics - but yeah, if you wanna write about the call for testing too, then sure have a separate one for it.\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, what do you mean, there is already a summary for final freeze?\n<krytarik> Because the timing fits really well now too.\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: yeah .. the summary however does not directly address the plea for final testing .\n<Wild_Man> Two separate topics, I did not realize you were talking about the plea for testing, yes we need a separate one as krytarik said\n<guiverc> this room is Ubuntu News Team - fridge, UWN & more ... I'd definetly say include it in UWN  (mention the lists.ubuntu links, not fridge one!)\n<krytarik> guiverc: Planetize the post yet? :P\n<krytarik> Also, I've just seen you used a 'testing' one for the Final Beta - though that was last used in 2012 till then.\n<guiverc> nah - i said planet; I wish I'd clicked 'testing' - but still not sure about planet - you say yeah I assume - i'll add the testing\n<krytarik> You can also do this by 'quick edit' btw.\n<guiverc> testing added and I'm happy.  do you think its worthy of planet?\n<krytarik> No, I'm not sure either..\n<guiverc> truthfully i think not - i like planet only because more eyes will see it...\n<krytarik> Maybe we want to re-pick up using the 'release' category too.\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: Oh!..  Wanna tweet this? :P\n<krytarik> (The other two are for UWN only.)\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, this one http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2018/04/22/first-set-of-bionic-sort-of-rc-images-for-18-04/ ?\n<Wild_Man> I was thinking about that a few minutes ago\n<krytarik> Well, the ML link of course, but yeah.\n<Wild_Man> Tweet from the Ubuntu Forums account?\n<krytarik> Well,.. you could do that too, of course - but I primarily meant from the @ubuntu_news one.\n<Wild_Man> You confused me when you said \"the other two are for UWN only\" I am not sure what you are referring too. Yes  I will do it.\n<krytarik> Facebook and Google+\n<krytarik> And cool, thanks!\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, Done, now I am going to retweet from forums account.\n<krytarik> Proper wording there, dude. :)\n<krytarik> Erm, now I see though, that's also tailored to the UWN..\n<krytarik> Doesn't matter though!\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, that is not proper wording?\n<krytarik> No, I do mean it like that. :)\n<Wild_Man> Okay!\n<Wild_Man> I tried my best\n<Wild_Man> it is hard with my wife watching tv in the same room, I am not good at shutting out noise\n<krytarik> Yeah, I know that can be..\n<krytarik> Somebody wanna make the Final Freeze summary a little less copy-pastey still? :P\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: Oh btw, I did add the social media info to the UWN template earlier today.\n<Wild_Man> nice!\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: Morning.  I've just added two more links to the Xfce component updates summary.. :P  These aren't exactly Xfce apps though, but I figure it's still best to bundle those - Bashing-om (who wrote the summary initially) or you, please make it fit somehow without dropping all the details already in there. :)\n<krytarik> Still wish one could subscribe to the Planet without getting all the full posts btw.\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, bashing-om wrote it\n<krytarik> Yes, like I just said..\n<krytarik> Either way, I just barely got up too and am about to head out, and couldn't come up with an immediate solution to it either - so I figured I should let you both know at least that I added those.. :)\n<Wild_Man> Okay, I am still waking up\n<krytarik> Saaame..\n<krytarik> And just stumbled about this while checking the IRC logs of today.\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: I've just updated the scripts slightly btw, including the summary one as to the newly added section mentioned earlier: https://git.launchpad.net/uwn/commit/?id=23fc11b8de6bb7d437dbacf9a9bc2f9613e77873\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, thanks I will pull the script again\n<Wild_Man> krytarik, is the new letter ready for the wiki?\n<krytarik> Lemme quickly check again..\n<Wild_Man> Looks close if not ready\n<krytarik> Yeah, it's cool - go ahead!\n<Wild_Man> Okay.\n#ubuntu-news 2019-04-15\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue574 up for acceptance.\n<guiverc> Bashing-om, release schedule for dingo is thursday (18th) so 'next week' in general community news should say \"last this week\"\n<Bashing-om> guiverc: Good catch ! .. will correct when I remove \"WIP\" .// Do you expect to be around tomorrow eve to do the socials ?\n<guiverc> that'll be a bit late... it's monday arvo already; we usually publish early tuesday my local time  :)   yeah is your answer\n<guiverc> (i haven't finished my read thru - i'll do it as I can..)\n<Bashing-om> guiverc: :) .. I keep forgetting the Aussie in you :P\n<guiverc> :)\n<guiverc> Bashing-om, Ubuntu Ratings/Reviews   s/are are/are/  (ie. remove the double-word)\n<Bashing-om> guiverc: Noted too :)\n<guiverc> in Disco Disco (19.04) Release Candidate testing  there's another \"released next week\" however should this be dropped completely; duplicate of disco final freeze first notice (just different wording)\n<guiverc> ^ those two are in hub\n<Bashing-om> guiverc: Noted .\n<guiverc> https://plus.google.com/+UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter  needs to be removed  (and from skeleton too!)\n<Bashing-om> guiverc: K - will do that also :)\n<guiverc> my read thru is complete anyway; you want to remove g+ from skeleton.\n<guiverc> skeleton/template https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/IssueTemplate\n<guiverc> change made Bashing-om  (g+ shouldn't re-appear in subsequent issues)\n<Bashing-om> guiverc: My my you are feelinng industrious :P\n<guiverc> Bashing-om, minor ones edited (/next/this/ & /are are/are/ & /g+//  but didn't touch  hub.disco.rc,testing /next/this/OR duplicate/drop?\n<Bashing-om> guiverc: Lemme look and see what you see :P\n<Bashing-om> guiverc: As the hub summary has amplified testing info - I would like to keep it. tsimonq2 Also has an announcemnet but adds nothing that is not already covered.\n<Bashing-om> guiverc: Yeah agreed ,, the \"next week \" should be amended to \"this week\". - but next week is the authors words.\n<guiverc> yep - I wondered about keeping too, also if next/this really applies (b/c of Apr.. 18th specific mention)\n<guiverc> I'm happy with the wording as is b/c of date mention\n<Bashing-om> guiverc: Well, we could make it explicit that \"next\" is from the author as by [next] ??\n<guiverc> i'm not really a fan of \"Apr... 18th\"  -- but it's a direct quote so I ignored it...  why I left that alone & didn't touch it with my barge pole :)\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Security:: Episode 28 @ https://ubuntusecuritypodcast.org/episode-28/\n<Bashing-om> Pulling \"WIP\" and editing \"next\" too.\n<Bashing-om> M/L is away .. doing the forum post next.\n<Bashing-om> Forum posting is done - re-directs next.\n<Bashing-om> re-directs also done. Pending is posting to the social medias :)\n<guiverc> Want me to push #574 fridge?  (I need a 2nd)\n<Bashing-om> guiverc: Yeah .. All looks good - :)\n<guiverc> :)    thanks Bashing-om i'll take your response as my 2nd once I finish clearing spam on fridge\n<guiverc> we've got offers for someone to help write (author stuff) - from a diy solar panel... interested?\n<Bashing-om> guiverc: Works for me to be that 2nd -for what that is worth.\n<Bashing-om> guiverc: Always interested on a means to lighten/enlarge our load :)\n<guiverc> krytarik & tsimonq2 felt I didn't need to worry about 2nd due to regularly schedule for uwn - but fridge rules say it so I like it...\n<Bashing-om> guiverc: I like sticking to a known good procedure :)\n<guiverc> :)\n<guiverc> http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2019/04/15/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-574/\n<guiverc> I'll do social media posts later.. time for bird feed...\n<Bashing-om> guiverc: Fridge looks good :)\n<Bashing-om> Bot confirmtion that the Fridge is posted :)\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: The Fridge: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 574 @ http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2019/04/15/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-574/\n<guiverc> mewe & tweet done.\n<Bashing-om> guiverc: :) clear now to wipe Gdoc574 ? We start all over again ?\n<guiverc> i was looking for my high-tech exercise book (passwd) to log into fb - not done yet..\n<Bashing-om> guiverc: Excuse me for rushing :(\n<guiverc> (now to look for my phone..)  but yeah you can wipe .. i won't use it & it's out-of-date anyway\n<guiverc> (we have the wiki)\n<Bashing-om> guiverc: K - on your say-so I do :)\n<guiverc> fb now done too :|\n<Bashing-om> Anddd .. we do UWN575 :)\n<Wild_Man> All done?\n<guiverc> yep :)   and thanks Wild_Man\n<Wild_Man> Thanks guys another, job well done!\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: We do UWN575 now :P\n<Wild_Man> WOOT!\n<guiverc> fyi:  i'll be unable to put 19.04 to fridge till very late friday (my local)... my passion play committment is higher priority (spel?) for me so I won't be available when I expect 19.04 to finally be released...  I can be a pre-2nd if acceptable before-hand (???)\n<Wild_Man> We announce when 19.04 comes out?\n<Wild_Man> It is our responsibility\n<guiverc> Wild_Man, http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2018/10/18/ubuntu-18-10-cosmic-cuttlefish-released/  - but it's a ubuntu-news team responsibility;  not just uwn\n<Wild_Man> guiverc, I see, I will be busy that day until late, it will be the 19th UTC time by the time I am here\n<guiverc> (Wild_Man they're a bit more work than uwn; source is ML post which is all text; so all formatting is added...)  - it'll get done when we're available/when we can..\n<Wild_Man> guiverc, is it a copy and paste? or we have to right up the summary?\n<guiverc> we copy/paste ... only the bottom paragraph is added but no writing, just insert name/team/date etc in correct places (from a prior one.. 50% of time taken is looking for ML post itself!)\n<guiverc> (okay ~10-20% of time is looking for post..)\n<Wild_Man> guiverc, okay if I get back before you and get to it I will give it a go\n#ubuntu-news 2019-04-16\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Stephen Kelly: Debugging Clang AST Matchers @ https://steveire.wordpress.com/2019/04/16/debugging-clang-ast-matchers/\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Raphaël Hertzog: Freexian’s report about Debian Long Term Support, March 2019 @ https://raphaelhertzog.com/2019/04/16/freexians-report-about-debian-long-term-support-march-2019/\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Fridge:: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 574 @ http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2019/04/15/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-574/ (by guiverc)\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Jamie Strandboge: Cloud images, qemu, cloud-init and snapd spread tests @ https://blog.strandboge.com/2019/04/16/cloud-images-qemu-cloud-init-and-snapd-spread-tests/\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: Entroware Updates Its Linux Laptops with 8th Gen Intel CPUs, Nvidia RTX Graphics @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/entroware-updates-its-linux-pcs-with-8th-gen-intel-cpus-nvidia-rtx-graphics-525689.shtml (by Marius Nestor)\n#ubuntu-news 2019-04-17\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Erich Eickmeyer: One Year Leading Ubuntu Studio @ https://ericheickmeyer.com/2019/04/16/one-year-leading-ubuntu-studio/\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: VirtualBox 6.0.6 Released with Support for Linux 5.0 and Linux 5.1 Kernels @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/virtualbox-6-0-6-released-with-support-for-linux-5-0-and-linux-5-1-kernels-525697.shtml (by Marius Nestor)\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: James Page: OpenStack Stein for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS @ https://javacruft.wordpress.com/2019/04/17/openstack-stein-for-ubuntu-18-04-lts/\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: How to Upgrade to Ubuntu 19.04 from 18.04, Right Now @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=140447 (by Joey Sneddon)\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Ubuntu 19.04: What’s New? [Video] @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=139782 (by Joey Sneddon)\n#ubuntu-news 2019-04-18\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Sean Davis: Xubuntu 19.04: The Exhaustive Update @ https://bluesabre.org/2019/04/18/xubuntu-19-04-the-exhaustive-update/\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) Is Now Available to Download @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/ubuntu-19-04-disco-dingo-is-now-available-to-download-525711.shtml (by Marius Nestor)\n<mohammads> Hello everyone\n<mohammads> When disco will unleash?\n<guiverc> mohammads, add yourself to the release mailing list & you'll get a text message when it occurs..  it's how I'm notified\n<mohammads> Ok\n<guiverc> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-release\n<mohammads> Yes, i just joined. thank you guiverc 😉\n<guiverc> :)\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu MATE: Ubuntu MATE 19.04 Final Release @ https://ubuntu-mate.org/blog/ubuntu-mate-disco-final-release/\n<Unit193> eoan!\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) Officially Released, Here's What's New @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/ubuntu-19-04-disco-dingo-officially-released-with-linux-5-0-and-gnome-3-32-525714.shtml (by Marius Nestor)\n<guiverc> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2019-April/004753.html\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu Podcast from the UK LoCo: S12E02 – Light Force @ http://ubuntupodcast.org/2019/04/18/s12e02-light-force/\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: LibreOffice 6.2.3 Office Suite Released with More Than 90 Bug Fixes @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/libreoffice-6-2-3-office-suite-released-with-more-than-90-bug-fixes-525718.shtml (by Marius Nestor)\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: KDE Applications 19.04 Open-Source Software Suite Has Been Officially Released @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/kde-applications-19-04-open-source-software-suite-has-been-officially-released-525719.shtml (by Marius Nestor)\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: 10 Things To Do After You Install Ubuntu 19.04 @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=140034 (by Joey Sneddon)\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Ubuntu 19.04 Flavours: What’s New? @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=139247 (by Joey Sneddon)\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu Studio: Ubuntu Studio 19.04 Released! @ http://ubuntustudio.org/2019/04/ubuntu-studio-19-04-released/\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Lubuntu Blog: Lubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) Released! @ https://lubuntu.me/disco-released/\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: Ubuntu Budgie 19.04 Released with Budgie 10.5 Desktop and Brand-New Theme @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/ubuntu-budgie-19-04-released-with-budgie-10-5-desktop-and-brand-new-theme-525720.shtml (by Marius Nestor)\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Kubuntu General News: Kubuntu 19.04 is released today @ https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-19-04-is-released-today/\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: How to Upgrade Ubuntu 18.10 to Ubuntu 19.04 @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/how-to-upgrade-ubuntu-18-10-to-ubuntu-19-04-525721.shtml (by Marius Nestor)\n#ubuntu-news 2019-04-19\n<guiverc> Okay for https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2019-April/004753.html  to fridge?   2nd please, or I can be 2nd to someone else..\n<krytarik> guiverc: Of course!  And I'd be the second here as per usual.. >_>  Also I notice Wild_Man is still around too, so you two might work on it together for a learning experience.\n<guiverc> thanks krytarik, yep. that was reason for my wording '2nd to..'  (but is it too late at night there? ..)\n<krytarik> Wild_Man: Say something! :P\n<guiverc> I'll give Wild_Man a chance (I won't do anything for next ~hour..)\n<guiverc> http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2019/04/19/ubuntu-19-04-disco-dingo-released/\n<krytarik> guiverc: Nice work there, thanks!  Only one thing that I've noticed, some of the links.. aren't ones. :P\n<guiverc> Wild_Man, fyi: i copied ML post to `mousepad` (xfce text editor), copy prior 18.10 end signoff to it (copy/paste new timestamp over it, name usually to), then add <h3></h3> tags above/below headings, remove ------ underlining & general cleanup.  preview & post  (then edit to add ML url to end-line; usually stuff something up..) http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wHSyZRTyRf/ is my mousepad massaged file.\n<krytarik> Oh, and the very first one got a funky font.\n<krytarik> Also, I think it might be time they flip most if not all of them over to HTTPS yet. >_<\n<guiverc> missed links fixed..\n<guiverc> first font one also (it was recognized as different block type... isn't anymore)\n<krytarik> Great, thanks!\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: The Fridge: Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) released @ http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2019/04/19/ubuntu-19-04-disco-dingo-released/\n<guiverc> Wild_Man, getting rid of /n (linebreaks) on long lines is pretty key too  (i should have mentioned)\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Fridge:: Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) released @ http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2019/04/19/ubuntu-19-04-disco-dingo-released/ (by guiverc)\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Xubuntu: Xubuntu 19.04 released! @ https://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-19-04-released/\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Jonathan Riddell: Kipi Plugins 5.9.1 Released @ https://jriddell.org/2019/04/19/kipi-plugins-5-9-1-released/\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Ubuntu 19.10 Codename @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=141083 (by Joey Sneddon)\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Kdenlive Video Editor 19.04 Arrives with Major Changes in Tow @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=141118 (by Joey Sneddon)\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Riccardo Padovani: Responsible disclosure: improper access control in Gitlab private project. @ https://rpadovani.com/gitlab-responsible-disclosure\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Daniel Pocock: SFK 2019 and next Prishtina Toastmasters meeting @ https://danielpocock.com/sfk-2019-prishtina-toastmasters/\n#ubuntu-news 2019-04-20\n<Wild_Man> Thanks for the instructions guiverc, sorry I did not make it to help last night, I am very busy and when I did get home I was taking care of my wife\n<guiverc> Not an issue Wild_Man, it was done when we could.  Yes family comes first\n<Wild_Man> I was wanting to get the practice of doing it just did not work out\n<guiverc> well if you noticed ^  I still need practice and I've been doing it how long??  (releases, EOL's etc don't occur very frequently..)\n<Wild_Man> no they do not\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Jonathan Carter: Debian project leader elections 2019 @ https://jonathancarter.org/2019/04/20/debian-project-leader-elections-2019/\n#ubuntu-news 2019-04-21\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Thanks to guiverc summaries are done, and I have made some polishing efforts, Can you do a walk through and confirm this as a final product ?\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, I will take a look after I am done eating\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: :) .. soon anough :D\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, I am having trouble with gdoc my laptop does not want to let me scroll the page my fan is turning hard and the page is frozen so I am going to close it and try again\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Yukkie on hardware issues - No hurry about verifying Gdoc.\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, the last few days I have been having issues with the laptop\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Time for a good cleaning ? .. I have a power supply fan that does not want to autostart :( ,, I got to flick it after the PS warms up a bit.\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, I do not think so, my laptop has been locking up and I have to restart it then the bios does a recovery during the boot up process\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: memory test good ?\n<Wild_Man> Bashing-om, I have not ran a memory test yet, I did update the bios a little while ago as recommended by oldfred but I do not think it took\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Bios splash screen show the updated vrsion ?\n<Wild_Man> I made one comment on gdoc I you see what you think I am not sure about it, I haven not slept or slowed down much in the last four weeks and it makes my foggy\n<Wild_Man> yes but hp site still shows it needs to be upgraded\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: Were me - I would bump bios to the latest available.\n<Wild_Man> I do not want to go into it here but sudo dmidecode | less shows the old version\n<Wild_Man> I did and the one hp shows is the one I updated to tonight\n<Wild_Man> I am to tired to worry about it tonight\n<Bashing-om> Wild_Man: I can relate - I want to re-install 19.04 but just either can not find the time or just to tired to do it .\n<Wild_Man> :)\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu Studio: Ubuntu Studio 18.04 Extended Support @ http://ubuntustudio.org/2019/04/ubuntu-studio-18-04-extended-support/\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Podcast Ubuntu Portugal: Ep. 54 – Disco com o Dingo @ https://podcastubuntuportugal.org/2019/04/21/ep-54-disco-com-o-dingo/\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Portugal:: Ep. 54 – Disco com o Dingo @ https://podcastubuntuportugal.org/2019/04/21/ep-54-disco-com-o-dingo/\n-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: SuperTuxKart 1.0 Released with Online Play, New Tracks, Improved Karts @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=141135 (by Joey Sneddon)\n<Bashing-om> Beginning to set up WIKI575.\n#ubuntu-news 2020-04-13\n-BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: How to Use the Best Linux Office Suite on Android and iOS @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/how-to-use-the-best-linux-office-suite-on-android-and-ios-529710.shtml (by Bogdan Popa, Microsoft News Editor)\n<Bashing-om> UWM: Pulling \"WIP\" channel log checked, no other changes known. Time to push 20:00 GMT.\n<Bashing-om> UWN: ubuntu-news@lists notification is away - doing the form post next.\n<Bashing-om> UWN: Forum post completed - abridged the update sections, no other isues seen. Doing the re-directs next.\n<Bashing-om> UWN: Re-directs done - pending is the social medias posts.\n<guiverc> Bashing-om, push UWN 626 to fridge?\n<Bashing-om> guiverc: Yup - Think Wild_Man still with connection issues.\n<guiverc> http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2020/04/13/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-626/\n<guiverc> tweeted\n<Bashing-om> guiverc: Fridge: Spot check checks good - clear now to wipe Gdoc ?\n<guiverc> Yep, wipe away  (having got back from getting my coffee)\n<Bashing-om> guiverc: Wild_Man ^ doing.\n<guiverc> uwn 626 on fb too\n<Bashing-om> Gdoc: we do 627 :D\n-BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: The Fridge: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 626 @ http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2020/04/13/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-626/\n#ubuntu-news 2020-04-14\n-BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Fridge:: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 626 @ http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2020/04/13/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-626/ (by guiverc)\n-BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu Blog: IBM Z delivers a Trusted Execution Environment with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and new single fra... @ https://ubuntu.com/blog/ibm-z-delivers-a-trusted-execution-environment-with-ubuntu-20-04-lts-and-new-single-frame-models\n-BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Elizabeth K. Joseph: Ubuntu and the new IBM LinuxONE III LT2 @ https://princessleia.com/journal/2020/04/ubuntu-and-the-new-linuxone-iii-lt2/\n-BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ddorda: Select all Google Photos (or Videos) @ https://ddorda.net/archives/1872\n#ubuntu-news 2020-04-15\n-BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Stuart Langridge: A UK map made of squares @ https://www.kryogenix.org/days/2020/04/15/a-uk-map-made-of-squares/\n-BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu Blog: Ubuntu kernel 5.4: What’s new with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS @ https://ubuntu.com/blog/ubuntu-kernel-5-4-whats-new-with-ubuntu-20-04-lts\n-BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu Blog: Design and Web team summary – 15th April 2020 @ https://ubuntu.com/blog/design-and-web-team-summary-15th-april-2020\n-BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS: Screenshot Tour @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=170369 (by Joey Sneddon)\n-BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: How to Fix Firefox’s White Window Corners on Ubuntu (Quick Tip) @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=172049 (by Joey Sneddon)\n-BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu Blog: LXD pod commissioning data @ https://ubuntu.com/blog/lxd-pod-commissioning-data\n#ubuntu-news 2020-04-16\n-BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Security:: Episode 71 @ https://ubuntusecuritypodcast.org/episode-71/\n-BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: deepin Linux 20 Beta Now Available for Download @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/deepin-linux-20-beta-now-available-for-download-529741.shtml (by Bogdan Popa, Microsoft News Editor)\n-BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: Getting a Linux Phone? Here Are the Apps Pre-Installed on the Next Librem 5 @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/getting-a-linux-phone-here-are-the-app-pre-installed-on-the-next-librem-5-529743.shtml (by Bogdan Popa, Microsoft News Editor)\n-BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Raphaël Hertzog: Freexian’s report about Debian Long Term Support, March 2020 @ https://raphaelhertzog.com/2020/04/16/freexians-report-about-debian-long-term-support-march-2020/\n-BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu Blog: You are invited to the virtual Ubuntu Masters event @ https://ubuntu.com/blog/you-are-invited-to-the-virtual-ubuntu-masters-event\n-BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu Blog: Introducing the Ubuntu AWS Rolling Kernel @ https://ubuntu.com/blog/introducing-the-ubuntu-aws-rolling-kernel-2\n#ubuntu-news 2020-04-17\n-BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: LibreOffice 6.4.3 Released for Linux, Windows, and Mac @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/libreoffice-6-4-3-released-for-linux-windows-and-mac-529758.shtml (by Bogdan Popa, Microsoft News Editor)\n-BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu Blog: What is an Ubuntu LTS release? @ https://ubuntu.com/blog/what-is-an-ubuntu-lts-release\n-BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: How Would Window Tiling Work on GNOME Tablet? Probably Like This @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=172433 (by Joey Sneddon)\n-BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu Blog: GNOME 3.34 snapcraft extension @ https://ubuntu.com/blog/gnome-3-34-snapcraft-extension\n-BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: David Tomaschik: So You Want a Red Team Exercise? @ https://systemoverlord.com/2020/04/17/so-you-want-a-red-team-exercise.html\n#ubuntu-news 2020-04-19\n<Bashing-om> UWN: Wiki627 up for review and final edits: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue627 :D\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC"}}
-{"text": "#ubuntu-ko 2011-06-06\n<imsu> 안녕하세요 ^^\n<imsu> drake_kr: 덕분에 어제 잘 먹었습니다 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 오옹\n<imsu> bundo: 안녕하세유 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> drake_kr: 리눅스용 소스 분석툴로 뭐가 좋을까요?\n<drake_kr> 소스분석툴..은 잘 모르는딩\n<imsu> drake_kr: 음;; 그냥 간단한거 짤 때는 etag 쓰긴 했는데;; 남이짠거 보려할 땐.. 흑흑;;\n<drake_kr> 흑흑\n<imsu> 된장 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 고추장 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 에잇 그럼 쌈장 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 헐\n<drake_kr> you win\n<imsu> ㅠ.ㅠ ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 윈도쪽 소스를 보는겨?\n<imsu> 아니요 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 그럼 거의 c 아녀?\n<imsu> 윈도쪽이면 소스 인사이트가 괜찮던데 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 뭔지 몰라요 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> c++이면 좀 짜증나겠지만서도\n<imsu> 얼핏보니 확장자가 cpp\n<imsu> pri\n<drake_kr> ....\n<imsu> 머 이런거네요 ㅠㅠ\n<imsu> 그래서 보지도 않았어요 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 뭐길래..\n<imsu> qtiplot 그래프 그려주는 툴이요 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 너무 거대함 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<imsu> 제길 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 아 qt..\n<drake_kr> 내 강좌에서도 QT는 배제하고 들어가는디.. ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> cpp 는 하나도 모르는데 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<imsu> 아 짱나요 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 딴 툴가지고 공부해야지 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 사인 그래프 정도 그려볼까\n<imsu> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> ㅋㅋ qt 로요? ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> http://drake.kr/59185\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 별이다 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> http://drake.kr/59188\n<imsu> 오 짜세 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> http://drake.kr/59204\n<imsu> 멉니까 이게 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 가방\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 그니깐요 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 이거 몇점짜리 슛이냐 http://drake.kr/59214\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n<drake_kr> 어여와요\n<yemharc> :)\n<imsu> yemharc: 안녕하세용 ^^\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n<imsu> 밀님에게 여쭤봐야지 ㅋㅋ 리눅스용 소스 분석 툴은 뭐 쓰면되나용?\n<yemharc> 으이\n<yemharc> 소스 분석 툴이라뇨?\n<yemharc> 어떤 용도의 소스 분석인강\n<yemharc> 가요\n<imsu> 소스인사이드 같은 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 그런 툴이요 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 잠깐 빨래 하고 오느라 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<yemharc> 음;;\n<yemharc> 이클립스 에드온으로 쓰거나\n<yemharc> 언어에 따라 그런 시각적 기능을 지원하는 녀석들이 이맥스 플러그인으로 있습니다\n<yemharc> 파이썬이라면 ipyton이란 녀석도 있고\n<imsu> etag만 조금 썼었는데 ;; 좀 불편하기도 하고 그래서요 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> cscope 는 c 언어만 지원하나요?\n<hanbin973> 냠\n<imsu> drake_kr: 저게 가능하긴 합니까? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 조작이죠?\n<hanbin973> 뭐가요?\n<imsu> drake_kr: 블로그 감상중 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> hanbin973: http://drake.kr/59214\n<hanbin973> 비슷한 유형의 영상들이 많죠 ㅋ\n<hanbin973> 신기하죠 =.=\n<yemharc> imsu, 여튼 리눅스서 뭘 하��¸°ì—” 그저 이클립스가 최고에요\n<imsu> 아 그런가요? ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 네\n<yemharc> 일단 소스 인사이트 스샷만 좀 봤는데\n<yemharc> ê·¸ 기능들 다 이클립스에 있습니다\n<yemharc> 이클립스의 단점은 무겁다는거고, 장점은 확장성이 끝도 없다는거죠\n<yemharc> 이클립스에 네이트온 플러그인으로 붙여서 써보세요 ㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 아마 jateon인가 하는 이름일겁니다\n<imsu> 큭큭\n<imsu> 이클립스가 좀;;;; 느려서요 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<drake_kr> 음\n<drake_kr> 그럼 emacs는 안느림?\n<hanbin973> 걍 gedit 만세!!! ㅜㅜ\n<drake_kr> 에이 그건 아니다\n<drake_kr> 윈도우로 치면 메모장만세!! 인데..\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 이맥스는 상대적으로 좀 덜 느린 편이죠\n<yemharc> 다만 시각적이라고 해야하나..... 플러그인이 많아도 최대한 마우스를 배척한 UI 덕분에 익숙하지 않은 사람에겐 되려 생산성이 떨어집니다\n<drake_kr> vi도 마찬가지..\n<yemharc> vi는 애초 용도가 저런게 아니었으니 ㅠㅠ\n<imsu> yemharc: 전에;; 이클립스 깔아서 코딩하다가 가끔씩 멈춰버리는 현상이 발생하여;; ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> imsu :: gedit 써!\n<yemharc> imsu, 리눅스에서요?\n<minsik> ubuntu natty를 wubi로 사용하고 있습니다. kubuntu natty wubi는 윈도우 디스크를 인식했는데 우분투 네비 우비는 인식하지 못합니다..... 해결책이 없을 까요?\n<imsu> yemharc: 네;; 멈추는게 아니라 타이핑이 우발적으로 안되서 다른곳 클릭하고 다시 클릭하면 되더라구요 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> minsik :: 개인적으로 wubi 비추입니다..\n<yemharc> imsu, 희안하네요;;; 전 겪어본 일이 없어서 잘 모르겠네요;;\n<imsu> yemharc: ê·¸ 때 8.04 인가 9.04 인가 썼을 때 일인데;;\n<imsu> ê·¸ 땐 멀티부팅했었거든요;;\n<imsu> 암튼;; 그랬어요 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 성질도 급하셔라\n<drake_kr> 검색하고있는데 나가네\n<imsu> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> hanbin973 :: 체리필터 - 전장의 마돈나 <- 이노래 좋군요\n<drake_kr> 공부가 밥먹여준대 <-\n<hanbin973> 지금 노래 틀 상황이 안되요ㄷ\n<yemharc> imsu, 10.04 이전이면 전 이클립스를 쓰지 않을 때로군요 (.....)\n<yemharc> 그때면 군대도 있고 서버관리직에 종사하기도 했고요\n<yemharc> <- 프로그래밍 실력은 그리 좋지 않습니다 ㅇㅅㅇ...\n<hanbin973> 열세동무로 독후감을 써야하는데 난 소설을 잘 안읽어서 뭐라 써야할지 모르겠다\n<hanbin973> ㅜㅜ\n<drake_kr> hanbin973 :: 가사가 죽이네요 -> 어쨌든 공부가 ë°¥ 먹여준대 / 이 악물고 난 펜을 들었어 / 이시대엔 스포츠 예능이 뜬대 / 어디로 난 줄서야해\n<hanbin973> 스포츠 예능보다는 확률적으로 공부가 낫죠 =.=\n<hanbin973> 그런데 그딴거 고민하고 있을 시간을 있을려나 =.= 걍 하고 싶은거 하는게 낫지 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 어쨌든 공부가 ë°¥ 먹여주는건 레알?\n<hanbin973> 대체로 그렇겠죠 뭐 =.=\n<drake_kr> 음\n<drake_kr> hanbin973 // 학생 맞지요?\n<hanbin973> 네\n<imsu> yemharc: 겸손하시긴 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> yemharc: 암튼 잘 써볼게용 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 왜 공부를 해야 하는가..\n<imsu> yemharc: 아참 ;; 이맥스로는 주로 어떻게 활용하시나요?\n<drake_kr> 좋은 점수를 받아서 좋은 대학 가는게 목표잖아요\n<hanbin973> 그런데로 재밌으니까요. ㄷ 하고 싶은게 있으니까 공부를 하죠. 전 궁극적 목표가 있어서\n<drake_kr> 이야\n<hanbin973> 대학가는거야 가까운 목표고 궁극적인 목표는 장기적인 목표인거고 =.=\n<hanbin973> 일단 공부도 단기적인 목표가 있어야 하게 되더군요. 이번 경시대회도 그렇고 =.=\n<drake_kr> 이런\n<drake_kr> 뭔가 해줄 말이 없네요 =.=\n<yemharc> imsu, 이맥스는........ 사실 그렇게 많이는 쓰지 않아요\n<drake_kr> imsu :: 당신은 emacs로 irc 하자나\n<yemharc> 서버쪽은 되려 이맥스가 귀찮아서 vi로 떄우는 편이고\n<hanbin973> 이맥스는 소미형이 좋아하더군요. 근데 솜형 왜 아얄씨에는 안오는거지 ㅜㅜ\n<Seony> imsu: 물럿거라 이맥스 ㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 데탑이라면 전 되도록이면 GUI 관련 툴을 이용합니다\n<drake_kr> 오\n<hanbin973> 세오니님은 어디 빠인가요? ㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 이맥스를 사용하는 경우는 최대한 빠르게 스크립트 구성을 해야 할 때 정도군요\n<hanbin973> vim 빠인가 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> yemharc :: <- 사용자다\n<Seony> hanbin973: 세오니가 아니라고 수십번은 얘기한 ê±° 같은데요 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> Seony: 안녕하세요 ㅎ\n<Seony> imsu: Hi\n<hanbin973> 저도 계속 까먹어요. yemharc 님도 어떻게 불러야할지 까먹네요 ㅜㅜ\n<hanbin973> 아 돌겠다\n<yemharc> hanbin973, 밀 이라고 부르시면 됩니다 :)\n<imsu> drake_kr: emacs로 irc 하면 안됩니까? ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 그냥 검색하면 나오길래 쓴건데 ㅋㅋ\n<hanbin973> 걍 닉 바꿔줘여ㅛ ㅜㅜ\n<hanbin973> ㅋㅋㅋ;;;\n<drake_kr> hanbin973 :: 그럼 전 뭐에요\n<yemharc> hanbin973, 제 닉이 yemharc에요\n<hanbin973> 드레이크요. ㄷ;;;\n<drake_kr> 역시\n<drake_kr> 게임 하시는 분은 알음\n<imsu> yemharc: 놋북인데유 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 그래서 느려유 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 안 하시는분들은 드라케라고 <- 대표적으로 강도님\n<hanbin973> 넥서스 S 한대나 구해볼까나\n<imsu> yemharc: 데탑은 스타전용 pc ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 이상하게.. 아잉폰이 리눅스에 더 가까운듯..\n<drake_kr> 안드로이드는 웬지 거부감이 느껴지는건 왜일까요\n<hanbin973> 느리니까? ㄷ;;;\n<drake_kr> hanbin973 :: 아뇨 느린건 아잉폰도 마찬가지에요\n<imsu> drake_kr: 그대는 아이폰을 불법 개조해서 쓰니깐 그렇죠 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> imsu :: 왜이래\n<hanbin973> 걍 기분탓이에요\n<imsu> 왜 gcc 를 설치하고 그래요 머리아프게 ㅋㅋ\n<hanbin973> 기분탓. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 분명 안드로이드에도 gcc가 설치된단말이지..\n<imsu> drake_kr: <- 이사람 이상함;; 왜 아이폰에 gcc를 설치......\n<drake_kr> 나도 내가 이상함\n<hanbin973> 다같이 이상한거죠 뭐 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 왜 php를 소스컴파일했는지..\n<hanbin973> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<hanbin973> 파폭 컴파일하는 사람 여기요. ㄷㄷㄷ\n<drake_kr> hanbin973 :: 시도하는건 좋은거에요\n<drake_kr> 근데 성능차이는 별로 안 났을듯\n<yemharc> 음냐.........\n<hanbin973> 빡센 사이트가 한 2초~3초 정도 빨리 뜨네요\n<drake_kr> 헐\n<hanbin973> 그게 전부임.... 그래도 jpeg 패치해서 jpeg 로딩은 엄청나게 빠르다능\n<yemharc> php를 바이트코드로?\n<drake_kr> 아하\n<drake_kr> php를 gcc로 컴파일\n<hanbin973> jpeg 로딩 하나 만큼은 벤치상으로 거의 10ë°° 차이!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> hanbin973 :: 무슨짓을 한겁니까\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 그러니까 php 파서가 아니라 php 소스 자체를 바이트코드로 만든건가요?\n<hanbin973> --march-native --optimize=-o2 + libjpeg-turbo\n<drake_kr> yemharc :: ios 자체가 darwin 기반의 freeBSD라고 볼수가 있는데..\n<imsu> 음 희안한 사람들의 희안한 얘기가 또 시작되겠구나 ㅋㅋ\n<hanbin973> 그런데 이제는 darwin 도 아니잖아열\n<drake_kr> yemharc :: ui 말고 백그라운드에서 웹서버를 돌릴수가 있어요\n<drake_kr> hanbin973 :: 어머나? 기반은 엄연히 freeBSD 바이너리를 집어넣으면 동작합니다..\n<hanbin973> 아 기분나빠. 우리집은왜 U+ 라서 내가 폰을 못사게 만드는거지 ㅜㅜ\n<yemharc> 흠\n<hanbin973> 그건 맞는데 많이 바뀌었으니까 ㅎㅎ;;\n<drake_kr> 기반이요 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 전체로 ë³´ë©´ 많이 바뀐건 맞지만\n<hanbin973> ios 가 윈도우즈 기반이라고 드립치는 돈많은 동갑내기 봤으니까 =.=\n<drake_kr> 하긴 u+에서 폰사기가 좀..\n<drake_kr> 못사는건 아닌데\n<hanbin973> 뭐 좀 알고 드립치지 갤탭 갤스 갤플 다들고 있으면 유식해지나 =.=\n<drake_kr> 아\n<drake_kr> 갑부네요\n<hanbin973> 지금 넥s 할부원금이 18만이길레 장난감 용도로 하나 구해보는중\n<drake_kr> 장난감?\n<hanbin973> 해x중 다니는거 보니까 돈은 많은듯. 동네가 갑부동네니까 ㅇㅇ\n<drake_kr> 그거 블라인드 안해도 어른들은 몰라요\n<hanbin973> 알아요가 아니고 몰라요에용?\n<hanbin973> 그런가 =.=;;\n<yemharc> 어머나 부럽다~ 갤탭 겔스 갤플이라니\n<drake_kr> 휘문고 다닌다고 갑부는 아닐수 있으니\n<yemharc> ......줘도 안쓰겠지만\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 재미있는 실험을 해봤는데 들어보실래요?\n<drake_kr> 주면 눈먼사람한테 팔고 그돈으로 고기 먹을듯\n<hanbin973> + 삼성빠입니다.\n<drake_kr> 아.\n<yemharc> 넥S는 레퍼런스 폰이지만 삼성이 만들었죠?\n<drake_kr> 그렇죠\n<yemharc> 겔S도 마찬가지로 삼성이 만들었구요\n<hanbin973> 진짜 싫음. 아는 것도 없으면서 막 아는 것처럼 예기한다니까요 =.= 맥이 윈도우즈 기반이라고 하는거나 뭐 그런류\n<yemharc> 근데 두 대의 OS의 수준(?)차이는 좀 심하죠\n<drake_kr> 사람들이 말하길 구글 소프트웨어 + 삼성 하드웨어 라니까..\n<hanbin973> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 그래서 해 보았습니다.\n<hanbin973> 그런데 진저 ê°¤s 는 상당히 좋던데요. 이제 더이상 삼적화가 아님\n<yemharc> 순정(?) 안드로이드에 구글 제공 겔스 드라이버를 올려서 겔S에 탑재\n<yemharc> 벤치마크 점수가 약 1.3배정도 오르더군요\n<hanbin973> 그랬더니?\n<hanbin973> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 루팅에 커펌 콤보를 먹였지만 회사의 ê·¸ 누구도 회사폰 A/S 못 받으면 어쩔거냔 소리를 안 합니다\n<drake_kr> 진저 ê°¤s는 아잉폰 3gs 정도 속도가 나오나요\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 3GS보다 좀 더 나은 속도를 보입니다\n<drake_kr> 아아\n<yemharc> 파일 입/출력 속도는 2.2에서 장족의 발전을 했고\n<drake_kr> 아무리 그래도 제 3Gs 속도보다는 느릴듯..\n<yemharc> 2.3에서는 네트워크 관련 송수신 루틴이 개선되었더군요\n<drake_kr> 오오\n<drake_kr> 제 폰은 멀티태스킹을 막아두었습니다\n<yemharc> 실제 같은 용량의 데이터를 주고 받으면 2.3 얹은쪽이 요금이 좀 적게(?!) 나옵니다\n<drake_kr> 아마 제가 5로 바꾼다해도 멀태 끌듯..\n<hanbin973> 요금 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 안드로이드는 여전히 멀티태스킹이 약해요\n<drake_kr> 아잉폰도 멀티태스킹이 약한데\n<drake_kr> 안드로이드가 약하다면 얼마나 약하다는 소린가염\n<yemharc> 에....... 이거 저번 모임때 말한듯도 한데\n<hanbin973> 결론은 컴퓨터 킹왕짱\n<yemharc> 아이폰이 의자를 주루룩 놓아두고 차례대로 일어서서 말하는 의회식 멀티태스킹(.....)이라면\n<drake_kr> 아잉폰은 스케쥴러가 ㅄ인지 뭐가 똥이고 된장인지 구분을 잘 못해서요..\n<yemharc> 안드로이드는 절벽 끝에서 서로 밀쳐 떨어트리는 멀티태스킹입니다 (....)\n<drake_kr> ...\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 그게 바로 의회식 아니겠습니까 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 메모리가 256뿐이다보니..\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 안드로이드가 재미있는게\n<yemharc> 프로세서를 계속 켜서 수를 늘리면\n<yemharc> 우선순위에 상관없이 메모리를 [적게]먹는 녀석부터 강제로 죽입니다\n<drake_kr> ...\n<yemharc> 숫자로는 대략 30개가 넘어가면 이렇게 돌아가구요\n<yemharc> 2.2 기준 테스트입니다\n<yemharc> 2.3은 아직 안해봤어요 (귀찮.....)\n<drake_kr> 와\n<drake_kr> 걍 멀티태스킹이 없는게 나은듯..\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 그래서 아이폰보다 떨어진다고 말하는거죠\n<drake_kr> 저 멀티태스킹 켜두면 폰이 12시간 정도 가는데..\n<hanbin973> 스케줄러라....\n<drake_kr> 멀티태스킹 끄면 대충 3일 갑니다..\n<hanbin973> bfs 랑 bfq 패치된 롬 써보셨나요 =.= 신세계던데요\n<yemharc> 안드로이드는 저렇게 프로세서를 킬!! 해서 대략 16시간정도 갑니다\n<hanbin973> Brain Fucking 시리즈는 진짜 대작 ㄷㄷ\n<drake_kr> 안드로이드도 멀티태스킹을 끌수 있나요\n<imsu> 후아;; 이클립스 설치했더니;;;; 놋북의 후끈 발열 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 해보지는 않았습니다만 가능할겁니다\n<imsu> 원래 이랬나 ㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 다만 그게 기능적으로는 제공되지는 않구요\n<hanbin973> BFS 와 BFQ 적용시킨 롬 써보세요. 진짜 신세경임 ㄷㄷㄷ\n<yemharc> 가끔 롬파일 만드는 팀들이 2가지 버전으로 제공하는 경우가 꽤 있습니다\n<drake_kr> 오옹\n<yemharc> hanbin973, BFS 패치가 ê·¸ 파이프 관련 패치 먹인거던가요?\n<drake_kr> bfs bfq는 뭐지\n<hanbin973> 스케줄러 패치요\n<drake_kr> 아잉폰 유저는\n<drake_kr> 아잉폰만 기다리능..\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 스케줄러 주제에 메모리 약 1.3M인가 먹는 굇물 스케줄러 패치라고 알고 있습니다\n<hanbin973> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain_Fuck_Scheduler\n<drake_kr> 그러고보니 전 안드로이드쪽은 htc 이외엔 그닥 끌리는게 없더라고요\n<cartes_> yemharc님, drake_kr님 만나요\n<hanbin973> http://retis.sssup.it/~fabio/linux/bfq/\n<hanbin973> htc 는 하드웨어 문제 재 부각중 =.=\n<hanbin973> 센세이션 데스그립 ㄷㄷ\n<drake_kr> 음?\n<drake_kr> 아잉폰4가 그랬던것처럼요?\n<hanbin973> ㅇㅇ\n<yemharc> cartes_, 저좀 살려줘요.........저 연휴랍시고 있는거 쉬지도 못하고 2시간 전에 간신히 집에 떨어졌어요..........\n<yemharc> cartes_, 다음주에 드레이크님 뵙기로 했는데 그떄는 어때요\n<cartes_> 네 그러죠..\n<cartes_> 드레이크님이 괜찮아하시면요\n<drake_kr> 그럼 별 문제 없는거겠네요\n<drake_kr> 하긴 안드로이드 진영에서 자기네들보다 뛰어난 애들이 웃기게도 대만 htc니..\n<hanbin973> 삼성도 이제 쓸만하던데요\n<hanbin973> ê°¤s2 순정브라우저에대해서 아시나요?\n<drake_kr> 3년 걸려서 남의손 빌어 이제 겨우 최적화가 될랑말랑 하는겁니다\n<hanbin973> ㄷ?\n<hanbin973> 누구 손이요\n<drake_kr> Google\n<drake_kr> 이죠 ㅋㅋ\n<hanbin973> 갤스투 순정브라우저의 지피유 가속기능이 구글작품임?\n<drake_kr> 음\n<drake_kr> 그건 본적이 없으니 까봐야 알겠는데요\n<hanbin973> 그건 쩔던데요\n<drake_kr> 일단 chrome이라면 (삼성이 한일은 hanbin973님처럼) 단지 패치 먹여서 컴파일한것일 뿐이에요\n<hanbin973> 그래도 삼성이 그정도면 어디에요. 그래도 유일한 경운데 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> explorer 9, chrome 8, firefox 4, opera 11부터 gpu 가속기능이 됩니다..\n<hanbin973> 다른 스맛폰들은 안된다는게 신기한거죠.\n<hanbin973> 그런데 안드로이드도 opengl 이 되나요?\n<hanbin973> 윈도우즈에서는 다렉X 다른 곳에서는 오픈지엘 기반으로 가속하던데\n<drake_kr> 음\n<drake_kr> yemharc :: 안드로이드에는 openGL이 되는종족이 있고 안되는 종족이 있나요?\n<hanbin973> http://www.arm.com/products/multimedia/mali-graphics-hardware/mali-400-mp.php\n<drake_kr> 일단 아잉폰쪽은 openGL이 무조건 됨미다..\n<hanbin973> 일단 말리400 은 되네요\n<drake_kr> cpu에다가 별걸 다 구겨넣는군요 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 좋은현상\n<drake_kr> 암바라니..\n<hanbin973> 뭐 mali 400 은 gpu 잖아요\n<hanbin973> cpu 에 웬 오픈지엘\n<drake_kr> 음?\n<hanbin973> 쿼드 gpu 라는데 대부분의 프로그램들이 그걸 지원안하니까 테그라2 하고 sgx540 에 발리지만\n<hanbin973> 벤치결과는 킹왕짱 =.= 어이가 없죠 ㄷㄷ\n<yemharc> 읭\n<drake_kr> 머\n<hanbin973> ??\n<drake_kr> 아잉폰은 아잉팟터치 2G부터 4G까지 앱 제작은 동일함..\n<yemharc> drake_kr, openGL이 적용되고 안되고는 따로 있지는 않아요\n<yemharc> 일단 다들 GPU 자체는 있거든요\n<drake_kr> 근데 사파리5는 gpu 가속 안하네요 ㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 다만 ê·¸................성능이...........\n<drake_kr> 그냥 갤스2 전용 브라우저가 좋다는거군요..\n<yemharc> 소프트웨어 버전도 있긴 합니다만\n<hanbin973> 그런데 퀼컴은 왜 그따구로 구린 ap 제작을 하는거지 =.=\n<yemharc> ê·¸ 이전에 gpu가속 요청이 들어오면 하드웨어 스펙체크해서 강제 드랍(......)합니다\n<drake_kr> ...\n<drake_kr> 이래서 단일기종이 편한거임..\n<yemharc> 그런거죠\n<yemharc> openGL_ES 라는게 애초에 openGL 미니멀 버전인지라\n<drake_kr> 새로운 기술이다 -> 갤스2 사셈 요게 아니라\n<darkmeow_home> -0-\n<darkmeow_home> 이런 굇수님들 덜덜\n<darkmeow_home> (...)\n<drake_kr> 새로운 기술이다 -> 업글하셈 요게 되는것이 애플 아잉폰\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 사실 그건 아니죠\n<drake_kr> ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 새로운 기술을 쓰고 싶다 -> 탈옥을 하자\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<hanbin973> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<hanbin973> 탈옥돋네 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 근데 하드웨어가 다르면 안되잖아요\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 아잉폰은 단일 기종이죠 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 안드로이드에서는 다들 루팅 안하고 사용하나요\n<hanbin973> 할사람은 하고 안할사람은 안하고\n<darkmeow_home> 참고로 ...\n<hanbin973> 대부분 안하겠죠? 일반사용자가 대부분인데\n<darkmeow_home> 삼성은 ...\n<drake_kr> skaf가 많이 좋아졌나보네요\n<darkmeow_home> 중국의 FOXCONN 이랑 똑같\n<darkmeow_home> =3\n<drake_kr> 아니 삼성보다 sk가 개새끼들같음\n<hanbin973> 뭐가 되었든 퀼컴이 삽질을 안해야 htc 도 삽질을 안하지 =.=\n<drake_kr> 뭐 그나물의 그밥이라고 얘기들을 하긴 하는데..\n<darkmeow_home> 갤스 2나 넥S는 그냥 조립품 =3\n<hanbin973> htc 가 스펙상으로 제일 찌질함\n<drake_kr> 제가 sc8000 써본 경험으론..\n<drake_kr> kc8000이나 lc8000\n<drake_kr> 차이가 너무 심했었어요\n<drake_kr> lg PDA폰인데 앞에 한글자 붙는게 통신사\n<drake_kr> sc8000 SK kc8000 KT lc8000 LG\n<hanbin973> 왜 htc 는 퀼컴을 고집할까요\n<hanbin973> 왜 왜 왜 왜 ti 는 안되는거냐?\n<drake_kr> 뭔가 어른들의 사정이 있겠지요\n<drake_kr> ti? texas instrument!?!?\n<hanbin973> 네\n<hanbin973> 그래도 omap 이면 엑시노스 나 테그라랑 삐까 치는데 퀼컴만 엄청나게 구리잖아요\n<hanbin973> 지퓨도 구려 씨퓨도 구려 ㅈㅈ\n<drake_kr> 아 망하지 않았구나\n<drake_kr> cyrix만 AMD에 먹힌건가..\n<hanbin973> ti 22 만원짜리 공학용계산기는 ㅜㅜ 탐나던데요. ㅜ\n<hanbin973> 근데 암드는 왜 모바일 시장에 안뛰어들까요. 엔당은 자사 gpu + arm 씨퓨해서 나름 성공했는데\n<drake_kr> 단가는 아닐테고.. 대만이라는 특성상 어른들의 사정이 있겠지요..\n<hanbin973> 대만 =.=?\n<drake_kr> htc는 대만\n<hanbin973> 그건 아는데 대만이면 뭐가 되나요?\n<drake_kr> 국가에서 뭘 지원해줬다거나\n<drake_kr> 어떤 계약같은걸 했을 가능성이 높죠\n<hanbin973> 그런데 왜 스냅드래곤은 성능이 딸리나요? 잘아시는 분 안계시나 ㄷ\n<drake_kr> 유명환님이 그런거 매우 잘 알지만 irc에 안 들어오심\n<hanbin973> 퀼컴은 삼성이나 텍사스인스투르멘츠보다 한단계 더 나아가서 더 깊숙한 부분까지 건드린다던데\n<drake_kr> amd는 전력관리기술이 아직 부족하다고 들었습미다\n<drake_kr> intel 역시 전력관리기술때문에 atom을 개발했지만 그게 ARM에 비해 많이 뒤떨어진다고 하더라고요\n<hanbin973> 유명환님이시라면.. ê·¸ 포럼에서 강사로 계신분이요?\n<drake_kr> 네\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 인텔은 괜찮아요. 매 분기마다 우주선 주워다 만드니까요 (뒤굴........)\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<hanbin973> 엔당도 씨피유는 arm 꺼 썻잖아요. 인텔은 미련한거고.. x86 로 arm 을 어떻게 .. 모바일에서 =.=\n<hanbin973> 그런데 amd 도 자기들 gpu 에 arm 붙힐수도 있잖아요\n<drake_kr> 흠\n<hanbin973> 4세대 스냅부터는 스콜피온이 아니고 크라잇을 쓴다는데 좀 나아질려나 =.=\n<drake_kr> 인텔에서도 arm을 받아서 쓰기도 하던데..\n<drake_kr> 뭐 전 아잉폰 3Gs로도 매우 만족하면서 쓰고 있으니..\n<drake_kr> 인텔에서 xscale이 나온게 arm인데 intel 기술이 아니에요 :<\n<jincreator> 안녕하세요.\n<drake_kr> 어서와요\n<jincreator> 네, 감사합니다.\n<imsu> jincreator: 안녕하세요 ㅎㅎ\n<hanbin973> xscale 첨 드는데요?\n<jincreator> 네, 안녕하세요.\n<hanbin973> 안녕하세요\n<imsu> 스마트폰 추천좀 해주세용 아이폰 제외 ㅎㅎ 동생이 쓸거라 ^^\n<jincreator> 네, 안녕하세요.\n<jincreator> Nexus S 추천합니다! 제가 사용하거든요.\n<imsu> 영상통화 되나용? ㅋㅋ\n<hanbin973> 넥S 지금 18만원까지 떴어요!\n<jincreator> 네, 당연하죠! 해보지는 않았지만...\n<imsu> ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> jincreator, 안녕하세요\n<jincreator> 한빈님, 그러시면 갑자기 제가 고통스럽잖아요. T.T\n<yemharc> 넥S 좋은 물건이죠\n<jincreator> 네, 안녕하세요.\n<hanbin973> 진님은 비쌀때 사셧구나 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 동생은 갤럭시 s 아니면 베가 레이서 생각한다고 하던데 ;; ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 싸고 저렴하고 부담안되는 장점이 정말 뛰어나죠 >.<)b\n<jincreator> ê°¤S보다 백만배는 났습니다. 제 아버지가 갤스거든요.\n<imsu> 갤스2 ㅋㅋ\n<hanbin973> 베가레이서는 무조건 말려야되요 ㄷㄷ\n<hanbin973> 그것보다는 차라리 센세이션이 낫고 그것보다는 옵두배나 아트릭스가 하드웨어상으로 낫던데요\n<yemharc> 여러분은 한 가지를 간과하고 계십니다\n<jincreator> 갤스2는 분도님이 우분투 유저분들의 말씀에 낚여 몸소 ê·¸ 피해를 보여주시죠.\n<yemharc> 넥S의 가치는 저렴하다거나 싸다거나 하는 그런게 아니에요\n<hanbin973> 레퍼폰ㅋ\n<jincreator> PO넥부심WER\n<yemharc> 삼성은 하드웨어'만' 손을 댔다는 것이 포인트입니다\n<hanbin973> 그런데 분도님이 피보시고 계심?\n<yemharc> 분도님은 겔2\n<jincreator> 근데 사실은 KT, SKT에서 약간 손을 댑니다.\n<yemharc> jincreator, 구글서 찾으시면 순정롬이 당신을 기다립니다 ㅇㅅㅇ\n<hanbin973> ê°¤2 좋잖아요. 스팩종결 ㅜㅜ\n<hanbin973> 뭐 소프트 구린건 어쩔수 없는거고\n<jincreator> 네, 그렇기는 한데 귀찮아서...\n<drake_kr> 음\n<yemharc> hanbin973, 하드웨어 스펙으로 종결내고\n<yemharc> 소프트웨어 스펙으로 시작했죠\n<hanbin973> ㅇㅇ\n<yemharc> 그래서 까입니다\n<hanbin973> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<hanbin973> 여하튼 베가레이서는 무조건 말리세요. 스냅드래곤 ㅜㅜ\n<imsu> ㅎㅎ 거민되네 ..\n<jincreator> 근데 올해는 HTC 센세이션이 있어 갤스처럼 많이 판매할 수 있을지 모르겠네요.\n<drake_kr> 전 예전부터 하드웨어 스펙에 별 관심을 안 가져서..\n<hanbin973> 그리고 스카이보다는 삼성이 차라리 낫고 보다는 htc 가 ㄷ\n<hanbin973> 센세이션이랑 베가 레이서랑 그래봤자 클럭 0.3 차이인데다가 s/w 까지 고려하면 htc 가 훨배 낫죠\n<drake_kr> 그러고보니 저 4년전 쓴 휴대폰은 4만원짜리였군요\n<drake_kr> nokia\n<drake_kr> 일반 사용자들의 관점은 아무래도\n<drake_kr> 트랜스포머에서 노키아가 일본제품이라고 하니까 주인공이 아니라고\n<drake_kr> 그랬더니 \"어? 노키아 일본꺼 아니었어?\" 라고 말하는 친구들이 많았져\n<hanbin973> 핀란드..\n<imsu> htc 는 잔고장이 난다는 말이 있던데 휴 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<hanbin973> 노키아의 부도는 ê³³ 핀란드의 부도\n<imsu> 도대체 뭘 사야합니까 ㅋㅋ\n<hanbin973> 걍 다 필요없고\n<hanbin973> 아트릭스 달려요 ㄱㄱ\n<hanbin973> ㅋㅋ\n<hanbin973> 스팩상으로는 현존 2빠이고 그런대로 쓸만하니까 ㄷ\n<drake_kr> 아잉폰4 ㄱㄱ\n<hanbin973> 또 싸기도 싸요\n<imsu> 넥서스 S는 친구왈 \"내가 한 대 팔고 ê·¸ 다음 추천안한다 ㅠ.ㅠ;;\"\n<hanbin973> 아트릭스 40만원대\n<drake_kr> 폴더폰 추천\n<jincreator> 응 ê·¸ 친구는 왜 그렇게 말했대요?\n<imsu> 아이폰은 동생이 귀찮은거 싫어해서 ;;\n<imsu> jincreator: 자세히는 안물어봤습니다 ㅎㅎ\n<hanbin973> 아이폰이 ì ¤ 안귀찮을텐데...\n<hanbin973> 안드로이드가 짜증나죠 차라리 ㄷ\n<jincreator> 귀찮은 것 싫어하면 넥스는 좀 그렇겠네요.\n<imsu> 어플다운받고 그런데 있어 외국 어쩌고 저쩌고 하던데요 ㅎㅎ\n<jincreator> 그건 안드로이드가 훨씬 편하죠. 그냥 apk 받아서 설치해도 되고 블랙마켓도 있으니...\n<hanbin973> 게임 막혀있는 안드로이드 보다는 낫죠\n<hanbin973> ㄷ\n<hanbin973> 탈옥하면 인스탈로스에서 다 되잖아요\n<jincreator> 게임은 아이폰도 막혔죠.\n<imsu> 여동생이라;; ㅎㅎ\n<jincreator> 안드로이드는 루팅 안해도 되잖아요? ^^;\n<imsu> 기계다루는걸 싫어해요 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 4년전 쓰던 폰입니다 : http://www.syfyanimo.net/2009/09/30/nokia-1202-review/\n<hanbin973> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<hanbin973> 그렇네요\n<jincreator> 그냥 삐삐 추천해주세요.\n<yemharc> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<hanbin973> ㅇㅇ 진리인듯...\n<hanbin973> 걍 싱글코어 달리라고하세요\n<hanbin973> ê°¤s 진저올리면 쓸만해요\n<imsu> 블랙베리는 영 귀찮다고 하던데 어떤가요? ㅋㅋ (이건 그냥 제 관심 ㅎㅎ)\n<drake_kr> 블랙베리는 회사용\n<hanbin973> 블랙베리... 전 편하던데요. 아는 아저씨꺼 빌려서 써봤는뎀.\n<hanbin973> 전화 잘되고 자판 입력 쉽고\n<drake_kr> 회사용.\n<hanbin973> ㅇㅇ 좋구나 ㅋㅋ\n<hanbin973> 사실 아이폰이 ì ¤ 편한데 =.=4\n<imsu> 후배왈 블랙베리는 클럽에서 여자 꼬실 때 씁니다 ( 비싼줄 알아요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ )\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<hanbin973> 뭐가 불편하다는건지;;; 탈옥이야... 애플 A/S 갈일 없으니 걍 하면 끝나는거고\n<drake_kr> 여자꼬실땐 맥북\n<hanbin973> 요즘 탈옥은 눈깜짝할세에 되던데요\n<hanbin973> 여자 꼬실때에 에일리언웨어 들고가면 어떻게 될려나 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 아니 탈옥해도 AS 받는데는 문제없음\n<hanbin973> 애플 기기는 걍 사설업체 가는게 정신건강에 좋던데 ㄷ\n<imsu> 아;;; 현존하는 폰은 어쩔 수 없이 갤스2가 대세인가요;;\n<imsu> ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<imsu> 7만 2천원이던데 무제한 요금하면 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<drake_kr> 여자꼬시기 : 맥북들고 우주벌레 가서 주식동향 체크하고 있으면 간지 <-\n<hanbin973> 통신사 어딘데요?\n<imsu> SK\n<jincreator> 아이폰을 사서 임수님이 탈옥하고 앱 까아주고 모두 설정 후 동생에게 주시면 됩니다.\n<hanbin973> 걍 아트릭스 아니면 센세이션\n<drake_kr> ë‚��래이동통신 좋음\n<hanbin973> 그게 ì ¤ 무난한듯\n<imsu> 통신사 변경 없음 ㅎㅎ\n<hanbin973> 아니면 아이폰이 짱임\n<imsu> jincreator: 제 폰도 전 귀찮아서 아무짓도 안하는데요 ㅋㅋ\n<hanbin973> 걍 임수님이 탈옥한다음에 여동생한테 주면 그게 진리인거 같네요.. 탈옥 10분도 안걸려요\n<imsu> 탈옥따위 귀찮음 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<hanbin973> 걍 피처폰 ㄱㄱ\n<hanbin973> 베가 레이서는 일단 ì ¤ 쓰레기\n<imsu> 휴대폰 = 알람 .......\n<drake_kr> imsu :: 우리집에 갖고와서 닭을 시켜먹음 -> 그럼 탈옥됨\n<hanbin973> 피쳐폰 ㄱㄱ\n<hanbin973> 좋.. 좋은 생각이다!\n<hanbin973> 저희집으로 오세요 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<hanbin973> 전 일단 게임하러 ㅂㅂ\n<imsu> drake_kr: 어헛 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 미쳐버린\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 같이 먹은 친구들은 만족함?\n<imsu> 양념은 별로래요 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 간장하고 후라이드 시킬걸 그랬다네요 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 만팔천원에 뭘바래\n<jincreator> 미쳐버린 파닭?\n<imsu> 후라이드는 괜찮나요? ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> jincreator: ㅇㅇ\n<drake_kr> 머 먹을만함\n<jincreator> 앗! 그거 수도권도 있나요?\n<imsu> 담엔 파를 더 많이 달라해야지 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 체인인거 같던데\n<imsu> hanbin973: 그럼 뭘 추천하십니까? ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 체인 맞아용 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 한국엔 왜 이거 없어? http://www.syfyanimo.net/2009/09/30/nokia-1202-review/\n<jincreator> 아, 제가 파닭 무지하게 좋아하거든요. 대전에서 고등학교때 정말 많이 먹었었는데...\n<imsu> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 스마트폰을 다들 어떻게 이용하시는지요;; 전 알람이 주된 기능이라 흑흑\n<drake_kr> 흑백 액정의 위엄 : http://www.all4mobiles.com/all-nokia-mobile-phones/115-nokia-1110.html\n<jincreator> 스마트폰을 데이터 0MB로 사용합니다. -.-;\n<drake_kr> 네비게이션 <-\n<imsu> 아이팟 터치를 동생에게 뺏고 피쳐폰으로 돌아갈까 생각중 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> yemharc: 밀님 계시나요 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> drake_kr: canvas는 우찌 사용하는 겁니까?\n<drake_kr> ㅇㅇ?\n<jincreator> 끙...집 앞에 내가 가맹점 세울까...제대로 된 파닭 진짜 먹고 싶네...\n<drake_kr> gdi\n<imsu> drake_kr: 웹 베이스 인가요?\n<drake_kr> html5ë©´ 웹베이스지\n<imsu> 킁;\n<yemharc> imsu, 넹\n<drake_kr> 근데 canvas라는 개념이\n<imsu> 웹베이스면 웩임 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> yemharc: 그래프 그리는 툴 만들려면 c로 짜고 싶은데 ㅎㅎ 방법이 어떤게 있는지 궁금해서용 ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 그래프요?\n<imsu> drake_kr: 아까 qtplot 은 qt + 파이썬 인거 같더라구요\n<imsu> yemharc: 넹\n<yemharc> 툴 자체가 목적인가요 그래프가 목적인가요\n<imsu> drake_kr: 파이썬 스크립트가 간간히 보이던데 ㅎㅎ\n<jincreator> 임수님의 가계부 프로젝트의 일부인가요?\n<imsu> yemharc: 음?\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 캔버스는 gpu가속 이용한 WebGL (OpenGL_ES 2.0 기반)을 쓰죠\n<imsu> jincreator: ㅋㅋㅋ 머 그럴지도 ㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> imsu, 그래프를 ê·¸ë��¬ì‹¤ê±°ë¼ë©´ C의 수학관련 함수들을 이용하시고\n<yemharc> imsu, 그래프를 그려야 하는거라면 gnuplot을 쓰세요 :)\n<imsu> yemharc: 단순히 그리는게 목적이 아니라서요 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 그래프를 그려주는 툴을 만드는게 목적\n<imsu> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> gnuplot 하고 c 는 연동이 되던데;;; ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 잘 되면 학원 강의할 때 써먹으려고요 ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 음.......\n<yemharc> libploticus.so 라는 라이브러리가 리눅스쪽 그래프 그리기 관련 lib인걸로 기억해요\n<imsu> 흠흠\n<yemharc> bundo, 안녕하세요\n<bundo> 하이\n<jincreator> 분도님, 안녕하세요.\n<bundo> 하이 jincreator\n<imsu> bundo: 주부님 안녕하세요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> imsu, http://mulcomm.dsc.ac.kr/@linux/bbs/read.php?table=qa&no=35880&page=6115\n<bundo> jincreator  내가 요청한거 빨리 안줄려 ?\n<yemharc> 요기 참고해보세요\n<bundo> imsu 하이\n<jincreator> 거의 다 만들어가요. -.-;\n<jincreator> 오늘 중으로 완성해서 드릴 수 있을 것 같습니다. 죄송합니다.\n<bundo> 오케이\n<imsu> yemharc: gtk를 쓸까 생각 중이긴 한데;; ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> c + gtk + gnuplot\n<imsu> 근데 이렇게 하면 실시간으로 하긴 좀 힘들지 않나요?\n<imsu> 버퍼에 쌓아놓으면 되나?\n<imsu> 이건 뭐 개념이 없으니 시도하기가 막막하군요 ㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> imsu, 그럴거면 C보단 파이썬을 이용하세요\n<yemharc> wxPython + Gtk + GUNPlot 이면 일단 스크립트 언어니 실시간으로 ë³¼ 수 있고\n<imsu> 음;;\n<yemharc> 파이썬 자체가 막 프로그래밍을 배우는 단계에서는 좋은 언어이기도 하구요\n<imsu> 좌표에 점 찍으면 바로 보이는거죠? ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> imsu, 일단 밑바닥부터 만드는것보다는\n<yemharc> gnuplot의 프론트앤드 프로그램을 짜는 부분에서 시작하는게 좋지 않을까요\n<yemharc> 가르치는 대상의 수준을 모르니 애매하네요\n<imsu> 전 초보 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<imsu> 허접 밑바닥 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<yemharc> 이미 수학함수 관련 응용단계까지 나아간 사람들이라면 밑바닥부터 짜는게 더 공부가 되고\n<yemharc> 프로그래밍 자체를 배우면서 그래픽 출력에 관해 배우는 단계에서 그래프 그리기를 시키는거라면 gnuplot의 프론트앤드 프로그램을 짜게 하는게 더 좋을겁니다\n<imsu> 음;;\n<imsu> 어렵군요 역시나; 킁킁\n<yemharc> ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 전 또 나가봐야겠군요\n<imsu> 난 지금껏 뭘 공부한거야 ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 으읭;;;\n<yemharc>  여튼 저녁때에 오겠습니다 (__)\n<jincreator> ì°¸, 근데 메일링 리스트에서 답장을 구별하는 게 제목에 RE: 또는 re: 또는 Re: 만 있으면 되는 건가요?\n<bundo> 자신이 받은 메일에 답을 하면 됩니다.\n<bundo> 그럼 그에대한 메일링 토론이죠\n<bundo> 메일링 규칙이 있습니다.\n<bundo> 1. 텍스트로만 슬것\n<bundo> 2. 상대의견에 답을 할시엔 ê·¸ 글 중간을 짜라며 자신의견이야기 할것\n<bundo> 머 등등인데\n<bundo> 구글링 PLZ gg\n<jincreator> 아으...적응이 하나도 안되네요.\n<jincreator> 제가 확인은 네이버 메일로 하고 글 쓸때는 에볼루션에 하거든요. 근데 그러면 제가 받은 메일에 대해 바로 답장을 쓸 수가 없어서요.\n<drake_kr> 토스트 3개 먹었더니 엄청 배부르네..\n<drake_kr> 어라\n<drake_kr> 패러사이트이브 작곡가가 히사이시 조라니..\n<bundo> jincreator 구글메일 이용해보세요\n<bundo> 정리 잘해줌 구글이.,..\n<bundo> 그리고 보통요\n<bundo> 네이버는 메일  안 받아 들이는 사이트 많습니다.\n<jincreator> 근데 메일링 가입을 네이버로 했습니다. 이미 늦었지요.\n<bundo> 화이트 등록된데만 수신 하는 구조죠\n<jincreator> 다행히 잘 되기는 하네요.\n<imsu> drake_kr: 토스트 종결자 ? ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 어떻게 3개를 ㅋㅋ\n<bundo> jincreator 포럼 댓글 알림 메일 가는지요 ?\n<jincreator> 네, 잘 받고 있습니다.\n<drake_kr> imsu :: 식빵 3장이 많은거냐\n<bundo> 음 네이버도 가긴 하는구나 구글서 보내는거로 바꾼후로\n<imsu> drake_kr: 아 전 식빵 3장정도는 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<bundo> 서버가 보내는게 아니고 구글이 보내는 거로 바꾸었거든요 2년전에\n<bundo> 구글 imap 이용 하는 거죠\n<jincreator> 응? 무료로 그런 것도 가능한가요?\n<dmsqls7353> exit\n<dmsqls7353> ㅎㅇ\n<Jinseok> 자바 설치 하는 법 아시는분@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\n<drake_kr> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\n<drake_kr> sudo apt-get install gcj\n<Jinseok> 자바 진짜 어떻게 설치함?\n<jincreator> 파트너 PPA 추가하고 sun-java6-bin 설치하면 됩니다. 진짜로...\n<drake_kr> 자바라고 하면..\n<Jinseok> sun 에서 bin 확장자를 가진 파일을 받았는데\n<drake_kr> sdk를 설치하는지, 아니면 바이너리를 설치하는지..\n<Jinseok> ê·¸ bin 확장자를 가진 자바를 어떻게 설치 할지 모르겠어요\n<jincreator> 자바를 실행만 시키실 건가요, 아니면 자바 개발을 하실 건가요?\n<Jinseok> only 실행\n<jincreator> 먼저 시냅틱 패키지 관리자를 여세요.\n<Jinseok> 오 근데 한/영 키가 먹히군요 ㅋ\n<jincreator> 설정->저장소 로 들어가세요.\n<Jinseok> 시냅틱 패키지면\n<Jinseok> 저 그놈 클래식 이용중입니다;;;\n<Jinseok> 유니티가\n<Jinseok> 되는데\n<Jinseok> 너무 익숙하지 않아서\n<drake_kr> 물주씨는 그놈 3번 이용중이잖아요?\n<jincreator> 네, 그렇기는 한데 시냅틱 패키지 관리자는 프로그램이기 때문에 데스크톱 환경과는 아무런 관련이 없습니다.\n<jincreator> 어딘가 찾으면 있어요(...)\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<dmsqls7353> /usr/sbin/synaptic일껄요 ㅋ\n<drake_kr> 찾기 해서 시냅틱 치면 나오는거죠? 음음\n<jincreator> 그놈 클래식인가요, 유니티인가요?\n<Jinseok> 전 그냥 마인크래프트 할려고 할 뿐이고!\n<drake_kr> 아 마인크래프트\n<Jinseok> 자바는 안 깔릴 뿐이고!\n<drake_kr> 그럼 걍 gcj 깔면 대충 깔리고 실행되지 않던가\n<laggard> 오오 광부 하시려고요?\n<Jinseok> 안되니까\n<Jinseok> 광부 안하고 콜로니 모드를ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 주먹으로 광 캐는 마인크래프트\n<jincreator> 일단 자바 사이트의 파일은 필요 없습니다. 시냅틱 패키지 관리자 찾으셨나요?\n<Jinseok> ㄴㄴ\n<Jinseok> 소프트웨어에서 소프트웨어 소스 부분이요?\n<drake_kr> http://drake.kr/59185\n<jincreator> 네, 맞습니다.\n<imsu> drake_kr: 이건 아까 보여주신거잖아요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> ㅇㅇ\n<drake_kr> 카와이하지\n<jincreator> 기타 소프트웨어 탭에 들어가서 (캐노니컬 파트너) 체크를 두개 모두 키세요.\n<imsu> drake_kr:다른 ê±° 보여주셈 ㅎㅎ\n<Jinseok> 했음\n<Jinseok> 벤시 라는 분은 노래도 못듣게 함\n<jincreator> 앗, 잠깐만요. 그거 그냥 취소하고 나온 후 시냅틱 패키지 관라자에서 sun-java6-bin 찾아보세요.\n<Jinseok> http://drake.kr/index.php?mid=board_pictures&document_srl=59188\n<jincreator> 혹시 패키지가 나오나요?\n<Jinseok> sun-java6-bin 을 어떻게 찾나요ㅣ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\n<Jinseok> 찾음\n<drake_kr> http://drake.kr/59223\n<jincreator> 설치법이 더 쉬워졌네요. 그냥 그거 설치하시면 됩니다.\n<Jinseok> 패키지를 찾을수 없대나 뭐래나\n<jincreator> 찾았다면서요 -.-;\n<Jinseok> 설치하려고 하니\n<Jinseok> 센터가 없다고 지랄 거림;;;;\n<imsu> http://zyo-zyo-textcube.blogspot.com/2010/04/ubuntu-java-compiler-javac.html\n<imsu> 혹시 이거 말씀? ㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 예전에 올린건데 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> Jinseok:\n<Jinseok> 아닙니이 다아아아아아아아아\n<jincreator> 진석님, 다시 소프트웨어 저장소 들어갑시다.\n<Jinseok> 전 자바 실행을 목적으로 하며 jdk 같은 쓰레기는 필요 없답니다\n<drake_kr> Jinseok :: 걍 ssh 하나 열어주세여\n<Jinseok> 넵\n<drake_kr> 헐 jdk가 쓰레기\n<imsu> m.m;\n<jincreator> 기타 소프트웨어 탭에 들어가서 (캐노니컬 파트너) 체크를 두개 모두 키세요.\n<imsu> 난 쓰레기 취급 받았을 뿐이고 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<drake_kr> 나도 쓰레기 취급 받았을 뿐이고 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<Jinseok> 이래도 안됨\n<imsu> 자바 모르는데 그냥 블로그에 올렸을 뿐이고\n<imsu> 컴파일은 왜 했나 싶을 뿐이고\n<imsu> 그냥 c랑놀래 흑흑\n<jincreator> 앗! 아직 끝 아니에요!\n<Jinseok> 체크 해서 검색을 돌려도\n<Jinseok> 안되는 센터씨\n<jincreator> 지금 우분투 소프트웨어 센터인가요, 아니면 시냅틱 패키지 관리자인가요?\n<Jinseok> 센터임\n<jincreator> 음...그럼 업데이트 관리자는 찾을 수 있겠어요? 이것도 못찾으면 터미널 써야 하는데...\n<Jinseok> 저 wubi 임\n<jincreator> 시냅틱 패키지 관리자나 업데이트 관리자나 우분투면 다 있습니다.\n<imsu> 아 자바 실행이구나 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<jincreator> 찾았나요?\n<imsu> 난 또 개발하신다고;; 킁킁;\n<Jinseok> 알긴 아는데\n<Jinseok> 업데��´íŠ¸ë¥¼ 하면 시스템이 망가진다는\n<Jinseok> 루머가 있음\n<jincreator> 업데이트는 안할 겁니다. 일단 실행하세요.\n<drake_kr> 아니 그래도 개발툴을 깔면 바이너리가 자동으로 깔리는데..\n<Jinseok> 그냥 sudo apt-get update\n<Jinseok> 돌리고\n<jincreator> 앗! ê·¸ 명령어 아시면 그거 쓰세요.\n<Jinseok> 그냥 sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin\n<Jinseok> 이거 하면 안됨?\n<Jinseok> gui 로 하면 귀찮음\n<jincreator> 네, 그래도 되요. 아시면 진작에 말씀하시지...\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> gui 귀찮음 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 밥먹으러 왔습니다아\n<imsu> 이건 무슨 퐝당한 시츄에이션? ㅋㅋ\n<jincreator> 드레이크님, gcj로 하면 오라클의 자바가 아닌 openjdk가 설치되서 다르게 동작할 수도 있습니다.\n<Jinseok> 난 역시 우분투 신동이였어(퍽퍽퍽 ㅈㅅ 합니다)\n<Jinseok> http://drake.kr/index.php?mid=board_pictures&document_srl=59188\n<Jinseok> E: /var/lib/apt/lists/lock 잠금 파일을 얻을 수 없습니다 - open (11: 자원이 일시적으로 사용 불가능함) E: /var/lib/apt/lists/ 디렉터리를 잠글 수 없습니다 E: /var/lib/dpkg/lock 잠금 파일을 얻을 수 없습니다 - open (11: 자원이 일시적으로 사용 불가능함) E: 관리 디렉터리를 (/var/lib/dpkg/) 잠글 수 없습니다. 다른 프로세스가 사용하고 있지 않습니ê¹\n<drake_kr> 뭐라는거야!\n<Jinseok> 역시 이런게 뜰줄 알았어\n<yemharc> apt 이미 돌아가는게 있네요\n<drake_kr> 저장소 꼬였나\n<drake_kr> 아\n<jincreator> 우분투 소프트웨어, 시냅틱 패키지 관리자, 업데이트 관리자 중 열려있는 ì°½ 있나요?\n<drake_kr> 시냅틱 닫고 다시시도\n<Jinseok> 다 껏어요\n<drake_kr> http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=jhtsss&logNo=90105957935\n<drake_kr> 이야 저거 나도 있는데\n<drake_kr> 88 서울올림픽공식디스켙\n<jincreator> 그럼 다시 해 보세요.\n<yemharc> 밥먹으러 로그아웃 합니다 히히\n<Jinseok> 그래도 안됨\n<drake_kr> 흠\n<imsu> 그냥 ;; 원격 조정을 신청하세요 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 우분투도 윈도우처럼 되어가는건가\n<drake_kr> 껏다키믄 됨 <-\n<drake_kr> 안되면 포맷 <-\n<Jinseok> 그냥\n<Jinseok> 전\n<jincreator> 아무래도 업데이트 확인 프로세스가 돌아가는 것 같네요.\n<Jinseok> 프로그램 설치제거에서\n<Jinseok> 가볍게 delect 를 누르면 됨\n<drake_kr> delete도 아니고 select도 아니고 delect다 뭐지\n<Jinseok> 껏다 키고 옴\n<drake_kr> 조물주님\n<jincreator> 네.\n<drake_kr> impress 사용법 강좌 사이트 같은거 아시는곳 있습니까\n<drake_kr> 최대한 쉽게 나온걸루다가\n<jincreator> 매뉴얼은 있지만 강좌는...\n<drake_kr> 흠 심심한데 걍 html5로 비슷하게 만들어볼까..\n<jincreator> 한국 모질라 커뮤니티에서 Firefox 4 런칭 파티를 그렇게 진행하려 했죠.\n<jincreator> 실제로 몇몇 다른 나라도 그렇게 한 것으로 알고 있어요.\n<drake_kr> \"하려 했다\"는건 어떤 문제가 발생했다는거군요\n<jincreator> 네, 탭과 탭 그룹을 너무 많이 열었었는지 행사 도중에 갑자기 멈췄지요. T.T\n<drake_kr> 음\n<drake_kr> 글쿤요..\n<drake_kr> 아잉폰에서 torrent 다운로드가 가능하다니 ì°¸ 좋은세상임\n<imsu> ㅎㅎ 이제 폰으로 야동을 보는? ㅋㅋㅋ\n<budam> 질문좀드리겠습니다 우분투의 login.defs 파일을 열어보니 패스워드 최소자릿수 지정하는게 없던데 원래 우분투에는 패스워드 자릿수를 지정하는 별도 설정이 존재하지 않는건가요?\n<imsu> 모름 .... 죄소유.ㅠ;;\n<budam> 안녕하세요 질문좀 드리겠습니다 우분투에서는 일정시간 아무행동이 없으면 로그아웃되게 설정하는 타임아웃 값이 없나요?\n<drake_kr> 음\n<drake_kr> 검색하는동안 또 나가시것지\n<budam> ^-^;\n<budam> 아까 제가 질문드렸던 사항에 대해서 검색하셨었나부네요~ 죄송합니다 _ _\n<budam> 보고서 쓰면서 왔다갔다 하다보니\n<drake_kr> 아아\n<drake_kr> 으음\n<drake_kr> 일단 로그아웃의 범위는\n<budam> 원래 리눅스 보면은 /etc/profile 설정에\n<drake_kr> 어떻게 설명해야 하나..\n<budam> TMOUT으로 타임아웃값을 설정할수가 있잖아요 우분투도 그런설정값이 있을껏 같은데 제가 못찾겠어어요\n<drake_kr> 원래 리눅스란건 빨간모자 계열을 말씀하시는거죠?\n<budam> 넵\n<drake_kr> autolog라고 해서\n<drake_kr> logout idle users 라는게 있군요\n<drake_kr> http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man8/autolog.8.html\n<budam> 아 감사합니다 _ _\n<drake_kr> 그냥 질문만 하고 바로 나가시면\n<drake_kr> 미워요\n<budam> 우분투에서는 autolog.conf 환경설정파일로 조정을 할수있는것 같네요~\n<budam> ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 제가 몇년전에\n<jincreator>  레드햇은 되는데 우분투는 안되나요? 다 될 것 같은데...\n<drake_kr> \"우분투 포럼에서 질문은 금지입니다\" 라는 이야기를 듣고 매우 흥분해서 난리가 아녔었거든요\n<drake_kr> 어느정도 이해는 할 수 있는듯 싶군요\n<budam> ^-^;\n<drake_kr> 근데 서버로 쓰실거면 우분투가 좋지 않다는 평이 많아요\n<drake_kr> 실제로 엔터프라이즈쪽 서버는 거의 빨간모자죠\n<drake_kr> 물론 저는 서버를 우분투로 사용합니다만..\n<budam> 그러게요~ 제가 다른 쪽 서버 보안설정은 봐줘야 될게 있어어요~\n<drake_kr> 그건 일반 사용자들 이야기고..\n<drake_kr> 기업쪽이라면 기술지원때문에 빨간모자를 많이 씁니다\n<budam> 네~ 혹시 우분투 보안설정관련에서 기술되있는 사이트 아시는곳 있으신가요?\n<budam> 제가 찾아보니깐 우분투는 보안설정에 관한언ê¸��이 많이 안되있는것 같네요\n<drake_kr> 네.. 아무래도 개인용으로 쓰는 경우가 많으니까요\n<budam> 음 그렇군요~\n<drake_kr> 그리고.. 뭐 워낙 처음에 세팅을 잘 해주니\n<jincreator> 우분투를 서버로 사용하실 거라면 https://help.ubuntu.com/ 가 도움이 되지 않을까 싶네요.\n<drake_kr> 보안에 신경쓰지 않고 하루 방문자 5000명 정도 되는 xe 페이지를 돌려도 문제가 되는것이 없더라구요\n<jincreator> 자신의 배포판 고른 후 Ubuntu Server Guide 로 들어갈 수도 있고 PDF 다운로드도 가능합니다.\n<budam> 네 감사합니다\n<drake_kr> 영어다\n<jincreator> 원래 help.ubuntu.com은 사용자들이 만드는데 서버 가이드 쪽은 캐노니컬이 직접 다듬는지 완성도가 높더군요.\n<drake_kr> 음 그렇겠군요..\n<drake_kr> 아 간만에 조용한 음악좀 들어볼까..\n<budam> 정말 문서가 잘만들어져 있는것 같네요\n<minsik> ubuntu 네티에서 한글 2008을 깔려고 http://www.ubuntu.or.kr/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=11947&view=next 를 참조하고 있는데 libtiff.so.4 파일이 없다고 에러가 납니다.\n<jincreator> 32bit인가요, 64bit인가요?\n<minsik> 32bit입니다.\n<minsik> jincreator: 32비트 Ubuntu 11.04 wubi로 깔았습니다.\n<jincreator> 터미널에서 sudo ln -s /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libtiff.so.4 /usr/lib/libtiff.so.4 하면 될 것 같기는 한데... libtiff.so.3가 없다고 에러가 뜨지 않나요?\n<jincreator> 아, 혹시 sudo cp /usr/lib/libtiff.so.4 /usr/lib/libtiff.so.3 했을 때의 에러인가요?\n<minsik> 네.......\n<jincreator> 그럼 그냥 sudo ln -s /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libtiff.so.4 /usr/lib/libtiff.so.3 하시면 됩니다.\n<jincreator> libtiff.so.4 파일 위치가 버전이 올라가면서 바뀌어서 그래요.\n<minsik> jincreator: 그러면 그렇게 하고 설치 진행하면 되나요?\n<jincreator> 지금 정품 설치하시는 건가요?\n<minsik> jincreator: 체험판이요...\n<jincreator> 체험판은 설치가 안됩니다. ^^;\n<minsik> jincreator: 그럼 다른 방법은 없는지요....\n<jincreator> rpm 파일을 우분투가 처리할 수 있는 deb로 변환하는 과정에서 체험판 처리가 안되기 때문에 설치는 잘 되는데 0일 남았다고 뜰겁니다.\n<jincreator> 정품을 구입하시면 됩니다. ^^;\n<jincreator> 아니면 우분투 8.04와 같은 구버전을 사용하는 방법도 있습니다. 이때에는 우분투가 rpm 파일도 처리할 수 있었거든요.\n<minsik> jincreator: 사용 기간이 0일 남은 것으로 설치되면 혹시 뷰어 기능은 사용할 수 있나요?\n<jincreator> 음...잘 기억이 안나는데 아마 경고 후 그냥 프로그램이 꺼질 겁니다.\n<jincreator> 뷰어라면 차라리 thinkfree.com 사용하시는 게 어떨지요? 작은 용량은 pdf 변환도 됩니다.\n<minsik> jincreator: 네... ㅠㅠ 어쨌든 감사합니다.\n<DingGGu> 흠.\n<DingGGu> ...\n<DingGGu> http://mn.img.mn/v/06-194132.png 남의서버인데 이거왜이런가요ㅕ\n<DingGGu> 처음보는 ssh에러네\n<Terras2> http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-719917.html / http://onlybible.tistory.com/5435\n<Terras2> 근데 원인이...\n<drake_kr> 아 닭먹고 싶은데 같이 먹을사람이 없네\n<cartes_> 저요저요\n<drake_kr> 오세요\n<cartes_> 드레이크씨 집으로요?\n<drake_kr> 네\n<cartes_> http://drake.kr\n<drake_kr> 구구크러스터 맛난당\n<MK-BB> Server^Seony:\n<MK-BB> Seony^Server:\n<MK-BB> 흠\n<imsu> 아 배고파 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<imsu> 벌써 10시네 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<drake_kr> 나도 배고파\n<imsu> drake_kr: 밥먹어야죠 ㅋㅋ 볶음밥이나 먹어야겠다 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 아 설겆이 하기 귀찮아 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 넌 닭 어제 먹었으니\n<drake_kr> 내가 쏠테니 오라는 말도 못 하것고\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 웬 닭입니까? ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 니가 먹었다해서 나도 먹고싶\n<imsu> 택시타고 가면 닭비나 택시비나 비등비등 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 은데 혼자 먹긴 거시기하자나\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 아 그런겁니까? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 근데 버스 안 다니나\n<imsu> 버스요? 아 그렇군 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 머 타야하지 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 1157이나 1130\n<imsu> 머리 감아야하는데 아 귀찬아 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 잉;;\n<imsu> 닭이냐 볶음밥이냐 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 1157은 어디서 옵니까? ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 몰라\n<drake_kr> 우리집앞에 다니던데\n<imsu> 1130은? ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 1130은 석계-우리집 종점-종점\n<imsu> 음 확인했습니다 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 30초만 주십쇼 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 30초가 지났는데;; 왜 고민되지 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 다른닭 찌라시 있던데\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 무슨 닭이요? ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 뼈없는 닭 2마리 13000원이래\n<imsu> 올~ ㅎㅎㅎ\n<hanbin973> 귀환!\n<hanbin973> 오늘 하루종일 우울하네요 =.=\n<drake_kr> ㅈㅅ\n<hanbin973> 뭐가 죄송하신데요 ㅎㅎ;;??\n<drake_kr> 제가 우울해서 전염되신듯\n<drake_kr> imsu :: 올거면 맥주 사러간다\n<drake_kr> 시원한 맥주\n<imsu> 잉 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 그럼 머리 감고 갈게유 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 노트북 가져갈까나;\n<drake_kr> 근데 cass? hite?\n<imsu> 펄 스크립트 에러땸시 이지랄 하고 있던중 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<drake_kr> 랜카드 300짜리냐\n<imsu> ??\n<drake_kr> 300mbps짜리냐\n<drake_kr> 802.11g? 802.11n?\n<drake_kr> 영화같은거나 몇개 가져가던가 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> imsu :: cass? hite?\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n<drake_kr> 에이 걍 카스 사러 가야지\n<drake_kr> 어서와요\n<drake_kr> 전 잠시 마트좀..\n<yemharc> 네 ㅇㅅㅇ/\n<hanbin973> 오늘 스냅드래곤에 대해서 퀼컴에 대해 검색해보았는데 아직 답이 없네요 ㄷ\n<imsu> drake_kr: 암거나요 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 그럼 전 머리 감으러 ㅠㅠ\n<hanbin973> 그런데 놀러가는데 왜 머리를 감아요?\n<imsu> 안씻었으니까 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<hanbin973> 아 그렇군요 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<hanbin973> 안녕하세요 __\n<hanbin973> ㄷㄷㄷ\n<protochaos> 안녕하세요\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n<protochaos> 반가워요\n<protochaos> 어서오세요\n<bloomycat> 안녕하세요.\n<drake_kr> 휴\n<protochaos> 하하 왜 그러시죠?\n<drake_kr> imsu :: 카스 맥스 피처 하나 일단 사옴\n<protochaos> 삐익~~~\n<protochaos> 음주채팅 경고!!\n<drake_kr> imsu :: 시킬때 소주 한병 시키면 될거같다\n<drake_kr> 음?\n<drake_kr> protochaos :: 한잔 하실레예?\n<protochaos> 이긍\n<imsu> drake_kr: 지금 출발할게요 ㅎㅎ\n<protochaos> 내일 일은 어쩌구 지금 마십니까?\n<drake_kr> ㅇㅋ\n<ndsin> 아 부럽다\n<imsu> 머 걸어가면 한 2~30 분 걸릴듯 ㅎㅎ\n<ndsin> 가까운데 사는 사람들은\n<ndsin> 즉석해서 바로 으헉 ㅜㅜ\n<drake_kr> 음?\n<drake_kr> ndsin :: 어디신데염\n<imsu> drake_kr: 버스타도 기다리는 시간 다 합치면 그정도 걸려요 갈아타야해서 ㅋㅋ\n<ndsin> 저 경기도 군포에요 ㅡㅡ;;\n<imsu> 그럼 출발 합니다 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<ndsin> 인천 아님니다...\n<drake_kr> ㅇㅇ\n<drake_kr> 아\n<drake_kr> 군포시구나\n<ndsin> ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 화성쪽인가\n<ndsin> 아뇨\n<ndsin> 안양 바로 밑이에요\n<protochaos> 헉 바로 출발 하셨나부네\n<ndsin> 안양이라고 보시면 되요 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 글쿤요\n<drake_kr> 그러고보니\n<drake_kr> 아는 사장 하나가 군포에 있고\n<drake_kr> (당정)\n<ndsin> 어?\n<ndsin> 저 회사가 당정인데?\n<drake_kr> 어?\n<drake_kr> 회사이름이 뭔데요 ㅋㅋ\n<ndsin> N사임니다\n<drake_kr> 어?\n<drake_kr> ns로 시작하나요?\n<ndsin> 어???????????????????\n<drake_kr> c로 끝나고?\n<ndsin> 어???????????????????????????????????????\n<ndsin> 자잠깐........\n<drake_kr> 아하\n<drake_kr> 그러시구낭\n<ndsin> 아닐꺼야............\n<ndsin> 아니겠죠.........\n<drake_kr> 대표님 성씨가 허씨..\n<ndsin> ...\n<ndsin> 무슨관계죠?!!?\n<shriekout> 결렸다...\n<ndsin> 나 그동안에\n<drake_kr> 좋은관계염\n<ndsin> 여기다가 한 말들이 많은데\n<ndsin> ...........\n<drake_kr> 아아\n<ndsin> ...................\n<shriekout> ndsin, 다독다독~\n<shriekout> 다 그런거예요...\n<shriekout> ...\n<drake_kr> 그렇잖아도 이번주 거기 대표님 뵈러 가는데..\n<ndsin> 헐?\n<ndsin> 뭔가 이상한.........\n<drake_kr> 음 뭐\n<drake_kr> 저저번주에 그회사 찾아갔는데 저 못 보셨나봐요\n<ndsin> 저저번주??\n<ndsin> 저저번주면 언제지 음\n<drake_kr> 네\n<drake_kr> 저저번주 목요일\n<drake_kr> 노랑머리가 회사에 보이지 않던가요\n<ndsin> 잘 기억 안나네요\n<drake_kr> 음\n<drake_kr> 뭐\n<ndsin> 회사 출입하는 사람들에 대한 별 관심이 없기도 하고...\n<ndsin> 외근이 잦아서..\n<drake_kr> 아하\n<drake_kr> 뭐 암튼\n<drake_kr> 이번주 대표님은 회사에 계시는가요\n<ndsin> 전 잘 모르겠네요\n<ndsin> 전 외근이라\n<ndsin> 와도 저 없어요 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<ndsin> 제 얘기는 하지 마세요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<ndsin> 서로 모르는 사람임니다\n<ndsin> 오늘부터 저는 드라키님 모르는 사람\n<drake_kr> 제가 ê·¸ 회사 직원 전원에게 기계식 키보드를 선물하는것이 업무효율에 관계가 있을거라고 지금 뽐뿌 넣고 있는데\n<ndsin> 저는 펜타그래프를 선호합니다 ㅋㅋ\n<ndsin> 저소음을 선호해서 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 음 글쿤요\n<drake_kr> 기계식 키보드는 필요��—†ìœ¼ì‹œêµ°ìš”..\n<ndsin> 싱크패드 노트북이 필요함니다\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<ndsin> 그거 있으면 업무 200% 능율 조아질듯함니다\n<drake_kr> 뽐뿌좀 넣어볼까\n<ndsin> 대표님께 찔러주시길\n<ndsin> 사원 최모씨가 싱크패드 노트북이 있으면 업무 효율 200% 쯤 조아질꺼 같다고\n<drake_kr> 아아\n<ndsin> 업무 효율을 위해 고려해보시라고\n<drake_kr> 그렇게 하죠\n<ndsin> ㅁㄴㅇㄻㄴㅇㄻㄴㅇㄻㄴㅇㄻㄴㄻㄴㄹㅇ\n<ndsin> 이야기했다가 고려만 해보면 곤란합니다 ㅁㄴㅇㄻㄴㅇㄻ\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 하긴 전에 갔을때 회사 분위기에 대해서 좀 이야기했었는데\n<drake_kr> 그나마 중소기업중엔 괜찮은편인거 같더라고요\n<ndsin> 프리하죠\n<drake_kr> (대표가 없어서 총무랑 얘기함)\n<Ponics_OTL> 헛.. 초천재들의 대화...\n<Ponics_OTL> 오늘도 변함 없군효..\n<Ponics_OTL> 훈훈 합니다..\n<drake_kr> Ponics :: 아이구 초천재님 오셨습니까\n<drake_kr> Ponics :: 초허접의 발톱때같은 제 얘기를 자꾸 초천재라고 하시니 몸둘바가 없사옵니다\n<Ponics_OTL> drake_kr: / 초허접 콤맹을 자꾸 그렇게 놀리시면 나중에 지옥불에 바베큐 해드시는거 아시죠 ?\n<drake_kr> imsu :: 뭐여\n<imsu> hehe\n<Ponics_OTL> 아... 쿨러를 바꿔야 할 시점인가 쿨러에서 소리가 나넹... 된장..\n<imsu> 배신??ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> ??\n<imsu> 왜이러새요 스마트하지 못하게 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 뭐\n<drake_kr> 어쩌라고\n<Ponics_OTL> 헛... 슴하트...\n<Ponics_OTL> 어케 하면 슴하트 해질수 있나효 ?\n<Ponics_OTL> 그게 매우 궁금 합니다~!\n<imsu> 스마트폰 접속 ㅡ.ㅡ\n<drake_kr> ndsin :: 사실 ê·¸ 회사 대표님하고는 델파이 때문에 알게 되었어요\n<ndsin> 아\n<imsu> 잉..\n<ndsin> 친하신가요?\n<ndsin> 사원 최모군이 초 엘리트니까 연봉 팍팍 주라고 언질좀...\n<Ponics_OTL> 슴하트폰 없는데효.. ㅡ,.ㅡ;;;\n<drake_kr> 아직은 크게 친하지 않은데 이번주에 ë³´ë©´ 친하게 되겠지요\n<ndsin> 어서 친해져서\n<ndsin> 연봉 팍팍 주라고 언질좀.........\n<imsu> drake 암튼 절반도착햤습니다 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> Ponics :: http://www.all4mobiles.com/all-nokia-mobile-phones/115-nokia-1110.html 이거보다 좋은 폰이면 슴하트폰입니다\n<drake_kr> imsu :: ㅎㅎ\n<Ponics_OTL> 저의 폰도 그럼... 슴하트폰 이군효.. 훈훈 합니다.. 저의 폰은 고알하 폰 입니다...\n<Ponics_OTL> 아주 구리죠..\n<imsu> 이런 길 잘못들었나 ㅋㅋ\n<protochaos> 아주구리다니..\n<protochaos> 전 옵티머스원입니다\n<Ponics_OTL> 흔히 깍뚜기 행님들이 \" 허리를 확 접어불랑께~! \" 라고 하는 폴더폰 입니다...\n<imsu> 슴하트폰 = 슴가폰 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 아이구 Ponics 님 슴하트폰도 가지고 계시고 부럽사옵니다\n<imsu> 허리사라진지 오래 ㅡ.ㅡ\n<Ponics_OTL> drake_kr: / 훔.... 원래 허접콤맹이 장비빨이라도 좋아야... 중얼 중얼... 내폰은 슴하트폰이다.. 중얼 중얼..\n<imsu> drake 인덕대 도척이용\n<drake_kr> imsu :: 헐 금방오네\n<drake_kr> 13000원짜리 시켜볼까 아니면 파닭 시킬까\n<drake_kr> 짱개 먹을랴?\n<imsu> 빠른걸음 ㅋㅋ 암거나유 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ닭드시고 싶다면서유 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 깜풍기??ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> imsu :: 그럼 13000원짜리 도전한번 해보겠음\n<imsu> ㅋㅋ 넹 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 아배고파 걸을 기운없어요 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 요기 은근히 산동네 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 공기좋잖아 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 오분뒤 도착 몇층 몇호죠??\n<drake_kr> 102-204\n<imsu> 넹 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 조낸 빠르넹\n<imsu> 마트에서 뭐 사려했더니 영업종료 ㅋㅋ\n<Ponics_OTL> 헉... 부럽습니다... 초고수 초천재들은 야식도 겁나 빠르게 배달 되는 군효..\n<ndsin> 부럽\n<imsu> 제가 야식인가요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<ndsin> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 날 드시게??ㅋㅋ\n<Ponics_OTL> 오... 이건... 좀...\n<imsu> 아직 헐일이많운디 ㅡ.ㅡ\n<imsu> 스스로 찾아가는\n<imsu> 야식서비스??\n<imsu> ㅋㅋ\n<hanbin973> 냠\n<Ponics_OTL> 훔.... 이시간에 아파트로...\n<Ponics_OTL> 이건... 설마...\n<Ponics_OTL> 훔....\n<Ponics_OTL> 상상해 버렸.... >.,.< ;;;;;\n<protochaos> 크\n<hanbin973> 아파트 =.=\n<hanbin973> 아파트하면 잘 모르겠네요\n<hanbin973> 다른거면 알겠는데 ㅋ\n<protochaos> 쩝.. 맥주에 통닭이라 그건 별루임\n<protochaos> ㅠ.ㅠ\n<hanbin973> 전 탕수육이나 깐풍기나 통닭같은게 엄청 땡기네요\n<hanbin973> 기름섭취가 필요로함. 요즘 왜 살찌기 시작하면 못 빼는지 조금씩 이해가 가요\n<protochaos> (사실은 먹고싶음)\n<hanbin973> 단음식이랑 기름진 음식은 입에 한번 들어가면 끝이없음 ㅜㅜ\n<protochaos> 야채를 먹어버릇해보세요\n<protochaos> ê·¸ 신선하고, 각각의 독특한 풍미가..\n<protochaos> 고기 먹더라도 야채가 없으면 영~~ 그렇지 않나요?\n<hanbin973> 어짜피 살 안쩌요. ㅋㅋㅋ 전 나이는 고작 15살이지만 먹는 양은 성인의 2배정도??\n<protochaos> 하하하..\n<hanbin973> 고기먹을때에 야채라.. 삼겹살 같은건 있어야제맛인데 탕수육 같은건 걍 짱..\n<hanbin973> 아 됐고 결론은 배고파요 ㅜㅜ\n<protochaos> 훔.. 전 탕수육은 그냥 튀김같은 느낌이랄까\n<protochaos> 전에 한달내내 중국집 배달시켜 먹었는데\n<hanbin973> 고구마튀김 ㅜㅜ\n<protochaos> 위장에 구멍나는 줄 알았음\n<protochaos> 느끼~~ 느끼~~\n<hanbin973> 그건 배부른자의 여유 아닌가요? ㅜㅜㅜ\n<protochaos> 배부른자라뇨.. 이궁\n<protochaos> 벤쳐회사에서 맛있는건 먹지 못하고 바쁘고 하니\n<protochaos> 맨날 중국집 시켜먹었는데\n<protochaos> ㅠ..ㅠ\n<protochaos> 예전에 보니 짜장면은 원가가 500원이라고 방송에 나왔었던가\n<protochaos> 전 체질상 백반이 제일 맞더라구요\n<Ponics_OTL> 아... 20첩 반상의 백반..... 부럽습....\n<hanbin973> 일단 집에서 먹는 음식이 짱..\n<hanbin973> ㅋ\n<protochaos> 헐...\n<protochaos> 하긴 그래요\n<hanbin973> 오늘 엄마랑 아빠 두분다 귀찮으시다고 ë°¥ 안해줌. 국수 라면 국수 ㅜㅜ\n<protochaos> 집에서 만든 밥이랑 식당 밥은 다르다구요\n<protochaos> 집에서 압력밥솥으로 한 밥은.. 찰지고, 한공기만 먹어도 든든한디..\n<protochaos> 식당밥은 안그렇더라구요\n<hanbin973> 왜 그럴까요 =.=?\n<Ponics_OTL> 훔.. 뭐니 뭐니 해도.. 군대 스팀으로 찐밥이... 밥중에는....\n<protochaos> 하하.. 그건 무덤처럼 쌓아서 먹어도 안든든\n<Ponics_OTL> 훔... 스팀으로 찐밥과... 가마솥밥은 좀 틀림... 그리고 쌀의 질도 틀리고..\n<Ponics_OTL> 아무튼... 정말 맛난 밥은 쌀도 겁나 좋은...\n<protochaos> 크\n<protochaos> 가마솥밥이라..\n<protochaos> 먹어본지 너무나 오래되서\n<protochaos> 전 고향이 강원도인데..\n<protochaos> 호박잎 쌈해서 감자에 된자 발라 먹었던 기억이\n<Ponics_OTL> 훔.... 가마솥밥은 정말이.. 쩔게 맛있음...\n<protochaos> 가마솥밥은 장작불에 하니 그런거 아닐까요?\n<Ponics_OTL> 밥맛의 키포인트는 적절한 뜸 타이밍 이라고 생각 합니다.. 물론 그걸 시식하는 사람에게 시식전에 겁나 녹아다를 시키고 먹이면 효과는 극대화 됩니다.\n<hanbin973> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<Ponics_OTL> 이 방법의 활용법에는 밥투정하는 개념없는 아이나 어른을 일단 녹아다를 겁나 시키신후에 밥을 주시면 효과를 보실수 있습니다.\n<protochaos> 음\n<protochaos> 파폭이 죽어버리네요\n<hanbin973> 파폭냠냠...\n<protochaos> 계속 먹는 얘기?\n<imsu> drake_kr: 헤헤\n<imsu> drake_kr: 오~ 펄로 하니 그림이 쉽게 그려지는군요 헤헤 사각형 그리기 성공 ㅎㅎ\n#ubuntu-ko 2011-06-07\n<benkimkimben> 안녕하세요 ㅋ\n<bundo> 하이\n<benkimkimben> 예전에 텍사스에서 접속하다가\n<benkimkimben> 한국에 나오게되어\n<benkimkimben> 오랜만에 접속합니다\n<benkimkimben> ㅎㅎ\n<bundo> 텍사스 분들 많네요 ㅎㅎ\n<bundo> 안박사 , han9k 그리고 benkimkimben !\n<benkimkimben> 오\n<benkimkimben> 전 혼자인줄알앗는데\n<benkimkimben> ㅎㅎ\n<benkimkimben> 근데 이젠 아예 한국에 나왔어요 ㅎㅎ 지금은 분당에서 근무중 ㅎ\n<bundo> 아  그래요 ^^;\n<bundo> yemharc 하이루\n<bundo> 심심해서 예밀 글 씹는중 ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요 :)\n<yemharc> 안그래도 포럼 들어오자마자 봤습니다 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<bundo> 또 하나 씹었삼\n<bundo> 런레벨\n<yemharc> 으잉?!\n<yemharc> 2~5까지 통합인거였군요\n<bundo> gdm 설치후 gdm 이 데몬으로 등록 되어 있냐가 중요한데\n<bundo> 설치하면 자동으로 데몬등록 합니다.\n<yemharc> 그렇군요. 한 수 배웠습니다 ㅇㅅㅇ7 (경례!)\n<bundo> 왜 자꾸 2년들 타령이죠 ?\n<bundo> 지원기간 2년을 원하시나 ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> ㅎㅎ 딱히 그런건 아닙니다만 LTS 관련해서 답변하게 되면 말을 안 하고 넘어갈 수도 없지 않습니까\n<bundo> 걍 예밀이니깐 댓글 써본 거에요\n<yemharc> 아뇨. 틀린 부분은 짚고 넘어가야죠. .......분도님은 귀찮으시겠지만 (;;)\n<bundo> 다른이 저리 하면 기분나쁘다고 찌질 대거나 안올수도 있더군요\n<yemharc> 음;;\n<yemharc> 리눅스 막 접하고 맛 좀 본(?) 경우에 그런 자만심 비슷한 상태에 빠지기 쉽더라구요\n<bundo> 지 동네서나 ì»´ 잘하는 ê±°?\n<bundo> 주변에 친구들중 잘하는거 ?\n<bundo> 머 그런거죠\n<yemharc> 동네.......라고 하기도 민망하고\n<bundo> ㅎ\n<yemharc> 네 그런거요 ㅎ\n<yemharc> 최근에는 protochaos라는 분이 조금 그런 경향이 보이는데 심각한 상황은 아니라 그냥 답글 달려 있으면 넘어가고 있는데 (덕분에 눈팅족이 되 갑니다만;;)\n<bundo> 그친구 씹히면 안올까봐 나도 조심하는 중입니다. ㅎ\n<bundo> ㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> ㅎㅎ;;;\n<yemharc> 그래도 아직까진 '대놓고 어렵게' 쓰는걸 제외하면 양호한 편이긴 한거같아요\n<bundo> 네..\n<bundo> 암튼 차카게 삽시다 쉽게 설명/ 답해주고...ㅎ\n<yemharc> 넵\n<yemharc> 노력하겠습니다\n<yemharc> 그리고 이달 중순이면 드디어 회사 게임들이 모두 런칭 끝나고 휴식기가 찾아옵니다!!! (비바~)\n<bundo> 한강 번개 할때가 왔음\n<yemharc> ㅎㅎ 할때 되면 알려주세요.\n<yemharc> (그래도 가급적 주말로 부탁드립니다 ....)\n<eb3ha4el> 안녕하세요... 혹시 한IRC에서 문자가 깨져서 그러는데.. 엔코딩 뭘로 변경해줘야 하는지 아시나요...?\n<bundo> cp949\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n<eb3ha4el> 안녕하세요\n<bundo> [스크린샷] http://bundo.biz/screenshot/bundo-1307409087.png\n<eb3ha4el> bundo: cp949 로 /set term_charset cp949 명령이용해서 바꿨는데 안되네요..\n<bundo> 명령어 틀렸습니더\n<bundo>  /charset cp949 해보세요\n<yemharc> cartes_, 안녕하세요\n<cartes_> heyy\n<cartes_> i mean 안녕하세요\n<cartes_> yemharc, firefox 프로세스가 않꺼집니다=0=;\n<yemharc> 불여우 뿐 아니라 크롬도 그렇게 먹통이 되는 경우가 발생하고 있습니다\n<yemharc> 브라우저의 문제라기보다 우분투의 문제로 보이는 상황이에요\n<yemharc> ctrl alt f1 로 tty1로 가셔서\n<cartes_> 저는 윈도XP 쓴느데도\n<cartes_> 프로세스가 안꺼져서\n<cartes_> 다시 실행할려면\n<yemharc> 윈도에서도 그러나요?\n<cartes_> 그거 강제끄고 실행해야하더군요\n<yemharc> 흠...\n<yemharc> 전 크롬 유저라 윈도서는 잘 모르겠군요\n<yemharc> 우분투서는 현재 파폭뿐 아니라 크롬도 프리징 현상을 일으키는 경우가 있어요\n<cartes_> 그걸 프리징현상이라고 하나요?\n<cartes_> 방금 파폭을 버려버리고\n<cartes_> 크롬을 디폴트브라우저로 설정했습니다\n<cartes_> ^^\n<yemharc> ;;\n<bundo> 애플이 클라우드를 완성 했군요\n<bundo> http://media.daum.net/digital/cluster_list.html?newsid=20110607045004222&clusterid=353800&clusternewsid=20110607094413632&p=newsis\n<bundo> 심플 아이콘 으로 클라우드 완성 ^^;\n<bundo> 나도 오공이가 가져간 근두운 다시 찾아 올까나 음\n<bundo> imsu !!!\n<bundo> imsu !!! 근두운 가져와 ~~~\n<bundo> imsu = 오공\n<cartes_> 저도 스티브잡스처럼 되고싶어요\n<bundo> 잡놈만 되지 마세유!\n<yemharc> 아이클라우드군요. 출근하다 뉴스에 나오던......\n<cartes_> 클라우드가 뭔지 전혀 몰라요\n<bundo> 아이콘 이에요 맥용 아이콘\n<bundo> 위 기사 ë³´ë©´ 나옴 큰거로 ...\n<bundo> 이번에 클라우드에서 근두운은 빠졌습니다. 오공이가 가져 가서....\n<bundo> http://i2.media.daumcdn.net/photo-media/201106/07/newsis/20110607075446179.jpg\n<bundo> 잡스가 동물원 차린듯 ~ ì°¸ 그리고 보니 우분투도 동물원이군요\n<bundo> 희귀 동물원 ㅎ\n<yemharc> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<bundo> 희귀 동물 = yemharc , imsu , cartes_  , Drake_  ...\n<yemharc> 으잌?!\n<bundo> 배포판 닉 이약 히나거 아니고.. 우리 이야기 한거임\n<yemharc> 제가 왜 희귀동물이 된건가요;;\n<bundo> 배포판 닉 이야기 한 ê±° 아니고.. 우리 이야기 한거임\n<bundo> 4 다 총각 !\n<yemharc> (쿠궁................................)\n<cartes_> 오잉?\n<cartes_> 저도 껴주셔서 감사합니다\n<cartes_> ㅋㅋ\n<cartes_> 카테스는 어떤 동물인가요?\n<cartes_> (이상한거 하면 상처받음.. )\n<bundo> 코알라 ?\n<bundo> 펜더 ?\n<cartes_> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<cartes_> 펜더할게요\n<bundo> 팬더 육식도 하는데 그러세요\n<cartes_> 저 육식 안하남여?\n<bundo> 六食 = 여섯 끼 ?\n<bundo> 자주 먹는군요 !\n<bundo> IOS5 발표에 아이폰 3G 사용자는 어쩌라고 ... 쩝 ~\n<bundo> cartes_ 구름도 종류가 많은데 ...\n<bundo> 특히 조심 해야 할 구름은\n<bundo> 매지구름입니다.  매지구름 = shriekout\n<cartes_> 후덜덜\n<cartes_> 분도님 좋아해요 >_<\n<cartes_> 분도님 저 리눅스 깔을게요 ㅋㅋ\n<cartes_> 저희집에 와서 과외좀 해주세용\n<bundo> 사람은 가르쳐 주는데요\n<bundo> 펜더는 자신 없습니다 죄송합니다.\n<cartes_> 냐옴냐옴..\n<cartes_> (죽순먹는소리)\n<jasonjang> bundo; Seony^MB 씨디 한국에 도착했다고 연락 받았습니다.\n<bundo> 상암 지하 우편물 취급소 인가요 ?\n<jasonjang> 세관으로 부터 뭔 \"사유서를 한장 보내달라'는 연락도 받았습니다.\n<bundo> 아하 ^^;\n<jasonjang> 아뇨, 아직 한국 보세창고.\n<bundo> 넵 알겠습니다.\n<Seony^MB> jasonjang, 다행이네요 :)\n<jasonjang> 고맙습니다. Seony^MB\n<darkmeow_hom_> ..\n<darkmeow_home> 코딩하다 속이 다 울렁 -ㅅ- ...\n<darkmeow_home>  =3\n<jincreator> 안녕하세��š”.\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n<jincreator> 네, 안녕하세요.\n<Seony> bundo: 혹시 요즘 MK하고 통화나 챗 하세요?\n<bundo> 네 가끔 요\n<bundo> 한국 온다고 하는데 인턴쉽 정보통신산업진흥원 안됬어요\n<Seony> 지금 한국 가있는 ê±´ 아니죠?\n<Seony> 절 열받게 해서... 근데 제가 아무리 불러도 쌩까네요.\n<Seony> 지금 쌩깔 위치가 아닌데..\n<imsu> 안녕하세요 ~~\n<bundo> 10일날 온다고 하는데 그래서 난 휴가 가야 겠어요 (잠수) ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 잉?\n<bundo> imsu 낮에 시간 되남 ? 저녁에 일하지 ?\n<imsu> bundo: 네 낮에 시간 되용 ㅎㅎ\n<bundo> 그럼 낫잠 많이 자기 바래요 !\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋ 넹 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<jincreator> 분도님, 스캐너가 지금 없어 내일 중으로 보내드리겠습니다. 죄송합니다.\n<bundo> jincreator 그냥 마우스로 사인해요\n<bundo> 김프서 투명 PNG 만들어 붙일것\n<jincreator> (...)\n<bundo> 아님 폰에 그림 프로그램서 해도 됨 쩝\n<jincreator> !!!\n<jincreator> 무슨 앱이 좋을까요?\n<jincreator> 끙...이제보니 그러면 폰에서 그림 파일을 꺼내야 하는군요.\n<bundo> potho punia\n<bundo> 아니면 흰종이에 사인 하고\n<bundo> 폰으로 찍어서\n<bundo> 보내 주던가 아님 김프서 ë°°ê²½ 다 빼버리면 됨\n<bundo> photo Funia 구나 ㅎㅎ\n<bundo>  흰종이에 사인 하고 폰으로 찍어보내 줘요\n<bundo> 내가 ë°°ê²½ 뻬줄테디\n<jincreator> ...그럼 그런 방식 중 하나로 오늘 중으로 드리겠습니다. 그건 그렇고 분도님 이제보니 창의력이 넘쳐나시는 분이시군요!\n<bundo> 아니요 나 그래픽 강사도 했었어유 ㅎㅎ\n<jincreator> 엇! 그건 몰랐네요.\n<bundo> http://bundo.biz/hardships.gif\n<bundo> 흥 ~~\n<bundo> 여학생들 한테 인기 좋았심 헤헤\n<bundo> 근데 학생들이 거의 2~40대인데... 30대가 제일 많았음 .. 고용보험이용 하여 꽁짜 로 학원 다니는,... 식 ~~\n<jincreator> 해유가_아니라_했었어유_의_이유.gif\n<Seony> 조만간 나올 맥OSX 라이언은, $29에 구입만 하면 몇대가 되든 설치할 수 있다고 하네요...\n<Seony> 가격정책이 완전 짱. ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> Seony: 그게 무슨 뜻입니깡? ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> imsu: 조만간 맥OSX 라이언이라는 새로운 버전이 나오는데, 1카피만 사면 집에 맥이 몇 대가 있든 상관없이 다 깔아도 된대\n<jincreator> 앱스토어 설치니까요.\n<Seony> 앱스토어 설치라도 보통 앱은 5대까지거든요...\n<jincreator> 아, 앱스토어가 아니라 맥스토어군요. 아무튼 평소 제한이 있는지는 몰랐네요.\n<imsu> 아 OS를 맘데로 ? 오~~ ㅎㅎㅎ\n<jincreator> 맥 앱스토어인가?\n<Seony> 네. 맥앱스토어.\n<imsu> Seony: 하나 사시게요? ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 게다가 가격이 $29 이라는 것도 놀랍고...\n<jincreator> 임수님, 이 경우에는 이미 멀쩡한 맥 OS가 있는 상태에서 업그레이드한가는 가정이 ë¶��습니다.\n<Seony> imsu: 당연히 사야지.\n<imsu> 근데 그럼 남에게 빌려주는것도 안되나요?\n<Seony> 그건 아직 확실치 않아.\n<imsu> 음;;\n<Seony> 가격이 한 100불 미만이면 하나 살려고 마음 먹었는데 너무 싸게 나와서...\n<imsu> jincreator: 그렇군요~\n<imsu> Seony: 펄로 그래프 그리기 성공 히히\n<Seony> imsu: 오... 펄을... 나도 요즘 펄 공부하는 중인데...\n<imsu> 어제 하루 종일 고생한 보람이 있어요 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> Seony: 파이썬은 영 정이 안가서 그냥;; ㅋㅋㅋ\n<Seony> imsu: 나도 파이썬은 정이 안가더라고.\n<imsu> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> ê·¸ 머지 다른 그래픽 툴 소스 보니까 파이썬 스크립트로 많이 짜놨더라구요\n<imsu> 먼지 모르고 걍 패스 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 난 펄로 짜야지 ㅋㅋ\n<sexyflash_> ¾È³çÇϼ¼¿ä. ÈåÈå IRC ¸¦ °Ë»öÇÏ°í ÀÌ·¸°Ô ¹æ¿¡ µé¾î¿Â ½ÅÀÔÀÔ´Ï´Ù ^^ ¿À´ÃºÎÅÍ Á×µ¹ÀÌÇϸ鼭 ¿©·¯ ¸¹Àº ºÐµé²² ¹è¿ì·Á±¸¿ä ^^ Àß ºÎŹµå¸³´Ï´Ù~\n<Seony> sexyflash_: 인코딩 바꾸셔야할듯... UTF-8입니다.\n<sexyflash_> ¾È³çÇϼ¼¿ä. ÈåÈå IRC ¸¦ °Ë»öÇÏ°í ÀÌ·¸°Ô ¹æ¿¡ µé¾î¿Â ½ÅÀÔÀÔ´Ï´Ù ^^ ¿À´ÃºÎÅÍ Á×µ¹ÀÌÇϸ鼭 ¿©·¯ ¸¹Àº ºÐµé²² ¹è¿ì·Á±¸¿ä ^^ Àß ºÎŹµå¸³´Ï´Ù~\n<sexyflash_> Àß ³ª¿À³ª¿ä? ¸»¾¸´ë·Î ¹Ù²å¾î¿ä~\n<Seony> imsu: 나만 안보이는 거야?\n<sexyflash_> 안보이세요?\n<Seony> sexyflash_: 이제 보입니다.\n<sexyflash_> 흐흐 아까 요런 말씀을 드렸어요~ (안녕하세요. 흐흐 IRC 를 검색하고 이렇게 방에 들어온 신입입니다 ^^ 오늘부터 죽돌이하면서 여러 많은 분들께 배우려구요 ^^ 잘 부탁드립니다~)\n<Seony> 아 네. 어서오세요 :)\n<sexyflash_> 흐흐 감사합니다 ^^\n<imsu> 저도 안보임 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 이제 보임 ㅎㅎ\n<sexyflash_> 헉 지금도 안보이셔요?\n<sexyflash_> 아하 ^^\n<imsu> 보여용 ㅎㅎ\n<sexyflash_> 반갑습니다~ ^^\n<Seony> 자. 자기 소개를 할 시간입니다. ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> sexyflash하나 만들어주세요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<bundo> sexyflash_ 저는 안보입니다.  방에 다시 재로긴 해봐 주십시오!!!\n<sexyflash_> 아 네네 다시 오겠습니다~\n<bundo> ^^;\n<bundo> 아 한숨 자야지 헤헤\n<bundo> [스크린샷] http://bundo.biz/screenshot/bundo-1307427411.png\n<bundo> 잘 보였었는디 .. ㅎ\n<Seony> bundo: 전 보일거라 생각했어요. 안보이는데 방에 재로긴 해봐달라는 말을 하실리가... ㅎㅎ\n<sexyflash_> 저 혹시 메시지 잘 나오나요?\n<Seony> 네 잘 나옵니다.\n<bundo> 네  잘 보입니다.\n<sexyflash_> 아하 ^^ 다행이네요\n<bundo> 이제 노래 하나 해보십시오 ~~\n<Seony> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<bundo> 아님 자기 소개 ~~\n<sexyflash_> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<bundo> ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 노래보단 자기소개부터..\n<sexyflash_> 아~ 저는 강형모라고 하고ìš��~ 10년 플래시했어요~\n<sexyflash_> 지금은 ncsoft japan에서 마지막 주 근무를 하고 있습니다 ^^\n<sexyflash_> 앞으로 열심히 배우겠습니다 ^^ 잘 부탁드립니다~\n<bundo> 오 NC 근무 하시는 군요 그것도 JAPAN\n<Seony> 그럼 지금 접속하신 곳은 일본이겠군요\n<sexyflash_> 아 네네\n<sexyflash_> 금주까지만 근무하고 12일 한국에 귀국해요~\n<Seony> 다시 본사 발령받으셨나보네요\n<sexyflash_> 아~ 아니요 퇴사해요 ^^\n<Seony> 그럼 엔씨 그만두시는 거에요?\n<sexyflash_> 네네 ^^\n<Seony> 이미 이직할 ê³³ 준비되서 가시는 ê±´ 아니구요?\n<sexyflash_> 네네 우선은 한국에 가서 조금 쉬면서 공부를 하려구요 ^^\n<sexyflash_> 코딩하다가 êµ­ 끓이고 코딩하다가 빨래 널고 외국생활은 총각이 하기 힘든거 같아요 ^^\n<Seony> 그렇군요...\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n<sexyflash_> 안녕하세요 ^^\n<Seony> 외국생활이 총각이 하기힘든 ê±´ 사실이긴 한데, 총각은 자유스럽다는 장점이 있죠 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> yemharc: Hi\n<yemharc> sexyflash_, 처음 뵙는 분이네요. 안녕하세요 :)\n<sexyflash_> 네 오늘 처음들어온 신입입니다~ 앞으로 잘 부탁드릴께요~\n<yemharc> Seony, Hi~\n<sexyflash_> ㅎㅎ 총각은 오래 즐기고 싶은데 자꾸 주변 환경이 바뀌니깐 마냥 즐겁지만 안치만 그래도 포기하기 힘든 ê±° 같아요  ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ 네. 뭐든 각자 장단점이 있죠..\n<jasonjang> \"동거\" 가 답 입니다. ㅎ\n<sexyflash_> ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<sexyflash_> 동거도 세션 타임이 있나요? ^^\n<sexyflash_> \\\n<jasonjang> 장점만 많을 듯....\n<jasonjang> 우분투 한국 사용자 모임에서, 특히 엠베디드를 공부하는 한 여자분이 있는데...\n<jasonjang> ê·¸ 분은 일본 못가서 안달 (쉿~)\n<bundo> 일본서 대만 여성 사귀어 기생 생활한분있습니다.\n<bundo> 웹테러 ㅎㅎ\n<jasonjang> 풉\n<jasonjang> 분도님 좀 심..........아니 약하다. ㅋ\n<bundo> 요즘 대만서 백수로 지내는듯 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<sexyflash_> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<DoA> 안녕하세요 ㅋ\n<sexyflash_> 안녕하세요~\n<Jinseok> 오늘은 왠만한 분들이 다계시군요;;;\n<Jinseok> bundo 니히이이임\n<bundo> 나히이이임?\n<bundo> 니히이이임?\n<bundo> 답변 하나 해줄까요 ?  sun-java6-bin 설치 ?\n<Jinseok> 넵;;;\n<Jinseok> bundo 넵!\n<imsu> Jinseok: 안녕하세요 ^^\n<Jinseok> bundo 죄송해요;; 늦게 대답드려서;; 애플 Developer 에 가입 중이였답니다;;;\n<Jinseok> imsu 안녕하세요.\n<imsu> 섹시 플래쉬님 가셨나보군요 ㅎㅎ\n<Jinseok> laggard 안녕하세요\n<bundo> 감자 까야 함 쩝 닭도리탕임\n<bundo> 답하고 가야징\n<Jinseok> bundo 저번에 감자 까셨는데 또 까세요?\n<bundo> 그떈 카레\n<bundo> 이번엔닭도리탕 ... OTL..\n<imsu> bundo: 저도 한입만;;; ㅎㅎㅎ\n<Jinseok> 오 다아라악도오리이타아앙 을 하시는 군요. 근데 다아라악도오리타아앙은 일본어 임으로 다아라악뽀오옼크으음타아앙 이라고 하는게 어떨까요? bundo\n<imsu> bundo: 전 그냥 한입만 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<bundo> タットリタン(탓토리탄)\n<bundo> imsu 저리가 침퉈 ~~\n<Jinseok> 다아라앜뽀오옼크으음타아아앙 으은 카아암자아아르을 마아안히 너어어엏야아하아암\n<bundo> 햇감자라 맛이남 쩝\n<imsu> bundo: 에이 그러지 마시고 한입만 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<bundo> 카카오톡으로 보내 줄깡?\n<imsu> 헉;; ㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 지이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이인 스스스스스스스스스스스어어어어엉어어어어어어어어어어어어어그그그그그그그그그그그그 님 알아먹기 힘들어요\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> bundo: 그림의 닭따위 거절하겠습니다 ㅋㅋ\n<Jinseok> 나아느은 이일가아악고오래애가아 시일어엏요오 그으노오옴으을 크을래애시익으으로오 너어엏노아앟서어 그으노오옴 쓰으리이르을 쓰으고오 시잎으은데에 너어 무우 서어얼치이가아 어어려우어려어우움 imsu,bundo\n<imsu> ??\n<imsu> 뷁 저리가삼\n<imsu> ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 안읽음 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 귀찮아요 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<Jinseok> 한마디로\n<Jinseok> 나는 일각고래가 싫어요 그놈 클래식으로 넣어놓아서 그놈 쓰리을 쓰고 싶은데 너무 설치가 어려움 imsu,bundo\n<Jinseok> 이뜻임\n<imsu> 일각 고래가 뭔가유 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 전 잘 몰라요 ㅠ.ㅠ;;\n<Jinseok> 부우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우우운도오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오오니이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이이임\n<Jinseok> bundo 감자 까시러 가심?\n<Jinseok> imsu 일각고래=네티워홀임\n<Jinseok> imsu 일각고래=Natty Narwhal\n<Jinseok> imsu 일각고래=Natty Narwhal\n<Jinseok> imsu 일각고래=네티워홀임\n<Jinseok> imsu 일각고래=Natty Narwhal\n<Jinseok> imsu 뭐하세요?\n<imsu> 잉?\n<imsu> 뭔지 몰라요 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<imsu> Jinseok: 뭐하는 건가요? 네티워홀?\n<Jinseok> 우분투 11.04를 표현하는 것입니다\n<Jinseok> 일각고래란 우분투 11.04를 뜻합니다\n<imsu> 아;;; 전 불안하다는 말을 들어서 안써유 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<imsu> 실제로 10.10에서 업데이트하다 커널 패닉나서 ㅠ.ㅠ;;;;;\n<imsu> jasonjang: 안녕하세요^^\n<jasonjang> LTNC imsu\n<imsu> 잉?\n<imsu> 시추\n<imsu> ? ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 씨추\n<imsu> jasonjang: LTNC가 뭐에용? ㅎㅎ 설마 long time no see? ㅎㅎ\n<jasonjang> 설마가 맞아요.\n<imsu> 그렇군요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 오랜만에 뵙네요 ^^\n<jasonjang> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<jasonjang> 잘 지내시?\n<bundo> Jinseok http://ubuntu.or.kr/viewtopic.php?p=87432#p87432\n<Alsen> 질문, Vmware 7.1 에서 VMware Tool 설치했는데 왜 공유폴더 설정도 확인했는데, 정작 hgfs에서 확인할 수 없을까요?\n<Alsen> 이것도 마운트 시켜야 하는걸까요?\n<imsu> jasonjang: 넹 머 그냥 그저 그래용 히히\n<Jinseok> bundo 이미 캐노니컬 체크 해도 안됩니다;; 그냥 이짓으로 해도 가능? sudo apt-get update , sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin\n<bundo> Jinseok 저장소 바꾸어 봐요\n<bundo> 주서버로\n<bundo> 답좀 잘 읽어 봐요\n<Jinseok> bundo 나중에 외갓집에서 할께요\n<Jinseok> 집에서는 좀 무리;;\n<bundo> 아 그리고 Jinseok 글자가 깨지는데요 지금 머에요 ?\n<Jinseok> 저 글씨 깨져요?\n<bundo> 네\n<bundo> 재로긴 해보세요\n<Seony> 전 안깨지는데...\n<bundo> IRC 글자 엉망 되감\n<bundo> Jinseok  재로긴 해보세요\n<Seony> 바이러스 걸리셨는갑네요 ㅋㅋ\n<bundo> 스파이웨어 가 IRC 에 신호 보내 나 봅니다.\n<Seony> 포맷해야하는데...\n<laggard> 감기약이 어디에 있더라... ('' )\n<Jinseok> 저 창문으로 접속해서 그런가요? 저 창문으로 접속해도 크롬으로 접속하고, freenode 로 접속함\n<bundo> Jinseok  재로긴 해보세요\n<Jinseok> Seony 우분투에도 바이러스가 있나?\n<Seony> Jinseok: 농담으로 하는 소리를....\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ\n<Jinseok> 저는 avast가 항상 창문을 깨뜨리고 있습니다\n<Jinseok> 안깨지나요?\n<Jinseok> 항상 저희집 컴퓨터는\n<bundo> 답변 완성 http://ubuntu.or.kr/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=17757&p=87432#p87432\n<Jinseok> avast 가 창문을 항상 깨뜨립니다\n<Jinseok> 지금도 글씨 깨지나요\n<bundo> 머라고?\n<laggard> 전 잘 보여요\n<Jinseok> now crash the font?\n<bundo> �대�吏� �숈쁺�� 吏�룄 �댁뒪\n<bundo> Jinseok  relogin PLZ~~\n<bundo> 媛쒖씤�뺣낫 蹂댄샇�쇳꽣\n<Alsen> 씍씍씍씍\n<Alsen> 뷁뷁뷁\n<Jinseok> bundo I'm can see you typing hangul\n<bundo> Oh!\n<cartes_> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<bundo>  I'm can't see you typing hangul\n<imsu> 머래 이 난무한 영어들은 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<Alsen> source man ls\n<bundo> Jinseok  relogin PLZ~~\n<bundo> 진짜 답변글 난독으로 읽나 봐요\n<bundo> http://ubuntu.or.kr/viewtopic.php?p=87432#p87432  맨 아래 처리법 ^^;\n<Jinseok2> 옷홍\n<Jinseok2> 안깨지나요/\n<Jinseok2> bundo 안깨지나요!\n<imsu> kkokk: 묻잖아요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<Jinseok2> Alsen not crash hangul?\n<Alsen> 네?\n<Jinseok2> imsu 한글 안깨지나요?\n<Alsen> 잘 보여요\n<imsu> keke\n<Jinseok2> 다행이군요\n<Jinseok2> 우회방법으로 접속했습니다.\n<Jinseok2> xchat 클라이언트 이용해서 irc.ubuntu.com 이 아닌 irc.freenode.net 으로 접속 했습니다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<Jinseok2> 클라로 접속하시는 분들은 전부 irc.freenode.net 으로 접속 하세요\n<Jinseok2> 방은 똑같이 하시면 됨\n<Alsen> 갑작스럽게 생각나버린 Ez-X5\n<Alsen> 저걸로 오만딱까리 다 했는데 ㅎ\n<Jinseok2> 이 방이 2010 12월 24일 수요일날 만들어 졌다고 하는군요\n<Jinseok2> 맞나요?\n<Jinseok2> Seony 이방이 2010 12 24 수요일날 만들어 진것이 맞나요?\n<Jinseok2> GIBSON, WILLIAM (1948-) He is married with two children. In\n<Jinseok2> * - the early 1980s he wrote Neuromancer, and with this novel he\n<Jinseok2> * - helped establish a new kind of science fiction literature\n<Jinseok2> * - called cyberpunk. William Gibson defined the word cyberspace,\n<Jinseok2> * - and described virtual reality long before we saw the\n<Jinseok2> * - similarities with todays Internet. He has won the Hugo Award,\n<Jinseok2> * - Nebula Award and the Philipp K. Dick Award.\n<Jinseok2> 이 사람이 만들었다네요\n<Jinseok2> Jinseok2\n<imsu> ??\n<Alsen> Richard M. Stallman 및 David MacKenzie이(가) 만들었습니다.\n<Jinseok2> 이방은 2010년 12월 24일 날 만들어 졌다네요\n<Alsen> 누가 만들었냐고요? Richard M. Stallman 및 David MacKenzie이(가) 만들었습니다.\n<Jinseok2> 이방이 2010년 12월에 만들어 졌다고요!!!\n<Alsen> Richard M. Stallman 및 David MacKenzie이(가) 만들었습니다!!!!\n<imsu> 아;; 수학은 너무 어려워 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<imsu> 귀찮 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<bluedusk> 저 혹시 usb 3.0 지원되는 쓸만한 외장하드 케이스 추천좀 해주실분?\n<Jinseok2> 그냥 SATA가 진리임\n<Alsen> bluedusk, 2.5사이즈요?\n<bluedusk> 네\n<bluedusk> Alsen, ssd 넣어서 쓰면 충격은 신경안써도 되겠죠?\n<Alsen> 그래도 신경쓰세요\n<Alsen> 그래봤자 IC따위 이거든요\n<Alsen> 핀떨어지면 끝이죠 뭐 ㅋ\n<Alsen> 핀= 다리\n<Alsen> 더구나 외장으로는 SSD많이들 비추하는데요.\n<bluedusk> 노트북 사기 전까지 대용으로 쓰다가\n<bluedusk> 노트북 사면 놋북 하드랑 바꾸려구요\n<Alsen> 그렇죠\n<Alsen> 놋북에 SSD달고 원래 놋북에 있던 하드를 외장으로 사용하시는게 좋아요\n<Alsen> 지금 좀 둘러봤는데요\n<Alsen> 외장케이스가 그닥 없네요\n<Alsen> http://blog.danawa.com/prod/?section_m=PC&prod_c=1221216&cate_c1=862&cate_c2=10620&cate_c3=10673&cate_c4=0\n<Alsen> 이거 어떠세요?\n<bluedusk> 아 이거 외장전원때문에..ㅠ_ㅠ\n<Alsen> USB전원이 가능한게 아닌가요?\n<Alsen> 전원 인터페이스\t자체/USB전원\n<Alsen> 값싼가격으로는 케이스 다 USB전원을 사용하구요. 어느정도 가격대가 높은것은 따로 전원케이블이 있답니다.\n<jasonjang> buno 나가셨군\n<jasonjang> Hi~ wasikevin !!\n<Alsen> 밖에서 하루종일 고기 굽는 냄새가 나요 ㅜㅠ\n<Alsen> 아무래도 목살이나 겹살 쪽인듯한데\n<Alsen> 저녁드세요~ 여러분~\n<jasonjang> wasikevin; We solved CD shipit problem. a few days ago, I RCVed mail from canonica Mr. Petra. and the one passed tax office, already.\n<imsu> Drake_: 계십니꺼 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> Alsen: 옆 가게 삼겹살집 오픈했어요 지금 난리임 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 각시타령 ㅎㅎ\n<Alsen> 와우\n<Alsen> 전 부추 왕창넣은 멍멍이 먹을래요 ㅋ\n<drake_kr> 앙?\n<imsu> c 좀 여쭤보려구요 ㅎㅎ\n<Alsen> rm 0-df\n<imsu> drake_kr: 펄 스크립트 c 에서 실행하려면 system 함수 말고 다른 방법이 없나해서요\n<drake_kr> 펄에서 c?를 쓸 이유가..?\n<imsu> 음;; ê·¸ 멋이냐 버튼 누르면 펄로 이미지 그리라고 명령하려고 하는데\n<imsu> 다른 방법이라도;;;;; 킁킁;; 어렵다 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 흠.. 걍 perl에서 다 하는게 나을텐디\n<Alsen> 뱀웨어 툴 업데이트중\n<imsu> drake_kr: 아 그런가요?\n<imsu> 버튼 만들고 이런거 다 펄로 해요? ㅎㅎ\n<suapapa> system(\"draw_img.pl\");\n<suapapa> 아 이거 말고..\n<imsu> 넹 ㅎㅎ\n<suapapa> system 쓸 수 있으면 system 을 쓰는게 좋을 것 같아요.\n<imsu> 아하~\n<imsu> 수아파파님 펄로 버튼 만들고 위젯 만들고 가능한가요?\n<suapapa> 전 파이썬 게이에요\n<imsu> 헉 ㅋㅋ\n<suapapa> 파이썬으로는 가능하죠\n<imsu> 게이;;\n<imsu> ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 아 그래서 그래픽 툴이 파이썬으로 써져있나 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<wasikevin> jasonjang, sorry, I was afk.  It is great that you received the CD\n<imsu> 가능하긴 한거 같은데;; 흠;;\n<yemharc> imsu, 펄도 wxperl이라는 GUI 라이브러리 프로젝트가 있긴 합니다만\n<yemharc> 별로 추천하진 않아요\n<imsu> yemharc: 아 계셨네요 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 그러군요 ;;\n<yemharc> 펄의 용도는 웹 스크립트와 리눅스(?) 시스템 관리쪽에 좀 특화된 녀석이라서요\n<imsu> 켁;;\n<jasonjang> THX so much, wasikevin , bout Ur concern.\n<yemharc> (더러운 정규표현식)\n<imsu> 파이썬 고고씽? ㅎㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> GUI툴을 만들 때에는 파이썬이 제일 편하고\n<yemharc> ê·¸ 다음이 자바 정도로 봐요\n<fudoyusei> Oh no!\n<imsu> 아놔 힘들게 펄 공부했더니;; 파이썬으로 다시 가야하나 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<imsu> 젠장 ㅋㅋ\n<wasikevin> jasonjang, how many CDs did you receive?\n<yemharc> imsu, 뱀은 더 쉬워요 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 뱀이 머에요? ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> imsu :: 걍 flash as ㄱㄱ\n<yemharc> 파이썬 = 뱀\n<imsu> drake_kr: ㅋㅋ 플래쉬 흑흑\n<drake_kr> 아 뱀이군\n<yemharc> 아오 나좀 살려줘유.........\n<drake_kr> yemharc :: 뭔일있어요?\n<yemharc> 삼바서버 구축하래서 해놨드만 관리하는 사람이 컴을 몰라서 스크립트 만들고 있어요\n<jasonjang> probably, 450 each ? .........always same Q'ty\n<imsu> yemharc: ??\n<jasonjang> probably, 450 each ? .........always same Q'ty wasikevin\n<drake_kr> 우와~ 야근이다~\n<fudoyusei> jasonjang toktok\n<yemharc> 어찌된게 서버 구축 시간보다 스크립트 만드느 시간이 더 걸려 ㅠㅠ\n<imsu> yemharc: 저도 그랬던 적이 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<wasikevin> jasonjang, no server?\n<fudoyusei> jasonjang : toktok\n<jasonjang> Ah~ 여기있었군....... fudoyusei\n<fudoyusei> ^^\n<drake_kr> 그냥 직원들 모아놓고 교육..\n<yemharc> 유저계정 추가 삭제 그룹변경 퍼미션...............이미 쉘 스크립트의 영역을 넘어간 듯한 느낌도 들지만\n<imsu> yemharc: 전에 네트워크 드라이브 접속을 몰라서 배쉬 스크립트 만들어줌 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<drake_kr> 아.. 카오스 되겠다..\n<jasonjang> wasikevin; INC SVR\n<wasikevin> jasonjang, great\n<imsu> yemharc: 암튼 짜증났던 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 게다가 결정적인건\n<yemharc> ê·¸ 사람 텔넷같은건 뭔 외계인 언어여 이런 사람인지라\n<yemharc> 쉘 스크립트 짜고 펄로 웹이랑 연결해야...........................\n<yemharc> orz\n<jasonjang> wasikevin; Thanks so much, again.\n<drake_kr> ...\n<drake_kr> 걍 N드라이브 쓰지 -_-\n<imsu> yemharc: 오~~ 아무도 알아주지 않은 삽질 ㅠ.ㅠ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 고생이;;;;\n<yemharc> (이미 프론트앤드 급......)\n<drake_kr> 그러고보니 n드라이브 ì°¸ 잘 만든것 같네요\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 사내 소스코드들 모아놓는다고 이 삽질을 해요.........\n<imsu> drake_kr: 네이버 n 드라이브요? ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> ㅇㅅㅇ\n<imsu> gg\n<yemharc> 근데 애초에 소스코드 관리는 삼바로 한다는 발상부터 뭐시기 함요\n<yemharc> (......)\n<drake_kr> 사내 소스코드를 모으는 확실한 방법은..\n<drake_kr> 윈도우라면\n<jasonjang> fudoyusei;  아녀.........was kevin 이라는 친구, 대만에 근무중인 케노니걸의 직원이랑 얘기하느라고 , 내 답이 늦었어요. 미안\n<drake_kr> 걍 서버에 모든 폴더를 옮기라고 하고 따로 날잡아서 분류하는게 편할듯..\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 그야 물론이죠 ........\n<imsu> suapapa: 수아파파님 파이썬 게이라 하시니 ㅎㅎ 좋은 사이트나 문서 있으면 굽신;;; ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 근데 그냥 팀별로 폴더 던져주고 알아서들 관리해라......라는 생각으로 하는거 같긴 한데\n<drake_kr> 아오 그걸 가장 잘 해놓은게 svn인데\n<yemharc> imsu, http://wikidocs.net/read/book/2\n<drake_kr> svn은 안 쓰나보죠?\n<drake_kr> 우리 디자이너팀에서도 svn 쓰는데..\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 사람들 교육하기 귀찮다고 삼바 (......)\n<suapapa> 제발 git을 쓰세요\n<drake_kr> 아니 우리 디자이너팀에서도 svn 써요 ㅡ.ㅡ\n<drake_kr> 개발팀 말고 디자이너팀 ㅡ.ㅡ\n<imsu> suapapa: git 요?\n<yemharc> 어쩌겠습니까. 전 힘없는 말단사원인것을.........\n<Alsen> 뱀웨어 공유폴더만들기 뱀웨어툴업데이트해서 해결봤어요. 맨날 난 자문자답하고 있네\n<drake_kr> 아오 빡(구)쳐\n<Alsen> 라면먹으러 갑니다\n<yemharc> cvs git hg svn 다 말해봤습니다\n<suapapa> imsu 입문서는 뭐가 좋은지 기억이 안남요\n<imsu> 으엉;;\n<drake_kr> cvs는 솔직히 좀 아니고\n<suapapa> dive into python이 쵝오 였던 것 같아요. 번역번도 있고\n<yemharc> imsu, head first programming 이란 책을 보세요\n<drake_kr> svn같은 경우 torr 뭐시기 하는 win32용 툴이 꽤 괜찮아서\n<drake_kr> 디자이너 그룹에서도 ai파일하고 psd파일 올리는데도 리비젼 걸던데\n<yemharc> imsu, 책 쓴 본인들은 아니라고 우기지만 아무리 뜯어봐도 head first pyton........\n<yemharc> ㅠㅠㅠ\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 저좀 그런데로 옮겨줘유.......\n<imsu> yemharc: 쓸만한가 보군요 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> yemharc :: 사장새끼가 제 친구에요 :D\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 드레이크님. 지금 제 상황을 말로 표현하면요\n<imsu> suapapa: 감사합니다 ^^\n<suapapa> svn은 누군가 호스팅을 열어야 한다는 진입장벽이 있죠. nforge같은데다 열기는 좀 쪽팔리잖아요.\n<yemharc> 프론트앤드 쉘 스크립트를 이제 절반정도 완성했는데 용랴야이 5kb 나와요 (........)\n<drake_kr> 아오\n<drake_kr> svn을 쓰면 가장 편할것을..\n<yemharc> 근데 더 문제는요\n<yemharc> 이거 완성해서 10kb라 퉁 치고\n<imsu> suapapa: 오우 pdf 문서로 있군요 히히\n<yemharc> 웹이랑 연결해야되요 (.........)\n<yemharc> (승천한다)\n<drake_kr> 아오\n<drake_kr> 왜 일개 사원한테 svn을 만들라고 시키는거죠? ê·¸ 회사는?\n<yemharc> 이 멍청한 쉘은 CGI 데이터 아니면 받아먹지도 않을건데.........\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 저도 모르겠어요 엉엉\n<drake_kr> yemharc :: 근데 아저씨한테는 책임이 없잖아요\n<yemharc> 삼바랑 연동되는 git 툴을 무려! 쉘로 만드는 꼬라지라니 상상도 못했습니다\n<imsu> 아오 수업하러 갑니다 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 전 이 일과 '아~~~~~무런' 상관도 없어요 ㅠㅠ\n<yemharc> imsu, 홧팅~\n<drake_kr> 근데 왜 만들어요\n<yemharc> .........이사가 시켜서 (.....)\n<drake_kr> 없는걸 만든다면 모르겠지만\n<drake_kr> 있는걸 -ㅅ-;;\n<yemharc> ......이사가 시켰는데 주대바리가 안먹혀서 (........)\n<yemharc> orz\n<yemharc> <-말단사원\n<yemharc> orz\n<Alsen> 감질나게 맛나네요 ㅋ 밥말아먹고 올게요\n<drake_kr> 말단사원일수록\n<drake_kr> 쇼부를 잘 봐야해요..\n<yemharc> 제가\n<yemharc> 무려\n<yemharc> 4페이지짜리 프레젠테이션(!!)까지 했습니다\n<imsu> yemharc: 내 학생이 아니네 ㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 하지만 답변은 \"그거(svn 등) 사람들 잘 모르자너......\"\n<imsu> 잠시 보류 히히\n<drake_kr> 아오 짜놓고 디버깅 시간도 안 줄거 같은디\n<yemharc> 그럴거 같아서 그냥 하면서 돌립니다 (....)\n<yemharc> 괜히 쉘로 짜고 있는게 아닌거죠\n<yemharc> 쉘로 코어 다 완성해 버리고\n<yemharc> 웹에서는 파라미터만 받아다 처박으려구요 (......)\n<drake_kr> 결정났을때 또 잘못 하신듯\n<suapapa> 사람들이 svn을 잘 모르니까 vcs를 새로 만든다?!\n<drake_kr> 시간에 대한거 이야기를 안 하거나 제대로 하신거죠?\n<drake_kr> 툴 만드는데 한달 걸린다 뭐 이런식으로 하면\n<Alsen> The installation of VMware Tools 8.4.5 build-324285 for Linux completed\n<suapapa> 저라면 github 프라이빗 계정 가격을 올리겠어요.\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 시간에 대한건........ 까놓고 말해 제가 멍청했죠...\n<yemharc> 사실 이야기 들었을 때에는 이정도로 '장황한' 관리툴을 원하는지 몰랐어요\n<yemharc> (이미 대체품(?)이 있는 상황에서 이건 그냥 장황한 뻘짓)\n<Alsen> 예밀, 다음모임때도 오시나요?\n<yemharc> Alsen, 정모는 항상 갈겁니다 :)\n<Alsen> 예밀, 보다 튼튼한 몸을 ë³´ê³  싶네요 ㅋ\n<yemharc> 대신 제 야근이 늘어나지만요 (.....)\n<darkmeow_home> 야근야근열매는 충분한 보급이 이뤄지고 있군요 ㄱ- ...\n<darkmeow_home> Orz\n<Alsen> 요새 홍초를 마시기 시작했는데 제법 괜찮더군요\n<darkmeow_home> yemharc / 넙죽 -ㅠ-\n<darkmeow_home> drake_kr / 부뷔 -ㅅ-\n<Alsen> 물만 하루에 2리터 이상 마시기 힘들었는데 홍초덕에 어느정도 수액밸런스를 찾은듯\n<yemharc> 그러니까 정시퇴근은 그저 도시전설.......................(후우)\n<drake_kr> yemharc :: 이번 상황 같은 경우는 아저씨가 좀 잘못하신듯\n<darkmeow_home> 웬지 물자관리 부서에 클레임좀 걸어야 할듯 -ㅅ- +\n<darkmeow_home> svn을 만들 시간에 mercurial을 배우는게 더 빠릅 ...( 쿨럭! )\n<drake_kr> 그럼 전 술마시러\n<Alsen> 밥말아먹고 왔어요\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 제대로 실수한거죠 ㅠㅠ\n<darkmeow_home> 혹시 -ㅅ- ...\n<darkmeow_home> 그거 결재까지 올라갔다거나 하는건 아니죠?\n<darkmeow_home> ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ\n<darkmeow_home> 구두로 시작해서 구두로 끝난거면\n<Alsen> seony, 아직 금연은 힘든가봐요. 5일까지 참았다가 구매해버렸네요 ㅜㅠ\n<darkmeow_home> 이러이러한것들을 찾아봤더니 이런 배우기 쉬운게 있더라 ...\n<Seony> Alsen: ㅎㅎㅎ 손에 쥐고 해야되요...\n<yemharc> darkmeow_home, 결제까진 아니고 이사 2명과 대표이사가 알고 있군요 (.............................................)\n<darkmeow_home> 그러면 ㄱ- ...\n<Alsen> 예밀, 퇴근안해요?\n<darkmeow_home> 만드는데 드는 시간보다 배우는데 드는 시간이 덜 걸린다고 보고하세요 ㄱ- ..\n<darkmeow_home> 그걸 언제 다 만들고 있습... 쿨럭쿨럭..\n<yemharc> Alsen, 저희 회사는 9:30 출근 6:30 퇴근인데\n<yemharc> ..........................정시퇴근 가능할까요\n<Alsen> 기대하고 희망하는 절거움도 있어야죠\n<yemharc> darkmeow_home, 일단 계정관리 모듈만 완성해 놓고 (이건 어차피 필요하니) 내일 다시 찔러보려구요\n<darkmeow_home> 물론 시간분석은 해야 합니다만 ...\n<yemharc> 솔직히 말해서 버전관리 툴 멀쩡히 있는데 이걸 만들 필요는 없으니까요\n<darkmeow_home> 아니면 그냥 회사돈을 처바르세요 =3 =3\n<yemharc> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<darkmeow_home> 인건비 날리느니 사는게 가장쌈\n<darkmeow_home> =3\n<yemharc> 우리회사 서버 관리하는 사람이 없어서 대박인거에요\n<yemharc> 서버관리자 없음\n<yemharc> 서버 프로그래머 없음\n<yemharc> (.......)\n<yemharc> ........난 뭐지?\n<darkmeow_home> -0- ...\n<darkmeow_home> 그러면 mercurial 권장 -ㅅ-\n<darkmeow_home> 서버 따로 안둬도\n<yemharc> 내년에 연봉 올려달라고 땡깡쳐야겠다\n<darkmeow_home> 개별 클라이언트에서 서버로 맹글어둘 수 있으니까요\n<darkmeow_home> 윈도에서 개발하시는거라면\n<darkmeow_home> tortoiseMg 였나 ㄱ- ...\n<yemharc> darkmeow_home, 모바일 게임 회사 -> 결제 등 데이터와 로그를 받고 처리할 서버가 필요 -> 근데 관리자/프로그래머 없긔...........\n<darkmeow_home> 수은이\n<darkmeow_home> 아 Hg지 ㄱ-0\n<darkmeow_home> ...\n<yemharc> darkmeow_home, cvs hg git svn 다 말해봤습니다 (...)\n<yemharc> 문제는 svn cvs는 알고 나머지는 모르고\n<darkmeow_home> svn아시면\n<darkmeow_home> 뭐 게임끝났군요\n<yemharc> 그나마도 알아들은 사람은 이사1 이사2 대표이사 셋 중 한명.........\n<darkmeow_home> hg랑 svn은 명령도 같아서\n<darkmeow_home> 금방 구축하고 배우는것도 쉽고 ..\n<yemharc> 이사1은 알고 있고 리눅스도 예~엣날에 조금 만져 본 사람인데\n<darkmeow_home> SE과목시간에 프리젠테이션 자료제가 다 준비하고\n<yemharc> 작년에 이 서버(?)를 사서 세팅하다 못해서 포기하고 박아뒀다가\n<darkmeow_home> 발표는 휴먼한테 시켜서 1덩먹었는데 ..\n<yemharc> 저 입사하니 제게 넘어왔 쿨럭쿨럭\n<darkmeow_home> Hg 서버 셋팅 리눅스에다 하는게 생각보다 쉽진 않습니다만\n<darkmeow_home> 필요하시면 참고자료는 드릴 수는 있어요 ㄱ-\n<darkmeow_home> 게다가 우분투 기반이라면 요즘 엔간한 자료는 다 널려있어서 .\n<darkmeow_home> ..\n<darkmeow_home> 아마 우분투,데비안 >>>>>>>>>> 레드햇,아치 >>>>>>>>>>>>> 넘사벽 >>>>>>>> 젠투\n<darkmeow_home> 쯤 되나 (...)\n<darkmeow_home> (먼산)\n<darkmeow_home> (자료양이..)\n<yemharc> darkmeow_home, hg는 모르겠고 git서버는 만들 줄 알아요\n<yemharc> (라기보다 제 개인 회사컴이 git서버........)\n<yemharc> 회사서 친한사람 몇몇에게만 할당한 ㅎㅎ;;\n<Alsen> \"北특수부대원, 南중요시설 90%이상 침투가능\"\n<Alsen> http://news.hankooki.com/lpage/politics/201106/h2011060711363574760.htm\n<darkmeow_home> 그렇다면 이미 git를 쓰고 계신다는 말씀인데 ㄱ- ...\n<darkmeow_home> 그냥 git로 밀고 나가도 되겠근영 ㄱ- ...\n<darkmeow_home> svn이나 cvs마냥 client-server relationship도 아니니까능.\n<darkmeow_home>  ..\n<yemharc> 일단 내일 찔러봐야죠\n<yemharc> 그리고 그거랑 별개로 계정관리 툴은 필요하거든요\n<yemharc> ê·¸ 왜\n<yemharc> 막상 이런거 관리하는 부서쪽 사람들은 컴퓨터 잘 모르잖습니까. 서무작업은 달인급이지만......\n<darkmeow_home>  혹시 모르니까 찔러보기전에 git 같이 쓰는 분들이랑 입은 미치 맞추시는게 -ㅅ- ...\n<darkmeow_home> 미치 => 미리\n<yemharc> darkmeow_home, 회사가 작아서 그럴 필요도 없어요 (......)\n<yemharc> 자리서 일어나면 이사님 자리가 보입니다......\n<yemharc> (상주인원 약 50여명)\n<darkmeow_home> 이잌ㅋㅋ\n<darkmeow_home> 그래도 군대에서 ê·¸ 머냐 ... 머시기더라 ...\n<darkmeow_home> 초소 가는데 길이 질퍽거립니다. 그래서 중대원 전체 다 동원해서 무거운 보도블록 다 깔아버리라고 하는 ...\n<darkmeow_home> 뭐 그런 유사한 일이 안 일어나게 하기 위해서는 ㄱ- ... 필요\n<darkmeow_home> 만약 할줄 아는 사람이 몇 된다 그러면 교육전담인원도 필요할지도 몰라요\n<darkmeow_home> 교육하는 동안에는 일을 못하게 되니까 ... 생산성이 일시적, 상대적으로 떨어지는건 감수해야 ...\n<yemharc> ㅎㅎ\n<Alsen> 듀오 설문 ê²°ê³¼, 여성 2명 중 1명 \"소개팅 자리 할인남은 비호감\"\n<Alsen> http://view.asiae.co.kr/news/view.htm?idxno=2011060709592074329\n<darkmeow_home> 만약 교육하기 귀찮으면 책 몇권 질러다가 알아서 돌려보라고 ... ê·¸ 머시기냐 ... 아실지 모르겠지만\n<darkmeow_home> 인사이트 같은데서 ë³´ë©´ 번역서 잘 나온거 있쟎아요\n<darkmeow_home> git.\n<darkmeow_home> 요즘엔 류광님 같은 거물급 전문번역가분들이 있어서\n<darkmeow_home> 어지간한 번역물은 깔끔하게 잘 나오는 수준이니까 ... 가르치는게 귀찮아서 책으로 던지더라도 부담이 없을듯 ..\n<darkmeow_home> 뭐 내일일은 내일일이니 ㄱ- ... =3\n<Alsen> mms://nvod1.ytn.co.kr/general/mov/2011/0607/201106071728137459_s.wmv\n<Alsen> '아이클라우드'의 심장부는?\n<darkmeow_home> 오늘 새벽에 WWDC2011 생중계를 봤는데\n<darkmeow_home> 잡스 할배 목소리 꼬장꼬장한건 여전하더군요 ㄱ- ...\n<Alsen> 화산폭발 속 번개 몰아쳐 ‘경악’\n<darkmeow_home> 한가지 배운건 ... 애플이 뭔가 단순한걸 진행을 한다고 해도 시스테마틱하게 돌아간다는 인상 ...\n<Alsen> http://www.zdnet.co.kr/news/news_view.asp?artice_id=20110606145611\n<darkmeow_home> http://windows.microsoft.com/en-CA/windows7/products/compare/pc-vs-mac/do-the-math\n<darkmeow_home> -ㅅ-/ 싸워라! =3\n<yemharc> 아 모르겠다\n<Alsen> 아이클라우드를 위해 사용된 하드웨어의 정확한 스펙은 알려지지 않았지만, 서버는 HP의 DL380시리즈로 보인다.\n<yemharc> 퇴근해야지 -3\n<yemharc> 퇴근하고 있다 오겠습니다아 ㅇㅅㅇ/\n<darkmeow_home> 저 화산 폭발속에 번개치는사진 유성우까지 떨어지고 있근영 -ㅠ- 대박..\n<Seony> 담달에 나올 라이언이 무쟈게 기대되는 1인입니다. ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 더군다나 1카피만 사면 모든 맥에 다 설치 가능하다는 장점까지도...\n<Alsen> \"야동 그만\" 한마디에 부인폭행 50대 실형\n<Alsen> http://www.segye.com/Articles/News/Society/Article.asp?aid=20110607004569&ctg1=03&ctg2=&subctg1=03&subctg2=&cid=0101080300000\n<Alsen> 아휴.. 정말 세상에 또라이들 많아서 큰일이네요.\n<Alsen> 가끔은 '혹시 나도 또라이가 아닐까?' 하는 두려움도 생기네요\n<Alsen> 이거원 뉴스를 그만봐야 하는건지 아니면 교육문제인건지.. 에효\n<imsu> Seony: 과제 사이트 지우셨군요 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<Seony> imsu: 안지웠는데\n<imsu> 어 전에 링크 주신거 클릭해봤더니 안뜨던데요 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> csi 였나? ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 친한 분들끼리 반말로 대화하시는 ê±´ 괜찮습니다만 누가 봐도 좋지않은 단어를 사용하는 대화의 경우는\n<imsu> 경고대상입니다. 또한 채널에서 반말 사용은 강퇴 대상입니다.\n<imsu>  \n<imsu> 마지막은 뭐에요? ㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 오랜만에 감상하다가 ㅋㅋ\n<Seony> imsu: 잠시\n<Alsen> 요즘 대학생이나 젊은 층에서 부킹호프에서 술 마시면서 즉석만남을 하는 게 유행\n<imsu> Seony: 전에 주신 사이트가 http://seowonjung.com/csci3301/index.php 이거였던거 같은데 ㅎㅎ 노트장에다가 복사해 놨나봐요 히히\n<imsu> Alsen: 저도 가봤어요 별 재미는 없었지만 ㅎㅎ\n<Alsen> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<Alsen> 비추입니다.\n<imsu> 민증검사하더군요 ㅎㅎ\n<Alsen> 그냥 헌팅하세요\n<Seony> imsu: ㅇㅇ 잠시만 기다려봐\n<imsu> Alsen: 후배들이 가보자고 해서 가봤는데 별루 였어요 귀만 아프고; ㅠ.ㅠ; 시끄러운거 딱 질색인데 ㅎㅎ\n<Alsen> 강남역에는 '맛수다'라는 곳이 있죠 ㅋ\n<imsu> 제가 간곳은 거기 아니였는데;; 이름이 생각 안나네요 ;;\n<Alsen> 영화 프리스트 봤는데 그냥 액션이네요 ㅎ\n<Alsen> 이번 6월의 대작은 트랜스포머일까나요? ㅋ\n<imsu> 트랜스 포머 나오나요? ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 그나저나 오늘 축구 몇시에 하죠? ㅎㅎ\n<Alsen> Seony, 트랜스포머 미쿡에 개봉했나요?\n<Seony> Alsen: 29일 개봉요\n<Alsen> 오호~! 동시개봉인가보네요 ㅎ\n<Alsen> 한국대 가나는 20시에 열립니다\n<Alsen> 한 8시 20분쯤에 티비보면 되겠네요 ㅎ\n<imsu> 아 20시;; ㅠ.ㅠ;; 수업이네 ㅠ.ㅠ;;;\n<imsu> 우헐헐;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\n<imsu> 인터넷 방송 안하나요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<Alsen> 대학원생이세요? 왜 맨날 저녁에만 수업이 있으신지 ㅋ\n<Alsen> 보통 대학생은 6시면 모든 수업 종료 아닌가요?\n<Alsen> 네이버스포츠에서 문자중계같은거 할듯요\n<Seony> imsu: http://seowonjung.com/csci3301/index.php\n<Alsen> 억!\n<Alsen> 시고니위버!\n<Alsen> 에일리언 시리즈 다 갖고 있는데 ㅎ\n<Alsen> 우분투채널에 준수규범이 여기있었군요 ㅎ\n<Seony> imsu\n<darkmeow_home> 20시 수업이면 ... 야간대학 아니면 학원수업일듯 (...)\n<darkmeow_home> 20시가 되면 ... 대학원은 세미나를 하든지 아니면 연구실에 처박혀 있을 시간이죠 ... 챱챱거리면서 -ㅠ- ...\n<Alsen> 자자, 아무것도 걸진 않았지만, 그래도 해보자! 경기 시작되었습니다.\n<Alsen> 한국 대 가나 어느팀이 이길지 한번 가늠들해보세요\n<Alsen> 전 0:1로 가나의 승리가 점쳐지네요 ㅎ\n<Alsen> 전 씻고 경기보러 가야겠어요 ㅎ\n<Alsen> 모두들 해피데이~!!\n<Alsen> 뿅!\n<imsu> Seony: 오 나오네요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 수업 중이라서 ㅋㅋ\n<Seony> imsu: 쿼리\n<Ponics_OTL> 훔...\n<grr> ni hao\n<hacking_u> ....안녕하세요!\n<hacking_u> 살아 계신가요 여러분??\n<grr> 안녕하세요\n<darkmeow_home> grr / 갸르릉 -ㅠ-\n<darkmeow_home>  =3\n<hacking_u> ....;\n<hacking_u> 저 방금 엄청난( 사실은 그닥... ) 문제에 봉착했습니다.\n<hacking_u> alt+f4를 누르면 바로 tty4로 넘어가요 -_-\n<hacking_u> 알고보니 kbd패키지를 지우면서 설치된 console-tools 때문\n<hacking_u> 그래서 root에서\n<hacking_u> kbd_mode -k 를 해주어야 했습니다 -_-\n<imsu> drake_kr, 축구 어찌 되었습니꺼? ㅎㅎㅎ\n<grr> 안녕하세요\n<grr>  /_\\;\n<grr> 우리나라 축구 이겼대요\n<grr> 축구이겼답니다 /_\\\n<imsu> grr, 아 그래요? ㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 오~~\n<imsu> 좀전까지 듣기론 비긴걸로 알고 있는데 ㅎㅎ\n<grr> 2:1로 이겼대요\n<grr> 자철이형이 더 넣은듯..?!\n<imsu> grr, 오호 ~~ 감사합니다 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 구자철이요?\n<grr> xie xie\n<grr> ㅇㅅㅇ\n<imsu> 역시 구씨가 대세 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<grr> 네\n<imsu> 큭큭\n<grr> 종료직전에 꼴넣었나보네요\n<imsu> 아하 하이라이트 봐야지 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu_xp> ..\n<imsu_xp> 보이나;\n<imsu> 보인다 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 헉;;\n<imsu> 윈도우 이맥스로 접속해 봤더니 인코딩 문제인가봐요 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<imsu_xp> 이제 보인다 히히\n<grr> 헉\n<grr> 무려 이멕스를 쓰시는분이시다..\n<grr> 처음 실행하면 모르는 사람은 종료도 못한다는 이멕스...\n<imsu_xp> 무려 라니요 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 전 ;; irc 접속 이외에는 아무것도 몰라요 ㅋㅋ\n<grr> (....)\n<imsu_xp> 어라 진짠데 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<grr> T_T\n<grr> irc 터미널에서 쓰니까 옛 생각나고 좋네요\n<imsu_xp> grr: 오 터미널인가요? ㅎㅎㅎ 굿굿 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu_xp> lyuso: 오랜만이에용 히히\n<lyuso> 안녕하세요. =) 잘 지내셨나요?\n<imsu_xp> 넹 ㅎㅎ\n<lyuso> 휴우..\n<sylar> 안뇽하세요\n<imsu_xp> sylar: 안녕하세요\n<lyuso> sylar, 안녕하세요. =)\n<ndsin> 하아 ㅡㅡ\n<ndsin> 귀농의 희망이여...\n<hacking_u> ?!\n<hacking_u> ndsin, 귀농이라뇨\n<hacking_u> sylar, 안녕하세요\n<ndsin> 방가방가\n<ndsin> 그냥... 살다보니까 아직 젊은데 귀농하는게 더 나은 대안이 될 수도 있겠다 싶어서...\n<lyuso> 귀농 좋아요\n<lyuso> 지금은 아니지만, 몇년 전까진 생각보다 좋았죠.\n<ndsin> 흠\n<ndsin> 생각보다?\n<ndsin> 지그믕ㄴ 아니지만?\n<ndsin> 지금은 아니지만?\n<ndsin> 무슨 의미인가요?\n<lyuso> 귀농해서 먹고 살 수만 있는가 vs 귀농해서 나름 성공할 수 있는가\n<ndsin> 후자를 노려야겠죠\n<lyuso> 예전엔 굳이 특성화 작물이다 뭐다 안해도, 나름 내수가 잘돌았는데\n<lyuso> 지금은 빠싹 노리고 하나만 파지 않는이상은 안팔리죠. 대륙산에 비해 경쟁력이 있어야하는데.\n<ndsin> 음\n<lyuso> (저 예로, 어디 수경제배 전문 농가가 성공사례가 있음)\n<ndsin> 특용작물의 경우 초기 자본이 꽤 드는 편인데\n<ndsin> 흠\n<lyuso> 네. 그래서 지금은 미리 준비 안하면 귀농해서 딱 먹고살만큼.....\n<Ponics_OTL> 헉.. 전국구 주유소옹 ...\n<Ponics_OTL> ㅎㄷㄷㄷ\n<lyuso> 왜그러세요 초고수 포닉스옹?\n<ndsin> 정말 진지하게\n<Ponics_OTL> 전국구 주유소옹 / 유사 휘발유가 지금 주유소로 제공 되고 있다는 첩보가... 따라서.. 지금 기름값에 품질은 유사 휘발유... 그걸 눈감아 주는 우리 가카~! 만쉐~!\n<Ponics_OTL> 주유소 몰아주기~!\n<ndsin> 농사로 성공할 수 있는 확신과 여건만 된다면\n<ndsin> 귀농도 나쁘지 않을듯\n<lyuso> 주유소 최종마진이 얼마인진 아실꺼라 생각합니다. =ㄱ=\n<lyuso> 귀농 나쁘진 않죠. 준비 잘해서 잘 파고들면, 시장을 거의 움켜쥐기도 하니까요. (세싹채소류에 ê·¸ 예가 있음)\n<ndsin> 밭떼기 전국구 농사 짓는 일례를 들어봤었는데\n<Ponics_OTL> 주유소에서 유사 휘발유 35억 팔고... 벌금으로 3천5백만원 내면... 머 나쁘지 않은 계산임..\n<lyuso> 그런데, 정유회사에서 처리할 때 그거 증류과정 공정바꾼다고 해봐야 옥탄가나 수분함량조절까지는 몰라도, 아예 성분구조를 바꾸기엔 설비에 무리가 가지 않을까요.\n<Ponics_OTL> 솔직히 유사 휘발유가 가솔린 엔진에 안좋다는 ê±´ 다 개구라임...\n<lyuso> 뭐, 휘발류같은 경우는 사슬구조 변환을 하는 경우도 있지만, 이런 공정 뺀다고 휘발유가 휘발유가 아닌것도 아닌거같고..\n<lyuso> 예전에 세녹스 같은 ê±° 생각해보면, 오히려 더 나았죠.\n<Ponics_OTL> 유사 휘발유 에도 휘발유가 함유됨... 단지... 메탄올과 신나가 많은양 포함 될뿐.. 휘발유와 별 차이 없심..\n<lyuso> 것보다, 대다수 엔진 자체가 저질휘발유에 맞게 셋팅이 되어있으니까요.\n<Ponics_OTL> 정확히는 옥탄임..\n<lyuso> 넵.\n<lyuso> BD 100 연료나 때려부을 수 있는 엔진이나 만들어보면 좋을텐데 말이죠.\n<Ponics_OTL> 옥탄 + 물 을 함유하면 엔진 폭팔력은 좋아지면서 소음이 줄어듬...\n<lyuso> 분배계수는 잘 셋팅해야겠죠......\n<Ponics_OTL> 그래서 저런걸 많이 쓰면 엔진에 끄름 즉.. 때가 낌...\n<Ponics_OTL> 불쓰 원샷 의 주성분이 신나임\n<lyuso> 엔진 플러싱이라도 해야죠.....\n<lyuso> 아니면, 그냥 리빌트.....\n<Ponics_OTL> 불스 원샨을 넣어 주면 신나가 폭팔하면서 엔진 때를 배기구로 배출시키는 것임..\n<lyuso> ..... 리빌트는 너무했나....\n<lyuso> 그러고보니까, 당진 화력발전소가 새로 생기나봐요...... 최대 출력 2GW 로 설계된다네요.\n<Ponics_OTL> 아무튼 유사 휘발류에 세금을 부과할 수 없어서... 정부에서는 유사 휘발유를 넣으면 차가 망가진다고 구라치는 것임...\n<lyuso> 윙켈 엔진에서도 잘 돌아가겠죠.... 노킹없이....\n<lyuso> 노킹이 가장 무서운데.\n<Ponics_OTL> 차라리 유사 휘발유 인정하고... 세금을 때리면 될것을... 짱깨들은 세녹스 인정하고 세금 때리고 있심..\n<ndsin> 세계적으로 유사 휘발유 인정한 나라들이 많나요?\n<lyuso> 그런데, 중국은 뭔가... 뽑기가 중요해서,......\n<grr> 짱깨들은 연금술사라서...\n<Ponics_OTL> 지금 짱깨가 급속한 경기 성장률로 인해서... 석유제품 소비가 급속하게 올라가고 있심..\n<Ponics_OTL> 따라서... 지금 LNG 도 겁나 사제기 하고 있심..\n<Ponics_OTL> 조만간 짱깨에 LPG통 매단 차가 거리를 활보 할것임...\n<lyuso> 네에....\n<Ponics_OTL> 짱깨의 LNG 사제기로 인해서 올해 겨울에는 겁나 추울듯...\n<grr> 아 전에 보니까.. 중국에 비닐 큰거에 가스 매달고\n<grr> 자전거로 배달 다니던대...\n<grr> 사진 봤었어요 ;\n<lyuso> 그런데, 중국이 러시아에서 가스를 사오던가요\n<Ponics_OTL> 올 겨울에 가정용 난방 가ìŠ��인 LNG 값 오를듯...\n<ndsin> 잉? 올 겨울에도 올랐는데\n<ndsin> 겨울되면 또 오르는건가요 ㅜㅜ\n<ndsin> 1년에 두번 올리는 나아뿐 ㅜㅜ\n<lyuso> 그거 오르는 주기가....... 딱히 정해진 느낌은 아닌지라.....\n<lyuso> 그런데, 선거 지나고 오르는 ê±´ 진리인지도......\n<ndsin> 정해진건 아니긴 한데 너무 자주 올리면 ㅜㅜ\n<lyuso> 제가 지금 ê·¸ wf같은 발전기 가지고 지금도 집 돌리고 있어요\n<lyuso> (전기 끊어짐)\n<lyuso> 가스도, 저희집이 보통 메디컬이랑 LPG 랑 해서 사는데,\n<lyuso> LPG 를 120Kg 리던던트 하는데 너무 올랐음.\n<lyuso> 아. 알곤도 모자란데.\n<Ponics_OTL> 선거는 내년 가을에 총선이.. 올해는 없는걸로...\n<Ponics_OTL> 2012년 총선임... 가을에..\n<lyuso> 내년까진 계속 올라가겠네요\n<Ponics_OTL> 내년 겨울이면 우리 가카 청기와집에서 나와야 함...\n<lyuso> 나올 수 있으면 좋고, 왠지 조작도 할것같고......\n<minsik> 질문있습니다. 우분투 네티에서 유니티 독바에서 한글로 검색을 하지 못하는 것은 11.10이나 LTS에서 해결될 계획이 있는 건가요?\n<lyuso> 그건 저도 모르겠네요. launchpad 에서 건의를 해보는 ê±´ 어떨까요?\n<minsik> 네,,,, 그러는 게 좋을 것 같아요;;; 프로그램은 한글인데 검색은 한글이 안 되니 검색 자체가 불가능하네요;;;\n<minsik> lyuso: Ubuntu brainstorm 아이디 있으시면 건의 좀 해주세요... 아이디가 없어서;;\n<hacking_u> 제가 넥서스원에 삽질을 하고 있는 사이에 귀농에 관한 토론이 휙 지나갔네요...\n<hacking_u> unity dash 한글 문제는 아주 심각한 것 같습니다;\n<Alsen> 새우 머리에 손이 베였네.. ㅜㅠ\n<Alsen> 한국 대 가나 전 우리나라의 승리입니다.\n<Alsen> 2:1\n<Alsen> 가장 인상깊은건 구자철의 골이 아닌 정성룡의 페널티 선방 장면!\n<hacking_u> !!\n<hacking_u> 저는 안 ë³´ê³  있어서 잘 몰랐는데 이겼군요\n<hacking_u> 여튼.... Dash 문제는 이미 보고된 상황이네요\n<hacking_u> lyuso, [dash] Search field in Unity can not support iBus\n<hacking_u> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/language-selector/+bug/663776\n<lyuso> 이미 이슈가 있었네요\n<lyuso> 해결은 된 느낌이고.....\n<hacking_u> 마지막 부분을 보시면 해결이 안된 듯\n<hacking_u> 페이지 end\n<hacking_u> 에 ë³´ë©´ 뭔가 앞뒤가 딱딱 안 맞는 중으로 보입니다\n<lyuso> 네에....\n<hacking_u> ibus 설계 자체의 문제도 있는 듯.\n<hacking_u> 아닌가요;;;;;;;;;\n<Alsen> 질문, 우분투 원 계정 생성할때 왜 메일계정이 필요하죠??\n<lyuso> 매칭이 안된다는 말이면,\n<hacking_u> Alsen, 트위터와 비슷한 상황. 본인 인증 목적이겟죠\n<lyuso> 안되는 쪽에서 맞추는 방법이 있거나\n<hacking_u> 겟>ê² \n<lyuso> 둘다 갈아엎거나 둘중에 하나인데\n<lyuso> 어떻게든 되겠죠,.\n<hacking_u> ibus가 갈아 엎어질듯....\n<hacking_u> 한 느낌이네요\n<lyuso> 네에....\n<hacking_u> Alsen, 외국은 웬만한 계정들은 다 이메일로 인증하지요\n<lyuso> os x Lion 이 나왔네요\n<Alsen> 아.. 귀찮아 지는데\n<Alsen> 비밀번호에 대문자 1개 숫자 1개가 ê¼­ 들어가야 한다는군요\n<Alsen> 추천좀 해주세요 비밀번호 ㅋ\n<lyuso> 특문 넣는곳도 있어요\n<Alsen> 특문은 예전 옥션이 그랬죠\n<Alsen> 한번 털리고 나서 ㅋ\n<lyuso> KLDP 는 지금도 넣구요.\n<Alsen> 그때도 제 개인정보 털렸는데 어찌되었는지.. ;;\n<Alsen> 아 뭐라고 써넣지;;\n<hacking_u> Alsen, 저라면 자주 쓰는 말에 !를 붙여서 끝냄\n<hacking_u> lyuso, OS X Lion 아직 정발 아니지 않나요\n<Alsen> 펙토리얼은 싫어요 ㅋ]\n<Alsen> 아직 정발 아니예요\n<hacking_u> 걍 발표\n<hacking_u> 맞죠 아마?\n<lyuso> 네\n<lyuso> 대신,\n<lyuso> iOS 5 는 이미 나왔는데\n<hacking_u> 거기에 Touch Screen 에 최적화 된 Interface가 들어간다는 풍문이...\n<lyuso> 버그덩어리 in iPhone4\n<hacking_u> iOS5는 나왔나요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 버그라닠ㅋㅋ 애플잌ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<hacking_u> 애플이 버그덩어리라닠ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<hacking_u> 엄청난 사건이네요\n<hacking_u> 애플 까이겠군요\n<lyuso> 조만간에 fix 되겠죠\n<lyuso> 아직은 기다려 봐야겠죠? 처음부터 잘나올 순 없는걸요\n<hacking_u> 애플은 나오자 마자 완벽한걸 추구합니다(물론 잡스에 의해서)\n<hacking_u> 잡스가 버그 발견하면 아마 직원들 엄청 구박할텐데요\n<lyuso> 그래도, 한계는 있기 마련이잖아요. 윈도우도 그렇고, 아까처럼 우분투도\n<hacking_u> 아니 이미 구박...\n<lyuso> 완전하겐 안되는걸요\n<lyuso> 그리고 이미 구박당하는중.\n<hacking_u> 우분투는 경우가 다르죠 뭐.... 윈도우즈는 포기고요\n<hacking_u> 애플은.... 스티브잡스가 OK할때까지 죽어라 뜯어고친다고\n<hacking_u> 그리고 일단 컨셉을 짜면 그걸 구현하기 위해 기술을 만든다는, 역순의 개발\n<lyuso> 네.\n<hacking_u> 일반적으로는 나오는 기술을 접목하여 새로운 제품\n<hacking_u> 애플은 역순 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<lyuso> 그래서 동글동글한 파워맥이 나오고\n<ripple> 윈도우키랑 W 또는 E 누르니깐 화면 또는 창이 휙휙 늘어따 줄어따 재주부리는데.. 이거이 컴피즈란거입니까?\n<Alsen> 오 우분투 원 2기가 제공하는군요\n<hacking_u> ripple, 컴피즈의 기능이 맞습니다\n<hacking_u> Alsen, 사실 드랍박스가 더 좋은 듯 ㅜㅜ\n<hacking_u> lyuso, 예전에 호빵맥 ì°¸ 인상적이었....\n<Alsen> 근데 서버가 외쿡이라 느릴듯\n<Alsen> 클라우드 종류는 다 써보네요\n<hacking_u> 아마존 클라우드는 어떻던가요\n<hacking_u> 안써봐서...\n<Alsen> 네이버 30기가 다음 50기가 드랍박스 2.6기가 우분투 원 2기가\n<Alsen> 이거 통합해주는 프로그램 나와도 괜춘할듯\n<Alsen> 유플러스도 클라우드 있었는데\n<Alsen> 엘지 유플러스는 얼마나 제공해주려나\n<hacking_u> 올레도 클라우드\n<Alsen> 스맛폰으로는 영화도 본다던데\n<hacking_u> 올레클라우드 KT고객 20G\n<hacking_u> 근데 호환성 0%\n<lyuso> 호빵 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<hacking_u> 맛폰으로 영화보는건 뭐... 대체로 개인용 클라우드가 아니라 스트리밍...\n<Alsen> 엔드라이브 랑 다음클라우드만 사용해도 80기가..\n<Alsen> 단순 그림+문서라면 충분한 공간이네요\n<lyuso> 올레 클라우드 50GB 인데\n<hacking_u> 올레까지 하면 100GB\n<Alsen> 외쿡 서버에는 대외비 문서자료를 올릴 수가 없으니까\n<hacking_u> 50인가요?\n<lyuso> 호환성 0% 공감하구요\n<Ponics_OTL> 개인용 클라우드 이건 아니건... 슴하트폰으로 영화보기는 로컬 메모리에 저장하기 전까지는 최선의 방식은 스트리밍임..\n<lyuso> 그런데, 스트리밍 한번 하면 3G 셀 초토화되니까요\n<Alsen> 외쿡서버는 국가적으로 검열할 수 있는 자격이 있다네요.. 그래서 맘대로 열어본다능\n<hacking_u> 스트...리...ㅁ......잉 이렇게 끊기면 슬퍼요\n<lyuso> 하루 70MB 이상 쓰면 속도제한!\n<hacking_u> 3G 셀 초토화는 이미 -ing\n<hacking_u> wifi 핫스팟도 이미 초토화ing\n<Alsen> 다음 클라우드 엔드라이브 많이 닮았네요\n<ripple> 트래픽을 줄이기위해선 역시.. USB메모리를 오토바이퀵으루다..\n<lyuso> 음성통화만 WCDMA 로 넘기고, 데이터는 다른 망으로 했어야했어요\n<lyuso> CDMA 가 그렇게 데이터 많이쓰라고 만든 기술이 아니니...\n<drake_kr> 흠\n<bundo> 좀\n<drake_kr> 어\n<bundo> 무 안나오네 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> bundo :: 무슨 요일에 가나요 짱개집\n<lyuso> 드럼스캐너!!!\n<bundo> 누군 제주가고 누군  집에서 요리하고 쩝\n<drake_kr> 캔슬인가요?\n<bundo> 나 이번주 가긴 감\n<drake_kr> 하루전엔 말씀해주세요\n<bundo> 근데 같이 점심한 사람 들 우분투 시디 포장 해야 할듯 쩝\n<bundo> 라바비 가능\n<bundo> 알바\n<bundo> 시간당 5410원 /\n<bundo> 시간당 5410원 ?\n<Ponics_OTL> 분도님 / 헉... 알바..\n<grr> 쌔다\n<drake_kr> 짱개로 노역이라니\n<Ponics_OTL> 분도님 / 알바 알바...\n<lyuso> 오오\n<bundo> 점심 제공 & 알바비\n<Ponics_OTL> 분도님 / 시디 포장 인가효 ? 오... 쩝니다..\n<bundo> 나 그리 악덕 업주 아니에유\n<lyuso> 시디 포장 나름 노하우 있어야하지 싶은데 말이죠\n<drake_kr> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<Ponics_OTL> 분도님 / 꽃무늬 프린팅 된 포장지 인가효 ?\n<lyuso> (CD 포장보다, CD 인쇄를 많이하는 편이지만, =_=)\n<bundo> 라벨 가능자 시간당 5500원 가능 ㅎㅎ\n<Alsen> 오 다음클라우드 스마트업로더 설치 후에 업로드 속도 제법 나오네요 ㅎ\n<drake_kr> 역시 초천재 Ponics님은 포장지를 보시는 안목도 다르십니다\n<Alsen> 업로드 1메가면 만족합니다. ㅋ\n<Ponics_OTL> drake_kr: / ㅡ,.ㅡV\n<Ponics_OTL> bundo: / 언제 어디서 어떻게 하는 건가효 ?\n<bundo> 시디 작업을 다움 주 해야 겠습니다.\n<Ponics_OTL> bundo: / 토요일도 가능 하온지효 ?\n<bundo> 시간나는 분들 참여 바랍니다.\n<lyuso> 꽃무늬 나염인가요? 아니면 은염?\n<bundo> 쩝 토 요일 ~~\n<Alsen> 대장님, 시디 배포 이번달 모임에서 해주시나요? 아님 저번에 이야기대로 장당 1천원인가요?\n<lyuso> 한번 할려면 견적 쎄게나오던데......(피니슁 기계 이용료도 있고)\n<bundo> 시디 배포 배송 우리가 합니다.\n<hacking_u> lyuso, CDMA 지못미....\n<hacking_u> bundo, 다음 주 말고 다다음 주라면 제가 갈텐데요\n<bundo> 잠시 동네 25시좀 슈승~~\n<Alsen> 가까운곳에서 작업하시면 제가 도와드릴게요\n<lyuso> 전 어차피 대구에 발 묶인 사람일 뿐....\n<drake_kr> 아오 고담 대구라니..\n<lyuso> 맞아요 고담 대구죠.\n<hacking_u> lyuso, 코분투 홍보 동영상 제작이라든가...\n<drake_kr> (미리 말씀드리지만 전 대구쪽 기업들에 대해서 안좋은 선입견이 있습니다)\n<hacking_u> 고담시는 습해요\n<lyuso> 괜찮아요. 그런 이유, 대구 사람으로서 잘 알고있고\n<hacking_u> 그러므로 대구는 담고\n<lyuso> 그런 대접을 왜 받아야 하는지 알고 있기 땜누에\n<lyuso> 때문에\n<lyuso> 이거도 책임이죠.\n<Alsen> 드레끼님 음주는 잘 하고 오셨나요?\n<lyuso> 뭐 여튼, 코분투 홍보 동영상이라......\n<Alsen> 저도 오늘 축구보면서 흑맥주좀 마셨다지요 ㅎ\n<drake_kr> 네 뭐 소주 4병 나눠 마시고 왔어요\n<ripple> 어? 류소님 거제도 안가구 대구에 있어욤?\n<hacking_u> (대화가 교차 난무하기 시작...)\n<drake_kr> 아오 속쓰려\n<drake_kr> 어제도 imsu랑 한잔했는데\n<lyuso> 제가 거제도 갈 일이 있었나요\n<drake_kr> 군대후임이 찾아와서\n<hacking_u> lyuso, 거제도 갈 일 있어요\n<hacking_u> ?\n<lyuso> 출장은 있었는데\n<lyuso> 거기 눌러있진 않아요\n<hacking_u> 웬 출장;\n<hacking_u> 회사에서?\n<lyuso> 아니요. =_=\n<lyuso> 그나저나,\n<lyuso> 코분투 홍보라....\n<cheayuncho> 저기..\n<lyuso> 집에 하드웨어 DVI 캡춰 장비가 있던가...\n<Alsen> 무비메이커로 좀 만들어 드릴까요? 1분짜리로?\n<cheayuncho> 우분투서버에서 APM을 셋업하고 슬슬보는데 없는링크일때 index of뜨는거 아파치에서 어떻게 설정해야될까요\n<cheayuncho> 포럼글에있는대로 해도 안되네요...\n<lyuso> 동영상 캡처가 문제죠. 소스가 문제란.......\n<lyuso> 작업이야 Adobe AE 나 기타 특성화 프로그램으로 하면 되는데,\n<lyuso> 아 펜티엄 4의 비애\n<Alsen> 캡처?\n<Alsen> 뭐 따로 할게 있나요??\n<lyuso> UI 를 소개하는 가장 쉬운 방법은\n<kbundo> 한강서 벙개할 때가 됐어요\n<lyuso> 실제로 돌아가는 장��©´ì„ 보여드리는겁니다.\n<kbundo> 히히\n<Alsen> 2 GB of storage capacity to sync files, contacts, bookmarks and notes between your computer and your personal cloud\n<Alsen> 싱크니까 알아서 북마크 저장해준다는 거겠죠?\n<lyuso> 개인적으로, 저런 동기화의 경우, 최신 내역으로 변경을 하는 걸 안좋아합니다.\n<lyuso> 최신 내역 변경보단, 최신 내역을 업데이트하되, 기존 내역 보존이랄까요\n<kbundo> 먼 싱크를 사나이는 상크로 하는거 아님\n<Alsen> 2기가의 저장용량으로 동기하는 파일, 컨텍츠, 북마크 그리고 메모 등을 수용해준다. 너의 컴그리고 너의 개인 공간 모두에\n<Ponics_OTL> kbundo: / 훔....\n<lyuso> 사나이는 싱크로를 안한다. -> 부하보상을 위해 발전기 한전라인이랑 싱크로 안하고 투입 -> ?!\n<kbundo> 싱크로나이즈드 이야기에유\n<lyuso> 생각이 늘 저쪽으로만 가요\n<Alsen> Web access to all of your synced content including view, upload, download and share\n<kbundo> 로쏘 동생이 확실히 이야기 했으이 끝난거임\n<Alsen> 웹 접속해서 싱크된 너의 모든 것을 보거나 업로드 하거나 다운로드 하고 공유할 수 있다\n<kbundo> 룰루\n<kbundo> 허걱.\n<Alsen> 대장님, 시디포장 토요일 어디서 몇시에 하실계획이세요?\n<Alsen> 가까운 곳이면 도우러 갈게요\n<kbundo> 우선 받을 사람이 모여야죠\n<Alsen> 뭐 시디라고 특별한게 없는이상 받아도 그만 안받아도 그만;;\n<kbundo> 네 감사해요\n<Alsen> ;;;;\n<Alsen> 상암동에서 하실거예요? 포장??\n<kbundo>  cd 받으사람을 신청받을거에요\n<Alsen> 장당 천원? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<kbundo> 무료\n<Alsen> 오!\n<Ponics_OTL> kbundo: / 포장은 어디서 하실런지효 ? 숭의동인 가효 ?\n<kbundo> 배송도 무료\n<Alsen> 오오!!\n<lyuso> 운영체제 DISK 가 저렇게 싼 곳은 우분투 뿐입니다.\n<Alsen> 포장봉사도 무료!!\n<kbundo> 에휴 집에 가야지\n<lyuso> (맞나?)\n<ndsin> 공짜는 싼게 아니죠\n<ndsin> 공짜...\n<Alsen> 엔신, 공짜 ->무료\n<ndsin> 무료\n<Alsen> ㅎㅎ\n<ndsin> free\n<Alsen> Cloud-integrated music store. Purchase songs by the most popular artists and have them delivered directly to your personal cloud and synced to your computers\n<lyuso> 자유\n<twinsenx> um? 공짜였어요? 10장에 20파운드였지 싶었는디;\n<Alsen> 음악가게 가서 구입한 음악들 싱크시켜준다\n<Alsen> 기부금은 받으시겠죠 ㅎㅎ\n<lyuso> studioego 님은 나한테 그만 이빨을 드리밀면 좋을 것 같은데.\n<Alsen> 찬조금\n<lyuso> 이유야 있겠지만....\n<Alsen> 우분투 원 모바일은 비용이 들어가는군요\n<Alsen> 쳇\n<Alsen> 치사빤쓰 똥빤쓰임\n<bundo> 아 역시 키보드가 짱입니다.\n<bundo> 안드로이드 안습이죠\n<Ponics_OTL> bundo: / 흠냐....\n<bundo> 시디를 배송하고자 하는데\n<Ponics_OTL> bundo: / 발목을 접질러서.. 발이 지금 퉁퉁 부어 있사옵니다.. ㅠ,.ㅠ;;;\n<bundo> 나혼자 어찌 싸겠습니까? 그래서 알바 모아하려고요 ㅎㅎ\n<bundo>  Ponics_OTL 싱크로나이즈 하세요 균형감감에 좋습니더\n<Ponics_OTL> bundo: / 지금은 애자 모드 이옵니다...\n<Ponics_OTL> bundo: / 오늘 한의원에서 침 맞았는데.. 일주일은 고생 한다고 하옵니다.. ㅠ,.ㅠ;; 그래서 내일 병원에 근육통증 완화 주사를 맞을 예정이옵니다.. ㅠ,.ㅠ;;\n<Alsen> 포닉스님, 무통주사;;; 비쌀텐데;;\n<Ponics_OTL> 지금 발등 전체가 시퍼렁덩덩 하옵니다..\n<Ponics_OTL> 조금만 만져도 아프다는...\n<Alsen> 어쩌시다가;;\n<Ponics_OTL> 바닥이 고르지 못한곳에 체중이 잘못 실리면서.. 발목이 비끗함에 동시에..\n<Ponics_OTL> 체중이 온통 발등으로 몰렸사옵니다..\n<Alsen> 에효..\n<Alsen> 헛딛으셨다는 거네요\n<bundo> Ponics_OTL 제가 침좀 놓는데..\n<Ponics_OTL> 네.. 전문용어로는 헛딛었다고 하옵니다..\n<bundo> 철학과 출신 이라 ~~\n<Ponics_OTL> bundo: / 헉... 침.. 철학.... ㅎㄷㄷㄷ\n<bundo> 뒛뒛 아직 침 많습니다.\n<bundo> 점 관상 다 가능\n<Alsen> 전 돌팔이(자격증없는)이지만 한의학에 쬐금 알고 있습니다.\n<Ponics_OTL> bundo: / 쩔뚝 거리면서 댕기니.. 다들.. 애자로 봄.. ㅠ,.ㅠ;;;\n<Alsen> 저도 관상 손금 같은건 조금 해요\n<drake_kr> dia 쓰시는분 계신가요?\n<Alsen> 주역을 배워서\n<bundo> drake_kr 저요 어쩌다 (일년에 한번)\n<Alsen> 미드나잇 커맨드 사용하시는 분 계신가요?\n<bundo> 저요\n<Alsen> 역시 대장님은 다 쓰시네요\n<bundo> 저요 = MC  주 번역자 입니다.\n<laggard> 가나전 하이라이트를 보려고 하는데  흰화면(?)만 나오는데 플래시를 다시 깔아야 할까요?\n<bundo> Alsen\n<bundo> 저요 = MC  주 번역자 입니다.\n<laggard> http://sports.media.daum.net/soccer/tv/highlight/gallery/0607koreasoccer/index.html?cateid=1172&newsid=20110607202436695&p=daumsports&t__nil_news=uptxt&nil_id=8\n<Alsen> MC 주 번역이 뭐죠?\n<popeye92> bundo: 오랜만에 인사드립니다. 새 회사에서\u001c 적응하느라 irc출입이 뜸했습니다.\n<bundo> 한국어 번역자 에요 근데 요즘 안올리고 있어요 ㅎㅎ\n<bundo> 우분투 용만 하는데\n<Alsen> 아..\n<bundo> 아니 코분투 용만\n<drake_kr> bundo :: 프로그래머 시작한다는 친구들한테 추천을 해주고 싶고, 관련 자료를 참고하고 싶은데.. 순서도 관련하여 참고할만한 사이트가 있을까요?\n<Alsen> MC를 단순 MC로 봤어요 ㅎ\n<bundo> 줄여 MC 죠\n<hacking_u> Midnight Commander\n<hacking_u> 굿타이밍 ㅋ\n<bundo> 굿\n<grr> dia가 UML도 되는지는 처음 알았네요...\n<Alsen> MC 조금 한글 수정이 필요할 듯\n<Alsen> 제꺼에는 미드나잇 코맨더 라고 나오네요\n<Alsen> 코맨더 보다는 커맨더가 익숙해서;;\n<bundo> Alsen 흥 번역 파일이 우분투에 안온거고요 제꺼 드려봐요\n<hacking_u> 미드나잇 커맨더r\n<Alsen> 전 우분투 배포본을 사용해 왔었지만 대장님의 한글판을 맘에 들어 2010부터는 대장님의 cobuntu를 사용한다지요\n<Alsen> 다만 x.10버전만 사용\n<hacking_u> 아니 영국식 발음으로는 R은 텅잉.... 이니 정확\n<Alsen> 04버전은 불안해서;;\n<hacking_u> 커맨더\n<bundo> hacking_u  대동 강씨 족보에 몇페이지에 나오는지 알아 오세요\n<Alsen> 대장님, 이 파일 어디에 집어넣죠?\n<hacking_u> bundo, ??? 무슨 말씀 ㄷ\n<lyuso> .......\n<bundo>  Alsen   /usr/share/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES\n<Alsen> 고맙습니다 :)\n<bundo> hacking_u  강씨 대동 족보 몇권 몇페이지인지 알면 좋찮아요\n<bundo> 난 지금 기억이안나 네 쩝\n<hacking_u> 대동보에 제가 나오는지도 모르겠네요;;;\n<bundo> 진주 강씨 족보 통일했음\n<bundo> 4개 파 다 통일 하고\n<hacking_u> 대동보는 큰 가지만 있지 않던가요 ㅇㅅㅇ;;;;\n<bundo> 대동 족보 만들었거든요\n<bundo> 노유\n<hacking_u> 이번에 아버지가 아마 사시긴 했어요\n<bundo> hacking_u  나 나중에 강씨 종친회 나갈꺼임\n<bundo> 65세 넘어서 ㅎㅎ\n<hacking_u> 강씨 종친회 우분투 확산!\n<lyuso> ê·¸ 때 대면하시면\n<lyuso> 묘하겠네요\n<bundo> 장학회 크게 만들라고요\n<hacking_u> (강씨 종친회 장학이 좀 약하긴 하...)\n<bundo> 전주이씨가 크죠\n<lyuso> 성주 이씨 문열공파 23대손입니다. 안녕하세요\n<grr> 경주 김씨는 머릿수만 많지 그런거 하나 없죠...\n<hacking_u> bundo, 일단 알아보죠 뭐 쩝... 저희 할아버지께서 손으로 직접 쓰신(!) 직계족보는 있는데 그것도 함 봐야될듯\n<Alsen> 미드나잇 코맨더\n<Alsen> 그냥 코맨더로 살아갈게요 ㅎ\n<bundo> hacking_u 잘 살피면 재미나요 저도 19부터 족보 관심 가졌어요 그떄 쿤타킨테 형 만나서 관심 가진거죠 ㅎ\n<hacking_u> 쿤타킨테라는 분은 누구...;;;\n<bundo> [스크린샷] http://bundo.biz/screenshot/bundo-1307460221.png\n<Alsen> 대장님, 시디포장작업 어디서 하실예정이신가요?\n<bundo> Alsen 그거요 제가 무지 해야죠 머\n<bundo> 아마 평일 될뜻해요\n<Alsen> 자원봉사 없나요?\n<Alsen> 저 백수라서 시간제법 많은데 ㅎ\n<bundo> 어 1또는 2 도와 줄꺼에요\n<Alsen> 밥만 사주시면 무료봉사 자원합니다. ㅋ\n<bundo> 4일전 미리 갈쳐 드릴테니 시간 되면 함꼐 해요\n<Alsen> 넵!\n<bundo> 우선 신청 받는게 먼저죠 ^^\n<bundo> 그다음 라벨 하자마다 배송 ㅎㅎ\n<hacking_u> lyuso, 그나저나 파도 알고 계시구요\n<hacking_u> 구>êµ°\n<bundo> 근데 배송 두번이상은 해야 합니다.\n<Alsen> 충청공파\n<bundo> 코분투 배송 6번 했심 쩝\n<lyuso> 네. 파 기억합니다.\n<Alsen> 내가 26대손이었던가;;\n<Alsen> 고령신씨\n<Alsen> 검교군기감(檢校軍器監)\n<Alsen> 충정공파는 엄마였군요\n<Alsen> 저는 감찰공파네요\n<hacking_u> bundo, 진주 강씨 박사-진원군공파  28세손\n<hacking_u> 입니다\n<Alsen>  ê·¸ 중 신장의 아들 신숙주(申叔舟)가 뛰어났다. 신숙주는 세종 때 훈민정음 창제에 공이 컸으며, 계유정난(癸酉靖難)에 가담하여 정난공신(靖難功臣)에 오른 것을 비롯하여 세조 때 좌익공신(佐翼功臣), 예종 때 익대공신(翊戴功臣), 성종 때 좌리공신(佐理功臣) 등 잇달아 공신에 책록되었다. 또한 그의 아들 8형제가 모두 이름을 떨쳤고, 후손이 크\n<Alsen> 게 번창하였다.\n<hacking_u> 그런데 과연 족보를 찾으면 나올지는 킁\n<Alsen> 저희집에 족보 ë³´ë©´ 제 이름 나오던데\n<hacking_u> 아... 저는 등록을 안 했었다가 최근에 아버지가 하지 않으셨나;\n<Alsen> 신윤복과 신채호가 우리집안 사람이로군요\n<bundo> Alsen  그냥 hacking_u  ê³ 2때 보았는데\n<hacking_u> 해서 없을지도 모른다는 거죠\n<bundo> 집안이라고 하니깐 더알고자 한거에요\n<bundo> 전 집안 안따져요 항상 잘나가거든요 = 가출\n<Alsen> 요즘 인터넷은 검색하면 정말 별개 다 나오는구나\n<Alsen> 10년전에는 PC통신 뿐이었는데\n<Alsen> 정말 장족의 발전이로구나;; ;\n<hacking_u> ...저도 실감할정도니까....\n<hacking_u> 근데 제가 11년 전에 인터넷을 처음 접했는데\n<hacking_u> PC통신 뿐은 아니었...\n<bundo> 난 94년 인터넷 했는데..?\n<lyuso> 인터넷 전 PC 통신 부터 시작했어요\n<bundo> windows 3.1 서\n<bundo> 난 94년 인터넷 했는데..?\n<lyuso> 대략 제가 처음 가진 컴퓨터가 펜티엄이었으니....\n<bundo> winsock 설치 하고 ...\n<lyuso> 그것도 펜티엄4 2.4Ghz 모델이었죠.\n<grr> 케텔 써보신분..?\n<Alsen> 지금 10년 전이면 92년 93년 이죠\n<lyuso> 전 그만큼 다른애들보단 늦었어요\n<bundo> grr  난 그거 단말기 있었어요\n<lyuso> 뭐든지.\n<grr> bundo :: 이야 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<grr> 케텔(개털) 때문에 전화새 포풍같이 나와서 싱나게 맞았었죠...\n<hacking_u> 넥서스원에 rooting....\n<bundo> 전 ì»´ 빠른거 아닌데요 이유는 신학대학 철학과 출신이라(가톨릭)\n<bundo> 암튼 94년 부터 무지 했습니다.\n<hacking_u> 그때는 16년전이죠 ㅋㅋ\n<bundo> hacking_u 나 ì»´ 3개월 배우고 워드 & OA  강사 했어요 그때가 95년초임\n<bundo> 94년말 95년 초\n<bundo> 96년 리눅스 서버 구성\n<hacking_u> 제가 아장아장일때네요\n<hacking_u> 아장아장흑객\n<lyuso> 제가 92년생이었죠.\n<bundo> 97년 리눅스 서버 구성 호스팅 25개 업체 입주 시킴\n<bundo> 128K 에서\n<grr> (...)\n<hacking_u> (...오옹 루팅성공한듯)\n<hacking_u> lyuso, 뭘 새삼스럽게...(...)\n<grr> 94년 이면 한글 3.0d 였을땐가...\n<grr> 아직 2.0이었을땐가.. 가물가물..\n<bundo> 네 말에 나온듯\n<grr> 아아...\n<lyuso> 지금도 컴퓨터들이 다들 쿼드인데\n<bundo> 2.5 였다가 3.0a 나왔죠\n<hacking_u> bundo, 한글 3.0 ㄷㄷ;;; 분도님은 뭐... 역사책...\n<grr> 그렇군요\n<lyuso> 혼자 펜티엄이라......\n<lyuso> 분도님 산 역사세요. =)\n<bundo> 노우\n<grr> 한글이 2.1인가 2.0 부터 프린터를 지원해줘서 사람들이 자주 썼었죠..\n<grr> 3.0 되더니 뭔가 이쁘게..\n<bundo> 나 말고 잿빛은 나보다 ì»´ 7년선배고요\n<bundo> 간혹 그런 사람 있습니다.\n<lyuso> 생각해보니, 예전에 어느 BBS 에\n<lyuso> 리눅스 모임 있었죠\n<lyuso> 써니님 계셨었었는데.\n<bundo> 저는 95년 리눅스했습니다.  하면 자기도 95년 했다고 합니다.\n<bundo> 중딩 정도 였는데 부록 받은거죠\n<bundo> 전 돈 벌려고 한건디 쩝\n<bundo> 차이 조금나요\n<bundo> 아래하한글 하드 마운트하여 글꼴 공유하는 글 제가 쓴 건디 ...\n<bundo> 95년 겨울에...\n<bundo> 아 그리고요\n<bundo> 잡지에 95 레지스트리 편집 글 처음 제가 썻어요\n<bundo> 3.1의 ini 에 따른 분석으로 그글 쓴거죠\n<bundo> 노턴유딜리티 글도 쓴 적 있고\n<grr> (.... 레전드...)\n<lyuso> 당시엔\n<bundo> 그때 컴에 미쳤었죠\n<lyuso> HTML 로 웹페이지 하나만으로도 돈 많이 벌었죠\n<bundo> 97년 홈페이지 만들어 주고 400 이 기본\n<bundo> 대충 회사 소개 제품소개 등\n<lyuso> 지금은.. 다들 하는게 홈페이지 제작이지만요......\n<Alsen> 질문: 우분투 ì°½ 닫기, 최대최소화, 축소 있자나요 이거 위치 변경하려고 하는데 어디서 하죠? 예전에했었는데 잊었네요 ㅎㅎ\n<bundo> 핫도그 썻죠 html 자동 입력기\n<lyuso> CSS 3.0 나 HTML4는 거의 다 했죠.\n<lyuso> 핫도그.....으앍\n<bundo> Alsen 술해서 gconf 기억 안나고요 우분투 트윅 이용하세요 ㅎ\n<Alsen> 굿!\n<Alsen> 역시 대장님\n<bundo> [스크린샷] http://bundo.biz/screenshot/bundo-1307461400.png\n<lyuso> MC 네요\n<bundo> 스샷 자꾸 올리는이유는요  1. 천리마 한글글꼴 2.MC 번역상태\n<bundo> ㅎㅎ\n<Alsen> 대장님 짱입니다요~\n<lyuso> 그러고보니 천리안 레스터 글꼴이네요\n<Alsen> ㅋㅋ\n<lyuso> BBS 에 올라오는 소설들 때문에 저 글꼴이 익숙했던 나날이 있었는데 말이죠\n<bundo> 네\n<bundo> 그래서 처음 볼때 땡기드라고요\n<lyuso> 향수라고 해야할지......\n<lyuso> 너무 오래봐서인지 가독성이 높다고 해야할지....\n<grr> 아... 오랜만에 보네요 저 글꼴...\n<bundo> 아래하 한글 정품 깔면 굴림 이 있긴해요 한양???\n<bundo> 근데 천리마 가 더떙겨서 터미널 폰트로 터미누스+천리마 사용중입니다\n<bundo> 북한 글꼴찬양 아닙니더\n<bundo> 신고 하지 마세유 ~~ ㅠ,.ㅠ\n<lyuso> 굴림 있긴 한데... 그런 느낌은 아니죠.....\n<bundo> [스크린샷] http://bundo.biz/screenshot/bundo-1307461642.png\n<Alsen> dmesg\n<Alsen> 엄청난 양에 놀라버립니다용~\n<bundo> 한 1년반째 사용중입니다.\n<bundo> [명령어]dmesg | grep Alsen\n<lyuso> 살짝 굵직한 느낌의 ê·¸ 글꼴도 멋있어요.\n<Alsen> 오오~ 그쵸 그렙 써서 more같은걸로 나눠보기 ㅋ\n<bundo> 로딩 안됬는데요 Alsen  ㅎㅎ\n<hacking_u> bundo, 와.. 역시 역사셔...ㄷ\n<hacking_u> (뒷북....)\n<lyuso> 지금도 ë³´ë©´\n<bundo> hacking_u 헛소리 그만하세유 쩝\n<lyuso> EasyView 같은 텍스트 뷰어가\n<lyuso> 레스터 글꼴이 들어있어요\n<bundo> hacking_u 앞으로 더 나가고 설치고 하여 날가르쳐 주세요\n<bundo> 제가 바라는거에요\n<Alsen> 벌써 1시네요\n<Alsen> !시간\n<lyuso> 저도 이제 자야겠네요오.....\n<Alsen> 안나오네요\n<Alsen> ㅊㅇ /게채\n<bundo> [스크린샷] http://bundo.biz/screenshot/bundo-1307461867.png\n<bundo> 이정도면 우분투 메인글꼴 바꿀만하지 않나요?\n<bundo> [스크린샷] http://bundo.biz/screenshot/bundo-1307461942.png\n<Alsen> 저랑 큰 차이 없네요 ㅎ\n<Alsen> 다만 브라우저가 오페라인가요?\n<Alsen> 불여우인가?\n<Alsen> 크롬은 아닌듯\n<grr> 이만나가볼께요 수고들하셔요\n<twinsenx> 나눔글꼴이라서 예전 스크린샷보다 글자 굵기가 가늘어진거죠?\n<bundo> 네\n<bundo> Alsen  파폭입니다 4.?\n<Alsen> 음.. 역시 불여우였군요 ㅎ\n<bundo> [프로세서] Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz (3114.123MHz Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz (3114.123MHz)\n<twinsenx> 깔끔해서 분도님 화면에서는 더 잘보이고 좋아보일듯. 다만 스크린샷은 예전 글꼴이 더 찐하고 짠한 느낌이 더 뚜렸했던듯 하옵니다.\n<bundo> 히히 올만에  IRC 스크립 해봅니더\n<bundo> twinsenx 전엔 너무 bold 같습니다\n<twinsenx> 예 ㅎㅎ\n<bundo> [그래픽] VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82915G/GV/910GL Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0e)\n<Ponics_OTL> bundo: / 전 이만 자러 가겠습니다.. 내일의 녹아다 일거리가 많아서...\n<Ponics_OTL> bundo: / 연락 주세요...\n<bundo> Ponics_OTL 잘자요 ^^;\n<bundo> Ponics_OTL 넵\n<twinsenx> 아 아드님한테서 넘어온 64비트 머신 스펙인거쥬?\n<bundo> 넵\n<hacking_u> hacking_u, 뒷북이지만.. 그렇게 되도록 해 보죠... jicreator하고 같이 ㅋㅋ\n<hacking_u> 헉 왜 나를 언급했지\n<hacking_u> bundo, 님께 한다는걸;\n<bundo> 아 그리고요 우리 같은 상황에선 전이 좋죠 저도 이젠 눈이 침침 ㅠ,.ㅠ\n<hacking_u> 저도 내일 대학 과목 시험있어서 자야겠습니다.\n<bundo> twinsenx 저 남 명함 저녁이후에 볼때는 안경  벗고 가까이서 봅니더 헤헤\n<twinsenx> 패키징할 때 촘촘한 매트릭스를 너무 오래보셔서 그럴지도;\n<hacking_u> 여튼 안녕히... exit(0)\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n<Ponics_OTL> 헉.. 초천재 초고수 밀옹~!\n<hacking_u> 밀옹 안녕하세요\n<twinsenx> hacking_u: sweet drms\n<Ponics_OTL> 초천재 초고수 밀옹 / 왜 이제서야 ? ㅠ,.ㅠ;;;;\n<hacking_u> return \"you too\"\n<yemharc> 좀 바빠서요...\n<Ponics_OTL> 그럼 전이만...\n<twinsenx> 아흑 눈은 감기는데 담배는 땡기고 ㅠ.ㅠ 음 저도 편의점으로\n<yemharc> Ponics_OTL, 들어가세요\n<Ponics_OTL> 아.. 발목이 좀 가라 앉아야 하는데.. 에효..\n<yemharc> 다치셨어요?\n<bundo> yemharc 큐브릭 왜 안오죠 ? 삐졌나 쩝 ~\n<yemharc> bundo, 얘기는 했는데 오질 않네요...\n<bundo> 두번이야기 했나요 ?\n<yemharc> 전화로도 하고 네이트온 메신저에서도 ë³´ê³ \n<yemharc> ê·¸ 뒤에 직접 만나지는 ëª��했네요\n<bundo> 그럼 됬어요\n<bundo> 충분히 전달해주었으면 스스로 판단하는거죠\n<yemharc> 네\n<yemharc> ......음\n<yemharc> 줄줄이 업뎃이 되는게 왠지 불안하다;;\n<yemharc> 커널에 브로드컴 드라이버도 있네요...........\n<bundo> 암튼 에밀도 오프서 조금 보았다고 반말듣고 살지 마세요\n<yemharc> 네;;\n<bundo> 나 중 리더하기 힘듭니다\n<yemharc> 음....... 알겠습니다.\n<yemharc> 돌아오길 빌어주세요.......잡다하게 위험해 보이는 패키지들 업뎃을 끝내고 재부팅하고 오겠습니다 (두근두근)\n<yemharc> 핫핫 이녀석 핫핫..................역시 브로드컴 업뎃을 하니 문제가 터져주네요\n<Alsen> 아..\n<Alsen> 큐브릭님 반말사건이 드디어 화두에 오른거였나요?\n<Alsen> 질문: putty 로 뱀웨어(우분투) 접속을 해보려 하는데 아이피만 적어서는 접속이 안되나봐요 ㅠ,ㅠ 학교다닐땐 제법 잘 사용했었는데\n<Alsen> 으음.. ;;\n<Alsen> 이거 또 자문자답의 여지가 높군요 ㅎ\n<bundo> 범웨어라 음\n<bundo> 범웨어 네트웍 설정중 포트푸워딩 있는데 그거 해줘야 되는건 아닌지요\n<Alsen> 우분투원은 그냥 연락처만 동기해주는 건가요? 일반 파일은 못올리나요?\n<bundo> Alsen 일반 파일 가능\n<Alsen> 포트포워딩..\n<bundo> 그거 저도 처음 헛갈렸어요\n<Alsen> 일반 파일 하려면 어디로 가야 할까요?\n<bundo> 설치 잘하고 나면 자신 원하는 폴더 싱크 가능\n<bundo> 노틸러스 에서\n<bundo> 오른 마우스, 또는\n<bundo> 우분투원 메뉴\n<Alsen> 넵!\n<Alsen> 확인했어요\n<Alsen> 리본숨김 항목만 활성화 되어 있네요\n<bundo> 오프서 서로 자신이 하는거 보여 주는게 재미나더라고요\n<bundo> 그게 다른발표보다 인기짱입니다.\n<Alsen> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<Alsen> 그놈3처럼요?\n<bundo> 그건 본거 없죠\n<bundo> 다 PPT 이잖아요\n<Alsen> 그쵸'\n<bundo> 컴피즈도  자신이 잘쓰는거 보여주기 하면 다 호감이 가드라고요\n<bundo> 전 그중 daum 검색법 배웠으ㅁ\n<bundo> 전 그중 daum 검색법 배웠는데\n<bundo> ㅋㅋ\n<Alsen> 결론은 같은 프로그램을 써도 이렇게 하면 좋다 라는 것을 어필하는거겠죠? 누가누가 잘 꾸미나\n<bundo> 꾸미는거 아니고 쓰는법\n<bundo> 자신 스타일...\n<Alsen> 음.. 저는\n<bundo> 그런거 보여주기인데  재미나더라고요\n<Alsen> 전 이렇게 꾸미는데;;\n<Alsen> 쓰는법까지는;;\n<bundo> 저는 문서 폴더 우분투 원으로 싱크 합니다.\n<bundo> 그림 ë³´ê³  이야기 하는 중\n<bundo> 저는 문서 폴더 우분투 원으로 싱크 합니다.\n<Alsen> 전 아직 HostOS로써 자리를 못잡고 있어서 윈도우즈 쓰다보니 허허;;\n<bundo> 나머진 직접 보아야 합니다.\n<bundo> 제가 서버에 어찌 붙어 작업 하는지 ...\n<bundo> 컴피즈 중 어��–¤ê±° 선호 하는지\n<bundo> 등등 직접 보아야 할게  있죠\n<Alsen> 아직 개발자가 아니라서\n<Alsen> 백수는 좋은거 필요없고 신기한것만 있으면 되요 ㅎ\n<bundo> 그게 오프 에서 서로 교환할 장점이죠\n<Alsen> 오늘 하루 관심갖고 빠져들만한 일거리 정도? ㅋ\n<twinsenx> 오늘 트윗 훑다보니 석찬님은 iOS5 땜에 랩탑은 윈도우즈지만, 집에선 우분투 데탑 쓰신다는.. 다음 직원 70%는 맥을.. bundo님 다음에 가보니 정말 맥이 글케 많나요?\n<Alsen> 슬슬 정리하고 잘 준비해야 겠네요\n<bundo> 다음이 사실 HTML 표준 지키려 노력한 이유는 개발자들이 맥쓰기 시작하면서래요\n<twinsenx> 아항 역시나 ㅎㅎ\n<bundo> 다음 개발자가  맥사용자 늘다보니 바꾸어 진거고\n<bundo> 이번 클라우드도 사실 리눅스용은 아니죠 끼워맞춘거죠\n<bundo> 다음에 우리  우분투 유저 많습니더 맥하다 보니 우분투도 같이 하죠\n<bundo> 그러니 맥 사용자가 우분투 사용자 되고 리눅스 알게 된다니까유 ㅎ\n<Alsen> putty 접속해볼만한 ip알려주세요\n<bundo> 소수들은\n<twinsenx> 다음클라우드도 우선은 맥이랑 사파리에서 잘 되게 할려다보니 어쩌다 리눅스데탑도 배려하게 된 거로군요 :D\n<bundo> 네 쩝\n<bundo> 우리요 다음에 0.02% 찍는데요\n<twinsenx> sp? 0.02%욤?\n<bundo> 리눅스 로 다음에 오는이 0.02%요\n<bundo> 파폭이 한몫한거죠\n<bundo> 크롬하고\n<bundo> 둘다 다음오는이 29%\n<bundo> 둘 함쳐 29% 라는데 좀 과장인듯\n<twinsenx> 사파리 제외하고도 그렇군요. 안드로이드폰은.. 크롬이죠?\n<bundo> 아뇨 안드로이드\n<bundo> 따로 찍힙니다.\n<twinsenx> 오호..\n<Alsen> 대장님 전 잘게요\n<Alsen> 대장님 굿밤!\n<twinsenx> sw dream\n<Alsen> 예밀씨, 포닉스님 ê·¸ 외에 많은 분들도 굿밤!\n<Alsen> 뿅!\n<twinsenx> 몇달전엔 우리은행 이체 되는건만해두 억수 고맙고 반가웠는데 그새 간사해진건지 이젠 xecure도 프로텍트도 너므너므 거추장스럽네요 ㅋㅋ\n<bundo> twinsenx 님 우리 포럼이 재미나요\n<bundo> [스크린샷] http://bundo.biz/screenshot/bundo-1307465323.png\n<bundo> 익스가 3등입니다. 아주 근소한 차로 2011년 ë³´ë©´\n<bundo> 안드로이드 브라우져는 따로 찍힙니다\n<bundo> 파폭이 한국에서일등하는 사이트는 우분투 포럼이 유일무이합니더\n<bundo> 하하\n<twinsenx> 흐미 플러그인이나 에이전트 감안하더라도 41종 브라우저라... 정말 다양하군요 물론 미도리, 아이스캣 등등 많고많지만 :)\n<bundo> 한국 모질라 (한국파폭)도 IE  못이기거든유\n<bundo> 우린 좀 특이 하죠 ㅎㅎ\n<bundo> 우분투 기본 브라우져가 파폭이다 보니...\n<twinsenx> 헥헥 1년만에 컴피즈 화면효과 사용함 체크했더니 6시간이내 2번씩 얼어붙는군요 ㅎㅎ\n<bundo> ^^;\n<yemharc> 우으.......\n<yemharc> 하는것도 없이(?) 그만 자러 가보겠습니다 (__)\n<twinsenx> 제주 잘 다녀오시구요 ^^ 올해는 겨울접으들으야 서울이나 인천에 마실 한 번 갈 수 있을듯하옵니다. 채널에서 다시 뵈어욤~\n<yemharc> 다들 안녕히 주무세요\n#ubuntu-ko 2011-06-08\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n<bundo> ^^;\n<imsu> 안녕하세요\n<bundo> 아 페북 짜증남\n<bundo> 순 친구 됬다는 글만 도배 상탤하 글보기 힘듬\n<imsu> bundo: 친구가 많으신가봐요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> yemharc: 밀님 질문있어용 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 계시나요?\n<yemharc> ?\n<imsu> 히히\n<imsu> yemharc: 파이썬 그래프에 대해서요\n<imsu> matplotlib 요놈 써주면 그래프가 그려지는건가용? ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 글쎄요;;\n<imsu> 요놈 말고 딴 놈하고 비교가능한건 없는지 여쭤봅니다 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<imsu> 잉?\n<imsu> ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<yemharc> 전 그래픽 관련 프로그래밍은 해본적이 없어요;;\n<imsu> 저두 첨이라 케엑\n<imsu> ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<yemharc> 흠\n<yemharc> 찾으면 나올거같은데.........\n<yemharc> imsu, http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonGraphApi\n<yemharc> imsu, http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/\n<yemharc> 위에껀 그래프 관련 API\n<yemharc> 아래는 말씀하신 matplotlib\n<imsu> 음~~\n<bundo> https://foursquare.com/user/4120629/checkin/4deed82e183822e7cf2bc6e7?s=upfiJnfKyzETQxu5JloPsT4GNkg\n<bundo> 아 심 심해서 별거 다해보네 쩝\n<bundo> 집 잘 나오나요 위치 ?\n<bundo> 현피 뜰 사람들 찾아 오기 바람\n<imsu> bundo: 푸하하하 분도님도 이런거 하십니까? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<bundo> 집 위치 가르쳐 주기 좋찮아요 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 아 이거랑 좀 다른건가?\n<imsu> 후배 하나가 맨날 어디 갔다오면 발도장 어쩌고 저쩌고 ì¿¡ì¿¡ 찍어서 페이스북에 올리더라구요\n<imsu> 현피뜰사람이 생기셨나보군요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<bundo> 쌍피 뜰려고 ~~ 보너스 에다.. 쌍피\n<bundo> imsu  ê·¸ 후배 여자분이신가 ?\n<bundo> sexyflash_  하이\n<sexyflash_> 안녕하세요 ^^\n<imsu> bundo: 네\n<imsu> 여자에요\n<imsu> ㅋ\n<imsu> sexyflash_: 안녕하세요\n<sexyflash_> 안녕하세요 ^^\n<sexyflash_> 좋은 오전? 늦은 오전입니다 ^^\n<imsu> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu>  아 ë°¥ 먹을 시간이네요 아점 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 오~ 파이썬 요놈 쓸만하군요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 파이썬은 하위 호환성만 보장되면 좋은데\n<yemharc> 매 버전 바뀔때마다 탈피를 해 버려서...........\n<imsu> 그래프가 이렇게 쉽게 그려지다니 으흐흐\n<imsu> ㅠ.ㅠ;;\n<imsu> 이런;;ㅠ.ㅠ;;\n<imsu> 그럼 버전 바뀔 때마다 다시 짜야하는 뭐 그런건가요? ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 아직은 불안전하다는 건가요?\n<imsu> ;;\n<sexyflash_> 파이썬은 장남감을 잘 만드시는 훌륭한 분들이 많이하시던데 국내에 예제 베이스로 잘 나와 있는 학습 방법이 어떤게 있을까요?\n<yemharc> imsu, 불완전하다기보다 새 버전이 나올때마다 좀 환골탈태 식으로 바꿔버�� ¤ì„œìš”\n<yemharc> 심하면 문법이 바뀔때도 있어요\n<imsu> yemharc: 확장성을 계속 생각하면서 버전업이 되나보네요\n<imsu> 즉 불완전 흑흑;;\n<yemharc> 기능확장을 위해 노력은 많이 해요\n<yemharc> 근데 그때마다 이리저리 뜯어고쳐서 ㅎㅎ;;\n<imsu> 기능 확장에 대한 어느정도의 기준이 부족한 것인가;; 아님;; 확장성을 최대로 발휘하기 위해 고궁분투하는것인가;; ㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 뭐 그런건가요?\n<yemharc> 일단은 전자에 가까워요\n<yemharc> 실제 스크립트 언어 중에서는 쉬우면서도 강력한 편이기도 하구요\n<yemharc> 파이썬 버전이 2.0대로 올라가면서부터 리눅스에 쓰이는 스크립트 대부분이 펄을 밀어내고 파이썬이 들어앉았죠\n<imsu> 그래프가 이리 쉽게 그려질줄은 몰랐네요 ㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 그래프 뿐 아니라 GUI 프로그램 만드는 데에도 파이썬이 제가 본 것들 중엔 가장 쉽습니다\n<yemharc> 마치 VB 하는 느낌이죠\n<imsu> 이맥스에서 실행해서 그런가;; 좀 느린것 같기도 하지만 ;;\n<yemharc> 다만 아쉬운건 파이썬은 아직까지 강력한 IDE가 없다는건데\n<imsu> 암튼 만족스럽네요 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 검색해보니 이클립스 연동은 되는것 같더군요\n<yemharc> 이클립스는 만능입니다 :)\n<imsu> 이클립스 = 괴물 ㅋㅋ\n<suapapa> 파이썬은 빔으로 코딩해야 제맛. 냅다 스페이스 네번 누르는 겁니다!\n<imsu> ??\n<imsu> 스페이스 네번이 뭐에요?\n<suapapa> 파이썬 tab 표준?이요\n<imsu> 탭이 안들어가나요?\n<imsu> 아하 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<suapapa> 빔에서 TAB키 누르면 탭으로 들어가잖아요. 스페이스 네번 누르는거 정말 불편한데. 그럭저럭 쓰고 있네요.\n<imsu> 이맥스에서는 자동으로 해주겠지요? (설마 ㅎㅎ)\n<imsu> 일단 연동해봐야지 ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> imsu, ipython이란 녀석도 있어요\n<yemharc> 이맥스는 pymacs\n<imsu> 잉;;\n<imsu> ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 두개 다 우분투 패키지 있습니다\n<imsu> 말씀 듣고 바로 설치중 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> pymacs\n<imsu> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 아 근데 이클립스에 파이썬 설치하는데\n<imsu> Aptana pydev 가 unsined 어쩌고 저쩌고 설치할거냐고 물어보는데\n<imsu> 설치해도 상관없는거죠>?\n<yemharc> 네\n<yemharc> 어차피 이클립스 애드온들은 대부분 그런 메세지가 떠요\n<yemharc> 완전히 공인된 플러그인은 그리 많지 않아요\n<imsu> 아;;\n<imsu> 어쨌든 인스톨 실패 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 됐다 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 이참에 python 도 배워야겠다 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> pygtk ggg\n<yemharc> 우와아아아아아\n<yemharc> 삽질의 끝이 보인다아아아아아아\n<imsu> 그거 쉡스크립트? ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 네\n<imsu> 으흐흐 고생하셨습니다 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 노가다 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<imsu> bundo: 분도님\n<imsu> 다음주 수요일 시간날것 ��°™ì€ë° 놀러갈게용 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<bundo> 아 ë°¥ 묵으니깐 졸림\n<bundo> 사무실 청소 수요일에 해야 ê² êµ° ..음\n<imsu> 잉 나가셨넹 ㅎㅎ\n<Terras> 안녕들 하시져..\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n<suapapa> 오픈오피스 스프래드시트 확장자 아시는 분?\n<suapapa> 자답 ods\n<hanbin973> 안녕하세요 _ _\n<hanbin973> 뭐지.. 업글하면서 폰트가 깔끔하게 바뀌었다!\n<drake_kr> yemharc :: 바쁘세요?\n<yemharc> 아, 안녕하세요\n<yemharc> 조금(?) 바쁘긴 해요 ㅎㅎ\n<hanbin973> 제가 질문이 있는데 opt:ref,icf 이 플래그를 날리면 뭐에 좋을까요 =.=?\n<hanbin973> 무슨 기능이지.. optimization 관련이라는데]\n<drake_kr> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 승리했습니다\n<yemharc> 계정관리 스크립트만 짜기로 하고 나머지는 svn 콜\n<yemharc> 덕분에 끝 우하하하하\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 결국엔 svn 쓰시능\n<yemharc> 아침부터 좀 아웅다웅 했슴다 ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 덕분에 스크립트 7kb에서 종료~\n<drake_kr> ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 숑숑\n<drake_kr> 헐 imsu 이노옴\n<drake_kr> yemharc :: http://drake.kr/59226\n<iyob> 안녕들 하세요?\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n<iyob> 우분투 책 보면서 따라하고 있습니다. ^^;\n<drake_kr> 네 편안합니다\n<drake_kr> 우와 책을 보는 사람도 있구나\n<drake_kr> 신기한게 우분투 이용자들은 대부분 매뉴얼이나 책과 별로 안 친한듯..\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 그리고 그렇게 배운 사람들은 외칩니다. RTFM!!!\n<iyob> 전부터 우분투 사용중이나 도서관에서 웰컴투 우분투 빌려와 모르는 것 연습중입니다.\n<drake_kr> read the fucking manual!?!?\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 그렇죠\n<drake_kr> yemharc :: RATM 생각나요\n<yemharc> 원래는 Field......가 맞지만, 똑같이 따라해도 안된다고 fuxx manual이 됐죠\n<drake_kr> rage against the machine\n<drake_kr> 이게 그러니까\n<yemharc> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 이 그룹 멤바가\n<drake_kr> 기계에 대해서 쌓인게 많은 사람들이야\n<drake_kr> 공장에서 일하다가 손짤리고 xx 산재못받고\n<yemharc> (ㅇㅇ)\n<drake_kr> 이런 사람들이 조직을 한거\n<yemharc> 흐음;\n<yemharc> 그건 어딜 어떻게 봐도 사람의 과실 아닌가요 (.....)\n<yemharc> (손 짤린거 니탓........ 이런 말이 아니라)\n<drake_kr> http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=iprac&logNo=120094328729\n<drake_kr> 어라 여기는 소리 안나오네\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 블럭쌓기 강좌라기보단 UML강좌 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 아니 어쨌든 가장 중요한거 아니었나요\n<yemharc> 그야 당연하죠\n<yemharc> 낙서할줄 모르는 사람은 프로그램도 몰라요\n<drake_kr> uml 강좌는 아니고\n<yemharc> 저거 한장 덜렁 그려놓는게 작업속도에 얼마나 영향을 주는데...... (직장인 시선?)\n<drake_kr> 그냥 flow-chart 강좌인데..\n<drake_kr> 보통 다들 저런식으로 하는데\n<drake_kr> 자료를 찾아보면 굉장히 옛날 자료들밖에 없어요\n<drake_kr> 일단 display 관련 도형이.. crt 모니터..\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 하지만 2부서 아키텍트적인 이야기가 나왔고 3부서 플로챠트가 나왔으니 디자인 패턴 강좌가 되어갑니다 (우긴다)\n<yemharc> 이제 고객응대만 나오면 되겠군요 (어서오세요 호갱님)\n<drake_kr> 아. 4부선 mvp라도 해야 할까봐요\n<yemharc> 허나 사람들은 코드를 원할듯 하네요 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 아마, 끝까지 가도 완성된 코드는 안 나올겁니다..\n<yemharc> 완성은 강좌 보는 사람이 해야죠\n<yemharc> pre-prog 코드라도 던져주시.........는건 해답이 되나;;\n<drake_kr> 음\n<drake_kr> 저야 뭐\n<drake_kr> C 코드는 아는데\n<drake_kr> 써먹을줄 모르는 사람을 위한 강좌니까요\n<drake_kr> 10강까지는 코드 작성 방법.. 그러니까 책에 나오는 지루한 이야기들을 하려고 해요\n<yemharc> 근데 코드 작성 방법이라는게 ê¼­ 지루한것만도 아니죠\n<drake_kr> 이미 책에서 나온 내용들이니까요\n<drake_kr> 뭐, 아는 사람은 넘어가야 하는걸 권장할 정도로 후잡한 강의가 될듯.. -_-\n<cheayuncho> 안녕하십니꺼..\n<cheayuncho> 끄끄... 최연소 노계입니다\n<cheayuncho> (응?)\n<drake_kr> 아아\n<drake_kr> 아저씨다\n<cheayuncho> ㅠ 현실을 받아들여야죠.. 뭐...\n<cheayuncho> 칫....\n<drake_kr> 님 별명은 아저씨\n<drake_kr> 다른 친구들은 얼른 못 늙어서 난리일텐데\n<cheayuncho> 그래서 저는 담배를안필겁니다\n<drake_kr> 아저씨님은 이미 초월\n<cheayuncho> (응?)\n<cheayuncho> 너무 빨리늙을것같아요\n<drake_kr> ㄴㄴㄴㄴ\n<drake_kr> 이런분들이 어려서부터 피부관리를 하니까\n<cheayuncho> http://file.ohohme.co.kr/logo1.png\n<drake_kr> 진짜 나이가 들면 안들어보임\n<cheayuncho> 요사진 디쟈인어때요\n<drake_kr> 20년동안 같은 얼굴\n<cheayuncho> 포토샵의 포짜도몰라서 김프도 처음다뤄본건데..\n<cheayuncho> 크롬느낌살린다고...고생좀\n<drake_kr> 뛰어난 디자이너는 블렌딩을 잘 안 씀미다\n<cheayuncho> 그게뭡니까!?\n<drake_kr> 그림자효과라던가\n<drake_kr> 이게 첨에 만들때는 괜찮아보이는데\n<drake_kr> 조금만 시간이 지나도 허접해보임..\n<cheayuncho> 크흑..\n<drake_kr> 음.. 목적이 뭔지에 따라서\n<drake_kr> 디자인도 따라가는거에요\n<cheayuncho> 그냥 무료호스팅+URL 축소기능 그리고 개인사이트...\n<drake_kr> https://one.ubuntu.com/ <- 분명 별거 없는데 깔끔하고 이쁘죠?\n<drake_kr> 저기에 그림자 넣고 막 (...) 하면 지저분해보이겠죠?\n<cheayuncho> 그러네요 ㄸ\n<yemharc> simple is best\n<yemharc> 간단하고 간결한 디자인이 되려 쉽게 안 질립니다\n<drake_kr> 그리고 가느다란 폰트에 그림자는 완전 독이에요\n<cheayuncho> 흐흑..\n<drake_kr> 감각을 무시하는게 아니니까 우울해하지 않아도 돼요\n<drake_kr> 그리고 디자인을 하려면 수학 해야함..\n<drake_kr> 전 디자인 하다가 수학공부 하다보니 프로그램도 짜고 있었음(응?)\n<cheayuncho> 헉.\n<yemharc> 퇴근합니다 :)\n<helpme> ???\n<helpme> 우분투 11.04 사용하는데 문제가 있어서요..\n<helpme> 누구 도와주실분...?\n<helpme> 우분투 부팅 후 데스탑 화면이 깜박거려요...계속..\n<minsik> Ubuntu natty사용중이고요, empathy 에 챝오면 뜨는 팝업 창이 떠있는 시간을 조정할 수 있나요? 너무 길어서요.\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n<drake_kr> 어서와요\n<drake_kr> 아 11.04는 짜증나는게 있네요\n<drake_kr> dev 설치하면 gtk2하고 gtk3하고 분리되어 있어서\n<yemharc> 아\n<drake_kr> 플래그를 ê¼­ 줘야 되네요 ㅜ.ㅜ\n<yemharc> 그놈3 나오면서 ㅎㅎ\n<Ponics_OTL> 초천재 밀옹 / 밀옹~!\n<yemharc> Ponics_OTL, 안녕하세요\n<Ponics_OTL> 초천재 밀옹 / 오늘은 일찍 오셨군효... 오늘의 콤뿌따 특강의 주제는 무엇이옵뉘까 ?\n<drake_kr> 초천재 Ponics님이 더 잘 아시지 않으시옵니까\n<Ponics_OTL> 초천재 초고수 밀옹 / 저는 초천재가 아니옵니다..초천재가 콤맹 백수 일리 없사옵니다...\n<drake_kr> 오늘은 초천재 Ponics님의 콤뿌따 강의를 들어보고 싶습니다\n<Ponics_OTL> drake_kr: / 저는 노멀한 초허접 콤맹 백수 이옵니다...\n<drake_kr> 그래도 해주시옵소서\n<drake_kr> 초천재 Ponics님 오늘의 콤뿌따 강의 주제는 무엇이옵니까\n<Ponics_OTL> 초허접 콤맹 이옵니다...\n<drake_kr> 초허접 콤맹이 주제이옵니까\n<Ponics_OTL> 저는 아는것이 없어서 매일 매일 초천재 초고수 밀옹의 콤뿌따 강의를 눈빠지게 기달리옵니다..\n<Ponics_OTL> drake_kr: / 초천재 밀옹에게 문의 하심이..\n<drake_kr> 저는 초천재 Ponics님의 강의를 듣고 싶사옵니다\n<Ponics_OTL> drake_kr: / 초천재 초고수 아니므로... 일단 문의 하신 명제에 부합되지 않으므로.. 성립하지 않습니다..\n<drake_kr> 명제와는 상관없이 저는 초천재 Ponics님의 강의를 듣고 싶사옵니다\n<Ponics_OTL> drake_kr: / 초천재 밀옹에게 문의 하시길 바랍니다.. 저는 강의할 능력도 자격도 안되옵니다..\n<drake_kr> 제가 부여하옵니다. 강의를 들려주시옵소서\n<Ponics_OTL> drake_kr: / 헛... 저에게 자격을 부여 하시옵니까 ? 오.. 역시 drake_kr 님은 저같은 초허접 콤맹에게 자격을 부여할정도의 초고수 초천재 이셨군효... 강의 부탁 드리옵니다.\n<drake_kr> 어찌 저같은 초허접 발톱때같은 실력으로 강의를 하겠사옵니까? Ponics님과 같은 초천재의 실력을 가지고 계시는 분이 강의를 해 주셔야지요\n<drake_kr> 현기증이 납니다요 얼른 강의를 해 주시길 간곡히 부탁드리옵니다\n<Ponics_OTL> >,.<;;;\n<Ponics_OTL> 초천재 밀옹 / 밀옹~!\n<Ponics_OTL> 초천재 밀옹 / 언능 강의 를 시작 하여 주시옵소서~!\n<drake_kr> yemharc님의 강의는 너무 많이 들어서 지겹사옵니다 Ponics님의 강의가 필요하옵니다\n<Ponics_OTL> drake_kr: / 콤뿌따 는 자판과 화면 으로 구성되어 있습니다.. - 끝 -\n<drake_kr> 오오 그렇습니까 역시 초천재 Ponics님의 포스는 대단하옵니다\n<Ponics_OTL> >,.< ;;;;;\n<Ponics_OTL> drake_kr: / 초허접 콤맹인 저를 놀리시면 나중에 지옥불에 바베큐 파티 하시는거 아시죠 ?\n<drake_kr> 오오 지옥불에 바베큐 파티를 하는것이옵니까\n<drake_kr> 초허접 콤맹의 발톱때가 초천재님을 어떻게 놀리겠사옵니까\n<Terras> 없으시면, 여쭤봐도 될까여.\n<Ponics_OTL> 헉... 방금 천둥번개가.. 겁나 거시기 하게 쳤싸옵니다.. ㅎㄷㄷㄷ\n<grr> ni hao\n<drake_kr> xiao xiao\n<Terras> rss가 뭔가요?\n<yemharc> grr, Terras 안녕하세요\n<drake_kr> Terras :: RDF Site Summary 혹은 Rich Site Summary 입니다\n<drake_kr> 블로그나 게시판등의 게시물을 xml 형태로 export 할수 있도록 만들어진 툴입니다\n<Ponics_OTL> 헉.. 천둥번개를 동반한 비가 겁나 내리옵니다.. 이를 어찌 하오리까 >\n<Ponics_OTL> 역시나.... 하늘이 노하신듯 하옵니다... 초허접 콤맹인 저에게 초천재라고 불리우는것에 대해서 하늘이... 에휴...\n<drake_kr> 어잌후\n<Ponics_OTL> 헉.. 계속해서 천둥번개가 치옵니다.. ㅎㄷㄷㄷ\n<Ponics_OTL> 어찌 하오리까 ?\n<drake_kr> 거기는 엄동설한이옵니까\n<drake_kr> 육각수가 좋다고 들었사옵니다\n<Ellute> ㅇ_ㅇ)\n<grr> ni hao\n<drake_kr> mp2530 보드 써보신분?\n<grr>  /_\\\n<yemharc> 음냐........\n<yemharc> ....아이스크림 먹을까나\n<Ponics_OTL> 훔...\n<Seony> 결국은 오늘 안드로이드에서 아이폰으로 다시 귀환했습니다.\n<Ponics_OTL> 초천재 밀옹 / 오늘은 화면을 캡쳐 하려고하옵니다... 저번에 받아 쓰기 하다가 GG 쳤사옵니다...\n<jangnan|win7> 안드로이드폰은 꽁자일때 위력을 발휘하는 폰이죠\n<yemharc> 읭...\n<Seony> 안드로이드는 앞으로 다시는 쓰고싶지 않아요.\n<yemharc> 안드로이드와 아이폰의 결정적인 차이는\n<yemharc> 대부분의 일을 기업이 해 주느냐 손수 하느냐겠죠\n<jangnan|win7> 안드로이드는 폰의 용도에 충실한 폰이고\n<jangnan|win7> 아이폰은 게임요소가 다분한 할게 많은 폰이죠\n<Seony> 저는 진짜 폰의 용도에 충실한 스맛폰을 원했거든요...\n<jangnan|win7> 안드로이드 넥서스원 유저로써 쓰는 용도는\n<yemharc> Seony, 정답~ 사실 스맛폰의 용도는 내 손 안의 게임기 :)\n<jangnan|win7> 웹브라우징 ê³¼ 전화질 그리고 mp3p\n<jangnan|win7> 끝\n<Seony> 근데 안드로이드는 결정적으로 첫째 배터리가 너무 빨리 닳았고, 둘째로는 그놈의 번들 S/W 좀 뺐으면 좋겠는데 도무지 안빠진다는 거에요...\n<yemharc> 내 손 안의 컴퓨터가 될 필요는 없어요\n<jangnan|win7> 그건\n<jangnan|win7> 뺄수는있어요\n<jangnan|win7> 왠간한건\n<Seony> 일반적인 방법으로요.\n<yemharc> Seony, 넥S는 ê·¸ 점이 좋습니다. 번들 빠진 구글 순정롬이 있거든요\n<Seony> 일반적인 방법으로 가능하지 않은 ê±´ 인정할 수 없습니다. ㅎㅎ\n<jangnan|win7> 진짜 기본순정롬도\n<yemharc> 음......구글 순정롬 정도는 일반적이라고 할만 하지 않을까요\n<jangnan|win7> 브라우저 구리고\n<jangnan|win7> 쓸데없는 지메일있고\n<yemharc> 지메일은 제게 ê¼­ 필요합니다\n<jangnan|win7> 하여튼 다 싹갈아야해서\n<Seony> 제가 비록 리눅스 서버를 쓰고 맥도 쓰고 하지만, 어디까지나 엔드유저를 지향하거든요. 그런 점에서 안드로이드는 앞으로 다시는 쓰고싶지 않아요..\n<grr> 전 메모리 부족 뜨면서 어짜피 여러개 못띄울꺼 왜 그리 수동으로 꺼줘야 하는디 도통...\n<jangnan|win7> 그건\n<jangnan|win7> 버튼을 하나 뺴서\n<jangnan|win7> 눌르는 버릇을 가지세요\n<jangnan|win7> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<grr> 역시...\n<yemharc> grr, 어......그거 제가 드레이크님께만 말했던가요\n<yemharc> 안드로이드 프로세서 관리는요\n<grr> yemharc : ㅇㅅㅇ?\n<yemharc> 대충 3~40개 정도 넘어가면 메모리 적게 먹는 녀석부터 나락을 밀어냅니다 (...)\n<yemharc> 으로\n<jangnan|win7> 거의 숨넘어갈떄쯤\n<jangnan|win7> 하나떨구져\n<jangnan|win7> ㅡ,.ㅡ\n<yemharc> 포인트는\n<grr> 렌덤하게 날려먹지 않았던가요?\n<yemharc> 당장 우선순위 높은 프로세서인데도\n<yemharc> 메모리 점유율은 바닥이면 Kill!\n<jangnan|win7> 근데 맨앞에 액티비티를 날려먹는 경우가 허다해서\n<grr> 아 이름을 까먹었는데.. 뷰가 아니고 뭐더라... 뭐를 날리는 거였는데..\n<grr> 아 엑티비티를 렌덤으로 날려먹지 않았던가요?\n<yemharc> grr, 간단히 말하자면 이런거에요\n<jangnan|win7> 랜덤은 아니고\n<jangnan|win7> 우선순위가 있긴있죠\n<jangnan|win7> 근데 말이 우선순위지\n<grr> 그렇군요\n<yemharc> 백그라운드서는 웹브라우저가 돌아가요\n<jangnan|win7> 실상쓰면 맨앞에있는놈도 막죽여요\n<yemharc> 그리고 지금 당장 유저는 텍스트 파일을 ë³´ê³  있죠\n<grr> -_-\n<yemharc> 우선순위는 텍스트 파일이 높은데 메모리 점유는 브라우저가 높습니다.\n<jangnan|win7> 오늘도\n<yemharc> \"어마나~ 내 텍스트 파일이 죽었어요~\"\n<jangnan|win7> 음악을 들으면서 웹서핑을 하고있는데\n<jangnan|win7> 웹브라우저가 죽엇죠\n<drake_kr> 자식을 죽여도 놀라지 말것.\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 굿!\n<grr> 갤탭쓰고 느낀거라면... WM 시절것들이 차라리 나았다...?!\n<jangnan|win7> 부모의 생존욕구가 강한\n<Seony> drake_kr: 자식과 부모를 같이 죽여도 놀라지 말것. ㅎㅎ\n<grr> WM 우월해요. 프로그램 2300개 깔아도 전혀 스크롤에 딜레이가 없어요\n<jangnan|win7> wm시절은 느린거 뺴고는 나름 괜찬앗던거같아요\n<grr> 안드로이드나 아이폰도 불가능한 그것..\n<jangnan|win7> 근데 너무 느려서\n<jangnan|win7> ㅡ,ㅡ\n<grr> T_T\n<jangnan|win7> ui도 못생기고\n<drake_kr> 나 아이폰에 어플만 32G 꽉채워본적 있는데 안느려졌음\n<jangnan|win7> 하여튼 꽁자폰 지향자에게\n<jangnan|win7> 아이폰은 힘든 유혹임\n<jangnan|win7> ㅡ,ㅡ\n<yemharc> 제 모토쿼티에 최적화 롬 얹었는데 홈딜이........................orz\n<grr> 아이폰 /.\\\n<jangnan|win7> 모토쿼티는 모토로이에 쿼티키보드만 단 녀석이라서 안봐도 드라마네요.\n<jangnan|win7> 모토로이는 진짜 최적화의 극을 달리는데도 메모리가 모잘르죠.\n<yemharc> jangnan|win7, 로이보다 램 조금 높아요............OTL\n<yemharc> 허나 상쇄되지 않습니다\n<yemharc> 더불어 그럼에도 폰을 바꾸지 않는 이유는\n<yemharc> 회사만 가면 폰이 줄줄줄...............\n<grr> ...\n<jangnan|win7> 많은 능력자분들이 롬을 개발하지만, 깔당시에만 만족스럽고 메모리 킬버튼을 화면킬떄마다 누르는 나를 발견\n<yemharc> grr, 그게.........보세요\n<yemharc> 회사를 딱 출근했어요\n<yemharc> 눈에 보이는건 ê°¤S ê°¤2 옵티big 아트릭스 등등ㄷ으\n<imsu> drake_kr, 이제 끝났습니다 ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> imsu, 안녕하세요\n<grr> 요즘 나오는건 다 있군요...\n<yemharc> grr, 게다가 가져다가 막 가지고 놀아도 아무도 터치 안해요\n<yemharc> 집에 들고가도 뭐라 안해요\n<grr> yemharc :: 제각각의 개성있게 프로그램에 호환안되게 무장한 그녀석들...\n<yemharc> ........살 마음이 들리가 없죠\n<drake_kr> imsu :: 냉면 언제 먹냐 그럼\n<imsu> yemharc, 안녕하세용 ㅎㅎ\n<grr> 살마음이 안생기겠군요...\n<imsu> drake_kr, 그러게요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> drake_kr, 제일 만만한게 일요일이랑 수요일이에요 ㅎ\n<yemharc> grr, 근데 차마 아트릭스에 우분투 얹는 짓은 못하겠더군요\n<grr> 아아... 아트릭스... 그거 버그때문에 말 많더라구요\n<yemharc> 대신 놋북에 연결해서 쓸데없는 컴파일 연산을 돕게 합니다\n<grr> ppc 시절 보던 렌덤 리부팅 귀신이 산다구...\n<yemharc> grr, 좀 그런 면이 있어요\n<yemharc> ......회사껀 커스텀 롬 냅따 얹어서 멀쩡합니다만 (.....)\n<grr> (...)\n<yemharc> 아니 그게....... 막 온날 손에 쥐고 5분도 안되서 리붓돼서 말이죠 .........\n<grr> ....;;;;;;\n<yemharc> <-사실 결함같은거 모르고 리붓되는거 ë³´ê³  그냥 얹었...........\n<grr> 유저가 스마트해야 쓸 수 있는 시망드로이드...\n<drake_kr> grr :: 그건 아닌듯\n<yemharc> 이걸로 아트릭스는 팀 내 최고 귀중품이 되었습니다\n<yemharc> A/S 안되걸랑요 (.....)\n<grr> (...)\n<yemharc> 음\n<yemharc> 잠시 잠수합니다 ㅇㅅㅇ/\n<drake_kr> grr :: 아 나 뻘짓한듯\n<drake_kr> 컴파일 했는데\n<drake_kr> 걍 바이너리가 더 빠르네\n<drake_kr> 제기랄\n<grr> 응?\n<grr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<grr> 귀중한 시간을 소비하셨군요\n<drake_kr> 썅\n<Ponics_OTL> drake_kr: / 헉... 초천재 ��´ˆê³ ìˆ˜ë“¤ë§Œì´ 할수 있는 \" 껌팔이 신공 \" 을 펼치신 drake_kr 옹... ㅎㄷㄷㄷㄷ\n<imsu> drake_kr, 초허접도 안한다는 컴파일 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> Ponics :: 껌 사세요.\n<imsu> 히히\n<drake_kr> 애플민트 만원입니다\n<imsu> 역시 모르는게 속편해 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> imsu :: 근데 재미는 없지.\n<imsu> 잉!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 비수를;; 켁;;;\n<imsu> seony 오늘도 늦게 계시는군용 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> imsu: ㅇㅇ ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> seony seony^MB = 서니 명박? ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 헉 사촌지간 ? ㅋㅋ\n<Seony> 맥북 ㅋ\n<Seony> 맥북이 하나 굴러들어왔거든\n<drake_kr> 興味深いのは重要なんだぜ。\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 이맥북?\n<imsu> drake_kr, 무슨 뜻이옵니까? ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> iMacBook\n<imsu> 아니 저 한문 비스무리 한거요 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 즐겁다는건 중요한거\n<imsu> 오~~~ 학식있어 보이심;; ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<imsu> 잉 한국말 아니면 몰라유 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<drake_kr> 아.. Black Lagoon이라는 애니메이션에서 더치라는 캐릭터가 주인공한테 한 말임\n<imsu> 아하\n<drake_kr> 죽기전에 무엇을 해야 하는가? -> 주인공 : 재밌는걸 하자 -> 더치 : 그러자\n<imsu> 재밌는게 뭔데요? ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 배로 gunship 헬리콥터에게 '어뢰' 쏘기\n<imsu> xp에도gjf;;\n<imsu> 헐;;\n<yemharc> drake_kr, ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 잉 난 뭘 쓴거임;; ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 블랙라군이 스토리가 좀 괜찮죠\n<drake_kr> 재밌어요\n<drake_kr> 3기 보심?\n<yemharc> 3기는 3화까지 ë³´ê³  중단상태에요\n<drake_kr> 쉔호아가 던지는 칼을 이빨로 물어뜯기.. 라던가.. <-\n<yemharc> 대신 만화책으로 봤습니다\n<drake_kr> 어차피 마지막화 립이 풀리는건 9월쯤이 될테니까요\n<imsu> drake_kr, ê·¸ 때 본게 3기 였던가요?\n<imsu> 잉?\n<drake_kr> 만화책은 완결\n<yemharc> 완결이죠\n<drake_kr> imsu :: ㅇ ㅅㅇ\n<grr> 전기톱을 이빨로 잡던대...\n<imsu> 헐;; 전기톱;; ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> grr :: 전기톱을 어떻게 이빨로 잡아\n<drake_kr> 전기톱은 총으로 막음\n<grr> drake_kr :: ê·¸ 메이드 아가씨가 하던대;\n<drake_kr> 칼을 먹었지\n<grr> 아 칼이구나;\n<grr> 이 기억력 ㅜㅜ\n<drake_kr> 워낙에 임팩트있는 장면이라..\n<grr> free(brain);\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> free;; ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> *brain = malloc(sizeof(junk), junk);\n<grr> 헐 영감님\n<imsu> 아 싫다 공돌이 유머를 이해한다는 내 자신이.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<grr> *brain으로 넣으면 시망댐\n<drake_kr> grr :: 노린거.\n<grr> ㅈㅅ...\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> .....\n<yemharc> brain panic\n<grr> oops\n<yemharc> 알 수 없는 오류가 발견되었지만, 알 수 없어 수정이 불가능합니다.\n<yemharc> 포맷하세요 :)\n<grr> 윈도우는 알수 없는 문제의 알수 없는 오류도 해결해요\n<grr> 윈도우 짱이에요\n<yemharc> Thanks, Bill!\n<drake_kr> http://www.indidev.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=97\n<drake_kr> 아니, 출처가 2ch(일본)이라고까지 했는데 한국어 문법오류 운운하는 애들은 뭐임 -_-\n<yemharc> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 게다가 원 출처는 영어\n<grr> 우유를 6개 사와야하는데..\n<drake_kr> while(하루) try{ 일++; } catch{ 멍때리기; } printf(\"%d\\n\", 일); 제 결과값은 0입니다.\n<yemharc> 아........지저분한 세상이네요\n<drake_kr> ㅈㅅ\n<yemharc> 펄이 밀려나고 파이썬이 똬리를 틀어놔선\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 결과값은 만족스럽군요. 원래 인생은 낭비하라고 있는거잖아요 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 오\n<drake_kr> 낙관적인 전망은 위험합니다\n<yemharc> 낙관적인건가요.........\n<jangnan|win7> 파이썬이라\n<jangnan|win7> 서점에 책이 별로 없던데\n<jangnan|win7> 많이 쓰는거 같기도하고\n<drake_kr> 뻘짓도 책이 별로 없는듯염\n<yemharc> Head First Python\n<grr> 올바른_전망 = 일 > 시간 ? 열심히_일한다 : 그냥_일한다;\n<drake_kr> 전 왜 요새 보컬로이드를 듣고 있는지 궁금해요\n<yemharc> 일은 그저 return (-1)\n<grr> -1 ...\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 동의하십니까 :)\n<yemharc> 프로그램_어렵지_않아요.c\n<grr> 30일만에_끝내는_C 이니까 어렵지 않아요\n<grr> 단 남한테는 추천하지 않아요 (...)\n<yemharc> grr, 근데 문제는 30일 안에 책을 못 읽는 사람이 태반\n<grr> yemharc :: 우리나라 출판 사업에 이바하고 계신 좋으신 분들이세요\n<grr> 이바지\n<drake_kr> 이바? wall-E?\n<yemharc> 하는김에 태우지 말고 재활용으로 내놔주길 바래요\n<grr> sorry to bother u\n<drake_kr> 근데 문제는\n<grr> 헌책방에 가져가면 얼마나 줄까요 그런거..\n<drake_kr> 책만 보는것도 안된다는거임\n<drake_kr> 뭐, c책도 그렇지만\n<drake_kr> 3ds나 autocad 책 아무리 열심히 본다고 해도\n<drake_kr> 3D 디자인 개념 자체를 모르는 애들이 태반\n<grr> (...)\n<grr> ë² ...벡터...\n<drake_kr> 툴 사용법은 조낸 고수인데 개념을 모름..\n<drake_kr> 예를들면..\n<drake_kr> 스타하는데 손가락은 조낸 빠른데 핵도 못 쏘는 애들 <-\n<grr>  /.\\\n<imsu> 헐;; 핵;; ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 손만 빨라\n<imsu> drake_kr, 손; ㅋㅋ\n<grr> C가 뭔가요 무서워요\n<drake_kr> 비타민이염\n<grr> A !\n<imsu> 질문이용 ~!!  xp 에서 redmine + git 하려고 하는데 bitnami 를 이용하여 redmine 은 설치하였습니다. ~ git 는 우찌 설정해야 하나요?\n<yemharc> 윈도는 모르겠어요;;\n<imsu> 스타전용 xp 가 너무 심심해 보이길래 설치하려는건데;; 흠;; ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<imsu> 에라 모르겠다 ㅎㅎ 아무거나 닥치는데로 섫치해야겠어요 ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> ㄲ;;\n<imsu> 그러다 하나 걸리겠죠 머 ㅎㅎ\n<Xeph> ¾Æ¾Æ\n<Xeph> ÇѱÛÅ×½ºÆ®\n<yemharc> Xeph, Plz set the UTF-8 charset\n<Xeph> °è¼¼¿ä~?\n<Xeph> oh\n<Xeph> okay\n<Xeph> thanks\n<imsu> 어라 전 보이는데 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 왜이러지 ㅎㅎ\n<Xeph> 오오\n<Xeph> 된다\n<Xeph> 안녕하세요~\n<imsu> 안녕하세요\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n<imsu> yemharc, Scm command is not available. Please check settings on the administration panel\n<imsu> 요렇게 뜨는데 뭐가 문제인가요?\n<imsu> 안바쁘시다면.. ㅎㅎ\n<Ponics_OTL> 초천재 밀옹 / 콤뿌따란 무었이옵뉘까 ?\n<imsu> drake_kr, 안바쁘시다면 알려주시옵소서 ㅎㅎ\n<Xeph> 제 닉네임 한번만 쳐주세요~ 하이라이트 설정하려고요.. 부탁드립니다\n<grr> Xeph :: OOPS?\n<Xeph> 감사합니다\n<Xeph> 아 소리가 안들리는게 비프사운드가 기본으로 없군요\n<drake_kr> 관리자 패널을 검사해라\n<drake_kr> Xeph :: 버럭\n<imsu> drake_kr, redmine 폴더에 git 가 설치되어있는데 왜 안되는거지용?\n<drake_kr> 음?\n<imsu>  Scm command is not available. Please check settings on the administration panel\n<drake_kr> imsu가 뭐 하려는지 모름\n<imsu> 으엉;;\n<imsu> svn 은 되는데\n<imsu> git 가 안되서요\n<drake_kr> git\n<imsu> 뭘 다른걸 설정해 줘야 하나요?\n<drake_kr> http://code.google.com/p/msysgit/downloads/list?can=3 요거 설치한겨?\n<imsu> 참고로 xp ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> drake_kr, redmine 안에다가용 repo 설정할 때요\n<imsu> git ㅎㅎ 써보려 하는데 안되서용 ㅎ\n<drake_kr> svn같은거구나\n<drake_kr> 햣!\n<imsu> 넹 그런거 같아요 ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 쉘 스크립트로 되도 않는 삽질을 했더니\n<yemharc> 세상 모든 언어가 하찮아 보임요\n<drake_kr> yemharc :: bash가 짱임요\n<yemharc> 포인터 조절하면 뭐할거여 ls -al도 바로 못 가져다 쓰는데 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> <-망가지는 중\n<imsu> 잉;; 모르겠다 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 아파치도 모르는데 내가 왜 이걸 만졌을까나 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> imsu :: 어쨌든 세팅하라는거 아녀\n<imsu> 네 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 근데 분명 깔려 있거든요;;\n<imsu> redmine 폴더에 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<yemharc> 아.........요샌 왜 점점 vi가 좋아질까요\n<grr> 오\n<imsu> 삼성 vi 는 뭐에요?\n<grr> vi 사랑 좋지요\n<yemharc> 마치 파폭의 확장기능에 질려 크롬으로 갈아타는 듯한 느낌\n<imsu> 아;; 점점이구나\n<imsu> 위에 빨간줄이 그어져서리;;\n<imsu> 착각 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> imsu, ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 왜 갑자기 빨간 줄이 글어졌지 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 글어 -> 그어\n<yemharc> 확실히 요즘 지쳤어요...........\n<yemharc> 예전같으면 슬슬 '시스템이나 밀어볼까' 할 타이밍인데 지쳐서 못하겠...........\n<Ponics_OTL> 초천재 밀옹 / 확실히 요즘 부상당해서 장애자 모드 입니다.\n<yemharc> Ponics_OTL, 다리 다치셨다면서요?\n<imsu> 으앙;; 왜 난 빨간줄이 그어져있누 ㅠ.ㅠ\n<imsu> 아 헷갈려\n<Ponics_OTL> 초천재 밀옹 / 다리가 아니라 발 입니다..\n<imsu> xhat2 에서 왜이러지요? ㅎㅎ\n<Xeph> 혹시 irc 용도로 쓸 괜찮은 beep wav 파일 보내주실 분 계신가요~\n<yemharc> imsu, 빨간줄이 어떻게 가 있어요?\n<imsu> yemharc, 시간이 좀 지나면 빨간줄이 ;; ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 그래서 계속 움직이네요\n<drake_kr> imsu 범죄자\n<yemharc> 읭;;\n<imsu> 시간데에 따라서 그런건가;;\n<imsu> drake_kr, 하긴 오늘 애들 몇명 주먹으로 패긴했지요 ㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 원래 특정 포인íŠ��마다 그어버리긴 합니다만 줄이 따라오는건;;\n<imsu> 킁킁 이거 없앨 수 있나요?\n<imsu> 어디를 봐야하나 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 안해 ㅋㅋ\n<Xeph> imsu: 거기에 ë³´ë©´ preference에 market line 체크 푸시면 되용\n<yemharc> imsu, xchat을 껐다 켜보는건 어떻습니까\n<yemharc> 빌님의 위대한 영향력은 소프트웨어 업계에 지대한 영향을 주었다 믿습니다\n<Xeph> preferences -> text box -> show marker line 체크 해제\n<imsu> show market line = 구분선 표시 ㅠ.ㅠ; ; ;\n<imsu> Xeph, 감사합니다\n<imsu> 아놔 번역을 이렇게 해놨어 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<imsu> 한참 찾았는데 ㅠ.ㅠ;;\n<drake_kr> 마켓라인?\n<imsu> ㅇㅇ\n<imsu> market line 이게 있어서요 ㅎㅎ 계속 헷갈렸네요 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 글자를 굴림으로 해놔서 그런가? ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 흠\n<yemharc> 어우.......\n<yemharc> 벌써 피곤이 몰려온다;;;\n<imsu> git 안되나 ㅎㅎㅎ 에잉;;; svn 써야 하나요? ㅎㅎ\n<grr>  /.\\\n<imsu> 잉;; 내가 왜 이고생이람;; ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> drake_kr, 간만에 스프린터셀 했는데 재밌네요 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> iec266같은경우는 리눅스가 아예 지원이 안되는군..\n<drake_kr> 역시 키보드랑 마우스는 물로 씻어야 깨끗하군\n<imsu> drake_kr, 엥??\n<imsu> drake_kr, 방수에요? ㅎㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 아니\n<imsu> 전 예전에 요구르트 엎어서 한번;;;;; 망한적이 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 누를때 찐덕찐덕\n<imsu> 아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 찌든 때 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 고놈으로 한 20번 살살 문질러 주셨나요? ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 에잉모르겠다;; 포기 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 개발환경은 xp 가 더 어렵네요 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<imsu> 넨장헐;;\n<drake_kr> ㅇㅇ?\n<drake_kr> vs가 짱임\n<imsu> vs ??\n<imsu> visual studio?\n<drake_kr> visual studio\n<imsu> visual stduio 로 파이썬이랑 다 되요?\n<imsu> 가지고 있는건 6.0 밖에 없는데 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 뱀?\n<imsu> ㅇㅇ\n<imsu> 안해 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 뱀 인스톨러 : http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.1/python-2.7.1.msi\n<imsu> 설치는 다 했어요 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 이제 제일 중요한 언어만 배우면 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 왜배워\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 귀찮게\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 허접한 지식으론 도저히 할 수없음을;; ㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 웬만하면 c로 다 때워보려 했더니;; 힘들거 같더라구요 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 하긴..\n<drake_kr> 요샌 c도 asm 취급 받는 느낌..\n<imsu> ㅇㅇ\n<grr> c 좋은데..\n<drake_kr> 님들 gwbasic 무시하나여\n<imsu> 친구가 c++ 하는 회사에 취직했는데;;; 너 C로 코딩할줄도 알아?? 라는 소리 들었다네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<grr> 10 play \"edcdeee\"\n<imsu> gw basic 하면 auto 10 밖에는 생각이 안나요 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 프로그램 65kb 매뉴얼 350kb\n<grr> gjr\n<grr> 헉 오토 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<grr> 줄번호 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> dd\n<imsu> ㅇㅇ\n<grr> ctrl + break 로 auto 끄는거 몰라서\n<grr> 한번 실행한 후엔 고생했죠...\n<drake_kr> 님들아 gwbasic에서 어케나감?\n<imsu> 엄 그럴 땐 실행 키를 눌러줍니다 ㅋㅋ\n<grr> 컴퓨터에 전원버튼 2번 누르면 되요\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> ê·¸ 땐 컴터 끄는 그런게 다 전원 버튼 아니었나요?\n<imsu> 아 시노비 하고 싶다 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 시노비.. 없는데..\n<grr> 그땐 리셋이 없었던거 같은데..\n<drake_kr> 제기랄\n<grr> 슈퍼 시노비 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 찾아봐야겠다 시노비\n<grr> 오락기 팩으로 가지고 있었었는데\n<imsu> grr, 리셋있던건 나중에 나왔어요 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 찾았다\n<grr> 스노우 브라더스 /_\\\n<imsu> 플로피디스텟 2장짜리가 짱이었는데 ㅋㅋ\n<grr> 2장 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 서로 ê·¸ 컴터 쓰려고 난리였었죠\n<imsu> 흑백 모니터도 인기 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> http://nemo838.tistory.com/attachment/cfile24.uf@142286404D3B62642BC0DC.001\n<grr> diskcopy가 무려\n<imsu> 그전에는 녹색이었나? ㅎㅎ\n<grr> 교체하지 않고도 되는 2 드라이브..\n<drake_kr> 깔아서 해보자\n<imsu> grr ㅇㅇ 짱이었죠 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 이자식들이\n<drake_kr> 도스박스 열게 만들고 있어\n<grr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<grr> 녹색 모니터\n<grr> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 도스 박스에서 어쩐지 저녁도 해보세요 히히히\n<imsu> 전 요즘 그거 함 ㅎㅎ\n<grr> 초등학교때 무려 터미널 컴퓨터가 있었었어요\n<grr> 학교에\n<grr> 녹색 모니터에...\n<imsu> 아;;; 가봐야 ê² êµ°;;; 술마시러 흐흐흐\n<grr> 들어가보셔요\n<imsu> drake_kr, 야간에 왜이리 약속이여 ㅠ.ㅠ; ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> mcga\n<imsu> 난중에 냉면 먹어용 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> ㅇㅇ\n<imsu> ??\n<imsu> mcga 는 뭐에요??? sega 는 알겠는데 ㅋㅋ\n<grr> 모르겠네요;;;\n<imsu> 그럼 전 이만 히히\n<imsu> 욕인가 ? 헐~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> mc = ㅁㅊ? zzzz\n<imsu> ga = get out of here??\n<imsu> 히히 술도 안먹었는데 왜이래 그럼 수고들 하세용 ㅎㅎ ^^\n<yemharc> 들어가세요\n<drake_kr> 어렵다\n<drake_kr> 시노비 어렵다\n<yemharc> ㅋ\n<grr> 어려움 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> ctrl+x로 끄는거군\n<grr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 이거 멋지군요\n<yemharc> 49.만약 당신을 파괴할 수 있는 아티펙트의 소재를 알아낸다면 그것을 가져오기 위해 당신의 모든 군대를 보내지 말라. 대신에 그들을 뭔가 다른 것을 찾게 보내고 조용하게 ê·¸ 아티펙트가 있는 곳의 지역 신문의 '삽니다' 란에 광고를 내어라.\n<yemharc> 출처 : 마왕을 위한 지침서\n<grr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<grr> 삼 ] 이계의 마법검 제시\n<yemharc> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 제싴ㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 72.만일 영웅들이 전부 이상한 장치 주변에 함께 서 있고 당신을 조롱하고 있다면, 당신의 무적의 슈퍼무기를 꺼내는 대신에 평범한 무기를 뽑아라\n<grr> 마왕이 다구리를 안치니까 맨날 깨지는거 같아요..\n<yemharc> 그런거죠 뭐\n<yemharc> 사실 RPG의 공식 아니겠습니까 ㅋㅋ\n<grr> 아.. 그러고보니 FF5 할때 중간 보스가 최종보스보다 훨 쌔더군요...\n<grr> 에디터 쓰고도 패할 수 있다는 ê·¸ 중간보스...\n<yemharc> 대박\n<yemharc> 99.중요한 데이터 파일은 1.45Mb의 크기로 만들어라.\n<grr> 아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 대박이네요 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 120. 용사가 기본적인 수학 기술들로 당신을 이기는 것보다 더 화나는 일은 없으므로, 당신의 개인 무기들을 표준량보다 한발 더 많이 쏠 수 있도록 개조하라.\n<yemharc> 수많은 액션영화들이 머리를 스쳐갑니다 ㅋㅋ\n<grr> 아.. 홍콩 느와르가 생각난다..\n<grr> 주윤발형 멋졌었는데..\n<grr> 코트에서 총이 마르질 않죠..\n<grr> 재장전 따윈없고..\n<yemharc> 179. 중요한 일은 결코 하청을 주지마라.\n<yemharc> 부왘ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 이미 마왕을 위한 지침서가 아니에욬ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<grr> 하청을 주지마라 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<grr> 하청에게 주문하면 하청의 하청이 나가고..\n<grr> 갑을병정 구조 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<grr> 갑 = 살게라스 , 을 = 아키몬드,킬제덴,데스윙,... 병 = 리치킹 , 정 = 아서스\n<grr> 딱인데?!\n<grr> 역시 갑이 되어야 하는군요...\n<HwanSK> 을에 데스윙이 들어가지는 않을거 같은데요 ㅋ\n<yemharc> 190. 만일 당신의 미친 과학자/마법사가 그가 당신의 슈퍼 무기를 거의 완성했지만, 아직 실험이 필요하다고 말하면, 반드시 그에게 실험을 확실하게 마칠 때까지 기다리도록 하라. ê·¸ 어떤 사람도 베타 버전으로 세계를 정복할 수는 없다.\n<grr> 살게라스 4명 똘마니중에 하나가 데스윙 아닌가요? 가물가물해서..\n<yemharc> 데스윙은 좀 별개죠\n<yemharc> 5대 위상이었는데 타락.........\n<grr> 그럼 협력업체쯤 되나요... (...)\n<yemharc> 비슷해요\n<grr> 아\n<grr> 갑 = 살게라스, 을 = 아키몬드,킬제덴, 병 = 리치킹,일리단, 정 = 아서스\n<grr> 갑 빼고 다털림?\n<grr> (...)\n<yemharc> 킬제덴은 안털렸음요\n<grr> 아 그러네요\n<yemharc> 그냥 소환 취소된거\n<yemharc> 그리고 일리단도 정에 가깝죠\n<grr> 사회의 구조를 잘 보여주는 예로 써먹어도\n<grr> 되겠네요\n<yemharc> 일리단 어쩔..............어흑\n<grr> 병 = 일리단, 정 = 켈타스, 나가씨, 드레나이종족...\n<grr> (...)\n<yemharc> 마법 좀 썼다고 동정으로 1만년 갖혀있다가 나와서 '그래도 우리 부족 짱임' 하면서 개고생했더니 개털리고\n<yemharc> 1만년을 붙어있어 준 얀데레 아가씨(메이브)는 ê²°êµ­ 날 다시 감방에 쳐 넣을 뿐이고\n<yemharc> 감방 들어갔더니 형이란 인간은 '우리도 이제 마법씀 ㅇㅇ' 하고 앉았고\n<grr> 티란테는 형이 채어갔꼬..\n<yemharc> 일리단은 그놈목소리 듣고 훅 갔고\n<grr> 아.. 그래도 프로즌 쓰론 마지막에 아서스가 막타칠때 \"빗나감\" 떠서 살았으니...\n<yemharc> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 224. 기계를 만들 때는, 폭주할 때마다 폭발과 함께 주변의 모든 부하들을 날려버릴 뿐만 아니라, 연쇄 폭발을 일으키는 기계가 아니라, 단지 조용히 멈추어 버리는 기계를 만들도록 한다. 이는 “두꺼비 집”이라고 불리는 최신의 장비를 갖춤으로서 해결할 수 있다.\n<yemharc> 우리 귀찮아도 예외처리는 좀 합시닼ㅋㅋㅋ\n<grr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<grr> exception ㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 사이드 이펙트 한번 뜨면 개쩝니닼\n<grr> 워크3 깔때 워크레프트 시리즈의 최종장에 모시게 된 것을 감사합니다. 라고 뜬거봐서\n<grr> 워크4는 안나오겠죠..?\n<yemharc> 231. 신비한 힘을 가진 가디언에게는 고전적인 수수께끼를 던지는 대신에, 방문객의 이름과 목적, 약속을 하고 왔는지 물어보도록 지시하라.\n<yemharc> 워크4는 모르겠고\n<yemharc> Space of StarCraft는 나올지도 몰라요\n<grr> oops?\n<yemharc> 스토리도 점점 그쪽으로 몰아가고 있잖아요\n<yemharc> 울두아르의 비밀 파트서 ë³´ë©´ 영문 대사에 크루져 라는 대사가 나옵니다.\n<grr> 오..?\n<yemharc> 근데 이게 '티탄족이 내려 올 때 쓴 방주'라고 하는군요\n<grr> 헐...\n<grr> 세계관 겹쳐지나...\n<grr> 타우렌 우주해병 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> ê·¸ 외에도 영던서도 system이라던가 certified라던가 묘하게 컴퓨터 용어들이 많이 쓰이고 있고\n<yemharc> (단어 자체는 일반적이긴 한데 문장의 전체적 분위기가)\n<Xeph> 아오.. 혹시 Gnome-panel에 notificatoin indicator applet 을 Docky에 띄우고 뭐 그런거 가능한가요..?\n<Xeph> Gnome-panel 없애고 쓰려고 하는데 저게 너무 걸리네요\n<yemharc> 도키에는 안 들어갈걸요;;\n<yemharc> 그거 태생 자체가 패널 전용이라서요....\n<Xeph> 흑흑 그렇군요..\n<Xeph> indicator applet 만 빼면 패널이 필요가 없어지는데 흑..\n<yemharc> 음;;\n<yemharc> conky를 쓰시는건?\n<Xeph> 옷\n<Xeph> 처음 들어보는 거네요\n<yemharc> 음;; 처음 들으시는거면 추천 못합니다\n<Xeph> ;;\n<yemharc> conky는 제가 알기론 자동화 툴이 없어서 스크립트를 짜야 하거든요;;\n<Xeph> 아하..\n<Xeph> 완전 초보라 헤헤\n<yemharc> 스크립트가 어려운건 아닌데, 그렇다고 또 굳이 머리 썩히며 할 필요도 없거든요\n<yemharc> Xeph, gdesklets  이걸 써 보세요\n<yemharc> 그놈 데스크탑 위젯입니다\n<Xeph> 오 이걸로\n<yemharc> http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/img/16319-13.png\n<Xeph> 그놈 패널에 있는 트레이 아이콘\n<yemharc> 요런 느낌?\n<Xeph> 띄울수 있는거에요?\n<yemharc> 일단 있을건 다 있어요\n<Xeph> 오 네 한번 해볼게요 감사합니다\n<drake_kr> 베타ë��„전으로 세계정복 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 베타버전 세계정복은 무리죸ㅋㅋㅋ\n<grr> 전 이만 자러\n<grr> 가보곘습니다\n<grr> 수고들하셔요\n<drake_kr> http://comic.naver.com/webtoon/detail.nhn?titleId=70046&no=129&weekday=thu\n<yemharc> 어잌쿠 3GSㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 세계정복 실패\n<yemharc> ㄲ\n<drake_kr> http://comic.naver.com/webtoon/detail.nhn?titleId=318993&no=10&weekday=thu 나 사실 엄마를 여자로 생각하고 있었엌ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> drake_kr, 시노비 아직다 못 깨셨습니까? ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> imsu :: 안해\n<imsu> 왜요 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 파판12 할려고\n<imsu> 온라인 게임인가요?\n<drake_kr> 파이널판타지\n<imsu> 그게 pc 게임도 있어요?\n<imsu> 잠깐 파이널판타지면 ê·¸ 주인공 3명? ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> drake_kr, 살인자0난감 보셨어요?\n<drake_kr> 그거 안보는 만화\n<drake_kr> 지금 노트북 갖고노는중 ㅋ\n<imsu> 왜 안보시는데요? ㅋㅋ 전 재밌는데 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 근데 좀 사이코 같네요 만화가;;\n<drake_kr> 아오\n<drake_kr> 우분투 정말\n<drake_kr> 너무하네\n<imsu> ??\n<drake_kr> 소스컴파일 별짓 다해도 안돼서 좀 뒤져보니까..\n<drake_kr> ppa가 있네\n<drake_kr> 아오\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 잉 살아있는개그 히히히\n<drake_kr> 너무\n<imsu> 저도 얼마전에 perl cpan 모듈 설치죽어라 삽질 하다가 시냅틱에서 라이브 찾아서 한방에 해결\n#ubuntu-ko 2011-06-09\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n<Terras> 안녕들 하시져..\n<yemharc> 넵 안녕하세요\n<yemharc> cartes_, 안녕하세요\n<cartes_> 안녕하세요\n<cartes_> yemharc, 뭐하시나여?\n<yemharc> 슬슬(?!) 일 하려구요 :)\n<yemharc> 근데 뭐......바쁘지는 않네요\n<yemharc> 요즘 소홀(?)했던 포럼 답글놀이를 좀 하고 있는데 크게 답글을 달만한건 없군요\n<yemharc> 요즘 답글을 달아주시는 분들이 좀 늘어나서 기쁘네요\n<bundo> 안녕하세요 강분도 입니다. 반갑습니다.\n<yemharc> bundo, 안녕하세요 :)\n<bundo> 여러분 제가 바라는건 하나입니다 peace !\n<bundo> 이런 스타일로 인사하면 술 들깻다고 할까요 ?\n<yemharc> 으잌ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ;;;;;;\n<bundo> 요즘 술 안하는 중\n<bundo> 술마시고 나면 다음날 몸이 너무 저리고 그러더니요?\n<bundo> 알고 보니 장마 왔더라고요 ... 나참\n<yemharc> 장마철이죠\n<bundo> 장마가 오려고 내 몸은 그리 저렸나 보다.. .  우분투 옆에서 (서정주 국화 옆에서 페러디)\n<yemharc> 11.10 서버 버전에서 DyDNS를 기본으로 지원해주도록 계획중이라는군요\n<bundo> 맥에어 사서 우분투 깔고 맥 테마 씌워 쓰면 어떨까요?\n<bundo> 잡스형이 서포트 해줄까요 ?\n<yemharc> 아마 안해줄거라고 봅니다\n<bundo> 그럼 마크 흉한테 서포트 해달라고 해야징\n<yemharc> ㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 잡스형이라면 아마 \"그럴거면ㅋㅋ맥OSㅋㅋㅋ쎀ㅋㅋ\" 할거같네요\n<bundo> 아 그러면 돈좀있는 구글 크롬 으로 쓰면 어떨까요 ? ㅋㅋ\n<bundo> 크롬 OS\n<yemharc> 크롬OS는 아직 판단이 잘 안섭니다\n<yemharc> 컨셉은 분명 스마트한 세상에 맞춰져 있는데\n<yemharc> 솔직히 말해 인터넷 인프라가 크롬OS를 불편하지 않다고 느낄 수 있을만큼 충실한가는 좀 의문이에요\n<bundo> 페북에 코분투 페이지 만들었심 17명 좋아요 필요함\n<bundo> 페이지 가 어떤건지 해보는 중 ㅎ\n<yemharc> bundo, 포탈을 주세요 :)\n<bundo> 포탈 ?\n<yemharc> 링크요 ㅎㅎ\n<bundo> http://www.facebook.com/pages/cobuntu/136284079780188?sk=wall\n<yemharc> 넵 감사합니다\n<bundo> http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150206835853600 이거 웃기는 군요\n<bundo> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 우잌ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 낚였어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<bundo> 할리양 말에요\n<bundo> IRC에 터주 대감 여성으로 전설이죠 ㅎ\n<yemharc> 오오\n<bundo> 오프 잘나와서 맘에 드는 블루군 꼬드겨서\n<bundo> 미국 실리콘 벨리에 취직 시키고.. 같이 살며 자신은 월급 ì°©ì·¨ 하거든요\n<bundo> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<bundo> 대단한 여성임\n<bundo> yemharc 예밀도 그런 여자 만나야 하는데 ...\n<yemharc> ì°©ì·¨ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> bundo, 아픈곳을 찌르시면 슬픕니다 ㅠㅠ\n<bundo> 미국 실리콘 벨리 개발자 연봉 아시죠 ?\n<bundo> 대충 억 은 받을꺼에요\n<yemharc> 안타깝게도 잘 모릅니다 (.....)\n<yemharc> 많이 받는군요\n<yemharc> 근데 미국쪽도 불황이라 실리콘벨리도 많이들 도산하고 그런다고 하더군요\n<bundo> 자세한건 나중 술자리서 이야기 해줄께요\n<yemharc> 넵\n<bundo> 할리양의 착취와 계속 착취를 위한 결혼 식 가을 계획깢;..\n<yemharc> ....................\n<bundo> 일단 친추 해두세요 ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 말만 들으면 미져리군요 (..)\n<yemharc> 일단 친구요청 했습니다\n<yemharc> 일주일만 더 버티면 회사가 휴식기!! 어흑....ㅠㅠ\n<imsu> 안녕하세요 ^^\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n<imsu> 히히\n<yemharc> imsu, https://www.facebook.com/pages/cobuntu/136284079780188?sk=wall\n<bundo> 구굴 메인 그림 죽이는 군요\n<bundo> 기타 ㅎ\n<yemharc> 오오\n<imsu> yemharc: 잉;; 저 사진은;;; ㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> bundo: 안녕하세요\n<bundo> imsu  장마철이라 몸 이 안녕 못함\n<bundo> 아 쑤셔 ~~\n<imsu> bundo: 으잉? ㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 아 저는 옆집 아줌마의 고성방가에 온 몸이 짜증이에요 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<imsu> bundo: 할배 등극 축하주 한잔 하시는건.. 어떻습니까? ㅎㅎㅎ\n<bundo> 그럴깡 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 공개소프트웨어 메일 왔네 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> bundo: 넹 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 다다음주 수요일 쯤? ㅎㅎㅎ\n<bundo> 그려 ~\n<imsu> 요즘 시간이 남아 돌아서 놀러가려고요 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 백수 되기 5초전 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> /ㅜ\n<imsu> Seony 어서 오십쇼 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<Seony> hi\n<imsu> ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 아 파이썬 어렵네요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 펄에서 하루만에 파이ì��¬ìœ¼ë¡œ 넘어간거야?\n<imsu> 네 펄로 그래프 그리다가;; 파이썬이 더 쉬워 보이길래 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 근데 그래프 그리는건 더 쉬운거 같아요\n<imsu> 몇 줄만에 그냥 그래프가;; ㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> gtk 랑 같이 쓰려고 그냥 파이썬 선택했어요 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 근데 이건 웬 클래스 개념 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<imsu> 클래스 시른데 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<Seony> 그쿠나. 하긴 펄은 그래프를 그리는데 적합하진 않지\n<yemharc> 펄은 그저 정규표현식 (.....)\n<imsu> 그려지긴 하는데;; 나중에 연동하기가 복잡할거 같아서 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 음... 그래도 한 번 펄에 손대면 펄 프로그래머. 배신자를 척결할 시간이 왔군 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 잉? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<Seony> 임수가 나랑 은근히 정반대에 서있는데... 이맥스 쓰는 것부터해서 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 근데 wx파이썬은 뭐에요?\n<Seony> GUI\n<imsu> Seony: 그런가요? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> WindowX Python\n<imsu> 음;;;\n<yemharc> 대부분 언어의 GUI 라이브러리는 wx가 붇어요\n<imsu> 글쿤요 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> pygtk하는 것도 신경질 나는데 신경안쓸래요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 또 나중에 필요하면 보겠지만 흑흑\n<yemharc> http://www.pkgs.org\n<imsu> Seony: 점점 이맥스도 장식용이 되어갑니다 ㅎㅎ 제대로 쓸 줄 몰라서 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 이맥스 = irc 채팅용 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<Seony> ㅋㅋ 그러게 vi 해\n<yemharc> vim-python\n<yemharc> vim-perl\n<imsu> vi 이동키 외울때도 한참 걸려\n<imsu> 렸는데;;\n<imsu> ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 지금도 이맥스 이동하는 키 외에는 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 할줄몰라요 ㅋㅋ\n<Seony> 화살표키로 움직이면 되지\n<imsu> 오른쪽손가락이 잠깐 움직이는 것도 귀찮아해서 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 손이 느리다 보니 ㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> vim-addon-manager\n<imsu> yemharc: 유혹하지 마세요 ㅋㅋㅋ 넘어가고 싶으니 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 이맥스로는 emphathy 채팅이 힘이든건가요? 아니면 제가 못 찾은 건가요? ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 이 짓이라도 해야지 이맥스가 내 손에서 살아남지 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> yemharc: 이클립스에서 파이썬 빌드 에러 체크가 제대로 안되던데 패키지가 따로 있나요?\n<imsu> run 하면 위젯도 안뜨고 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 어 또 뜨네 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<imsu> 난 뭐한거지 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 어제까지 안떴는데 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<jasonjang> imsu 바뽀요?\n<jasonjang> 우분투 메뉴에서 \"암호 및 로그인 키\"..........의 cli 를 알고 싶어요. 찾아 줄 수 있어요? 아, Seony도 계셨군. 알려주세요. ㅠㅠ\n<jasonjang> gui 메뉴중 \"암호 및 암호화 키\" 인가보네요.\n<imsu> jasonjang: 네? 잠깐 누워있었어요\n<jasonjang> 뭘? ì½±! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<jasonjang> 우분투 메뉴에서 \"암호 및 로그인 키\"..........의 cli 를 알고 싶어요. 찾아 줄 수 있어요?\n<imsu> cli 가 뭐에요?\n<imsu> ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> command line interface ?\n<jasonjang> 예.\n<jasonjang> 잘 모르겠으면, 우분투 > 메뉴> 시스í��œ > 관리 > 암호 및 암호화 키 > 도움말 > 정보...........에 머라고 나와요?\n<imsu> http://www.stchman.com/ubuntu_cli.html\n<imsu> 요기 제일 밑에 있는건 아니죠?\n<imsu> sudo passwd <username>\n<imsu> 머지 ㅎㅎ 더 찾아볼게용\n<jasonjang>  우분투 > 메뉴> 시스템 > 관리 > 암호 및 암호화 키 > 도움말 > 정보. 있는 것을 알고 싶어요 imsu\n<jasonjang> 자문자답  seahorse\n<imsu> 잉;;\n<imsu> ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<jasonjang> 그렇게 보여요? imsu!\n<jasonjang> 우분투 > 메뉴> 시스템 > 관리 > 암호 및 암호화 키 > 도움말 > 정보. --> sea horse\n<jasonjang> ?\n<imsu> 정확히 뭐 말씀하시는지 모르겠어요 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<imsu> 암호화 키까지는 갔고\n<imsu> Help\n<jasonjang> 내 질문이 정확하지 못했네요\n<imsu> whlthdgkqslek b.b;\n<imsu> 죄송합니다 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<jasonjang> 전혀~~~ 안 죄송!!!\n<jasonjang> 해도 되여~\n<benkimkimben> 우분투 오픈소스 파일은 어디서 구하나요\n<benkimkimben> ?\n<imsu> 혹시 About Passwords and Encryption Keys ?\n<imsu> 말씀하시는거에요?\\\n<imsu> 도움말에 있는데\n<imsu> 영문으로는 Seahorse web page 로 나와 있는걸로 봐서는 seahorse\n<imsu> 가 되어야 할텐데 ;; ㅎㅎ\n<jasonjang> 맞아요. seahores 찾은 것 였어요\n<imsu> jasonjang: http://projects.gnome.org/seahorse/\n<imsu> 아하 그렇군요 ㅎㅎ\n<jasonjang> 아 찾았당깐. 버럭. ㅋ\n<imsu> 넹 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 뷁\n<imsu> ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 제가 쫌 띨빵합니다 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<jasonjang> 참눼~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> ㅁㄴㅇ래ㅑㅗ\n<imsu> yemharc: ??\n<imsu> benkimkimben: 오픈소스 파일이요?\n<benkimkimben> 리눅수 os 소스코드요\n<imsu> 켁 분석하시게요 대단 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<benkimkimben> 우분트에서 배포한거는 없나 궁굼해서요\n<yemharc> 리눅스 소스코드라면 http://www.kernel.org로 가시면 되겠습니다\n<yemharc> ê·¸ 외 다른 패키지의 소스코드가 필요하시면 sudo apt-get source <package>\n<yemharc> 라고 하시면 됩니다\n<benkimkimben> 저도 배워가는 입장이죠 모 ㅎㅎ 직접해보기전에는 절대모른다는...ㅎㅎ\n<benkimkimben> 아 그렇군요 감사합니다\n<yemharc> 커널분석은 ㅂㅌ들이나 하는거에요 (먼산)\n<imsu> 저같은 초보는 커널분석 따위 하지 않습니다 ㅋㅋ(귀찮은게 아니라 능력이 안되서 흑흑)\n<imsu> 근데 분석하시려면 시간 꽤나 걸리실텐데;; ㅎㅎ\n<benkimkimben> ㅂㅌ이 모죠 설마 밥통인가요 ㅠ\n<imsu> 변\n<benkimkimben> 태\n<imsu> 트아~~~~~\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<benkimkimben> ㅠ\n<benkimkimben> 지금 임무가 파일시스템 커널 그리고 오픈소스를 배우고 숙지하는거거든요\n<yemharc> 겔2 액정 성능이 안좋네요........\n<benkimkimben> 이모든걸 배우기엔 리눅스 분석이 도움이 될거같아서요\n<imsu> benkimkimben: 저도 자세히는 모르지만 커널 컴파일 부터? ㅎㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> imsu, 커널컴파일은 아무것도 알려주지 않아요\n<yemharc> benkimkimben, 그럼 대상을 잘못 택하셨습니다. 차라리 임베디드 OS를 배우세요\n<imsu> yemharc: 그래도 어ë�� 정도는 알 수 있지 않나요 큰 개념으로\n<yemharc> imsu, 커널을 컴파일 하는 법을 배우게 됩니다\n<yemharc> 커널을 컴파일 하는거랑 커널 구조를 아는건 전혀 틀리잖아요\n<Seony> 커널 컴파일은 그냥 매뉴얼에 적힌대로 따라만 하면 되는거...\n<benkimkimben> yemharc 그러면 android를 보는게 조을까요?\n<yemharc> benkimkimben, 안드로이드도 나쁘지 않습니다만, 안드로이드로 공부를 하실거라면 일단 '어느 부분이 안드로이드OS의 커널인지' 확인하세요\n<yemharc> 무작정 파고들면 UI 소스 보다 끝나는 경우가 생깁니다\n<imsu> yemharc: menuconfig 맞나? 이런거 ë³´ë©´ 그래도 대략 구조를 파악할 수 있을거라 드린 말씀인디 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 그냥 그렇다구요 ㅎㅎ 전 잘 몰라서 ㅎㅎ\n<benkimkimben> yemharc 임베디드 OS 를 추천하는이유는 리눅스보다는 간단해서 그런가요?\n<yemharc> imsu, 아, 그게 좀 착각하기 쉬운데요\n<imsu> 네\n<yemharc> 컴파일 시에 자기가 선택하는 메뉴들은 '커널이 제공하는 기능을 선택하는' ê±°ê³ \n<yemharc> ê·¸ '제공하는 기능이 돌아가는 구조'는 모르는거죠\n<imsu> 아하~!\n<yemharc> benkimkimben, 네, 일단 규모는 작으면서도 OS이기때문에 실제 파일시스템의 구조라던가 커널이 메모리에 올라가서 시스템을 컨트롤하는 거라던가\n<yemharc> 짧은 시간안에 \"공통적인 개념\"을 배울 수 있어요\n<benkimkimben> 그렇군요\n<jasonjang> benkimkimben; freshmeat 참고 하세요.\n<yemharc> jasonjang, 프래쉬밋 아직도 활동이 활발한가요?\n<jasonjang> 머 대충 그렇쵸?!\n<yemharc> 흠\n<jasonjang> global 하니까? 하므로? ...?\n<yemharc> 고등학교 졸업 후에는 포지만 다녔더니.......\n<jasonjang> 헉!\n<yemharc> ?\n<benkimkimben> jasonjang 지금 열심이 보는중\n<yemharc> 아......고민되네요\n<yemharc> 서버/네트워크 쪽으로 전향을 할까 (......)\n<jasonjang> yemharc; 어디서=어느쪽에서=뭘 하다가, 서버/네떡 쪽으로 전향을?\n<imsu> 수아파파님이 교재로 쓴 아두이노는 어떨까요? ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 좀 다른가 ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 완전 무경력일때엔 IDC 서버관리 계약직 (=알바) -> 이후 서버 소켓개발 -> 현재 안드로이드\n<yemharc> 근데 서버 건드릴 떄가 제일 재밌었던거 같아요\n<jasonjang> 예에~\n<imsu> yemharc: 난중에 서버 멘토좀 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 멘토라니 부담되요 ;;;\n<imsu> yemharc: 그럼 삽질 전담반 티쳐? ㅋㅋㅋ\n<benkimkimben> IDC 서버관리 알바는 보통 얼마나 받나요?\n<imsu> yemharc: 강의 자료 만들어서 티칭 해주시옵소서 으흐흐\n<yemharc> 그건 좋군요\n<imsu> 좋다고 하셨으니 콜콜콜\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> benkimkimben, 음....대충 주 5일 + 주 3일 야근 + 달 2회 당직.......으로\n<yemharc> 식대포함 대략 170정도 됐던거같네요\n<yemharc> 주 3일 야근......이ë��는게 사실 야근이라기보다 그냥 메인테넌스때문에 정규 근무시간입니다\n<yemharc> 아, 그리고 주/야 3교대였습니다\n<benkimkimben> 아 알바도 서버 설치 나 그런일을 하나요\n<benkimkimben> 아니면 주로 모니터링인가요\n<yemharc> 음......원래 알바는 모니터링이고 야간조에 투입되는데\n<yemharc> 저도 처음엔 모니터링쪽이었다가 다룰줄 아니까 부려먹힌(?) 케이스죠\n<yemharc> 보통 IDC 알바 오는 사람들은 야간 모니터링으로 돈 받으면서 자기 공부 합니다\n<benkimkimben> ㅎㅎ\n<benkimkimben> 그렇군요\n<benkimkimben> 학생들이 하기에 딱이겠네요\n<yemharc> 네. 실제로 대학생들 많이 해요.\n<yemharc> 딱히 이쪽 계열 아니어도\n<yemharc> 아는 사람들은 소개받건 어쩌건 해서 많이들 합니다\n<imsu> 나도 알바나 할까 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<benkimkimben> imsu 님은 학생이세요?\n<imsu> benkimkimben: 백수요 ㅋㅋ\n<benkimkimben> 아 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 일은 하고 있으나 백수나 다름없는;; 뭐 그런 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<benkimkimben> 일하시면서 프로젝트 나 개발대회같은데 참여하는게 역량 기르는 측면에서 조을듯...\n<yemharc> 일하고 남는 시간에 놀기 떄문에 직장인이라고 하는겁니다!!\n<yemharc> 일하고 남는 시간에 공부하는건 학생이죠!!\n<imsu> 어 그럼 나 학생 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<ihavnoth> motodev appsum11kr 왔어요\n<imsu> 학생 급등 했네요 백수에서 학생으로 ㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 일따위 아무리 코드를 잘 짜도 ê²°êµ­ 돌려받는건 return(-1)일 뿐이에요!!\n<imsu> 등업 ㄱㅅ 히히\n<imsu> return (한달 생존유지비)\n<yemharc> 생존 유지비는 포인터가 걸려 있어서 문제죠 (.......)\n<imsu> 응??\n<yemharc> 통장을 거쳐 지갑으로 들어가야 하는데, 문제는 통장에서 지갑으로 넘어가기 전에 카드회사가 상속을 받기 때문에 궁시렁............\n<benkimkimben> 결국엔 다시 카드 남용\n<jasonjang> imsu; 백수라고 뻥치믄 똥꼬에 털 난다요. 반만 뻥이믄 반쪽만 털 난다요\n<yemharc> 그리고 이것은 while(1) 허나 리턴값은 (-1)\n<yemharc> 그리고 끝부분에 있는 if (you == dead) break;\n<imsu> jasonjang: 반 백수 맞는데요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 일하고 남는 시간에 놀면 직장인\n<yemharc> 일하고 남는 시간에 공부하면 학생\n<yemharc> 일 안하고 공부하면 백수\n<yemharc> 일 안하고 놀면 니트\n<yemharc> 요즘엔 백수와 니트는 틀린 개념이더군요\n<imsu> 음 백수와 니트 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 개미와 베짱이 차이보다 더한 격차? ㅎㅎ\n<hanbin973> 진짜 파이어폭스 mercurial 골때리네\n<hanbin973> 시작한지 20분인데 다운로드 시작할 생각도 안하고 adding manifests 만 계속 띄우고 있어 =.=\n<hanbin973> 트래픽이 많은건지 서버가 구린건지 =.=\n<imsu> hanbin973: 하이요 ㅎㅎ\n<hanbin973> 안녕하세요 __\n<imsu> 이만 들어가보겠습니다 이 따 뵈요 ~ ^^\n<hanbin973> ??\n<hanbin973> 앜 빅뱅이론 시즌4 24화에서 완결?? ㅜㅜ\n<hanbin973> 앜\n<hanbin973> 이제 파일 다운로드를 시작하네 =.=\n<bundo> 오 hanbin973 이 올만이네요\n<hanbin973> 네 오랜만이네요 네\n<bundo> 스님 생활 할만한가요 ?\n<shriekout> 고대 의대 성폭력 사건에 대한 대자보 http://blog.jinbo.net/kimpoo88/66\n<yemharc> 조두순 같은 인간이 사형언도를 받지 않는 시점에서 글렀어요\n<yemharc> 정말 이상할 정도로 성폭력 사범에게 관대한 어처구니 없는 법이 버티고 있으니 더 그렇죠\n<shriekout> 이번도 바꿀 수 있는 기회라고 생각해요\n<shriekout> 하나의 기회\n<shriekout> 못 바꿀지는 모르겠지만... 계속 되는 문제제기\n<yemharc> 아, '어차피 우린 안될거야'같은 말투로 들렸나요? 그런건 아닙니다;;\n<yemharc> 단지 언제나 이런 일이 벌어질 때마다 ë³´ë©´\n<yemharc> '당사자들 중에서도 일부만' 한동안 열심히 외치다 끝나왔거든요\n<drake_kr> 여성부 또 꿀먹은 벙어리겠군요\n<shriekout> 그래도... 예전보다는 나아졌잖아요\n<drake_kr> 피해여성은 여성부의 가족이 아닙니다\n<shriekout> 예전에는... 피해 여성이 지탄 받는 여성이 되었잖아요\n<shriekout> 여성부에 대해서는 할 말 없어요 ;;;\n<yemharc> 여성부는 진짜 왜 있는지 모르겠어요\n<shriekout> 선거때 표 모을려고?\n<yemharc> 표 모이긴 합니까?\n<yemharc> 초기에는 몰라도 지금은 여자들도 까는게 여성부인데\n<drake_kr> 성폭력 사실이란게 사실\n<drake_kr> 성폭력 사건\n<drake_kr> 사건이 일어나면 남성들은 동정심으로 첨엔 좀 발언을 하다가\n<drake_kr> 꼴페미들이 하나씩 끼면 질려서 나갑니다\n<drake_kr> 보통 그런식이죠\n<drake_kr> 여자들끼리 모이는것 자체가 생리적으로 힘들다고 알고 있어요\n<shriekout> ...\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 근데 확실히 그런 말이 있긴 하죠\n<yemharc> 남자들이 모이면 동료로 인식하는데\n<yemharc> 여자들이 모이면 적으로 인식한다던가\n<yemharc> 카더라 통신에 가까운 떠돌이 소문이긴 했습니다만\n<shriekout> 가령...\n<drake_kr> 이럴때 여성부같은 무위도식권력(?)단체에서 성폭력범 개객기 하면서 어떻게 좀 되긴 하겠는데\n<shriekout> 이곳 ubuntu-ko 아얄씨 채팅방에 수많은 말들이 요즘 오가지 않습니까?\n<drake_kr> 뭐 좀 여성 인권단체같은데서는 놀고먹기 바쁘니..\n<shriekout> 이방에는 분명히 현재는 여성이 없거든요\n<yemharc> ㅋㅋ\n<shriekout> 여자는 수다스럽다\n<shriekout> 라는 측면으로 본다면... 여기 계신 분들은 전부 여성입니다.\n<shriekout> 잘 못된 인식이라는거죠\n<yemharc> 그런거죠\n<drake_kr> 어머\n<drake_kr> 일반적으로 보세염\n<yemharc> 성별에 따른 고정관념이나 관념ì�� 역할부여는 사실 상당히 고정적인지라 당장 바뀌는건 힘든게 사실입니다만\n<drake_kr> 사위+장인어른 / 며느리+시어머니 <-\n<yemharc> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 고정적이라기보다는 고전적이죠\n<yemharc> 고전적이죠\n<drake_kr> 바뀔수는 있지만\n<yemharc> 예외가 없는건 아니지만요\n<drake_kr> 굉장히 힘듭니다\n<yemharc> 네\n<yemharc> 그래서 저는 유전드립 이외에는 대부분 수긍하는편입니다\n<drake_kr> 모인 여성들이 예외로만 이루어져 있을 확률이 상당히 낮은게 문제입니다\n<yemharc> 존재하지만 확률이 극히 낮기에 [예외]인거죠\n<drake_kr> 어우 전 exception의 연속\n<yemharc> 여튼 It`s genetic.........이란 허접소리 외에는 그럭저럭 납득합니다\n<yemharc> 실제로 그렇기도 하고\n<drake_kr> 그리고.. 성폭력을 당해서 그걸 호소하려면\n<drake_kr> 공감을 얻어야 하는데..\n<drake_kr> .. 뭐, 얼마전 남자 중학생을 성폭행 했다는 여자 교사..\n<drake_kr> 남자들 어땠던가요\n<drake_kr> \"아 부러운 새키\" 이런식이니 -_-\n<yemharc> ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 공감 못 얻지요\n<yemharc> 음........\n<drake_kr> 여러모로 셧다운같은 광역도발 말고 이런 일에 여성부가 나서야 하는데..\n<yemharc> 전 일단 퇴근하겠습니다\n<yemharc> 있다 뵈요 ㅇㅅㅇ/\n<drake_kr> ㅇㅅㅇ\\\n<grr> ni hao\n<DoA> ni hao\n<darkmeow_home> grr / 갸르릉 -ㅠ-\n<darkmeow_home> ... =3\n<grr> darkmeow_home :: ni hao\n<Seony> 음... 개인적으로 레이싱겜 별로 안좋아하는데 아이폰용 아스팔트5는 괜찮네요\n<darkmeow_home> grr / I don't know what \"ni hao\" does mean.\n<darkmeow_home> -ㅅ- nyaong.\n<darkmeow_home>  =3\n<drake_kr> 시노비\n<drake_kr> Seony :: 요술나무 해봤어요?\n<Seony> 아뇨\n<drake_kr> 음;;\n<drake_kr> 그럼 로드런너는요?\n<Seony> 스맛폰 겜이에요?\n<drake_kr> 애플2용.. 이요..\n<Seony> 안해봤어요. 원래 폰으로 겜하는 ê±° 별로 안좋아해서요... 겜은 겜기로... ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 아니요\n<drake_kr> 애플2..\n<drake_kr> Apple ][\n<Seony> 아...\n<Seony> 옛날거라고 생각하니까 이제 기억나네요.\n<Seony> 로드러너 요술나무 다 해봤어요..\n<drake_kr> 지금 그런거 만들면 미친놈일까요..\n<Seony> 왜요. 옛날 생각하면서 플레이할 사람이 분명히 있을텐데요...\n<Seony> 근데 스맛폰용으로요?\n<drake_kr> 일단 c로 해보고\n<drake_kr> html5로 포팅요..\n<Seony> PC용이라면 에뮬이 있는 상황에서 호응을 얻기어렵지 않나 싶습니다...\n<Seony> 폰용이라면 오히려 폰에서는 그런 겜이 더 잘어울린다고 생각하지만요...\n<drake_kr> 음.. 제가 지금 하려는짓은\n<grr> darkmeow_home :: ni hao는 중꿔의 상징\n<drake_kr> 그런 게임들 만들고 소스코드도 공개..\n<grr> drake_kr :: 대상 플렛폼과 언어는요..?\n<drake_kr> 기본 c, html5로 포팅\n<drake_kr> 폰에서도 웹으로 접속하면 게임 가능\n<grr> 크롬 웹스토어?!\n<drake_kr> ㄴㄴ\n<drake_kr> ê·¸ë��¥ html5\n<grr> html5로 만들면 좋은 셈플이 될 수 있을꺼 같은데요\n<drake_kr> 사실 게임은 샘플\n<grr> 입력받는거부터 이미지 충돌 뭐 이런것들이 다 셈플이 되니까..\n<drake_kr> ㅇㅇ 내가 구현하려는건 그런거\n<grr> 돌아온 너구리\n<drake_kr> grr :: 토요일 오나?\n<grr> 그러고보니 남극탐험은 4시간만엔가 2시간만엔가 엔딩보긴했는데 요술나무는..\n<grr> drake_kr :: 용던 들렀다가 갈꺼임\n<grr> drake_kr :: 용던가서 노트북 체크좀 받고 HDD나 뭐 좀 살꺼있으면 사서가려구요\n<drake_kr> 응\n<drake_kr> pcsx2 맛탱이감\n<grr> drake_kr :: 고기먹으면서 코딩하면 되겠네 -_-\n<drake_kr> 아오\n<grr> 켁..\n<grr> 저 그게 고기다음 우선순위임\n<drake_kr> 컴파일하는데 죽을뻔했는데..\n<drake_kr> ppa에 있는거 받아서 해봤더니 한번 돌고 그담부터 안됨..\n<grr> -0-...\n<drake_kr> 근데 다시 컴파일 하려니 짜증나서\n<grr> 나한테 ê¼­ 보여줘야함 ㅇㅅㅇ\n<drake_kr> 안해\n<grr> drake_kr :: 영감님 왜요 ㅜㅜ\n<drake_kr> 16프레임 정도 나옴\n<drake_kr> 넷붘에서 16프레임임\n<grr> drake_kr :: 아톰이 16프레임이나 나오면 희망참\n<drake_kr> 12~20fps 정도니깐..\n<drake_kr> 파이널판타지 12 기준\n<drake_kr> 아톰+gma\n<drake_kr> 900보다 훨 후진 3150\n<grr> 그러니까요..  포럼같은대선 리눅스에서 프레임이 더 잘 뜬대요?\n<drake_kr> 리눅스에서 해보는 사람이 별로 없나봄;\n<grr> ;;\n<drake_kr> 음\n<drake_kr> 나 이런짓 하면 yemharc님하고 적이 되는데\n<grr> ㅇㅅㅇ?\n<drake_kr> 게임 좆같다고 하지 말고 만들라고 <-\n<drake_kr> 라이브러리 제공..\n<grr> ...\n<drake_kr> grr :: wget 이거 정말 너무함\n<grr> drake_kr :: 왜요?\n<drake_kr> wget -r 사이트 <- 하면 사이트 몽창 긁어오네..\n<drake_kr> 링크 걸린거 다 긁음\n<drake_kr> 세상 편하다\n<grr>  /.\\;;\n<darkmeow_home> 굇수들 덜덜\n<darkmeow_home> -ㅅ-;\n<drake_kr> 누가요\n<darkmeow_home> 묘족빼고 다 -ㅅ- ..\n<darkmeow_home> -ㅠ- 갸르릉~\n<drake_kr> grr :: 너 괴수래 그르르\n<grr>  전 아는게 업성요 /.\\\n<grr> 아.. 그르르..\n<grr> Grr\n<drake_kr> 개수\n<drake_kr> 그러고보니 고딩때\n<drake_kr> 무협지 보면서 한자 많이 익힌듯..\n<drake_kr> 오 적이다\n<grr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<grr> 안녕하세요\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n<grr> yemharc :: drake_kr님께서 사파의 길로 빠져드실까 생각중이시레요\n<drake_kr> 요새 서영은 노래 좋다\n<yemharc> 으이?\n<grr> 게임 개발을 하시겠다고... /ㅌㅌ/\n<drake_kr> 공석에서도 몇번 공표를 했는데\n<drake_kr> 아직 시작을 안한거야\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 그거라면 진작에 lib 만들고 계시다고 했어요\n<drake_kr> LED Game Tools 임..\n<grr> 헉...\n<grr> ..아아.. 도트 멕트릭스...?\n<grr> 아...\n<grr> 전 여자친구가 공대생의 선물다운 작고 반짝이는 물건으로 LED를 요구하길래 샀었다가... 만들기전에 해어졌지.. ㅜㅜ\n<drake_kr> Libraries for E-games by Drake <-\n<drake_kr> LED\n<drake_kr> grr :: 미투데이 http://comic.naver.com/webtoon/detail.nhn?titleId=70046&no=130&weekday=thu\n<grr>  /.\\\n<drake_kr> 2급 되셈\n<cartes_> grr, 하이염 ^^\n<cartes_> drake_kr, 하이염 ^\n<drake_kr> 네\n<cartes_> 뭐하세요?\n<cartes_> http://cartes.drake.kr/cartes.drake.html\n<cartes_> 이런거 만들고 놀았답니다 -ㅁ-\n<cartes_> http://cartes.drake.kr/cartes.drake.html\n<cartes_> 에궁 ㅈㅅ\n<yemharc> 오호\n<yemharc> 호스팅을 받고 계시는군요\n<cartes_> yemharc, 네 ㅋㅋ ^^;; drake_kr님 컴퓨터의 리소스를 얻어쓰고있답니다^^;;;;\n<yemharc> ㅎㅎ\n<hacking_u> 시험 기간 ~_~\n<cartes_> yemharc님 뭐하세요?\n<yemharc> http://coshuttle.net/xe/index.php?mid=dog&document_srl=880727\n<yemharc> hacking_u, 시험기간엔 방청소를 해야죠\n<yemharc> cartes_, 메뉴얼 작성중이에요\n<cartes_> 아..아.. 무슨 메뉴얼이요?\n<yemharc> ê·¸ 삽질한거랑 svn관련해서 내일부터 서버 정상가동이라서요\n<yemharc> 쓸줄 모르는 사람도 있고 하니 간단하게 html 한장 덜렁덜렁 -_-a...\n<hacking_u_> 엥\n<hacking_u_> 음... 안드로이드용 irc 시험중인데 흠\n<hacking_u_> 알 수 없군요\n<yemharc> 드로이드 IRCë©´........\n<hacking_u_> 방청소는 시험 끝나고 방학...에 한다고 하고 방학이 끝난다든가\n<yemharc> 최근에는 AndroIRC라는 녀석이 제일 쓸만하군요\n<hacking_u_> 저는 andchatê³¼ aicia를 시험중입니다\n<yemharc> hacking_u_, 시험기간은 시험공부를 제외한 모든 일에 의욕이 넘치고 집중력이 상승하는 버프가 걸립니다\n<hacking_u_> 그건 제꼈어요\n<hacking_u_> 안드로이드irc제낌\n<hacking_u_> 시험을 포함한 모든 일에 의욕을 상실하는 경우도 있다죠\n<hacking_u_> (현재 이 닉넴은 AiCia )\n<hacking_u_> 가 아닌 andchat에서\n<hacking_u_> 올립니다\n<hacking_u> 이게 aicia\n<hacking_u> 둘 다 잘 되는군요\n<hacking_u> 근데 aicia는 밑에 로그가 동시에 나오고 PC용 irc와 동급의 기능에 무료라는 장점이...\n<yemharc> 음......근데 스맛폰 IRC에서 PC급 기능들이 필요합니까 (....)\n<hacking_u_> 글쎄요 저는 일종의 PC처럼 쓰고있어서요\n<hacking_u_> 지금 gcc도 구겨넣던 찰나에요\n<hacking_u_> 우분투도 돌려서 ê·¸ 무거운 이클립스를 쓸까 하는 중\n<darkmeow_home> gcc를 구겨넣는건 좀 에러 ...\n<hacking_u_> 윽\n<hacking_u> 와이파이 끊김 크리\n<darkmeow_home> 그냥 간단하게 ssh나 irc나 이런 어플리케이션 위주로 쓰시는게 -ㅅ- ...\n<darkmeow_home> 설마 안드로이드에서 코딩하시는건 아니죠 -ㅅ-?\n<darkmeow_home> 덕후스럽게 (...중얼...)\n<hacking_u> 하는데요 왜요!\n<hacking_u> C 과제 한 열개 이상 넥원에서 했습니다\n<hacking_u> gcc가 없어서 최대한 완벽하게 코딩\n<hacking_u> 시험해보는 것이 불가피할 경우 온라인 컴파일/실행기 사용했습죠\n<hacking_u> 가끔 터치키보드 귀찮으면 블투키보드로도 하고요\n<darkmeow_home> (...)\n<hacking_u> 한글 타이핑은 키보드가 워낙 특이해서 걍 씁니다만\n<hacking_u> 영문 타이핑은 좀체로...\n<hacking_u> ...뭐가 잘못되었나요\n<yemharc> 그냥 노트ë��ì´ 불쌍해서요 (.........)\n<hacking_u> 왜요 노트북은\n<hacking_u> 노트북이 한동안 집에서 자고있긴 했죠 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<hacking_u> 가끔 네이트온과 웹서핑같은거 동시에 하기도... 아 카톡도 같이 했네요\n<hacking_1> 아낙\n<hacking_1> 끊겼다아\n<hacking_1> =_=\n<darkmeow_home> ... 이건 여담인데\n<darkmeow_home> 면접볼때 학교 다닐때 그렇게 해서 과제 열심히 하고 공부 열심히 했다고\n<darkmeow_home> 절대 말하시면 안됩니다. 회사 면접볼때.\n<hacking_u> 쩝\n<darkmeow_home> 나중에 죽어라고 일만 시킬거라능.\n<hacking_u> 누구요\n<hacking_u> 누가요\n<hacking_u> 누굴요\n<darkmeow_home> 회사가 직원을 부려먹죠 (...)\n<darkmeow_home> 스마트폰은 ...\n<darkmeow_home> 오락기라능.\n<hacking_u> 제가 사장입니다...\n<darkmeow_home>  (중얼)\n<hacking_u> 라고 미래에\n<hacking_u> 하겠습니닼ㅋㅋ\n<hacking_u> 방학때 삽들고 앱좀 파볼까요\n<drake_kr> 아직도 안파요?\n<hacking_u> 시간이 없었어욬ㅋㅋㅋ\n<darkmeow_home> 제 스마트폰은 빡돈새도 제대로 안돌아서\n<darkmeow_home> 카톡, 문자, 기차표예약, 버스 확인\n<darkmeow_home> 이거밖에 안하는데 (...)\n<darkmeow_home> 진리의 안드로원 -ㅅ-)=b\n<darkmeow_home> 아 가끔 PMP로도 쓰는구나 -ㅅ- ...\n<cartes_> 고대 의대 여학생 사건이 구체적으로 뭘했는지 궁금함\n<cartes_> 자꾸 않보고 싶어도\n<cartes_> 기사링크가 뜨네용\n<cartes_> 고대 의대 성폭력 사건에 대한 대자보 http://blog.jinbo.net/kimpoo88/66\n<cartes_> 별로 관심없고싶은데 ...\n<hacking_u> 안드로원이라면 류소님이 커펌올려도 무한리붓된다는 전설의...\n<darkmeow_home> 저거 몇번 읽어봤는데\n<darkmeow_home> 대자보 쓴넘이 누군진 몰라도\n<darkmeow_home> 사상적으로 보나 뭘로 보나 상당히 찌질한듯\n<cartes_> 대자보 쓴놈이 왜 찌질해요..? 그냥 궁금해서 여쭤봄..\n<yemharc> darkmeow_home, 사실 진보쪽의 대부분의 주장은 설득력은 없어요. 맞는 말은 할지 몰라도\n<darkmeow_home> 교내에서 성폭력이 얼마나 빈번하게 자행되고 있는지도 의문이고\n<darkmeow_home> 단순히 몇번 일어난거 가지고 \"빈번하게\" 라는 수식어로 과장하는거 조차도 찌질.\n<cartes_> 맞아요 빈번하게 라고 해서 사람괜히 호기심생기게 만드네요\n<cartes_> 존중 받고있지않나요 여학우들?\n<darkmeow_home> 그래서 저 대자보의 결론이 \"남자들은 다 똑같으니 X잡고 반성해라\" 라면 어처구니가 없고 ...\n<cartes_> 김푸른솔은 여자인가요 남자인가요?\n<cartes_> 김푸른솔씨는**\n<darkmeow_home> 여자는 원래 그래 남자는 원래 그래 식의 글로 일반화하려는게 목적이라면\n<darkmeow_home> ê²°êµ­ \"어쩌라고?\" 라는 반응밖에 안나올듯 -ㅅ-\n<hacking_u> 빈번하게 맞을걸요\n<darkmeow_home> 저건 그냥 현상에 대해서만 씨부리기나 한거지\n<darkmeow_home> ê·¸ 일이 왜 그렇게 터지게 됐는지는 전혀 나와있지도 않죠\n<hacking_u> 그건 그려요\n<yemharc> darkmeow_home, 진보의 특색입니다. 존중하도록 하죠 (농담)\n<yemharc> 음.........소위 '진보'라는 사람들에 대해 재미있는 이야기를 하나 해 볼까요?\n<darkmeow_home> 저런거 쓰는애들 ë³´ë©´ 좀 덜떨어지는 애들끼리 모여서 저런짓 하고 다니는 ...\n<darkmeow_home> 뭐 진보 나오면 유시민 강기갑 이정희 나오겠죠 ..\n<yemharc> 진보......소위 좌파라는 사람들은 2가지 특징이 있습니다.\n<hacking_u> 덜떨어지는... 이라는 표현은 싫네요\n<yemharc> 첫째는 '태극기'를 사용하지 않는것이고\n<hacking_u> 아무리 저 사람들이 남이래도\n<yemharc> 둘째는 '애국'이란 말을 쓰지 않는다는 점입니다\n<hacking_u> 헐 대박\n<yemharc> 태극기 대신 한반도기, 애국이란 말 대신 분배를 말하죠\n<yemharc> ê·¸ 수많은 '좌파 데모'에는 단 한번도 태극기가 등장한 일이 없습니다\n<darkmeow_home> 밀옹 말씀대로 국가의 개념도 모르고 헌법의 기본도 모르고 국가보안법이 어느 수준까지 악법이고 어느수준까지 선법인지도 모르는 애들이라 ..\n<hacking_u> 태극기 부분은 좀 크게 문저제가\n<bundo> yemharc 쉽게 단정하면 안됨\n<shriekout> 국가의 개념이 무엇인가요?\n<bundo> 나도 좌파긴 한데..\n<yemharc> bundo, 그야 물론입니다만, 지금까지 본 사람들은 그래왔다는겁니다\n<hacking_u> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<bundo> 노무현 대통령이 너무 좌파를 보여줘서 요즘 중도 좌파 됬심 ㅎ\n<yemharc> ㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 자, 정치에는 절대 '중립'이 존재 할 수 없어요.\n<bundo> 있음\n<hacking_u> 지금은 대체로 국회의원들 이야기?\n<darkmeow_home> ê·¸ 좌파라는게 좀 애매모호한데\n<yemharc> 왜냐하면 정치라는것 자체가 애초에 흑백논리로 편가르기를 하는거기 때문입니다\n<bundo> 박그네 공주 중립 잘 키킴\n<darkmeow_home> 으잌\n<yemharc> 다만 여기서 적극적이냐 소극적이냐 정도로 갈리는겁니다\n<shriekout> 정치의 개념이 무엇인지 아세요?\n<hacking_u> 아닌거같음 모든 문장이\n<yemharc> 그리고 소극적인 부류에 속하는 사람들이 중립 취급을 받는거죠\n<hacking_u> 모두 다 틀린 ê±° 같습니다만\n<yemharc> 이건 정치라는 말 자체의 원론적인 이야기가 아니에요 :)\n<shriekout> 정치에 대한 태도?\n<darkmeow_home> 정치에는 \"답\" 이란게 원체 존재하지 않는다능.\n<yemharc> 그렇죠\n<darkmeow_home> 틀리고 맞고 가 아니고\n<darkmeow_home> 같고 다르고겠죠\n<shriekout> 그건 허무주의 아닌가요?\n<hacking_u> 우리나라의 정치 모습 말이신듯\n<yemharc> 정치의 정의 자체로 가면 이 세상에 정치따윈 없어요\n<shriekout> 오\n<shriekout> 그럼 정치라는 용어는 폐기 되어야 하겠군요\n<bundo> 정치는 요즘 \"가치의 권위적 배분\" 으로 정의 합니다\n<yemharc> 진정으로 정치라는 말 뜻에 부합되는 정치는 적어도 산업화 이후로는 없지 않습니까\n<shriekout> 진정한 정치라는 뜻이 뭔가요?\n<yemharc> ê·¸ 이전에는 \"있었을 수도\" 있겠군요\n<yemharc> 딱히 복잡할것도 없이 그냥 사전 찾으면 나오는 ê·¸ 정치 뜻 그대로입니다\n<shriekout> 산업화 이전에 있었던 '정치'라는 단어의 뜻\n<bundo> shriekout 진정한 정치적 의미는 '바르게 이른다\" 죠\n<shriekout> 흠...\n<shriekout> 정치의 영어 어원인... 폴리틱스는...\n<shriekout> 이 용어의 어원은 그리스 말이예요\n<shriekout> '인간의 관계'\n<bundo> shriekout  그리스 사람이셔 ?\n<shriekout> 즉, 정치를 잘한다는 의미는\n<shriekout> 인간의 관계를 원활하게 만든다는 의미인데\n<bundo> 난 고조선 출신이라 그리스 상황은 모르고요\n<shriekout> 지금 시대에 비춰보자면,\n<shriekout> 정치를 엉망으로 하면... 사람들이 싸워요\n<shriekout> 하지만, 정치를 잘하면... 즉 인간관계를 올바른 방향으로 이끌면... 행복해지죠\n<yemharc> 흠......저랑은 관점이 매우 틀리시군요\n<shriekout> 그리고, 이런 정치... 인간 관계들을 원활하게 하는 사람들을... 정치인이라고 부르는거구요\n<darkmeow_home> 정치라는 개념이 처음 시작된건 ...\n<bundo> shriekout 역시 이상 주의자임 ㅎ\n<yemharc> 인간의 관계.....라고 하셨는데, 그럼 묻겠습니다\n<darkmeow_home> 틀린게 아니라 다른거라니까능. (중얼)\n<hacking_u> 애초에 올바르다라는 방향 자체가 애매모호\n<shriekout> 네\n<yemharc> 지금의 정치는 '인간'을 생각합니까 '효율'을 생각합니까\n<shriekout> 인간을 생각하죠\n<yemharc> 더 대놓고 말해볼까요? 사람입니까 돈입니까\n<shriekout> 사람을 생각하죠\n<hacking_u> 둘 다 아닙니다만\n<yemharc> hacking_u, 그럼 어떤걸 생각한다고 보시나요?\n<bundo> yemharc  이익을 생각 한다니까요 배분인데 쩝\n<yemharc> bundo, 네네 그러니까 '돈'이요;;\n<bundo> 단 권위적 배분이죠\n<shriekout> 돈은 경제학 아닌가요?\n<bundo> 예로 들자면\n<yemharc> shriekout, 아니죠\n<darkmeow_home> 배분이라는거에 돈도 포함되지만\n<bundo> 난 우분투 CD를 무지 가질수  있었어요\n<shriekout> 하부구조와 상부구조라는 말 들어보신적 있으세요?\n<darkmeow_home> 권력도 포함됩니다. -ㅅ-\n<hacking_u> 자기자신만 생각해오\n<bundo> 근데 없심 ㅠ,.ㅠ\n<yemharc> ㅎㅎ\n<darkmeow_home> 국가론을 읽어보시면\n<darkmeow_home> 정치란 개념이 어디서부터 출발이 됐는지 알수 있어요\n<shriekout> 누구의 국가론?\n<darkmeow_home> 플라톤일듯 -ㅅ-\n<darkmeow_home> 맞나 ..\n<hacking_u> 국가론 역시 해답은 아닐 듯\n<shriekout> 플라톤 외에도 수ë��Žì€ 사람들이 국가론을 냈어요\n<shriekout> 공자, 묵자 소크라테스 등등\n<cartes_> 흠냥;\n<hacking_u> 죄송합니다 전 약간 허무주의 ㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 제가 볼때, 지금의 정치와 경제는 서로 떨어뜨려 생각할 수는 없다고 봅니다\n<yemharc> 그런데 여기에 맹점이 있어요\n<shriekout> 그죠\n<shriekout> 분리될 수 없죠\n<shriekout> 하지만, 개념은 분리되죠\n<cartes_> 아 나도 서울시내 주요대학교 다니고싶다\n<yemharc> 과연 이 '경제체제'는 정말 말 그대로 '경제체제'인가 하는 점입니다\n<shriekout> 그건... 체제... 경제 이야기 인데요\n<shriekout> 정치 이야기 중이지 않았습니까?\n<cartes_> 어떤지 궁금 'ㅡ'\n<hacking_u> 풀어서 말씀하시죠\n<yemharc> 그러니까 정치와 경제는 떨어뜨려 말할수 없다고 하지 않았습니까 :)\n<bundo> yemharc 다 부정하면 멀 말하는 거죠 ?\n<cartes_> 어쩌다가 이런 토론이되었네요;\n<shriekout> 흠...\n<bundo> 여기 서 질문\n<cartes_> 질문: 우리나라 사회계층도가 중산층, 서민층\n<yemharc> 네\n<shriekout> 그렇다면... 정치를 한다는 것은... 경제를 하는 것과 같은 겁니까?\n<cartes_> 하는데\n<cartes_> 뭐뭐가 있나요?\n<cartes_> 어떻게 나뉘죠?\n<hacking_u> 아나 자꾸끊겨 ㅜㅜ\n<yemharc> 아....... 일단 cartes_ 님께 먼저 대답할게요\n<shriekout> ㅋㅋ\n<cartes_> 아 넙죽.. 지성;\n<cartes_> 토론에 끼어들어서 ㅈㅅ;\n<yemharc> 딱히 크게 나뉠것도 없이 간단하게 지도층(혹은 상위계층) 중간층 하위층 으로 구분하면 됩니다\n<yemharc> 물론 세부적으로야 나누면 얼마든지 나눌수 있겠지만 경제에 따른 구분은 저 3개면 충분하죠\n<cartes_> 아녀.. 서민층 중산층 상류층 이런 말 써서요;\n<cartes_> 아무리 검색해도 않나와서\n<yemharc> 음.....\n<yemharc> 글쎄요;; 그걸 정확히 정립한 게 있나요;;\n<darkmeow_home> 냐 ... -ㅅ-\n<yemharc> 그냥 얼추 '이정도 수준'으로 나뉘지 않나 싶네요\n<darkmeow_home> 커널 컴파일 또 잘못됐 ... 씁..\n<darkmeow_home> -ㅠ- 캬옹!\n<shriekout> 정확하게 정립된게 없다면...\n<bundo> darkmeow_home 묘족은 무슨 층이죠 3가지중 ?\n<shriekout> 정치'학', 경제'학'이라는게 없겠죠?\n<shriekout> 용어의 통일이 안되는데... 학문이 될 수 없겠죠?\n<darkmeow_home> hacking_u 국가론에 대해 아시는가옹?\n<yemharc> shriekout, 제가 경제학도가 아닌 고로 저 '계층'을 정확히 구분하고 있는지 까지는 모르겠습니다\n<darkmeow_home> 묘족>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 견족 >>>> 휴먼 >>>>>>>>>> 어류\n<bundo> 세상은 세가지임\n<darkmeow_home>  -ㅅ-?\n<darkmeow_home> ...\n<yemharc> 다만 경제모델을 설명하는데에는 상위 중간 하위 3개면 충분하다는건 압니다\n<bundo> 1. 휴면 2. 묘족 3. 오크\n<yemharc> bundo, ㅋㅋ\n<bundo> 그죠 darkmeow_home  ?\n<bundo> 1. 휴면 2. 묘족 3. 오크\n<shriekout> 경제 모델을 설명하는데...\n<darkmeow_home> shriekout / -ㅅ-m\n<shriekout> 다른 방식으로 분류하는 체계도 많아요\n<yemharc> shriekout, 네 그야 'xx학'이니 무지 복잡하고 많겠죠\n<bundo> 1. 변태 2. 덕후 3. 찌질  shriekout ?\n<yemharc> 근데 저 3개면 설명 됩니다\n<darkmeow_home> 플라톤의 국가론이 얼마나 어려운데 -ㅅ-\n<hacking_u> 난무....\n<shriekout> bundo, 전... 1번할래요 =33\n<darkmeow_home> 애들 소설책 마냥 1센치 짜리 얄팍한거 달랑달랑 이거 말고요\n<bundo> 1. 휴면 2. 묘족 3. 오크   =  정체성\n<darkmeow_home> 여러권으로 된 국가론 ... 보시면\n<bundo> 1. 변태 2. 덕후 3. 찌질   = 행동성\n<bundo> ㅋㅋ\n<darkmeow_home> 도덕적인 문제부터 시작해서 정치가 왜 출발했나\n<darkmeow_home> ê·¸ 과정에서 생긴 경제의 개념\n<darkmeow_home> 권력과 물질의 배분 ...\n<bundo> 정체와 행동 다 나왔으며뇨이제 3가지가 만드는 정치 생각하면 되유\n<shriekout> yemharc, 시간이 되신다면... 마이클 샌덜 교수의 '정의' 추천드립니다\n<shriekout> 물론 정치나 어느쪽에 딱 붙어 있는 책이 아니라...\n<darkmeow_home> ê·¸ 속에서 질서를 세우고 사람답게 살아가는 방법에 대해 선문답식으로 나온게 국가론이죠 ..\n<hacking_u> 아나 우리집 와이파이 음영대 너무심하네요 -_-\n<bundo> 나 PDF 홈친거 있는데 샌달 교수 ~~\n<shriekout> 그야말로 철학책인데요... 철학의 문제가 정치나 경제에 영향을 미치고 있어서\n<darkmeow_home> 사실 -ㅅ-\n<darkmeow_home> 철학이라고 하면\n<shriekout> 일단 기본적으로 미국 사회내에서 정치나 경제에 대한 논란들을 살펴볼 수 있습니다\n<darkmeow_home> <- 허접.\n<darkmeow_home> bundo <- 이분 철학과 나오신 분이라 함부로 논할수가 없 -ㅅ-\n<bundo> 저는 점보는거 중점 공부 했어요\n<darkmeow_home> 점보는거라면\n<bundo> 여성만 ^^;\n<darkmeow_home> 주역 -ㅠ-?\n<bundo> 노우\n<darkmeow_home> 엌(...)\n<bundo> 점 갯수 시는거유\n<hacking_u> 저는 개인적으로 모든 문제는 개개인부터가 내재하고 있는 것 때문에 이상적인 정치와 사회 개선은 불가능하다고 생각합니다만\n<darkmeow_home> -0-\n<shriekout> hacking_u, 교육의 목적이 뭐라고 생각하세요?\n<shriekout> 기본적으로 학교 교육의 목적\n<darkmeow_home> 이상은 이상이고 현실은 현실이죠\n<hacking_u> 저거를 바꾸는거\n<shriekout> 그죠\n<hacking_u> 내재시키는거\n<bundo> hacking_u 아뇨 그보다 언어 문제에요 단어에 대한 인식이 달라서 대화가 안되는게 철학 정치에요 언어에따른 구조적  단절 이랄까?\n<darkmeow_home> 사회 시스템의 최적화라는건 이상에 근접하지 못하기 때문에 균형잡힌 컨디션을 만드는걸 의미 .\n<shriekout> 내재시키는게 교육?\n<yemharc> 흠\n<darkmeow_home> 어떤 사회든 지배자와 피지배자가 존재하기 마련이고\n<darkmeow_home> 지배자는 집단의 질서ë¥�� 유지하고 균형을 통제하기 위해 존재할 수밖에 없어요\n<yemharc> 그리고 거기서 권력이 태어나죠\n<darkmeow_home> 지배자라는 개념이 좀 이 시점에서 애매모호할텐데\n<shriekout> 프랑스의 파리쿄뮨을 ë³´ë©´...\n<darkmeow_home> 그렇지요\n<shriekout> 지배가 없던 시절도 있어요\n<darkmeow_home> 지배는 없지만\n<darkmeow_home> 누군가가 상황에 따라 리더 역할을 하죠\n<shriekout> 리더와 지배는 틀리죠\n<yemharc> 언제 어느 순간에도 결정권자는 존재합니다\n<shriekout> 그럼.. 다수결은 필요없겠군요\n<yemharc> 물론 결정권을 가진 것은 개인일 수도 있고 단체일 수도 있습니다\n<yemharc> 그리고 거기서 권력이 태어나죠\n<yemharc> 다수결의 원칙을 따르는 민주주의에도 권력의 집중은 일어납니다\n<darkmeow_home> 매지옹이 생각하는 \"지배\" 의 개념은\n<shriekout> 지배자와 피지배자\n<yemharc> 그건 너무 좁게 보시는게 아닐까 싶네요\n<shriekout> darkmeow_home> 어떤 사회든 지배자와 피지배자가 존재하기 마련이고\n<darkmeow_home> \"권력\"... 그러니까 인위적으로 정책을 조정하는\n<bundo> 매지옹은 맘 약해서 지배 못해요 지지배는 하죠\n<shriekout> 아뇨 제가 한 말이 아니라.. darkmeow_home 닭묘님께서 하신 말씀 =3\n<shriekout> ㅎㅎ\n<darkmeow_home> 냐옹 -ㅅ-\n<yemharc> 다수결도 진리는 아닙니다. 최악이 아닐 뿐이죠\n<shriekout> 다수결이라는게...\n<shriekout> 가령... 지금 서울대가 법인화 문제로 싸우고 있잖아요\n<shriekout> 크게 두가지 진영으로 나뉘는데\n<yemharc> 네\n<shriekout> 국회에서 '다수결'로 통과 되었기 때문에 법이 인정하기 때문에 법인화는 추진되어야 한다와\n<shriekout> 국회에 안건 상정이 10분만에 이루어지고, '다수결'로 통과되었기 때문에 날치기다\n<shriekout> 이렇게 나뉘거든요\n<yemharc> 네\n<shriekout> 어느쪽이 맞다고 생각하세요?\n<yemharc> 그거야 생각하기 나름이겠지요. 그리고 원론적으로 따지면 법제화고, 논리적으로 따지면 논쟁중인 상태가 맞습니다\n<shriekout> '다수결'로 통과되었기 때문에 맞다 vs 논의 없는 '다수결'은 날치기다\n<shriekout> 가령... 서울대 ì¡°êµ­ 교수님께서...\n<yemharc> 제 개인적 의견은 후자입니다\n<shriekout> 흠\n<darkmeow_home> 다수결을 하기 위해 논의를 하는거 자체도 웃기지만 특정집단에서의 다수의 횡포 라는게 존재하는게 문제 ...\n<shriekout> 다수결이 잘 못되었다?\n<yemharc> 다만, 이런 부분에 있어서 제가 항상 말하는게 있습니다.\n<shriekout> 법을 무시하는 처사가 아닌가요?\n<yemharc> '정치는 아무것도 해결하지 못한다'\n<yemharc> 서울대 법인화를 통과시킨건 정치인입니다.\n<shriekout> 그죠\n<shriekout> 그리고, 법을 결의하는 사람들이 정치인이구요\n<yemharc> 그리고 그에 따른 이익 혹은 불이익을 보는건 정치와는 상관없는 서울대죠.\n<shriekout> 그리고, ê·¸ 법을 대신해서 정치인들이 결의하게끔 해준 사람은 국민이고요\n<yemharc> 바로 ê·¸ 부분이에요.\n<yemharc> 법을 제정하려면 법을 공부했어야겠죠\n<shriekout> 그죠\n<yemharc> 하지만 실제 법을 공부한 정치인의 수는 얼마나 됩니까\n<shriekout> 아니죠\n<shriekout> ê·¸ 법은 정치인이 결의만 했을 뿐\n<shriekout> 밥안 상정은...\n<shriekout> 삼권분립에 의해 이루어집니다\n<shriekout> 입법부에서 법안 상정을 하고\n<shriekout> 그걸... 행정부에서 통과시키고 지행시키는거죠\n<shriekout> 법의 시행을 살피는게 사법부고\n<shriekout> 즉, 법을 공부하고 안하고는 포인트가 아니라..\n<shriekout> 그것에 맞게 각 분야별로 전문화 되어 있죠\n<shriekout> 입법부에는 사법고시를 패스한 사람등등... 법을 전문적으로 공부한 사람들이 있어요\n<shriekout> ê·¸ 사람들이 법안을 상정한거죠\n<shriekout> 그렇다면... 입법부에서 행정부에서 해야할 일도 해야할까요?\n<yemharc> 확실히 이상적인 구조네요\n<darkmeow_home> 이 시점에서 하나 걸고 넘어갈 수 있는건\n<darkmeow_home> 아무리 법을 그렇게 공부한 사람이라도\n<yemharc> 하지만 이상적으로 굴러가지 않는다는거죠\n<darkmeow_home> ê²°êµ­ 상정한 법이 다른 법과 맞물리게 되는 경우가 생겨서\n<shriekout> 그래서, 시행세칙이나 예외조항을 두죠\n<darkmeow_home> 전체적으로 법률이 아주 스파게티처럼 꼬인 상태가 되었다는거 (...)\n<darkmeow_home> 그래서 법에 대해서 매년 행정부에서 평가를 합니다. -ㅅ-\n<darkmeow_home> 실제로 시행을 해봤는데 필요 없더라\n<darkmeow_home> 그러면 그걸 태클을 걸어서 입법부에 보내면\n<darkmeow_home> 나중에 삭제가 이루어지죠 .. .\n<shriekout> 결의는 행정부에서 해요\n<darkmeow_home> 근데 법을 뜯어고치는게 쉬운일이 아니예요 ...\n<darkmeow_home> 해봐야 아는거니까 -ㅅ-\n<darkmeow_home> 삼권 분립시스템의 단점이란게\n<darkmeow_home> 때론 일관성이 없을수도 있다는거\n<shriekout> 그렇다면... 이번 중수부 폐지에 대해서는 설명할 수 없죠\n<darkmeow_home> 하지만 그렇게 함으로 해서 적어도 일방적 독재만은 최대한 막아보려 할 수 있는 ...\n<shriekout> 현재 논란이 있는게... 행정부에서 사법부까지 총괄하는 형태라서 논란이죠?\n<darkmeow_home> 법무부가 사법부를 총괄하고 있죠\n<shriekout> 아\n<darkmeow_home> 사법부는 행정부의 시다바리랄까 ...\n<shriekout> ê·¸ 부를 이야기 하는게 아니죠\n<shriekout> 환경부... 여성부... 이런걸 이야기 하는게 아님\n<darkmeow_home> 알아요 무슨 뜻인지 ... 3권 분립에서의 \"행정부\" 쟎아요\n<shriekout> 냥냥\n<darkmeow_home> 냐옹-ㅠ-\n<shriekout> 괜히 끼어든듯...\n<shriekout> 사과의 의미로...\n<darkmeow_home> 웬지 배가 ... 안드로메다로 가버린듯\n<shriekout> \"용이 승천한다를 네글자로 하면?.................올라가용\"\n<shriekout> =33\n<darkmeow_home> =3 =3\n<darkmeow_home> 왜 ê¼­ 정치얘기하면 이대로 안드로메다로 갈까 -ㅅ-\n<darkmeow_home> 이래서 정치얘기는 하면 ê²°êµ­ 나중엔 코미디로 끝나버리는 =3\n<darkmeow_home> ...\n<yemharc> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 아......사실 이런 어려운 이야기를 하려고 한건 아니었는데;;;\n<shriekout> 근데... 제 입장은... 입법, 사법, 행정이 모두 통일되어야 한다는 입장... =33\n<yemharc> 통일이요?\n<darkmeow_home> 이게 다 ...\n<darkmeow_home> 2MB때문 =3 (읭?)\n<shriekout> 여기서 통일이란...\n<shriekout> 철학 용어예요 =3\n<yemharc> 아항;;\n<darkmeow_home> 유기적인 조화\n<darkmeow_home> 이런뜻인가 -ㅅ- ..\n<shriekout> 굳이 국어사전으로 풀어쓴다면\n<shriekout> 냥냥\n<shriekout> 조화와 함께 물리적인 통합... =33\n<yemharc> 한발 삐끗하면 독재군요\n<darkmeow_home> 한 시스템에서 한가지 일처럼 돌아가듯 돌아가는게 좋을 것 같다\n<darkmeow_home> 뭐 이런의미 ...\n<shriekout> 과정이 있어야 하는데...\n<darkmeow_home> 이쪽저쪽 문어다리마냥 지멋대로 움직이니까 네거티브하게 ë³´ë©´ 법도 개판이고 다 개판 =3\n<shriekout> 생각하는 과정이 너무 길어서 생략 =3\n<yemharc> 넵 생략 :)\n<shriekout> :)\n<darkmeow_home> 파지티브하게 ë³´ë©´ 이 모든 시스템의 프로세스가\n<darkmeow_home> 순환과정을 거치고 있죠 ...\n<yemharc> 하지만 만성 혈액순환 장애\n<darkmeow_home> 죽일듯이 싸우다가 잠잠해졌다가\n<darkmeow_home> 뒷목잡고 빌빌빌빌...\n<darkmeow_home> ~(~_~)~\n<yemharc> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<darkmeow_home> 이래서 아죠씨들 정치 시키면 안됨\n<darkmeow_home> 정치는\n<yemharc> 우리 정치얘기는 그만하죠. 어차피 남는건 싸움뿐\n<darkmeow_home> 꼬꼬마 유치원애들한테 까까하나 사주면서\n<darkmeow_home> 이 동네 어떻게 돌아갔으면 좋겠니?\n<darkmeow_home> 하고 물어보고 그네들의 순수한 동심에서 우러나오는 답변이진리일지도 ...\n<yemharc> 그러게요......\n<darkmeow_home> 그래도 우린 순수해요 *-ㅅ-*\n<yemharc> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<darkmeow_home> 순수하니까 정치얘기를 하지 순수하지 않으면 정치따위 개한테나 먹이라고 할듯.\n<darkmeow_home> 뭔가 호기심이 있고 하니까 해보는거죠\n<darkmeow_home> 얘기든 뭐든\n<darkmeow_home> 정치보단 ...\n<darkmeow_home> 먹는게 재밌 -ㅅ- (...)\n<yemharc> 사실 뭐.........\n<yemharc> xx학 만큼 따분한 것들이 또 흔치않죠 (...-ㅅ-)\n<darkmeow_home> (먼산)\n<cartes_> 엄청 검색해봤는데\n<cartes_> 않나오는군요\n<cartes_> 중앙일보에서\n<cartes_> 중산층 기준, 서민층 기춘표\n<cartes_> 상류층 기준 이런게 있었는데요..\n<cartes_> 하나 답답하면\n<cartes_> 끝까지 물고늘어지는\n<cartes_> 이 강박적 검색...\n<cartes_> 행동패턴..\n<cartes_> -,-\n<darkmeow_home> 공돌이의 패턴 -ㅅ- 냐앙~\n<darkmeow_home> 공돌이의 습성 1. 수량화(이산화) 2. 시각화 3. 일반화\n<cartes_> darkmeow_home, 아하.. 끝까지 물고늘어지는 행동패턴이 공돌이 패턴이었나요?\n<cartes_> 그렇다면 저도 공대공부에 소질있는거네요 얏호\n<bundo> 오랜 만에 kldp에 글씀  ㅎㅎ  http://kldp.org/node/123774#comment-558573\n<shriekout> 장가는 못감 =33\n<drake_kr> 음\n<shriekout> 마지막에... '스스로 할복할것' 이라고 읽었... =ㅅ=;;;\n<bundo> @,.ㅠ\n<hacking_u> 아아 와이파이\n<hacking_u> 이제 토론은 끝났나요\n<hacking_u_> 또 끊겼\n<cartes_> 하이요\n<hacking_u_> 왜이모양인지 모르겠음 ㅜㅜ\n<hacking_u_> 아 책상이 와이파이 음영대 ㅜㅜ\n<bundo> 집에 무선공유기 인가요 ?\n<hacking_u_> 네\n<hacking_u_> 근데 제 방이 화장실 옆인데다 책상이 구석이라\n<hacking_u_> 전파가 =_=\n<bundo> 무선 신호 약한가요 ?\n<hacking_u_> 상당히...;☆\n<bundo> 제가 무선 위한 위성 빌려 줄테니\n<bundo> 국정원에 서류 제출 하세요\n<hacking_u_> ㅇㅁㅇ\n<bundo> 1. 전학년 연예 증명서\n<hacking_u_> 연애?\n<bundo> 2. 중수부 동의서\n<hacking_u_> 중수붘ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<bundo> 3. 행안부 위성 통신 동의 요구서\n<bundo> 4. 증명사진 50매 , 여권사진 12매\n<bundo> 5. 주민등록초본\n<bundo> 6. 신용 증명서\n<bundo> 7, 대학 학장 추천서\n<bundo> 이상입니다. ㅎㅎ\n<hacking_u_> 쩝\n<darkmeow_home> hacking_u_ 그리고 장비는 ...\n<darkmeow_home> 전파관리소에 신고를 -ㅅ-\n * darkmeow_home 냐옹~\n<bundo> 공유기 좀 ㅋ쎈거로 바꾸면 어떄요?\n<bundo> 공유기 좀  쎈거로 바꾸면 어떄요?\n<hacking_u> 킁... 글쎄요\n<hacking_u> sk에서 달아준 조악한 거라서 그냥 아예 지향성 안테나를 달아볼까 고려중...\n<hacking_u> 입니다\n<bundo> 그냥 준 공유기는 성능 후지던더 같던데\n<hacking_u> 그리고 사실 더 큰 문제는 제 폰이죠\n<hacking_u> 노트북이었으면 이정도 음영대쯤...\n<hacking_u> 원랜 노트북으로 중계해서 쓰곤 하는데요 지금 안드로이드에서 adhoc 패치를 안해서;;\n<cartes_> 저 ISU다니다가 자퇴했는데, 어떻게 생각하세요?\n<cartes_> 자퇴말하다가 한국사람들이 자퇴라는 어감을 너무 않좋게 듣길래\n<hacking_u> 왜 했는가에 따라 생각이 달라집니다\n<hacking_u> 저라면\n<cartes_> 중단하고 한국집에와서 쉬는중입니다.\n<cartes_> 휴학입니다.\n<cartes_> 이렇게도 말하고 했는데\n<bundo> ISU ë©´ = 아 ㅆㅂ 울동네 ?\n<cartes_> 우왕..\n<darkmeow_home> 대학은 들어갔다 그만두고 어떠고는 상관 없는데\n<darkmeow_home> 졸업을 했냐 안했느냐가 중요 -ㅅ-\n<cartes_> darkmeow, 맞아용!!!\n<cartes_> 그게 중요한거죠\n<darkmeow_home> 자퇴하고 다른데라도 들어가서\n<bundo> 한국은 그런데 ... 머 ê·��냥 내멋데로 사는데는 필요 없어요\n<darkmeow_home> 학위를 받아야지 인정이 되는거죠\n<darkmeow_home> 뭐 내가 지방대 다니다 꼬와서 수능 다시 치고 똑같은 지방대 들어갔는데\n<darkmeow_home> 다시 들어간 지방대가 포공이나 카이스트라면 뭐 ㄱ- ...\n<darkmeow_home> 그래도 입학은 안중요\n<darkmeow_home> 가서 어지간한 성적으로 졸업을 하는게 중요\n<cartes_> 그렇군요\n<cartes_> ISU bundo님 동네에요?\n<darkmeow_home> 카이스트 들어갔다가 중퇴하고 사업하고 있다\n<cartes_> 이수아파트 말씀하시나여?\n<darkmeow_home> 이러면 알아주는 사람 없어요.\n<darkmeow_home> 근데 사업이 엄청 성공해서 전세계를 말아먹는다거나 한다면 좀 말이 달라질진 모르겠지만\n<darkmeow_home> 그런 천재는 60억중에 1000명 나올까 말까 하니까\n<cartes_> 빌게이츠나 잡스가 성공했잖아요\n<darkmeow_home> 60억중에 1000명이면 ㄱ- ...\n<cartes_> 뭐 그사람들이라고 치고\n<darkmeow_home> 4천명중에 1000등에 드는것도 빡셔 죽겄고만 -ㅠ- 냐앙\n<darkmeow_home> 아니 4천\"만\"명\n<darkmeow_home>  =3\n<darkmeow_home> 킁.\n<cartes_> 뭐하시길래;\n<cartes_> 등수가 필요해요?\n<darkmeow_home> 세상엔 날고기는 굇수가 너무 많아서 -ㅅ- 냐앙\n<cartes_> 등수하고 멀리살은지 너무 오래되서\n<bundo> cartes_  = ISU = 인디아나   ㅆㅂ 울동네 에요\n<darkmeow_home> 그냥 뭐 등수놀이하고 싶을때 =3\n<bundo> cartes_ 이해 되죠 ?\n<cartes_> 분도님 인디애나주 사셨어요?\n<bundo> 아니 너 ?\n<bundo> ㅎㅎ\n<cartes_> 잉?\n<darkmeow_home> ISU치면 아이오와랑 일리노이 둘 나오는데 -ㅅ-\n<darkmeow_home> 울나라에 ISU가 있나 -ㅅ-\n<bundo> cartes_  미국 에서 공부한동네가 인디애나 일꺼임 ㅎ\n<darkmeow_home> 일리노이 주립대학 어바나 켐페인 정도면\n<darkmeow_home> ... ê·¸ 누구더라 ...\n<cartes_> MK님?\n<darkmeow_home> 헤네시 교수 급 정도는 되어야 그런데서 공부가 가능.\n<darkmeow_home> 잡스도 들어가기 어려울듯 -ㅅ-\n<cartes_> 거기가도 100~200명\n<cartes_> 놓고 수업해요\n<darkmeow_home> 거기 들어가는넘들 ë³´ë©´\n<darkmeow_home> 초 굇수들만 모아다 놓은느낌 -ㅅ-\n<cartes_> 주립대보다는 사립대가 좋죠\n<darkmeow_home> 카이스트는 웃긴 껌이죠 -ㅅ- ...\n<darkmeow_home> 일리노이주립대학 어바나켐페인이\n<darkmeow_home> CS분야에서 5손가락 안에 드는 학굔데 ㅋㅋ\n<darkmeow_home> 사립대 따위.\n<darkmeow_home> ...\n<cartes_> 에구구..\n<darkmeow_home> MIT Stanford Illinois Wasington state\n<darkmeow_home> 그리고 한군데가 어디였더라 -ㅅ-\n<cartes_> CMU?\n<darkmeow_home> 좀 삽질하는데던데 ...\n<cartes_> Cornell?\n<darkmeow_home> 아 코넬.\n<darkmeow_home> 거기가 Top 5 안에 들어갈거예요 아마\n<darkmeow_home> 코넬주립대\n<cartes_> 코넬 사립대에요\n<cartes_> 그럴껄요\n<darkmeow_home> 코넬은 좀 프랙티컬한 게 나오는 편이고 ...\n<darkmeow_home> 아 삽질은 MIT가 짱 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<cartes_> 음.. 저는 잘모르는곳들임\n<cartes_> 냐웅\n<darkmeow_home> Emacs가 ... 리처드 스톨만 박사과정할때 나왔던 논문인데\n<darkmeow_home> 83년도에\n<darkmeow_home> IEEE에다가 냈던 -ㅅ-\n<darkmeow_home> 인공지능 기반 에디터를 개발한답시고 만든넘인데 ê²°êµ­ LISP 기반으로 그대로 밀고 가서\n<cartes_> ...\n<darkmeow_home> 지금의 무시무시한 에디터가 되었습죠 -ㅠ-\n<darkmeow_home> 논문 찾아보면 ê·¸ 당시에 이정도 아이디어에 구현물이 나왔다는거 자체가\n<cartes_> 전 그냥 vim 기본만써요..\n<darkmeow_home> 엄청 대단한걸 느낄거라능.\n<cartes_> 아.. 그렇군요!\n<yemharc> 이맥스의 유일한 단점은 익숙해지면 남들이 못 쓴다는 정도겠죠\n<darkmeow_home> vim도 그렇지만 vi 쓰는 분들은\n<darkmeow_home> 너무나 초고수라 -ㅅ- ...\n<darkmeow_home> 전 그냥 메모장에 코딩해요 -ㅅ- 중얼\n<yemharc> ㅋㅋ;;\n<darkmeow_home> 아니면 도스창에 edit 치고 코딩 =3\n<yemharc> 울트라 에딧을 쓰죠\n<darkmeow_home> 파일이 8.3포맷으로 바뀌면\n<yemharc> 간단하게(?) 쓰기엔 제일 만만한 녀석이니\n<darkmeow_home> 매번 리네이밍\n<darkmeow_home> 전 울트라에딧도 쓸줄 모르는 초 허접이라 -ㅅ- 냐앙\n<hacking_u> ISU는 아이오와가 아닌가\n<hacking_u> 일리노이는 IIU\n<darkmeow_home> 예전에 우스갯소리로 누군가는 copy con 명령 써서 코딩할지도 모르겠다고 그랬는데\n<darkmeow_home> 그게 실제로 있었던일 -ㅅ-;\n<hacking_u> edit은 무슨 명령이죠;\n<hacking_u> vi같은건가 물론 한참 뒤떨어지겠지만\n<darkmeow_home> 우분챈에서 호랑이 담배 말아먹다 뒈졌던 시절의 copy con 얘길 하니\n<darkmeow_home> 웬지 외계어같 -ㅅ- ...\n<cartes_> 아 저 MS-DOS 6.22 메뉴얼\n<cartes_> 샀는데 않오네요\n<cartes_> 아마존에서 샀는데\n<bundo> 94년에  샀나요 ?\n<darkmeow_home> 옛날 도스 메뉴얼 잘 뒤져보면\n<cartes_> 리셀러에\n<darkmeow_home> GW-BASIC 교본이 부록으로 ê»´ 있는 -ㅅ- ...\n<cartes_> 94년에 샀었는데\n<cartes_> 그걸 버려버렸어요\n<cartes_> 그래서\n<cartes_> 최근에\n<cartes_> 그리워서 다시샀어요\n<cartes_> 근데 않오네요\n<cartes_> 전화해보니 인도사람인데 발음이상해서 못알아듣겠구..\n<darkmeow_home> 3주 기다려보시고 안오면 클레임 걸어서 환불 받으시길 -ㅅ-\n<bundo> cartes_  해병대 언제 들어 가요 ?\n<darkmeow_home> 가끔 아마존에 ë³´ë©´ 지가 보냈는지 안보냈는지도 모르는 멍충이가 있어서 -ㅅ-\n<cartes_> 6월 말에 갑니다..\n<cartes_> 쉿!\n<darkmeow_home> 뭐 ê³°ë°© 들어가시능군요 -ㅠ-\n<darkmeow_home> 진흙탕으로 -ㅅ-m (꾸욱!) 밀어서 잠금해제.\n<cartes_> 네 드디어 시간낭비안하고 인생이 제 궤도에 올르는중이에요\n<darkmeow_home>  =3\n<cartes_> 고속도로 밀리고 사람많은게 지겨워서 국도타러 갔는데\n<yemharc> cartes_, 들어갈땐 웃겠지만 들어가선 아니란다 라는 해병대군요\n<cartes_> 해병대 안가요.. 4주훈련받고 다시 나옵니다\n<cartes_> ;;;\n<darkmeow_home> 몸 한쪽이 ㅂㅅ이라도 군대는 갔다오는게 좋 -ㅅ-\n<yemharc> 아깝네요 (......)\n<darkmeow_home> ...\n<darkmeow_home> 전 심장질환에 난청 있었지만 심장질환은 있었는지도 몰랐고\n<cartes_> 군대는 몸한쪽이 ㅄ이라도 나대신 보내고 난 않가는게 좋 -ㅅ-\n<yemharc> cartes_, 찬성 (......)\n<darkmeow_home> 난청이 있어도 갔다온다고 2년을 보내고 왔죠 -ㅅ-\n<cartes_> 찬성!\n<yemharc> 그야 뭐........나라 사정상 군대는 필요합니다만\n<cartes_> 다크냐옹님\n<darkmeow_home> 냐옹 -ㅠ-\n<yemharc> 그거랑은 별개로 '살면서 군대 한번쯤은 가야 않겠냐'라고 하면 반대네요\n<cartes_> 난청있으시면 빙빙한의원\n<cartes_> 가보세요\n<cartes_> 고치실수도\n<cartes_> 명의십니다. 윤승일 원장님\n<darkmeow_home> cartes_ 신경성 난청이라 불가능.\n<cartes_> 저도 신경성 안구통 거기서 고쳤어요\n<yemharc> 옛날 어르신들이 말하는 군대랑 요즘은 상~당~히~ 많이 틀린거같고......뭣보다 사회생활이 더 ê±°ì¹ ê³  힘듭..........\n<darkmeow_home> 그리고 혈액순환상 문제로 청각 신경계가 더디게 동작해요\n<darkmeow_home> 요즘 군대는 ...\n<darkmeow_home> 풀장이라서\n<darkmeow_home> 들어가면\n<darkmeow_home> ...\n<darkmeow_home> 전방 아닌 이상\n<darkmeow_home> 편하죠 -ㅅ-\n<darkmeow_home>  ...\n<bundo> 나 왼쪽 귀 잘 안들려요 군대서....\n<bundo> 다친건 아니고\n<darkmeow_home> 포때문에-ㅅ-\n<bundo> 나이트서 ... 대형 스피커에 ...\n<bundo> OTL...\n<darkmeow_home> 음향대포\n<darkmeow_home> =3\n<cartes_> 신경성 안구통있어서 의료자퇴까지 하고\n<bundo> b,.@\n<cartes_> 한국와서 병원찾아다녔죠..\n<bundo> ì°¸ 저 지금 신검하면 군대 안간데유 기뻐해 주세유\n<cartes_> 현자의돌을 찾아다니는 엘릭형제처럼\n<darkmeow_home> 통증 같은건 모르겠는데\n<darkmeow_home> 신겅계통 기능이상은\n<bundo> 1. 혈압 떄문 면제\n<darkmeow_home> 한의원 함부로 막 다니는거 아니예요\n<bundo> 2. 이빨 때문면제\n<bundo> 3. 정신 상태 의문\n<darkmeow_home> 신경계통\n<bundo> 면제 사유 많테유 ㅎㅎ 동네 친구 의사가... 말하주더군요\n<bundo> 그런데 문제는요\n<cartes_> 흠..\n<bundo> 그친구나 나나 둘다 민방위 끝났심더\n<bundo> 쩝\n<darkmeow_home> (!)\n<darkmeow_home> 반전\n<darkmeow_home> 전 내년이 6년차고 2년동안 교육대충 받고 4년후에 민방구.\n<darkmeow_home> -ㅅ-;\n<cartes_> 아 아는사람이 보충역으로 들어갔다가\n<cartes_> 4주훈련중에 다시 재검후 6급면제\n<cartes_> 나와서\n<cartes_> 2년복무도 않하게되었데요\n<darkmeow_home> 6급 면제라도\n<darkmeow_home> 어차피 전쟁나면\n<darkmeow_home> 다 총들고 쏘러가야됨 -ㅅ-\n<darkmeow_home> 디러운 현실 -ㅅ-\n<bundo> cartes_  군대 란게 속박이고 그게 싫죠 ?\n<darkmeow_home> 전쟁나면\n<darkmeow_home> 일단 뽀구리한테 라면이나 집어던져야\n<cartes_> 24시간이 강제잖아요\n<darkmeow_home> 아뇽~\n<darkmeow_home> 요즘 군대는\n<cartes_> 인문계고등학교는 12시간만 강제지만\n<darkmeow_home> 10시간 + alpha만 강제\n<darkmeow_home> 나머지는 자고 놀고 먹다 자빠지고\n<bundo> 몇달전 꿈꾸었는데 다행히 일병이더군요 ㅎㅎ\n<darkmeow_home> 다리 뿌러지면 군병원갔다오고\n<bundo> ㅋㅋ\n<darkmeow_home> 얼굴 그으면 병원갔다오고\n<cartes_> 공부할 분위기는 아니겠네요\n<bundo> 훈병이나 이병 아니라 다행 이었습니다.\n<darkmeow_home> 짬이 되면 알아서 하는게 공부죠 -ㅅ-\n<cartes_> 자고 놀고 먹는 분위기를 어떻게 견뎌요\n<cartes_> 공부해야되는데\n<darkmeow_home> 군대가 공부하려고 군대가는건 아닌데\n<darkmeow_home> 군대가면\n<darkmeow_home> 인생을 배운다\n<darkmeow_home> ...\n<darkmeow_home> 이러지만 솔직히 요즘 군대는 인생이고 뭐고 배울게 별로 없는듯-ㅅ-\n<cartes_> 에구.. 제가 너무 나쁜말하지만\n<darkmeow_home> 예전이야 서로 치고 박고 때리면서도 인간미가 느껴지고 했던게 군댄데\n<darkmeow_home> 언제부턴가 군대가 사람사는 동네 같지가 않아졌 -ㅅ-\n<cartes_> 다크먀오님도 나쁜말 너무 많이하시네요 ㅠㅠ\n<cartes_> 좋은말만 하자구요\n<cartes_> ㅠㅠ\n<cartes_> 이거 다 로그에 남는거에요 ㅠ\n<bundo> cartes_  군대 좋아 졌어요 제가 들어간 88년 때부터\n<darkmeow_home> 군대가 변화되길 원한다면\n<darkmeow_home> 내가 들어가서 바꾸는게 좋죠.\n<bundo> ë°¥ 많이 주고 ..옷도 주고\n<cartes_> 전 이 나라 자체가 싫더라구요\n<cartes_> 거리도 좁고\n<bundo> 잠도 7시간자고\n<bundo> 운동도 가끔 하고\n<darkmeow_home> 전 적어도 제가 있던 부대만큼은\n<cartes_> 미국가서 방산업체사서 한국/북한 침공하고싶음\n<cartes_> 전쟁걸고싶어요\n<bundo> cartes_  그냥이방이나 침공하세요\n<darkmeow_home> 1년 8개월이라는 세월동안 변화되는 모습을 보여주고 나왔습니다. -ㅅ-\n<darkmeow_home> 시설이 변화하든 의식이 변화하든 ... 뭐가 변하든지간에\n<darkmeow_home> 변화는 알아서 되는게 아니라 누군가가 주도를 해줘야 변화가 일어나는거죠\n<cartes_> 다크냐옹님 너무 학벌랭킹주의 아니세요?;;\n<cartes_> 아까 말하시는거보니까 거의 1류공대들 찬양하시던데;\n<darkmeow_home> cartes_ 이방에서 짱먹고 깃발꼽으면 땡.\n<cartes_> 이방?\n<cartes_> this room?\n<cartes_> 이방 북한?\n<darkmeow_home> -ㅅ- ...\n<darkmeow_home> 고릉.\n<darkmeow_home> 절이 싫으면 중이 떠나면 되는데\n<cartes_> 이방은 이방세계.. 다른나라 이런뜻일텐데;\n<darkmeow_home> 요즘엔 절이 싫으면 기중기 끌어와가지고 집을 통째로 옮기나 -ㅅ- ...\n<yemharc> 아마 이 ë°©(here)이란 뜻으로 말씀하신듯 한데요\n<cartes_> 그러시군요..\n<bundo> 페북 여친이 5명 이었는데 지금 60명 입니다.\n<yemharc> bundo, ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<bundo> 다 차단 중입니다.\n<yemharc> 읭\n<bundo> 글 보기 무지 귀찮\n<yemharc> 아....... 왠지 이해할 수 있어요\n<bundo> 그냥 여자 수 늘리기 해본 거에요\n<bundo> 나보고 여자가 400명중 5명이라 놀리기에 ..\n<yemharc> (분도님 바람둥이 발언 파문?!)\n<bundo> 그냥 여자 수 늘리기 해본 거에요\n<bundo> 페북 이제 여자들 개소리 차단해야 겠어요\n<cartes_> 분도님 한테 누가 그런 유치한거 가지고 놀립니까\n<bundo> 글을 못 볼정도에요\n<cartes_> 분도님 친구나이정도 되면 어른일텐데\n<yemharc> 좀....여자분들이 글 쓰는 양이 많죠 (......)\n<bundo> 아뇨\n<bundo> 글이 아니고 순 친추만 떠요 나참\n<yemharc> 읭;;;\n<bundo> 여자들 나참\n<cartes_> 알수도 있는 사람들?\n<yemharc> 친추만 뜬다구요?;;;;;\n<bundo> 순 친추만 떠요\n<yemharc> ...........\n<bundo> 글 몇개 없습니다\n<yemharc> 그건 또.......... 트윗하곤 틀리군요 (........)\n<bundo> 순 친구 추가 만 떠서\n<bundo> 짜증 입니다, ㅎ\n<hacking_u> 악... 바쁘...(띄엄띄엄)\n<darkmeow_home> cartes_ 여담이지만 전 학벌이란거에 별로 크게 관심이 없 -ㅅ- ...\n<bundo> 네이트온 하고 같은 경우인데 제가 네이트 온 남 아이디 가지고 대화하는데요\n<darkmeow_home> 먹는게 제일 재밌는거라니까뇽.\n<bundo> 친구가 90명인데 그중 블럭이 89명입니다.\n<bundo> 같은 경우에요 ㅎㅎ\n<cartes_> 전 학벌이 없다보니 get하고 싶은 추구하는 아이템 중 하나에요\n<cartes_> 30대 되기전까지 어딘가를 졸업해야겠어요\n<darkmeow_home> 어디중 나오고 어디고 나오고 ...\n<darkmeow_home> 다 쓸데가 없는 얘기들 ..\n<cartes_> 고등학교랑 대학교 대학원은 쓸데 있을껄요\n<yemharc> 음;;; 글쎄요........\n<yemharc> 고등학교도 별 쓸모 없지 않나요.........\n<yemharc> 대학 대학원 학위 정도는 간판으로 쓸 수 있겠지만......\n<cartes_> 그렇군영\n<cartes_> 과고 외고 비평준화시절 명문고들\n<cartes_> 이런데는 대학 잘보내잖아요\n<cartes_> 입시전쟁얘기~\n<cartes_> ...\n<darkmeow_home> 백날 좋은데 나와봐야 형편없으면 인생무상 -ㅅ-\n<yemharc> 근데 그것도 ê²°êµ­ 'xx대학'을 많이 보내서 명문취급이지 막상 ê·¸ 고교 출신이라고 우대받지는 않는거같아요\n<cartes_> 그런가봐용\n<yemharc> darkmeow_home, 우리나라 대학도 졸업을 힘들게 해야돼요 (....)\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 초천재 초고수 밀옹 / 헛.. 밀옹~!\n<yemharc> 그냥저냥 출석하면 줘 버리니........\n<yemharc> Ponics_OTLx2, 안녕하세요\n<darkmeow_home> 잘하는것도 어딜 나와서 잘한다가 아니라\n<yemharc> 바쁘셨나봐요\n<darkmeow_home> 개인이 잘하니까 잘하는건데 가끔 ë³´ë©´\n<darkmeow_home> 어딜 나와서 잘하는거라고 -ㅅ-\n<darkmeow_home>  ... 개그.\n<yemharc> 사실 어딜 나와서 잘 한다.......도 ê¼­ 틀린말은 아닌데\n<yemharc> 적어도 우리나라 대학 시스템에선 아니라고 봐요\n<darkmeow_home> 장기하가 예고나 음대를 나와서 딴따라를 잘하는것도 아니고\n<yemharc> 그러니까 역시 졸업하길 빡시게 해야.........\n<darkmeow_home> 서울대출신이라 머리가 좋아서 딴따라를 잘하는거도 아니고 -ㅅ-\n<darkmeow_home> ..\n<darkmeow_home> 그냥 하고 싶은거 하니까 맘내키는대로 잘 하니까 잘하는거지-ㅅ- 고릉...\n<yemharc> 그야 뭐 다 개인 능력이죠\n<darkmeow_home> 냐옹 -ㅅ-\n<cartes_> 갸르릉\n<yemharc> 다만 명문대라는건 생각해보면 '이 대학 졸업하는건 정말 노력해야 가능하다'라는 전제가 있어서 그런건데\n<cartes_> 고냥이들은 갸르릉 잘한다는뎅\n<darkmeow_home> <- 개허접이라서 문제 -ㅅ-\n<darkmeow_home> grr <- 갸르릉님 =3\n<darkmeow_home> grr님 오실때마다 맨날 grr / 갸르릉 -ㅠ- 이러고 =3\n<cartes_> hacking_u, 저 왜 자퇴했는지 알려드릴게요\n<cartes_> 노출증!\n<cartes_> 내가 내 약한모습을 노출하면 사람들이 어떻게 생각할까도 궁금하고\n<cartes_> 원래 자신감도 콩알만하고..\n<bundo> 여성 7명 남기고 다 차단하는데 오래 걸리는 군요 ..으~\n<yemharc> bundo, 수고하셨습니다\n<bundo> 이제 남자들 차단 해야징\n<bundo> 난 리스트 만들기 보다 차단 정책이 편해요 ~ ㅋ\n<bundo> 일명 이그노어 ~~\n<yemharc> ㅎㅎ\n<cartes_> newsfeed 말하시는거에요?\n<yemharc> cartes_, 페이스북 친구 목록이요\n<cartes_> 친구목록 지울게 뭐있쪄\n<hacking_u> cartes_, 정말인가요?\n<cartes_> 그냥 놔두면 되지않나여?\n<cartes_> hacking_u, 뭐가 정말이에요?\n<yemharc> 쓸데없는 것들만 하도 많이 올라와서 막상 글을 보실수가 없대요\n<hacking_u> 이제 들어와서 자퇴이유 봤네요;;;\n<hacking_u> 방금까지 삽질을... ㅜㅜ\n<hacking_u> 여하튼요.\n<cartes_> 자퇴이유 다크야옹님께 말한거요?\n<cartes_> 대화로그 스크롤해서 보신거에요?\n<hacking_u> 위쪽에 저한테 hacking_u  호출...\n<cartes_> 네\n<cartes_> 호출했어요\n<hacking_u> 대화로그가 이제 막 넘어갔습니다 ê·¸ 줄\n<hacking_u> 그래서 지금 막 ë³´ê³  말한겁니다 ㅎㅎ\n<hacking_u> cartes_, 갑자기 급 글수 줄어들었.....모두다\n<hacking_u> 저 말고 다른분들도 역시 삽을 드신건가요..\n<cartes_> <cartes_> hacking_u, 저 왜 자퇴했는지 알려드릴게요\n<cartes_> <cartes_> 노출증!\n<cartes_> <cartes_> 내가 내 약한모습을 노출하면 사람들이 어떻게 생각할까도 궁금하고\n<cartes_> <cartes_> 원래 자신감도 콩알만하고..\n<cartes_> 이거 말씀하신거에요?\n<hacking_u> 네\n<cartes_> 네 진심입니다\n<hacking_u> 네\n<cartes_> 왜 자퇴했냐면\n<hacking_u> 여기서는 농담이 꽤 많이 오가기 때문에도 그렇고, 글을 봤다는 것을 알려드리기 위해서 정말인가요?라고 한겁니다.\n<cartes_> ë��¤ 잘하셨어요:)\n<cartes_> 감사합니다\n<cartes_> 왜 자퇴했냐면,\n<darkmeow_home> 제 모니터 해상도를 우습게 보시면 곤란 -ㅅ- ...\n<hacking_u> 갑자기 난입하는 묘족 ...-_-\n<hacking_u> 여튼 keep going\n<darkmeow_home> 전 폰트사이즈 92dpi에 8사이즈로 놓고 본다능.\n<cartes_> 신경성 안구통때문에 엄청고생했어요..\n<hacking_u> 저희 어머니도 겪으시는 걸 봤다는....\n<cartes_> 그래서 병원가보니 안압이나 뇌압정상이라면서\n<darkmeow_home> cartes_ 밤을 새시면 곤란 -ㅅ-\n<cartes_> 주요우울장애 진단을 내리더군요\n<darkmeow_home> 심장쪽도 체크해보셔야 될듯 -ㅅ-\n<darkmeow_home> 신경계통도 봐야 될거예요\n<hacking_u> darkmeow_home, 예전 이야기입니다.\n<cartes_> 종합병원이었어요\n<hacking_u> 아니 지금도 그러실지도 모르지만...\n<cartes_> 그래서 심각하다고\n<cartes_> 치료받으라고 했는데 부모님이 한국돌려보내라고 와서 치료시키겠다고\n<cartes_> 그래서 시카고-인천 직항노선 으로\n<darkmeow_home> 혈압이 갑자기 훅 올라가면서 안구에 피가 올라와서 그럴수도 있는데\n<cartes_> 집에 왔져\n<darkmeow_home> 원인이 한두개도 아니고 -ㅅ-\n<hacking_u> 그렇군요....\n<cartes_> medical withdrawal 처리해줬습니다..\n<bundo> cartes_ 시카고 - 인천 직항 화물로 ?\n<cartes_> 대한항공 한국인화물로 왔어요\n<hacking_u> ....?;;;;\n<bundo> 배편이면 고생좀 했을텐데 다행입니다. cartes_\n<cartes_> 옆에 교포청년들이 타서 얘기해서 재밋었어요\n<bundo> 혹시 대한항공 아니고 한진 해운이면 난감\n<hacking_u> 그래서 cartes_ 님은 대학 등록금은 다시 받으셨나보네요\n<hacking_u> 교포청년들이라...\n<cartes_> 기숙사비만 받았어요\n<cartes_> 학비는 개학하고 3달이나 지나서 못받았어요\n<cartes_> ^^;;\n<cartes_> 이러해서 해킹_유님은 어떻게 생각하시나여?\n<cartes_> 스트레스로 아파서 왔담니다;\n<bundo> 아 나는 국가 유공자 아들이라 대학까지 꽁짜인데 아들 둘 이제 곧 대학 가니 대략  난감한데요\n<cartes_> 그냥 학자금으로 해서 보내여\n<bundo> 우분투 코분투 CD 팔아 보내야지\n<bundo> 우분투 400원\n<bundo> 코분투 550원\n<bundo> 용산에 뿌려야지\n<cartes_> 진짜로 용산 조립업체들이랑 손잡는거 어때여?\n<bundo> 노우\n<bundo> 메이커 하고 손 잡을꺼에요\n<bundo> 삼순\n<bundo> ㅎㅎ\n<cartes_> 삼성?\n<cartes_> hacking_u, 어떻게 다 들으셨나여? 어찌생각하세요?\n<yemharc> 읭........왜 코분투가 더 비싼가요 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<hacking_u> 흠... 저는\n<cartes_> 아 카라멜 마끼아또 마셧더니 속이 이상하다..\n<cartes_> 해킹_유, 네에..\n<hacking_u> 좋은 기회를 놓치신 걸 수도 있다는 생각이 들지만...\n<bundo> yemharc 고생좀 했어요 우분투 CD 보다.. 고생한거  좀 있어요.. 정당한 댓가입니다.\n<hacking_u> 만약에 계속 있었다면 더 안 좋았을지도 모르겠습니다.\n<yemharc> 아......배포판 구성에 대한 대가인건가요?\n<cartes_> hacking_u, 그러니까요.. ^^\n<hacking_u> cartes_, 그래서 그냥 어찌어찌해서 일어난 일인 듯.\n<yemharc> bundo, 근데 550원이면 애매하니 600원으로 하죠?!\n<hacking_u> 물론 우리나라 대부분의 사람들(제가 봐온 것을 기준으로)은 그건 말도 안되는 일이라고 하겠지만요\n<hacking_u> 제가보기에는 있을법한 일...정도\n<bundo> yemharc  전 5자 3자 좋아해요 그뿐입니다.\n<bundo> 555 하면 욕할까봐서 550으로\n<hacking_u> (가볍게 보는 ê±´ 아닙니다 ㅋ)\n<hacking_u> chmod /home/bundo 777\n<yemharc> 저런 ㅎㅎ;;\n<hacking_u> chmod -R /home/bundo 777\n<cartes_> <hacking_u> 물론 우리나라 대부분의 사람들(제가 봐온 것을 기준으로)은 그건 말도 안되는 일이라고 하겠지만요\n<cartes_> <hacking_u> 제가보기에는 있을법한 일...정도<hacking_u> (가볍게 보는 ê±´ 아닙니다 ㅋ)\n<hacking_u> 헉 순서가\n<bundo> hacking_u 코분투 특별판은 770원 으로 ?\n<hacking_u> cartes_, 보셨다는 의미인가요 쩝\n<bundo> 요즘 원단위 절삭합니다.\n<cartes_> 해킹_유 제 경우 말씀하시는거죠?\n<hacking_u> cartes_, 네\n<yemharc> 원단위 절삭이긴 한데 왠지 거부감이 드는 숫자네요........\n<hacking_u> bundo, 770원은 쩝\n<bundo> 아 제가 느낀거요 ~~\n<yemharc> 770이면 other는 --- (......)\n<hacking_u> (아놔... 쩝...하는 습관이 되살아났네요)\n<hacking_u> rwxrwx---\n<bundo> 사람은 다이나믹 합니다. 이런일저런일있어요\n<bundo> 단 계속 해보세요 ... 열정으로\n<bundo> 그게 젊음입니다.\n<bundo> 즉 자신이 포기 하지 말고\n<hacking_u> cartes_, 그런데 그래서 요즘은 기분이라든가 통증이라든가 어떠신가요\n<bundo> 자신을 받아 들이게 만들어 보세요\n<yemharc> 아......그러고 보니 CD 배송 왔다고 본거 같은데 이번달 세미나에서 배포하나요?\n<hacking_u> (라인 잘라서 죄송...)\n<bundo> yemharc 팔려고요 역시 개당 400원\n<bundo> hacking_u  대학생 무료 니깐 지지해줘요 넹 ?\n<yemharc> 으잌ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<bundo> 백수 600원\n<bundo> 직장인 400원\n<bundo> 군인 50원\n<bundo> 군인애인 500원\n<yemharc> 월급 대비로 군인이 제일 바가지로군요\n<bundo> 대학생 꽁짜\n<bundo> 고딩 150원\n<bundo> 중딩 100원\n<bundo> 초딩 쩝 ... 오지마\n<yemharc> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<hacking_u> bundo, 사실 그거 CD 원가 치면 파는 거라기 보다는....\n<hacking_u> 배포죠 뭐\n<yemharc> 그냥 명목상의 판매죠\n<hacking_u> 공짜로 주는건 기부라고 합니닼ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<bundo> 오픈소스 무료 아님을 실천해보려고요 ㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 한국어 어감으로 치면 [오픈소스는 무료지만 공짜는 아닙니다] 정도이려나요\n<bundo> 또 싸다고 많이 사는사람 개 ë‹��구 당함\n<bundo> 5만원 줄테니 100장 주세요 하면  바로 돼짐 ... 개 다구\n<yemharc> 1인당 최대 2장 정도가 적당하겠네요. 그것도 가급적이면 필요가 없다면 한장으로 제한하고요\n<bundo> 세미나에 한 60장 풀려고요\n<bundo> 60~100\n<bundo> 그리고 배송에 200\n<hacking_u> 아니면 자기 재산의 1/10000 내라고 한다든가\n<bundo> 보관에 100\n<yemharc> 배송은 생각해 둔 곳이 있나요?\n<yemharc> 각 대학 리눅스 동호회라던가.......\n<bundo> 지금무료 배송 받는 중\n<bundo> 대학은 있어요 보내 줄곳들\n<bundo> 대학은 있어요 보내 줄곳들 = 역시 200에포함\n<bundo> 대학은 특히 우분투로 리눅스 수업하는곳 보내주려고요\n<bundo> 이번에는 그정도 생각 중입니다.\n<bundo> 특별히 보내 줄곳 있으면 cd@ubuntu.or.kr 로 메일 주십시요\n<cartes_> ULUG.or.kr\n<cartes_> www.ULUG.or.kr\n<cartes_> http://www.ulug.or.kr/about\n<bundo> 거기 아시남 ?\n<cartes_> 여기에 대학 리눅스 유저그룹\n<cartes_> 목록 나와용\n<bundo> 나 그쪽 강의 4번 갔는데 ?\n<cartes_> 그러시군요\n<cartes_> 현인씨가 부회장하고 그랬어요\n<hacking_u> ulug쪽은 왠지 United Community\n<shriekout> ...\n<darkmeow_home> ...\n<darkmeow_home> 박리다매를 척결하려는 분도님의 의지 -ㅅ-/ 냐앙\n<cartes_> 이름이 리다매라는 사람도 다있군뇽\n<cartes_> 'ㅅ'\n<hacking_u> 여러분! 안녕히 주무세요!\n<hacking_u> 리다매! 아주 아름다운 일본 이름-_-이군요\n<hacking_u> 노다메가 생각나요\n<darkmeow_home> 왜 눈이 이리 침침해지는거지 =ㅅ=\n<cartes_> 하이요\n<hacking_u> 네 ㅎㅎ\n<hacking_u> 안드로이드로 재접속 ㅋ\n<hacking_u_> 헉\n<yemharc> 저도 자러가야겠네요\n<yemharc> 다들 안녕히 주무세요\n<Terras> 저기...안드로용 irc 클라는 어떤걸 사용하시나요.. 나중에 참고 할까 해서요..\n<cartes_> 저는 AndroIRC써요\n<Terras> 음,, 네에...\n<Terras> 으익. 4.95 유료군요..\n<cartes_> 광고버전은 프리던데\n<cartes_> 요\n<Terras> 아, 아마존부터 찾아봐서요...\n<darkmeow_home> AndroIRC말고 다라IRC도 있는데\n<darkmeow_home> AndroIRC만한넘이 없는듯\n<darkmeow_home> 근데 좀 병맛인게 바탕이 흰색이라 (...)\n<hacking_u_> 아나코\n<hacking_u_> 아나 또\n<darkmeow_home> hacking_u_ 데탑 있으면 데탑에 무선랜카드 달아놓고 매스커레이딩 하세요 -ㅅ-;\n<darkmeow_home> 공유기를 하나 더 사서 다시든지 ... 벽때문에 커버리지가 안 닿는건지도 모르니 ...\n<Terras> 우왕. 데탑에 무선랜을..\n<darkmeow_home> 그냥 ê·¸ 만 얼마짜리 라링크 칩셋 달린넘으로 달아다가 적절하게 커널컴파일 해주고\n<Terras> 아 은박지와 도화지로 만든 안테나가 있던데.\n<darkmeow_home> 가상 아이피 넣어주고 iptables로 매스커레이딩 해주시면 -ㅅ- ..\n<darkmeow_home> 지가 알아서 아이피 뿌리고 받고 ...\n<Terras> 싸네요..\n<hacking_u_> 저는 그냥\n<darkmeow_home> 공유기보다 싸지만\n<hacking_u_> 노트북ì—��\n<darkmeow_home> 전기요금은 공유기의 30ë°° ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<Terras> ㅇ,ㄱ\n<Terras> 윽\n<hacking_u_> usb 꽂아서\n<hacking_u_> adhoc\n<darkmeow_home> adhoc이라 ...\n<darkmeow_home> 놋북이 base station이 되면 adhoc이 아니죠\n<darkmeow_home> infrastructure가 되는거라능\n<hacking_u_> 안타깝게도 minipci 와 usb 둘다 ap모드가 안 됩니다\n<darkmeow_home> 흠 -ㅅ- ...\n<darkmeow_home> 리눅스 쓰시면 되는데 ...\n<hacking_u_> 아뇨 칩 차원에서 안되요\n<darkmeow_home> iptable설치하고 dhcpd로 아이피 뿌려주고 .. .\n<darkmeow_home> 그게 왜 안되나요?\n<hacking_u_> 아 사실은요 인텔 4965agn은 원래안되고요\n<darkmeow_home> 드라이버에서 못하는거죠 .\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 헛... 초천재들의 대화...\n<hacking_u_> 아예 안됩니다\n<hacking_u_> 칩에서\n<hacking_u_> 그리고 usb는 칩이 지원하는데\n<darkmeow_home> 되는 방법은 못찾아보셨구요?\n<hacking_u_> 윈도우즈 드라이버는 지원하고\n<darkmeow_home> 그건 드라이버하고 사실 상관이 없는건데\n<darkmeow_home> ...\n<hacking_u_> 리눅스드라이버는 최신판도 ap 안되로오\n<darkmeow_home> 그냥 tx하고 rx만 되면\n<hacking_u_> 그럼 어떠...\n<darkmeow_home> 커널단에서 그냥 ip리스트 캐싱해다가 뿌려주고\n<darkmeow_home> OS에서 라우팅만 해주면 되는건데\n<hacking_u_> 그건 못하겠어요\n<darkmeow_home> 유틸도 이미 널부러져있고\n<hacking_u_> 저는 천재지, 초천재는 아니라서..,\n<darkmeow_home> 설정도 겁내 쉽 ...\n<darkmeow_home> 메뉴얼도 사방팔방 널린게 메녈이라능 ..\n<darkmeow_home> 처음에 하는게 귀찮고 짜증나서 그렇지 어렵진 않아요 -ㅅ-\n<hacking_u_> 떠먹여주세요\n<darkmeow_home> 아 진짜 발꼬락으로 엔터치는거도 귀찮 -ㅅ-\n<hacking_u_> 포럼에 팁에좀 ㅜㅜ\n<darkmeow_home> 우분투는 왜 엔터키를 눌러서 설치를하는거냐능. ..\n<hacking_u_> 저는 이제 자야되서\n<darkmeow_home> 자동넘김좀 -ㅠ- 님하 -ㅠ- 침질질\n<hacking_u_> 엔터키라뇨\n<darkmeow_home> 마우스도 건드리기 싫 -ㅅ-\n<darkmeow_home> 나에겐 오로지 먹는것만이 필요 -ㅅ-!\n<darkmeow_home> ê·¸ 시간에 밥에다 고추장 참기름 뒤적뒤적 챱챱\n<hacking_u_> 안드로이드 음성인식을 이용해서 음성컨트롤 키보드라든가\n<darkmeow_home> 음성 인식도 일이죠 ㅋㅋ\n<darkmeow_home> 바로바로 된다는 보장도 없고 인식률이 걸리니까능 낄낄\n<darkmeow_home> 그렇지만 요즘 인식기능은 ... -ㅅ- 정말 촹인듯 -ㅅ-)=b\n<hacking_u_> 아뇨 키워드를 한정시키면 됩니다\n<darkmeow_home> 그건 제대로 된 음성 인식이 아니죠\n<drake_kr> 흠 비만킹 노래 괜찮네요\n<hacking_u_> 키코드 날려주는ㅌ거\n<hacking_u_> 여튼 저는 잘게요\n<darkmeow_home> 비만킹 노래라 ㅋㅋ\n<hacking_u_> 안녕히 주무세요 모두\n<darkmeow_home> 음성인식이란게 불규칙적인 패턴을 정규화 해서 분석하고 판단하는건데\n<drake_kr> 그나저나 나능가수다에 옥주현 굳이 나와서 욕 먹네요 -.-\n<darkmeow_home> 패턴을 한정지으면 음성인식에 뭔 의미가 ㄱ- ... 차라리 키 하나 누르는게 더 빠른듯 ...\n<darkmeow_home> 옥주현은 좀 ... ㅋ\n<darkmeow_home> 연습을 더 하고 나와야 될둡요 ...\n<drake_kr> 안 나오면 괜찮은데 굳이 나와서 욕을 먹네요\n<darkmeow_home> 잘하긴 잘하는데 썩 잘하진 못하는거 같아요\n<darkmeow_home> 음대 나오고 성악계열쪽에 있다 왔다는건 알겠는데\n<darkmeow_home> 성악쪽 해봤다는 사람이랑 거리가 좀 ... 많이 멀어요 ㅋ\n<drake_kr> 뭐 열심히 하고있는건 아는데\n<drake_kr> 레전드들 놀이에 초딩이 끼어든셈\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 옥사발이 성악계열은 아닐듯...\n<drake_kr> 비만킹도 논란은 많지만 어쨌든 학원 원장님이니..\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 옥사발이 성악가에게 노래 레슨만 받은것이 아닐까 합니다..\n<darkmeow_home> 제가 성악하는 사람이랑 3년동안 성가대 같이 있으면서 배우면서 부르고 그래봤는데\n<darkmeow_home> 성악하는 사람은 일단 마이크 위치부터가 다르고\n<darkmeow_home> 성량이라든지 발성 패턴이라든지 이런게 상당히 깊고 길고 그래요\n<darkmeow_home> 근데 옥주현은 그냥 뭐랄까 -ㅅ-\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 그리고 옥사발은 솔로로 살아 남지 못하니 뮤지컬 시장에서 노래 부르면서 살았다능...\n<darkmeow_home> 동네 합창단에서 솔리스트 하는 수준 ?\n<darkmeow_home> 무슨 시립 합창단 막 이런데 .\n<darkmeow_home> 뮤지컬은 뭐 개나 소나 다 하는거도 아니고 ... 뮤지컬에서 진짜 중요한게 발성인데 ...\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 아무튼 옥사발은 노래 못함... 차라리 탈락한 김연우 가 더 잘부름...\n<darkmeow_home> 고음 막 올라가고 바이브레이션 막 넣는다고 노래 잘부르는건 아니예요\n<drake_kr> ㅇㅇ\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 뮤지컬도 마이크 도입으로..발성 안되도 기계로 막...\n<drake_kr> 폰트에 그림자질 한다고 디자인 잘하는거 아니에요 <-\n<darkmeow_home> ê·¸ 사람만의 독특한 음색이랑 같이 깊고 풍부한 맛이 나야 그게 노래를 잘 부른다고 하지 .. 쩝\n<darkmeow_home> ê·¸ 머랄까 누구더라\n<darkmeow_home> ê·¸ 맹장수술했다능 .\n<darkmeow_home> ...\n<darkmeow_home> 거시기.\n<drake_kr> 임재븅\n<darkmeow_home> 풉!\n<drake_kr> 사실 임재범같은 경우는\n<drake_kr> 노래는 잘 했지만 인간성이 그지\n<darkmeow_home> -ㅠ- ..\n<darkmeow_home> 인간성에 대해서는\n<darkmeow_home> TV를 안봐서 모르겠고\n<darkmeow_home> 그냥 어디 캡춰된거 잠깐 봐서 그거밖에 몰라요\n<drake_kr> 옥주현같은 경우는 인간성도 그지인데다 자기 앨범 자체가 없어서..\n<drake_kr> 혼자 할수 있는게 아무것도 없는 애기를..\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 머 임재범이야머... 그시대에 쟁쟁한 진정한 가수들에 비하면 노래 못하는 축에 끼어서.. 요즘에 뻐꾸기 돌+아이 들과 비교 하니 겁나 노래 잘하는것 처럼...\n<darkmeow_home> 옥주현 제대로 노래부르게 할라면 오페라 연습 죽어라고 한 2년정도 시키면 될듯\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 사실 웃자고 시작한 버라이어티에서 개피본것이 김건모 임...\n<darkmeow_home> 그정도쯤 해야 기본 발성 나올둡요 ...\n<darkmeow_home> 건모삼춘 안습 -ㅠ-\n<drake_kr> ... 어떻게 ë³´ë©´ 김건모가 정말 레전드인디..\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 버라이어티라고 해서 나왔다가 dog 망신만 당한 김건모.. ㅋㅋ\n<darkmeow_home> 울나라 가수들 중에 ... 김건모만큼 보이스컬러가 독특한 가수가 없기 때문에\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 머 신승훈이 진정한 레전드임.. ㅋ\n<drake_kr> 이승환 나오면 올킬할려나\n<darkmeow_home> 어떻게든 나가수에서 중간까지는 살아남는게 좋을거 같다고 생각은 해봤는데\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 나가수에 나올일이 없을것임..\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 이승환 이나 신승훈..\n<darkmeow_home> 김경호 쯤 은 나와주면\n<drake_kr> 김경호는염?\n<darkmeow_home> 아마 강당 하나 날라갈듯.\n<darkmeow_home> 낄낄\n<darkmeow_home> 쌰우팅 =3\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 나와서 1등해도 그건 목먹음.... 본전도 못찾는 짓이라서..\n<drake_kr> 머 경호형도 김연우처럼.. ㄱ-\n<drake_kr> 본전도 못찾을 정도는 아닌듯 싶은데요\n<darkmeow_home> 먼 훗나아아알~~~~~~~~~ 우리~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n<drake_kr> 지금 음원시장 나가수가 올킬중인디\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 아.. 1등해도 본전도 못찾죠... 1등하면 당연히... 이승환 이나 신승훈 이니깐... 머 이런 기대치가 있어서...\n<darkmeow_home> 경호흉아는 ..\n<darkmeow_home> 전설의 보이스를 좀 살려주시면\n<darkmeow_home> 진짜 시청률 30%까지 올라갈지도 ...\n<drake_kr> 음? 지금 시청률 몇프론데염\n<darkmeow_home> 무한도전이 24%인가 그러자나요\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 그런데 김경호는... 사실... 다양한 음악 장르를 부르기엔... 보이스 컬러가... 너무 한쪽에만 치우쳐저 있어서..\n<drake_kr> 음? 김경호 보이스컬러는 다양하던데..\n<drake_kr> 개인적으로 나와줬으면 하는 가수는 체리필터..\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 신승훈이 나 이승환 이 레전드 인 이유가.. 다양한 음악의 앨범을 가지고도 1등 먹었다는 것이...\n<drake_kr> 지금 나는가수다에 성시경이 나가도 욕먹을판인데..\n<darkmeow_home> 락 했던 가수들한테 트로트 소화해보라고 하면\n<drake_kr> 옥주현이가 왜 나와 -.-\n<darkmeow_home> 겁내 어려워할듯 -ㅅ-\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 김경호 가 락 발라드 와 락 말고는... 사실 보이스가 안맞는 느낌이..\n<darkmeow_home> 트로트가 나름 이게 또 어려워요 -ㅅ-\n<drake_kr> 사실 개나소나 부를수 있는게 락이죠..\n<darkmeow_home> 하지만 락을 락이라고 할 수 있는 락은 많지 않다는거 -ㅅ- ...\n<darkmeow_home> 제일 쉬워보이는게 제일 어려운거 ...\n<drake_kr> 네.\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 머 무조건 소리만 꿱꿱 지르면서 락이라고 하는... 좀...\n<drake_kr> 머 어때요\n<drake_kr> 그게 색깔이면 색깔인거고..\n<darkmeow_home> 오죽하면 오인용 만화가 웨날뷁! 웨날뷁! ... ...\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 언더와 대중음악의 차이 아닐까효 ? 언더는 자기 만족... 대중음악은 철저한 상업성을 가진 음악...\n<drake_kr> 글마야 '해보고 싶었습니다' 한마디면 될걸 가지고 말이 많아서 그런식인거죠\n<darkmeow_home> 대중음악이라고 해서 철저하게 상업성의 대세를 ê¼­ 따르지는 않아도 된다고 봐요\n<darkmeow_home> 그런 노래 아닌데 성공한 노래들 많쟎아요\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 그래도 ê²°êµ­ 살아 남는 음악은 상업 음악 이죠...\n<darkmeow_home> 상업성을 의도하고 만든 노래들 ë³´ë©´ 좀 쓰레기 같은 노래들 많아요\n<drake_kr> 김경호 색깔이 없다고 해서 좀 고민해봤는데.. 김경호가 Dream Theater 곡을 부르면 안 어울릴거 같기도 하네요..\n<darkmeow_home> 진짜 턴테이블 위에 올려놓고 송곳으로 긁어버리고 싶은 노래들 있죠\n<darkmeow_home> 힙합 한다고 스크래치 돌려버리는거 =3\n<drake_kr> 사실, 핑클 노래가 좀 그랬는데.. -ㅅ-\n<darkmeow_home>  요즘 여자 아이돌 그룹 노래들 그런 노래 많이 나오쟎아요\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 상업적 음악중에 쓰래기가 80% 인건 맞습니다.. 나머지 20%가 대박 나는거죠...\n<darkmeow_home> 앨범 노래중에 한두개 빼고 거의 쓰레기 .\n<drake_kr> 옥주현이 나올거 같았으면 차라리 서영은 누님이 나왔으면 차라리 나은디..\n<darkmeow_home> 서영은은 ... 전설의 보이스라 -ㅅ- ...\n<darkmeow_home> ê·¸ 언니는 ... 보이스 컬러가 사탕같이 달콤한 느낌이 나는 스타일이라\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 서영은 같은 경우에는... 남편이 두바이에 있어서... 6개월은 항쿡에 6개월은 두바이에..\n<darkmeow_home> T-Square가 예전에 Passion Flower 음반을 냈을때였나 ...\n<darkmeow_home> 그때 냈던 곡 중에 하나가 영은이 언니가 직접 불렀솸용 ...\n<darkmeow_home> -ㅠ-\n<darkmeow_home> ê·¸ 노래 제목이 뭔지도 까먹었네 ...\n<darkmeow_home> 가사가 I remember the time while looking a stars ...뭐 이런거..\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 사실 이소라도.. 보이스 컬러의 폭이 좁은 편이죠... 앨범들 들어 ë³´ë©´.. 그노래가 그노래 같다는... 창법도 비슷하고..\n<drake_kr> 음 angel's love는 아닐테고\n<drake_kr> caribbean love?\n<darkmeow_home> 아뇽~\n<darkmeow_home> 검색해보면 feat. 서영은 이라고 나와요 -ㅠ-\n<drake_kr> 흠 T Square 앨범은 언제 들어도\n<drake_kr> 좋군요 =ㅅ=\n<darkmeow_home> 앨범마다 컬러가 있다보니까\n<darkmeow_home> 이앨범 저앨범 셔플해서 듣다보면 지루하지가 않죠 -ㅅ-\n<drake_kr> 전 TSquare는 Sunnyside Cruise때문에\n<darkmeow_home> 딱 들어보면 이 노래는 저 앨범꺼 .. 딱 느껴지는 ..\n<drake_kr> 딱히 Casiopea가 못하는것도 아닌데\n<drake_kr> T가 너무 거대해서 -ㅅ-\n<darkmeow_home> More than Lemonade네요 ..\n<darkmeow_home> 노래 제목 ì°¸ 어렵 -ㅅ- ..\n<darkmeow_home> 한국어 버전 말고 영문 버전 받아서 들어보시면 목소리가 나긋나긋하고 좋아요 *-ㅅ-*\n<darkmeow_home> 마치 노래로 고백하는 듯한 느낌 .\n<drake_kr> 역시\n<darkmeow_home> Casiopea는 ... 노로잇세이가 워낙 쩔어주는 지라 -ㅅ- ...\n<darkmeow_home> 노로잇세이가 빠지면 Casiopea가 아닌 ..\n<drake_kr> 생각해보면\n<drake_kr> 미쿡이나 일본은 나이가 먹어서도 가수질 잘 하는데\n<drake_kr> 한쿡은 나이 먹으면 할 수 있는게 아무것도 없네요.. -_-\n<darkmeow_home> 한쿸은 ... 노래부르기 좋은 기후나 공기 환경 이런게 아무것도 못돼요 ㅋ\n<darkmeow_home> 유럽이나 미국살다 온사람이 서울 오면 바로 하는말이\n<darkmeow_home> Fucking Air.\n<drake_kr> fucking air\n<darkmeow_home> 공기가 진짜 더러워서 -ㅅ-\n<darkmeow_home> 서울바닥에서 골골 대다가 시골에서 한 1년 살아보쟎아요\n<darkmeow_home> 몸살 한번 앓아주고 나면 시골에선 무지 개운해요\n<drake_kr> 여긴 어쩌지.. (<- 서울은 서울인데 서울같지 않은 서울에 살고 있는 사람)\n<darkmeow_home> 서울에서계속 있으면 그냥 있는거만 해도 피곤하고 ...\n<darkmeow_home> 저도 ê·¸ 서울같이 않은 서울에 살아본적이 있어서 -ㅅ- ...\n<darkmeow_home> 하지만 도심이나 강남 이런데서 나와주시는 매연량이라든지 대기 부유물같은게\n<drake_kr> 에이 그래도\n<drake_kr> 이정도면 깨끗한편 아닌가요\n<darkmeow_home> 상상을 초월하는지라 -ㅅ- 입 잘못 벌리면 온갖 먼지 세균 매연 다 들이 마시는 ...\n<drake_kr> ... 저 4년전 필리핀 갔을때.. 놀랐던것중 하나가..\n<drake_kr> '무연 휘발유' 말고 다른 휘발유를 팔더라고요..\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 차를 구입하셔서... 차창문 다 닫고 공기정화 시스템을 가동 하심이..\n<drake_kr> Ponics :: 그러세요 ㅋㅋ\n<darkmeow_home> 휘발유가 ... 흠 ...\n<drake_kr> 마닐라에 있다보면 정말 숨이 탁탁 막히는..\n<drake_kr> 디지털단지로 바뀌기 전의 구로공단 같았다능\n<darkmeow_home> 그게 정제되는 레벨에 따라서 경유 등유 다음에 나오는 거리 그냥 휘발유라고 하는데\n<darkmeow_home> 우리나라에 나오는 휘발유는 품질 정말 좋은거예요\n<drake_kr> 네 그러니까 서울이 그나마 괜찮다고 보는거지요..\n<darkmeow_home> 정제기술이 워낙 좋아서 ...\n<darkmeow_home> 미국에서 파는 휘발유보다 우리나라에서 파는 휘발유가 더 깨끗해요\n<darkmeow_home> 그렇다보니까 ê·¸ 옥탄가 문제 때문에 미국에서 만들어진 엔진가지고 우리나라에서 돌리면\n<darkmeow_home> 힘이 안나서 연비가 좍좍 먹히는거죠 ..\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 훔... 미쿡 수출용 에는... 유연휘발유를 넣어 달라는 영어 문구가... ㅋ\n<drake_kr> 머 제가 갔을때 휘발유값이 저렴한게 리터당 700원 꼴이었으니..\n<darkmeow_home> 네 그게 휘발유 종류에 따라 엔진설계가 달라저요\n<darkmeow_home> 피스톤 부분이\n<darkmeow_home> 배기쪽하고 .\n<drake_kr> 그때 한쿡은 1600원쯤\n<drake_kr> 간만에 101 proof 들어볼까나\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 아.. 제가 알기론... 원유를 정제 하면.. 처음에 나오는것이 LPG > 휘발유 > 경유 > 등유 > 벙커C유  머.. 이렇게 나오는거 아닌가효 ?\n<darkmeow_home> 휘발유 등 ê²½ 중 이 순서였던가 -ㅅ- ...\n<darkmeow_home> 잘 모르겠네요 ㅋㅋ\n<darkmeow_home> 아 이 채널에 봇이 있나 -ㅅ-\n<darkmeow_home> !구글 원유 정제\n<darkmeow_home> 없네 -ㅅ-\n<drake_kr> http://www.mobilsm.co.kr/techdata_Crude%20Oil.htm\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 경유 다음에 나오는것이 등유 인걸로.. 그래서 옛날 석유 곤로 라는 가정용 취사도구에 등유를 넣었던 기억이...\n<darkmeow_home> 휘발유 등경중 나프타 순이군요 ... 바닥에 타르라든지 이런찌끄레기들이 모여서 나중에 아스팔트 포장할때 쓴다고 -ㅅ- ...\n<darkmeow_home> 제일 무거운게 타르인지 아니면 ê·¸ 양초에 쓰는 미끈덕한건지는 잘 모르겠 ...\n<drake_kr> 뭐 아무렴 어때요\n<drake_kr> 아무튼 서울은 그나마 깨끗한편인듯 싶어요\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 아.. 그런데 경유 보다 등유가 더 싼이유가.. ê²°êµ­ 소비층의 차이 인가 보군효..\n<darkmeow_home> 전 시골에서 학교를 5년동안 다녀보다가 서울로 다시 올라왔는데\n<darkmeow_home> 시골에서 느껴보지 못한 온갖 피곤함이 왕창 밀려오더군요 -ㅅ-\n<drake_kr> 그거야 그렇죠\n<darkmeow_home>  매일매일 마시는 공기는 ì°¨ 꽁무니에서 나오는 똥냄새 같은거 ...\n<drake_kr> 소똥냄새가 그립다는 사람들때문에 제품도 나오는 판인데 ㅋㅋ\n<darkmeow_home> 시골의 소똥냄새랑 도시의 차똥냄새는 ... ㅋㅋ\n<darkmeow_home> 다르죠 ...\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 서울을 떠나야 합니다... 확실히... 전 군생활을 구리에서 했는데 서울만 오면 눈다갑고 얼굴 간지럽고 코속이 시커멓게 되고... 그런적이 있었습니다..\n<darkmeow_home> 구리도 사실 서울에서 별로 안멀어서 공기가 그럴거 같지만\n<darkmeow_home> 서울 경계 딱 들어오고 나서 몇분 달리다보면\n<darkmeow_home> 확실히 느껴지더군요\n<drake_kr> http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=igonayou&logNo=123944462\n<darkmeow_home> 전 양평에서 ...\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 구리 공기 좋습니다.. 서울만 들어 오면 아주 만성피로가 쓰나미 처럼..\n<drake_kr> 도쿄 공기는 서울보다 구려요\n<darkmeow_home> 저거 ... 봉이김선달이라고 댓글에 엄청 욕해대던데 ㅋㅋ\n<darkmeow_home> 꽤 오래전에\n<darkmeow_home> 동네 문방구 뒤지��‹¤ë³´ë©´\n<drake_kr> 도쿄랑 나고야 공기는 정말.. -_-;\n<darkmeow_home> 방구탄이라고 진짜 고약한 내나는 봉다리 폭탄 팔았었는데 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 지금도 파는거 같던데..\n<darkmeow_home> 문질문질 해놓고 바닥에 툭 던지면 부풀어오르다가 빡! 소리가 나면서 냄새가 ㅡ,.ㅡ\n<drake_kr> 암모니아 냄새죠?\n<darkmeow_home> 네 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 일본이 좋은 이유중 하나는 도쿄가 아니어도 취업에 별 문제가 없다는거..\n<drake_kr> 물론 외국인이 취업하기는 정말 힘든 나라중의 하나지만.. -ㅅ-\n<darkmeow_home> 전 일본에 가려고 해도 못갈거 같은 이유중 하나가\n<darkmeow_home> 1. 일본어가 안된다 2. 물가에 민감하다 3. 지나친 관심이 싫다능\n<drake_kr> 그러고보니 전 일본 첨 갔을때 일본어 하나도 못할때였군요..\n<darkmeow_home> 영어는 쪼금 되니 영어로 일본어를 배우면 될거 같다고 생각은 해보고 있는데\n<darkmeow_home> 뭐 이악물고 하면 되겠죠 -ㅅ- (딴청)\n<drake_kr> 물가는.. 교통비가 심하게 들어서 그렇지 다른건 그닥 문제가 안되고..\n<darkmeow_home> 근데 말 잘해봐야 그곳의 살인적인 물가는 웬지 감당 안될거 같고\n<darkmeow_home> 일좀 잘한다 싶으면 거긴 \"부탁\"을 하쟎아요\n<darkmeow_home> 우리나라처럼 막 무턱대고 시키는 개념이 아니고 .\n<drake_kr> 네\n<darkmeow_home> ê·¸ 부탁이란거도 한두번이라면 모를까 그게 관심처럼 보이게 되면 ...-ㅅ-;\n<darkmeow_home> 요게 또 힘들어요 -ㅅ-\n<drake_kr> 근데\n<drake_kr> 거기 수직사회는 한국보다 훨씬 심합니다..\n<darkmeow_home> 워낙 일본애들이 융통성이 없다보니까\n<drake_kr> 저야 외국인이니까 부탁이지, 상사였다면..\n<darkmeow_home> 한국사람 빠릿빠릿하고 효율적이고 일 잘하고 싹싹하고 그러는걸 좋아해서\n<drake_kr> 명령의 느낌이 군대와 비슷하더라고요\n<darkmeow_home> 그런거 맛들여다가 계속 하면 -ㅅ- ...\n<darkmeow_home> 음 ... 웬지 일본어 말투가 ... 좀 딱딱해서 그런 느낌이 날듯 -ㅅ-\n<drake_kr> 아뇨 그랬으면 첨 갔을때 그런 느낌이어야 하는데..\n<drake_kr> 석달 정도 지나서 그런걸 느꼈어요\n<darkmeow_home> 어떻게 부드럽게 발음을 하려고 해도 일본어는 한국어처럼 울림음이 그다지 많지가 않쟎아요\n<darkmeow_home> 근데 일본애들은 그런걸 또 당연히 그렇게 해야 한다고 생각하는것도 있어서 -ㅅ- ;;\n<darkmeow_home> ê·¸ 이상은 모르겠네요 ... ê·¸ 머더라 ... 혼네라나 ...\n<darkmeow_home> 본심은 숨겨두는 그네들의 습성때문에 ... 정작 그것에 대해 어떻게 생각하는지는 알 턱이 없 ..\n<drake_kr> 흠\n<drake_kr> 본심을 숨기건 어쩌건 간에\n<darkmeow_home> 울나라 사람들은 뭐같으면 대놓고 입으로 싸는데\n<drake_kr> 그동네는 알바도 하기 좋은 동네입니다..\n<darkmeow_home> 일본애들은 겉으로 표현 안하는게 많아서 -ㅅ- ...\n<drake_kr> 저야 알바를 할 일이 없었지만..\n<drake_kr> 그때 회사 직원이 부모 자산으로 자영업을 시작했는데\n<drake_kr> 급여 주는걸 ë³´ê³ ..\n<drake_kr> 최저임금보다 꽤 많이 주길래\n<drake_kr> \"왜 그렇게 많이 주냐.. 알바생인데 막 부려먹는게 좋지 않겠냐..\" 라고 제가 얘기를 했었는데\n<drake_kr> 그사람 하는 얘기가\n<darkmeow_home> 우리나라는 최저임금보다 적게 줘도 개나소나 ... 뭐라 안하쟎아요 주는 사람맘이라면서 .. 근로기준법에 고시된 최저임금 이상을 주라고 되어 있는데도 ..\n<drake_kr> \"저 알바도 다른 사람의 자식인데, 내가 이렇게 해주면 내 자식이 알바를 할때 차별받지 않을것이다\" 라고 하더라고요\n<darkmeow_home> 제가 들었던 얘기중에 일본에서는 최저임금제도 어기면 고발당하고 회사 폐쇄된다고 ...\n<darkmeow_home> 양심이고 뭐고 무조건 법이 정한 기준을 지켜야 한다더군요 ..\n<drake_kr> 보통 사람들 생각이 저런식이라, 최저임금에 딱 맞춰 주는 업주도 많지 않은듯 싶었어요\n<darkmeow_home> 네 ... 최저 임금보단 아무래도 좀 넉넉하게 주겠죠 ...\n<darkmeow_home> 그거에 비하면 울나라 업주들은 ...\n<darkmeow_home> 아놔 ... -_- ...\n<darkmeow_home> 진짜 인간적으로 좋은 사람들이나 시간 단위로 철저하게 계산해서 꼬박꼬박 최저임금 이상으로 챙겨주지\n<drake_kr> 제가 도쿄에서 근무를 했던건 아니어서 도쿄는 잘 모르겠지만 오사카 지방은 저랬어요\n<darkmeow_home> 더러운놈 만나면 퇴직금도 못챙기는 경우도 ..\n<drake_kr> 근데 신기한게..\n<darkmeow_home> 요즘 울나라 ë³´ë©´ 진보신당이 당에서 나와서 시위하고\n<drake_kr> 일본은 기업하기 ì°¸ 좋은 나라이기도 하고 기업해도 돈 못버는 나라이기도 해요.. -ㅅ-\n<darkmeow_home> 노동조합 나와서 최저임금 협상하자고 시위하고\n<darkmeow_home> 돈 ... 거긴 다 \"똑같이\" 벌지 않나요 -ㅅ-?\n<drake_kr> 한방에 훅갈수있는 법이 많고..\n<darkmeow_home> 단어가 좀 웃기긴 한데\n<drake_kr> 근데 한방에 훅가는게 기업이지 개인은 아니거든요\n<darkmeow_home> 누구나 돈을 벌 수 있는 이랄까 ..\n<drake_kr> 누구나 기업을 차릴 수 있도록 지원은 많이 해줘요\n<darkmeow_home> 기업은 차리는데 증시상장은 무진장 어렵다고 그러더군요\n<drake_kr> 어려운것보다\n<drake_kr> 안할려고 하죠\n<drake_kr> 법인기업이 되면 세금이 장난 아니라서요\n<darkmeow_home> 우리나라처럼 그냥 실적 올리면 개나소나 다 상장하려고 하는거랑은 좀 많이 대조적인듯\n<drake_kr> 인건비 제하고 70%가 세금이라고 ë³´ë©´ 되죠..\n<darkmeow_home> 한마디로 회사 운영에 필요한 최소 자금을 제외하고 인건비 제하고\n<darkmeow_home> 가진거 다 내놔군요 -ㅠ-\n<drake_kr> 아무래도 제가 있었던 기업이 기업인지라 대충 아는데..\n<drake_kr> 그걸 좀 비켜가려고 만든 기업이 Square Enix Capital & Holdings\n<darkmeow_home> 헐 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> ê·¸ 파이널 판타지를 만든 직원들은 거의 대부분 비정규직입니다..\n<darkmeow_home> 캐피털 홀딩스라니 ㅋㅋ\n<darkmeow_home> 무슨 대출회사같 ..\n<drake_kr> 네 exactly\n<drake_kr> 출자회사죠\n<darkmeow_home> 마치 한국에서 현대 캐피탈 같은 회사랄까 ..\n<drake_kr> 그런 회사랑은 차원이 다르죠\n<darkmeow_home> 회사에 자금을 대주는 회사군요 -ㅅ- 흠흠\n<darkmeow_home> 파판 동영상 만든 사람중 하나가 괴물급 프리랜서라는데 ...\n<drake_kr> 뭐, 세금을 너무 많이 뜯어가니까 아예 직원을 비정규직으로 고용하되 급여 자체는 충분히 줬었죠\n<drake_kr> 정확히 프리랜서가 맞습니다..\n<darkmeow_home> 근데 우리나라는 비정규직은 급여는 개떡같이 주고 4대보험 따위 안중에도 없고 ...\n<drake_kr> SECH에서 외주를 주는 식이니까요\n<darkmeow_home> 뭐 보험이야 근로자 일부부담 조건으로 라도 해주면 뭐가 덧나는지 ...\n<drake_kr> 그러니까, ê·¸ 보험때문에 비정규직으로 회사를 운영하지만\n<drake_kr> 급여 자체는 충분히 줬던것 같아요\n<darkmeow_home> 그래서 일본에선 혼자 살아도 안죽는군요 -ㅅ-\n<drake_kr> 평균 연봉이 800만 정도였던걸로 기억하는데요\n<drake_kr> 그때가 2004년\n<darkmeow_home> 거기서 집세 수도요금 전기요금 통신요금 이것저것 싹 빼면\n<darkmeow_home> 먹고 노는거 만큼 남을듯\n<darkmeow_home> 근데 웬지 한국에서보다 조금 남긴 할 것 같네요 대충 생각해보니까.\n<drake_kr> 머 혼자 살만한 방은 월세 4만 정도에 구했던듯 싶은데요\n<drake_kr> 제가 거기서 일할때 월급 받으면 반을 세이브 했었어요\n<darkmeow_home> 요즘에도 일본에서 일하시면 ...\n<drake_kr> 한국에서 비슷하게 살때보다 2~3배는 풍요롭게 살았던것 같아요\n<darkmeow_home> 엔고 덕분에 돈버는 재미가 쏠쏠하시겠군요 -ㅅ-\n<drake_kr> 그러고싶지만.. 기회가 닿질 않아서요..\n<darkmeow_home> 엔고가 되면\n<darkmeow_home> 울나라는 죽을맛이겠지만 일본에서 환전하면서 송금해버리면\n<darkmeow_home> 꽁돈이 그냥 막 굴러들어가능 =3\n<darkmeow_home> (우왕ㅋ굳ㅋ)\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<darkmeow_home> 울나라는 아무리 생각해도 개처럼 일해도 정승같이 벌어먹기 힘들거 같애서 -ㅅ-\n<darkmeow_home> ì°¸ 걱정이네요 ... 할줄 아는거도 없는데 ...\n<drake_kr> 그냥 ì™��êµ­ 나갈 기회가 있으면 잡으면 되지요..\n<darkmeow_home> 재미 붙여가면서 뭘 해보고 싶어도 이리저리 돌아다녀보면 다들 하는 일이 똑같아서\n<drake_kr> 제경우 2004년에 이사가 \"외국가서 일할 사람\" 했는데 지원자가 저뿐이라..\n<drake_kr> '일본어좀 하냐' '아니요' '가서 ojt로 배워' '그게 뭔데요' '가보면 알아'\n<darkmeow_home> 영어로 배우셨군요 -ㅅ-\n<drake_kr> ojt : on job training\n<drake_kr> 속에 뭘 감추고 있건간에 겉은 친절하니 말 배우는건 쉽더군요..\n<darkmeow_home> 거긴 아얘 회사에서 어학연수를 지원해주던데 ..\n<drake_kr> 사실, 영어는 별 도움이 안 되었답니다\n<darkmeow_home> 본토원주민들이 영어를 못해서요? ㅋㅋ\n<darkmeow_home> (웬지 -ㅅ-)..\n<drake_kr> 원주민들 영어 조낸 잘합니다..\n<drake_kr> 제가 쪽팔려서 영어를 못 썼어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<darkmeow_home> 엌ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 일본애들 발음이 어쩌구 하는데\n<darkmeow_home>  그건 쪽팔리구 어쩌고의 문제가 아니쟎아요 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 발음이야 발음이고, 미쿸사람들 ë³´ê³  안 숨잖아요\n<darkmeow_home> 하고 싶은 말씀을 하시면 되는 ... 쩝 ..\n<darkmeow_home> 발음 상관 없어요 ㅋ 사실 미쿸애들 한테 직접 물어보면\n<drake_kr> 머, '하이' 정도야 쉽게 나오니깐..\n<darkmeow_home> 성격깐깐한 사람 아니면 발음에 크게 신경 안쓴데요 ㅋ\n<darkmeow_home> 근데 주의할게 뭐냐면\n<darkmeow_home> 초딩식 표현 ...\n<drake_kr> 근데 한국에 미쿡사람이 와서\n<darkmeow_home> 가령 상사한테 X낸 갈굼 받고 왔는데 How're you라고 물어보면\n<darkmeow_home> I'm fine이라고 하는 사람이 몇 있는게 문제\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 아니 그것보다\n<drake_kr> 건물에 깔려서 911이 왔는데\n<drake_kr> 괜찮아요? 물어보는데\n<drake_kr> im fine. thank you. and you?\n<darkmeow_home> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<darkmeow_home> and you? 에 밑줄을 쳐주고 싶 ...\n<drake_kr> 머 그런거야\n<drake_kr> 동네에서 어느정도 생활하면 ㅋ\n<darkmeow_home> Thank you까진 이해가 될 수도 있어요 ê·¸ 상황이면 ㅋ\n<darkmeow_home>  걱정해줘서 고맙다는 의미도 될 수 있으니까\n<drake_kr> 제가 일본에 갔을때\n<drake_kr> 혼자 가서 일본어를 잘 배운것 같아요\n<darkmeow_home> 근데 너는? 이라고 물어보면 그게 웃기쟎아요 ㅋㅋ\n<darkmeow_home> -ㅅ- 부럽\n<drake_kr> 한국사람 한명만 있었어도 절박하진 않은 상황이 되거든요\n<drake_kr> 한국어 할 줄 아는 일본사람은 몇 있었는데\n<drake_kr> 아까 말씀하신거.. 그러니까 ê·¸ '부탁'이란걸 그사람한테 자꾸 하기가 뭐해서\n<drake_kr> 금방 배워지더라고요\n<darkmeow_home> 그르르르렇 군요 -��……- ...\n<darkmeow_home> 벌써 3시네 -ㅅ-\n<drake_kr> 이제 3시구나..\n<darkmeow_home> 출근은 안하시는건가요? ㄷㄷ\n<drake_kr> 저 지금 놀아요\n<drake_kr> ㅎ\n<drake_kr> 놀고먹습니다\n<darkmeow_home> -0- ...\n<darkmeow_home> 앱장사라도 하고는 지내셔야 -ㅅ- ...\n<drake_kr> 한국에서 일한게.. 거의 알바쪽이어서 NEET라고 불려도 될만한 경력을 가지고 있지요..\n<drake_kr> 2004-2006 SEGA근무..\n<darkmeow_home> 세가 경력이면\n<darkmeow_home> 넥슨이나 nhn한게임 같은데서 알아줄거 같은데 ...\n<drake_kr> 2007-2009 KTN-Philippines 현지 회사 대표이사\n<darkmeow_home> ncsoft는 워낙 굇수들 들어가는 동네라 좀 빡셀거 같지만 ..\n<drake_kr> 아니 뭐 그런곳 별로 안 좋아라 합니다..\n<drake_kr> 필리핀에 있을때 모든 기력을 쏟아부었는데..\n<drake_kr> 필리핀 정부에 의해 사업이 파토나고..\n<drake_kr> 아직 회복중입니다 ㅋㅋ\n<darkmeow_home> 동남아쪽 애들은 ... 베트남 이런데 아니면 하도 우유부단하고 이랬다저랬다 하는데가 많아서 -ㅅ-\n<darkmeow_home> 제대로 하겠다고 여러번을 확인해도 ... 언젠가는 뒷통수를 갈겨줄 위험이 있기 땀시롱 -ㅅ- ..\n<drake_kr> 음\n<drake_kr> 통신사업이었는데\n<drake_kr> 불법내역 확인한다고 대법원에서 장비를 싹쓸이해갔습니다.. -_-\n<drake_kr> 시가 6억원 상당..\n<darkmeow_home> 그래놓고 수사 끝나면 장비 돌려주는거 아닌가요 -ㅅ-?\n<drake_kr> 아니 통신사업이라 당장 하루만 끊겨도 클라이언트가 반이 날아가는 상황인데..\n<darkmeow_home> 중계기를 ㄱ- ...\n<drake_kr> 장비 돌려받을때까지 버티기도 어이없는 상황이었죠\n<darkmeow_home> 헐 ... 역시 정부기관도 개념은 없군요 ...\n<darkmeow_home> 잠시 치안상황 검색해보니\n<darkmeow_home>  뭐 같은 상황이라고 (...)\n<drake_kr> 뭐 제경우 어느 나라를 가도 치안은 별로 신경 안 씁니다..\n<drake_kr> 총 맞는 넘들은 총 맞을 짓을 해서 그런거거든요\n<drake_kr> 2009년에 갑자기 파토났던 상황이..\n<drake_kr> 일단 방송국에서 쳐들어옵니다..\n<drake_kr> 한시간 있다가 지방경찰이 들어옵니다\n<drake_kr> 실랑이 벌이는 도중에 검찰이 출두합니다\n<drake_kr> 그리고 검사해봐야겠으니 장비를 가져가겠다 합니다\n<darkmeow_home> 방송국이 문제였나 -ㅅ-\n<drake_kr> 그때 직원들은 전원 배신합니다..\n<drake_kr> 방송국에서는 잘 나가는 통신회사를 취재하는거라고만 이야기합니다\n<drake_kr> 근데 한시간 후 경찰이 와서 하는 얘기가 TV에 불법온라인카지노를 운영했다면서 지랄합니다\n<drake_kr> 제가 지금도 후회하는 한마디를 했지요\n<drake_kr> \"그런거 없다 니들이 다 뒤져봐라\"\n<darkmeow_home> 누군가가 통신회사에 가입해놓고 그짓을 했군요 -ㅅ-\n<drake_kr> 나중에 알고봤ë��”니 직원중 하나가 방송국에다 찔른겁니다\n<drake_kr> 머 6억상당이라고 해도\n<drake_kr> 통신장비라는게 중고품 가격이 1/30 수준까지 떨어지는거라서..\n<darkmeow_home> 그런건 영사관에다가 얘기를 해서 외교적으로 항의를 했어야 -ㅅ- ...\n<drake_kr> 7500 원래 정가는 1억 얼마인데 200만원 주고 사고 뭐 그런것들이죠\n<drake_kr> 아니 필리핀 법원까지 이미 올라가있는 사안인데 영사관에서 뭘 어떻게 해요 ㅋㅋ\n<darkmeow_home> 동남아가 ê·¸ 동네가 좀 문제가 심각한게\n<darkmeow_home> 걔네들은 보안 개념이 없어요 -ㅅ-\n<drake_kr> 에이\n<darkmeow_home> 예전에 EBS에선가 ...\n<drake_kr> 보안개념 투철합니다\n<darkmeow_home> 다큐 하나 나왔었는데\n<imsu> 잉 대화가 활발하네요 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 우리 회사가 너무 루즈했던거였고.. (사실 보안이라고 할만한것도 없었으니)\n<darkmeow_home> 동남아의 일부 서버를 동남아 각지역에 분산 배치해놓고 중국을 때리기도 하고 한국은 말할것도 없고\n<drake_kr> 경쟁회사같은 경우는 서버 작업을 하는데 8명이 출장 갑니다..\n<darkmeow_home> 일본도 때리는데 사실 제일 만만한게 한국이죠\n<darkmeow_home> 군사력 뭣도 없지 땅덩이 코딱지 만하지\n<drake_kr> 우리회사에서는 걍 한명한테 열쇠 4개 주고 보내는데..\n<darkmeow_home> 보안도 개떡같지 (라지만 요 몇년전에 언론이 설레발 하도 쳐대서 한국보안수준이 세계 최고라고)\n<drake_kr> 아 열쇠는 두개\n<drake_kr> 그러니까.. 터미널 작업을 하러 들어가는데\n<drake_kr> 건물 보안 책임자 두명, 사무실 보안 책임자 두명, 컴퓨터 보안 책임자 두명, 루트 패스워드 알고있는 사람 한명, 감시자 한명..\n<drake_kr> 현지에서 일하는 애들은 터미널 작업 하는데 8명이 붙습니다.. -_-\n<darkmeow_home> 터미널은 ...\n<drake_kr> 보안의식이라고 하면 필리핀 애들이 훨씬 나을수도 있지요..\n<darkmeow_home> 외부와 분리되어있구요 ?\n<drake_kr> 네\n<drake_kr> imsu :: 배고파\n<darkmeow_home> 울나라는 뭐 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> imsu :: 일요일은 쉬나\n<darkmeow_home> 보안 작업실 들어가는데 인원 딱 몇명 .. 그것도 파견업체 직원 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 아니 저희 회사 직원은\n<drake_kr> 한명한테 열쇠 두개 주고 보낸다니까요\n<darkmeow_home> ê·¸ 두개가 각자 다른 종류의 열쇠겠죠?\n<drake_kr> 사무실 열쇠랑 컴퓨터 열쇠\n<darkmeow_home> 컴퓨터 열쇠면 ...\n<darkmeow_home> 키보드락 ㄱ- ..\n<drake_kr> 제가 매우 자주 들은 말중에 하나가\n<drake_kr> '너네 회사는 통신회사면서 보안의식이 없냐'\n<darkmeow_home> 보안의식이라면\n<darkmeow_home> \"아무도 안믿는다\" 를 전제로 깔고 모든 작업을 이행하는 거죠 ... 흠흠 ..\n<drake_kr> 뭐\n<imsu> drake_kr: 축구 가용 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 믿고 안믿고를 떠나서\n<darkmeow_home> 근데 뭐가 잘못된거지 ㄱ- ..\n<darkmeow_home> 8명씩이나 달라붙고 있는데 ...\n<drake_kr> 믿어야 진행될 일을 안 만들면 되는거죠\n<imsu> drake_kr: 식사 아직 안하셨나요?\n<imsu> ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> imsu :: 고로케 만들어서 먹는중\n<imsu> 파이썬은 디버깅이 안되나요?\n<imsu> 헉;; 요리사? ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 요리사는 네이버\n<drake_kr> kitchen.naver.com <-\n<drake_kr> 레시피 ë³´ê³  따라하는거여\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 고로케 레시피 찾아보시나..\n<imsu> drake_kr: 너무 만능이 되어가진 마세요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 그래도 요리는 배워둬서 손해볼건 없는듯\n<imsu> 안배우면 와이프가 다 해줌 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 대신 설겆이?? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> drake_kr: 토요일 오후에 시간이 괜찮긴 하지요 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 오옹\n<imsu> 일요일로 토요일 오후수업이 하나 옮겨졌어요 ;;\n<drake_kr> 굿굿\n<imsu> ê²°êµ­ 전 휴일이 없음 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<drake_kr> ...\n<drake_kr> 아오\n<imsu> 이게 무슨 생고생이람 돈은 쥐뿔도 못 버는데 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> darkmeow_home님은 고로케를 만들러 가셨거나 주무시러 가셨거나\n<drake_kr> 흠\n<drake_kr> 머 토요일날 grr 옴\n<drake_kr> 같이 냉면 먹자구\n<imsu> 올~~\n<imsu> 히히\n<imsu> 그럼 토요일을 기약하며 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 이만 들어가 보겠습니당 ㅎㅎ\n#ubuntu-ko 2011-06-10\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n<cartes_> yemharc, 안녕하세요^^ 좋은 아침입니당\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요 :)\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n<cartes_> yemharc, 리눅스 워크스테이션 설치했습니다 얏호~ ㅋ\n<cartes_> 아 너무 거창한 말이네;\n<cartes_> 그냥 개인텔넷서버\n<yemharc> 축하해요 :)\n<cartes_> ..\n<yemharc> ssh 적용은 해 두시는걸 추천해요\n<cartes_> telnet은 아예 안될꺼에요\n<cartes_> ssh dsn-01.cartes9.com\n<cartes_> 밖에서도 되게\n<cartes_> 공유기밖에 서도 되게 설정 처음해보는데 잘되네요;;\n<yemharc> ㅎㅎ\n<cartes_> NAT설정이랑 호스트IP(A레코드)설정\n<cartes_> 첨 만져보니 새롭새롭\n<imsu> 안녕하세요 ^^\n<cartes_> 안녕하세요\n<cartes9> ls -l\n<imsu> cartes9: 안녕하세요 ^^\n<cartes9> 네\n<yemharc> bundo, 안녕하세요\n<bundo> 어 oming ?\n<bundo> oming 군대 조오타 ~ ㅎㅎ\n<bundo> yemharc 하이\n<yemharc> suapapa, 안녕하세요\n<suapapa> 안녕하세요\n<bundo> 헉 마져 월 정기 세미나 준비 해야지 으윽\n<bundo> yemharc 어디서 할까요 ?\n<bundo> 울동네가 딱인데 ... 인천소프트웨어진흥원 ....쩝\n<suapapa> bundo, 님 저한테 전화 하셨었어요? 032 로 부재중 전화가 와 있어서..\n<bundo> suapapa 아뇨 저는 882-0342\n<suapapa> 넹\n<bundo> 번호 같은가요 ?\n<suapapa> 달라요\n<bundo> ^^;\n<bundo> 저 아님 요즘 핸폰으로 전화 거의 합니더 헤헤\n<suapapa> 어제 우연히 알게 되었는데 10.10 에서는 노트북에 서브모니터(프로젝터)를 꼳으면 알아서 척 하고 clone을 해 주더라구요.\n<suapapa> ê·¸ 전ì��ëŠ” 맞추려고 엄청 쩔쩔 맸었는데 감동이었어요.\n<bundo> suapapa 흐\n<bundo> yemharc\n<bundo> yemharc  세미나 발표 제목 머여 ?\n<suapapa> 엉엉. 5월 28일 세미나를 놓쳤네요. ê·¸ 당시 개인사가 정신이 없어서. 아 아쉽다..\n<bundo> suapapa 그날 진짜 좋았어요 다음에서 한 세미나\n<suapapa> 그러게요. T-T\n<cartes9> 3월달인가에는 지루해서 늦게갔는데 음냐;\n<cartes9> 제가 초보라서 내용을 잘못알아듣다보니..\n<yemharc> bundo, 아구;; 발표제목이 좀 딱딱한데......사용자를 위한 리눅스 기초........로 정해뒀습니다\n<bundo> yemharc  또 누가 발표 한다고 했죠\n<yemharc> 읭.... 또 결정된 사람이 있었나요\n<bundo> 쩝 이번주 일요일 또는 월요일에 공지 해야 하는데\n<bundo> 으아앙 ~~\n<cartes9> 우와 사용자를 위한 리눅스 기초면 저 ê¼­ 갈게요 분도님\n<yemharc> ;;\n<cartes9> 아 근데 이번달에 23일날 군대가는데\n<cartes9> 못갈지도..\n<bundo> 하하 군대 ㅁ\n<oming> ...\n<bundo> 오밍 방가워요 ㅎ\n<oming> ... 감사합니다 ㅠ\n<cartes9> 웰컴 투 우분투\n<cartes9> 이책 살거에요\n<cartes9> 인류를 위한 우분투 리눅스 - 이책하구..\n<cartes9> 두개 공부해서 우분투 데탑으로 쓰는법 배워야져\n<bundo> 난 반값 등록금 반대임 ...\n<bundo> 너무 대학들 감\n<bundo> 우리나라는 너무 대학들 감\n<bundo> 한 10%만 대학 가도 되는데 쩝\n<bundo> 그러다 보니 대학이  실업고 공고 된거고\n<bundo> 대학원이 직업학교 된거임\n<bundo> 대학 너무 많고 너무들 대학 가는거 난 반대입니다.\n<bundo> 울 엄니 왈\n<Terras> 음, 제생각에는 초점이 너무 등록금에 맞춰진게좀...\n<bundo> 아 우분투 CD 신청자 많네 ...\n<bundo> 으윽 ~ 포장 작업 해야 하는데.. 흐흐\n<bundo> 백수들 이 요즘 없어서 아쉽습니다.\n<bundo> 코분투 사무실 백수들 다 나갔음 ...쩝\n<bundo> 코분투 사무실 = 백수 쉼터 !\n<imsu> bundo: 백수 손 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<bundo> 어 마져 ㅎㅎ\n<bundo> imsu  같이 하자고 ...술살께...\n<imsu> >ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 언제요? ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 오전에는 시간이 남아서요 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<bundo> 어 신청 부터 받고\n<bundo> ì°¸ imsu  공개SW 대회 안나갈려 ?\n<imsu> 공개대회요?\n<imsu> bundo: 거긴 멘토 아니면 소프트 대회 할 사람 나가는거 아니에요?\n<imsu> 전 멘토 자격이.. 안되는데 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<bundo> 아니 대회나가라고\n<imsu> 아 대회요?\n<imsu> 뭘 개발할게 있을까요? ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 아이디어가 딱히 안떠오르는데 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 한다고 하면 학습용 SW가 있긴 있는데;;; 실력이 안되요 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<bundo> imsu http://ubuntu.or.kr/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=17803\n<bundo> 우분투 팀 만들어 서 나가 봐요\n<imsu> 근데요 분도님 하나 재밌는 사실이요\n<bundo> ?\n<imsu> 공개 소프트대회인데;;;; 파일은 hwp 로 만들어져 있네요 이건 무슨;;; ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<bundo> ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 건의 좀 해주세요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<bundo> 직접 해\n<imsu> 못살아 작년거 좀 보려했더니 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<bundo> 난 hwp 리눅용 2008 있어\n<imsu> 제가 하면 4가지 없이 하니깐 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 헐헐 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<bundo> http://project.oss.kr/sub01/sub03.php ë³´ë©´\n<bundo> 양식 다양한데 ?\n<imsu> 양식이 아니라 작년 수상 내역 보려고 하는데 hwp 로 작성되어 있어서요\n<bundo> 안드로이드에서 봐\n<bundo> 사이넵 소프트인가가 짱임\n<imsu> http://project.oss.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=notice&wr_id=24\n<imsu> zz\n<bundo> 사이넵 뷰어\n<imsu> ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 전 think online  ㅎㅎ\n<bundo> 임수 통화좀 하자고\n<imsu> bundo: http://project.oss.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=qna&wr_id=40&page=0&sca=&sfl=&stx=&sst=&sod=&spt=0&page=0\n<bundo> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 절제하여 썼습니다 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 통화는 하셨습니까? ㅋㅋ\n<bundo> imsu 잘했음\n<bundo> 다른 이하고 통화좀 했음\n<bundo> imsu  http://www.facebook.com/pages/cobuntu/136284079780188\n<imsu> 큭큭\n<bundo>  좋아요좀 해줘\n<bundo> 아직 10명 더 필요함\n<bundo> 그래야 페이지 인증되드라고요\n<bundo> 으히 김기창 교수님이 좋아요 해주었음 ..~\n<imsu> 했어요 근데 이게 뭐에요?\n<bundo> 페이지 만들어서 코분투를 외부에 알리려고요\n<bundo> 페북통해 외부 홍보\n<imsu> 아하\n<oming> 아.. 복귀 준비해야짐;\n<imsu> 복귀? 설마 êµ°? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 설마 군대는 아니시죠? ㅋㅋ\n<oming> ...\n<oming> ^^;;\n<imsu> 복귀 하면 군대 밖에 안떠올라서요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 씁쓸한 휴가 복귀 ㅎㅎ\n<oming> 맞습니다. -_-;\n<imsu> 헉 정말요? ㅎㅎㅎ\n<oming> 4시간 남았다는 -_-;\n<imsu> 복귀 시간 전에 근처 pc방에서의 스타 한판은 정말 꿀이었죠 ㅎㅎ\n<oming> .. 집에서 더쉬다가 한 1시간전에 출발하는게 좋겠다는...\n<imsu> 큭큭 고생이 많으십니다 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 전 집에 있을 땐 오랜만에 인터넷 음악 방송에다가 음악신청하면서 마음을 달랬었는데 ㅎㅎ\n<oming> ... 집에오니 할것도 없고,,, 잠 / 술 / 영화... 끝\n<imsu> ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> bundo: http://project.oss.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=qna&wr_id=41&page=0\n<imsu> 이히히\n<imsu> oming: 애인을 만나셔야죠 애인이 없다면 후배라도 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ (놀아죠! 근성 ㅎㅎ)\n<oming> ....; 아 술마시로 갈까..\n<imsu> 오잉 군대 복귀 하셨나 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<hanbin973> 안녕하세요 임수님 __\n<hanbin973> ... hg 로 소스 받는건 진짜 미친짓이고 =.= 이제는 trunk 는 죄다 7.0 이잖아 ㄷ\n<imsu> hanbin973: 안녕하세요 ^^\n<hanbin973> 네 안녕하세요 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 무슨 말인지 이해불가 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<hanbin973> hg 라고 svn 비스무리한게 있는거 같은데 모질라가 소스를 hg 로 관리하는데.. hg clone 저장소 해서 다운받으려니까.. 시작도 안할려고 해요. 돌겟슴다 ㅜㅜ\n<hanbin973> 속도가 상상을 초월합니다. ㄷ\n<hanbin973> 오픈 dns 말고 구글 dns 로 하면.. 설마?? 빨라질려나 ㄸ\n<hanbin973> ㄷ\n<imsu> 흡흡;;\n<hanbin973> 런치패드는 ì��제 안먹네 =.=\n<hanbin973> 이 암울한 속도는 대체 뭘로 설명해야하는거지?? 으우암자ㅕ쇼퓨ㅑ눀ㄷㅅㅍ\n<hanbin973> 나.. 나.. 나이수!! 팁.zip 떴다!!! ㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 잉?? 자문자답? ㅎㅎ\n<hanbin973> hg.mozilla.org 에 가면 스냅샷을 다운받는 링크가 있어요. ê·¸ 링크를 누르면 얼마가 걸릴지 모르지만 인내심을 가지고 기다리면 다운로드가 됩니다. 오늘은 재수가 좋아서 좀 일찍 뜬것 같네요 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 아 그런건가요? ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 해 ë³´ê³  싶지는 않고;; ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<hanbin973> 임수님\n<imsu> 네?\n<imsu> ㅋㅋ\n<hanbin973> 지금 #ubuntu 한아얄씨에서\n<hanbin973> 진짜.. 제 인생 최고의 하이개그를 본것같습니다. ㄷ\n<imsu> ??\n<imsu> 뭔데요? ㅋㅋ\n<hanbin973> 파코즈에 올렸는뎀..\n<hanbin973> http://www.parkoz.com/zboard/view.php?id=express_freeboard2&page=1&sn1=&divpage=14&sn=off&ss=on&sc=off&select_arrange=headnum&desc=asc&no=35537\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 한참 생각함 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<hanbin973> 적절한듯 ㄷ\n<hanbin973> 한국 아이돌이 프랑스에서 반응이 좋은가 보네. 뭐 다른건 됬고 돈이나 많이 벌어왔으면 =.=\n<bundo> hanbin973, 저게 왜 창의적인가? 내가 무지하던 건데..\n<bundo> 마지막은 swing 입니다.\n<bundo> 한빈 암튼 중이 좋죠?\n<hanbin973> 스윙 ?\n<hanbin973> 잘 모르겠는데요 ㄷ\n<hanbin973> 패치파일 읽으실줄 아시는분 좀 도와주세용\n<hanbin973> 아! 이제 괜찮아요\n<hanbin973> 나머지는 다음에 해야지 귀찮다 ㅋㅋ\n<hanbin973> 그럼.. 일단 DVD 부터 다 사야겠네? ㅋ\n<yemharc> 퇴근합니다\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n<bundo> 금요일 저녁 역시 썰렁 한데요\n<yemharc> ㅎㅎ\n<bundo> 하긴 토요일 일요일도 원래 포럼 & 채널 다 조용하죠\n<bundo> 포럼이 월요일 방문자 제일 많습니다.\n<bundo> 토요일 제일 적고요\n<yemharc> 뭐어...주말까지 컴퓨터 붙잡고 있는 솔로가 그만큼 적다는걸까요 (침울.....)\n<bundo> 아뇨 나처럼 장성한 아들을 둔 회원이 적다는 겁니다\n<bundo> 애들하고 안놀아 줘도 되는 아빠죠\n<yemharc> 음....\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ\n<bundo> http://project.oss.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=gallery&wr_id=61&page=3\n<yemharc> 나이대가 꽤 높긴 하네요.....\n<bundo> 흐흐 이거 작년 꺼 잖아 .. 여기에 뽀빠이 & 헤즈 나옴\n<yemharc> ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 문준님도 계시네요\n<yemharc> Seony, 안녕하세요 :)\n<Seony> yemharc: Hi\n<bundo> 멘토 내가 10명 밀어 넣은 거에요\n<bundo> 근데 메일에 제가 머라고 썻냐면요\n<bundo> 멘스 10명을 아래 와 같이 추천 합니다.\n<bundo> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<bundo> 다 멘스 추천한거죠 ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 저 멘토&멘티 모임은 정확히 뭘 하나요?\n<bundo> 농담 따먹기\n<bundo> ^^;\n<bundo> 개발하려고 하는 거에 대한 논의를 하는데요\n<bundo> 멘티들이 골라서 듣ëŠ�� 거에요\n<bundo> 이번엔 좀 다르게 해본다고 하는군요\n<bundo> 저는 수원 성대 캠프때 이성 사귀는 법으로 참석자 반 모았음\n<bundo> 크흐흐\n<yemharc> 흠..\n<bundo> 암튼 참석해보세요 좋은 경험 될꺼에요\n<yemharc> 네\n<yemharc> 아, 7월 17일까지군요. 6월 17일인줄 알고 촉박하다 싶었는데\n<bundo> 선진씨가 3회 지경부 장관상 탓군요\n<yemharc> (게다가 17일....이라는것도 접수마감이 아니라 SW제출마감인줄 알고 있었습니다;;)\n<bundo> 그친구 진짜 열심입니다.\n<bundo> http://project.oss.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=history3&wr_id=26\n<yemharc> 안드로이드군요......음.......\n<yemharc> 뭘 만들지부터 고민좀 해봐야겠네요\n<bundo> 둘이 구글에 그룹 만드세요\n<bundo> 메일링 말고 개발 그룹\n<bundo> 아님 런치패드에 만드시던가 ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 네 ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 일단 임수님 오시면 상의부터 해 봐야겠어요\n<imsu`> yemharc: 어랏 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu`> 저 일단 집으로 히히\n<yemharc> 읭........\n<twinsenx> 하악.. 배고픈 ë°¤.. http://twitpic.com/59hy0z\n<bundo> 음머 석찬씨잖아 ㅎㅎ\n<bundo> twinsenx, 식사 안하셨서유 ?\n<twinsenx> 예 흐흐 아직 고령입니다. 세금계산서 복사하는 중이어요.\n<bundo> 흐 고생 하십니더 ~~\n<twinsenx> 담배도 떨어져서 ㅋ 아래층 외국인 숙소에 말보로 한개피 얻으러 저는 슝=3=3=3\n<bundo> ^.!\n<bundo> yemharc, 이등하면 제우한우 쏴\n<bundo> 우린 먹을거 부터 결정하고 대회 준비 하자고요!\n<bundo> 일등하면 그냥 날러 ~~\n<bundo> 그래도 용서함\n<yemharc> bundo, 읭;;; 2등이라니 제 실력에 어찌;;;\n<yemharc> ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 일등하면 날라도 되는거군요\n<bundo> 겸손한척 하는거죠 ?\n<bundo> 위키 하나 적어 줘야지\n<yemharc> 읭;;\n<yemharc> bundo, 아니 정말;;; 왜 이상할 정도로 과대평가를 받는거죠 저는;;;\n<bundo> ì¹­ì°¬ 하면 좋찮아요\n<yemharc> 으잌ㅋㅋ;;\n<yemharc> 근데 포닉스님이 매일 초천재 초천재 하는건 좀 부담되요;;\n<yemharc> <-그냥 흔해빠진 IT인간일 뿐입니다 (.......)\n<darkmeow_home> yemharc <- 초 만재. = 천재 x 10 (천재의 10배위력. (응?))\n<darkmeow_home> yemharc / 부뷔 -ㅅ-\n<yemharc> ;;;;;;;\n<bundo> http://ubuntu.or.kr/wiki/doku.php?id=%EC%98%A4%ED%94%88%EC%86%8C%EC%8A%A4\n<bundo> http://ubuntu.or.kr/wiki/doku.php?id=cathedral-bazaar\n<bundo> 뒤 처럼 영어 링크가 나은거 같습니다.\n<bundo> 십재는 좀 그러네요\n<bundo> 억재\n<bundo> 경재\n<bundo> 일재\n<bundo> 이재\n<bundo> 삼재\n<yemharc> bundo, 네, 저도 주소 2byte로 쓰면 풀어지는걸 생각 못했어요\n<yemharc> vulpes님이 그려놓으신 구조 토대로 구축하려구요\n<yemharc> ......진짜 이놈의 회사일만 좀 끝나면............어후\n<yemharc> <-집이지만 일하고 있습니다 (......)\n<darkmeow_home> yemharc / -ㅅ-/  ...  화이팅 ...\n<bundo> Ponics_OTLx2, 하이\n<bundo> 페북 버튼 도전 해보십시오\n<bundo> 소주 2병에 10초 78번 클릭 했습니다.\n<bundo> http://www.facebook.com/kangbundo\n<yemharc> bundo, http://www.facebook.com/yemharc/posts/116220295133690 이 이상은 못하겠네요;;\n<yemharc> 마우스 좋은거 쓰면 더 나오려나;;;\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 초천재 밀옹 / 밀옹~!\n<Ponics_OTLx2> bundo: / 삐끗한 발목 때문에 발등이 아직도 아바타 피부색 이옵니다..\n<bundo> 으아악 118 번\n<bundo> 역시 천재고수 밀옹\n<bundo> 오늘은 심심하니깐 새우젓에 한잔하며 yemharc 예밀 털어 볼까나?\n<bundo> yemharc, 던전 드래곤 하남 ?\n<Ponics_OTLx2> bundo: / 역시 분도님을 따르는 초천재 초고수들이 겁나 많군요... ㅊㅋㅊㅋ\n<yemharc> 읭\n<yemharc> bundo, 아뇨 마무리짓고 왔습니다아 ㅇㅅㅇ...\n<bundo> 예밀은 KT 라인만 타는 군요\n<yemharc> 회사도 KT라인이어서요 ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 집-회사-집-회사-회사(?) 의 막장루트인지라 ㅠㅠ\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 초천재 밀옹 / 오늘은 반드시 콤뿌따 강의를 해주실꺼라 믿사옵니다..\n<bundo> 삼각 점 이용하면 대충 사는데 나올 듯한데\n<yemharc> 읭...\n<yemharc> 그냥 물어보시면 되옵니다 ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 금천구 독산동 147-9던가 뭐였던가 (...........................)\n<bundo> [ 69 글 ] [ Look up IP ]\n<bundo> [ 68 글 ] [ Look up IP ]\n<bundo> [ 63 글 ] [ Look up IP ]\n<bundo> [ 24 글 ] [ Look up IP ]\n<bundo> [ 9 글 ] [ Look up IP ]\n<bundo> [ 9 글 ] [ Look up IP ]\n<bundo> [ 5 글 ] [ Look up IP ]\n<yemharc> Ponics_OTLx2, 컴퓨터 강의인가요;;\n<bundo> [ 4 글 ] [ Look up IP ]\n<bundo> [ 3 글 ] [ Look up IP ]\n<bundo> [ 3 글 ] [ Look up IP ]\n<bundo> [ 2 글 ] [ Look up IP ]\n<bundo> [ 2 글 ] [ Look up IP ]\n<bundo> [ 1 글 ] [ Look up IP ]\n<bundo> [ 1 글 ] [ Look up IP ]\n<bundo> [ 1 글 ] [ Look up IP ]\n<bundo> [ 1 글 ] [ Look up IP ]\n<bundo> [ 1 글 ] [ Look up IP ]\n<bundo> [ 1 글 ] [ Look up IP ]\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 초천재 밀옹 / 밀옹에겐 너무나 쉬워서 대답할 이유조차 느끼지 못할 질문이옵니다.. 하지만 저같은 콤맹에겐 엄청 어려운...\n<yemharc> 읭.........신상이 털리고 있다?!\n<yemharc> Ponics_OTLx2, 그런 생각을 가지기 시작하는 순간 콧대가 하늘을 뚫기때문에 언제나 머리에 박아둡니다\n<drake_kr> 헐\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 안녕하세요\n<drake_kr> 안녕하세요\n<drake_kr> 스타중계 보다가 밤샜습니다..\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 이사님이 좀 구시대(?) 리눅스 유저인지라\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 데이터 백업용 스크립트를 짜라고 하더군요\n<drake_kr> 아아..\n<yemharc> drake_kr, x까! 하곤 rsync 3줄 추가해주고 왔습니다 (.....)\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 초천재 밀옹 / 헉... 초천재 밀옹! 초천잿!\n<drake_kr> 아 초천재는 Ponics님 뿐이옵니다.\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 초천재 밀옹 / 그래도 tar 로 묵는 스크립 보다는 약간 덜 천재 스럽사옵니다..\n<drake_kr> 어찌 yemharc님같은 분이 초천재란 칭호를 받나요\n<yemharc> rsync -avzr -e Genius Ponics_OTLx2\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 저같ìœ��ë©´ tar 로 묶어서... cp -rf 로 파일 복사 해주는 스크립을.... gzip 은 안됨.. 절대로 압축기능이 있는건 사용하지 않는것이...\n<drake_kr> 음..\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 그래야 다음부터는 백업데이터 스크립 짜라는 소리를 안한다는... ㅋ\n<yemharc> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 4G 대용량에 한번 데인적은 있으나 압축기능은 유용하니 매일 사용합니다\n<yemharc> 압축은 필요하죠\n<Ponics_OTLx2> tar 로 묶을 때도 겁나 시간이 풀때도 그만큼 ...\n<Ponics_OTLx2> tar 는 절때로 압축 프로그램이 아니므로..\n<drake_kr> 노느니 압축이라도 해야죠\n<drake_kr> cpu\n<yemharc> ㅋㅋ\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 액면가 그대로 묶어주는 쎈쓰...\n<yemharc> cpu야 뭐......사실 언제나 빈둥거리죠\n<drake_kr> 머 요샌 zip 압축 정도야 리얼타임으로 돌아가니..\n<drake_kr> 한참 하드가 DMA 지원하고 그러면서 무압축 신봉자들이 좀 생겼었는데\n<yemharc> 근데 데이터 관리에서 무압축은 뻘짓인지라.........\n<drake_kr> 지금까지도 그러면 그냥.. 옛날사람\n<drake_kr> 요샌 cpu가 너무 좋음\n<Ponics_OTLx2> ㄴㄴ 반드시 tar 로 묶어줘야함.. 이놈이.. ì°¸ 재미 있는게.. file lock 걸려 있는 놈을 끝까지 묶으려고.. 시도하면서 대기 한다는거.. ㅋ\n<yemharc> ê·¸ 뭐냐......옛날의 신기(!) 다중압축같은 짓만 안하면.........\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 이렇게 하면.. 아마 다음부터는 데이터 백업 하라고 시키지 않을듯...\n<yemharc> 근데 어차피 백업 스크립트는 루트권한으로 돌아가서.........\n<drake_kr> 아오 tar 후짐\n<yemharc> 근데 tar 대체할게 나오긴 했나요 (......)\n<yemharc> 이건 그냥저냥 ls마냥 끝까지 갈거같은.........\n<drake_kr> 전 tgz 신봉자\n<yemharc> 전 주는대로 씁니다 :)\n<drake_kr> 7z도 좋긴한데 그건 좀 느린듯..\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 초천재 밀옹 / 예를 들자면... mysql socket 파일이 있심.. 이놈은 프로세서가 실행되면서 자동으로 락이 걸리는 놈임.. 이놈 tar 로 안묶임... 그리고 프로세서 죽이면 자동으로 사라짐.. ㅋ\n<yemharc> Ponics_OTLx2, 아, 그런 녀석들 말씀이시군요;;\n<drake_kr> 오, Ponics님 초천재님께 도전장을?\n<yemharc> (으잌;;;;;;;;;)\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<cartes9> yemharc님 내일 뭐하세요?\n<yemharc> cartes9, 내일은 수원갑니다\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 초천재 밀옹 / 감히 초천재 앞에서 아는 체를... 황망 하옵니다..\n<yemharc> 모레는 drake_kr 님 뵈러 가구요\n<drake_kr> ㄳ\n<yemharc> 무려!! 고기를 주신다고 합니다 :)\n<cartes9> 용고기aa\n<yemharc> 부잌ㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 그러고 보니 grr님이 안 보이네요\n<yemharc> 드디어 나쁜 직장이 된건가 (......)\n<drake_kr> 흠\n<yemharc> drake_kr, find / -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 000\n<twinsenx> :) 자 즐거운 퇴근~ twit twit\n<grr> ni hao\n<drake_kr> 트위터ëŠ��\n<drake_kr> 잘 안씀..\n<yemharc> grr, 안녕하세요\n<yemharc> grr = 갸르릉 ?\n<grr> yemharc :: 안녕하셔요\n<grr> ..\n<grr> 그르르 입니다아\n<yemharc> ?!\n<drake_kr> 그르르 쿨럭쿨럭\n<grr> 그르르...\n<drake_kr> 그르르 퉤이\n<yemharc> ㄲ\n<grr> 갸르릉 같은 뷰티 프리티 소사에티 같은 이름은 안써요\n<yemharc> ㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲ\n<grr> 그르르르르\n<drake_kr> insane)grr <- !?\n<grr> 여기 잉터넷이 워냑 느려서...\n<grr> irc 들어오기가 좀...;\n<drake_kr> irc는 인터넷 자원을 많이 소비하는 프로그램임?\n<grr> ssh가 자원을 많이 쓰는 후로그램\n<drake_kr> 헉\n<grr> 이거도 영감님 ssh 통해 들어오는거에요\n<grr> 옛날 pc통신삼아 ...\n<drake_kr> 그러니까..\n<drake_kr> grr이랑 저랑 ip가 같습니다.. ㄱ-\n<yemharc> ...........\n<grr> 좋다(...)\n<yemharc> 음......\n<grr> 익명 보장\n<yemharc> 오늘은 짧게 주절대 보겠습니다?\n<yemharc> 구글을 이용한 간단한 나쁜짓\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 오...\n<grr> ㅇㅅㅇ?\n<yemharc> 자, 우리 모두 구글을 열고\n<yemharc> filetype:xls inurl:”email.xls”\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 드뎌... 나온다... 초천재 밀옹의 \" 콤뿌따 밀옹처럼만 하면 10일안에 고수된다! \"\n<grr> 구글ping이 timeout이 뜹니다\n<grr> (...)\n<drake_kr> 아 블라인드 처리같은거 없나\n<yemharc> grr, ......구글에게 사과해요 두번 사과해요\n<grr> yemharc :: (...)\n<yemharc> grr, 무슨일을 했길래 구글에게 버림받았나요\n<yemharc> 이 업계 살면서 구글신에게 버림받으면 도서관을 옆에 끼고 살아도 안돼는거 아시잖아요 (......)\n<drake_kr> 슬슬 지겨워지기 시작하는 초천재드립 가카드립\n<grr> yemharc :: 죄라면 여기 고시원 사람들 중 누군가가 토렌트를 켜기 시작했다는 거에요...\n<yemharc> 부왘ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 원죄다\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 초천재 밀옹 / irc 가 무엇 이옵니까 ? 그리고 사용하는 프로토콜 ê³¼ ê·¸ 형태에 대해서 답변 하여주시면 감사 하옵니다..\n<drake_kr> 벌써부터 흐리시네\n<grr> 나 컴퓨터 킨지 3시간인데 4,131,396,553 받았다고 뜸 ㅡㅡ\n<drake_kr> ㅇㅇ?\n<grr> 플루딩 이빠이떠요 ㅡㅡ;\n<drake_kr> 너 뭐했어\n<drake_kr> 너 이녀석\n<grr> 패킷이 DLF 떠서 이쪽으로도 막 플루딩됨\n<grr> ㅜㅜ\n<yemharc> ㄲㄲ\n<drake_kr> 공유기를 점유하라고\n<grr> 막아놨음\n<drake_kr> 나 예전에 공유기 쓸땐 4661, 4662 포트를 내맘대로 막았지\n<drake_kr> 아니 공유기 쓸때가 아니라 고시원에 있을때\n<grr> 브루트포스로 8자까지 때려봤는데\n<grr> 매치가 안되서\n<grr> GG침\n<grr> iptime은 id도 지정되니까 ㅡㅡ;\n<grr> 여기 공유기 밑에 공유기가 몇개씩 물려서 있거든요..\n<grr> 재수 없으면 플루딩 이빠이 뜨는거..\n<drake_kr> 음 yemharc :: google 명령어.. 좋다..\n<drake_kr> 적어둬야지\n<yemharc> Ponics_OTLx2, 별거 있겠습니까. IRC는 채팅하라고 있는 녀석이고 프로토콜은 서로 다른 컴퓨터간ì��˜ 통신을 위한 국제표준어죠\n<grr>  /.\\\n<yemharc> 아 뭐 여튼.......\n<yemharc> 사실 지금 끄적일 구글 코드(?!)들은 좀 낡아서 작동 안되는 녀석들일겁니다. 개중에는 안 막힌것도 있긴 합니다만\n<yemharc> 여튼 구글봇이 촐싹대며 온갖 트래픽을 잡아 드시는 와중에 보통은 보여주고 싶지 않은 것들까지 봐 버리시는거죠\n<grr> 요즘도 취약한 스크립트 가진거 그대로 검색하면 대상 사이트 다 뜨나요??\n<yemharc> grr, 요샌 대부분 막긴 했나봐요\n<yemharc> <-사실 주기적으로 팝니다 (....)\n<grr> yemharc :: 필터링 하는 구글이 더 무섭네요;\n<yemharc> 거야 뭐....... 구글봇은 인공지능이고 그걸 만든 구글 사원들은 괴물이니까요 (......)\n<drake_kr> 개물..\n<grr> 개물..\n<yemharc> 여튼 뭐\n<yemharc> 일단 첫번째\n<yemharc> inurl:”viewerframe?mode=motion”\n<yemharc> 요 녀석은 제작년쯤까지 돌아가던 녀석인데\n<yemharc> 인터넷에 연결된 웹 카메라에 다이렉트로 꽂아줍니다\n<yemharc> 뒤지다 ë³´ë©´ 왠 프랑스 어디 CCTV도 보이고 했죠\n<grr> 모..몰카\n<yemharc> 네\n<grr> 역시 그런쪽으로... (...)\n<yemharc> 실제로 저걸로 CCTV에 찍힌 [야간에 들썩거리는 차량의 내부를 찍은] 영상이라던가 돌아다녔습니다\n<yemharc> 그래서 금방 막혔죠\n<drake_kr> 명령어 자체가 막힌건가요?\n<yemharc> 아뇨 키워드를 막은거에요\n<drake_kr> 아아.\n<yemharc> inurl은 아직도 작동합니다\n<grr>  /.\\\n<drake_kr> 근데 전 아직도 작동이 되나 봅니다\n<yemharc> 그래서~ 구그러들은 최선(?)이 안되서 차선(!)을 찾습니다\n<yemharc> intitle:”Live View / – AXIS”\n<yemharc> 이거죠\n<drake_kr> http://shiretoko.miemasu.net/CgiStart?page=Single&Mode=Motion&Language=1 이런곳이 걸리는군요\n<yemharc> (...............)\n<grr> 웹페이지를 표시할 수 없습미다\n<yemharc> 전 나오네요\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 자, 공짜 몰카 잘 보이지 않습니까 (........)\n<drake_kr> ...\n<grr> 이야.. 토렌트떔에 내 컴퓨터로 넘어온 패킷이\n<grr> 50기가가 넘었음..\n<yemharc> 저 링크가 어딘고 하면\n<yemharc> http://shiretoko.miemasu.net/  라는 사이트로 대문에는 파나소닉이 걸려있군요 (.....)\n<yemharc> 여튼 그래서 camera가 막히니 이번엔 LIVE View로 찾기 시작합니다.\n<yemharc> 근데 이런 문구는 주소에는 안 쓰이니 제목으로 검색하기 시작하죠\n<yemharc> intitle:”Live View / – AXIS”\n<yemharc> 이렇게요\n<grr> 안나오는데 저기 들어가면\n<grr> 뭐가나오나요ㅣ\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 훔... AXIS 라면... 넥떡 카메라로 유명한..\n<yemharc> 그래서  요런 엄한것도 걸려옵니다\n<grr> 보고싶은데 안보여요 ㅜㅜ\n<grr> 더러운 인터넷\n<drake_kr> 느려\n<yemharc> ㅎㅎ;;\n<yemharc> Ponics_OTLx2, 네, 유명하죠\n<grr> 아니 3시간만에 내컴퓨터로 들어온게 50기가가 넘으면\n<grr> 대채...\n<yemharc> 근데 유명하다는건 ë��”ê¿” 말하면 그만큼 많이 쓴다는거니까요\n<yemharc> 자, 이번엔 신상털이입니다. (......)\n<yemharc> intitle:”curriculum vitae” “phone * * *” “address *” “e-mail”\n<yemharc> intitle 바로 뒤에 오는 인자는 바꿔주시면 되겠습니다\n<Ponics_OTLx2> yemharc:  / 훔... 사실... mobotics 와 AXIS 를 많이 쓰긴 하는데...\n<Ponics_OTLx2> yemharc:  / 그닥 좋은점을 못느끼겠심...\n<yemharc> 대충 해석하면 xx라는 녀석이 타이틀로 언급된 문서에서 전화번로 전체와 주소 전체와 e-mail을 극어라 되겠습니다\n<yemharc> Ponics_OTLx2, 그건 저도 대답할 말이 없네요. 실제 써본일이 없거든요;;\n<yemharc> 전 그저 편승해서 훔쳐본 것 뿐 (...........먼산)\n<drake_kr> 신상이 다 털리네요 -.-\n<grr> 아.. 겨우 접속했더니\n<grr> ax 설치하래\n<grr> ...\n<grr> 포기하겠습니다\n<yemharc> 아, 참고로\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 훔... 사실... Mobotics 와 AXIS 는 비트레이트 면에서 ë³´ë©´.. 그닥 똥망에 가깝습니다...\n<yemharc> curriculuum vitae 가 대표적 인자로 들어가는 이유는 간단합니다.\n<yemharc> 이력서거든요 (.....)\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 머 어쩔수 없는 구조이긴 하지만...\n<drake_kr> http://www.exploit-db.com/ghdb/446/ <- 이곳에 이런것들이 정리되어 있군요\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 밀옹 / 머 돈만 있다면야... 넥떡 카메라로.. ì°¸ 거시기 한 데모를 거시기 하게 할수 있으련만.. 안타가운 현실 입니다..\n<yemharc> 그리고 이건 불법 세무감사......라고 해야 하나 filetype:xls inurl:”email.xls” 엑셀시트 긁어오기!\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 음......저기 말고 또 하나 있을겁니다. 북마크에 있던가........\n<yemharc> 저도 저런 루트로 배운거에요\n<yemharc> 여튼 그래서 본격적으로 재무상태를 털어보면 intitle:index.of finances.xls 이렇게 됩니다\n<drake_kr> 사실, 그거가지고 신상을 털겠다! 라는것보다는 '오 이런 명령어도 있었군'이 제 솔직한 심정이랄까요..\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 사실 그게 맞아요. 털어봐야 의미도 없고.........\n<grr> 개인정보를 능동적으로 팔고있는 1인\n<yemharc> 민번이 개인인증 수단이 되는건 한국이죠\n<grr> 유출이 아니라 내가 파는거\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> grr이 짱개말을 할줄 아는 이유는?\n<yemharc> 그리고 요건 요샌 확률이 반반이긴 합니다만 옛날에 국내에 없는 외국가수 음악 찾을때 쓰던겁니다. “?intitle:index.of?mp3 eminem“\n<yemharc> mp3 뒤에는 가수 이름을 넣으세요\n<yemharc> ê·¸ 외에도 응용동작(...)으로 mp3 대신 pdf라거나 zip, rar 등등\n<yemharc> 어지간한 와레즈따윈 우걱우걱 (.........)\n<drake_kr> 이야.. 정말 구글은..\n<drake_kr> 개물들만 모여있군요\n<grr> xie xie\n<drake_kr> 정말 신기한건 구글의 개물프로그램이 나오는것의 80%는 일하지 말고 노는 시간 20%에서 나온다고 하더군요 -ㅅ-\n<yemharc> ê·¸ë��‡ì£ \n<yemharc> 그래서 예전에 주변 애들이 윈도CD 구할때 전 유유히 inurl:microsoft filetype:iso (.........)\n<grr> 토렌트 ㅜㅜ\n<grr> 공유기를 털고 싶어요...\n<grr> 막고 싶다..\n<bundo> 나에 대해 개가튼 검색 중인데 이런 글도 있군요 http://www.oss.kr/?mid=oss_news&page=7&document_srl=488\n<bundo> 말한거 대로 전달이 안됨\n<bundo> 쩝\n<bundo> 에밀털려다 없어서 나 터는 중입니다. 히\n<yemharc> 읭;;\n<yemharc> drake_kr, “# -FrontPage-” inurl:service.pwd\n<yemharc> 요건 아직도 강력(....)합니다\n<grr> 셀프털이...\n<yemharc> ê·¸ 외에 뭐......옛날에 잠시 흥했던 [보안인식 똥망]을 증명하는것도 있었죠\n<yemharc> index.asp......로 끝나는 사이트는 거의 99% 통했던건데\n<yemharc> index.asp.bak (........................................................)\n<yemharc> 우클릭을 막은 대신 소스코드를 주마 (........)\n<grr> 헉..\n<yemharc> 근데 그런거 없고 wget -r www.foobar.com\n<grr> 정말 X망...\n<bundo> 강력한 index  http://bundo.biz\n<yemharc> bundo, 부잌ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 이렇게 '고급 사용자용' 구글이 밑바닥에서 흥했고\n<grr> 앜ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 일반적인 스크립트 키디 수준에서는 플래쉬겟이 갑이었죠\n<grr> This page is not compatible with Microsoft software.\n<yemharc> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 도스로 만든 홈페이지라니,.\n<yemharc> 그리고 bak 파일을 본격적으로 털어보면 다음과 같습니다\n<yemharc> filetype:bak inurl:”htaccess|passwd|shadow|htusers”\n<bundo> yemharc,  크롬이군 쩝\n<yemharc> bundo, 넵 전 크롬\n<yemharc> sheepism, 안녕하세요\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 저 명령어 오싹하지 않아요?\n<sheepism> 네, 안녕하세요^^\n<drake_kr> ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<grr> ni hao\n<bundo> drake_kr, 는 grr 이군\n<bundo> 동일인\n<yemharc> drake_kr, 더 웃긴건 http://hosting3279325.az.pl/htaccess.bak 걸려 올라옵니다\n<drake_kr> ip만 같습니다..\n<grr> ehddlfdls dlqslek\n<grr> 동일인 입니다\n<yemharc> bundo, ssh 터널링 받고 있답니다\n<yemharc> 부잌ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<grr> 분신술\n<bundo> IP 같으면 동일인으로  봄 SE 관례상 ~~\n<drake_kr> 몸에 기름붓고 라이타들고 달려들기\n<yemharc> drake_kr, http://ns3.vincebaker.com/swilland/hack/PasswdRip/john-1.6/run/passwd.bak   자, 이걸로 하나 접수 (.........)\n<grr> 안녕하세요 김구라같은 drake라고 합니다\n<drake_kr> 무섭다\n<grr> 아 nick도 drake로 바꾸고 들어오면\n<grr> 내일 맞겠죠?\n<drake_kr> 맘대로해\n<grr> sorry to bother U.\n<yemharc> 이건 테러용 페이지 만들때 쓰던건데요\n<yemharc> 액션스크립트입니다. 지금은.........아마 어도비가 패치했겠죠 (......)\n<yemharc> onEnterFrame = function () {\n<yemharc> getURL(“http://www.google.com”, “_blank”);\n<yemharc> }\n<drake_kr> grr :: 내일 햄치즈감자고로케를 줄테니 다 먹도록\n<yemharc> onEnterFrame = function () { getURL(“http://www.google.com”, “_blank”); }   한줄에 나오려나\n<grr> drake_kr :: 고기가 없네요 'ㅅ'\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 오.. 초천재...\n<yemharc> 지금 뿌린건 AS2 용이고\n<yemharc> function openGoogle(e:Event):void {\n<yemharc> navigateToURL(“http://www.google.com”, “_blank”);\n<yemharc> }\n<yemharc> stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, openGoogle);\n<yemharc> 요건 AS3\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 역시... 이ë°��에는 초천재들로 넘쳐나는...\n<yemharc> 둘 다 추돌사고를 내 줍니다\n<yemharc> 음 뭐......... 여기까지 :)\n<drake_kr> grr :: 삼겹살 반찬임\n<drake_kr> 음.. 역시 초천재라는 말이 나오면 강의가 끝나는군요\n<drake_kr> yemharc :: 수고하셨습니다\n<yemharc> 감사합니다 (__)\n<yemharc> 근데 딱히 더 할게 없어요 ㅎㅎ\n<grr> yemharc :: xie xie\n<drake_kr> 이제 응용을 하면\n<yemharc> 응용은 자신의 능력껏 ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 몇가지를 조합하면\n<yemharc> 특정 사이트를 호스팅하는 서버의 passwd 파일을 빼낼 수 있습니다 (......)\n<yemharc> 그럴수밖에 없는게, passwd 파일은 기본적으로 읽기 권한은 줄 수밖에 없거든요\n<grr> 요즘에도 업로드로 php나 asp 올리면 실행 가능한 경우가 많이있더군요(..)\n<yemharc> grr, 그건 관리자가 생각이 없는거라고 봐요\n<grr> wget 으로 다 받으면 db 커넥션풀용 xml 파일도 보이는 경우도 있고...\n<drake_kr> grr :: 내 서버도 그러냐?\n<yemharc> 요샌 특정 파일은 서버에 들어오면 x 퍼미션을 강제박탈하거든요\n<grr> drake_kr :: 안해봤어요\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 밀옹 / 그런데 어차피 passwd 파일은 shadow 로 되어 있지 않나효 ?\n<grr> yemharc :: 그렇군요\n<yemharc> Ponics_OTLx2, shadow라고 되어 있다고 해도 일단 'ID'를 확보하게 되는 시점에서 충분히 위협적입니다\n<drake_kr> bruteforce 등 <-\n<yemharc> 간단히 시뮬레이션 해 볼까요\n<yemharc> 이건 정말 '보통의 회사'를 상대로 가정합니다\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 머 id 야... 리눅이 시스템에서의 머시냐.. 구조적인 문제라면 문제라고 말할 수 있지만... 어차피 sudo 권한 ê³¼ 비슷 한 개념이라서..\n<yemharc> 자, 회사 네트워크가 있고, 내부에서만 돌아가는 서버가 있습니다. 근데 이게 백업서버라 자료가 많다네요\n<yemharc> 보통 회사 컴퓨터망은 윈도우겠죠\n<yemharc> (서버가 아니라 클라이언트들이)\n<yemharc> 윈도쪽은 좀 '이것저것 설치해서 쓴' 녀석들 긁어보면 그냥 휑~ 하니 열려 있습니다\n<yemharc> 일단 열려있으니 들어가죠.\n<yemharc> 거기서 백업서버로 접속을 시도합니다. 근데 비번은 몰라도 ID는 있어요.\n<yemharc> 이정도만 되면 크래커들에겐 그냥 눈 앞에 꿀단지 수준이죠 (......)\n<bluedusk> 굳모닝 에브리원\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n<grr> 안녕하세요\n<yemharc> 게다가 '사내망에서만 돌아가는 서버'라는건 대게 인간적인 보안이 약하죠 (......편견이 아닙니다)\n<yemharc> 단순한 사내 백업서버에 주기적으로 전원의 비번을 바꾸고 특문숫자영문 조합으로 12자 이상으로 유지하고............\n<bundo> 어 bluedusk 옹 하이\n<yemharc> ....................아마 찾아보면 aaaa1111 많을겁니다\n<yemharc> 게다가 서버 입장에서는 어디까지나 내부망에서 연결이 들어오는거라 드랍도 안 시키고 경고발송도 안하죠 (......)\n<yemharc> 그럼 뭐......냠냠 맛있구나\n<grr> 저 사실..\n<grr> 회사 백업 서버 위에 ë³´ë©´\n<yemharc> 어차피 보안구멍따위 다 사람에서 시작하잖습니까 (후비적)\n<grr> 백업 서버 백업용 디스크가\n<grr> 쌓여있...\n<grr> 소스코드 죄다 있는...\n<yemharc> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> grr, 근데 어딜가도 다들 그래요\n<bluedusk> 아 bundo 님 ê·¸ 2011 년 오픈sw 대회\n<yemharc> grr, 저희 회사는 리스크 분산한답시고 서버가 5대라는데\n<yemharc> 어느것 하나 smtp 막아놓은게 없어요\n<yemharc> (......)\n<grr> yemharc :: ...\n<yemharc> 게다가 ssh는 돌아가는데 ssh터널링은 없고 (......)\n<yemharc> (왜 돌리는겨 )\n<grr> (...)\n<yemharc> 패킷스니프 하면 줄줄이 월척 (....)\n<grr> (...)\n<bundo> bluedusk,  ? ê·¸ 다음 ?\n<bluedusk> ê¼­ 개발해야 하는건가요?;\n<yemharc> (xx사원씨. 암만 벽탱이 구석자리라고 야동을 백업서버 올려놓고 보진 마요)\n<grr> 네트워크 회사다보니까 재밌는게\n<grr> 장비2대에 포트 둘다 물리고 vlan 안나누면\n<grr> 스페닝 트리땜에 뻗잖아요\n<yemharc> 읭.......................\n<grr> 그런데 사무실에서 장비 개발하다가 누가 그냥 물리면\n<yemharc> (왠지 ë¹µ 터질듯한 소재다)\n<bundo> bluedusk,  이해불가 ? 헤헤\n<grr> 사내망 뻗음..\n<grr> 누구야!!! 그러고\n<grr> 담당하는 사원이\n<yemharc> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<grr> 콘솔로 로그보려고 보는데\n<bluedusk> 으음.;; 아니에요 그냥 그쪽에 이메일 보내서 자세히 물어볼께용.;ㅎㅎ\n<bundo> bluedusk,  좀더 풀어 이야기 필한듯\n<grr> 로그 잡기가 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 음.....imsu님이 안오시네\n<grr> 가끔씩 그런상황 벌어지면\n<grr> 팀장이 야 한시간 놀다올까\n<grr> 하면서 대리고 가버림 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 우왘 그건 부럽!\n<grr> 거기에 동참하는 상무 (...)\n<yemharc> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<grr> 정말 상무가 따라나가면서\n<grr> 인터넷되면 전화하라고 하면서 나갈때...\n<grr> 네트워크 회사인데.. (...)\n<yemharc> 그래도 멀쩡히 돌아가는거 ë³´ë©´ 튼실한 회사인듯 (.....)\n<grr> 한 다섯달 있으면서 그런적 한 3번정도 있었어요\n<grr> (...)\n<drake_kr> http://comic.naver.com/webtoon/detail.nhn?titleId=52946&no=278&weekday=sat\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 훔.. 어떠한 넥떡망이길에.. 스페닝 트리 땀시.. 넥떡이 마비가 ?\n<grr> 일단 사내망 분리해놓은게 있는데\n<grr> 장비 테스트 한다고 다시 사람들이 거기다가 각자 자리에서 장비를 물리니까요..\n<grr> 쌓아두구..\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 어차피 스페닝 트리를 뿌리는 놈들이야 정해져 있을텐데효... 설마 테스트 장비가 스페닝을 트리를 뿌리나효 ?\n<grr> 아뇨아뇨\n<grr> 자기네 자리에서 작업을 하고있다가\n<grr> 작업한 os 내용을 올릴려면 사내망을 붙��—¬ì•¼ 하는데\n<grr> 간혹 이쁘게 붙여넣고 flash 눌러놓고 커피마시러 가버리면...\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 훔... 통신 모뎀 개발 회사 라고 해도... 모뎀을 50 이상 동시에 물리지 않고선.. 스페닝 트리 땀시 넥떡이 뻣어버리는 경우가...\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 어차피 스페닝 트리가 넥떡 리소스를 잡아 먹는 것이 얼마 안되는데...\n<drake_kr> 그럼 Ponics님이 분당 가셔서 해결을 해주시면 되겠군요\n<drake_kr> 초천재님?\n<grr> 장비 포트끼리 다이렉트로 꽂아버리면 스패닝트리 프로토콜 request를 보내자마자 reply를 받고 다시 정보를 보내는 것을 장비 둘이서 계속 진행하니까 cpu 점유율이 풀로 뛰어버려요\n<grr> 그리고 STP가 퍼지는 홉수가 꽤나 되서 이게 변경사항 마다 죄다 퍼지고 reply를 받으니까\n<grr> 그래서 문제가 좀 생기죠..\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 일단 장비 포트낄 다이렉트 연결 해서 스택오버풀 로 인해서 죽는건 나내 사설망 이 아니므로.. 제외 해도 될까효 ?\n<grr> STP가 퍼지는 홉수가 있어서 그게 사설망 까지 튄다는거에요. 스택오버플로로 인해 죽는게 아니라 계쏙 request reply를 while(1)처럼 받으니까 cpu를 max로 점유해서 문제가 생기는 것이구요\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 무슨 장비 인지 물어봐도 될까요 ?\n<grr> STP는 스위치에서 사용하는 프로토콜 입니다. 고로 스위치 입니다.\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 저는 STP 뿌리는 놈들 본 장비중에는... 많이는 못봤지만... 3COM 라우터 와 스위칭 허브 장비 와 PLC 모뎀 ê³¼ 인터넷 통신 모뎀 장비 보질 못해서요..\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 그렇군효...\n<Ponics_OTLx2> WAN 망 구성시 HEAD-END Unit 에서.. CPE( 엔드유저 모뎀 ) 장비가 뿌리는 STP 를 다 받아서 처리 하는걸 봤습니다..\n<yemharc> (어려운 이야기들이 난무한다 @_@)\n<drake_kr> yemharc :: 네트워크 이야기니까요..\n<grr> yemharc :: 현실은 HEX 코드\n<yemharc> grr, ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 그리고\n<drake_kr> 사용자들은 몰라도 되는 이야기.\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 그래서 저의 단편적인 생각에 WAN 망에서도 난무하는 STP 도 다 처리 하는데.. 사설 사내망에서의 STP 때문에 넥떡이 마비 된다는 것이 이해가 안되어서 물어 본것이 옵니다..\n<drake_kr> 사용자에서 더 나아가 소켓프로그래머라도 저걸 이해하지 못해도 상관은 없는듯..\n<yemharc> 소켓 프로그래머도 몰라도 되는건가요;;\n<yemharc> (순수 하드웨어간의 문제인건가;;;)\n<grr> raw 소켓 후로그래머는 알아야...(...)\n<drake_kr> 소켓 이하의 문제 <-\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 밀옹 / 머 엄밀히 따지면 몰라도 됩니다...\n<drake_kr> 네트워크 시공하는 사람들도 몰라도 상관없는 내용이죠\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 저건 물리 레이어 계층 부터 해서... 넥떡 아키텍쳐들이 신경 써야 할 부분 입니다..\n<drake_kr> 가이드라인대로만 하면 되니까\n<yemharc> 리눅스 공부하기도 벅차요 ㅎㅎ\n<grr> 사실 그렇게 1:1로만 물리지 않으면...\n<grr> 니눅스 쓸줄 몰라요...\n<grr> 어려워요\n<drake_kr> 니눅스 뭐임\n<yemharc> NEE(T)NUX?\n<grr> 터미널 사랑\n<drake_kr> 헐\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 사실... 장비를 1:1 로 물리는 것 자체가... 특수한 테스트를 위해서라면 모를까... 넥떡 이라고 하기도 뭐한...\n<drake_kr> 아오 NEETNUX라니!\n<drake_kr> 내가.. 고○라니!!\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 제가 허접하다 보니... 단편적인 넥떡 지식 으로 볼때 넥떡 망이 토큰링 방식이 아니라면... 언제나 라우팅 해주는 놈이 있어야 한다고 생각 합니다.. 머 토큰링 에도 있긴 하지만..\n<drake_kr> 쉴드 쩌네염 ㅋㅋ\n<Ponics_OTLx2> ?.?\n<drake_kr> 제 느낌이, 초천재님 하면 병신님이라고 말하는거 같아요\n<Ponics_OTLx2> ㄴㄴ\n<drake_kr> 그냥 얘기할게요.\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 그건 아닙니다... 초천재\n<drake_kr> 듣기 거북합니다\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 초천재 라고 하는건... 뭐랄까... 레알 초천재 라는 뜻도 있고... 아니면 초천재 가 되어라 하는 최면 정도 ?\n<drake_kr> 그건 자기 아마추어 쉴드때문에 그런건 아니구요?\n<drake_kr> 저한테 '초천재님'이라고 하면 '병신님' 하는거 같은 기분이 들어요.\n<drake_kr> 근데 저만 그런건 아닐겁니다.\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 제가 밀옹에게 초천재라고 하는건 밀옹이 병진 이라고 놀리는 것이 아니라 자극을 주기 위해서 입니다.\n<drake_kr> 아 이것도 그냥 바로 이야기할게요\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 다른 분들에게 초천재라고 부른적은 장난 빼고는 거의 없는듯 합니다..\n<drake_kr> 초천재 밀옹 하면서 자극을 준다고 하면\n<drake_kr> 콤뿌따 강의를 해달라 그래놓고 꼬투리잡기 하시는건 뭔가요?\n<drake_kr> 저도 강의중에 8088같은 이야기가 나오면 그것만 가지고 두시간 세시간 떠들수 있습니다.\n<drake_kr> 근데 강의를 해달라고 해놓구선 왜 이야기를 자꾸 삼천포로 빠뜨리시죠?\n<drake_kr> 본인 재미를 위해서라면 다른 사람은 전혀 상관없다는거 아닙니까?\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 아... 그건 밀옹에게 이미 전에 양해를 구한 것입니다... 제가 말꼬리를 잡는 이유는 단하나 입니다.. 아는것도 다시확인 해보라는 의미 입니다. 강의를 하다 ë³´ë©´ 강의를 듣는 사람 보다 강의자가 더 많은 것을 배우게 되는 효과가 있기 때문입니다.\n<drake_kr> 그럼 밀님은 자기 자는시간을 희생해 가면서까지 그렇게 배워야 하는 의무라도 있는건가요?\n<drake_kr> 요약을 하자면\n<drake_kr> 초천재 소리 듣기 싫다는 겁니다.\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 의무는 없습니다. 밀님이 필요 없다고 하시면 더이상 하지 않을 것입니다.\n<Ponics_OTLx2> drake_kr: / 훔.... 밀님이 듣기 싫타는 뜻인가요 ? 아니면 drake_kr 님이 듣기 싫다는 뜻인가요 ?\n<drake_kr> 음.. 일반화의 오류로 몰아가시는것도 좋습니다만, 일단은 제가 싫습니다.\n<drake_kr> 특히 합리화를 위한 도구로써의 \"초천재\"가 싫은거지요.\n<Ponics_OTLx2> drake_kr: / 일단 제가 drake_kr 님의 의견을 무시하는 뜻은 아닙니다만. 밀옹의 의사가 중요하다고 생각합니다.\n<Ponics_OTLx2> drake_kr: / 밀님이 싫타고 의사 표현을 하시면 바로 그런 표현을 하지 않겠습니다.\n<drake_kr> 알겠습니다.\n<Ponics_OTLx2> yemharc: / 바쁘신가요 ?\n<Ponics_OTLx2> yemharc: / 안바쁘시면 잠시 오셔서 의사 표현을 해주셨으면 합니다.\n<yemharc> 음;;\n<yemharc> 제가 강의랍시고 이것저것 얘기할 때에 주제가 이리저리 돌아가는거야 별로 상관 없습니다\n<yemharc> 초천재 발언은 애초에 나쁜뜻으로 한게 아닌건 알고 있고 별로 신경쓰지 않았습니다. 실제 저번 세미나에서 얘기도 했구요.\n<Ponics_OTLx2> yemharc: / 제가 밀님에게 \" 초천재 ' 라고 부르는것과 강의 중에 딴지 아닌 딴지를 거는 것에 대해서. 싫으시면 싫다 라고 표현 하셔도 됩니다.\n<yemharc> 결론을 말하면 이제 그만 하셨으면 합니다.\n<yemharc> 대충 2주정도 됐다고 생각하는데, ê·¸ 초천재 발언이 처음 제게만 향할 때에는 별로 상관이 없었습니다.\n<yemharc> 근데 그게 주변 사람에게도 퍼지더군요.\n<yemharc> 그리고 결과적으로 drake_kr 님처럼 기분나쁘게 받아들이는 분도 나왔죠\n<Ponics_OTLx2> yemharc: / 알겠습니다. 밀님의 의사를 잘 알겠습니다. 이제 앞으로 그런 호칭과 딴지를 하지 않겠습니다.\n<drake_kr> 감사합니다. 그리고 미안합니다.\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 아닙니다.\n<Ponics_OTLx2> drake_kr: / 미안해 하실필요는 없습니다. 어차피 대화로 해결하면 못할 것이 없다고 생각합니다. :)\n<Ponics_OTLx2> drake_kr: / 저도 아까는 약간 감정적이였습니다. 미안합니다. drake_kr 님\n<drake_kr> 어우 저땜에 분위기가 살벌해졌네요 죄송합니다\n<drake_kr> 아우 감자고로케를 너무 많이 했나.. 이틀내내 먹어도 아직 20개정도 남은듯..\n<yemharc> 두 분은 이번달 세미나 뒷풀이에서 마주앉아 술 한잔 하셔야겠어요\n<Ponics_OTLx2> drake_kr: / 아니요. 살벌하긴요. 제가 살짝 나이값을 못했습니다. 여러분께 죄송 합니다.\n<Ponics_OTLx2> drake_kr: / 그렇다고 오해는 하지 말아주세요.. 이도 저도 안되니 나이로 밀어 붙이는 그런 나이값 못하는 나이먹은 사람은 아닙니다.. :)\n<drake_kr> :D\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 그래도 나름 쿨한척 하려는 놈이라서... 갑자기 UV 노래가 생각났...  \" 쿨하지 못해서 미안해 \" 라는... ㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> ......그런 노래도 있군요 (ㅇㅅㅇ;;)\n<Ponics_OTLx2> yemharc: / 설... 마.... 방금 그거 개그 하신거죠 ? UV 를 모르시다니.. ㅎㄷㄷㄷ\n<yemharc> Ponics_OTLx2, .........모릅니다 (...)\n<yemharc> ê·¸......뭐라고 할까요\n<drake_kr> 저도 uv는 자외선차단제밖에 생각이 안납니다..\n<drake_kr> ultra violet\n<bluedusk> 저도 자외선 차단제 생각했는데요.;\n<yemharc> 아마 마지막으로 TV프로를 본게 초등학교 2학년이었을겁니다 (....)\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 비쥬류와 마이너 들에게는 꽤 유명한... UV 를....\n<drake_kr> 전\n<yemharc> (물론 뭐 밥먹거나 하면서 틀어주는걸 본다거나 그런건 있습니다만)\n<drake_kr> tv를 4년에 한번 봅니다\n<drake_kr> 일부러 보는건 4년에 한번\n<drake_kr> 열광은 4년에 한번\n<grr> drake_kr :: 대선입니까?\n<yemharc> 애초에 컴퓨터가 있으면 TV따위!!!!!!!!! (......)\n<drake_kr> 월드컵\n<grr> drake_kr :: OOPS\n<bluedusk> 저도 집에 tv가 없어서.;;\n<bluedusk> 뭐 필요성을 못느껴 장만 안한거지만.;\n<yemharc> grr, 대선에 불타올라 TV를 시청하는 drake_kr님인가요 (...)\n<drake_kr> 근데 Ponics님이 말씀하신 uv라는 그룹은 정작 tv에 나오는 그룹이 아닐듯..\n<yemharc> 제목만 봐도 TV에는 나올거같지 않아요\n<grr> yemharc :: 그러실듯.. (...)\n<Ponics_OTLx2> http://blog.daum.net/776dkwk/28 <--- UV 입니다.. 가사가 쩝니다.. ㅋㅋ 아..공중파에서 몇번 나왔습니다.. 유희열의 스케치북이란 음악토크 프로그램에도 나왔죠..\n<yemharc> 아.......어라\n<yemharc> 저사람 ê·¸.......개그맨 아니었나요\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 계그맨 맞습니다..\n<yemharc> ê·¸ 왜 최근에는 이태원 프리덤인가 박진영씨하고 부르던데\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 넵.. 맞습니다..\n<yemharc> 인터넷서 많이 보이더군요\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 이번에 나온것이 \" 이테원 프리덤 \" 맞습니다.. ㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> ......박진영씨는 멋진 취미생활을 즐기고 있는거군요 (외면한다)\n<Ponics_OTLx2> \" 쿨하지 못해 미안해 \"  <--- 이게 1집 입니다..\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 그런데 솔직히 음악적인 면을 ë³´ë©´... 금붕어 아이돌의 쓰래기 음악과 비교해서 결코 떨어지지 않습니다... ( 순도 100% 개인적인 의견임 )\n<drake_kr> 음..\n<drake_kr> 전 아이돌이라도 좋아하는 아이돌이 좀 있는데..\n<grr> 여자 아이돌 -> 처음엔 귀여운 모습 -> 소녀의 모습 -> 섹시한 컨셉 -> 헐벗음 테크?!\n<drake_kr> 소녀시대나 원더걸스는 별로 안 좋아하지만..\n<drake_kr> 2ne1 blackjack인지라..\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 아.. 아이돌 걸그룹 자체를 놓고봐서는 훌륭합니다.. 하지만... 음악적인면에서만 ë³´ë©´.. 좀 아니라는 느낌이 듭니다..\n<drake_kr> 같은 이유로 제가 아이돌중엔 yg쪽 애들을 좋아하지요\n<Ponics_OTLx2> drake_kr: / 전 솔직히 아이돌 걸그룹이 나와서 춤추며 노래 하��Š”걸보면 매우 므흣 합니다.. 하지만 노래 끝나고 나면.. \" 어라.. 내가 방금 무슨 노래를 들었지 ? \" 하는 느낌을 받을때가 많습니다.. ㅋ\n<drake_kr> djdoc도 아이돌입니다 <- 라면 한대 맞는건가요\n<yemharc> Ponics_OTLx2, 이태원 프리덤은 들어봤습니다. 근데 그런거 이전에 아이돌 음악을 제대로 아는게 하나도 없군요 (....)\n<yemharc> 워낙 유명한거야 대충은 압니다만 그것도 자주 틀어주는 유명한 구절 뿐이고 (.....)\n<Ponics_OTLx2> drake_kr: / ㅋㅋㅋ 69년 닭띠가 아이돌에 속하면 아이돌 맞습니다.. ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> http://comic.naver.com/webtoon/detail.nhn?titleId=25613&no=350&weekday=sat\n<grr> 저에게 있어서 음악은 자고로 뚜드려깨는 것일뿐이죠... (...)\n<grr> 뚜드려 깨는 음악 찬양\n<Ponics_OTLx2> 이하늘 = 69년 닭띠 입니다.. ㅋ\n<drake_kr> Pantera Megadeth Metallica RATM 뭐 이런 애들?\n<grr> drake_kr :: ㅇㅅㅇ\n<drake_kr> 레이지 어게인스트 더 머신\n<drake_kr> 기계에 대한 분노\n<grr> 공장다니다가 어디서 다들 다친사람들이 부르는 노래가 아니었다는게 반전\n<grr> http://www.dogdrip.net/xe/?mid=dogdrip&document_srl=3065346\n<darkmeow_home> grr / 갸르릉 -ㅠ-\n<darkmeow_home>  =3\n<grr> darkmeow_home :: nihao\n<darkmeow_home> drake_kr 부뷧\n<drake_kr> 어젠 걍 주무심?\n<bluedusk> 음?\n<bluedusk> 묘족은 언넝 재워야..;\n<darkmeow_home> 눈이 침침해지다가 -ㅅ-\n<darkmeow_home> 앞이 안보여서 키를 누를 수가 없어가지고 침대에 눠쌌더니만\n<darkmeow_home> 일어나니 9시더군요 -ㅠ- .\n<darkmeow_home> ..\n<yemharc> 아......앵그리버드 재밌었겠다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<grr> rmfjgwy\n<bluedusk> 으응? 이니옹이 아니신가.;\n<yemharc> 진짜 덕중지덕은 양덕인듯........\n<grr> 스마트폰 광고로 이만한것도 없는듯..?\n<grr> yemharc :: 동감합니다 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<darkmeow_home> 덕중지덕 -0- ...\n<yemharc> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 아니 진짜........양덕은 스케일이 부왘ㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 밴드 오브 브라더스 얘기 들었을때가 절정이었죠\n<yemharc> 스필버그 왈) 우리 2차대전 드라마 찍어요~\n<yemharc> 밀리터리 매니아) 뭐라고?! 그럼 내 탱크를 가져다 쓰게!\n<grr> ...\n<yemharc> 매니아2) 나라고 질 수 없지! 1화 마지막 장면에서 뜨는 수송기는 내가 빌려주지! <-이거 실제 비행한겁니다. 2차대전 당시 물건임.\n<yemharc> 덧붙여 개인소유\n<yemharc> (......)\n<grr> (...)\n<grr> 헐\n<grr> 실제비행;\n<yemharc> 그러자 독일에서 e-mail이 날아왔습니다. \"우리도 같이찍자!\"\n<grr> 아 이말년 단행본 산거 있는데 거기에 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<darkmeow_home> 6.25 때만해도 굴러다니던 전차 비행기 손좀 ë³´ë©´ 다 굴러갈 수 있는건데 -ㅅ- ..\n<darkmeow_home> 일단 탄이 없고\n<darkmeow_home> 기계 고장나면 볼줄 아는 사람이 몇 없는게 좀 그렇쿤요 -ㅅ-\n<grr> 미국이 준 m1 역수출해서\n<grr> m1보다 싼 다른 총을 사는 훈훈한 우리나라\n<grr> 제태크 짱인듯...\n<darkmeow_home> m1은 널린게 m1이지만\n<darkmeow_home> 영화사 같은데서는 m1은 -ㅅ- ...\n<grr> 우리나라처럼 바로 쏠 수 있는 m1은\n<grr> 잘 없대요\n<drake_kr> http://drake.kr/59246 잘 안나오네\n<grr> 'ㅠ'\n<grr> 전 나가볼께요\n<grr> 수고들하셔요\n<drake_kr> 제대로 나온다 http://drake.kr/?document_srl=59246&mid=board_pictures\n<yemharc> 후으....;;\n<yemharc> 저도 자러 가보겠습니다.\n<yemharc> 다들 즐거운 주말 되세요 :)\n<imsu> drake_kr: 안주무십니깡 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 사라다 먹구있듬\n<drake_kr> 10분후에\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 역시 양상추 사라다가 짱임\n<drake_kr> 테라는 나온지 얼마나 됐다고 대규모 업데이트야 -.-\n<imsu> ??\n<imsu> 대규모 업데이트라니요? ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 광고 나오는디\n<imsu> 아~~ ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 하드 광고요?\n<drake_kr> 스타중계 보는중인데\n<drake_kr> 광고 나온당\n<imsu> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 무슨 광고요?\n<bluedusk> 헠\n<bluedusk> 다들 안주무시나요?\n<bluedusk> 3시16분에 접속하시는분들도 계시네용.;\n<drake_kr> 흠\n<drake_kr> 전 오후 3시 16분이면 자고 있는 시간염\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> bluedusk: 술한잔 마시고 왔어요 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 오늘도 한잔 해야지\n<imsu> drake_kr: 네? ㅋㅋㅋ 그렇게 되나요? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 못살아 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 술인생 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 아 스타중계 재밌당\n<drake_kr> 스타 게이머들은 왜 안 늙나\n<drake_kr> -ㅅ-\n<imsu> drake_kr: 안늙다니요? ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 10년전 모습이나 지금 모습이나\n<drake_kr> 달라진게 없어\n<imsu> ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 방송에 나오면 그렇게 되나봐요 ;;\n<imsu> 갸네들 솔직히 폐인일텐데 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 머 2군들은 그러겠지만\n<drake_kr> 1군들은 관리 다 하것지..\n<drake_kr> 운동도 하고..\n<imsu> ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 손가락 운동으론 충분하지 않나요?\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 게이머들도 몸짱시대인가? ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 흠\n<drake_kr> 모르지 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 임요환이같은애 봐봐\n<drake_kr> 글마 나랑 동갑일건데\n<drake_kr> 32살\n<imsu> 흐흐흐\n<imsu> 역시 c가 좋아요 ;; 파이썬 너무 어려움 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<drake_kr> 나도 C가 좋음\n<imsu> 왜 c 로는 그래프를 못 그릴까요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 아 짜잉나 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 터보c로 그려 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 터보 c는 뭡니까 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 들어만 ë³´ê³  써보지는 않았어요 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 도스용\n<imsu> 아;; 뷁\n<imsu> 클래스 개념은 봐도 모르겠네요 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 에잉 짱나 자야지 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 영어도 서툰데 넨장할 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 자바를 하면 개념은 쉽게 이해하는듯\n<drake_kr> 하지만 새로운걸 배우는게 짜증날듯\n<imsu> 잉 ?이건 무슨 글씨입니까?zz\n<imsu> dho dksqhdlwl?\n<imsu> 왜 안보이지?\n<imsu> 제 글씨는 보이십니까?\n<drake_kr> 잘보임\n<imsu> 저건 뭔글씨에요?\n<imsu> í븯吏€ï§Œ ì깉濡쒖슫嫄¸ è��›ê³—슦ë뒗寃Œ 吏\n<imsu> \t   쒖쬆ë궇ë벏\n<imsu> 쯔업;;\n<drake_kr> 뭐임\n<imsu> ??\n<drake_kr> ??\n<drake_kr> i can c u\n<imsu> 萸먯엫\n<drake_kr> any problem?\n<imsu> 보였다 안보였다 하는데요\n<imsu> <drake_kr> 잘보임\n<imsu> 이렇게는 나오는데\n<imsu> <drake_kr> 萸먯엫\n<imsu> 이렇게도 나옴 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> gma\n<drake_kr> 흠\n<drake_kr> 난 잘 보임\n<imsu> w3m 하면서 인코딩을 바꿔서 그런가;; ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<imsu> 암튼 다시 원래 대로 해놨어요 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 에잉;;;\n<drake_kr> 짜잘짜잘하게 벌레들 날라다니는거 짱나넹 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 아직 디버깅의 고수는 안되신듯 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 분발하세요 ! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 이상 버그 생성자 였습니다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 버그 매니아 ! ㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 술먹었더니 오락가락 하나봐요 에휴\n<imsu> 자야지 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 에프킬라 뿌리긴 싫은데 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 큭큭\n<imsu> 모기향 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 전 이만 들어가보겠습니더 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 주무셈\n<imsu> erc 명령어 테스트 히히\n<imsu> 그럼 이만 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n#ubuntu-ko 2011-06-11\n<cartes_> 저기요\n<cartes_> drake_kr님\n<imubuntu> 안녕하세요\n<imubuntu> 엄청오랜만에 들어오는군요..;;\n<imubuntu> 쩝 통큰 5850사고 싶군요...\n<imubuntu> 안녕하세요\n<imubuntu> ㅠㅠ .run 파일 어떻게 실행하나요?\n<imubuntu> 그래픽카드 드라이버 설치할라는데...계속Xserver가 틀려있다나?\n<imubuntu> 그러네요\n<imubuntu> gdm stop을 해도 그러네요..ㅠ\n<imubuntu> 안녕하세요\n<imubuntu> 으음...다 잠수중이시군요...아악..\n<imubuntu> ㅠ\n<ujuc> m.m;;\n<ujuc> 얼래..;\n<imsu> ls\n<imsu> 어라 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<ujuc> 헉\n<ujuc> ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 오메 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 쉘에서 쳤는데 왜 갑자기 irc 로 넘어오고 난리람 ㅎㅎ\n<ujuc> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 그런경우가 있지요.;; 두개 띄워놓으시면..ㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 그러게요 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> drake_kr: 광운대학교에서 오늘 이영호 스타리그 있습니다 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 5시에 하는데 보러 갈까나 ㅎㅎ\n<ujuc> 부럽습니다.. 현장에서 보시고..;;; 전. 티비로나마..ㅠ.ㅠ\n<drake_kr> 읭 광운대\n<drake_kr> imsu :: 이영호 이제동?\n<jincreator> 안녕하세요.\n<ujuc> 안녕하세요^^>\n<jincreator> 네, 안녕하세요.\n<jincreator> 오늘은 주말인데 한산하네요.\n<ujuc> 토욜이라도 일하시는 분들이 계시니까요..\n<ujuc> ㅋㅋ\n<jincreator> 아...ê·¸, 그렇군요.\n<drake_kr> jincreator :: 안녕하세요\n<jincreator> 네, 안녕하세요.\n<jincreator> ì°¸, 드레이크님 웹 디자인쪽 하시지요?\n<drake_kr> 출판디자인쪽이요..\n<drake_kr> 웹은 하다보니까 하는거고요\n<jincreator> 아, 그렇군요...\n<jincreator> 저 웹 글꼴과 관련해서 궁금한게 있는데요...\n<drake_kr> 네\n<jincreator> font-family:돋움,Dotum,AppleGothic,serif 로 되어 있는 사이트가 있는데, 원래 마지막이 sans-serif여야 하지 않나요?\n<drake_kr> 음..\n<drake_kr> font-family는 그러니까\n<drake_kr> 돋움 없으면 Dotum 찾고 그것도 없으면 AppleGothic ��°¾ê³  것조차도 없으면 serif를 찾는거에요\n<jincreator> 네, 그런데 우분투에는 돋움도 없고 애플고딕도 없잖아요. 그러면 serif로 보여지게 되거든요.\n<drake_kr> 지금 웹을 작성하시는거에요?\n<jincreator> 아뇨, 우분투에서 글꼴을 변경하는 것에 대해서 다른 분들과 토의중이거든요.\n<imsu> drake_kr: 이영호랑 다른 애인데\n<drake_kr> 제가 만든 사이트인데.. http://apacaviation.com/ 여기 보시면..\n<imsu> 이제동은 모르겠네요 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> imsu :: 아마 안 갈듯..\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 스타1이라.. 재미없을거 같대\n<imsu> 전 집에 가는 길에 들를라고요 ㅎㅎ\n<jincreator> 빠르면 다음 버전부터 나눔고딕/명조를 기본 글꼴로 설정하려고 하거든요.\n<drake_kr> 들렀다가 반쯤 지나면 전화\n<drake_kr> 냉면 먹자\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 후배분 집에 와 계시나요?\n<imsu> 오늘 만나신다면서요 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 출발했음\n<jincreator> 그래서 지금 글꼴 설정 파일을 수정해서 시험해보고 있는데 Daum 사이트의 댓글 부분이 이상하게 나와서요.\n<imsu> drake_kr: 아하 5시에 시작한다더라구요\n<imsu> 전 4시 30분에 수업 끝나요 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 수업하러 갑니당 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> daum의 경우는.. 아마 다음 자체 글꼴을 최우선순위로 놓을건데\n<jincreator> http://cartoon.media.daum.net/webtoon/comment.html?id=19808&rMode=list&cSortKey=depth\n<drake_kr> jincreator :: 그런데 나눔고딕을 쓰는것은 좋은데 나눔고딕이 설치되어 있지 않으면 은돋움같은걸로 보여지게 되는건가요?\n<jincreator> 아마 그럴 겁니다. 한글 글꼴이 은돋음밖에 없으면 여러 글꼴 참조하고 참조하다 은돋음으로 돌아오겠지요.\n<drake_kr> 흠\n<jincreator> 그런데 현재 계획에는 우분투 설치시 나눔고딕이 기본으로 CD에서 설치되고 은돋음은 인터넷(미러)에서 받아서 설치됩니다. 따라서 그럴 일은 거의 없을 거에요.\n<drake_kr> 저장소는 다음에 있는데 다음체 안쓰는것도 좀 거시기하네요 ㅋㅋ\n<jincreator> 그건 라이선스 때문에 어쩔 수 없어요. 네이버는 OFL 라이선스, 즉 소스가 오픈되어 있기 때문에 저장소에 넣을 수 있었고요.\n<drake_kr> 다음체도 마찬가지로 오픈라이센스인걸로 알고 있어요 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 나눔고딕보다는 좀 못생기긴 했지만 훌륭한 폰트죠\n<jincreator> 그럴리가요? 단순한 재배포 허용이 아닌 OFL이라고요?\n<drake_kr> http://info.daum.net/Daum/info/introduceOfCI.do 여기에 명시되어 있지요\n<jincreator> 네, 보시다시피 소스 공개는 아니잖아요.\n<jincreator> 게다가 사용자가 수정할 수도 없네요.\n<jincreator> 쉽게 말해서 피카사가 무료로 배포되지만 피카사 소스 코드가 공개되지 않은 것과 비슷í•��니다.\n<drake_kr> 머리아프네요 ㅋㅋ\n<jincreator> 일단 재배포가 가능한 글꼴은 거의 다 코분투 PPA에 있어요. https://launchpad.net/~cobuntu/+archive/ppa\n<jincreator> 아무튼 라이선스 이유로 사용되기 힘듭니다. 그건 그렇고 이야기가 잠시 딴데로 새었는데...\n<jincreator> 네이버에서는 font-family:\"돋움\",Dotum,Helvetica,AppleGothic,Sans-serif; 로 되어 있습니다.\n<jincreator> 그러면 sans-serif로 보이니 큰 문제가 없지요.\n<drake_kr> serif나 sanserif를 웹브라우저에서 지정해줄수 있는데, ê·¸ 기본값을 나눔고딕으로 하자는건가요?\n<jincreator> 이전에는 sans-serif가 은돋음, serif가 은바탕이었습니다. 그런데 이걸 sans-serif는 나눔고딕, serif는 나눔명조, monospace는 나눔코딩으로 바꾸려는 것이지요.\n<drake_kr> 웹하고 별 관계 없잖아요 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 근데 방금 보여주신 다음도 그렇지만 css에 엄청나게 들어갑니다\n<drake_kr> http://s1.daumcdn.net/photo-section/-cartoon10/20110225/common.css?41\n<jincreator> 근데 돋음이나 굴림에 익숙한 사람들은 비슷한 나눔고딕이 나와야 하는데 나눔명조가 나오게 되잖아요.\n<jincreator> 올려주신 부분에서도 font-family:\"돋움\", dotum, AppleGothic, sans-serif; 로 되어있어 이걸 다음 개발처의 실수로 ë³¼ 수도 있거든요.\n<drake_kr> serif가 명조쪽이고 sans-serif가 고딕쪽입니다..\n<jincreator> 네, 그래서 font-family에서 돋음이나 굴림 뒤로 sans-serif가 아닌 serif도 일반적으로 많이 쓰나 궁금해서요.\n<drake_kr> 음\n<drake_kr> (...) 많이 쓰죠\n<jincreator> 응? 정말요?\n<drake_kr> 저야 곧 죽어도 비슷하게 맞추려고 하지만\n<drake_kr> ie에서만 돌려보고 ㅇㅇ ok 하는분들에게는 신경쓰지도 않는거거든요\n<jincreator> (...)\n<drake_kr> http://gniniar.wordpress.com/2010/03/23/sans-serif-serif-and-swing/\n<jincreator> 사실 현재 글꼴 설정의 경우 굴림이나 돋음을 sans로 처리하도록 약하게 되어 있기는 해요.\n<jincreator> 그런데 돋음이나 굴림 뒤로 serif가 많이 쓰인다면 돋음이나 굴림을 강하게 나눔고딕에 연결시켜 주면 글꼴이 있는 것으로 인식되서 뒤의 serif까지 안가고 나눔고딕으로 나오게 할 수는 있지요. 다만 일반적으로 잘 안쓰이는 방법이라서요...\n<jincreator> ì°¸, 혹시 나눔고딕 코딩체 써 보신적 있으세요?\n<drake_kr> 네\n<drake_kr> 잘 쓰고 있슴미다\n<jincreator> 어떻게 생각하세요?\n<drake_kr> 고정폭 글꼴에서 Best는 아니어도 3~4등은 합니다\n<ujuc> 고정폭 글꼴의 best는 뭔가요.ㅡ.ㅡ?\n<jincreator> 원래 우분투에는 고정폭 한글 글꼴이 없어 그동안 영어 고정폭 글꼴에 한글만 은돋음을 부르게 설정되어 있었는데 이번에 나눔고딕코딩을 기본 고정폭 글꼴로 하려 그러거든요.\n<drake_kr> 워낙에 고정폭글꼴 신경쓰시는 분들은 많이들 신경쓰셔서;;\n<drake_kr> 최소한 monospace보다는 훨씬 나아보입니다..\n<ujuc> ㅇㅇㅇ 코딩은 그것보다는 좋죠..\n<drake_kr> 한 1004ë°° 정도\n<jincreator> 우분투에서 monospaceë©´ DejaVu Sans Mono로 되어 있습니다.\n<ujuc> 데자뷰는..... 영정감이안가요..\n<jincreator> 근데 주석 같은 걸 달 경우 영어 글꼴이 한글 글꼴보다 좀 작아서 불편하시다고 생각하신 적 있으신가요?\n<drake_kr> 데자부에 비해서도 한 10ë°° 정도 깨끗하게 보입니다\n<drake_kr> 크게 많이 작진 않던데요\n<jincreator> 그게 현재 글꼴 설정과 관련해서 어떤 분이 내놓으신 의견 때문에 어쭤본 거에요.\n<jincreator> 그분의 경우 영어 글꼴이 한글 글꼴보다 작은 게 불편해 영어는 데자뷰 모노로, 한글은 나눔고딕코딩으로 나오게 설정하자고 말씀하셔서요.\n<jincreator> 근데 두 분께서는 데자뷰보나 나눔고딕이 훨씬 마음에 드시나보네요.\n<jincreator> 보나->보다\n<drake_kr> 그러니까\n<drake_kr> 방금 말씀드린것처럼\n<ujuc> 영어는 monaco가 괜춘해서 사용하고 있는데.. 한글에는 나눔이 더좋지요...\n<drake_kr> 고정폭글꼴의 경우 신경쓰시는분들은 너무 신경쓰십니다.. ㄱ-\n<drake_kr> 일반적으로는 나눔고딕코딩으로 가도 괜찮을거라고 보구요\n<drake_kr> 한글+영문 스크립트가 나뉘는것으로 괜히 복잡해질 가능성이 다분합니다..\n<drake_kr> 맘에 들지 않는다면 폰트를 뜯어고쳐서 써야 하는데.. -_-\n<drake_kr> (어렵지는 않지만)\n<jincreator> 사실 이 부분은 몇 명이서 정하기보다는 여러 유저분들의 의견을 모아서 결정하게 될 거기는 합니다.\n<drake_kr> 뭐, 제 의견은 나눔고딕코딩 꽤나 괜찮은 폰트입니다\n<drake_kr> 저도 순정품으로 쓰고 있고요\n<jincreator> 아, 그리고 웹 사이트에서 13px보다 작은 한글은 보기 힘들어서 13px보다 작게 나오지 않도록 강제로 고정하자는 의견도 나왔는데 이건 어떻게 생각하세요?\n<drake_kr> 그건 아니라고 봅니다..\n<drake_kr> 가끔 사이트에서 배치를 보거나 할때 Ctrl +-로 조절해서 보기도 하는데, 그때 폰트 크기가 작아지지 않는다면 재앙이 될수 있어서요\n<jincreator> 아뇨, 그건 잘 됩니다. 뿐만 아니라 문서편집 프로그램에서도 작게 지정하면 잘 나오지요.\n<jincreator> 다만 font-size:8px와 같이 하면 무시하고 96dpi에서 9.75px로 나오는 것이지요.\n<drake_kr> 그리고, 웹사이트중에 봇이 더 잘 검색하라고 태그같은걸 작은 글씨체로 쓰기도 하고..\n<jincreator> 헉! 그런 것도 있군요!\n<drake_kr> 일부러 작은 글씨로 와꾸 맞추는 경우도 있고요\n<drake_kr> 공백같은 경우 10px인데 13px로 강제로 늘리면 레이아웃이 깨지는 경우도 많으니까요\n<jincreator> 음...그런 경우도 있겠군요.\n<drake_kr> 강제 13px 설정은 변수가 너무 많습니다..\n<jincreator> 일단 한글 글꼴에 한해서 13px 설정을 하도록 ê·¸ 분이 의견을 내주시기는 했는데 저도 이건 좀 위험하다고 생각하기는 합니다.\n<drake_kr> 일반사용자들에게는 재앙이 될 수 있지요..\n<jincreator> 원래는 은돋음과 은바탕은 나눔고딕/명조/코딩으로 대체하는 간단한 목표였는데 여러가지 추가도 하고 옛 설정은 고치기도 하다 보니까 점점 복잡해지네요. T.T\n<drake_kr> ê·¸ 간단한 목표만 도달하는게 좋을듯 싶은데요..\n<drake_kr> 사실 나머지는 모질라 재단쪽에서 고민해야 할일일겁니다..\n<jincreator> 응? 모질라 재단은 왜요?\n<drake_kr> firefox 세팅이죠\n<jincreator> 리눅스용 firefox의 기본 글꼴 설정인 sans, sans-serif, monospace인 경우 리눅스의 글꼴 설정을 그대로 따라갑니다.\n<drake_kr> 우분투에서는 그냥 serif - 나눔명조, sans-serif - 나눔고딕, monospace - 나눔고딕코딩 으로만 바꾸어주면 되는거지요\n<jincreator> 아뇨, 우분투 쪽에 은돋음이 아닌 나눔고딕이 기본적으로 설치되도록 바꿔달라고 건의해야 합니다.\n<jincreator> 또한 한국어 언어팩이 설치되지 않았을 경우 한글을 나눔고딕/명조로 나오게 설정도 해야 하고요.\n<drake_kr> 네\n<jincreator> 게다가 우분투에는 없는 돋음이나 굴림도 어느 정도는 그동안 은돋음에 연결되어 있었는데 이것도 다 나눔고딕으로 바꾸어야 하고요.\n<jincreator> 생각보다 간단한 문제가 아니더라고요. T.T\n<drake_kr> 한글/영어 스크립트 폰트가 따로따로 나오도록 한다던가, 웹에서 글꼴크기를 고정한다던가.. 이런건 매우 부수적인거잖아요..\n<drake_kr> 물론 간단한 문제는 아닙니다\n<drake_kr> 그러므로 Goal은 간단해야 합니다.\n<drake_kr> 그쵸? ㅋㅋ\n<jincreator> 하긴 그러네요. ^^;\n<drake_kr> 사실 나머지 문제는 나눔글꼴이 정착되고 난 이후에 생각해야 될 겁니다..\n<jincreator> 전 그걸 걱정하고 있어요.\n<jincreator> 사실 은돋음의 경우 11.04에 와서는 \"은돋음\"이 기본 글꼴이라는 점을 제외하고 큰 문제는 없습니다. 그런데 가독성을 위해 나눔글꼴로 바꾸었다가 이것저것 문제가 많이 생겨버리면 하느니만 못한게 아닐까 싶거든요.\n<drake_kr> 에이\n<drake_kr> 그런건 아니죠\n<drake_kr> 그게 무서우면 리눅스가 지금까지 발전했을까여\n<drake_kr> 그런게 무서우면 11.04에서 unity가 기본이 아니어야 하죠..\n<jincreator> 네, 사실 문제가 있더라고 하는 게 낫기는 합니다. 하지만 우분투의 경우 쉬운 리눅스 배포판으로 ì��Œë ¤ì ¸ 있는데 오히려 설치 후 문제를 고치는 설정을 이것저것 해야 하면 인상이 떨어질 수 있잖아요.\n<Seony> oh, sorry. one sec.\n<jincreator> 서니님, 안녕하세요. 외국인이 잘못 들어온 줄 알았네요.\n<Seony> jincreator: 안녕하세요. 딴데서 챗하는 중이어서... ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 음? 뭔가 말 하려다가 seony님이 한마디 하실거 같아서 안하는중이었는뎅..\n<Seony> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 리눅스에서는 한글폰트를 잘 안써서요...\n<jincreator> 전 챗방은 항상 두개를 열어놓지만 한IRC쪽은 대화가 없네요.\n<Seony> 제가 따로 드릴 말씀이 없네요 ㅎㅎ\n<jincreator> (...)\n<drake_kr> (...)\n<drake_kr> jincreator :: 아까 하려던 이야기는.. 그래서 lts가 있는거고.. 어차피 안정화 기간이라는게 있기도 하고.. 그런거죠 흠흠\n<drake_kr> 구데기 무서워서 장 못 담그면 삼겹살 먹을때 쌈장이 없어요\n<jincreator> 네, 일단 글꼴 변경을 하기는 해야겠지요.\n<bundo>  Seony 옹\n<bundo> 내 ì¡°ì¹´ 20일에 해병대입대 한다고 와서 ë°¥ 같이 묵고 왔심더\n<bundo> 누나 하나에 남자 3촌으로 ì¡°ì¹´ 하나입니다. 하나는 딸 ê³ 3\n<bundo> jincreator 우린 무언가 해본게 너무 없습니다.\n<jincreator> 분도님, 안녕하세요.\n<bundo> 1년전에도 소수의 반대에 그냥 저도 바뻐서 안했던 일인데..\n<bundo> 이번에,,, 김교수님 하고 jincreator 이 나서 줘서 고맙습니다.\n<bundo> 전 관망과 지지 중입니다.\n<bundo> ^^;\n<Seony> bundo: ㅎㅎ 왜 해병대 간대요?\n<drake_kr> bundo :: Goal은 간단하게 잡는게 맞을것 같습니다\n<jincreator> 한글 입력기 만들고 검사기 플러그인 올리시는 분들에 비하면 아무것도 아니지요.\n<jincreator> 분도님 ë³´ê³  계셨군요...\n<bundo> Seony  대학 안갔는데 해병대 가겠데요 .. 굿이죠 머\n<Seony> 요즘 해병대 경쟁률 쎄서, 대학 안댕기면 합격하기 어렵다는 소문이 있던데요..\n<drake_kr> 그나저나 오늘 내일 삼겹살 파뤼 합니다\n<bundo> 월요일 입대 합니다.\n<Seony> 근데 용케 합격했군요\n<bundo> ^^;\n<Seony> 뭐 해병대도 사람사는 곳이니... 잘 하고 올 거에요 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 대한민국 1% <-\n<bundo> 나중 군대 갔다오면 우분투 유저 만들테니 서니님이 잘 키워 주세요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 저보단 제 아래 후임들이... 임수나 명휘나.. ㅋㅋ\n<bundo> 오 마져 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 이따 임수보러갑니다\n<bundo> 예밀 도 불러서 같이 가봐요\n<drake_kr> 예밀씨는 내일 오기로 했어요\n<drake_kr> 오늘은 냉면 한사발씩 하고\n<drake_kr> 내일은 점심부터 저녁까지 삼겹살에 소주\n<bundo> @,.@\n<bundo> 나 월요일에 사무실 갑니더\n<bundo> 몇가지 처리할일이 있어서요\n<jincreator> CD 처리인가요?\n<drake_kr> 아참 그러고보니 bundo님 짱개는 어떻게 된겁니까\n<drake_kr> /.\\\n<bundo> 딴사람 하고 먹었다능 ... 헤헤 죄송\n<drake_kr> ㅠㅠ\n<bundo> 다시 날잡 죠 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 맛은 괜찮던가요\n<drake_kr> 요새 소셜커머스 차별한다고 말 많던데..\n<cartes9> 오늘 서점갔다왔어요\n<cartes9> 아 즐겁당\n<cartes9> 레드햇계열 즉 Fedora Core & Cent OS기반 서버운영하기 책은 많은데\n<jincreator> 훗, 전 지금 도서관입니다.\n<cartes9> 우분투 서버 운영하기 책은 없네용\n<cartes9> 또는 데비안 서버\n<jincreator> 우분투 서버는 어떤 버전 쓰실 건가요?\n<cartes9> 10.04 LTS요\n<cartes9> 제가 late adaptor라서;\n<jincreator> https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/serverguide.pdf\n<jincreator> https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/index.html\n<jincreator> 영어이기는 하나 상당히 좋은 자료라고 생각합니다.\n<jincreator> 원래 help.ubuntu.com은 사용자들이 위키처럼 만드는데 서버쪽은 캐노니컬이 직접 다듬는 것 같더군요.\n<cartes9> 아.. 이거 저도보고있었어요^^;;\n<jincreator> -.-;\n<cartes9> 감사합니다\n<jincreator> 이미 알고 계셨는데요, 감사하실 것까지는...\n<cartes9> 그래도 성의가 있으시잖아요\n<cartes9> 거기에 감사드려야하는거죠\n<cartes9> 사람과 사람이니까\n<cartes9> 정보와 정보가 아니고\n<cartes9> 정보섭취자와 정보섭취자?\n<jincreator> ...감사해주셔서 감사합니다.\n<cartes9> 넹 히히힝\n<cartes9> ^^\n<jincreator> cartes_에서 9로 바뀌었군요.\n<cartes9> 넹\n<imsu>  drake_kr: 수업 끝~~ 헤헤\n<cartes9> 어떻게 그리 자세히 아셨어요 히히\n<imsu> 스타 보러 가야징 히히\n<cartes9> 임수님 안녕하세용^^;;\n<drake_kr> imsu :: 이따 전화\n<jincreator> 늦었지만 임수님 안녕하세요.\n<imsu> drake_kr: 언제 보실거에요?\n<imsu> jincreator: 안녕하세요 ~~ 수업 중이라 인사 못드렸네요 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 6시쯤?\n<imsu> gg good game\n<imsu> keke\n<imsu> 얼른 짐 싸야지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> drake_kr: 전화 드리겠습니다. ㅎㅎ\n<jincreator> 이맥스용 IRC도 있군요. 역시 이맥스...\n<drake_kr> 아우 나도 ì°¸ 뭐하는 짓인지\n<drake_kr> mame 130GB\n<cartes9> drake_kr, 뭐 보러가세용?\n<drake_kr> dosbox 30G\n<drake_kr> msx 4G\n<cartes9> 고전게임들 인가요?\n<drake_kr> 아 msx만 36G였구나\n<bundo> ujuc  하이\n<cartes9> jincreator, 카페24 서버호스팅 질렀답니다^^;;\n<cartes9> 가상서버호스팅이지만요;\n<jincreator> 얼마나 드나요?\n<cartes9> 한달에 5500원이요\n<cartes9> 22000원은 설치비요\n<jincreator> 트래픽이나 용량 제한은 어떻게 되나요?\n<jincreator> 설마...없나요?\n<cartes9> 트래픽제한이\n<cartes9> 100G/월\n<cartes9> 하드공간은 20G\n<cartes9> 트래픽은 큰사이트 않돌려봐서 걱정않합니다ㅏ;;\n<cartes9> 김태희 포르노라도 떠서\n<cartes9> 제 서버가 파일을 호스팅하게 되버렸다면 모를까;\n<cartes9> http://www.cafe24.com/server/server_vs.php\n<cartes9> 여기 안내에 있어요\n<cartes9> 보시면 나와용^^;;\n<jincreator> 웹 호스팅과 비교해서 가격 차이도 없으면서도 자유로운 것 같네요. 좋은 것 같아요.\n<cartes9> 그쵸?\n<cartes9> 그래서 저도 깜짝놀랐죠 뭐\n<jincreator> 음...데비안이 없군요.\n<cartes9> 우분투 지원만 해주는걸로 저는 고마울뿐^^;;\n<jincreator> 커널 컴파일이나 시스템 종료는 함부로 하면 안되는군요.\n<jincreator> ...끌리네요.\n<cartes9> 조물주님도 하나 질르세요^^;;\n<cartes9> 아님 제가 계정드릴까여 하나?\n<cartes9> 일반유저로만 일단 드릴수있어요\n<jincreator> 아뇨, 괜찮아요. 지금 당장 쓸 ê±´ 아닌지라...\n<jincreator> 그리고 전 학교에 서버 사달라고 하려고요. ^^\n<cartes9> 학교다니세용?\n<jincreator> 네. 사실 지금 시험기간이에요. -.-;\n<cartes9> 아 대학교에여?\n<cartes9> 대학원일줄알았는데\n<jincreator> 올해 대학 들어갔어요.\n<cartes9> 아.. 조물주님 말씀하시는게 20대후반 수준은 되어보여서\n<jincreator> -.-;\n<cartes9> 어리다고 짐작못했어요^^;;\n<cartes9> 컴터얘기들이여\n<jincreator> 저도 깊게는 잘 몰라요. ^^;\n<cartes9> 저 대학교때 전산실에 서버웍스테이션 하나 있었어요\n<cartes9> 슬렉웨어 돌리던\n<cartes9> 그거 생각나네요\n<cartes9> 마냥 리눅스서버 권한 풀은걸 주니 신났었는데;;;\n<cartes9> marilyn.indstate.edu\n<jincreator> 지금 학교에 학생들이 공부할 수 있는 서버 하나 사달라고 조르고 있거든요.\n<jincreator> 인디애나 대학인가보네요. 죄다 영어...\n<cartes9> 미국에 있는 후진 시골학교..\n<cartes9> 영어와 싼학비에 걸고 갔져\n<cartes9> 죄다 영어는.. 맞습니다;;; 영어라서 죄송;\n<jincreator> 지금도 미국에서 지내세요?\n<bundo> jincreator 옆에 cartes9 서로 얼굴 아는 사이일꺼임\n<bundo> 2-3번 보았을꺼임\n<bundo> 양재서\n<bundo> 3월 정기 세미나서\n<cartes9> bundo님 저 혹시 나쁜인상사람들께 주고있는걸까요;;;\n<bundo> 등\n<bundo> 네\n<bundo> ㅋㅋ\n<cartes9> 어떤 걸 그만둘까요?\n<bundo> 저한테 좋은 대답 원하면 안되요\n<cartes9> 조심하겠습니다..\n<bundo> 그리고 저 장난 심합니더\n<jincreator> 헉! 누구시지?\n<bundo> 전 예전 같지는 않치만 악담 가에요\n<bundo> 그러니 좋은 답 기대 하심 안되요\n<cartes9> 그럼 진크리에이터님께 여쭐게요;\n<bundo> 상처 받을까봐 설명해주는 소심해준 강분도\n<bundo> 상처 받을까봐 설명해주는 소심해진 강분도 ..\n<ujuc> bundo ^^ ㅋㅋㅋ 안녕하세요...^^.;; 패널을 숨겨놨더니 안보였던.;;\n<jincreator> 뭐, 뭘요?\n<bundo> ujuc 배포판에 대한 저의 생각 답해주었습니다. 참고 하십시오\n<cartes9> jincreator 제가 말한것들 혹시 기분나쁘게 들리셨나용aa\n<bundo> ujuc ì°¸ 그리고 공개SW 대회요 지방분들 숙박 제공 해줄 용의 있답니다.\n<bundo> 네\n<jincreator> 아뇨, 그럴리가요.\n<bundo> 옆에서 본 40대 아저씨가 기분 나쁘게 들리는 군요\n<cartes9> 분도대장님께 어떤 부분이 거슬렸나요?\n<bundo> ujuc 대회 참가 하세요 저하고 밤새 술 한잔?\n<bundo> cartes9 이뿐척하는거\n<bundo> ㅋㅋ\n<cartes9> ^^*\n<cartes9> 이런거요?\n<bundo> <cartes9> jincreator 제가 말한것들 혹시 기분나쁘게 들리셨나용aa 에서 용aa\n<cartes9> 쫄은거에염\n<cartes9> 앗.. 또 염..!!\n<bundo> cartes9 소심 하게 생각 말고 그냥 헛소리다 생각 하세요\n<bundo> ì°¸ 울 조카도 군대 갑니다 월요일에..\n<cartes9> 분도대장님께 밉보이면 저 활동할 커뮤니티도 없습니다 ㅠㅠ\n<bundo> 전 미운 사람 없어요\n<cartes9> 조심할게요\n<bundo> 그냥 IRC 농담 한거에요\n<cartes9> ㅋㅋㅋ ^^\n<cartes9> ^^;;\n<cartes9> jincreator: http://www.facebook.com/wekiweb#!/media/set/?set=pa.32312636\n<cartes9> 현실적인 제 사진입니다\n<cartes9> 알아보시나요?\n<cartes9> 으악\n<cartes9> http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=pa.32312636#!/photo.php?fbid=668384440384&set=a.637358806004.2183395.32312636&type=1&theater\n<cartes9> 이건데\n<cartes9> 비현실적인 사진들 많은데\n<bundo> http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=672295727134&set=a.637358806004.2183395.32312636&type=1&theater\n<jincreator> 앗! 이제 생각났네요!\n<bundo> 이사람 이죠 ?\n<cartes9> 제가 되고 싶은 이미지에요 그건\n<cartes9> 만화캐릭터\n<bundo> 난 피카추가 되고 싶은데..\n<bundo> 쩝 더 먹어야지\n<bundo> 술담배 많이 해서 노래 져야 하는데.. 아직 부족해요~~\n<jincreator> 잠만보는 어떤가요?\n<imsu> 오 훈훈한 열기 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<bundo> 잠시요 잠만보 검색중\n<cartes9> 후딘이나 윤겔라가 되고싶은 저입니다.\n<cartes9> 신비주의 포켓몬\n<bundo> http://cfs4.tistory.com/upload_control/download.blog?fhandle=YmxvZzgwNjAxQGZzNC50aXN0b3J5LmNvbTovYXR0YWNoLzAvMDUwMDAwMDAwMDE5LmpwZw%3D%3D\n<cartes9> jincreator님도 사진한장 보여주세요\n<bundo> 오 이건  drake_kr ?\n<cartes9> 헐 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> (.,..)\n<imsu> drke 사람 장난아니게 많네요 ㅎㅎ\n<cartes9> 전 감히 드레이크님한테 그런말 못하는데.. 제가 훨씬어리고 실력도없고해서\n<jincreator> http://ubuntu.or.kr/download/file.php?id=10667\n<cartes9> 전에 얻어먹은것도 있고\n<imsu> 게임시작 히히\n<bundo> 헉 다음 직원 ?\n<jincreator> 아 분도님, 깜박잊고 있었는데 정산 문서에 사인 첨부해서 오늘 중으로 드릴게요.\n<jincreator> 스캔까지 다 해놓고 까먹고 있었네요. 죄송합니다.\n<bundo> jincreator 됬어요 제가 진규라고 그냥 마우스질 했습니다.\n<bundo> 어제 다 보냈습니더\n<jincreator> (...)\n<bundo> 규만 썻던가 ㅎㅎ\n<jincreator> 윽! 죄송합니다. 미리미리 해서 드렸어야 했는데...\n<bundo> 갠찮아요 ~시험 기간 이라면서요 ? ê¼­ 장학금 타세유\n<jincreator> 이미 늦었어요. T.T\n<bundo> 전대학 전학년 장학금으로 다녔거든요\n<drake_kr> 그럼 저희는 냉면 먹으러 갑니다\n<imsu> drake_kr: 언제 냉면드시러??ㅎㅎ\n<bundo> drake_kr  맛나게 먹으셔요\n<jincreator> 네, 맛있게 드세요.\n<imsu> 아 몇시쯤오세요 ㅎㅎ\n<jincreator> ì°¸, 분도님 근데 로코팀 CD 신청 메일은 누가 담당하나요?\n<drake_kr> imsu :: 전화 하겠음\n<bundo> <== 국가 유공ì�� 자녀 장학금 .. 쩝\n<drake_kr> 지금 출발함\n<imsu> 넹\n<bundo> jincreator 컨텍터\n<jincreator> 장재준님이신가요, 유형준님이신가요?\n<imsu> 천천히오셔유 ㅎㅎ 한게임 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<bundo> 이번에는 형준씨가 했고\n<bundo> 나중 문제 생겨서 재순님 써니 형준 다 나섰죠\n<bundo> 전 그냥 구경하고 CD 받았습니다 == 아 편해~~\n<bundo> 히히\n<jincreator> 신청을 했는데 확인했다는 답장 같은 게 없어서요.\n<bundo> 그거 다 일일이 답어찌 하남\n<bundo> 그거 내 이메일 중 하나입니다.\n<bundo> cd@ubuntu.or.rk\n<bundo> cd@ubuntu.or.kr\n<bundo> 자동 답변 해놓을까요 ?\n<jincreator> 오, 그거 좋네요.\n<bundo> jincreator 그리고 다 보내 줄꺼 아님\n<bundo> 특히 사인 안보내준 진규 인가는\n<bundo> 25일에 상암서 줄꺼에요\n<bundo> 배송비 아깝슴\n<bundo> 내 주머니 털 상황입니더 흑흑\n<cartes9> 조물주이랑 jincreator 님이랑 같은분이시져?\n<jincreator> 네, 그런 나쁜 놈에게는 정말 아깝죠. ^^;\n<jincreator> 네, 맞습니다.\n<bundo> jincreator 오프 모임 오는 이들은 될수 있음 정기 세미나 이용 하자고요\n<jincreator> 아, 하긴 배송비도 아끼고 그게 좋겠네요.\n<jincreator> 공지사항에 수정해서 올리는 ê±´ 어떨까요? 정기 세미나에 올 사람은 될 수 있으면 신청하지 말라고요.\n<bundo> 아 마져 drake_kr\n<bundo> jincreator 오케이 !!\n<bundo> 돈 아껴야징\n<bundo> 쩝\n<bundo> http://ubuntu.or.kr/viewtopic.php?p=87599&f=4#p87599\n<bundo> 추가 했심 헤헤\n<bundo> 헉 오타\n<ujuc> bundo 아하.!! 그렇군요..ㅡ.ㅡ.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 전아직.... 더 많이 배워야됩니다.^^;;ㅋㅋ\n<bundo> 멀 배워요 ~?\n<bundo> 그냥 갈치 잡이 배타세요\n<ujuc> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<bundo> ujuc 공개 SW 대회 참가 하세요\n<bundo> 차비 지원은 힘들다고 하지만\n<bundo> 대신 숙박 지원을...!\n<ujuc> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ'\n<bundo> 참가자 데리고 밤새 술먹여야지 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<ujuc> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ... 그런건 언제.. 한번 MT를 하시지요.. 멤버쉽 트래이닝...ㅋㅋ\n<bundo> 내가 매형보다 더 나이 들어 보인데요 \" 그래서 기분 좋음\"\n<ujuc> 반대여야지... 좋은거아닌가요..ㅡ.ㅡ;;\n<bundo> 그만큼 연륜이 있어 보인다는거니 기분 좋치요\n<bundo> 흐흐\n<bundo> 우 리 월 정기 세미나 부산서 하는 ê±° 추친 중입니다.\n<bundo> 올해 한번 해보려고 합니다.\n<bundo> 8월에 해운대서 ?\n<ujuc> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<bundo> 아니구나 7월 말이 피크죠 ?\n<jincreator> 응? 그럼 서울 사람들은 어떻하나요?\n<bundo> 이뿐 애들만 데리고 내려 가려고요\n<bundo> 부산 유저들과 하는거죠 머 ..쩝~\n<jincreator> (...)\n<bundo> 대신 발표자를 리더들이 하고\n<bundo> 비용 받은거 토하기로 하고 차비 해야죠 ...쩝\n<bundo> 대충 이정도 계획입니더 ..ㅎ\n<bundo> 그러니깐 서울서는 발표자 사회 만 내려 가는 건디\n<bundo> 일년에 한번이니깐 서울 분들이 양보 해줘야죠 머 jincreator 안그래요 우리 우분터스 잖아유\n<jincreator> 아, 일년에 1번이군요.\n<bundo> 네.\n<bundo> 근데 잘 시행이 될지 아직 .. 암튼 준비 계획 중입니다.\n<jincreator> 앞으로 계속해서 부산에서 한다는 줄 알았어요. ^^;\n<bundo> 이런 ㅎㅎ\n<bundo> 부산은 오픈소스모임이 생기길 바라는데\n<bundo> 아직 페북이 활성화가 안되는 군요...\n<bundo> 우리 오픈소스 포럼 같은 모임\n<bundo> 우리 오픈소스 포럼 같은 모임 그러면 서 우분투도 하고 리눅도 하고 등등\n<ujuc> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<ujuc> 부산에서~하시면 전 좋습니다..\n<bundo> ^^;\n<ujuc> 똘이행님도 좋아하시겠는데요..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<bundo> 같이 준비 해야죠\n<bundo> 저 부산에 아는 사람 2명인데... 다 조폭입니다. 깍두기\n<ujuc> ^^ 넵.. ㅋㅋㅋ\n<ujuc> 헉.;\n<bundo> 오픈소스 하는 이는 똘이님 하고 강성진님 만 알아요\n<ujuc> 행님들께.. 행사장 요청을 하심이..좋겠네요.ㅡ.ㅡ. 좋은데 알아서 말씀해주실듯..;;\n<bundo> 대학 또는 소프트웨어 진흥원 ?\n<ujuc> 소프트웨어 진흥원이있던가요 부산에.ㅡ.ㅡ;;\n<cartes_server> 안녕하세요\n<bundo> 오 1 번 아이피 굿\n<cartes_server> cafe24서버 IP에요;\n<cartes_server> 분도님 해킹하실줄아세요 혹시?\n<bundo> 후킹은 합니다\n<ujuc> 안녕하세요^^.\n<DingGGu> 저기..혻\n<cartes_server> 저도 인제 서버돌리니까\n<DingGGu> ls | grep [1]\n<DingGGu> 이거어떻게하나요?\n<cartes_server> 방어는 알줄알아야하는데\n<DingGGu> \\[1\\]\n<DingGGu> '[1]' 안됩니다..\n<bundo> 1 은 머죠 ?\n<DingGGu> 그냥 name\n<cartes_server> \"[1]\"\n<bundo> [] 들어간 1?\n<DingGGu> 안되네여\n<DingGGu> '\\[1\\]'\n<DingGGu> 해야되네요\n<DingGGu> 짬뽕..\n<bundo> [명령어]ls | grep [1]\n<bundo> tmp-cobuntu-10.04-3\n<bundo> tmp-cobuntu-10.10\n<jincreator> 도서관 시간이 끝나 이만 들어갑니다.\n<bundo> [명령어]ls | grep '\\[1\\]'\n<cartes_server> bar\n<bundo> ls | grep [1]  는 그냥 숫자 1로  되고\n<bundo> [명령어]ls | grep '\\[1\\]'\n<bundo> [1]\n<bundo> [1]-1\n<bundo> 뒤가 맞는군요\n<DingGGu> 처음보는문법..\n<DingGGu> '\\[1\\]'\n<DingGGu> 라니.. -_-ㅋ\n<bundo> [스크린샷] http://bundo.biz/screenshot/bundo-1307782763.png\n<Seony> \\]는 그냥 정규식인데...\n<DingGGu> '[1]' 안됩니다\n<DingGGu> 글자를 문법말고 문자로만들어주기도하죠\n<Seony> DingGGu: [1] 라는 걸 검색하셔야한다면, \\[1\\] 라고 하시면 되는데요...\n<Seony> grep이 정규식을 지원하니까...\n<DingGGu> 안되요\n<Seony> 그럼 egrep은요?\n<DingGGu> 그건몰라여\n<DingGGu> ..\n<DingGGu> egrep도안되네요\n<Seony> 분도님 스샷대로 \\[1\\] 하면 되는데..\n<DingGGu> 안되요 :) 맥에서도 직접해보세요\n<bundo> [^ ] 문자집합에 속하지 않는 한 문자와 대응\n<bundo> [^A-K]love' A와 K 사이의 범위에 포함되지 않는 한 문자와 ove가 붙어있는 문자열과 대응\n<Seony> DingGGu: grep을 많이 안써보셔서... ls | grep '\\[1\\]' 하시면 나옵니다.\n<bundo> [ ] 가  표현식으로 쓰여서 그런듯합니다\n<DingGGu> Seony: 안되여...\n<Seony> 원래 grep에서 정규식이나 공란이 들어가는 경우는 quote으로 묶어주시면 됩니다.\n<Seony> DingGGu: 제가 방금 했어요.\n<Seony> 맥이랑 리눅스 둘다 해보구서 얘기하는 거에요\n<DingGGu> 제가 리눅스 1년써보는데 .. \\ 를모르겟나여\n<Seony> 스샷 올려드리죠.\n<DingGGu> 우분투 11.04 에서는 \\[1\\] 작동안하네요\n<DingGGu> 앞뒤에 '' 로묶어줘야만가능\n<Seony> 스샷 업로드 중입니다.\n<Seony> [스크린샷 with AppleScript by Seony]: http://jswlinux.team1ab.com/screenshots/FriJun102011230451.jpg\n<Seony> 터미널 2개 떠있으니까 잘 보세요\n<DingGGu> 앞뒤에 '' 붙이셨잖앙ㅅ\n<DingGGu> 전 안붙이고 말하는건데\n<Seony> 제가 아까 붙이고 하면 나온다고 했더니, 안된다고 하셨잖아요.\n<DingGGu> 님위에도 계속 '' 안붙이고 타이핑하셨고..\n<DingGGu> 저는 안붙이고 라고봤는데\n<Seony> Seony\n<Seony> DingGGu: grep을 많이 안써보셔서... ls | grep '\\[1\\]' 하시면 나옵니다.\n<Seony> 라고 위에 적었는데요.\n<DingGGu> 그위에도분명제가 '' 붙이면 됬구나\n<DingGGu> Seony: 그위에\n<ujuc> dual architecture가... CPU를 두개이상 사용하는 시스템에서 사용하는건가요.ㅡ.ㅡ.?\n<DingGGu> 아이폰으로넘어와서 로그가없어졋네\n<Seony> DingGGu: ㅎㅎ 뭐 암튼 됐으니 OK\n<cartes9> Seony님 저 VPS 호스팅 질렀어요^^ㅋ\n<cartes9> 가상서버호스팅이용\n<DingGGu> .. ^^\n<Seony> cartes9: 잘하셨어요. ㅎㅎ 그렇게 배우시는 거에요.\n<cartes9> 네.. root disable하고 cartes username으로 sudo해서 쓰는거 했어요\n<DingGGu> '\\' 는첨보는문법이네..\n<DingGGu> 루트는 allowusers로만막아도 충분히 보안에도움됩니다\n<DingGGu> 나중에 시스템파일을 손상시키는 치명적인 실수를한다면 GG\n<Seony> 아... 뭐 잼나는 아이폰앱 없나 며칠동안 찾는데 다들 고만고만하네요...\n<ujuc> ㅠ.ㅠ 커널업 어제 시켜놓구선.. 오늘시키는 ㅠ.ㅠ. 이..ㅠ.ㅠ....ㅠ.ㅠ.\n<Seony> 옛날 1945라는 뱅기겜이 아이폰용으로 나와있네요.. ㅎㅎ\n<ujuc> 앗!! 그거 잼있어보이던데요!!..\n<Seony> 어릴 때 했었던 겜이라 추억이 새록새록... ㅎㅎ\n<DingGGu> 토요일주말의 해가넘어가네요\n<ujuc> .ㅠ.ㅠ\n<ujuc> 월요일이..ㅠ.ㅠ.\n<DingGGu> 흑흑\n<ujuc> 전 커널업으로.. 잠시.. 리붓을 하고 오겠습니다.^^>;;\n<bundo> http://www.facebook.com/kangbundo\n<bundo> 이거 스샷좀 부탁 합니다.\n<bundo> 저하고 다르게 보일 듯해서요\n<FreakyTux> 안녕하세요\n<Seony> [스크린샷 with AppleScript by Seony]: http://jswlinux.team1ab.com/screenshots/SatJun112011000315.jpg\n<bundo> 반갑습니다. FreakyTux\n<bundo> Seony  감사  ~~ 휴 여성 분리 해놓은거 남은 보이나 하고 걱정했어요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ\n<FreakyTux> 혹시 sed 할 줄 아시는 분 계신가요\n<bundo> 복잡한거 저는 잘 못합니다. ㅎ\n<FreakyTux> 그럼 혹시 대충이라도...?\n<bundo> 전 그냥 미러 콘솔서 바꿀떄 sed 이용하는 정도 죠\n<bundo> sudo sed -i 's/kr.archive.ubuntu.com/ftp.daum.net/g' /etc/apt/sources.list\n<Seony> sed의 기능이 궁금하신 거에요? 아님 정규식이 궁금하신 거에요?\n<FreakyTux> 포럼에 질문 하나 올린것 좀 봐 주실 수 있나요...엄밀히 말하면 sed 자체에 대한 질문은 아니지만\n<bundo> freaxtux ?\n<FreakyTux> 네\n<bundo> 쩝 술 하는 중이라 ㅎㅎ\n<bundo> 거실로 다시 도망 ~~\n<FreakyTux> ㅋㅋ\n<Seony> FreakyTux: ^/# 에서 그냥 ^# 라고만 한 번 해보시겠어요?\n<Seony> 아.. ^\\# 에서 ^#\n<FreakyTux> 엄...주제가 그게 아니고;;\n<Seony> 아... find에서 결합해서 쓰시길 원하시는 거군요\n<FreakyTux> 네\n<Seony> sed에서 {}를 지원하나요?\n<FreakyTux> 맨 뒤에 {}는 find 명령어에 들어가는 것 같네요\n<Seony> 네. 맞아요.\n<Seony> 맨 뒤의 {}는 find에서 exec 붙일 때 넣어야하는 거에요..\n<FreakyTux> 스크립트 파일에서는 그게 들어있는 채로 되는 것 같은데요;\n<FreakyTux> 아마 ê·¸ {}와 sed스크립트 내의 {}가 혼동을 일으키는 것 같은데요;;\n<FreakyTux> 어떻게 ê³ ì¹  수 없는건가요\n<Seony> 네. 그런 ê±° 같아요...\n<bundo> 우선 execdir 아니고 exec 아닌지요 ?\n<bundo> find ./ -name \"*.php\" -exec  sed -e '/#/d' filename\n<bundo> find ./ -name \"*.php\" -exec  sed -e '/#/d'\n<FreakyTux> find의 맨페이지 뒤져 봤는데 exec도 있고 execdir도 있더라고요\n<bundo> 아니구 나 음\n<FreakyTux> 그리고 php가 궁금한게 아니라 ê·¸ 뒷부분이 더 중요한 내용이에요;;\n<bundo> 담배 피느라 ì»´ 방으로 복귀했습니더 ㅎ\n<FreakyTux> 아니면 스크립트 파일에 담긴 채로 find와 결합시킬 수는 없나요?\n<Seony> 음... back qoute을 써서 하는 쪽을 알아보시면 될 ê±° 같은데요.\n<Seony> 아니면 그냥 펄로...\n<FreakyTux> ê²°êµ­ 제가 스크립트 언어를 직접 하나 배우는게 속편하려나요\n<Seony> sed의 기능이 좀 많이 제한적이라서... 펄이 태어난 이유가 sed 때문이라잖아요 ㅎㅎ\n<FreakyTux> 그런가요 ㅋ\n<Seony> 아 awk 때문인가..\n<Seony> sed인지 awk인지 암튼 둘 중의 하나가 너무 기능이 부실해서 만들었다더라구요 ㅎㅎ\n<FreakyTux> 주석 담긴 스크립트 파일도 있는데 올리면 문제 해결에 도움이 될까요?\n<Seony> 네. 제 생각엔..\n<bundo> sed '1p; /^[[:blank:]]*#/d; s/[[:blank:]][[:blank:]]*#.*//'\n<bundo> 테스트 중인데 되려는지는 의문 ㅎㅎ\n<FreakyTux> 원문을 올렸습니다.\n<FreakyTux> 오 그렇게 하면 되는건가요...기대기대\n<bundo> 우선 #  주석은 find ./ -type f -name '*.php' -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i '/^\\#/d' 로 되는거 같습니다.\n<bundo> 문제는 \\\\ 인데\n<FreakyTux> 아...죄송한데 C언어 주석을 제거하고자 하는 것입니다만...\n<bundo> find ./somedir -name \"*.php\" -execdir sed -i '/^\\#/d;/\\/\\*/,/*\\//d; /^\\/\\//d; /^$/d;;/^$/d' {} +\n<bundo>  // 는 위 입니다 헤헤\n<bundo> 두개다 성공  ^^;\n<bundo> find ./ -name \"*.php\" -execdir sed -i '/^\\#/d;/\\/\\*/,/*\\//d; /^\\/\\//d; /^$/d;;/^$/d' {} +\n<bundo> [스크린샷] http://bundo.biz/screenshot/bundo-1307789171.png\n<bundo> 아 #  & // 주석 다 뻬 버렸습니더 ㅎㅎ\n<FreakyTux> C언어에선 #이 주석이 아닌데;;\n<bundo> ㅎㅎ\n<bundo> php 기준으로 한거에요\n<FreakyTux> 아 그렇군요\n<bundo> find ./ -name \"*.php\" -execdir sed -i '/^\\#/d;/\\/\\*/,/*\\//d; /^\\/\\//d; /^$/d;;/^$/d' {} +\n<bundo> 이건 // 고요\n<bundo> find ./somedir -name \"*.php\" -execdir sed -i '/^\\#/d;/\\/\\*/,/*\\//d; /^\\/\\//d; /^$/d;;/^$/d' {} +\n<bundo> 이건 # 입니다\n<FreakyTux> 죄송한데 /* */도 해 주실 수 있나요?\n<bundo>    /*  아닌지요 ?\n<FreakyTux>             /*부터 */까지요\n<bundo> 스크립 써야 할꺼 같습니다.\n<FreakyTux> 그럼 제 실력이나 열심히 갈고 닦아야겠네요...\n<bundo> 스크립이 있어요 http://bash.cyberciti.biz/academic/script-to-remove-all-comments-from-cprogram/\n<bundo> 지금 해보는 중\n<FreakyTux> 어..어...어...그것은 제가 찾아보았던...;; 포럼에 올려 놨는데=_=\n<bundo> 위에꺼도 안되고\n<bundo> 이거도 안되는 군요 http://www.doyourself.org/linux/492-shell-sed-program-to-remove-all-c-and-c-comments-from-program-file/\n<FreakyTux> 둘다 제가 찾아봤던거...;;;\n<bundo> find . -name \"*.php\" -execdir sed -i '/^\\*.*?/d;/\\/\\*/,/*\\//d; /^\\/\\//d; /^$/d;;/^$/d' {} +\n<bundo> 이거로 해보십시오\n<bundo> 주석 사라진거 같음\n<FreakyTux> 네 해 보는 중입니다. 시간은 좀 걸릴거예요 안드로이드 커널 다섯개니까..\n<bundo> 커널이면 php 아니고 *.c ?\n<bundo> 커널이면 php 아니고 *.c\n<FreakyTux> 네 .c로 고쳤어요\n<bundo> ^^;\n<bundo> 아 패키지 소스 받아 해보면 되겠군요\n<FreakyTux> 전후 사정을 설명해보자면\n<FreakyTux> 제가 옵티머스원을 쓰고 있잖아요\n<bundo> 백업 하고 하세요 파일  내용 다 지울수 도 있음 ㅎㅎ\n<FreakyTux> 백업은 돼 있어요 ㅋ\n<FreakyTux> 이게 내수용과 해외용이 달라서 CM7롬을 포팅 해 보려는데\n<FreakyTux> 커널 내용을 diff로 비교 했더니 내수용에는 주석을 많이 지워놨더라고요\n<bundo> 근데 커널이면 // 주석도 있고 # 도 있지 않은지요 ?\n<FreakyTux> 아 # if 0 이런거요?\n<bundo> 전 잘 몰라서요 ㅎㅎ\n<FreakyTux> C언어니까 주석은 // 와 /* 에서 */까지가 전부고 # if 0도 보이긴 하는데 그거야 눈으로 대충 확인하면 될 것 같아서요 ㅎㅎ\n<bundo> namp 소스로 해보니깐\n<bundo> [스크린샷] http://bundo.biz/screenshot/bundo-1307791392.png\n<bundo>  /*  은 다 사라지긴 했는데 ...\n<bundo> 전 이만 다시 거실로 슈슝...\n<bundo> 호출해주세요 bundo 또는 분도 로 .. ^^;\n<FreakyTux> 뭐 그정도면 다 됐겠죠 ^^ 감사합니다\n<bundo> [스크린샷] http://bundo.biz/screenshot/bundo-1307791534.png\n<bundo> 저의 ê²°ë¡  find . -name \"*.php\" -execdir sed -i '/^\\*.*?/d;/\\/\\*/,/*\\//d; /^\\/\\//d; /^$/d;;/^$/d' {} +\n<bundo> 저의 ê²°ë¡  find . -name \"*.c\" -execdir sed -i '/^\\*.*?/d;/\\/\\*/,/*\\//d; /^\\/\\//d; /^$/d;;/^$/d' {} +\n<bundo> ^^;\n<FreakyTux> 아직 열심히 돌리는 중입니다 ㅋ\n<Ponics_OTL> bundo: / 아놔... 하루종일 녹아다 해서 몸이 이곳저곳이.. 팍팍 이옵니다...\n<bundo> ^^;\n<bundo> 나 거실서 아들 교욱좀 하고 올꼐요\n<FreakyTux> 오 일단은 말끔해 보입니다 감사합니다^^\n<bundo> ㅋㅋ http://ubuntu.or.kr/viewtopic.php?p=87730#p87730 굿입니다.\n<bundo> 저도 같은 생각 입니다.\n<Ponics_OTL> bundo: / 헉...너무 어렵사옵니다.\n<ujuc> zzz\n<ha> 저기요 함수명같은 ê±° 발음하는 규칙이 있나요?\n<cartes9> 없지않나요?\n<cartes9> 영어권처럼 발음하는게 대다수이긴 할것 같아요\n<cartes9> 대부분*\n<ha> 아 그런가요\n<cartes9> myPrintf();\n<ha> 감사합니다.\n<cartes9> 이런거\n<ha> 네\n<cartes9> 마이 프린트 에프(); 이렇게 읽지 않을까 싶네요\n<ha> 네\n<cartes9> myStrConcat(char[], char[]);\n<cartes9> 궁금하시게 된 계기가 있어요? 여쭤봐도 될까요? ^^;\n<ha> 네\n<ha> 별거는 아니고,\n<ha> 제가 그냥 혼자 공부해가지고, printf 같은 ê±° 그냥 프린트프 이런식으로 읽으니까,\n<ha> 대학에서 배웠던 누나가 프린트에프라고 읽으라고 하길래 그후로 혹시 그런 규칙이있나 궁금해서요 ㅎ\n<ha> 아무튼 감사합니다.\n<cartes9> 아... 그럼 동영상강의같은거 구해서 들어보면 알수도있겠네용\n<ha> 네 근데 저는 책을 좋아해서 -_-;;\n<cartes9> 발음가지고 누가 어떻게 읽어서 더 유식하니 그런식으로\n<cartes9> 말하는건 좀 아닌거 같아요 제생각엔\n<cartes9> 단순히 느낌이고 영어권처럼 읽는다해서 멋있는건 사대주의적일수도있어요\n<ha> 네\n<cartes9> 심심하네용\n<ha> 아 그래서 궁금하기보다는 그냥 혹시 나중에 실수할까봐요 ㅎ\n<cartes9> 그러게요 저도 그런거 가지고비웃는사람들 바보같아요\n<ha> 네\n<ha> 심심하면 mac os 깔아보세요\n<cartes9> LaTeX를\n<ha> 한 1주일은 즐겁게 보내실 수 있을꺼에요\n<cartes9> 라텍스라고 읽느냐\n<ha> 네\n<cartes9> 레이텍스라고 읽느냐\n<cartes9> 레이텍스라고 읽어야 하더군요\n<cartes9> 근데\n<cartes9> 리을 발음도\n<cartes9> 영어권 l하고 엄연히 다른데\n<cartes9> 그런것까지 발음따지자면 물고늘어질수있는거죠\n<cartes9> 그러니까 저는 편하게 우리나라에 맞는 발음으로 써도\n<cartes9> 포용가능해야한다고 생각해요\n<ha> 네 뭐 외국인이 들을때는 그게 그거라네요\n<ha> 사투리도 제대로 표기못하는데\n<ha> 외국어를 제대로 표기하는 ê±´ -_-;;\n<cartes9> 국제발음기호가 있더라구요\n<cartes9> 국제표준발음기호\n<ha> 그런가요?..\n<cartes9> 프랑스 언어학회인가에서 나온거..\n<cartes9> 영어사전에\n<cartes9> 옆에 이상한 문자들 있잖아요\n<ha> 네\n<cartes9> 그게 국제발음기호에요\n<ha> 네\n<ha> 영어라는 거리가 뭔 관계로 ㅠㅠ\n<ha> 요즘 고생하고 있습니다\n<cartes9> 흠..;;;\n<cartes9> 어쩔때 고생해요?\n<ha> 원서 읽을 때요...\n<cartes9> 아 맞아요\n<cartes9> 저도 모르는 단어들 나오면 찾아보기 귀찮더라구요\n<ha> 이때까지 영어 -> 한글 에서 이해\n<ha> 이런 과정을 걸쳤는데\n<cartes9> 네\n<ha> 그냥 영어로 이해하는 게 좋다네요...\n<ha> 그덕분에 고생중입니다. 원래 영어를 못하긴 하지만\n<cartes9> 번역할때는 영어 -> 한글 파싱하는 문법지식 있는 사람이 더 유연하게 번역하는것 같아요\n<ha> 네\n<cartes9> 근데 그냥 독해\n<cartes9> 하고 이해해야할때는\n<cartes9> 빨리 바로 받아들여서 읽어버리는게 좋은것 같아요\n<ha> 아 그건그래요\n<ha> 이렇게 읽으니까 조사같은 ê±° 무슨의미로 해야할지 고민않해도 괜찮아요\n<cartes9> 님은 대학교1학년이신가봐요?\n<ha> 아니요\n<cartes9> 고등학생?\n<ha> 네\n<cartes9> 몇학년이세용?\n<ha> 1학년이요\n<cartes9> 우와.. 전 그때 프로그래밍 못했어요^^;;\n<ha> 요즘은 초등학생들도 공부하는 새상이에요;;\n<cartes9> 네 맞아여..\n<cartes9> 저 6학년때 정올 나갔는데\n<ha> 네\n<cartes9> Turbo C 하더군요\n<cartes9> 대다수가 BASIC하고\n<ha> 요즘은 visual basic 하고 visual studio 6.0 으로 해요.\n<ha> 고등학교 올라와서 아무생각없이 나갔다가\n<cartes9> 네 그때두 VB6있었어요\n<ha> 네\n<ha> 생각보다 어려웠어요\n<cartes9> 아무생각없이 정올 나가셨다가..?\n<ha> 그냥 경험삼아서요 ㅎ\n<cartes9> 그다음 말이 뭐에요?\n<ha> 아 망했어요\n<darkmeow_hom_> -0-?\n<darkmeow_hom_> ...\n<cartes9> 저도 망했었어요;;\n<cartes9> 챙피당했어요\n<ha> 네 ㅠㅠ\n<ha> 저희동내는\n<darkmeow_hom_> 번역은 ...\n<cartes9> 한문제도 못풀었심;\n<ha> ㅠㅠ\n<darkmeow_hom_> 번역 소스가 아닌 번역 대상의 언어를 진짜 잘해야돼요\n<cartes9> 영한 번역이면 한국어를 진짜 잘해야된다는 말씀인가요?\n<darkmeow_hom_> 소스는 정확하게 파악하지 못해도 의역하면 대충 무슨뜻인지 나오는데\n<ha> 네\n<darkmeow_hom_> 그걸 간결하게 다듬고 정리하는게 겁내 빡시죠\n<darkmeow_hom_> 네 한국어를 잘해야죠\n<darkmeow_hom_> 한국어 못하는데 한국 사람이 영어 잘해봐야\n<darkmeow_hom_> 어차피 나중에 깊게 들어가면 영어 제대로 못하는건 매한가지\n<cartes9> 그래서 영한번역 할사람은 많잖아요\n<darkmeow_hom_> 아얘 영어를 애초부터 잘하면\n<darkmeow_hom_> 나중에 한국어 어느정도 해도\n<darkmeow_hom_> 듣다보면 영어로 통번역하든지 통역같은게 금방 되는데\n<darkmeow_hom_> 한국어 -> 영어.\n<darkmeow_hom_> 반대는 어렵죠 .\n<cartes9> 표현력이 딸리져\n<darkmeow_hom_> 그냥 간단하게 말해서\n<darkmeow_hom_> \"뉘앙스\" 측면에서 이걸 어떤느낌으로 전달해줄것이냐가 최대 관건인데\n<ha> 네\n<darkmeow_hom_> 이게 안되면 그냥 구글만도 못한것임 .. =3\n<cartes9> 시냅스연결작업인것 같아요\n<cartes9> 어떤 뉘앙스에서 한국어는 어떤관용구를쓰고 영어는 어떤관용구를 쓰고\n<darkmeow_hom_> 가령 어떤 문장이 사실 특정인이나 특정대상에 대해 실랄하게 비꼬는 내용인��°\n<cartes9> 언어는 관용의 집합일려나..\n<ha> 원서보다가 오역할까봐 걱정되는데;;\n<darkmeow_hom_> 뉘앙스를 이해 못하면 비꼬는 느낌을 전달하지 못하죠\n<ha> 보지 않는 게 날까요?...\n<ha> 네\n<darkmeow_hom_> 원서는 계속 보던대로 쭉 보는게 낫습니다.\n<darkmeow_hom_> 보다가 손 놓으면 안보는거만도 못해요\n<darkmeow_hom_> 시간만 아깝고\n<darkmeow_hom_>  =3\n<cartes9> 저 손놓아서;\n<ha> 아 그런가요.. 그냥 한두페이지 봐도 읽어야겠네요.\n<cartes9> 읽기만 나오면 귀찮아합니다;\n<darkmeow_hom_> 근데 한두번 ë³´ê³  손놓는거랑 좀 길게 보다가 아니다 싶어 손놓는거랑은 다르죠\n<darkmeow_hom_> 한두번 ë³´ê³  손 놓는건 그래도 좀 낫긴 한데\n<ha> 네\n<darkmeow_hom_> 기껏 좀 잘 보다가 아니다 싶다고 그냥 놔버리면\n<darkmeow_hom_> ...\n<darkmeow_hom_> 레베루가 올라가려면 끈기가 필요 -ㅅ-\n<ha> 그냥 이렇게 된거 계속 봐야겠네요.\n<cartes9> 저는 영어는 영어대로 받아들여야하고 한국어는 한국어 대로 받아들이는게\n<cartes9> 맞다고 생각해요\n<cartes9> 영어실력이 자기 한국어실력에 의존한다고 딱히 생각하지않아요\n<ha> 근데 이때까지 한국방식으로 사고하던 사람이\n<ha> 영어로 사고하기는 어려워요 ㅠㅠ\n<ha> 언젠가는 괜찮아지겠지만..\n<ha> 좋은 말씀해주셔서 감사합니다.\n<cartes9> 저가 언제부터 영어로 꿈꾸게 되었는지\n<cartes9> 잘몰르겠네요\n<ha> 영어로 꿈꾸세요?\n<cartes9> 근데 영어로 꿈꾸는게 중요하대요\n<cartes9> 가끔씩 꿉니다\n<cartes9> 제2언어로 꿈꿀수 있게 되면 그때부턴 좀 체화되었다는 뜻인가봐요\n<cartes9> 언어가\n<ha> 네\n<cartes9> http://thebrain.mcgill.ca/flash/capsules/outil_bleu20.html\n<cartes9> 이중언어자의\n<cartes9> 유형들\n<cartes9> 에 대해서 나와요\n<ha> 네\n<ha> 북마크하고 내일 읽어봐야겠네요..\n<ha> 10시 40분에 자는 것을 습관들여야 되서...\n<ha> 좋은 말씀 해주셔서 감사합니다.\n<ha> 저는 이만 ^^ 재밌는 ê±° 찾아보세요.\n<cartes9> 네 실력좋으신거같은데\n<cartes9> darkmeow_home, 안녕하세요;;;\n<darkmeow_home> -ㅠ- 부뷔\n<cartes9> 죄송해요 다른의견을 내서..\n<darkmeow_home> 저는 영어는 영어대로 받아들여야하고 한국어는 한국어 대로 받아들이는게 <- 이 부분은 동감하고 있었 -ㅅ-\n<darkmeow_home> 냐옹 -ㅠ-\n<cartes9> 아 근데\n<cartes9> 뉘앙스/관념이 하나 있었을때\n<darkmeow_home> 의존관계는 없죠 하지만 뉘앙스를 이해하려면 한국어\"도\" 잘해야 한다는거지\n<darkmeow_home> 영어를 잘하려면 \"반드시\" 한국어를 잘해야\"만\" 한다는 의미는 아니었 -ㅅ-\n<darkmeow_home> 저 따옴표 부위는 optional\n<cartes9> 아.. 저보고 한국말 못한다고 구박한 분이 모국어의 범위를 어떻게 벗어ë��˜ëƒê³ \n<cartes9> 막 구박을 하셔서\n<cartes9> 거기서 무의식적으로 감정이 나왔나봐여\n<darkmeow_home> 일단 교포라면 영어부터 완전히 ...\n<darkmeow_home> (언어를 완전히 잘한다는건 사실 있을수가 없는 일 ... )\n<cartes9> 그렇군요\n<darkmeow_home> 한국인이라면 한국말 부터 완전히\n<darkmeow_home> native부터\n<cartes9> 아 실례지만 왜 그래야 한다하셨죠?..;;\n<cartes9> 아.. 인지과학이랑 언어학 재밌당\n<cartes9> 히히힝\n<grr> ni hao\n<grr> q\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n<darkmeow_home> 초고수밀옹 -ㅠ-\n * darkmeow_home (하앍!)\n<cartes9> darkmeow_home님\n<cartes9> 잘계세요?\n#ubuntu-ko 2011-06-12\n<FreakyTux> 안녕하세요\n<jincreator> 안녕하세요.\n<grr> ni hao\n<bluesky78> 안녕하세요\n<grr> ni hao\n<bluesky78> 와인에서 익스플로러 설치시 구버젼이라서 설치가 안됀다고 나오는데 어떻게 하나요???\n<DoA> 안녕하세요\n<grr> :Q\n<jincreator> (...)\n<cartes9> jincreator, 하이요\n<jincreator> 네, 안녕하세요...라고 하고 싶으나 연결이 끊겼군요. ^^;\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<jincreator> 드레이크님, 안녕하세요.\n<drake_server> 음..\n<drake_server> 뭐지..\n<drake_> hello\n<drake_server> wow\n<drake_server> 자꾸 끊기노\n<drake_kr> 오호라\n<drake_kr> 다시 붙었네\n<darkmeow_hom_> 파도타기 스플릿이라니 ...\n<darkmeow_hom_> 아~~~우~~아 =3 =3\n<drake_kr> 배고파 배고파 배고파 배고파\n<jincreator> 삼겹살 파티 오늘까지 아니었나요?\n<drake_kr> 주인공이 와야 먹죠\n<jincreator> !!! 오늘 IRC에서 첫 대화다 !!!\n<drake_kr> (주인공이라 부르고 듀얼코어를 부탁한다)\n<jincreator> 어찌나 오늘은 사람이 없던지...\n<jincreator> 주인공은 누군데요?\n<drake_kr> 밀님요\n<drake_kr> 다른 누구와 다르게 저는 컴터 작업은 안 시킬겁니다 -_-\n<jincreator> ^^;\n<drake_kr> 말을 시켜야죠\n<drake_kr> 어쨌든 듀얼코어 대기중입니다 http://drake.kr/13798\n<jincreator> 이 경우는 듀얼코어가 아니라 듀얼 프로세서 아닌가요?\n<drake_kr> 에이\n<drake_kr> 프로세서 : 가스렌지\n<drake_kr> 배경음악입니다 http://drake.kr/59246\n<jincreator> 듀얼코어 : http://item.gmarket.co.kr/detailview/Item.asp?goodscode=150405733\n<jincreator> 가스레인지 : 소켓\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> ㄴㄴ\n<drake_kr> 하이퍼쓰레딩입니다\n<jincreator> 애초에 코어가 분리 가능하다는 게 말이 안되는데...\n<jincreator> 그럼 가스불 강으로 올리면 오버클럭인가요?\n<drake_kr> 오\n<drake_kr> 그렇죠 ㅋㅋ\n<jincreator> 안쓰는 후라이팬 불은 끄고 하나만 강으로 하면 터보 부스트고요?\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<jincreator> 가상화기술 : http://cfs12.tistory.com/image/31/tistory/2009/02/17/14/59/499a524107360\n<drake_kr> 아웈ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 응용력 짱이심\n<jincreator> 인텔과 AMD 연구원들이 부엌에서 발상을 얻었을지도 모르죠.\n<jincreator> 도서관에서 집으로 이동하느라 나갑니다...\n<ndsin> 음\n<ndsin> 월요일날 오전 출근은 하지말까 음........\n<drake_kr> 음\n<ndsin> 부장님이 오후에 외부 나가니까 사무실 오지말고 오후에 바로 외근 나가라는데...\n<ndsin> 집에 있어도 딱히 할꺼 엄...\n<drake_kr> 삼겹살파뤼\n<ndsin> 사주세염\n<drake_kr> 지금 오시등가여\n<ndsin> 인천은 너무멀...\n<drake_kr> yemharc + grr + drake + 박대리 + 영어강사가 멤버임\n<drake_kr> 인천이세요?\n<drake_kr> 수학강사하고는 어제 한잔 하였고\n<cartes9> 저요저요\n<ndsin> 저는 경기도 군포라 ㅡㅡ;\n<cartes9> 드레이크님\n<drake_kr> 아.\n<drake_kr> 네\n<cartes9> 불편하시면 괜찮아요..\n<cartes9> ;;;\n<drake_kr> 근데 그회사에 울집근처에서 출근하시는분도 계시던데..\n<ndsin> 흠\n<ndsin> 부천쪽에 사시는 분들은 계심\n<drake_kr> 저 인천 아닙니다.. ㄱ-\n<ndsin> ㅡㅡ;\n<ndsin> 부천이신가요\n<cartes9> 드레이크님 만나요 오늘..\n<drake_kr> 회기에서 출근하시는분 계신다고 들었어요\n<ndsin> 헉?\n<drake_kr> cartes9 :: 만나는건 어렵지 않은데 오늘 만나는 분들중 cartes님 싫어하는 분이 계십니다.\n<cartes9> 헐.. 누구누구 만나시는데요?\n<cartes9> 전에 한국욕한거 때문에 그런거같네요\n<cartes9> 죄송합니다..\n<ndsin> 흠\n<drake_kr> 음? 그런일이 있었나요?\n<cartes9> 네\n<cartes9> 피자가게 주인이\n<cartes9> 본적도 없으면서 이것저것 물어봐서 싫더라구요\n<cartes9> 콜라마실돈이 300원 모자라서 그것때문에 고분고분다 대답해드렸어요\n<cartes9> 그런데 사람을 업신여기더군요\n<cartes9> 잘가~ 하면서..\n<cartes9> 아버지 직업까지 물어보면서\n<ndsin> 원래 한국이 정서적으로 나이가 위이면 말 놓는 경우가 많이 있는데\n<cartes9> 너무 개인사생활침해를 심하게 당했다고 느꼈어요\n<ndsin> 너무 민감해하시는듯;\n<drake_kr> 음 저 재부팅 합니다\n<cartes9> 몇학년인지 학교그만뒀는데 무슨 학교다니는지 물어본다니;\n<cartes9> 그냥 피자만 먹으려고 간건데 자꾸 말걸어서 주인분이..\n<darkmeow_home> -ㅅ- 고릉 ...\n<darkmeow_home> ...\n<darkmeow_home> 한국땅에 폭 박히게 되면 적어도 한국휴먼의 정서는 이해해야 -ㅅ- ...\n<darkmeow_home> 왜 꼬치꼬치 캐묻는지부터 이해하면 ê·¸ 뒤는 문제 없었을텐데\n<darkmeow_home> 마냥 기분나쁘다고 그래버리면 -ㅅ- ...\n<darkmeow_home> 고릉고릉 ... -ㅅ-\n<ndsin> 냐옹\n<darkmeow_home> 냐옹 -ㅠ-\n<ndsin> 옹냐\n<darkmeow_home> ndsin / 부뷔뷔부뷔뷔~?!\n<ndsin> 냄시나는 수컷 고양이는 시러함니다\n<ndsin> 음하하하홯화하호하화호하핳\n<ndsin> ㅜㅜ\n<darkmeow_home> ndsin / 그루밍 하고 왔솸용 -ㅠ-\n<drake_kr> ÀÌ»óÀº 14Áý ±¦Âú³×¿ä\n<cartes9> drake_kr, 충격에 빠졌습니다.. 왜 싫으시데요?\n<drake_kr> 이따가 물어볼게요\n<cartes9> 드레이크님은 저 싫으세요?\n<cartes9> 아니 싫어하세요?\n<imsu> drake_kr: 파티잘하셨습니까 ㅎㅎ\n<hacking_u> jincreator, 시험끝났나\n<hacking_u> cartes9, 안녕하세요\n<hacking_u> jincreator, 응답하라 오버\n<debula00> 안녕하세요오~\n<debula00> 질문을 해도 될까요?\n<debula00> 포멧 툴로 외장 하드를 포멧해 버렸는데, 복구 프로그램으로 좋은 게 있을까요?\n<imsu> 시원하고 조용한 ë°¤ ^^\n<imsu> whatev3r: 늦은시간 출첵하셨네요 ㅎ\n#ubuntu-ko 2012-06-04\n<kyankang> 모두 안녕하세요.\n<kyankang> 안녕하세요. ~\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n<Seony> Hi\n<razGon_SVR> 안녕하세요?\n<razGon_SVR> 일단 서버 복구 했습니다.ㅎ\n<razGon_SVR> 아직 작동시키려면 멀엇지만. 데이타 백업해놓은 ê±° 옮기는 중입니다.\n<razGon_SVR> 재접할 께요.ㅎ\n<razGon_SVR> 흐흐흐흐\n<razGon_SVR> 리하이요.ㅎ\n<razGon_SVR> yemharc: 안녕하세요?\n<yemharc> 넵 안녕하세요\n<razGon_SVR> 드디어 복구 했습니다.\n<razGon_SVR> 지금 데이타 복구중.\n<yemharc> ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 역시 세상은 데이터!\n<yemharc> 데이터만 있으면 뭐든 복구가 됩니다.\n<razGon_SVR> Seony: 말씀대로 생각해보니 10.04만한게 없더군요. 12.04문제가 어느정도 해결되거나 안정화 될때까지는 이것을 그냥 써야 겠습니다.\n<Seony> :)\n<yemharc> 하지만 인생은 세이브 파일이 없다는거 -_-\n<razGon_SVR> 정확히는 유니티에 대안이 나올때 까지요.\n<razGon_SVR> 그러게 말이죠....ㅠㅠ\n<yemharc> 사실 10.04 나올때만 해도 다들 8.04 최고 -_-b 라고들 했던건 비밀입니다 (쉿)\n<razGon_SVR> 어제 날새면서 고생하고 난뒤에 서니님 말씀 들으니 그게 맞더라구요.\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ 그렇군요\n<yemharc> 음. 역시 유니티 싫어하시는 분들이 많군요\n<yemharc> Seony: 어쩌죠\n<yemharc> 요즘 지름신이 절 너무 예뻐하십니다\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ 이번엔 뭐에요?\n<yemharc> 지금 구매예정 목록이 새로나올 맥북프로, 맥미니 서버, 에어포트, 타임캡슐....................\n<Seony> 맥북프로 새로 나오는 ê±´ 아직 모르잖아요\n<yemharc> 뭐 그렇죠. 그런데 일단 새로 업그레이드 버전이 나오긴 할테니까요\n<Seony> 에어포트랑 타임캡슐은 서로 겹치는 물건이니까, 하나만 고르시면 될 것 같구요..\n<yemharc> 만약에 SSD 달고 좀 슬림하게 나오면 갈아탈까 하고 있어요\n<yemharc> 사실 에어포트랑 타임캡슐은 '써보고 싶어!!'에 가깝고요\n<yemharc> 만약 사게 된다면 ê·¸ 돈을 합쳐서 맥미니 서버 옵션을 올리겠죠 아마\n<Seony> 그럼 타임캡슐보다는 에어포트를 추천해드려요.\n<Seony> 타임캡슐이 생각보다 느리다는 평이 많더라구요.\n<yemharc> 네 좀 보이더라구요\n<yemharc> 거기다 딱히 NAS같은것도 아니고\n<yemharc> 그리고 문제는 저 두개 다 맥미니 한대로 커버가 될거같단 말이죠\n<Seony> 에어포트는 공유기니까, 맥미니로는 커버가 안되죠...\n<Seony> 다만 맥미니로 커버가 가능한건 타임머신+서버\n<yemharc> ê·¸ 왜 맥미니 무선랜도 나름 쓸만해서 말이죠\n<Seony> 요렇게 쓰시면 가능합니다. 몇 가지 더 있겠네요. 에어비디오 서버\n<yemharc> 뭐, 말 그대로 서버니까요\n<Seony> 네...\n<yemharc> 그리고 요즘들어 애플의 무서움을 느끼는게\n<yemharc> 맥에서는 우분투에서 하는게 되는데, 우분투에서는 맥에서 하는게 안돼요 (........................)\n<Seony> 그래서 리눅스 쓰시는 분들한테 맥이 좋은 환경이라고 제가 주장하죠 ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 사실 그렇다고 딱히 리눅스를 안 쓰는것도 아닌게, 가상머신으로 양쪽에 띄워놓고 쓰게 되더라구요\n<yemharc> 페러렐즈 너무 ì°© 달라붙어요.........\n<yemharc> 이건 내가 VM을 돌리는건지 풀스크린 앱 하나 더 돌리는건지 분간이 안 갈 정도네요\n<Seony> 네. 맥스럽죠 ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 에어 다 좋은데, 램 용량은 맘에 안드네요\n<Seony> 애초에 제품의 목적 자체가 좀 다르니깐요..\n<yemharc> 돈 더 내도 좋으니 한 16그램 정도 달고 싶은 생각이 자주 들어요 (...)\n<razGon_SVR> yemharc: 유니티는 나름 괜찮더군요. 단, 직관적이지 못하고, 사용자의 자유도를 많이 떨어트려 놓았더군요.\n<yemharc> 원래 컨셉으로 ë³´ë©´ 제가 쓰기엔 프로가 맞는데, 크기가 ㅠㅠ\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ 좀 크긴하죠\n<yemharc> razGon_SVR: 음, 직관성은 둘째치고 자유도가 떨어지죠. 문제는 자유도가 떨어지면 편하기라도 해야 하는데 이건 정리도 잘 안된 느낌이에요\n<razGon_SVR> 예 아직정리가 안된 느낌입니다.\n<yemharc> 그래서 최근에 KMUG가서 13인치 한번 만져보고 '이정도까진 커버할 수 있겠다' 싶어서 기다리고 있는 중이에요\n<yemharc> 만약에 ODD같은거 빠지고 다이어트좀 하면 이게 워낙 가벼우니 들고다닐 정도는 되겠다 싶어서요\n<razGon_SVR> 게다가 리눅스 사용자들은 대부분 커스터마이징에 대한 욕구가 큰편이라서 더욱 크게 느껴지는 부분이죠.\n<yemharc> razGon_SVR: 근데 유니티가 막상 타블렛같은 터치 인터페이스로 해보면 나름 편하긴 합니다\n<razGon_SVR> 예 그런생각을 했습니다\n<yemharc> 근데 윈도도 그렇고 우분투도 그렇고 '애초에 입력장치가 다른데 왜 같은 UI인가' 하는 생각이 무럭무럭........\n<razGon_SVR> 이게 그쪽을 노리고 만들었구나 생각하게 됩니다.\n<razGon_SVR> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<razGon_SVR> 그러게요.ㅋ\n<yemharc> 마우스로 쓰기에 윈도8 매트로는 정말 x덩어리에요 (폭언)\n<razGon_SVR> 근데 뒤집어서 생각하면 일반 사람들에게는 그게 더 나을 ê±° 같다는 생각도 들어요.\n<yemharc> 음...글쎄요. 전 그것도 그렇게 동의하긴 힘들어요\n<razGon_SVR> 인터넷 게임 동영상 워드 이런 아이콘만 있으면 일상은 대부분 해결되니 그것을 놓는 것도 뭐 나쁘진 않다고 봅니다.\n<razGon_SVR> 단, 그러기에는 컴퓨터가 아직 활용도가 많고 쓸만하다는 ê±°ê³ , 그에 따른 가능성을 애초서부터 축소를 시키는게 아닌가 생각도 들고요.\n<yemharc> 그렇죠\n<yemharc> 사실 Post PC 시대니 뭐니 하지만 지금은 '넘어가는 중'인거죠\n<yemharc> '컴퓨터와 관련없는' 일을 하는 사람이라면 타블렛으로 충분히 커버가 될지도 모르겠지만요\n<razGon_SVR> 예 깊이 동의 합니다.\n<yemharc> '사무직 업무의 절대다수'는 대체 불가능이죠.\n<yemharc> 애초에 모든 사무직의 필수 품목은 다름아닌 키보드인지라........\n<razGon_SVR> 그게 타블렛은 정보의 입력보다는 정보의 열람에 주목적을 가지는 용도의 기구죠.\n<yemharc> 네\n<yemharc> 아무래도 '정보/컨텐츠 소비' 도구니까요\n<razGon_SVR> 예\n<yemharc> 만약에 음성인식이 엄청 발달한다 해도\n<yemharc> 그럼 바꿔 말하면 하루종일 말하란 소린데 (..........)\n<razGon_SVR> 허거거..\n<razGon_SVR> 그렇게 되면 우리의 언어의 변화가 올겁니다.\n<razGon_SVR> 일명 말장난이 사라질수도.\n<yemharc> 일단 국립국어원이 바빠지겠군요\n<yemharc> ........\n<razGon_SVR> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> '음성인식 업무 용어사전' 정도가 새로 나오려나\n<yemharc> 그리고 언제나 그렇든 사람들은 '아, 이것들 하여튼 너무 구식이야' ............응?!\n<razGon_SVR> 미대통령이 북한이 속썩이는 ê±° 보구. \"에이.. 다 쓸어버리면 좋겠네..\".\n<razGon_SVR> \"컴퓨터 입력 받았습니다. 미사일 발사합니다.\"\n<razGon_SVR> ㅎㄸㄷ\n<yemharc> 예를들면 최근에 국립국어원이 발표한 외래어 순화작업(?)으로 '골드미스' -> '황금 독신여성'\n<yemharc> .........\n<razGon_SVR> 그건또뭐니!?\n<razGon_SVR> 완전 멘붕인데요.\n<yemharc> 가끔........ 말이라는건 정말 무섭다고 생각해요 OTL\n<yemharc> 의미전달도 안 되는데다가, 되려 놀리는 느낌\n<razGon_SVR> 솔직히 영어권 단어나 속어 은어가 많이 돈다는 ê±´ 그만큼 영어가 일반화 되서 우리나라도 영어를 공용어로 쓰는게 어떤가 생각되요.\n<razGon_SVR> 뭐 사실상 미국 속국인데... 쩝...\n<yemharc> 공용어까진 모르겠고, 좀 ê·¸, 말도 안되는 한국어 변환작업은 그만둬 주길 바래요\n<yemharc> 국립국어원보다 블리자드 로컬팀이 한글화 더 잘해요 (.......)\n<Seony> 그런 것보다는, 우리나라가 영어를 \"우월\"하게만드는 사회적인 현상부터가 문제...\n<yemharc> 네\n<Seony> 언어 자체는 구린데..\n<yemharc> 사실 영어뿐 아니라 대부분 '좀 친숙한' 외국어는 다 우월하게 보는 경향이 있죠\n<razGon_SVR> 실제로 서울 어느 동네 피시방에서 게임하고 있는데. 옆에 어린아이 영어로 옆에 아이에게 이야기 하더군요. 문제는 한 3곳갔는데 그랫씁니다.\n<Seony> 강대국이 쓴다는 이유만으로 \"모시는 입장\"이죠 ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_SVR> 그렇죠. 그런현상을 없앨수 없으니 그런 차이를 없애는 쪽으로 가는 거죠. 싱가폴이 살아남기위해서 많이 노력한게 보이더군요.\n<yemharc> 사실 ê·¸ '차이를 없애는' 작업이 국립국어원 같은 곳에서 할 일인데\n<yemharc> ......위에 보셨듯이 저렇게 삽이나 푸고 있으니 메꿔질 수가 있나요\n<razGon_SVR> 그게 현실과 동떨어진 이상주의 국어 학자들때문이죠.\n<razGon_SVR> 현실에 맞추어서 해야지 원.\n<yemharc> ê·¸ 왜 얼마전에 트위터 관련 용어들에 관한 삽질이 국립국어원의 현실이자 수준이라고 봅니다\n<razGon_SVR> 근데 골드미스는 외국에서 쓰는 단어 아닌지요?\n<razGon_SVR> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 순수 100% 콩글리쉬 일겁니다\n<razGon_SVR> 그런가요?\n<yemharc> 제가 알긴 그래요\n<Seony> 위키에 콩글리쉬라고 나오네요\n<yemharc> 음..... 무슨 얘기 하다 여기까지 왔죠\n<yemharc> Seony: 그러고 보니 궁금한게 있는데, 넷빈즈 사용해 보셨죠?\n<Seony> 네. 자바를 했었거든요\n<yemharc> 이클립스랑 비교하면 어떤가요?\n<Seony> 저는 넷빈즈부터 써봐서 그런지 몰라도, 이클립스보단 더 편하고 좋아요\n<Seony> 실행속도도 ê·¸ 정도면 빠르고... 맥용도 잘 돌아가구요..\n<yemharc> 다른게 아니라 요즘들어 이클립스가 점점 무거워 지더라구요\n<yemharc> 너무 확장성이 좋은게 슬슬 독으로 작용하는게 아닌가 싶어요\n<Seony> 전 여전히 Sublime2 사랑합니다 ㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 넷빈즈 써보세요. 좋아요\n<yemharc> MBP로 갈아타고 나면 서브라임 결제를 할까 하고 있어요\n<Seony> 저는 베타테스트 끝나면 살려구요\n<razGon_SVR> 우분투 스맛폰에 설치해 보신적 있으신지요?\n<Seony> 지금이야 쓰는데 지장 없으니..\n<yemharc> 지장은 없는데, 쓰면 쓸수록 donate 하고 싶은 마음이 샘솟더라구요 (.....)\n<Seony> 네. 정말 좋죠\n<Seony> 게다가 라이센스가 \"유저\" 단위라서,\n<Seony> 맥, 윈도우, 리눅스 다 쓸수있구요\n<yemharc> 네\n<yemharc> 딱히 여러 카피를 살 필요도 없구요\n<Seony> 윈도우용은 아예 포터블 버전까지 만들어주더라구요\n<yemharc> ㅎ\n<yemharc> 전 윈도우는 점점 정이 떨어져서요....\n<yemharc> 요샌 게임도 윈도우 전유물이 아니게 되가고 있고요\n<Seony> 맥 쓰면 게임하는 데는 지장없잖아요 ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 네\n<Seony> 스팀 때문에도 그렇지만, 요즘 앱스토어에 맥용 게임 많더라구요.\n<yemharc> 그게 재미있는게\n<yemharc> 스팀이 나름 맥 지원 잘 하잖아요?\n<Seony> 가격도 싼데 세일도 자주해서... 하지도 않는 게임을 계속 사게 되더라구요...\n<Seony> 네. 스팀은 맥용 지원 잘해주더라구요...\n<yemharc> 근데 유명 게임들 ë³´ë©´ 스팀에 안 내고 맥스토어에 내는것들이 늘고 있어요\n<Seony> 일단 블리자드용 게임도 그렇고..\n<yemharc> 예를들면 보더랜드 같은 게임들이 맥용이 나왔는데 스팀엔 없고 맥 스토어엔 있고\n<Seony> 그렇군요...\n<Seony> LoL 맥용 나왔으면 좋겠는데 ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 롤이 사실 맥용 클라가 있었어요\n<Seony> 그거 사양을 적게 타니까 가능할 것도 같더라구요.\n<yemharc> 베타가 붙긴 했지만요\n<Seony> 오... 베타..\n<yemharc> 근데 작년 10월인가에 갑자기 '우린 아직 준비가 안됐다' 하면서 내리더군요\n<Seony> 제가 그놈의 디아블로3 때문에 부트캠프를 깔았잖아요 ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 그리고 아직까지 감감무소식 ㅠㅠ\n<Seony> 그것도 백커버 열어서 DVD 드라이브 들어내고..\n<yemharc> 전 그냥  북미 클라 받아서 돌립니다\n<yemharc> 게임하는덴 지장 없더군요\n<Seony> 아 그럼 북미용은 맥이 되는 거에요?\n<yemharc> 네\n<Seony> 저도 북미에서 하거든요... 아무래도 영어로 욕먹으면 체감이 덜할 ê±° 같아서요 ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 그냥 북미 클라 받은 다음에 설정에서 언어 한글로 바꾸고 서버 아시아 찍어주면 되요\n<Seony> 확실히 미국에는 욕하는 애들 많지않더라구요\n<yemharc> ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> LoL에서 언어 설정이 있어요?\n<yemharc> 아, LoL요?\n<yemharc> 롤은 ê·¸ 안에 ini파일 열어보면 서버 세팅이 있어요\n<Seony> 네. 디아블로 맥에서 잘 돌아가는 거야, 첫날부터 이미 널리 알려진 사실이라...\n<yemharc> 그거 바꿔주면 접속은 가능한데, 문제가\n<Seony> 저도 언어설정 한글로 해놓고 하고있거든요...\n<yemharc> 이번 디아도 그랬지만 각 나라별 패치 시간이 달라서 서버=클라 버전이 틀리면 접속이 안되요\n<Seony> 요즘 디아블로 아메리카 서버 일반 채팅창 ë³´ë©´ 한글밖에 안보여요.\n<yemharc> ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 아메리카 서버인데 무슨 한국 사람들만 우글대는지..\n<yemharc> 근데 좀 이해가 가는게\n<yemharc> 한국서버가 초반에 접속이 안되니까\n<yemharc> 해외로 간 사람도 많거든요\n<Seony> 지금도 접속 잘 안된다고 하는 ê±° 같더라구요\n<yemharc> 요샌 접속은 잘 되요\n<Seony> 야만용사 59 만들고 이제 조금만 더 하면 60이에요. ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 전 법사 만렙찍고 생각보다 취향에 안 맞아서 요샌 악사 키우네요\n<yemharc> 공속 빠르니 재밌더라구요\n<Seony> 저도 야만 너무 힘들어서 악사 키울까 고민 중이에요\n<yemharc> 음\n<yemharc> 뜬금없는 소립니다만 오토매이터 있으니 대부분의 유틸이 필요가 없네요 (.....)\n<Seony> 아.. 저는 ê·¸ 오토메이터를 잘 쓸줄 몰라서..\n<Seony> .몇 번 해볼려고 하는데, 자꾸만 에러내면서 프로그램이 죽더라구요...\n<yemharc> 아뇨 이게.... 어려운게 하나도 없어요;;\n<yemharc> 예를들면 이미지를 PDF로 만든다고 치면\n<yemharc> 일단 작업흐름을 만든 다음에 ê·¸ 제일 위에다가 '폴더적용'을 끼워넣어주면\n<yemharc> 이미지를 모아서 폴더에 넣으면 PDF가 튀어나옵니다?!\n<Seony> 제가 매주마다 하는 작업이 있는데, 일정한 사이즈의 이미지 24개를 일정한 사이즈로 리사이징하는게 있거든요... 하다가 계속 에러내면서 죽길래 아예 그냥 파이썬으로 만들어버렸어요.\n<yemharc> ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 음;; 전 잘 되네요;;\n<Seony> 나중에 산사자 나오면 밀고나서 다시 한 번 해봐야겠어요.\n<yemharc> 산사자 나오면 본격 채팅시대가 열리겠네요\n<yemharc> 그리고 저의 폰과 패드가 함께 부르르 떨겠죠 (먼산)\n<Seony> 네. 그것도 기대하는 기능...\n<yemharc> 베타버전도 쓰고 있는데\n<yemharc> 뭐어 아직까지 베타같은 느낌을 주는 문제는 일어난 적은 없네요\n<yemharc> 재접합니다\n<razGon_SVR> Seony: LOL저는 블리츠 크랭크와 바루스나 애쉬로 합니다.\n<autowiz03> 아~ LOL 해본지 두달이 다된가는구나\n<autowiz03> 디아는 저번주에 노멀로 잡았지만 말이지요.\n<razGon_SVR> 와우... 오늘 블랙먼데이네요. 코스피 주가현재-48포인트.\n<razGon_SVR> 아.. 오늘도 하루가 지나가는 군요.\n<yemharc> 우음.....\n<razGon_SVR> 원래 NTFS에서 EXT4로 데이타 옮기면 가끔 뻑나기도 하나요?\n<razGon_SVR> 복사를 시키는데.버벅대는데요.\n<Seony> 파일 이름 같은데서 문제가 생길 때도 있긴 하지만, 보통 네트워크로의 전송이라면 버벅대진 않을 거에요\n<razGon_SVR> 외장형 하드를 연결해서 옮기는 중입니다.\n<Seony> 그럼 리눅스에서 NTFS를 마운트해서 복사하는 중이시겠군요.\n<razGon_SVR> 삼바방식으로 연결해서\n<Seony> 아... 삼바면 네트워크 전송이네요\n<razGon_SVR> 예 삼바방식이 아니라 직접연결입니다. 아마도 파일이름 같은데 말이죠.\n<Seony> ㅎㅎㅎ 그러니까, USB로 연결하신거죠?\n<razGon_SVR> 죄송합니다. 오타입니다. ^^;\n<razGon_SVR> 옙\n<Seony> 다시 말해서, 리눅스에서 NTFS 하드디스크 마운트해서 복사하시느 거죠?\n<razGon_SVR> 예 맞습��‹ˆë‹¤. NTFS외장하드를 우분투 서버에 마운트 시켜서 복사중입니다.\n<Seony> 리눅스에서 NTFS는 불안해서 \"쓰기\"도 지원 안되던게 불과 몇년전일만큼 안정적이지 못한 걸로 알고있어요.\n<razGon_SVR> 위의 규칙을 정하는 이유가 있었군요. ^^;; 키보드로 치다보면 무의식적으로 엔터를 눌러버리는 습관때문에 이번에도 그렇습니다. 원래의도는 삼바로 연결해서 보내는게 나을뻔 할거 같았는데 였습니다.\n<Seony> 물론 이 경우는 읽기니까 크게 문제 없겠지만, 저는 리눅스에서는 절대로 NTFS 마운트 안해요.\n<Seony> 운영체제에서 native로 지원되는 파일시스템이 아니고서는 무조건 네트워크 전송 선호합니다 ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_SVR> 그렇군요. 복사만 몇차래 하고 있습니다. 그게 제 윈도우 하드에 연결해서 물려놔야 해서요.^^; 일단은 나중에 서버 확장시 EXT4로 포멧을 시켜야 겠군요.\n<Seony> 기가빗 아니면 시간 좀 걸리겠지만요...\n<razGon_SVR> 아.. 역시 변환을 통하는게.. 그게 문제입니다. 기가빗하기에는 돈이 좀 들고 해서요.\n<razGon_SVR> 거기에 내부 네트워크가 기가빗 전선으로 연결되는 것도 그렇구 아직 공유기가 기가빗을 지원해 주진 않습니다.\n<Seony> 요즘 기가빗용 케이블 싸잖아요. 랜카드는 대부분 기가빗일테고... 그럼 공유기만 기가빗 지원하면 되겠네요\n<razGon_SVR> 예 근데 있는거 버린다고 생각하니 좀그래서요. 그리고 공유기 하나는 통신사에서 주거든요.\n<Seony> 음... 하긴 굳이 잘 쓰고있는 걸 뒤엎기도 좀 그렇죠\n<razGon_SVR> 솔직히 데이타 교환이 가장많은게 제컴과 서버니깐요.\n<razGon_SVR> 저 말고는 속도에 대한 부담을 우리집에서는 못느낍니다.\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ 그렇겠네요. 쓸 일이 없으실테니..\n<razGon_SVR> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<razGon_SVR> 이거 서버의 최대수혜자는 저이고요. 다음은 우리마눌님이 아닌.... 첫째딸...\n<razGon_SVR> 최대 수혜기기는 제컴과 아이패드입니다.\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ 저도 제가 제일 많이 써요\n<razGon_SVR> 뉴아이패드의 레티나 디스플레이 괜찮은가요? 많이 선명해졌다고 하던데요. 한글보기가 더욱좋아졋다고 하더군요.\n<Seony> 그냥 뉴아이패드만 ë³´ë©´ 모르는데요, 이전꺼랑 같이 놓고보면 정말 엄청나게 비교됩니다.\n<razGon_SVR> 그렇군요. 저는 싼 중국산 패드 고려중입니다.^^;\n<razGon_SVR> 7인치에 IPS패널로 되어 있는 안드로이드요. 대략 20만원안짝이라고 하더군요.ㅎ\n<razGon_SVR> Seony: 혹시 ARM계열의 아키텍춰에 우분투 설치하신적 있으신지요?\n<Seony> 아뇨 전혀요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> ARM을 쓰는 이유가 전기세 때문인 거에요?\n<razGon_SVR> 그런거기도 한데. 저희집에 쉬는 스맛폰이 있어서 설치해보면 어떨까해서요.^^\n<yemharc> 전기세와 공간이죠\n<Seony> 아... 저는 그냥 노트북으로 리눅스 쓰면 되니까... 저한테는 별로 필요가 없네요\n<razGon_SVR> 역시. 서니님의 말씀을 들어 ë³´ë©´ 답이 나옵니다.\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ 저는 그냥 제 사정에 맞춰 살다보니...\n<yemharc> 음\n<yemharc> 어설픈 램디스크는 안쓰니만 못하군요\n<razGon_SVR> 넷북에 SSD쓰는건 사치인가요? 장모님 인터넷 용으로 쓰시게 해드리려 하는데요.\n<razGon_SVR> 퇴근합니다. 가서 뵙겠습니다.\n<Seony> 음... 넷북이라면, SSD는 안다시는게...\n<bridgebot> l.a.e.n.0.k : 이번엔 잘 될지 모르겠네요\n<laen0k> 흠\n<bridgebot> l.a.e.n.0.k : 성공이네요 흑흑ㅜ.ㅜ\n<razGon_SVR> 리하이요. 집으로 왔습니다.\n<razGon_SVR> 헉.. 아무도 안계시당..ㅠㅠㅠ\n<laen0k> 후아 완성했습니다\n<laen0k> 이제 완벽히 될것 같네요\n<laen0k> razGon_SVR님 한번 테스트를 부탁해봐도 될까요? ㅋ\n<razGon_SVR> 예 어떤거죠?\n<razGon_SVR> 죄송합니다. 답변이 늦었네요.ㅎ\n<laen0k> 이미 방금 테스트를 마치셨습니다 ㅋ 감사합니다\n<laen0k> 잘 되네요 ㅋ\n<razGon_SVR> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<razGon_SVR> 웹서버 만드셨나봐요\n<laen0k> 채널링 하는 봇인데\n<razGon_SVR> 아...\n<laen0k> 양쪽에 같은 닉으로 있으면\n<laen0k> 계속 호출 불러대거든요\n<laen0k> 그래서 같은닉이면 사이에 l.a.e.n.0.k 이게 맹글었어요\n<bridgebot> umttumt : hi\n<bridgebot> umttumt : ;\n<bridgebot> umttumt : ???? ???\n<bridgebot> umttumt : ????\n<bridgebot> umttumt : ;\n<bridgebot> umttumt : ?\n<bridgebot> umttumt : ...\n<bridgebot> umttumt : ??? ???;\n<wet>  charset 이 다르다는걸 잊으신듯\n<bridgebot> umttumt : hi\n<bridgebot> umttumt : 케릭터셋 맞나;\n<bridgebot> umttumt : 한글 보이세요?\n<wet>  네\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : 다행이네요\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : 음\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : 한글닉은 나밖에 없네\n<bridgebot> passinger : 음...\n<bridgebot> passinger : 움트씨 100년만에 하이요\n<bridgebot> passinger : 잘 지내요?\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : 안녕하세요\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : 넵… 죽지 않고 살아 있습니다\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : 잘 지내셨어요?\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : spy, 안녕하세요\n<bridgebot> passinger : 저도 살아있슴다~\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : 저 정말 거의 3년만에\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : irc 들어와보는거 같네요;\n<bridgebot> passinger : 군대갔다 오셨나여\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : 저 병특;;\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : 끝나고도...\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : 지금 예비군 4년차네요;\n<bridgebot> passinger : 음..\n<bridgebot> passinger : 저랑 비슷하시네요\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : ㅋㅋㅋ\n<bridgebot> passinger : 제가 5년차 끝났는데\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : 근데 멤버 많이 바뀌었네요\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : 재밌네요\n<bridgebot> passinger : 여긴 거의 죽었어요\n<bridgebot> passinger : ...\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : ;;;\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : 요즘 어디가 인기에요?\n<bridgebot> passinger : 프리노드\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : 아;; 프리노드;;\n<bridgebot> passinger : 그냥 관리자 완장 달고 있으니까\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : 네\n<bridgebot> passinger : 못빼먹고 들어와서\n<bridgebot> passinger : 벤이나 가끔 하는..\n<bridgebot> passinger : 그런존재라는\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : ……글쿤요...\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : 멤버도 36명밖에 없다니;\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : 충격적이네요\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : 저 한참할때 150명 가까이 되고 그랬는데;;\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : 우분투도 끝물인가 보네요;\n<bridgebot> passinger : ㅎㅎ\n<bridgebot> passinger : 채널이 갈리니까요\n<bridgebot> passinger : 저쪽엔 몇분이나계시는지 몰라요\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : 그렇군요...\n<bridgebot> passinger : 분도아저씨도 요샌 밖에서 활동하시는지 잘 안보이고\n<bridgebot> passinger : 떠나신 분들도 좀 있고\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : 아~~\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : 분도님도 안보이시네요;\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : 생각해보니;\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : kfmes, 안녕하세요\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : !ipw 움트트움트\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : 봇도 없네;\n<bridgebot> passinger : ㅎㅎ\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : .....\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : ....\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : 음;\n<razGon_SVR> 저 질문 있는데요 버박 보통 어떤것을 설치하시나요? OSE? GTK?\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : gtk....\n<razGon_SVR> 예 감사합니다.\n<razGon_SVR> 잠시 재접하고 오겠습니다.\n<bridgebot> 움트트움트 : ….\n<bridgebot> passinger : 요근래 최대로 활발한듯\n<bridgebot> passinger : ..\n<laen0k> 이쪽 프리노드쪽이 사람이 많이 빠져서 봇 들여놨는데 좀 나아지길 기대해 보네요 ㅋ\n<laen0k> 들어왔다가 -.- 아무도 대답안해서 나가신 분이 꽤 되세요;;; 한 열댓명 본듯하네요 ㅋ\n<bridgebot> passinger : 프리노드엔 사람 얼마나 되나여?\n<bridgebot> l.a.e.n.0.k : 여기 반이 안되네요 ㅋ\n<bridgebot> l.a.e.n.0.k : 몇달전만 해도 프리노드쪽이 여기만큼 있고 여기가 적었던것 같은데 상황이 반대로 된것 같네요 ㅋ\n<bridgebot> passinger : 한아얄씨야 그놈챈도 있고 여기저기 있으니\n<bridgebot> passinger : ..\n<laen0k> 이쪽은 포럼링크 하나에 의존하는듯 해요\n<bridgebot> passinger : 흠..\n<bridgebot> passinger : 프리노드도 여기저기 채널은 많지만 영어라서 저같은 놈은 좀 힘듬\n<laen0k> 저도 채널만 띄우고 들어가지를 안네요 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<razGon_Xch> 조용하군요... 후.\n<razGon_Xch> 이로써 서버를 10번째 설치합니다. ㅎ\n<razGon_Xch> 이번은 제대로 되기를..ㅠㅠ\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : ..\n<razGon_Xch> 12.04가 아직은 완성판은 아니지만.. 사용은 나름...\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : ..\n<bridgebot> darjeeling : 12.04 좋은데요 왜\n<bridgebot> darjeeling : ..\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 11.04보다\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 12.04가\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 좋아 보이긴함\n<bridgebot> darjeeling : 단점은\n<bridgebot> darjeeling : rhel6 호환이 안되\n<bridgebot> darjeeling : 커널이 너무 버젼이 높아서\n<bridgebot> darjeeling : ㅋㅋㅋ\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 알게머야\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : -_-;\n<bridgebot> darjeeling : 강제로 박으면 되긴하는데\n<razGon_Xch> ㅎㅎㅎ 그렇군요.\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 냐하\n<razGon_Xch> 실전적인 면에서 훨씬 지원이 잘되는 ê±° 같아요.\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 우분투 거까이꺼\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 대충 쓰면 되는거 아님?\n<bridgebot> darjeeling : 실전적인게 뭔지 모르겠네요 흠\n<bridgebot> darjeeling : 내가 너무 실전에서 멀어졌나\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 실전적인것 머지\n<razGon_Xch> 우분투를 저는 데스크탑으로 쓰는 것보다는..\n<razGon_Xch> 서버랑 같이 겸용을 합니다.\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : -_-;\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 난 젠투빼고 다 쓰네\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 냐하\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 젠투까지 써볼까\n<razGon_Xch> ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<razGon_Xch> 막판왕.. 젠투.\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : darjeeling 레드햇에 dash 처 박을까 고심중이다\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : /bin/sh->dash\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : +_+\n<bridgebot> darjeeling : ..\n<bridgebot> darjeeling : 왜?\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 안돌게\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : -_-\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 냐하\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 도는거 겁나 없어\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 냐하\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : php도 공부해야되는데\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 에혀\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : lua가 급선무네\n<bridgebot> passinger : 에효..C도 제대로 해야 하는데\n<bridgebot> passinger : ..\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : lua로 db보안솔루션!!!\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 두둥\n<bridgebot> darjeeling : ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 냐하\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : tmpfs에\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 시간단위로 로깅해야됭\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : ㅋㅋㅋ\n<razGon_Xch> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcmKbTR--iA\n<razGon_Xch> 이거 음악 좋네요. 내일 아침에 일어나면 들어보세요.\n<razGon_Xch> 안녕하세요?\n<razGon_Xch> 유니티상에서 좌측상단에 메뉴키를 윈도우처럼 오른쪽으로 가는 방법 있을까요? 그리고 나비둥둥뜨는 놈 패널로 넣는 방법은요?\n#ubuntu-ko 2012-06-05\n<laen0k> razGon_xch//나비 패널화는 여기가보세요 http://ubuntu.or.kr/viewtopic.php?p=99209\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n<bridgebot> 오리 : 냠냠\n<laen0k> 하요 ㅋ\n<laen0k> 오늘은 아침부터 컴터 청소좀 하고 와야겠네요 봇도 잠시 휴식을 ㅋ 좀있다 데리고 오겠습니다\n<razGon_Xch> laen0k, 감사합니다.ㅎ\n<laen0k> 아 해결하셨군요 이거 콘솔말고도 gui에서 하는방법도 있는데\n<laen0k> 제가 -.- 저장해두지를 안아 까먹었네요;;;\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n<Seony> Hi\n<Seony> laen0k: 수정 감사합니다 :)\n<yemharc> Seony: 맥OS에 시리 보이스가 추가되었네요\n<yemharc> 진짜 이번 WWDC에서 또 뭔가 하려나요\n<Seony> 벌써 발표했어요?\n<yemharc> 아뇨 시리가 나온게 아니고 보이스팩(text to speech)이 추가됐어요\n<yemharc> 정말 뜬금없이요;;\n<Seony> 기대됩니다 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 한국시간으로 6월 11일 아침 10시인가 그렇죠?\n<bridgebot> darjeeling : 보이스팩은 ì›��래 있었는데\n<bridgebot> darjeeling : 그냥 소리만 추가된거겠죠.\n<Seony> 아... ê·¸ 보이스팩 말씀이시군요... 유나...\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 음\n<yemharc> http://osxdaily.com/2012/06/04/add-voice-of-siri-to-mac-os-x/\n<yemharc> 여깁니다\n<Seony> 저는 System Voice라는 풀다운 메뉴가 안보이네요\n<yemharc> 한글메뉴는 말하기->텍스트 말하기\n<yemharc> 음성 설정에서 사용자화\n<yemharc> sam...으로 검색하면 바로 나옵니다\n<Seony> 커스터마이즈를 해야 나오는거군요\n<Seony> 흐... 470메가..\n<yemharc> 좀 크죠 ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> Seony: 혹시 cobook 사용하세요?\n<Seony> 그게 뭐에요?\n<yemharc> http://www.cobookapp.com/\n<yemharc> 이거 멋집니다\n<yemharc> 아이폰도 사용한다면 시너지는 제곱\n<Seony> 뭐하는건지 봐야겠네요\n<Seony> yemharc: 저게, 입력을 미리 해놔야하는 게 아니라, 이름을 치면 알아서 검색을 해준다는거죠?\n<yemharc> 어, 그러니까 쉽게 말해서 맥에 기본 주소록 어플 있죠?\n<yemharc> 그거의 확장판이라 보시면 돼요\n<bridgebot> l.aen0k : 테스트\n<laen0k> 후후 잘 되네요\n<Seony> 그렇군요\n<yemharc> ê·¸ 외에 SNS 연동(?)은 알아서 긁어오구요 (사진포함)\n<yemharc> 어쨌든 저번주부터 사용하고 있는데 간만에 좋은 앱이더라구요\n<yemharc> 뭣보다 가장 좋은건 기본 주소록 어플하고 따로놀지 않는다는 점인거 같아요\n<Seony> 오...\n<laen0k> 이게 아무래도 더 낫겠죠?\n<yemharc> 주소록에서 바꾸면 코북에서도 바뀌고\n<yemharc> 코북에서 바꾸면 주소록에서도 바뀝니다\n<yemharc> 물론 아이클라우드 적용이구요\n<Seony> 써봐야겠어요 ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 정말 추천해요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 사실 저는 주소록에 사람이 몇 없긴한데, 그래도 앱 자체는 잘만든거 같아요\n<yemharc> 저도 한 60명밖에 안됩니다\n<yemharc> 그것도 ê·¸ 중에 절반 이상은 업무상 등록된 사람들이라......\n<Seony> 링크 중이에요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 이제 상단 메뉴바에 띄워진 어플이 너무 많네요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 아이콘 갯수가 기본 9개에 iStat까지...\n<yemharc> ㅎㅎ;;\n<yemharc> 전 iStat은 대쉬보드용 사용하고 있습니다\n<razGon_UNT> Seony: 결국은 돌아왔습니다. 12.04 유니티....ㅠㅠ\n<Seony> 근데 Cobook에서 찾은 페북 사진이, 주소록 사진으로 업데이트는 안되는군요\n<Seony> razGon_UNT: 왜요?\n<Seony> 아 된다\n<yemharc> Seony: 주소록에 이미 사진이 있으면 주소록을 우선시 합니다\n<yemharc> 그래서 더 멋져요........\n<yemharc> 보통은 '나 잘났소' 하는데 철저하게 '기본어플이 우선'이란 마인드로 제작된 물건이더라구요\n<yemharc> 그래서 중간에 도입(?)해도 아무런 문제가 없더라구요\n<yemharc> 사진 업데이트 하실거면 페북 사진 끌어다 놓기만 하면 양쪽 다 업데이트 해줍니다\n<razGon_UNT> Seony: 루시드가 예전의 ë��¨ì‹œë“œê°€ 아니라서요. 변햇고. 중간에 설정하는게 골치아픈게 많더군요.\n<Seony> yemharc: 죽이는데요 ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> 그리고 막상 써보다 보니 유니티도 쓸만하다는..ㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> Seony: 정말 개념있는 어플 아닌가요? ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> razGon_UNT: 그래도 10.04ë©´ 기본 틀은 그대로 아니에요?\n<Seony> yemharc: 개념이 있기보단, 무서운 어플인데요 ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 10.04.4인가부터 좀 바뀌긴 했죠\n<Seony> 저 회사 직원 이름 쳐보니까, 이미 제 폰에 ê·¸ 직원 생일까지 전부 입력...\n<yemharc> ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 네, 그냥 뭐 싹 다 업데이트 해줍니다\n<razGon_UNT> 그러게요. 유니티가 싫어서 lxde와 xfce에서 설치했는데. vnc가 안먹습니다.\n<yemharc> 만약에 링크드인 같은데에 명함등록이 되어 있으면 그것도 들어가요\n<Seony> 그러게요.... 싹다 해주네요\n<razGon_UNT> yemharc: cobook이라는 ê±° iOS어플인가요?\n<yemharc> 아뇨 맥용이에요\n<Seony> 맥용 어플이에요\n<razGon_UNT> 아... ㅎㅎㅎ 패스....\n<razGon_UNT> [먼산]\n<yemharc> 그러니까 서버는 우분투, 데탑은 맥이 진리 (탕!)\n<razGon_UNT> 서버에 유니티 입혀서 사용합니다. ㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> 유니티가 외양이라든가 그런거는 커스터 마이징 해줘야 되는데. 그거 말고는 설정해줄게 생각보다 없더군요.\n<razGon_UNT> 무겁기는 하지만 그정도는 감당하는 ê±° 같구요.\n<Seony> razGon_UNT: 실은 좀 맥스럽다고 봐야죠. 만들어진대로 써라...\n<razGon_UNT> 그렇죠. 그게 어찌보면 일반 대중들에게는 괜찮은 접근 방법일거같아요.\n<yemharc> 그렇다기보다 요새 다들 애플 따라하기가 유행처럼 번지는거 같긴 해요\n<yemharc> .....ê·¸ 선두에는 애플앓이 삼성이 있습니다 (....먼산)\n<Seony> yemharc: 이번에 삼성에서 만든 크롬박스 보셨어요?\n<razGon_UNT> 게다가 유니티로 바뀐게 캐노니컬에서 다른 모바일 기기들에 대한 염두를 해둔거라 생각하면 편합니다.\n<yemharc> ...Good Job이었죠\n<Seony> 맥미니랑 너무 똑같은데, 첨엔 그냥 \"그럴 수도 있지\" 라고 생각했거든요.\n<yemharc> 팀쿡이 멘붕하고 언론에서 대놓고 깔만해요\n<Seony> 뒷면 보니까, 쉴드 못쳐주겠더라구요.\n<Seony> 맥미니를 아예 대놓고 배꼈던데요\n<razGon_UNT> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> 카피국가 대!한!민!êµ­!\n<bridgebot> arvid : 퍼킹 유니티! /-_-/\n<yemharc> 그러니까 삼성은 카피캣이 아니에요\n<yemharc> 그저 Same Products (.........)\n<razGon_UNT> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<yemharc> 카피캣이면 메이저 한두개를 베끼지 저렇게 줄줄이 나오진 않습니다\n<yemharc> ......중국도 안해요 그런거\n<Seony> 이거에요 http://kmug.co.kr/board/zboard.php?id=news&page=1&sn1=&divpage=2&sn=off&ss=on&sc=off&select_arrange=headnum&desc=asc&no=6420\n<razGon_UNT> 솔직히 일등이라고 자청하는 기업이 배끼기만하고....한심합니다.\n<Seony> 솔직히 윗면 봤을 때는, 진짜 그럴수도 있다라고 생각했어요\n<razGon_UNT> 이번에 타이젠 리눅스 시제품기기도 보셨나요?\n<bridgebot> arvid : ....일등기업이었나요\n<Seony> 맥미니가 그냥 평범한 사격형이니까...\n<Seony> 근데 뒷면 보니깐 이건 뭐...\n<razGon_UNT> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 동그라미가 네모로 바뀐거 말고는.ㅋㅋㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> arid:일등이라고 자칭하는 기업이죠.ㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> 최소한 자기가 일등이라면 창의력도 필요한데 말이죠.\n<bridgebot> arvid : 자칭이면\n<bridgebot> arvid : 그냥 헛소리일 뿐이라서\n<yemharc> 사실 사람들이 삼성 욕하는게 베껴대서라는 이유때문은 아니에요\n<bridgebot> arvid : 한국 대기업은\n<bridgebot> arvid : 자기네가 시장을 개척한다기보단\n<yemharc> 어찌됐든 삼성은 뒤따라 가는 입장이고 하니까 베끼면 베끼는대로 나름 노력한다고 '좋게' 봐 줄 수도 있어요\n<bridgebot> arvid : 남이 개척해놓은 시장을\n<bridgebot> arvid : 날로 먹는 느낌이 강해서\n<yemharc> 근데 하는 태도가 '우리 베낀건 아니다' 이러니 정떨어지죠\n<razGon_UNT> 그럴 위치가 아니죠.\n<bridgebot> arvid : 돈과 물량으로 후려치는\n<yemharc> 이번에 겔S 3 선주문 천만대 어쩌고 하는데\n<bridgebot> arvid : 일이나 해야지\n<yemharc> 그건 '납품'물량이지 '판매'물량이 아니에요\n<bridgebot> arvid : 흠\n<bridgebot> arvid : 정 안 떨어지는데\n<bridgebot> arvid : 원래 삼성에 정이 없어서\n<bridgebot> arvid : 떨어질게 없음\n<yemharc> 대리점에 재고로 입점되는거랑 사람들이 돈 주고 구입해 가는건 전혀 별개인데.......\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 투알라틴 1.4ghz + 694t 메인보드 + FX5200 + 1.5기가 메모리 + 스스디 + 윈도우즈 7 32비?\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 투알라틴 1.4ghz + 694t 메인보드 + FX5200 + 1.5기가 메모리 + 스스디 + 윈도우즈 7 32비트\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 자 이제 10년은 더 싸울수 있씁니다.\n<Seony> yemharc: 근데 이거, 주소록에서 똑같은 사람들이 두명씩 생기는 현상이 보이네요\n<razGon_UNT> arvid: 깊이 동감합니다. 삼성이 하는 짓은 만들어 놓는 시장에 그물로 싸그리 잡아서 시장 황폐화 시키는 것.\n<razGon_UNT> 어족 말리기와 씨말리기.\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 날로먹는것도\n<yemharc> Seony: 같은 사람이 두명이요?\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : MS처럼\n<yemharc> 전 안그러던데요;;\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 레드오션을 비집고 와서\n<Seony> 네. 같은 사람 두명 생겨요\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 확실하게 전령하는 레벨이면\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 그나마 욕은 안먹죠\n<yemharc> 음, 양쪽 다 내용이 똑같나요?\n<Seony> 아뇨 달라요\n<razGon_UNT> 솔직히 MS는 뭔가 선도하는 게 있었습니다.\n<yemharc> 그럼 아마 페북이랑 연동에서 생기는 문제일겁니다.\n<razGon_UNT> 근데 삼성은 완전 카피닌자에요.\n<Seony> 하나는 제가 원래 넣었던 정보이고, 다른 하나는 새로 생기는 정보이구요.\n<Seony> 음... 그럼 기존꺼는 지워도 될까요\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 제가 보기에는\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 표절 레벨까지는 안가지만\n<yemharc> 둘 중에 남기고 싶은걸로 남기시면 되요\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 아이디어 도둑질은\n<Seony> 하나 지우니까 둘다 지워지네요\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 해오는거 맞아요\n<razGon_UNT> 물론 MS도 답보하는 레벨의 것도 있었지만요.\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 컨셉이나 이런건\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : ì°¸ 잘도 따라한다는\n<yemharc> 혹시 처음 싱크설정에서 '주소록 기반'으로 안 하고 'SNS전체싱크' 선택하셨나요?\n<razGon_UNT> 그렇죠. 근데 삼성의 조직구조 자체가 창조적인 것을 내면 그냥 하던거 해 라고 합니다. 안망할려고 발광하는 듯.\n<Seony> 네 맞을 거에요\n<yemharc> 그러면 SNS연동떄문일거에요\n<yemharc> 페북에서 가져오고 트윗에서 가져오고 링크드인에서 가져오고\n<yemharc> 그러다 ë³´ë©´ 무한증식? 하게 되더군요\n<yemharc> 딱 주소록 기반으로 하는게 깔끔해요\n<Seony> 설정을 바꿔봐야겠네요\n<Seony> automatically deduplicate이란 기능이 있네요\n<yemharc> 음? 그건 뭔가요?\n<Seony> 음... 자동 중복방지? 정도 될 ê±° 같은데요\n<yemharc> 음;; 제쪽에선 왜 설정이 안 보일까요;;\n<yemharc> 여튼 뭐, 주소록 기반으로 싱크하면 중복등록같은 문제는 안 일어났습니다\n<Seony> Contact 창에 있어요\n<Seony> 설정에서..\n<yemharc> 아, 아래쪽에 있군요;; 전 이미 체크되어 있네요\n<Seony> 일단 맥 주소록에는 제대로 되어있는데 폰에서만 그런거 보니까, 곧 수정될 ê±° 같아요\n<yemharc> Seony: http://applelife.co.kr/\n<Seony> http://www.apple.com/wwdc 여기에도 나오는데요 ㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 아, 실시간 자막을 지원한다고 해서요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 오오\n<yemharc> 100% 실시간 원어로 듣기엔 실력이 부족해서 ㅎ;;\n<Seony> 저도 자막이 있으면 자막을 ë³´ê³ , 없으면 그냥 할 수 없임 없는대로... ㅋㅋ\n<bridgebot> 사피언트 : !자동조인\n<bridgebot> 사피언트 : ▒ Zero IRC ▒  #ubuntu 채널을 자동조인에 추가했습니다.\n<Seony> 퇴근합니다\n<razGon_UNT> FTP가 3개의 계정중에 하나만 연결된다면 뭐가 문제일까요? 클라이언트는 치명적오류. 라고 하며 서버에 연결하지 못함하는데요.\n<bridgebot> ToRuin : 계정에 무슨 문제가 생긴게 아닐까요?\n<yemharc> 음\n<yemharc> 클라이언트 뭘로 사용하세요?\n<razGon_UNT> yemharc:  vsftpd 입니다. 서버이고요. 클라이언트는 파일질라요.\n<yemharc> 음, 파일질라에서 치명적 어쩌��³ ë©´ 일단 비밀번호 (...)\n<yemharc> ê·¸ 다음은 포트 오픈 여부 정도일까요\n<yemharc> 외부에서 접속 테스트 가능한가요?\n<razGon_UNT> 잠시만요. 설정을 바꾸었더니 이제는 아예안됩니다..ㅠㅠ\n<yemharc> 음\n<yemharc> 일단 주소랑 포트번호 알려주시겠어요?\n<bridgebot> Darkess-Angel_N : tts라\n<razGon_UNT> 리하이요\n<razGon_UNT> 역시 다시 들어오니 되는군요.ㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> yemharc: 쌩큐포유.!\n<yemharc> razGon_UNT: ㅇㅅㅇ/\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 11\n<razGon_UNT> 리하이요\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n<razGon_UNT> 혹시 작업공간에 대한 단축키 설정하는 것을 유니티에서는 어디서 관리하나요?\n<razGon_UNT> 아! 찾았습니다. 키보드에 있군요.\n<yemharc> 모든 단축키는 키보드에 있어요\n<yemharc> 기본적으로 Ctrl + Alt + 방향키\n<bridgebot> Darkess-Angel_N : 음냐\n<yemharc> 거기에 SHift를 같이 누르면 현재 포커싱 되어있는 작업창이 같이 갑니다.\n<bridgebot> Darkess-Angel_N : 번역 시작전엔 금방하겠지했는게\n<bridgebot> Darkess-Angel_N : 막상 시작해보니 왜 이리 느릿느릿한지 ㅠ.ㅠ\n<razGon_UNT> yemharc: 감사\n<razGon_UNT> 근데 ㅎㅏㄴㄱㅡㄹ이 ㅇㅣㅅㅏㅇㅎㅏㅂ니다.\n<razGon_UNT> reconnect! I'll be back!\n<razGon_UNT> 리하이요.\n<yemharc> ㅇㅅㅇ/\n<razGon_UNT> ^^V\n<yemharc> iBUS 쓰세요?\n<razGon_UNT> 아니요.나비 쓰고 잇습니다.\n<yemharc> 음\n<razGon_UNT> 아무래도 나비가 낫지요.\n<razGon_UNT> 이거 VNC에 문제 입니다.\n<razGon_UNT> 여기서 문제있다가 집에서 직접연결해서 쓰면 아무이상없습니다.\n<yemharc> VNC 뭐 사용하시는데요?\n<razGon_UNT> real vnc요. KPDL에서 패치판이 있어서 그거 쓰고 있습니다.\n<razGon_UNT> KLDP군요^^;;\n<razGon_UNT> 한국리눅스유저모임.\n<razGon_UNT> 혹시 우분투도 안드로이드폰원격으로 콘트롤 해주는 ê±° 있는지요?\n<yemharc> 음\n<yemharc> razGon_UNT: 우분투를 안드로이드로 컨트롤 한단 말이시죠?\n<yemharc> razGon_UNT: http://goo.gl/K0BaQ 한번봤다 끄지말고 북마크를 생활화 하자!!\n<bridgebot> Darkess-Angel_N : 음?\n<bridgebot> Darkess-Angel_N : vnc등이라면 안드로이드로 되잔아요 ㅎㅎ\n<bridgebot> Darkess-Angel_N : 그거말곤 아마 우분투에선 없을꺼에요\n<bridgebot> Darkess-Angel_N : 전용 프로서콜 쓰는넘들 맥은 지원해도 보통 리눅은 안 해요\n<razGon_UNT> 집에 가서 뵈요.ㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> 집에 도착했습니다.ㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> 실은 일찍 도착해서 밥먹고 보는 거임.ㅋ\n<laen0k> 저도 밥먹고 왔네요 안동자반 고등어가 오늘따라 고소하네요 ㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> laen0k: 자반고등어가 맛있긴 하죠..ㅋㅋㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> 유니티도 보다보니 못생긴 애가 아니네요.ㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> 성격이 좀 드러워서 그렇지,ㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> 독일여성 같은 윈도우. 프랑스 여자같은 맥. 우분투는 성형미인 한국인\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 암튼\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 이거 재미있네요\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 694T보드에\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 우니도 7깔고\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 이모조모 테스트 중인대요\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : IDE에다가\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : S-ATA젠더 꼽아서\n<razGon_UNT> 혹시 티알루인가요?\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : S-ATA  하드 사용하는대에도..\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 용량 제약이\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 걸려버리네요\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 160기가짜리는 아예 찿지를 못하는\n<razGon_UNT> 그거야 메인보드때문에.ㅎ\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 그게\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 제가 생각한건\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 디스크는 있다\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 정도로 용량은 정상인식 못해도\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 그정도로 뜨고\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 7 진입하면\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 커널로 쓸수있을거다\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 이렇개 생각햇는대\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 정작 아예 잡히지도 않네요\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 근대\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : ê·¸ 48비트 용량 이하인\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 32기가 SSD나\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 100기가 디스크는\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 잘잡힙니다\n<laen0k> 아 설겆이좀 하고 왔습니다 ㅋㅋ 어머니가 안계셔서 설겆이는 제담당이네요 ㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> 저는 아이보구 왔습니다.\n<razGon_UNT> 요즘애가 변비에 걸려서 계속 오줌지리네요.\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 흐음\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 저이\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 저기저기\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : ..\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 120기가급 사타하드 구하기가..\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 힘들겟죠? 지금시점에선?\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 아무튼\n<razGon_UNT> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 투알라틴의 마지막 발악이 시작됩니다....\n<razGon_UNT> 네트워크로 물리시는게 좋을듯 싶습니다.\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 투알라틴 1.4ghz , 512M SDR PC133 3개, 694T, 32GB S-ATA SSD,  지포스 FX 5200,\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 아 DVD-ROM추가요\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 일단은 구성은 이정도로 할듯 싶고..\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 이정도면 윈도 7 지원이 끓어질때까진 아남 쓰겟죠?\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : ...\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 랜카드는 3com꺼\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 줏어와다 사용중이고\n<bridgebot> passinger : 흠\n<bridgebot> passinger : VM에 우분투 깔았더니 그래픽 띄운다고 기달리래놓고 두시간째 아무 답이 없네요 -__;;;\n<laen0k> 아... 눈을 좀 비볐더니ㅜ.ㅜ\n<laen0k> 토끼눈이 되버렸어요 손좀 씻을걸 약간 후회되네요\n<laen0k> passinger // 버츄어머신인가요?\n<laen0k> 아니 버츄어박스 아니고 vmware인가요 ㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> 혹시 리눅스용 utorrent 서버 알파 설치해보신분?어떻게 설치하나요?\n<laen0k> 토렌트 서버??\n<laen0k> 서버는 왜 설치해요?\n<laen0k> 아... 그거 그냥 utorrent군요;;; 서버라고 다른건줄 알았네요\n<razGon_UNT> 서버버젼으로 설치하면 web상에서 gui로 관리가 가능합니다.\n<razGon_UNT> 즉. 원격조정이 가능하다는 거죠.ㅎ\n<laen0k> 오잉? 그러니까 서버버전을 설치한 컴퓨터에서 토렌트 다운 받는걸 web에서 원격조정할수 있는거군요 ㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> http://j.mp/L5J972\n<razGon_UNT> 예 여기 자료 나와있습니다.\n<laen0k> ????\n<laen0k> razGon님\n<laen0k> 이거 설치 아주 간단한데요?\n<laen0k> 이건 설치할필요가 없어요;;;\n<laen0k> 걍 압축풀고 실행해서\n<razGon_UNT> 어떻게 하나요?\n<laen0k> http://localhost:8080/gui/\n<razGon_UNT> 실행이 안되요..ㅠㅠ\n<laen0k> 여기 접근하시면 돼요\n<laen0k> utserver 파일이 실행이 안된다구요?\n<razGon_UNT> utserver이거 더블클릭하고\n<razGon_UNT> 하면 된다는데.\n<laen0k> 더블클릭하지마시고\n<razGon_UNT> 실행자체가 안됩니다.\n<razGon_UNT> 열기도 안되고요.\n<laen0k> console 띄워서 터미널에서\n<laen0k> 실행해바요\n<laen0k> 터미널 띄우세요\n<razGon_UNT> 터미널에서 utserver라고 치면 되나요?\n<laen0k> 아 잠을 못잤더니 정신이 오락가락하네요\n<laen0k> ./utserver\n<laen0k> 터미널에서 경로 찾아 들어가서\n<laen0k> ./utserver\n<razGon_UNT> bash: ./utserver: 그런 파일이나 디렉터리가 없습니다\n<razGon_UNT> razgon@kgpaserver:~/다운로드$ sudo sh ./utserver\n<razGon_UNT> [sudo] password for razgon:\n<razGon_UNT> sh: 0: Can't open ./utserver\n<razGon_UNT> 이렇게 해보았는데 이렇게 나옵니다.\n<laen0k> 잠시만요 압축은 풀었어요?\n<razGon_UNT> 예\n<laen0k> utorrent-server-v3_0 이란 폴더 있을텐데 없나요?\n<laen0k> 아 압축을 그냥 ~/다운로드에다 푸셨나요?\n<razGon_UNT> 옙\n<laen0k> 목록에 utserver란 파일은 있죠?\n<razGon_UNT> 예\n<razGon_UNT> 읽기전용으로 되어 있습니다.\n<laen0k> 왜 이게 읽기전용으로;;;;\n<razGon_UNT> 읽기전용풀고 다시 실행\n<razGon_UNT> 그러나 결과는 같습니다.\n<razGon_UNT> 흐흐흐흐흐흐흐흫....\n<razGon_UNT> 흐흐흐흐흐흐흐흐흐.\n<laen0k> sh 빼보세요\n<razGon_UNT> 왜그런지 알거 같아요.ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<laen0k> sudo ./utserver\n<razGon_UNT> sudo: ./utserver: command not found\n<laen0k> chmod +x utserver 하시고 다시 해보세요\n<razGon_UNT> ./utserver: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.0.9.8: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory\n<razGon_UNT> 이렇게 나오면 뭘로 봐야 하나요/\n<razGon_UNT> 라이브러리가 안받아진건가요?\n<laen0k> lib 설치해야하는것 같은데 패키지 뭔지 확인해볼께요\n<laen0k> sudo apt-get install libssl0.9.8\n<razGon_UNT> 예 감사합니다.ㅎ\n<laen0k> 혹시 안되면 sudo apt-get install libssl0.9.8:i386 해보세요 이거 32비트 버전인가...\n<laen0k> 실행했을때 ipv6 is installed 나오면 된거예요 바로 url 접근하시면 돼요\n<razGon_UNT> 아 됩니다. 근데 서버사용자의 이름을 물어 봅니다.\n<razGon_UNT> 제 계정을 적어도 접근이 안되네요.\n<laen0k> admin\n<laen0k> 이네요\n<laen0k> 비번 없어ì��”\n<laen0k> 들어가서 설정하시면 될것 같네요\n<razGon_UNT> 감사합니다^^\n<razGon_UNT> 길들여지지 않는 OS.리눅스...ㅠㅠ\n<laen0k> ㅋㅋ 어려움없이 해결되서 다행이네요\n<laen0k> 저는 리눅스의 어려움보다 영어의 어려움이 더 크네요ㅜ.ㅜ\n<laen0k> 영문 검색만 잘해도 왠만한 해결책은 다 나와요\n<laen0k> 무슨말인지 몰라도 따라만 하면 해결되더군요 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<laen0k> 여하튼 좋은정보 알아갑니다 누가 영화정보 알려주면 웹 접근해서 바로 다운로드 고고싱 해놓고 집에와서 바로 감상하면 되겠네요 ㅋ\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 트랜스미션이던가가\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 가장 빠르고 좋을텐데요\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : ㅎㅎ\n<Coffee_Instant> 안녕하세요\n<bridgebot> young2 : 흠..파이선 디장고 성능이 자바에 비교하면 어떻죠? 혹시 아시는분?\n<bridgebot> young2 : 제가 아는 영어는 \"What the heck\"?\n<bridgebot> young2 : help me\n<bridgebot> young2 : fuㅌ,k something\n<bridgebot> young2 : what the fuck\n<bridgebot> young2 : 저한테 1시간에 5만원 받고 개인영어 교습 받으면 일취월장은 보장 안하고..\n<bridgebot> young2 : 이취월장은 보장합니다.\n<bridgebot> young2 : 를 이말을 영어로 하면?\n#ubuntu-ko 2012-06-06\n<razGon_UNT> 휴일에 리하이요.ㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> 적응안되는 유니티... 그놈쉘로 사용하면 좀 편해지고 살림살이 나아지겠습니까?\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 오픈박스쓰는 1인 슝333\n<razGon_UNT> 저도 오픈박스 써야 될거 같아요.\n<razGon_UNT> 유니티 생각보다 꽤 느리더군요.\n<razGon_UNT> 정말 느려진.\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 네 좀 무겁죠\n<razGon_UNT> l-aen0K:근데 버전이 몇버전이세요? 12.04?\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 네\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 11.10 쓰다가 업그레이드하면서-.- 훅 날려가지고\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 12.04로 넘어왔습니다 ㅋ\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 걍 새로 설치했죠;;\n<razGon_UNT> 한ㄱㅡㄹㅇㅣ ....ㅠㅠ\n<razGon_UNT> ㅈㅐㅈㅓㅂ할ㄲㅔ 요\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 네 ㅋ\n<razGon_Xch> 리하이요. 저쪽 컴이 아니라 이쪽컴으로 연결했습니다.\n<razGon_Xch> VNC가 한글때문에 문제가 종종 발생합니다.\n<razGon_Xch> 이게 원인이 뭐고 해결방법없을까요?\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : VNC는 안써봐서 잘 모르겠어요\n<razGon_Xch> 원격으로 잘안쓰세요?\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 네 요즘은 쓸일이 없네요 ㅋ\n<razGon_Xch> 데탑올린 서버버전과 64비트 데탑버전과 다른점이 있나요?\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 우분투 서버버전 설치후에 데탑올리는거요?\n<razGon_Xch> 예\n<razGon_Xch> 제가 그렇게 설치 했거든요.\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 저도 그렇게 설치했어요 ㅋ 그게 깔끔하거든요\n<razGon_Xch> 물론 LAMP.openSSH, 등 따로 설치 된거 빼구요.\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 환경설정 빼고는 같은버전에서는 아마 차이가 없을거예요\n<razGon_Xch> 제가 이번에 실수한게 서버 올리고 install ubuntu-desktop으로 했더니 유니티가 팍팍.. 올라가��„œ 반응이 많이 느리더군요,\n<razGon_Xch> 게다가 뮤토렌트 서버의 약점이 실행하니 유니티도 무거워져서 그런지 아주 반응속도가 완전히 느리더군요.\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 뭐 유니티는 조금 사용하다가 말아가지고\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 많이 아는게 없네요 ㅋ\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 아\n<razGon_Xch> 뭐 보기는 좋은데. 설정이 번거럽고 반응도 별루더군요. 사양이 낮은데서는요.\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 3d 해제라도 한번 해보세요\n<razGon_Xch> 지금 2D입니다.\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 네 사양낮은데서는 오박이 최고죠 ㅋ\n<razGon_Xch> 3D로 하는데.\n<razGon_Xch> AMD E-350정도면 예전 버전에서는 날아다녔는데요.\n<razGon_Xch> 버박으로 윈도우 가상으로 돌려도 팍팍 돌아갔는데. 그정도 반응속도가 안나오더라구요.\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 유니티요?\n<razGon_Xch> 10.04버전에 그놈올렸습니다.\n<razGon_Xch> 이번에도 그리올렸는데. 예전과 다르더라구요.\n<razGon_Xch> 게다가 여러 설정에서 꼬여버리더라구요.\n<razGon_Xch> 문제가 AMD쪽의 CPU내장형 메인보드라서 ATI랑과 궁합은 영...\n<razGon_Xch> 원래 버박에서 그래픽 가속기능이 있었는데. 없어져 버린다는...버전이 다르면 지원도 달라지는 문제가 있더군요..\n<razGon_Xch> l-aen0k:오박을 올리는 ê±´ 어떻게 올리셨어요?\n<razGon_Xch> sudo apt-get install openbox\n<razGon_Xch> 이렇게 올리셨는지요?\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 서버버전 설치하고\n<razGon_Xch> 오박이 낫나요. 플박이 좋은가요?\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 여러가지 더 설치했죠\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 플박은 제대로 안써봤어요 ㅋ\n<razGon_Xch> 보기는 xubuntu가 좋은데. 문제는 VNC가 서버에서 임의로 refuse됩니다.\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : http://www.ubuntu.or.kr/viewtopic.php?f=9&p=103396\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 이거 제가 올린 글인데\n<razGon_Xch> 원격장치가 이시스템의 생명인데 말이죠.\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 서버버전 설치후에\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : openbox하고 필요한 패키지들 나열해놓은거예요\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : composition이 필요없으면 xcompmgr 빼시면 돼요\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : composite;;;\n<razGon_Xch> 오웅.!! 이런건 북마크해야된다는..ㅎ\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 원래는 이거 설치하기전에 서버버전에 컴피즈만 단독으로 올리기도 했었는데\n<razGon_Xch> 저는 데스크 매니저의 취향은 없습니다. 솔직히 유니티가 버벅대는 ê±° 없으면 이거로 사용하는데요.\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 3d프로그램 돌리니까 프레임 하락이 좀 있어서 오박으로 넘어왔죠 ㅋ\n<razGon_Xch> 넘 버벅됩니다.\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 글죠 저도 유니티가 그렇게 무겁지만 안으면\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 그냥 썼을지도 모르겠네요 ㅋ\n<razGon_Xch> 저는 이녀석 거의 클라우드 컴퓨팅처럼 씁니다만,\n<razGon_Xch> 서버의 역할 도 하구요.\n<razGon_Xch> 거기에 가상으로 윈도XP를 돌리는 3가지 ì—��할을 합니다\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : ㅎㅎ 유니티로 하려면 좀 무겁겠네요\n<razGon_Xch> 서버, 클라우드 컴퓨팅. 윈도XP가상 사용.좀그렇죠.\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 전 openbox 쓰는데도 vmware 돌리면-.- 살짝 갑갑한데\n<razGon_Xch> 서버도 웹.FTP.토렌토 다 역할을 겹치니깐요.\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : ㅎㅎ 컴터께서 애좀 쓰셔야겠네요\n<razGon_Xch> XP로 돌려서 사용하고 디스플레이에 가속 붙이니 쓸만하더라구요. 가상으로 윈도돌리는 ê±´ 간단한 프로그램만 돌리니 괜찮구요.\n<razGon_Xch> 실은 그냥 넷북에서 적용하려고 했는데. 아무래도 역할이 좀있다가 보니 E-350을 사용했습니다. 저전력에 소형마더보드플랫폼.\n<razGon_Xch> 원래는 NAS를 사려했는데. 서버를 만들어서 쓰는게 활용도 면에서는 좋더군요. 물론 삽질을 좀 많이 해야 했지만요.\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : ㅇㅇ NAS로 하면\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 좀 아까운 감이 있어요\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 써보지는 안았지만-.-;;; 데이타백업용으로만 쓴다는게;; 익숙한 환경도 아니고 리눅스 쓸줄알면 걍 리눅스로 하는게 나은것 같아요\n<bridgebot> passinger : 응?\n<bridgebot> passinger : 집에 피씨를 켜놨나\n<bridgebot> passinger : passinger_, 핑\n<razGon_Xch> 저는 리눅스를 배웠습니다. 서버 설치하면서.ㅎㅎㅎ\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : ㅎㅎ 그렇군요 저는 데탑용으로 계속 시도하면서 배웠네요 ㅋ\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : vnc 한글 입력 문제가 검색하면 나올법도 한데 잘 안나오네요\n<razGon_Xch> 그러게요.\n<razGon_Xch> 검색해서 안나오더군요.\n<razGon_Xch> 이유가 언어문제로 우회적으로 tightVNC등을 사용하더군요.\n<razGon_Xch> 저도 그것을 사용할까 심히 고민중입니다. 근데 tightVNC나 freeNX는 어떻게 하나요?\n<razGon_Xch> freeNX는 방식이 좀달라서요\n<razGon_Xch> 꺼려지더라구요.\n<laen0k> 여기 어떤가요\n<laen0k> http://www.ubuntu.or.kr/viewtopic.php?p=61432\n<laen0k> 저는 맨 마지막 댓글이 맘에 드네요 ㅋ\n<bridgebot> passinger : 흠\n<bridgebot> passinger : 전 realVNC 쓰는데..\n<bridgebot> passinger : 쓸만해요\n<laen0k> realvnc는 한글입력문제 없나요?\n<bridgebot> passinger : 음..\n<bridgebot> passinger : 전 문제 없이 썼는데...\n<bridgebot> passinger : 다른 분들은 모르겠네요\n<bridgebot> passinger : 9.04때부터 서버에 붙을떄 realVNC 쓰는데\n<bridgebot> passinger : 여태 문제는 없었..\n<laen0k> 서버는 뭘로 쓰세요?\n<razGon_UNT> 저도 real vnc쓰는데 한글이 팍팍나갑니다.\n<bridgebot> passinger : 우분투요\n<laen0k> 아니.... vnc 서버요\n<bridgebot> passinger : 그냥 우분투 자체 VNC 쓰는데요\n<laen0k> 아 그렇군요 ㅋ\n<laen0k> 자체적으로 vnc서버가 제공되나바요\n<bridgebot> passinger : 음? 시냅틱에 많잖..그중에 하나 깔아서 쓴건데\n<bridgebot> passinger : 이름은 모르겠..\n<bridgebot> passinger : 음..\n<bridgebot> passinger : 오랜만에 포럼 로긴 할라니까\n<bridgebot> passinger : 비밀번호를 까먹었네요\n<bridgebot> passinger : 안가야지\n<laen0k> ;;;;;\n<bridgebot> passinger : ...\n<laen0k> razGon// 그럼 realvnc로 해결된거 아닌가요? 다른vnc는 머하러 찾아요 ㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> 우분투 데스크탑에서 vino가 기본적으로 제공됩니다.\n<laen0k> 아 그렇군요\n<laen0k> 여러가지 알아가네요 오늘 ㅋ\n<bridgebot> passinger : 근데..그거로 붙으면 마이 느리던데\n<razGon_UNT> 문제는 방금전처럼 한글 초중종성 이 따로 떼어지는 결과가 나서요\n<bridgebot> passinger : 유저 불량일수도 있고\n<laen0k> realvnc에서\n<laen0k> 초중성 갈라짐 문제가 생긴다고요?\n<laen0k> 아 그러니까 지금 realvnc쓰는데 문제 있어서 다른걸로 ㅋ\n<laen0k> passinger님은 문제있던적이 없다고 하시공;;; ㅋㅋㅋ\n<bridgebot> passinger : 움? vino 이야기 하시는거 아니었나여\n<laen0k> 음? vino가 그렇다는 얘긴가요? 아 햇갈 정리좀 부탁해요 razGon님 ㅋ\n<razGon_Xch> 잠시만요.\n<razGon_Xch> 저는 비노쓰구요. realvnc로 접속합니다.\n<laen0k> 문제는 비노때문에 생기는건가요 realvnc 때문인건가요? ㅋㅋㅋ\n<laen0k> passinger님 얘기대로라면 서버를 바꾸는것도 좋은방법이 아닐까 생각되네요\n<bridgebot> passinger : 음...\n<bridgebot> passinger : 아톰에서 AMD 로 바꾼지도 일년이 채 안됫음 =3\n<laen0k> 아니;;;vino를 다른걸로\n<bridgebot> passinger : 아..\n<laen0k> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<laen0k> passinger님 혹시 모르니까 dpkg -l vnc4server 한번만 부탁해도 될까요 ㅋ\n<bridgebot> passinger : 지금은 안된다능\n<bridgebot> passinger : 회사에요\n<laen0k> 아 글쿤요 ㅋ\n<bridgebot> passinger : 보안땜에;;귀찮아져서\n<laen0k> 아 ㅋㅋ 맞다 passinger님 어젠가 vmware 돌리시지 안았나요?\n<bridgebot> passinger : 네 IRC 하느라구요\n<bridgebot> passinger : ....\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 그래픽 안떠가지고 어쩌고 하셨던;;;\n<bridgebot> passinger : 넹..\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 해결 보셨어요?\n<bridgebot> passinger : 뭐..그냥 피씨 밀었어요 ~_~\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 깔끔하게 해결하셨군요;;;\n<bridgebot> passinger : 커널 컴파일 해야 하는데 리눅스 머신이 없....\n<bridgebot> passinger : ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 아 .... 쪽잠만 연거푸 잤더니\n<bridgebot> passinger : 그럼 몸 상한다능\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 지금 시간에 -.-;;; 피곤이;;;\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : ㅎㅎ 이미 상한 몸이라 뭐... 상관은 없는데 이만 들어가야할것 같네요\n<bridgebot> passinger : 넹~\n<bridgebot> passinger : 조심히 들어가세요\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 네 ㅋ 오늘 같은 즐거운 휴일 하루 잘 보내시길\n<razGon_Xch> 죄송합니다. 지금 회사입니다..ㅠㅠ\n<bridgebot> passinger : ㅎㅎ 저도\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 헐.... 이거 실언을;;\n<razGon_UNT> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> vino서버를 realVNC로 접속하지 않나요?\n<razGon_UNT> x11vnc ㅅㅓㅂㅓ...\n<razGon_UNT> 드디ㅇㅓ ㄴㅏㅇㅗㅏㅆ구ㄴㅇㅛ.\n<razGon_UNT> ㅇㅣㄹㅓㅎ게 ㅆ저ㅣㅂㄴ디ㅏ.\n<razGon_UNT> ㄷㅗㄷㅔㅊㅔㅇㅣㅇㅠㄱㅏ ㅁㅜㅓㅈㅣ..\n<razGon_UNT> vinoㅇㅔㅅㅓ x11ㄹㅗ\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : ..\n<bridgebot> passinger : 스파이옹 넙죽\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : ㅗㅑ\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : hi\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 하요\n<bridgebot> passinger : (__)\n<razGon_Xch> 재접하겟씁니다.\n<razGon_Xch> ㅠ.ㅠ\n<bridgebot> kfmes : passinger, 덮\n<bridgebot> passinger : kfmes, ë°¥!\n<bridgebot> kfmes : 어 우분투 채널이었네요\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : scvê³°// 드뎌 bridgebot 제대로 만들어놨어요\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 만세\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 오픈소스로!\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : github에 공갤ㄹ\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : ㅋㅋ\n<bridgebot> kfmes : 덮밥을 오픈소스로?\n<bridgebot> passinger : 오픈소스 덮밥\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 공개하면 가져다 써야지\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : ㅋㅋㅋ\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 모듈을 다 가져다 쓴거라;; perl 설치하셔야되는뎅^^;;;;\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 언어가 머에요?\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 펄따위 안깔려 있는데\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : ㅋㅋ\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : ㅋㅋㅋ\n<bridgebot> blueguy^집 : 흠...\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 메인언어가 펄임?\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 네\n<razGon_Xch> 감사합니다.\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 버리셈\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : ㅋㅋ\n<razGon_Xch> 점심 먹고 싶다.\n<bridgebot> passinger : 남자라면 피똥!\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 피똥에 메시지큐 해봐야징\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : ㅋㅋ\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 다들 눈요기라도 한번 ㅋ\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQmf-gyJB68\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : razGon님 성공했어요?\n<bridgebot> passinger : 피똥에서 확! 큐메세지해보시면\n<bridgebot> passinger : ....\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 피똥에서 redis로!\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 이래야\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 진정!\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : ㅋㅋㅋ\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 연동이!\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : akb48 인기투표하는데\n<razGon_Xch> ?\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 구글+ 쓴다\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 멋지다\n<razGon_Xch> 뭐가 성공하다뇨?\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 한글문제요 ㅋ\n<razGon_Xch> 아직요.\n<razGon_Xch> 일하다가 중간에 짬내서 하는 거라서요.\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 아 그렇군요 ㅋ\n<bridgebot> passinger : 저희회사 모토가..결혼도 일하다 짬내서 하는거래요\n<bridgebot> passinger : ......\n<bridgebot> passinger : 아 저희 팀\n<bridgebot> passinger : ..\n<razGon_Xch> 원래 vino+realvnc하지 않나요?\n<razGon_Xch> 주업무를 위해 부업무는 짬내서 한다인데. 우분투 사용하는게 부업무라서요.ㅎ\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : passinger님이 vino쓰면 좀 느리다고 하셔가지공 vnc서버 바꾸는걸 제안해본거예용 ㅋ\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : http://ubuntu.or.kr/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=5557&view=next\n<razGon_Xch> 아.. 그러면 종류가 뭐가 있을까요?\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 같은 증상 가지신 분이 또 있네요\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 제가 검색해본바로는 눈에 띈건 vnc4server 밖에 없네요\n<razGon_Xch> 예 의외로 많이 있습니다.\n<razGon_Xch> vnc4server로 변경을 하는게 좋을까요?\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 저라면 시도해보고 테스트를 좀 해볼테죠 ㅋ\n<razGon_Xch> 예 일단 설치해 보겠습니다.\n<razGon_Xch> 설치중입니다.\n<razGon_Xch> 아무래도 저도 오박으로 가야 겠습니다.\n<razGon_Xch> 쥬분투도 생각해봅니다만...쩝.\n<razGon_Xch> 오박에 메뉴얼이 잘나와있어서 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 저도 오박추종자가 될듯.ㅎ\n<razGon_Xch> 전에 그놈으로 선택한게 나오는 대부분의 패키지가 그놈기준이라서 그랬는데. 이번은 달리 생각해봐야 겠습니다.ㅎ\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 손이 좀 가긴해요 그놈보다는 대신 속도만큼은 보장합니다 ㅋ\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : centos나 쓸까\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 우분투 버리고\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : ㅋㅋ\n<bridgebot> darjeeling : ㅋㅋㅋ\n<bridgebot> darjeeling : 안녕이나 써\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 안써\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : -_-\n<bridgebot> darjeeling : 무식한 ê³°!\n<bridgebot> darjeeling : =3=3\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 니가 쓰면\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 아마\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 빡칠껄\n<bridgebot> darjeeling : 흠\n<bridgebot> darjeeling : 뭐 괜찬을거 같은데 라며 언급을 회피하겠다\n<bridgebot> darjeeling : 나는 우분투 맨이야\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : -_-;\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 차마 말 못하는\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 수많은 버그들과\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : -_-\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 초기때부터 있었는 것 같은 버그들과\n<razGon_UNT> reconnection\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : -_-;\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 나\n<razGon_Xch> 그놈쉘써도 똑같죠?\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 리눅스데탑\n<razGon_Xch> 속도가요.\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 우분투로 시작했어!\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : ㅋㅋ\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : darjeeling 요즘 빡쳐\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 익스체인지로 바꿔서\n<bridgebot> darjeeling : ㅋㅋㅋ\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : imap도 안열어줘\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 미친\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : owa도 잘 접속 안되\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : ㅋㅋㅋ\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 일을 하라는것인지\n<bridgebot> darjeeling : ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : ê²°êµ­ 아웃룩 깔았다\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : vbox에\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : ㅋㅋㅋ\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 이런 미친\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 메일쓸려고 윈도우 써야 되는 신세\n<razGon_Xch> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=QvZIYIVNGZ0\n<razGon_Xch> 음악들으세요. 괜찮더군요.\n<razGon_Xch> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=w4s6H4ku6ZY\n<razGon_Xch> 남자분들이라서 이런음악이 좋으려나?ㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> 한글이 잘되려나?\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 첫번째 곡 괜찮네요\n<razGon_UNT> 아직까지는 잘되고 잇습니다. ㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> 원버전이 아니라 리믹스 버전입니다. 원버전은 다음링크에 올릴께요.\n<razGon_UNT> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=RcmKbTR--iA\n<razGon_UNT> 영어가 좀더 쉽게 들리지 않습니까?\n<razGon_UNT> 다른 흑인이나 백인들의 발음보다 듣기 쉬워서 혹시나해서 프로필을 봤는데.\n<razGon_UNT> 2명이 한국계, 1명이 일본-중국 혼혈, 1명이 필리핀계(DJ)\n<razGon_UNT> 이렇게 구성되어 있더군요.\n<razGon_UNT> 느낌이 에픽하이랑 빅뱅이랑 섞어 놓은 듯한 컨셉입니다.\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : ㅎㅎ 다국적 멤버네요\n<razGon_UNT> 국적은 미국인입니다.\n<razGon_UNT> 거기 교포 1.5-2세\n<razGon_UNT> 예전 박재범 콘서트에 왔더군요.\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 헐 그렇군요 ㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> 제가 가장 좋아하는 ê³³ 2곡입니다.\n<razGon_UNT> 특히 첫번째곡은 정말 좋더군요. 한국가요로 나왔으면 그리 인기 못끌었을거 같은데. 팝으로 나오니 많이 좋네요. 특히 디제ì��의 샘플믹싱이 아주 좋습니다.\n<razGon_UNT> 감각적인 느낌?\n<laen0k> 저는 원본보다 리믹스가 더 듣기재밌는것 같네요 ㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> 예\n<razGon_UNT> 원래 파티나 클럽에 특화된 곡이라서요.\n<razGon_UNT> 리믹스하기 좋게 만들어졋더군요.\n<razGon_UNT> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=xjEF61RdyR8\n<razGon_UNT> 차라리 이렇게 나오는게 더 재미잇는 곡일듯.ㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> 이곡 헤드폰꼳고 들으니 나이트 온듯한 기분.ㅋ\n<laen0k> 저는 이만 진짜 들어가보겠습니다 쪽잠의 여파가 이제 한계네요 ㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> 예\n<razGon_UNT> 내일뵈욯.\n<laen0k> 네 ㅋ 다시 볼때까지 한글이 안녕하시기를 ㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> 예\n<razGon_UNT> 오박으로 가기를.ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> 저는 이만 퇴근 하렵니다.\n<laen0k> 다들 저녁들 하셨나요 ㅋ\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : passinger//뭐해요 패싱님 ㅋ\n<bridgebot> passinger : 디아요~\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 헐\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 디아를 안하는 사람이 없군요 ㅋㅋ\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 퇴근하시고 한판 하시는가바요 ㅋ\n<bridgebot> passinger : 넹~\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 곰님은 머하시려나;;;\n<razGon_UNT> laen0k: ㅎㅎㅎ 한글은 아직 괜찮기는 한데. 오박을 본뒤로. ... 저는 ㅎㅎ\n<laen0k> 하하\n<laen0k> 계획잡으시고 시간날때 틈틈히 하나씩 하시는걸 추천요 ㅋ\n<laen0k> 얘기치못한 문제에-.- 당황하는 경우를 배제할수 없답니다 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<laen0k> 그나저나 raz님 혹시 kldp 접속 되시나요?\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : http://alkinade.blog.me/110140050414\n<razGon_UNT> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<bridgebot> young2 : 하이\n<razGon_UNT> laen0k: 예기치 못한 상황은 이미 벌어진겁니다. ㅎ\n<bridgebot> young2 : kldp 이상함\n<razGon_UNT> laen0k: 잠시만요. 접속해보구요.\n<razGon_UNT> laen0k: 연결안됩니다.\n<razGon_UNT> 계속 사이트가 죽어 잇었는 모양이네요.\n<razGon_UNT> laen0k: 에잇 날려 버리는 거야!ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 저 리눅스 다시 밉니다. ㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> 오박으로 다시밀기.ㅋ\n<laen0k> 헐 ㅋ\n<laen0k> 화이팅요 ㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> 일단 재접할께요.\n<razGon_UNT> 흠.. 그놈쉘로 바꾸니 괜찮은데. 스트레스테스트 해보겠습니다.\n<razGon_UNT> laen0k: 이러면 오박 프로젝트는 조금 뒤로 미루어 지겟네요.ㅎ\n<laen0k> ㅎㅎ 네 그놈쉘 어떤지 쓰시면서 소개좀 해줘요\n<laen0k> 한번도 안써봐서 어떤놈인지 좀 알아두어도 좋을것 같네요 ㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> 유니티만 바뀌어도 빠릿해지네여\n<razGon_UNT> 유니티는 더블클릭하면 아햇해햊데ㅏ게 되는데. 가끔씩요\n<razGon_UNT> 이거슨 바로 반응이 오네요\n<razGon_UNT> 늦게 뜨는 ê±´ 용납해도 입력 받은게 느려지고 버벅대는 ê±´ 용납 못합니다.\n<razGon_UNT> 이건 마치 아이폰 스크롤 하다가 최적화 안된 안드로이드 폰 미는 느낌?\n<razGon_UNT> 오히려 그놈 쉘[노이펙트]이렇게 준비했습니다.\n<razGon_UNT> reconnect\n<laen0k> yemharc��‹˜ì´ 자주 들어오시던데 오늘은 안보이네요 ㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> 휴일이라서 쉬시는 듯.\n<laen0k> 글쿤요 ㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> 그리고 yemharc님은 근무중에 오시더군요.ㅎ\n<laen0k> 아 그렇군요 ㅋ\n<laen0k> 후후 새로운 노래를 들어보려고 했더니만 아쉽네요\n<laen0k> musicovery에서 한동안 듣다가 요즘엔 radiotray로 넘어왔네요\n<razGon_UNT> 오.. 이건 음악방송듣기?ㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> 크로미엄으로는 안들리는 군요.\n<laen0k> 저는 뭐 다른건 안되는게 좀 되가지고 smoothjazz만 애청하고 있어요 ㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> 오...\n<razGon_UNT> 음악 안듣는 아니 못듣는 게 오래 되었네요.ㅎ\n<laen0k> ㅎㅎ 글쿤요 이왕 얘기나온김에 장르를 한번 바꿔봐야겠네요\n<laen0k> 아 요즘 많이 더워진것 같아요\n<laen0k> 선풍기를 꺼내야하나 고민중이네요 ㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> 저는 이미 활짝 열고 있습니다.\n<laen0k> 요즘 포럼보면 제주대학교 학생분들이 많이 가입을 하는데 교수님중에 우분투 쓰시는분이라도 있는건지 ㅋ 하튼 고무적이네요\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 제주= 다음\n<laen0k> 아 그런거군요\n<laen0k> 오 예전에 잠깐 들었었던것 같은데.... 그런연유였나요 ㅋ\n<bridgebot> young2 : 다음에서 근무하려면 C++ 졸라 잘써야 할거여용..\n<bridgebot> young2 : 아닝강?\n<laen0k> 헐 그렇군요\n<DarkCircle>  /ㅅ/ 뿅.\n<DarkCircle> razGon_UNT / 너브\n<DarkCircle> 죽\n<DarkCircle> ...\n<razGon_UNT> 오~!!!!\n<razGon_UNT> 다크님 올간만!!\n<razGon_UNT> DarkCircle: 잘지내셨어요?\n<razGon_UNT> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<DarkCircle> 아 죽을 맛이예요 ㅠㅠ\n<DarkCircle> 하던일 잘 되다가 갑자기 시스템이 뻥 하고 터져서 ㅡ.ㅡ;\n<razGon_UNT> 허거거거...\n<DarkCircle> 기계가 터진게 아니라 프로그램이 싹 ... 증\n<razGon_UNT> 여기도 터지셨군요.\n<DarkCircle> 발.\n<razGon_UNT> 허거거걱.\n<razGon_UNT> 저도 서버가 죽어서 그리고 일이 바빠서 그냥 이러구 있었습니다\n<DarkCircle> 덕분에 새마음 새뜻으로 윈도 밀듯이 리눅스를 밀었습니다 (먼산)\n<razGon_UNT> 몇개월지나야 복구함.ㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<DarkCircle> 머리가 썩을거 같은 느낌이예요 ㅡ.ㅡㅋㅋㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> 저는 다시 하려니 머리가 멍해졌어요.\n<razGon_UNT> 게다가 12.04오니\n<razGon_UNT> 아주 죽을 맛이였습니다. 망할 유니티!\n<laen0k> 하요\n<laen0k> 엥 언제 서버가 죽었나요 razgon님\n<laen0k> 이거 x11vnc에다가 tightvnc인데 정말 타이트하게 느리네요-.-\n<laen0k> realvnc 한글패치 버전을 구해바야겠어요\n<razGon_UNT> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> 제가 올려 볼께요.ㅎㅎㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> 잠시만요.\n<laen0k> 후후\n<razGon_UNT> 올간만에 설정하니 제가 빠릿하지 않네요.ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> 헉...\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 에잇-.- 이제서야 찾다니\n<bridgebot> l-aen0k : 한영전환 되는 vnc를 이제 찾았네요\n<laen0k> 흠 아직까지는 오류가 없는데 라즈곤님 ë��´ë‚´ì£¼ì‹  vnc로 한번 해바야겠네요\n<razGon_UNT> http://storymate.net/~wbstory/tc/wbstory/200\n<razGon_UNT> 흥미로운 내용입니다.\n<laen0k> 님이 보내준 vnc로 갈아탔습니다\n<laen0k> 5분지나도 반응이 없길래-.-\n<laen0k> 크로스 케이블이 없어서\n<laen0k> 해보지를 못했네요 ㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> 맇ㅏㅇㅣㅇㅛ.\n<razGon_UNT> ㅇㅣ러ㄴ.....\n<razGon_UNT> 처음ㅂㅜㅌㅓ..\n<laen0k> 저는 문제없이 잘 되는뎅;;;\n<razGon_UNT> 그러다가 갑자기 나가더라구요.\n<laen0k> 흠... 환경도 두벌식으로 바꿔바야겠네요\n<razGon_UNT> 일단 제접하겟습니다.\n<laen0k> 네 ㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> 헉.. 3벌식!\n<razGon_UNT> 제발......\n<razGon_UNT> 되는데.. 갑자기 안되더군요.,\n<razGon_UNT> 이유가 없어요.ㅎ\n<laen0k> 그렇군요\n<laen0k> 입력기 나비쓰죠?\n<razGon_UNT> 그게 문제입니다.ㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> 예ㅃ\n<razGon_UNT> 근데 문제가 있어요. 그놈쉘로 바뀌면서 나비가 패널에서 삐져 나와있습니다.\n<laen0k> 클라는 xp에요?\n<razGon_UNT> 지금은 윈7 64입니다.\n<laen0k> 나비 아닌거아녜요? 무늬만 나비일수도 있음\n<razGon_UNT> 직장에서는 윈xP\n<razGon_UNT> 그런가요?\n<razGon_UNT> 나비는 제가 직접 설치했습니다.\n<laen0k> xim 설정도 잘 하셨죠?\n<razGon_UNT> xim?잠시만요. 구글링..^^;\n<razGon_UNT> 아.. 한글입력기군요.\n<razGon_UNT> 설정할거 뭐있나요?\n<razGon_UNT> 일단 아이콘은 저는 심플레드.\n<laen0k> im-switch로 나비 선택하셨는지 물어본거에요\n<razGon_UNT> 기본입력기로 설정해놓았습니다.\n<laen0k> 그럼 다른환경이라곤....\n<laen0k> 서버를 x11vnc로 했다는점밖에 없네요\n<laen0k> 흠 자리를 옮겼습니다 ㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> 그렇군요.\n<laen0k> 테스트를 좀 더 해봐야겠네요\n<laen0k> 하요\n<razGon_UNT> DarkCircle: 리하이요\n<DarkCircle> 아 뭔가 잔뜩 꼬여서 죽겠네요 =ㅅ=\n<DarkCircle> 한글 입력 그지같이 변했 =ㅅ=\n<laen0k> 여기나 저기나\n<laen0k> 문제는 한글입력기 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<laen0k> 뭐 쓰시나요 ibus? nabi?\n<razGon_UNT> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> 다크니도 한글입력기 문제.ㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<laen0k> 네 ㅋㅋ 첨에 저도 리눅스 처음 접했을때 한글때문에 고생 무쟈게 했죠 ㅋ\n<laen0k> -.- 예전에도 그랬는데 요즘도 한글잘 안나오는 녀석들을 ë³´ë©´ 아직도 고생합니다 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<DarkCircle> ibus쓰다가 scim으\n<DarkCircle> 으로 바꿨는데 이상하네요 -_-;\n<laen0k> 흠 그렇군요 이참에 nabi로 전향을 ;;;\n<laen0k> 하시는건 어떠세요 ㅋ\n<DarkCircle> nabi는 설정할줄을 몰라요\n<DarkCircle> shift-space가 기본인건데 안먹히는 ...\n<DarkCircle> 아 해볼까 ㅡ.ㅡ;\n<laen0k> nabi 설정 아주 쉬워요 ㅋ 설치하고 .bashrc에다가 네줄만 넣어주면;;;\n<laen0k> 잘 돌아간답니다\n<razGon_UNT> 어떻게 설정하나요?\n<DarkCircle> 문제는 shiftspace.\n<razGon_UNT> 그냥 저는 gui상에서 하는데.\n<razGon_UNT> 나비는 둘다 합니다.\n<razGon_UNT> 한글키도 먹는걸요?\n<laen0k> 한글키도 잘 먹고\n<laen0k> 오른쪽 알트키도 잘 먹어요\n<DarkCircle> 제가 알기론 나비고 뭐고 다 프로젝트 한분이 하시는걸로 알고 있는데 ㅡ.\n<DarkCircle>  ㅡ.ㅡ\n<laen0k> 헐 그래요?\n<razGon_UNT> 아.. 한계입니다... 저 자고 있다가 뵈요...ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> 지금 자면 5시간은 자려나..에효...\n<laen0k> 네 들어가세요\n<razGon_UNT> 어짜피 서버는 켜져 있습니다.ㅎ\n<laen0k> 아 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> 있다뵈요.ㅎ\n<laen0k> 저는 이거 아침까지한번\n<laen0k> 그대로 두었다가\n<laen0k> 한글입력해봐야겠네요\n<razGon_UNT> 옙 감사합니다. ㅎ\n<laen0k> 닭써님 잘 되가시나요?\n<DarkCircle> nope .. no  ..\n<DarkCircle> can't write korean into textfield\n<laen0k> .bashrc\n<laen0k> 파일 하단에\n<laen0k> GTK_IM_MODULE=xim\n<laen0k> QT_IM_MODULE=xim\n<laen0k> XIM_PROGRAM=nabi\n<laen0k> XMODIFIERS=\"@im=nabi\"\n<laen0k> 이거 넣어주시면 잘 돼요\n<laen0k> 아 패키지 im-switch도 설치하셨죠?\n<laen0k> 아직 잘 안되시나요?\n<laen0k> 나비 트레이에 preferance 한글 탭 ë³´ë©´ 한영전환키 설정할수 있어요\n<DarkCircle> no ... nope . that's not my problem.\n<laen0k> im-switch 실행하시고\n<laen0k> 입력기를 nabi로 셋팅해바요\n<laen0k> 음.. 혹시...\n<DarkCircle> my problem is ... when I clicked the textbox to input\n<DarkCircle> that shows \"hanja jeonyong\"\n<laen0k> 나비 트레이 마우스 오른쪽 버튼 누르면\n<laen0k> 한자전용 해제하는거 있자나요\n<laen0k> 음... 이얘기가 아닌가\n<laen0k> 환경설정 항목은 안보이나요?\n<laen0k> 아무래도 그럼\n<laen0k> 잠시만요\n<DarkCircle> that's not my problem.\n<laen0k> env\n<laen0k> 명령어 치면LANG 환경변수가 뭘로 되어있나요?\n<DarkCircle> I've set locale and environment variables correctly. but I can't input korean this place.\n<laen0k> 한영전환키 셋팅도 잘 했구요?\n<DarkCircle> 퓨...\n<DarkCircle> 고쳤 ㅠ\n<laen0k> 헐\n<laen0k> 무슨 문제던가요\n<DarkCircle> ê·¼\n<DarkCircle> 데\n<DarkCircle> 한글 입력 문제는 똑같네요 -ㅅ-\n<laen0k> 무슨 문제가 있으시길래-.-\n<DarkCircle> xim 버그인듯\n<laen0k> 뭘 놓치셨었던 거예요???\n<DarkCircle> 환경 변수를 단계마다 모니터링을 해는데\n<DarkCircle> 해봤는데\n<laen0k> 네\n<DarkCircle> 어느순간엔가 값이 날아가서 변수가 없어져버려\n<DarkCircle> 요\n<laen0k> 엥????\n<laen0k> .bashrc에 미리 설정한 값이\n<DarkCircle> 하위 프로세스에다가 변수값을 줘서\n<laen0k> 날라간다는 얘긴가요?\n<DarkCircle> bashrc에다가 하진 않\n<DarkCircle> 죠\n<laen0k> 흠 그렇군요\n<DarkCircle> 일단 원인은 찾았으니 반영은 해야 할건데\n<laen0k> 한글 입력 문제는 어떤거 말하는거예요?\n<DarkCircle> 한글 그지같이 써지는건 똑같네요\n<DarkCircle> 가\n<DarkCircle> 령나는 학교에 갑니\n<DarkCircle> 다\n<DarkCircle> 라고 치면 마지막 글자 짤리죠 뒤에.\n<laen0k> 아....\n<DarkCircle> 이거 안고쳤다는거.\n<laen0k> 저는 크로미엄에\n<laen0k> 북마크 등록할때만\n<laen0k> 그렇게 되던데요\n<laen0k> 평소엔 정상인데 그것만 그러네요\n<DarkCircle> 전 바닥부터 새로 싹 빌드해서 쓰는거라\n<laen0k> 아 그렇군요\n<razGon_UNT> 좋은 아침입니다.\n<razGon_UNT> ㅎㅏㄴㄱㅡㄹㅇㅣ ㅁㅜㄴㅈㅔ...ㅠㅠ\n#ubuntu-ko 2012-06-07\n<razGon_UNT> 리하이요\n<razGon_UNT> laen0k: 어떤현상을 발견했습니다.\n<razGon_UNT> laen0k: 한글을 사용하는 도중에 우측에 넘버 키패드쪽을 건드리고 다시 한글하려하니 이상하게 글자가 날아갑니다.\n<razGon_UNT> 리하이요\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n<razGon_UNT> yemharc: 안녕하세요?\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n<yemharc> 음........ ì°¸ 멋진 일이 벌어지고 있네요\n<razGon_UNT> 유니티에서 그놈쉘로 쓰니 훨씬 낫네요.\n<yemharc> 고등 교과서 일부에서 '진화론' 관련 일부 내용 삭제\n<yemharc> .......\n<razGon_UNT> 어떤일이죠?\n<razGon_UNT> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 이건 뭐 (.....)\n<razGon_UNT> yemharc: 님 기독교세요?\n<yemharc> 전혀요\n<yemharc> 어느쪽이냐면 싫어하는 쪽에 가깝네요\n<razGon_UNT> 주님께서 하시는 일이신 지... 쥐님께서 하시는 일인지...\n<razGon_UNT> 저는 기독교지만, 한국의 기독교는 문제에 다다르고 있습니다\n<yemharc> 적어도 초월적인 의지의 개입의 산물로는 생각 안되네요\n<yemharc> 다다르고 있기보단 예전부터 문제였죠\n<yemharc> .......\n<razGon_UNT> 아마도...\n<yemharc> 사실 종교 자체에 대해서 딱히 이런저런 감정은 없는데, 소위 [일부] 기독교 행태는.........\n<razGon_UNT> 그래도 예전은 순기능이 역기능 보다 많았는데. 지금은 역기능이 범람하고 있죠.\n<yemharc> 이게 깔려면 알고 까라고, 공부 좀 해보니 한국 기독교는 기독교 원리주의와도 또 틀린 그냥 변종이더군요\n<razGon_UNT> 저도 이건 아닌데라는 생각이 들때가 많아요. 물론 신자분들 중에서도 본받을만한 분들이 아직은 많이 있습니다만.\n<yemharc> 그게 ì°¸...\n<razGon_UNT> 그게 아무래도 유럽의 여러 개신교 종파가 들어와서 혼돈이 왔죠.\n<yemharc> 그것도 그런데, 가장 큰게 토속신앙(귀신이니 뭐니 등등)하고 합쳐지면서 제대로 맛이 갔습니다\n<razGon_UNT> 마치 리눅스 배포판이 깔리면서 조금씩 코어를 건드린 것처럼 말이죠.\n<razGon_UNT> 불교도 그렇게 해서 망해갔죠.\n<bridgebot> arvid : 고려시대때 불교가\n<bridgebot> arvid : 지금 개신교죠\n<yemharc> 불교는 그래도 부정적인 이미지가 덜한게, 지금은 자기들끼리만 투닥대지 바깥에 소란을 피우진 않거든요\n<yemharc> arvid : 옛날에 설치다가 훅 갔죠\n<bridgebot> arvid : 고려시대때는 정말 타락이 극에 달햇다가\n<bridgebot> arvid : 조선에서\n<bridgebot> arvid : 유학자들이 다 몰아냈는데\n<bridgebot> arvid : 뭐 ê²°êµ­\n<bridgebot> arvid : 양반놈들도 타락\n<bridgebot> arvid : 러브크래프트 세상인가\n<bridgebot> arvid : 아무튼 창조론 주장하고 싶으면\n<bridgebot> arvid : 만든 새끼 데려오면 됨\n<yemharc> ã��‹ã…‹ã…‹\n<bridgebot> arvid : 이렇게 간단한걸\n<bridgebot> arvid : 왜 못해\n<yemharc> 창조론 자체를 믿고 주장하고 하는건 문제될게 없는데\n<yemharc> 자기들 스스로도 [ë¡ ]이라 부르면서 진실인양 다른 것들을 싸잡아 부정하는게 문제죠\n<yemharc> 게다가 증빙을 보자면 이건 [ë¡ ]이 아니라 [설]이고요\n<razGon_UNT> 저는 그리 생각합니다.\n<razGon_UNT> 뭐. 신앙을 가지는 ê±´ 좋고, 전도하는 것도 좋습니다.\n<razGon_UNT> 하지만 지금의 상황은 뭐랄까.... 나치즘과 비슷한 느낌이 들어서요.\n<yemharc> 아뇨 뭐, 그래도 그것보단 좀 낫죠\n<razGon_UNT> 너 이런 사상 가지고 있어? 너는 나랑 다르므로 나는 너를 무시한다.\n<razGon_UNT> 이런건... 아무래도.\n<yemharc> 하지만 종교전쟁이라는게 괜히 일어난게 아니니까요.....\n<yemharc> 개인적으로 '종교'는 정말 위험하다고 생각해서요\n<razGon_UNT> 위험합니다만.ㅎ\n<yemharc> 어느것을 막론하고 모든 종교의 원류로 올라가면 사람의 생각과 가치관을 고정시키고 ê·¸ 이외의 것을 '배제하는것이 당연하다'라는 사상이 들어있잖아요\n<razGon_UNT> 하나의 원칙을 만들어서 그렇죠.\n<razGon_UNT> 마치 안드로이드라는 종교가 만들어 졌는데. 모든기기가 사양이 다른것처럼요.\n<yemharc> 근데 더 재미있는건, ê·¸ 하나의 원칙이 어떤 종교를 막론하고 모두 '아주 좋은 뜻'이었다는것도 ì°¸.......\n<razGon_UNT> 에러가 나는 거죠.\n<yemharc> 예를들면 기독교의 절대원칙(?)은 예수를 믿어라가 아니라 '네 이웃을 사랑하라' 아니던가요\n<razGon_UNT> 교리적인 부분으로 접근하는 ê±´ 기독교가 아니라 유대교적인 접근입니다.\n<razGon_UNT> 쉽게 말하면 구약적인 율법적인 부분에서 보자면\n<yemharc> 아.... 그러니까 제가 하고싶은 말이 바로 그런 부분이에요\n<razGon_UNT> 십계명의 예를 들어 1-4계명은 신과의 계명입니다. 4-10계명은 사람에 대한 계명입니다.\n<yemharc> 정말 '고대'적에야 제정일치라고 종교=정치=권력 ......이 틀린게 아니었죠.\n<yemharc> 종교가 곧 정치가 되고, 그걸 통해 권력을 잡으니 당연히 '통제수단'이 필요했고 그로 인해서 각종 율법이니 규율이니 온갖 잡다한게 생겨났겠죠\n<yemharc> 사실 ê·¸ 형태가 지금도 내려오고 있고요\n<razGon_UNT> 하지만, 기독교는 이런 계명의 유연함이 없고 그것이 되려 사람을 얽어매는 도구가 되어서 그것을 벗어 난 전인류와 신과의 관계에 대한 마음을 중시하게 되어서 나온겁니다.\n<razGon_UNT> 뭐 프레임은 바뀌기 힘들죠.\n<yemharc> 네, 그런데 프레임은 둘째치고\n<razGon_UNT> 모든 프로그래밍은 유닉ìŠ��에서 출발되듯이요.\n<yemharc> ê·¸ 프레임과 규칙의 근간이 되는게 바이블(모든 종교엔 다 하나씩은 있죠)인데\n<yemharc> 지금에 와선 자신들 스스로 ê·¸ 바이블을 부정하는 현상이죠\n<razGon_UNT> 그래서 예수님이 구원을 오신게 우리의 영혼의 구원도 있지만, 계명으로 부터 구원도 있습니다.ㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> 결국은 마음에서 주님과 사람과의 사랑[아가페]이 중심을 이룹니다.\n<razGon_UNT> 지금의 기독교는 조건적인 사랑입니다. 그리고 감각적인 사랑인 경우가 많죠.\n<bridgebot> arvid : 애초에 태생이 편파적인 종교라서\n<razGon_UNT> 아가페=무조건 적인 사랑. 조건적인 사랑[로고스]ê³¼ 감각적인 사랑[에로스]\n<razGon_UNT> but. 아가페는 맹목적인 사랑이 아닙니다.\n<razGon_UNT> 유일신교가 가지는 하나의 특성이죠.\n<razGon_UNT> 이슬람이나 기독교, 유교등이 그렇죠.\n<bridgebot> arvid : 유교는\n<bridgebot> arvid : 유일신교는 아닌데..;\n<razGon_UNT> 유교의 교리를 이야기 한게 아닙니다만.\n<razGon_UNT> 공자를 추종하는 종교 정도라고 한정짓는게 맞겠군요.\n<razGon_UNT> 하긴 유교는 종교보다는 철학에 가깝죠. 이건 빼겠습니다.\n<bridgebot> arvid : 추종하는 종교라기보단\n<bridgebot> arvid : 학문 일파 정도죠\n<razGon_UNT> 이슬람이나 기독교\n<bridgebot> arvid : 신앙하곤 좀 다른 맥락\n<bridgebot> arvid : 도교쪽은\n<razGon_UNT> 중국에서 관운장 사당짓는거 비슷한.ㅎ\n<bridgebot> arvid : ...신이 개떼...\n<razGon_UNT> 도교는 다신교.ㅎㅎㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> 흰두교와 토착종교의 짬뽕.\n<bridgebot> arvid : 다신교도 아니고\n<bridgebot> arvid : 다다신교\n<bridgebot> arvid : 흰두교는\n<bridgebot> arvid : 다다다신교?\n<bridgebot> arvid : 불교 흰두교 도교는\n<bridgebot> arvid : 세계관 공유가 좀 있죠\n<bridgebot> arvid : 유일신교가 그러고보니\n<bridgebot> arvid : 다 유태교 태생인가\n<bridgebot> arvid : 조로 아스터교도\n<bridgebot> arvid : 좀 그쪽이고\n<bridgebot> arvid : 조로아스터 유태 기독\n<bridgebot> arvid : 으로 이어지던가요\n<razGon_UNT> 글세요. 거기까지는..\n<yemharc> 어구;;; 이야기 중에 갑자기 서버관련 문제가 부왘;;\n<yemharc> 유일신교는 어디 태생이라기보다........\n<yemharc> 아, 이런건 타고 올라가면 교인 입장에선 거의 신성모독 수준의 이야기로 흘러갑니다만 ㅎㅎ;;\n<razGon_UNT> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<yemharc> 사실 최초의 종교는 자연을 숭배하는 형태였다가\n<yemharc> 소위 '제사장'의 권위가 올라가면서 제사장 vs 실질적 리더의 형태를 거쳐\n<yemharc> 제정일치가 왔고\n<yemharc> 그러면서 점점 숭배의 대상이 자연물->사람으로 바뀌었죠\n<yemharc> 현재의 다신교의 신 대부분이 자연물 또는 동물과 사람이 합쳐진 모습이 많은게 일종의 증명이구요\n<razGon_UNT> 갑자기 말이 끝겼네요.ㅎㅎㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> 끊겼네요.ㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> 종교.. 그것은 무한의 뫼뷔우스의 띠...\n<razGon_UNT> yemharc: 제 서버의 용도 또 쓸만한 게 뭐잇을까요? 1. 웹-FTP-samba 서버. 2.뮤직스트리밍 서버 3.클라우드 컴퓨팅으로 채팅과 문서 읽기 4. 가상윈도기기 .... 그다음은 뭐가 있을까요?\n<bluedusk> 에어 비디오?\n<bluedusk> 뮤직만 스트리밍 할께 아니라 비디오도 스트리밍을..+__+\n<razGon_UNT> 에어비디오 필요할지요? ftp-oplayer조합으로 가고 있습니다만.\n<bluedusk> 뭐 그러시다면..;\n<razGon_UNT> 안드로이드의 스트리밍은  ftp로도 되더군요.\n<razGon_UNT> 울마눌과 애들은 아이패드지만, 저는 중국산 안드로이드 패드 쓰려구요.\n<bluedusk> 전 아잉패드도 사고.. 이다음 핸폰은 아이폰으로 가려고\n<razGon_UNT> 저는 타이젠 리눅스 핸폰 나오는 ê±° 봐서 그것을 사볼까 생각중입니다.  아니면 쿼티 자판 핸폰 좋은거 기다립니다만, RIM거는 말구요.\n<razGon_UNT> 이게 서버를 자꾸사용하면 할수록 극한으로 몰고 싶은 충동이 나오내요.\n<yemharc> unison을 통한 여러 컴퓨터 동기화\n<razGon_UNT> 제가 행보관도 아니고 노는꼴을 못보네요.\n<yemharc> (.......)\n<razGon_UNT> unison?\n<yemharc> 일종의 싱크 툴이에요\n<razGon_UNT> 오.... 구글링 고고싱.ㅎ\n<bluedusk> 뭐 전 kvm 써서 용도별로 쪼개 쓰고 있긴 한데\n<razGon_UNT> 아.. 그건 이미 크롬이 대부분을 해결해주더군요. 정확히는 구글이..ㅋ\n<bridgebot> Darkess-Angel_N : 흠?\n<bridgebot> Darkess-Angel_N : 안드로이드에서 ftp로 스트리밍 지원하는 플레이어도 있었나요?\n<razGon_UNT> MX플레이어요. 물론 ES탐색기와 조합해야 되고요. Olpayer보다는 성능이 좀 떨어지는 느낌이 옵니다.\n<razGon_UNT> 아... 5. 토렌토 머신.ㅋ\n<bridgebot> Darkess-Angel_N : 아아 그렇게 마운트해서요?\n<bridgebot> Darkess-Angel_N : ê·¸ 방법이라면 아무 플레이어나 다 될꺼에요 ^^;\n<bridgebot> Darkess-Angel_N : 전 또 지원하는게 있는줄 알았음\n<bridgebot> Darkess-Angel_N : 전용 프로토콜이랑 smb도 그런거 되요\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : ..\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : dksemfhdlem akfrh\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 안드로이드말고\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 아톰담 윈 8 ㄷ테블릿들이나\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 빨리 등장하면 좋겟어요\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 적어도 매트로 UI는 테블릿에 쓰기에는 충분함.\n<bridgebot> 오리 : 냠냠\n<razGon_UNT> 리하이요.\n<Seony> Hi\n<razGon_UNT> 왜이리 한글이 자꾸 깨지는지....\n<bridgebot> b-luedusk|Desktop : 오리, 하이\n<razGon_UNT> 후.... 덥네요...ㅠㅠ\n<Seony> 여긴 요즘 밤에 좀 추워요\n<Seony> 저는 와이프랑 Pho 먹으러 잠시..\n<razGon_UNT> 아웅.. 저도 pho먹고 시픈데...ㅠㅠㅠ\n<razGon_UNT> 맛있엇겠네요.\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=pridepc_new3&no=990511\n<razGon_UNT> 다들 원격데스크탑쓰시면 뭘로 하시나요?\n<razGon_UNT> vnc? temawiewer? freeNx?\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 윈도 라이브 매쉬요\n<razGon_UNT> xdpr이건가요?\n<bridgebot> passinger : 서니님 넙죽\n<bridgebot> passinger : 아직 하와이에 계씬가여\n<bridgebot> S-eony : passinger, 안녕하세요. 여전히 하와이에 살고있씁니다 ㅎㅎ\n<Guest95904> 옹\n<Guest95904> 닉 안바꿨는데 바뀌네\n<am0c> Guest95904: 이미 닉 쓰고 있는 사람 있어서 그래여 ^, ^\n<am0c> 정확히 말하면 누가 해당 닉으로 가입해서 그래염\n<am0c> Guest95904: 유진양 언넝와여'ㅁ'\n<Guest95904> 아 그렇군요\n<Guest95904> 프리노드에 가입했었나 안했나 기억이 가물 가물 하네요\n<Guest95904> 그런데 정확히 말하면 양이 아니라 군이 더 가깝네요 ^^;;\n<am0c> 헙!\n<am0c> Guest95904: 제가 알고있던 유진님이 아니었군요 죄송죄송... ㅠㅠ\n<am0c> 글고보니 알고있던 유진님도 여러분이었.. 지금 생각났네여\n<Guest95904> ㅎㅎ\n<am0c> 죄송합니다 ㅠ.ㅠ\n<Guest95904> 전 첨뵈는거 같은데 잘 모르겠네요\n<laen0k> 이제 일어났네요\n<Eugene_Home> 음..\n<Eugene_Home> 하이\n<laen0k> 하요\n<laen0k> 아목님도 여기에 ㅋ\n<Eugene_Home> 아목님이 혹시 ê·¸ 목 ?\n<Eugene_Home> am0c = mark ??\n<am0c> 아뇨아닙미다\n<Eugene_Home> 아니시군요\n<am0c> 넵..\n<Eugene_Home> 알겠습니다\n<Eugene_Home> 근데 우분투 채널 규칙은 mark의 서버로 연결되어 있군요\n<razGon_UNT> laen0k: 일어나셨군요.ㅎㅎ\n<bridgebot> 걸뽀 : 뭐야\n<laen0k> 네 키패드 때문이라고 들었어요 ㅋ\n<bridgebot> 걸뽀 : 시발\n<razGon_UNT> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> 키패드 건드리면 바로 반응 오더군요.ㅎㅎㅎ\n<laen0k> ㅎㅎ 그렇군요\n<laen0k> 문제를 찾았다니 다행이네요\n<razGon_UNT> 문제는 다른 버젼들이 있는데. 그것을 다 돌아가면서 써야 하나 생각이 듭니다.\n<laen0k> 키패드를 자주 쓰시나바요\n<razGon_UNT> 속도는 freeNx가 좋기는 한데 말이죠. 쩝... 설정이나 조작이 제한이 되어 있어서요.\n<razGon_UNT> 그게 삼국지의 습관이..ㅋ\n<laen0k> 흠 그렇군요\n<laen0k> 아 삼국지 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 흠\n<laen0k> 곰님 하요\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 전 freenx로\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 잘되본적이 없어서\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : ㅎㅇ\n<razGon_UNT> freenx에서 제가 초기에 설정을 잘못해서 그런지. 몇몇 패키지들이 작동되는게 표시 안되는 경우가 있습니다.\n<razGon_UNT> 뭐 움직이는 ê±° 보니 괜찮더군요.ㅎ\n<laen0k> freenx가 버그가 좀 있나바요 곰님도 잘되본적이 없다그러시는거보면 ㅋ\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 잘 모르겠음\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 그닥 필요성을 못 느낀지라\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : ㅋㅋㅋ\n<laen0k> 아 ㅋㅋㅋ 그런거군요\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 다른거 잘되는 것 많은데\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 힘들게\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 생소한거\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 찾아서 할 이유가 없어서\n<razGon_UNT> vnc가 한글의 초중종성이 망가져 버려서요.\n<laen0k> razGon님은 한글문제 때문에 여러 생소한 것들을 모두 접하셨을듯 ㅋ\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : ?\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 그런가요?\n<laen0k> 사용중에 키패드를 쓰면\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 전 vnc로......\n<razGon_UNT> 예 realvnc라서 그런가요?\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 수백대 관리 했었는데\n<laen0k> 저렇게 망가져버린다고 하네요\n<razGon_UNT> 어떤 vnc 쓰세요?\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 키 매핑빼고\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 긁적\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 문제점이 없을텐데\n<razGon_UNT> 수정하는 방법이 잇을까요?\n<laen0k> razGon님\n<laen0k> 혹시 편집기 뭐 쓰시나요\n<razGon_UNT> 아 저는 지-에디트요\n<laen0k> 아 그렇군요 ㅋ 혹시 이맥스 쓰시는 아는분 없나요?\n<razGon_UNT> 저는 전공이 이쪽이 아니라서요^^;;\n<razGon_UNT> 전혀 아는 분이.ㅎ\n<laen0k> 아 그렇군요 ㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> 어렸을때 컴을 좋아해서 취미로 쭈욱 이어져 온....\n<razGon_UNT> 뭐 그렇다고 해도 ...ㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> laen0k: 오늘은 일찍 자야 겟군요.\n<razGon_UNT> 내일 뵙겟습니다.\n<razGon_UNT> 안녕히 주무세요.ㅎ\n<laen0k> 네 들어가세요\n<laen0k> ㅋㅋ 내일 뵈요\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : http://www.startpda.kr/zbxe/index.php?document_srl=2424088\n<razGon_UNT> 있다뵈요..ㅎ\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : emeldj dhkstjdgotdjdy\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : xndkffkxls tltmxpa\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 드디어 오나성햇어요 투알라틴 시스템\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : ..\n<razGon_UNT> 축하드려요. 근데 윈7은......ㅎㄸㄷ\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 램이 충분하니\n<razGon_UNT> 저 진짜 갑니다. 있다뵙겟습니다.ㅎ\n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 별 문젠 없을걸로 ë³´ê³ \n<bridgebot> 미리나이루2 : 쓴건대 생각대로 쓸만하네요\n<bridgebot> Darkess-Angel_N : 팬3라도 큰 문젠 없는\n<bridgebot> Darkess-Angel_N : 램만 1기가 되면 (...)\n<razGon_UNT> Seony: Aloha!~!\n<razGon_UNT> 여기 광주는 우중충 하네요. 어제부터 비온다고 했는데. 오늘 아침에서도 비가 안오네요....ㅎㄸ\n<Seony> 안녕하세요.\n<Seony> 여기는 늘 똑같네요. 화창한 날씨... 낮엔 더운데 요즘 밤에는 좀 추워요\n<razGon_UNT> ㅎㅏㄴㄱㅡㄹ ㅁㅜㄴㅈㅔ.!\n<razGon_UNT> i will reconnect\n#ubuntu-ko 2012-06-08\n<razGon_UNT> OMG. ㅎㅏㄴㄱㅡㄹㅇㅣ ㄲㅐㅈㅣㄴㅔㅇㅛ\n<razGon_UNT> reconnect ㅠ.ㅠ\n<bridgebot> 오리 : 냠냠\n<bridgebot> w : 캬?ㅇ\n<bridgebot> w : ľľ\n<bridgebot> 오리 : 냠냠\n<bridgebot> 조류독감 : ㅠㅠ\n<bridgebot> w : -ㅅ-\n<bridgebot> 조류독감 : 감기 걸렸어요\n<bridgebot> 조류독감 : 육월인데 ㅠㅠ\n<bridgebot> w : ㅇㅇ\n<bridgebot> w : 오뉴월 감기는 오리가 걸린다옹\n<bridgebot> 조류독감 : ㅇㅇ\n<bridgebot> 조류독감 : 그런듯 ㅠㅠ\n<Eugene_> hi\n<laen0k> 하요\n<razGon_UNT> 리하이요.\n<razGon_UNT> 한글이 깨져서 몇번 재시작 하는지 몰겠네요.ㅠ\n<laen0k> 키패드 테스트를 해봤는데 저는 이상이 없었어요\n<razGon_UNT> 허거거...\n<laen0k> 혹시 모르니 키보드를 한번 바꿔서 테스트 í��´ë³´ì‹œëŠ”ê±´ 어떨까요\n<razGon_UNT> 아! 그런 방법이..ㅋㅋ\n<laen0k> 안녕하세요\n<razGon_UNT> 어서 오세요.\n<razGon_UNT> 도데체 무엇이 문제 인지.. 그래서 제가 클라이언트를 바꾸었습니다.\n<laen0k> 서버를 x11vnc로 해보셨나요?\n<razGon_UNT> 아니요. 서버는 그냥 비노.\n<razGon_UNT> realvnc변환된 패치아류작들을 쓰고 잇습니다.\n<razGon_UNT> 벌써 점심이네요. 점심 맛있게 드세요\n<laen0k> ㅎㅎ 점심이 됐는데 점심 생각이 별로 없네요\n<razGon_UNT> 아직도 한글이 살아있다.\n<laen0k> 헐\n<laen0k> 어떻게 아직도 한글이 살아있나요 ㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> 이유는 별로 서버를 안굴리면 됩니다.\n<laen0k> 아 그런거군요 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<razGon_UNT> 그리고 저는 키패드 안누르고요.ㅎㅎㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> 정확히는 타자를 잘안치면 됩니다.\n<laen0k> 그런 명료한 방법이;;;;\n<razGon_UNT> 오늘은 좀 바빠서요.ㅎ\n<laen0k> ㅎㅎ 네\n<ionia> 안녕하세요\n<Seony> Hi\n<razGon_UNT> 아... 짜증나네요. 시원하게 비가 오는가 싶었는데...\n<razGon_UNT> 쩝..\n<Seony> 날씨가 더운가보군요\n<razGon_UNT> 다시 더워지는 여기는 이미 아열대...ㅠㅠ\n<razGon_UNT> 더워요.. 에어컨을 틀기에 약간 이르기는 한데. 넘 덥네여. 어제는 정말 더웠는데 말이죠.\n<razGon_UNT> 오늘 시원한가 했는데. 더워요. ㅎ\n<Seony> 습도까지 높으면 정말 힘들겠어요..\n<Seony> 아... 상상만 해도 짜증이.. ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_UNT> 아직은 그나마 그정도 습도는 없습니다. 태양이 뜨거워서 그렇죠.\n<razGon_UNT> 후....\n<Seony> 곧 습도가 높아지겠군요\n<razGon_UNT> 그게 실은 더 걱정입니다.\n<razGon_UNT> 혹서와 혹한은 내원객의 감소를...ㅠㅠ\n<Seony> 아... 그렇군요..\n<twinsenx> 하와이는 날씨 괜찮네요 http://is.gd/s2OMCo\n<Qpang> 안녕하세요\n<bridgebot> passinger : ..\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 분도 할배 보기 힘들군\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : -_-;\n<bridgebot> passinger : 흠..\n<bridgebot> passinger : 여기 안오신지 좀 된거 같..\n#ubuntu-ko 2012-06-09\n<bridgebot> Danyela : http://fd2678cc.linkbabes.com\n<qpang> 안녕하세요\n<razGon_Xsh> 리하이요\n<razGon_Xsh> 아무도 없어요?\n<razGon_Xsh> ㅎㅎ^^;\n<bridgebot> SCVê³° : 없음\n<razGon_Xsh> 저 잠시 병원에 다녀 오겟습니다. ㅎ\n<mckang> 안녕하세요\n<mckang> 다름이 아니라 부팅에러가 나서 질문이 좀 있어서 방문하였습니다.\n<mckang> 죄송하지만 메세지 보시면 글좀 부탁드려요.\n<bridgebot> young2 : hi\n<bridgebot> twinsenx : shutdown -h 02:55\n#ubuntu-ko 2013-06-03\n<ahoops_> Seony: 옆구리 푹!!\n<samahui> Seony: 반대쪽 옆구리도 푹!\n<samahui> 안녕하세요~\n<ahoops_> 안녕하세요 ㅋ\n<Markers> 안녕하세요\n<Seony> ahoops, samahui, 안녕하세요\n<nymph> 아우~\n<nymph> 날씨가 덥네요..\n<nymph> (ㅡㅡ ) ( ㅡㅡ)\n<Seony> 이제 6월이니 본격적인 더위 시작! ㅎㅎ\n<nymph> Seony: 거기도 덥지 않나요?\n<nymph> 하와이면 벌써 여름 한가운데 일거 같은데요.\n<Seony> 덥긴한데, 그나ë��ˆë„ 늘상 똑같아서 잘 모르겠어.\n<Seony> 그래도 일단 낮에만 더우니까...\n<nymph> 아.. 그러네요.\n<nymph> Seony: 궁금한게 있는데요\n<nymph> 거기 한 6개월과정으로 어학연수 같은거 있나요?\n<Seony> 어학원는 그냥 \"학원\" 수준이라, 6개월이건 3개월이건 별도의 프로그램은 사실 의미가 없어\n<nymph> 긍가...\n<Seony> 어학연수 간다고 하면 엄청 기대 많이들하는데,\n<Seony> 막상 오면 한국에서 학원 다니는거랑 큰 차이가 없거든...\n<nymph> 그렇군요..\n<Seony> 단지 같은 반 사람들이 한국사람이 아니라는 점만 다를 뿐..\n<nymph> 한 6개월정도 해볼까...\n<Seony> 아 또 가르치는 사람들이 한국에서처럼 가르치진 않는다는 점..\n<nymph> 대충 듣기라도 조금 되지 않을까 싶기도 하구..\n<Seony> 도움이야 되기는 하지.  일단 강사들이 한국에서처럼 가르치진 않으니까..\n<nymph> 오래전에 써님이 했던말을 들었야 했는데, 그때는 돈이 없었던때라..\n<Seony> 한국에 있는 어학원들 거기 원어민 강사들 ë³´ë©´, 말 조낸 천천히 하면서 농담 따먹기 정도만 하는데..\n<Seony> 여기는 자기가 사는 곳이니까 그냥 평상시처럼 말하거든..\n<nymph> 그럼 어케 생활해요?\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ 기회되면 빨리 와.\n<Seony> 생활?\n<nymph> 밥도 먹고 집에도 가야하는데..\n<nymph> ㅇㅇ\n<Seony> 뭘 묻는 거야?  밥도 먹고 집에도 간다는게..\n<nymph> 아녀.. 처음에 도착하면 말도 않통할텐데 ㅋ\n<Seony> 아~\n<nymph> 생활을 어케하는지 궁금해서요.. ㅋㅋ\n<Seony> 그래서 보통은 일주일 내지는 보름 정도 전에 미리 입국을 하는 편이야\n<nymph> 그렇군요..\n<Seony> 지리 익혀놓고 주위에 뭐가 있는지도 ë³´ê³ , 살곳도 찾아놓고 그러지\n<nymph> 그래서 대충 적응기간을 걷친다...\n<Seony> 친척이나 친구가 살고있지않는한, 오자마자 다음날 바로 학원에 가는건 불가능하겠지\n<nymph> ㅇㅇ\n<Seony> 나도 1주일 전에 들어와서 이것저것 사고 주위 지리 익혀놓고 그랬거든\n<nymph> 사실... IT일하면서\n<nymph> 외국인 블로그같은거 볼때마다\n<nymph> 뭔가를 느끼고 아는걸 적고 싶은데, 그게 않되니까 많이 답답해서요\n<Seony> 근데 6개월 정도면 회사에서 봐주는 거야?\n<nymph> 6개월에서 한 1년정도 말이라도 배우고 나면 좀 낫지 않을까 싶은 마음에 요새 ê·¸ 연수나 함 갈까 그생각해요\n<nymph> 아녀.. 회사는 때려치는거져..\n<Seony> 아~\n<nymph> 어짜피 올해 못넘길거 같아서요..\n<Seony> 싱글이니까 아마 많이 늘긴 할거야.  그건 내가 확신할 수 있어 ㅎㅎ\n<nymph> 젊었을때 한 1년정도 외국에 사는거면 괜찮은데..\n<Seony> 내 생각이지ë§��, 어학원을 다니는 것보다는, 어학원 3달만 다니고 바로 대학교 넘어가는게 훨씬 도움 많이 될 거야\n<nymph> 고생스럽더라도 나가볼껄 후회 막심이네요..\n<nymph> Seony: 눌러 앉는게 목적이 아니라서요..\n<Seony> 대학 입학해서 졸업하라는 얘기가 아니고,\n<Seony> 같은 어학코스 수업을 듣더라도, 대학교에 개설된 어학코스를 듣는게 훨씬 낫다는 얘기야\n<nymph> 그거 1년 댕기고 때려치면 되는건가요?\n<Seony> 1년이고 6개월이고 간에, 학기 단위로 유지되니까 학기단위로만 다니면 문제 없지.\n<nymph> 한 1년정도만 댕기고 그만 댕길라면 그때 문제가 될거 같아서요...\n<nymph> 그렇군요...\n<Seony> 그러니까 뭐랄까... 어학원은 \"놀러왔는데 심심하니까 학원이나 다니자\" 하는 부류이고,\n<Seony> 대학교는 \"이 학교 입학하려면 반드시 해야하니까\" 공부하러 오는 애들이 다니고..\n<Seony> 딴데는 모르겠지만 여기 애들은 좀 그래.\n<Seony> 물론 한국사람들은 오기 전에 열심히 공부하겠다는 각오로 와서 어학원 다니긴 하는데,\n<Seony> 다른 나라 애들이 안그래\n<nymph> ê·¸.. 그렇군요..\n<Seony> 특히 스위스, 일본쪽 애들이, 놀러왔는데 심심하니까 학원이나 다니자 하는 부류들이야\n<nymph> 처음에는 필리핀쪽으로 해볼까.. 값도 싸고 하니... 했었는데\n<nymph> 않좋은 이야기가 많아서 않될거 같구..\n<Seony> 어학연수로는 그래도 미국이 좀 나은거 같던데\n<Seony> 호주는 잘 모르겠지만 대충 들리는 얘기가, 한국애들이 한반에 과반수가 넘는다고... ㅎㅎ\n<nymph> 그런환경은 좀 않좋은거 같아요..\n<Seony> 일단은 갖고있는 자금의 예산에서 해결을 지어야하니까, 무조건 돈 위주로 계산을 해봐.\n<nymph> ㅇㅇ\n<Seony> 그런 환경이 안좋긴 해도, ê²°êµ­ 어학원에서 하루종일 사는건 아냐\n<nymph> ㅇㅇ\n<Seony> 어학원에서 지내는 시간은 몇시간 안되고, ê²°êµ­ 밖에서 익히고 듣고 말하는게 전부이기 때문에,\n<Seony> 외부에서 활동하는게 어쩌면 더 중요할 수도 있어\n<nymph> 하와이는 외부환경이 어떤가요?\n<Seony> 하와이는 조낸 좋지 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<nymph> 사람들이 외국인 차별이나 이런거 없어요?\n<Seony> 날씨 좋지, 갈데 많지, 사람들 좋지,\n<nymph> 호주는 요새 인종차별이 종종 발생해서리..\n<Seony> 동양인이 대부분이라 인종차별도 없지,\n<nymph> 오~\n<Seony> 관광객이 너무 많기 때문에, 관광객 차별하면 큰일나지,\n<nymph> 아~~\n<Seony> 대신 문제는, 집값이 비싸\n<nymph> 그럼 상점에서 뭐 사먹을때 덤뜸더듬 거려도 뭐라 않하겠네요..\n<nymph> 집값..\n<nymph> 렌트비가 비싸겠네요..\n<Seony> 하와이는, 일본 관광객이, 내가 ë³¼ 땐 50% 이상이야.\n<Seony> 일본 사람들은 ì°¸ 이해가 안되는게,\n<Seony> 남의 나라 와서도 자기나라 말을 한다는 거야\n<nymph> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<nymph> 하와이가 자기네 땅인줄 알던데요..\n<Seony> 그래서 상대방이 못알아들으면 그때서야 바디 랭귀지를 하는데,\n<nymph> 자기들이 돈 많이 벌어서 하와이 땅 많이 샀다고...\n<Seony> 일본 관광객이 절대 다수인게 하와이이다보니까, 그런 사람들을 절대 무시할 수가 없거든\n<Seony> 뭐 그런거지.  일본인들은 세계 어딜가도 일본어 안내표지판이 있을 정도니.\n<Seony> 실제로, 하와이 관광지대에는 어딜가도 일본어 하는 사람들이 있어\n<nymph> 한 5천이면 1년 살라나..\n<Seony> 5천?\n<Seony> 음.. 대충 계산해볼까\n<Seony> 일단 뱅기값 왕복해서 대강 300 잡고,\n<Seony> 어학원은 비싼 어학원 간다고 치고, 월 $800*12\n<Seony> 대충 천만원이네\n<Seony> 그럼 4천으로 1년을 살면 되는거네\n<nymph> 월 800?\n<Seony> 충분하겠네.  돈 걱정은 안해도 되겠다\n<nymph> 아.. 800달러\n<nymph> 800달러면 얼마야..\n<Seony> 80만원꼴\n<nymph> 100만원쯤이네..\n<nymph> 1천 200백만원에 뱅기값 300\n<Seony> 아 환율 때문에100만원으로 잡아야하는구나\n<nymph> 한 1천 700만원이면\n<nymph> 집구해서 렌트비하다보면\n<nymph> 4천들거라는 건가요?\n<nymph> 근데 써니님 말씀대로 어학원을 1년 내내 댕길순 없으니, 3개월 댕기고\n<Seony> 아니, 사실 생활비는 어느정도 나올지 계산이 안되서 확실히는 모르겠고,\n<nymph> 대학교 댕기게되면 또 달라지지 않아요?\n<Seony> 5천에 1년이면 돈은 크게 걱정 안해도 될 ê±° 같아\n<Seony> 사실, 대학교가 어학원보다 더 싸\n<nymph> 헉~ 그래요?\n<nymph> 신기하네..\n<Seony> 물론 대학교 정규 학비 자체는 엄청나게 비싼데,\n<Seony> 여기 하와이에 있는 대학들로 치면, 어학코스는 무지 싸\n<nymph> 오~\n<Seony> 게다가 입학도 쉬워\n<Seony> 무지 싸다고 하기는 좀 그런데, 암튼 어학원보단 싸\n<Seony> 대신, 대학이다보니 학기 단위로 운영되니까 시기를 맞춰야지\n<autowiz2012> 써니님 하와이에 취직할려면 로컬 대학 졸업해야 하나요?\n<nymph> 아참.. 거기는 학기가 가을부터지요?\n<Seony> autowiz2012: 아뇨 그렇진 않아요.\n<Seony> nymph: 어학코스는 크게 의미없어\n<nymph> Seony: 대학교 어학코스도 크게 의미가 없다는 말씀이신가요?\n<Seony> nymph: 일단, 가을학기는 8월 세째주 시작, 봄학기는 1월 둘쨰주 시작.\n<Seony> 아니 그게 아니라, 가을이든 봄이든 그건 크게 의미 없다고.\n<nymph> 아하~\n<nymph> 시작 시기만 알면 되는거��µ°ìš”!!\n<Seony> 대신, 한국에서 직접 지원하는거는 토플이나 토익 점수도 있어야하고 해서 복잡한데,\n<Seony> 현지에 있는 학생이 전학을 신청하면 그냥 받아주거든\n<nymph> 잉?\n<Seony> 학교가 돈독 올랐나봐 ㅋ\n<nymph> 어학원에 댕기는 학생일 경우에는 전학이 아니라 입학이 아닌가요?\n<nymph> 어학코스는 다른건가...\n<Seony> 전학이야\n<nymph> 오~\n<Seony> 굳이 용어를 따지자면 전학이라고 ë³¼ 수 있는데, 그냥 편의상 입학이라고 하는 거야\n<Seony> 뭐 암튼, 어학원은 학생비자 내줄려면 무조건 3개월 등록이니까,\n<nymph> 그러면 처음에 3개월정도를 어학원에서 댕기다가 학생비자 생기면 대학교에 댕기면 되는거군요!!\n<Seony> 대학 학기시작 이전에 3개월을 고려하면 되는 거지\n<Seony> 아니아니,\n<Seony> 아.. 순서를 먼저 알려줘야겠다\n<nymph> 저 잠시만요~\n<nymph> 누가 찾아서요..\n<Seony> ㅇㅋ\n<nymph> 한 10분정도 걸릴거예요~\n<nymph> 후딱 올께요~\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ 갔따와\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n<autowiz2012> 안녕하세요.\n<Seony> 안녕하세요 ㅎㅎ\n<nymph> 왔으요~\n<nymph> 뭐 별것두 아닌데 불러갔고.. ㅎㅎ\n<nymph> 근데 거기 대학교도 한학기가 3개월정도 아닌가요?\n<Seony> nymph: 대략 4개월.  나 잠시 저녁식사 좀... 한 10분 걸릴 거야 ㅎㅎ\n<nymph> Seony: 천천히 하셔요.. 식사는 천천히 하는 거예요~ ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> nymph: 지금 왔어\n<Seony> 짜파구리를 끓여줬는데, 와이프가 너무 맛있다고 나보고 먹지말래\n<nymph> Seony: 앙? 너무 맛있다고 같이 먹자가 아니라 먹지 말래?\n<nymph> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<Seony> ㅋㅋ 울 와이프는 좀 그래\n<nymph> 뭐지.. 이상한 가족이닷~ ㅋ\n<Seony> ㅋㅋ 암튼 순서를 알려주자면,\n<nymph> ㅇㅇ\n<Seony> 어학원에 입학신청서 및 학원비 송금을 해주면\n<nymph> ㅇㅇ\n<Seony> 어학원은 서류와 돈 받은걸 확인해서, 입학허가서를 작성하고 I-20라고 하는 미 이님국 유학생 서류를 작성해\n<Seony> 미 이민국\n<nymph> 오..\n<nymph> (이민국에서 하는구나... )\n<Seony> 그러면 I-20라고 하는 서류를 받아서, \"내가 어학원에서 입학허가를 받았으니까 비자를 달라\" 라고 대사관 가서 학생비자 신청을 하는 거야]\n<nymph> 아..\n<nymph> 서류는 한국에서 받는거고\n<nymph> 비자도 한국에서 미국대사관에가서 학생비자 달라고 하는거군요..\n<nymph> 광화문 가야하나.. ㅋㅋ\n<Seony> 그렇지.  이게 간단한 절차라고 ë³¼ 수 있는데, 이게 다 완료되면, 미국으로 입국하는 것부터가 이미 합법이 되는거지\n<nymph> 오..\n<Seony> 그리고 미국 내에서는 학원을 옮기든 학교를 옮기든 자유야\n<nymph> 그러면 어학원에서 언제부터 나오라 하면\n<nymph> 그때까지 집구하고 주변 파악하고 적응하고 해서\n<nymph> 댕기기 시작하면 되는거군요~\n<Seony> ㅇㅇ 근데, 보통 학원은 돈을 벌어야하는 영리집단이니까, 년중 수시로 받지\n<nymph> 근데 집은 어케 구해요?\n<nymph> 한국에서 리모트로 집을 구할수 없는데?\n<nymph> 그거 해주는 사업체가 따로 있을거 같기도 하고\n<Seony> 일단은,\n<Seony> 민박 같은데에서 ë©°ì¹  머무르면서, 현지 신문이나 교차로 같은 신문을 보면서 방을 구하게 되지\n<nymph> ê·¸.. 그렇군요..\n<nymph> 말도 않통하는데 민박 구하기도 힘들겠네요.. ㅠㅠ\n<nymph> 잘못하면 길거리에서 자야 하는..\n<Seony> 아니, 민박은 구하기 쉬워.\n<Seony> 민박은 일반 월 단위 렌트보다 비싸기 때문에 쉽게 구할 ㅅ 있지\n<Seony> 민박보다는, \"싸고 좋은 집\"을 구하는게 더 어 려워\n<nymph> 아오~\n<nymph> 그러네요..\n<Seony> 너의 경우는 싱글이니까, 집을 렌트하는 것보다는 다른 집 룸메이트로 들어가면 방값을 훨씬 많이 절약할 수 있을 거야\n<nymph> 일종에 하숙 같은 건가요?\n<Seony> 아니, 쉽게 생각하면, ë°© 2개 있는 집에서 ë°© 하나만 렌트하는 거야\n<nymph> 아~~\n<Seony> 대신 주인집에서 전기세나 물세, 인터넷 등을 제공해주는 형태이고.\n<nymph> 아..\n<nymph> 주방이나 이런거 공용으로 사용하는거고..\n<Seony> 글치.\n<Seony> 공용으로 사용한다기보단, \"사용하게 해주는\" 거에 더 가까운 개념이야\n<nymph> ê·¸.. 그러네요...\n<nymph> ë°¥ 해먹어야 하는데..\n<Seony> 보통, 어느 위치에 있느냐에 따라서 가격이 많아 달라지는데,\n<nymph> 쌀 씻고... 김치 썰고... 콩나물 묶이고.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<Seony> 그래도, 혼자 사는 것보단 50% 정도 싸\n<nymph> 와~\n<Seony> 그래서 아까 얘기한 예산 정도면 내가 ë³¼ 때는 돈 걱정은 크게 안해도 될 ê±° 같아\n<nymph> 그렇군요..\n<Seony> nymph: 하와이로 올 생각이 있으면, 이거 봐바 www.hawaiiuhak.com\n<nymph> Seony: 오 감사..\n<nymph> 이것저것 알아봐야지..\n<nymph> 결정되되면 과감하게..\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ\n<nymph> 근데 ì°¨ 산지 얼마 않됐는데 중고로 팔아야 하다니.. ㅠ\n<Seony> 근데, 사실 결정하면 빨리 오는게 좋아.  나는 마음 먹고 3개월만에 왔어\n<Seony> 지금 와이프랑 늘상 하는 얘기가, \"한 3년만 더 빨리 왔어도\" 거든 ㅋㅋ\n<nymph> 1년 6개월 정도..\n<nymph> 이렇게 생각해서 가볼까 도 생각하고\n<nymph> 아니면 딱 1년만..\n<Seony> 내가 해줄 수 있는 얘기는,\n<Seony> 막상 외국으로 나가면, 계획은 늘 바뀐다는 점이야\n<Seony> 뭐 남들은 \"보는 눈이 달라져서\"라고 하는데, 뭐 솔직히 내 생각엔 말도 안되는 ê±°ê³ ,\n<nymph> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<Seony> 내 의견으로는, 해외 나오면 자신한테 맞는 어떤 길이 생겨\n<Seony> 아니면, 돌아가기 싫어진다거나.\n<Seony> 나도 원래는 2년제 대학만 졸업하고 원래 다니던 직장으로 돌아가기로 했었어\n<Seony> 그러다가, 2년제 다니기로 했떤걸 4년제로 바꾸고, 거기서 또 전공을 바꾸고...\n<Seony> 전공 바꾸면서 아예 눌러 살기로 마음 먹고..\n<nymph> ê·¸.. 그렇군요..\n<Seony> 내가 아는 애도, 유학으로 왔다가 지금 사업비자 내서 사업하고 있어\n<Seony> 금강고려화학에서 자바 프로그래머로 일했었떤 앤데, 와이프가 한국 돌아가기 싫었나봐\n<nymph> 그렇군요..\n<Seony> 여기서 홈페이지 제작하는 회사 차려서 사업하고 있는데 벌써 1년 넘었네...\n<nymph> 사업은 잘되신데요?\n<Seony> 아직까지는, 돈은 크게는 못벌고 있지만 꾸준히 이익은 늘고 있대.\n<Seony> 근데 거기 와이프가 한국에서 공인회계사였거든.\n<nymph> 그렇군요...\n<nymph> 오~\n<Seony> 삼일회계법인 다녀서 연봉이 장난 아니었는데,\n<nymph> 오~\n<Seony> 거기서 직장생활하는게 그렇게 힘들었나봐.  여기 눌러살 생각까지 한걸보면..\n<Seony> ê·¸ 정도 직장에 사회적 지위면 갈만도 했을텐데.\n<nymph> 근데 사회생활이란게\n<nymph> ê¼­ 돈이나 직위나 이런걸루 좋다 나쁘다 할수 있는게 아니지 않겠어요..\n<Seony> 그렇지.  얘기가 딴데로 샜는데, 그래서 암튼 본론을 얘기하자면,\n<nymph> 저도 쥐꼬리만한 월급 받으면서도 스트레스 장난 아닌데요 뭐..\n<Seony> 떠나기 전에 6개월이든 1년이든 계획을 세웠다고 하더라도, 막상 가면 인생이 어디로 튈지 모른다는 거야\n<nymph> ㅇㅇ\n<Seony> 기간에 대한 계획보다는, 내 생각은 무조건 \"예산\"이 중요해\n<Seony> 돈 떨어지면 알바라도 해서 기간을 채울건지, 돈 떨어지면 그냥 돌아올건지...\n<Seony> 결국은 돈이 중요하거든\n<nymph> ㅇㅇ\n<nymph> 알바는 구하기 어렵지 않나요?\n<Seony> 알바 구하는 것 자체는 어렵지 않은데, 문제는 알바 구하는 사람들이 알바를 가려서 구해\n<Seony> 이건 이래서 싫고, 저건 저래서 싫고...\n<nymph> ê·¸.. 그렇군요.\n<Seony> 근데 그럴수밖에 없는게, 누구는 3시간 일하고 저만큼 버는데, 나는 하루종일 일해서 이거 벌고...\n<Seony> 그런 생각이 지속되면 ê²°êµ­ 거기서 일 못하거든\n<nymph> 그렇겠네요.\n<Seony> 음... 달력을 보니까 적어도 9월 초에는 떠나는 걸로 계획 잡으면 시간은 딱 맞겠다\n<nymph> 올해는 힘들어요. ㅋ\n<Seony> 아 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 그럼 아직 멀었구나\n<nymph> 4천 될라면 올해 꽉 채워야 해요.. ㅋ\n<nymph> 거기다.. 아직 몸 아픈게 다 않나아서요..\n<Seony> 아~\n<nymph> 부모님이 못가게 쇠사슬로 묶어 놓겠다고 해서요.. ㅋ\n<Seony> 헐... ㅋㅋ\n<nymph> 다리를 부러뜨리겠다고.. ㅋ\n<nymph> 그래서 이래저래 고민이 많아요..\n<nymph> 더 나이 먹어서 결혼도 하고 해서\n<nymph> 가던지 하라고 하시기도 하고\n<Seony> 음... 뭐 서로 각각 장단점이 있으니, 뭐가 더 낫다고 하기가 어렵네\n<nymph> 좀 더 돈을 더 많이 모은다음에 해도 되지 않겠나 싶기도 하고...\n<nymph> 사실 그렇게 해서 갔다오고 나면\n<nymph> 돈이 바닥이라.. ㅋ\n<nymph> 다시 시작해야하는 어려움도 있어서요.\n<Seony> 그건 다른 사람들도 그래 ㅎㅎ.  얼마 전에 유학온 유학생 부부를 하나 봤는데, 거기는 부부가 전재산 털어서 왔어.\n<Seony> 남자는 네오위즈에서 서버 프로그래머로 일하고, 거기 와이프는 네오위즈에서 게임 기획자로 일했었다던데 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 너무 힘들어서 쉬러왔다더라.\n<nymph> 오~\n<nymph> IT 하시는분들이 왜 이리 많이 가시지.. 그것도 하와이에?\n<Seony> 다들 신혼여행으로 한 번 와봤다가, 너무 좋아서 다시 오는 케이스야\n<nymph> 그렇군요.\n<nymph> 암튼 이래저래 고민이 많아요..\n<nymph> 외국인 프로그래머하고 일도 함 해보고 싶고..\n<nymph> 오픈소스 플젝도 조그마하게 하고 싶고..\n<nymph> 그런데 언어가 않되니... 힘들고.. ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 음... 짜증날텐데 ㅋ\n<nymph> 짜증 많이나요.. 요새...\n<nymph> 이건 내가 느낌이긴 한데..\n<Seony> 그래 뭐 하긴 여기서는 그런 일은 없으니..\n<nymph> 가짜 고수들이 주위에 너무 많아요..\n<nymph> 별로 말로만 나불나불... 직접 해보라고 하면 못하고..\n<nymph> 외국 엔지니어는 그런거 별루 없는데..\n<nymph> 그럼서 자기가 고수고 많이 알려졌으니 자기가 갑이고 너는 을~\n<nymph> 이런식으로 사람을 가르는게 너무 많아요..\n<Seony> 아무래도 서양식은, 무조건 \"책임\"이라는 게 있어서 자기가 내뱉은 말은 책임져야하거든..\n<nymph> 여긴 않그렇다는..\n<Seony> 일단 계획 세우고 목표를 정한다음, 그거만 ë³´ê³  달리는 수밖에 없겠네\n<nymph> 이래저래 고민 많아요.. 요새.. ㅎㅎ\n<nymph> Seony: 암튼 감사요~ 많은 도움 됐어요~\n<Seony> 질문있으면 아무때나 또 물어봐 ㅎㅎ\n<nymph> 네네~\n<Seony> 나 완전 유학원 차려도 될듯 ㅋ\n<nymph> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<nymph> 진짜 짱이였어요~\n<nymph> 유학원 장사해도 될듯한데요. ㅋ\n<Seony> 그냥 일만 열심히 해야지.  내년에는 대학원도 가야되고...\n<Seony> 기회되면 박사까지..\n<nymph> 오~\n<nymph> ㅋ\n<nymph> 언제한번 놀러가도 될까요?\n<nymph> ��š¸íšŒì‚¬ëŠ” 7년차가 되면 리플레쉬 휴가라서해서\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ 놀러와\n<nymph> 1달정도는 유급으로 쉴수 있어요..\n<Seony> 오~\n<Seony> 그럼 그게 언제가 되는 거야?\n<nymph> 통장에 찍히는 월급이 300이 조금 넘으니까.. 뱅기 값은 나오겠네요\n<nymph> 리플레쉬 휴가는 신청하면 되요.. 중요한 프로젝트가 없다면\n<nymph> 다 승인해주거든요.\n<Seony> 실수령액이 나보다 많다 ㅋ\n<Seony> 뭔놈의 세금이랑 보험을 그렇게 많이 떼는지..\n<nymph> ㅋ\n<nymph> 하와이 괜찮은거 같네요..\n<Seony> 놀러와.  놀러와서 어떤 곳인지 구경하고 가 ㅎㅎ\n<nymph> 확실히 관광지라서 외국사람 헤꼬지도 잘 않 일어날거 같고..\n<Seony> ㅇㅇ 하와이가 미국에서 2번째로 안전한 도시래.\n<nymph> 오~ 그렇군요..\n<nymph> 하와이에서 총기사고라도 나는 날에는 관광객들 안올테니까 그런 것도 덜 할거 같고..\n<Seony> 그래서 하와이는 총기소지는 불법이야\n<nymph> 헉~ 진짜요/\n<nymph> 대단한데요..\n<nymph> 진짜 좋다..\n<Seony> 아마 미국에서 유일하게 총 없는 주일껄.\n<Seony> 물론 어떻게 구하는 사람들이야 있긴 있지만, 일단 관광지에서는 아예 그런 일은 없지..\n<Seony> 경찰도 많거니와... 사람들부터가 엄청 많으니까.\n<nymph> 여차하면 일본이 처럼 행동을.. (쿨럭~ )\n<Seony> 아마 오면 깜짝 놀랄거야.  일본 온 것 같아서..\n<nymph> 기회되면 함 갈께요~\n<Seony> ㅇㅇ ê¼­ 와봐.  ㅎㅎ\n<nymph> 네.\n<nymph> 이제 회의 가야겠네요..\n<Seony> ㅇㅋ. 수고\n<nymph> 3시부터였는데 배쨌더니 메신저로 난리네요.. ㅋㅋ\n<Seony> ㅋㅋ\n<nymph> 뭐 나 없음 회사 않돌아가나.. ㅡ.ㅡ\n<nymph> 월급은 쥐꼬리만큼 주면서 막 부려먹을라고 하네..\n<nymph> 암튼 담에 봐여~\n<Seony> ㅇㅋ 수고해\n<imsu> DarkCircle: 오랜만~!~!ㅋㅋ\n<DarkCircle> 헐\n<DarkCircle> 그걸 어떻게 아시고 =3=3=3\n<imsu> 잉\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋ\n#ubuntu-ko 2013-06-04\n<ahoops__> 좋은아침입니다\n<samahui> 안녕하세요\n<samahui> 좋은아침 입니다 ~\n<Seony> 대학원 입학에 필요한 자격들을 훑어보니... 한숨 밖에 안나오는군요..\n#ubuntu-ko 2013-06-05\n<ahoops_> 안녕하세요.\n<Work_Seony> 안녕하세요\n<samahui> 안녕하세요\n<nymph> 하이~\n<samahui> 즐거운 점심 시간 되세요 ^^\n<Work_Seony> 퇴근합니다\n#ubuntu-ko 2013-06-06\n<JSTaedev> 안녕하세요\n<Work_Seony> 퇴근합니다\n<DarkCircle> Cheayuncho, 일함 ?_?\n<Cheayuncho> dksu\n<Cheayuncho> 쉬구있어융\n<DarkCircle> 학원은 언제까지 다니면 되는거임용 ?ㅅ?\n<Cheayuncho> 계속다녀야죠?\n<DarkCircle> 그만 다녀도 사실 상관 없는거 아니냐능\n<DarkCircle> 혼자서도 할 수 있으면 학원다닌다고 돈 갖다 부을필요까진 없자눔 .. 뿌잉\n<DarkCircle> 중요한건 학원을 가서 성적이 \"졸라\" 좋아졌다 라고 하면 뭐 할말은 없다 이건데\n<DarkCircle> 학원을 그렇게 다니는데도 별로 나아지는거도 없다 그러면 학원 다니는걸 다시 생각해봐도 괜츈하다는것\n#ubuntu-ko 2013-06-07\n<Work_Seony> DarkCircle, 포럼 때문에 고생이 많으시네요...\n<imsu> jasonjang: 안녕하세요~\n<imsu> long time no see~!~!\n<jasonjang> WoW LTNC..............아주 반가워요. 잘지내죠? imsu\n<imsu> 그냥 뭐 그럭저럭 지내고 있어용 ㅎㅎ\n<jasonjang> 아직 강남으로 출근중요?\n<imsu> jasonjang: 건강하시죠?\n<imsu> 아 거기 그만 둔지 오래되었어요 ㅋㅋ\n<jasonjang> 옙, 내가 바쁜 척 하느라고...못 본지 오랩니다. 월례 모임도 못가고...ㅠㅠ\n<jasonjang> 그럼 집근처로 출근중요?\n<imsu> 집으로 출근중입니다 ㅋㅋ\n<jasonjang> 아..재택 근무 중이시구나. ㅎ\n<imsu> 네\n<imsu> 말 그대로 백수 입니다 ㅋㅋ\n<jasonjang> 뭐...왕 큰 수입이 있어야 될텐데...ㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 로또 당첨되지 않는한 별 수 없을거 같네요 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 문제는 ;;\n<imsu> 로또를 안산다는게 함정;; ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<jasonjang> ê·¸ 번개 맞기 보다 어렵다는 라러! ㅎ\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 하지만 번개 치는 데는 안간다는\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<jasonjang> 전화번호는 그대로요? -625- ?\n<imsu> 앞에 010 0\n<imsu> 만 바뀌었습니다\n<imsu> 0625\n<jasonjang> 흠 그럼...010 0~\n<imsu> 넵\n<jasonjang> ok 워쩐지!\n<jasonjang> 원래가 에스께이 통신였어요?\n<imsu> 아직 017 쓰시나요?\n<imsu> 아뇨 LG 요 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 아\n<jasonjang> 첨부터 에스께이 통신였어요?\n<imsu> 원래 SK 였는데\n<imsu> 번호 바꾸는걸 싫어해서\n<imsu> 계속 쓰다가\n<jasonjang> 번호 기가 막히게 좋게 바뀌었네.\n<imsu> 핸드폰 고장나서 어쩔 수 없이 교체했어요\n<imsu> 아\n<jasonjang> 017 잠 재워 놨어요.\n<imsu> 0이아니라\n<imsu> 3이네요\n<imsu> 3625\n<jasonjang> 그럼 그렇치! 버럭! ㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 제 정신 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<jasonjang> 에쒸~ 라로 나 맞아라. ㅎ\n<imsu> 헤헤\n<jasonjang> sk 625 가 LG 0625 라니...좀 이해가 안갔음.\n<imsu> 그러게요 저도 아차 했네요 ㅋㅋ\n<jasonjang> 내 전번 공개 날리께요. 010-3933-뒷번호같음.\n<jasonjang> 저 어쩌면 잠시 리붙..먹통 됨\n<imsu> ㅎㅎ\n<jasonjang> 내 상태 아직 좋네요. 잘하셨으...\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<jasonjang> 1. License Inform~ 유지하고 쓰든 팔든 맘대로 하시라. 2. L 없이 팔지는 말기 바란다. 는 정도!!\n<jasonjang> 2. L 없이 안팔았으면 좋겠다\" ㅎ\n<jasonjang> 2. L 없이 팔면 싫다\" (하지만, 내가 = Copyright가 머라고 할지 않할지는 모르겠다) 정도...ㅎ\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 캄사합니다 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 아이거 근데 왜 스크롤 바가 자동으로 안내려가지 ㅠㅠ\n<imsu> 끄엉 ㅠ\n<jasonjang> 껨 여요?\n<imsu> 네 ㅋㅋ\n<jasonjang> 위 L 은 어디에 명시된 거요? 전적 사이트에?\n<imsu> 아니요 https://github.com/achimala/leaguelib\n<imsu> 요기요 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 요거 그냥 멋도 모르고 받았어요 ㅋㅋ\n<jasonjang> 흠...\n<autowiz2012> 안녕하세요\n<autowiz2012> 임수도 하이\n<jasonjang> 어이고~ 반가워요. 손오공.........님. ㅎ\n<imsu> autowiz2012: 안녕하세용 ^^\n<autowiz2012> 날씨가 덥네요 요즘...\n<Seony> 안녕하세요\n<autowiz2012> 써니님도 안녕하세요...\n<jasonjang> 가까운데 있으면서...시원한 보리차도 한잔 못하네요. autowiz2012\n<jasonjang> 일요일 저녁, 딱 500~1000밀리미터만 마시까요? autowiz2012\n<autowiz2012> 보리차 좋지요...\n<jasonjang> 시간은??\n<autowiz2012> 좋은데 말이지요 이번주는 토요일 일요일이 워크샵이라\n<jasonjang> 컹!\n<imsu> 어~\n<jasonjang> 그럼...이번 주는 통과\n<imsu> 저 방금 보리차 마셨는데 ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz2012> 오늘은 장보러 가야하고 아하~ 인생사 ì°¸ 어렵네요...\n<Seony> 나도 보리차 ㅋ\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 미국도 보리차를 팔아요? ㅋㅋ\n<Seony> 한국 마트에서 팔잖아\n<Seony> 야 여기 없는거 없어 ㅋ\n<jasonjang> 정말 없는게 없\n<jasonjang> 몇 일 전 한국서 물건 좀 보냈는데...700그램에 35,000원\n<Seony> 헐... 엄청나게 비싸네요....\n<Seony> 혹시 우체국 EMS 프리미엄인가 그거 아니에요?\n<jasonjang> 그랬나봐요.\n<jasonjang> 빠른 거라서...쩝\n<autowiz2012> 저도 뭐 15만원어치 옷을 보냈는데\n<autowiz2012> 배송비가 15만원 나오더구만요. 그때도 좀 빨리가는거긴 했지만 말이지요 DHL 로\n<jasonjang> 근데, 보낸 ê±° 생각해 보니..ebay 서 사서 보내는 것이 더 싸다\".......는\n<Seony> DHL, UPS, Fedex는 비싸서 어쩔 수 없어요.  그나마 USPS가 낫죠..\n<jasonjang> 이베이...거의 자국내 배송비 무료\n<Seony> 아마존도 그렇구요\n<jasonjang> 저는 요즘 dx.com 주로 이용\n<autowiz2012> 요즘 국내 옥션에서\n<autowiz2012> 해외 쇼핑몰 연계 판매를 하는거 같던데 말이지요.\n<jasonjang> 같은 회사라서...물량을 점점 늘리는 추세...더라고요\n<Seony> 요즘들어 포럼이 시끄럽네요..\n<autowiz2012> 뭔가 이야기 거리가 있는건가요?\n<Seony> 네 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 이야기거리라기보다는 좀 안좋은 이야기이지만... 암튼 요즘 좀 그래요\n<jasonjang> 몰랐네요\n<Seony> ê·¸ 탈퇴 머시기하는 글 말고, 이런 일도 있었지요... http://ubuntu.or.kr/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=24400\n<Seony> 한 주가 정말 어떻게 지나가는줄도 모르고 살았네요... 아직도 오늘이 화요일인줄 알았어요..\n<autowiz2012> 금요일 근무 시간이 끝나버렸네요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 불금을 즐기실 차례군요\n<Seony> 저는 내일 하루 더 출근해서 백업이랑 좀 씨름하고나서 불금을... ㅎㅎ\n<jasonjang> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<jasonjang> 보리차 먹으러 외출하려니 왠지 좀 미안...시렵습니다?!\n<autowiz2012> 그렇군요... 하와이는 아직 목요일 저녁\n<Seony> 제가 얼마 전에 페북에 적긴 했는데,\n<Seony> 기술지원온 엔지니어가 오늘 돌아갔거든요...\n<Seony> 엔지니어라고 온 사람이 거의 할아버지라서 정말 놀랐기도 했고 부럽기도 하고....\n<Seony> 근데 사실 페북에 적진 않았지만 더 놀라운 점은요...\n<Seony> 최근에 제 사수 대신 관리자 미팅을 2번 갔었는데, 가면 거의 다 50대는 되는 분들 밖에 없어요... 그것도 여자분들이 반..\n<Seony> 한국으로 치자면 옆집 아줌마 같이 생긴 분이 사무실에서 시스템 관리자라는 얘기거든요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 늘상 ë³¼ 때마다 신기하고 놀랍습니다...\n<Seony> 취침!\n<razgon_LBT> mlklkojlxAJR3J R3IOJRIJIKFLKRKGKKRFRJKFVJ,,MM,M,MMMO-O-OPOPOP---CwgqMB'NTOJHY6IJU-PPBVW3EVB36 50KOOO//'/'\n<razgon_LBT> /\n<razgon_LBT> '/\n<autowiz2012> adele 의 skyfall 오늘 듣고 완전 빠져버렸어요\n<autowiz2012> adele 의 love song 도 그렇고\n#ubuntu-ko 2013-06-08\n<razGon_xSH4> 하이요\n<Seony> 안녕하세요\n<razGon_xSH4> Seony: 오래간만입니다.\n<Seony> 넵 오랫만에 뵙네요\n<razGon_xSH4> 후.. 오래간만에 맞는 휴식이네요..ㅠㅠ\n<Seony> 요즘 한국은 덥다면서요\n<razGon_xSH4> 애들둘이 난리라서 교육차 여기저기 다녀왔습니다.\n<razGon_xSH4> 예 어제 광주 최고 기온 31도 입니다.\n<razGon_xSH4> 오늘은 구름이 좀껴서 조금 시원합니다.\n<Seony> 흐... 그렇군요... 31도라... 상상만 해도 땀 나네요 ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_xSH4> 환자보는데 에어컨을 틀었었죠.\n<razGon_xSH4> 서버는 역시 서버더군요.\n<razGon_xSH4> 서버는 존재를 모를때 좋은 듯.\n<Seony> 서버 구매하셨어요? ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_xSH4> 아니요.\n<razGon_xSH4> 예전은 커스터 마이징 하고 그랫는데. 그냥 요즘은 파일서버등으로만 씁니다.\n<razGon_xSH4> 웹서버도 가동해야 하는데 말이죠.ㅋ\n<razGon_xSH4> 토렌토 머신으로 쓰곤 합니다.ㅋ\n<Seony> 서버는 그냥 없는 컴퓨터 취급해야죠 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 저도 그냥 티비에 붙여서 영화나 티비 ë³´ê³  토렌트 다운받는 용도로만 써요.\n<razGon_xSH4> 그러게요. 근데 없으면 안되겠더라구요. 한번은 정전나서 홈서버 다운된적있는데. ê·¸ 불편함이란...ㅎㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 라즈베리파이도 있는데, 두어번 꺼내서 써보고는 다시 넣어놨어요\n<Seony> 역시 하드웨어가 안받쳐주니까 미디어서버로 쓰기가 좀 거시기 하더라구요.\n<razGon_xSH4> 그렇죠.\n<razGon_xSH4> 제가 일반 서버를 안쓰고 PC에 리눅스 올린게 그런 이유입니다.\n<razGon_xSH4> 일반서버가 아니라 NAS\n<razGon_xSH4> ^^;갑자기 단어가 생각안났습니다.ㅋ\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_xSH4> 사양이 낮으면 용도가 줄어들기 때문에 좀 그렇죠.\n<Seony> 그렇기도 하고, 여러 머신을 돌리는 것도 관리 차원에서 좀 귀찮아요 ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_xSH4> 그렇죠.ㅋ\n<razGon_xSH4> 하긴 전문서버라면 모를까 홈서버는 다목적으로 쓰이기때문에 사양이 좋은게 좋더군요.ㅋ\n<Seony> 전문 서버면, 홈서버보다 사양이 후덜덜하게 더 좋아요 ㅋ\n<Seony> 제 생각에 홈 서버 정도면, 코어 i5에 램 8기가 정도 박은 머신이 제일 무난한 ê±° 같더라구요...\n<razGon_xSH4> 헉... 그정도는 안됩니다.ㅋㅋ AMD E-350[1세대 APU]에 램8기가요 ㅋㅋ\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ 그렇군요\n<Seony> 직장에서 너무 좋은 컴퓨터를 쓰다 집에 들어오니, ê·¸ 차이가 좀 심하네요 ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_xSH4> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<razGon_xSH4> 일단은 홈피 부활시켜야 되는데. 걱정이네요. 하면되는데 하기싫은...ㅠㅠ\n<Seony> 저도 컴퓨터 프로그램 뭐 매뉴얼 하나 써야하는데 귀찮네요 ㅋ\n<razGon_xSH4> ㅎㅎㅎ 그러게요. 닥치면 해야 하는.ㅋ\n<razgon_LBT> 리하이요\n<sungyo> ^0^/~  불타는 주말입니다~ 모두들 이 무더운 날씨에 서버실 탈출 하셨는지요~\n<razGon_Xch> 후... 리하이요.ㅋ\n#ubuntu-ko 2013-06-09\n<kfamily> hi~~,안녕하세요\n<kfamily> :-)\n#ubuntu-ko 2014-06-02\n<drake_kr> 안녕하세요\n<drake_kr> 정부 3.0 신청하실분 하세요 http://www.gov30.go.kr/gov30/cop/bbs/selectBoardArticle.do?bbsId=BBSMSTR_000000000097&mId=5&dId=1&nttId=3838\n<myobot> [링크 제목] 행복한 대한민국을 여는 정부3.0\n<Seony> 안녕하세요\n<drake_kr> 어제 플레이스테이션 제가 생각해도 너무한것 같아서 몇줄 추가했습니다...\n<Seony> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 안녕하세요 좋은 하루 되세요~\n<drake_kr> 힘세고 좋은 아침임다\n<drake_kr> 하와이는 지금 일요일이겠군요\n<Seony> 네\n<Seony> 날씨가 점점 더워지고 있네요\n<Seony> 6월부터 더워지기 시작하는데, 인제 여름 오는 것 같네요\n<drake_kr> 여름 싫어요\n<drake_kr> 파리 모기..\n<Seony> 여기는 모기가 없어서요 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 음, hwp 문서를 그냥 html로 변환해도 별 문제 없나 보군요..\n<drake_kr> 요새는 아예 encode64로 이미지까지 html 안에 올인원으로 삽입 가능한 모양이던데..\n<Seony> base64로 인코딩해서 삽입하는건 꽤 오래전부터 가능했었어요\n<Seony> 근데, 반복적인 이미지가 아니면 오히려 성능&속도에서 손해를 보기 때문에, 안하는게 낫죠\n<drake_kr> 음, static build의 이유는 뭐 여러가지니까요..\n<drake_kr> 전 도스시절부터 단일파일을 좋아라 해서.......\n<drake_kr> 솔직히 Visual Basic 6은 명품인것 같아요\n<drake_kr> VC6은 별로지만.\n<drake_kr> Seony: 항목 하나 추가할까 생각중이에요\n<drake_kr> Command Line Interface Applications (변태주의) <- 라고..\n<drake_kr> 에잇 생각만 해서 머하노 일단 추가하고 욕먹으면 내려야지\n<ipeter> 안녕하세요\n<ipeter> 본사 복귀라서 현재 선유도에있습니다...\n<Seony> 안녕하세요\n<ipeter> 낯서네요.\n<ipeter> 오전에 GS 홈쇼핑가서 일 돕다가 다시 본사 복귀했습니다.\n<ipeter> miflatform 써보신분 계시나요?\n<Seony> 뭐하는 거에요?\n<ipeter> 화면단 개발에 사용되는 플랫폼이라고 합니다.\n<ipeter> 요즘 많이 사용되는거 같아요.\n<Seony> 많이 사용되는 거라면, 구글링하면 쉽게 나오겠군요\n<ipeter> 아. 질문하려고 하는거 아닙니다.\n<ipeter> 그냥 혹시 접해보신분 계신지 여쭤본거예요.\n<Seony> 자바에요?\n<ipeter> 네.\n<Seony> 아... 하긴 지금 일하시는 회사가 자바 위주죠\n<Darkcircle_mba> 선유도!\n<Darkcircle_mba> 섬에서 천막치고 근무를!\n<ipeter> Seony: 네네.. 웹이라서 그런지 자바위주이네요..\n<ipeter> Darkcircle_mba: 사실 파견근무로 선유도공원 말만들었지 근처도 얼씬 안한듯 싶어요.\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋ\n<ipeter> 사!마!휘!님!\n<ipeter> 안녕하세요?\n<samahui> 안녕하세요\n<samahui> 점심은 잘 드셨는지요\n<samahui> 밥먹는게 늦어서 이제 먹고 왔네요\n<ipeter> 아..저도 그럭저럭 먹고 복귀했습니다.\n<ipeter> 파견나갔다가 본사로 들어오니\n<ipeter> 약간 낯서네요.\n<samahui> ㅎㅎ 본사 복귀 하셨군요\n<samahui> 추카드립니다\n<samahui> 키보드는 구입하셨나요? 기계식 알아보신다더니 좋은 놈으로다가 구입하셨는지 궁금하네요\n<ipeter> 아직 구입못했습니다.\n<ipeter> ㅠ\n<ipeter> 주말에 용산까지 가는게 ì°¸ 몸을 움직이기가 여간 귀찮은게 아니네요.\n<ipeter> ㅠㅠ\n<ipeter> 몇일전 교수님들 찾아뵈면서\n<ipeter> 추천서 부탁드렸는데\n<ipeter> 죄다 석사는 한국에서 하고 가라네요.\n<ipeter> 미국으로 가는것도 쉽지 않구...고생만 한다구요.\n<samahui> 고생해도 얻는게 있다면 가는거죠 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui> 고생만하고 얻지 못하면 문제지만 경험보다 좋은 자산이 있을까요?\n<samahui> 아무튼 후회 없는 결정 내리시길 바랍니다 ^^\n<samahui> 키보드는 천천히 구입하세요. 급한거 아니면 신중하게 구입하는게 좋을거 같습니다. 전 솔직히 컴터 성능이나 그래픽카드가 뭐 들어갔나보다도 직접 느끼고 만지고 보는 키보드, 마우스, 모니터가 작업 환경에 보다 영향이 크더라고요 ^^\n<Seony> 석사는 일단 돈이 들어가니...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 석사는 미국에서 하는게 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 한국에서 해봐야 별로 ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 미국에서 석박 다 하시는게 나아요.\n<Darkcircle_mba> 한국에서 하고 가라는건 자기 주머니에 돈챙기려는거 =3\n<Seony> 제 생각에도 석박사는 미국에서 하는게 훨 낫습니다...\n<ipeter> 네..ㅠㅠㅠ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 정말 실력 좋은 교수님 몇분은 미국 수준으로 해주시는 분이 있긴 한데\n<Seony> ipeter: 2분 정도 되는 영상인데, ê¼­ 보세요.\n<Seony> ipeter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QowFOfh7W_I&feature=kp\n<myobot> [링크 제목] 미치오 ì¹´ì¿  고급인력 - YouTube\n<Darkcircle_mba> 한국에서 석박사 밟으면\n<Darkcircle_mba> ��¼ë‹¨ 교수가 되려고 할 경우에 ...\n<ipeter> Seony: 고맙습니다..\n<Darkcircle_mba> 전문대학같은데서나 겨우 받아줍니다.\n<ipeter> Darkcircle_mba: 교수 생각도 없습니다..\n<Darkcircle_mba> 그러면 무조건 미국 ㄱㄱ\n<ipeter> 전 무조건 기업체에서 열심히 일하고 싶어요..ㅠ\n<Seony> ipeter: 저기 나오는 분이, 미국에서 아주 유명한 응용물리학자인데, 취업비자에 대해 2분간 얘기하거든요\n<Seony> ê¼­ 보세요\n<ipeter> Seony: 네네..ㅠ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 기업체 들어가는데 미국 시민권 따서 미국에서 버는게 낫죠 .\n<Darkcircle_mba> 예전엔 몇년 이상 일하면 영주권 나온다 이런게 있었는데\n<Darkcircle_mba> 요샌 그런것도 없 ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 하지만 분명한건 개인에게는 경험상 도움됩니다. 한국은 대기업 아니면 너무 좁아터진 동네라 ..\n<ipeter> Seony: 페북에서 본거 같아요.\n<ipeter> Seony: 저 일본인분(?) 말씀을 굉장히 원어민처럼 잘하시는거 같더라구요..\n<Seony> 원어민이에요\n<ipeter> =_=\n<ipeter> 넹\n<ipeter> 어휴..말이나 발음이나 뭐.. 정말 청산유수입니다.\n<Seony> 미국에서 태어나서 태어났으니 당연하죠\n<ihavnoth> http://techneedle.com/archives/16682\n<myobot> [링크 제목] Qeexo: 안드로이드 UI를 바꾼다\n<ihavnoth> 여기에 나오는 qeexo 발음이 어떻게 되나요?\n<ihavnoth> 키조?\n<Seony> 음... 만약 제가 발음한다면, 퀵조 혹은 퀵소 정도요\n<Seony> 그러니까 ㅈ 랑 ㅅ 랑 섞인 발음요.\n<ihavnoth> 좋지 않은 발음이군요...\n<ihavnoth> 230만불 펀딩이면 잘받은건가요?\n<Seony> 23억인데, 상당한 액수 같은데요\n<Seony> 하드웨어도 아니고 소프트웨어잖아요\n<ihavnoth> 기사에서 천억/ì¡° 단위가 자주 언급되서 감을 잃었어요\n<ipeter> 어휴...써니님 말씀대로 23억 펀딩 학교정도 기관에서 받은거면 뭐 거의 +_+\n<ipeter> 엄청난거 아닌가요?\n<Darkcircle_mba> 흠 근데 부담없이 사업하려면 23억 정도 가지곤 택도 없을거 같네요 'ㅅ'\n<Darkcircle_mba> 연구 용역해서 결과내는것도 아니고 결론은 사람 고용해서 제품 만들고 수익을 뽑아내겠다는건데\n<Darkcircle_mba> 장기적으로 봤을때 어느정도 완충자금을 확보해야 뭔가 하다가 크리 터져도 문제 될 일이 없어지죠\n<Realigner> 그래도 23억이면 넉넉하게 초기에 할순 있지 않나 싶네요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 직원이 어느정도 고용이 되느냐\n<Darkcircle_mba> 건물 임대료에\n<Darkcircle_mba> 관리비\n<Darkcircle_mba> 식대 별도\n<Darkcircle_mba> 이런거 다 따지면 23억정도면 1년 지나면 거의 바닥나기 시작 .\n<Darkcircle_mba> 그리고 직원 보험 처리해주는거 따지면 인당 연봉*3 정도 투자비용이 들어가기 때문에\n<Darkcircle_mba> 23억 가지고는 택도 없다는 계산이 나오죠 'ㅅ'\n<Darkcircle_mba> 직원한��…Œ 복지혜택 안주고 주급만 대충 주고 뻐길수는 없으니까.\n<Seony> 보통 미국에서는, 저 경우에 저 돈을 받아서 사업하는게 목적이 아닐 거에요\n<Seony> 잘 키워서 딴데 파는게 목적이죠\n<Darkcircle_mba> 그리고 만약 직원이 출장을 간다고 하면 교통비 숙박비 이런거도 회사에서 다 처리하기 때문에\n<Darkcircle_mba> 부수적인 투자비용 역시 감안해야.\n<ipeter> 흠..ê²°êµ­ 23억도 큰게 아닌건가요?\n<ipeter> 제가 아직 말단이라 그런지\n<Darkcircle_mba> 회사 입장에선 23억은 용돈이죠.\n<ipeter> 사업에대한 규모가 잘 안와닿아 그런거 같습니다.\n<ipeter> 헉...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 개인입장에선 모르겠지만.\n<autowiz> 리눅스 베이스로 방화벽 하나 만들려고 합니다.\n<autowiz> gui 쪽은 어떤걸로 하는게 좋을까요? qt ? gtk ? 다른게 또 뭐 있나요?\n<autowiz> 자바 로 웹콘솔도 생각하고 있습니다.\n<Seony> 왜 만들어져있는걸 안쓰시구요..\n<autowiz> 연봉 * 2 혹은 연봉*3 정도 회사에서 돈 나간다고들 하시는데 , 뭐 제가 회계담당은 아니지만 왜 그렇게 까지 드는지 잘 모르겠어요\n<autowiz> 실은 극비 프로젝트로 솔루션 하나 만드는데 , 네트웍쪽 직접 손대서 만들다보니\n<autowiz> 기존걸 쓸 수가 없을거같아서요.\n<Darkcirc_> 라이선스 문제겠군요\n<autowiz> 라이센스라기보다 새로운 기능이라 기존거 뜯어고치느니 만들자 싶은 상황입니다.\n<autowiz> qt3to4 라는 명령어가 ì°¸ 참하더군요 ㅠㅠ 첨엔 하나도 몰라서 튜토리얼 실행해보다가 좌절할뻔 했습니다.\n<Darkcirc_> qt가 3랑 4랑 완전 ㅋㅋㅋ 안맞죠.\n<Darkcirc_> 3에 적응해도 4에 맞게 다시 싹 짜야 하니 ..\n<autowiz> 아 이건 아침에 물어볼려고 했던건데요.. ubuntu 저장소 로컬 캐쉬나 , 자체 저장소 돌리는 방법은 몇가지 보이더라구요.\n<autowiz> 혹시 실제로 해보신분 계신가해서요...\n<Seony> 집에 있는 lcd 티비 모두 컴퓨터 한대씩 붙였습니다\n<Seony> 전기세 좀 더 내더라도 재밌게 살아야겠어요 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui> 하루 종일 정신이 없네요\n<samahui> 내일까지 일을 끝내야 하는데 계획되로 안되어 가는군요 ㅎㅎ;; 밤샘을 준비해야 겠습니다\n<Seony> 무지 바쁘시군요\n<samahui> 모든건 스스로 자처한 결과죠ㅜㅜ\n<samahui> 마눌님 아프다는 핑게로 일찍 퇴근하고 몇일 쉬고 했더니 쌓였어요 ㅎㅎ;;\n<samahui> Seony님은 벌써 퇴근하셨군요\n<samahui> 좋겠어요 ㅜㅜ\n<samahui> 회외에 사시지만 왠지모르게 일찍 퇴근한 느낌을 받아서 부러워요 ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 밤새시다보면 새벽에 출근하시는걸 보시게 됩니다. ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 여기는 아직 일요일이에요 ��…Žã…Ž\n<samahui> 헉\n<samahui> ㅜㅜ\n<Seony> 근데 사실 실제로도 일찍 퇴근해요\n<Seony> 보통 5시면 가니깐요..\n<samahui> 일찍 퇴근한것보다 더 부러운 일요일이군요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 한국에서는, 몸이 아프다면 참고 일해야하는게 기본인데,\n<Seony> 여기서는 아프면 다른 사람들한테 전염시킬 수 있어서, 나오지 말라고 그러거든요\n<autowiz> 저도 오늘 거의 폭풍같은 월요일을 보냈습니다. 이제 슬슬 정리가 되어가네요...\n<Seony> 감기 걸린거 같은데, 내일 얘기하고 하루 빠질까 생각 중입니다...\n<samahui> 흑흑 저도 아프다고 빠지고 싶어요\n<samahui> 뒤끔치 까졌는데 이건 전염안되겠... ㅎㅎ;; 농담이고 일 후딱하고 내일까지 결판내야죠\n<samahui> 그럼 전 다시 일에 빠져볼랍니다. 야근하시는분들 종종 놀아주세요 ^^\n<samahui> 비가 와서 그런가 습도가 높아서 그런지 더 후덕찌근하고 갑갑한 느낌이 강하게 드는 날이네요\n<Seony> 에어콘 가동 안되나봐요\n<samahui> 에어컨 키면 목이 아파서\n<samahui> 중앙냉난방은 에어컨 약하게 틀어서 그런지 별 영향도 못주네요\n<Markers> 비오는 날이 싫어용..\n<samahui> 저도 비오는 날이 정말 싫어요\n<Markers> 근데 번개 치는날은 좋아한다능...\n<Markers> -_-;\n<Seony> 저도 한국에선 싫어했는데, 여기선 좋아해요 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui> 전 바람 불거나 태풍오는 날은 좋아하죠.. 뭔가 이상하네요 ㅎㅎ\n<Markers> 하와이는 비가 다르게 내리나요?\n<Markers> 막 사람 피해서 내리나……\n<Seony> 낮에 잘 안와요\n<Seony> 와도 잘 안젖고...\n<samahui> 예전에 바다에서 비를 만났을때가 생각나네요. 끝없는 지평선에 하늘과 바다가 하나로 연결되듯이 물로 선을 그어 묶어 놓은것 처럼 보이는 ê·¸ 장관이 떠올라요\n<samahui> 보기는 좋았지만 왠지 두려운 마음도 들더라고요\n<77CAABPM4> 저도 비는 싫어요.. -_-;; ㅎㅎㅎ\n<77CAABPM4> !nick pchero\n<ipeter> 음...\n<samahui> 하지만 누가 뭐라해도 비 맞는건 싫어요 ㅎㅎ\n<ipeter> 오후 일과 잘 마무리 하셨나요?\n<ipeter> 여긴 일과가 다 끝나가네요.\n<samahui> 일과는 끝나가는데 제 일은 점점 쌓여갑니다\n<pchero_work> ㅠㅠ\n<samahui> 저녁 일찍 먹고와서 열심히 밤새봐야죠 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 아\n<pchero_work> 아...ㅠㅠ\n<samahui> 저녁 맛있게들 드시고 퇴근들 잘하세요~~\n<drake_kr> 저녁 뭐먹지\n<samahui> 비도 내리고 기분도 찌뿌둥하니 뜨끈하고 화끈한 찌게류로 저녁할 생각입니다. drake님도 매콤한 김치찌게나 부대찌게 어떠세요?\n<samahui> 밥먹고 오겠습니다. 나중에 뵈요 ~\n<Markers> 비 오는 날엔 먹는건 우동인가요?\n<Markers> 머였지...\n<drake_kr> fa전?\n<Darkcirc_> 뽜전!\n<Darkcirc_> 뽜전에 사케!\n<Darkcirc_> 짬뽕에 보드카!\n<ipeter> 아아..\n<ipeter> 바쁜 와중에 몇몇분들 그새 가셨군요.\n<ipeter> 좋은 저녁되세요.\n<ipeter> 저도 슬슬 퇴근 준비 해야겠습니다.\n<ipeter> 퇴근하겠습니다.\n<ipeter> 있다가 저녁에 뵙겠습니다!\n<drake_kr> 게임체인지 보면서 한국은 ì°¸ 이상한 나라라는 생각이 들어요 -.-\n<igxactly> drake_kr: same here...\n<drake_kr> 엉엉\n<Darkcircle_mba> drake_kr: http://mwiki.ubuntu.or.kr/index.php/WikiEditSimpleHowto#.ED.8B.80_.ED.91.9C.EC.8B.9C_.ED.99.9C.EC.9A.A9.ED.95.98.EA.B8.B0\n<myobot> [링크 제목] WikiEditSimpleHowto - Ubuntu Korea Community Wiki\n<drake_kr> 오 이쁘다\n<ipeter_> 안녕하세요?\n<drake_kr> 어서오세요?\n<ipeter_> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<ipeter_> 안녕하세요 드레이크님!\n<ipeter_> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 아 플레이스테이션 항목 작성하다가, 살짝 위법을 넘나드는걸 좀 적고 싶은데 어찌해야 할까..\n<ipeter_> ??\n<ipeter_> 위법...엔하위키 말씀이신가요?\n<drake_kr> 우리 위키요\n<ipeter_> 흠...\n<ipeter_> 제가 그쪽은 잘 몰라서요..;;\n<ipeter_> ㅠㅠ\n<drake_kr> 헐\n<drake_kr> 우리위키 안들어오세요?\n<drake_kr> http://mwiki.ubuntu.or.kr/index.php\n<myobot> [링크 제목] Ubuntu Korea Community Wiki\n<drake_kr> 헉\n<drake_kr> 항목만 만들어두고 있었는데 누가 채웠네\n<drake_kr> 역시 변태들\n<ipeter_> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<ipeter_> 우리위키..\n<ipeter_> 오우..디자인이 역시 이쁘네요.\n<ipeter_> 주황색이 갑\n<pchero_work> 오오\n<pchero_work> 우분투에서 플스2 에뮬이 되네요.\n<pchero_work> 방금 위키 들어가서 알았네요 ㅎ\n<drake_kr> ㅎㅎ 우분투 가지고 놀기 항목을 추가한건 신의한수\n<pchero_work> 눈에 똭!\n<drake_kr> 사실 '우분투 가지고 뭐할건데?' 라고 물어보면 할말 없잖아요\n<drake_kr> Darkcircle_mba: 와 아이콘 느낌 좋은듯\n<Darkcircle_mba> 저녁때 짬나는 시간에 후딱 그려서 올린거예요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 근데 CC-SA 적용하려니 항목에 없어서 안되는군요 ㅡ,.ㅡ\n<drake_kr> 저런거 하면 어떻게 한건지 좀 알려주지\n<Darkcircle_mba> 쥐쥐\n<drake_kr> CC항목은 License 적용이랑 같이 됨\n<drake_kr> 관리자가 변경 가능\n<Darkcircle_mba> GFDL은 본문에는 적용이 되는데\n<Darkcircle_mba> 아트웍에는 적용이 안되거든요\n<drake_kr> 아트웍\n<Darkcircle_mba> 그림같은거 .\n<drake_kr> 그게 문제임 ㅋ\n<drake_kr> 그림 변경해도 됨?\n<Darkcircle_mba> 뭐 더 뽀대나게라면 사실 상관 없어요 'ㅅ' 근데 한번 올라가면 아마 그걸로 그냥 박힐텐데.\n<Darkcircle_mba> 엠보싱 이렇게 해버리면 ㅡ,.ㅡ ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 더 멋대가리가 없어지기 때문에 거기서 ì»·.\n<Darkcircle_mba> 크 .... 후배님한테 커피 왕따시만한거 한잔 받 ... -ㅠ-\n<Darkcircle_mba> ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 우유알러지 있는거 알아서 없는걸로 받았네요 _0_\n<Darkcircle_mba> 가카보다 더 꼼꼼한 세심함!\n<Darkcircle_mba> 완전 딱 내스타일임 덜덜 ... 설탕 안들어간거까지 (!)\n<Darkcircle_mba> 음흠흠 ... 사실 임시로 땜빵해놓은거��¼ 그림이 별로 멋대가리가 없죠 /ㅡ,.ㅡ/  ..\n<Darkcircle_mba> 흠 그리고 ... \"주의\" \"참고\" \"중요\" \"파일\" 템플릿을 만들면 ì°¸ 괜찮을듯 싶네요.\n<Darkcircle_mba> 우분투에서 그럴 일은 거의 없는데 뭔가 디테일하게 내용을 들어가야 할 경우 특히 ..\n<pchero_work> 허미..\n<pchero_work> NAT Traversal.. 이거 ì°¸ 머리 아프네요.\n<drake_kr> nat 어렵죵\n<drake_kr> Darkcircle_mba: 엔하위키 그거 갖다쓸까 '이것은 대한민국에서 불법입니다' <-\n<Darkcircle_mba> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 어 그러면 ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 수갑 실루엣을 구해야겠군요 'ㅅ'!\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> ㄴㄴㄴㄴ\n<Darkcircle_mba> <철컹철컹!> 이것은 대한민국에서 불법입니다\n<Darkcircle_mba> 외국에서 하시라능?\n<drake_kr> http://mwiki.ubuntu.or.kr/index.php/%ED%8C%8C%EC%9D%BC:Police.jpg <-\n<myobot> [링크 제목] 파일:Police.jpg - Ubuntu Korea Community Wiki\n<Darkcircle_mba> 엌.\n<Darkcircle_mba> 근데 저걸 썸네일로 하자니 안보일거 같네욬\n<drake_kr> 흠\n<Darkcircle_mba> 수갑 실루엣이야 뜨는건 얼마 안걸릴듯\n<drake_kr> 짤방 대방출 할까....\n<Darkcircle_mba> 아 차라리 저걸 그냥 흠 ... 폭 100px짜리 짤방으로 해서\n<Darkcircle_mba> 왼쪽엔 픽토그램을\n<Darkcircle_mba> 오른쪽엔 짤방을 ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> (uncyclopedia처럼)\n<drake_kr> 아 맞다\n<Darkcircle_mba> uncyclopedia -> 백괴사전\n<drake_kr> 파일 올리기 제한 ppt, pptx, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, pdf, svg 까지 열었음\n<Darkcircle_mba> 오오 이제 위키에 발표자료도 올리면 되겠군요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 그동안 받았던 자료도 싹 올리고\n<Darkcircle_mba> 그러면 괜찮겠네요.\n<drake_kr> 음, 그건 가능하면 wp쪽으로 올리려 하는데..\n<drake_kr> http://mwiki.ubuntu.or.kr/index.php/%ED%8C%8C%EC%9D%BC:Davidcho-noexit.jpg 이거 어디 삽입하지\n<myobot> [링크 제목] 파일:Davidcho-noexit.jpg - Ubuntu Korea Community Wiki\n<Darkcircle_mba> 관리자 제한 페이지에 반영 'ㅅ'/\n<Darkcircle_mba> ㅍㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 근데 저거 합성으로 안보여....\n<Darkcircle_mba> 리얼리티 최강\n<Darkcircle_mba> ㅌㅌㅌㅌ\n<drake_kr> DarkCircle: 아이콘 올라가고있는거 보임? ㅋㅋ\n<Darkcircle_mba> drake_kr: 오오 ... 저걸로 뭔가 좀 써먹을만한게 나오겠군요 'ㅅ'\n<Darkcircle_mba> 일단 싹 올려두면 저걸로 뭔가 만들만한게 꽤 생길겁니다 'ㅅ' 샘플은 조만간 보여드리죠. 어렵지 않으니 ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 가령\n<Darkcircle_mba> http://mwiki.ubuntu.or.kr/index.php/파일:Pictogram-start_first-orange-hex.svg\n<myobot> [링크 제목] 파일:Pictogram-start first-orange-hex.svg - Ubuntu Korea Community Wiki\n<Darkcircle_mba> 이걸 써서 ... 이곳은 초보자 전용입니다. 고수분들은 우주밖으로 나가주세요.\n<Darkcircle_mba> (...)\n<drake_kr> http://mwiki.ubuntu.or.kr/index.php/%ED%8C%8C%EC%9D%BC:Pictogram-projects_we_love-orange-hex.svg\n<myobot> [링크 제목] 파일:Pictogram-projects we love-orange-hex.svg - Ubuntu Korea Community Wiki\n<Darkcircle_mba> Realigner igxactly / 흔들\n<Darkcircle_mba> 흠 ... 이전에 올린 아이콘이 ...\n<drake_kr> 난 이거 quassel 알람소리가 Final Fantasy V\n<Darkcircle_mba> 색상이 좀 안맞는데 이걸 고쳐서 올려야겠네요.\n<Darkcircle_mba> 나중에 올린건 다 색상이 통일되어 있는데 말이죠 'ㅅ'a ..\n<Darkcircle_mba> 적은걸 많은거에 맞추는게 정상.\n<drake_kr> 이 작업을 미리 해놨어야하는디 ㅈㅅ\n<drake_kr> 다 svg라\n<drake_kr> 생각보다 빡시네\n<drake_kr> http://mwiki.ubuntu.or.kr/index.php/%ED%8C%8C%EC%9D%BC:Pictogram-help-orange-hex.svg\n<myobot> [링크 제목] 파일:Pictogram-help-orange-hex.svg - Ubuntu Korea Community Wiki\n<drake_kr> 윈도용 크롬에서는 transparent 적용안되는듯\n<drake_kr> Darkcircle_mba: http://mwiki.ubuntu.or.kr/index.php/%ED%8C%8C%EC%9D%BC:Pictogram-guidelines-orange-hex.svg 요거 많이 쓰것네\n<myobot> [링크 제목] 파일:Pictogram-guidelines-orange-hex.svg - Ubuntu Korea Community Wiki\n<Darkcircle_mba> 흠 ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 저걸 어떤 식으로 하면 좋을까 ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> <주목> 지시사항에 따르십시오\n<Darkcircle_mba> 이런식으로 하면 괜찮겠군요.\n<drake_kr> 오오\n<drake_kr> 그나저나 존나 많지 않음? ㅋㅋ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 글게요 ㅋㅋ 많네요. 쓸용도도 무지 많고 ㅡ,.ㅡ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 어떤 용도로 쓸지는 위키 작성하다 ë³´ë©´ 나오지 않을까요?\n<drake_kr> 일단 난 멍석 깔아주는게 일잉게\n<drake_kr> 이쯤이야..\n<drake_kr> http://mwiki.ubuntu.or.kr/index.php/%ED%8C%8C%EC%9D%BC:Pictogram-delete-orange-hex.svg 요거 많이 쓰이것구만\n<myobot> [링크 제목] 파일:Pictogram-delete-orange-hex.svg - Ubuntu Korea Community Wiki\n<drake_kr> ubuntu.com design db에 있는것 다 올렸음\n<Darkcircle_mba> 오오 -ㅅ- 컬러업뎃 완료 ..\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋ 존나 미안한데.. delete pictogram이 더 이쁘다\n<Darkcircle_mba> 으잌 ..\n<Darkcircle_mba> 글게요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 그러면 바꾸죠 뭐 ... 더 이쁜데 안쓸수도 없고 ...\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋㅋ 존나 미안\n<drake_kr> 음, 투명효과 없어도 위화감 없네\n<Darkcircle_mba> http://mwiki.ubuntu.or.kr/index.php/틀:DoNotEdit\n<myobot> [링크 제목] 틀:DoNotEdit - Ubuntu Korea Community Wiki\n<Darkcircle_mba> 뭔가 링크가 이상해졌는데 저 링크 어때요?\n<Darkcircle_mba> 더 깔끔하게 만들어버림\n<drake_kr> 굿\n<drake_kr> 존나굿\n<drake_kr> 동호는\n<drake_kr> 스샷좀 이쁘게 찍지.....\n<drake_kr> *sigh*\n<Darkcircle_mba>  =3\n<Darkcircle_mba> 동호는 키워주면 디발자 될듯 ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 개자이너나 ...\n<drake_kr> 아냐\n<drake_kr> 동호 가능성 쩔어\n<drake_kr> 첫번 발표때 개욕먹고 두번 발표때 졸욕먹고 세번 발표때 완전욕먹고 네번 발표때 좀욕먹고 다섯번째 되니 욕안먹음\n<Darkcircle_mba> 오오 ... !!\n<Darkcircle_mba> 흠\n<Darkcircle_mba> 일단 저걸 흠 ...\n<drake_kr> http://mwiki.ubuntu.or.kr/index.php/%ED%8C%8C%EC%9D%BC:10364164_655570657848245_8081878612186159622_n.jpg\n<myobot> [링크 제목] 파일:10364164 655570657848245 8081878612186159622 n.jpg - Ubuntu Korea Community Wiki\n<Darkcircle_mba> exclamation이랑\n<Darkcircle_mba> information 전부 ... 가이드라인에 맞춰서 업데이트 해야겠군요.\n<Darkcircle_mba> question(Ambiguous)도 마찬가지\n<Darkcircle_mba> 집에 갈 채비 해야겠 -ㅅ- ..\n<drake_kr> 음 뭐 괜찮은뎅\n<Darkcircle_mba> 일단\n<Darkcircle_mba> http://mwiki.ubuntu.or.kr/index.php/WikiEditSimpleHowto#.ED.8B.80_.ED.91.9C.EC.8B.9C_.ED.99.9C.EC.9A.A9.ED.95.98.EA.B8.B0\n<myobot> [링크 제목] WikiEditSimpleHowto - Ubuntu Korea Community Wiki\n<Darkcircle_mba> 여길 보시면 저도 인정하겠는게 ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 편집금지 부분처럼 좀 뭔가 심플하고 단순해보이면서 눈에 확 들어오는게\n<Darkcircle_mba> 낫죠?\n<drake_kr> 다 괜찮은듯\n<Darkcircle_mba> 저건 그냥 단순하게 뽀로샵에서 가이드라인 잡아주고\n<Darkcircle_mba> 비슷하게 그려주면 되거든요.\n<drake_kr> gimp도 좋은뎅\n<Darkcircle_mba> 근데 기왕 보이는거 같은 크기로 보여야지\n<Darkcircle_mba> 들쑥날쑥해보이면\n<Darkcircle_mba> 뭔가 어수선해보이니\n<drake_kr> 그러고보니 gimp 항목이 없군\n<drake_kr> 항목만 만들어놔야지\n<drake_kr> 누군가 내용을 입력하겠지....\n<Darkcircle_mba> gimp는 좀 .. ㅋㅋ 쓸말이 많긴 합니다 ㅡ,.ㅡ .. script-fu라는게 꽤 쓸만한데 다룰 줄 아는 사람이 거의 아무도 없어서 ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 이거만 해도 엄청날듯하네요.\n<Darkcircle_mba> 영상처리 수준의 알고리즘을 넣으면 포토샵 못지 않은 엄청난 기능의 필터도 만들 수 있는데\n<Darkcircle_mba> 결론만 말하자면 고수는 구현하고 우리는 쓴다.\n<drake_kr> 아, 이거 데탑쪽으로 넣어야것다\n<drake_kr> 대문이 뭔가 좀 난잡해 보이긴 하는데\n<Darkcircle_mba> 나중에 우분투 위키를 어떤 방향으로 갈거냐면요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 이거 조상무가 봐야 되는데 ㅡ,.ㅡ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 각 카테고리별로 링크랑 페이지를 만들고\n<drake_kr> Darkcircle_mba: 카톡있지?\n<Darkcircle_mba> 저 링크 리스트를\n<Darkcircle_mba> https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Documentation/Overview\n<Darkcircle_mba> 이런식으로 .\n<Darkcircle_mba> 네 있죠.\n<myobot> [링크 제목] Project:Documentation/Overview - Gentoo Wiki\n<Darkcircle_mba> 젠투 위키를 참고하자는 맥락은 ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 굳이 설명하지 않아도\n<drake_kr> 난 그냥 대문에 항목이 존나 많은것도 괜찮은듯\n<Darkcircle_mba> http://wiki.gentoo.org\n<myobot> [링크 제목] Gentoo Wiki\n<Darkcircle_mba> 메인\n<drake_kr> 아니, 굳이 설명이 필요합니다만.\n<Darkcircle_mba> 메인은 심플하게\n<Darkcircle_mba> 각 항목으로 들어가면 분류별 페이지가 나옵니다.\n<Darkcircle_mba> 근데 그걸 젠투 위키처럼 Desktop을 누르면 제목인지 뭔지 알게 모르게 이상하게 보이는건 리젝하고\n<Darkcircle_mba> 오버뷰 보여드린거처럼 싹 작성하는거예요\n<drake_kr> 음, 그것도 괜찮아보이긴 하지만(아저씨가 말하는게 일단 야후 스타일)\n<Darkcircle_mba> 이 문서에서는 무엇무엇을 설명합니다.\n<drake_kr> 네이버처럼 먼저 좀 난잡해도 보이는게 당분간은 좋을듯\n<Darkcircle_mba> 그리고 각 명령 별로 어차피 장기적으로 는 ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 처음엔 짧고 성의없어보일진 몰라도\n<drake_kr> 나중에 대문이 존나 몇페이지 되면 아저씨 말대로 갑시다 ㅋㅋ\n<Darkcircle_mba> ê²°êµ­ man 페이지처럼 디테일하게 가게 될테니까 ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 근데 지금도 충분히 난잡해보이지 않나요? ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 아직 네이버만큼은 아닌듯\n<Darkcircle_mba> 어떤 항ë��©ì€ 좀 빵꾸가 나긴 했는데 ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 그리고 ....\n<Darkcircle_mba> 만약에 w3m을 다룬다 그러면\n<pchero_work> 일단은 참여도 높이는게 관건..\n<Darkcircle_mba> 처음엔 그거만 다루는데\n<drake_kr> pchero_work: 참여해주셔서 감사합니다 :)\n<pchero_work> ;)\n<Darkcircle_mba> 장기적으로는 link links 의 내용도 넣으면서 CLI 기반 웹 브라우저로 문서 통합을 실시하고\n<Darkcircle_mba> 그런 과정을 거쳐가면서 스케일러블하게 갑니다.\n<Darkcircle_mba> 일단 당분간은 흠 ...\n<drake_kr> ㅇㅇ 근데 일단 당분간은 난잡한 스타일로 갑시다\n<Darkcircle_mba> 지금 이대로 가지만 차후 사용할 인트로 페이지를 abandoned page(백링크 없는 페이지)로 놓고\n<drake_kr> 일단 개초보가 들어와서 자기 원하는거 대문에서 찾게\n<Darkcircle_mba> 일단 거기서 같이 편집을 거친 후에요.\n<Darkcircle_mba> 나중에 . 지금 말고\n<drake_kr> ㅇㅇ 나중엔 저거 다 카테고리화 시켜야지\n<Darkcircle_mba> 나중에 메인 페이지를 날리고 임시 페이지에 있는 내용을 그대로.\n<Darkcircle_mba> 이 내용을 정리해서 6월에 공표를 하고\n<drake_kr> 그리고 뭐 그때쯤이 되면\n<drake_kr> 이미 사람들 대문 안 본다고\n<drake_kr> 엔하위키처럼 그냥\n<drake_kr> 구글에서 찾을거라고\n<Darkcircle_mba> 초반작업은 일단 각자가 난잡하게 나가되 나중엔 카테고리 관리자를 지원받아서\n<Darkcircle_mba> 체계적으로 관리할 수 있게 ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 저도 흠 ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 아 채연이가 있어야 반영해달라고 할 수 있는데 ㅡ,.ㅡ ...\n<drake_kr> 근데 아마\n<drake_kr> 올해안엔 힘들거야\n<Darkcircle_mba> Extensions:Math 이거좀 넣어달라고 하려고요 .\n<drake_kr> 내년에 열심히 한다고 해도..\n<Darkcircle_mba> 근데 서버에서 작업이 좀 필요한데요\n<Darkcircle_mba> TeX 패키지랑 dvipng 라든가 이런걸 좀 올려야 되고\n<Darkcircle_mba> 따로 올려야 하는게 뭐가 있냐면 ... ocaml\n<drake_kr> 관련 페이지 줘\n<Darkcircle_mba> 이걸로 일부 컴파일을 해서 ... 처리합니다.\n<Darkcircle_mba> 잠시만요.\n<Darkcircle_mba> http://wiki.gentoo-kr.org/index.php?title=Gentoo_mwmath\n<myobot> [링크 제목] Gentoo mwmath - Gentoo Korea Wiki\n<Darkcircle_mba> 이건 젠투에서 하는건데\n<Darkcircle_mba> https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Math\n<myobot> [링크 제목] Extension:Math - MediaWiki\n<Darkcircle_mba> 여기를 보시면 우분투/데비안에서 일부 설치하는 방법이 나오거든요\n<drake_kr> 젠투페이지를 주고 지랄이야 패키지 이름이 안맞잖아 ㅋㅋ\n<Darkcircle_mba> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 흠 근데 중간에 texvc를 우분투에서 받는 내용이 있었는데\n<Darkcircle_mba> 제가 못찾는건가보군요 ㅡ,.ㅡ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 그냥 apt-get 어쩌구 하면 바로 받아서 쓸 수 있거든요.\n<Darkcircle_mba> http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=mediawiki+texvc&searchon=names&suite=trusty&section=all\n<myobot> [링크 제목] Ubuntu – Package Search Results -- mediawiki texvc\n<Darkcircle_mba> 이 패í‚��지예요.\n<drake_kr> 엥 apt 에러났다\n<Darkcircle_mba> 아 ... 차라리 그냥 여기에 적는거보다 ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 제가 내일 후 ... 일단 아침 미팅 끝나고 연구실에 우분투 머신 있으니까 대응 패키지 찾아서 일단 위키에 쭉 적어드릴께요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 우분투로 위키피디어 서버 구축하기 하는 식으로 뭔가 만들어놓고\n<Darkcircle_mba> 거기다가 내용을 채우는게 나을듯.\n<Darkcircle_mba> 일단 오늘은 여기까지.\n<Darkcircle_mba> 저 영희! 할 준비해야 ㅡ,.ㅡ/\n<drake_kr> restricted 아직 kr.archive에 반영안된듯\n<Darkcircle_mba> http://mwiki.ubuntu.or.kr/index.php/UbuntuMediaWikiHowTo\n<myobot> [링크 제목] UbuntuMediaWikiHowTo - Ubuntu Korea Community Wiki\n<Darkcircle_mba> 일단 초안 반영\n<drake_kr> 익스텐션에 texvc 내장되어 있는거 같은데???\n<drake_kr> x를 깔겠다고 지랄하네\n<Darkcircle_mba> 엌.\n<Darkcircle_mba> 아 내장된게 아니예요.\n<Darkcircle_mba> 소스코드가 안에 있고\n<Darkcircle_mba> ocaml로 컴파일해야 ...\n<drake_kr> 채연이 시켰으면 좆될뻔했다\n<Darkcircle_mba> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 일단 익스텐션에 Makefile 보이길래 make했음\n<drake_kr> localsettings.php에 math/Math.php 했고\n<drake_kr> 되는지봐주삼\n<Darkcircle_mba> 아 make 하신다음에\n<Darkcircle_mba> 실행 파일 몇개가 뜨는데\n<Darkcircle_mba> 그거 /usr/bin에 sudo로 복사해주셔야해요 'ㅅ'\n<Darkcircle_mba> 방법은 아까 드린 젠투 위키에  ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 데이터베이스에 오류 ...\n<drake_kr> /usr/local/bin에 복사해도 되는거아녀\n<drake_kr> 일단 복사까지함\n<Darkcircle_mba> wikiroot/maintenance로 이동하시고\n<Darkcircle_mba> php update.php\n<Darkcircle_mba> sudo 명령으로 실행하셔야 'ㅅ'a ..\n<Darkcircle_mba> 그러면 디비를 싹 업뎃합니다.\n<Darkcircle_mba> texvc 블라블라 하면서 전부 실행 파일 네개가 /usr/local/bin에 들어간 상태에서\n<Darkcircle_mba> 디비를 업데이트 하고 난후에\n<drake_kr> 세개아님??\n<Darkcircle_mba> 네개요.\n<Darkcircle_mba> 하나는 extensions/Math/math에 있고\n<Darkcircle_mba> 다른 한개는 extensions/Math/texvccheck\n<drake_kr> 헐? 세개가 math에 있던데 실행파일\n<Darkcircle_mba> 네 그거 다 복사하고\n<drake_kr> texvc texvc_test texvc_tex\n<Darkcircle_mba> texvccheck도 올려야 해요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 그거까지 되어야 ..\n<drake_kr> ㅇㅋ texvccheck 올렸당\n<drake_kr> localsettings에 몇개 수정해야 되나\n<drake_kr> wgmathjaxurl 요거... 어찌확인하누\n<Darkcircle_mba> http://wiki.gentoo-kr.org/index.php?title=Gentoo_mwmath\n<myobot> [링크 제목] Gentoo mwmath - Gentoo Korea Wiki\n<Darkcircle_mba> 맨 아래 설정작성 부분 참고하세요.\n<Darkcircle_mba> 크게 다를거 없고 그냥 그대로 써주면 거의 됩니다.\n<Darkcircle_mba> 아 한줄 빠진게 있는데 ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 저거 좀 오래된 설정이군요\n<Darkcircle_mba> $wgUseTeX = true;\n<Darkcircle_mba> $wgUseMathJax = true;\n<Darkcircle_mba> $wgTexvc = \"/usr/bin/texvc\";\n<Darkcircle_mba> #$wgMathJaxUrl= \"http://darkcircle.kr/MathJax/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS_HTML\";\n<Darkcircle_mba> #$wgDefaultUserOptions['math'] = MW_MATH_MATHJAX;\n<Darkcircle_mba> $wgDefaultUserOptions['mathJax'] = true; // setting MathJax as default rendering option (optional)\n<Darkcircle_mba> 이거 그대로 쓰세요 .\n<Darkcircle_mba> #$ 부분은 필요 없으니 지우시면 되고요.\n<Darkcircle_mba> 필요한 설정은 전부 네줄이네요 .\n<drake_kr> 칙스 먹고싶다\n<Darkcircle_mba> 전 닭이 - -)... 먼산..\n<drake_kr> 영계\n<drake_kr> 고삼(아 위험하다 이건)\n<Darkcircle_mba> 흠.\n<drake_kr> 음 안되네\n<Darkcircle_mba> 고스트 스크립트 설치요\n<drake_kr> 고스트스크립트는 설치돼있음\n<drake_kr> 어떻게 안되는지 보는방법없나\n<drake_kr> 디버깅이 안되면 짲응나\n<drake_kr> http://mwiki.ubuntu.or.kr/index.php/%ED%86%A0%EB%A1%A0:%EB%8C%80%EB%AC%B8#.EC.88.98.EC.8B.9D.ED.85.8C.EC.8A.A4.ED.8A.B8 여기선 안됨?\n<myobot> [링크 제목] 토론:대문 - Ubuntu Korea Community Wiki\n<drake_kr> dvips나 dvipng 가 없는거군 설치할라믄 자꾸 x 깔아댈라카고\n<Darkcircle_mba> 흠 ... 거기서도 안나타나는군요 'ㅅ'\n<Darkcircle_mba> <math> 태그로 처리시도해봤는데\n<Darkcircle_mba> 고스트스크립트 없다고 야단\n<Darkcircle_mba> texlive-binaries 설치해보세요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 검색해보니 이게 뜨는군요 '\n<Darkcircle_mba> 전 철쑤!\n<drake_kr> 여러모로 빡치게 만드는 플러그인이구만\n<drake_kr_> whatever\n<drake_kr_> netbsd 좋네요\n<drake_kr> 후\n<ihavnoth> 이제 자야겠네요\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n#ubuntu-ko 2014-06-03\n<ahoops_> 좋은아침입니다.\n<ipeter> 안녕하세요?\n<ipeter> 비가오네요.\n<ihavnoth> 춥네요\n<ipeter> 하나 여쭤볼께요.\n<ipeter> 보통 서버에 svn구축하고\n<ipeter> 이리저리 파일이나\n<ipeter> 소스파일\n<ipeter> 자료 올려놓으시는데\n<ipeter> 그러다가 서버가 망가지거나 작동이 안되는 경우를 어떻게 대비하세요?\n<ihavnoth> svn에서 git으로 갈아탄지 오래됐어요...\n<ipeter> 흠...\n<ipeter> =_=\n<ihavnoth> git 서버 백업은 1차적으로 백업하드로 하고 있고요\n<ihavnoth> 2차적으로 각 개발자마다 git으로 받으면 그거 자체가 하나의 백업이 되거든요\n<ipeter> 네...\n<ihavnoth> 1ì°¨ 백업에 문제가 생겨도\n<ihavnoth> 2ì°¨ 백업이 개발자수(git clone 한 수)만큼 2ì°¨ 백업이 있는거죠\n<ihavnoth> 팀내에서 svn 고집하는 사람이 있는게 아니면 git으로 갈아타는게 좋을꺼에요\n<ihavnoth> 같이 일하는 사람 중에 svn 고집하는 사람 꽤 있었는데 술마시고 노래하며 춤을추며 슬슬 꼬셔서 전부 갈아타게 만들었어요\n<ipeter> 흠...\n<ipeter> 네네.\n<ipeter> git허브 ë³´ê³  옮겨타든가 해야겠네요.\n<ipeter> 전 당장 제 서버가 무선이 안되서요.\n<ihavnoth> 무선이 안된다는건 어떤 의미죠?\n<ipeter> 그놈만 먼저 어떻게 만져봐야겠네요.\n<ipeter> 지금 무선설정을 안하게 만들었습니다.\n<ipeter> samahui: 안녕하세요..?\n<samahui> 안녕하세요\n<ipeter> 예전에 cups 설치하다가 부팅이 안되서\n<ipeter> 무선쪽 문제인거 같아\n<ipeter> 무선쪽 죽였습니다.\n<samahui> 4시까지 밤샘해서 겨우 일정 맞춰 끝내고 한숨 자고 온다는게 이제 일어났어요 ㅎㅎ\n<ihavnoth> 무선랜 칩 이름아세요?\n<ipeter> ihavnoth: 잠시만요..!\n<ihavnoth> 전 재수가 좋은건지 제가 쓰는 것들은 그냥 잘 잡히네요(AP 모드는 잘 안되지만요)\n<samahui> 무선랜 문제가 있으신가 보군요\n<ipeter> iwconfig\n<ipeter> lo        no wireless extensions.\n<ipeter> eth0      no wireless extensions.\n<ipeter> 이렇게 뜨고..\n<ipeter> 잠시만요.\n<ipeter> 장치 뜨는거 확인해보는 명령어치면\n<ipeter> wireless 무선랜 칩은 뜨더라구요.\n<ihavnoth> ip link로 해보세요\n<ipeter> dmesg\n<ipeter> 쳐보면 무선이 뜨더라구요.\n<ipeter> lo\n<ipeter> eth0\n<ipeter> 두개만 뜨네요.\n<ihavnoth> lspci에선 보이나요?\n<ihavnoth> dmesg에서 보이는 이름 알려주셔도 되겠네요\n<ipeter> 06:06.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG [Calexico2] Network Connection (rev 05)\n<ipeter> 입니다.\n<ihavnoth> 인털껀 보통 잘 잡혔던거 같은데^.^ 이상하군요\n<ihavnoth> 검색해봐야겠네요\n<ipeter> 넹넹\n<ipeter> 저 잠시 일좀 하고 올께요!\n<ipeter> ihavnoth: 신경써주셔서 고맙습니다..!! =)\n<ihavnoth> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1877034\n<ihavnoth> 네\n<myobot> [링크 제목] [SOLVED] Wireless not working - Intep PRO Wireless - Oneiric 11.10 -Gateway 4520\n<ipeter> 어라. 근데 이사람은 eth1이 잡히네요?\n<ipeter> 전 eth1이 안잡히고, 그냥 lo와 eth0만 떠서요.\n<ipeter> 오늘 열심히 공부해봐야겠네요.\n<ipeter> ㅠ\n<ihavnoth> 일하시고 오세요\n<ipeter> 네네~\n<ihavnoth> 커널 메시지 켜고 (tail -f /var/log/kern.log)\n<ihavnoth> sudo modprobe ipw2200\n<ihavnoth> 해서 에러 메시지 확인해보세요\n<drake_kr> 으하하\n<drake_kr> 역시 넷비는 어렵군\n<drake_kr> 젠투로 가자\n<drake_kr> 에라\n<drake_kr> 젠투는 별로군\n<drake_kr> 데비안이 최고\n<ipeter_> 혹시 집에서 돌리시는 서버 해킹당해보신적 있으신가요?\n<drake_kr> 공유기 통하니 뭐 해킹당할 일이 없죠..\n<drake_kr> 그리고 꽤나 백본망에서 많이 거르는듯 싶어요\n<drake_kr> 필리핀에서는 비번 좀 쉽게 집어넣으면 10분이면 공격 들어왔는데\n<drake_kr> 여긴 웬만해선 그런일 없네요\n<ipeter_> 네\n<drake_kr> 머.. 해킹 신경쓸거면 홈서버 운영하지 말아야죠 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 아오.. 노트북에 젠투 갖다 밀어보려다가 그냥 데비안으로 회귀하렵니다 저는..\n<drake_kr> 매우 귀찮네요\n<drake_kr> 나스는 요걸로 하면 괜찮겠네요 http://prod.danawa.com/info/?pcode=1734164\n<myobot> [링크 제목] ASRock AD2550B-ITX 디앤디컴 종합정보 행복쇼핑의 시작 ! 다나와 (가격비교) - Danawa.com\n<drake_kr> http://prod.danawa.com/info/?pcode=2048038&cate1=861&cate2=879&cate3=14689&cate4=16750\n<myobot> [링크 제목] REX COOL R-4 ITX 화이트 (ITX-220) 종합정보 행복쇼핑의 시작 ! 다나와 (가격비교) - Danawa.com\n<drake_kr> 요즘 보드들 존만하게 나오는군요 http://prod.danawa.com/info/?pcode=2189172\n<myobot> [링크 제목] ASRock H81M-ITX 디앤디컴 종합정보 행복쇼핑의 시작 ! 다나와 (가격비교) - Danawa.com\n<ipeter_> 오후일과 시작이네요.\n<ipeter_> 모두들 힘내시고, 있다가 시간있을때 뵙겠습니다.\n<Markers> 안녕하세요\n<Markers> 구글이 스위프트라는 언어를 발표했네요 -ㅁ-.\n<Markers> 구글이래 ㅋㅋ\n<samahui> 점심들 맛나게 드셨는지요. 오후도 즐겁고 활기차게 보내세요 ^^\n<Markers> 우어 태양이 대놓고 노출을 해군요;\n<Markers> 여자들 좋아하겟넹\n<drake_kr> 비가 그쳤다는 얘긴줄....\n<Markers> ....\n<Markers> 이번 wwdc 대박이었다던데 혹시 내용 아시는분 계시나용? 언어 새로운거 나온거 말곤 모르겟넹;\n<Seony> 감기에 걸렸는데, 목 주위가 부었네요.  인터넷 찾아보니까 임파선이 부은거라는데, 살면서 이런 적은 또 처음이군요...\n<Markers> 머 때문에 이리들 친송을 하는거지\n<Seony> Markers: http://kwang82.hankyung.com/2014/06/blog-post.html\n<myobot> [링크 제목] 광파리의 IT 이야기: 맥 컴퓨터, 클라우드/디자인 강화된 요세미티로 진화한다\n<drake_kr> 맥 유저들 환호\n<ipeter_> Markers: 어디신데 해가 나세요..? 당산, 선유도쪽은 아직 흐리네요.\n<Markers> 덜덜… 가수 태양 말한건데\n<drake_kr> 빜뱅 태양 말씀하신듯\n<Markers> 두둥\n<ipeter_> 허허\n<Seony> 해도 나시는 건가요 ㅋㅋ\n<ipeter_> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<Markers> 이번에 태양이 대놓고 노출을....\n<Markers> -ㅁ-..노출도 아닌건가 어째거나\n<ipeter_> 듣고보니 재미있네요. 해가 나시다니..\n<ipeter_> ㅋㅋ\n<ipeter_> =_=\n<drake_kr> 예전 삐삐롱스타킹처럼 지퍼라도 내렸나요\n<drake_kr> 아 이젠 저도 귀찮아서 우분투나 쓰려구요\n<Markers> 요세미티 가 출시가 된건가요?\n<ipeter_> drake_kr: 윈8.1 에서 옮기시는건가요?\n<drake_kr> 젠투에서요\n<Seony> 라즈곤님 성함 기억하시는 분 계신가요\n<Seony> 갑자기 기억이 안나네...\n<Darkcircle_mba> ?ㅅ?\n<Darkcircle_mba> ~(_~_)~\n<Darkcircle_mba> ~(~_~)~\n<Markers> 음?\n<Darkcircle_mba> (~~_~)~\n<Markers> 라즈곤님이라면 ê·¸/..\n<Markers> 부산대?\n<Darkcircle_mba> ~(~_~~)~\n<Darkcircle_mba> 아뇽\n<Seony> 아뇨 여기 채널에 자주 오시는 의사쌤요\n<Darkcircle_mba> ~(~_~)~(~_~)~\n<Markers> 아니군;\n<Darkcircle_mba> 졸렸\n<Darkcircle_mba> -ㅅ-\n<Markers> 이거 요세미티 인가 먼가 나온건가 -ㅁ-; 또 맥 업글을 해야되는건가\n<Markers> 이번엔 무료로 안 풀겟죵?\n<Seony> 유료라고 해봐야 어차피 얼마 안할 거에요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 애플은 일단 MS와 같은 회사를 다 죽이기로 작정한 상태라\n<Markers> 학교 컴에 사비를 들일수는 없기때문에 ㅋ\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ 그럼 업글 안하면 되죠\n<Darkcircle_mba> 전 제 연구실에서 맥미니 쓰는 사람 저밖에 없어서 제가 다 챙긴다능 ㅡ,.ㅡ\n<Seony> 아니면 학교에다 업글 해달라고 해보세요\n<Markers> 그게 학교에다가 업글 해달라고 하면 되게 복잡해요 ;\n<Markers> 웃긴건 윈도우 os에 관해서는 체계적인데 맥은 -_-;\n<Markers> 시도때도 없이 막 연락와서 이것저것 달라고해서;\n<Darkcircle_mba> 뭔가 일에 서투르신듯 ㅋㅋ\n<Markers> 그게 물어보면 이거만 준비해주시면 되요. 이러다가 한 10~20일 지나면 갑자기 이것저것 서류 달라고 ㅡㅡ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 일단 거기 절차부터 우선 파악을 해보세요. 뭐 내놓고 빠졌다고 자꾸 클레임 걸어온다는건 일 처리 절차에 대한 약속이 잘못됐다는 의미..\n<Darkcircle_mba> 조교가 멍한가 /-ㅠ-/\n<Darkcircle_mba> 일처리 잘 못해주는 조교가 그러던데\n<Markers> 학교쪽에 있는 분들은 컴퓨터 = 윈도우os 라고 생각하는분들이 태반이라..\n<samahui> 라즈곤님 주소와 전화번호는 기억나는데 성함이 가물가물하네요 ㅎㅎ;;\n<Seony> samahui: ㅎㅎ 감사합니다.  찾았어요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 가끔은 대학원생이 조교보다 더 많은걸 알고 있어야 할 필요가 있습니다. 대학원생은 몇년동안 있는데 조교는 1~2년 있다가 나가기도 하니까요\n<drake_kr> 컴퓨터 == Microsoft Windows라면 그나마 낫네요\n<Darkcircle_mba> ê·¸ 혹시 과에 부탁하는거 거시기 하면 아얘 본부 교무처에 다이렉트로 때려보세요. 과에서 뭐 부탁하면 일이 이리이리 되냐? 이렇게.\n<drake_kr> 일반인들 생각 : 컴퓨터 == 네이버\n<Darkcircle_mba> 요새는 스마트폰 == 네이버\n<Darkcircle_mba> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 앱이 따로 있다는건 모르고 그냥 네이버 들어가서 검색 ㄱㄱㄱ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 지도 검색도 음원도 모두\n<drake_kr> 글로벌 오픈소스 프론티어 이거 우려했던대로네\n<samahui> 네이버 광고는 대놓고 검색시 광고뜨는게 자랑인냥 하고 있더군요. 원하는 정보는 안나오고 광고만 주루룩 나오는게 무슨 검색엔진인디 ㅡㅡ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 네이버는 졸라 무식해요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 물론 광고 우선 뜨게 하는게 나쁜건 아닌데\n<Darkcircle_mba> 얘네는 알고리즘으로 쳐올리는게 아니라\n<samahui> 광고 우선이 아니라 한페이지 대부분이 광고인게 문제죠\n<Darkcircle_mba>  아얘 상단에 그냥 박아버림.\n<samahui> 네\n<samahui> 핸폰에서 검색하면 더해요 광고쪽만 떡하니 화면에 우선 띄우죠\n<Darkcircle_mba> 구글 논문 좀 쳐 들여다보라고 하고 싶음 =3\n<Darkcircle_mba> 거기 석박사들 많던데\n<Darkcircle_mba> 무늬만 졸라~\n<Darkcircle_mba> ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 물론 잘하는 분들 많은데\n<Darkcircle_mba> 네이버에서 잘하는 분야는 데이터처리.\n<samahui> 네이버에서 잘하는건 광고뿐이죠 ㅎㅎ\n<Darkcircle_mba> DB쪽은 잘해요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 쿼리 쑤셔넣으면 그정도 반응 속도 나오면 양반이니까.\n<samahui> 빠를수 밖에요 검색 내용이 조작되어있으니 원하는 것만 걸러서 보여주니\n<samahui> 뭐 아무튼 전 네이버 검색도 구글에서 하죠 ^^;;\n<samahui> 아 졸리네요\n<samahui> 밤샘은 역시 힘들어요\n<Markers> 음.\n<drake_kr> 구글도 잘하는건 광고죠\n<Markers> 맥 제품 여러개 쓰는 사람들은 다 환호했겟군요 이번 wwdc\n<Markers> 맥 프로 딸랑 하나 있는 저는 그냥 그렇네요 -ㅁ-;\n<samahui> 맥 다 처분한 저는 바라만 봅니다 ㅎㅎ;\n<samahui> 맥하나 새로 들일까 가끔 유혹받고 있습니다\n<samahui> 새로운 머신하나 나오면 질러야죠. 우선은 총알을 충전해놔야죠\n<drake_kr> 전 맥 그다지.. ㅋㅋ\n<Markers> 전 맥 쓰는 이유가 딱 터미널 하나 때문인데 -_-ㅋ\n<drake_kr> 생각보다 맥에 대한 욕심이 없군요 저는..\n<Markers> + 가상머신으로 윈도우 깔아서 오피스 작업;\n<Seony> 전 맥 유저지만 wwdc는 별로 크게 관심 없어요\n<Seony> 어차피 맥으로 하는 일이 채팅+웹서핑+vmware가 전부라..\n<Markers> 이번 wwdc는 유난히 칭송글이 너무 많아서 먼가 햇어요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 아마 네이버는 구글에 비하면 잘하는거 하나도 없을건데 ... 'ㅅ'\n<Darkcircle_mba> 구글이 아무것도 안하고 돈만 버는거 같이 보이는데 광고로 긁어모으는 ...\n<Seony> 요세미티 아무리 삐까뻔쩍하게 나온다고 해봐야, 어차피 듀얼 모니터 중 하나만 끄는 기능은 없을테니.\n<Markers> 네이버가 잘하는거는 구글이 우리나라 점령하는걸 방지해주었다 정도..?;;;\n<drake_kr> 전 뭐 맥에서 하는것들 대부분 리눅스에서 되니..\n<samahui> 저도 맥에서 하는건 대부분 리눅스에서 되기땜시 맥 버렸어요\n<drake_kr> 몇개의 게임은 안되지만 윈도우에서는 되죠\n<Darkcircle_mba> 하지만\n<samahui> 윈도우는 어쩔 수 없이 일땜시 VM에서 가동중이고 그밖에는 다 리눅스네요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 맥에서 하는게 리눅스에서 안되는게 있죠 'ㅅ'\n<Darkcircle_mba> 아잉뽕 맥 네이티브 바이너리 돌리기\n<samahui> 제가 하는건 다 되요 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> keynote, page, numbers 같은거?\n<Darkcircle_mba> 당근 /-ㅠ-/\n<Seony> 아이튠즈, 아이포토쯤?\n<Darkcircle_mba> 아니 그보다 아이폰이 있으면\n<Darkcircle_mba> 거기에 앱을 넣잖아요 ?!\n<Darkcircle_mba> 아 .. 생각코보니 ë©°ì¹  지나면 개발자 계정 날라가네 ㅡ,.ㅡ ..\n<Darkcircle_mba> 아 쫌 개인 폰 대상 개발자는 ... 애드혹으로 꽁짜로 넣게 해주지\n<Darkcircle_mba> 치사하게 100달러 씩이나 쳐드시고 ... =3\n<samahui> 아이폰 신형 나오면 갈아탈까 생각중입니다. 겔스4 일년정도 썼으니 바꿔줘야죠... 는 희망! ㅜㅜ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 맥 쓰다 빡치는건 이런경우\n<samahui> 결혼했더니 모든게 뜻대로 안되는군요 ㅎㅎ;;\n<Darkcircle_mba> 갤스4 저 주세요 /-ㅠ-/\n<Darkcircle_mba> 는 뻥이고\n<Darkcircle_mba> 개발머신으로 쓰세요 'ㅅ' 언젠가 요긴하게 될겁니다 ㅇㅇ\n<samahui> 겔스4LTE-A는 게임머신으로 쓸듯해요 개발머신을 따로 보드 있어요 ㅋ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 앱같은거 짜잘하게 만들어서 올리기에는 갤스만한거 없어요\n<samahui> 그렇쵸\n<samahui> 작업하기 편안하죠\n<Darkcircle_mba> 전세계 통틀어서 갤스가 최고 ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 네 .\n<drake_kr> 음, 닌텐도나 플스, 마메에 인기 게임의 스크린샷을 업로드하는것도 자제해야 되려나요?\n<Darkcircle_mba> 전 갤스 구할라고 해도 이상하게 갤스만은 중고가가 허벌라게 비싸더라고요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 다른건 어찌저찌 하면 네고해서 막 깎아서 사는데 갤스는 가격이 이상하게 _-_\n<samahui> 그냥 작업하는데 쓰는거면 겔스2정도도 나쁘지 않잖아요 거기다 겔스2는 저렴하기까지하고\n<Darkcircle_mba> 갤스2는 ...\n<samahui> 약간 버벅여서 그렇취 왠만한건 다 돌아간다는...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 아마 갤스3까진 막장일거고\n<drake_kr> 근데 swift는 리눅스에서도 돌아가게 해줄려나\n<Darkcircle_mba> 갤스4는 진짜 ㅋㅋ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 갤스4는 나름 명작\n<Darkcircle_mba> 지금은 고쳐졌는데 ê°¤3에 ap 버그 있거든요.\n<Darkcircle_mba> 커널에 누가 바보코드 심어놔가지고\n<samahui> 국가암정보센터는 뜬금없이 왜 날 팔로우했을까요\n<samahui> ㅎㅎ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 틱 건드리면 탈옥완료\n<Darkcircle_mba> 암검진 받으시라고 ?ㅅ?\n<samahui> ㅜㅜ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 저도 암에서 자유로울줄 알았는데\n<samahui> 글고보니 친척중에 암병력있으면 검사받으라는디 전 받아야 할지도 몰러요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 외가 친가에서 다 병력이 발견돼서 ㅡ,.ㅡ ;;\n<samahui> 헉\n<drake_kr> ARM 쓰면 암걸림\n<Darkcircle_mba> 하나 추천 받은게\n<Darkcircle_mba> MRA를 찍어보라고 하는데\n<samahui> 전 친가 작은할아버님 한분이 암으로 돌아가셨죠\n<samahui> 거기다 할머님도\n<samahui> ㅜㅜ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 헐 ... ㅠㅠ\n<samahui> 전 근데 암보다 고혈압을 주의해야되요\n<samahui> 뇌졸증으로 돌아가신분들이 많아요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 즤집안은 그래도 암이란게 엄청 빨리들 발견돼서\n<Darkcircle_mba> cancer advanced NOS ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 전부.\n<Darkcircle_mba> 수술 후닥닥하고 항암치료 며칠하고 다들 이겨내심 /ㅡ,.ㅡ/\n<samahui> 다행이네요\n<drake_kr> 에잇 젠장 그냥 윈도우나 깔까\n<samahui> 저흰 어찌하다보니 건강검진도 자주 받으셨는데 급성으로 순식간에 번져서 안타까운 결과로 가셨네요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 윈도우 8은 너무 개막장같 ㅡ,.ㅡ\n<drake_kr> ?\n<samahui> 윈도우8을 쓸꺼면 걍 7쓰는게 났지 않나요?\n<Darkcircle_mba> 그게 암세포가 ... 검진해보면\n<Darkcircle_mba> 찍을땐 안보이는데\n<drake_kr> 전 8이 더 괜찮던데요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 나중에 뭔가 터져서 병원 가보면\n<samahui> 가벼운건 좋은데 나머지는 그냥 저냥 마음에 안들더군요\n<samahui> 전 그래요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 안찍은데서 엄청난 조직이 ㅡ,.ㅡ ...\n<drake_kr> 전.. 메뉴에서 어플찾기 힘듬..\n<samahui> 그러게요\n<samahui> 검사때 없다가 아파서 가면 이미 다 전의\n<samahui> 어쩔 수없더군요\n<drake_kr> 그냥 윈도키 클릭한번 하고 키보드로 어플실행하는게 편해요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 그게 CT로 처음에 체크해보거나 하는데\n<Darkcircle_mba> 검진 간격이 몇센치인가 그러더라고요.\n<samahui> 글쿤요. 그냥 편안하게 쓰려면 윈8도 나쁘지 않은가 보군요\n<ihavnoth> 암정보센터 검색해보니\n<ihavnoth> http://www.cancer.go.kr/mbs/cancer/subview.jsp?id=cancer_040201000000\n<myobot> [링크 제목] 통계로 알아보는 암 > 사망률 > 주요암 사망분율\n<ihavnoth> 이런게 나오네요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 그래서 찍다보면\n<samahui> CT 검색이 정확하게 나오는게 아니군요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 슬라이싱하는데 ê·¸ 사이에 암세포가 조그맣게 자라는데\n<Darkcircle_mba> 그게 재수없게 안걸리는 경우가 간혹 있다고 ㅡ,.ㅡ ;;\n<ihavnoth> 12년에 73,759명이 암으로 사망했네요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 이게 암이란게 웃긴게 담배피고 술마시고 고기 잔뜩 처묵고 짜게짜게 먹는다고 해서만 암으로 죽는게 아니라\n<samahui> 글고보니 예전에 인체영상관련 프로그램 개발할때 CT랑 MRI그리고 진접 사람 자른거 사진을 비교해봤었는데 확실히 1mm간격이였던거 같은데요. 조밀하게 찍는게 그정도니까 일반적으로 검사할때 찍으면 훨 간격이 넓을수도 있겠군요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 알게 모르게 몸이 한번 이상해지고 난 후에 세포가 돌연변이가 나면서 ㅡ,.ㅡ ;;\n<Darkcircle_mba> 1mm 간격은 보통 안찍어줘요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 그정도 찍어주면 겁나 비싸거든요.\n<samahui> 술담배를 안해서 다행이 전 약간이나마 걱정이 덜하네요 ㅎㅎ;;\n<drake_kr> 그런 분들이 더 위험한데\n<Darkcircle_mba> 근데 암은 술담배 하고 안하고랑은 전혀 상관이 없습니다. 'ㅅ';;;;;\n<samahui> ㅜㅜ\n<samahui> 왜들 이러세요~\n<samahui> 무섭게시리~\n<samahui> 살고 잡아요~\n<Darkcircle_mba> 아 그리고 촬영 간격이 미리수가 줄어들지 않는 이유중 하나가\n<samahui> 에이~ 낼부터 술담배 시작해야하는건가요?\n<Darkcircle_mba> 투과성과 관련이 있다는 말을 들었었는데 ..\n<drake_kr> 특히 저를 포함해 담배 피우는 분들은\n<samahui> 하긴 내부촬영 많이하면 방사성 피폭양이 더커서 문제일수도 있겠는데요\n<samahui> 찍어대다 없던 암이 생기는... ㅎㅎ;;\n<drake_kr> 으이사가 '님 폐암걸려 뒤질듯 담배좀 작작피셈' 이라고 하면 옥상가서 '아~ ㅆㅂ' 하면서 담배를 한대 물죠...\n<samahui> 담배는 배우고 잡아도 못배워요. 기관지가 안좋은 편이라 못펴요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 음 그렇다기보단 .. 이건 ê·¸ 라즈곤 님 오셔야 설명이 될듯 ..\n<drake_kr> 술담배 안하는 분들은 암걸리면 억울\n<samahui> 글고보니 오늘은 라즈곤 선상님이 안보이시는군요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 전 기관지는 괜찮은데 상기도랑 편도선이 부윀.\n<samahui> 술담배 안하는 사람은 암걸리면 억울한대다 보통 주변인의 흡연의 영향으로 걸리면 더 억울...\n<drake_kr> 술담배하는 저는 암걸리면 '아 내가 술담배해서 걸렸나보다' 할 수 있는데 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<samahui> 전 미세먼지 많은날은 계속 기침해요 ㅜㅜ\n<samahui> 서울에서 살기 힘들어요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 전 우유만 마셔도 ㅡ,.ㅡ ;;\n<Darkcircle_mba> 먼지 하나가 입에 들어가기만 해도 부웱.\n<ihavnoth> 저도 요즘 감기 자주 걸리던데 그게 미세 먼지가 영향이있을까요?\n<ihavnoth> 감기 자주 안걸리는 편이었는데 요즘 심하네요\n<samahui> ㅎㅎ;; 그것도 그렇겠네요. 술담배 어차피 하고 있으면 에이 이거 땜시 걸렸나보다 하는데 안하던 사람은 왜? 왜? 내가? 라고 원망할 대상을 찾을지도 모르겠네요\n<drake_kr> 난 술담배도 안하는데 아픈데 술담배하는 사람들은 막 안아프고\n<drake_kr> 존나 억울\n<samahui> 미세먼지 뿐만아니라 봄에는 꽃눈 날리는것도 문제더군요\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ  그래서 저는 다 끊었죠\n<samahui> 담배는 안폈었고 술은 저도 끊다시피 했죠\n<samahui> 가끔 어쩔 수 없는 경우 마시는척 하는 정도만 해요\n<drake_kr> 헐\n<drake_kr> 우분투 모임은 술모임인뎅\n<samahui> 독한 Seony님\n<samahui> 다 끊다니\n<samahui> 술모임 ㅋㅋ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 발표는 맛배기고 본 행사가 (먼산)\n<samahui> 학술적 모임은 시선끌기일뿐 내용은 술!!! 인겁니까?\n<drake_kr> 네?\n<Darkcircle_mba> 학술도 아니고 노는거예요 'ㅅ'\n<ihavnoth> 업무 관련 아니면 술 안마시게 되더라고요\n<drake_kr> 학술모임은 미끼행사라고 하죠?\n<Darkcircle_mba> ~(_~_)~\n<samahui> ㅎㅎ\n<samahui> 미끼에 낚여서 가면 주당이 된다는 그곳이 이곳???!! 인건가요?\n<drake_kr> 에이 무슨 주당이에요\n<samahui> 글고보니 회비2만냥에서 술마시면 꽤 많이 마실거 같은데요\n<ihavnoth> 안주값 때문에 얼마 못마실꺼 같은데요\n<drake_kr> 지하철이 끊기면 새벽까지 마시면 되지. <- 정도입니다\n<samahui> ㅎㅎ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 근데 진짜로 새벽까지 마시고 첫차 올때까지 ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 쭉 마시고 마지막에 기계우동/짜장 먹고 굿밤(?)한적이 있숨 'ㅅ'(!)\n<samahui> 택시타고 집에 갈꺼 택시비로 마시고 첫차타자 입니까?\n<drake_kr> 뭐 제가 강요하는 편은 아니라서..\n<samahui> 아범매냐 나갈때는 자주 그랬는데 요즘은 안마시니 여기 모임가도 그렇게는 못할듯 싶어요 ㅎㅎ;;\n<Darkcircle_mba> 당장 택시타고 집에가나 더 마시고 집에가나 똑같으니 더 마시��³  집에가자주의\n<Darkcircle_mba> 근데 요새같으면 그리 못해요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 예전 대표 아저씨는 술자리에서는 좀 강요하는 타입이었는데\n<Darkcircle_mba> 그때 진짜 뭔 정신으로 마셨었지 ㅡ,.ㅡ ..\n<drake_kr> 전 그다지 강요하지 않아요\n<samahui> 아직 젊군요.. 전 체력이 안되서 못마실거 같아요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 분도님은 취하시면 좀 피곤한 스타일이죠 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 그래서인지 요샌 그렇게 헤비하진 않고요\n<Darkcircle_mba> drake_kr / 그때 우리 어떻게 새벽 5시까지 버텼었죠 ?ㅅ?\n<Darkcircle_mba> 버틴게 아니라 멀쩡하게 깨어있었죠 'ㅅ' ㅇㅇ\n<samahui> 글고보니 분도님 뵌지 오래되었네요. 요즘 많이 바쁘신가봐요\n<drake_kr> 저번주 토요일에 집에 어떻게 갔는지 기억 못..\n<Darkcircle_mba> 남자 여섯이서 (...) 우동셋 짜장셋\n<Darkcircle_mba> 2열 종대로 ..\n<drake_kr> 분도님 안 바쁩니다\n<drake_kr> 아 인천 한번 가야되는데..\n<samahui> 새벽에 짜장 먹을곳이 있나보군요\n<drake_kr> 상암동에 있었어요\n<samahui> 새 벽이 ê·¸ 새벽이 아니고 아침 9시 인건 아니겠죠?\n<Darkcircle_mba> 24시간 짜장집이니까요 'ㅅ'/\n<Darkcircle_mba> 큼지막한 감자에 /-ㅠ-/\n<Darkcircle_mba> 고기에 \\-ㅠ-\\\n<ihavnoth> 유명한 곳인가보군요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 정확히 4시 반이요.\n<samahui> 감자 큼직하니 썰어 들어가는 짜장이라... 옛날짜장인가보네요 맛나겠어요 ㅜㅜ\n<drake_kr> 이제 상암동에서 행사할일은 없어서..\n<Darkcircle_mba> 제가 그때 시계본건 기억남.\n<Darkcircle_mba> 상암동에 유일하게 갈곳이 있다면\n<drake_kr> 연장전?\n<Darkcircle_mba> 호프집이랑 반대방향 치킨집하고\n<Darkcircle_mba> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 연장전 -ㅂ-)=b\n<ihavnoth> 거기 전에 갔다가 택시 탔는데 철도길 사이에 두고 빙빙돌면서 길을 제대로 못찾더군요\n<samahui> 뭐 술자리 안하려면 안하는데 하려면 연장전은 필수... 아 말리고 있다 ㅜㅜ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 보드람 치킨집 -> 케빈호프 -> 연장전\n<Darkcircle_mba> 왔다갔다 하면서 술 다깸 ㅡ,.ㅡ\n<samahui> ㅎㅎ;;\n<drake_kr> 아!!!!\n<Darkcircle_mba> 걷는 거리가 의외로 애매해요\n<samahui> 한자리에서 지긋하게 마시는것 보다 돌아다니는게 덜 취하나 보군요. 전 돌아다니면서 마시면 썪어 먹는 효과가 오던데요\n<drake_kr> 한강 갈바엔 상암동 공터도 괜찮겠다\n<Darkcircle_mba> 상암동에 공터가 있어요 ?ㅅ?\n<drake_kr> 그왜 비공식으로다가\n<samahui> 설마 운동장 공터?\n<drake_kr> 불금에 한번 벙개쳐서 모일라고\n<drake_kr> ㅇㅇ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 운동장이라\n<Darkcircle_mba> 월드컵구장이군욬ㅋ\n<drake_kr> 1차로 과자에 소주 마시고\n<drake_kr> 2차로 치킨에 소주 마시고\n<drake_kr> 3차로 케빈호프 갔다가\n<drake_kr> 4차로 연장전 가고\n<drake_kr> 더 할사람 더 하고\n<Darkcircle_mba> 전 소주는 이젠 감당이 안돼서 ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 특히 참이슬 처음처럼은 못먹겠 -ㅠ-;;\n<drake_kr> 빨간건 오히려 잘 들어갈거야\n<Darkcircle_mba> 제주도에서 파는 화이트 한라산은 좀 먹을만하더라고요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 도수는 허벌라게 높은데...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 허벌라게도 아니구나 =3\n<Seony> 근데 요즘 소주가 옛날에 비해서 도수가 많이 내려가지 않았나요?\n<drake_kr> 경대랑 한라산 마시고 죽을뻔\n<Darkcircle_mba> 많이 내려갔죠 ㅎㅎ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 전 근데 한라산 괜츈하던\n<drake_kr> 사람마다 차이가 있는듯\n<Darkcircle_mba> 대신 한라산 마실때는\n<samahui> 소주 도수 많이 내렸죠\n<Darkcircle_mba> 열심히 마시고 (!)\n<samahui> 전 예전에 마실때는 빨간 진로만 마셨는데요 ㅎㅎ;\n<Darkcircle_mba> 해안도로 나들이를 좀 해야 ...\n<samahui> 요즘 소주는 물맛이라 더 맛없어서 못먹겠더군요\n<samahui> 맛없어요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 제주도 술은 그냥 술맛으로 술을 먹는게 아니라\n<drake_kr> 그러게요\n<Darkcircle_mba> ê±° 왜 똥뙈지나 흙돼지 먹을때\n<Darkcircle_mba> 찍어먹는 비린내나는 (?) 소스 있잖아요?\n<drake_kr> 경대가 그건 안 사줬음\n<Darkcircle_mba> 그거 고기랑 쌈야채랑 해서 찍어 먹은담에\n<Darkcircle_mba> 마지막에 한라산 화이트로 입가심 촤아악 하면\n<Darkcircle_mba> 입안이 ㅁㄴㅇㄹㅁㄴㅇㄹㅁㄴㅇㄹ\n<samahui> 글고보니 저번에 제주도 놀러간 기억이 나네요. 열시미 먹고 놀다 유명한 쭈꾸미 볶음집이 있어서 싸들고 바닷가 가서 한잔하려고 샀는데 가서 열어보니 안익은 쌩 날것이던...\n<drake_kr> 이번주 금요일 상암동\n<Darkcircle_mba> 완전 죽여줌\n<drake_kr> 가야겠다\n<Darkcircle_mba> 전 이번주 금욜은 좀 힘들 ~_~\n<Darkcircle_mba> 금 토 이틀 연속으로 회의 .\n<drake_kr> 쟨 맨날 힘들대\n<Darkcircle_mba> 14일날은 시간 나요 'ㅅ'/\n<drake_kr> 그럼 14일\n<Darkcircle_mba> 덕규햄한테 전화번호 알려달라그랬더니\n<Darkcircle_mba> 어 알았어\n<Darkcircle_mba> 그러고 끊더니만\n<Darkcircle_mba> 까먹어서 안알랴줌.\n<Darkcircle_mba> (.......) 도데체 그날 무슨 일이 'ㅅ'\n<Darkcircle_mba> 승환 아저씨만 멀쩡하던거 같던데\n<Darkcircle_mba> 누가 이거 구글에서 검색해서 ë³´ë©´ 웃긴 이야기인줄 알겠 (..)\n<drake_kr> 신기하네\n<drake_kr> 혁신은 없었다 뉴스 안올라오네\n<Darkcircle_mba> nipa에서 그런거 올리지 말라고 했을리도 없고 ㅡ,.ㅡ ..\n<Darkcircle_mba> 납득할만한 이유가 있을건데 다들 꿀먹은 벙어리모드인가 ...\n<samahui> 원노트2013은 공짜로 풀렸군요. 이왕이면 오피스 전체를 ... 뭐 불법복제도 다 돌아서 회사나 피방아니면 풀린거나 다름없지만...\n<drake_kr> http://www.mediatoday.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=84450 옴니아 일병 구하깈ã…��ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<myobot> [링크 제목] 미디어오늘 : 한국 신문들, 옴니아 일병 구하기 총력전\n<samahui> 저랬었죠. 그리고 저런 언론에 낚여 성능 좋은 줄 알고 구입한 옴니아는 1년도 못쓰고 후회를 안겨줬다는...\n<drake_kr> 아이폰3gs는 아직까지 현역입니다\n<Darkcircle_mba> 즤집에도 3gs폰 아직까지 멀쩡 'ㅅ'\n<Darkcircle_mba> 홈버튼 고장도 안나고 전원은 뭐 뜯어서 알콜로 문대가지고 고치고.\n<drake_kr> 그나저나 내일 찍을 사람이.. 민주당밖에 없네 젠장\n<samahui> 주말에 이미 투표를 마친 1인! 입니다\n<samahui> 하지만 쉴 줄 알았던 투표일 오전 근무는 한다는게 함정 이죠 ㅜㅜ\n<drake_kr> http://mwiki.ubuntu.or.kr/index.php/LoCoJoin\n<myobot> [링크 제목] LoCoJoin - Ubuntu Korea Community Wiki\n<drake_kr> 유튜브 임베딩도 잘 나오는군요\n<samahui> 세월호 참사 이후 선거운동도 자중 한다더니 막상 내일로 다가오니까 마이크 잡고 소리지르고 구호 외치고 난리군요\n<samahui> 구의원 시의원은 정말 없에버렸으면 좋겠군요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 시의원은 모르겠네요 시의원은 행정 구역 스케일별로 필요한 곳도 있기 때문에 인구수에 비례해서 일정 수준의 인원은 있어야 하는데\n<Darkcircle_mba> 구의원은 서울에나 해당되지 ... (서울이 구 단위 스케일이 어마어마해서 ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> )\n<drake_kr> http://www.ubuntu-kr.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=26440\n<myobot> [링크 제목] 글타래 보기 - 글로벌 오픈소스 프론티어 관련 공지 - 우분투 한국 커뮤니티 •\n<drake_kr> 뭐 경험이지\n<drake_kr> 대표가 힘든건 저런것때문에 그런거\n<drake_kr> Darkcircle_mba: 그나저나 다음달에 수도권이 아닌 곳에 있는 관리자들은 어쩌지\n<Darkcircle_mba> 일단 인구는 ... 수도권\n<Darkcircle_mba> 규링옹도 수도권\n<Darkcircle_mba> 채연이도 ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 흠\n<Darkcircle_mba> 명단을 보니\n<Darkcircle_mba> 오시는 분 아니면 ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 못오시는게 아니라 안오시겠군요 -ㅅ-\n<drake_kr> 이벤트핸들러는 올거고\n<Darkcircle_mba> 근데 뭐 ê·¸ 분들이 위키를 직접 건드릴 것도 아니고 ..\n<Darkcircle_mba> 핸들러 -> 오거나이저\n<Darkcircle_mba> 핸들러라고 하니까 뭔가 함수 같아욬ㅋㅋ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 건드리면 와! 놀자! (응?)\n<Darkcircle_mba> ...\n<drake_kr> 이번에 공지할 때 빨간색으로 명시할거임\n<drake_kr> 관리자들 안오면 제명\n<Darkcircle_mba> 근데 지금은 써니옹 빼고 들은 사람 아무도 없 'ㅅ';\n<Seony> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 사람 -> 스탭\n<Seony> 그나저나 상주인원 30명 찍은건 간만에 첨인듯 싶네요\n<drake_kr> Seony님은 안오셔도 됩니다\n<drake_kr> 가능하면 화상챗 :D\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ 넵\n<drake_kr> 이번엔 강남에 30명 자리쯤으로 할까나..\n<Darkcircle_mba> drake_kr / ping\n<drake_kr> 지금 채팅창 7개에다가 토즈 예약하는중 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 좀 늦어도 이해를\n<Markers> 오호. 이번에 시놀로지 나스에서 구글 드라이브랑 드랍박스, 바이두 클라우드 클라이언트 지원해주네요 -ㅁ-\n<drake_kr> 한 15만원이면 비슷하게 그냥 리눅스 머신을 만들 수 있어요 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 성능도 좀 나오는걸루다가\n<drake_kr> 배고파\n<drake_kr> Darkcircle_mba: 밥사줘\n<Darkcircle_mba> 헐 .. 저 주머니에 -ㅠ- 와퍼 사먹을돈만 딸랑 ~(_~_)~\n<drake_kr> 헐 소고기라니\n<Darkcircle_mba> (일주일동안 한끼2900원으로 버티는중)\n<Darkcircle_mba> 아 패티가 소고기군요 :D\n<Darkcircle_mba> (이런 충공깽)\n<Darkcircle_mba> 와퍼 말고 요새는 바뀌었는데\n<Darkcircle_mba> Hero series\n<Darkcircle_mba> ...는 돼지고기네요 'ㅅ'a ;; ..\n<Darkcircle_mba> 급이 다른 패티 ... 썩.\n<Darkcircle_mba> x\n<samahui> 와퍼가 버거킹 이죠?\n<samahui> 버거킹 안가본지 일년은 된거 같네요 ㅎㅎ;  와퍼이야기 들으니 배고픈데요\n<samahui> 퇴근 시간이 다되었나봅니다.  퇴근해서 후딱 저녁먹고 자야죠\n<Darkcircle_mba> 넹 벜어킹이욬\n<Darkcircle_mba> 단골 하나 잡으시고 영수증으로 단가(?) 후려치기 하세요 'ㅅ'\n<Darkcircle_mba> (뭔가 악질갑의 기운이 스멀스멀...)\n<drake_kr> 카드로 와퍼가 정식메뉴 돼서 다행인듯\n<Darkcircle_mba> 전 근데 이제 그걸 ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 못먹게 됐습니다. ㄱ-\n<Darkcircle_mba> 이제 막 카드로 치즈가 나왔는데!\n<drake_kr> http://www.ubuntu-kr.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=26442\n<myobot> [링크 제목] 글타래 보기 - 2014년 6월 우분투한국커뮤니티 정기 나눔 행사 안내 - 우분투 한국 커뮤니티 •\n<drake_kr> 아맞다 나 미성년자였지 - Gunyoung Yoon\n<Darkcircle_mba> Gnome Community -> Gnome Korea\n<drake_kr> Gnome Korea Community?\n<Darkcircle_mba> 아뇨 그냥 Gnome Korea요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 사실 소속도 필요 없을거 같은데 'ㅅ'a ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 애초에 발표 주제랑 소속은 하등 관계도 의미도 ~(_~_)~ ㅁㅇㄴㄹ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 여러가지 매니징 기법 -> 여러가지 위키 매니징\n<Darkcircle_mba> 기법\n<drake_kr> 매니징 기법을 그렇게 소개한건\n<Darkcircle_mba> 아 사실 그렇게 할 필요도 없겠군요 'ㅅ'\n<drake_kr> '저거 위키관리자만 가면 되는거 아냐?' 이러면 곤란\n<Darkcircle_mba> 뭐 대충 나가도 문제 없겠네요\n<Darkcircle_mba> ~(_~_)~\n<drake_kr> 수정함\n<drake_kr> 그놈한국이라고 하면 웬지 그새끼가 한국에 있다는 뜻으로 들림\n<Darkcircle_mba> 흠 근데 생각해보니 ... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 이번 행사도 대학로에서 하나요 ?ㅅ?\n<drake_kr> 건돼\n<Darkcircle_mba> 위에는 건대점인데\n<Darkcircle_mba> 아래는 대학롴\n<Darkcircle_mba> 아 이번에도 대학로구나 \\-ㅠ-/ 이야 좋다! ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 라고 하려고 했다가 다시 위를 보니 헑.\n<samahui> 얼마전까지 거주하던 건대군요\n<drake_kr> 맨날 빼먹어\n<Darkcircle_mba> 건대는 레알 ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 교통이 애매한 동네 ...\n<drake_kr> 그럼 일단 술집은 별 문제 없겠지?\n<Darkcircle_mba> 근처에 맛집 술집 다 모인동네죠\n<samahui> 술집은 엄청나게 많은데 맛있는 집은 몇개 안되죠\n<drake_kr> 맛은 그다지 문제되지 않습니다\n<Darkcircle_mba> 싸고\n<samahui> 겨울이였으면 특색있게 홍어 먹으러... ㅎㅎ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 양많으면\n<Darkcircle_mba> 됨.\n<drake_kr> 얼마나 저렴하고 많이 주는가.\n<drake_kr> 삼합이라..\n<samahui> 삼합인데 좀 유명한 집이 있습니다\n<drake_kr> 라즈곤님이 삼합 좀 아시던데..\n<samahui> 초보가 먹기 좋은 곳인데 문제는 여름에는 겆저리가 맛없어져서 전체적인 맛이 떨어집니다\n<drake_kr> 광주 가면 대접해주신다고 합니다\n<samahui> 김치가 여름에는 맛이 없어진다더군요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 양념이랑 소금이 절여지는 문제가 있나보군요\n<drake_kr> 여성분과 갔다가 헤어졌다는 전설의\n<Darkcircle_mba> 'ㅅ'a ..\n<samahui> ㅎㅎ\n<samahui> 애탕도 정말 맛있는데 이건 냄세도 엄청나게 심하고  초보가 먹기에는 힘든점이 있어서 패스~\n<Darkcircle_mba> 전 한식집 가면 음식맛을 김치 하나 집어서 맛보는걸로 'ㅅ'a ...\n<samahui> 건대면 물좋은 부킹주점도 .... 가면 안되겠죠 ㅎㅎ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 미성년자가 있어서!\n<Darkcircle_mba> 얘들아 부킹주점 갈래 ?\n * Darkcircle_mba 철컹철컹 \n<samahui> 김치는 김장김치가 대부분인지라 시기에 관계없이 맛있는 집은 맛있죠\n<drake_kr> 3ì°¨ 이후엔 가도 됩니다\n<samahui> 하지만 저리는 아니더라고요 ㅎㅎ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 김치가 맛있는 집은 음식 맛을 잘 관리하거든요.\n<Darkcircle_mba> 최소한 기본메뉴만큼은 무난하기 때문에...\n<samahui> 기본적인 손맛이 있는 집이죠\n<Darkcircle_mba> 네\n<Darkcircle_mba> 그거예요.\n<drake_kr> 전 중국산 김치를 선호합니다\n<Darkcircle_mba> 싸고 양많은?!\n<drake_kr> 어설프게 국산김치라고 해놓고 존나 비싸게 받는데가 많아서\n<drake_kr> 어머니밥상 - 아니 무슨 어머니가 애새끼 등골을 빼처먹어\n<samahui> ㅎㅎ;;\n<samahui> 계란후라이 무한 리필인 호프는 하나 압니다 ㅎㅎ\n<Darkcircle_mba> 오오 -ㅅ-\n<Darkcircle_mba> 겨란\n<Darkcircle_mba> 후라이!\n<samahui> 단! 스스로 해먹어야 합니다 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 오 짱이다\n<drake_kr> 우리 커뮤니티가 가면\n<drake_kr> 계란으로 배채우겠군\n<drake_kr> 거덜나겠는데?\n<samahui> 전에 친구 만나서 갔는데 2층 건물이였는데 한쪽에 후라이팬과 버너가 있고 계란판이 쌓여있더군요 뭔가 했떠니 해먹고 싶은 만큼 해먹으면 된다고 하더라고요\n<drake_kr> 계란튀김 음 좋아\n<samahui> 건대 병원 맞은편쪽에 있습니다\n<samahui> 길가에서 보이는데 정확한 이름이 기억이 안나네요 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 1차로 껍질째 튀기고 껍질 벗겨서 2차로 튀기고\n<samahui> 껍질째 튀기면 터집니다\n<drake_kr> 그런애들 많지 않나요? ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 그냥 다 후라이 해먹나..\n<drake_kr> 그런데 가면 ê¼­ 손님중에 미친놈 있는데.. (나처럼)\n<samahui> 심지어 전자렌지에 그대로 통으로 계란넣고 돌려서 폭파시키는 애들도 봤습니다\n<drake_kr> 저번에 한번\n<drake_kr> 계란을 삶아서\n<samahui> 우유를 가져가서 같이 넣고 휘릭 저어 먹으면 맛난 요리가 되죠 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 삶은계란을 얇게 썰어서 전처럼 튀겨먹어본적이 있는데요\n<drake_kr> 여러분은 그런짓 하지 마세요\n<samahui> 대충 위치는 2번 출구쪽 그러니까 모임장소랑 삼각구도를 이루는 위치네요 ㅎㅎ 커핀그루나루인가 거기 보이는 건물들 사이에 있을거예요\n<samahui> 직접 가야 위치를 안다는게 함정!\n<drake_kr> 그럼 앞장서시면 되죠\n<drake_kr> 참석하실거죠?\n<samahui> ㅎㅎ;;\n<samahui> 아! 친구한테 전화해서 물어보니 거기 골뱅이 집이였군요\n<samahui> ㅎㅎ;;\n<samahui> 골뱅이는 안먹고 계란만 먹다와서 몰랐네요 ^^;;\n<samahui> 가계dlfmaeh rhfqoddlfkqslek\n<samahui> 가계 이름도 골뱅이랍니다\n<samahui> 가능하면 참석해서 얼굴도 ë³´ê³  하면 좋겠습니다만 그때 되야 알 수 있을듯해요 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui> 모임 끝나고 저녁에 한강가서 농구한판 하면 딱이겠네요 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 음 저녁에 오신다는 본론에 충실한 분이시군요\n<Darkcircle_mba> 들어올땐 맘대로지만 나갈땐 맘대로가 아닐수도 길수도 있습니다 'ㅅ'/\n<samahui> ㅎㅎ;; 그생각을 못했군요;;\n<Darkcircle_mba> 흠 건대 ... 이번에는 11시 반까지만 해야겠군요 'ㅅ';\n<drake_kr> Darkcircle_mba: 아니지\n<Darkcircle_mba> 아무리 마시고 뻗어도\n<drake_kr> 들어올때도 맘대로고 나갈때도 맘대로지만 정시에 집에가긴 매우 아까운 그런 느낌?\n<Darkcircle_mba> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<samahui> 저녁 맛있게들 드세요 ~\n<samahui> 퇴근들 잘하시고요 ^^\n<drake_kr> 순댓꾺 먹어야징\n<samahui> 글고보니 건대에 순대국집 약간 유명한곳도 많죠\n<samahui> 저도 저녁에 êµ­ê³¼ 밥으로 해결해야 겠네요\n<samahui> 일찍가서 밥먹고 자려고 했더니 뜻대로 안되는군요 에휴~\n<samahui> 저녁먹고 오겠습니다~\n<Darkcircle_mba> 아싸\\-_-/ 다 나갔다\n<Darkcircle_mba> 놀아야 ...\n<Darkcircle_mba> ~(_~_)~\n<Darkcircle_mba> 다들 아무것도 안하고 놀다가 나감\n<samahui> 역시 밥은 가정식 백반이 ì ¤ 맛난거 같아요. 배불리 먹고 왔습니다.\n<samahui> 이제 일 좀 후딱 해버리고 집에 가야죠\n<ihavnoth> 다들 퇴근하셨군요\n<ihavnoth> 저녁 먹고 졸다 막차를....\n<ipeter> drake_kr: 드레이크님\n<ipeter> 지금 윈8.1 설치해서 사ì��©ì¤‘입니다.\n<ipeter> 정말 엄.ì²­.나.êµ°.요.\n<ipeter> xp에서 윈8 발매첫날 구매해서 갈아탔었는데\n<ipeter> 8하고 완성도나 느낌측면에서 차이가 있는거 같은데..이거 그냥 기분탓인가요?\n<ipeter> 8이 뭔가 살짝 어설펐다면 8.1은 거의 완성된 느낌이네요.\n<ipeter> 잠시 나갔다 오겠습니다.\n<ipeter> 어엇?\n<ipeter> 사마휘님?\n<ipeter> 이시간에 오시나요?\n<samahui> ㅎㅎ\n<samahui> 온게 아니라 아직 안간겁니다\n<samahui> 어제에 이어서 본의 아니게 밤샘 2일차 입니다\n<ipeter> 헙\n<ipeter> =_=\n<ipeter> 고생하십니다..ㅠ\n<samahui> 뭐하세요?\n<ipeter> 윈도우8.1 구매했던거 설치하면서 소소히 보내고 있습니다..\n<samahui> ㅎㅎ;;\n<ipeter> 와이프분 다리는 괜찮으신지요?\n<samahui> 윈도우 8.1 구입하셨군요\n<samahui> 많이 좋아지고 있지만 아직은 좀 불편한 상태내요\n<ipeter> 네네...아무래도 개발하다보면...윈도우가 편하긴 편한거 같습니다..\n<ipeter> 에구..빨리 나아야하는데..\n<samahui> 아기가 있어서 약을 못쓰는관계로 그냥저냥 바르는 약으로 치료하다보니 늦어지네요\n<samahui> 윈도우 쪽 어플이면 윈도우가 편하죠 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui> 하지만 보편적인 개발은 리눅스나 맥환경이 나은거 같아요 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui> 빠른 시일내에 안나으면 그냥 입원시켜버리려고요\n<ipeter> 아..이런..ㅠ 아이가지신 상태에선 약도 함부로 못먹고..\n<ipeter> 좀 답답하시겠어요..ㅠ\n<samahui> 네 그래서 그냥 확 입원시키거나 휴직시키고 집중치료로 치료시기 좀 확 땡겨볼까 생각중입니다\n<ipeter> 네네..그게 나을듯 싶네요.\n<samahui> 점점 좋아지고 있어서 크게 걱정은 안합니다 ㅎㅎ;;\n<ipeter> 아무래도 의사와 간호사가 계속 지켜보면서 빨리 낫게 해줄꺼같네요.\n<ipeter> 네네 다행입니다.\n<samahui> 전 다시 일 좀 하다 오겠습니다. 윈도우 설치 잘하시고 너무 늦게 주무시지 마세요~\n<ipeter> 언능 들어가셔야하는데.. 빨리 들어가세요!\n<ipeter> 네네!\n<ipeter> 수고하세요..!!\n<samahui> 비오고 날도 일교차도 큰디 감기 걸려유~\n<ipeter> =)\n<samahui> 넵\n<ipeter> ㅠㅠ 넹넹\n<samahui> 수고하세요~\n<ihavnoth> 미친 omap uart 프로그램이 이상하네요 휴\n<DarkCircle> 아직도 깨어계시다니 ㄷㄷㄷㄷ\n<ihavnoth> 포럼 마스터가 ê³ 3이군요...\n<samahui> 아직 깨어 있는 1인 추가요 ~\n<ihavnoth> 드라마 4편을 봐야 집에 갈 수 있겠네요\n<FriedChicken> ...\n<FriedChicken> 조용하군요 'ㅅ'\n<ihavnoth> 오늘도 기아는 졌네요\n<ihavnoth> 이제 보지 말아야겠어요\n<samahui> 한화 응원하는것 보다는 났잖아요 ㅎㅎ\n<ihavnoth> 새누리당은 요즘 많이 힘든가 보네요\n<ihavnoth> 갑자기 박근혜 대통령 눈물을 닦아 달라네요...\n<ihavnoth> 이제 투표하러 가야겠네요~\n<razGon_VOTE> 안녕하세요?\n<Seony> 안녕하세요\n<razGon_VOTE> 굳모닝!\n<razGon_VOTE> 괜찮으세요?\n<Seony> 음식물 삼키거나 입을 벌리면 입안에 통증이 와서, 그냥 병가 내고 집에 왔어요\n<Seony> 코는 안막혔는데도 냄새도 하나도 안나고 맛도 못느끼고 그러네요\n<razGon_VOTE> ?!\n<razGon_VOTE> Seony: 이상한데요? 혹시 후각신경 침범?\n<razGon_VOTE> ipeter: 피터!! 하이요~!\n<Seony> 가끔 코가 뚫리는 듯한 느낌이 들면서 냄새가 살짝 날 때도 있어요\n<ipeter> 아...! 라즈곤님?\n<ipeter> 안녕하세요??\n<razGon_VOTE> Seony: 혹시 코가 목뒤로 넘어가고 재채기 나지 않으세요?\n<Seony> 재채기는 전혀 없어요\n<Seony> 코는 안나와서, 넘어가는 것도 없네요\n<ipeter> 미래의 원격진료인가요?\n<ipeter> 써니님 감기 걸리신거 같군요..!\n<Seony> 네.  감기 걸렸는데, 처음으로 임파선이 부었네요\n<razGon_VOTE> post-nasal drip이 있으면 sinusitis일수 있어요. 그럴때는 항생제 잘써야 합니다.\n<razGon_VOTE> ipeter: 미래의 원격진료는 이러지 않습니다. 고혈압!? 혈압약 처방했습니다. 라고 하고 끝\n<ipeter> 허허\n<ipeter> 그런가요\n<razGon_VOTE> 좀친절하면 정상입니다! 라고 한마디 더해줄거에요.\n<razGon_VOTE> 편리한건 \"삼성\"스맛폰에는 \"갤럭시\"처방전 앱으로 전송될겁니다.\n<razGon_VOTE> 개인정보는 삼성으로.ㅋ\n<razGon_VOTE> 삼성생명 가입시에 거부당하겠죠. 자신들의 데이타 베이스에 암과 뇌혈관질환 걸릴 확률 일반의 5배라는 확률나오면\n<ipeter> zz\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<ipeter> 대단하군요.\n<ipeter> Seony: 혹시 Geil이라는 램업체 아시나요? 제 램이 8기가 x2 쓰는데 ê·¸ 회사꺼네요.\n<razGon_VOTE> 빅데이터에 대해서 책을 많이 쓴데가 삼성연구소니깐요.ㅋ\n<Seony> ipeter: 네.  여기서 자주 보이는 브랜드에요\n<ipeter> 아..그런가요?\n<ipeter> 찾아보니 회사 홈페이지는 있네요.\n<ipeter> 처음 들어본 회사였습니다.\n<Seony> ipeter: 브랜드가 궁금하시면 아마존에서 검색하면 잘 나오죠...\n<ipeter> 네\n<ipeter> 위키 ë³´ê³  왔는데 역시나 대만회사군요..\n<ipeter> razGon_VOTE: 아침부터 일찍오셨군요.\n<razGon_VOTE> ipeter: 오늘 진료입니다.ㅋ\n<ipeter> 공휴일에 고생하시네요.\n<ipeter> 내과선생님이신거 같습니다.\n<razGon_VOTE> 가정의학과입니다.\n<razGon_VOTE> 공휴일도 왠간한데는 병의원은 다합니다.\n<razGon_VOTE> 노동법에 가장 걸리는게 병의원일겁니다.\n<ipeter> =_=\n<ipeter> 노동법...\n<razGon_VOTE> 단언컨데 향후 5년이내로 병의원 비용이 많이 오를겁니다.\n<razGon_VOTE> 안그러면 의료 대란이 일어나기때문에.\n<razGon_VOTE> 기본 환자보면 1-2만원 나오는 시스템일겁니다.\n<ipeter> 최근에 내과 한번 갔는데\n<ipeter> 4000원정도 나오더군요.\n<ipeter> 진료비요.\n<razGon_VOTE> 그정도 나오죠.\n<razGon_VOTE> 근데 병의원이 그정도로는 버티기 힘들어요. 점점.\n<ipeter> 음..그럼 올려야하지 않나요..?\n<razGon_VOTE> 근데 맘대로 못올려요. 의료 보험공단에 속해 있기 때문에.\n<ipeter> 그렇군요..\n<razGon_VOTE> 지금 현재 구조는 니들 많이 벌었으니 이제 봉사좀 하지? 이런것이죠.\n<ipeter> ;;;;;\n<razGon_VOTE> 근데 지금 의대나 전공의 나온 선생들이 그런 부분을 겪고있죠.\n<razGon_VOTE> 예전에는 병의원 개원하려면 2000년초반에 몇천만원이면 개원가능합니다. 일반의원으로.\n<razGon_VOTE> 지금은 개원하려면 2-3억은 기본으로 시작합니다.\n<razGon_VOTE> 저도 누추한 시장골목 앞의 의원개원하는데. 아끼고 아꼈지만 1.5억들었습니다.\n<razGon_VOTE> 근데 이게 다 빚...ㅠㅠ\n<ipeter> 어휴..\n<razGon_VOTE> 근데 문제는 그걸 또 꾸역꾸역 버텨요.\n<ipeter> 네..\n<razGon_VOTE> 이게 막말로 확무너지고 경영난으로 자살하는 사람이 몇명 생기고 그래야 되는데.\n<Seony> 여기는 내과 병원들 환자 많다고 더 이상 안받는 판인데...\n<razGon_VOTE> 휴일도 진료보고 해서 버티는 사람들이 생깁니다.\n<razGon_VOTE> Seony: 오바마 케어가 실제로 의료 수요의 증가와 공급을 일으키겠지만, 의사에게 그만큼 부담을 줄겁니다.\n<razGon_VOTE> 닥터 하우스의 미드처럼 딱맞추는 진료를 ë³´ê³  미국처럼 진료 봐야 하는데 하는 사람들 ë³´ë©´ 1억원씩 돈을 가지고 있던가 보험 든든하게 들어놓던가하라고 하고 싶습니다.\n<razGon_VOTE> 실제로 미국처럼 부담 환자가 많다고 제한 걸어야 합니다. 도덕적으로.\n<razGon_VOTE> 근데 도덕적으로 하면 울나라 망하기 때문에....\n<Seony> 글쵸\n<razGon_VOTE> 우리나라에서 의사 자격증과 전문의자격증 받고 미국가신분이 미국의사들하고 하루 백명 환자 봣다고 하니.\n<razGon_VOTE> Are U CRAZY?\n<razGon_VOTE> What the F*cking Dr!!\n<razGon_VOTE> 거의 이런 욕이 나오더군요.\n<razGon_VOTE> 두가지의 문제라고 하더군요.\n<razGon_VOTE> 제대로된 환자를 보지 못하는 것.\n<razGon_VOTE> 제대로된 의료진의 건강관리 못하는것.\n<Seony> 뭐 솔직히, 미국 의사들이 편하게 일하는 것도 없지않아요 ㅎㅎ\n#ubuntu-ko 2014-06-04\n<razGon_VOTE> 지금 입장에서는 유럽의사들처럼 공무원해주고, 편하게 병가 내주고 했으면 좋겟어요.\n<ipeter> 전 잘 몰라서 눈팅 전환하겠습니다.\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋ\n<razGon_VOTE> 저희는 그냥 쉬면 의사가 배불렀네의 심리로 흘러서요.\n<razGon_VOTE> 실은 예비군훈련인데요...ㅠㅠ\n<razGon_VOTE> 나이 39에 예비군이라니!!\n<razGon_VOTE> 그런말 안들으려고 예비군 훈련 휴일에 돌려서 하고 하는데... 하긴 인건비 벌어야죠..ㅠㅠ\n<Seony> 울나라 돌아가는 상황 ë³´ë©´, 여기저기서 폭발 일보직전인 부분이 많은 것 같네요\n<ipeter> 써니님은 투표 그곳에서 하시나요?\n<Seony> 여기 영사관에서 할 수 있다고 하더라구요\n<ipeter> 그렇군요.\n<razGon_VOTE> 제외국민인데요?\n<razGon_VOTE> 대통령선거도 아닌데요?\n<Seony> 음... 그러고보니 이번 지방선거는 아무소리 없는걸 보니까, 대통령 선거만 가능한가보네요\n<ipeter> 레지던트는 조대병원에서 마치신건가요?\n<razGon_VOTE> ipeter: 옙\n<ipeter> 조선대 가봤어요.\n<ipeter> 좋은곳이죠..\n<razGon_VOTE> 의사입장에서는 별루인곳입니다.\n<ipeter> 전남대 의대랑\n<razGon_VOTE> 의사가 병원 경영을 제대로 못하는 ê³³.\n<ipeter> 조대의대만 있는 곳인데..\n<razGon_VOTE> 전남대 의대랑 비교하면 많이 문제 있죠.\n<razGon_VOTE> 거기도 문제 잇지만요.\n<ipeter> 나름 인구수대비 의대가 두곳이라서 괜찮지 않나요?\n<ipeter> 조선대 의학전문대학원 시험봤었거든요.\n<ipeter> 의무병이었는데\n<ipeter> 저희 내과 군의관님도 조대 나오셨드랬습니다.\n<razGon_VOTE> 별루죠.\n<razGon_VOTE> 조선대학교는 의대생의 반이상을 타지역으로 보냅니다.ㅠㅠ\n<ipeter> 그래도 붙었다면 좋아라 갔을겁니다.\n<razGon_VOTE> 책임못지는 자식 버리는..ㅠㅠ\n<ipeter> 뭐 정원에 비해 부속병원이 하나뿐이라 어쩔수 없지않을까요.\n<ipeter> 그건 전남대도 마찬가지일거같습니다.\n<razGon_VOTE> 전남대는 그래도 어느정도 책임집니다.\n<razGon_VOTE> 브랜치급으로 기독병원도 있으니깐요.\n<razGon_VOTE> 이럴거였으면 순천향대 가는데.\n<ipeter> 그렇군요.\n<ipeter> 순천향대 좋죠\n<ipeter> 병원이 5개정도 있다고 하니..\n<razGon_VOTE> 무엇보다 본가랑 거리가....\n<razGon_VOTE> 물론 3-4학년에 서울로 올라가지만요.\n<drake_kr> 성감대학교 수석졸업\n<razGon_VOTE> 본가가 아산시\n<razGon_VOTE> drake_kr: 헉!! 역시 포스가 남다르십니다!!\n<drake_kr> razGon_VOTE: 어제 사람들이 라즈곤님 많이 불렸는데 안 계시더라구요\n<ipeter> 맞습니다.\n<ipeter> 라즈곤님 본명부터해서\n<ipeter> 많이 찾으셨어요.\n<ipeter> drake_kr: 안녕하세요?\n<ipeter> 윈8.1 잘 사용하고 있습니다.\n<ipeter> +_+ 8보다 훨 좋은거같아요. (그냥 느낌상)\n<drake_kr> 제가 마이크로소프트를 좀 좋아해요\n<ipeter> 혹시 마우스 뭐 사용하시나요?\n<drake_kr> 마우스는 Hello Kitty 마우스요\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<ipeter> 마소에서 나온 sculpt comfort 마우스 ê¼­ 써보세요\n<drake_kr> 게임기는 PS3\n<ipeter> 정말 좋네요.\n<drake_kr> 마우스는 거의 안써서 싸구려로 충분해요\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋ 네\n<ipeter> 근데 뭐 그리 비싸지도 않습니다.\n<ipeter> 3만원 조큼 넘어ì��”\n<drake_kr> 헐\n<drake_kr> 애매한 가격이군요\n<ipeter> 블투마우스인데\n<ipeter> 뭐 거의 애플 무선마우스만큼이네요.\n<drake_kr> 아 블루투스\n<drake_kr> 무선마우스는 일단 신뢰가 안가서요..\n<ipeter> 왼쪽에 파란버튼이 누르면 홈버튼 역할이지만,\n<ipeter> 위로 쓸어내리면 웹브라우저 앞으로\n<ipeter> 아래로 쓸어내리면 웹브라우저 뒤로 가기되서\n<ipeter> 터치기능도 되더라구요.\n<ipeter> 기능이 작동하면 진동도 됩니다.\n<ipeter> ;;;;;\n<ipeter> 정말 괜찮은데 흠이라면 무겁고, 커요.\n<ipeter> 근데 드레이크님 손을 생각하면...괜찮을듯 싶네요.\n<drake_kr> ... 크고 아름다운 MS 마우스군요\n<iPhone^Seony> 요즘 아이폰겜 재밌는거 뭐있을까요\n<drake_kr> infinity blade iii\n<ipeter> 헉\n<ipeter> 3 나왔나요?\n<drake_kr> 나온지 꽤 됐는데요..\n<ipeter> 1 공짜로 풀렸을때 해보고 굉장하다 그생각했고\n<ipeter> 2는 구매하지 않았습니다.\n<drake_kr> 전 셋다 구매함..\n<iPhone^Seony> 무한반복 질려서 2까지만 구매했어요\n<ipeter> 퀄리티가 후덜덜 하던데요.\n<jasonjang> ê·¿ 모우뉭 !!\n<iPhone^Seony> 언리얼엔진 썼으니깐요\n<drake_kr> 하긴 3도 무한반복이긴 한데..\n<iPhone^Seony> 안녕하세요\n<drake_kr> 안녕하세요\n<jasonjang> hi~ ALL. ㅎㅎㅎ 예, 안녕하십시오~\n<ipeter> 안녕하세요?\n<drake_kr> 1이나 2보단 좀 오래가요..\n<jasonjang> 말씀 중에 방해 했으면 죄송\n<iPhone^Seony> 매스이팩트가 아이폰용으로 나온거 같은데 fps라...\n<razGon_VOTE> drake_kr: 그러셨군요. ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<razGon_VOTE> 페북에 여기 친구분들 계실텐데요.ㅋ\n<razGon_VOTE> 좋은 것으로 불렸으면 합니다.ㅋ\n<razGon_VOTE> 악마의 게임 문명5를 감염시켯습니다.\n<ipeter> 썬더버드랑 아웃룩이랑 선택하라면 뭐가 좋까요?\n<razGon_VOTE> 제가 아는 형님 악마의 게임이라면서 새벽5시까지.\n<razGon_VOTE> 썬더버드는 파폭? 아웃룩은 MS?\n<razGon_VOTE> 한국이라면 아웃룩. 하지만 IT쪽은 썬더버드가 되지 않을까요?\n<razGon_VOTE> 저는 구글.ㅋ\n<razGon_VOTE> 지메일.ㅋ\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋ\n<razGon_VOTE> ipeter: 지금은 어디에 계셔요?\n<ipeter> 파주가 제 본가입니다.\n<ipeter> 리붓좀하고 오겠습니다.\n<razGon_VOTE> ipeter: 근무지요.ㅋ\n<razGon_VOTE> 판교에서 이동하신다고 들어서요.\n<ipeter> 판교 근무는 끝났습니다.\n<ipeter> 5월까지였습니다.\n<ipeter> 6월부터는 본사(선유도)에서 근무입니다.\n<drake_kr> Seony: 18일 오전 10시(UTC 17일 오후 8시)에 미팅 참석 해주실거죠?\n<razGon_VOTE> 아~~ 선유도!!\n<drake_kr> 맥 사고싶당\n<Seony> drake_kr: 어디에서요?\n<drake_kr> loco council이요\n<Seony> 일단, 여기 시간으로 오후 3시니까, 일하면서 봐야하니까 드문드문 참여할 수 있을 것 같아요\n<drake_kr> 넵\n<drake_kr> 정 안되면 할 수 없지만 뭔가 할 수 있으면 해야죠\n<Seony> 저한테 쓸만한 데비안 기반 배포판이 우분투 밖에 없다는게 좀 그러네요 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 걍 데비안은 어떠세요?\n<drake_kr> 우분투한국사용자모임의 우분투 사용률은 약 20%\n<Seony> 안그래도 데비안 깔아서 한동안 썼었는데요, 너무 안예뻐요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 제가 어지간해서는 모양 같은거 안따지고, 테마도 안바꾸고 글꼴도 안바꾸고 그냥 그대로 쓰는 편이거든요\n<drake_kr> 그쵸.. 젠투가 이쁘죠..\n<Seony> 심지어는 바탕화면도 안바꾸고 쓰는 편인데, 데비안은 좀 심하게 구려요\n<drake_kr> 전 bsd나 젠투로 가려다가...\n<drake_kr> '내가 왜 이걸 하고 있지' 하면서 그냥 우분투로... '회귀'\n<Seony> 젠투는, 내가 컴퓨터를 쓰는게 아니라, 컴퓨터가 날 쓰는 것 같아서 싫구요 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> bsd는 미묘하게 사용이 좀 짜증나구요..\n<drake_kr> 민트는 어때요?\n<Seony> 안그래도 민트는 사실 좀 눈 여겨 ë³´ê³  있긴 해요.\n<Seony> 뭐 ê²°êµ­ 새로 판 나올 때마다 업글해야하는건 마찬가지이긴 하지만요...\n<drake_kr> 요즘 민트랑 아치 많이들 쓰시더라구요\n<Seony> 네.  민트랑 아치가 요즘 잘나가죠\n<drake_kr> 아치는 솔직히 젠투랑 비슷한데\n<drake_kr> 저처럼 Windows 8.1 쓰시는건..?\n<Seony> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 신선한 발상이군요\n<drake_kr> Bing Included Version 그쪽에서 $10~20 정도라고 들었어요\n<Seony> 네.  종종 세일하니까 가격은 크게 부담 안되요\n<drake_kr> 서버관리에는 좀 많이 불편하지만..\n<Seony> 당분간은 민트가 쭉 대세가 될듯 하네요\n<Seony> 디스트로와치 봐도 뭐 거의 압도적인 비율로 데비안 계열이고...\n<drake_kr> 레뎃이 고전이라니..\n<drake_kr> 레뎃도 굉장히 쓸만하지 않나요?\n<Seony> 페도라가 상당히 좋아졌죠\n<Seony> 쓰기편해지고 디자인도 예뻐졌고...\n<Seony> 예전에 우분투에서 롤링릴리즈 나올지도 모른다고 했을 때 내심 롤링릴리즈로 나오길 기대했는데...\n<drake_kr> 음.. 전 데스크탑은 그냥 윈도우..\n<Seony> 당분간 롤링릴리즈 얘기는 없을 거다라고 발표하고나니까 좀 아쉽더라구요\n<drake_kr> 롤링릴리즈라면 다른 것들도 많으니까요\n<drake_kr> 어떻게 ë³´ë©´ 6개월 단위 발표하는게 또 우분투가 치킨레이스를 시작한 느낌이라..\n<Seony> 특이한게, 우분투로 서버 돌리는 데는 많은거 같은데 데비안으로 서버 돌리는건 많지않은거 같더라구요\n<drake_kr> 정말 특이하네요...\n<Seony> 네.  해외 유저들 사이에서도 \"우분투는 판올림 하려고 쓴다\"라고 놀리거든요\n<drake_kr> 서버는 레뎃계열 많이 쓰는건 이해가 되는데..\n<Seony> 그나저나 데비안 안정판에서도 btrfs지원하는ê±�� ë³´ë©´, 얘도 이제 쓸만해졌나보네요\n<drake_kr> 데비안 안정판은 요즘들어 웬지 '이정도 시간이 흘렀으면 안정화됐다고 해야되는거 같아'의 느낌이라..\n<Seony> 예전에 데비안 안정판으로 홈서버 돌려봤는데, 홈서버용으로도 안되겠떠라구요.\n<Seony> 패키지들이 너무 구버전이라 당최 되는게 없었어요\n<drake_kr> 전 지금 홈서버 데비안인데.........\n<Seony> 안정판이요?\n<drake_kr> Wheezy에요\n<drake_kr> 아, 설마 sid 말씀하시는건가요?\n<Seony> 아~ 제가 했을 때는 한 3-4년 전 때라서 지금이랑 다를 거에요\n<drake_kr> 지금은 wheezy가 안정판\n<drake_kr> etch 시절이라면..\n<drake_kr> 3~4년 전이라도 2.4는 아닐...\n<Seony> 당시에, apm에 토렌트에, 자바에 이것저것 공부겸 별거 다 하고 있었는데,\n<Seony> 어떤 부분에서 패키지 버전 때문에 막혔거든요.  ê·¸ 뒤로는 데비안 서버는 쓰면 안되겠다고 생각했죠\n<drake_kr> 음, 홈서버 커널이 3.2.0이네요..\n<drake_kr> 오히려 안정버전보다 불안정 버전을 쓰는게 마음속으로 안정이 된다는 아이러니한 이야기군요..\n<Seony> 우분투는 3.13.0 네요\n<drake_kr> 하긴 전 리눅스로 하는게 그닥 없으니..\n<Seony> 전 티비보고 영화보고 웹서버 돌려요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 아... git 서버도 돌리긴 하네요.  코딩한거 자료저장 및 추적을 위해서..\n<drake_kr> 티비는 브라운관 티비로 ë³´ê³ , 영화는 플스3로 ë³´ê³ ..\n<drake_kr> 제가 가진 플스는 아쉽게도 서버기능은 안되는군요\n<Seony> 플스3 중고로 판다고 올라왔는데 사야하나 고민되네요 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 플스3가 접대용이 돼버렸어요\n<drake_kr> 애들 오면 철권이나 좀 하는..\n<Seony> 플3 겜 중에서 라스트 오브 어스 그거 재밌겠더라구요\n<drake_kr> 재밌을거 같긴 한데.. 아직 구입은 안했어요..\n<drake_kr> 좀비물이 워낙에 쏟아지다 보니 명작이래도 선뜻 내키지는 않더라구요\n<Seony> 하긴 그렇겠네요\n<drake_kr> journey도 재밌을거 같고요\n<Seony> 툼레이더 2013 ê¼­ 해보세요\n<Seony> 스토리가 괜찮습니다\n<drake_kr> 플스3 전용 타이틀 재밌는게 많더라구요\n<drake_kr> GTA나 툼레이더는 xbox도 있는게 많아서..\n<Seony> 네.  언차티드 해보고싶은데 가진게 엑박 뿐이라 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 제가 나오는 게임\n<drake_kr> 제가 나옵니다 (해골로)\n<Seony> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 게임이 하고싶어도 막상 하면 불안해서 못하겠어요\n<Seony> 내가 지금 이거 해도 되는 상황인가...\n<Seony> 은근한 압박에 시달리네요 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 언차티드는 그냥 쉬엄쉬엄 하고 있는데요 저도\n<drake_kr> 소울칼리버는 노멀 클리어했고..\n<drake_kr> 마스터레벨 클리어중입니다..\n<Seony> 오~ 그렇군요...\n<drake_kr> 근데 '이거 해도 되는 상황인가'를 보려면 리니지를 해보면 돼요\n<drake_kr> 재작년에 한번 들어가봤는데 좀 충격\n<Seony> 어떘는데요?\n<drake_kr> 나이든 사람들이 많이 하니까.. 인사하면서 나이를 붙이거든요\n<drake_kr> 안녕하세요 35 <- 이런식으로\n<Seony> 헐 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> Drake_KR 안녕하세요 33\n<drake_kr> Darkelf_GM 응 막내 왔니\n<Seony> 어찌보면 짜증나겠군요\n<Seony> 어찌보면 아주 분위기 좋을수도 있고...\n<drake_kr> 네 분위기 좋아요\n<drake_kr> 근데 제가 33살인데 막내....\n<Seony> 근데 사실 제가 의미하는 ê·¸ 상황은, 업무에 관련되는 공부 안하고 맘편하게 겜질해도 되나 하는 그런 상황을 말하는 거였어요 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 그런 게임이라면 단연 uplink\n<Seony> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> yemharc가 추천해줘서 설치하고...\n<Seony> 그거 데모 깔아다 해봤는데, 당최 처음에 어떻게 시작해야할지 가이드를 못구해서 실패...\n<drake_kr> 잠깐 뭐 해야 된다고 해서 기다리면서 시작했거든요\n<drake_kr> 잠깐 한거 같은데 정신차려보니 4시간이 지나버린..\n<Seony> 또다른 타임머신이네요\n<drake_kr> 근데 솔직히\n<drake_kr> 추레라 모는 사람들이 일 끝나고 쉬면서 유로트럭 하는것도 웃기잖아요\n<Seony> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 글쵸\n<drake_kr> 겜하는데 무슨 이유가 필요해요?\n<Seony> 뭐, 다르게 ë³´ë©´, 박지성이 일과 끝나고 집에가서 위닝하는 거랑 같은 거죠 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 그거라면 프로야구 이가와 케이 생각나는데요\n<drake_kr> '요즘 실적이 굉장하던데 무슨일 있나요?' -> '실황 프로야구 2012에서 제 능력치가 너무 낮게 나와서요'\n<Seony> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<jyp_> 혹시 docker.io 프로덕션에 쓰시는 분 계신가요?\n<Seony> 테스트 해볼려고 생각은 하고있어요\n<Seony> 일단, 오픈스택 버전업부터 해야해서...\n<drake_kr> Seony: 전자우편 주소가 jswlinux@gmail.com 이었나요?\n<Seony> 네\n<drake_kr> http://m.todayhumor.co.kr/view.php?table=humorbest&no=892552 엉엉\n<myobot> [링크 제목] 오늘의유머 - [중복 가능성 有/스압] '철벽녀' 메시지 22개 모음\n<jasonjang> irc 대화가 왕성하군요?! ........잠 안주무시고? ㅋㅋㅋ 조금 덜 바쁜 틈을 타서 몇 가지 수정, 제안? 이딴 ê±° 했네요. drake_kr !! Seony 님도 계셨네?!!\n<Seony> 여기는 아직 ë°¤ 8시 반이라서요 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 여자친구가 필요합니다\n<drake_kr> 물론 상사의 요구사항은 여자친구같지만 그렇다고 나의 공허함을 채워줄수는 없지요\n<DarkCircle> 하루 종일 퍼질러있는중\n<jasonjang> 오~ 닭묘? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 님, 오랫만.\n<jasonjang> ㅋ 미안합니다.\n<DarkCircle> jasonjang, (_ _  ) 너브죽\n<DarkCircle> 미안하실게 뭐가 있어요 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<jasonjang> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<DarkCircle> 어음 너무 졸려서 죽겠네요 OTL\n<DarkCircle> 병걸린듯 ...\n<DarkCircle> 닥병.\n<jasonjang> ㅋ 위키 글 읽다보면...이 글은 닭써클 님 글 같아서....ì ¤ 아래까지 읽어보면 역시나~ ㅋ 재밌게 잘  ë³´ê³  있슴요\n<drake_kr> 병든닭\n<DarkCircle> 조류독감 'ㅅ'\n<DarkCircle> 뭐 위키글 쓰는게 저 혼자서 하는게 아니니까요 크크 ..\n<Seony> 닭님이 아프면 조류독감, 제가 아프면 돼지콜레라인가요? ㅋ\n<drake_kr> 제가 아프면 뭐죠\n<Seony> ㅋㅋ\n<jasonjang> 푸하하하, 써니 말씀도 웃기지만, 위 철벽녀 읽다가 웃음 터져서 몬살겠네\n<drake_kr> M : '너랑 나 사이에 특별한 뭔가가 있으면 좋겠어' / W : '나두' / M : '예를들면?' / W : 'ë²½ 같은거?'\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ\n<jasonjang> a wall  하니까 갑자가 the Rock 이 생각나요\n<drake_kr> 흐흐\n<drake_kr> 올해 한강서 한번 모일까요 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 모였는데 비오면 touch(eventhandler);\n<drake_kr> 이유는 이벤트핸들러의 직장이 kweather\n<jasonjang> 예전에 한강 강변 에서                          놑북+멀티탭+충전!  용도로 소형 발전기 빌리는데...반나절에 3만원 줬나~ 기억이 가물가물...\n<Seony> 반나절에 3만원이면 싼건가요?\n<jasonjang> 그쵸? 좀....싼 듯한데...\n<jasonjang> 암튼 잘 썼어요. 요긴하게....+기름값 1만원? = 도 역시 남았죠. 저 소음. 대 만족! 가까운 곳에서 빌렸고요.\n<drake_kr> 올해 여름이나 가을쯤 한번 테스트(?) 하고 반응 좋으면 2015년에도 한번 정식 모임을 거기서.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<jasonjang> 보통 젊은 이 들은 담날 새벽까지 .........아니 아침까지...얘기+얘기했다는데...\n<jasonjang> 저는 어린 이라서 ....12시 넘으면 애박으로 간주도서 주금!\n<jasonjang> drake_kr, 가을은 추워서 안되요. <-------진짜임\n<drake_kr> 후.. 하드는 정리를 해도해도 끝이 없네요\n<drake_kr> 흐 다운로드 폴더 비움\n<drake_kr> 포탙 재밌으려나..\n<pchero1> 다들 투표하셨어요? :)\n<Seony> 이번에도 투표율이 낮은거 같더라구요\n<pchero1> 네..ㅠㅠ  그래서 주변 사람들 투표 독려중입니다. :)\n<jasonjang> Seony, 미안치만 몇 시요?\n<Seony> 21:55 입니다\n<jasonjang> 너무 늦지 않았으면....https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/TeamVerificationGuidelines 에 따라서...\n<myobot> [링크 제목] LoCoCouncil/TeamVerificationGuidelines - Ubuntu Wiki\n<Seony> 가이드에 따라서 작성이 안되어있나요?  제가 볼땐 크게 문제 없는거 같은데요 ㅎㅎ\n<jasonjang> the team’s contact will add the application to the LoCoCouncilAgenda and or Bug Report or the LoCoCouncil Mailing List.  로코 카운실에 \"재승인을 위한 위키 아젠다 페이지에 갱신/추가한 내용을 참고해 달라\" ê³  메일링을 한장 써 주겠어요??\n<jasonjang> 아뇨, 내 봤을 때...우리는 충분히 잘 했다고 봐요.\n<Seony> 카운슬에서 딴지거는 부분 중 하나가, 리더가 모든 권한을 이양받으라는데 분도님이 irc 패스워드가 기억이 안나신다ëŠ�� 거에요\n<jasonjang> irc 라.....흠\n<jasonjang> 잠시만요\n<jasonjang> Seony, 저 갑자기 외출할 일이 생겨서요....일단, 아젠다 위키 페이지 갱신했으니 참고해 달라\"ê³  메일링을 한장 부탁합니다.\n<Seony> 넵\n<jasonjang> 참고로 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/Agenda 는 수정했어요.\n<myobot> [링크 제목] LoCoCouncil/Agenda - Ubuntu Wiki\n<Seony> 걍 간단하게 메일 적었습니다.  cc 넣어드렸으니 금방 받으실 거에요.\n<drake_kr> irc 문제는 별 문제 없다고 jose로부터 답변을 받았습니다..\n<Seony> 일단 irc는 한명 말고 몇몇이 풀권한 갖고있으면 좋겠어요\n<drake_kr> 그러게요\n<drake_kr> 그래야 저번처럼 좀 연극(?)도 하고..\n<Seony> 이번에 애플에서 발표한 새로운 언어가, 사용하기 쉬워졌나보네요\n<Seony> 오브젝트씨 진짜 짱났었는데...\n<drake_kr> 이모티콘을 변수로 지정하는거 보니까 빡치던데요\n<Seony> 이모티콘을 변수로 지정해요?  헐 이놈들 뭘 만든거지\n<drake_kr> 아까 페북에서 봤는데 못찾겠네요 ㅋㅋ\n<Seony> 순수 웹으로만 만들었다는 이겜은 IE에서만 돌아가나보네요\n<Seony> http://race.assassinscreedpirates.com/\n<myobot> [링크 제목] Assassin's Creed Pirates Demo\n<drake_kr> ie6에서 안돌아가는데요\n<Seony> 크롬에서 해봤는데 안돌아가네요\n<drake_kr> 파이어폭스에서 되는데..\n<Seony> 오~ 그럼 한 번 돌려봐야겠어요\n<Seony> 게이지가 멈춘걸 봐서는, 맥에서 안되는듯 싶군요\n<Seony> 얼마나 대단한가 보고싶었는데 아쉽네요 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 음 리눅스에서 되는데..\n<drake_kr> 맥에서 안될리가..\n<adorver1> 안녕하세요\n<ipeter> 안녕하세요?\n<77CAACKNO> 안녕하세요?\n<ipeter> pchero_work: 처음뵙습니다.\n<ipeter> 안녕하세요?\n<pchero_work> ipeter: 넵 ㅎㅎ 안녕하세요 ㅎ\n<autowiz> 아름 다운 밤입니다. ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_web> 굳모닝요\n<ahoops_> 굿모닝~\n<Seony> 안녕하세요\n<drake_kr> Seony: 찾았어요 https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/t1.0-9/10371608_4194768165098_7472877487888908871_n.jpg\n<myobot> [링크 형식] image/jpeg\n<Seony> 헐 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 대단하다고 해야할지 모르겠네요\n<drake_kr> 저거 눈에 안들어와요 디버깅 빡칠듯\n<Seony> 디버깅했는데, 원인이 메롱하는 아이콘이면 그대로 모니터 주먹으로 내리칠듯 싶은데요 ㅋ\n<drake_kr> 전에 어떤 소스를 봤는데\n<drake_kr> 작성자 죽이고 싶었던게 있죠\n<drake_kr> 클래스 네임스페이스가 xvx, 함수이름 xcx, 루프 돌리는 변수가 xzx\n<Seony> 하하\n<Seony> 검색해서 전부 치환해서 작업하면 되겠지만, 그것도 일이겠군요\n<drake_kr> 소스코드가 약 40키로 정도였는데\n<drake_kr> 1줄\n<drake_kr> 분명 다 작성하고 유지보수 힘들게 재작성한거겠죠\n<ahoops_> ㅋㅋ 저 이미지 재미있군요 ㅋ\n<ipeter> 안녕하세요?\n<Seony> 안녕하세요\n<ipeter> samahui: 사마휘님? 델 베뉴 구매하시지 ��•Šì•˜ë‚˜ìš”?\n#ubuntu-ko 2014-06-05\n<ipeter> 어제 중고나라에서 델 베뉴 사은품으로 나온 오피스 홈 앤 스튜던트를 2카피 구매했는데,\n<ipeter> 오피스키가 아닌 델 베뉴 프로덕트 키인거 같네요.\n<ipeter> 여쭤봐야겠어요.\n<samahui> 안녕하세요~\n<samahui> 베뉴 구입은 안했어요\n<ipeter> 아...네!\n<ipeter> 두카피나 구매했는데..ㅠ\n<samahui> 베뉴에 나온 사은품 오피스면 product key받으신건가요?\n<ipeter> 설치할 피씨가 없네요.\n<ipeter> 25자리 키가 있는데,\n<ipeter> 이놈이 베뉴의 프로덕트 키인지\n<ipeter> 아니면 오피스의 프로덕트 키인지\n<ipeter> 잘 모르겠네요.\n<ipeter> 그래서 혹시 베뉴 사셨으면 여쭤보려 했습니다.\n<samahui> 마소 오피스 사이트가서 제품 다운로드가보시면 키 등록이 있어요\n<samahui> 25자리면 제품키 맞을겁니다\n<ipeter> 음..여기서 누군가 베뉴 구매했다고 이야기 나눈거 같은데..기억이 안나네요.\n<ipeter> 베뉴의 프로덕트 키요?\n<ipeter> 아니면 오피스의 프로덕트 키요?\n<Seony> 마커스님이 구입한걸로 기억하는데 확실히는 모르겠네요\n<ipeter> 네네\n<ipeter> 고맙습니다.\n<ipeter> 있다가 오시면 한번 여쭤보겠습니다.\n<samahui> 베뉴 샀을때 들어있는게 오피스 프로덕트 키입니다\n<samahui> 베뉴 산 직원 있어서 확인해 봤습니다. 오피스 사이트에 등록시키시면 언제든 다운받아서 설치가능합니다 개정하나 만들고 혹은 개정 있으시면 ê·¸ 개정으로 등록해서 다운받아 사용하시면 됩니다\n<ipeter> 아..그게 델 베뉴의 프로덕트키가 아니었군요.\n<ipeter> 오피스의 프로덕트키였군요... =_=\n<ipeter> 고맙습니다 사마휘님~!\n<Seony> 이거 재밌네요 http://www.huffingtonpost.kr/2014/06/04/story_n_5436035.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular\n<myobot> [링크 제목] 전 세계 지하철에서 찍은 괴상한 사람들(사진)\n<ihavnoth> http://i2.media.daumcdn.net/photo-media/201406/05/mediadaum/20140605064820907.jpeg\n<myobot> [링크 형식] image/jpeg\n<ihavnoth> 독도가 보이시나요?\n<ihavnoth> 웹디자이너의 센스인듯해요 살짝 독도가 보이네요\n<ihavnoth> 근데 너무 위쪽에 그린거 같아요...\n<drake_kr> 서울쪽은 민주당이 좀 우세하네요...\n<ihavnoth> 싸이 행오버 아이튠스 독점 공개인가요?\n<ihavnoth> 유투브에 아주 난장판이네요 싸이 행오버로 검색하면 알수없는 노래들 나오네요\n<ihavnoth> 가끔 가슴 누드도 나오네요 당황스럽네요\n<ihavnoth> 여러노래 막 믹스해 놓고 싸이 행오버라고 해 놓고 중간에 누드 나오고...\n<drake_kr> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vr6JdQ8_Xg4\n<myobot> [링크 제목] [티비플] 역대급 재능낭비 - YouTube\n<razGon_web> Seony: 몸은 괜찮으세요?\n<razGon_web> 아지스로 마이신. 나름 제선택도 그래요.\n<drake_kr> 아졸려\n<samahui> 저도 졸려요~~\n<samahui> 뭔가 나른한 날이네요\n<drake_kr> 그러게요\n<drake_kr> 음 DOSBOX 잘 쓰시는분\n<Markers> xcode 6 beta 어디서 받는지 아시는분 계세요? 이번에 나왔다는데 안 보이네 -_-;\n<Seony> razGon_web: 걍 누워있으면 아픈거 같고, 돌아다니면 안아픈 것 같기도 하고 그러네요\n<Seony> 일단 턱 밑에서 동그란게 느껴지네요\n<Markers> xcode 6 beta를 자격 조건이 맞아야 받을수 있나보군요 -ㅁ-\n<Markers> 아무리 찾아도 안 보이네\n<razGon_web> 예.\n<Seony> 근데, 의사쌤은 후두염이라는데, 기침은 하나도 없거든요...\n<Seony> 음식물 삼킬때 목이 많이 아프고, 혀 움직여도 아프고...\n<Seony> 냄새를 거의 맡을 수 없고..\n<Seony> 뭐, 바이러스 배양 한다니 ê²°ê³¼ 봐야죠\n<ipeter> Seony: 몸조리 잘 하시고 언능 쾌차하세요..!\n<ipeter> 점심먹고 왔는데\n<ipeter> 선임들이 선유도공원 구경시켜줬는데 ì°¸ 좋으네요.\n<Seony> 네 감사합니다\n<ipeter> 오후에도 화이팅하세요!\n<drake_kr> 퇴근하셨을텐데..\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ\n<ihavnoth> 오늘은 일하기 싫어지네요\n<Seony> ihavnoth: 정재욱 이라는 분이랑 페친이시네요\n<ihavnoth> 동아리 선배에요\n<ihavnoth> 만나보셨나요?\n<Seony> 아~\n<Seony> 아뇨 한 번도 만나본 적은 없어요\n<Seony> 그게, 하와이에 한국사람 프로그래머가 있다라는 사실을 알았을 때, 이분이 떠났꺼든요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 근데 떠난 곳이 블리자드... ㅎㅎ\n<ihavnoth> 이번 크레딧에 올라간거 같더군요\n<ihavnoth> 동아리 밖에서 만난적이 없네요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<ihavnoth> 주로 여자만 만나서..\n<Seony> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<ihavnoth> 20대땐 그래도 괜찮았는데\n<ihavnoth> 30대엔 힘드네요\n<ihavnoth> 여자만 만나는걸 지금까지 고수했더니 인간관계가 너무 좁아졌어요\n<Seony> 저도 인간관계가 좀 좁긴한데, 전 괜찮아요 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui> 여자 친구가 많으면 안타까운접이 그들이 시집가면 관계도 거진 끝난다고 봐야 하는 점이죠\n<Seony> 글쵸 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> ihavnoth: 페북 친추했습니다.  왠 이상한 사람 친추신청 보이면 저라고 보시면 되요 ㅎㅎ\n<ihavnoth> 성이 Jung씨 세요?\n<Seony> 네\n<Seony> 영어로 나오나보네요.  한국사용자한테는 한국어로 나오는줄 알았습니다.\n<Markers> @_@;;\n<ihavnoth> 동안이시군요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 10년전 사진이에요 ㅋ\n<Markers> 전 처음 페북 가입할때 영어 이름 적으라고 해서 영어이름 만들어서 가입했다가 저번달에 이름 바꿨는데;\n<Markers> 컥.. 10년\n<Markers> Seony님 최근사진은 없으세여?\n<ihavnoth> 사기 수준인데요 10년이면...\n<Seony> 최근 사진 올렸다가 내리라고 다들 아우성쳐서요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 1년 반 전에 찍은 사진은 여기 있네요 https://coe.hawaii.edu/directory/?person=seowon\n<myobot> [링크 제목] College of Education, The University of HawaiÊ»i at Mānoa\n<Markers> Seony님 페북에 ê·¸ 머냐 자격증 받는 사진 ë³´ê³  동안이라고 생각했는데 저것도 10년전인가 ㅋ\n<Seony> 아 그래요? ㅋㅋ  그건 진짜 최근 사진인데요\n<Seony> 작년 11월엔가 찍었으니깐요\n<ihavnoth> 저 사진은 현실적이네요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 이 동네는 뽀샵질이란걸 모르거든요 ㅎㅎ\n<Markers> 하와이 바다는 완전 깨끗한가여 @_@;;;\n<ihavnoth> 페북 사진과 비교했을때는 성형설 날꺼같아요...\n<Seony> 그나저나 최근에 찍은 사진으로 교체해야겠따는 생각은 하고있어요.  실제 모습이랑 너무 차이가 커서..\n<Markers> 하늘색 바다는 처음보네 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<Markers> 아 4월 20일에 무슨 공원 사진 찍어놓으신거 있으시군요.\n<Markers> 10년전이나 지금이나 바뀐게 없으신거 같은데 -_-;\n<Seony> 아~ 맞아요.  옆에 섬 놀러갔따가 찍은 사진인데...\n<Seony> 얼굴을 클로즈업하기에는 좀 사진이 ë°°ê²½ 위주라.,.. ㅎㅎ\n<Markers> 먼가 하와이에 살면 엄청 여유롭게 살거 같은 느낌인데요 지금 보니.\n<Seony> 여유로운게 아니라 게을러져요\n<Markers> ...;\n<Markers> 관점의 차이인가여?ㅋ\n<Seony> 겉으로 ë³´ë©´ 여유로운 거구요, 막상 ê·¸ 삶을 살게 되면 자신이 게을러지는거죠 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 사진 바꿔야겠네요 ㅋ\n<Markers> 멋스러운 사진으로 바꾸시는건가!\n<Seony> 아뇨 멋스러운 사진이 없어서, 저번에 여행갔었던 사진 중 하나로 하려구요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 이번에도 이웃섬 한 번 놀러가야하는데..\n<ihavnoth> Seony: 저랑 Mutual friends가 두명밖에 없네요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 그러게요 ㅎㅎ\n<ihavnoth> 그러기도 쉽지 않은데 신기하네요\n<drake_kr> 흠 그렇군요\n<Seony> 우분투 유저모임 쪽 분들이랑 친추 안되어있으신가봐요\n<drake_kr> 근데 좀 게을러지는것도 괜찮지 않을까요\n<ihavnoth> 네\n<ihavnoth> Seony: 자주 이야기 나눈 사람만 돼 있어요, 따로 만나서 술마시는 정도 선에서요\n<Seony> 아~\n<Markers> 흠… 왜케 코딩 할때마다 새로 배우는거 같지 ㅡㅡ;; 분명 아는건데 동작을 안하니\n<Markers> 와우 새로 바꾸신 사진 다리가 엄청 길어보이네요 @_@\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ 걍 아이폰으로 찍었는데, 저렇게 나왔네요\n<Seony> 지난 4월 16일날 갔었는데, 암튼 정말 좋았습니다.\n<ihavnoth> 의도 하신거 아니에요?\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ 그런건 아니었어요\n<Seony> 하와이 살면서 또 다른 경험이었는데, 세상에 이런 광경은 또 볼수 있을까 싶네요\n<Seony> 인터넷 어디선가 봤는데, 알바 한시간 해도 커피 한잔 못사먹는다는게 사실인가요?\n<Markers> 음.. 무슨 커피를 먹냐에 따라 다르긴 하지만 네임드 커피 먹을려고 하면 못 사먹죠 ㅇ_ㅇ;;\n<Seony> 아메리카노두요?\n<Markers> 알바 요새 시급이 얼마인지는 모르겟지만 대략 많이 잡아서 6천원이라고 생각하면...\n<Seony> 아메리카노가 제일 싸니까, 아메리카노 정도는 가능하겠죠\n<Markers> 네임드 커피 아메리카노 같은거 대략 7~8원대니깐요\n<Seony> 헐... 그렇군요..\n<Seony> 여기서는 아메리카노가 제일 싼건데...\n<Markers> 여기도 제일 싸요 아메리카노가 ㅋ\n<Seony> 제일 싸서 7~8천원이에요?\n<Seony> 헐 무슨 금가루 탔나\n<Markers> 그냥 티비광고 안하는곳을 다니면 3천원에서 6천원 사이예요\n<ihavnoth> 저희 동네는 2,500원이 보통가구요 1,000원이 젤싼거\n<ihavnoth> 2,000원이 싼곳이에요\n<Markers> 저희 대학교에 있는 카페도 아메리카노 2처넌 ㅇ_ㅇ;;\n<Markers> 정말 다방커피 비슷하게 만듭니다.\n<ihavnoth> 전 거의 안마셔요 돈아까워요\n<Seony> 여기 스타벅스에서 아메리카노 시키면 $3 정도 나올거 같은데요...\n<GarlicChicken> 아메리카노가 2처넌이면 많이 싸네요 'ㅅ'\n<GarlicChicken> 즤학교 최소 3처넌인데 ' ';/\n<Seony> 알바시급이 최저 $8이니까, 알바 한시간하면 커피 최소 2잔값은 나오는거죠\n<ihavnoth> 다들 미친거죠 ㅎㅎ\n<Markers> $3 이면 대략 3천원인가요?\n<Seony> 네 뭐 그쯤...\n<GarlicChicken> 3처넌 조금 넘죠\n<GarlicChicken> 3천 백원정도\n<GarlicChicken> 아 환율 기능 껐구나 =3\n<GarlicChicken> ..\n<Markers> 한국 스타벅스는 제가 말한대로 아마 가격대일거예요. 전 커피를 안 마셔서 ~_~\n<Seony> 저도 스타벅스 가면 커피는 잘 안마셔요.  그린티 프라푸치노 같은거 마시죠 ㅎㅎ\n<GarlicChicken> 한국 스타벅스는 숉 싸이즈로 시켜야 3천백원정도 나오고\n<Seony> 근데 그것도 그래봐야 $5 안넘는데...\n<Markers> 차라리 그돈으로 좀 비싸더라도 과일주스 사먹습니다 몸을 위해서 ㅋ\n<GarlicChicken> 스타벅스는 커피값을 낸다기보다 오히려\n<GarlicChicken> 무선랜 사용료 + 자릿세\n<GarlicChicken> 가 더 많은듯\n<Seony> Markers: 몸을 위해서라면 과일쥬스보단 커피가 낫겠는데요\n<ihavnoth> 로스팅 직접 안한곳은 사실 2,000원 주기도 아까워요\n<GarlicChicken> 음원 감상비도 포함\n<Markers> 윙? 왜용?\n<Seony> 과일쥬스가 몸에 좋은지 알고계셨군요 ㅎㅎ\n<GarlicChicken> 로스팅 직접 안하면 원두 오래돼서\n<GarlicChicken> 쓴맛이 ㄱ-\n<GarlicChicken> ..\n<Seony> 과일쥬스 완전 설탕 덩어리잖아요.  탄산음료보다 더 나쁜게 과일쥬스에요\n<GarlicChicken> 기왕 로스팅 하려면 아무리 못해도 2주전에 해야 하고\n<GarlicChicken> 2주 지나면 커피원두는 아까워도 버려야 .\n<ihavnoth> 과일쥬스가요?\n<Seony> 탄산음료는 그나마 다이어트 마시면 낫죠...\n<GarlicChicken> 페트병에 들어간 과일쥬스는 설탕덩어리 맞아요\n<Seony> 과일 직접 갈아서 쥬스 해서 드셔보시면 아시겠찌만, 쥬스만큼 안달거든요\n<ihavnoth> 여기서 말하는 과일주스는 과일하고 얼음 넣고 믹서기에 갈아서 만든거에요\n<GarlicChicken> 그냥 설탕물의 대충 20~30배정도 들어감.\n<Seony> 그래서, 단맛을 내기위해서 설탕을 엄청나게 퍼붓죠\n<GarlicChicken> 스무디 -ㅠ\n<GarlicChicken> -ㅠ-\n<ihavnoth> 설탕 거의 안넣어요... 만드는거 보여서 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<GarlicChicken> 김연아가 광고하던건 미쿸회사였는데 한국에서 통째로 회사를 사서\n<ihavnoth> 넣지 말아다라라고하면 안넣어서도 주고요\n<GarlicChicken> 거기도 ... 설탕덩어리 ...\n<GarlicChicken> 생과일쥬스집은 안그렇구요 ㅇㅇ\n<Seony> 거기도 알게모르게 넣습니다\n<Seony> 스무디킹인가 맞죠?\n<GarlicChicken> 생과일 쥬스집은 제가 직접 만드는 과정을 봤는데\n<ihavnoth> 수무디킹은 생과일이란 느낌이 없어요\n<GarlicChicken> 경우에 따라서 설탕물엿에 절인걸 넣기도 하고\n<ihavnoth> 거긴 재료도 미국에서 건너온거라서\n<Markers> 음. 설탕 말고 그거 머죠? 달게 하는거 -ㅁ-? 시럽 빼달라고 하는데 ㅋ\n<GarlicChicken> 토마토같은건 안절이고 그냥 통으로 넣습니다.\n<ihavnoth> 스무디도 안가요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<GarlicChicken> 그리고 설탕을 대략 큰수저로 최대 5수저?\n<Seony> 어쨌든간에, 과일을 그냥 그대로 갈아서 마시는 정도로는 단맛이 안나와요.\n<Seony> 멜론도 가끔은 무 씹어먹는마냥 맛없을 떄도 있는데요\n<Seony> 과일이라는게 100% 달다고 보장이 안되잖아요\n<GarlicChicken> 신맛이 강한 과일 경우는 ...\n<GarlicChicken> 보통 절입니다.\n<Seony> 개체에 따라서 단맛의 정도가 들쑥날쑥한데, 당도를 균일하게 유지할 방법이 설탕 말고는 없는거죠...\n<GarlicChicken> 시트러스 계열 과일 있죠 레몬 ê·¤ 오렌지 등 ...\n<ihavnoth> 대부분 만드는게 보이는곳에서 사서 먹어야죠\n<Seony> 그래서 그냥 마트 같은데서 파는 과일쥬스 사서드실거면, 차라리 커피가 낫습니다\n<Seony> 카페인은 그나마 집중하는데 도움이라도 되죠\n<GarlicChicken> 그걸 시럽을 넣는게 아니고 그냥 병에다가 과일이랑 설탕가루만 넣어요. 그러고 그늘지고 차디찬 곳에 2주정도 놓으면\n<GarlicChicken> \"ì²­\"이라는게 나옵니다. 그게 시럽이죠.\n<GarlicChicken> 그거랑 과일이랑 같이 해서 물이랑 섞든가 탄산수에 넣든가 ..\n<Seony> 과일 절이는 방법이죠 ㅎㅎ\n<GarlicChicken> 그렇게 해서 해주는 집은 아마 얼마 안되는걸로 'ㅅ';\n<ihavnoth> 그게 무설탕이란 로고 새기기 시작하면서\n<ihavnoth> 액상과당을 하도 써대서\n<GarlicChicken> ��Œ€ë¶€ë¶„ 인건비 아끼기 위해\n<Seony> 가끔 제 와이프가 딸기를 샀는데 정말 심각하게 맛이 없으면 설탕 넣고 ë©°ì¹  재웁니다.  아주 맛있는 딸기쩀이 되죠 ㅎㅎ\n<GarlicChicken> 통조림을 씁니다.\n<ihavnoth> 액상과당보다 설탕 들어가는게 낫다는 생각에 설탕에 큰 거부감은 없네요\n<ihavnoth> 시럽도 액상과당 많이 들어가지 않아요?\n<GarlicChicken> 설탕을 뭘로 쓰느냐인데\n<GarlicChicken> 흑설탕이 황설탕보다 낫고 그게 백설탕보다 낫다 뭐 그러는데\n<GarlicChicken> 솔직히 그건 동의를 못하겠더군요\n<GarlicChicken> 어차피 먹고 싸는건 똑같은거 아닌가 싶 'ㅅ'\n<ihavnoth> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_vN50-7iKs\n<myobot> [링크 제목] 그동안 먹은 커피숍 시럽이 '액상과당'이었다?! 신의 한 수 49회 - YouTube\n<GarlicChicken> 아 뿅원 갈때가 다 대쏘네 ..\n<GarlicChicken> 대쏘네 -> 됐네\n<ihavnoth> 그래서 전 시럽 보탕 설탕을...\n<ihavnoth> 보단\n<Seony> 봇 덕분에 동영상을 안봐도 내용이 상상이 가네요 ㅋ\n<ihavnoth> 한국에 있는 음료들 설탈량도 나왔었는데\n<ihavnoth> 대부분의 캔음료가 각설탕 7-9개는 들어가더라고요\n<ihavnoth> 박카스도 그정도 들어갈꺼에요\n<GarlicChicken> 다들 오타박테리아에 감염되는중인듯\n * GarlicChicken 오그리토그리 \n<GarlicChicken> 집에서 농축시럽을 만들 수 있는 기술만 있으면\n<GarlicChicken> 액상과당 따위 필요없을텐데\n<ihavnoth> 액상과당을 약으로 써야하는데 당떨어저서 힘들때... 혈당 높히는 용도로...\n<Seony> 뭐 설탕이라고 다 나쁜건 아닌데요, 너무 많이 먹어서 문제죠 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 저 같은 경우는 거의 단맛중독이거든요\n<ihavnoth> 음료수만 안사먹어도 커피에 각설탕 넣어서 먹는게 괜찮을꺼같아요\n<Seony> 작년에 1일1식으로 체중 엄청 뺐을 때 처음 느낀게, 몸에 단게 들어가면 일시적으로 행복감을 느낄 수 있었을 정도였어요 ㅎㅎ\n<ihavnoth> 한국 커피숍에 비치된 시럽은 버려야죠..\n<GarlicChicken> 액상과당보다 ... 설탕 퍼먹는게 건강에 좋군요 ㄱ-\n<Seony> 크리스피 도넛을 ê·¸ 자리에서 한 번에 몇 개를 먹느냐로 단맛내공을 측정한다네요 ㅋ\n<GarlicChicken> 액상과당의 주원료는 옥수수고, 여기에 식탐을 억제하는 성분이 몸에서 나오는걸 방해하는게 있다는군요\n<Markers> 크리스피는 …; 반개만 먹어도 후덜덜하던데\n<ihavnoth> 액상과당이 몸에 흡수 단계가 적어서 바로 혈당을 높여준다는군요\n<GarlicChicken> http://ask.nate.com/qna/view.html?n=10219461\n<myobot> [링크 제목] 네이트 지식 - 아는 사람의 믿을 수 있는 답변~!\n<Seony> 그래요?  전 그자리에서 12개 먹는데요 ㅋ\n<GarlicChicken> 결정적으로 간을 손상ì‹��킨다는데\n<GarlicChicken> 'ㅅ';\n<Seony> 12개 먹고 몸에 무리올까봐 참았어요\n<ihavnoth> 그게 소문에 의하면 한국 사람들 설탕 섭취가 많다고 몸에 안좋다고 언론에서 떠드니..\n<Seony> 그래서 다음날 12개\n<Seony> 3일동안 3다스 먹었어요 ㅎㅎ\n<GarlicChicken> 크리스피는 사실 ... 모양새가 그렇지만 사기죠 'ㅅ'\n<GarlicChicken> 손으로 꽉 눌러서 먹으면 크기 얼마 안돼요 ㅋ\n<ihavnoth> 기업에서 설탕빼고 \"무설탕\" 로고 찍어 놓고.. 몸에 더 안좋은 액상과당을 넣기 시작해서\n<ihavnoth> 지금 이렇게 광범위하게 사용하게 됐다네요\n<GarlicChicken> 끔찍 -ㅠ- ...\n<ihavnoth> 지난 주말에 미드 컨티넘 봤는데 ... 기업 이미지가 원래 안좋았는데 보면서 더 나빠졌어요\n<GarlicChicken> 과하게만 안먹으면 사실 큰 문제는 아닌데\n<GarlicChicken> 먹다보면 당중독 -> 더 먹으면서 식욕상승 -> 간에 데미지\n<GarlicChicken> (후덜덜)\n<ihavnoth> 미드 컨티넘 잼있더군요\n<Seony> 크리스피 얘기하니까 또 크리스피가 급 땡기네요\n<ihavnoth> 크리스피 도넛 들어본거 같아요(에브리타운이라는 게임에서)\n<ihavnoth> 먹어보진 못했습니다\n<Seony> 걍 처음 먹으면 싸구려 도넛이라는 생각 밖에 안나요\n<Seony> 좀더 먹다보면 점점 맛있어지죠 ㅎㅎ\n<ihavnoth> Seony: 컨티넘 안보시나보군요?\n<Seony> 네 티비는 되도록이면 거의 안봐요\n<ihavnoth> 주말에 다운 받아서 봤는데 잘 만들었더군요\n<Seony> sf네요\n<ihavnoth> 국민의회사 사라지고 기업의회가 생기고,\n<Seony> 아... sf 좋아하는데 떙기네요 ㅎㅎ\n<ihavnoth> 내용도 새로워요\n<ihavnoth> 기업의 횡포...\n<Seony> 음모론에서 얘기하는 암울한 미래에 대한 얘긴가보네요\n<ihavnoth> 거기에 나오는 테러 단체 리버8이 공산주의랑 비슷하더군요\n<ihavnoth> 자유를 외치는 공산주의.. ^.^\n<ihavnoth> 공산주의 이념은 아니고 정의를 위한 폭력성에 대해서만요\n<Seony> 시즌1은 평점이 그냥저냥인데 2부터 완전 좋네요\n<ihavnoth> 종자 회사에서 산업폐기물을 버리는데 그걸 외국 테러 단체에 팔더군요\n<ihavnoth> 그걸로 테러단체가 생화확무기를 만들고..\n<ihavnoth> 종자 회사는 미리 백신 만들어서 가격 오를때까지 기다리고\n<ihavnoth> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 일리있는 얘기네요\n<Seony> 아주 불가능한 얘기는 아니니...\n<Seony> 몬산토가 하는 짓들 ë³´ë©´, 앞으로 미래가 밝지만은 않은 것처럼요\n<ihavnoth> 아마도 컨티넘의 ê·¸ 회사 모델이 몬산토인거 같아요\n<Seony> 아... 진짜 음모론 끊긴 끊어야하는데 ㅎㅎ\n<ihavnoth> 리버8이란 테러단체가 옛날 공산주의 실패한것처럼 실패할꺼같구요\n<ihavnoth> 한국 용인시는 거의 삼성에버랜드가 해달라는거 다 해준다고 하더군요\n<ihavnoth> 컨티넘이랑 비슷한 느낌이었어요\n<Seony> 지금 러시아가 유라시아 연합이라는 걸 만들어서, 주변국가들을 끌어모으기 시작했더라구요\n<Seony> 어찌보면 음모론에서 하는 얘기대로 스토리가 흘러가는지도 모른다는 생각도 들어요\n<ihavnoth> 그쪽 기사는 별로 안받았네요\n<Seony> 아무래도 외국에 살다보니, 다른 나라 뉴스에도 관심이 가거든요\n<ihavnoth> 본건 이번 사태로 러시아가 무기 많이 팔아서 돈좀 벌었다고 들었어요\n<Seony> 사수가 독일사람이라 러시아 문제에 좀 예민하기도 하구요.\n<ihavnoth> 검색해보니 유라시아주의 부활, 신유라시아주의라는 글들이 많이 있군요\n<Seony> 네.  그동네는 좀 시끄럽죠\n<ihavnoth> 읽다보니 2002년 2007년 기사네요 ㅎㅎ\n<ihavnoth> 오래전부터 뭔가 조짐이 보였나보군요\n<Seony> 그래요? ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 네.  푸틴이 유라시아 연합으로 통합한다는 뉴스 나온지가 한두달 밖에 안됐어요\n<ihavnoth> 아마 그전부터 여론이 있었겠죠\n<ihavnoth> 신유라시아주의 검색하니 2002부터 2010년까지 꾸죽하게 있네요\n<Seony> 아마 음모론에서 나온 얘기일 ê±° 같네요 ㅎㅎ\n<ihavnoth> 중국 기사는 좀 본거 같아요.. 지하철 탈때도 공항 수준으로 검색 통과해야한다고 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 중국은 뭐... 지금도 천안문 광장 사람들 소지품 뒤진다는데요 ㅎㅎ\n<ihavnoth> 19세기 중엽에 이르러 러시아가 청나라를 위협해 체결한 타청조약(1864년)에 따라 신장 서북부 바얼카스호수 이남 지역 대부분이 러시아에 할양됐다. 이 지역이 지금의 카자흐스탄, 키르기스스탄, 타지키스탄이다.\n<ihavnoth> 신장 지역은 독립해야할꺼같아요\n<Markers> c++에서 메모리 할당 delete 하는거 데이터 타입에 상관없이 그냥 다 메모리 해제 해주죠?\n<ihavnoth> 자원이 문제네요 신장은 종교,인종이 중국이랑 다른데 자원이 석유,천연가스,석탄이 중국 전체 매장량의 30%이상을 차지하고 있어서\n<ihavnoth> 아마 신장에 사람들 씨를 말리지 않는 이상 끊임없이 테러 일어날꺼같아요\n<Seony> 네... 결론은 다 돈 때문이죠\n<Seony> 문명 겜할때도, 석유가 나오는 지역은 전쟁을 해서라도 뺏어야한다면서요 ㅋㅋ\n<ihavnoth> 북한 서해에도 석유가 매장돼 있다고 하는데 그게 중국쪽이랑 한덩어리래요\n<ihavnoth> 중국에서 전부 뽑아가면 텅빈다는...\n<ihavnoth> 이제 만나러 갑니다(채널A)란 탈북자들의 토크쇼 보는데\n<ihavnoth> 북한의 석유매장량이 세계 5위안에 든��‹¤ê³  하더군요\n<ihavnoth> 추정량이지만\n<Seony> ê·¸ 뉴스 인터넷에서 읽었어요\n<Seony> 김정은이 그래도 서양에서 교육받았던 애니까, 머리 속에 생각은 있겠죠\n<ihavnoth> 요즘 돈없어서 금 팔고 있다고하더군요\n<ihavnoth> 김일성이 금은 최후의 보류니 팔지 말라고했다던데 많이 힘든가봐요\n<Seony> 이달 식량배급이 최저라던데요 ㅎㅎ\n<ihavnoth> 북한 금매장량이 세계 10위 추정이래요\n<ihavnoth> 근데 탄광이... 예전 일제시대에 만들어 놓은 수준을 보수해서 그대로 사용하고 있다네요\n<Seony> 오... 그렇군요...\n<Seony> 지금까지도 금 안팔고 버틴걸 ë³´ë©´ 어지간히 독하군요 ㅎㅎ\n<ihavnoth> 많이 못캐나봐요 장비가 없어서\n<ihavnoth> 백두산이 뭔가 있어보여요\n<ihavnoth> 백두산 활동할때 다 생긴 자원들이겠죠?\n<Seony> 아마 그럴 거에요\n<ihavnoth> 품위 좋은 희토류도 추정량은 세계1위네요\n<ihavnoth> 백두산은 정말 대단해요\n<Seony> 북한이 가진 자원은 여기저기서 침 삼킬만하죠\n<ihavnoth> 요즘 북한에서는 한국 드라마 예능 다 본다고 하더군요\n<Seony> 네 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 목숨걸고 본다네요 ㅎㅎ\n<ihavnoth> 김수현이랑 유재석이 인기라네요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<ihavnoth> http://korean.electronics-wholesale-supplier.com/buy-mp5_player.html\n<myobot> [링크 제목] mp5 player 제조 업체, 중국 mp5 player 공장, 양질 mp5 player\n<ihavnoth> mp5는 처음 들어봤습니다 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<Seony> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 그냥 번역기 돌린 수준이네요\n<ihavnoth> 뉴스타파는 아직도 지정기부금단체에 등록이 안됐군요\n<ihavnoth> 애자(碍子, insulator), 고압 전선을 지지하는 경우에는 통상 애자를 개입시켜 전신주나 철탑 등에 유지된다.\n<ihavnoth> 전 처음 들어보는 단어네요... 분당선에서 애자가 폭발했다네요\n<GarlicChicken> 고압전선이 워낙 전류 자체 흐름양이 많은데다 전압도 상당 수준이기 때문에 보통의 절연체로는 불가능하고\n<GarlicChicken> 흙으로 구워서 만드는 \"저항\"으로 \"애자\"를 써요.\n<GarlicChicken> ê·¸ 전신주 ë³´ë©´ 꽈배기 과자랑 주름진 지렁이 같이 생긴 막대기 있죠?\n<GarlicChicken> 그게 애자.\n<ihavnoth> 네\n<ihavnoth> 도자기 재료 느낌 나던데요\n<GarlicChicken> 그게 왜 깨졌을지는 저도 궁금하네요 'ㅅ'a ...\n<ihavnoth> http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EC%95%A0%EC%9E%90#mediaviewer/%ED%8C%8C%EC%9D%BC:Endmast_Bernhausen_-_20090909-05.jpeg\n<myobot> [링크 제목] 애자 - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전\n<GarlicChicken> 오히려 그게 깨지고 합선으로 인해서 일시적으로 단전되는게 안전해요.\n<ihavnoth> 이건 도자기 느낌은 아니군요\n<GarlicChicken> 네 그러게요 ..\n<GarlicChicken> 애자란게 ê¼­ 한종류만 있는건 아니다보니 'ㅅ'/\n<ihavnoth> 저희 동네에서는 애자는 무성애자... 성불능자... 그런의미로 쓰입니다\n<GarlicChicken> 애자(碍子, insulator), 또는 뚱딴지 ...\n<GarlicChicken> 우리말로 뚱딴지라고 하는군요 'ㅅ'a\n<GarlicChicken> 애자는 학술적인 용어.\n<ihavnoth> 며칠전엔 힌지라는 용어를 배웠어요\n<ihavnoth> 출입문이 고장났는데 수리하고 나서 힌지라고 적힌 빈박스가 보이더군요\n<ihavnoth> hinge\n<yemharc> 안녕하세요\n<pchero> 뚱딴지..\n<pchero> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<pchero> 안녕하세요 ㅎ\n<ihavnoth> 안녕하세요\n<drake_kr> 안녕하세요\n<drake_kr> 원인분석잼 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 이제 스타 10판 하면 10판 다 지네\n<drake_kr> ㅜ.ㅜ\n<drake_kr> 나도 린저씨나 할까...\n<pchero> 아..\n<pchero> 향수병나네요.. 린저씨. ㅎ\n<drake_kr> 돈이 짱이에요\n<pchero> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<pchero> 아! 우분투 위키 페이지 링크 좀 걸어주실 수 있으세요?\n<pchero> 못찾겠네요..\n<drake_kr> mwiki.ubuntu.or.kr\n<drake_kr> 리눅스에서 리니지가 되면..\n<pchero> 하루에 하나씩\n<pchero> 오호\n<drake_kr> 리눅스 이용률이 늘어날까..\n<pchero> 아니요...\n<GarlicChicken> 우분투 도메인은 or.kr로 하든지 -kr.org로 하든지 하나로 통일을 해야겠군요.\n<GarlicChicken> 이리저리 하다보니 햇갈 ...\n<drake_kr> -kr.org로 통일하려고\n<drake_kr> 인구가 겁내노력중\n<GarlicChicken> 인구아져씨 안계시네용\n<GarlicChicken> 아 어제 말씀드렸었나 'ㅅ'\n<GarlicChicken> 아이콘 업뎃했숨미다 'ㅅ'\n<GarlicChicken> 우붕투 오렌지 테마에 얼추 맞게\n<GarlicChicken> http://mwiki.ubuntu.or.kr/index.php/WikiEditTemplateForDocumentStatus\n<myobot> [링크 제목] WikiEditTemplateForDocumentStatus - Ubuntu Korea Community Wiki\n<pchero> http://mwiki.ubuntu.or.kr/index.php/Terminal\n<myobot> [링크 제목] Terminal - Ubuntu Korea Community Wiki\n<pchero> 터미널 문서 한번 만들어 봅시다. ㅎㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> GarlicChicken: 변태주의 항목 작성바람\n<GarlicChicken> 변태주의는 그림을 도데체 뭘로 해야 (...) 'ㅅ' ...\n<ihavnoth> http://superuser.com/questions/144666/what-is-the-difference-between-shell-console-and-terminal\n<myobot> [링크 제목] What is the difference between shell, console, and terminal? - Super User\n<ujuc> -kr.org가... 케노니컬에서 주는거아니가욤.ㅡ.ㅡ. , drake_kr.\n<drake_kr> 맞음\n<drake_kr> 네임서버 변경 요청함\n<GarlicChicken> -kr.org는 만든지가 거의 10년이 되어 가는데\n<GarlicChicken> 거의 쓰지도 않고 방치상태로 ...\n<GarlicChicken> (..)\n<GarlicChicken> 영국에서 꾸준히 도메인 사용료를 내왔군요 'ㅅ'a\n<ujuc> ㅇㅇㅇ 전.. i18n팀...\n<ujuc> 미팅이있어서..이만..\n<ujuc> :)\n<drake_kr> 미쯔루기 카드 존내 안나오네 ㅜ.ㅜ\n<GarlicChicken> 미쯔루기 카드라니\n<pchero> ...역전재판?\n<GarlicChicken> 혹시 요새 정진하는 덕심수햏같은거 있으시냐능.\n<drake_kr> 시구푸리드는 좀 내스타일이랑 안맞고..\n<drake_kr> 남자의 끈팬티가 얼마나 쓸모없는거임?\n<pchero> 음..\n<pchero> http://mwiki.ubuntu.or.kr/index.php/LoCoJoin\n<myobot> [링크 제목] LoCoJoin - Ubuntu Korea Community Wiki\n<pchero> 여기에 ë³´ë©´ 로코팀 가입에 Signing 이 필요하다고 하는데\n<pchero> 동영상 화면이 너무 작아서 따라하기가 불편해서 영문 메뉴얼을 찾고 싶은데.. 안나오네요.\n<pchero> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamJoining\n<myobot> [링크 제목] LoCoTeamJoining - Ubuntu Wiki\n<pchero> 여기에도 Signing 에 대한 내용은 없구요..\n<pchero> 혹시 오래된 자료인가요?\n<drake_kr> 네 좀 오래된 자료라.. 스크린샷이 완전 구려요\n<pchero> 음.. 그럼 지금은 gpg 만들 필요가 없는건가요?\n<pchero> 공식 문서에는 사이닝 관련된 내용이 없는거 같아요.\n<drake_kr> 만들 필요가 있긴 한데요.. 음..\n<drake_kr> http://wiki.ubuntu.or.kr/doku.php?id=launchpad 일단 이 내용이 예전 내용입니다..\n<myobot> [링크 제목] launchpad [Ubuntu-ko]\n<pchero> OMG...\n<pchero> 김치하 교수님 글이 생각나네요..\n<drake_kr> 이 부분에 대해서는 누군가 업데이트해주길 기다리고 있습니다 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 제가 해도 되긴 하는데, 너무 저만 다 하는것도 안좋다고 생각해서요..\n<pchero> 넵.\n<pchero> 지금 ë³´ë©´.. 위키가 두개 있잖아요. 어느게 진짜죠?\n<drake_kr> 위키가.. 많이 있습니다..\n<pchero> 음.. 질문을 다시.. mwiki.ubuntu-kr.org / wiki.ubuntu.or.kr\n<drake_kr> mwiki.ubuntu.or.kr <- 이게 최종 로컬 위키 / wiki.ubuntu.com <- 요건 글로벌 위키 / wiki.ubuntu.or.kr <- 요건 예전 위키 / ubuntu-kr.org/wiki_old <- 요건 존내 오래된 위키\n<pchero> 어떤게 로코팀에서 관리하는 위키죠?\n<pchero> 아하.\n<drake_kr> mwiki가 제가 신경쓰고 있는 위키구요\n<pchero> 네\n<drake_kr> 나머지는 통합되면 날릴겁니다..\n<GarlicChicken> 글로벌 위키는 캐노니컬에 보고하려고 쓰는 위키니까 스탭 아니면 건드릴 일이 없죠 'ㅅ'\n<GarlicChicken> 그냥 일반 회원은 지금은 mwiki <- 여기다가 그냥 쓰면 되고\n<GarlicChicken> 나중에는 옛날 위키 다 옮겨지고 나면 mwiki에서 wiki로 되겠지 (중얼중얼)\n<pchero> 아하.\n<drake_kr> 미쯔루기 카드 겟\n<ihavnoth> pseudo-ttys를 보통 어떻게 번역해야할까요?\n<pchero> 가상 터미널?\n<ihavnoth> virtual이랑 헷갈릴까봐서요\n<drake_kr> 오늘은 이만하고\n<pchero> 음.. 계속 생각해보는데.. 뭔가 없네요.\n<drake_kr> 내일 15렙까지만 올려야지\n<ihavnoth> The name “terminal” came from the electronic point of view,\n<ihavnoth> and the name “console” from the furniture point of view.\n<pchero> furniture...-_-;;;\n<ihavnoth> furniture point 라는게 눈에 보이는 기계라는 의미일까요?\n<pchero> 넵\n<pchero> 가식적인? 그런 의미인듯?\n<ihavnoth> 뭐 A4 한장 번역하는데도 한시간 걸리겠네요\n<GarlicChicken> pseudo : 모의\n<GarlicChicken> 모의 터미널 정도 되죠\n<drake_kr> http://mwiki.ubuntu.or.kr/index.php/Terminal 조금 수정했슴다\n<myobot> [링크 제목] Terminal - Ubuntu Korea Community Wiki\n<ihavnoth> 뭘로 번역해도 익숙하지 않군요\n<pchero> 와우\n<drake_kr> 어라.. 나 저녁에 뭔가 면을 먹으려고 했었는데.. 뭐였지..\n<GarlicChicken> \"라\"ë©´.\n<GarlicChicken> pseudo-test를 모의테스트라고 번역합니다.\n<GarlicChicken> 모의는 \"가짜\" \"현실에 존재하지 않는\" 그런 의미인데 이건 \"virtual(가상)\"하고 엄연히 구분되는 의미거든요.\n<drake_kr> 사전테스트\n<drake_kr> 아 탕슉\n<drake_kr> 탕라면\n<GarlicChicken> 근데 pseudo-terminal을 사전터미널이라고 하면 웃기니 ...\n<GarlicChicken> 라면찜.\n<drake_kr> 저거 뭐 어떻게 읽는겨\n<drake_kr> 전사터미널\n<GarlicChicken> 워리어터미널 <- ㅠ-)/\n * GarlicChicken 싸우자?!\n<GarlicChicken> <NOTICE> 터미널이 도전을 신청했습니다\n<pchero> 그냥 가상 터미널이라고 하고\n<pchero> Virtual-Terminal 과는 약간 다른 의미이다. 라고 주석을 달면 어떨까요?\n<GarlicChicken> 구글에서는 그냥 통상적으로 가상터미널을 쓰는걸로 나와있군요\n<GarlicChicken> https://translate.google.com/#auto/ko/pseudo%20terminal\n<myobot> [링크 제목] Google Translate\n<GarlicChicken> 고민할 필요가 없네요 .\n<ihavnoth> 구글 번역이 좀 많이 구리죠\n<GarlicChicken> 이런건 고민하면 오바킬임.\n<GarlicChicken> 통상번역이라는건 그냥 이유를 막론하고 보통 써오던대로 따르는것입니다.\n<GarlicChicken> application을 프로그램이라고 하는것처럼요\n<GarlicChicken> ahoops_, 오늘도 맥주에 쩔어사실 아웁스옹 너브죽 (_ _ )\n<ahoops_> GarlicChicken: 안녕하세요..(__)\n<ahoops_> 운명같은거죠 뭐;\n<drake_kr> 워리어 vs 헐크호간\n<drake_kr> 이집은 탕슉소스가 겁내짜네\n * GarlicChicken 딴딴딴 따아아아아아안.... \n<pchero> 오호.. 이제야 PGP 키 등록했네요.. ㅎㅎ\n<GarlicChicken> PGP를 PSP키로 잘못봤 'ㅅ';;;\n<GarlicChicken> PSP하고 싶네요 /-ㅠ-/\n<pchero> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<GarlicChicken> 툭하면 전기가 끊어지는 ... 불쌍 -ㅅ-\n<GarlicChicken> 오늘 무슨 날이길래 할일이 수북 ...\n<GarlicChicken> 헐 -ㅅ- 헐헐헐 ..\n<drake_kr> psp키라니..\n<drake_kr> 아오 이집 탕슉 개맛없네\n<samahui> 저녁들 맛나게 드시고 퇴근들 잘하세요\n<drake_kr> 바이브레이터를 하드디스크에 장착하면 어찌될까\n<pchero> ... 왜 장착하죠..?\n<autowiz_> 하드디스크 흥분 시킬려고? ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 얼마만에 망가질까 싶어서요\n<autowiz_> 아아아\n<autowiz_> 피터님 안계시나요??\n<drake_kr> 안계시네요...\n<ipeter> 안녕하세요?\n<drake_kr> autowiz_:\n<drake_kr> 음\n<drake_kr> 오토위즈님이 아까 찾으셨는뎅\n<ipeter> 네??\n<ipeter> 저 재접좀하고 오겠습니다..!\n<ipeter> 안녕하세요\n<drake_kr> 철권 렙업하느라고..\n<drake_kr> 데빌진 손가락 아프네여\n<ipeter> zzz\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<ipeter> 철권..추억의 오락이넹.\n<ipeter> ㅛ\n<ipeter> 요\n<drake_kr> 접대용겜\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<ipeter> 그렇죠\n<ipeter> 접대용 오락으로는 1942\n<ipeter> 이런것도 괜찮지 않았나요?\n<drake_kr> 흠 그것도 괜찮네요\n<drake_kr> 라이뎅파이터즈나..\n<drake_kr> 으\n<drake_kr> 온라인 승률이 32%밖에 안되네요\n<drake_kr> 35살에 이정도면 그나마 괜찮은거라고 봐야되나..\n<drake_kr> 스타2는 요새 승률 20% 밑까지 떨어졌네요\n<drake_kr> 젠장....\n<ipeter> 스타..추억의 게임이죠\n<ipeter> 재수할때 공부는 않하고 스타나 하고 앉았었는데..\n<ipeter> ㅠㅠ\n<ipeter> 엇\n<ipeter> 사마휘님\n<ipeter> 요 몇일새에 고생 많으십니다..ㅠ\n<samahui> ipeter님이야 말로 항상 이시간에 계시는군요. 고생이 많이시네요\n<samahui> 많으시네요\n<samahui> 오타나는군요\n<samahui> 다른건 다 괜찮은데 요즘 모니터를 계속 들여다보고 있었더니 눈이 좀 피곤하군요\n<ipeter> 에구...ㅠㅠㅠ\n<ipeter> 저야 뭐 사마휘님처럼 일보다는 다른 잡다한것 하느라 이시간에도 있는거죠..\n<ipeter> 사마휘님 진짜 고생 많으셔요..ㅠ\n<samahui> 결혼도 했고 아이도 생겼는디 열심히 벌어야죠.\n<samahui> 그나저나 비온 후 몇 일은 바람도 잘 불고 밤되면 날씨도 싸늘하니 좋군요\n<samahui> 창문 살짝 열어놓고 일하니 시원한 바람이 솔솔 들어오는군요. 매케한 매연과 함께요 ㅎㅎ;;\n<samahui> 내일부터 일요일까지 연휴인데 즐거운 후딱 일하고 집에가셔서 즐거운 시간 좀 갖으세요 ^^\n<ipeter> 네네...\n<ipeter> 아.. 결혼을하면 역시 더욱더 열심히 살게되는군요..\n<ipeter> 부럽습니다..ㅠ\n<ipeter> 전 살짝 춥게 느껴지던데..\n<ipeter> 혹시나 모르니 감기 조심하세요..\n<samahui> ipeter님도 감기 조심하세요\n<ipeter> 컴퓨터를 우분투에서 윈도우로 밀어버리고\n<ipeter> 개발기반 환경 세팅하는데도 거의 하루가 걸리네요.\n<ipeter> 휴...ㅠ\n<samahui> ㅎㅎ;;\n<samahui> 윈도우로 다시 옮겨 가셨군요\n<ipeter> ㅎㅅㅎ\n<ipeter> 네..\n<ipeter> 원래 우부투 밀 생각 없었는데..\n<ipeter> 각종 DB툴, 이클립스, 자바, 디컴파일러,http debugger...\n<ipeter> LVM으로 설치한 바람에\n<ipeter> 그냥 밀어버리고 윈도우 갔습니다..ㅠ\n<ipeter> 오피스 워드를 폭풍같이 사용할 일이 있어서 그냥 윈도우로 다시 갔습니다.\n<samahui> 하드분할하고 살려두지 그러셨어요\n<samahui> 거기다 버박에 윈도우 올리고 작업하면 오피스 정도는 잘 돌아갈건데요\n<ipeter> 우분투는 각종 패치 어느정도 자리 잡히면 14.04 듀얼부팅으로 설치하려구요..\n<ipeter> 먼훗날(?)이요.ㅠ\n<ipeter> 네네..근데 이상하게 버박으로 쓰기가 좀 그렇더라구요..ㅠ\n<samahui> 듀얼부팅보다 버박이 활요도는 좀 더 좋은거 같습니다. 우선 한쪽 작업하다 다른 쪽 시스템 필요할때 리붓할 필요가 없어서 일이 끊기지 않아요 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui> 솔직히 우분투 사용이 좀 서툰편이면 윈도우에 버박깔고 우분투 쓰는것도 괜찮으거 같아요\n<ipeter> 옳으신 말씀이세요.\n<samahui> 우분투에서 윈도우 돌리는것보다 윈도우에서 우분투 돌리는게 기본적으로 좀 더 가볍게 돌아가니까요\n<ipeter> 리붓하여 일이 끊기는게 제일 아ì��½ì§€ë§Œ..그냥 바람이 들어(?) 윈도우로 다시 오게 되었네요.\n<samahui> 버박에 우분투 올려서 쓰세요\n<ipeter> 네네..!! =)\n<ipeter> 사마휘님도 여기 계시는분들과 같이 리눅스 서버쪽 다루시죠?\n<samahui> 서버를 다루기 보다는 서버 작업을 많이 하지만 전 개발 쪽이라 시스템 관리랑은 좀 거리가 있죠\n<samahui> 물론 개발환경 구축하느라 관리하고 있지만요 ㅎㅎ;;\n<ipeter> =_=\n<ipeter> 후덜덜..\n<ipeter> 어떤쪽 개발하셔요?\n<samahui> 두루두루 다해요 ㅎㅎ;;\n<ipeter> +_+b\n<samahui> 요즘음 앱만들고 있습니다만\n<samahui> 제가 일하는거 잘 떠벌려서 자주 보안사고쳐서요 ㅎㅎ;; 일야기는 잘 안하게 되더군요 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui> 얼마전까지 보안툴 만들다가 지금은 3D엔진따위 만들고 있습니다\n<samahui> 귀찮네요\n<ipeter> gjf..\n<ipeter> 헐..ㅡ\n<ipeter> 3D엔진...\n<ipeter> 공부하겠습니다..ㅠㅠ\n<ipeter> ㅠㅠ\n<samahui> 공부하지 마세요 피곤해져요 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui> 일에 집중할 시간이군요. 후딱하고 현충일낀 주말연휴 쉬면서 보내야겠어요 ㅜㅜ\n<drake_kr> 이병 신앙심\n#ubuntu-ko 2014-06-06\n<autowiz_> 안녕하세요\n<ipeter> ?!\n<ipeter> 안쉬세요?\n<ipeter> myobot: 일어나요! 봇!\n<autowiz_> 피터님 어찌 해결은 됐나요?\n<autowiz_> 꽤 오랜만이지요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<ipeter> 허허\n<ipeter> 아직 건들지 않았습니다.\n<ipeter> 일단 유선으로 사용하고 있습니다.\n<ipeter> ㅎ허허허\n<Work^Seony> 안녕하세요\n<ipeter> 안녕하세요?\n<ipeter> 아. 미국은 오늘 평일이군요.\n<ipeter> 한국은 현충일입니다.\n<Work^Seony> 아~ 그렇군요.\n<autowiz_> 제 노트북은 10.04 인데 update 하고 network-manager 아이콘이 사라져버렸었습니다.\n<autowiz_> 그거 고치다가\n<Work^Seony> 모처럼 연휴시겠네요\n<ipeter> 네네\n<autowiz_> url 하나를 드렸는데 안계셨구나... 어 어디갔지\n<autowiz_> 서니님 몸은 좀 괜찮으세요?\n<ipeter> 아 맞다.\n<ipeter> 써니님 몸은 좀 괜찮으신지요?\n<Work^Seony> 좀 나아지긴 했는데, 아직 그대로에요\n<ipeter> 에구...\n<ipeter> 몸조리 잘하셔서 어서 쾌차하시길 빌겠습니다.\n<Work^Seony> 감사합니다\n<ipeter> 저 작업좀하면서 눈팅할께요.\n<ipeter> 말씀들 나누셔요.\n<autowiz_> 어어 피터님 가지마시고\n<autowiz_> http://mcchae.egloos.com/viewer/10872367\n<myobot> [링크 제목] 지훈현서 : [우분투] Ubuntu Server 10.10 Wireless Lan 살리기 : 덧글 > [우분투] Ubuntu Server 10.10 Wireless Lan 살리기 : 트랙백 > [우분투] Ubuntu Server 10.10 Wireless Lan 살리기\n<ipeter> 아이고..\n<autowiz_> 이거 때문이 아닐수도있는데 성의를 봐서 한번만 읽어주세요 ㅎㅎ . 본사 오니까\n<autowiz_> 어떠세요??\n<ipeter> 정말 감사합니다.\n<ipeter> ㅠㅠㅠ\n<ipeter> 본사...뭐 좀 다른거 같아요.\n<ipeter> 사이트 나가면 터치할사람없고 자유로웠던 반면에\n<ipeter> 본사는 다 저보다 ìœ��니까 눈치도 ë³´ê³  답답한면이 있긴 하네요.\n<ipeter> 근데 정말 안좋은 사수에서 벗어나니\n<ipeter> ê·¸ 어떤것도 감내할 자신 있습니다.\n<autowiz_> 그렇군요... 근데 휴일에도 작업이라니 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ\n<ipeter> 아니 ê·¸ 사람에게서 벗어난거로 진짜 너무너무 행복해요.\n<Work^Seony> ipeter, 어쩌면 회사측의 고도화된 전략일지도...\n<ipeter> 아. 사실 작업이라는게 별거 아닙니다.\n<autowiz_> 저라도 그럴듯합니다. ㅎㅎ\n<Work^Seony> 신입사원들을 ê·¸ 사수한테 계속 연수를 보내서,\n<ipeter> 윈8.1 설치해서 개발기반 환경 구축하고\n<Work^Seony> 본사 복귀시키면 뭐든 다 잘할 수 있다는 자신감에 차있는 직원으로 양성!\n<ipeter> 폴더정리정도입니다.\n<autowiz_> 개발 툴은 어떤걸로?\n<ipeter> Work^Seony: 아..들어오자마자 프로젝트 하나 들어왔는데\n<ipeter> 재미있습니다.\n<ipeter> autowiz_: 자바설치, db설치, 디컴파일러설치\n<ipeter> 토드 db툴, 요그, sql developer\n<ipeter> 피들러, xshell.. 뭐 웹개발자들 쓰는거 설치하고 그랬습니다.\n<ipeter> 그래도 기분좋은건 윈8.1 정품구매해서 설치하고, 오피스도 정품구매하고 기분은 ì°¸ 좋네요...\n<ipeter> 통장잔고를 ë³´ë©´ 슬퍼지지많요..\n<ipeter> 많요 ㅡ> 만요\n<ipeter> 부끄럽네요.\n<ipeter> 신경쓰겠습니다.\n<ipeter> ㅠ\n<Work^Seony> 저는, msdn 만기되기 바로 직전에 윈8이 나와서 바로 다운받았죠 ㅎㅎ\n<Work^Seony> 32비트 64비트 다 받아놨는데, 32비트는 쓸데가 없네요\n<Work^Seony> 윈7 초기에만 해도 msdn에서 수량에 관계없이 무제한으로 다운받을 수 있었는데, 어느날 갑자기 한 번 다운로드하면 2번은 안된다고 나오더라구요ㅕ\n<ipeter> Work^Seony: 윈7에 비해서 8 어떻다고 생각하세요?\n<ipeter> 7에서 8쓰시는 대부분의 유저들은 실망이라는 평이 많았던걱같습니다.\n<ipeter> 전 xp에서 옮긴터라 아주 대만족이었는데 말이죠..\n<Work^Seony> 일단, 저는 vmware에서밖에 돌린 적이 없어서 확실히는 모르겠는데요, vmware에서만 봤을 때는 확실히 8이 씨퓨를 더 많이 써요\n<ipeter> 아..근데 7보다는 가볍게 느낀거 같은게 아마 속도가 좀 빨라서 그랬던거 같습니다.\n<Work^Seony> 화면이 전환되는게 빠르니까 가볍다고 느끼는 걸거에요.  사실 뒤에서는 많이 돌아가거든요\n<ipeter> 네. 그런거 같네요.\n<autowiz_> 8 처음엔 별로였는데 자잘하게 편한기능들이 있긴 하더군요.\n<ipeter> 전 라이브타일이 ì°¸ 편한거 같습니다.\n<Work^Seony> 저는 인터넷 쇼핑 외엔 윈도우를 아예 안써서 잘 모르겠네요\n<ipeter> 사실 컴퓨터에서도 자주쓰는 기능이 10개정도 되는데 라이브타일에 크게 박아놓고 사용하기가 ì°¸ 접근하기 쉬운거 같습니다.\n<autowiz_> zbuilder ultra 라는 3d 프린터 가 있는데 이걸로 3d 제품 대신 출력해주는 서비스 하면\n<autowiz_> 돈이 될려나요?\n<ipeter> Work^Seony: 이번에 WWDC에서 발표한 요세미티 디자인 많이 변하는거같은데... 예쁘네요.\n<ipeter> autowiz_: 창업이신가요? ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz_> ㅋㅋㅋ 그런셈이지요.\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<ipeter> 저 로컬db좀 설치하고 오겠습니다.\n<Seony^T530> 사무실 에어컨이 안나와서 딴데로 옮겼습니다.\n<ipeter> mysql을 C(ssd)에 설치하는거랑 D(hdd)에 하는거랑 차이 많이 날까요?\n<Seony^T530> 개인용도요?\n<ipeter> 네\n<Seony^T530> 거의 차이 없을 ê±° 같은데요\n<ipeter> 윈도우 c에 재설치시 mysql 다시 설치할거 생각하면... 귀찮아서 자바나 뭐 그런거 빼놓곤 전부 D(hdd)에 설치하려구요.\n<autowiz_> 보통은 c 가 바깥쪽 실린더라 더 빠르지요\n<autowiz_> 다만 os 파일들이랑 같이 defragmentation 일어날 가능성은 있지요\n<ipeter> 심지어 이클립스조차 D에 설치했는데...이렇게 따지면 ssd 부팅이나 끌때빼고는 잇점이 없는데 왜쓰나 싶기도하네요.\n<autowiz_> 보통은 C를 가능한 적게 잡고\n<autowiz_> D 에 프로그램을 설치하기도 합니다.\n<Seony^T530> ipeter: 쓰기과정이 빈번하게 일어나는 프로그램이라면 되도록 hdd에 설치하세요\n<Seony^T530> ssd는 쓰기가 많을수록 손해거든요\n<ipeter> 네.. 알겠습니다.\n<ipeter> D설치 고고하겠습니다.\n<autowiz_> ssd 쓰기가 많아지면 느려지거나 하나요? ssd 가 읽기에 더 좋긴 하겠지만요.\n<autowiz_> 저는 윈도우 쓰때도 파티션 막 나눕니다.\n<Seony^T530> 느려지는게 아니구요, ssd가 덮어쓰기가 안되다보니까 trim할 시간이 없으면 용량을 계속 잡아먹게되죠\n<autowiz_> C OS, D프로그램 , E  dbf , datafile , F iso , movie 등 일반파일\n<Seony^T530> 그러다가 맛이 가버리는 수가 생겨서...\n<autowiz_> 저는 아직 trim 개념이 안들어와서요. ㅠ 공부를 더 해야할거 같아요.\n<autowiz_> 슬슬 사무실 출근해야겠네요.\n<autowiz_> 잠시후에 뵙겠습니다.\n<ipeter> 휴..\n<ipeter> 벨눌러서 누군지 나가보니\n<ipeter> 도를 아십니까..\n<ipeter> 오랫만이네요.\n<Work^Seony> ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 샤워하고 사무실 까지 ... 57분 걸렸네요 .\n<Seony^T530> 완전 코앞에 사시네요 ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 차로는 10~15분정도 걸려요 . ㅎ\n<autowiz> 우와~~ 피터님이다~~\n<autowiz> 방가방가...\n<Seony^T530> 퇴근합니다\n<autowiz> 수고하셨습니다. 집에가서 푹 쉬세요~~\n<Seony^T530> 네 그래야죠\n<Seony^T530> 물건 하나 옮겼더니 어지럽네요\n<Seony^T530> 혈당 떨어진거 같아서 급하게 사탕 하나 물었는데 아직도 현기증이...\n<Seony^T530> 몸상태가 정상은 아닌게 맞나봐요\n<Seony^T530> 암튼 퇴근합니다.  나��¤‘에 뵐께요\n<ipeter> 오토위즈님!!! =)\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<ipeter> localDB mysql\n<ipeter> R프로그래밍 다 설치했습니다.\n<autowiz> R 프로그래밍?\n<autowiz> 그냥 오타인가요? 음음 암튼 이제 그럼 뭐하실껀가요?\n<autowiz> 불금 불태우기??\n<autowiz> 휘발유 뒤집어 쓰고 아주그냥 확그냥 막그냥 여기저기 막그냥 불살라 볼까요??\n<autowiz> 피터님 미워요\n<ipeter> ??\n<ipeter> 허헛!\n<ipeter> 오토위즈님!!!\n<ipeter> 왜요!!??\n<ipeter> 무슨일 있으셨나요?!\n<autowiz> 아니에요 제가 오늘 좀 예민해서 그래요 .\n<autowiz> 잊어주세요.\n<autowiz> 윈도우즈 업데이트 하시나 자꾸만 쑥하고 나가시네 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> DAUM 링크\t\n<autowiz> http://movie.daum.net/moviedetail/moviedetailMain.do?movieId=83470\n<autowiz> IMDB 링크\t\n<autowiz> http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3341072/\n<autowiz> 제목\tFirestorm\n<autowiz> 부제목\t풍폭\n<Seony> 제목보다 평점에 더 눈이 가네요\n<autowiz> 6.3 이면 낮은거지요?\n<Seony> 다음 평점요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> imdb 6.3 이면 뭔가 잘못된거 같은데요 ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 예고편 ë³´ê³  다운 받을려는 찰나였는데 음... 고민되는군요\n<Seony> 중국애들이 머리숫자로 몰표 준거 같은데요\n<Seony> imdb에서 평점 8만 나와도 굉장한거거든요\n<autowiz> firestorm 을 왜 폭풍도 아니고 풍폭으로 해석했을가 의아 했는데.\n<autowiz> 중국어 원제가 한글로 풍, 폭 두글자 군요\n<Seony> 네  저도 보니까 원제가 그렇더라구요\n<autowiz> 웁스\n<autowiz> 스플릿\n<autowiz> 일단 풍폭 받아서 ë³´ê³  있습니다. ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 평점 2.8짜리를 다운받아 보시는군요 ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 취향은 다를 수 도 있는거니까요\n<autowiz> 올여름 휴가는 홍콩으로 가기를 꿈꾸며~ ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 서니님 myobot 은 어떻게 읽어야 해요? 마이오봇? 마요봇?\n<GarlicChicken> 묘봇이요 'ㅅ'/\n<Seony> 닭님이 만드셨으니, 아마도 고양이를 뜻하는 '묘' 봇일듯 싶네요\n<Seony> 맞췄꾼요 ㅋ\n<autowiz> 아아 묘봇 이군요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 300 토렌트 벌써 떴네요\n<drake_kr> 닭봇이군..\n<drake_kr> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jl-JrgeQ4zs 따오기폴더...\n<myobot> [링크 제목] SNL코리아 박재범의 뮤직비디오 '남자기 때문에' - YouTube\n<Seony> 프로그래밍을 배우고 싶어하는 사람이 하나 있는데요,\n<Seony> 프로그래밍은 커녕 컴퓨터에 대한 지식이 완전히 전무한 상태인데,\n<Seony> 아주 기초적인 프로그래밍 언어부터 가르쳐줄려고 책부터 시작해서 웹사이트 등등 여기저기 전부 다 뒤져봤는데,\n<Seony> 정말로 괜찮은 곳이 없네요\n<Seony> 프로그래밍이란 것 자체가 쉽게 이해하기 어려운 분야라서 그럴까요...\n<autowiz> 으음 프로그래밍도 분야가 좀 있다고 생각합니다.\n<autowiz> 그분은 어느쪽으로 목표를 잡고계시는지\n<Seony> 일단 전산을 전공하ë��” 것 자체가 목표에요\n<77CAADG8M> 나이가.. 어떻게 되시죠?\n<Seony> 어려요.  20대 중후반\n<pchero_work> 대학교는요?\n<pchero_work> 영어는 어떤가요?\n<Seony> 한국에서 상경계열 4년제 졸업했다던데요\n<Seony> 영어로된 책 볼래? 하니까, 아직 처음 접하는 분야를 영어책으로 보기에는 좀 무리가 있을거 같다네요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 자바의 정석이란 책이 하도 유명하길래 추천해줬는데,\n<Seony> 막상 제가 읽어보니, 이건 초보가 읽을 수 없는 책이더라구요\n<autowiz> 저기 피터님이 비전공이고\n<Seony> 독자가 프로그래머라는 전제를 깔고 지은 책이더라구요..\n<autowiz> 저랑 같은 35살이시고 전산 한지 얼마안되셨는데 요즘 프로그래밍 시작 하고 계셔서 , 피터님 말씀도 도움이 될거같습니다.\n<autowiz> 만 지금 안계시네요. 전화해서 들어오시라고 할까요? ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 근데 피터님은, 유명 학원 출신이라... ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 아 그래요??\n<Seony> 이 친구는 제가 알려주는 범위 내에서 독학해야할 처지거든요\n<autowiz> 왠지 너무 잘하시는거 같더라니.\n<Seony> 네 피터님이 아마 삼성에서 하는 자바 관련 학교 출신이에요\n<autowiz> 다시 아까의 얘기로 어느 분야 프로그래밍을 하실려는 걸까요?\n<pchero_work> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4SM1Yp8yVU\n<myobot> [링크 제목] CS50 / Week 0: Friday - YouTube\n<pchero_work> 혼자하시면 많이 힘드실 수도 있어요.\n<pchero_work> 지금은 21세기니까.. ㅎㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 일단, 이 친구의 목적은 전산을 전공해서 취업을 하는게 목적이라서 아직 뭐가 뭔지 아무 것도 모르는 상태거든요\n<Seony> 학교에서 자바 위주로 가르치니까 자바를 해야하긴 하는데,\n<autowiz> 전산 전공은 조금은 막연해서, 제 생각으로는 웹프로그램, c 시스템 프로그램, 네트웍 프로그램(이건좀 분류하기 어정쩡하긴 합니다만)\n<Seony> 자바의 정석이 너무 어려워서 안되겠더라구요\n<Seony> 일단, 프로그래밍 개념을 잡기 위해서 파이썬 강좌부터 보라고는 해줬는데요,\n<pchero_work> 굉장히 재미있고, 완전 초보를 대상으로 하는 교육이에요.\n<Seony> 생각해보니까, php처럼 \"게시판이 첫 목표야\" 라고 할만한 뭔가가 없더라구요\n<autowiz> Beginning Programming with Java For Dummies, 2nd Edition\n<Seony> 일단 왕초보를 위한 파이썬이 유명하니까 그거 보라고 해주긴 했는데,\n<Seony> 그거 대강보고나면 아무래도 html하고 php-mysql을 해야 좀 개념이 잡히지 않나 싶어요\n<autowiz> 직접본건 아닌데 이책 시작단계에서는 볼만했다고 들었던거 같아서요. 한글 번역본으로 시작해보시는것도 음...\n<Seony> 개인적인 생각은 이렇긴한ë��°, 어떻게 생각하세요?\n<Seony> html이랑 php-mysql 해서 혼자서 게시판 만들 수만 있으면,\n<Seony> 이후는 혼자서도 충분히 가능하지 않을까요?\n<pchero_work> 음..\n<Seony> 파이썬이 처음 배우긴 좋긴한데, 첫 도전과제로 할만한 무언가가 좀 찾기 어렵더라구요.\n<Seony> php는 \"게시판\"이라고 하는 첫 수행목표가 있긴한데...\n<pchero_work> 게임이죠. :)\n<pchero_work> 알카노이드 만들기.\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ 변수라는 단어가 뭔지 모르는 사람이 그거 어느 세월에 만들겠어요 ㅎㅎ\n<pchero_work> 정리를 하자면..\n<pchero_work> 전산을 하고 싶다.\n<pchero_work> 무엇을 해야할 지 모르겠다.\n<pchero_work> 이정도...?\n<Seony> 아뇨 ㅋㅋ\n<Seony> 제가 다시 정리해볼께요\n<pchero_work> 넵\n<Seony> 전산을 할거다 => 당최 이해가 가는 게 아무 것도 없다 => 어떤 언어부터 공부해야할지 모르겠다 에요\n<pchero_work> 음.. 영어가 된다면 CS50 교육을 추천하고요.\n<autowiz> 하와이 계시는거지요?\n<Seony> 네\n<Seony> 그래서 제가 어느정도 방향을 잡은건, html+php+mysql = 게시판 스스로 만들기\n<Seony> 이 정도를 첫 프로젝트로 잡았거든요\n<Seony> 제가 데리고 사는 룸메인데, 가정형편이 어려워서 여기서 ê¼­ 자리잡고 싶어하거든요\n<pchero_work> 음... 좋네요.\n<Seony> 여기서 자리잡을려면 이공계를 해야하는데, 요즘 프로그래머가 대세잖아요\n<Seony> 게다가 같이 사는 절 ë³´ê³  마음을 바꾸기도 했구요...\n<pchero_work> html + php + mysql 게시판 만들기.\n<Seony> pchero_work: 나름 첫 프로젝트로 괜찮죠?\n<pchero_work> 네.\n<pchero_work> Seony: 단기간에 효과를 ë³¼ 수 있을꺼 같아요. ㅎ\n<pchero_work> 프로그래밍 기초 잡고 OS 까지.\n<Seony> 설명이 쉽게 된 교재나 웹사이트가 없다는 깊은 빡침에... 순간 제가 강의를 쓸려다 말았어요 ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 이게 기본 개념 없는사람한테 설명해주기가 ì°¸ 힘들더라구요... 저도 부사수들 가르키는데\n<autowiz> 막 울화통이 ㅠㅠ\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ 설명이란거 진짜 어려워요\n<pchero_work> Seony: 하나하나 설명해줄 순 없죠.. ㅎ\n<Seony> 교육자는 아무나 하는게 아니더라구요\n<pchero_work> 다른 분야니까요. :)\n<Seony> 네 ㅎㅎ\n<pchero_work> 그런데 html + php + mysql 진짜 괜찮네요. ㅎ\n<pchero_work> html 로 기초 잡고\n<Seony> 보통 php 하면, 누구나 첫 프로젝트로 삼는게 게시판 만들기잖아요\n<pchero_work> php 로 고급 테크닉에\n<autowiz> 저희도 신입들 들어오면 , 일단 db 연동해서 아파치나 톰캣위에 방명록이나 게시판 만들어보라고 시켜요\n<autowiz> 1주일 시간 주고\n<pchero_work> mysql 로 시스템 연동까지.\n<Seony> 한국에서 락밴드 동아리들이 처음으로 반드시 해야하는 곡이 \"나 어떡해\"인것처럼, php 하는 사람이면 게시판 못만들면 영원히 프로그래머가 못되는거죠 ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> 저는 os 튜닝하고 vm 관리하고 그러는게 잼나는데 , 점점 설자리가 없어지는거 같기도 하고 그렇네요 ㅠ\n<GarlicChicken> html + php + mysql은 원리이해에 좋아요. 예제도 상당히 간단하고 ...\n<Seony> 저는 게시판에서 지금도 여전히 어려운게, 페이징이더라구요\n<autowiz> 저도 프로그래밍 쪽으로 전향해야 할지도. 암튼.  초반  1~2시간정도 cli 환경, 파일 , hello world 코드 설명해드리고\n<Seony> autowiz: 그런 일이 요즘 미쿡에서 잘나가는 직종이죠 ㅋ\n<GarlicChicken> 페이징은 ... sql로 하면 되긴 하는데\n<GarlicChicken> 문제는 ㄱ- ...\n<GarlicChicken> 그냥 대충 뿌린다고 되는게 아니라 게시글이 있으면\n<Seony> 페이징 쉽게 생각해서 처음부터 다 짰는데, 이거 장난 아니더라구요.\n<GarlicChicken> 답글도 뽑아내야 한다는게 T.T 쥘쥘\n<Seony> 그거 페이징 짜면서 \"역시 난 프로그래머로서는 소질이 없군\" 하면서 짰거든요\n<GarlicChicken> 답글 스레드는 페이징 할 때 한 페이지에 보여줄 게시글 수에 포함을 해야 하는가 제한을 걸어야 하는가 ...\n<Seony> 알고보니 아는 프로그래머 동생 왈 \"형, 페이징 조낸 어려운 거에요\" ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<Seony> 암튼 직접 다 짜긴 했는데, 소스코드가 100줄이 넘어요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 0부터 시작한다는 점이 페이징에서 제일 어렵더라구요\n<GarlicChicken> 엄하게 iteration 했다가는 (먼산)...\n<_[myth> LIMIT\n<GarlicChicken> 그리고 게시물은 시간순이 아니라 반대로 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<_[myth> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<GarlicChicken> 그리고 무조건 시간순이 아니라\n<GarlicChicken> 답글은 답글 따로 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<_[myth> ㅇㅅㅇ\n<Seony> 네 근데, desc가 디비 쿼리 날리면 좀 오래 걸리잖아요\n<Seony> 모를 땐 몰라서 그렇게 짠다 치는데,\n<Seony> 알고나니 이걸 또 어찌 해결하나 고민 많이 했죠 ㅋㅋ\n<Seony> ê²°êµ­ 타임스탬프에서 현재시간을 뺀값으로... ㅎㅎ\n<_[myth> 귀찮아서 그냥 답글 스레드를 다른 스레드와 같은 방법으로 처리하게 한 1人\n<GarlicChicken> 일반 게시글이면 단일 노드인데\n<Seony> 뭐 ê²°êµ­ 삽질의 연속...\n<GarlicChicken> 답글인 경우에는 parent 노드가 존재하니까 이걸 추적해서 빠릿빠릿하게 =3\n<_[myth> 그런데 트리구조 데이터베이스는\n<_[myth> 어떻게 구현해야 효율적일까요??\n<Seony> 트리구조라... 언뜻 상상이 잘 안가네요\n<Seony> 역시 제 두뇌가 개발자용은 아닌갑네요\n<_[myth> 자식 노드가 부모 노드의 답글...뭐 그런거요;;;\n<Seony> autowiz: 아까 말씀하신 \"저는 os 튜닝하고 vm 관리하고 그러는\" 이거 요즘 이 동네에서 잘나가는 직업군이에요 ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 영어만 공부하면 저도 넘어가고 싶지만 음... 학비가 또 문제군요\n<autowiz> 거기 대학 또 가야 할테니. 대학안가고 바로 취업하는방법은 힘들다면서요.\n<_[myth> 구글 ㅠㅜ\n<Seony> 힘든 이유가, 취업이 되도 일할 시기를 잡을 수 없다는 문제 때문에요\n<Seony> 한국에서 이공계로 4년제 나오셨으면, 전문대 정도만 나와도 취업할 기회는 잡을 수 있어요\n<Seony> 요즘 여기 오픈스택 땜시 리눅스 서버 엔지니어들 몸값이 장난 아니거든요\n<Seony> 뭐 ê¼­ 굳이 오픈스택 때문은 아니지만...\n<autowiz> 사실 요즘 고민중입니다. 올인해서 외국으로 갈지. 힘들지만 한국에서 발버둥을 쳐볼지. ㅠㅠ\n<Seony> 제가, 소니 코리아 회계팀에서 일하는 제 동갑사촌이 여기 잠깐 놀러왔을 때 이런 얘길 했어요\n<Seony> 너 45살 넘으면 그때도 쉽게 이직 가능하냐?\n<autowiz> 개인적으로 ì°¸ 이해가 안갑니다. 왜 외국가면 또 대학을 가야하는지. 10대때 외국갈 생각을 했으면 .20살에 한국안가고\n<autowiz> 돈좀 빨리 모아서 24~25 에 외국으로 바로 가서 대학가기는 또 다른 힘든점이 있을려나요 하하\n<autowiz> 20살에 한국안가고 -> 20살에 한국대학 안가고.\n<pchero_work> 케바케 겠죠. ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<GarlicChicken> 한국은 IT생태계가 좀 기형이예요\n<GarlicChicken> 솔직히 뭘 좀 제대로 배워서 내 특기를 살려서 일해보겠다고 해도\n<autowiz> 김대중 정권대 지랄 만들어놨다고 하더라구요.\n<GarlicChicken> 좀 나가는 분야는 ë³´ë©´ 거기서 거기잖아요?\n<GarlicChicken> 그때 ... 비IT 전공자들이 창업한다고 별지랄 다 해놔가지고\n<autowiz> 그전엔 수익도 완전 좋았는데 지금은 대충만 아는 치킨게임하는 회사들이 많아서\n<GarlicChicken> 지금 보안이고 IT 솔루션이고 SIê³  바닥이 좀 개판이죠\n<GarlicChicken> 한국은 IT인력 처우가 별로예요\n<GarlicChicken> 사람으로 보는게 아니라 부속품으로 보기 때문에\n<autowiz> 저 지금 있는 회사도 6억짜리 4억에 썻다가 2억쓴 업체에 뺏기고 나서. 다른 사업건에서 1억짜리를 5천에 낙찰 받아 왔더라구요. ì°¸ 어이가 없어서.\n<GarlicChicken> 그런 풍토가 IMF때부터 생겨났는데\n<GarlicChicken> 이게 IT쪽에서 시작해서\n<GarlicChicken> 증권가 쪽에서 조차도 사람이란 말을 안쓰고 인력이란 말을 쓰더군요\n<GarlicChicken> 사람을 부속품 취급한다는 얘기죠. 들으면 들을수록 기분이 정말 더럽더군요.\n<autowiz> http://linux-training.be/downloads/\n<myobot> [링크 제목] Linux Training » Downloads\n<autowiz> 아 이거 별건 아닌데 , 어쩌다 우연히 봐서 요즘 부사수 한테 던져주고 이거  다 읽어��³´ì§„ 못해도\n<autowiz> 명령어 한번씩 다 쳐봐봐 ~ 시켜놨습니다.\n<GarlicChicken> 차라리 다 번역해놔 했으면 /-ㅠ-/ 어우야~ 했을텐데 -0-\n<autowiz> 피터님 오셨넹\n<ipeter> ??\n<ipeter> 네\n<ipeter> 별일 없으신지요?\n<ipeter> autowiz: 다른 꿍꿍이속\n<ipeter> 제가 잘하긴 뭐 잘해요?ㅋㅋㅋ\n<ipeter> 무슨 속셈이십니까?\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> 아 정말 진심인데 몰라주시네...\n<autowiz> ㅠㅠㅠ 슬퍼요.\n<jasonjang> 넘어간 화면, 글 줄 무시하고 = 못보고 드리는 말씀이지만, autowiz 내가 늘 하는 말씀, \"기회 있을 때, 나가세요\" 무슨 미련이 있어요~\n<autowiz> 친구들이야 뭐 크게 상관안하는데\n<autowiz> 가족들이랑 여친님이 문제라면 문제지요.\n<autowiz> 지금당장 나갈 돈이 없다는것도 문제구요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<pchero_work> 사실..\n<pchero_work> 저도 오늘 여기 이민국에 가보려구요.\n<pchero_work> 워킹 홀리데이로 나왔는데 나와서보니.. 진짜 신세계네요.\n<jasonjang> pchero_work, 어디세요? 나는 서울 영등포 쯤\n<pchero_work> 문화같이 그냥 저냥 이것 저것 안 맞는 것도 많은데.. 한번 알아보기는 해볼려구요.\n<autowiz> pchero 님은 어디 계시는거에요?\n<pchero_work> 덴마크요.\n<pchero_work> 이제 슬슬 워홀도 끝나갈때라..\n<jasonjang> 실례지만, 나이는? 나는 무조건 pchero_work 님의 2ë°°. ㅎㅎㅎ\n<pchero_work> 올해 한국나이로 서른이요. ㅎ\n<jasonjang> (내 나이) 거의 맞네요. ㅎ 푸하하하\n<jasonjang> autowiz, 나가 있기 싫으면(, 이 땅에 ...아니 이곳의 지인께 미련이 많으면, ) 다른 분들처럼 '자주 나갔다 오세요'\n<jasonjang> 잠시....ì»´ 끕니다.\n<ipeter> pchero_work: 덴마크 여성분들이 그렇게 이쁘시다는데요..\n<ipeter> 부럽습니다.\n<pchero_work> 아..\n<pchero_work> 얼마전에 바닷가갔는데..\n<pchero_work> 어떤 처자가 옷을 훌렁훌렁....\n<pchero_work> 그나저나.. 정말 비교되요..\n<pchero_work> 그저께.. 투표 이야기를 잠깐 했는데..\n<ipeter> 네\n<pchero_work> 투표율 56% 나왔다고 하니까.. 여기 반응이.. 아연질색.. -_-;;\n<pchero_work> 이쪽은 몇프로 나오냐고 물어보니\n<pchero_work> 86%...?\n<pchero_work> 으아아.. 어떻게 돌아가지.. ㅠㅠ\n<pchero_work> 원래는 C/C++ 개발자로 왔는데 지금은 파이썬 하고있는건 함정.. -_-;;\n<ipeter> 아아..\n<ipeter> 죽겠네요.\n<ipeter> 이클립스에서\n<ipeter> 스프링 프레임워크 설치하면\n<ipeter> 파일이름이 아주 긴놈이 생겨버리는데\n<ipeter> 이녀석을 지울수가 없네요.\n<ipeter> 구글링해서\n<autowiz> 지워도 되는건 맞나요?\n<ipeter> cmd 창에서\n<autowiz> 왜 지울려고 하나요?\n<autowiz> 250자 넘어가면\n<ipeter> 지워도 안되네요.\n<autowiz> 문제 생길텐데\n<ipeter> 쓰잘데 없는 파일입니다.\n<autowiz> 해당 디렉토리 가서\n<pchero_work> 음..\n<ipeter> eclipse를 여러개 다운받아서 보통 사용해요.\n<autowiz> *abc* 이렇게 안지워지나요?\n<pchero_work> rm -f ?\n<ipeter> 아\n<autowiz> 리눅스 시디로 부팅해서 지워보시는 방법도 ... 쿨럭\n<ipeter> 윈도우입니다.\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<ipeter> 8.1로 넘어왔어요.\n<pchero_work> 아...\n<ipeter> cmd창에서 rd /s 폴더명해도 파일이름 너무 길다고 뜨네요.\n<autowiz> 저도 한번 격어 봤었는데\n<autowiz> c:\\abc1\\abc2\\filename 까지 해서 25? 글자 넘어서\n<autowiz> 디렉토리 안쪽까지 가니까 25? 글자 안으로 들어와서 지웠었던거 같은데\n<autowiz> 파일 이름만으로 넘어가 버리면\n<autowiz> ren 이 될려나 모르겠네요\n<ipeter> 안됩니다.\n<pchero_work> 음..\n<ipeter> 구글링좀 더 하고 오겠습니다!\n<autowiz> dir a* 해서 하나밖에 안나오면\n<autowiz> del a* 하면 지워지는거 같은데요 음...\n<autowiz> 우와\n<ipeter> ??\n<ipeter> dksehldy.\n<autowiz> 방금 linux로\n<ipeter> 안되요.\n<ipeter> 으어허허허\n<autowiz> 파일 만들어서 테스트 하는데\n<autowiz> 경로+ 파일 이름 일때는 ê·¸ 디렉토리 가서 지우면 되는데\n<autowiz> 파일이름이 기니까 del aa*.txt 도 안되네요\n<autowiz> 리눅스도 길이 제한 있기도 하지만. 음... 윈됴보다는 좀더 긴거 같고.\n<autowiz> 포멧 ?? 아니면 inode 로 지우는 방법 없을려나\n<pchero1> 디렉토리 생성 -> mv 로 파일을 디렉토리로 이동\n<ipeter> 써드파티 프로그램으로 지웠습니다.\n<pchero1> 그리고 디렉토리 삭제\n<pchero1> 안될려나..? ㅎ\n<ipeter> 근데 3회 무료 trial이 다 지나서\n<ipeter> 몇개는 못지우고 있어요\n<ipeter> 엉엉엉\n<pchero1> 헐..\n<pchero1> ㅠㅠ\n<autowiz> 대충 몇자정도 되나요? 길이가?\n<autowiz> dir /x 했을때 8.3 파일 이름 보이나요?\n<ipeter> 아니요.\n<ipeter> 아놔\n<ipeter> 이놈스키\n<ipeter> 아니 스프링 어떻게 쓰라는거지\n<autowiz> mingw 나\n<autowiz> cygwin 설치하면 지워질것도 같은데요\n<ipeter> dma.\n<ipeter> 음\n<ipeter> 지치네요.\n<ipeter> 오늘 아침부터 정리하고 했는데\n<autowiz> 굳이 안지워도 되는건 아니구요?\n<ipeter> 그냥 나중에 해야겠어요.\n<ipeter> 지우면 좋은데 안지우면\n<ipeter> 일보고 안닦은거같은 그런 느낌이라서요.\n<autowiz> 이참에 cygwin 설치 한번 해보시죠 ㅎ\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<ipeter> 네네\n<ipeter> 박정현 달아요\n<ipeter> 노래 정말 달달하네요.\n<pchero1> ????????\n<autowiz> 아 mingw 는 안되는군요. cygwin 에서는 되구요.\n<ipeter> 저 밥좀 먹고 오겠습니다.\n<ipeter> 하루 죙일 컴을하니 눈이 다 아프네요.\n<ipeter> 자주 있는 일이지만요.\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> 네 맛있게 드세요~\n<ipeter> 먹고왔습니다.\n<ipeter> 먹는데 10분 걸린건가요?\n<ipeter> ㅠㅠ\n<autowiz> 우와 뭘 드셨길래\n<autowiz> 많이 ê¼­ê¼­ 씹어 드시는게 열량소비가 많이되서 살이 덜 찐다고 TV 에서 봤습니다.\n<ipeter> ㅠㅠㅠ\n<autowiz> 그런 의미로 저는 저녁 컵라면을 ê¼­ê¼­ 십어 먹도록 하겠ì��µë‹ˆë‹¤. ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<ipeter> gjr\n<ipeter> 헉\n<ipeter> 너무 일 열심히 하시는거 아닌가요?\n<autowiz> 피터님 심심하시면 내일 얼굴이나 볼까요?\n<ipeter> 헙\n<ipeter> 저 내일 영어학원가요..ㅠ\n<autowiz> 무슨 철인도 아니고\n<autowiz> 저보다 더 바쁘게 사시는거 같아요\n<autowiz> 혹시 정체가 인조인간 인가요??\n<ipeter> 헐\n<ipeter> 맨날 먹고놀고 탱자탱자입니다.\n<ipeter> 부끄럽습니다.\n<ipeter> 덜덜덜\n<ipeter> 시험날짜 받아놓고 공부도 않하구요\n<ipeter> 미친거죠.\n<autowiz> 미친데는 몽둥이가 약일지도 모르는데 말이지요 아하하핫\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<ipeter> 네네\n<autowiz> 어떤 시험 준비하세요?\n<ipeter> 그냥 잉여시험 준비합니다.\n<ipeter> 좀더 강력한 잉여가 되기위해서 필수조건이죠\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> 정보처리 기사 이런거요?\n<ipeter> 에이\n<ipeter> 아니예요.\n<pchero1> 왠지..비싼 시험일듯..\n<ipeter> 덴마크 가고 싶습니다.\n<pchero1> 저도 여기 있고 싶습니다.. ㅎ\n<ipeter> zzz\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<ipeter> 현지 여자분 괜찮은분 없나요?\n<ipeter> 저도 미국에서 교환학생으로 있어봤는데\n<pchero1> 다 괜찮고 좋죠. :)\n<ipeter> 남는길중 가장 현실적인건\n<ipeter> 역시 학생//아니면 현지여자와 결혼 두가지인것 같습니다.\n<ipeter> 그렇지 않고는 정말 남기 힘든거 같아요.\n<pchero1> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<pchero1> 그냥 여기 있는 동안만이라도 즐기려구요. :)\n<pchero1> 이것저것 많이 하고, 즐기고. ㅎㅎ\n<pchero1> 그리고 여운없이 돌아가기! :)\n<ipeter> =)\n<ipeter> 사진이라도 좀 보여주세요\n<ipeter> 스웨덴\n<ipeter> 노르웨이\n<ipeter> 덴마크\n<ipeter> 독일\n<ipeter> 그쪽은 정말 ê¼­ ê¼­ ê¼­ 가보고싶은데 말이죠..ㅠ\n<ipeter> 어휴..ㅠ\n<pchero1> 덴마크..\n<pchero1> 음.. 잠시만요\n<pchero1> https://scontent-a-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/t1.0-9/p552x414/10440261_10202226509850310_5301040106106652311_n.jpg\n<myobot> [링크 형식] image/jpeg\n<pchero1> 출근길이에요. ㅎㅎㅎ\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<ipeter> 완전 꿈같네요.\n<pchero1> 여름이라\n<pchero1> 자출하는데\n<pchero1> 야생토끼, 야생 사슴 매일봐요..\n<pchero1> 정말 꿈같은 동네.\n<pchero1> 아.. 야생토끼는 한번만..\n<ipeter> 별로 무서워하지도 않을꺼같은 느낌이 듭니다.\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋ\n<pchero1> https://scontent-a-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t1.0-9/10150714_10201808190232581_536574624_n.jpg\n<myobot> [링크 형식] image/jpeg\n<ipeter> 커헉...ㅠㅠㅠ\n<ipeter> 저 잠시\n<ipeter> 재접좀 하고 오겠습니다.\n<pchero1> 넵\n<ipeter> 휴\n<ipeter> 다시 왔습니다.\n<pchero1> ㅎㅎ\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> windows 에서 cygwin 으로 파일 이름 긴~ 파일 생성하면  dir /x 에서 짧은 파일 이름 나옵니다.\n<autowiz> 이럴때는 del 명령으로 * 주면 지워지는데 linux 로 부팅해서 파일 만들면 dir /x 에서 8.3 파일명 안나오고 이건 안지워지네요\n<autowiz> 그냥 참고 하세요\n<ipeter> 네네\n<ipeter> 고맙습니다 오즈님\n<ipeter> 근데 늦게까지 근무하시네요\n<autowiz> 이번 연휴에 일복이 터져서 아주 어디 가지고 못하고\n<autowiz> 일하고 있습니다.\n<ipeter> 어휴...\n<ipeter> ㅠㅠ\n<pchero1> ㅠㅠ\n<ipeter> 일어나세요 오토위즈님!!\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<ipeter> 으헉!\n<ipeter> 사!마!휘!님!!!\n<samahui> 아니 이시간에 그것도 휴일날 뭐하세요?\n<samahui_remote> 후딱 쉬세요 ㅎㅎ\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<ipeter> 전 집입니다.\n<ipeter> 이것저것 자료 정리하고 책보고 있습니다.\n<ipeter> =)\n<samahui_remote> 전 잠이 안와서 원격접속 해봤어요\n<samahui_remote> 낮에 더웠는데 다행이 반은 시원한 바람이 솔솔 불어오네요\n<ipeter> 넹넹..!\n<samahui_remote> 잠이 안와서 일이나 좀 하려고요\n<ipeter> 우와..\n<ipeter> 윈도우 라이브타일에\n<ipeter> 페이스북이라던지\n<ipeter> 이것저것 앱 설치해서 놓으니까\n<ipeter> 램 엄청 잡아먹네요.\n<samahui_remote> ㅎㅎ;;\n<samahui_remote> 램은 원래 다다익선 입니다\n<ipeter> 어휴..그러게나 말이죠.\n<ipeter> 아무것도 안키고 크롬하나 켜놓았는데\n<ipeter> 6기가 잡아먹네요.\n<ipeter> 이클립스키고\n<ipeter> 이것저것 개발할때는 정말 10기가 훌쩍 넘어가겠습니다.\n<samahui_remote> 요즘은 다들 16기가 이상 달아주지 않나요?\n<samahui_remote> 전 노트북도 가능한건 다 32기가 달아주고 안되는것도 16기가 정도 달아주었는데요\n<ipeter> 흐헐\n<ipeter> 덜덜덜\n<ipeter> 슬롯 4개 짜리 놋북이신가요?\n<samahui_remote> 전 조그마한놈은 잘 안쓰고 큼직하니 워크스테이션급만 써대서 그렇습니다\n<samahui_remote> ㅎㅎ;;\n<samahui_remote> 두개짜리면 8기가 두개로 16기가 사용하죠\n<samahui_remote> 구형이라 지원을 안해주는 놈들도 왠만하면 램은 풀업해줍니다\n<ipeter> 전 올초에 16기가로 달아주고 오랫만에 돈ㅈㄹ하는구나.. 이렇게 생각했다가\n<ipeter> 지금 막 앱설치하고 쌩쑈하고 있습니다..\n<samahui_remote> 전 벌써 5~6년 전부터 16기가 지원되는 모델은 다 그렇게 달아줬던거 같아요\n<ipeter> 램다익선이네요..\n<ipeter> 헉... 5~6년 전부터 램 16기가요?\n<samahui_remote> 가장 최근에 구입한 녀석들은 다 32기가까지 풀업해줬습니다\n<ipeter> 가격조차 만만치 않았겠네요..\n<ipeter> 웤스 가격은 대략 얼마정도 하나요?\n<samahui_remote> 제가 구입하는 모델들이 대부분 만만찮은 가격의 놈들이라 램값 얼마 올려봐야 크게 표가 안나거든요\n<samahui_remote> 그리고 회사 지원금! 나올때만 한번에 그리질러 버립니다\n<ipeter> +_+b\n<samahui_remote> 아닐때는 찬찬히 하나하나 쌓아가죠 ^^;;\n<samahui_remote> 웍스 가격은 대략 4~5백선의 모델들을 사용하고 있습니다만\n<ipeter> 제 실력에 그런 장비는 과분하고 쓸데없ì��Œì— 분명하지만, 그래도 마음이 가는건 어쩔 수 없네요..ㅠ\n<samahui_remote> 기간만 조금 여유롭게 잡고 ê¼­ 최신으로 가지 않으면 2~300선에서도 가능합니다\n<ipeter> 4~5백에 조용히 꼬리를 내려봅니다..ㅋㅋㅋ\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<samahui_remote> 어디까지나 제돈 주고는 안삽니다 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_remote> 안전성과 쾌적한 작업성능을 생각하면 그리 큰 지름도 아닙니다\n<ipeter> 지금 hp하드 좋은놈(제딴에는요)에 윈도우 설치해서 사용하는것만으로 행복한데..사마휘님 웤스 이야기 들어보니 또 신세계네요.\n<samahui_remote> 본전 뽑으면 되죠\n<ipeter> 하드 탐나요..ㅠ\n<samahui_remote> 항상 말씀드리지만 지를때 지르세요~\n<ipeter> 2T hdd구매해서 달고싶습니다..\n<samahui_remote> 지르고 본전 뽑는게 가장 남는일입니다\n<ipeter> 3T나요..ㅠ\n<samahui_remote> 노트북 자체에 하드 ê¼­ 큰거 달 필요 있나요?\n<ipeter> ODD빼고 그자리에 1T hdd 달았는데 또 이것저것 자료 정리하고 그러다보니\n<samahui_remote> 아무래도 휴대성이 있다보니 잃어버리거나 충격받아 날라가면 속아픕니다\n<samahui_remote> 하드는 외장으로다가~\n<samahui_remote> 크게 달고 내장은 빠른 SSD로 가는겁니다\n<ipeter> 어엇..ㅠ\n<ipeter> 지금 부팅은 120ssd입니다.\n<samahui_remote> 메인 SSD에 추가베이나 소켓 있는 모델이면 거기다 1테라정도 달아주면 충분하죠\n<samahui_remote> 전 256\n<ipeter> +_+ 부럽습니다.\n<samahui_remote> 250이죠 삼성 840 모델입니다\n<ipeter> 아.. evo요?\n<samahui_remote> 나온지 좀 된 모델 새걸로 약간 저렴하게 샀습니다\n<ipeter> 저도 그모델 120 사용하고 있습니다.\n<ipeter> =)\n<samahui_remote> 아뇨 프로요\n<samahui_remote> 840 프로 입니다 깜장거요\n<ipeter> gjr\n<ipeter> 헉\n<ipeter> 그거 좋은거 아닌가요.\n<samahui_remote> 저렴합니다\n<ipeter> ì°¸ 삼성도 괜찮은게요\n<samahui_remote> 20정도면 사요\n<ipeter> ssd로 생명연장하네요.\n<samahui_remote> AS하나땜시도 좋아요\n<samahui_remote> 성능도 준수하고요\n<samahui_remote> 암튼 스스디 싸다가 일반 하드로 못가요\n<samahui_remote> 부팅하는 시간이 틀려져요.\n<ipeter> ssd 가격이 안떨어져요.\n<ipeter> 1~2년 지나도 거의 비슷한거 같습니다.\n<samahui_remote> 처음 SSD달고 쓰면 모르는데 다시 하드 달아서 부팅해보면 아! SSD가 빠르구나 합니다 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_remote> 그래도 많이 내린거죠\n<ipeter> 네네 ssd 쓰다가 다시 못돌아가죠..ㅠ\n<samahui_remote> 용량이 커지거나 msata방식들 나오면서\n<samahui_remote> 일반 SSD가격은 내린편입니다\n<samahui_remote> 대용량으로 갈수록 낙차폭이 커요... 다만 가격이 가격인지라 지르기 좀 겁나서 그렇쵸 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_remote> 512 삼성꺼는 37만원 정도까지 봤는데요\n<ipeter> 어휴.. 안되겠어요.\n<samahui_remote> ì��©ëŸ‰ëŒ€ë¹„하면 싼거죠\n<ipeter> 사마휘님과 대화하면 안되겠어요\n<ipeter> 가까스로 ssd 지름 견뎌냈는데\n<ipeter> 아앜ㅋㅋㅋㅋ +_+\n<samahui_remote> 다만 하드에 비해서 너무 비싸서 좀 그렇게 느끼는건데 실사용을 해보면 좋은게 좋은거라는걸 느끼게 됩니다\n<samahui_remote> 우선 지르세요\n<ipeter> 으헉\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<samahui_remote> 다시 한번 말하지만 빚내서 지르는게 아닌이상 지르고 본전 뽑는게 가장 남는일입니다\n<ipeter> ssd 사용하는게 정말 제일 체감상 와닿죠.\n<ipeter> 씨피유 올리는것보다 hdd쓴다면 그냥 ssd사는게 진리..\n<samahui_remote> 근데 솔직히 부팅이나 파일 이동시는 확실한데 램 높으면 부팅만 빼고는 비슷하게 느낄수 있어요\n<ipeter> 근데 ssd 살돈이면 씨피유도 괜찮은거 업 할 수 있을듯 합니다.\n<ipeter> 램이요?\n<ipeter> 램이 ssd보단 빨라서 그렇겠군요.\n<samahui_remote> 속도 높이는건 SSD 그다음 램 그다음 그래픽카드(노트북은 불가하니 제외) 그리고 시퓨 입니다\n<samahui_remote> 시퓨나 그래픽 카드는 특정 작업(게임 혹은 고속연산)등에 직접 이용하는거 아니면 솔직히 일반적인 개발작업에서 크게 와닫지 않아요\n<ipeter> 그렇군요..\n<samahui_remote> 요즘 CPU성능이 완전 좋아져서 솔직히 2세대 이후로 성능이라는 부분에서는 크게 차이 없거든요\n<ipeter> 아..\n<ipeter> 와닿습니다.\n<ipeter> ssd\n<ipeter> 램..\n<samahui_remote> 노트북의 경우 베터리 타임등등 추변적인 부분에서 변화가 컸지 성능은 그렇게 높아졌다고 보기 힘들죠\n<ipeter> 그런가요..?\n<ipeter> 아 하나 여쭤보고싶은게 있는데요,\n<samahui_remote> 걍 시퓨 첨에 좀 괜찮은거 박아놓고 SSD와 램풀업으로 가는게 가격으로나 체감으로나 났습니다\n<ipeter> 보통 애플제품들은 가격이 비쌈에도 불구하고, cpuë³´ë©´\n<ipeter> 그가격대비 pc제품이 cpu와 차이 나는데요,\n<ipeter> 아무리 mac os가 좋다고해도\n<ipeter> cpu나 하드웨어 스펙 차이 무시못하지 않나요/\n<ipeter> ?\n<samahui_remote> 요즘은 인텔을 쓰니까 그리느껴질수있겠지만\n<samahui_remote> 예전에는 하드웨어와 소프트를 같이 만드니 시너지 효과가 어마어마했죠\n<ipeter> mac os(뭐 보통 좋은 os) + 스펙조금 떨어지는 cpu\n<samahui_remote> 하지만 외형디자인과 화면에서 차이가 있죠\n<ipeter> 윈도우( 맥보다 떨어진다는 os) + 값싸고 고스펙의 하드웨어(cpu)\n<samahui_remote> 애플은 부분부분 부품으로 ë³´ë©´ 전체적 가치나 성능을 알기 어렵죠\n<ipeter> 성능 비교하면 후자쪽이 낫지 않을까 생각되서요.\n<samahui_remote> 근데 실 사용할때요 같은 환경의 개발을 한다고 치면\n<ipeter> 네\n<samahui_remote> 맥이 훨씬 편하게 개발환경 구축이 가능해요\n<ipeter> 헐..\n<samahui_remote> 그런 차이를 알면 윈도우 안쓰게되요\n<ipeter> 맥이 좋군요... +_+\n<samahui_remote> 하지만 윈도우용 개발을 한다면 글쎄요~ 가 되겠죠 ^^\n<samahui_remote> 그리고 게임쪽으로가도 맥용 게임도 재미있는거 많겠지만 아무래도 윈도우 게임들에게 안되죠\n<samahui_remote> 하지만 어플개발이나 특정 프로젝트에 대한 정해진 툴이 없을때 애플이나 리눅스에서 개발환경 구축하는것보다 윈도우가 제약이 많다보니 ê²°êµ­ 성능에서 떨어져 버리죠\n<samahui_remote> 잘 말하기 힘든데 아무튼 사용 환경에 따른거라 그걸 ê¼­ 뭐가 났다고 하긴 어렵지만 실무 입장에서 전 윈도우를 버린지 오래되었다는 말이죠 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_remote> 윈도우 개발환경이 필요하거나 할때는 버박을 쓰거나 딱한대만 윈도우 깔아놓고 그때만 딱 쓰죠\n<samahui_remote> 애플도 좋은데 전 요즘 노트북의 키감도 장기간 작업하는데 와닫는 부분이라 지금 사용하는 노트북으로 오느라 버렸죠\n<samahui_remote> ê²°êµ­ 자신이 뭘 할것이며 또 ê·¸ 제품의 어떤 점을 원하는가에 따라서 달라지겠죠\n<samahui_remote> 전 튼튼한 본체와 광활한 화면 그리고 높은 성능과 비디오카드까지 봐야해서 웤스로 와야했고 장기간 타이핑이 많은 관계로 키감도 중시하는지라 키보드감이 그래도 비교적 좋은 델 프리시젼 모델로 왔죠\n<samahui_remote> 그전에 애플 맥프로도 썼었는데 이놈은 키감이 너무 아니여서 버렸고요 마찬가지로 HP엘리트북도 키감땜시 버렸어요 ㅎㅎ;;\n<ipeter> 진짜..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<ipeter> 사마휘님 말씀만 들어도\n<ipeter> 개발자 포스가 ì² ì² ì²  느껴집니다.\n<ipeter> ㅠ\n<samahui_remote> ㅜㅜ\n<ipeter> 옳으신 말씀같아요.\n<ipeter> 사용환경에 따라 자신에게 맞는게 정답이지\n<ipeter> ê¼­ 뭐가 낫다고 하기는 그런거 같습니다.\n<ipeter> 드레이크님은 윈도우8.1 ì°¸ 좋다고 말씀하시구..\n<ipeter> 우분투 쓸때 느꼈던 점은 컴퓨터가 ì°¸ 심심했습니다.\n<ipeter> 지금 윈도우는 뭐 현란하기 이를데 없네요.\n<ipeter> 라이브타일이 형형색색 돌아가고 난리도 아니네요.\n<samahui_remote> 윈도우8.1을 좀 더 제대로 느껴 보실라믄 모니터를 터치되는것로 구입하거나 모니터에 터치패널을 달아주는겁니다 ㅎㅎ ;;\n<ipeter> 아이고...ㅠㅠ 사마휘님 미워요.\n<ipeter> ssd 뽐뿌에 이어서 터치모니터..ㅠㅠㅠ\n<ipeter> 그것도 dell꺼 사고 싶었는데..ㅠ\n<samahui_remote> 현란한걸 말씀하신다면 리눅스에 효과 주면 더 죽여줘요\n<ipeter> ë��¹ì‹œ 가격이 70만원~80만원 했습니다.\n<samahui_remote> 큐브로 화면 전환을 안해보셨군요 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_remote> 지르세요 ~\n<ipeter> 으..우분투 근데 너무 손이 많이 갔습니다.\n<samahui_remote> 지르는게 남는겁니다 ㅎㅎ\n<ipeter> 힘들었어요.\n<ipeter> ㅠㅠ\n<samahui_remote> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=v2K27hZCAzw\n<myobot> [링크 제목] Ubuntu 12.04 desktop effects - YouTube\n<samahui_remote> 비록 좀 된 12.04때 이팩트 동영상이지만 볼만하죠 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_remote> 저정도 꾸미고 사용하면 윈도우 못따라오죠\n<samahui_remote> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=vKp9WvZv7J8\n<myobot> [링크 제목] ubuntu Linux 3D desktop effects (KDE & Compiz Fusion & CairoDock) fullHD 1080p - YouTube\n<samahui_remote> 요것도 있습니다\n<samahui_remote> 그나저나 힘들어도 전 저런식으로 뭔가 사용자 맘대로 변형이 가능하다는 점 만으로도 마음에 드는걸요\n<ipeter> 엄.ì²­.나.네.요.\n<samahui_remote> 자신에 맞게 뭔가 꾸미고 바꾸고 건드려 ë³¼ 수 있다는게 좋은겁니다\n<ipeter> 흠..\n<samahui_remote> 윈도우는 그런 부분에 대한 제약이 좀 크다고 ë³¼ 수 있죠... 그래서 싫어라 합니다. 그리고 힘들다고 해도 리눅스 자신에게 맞게 새팅해 나가는 그런 부분도 소소한 재미죠\n<ipeter> +_+\n<ipeter> 읍!\n<ipeter> 전 약간 ê·¸ 반대예요.\n<ipeter> 오리지널을 사용하는게 좋아서요.\n<ipeter> 그래서 우분투 사용할때도 원래버전을 그렇게 건드린느걸 좋아하지 않았던거 같아요.\n<samahui_remote> 근데 여러번 해보고 쓰다보면 어느순간 자신이 편하게 ë³¼ 수 있는 심플하고 직관적인 환경으로 구축해 버리게 된다는게 함정이죠 ㅎㅎ\n<ipeter> 아...\n<ipeter> +_+\n<samahui_remote> 저거 우분투의 원래 모습입니다 ㅎㅎ\n<ipeter> 근데 정말 대단하네요.\n<samahui_remote> 뭐 건드리고 하는게 아니라 효과 주는 부분 설정만 해주면 저리 나옵니다\n<Guest17831> hi?\n<Guest17831> 실례지만 이거 어떻게 사용하는 거죠 ?\n<opinion> 안녕하세요?\n<opinion> hi....  somebody ?\n<DarkCircle> ê±°ì°¸ 위키에 적어놨는데도 급하시네 ... ㄷㄷㄷㄷ\n<drake_kr> 흠\n<Work^Seony> 페북 우분투 모임에 박정규님을 이곳과 우리 포럼으로 영입해야할듯 싶네요\n<autowiz> 저분 대게 열심히 활동하고 계시는군요 .\n<Work^Seony> 네 그쵸\n<Work^Seony> 활동 뿐만 아니라, 우분투에 대한 탐구열정도 강하시더라구요.\n<drake_kr> '영입'보다는..\n<drake_kr> 자유로운 분이시라..\n<drake_kr> '재미있는 곳이 있더라' 하면 달려오실듯\n<drake_kr> 휴\n<drake_kr> 윈도용 터미널 에뮬레이터 괜찮은거 뭐 없나요?\n<drake_kr> 탭기능 있는걸루..\n<Seony^T530> 저도 putty 말고 딴거 좀 있었으면 좋겠네요\n<drake_kr> 일단은 xshell4 쓰는데 뭔가 아쉬운게 있어서..\n<Seony^T530> 이런게 있네요 https://code.google.com/p/jessies/wiki/Terminator\n<drake_kr> 으으\n<drake_kr> 노가다를 좀 해야하나..\n<drake_kr> 설치가 안되네요 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 날 거부하나..\n<drake_kr> 시구윈을 요구하네요..\n<Seony^T530> 자바 기반이라고 하는거 같던데요\n<drake_kr> 음 제 pc엔 자바 안깔려있는데.. ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 음, poderosa라는게 있네요..\n<drake_kr> 오 poderosa 일단 첫느낌은 괜찮네요\n<Seony^T530> 다 좋은데 스샷 한장 없네요 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 그러게요 무슨 완다우먼같은거만 나오고\n<drake_kr> 아.. 이것도 이스케이프 문자 몇개 지원 안하네요...\n<drake_kr> poderosa는 야폰스키가 만든거네요.. 일본어, 중국어, 한국어 지원은 잘 되네요\n<drake_kr> 으.. SuperPutty란게 있네요..\n<drake_kr> https://code.google.com/p/superputty/downloads/detail?name=SuperPutty-\n<drake_kr> 확실히 putty 이상 좋은게 없넹 ㅜ.ㅜ\n<Seony^T530> putty 껍데기에 뭔가를 하는 프로그램인갑네요\n#ubuntu-ko 2014-06-07\n<razGon_web> 안녕하세요?\n<drake_kr> 안녕하세요\n<Work^Seony> 안녕하세요\n<drake_kr> 아 하와이는 현충일이 아니군요 ㅋㅋ\n<Work^Seony> 네 당연하죠 ㅎㅎ\n<Work^Seony> 미국이 휴일은 아마 더 적을걸요\n<drake_kr> 휴일은 적지만 그렇다고 일을 더 많이 하는거 같진 않은데...\n<Work^Seony> 휴가가 많죠 ㅎㅎ\n<Work^Seony> 근무시간도 적구요\n<drake_kr> Work^Seony: 미국에서 근무하려면 영어 존나 잘해야 되나요?\n<Work^Seony> 아뇨 저는 영어 존내 못해요\n<Work^Seony> 오죽하면 제 사수가 저한테 영어 컴플레인 했을 정도겠어요 ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_web> 어제 과학관가서 천공기 보니깐 ì°¸ 30년간시간동안 격세지감을 느낍니다. 제나이에 맞지 않지만.\n<Work^Seony> 미국에서, 상대방 영어를 지적하는건 상당한 무례라고 하거든요.\n<drake_kr> 수능 배운 영어 정도 + 자신감 정도면 되겠죠?\n<Work^Seony> ㅋㅋ 아뇨 ê·¸ 정도론 안되구요\n<razGon_web> Work^Seony: 몸은 괜찮아 지셨나요?\n<Work^Seony> 보통 제가 미국에 오시려는 분들에게 권해드리는 방법이 있어요\n<Work^Seony> razGon_web, 항생제 먹으니까 많이 나아지긴 했는데, 침이 안나와서 힘들어요\n<Work^Seony> 입안이 마짝 말라서, 사탕 먹는 것도 물 없으면 못먹을 정도에요\n<Work^Seony> 턱 밑에 콩알이 잡히는게, 왠지 침샘 같은데...\n<Work^Seony> drake_kr, 미국에서 커뮤니티 칼리지 라고 불리우는 일종의 전문대가 학비가 많이 싸거든요\n<Work^Seony> 거기 졸업할 정도면 개발자한테 영어는 충분해요.\n<razGon_web> anti-histamine drug를 처방해서 그럴겁니다.\n<razGon_web> 그게 점막을 말리거든요. 물을 잘 드시는게 좋습니다.\n<razGon_web> 넘세게 처방.\n<Work^Seony> 제가 먹은 약이 아지트로마이신이랑 타이레놀이 전부인데요\n<razGon_web> ?\n<razGon_web> 타이레놀 드시지 마세요. 한번요.\n<Work^Seony> 넵\n<Work^Seony> 항생제를 4일동안 먹으라고 ì²��방을 하셨으니까 일단 내일까지는 먹어보도록 하고, 타이레놀은 오늘부로 중단해볼께요\n<Work^Seony> 이것도 처음 겪는 일인데, 입 마르는거 보통 스트레스가 아니네요\n<Work^Seony> 거기다 혀에 설태까지 껴서 완전 까끌까끌한데 침까지 안나오니까, 사람들하고 5분 이상 대화가 안되요\n<drake_kr> 물 마시면서 말해야겠네요\n<Work^Seony> 네 중간중간에 계속 혀를 적셔줘야될 정도에요\n<Work^Seony> 뭘 먹어도 맛이 없고, 심지어는 사과도 물 없이 못먹겠어요\n<drake_kr> 담배 피면 죽겠네요\n<Work^Seony> drake_kr, 드레이크님도 더 늦기 전에 미국 오세요 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 전 영어 공부해야겠네요\n<Work^Seony> 한국에서 영어 공부하는 수준으로는 안되구요,\n<Work^Seony> 참고로, 영어권 애들이 한국에서 하는 영어랑 현지에서 하는 영어랑 완전히 달라요\n<drake_kr> 음.. 그럼요\n<drake_kr> 존나 짧죠\n<drake_kr> 한국어도 비슷하죠 뭐\n<drake_kr> 가르칠땐 '사과 세개만 주세요'인데 사용은 '사과 세개요'\n<Work^Seony> 시간 있으시면 제가 쓴 유학에서 취업까지 블로그 주소 드릴까요?\n<drake_kr> 아이폰 + 맥북프로 + 맥프로\n<drake_kr> 아.. 돈이 문제군요..\n<Work^Seony> 네이버에서 \"하와이 취업\"으로 검색하면 글이 3개가 나오는데,\n<Work^Seony> ê·¸ 중 하나가 제 거에요 ㅎㅎ\n<Work^Seony> 다른 하나는 제가 아는 동생거고...\n<drake_kr> 영화도 자막없이 못 보는데.. 이정도 실력으로 누구 밑에서 일하긴 힘들거라서..\n<Work^Seony> 저도 자막 없으면 못보는데요\n<drake_kr> 에이\n<Work^Seony> ㅋㅋ 근데 진짜에요\n<Work^Seony> 어쩔때 ë³´ë©´, 저도 진짜 어지간히 영어 못하는거 같아요\n<drake_kr> 구글에서 찾으니 3번째 뜨시네요 ㅋㅋ\n<Work^Seony> 영어 늘려면, 지금이라도 한글챗질 끄고 한국사람이랑 교류 끊어야하는디 ㅋㅋ\n<Work^Seony> 오 그래요? ㅎㅎ\n<Work^Seony> 글을 잘쓰긴 했나보다\n<Work^Seony> 제 블로그 유입경로 2위가 하와이 취업이거든요\n<drake_kr> 하긴 미국이 강대국이니 펄하버때처럼 폭격당할 일도 잘 없겠군요..\n<Work^Seony> 그렇기도 하고, 태평양함대 본부가 이 동네잖아요\n<drake_kr> 요샌 뭐 전투기들 성능도 좋아서..\n<drake_kr> 한방에 갈수 있으니..\n<Work^Seony> 요즘 아는 동생 하나가 자꾸 택시하라고 꼬시는데,\n<Work^Seony> 수입이 저보다 많더라구요\n<drake_kr> 헐\n<Work^Seony> 갑자기 내 직업에 대한 회의감이...\n<drake_kr> 거기서도 그러한데\n<drake_kr> 여긴 어떻겠어요\n<drake_kr> 애들 개발자 안 할라 그래요 ㅋㅋ\n<Work^Seony> 하루 $300을 번다는 거에요\n<Work^Seony> 그래서 제가, 일부 사람들이 운 좋은 날 그랬단 거겠지, 라고 얘기하니까,\n<drake_kr> 하루 30이면 1달 600이네요..\n<Work^Seony> 12시간 일했을 때 기준으로 하루 $300이고, 더하면 더 버는데 몸 생각해서 거기까지 끊는거라네요\n<Work^Seony> ㅎㅎㅎ 이것들..\n<drake_kr> 하긴 관광객이 많으니..\n<drake_kr> 미국의 제주도 같은 개념 아니에요? ㅋㅋ\n<Work^Seony> 그렇긴 한데요,\n<Work^Seony> 관광객도 관광객인데, 그것보단 좀 이상한 술집들 있잖아요\n<Work^Seony> 거기 손님 데려다주면 나중에 술집에서 손님 머리수당 커미션을 준다네요\n<drake_kr> 아하\n<Work^Seony> 근데 그렇게 번 커미션을 본인이 거기가서 쓰고... ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 이상한 술집이라니요\n<Work^Seony> 쉽게 벌면 쉽게 쓰는거죠\n<Work^Seony> 뭐 그런데 있잖아요 단란주점 같은 ê³³\n<Work^Seony> 일 끝나고 퇴근해서 저녁 시간에 잠깐 택시 해보라던데 ㅎㅎ 이노무쉐이\n<Work^Seony> 난 컴쟁이라 그딴건 안해 그랬죠\n<drake_kr> 음 서원님 글 읽다보니.. 거기도 비슷한가보네요..\n<drake_kr> 느려터진거..\n<Work^Seony> 서양사람들이 한국사람에 비해 전체적으로 느리긴한데, 하와이는 더해요\n<drake_kr> 그냥 한국사람들이 급한거죠..\n<Work^Seony> 근데, 거기에 익숙해지지 않으면 ê²°êµ­ 본인이 스트레스를 받게되니까 저도 어쩔 수 없이 익숙해지려고 노력을 많이 했죠\n<Work^Seony> 결국은 게을러졌어요\n<drake_kr> 에이\n<drake_kr> 게을러질까봐 겜도 못 하시는 분이 무슨..\n<Work^Seony> ㅎㅎ  그건 게을러질까봐 못한다기보단, 겜 몇시간 했다가 내가 해야할 공부를 못하게된건 아닐까하는 불안한 마음에 못하는거죠 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 그게 안 게으른거 아니에요?\n<Work^Seony> 먹고살기 위해서 안짤릴려구 발버둥 치는 거에요 ㅎㅎ  다른데서는 무지 게을러요\n<Work^Seony> 사수랑 한 오후 2시쯤에 미팅해서 뭔가 하기로 하면, 그건 다음 날에 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 갑자기, 터미널 에뮬레이터를 만들고 싶은 기분이 들었는데..\n<drake_kr> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Meat전 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<Work^Seony> 밑전 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> meatball pizza하고는 다르다 meatball pizza와는!!\n<drake_kr> 오 초밥같이 생겼는데 런천미트 김밥이네요 ㅋㅋ\n<Work^Seony> 무수비요?\n<drake_kr> 네\n<Work^Seony> 스팸 무수비 라고 해요\n<drake_kr> 일본에서 간게 맞을거에요\n<Work^Seony> 스팸 전세계 소비량 1위가 하와이라고 하더라구요\n<Work^Seony> 일본에서 갔다기보단, 일본에서 이주해온 노동자들에 의해 만들어진 음식이라고 보는게 더 맞을 거에요\n<Work^Seony> 여기서는 편의점에서 쉽게 사먹는 음식인데, 한국에서는 뭔 레스토랑에서 칼질하면서 먹는 음식이더라구요\n<drake_kr> 노동자라기보단.. êµ°ë°��리들이겠죠..\n<Work^Seony> 군바리요?  여기 일본 군인들이 들어온 역사가 없잖아요\n<Work^Seony> 일본 이민역사가 굉장히 오래됐는데요\n<Work^Seony> 한국-하와이 이민역사만 해도 벌써 100년이 넘었으니깐요\n<drake_kr> 2ì°¨ 월드워때요\n<Work^Seony> 일본-하와이 이민역사는 아마 120년이 넘었을 거에요\n<Work^Seony> 혹시 이 얘기 알고계신지 모르겠는데,\n<drake_kr> 이민자들은 그냥저냥 살았는데..\n<Work^Seony> 인하 대학교 = 인천 하와이 대학교인거 아세요?\n<drake_kr> 오잉?\n<Work^Seony> ㅋㅋ 모르고 계셨군요\n<Work^Seony> 이승만 초대 대통령이 하와이에 머무를 당시, 독립자금 모금하던 교민들 몇몇이랑 활동하다가,\n<Work^Seony> 건물 하나 매각한 돈을 인천시에 기증하면서\n<Work^Seony> 우리도 MIT 같은 학교 하나 가져보자 라고 해서,\n<drake_kr> 오오\n<Work^Seony> 당시 인하 공업 전문대학인가 하는 대학이 인하대학교의 초석이라네요\n<Work^Seony> 더 재밌는 사실 몇개 더 알려드려야겠군요 ㅋ\n<drake_kr> 네 위키백과 보니 나오네요..\n<Work^Seony> 도산 안창호의 도산이 하와이를 의미하는 것이고...\n<Work^Seony> 저희집에서 한 5분 떨어진 곳에 있는 배스킨 라빈스 지점에는,\n<Work^Seony> 버락 오바마가 고등학교 때 알바를 했던 곳이고...\n<drake_kr> 벼락 오함마 = 토르 망치\n<Work^Seony> ㅎㅎ\n<Work^Seony> 중국의 역사적인 인물 중 하나가 하와이 출신인데 이름은 까먹었네요\n<drake_kr> 최근에 game change라는 hbo 영화를 하나 봤는데..\n<drake_kr> 사라 케일린? 찾아보니 박근혜같은 인물이더라구요\n<drake_kr> 아 사라 페일린이군요\n<drake_kr> 거기 사람들은 정치에 크게 신경 안 쓰나요?\n<Work^Seony> 뭐, 똑같아요\n<Work^Seony> 신경 쓰는 사람은 쓰고, 안쓰는 사람은 안쓰고...\n<Work^Seony> 선거유세하는 ê±°ë³´ë©´ 좀 귀여워요 ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_web> 하와이에 히든 플레이스 있나요? 관광객들이 잘 않찾는곳. 와이키키에서 조금 떨어져있어도 좋구요.\n<Work^Seony> 어떤 의미에서요?\n<Work^Seony> 관광지로서?  아니면 거주지로서?\n<razGon_web> 친구가 신혼여행갑니다.39에 결혼.ㅋ\n<razGon_web> 10월경에요\n<Work^Seony> 늦게 결혼하시네요\n<Work^Seony> 허니문 베이비 만들어도, 자녀 대학입학 때 환갑 되시는군요...\n<drake_kr> 딱 우리 느낌이 이래요 http://drake.kr/501010\n<Work^Seony> razGon_web, 사실 와이키키는 동네가 작아서 히든이라고 할만한데가 별로 없구요,\n<Work^Seony> 처음 오시는 분들이면 아무래도 남들 다 가보는 ê³³ 똑같이 가보셔야죠 ㅎㅎ\n<Work^Seony> 관광객들이 잘 안찾는 곳이라면, ê²°êµ­ 관광지에서 멀다는 의미인데, 그렇게 되면 찾아오는 게 쉽지않죠\n<razGon_web> ê·¸ë ��게 되는 군요.\n<razGon_web> 제가 말씀드리는 ê±´ . 음식점이 중요할듯요. 주점이나.ㅋ\n<razGon_web> 음식점이 한국인에게 맞는 곳이라면 좋을거에요. 한식점은 말구요.ㅋ\n<Work^Seony> 어차피 신혼여행 와서 한국음식점 가시는 분들 별로 없잖아요 ㅎㅎ'\n<Work^Seony> 여행가면 현지의 맛집을 가셔야죠\n<razGon_web> 예\n<razGon_web> 예를 들면 제주도에 송촌초밥이라고 있는데. 거기는 관광객은 잘모릅니다.\n<razGon_web> 하지만, 훌륭하더라구요. 토박이만 아는 ê³³.ㅋ\n<razGon_web> 거기 토박이에게 이야기 하니 어떻게 아냐고 하더군요\n<autowiz> 오오\n<autowiz> 송촌 초밥...\n<razGon_web> 가성비 짱인 ê³³.\n<razGon_web> 진짜 대단한 곳입니다.\n<razGon_web> autowiz: 아시는 군요.\n<razGon_web> 자주 다니시는 낚시꾼이나 토박이만 아는 ê³³.\n<razGon_web> 거기 주민은 잘아시는 곳이더군요.\n<autowiz> 아 아는게 아니라 ㅠㅠ 나중에 제주도 가면 가볼려고 메모 해둘려구요 ㅠㅠ\n<drake_kr> 필리핀으로 신혼여행 가서 한국식당 가는 사람 몇 봤는데 존나 이해 안갔음..\n<drake_kr> Work^Seony: 글로벌위키에 pptx 파일 업로드할 수 있을까요?\n<Work^Seony> 그거 안되는 걸로 알고있어요\n<drake_kr> 음, 그럼 우리 포럼에 업로드하고 일단 연결해야겠네요..\n<drake_kr> 으으, 위키에 도스박스 항목 하나 추가하면서 많은 분기가 생기네요.. ㅋㅋ\n<Work^Seony> ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_web> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 틀린점 있으면 바로바로 지적좀 부탁드려요 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 너무 분기가 많네요.. 쉬엄쉬엄 해야징\n<drake_kr> http://mwiki.ubuntu.or.kr/index.php/Intel\n<_[myth> 뭔가 우분투 한국 위키에 드립이 많은 ê±´ 기분탓이겠죠 아마 하하\n<drake_kr> 드립이 많아야 재밌잖아요\n<_[myth> ê·¸...렇죠? 하핳\n<drake_kr> http://mwiki.ubuntu.or.kr/index.php/AMD\n<_[myth> 누가 ë³´ë©´ 엔하위키인줄 알ㄱ....\n<drake_kr> 좀 엔하위키 스타일로 가는게 좋지 않을까 싶어요\n<drake_kr> 뭘 배우는것도 재밌게 배우는게 좋겠다 싶은데요 저는\n<drake_kr> 엔하위키만큼 많지는 않고, 그냥 살짝살짝 집어넣는것 같은데 이것도 많다고 느끼시나봐요 ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> 엔하위키가 뭔가요?\n<drake_kr> 오타쿠들이 많이 서식하는 위키요\n<autowiz> 아 그러하군요... 음\n<drake_kr> https://mirror.enha.kr/wiki/%EC%97%90%EB%B0%98%EA%B2%8C%EB%A6%AC%EC%98%A8\n<autowiz> 10대 후반인가 20대 초반정도 였던거 같은데 에반게리온은 완전 대박 심취해있었죠\n<drake_kr> 요샌 사골게리온이라는 별명이 생겼지요\n<autowiz> ??\n<drake_kr> 아직도 나오고 있어서요\n<drake_kr> 에반게리온 신극장판..\n<autowiz> 뭐뭐 나왔나요? 파 개 또 뭐 있던가?\n<drake_kr> 서 다음이 파 그다음 급\n<drake_kr> 내년에 또 나올거에요\n<drake_kr> 크런치뱅 최소사양이 올라갔네요\n<autowiz> 배포판 마다 버젼별로 코드네임을 붙이는데\n<autowiz> 물론 개발하고 할때 코드네임이 있으면 구분이 쉬울것도 같고 , 뭔가 새로운걸 만든다는 의미가 있을거 같기도 합니다만.\n<autowiz> 버젼외에 코드네임이 있으니까 좀 복잡하다는 생각이 문득 드네요. 복잡하다고 생각되는 사람은 버젼만 ë³´ê³  코드네임 안보면 된다고도 생각은 듭니다만.\n<autowiz> 뭐 그냥 그렇다는 말입니다. ^^\n<drake_kr> 음\n<drake_kr> 있어보이잖아요\n<autowiz> 크런치뱅 이거 정말 차이 많이 나나요? 저스팩 장비에서 부팅했을때\n<autowiz> 최소사양에 대한 언급이 안보이는데 혹시 어디서 본건가요?\n<autowiz> iso 안에 있을려나요\n<drake_kr> http://www.distrogeeks.com/distributions/crunchbang/ 여깁니다\n<autowiz> 하이하이\n<autowiz> 아 drake 감사합니다.\n<drake_kr> 으어어어\n<drake_kr> 이거 누구 시키지......\n<jasonjang> Seony, 일전에 로코 카운실로 보낸 메일링'이 메일링 리스트에 빠졌네요! 어디서 잘못 됐을까요? 저는 cc 로 받고 또 의원중 ê·¸ 누구더라! 1인은 답장까지 했던데 말이죠.\n<jasonjang> 한편, 제가 구독하는 로코 카운실 메일링'에도 ë¹ ì ¸ 있길레, 윗 줄 리스트를 검색/검토해 봤더니 ë¹ ì ¸ 있더군요. 뭐....3가지 (버그 리포트, 메일링, 위키) 를 전부 해야할 의무가 있는 ê±´ 아니지만....혹시나 해서 봤어요.\n<drake_kr> mwiki.ubuntu.or.kr/index.php/LoCoJoin 역시 이건 영상이 훨 간단하네요..\n<drake_kr> 으으...\n<drake_kr> 다들 잘 하고 계시지만, 위키에 장난스런 내용은 <s>태그로 취소선을 해주세요 :)\n<drake_kr> DarkCircle: 변태주의 항목좀..\n<_[myth> <s><font color=\"#cccccc\">장난</font></s>\n<drake_kr> 스타킹이 이게뭐야 http://crazy703.tistory.com/112\n<_[myth> 스타킹이 아깝...\n<ipeter> 안녕하세요\n<autowiz> 안녕하세요\n<autowiz> 으흐으흐 으흐흐\n<_[myth> ?!\n<drake_kr> DarkCircle: 에잇 내가 만듦\n<autowiz> 피터님??\n<Seony> 혹시 그랜드 부다페스트 호텔 자막 가지신 분 계신가요?\n<autowiz> 한글 자막이겠지요? ㅎㅎ 용량 이나 해상도 어떤거 가지고 계세요?\n<Seony> 720p에요\n<Seony> blow\n<Seony> blow-the.grand.budapest.hotel.2014.720p.bluray.x264.mkv\n<Seony> 혹시 갖고계세요?\n<Seony> 이거 구글 뒤져도 안나오네요\n<autowiz> 영화 뜬건 봤었던거 같아서 찾아보니 다들 자막이 없네요 ㅠㅠ\n<Seony> 그쵸 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 고기장전완료\n<autowiz> 어떻게 영자막이라도 있으면 나으실거 같은데 찾아봐 볼까요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 아뇨 그건 벌써 찾았어요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 왠만한 나라 자막은 다 있는데, 한글은 없네요\n<autowiz> 유료 사이트 가서 그랜드 로 검색을 해봤더니.. 다들\n<autowiz> 그랜드 캐년 여행가기~ 이런거만 뜹니다. ㅋㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> 아 전에 극장갔을때 스í��Œì´ë”맨2를 볼까 역린을 볼까 고민 많이 했었는데\n<autowiz> 스파이더맨2가 어제부터 갑자기 보고싶은데 아직 안뜨네요\n<Seony> 그거 극장에서 끝난지 아직 얼마 안되지 않았어요?\n<Seony> 아 끝나지도 않은거 같은데요\n<autowiz> 얼마 안되긴 한거 같습니다. ^^\n<ipeter> 으헉\n<ipeter> 피터 지금 다시 돌아왔습니다.\n<autowiz> 냐므냐므\n<jasonjang> 일 많아요? autowiz\n<autowiz> 좀 있습니다. ㅎㅎ 연휴 잘 보내고 계시는지요?\n<jasonjang> 농담이지만,  \" 아 연휴 였군요 ! 늘  휴일이다 ë³´....\" ㅋㅋㅋ\n<jasonjang> 늘 휴일이다 보니 .....\n<autowiz> 아이고 ...\n<autowiz> 와우 이게 누구신가\n<ipeter> gjr\n<ipeter> 헉\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<ipeter> 아니 이시간까지 안주무시나요?\n<ipeter> 에지 오브 투모로우 ë³´ê³  왔습니다.\n<autowiz> 저도 오늘 필꼬쳐서 영화 3개 정도 보고있네요 ㅎㅎ\n<jasonjang> autowiz, 제목은요 ?\n<autowiz> jack ryan , 300 , one chance , oldboy(미국꺼)\n<autowiz> ë³´ê³  있습니다 ^^\n<jasonjang> 1번만 못 본 듯\n<autowiz> 고만 고만 했습니다.\n<jasonjang> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> 아 홍콩영화 풍폭(firestorm) 도 어제 봤습니다. ㅎ\n<opinion> hi\n<opinion> 안녕하세요 ?\n<opinion> hi ?\n<opinion> 우분투 한국 커뮤니티 ë³´ê³  왔는데...\n<autowiz> 안녕하세요\n#ubuntu-ko 2014-06-08\n<autowiz_> 아... 가슴이 답답하고 막 그러네요.\n<ahoops_> 좋은아침입니당.\n<ahoops_> Seony: 저 심심할라하는데요..\n<autowiz> 심심해 하지 마세요~\n<autowiz> 아훕스님 사시는곳은 거진 천국이라고 들었는데요 ^^\n<ahoops_> 너무작아요. 감옥이에요 -ㅅ-;\n<ahoops_> 몇년을 행동반경 100미터안에서 사는중인데요 ㅠ;\n<autowiz> 헐. 가끔 놀러 옆에 섬이라도 가시고 하세요~\n<ahoops_> 성격이 잘 안돌아다녀서요 ^^;\n<ahoops_> 치안도 좀 그렇구요;\n<ahoops_> 다른섬가면 이벤트몬스터화되어서 사냥당해요 -_-;\n<autowiz> 무서운 동내군요... ㅠㅠ\n<autowiz> 여친님도 섬 밖에 잘 아나가시나요?\n<ahoops_> 나가긴하는데요, 나갈일이 없어서요.\n<ahoops_> 일년에 서너번 나가는듯해요.\n<ahoops_> 집에갈때빼구요.\n<autowiz> 음... 심심하실때를 대비해서\n<autowiz> 취미라던가 , 뭔가 좀 더 만들어보시는건 어떠실지...\n<ahoops_> 심심할땐 일을해요 ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> 그네 처럼 생긴 작은 의자를 직접 만들어보신다거나 ㅎㅎ\n<ahoops_> 운동하는게 제일 좋을것같은데 의지박약이라서 잘 안되더라구요.\n<autowiz> 은근 운동하다보면 근육도 붙고 살도 빠지고 재미있는데요 ㅎㅎ . 몸이 근육질이라서 더 붙을 근육이 없어서\n<autowiz> 그러신걸지도 하하\n<ahoops_> 절대 그건아닌데 잘안되더라구요..\n<ahoops_> 첨에는 열심히 조깅도 하고 그랬는데요. 이젠 걷는것도 잘안하게 되더라구요 ㅠ\n<autowiz> 게을러지기 시작하면 끝도 없는거 같습니다.\n<autowiz> 저도 한동안 운동하다가. 자꾸만 운동 안하게 되서 ... 다시 이 악물고 운동 할려고 하고 있습니다.\n<autowiz> 아훕스님 혹시 시간 나시면 간단하게 라도 책이라던가 블로그 운영 하시는것도 재미있으실지도 모릅니다.\n<ahoops_> 그러게용..\n<ahoops_> 얼마전에 고양이 주워와서 고양이랑 놀아주는게 일인데, 말씀하신것처러 오늘은 고양이 계단같은걸 하나 만들어봐야겠네요..\n<ahoops_> d3js로 요즘 한동안 열심히 놀았는데요.\n<ahoops_> 역시 디자인 감각이 없어서 비주얼이 안나오는군요 ㅡㅡ;\n<DarkCircle> 고양이 계단 -> 고양이 타워 -> 고양이 아파트 -> 고양이 마천루 -> 고양이가 지구를 정복한다 -> 고양이가 행성을 정복하게 우주선을 만들어준다 -> 고양이가 외계인을 후두러패고 외계 행성을 정복한다 -> 우주정복!\n<autowiz> 허얼\n<autowiz> 멀리도 가신다.\n<DarkCircle> 고양이 우주정복\"설\"\n<ahoops_> 아 맞다 고양이 타워요.\n<DarkCircle> 캣타워는 손가락 굵기만한 새끼줄이랑 융이라고 해야 하나 ... 털달린 헝겊 ... 그거만 충분히 있어도 돼요 'ㅅ' 게시판 공사할때 쓰는 호치케스 총 같은게 있으면 더 좋구요.\n<ahoops_> 이번이 두번째 고양이 인데, 첫번째 고양이는 옆집 스위스인 부부가 오래살다가 갑자기 귀국하면서 주고 간 고양이였는데 그놈은 일주일만에 가출;;\n<DarkCircle> 가출해봐야 거기서 나갈데가 어딨다곸ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<ahoops_> 근데 신기하게도 그후로 한번도 못봤어요 -_-;\n<DarkCircle> 참고로 고양이는 물을 무서워하고 싫어하니까요 'ㅅ' 어딘가에 돌아다니겠죠. 남의집에 얹혀살거나\n<DarkCircle> 원래 있던집 주변에서 짱박혀있을수도\n<ahoops_> 괭이타워를 딱 상납해드릴테니 젭알 꾹꾹이좀 ㅠㅠ\n<autowiz> ê·¸ 고양이는 이미 우주정복을 떠난거 같습니다.\n<DarkCircle> 오오!\n<ahoops_> 꾹꾹이가 진짜 최고의 서비스라고 해야하나요. 완전 대박인데 얘는 꾹꾹이 개념자체가 없는듯;\n<ahoops_> 일명 괭이 맛사지~\n<DarkCircle> 어미랑 같이 지내본 적이 없으면 꾹꾹이를 못할지도 몰라요 'ㅅ'a ...\n<ahoops_> 꾹꾹이는 한번도 안하던데요. 근데 제가 누워서 안고있으면, 제 젖꼭지를 빨때는 있어요 -_-;\n<DarkCircle> 쯉쯉이는 하는군요 'ㅅ'\n<ahoops_> 보통 밥달라고할때는 몸을 부비거나 제발을 물더라구요..\n<autowiz> 꾹꾹이가 뭔가요?\n<ahoops_> 괭이가 엄마한테 젖달라고할때 엄마젖잘나오게할려구 하는 행동이 두발로 막 엄마젖을 밀어내요.자극시킨다고 해야할까요.\n<ahoops_> ��·¸ê²Œ 꾹꾹이인데, 엄마없으면 그때 기억때문에 다 커서도 주인이 엄마라고 생각되면 같은 행동을 해요.\n<ahoops_> 마사지처럼요..ㅎㅎ\n<ahoops_> 음, 집에가서 일해야겠네용.\n<ahoops_> 철수!\n<autowiz> 피터님 하이요\n<ipeter> 안녕하세요?\n<autowiz> 식사들은 하셨습니가 ㅎㅎ\n<DarkCircle> 영희!\n<drake_kr> 먹어야죠\n<drake_kr> DarkCircle: 변태주의항목만듦\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<ipeter> 써니님!\n<ipeter> 안녕하세요?\n<Seony> 안녕하세요\n<ipeter> 좀 여유를 가지시는 토요일이신가요?\n<Seony> 네 ㅎㅎ\n<ipeter> 흠..부럽네요..\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋ 물론 저도 여유는 있지만..그냥 모르겠어요.\n<ipeter> 부럽습니다.\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ 부러울게 뭐 있어요\n<ipeter> =_=\n<ipeter> 미국가는게 쉬운게 아니네요.\n<Seony> 돈 있으면 쉬워요 ㅎㅎ\n<ipeter> 뭐 쉬울꺼란 생각은 안했지만 말이죠.\n<ipeter> =_=\n<ipeter> 로또 불발입니다.\n<drake_kr> 우분투 deb 패키징이나 해볼까\n<drake_kr> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtvxvvREpuQ\n<autowiz> 피터님 하이요\n<ipeter> 안녕하세요?\n<autowiz> 임요일 잘 보내고 계신가요 ㅎㅎ   뭐 다들 irc 들어와 계신거 ë³´ë©´ 컴터 잡고 계실거 같긴 합니다만.\n<ipeter> spsp\n<ipeter> 네네\n<ipeter> 전 잠시 쉬기전에\n<ipeter> 사용했던 놋트북\n<ipeter> 백업중에 있습니다.\n<ipeter> private파트는 백업하고 삭제해버리려구요\n<autowiz> 백업은 어떤프로그램으로 어디다 받고 계시는가요?\n<autowiz> 그냥 복사~ ?\n<ipeter> 특별히 그런건 없습니다.\n<ipeter> F드라이브 하나 잡아놓고\n<ipeter> 일하면서 거기다가\n<ipeter> 사적인건 놓아두었는데\n<ipeter> 하나하나 보면서 삭제해가며 백업하고 있습니다.\n<ipeter> 시간이 좀 걸리네요.\n<autowiz> 시간 꽤 걸립니다.\n<autowiz> 저도 지금 완전 뒤죽박죽 되서 손을 대긴 해야하는데\n<autowiz> 막 무서울 지경입니다.\n<ipeter> bbb\n<ipeter> ㅠㅠㅠㅠ\n<ipeter> 힘들어요.\n<ipeter> 정신없네요.\n<autowiz> 힘들어도 안하면 문제가 더 생길수도 있고, 미루면 나중엔 더 힘들어 집니다.\n<autowiz> 영화 친구2 에서 ì°¸ 그말 맘에 드는거 같습니다. \"오늘 니가 안하면 ê·¸ 이후는 간단하다. 내일 니가 해야된다\"\n<ipeter> ㅠㅠㅠ\n<ipeter> 네네\n<ipeter> 현재 마지막 폴더 정리중에 있습니다.\n<ipeter> 오즈님은 오늘도 출근하신건가요?\n<ipeter> 여친느님에게 멱살 안잡히시는지요?\n<autowiz> 뭐 그렇지는 않습니다. ㅎㅎ\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> 저 피터님은 꿈이 뭔가요?\n<ipeter> 제 꿈이요?\n<ipeter> 허허\n<ipeter> 약간 느닷없군요.\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> 제가좀 느닷없고 , 뜬금없고 그렇습니다. 허허\n<ipeter> 오즈님은요?\n<ipeter> 휴.\n<ipeter> 백업 다되가네요.\n<ipeter> 끝이 보입니다.\n<autowiz> 저는 회사 차리고 싶어요. 한국에도 이렇게 잘나가는 S/W 회사 있다~~ 이렇게 자랑 할 수 있도록 ㅎㅎ\n<ipeter> zzzz\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<ipeter> 제꿈은\n<ipeter> 한국에도 이렇게 잘나가는 s/w 회사 있다~~\n<ipeter> 이런 회사에 입사하는게 꿈입니다.\n<ipeter> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> ㅎㅎㅎ 그럼 꿈이 같다고 봐도 되는걸까요? ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> http://mwiki.ubuntu.or.kr/index.php/Heartbleed\n<autowiz> 근데 사실\n<autowiz> heart bleed  해당 extension 활성화 안되 있으면 취약버젼이라고 해도 상관 없는거 아니었나 싶더라구요.\n<autowiz> 익스플로잇 직접 돌려보진 않았지만서두\n<drake_kr> 전 보안이 뭔지 잘 모르겠어요\n<drake_kr> 상곤이가 보안에 대해 일침을 가했는데요\n<drake_kr> '사무실에 지문인식하고 홍채인식하고 들어갔는데 내 앞에 야쿠르트 아줌마가 있다고. 이게 무슨 보안이냐고' <-\n<autowiz> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 범인은 야쿠르트 아줌마였다... 이런건가요.\n<drake_kr> 솔직히\n<drake_kr> 웹사이트에 비번 저장 다 해놔도 그게 유출되면 대박인데 그럴일 잘 없기도 하고요..\n<drake_kr> 해시값으로 비번저장을 해도 뚫리는 경우가 왕왕 있고..\n<autowiz> 할수 있는 조치까지만 취해놓고 안뚫기를 바라는것도 한 방법이지요.\n<drake_kr> md5는 이제 gpu연산으로 금방 뚫려버린다하네요..\n<drake_kr> 보안은 어차피 사람일거에요\n<GarlicChicken> 가장 이상적인 회사는 놀고 먹고 마셔도 안망하는 회사 'ㅅ'/\n<GarlicChicken> (응?)\n<drake_kr> google inc?\n<Seony> 이브온라인은 매번 시작하면 때려치고, 때려치면 생각나고...\n<Darkcircle_mba> 박태옥이란분 누구심용 ?ㅅ?\n<autowiz> 요즘 스플릿이 잣군요.\n<autowiz> 잦다 가 맞는건가\n<autowiz> 잦다가 맞군요\n<_[myth> 저번엔\n<_[myth> tomaw 라는 프리노드 관리자가\n<_[myth> 서버 다시 라우트한다고 스플릿하지 않았나요?\n<drake_kr> 아\n<Seunghwan> 아에이오우\n<autowiz> ㅓㅇ\n<drake_kr> 폰트는 좀이따 바꿔야지\n<drake_kr> Seunghwan 배고파\n<Seunghwan> 저는 요새 약간 적게먹는중이에요.\n<drake_kr> 올ㅋ\n<drake_kr> 다이어트하노\n<Seunghwan> 다크형도 계시네요.\n<Seunghwan> 아니 뭐,, 굳이 다이어트라기보다는..;\n<drake_kr> DarkCircle 흔들\n<drake_kr> DarkCircle 흔들흔들\n<drake_kr> 이시간에 잘리가읍는데\n<drake_kr> GarlicChicken 흔들\n<Seunghwan> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> 음\n<drake_kr> 폰트변경됐당\n<drake_kr> Seunghwan 웹접속?\n<Seunghwan> 크롬으루\n<Seunghwan> 놋북\n<drake_kr> 아오 노트북 이거\n<drake_kr> 3시간밖에 안가네..\n<Seunghwan> 배터리요?\n<drake_kr> ㅇㅇ\n<drake_kr> 음 확실히 윈도우에서 irc는 mirc가 갑이네\n<drake_kr> 머 암튼\n<drake_kr> 아침쯤엔 보통 계시니\n<drake_kr> 알아서 친해지셈\n<Seunghwan> 알겠슴돠!\n<drake_kr> 난 영화좀 봐야지\n<drake_kr> 미국대장\n<Seunghwan> 캡틴\n<autowiz> 요즘 quassel 쓰고 있는데 괜찮네요.\n<ipeter> 안녕하세요/\n<autowiz> 아음 무슨 연휴가 연휴같지ë��„ 않게 훅~ 지나가버렸네요\n<autowiz> 필리핀이면 우리나라보다 한시간 정도 늦나요?\n<autowiz> 밤중이신데 아직 안주무시고 에고\n<ahoops_> 잘라구용 ㅋ\n<autowiz> ㅎㅎ 좋은 ë°¤ 되세요~\n<ahoops_> AutoWiZ님도 주무세용.몸상해요 ㅠ\n<DarkCircle> ...?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!\n<DarkCircle> ~(~_~)~(~_~)~\n<DarkCircle> ..\n<DarkCircle> 다시 자러 -ㅅ-a ...\n<samahui_> 안녕하세요~\n<samahui_> 상큼한 아침입니다.\n<razGon_web> 안녕하세요?\n<autowiz> 안녕하세요 좋은 아침입니다\n<samahui_> 안녕하세요~\n<autowiz> 좋은 아침 되세요~\n<samahui_> autowiz님도 좋은 하루 보내세요 ^^\n<autowiz> 감사합니다 ( _ _ )\n<razGon_web> 아... 좋은 아침입니다.\n<samahui_> razGon님도 좋은 하루 보내세요\n<autowiz> 명절 연휴 중에 raid 5 + hotspare 걸린 디스크 하나가 나가서 hotspare 돌아가고 있으면 이걸\n<autowiz> 명절 포기하고 가서 가는게 맞나요? 명절 지나서 가는게 맞나요? 생각차이일 수 도 있는거 같아서 좀 여쭤보고 싶습니다.\n<razGon_web> samahui_: 월요일 잘 버티시길...연휴뒤에 그다음주 월요일은 버티기 힘들더군요.\n<autowiz> 금토일 계속 사무실 있었더니 , 월요병이 없어요 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 빨리 마무리 짓고 집에 가고 싶다는 생각뿐 ^^\n<samahui_> ㅎㅎ autowiz 돌리는 목적이나 중요도에 따라 다르겠지만 급한게 아니라면 연휴 보내시고 고치는게 났지 않을까 싶어요. 연휴가 아깝자나요 ㅜㅜ\n<samahui_> razGon_web: ㅎㅎ 안그래도 월요일이 가장 정신 없습니다\n<samahui_> 그래도 어쩌것어요. 오늘 하루하루 주말에 가까워진다는 생각으로 버텨야죠 ㅎㅎ;;\n<samahui_> 전 잠시 회의 준비하러 댕기올께요~\n<autowiz> 갑들도 사람인데 어지간 하면 연휴 지나서 갈라고 하겠지요...\n<Markers> 안녕하세요\n<autowiz> 마커스님 안녕하세요\n#ubuntu-ko 2015-06-01\n<Seony> 안녕하세요\n<bluedusk> 새로 출근한지 2주째? 인데\n<bluedusk> 할게 없네요\n<bluedusk> 할 수 있는것도 없고.....\n<bluedusk> 놀아야 하나..\n<bluedusk> 일본어 공부나 할까..\n<HolyKnight> ㄷㄷ\n<autowiz_> 안녕하세요\n<autowiz_> 임수 하이...\n<autowiz_> ㅋㅋ 차에가서 자다가 이제 왔네요\n<imsu> autowiz_: 안녕하세요 ^^\n<autowiz_> 조금 충전 되었습니다.\n<jason_kr_> ㅋㅋㅋ 얼마나 마셨으면? ㅎ\n<jason_kr_> 아니면, 쉬다가?\n<autowiz_> 밤에 잠을 잣 못자서\n<autowiz_> 자다가 왔어요 ㅋ\n<jason_kr> 예, 그럼 쉬다 왔군요 !!\n<autowiz_> 아 정말 빈말이 아니라 소주한잔 해야하는데\n<autowiz_> 잘 안되네요 ㅠㅠ\n<bluedusk> 소주한잔 손에들고 떠나가느냐~ 얄미운 사람~\n<bluedusk> 아 차표한장인가??!?!?\n<jason_kr> ㅋ\n<autowiz_> 응 가사가 짬뽕된거 같은 ㅋ\n<jun__> 안녕하세요~~\n<jason_kr> 하이~\n<imsu> jason_kr_: 재순님이신가염? ㅎㅎㅎ\n<jason_kr> 엡. 하이~\n<imsu> 후앙~~\n<imsu> 정말 오랜만이시네용 ㅎ ㅎ\n<imsu> 잘 지내시죠? ㅎㅎ\n<jason_kr> ^^\n<imsu> 으흐흐~~~\n<bluedusk> jason_kr, 저 회사가 바꼈어요\n<autowiz_> 이수 ~~ 전에 \"피터 임수 하이\" 에 대한 답을 해주겠소....\n<autowiz_> 피터 닉넴을 쓰시는 분이 계셔서 같이 인사한것임 . -- 끝 --\n<jason_kr> 예? 불더스크님. 흠....그래서 위치가 어디요?\n<bluedusk> jason_kr, 도곡역이요\n<jason_kr> 아~\n<autowiz_> 피터님 하이요\n<bluedusk> 피터님 하이요\n<ipeter_> 안녕하세요\n<ipeter_> 교육받으로 판교로 왔어요\n<autowiz_> 교육은 힘든건가요? 즐겁거나 재미있는건가요? ㅎㅎ\n<ipeter_> 8주 과정인데\n<ipeter_> 뭐...그냥 그래요.\n<ipeter_> 리눅스 2주\n<ipeter_> 파이썬 1주\n<ipeter_> 뭐 이런식입니다.\n<ipeter_> 직장에서 교육 받으라네요.\n<autowiz_> 좋으네요 교육도 보내주고\n<bluedusk> 부럽네요 교육도 보내주는 회사라니\n<imsu> autowiz_: 음?? 무슨 뜻이에용? ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz_> 피터 하이 , 임수 하이 한다는게 맘이 급해서\n<autowiz_> 피터 임수 하이 한거라는 말이쥐\n<autowiz_> 로그 뒤지면 나올것임 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 글쿤용 ~~\n<autowiz_> 임수 아침은 먹었쪄??\n<bluedusk> ......\n<autowiz_> 블더님은 점심 맛있게 드시구요~ ㅎㅎ\n<HolyKnight> jason_kr: ㅎㅇㅇ 아얄씨클라우드로는 접속 잘 되네유.\n<jason_kr> HolyKnight: 저는... 지금 cli irc client 를 쓰는중이긴 한데...tor 를 거치지 않았어요.\n<HolyKnight> ㄷㄷ\n<bluedusk> 전 걍 회사에서 바로 접속하는데요\n<autowiz_> 포트만 막는경우가 많아서\n<HolyKnight> ㄷㄷ\n<autowiz_> 저도 그냥 6699 만 피해서 쓰는거 같아요\n<autowiz_> 6699 맞나 ? 음...\n<jason_kr> ㅋㅋㅋ 좀 틀리면 어때요? 괜챦유~\n<autowiz_> 6667 이군요\n<jason_kr> 6667= 기본값\n<bluedusk> 막으면 어때요\n<bluedusk> 다시 뚫으면 되는거\n<bluedusk> 뭐 그게 일이라고\n<imsu> autowiz_: 우렁각시를 찾습니다 히히히 아침밥 ㅠ.ㅠ;\n<bluedusk> imsu, i got C?\n<autowiz_> 내가 해도 됨 ?\n<bluedusk> 오 임수님 우렁각시 득??\n<imsu> 음??\n<imsu> 이건 무슨 상황인건가요? ㅋ\n<HolyKnight> ㄷㄷ\n<bluedusk> 임수님이 우렁각시를 득한 상황이죠\n<imsu> 오~~ 상상만해도 기쁘군요 ㅎㅎ\n<bluedusk> 뭐 우렁각시가 autowiz_ 님이긴 하지만\n<bluedusk> imsu, 님이 기쁘시다니\n<bluedusk> 뭐 두분 행복하시길..\n<bluedusk> .............\n<ipeter__> 2주동안 리눅스 우분투 배우는데\n<ipeter__> 강사님이 커널부터 하나하나 차근차근 잘 가르쳐 주시네요.\n<bluedusk> 헐\n<HolyKnight> 그래서\n<HolyKnight> 만족스러우신가유\n<ipeter__> 뭐라고 대답해야할지요... +_+\n<PotatoGim> 와우... 2주 과정에 커널까지...\n<PotatoGim> 하드코어하네요...ㄷㄷ\n<bluedusk> 소프트 코어?\n<bluedusk> 스스디코어?\n<PotatoGim> 멀티 코어?\n<bluedusk> 내꿈은 정규직 게임 대박이네요 진짜\n<HolyKnight> ㅋㅋ\n<HolyKnight> 재미지나유\n<HolyKnight> 본좌도 잠깐해봤네유\n<HolyKnight> http://m.media.daum.net/m/media/society/newsview/20150601045109851\n<ipeter__> 혹시 현업에서 파일서버랑 ftp가 구분지어지나요?\n<bluedusk> 네\n<bluedusk> 파일서버는 말그대로 파일을 공유하는 목적으로 운영되는 서버를 통칭하는 말로 쓰이는게 대부분\n<bluedusk> ftp는 그냥 ftp\n<Seony> 당연하겠죠.... 프로토콜이 다른데..\n<bluedusk> 예를 들면 파일서버를 ftp로 구성하느냐 samba로 구성하느냐 nas로 구성하느냐 등등?\n<bluedusk> Seony, 님 퇴근안하셔요?\n<Seony> 집인데요\n<Seony> 오늘 여기 일요일..\n<ipeter__> 그럼 파일서버거 더 상위개념이겠군요?\n<ipeter__> 2번째 프로젝트는 그냥 파일서버 파일서버라고 불러서 그게 ftp로 구축되었는지 전 잘 몰랐어요..;;;\n<ipeter__> 고맙습니다.\n<jason_kr> (나만?) 오랜만여요~ Seony\n<bluedusk> jason_kr, 네 오랬만입니다. (__)\n<autowiz_> 안녕하세요~~\n<Seony> jason_kr: 안녕하세요.  오랫만에 뵙습니다.\n<ipeter__> 안녕하세요\n<PotatoGim> 파일서버는 파일링 프로토콜을 제공하는 모든 서버라는 포괄적인 개념이고..\n<PotatoGim> FTP는 그런 파일링 프로토콜 중 하나이죠.\n<ipeter__> PotatoGim: 아.. 정말 감사합니다.\n<ipeter__> ㅠㅠㅠ\n<PotatoGim> 별 말씀을... 그걸로 먹고 사는 놈이니 이 정도라도 도움이 되드려서 다행..\n<bluedusk> 헠\n<jason_kr> 풉 ㅋ\n<ipeter__> PotatoGim: 고마워요...ㅠ\n<bluedusk> o2 -> co2 converter 사가실분?\n<bluedusk> 유기물로 만들어져있음\n<jason_kr> 먼~ 산!\n<bluedusk> jason_kr, 님 하나 장만하심이\n<bluedusk> 월임대료도 겁나 싸요\n<jason_kr> 딴청\n<PotatoGim> 멀티 컨버터도 있습니다.\n<autowiz_> 겁나싸도 민간인 한테는 비싼 가격이겠지요\n<PotatoGim> 산소 뿐만 아니라 온갖 유기물을 거름으로 변환 가능한...\n<bluedusk> autowiz_, 저 몸값싼데 좀 대려갈데 없나요?\n<bluedusk> 할줄아는건 o2 -> co2 변환기능이랑\n<autowiz_> 싼데는 저희 회사도 있는데 저희는 너무 노가다 성이라 ㅠㅠ\n<autowiz_> 고생만 드립다 하실듯\n<PotatoGim> 저희 회사?\n<bluedusk> 저 페이만 맞쳐주면 뭐\n<PotatoGim> ㅜㅜㅜ\n<autowiz_> 방화벽 개발하면 최소한 한달에 400이상은 받아야하는거 아니에요?\n<autowiz_> 나름 개발자 인데\n<PotatoGim> 음...\n<jason_kr> 아~ auto wiz_ 그거 계속 진행중 였군요?\n<bluedusk> 음??\n<autowiz_> 내 외곽선만 만들어놓고 임금협상할려다가 계속 밀려서\n<bluedusk> ui 제외하고 코어는 제가 만들어드릴수 있는데요\n<bluedusk> 어때요?\n<autowiz_> 블더님 저랑 같이 일하실래요 ㅎㅎ\n<bluedusk> 페이 400 주신다면이야\n<autowiz_> 딱 코어만 짜시면됨. UI 는 프리렌서 뽑아서 시킬꺼에요\n<bluedusk> 얼마든지\n<autowiz_> 전에 되도않은 델파이 개발자는 한달에 700이나 주고 뽑더만\n<autowiz_> 나는 왜 아직 300도 안되고 씨뎅\n<bluedusk> 저 그럼 알바도 가능\n<autowiz_> 여기를 알바로 다니고 싶ë‹��는 말씀이신거지요?\n<bluedusk> 방화벽 코어 개발을 알바로 ...\n<autowiz_> 그죠... 저도 집중만 하면 한달안에 전부 끝날거 같은데 도통 시간을 안주네요\n<autowiz_> 서버 100 대 유지보수하는게 저는 머리가 딸려서 그런가 무진장 힘드네요 ㅠㅠ\n<bluedusk> 서버 100대 유지보수 자동화도\n<bluedusk> 짜드릴께요\n<bluedusk> 알바비만 주신다면이야\n<bluedusk> 얼마든지\n<autowiz_> 그건 돈 안나올거 같기도 하고 ㅠㅠ\n<autowiz_> 잠시만 기다려보세요 제가 보름안에 코어 짜고\n<autowiz_> 10~20% 만 회사에 공개하고\n<autowiz_> 나머지는 블더님 불러서 같이 짯다고 하면서 조금씩 소스 공개하면서 알바비 받을 방법 찾아봐야겠어요\n<jun__> 오오오오오~~~\n<bluedusk> 오오오오오\n<autowiz_> 바지 사장도 아니고 바지 알바 ㅋㅋ\n<bluedusk> 근데 전 o2 -> co2 컨버터 말고는\n<autowiz_> 제 옆에 오셔서 가끔씩 vi 띄워놓고 뭐 하는거 처럼만 하시면 될거 같은데요 ㅋㅋ\n<bluedusk> ....\n<bluedusk> 원격 작업은 안되나요?\n<autowiz_> 대부분 원격으로 하더라도\n<autowiz_> 가끔 얼굴도장을 찍어야지요 .. 뭐 그정도면 될듯\n<bluedusk> 뭐 여기 퇴근하고 가는거나 주말에 가는거면 ..\n<bluedusk> >>ㅑ\n<bluedusk> 근데 회사가 어디신데요?\n<autowiz_> 주말도 반납하실려는 ㅠㅠ\n<autowiz_> 가산디지털단지요\n<bluedusk> 멀군요..\n<bluedusk> 가디단이면..\n<autowiz_> 어디라고 하셨더라\n<autowiz_> 저 북동쪽 같았는데\n<bluedusk> 남동쪽 끝단일껄요?\n<bluedusk> 강남이니..\n<bluedusk> jason_kr, 어케 오픈스택 하나\n<bluedusk> 구축하실 의향은..\n<jason_kr> 계절 지난...ㅎㅎㅎ\n<jun__> 모이셔서 회사 하나 차릴 기세;;;; 무서우신 분들이네요... 부러습니다;;;;\n<bluedusk> 오 jun__ 님 회사 차리시는건가요?/\n<PotatoGim> 오... 공동 창업?\n<PotatoGim> 저는 그냥 청소만 시켜주시면...\n<PotatoGim> 커피 잘탑니다.\n<bluedusk> 전 o2 -> co2 컨버터 잘합니다.\n<PotatoGim> 질 수 없지... o2 -> co2에 타르, 니코틴 얹어서 멀티 컨버팅 가능합니다.\n<bluedusk> ...\n<bluedusk> 능력자시군요..\n<bluedusk> 역시 굇수분들이 넘 많아요 ㅠㅠ\n<jun__> 블덕님 전 능력이 안되기에 창업은 커녕... 밥벌어먹기도 힘듭니다..ㅜㅜ\n<jun__> 전 오늘도 열심히 외근을.... 모두 수고하세요~~~\n<HolyKnight> http://m.ppomppu.co.kr/new/bbs_view.php?divpage=45&id=humor&no=248700\n<pchero_work> 재밌긴 한데, 혼자서 둘다 쓴 것 같네요. ㅎㅎㅎ\n<HolyKnight> ㅋㅋ\n<HolyKnight> 메르스\n<HolyKnight> 대전까지 확산되었대유\n<samahui_WS> 헉 대전에 놀러댕겨왔는디... 그나저나 세월호 이후 1년이 넘었는데 역시 위기상황 대처능력은 그닦이군요\n<pchero_work> 에효....\n<samahui_WS> 가족외출은 당분간 자중해야겠네요... 더불어 회사 출퇴근도 조심해야 겠네요\n<samahui_WS> 즐거운 ë°¤ 되세요 ~ 전 이만 가볼께요~ 내일뵈요~\n<autowiz> 아름다운 밤입니다.\n<Work^Seony> 안녕하세요\n<autowiz> 안녕하세요~\n#ubuntu-ko 2015-06-02\n<HolyKnight> @DracoKr: 다음이 영화 다운로드와 클라우드 서비스를 종료한다고 한다.\n<HolyKnight> 국내 인터넷 서비스 기업중 이미지상 2위인 기업이다. 이런 회사도 갑자기 서비스를 종료해서 믿고 서비스를 이용할 수 없는데, 무슨 굿 다운로더 캠페인이며, 무슨 국내 서비스 애용이야 ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> 음 ... 저희 모임 분이시군요 드라코 님이시면\n<bluedusk> 음?\n<bluedusk> 굳모닝?\n<bluedusk> 에브리원?\n<autowiz> 블더님 하이요\n<autowiz> 저는 블더님만 굿모닝 하시면 되요 ^^♡\n<bluedusk> 저 배드모닝인데요\n<bluedusk> 저한테 왜그러세요? ㅠㅠ\n<autowiz> ㅎㅎ 뭐 별다른 이유야 있겠습니다.\n<HolyKnight> 드라코님?\n<autowiz> 쳇방은 잘 안오시는데\n<HolyKnight> 저분 트위터에서 퍼왔어유\n<HolyKnight> ㄷㄷ\n<autowiz> 종종 오프도 오시고 하십니다. ㅎㅎ\n<HolyKnight> 아하\n<bluedusk> 아항\n<bluedusk> 저도 종종 오프도 가긴 하죠\n<bluedusk> 일년에 한두번?\n<autowiz> 다음달에 같이 한번 어떠세요 ㅎㅎ\n<bluedusk> ??\n<bluedusk> 전 미천한 이산화탄소 생성기라서\n<HolyKnight> ㄷㄷ\n<autowiz> 와 정말 이런남자 제가 여자였으면 한번 데쉬해보고 싶은 ㅎㅎ\n<bluedusk> -_-?\n<bluedusk> 저 남자 관심없는데요\n<bluedusk> 죄송합니다\n<autowiz> 그러니까요 .. 제가 여자였으면 ...\n<bluedusk> 저 여자도 관심없는데요\n<bluedusk> 죄송합니다.\n<autowiz> 헐 컴퓨터만 좋아하시는구나 멋지나 ...\n<bluedusk> 컴터 증오하는데요\n<autowiz> 아 죄송합니다.\n<autowiz> 그럼 좋아하시는걸로다가...\n<autowiz> 또 출장 갑니다. 나중에 뵙겠습니다. 즐거운 하루들 되세요~~\n<Work^Seony> 혹시 iNotify 관련한 작업 해보신 분 계신가요\n<HolyKnight> https://mobile.twitter.com/G913_GBAT/status/605624421856854017/photo/1\n<pchero_work> 헉...\n<pchero_work> 메기솔3가 반도 못팔았어요?\n<pchero_work> 나 샀었는데 -_-\n<pchero_work> 진짜 재밌게 했었어요. ㅎㅎㅎ\n<HolyKnight> ㅋㅋ\n<HolyKnight> 글쿤유\n<HolyKnight> 플스3용인가유\n<HolyKnight> @gabyul2: 퇴근 시간 준수해야한다면서 정각에 퇴근해야하는 경우를 예외로둔 신입사원 교육자료 pic.twitter.com/rGvysi0AFl\n<pchero_work> 플스2요\n<HolyKnight> ㄷㄷ\n<pchero_work> 진짜 재밌었어요.\n<pchero_work> 특유의 코지마식 유머에, 영화같은 연출.. 완전 ㄷ ㄷ ㄷ했음\n<HolyKnight> 본좌는\n<HolyKnight> 1이던가2던가\n<HolyKnight> 잼게 했쥬\n<pchero_work> 저도 1은 못해봤고, 2해봤어요.\n<pchero_work> 중간에 미국 대통령 구하는 부분 있는데\n<pchero_work> 혹시 아시나요?\n<Seony> 서버에 지금 캐쉬가 램을 많이 쓰는데다 스왑도 꽤 쓰고있는데요, 캐쉬를 안전하게 날리는 방법이 따로 있을까요..\n<pchero_work> 리눅스인가요?\n<Seony> 네\n<pchero_work> http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/58553/how-to-clear-memory-cache-in-linux\n<Seony> drop_caches에 echo 3 날리면 안위험할까요...\n<pchero_work> 음.\n<Seony> 아... 좀 살짝 불안하긴 하네요..\n<pchero_work> 3 하시기전에\n<pchero_work> 반드시 싱크를 해야한데요\n<bluedusk> Seony, 그거\n<bluedusk> 권장하는 방법은 아니긴 한데요\n<bluedusk> 캐쉬는 왜 날리시려는데요?\n<Seony> 캐싱된 메모리가 너무 많아서요\n<pchero_work> echo 2 까지가 괜찮은 방법인듯 싶어요\n<bluedusk> 캐시된 메모리가 많은건 내버려 두셔도 될텐데요\n<Seony> 너무 많은데, 스왑까지 많이 돌고 있어요\n<bluedusk> 어차피 커널에서 관리 하는거니깐 어플리케이션에서 메모리 요구량이 많아지면 줄꺼에요\n<pchero_work> 스왑도.. 그냥\n<bluedusk> 그럼 swappiness 를 줄이시고\n<pchero_work> 저도 블루님 의견에 동의..\n<bluedusk> swapoff  를 시켜버리심이..\n<Seony> 음....\n<bluedusk> 스왑이 있으면 스왑을 안쓸수는 없어요\n<Seony> 서버에 붙은 백업용 하드디스크에 zfs 올려서 스냅샷 찍을까 하거든요\n<bluedusk> 컨택스트 스위치가 많거나 메모리 페이지 자체가 많아도..\n<Seony> zfs가 메모리먹는 하마라...\n<bluedusk> zfs 를 리눅스용 zfs 말씀하시는거에요??\n<Seony> 네.  우분투에서 검색하니까 zfs-fuse 있네요\n<bluedusk> 커널버전이 충분히 높다면 btrfs 스냅샷도 고려해보심이..\n<Seony> 안정성은 어때요?\n<bluedusk> 제 기준으로 일단 파일시스템 자체적으로 문제 일으켰던 적은 없어요\n<bluedusk> 뭐 하드 디스크가 나가서 고생했던건 있고\n<bluedusk> 파일시스템 문제처럼 보였던것도 하드디스크가 원인이여서..\n<bluedusk> 일단 3.10 이상이시라면\n<Seony> zfs는 제가 예전에 많이 써봤는데, btrfs는 한 번도 안써봤거든요..\n<bluedusk> 3.13에 btrfs raid10으로 묶어서 쓴지 2년쯤 되가는거 같은데\n<bluedusk> 파일시스템 자체적인 문제는 아직까지 없네요..\n<bluedusk> 굳이 안정성 염려 되시면.....\n<bluedusk> 음..\n<Seony> 음... 일단 고민 좀 해봐야겠네요..\n<bluedusk> 근데 ê·¸ 서버에 스왑 많이 내려가있어요??\n<Seony> 스왑 1기가 잡았는데, 현재 400메가 쓰고있어요\n<bluedusk> 그정도면... 40% 정도인가..\n<bluedusk> swapin - swapout이 많이 발생되는거면\n<bluedusk> 좀 고민해보셔야 할텐데 단지 캐쉬가 많은거면 ..\n<bluedusk> zfs는 제가 리눅스에서 써본적이 없어서 뭐라 말씀드리기가..\n<bluedusk> 근데 그거 프로젝트 자체도 linux zfs 는 중단되지 않았나요??\n<Seony> btrfs도 메모리 많이 먹는건 똑같죠?\n<bluedusk> btrfs 는 커널에 포함되어 있어서\n<bluedusk> 커널이 다 관리해요\n<bluedusk> 툴만 별도로 깔아주시면 되요 mkfs.btrfs 같은\n<Seony> 아... 커널에 들어갔꾼요...\n<bluedusk> btrfs-progs 라는 패키지로 배포될꺼에요\n<Seony> 그러면 뭐 안정성은 괜찮겠네요\n<bluedusk> 그래서 btrfs 추천드리는거...\n<bluedusk> 3.8 이상 커널이면 쓸만할꺼에요\n<Seony> 서버가 우분투 14.04라 커널버전은 괜찮아요\n<Seony> 다만, 제가 써본적이 없어서 글쵸 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 내일 가상머신 하나 잡아놓고 테스트 좀 해봐야겠네요\n<bluedusk> 별로 어렵지 않아요..\n<bluedusk> 예전엔 df 에서 디스크 정보가 제대로 안나오는 버그? 이슈?? 같은게 있었는데 것도 뭐 btrfs fi show 명령어나\n<bluedusk> btrfs fi df /마운트 포인트 명령어로 확인 가능하니깐요\n<bluedusk> 그리고 요즘엔 df 명령어로도 제대로 보이는거 같기도 하고\n<Seony> 파일용량은 많지않아서 그건 괜찮아요\n<bluedusk> 그럼뭐 괜찮으실꺼에요\n<bluedusk> 스냅샷 찍거나 restore 시킬때 시간도 빠르다고 자랑해서..\n<Seony> 사무실 두 군데에 서버 설치해놓고, ownCloud로 싱크 관리하는데요, 인터넷 속도가 너무 느려서 싱크가 안맞아요..  이거 진짜 스트레스 받네요..\n<bluedusk> 사실 스냅샷은 저도 안쓰기는 합니다만..ㅠ\n<bluedusk> 헐.\n<bluedusk> 인터넷 속도가 느려서 싱크가 안맞는다니.. 네트웤 관리자 갈궈야 하는거  아닌가요??\n<Seony> 데이터가 많진 않아도, 15기가는 되거든요...\n<Seony> 제가 관리해요 ㅋㅋ\n<bluedusk> 아항\n<bluedusk> 거울보고 갈구시면..\n<bluedusk> ................죄송합니다 제가 워낙 즈질개그라.ㅠ\n<Seony> 이게 어디서부터 잘못된 건지 모르겠는데, 둘다 파일 목록이 달라요..\n<Seony> 일단, 이번에 확실히 배운건, rsync는 절대 양방향 싱크용으로 쓰면 안된다는 거에요...\n<Seony> 정말 피 봅니다..\n<Seony> 초반 일주일간 모르고 rsync로 양방향 싱크 걸었는데, 파일이 많이 날아갔어요...\n<bluedusk> ....\n<bluedusk> glusterfs 로 마운트 시켜서 쓰시지 차라리..\n<bluedusk> 안타깝네요 ㅠㅠ\n<Seony> nfs 같은 식인가요?\n<bluedusk> 그쵸?\n<bluedusk> nfs로도 서비스 제공해주고\n<Seony> 그러면 안되요.  인터넷이 끊어져도 파일을 액세스할 수 있어야하거든요..\n<bluedusk> samba형태로도 제공해주나?\n<bluedusk> 아항\n<bluedusk> 어렵네요\n<Seony> 그래서, ownCloud를 양쪽에 설치했죠...\n<Seony> 한 군데에는 서버와 클라이언트를 모두 설치하고,\n<Seony> 다른 하나는 클라이언트만 설치했어요..\n<bluedusk> 근데 owncloud도 양방향으로 하면 rsync처럼 날리지 않나요??\n<Seony> rsync 같은 형태는 아니에요\n<bluedusk> 전에 비슷한 경험을 했던 기억이..\n<bluedusk> 근데 그게 하도 오래전이라서.;\n<Seony> 디렉토리를 스캐닝해서, md5값이라던가 시간 정보 같은걸 디비에 저장하죠\n<Seony> 이거 아무래도, 걍 드랍박스 연회비 내고 쓰시라고 해야할 ê±° ê��™ì•„ìš”..\n<Seony> 드랍박스는 아무래도 유명하니까 믿을만하겠쬬 ㅎㅎ\n<bluedusk> 근데 드랍박스도\n<bluedusk> 네트웍 느리면\n<bluedusk> 느려지지 않을까요?\n<Seony> 느린건 괜찮아요.  정확히 싱크만 해주면 되요\n<bluedusk> 그럼뭐 드랍박스를.. ㅋ\n<bluedusk> 아니면 아마존 s3 기반으로 서비스를 맹그시는것도\n<Seony> 아... 지금 데이터가 안맞는게 너무 많은데, 어떻게 설명을 해줘야할지 모르겠네요 ㅎㅎ\n<bluedusk> the fucking owncloud. go to hell!!\n<bluedusk> 뭐 짧은 영어지만.. 이렇게 하면 혼나려나요?\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ 저도 owncloud 정말 싫어합니다.\n<Seony> 사무실에서 어쩔 수 없이 쓰게됐지만, 암튼 너무 싫어요\n<bluedusk> 사실 저 초창기에 쓰다가\n<bluedusk> 걷어 냈어요\n<bluedusk> 개인적으로 쓰던건데\n<bluedusk> 걍 드랍박스에 전부 때려 박고 있긴 하죠\n<Seony> 근데 사실, 드랍박스도 100% 믿을수는 없어요\n<Seony> 제가 아는 사람들 몇명은 파일 날렸거든요\n<bluedusk> 그래요?\n<bluedusk> 음.. 백업수단을 따로 강구해야되나.;\n<bluedusk> 전 거의 드랍박스가 최종 백업본인데\n<Seony> 저 학교 다닐 때 같이 수업들었던 애 하나는, 자기는 숙제는 절대 드랍박스에 저장 안한다고 했어요\n<Seony> 근데 저는 여태까지 쭉 써왔는데, 문제 없었어요..\n<bluedusk> 그거 네트웍이 불안해서 그런거 아니에요?\n<bluedusk> 아님 유저불량이거나?\n<Seony> 그럴 수도 있겠죠...\n<bluedusk> 저도 문서 열어놓고 변경한다음 저장도 안하고 닫지도 않아서\n<bluedusk> 변경한내용이 반영 안된 경험이..ㅠ_ㅠ\n<Seony> 제 사수였었던 사람도, 소스코드 여럿 잘렸다더라구요 ㅎㅎ\n<bluedusk> 저 깃허브 저장경로도 드랍박스인데 ㅋㅋ\n<bluedusk> 아 전 회사에서 쓰던거니 gitlab 이군요\n<Seony> 일단 저는 드랍박스를 쓰더라도, 별도의 백업은 따로 합니다 ㅎㅎ\n<bluedusk> 전 할대가 없어요\n<Seony> 집에 홈서버나 외장하드두고, rsync 돌리거든요\n<bluedusk> 전 집서버가 하드가 너무 자주 나간경험이 있어서\n<bluedusk> 집서버를 믿지 않아요\n<bluedusk> aws 에 저장할까.;\n<bluedusk> 음\n<Seony> 헛... 뭔가 집에 하드디스크를 싫어하는 존재가 사는군요\n<bluedusk> 저 진짜 하드만 수십번 나간 경험이..ㅠㅠ\n<bluedusk> 진짜 열번 넘게.. ;\n<Seony> 그래요?  저는 여태껏 살면서 딱 하나 고장나봤는데요 ㅎㅎ\n<bluedusk> 심지어 a/s 받아서 교체 하는데 다른 하드가 다시 나가는 경험도..ㅡㅡ\n<Seony> 이번에 2베이짜리 usb3 외장하드 하나 사서, 미러링 해놓고 백업용으로 쓸려고 계획하고 있어요\n<bluedusk> 저도 2베이짜리 외장하드 ssd로 미러링 걸고 쓸까 고민하는데\n<bluedusk> 돈이 없어��š”..\n<bluedusk> ㅠ_ㅠ\n<Seony> ssd는 비싸잖아요\n<bluedusk> 요즘 250기가도 10만원 이하던데요\n<Seony> 걍 하드로 해야죠.  미러링 걸면 좀 안전할 ê±° 같아요\n<bluedusk> 120 기가도 성능 안따지면..\n<bluedusk> 괜츰할꺼 같아요\n<bluedusk> 그리고 미러 걸께 문서나 그런것뿐이라서..\n<Seony> 전 음악이랑 사진들..\n<bluedusk> hdd 불신병에 걸려서..;\n<bluedusk> 음악 사진같은건 미러 안걸어요\n<bluedusk> ㅋ_ㅋ\n<bluedusk> 음악, 사진, 동영상 그런건..\n<Seony> 사진이 벌써 10년치 모였거든요..\n<bluedusk> 어챂피 백업하기엔 너무나..;\n<bluedusk> 아 하긴 그러면 뭐..\n<bluedusk> 이번에 구글 포토? 뭐 그거 용량 무제한으로 서비스 한다던데요\n<Seony> dslr을 쓰는건 아니라서 용량은 크진 않은데요, 와이프랑 연애할 때부터 찍었던 사진들이거든요..\n<Seony> 저는 그런 개인 사생활에 관련된건, 절대로 구글에 안올려요 ㅋㅋ\n<Seony> 미 정부에 개인정보 몰래 협조한다고 이미 다 소문났기 땜시 ㅎㅎ\n<bluedusk> 하긴 개인 사생활이면..\n<bluedusk> 어 구글은 don't be evil이 모토 아닌가요?\n<bluedusk> 그런 사악한 짓을\n<razGon_MINILA> 메르스는 접촉이나 비말감염입니다..\n<razGon_MINILA> 공기로 감염 안됩니다.\n<Seony> 예전에 제 사수였던 사람은 애플 진짜 혐오하는 사람이었거든요.  그래서 안드로이드만 썼는데, 거기에도 인터넷할 때 프로토콜 암호화하는 프로그램 설치해서 썼어요\n<razGon_MINILA> 따라서 마스크와 습관적인 손씻기가 중요합니다.\n<bluedusk> 헉 razGon_MINILA 그런 유언비어 퍼트리면 정부에서 잡아간데요\n<bluedusk> 괴담및 유언비어 유포자..\n<razGon_MINILA> 저 정부 발표 방침대로 말하는 건데요?\n<bluedusk> Seony, thor 같은거요?\n<bluedusk> razGon_MINILA, 아.. 그렇군요.;;\n<Seony> bluedusk: 기억은 안나는데, 그거 맞는거 같아요\n<razGon_MINILA> 진단은 1. 고열-38도이상, 2. 기침등의 호흡기증상..\n<Seony> 메르스가 감기 같은 건가요?\n<razGon_MINILA> 예\n<razGon_MINILA> 호흡기증상을 기반으로 하는 바이러스질환인데요.. 문제는 신장부전을 일으킨답니다.\n<Seony> 예전에는 없었던 질병들이 생기는거 ë³´ë©´, 음모론을 점점 믿게되는거 같아요 ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_MINILA> MERS의 약자. 중동 호흡기 증후군[Median East Respiratory Syndrome]\n<razGon_MINILA> 아니요.\n<razGon_MINILA> 풍토병이 글로벌화 되면서 문제가 나온거죠.\n<razGon_MINILA> 에볼라나. 메르스도 그렇구요.\n<Seony> 아...  그런 거군요\n<bluedusk> razGon_MINILA, 저 근데 진짜 궁금한게 신장부전으로 사망에 이르는건가요??\n<bluedusk> 치사율 40% 라는 소문도 있던데\n<razGon_MINILA> 콜럼부스의 발견이후. 스페인 정복자가 신대륙을 쉽게 보내버렷죠.\n<razGon_MINILA> 홍역이라고 들었어요..\n<razGon_MINILA> 소문이 아니라 진실입니다.\n<razGon_MINILA> 중동의  경우에서 그랫답니다.\n<razGon_MINILA> 하지만, 한국의ㅣ 의료수준의 경우는 그보다는  낮을 겁니다.\n<razGon_MINILA> 병의원의 접근성이 높다는 점으로요.\n<razGon_MINILA> 100명중 40명 death\n<razGon_MINILA> 미국은 환자 살아 남았다네요.\n<Seony> 음...\n<Seony> 나무위키 보니까, 한국에서도 사망한 환자들은 원래도 건강에 문제가 있었던 사람들이라고 하네요\n<Seony> 건강한 사람은 걍 가벼운 감기증상만 겪고 회복..\n<razGon_MINILA> 예 2명의 경우입니다.\n<Seony> 아 이게 한국 얘기가 아닌가..\n<Seony> 암튼 그렇다고 나와있네요\n<razGon_MINILA> 맞습니다.\n<razGon_MINILA> 첫사망자와 두번쨰사망자는 면역력이ㅣ 떨어진 경우에요.\n<razGon_MINILA> 천식과 당뇨증상.\n<razGon_MINILA> 한국의 경우는 입원해서 잘치료하면 될겁니다. 문제는 망할 보험제도죠.\n<razGon_MINILA> 국가가 방역 방침을 잘전달해야 하는데, 문제가 신고안한 의사에게 처벌한다는 ê±´ 말도 안되죠.\n<Seony> 보험에 해당이 안되나봐요?\n<bluedusk> Seony, 기술문서 나 관련 프레젠테이션 동영상 찾아보면 101 이라는 이야기가 많이 나오는거 같은데 무슨의미에요?\n<Seony> 보통 미국 대학에서는 수업에 번호를 붙이거든요.  예를 들자면, English 101 => ENG 101 이런 식으로요\n<bluedusk> 예를들면 swift 101 technology and architecture for begineer\n<bluedusk> 아..\n<Seony> 그래서 가장 쉬운 수업은 100이나 101부터 시작해요\n<bluedusk> 그렇군요\n<razGon_MINILA> 환자보고 왔습니다. 답이ㅣ  늦었습니다..\n<razGon_MINILA> 보험에 해당 ㅇ안되죠.\n<razGon_MINILA> 신종 질환 같은 건데요ㅛ.\n<razGon_MINILA> http://item2.gmarket.co.kr/Item/detailview/Item.aspx?goodscode=684715248\n<razGon_MINILA> 드디어 나왔군요. 컴퓨트 스틱\n<razGon_MINILA> 근데 넘비싸요..\n<Seony> 20만원이네요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 어차피 미국에서도 $199라 일단 환율 부분은 아주 좋은데, 가격 자체가 비싸군요...\n<razGon_MINILA> 차라리 이게 나을듯요.\n<razGon_MINILA> http://item2.gmarket.co.kr/Item/detailview/Item.aspx?goodscode=640666014&pos_class_cd=111111111&pos_class_kind=T&pos_shop_cd=SH&keyword_order=%26%23361%3B%A2%D2%26%23243%3B%26%23192%3B%26%23204%3B%26%23192%3B%26%23250%3B&keyword_seqno=7431414905&search_keyword=%26%23361%3B%A2%D2%26%23243%3B%26%23192%3B%26%23204%3B%26%23192%3B%26%23250%3B\n<Seony> 구글링하다 발견한 글인데, 출처가 일베이긴하지만 상당히 충격적이네요...\n<Seony> http://www.ilbe.com/index.php?mid=ilbe&category=2701083014&page=3&document_srl=5906904248\n<pchero_work> 오....\n<pchero_work> 우와... 그저 감탄..\n<Seony> 무지 충격적입니다 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 과학에 관심이 많아서 어느정도 우리가 생각하는 것보다 기술의 발전이  빠르다는건 알고있었는데,\n<Seony> 저 정도일 줄은 몰랐어요\n<HolyKnight> ㄷㄷ\n<Seony> http://navercast.naver.com/contents.nhn?rid=122&contents_id=62052\n<pchero_work> Seony:\n<pchero_work> 갑자기 든 생각인데..\n<pchero_work> 그렇다면, 외계문명은 모두 기계문명이 아닐까요? ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ 만나보기 전까진 모르겠죠\n<Seony> 아님, 진짜로 우리가 매트릭스 안에 사는 걸지도 모르구요 ㅋ\n<pchero_work> 아니면.. 지구 컴퓨터..?\n<Seony> 그에 대해서는 음모론자들 사이에서 쌈빡한 신종 음모가 등장하긴 했는데요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> ê·¸ 부분은 다음에 얘기할께요.\n<Seony> 이만 자러가야해서 ㅎㅎ\n<pchero_work> 냅\n<pchero_work> ㅎㅎㅎ 내일 뵈용\n<Seony> 네 내일 뵈요\n<jason_kr> 저 스틱 피씨, 만져보고 사려고 본사(부평)에 전화 했더니...\"먼저 ë³´ê³  살 수 없다\"/ 사고 봐라.는 공식 답을 받았어요\n<jason_kr> 엥? 내 글이 없어진다?\n<PotatoGim> ...\n<PotatoGim> 사고 보라니... 이건 무슨...\n<pchero_work> 매장이 없는거 아닐까요?\n<pchero_work> 심심하네요... ㅎ\n<PotatoGim> ㅎㅎ 귀가해서 뵙겠습니다..\n<jason_kr> 온라인 판매만 한대요.\n<razGon_MINILA>  ...\n<razGon_MINILA> 한화가 졌네요...ㅠㅠㅠ\n<samahui_WS> 헉\n<samahui_WS> 11회까지 잘 버티더니\n<samahui_WS> 11회 점수 못내는 순간 다음팟 닫았습니다\n<razGon_MINILA> 성열이가 친정팀에 선물을...ㅠㅠ\n<samahui_WS> 성렬이가 아니라 최진행이라는데요\n<samahui_WS> 뉴스에 나오네요 ㅎㅎ ;;\n<razGon_MINILA> 아그렇군요...\n<samahui_WS> 헐... 동영상 방금 봤는데... 아X 라고 나도 모르게 욕나오는군요... 한화 선수 몇몇은 정말 스포츠도박하는거 아닌지 검증이 필요할거같습니다. 아니 그런걸 잡다니\n<samahui_WS> 아니\n<samahui_WS> 놓치다니\n<samahui_WS> ㅡㅡ\n<razGon_MINILA> 원래 최진행은 완벽하지 않아요.ㅋㅋ\n<samahui_WS> 그래도 이건 너무하네요\n<razGon_MINILA> 그러긴해요..ㅋㅋ\n<samahui_WS> 1아웃도 아니고 2아웃 잡으면 끝인 상황에 저따위로 수비하다니...\n<razGon_MINILA> 쩝..\n<razGon_MINILA> .\n<samahui_WS> 오늘밤 김성근옹이 밤새 뜬공 잡도록 훈련시키지 않을까 싶네요\n<razGon_MINILA> ㅠ,ㅠ\n<razGon_MINILA> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<razGon_MINILA> 어웨이라서 내일 특타하겟죠.\n<samahui_WS> 오늘 펑고는 좌익수 플라이 상황이다\n<samahui_WS> 최진행 이성열 또 누구냐 아무튼 셋 데리고 돌리면서 시킬듯 싶어요 특히 진행이는 밤새 추가 1000개\n<razGon_MINILA> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<samahui_WS> 솔직히 이번 기회에 비싸고 능률낮은 놈들은 다 팔고 그돈으로 젊은애들 키웠으면 싶어요\n<samahui_WS> 어차피 몇년간 바닥이던거 앞으로 몇년 못견딜까요 에휴\n<razGon_MINILA> 그러기에는 너무 못해요. 그래도 이정도면 괜찮은 정도.\n<razGon_MINILA> 솔직히 화나는 놈은 네사람.\n<razGon_MINILA> 투수-송은범. 유창식.\n<samahui_WS> 진짜 송은범은 ê·¸ 끝물인놈을 거액으로 사온부분에서 화가 나네요\n<razGon_MINILA> 타자- 김태완\n<samahui_WS> 유창식은 가서 잘하죠\n<samahui_WS> ㅜㅜ\n<razGon_MINILA> 그자식은 일부러 그런거에요.\n<samahui_WS> 김태완은 부상인가요? 에휴\n<razGon_MINILA> 선발 안시키니...\n<razGon_MINILA> 아닌거 같은데요.\n<samahui_WS> 송은범은 선발을 시켜도 말아먹죠\n<samahui_WS> 그냥 버려야 된다고 봅니다\n<razGon_MINILA> 안나온느걸보니. 역할이 넘 겹쳐요.\n<samahui_WS> 아무튼 위 거명된놈들 다 팔고 팔팔하고 위욕이있는 놈으로다가 사왔으면 좋겠습니다\n<samahui_WS> 하기사 제가 송은범이여도 잘 할 이유가 없죠... 돈 잘 맏고 딩가딩가인데 ㅜㅜ\n<samahui_WS> 몸아끼면서 돈쓸 궁리 해야죠\n<razGon_MINILA> 그렇죠.\n<samahui_WS> 고로 저걸 사온 사람들이 잘못이죠\n<razGon_MINILA> 성큰옹..ㅎ\n<samahui_WS> 그놈들이 책임지고 팔아먹던가 아니면 줄돈 때먹는 방법을 연구...\n<samahui_WS> ㅎㅎ ;;\n<razGon_MINILA> 그것보다. 외인 스카우터부터 바꿔야 함..ㅠ.ㅠ\n<samahui_WS> 믿던 도끼에 제대로 발등 찍었군요\n<samahui_WS> 너무 비싸게 사왔어요\n<razGon_MINILA> 갓경언만 있었어도.\n<samahui_WS> 경언이 부상이죠?\n<samahui_WS> ㅜㅜ\n<samahui_WS> 공맞고 다치는거 봤는디... 그뒤로 안보이네요\n<razGon_MINILA> ... 4-6주 결장...ㅠㅠ\n<razGon_MINILA> 종아리 부상.\n<samahui_WS> 맞춘놈이 와서 4~5주 뛰어주는걸로..\n<razGon_MINILA> 투수?ㅋㅋㅋ\n<razGon_MINILA> 임준혁.ㅋㅋ\n<razGon_MINILA> 기아.ㅋ\n<samahui_WS> 일도 손에 안잡히고 잠이나 자러 들어가야겠습니다.\n<samahui_WS> 즐거운 시간되시고 내일뵈요~ 수고하셨습니다~\n#ubuntu-ko 2015-06-03\n<jun__> 안녕하세요~~ 이틀만에 들어왔네요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<Work^Seony> 안녕하세요\n<jun__> 메르스때문에 전국이 난리네요;;;\n<bluedusk> 안녕하세요\n<Work^Seony> 안녕하세요\n<Work^Seony> 네 ㅎㅎ 뉴스보니까 그렇더라구요...\n<jun__> 걱정이네요.. 사람들 많이 만나는데....\n<bluedusk> 음 collectd 에 libvirt 플러그인이 있네요\n<bluedusk> 괜찮아요 300만명정도는 감염되야 위험한거래요\n<bluedusk> 치사율 40%라고 들었으니 120만명은 죽어 나가야 위험한 질병으로 분류하나봐요\n<razGon_MINILA> 안녕하세요?\n<razGon_MINILA> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<razGon_MINILA> 저는 걱정 안되지만 일단은 마스크 구입해ㅐㅅ습니다..\n<Work^Seony> 오늘 아침에 윈도우 설치된 제 놋북에서 윈도우10 업그레이드 할거냐고 묻더라구요 ㅎㅎ\n<bluedusk> ㅇ ㅏ 저 오늘 맥프레 13인치 지를거에요\n<bluedusk> 오늘 퇴직금 입금 된다고 해ㅓ\n<bluedusk> 해서\n<Work^Seony> 윈도우10 출시하는 날짜 되면 업그레이드 될거라고 하는데, 문제는 호환안되는 어플들 목록이 너무 많아요...\n<Work^Seony> 오 맥북프로... 축하합니다 ㅎㅎ\n<HolyKnight> 마스크하니까\n<bluedusk> 감사합니다. 근데 제돈주고 사는거라서 ㅠ_ㅠ\n<HolyKnight> http://mlbpark.donga.com/mbs/articleV.php?mbsC=bullpen2&mbsIdx=2559354&cpage=8\n<HolyKnight> http://m.mediaus.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=48630\n<Work^Seony> sns 감청합법되면, 그땐 진짜로 텔레그램 쓰겠군요\n<bluedusk> Work^Seony, 전 이미 까톡을 제 핸폰번호가 아닌\n<bluedusk> 외국 번호로 가입해서 쓰고 있어서요\n<Work^Seony> 오 그렇군요...  그래도 어차피 카톡 아이디라는게 있잖아요..\n<bluedusk> 그쵸 아이디가 있긴 한데\n<bluedusk> 저런식에 감청을 할때 핸폰번호로 추적하지\n<bluedusk> 아이디를 추적하진 않겠죠?\n<bluedusk> 뭐 여튼 걸리는건 마찬가지 일테지만\n<bluedusk> 여챂파면 까톡 아이디 탈퇴해버리면\n<Work^Seony> 음...  뭐 어차피 카톡자체도 암호화되어있긴 하지만..\n<bluedusk> 맥프레 13인치 램을 추가해서 16G로 쓰는게 좋겠죠?\n<bluedusk> 일단 하드는 놔두고..\n<Work^Seony> 네 맥은 램8기가면 좀 힘들어요\n<razGon_MINILA> 혹,,\n<Work^Seony> 근데, 램 16기가와 ssd 중 하나를 선택하신다면, ssd가 나을거 같은데요\n<razGon_MINILA> 헉... 맥북프로인데.....ㅠㅠ\n<Work^Seony> 램8기가에 ssd가 오히려 더 나은 조합일 거에요...\n<bluedusk> ssd는 나중에 업글 가능하잖아요\n<bluedusk> 어차피 다 ssd 모델이에요\n<bluedusk> 용량 차이일뿐\n<Work^Seony> 아... 일반 hdd는 아니죠?\n<bluedusk> 네\n<Work^Seony> razGon_MINILA, 일반적인 작업이면 8기가 괜찮아요.\n<Work^Seony> bluedusk님이야 아무래도 가상머신도 돌리고 xcode도 돌리고 하실거 같아서... ㅎㅎ\n<bluedusk> 램 8 + ssd 250 , 램16 + ssd 120\n<bluedusk> 이거 둘중에 고민하는건데 ssd는 나중에 제가 업글해도 될거 같아서\n<Work^Seony> 근데 맥북용 ssd 따로 파는데가 있나요?\n<Work^Seony> 안팔텐데\n<bluedusk> 음?\n<imsu> 안녕하세요 ~~^^\n<autowiz> 음... 찾아보면 어디 없을까요?\n<Work^Seony> 2.5인치 아니잖아요\n<Work^Seony> imsu, 임수 하이\n<autowiz> 수리용 파트도 심심찮게 나오잖아요\n<autowiz> 임수 imsu 하이\n<Work^Seony> 맥북에 들어가는 ssd가, 일반 2.5인치 하드처럼 생긴게 아니라, 미니버전으로 커스터마이징한걸텐데...\n<bluedusk> m.2 규격 pcie 말씀하시는거죠?\n<razGon_MINILA> 애들용 컴으로 안드로이드는 별루일까요?\n<razGon_MINILA> 노트북을 사주면 hp익스트림..\n<Work^Seony> 네\n<Work^Seony> 그게 맞을 거에요\n<razGon_MINILA> 그걸루 행야 겟네요.\n<razGon_MINILA> 조금있으면 염가로 나올듯.ㅎㅎㅎ\n<bluedusk> Work^Seony, 쓰다 ë³´ë©´ http://www.amazon.com/Samsung-XP941-512GB-AHCI-80mm/dp/B00JOSM3TK\n<bluedusk> 이런거 가격 떨어지는거 봐서 따로 제가 업글 하던지 하려구요\n<Work^Seony> 오... 파는군요...\n<Work^Seony> 제가 맥프로 샀을 때는, 맥프로용 ssd는 아직 안판다고 해서...\n<bluedusk> m.2 규격에 sata는 많이 나오는데 pcie 는 아직 많이 없어요\n<bluedusk> 근데 맥프로 사서 쓰다 ë³´ë©´ 가격 떨어져서 나올거 같아요..\n<bluedusk> http://www.amazon.com/Plextor-256GB-Internal-Solid-PX-G256M6e/dp/B00KIMIETO/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1433291299&sr=8-6&keywords=Plextor+SSD\n<bluedusk> 여기 이런것도 ìž��ê³ ..\n<bluedusk> http://storefarm.naver.com/loralora/products/255544169\n<bluedusk> 이거 괜츰할까요??\n<Work^Seony> 케이스네요\n<Work^Seony> 저는 케이스는 안씌워서...\n<Work^Seony> 두꺼워지고 무겁고...  예쁘게 디자인해놓은걸 죄다 가려놔서 케이스는 안해요\n<bluedusk> 그래도 스크레치나 그런건..\n<Work^Seony> 뭐 나면 어때요 ㅎㅎ  십년만년 쓸것도 아니고..\n<bluedusk> 전 모든 물건을 좀 험하게 쓰는 편이라..ㅠ_ㅠ\n<bluedusk> 그래도 2~3년 정도는 깨끗하게 써야.. 중고로 팔때도..한푼이라도 더 ..\n<Work^Seony> 팔지말고 한 5년 쓰세요 ㅎㅎ\n<bluedusk> 그러기엔 한 3년 지나면 성능이 확..\n<bluedusk> 차이 나지 않을까요?\n<Work^Seony> 나겠죠 ㅎㅎ\n<Work^Seony> 아직 2시 반밖에 안됐는데 집에 가고싶네요\n<Work^Seony> 바지가 꽉 껴서 불편한게, 집에서 반바지 입고 일을 해야....]\n<Work^Seony> 아님 걍 내일부터 반바지 입고 출근하던가 해야겠어요\n<bluedusk> 저도 9시 반밖에 안됐는데\n<bluedusk> 집에 가고 싶네요\n<Work^Seony> 집에 가야겠어요..\n<Work^Seony> 집에 가서  vpn으로 일해야겠습니다\n<bluedusk> 엌 그래도 되나요?\n<Work^Seony> 네\n<Work^Seony> 뭐 ê¼­ 사무실에 나와야만 일하는건 아니니깐요...\n<bluedusk> 쩝..\n<bluedusk> 여기는 사무실에 나와서 일안하는 사람들이 더 많은거 같은데요\n<bluedusk> 일단 자리 지키고 있으면 일하는줄 아는..\n<Work^Seony> 내일부터는 어차피 여름방학이니까, 반바지에 슬리퍼 신고 출근해야겠어요\n<bluedusk> 벌써 여름방학인가요??\n<Work^Seony> 시작한지 2주 됐죠\n<Work^Seony> 5월 중순에 시작해서 8월 말까지거든요\n<bluedusk> 저도 이직 2주째인데..여기  적응못하면걍미국으로   떠야겠어요\n<HolyKnight> 허\n<HolyKnight> 본좌 맥북 8기가인디...\n<bluedusk> 뭐 맘에 드는게별로없기도   하지만..\n<HolyKnight> Cto...\n<Work^Seony> 대신 겨울방학은 짧아요\n<Work^Seony> 한 3주 정도 밖에 안됩니다\n<Work^Seony> 아 셔틀버스 운행 안해서 걸어가야하는군요...\n<bluedusk> ê·¸ cto 라는게 뭐에요?? 스토어에 메뉴 찾아봐도 몰겠던데..\n<Work^Seony> Customize option인가 그럴걸요\n<HolyKnight> 네\n<HolyKnight> 기본이 4기가램인데\n<HolyKnight> 원하는대로 사양\n<HolyKnight> 맞춰주는거요 ㅠ.\n<HolyKnight> 유.\n<bluedusk> 아 그렇군요 저도 그럼 cto 겠네요.. 램 업글이니..\n<Work^Seony> 집에 갑니다.  이따 뵈요\n<bluedusk> 넵\n<bluedusk> 엌\n<bluedusk> 집에 넘 빨리 들어가시는거 아니에요?\n<jason_kr> ㅎ (나도 같은 생각)\n<bluedusk> 어 jason_kr 님 안녕하세요\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ\n<HolyKnight> 제이슨찡 ㅎㅇㅇ\n<bluedusk> 제이슨찡 ㅎㅇㅇㅇ\n<jason_kr> ㅎㅇ 입니다.\n<Seony> jason_kr: 안녕하세요\n<jason_kr> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<jason_kr> 일찍 퇴근했어요~!!\n<Seony> 네 ㅎㅎ\n<bluedusk> 와 미니디스플레이 to dual dvi 어뎁터 겁나 비싸네요..ㅡㅡ\n<bluedusk> 이건 ë�� 가격 좀더 보태서 모니터 지를판.;\n<HolyKnight> http://html5lab.kr/blog/2015/06/02/%EC%B5%9C%EA%B7%BC-%EB%AA%87%EB%85%84%EA%B0%84-%EB%82%98%EC%98%A8-%ED%94%84%EB%A1%A0%ED%8A%B8%EC%97%94%EB%93%9C-%ED%94%84%EB%A0%88%EC%9E%84%EC%9B%8D-%EC%A0%95%EB%A6%AC/\n<bluedusk> 헐 봐도 모르겠네유\n<jun__> 저도 모르는 내용만.......\n<samahui_ws> 점심식사 맛있게들하세요~\n<razGon_MINILA> 맛점하세요\n<HolyKnight> 벌써 1300명 격리중이래유\n<HolyKnight> http://m.mk.co.kr/news/headline/2015/532305\n<ircCloud^Seony> 1% 네요 ㅋㅋ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 인제 99%만 더 감염되면 비상...\n<HolyKnight> ㅋㅋ\n<HolyKnight> @lemonaid1206: 경제개발5개년계획이 한참이던무렵. 모스끄바의 한 공장 회계직이 공석이 되어 새 인원을 모집했다. \"4+4는 얼마인가?\"라는 담당자의 질문에 대부분 8이라고 대답했는데 ê·¸ 중 한 지원자가 조심스레 물었다\n<HolyKnight> \"얼마로 해 드릴까요?\"\n<HolyKnight> 그는 즉시 채용되었다\n<ircCloud^Seony> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<ipeter_> 안녕하세요?\n<ipeter_> 혹시 find / -name ls 2> /dev/null\n<ipeter_> 이렇게 쳤을때\n<ipeter_> 2> 부터 끝까지의 역할을 알려주실 수 있나요?\n<ipeter_> 아 확인하였습니다.\n<ipeter_> 죄송합니다.\n<bluedusk> 저거 표준 출력을 제외한 에러 메시지를 전부 /dev/null 로 redirect 시키겠다는거 아닌가요?\n<bluedusk> jason_kr_, 점심은드셨나요?\n<ipeter_> 네 맞습니다.\n<bluedusk> 아아 드디어 저도 컴맹탈출하는건가요??!?!?1\n<bluedusk> ㅠ_ㅠ\n<PotatoGim> 안녕하세요~\n<bluedusk> ircCloud^Seony, https://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Main_Page#Stability_status\n<bluedusk> 음.. 생각보다 많이 안정화되있는거 같네요..\n<PotatoGim> 아직까지 메일링이 폭발하고 있슴다...ㅜㅜ\n<PotatoGim> 스냅샷(서브볼륨) 관련 이슈가 일 단위로 꾸준히 올라오는...\n<PotatoGim> RAID5/6도 아직까지 이슈가 좀 있는 편이어서...\n<jason_kr_> 옙 블더스크님, 내 연결이 끊겼었군요.\n<bluedusk> jason_kr_, 포괄연봉제는 정말 그지같군요\n<jun_> 에구.... 저희 어머님이 천안에 계신데... 천안, 아산 메르스 확진 환자가 있다네요;;;; 걱정되서 일이 잘안되네요;;\n<bluedusk> jun_, 아 걱정되시겠네요..\n<bluedusk> 면역력을 높여두는거 말고는 머 대책이 없다는소문도 있던데\n<jun_> 홍삼이나.. 우루사 이런거 한박스 사가야할꺼 같아요..ㅜㅜ\n<samahui_ws> 전 집가까운 여의도병원도 신경쓰이고 고향인 대전도 감염자 나왔다니 걱정이고... 아무튼 아기 데리고 어디 나갈 수가 없어서 아내와 아기가 답답해 하고 있을거라 생각하니 이게 또 걸리고 그러네요\n<samahui_ws> 아무튼 왜 병원이랑 감염지역을 안밝히는지 이해가 안되네요.\n<samahui_ws> 그러면서 확실한 격리도 못해서 위험군이 버스타고 관광 및 골프투어 다니고 에휴...\n<samahui_ws> 답없는 나라지만 요즘은 ê·¸ 도가 지나치네요\n<ipeter_> 지금 국민전체가 세월호를 탔��‹¤ëŠ” 트윗\n<ipeter_> 그리고 나라에 재상이 없고, 역병이 돌면 나라가 망하는 옛날이야기..\n<ipeter_> 전부 와닿습니다.\n<bluedusk> 근데 저도 엊그제부터 목이 칼칼한데\n<bluedusk> 걱정이네요..ㅡㅡ\n<bluedusk> 목에 무슨 가루 마신것처럼 칼칼 하다고 해야 하나.;\n<jun_> 혹시... 흡연을 하시거나...\n<bluedusk> 술 담배 여자 다 안합니다\n<bluedusk> 커피두 안마시구요\n<bluedusk> 육식만 안하면\n<bluedusk> 절에서 살아도 될거 같긴 한데\n<jun_> 음....\n<jun_> 저는 담배를 하기에 가루 마신거 같은 느낌을 자주 받긴 하거든요..\n<jun_> 알려진 증상중에서 목이 칼칼하다는 증상은 없었던거 같긴한데... 그래도 모르니 면역력을 왕창 올려두시는게...\n<bluedusk> 그걸 어케 올리나요?? ㄸ\n<razGon_MINILA> 그냥 약국에서 콧물이나 가려움증약 받거나 졸음이 문제시면 의사에게 처방받으시면 됩니ㅣ다.\n<razGon_MINILA> 그런경우는 제경험상. 감기증상인 호흡기 증상보다.. 알러지나 역류성 식도염과 같은 증상일 가ㅏ능성이 문제인경우가 많스ㅡㅡㅂ니다..\n<razGon_MINILA> 몸은 정상인데 성가시다하면 거의 그거입니다.\n<razGon_MINILA> 면역은 잘자고 잘먹고 운동잘하면 올라갑니다.\n<jun_> 마침 어머니께 전화오네요.... 아직은 별다른거 없으신거 같은데... 무섭긴 하신거 같네요\n<jason_kr_> 어머님 연세'는?\n<jun_> 올해 56세 되세요\n<jason_kr_> 평소 건강하셨다면 큰 걱정하쟎아도 되여~ ^^\n<jun_> 평소라면 그럴텐데.. 하필 확진환자가 나온 지역이다 보니 걱정이 안될수가 없네요...\n<jun_> 전 잠시 리붓좀 하고 오겠습니다~\n<ircCloud^Seony> ext에서 btrfs로 컨버젼이 되네요...\n<ircCloud^Seony> 신기하네\n<jason_kr_> ㅎ\n<HolyKnight> 현대차 주식 가진 분은 참고하세요. http://mlbpark.donga.com/mbs/articleV.php?mbsC=bullpen2&mbsIdx=2557064&cpage=2&mbsW=search&select=sct&opt=1&keyword=%c7%f6%b4%eb%c2%f7\n<pchero_work> 이거 보셨나요? 안보셨음 ê¼­ 보세요. ㅎㅎㅎㅎ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGsn11qZc6M\n<PotatoGim> Seony: 네, ext3/4 변환이랑 롤백 됩니다!\n<PotatoGim> 기존 ext 파일시스템 영역은 할당 공간에서 제외되기 때문에 단편화된 부분은 리밸런싱이 필요할 수도 있구요.\n<HolyKnight> 속보! 선정릉역에서 메르스 보균자 잡아가는 중이랍니다! 대치동 난리남!\n<PotatoGim> ....!!\n<jun_> ....!!!!!\n<razGon_MINILA> !!!!\n<razGon_MINILA> 선릉?\\\n<razGon_MINILA> 아니면 정릉?\n<PotatoGim> 선정릉역\n<PotatoGim> 선릉끼고 있는데 삼성동은 비상이네요;\n<jun_> 엥?? 무슨일이 있나요?\n<razGon_MINILA> ㅎㄷㄷㄷ\n<PotatoGim> 선정릉역 인근에서 메르스 보균자 발견됐다는 것 같아요;;\n<razGon_MINILA> ㅎㄷㄷㄷ\n<razGon_MINILA> 서울 무서운동네\n<jun_> 헉;;;; ê²°êµ­ 서울에 올라왔나보네요;;;;\n<PotatoGim> 마스크를 사야할 ì‚��이 오네요...ㅎㄷㄷ;\n<razGon_MINILA> ㅎㄷㄷㄷ\n<razGon_MINILA> 저는 무문함.ㅎㅎㅎ\n<HolyKnight> http://m.ppomppu.co.kr/new/bbs_view.php?id=freeboard&no=4218358&category=\n<autowiz> 안녕하세요\n<pchero_work> 넵, 안녕하세요. ㅎㅎ\n<ipeter_> 안녕하세요?\n<ipeter_> userid로 들어가고 나서 mkdir temp 만들고나서\n<ipeter_> ll -al temp쳐보니까\n<ipeter_> drwxr-xr-x 2 user3 user3 4096 Jun  3 22:09 .\n<ipeter_> 여기 2가 왜 하드링크가 2가 되죠?\n<autowiz> 하드링크가 아닐지 않나요?\n<autowiz> 그냥 하위 inode 개수 라던가\n<ipeter_> DarkCircle:\n<ipeter_> autowiz: 그냥 로그인한후에\n<ipeter_> mkdir temp폴더 만들래요\n<ipeter_> 그리고 나서\n<ipeter_> ls -al temp쳐보니까\n<ipeter_> 하드링크가 2인 이유를 말하라네요.\n<autowiz> 누가?\n<autowiz> 데리고 와요\n<autowiz> 디렉토리는 하드링크가 안걸린다고\n<DarkCircle> 어디서 그런 사기를 ...\n<DarkCircle> https://kldp.org/node/32696\n<autowiz> 파일일때 하드링크 카운트 하는 부분이 디렉토리는 하위 inode 개수인가 그렇다고 다시 설명드리세요\n<ipeter_> drwxr-xr-x 2 user3 user3  4096 Jun  3 22:09 temp/\n<ipeter_> ㅗㅓㅎ\n<ipeter_> 헐\n<ipeter_> 실제적으로 저 temp폴더 만들고나서 쳐보니까 2 가 뜨잖아요?\n<ipeter_> 저거 하드링크 개수 아닌가요?\n<autowiz> 그러니까 디렉토리는 저기숫자가 하드링크가 아니라구요\n<autowiz> temp 안아 파일 만들면 2 숫자가 늘어날거에요\n<autowiz> 안아 -> 안에\n<DarkCircle> 정확하게는\n<DarkCircle> 파일하고는 상관 없구요\n<DarkCircle> 기본은 2\n<DarkCircle> .\n<DarkCircle> ..\n<DarkCircle> 이거랑\n<DarkCircle> 그리고 늘어나는 디렉터리\n<DarkCircle> 이 갯수입니다.\n<ipeter_> drwxr-xr-x 7 user3 user3  4096 Jun  3 22:32 ./\n<ipeter_> 저기 현재 디렉토리에\n<autowiz> 아 파일은 카운트 안되는건가요?\n<ipeter_> 7이라는 숫자 하드링크를 말하는건가요?\n<ipeter_> 저거 갯수 아닌가요?\n<ipeter_> 폴더 하나 만들면 늘어나는데..;;;\n<autowiz> 같은말은 더이상 안하겠음\n<HolyKnight> http://m.blog.naver.com/kickthebaby/220376675928\n<samahui_ws> 밤이 깊었습니다. 이제 쉬세요\n<pchero_work> ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<pchero_work> 오늘 주문했던 음식들이 날아왔네요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 저도 쉬고 싶습니다 ㅠㅠ\n<pchero_work> 일욜날 주문했는데 오늘 도착했습니다. 생각보다 빠르네요. ㅎㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 음식은 빠르게 와야죠~ 오다가 상하면 서로 손해니 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 쉬고 싶으면 쉬세요~\n<samahui_ws> 쉴때 쉬는게 능력입니다\n<samahui_ws> 농땡이 능력 ㅎㅎ;;\n<ipeter_> autowiz: DarkCircle 고맙습니다.\n<ipeter_> ㅠㅠ\n<ipeter_> autowiz: 고맙습니다.\n<ipeter_> DarkCircle: 고맙습니다.\n<DarkCircle> ~(~_~)~\n<autowiz> 메르스 조심하세요~~ ㅎㅎ\n<HolyKnight> http://m.todayhumor.co.kr/view.php?table=bestofbest&no=209115\n<pchero_work> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<pchero_work> 다들 신났네요 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<HolyKnight> ㅋㅋ\n<samahui_ws> 뉴스를 보니 정말 일부 학교에서 가정통신문으로 낙타유 먹지말라 보냈군요... 무슨생각인지...\n<HolyKnight> 속보!\n<HolyKnight> 오산 공군ê��°ì§€ 메르스\n<HolyKnight> 양성 판정!!!\n<samahui_ws> 진짜 돌아다니지 말고 방콕해야 겠군요\n<samahui_ws> 회사도 학교도 나가지 말고 방콕\n<samahui_ws> 무슨 방역을 그따위로 하는지 한심하네요\n<samahui_ws> 이승엽 홈런 장외군요... 구름관중이 만석채워서 기다렸는데... 정작 공은 밖으로 ~~ 나가 버리고~\n<DarkCircle> Cantide ' ')/ hi (?!)\n<samahui_ws> 전 이만 가보겠습니다~ 즐거운 ë°¤ 되세요~\n<samahui_ws> 내일뵈요~\n<Cantide> Hello :)\n<Cantide> 안녕하세요~\n<Cantide> 지금 한강 가요, 자전거 타요 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<Cantide> I'm going to cycle along the Han river now :p\n<Cantide> hi TaeheeJang\n<TaeheeJang> oh long time no see Cantide!\n<TaeheeJang> are you going to bike to 한강?\n<Cantide> 네~\n<Cantide> yes :D\n<TaeheeJang> oh you're good at Korean! haha\n<Cantide> not good!\n<Cantide> but learning :p\n<TaeheeJang> me either lol\n<Cantide> 오늘 수업 했어요\n<Cantide> ㅋㅋ\n<Cantide> haha\n<Cantide> suuuuuuuuuuuure\n<Cantide> anyway, i will save everyone's eyes from English now :p\n<Cantide> see ya~\n<ipeter_> DarkCircle: 아까 질문할때 쿼리 날린거...지금 생각해보면 ì°¸ 버릇없는거 같은데, 답변해달라고 쿼리 날린게 아니라 오타치고 탭 친상태에서 쿼리가 날려진 거예요.\n<ipeter_> 혹시라도 불쾌하셨다면 죄송해요...ㅠ\n<HolyKnight> http://kwang82.hankyung.com/2015/06/1.html?m=1\n<Work^Seony> 안녕하세요\n<autowiz> 안녕하세요 ㅎㅎ\n<Work^Seony> 집에서 쓰는 컴퓨터의 ssd가 점점 꽉 차가서, 인제는 외장하드를 하나 사야할 때가 오네요\n<Work^Seony> usb3 외장하드 24시간 걸어두고 쓰면 안정성에 무리가 있을까 모르겠네요\n<Work^Seony> 어라 근데 usb3에서 2.4ghz 주파수 간섭현상이 있다네요..\n<Work^Seony> 이러면 안되는데..\n<autowiz> 안정성은 문제가 없어야 정상인거 같습니다.저도 지금 usb 2.0 쓰고 있구요\n<autowiz> 주파수 간섭이라니 ㅠㅠ 어느정도로 심한지 궁금하네요. 근데 usb3.0 은 쉴드 케이블 쓰지 않나요?\n<Work^Seony> 무선 마우스 같은게 움직임이 중간중간에 끊긴다네요\n<Work^Seony> 와이파이가 잘 안된다거나..\n<autowiz> 아 반대로 usb 3.0 장비가 다른 장비들한테 영향을 미친다는거 같네요\n<autowiz> 맞는건가 ... 잠시 씻고 오겠습니다. 있다가 뵙겠습니다. ㅎㅎ\n#ubuntu-ko 2015-06-04\n<autowiz> 좋은 하루들 되세요~~~~\n<jun> 안녕하세요~~~~\n<jun> 메르스로 불안한 목요일임돠~\n<samahui_ws> 라디오에 나온 전문가의 말도 일리가 있네요\n<samahui_ws> 아무리 독해도 감기 독감이니... 치료제를 만들어봐야 투자금대비 수익이 없을꺼 같아서 (사스건 조류독감이건 1년정도 지나고 사라져버리다싶이해버렸죠)\n<samahui_ws> 개발에 적극적이지 않아서 치료제 개발이 늦는거라네요\n<samahui_ws> 일반적 독감 치사율 비슷한 수준이고\n<samahui_ws> 뭐 아무튼 너무 안일하게 대처한건 정부의 잘못이지만... 너무 겁먹고 할 일도 아니라ë��¤ìš”\n<autowiz> 뭐 저는 전혀 무섭지 않습니다.\n<samahui_ws> 죽은사람도 대부분 원래 지병이 있던 그것도 악화되어있던 사람들이고\n<samahui_ws> 그래도 전 아기 떔시 걱정이고 무섭내요 ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 의료진감염이 좀 우려되긴 합니다.\n<autowiz> 잠복기가 있다보니\n<samahui_ws> 다른걸 다 떠나서\n<samahui_ws> 병원이라도 공개하고 조심시키면 아무 문제 없을것을\n<autowiz> 감염 매체가 있을텐데요\n<samahui_ws> 괜시리 일 키우고 있죠... 정부가 뭐 감추고 싶은게 있나 왜 저러나 모르겠네요\n<autowiz> 병원 공개하면 ê·¸ 병원은 개점휴업 되지 않냐는 말도 있더라구요\n<bluedusk> samahui_ws, 이번정부가 ì ¤ 잘하는 일이잖아요\n<Work^Seony> 아직 300만명 안찍어서 그럴 거에ㅛ\n<bluedusk> 일단 뭐든 감추는거\n<autowiz> 블더님 안녕하세요\n<bluedusk> autowiz, 안녕하세요\n<samahui_ws> 병원 개점 휴업되더라도 국민이 건강해야죠\n<bluedusk> autowiz,  시스템에 context switch 가 넘 많은데 이걸 어케 해야 할까요?\n<autowiz> cpu 쪽이요?\n<Work^Seony> 의사쌤들만 메르스에 감염된다면?  아님 높으신 분들만 메르스에 감염된다면?\n<autowiz> 아니면 컨텐츠 쪽인가요?    으음...\n<bluedusk> Context Switches (/second)\tMinimum\tAverage\tMaximum\n<bluedusk> context_switches\t2628.00\t7914.88\t32793.50\n<autowiz> 리눅스 인거죠?\n<bluedusk> 그쵸? 맥이면 Work^Seony 님께 여쭤봤겠죠?\n<Work^Seony> ㅎㅎ  저도 저런건 잘 몰라요\n<autowiz> 어떤 용도로 쓰는 서버인가요? 체감상 느린게 느껴질정도인가요?\n<bluedusk> 그쵸\n<bluedusk> 체감상 느리니깐 이것저것 모니터링 해보다가 발견한..\n<autowiz> 원래 그렇게 설계된 프로그램이라서 느린건지 어딘가의 버그인지 찾아봐야 겠네요\n<autowiz> 저도 저렇게 까지는 잘 안봐서\n<bluedusk> 평균:         0     10493      2.20      0.00  kworker/0:1\n<bluedusk> kworker가 제일 많이 발생시키고 있네요.. -_-\n<autowiz> 공격들어온다거나\n<bluedusk> 뭐하는놈이지\n<bluedusk> 제꺼 데탑인데요\n<bluedusk> 공격들어오지는 않을듯\n<autowiz> 로컬에서 누가 루트딸려고 익스플로잇 돌리는건 아닐런지 ㅠ\n<autowiz> 아\n<autowiz> 블더님 데탑이군요...\n<autowiz> 인터럽트 쪽 문제가 생기는 경우가 종종 있느데\n<autowiz> 센토스는 타이머 쪽 문제가 종종 있었고, 우분투는 acpi 쪽 관련\n<autowiz> noapic , acpi=off   ( 부작용도 있긴 합니다만 ) 옵션 주고 테스트를 다시 해보시는것도 방법일거 같습니다.\n<autowiz> 부팅하자마자 바로그러는지 , 특정 이벤트 후에 그러는지도 관찰해 보셔야 하겠구요\n<bluedusk> 부팅하자마자 그러지는 않아요\n<bluedusk> 스왑올라갈때쯤 그러긴 하는데\n<bluedusk> 뭐 전 컴맹이라 그냥 램 꼽고 쓸려고 봤는데\n<Work^Seony> 컨텍스트 스위치 상태ëŠ�� 어떤 명령어로 ë³¼ 수 있어요?\n<Work^Seony> perf?\n<bluedusk> dstat 랑 pidstat 로 봤어요\n<Work^Seony> dstat -y하니까 두칸짜리가 나오는군요\n<Work^Seony> int랑 csw\n<Work^Seony> 뭔지 모르겠는데, 맨페이지를 봐야할듯 싶네요\n<bluedusk> csw 가\n<Work^Seony> 아... 인터럽트랑 컨텍스트스위치군요\n<bluedusk> context switch구요 int가 인터럽트에요\n<Work^Seony> 그럼 지금 블덕님은 10493 bytes라고 나오시는 거에요?\n<Work^Seony> 음... 저는 16-21k 나오는데요..\n<Work^Seony> 음... 근데 하긴 제 데탑은 지금 리붓을 한 번 해줘야할 때긴 하지만..\n<bluedusk> Work^Seony,  평균량은 4000~ 7000 왔다 갔다 인데 한번씩\n<bluedusk> 17k~ 39k씩 올라가거든요..\n<Work^Seony> 저는 평균이 18k인데요 ㅎㅎ\n<Work^Seony> 음... 제온 e5라고 다 좋진 않구나\n<Work^Seony> ë©°ì¹  전 마트 갔는데, 오예스 고구마맛이 2.99에 팔길래 냉큼 2박스 집어왔습니다 ㅎㅎ\n<Work^Seony> 울 와이프 말로는, 요즘 한국 과자값이 무지 비싸서 이 정도면 거저라네요\n<autowiz> 네 한국 안에서도 한국과자 비싸서\n<bluedusk> Work^Seony, http://lainman82.tistory.com/entry/Context-Switching\n<autowiz> 외국과자 직구해먹는사람도 있습니다.\n<Work^Seony> 헐 ê·¸ 정도군요...\n<bluedusk> 뭐 여튼 많은게 좋은거 같지 않아서\n<razGon_MINILA> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<Work^Seony> 그래도, 딴건 몰라도 고구마만큼은 한국게 제일 맛있어요..\n<autowiz> 부득이 하게 저런 현상이 생기는 서버일까요? 보통 저런경우 특정 프로세스가 cpu 를 많이 먹을거 같은데요\n<Work^Seony> 여기 혹시 inotify 관련한 작업 해보신 분 계세요?\n<bluedusk> 아뇨 전 그런개발을..ㅠㅠ\n<autowiz> 제 데탑 idle 에서 6k ~ 9k 인데 ls -alR / 하니까\n<autowiz> 가끔씩 11~ 14k 나오네요\n<autowiz> 이걸 파일로 떨궈도 같은지 테스트 한번 해봐야겠습니다.\n<bluedusk> acpi=off 하니깐 확 줄긴 하네요\n<Work^Seony> 음...  파일 삭제되는 것만 모니터링하게끔 아주 간단한 스크립트를 하나 짰는데, 커널 쪽에서 inotify event가 자꾸 오버플로우라고 떠서요...\n<bluedusk> 오 역시 능력자시군요\n<autowiz> 으음...\n<autowiz> 미천한 저로서는 이해가 못하고 있는 ㅠㅠ\n<autowiz> 이해를\n<Work^Seony> 능력자긴요 ㅎㅎ  인터넷에서 찾으면 많이 나와요\n<bluedusk> 일단 전처럼 컴터 행걸리는것처럼 버벅이는 증상은 없을꺼 같네요\n<bluedusk> autowiz, 덕분에 좋은거 배웠습니다.\n<bluedusk> 오늘 트러블슈팅은 여기까지\n<autowiz> acpi 를 일부만 끄는방법도 있다는데 저도 귀찮아서 잘 .. 정상적인 pc 의 경우 acpi 끄면 퍼포먼스 영향이 생길 수 도 있는데\n<autowiz> 뭐 일단은 급하게 할 수 있는건 끄는거지요 ㅎㅎ\n<Work^Seony> 저도 덕분에 좋은거 배웠네요\n<autowiz> 저는 또 출장 가야하는 ... 아 이제 지겹네요 아주\n<Work^Seony> acpi 끄면 좀 ì��íƒœê°€ 이상해질 거에요...\n<bluedusk> 뭐 배터리 모니터링 안되는거 말고는 없네요\n<bluedusk> 어차피 acpi는 쓰지 말라고 만들어둔거 아닌가요?\n<bluedusk> ..............\n<Work^Seony> ㅎㅎ\n<Work^Seony> 쿼드코어랑 옥타코어랑 일반 데탑에서 성능차이 많이 안나겠죠?\n<autowiz> 쿼드는 4개고 옥타는 8시인데 차이가 나지 않을까요? ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 로드가 별로 없으면 못느낄거같긴 합니다만.\n<Work^Seony> 걍 써봐야 vmware 정도..\n<bluedusk> 하드가 겁나 느린거라 스왑 올라가면 버벅대긴 하는군요\n<autowiz> 자금여유가 좀 있으면 저라면 8코어로\n<Work^Seony> 가격차이가 많이 나더라구요\n<bluedusk> 아 맥북사야 하는데\n<Work^Seony> 이번에 외장하드 사는데만 돈이 반백만원 들어가서..\n<bluedusk> Work^Seony, 님은 교육 종사자라서 교육할인 받으실수 있지 않나요??\n<Work^Seony> 제온 e5 옥타코어는 이미 백오십만원이 넘고...\n<autowiz> 블더 : 제 컴은 io wait 가 올라갔을때만 5~10초에 한번씩 csw 11k 찍히네요\n<Work^Seony> 네 저는 교육할인 받아서 사요\n<autowiz> 뭐 좀더 보긴 해야겠습니다만.\n<autowiz> amd 는 어떠신가요?\n<Work^Seony> 맥프로 살 때 교육할인 받으니까 좀 많이 싸지더라구요...\n<autowiz> 저는 6코어 4코어 2코어 이렇게 쓰고 있습니다 ㅎㅎ\n<bluedusk> autowiz, 아 그게 제가 말했던부분은 올라갈부분이 아닌데 갑자기 지 혼자 올라가서 순간적으로 컴터거 버벅거리는 증상때문에 확인한거라서요\n<Work^Seony> 음... 저는 컴퓨터 가진게 맥프로 뿐이라, 씨퓨는 인텔 아니면 선택의 여지가 없네요 ㅎㅎ\n<bluedusk> 저도 교육할인 받아서 사야겠네요\n<autowiz> 아아 맥 이시구나 ㅎㅎ 그냥 4코어로 가시지요~~\n<ipeter_> ??\n<ipeter_> 안뇽하세요?\n<autowiz> 피터님 하이요\n<bluedusk> 피터님 하이요\n<jun> 맥북이 좋긴 좋나보네요.. 다들 쓰시는거보니.... 전 엄두가 안나던데;;;;\n<Work^Seony> 전 맥북이 아닌 맥프로..\n<autowiz> 갑부 서니님만 ㅎㅎ\n<bluedusk> 저도 맥프레 노리고 있어요 13인치\n<bluedusk> 하앜하앜\n<Work^Seony> 휴지통처럼 생긴 맥프로인데...  맘에 들어요\n<Work^Seony> 조용하고 발열 거의 없고...\n<autowiz> 수직으로 쌓을 수 있나요? ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 탑을 만들어보고 싶어요\n<ipeter_> 갑부...ㅠ\n<ipeter_> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<Work^Seony> 뜨거운 공기를 위로 배출해서, 수직으로 쌓으면 안될 거에요 ㅎㅎ\n<ipeter_> 수업중인데 이렇게 왔습니다.\n<autowiz> bootp 로 밑에서 부터 하나씩 키는거지요 점점점..\n<ipeter_> ê¼­ 사진도 올려주세요..ㅠ\n<ipeter_> 보고싶네요..ㅠ\n<ipeter_> 사고 싶은데 돈이 없습니다.\n<autowiz> 돈이 없으면 돈을 벌면 됩니다. ㅋㅋ\n<Work^Seony> 사진 올린적 있찌않나요?\n<ipeter_> 음?!\n<ipeter_> 그런가요...?!\n<Work^Seony> 아마 이거일텐데... https://www.dropbox.com/sc/20z0r2sfsx92xc6/AAAFyfVKznufCO1glPD8-FKza\n<ipeter_> 페북 한번 둘러보겠습니다.\n<autowiz> 그저 참고 노력하고 정진하면서 살면 그게 기쁨 아니겠습니까 허허허\n<ipeter_> 허허허\n<ipeter_> 좋으네요...ㅠ\n<Work^Seony> 아 이건 모니터만 있네요\n<Work^Seony> https://www.dropbox.com/sc/krwkxizwxmn7fmv/AAD1ETmWv_ojHGenf1ABfR3ea\n<Work^Seony> 요게 맥프로\n<ipeter_> 맥프로...+_+\n<ipeter_> 허허\n<Work^Seony> 하지만, 컴퓨터 좋아봐야 그거 갖고 하는 일은 인터넷 하기....\n<autowiz> 인터넷하면서 코딩하고 , 서버 관리하기\n<autowiz> ㄷㄷㄷ 부럽\n<ipeter_> 아...나도 갑부이고 싶어요..\n<ipeter_> ㅠ\n<bluedusk> 헐 인터넷하며 코딩 서버 관리라니..;\n<bluedusk> 전 걍 아얄씨나 하는 o2 -> co2 converter 인데..\n<bluedusk> 아 Work^Seony  님 혹시 ceph 구성하실때 osd node에 osd 파일시스템 따로 성능 관련 튜닝 하셧어요?\n<Work^Seony> 아뇨 걍 xfs로 했어요\n<bluedusk> 이쪽에서 ceph osd disk 교체시에 vm이 행이 걸리는 증상이 있다고 해서..\n<bluedusk> disk rebalance할때 io가 몰려서 그러는거 같긴 한데 이쪽에서는 rebalance할때 network traffic을 의심하고\n<Work^Seony> 리밸런싱할 때 네트워크 의존도가 커요.  아마 io보단 트래픽을 좀 더 보셔야할 거에요...\n<Work^Seony> 오픈스택이랑 ceph 클러스터 업타임이 328일째네요...  리붓 한 번 해줘야할 날이 올텐데 겁나네요 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 모르는척하세요 ㅎㅎ\n<bluedusk> Work^Seony, 음.. 일단 service랑 replica랑 분리가 안되어 잇긴 한데 통째로 10g를 쓰고 있더라구요..\n<Work^Seony> 10gë©´, 속도는 잘나오겠네요\n<bluedusk> 근데 10gë©´ 이론상 throuput 이 1.25 Gb/s 잖아요\n<bluedusk> sata3 ë©´ 725mb/s ê³ \n<Work^Seony> 실제로는 그렇게 안나오죠\n<bluedusk> 그럼 디스크가 병목일 가능성이 더 크지 않을까요?\n<bluedusk> 뭐 일단 원인 자체가 네트웍인지 아닌지가 정확히 나오질 않아서\n<bluedusk> 전 디스크쪽을 의심중이고.. 이쪽은 네트웍쪽을 의심중인데..\n<Work^Seony> ceph에서 카피 몇번하세요?\n<bluedusk> 3 replica 일꺼에요\n<Work^Seony> 아마 그런 부분까지 고려해야할 거에요,...\n<bluedusk> 어차피 디스크 교체시에 replica 되는부분에서 땡겨다가 담을텐데..\n<bluedusk> 그냥 증상 재현시키고 모니터링 걸어보면 간단히 알수 잇는데 ì°¸..\n<bluedusk> 답답하네요..;\n<Work^Seony> 이게 ceph가 건드리기 좀 무서워요 ㅎㅎ\n<bluedusk> 하긴 저도 대규모 환경을 운영해본건 아니라서..\n<Work^Seony> 엑스챗 실수로 detach했는데, 이거 다시 집어넣는 방법 있나요? ㅎㅎ\n<Work^Seony> 아 되는구나\n<HolyKnight> 대전 메르스 3ì°¨ 감염 의심 환자 사망\n<HolyKnight> @milk_myeon: 사장님이 오늘 아침 회의시간에 메르스 심각하다며 사람들 많은 곳에 (지하철, 엘리베이터) 가지 말라��³  해서 회사 오지 말라는건가 기대했는데 1시간 일찍 출근 해서 사람들 없을때 오라고 함,,,\n<samahui_ws> ㅎㅎㅎ 한시간 일찍이면 그래도 양반이네요\n<samahui_ws> 농담조로 우리 보스는 그냥 밤샘해 ~ 그럼 출퇴근할때 사람들 마주칠일 없자나 하던데요 ㅡㅡ 그걸 농담이라고 에휴..\n<samahui_ws> 점심 맛나게들 드세요~ 전 약속이 있어서 좀 일찍~ 갑니다\n<jun> 사장님들이... 과감하신 분들이 많으시군요;;;\n<PotatoGim> 안녕하세요~~\n<jun> 안녕하세요~\n<samahui_ws> 점심은 맛있게들 드셨는지요?\n<samahui_ws> 오후에도 화이팅! 합시다~~~\n<Seony> 방금 한아얄씨에 올라온 글인데,\n<Seony> 메르스 관련해서 그래도 정부가 통제 하나는 확실히 잘하고 있네요\n<Seony> 거리에 돌아다니는 낙타도 안보이고, 고기 정육점에도 중동산 낙타고기가 유통되는걸 못봤네용\n<Seony> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<samahui_ws> 낙타유도 회수조치 잘했더군요 슈퍼에 없어요\n<samahui_ws> ㅋ\n<PotatoGim> 아.. 한동안은 낙타로 출근을 못하겠네요..\n<samahui_ws> 낙타대신 라마를 이용하세요\n<PotatoGim> 단봉 한 대 뿐이라서...ㅜ\n<PotatoGim> 쌍봉은 괜찮다던데 이럴 줄 알았으면 1종 쌍봉으로 딸 것을 그랬네요...\n<jun> 아... 괜히 2종 오토 땄네요;;\n<HolyKnight> 왜유\n<HolyKnight> 본좌가 그건디유.\n<HolyKnight> 여자들사이에서 딴 ê±´ 쪽팔렸었쥬\n<jun> ㅎㅎㅎ 전 심지어 옆에서 1종쌍봉 끄는 여자한테 추월당했어요 ㅎㅎㅎ 오토보다 후진을 더 잘하더군요 ㅎㅎ\n<HolyKnight> ㄷㄷ\n<bluedusk> 저\n<bluedusk> 맥프레 넣어 가지고 다닐 가방 추천좀 해주세요\n<bluedusk> 매는걸로다가\n<bluedusk> 등에 매는거라고 해야하겠죠?\n<jun> 백팩이요?\n<bluedusk> 크로스 백팩?\n<jun> 끈이 하나만 있는 크로스 백팩?\n<jun> 저는 싼것만 찾는 주의라서 맘에 드시는걸 추천드리기 어려울것 같습니다...\n<HolyKnight> http://m.blog.naver.com/kickthebaby/220379744731\n<jun> 해운대 중동..;;;;\n<samahui_ws> 해운대 중동 ㅋ\n<jun> 저는 웃겨서 뿌렸는데 친구들한테 쌍욕먹었어요 ㅜㅜㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<jun> 저 같이 썰렁한거 같다구 ㅠㅠ\n<ujuc> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<HolyKnight> ㅋㅋ\n<samahui_ws> 썰렁하지만 재미있네요\n<samahui_ws> 직원에게 써먹어야지~\n<samahui_ws> 1분후... 시무룩~\n<jun> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 근데 회사 사람들은 되게 킥킥대며 웃는데요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<HolyKnight> ㅋㅋ\n<samahui_ws> 그게 달변가와 저의 차이죠 ㅜㅜ\n<samahui_ws> 재미있게 말하는 스킬 부족인듯해요\n<samahui_ws> 그나저나 메르스덕에 모임있는거 다 취소위기 아니면 참석하기 불안하게 느껴는군요\n<samahui_ws> 혼자의 몸이면 에라~ 모르겠다하고 다 가는건데 ... 집에 아기가 있으니 더 그렇네요\n<HolyKnight> 영웅찡 ㅎㅇ\n<bluedusk> 영웅찡 ㅎㅇ\n<pchero_work> HolyKnight: bluedusk: 안녕하세요. ㅎㅎㅎ :)\n<HolyKnight> ㅎㅇㅇ\n<pchero_work> 안타깝네요... http://media.daum.net/society/others/newsview?newsid=20150604144718923\n<pchero_work> HolyKnight: vps 어디꺼 쓰신다고 하셨었죠?\n<samahui_ws> 안타깝기는 하지만 범죄는 범죄죠\n<pchero_work> samahui_ws: 네.. 그래서 더욱 안타깝네요.. 22살에 에효..\n<samahui_ws> 22살때의 전... 열심히 공부하는척 술마시고 다녔군요\n<pchero_work> 음.. 전 군대.. -_-;;\n<samahui_ws> 군대 일찍 가셨군요 ㅎㅎ;;\n<bluedusk> 저도 군대?\n<pchero_work> 1학년 마치자마자 바로 갔었죠. ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 대부분 그나이의 대한민국 건장한 남자면 군대겠죠... 전 특례받느라 늦게 갔고... 심지어 잘못되서 다시 갔지만 ㅎㅎ;;\n<pchero_work> samahui_ws: ??!!!!\n<samahui_ws> 대학 졸업하고 대학원다니면서 산학연구원으로 특례받았다가... 당시 SI사업 투입되는 바람에 나중에~ 인정못받은 기간만 다녀왔어요\n<pchero_work> 아...\n<samahui_ws> 대충 싸이 비슷한 경우죠 ㅎㅎ;;\n<jun> 아....\n<samahui_ws> 30대에 다시 군대 가니까 좋던데요\n<pchero_work> 에구... ;;;;\n<samahui_ws> 대우도 틀리고 예전 친구들처럼 맞는 일도 없고\n<samahui_ws> ㅎㅎ\n<pchero_work> ;;;;;;;;;\n<samahui_ws> 맘껏 놀다왔죠... 장기 휴가 다녀오기분...으로... 갇혀서 월급의 1/100받으면서 지내니...\n<samahui_ws> OTL\n<pchero_work> 아....ㅠㅠ\n<HolyKnight> 본좌 안써유\n<HolyKnight> 다른분과 헷갈리신듯\n<pchero_work> 아...\n<pchero_work> 죄송;; ㅎㅎㅎ\n<pchero_work> 멋지네요. ㅎㅎㅎ http://m.newsfund.media.daum.net/project/214\n<samahui_ws> 맥프로북 키보드백라이트가 안꺼져요\n<samahui_ws> 컴을꺼도 전원연결되있으면 안꺼지는 신기한...\n<samahui_ws> 합선났나보내요 ㅜㅜ\n<pchero_work> 헉!\n<samahui_ws> 물 들어갔었군요 나도 모르게\n<samahui_ws> 제꺼 아니라 ... 주인 자리에 놔두고 왔... 아니 아무일 없습니다\n<jun> 무슨일이 있었나요..? ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 그나저나 그냥 AS평도 안좋은데... 과실이면... AS되긴 할까요?\n<samahui_ws> 무슨일은 없습니다\n<samahui_ws> 그냥 궁금해서 물어만 본겁니다\n<samahui_ws> 절대로!!!\n<samahui_ws> 이럴때 델 컴플릿커버가 정말 진리네요\n<samahui_ws> 과실도 수리~ 화나면 집어 던져도 수리~\n<jun> 수리하게 될 경우도 문제네요;;;;\n<HolyKnight> ㅇㅅㅇ\n<pchero_work> 흠..\n<pchero_work> VPS 서비스 이전하려고 하는데.. 혹시 https://www.vultr.com 여기 써보신 분 계세요?\n<bluedusk> 제이슨찡 ㅎㅇ\n<HolyKnight> 블루찡 ㅎㅇ\n<bluedusk> 엌\n<bluedusk> ....\n<samahui_ws> 중국도 세월호 같은 사고가 났군요\n<samahui_ws> 퇴근들하세요~\n<HolyKnight> http://m.blog.naver.com/kickthebaby/220379761655\n<pchero_work> http://bbs1.ruliweb.daum.net/gaia/do/ruliweb/default/hobby/1475/read?articleId=334195&objCate1=946&bbsId=G002&platformId=4&t__nil_ruliweb=best&nil_id=10\n<pchero_work> ㄷ ㄷ ㄷ 하네요...\n<samahui_ws> 저녁을 든든히 먹었으니 힘내서 일해야죠\n<samahui_ws> 퇴근길 메르스 걱정말고 야근을.... OTL\n<monos> samahui_ws: 님 안녕하세요\n<samahui_ws> 앗! 안녕하세요\n<samahui_ws> 오랜만에 뵙습니다\n<monos> 네 제가 오랜만에 왔습니다.\n<monos> 컴퓨터 할 시간이 없어서\n<monos> 오랜만에 왔습니다.\n<samahui_ws> 요즘 바쁘게 지내시는가 보군요\n<monos> 일하니깐 피곤해서 컴퓨터를 잘 못켜네요\n<samahui_ws> 전 일하는 자체가 컴으로 하는거라 항상 켜놓습니다 ㅎㅎ;;\n<monos> samahui_ws: 님 제가 컴퓨터를 너무 활용을 안하고 썩히는거 같아서 이번에 amd 8150 컴퓨터를 서버로 만들려고 하는데요\n<monos> 저희집에서 제일 좋은 컴퓨터에요\n<monos> 우분투 서버로 만들려고 하는데 ssd가 지금 달려 있는데요 ssd는 서버로 사용할땐 별로 쓸모 없겠죠?\n<samahui_ws> ㅎㅎ;;\n<samahui_ws> 뭐 쓰기 나름이겠지만 필요성이 덜할거 같기는 하네요\n<monos> 토렌트 서버랑 tvheadend mpd 아파치나 엔지닉스 정도만 돌릴껀데\n<monos> 램이 8기가 인데 서버 버전을 깔아서 쓰는거 보단 데스크탑 버전을 깔아서 항상켜두는게 좋을가요?\n<samahui_ws> 그냥 서버버젼으로 까는게 났겠네요\n<samahui_ws> 토렌트 쓰신다면 SSD비추입니다\n<monos> 넵\n<monos> 256 삼성 830 하나 있어요\n<samahui_ws> 그냥 하드 쓰고 메모리나 좀 더 높여주세요\n<samahui_ws> ㅎㅎ;; 저랑 같은 모델 쓰시는군요\n<monos> 2테라 시케이트꺼 하나랑\n<samahui_ws> 제 노트북 하나에 달아서 우분투 돌리고 있죠 ㅎㅎ\n<monos> 2개 있네요\n<samahui_ws> SSD보다는 데이터버퍼를 증설하는게 속도면이나 효율면에서 훨 나을겁니다\n<monos> 일하면서 컴퓨터 필요할때가 있는데 노트북이나 테블릿에 블루투스 키보드 있으면 좋겠다는 생각이 들긴하는데 컴퓨터 없어도 그만이라서 싼거면 하나 사고 싶네요\n<samahui_ws> 전 예전~에 쓰던 10인치 타블릿용 케이스에 붙여지는 블투 키보드 하나 남았네요\n<samahui_ws> 기계식 쓰다보니 키감땜에 많이 안쓰게 되더라고요\n<samahui_ws> 거기다 노트북을 오래 써서 그런지 몸에 배어있어서 키보드에 트랙포인트나 터치패드 있는걸 찾다보니 가격도 좀 쎄고요\n<monos> 저는 액셀 돌릴 사양에 배터리 오래 가는거 가격이 싼거 있으면 하나 사고 싶어요\n<samahui_ws> 지금 있는놈은 ê·¸ 중에 싼놈인데 역시 싼값을 한다고 마우스키를 fn키로 작동해야되서 쓰다가 좀씩 실수하네요 ㅎㅎ ;;\n<samahui_ws> 엑셀같은거 돌릴꺼면 패드말고 저렴한 노트북을 사세요\n<monos> 노트북은 들고 다니기 무겁고 크걸 같아요\n<monos> 클거 같아요\n<samahui_ws> 엑셀보고 할꺼면 8인치는 작을듯한데 ê²°êµ­ 10인치 사ì‹��거자나요\n<samahui_ws> 거기다 키보드에 케이스 하면... 10~12인치 노트북과 큰차이 없지 않을까요?\n<samahui_ws> ㅎㅎ;; 뭐 전 노트북이 손에 익어서 훨씬 ~ 작업하기 편하니 노트북을 주로 쓰지만... 인터넷검색하고 영화보고 하는 정도면 패드가 났겠지만요\n<monos> 저는 잘모르겠어요\n<monos> 액셀에 맞는 크기가 어떤건지 잘모르겠네요\n<samahui_ws> 엑셀이야기를 하신걸보니 작업할때 쓰실거 같은데\n<monos> 네\n<samahui_ws> 작업할거면 노트북이 훨 편하죠\n<samahui_ws> 패드로 작업 못해요... 정말 승질나요\n<monos> 액셀에서 서식 작업정도만 할려고 합니다.\n<samahui_ws> 그렇다고 키보드 마우스 붙이면... ê²°êµ­ 이동성 떨어지고요\n<samahui_ws> 한번 써보세요\n<samahui_ws> 써보고 구입하셔도 늦지 않죠\n<monos> 전자관 가서 구매안하고 사용해봐야 겠어요\n<samahui_ws> 엑셀 파일을 가져가서 전자랜드나 하이마트 이마트처럼 노트북과 패드 진열해 놓은대서 해봐요 ㅎㅎ\n<monos> 네\n<monos> 감사합니다.\n<monos> 그렇게 해야 겠네요\n<samahui_ws> 저도 심심해서 8인치 패드 하나 샀다가 정말 만화책보고 영화보는거로 밖에 안써서\n<samahui_ws> ê²°êµ­ 썩히고 있어요 ㅜㅜ\n<samahui_ws> w4 인가하는 에이서껀디 ... 아까워요\n<monos> 에이서 가격이 엄청 싸던데\n<samahui_ws> 나올때는 그다지 안쌌어요 윈도우패드입니다\n<samahui_ws> 30만냥 정도 했던거 같네요 ㅜㅜ 지금은 19만원정도인가 그럴껄요... 아니면 단종되었을지도 ㅎㅎ;;\n<monos> 아직도 비싼데요\n<samahui_ws> 13년 말에 나와서 제가 14년도에 샀으니.. 지금 단종인가보네요 리퍼 215000정도하네요\n<monos> http://prod.danawa.com/info/?pcode=2289804&cate=122582\n<samahui_ws> 새거는 31만원 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 네 저도 지금 다나와 검색해봤어요\n<samahui_ws> 제꺼 가져가요\n<samahui_ws> ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 케이스도 없고해서 7만냥에\n<samahui_ws> ㅎㅎ\n<monos> 엄청 싼데요?\n<monos> ê±°ì ¸ 인데요?\n<samahui_ws> 전용 키보드도 없고 10인치 쓰던 키보드 쓰고 있어요 ㅎㅎ\n<monos> 엄청 싼데요 7만원이면?\n<samahui_ws> 버리긴 아깝고 해서 10만냥에 팔려다가 여기가 장터도 아니고 해서\n<samahui_ws> 자체 디씨\n<samahui_ws> ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 규정위반일듯해요 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 장사를하다니 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 커버 케이스가 있는데 제가 그걸 뜯어버렸어요\n<samahui_ws> 커버 거추장스럽다고\n<monos> 제가 사고 싶은데요\n<samahui_ws> 덕분에 핸드폰처럼 고무케이스만 있죠 ㅎㅎ\n<monos> 제가 링크한 제품 맞는거죠?\n<samahui_ws> w4가 한가지 뿐인지라 맞을겁니다\n<monos> 이거 그럼 제가 구매하고 싶어요\n<samahui_ws> ㅎㅎ 네이년에 되파는거 아니시면 가져가세요\n<monos> 그런데 윈도우 패드는 한번도 사용안해봤는데\n<samahui_ws> 네이년에서 18만원정도에 거래되거든요\n<monos> 안팔죠\n<monos> 테블릿 한번도 사용안해보고\n<monos> 어떻게 사용하는지도 모르는데요\n<monos> 계속 사용해야죠\n<samahui_ws> 그냥 윈도우 8.1 인지라 그냥 쓰는겁니다\n<samahui_ws> 똑같아요\n<samahui_ws> 그래서 불편하죠\n<monos> 윈도우용 안드로이드보다 더 좋아요?\n<samahui_ws> 패드는 안드로이드나 IOS가 더 특화가 잘되어있어서 쓰기 좋쵸\n<samahui_ws> 윈도우는 불편해요\n<monos> 그런가요?\n<samahui_ws> 네\n<samahui_ws> 윈도우는 아직까지는 마우스와 키보드를 벗어나지 못한걸로 보여요\n<monos> 저는 패블릿은 한번도 못사용해봤어요\n<monos> 그럼 samahui_ws님이 마우스랑 키보드도 주시나요?\n<samahui_ws> 무엇보다 해상도대비 아이콘 크기등이 병맛이라 쓰다보면 화나요\n<samahui_ws> 헉 ㅜㅜ\n<samahui_ws> 그거까지 다하면 10만냥은 받아야되요\n<samahui_ws> 그리고 키보드 마우스가 아니라 패드달린 키보드입니다\n<monos> 1200*800 이면 괜찮은데요?\n<samahui_ws> 블루투스\n<monos> 테블릿은 유선 키보드 못꼽아요?\n<samahui_ws> 쓸만은해요 어차피 손가락으로다가 확대축소가 되니까요\n<monos> 유선 키보드 유선 마우스 못꼽아요?\n<samahui_ws> 꼽을수있는데 USB단자가 미니 단자 하나라 컨버터 써야되요\n<samahui_ws> 그리고 그렇게 되면 충전이 안되죠\n<monos> 그러네요\n<samahui_ws> 충전하면서는 못써요\n<monos> 아하 그런 단점이 있군요\n<samahui_ws> 그래서 블루투스 키보드를 산거죠\n<samahui_ws> 비록 좋은게 아니지만요 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> USB포트의 단점이죠\n<monos> 블루투스 키보드랑 마우스 주시고 10만원이에요?\n<samahui_ws> 새로나온USB는 될거같은데 3.0가지는 안되죠\n<samahui_ws> 블투키보드만이죠... 터치패드 달린 모델이예요\n<monos> 요즘 다 usb로 나오는데요?\n<monos> usb2.0에 꼽으니 다 사용되던데 테블릿은 한번도 사용안해봤어요\n<samahui_ws> 새로나오는건 type-c로 나오게 될겁니다\n<monos> 아 맞어 오랜만에 컴퓨터 켜니깐 윈도우 10 무료 업그레이드 신청하는거 나와서 신청했어요\n<samahui_ws> 그거면 충전과 동시에 사용이 가능해서 확장USB포트 붙여서 쓸수 있겠지만\n<samahui_ws> 3.0까지는 안되요\n<monos> 아하\n<samahui_ws> 전 아직 안했어요\n<samahui_ws> 좀 두고보고 하려고요\n<monos> 새로 나오는거 type-c로 사야 겠네요\n<monos> 나도 그럼 취소 할까봐요\n<samahui_ws> 무너 퉁수를 칠지도 모르겠고 또 8 첨나왔을때 처럼 병맛날꺼 같아서 불안해서 못쓰겠어요\n<monos> 테블릿은 한번도 안나와서 사마휘님 한테 사서 사용해보고 싶네요\n<monos> 절대로 어디 팔려고 하는게 아니고요\n<monos> 테블릿 자체를 사용안해봐서 사용해볼려고 살려고 하는거에요\n<samahui_ws> 아직까지는 type-c 달린건 안나왔을겁니다\n<samahui_ws> 어디사세요?\n<monos> 대구에요\n<samahui_ws> ㅜㅜ\n<samahui_ws> 그랬었죠\n<monos> 예전에 사마휘님이\n<monos> 컴퓨터\n<samahui_ws> 주소를 까먹어서\n<samahui_ws> ㅎㅎ\n<monos> 아톰인가 주셨어요\n<samahui_ws> ê·¸... 그랬죠 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 듀얼코어요\n<monos> 그거 서버로 쓰고 있음\n<samahui_ws> 아톰은 아니였죠\n<samahui_ws> ㅎㅎ ;;\n<samahui_ws> 듀얼코어인데 좀 낮은 놈이였죠\n<monos> cpu 35w 짜리에요\n<samahui_ws> 저전력 노트북용 CPU쓰는 보드\n<monos> 맞아요\n<monos> 국내에선 구경도 못해보는거요\n<samahui_ws> 그거 비싼 보드입니다\n<monos> 네\n<monos> 아직도 잘 사용하고 있어요\n<samahui_ws> 왜냐면 보드가 몇개 없는거라 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 저전력 시스템으로 쓰기 좋쵸\n<monos> 네\n<monos> 나스로 사용하고 있어요\n<samahui_ws> 그렇군요\n<monos> 집에 컴퓨터 구형만 3대\n<samahui_ws> ㅎㅎ;;\n<monos> 팬티엄D945는 거의 안쓰는데 가지고 있어요\n<samahui_ws> 그건 너무 전기를 많이 먹자나요\n<samahui_ws> 그래도 쓸만은 하겠네요\n<monos> amd 패넘 925는 윈도우나 리눅스 OS 테스트용\n<samahui_ws> 패넘 925ë©´ 듀얼인가요?\n<monos> amd 잠베지 8150은 내 메인컴퓨터에요\n<monos> 4코어에요\n<samahui_ws> 잠베지는 8코어\n<samahui_ws> 맞죠?\n<monos> 네\n<samahui_ws> 좋은거 있으시네요\n<monos> 패넘 925 4코어\n<samahui_ws> 925도 쿼드였군요\n<samahui_ws> 몰랐어요\n<samahui_ws> 전 945인게 썼건거 같은데 정확한 기억이 안나네요\n<monos> 잠베지는 8코어인데 전기 엄청 먹어요\n<monos> 945가 더 좋은데요\n<samahui_ws> 잠베지가 전기를 많이 먹는군요...\n<monos> 데네브\n<samahui_ws> 데네브 맞아요\n<monos> 잠베지 적기 많이 먹고 윈도우 깔면 4코어로 작동해요\n<samahui_ws> 얼마전에 팔아먹었죠... 15만냥에 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 데네브에 460인가 560ti인가 그래픽 달린 놈이였죠\n<samahui_ws> 나름 당시 게이밍 머신이였는데\n<samahui_ws> 똥값에 넘기니 좀 아깝더군요\n<monos> 데네브 925에 gt220 사용중\n<samahui_ws> 동생 게이밍 머신으로 만들어 줬던건데 ... 아쉽더라고요\n<monos> 아깝네요\n<samahui_ws> 동생에게 웍스 노트북 한대 사줘서 쓰지를 않더라고요\n<samahui_ws> 팔려고 봤더니 ... PCë°© 에서 나온놈들이 딱 그가격에 팔리고 있더라고요\n<monos> 요즘은 데스크탑은 공간을 많이 차지 해서 이제 많이 있어도 둘때도 없어요\n<samahui_ws> 그래서 저도 미련없이 중고딩나라에 넘겼죠\n<samahui_ws> ㅜㅜ\n<monos> 네\n<monos> 잘하셨어요\n<monos> 안쓰는건 다 처분하는게 좋아요\n<samahui_ws> 데탑은 확실히 자리를 많이 차지하죠\n<monos> 저처럼 계ì�� 집에 두면 쓰래기 밖에 안되요\n<samahui_ws> 구형 애플이나 Ibm초기형 아니고서는 돈되는것도 아니라서 저도 데탑은 다 처분해 버렸어요\n<samahui_ws> 486cpu하나만 남아있네요\n<monos> 윈도우 테블릿은 구글 스토어 같은거 있어요?\n<samahui_ws> 대신 전 노트북은 486부터 팬티엄 초기까지 다 가지고 있죠\n<monos> 486 유물 시피유네요\n<samahui_ws> 윈도우8.1 안써보셨나요?\n<monos> 데스크탑으로 사용해봤어요\n<samahui_ws> 윈도우 스토어는 있어요 다만 프로그램이 생각보다 없죠\n<samahui_ws> 똑같아요\n<samahui_ws> 그냥 신형 아톰들어간 휴대용 컴이예요\n<samahui_ws> 거기에 터치스크린이 달린거죠\n<monos> 아하\n<samahui_ws> 그래서 터치로 쓰기 불편하다는 거예요\n<samahui_ws> 10 나오면 또 어떻게 될지 모르지만요\n<monos> 스토어에  그래도 왠만한건 무료로 다 있겠죠?\n<samahui_ws> 8.1까지는 아직까지 태블릿으로 쓰기에는 불편하고 PC에 쓰기에는 난해하고 그러하죠\n<samahui_ws> 그래서 8버젼이 7만 못하게 팔리고 있는거죠\n<monos> 아하\n<samahui_ws> PC용 프로그램 쓰면 되니까\n<samahui_ws> 상관없죠\n<samahui_ws>  PC랑 그대로 똑같이 돌아가요\n<monos> 그래서 라즈베리파이2에 윈도우10 인가 깔수 있다고 했군요\n<samahui_ws> 게임도 하스스톤까지는 원할하게 쓸만하게 돌아가죠\n<monos> 하스스톤도 요즘 잘안했네요\n<monos> 내 휴대폰으로 하면 너무 느림\n<samahui_ws> 그건 개발자용으로 말그대로 제어용이라\n<monos> 영화 ë³´ê³  하스스톤 하고\n<samahui_ws> 일반적인 윈도우가 아니예요\n<monos> 네\n<samahui_ws> 라즈베리파이용 나옴거 돌려봤는데 말그대로 깔아놓고 외부 접속해서 개발작업하는 딱 그정도예요\n<samahui_ws> 쓸게 못되요\n<monos> 아하\n<samahui_ws> 라즈베리용 개발자 테스트버젼이 나왔었거든요... 지금은 다시 페쇄됬지만\n<samahui_ws> 아무튼 그걸 일반 윈도우 생각하고 깔았다가 라즈비안 세팅 다해놓은거 날린 사람들이 종종 보여서 안타깝더군요\n<monos> 저 라즈베리파이2 살려다가 오드로이드 c1 샀는데 잘한건지 못한건지 모르겠네요\n<samahui_ws> 라즈비안이나 일반 윈도우처럼 PC처럼 쓰는 환경이 아니예요\n<samahui_ws> 오드로이드 성능도 좋쵸\n<samahui_ws> 다만 지원이 좀 더 아쉽고 비쌌었죠\n<samahui_ws> 요즘은 어떤지 모르겠네요\n<monos> 라즈베리파이 3 나오면 사야 겠어요\n<samahui_ws> 그러고보니 테스트보드로 c1 있었지요\n<samahui_ws> 제가 썼으면서 까먹었네요\n<samahui_ws> 하도 안쓰니 ㅎㅎ;;\n<samahui_ws> C1에는 안드로이드 깔아서 썼었는데... 확실히 안드로이드 돌릴꺼면 C1이 났죠\n<HolyKnight> @joydvzon: 메르스 걸린 사람이 그것도 의사가 악착같이 찾아간 곳이 아파트 재건축 총회라는 게 참으로 대한민국의 현실을 적나라하게 보여주는 부분.\n<monos> c1에 우분투 도 잘 깔려요\n<monos> 안드로이드 잘깔려요\n<monos> 2개다 잘깔림\n<samahui_ws> 전 안드로이드 앱 개발할때 테스트 보드로 써본거라 ㅎㅎ;; 다른 OS설치는 아예 생각을 안했었어요\n<monos> 네\n<monos> samahui_ws: 님 테블릿 처분하실거면 저한테 하세요\n<monos> 저 피곤해서 그만 자러 가야 겠네요\n<samahui_ws> 메르스 솔직히 그냥 독감의 일종으로 건강하면 그냥 지나가 버릴수도 있는데... 너무 과장되게 걱정을 시키고 있는거 같아요\n<monos> 내일 또 일하러 가야 되어서 안자면\n<monos> 일못해서요\n<samahui_ws> 물론 조심해야하고 또 정부는 보다 잘 관리해야하지만요\n<samahui_ws> ㅎㅎ;;\n<samahui_ws> 조심히 들어가세요\n<samahui_ws> 나중에 또 뵈요\n<monos> 네\n<monos> 테블릿 처분 하실거면 저한테\n<samahui_ws> 네\n<monos> 나중에 또 올게요\n<samahui_ws> 패드는 ê¼­ 그리 처분할께요 ㅎㅎ;;\n<samahui_ws> 다른걸 다 떠나서 큰 병원들 눈치를 보는건지... 왜 감염자 수용병원 명단 공개를 안하는지 이해가 안되요\n<samahui_ws> 그것만 해줘도 훨씬 덜 불안할텐디 ... 우리아기 예방접종이 돌까지는 몇날 안맞아도 되서 다행이지... 얼마전까지도 종합병원으로 주사맞으러 다녔었는데 아찔하네요\n<samahui_ws> 성모병원이였죠 ㅜㅜ\n<HolyKnight> 허\n<HolyKnight> 그러셨군유.\n<samahui_ws> 네 얼마전에 돌되기전 마지막 주사 맞춰주고 왔는데... 참으로 다행이죠\n<samahui_ws> 아무튼 왜 밝히지 않는지 모르겠네요... 지금 입원해 있는 환자들이 알고 다 들고 일어나기라도 할까봐서인지... 이미 경리병동생기는거 ë³´ë©´ 다 알터인데 ... ê²°êµ­ 방역의 무능함을 덥으려고 하는 짖으로 밖에는 보이지 않네요\n<samahui_ws> 혼란은 몰라서 생기는 혼란이 더 크죠\n<samahui_ws> 몇몇 병원만 피하면 될걸 모든 병원을 기피하게 만들고... 더욱이 불안감이 극도로 커지고 있죠... 혹 불안감을 키워서 뭔가 감추거나 조종하려는 음모는 아닐지~ 라는 음모론을 모락모락 스스로 키우고 앉았네요\n<HolyKnight> 흠\n<HolyKnight> 메르스 자체는 그냥 독감의 일종정도같은데\n<HolyKnight> 과민반응하는거 아닌가싶구유.\n<HolyKnight> 거기에 정부의 한심한 대처가 부채질하는듯....\n<HolyKnight> ê²°êµ­ 자치가 나서네유....\n<samahui_ws> 전문가왈 백신이 만들어 지지 않는 이유가 어려워서가 아니라 이전 사스나 조류도감들 처럼 약을 만들어봐야 1년정도면 병원균 자체가 ��‚¬ë¼ì ¸ 돈이 안된다고 하더군요\n<HolyKnight> 허\n<samahui_ws> ê²°êµ­ 몇년이내에 사라질 기존 독감수준이라는거죠\n<HolyKnight> 그렇군유\n<samahui_ws> 근데 감염되고 사망한 사람들이 생겨서\n<samahui_ws> 근데 이 사망자들도 기존 질병이 심해져서 위태롭던 사람들인지라\n<HolyKnight> ㅇㅇ\n<samahui_ws> ê²°êµ­ 건강하면 그냥 견뎌지는 독감수준인데 과장되어버렸죠\n<HolyKnight> ㅇㅇ\n<samahui_ws> 거기다 정부의 안일한 대처와 감추기 급급함을 보여주는 대응미스가 더해져서\n<samahui_ws> 완전 무슨 종말의 징조로 보일지경이죠\n<samahui_ws> 근데 왜 병원 공개를 안하느냐... ê²°êµ­ 이걸 이용해서 뭘 노리는건 아닌지...\n<samahui_ws> 아무튼 무능이라는 이름만 내걸고 귀막고 입닫고 뭔가 하는거 같아 보이네요\n<samahui_ws> 답답합니다\n<samahui_ws> 덕분에 마스크와 소독약만 잘팔리고 있죠... 윗분들이 마스카와 소독약관련 주식을 샀나???\n<HolyKnight> ㄷㄷ\n<samahui_ws> 낙타를 못타니 오늘은 그만 들어가봐야겠군요.\n<samahui_ws> 즐거운 밤들 보내시고 내일뵈요~\n<Work^Seony> 안녕하세요\n#ubuntu-ko 2015-06-05\n<autowiz> 안녕하세요\n<autowiz> Gijo\n<autowiz> StarWind Virtual SAN Free 2-node without limits.\n<autowiz> ORLY, haven't heared yet? Missed our yesterday’s webinar?\n<autowiz> So, you still have a couple hours to join me in our Tap Room.\n<autowiz> Virtualize responsibly!\n<autowiz> Anatoly\n<Work^Seony> 안녕하세요\n<autowiz> 스따윈드 뉴스레터 인데 ì°¸ 짧고 간결한게 좋습니다. 다른데는 아주 수백 수천 글자씩 메일로 보네는데 정작 필요한 내용은 수십 글자로 요약되거든요\n<autowiz> 서니님 안녕하세요 .. .오늘도 행복한 하루 되세요~~~~\n<Work^Seony> 넵 감사합니다.  autowiz님은 일 덜하는 하루 되세요 ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> ㅎㅎㅎ 엄청 감사합니다. 일덜하는 하루 라니 ㅋㅋ\n<Work^Seony> 옛날에는 떠도는 소문들은 걍 음모론 취급해버렸는데,\n<Work^Seony> 요즘은 그런 음모론에서나 다룰법한 얘기들이 실제로 벌어지고 있으니,\n<Work^Seony> 너무 많은 정보들이 섞여서 혼란이 되는 시기가 됐어요...\n<autowiz> 반반 정도라고 생각합니다.\n<autowiz> 음모론도 있고 , 실제 팩트도 있고\n<bluedusk> 굳모닝\n<Work^Seony> 저는 개인적으로 음모론을 오랫동안 봐오고 있다보니 그런데에 휩쓸리진 않거든요.  지금은 어느정도 분별력이 있따고 생각하는데, 너무 많은 것들이 은근히 조합되다보니 해깔리네요 ㅎㅎ\n<Work^Seony> 안녕하세요\n<bluedusk> 걍\n<bluedusk> 국민이 미개한 딱 ê·¸ 거인듯..\n<autowiz> 블더님 안녕하세요~~\n<bluedusk> autowiz, 안녕하세요\n<autowiz> 제가 미개해서 그렇습니다 .죄송합니다. 죄송합니다 죄송합니다.\n<Work^Seony> 오늘 윈도우10 업글 때문에 직원들이랑 미팅했는데, 제 사수는 계속 집에 있다가 미팅하기 전에 잠깐 사무실 나오더니, 미팅 끝나고 다시 집으로.... ㅎㅎ\n<bluedusk> http://item2.gmarket.co.kr/Item/detailview/Item.aspx?goodscode=682677380&jaehuid=200003657\n<bluedusk> 이거 어떤가요?\n<Work^Seony> 깔끔해보이네요\n<autowiz> 가격도 착하네요\n<bluedusk> 가격이 착해서\n<autowiz> 5분안에 결제 들어가네요 ㅎㅎ\n<bluedusk> 이걸 함 노려볼까\n<Work^Seony> 전 요즘 WD 마이북 듀오 8TB 외장하드 하나 사야하나 말아야하나 무지 고민 중이라...\n<autowiz> 들어가나요?\n<Work^Seony> 어찌해야할지 모르겠군요 ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 서니 : 얼마정도 하나요?\n<bluedusk> Work^Seony, 제 개인 서버 스토리지가 11T 인데요\n<bluedusk> 토할거 같아요 2t, 1t 하드들 합해서 10개정도 달린듯\n<autowiz> 11테라 헐... 뭘로 구축하셨어요? pc ? nas ?\n<Work^Seony> autowiz, http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00KU686D2/ref=s9_simh_gw_p147_d0_i1?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=desktop-1&pf_rd_r=191F8AD0WABZ9TXJD415&pf_rd_t=36701&pf_rd_p=2079475242&pf_rd_i=desktop\n<bluedusk> pc죠\n<bluedusk> btrfs raid10으로 묶어놨어요\n<autowiz> 서니 : 이쁘긴한데 음... 가격을 그렇게 비싼건 아니지요 따지고보면 , 하드값만해도 장난아니니\n<Work^Seony> 레이드10이면, 실제 용량은 22테라라는 소리네요 ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 블더님도 btrfs 좋아라하시는구나 ㅎㅎ\n<bluedusk> 아뇨 묶어서 11T에요 ㅋ\n<autowiz> 레이드 카드는 어떤거 사용하셨어요? 소프트웨어?\n<Work^Seony> autowiz, 네 가격은 뭐 괜찮아요.  근데 갑자기 한 40만원 돈 쓰려니 고민되서요.  사실, 저거 사도 뭔가 샀다는 느낌이 안드는 물건이잖아요 ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 하드웨어? 하이브리드?\n<autowiz> 뭔가 샀다는 느낌이 들지요\n<autowiz> 백업할 공간이 빠빵하게 생기잖아요.\n<Work^Seony> 사자마자 구석에 처박힐 물건이라...\n<bluedusk> Work^Seony, 근데 차라리 nas 8베이 정도 지르신다음에 하드만 추가 하시는게 더 좋지 않아요?\n<Work^Seony> nas 껍데기 자체가 너무 비싸더라구요\n<autowiz> 그때그때?\n<Work^Seony> 안그래도 nas 살까도 고민 많이 했꺼든요..\n<autowiz> 웬디는 하드 디스크 제조하니까 싸게 나온거 같기도 하고\n<bluedusk> http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CRB53CU?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=ox_sc_sfl_title_3&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER\n<bluedusk> 8베이 정도면 ..\n<autowiz> 저는 회사 nas 는 느려서 문서 공유용으로만 쓰고\n<Work^Seony> 집에 맥미니가 한대 있어서, 그걸 나스 삼아서 usb외장하드 붙일려고 하는 건데요, 사실 usb외장하드를 그렇게 쓰다 별로 좋지않은 추억이 있어서 망설여지네요\n<autowiz> 로컬 하드가 모자라서 세컨pc 에 공유 걸어놓고 메인에서 땡겨쓰고 있는데 완전 대만족입니다.\n<Work^Seony> ㅎㅎ 저거 시놀로지는 100만원 돈이네요\n<bluedusk> Work^Seony, ㅋ 하드 디스크 없는 모델이에요\n<autowiz> 랜카드 분리해놔서 속도도 빠르고 .. san 스토리지 저리가라 입니다 ㅋㅋ\n<bluedusk> autowiz, 남는 10g 랜카드 붙이셨어야죠\n<bluedusk> 실망이네요\n<autowiz> 10는 남는게 없는 ㅠㅠ\n<autowiz> 10g 비싸요 ㅠㅠ\n<bluedusk> 음 집에 네트웍 환경을 10g로 바꿀까요?\n<autowiz> 저도 그거 함 해볼려고 했는데\n<autowiz> 10g 스위치가 잘 없는거 같던데요\n<Work^Seony> 케이블은 그렇다치고, 스위치가 비싸잖아요 ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 그냥 랜카드 여러개사서\n<Work^Seony> mini g-bic 있다는게, 10g 지원한다는 소리는 아닌거겠죠?\n<autowiz> 채널 본딩~ 고고싱 ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> sfp 라고 하는데 기본적으로는 1G 지원이구요\n<autowiz> 10 G 지원이면 따로 써놓습니다. sfp+ 는 대부분 10G 지원이구요\n<Work^Seony> 시스코 스위치 중에서 무지 저렴한 10포트 스위치가 하나 있는데, 그게 미니 g-bic이 달려있거든요...\n<Work^Seony> http://www.amazon.com/Cisco-SG300-10-10-port-Gigabit-SRW2008-K9-NA/dp/B0041ORN6U/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1433465646&sr=1-1&keywords=cisco+sg300-10\n<Work^Seony> 요 모델이요\n<Work^Seony> 가격도 저렴한게, ios 들어가있꼬, 미니 gbic 달려있는데 10g라고는 안써있어요\n<autowiz> 10g 장비들은 랜카드부터 스위치  , 방화벽 , 백본 등 해서 다 비싸더라구요\n<Work^Seony> 글쵸...  아직은 비싸죠..\n<Work^Seony> 아 암튼 무지 고민되네요...\n<autowiz> 음... 뭐 스토리지도 그냥 데이터 제공하는 간단한 서버 같은거지만서두. 정말 pc 하나 빠방하게 연결해놓으니까 스토리지 안부럽네요 ㅎㅎ 전기는 좀 먹긴 하지만.\n<Work^Seony> 맥미니에 usb3 외장하드 달아서 쓸건가, 나스를 살건가...\n<Work^Seony> 솔직히, 나스에 달린 씨퓨 맘에 안들어요 ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> 이동하시는게 아니면 nas도 괜찮은데 가격이 좀 비싸져서\n<Work^Seony> 맥미니는 그래도 코어 i5 달렸거든요\n<Work^Seony> 문제는, usb3 외장하드 달아서 써야하는데, 이게 얼마나 안정적으로 잘 돌아갈건가가 걱정이에요\n<autowiz> 스토리지 cpu 는 뭐 자료 제공에 걸림돌만 안되면 되는거지요 ㅎㅎ\n<Work^Seony> 그렇긴 해요 ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> usb 케이블이 뽑히는거 말고는 대박 안정정이지 않을까 라고 생각합니다.\n<autowiz> 고장나는거 잘 못봤어요\n<Work^Seony> 예전에 한 3-4년 전쯤에,\n<Work^Seony> 집에 남는 놋북에 usb2 외장하드 꼽고 서버처럼 돌렸는데요,\n<Work^Seony> 외장하드가 자체 절전모드 돌아가잖아요\n<Work^Seony> 그거 때문에 서버가 종종 먹통되는 일이 있었거든요\n<autowiz> 아... 그부분이 있겠네요\n<Work^Seony> 그러니까, 다시 전원 공급되서 하드 돌아가면서 액세스가 되야하는데,\n<Work^Seony> 어찌된 일인지 하드디스크에 액세스가 될 때까지 계속해서 기다리기만 하는 거에요\n<autowiz> 직접 해보는 수 밖에 없을거 같긴한ë�� .. 그동안 많이 발전하지 않았을까요?\n<Work^Seony> 그래서 그때 느낀게, usb외장하드를 달아서 스토리지 서버처럼 쓰는건 어렵겠다는걸 느꼈죠 ㅎㅎ\n<Work^Seony> 그렇겠쬬.  그게 이미 4년도 넘은 일이니..\n<ipeter_> 안녕하세요?\n<autowiz> 하이요\n<Work^Seony> 그렇다고, 돈 80만원 가까이 들여서 나스 사봐야, 한 5년 후에는 기변 욕심 생길거 같고...\n<Work^Seony> ipeter_, 안녕하세요\n<ipeter_> 리눅스에서 내장 명령과 관련된 셸 스크립트 파일이 /usr/bin에 있는데요\n<autowiz> usb 를 다시 한번 써보시는건 어떠실까 싶습니다. ^^\n<Work^Seony> 음... 네 그래봐야겠네요\n<Work^Seony> 가격도 싸니까....\n<ipeter_> usr/bin 디렉터리에 있는 명령중 내장 명령인 것은 어떻게 찾을 수 있을까요?\n<autowiz> 음.. 내장명령은 bash , csh 처럼 휄 안에 builtin 된거구요\n<autowiz> /bin/ls 같은건 외장명령어 라고 할꺼에요 아마도\n<Work^Seony> 내장 외장 명령어를 구분한다기보단, 그냥 BASH의 문법이랑 명령어를 혼동하시는거 같은데요\n<autowiz> 내장명령중에 cd , set  또 음.. 기억이 안나네요\n<ipeter_> 음... 이거 연습문제예요..\n<ipeter_> 내장명령어는 구글링해서 찾아봤습니다.ㅠ\n<ipeter_> http://weteacher.net/home/php/php14.htm\n<ipeter_> 근데 어떻게 찾는건 which 가 아닐까요..?\n<autowiz> 음... 방금 문장 이해가 안갑니다.\n<autowiz> 해석불가 ㅠㅠ\n<autowiz> 사마휘님 안녕하세요\n<Work^Seony> 저도 이해가...\n<autowiz> 블더님~~~~\n<samahui_ws> 안녕하세요 ~\n<Work^Seony> samahui_ws, 안녕하세요\n<ipeter_> 문제가.. \"내장 명령과 관련된 셸 스크립트 파일이 /usr/bin에 있다는것을 배웠다. /usr/bin 디렉터리에 있는 명령중 내장 명령은 무엇인지, 어떻게 찾을 수 있는지 설명하시오.\"\n<ipeter_> 이게 문제입니다..ㅠ\n<autowiz> 불\n<autowiz> 금\n<autowiz> 되\n<autowiz> 세\n<autowiz> 요\n<autowiz> ~~\n<ipeter_> samahui_ws: 사마휘님!!! 안녕하세요?!\n<autowiz> 음.. .피터님\n<ipeter_> 넹!\n<autowiz> 그문제 낸사람 잡아오세요 제가 교육좀 시키겠습니다.\n<samahui_ws> ㅎㅎ 불금들 되세요~\n<ipeter_> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<ipeter_> 우분투 리눅스 교재 저자는 이종원 입니다.\n<ipeter_> 출판사는 한빛 아카데미입니다.\n<ipeter_> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> /usr/bin  디렉에는 내장명령이 없지요. 거기 있는건 전부 외장명령이에요\n<autowiz> 내장명령은 bash 같은 쉘안에 있습니다용\n<ipeter_> 네.\n<ipeter_> 내장명령과 관련된 셸 스크립트는 /usr/bin에 있는건가요? 내장 명령은 없어도요.\n<Work^Seony> 아뇨 내장명령어는 디렉토리 안에 파일로 존재하는게 아니라니깐요..\n<Work^Seony> bash안에 포함되어있는거죠..\n<autowiz> 갖다 버려야겠는데요 쩝...\n<Work^Seony> 게다가, /bin이라면 모를까, /usr/bin에 있는 명령어들은 쉘이랑 관련된 명령어가 하나도 없어요..\n<Work^Seony> 전부 다 외부 유틸리티 같은 명령어들 뿐이죠..\n<autowiz> 백번 이해를 잘못했다 치고\n<ipeter_> =_=\n<ipeter_> 좀 더 공부하겠습니다.\n<ipeter_> 저자 패버리고 싶네요.\n<ipeter_> 고맙습니다.\n<ipeter_> 그냥 저 문제 안풀어야 겠어요.\n<Work^Seony> 잘못된 교재가 사람의 앞길을 망치는 ê±° 같은 기분이.. ㅎㅎ\n<ipeter_> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> OS 에 기본적으로 포함된 명령들을 /bin 에 있는거만 내장명령이라고 잘못 표현했다고 치고 읽어보면\n<ipeter_> 이종one 누구일까요.\n<ipeter_> 저거 문제 토시 하나 안틀리고 그대로 썼습니다..ㅠ\n<autowiz> 서강대학교 컴퓨터공학과에서 박사 학위를 취득했다.\n<ipeter_> 넹\n<ipeter_> 맞아요 그사람\n<autowiz> 이런 박사에 지금은 부교수라는데\n<autowiz> 음... 좀 너무하는거 아닌가? 감수도 안받았나 싶네요\n<Work^Seony> 뭐, 박사나 교수라고 다 잘하는건 아니니깐요 ㅋㅋ\n<Work^Seony> 저 학교 다닐 때 보안 가르치던 교수는, 저보다 더 리눅스를 못다뤘어요\n<Work^Seony> ls 명령어 치는데, 색깔을 어떻게 내는줄도 모르더라구요 ㅋㅋ\n<ipeter_> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> 잘하고 못하고 보다 틀린정보잖아요  쩝...   다들 잘 신경 안쓰는 부분이긴 합니다만. 밑바탕이라는게 ì°¸ 중요한거 같습니다.\n<ipeter_> 진 짜 여긴 성지같아요\n<ipeter_> 고수님들 후덜덜\n<autowiz> 5년 10년전에 러닝 리눅스 정독하면서 배운 지식입니당~~  ^^ v\n<autowiz> ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 저자 찾아가서 저 책으로 때리고 싶네요 .. 이름은 또 왜 우분투야 하필 .. 그러면 틀리지를 말던가\n<autowiz> 피터님 엇그제 것도 같은 책인가요?\n<autowiz> 하드링크 ㅋㅋ\n<ipeter_> 네 맞아요\n<autowiz> 정말 책한번 사서 ë³´ê³  저자한테 하나하나 지적해주고 싶네요\n<ipeter_> autowiz: 리눅스 재미있어요. (뜬금포)\n<ipeter_> 이거 이렇게 배우다가 윈도우 걷어내고 우분투 설치해서 쓸 기세예요.\n<autowiz> 제대로 맛들이면 그렇게 됩니다. 여기 많은 분들이 그렇게 쓰고 계시구요\n<ipeter_> 어제 강사님이 하신말씀이 되게 와닿았어요\n<ipeter_> 신입 우분투 작업 한시간 걸릴껄 경력자는 10분이면 끝낼때\n<ipeter_> 윈도우 환경에서 신입이 한시간 걸릴작업 경력자는 30-40분 걸린다구요.\n<ipeter_> GUI와 CUI 차이와 위력이겠죠.\n<autowiz> 사람들이 gui 만이 답이다 짱이다 라고 하는경우가 있는데 . 물론 cui 불편합니다. 처음 배울때는 근데.\n<Work^Seony> 근데, 신입이 헤매고 있으면, 윈도우에서 1시간에 할거, 리눅스에서는 하루종일 할걸요 ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> cui 명령들로 처리하는 로직ì�� gui 로 구현할려면 gui 가 무진장 복잡해질껍니다.\n<ipeter_> Work^Seony: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그럴듯 싶네요. 리눅스 어려워요.\n<ipeter_> HP free OS 놋북 사서 성능은 괜찮더라고 무게가 2.5키로 + 아답타 = 3키로 되는데 들고다니려니 죽겠네요.\n<Work^Seony> 아 이놈의 외장하드 고민은 한달동안 할듯 싶네요\n<ipeter_> 다음 노트북은 성는 집어치우고 무조건 가벼운놈 사려구요.\n<ipeter_> Work^Seony: 외장하드요...?\n<Work^Seony> 네 외장하드 사려고 고민 중이거든요\n<ipeter_> 아..\n<samahui_ws> 노트북은 가볍기만 한놈보다는 튼튼하고 가벼운놈으로...\n<samahui_ws> ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 외장하드 아직도 못정하셨어요?\n<samahui_ws> 비싼거 사려니 망설여 지시는가 보군요... 전 그냥 IODD 신형으로 질렀어요... 노트북들이 CD없이 나오는게 많고 또 제 웍스들도 ODD에 하드베이 달아서 하드 용량 늘려놓고 봤더니 CD쓸 일 있을때 귀찮더라고요\n<Work^Seony> ㅎㅎ 글쵸..\n<Work^Seony> usb3냐, usb3+tb냐...\n<samahui_ws> 썬더볼트로 가셔야죠. 맥만 쓰시자나요\n<Work^Seony> 일단 현재까지 마음 먹은건, 이미 맥미니가 있으니까 나스는 안사기로 했어요...\n<Work^Seony> 훨씬 더 나은 하드웨어의 맥미니를 두고, 나스를 사는건 좀 돈이 아까운거 같아요...\n<samahui_ws> ㅎㅎ;;\n<Work^Seony> 맥만 쓰긴 하는데, 맥미니에도 usb3 달려있거든요...\n<samahui_ws> 나스 정말 활용잘하거나 하는 사람 아니면 저도 차라리 미니서버 구축하는데 한표입니다\n<samahui_ws> 제 나스는 외장 하드 역활만 하고 있다죠\n<samahui_ws> ㅜㅜ\n<Work^Seony> usb3랑 tb 고민하는 이유는, 가격차이가 너무 많이 나요 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 그러고보니 요즘 USB는 아직 type-c로 안바뀌었나요?\n<samahui_ws> 좀 걸리려나..\n<Work^Seony> 그렇다고 또 7200rpm짜리 하드 박아봐야 tb 속도 다 뽑아내는 것도 아니고...\n<samahui_ws> 전 3.0 싫어라해요 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> USB자체가 뭔가 불안하단 느낌을 지울 수 없어요\n<Work^Seony> 제말이 그말입니다 ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> sun the bolt 는 SB 아닌가요? ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<Work^Seony> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<samahui_ws> Thunder\n<samahui_ws> 졸리네요\n<samahui_ws> 어제 너무 늦게 들어갔어요 ㅜㅜ\n<autowiz> 아.. 저는 숙취로 고생중입니다. 머리가 좀 아프네요 ㅋㅋ\n<samahui_ws> 메르스 땜시 오늘 약속도 파토네요\n<Work^Seony> 그놈의 낙타가 죄인이죠 ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> NAC\n<samahui_ws> 숙취에는 칡즙에 꿀타먹는걸 강력 추천합니다\n<autowiz> 낙장불입.\n<samahui_ws> 제가 지금까정 해본 숙취 타파는 이 조합이 제 좋더라고요\n<autowiz> 아침부터 술마셔서 늦잠잤다고 구박이나 받는마당에 칡즙은 ㅠㅠ\n<samahui_ws> 낙타 금지라 출퇴근이 힘들죠\n<samahui_ws> autowiz: 구박받는다고 기죽지말고 당당하게 칡즙을... 요구하지마시고 몰래 가셔서 편의점에서 사드세요 요즘 칡즙음료도 많아요 ㅎㅎ;;\n<autowiz> 사마휘님은 상남자~~ 부럽~ ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 뻔뻔함이 제 무기죠\n<samahui_ws> 자르려고해도 뻔뻔하게 살아남는...\n<samahui_ws> ㅎㅎ ;;\n<samahui_ws> 그럼 좀 더 뻔번하게 아침 회의 거르고 NBA경기보러 회의실로... 아! 회의실에서 회의하는구나...\n<samahui_ws> 회의 갔다올께요\n<Work^Seony> ㅎㅎ\n<Work^Seony> 네 수고하세요\n<samahui_ws> 오늘도 다들 화이팅!!! 입니다. 메르스 조심하시고 즐거운 하루 되세요~\n<samahui_ws> 댕겨왔습니다~\n<samahui_ws> 전라도에도 메르스의심환자 생겼나보네요\n<samahui_ws> 병원을 왜 공개를 안하는지 정말 의구심 드네요... 그래야 그병원을 안가고 병이 안퍼지지 대체 무슨생각인지... 대머리 때리고 싶네요\n<Work^Seony> 그게 이유겠죠 ㅎㅎ\n<Work^Seony> ê·¸ 병원 안가면 손님 끊기잖아요\n<Work^Seony> 있던 환자들도 나갈지도 모르는데...\n<ipeter_> 제 생각엔 제대로 집계를 못내고 있다에 한표입니다.\n<ipeter_> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<ipeter_> 쟤들 모르는게 분명해요.\n<samahui_ws> 뉴스보니 감염지역 생계지원금 준다는데... 이거 가지고 돈장난 하자는건 아니겠죠\n<samahui_ws> 아무튼 병원도 안밝히고 뻘짓만 하고 있으면서 해결도 안되니 의심부터드는군요\n<samahui_ws> 점심 맛있게들 드세요~ 밥먹으러 나가는것도 불안하게 만드네요. 별것도 아닌 독감하나땜시 불안감을 가지고 살아야 하다니 ì°¸ 답답한 상황이군요.\n<bluedusk>  답답하네요...\n<HolyKnight> 11테라나 필요한 이유가 뭔가유?\n<HolyKnight> 본좌는 1테라 하드있지만 대부분 영상이던데...\n<ipeter__> 밥먹다가 예쁜분 봤어요\n<ipeter__> +_+\n<ipeter__> 심쿵심쿵\n<ipeter__> 밥이 코로 들어가는지\n<ipeter__> 입으로 들어가는지\n<ipeter__> 푸허허\n<ipeter__> 두근두근 했네요.\n<samahui_ws> 밥먹다가 nba 봤어요\n<samahui_ws> 커리 정말 잘하는군요\n<samahui_ws> 두근두근\n<ipeter__> =_=\n<samahui_ws> 예쁜분을 보기만 하고 그냥 오시면 어떻게 합니까... 연락처라도 얻어와야죠\n<ipeter__> 저도 동료랑 밥먹고\n<ipeter__> 그쪽도 동료랑 밥먹고 있어서\n<ipeter__> 저희가 먼저 일어나서\n<ipeter__> 어쩔 수 없었어요\n<ipeter__> 가서 번호를 알아냈어야 했나요?\n<ipeter__> 와...그냥 나오고 완전 후회했어요.\n<ipeter__> ㅠㅠ\n<samahui_ws> 걍 가서 전화번호라도 물어보지 그랬어요 ㅎㅎ 밥집이 맛있었나요? 맛있었으면 또 올테니 그때를 노리세요 ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 정확히 집계는 아직 못내봤는데\n<autowiz> 드라마나 영화 봤던거중에 재미잇는걸들 좀 소장하고\n<autowiz> vm 수십개 가지고 있고 , í”��로그램 설치 파일 들 iso 들 가지고 있다보니까\n<autowiz> 3개 컴퓨터에 토달 2.5TB 정도 쓰고 있는거 같아요\n<autowiz> 백업이라하면 모름지가 TOTAL BACKUP  ㅎㅎ 4T 이상은 있어야 1~2년 쓰겠지요\n<autowiz> 제가 삼바를 좀 싫어라 하는데\n<autowiz> 윈도우즈에서는 답이 없네요\n<ipeter__> samahui_ws: 진짜요...? 전 그런 용기가 없어요..ㅠ\n<ipeter__> samahui_ws: 식당은 구내 식당입니다.\n<autowiz> 용기있는자가 미인을 차지하..... 긴 개뿔.   그냥 뻘쭘하기만 할 수 도 있습니다 .ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> 그래도 한번 용기는 내보시길 권해드립니다.\n<ipeter__> autowiz: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<ipeter__> autowiz: 미워요 오즈님\n<autowiz> 사랑합니다. 피터님\n<samahui_ws> 구내식당이면 같은 회사 다니는군요. 인사과에 문의를... ㅎㅎ\n<ipeter__> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<ipeter__> 전 여기 교육받으러 들어왔어요\n<ipeter__> 판교 6주 교육입니다.\n<ipeter__> 파주에서 다니느라 죽어요.\n<samahui_ws> 그럼 하루빨리 찾아내서 대쉬를 하세요 ㅎㅎ\n<ipeter__> 그래야하나요.\n<ipeter__> (으르렁)\n<autowiz> o'clock 이 of the clock 의 약어 라는군요\n<autowiz> 이제야 알게된 1人\n<bluedusk> 헐\n<bluedusk> 저 맥북 프로 레티나 주문해버림\n<bluedusk> ...............\n<bluedusk> 어카죠?\n<HolyKnight> ㅊㅋㅊㅋ\n<razGon_MINILA> ㅎㄷㄷㄷ\n<razGon_MINILA> ㅊㅋㅊㅋㅊㅋ\n<HolyKnight> http://www.bloter.net/archives/229271\n<bluedusk> 자자 퇴근들 하시죠?\n<bluedusk> LinDol, 퇴근하라냥!!!\n<bluedusk> 뭐하는짓임?\n<jason_kr_> (너나 하세요~ 퇴근) ㅎ\n<bluedusk> jason_kr_, 전 이미\n<bluedusk> 아니 왜 제가 아얄씨에서 이야기 하면 퇴근 안했을꺼라 생각하시는거죠?\n<jason_kr_> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<jason_kr_> 늘~ 열심이라는...선입견이 있어서?!\n<LinDol> bluedusk, I was home already!\n<bluedusk> 구라쟁이들\n<bluedusk> 전 퇴근합니다 주말 잘보내세요\n<jason_kr_> ㅎㅎㅎ 내가 쏙았었어~\n<jason_kr_> LinDol: 오랜만요~\n<LinDol> ㅋㅋ\n<LinDol> jason_kr_, 안녕하세요 :)\n<jason_kr_> ^^\n<samahui_ws> 불금들 보내고 계신가요?\n<samahui_ws> 메르스 덕분에 만남도 다 취소되고 전 일이나 하면서 느슨한 저녁시간 보내고 있습니다\n<samahui_ws> 오늘까지 열심히 해놓고 주말에 즐겁게 게임이나 달려야겠네요\n<monos> 안녕하세요\n<monos> samahui_ws: 님 요즘 새벽에 계속 계시네요\n<samahui_ws> 오늘까지만 있고 주말에 쉬려고요\n<samahui_ws> 안녕하세요~\n<monos> 네\n<monos> 저는 일 마치고 집에서 자다가\n<monos> 지금 막 일어났어요\n<monos> 내일이랑 2일 놀아서\n<monos> 컴퓨터 좀 할려고요\n<samahui_ws> 좀 더 주무시고 내일 하시지 그러셨어요 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 전 정리해가고 있는데 생각보다 늦어지네요\n<samahui_ws> 오늘 날림으로 일했더니 버그가 좀 많아요\n<samahui_ws> 그것도 다 오타 ㅎㅎ;;\n<samahui_ws> 즐거운 주말들 보내세요\n<samahui_ws> 전 이만 가볼께요\n<monos> samahui_ws: 님\n<monos> 계신가요?\n<monos> 가셨어요?\n<samahui_ws> 가려고 정리중입니다\n<samahui_ws> ㅎㅎ\n<monos> 아\n<monos> 패드\n<monos> 안쓰시면 제가 한번 써볼게요\n<autowiz> 이제 출장 복귀\n<samahui_ws> 집에 가려고 했더니 벌써 3시네요\n<samahui_ws> 걍 밤새 놀다가 가야겠어요\n<samahui_ws> 흐흐흐\n<autowiz> 아이고\n<samahui_ws> 가봐야 애 볼듯 ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 고생이 많으십니다.\n<samahui_ws> autowiz님이야말로 고생이시네요\n<samahui_ws> 항상 새벽에 계시는군요\n<autowiz> 그러게요\n<samahui_ws> 주말을 즐겁게 보내세요\n<samahui_ws> 집에서!!!\n<autowiz> 주말에도 일해야 ㅠㅠ\n<samahui_ws> 쉬는날인데도 일을 시키나요\n<autowiz> 일은 평일에 시키는데 평일에 처리못할양을 주니 , 주말에도 하는 수 밖에 없네요\n<samahui_ws> 하긴... 출퇴근하다 메르스걸리지말고 회사에서 밤샘하라는 윗분 말씀도 있는 사회이니 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 일 양이 어마무지 한가보군요\n<autowiz> 3명4 명이서 해야할 일을 거의 혼자 하네요\n<samahui_ws> 전 오늘 일 많이하고 마무리는 못지었어요... 코딩하다 졸았는지 딴생각을했는지 오타가 어마어마해서 안잡혀요\n<autowiz> 부사수는 아직 tar 도 잘 못쓰는 상황이고\n<samahui_ws> ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 부사수를 실력자로 다시 뽑으세요\n<autowiz> 그래야 할듯 합니다. 다음주에 전부 떠넘기고 개발에만 전념해야 겠어요\n<Seony> 안녕하세요\n<samahui_ws> 제 부사수뻘되는 직원은 오늘 어여쁜 처자와 데이트하러 갔죠\n<samahui_ws> 안녕하세요~\n<autowiz> 써니님 안녕하세요\n<Seony> 이 시간까지 챗 하시네요\n<samahui_ws> ㅜㅜ\n<samahui_ws> 버그잡다 밤샜어요\n<samahui_ws> 집에 가려다 시간도 늦었고 가봐야 애볼꺼 같아서 남아서 놀고 있습니다\n<Seony> 흐... 그렇군요\n<samahui_ws> 걍 새벽에 들어가서 피곤한척 주말에 자려고요\n<samahui_ws> ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 재...재워주겠죠...\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 5시쯤가지 놀아볼까 하는데 뭐하고 놀까 생각중입니다\n<samahui_ws> 두시간은 놀수 있겠네요 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 메르스덕에 약속도 깨지고 일이나 해야지하고 일했는데 결론은 버그잡다 시간만 다 보냈어요\n<samahui_ws> 오타가 무지막지하네요\n<Seony> 메르스는 요즘 어떻게 되가나요?\n<samahui_ws> 아무튼 ... 뭐할까나 생각중입니다 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 메르스는 시장과 정부싸움중입니다 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 박시장이 기회는 이때다 하면서 일부정보 공개를 했는데 이게 좀 오류가 있는걸 가지고 정부의 공격~ 그러나 시민들은 박시장이 옳다며 지원사격... 일부는 나데지마라며 쫑알쫑알..\n<samahui_ws> 아무튼 재미있는 형국입니다\n<Seony> 흠... 그렇게 됐군요..\n<samahui_ws> 조사결과 에어컨과 의료진에 의해 옮겼다는데...\n<samahui_ws> 웃긴게 의료진이 옮겼다면 ... 당연히 병원밝히고 추가로 사람들 접근 못하게 통제를 해야지 않을까 싶은데... 끝까지 안밝히는군요\n<samahui_ws> 딱 한곳 평택성모만 밝혔네요\n<samahui_ws> 감염된 의사가 행사 참여하고... 의심환자가 고향으로 돌아가서 전라도 한 지역은 폐쇄되고\n<Seony> 뭐 발표하면 병원이 손해보니 ㅎㅎ...\n<samahui_ws> 이래저래 심란한 분위기 만들고 있네요\n<samahui_ws> 20년 넘은 모임이 있었는데 메르스 덕분에 취소도 되고 ㅎㅎ;;\n<samahui_ws> 공포 분위기 조성은 성공적입니다.\n<samahui_ws> 독감가지고 ì°¸ 난리네요\n<Seony> 일단은 집에만 붙어있어야하는 상황이 됐군요\n<Seony> 이럴 때 게임을 하시는 겁니다! ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 뭔가 숨기나 이해가 안가네요\n<Seony> 아 근데 아이를 보셔야하는군요..\n<samahui_ws> 아이가 이제 기려고 하는 단계라 잘움직여요\n<samahui_ws> 보행기 태워서 앉혀놓으면 이리저리 바둥거리면서 놀더군요 ... 넘어갈까 지켜봐줘야 합니다\n<samahui_ws> 굴러서 거실을 일주하거나 깔아놓은 안전패드에서 떨어지거나 갖가지 사고도치죠\n<samahui_ws> 아무튼 보는건 즐거운데... 제 시간이 없는지라 ㅜㅜ 주말에는 좀 쉬고 싶어요\n<Seony> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 야근하고 피곤하다고 좀 잔다고하면 내일은 좀 봐주겠죠\n<Seony> 피곤해서 잔다고하는건 좀 봐줘야할텐데...\n<samahui_ws> 자신은 매일 본다고 얄짤없으실듯합니다 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 메르스 때문에 어디 못돌아다니고 집에만 있으니 더 피곤해 하는듯해요\n<samahui_ws> 솔직히 메르스 별거 아닌데... 아기가 있으니 무섭네요 ㅎㅎ;;\n<Seony> 아... 집에만 있으니 스트레스 받으시겠군요\n<samahui_ws> 독감이야 건강한 사람에게 큰 문제가 아닌데 아기는 좀 신경쓰이죠\n<samahui_ws> 네\n<samahui_ws> 택배도 오면 물건만 놓고 가라고하고 접촉 자체를 안해더라고요\n<Seony> 전국이 난리긴 하네요\n<samahui_ws> 다시 한번 말씀드리지만 어차피 독감입니다. 좀 쎈 독감... 사망자들에게 미안하지만 이미 아픈사람들만 죽었죠\n<samahui_ws> 사스나 조류독감도 1년정도 반짝 난리피우다 사라져버렸죠\n<Seony> 네.  사망자들이 원래 건강에 이상이 있던 사람들이라는 기사를 봤어요\n<samahui_ws> 작년에는 택사스 독감인가가 유행이였고요\n<samahui_ws> 오늘 돌아가신분은 암투병중이더군요\n<samahui_ws> 그리고 나이도 다 70세 이상이고요\n<samahui_ws> 거의인가? 아무튼\n<samahui_ws> 그런 상황인데 젊은애들이 더 겁내는거 같아요\n<samahui_ws> ê·¸ ��´ìœ ê°€ 정부에서 정보통제를하니 쓸대없는 위기감만 조성시켜지죠\n<Seony> 글쵸 아무래도 빠르게 전염되는 듯하니깐요...\n<samahui_ws> 또 솔직히 병원은 알려줘야 안가면 안걸리고 통제도 잘될일인데 그걸 안했으니 더 문제죠\n<samahui_ws> 통제 확실히하고 정보공유해서 스스로 피할 수 있게만 하면... 금방 끝나고 또 공개된 병원도 정상화 시킬 수 있을 터인데... 안밝히니 사람들이 겁내면서 모든 병원을 피하고\n<samahui_ws> 그러다 더 나가서 시장이나 행사장이나 공원등 사람 많은곳은 다 피새서\n<samahui_ws> 피해서\n<samahui_ws> 경제적으로도 엄청난 손해를 ë³´ê³  있죠\n<samahui_ws> 중국 여행객들도 다 철수 혹은 취소했더군요\n<Seony> 헐...\n<samahui_ws> 명동이 썰렁할 정도니 말 다했죠\n<Seony> 그냥 감추고 발표 안하면 사람들이 모를줄 알았나보군요 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 청부가 답답해요... 아니면 정말 뭔가 숨길게 있어서 저따위로하는건가? 의심도 들게 만들더군요\n<samahui_ws> 근데 말조심해야죠... 유언비어 퍼트리면 구속한답니다\n<Seony> 병원의 높으신 분들이 부탁했겠죠 뭐 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> ê²°êµ­ 통제 수단으로 메르스 쓰는거 같아 보이는 효과만 만들고 있네요\n<samahui_ws> 제약회사들도 저거 얼마안가서 다 없어지거나 사람들 항체생겨버리고 돈날릴가봐 약도 안만드는 정도의 정말 별거 없는 독감인데... ì°¸ 답답ㅎ요\n<Seony> 아무래도 약 만드는게 쉬운 일도 아니고, 돈도 많이 투자해야하니...\n<samahui_ws> 다른거 다 떠나서 병원과 감염자 거주지역만 알려주고 그곳들만 피하게 해도 훨씬 나머지 관계없는 지역사람들이 편하게 생활할터인데 그걸 안하네요\n<Seony> 에볼라 같은 경우도 지난번에서야 겨우 약 만들기 시작했잖아요 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 에볼라는 강력해서 힘든거고 독감은... 그다지 힘든게 아닌데 그래도 돈은 많이 들어가고 ê·¸ 투자대비 수익이 낮다고 하더라고요\n<Seony> 네.  뭐 하긴 에볼라는, 일단 걸리면 죽는다고 봐야하니...\n<samahui_ws> 웃긴게 감염이 직접 접촉해야 된다고 해놓고는... 조사결과 에어컨과 의료진에 의한 감염... ê·¸ 말은 간접적으로도 걸린다는 소리죠\n<samahui_ws> 당최... 뭐하자는건지...\n<Seony> 내년에 저 한국 갈 때 그런거나 없었으면 좋겠습니다 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 여기서도 이번에 한국 가려던 사람들 다 취소했다고 하더라구요\n<samahui_ws> 그렇겠죠\n<samahui_ws> 지하철 풍경이 가관이랍니다\n<samahui_ws> 직원말이 마스크쓰고 있는 사람도 엄청 많은데다 기침만 해도 근처 다 피해가버린다고 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 자리 없으면 기침하면 된답니다\n<Seony> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<samahui_ws> 기침하고 열나는척하면 모세의 기적이 벌어진다죠 ㅎ\n<Seony> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<samahui_ws> 버스타고 출퇴근할까 했다가 아기땜시 겁나서 그냥 자가용으로 출퇴근하게 되더군요\n<samahui_ws> 놀다 가려고 했는데\n<samahui_ws> 속이 아프네요. 점심을 너무 맵게 먹었던거 같아요 ㅜㅜ\n<samahui_ws> 저녁때부터 계속 속이 쓰리네요\n<samahui_ws> Seony님 주말 즐겁게 보내세요\n<samahui_ws> 전 주말 뒹굴뒹굴 잘하고 월요일에 오겠습니다\n<Seony> 네 쉬세요\n<pchero> 음.. 퇴근 후, 잠시 기절했다가 조금 전에 일어났네요. -_-;;;\n<pchero> 오늘 좀 많이 피곤했는듯...\n<Seony> 일이 많으신가보네요\n#ubuntu-ko 2015-06-06\n<HolyKnight> @clien_hot20: 세월호 성금 중 430억을 모금한 단체가 자기 사업에 쓴다고 하네요.  [20] ift.tt/1BQbBT0\n<HolyKnight> @being_subtle: 다이나믹 부산 http://m.dcinside.com/view.php?id=pusanu&no=518773&page=1&recommend=1 pic.twitter.com/LuAksgo4TT\n<autowiz> O'Reilly Media  오렐리 에서\n<autowiz> O' 는 o'clock 처럼\n<autowiz> 무슨 약자 일까요?\n<autowiz> 그냥 이름일려나요?\n<orion203> 안녕하세요~\n<autowiz> 안녕하세요\n<autowiz> 안녕하세요\n<HolyKnight> @hazzardoc: 사람들이 세월호 성금을 낼 때는 아무리 작아도 유족과 피해자들에게 전달되겠지, 하는 기대를 가졌을텐데, 이 단체는 적당히 남겨서 좀 다른 데 쓴다고 한다. http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=102&oid=022&aid=0002847754&viewType=pc\n<LinDol> 헉.\n<LinDol> -_-\n<Nymph> 그래서 성금 안냈죠.\n<Nymph> 내 봤자 도둑놈들이 다 가지고 가기 때문에..\n<Nymph> 차라리 분향소 가서 그분들 직접만나서 돈봉투 주는게 나아요.\n<PotatoGim> 안녕하세요~~\n<LinDol> 예상은 했지만 역시나 실망스럽네요.\n<LinDol> ㅠㅠ\n<PotatoGim> 갓한민국...\n<LinDol> 비석 세우고 현수막 붙이고\n<LinDol> 이런데 쓰려나 -ㅅ-\n<autowiz> 자기 직원들 월급주고 그럴거 같은데요\n<autowiz> 어떻게 ë³´ë©´ 취지는 좋아보이기도 합니다. 제2의 , 앞으로의 사고를 막는데 쓰겠다는건데\n<autowiz> 정작 그렇게 될까 하는게 문제지요\n<LinDol> 그렇게 쓰인 사례를 들어본적이 아직 없어서.. 뭔가 더 신뢰가 안가네요 ㅠ_ㅠ\n<monos> 안녕하세요\n<autowiz> 안녕하세요\n<monos> autowiz: 님 혹시 애플 휴대폰 사용해보셨어요?\n<monos> 아이폰\n<autowiz> 3gs 써봤어요\n<monos> 아이폰에서 서비스 되는 airplay이나 다른 서비스는 국내에 서비스 안해주나요?\n<autowiz> 저는 안써봤네요 . 이런 죄송합니다.\n<monos> 아니요\n<monos> 죄송할거 없죠\n<monos> 애플 휴대폰 관심이 가서 알아보고 있는데\n<monos> 국내에는 외국에서 아이폰이나 애플 기기 사면 서비스 해주는것들 국내에는 안해준다고 해서 정말인가해서 궁금해서 질문드린거에요\n<monos> autowiz: 님 뭐하세요?\n<monos> 바쁘신가요?\n<autowiz> 바쁘진 않구요 드라마 ë³´ê³  있어요\n<monos> 혹시 유투브 처럼 자기가 원하는 화질 선택해서 하고 싶은데요\n<monos> 실시간 트렌스코딩\n<monos> 리눅스 서버에 대게 할려면 어떻게 하는지 아세요?\n<autowiz> 뭐 해본적은 없네요.\n<autowiz> 스트리밍 서버가 있는경우에 URL 에 따라서 화질이 다른경우는 있는데요\n<autowiz> 재생중에 바뀌고 이런건 잘 모르겠어요\n<monos> 드라마 뭐 재미있는거 있어요?\n<autowiz> 풍문으로 들었소 . 마지막회 ë³´ê³  있네요 ㅎㅎ\n<monos> 네\n<pchero_travel> 잠시 핑 레이턴시 확인좀 부탁드려도 될까요?\n<pchero_travel> 혹시 지금 계신분??\n<autowiz> 네네 괜찮습니다.\n<autowiz> 자 그럼 핑 한개에 만원씩 해서 10장 되겠습니다 ㅋㅋ\n<pchero_travel> 허...ê±±\n<autowiz> 라즈곤님 안녕하세요 간만에 뵙습니다.\n<monos> autowiz: 님 안녕하세요\n<autowiz> 네 안녕하세요\n<monos> 워즈님 혹시 워치 인가 안드로이드 시계 사용해보셨어요?\n<monos> 애플 워치는 너무 비싸고 안드로이드 워치 하나 사고 싶어서 알아보고 있어요\n<autowiz> 저도 하나 살까 하다가 , 지름신이 그냥 가셨어요 ㅎㅎ\n<monos> autowiz: 님 어떤거 살려고 했는데요?\n<monos> 저는 7-8만원 선\n<autowiz> LG 에서 나온것도 괜찮다고는 하더라구요\n<autowiz> 외산 그냥 간단한거 ( 전화벨 못듣는경우가 종종 있어서 )\n<autowiz> 살까 하다가 있어도 잘 안쓸거 같아서 그만 뒀어요\n<monos> autowiz: http://prod.danawa.com/info/?pcode=3213908&cate=122600\n<monos> 이거 어떨까요?\n<autowiz> 괜찮아 보입니다.\n<PotatoGim^Home> 안녕하세요~~\n<monos> 안녕하세요\n<monos> PotatoGim^Home: 님 안녕하세요\n<PotatoGim^Home> 옙 ㅎㅎ\n<PotatoGim^Home> 야심한 시각에 뵈니 더 반갑네요.\n<pchero_travel> 흠...\n<pchero_travel> 아파치 설정하는법을 잘못 알고 있다가..\n<pchero_travel> 오늘 대박 삽질했네요.. -_-;;;\n<PotatoGim^Home> ㅎㅎ 어떤 땅을 푸셨기에...\n<pchero_travel> http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/ko/vhosts/name-based.html\n<pchero_travel> 아파치 네임기반 가상 호스트 설정하는 부분에서...\n<pchero_travel> <VirtualHost *:80> 설정해야 하는 부분에..\n<pchero_travel> VirtualHost donamin.com:80>\n<pchero_travel> 이런 식으로 설정했었네요. -_-;;;\n<pchero_travel> 그동안은 다행히 네임서버에서 적절한 아이피로 설정을 해줘서 문제가 안생겼었는데..\n<autowiz> 그게 문접적으로 틀린건 아닐텐데 특수하게 쓸때만 쓰는거겠지요\n<pchero_travel> 오늘 마이그레이션하면서 임시로 로컬 hosts 파일에만 설정넣고 테스트하니..\n<pchero_travel> 안되더라구요. -_-;; 한동안 삽질..\n<PotatoGim^Home> ...컹;;;\n<autowiz> 저는 그것도 귀찮아서\n<autowiz> telnet localhost 80\n<autowiz> GET / HTTP/1.1\n<autowiz> Host: www.domain.com\n<autowiz> 으로 테스트 합니다\n<pchero_travel> 오오오....\n<pchero_travel> 좋은데요????\n<autowiz> HTTP/1.0 은 엔터 두번 끝에 줘야하고\n<autowiz> ( cd / ; tar cEf - oracle | ( cd /backup ; tar xf - ) )\n<autowiz> 아... ㅋㅋ 엉뚱한데다가 붙여넣어버렸네요 .. 왠지 안된다 했더니\n<monos> autowiz: 님 뭐하세요?\n<PotatoGim^Home> ㅎㅎㅎ 내일 뵙겠습니다~\n<monos> 잘자요\n<autowiz> 서버들 점검하고 백업 걸고 있어요 ㅎㅎ\n<monos> 나도 서버 점검해보고 싶네요\n<monos> 아참 autowiz님 저 공유기 T3004 사용하는데요\n<monos> 이번에 월급 타면 공유기 바꾸고 싶은데요\n<monos> 저희집 320메가 인터넷인데 어떤걸로 바꾸어야 할지 모르겠어요\n<monos> 와이파이 멀리 되고 내부망 1기가 되는거\n<autowiz> iptime 꺼 중에 안테나 많은거면 되지 않을까요?\n<monos> 제가 잘 몰라서요\n<monos> A2008 포트 8개\n<monos> 안테나 4개\n<autowiz> A2008 좋네요\n<autowiz> 사실 LAN 포트 개수 정하고 wifi 는 802.11ac 정도\n<autowiz> 하드웨어 NAT 가 더 좋다는데 요즘은 거의 이거인거 같고\n<autowiz> 이외에는 뭐 다 똑같을꺼에요\n<monos> autowiz: 님 안테나 5개 제품도 많네요\n<monos> a3004\n<monos> a5004\n<monos> autowiz: 님 http://prod.danawa.com/info/?pcode=2997402&cate=1131671#bookmark_cm_opinion\n<monos> 제품 어떤가요?\n<autowiz> 이거도 괜찮네요\n<monos> 내일 봐요\n<autowiz> 들어가세요~\n<autowiz> 밤늦게 까지 못주무시는건가요? 아니면 컴혼자 왔다갔다하는건가요 ㅎㅎ\n<HolyKnight> ㄷㄷ\n<HolyKnight> 곧 챔스해유.\n<HolyKnight> 침대위에서 책보면서 폰으로 챔스 보려구유\n<autowiz> 스포츠 경기 볼려고 아직 계시는건가요 ㅎㅎ\n<HolyKnight> 잠깐\n<HolyKnight> ë³´ê³  자려구유\n#ubuntu-ko 2015-06-07\n<Nymph> 메르스 때문에 밖에도 못나가고...\n<Nymph> 시원한 에어콘 바람 쒜면서 수박 까먹고 있네요.\n<autowiz> 우와  수박 ㅎㅎ 맛있으시겠어요\n<autowiz> 맛은 좀 들었나요 어찌보면 조금 이른 ê±° 같은데\n<autowiz> 서니님 하이요\n<HolyKnight> 서니찡 ㅎㅇㅇ\n<Nymph> 마트가니까 꽤 큰 수박이 1만 5천원정도해서\n<Nymph> 조금 비싸긴해도 땡겨서 거금주고 사와서\n<Nymph> 쪼개서 냉장고에 하루정도 놔뒀더니\n<Seony> 안녕하세요\n<Nymph> 시원한게 아주 그냥 맛나네요..\n<Nymph> Seony: 하이요~ 오랜만이예요~\n<Seony> 오 Nymph 오랫만이네\n<Seony> 무지 바쁜갑다\n<Nymph> Seony: 그게 아니고 일댕기는 곳에 포트를 죄다 막아놔서 낮에는 못들어와서 그래요\n<Seony> 아 그럼 웹으로 하는거 들어오면 되잖아\n<Nymph> 그러다보니 집에서 시간날때도 딱히 irc 접속을 해야한다는 걸 못느껴서요..\n<Nymph> Seony: 그게 보안팀에서 다 ë³´ê³  있어서요. ㅋ\n<Nymph> 메일 첨부파일이나 메일 내용에 회사관련내용 적으면 다 걸린다고 해서요.\n<Nymph> 아싸리 조심해야겠다 하다보니.. ㅋ\n<Seony> 그럼 irccloud 써\n<Seony> https라서 못볼 거야\n<Nymph> 윈도우즈 설치 프로그램, 그냥 protable 프로그램 죄다 안되요. ㅋ\n<Nymph> 보안팀 비밀번호 있어야 뭘되요. ㅋ\n<Seony> irccloud는 걍 웹브라우저로 돌아가는 irc 프록시야\n<Nymph> 오호~\n<Nymph> 될수도 있겠네요. ㅋ\n<Nymph> 시도해볼께요.\n<Seony> Nymph: https://irccloud.com\n<Nymph> 앱도 있는거 같고 뭔가 좋아보네요. ㅋ\n<Nymph> 스마트폰 앱되면 그걸루 하는게 쵝오~\n<orion203> Hi\n<Nymph> 오호~\n<Nymph> 됀다.. ㅋㅋ\n<Seony> 타임머신으로 시스템 전체를 복원했는데, 자꾸 다운되버리네요...\n<Seony> 재설치를 해야하나..\n<Nymph> 2012년형 맥미니도 이제는 힘겨워하네요..\n<Nymph> 돈을 좀 모아서 최신형을 장만해야할듯하네요.\n<PotatoGim> 안녕하세요~~\n<razGon_MINILA> 불과 3년이 지낫을 뿐인데. 하긴 맥미니면 최신 사양이 아닌 주력사양이나 대중사양이니 숨이 찰때는 되었죠.\n<monos> AutoWiZ_znc: 님 안녕하세요\n<monos>  autowiz 님 안녕하세요\n<autowiz> dkssudgktpdy\n<autowiz> 안녕하세요\n<monos> autowiz 님 볼만한 드라마나 영화 만화책 뭐가 있을까요?\n<monos> 애니도 괜찮음\n<autowiz> 어떤 장르 좋아하세요?\n<monos> 저 학원물\n<monos> 아역 나오는거도 좋아함\n<autowiz> 학원물... 음...\n<autowiz> 국산 학교 , 드림하이 , 외국 고쿠센 만화 짱\n<autowiz> 학원물은 아니지만 그레이 아나토미 재미있게 봤구요\n<autowiz> 슈퍼 네츄럴 이랑 빅뱅이론\n<monos> 미드 좋아하나봐요?\n<autowiz> 학원물... 홀리랜드 ( 일본 드라마 )\n<monos> 홀리랜드 재미있게 봤음\n<monos> 밤새서 봤음\n<monos> 홀리랜드 같은 드라마 또 없을까요?\n<monos> 애니도 괜찮음\n<autowiz> 용과 같이 라는 드라마도 재미있게 봤어요\n<monos> 그만 가봐야 겠네요\n<monos> 벌써 12시\n<monos> 용과 같이 라는거 찾아서 봐야 겠네요\n<monos> 다음에 또 뵈요\n<HolyKnight> @wns428: 26세 이상 여성, 일본 워킹홀리데이 길 막혔다  http://app.yonhapnews.co.kr/YNA/Basic/SNS/r.aspx?c=AKR20140614048300004&source=www.twitter.com\n<bluedusk> 괜찮아요 창조 경제를\n<bluedusk> 할테니\n<bluedusk> 얼마나 또\n#ubuntu-ko 2016-06-06\n<autowiz> 안녕하세요 라즈곤님\n<autowiz> 홀리님도 안녕하세요\n<HolyKnight_> 안녕하세유\n<autowiz> 수면은 편안히 하셨는지요~\n<HolyKnight_> 꿀잠이었네유\n<autowiz> 잘 주무셨다니 좋으네유\n<autowiz> feren 이도 잘 잤어?\n<Ferendevelop> autowiz: 옙. 어제 일찍 잤더니 8시에 눈 떴네요ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> 잠은 잘 잤는가? ㅎㅎ\n<Ferendevelop> 잘 잤습니다. 형은 편히 주무셨는지요? ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 뭐 고만고만햇어 ㅋㅋ\n<Ferendevelop> ㅋㅋ 점심은 드셨나요?\n<autowiz> feren 이가 와서 차려주길 기다리고 있지 ㅋㅋ\n<Ferendevelop> ㅋㅋㅋ 지금 출발해도 세시에 도착입니다\n<autowiz> 그래 세시에와서 컵라면 물 붓고 4분 기다렸��‹¤ê°€ 20분동안 먹고\n<autowiz> 다시 내려가면 보자... 6시 24분엔 다시 울산이겠군 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<Ferendevelop> ㅋㅋㅋ 비행기 타면 약 50분에 갈 수 있다곤 하던데 말이죠ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> 비행기 타서 내리는 시간은 50분일텐데\n<Ferendevelop> 헐 국내 비행기도 그렇게 오래 걸리나요?\n<autowiz> 공항까지 가는시간이랑 공항가서 수속하고 대기하는 시간 앞뒤로 플러시 시키면\n<autowiz> 어우~\n<autowiz> 국내선이 일부러 시간을 끈다는 말이있던데\n<autowiz> 너무 빨리가면 재미없다고 ㅋㅋ\n<Ferendevelop> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그래도 생각보다 오래 걸리네요\n<autowiz> 짧게가면 20~30분이면 가는걸로 알고있음\n<autowiz> 시동걸고 이륙하는 시간 포함해서\n<autowiz> 서니님 안녕하세요~~\n<Ferendevelop> 어서오세요~\n<Ferendevelop> 30분이면 서울 가는 기분도 안 나겠습니다ㅋㅋ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 안녕하세요\n<autowiz> 갑자기 생각난건데 feren êµ° 마벨 영화들은 좀 봤어? ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> 엔신님 안녕하세요\n<Seony> 이번에 뽑아낸 위쳐3 확장팩의 주옥 같은 스샷입니다 ㅎㅎ https://www.dropbox.com/s/vn9t42sqi7ots74/Witcher3-1.png?dl=0\n<Feren^IRCCloud> autowiz: 요즘엔 본게 없네요ㅠㅠ\n<autowiz> Seon y 저기를 막 돌아다니는거군요 우와~\n<Seony> 여기 돌아다니는 사진입니다 ㅎㅎ https://www.dropbox.com/s/nqpx7zw7ilw3syp/Witcher3-0.png?dl=0\n<autowiz> 안녕하세요 린돌님~\n<LinDol> :)\n<LinDol> 안녕하세요 :)\n<pchero_work> 안녕하세요, 오랫만입니다. :)\n<autowiz> 어이쿠 히어로님 안녕하세요~~\n<pchero_work> ^^;;\n<pchero_work> 한국은 덥더군요. ㅎㅎㅎ\n<Feren^IRCCloud> ircCloud^Seony: 저번에 해당 메일 이후로 몇 번 연락한 끝에 제품 버그로서 이슈 트래커에 이슈 등록했다고 연락이 왔네요!\n<Feren^IRCCloud> ircCloud^Seony: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONF-42786\n<ircCloud^Seony> 오 ㅎㅎ\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 추가적인 정보는 이슈 등록했으니 자주 접속해서 확인해보라고합니다ㅋㅋ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 뭐 일단 정식으로 버그 보고됐으면 차차 진전은 있겠네\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 넵. 추후 업데이트로 해결될 것 같습니다.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 다만 그게 지들이 해보고나서 버그 컨펌한 건지, 걍 이메일 받았으니까 등록한 건지는 모르는 거라...\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 자기들이 확인 좀 할 수 있을까 하면서 폰트랑 RAW 데이터를 요구해서 전달했으니 직접 해보고 이슈로 올린 것 같습니다.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 아 ㅇㅋ\n<Ferendevelop> 안녕하세요.\n<pchero_work> 안녕하세요. :)\n<razGon_SoulKHM> 굳이브닝\n<razGon_KTX> 지금 내려가는 중. 광화문.\n<razGon_KTX> 아니. 광명.\n<Ferendevelop> razGon_KTX: 어디 갔다 오시는 길인가요?\n<razGon_KTX> 서울에.. 이틀전에 롯데월드->어제는 키자니아[여기까진 잠실]->오늘은 광화문-삼청동->KTX호남선.\n<Ferendevelop> 오, 무슨 용무가 있어서 갔다 오신건가ìš��?\n<razGon_KTX> Ferendevelop: 너 대학가라..\n<razGon_KTX> 진심으로 ...\n<razGon_KTX> 심각하게 말한다.\n<pchero_work> ??\n<razGon_KTX> 아이들을 위한 ...\n<razGon_KTX> 내가 오늘 광화문 교보문고 갔는데.\n<razGon_KTX> 앞으로 코딩의 방향이 어느쪽으로 갈지에 대해서 보이더라.\n<razGon_KTX> 내가 코딩을 못하지만.\n<Ferendevelop> 스크래치 책도 거기서 구매하신건가요?\n<razGon_KTX> ㅇㅇ. 우리딸이 고양이 보더니 딱 짚더라...무슨책인지 알고서...ㅋㅋ\n<razGon_KTX> 드디어 때가 된거지.ㅋ\n<razGon_KTX> 아직 타자도 잘 못치는데.ㅋ\n<Ferendevelop> ㅋㅋㅋ아, 어떤 책인지 알고 고른거였나요?\n<razGon_KTX> 아니. 울아이는 잘몰라.\n<razGon_KTX> 그전에 아이패드용 스크래치주니어를 간간히 했거든. 코딩한건 아니고 그냥 그림그리고 노는거\n<Ferendevelop> 스크래치 주니어요?\n<Ferendevelop> 처음 들어봅니다\n<razGon_KTX> 스크레치의 유아용으로 나온거 있어\n<Ferendevelop> 오호, 그랬었군요.\n<razGon_KTX> ì°¸... 힘들지..ㅋ\n<Ferendevelop> 스크래치가요?\n<razGon_KTX> ㅇㅇ\n<razGon_KTX> 생각만큼 애들용으로는 힘들긴 하더라.\n<Ferendevelop> 나중에 한번 구경해봐야겠습니다ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_KTX> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 안녕하세요\n<razGon_i7> 안녕하세요?\n<autowiz_> 안녕하세요~~\n#ubuntu-ko 2016-06-07\n<autowiz_> 오호~ 준이 안녕\n<autowiz_> 슬슬 학원 수업은 아직 안어려워?\n<jun_> 안녕하세요~\n<jun_> 아직까진 할만합니다~\n<jun_> 아무래도 비전공자들은 막힌상태서 계속 느리고 익혀가는데\n<jun_> 저는 전공자이기도 하고.. 계열에 있었다 보니 이해가 빠른편이어서요\n<autowiz_> 다행이네 .. 보통은 그러다가 한번에 훅가는데\n<jun_> 뒤쳐지지 않으려고 수업시간에 별다른 딴짓은 하지 않습니다 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<jun_> 대학때는 왜 이걸못했나?? 이런생각만 들더라구요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> ㅎㅎㅎ 늦었다고 생각할때가 제일 빠를때라는 말이 있지 ㅎㅎ\n<jun_> 박명수씨가 그러더군요\n<jun_> 늦었다고 생각할땐 무지 늦은거니까 피똥싸게 쫓아가라구요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<jun_> 형은 3일 연휴 잘 보내셨습니까~???\n<autowiz_> 나는 다 출근했지 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<jun_> 헉;;;;\n<head_irccloud> 안녕하세요 ㅎ\n<jun_> 안녕하세요~\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 안녕하세요.\n<autowiz_> 안녕~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 너무 격한 환영입니다ㅎㅎ\n<jun_> autowiz_: 형 오늘 기분이.... 많이 좋으신가요..??? ㅎㅎㅎ\n<bluedusk> 어 존잘로님 오늘 기분이 많이 안좋으신가요?\n<autowiz_> 응?\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 엥 무슨 일 있으신가요?\n<autowiz_> 무슨일은 우리 feren 이 궁디 팡팡 해줄려고 그러지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<autowiz_> 잠은 ? 밥은 ? 물은? 운동은 ? 공부는 ?\n<Feren^IRCCloud> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 잠은 잘 잤고, 밥은 대충 먹었고, 운동은 패스 하고\n<autowiz_> 한꺼번에 너무 많은걸 물어봤나?\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 공부는 지금 도서관 가는 길 입니다ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz_> 아~ 도서관 좋지...\n<autowiz_> 연예 하는사람도 많고 ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz_> 연애 구나\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 그게 싫어서 테라스에서 공부 합니다\n<Feren^IRCCloud> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<autowiz_> 우리 feren 이도 저커버그 처럼 CEO 명함 하나 파야지 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<jun_> 연애와 공부는 정말 반비례관계일까요..?\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 연애 하던 친구가 연세대 갔으니 케바케러고 봅니다ㅋㅋ\n<jun_> 여기 반 개설되면서 강사님이랑 첫만남 하는데\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 진짜 그럴 날이 와야 하는데 말이죠ㅎㅎ\n<jun_> ê·¸ 이야기를 하더라구요 연애금지! ㅎㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> 일반적으로는 연애를 하면 다른 삶의 부분에 소홀해지는경우가 많으니까그런듯.\n<autowiz_> 열정이나 에너지는 확실히 넘쳐남\n<jun_> 전 그게 20살때나.. 아님 모쏠이다가 처음만날때나 해당되는 이야기지 않을까 싶어서요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> 연애를 하되 ê·¸ 에너지를 남여간의 사랑으로만 소비하지말고 발전적인 방향으로...\n<autowiz_> (준아 형아 30대야 아직도 그래 ㅋㅋㅋ )\n<jun_> autowiz_: 형~ ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> 그러니까 feren 이는 나랑 연애를 하면 ...  음....\n<jun_> 그런분이 회사에서 몇주째 살고 계십니까..?\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 넵? ㅋㅋㅋ\n<autowiz_> 둘다 나는 아주 아주 열심히 하지 ㅋㅋ\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 저도 열심히 할 자신 있는데 말이죠 ㅠㅡㅠ\n<autowiz_> 그니까 나랑 ...  ㅡ_ㅡ;;;;\n<bluedusk> 전 같이 일하는 사람중에 존잘로님같은분이 없다는게 정말 다행인듯..\n<autowiz_> feren 이가 날 죽일거같아 ㅠㅠ\n<bluedusk> 맨날 회사에서 살고 야근하고 일하고\n<bluedusk> 회사 일 야근 집 원격으로 일\n<autowiz_> 저도 종종 잔소리를 듣습니다. 저때문에 다들 고생하고도 인정을 못받는다고\n<autowiz_> 저한테 자꾸 뭍힌다고 ㅠㅠ\n<autowiz_> 이게 어떻게 ë³´ë©´ ì°¸ 이기적인게 맞습니다.\n<autowiz_> 뭐 저는 원래부터 싸가지가 많이 없어서 컄컄\n<razGon_i7> ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<jun_> 회사에서는 형한테 복리후생에 보약도 추가해야할것 같아요 ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> 보약보다 후임을 ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ\n<autowiz_> 근대뭐 집에가서 게임만 하고 노는거보다는 지금이 더 좋네요 뭔가 개인적으로도 발전도 있고\n<ircCloud^Seony> 그럼 저는 발전이 없는 건가요\n<ircCloud^Seony> ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz_> 서니님은 저랑 급이 달라서\n<jun_> 전 우물안의개구리! ㅎ\n<autowiz_> 저는 그냥 어중이 떠중이 ㅋㅋ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 하긴 저는 프로집돌러 수준이죠\n<ircCloud^Seony> 집돌이의 프로급\n<autowiz_> 저는 농담아니고 정말 빌딩을 하ë��˜ 사고 싶습니다.\n<autowiz_> 사면 옥상에서 정모 한번 가지요~ ㅋㅋ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 그래도 적당히 놀면서 일하세요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 실은 그저께 아는 동생한테 전화가 왔었는데요,\n<ircCloud^Seony> 다른 아는 동생 하나가 뇌줄중인지 중풍인지로 쓰러졌다고 하네요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 나이가 마흔도 안되는데...\n<ircCloud^Seony> 너무 일만 했었던 건지...\n<autowiz_> 어느정도는 인생에 도박을 걸 수 밖에 없지요.\n<autowiz_> ㅠㅠ\n<autowiz_> 예전 컴퓨터 정리하다가\n<autowiz_> KOF 13 이 있어서\n<autowiz_> 간만에 게임을 좀 했네요 ㅋㅋ 이게 너무 오랜만에 해서 그런지 커맨드도 예전처럼 잘 안들어가고 ㅠㅠ\n<ircCloud^Seony> ㅎㅎ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 저는, ë©°ì¹  전에 위쳐3의 마지막 확장팩이 출시되서 요즘 그거하느라 미쳐있네요 ㅎㅎ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 역시 위쳐, 겁나 재밌습니다\n<ircCloud^Seony> 워낙 인기를 끌었던건지 2017년 개봉을 목표로 실사영화화 한다네요\n<autowiz_> 워크레프트 영화 개볼 얼마 안남은거 같던데요\n<autowiz_> wow 유저들이 정말 많았던걸로 알고 있는데\n<autowiz_> 정말 많은 사람들이 보지 않을까 싶습니다.\n<autowiz_> 안녕하세요\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 헐 죽인다뇨ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<autowiz_> 점심은 먹었느뇨?\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 패스했습니다!\n<jun_> 전 점심 먹고 왔습니다~\n<autowiz_> 뭐 먹었어?\n<bluedusk> 존잘로님\n<bluedusk> 이번에 개봉하는 와우 영화 평점 안보셨나요?\n<autowiz_> 안녕하세요 블루더스크님~\n<autowiz_> 못봤습니다 아직\n<bluedusk> 네 전 점심 먹고 왔습니다.\n<jun_> 전 구내식당에서 먹고왔습니다 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<jun_> 근처에서 제일 싸요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<bluedusk> http://www.metacritic.com/movie/warcraft?ref=hp\n<bluedusk> 31점이네요 많이 올랐네.. 1x 점대까지 떨어졌었는데..\n<bluedusk> 참고로 이번에 정말 재미 없었던 엑스멘 아포칼립스가..\n<bluedusk> http://www.metacritic.com/movie/x-men-apocalypse\n<bluedusk> 52점이네요..\n<commania> 안녕하세요`\n<commania> ~\n<lexlove> 안녕하세요.^^\n<Mirnae> 안녕하세요.\n<autowiz_> 렉스님 안녕하세요...\n<autowiz_> 허허 요즘 개발용 원스테이션 심심해서\n<autowiz_> 모니터링 화면(glances) 를 계속 ë³´ê³  있는데\n<autowiz_> 16.04 업글 후에 / 파티션이 50GB 쓰던걸 갑자기 120 GB 를 써서 의아해 하면서 한번 봐야겠네~ 하고있었는데\n<lexlove> 오즈님 안녕하세요.^^\n<autowiz_> 오늘 들어가 보니 available 이 0 B 네요 ㅠㅠ\n<autowiz_> 아 이게 126GB 파티션이라 조금 남았네 하고 있었는데 풀이었다는 ㅠㅠ\n<autowiz_> 렉스님 식사는 하셨어요?\n<lexlove> autowiz_: 네. 대답이 너무 늦었네요.ㅎㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> 아닙니다 괜찮습니다.\n<dhnam> 안녕하세요 제가  50-ubuntu.conf를 [Seat:*] user-session=ubuntu greeter-hide-users=true으로 잘못해서 수정했더니 손님으로밖에 안들어가집니다.  이 상태에서 다른 계정으로 들어갈 수 있는 방법이 있나요?\n<pchero_work> 사용자명 입력 받는 부분이 있지 않나요? :)\n<dhnam> 안녕하세요 50-ubuntu.conf를 [Seat:*] user-session=ubuntu greeter-hide-users=true으로 수정했더니 손님으로밖에 안들어가집니다. ê·¸ 상태에서 다른 계정으로 들어가는 방법이 있나요? 몇시간 전에 물어보았지만 대답을 보지 못하고 꺼서 다시 질문드립니다.\n<autowiz_> 안녕하세요\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 안녕하세요\n<autowiz_> feren êµ° 하이~\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 식사 하셨나요?\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 전 라면 먹고 왔는데 건강기록부 ë³´ê³  충격 먹었습니다ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz_> 응응 식빵 먹었지 ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> 어떤부분에서?\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 제가 이렇게 비만이였나.. 해서요\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 콜레스테롤은 186 mg/dL이네요. (고등학교 1학년 때)\n<autowiz_> 호리호리 하지는 않지 암암\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 그렇습니다ㅋㅋ\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 아직도 처음 뵐 때가 생각나는군요ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> 조금 빼는게 편하기도 하고 건강에도 좋고\n<autowiz_> 먹는거 적당히 하면서 운동 조금만 하면 , 하루에 한 30분? 금방 빠질꺼야\n<autowiz_> 한 6개월 이면 15kg 정도 빠질껄\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 예 이젠 살 좀 뺴야죠 ㅠㅡㅠ\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 일단 먹는걸 좀 줄여야겠습니다\n<autowiz_> 다이어트랑 금연은 내일부터라는 유명한 말이 있지 ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz_> 내일은 하루 다음날이 내일이건만 그날은 좀처럼 오지 않지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<Feren^IRCCloud> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 전 그래서 친구들에게 다이어트가 아닌 운동 한다고 합니다ㅋㅋ\n<Feren^IRCCloud> \"살 빼는 목적이 아닌, 그냥 운동이야!\" 이러면서요ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz_> 그게 마음이 편할  수 도 있겟네 ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> 당장 내일부터 고고싱 해야함 ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> 크게 거창하지않아\n<autowiz_> 그냥 푸쉬업 할 수 있는데까지 하고 쪼그려뛰기 할 수 있는데 까지 하고 윗몸일으키기 할 수 있는데 까지 하면됨\n<autowiz_> 그리고 하루 한개씩 늘리는거 되게 힘든데, 처음엔 한동안 같은 개수로 가고\n<autowiz_> 그정도는 좀 쉽다 싶으면 일주일에 한개씩 늘리는거지\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 오\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 푸시업만 하면 안될까요? ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz_> 푸쉬업이 생각보다 온몸에 근육을 다 쓰는데\n<autowiz_> 그래도 이것저것 하느게 좋지\n<autowiz_> 안녕하세요~\n#ubuntu-ko 2016-06-08\n<lexlove> 안녕하세요~\n<autowiz_> 안녕하세요 렉스님\n<autowiz_> 오늘은 한층 더 아름다워 지셨군요\n<lexlove> ㅎㅎㅎ 감사합니다.\n<lexlove> 출장다녀올게요\n<autowiz_> 안녕하세요\n<razGon_i7> 안녕하세요?\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 안녕하세요.\n<razGon_i7> Feren^IRCCloud: 헬로!\n<Feren^IRCCloud> razGon_i7: 안녕하세요!\n<jun_> 안녕하세요~\n<autowiz_> 준이 안녕~\n<autowiz_> 교육 잘 듣고 있어? ㅎㅎ\n<jun_> autowiz_: 교육 잘 듣고 있습니다. ㅎㅎㅎ\n<Feren^IRCCloud> autowiz_: ë°¥ 안 먹어도 첨에만 힘들지 지나니깐 괜찮네요ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 안녕하세요\n<imsu> 식사들 맛나게 하셨습니까? ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> 오~ 임수다\n<imsu> autowiz_: 안녕하세요 ^^\n<imsu> 그놈의 오 임 수 는 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<autowiz_> 내가 기억하는 ê·¸ 순간까지는 할꺼야 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<autowiz_> 점심은 맛나게 먹었느뇨?\n<imsu> autowiz_: 찜닭 먹었어요 ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz_> 찜닭? 혼자?\n<autowiz_> 여친이랑? 마누라랑?\n<imsu> autowiz_: 점심식사를 식당에서 먹었다는거죵~\n<imsu> 회사 사람들하구 ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz_> 회사 좋구먼\n<autowiz_> 찜닭도 나오고\n<autowiz_> 많이 부러운데 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<autowiz_> 아니 그게아닌가? 회사사람들이랑 그냥 찜닭집에 갔다는건가\n<imsu> 학생식당에 갔는데 그게 메뉴더라구요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<bluedusk> 아니\n<bluedusk> 저 오늘 구로\n<ircCloud^Seony> 위쳐3 확장팩 엔딩 봤습니다\n<ircCloud^Seony> 위쳐3는 제 인생을 통틀어 Best 5안에 드는 게임이네요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 너무 재밌게해서 그런지 소설도 사서 읽어보고 싶네요\n<imsu> ircCloud^Seony: 그겜 재밌는거 아니에요?\n<imsu> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 최고지\n<imsu> 힝;;\n<imsu> 여유가 부럽네용 ㅎㅎ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 아 그런거야? ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> 그쵸~ ㅋㅋㅋ\n<imsu> 전 ê·¸ 좋아하던 롤을 점점 접는 중이라서 ㅋㅋ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 너는 좀 케이스가 다르니까 어쩔 수 없지 ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> ircCloud^Seony: 그런가요? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 뜨허;; ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 안녕하세요\n#ubuntu-ko 2016-06-09\n<jun_> 안녕하세용~ ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<jun_> lexlove: 안녕하세요~ ㅎㅎㅎ\n<lexlove> 안녕하세요.^^\n<lexlove> jun_: 많이 배우셨나요?\n<jun_> lexlove: 글쎄요... 쭉 느껴오는거지만.. 전 머리가 나쁜거 같아요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<lexlove> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<jun_> 그래도 열심히 하고 있죠 뭐 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<jun_> 공모전 나갈까 하고 준비하고 있구요;;;\n<lexlove> 공모전도 하는군요\n<lexlove> 화이팅~~~~ 입니다.ㅎㅎ\n<jun_> 교육이 끝나는건 10월 첫주인데. 공모전은 6월 말에 접수고 8월 12일까지예요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<jun_> 본의아니게 교육과정을 혼자 공부해야할것 같아요\n<lexlove> ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ 일정이 조금 안맞네요.^^\n<jun_> 네... 많지가 않아요...\n<jun_> 문제는 지금 교육과정을 다 알아야 할만한 공모전인데......\n<lexlove> 조금 힘들겠습니다.\n<jun_> 그래서 입상이 목표가 아니라 그냥 일정만 맞춰서 먼저 공부하자! 가 목표입니다\n<lexlove> 네.^^ 그것만으로도 좋은 성과일거 같네요.\n<lexlove> 저도 열..심히 동강듣고 있어요.ㅎㅎ\n<jun_> 와. 저는 동영상은 보면서 바로 잠들어버리는데...\n<lexlove> 리눅스 초급이 진정한 초급자를 위한 강의더라구요.ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<lexlove> ��± 편하게 듣고 있어요. 전혀 힘들지 않아요.ㅠㅠ\n<jun_> ㅎㅎ 그러시군요 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<lexlove> 이번 강의를 들으면서 제가 리눅스를 조금은 하는구나 라는 깨달음을 얻었어요.ㅋㅋ\n<jun_> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 저는 구글링만 하고 있는 수준입니다~\n<jun_> 아는게 없으니 만질일도 없는...\n<lexlove> 강의가 왕초급이라는 거지 제가 잘하는 것은 아녀요.ㅠㅠ\n<jun_> 저는 요새 의욕이 많이 떨어진것 같아요.....\n<jun_> 객체지향 개념만 일주일반째 하고 있는데....\n<jun_> 그냥 계속 듣기만 하는거니 의욕이 떨어집니다;;;;\n<lexlove> 아.. 객체지향\n<jun_> 그냥 단문의 글을 주고서 디자인해보세요~ 이래요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<jun_> 누구누구가 빵을 굽습니다. 모카빵, 소보로빵.... 빵을 다 굽고 진열을 합니다\n<jun_> 이걸 디자인하라는데.... 처음에는 당황스럽더라구요\n<lexlove> .....\n<jun_> 오늘 이상하게 순대국밥이 먹고 싶네요... 괜히 운수좋은날이 생각나게끔...\n<lexlove> 운수좋은날 영화인가요?\n<jun_> 아... 소설이요 단편 소설 ㅎㅎㅎ 내용들으면 바로 아실텐데\n<lexlove> 안 읽은 책이네요.\n<jun_> 인력거꾼이 하룻동안 유난히 운수 좋게 돈이 벌렸는데 밤에 집에 들어가니 아내가 영양실조로 죽어 있었다는 내용....\n<jun_> 너무 압축을 했나요..? ㅎㅎㅎ\n<lexlove> 운수좋은 날이 아니었네요...\n<jun_> 이상하게 기분이 묘한날있잖아요 ㅎㅎㅎ 오늘이 그래요\n<jun_> 딱히 좋은일이 있는건 아니지만... 뭔가 하루가 끝날쯤 안좋은일이 생길것 같은...\n<lexlove> 그런 예상이 맞는 편인가요?\n<jun_> 그렇게 맞진 않아요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<lexlove> ㅎㅎㅎ 저는 전혀 맞질 않아요.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 안녕하세요\n<lexlove> 안녕하세요.^^\n<bluedusk> 제가  십자인대 다친날이 그랬죠..\n<bluedusk> 뭔가 불안한데 이상하게 컨디션좋고 기분 좋았던 날 ..\n<jun_> 어제는 잘 들어가셨습니까~???\n<lexlove> 지금은 괜찮으세요?\n<bluedusk> 네\n<bluedusk> 어제는 잘들어갔고 십자 인대 다친건 뭐 수슬안하고 일상생활 지장없는 범위에서 지내고 있어요\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 안녕하세요.\n<lexlove> 안녕하세요~\n<razGon_i7> 굳모닝.\n<razGon_i7> 십자인대 손상이면.\n<HolyKnight_> 십자인대 무섭네유\n<bluedusk> 괜찮아요 농구 못하는거 빼고는\n<bluedusk> 살만해요\n<autowiz_> 사랑합니다.\n<autowiz_> 블루더스크님\n<autowiz_> 안녕하세요.\n<pchero_work> 좋은 아침입니다. :)\n<pchero_work> 삼국지 13 한글판이 드디어 나오는 군요. ㅎㅎ\n<pchero_work> 요즘 스팀만 바라보고 있습니다. ㅎㅎㅎ\n<razGon_i7> 헉...ㅠㅠ\n<razGon_i7> 할듯\n<AceJeong> hi!\n<AceJeong> my name is haengseong\n<jun_> 삼국지 드뎌 발매일인가요..????? 아.... 오버워치도 질렀는데.. 또 지름신 오겠네요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 역시 오버와치 제 예상대로 금방 질리는 겜이군요\n<razGon_i7> 삼국지나 문명을 하셔야.\n<razGon_i7> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 위쳐 안해보셨으면 위쳐 ê¼­ 해보세요\n<razGon_i7> 저는 아...\n<razGon_i7> 근데 저는 게임이 고정되어 있어서요.\n<razGon_i7> STOCK\n<ircCloud^Seony> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<pchero_work> 요즘은 너무 행복하네요. ㅎㅎㅎㅎ :)\n<ircCloud^Seony> pchero_work: 결혼하셨어요?\n<pchero_work> 넵. :)\n<ircCloud^Seony> 결혼 축하드립니다\n<pchero_work> ^^;;; 감사합니다. ㅎㅎㅎ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 인제 신혼이신 분께 이런 말 하긴 뭐하지만, 한 10년 지나시면 생각이 많이 달라지실 거에요 ㅎㅎ\n<pchero_work> 헉.....\n<razGon_i7> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 빙고.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 제가 지금껏 만나왔던 사람들 중에 와이프 집에 없을 때 가장 행복하다고 얘기한 사람들이 10명 중 10명이었습니다 ㅎㅎ\n<pchero_work> ;;;; ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 지금은 제 얘기 신경쓰지마시고 신혼을 즐기세요\n<ircCloud^Seony> ì°¸, 신혼여행 하와이로 오시지 않았나요?\n<pchero_work> 넵. 갔었습니다. ㅎㅎㅎㅎ :) 좋던데요. ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 부럽습니다. ㅠㅠ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 연락 한 번 주시지 그랬어요 ㅎㅎ\n<pchero_work> 너무 바빠서요.. ㅠㅠ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 동양인 엄청 많죠?\n<pchero_work> 아니요, 잘 못봤어요 ^^;;;;\n<pchero_work> 오아후에서나 좀 보이고...\n<ircCloud^Seony> 음... 아무래도 관광지 주변이나 와이키키에만 계셨으면 많이 못봤을 수도 있겠네요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 동양인 비율이 \"좀 보이는\" 수준이 아니라 절대 다수를 차지하거든요\n<pchero_work> 하와이랑 마우이쪽에는 거의 안보이더라구요. ㅎ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 거긴 사람 자체가 없죠 ㅎㅎ\n<pchero_work> ^^;;;\n<ircCloud^Seony> 거긴 백인들은 아예 없을 걸요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 대부분 마이크로네시안 계열 동양인들이나 아니면 그냥 동양인 계열...\n<pchero_work> 네, 그냥 사람 자체가... 드문드문.. ㅎ\n<pchero_work> 낮에는 덥고 밤에는 비가 오고..\n<pchero_work> 날씨가 묘하더군요. 자주 낮에도 스콜 같은게 쏟아지기도 하고..\n<ircCloud^Seony> 오셨을 때가 하필 밤에 비가 올 때 오셨을 거에요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 원래 밤에도 비는 잘 안와요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 보통 새벽에나 좀 내리는 편이거든요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 스콜은 아예 없구요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 그냥 지나가는 소나기였을텐데 사실 ê·¸ 마저도 별로 구경하기 쉽진 않아요\n<pchero_work> 헐.. 저희가 운이 없었군요.. ㅠㅠ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 네\n<pchero_work> ㅠㅠㅠ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 보통은 날씨가 1년 내내 거의 일정한 편인데 가끔 그럴 때가 있어요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 워낙 태평양 한 가운데 있는 곳인지라 날씨가 변화무쌍하거든요\n<pchero_work> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<pchero_work> 하와이... 살기가 정말 좋은거 같았어요. 부럽습니다. ㅎㅎㅎ\n<ircCloud^Seony> ㅎㅎ 관광으로 오셔서 그렇지, 막상 살게되면 또 달라요\n<pchero_work> 아.. 이번에 미주리함에 한번 가보고 싶었는데, 못간게 아쉬웠네요.. ㅠㅠ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 하나우마 베이는 갔다오셨구요?\n<pchero_work> 넵. :) 거긴 정말 좋았어요. ㅎㅎㅎ\n<pchero_work> ê·¼ 4시간정도를 거기서 놀았던 것 같네요. ㅎㅎㅎ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 사실 관광으로 오셔서 여행사를 끼면 잘 안데려가는 ê³³ 중에 \"카일루아\"라는 해변이 있어요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 미국에서 가장 아름다운 해변 중 하나라고 할 정도거든요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 한 번쯤은 거기서 바베큐 하면서 먹고자고 먹고자고 하루종일 그러다와야하는데 ㅎㅎ\n<pchero_work> 아.. 거긴 못간곳이네요..\n<pchero_work> 사진보니.. 한번 다녀올껄... ㅠㅠ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 여행사 끼셨어요?\n<pchero_work> 아니요, 그냥 배낭여행으로 다녀왔어요. ㅎ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 아... 그러면 아마 호놀룰루에서 ì°¨ 타고 한참 가야하는 곳이라 모르셨을 거에요\n<pchero_work> 표랑 숙소 전부 직접했어요. ㅎ\n<pchero_work> http://explainshell.com\n<pchero_work> 이런게 있었네요. ㅎㅎ\n<dslab> 안녕하세요\n<dslab> 다름이 아니라 도움이 필요해서 불가피하게 이곳에 문의드리게 되었습니다.\n<dslab> 우분투 14.04.4 버전을 사용하고 있습니다\n<dslab> openssh-client를 삭제하던 중 시스템이 다운되어 재부팅을 한뒤로\n<dslab> 우분투 부팅후 로그인 화면에서 키보드 입력, 마우스 입력이 안되고\n<dslab> PC전원을 누르면 종료할건지 재부팅할건지 선택하는 팝업만 보여집니다.\n<dslab> 복구를 하려고 하는데 어떻게 진행해야할까요?\n<pchero_work> 음..\n<pchero_work> dslab: openssh-client 재설치는 해보셨나요..?\n<dslab> 아 지금\n<dslab> 로그인 화면에서 아예 키보드나 마우스 입력이 안되어서\n<dslab> 데스크탑 화면으로 접속도 불가한 상태입니다..\n<dslab> 그런데 PC의 전원 버튼을 한번 누르면 종료할건지 재시작할건지 팝업 이미지가 보여지는걸로 봐서는 시스템 자체가 다운된거 같지는 않은데..\n<dslab> openssh-client를 지우면서 뭔가 잘못지워진거 같습니다..\n<dslab> 중요데이터를 백업해두지 않아서 큰일이네요 복구를 해야하는데..\n<helpme> 안녕하세요\n<Guest31602> 궁금한게 있어서 그러는데\n<Guest31602> 안녕하세요\n<pchero_work> dslab: Alt + F3 키를 한번 눌러보세요.\n<Guest31602> 궁금한게 있어서 그러는데\n<pchero_work> 커맨드 창이 나올겁니다.\n<Guest31602> 제가 멀티부팅으로 우분투를 설치했습니다\n<pchero_work> 거기서 로그인 후, 패키지 설치가 가능하실겁니다. :)\n<Guest31602> grub으로 부팅되던��°\n<Guest31602> 이 상태에서 cmos설정으로 들어가지지가 않더라구요\n<dslab> 아 감사합니다\n<dslab> 알려주신대로 일단 한번 해보겠습니다\n<Guest31602> 어떻게 cmos설정으로 들어갈 수 있나요\n<pchero_work> cmos 설정 이후에 grub 으로 넘어갑니다.\n<Guest31602> ê·¸ del키가 원래 진입하는 키여서\n<pchero_work> 때문에 grub 이랑 CMOS 접근이 안되는거는 다른 문제일 것 같네요.\n<Guest31602> 그걸 해봤는데 검은 화면만 나오더라구요\n<Guest31602> 그래서 grub에서 들어갈 수 있나 확인해봤는데\n<Guest31602> 맨 밑에 system setup? setting이\n<Guest31602> 있어서 그거 누르니 똑같은 화면이 나오더라구요. 검은색에 _ 이거만 하얀색으로 적혀있는 화면\n<pchero_work> 컴퓨터 전원을 넣으시고 화면 초기에 CMOS 설정 진입 안내 관련 메시지가 나올겁니다.\n<pchero_work> 보통은 F2 나 DEL 키인데..\n<Guest31602> 네 우분투 설치전에는 정상적으로 됐어요\n<Guest31602> 가상머신에서 연습하다가 실제로 설치해본건 처음인데\n<Guest31602> 난감하네요\n<pchero_work> 우분투 설치로 CMOS 진입이 안된다는 ê±´ 좀 이해하기가 어렵네요..\n<pchero_work> 혹시 설치말고 다른걸 건드리신적은 없으신가요?\n<Guest31602> 네 없어요\n<pchero_work> 흠..\n<Guest31602> 혹시나해서 grub제거를 해보려고 윈도우 부트로더 복구를 해보려 했는데\n<Guest31602> bootrec이 안먹히더라구요\n<pchero_work> 아...\n<Guest31602> 설치 usb상에서 해야하나 싶어서 그렇게 해보려 해도\n<Guest31602> usb로 부팅하려면 ê·¸ 전에 cmos 들어가야하는데..\n<pchero_work> 혹시 del 키를 grub 이 뜬 상태에서 누르시는건 아닌가요?\n<Guest31602> 아뇨 ê·¸ 전에..\n<Guest31602> 혹시나해서 윈도우 기본 복구모드의 uefi 펌웨어 설정 진입으로 해봐도\n<Guest31602> 똑같이 검은화면에 _만 적혀있는 화면 나와요\n<pchero_work> DEL키가 맞나요...? 메시지를 직접 ë³´ê³  싶은데..\n<pchero_work> GRUB 이 뜬다는 ê±´ BIOS/CMOS 가 정상적으로 수행되었다는 이야깁니다.\n<pchero_work> 말씀만으로는 분석이 어렵네요.. 화면을 좀 ë³¼ 수 있으면 좋겠는데..\n<dslab> work님 말씀대로 지금 커맨드라인으로 접속은 성공했습니다.\n<pchero_work> 로긴 하셨나요?\n<dslab> kvm 스위치 환경이어서 키보드 입력이 안되었는데 다이렉트로 연결하니 되긴 되는대요\n<dslab> 네\n<dslab> 로그인까지 되었는데\n<pchero_work> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y\n<dslab> 어떤걸 복구해야하는지 몰라서...\n<dslab> 네 잠시만요\n<Guest31602> 일단 백업 완료했고 한번더 시도해보고 올게요\n<dslab> 일단 실행을 했습니다\n<dslab> 몇가지 메시지가 보여지긴 하는데\n<dslab> 사진을 첨부해서 이 채팅방에 올릴수가 있나요 ?\n<pchero_work> 메시지 중요합니다.\n<pchero_work> 음..\n<pchero_work> http://www.tiikoni.com/tis/\n<dslab> 일단은 일부분 설치가 진행되는 퍼센티지가 보여졌습니다\n<pchero_work> 사진 찍어서 http://www.tiikoni.com/tis/ 여기에 업로드 가능할까요?\n<dslab> 네 잠시만 기다려주세요\n<dslab> 1.jpg라는 파일을 업로드했습니다\n<pchero_work> 위쪽에\n<pchero_work> url 나오는거 링크좀 부탁드려요. :)\n<dslab> 구글 링크 보여지는 부분 말씀하시는거죠?\n<pchero_work> New image uploaded   New image succesfully uploaded!    It can be viewed using this URL: http://www.tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=dec885e\n<pchero_work> 메시지 업로드 후에 요런 메시지 안나오나요..? :)\n<pchero_work> 뒤쪽에 나온 링크주소가 필요합니다.\n<dslab> http://www.tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=72c943f\n<pchero_work> 음..\n<dslab> 리부팅을 한번 해볼까요?\n<pchero_work> sudo apt-get install openssh-client\n<dslab> 현재 확인해보면 네트워크가 안잡혀있는걸로 나와서.. 다운로드가 안되는거 같습니다..\n<dslab> 네\n<pchero_work> 많이 안좋네요..\n<pchero_work> 재설치를 추천드립니다..\n<dslab> 재설치는 사실 상관이 없는데요..\n<dslab> 파이썬 코딩해놓은 소스파일들만 살릴수 있으면 되는데...\n<dslab> ㅜㅜ\n<pchero_work> USB 같은 곳으로 파일 복사하신 다음에 재설치를 하시면 될 듯 하네요...\n<pchero_work> http://vulpecula.tistory.com/24\n<pchero_work> 여기 참조하시면 될 듯 하네요.\n<dslab> 아이고 감사합니다.. 바로 진행해야겠네요..\n<dslab> 한가지 궁금한점은\n<dslab> 현재 시스템은 14.04.4 버전인데요\n<dslab> 지금 DVD로 14.04.1 버전이 있는데\n<dslab> 이걸로는 손상된 정보 복구가 어렵겠지요?\n<qweasdzxc_> 다시 해봐도 그대로네요..ㅠㅠ\n<pchero_work> 네..\n<pchero_work> qweasdzxc_: 사진 찍어서 http://www.tiikoni.com/tis/ 여기에 업로드 후에, 나오는 링크 주소 주실 수 있으세요?\n<qweasdzxc_> ê·¸ 영상 찍어놨어요 잠시만요\n<pchero_work> dslab: 이미 패키지들이 많이 깨진 상태라서.. 힘드네요.\n<qweasdzxc_> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0ByC2T1JT_uWtcVpKbGhlYmF1ZVE\n<dslab> 네 알겠습니다\n<qweasdzxc_> 이게 맨 처음 들어갔을때 del키 누르면 나오는거고\n<qweasdzxc_> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0ByC2T1JT_uWtQVVrNkJxNnBodVE 이게 grub에서 system setting 누르면 나오는거..\n<pchero_work> msi 로고 뜰대 ESC 를 눌러보세요. :)\n<qweasdzxc_> esc요?\n<pchero_work> 넵\n<qweasdzxc_> 넵 갔다오겠습니다\n<qweasdzxc_> 해봤는데 아무런 반응없이 grub으로 넘어가요..\n<dslab> work님께 질문이 있습니다 제가 첨부해드린 이미지 보시면\n<pchero_work> 음..\n<dslab> 다이아몬드가 깨져 보이는건\n<dslab> ㅎㅎ;\n<dslab> 한글이 깨져서 나온거겠죠?\n<qweasdzxc_> 바이오스는 아마 ami꺼로 기억해요.\n<pchero_work> qweasdzxc_: MSI 로고가 나올때\n<pchero_work> DEL 키, F2, 등등을 눌러보세요. :)\n<pchero_work> GRUB 이 뜬 이후에는 눌러도 의미가 없습니다.\n<pchero_work> MSI 로고가 있을 동안에 누르셔야 해요.\n<pchero_work> dslab: 넵.. 아마도;;;\n<dslab> 파이썬 코드로 패킷 수집을 하는 ��„œë²„였는데.. 갑작스레 죽어서 당황했습니다.\n<dslab> 그래도 work님이 도와주셔서 ㅜㅜ 밤샘작업을 하지는 않아도 될거 같네요..\n<pchero_work> 애도.. ㅠㅠ\n<dslab> 아.. 참고로 저는 대학원에서 공부중인 학생이엥\n<dslab> 이에요\n<dslab> 도와주셔서 진심으로 감사드립니다.\n<pchero_work> 아고.. ㅠㅠ\n<pchero_work> 힘내시길.... ㅠㅠ\n<dslab> 교수님한테 혼나기전에 ㅋㅋ 백업 받아서 우분투 재설치해놓고 복구해놓고 가야겠네요 ㅠ\n<pchero_work> bb\n<pchero_work> ㅠㅠ\n<dslab> 재설치시에는 그냥 파티션 다 삭제하고\n<dslab> 설치하면 되겠죠 ?\n<dslab> 우분투 서버 설치할 때 자동 파티션 할당으로 했었던거 같거든요\n<pchero_work> 백업 다 받으셨나요?\n<dslab> 네\n<dslab> 다 받았습니다\n<dslab> 다른건 필요 없고 파이썬 소스코드만 받으면되서 금방 끝났네요\n<dslab> 하.. 드디어 포맷들어갑니다\n<pchero_work> 엄지척!\n<dslab> 감사 척!\n<qweasdzxc_> 저 일단 바이오스 들어가는거 해결은 했는데\n<qweasdzxc_> 진짜 의문이 생기네요.. 리눅스 설치된 파티션을 제거하니까 해결되네요\n<qweasdzxc_> 제가 ssd두개, hdd한개가 있는데, ssd1에는 윈도우, ssd2에는 우분투를 설치했거든요.\n<qweasdzxc_> 윈도우 디스크 관리로 ssd2에 있는 리눅스 파티션을 모두 제거하니까 bios세팅에 del키 누르니까 정상적으로 진입이 되네요.\n<qweasdzxc_> 이런경우에는 어떤게 문제가 된건가요..\n<qweasdzxc_> 어쨌든 일단 급한 불은 껐으니.. grub도 마저 제거해야겠네요\n<qweasdzxc_> 도와주셔서 감사합니다\n<autowiz_> 안녕하세요~\n<dslab> work님 주무시나요\n<dslab> 설치완료하고 패키지 업데이트 중입니다. 감사하다는 말씀 다시 한번 전합니다\n<pchero_work> ;)\n<ircCloud^Seony> 안녕하세요\n<autowiz_> 안녕하세요\n<oracle_reverse> 안녕하세요. 도움을 얻고자합니다. 현재 우분투 16.04LTS를 사용중입니다. 캐릭터셋이 기본적으로 UTF-8로 설정이 되어있는데 제가 사용하는 자바프로그램은 캐릭터셋이 EUC-KR로 사용이 가능합니다. 가장 흔히 쓰이는 로케일변경과 환경설정에서 EUC-KR로 설정을 변경하고 재부팅을 하였지만 UTF-8로 그대로 고정이 되어있습니다.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 설정을 어떻게 변경하셨어요?\n<razGon_i7> 안녕하세요?\n<autowiz_> 안녕하세요\n<autowiz_> oracle_reverse: 어느파일을 어떻게 수정하셨는지 혹은 GUI 이시면 어떤 메뉴에서 수정을 하셨는지 알려주실 수 있으신지요\n<autowiz_> 서니님 안녕하세요 , 라즈곤님도 안녕하세요\n<autowiz_> 오즈님도 안녕하세요 .\n<autowiz_> ㅡ.ㅡ;;;;\n<ircCloud^Seony> 안녕하세요 ㅎㅎ\n#ubuntu-ko 2016-06-10\n<autowiz_> 준이도 안녕~\n<jun_> 안녕하세요~\n<ircCloud^Seony> 기계식 미니키보드 하나 있었음 좋겠는데, 막상 사려니 살까말까 고민되네요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 이미 필요없는 키보드가 여러개 있는데 돈낭비 하는 것 같기도 하고...\n<ircCloud^Seony> 지금 쓰는거 계속 쓰려니 불편 하기도 하고...\n<autowiz_> 나름 적당한 가격에 괜찮은거 같습니다. ㅎㅎ 제가 쓰고 있는겁니다만 ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> 지금쓰는거 사용하시면서 불편한점이 구체적으로 어떤건가요?\n<ircCloud^Seony> 레오폴드 fc660인가하는 모델이 맘에 드는거 같은데, 그것도 10만원이 넘더라구요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 음 불편한 점은요,\n<autowiz_> (저는 이거 쓰면서 F 키 가 콤보로 되어있어서 좀 불편하긴 합니다만 ㅠㅠ )\n<ircCloud^Seony> 마우스를 쓰기 위해 움직여야하는 거리가 길어서 이게 팔에 좀 통증이 와요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 그래서 저는 보통 마우스를 키보드를 치는 양손 사이에 놓고 쓰거든요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 스페이스바 아래라고 ë³´ë©´ 되겠네요\n<autowiz_> 오옹 그런 방법이 있군요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 노트북으로 ë³´ë©´ 터치패드 있는 자리에 마우스를 놓고 쓰는 셈이죠\n<autowiz_> 당연히 마우스 사용이야 최소한으로 줄일려고 하셨을거고\n<ircCloud^Seony> 생각해보면, 제가 맥북을 쓸 때는 손이 불편하다는 생각을 가져본 적이 없었다는 점에서 착안했어요\n<autowiz_> 아싸리 이기회에\n<autowiz_> 좀 사이즈큰 터치패드를 스페이스바 아래쪽에 놓는건 어떨까요?\n<autowiz_> 노트북 키보드처럼 되는거지요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> (그런거 있을거같은데요 )\n<ircCloud^Seony> 안그래도 애플에서 나오는 매직트랙패드를 쓰긴 하는데요,\n<ircCloud^Seony> 얘도 나름 불편한 점이 있어요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 드래그가 엄청 불편하거든요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 맥북쓰듯 양손으로 드래그하면 되긴 합니다 ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> 전에 손가락 마우스가 나와서\n<autowiz_> (손가락에 ë¼ìš°ëŠ” 트랙볼 개념이었습니다)\n<autowiz_> 타이핑 치다가 마우스 움직일때 편하겠는데~ 했는데 금방 시장에서 사러져버렸네요 ㅠㅠ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 집에 애플 미니 키보드가 있긴한데, 그건 높이가 너무 낮아서 또 불편하더라구요\n<autowiz_> http://prod.danawa.com/info/?pcode=1507792&cate=11312474#bookmark_product_information\n<ircCloud^Seony> 그러고보니, 뭘 쓰든 불편한 점이 있다는 공통점이 있네요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 뭘쓰든 불편한 나이가 된건 아닐테고...\n<autowiz_> 크억... 아닐겁니다. ㅠㅠ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 생각해보면 ê²°êµ­ 미니키보드를 산다고 해도 불편한 감은 있을 것 같네요\n<autowiz_> http://itempage3.auction.co.kr/DetailView.aspx?ItemNo=A945871994&frm3=V2\n<ircCloud^Seony> 지금 쓰는 걸로 걍 잘 적응해봐야겠어요\n<autowiz_> 아 ㅋㅋㅋ 이거 상품 설명보면 무선충ì ��이라고 되어있는데\n<autowiz_> 무선 터치패드에 충전식 인 제품이네요 ㅋㅋ 저는 무선으로 충전되는줄 알고 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<ircCloud^Seony> ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> 저는 어짜피 가끔 게임도 하고해서\n<autowiz_> 그냥 노말한 키보드 + 마우스가 좋습니다. 다만\n<ircCloud^Seony> 저도 애플 매직트랙패드 쓰지만, 스크롤만 편하지, 드래그가 엄청 힘들어요\n<autowiz_> numbers 는 없는게 더 편하지요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 제가 금융기관에서 일했던 경험이 있어서 그랬는지, 숫자키패드가 없으면 상당히 불편할 거라 생각했거든요\n<oracle_reverse> 안녕하세요~ 다른짓좀하느라 이제 채팅창 봤습니다.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 일단은, 마우스를 양손 사이에 놓는건 현재로서는 가장 편한 자세네요\n<autowiz_> 보통은 위쪽 숫자키 쓰는게 더 빠르더라구요\n<ircCloud^Seony>  네 안녕하세요\n<ircCloud^Seony> ㅋㅋ 숫자키패드 쓰는게 당연히 훨씬 더 빠르죠\n<ircCloud^Seony> 근데 그걸 그렇게 자주 쓸 일이 없다는게 문제인거죠\n<autowiz_> 위쪽키는 양손을 같이 쓰잖아요 ㅎㅎ\n<ircCloud^Seony> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> 오른쪽 10키 는 한손으로만 쓰는 으음... 그래도 10키 키패드가 숫자 많이 넣을때는 편하기도 하지요 ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz_> 오라클 리버스님 아직 해결은 안되신거지요?\n<oracle_reverse> 꼬박밤새웠는데 해결이 안되네요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 로케일을 어떻게 변경하셨는데요?\n<oracle_reverse> GUI로 사용중이구요 euc-kr로 변경을 해야되요.\n<ircCloud^Seony>   http://ggachi.ncity.net/TIP/7559 여기 나온대로 해보셨어요?\n<oracle_reverse> 아예 저기도 들어가서 똑같이 따라해봤는데 안되더라구요\n<ircCloud^Seony> http://idchowto.com/?p=17242\n<oracle_reverse> 리부트를해서 echo $LANG으로 바뀐지 알수가있는데, 전혀 안바뀌더라구요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 아마 뭔가 잘못하신 것 같은데요.  로케일 바꾸는게 그렇게 어려운 작업이 아니거든요\n<autowiz_> 에러메시지는 확인하셨는지요?\n<oracle_reverse> 저것도 확인해본 링크에요 ㅠ\n<oracle_reverse> 에러메세지요?\n<autowiz_> 사용자 설정파일\n<ircCloud^Seony> 로케일 변경이 프로그램을 설치하고 컴파일을 하고 그런게 아니라, 그냥 환경변수 하나만 바꿔주면 되는 간단한 작업이에요.  아마 뭔가 잘못하신게 아닐까 싶어요\n<autowiz_> .   /home/USER_NAME/.profile 등에서 추가로 로케일이 지정되어있으면\n<autowiz_> 시스템 전체설정 /etc/profile 에서 설정한 내용을 오버라이드 하는경우가 있습니다.\n<oracle_reverse> 아이고..프로필은 전혀 생각을 못했어요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 음... 하는 경우가 아니라 오버라이드 합니다\n<ircCloud^Seony> 원래 그런 목적으로 있는 파일이라...\n<autowiz_> 네 저도 쓰고보니 실수네요 무조건 오버라이드 합니다.\n<oracle_reverse> 네 저도 무조건 바로 실행에 옮겨보겠습니다\n<autowiz_> 예를들어 /etc/profile 에 \"서니님 사랑합니다\" 라고 쓰고 /home/autowiz/.profile 에 \"서니님 미워요\" 하면\n<autowiz_> 부팅 끝나면 서니님 미워요만 남는 거지요 ...\n<ircCloud^Seony> ㅋㅋ 오 적절한 예\n<autowiz_> 적절해도 널리 널리 퍼지만 안된거같은 으음... ㅋㅋㅋ\n<autowiz_> 퍼지면\n<ircCloud^Seony> 존잘로님의 호가 생기게 되겠죠\n<ircCloud^Seony> 오적예 존잘로 선생\n<autowiz_> 아이고 민망하옵니다\n<autowiz_> 개인적으로는\n<autowiz_> 시스템 전체 언어설정은 가능하면 utf-8 으로 두시고\n<autowiz_> 특정 환경 , 실행파일, 사용자 만 euckr 로 하는게 더 나을 수 도 있다고 생각합니다.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 동의합니다.  시스템 전체를 euckr로 하면 좀 문제가 생길 것 같네요\n<autowiz_> 갑자기 든생각인데\n<autowiz_> 오라클 리버스님 저랑 얘기 나눈적 있으시던가요?\n<oracle_reverse> 제가 닉네임이 바뀌어서 그렇지만 상당히 낯이 익으세요 ㅎㅎ\n<jun_> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 왠지 다른 닉네임이 생각나네요....ㅎㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> 으음 ..........................   준 아\n<autowiz_> 언제 얼굴함 봐야지\n<jun_> 네~?\n<jun_> 오늘 가까요? ㅎㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> 오늘은 저녁에 한 9시에 끝날거같은데\n<jun_> 오라클 10g설치해야한다고 들어오셨던 분이 생각나네요... ㅎㅎㅎ\n<jun_> 형은 불금에 ë°¤ 9시라니 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<oracle_reverse> 아...저는 아닌거같아요ㅎㅎ\n<jun_> 내일도 출근하시구요?\n<autowiz_> 내일은 종로에 누구 픽업하러 가야함\n<autowiz_> 아니다 나 감기걸렸나봐  .. .옮으면 어떡해 ㅠㅠ\n<autowiz_> 나 다 나으면 볼까?\n<jun_> ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<jun_> 어쩌다가 감기에 걸리셨나요;;;;\n<oracle_reverse> 요새 감기걸리면 엄청 고생해요\n<autowiz_> 그러게 내가 감기는 3~4년에 한번 정도 밖에 안걸리는데\n<oracle_reverse> 저도 일주일째 감기가 안떨어져서 고생중입니다 ㅎㅎ\n<jun_> 저 백수되니까 아픈데가 없어요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> 아 너도 감기면 우리 만나도 괜찮을 수 도 있겠는데\n<jun_> 심지어 피부도 좋아졌대요 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> (아 .. ㅋㅋ 준이가 감기걸렸다는 말인줄 ㅋㅋㅋ )\n<jun_> 걸리면 뭐 약먹고 집에서 푹 자면 되죠 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<jun_> 삼계탕 먹으러가요~ ㅎㅎㅎ\n<jun_> 감기도 뗄꼄 뜨끈하고 영양가있는 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> 삼계탕 잘하는데 있던가\n<autowiz_> 아니다 너 만나면 나는또 소주를 먹을거같아 ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz_> 한동안 금주 좀 해겠어 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<jun_> 에이~ 맥주밖에 안먹었어요 저희 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<jun_> 아 써니님 오셨을때 한잔했었구나 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> 맥주도 ...\n<autowiz_> 최근에 너무달려서\n<autowiz_> 몸이 좀 축난듯\n<jun_> 저도 저번주로 ê·¸ 생활 청산했습니다~\n<jun_> 몸에서 알코올이 빠져나가는게 느껴집니다 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<oracle_reverse> etc/profile에 들어가보니깐 가장 아랫줄에 LANG=\"ko_KR.UTF-8\"이라고 아주 당당히 자리잡고있어요\n<lexlove> 안녕하세요~\n<oracle_reverse> 안녕하세요~\n<autowiz_> 렉스님 안녕하세요\n<oracle_reverse> 자꾸 채팅방이 튕기네요\n<oracle_reverse> 자꾸 채팅방이 튕기네요\n<oracle_reverse> 아..이제 글써지네 ㅠ\n<lexlove> 안녕하세요.^^\n<lexlove> 불금입니다~~~~\n<oracle_reverse> 오토위즈님과 서니님께서 알려주신대로 /etc/profile에서 euckr을 추가를 해줬어요.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 추가가 아니라 변경을 하셔야해요\n<oracle_reverse> 기존에 utf-8이 있어도 아랫줄에 euc-kr을 ....\n<oracle_reverse> 아..두개를 써주면 안되는거에요?ㅋㅋ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 뭐 하긴 추가를 하셔도 상관없긴 해요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 앞전에것은 무시되거든요\n<jun_> 안녕하세요~\n<jun_> 불금이니까!!! 전 오늘 정글에법칙을 ë³¼ 예정입니다 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> 안돼안돼\n<autowiz_> 정글 직접 갔다와야하지 않겠음? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<lexlove> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<oracle_reverse> 자바프로그램에서의 채팅기능이 euc-kr로 바꿔도 깨져버리네요\n<lexlove> 정글도 사는거 아니죠? ㅎㅎ\n<jun_> 음... 저의 다이어트를 위해 직접 보내주시는건가요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<oracle_reverse> 정글의 법칙 = 병만의 법칙 ㅋㅋ\n<lexlove> 김병만은 도대체 못하는게 뭘까요?\n<lexlove> 멋짐의 단계를 벗어나서 존경스러워요\n<oracle_reverse> 결혼은 아직 못했죠?\n<autowiz_> 병만이는 저보다 타이핑이 느릴껍니다.\n<lexlove> 아...............\n<autowiz_> (제가 너무 비겁한가요 ? ㅠㅠㅠ )\n<lexlove> 깊은 깨달음!!!!\n<lexlove> 서버관리도 못하겠죠.ㅎㅎㅎ\n<jun_> 병만이형보다 제가 더게으를수 있습니다 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> jun_:  뭣이?   퍽퍽\n<oracle_reverse> 병만이형 예전에 가로본능하는거보고 개깜놀했는데 ㅎㅎ\n<oracle_reverse> euckr로 바꿔주고 리부트하니 gui 몇몇부분이 한글표기가 안뜨는 현상과 함께 저의 머릿속이 하얗게 바뀌네요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<jun_> 자바프로그램으로 만든 채팅 기능인데... 해당 글자가 깨진다구요..?\n<oracle_reverse> 저도 이해가 안되는게 제가 만든게 아니라서 잘은 모르지만\n<oracle_reverse> 자바자체에서 불러와주는 한글은 표기가 잘되는데, 채팅자체기능은 한글이 깨지는 현상이 발생이 됩니다....아...이걸 뭐라고 설명해야할지 저도 모르겠네요\n<jun_> 어떻게 깨지는지 사진찍어서 클라우드에 올리시고 해당 클라우드 링크를 여기 올려주시면 다른분들이 확인하는데 쉽지 않을까요?\n<oracle_reverse> 아하 그렇군요!\n<jun_> 말로만 표현하는데는 한계가 있잖아요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> 혹시 돌리는 프로그램이 리니지 사설 서버인가요?\n<oracle_reverse> 아맞다! 오토위즈님 이제 기억났어요.\n<autowiz_> 닉넴 자꾸 바꾸시니 저는 별로네요\n<autowiz_> 오늘은 간만에 일좀 하고 오겠습니다 ㅎㅎ~\n<oracle_reverse> 전에 쓰던 닉네임이 기억이 안나서 이걸로 바꿨어요\n<jun_> 리니지 사설서버?\n<oracle_reverse> 저는 미러서버 개발을 하고있거든요\n<jun_> 미러서버가 뭐예요..?\n<oracle_reverse> 리버스엔지니어링을 이용한 패킷 암복호화하여 A라는 게임을 Ctrl + C -> Ctrl + V하는 사람들입니다.\n<jun_> 아하;;;;\n<oracle_reverse>\n<oracle_reverse> 이 링크 클릭하시면 다이렉트다운될거에요.\n<oracle_reverse> 화면 중앙에 초록색으로 [*****] 글로벌채팅(자바)기능은 한글표기가 됩니다.  라는 글씨가 보이실거에요.\n<jun_> .... 리니지 채팅이 자바였나요..;;;\n<jun_> 아~\n<oracle_reverse> 그런데 아랫쪽에 보시면 채팅창에는 한글이 뿌셔뿌셔 매운맛이에요 ㅠ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 파이썬에서 json파일 읽는데 json으로 파싱이 안되네요...\n<jun_> 파이썬으로 간단하게 문법 정도 보다가 끝나서리... 파싱을 할정도로의 지식이 아니어서....\n<jun_> 도움이 안되겠네요 ㅎㅎ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 대충 원인 찾은거 같아요 ㅎㅎ\n<ircCloud^Seony> json파일을 덤프할 때 실수로 두번을 했더니, 얘를 json 포맷으로 인식을 못하는군요\n<oracle_reverse> 아이고...해결했다...\n<razGon_i7> 모처럼만에 이야기꽃\n<razGon_i7> ㅎㅎ\n<jun_> 우와 수고하셨습니다 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<oracle_reverse> 하룻밤사이에 음...3년쯤 늙어버린것같은데 막상 결과물은 방법만 알았다면 5분이면 해결할 문제라는걸 깨달으니 +1년이 더 추가되네요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> 수년된 엔지니어도 그런경우가 있습니다.\n<autowiz_> 방법을 알면 1분이면되는데... 다만 ê·¸ 방법을 배우고 알때는 시간이 더 걸리는 법입니다.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 저는 퇴근이나 하렵니다 ㅎㅎ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 일 그만 할래요\n<jun_> 네 수고하셧습니다~\n<razGon_i7> 와우!\n<ircCloud^Seony> 집에 가서 청소 좀 하고 게임이나 해야겠네요\n<razGon_i7> 수고하셧습니다.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 감사합니다 ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_i7> 있다가 게임 못하게 방해좀 놔드릴께요.ㅎ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 내일 노는 날이라 금토일 3일 연속으로 쉬는군요\n<razGon_i7> 캬!!\n<razGon_i7> 근데 무슨날이죠?\n<razGon_i7> 맥추수감사절?\n<ircCloud^Seony> 땡스기빙데이는 아직 멀었어요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 내일은 하와이주 휴일이에요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 카메하메하 대왕 기념일입니다\n<razGon_i7> 그렇군요. 주휴일도 있군요.\n<razGon_i7> 카메하메하... 문명에 나오는..ㅋㅋ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 보통 연방 공휴일이랑 주공휴일이랑 섞어요\n<razGon_i7> 문명5에서 처음부터 물을 건널수 있는...ㅋ\n<razGon_i7> 옙\n<ircCloud^Seony> 연방공휴일이 여러개 있는데요 보통 주마다 몇개씩 고릅니다.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 예를 들어서, 콜롬버스 데이는 하와이에서는 평일이에요\n<ircCloud^Seony> ê·¸ 이유가, 콜럼보스가 하와이를 발견한 ê±´ 아니라는게 이유라네요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 뭐 대충 각자 자기들만의 이유를 만들어서 연방이랑 주 공휴일을 섞어서, 평균 한 달에 하루 정도는 휴일을 만듭니다\n<ircCloud^Seony> 그래서 이번달은 카메하메하 데이, 다음 달은 인디펜던스 데이죠\n<razGon_i7> 아...\n<razGon_i7> 미국독립기념일은 중요하겟죠.ㅋ 7월4일?\n<ircCloud^Seony> 엄청 중요하죠 ㅎㅎ\n<oracle_reverse> 지금 퇴근하신다니...\n<ircCloud^Seony> 폭죽 터뜨리는게 불법인 곳에서, 유이하게 허락된 2일 중 하나거든요\n<oracle_reverse> 확실히 다른 커뮤니티와는 많이 다른듯합니다.\n<razGon_i7> 하와이는 지금이 5시반일걸요?\n<ircCloud^Seony> 4시 반요\n<razGon_i7> 아..\n<ircCloud^Seony> 원래 5시 퇴근이긴 한데, 제가 가고싶으면 가는 겁니다 ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_i7> 맞다..ㅎㅎ 5시간.ㅋ\n<razGon_i7> +5시간 하고 -1일.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 넵 맞습니다\n<razGon_i7> 하와이는 총기류금지떄문에 폭죽이 금기인가요?\n<ircCloud^Seony> 그것 때문인지는 모르겠어요\n<ircCloud^Seony>  아마 소음 때문에 그런 것 같아요\n<razGon_i7> 그렇군요\n<jun_> 으하~ 다음주에 시험을 본다네요;;;\n<jun_> 이론적으론 기억나는게 하나도없는데 -_-;;\n<lexlove> 아이고 역시 배우는 ê±´ 시험을 봐야하는 거군요\n<jun_> 그런거 같아요 ㅎㅎㅎ 큰일났네요 ㅎㅎㅎ 필기 하나도 안했는데...\n<autowiz_> 너무 만만하게만 봤던거지...\n<lexlove> 주말에 공부를 해야겠네요...\n<jun_> 그래도 공부 안할꺼 같긴 해요 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 공부해야하지만 격렬하게 안하고 싶다 그런 건가요? ㅎㅎ\n<jun_> 네 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<jun_> 역시 밥먹고 나서 이 시간이 제일 힘든거 같아요\n<autowiz_> 그지 힘들기는 하지 ㅎㅎ\n<jun_> 제가 수다스럽다보니... 조용해지면 조는거 같아요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<jun_> 그래서 옆에 동생 계속 괴롭히고 있어요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 저도 그래요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 제가 조용하면 챗창도 조용...\n<jun_> ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 여기 활성화시키려면 유저가 많아져야하는데, 유저가 아주 많아지면 의외로 정신없어집니다 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 맨날 보던 사람들하고 챗하는 거랑, 맨날 다른 사람들이랑 챗하는 거랑은 느낌이 다르거든요\n<autowiz_> 정신없어지면 또 사람이 떠나거나 말이 없어지게 되지요\n<jun_> ì��€ê¸ˆë„ 리스트에는 많은데....\n<Seony> 저 리스트의 절반은 잠수잖아요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 잠수 아니면 걸어두기 아니면 봇\n<jun_> 음... 세분정도만 새로 들어오셔도 정신없긴 하겠네요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<jun_> 글고보니 오전에 사설서버 만들던 분은 또 나가셨네;;;;\n<Seony> 무슨 사설 서버요?\n<jun_> 아까 케릭터셋 안맞아서 글자가 깨진다고 하시던분이\n<jun_> 리니지 미러서버 하시는 분이라고 하던데요\n<jun_> eclipse를 vi처럼 쓸수 있었으면 좋겠네요...\n<Seony> vi처럼 쓴다는게 무슨 뜻이에요?\n<jun_> vi에서 쓰던 방식으로 텍스트를 수정하는거죠\n<Seony> 플러그인 있지않나요?\n<jun_> 방향키 안쓰고...\n<jun_> 아 그래요? 잠시만요\n<Seony> 마소 비주얼 스튜디오에도 있는데요 ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> 그래요?\n<jun_> 아 진짜 있네요\n<jun_> 왜 이 생각을 못했는지..\n<Seony> vi 플러그인 없는 에디터가 없을 거에요\n<autowiz_> 저는 chrome vim 플러그인 가끔쓰지만 잘쓰고 있습니다.\n<autowiz_> Vimium 이라는\n<Seony> 하도 vim 찾는 사람이 많아서, 왠만큼 유명한 에디터는 전부 vim 플러그인 있습니다\n<jun_> 아하!\n<Seony> 워크래프트 무비 개봉했나보네요\n<jun_> 아 그러네요...\n<jun_> 어제 친구가 봤ㄷ고\n<jun_> 워크 1을 구하던데\n<Seony> 저는 워크 1,2,3 다 해보고 와우만 안했죠 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 워크 1는 불법복사해서 하고... 워낙 옛날이라...\n<Seony> 2랑 3는 정품 구매해서 했죠\n<Seony> 특히 2랑 3 씨디는 아직도 갖구있습니다\n<Seony> 한 가지 재밌는건, 2 씨디는 약 150메가 정도의 용량만 제외하면 나머지는 OST 음악씨디 트랙이에요\n<autowiz_> 스타1 시디도 ë³´ë©´\n<autowiz_> 용량으로봤을때 시네마틱이 상당한 부분을 차지하고 있지요\n<Seony> 워크 영화 보러 가실 때 입구 알바한테 이렇게 물어보시래요\n<Seony> 호드관 얼라관 나눠져있나요?\n<Seony> ㅋㅋ\n<Seony> 근데 나눠져있었으면 영화가 더 재밌었을텐데 ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz_> 몇일전에 뉴스에서 봤는데 인도네시아에서 1만년전인가? 호빗족 유골이 나왔다고 하더라구요\n<jun_> 오호~ 이클립스에서 vi를 쓰듯이 쓸수 있으니 편하네요\n<Seony> 매크로도 되나요?\n<jun_> 매크로요..??\n<jun_> 어떤거 말씀하시는지...\n<Seony> 아니면 폴딩이나...\n<Seony> 일련의 동작들을 레코딩했다가 그걸 똑같이 재연하는 기능요\n<jun_> 시도를 해봐야 할것 같은데.. 어찌 하는지를 모르겠네요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<jun_> 전 컴맹인지라..\n<bluedusk> Seony: 님\n<Seony> 넵\n<bluedusk> 저 한가지 물어볼게 잇는데요 외국인한테 나 영어공부해야 하니 같이 밥묵자 ë°¥ 내가 살께 대신 넌 나랑 천천히 이야기만 해주면 된다 ê³  이ì•��기 한다고 기분 나빠라 하지 않겠죠?\n<Seony> 좋아할 ê±° 같은데요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 무료봉사 해달라는게 아니니까 괜찮을 거에요\n<bluedusk> 근데 대게 어린 여자애라서 쪼금 조심..\n<bluedusk> 아 그런가요 ㅋ 네 알겠습니다. 감사합니다.\n<Seony> 밥값으로 인건비를 대신하겠다는 거니까 괜찮게 받아들일 거에요\n<jun_> 다른건 안보이고... 대게 어린 여자애....대게어린여자애...\n<bluedusk> 22인가? 23인가? 그럴껄요\n<autowiz_> 허리가요?\n<jun_> 와.. 개미허리네\n<autowiz_> 죄송합니다 . 다른 창이 화면을 살짝 가리고 있어서 \"22 , 23 인\" 까지만 ë³´ê³  인치인줄 알았습니다.\n<autowiz_> 처음엔 TV나 모니터인줄 알았는데 여자분 어쩌고 저쩌고 하길래 그럼 허리?\n<autowiz_> 이렇게 됬던 겁니다.\n<jun_> 죄송합니다...\n<autowiz_> 준이가 왜 죄송해 하지... 으음 이상한데 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<Seony> 뭔가 찔리는게 있으신가보군요 ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz_> 이렇게 사람하나 이상하게 만드는거지요 허허\n<autowiz_> 뭐 좀 뜬금없습니다만.\n<autowiz_> 우분투 머신이 한대 있는데\n<autowiz_> 이거 OS 설치날짜를 그나마 근접하게 확인 할 수 있는 방법이 뭘까요?\n<autowiz_> 일단은 stat /etc/lsb-release 가 생각이 나긴 했는데\n<autowiz_> 배포판 업글하면 업데이트 될거고\n<autowiz_> OS 설치이후에 거의 안바뀌는 파일이나 혹은 별도로 기록이 남는곳이 있을까요?\n<Seony> 그거 의외로 간단합니다\n<Seony> sudo tune2fs -l /dev/sda1  | grep 'Filesystem created:'\n<Seony> 하시면 나옵니다\n<autowiz_> 아하\n<bluedusk> 오 파일 시스템이 xfs 라면!!?!\n<Seony> 설명 안드려도... 아시죠? ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 음... /boot도 xfs로 포맷해도 부팅 잘 되나요?\n<Seony> 한 번도 안해봐서..\n<autowiz_> 아니요 안나오는데요 ... 파일 시스템을 찾을 수 없다고 나옵니다. ㅠㅠㅠㅠ\n<autowiz_> (ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ)\n<Seony> ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz_> 이게 괜찮겠네요. 그러다보니\n<autowiz_> 제가 아까썼던 cat /etc/lsb-release 는 문제가 있네요\n<Seony> 그럼 ê²°êµ­ 리눅스 커널이 제아무리 다른 파일시스템을 잘 지원한다고 해도 ê²°êµ­ ext의 굴레에서 벗어날 수는 없는 거군요\n<Seony> 저는 늘상 /boot는 ext2나 3로 포맷하긴 하는데,\n<Seony> 어차피 다른 파티션도 그냥 ext4 쓰거든요...\n<autowiz_> 아 boot xfs 포맷은 제가 조만간 해보고 말씀드리겠습니다.\n<autowiz_> 사실 저도 가능하면 ext4 를 가장 많이 씁니다.\n<PotatoGim> Btrfs!\n<autowiz_> 감자감자 안뇨옹~~\n<autowiz_> 아나... 외장하드 하나가 몇일전부터 끼릭끼릭 하더니만\n<autowiz_> 거의 죽기직전인거 같습니다.\n<PotatoGim> ㅎㅎ 오랜만에 뵙네요~\n<autowiz_> 좀 오랜만이지 암암.\n<autowiz_> 쪼끔 자주 들어와도 되는데 말이지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<bluedusk> 저 자주 오는ë��°ìš”\n<bluedusk> 존잘로님 너무하시네요\n<bluedusk> 전 자주오는데\n<autowiz_> 하음.. .또 이렇게 절 나쁜놈으로 만드시는군요 ㅠㅠ\n<bluedusk> 제가 나쁜놈으로 만드는게 아니라 .. 존잘로님은 원래 나쁜 남자 아니였나요?\n<autowiz_> 아하 그게 또 그렇게되는군요 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 안녕하세요.\n<lexlove> 퇴근합니다~~~~\n<oracle_reverse> 안녕하세요~\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 어서오세요\n<oracle_reverse> 저녁식사들 하셨난요\n<oracle_reverse> 다들바쁘신가보네요.\n<Seony> 다들 채팅만 붙잡고있진 않으니깐요...\n<oracle_reverse> 우문현답이네요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 아얄씨에서 챗하실 때는 대답을 기다리시는 쪽 보단, 말을 던져놓고 시간날 때 들여다보시는 방향으로 하시는게 편해요\n<Seony> 다들 일하면서 간간히 대화하거든요...\n<Seony> 종종 누군가 떡밥을 던져서 물리면 모여들기도 하죠 ㅎㅎ\n<oracle_reverse> 재미난 떡밥이 없어서 저는 조용히 있어야겠네요 ㅎㅎ\n<Feren^IRCCloud> ë°¥ 먹는 중이여서 이제 봤습니다ㅎㅎ\n<oracle_reverse> 맛있게드셨나요. 저는 오랜만에 오뎅탕을 먹었는데 오뎅주머니터쳐먹다가 입천장이 홀랑까였네요 ㅠ\n<Seony> 음... 근데 원래 ctag가 변수는 안보여주나요?\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 전 오늘 젓갈이라는걸 처음 먹어 봤는데 신세계네요ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 헐 나이가 몇인데 그걸 처음 먹어보다니\n<oracle_reverse> 헐..이런 젓갈...\n<Seony> 하긴 ê·¸ 나이에 못먹어볼 수도 있지 ㅎㅎ\n<Feren^IRCCloud> Seony: 애초에 그건 변수 선언문 찾아주는 프로그램 아니였나요..\n<Feren^IRCCloud> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ제가 진짜 처음 먹어 봤습니다ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 변수 선언문이라기보단, 소스코드의 각종 요소들을 분석해서 나열해주는 프로그램이지...\n<oracle_reverse> 무슨 젓을 드셨나요\n<Seony> 클래스 함수 등등은 잘 보여주는데 변수는 안보여주네\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 가리비, 오징어, 조개 세 개 셋트였다고 하네요.\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 음.. 제 기억으론 변수도 보여준 것 같은데;; 제 기억이 잘못된 모양입니다\n<oracle_reverse> 우분투의 언어셋을 euc-kr로 변경 시 GUI모드에서의 여러 프로그램 사용불가현상 및 터미널 콘솔의 한글 표기가 깨지는 현상이 발생하는데 원래 euc-kr은 이런건가요?\n<Seony> 아뇨\n<Seony> 우분투 배포판 전체의 기본 언어셋이 utf-8이라 그런 겁니다\n<oracle_reverse> 그렇지요? 아...어디서 꼬인걸까나...\n<Seony> euc-kr의 문제가 아니구요, 뭘로 바꾸든 로케일을 광역으로 바꾸면 언어에 관계없이 깨지는 현상은 다 똑같습니다.\n<oracle_reverse> 그렇다면 개발중인 프로그램의 언어셋을 utf8로 바꾸는게 더 쉬운일일까요?\n<Seony> 번거로우시더라도 앞날을 위해 언어셋을 전면적으로 utf8로 바꾸시는게 낫지않나 싶은데요\n<Seony> 단순히 운영체제 문제만이 아니거든요...\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 저도 동감합니다...\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 캐릭터셋 때문에 고생한거 생각하면..ㅠㅠ\n<oracle_reverse> 저도 utf8로의 변경을 하고싶지만...\n<Seony> 전세계적으로 utf8이 거의 표준이다시피 쓰이고 있는데, 유독 한국에서만 euckr을 아직도 쓰더라구요\n<Seony> 그게 개발자들이 귀찮고 손대기 싫으니까 더 그렇게 되구요...\n<oracle_reverse> 자바 페이지 총 분량 1000페이지에 각 1페이지마다 2000~ 3000열씩 코딩된 프로그램이다보니...\n<Seony> 그냥 간단하게 스크립트 하나 짜서 일괄적으로 변경하면 되지않을까 싶은데요\n<oracle_reverse> 컴파일시 언어셋이 utf8로 설정되어있어서 그동안 윈도우 사용할때는 \"아~ 이건 utf8이구나\"라고 생각을 했었지만 리눅스 넘어오니 멘탈이 터져버리네요...\n<Seony> 저는, 어디서 누가 메일 보냈는데 euckr이라서 인코딩 깨지면 그냥 안읽어버립니다 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 아쉬운 사람이 다시 보내겠죠\n<oracle_reverse> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<Seony> 문자셋 깨진거 보는 것도 싫어서 그냥 삭제해버려요\n<oracle_reverse> 어쩜 글씨가 깨져도 이렇게 기분나쁘게 생겼는지 저도 꼴도보기 싫네요.ㅎㅎ\n<oracle_reverse> 저녁먹고 디저트로 셀력션 초코맛먹으니 꿀맛이네요 ㅎㅎ 추억의 아이스크림\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 전 아직도 젓갈이 입에서 녹고 있는 기분입니다 ㅋㅋ\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 8월달엔 서울 가면 양고기도 먹기로 했는데 걔는 어떤 맛일지 궁금하네요 ㅎㅎ\n<oracle_reverse> 잘못먹으면 양고기는 상당히 비려요~ 잘하는 음식점으로 찾아가세요\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 예 그래야겠습니다ㅎㅎ\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 고래고기는 진짜 맛 없었는데 ㅠㅠ 양고기는 맛있을꺼라 믿고 있습니다ㅎㅎ\n<oracle_reverse> 외국에서 사는분같으신데, 오리고기는 드셔보셨나요\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 울산에 살고 있습니다ㅋㅋ\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 오래 고기는 질릴 정도로 많이 먹었습니다 ㅎㅎ\n<oracle_reverse> 아 죄송합니다.\n<oracle_reverse> ㅋ.ㅋ\n<Seony> 외국은 제가 살아요 ㅎㅎ\n<Feren^IRCCloud> ㅋㅋ 아닙니다. 제가 좀 특이한 케이스였죠 ㅋㅋ\n<oracle_reverse> 한우먹어봤냐고 물어보려다가 그래도 소고기는 먹어봤겠지 생각하고 오리를 말했는데 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<Feren^IRCCloud> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ오늘 점심 롯데리아 먹고 왔습니다\n<oracle_reverse> 롯데리아 치즈 쭉늘어나는거 그거 진짜 꿀맛인데 ㅎㅎ\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 김상중씨가 광고하는거요?\n<oracle_reverse> 네네\n<oracle_reverse> 모짜렐라 인더버거였던것같아ìš��\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 예 맞아요 그거.. 근데 전 비싸서 못 먹겠네요ㅠ\n<oracle_reverse> 아참참 서니님 아까 제가 물어본 질문중에 한글깨짐현상에 대해서요 다시 여쭤볼게있는데요.\n<oracle_reverse> 생각해보니 이미 utf-8로 변환은 다 끝내놨어요.\n<oracle_reverse> 어디에서 문제가 발생하냐면 구동시킨뒤에 프로그램내의 채팅기능에서 글을 쓰면 한글깨짐이 발생하거든요.\n<oracle_reverse> 자바소스 자체에서의 한글깨짐은 이미 해결을 하였습니다.\n<Seony> 웹브라우저의 기본 문자셋이 euckr이라서 그런게 아닐까요?\n<Seony> Feren^IRCCloud, 여기 ë³´ë©´, 오른쪽 ctags에 변수는 안나오지 https://www.dropbox.com/s/3vscoc0xfbxe77a/Screenshot%202016-06-10%2000.17.02.png?dl=0\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 아 맞네요..\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 제가 잘못 알고 있었나 봅니다 ㅠㅠ\n<Seony> 로컬변수까지 나오게 하는 플러그인이 있긴한데, 그건 node.js까지 설치해야해서 그렇게까진 안하고 싶어 ㅎㅎ\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 역시ㅎㅎ\n<oracle_reverse>\n<oracle_reverse>\n<oracle_reverse>\n<oracle_reverse> 이클립스 소스열어서 한글채팅부분인것같아서 스샷찍어봤는데 세개 다 EUC-KR로 설정이 되어있어요.\n<Seony> 제작하시는 프로그램 자체가 아예 euckr로 문자셋을 강제하게끔 되어있었군요\n<oracle_reverse> 저걸 UTF-8이라고 단순히 바꾼다해서 해결될 문제가 아닌것같은데 서니님이 보시기엔 어떻습니까?\n<Seony> 음... 제 의견은요,\n<Seony> 일단 서버에서 돌아가는 프로그램 자체는 utf-8로 통일을 시키고,\n<Seony> 클라이언트 측에서 들어오는 텍스트의 문자셋이 euckr이면, 이걸 내부에서 utf-8로 변환시켜서 처리를 시키는 방향으로 하시는게 좋지않나 싶은데요\n<Seony> 만약 클라이언트 측에서 들어오는 텍스트가 utf8이라면, euckr유저 쪽으로는 euckr로 인코딩해서 내보내구요\n<oracle_reverse> 음...간단하네요?\n<oracle_reverse> 는 뻥이고...좌절이네요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 다시 정리를 하자면... 접속하는 유저들의 브라우저 문자셋이 뭘로 되어있던간에 그건 신경쓰지 말고,\n<Seony> 들어오는 데이터는 전부 utf8로 처리하는 거죠\n<Seony> 그게 다시 나갈 때는, 원래 들어왔던 문자셋으로 다시 인코딩해서 내보내구요\n<Seony> 아직도 euckr로 코딩하는 곳이 있다는게 저한테는 좀 신선하네요 ㅎㅎ\n<oracle_reverse> 이게 아마 10년~13년전에 개발된거를 ê·¸ 전 담당자들이 변경없이 계속 이어오다보니 아직도 euckr을 사용하느것같아요\n<Seony> 그렇다면 그럴 수 있겠군요\n<Feren^IRCCloud> Seony: 저 ê²°êµ­ 테마 기본으로 바꾸고, Color Scheme만 바꿨어요\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 말씀처럼 저번에 ê·¸ 테마는 예쁘긴 예쁜데 장시간 ë³´ê³  있으니 가독성이 떨어지는 기분이라서..\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 해깔려\n<Seony> 뭐가 프롬프트이고 뭐가 상태표시줄인지\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 예ㅋㅋ 특히 powerline은 진짜 헷갈리더라구요\n<Feren^IRCCloud> powerline은 아직도 제대로 못 쓰겠습니다 ㅠㅠ\n<Seony> 난 맥에서는 lambda-mod에서 앞에 람다표시만 사과로고로 바꿔서 쓰고있어\n<Seony> 리눅스에서는 그냥 그대로 쓰고.\n<Feren^IRCCloud> lambda 쓰실 때 color scheme 어떤거 쓰세요?\n<Seony> 그런게 따로 있어?\n<Seony> 그냥 lambda-mod 쓰는데\n<Feren^IRCCloud> ê·¸ 터미널 색상 코드? 그런거요ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 안건드리고 그냥 기본 써\n<Feren^IRCCloud> iTerm요?\n<Seony> 글치... 맥에서는 iterm이고 리눅스에서는 그놈터미널\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 한번 해보고 올께요ㅎㅎ\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 제 기억으론 lambda가 예쁘긴 예뻤는데 ê·¸ 람다 기호가 너무 안 보여서 포기했었는 것 같아서요 ㅠㅠ\n<Seony> 애플로고도 안보이기는 마찬가지야\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 제가 그거 때문에 color scheme 괜찮은거 찾는다고 하루 날렸던 것 같아요 ㅋㅋ\n<Feren^IRCCloud> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/pYlkGlM6/%E1%84%89%E1%85%B3%E1%84%8F%E1%85%B3%E1%84%85%E1%85%B5%E1%86%AB%E1%84%89%E1%85%A3%E1%86%BA%202016-06-10%2019.40.54.png\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 오 이젠 좀 괜찮네요 ㅎㅎ\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 저 자동 개행만 수정해야곘습니다 ㅠㅠ\n<oracle_reverse> 서니님 이걸 참고하면 될까요?\n<oracle_reverse> http://blog.daum.net/wooriaru/21\n<Seony> 네 왠지 될 것 같네요.  제가 프로그래머는 아니라 잘은 모르겠습니다\n<Seony> 저는 이만 자러 가야겠네요\n<oracle_reverse> 수고하셨습니다\n<Feren^IRCCloud> 들어가세요~\n<Seony> 넵 또 뵈요\n<HolyKnight_> 문명5 컴플리트 75% 10,500원\n<Seony> 안녕하세요\n#ubuntu-ko 2016-06-11\n<autowiz_> 안녕하세요\n<lex_home> 안녕하세요\n<autowiz_> 꺄~~ 안녕하세요\n<lex_home> 오즈님 안녕하세요\n<lex_home> 일하는 중이신가요?\n<autowiz_> 네 일하고 있습지요 ㅠㅠ\n<lex_home> 아이고~ 점심은 드셨어요?\n<autowiz_> 네 먹었습니다. ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> 렉스님도 점심 드셨어요?\n<lex_home> 잘하셨습니다.ㅎㅎ\n<lex_home> 저는 아점을 먹었습니다.ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> 아점은 뭘로 드셨나요? ㅎㅎ\n<lex_home> 집밥이지요.ㅎ\n<lex_home> 상추 등 쌈싸먹었습니다.\n<lex_home> 생야채를 좋아해서 맛있는 아점이었어요\n<autowiz_> 아아 좋네요\n<autowiz_> 집밥 살짝 부럽습니다 ㅋㅋ\n<lex_home> 저희집 집밥은 안부러워하셔도 됩니다.\n<lex_home> 요리에 소질과 취미가 없어요.ㅠㅠ\n<autowiz_> 남편분도 혹시 요리에 취미가?\n<lex_home> 취미가 있습니다.ㅎㅎ\n<lex_home> ì°¸ 다행이지요?\n<autowiz_> 뭐 주말에 집에서 간단힌 먹는데는 그냥 신선한 풀잎 몇개면 딱이지ì��” ㅎㅎ\n<lex_home> 저는 주로 한식요리를 남편은 주로 퓨전요리를 합니다.\n<autowiz_> 한식 어떤걸 자주 하시나요?\n<lex_home> 그냥 일반 가정식이죠...\n<lex_home> 한식이라고 하기에 부족함이 많아요.ㅎ\n<lex_home> 저는 이만 들어갑니다. ^^\n<Seony> 급 게임불감증 찾아온듯 싶군요..\n<Seony> 뭘하던 재미가 없어요...\n<autowiz_> 정기적으로 오시는 그분이 오신거 같습니다.\n<Seony> 그런 ê±° 같아요 ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> 저는 그럴때 명상과 독서와\n<Seony> 이럴 떄 프로그래밍을 하면 겁나 잘되는데, 자꾸 다른 게임을 찾으려는 경향이 생기네요\n<autowiz_> 다른 게임을 찾지만\n<autowiz_> 잘 안되더라구요\n<oracle_reverse> 한글채팅시 한글깨짐 문제로 질문 한번 더 드릴게요. 개발중인 자바프로그램은 클라이언트에서 euc-kr만 읽어들일수있기때문에 제 우분투에서 euc-kr로 언어셋을 변경해주면, 한글채팅 문제는 해결이 되지만, 우분투가 한글표현이 불가한 문제가 발생하며 터미널에서 한글깨짐이 생깁니다. 지인은 코드상에서 컨버터를 시키\n<autowiz_> 리눅스 / 유닉스 들은\n<autowiz_> 각 명령 행 별로 랭귀지 코드 지정이 가능합니다.\n<autowiz_> 그냥 LANG 환경 변수가 어떤상태에서 실행이 되었느냐에 따라서\n<Seony> oracle_reverse, https://www.dropbox.com/s/6s4ilk8tgsvqdv2/Screenshot%202016-06-10%2020.27.31.png?dl=0\n<Seony> 여기서 차이점을 보시죠...\n<oracle_reverse>\n<autowiz_> 그래서 그냥 간단하게는 \"LANG=ko_KR.euckr java someclass\" 이런식으로 실행하면\n<autowiz_> ê·¸ 명령은 해당 언어코드로 실행이됩니다. 그리고 java 명령어에도 언어셋 시정하는게 있구요\n<autowiz_> 공부를 좀 해보시는 게 나을거 같습니다.\n<DarkCircle> 무슨 이야기인지 잔뜩 깨졌네요 (...)\n<Seony> DarkCircle, 제 링크를 보시면 나옵니다 ㅎㅎ\n<DarkCircle> 바이트 단위로 찍는 뭐 그런건가봐요 ?ㅅ?a ...\n<oracle_reverse> 뭣좀 보다가 이제 읽었네요.\n<oracle_reverse> 조언들 감사합니다. 오늘은 성공하기를..ㅠㅠ\n<oracle_reverse> 이것을 참고하면 될까요.  http://airlee00.blogspot.kr/2013/10/charset-euc-kr-utf-8-ms949-cp933.html\n<commania> 안녕하세요~\n<autowiz_> 안녕하세요 콤마니아님~\n<HolyKnight_> http://parkpd.egloos.com/m/4115149\n#ubuntu-ko 2016-06-12\n<Whayle> anyone home?\n<autowiz_> home?\n<autowiz_> no i'm in my office\n<autowiz_> 주옥같은 홀녀님 링크를 간만에 새창으로 열어서 봅니다 ^^\n<LinDol> oh?\n<LinDol> 옼ㅋㅋㅋ\n<LinDol> 안녕하세요 autowiz님 ㅋ\n<Ferendevelop> 안녕하세요.\n<PotatoGim> ~~~\n<head_irccloud> 안냐세여 ㅎ\n<Ferendevelop> 안녕하세요.\n#ubuntu-ko 2017-06-05\n<bridgebot1> <jtjisgod> 9시수업인데\n<bridgebot1> <jtjisgod> 9시1분에일어났습니다\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 굿모닝. 징검다리라 출근하기 싫은 월요일입니다\n<autowiz> 안녕하세요~\n<autowiz> 오~ 임수다~ ㅎㅎㅎ\n<imsu> autowiz: 육임수~~\n<imsu> 주말 잘 보내셨슴까 행님 ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> 응~ ㅎㅎ 잘 보냈지~ ㅎㅎ\n<imsu> autowiz: 잘 못 보냈어야 했는데~~(심술쟁이.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ)\n<autowiz> 으아~ ㅋㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> 일단 월요일 아침회의~ ㅎㅎ\n<jason_KR> 아얄씨 대 슬랙'으로  검색하니까 이멕스 대 비(임) 만큼 많은 썰'들이 나오는군요.\n<imsu> jason_KR: 안녕하세요 ^^\n<imsu> 슬랙은 뭐에용?\n<jason_KR> 오랜만여요~ ^^ 슬랙은...음...\n<bridgebot1> <youngbin> 슬랙은 팀/업무용 메신저 정도로 생각하면 될것 같아요. httpd://slack.com\n<jason_KR> im su    ---> http://bfy.tw/CBN3\n<imsu> 재미난 기능들이군용~~\n<imsu> 좋은 기능이 있는 프로그램은 항상 많았지만..... ê²°êµ­ 쓰는 사람 문제.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> 세상에 임수 같은 사람만 있음 ì°¸ 좋을텐데 말이야~ ㅎㅎㅎ\n<Suiz> 안녕들하세요\n<Suiz> centos 5.4 APM사용중입니다...\n<bridgebot1> <youngbin> 안녕하세요 :)\n<autowiz> 안녕하세요\n<Suiz> mysql db 자료가 자꾸 깨지는데 어찌해야할까요\n<Suiz> 한글이  lJZdwtIRqfLtEBrlY AhaOLzTtimINl guipXaKqdDg  쨔챔횄횩짹챔횆징 / 쩐횏횇쨍쨍짰짹챔횆징 / 쩔짯쨔짬짹챔횆징 / 쨈횥쨔챔횄횩짹챔횆징 / 횈횆짹챔횆징\n<imsu> autowiz: 좋은거 나왔다고 계속 써보다가 정작 업무를 못하더라구요... ㅠ.ㅠ;; 적당히 좋은 놈 쓰고 ㅋㅋㅋ  정착한 다음 다른 기능들은 잊어버리기 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<Suiz> 이런식으로 깨집니다.. 시간 지날때 마다.... 한두개씩 계속 깨지는거같아요..\n<imsu> encoding 문제 인것 같은데...\n<imsu> 전에도 이런 이슈로 누가 물어보지 않았나요? 전.. db는 문외한이라 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<Suiz> 제가 물어봤어요\n<Suiz> ㅡㅜ 해결이안됐어요...\n<autowiz> 처음에는 괜찮다가 나중에 깨진다는건가요? 어떤 프로세스가 거기를 다시 엎어 써서 그런건지 찾을 방법은 없나요?\n<autowiz> 쿼리 수가 적은 DB 이시면 전체 요청 쿼리를 log 로 남겨서\n<autowiz> 분석해 보는 방법이 있습니다.\n<autowiz> (DB 서버 재시작 필요하실 겁니다)\n<autowiz> im_su : ls 에 옵션이 그렇게나 많은지 볼때마다 놀라면서 , 보고나선 금방 잊어버림 ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> 또보면 또 놀람 ㅋㅋ\n<imsu> autowiz: 마우스질로.. 깔딱깔딱 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<Suiz> 아 참고해보겠습니다.\n<Suiz> 감사합니다\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 전체는 utf8인데 한군데가 euckr로 쓰고 있다던지...그런거 일겁니다. 저도 그래서 망한적이...;;\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 한번은 공급처에서 무슨 서유럽 어쩌구 인코딩으로 데이터를 줘서 특수문자들이 죄다 깨진적도 있구요.\n<bridgebot1> <jtjisgod> latin 이요?\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 기억이 잘.. 웨스턴 유러피언 어쩌구 저쩌구....긴거였음. ISO8859시리즈중 하나...\n<bridgebot1> <jtjisgod> 우엥\n<bridgebot1> <jtjisgod> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 그게 알파벳 숫자 같은 부분은 호환되는데, 특수기호 같은거가 다르더라구요.\n<drake_kr> 오늘도 activex가 더이상 지르지 말라는 배려를 하는군요 @draco\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 고맙죠? ㅎㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 원격 가상머신으로 해결했습니다\n<drake_kr> (지르지 말라는데도 어떻게든 질렀다)\n<drake_kr> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/if78sgJZ/\n<drake_kr> 이렇게..\n<bridgebot1> <fmowl> ê·¸ 소형 매트릭스좀 보여 주세요.\n<bridgebot1> <fmowl> 궁금해요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 휴일 사이에 KDE 유저분이 오셨었군요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 내일 월요일 딱 때마침 바쁜 일이 생겨서 내일은 한참 바쁜 시간을 보낼 ê±° 같네요\n#ubuntu-ko 2017-06-06\n<ircCloud^Seony> 혹시 일반 더미 스위치를 vlan access 포트에다 물려놓으면 해당 vlan으로는 잘 작동하는지 해보신 분 계신가요?\n<ircCloud^Seony> ipmi 주소를 별도로 vlan을 할당해서 쓰는데, 스위치에 포트가 모자란다고 스위치를 더 사기에는 좀 그렇고해서 창고에 쌓아둔 더미 스위치를 좀 활용해볼까 하거든요...\n<autowiz> 안녕하세요~\n<ircCloud^Seony> 안녕하세요\n<autowiz> 한국은 현충일이라 추도식도 하고그러고 있습니다.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 아 휴일이군요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 오즈님 혹시 제가 위에 적은거 해보셨나요?\n<autowiz> 더미 스위치가 VLAN 지원이 되면 되겠지요 . 일반적으로는 속도가 문제가 될 수 도 있는데\n<ircCloud^Seony> vlan 지원 안되는 스위치에요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 그니까, 시스코 스위치 포트 하나에다 vlan access mode로 설정해놓고, 거기다 더미 스위치를 물리면 되지 않을까요?\n<autowiz> 안된다라 ... 딱히 표기가 안되있는거지 안된다고 적힌 케이스는 적을거같은데요 ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 한 포트에 여러개VLAN 을 지정하시는건 아니실거같고\n<ircCloud^Seony> 트렁킹이 아니라 엑세스 모드로 놓을 거에요\n<autowiz> 스위치에는 vlan 지정을 안하더라도 같은 네트웍 안에서 VLAN 을 동일하게 지정하면 통신이 될 수 도 있긴 한데 .\n<ircCloud^Seony> 스위치가 24포트짜리라 좀 부족할 ê±° 같은데, 여기에 ipmi를 물리기에는 좀 포트가 아까워서요...\n<autowiz> 우선 그냥 access mode 에서는 잘 동작할껍니다.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 네 상식적으로 생각하면 엑세스 모드에서는 잘 될 ê±° 같은데 혹시 몰라서요 ㅎㅎ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 걍 내일 스위치 하나 들고가서 설치해봐야겠네요...\n<autowiz> 정~ 안되면 vlan1 번으로 지정을 해보는것도 방법인데 vlan1번이 이미 사용중이면 그렇게는 못해볼거같네요. 아마 잘 될껍니다.\n<autowiz> 스위치 포트쪽이 access 모드 이면 ê·¸ 아래쪽은 vlan 몇번이 오던 상관없거든요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 네 access로 둘 거에요\n<autowiz> 나머지는 스��œ„치가 vlan 세팅에 따라서 패킷 처리할때 일어나는거고 아래쪽에서는 , ê·¸ 포트가 몇번 vlan 인지 인지 못하거든요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 음..  그러면 내일 바로 가서 설치해야겠네요\n<autowiz> (인지는 하는데 무시하는건지는 저도 정확히 모르겠는데 , 아마도 잘 될거같습니다 )\n<LucyDoDo> 안녕하세요~\n<autowiz> 루도도 안녕~\n<LucyDoDo> autowiz: 안녕하세요~\n<LucyDoDo> 내일 카드가 오기로 되어 있는데 뭔가 괜히 설레네요..ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> 크래딧 카드? ㅎㅎ\n<LucyDoDo> 넵ㅎㅎ\n<LucyDoDo> 솔직히 심사 떨어질줄 알았는데 붙어서 놀랬었네요\n<autowiz> 한동안 신용카드 발급 빡실때는 잘 안나왔던거 같기도한데\n<autowiz> 석유재벌은 다르구만~ ㅎㅎㅎ\n<LucyDoDo> ㅋㅋㅋ아닙니다\n<LucyDoDo> 조심히 잘 써야죠...\n<bridgebot1> <lz-reflpass> 신용카드 만들면 연회비나갈텐데;;\n<LucyDoDo> @lz-reflpass 넵 3만원씩이에요\n<LucyDoDo> 근데 원래 쓰던 카드도 연회비는 있었어요 ㅋㅋ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 안녕하세요\n<drake_kr> 코옵 미션 8캐릭터 15 찍었네요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 무슨 게임인데요?\n<drake_kr> 스타크래프트요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 스타에서도 그런 게 있나보군요\n<drake_kr> 간만에 스타좀 했네요 ㅋㅋ\n<drake_kr> https://plus.google.com/collection/4AdEZ\n#ubuntu-ko 2017-06-07\n<bridgebot1> <youngbin> 오늘 아침 sudo 에 취약점이 있다는 뉴스가 떴는데, 우분투에서는 이미 5월에 패치된 사항이군요. https://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-3304-1/\n<ircCloud^Seony> 오늘 아침에 뜬거면 뉴스 사이트가 좀 문제가 있어보이는군요...\n<ircCloud^Seony> usn은 rss를 지원해주기 때문에 거의 실시간으로 소식을 접할 수 있꺼든요...\n<ircCloud^Seony> 뭐 저같은 현업에 계신 분들이야 이미 다 아실테지만..\n<bridgebot1> <youngbin> 그러게요 ㅋㅋㅋ ZDNet 에서 5분전에 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<bridgebot1> <dry8r3ad> 아침에 출근해서 올리신게 아닐까.. 생각해봅니다\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 여러분의 혼돈을 막기 위해 전부 패치될 때쯤 뉴스를 전해드립니다? ㅋㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> 안녕하세요~\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 안녕하세요\n<autowiz> 요즘 가뭄이 심각하다던데 , 어제 오늘은 비가 좀 오네요 ㅎㅎ\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 서울 비오는 수준 봐서는, 가뭄 해소용은 안되고, 산불 정도는 줄어들거 같네요\n<LucyDoDo> autowiz: 어제 청계천 걸을려고 하는데 비 와서 완전 시무룩했어요..ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> 비올때는 라면에 만화책 아니면 막걸리지~ ㅎㅎㅎ\n<LucyDoDo> ㅋㅋㅋ갑자기 라면이 땡기네요\n<autowiz> 라면 맛나지~ ㅎㅎㅎ\n<samahui_w520> 라면이 땡기지만... 점심에 김가네에서 해신볶음밥인가 시켜 먹었다가 속쓰린 1인 입니다\n<samahui_w520> 엄청나게 맵더군요\n<samahui_w520> 대학때나 사회 초년생때(겹치는군요)에는 만화방가서 라면 ë��Žì´ 먹었는데... 요즘은 만화방에서 라면 끓여주면 불법이라죠... 끓여주는 곳이 많이 없네요... 한곳 한남동에 아는곳 있는데 거기도 가본지 몇 해 된거 같에요\n<autowiz> 저도 해신볶음밥 매워서 혼낫습니다 ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> 그냥 해산물 들어간 볶음밥이겠거니 했는데 완전 맵더라구요 ㅜㅜ\n<samahui_w520> 네 원래 매운건데 오늘 배당온곳은 더더욱 맵더군요. 진짜 아무맛도 못느끼고 맵다고만 느꼈네요\n<drake_kr> 와 맛있겠다..\n<samahui_w520> 전 외근이 잡혀서 이만~ 나중에 뵈요~\n<bridgebot1> <draco> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/06/ubuntu-17-10-daily-builds-gnome\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 색상 같은건 그대로인가 보군요.\n<pchero_work> 그놈이 돌아왔군요.\n<bridgebot1> <youngbin> gtk 테마 쓰던거 쓰고 그노 셸 테마는 그놈 기본 쓰는것 같더군요\n<pchero_work> 항상 gnone-fallback 설정하기 귀찮았는데... ㅎㅎ\n<pchero_work> 애정으로 붙어있길 잘한 것 같네요. ㅎㅎㅎ\n<pchero_work> 엊그제 여행갔다가 왔는데 새벽에 엄청 고생했네요.\n<autowiz> 아이고 고생 많으셨겠습니다 .\n<ircCloud^Seony> 안녕하세요\n<samahui_w520> 안녕하세요\n<samahui_w520> 외근갔다 돌아오니 이시간이군요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 헐 새벽 아닌가요?\n<samahui_w520> 이럴꺼면 아예 출장으로 잡아주지 그랬네요 ㅎㅎ;;\n<samahui_w520> 네 새벽 3시가 넘었네요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 닌텐도 스위치는 재구매 하셨어요?\n<samahui_w520> 정리하고 들어가서 자고 아침에 다시 와야겠어요\n<samahui_w520> 그냥 도킹한체로만 하고 있어요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 아 그래도 재구매 성공하셨네요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 요즘도 없어서 난리라더니...\n<samahui_w520> 구매는 신속 정확하게\n<ircCloud^Seony> 일단 어서 가서 쉬세요 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_w520> 네\n<samahui_w520> 너무 졸리네요 ㅎㅎ;\n<samahui_w520> 내일뵈요~\n<ircCloud^Seony> 넵 들어가세요\n<LucyDoDo> 안녕하세요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 하이\n<ircCloud^Seony> 넌 또 왜 안자고 뭐하는 거야 ㅎㅎ\n<LucyDoDo> 그냥 요즘 이 시간쯤에 자요 ㅋㅋ\n<LucyDoDo> 전화 좀 하다 ë³´ë©´ 이 시간이더라고요 ㅋㅋ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 뭔 전화?\n<LucyDoDo> 제가 좋아하는 누나랑요ㅋㅋ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 연애전화구나 ㅋㅋ\n<LucyDoDo> 네 뭐 그렇죠 ㅋㅋ\n<LucyDoDo> 거다 오늘은 레포트도 하구 좀 빠빴네요 ㅎㅎ\n<LucyDoDo> 요즘 레포트 하면서 수학의 중요성을 느끼고 있습니다 ㅋㅋ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 무슨 레포트하는데?\n<LucyDoDo> 이것 저것 있는데 오늘은 C언어였어요\n<LucyDoDo> 유저에게 행수를 받아서 마방진 출ㄹㄱ하는거요 ㅎㅎ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 아 C언어를 아직도 하는구나...\n<ircCloud^Seony> 요즘 파이썬으로 다들 갈아탄줄 알았는데 안그런 학교가 더 많나보네\n<LucyDoDo> 아직 한국에는 C 언어 하는 곳이 더 많아요 ㅎㅎ\n<LucyDoDo> 사실 한국 대학은 대부분 C/Java 일껄요.. 제가 알기론\n<ircCloud^Seony> 글쿠나...\n<LucyDoDo> 시간이 늦어서 전 이만 자러 가보겠습니다 ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_JJ> 오래간만입니다.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 안녕하세요\n<razGon_JJ> 지금에서야 정신 차리네요.\n<razGon_JJ> 잘계셨죠?\n<razGon_JJ> 아직도 진료시작되면 정신 없긴 하지만,\n<razGon_JJ> 그래도 어느정도는 적응되었습니다.\n<razGon_JJ> 여전히 최적화중입니다.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 네 뭐 저는 매일 똑같네요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 거기는 예전에 계셨던 곳보단 좀 나은가보네요\n<razGon_JJ> 가족과 떨어져서 혼자있다는 점외에는 똑같습니다.\n<razGon_JJ> 제주에 있다보니. 오하우랑 비슷한게 많네요.\n<ircCloud^Seony> ㅎㅎ 그렇군요\n<razGon_JJ> 첫째 여기 물가 생각보다 비싸요.ㅎ\n<razGon_JJ> 인력부족.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 섬은 늘 물가가 비싸죠 ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_JJ> 보통 손세차 맞기는데. 육지는 여기는 손세차는 셀프로.ㅋ\n<razGon_JJ> 제가 있는 김녕과 월정리는 거의 카일루아 같아요.\n<razGon_JJ> 바다가 좋아요.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 오 그렇군요...  경치 좋은가보네요\n<razGon_JJ> 예 아주 좋습니다. 제친구에게 여기 해안도로가 좋다하니.\n<razGon_JJ> 가장 기억에 남는게 성산일출봉에서 김녕까지의 해안도로가 가장 좋았다고 하더군요. 날이 좋으면 좋은대로 나쁘면 나쁜대로 운치잇어요.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 언제 기회되면 가보고 싶네요\n<razGon_JJ> ㄴㄴ\n<razGon_JJ> 서니님에게는 비추.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 아 그런가요? ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_JJ> 하와이를 많이 따라한게 많아서요.\n<razGon_JJ> 쉬림프박스도 잇고.ㅋ\n<razGon_JJ> 여러면이 비슷해서 하와이를 많이 따라한게 많습니다.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 엥 그렇군요...\n<ircCloud^Seony> 근데 제주도에서는 새우 양식 안하잖아요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 여기는 새우 양식장이 있기 때문에 새우트럭이 유명한거거든요\n<razGon_JJ> 예\n<razGon_JJ> 맞습니다. 그냥 분위기만 흉내낸.\n<razGon_JJ> 대신 제주는 딱새우라고 그게 많이 나옵니다.\n<razGon_JJ> 가재같은 새우.\n<razGon_JJ> 그래서 비추에요. 하와이 카피가 많아서. 하와이는 그런이유가 있는데. 차라리 광어 박스가 낫죠.ㅎㅎ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 음... 그렇군요...\n<ircCloud^Seony> 광어 트럭 ㅋㅋ\n<razGon_JJ> 자. 저는 출근해서 뵙겟습니다.\n<razGon_JJ> 있다뵈요\n<razGon_JJ> 출근햇습니다.\n<razGon_JJ> 아침 모닝 커피 마시고 시작. ㅎ\n<razGon_JJ> 샤오미 전기 자전거 샀어요. 운동할라구.ㅎ\n#ubuntu-ko 2017-06-08\n<samahui_w520> 잠깐 잔다는게 풀침 했네요 ㅎㅎ\n<samahui_w520> 좋은 하루 되세요~\n<autowiz> 안녕하세요~ ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 저~ 사마휘님 전부터 궁금했었는데 , 어떤거 만드세요? ㅎㅎ\n<LucyDoDo> 안녕하세요.\n<razGon_JJ> samahui_w520: 안녕하세요!! 놋북의 현인!\n<razGon_JJ> LucyDoDo: 안녕하세요? 오래간만입니다.\n<LucyDoDo> razGon_JJ: 안녕하세요. IRC에서는 오랜만이네요 ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_JJ> 예 오래간만입니다.\n<autowiz> 라즈곤님 안녕하세요~ ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_JJ> autowiz: 안녕하세요? 오토님.\n<autowiz> 네~  4시4ì²  잘 달리는 자동차 입니다~ ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_JJ> ^^\n<Suiz> 안녕하세요\n<Suiz> 일전에 말씀드린 mysql db깨진다는거요.. db-log 를 찾아봤는데요\n<Suiz> \tBB_SUBJECT='kRhwTwfIrMnQZl', \t\tBB_DATE1='20170520005909', \t\tBB_ADD='', \t\tBB_1='쨈챘쨩챗횊짙?횑쩍쨘횈짰 횄쩌?횓쨘챠쨌째 1.0횇챈 / DSN1 / 6.3짢짧*19횉횉횆징 / 2.5m / 11.5kg', \t\tBB_2='14', \t\tBB_3='', \t\tBB_4='쨈챘횊챦?횣?챌', \t\tBB_5='', \t\tBB_6='쨔챔쨈챌쨔챈 횂체횁쨋', \t\tBB_7='N27Kgd http://www.LnAJ7K8QSpkiStk3sLL0hQP6MO2wQ8gO.com', \t\tBB_8='',  \t\tBB_9='91.200',  \t\tBB_10='N27Kgd http://www.LnAJ7\n<Suiz> 죄송합니다;\n<Suiz> # at 6849903 #170520  0:59:09 server id 1  end_log_pos 6850468 \tQuery\tthread_id=56493\texec_time=0\terror_code=0 SET TIMESTAMP=1495209549/*!*/;\n<Suiz> 이렇게 입력 하는걸로 되어있내요..\n<Suiz> 저렇게 입력한적없는데;;;\n<autowiz> 덮어써지는건지 아닌지도 봐야할거같구요. 입력 출력 전부 웹을 통해서만 이뤄지나요?\n<autowiz> (전체 로그 모드에서는 성능 하락이 있을 수 도 있으니 확인 잘 하시구요 )\n<autowiz> 클라이언트 중에 인코딩이 다른 머신이 한대 있다던가\n<autowiz> 생각보다 쉽게 해결이 안되네요 .  지금 대처는 어떻게 하고 계신가요?  실제로 서비스 돌아가는 서버가 아닌가요?\n<razGon_JJ> 점심 시간이군요.\n<razGon_JJ> 맛점하세요\n<autowiz> 벌써 시간이 이렇게 됐군요 수고들하세요~\n<bridgebot1> <draco> update 쿼리 포함된 소스 다 뒤져서, 쿼리마다 조금씩 개성있게 바꾸시거나\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 숫자 컬럼 하나 추가해서, 쿼리마다 그걸 1, 2, 3...식으로 업데이트 하는 부분을 추가해놓으면 어느 쿼리에서 이루어졌는지 확인하면 어떨까요.\n<lexlove> 안녕하세요\n<bridgebot1> <youngbin> 안녕하세요 :slightly_smiling_face:\n<autowiz> 간만에 헬스 하고 오니 상쾌 하네요~ ㅎㅎㅎ\n<jason_KR> 금무시간에? ㅎ\n<LucyDoDo> 드디어 카드가 왔습니다 후후 이제 지르는 일만 남았네요\n<autowiz> 그래픽 카드? ㅎㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 점심시간이요? ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 뭐 출퇴근 시간이 딱히 없는 저로서는 근무시간 개념도 별로 없어서요 ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 저희 개발팀은 실적만 나오면 출퇴근 자유로~ 합니다~\n<jason_KR> ^^\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 부럽군요 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 뭐 다~ 그렇겠지만 . 국내 중소 기업이라 장단점은 있습니다. ㅎㅎ\n<lexlove> 안녕하세요~\n<lexlove> 졸린 오후네요.^^;\n<autowiz> 렉스님 건강은 차차 나아지고 계신지요? ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 새 직장은 어떠신가요?\n<lexlove> 차차 나아지고는 있지요.ㅎㅎ\n<lexlove> 새 직장은 이제 3개월이 넘었으니 수습기간은 끝났네요.^^\n<lexlove> 아직 버벅대고 있긴 하지만 심적 부담감은 조금 덜은 듯 보입니다.\n<razGon_JJ> 렉스님.\n<razGon_JJ> 그이후로 힘드셧던 건가요?\n<razGon_JJ> ㅠ.ㅠ\n<lexlove> 네.ㅠㅠ\n<lexlove> 역시 연봉이 더 높은 만큼 일도 정비례 하네요.ㅎㅎㅎ\n<lexlove> razGon_JJ님은 어때요? 어느정도 적응하셨나요?\n<razGon_JJ> 이제 좀 숨쉴만합니다.\n<razGon_JJ> 제주도 좋아요. 경치는.\n<lexlove> ㅎㅎ  전 아직 제주도 못가봤답니다. 바닷물이 어때요? 투명해요?\n<razGon_JJ> 음..\n<razGon_JJ> 잠시만요\n<lexlove> ??? 보러가신건 아니시죠?\n<autowiz> 라즈곤님 헬기 타고 바닷물 상태 확인하러 가셨나봅니다 ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_JJ> https://goo.gl/photos/cVjuitaJwN84FhRi9\n<razGon_JJ> 지난번 찍은 사진입니다.\n<autowiz> 좋군요~ ^^\n<razGon_JJ> https://goo.gl/photos/tjS2Wpbv8pZXpMXs7\n<razGon_JJ> https://goo.gl/photos/YejLGKUbCPpiHteS8\n<lexlove> 오~~~ 멋지네요\n<razGon_JJ> https://goo.gl/photos/eJ2M5j9yyJxey1hCA\n<razGon_JJ> 다 폰카로 찍은\n<razGon_JJ> https://goo.gl/photos/s4Br28EsnAEZu3Pb9\n<lexlove> 작품사진 같아요\n<razGon_JJ> https://goo.gl/photos/DMbhceeUH1VypbrGA\n<lexlove> 고즈넉하니 좋네요\n<autowiz> 놀러 가고싶습니다~ ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_JJ> 하와이는 태양광이 대세지만 제주도는 풍력이 대세.\n<lexlove> 마지막 사진에 분홍 지붕이 인상적이에요\n<lexlove> 처음봐요. 분홍지붕~~~\n<razGon_JJ> 그러네요\n<razGon_JJ> 고즈넉하게 돌아다니신다면 동쪽으로 여행가보세요.\n<lexlove> 일단 1~2월에 쉽니다. 그때 좀 다녀보려구요. 나이도 그렇고 혼자 다녀도 이상하진 않을거 같아요.\n<razGon_JJ> 함덕서우봉해변- 김녕성세기해변-(해안도로)-성산일출봉.\n<razGon_JJ> 서쪽은 연인들이 많이 가고 동쪽은 솔로들도 많이 가요.ㅎ\n<razGon_JJ> 혼여족들 많음.\n<lexlove> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<razGon_JJ> 제가 있는 곳은 동쪽이구요.\n<razGon_JJ> 근데 갈곳은 동쪽이 많다는게 중론이더라구요\n<lexlove> 그렇군요.ㅎㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 역시 현지에 사시는분이 계시니까 좋군요 이런 정보도 얻을 수 있고~ ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_JJ> 갈곳은 서쪽이 좋아요.\n<razGon_JJ> 애월과 평화로의 박물관들.\n<razGon_JJ> 동쪽은 성산일출봉을 중심으로 한 ê³³.\n<razGon_JJ> 동쪽이 사람들이 덜 밀려 들어서 좋기는 해요\n<razGon_JJ> https://goo.gl/photos/TtxTy1vwXkTVQPC6A\n<razGon_JJ> 제주의 정말 진풍경은 이거죠.ㅎ\n<autowiz> http://editorizer.tistory.com/180\n<autowiz> 윈도우즈(10) 에도 가상 데스크탑이라고해서 , 예전 그놈에서 화면 1~4 번 까지 있던  그런거처럼 쓸 수 있는 기능이 있네요\n<lexlove> 그럿\n<lexlove> 그렇담 전 동쪽이 맞을 듯 하네요.ㅎㅎ\n<razGon_JJ> 예 동쪽이 조아요.ㅎ\n<lexlove> 지난 주말에 김밥을 싸달래서 싼 김에 집근처 작은 섬(다리 놔짐)에 다녀왔는데 유명한 전망대는 사람만 많고 시끄럽고 볼게 없더라구요.\n<lexlove> 대신 바닷가쪽으로 뱅둘러진 도로를 따라가던 길이 더 좋았어요. 무턱대고 가다가 길이 끊겨서 되돌아왔지요.ㅎㅎㅎ\n<razGon_JJ> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<woween> 안녕하세요. 신입 리눅스 관리자인데 질문이 있습니다. 혹시 지정된 유저들만 사용가능한 공용폴더를 만들수 있는방법이 잇을까요?\n<woween> 유저들은 공통 gid를 가지고 있긴하지만 몇몇은 제외되야 해서요..\n<autowiz> 그룹을 하나 따로 만들어야할거같습니다.\n<autowiz> NTFS 처럼 권한설정이 장황하게 되지는 않습니다 .\n<autowiz> 일반유저 그룹 A 에 U1,U2,U3,U4 사용자가 있는데 , U1,U2,U3 만 권한을 주고싶으시면 B 그룹을 만드시고 이 그룹에 U1,U2,U3 를 추가하신다음 , 신규 폴더에 B 그룹에 대한 권한을 주시는 방법이 있습니다.\n<autowiz> 쉘 을 직접적으로 주는경우는 제가알기론 저렇구요 , FTP 등의 특정 프로그램을 통하는경우에는 여러가지 인증 프로그램/모듈들이랑 연동이되면서 상황이 많이 달라집니다.\n<woween> 지정그룹 허용 말고는 없겠죠? ㅠㅠ 계정이 nis랑 ldap이랑 같이 운용되서 좀 꺼려져서요..\n<jason_KR> auto wiz: 저 가상 데탑, 좋아요. 그놈'에 비해서 단점이라면 화면이동 불가능\n<autowiz> 서비스가 아니라 OS 직접 주는거면 아마도 그렇지 않을까 싶습니다.\n<woeen> 아 죄송합니다.폰이여서 네트워크가질문마누하고  불안정하여 나가졌습니다.\n<woeen> 다행히 공유되어야할 유저들이 다 nis로 관리되어 한번 autowiz님이 추천한방식대로 따로 그룹을 만들어 보겠습니다.\n<autowiz> 제가 nis 나 ldap 은 영 몰라서 죄송합니다 ㅠㅠ\n<drake_kr> 흠\n<drake_kr> 컴맹이라\n<drake_kr> 뭔소린지 모르겠당\n<kudosinkimch> 우분투 처음 설치 하려는데 ubiquity crashed with UnicodeDecodeErroT in decode(): \"utf-8 ' codec can't decode byte ox91 in position 317: invalid start byte 라고 뜨면서 설치가 안됩니다. 도와주실수 있으신지요?\n<ircCloud^Seony> 안녕하세요\n<LucyDoDo> 안녕하세요\n<razGon_JJ> 모닝요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 안녕하세요\n<razGon_JJ> 안녕하세요\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 저거 5,6년전에 본 에러 같은데...아직도 발생하나...\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 굿모닝\n#ubuntu-ko 2017-06-09\n<lexlove> 안녕하세요.^^\n<ircCloud^Seony> 안녕하세요\n<bridgebot1> <youngbin> 안녕하세요\n<lexlove> 여긴 즐거운 금요일 입니다.ㅎㅎ\n<ircCloud^Seony> ㅎㅎ 즐거우시군요\n<lexlove> 약간 즐겁습니다.ㅎㅎ 밀린 일이 있어서 주말에 일을 해야할거 같아요.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 여기는 다음주 월요일이 휴일이라서 저도 나름 즐겁긴 하네요 ㅎㅎ\n<lexlove> 오~ 월요일에 휴일이라니...\n<lexlove> 음.. 그리고 기다리는 택배가 오늘 올거 같습니다.ㅎ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 뭐 사셨는데요?\n<lexlove> 샤오미 미밴드2 샀어요.\n<lexlove> 스마트워치를 가지고 싶지만 비싸더군요.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 아 미밴드...  저도 예전에 스마트워치 사서 차고다니는데 운동하면서 그런거 ë³´ë©´ 나름 재밌긴 하더라구요\n<lexlove> 수영하면서 얼마나 했나 알고 싶은데 ê·¸ 기능이 될지 의문이에요.ㅎㅎ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 수영 기능 있는지 알아보고 사신거 아니에요?\n<lexlove> 수영체크 기능은 없어요. 다만 거리이동이 체크되는지 알아보려구요.\n<lexlove> 그리고 수업 중에 진동으로 해놓으면 전화가 오는지 톡이 오는지 알지 못할때가 많은데 알림용으로 사용하려고 해요\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 샤오미 제품이 품질이 일정하질 않아요. 그거 스쿠버 다이빙을 해도 괜찮은 사람이 있고, 그냥 일반 풀에서 이틀만에 고장났다는 사람도 있고 그래요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 기어 S3에도 수영은 없네요\n<lexlove> 저도 각오는 하고 있어요.ㅎㅎㅎ 고장나면 버려야죠.\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 수영 거리나 운동량 체크하는거 애플와치만 되는걸로 알고 있었는데...\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 애플와치2인가..\n<lexlove> 애플와치가 비싸서 못사겠어요. 40만원대인걸로 알고 있어요.ㅠㅠ\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 34만원부터 아니었나요\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 어째튼 비싸죠\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 샤오미 10개 사서 고장날때마다 버려도 더 싸겠네요 ㅋㅋㅋ\n<lexlove> ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 렉스님은 아마 시리즈2 말씀하시는 듯 싶네요\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 음. 애플놈들 ...웹에서 보기엔 그게그거 같이 만들어놓고 조금씩 다르고 가격 단계는 엄청 많고\n<lexlove> 올해는 비싼 걸 하나 샀기 때문에 더이상 지출은 무리에요. 흑;;;\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 제 스마트와치는 페블인데...회사 망함\n<ircCloud^Seony> ê·¸ 비싼게 플스인가요?\n<lexlove> 네. 맞습니다.ㅎ\n<ircCloud^Seony> ㅎㅎ\n<lexlove> 이 회사 웰케 바쁜지 아직 엔딩을 못봤어요. 한2주 못하고 있어요.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 흐 그렇군요...\n<lexlove> 신입교육, 회사창립기념일 행사, 회사 체육대회 등등\n<bridgebot1> <draco> ...일로 바쁜게 아니라..\n<lexlove> 일도 바빠요. 그래서 이번 주말엔 밀린 일을 해야해요.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 오늘은 퇴근하면 운동하는 날인데 엄청 하기 귀찮네요\n<lexlove> 저번 주 금요일에 회사 체육대회를 마치고 크게 힘든 것 같지 않아 수영을 하러 갔다가 병이 나버렸어요.ㅋㅋ\n<lexlove> 저는 병 만들기 전문가인듯 해요.\n<lexlove> 얼마전에는 소형 안마기를 사서 어깨에 한번 해봤는데 붓고 아파서 병원에 갔더니 염증생겼다고 안마기 사용하지 말라더군요.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 헐 그렇군요...\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 그래도 뭔가 하다가 병 생기는거네요. 전 아무것도 안해서 병 생깁니다. 운동도 안하고, 몸에 좋은것도 안챙기고, 안마도 안하고\n<bridgebot1> <draco> -_-\n<autowiz_> 안녕하세요~\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 안녕하세요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 시스코 스위치 하나를 집에서 공유기처럼 설정해서 쓸까 하는데, L3 모드로 변경해서 포트 하나에 dhcp client 설정하고, 나머지 포트에 dhcp server로 주소를 할당하는 방식이 가능한지 해보신 분 계신가요?\n<autowiz_> 아참 서니님 전에 스위치는 잘 동작하나요? ㅎㅎ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 네 어찌어찌해서 해결했어요\n<autowiz_> 바로 위에 꺼 말씀하시는게 저 스위치 및에는 스위치랑 다른 IP 대역을 주고 싶으신거죠?\n<autowiz_> dhcp helper address 를 지정하는게 있을겁니다. 그러면 클라이언트의 dhcp 요청이 dhcp 서버로 전달이됩니다.\n<autowiz_> 스위치의 IP 나 VLAN 정보가 dhcp 요청 패킷에 첨부되기 때문에 DHCP 서버는 어떤 대역을 줘야 하는지 인지 하게 된느거구요.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 아뇨 그게 아니구요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 걍 공유기처럼 쓰고 싶은거거든요... 다시 말하자면,\n<autowiz_> 아 스위치가 DHCP 서버가 되고싶으신거군요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 포트 하나는 인터넷 회선업체에서 IP를 받아야하니까 dhcp 클라이언트로 아이피를 받고,\n<ircCloud^Seony> 나머지 포트는 집안에 있는 컴퓨터들을 연결해야하는데, 따로 dhcp 서버를 돌리는게 없으니까 스위치에서 제공하는 dhcp 서버를 돌릴려구요\n<autowiz_> 시스코 스위치 모델명을 알 수 있을까요?\n<autowiz_> 스위치에서 NAT 도 해야할려나요?\n<ircCloud^Seony> SG300-10 입니다\n<autowiz_> 일단 훓어보기로는 NAT 지원이 안되는거같긴 합니다만 ㅠㅠ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 음... 그럼 그냥 스위치 허브처럼 쓰는 것 밖에 안되겠군요\n<jason_KR> 제 생각에도 단일 용도로 밖에... 즉 확장 불가할 것 같습니다.\n<jason_KR> 용도 확장 불가능\n<autowiz_> dhcp client 는 가능하구요 , 짧은 재 경험으로는 백본급 말고는 NAT 가 안됐던거같습니다.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 뭐 그냥 일반 스위칭 허브 용도로라도 써야겠네요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 아니면 DHCP 서버용이라도..\n<ircCloud^Seony> 지금 쓰는 공유기가, dhcp 목록을 건드리면 리붓을 해야해서 불편하거든요..\n<autowiz_> 좀 불편하긴 하군요 , dhcp 설정변경때문에 재부팅이라니\n<ircCloud^Seony> 그렇다고 다른 공유기 사기엔, 이 공유기가 너무나도 멀쩡하네요 ㅎㅎ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 10년 가까이 된 공유기거든요\n<autowiz_> 신규 펌웨어가 나왔는지는 몰라도 , 펌웨어 업글로 해결이 안될 수 도 있을듯하구요.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 안됩니다.  애플 공유기거든요 ㅋㅋ\n<razGon_JJ> https://goo.gl/photos/do9jYKjHSuU3mgWE9\n<razGon_JJ> 아침에 샤오미전기 자전거 타고 간 해변에서 찍은 사진입니다. -월정리\n<ircCloud^Seony> 오... 경치 좋네요...\n<razGon_JJ> 예 좋아서 찍었습니다.\n<razGon_JJ> 근데 하와이도 만만치 않은데.ㅎ\n<ircCloud^Seony> ㅎㅎ 뭐 글쵸...\n<LucyDoDo> 안녕하세요\n<razGon_JJ> ^^\n<ircCloud^Seony> 젠투에서 ttyusb 연결이 안되서 고민이네요...\n<autowiz_> usb-serial 장치인가요?\n<autowiz_> 해당장치(칩셋) 드라이버 문제인지 뭔가 달느 문제인지 분석을 해봐야 하시겠네요 ㅜㅜ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 우분투에서는 잘 되요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 아마 젠투 커널 설정할 때 뭔가 빠진 것 같은데 그게 뭔지를 모르겠네요\n<autowiz_> 간단하게는 lsmod 나 lsdev lsusb  같은 명령어로 시작해보시는건 어떠실까요\n<autowiz_> 아차 모듈이 아니면 lsmod 에 안나와 버리겠군요 ㅜㅜ\n<ircCloud^Seony>  /boot에서 config 파일 풀어서 ë³´ë©´ 되긴 하는데...\n<ircCloud^Seony> 그러면 일이 너무 많아질 ê±° 같고...\n<ircCloud^Seony> 암튼 그렇네요\n<autowiz_> 일단잘되는곳에서 dmesg 로 어떤 칩이나 드라이버를 쓸지 유추를 해보는것도 방법일거같습니다.\n<autowiz_> 한국은 불금이네요~\n<autowiz_> 모든분들 활활 불타 오르셔야지욤~ ㅎㅎ\n<bridgebot1> <jtjisgod> 공부로 불태워야죠\n<jason_KR> auto wiz_: 말투가 해외 근무중이시다? ㅋ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 전 이만 퇴근을..\n<autowiz_> 아 ㅋㅋ 그런건 아니구요 저는 가산을 불바다로 만들어 볼렵니다~ ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz_> 즐퇴하세요~\n<jason_KR> ㅋㅋㅋ\n<autowiz_> ^^\n<ircCloud^Seony> 넵 집에서 뵐께요\n<kudosinkimch1> 역시 컴퓨터 쪽 문제려나요..... 우분투도 페도라도 똑같은 메세지가 나오니...\n<autowiz_> 어떤 메시지가 나오시나요?\n<kudosinkimch1> ubiquity crashed with UnicodeDecodeErroT in decode(): \"utf-8 ' 이렇게...\n<kudosinkimch1> 페도라도 시도해 보았으나 unicodedecoderror 뜨고 설치가 안되요.\n<autowiz_> 어떤걸 설치하실려고 하는건지는 모르겠으나. 언어팩이나 라이브러리나 인코딩 환경등이 안 갖춰진게 아닐까 싶습니다. 프로그램 설치 설명서를 참조해 보시기 바랍니다.\n<kudosinkimch1> 아.. 설치하려는게 우분투입니다.\n<autowiz_> 가상 머신에 설치하시는건가요? 아니면 , 머신에 직접 설치하시는건가요? 설치 미디어랑 버젼도 알려주시구요.\n<autowiz_> 가장 중요한게 설치 진행하시다가 어느부분에서 에러가 나오시는지?\n<kudosinkimch1> 노트북에 직접 설치하는거고 설치 미디어는 우분투 16.04 64bit 이고요\n<kudosinkimch1> 설치 언어 지정하고. 다음단계에서 바로 오류뜹니다.\n<drake_kr> 엥\n<drake_kr> 설치하는데 유니코드라니\n<drake_kr> 설치하다가 에라나요?\n<drake_kr> Uefi로 땡기시는건가\n<drake_kr> 윈도우에서 usb stick미디어 만들어 꼽으시죠?\n<bridgebot1> <jtjisgod> r = 1-sint\n<drake_kr> Iso 이미지를 받다 말았을 가능성이 가장 높겠네요\n<drake_kr> 이미지를 다시 받아서 rufus로 구우시면 엥간해선 설치는 잘 될듯 하네요\n<bridgebot1> <jtjisgod> + 토렌트로 받으셨다거나..\n<kudosinkimch1> 일단 처음부터 다시 해보겠습니다.\n<LucyDoDo> 안녕하세요\n<LucyDoDo> 집에 있었는데 건물 전체에 물 샌다고 나가라길래 나와있습니다 ㅡ.ㅡ\n<ihavnoth> 동네가 어디에요?\n<kudosinkimch1> 아이고... 비때문인가요?\n<autowiz_> 몇층짜리 건물이야?\n<LucyDoDo> ihavnoth: 서울입니다\n<LucyDoDo> kudosinkimch1: 모르겠습니다\n<LucyDoDo> autowiz_: 5층이에요 ㅎㅎ\n<ihavnoth> 물탱크 터졌나보군요...\n<LucyDoDo> 그런 것 같아요\n<LucyDoDo> 제가 사는 곳은 괜찮은데 아까 나오다 옆방 봤는데 옆방은 심각하더라고요..\n<kudosinkimch1> 처음부터 다시해도 같은 오류가 뜨네요. 이번엔 17.04입니다.\n<autowiz_> 도도 / 혹시 모르니까 물에 젖을 수 있는건 잘 대처 해놓고 나와야할듯\n<autowiz_> 컴이나 옷이나 책이나\n<LucyDoDo> 네네 안그래도 따로 빼서 캐리어 안에 집어 넣고 캐리어를 큰 봉투로 꽁꽁 싸매고 나왔습니다 ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz_> 뭐 아직 몇시쯤 어떤식으로 조치될 예정이다 이런말은 없을거같고\n<autowiz_> PC ë°© 가서 기다리나? 아님 아직 집앞? 근처? 에서 기다리나?\n<autowiz_> http://www.endian.com/\n<autowiz_> iptables 로 만든 방화벽 이랍니다.\n<LucyDoDo> 그냥 집 앞 벤치에 앉아 있습니다 ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> python 으로 cgi 방식으로 만들었는데 나름 노력은 많이 했네요 . 시간되면 저희 회사 라인에 직접 한번 물려서 테스트 해보고싶습니다 ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> 에이~ 석유재벌 께서   벤치가 아니라 벤츠 겠지~ ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz_> (사실 테스트라는게 그냥 iptables 이다보니 딱히 할것도 없을것같기도 합니다만 ㅎㅎ)\n<pchero_work> 헉...\n<LucyDoDo> ㅋㅋㅋ 벤츠였음 좋겠네요\n<pchero_work> 물.. 어쩌나요.. ㅠㅠ\n<pchero_work> 그저 큰일 아니길..\n<autowiz_> 도도는 몇층이라고 했더라?\n<LucyDoDo> 감사합니다 ㅎㅎ\n<LucyDoDo> 저는 5층에서 살고 있어요\n<autowiz_> 엘리베이터 있으려나? ㅜ..ㅜ\n<kudosinkimch> http://ibb.co/hNdmSa\n<kudosinkimch1> Ubuntu 17.04 amd64이고 rufus로 했습니다.\n<kudosinkimch> Storage \t931GB Western Digital WDC WD10JPVX-00JC3T0 (SATA)\t41 °C \t29GB Hitachi Hynix HBG4a (SATA)\t41 °C\n<kudosinkimch> CPU : Intel Pentium N3700 @ 1.60GHz\t51 °C \tBraswell 14nm Technology\n<kudosinkimch> Motherboard \tLG Electronics 13U360 (CHV)\t61 °C\n<kudosinkimch1> 컴퓨터 사양은 이렇고요.\n<pchero_work> Payday2 가 스팀에서 무료로 풀렸네요.\n<pchero_work> 선착순 배포랍니다. :)\n<LucyDoDo> 엘리베이터가 있는데 전원 내렸더라고요ㅠㅠ\n<kudosinkimch1> 대체 뭐가 문제인건지...\n<autowiz_> 일단 rufus 말고 다른 프로그램을 한번 써보시는걸 추천드립니다.\n<kudosinkimch1> Uui로 해볼까요?\n<autowiz_> 설치하실때 다른옵션은 안건드리시고 설치만 하셨는데도 그런가요?\n<autowiz_> 홈디렉토리 암호화 를 킬때만 그렇다는 말도 있구요\n<kudosinkimchis> 설정부분은 따로 건드린거 없고 공식홈피에 나와있는데로 했습니다.\n<autowiz_> 혹시 사용자 이름에 특수문자를 쓰신건 아니시겠지요? ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz_> 한글이 들어가있다면 혹시 모르니가\n<autowiz_> 혹시 모르니까 영문으로  시도해보시기를 권해 드립니다.\n<autowiz_> 설치할때 나오는 모든 정보에 영문으로만 입력해보세요~\n<kudosinkimch> 아니 입력한게 없어요 아예\n<kudosinkimch> 설치도 영어로만 하고\n<drake_kr> 설치가 안되다니\n<drake_kr> 쓰지말란 신의 계시인가!!\n<drake_kr> Cdrom으로 설치하시는건 아니지요!?\n<kudosinkimch> 네.\n<kudosinkimch> Usb로 설치하고있어요.\n<drake_kr> Pxe같은건 추천드리기 어렵고..\n<kudosinkimch> 혹시 하드 파티션 때문에 이런 문제가 발생할수 있나요?\n<drake_kr> 파티셔닝을 직접 하셨어요?\n<drake_kr> 혹시 듀얼부트때문이라면 리눅스를 먼저 설치하시는걸 권합니다만..\n<drake_kr> 그리고 전 듀얼부트보다는 전용 피씨나 라즈베리를 권하구요\n<kudosinkimch> 아니요. Mmcblk0에서 윈도우 설치되있던걸 sda로 마이그레이션 한 다음 리눅스를 설치하려고 하고있는건데..\n<kudosinkimch> 전용피씨는 사정상 윈도우가 가끔은 필요해서\n<kudosinkimch> 무리입니다.\n<drake_kr> 망할 금융권\n<jason_KR> 위 에러메시지와 *비슷한* 버그 보고는 많이 있었고, 이후 전부 페치된 것으로 보이는데...\n<kudosinkimch> 아예 sda를 때고 mmcblk만 연결된 상태에서 해볼까요\n<drake_kr> 윈도우 파티션이 있고 그걸 살리는 방향으로 하시려다 보니 그런가봐요\n<drake_kr> 요즘 bios가 거의 uefi라서.. 좀 애매해졌죠..\n<jason_KR> USB 를 이용한 멀티 부팅에서 흔한 보고가 있었고요. ㅠㅠ\n<drake_kr> 원래 0트랙 부트로더에서 grub로 넘어가던 식이었는데 uefi가 그다지 정보가 친절하지 않다보니..\n<drake_kr> 라즈베리 하나 사는게 속이 편하실듯....\n<drake_kr> 끙\n<bridgebot1> <lz-reflpass> 금융권 어플은 근양 다 무쓸모;;\n<kudosinkimch> 그럼 일단 Windows가 있는 sda를 분리시키고 해봐야겠네요.\n<kudosinkimch2> Sda를 분리시켜도 마찬가지네요. 뭐가 문제인지...\n<kudosinkimch2> 우분투를 쓰지 말라는 신의 계시인가..\n<ihavnoth> LTS 버전을 쓰는건 어떨까요?\n<kudosinkimch2> Lts도 마찬가지에요. ㅠㅠㅠ\n<kudosinkimch2> 지금까지\n<kudosinkimch2> Lts 4번 17.04 3번 리눅스 민트 2번 엘리멘터리 1번 페도라 3번 시도해 봤는데 저게 계속 뜨니...\n<ihavnoth> ubi인가요?\n<ihavnoth> 설치 언어는 영어로하신거죠?\n<ihavnoth> 그냥 인스톨 프로그램이군요 -.-\n<ihavnoth> https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/유비퀴티_(인스톨러)\n<ihavnoth> 에러로 봐서는 유비퀴티 인스톨러에서 단순히 utf8 문자열 파싱 에러로 보이네요 유비퀴티를 안쓰고 설치하거나 문제 나오는 패키지를 설치 안하고 진행하면 될 것같아요\n<kudosinkimch2> 유비퀴티를 안쓰고 어떻게 하죠??\n<ihavnoth> https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/5vwju7/a_way_to_force_ubiquity_ubuntu_installer_to_use/\n<ihavnoth> Network 설치나 server 버전 설치하면 command line으로 설치할 수 있는 ê±° 같네요\n<ihavnoth> 아니면 다른 PC에서 설치해서 HDD 교체를... -.-\n<kudosinkimch2> ㅠㅠㅠ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 안녕하세요\n<LucyDoDo> 안녕하세요.\n#ubuntu-ko 2017-06-10\n<drake_kr> 요즘은 겜할시간도없넹\n<bridgebot1> <youngbin> Lutris 라는 리눅스 게이밍 플렛폼 사용해 보신 분 계시나요? https://lutris.net/\n<bridgebot1> <lz-reflpass> 몇년전에 해보긴 했었는데..... 하지만 그래픽이 ...\n<bridgebot1> <youngbin> 오늘 유툽 떠돌다가 리눅스에서 오버워치 돌리는 영상을 봤는데\n<bridgebot1> <youngbin> 저걸 써서 돌리더라구요\n<bridgebot1> <lz-reflpass> ~wine 은 이젠 거의안쓰는듯.....~\n<bridgebot1> <youngbin> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n#ubuntu-ko 2017-06-11\n<Today> 안녕하세요. 우분투를 사용하면서 불편한점이 생겨 왔습니다.\n<bridgebot1> <youngbin> 안녕하세요 :)\n<jason_KR> 불편한 점이 있으면 인내하고 그냥 쓰셔야...ㅋㅋㅋ\n<jason_KR> 안녕하세요? 말씀 해 보시죠~\n<ircCloud^Seony> 튕기셨었던듯 싶군요\n<Today_> 튕겨서 다시 접속했습니다.\n<Today_> 국내 노트북사는 아직 윈도우 외의 os에 대한 지원이 부족한것 같습니다. i\n<jason_KR> 제 글 못 봤으면, 다행이십니다. ^^\n<Today_> 음.. 제가 튕겼을때 오해가 있었나보군요..\n<jason_KR> 오해 아니고요, 불편한 점은??\n<Today_> 지금 노트북 모델이 LG전자 울트라PC 15UD470-GX50K을 사용하고 있습니다. 그런데 acpi드라이버를 잡지 못하는거 같아서 질문드리려고 왔습니다.\n<Today_> 물론 acpi그라이버를 수동으로 깔아주었는데도 제조사 문제인지 제대로 인식이 안된듯 싶습니다.\n<jason_KR> 인텔'것인데....\n<Today__> 지금 모바일로 접속중이라서 자꾸 튕기네요. 죄송합니다.\n<jason_KR> 안-미안해도 됩니다.\n<Today__> http://moordev.tistory.com/23 이런 글을 보았습니다.\n<Today__> 제가 따로 acpi드라이버를 설치해보기도 하고 새로 os를 깔아보았을때도 리눅스만 그렇게 되었었네요.\n<jason_KR> 예에~ ㅠㅠ\n<Today__> 엘레멘트리 os 에서는 부팅이나 종료시 acpi 에러가 뜨면서 부팅대고 종료 되었네요.\n<Today__> 해결 방법 없을까요?\n<jason_KR> 저는 ㅠㅠ\n<Today__> 음 방법이 없으려나요..\n<LucyDoDo> 안녕하세요.\n<Today__> acpi 드라이버 없이 사용하다보면 발열 때문에 노트북의 다른 부품들이 망가질거 같은데 포기해야겠죠..?\n<Today__> ê²°êµ­ 여기서도 해결 못했네요.. 해외에도 그런 사례가 있을지 더 삽질 해야겠네요ㅠ\n<Today__> 수고하세요.\n<jason_KR> 포럼에 게시글 올려 보세요\n<jason_KR> 여기 irc 문/답 글은 휘발성이 강해서..\n<Today__> 네 알겠습니다. 다시 정리해서 글 올려봐야겠네요.\n<PotatoGim> 안녕하세요~\n<ircCloud_autowiz> 안녕하세요? 정전여파는 없으신가요??\n<PotatoGim> 저는 정전이 있었는지도 몰랐습니다..ㅜ\n<PotatoGim> 난리가 났었나보네요 ㅎㅎ;\n<bridgebot1> <youngbin> 광명쪽에서 정전이 있었데요\n<bridgebot1> <jtjisgod> 서울대도\n<bridgebot1> <jtjisgod> ..\n<autowiz> 저희 사무실은 13시 40~50 분쯤 복구되긴했는데\n<autowiz> IP 바뀌는바람에\n<autowiz> 제 PC 도 킬겸 해서 사무실 나왔습니다 ㅠㅠ\n<autowiz> 고정 IP 를 안사주니 갑갑하군요 ㅜㅜ\n<bridgebot1> <jtjisgod> 갑자기 궁금한게 생겼는데 자가발전 돌리는게 더 쌀까요? 아니면 고정 아이피를 사는게 더 쌀까요?\n<autowiz> 자가발전 이라 ... 오늘같은경우는 자가발전해봐야 건물이나 ê·¸ 상단이 죽어버리는경우라\n<autowiz> 답이 없을거같습니다.\n<autowiz> 금액만 놓고 본다면야 고정 I P 사는게 비쌀것도 같네요\n<drake_kr> ddns ㄱㄱ 해야지\n<drake_kr> 하와이는 일요일 아침이려나..\n<ircCloud^Seony> 네 일요일 아침입니다 ㅎㅎ\n<drake_kr> 일본가서 발표할 자료 만드는데.. 완전 버벅댈거 같네요\n<autowiz> 안녕하세요~\n<autowiz> 국외 발표라~ 설래겠는데요 ? ㅎㅎ\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 정전 땜에 귀찮은 일이 좀 있을거 같네요\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 굿모닝\n<autowiz> 장비 재부팅 , 부팅불량 , 오프라인 점검 등등 도 있을 수 있을거같습니다.\n<drake_kr> 말만 들어도 귀찮..\n<bridgebot1> <draco> \"과장님 제 컴터가 안켜져요\" 하고 전화 오겠지...\n<drake_kr> Is your hand disabled?\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 영국 드라마 IT크라우드 상황이 계속 벌어지는 현실. 금요일엔 전체에 백신 깔아줬죠\n<bridgebot1> <draco> https://media.giphy.com/media/F7yLXA5fJ5sLC/giphy.gif\n#ubuntu-ko 2018-06-04\n<ircCloud^Seony> 오 빌려서 해보시죠 ㅎㅎ\n<soyeomul> 음 깃헙에서 깃랩으로 이사갈까바요\n<bridgebot1> <youngbin> MS 인수설 때문에 그러신가요\n<soyeomul> 넵\n<soyeomul> 데비안도 살사를 깃랩으로 이사했더라고요\n<bridgebot1> <youngbin> MS 가 인수한다 해도 깃헙에 의존하는 언어도 많고(Golang, Node.js 등), 이미 저장소도 너무 많아서 MS 에서 함부로 건들지는 못할 것 같아요\n<soyeomul> 아님 회장님이 MS를 인스해주세요 그럼 가만히 있을께요\n<bridgebot1> <youngbin> 전 그정도로 갑부가 아니여서...\n<soyeomul> ì°¸ 포럼 mysql 에러 뜨던데요\n<soyeomul> ㅎ\n<bridgebot1> <youngbin> 앗 그렇네요(...) 인프라 관리하시는 분께 전달해서 빨리 고쳐지도록 할께요\n<soyeomul> 에저 에저 에저 아...\n<soyeomul> 모두 존하루요~~~\n<bridgebot1> <youngbin> :)\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 오픈소스가 활성화 된 이유의 절반정도는 MS에 대한 반발이었을텐데요...오픈소스 성지에 해당하는 서비스를 MS가 먹다니\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 어차피 대체는 많으니 오픈소스가 그걸로 문제되진 않겠지만, 의미적으로는 충격적이네요\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 음\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 사장님이 어디서 뭘 들으셨는지.... 서버 2대 로드밸런싱하면 웹페이지 2ë°° 빨라지고 10대 연결하면 웹페이지 10ë°° 빨라지는 식으로 생각하시는데. 이해시키기 힘드네요 ㅋ.\n<ircCloud^Seony> 체감 수확의 법칙에 대해 설명해드리세요\n<Dino_> 안녕하세요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 안녕하세요\n<Dino_> 반갑습니다\n<ircCloud^Seony> 다들 근무하시느라 바쁘신듯 싶군요...\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 그런데 MS가 깃허브를 인수하면 컨셉이 거의 같은 프로그램인 VScode와 ATOM의 운명은 어찌될까요 ㅋㅋ\n<ircCloud^Seony> 깃헙이 자연스럽게 vscode나 MS 산하 프로젝트로 흡수되겠죠 ㅎㅎ\n<Dino_> 저 좀 궁금한게 있는데... 여쭤봐도되나여? 인터넷에서 많이 찾아보기는 했는데... 잘안되서요\n<bridgebot1> <draco> 질문이야 자유롭게 던지시면 되죠. 아는 분이 있으면 답하실테고...\n<Dino_> 윽 팅겻네요\n<Dino_> 아는 분이 서버를 하나 주셔가지고 제가 Cloud를 구성해서 공부하려고하는데\n<Dino_> 일단 우분투 18.10설치하고\n<Dino_> maas설치하니까 2.4버전이드라고요\n<Dino_> 검색해보니까 2.4 관련된 내용이 없든데 어디서 볼만한 문서같은거 있을까 싶어서요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 오픈스택이요?\n<ircCloud^Seony> 그거 그렇게 문서 대충 봐서는 안되구요,\n<ircCloud^Seony> 가상머신으로 적어도 서버 셋은 구성해서 하셔야합니다\n<ircCloud^Seony> 오픈스택 공식 홈페이지에 있는 매뉴얼이 아마 제일 좋을 거에요\n<bridgebot1> <youngbin> https://news.microsoft.com/2018/06/04/microsoft-to-acquire-github-for-7-5-billion/\n<autowiz> 허어엇 깃헙이 하필 MS 손에 ㅜㅜ\n<Work_Seony> 깃헙에 있던 프로젝트 5만여개가 깃랩으로 갈아탔다고 하는거 같네요\n<autowiz> 깃랩도 잘만들어지긴 했습니다. ㅎㅎ\n#ubuntu-ko 2018-06-05\n<bridgebot1> <tamigo> ms 깃헙보고 악의 소굴이라고 했다는 소릴 들은적있는거 같은데... 이리되었군요...\n<bridgebot1> <draco> ㅋㅋㅋ 원래 MS는 돈벌기 위해 저작권 타령하고 오픈소스를 배척했던 기업인데, 이제 오픈소스가 돈이 된는 세상이라는 뜻이죠.\n<youngbin_> 새 GitHub CEO의 인사글\n<youngbin_> > GitHub 는 커뮤니티, 플랫폼, 비즈니스로써 *독립적*으로 운영될 것입니다.\n<youngbin_> > GitHub 는 제품의 철학을 유지할 것입니다.\n<youngbin_> https://natfriedman.github.io/hello/\n<autowiz> 저 성명이 정확히 어느 타이밍에 나온건지는 모르겠습니다만 ㅎㅎ\n<autowiz> 이미 엄청난 유출? 이동? 이 있었는데 저렇게 라도 안하면 더 심해질거같기도 합니다.\n<bridgebot1> <youngbin> 어제 저녁에 공식 보도와 함께 나왔습니다\n<bridgebot1> <youngbin> 저녁음 아니고 밤이내요 한국시간 오후 10시쯤 나왔어요\n<autowiz> 발표하면서 같이 한건가 보군요 ㅎㅎ\n<bridgebot1> <youngbin> 네 공식 발표와 함께 올라온 것으로 보여요\n<bridgebot1> <youngbin> https://blog.github.com/2018-06-04-github-microsoft/\n<bridgebot1> <draco> ㅎㅎㅎ 만약 구글이 샀으면 오픈소스 진영에서 반응이 MS와 달랐을까요?\n<bridgebot1> <draco> MS가 꽤 쭈그러든 다음 복구하길 바랬는데...모바일등 여러번 삽질하고 나서도 지금 이정도인거 ë³´ë©´ 대단한 회사긴 합니다.\n<autowiz> 당연히 달랐을거라고 생각합니다 ㅎㅎ\n<ircCloud^Seony> MS가 깃헙 인수한 ê±´ 적지않이 놀란 사실인데, 바이엘이 몬산토를 인수했네요\n<ircCloud^Seony> 근데 몬산토 가격이 깃헙의 8ë°° 밖에 안되냐는 의외의 댓글! ㅎㅎ\n#ubuntu-ko 2018-06-06\n<autowiz> 안녕하세요~\n#ubuntu-ko 2018-06-07\n<bridgebot> <kimej> 브릿지봇이 맨날 가출하네요…ㅋㅋ\n<bridgebot> <youngbin> 이번엔 GCP 무료기간 끝났다고 VM 죽어서요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<bridgebot> <kimej> 아…\n<soyeomul> 애플 xcode 가 믄가요 깃헙에서 깃랩으로 이사햇다네요\n<bridgebot> <kimej> xcode는 IDE 입니다\n<bridgebot> <kimej> Visual Studio같은\n<soyeomul> 오\n<bridgebot> <youngbin> MacOS 에서 돌아가는 iOS / MacOS 개발용으로 쓰는 IDE 입니다.\n<soyeomul> 저도 이사할려구요 주말애요 보리짚작업 끝내놓고 비오는 일요일에요\n<soyeomul> 어준님 회장님 반가워요\n<soyeomul> 다들 존하루 보내셔요\n<bridgebot> <kimej> 어진입니다 ㅋㅋㅋ 어준님은 라디오에 나오시는 분이시고…\n<bridgebot> <youngbin> 근데 XCode 클로즈소스일텐데요 XCode 깃랩 지원 추가를 잘못 전해들으신건 아닐까요\n<bridgebot> <dongho1596> 우분투한국커뮤니티 페이지가 정상적으로 돌아가지 않고 있습니다. 장태희 고문님께사 봐주시고 계시는데 정상화되면 말씀드리겠습니다. 죄송합니다.\n<chobo> 안녕하세요\n<chobo> 혹시 대학생의 프로젝트좀 도와주실 분 계신가요 ㅠㅠ\n<chobo> 너무 궁금한 게 많아서\n<chobo> 도와 주실분 좀 구합니다 ㅠㅠ\n<autowiz> 안녕하세요\n<Work^Seony> 안녕하세요\n#ubuntu-ko 2018-06-08\n<bridgebot> <draco> 굿모닝\n<autowiz> 저희 메일 서버가 이상한건지 base64 인코딩한 데이터라고 하더라도 [xX][mM][lL] 이라는 텍스트가 나오면 ê·¸ 3글자 다른 문자로 치환해버리네요 ㅎㅎ\n<bridgebot> <tamigo> 우무합니다만... 오늘 LG G7 펌웨어 업데이트 했더니 시스템 용량이 2기가정도 줄었더라고요 갈려나갔을 개발자분들에 애도를 표합니다.\n#ubuntu-ko 2018-06-09\n<bridgebot> <ruby020415> 안녕하세요 잘부탁드립니다\n<bridgebot> <tamigo> 안녕하세요?\n#ubuntu-ko 2018-06-10\n<razGon_rAinyJJ> 모닝요. 비오는 아침입니다.\n<autowiz> 안녕하세요~\n#ubuntu-ko 2019-06-03\n<lexlove_> 안녕하세여\n<Seony> 안녕하세요\n<SIMPLISM> 안녕하세요~\n<lexlove_> 좋은 월요일입니다. ^^ Seony님 빼구요. ㅎ\n<SIMPLISM> 토요일 저녁부터 일요일 새벽까지 철야작업하다가 월요일 출근하니... 주말없이 2주째 근무중인 기분이네요...\n<Seony> 헐 저런...\n<soyeomul^bionic> 아침 인사 드립니다~\n<soyeomul^bionic> 안녕하세요~\n<Seony> 안녕하세요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 오 서니님 좋은아침요~^^\n<soyeomul^bionic> 맥주를 끊었습니다. 커피도 이제 줄이구요.\n<soyeomul^bionic> 아침 소여물 주고 크롬북들고 백암온천에 왔는데 커피 대신 밀키스 캔을 2병 갖고왔습니다\n<soyeomul^bionic> 커피 대용으로 이제 다른 음료수 마십니다 건강 위해서요 ㅠㅠㅠ\n<soyeomul^bionic> 뽀빠이님 어소세여~\n<soyeomul^bionic> 서니님께도 어제 어진님과 대화한 내용 문의 드려볼께요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 파이썬에서 try/except 가 반드시 필요한 경우가 있다면\n<soyeomul^bionic> ê·¸ 경험담 좀 공유할 수 있을까요..\n<soyeomul^bionic> 제 경우엔 거의 모든게 if... elif... else 등으로 처리가 가능하더라구요\n<Seony> 예상치못한 에러가 발생할 경우, 에러 메시지를 내보내는데 그걸 출력하고싶지 않을 경우에 썼어요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 음...\n<Seony> 그런 경우는 if/else를 써도 에러메시지가 출력되거든요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 오...\n<soyeomul^bionic> try/except 의 필연성을 일단 확인했씁니다 서니님 감사드려요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 제가 아직 경험 부족이므로 차차 배워나갈께요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 논외로 try: 구문 ì°¸ 이쁘보이더라구요 멋있어요!!!\n<soyeomul^bionic> 트라이~\n<Seony> 사실 좀 더 정확히 말하자면, 예외처리를 하기위해서 하는 거라고 생각하심 됩니다..\n<soyeomul^bionic> https://kldp.org/comment/630884#comment-630884 <-- 여기서 제가 except 문법을 정확히 파악 못한채로 겉멋으로 한번 try/except 를 썼는데.. 저게 상황이 적절한가요... 코드 검토 부탁드려요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 파이썬 3.6.7 우분투 18/04 에서 테스트 했습니다\n<soyeomul^bionic> 일단 돌아는 가더라구여\n<soyeomul^bionic> 예외 처리... 음... 빡세네요. 믄가 내용이 빡세보입니다\n<Seony> 음... 좀 더 정확한 목적으로 쓴다면, except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: 등의 식으로 구체적인 예외 처리 사항을 적어주셔야하는 게 맞아요\n<Seony> 그렇지않으면 CalledProcessError 에러가 발생할 경우, 관련 에러가 그대로 출력되거든요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 음...\n<soyeomul^bionic> 에러를 예측 가능한 상태여야 저 코드가 그려지는거 같네요 서니님\n<soyeomul^bionic> 무슨 에러가 나올지도 모르면 ... try/except 는 그림의 떡...\n<Seony> try에서 쓰는 구문이 정해져있는데 당연히 에러도 예측이 가능하죠...\n<soyeomul^bionic> 아 그럼 except 는 try êµ��문에 관련된거단 말씀이시죠..?\n<soyeomul^bionic> 아 예 일단 접수했씁니다 서니님 감사드립니다\n<soyeomul^bionic> 구글 콤푸타 엔진에 접속해서 다시 테스트 해볼께요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 어제 저 코드 테스트 구글 콤푸타 엔진에 깔린 우분투 18.04 에서 테스트 했어요\n<soyeomul^bionic> https://gitlab.com/soyeomul/test/raw/master/who.py\n<soyeomul^bionic> 코드 다듬어서 깃랩에다 올렸어요~\n<soyeomul^bionic> 고마워요 서니님~\n<autowiz> 새로운 월요일 입니다 ㅎㅎ\n<lexlove_> 네. 활기찬 월요일이에요.^^\n<lexlove_> 무지 바빠서 활기차요(애써 긍정)\n<soyeomul^bionic> 오 위즈님 렉스님 안녕하세요~\n<soyeomul^bionic> 전 이만 들어갑니다\n<soyeomul^bionic> 모두 ì¡´ 월요일요^^^\n<SIMPLISM> 요즘에는 서울지역에서 세미나나 오프모임같은 것도 하고 있나요? 포럼은 예전만큼 활력은 없어보이고..\n<Seony> 잘은 모르겠지만 꾸준히 하고있을 거에요.  우분투 로코팀 계속 연장하려면 지속적인 오프라인 활동이 있어야하거든요\n<SIMPLISM> 포럼만 봤었는데.. 다른쪽 페이지보니까 오프라인 행사들 기록들이 보이네요.. 대강 봤는데 작년엔 대전쪽이 오프활동은 더 활발한 것 같아요.\n<autowiz> 영웅님 안녕하세요~\n<pchero_work> autowiz: 안녕하세요, 좋은 아침입니다. :)\n<autowiz> 네 좋은하루 되세요 영웅님도 ㅎㅎ\n<pchero_work> 어제 이스탄불에서 돌아왔는데.. 터키 정말 좋더군요. :)\n<jason_KR> ^^\n<autowiz> 은근 물가 비싸다거 하던데요 ㅜㅜ\n<jason_KR> 안비싸요, 왜냐면 환율치이\n<pchero_work> 네, 정말 많이 쌌어요.\n<pchero_work> 버스비/지하철비/트램 이용료 모두 가격이 동일한데\n<pchero_work> 우리돈으로 500원 정도? 하더군요.\n<jason_KR> 터키가 IMF 관련인지~ 미국 제제 덕분(?)인지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 환율이 뚝 떨어져서...\n<Seony> 터키 상황이 무척 좋지않아서 그럴 거에요\n<jason_KR> 평소 터키 가고 싶어도 물가 땜에 못간 분들 최근에 많이 나가요.\n<pchero_work> 또 부페식 식당에 갔는데, 둘이서 배불리 먹고 5천원 정도가 나왔어요.\n<autowiz> 그런일이 있군요 ㅜㅜ\n<jason_KR> 최근에 많이 가기는 하는데, IS ? 또는 암튼 그런 민간인 테러? 땜에...불안하긴 해요.\n<pchero_work> 아.\n<pchero_work> 맞아요, 시리아랑 국경이 맞닿아 있어요.\n<jason_KR> 한국사람들 무척 많이 만난다고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<pchero_work> 그래서 계속 이스탄불에만 있었습니다. ㅎㅎㅎ\n<pchero_work> 지하철 타는데도 금속 탐지기를 지나야했어요.\n<jason_KR> at 관광지에서           한국사람들 무척 많이 만난다고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ\n<pchero_work> 네. ㅋㅋㅋ 많이 보이더군요. ㅎㅎ\n<jason_KR> auto wiz: 내가 검방진 말씀 한번 드리자면, \"돈 벌어서, =모아서 가자\" <--- 이거 지지. 이거 나빠요.\n<jason_KR> 걍 조금씩이라도 있을 때, 있는만큼   나다니는 게...좋은 겁니다. 왜 이런 말도 있어요. --->\n<jason_KR> 가슴 떨릴 때 사랑하라, 다리 떨리면 못한다.\n<pchero_work> ê·¸ 말씀에 동감합니다. :)\n<jason_KR> 가슴 떨릴 때 관광하라, 다리 떨리면 못한다.\n<jason_KR> 가슴 떨릴 때 여행하라, 다리 떨리면 못한다.\n<jason_KR> 우리 씸플리 즘님께도 같은 말씀을 드리겠음. ㅋ\n<autowiz> 일본 한달 살고오기 이런거도 할려고 계획은 잡고 있습니다 ㅎㅎ\n<SIMPLISM> 여행은 갈 수 있는 만큼 가려고 노력 중인데.... 신생아(55일)가 있어서 올해만 좀 참으렵니다..ㅠㅠ; 돌만 지나도 데리고 다닐만 하더라구요..\n<pchero_work> SIMPLISM: 우와!!! 축하드립니다. :)\n<SIMPLISM> pchero_work: 감사합니다~ 맨날 출근해서 졸음과 싸우네요...\n<pchero_work> 아… ㅠㅠ\n<SIMPLISM> 다행이 같이 일하시는 분들이 많이 이해해주셔서... 졸아도 뭐라고 안하네요 ㅋㅋ\n<soyeomul> 꾸벅~\n<soyeomul^bionic> 오후에 새 송아지 한마리 태어났습니다. 116두.\n<soyeomul^bionic> 아까 저녁에 막둥이 새깐돌 순찰돌고 왔습니다\n<soyeomul^bionic> 어미젖을 제대로 먹는지 확인했어여~\n<soyeomul^bionic> 잘 먹더이다 그래서 안심이 됩니다~\n<soyeomul^bionic> 으아\n<soyeomul^bionic> 먼저 들어가볼께요~\n<soyeomul^bionic> 모두 ì¡´ 밤요~\n<soyeomul^bionic> 꾸벅\n#ubuntu-ko 2019-06-04\n<autowiz> 안녕하세요~\n<Seony> 안녕하세요\n<soyeomul> 안녕하세요\n<soyeomul> 오늘 단디 걸렸어요 한달된 깐돌이 설사요\n<soyeomul> 방금 수의서선생 오셔서 링겔 꼽고가셨습니다\n<soyeomul> 아~~~\n<soyeomul> 소 키우기 이래 빡세다니;;;\n<soyeomul> 아침엔 친구 우사에 들렀는데 그곳에서도 송아지 한마리 링겔 꼽고있더라구요\n<soyeomul> 이래저래 농촌은 설사 시대\n<soyeomul> https://gitlab.com/soyeomul/stuff/blob/master/20190604_160711.jpg\n<soyeomul> 링겔 수액이 절반 남았어요\n<soyeomul> 깐돌아 힘내자 너 살수 이따!!!\n<soyeomul> 어소세여~\n<soyeomul> 전 이만 들어갑니다 수액 다 되어가요~\n<soyeomul> 수거여~~~\n<SIMPLISM> 송아지 쾌차하길...\n<autowiz> 안녕하세요~ ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 안녕하세요\n#ubuntu-ko 2019-06-05\n<autowiz> 안녕하세요~~\n<UbuntuKrSlack> <youngbin> 안녕하세요\n<lexlove_> 안녕하세요\n<SIMPLISM> 안녕하세요~ 내일 공휴일이라 금요일 같은 수요일이네요..\n<Seony> 오... 현충일이구나...\n<lexlove_> 어제 번개모임으로 술마셨더니 숙취로 힘드네요.\n<soyeomul> 꾸벅\n<soyeomul> 보리짚 작업했어요 집초\n<soyeomul> https://gitlab.com/soyeomul/stuff/blob/master/20190605_115841.jpg\n<soyeomul> 합!\n<soyeomul> 밥무거러갑니다~~~\n<soyeomul> 수거여~~~\n<autowiz> 번개라 그리운 단어 입니다 ㅎㅎㅎ\n<lexlove_> 진짜요?\n<Seony> 넷플릭스에서 바이올렛 에버가든이라는 일본 애니를 보고있는데, 이ê±�� 무지 재밌네요\n<Seony> 일본 애니 특유의 과장이 없는데다, 작화랑 음악이 고급스러워서 간만에 눈과 귀가 호강하는 ê±° 같네요 ㅎㅎ\n<lexlove_> 검색해봤는데 재미있을거 같네요.\n<Seony> 네 정말 재밌습니다 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 오늘 낮부터 보기 시작했는데, 아무래도 오늘 다 ë³´ê³  잘 ê±° 같네요 ㅋㅋ\n<Seony> 바이올렛 에버가든 다 봤는데 너무너무 재밌었습니다.  OST만 들어도 눈물 날 것 같군요 ㅎㅎ\n<lexlove_> Seony: ê²°êµ­ 다 보셨군요\n<Seony> 네 ㅎㅎ 다 ë³¼ 수 밖에 없더라구요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 가장 맘에 드는 OST입니다\n<Seony> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8EsGsvfl0Q\n<Seony> 렉스님도 좋아하실 거에요.  바이올린 곡이거든요\n<lexlove_> 우와~ 좋네요. 취향저격이에요\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ 전체적인 OST의 퀄리티가 굉장히 좋아서, 보는 내내 좋았어요\n<lexlove_> 저도 봐야겠어요. ㅎ\n<Seony> 보시고 나중에 소감 좀... ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 취향저격일 것 같은 곡입니다. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_sJbZwiba4\n<lexlove_> 이 곡도 굉장히 마음에 드네요.^^\n<Seony> 좋은 곡이 더 있는데, 나머지는 직접 보시면서... ㅎㅎ\n<lexlove_> 넵\n<soyeomul> 꾸벅\n<soyeomul> ì°¸ 심플리즘님 감사합니다 덕분에 송아지 괜찮아지고 있어요^^\n<soyeomul> 내일 새벽 또 소 일 위하야 이만 먼저 들어가볼께요~\n<soyeomul> ì¡´ 밤요~\n<soyeomul> 꾸벅\n<heyso> hi? how to use hangul?\n<heyso> I did install the hangul language\n#ubuntu-ko 2019-06-06\n<soyeomul> 꾸벅\n<Seony> 안녕하세요\n<soyeomul> 아침 인사 드립니다\n<soyeomul> 오 서니님 안녕하세요~\n<soyeomul> 비오려 합니다\n<soyeomul> 뉴스 나오던데 제주/남해안 동해안 비바람\n<soyeomul> 세게 온다는데 다들 잘 지내시는지요\n<soyeomul> 울진은 아직 구름만 넓게 퍼져있씁니다\n<soyeomul> 하늘이 회색이네요\n<soyeomul> 어제까진 파아란 하늘\n<lexlove_> 안녕하세요\n<soyeomul> 렉스님 안녕하세요~\n<soyeomul> 닉 끝에 _ 있으니 콤푸타 해커 같아여 렉스님\n<lexlove_> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<soyeomul> 근데 있어보입니다 계속 유지해주세요 머쪄요~\n<lexlove_> lexlove 닉을 누군가 사용하고 있나봐요.\n<lexlove_> 앗~\n<soyeomul> 아...\n<soyeomul> 저도 따라해보려구요\n<lexlove_> 세컨닉이라 자동으로 붙은....\n<soyeomul_> 와\n<soyeomul_> 대따\n<lexlove_> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<soyeomul^bionic> 원래 우분투로 접속하면 전 끝에 bionic 붙어요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 오늘 우분투입니다\n<lexlove_> 그렇군요.\n<soyeomul^bionic> 넨;;\n<soyeomul^bionic> 그리고 이제 116 마리입니다!\n<soyeomul^bionic> 한마리 한마리가 정말 빡세네여\n<lexlove_> 와~ 혼자서 다 관리하는건 아니죠?\n<soyeomul^bionic> 소밥은 혼자주구요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 볏짚 작업할땐 친구들 도움 받아요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 거름칠때랑요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 소밥 == 소여물\n<lexlove_> 아~ 116마리 사실 실감이 나질 않네요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 올해 넘기기전에 120두 넘기는게 작은 소원입니다\n<lexlove_> 저의 큰집이 소를 키워요. 한 50마리정도.\n<soyeomul^bionic> 5마리만 더 생기면 121\n<lexlove_> 두배가 넘네요. ㅎ\n<soyeomul^bionic> 아... 큰댁이 어데신가요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 경북 전북 전남 경남\n<lexlove_> 전남!\n<soyeomul^bionic> 오!\n<soyeomul^bionic> 암소 번식은 전남/전북이 쵝오!\n<soyeomul^bionic> 라는 소문이 소 미기는 사람들 사이에\n<soyeomul^bionic> 들리더라구요\n<lexlove_> 그런가요?\n<soyeomul^bionic> 예\n<soyeomul^bionic> 자세힌 모르겠지만\n<lexlove_> 명절때마다 소 육회먹어서 좋았던 기억이 있어요. ㅎ\n<soyeomul^bionic> 전남 전북은 곡창지대에 있어서.. 볏짚량이 장난 아닙니다 경북/경남에 비해서요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 어마무시한 볏짚량이 있어서... 바닥 깔개나 소먹이로 볏짚을 무한대로 공급해주기에\n<lexlove_> 아 그렇군요. 벼농사도 같이 하세요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 그게 암소들에게 무쟈게 좋다는 그런 이야기 들립니다\n<soyeomul^bionic> 오 큰댁 전남 부럽습니다\n<lexlove_> 생산자 입장에서 생각해본 적이 없었네요. ㅎ\n<soyeomul^bionic> 소 육회 잘 드시나바요;;; 아 전 잘 못 먹어요 ㅠ\n<lexlove_> 네. 좋아해요. 원래는 못먹었는데 자꾸 먹이셔서\n<soyeomul^bionic> 언제고 한번 전남쪽에 견학을 갈 생각이 있어요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 든해솔 농장...\n<lexlove_> 저희 큰집은 농장은 아니에요\n<lexlove_> 농장이라고 불리는 곳은 사실 못가봤어요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 혹시 마당에 묶어놓고 50두나 키우시는건 아니겠죠?\n<lexlove_> ㅎㅎㅎ\n<lexlove_> 축사가 있지요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 나중에 전남 든해솔 한번 가보고 싶어요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 그곳에 이낙연 전남지사께서 한번 방문하셨다더구요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 어 동네 명칭이 기억이 가물가물 하네요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 전남 장성군 삼서면\n<soyeomul^bionic> 주소가 그렇다네요\n<lexlove_> 아 장성\n<soyeomul^bionic> 장성에서 가까운가요 큰댁이요?\n<lexlove_> 아니요. 반대쪽입니다.\n<soyeomul^bionic> 아 넵;\n<lexlove_> 담양이에요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 오호~ ê·¸ 대나무로 유명한?\n<soyeomul^bionic> 담양?\n<lexlove_> 네\n<soyeomul^bionic> 와\n<soyeomul^bionic> 담양쪽도 무쟈게 한번 가보고 싶었는데... 든해솔 견학할때 코스에 넣어야겠어요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 언제가 될지 모르겟지만요;;;\n<lexlove_> 뭐 때가 되면 큰집 골목엔 대나무 다듬어진 것들이 펼쳐져 있곤 했죠\n<soyeomul^bionic> 대나무 무쟈게 좋아하거등요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 저희 농장이름이 \"대숲농장\"\n<soyeomul^bionic> 대나무 숲이었다네여 옛날에요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 지금은 대나무는 많이 없어요\n<lexlove_> 아~ 진짜 좋아하시나봐요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 하지만 담양엔...\n<soyeomul^bionic> ê·¸ 진짜 우거진 대나무 숲 보고잡네요\n<lexlove_> 어릴적 저는 대나무숲을 무서워했ì��´ìš”\n<soyeomul^bionic> 음~\n<soyeomul^bionic> 귀신 튀나올까바~?\n<lexlove_> 항상 어두컴컴하고 서늘한 바람이 나오는 곳이라\n<lexlove_> 넵. ㅎ\n<soyeomul^bionic> ㅎㅎ\n<lexlove_> 대나무 바람 보름달!! 완벽하죠\n<soyeomul^bionic> 오!\n<soyeomul^bionic> 사극 찍으시려나바요...\n<soyeomul^bionic> 고전...\n<lexlove_> 불행하게도 겁이 많은 편이에요.\n<soyeomul^bionic> +방랑시인 김삿갓!\n<soyeomul^bionic> 저도 겁이 좀 많았어요 특히\n<soyeomul^bionic> 대나무 숲이나 수풀에서 튀나오는 뱀\n<lexlove_> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n<soyeomul^bionic> 시끕하곤 했는데 어른이 되어서 좀 적응이\n<lexlove_> 음.. 저는 어른이 되어서도 무서워해요. ㅠㅠ\n<soyeomul^bionic> 시골 수풀길들... 예취기로 풀을 다 베어야겠군요 렉스님 시골 내려온다카믄..\n<soyeomul^bionic> 그래야 뱀들이 어데서 튀나올지 예측할 수 있을테니..\n<soyeomul^bionic> 귀신도 숨을 ê³³ 없고\n<soyeomul^bionic> 아따따 아침 커피나 한잔요~~~\n<lexlove_> 스스로 원인을 찾아보자면 밤눈이 어두운 편이에요. 어릴 때 시골 밤길을 걸을 때 전 길이 안보여요. 친구들은 뛰어가는데. 또 귀신의 집에 들어가면 양옆으로 나뉘어지는 길이 가까이가기전까지 보이질 않아서 공포가 더 극대화된 것 같아요.\n<lexlove_> 그래서 겁이 많은 듯 해요.\n<soyeomul^bionic> 아.. 그런 사연이..;\n<soyeomul^bionic> 커피나 한잔 하자구여~\n<lexlove_> 소여물님른 커피홀릭이신거 같아요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 냠~\n<lexlove_> 맛있게 드세요~\n<soyeomul^bionic> 넨넨;;\n<soyeomul^bionic> ^^;\n<soyeomul^bionic> 아따따 먼저 들어갑니다 오후에 100일된 깐돌이 한마리 비육사로 옮깁니다 젖떼기\n<soyeomul^bionic> 모두 ì¡´ 하루여~~~\n<soyeomul^bionic> 꾸벅\n<twinsenaxe> 에버가든 넷플릭스 코리아 1-13화 방영중이군요. 애니플러스나 애니맥스에는 계약 안된거같구. 분위기 배경은 강철연금술사가 연상되는데, 경박함과 모에를 뺐다하니 또 색다른 분위기일듯 싶네요. 2018년 애니지만 용돈이 후달려서 내년쯤 보게되겠지만; 주인공이 안드로이드...인거죠?\n<Seony> 아뇨 사람이에요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 넷플릭스 독점이라 다른 곳으로는 안나올 겁니다.\n<twinsenaxe> 등장인물 이야기를 기록하는 (수기 핸드라이팅인지 타이핑인지는 아직 모르지만) 인형(?)이라고 위키에서 소개되는 ê±° 같아서, 안드로이드로 짐작했어요. 제가 잘못 봤나봅니다.\n<Seony> 그냥 거기 세계관에서 그렇게 부른다는 설정이에요 ㅎㅎ\n<soyeomul> 비오는 저녁입니다\n<soyeomul> 아녕하세요\n<soyeomul> 농장에서 폰으로 접속했어요\n<soyeomul> 저녁 7시 41분부터 비가 내리기 시작했어요 울진\n<soyeomul> 그래서 사료포대 태웠어요\n<soyeomul> 비맞으며 태웠는데 ê·¸ëž��도 다 치우니 마음이 홀가분해지네여\n<soyeomul> 아직 타는중이라 불가에 포타 세워두고 지켜보고 있어요 다타면 집에 들어가려해요\n<soyeomul> 농장에 외부공유기 달어놨는데 대역범위가 반경 300미터쯤 되어서 그걸로 인터넸 연걸햏어요\n<UbuntuKrSlack> <fmowl> 개활지라 그런가보네요\n<UbuntuKrSlack> <fmowl> 집에서 끊기곤 했는데 ㅎㅎ\n<soyeomul> 오 어프님 ㄱ구벅\n<soyeomul> 개활지가 먼가요^\n<UbuntuKrSlack> <fmowl> 안녕하세요 :grinning: :grinning:\n<soyeomul> 넨^^\n<UbuntuKrSlack> <fmowl> 장애물 없는 평지라고 알고있어요.\n<soyeomul> 아~~~\n<soyeomul> 넵 평지 맞아요\n<soyeomul> 주변에 산 그리고 논이 잏어요\n<soyeomul> 그리고 농장 옆으로 지방도 아스팔트 깔려있어서 진입이 어렵지않아요\n<soyeomul> 비 더 세지네여\n<soyeomul> 긴 쇠스랑으로 불구덩이 한번 뒤집고 왔어요\n<soyeomul> 긴밤을 오늘은 모닥불과 함께 ~\n<soyeomul> 차창 밖으로 비소리 우두두두\n<soyeomul> 비가 이젠 퍼붓네여 아거 철수합니다\n<soyeomul> 꾸벅\n<Seony> 혹시 도메인네임에 하이픈 사용 규칙이 있나요?\n<Seony> 예를 들어서, ldap.com이 있는데, ldap-01.com을 추가했을 때 이 이름을 전혀 인식을 못하네요...\n<Seony> 제가 잘못 설정했었네요 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 늘상 하던대로 하는 건데 뭐가 문제인지 모르겠군요...\n#ubuntu-ko 2019-06-07\n<autowiz> 안녕하세요\n<autowiz> 하이픈은 되는데 언더바는 기본설정에 없긴 합니다. bind 같은경우 도메인 이름 체크 옵션을 꺼줘야 하더라구요\n<autowiz> master slave 구조면 serial 업데이트 해줘야 하는 경우가 있습니다\n<soyeomul> 안녕하세요~\n<Seony> 안녕하세요\n<soyeomul> 서니님 꾸벅\n<soyeomul> 비가 억수로 퍼붓네요\n<soyeomul> 커피는 하루에 한잔씩만 해야것어요\n<autowiz> 어느곳은 호우 주의보내린곳도 있다고 하더라구요\n<soyeomul> 오 위즈님 안녕하세요~\n<autowiz> 밤새 조금씩 와서 농작물들은 좋아라 할꺼 같습니다 ㅎㅎ\n<soyeomul> ㅎ 넨넨;;;\n<autowiz> 소여물님 안녕하세요~ ㅎ\n<soyeomul> 호우 주의보에서 호주에 비가 많이 내리나 생각했어요 다시 보니 호우...\n<soyeomul> 깐돌이들 세마리가 설사인데 쉽게 떨어지지 않아서 오늘 아침 수중전하면서 깐돌이들 설사약 먹였더니..\n<soyeomul> 옷이 다 젖어버렦네요\n<soyeomul> 대신... 비맞은 후에 백암온천에 오니 느낌이 다릅니다 오늘은 정말 온천같이 느껴져요\n<soyeomul> ê·¸ 농작물 이야기에서... 어머니께서 마당 텃밭에 매일 물주시는데.. 오늘은 물 안줘도 되겠다며 농담으로 얘기하시더이다 그래서 같이 흐흐 웃었지요;;;\n<soyeomul> 마당 텃밭에 도라지가 심겨져 있어요~\n<soyeomul> 도라지 도라지 백도라지~\n<soyeomul^bionic> 합!\n<autowiz> 도라지 맛있지 말입니다 ㅎㅎ\n<soyeomul^bionic> 네 마자요^^\n<soyeomul^bionic> 파이썬 관련 뉴스 찾아보다보니...\n<soyeomul^bionic> 우리나라 삼성전자에서 작년 하반기부터 대졸 공채에 비전산직에서도 파이썬 할줄 아느냐라는 질문을 한다고했더라구요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 작년 신문 구글에서 발견했어요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 비전산직을 위한 콤푸타 언어로 이제 파이썬이 자리잡은거 맞나요?\n<Seony> 헐... 그건 좀 심하긴 하네요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 파이썬이... 농사꾼도 하니깐.. 저 삼성의 행동은 전 이해가 가더라구요\n<Seony> 미국에서는 비이공계 전공자는 수학을 전혀 안배우는데, 비전산직이 파이썬을 배워서 어디에 쓸 데가 있는지 모르겠네요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 아 또 그렇게 되나요;;;\n<soyeomul^bionic> 서니님과 위즈님 히어로님 준영님 덕에 전 파이썬으로 소농사 잘 짓고 있어요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 저에겐 ì°¸ 유용한 도구여요 파이썬\n<autowiz> 비전산직이라고 하더라도 업무하면서 간단한 프로그램은 만들어 쓰거나 다른 프로그램(혹은 파이썬 스크립트) 조금은 이해하면서 쓰라는 의도일지도 모르겠습니다.\n<Seony> 소여물님이야 자영업자이시니 혼자서 모든걸 해결하는게 도움이 되긴 하겠지만,\n<autowiz> 의사도 파이썬 쓰고 빅데이터 좀 다룰줄 알면 혼자서 이런저런 통계분석도 할 수 있고 그럴거 같습니다.\n<Seony> 예를 들어서 하루종일 엑셀이랑 워드로 일만 하는 사람이 파이썬을 배울 필요가 있나 모르겠네요...\n<Seony> 통계분석이야 엑셀에서 제공해주는 함수랑 그래프만 잘 써도 되는 ê±°ê³ ...\n<Seony> 빅데이터는 빅데이터 다루는 포지션에서 일하는 사람이 해야할 일이라고 생각하구요...\n<autowiz> 뭐 초등학교에서도 코딩 교육을 하긴 하니까요 한국은 ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 하긴 뭐 한국은 무조건 여러가지를 잘하는 사람을 선호하니..\n<autowiz> 그러다보니 정작 자기전공에 대한게 약한 문제가 있습니다.\n<soyeomul^bionic> 아 근데 파이썬 깊게 들어가니 모르겠더라구요 어려워요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 간단하기도 하고 어렵기도 하고...\n<Seony> 그게 가장 큰 문제긴 한데, 정작 한국에서는 별로 문제가 안되고 문제를 삼지 않으니...\n<Seony> 유아인이, 문제를 삼지 않으면 문제가 안된다고 했으니 ㅋㅋ\n<Seony> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DgC-uiBUYAAzRrg.jpg\n<soyeomul^bionic> 저거 명언이네요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 전 공감이 가요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 뻘소리 같지만.. 저 유아인의 말이... 마치 양자법칙과 비스무리하다는 느낌...\n<Seony> 영화 베테랑에 등장하는 유아인의 ëª��대사죠...\n<soyeomul^bionic> 아.. 영화 대사였군요\n<Seony> 뭐 암튼, 한국에서는 자기 전공이 약하다는 점에 대해서 문제를 삼지 않으니, 문제가 되진 않겠네요 ㅎㅎ\n<soyeomul^bionic> ㅎㅎ\n<Seony> 미국에서는 많이 문제가 됩니다\n<soyeomul^bionic> 미국과 한국의 차이!\n<Seony> 전공 외엔 아무 것도 몰라도 전혀 문제가 없어요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 음~ 미국은 하나만 잘하면 돈버는데 문제가 없다라는 말처럼 들리네여~\n<Seony> 네 정확합니다.\n<soyeomul^bionic> 근데 저도 ... 공감이 갑니다... 갠적으로 여기 농촌 생활...\n<Seony> 한국에서는 거의 사라져가는 Perl 프로그래머가, 미국에서는 그거 하나만 잘해도 먹고사는데 문제 없어요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 친구는 밭농사/논농사/소농사 세가지를 하는데... 전 소농사만... 그런데 수입은 비슷하거나 제가 쪼매더 벌어요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 펄 펄 펄\n<soyeomul^bionic> 그럼 저도 루비 제끼고 파이썬 하나만 깊게 파고싶어요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 진짜로요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 파이썬 코딩만 평생 하고 잡네요 리눅스에서요.\n<soyeomul^bionic> 소를 키우며...\n<Seony> ㅎㅎ 제 개인적으로는 파이썬 하나만 하셔도 앞으로 문제가 없을 거라고 봅니다.\n<soyeomul^bionic> 넵!\n<Seony> 사실 소여물님 입장에서는 루비보단 파이썬을 하시는게 더 낫다고 생각해요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 공감공감!\n<soyeomul^bionic> ㅎ\n<soyeomul^bionic> 네 한때 루비가 `` 안에 쉘명령어를 포함시키면 다 되어서 파이썬보다 간결하다 생각했는데... 더 복잡하게 나가니깐... 그게 아니더라구요 파이썬이 더 좋더라구요\n<soyeomul^bionic> subprocess\n<soyeomul^bionic> 루비는 쫌 더 나가다보면 이게 간결한지 아닌지 헤깔릴때가 많고 마치 펄처럼 복잡하게 느껴지더라는...\n<Seony> 제 개인적인 의견인데, 루비는 웹 프레임워크로 성공한 언어이고 여전히 웹사이트 만드는데에는 많이 쓰이고 있긴 한데요, 시스템 쪽으로는 파이썬이랑 비교할 수 없을만큼 지원되는 패키지 수가 적어요\n<soyeomul^bionic> 아 시스템... 넵 저도 시스템을 파이썬으로 요리하고 싶었어요. bash/sh 에서 가능한 모든것을 파이썬으로 하고 싶었어요\n<Seony> 저도 간단한 쉘 스크립트로 해결이 안되면 파이썬으로 짜서 관리하고 있어요 ㅎㅎ\n<soyeomul^bionic> 넨^^\n<soyeomul^bionic> 아따 파이썬 이야기 하다보니 커피 한잔 더 땡기네여~\n<soyeomul^bionic> 슝~\n<soyeomul^bionic> 아 잠시 커피마시다 레이다에 걸린 뉴스...  https://www.clien.net/service/board/park/13576138\n<soyeomul^bionic> 전 이만 먼저 들어가볼께요~\n<soyeomul^bionic> 모두 ì¡´ 하루여~\n<soyeomul^bionic> 꾸벅\n<autowiz> 파이썬도 좋긴한데 들여쓰기 규칙이 좀 불편하긴 합니ë‹�� . 아직 적응동 안되구요 ㅜㅜ\n<Seony> 저는 들여쓰기에 병적으로 집착하는 사람이라 괜찮습니다 ㅋㅋ\n<autowiz> 저도 프로그램 짤때는 빈줄 까지도 일일이 미리 맞춰놓는편인데 그래도 강제적으로 해야한다니까 뭔 가 좀 싫어지는 ㅋㅋ\n<lexlove_> 안녕하세요\n<Seony> 안녕하세요\n<lexlove_> 퇴근까지 50분 남았습니다. ㅎ\n<Seony> 바이올렛 에버가든은 좀 보셨나요?\n<lexlove_> 아뇨. ㅠㅠ\n<lexlove_> 제 티비가 자막이 안나와요.\n<lexlove_> 노트북은 현재 빌려준 상태라 다음주 주말이 되어야 ë³¼ 수 있을거 같아요.\n<Seony> 흐 그렇군요\n<lexlove_> 간만에 ë³´ê³  싶은 애니가 생겼는데 못봐서 아쉬워요\n<Seony> 근데 티비에서 넷플릭스 연결이 되는 거에요?\n<lexlove_> 아뇨\n<Seony> 근데 티비가 자막이 안나온다는게 무슨 뜻에요?\n<lexlove_> 파일로 받았거든요\n<Seony> 아 넷플릭스 구독 안하시는군요 ㅎㅎ\n<lexlove_> 넵\n<lexlove_> USB에 저장해서 티비에 연결했는데 자막을 못불러오더라구요\n<Seony> 넷플릭스는... 정말 볼게 너무 많아서 돈이 안아깝네요 ㅎㅎ\n<lexlove_> 그렇군요.\n<lexlove_> 전 넷플릭스는 하면 안될거 같아요. 티비만 볼거 같어요. ㅎ\n<Seony> 전 아직 볼게 너무 많이 남았어요.  미스터 션사인도 봐야되고, 하우스 오브 카드도 아직 시즌 1밖에 못봤고... ㅎㅎ\n<lexlove_> 한번 빠지면 헤어나오질 못할거 같아요. ㅎ\n#ubuntu-ko 2019-06-08\n<soyeomul> 꾸벅\n<soyeomul> 오늘은 토요일\n<soyeomul> 조용할거 같은데 새벽부터 수정 한마리 했씁니다\n<soyeomul> 비는 그쳤지만 땅과 풀이 젖어있어서 장화신고 소여물 줬어요~\n<soyeomul> 다들 ì¡´ 주말여~~~\n<Seony> 안녕하세요\n<soyeomul> 오 서니님 주말에도 일하고 계신가요,,,\n<Seony> 아뇨\n<Seony> 아직 금요일입니다\n<soyeomul> 앗\n<soyeomul> 넨넨;;;\n<soyeomul^bionic> 재접헸어요~\n<soyeomul^bionic> 잠시 커피 한잔여~\n<soyeomul^bionic> 어따따 먼저 들어가볼께요~\n<soyeomul^bionic> 꾸벅\n<soyeomul> 토요일 주말 저녁입니다\n<soyeomul> 안녕하세요~\n<groudon_> 안녕하세요\n<soyeomul> 오 그로우돈님 안녕하세요~\n<soyeomul> 해외에 거주하시나바여 그로운돈님\n<soyeomul> 오늘 송아지 한마리 태어났습니다\n<soyeomul> 지금 어미젖먹고 있더라구요\n<soyeomul> 우사에 불 켜두고 조용히 집으로 왔습니다~\n<groudon_> ^^\n<groudon_> 저는 송아지를 본적 아직도 없어요\n<groudon_> 좋은 저녁 되세요 ^^\n<soyeomul> 아 넵;;;\n<jason_KR> 맨날 \"오늘 송아지 한마리가 태어났습니다\" 라고 ㅋㅋㅋ   그래서, ë³¼ 때마다 (속으로) 축하합니다. 그런데,  ê·¸ 동네 소들은 매일 사랑하나? 뭔 송아지가 허구한날 태어난데?!!!   한번 더 축하하고요, 금년 목표 120두 완성하소서~\n<soyeomul> 접속이 끊겼어요 잠시 수의사 왕진비 결제하러 읍내에 다녀왔어요\n<soyeomul> 다행히 챗창에 재준님 메시지가 남겨있어서 봤습니다\n<soyeomul> 재준님 감사합니다 송아지 열심히 키우겠씁니다!!!\n<soyeomul> 오늘까지 117두.\n<sellbyj> hello\n<sellbyj> 안녕하세요/\n<soyeomul> 엇\n<soyeomul> 몇분 다녀가셨나바요\n<soyeomul> 저도 이만 자러 갑니다\n<soyeomul> 축구는 .... 이기겠죠 머;;\n<soyeomul> 모두 ì¡´ 주말요~\n<soyeomul> 꾸벅\n<autowiz> 안녕하세요~\n<Seony> 안녕하세요\n#ubuntu-ko 2019-06-09\n<autowiz> 안녕하세요~\n#ubuntu-ko 2020-06-01\n<soyeomul> 꾸벅\n<soyeomul> 엇 저 먼저 들어가볼께요~\n<soyeomul> 모두 ì¡´ 하루요~~~\n<soyeomul> 꾸벅\n#ubuntu-ko 2020-06-02\n<soyeomul> 꾸벅\n<soyeomul> 어!\n<soyeomul> 먼저 저 들어가볼께요~\n<soyeomul> 모두 ì¡´ 하루여~~~\n<soyeomul> 꾸벅\n<soyeomul> 5 4 3 2 1 0 '\\0'\n<foxmask> 안녕하세요\n#ubuntu-ko 2020-06-03\n<foxmask> 안녕하세요\n<Jason-KR> Hi~ fox mask ^^  Why France have a high mortality rate?  I'm curious but worried.\n<foxmask> Jason-KR: when ?\n<Jason-KR> (recntly or) NOW by CoViD-19.\n<Jason-KR> It's most in the world. ㅠㅠ\n<foxmask> Jason-KR: where did you see a rate of mortality ? because actually, we can all go out because of the R0 rate near 1\n<Jason-KR> 예? Hmm...\n<Jason-KR> i saw https://coronaboard.fr/   and https://coronaboard.kr/  Deces 19.1% is a most in the world. 😥\n<foxmask> Jason-KR I see, I don't know why\n<foxmask> I think a lot of people haven't been counted before.\n<Jason-KR> OK. ^^   I hope U (& family) R healthy.\n<foxmask> Jason-KR: it's ok for now ; thanks\n<Jason-KR> ^^\n<foxmask> Jason-KR: I hope you're fine too and your family also\n<Jason-KR> THX a lot, 2.\n<foxmask> I think there were a lot of factors : 1) stupidity and denying the truth of the virus from people and no respect of confinment 2) the gouvrment took decisions (confinment + masks) too late 3) masks is a long story ; governmant said \"you dont need\" then 2 weeks later \"you need them\" then they order masks too late\n<foxmask> french people still think they wont be infected... the stupidity is very high and arrogance too\n<Jason-KR> I totally agree w/U above  1~3.\n<Seony> 안녕하세요\n<Seony> 2달째 집에서만 일하는데, 이번달 말까지 더 집에서 하라네요. 재택근무 이거 굉장히 스트레스군요\n<pchero_work> 안녕하세요, 오랜만입니다. :)\n<pchero_work> 저도 벌써 3달째인데.. 이제야 좀 재택근무가 익숙해지고 있네요. ㅎ\n<Seony> 전 익숙이 아니라... 점점 스트레스가... ㅎㅎ  살만 쪄가네요\n<Jason-KR> 난 두 분 다 *아직도* 재택근무인지 몰랐어요.\n<pchero_work> ㅠ\n<pchero_work> 그냥 감금상태입니다.\n<pchero_work> 집에서 근무하는건 좋은데 밖에 못나가니… 영.. -_-;;;\n<Jason-KR> 에구 딱하시다 ㅠㅠ\n#ubuntu-ko 2020-06-04\n<soyeomul> 꾸벅\n<soyeomul> 목요일 아침 문안인사드립니다~\n<soyeomul> 오늘 울진 덥습니다\n<soyeomul> 그래서 아침에 우사에 대형선풍기 가동시켰어요~\n<soyeomul> 큰애들은 견디지만 새깐돌(갓난 송아지)들은 힘들어 하더라구요~\n<soyeomul> 저도 잠시 백암온천에 피서왔어요~\n<soyeomul> 다들 더워 잘 피합시다아아아아아~\n<soyeomul> 어어어\n<soyeomul> 먼저 들어가볼께요\n<soyeomul> 모두 ì¡´ 하루요~~~\n<soyeomul> 꾸벅\n<lex__> 안녕하세요\n<Jason-KR> 맛 점심식사 하세요. ^^\n<lex__> 점심 맛있게 드세요\n<foxmask> 안ë…��하세요\n#ubuntu-ko 2020-06-05\n<soyeomul> 꾸벅\n<soyeomul> 어함 먼저 들어가볼께요\n<soyeomul> 모두 ì¡´ 하루요~~~\n<soyeomul> 꾸벅\n<Seony> 요즘 PyQT로 뭔가 한 번 만들어보고 싶은데 뭘 만들어야할지 아이디어가 안떠오르네요 ㅎㅎ\n<foxmask> 안녕하세요\n<soyeomul> 꾸벅\n<soyeomul> 어소세여~~~\n<soyeomul> 아흐\n<soyeomul> 전 먼저 들어가볼께요`~~\n<soyeomul> 꾸벅\n<soyeomul> 5 4 3 2 1 0 \\0\n#ubuntu-ko 2020-06-06\n<foxmask> 안녕하세요\n#ubuntu-ko 2020-06-07\n<soyeomul> 하...\n<soyeomul> 차세워두고 점심묵고 나서 시동걸엇는데 시동이 안걸랴서\n<soyeomul> 애니카 긴급출동 ㅜㄹ러놓고 멍때리네여\n<soyeomul> 삶이 ì°¸ 다이내믹 변화무쌍 합네다\n<soyeomul> 그래도 고속도로가아니어서다행입니다\n<soyeomul> 아으\n<soyeomul> 십분만 기다리다 현장 가바여것어요\n<soyeomul> 유후\n<soyeomul> 꾸벅\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC"}}
-{"text": "#ubuntu-classroom-es 2012-06-13\n<ofpprieto> Buenas noches\n#ubuntu-classroom-es 2012-06-17\n<rhijgal> hola\n<rhijgal> alguien habla español???\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC"}}
-{"text": "#ubuntu-meeting-2 2015-04-07\n * dsmythies realizes that we changed from standard time to daylight savings time last month, and so the doc team meeting is not for another hour.\n<dsmythies> #startmeeting\n<meetingology> Meeting started Tue Apr  7 17:31:12 2015 UTC.  The chair is dsmythies. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.\n<meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick\n<dsmythies> #chair dsmythies GunnarHj\n<meetingology> Current chairs: GunnarHj dsmythies\n<dsmythies> Who is here for the doc team meeting?\n<bregma> o/\n<GunnarHj> o/\n<dsmythies> GunnarHJ: I made you a chair person\n<GunnarHj> dsmythies: Saw it. You are fast today. :)\n<dsmythies> we will wait a moment for ian\n<dsmythies> O.K. ian is here. let's start.\n<dsmythies> Just to report on some stuff rraom the last month: We did point releases of the 12.04 and 14.04 serverguides.\n<dsmythies> And Gunnar has been getting 15.04 desktop guide ready for release day.\n<GunnarHj> Except for the translations (due Thursday)\n<dsmythies> Anybody want to comment of any other activites from last month?\n<dsmythies> O.K. moving on...\n<dsmythies> from old actions, Hannie isn't here, so we'll leave that one. Gunnar, care to comment on desktop slidehsow?\n<GunnarHj> Not much to say. It will be done in vivid+.\n<dsmythies> ... just reading the bug report... Oh, ya. O.K.\n<dsmythies> other old actions done, so let's go to new business.\n<dsmythies> Desktop and Unity 8: I know nothing about setting up a new project. Nor do I have the capacity to take on such a project.\n<bregma> I have an interest in contributing (and I cna probably set up a project) but I am not a writer\n<bregma> also, the Unity 8 desktop will be in flux for the next several months\n<bregma> but I would like to see a start on the guide (or equivalent) earlier rather than later\n<GunnarHj> bregma: What does \"in flux\" mean?\n<dsmythies> before we go into a new project, should we access if there is enought interest from people willing to contribute?\n<bregma> I do not believe the final appearance (or event functionality) is fully decided yet\n<GunnarHj> ok.\n<dsmythies> assess instead access\n<GunnarHj> As I mentioned on list, my main concern is the seemingly lack of contributors in the team.\n<dsmythies> Agree.\n<bregma> I think there are some people in Canonical's Desktop team who can be tasked with making some contributions, but none of them are writers\n<bregma> I do believe there is buy-in there, though\n<dsmythies> bregma: Please know that I am not a writer either. I just seem to have stumbled into this roll.\n<bregma> OK\n<GunnarHj> bregma: If you look at the desktop branch, you can see that the number of contributors lately is *very* limited. It's kind of a crisis.\n<bregma> I don't really want to see a new desktop environment rolled out without some sort of guide, so my question is:  how can we drum up enough contribution interest from the community?\n<dsmythies> We have fought with that question for years.\n<bregma> indeed\n<GunnarHj> Possibly the fact that it is a new desktop env. will make a difference - but I'm not sure.\n<bregma> the fact that the desktop has been fairly unchanged for several years means there hasn't been a lot for contributors to do\n<bregma> perhaps getting Canonical's community team to help drum up interest through their usual social media stuff would be a good start?\n<GunnarHj> When Unity 7 was new, Jeremy Bicha did an amazing amount of work. But wasn't he a Canonical emploee at the time?\n<dsmythies> O.K. Sounds like a significant project. It will need a champion.\n<dsmythies> bregma: you willing to take the lead?\n<bregma> I am willing to volunteer, but I have no idea about any doc development workflow, so I would need guidance with that\n<dsmythies> We have spent significant time of recent getting our wiki pages up to date.\n<GunnarHj> bregma: We can certainly help with the workflow part. It would be great if you could announce the need on the list as a starter.\n<bregma> sure, sounds good\n<dsmythies> for doc workflow, suggest the you start by learning how to work within the exisiting desktop help enviroment.\n<dsmythies> what is the timeline for this unity 8?\n<bregma> actually, I'm familiar with that, as far as building docs in various formats locally and getting changes in, but the rest is only a vague handwaving thing in my mind\n<GunnarHj> bregma: Is the plan to create a totally separate set of docs for Unity 8?\n<GunnarHj> bregma: Should it be distributed as a package, or only on the web?\n<bregma> I would go for a totally separate doc, yes, since for at least a while you can have either or both installed on your system at the same time\n<bregma> and the timeline for replacing Unity 7 with Unity 8 is not yet clear\n<GunnarHj> Ok, that speaks for basically creating a skeleton branch based on the ubuntu-docs branch.\n<pmatulis> hi guys\n<dsmythies> Oh, so eventually the current dektop help will not continue.\n<bregma> yeah, that was my first thought\n<dsmythies> pmatulis: Hi. we are on Unity 8 stuff.\n<pmatulis> ok, sorry for being late\n<bregma> yes, eventually I expect Unity 7 will not be included in newer versions of Ubuntu, so neither will the docs\n<dsmythies> GunnarHj: Sound like the new stuff will need to be a package.\n<bregma> is that how the Unity 7 docs get installed today, as a package?\n<GunnarHj> bregma: Yes.\n<GunnarHj> bregma: (and on the web)\n<bregma> then separate guides in separate packages is the easiest approach, and something I know how to do\n<GunnarHj> bregma: For Unity 7 we are using Mallard.\n<dsmythies> bregma: can I set action for you to drum up interest and detail some sort of project plan? The timeline is future sometime T.B.D.\n<bregma> dsmythies, yes please, I will take repsonsibility and the timeline will be to target an initial version for release in 15.10\n<dsmythies> #action bregma to stimulate interest in unity 8 dektop help guide.\n<meetingology> ACTION: bregma to stimulate interest in unity 8 dektop help guide.\n<dsmythies> #action bregma to create project plan for unity 8 dektop help guide.\n<meetingology> ACTION: bregma to create project plan for unity 8 dektop help guide.\n<dsmythies> bregma: I think you will find an initial target of 15.10 aggressive.\n<imnichol> bregma, I'm not incredibly knowledgeable about this process, but if you need help with anything I'd be willing to assist.\n<bregma> thanks\n<dsmythies> are we done with unity 8 discussion?\n<GunnarHj> Think so.\n<dsmythies> I will try to have 15.04 preliminary help.ubuntu.com content by early next week. I always like to do preliminaty first, so as to identify surprises, so that release day is smooth.\n * bregma nods\n<GunnarHj> dsmythies: Is \"10.10\" in the agenda a typo?\n<dsmythies> No. 10.10 EOL (Serverguide) is end of April.\n<dsmythies> the plan is to move to it once 15.04 final is done.\n<dsmythies> Oh. I mean 10.04\n<GunnarHj> dsmythies: Thought so. ;)\n<dsmythies> I'll fix agenda later.\n<dsmythies> pmatulis: I mentioned the point releases of serverguide earlier.\n<dsmythies> Anything from serverguide or manual or wiki?\n<GunnarHj> Let's move to the meeting time.\n<dsmythies> pmatulis: Does the change to daylight savings time affect your preferred meeting time?\n<pmatulis> dsmythies: hi\n<pmatulis> dsmythies: in a meeting :) .  playing hooky here\n<pmatulis> dsmythies: so if it is 30 min earlier *now* i will be good\n<pmatulis> dsmythies: but yeah, in the winter i would be 1 hour behind\n<pmatulis> dsmythies: so i guess that mean 90 minutes earlier\n<pmatulis> dsmythies: or did i get that backwards?  :)\n<dsmythies> O.K. I am confused. so are you saying 17:00 would be bteer for you? or are you saying 16:00 would be better for you? Do others have input?\n<GunnarHj> I'm flexible.\n<dsmythies> I'm flexible.\n<pmatulis> dsmythies: 16:00\n<dsmythies> O.K. that is 8:00 a.m. my time, which is fine.\n<dsmythies> and in winter that would be 7:00 a.m. my time, which is still fine.\n<pmatulis> alright, action me to change the wiki?\n<dsmythies> I believe pleia2 is also on the west coast of North America, and 7 might be a little early for her.\n<dsmythies> O.K. ;ets try it.\n<dsmythies> O.K. lets try it.\n<dsmythies> #action pmatulis: adjust wiki and banner meeting times.\n<meetingology> ACTION: pmatulis: adjust wiki and banner meeting times.\n<dsmythies> O.K. anything else anybody?\n<pleia2> I am west coast, but I struggle to attend these meetings anyway, so please do whatever works for all of you\n<GunnarHj> I don't have anything else. (Already in another IRC meeting.)\n<dsmythies> pleia2: O.K. thanks for chiming in.\n<dsmythies> O.K> I'll end the meeting.\n<dsmythies> #endmeeting\n<meetingology> Meeting ended Tue Apr  7 18:28:36 2015 UTC.\n<meetingology> Minutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting-2/2015/ubuntu-meeting-2.2015-04-07-17.31.moin.txt\n#ubuntu-meeting-2 2016-04-11\n<mdeslaur> \\o\n<tyhicks> hello\n * sbeattie waves\n<tyhicks> #startmeeting\n<meetingology> Meeting started Mon Apr 11 16:34:11 2016 UTC.  The chair is tyhicks. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.\n<meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick\n<tyhicks> The meeting agenda can be found at:\n<tyhicks> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Meeting\n<tyhicks> [TOPIC] Weekly stand-up report\n * tyhicks kicks the bot\n<tyhicks> mdeslaur: you're up\n<mdeslaur> I'm on community this week\n<mdeslaur> I have patch piloting tomorrow\n<mdeslaur> and I'm working on an embargoed issue\n<mdeslaur> that's it, sbeattie, you're up\n<sbeattie> I'm on bug triage this week\n<sbeattie> I'm working on testing glibc updates, trying to figure out what breaks with pt_chown disabled.\n<sbeattie> I've got a kernel USN to write I guess (not sure what the kernel team did there)\n<sbeattie> I've got some apparmor stuff to do (patch review)\n<sbeattie> That's probably it for me this week\n<sbeattie> tyhicks: you're up\n<tyhicks> I'm on cve triage this week\n<tyhicks> apparmor 2.10.95 landed in xenial over night so I'll be watching for any issues there\n<tyhicks> I have some ubuntu-core-launcher MPs to review for jdstrand\n<tyhicks> still have some pending ecryptfs patch reviews\n<tyhicks> would also like to do some triaging/updates for Touch\n<tyhicks> that's it for me\n<tyhicks> sarnold: you're up\n<tyhicks> sorry\n<tyhicks> jjohansen: you're up\n<sarnold> \\o/ apparmor landing\n<jjohansen> I'm still working on apparmor this week\n<tyhicks> you say that like there is an end in sight :)\n<jjohansen> I have an upstream patchset of bug fixes to finish putting together and push up\n<jjohansen> and then it will be back to fixing bugs and issues in the newly landed apparmor 3.5\n<jjohansen> and of course watching for any issues that may surface from 2.10.95 landing\n<jjohansen> thats it for me sarnold you are up\n<sarnold> i'm in the happy place this week\n<sarnold> I'm working on mirs, neutron-vpnaas, aodh, barbican, designate, it's unlikely I'll get them all this week but I might get lucky, aodh is apparenhtly a piece from ceilometer\n<sarnold> and I'd like to test out shiny new apparmor stacking\n<sarnold> that's it for me, chrisccoulson?\n<chrisccoulson> Last week I made quite a bit of progress on automated testing in Oxide (I got all of our existing QML tests also running in single-process, which means we can officially support that now)\n<tyhicks> nice!\n<chrisccoulson> I plan to do more of the same this week - I'm adding some compiled unit-tests for bits of the API (most of our existing tests are more integration tests than unit tests). Then I plan to add a framework for writing unit-tests for internal classes\n<chrisccoulson> I need to also do some feature work (not much of that has happened over the last couple of weeks). I'll probably be experimenting with scrollbars to see how we can support the design requirements for those\n<chrisccoulson> And there's probably going to be a Firefox update\n<chrisccoulson> That's me done\n<tyhicks> thanks\n<tyhicks> [TOPIC] Highlighted packages\n<tyhicks> The Ubuntu Security team will highlight some community-supported packages that might be good candidates for updating and or triaging. If you would like to help Ubuntu and not sure where to start, this is a great way to do so.\n<tyhicks> See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures for details and if you have any questions, feel free to ask in #ubuntu-security. To find out other ways of helping out, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/GettingInvolved.\n<tyhicks> http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/pkg/python-requests-kerberos.html\n<tyhicks> http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/pkg/maildrop.html\n<tyhicks> http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/pkg/dcmtk.html\n<tyhicks> http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/pkg/xml-light.html\n<tyhicks> http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/pkg/loganalyzer.html\n<tyhicks> lots of good ones in there this week\n<tyhicks> [TOPIC] Miscellaneous and Questions\n<tyhicks> Does anyone have any other questions or items to discuss?\n<tyhicks> mdeslaur, sbeattie, jjohansen, sarnold, ChrisCoulson: Thanks!\n<tyhicks> #endmeeting\n<meetingology> Meeting ended Mon Apr 11 16:53:06 2016 UTC.\n<meetingology> Minutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting-2/2016/ubuntu-meeting-2.2016-04-11-16.34.moin.txt\n<jjohansen> thanks tyhicks\n<sarnold> thanks tyhicks!\n<sbeattie> tyhicks: thanks.\n<mdeslaur> thanks tyhicks!\n#ubuntu-meeting-2 2016-04-12\n<mdeslaur> \\o\n<pitti> o/\n * slangasek waves\n<pitti> infinity went to bed very late, I don't expect him to show up\n<slangasek> who's chair today?\n<pitti> chair: infinity, backup: kees\n<slangasek> wiki says infinity with kees as backup\n<pitti> not that we have much of an agenda\n<pitti> this is the last meeting of the old TB\n<mdeslaur> did someone bring cake?\n<slangasek> kees has not made it to TB meetings much lately; probably an action for the board post-election to review the meeting timing\n<slangasek> (regardless of turnover)\n<pitti> infinity owns three dragged-on actions, so they will just be postponed again\n<pitti> and nothing on ML and community bugs, so I guess that's already a \"kthxbye\", unless you have something?\n<mdeslaur> I don't have anything\n<slangasek> nothing except my own carry-over action\n * stgraber waves\n<stgraber> and nothing to bring up either\n<slangasek> so shall we adjourn this meeting that had no chair to call it to order? ;0\n<pitti> +1 :)\n<mdeslaur> +1 bye!\n * pitti tips hat and bows, it's been an honor to serve on the TB\n<slangasek> thanks :)\n<mdeslaur> pitti: thanks! :)\n#ubuntu-meeting-2 2017-04-11\n<kees> o/\n#ubuntu-meeting-2 2018-04-10\n * tsimonq2 waves, albeit a few mins early\n<mdeslaur> \\o\n<kees> o/\n * slangasek waves\n<mdeslaur> hi kees\n<mdeslaur> hi slangasek\n<kees> 3 ... anyone else?\n<slangasek> I understand stgraber is on vacation this week, no idea what that implies for his TB meeting attendance\n<kees> no quorum with 3. whee\n<slangasek> is 3 not quorum?\n<slangasek> I thought we've certainly been treating it as such\n<kees> oh!\n<kees> ok\n<kees> #start-meeting\n<slangasek> no-dash?\n<kees> #startmeeting\n<meetingology> Meeting started Tue Apr 10 19:04:35 2018 UTC.  The chair is kees. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.\n<meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick\n<kees> ah\n<kees> action review:\n<kees> ACTION: flexiondotorg To follow-up on-list with design review to address MATE Boutique security/consent concerns.\n<slangasek> I haven't seen anything on the list\n<mdeslaur> doesn't look like he did\n<slangasek> and he's currently off irc\n<kees> yeah\n<tsimonq2> Wimpress is his new nick.\n<slangasek> oh\n<slangasek> Wimpress: ^^ ?\n<Wimpress> o/\n<kees> ACTION: tsimonq2 to propose patches to maintenance-check regarding Lubuntu Next (done in https://code.launchpad.net/~tsimonq2/ubuntu-archive-publishing/lubuntu-next-support-cycle-adjustment/+merge/342475\n<kees> oh\n<Wimpress> This is not forgotten.\n<Wimpress> I'll try and get round to this in the next week.\n<mdeslaur> Wimpress: what's with the disguise?\n<tsimonq2> mdeslaur: #blameflocculant\n<Wimpress> Long story.\n<mdeslaur> hehe\n<Wimpress> But that ^\n<Wimpress> We've already dropped a bunch a PPA and repos from Welcome as a start on  this.\n<Wimpress> But I will post to the ML with a full proposal soon\n<mdeslaur> ack, thanks\n<kees> cool. deferred\n<slangasek> Wimpress: ok; bearing in mind that the TB's request was not that you drop the support for third-party repos necessarily, but that you disclose to the user what is happening\n<kees> tsimonq2: how about your action?\n<Wimpress> slangasek: Yes, I know. But I felt this was a good time to review what we were listing.\n<tsimonq2> kees: It's done; I'm the one who modified the agenda with the link in there. ;)\n<slangasek> yes, I reviewed and merged the change\n<slangasek> tsimonq2: have you verified that the result is correct in the archive metadata?\n<kees> oh durp\n<tsimonq2> slangasek: No; where can I do that?\n<slangasek> tsimonq2: Packages.gz\n<slangasek> tsimonq2: Supported field\n<kees> ACTION: infinity to call for confirmation of LTS status from all flavours.\n<tsimonq2> One minute then; you're free to move on to other items.\n<kees> no infinity so deferred\n<slangasek> tsimonq2: qlubuntu-default-session still shows as Supported: 3y which I think indicates it didn't have the intended result yet; you and I can iterate\n<kees> ACTION: infinity to ask maas team to prepare SRU exception policy à la CurtinUpdates\n<kees> also deferred\n<kees> agenda items...\n<kees> [slangasek] - Review of the seeded snaps policy\n<slangasek> hello\n<slangasek> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuSeededSnaps\n<tsimonq2> slangasek: The source package is shared. That's not an accurate representation.\n<slangasek> tsimonq2: afaik supported fields are per-binary, not per-source; anyway, feel free to find one that you know should be 9m and check the result :)\n<slangasek> kees, mdeslaur: I didn't send any follow-up emails, I think the agreement last time was that TB members would review this spec in their own time and we could discuss at this meeting.  Did you have a chance to review the spec?\n<mdeslaur> I did review the spec, I have a few questions\n<tsimonq2> slangasek: Ah, so indeed, it didn't set correctly.\n<tsimonq2> #action tsimonq2 to investigate why the Lubuntu Next support time modifications are not set correctly\n<meetingology> ACTION: tsimonq2 to investigate why the Lubuntu Next support time modifications are not set correctly\n<tsimonq2> Anyway, sorry, carry on.\n<slangasek> mdeslaur: excellent, I'm happy to make up answers :)\n<mdeslaur> The spec doesn't define who acts as the gatekeeper between core devs and publishing a snap directly to users\n<mdeslaur> like the way it is currently handled\n<slangasek> in the sense of archive review?\n<mdeslaur> yes. In the sense that currently a core dev can't push an update directly to users\n<slangasek> ah; so perhaps more in the sense of SRU\n<mdeslaur> without going through the sru team, etc\n<slangasek> yes; I think the design of the snap store, and the relative isolation of snaps, means we should aim to have less process around this generally,\n<slangasek> because e.g. reverts are a lot easier, and eventually should be drivable with health checks\n<slangasek> etc\n<slangasek> so at this time I wasn't aiming to dictate any gatekeeping around this, or to forklift import the SRU policy\n<kees> i only had one question: how are seeded snaps distinguished from third party snaps? given the higher policy requirements for seeded snaps, end users may only want seeded snaps\n<slangasek> mdeslaur: do you think that's ok for now, or do you think we need gatekeepers initially?\n<mdeslaur> won't there be third party seeded snaps too?\n<mdeslaur> slangasek: I personally think this makes becoming a core-dev or attempting to steal core-dev credentials much more attractive for people with bad intentions\n<slangasek> ok\n<kees> mdeslaur: seeded snap policy says everything has to be in LP (source and builds), so i think no 3rd party?\n<mdeslaur> \"...to be included in an Ubuntu image, a snap should have as its publisher either the upstream...\"\n<slangasek> mdeslaur: in practice, we don't gate uploads to the devel series by core-devs, after initial NEW processing; so it's a difference in window of opportunity (you can upload a hostile snap and have it instantly take effect for stable users, vs. having to upload to devel and wait and see)\n<jbicha> that's interesting for the use case of Firefox where we got mozilla building the snap\n<slangasek> mdeslaur: and in practice the store doesn't give us many layers of gatekeeping against collaborators\n<mdeslaur> slangasek: right, but the devel series is a buffer that (in theory) allows review by others, and damage can be reverted before hitting users\n<slangasek> kees: so in this case you're defining third-party as \"not built on trusted infrastructure\"?\n<kees> i guese, yes. \"snaps installed by default we should ensure that they are built from source in the same trusted Launchpad environment in which debs are built\"\n<slangasek> yes, firefox is an interesting case, and there are different requirements that are in tension.  I think we should punt on firefox in the context of this discussion\n<slangasek> (firefox snap is not seeded in 18.04 desktop, AFAIK; we have time)\n<kees> the policy (source can't disappear, built on LP) is a higher bar, so making those discoverbale seems like it'd have value to end users\n<kees> beyond that, i like the policy\n<slangasek> kees: anyway, to your question of distinguishing them, the intent is that this be surfaced as metadata in the snap store, which the store could expose to the end user over the snapd api\n<kees> perfect\n<jbicha> (yes, AFAIK firefox snap isn't proposed for inclusion in Ubuntu by default yet)\n<slangasek> I'm working with the store team on the implementation details, but yes, it's important that this be auditable and not taken on faith that a given snap is done correctly :)\n<kees> mdeslaur: are your questions/concerns addressed?\n<mdeslaur> I like the policy as it applies to snaps built in launchpad from known sources, and security support has been commited to\n<mdeslaur> I don't know how third party or upstream snaps fit into that\n<slangasek> mdeslaur: per current policy, a \"third party\" or \"upstream\" snap is fine but they still need to build the binary on LP to comply with this policy\n<mdeslaur> how the mechanism for taking control of that snap if adequate security isn't being provided?\n<mdeslaur> s/how/what's/\n<jbicha> (and the third party needs to be in a LP team approved by the DMB)\n<mdeslaur> Let's say we allow an upstream snap, built on launchpad in bionic, and upstream decides to no longer build security updates for the bionic snap once the next LTS rolls out, for example\n<slangasek> mdeslaur: today, we would try to talk to the publisher first, or the store team as necessary, to get collaborator access and publish our updates to the stable/ubuntu-XX.YY channels\n<slangasek> jbicha: that's an interesting point; I don't think it follows from the current policy as written\n<kees> slangasek, mdeslaur: sounds like security support policy needs to get fleshed out more? should that continue in email?\n<jbicha> slangasek: oh\n<slangasek> note that the snap store doesn't actually use launchpad teams; publishers / collaborators are implemented only store side and are defined in terms of assertions and keys\n<slangasek> so we can't actually enforce that every collaborator on a third-party snap is part of a DMB-approved LP team\n<kees> [action] slangasek and mdeslaur to more clearly define third party seeded snap security policy\n<meetingology> ACTION: slangasek and mdeslaur to more clearly define third party seeded snap security policy\n<kees> how's that look?\n<slangasek> if that is the action from mdeslaur's POV, sure :)\n<mdeslaur> It may be easier to get this accepted in two steps: 1- community-maintained, launchpad-built snaps, and then 2- thirty party snaps\n<kees> 20 minutes left, so let's move on for now...\n<kees> [tsimonq2] - The rationale for snapd being in the platform seed when flavors weren't polled first.\n<mdeslaur> ok\n<tsimonq2> Hi.\n<tsimonq2> I am wondering, out of curiosity, why snapd was added to the desktop-common seed without flavors being consulted: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/platform.bionic/revision/2056\n<tsimonq2> I oppose to shipping snapd in Lubuntu by default due to some serious usability concerns that I have raised with the Snapcraft team, as well as bug 1730159 among other things.\n<tsimonq2> This isn't an issue right now, because Lubuntu doesn't pull in recommends and I've manually blacklisted it just in case, but it becomes an issue when we turn off no-follow-recommends at the beginning of next cycle.\n<tsimonq2> I would like to request the removal of snapd from desktop-common, even as recommended, because Lubuntu does not want to ship this as part of our default install, unless of course it's mandated by the Technical Board. I would also like to know why this decision was made without asking flavors, unless I am missing some historical context or something else here.\n<tsimonq2> Thanks.\n<slangasek> right\n<slangasek> so, I have certainly defended the principle recently that the desktop-common seed in particular should be subject to consensus among the desktop flavors, and should not be used to force things into the common platform over objections ;)\n<tsimonq2> You have. :)\n<slangasek> you will however note that I am the committer of that revision and are right to call out the disconnect\n<slangasek> so here's my position\n<slangasek> the fact that it's in the desktop-common seed is actually an implementation detail\n<slangasek> from the perspective of Canonical, and the Foundations Team, snapd is now part of the standard Ubuntu experience\n<slangasek> anyone who installs Ubuntu, in any of its forms, should be able to 'snap install' the same way they're able to 'apt install'\n<slangasek> in practice it's separately seeded in desktop-common and in server, but the intent is that it's part of the common platform experience\n<slangasek> this is subject to TB review, of course\n<tsimonq2> Right, and this is me bringing it to TB review. :)\n<kees> seems like snapd should be part of the per-flavor *-desktop ?\n<slangasek> but that at least gives the rationale for not consulting flavors - it was a platform-level decision\n<kees> or *-minimal, or something?\n<tsimonq2> And the \"standard Ubuntu experience\" is defined by Canonical, not by the Ubuntu Technical Board or another similar body? Or does this come from sabdfl?\n<slangasek> depending on the result of TB review, we can move it to a more appropriate seed(s) for clarity\n<slangasek> tsimonq2: the TB doesn't often get asked to sign off on platform changes up front\n<slangasek> I don't think the upstart->systemd move was TB-ratified, to give one example\n<tsimonq2> kees: I agree with you.\n<slangasek> but the TB is certainly the right forum for appeal\n<kees> seems like even this doesn't need to come to TB. snap availability should be a flavor-specific option, yes?\n<kees> slangasek: by \"standard Ubuntu experience\" do you mean \"all ubuntu flavors\"?\n<tsimonq2> kees: Correct, but we weren't given the choice.\n<slangasek> kees: yes\n<kees> aaah\n<kees> hm\n<mdeslaur> just like all flavours use the standard kernel, and repos, etc.\n<kees> right\n<kees> okay, I misparsed the \"standard Ubuntu\" to mean \"Ubuntu-the-flavor\"\n<tsimonq2> But, \"standard Ubuntu experience\" is Canonical-defined? Is that at least public?\n<kees> You really mean \"universal Ubuntu experience\"\n<mdeslaur> I think it would be a disservice to users to have a specific flavour be missing some software installation sources\n<slangasek> kees: yes, sorry\n<tsimonq2> mdeslaur: Even if it's one command away to install and it's not being used by default, at all?\n<tsimonq2> Er, s/used/utilized/.\n<kees> tsimonq2: if bug 1730159 was solved, how would you feel about Lubuntu with snapd installed?\n<tsimonq2> kees: Much more inclined.\n<tsimonq2> But I would still take an additional look.\n<mdeslaur> tsimonq2: having a webpage instruct a user to do a \"snap install\" but then have a special section how to do it on a specific flavour would be a disservice to users\n<kees> okay, then I see two issues here: the *specific* case of snapd in Lubuntu (seemingly solved with bug 1730159 getting fixed), and the desire to have a policy on things getting added to all flavors without notification of the flavors.\n<mdeslaur> tsimonq2: but if you have technical objections that can be fixed, then I'm sure they could be addressed\n<tsimonq2> mdeslaur: I see.\n<tsimonq2> kees: Bingo.\n<kees> slangasek: you've already commented on that bug; how feasible would it be to solve this before 18.10?\n<kees> tsimonq2, mdeslaur: it sounds like that for 18.04, Lubuntu will need that extra instruction, since it _isn't_ installed there currently.\n<slangasek> tsimonq2: so, \"does this come from sabdfl\" - Canonical is his company, the company has put a lot of money into developing the snap store and experience, and therefore you can expect the barrier for overturning such a platform decision to be somewhat high (even to the point that yes, sabdfl might directly put his thumb on the scale).  As mdeslaur says, Canonical's interest here would instead be\n<slangasek> to focus on improving snapd so that it met the needs of our flavors\n<tsimonq2> kees: Does the TB expect me to put snapd back?\n<tsimonq2> I can, if needed.\n<kees> tsimonq2: I don't know; that's why I'm bringing that up -- as things stand, it's not installed. but it's a Recommend and Lubuntu doesn't install Recommends by default, so ... everything is working as expected right now\n<slangasek> kees: I would say that LP: #1730159 should even be solved in 18.04 (though perhaps not before GA)\n<kees> the statements made about it seem to aim at 18.10 when those defaults will change for lubuntu\n<tsimonq2> slangasek: OK. I am not saying that I don't like snapd and I don't want to ship it, I'm saying that I see shortcomings to doing that before some problems are solved.\n<kees> okay, almost out of time.\n<kees> should we keep an action about flavor-wide default package notifications?\n<tsimonq2> I think so.\n<slangasek> perhaps you want to scope that to \"daemons\"\n<tsimonq2> kees: installed by default> ack\n<slangasek> since that's really the only thing that makes snapd problematic, compared to all the other changes Foundations makes unsupervised\n<kees> that seems reasonable to me.\n<mdeslaur> I think that's reasonable also\n<tsimonq2> I can remove snapd from the Lubuntu blacklist, but if Canonical wants snapd, they can raise it to a Depends. :)\n<kees> tsimonq2: are you will to write up the language for such a policy? then we can review it on email and take it to the next meeting?\n<tsimonq2> Absolutely.\n<kees> [action] tsimonq2 to email proposed policy for flavor-notification of daemons being added to all flavors (e.g. snapd into desktop-common)\n<meetingology> ACTION: tsimonq2 to email proposed policy for flavor-notification of daemons being added to all flavors (e.g. snapd into desktop-common)\n<kees> okay, that's time! :)\n<kees> #endmeeting\n<tsimonq2> o/\n<meetingology> Meeting ended Tue Apr 10 20:01:06 2018 UTC.\n<meetingology> Minutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting-2/2018/ubuntu-meeting-2.2018-04-10-19.04.moin.txt\n<slangasek> hah\n<slangasek> thanks, all :)\n<kees> thanks!\n<mdeslaur> thanks everyone!\n<tsimonq2> Thanks! (now that my connection is better)\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC"}}
-{"text": "#ubuntu-tablet 2012-10-22\n<mhall119> I wasn't before\n#ubuntu-tablet 2013-10-22\n<mar77i> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install ... I have no idea what I'm doing :(\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC"}}
-{"text": "#ubuntu-africa 2016-01-11\n<Kilos> helloooo africa\n<Na3iL> Hey Kilos\n<elacheche> Kilos, hello! Check membership ML :)\n<Kilos> i saw it elacheche\n<elacheche> :)\n<Kilos> will be interesting to see what comes up\n<Kilos> have you noticed our time is the favourite time for applications\n<Kilos> poor popeye\n<elacheche> yep :D x)\n<Elon_MuSk> Sup\n<Na3iL> Hey Elon_MuSk\n<Elon_MuSk> Where be Kilos @?\n<Na3iL> I don't know exactly when, but he's always here\n<Elon_MuSk> Ok it's late in SA, so the old guy is probably sleepin\n<Na3iL> Yep probably\n<Na3iL> Otherwise, if you are asking Kilos for help, I think I can help as much as I know what you talking about :)\n<Elon_MuSk> Haha, sure. If I were a noob ;)\n<Elon_MuSk> Haven't seen the guy in a while\n<Elon_MuSk> But great to see Ubuntu spreading in africa though.\n<Na3iL> Yep, especially the Ubuntu philosophy.\n<Elon_MuSk> Keep up the good work. I'm off.\n#ubuntu-africa 2016-01-12\n<elacheche> Morning!\n<elacheche> Morning!\n<Kilos> helloooo africa and elacheche\n<elacheche> Hey Kilos :)\n<elacheche> Kilos, you don't have comments/ideas about that mail :p\n<Kilos> not sure what other perks they could find\n<Kilos> but your one is an expensive one\n<Kilos> good one though. only can be rather expensive\n<elacheche> I don't think it's that expensive, if we compare it to Gandi one :)\n<Kilos> i know nothing of that\n<Kilos> but its good to get many ideas together and then talk to cc\n<Kilos> or even involve them from the beginning\n<elacheche> That's what I'm looking for.. Ideas..\n<elacheche> the idea of Aoron is great too, but expensive as well :D\n<Kilos> every thing is nowadays\n<elacheche> I'm not looking for discussions about if it's possible or no\n<elacheche> t\n<elacheche> I'm looking for IDEAS, then we can filter them and send them to CC.. and we try to figure out if it's possible to get them or not\n<Kilos> i would have liked an ubuntu phone as a perk\n<Kilos> but work out the cost if every new member gets one\n<elacheche> If we ignore any idea from the begenning will never knew if we can get it or not.. We need to ask for it first :)\n<Kilos> and then the gripes from existing members\n<Kilos> yes, dont be afraid to ask\n<Kilos> they can only say no at worst\n<elacheche> Exactly :) And will lose nothing by getting a NO.. :D But maybe will win by getting a YES :)\n<Kilos> yeah\n<Kilos> haha\n<elacheche> I know that am trying to be always honest.. I thought about the LFC because I like having it.. But it's too expensive for me (1$ = 2 TND).. The worst is we are forced to a quota of 500$/year..\n<elacheche> I know that am not the only one out there with the same issue.. There is many Africans & Arabs with the same issue..\n<elacheche> But any perk will be OK, we need just to have a list before our next meeting with CC :)\n<Kilos> there are peeps all over the world struggling\n<Kilos> i read yesterday the are 45 million americans on food stamps\n<elacheche> :/\n<Kilos> and things are just going to keep getting worse\n<Kilos> here especially\n<Kilos> our Rand has fallen dramatically in the last few months\n<Kilos> and years\n<Kilos> when i was young 1Rand was 63 US cents\n<Kilos> yesterday it hit 18 rand to 1 dollar\n<Kilos> nono i have it wrong\n<Kilos> 63 of our cents was 1 dollar back in the day\n<elacheche> :o\n<Na3iL> Hello Africa\n#ubuntu-africa 2016-01-13\n<Kilos> hellooo africa\n#ubuntu-africa 2016-01-14\n * QA wbb\n#ubuntu-africa 2016-01-15\n<Kilos> helloooo africa\n<craigzim> Morning Kilos\n<Kilos> whats happening to our channel?\n<Kilos> all the arabs gone on strike\n<craigzim> its been dead for a few days\n<Kilos> whew thats sad\n<Kilos> whole of north africa missing\n<Kilos> they wont listen when i say you cant live on dates and camel milk\n<craigzim> maybe their fiber down\n<craigzim> i check\n<Kilos> hi philipballew\n<Kilos> our channel is shrinking\n<Kilos> maybe i upset someone\n<Kilos> i apologise if i did\n<philipballew> Kilos, hey man\n<philipballew> Kilos, I will never leave!\n<Kilos> yay\n<craigzim> someone got to stay to turn off the lights\n<Kilos> hahaha\n#ubuntu-africa 2016-01-16\n<Kilos> hellooooo africa\n<craigbrash> morning Kilos\n<Kilos> hi elacheche\n<elacheche> Hey Kilos\n#ubuntu-africa 2016-01-17\n<Kilos> hellooooo africa\n<Kilos> wow not even one greeting today\n<Kilos> bunch of slackers\n<Na3iL> hey Kilos :D\n<Kilos> hi  Na3iL\n<Na3iL> Hows things there?\n<Kilos> some how we need to try revive all these old people here\n<Kilos> im good ty and you?\n<Na3iL> I am good too thanks\n<Kilos> nearly all of tunisia is missing\n<Kilos> all the cheche peeps on leave\n<Na3iL> Yep, I think they are working hard\n<Kilos> no  excuse\n<Kilos> a quick greeting wastes no time at all\n<Kilos> ill rev them when i see them again\n<Na3iL> Indeed\n<Na3iL> I will help you on that :P\n<Kilos> ty\n<Kilos> i need help at times\n<Kilos> :D\n<Na3iL> BTW, any future meetings on the road?\n<Kilos> yes see the topic bar\n<Kilos> 27th\n<Kilos> we dont even have an agenda yet\n<Na3iL> Oh! 10 days remaining, cool\n<Na3iL> let me guess, the bot QA is able to handle meetings?\n<Kilos> yes of course\n<Kilos> written in python especially for irc meetings\n<Kilos> does minutes and everything\n<Kilos> you can find it in the repos. called ibid\n<Kilos> QA coffee on\n * QA puts the kettle on\n<Kilos> QA coffee time\n<QA> Anytime is coffee time man\n<Kilos> how did the studies and exams go Na3iL\n<Na3iL> That's wonderfull Kilos :D\n<Na3iL> I have passed the exams, I think I did well :D\n<Kilos> well done lad\n<Kilos> :D\n<craigbrash> I have to make my own\n<craigbrash> teA\n<craigbrash> tea\n<Kilos> QA tea please\n<QA> Kilos: What?\n<Kilos> stupid bot\n<Na3iL> haha you need to teach her how she can make tea\n<craigbrash> now now the bot can't be stupid.\n<craigbrash> its the stupid human programmer\n<QA> Coffee's ready for Kilos!\n<Kilos> QA tea please is <reply> Bring your cup with tea bag already in and you can share the boiling water $who\n<QA> Kilos: One learns a new thing every day\n<Kilos> QA tea please\n<QA> Bring your cup with tea bag already in and you can share the boiling water Kilos\n<Kilos> QA ty\n<QA> Only a pleasure Kilos\n<Na3iL> hahaha :D\n<Private_User> hmm... now I feel for a cup of coffee, not really much of a tea drinker, think I will go make me some real coffee\n<Private_User> brb\n<Private_User> oh an hello everybody\n<Private_User> ok chat in a bit\n<Private_User> brb\n<Kilos> hi Private_User\n<craigbrash> hello\n<Private_User> back\n<Private_User> hi Kilos, hello craigbrash\n<craigbrash> Hi Kilos , Private_User\n<Private_User> QA: I am enjoying a real mug of coffee\n<QA> Private_User: Excuse me?\n<Private_User> exactly you only know the virtual kind\n<Private_User> LOL\n<Private_User> hahaha\n<Kilos> hi craigbrash\n<Kilos> wb elacheche Benno-007\n<Kilos> meeting here in 10 days time hey\n<Kilos> adjust schedules to match\n<elacheche> k Kilos\n#ubuntu-africa 2017-01-09\n<Kilos> hellooooo africa\n#ubuntu-africa 2017-01-10\n<Kilos> hellooooo africa\n#ubuntu-africa 2017-01-13\n<bilel> hi everyone ! Sorry for bothering but  i have an issue with my project angular 2 wen i send http request to my api with framework codeigniter if i send POST or GET they work but with DELETE and PUT i get 400 (Bad Request) if someone can help me and thanx\n#ubuntu-africa 2017-01-15\n<theShirbiny> Morning everyone :)\n#ubuntu-africa 2018-01-09\n<elacheche> https://twitter.com/OpenTunisia/status/950647620145381377\n#ubuntu-africa 2018-01-14\n<wssuperviso> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ##FEMINISM IS OFFERING TRAINING IN TAPPING INTO YOUR INNER FETISHES!! EL IS IN #FREENODE FOR ANY QUESTIONS sltnzufk: ubuntulog3 chesedo Researcher- ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄\u0001\n<wssuperviso> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ##FEMINISM IS OFFERING TRAINING IN TAPPING INTO YOUR INNER FETISHES!! EL IS IN #FREENODE FOR ANY QUESTIONS yhisdhajfm: takinbo alphad_ zipper ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄\u0001\n<wssuperviso> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ##FEMINISM IS OFFERING TRAINING IN TAPPING INTO YOUR INNER FETISHES!! EL IS IN #FREENODE FOR ANY QUESTIONS lyxwxvndoe: alphad_ K_K_N cbj_ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄\u0001\n<wssuperviso> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ##FEMINISM IS OFFERING TRAINING IN TAPPING INTO YOUR INNER FETISHES!! EL IS IN #FREENODE FOR ANY QUESTIONS fcihzh: theShirbiny cbj inetpro ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄\u0001\n<wssuperviso> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ##FEMINISM IS OFFERING TRAINING IN TAPPING INTO YOUR INNER FETISHES!! EL IS IN #FREENODE FOR ANY QUESTIONS rhvtnemcav: ubuntulog3 cbj WaVeR ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄\u0001\n<wssuperviso> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ##FEMINISM IS OFFERING TRAINING IN TAPPING INTO YOUR INNER FETISHES!! EL IS IN #FREENODE FOR ANY QUESTIONS sevvkusg: Researcher- chesedo takinbo ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄\n<wssuperviso> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ##FEMINISM IS OFFERING TRAINING IN TAPPING INTO YOUR INNER FETISHES!! EL IS IN #FREENODE FOR ANY QUESTIONS bymnxiorng: cbj_ alphad_ chesedo ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄\u0001\n<wssuperviso> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ##FEMINISM IS OFFERING TRAINING IN TAPPING INTO YOUR INNER FETISHES!! EL IS IN #FREENODE FOR ANY QUESTIONS niqzjqtnoo: superfly cbj chesedo ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄\u0001\n<wssuperviso> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ##FEMINISM IS OFFERING TRAINING IN TAPPING INTO YOUR INNER FETISHES!! EL IS IN #FREENODE FOR ANY QUESTIONS urrcyup: theShirbiny Researcher- superfly ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄\u0001\n<wssuperviso> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ##FEMINISM IS OFFERING TRAINING IN TAPPING INTO YOUR INNER FETISHES!! EL IS IN #FREENODE FOR ANY QUESTIONS ckirtnmrp: ubuntulog3 elacheche theShirbiny ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄\u0001\n<wssuperviso> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ##FEMINISM IS OFFERING TRAINING IN TAPPING INTO YOUR INNER FETISHES!! EL IS IN #FREENODE FOR ANY QUESTIONS usokt: theShirbiny superfly K_K_N ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄\n<wssuperviso> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ##FEMINISM IS OFFERING TRAINING IN TAPPING INTO YOUR INNER FETISHES!! EL IS IN #FREENODE FOR ANY QUESTIONS csggowde: cbj K_K_N chesedo ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄\u0001\n<wssuperviso> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ##FEMINISM IS OFFERING TRAINING IN TAPPING INTO YOUR INNER FETISHES!! EL IS IN #FREENODE FOR ANY QUESTIONS egrdpgq: K_K_N superfly elacheche ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄\n<wssuperviso> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ##FEMINISM IS OFFERING TRAINING IN TAPPING INTO YOUR INNER FETISHES!! EL IS IN #FREENODE FOR ANY QUESTIONS napeggudje: inetpro chesedo pavlushka ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄\u0001\n<wssuperviso> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ##FEMINISM IS OFFERING TRAINING IN TAPPING INTO YOUR INNER FETISHES!! EL IS IN #FREENODE FOR ANY QUESTIONS tzcjrzq: elacheche alphad_ WaVeR ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄\u0001\n#ubuntu-africa 2019-01-08\n<qwebirc87801> Hello, greetings from Ibadan, Nigeria. Am a lonely Ubuntu user.\n<qwebirc84030> I would like to join you.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC"}}
-{"text": "#ubuntu-it 2011-05-23\n<OverMe> oh hi\n<Odo> Giorno\n<jester-> 'ngiorno\n<feynman> ola!!! ragazzi dovrei agire su un computer che sono riuscito a farlo partire solo con la shell di terminale... avrei dei dati da salvare... vorrei trasferirli su hd rimovibile sapreste dirmi come fare a  montarlo da teminale e a trasferire i file che mi servono sul medesimo???\n<OverMe> feynman, mount /dev/partizione /cartella/di/montaggio\n<feynman> come faccio a  sapere la dev esatta dell'hd OverMe???\n<OverMe> feynman, sudo fdisk -l\n<feynman> OverMe c'è un problema ho provato a montarlo su /media\n<feynman> ,a niente\n<feynman> ,a ---> ma\n<OverMe> ma niente cosa vuol dire?\n<feynman> che non riesco a vedere il disco rigido\n<OverMe> sei andato in /media a vedere cosa c'è?\n<feynman> si\n<feynman> ma non c'era\n<OverMe> il comando mount ti ha detto qualcosa?\n<feynman> adesso ci sono riuscito\n<guiGuy> salve a tutti, sto lavorando con un collega ad un progetto e ci servirebbe un programma che ci consenta di condividere schermo e documenti, ne conoscete qualcuno?\n<enzotib> guiGuy:  vnc?\n<guiGuy> enzotib, non devo prendere il controllo del suo computer, solo condividere dei file, avere in comune una lavagna e nel caso servisse condividere lo schermo...\n<enzotib> guiGuy:  eh, tu come prima cosa hai detto \"condividere lo schermo\"\n<guiGuy> enzotib, scusami sono stato poco chiaro :(\n<carlo74> overme ringrazio per l'aiuto di alcuni giorni fa\n<carlo74> Vorrei installare la versione di firefox 3.6 come faccio?ora ho la 4 ma il sap non ci va d'accordo\n<DareDevil> oh bongiorno\n<Cyber_forences> ok grazie\n<Cyber_forences> ciao a titti voi\n<Peace-> e ciao..\n<Cyber_forences> sonoun utent nuovo poso chiderti un'info?\n<Peace-> Cyber_forences: che c'è\n<Peace-> io vado a mangiare tra un minuto\n<Peace-> anzi ora\n<Cyber_forences> come devo fare per rgistrare il mio nick ?\n<Federico> ciao! (si parla italiano qui?)\n<Cyber_forences> ciao federico si\n<Gigific> sono sempre io Federico :)\n<Gigific> posso chiedervi una mano? Ho ubuntu 11.04, adesso mi sono loggato come \"ubuntu classico\" ma non riesco ad attivare gli effetti visivi\n<Gigific> in sistema>preferenze>aspetto manca proprio il tab\n<Cyber_forences> mi dispiace federico io non posso aiutarti per il momento perchè sono un principiante\n<Gigific> oh capisco.. ma tu hai la mia stessa versione di ubuntu?\n<Cyber_forences> no sto usando xubuntu 10.10\n<jester-> Gigific: li attivi alla finestra di login\n<Gigific> cioè? quando entro cosa devo scegliere?\n<jester-> Gigific: dopo aver messo user e pass compare una barra sotto, clicchi su ubuntu e camb i\n<Gigific> si esatto, ho provato sia con \"ubuntu\" e mi appare l'interfaccia unity, sia con \"ubuntu classico\" dove appare l'interfaccia tradizionale delle versioni precedenti\n<Gigific> ma in entrambi i casi non ho alcun effetto visivo\n<jester-> Gigific: glxinfo | grep rendering cosa risponde\n<Gigific> \"il programma glxinfo non è attualmente installato, è possibile installarlo facendo sudo apt-get...\n<jester-> fallo\n<Gigific> ok\n<Cyber_forences> ciao a tutti voi vado a pranzare grazie alla prossima\n<Gigific> ok, ho ripetuto il comando e ora mi dice direct rendering: yes (con rendering in rosso)\n<enzotib> jester-:  dagli il comando alla mod\n<enzotib> moda*\n<Gigific> non ho capito :S\n<jester-> Gigific: /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p  metti la risposta nel pastebin\n<jester-> !paste | Gigific\n<ubot-it> Gigific: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<Gigific> http://paste.ubuntu.com/611763/\n<jester-> Gigific: che scheda grafica hai\n<Gigific> ati 5650, è su un portatile sony vaio\n<jester-> Gigific: in teoria gli effetti dovrebbero andare\n<Gigific> ma quello che mi pare strano è che non ho proprio le voci per attivarli, non è che mi posso selezionarli e poi mi dice \"gli effetti non sono supportati dal tuo pc\", proprio non ho le opzioni\n<jester-> Gigific: alla pagina di login unbuntu classico è con gli effetti\n<Gigific> si\n<jester-> non c'è piu il tab in cambia sfondo\n<jester-> Gigific: unity funza?\n<Gigific> sistema>preferenze>aspetto ha solo 3 tab: tema, sfondo e tipi di carattere\n<Gigific> unity va, ma sempre senza effetti\n<enzotib> Gigific:  la scheda degli Effetti Visivi non esiste più, si fa dal login, Ubuntu e Ubuntu classico sono con effetti\n<jester-> Gigific: unity non ha effetti, fa per i cazzi suoi\n<enzotib> Gigific:  unity è *con* effetti di default, altrimenti non parte proprio\n<jester-> Gigific: è un plugin di compiz\n<jester-> Gigific: quindi se unity parte in classic vanno anche gli effetti\n<Gigific> capisco, ma quindi le finestre che si deformano quando le sposti non ci sono più?\n<jester-> in unity no\n<Gigific> e nel classico? Perché non le ho nemmeno lì.. :S\n<jester-> o l'uovo o la gallina\n<jester-> !ccsm | Gigific\n<ubot-it> Gigific: Per abilitare effetti visivi aggiuntivi personalizzabili in Ubuntu: installa 'compizconfig-settings-manager' o 'simple-ccsm'. Dopo l'installazione apparirà la relativa icona in Sistema Preferenze - Vedi anche !compiz - Aiuto in #compiz-fusion\n<enzotib> Gigific:  da lì puoi impostare effetti tremolanti, anche se va in conflitto con un altro effetto che dovrai disabilitare\n<Gigific> capisco.. \"compizconfig-settings-manager\" mi da \"comando non trovato\"\n<OverMe> lo devi installare prima\n<jester-> Gigific: leggi cosa ti ha scritto il bot riga per riga\n<jester-> sembra che lo sprot preferito del canale sia andare a capocchia\n<enzotib> o ad capocchiam, come diceva Plinio il vecchio\n<Gigific> ti ringrazio per la pazienza, scusa ma non sono molto pratico con linux :)\n<jester-> Gigific: per leggere mica serve essere partici di linux\n<jester-> pratici*\n<glpiana> ola\n<airgnox> ciao !\n<Peace-> glpiana: eh ma non vale anche qui\n<Peace-> cosi dopo chiudo konvesation\n<glpiana> !chat | Peace-\n<ubot-it> Peace-: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<glpiana> Peace-, sei in supporto. per cortesia passa in chat\n<massimo18> Buon Giorno\n<D4V|DE> glpiana,  ci sei?\n<D4V|DE> un gestore grafico di iptables per kde?\n<massimo18> !guarddog\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'guarddog'\n<massimo18> !info guarddog\n<ubot-it> Package guarddog does not exist in natty\n<massimo18> uhmm\n<D4V|DE> massimo18,  non lo trovo sui repo\n<massimo18> infatti\n<D4V|DE> mi serve per aprire le porte 4664 e 4672 per amule\n<D4V|DE> qualche idea?\n<massimo18> D4V|DE: hai provato dalla pagina di configurazione del router?\n<D4V|DE> sn già aperte\n<massimo18> D4V|DE: quindi?\n<D4V|DE> anzi no\n<massimo18> -.-\n<nicotano> salve\n<krikri> register krikri\n<krikri> register krikri benkri@alice.it\n<nicotano> krikri,  per registrarsi\n<massimo18> !register\n<ubot-it> Per sapere come registrarti e in generale come comportarti in canale, leggi http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoIrc/LineeGuida\n<nicotano> krikri,  \"per registrarsi  /msg nickserv register password-scelta indirizzo-email\"\n<Steeler> krikri, fai /ns register password mail\n<Steeler> krikri, esempio /ns register pippo pippo@usa.net\n<Steeler> forse le forme abbreviate su freenode non funzionano\n<glpiana> D4V|DE, we, dimmi\n<D4V|DE> glpiana,  ho risolto tutto!!\n<D4V|DE> ieri\n<D4V|DE> volevo ripristinare xorg.conf come da default accollandomi la triste 1024x678\n<Angelo>  ciao a tutti\n<Angelo> madò mi capitano di quelle frasi da scrivere per il login da non dormirci la notte\n<glpiana> D4V|DE, e?\n<D4V|DE> e ho lanciato dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org e mi ha generato un nuovo xorg.conf con i driver proprietario attivati openGL funzionante tutti gli effetti del desktop funzionanti con la risoluzione che volevo 1280x1024\n<Angelo> ciao glpiana\n<glpiana> Angelo, di che stai parlando?\n<glpiana> D4V|DE, bene\n<Angelo> la frase da comporre per il login :-)\n<D4V|DE> non so come sia stato possibile ma adesso funziona tutto come volevo :D\n<glpiana> Angelo, ma che frase?\n<glpiana> D4V|DE, probabile che ci fosse il file xorg.conf che faceva a pugni durante la configurazione. buon a sapersi\n<D4V|DE> x una prossima volta (spero mai) dovrei inserire quei dati x far riconoscere il mio monitor olidata e poi lanciare un reconfigure\n<Angelo> nell' ultima rigra dopo il canale devi inserire una frase  la devi copiare\n<glpiana> Angelo, ma di che login stai parlando?\n<D4V|DE> ah e poi avevo attivato i repo \"proposed\" e scaricato alcuni aggiornamenti xorg ecc ecc.. non so se c'entravano qualcosa\n<Angelo> per entrare in chat\n<glpiana> Angelo, ok, ma che 'entra con il supporto a ubutnu?\n<glpiana> *ubuntu\n<Angelo> si si\n<glpiana> *c'entra\n<D4V|DE> appena ha cominciato a funzionare tutto ho notato una riduzione dei caratteri che ci voleva la lente di ingrandimento.. ma ho risolto modificando i caratteri a 96DPI\n<D4V|DE> e ora spero di non dover toccare mai più nulla di come è configurato adesso\n<D4V|DE> :°°°D\n<glpiana> D4V|DE, legati le mani dietro la schiena e vedi che non fai danni\n<D4V|DE> già :D\n<krikri> buonpomeriggio a tutti\n<Angelo> sai tipo \"the codiarne \" oppure\" prepared shaverne \" che ti chiedi alle volte se esistono :-9\n<glpiana> Angelo, che cosa c'entra con l'argomento di questo canale?\n<glpiana> !chat | Angelo\n<ubot-it> Angelo: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<Angelo> poco anzi niente era per sorridere un attimo\n<Angelo> chiedo venia\n<glpiana> Angelo, ok, c'è il canale apposta per le facezie ;)\n<Angelo> ok  posso chiederti una cosa tiguardo all'installazione di un tar.gz\n<Angelo> riguardo\n<nicotano> Angelo, tar.gz decomprimi e leggi read-me\n<glpiana> Angelo, tar.gz è un archivio e non si installa. al massimo contiene qualcosa da installare\n<Angelo> si giusto ma  dando il comando ad esempio sudo tar -xjvf mdk3***tar.bz2 (dove *** è l’ultima relase disponibile)\n<Angelo> xjvf si usa per i tar.gz2\n<glpiana> Angelo, già il sudo non serve se non a far danni ai permessi\n<glpiana> per i tar.gx usa xfvz\n<Angelo> ok ma lo devo usare in ubuntu..\n<glpiana> Angelo, ste frasi campate in aria che significano?\n<glpiana> tar.gz volevo dire\n<Angelo> no e che ieri seguendo  una guida per installare una gui mi sono incasinato\n<glpiana> Angelo, allora, di cosa stiamo parlando?\n<Angelo> il tar.gz normale non il 2  non utilizza lo stesso comando giusto?\n<Angelo> cambia la prima lettera in  z\n<glpiana> gz2 non esiste, è bz2 ed è bzippato\n<Angelo> t ricordo  bene?\n<Angelo> si si scusa\n<glpiana> Angelo, tar.gz e tar.bz2 sono\n<nicotano> Angelo, clic dx estrai\n<krikri> ciao nicotano\n<nicotano> ciao krikri\n<cicciocele> ciao a tutti\n<cicciocele> c'è qualcuno disposto ad aiutarmi a settare internet su ubuntu è la prima volta che ho installato questo sistema\n<glpiana> cicciocele, lan o wifi?\n<cicciocele> wifi\n<glpiana> cicciocele, sei collegato via lan col pc in questione ora?\n<Angelo>  si nicotano su quello ci sono stavo solo  controllando se nella guida  c'è un errore che poi di mio  mi sono accorto che ne ho fatto un altro mi ero dimenticato un punto maledetto\n<cicciocele> ho seguito le varie guide ma non ho ancora trovato la soluzione...ho capito che il sistema riconosce la scheda\n<glpiana> Angelo, ma si può sapere che cosa stai installando?\n<krikri> nicotano quando mi riconnetterò con xchat per riavere il mio nick come devo fare?\n<glpiana> cicciocele, io ti seguo volentieri se rispondi alle domande. se vai per i pifferi tuoi ci rinuncio da subito\n<Angelo> ti passo il link in pvt? cosi gli dai un occhiata?\n<glpiana> Angelo, ma si può sapere che cosa stai installando?\n<nicotano> krikri,  menu xchat > lista reti\n<cicciocele> no sono collegato a questa chat con un desktop via windows(un altro pc)\n<glpiana> cicciocele, non in query privata per favore.\n<Angelo> wep crack gui\n<glpiana> cicciocele, non hai la possibilità di collegare via cavo il pc in questione?\n<cicciocele> si potrei\n<glpiana> Angelo, non riceverai supporto su questo canale\n<krikri> si lista reti ubuntu-it\n<glpiana> cicciocele, fallo allora :)\n<nicotano> krikri, ubuntu servers modifica\n<cicciocele> ok ho inserito il cavo lan\n<Angelo> no è per uso privato per il mio link eh  ci tengo a precisarlo\n<glpiana> cicciocele, http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-it  vai qui ed entra nel canale da quel pc\n<Angelo> io lo sai dove  vivo mi passo la linea con un link fatto dalla soffitta di mio suocero\n<glpiana> Angelo, sì, ma è lo stesso\n<nicotano> krikri, e aggiungi i canali dove vuoi entrare , per il nick devi registrarti\n<massimo18> Angelo: dicono tutti così :)\n<cicciocele> glpiana, non si collega ad internet\n<Angelo>  l'adsl non arriva e ni sono fatto un bridge con due route della osbridge\n<krikri> il problema è come registrarsi\n<jester-> cicciocele: attacca il cavo che si collega\n<Angelo>  mi pago fast web ...\n<glpiana> !chat | Angelo\n<ubot-it> Angelo: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<Angelo> lavoro..\n<cicciocele> mi dice server no found\n<glpiana> cicciocele, facendo cosa?\n<Angelo> ok allora  come posso monitorare  da ubuntu il mio promo router per vedere se si intrufola qualcuno nel mio nodo senza dovermi sconnettere?\n<cicciocele> sono in firefox ..ho collegato il cavo lan e dopo aver inserito il tuo link mi dice waiting.....e non va avanti\n<Angelo> primo\n<glpiana> Angelo, guarda se lampeggia la spia del wifi e chiudiamo l'off topic per favore\n<glpiana> !chat | Angelo e due\n<ubot-it> Angelo e due: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<glpiana> cicciocele, guarda dove hai infilato il cavo  se le lucine lampeggiano e controlla se sulla barra l'icona di rete ti dice che sei connesso\n<cicciocele> glpiana, si la luce è verde e l'icona di ubuntu mi da le due freccine ....credo sia connesso\n<glpiana> cicciocele, apri un terminale\n<glpiana> cicciocele, scrivi: ping -c3 www.google.it\n<glpiana> dimmi se pinga\n<cicciocele> credo di si....\n<glpiana> cicciocele, firefox era già aperto quando hai attaccato il cavo?\n<cicciocele> si\n<glpiana> cicciocele, magari è uin palla. chiudilo e poi riaprilo e riprova\n<glpiana> *in\n<Angelo> da terminale  si può monitorare la banda?\n<jester-> cicciocele: controlla nel menu file che non sia spuntato lavora offline\n<glpiana> Angelo, come te lo spiego che non diamo supporto per ste cose?\n<cicciocele> ma la lan si deve chiamare Auto eth0 ??\n<glpiana> cicciocele, si chiama così quella di default\n<glpiana> cicciocele, adesso va o no?\n<cicciocele> scusami ho cliccato su auto eth0 e si disconnesso adesso si sta riconnettendo\n<glpiana> cicciocele, oki, poi apri firefox e prova a collegarti\n<krikri> ragazzi potete seguirmi vorrei registrarmi per poter avere il mio nick\n<glpiana> !registrazione | krikri\n<ubot-it> krikri: Per sapere come registrarti e in generale come comportarti in canale, leggi http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoIrc/LineeGuida\n<massimo18> krikri: ti è stato dato per la seconda volta questo link e in precedenza anche detto come fare\n<krikri> scusami massimo ma probabilmente la procedura l'ho fatta ma non so se è andata a buon fine\n<enzotib> krikri:  se non ti arriva l'email, allora non è andata a buon fine\n<massimo18> krikri: ti arriverà una mail dove sarà spiegato come fare se hai fatto quella procedura\n<massimo18> ecco appunto\n<jester-> non è andato a buon fine\n<krikri> per la mail devo aspettare quanto?\n<jester-> krikri:   li dove scrivi /msg nickserv register password-scelta indirizzo-email\n<glpiana> !chat | krikri\n<ubot-it> krikri: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<enzotib> buoni principi e migliori fini\n<jester-> krikri: password-scelta   è la pass che scegli e la mail deve essere reale\n<cicciocele> glpiana, scusa sono rientrato è saltata la corrente!!!!...\n<cicciocele> c6\n<krikri> ragazzi sono in chat perchè ho problemi con ubuntu all'avvio\n<cicciocele> c'è qualcuno che può aiutarmi a configurare internet con ubuntu (l'ho installato oggi)\n<jester-> cicciocele: menu file di ferfox, controlla che non sia spuntato lavora offline\n<cicciocele> no no è online\n<cicciocele> ma non riesco a stabilire la connessione\n<cicciocele> sia via line che wireless\n<cicciocele> ma con questo notebook avevo anche in windors problemi di settaggio via lan...ma wifi mai avuto problemi\n<jester-> cicciocele: ping -c3 www.google.com  cosa combina\n<jester-> cicciocele: col filo attaccato\n<cicciocele> inknown host\n<cicciocele> unknown host\n<jester-> cicciocele: dall'icona lo vedi collegato?\n<cicciocele> ora no\n<cicciocele> il filo è attaccato\n<jester-> cicciocele: collegalo\n<cicciocele> ma nell'icona non cambia nulla\n<cicciocele> si si è attaccato\n<jester-> cicciocele: clicca auto eth0\n<jester-> o connetti\n<cicciocele> ok ora sembra che è in connessione....ma non si stabilisce\n<krikri> nessuno sa dirmi allora perchè si blocca ubuntu all'avvio io ho un dual boot\n<jester-> cicciocele: il router ha NAT abiltiato?\n<cicciocele> scusami nn so cosa vuol dire\n<jester-> krikri: si blocca in che senso\n<jester-> cicciocele: che router usi\n<cicciocele> dopo che simula di collegarsi mi dice non collegato...se faccio il log out?\n<cicciocele> netgear\n<jester-> cicciocele: sudo dhclient eth0\n<krikri> innanzitutto ho installato 10.10\n<krikri> poichè installando 11.04 ho problemi ancora maggiori\n<jester-> krikri: se non dici il problema la vedo dura risolvere\n<cicciocele> resta sempre in tentativo di connessione e dopo un po mi compare you are offline\n<Cyber_forences> ciao a tutti\n<jester-> cicciocele:  ping -c3\n<cicciocele> network is unreachable\n<cicciocele> jester, se proviamo via wifi forse è meglio anche in windows non andava bene via lan\n<a7x> lol\n<Cyber_forences> chi mi aiuta a risolvere un problema di FIRESTARTER\n<a7x> giorno jester- :)\n<krikri> con ubuntu 11.04 dopo l'aggiornamento si riavvia e dopo la richiesta di accesso si blocca, nel senso che non mi fa fare nulla devo spegnere per riavviarlo\n<jester-> krikri: ifconfig la vede la etho?\n<jester-> cicciocele:  ifconfig la vede la etho?\n<cicciocele> si mi riconosce l'IP\n<jester-> cicciocele: che ip ha assegnato\n<cicciocele>\n<jester-> cicciocele: allora funza\n<krikri> ciao ragazzi vi saluto\n<cicciocele> si ma non va su internet e l'icona in alto è come se è disconnesso\n<jester-> cicciocele: destro sull'icona/modifica rete\n<krikri> ciao jester ci risentiamo cosi ne riparliamo\n<jester-> cicciocele: mi sa che hai il router settato male\n<jester-> resettalo\n<cicciocele> scusami non so ma il mio ubuntu è in inglese....vado su edit connections\n<cicciocele> l'ho già resettato\n<jester-> cicciocele:\n<jester-> cicciocele: dovrebbe essere user admin password  password\n<jester-> cicciocele:  come è inpostato\n<jester-> impostato*\n<cicciocele_> jester, rieccomi ho resettato il modem.......nel desktop via windows funziona ...nel portatile con ubuntu niente\n<Cyber_forences> help firestarter chi mi aiuta ??????\n<cicciocele_> mi puoi guidare nel settare ubuntu con wifi?\n<jester-> cicciocele_: vai in modifica rete\n<cicciocele_> dove lo trovo?\n<jester-> destro su icona in alto\n<Angelo> clicca con il dx li'\n<cicciocele_> ok sono su edit connection\n<jester-> cicciocele_: vai su eth0 e poi modifica\n<cicciocele_> ok\n<jester-> cicciocele_: ipv4\n<cicciocele_> premetto che si chiama Auto eth0...ci sono\n<jester-> cicciocele_: mettilo in autoamatico dhcp solo indirizzi\n<jester-> cicciocele_: finestra Metodo\n<cicciocele_> si si fatto\n<jester-> cicciocele_: server DNS metti,\n<cicciocele_> ok ci sono\n<jester-> salva\n<cicciocele_> metto lo spazio dopo la virgola?\n<jester-> si\n<cicciocele_> ora l'icone che è connesso c'è ma la pagina non carica è bianca ed è in waitinig for www.google.com\n<jester-> cicciocele_: disponibile pre tutti gli ustnti e per completare quest connessione spuntati\n<cicciocele_> fatto ma sono sempre allo stesso punto\n<jester-> cicciocele_: da i sudo route e dimmi cosa c'è nella colonna gateway  a default\n<cicciocele_> ogni volta mi chiede la password ci sarà per caso un problema di autenticazione?\n<barby> ragazzi ho difficoltà a montare un nas\n<jester-> cicciocele_:  mi sa che hai sminchiato il ortachiavi\n<barby> in automatico\n<jester-> cicciocele_: parliamo sempre col cavo?\n<cicciocele_> Gateway Genmask UG Flags 0 Metric 0 Ref 0 Use eth0 Iface\n<cicciocele_> si si sempre con cavo sono\n<jester-> cicciocele_: è tutto giusto\n<jester-> cicciocele_: cat /etc/network/interfaces\n<cicciocele_> posso chiederti di aiutarmi a settare con il wifi?\n<jester-> cicciocele_ se nell'icona non c'è il wifi è un altro problema\n<jester-> cicciocele_: cat /etc/network/interfaces\n<cicciocele_> dove scrivo quest'indirizzo?\n<jester-> nel terminale e dimmi cosa dice\n<cicciocele_> dice: auto lo\n<cicciocele_> iface lo inet loopback\n<jester-> cicciocele_:  e basta?\n<cicciocele_> si\n<cicciocele_> c6\n<jester-> cicciocele_: sblocca il protachihttp://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Sicurezza/Portachiaviavi o cambia la pass\n<cicciocele_> ma cosa vuol dire portachiavi\n<cicciocele_> e quale passw dovrei cambiare\n<jester-> cicciocele_: vai in gestione portachiavi\n<jester-> cambi la pass di default, metti la vecchia e lasci i due campi in bianco\n<cicciocele_> purtroppo mi ha installato in automatico la versione in inglese...ora vedo\n<cicciocele_> quindi non metto nuove password la lascio in bianco\n<jester-> cicciocele_: si\n<cicciocele_> ok\n<jester-> cicciocele_: resetta pure gnome magari\n<jester-> !gnomereset\n<ubot-it> Per resettare gnome alle sue impostazioni di default rinominare le cartelle nascoste nella propria home .gnome2 .config .gconf .gconfd .gnome2_private e riavviare la sessione\n<cicciocele_> non me la cambia la password...e se la elimino?\n<jester-> cicciocele_: se ci sono altre pass oltre a quella di default toglile\n<cicciocele_> non ne ho\n<jester-> cicciocele_: metti la vecchia e bastra che non te la chide piu\n<jester-> chiede\n<cicciocele_> ok ora come faccio a fare !gnomereset\n<cicciocele_> dal terminal?\n<jester-> cicciocele_: col filemanager pigi control e h che ti fa vedere i file e cartelle nascoste\n<cicciocele_> scusami come faccio ad aprire il filemanager\n<jester-> cicciocele_:  è cartella home\n<cicciocele_> okok...e per fare !gnomereset ??\n<jester-> !gnomereset | cicciocele_ leggi\n<ubot-it> cicciocele_ leggi: Per resettare gnome alle sue impostazioni di default rinominare le cartelle nascoste nella propria home .gnome2 .config .gconf .gconfd .gnome2_private e riavviare la sessione\n<cicciocele_> scusatemi ma si chiamano già cosi ...le devo rinominare allo stesso modo?\n<jester-> cicciocele_: aggiungi un .back .bellagnocca .qualcosa\n<cicciocele_> ragazzi parlate chiaro.....che cosa vuol dire aggiungi.....\n<cicciocele_> io in home con ctrl+h trovo delle cartelle\n<jester-> cicciocele_:  .gnome2 diventa .gnome2.bellagnocca\n<cicciocele_> che si chiamano .gnome2 .config .gconf .gconfd .gnome2_private\n<jester-> cicciocele_: destro e rinomina proprio come in winzoz\n<jester-> cicciocele_: se è nuov installazione cancellale e pace\n<cicciocele_> fatto\n<jester-> cicciocele_: cancella pure la .mozilla\n<jester-> cicciocele_: ternina sessione e rientra\n<cicciocele_> cioè riavvio?\n<jester-> no esci e rientra\n<cicciocele_> ma mi fa sempre entrare con la vecchia password....\n<jester-> cicciocele_: n on centra la pass dell'user con quella partachiavi\n<jester-> se poi te la chiede dai la stessa di user per non fare confusione\n<cicciocele_> ah......io avevo cambiato la passwords:login\n<jester-> cicciocele_:  doh\n<jester-> userai la pass che hai messo\n<cicciocele_> ok...\n<cicciocele_> prima cosa ma non si puo mettere tutto in italiano...almeno cosi ci capiamo altrimenti devo sempre tradurre\n<jester-> cicciocele_: devi essere in itnernet\n<jester-> internet\n<jester-> cosi come la wifi\n<cicciocele_> ecco come non detto e per adesso non ci sono\n<cicciocele_> jester e cosa posso fare ancora?\n<jester->   cicciocele_ preferenze/password e chiavi di cifratura\n<cicciocele_> ecco...io prima sono andato li e non sono andato al gestore del portachiavi.....come si chiama gestore portachiavi in inglese\n<cicciocele_> e dsove si  trova?\n<jester-> cicciocele_: keyring piu o mno\n<cicciocele_> e dove si trova?\n<jester-> cicciocele_: seahorse nel terminale\n<jester-> cicciocele_: tab password c'è una cartella?\n<cicciocele_> ok ci sono\n<cicciocele_> mi da password e chiavi di cifratura\n<cicciocele_> si ma è dove sono andato prima .....\n<jester-> cicciocele_: c'è una cartella ?\n<cicciocele_> quindi prima non sono andato nella gestione del portachiavi\n<cicciocele_> si c'è una cartella dove c'è passwords : login\n<cicciocele_> e io qui prima avevo lasciato il campo bianco\n<jester-> cicciocele_: cliccala destro e cambia pass\n<jester-> cicciocele_: nel primo campo metti la pass user e basta\n<jester-> o quella che avevi dato prima\n<cicciocele_> ok fatto\n<cicciocele_> e la nuova cosa scrivo?\n<jester-> altri due in binaco\n<jester-> nulla\n<cicciocele_> ok\n<jester-> cicciocele_: ok  prova a connettere la eth\n<cicciocele_> allora ho fatto la stessa cosa prima\n<jester-> non dovrebbe chiederti la pass\n<cicciocele_> ecco adesso ho staccato e ricollegato il lan....ma non c'è piu l'icona che è collegato e non va su internet\n<jester-> cicciocele_: c'è eth0 nell'icona?\n<cicciocele_> c'è Auto eht0\n<jester-> cicciocele_:  connessa?\n<cicciocele_> no\n<jester-> se la connetti?\n<cicciocele_> ci sto provando\n<jester-> cicciocele_: non è che per caso hai abilitato u nproxy?\n<cicciocele_> no ad ogni modo come faccio a controllare?\n<cicciocele_> mi dice che sono offline\n<cicciocele_> ecco ora mi da l'icona che sono connesso\n<jester-> cicciocele_:  sudo apt-get update\n<jester-> che fa\n<cicciocele_> in firefox mi dice problema di collegamento pagina\n<cicciocele_> aspe provo\n<jester-> cicciocele_: preferenze proxy di rete deve essere su connessione diretta\n<cicciocele_> impossibile recuperare\n<jester-> cicciocele_: controllato?\n<cicciocele_> si mi dice che è impossibile recuperare http...........................\n<jester-> cicciocele_: preferenze proxy di rete deve essere su connessione diretta\n<cicciocele_> e dove lo trovo scritto\n<cicciocele_> preferenze proxy?\n<jester-> cicciocele_: menu sistema/prefernze\n<fredd> jester- ciao :)\n<jester-> aiò fredd\n<cicciocele_> in firefox?\n<fredd> :)\n<cicciocele_> non la trovo questa dicitura( scusami ma è tutto in inglese)\n<jester-> cicciocele_: terminale e gnome-network-properties\n<cicciocele_> è già su diretta\n<jester-> cicciocele_: molto strana la cosa\n<jester-> cicciocele_: ping -c3\n<jester-> cicciocele_: pinga?\n<cicciocele_> si\n<jester-> cicciocele_: cat /etc/resolv.conf\n<jester-> che esce\n<cicciocele_> esce solo generated by networkmanager\n<jester-> cicciocele_: in firefox\n<cicciocele_> mi da la stessa cosa di come se vado su google.....cioè caricmaneot  e non fa nulla\n<cicciocele_> caricamento\n<jester-> cicciocele_: sudo iptables -F\n<cicciocele_> non da nulla\n<jester-> cicciocele_: sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf\n<jester-> cicciocele_: metti sete due righe\n<jester-> nameserver\n<jester-> nameserver\n<jester-> avrebbe dovuto aggiungerli modifica connessioni (network manager)\n<cicciocele_> dove devo scrivere?\n<cicciocele_> su quali righe?\n<jester-> cicciocele_: sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf\n<jester-> nameserver\n<jester-> nameserver\n<cicciocele_> mi dice attempting to set permission but failed...cioè prova a darmi il permesso ma fallisce\n<cicciocele_> fallito pe rcreare file '/root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel.ZNZTVV\n<cicciocele_> non è che cancellando quelle cartelle .gnome2 .config .gconf .gconfd .gnome2_private ho fatto casini?\n<jester-> cicciocele_:  che strano il file è bloccato\n<jester-> centra una sega\n<jester-> sicuro che non hai seguito qualche guida strana?\n<jester-> cicciocele_: rivai in modifica rete\n<cicciocele_> si\n<cicciocele_> dimmi\n<jester-> modifica ipv4\n<cicciocele_> ma sono scomparsi i numeri che ho messo prima\n<jester-> cicciocele_: metti in manuale\n<jester-> cicciocele_: poi fa aggiungi\n<cicciocele_> ok\n<jester-> cicciocele_: indirizzo\n<jester-> cicciocele_:  netmask\n<jester-> cicciocele_: gateway\n<jester-> batti enter sul gw o no lo prende\n<cicciocele_> fatto\n<jester-> cicciocele_: server\n<jester-> virgola e spazio fra i due\n<salsero-mediamen> gioca con gli script... si si :P\n<cicciocele_> in dns server scrivo:,   ???\n<jester-> cicciocele_: si server DNS\n<cicciocele_> fatto\n<jester-> salva\n<jester-> cicciocele_: cat /etc/resolv.conf\n<cicciocele_> mi da la stessa cosa generated by netwotkmanager\n<cicciocele_> e non altro\n<cicciocele_> ma non posso collegarmi direttamente in wifi?...senza lan??\n<jester-> cicciocele_: sudo chattr -i /etc/resolv.conf\n<jester-> cicciocele_: si che hai seguito la guida pirla\n<cicciocele_> ma pirla dici a me?\n<jester-> no alla guida che hai seguito, quel file non si blocca in scrittura da solo\n<jester-> cicciocele_: fatto sudo chattr -i /etc/resolv.conf ?\n<cicciocele_> si ma non da nulla\n<fredd> jester- vorrei far riconoscere un game pad ad ubuntu come faccio?\n<jester-> cicciocele_: adesso rivai in rete e rimetti i dns server\n<cicciocele_> ci sono già.....\n<jester-> cicciocele_: sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf\n<cicciocele_> non mi da il persso nel creare il file\n<cicciocele_> faccio prima a cancellare tutto e a rimettere ubuntu....magari se trovo una versione in italiano?\n<zafira> ciao a tutti\n<jester-> cicciocele_: sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf\n<zafira> ho installato la 11.04\n<jester-> cicciocele_: sudo chmod 644 /etc/resolv.conf\n<zafira> ma al riavvio mi da schermo nero con solo il puntatore del mouse\n<jester-> cicciocele_: scusa sudo chattr -i /etc/resolv.conf\n<jester-> cicciocele_: sudo chmod 644 /etc/resolv.conf\n<jester-> zafira: parti in ripristino e al menu scegli graficas sicura o failsafe che sia\n<cicciocele_> non mi da nulla\n<jester-> non deve dire nulla\n<jester-> cicciocele_: scusa sudo chattr -i /etc/resolv.conf  fatto?\n<cicciocele_> ok\n<zafira> cioe' con il cd inserito??\n<jester-> cicciocele_: sudo chmod 644 /etc/resolv.conf anche?\n<fredd> jester- poi  facciamo riconoscere il game pad :)\n<jester-> zafira: intendi che non parte il cd?\n<jester-> fredd: proprio non saprei\n<cicciocele_> si fatto entrambi\n<zafira> si il cd parte\n<jester-> cicciocele_: sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf\n<jester-> lo apre?\n<zafira> ma dove trovo quello che hai detto te\n<jester-> zafira: problema al riavvio post installazione o non parte il cd\n<cicciocele_> si apre un file con scritto # generated by networkmanager e solo questo\n<zafira> problema post installazione\n<jester-> cicciocele_: ecco adesso mettici\n<zafira> il sistema sembra installato\n<jester-> nameserver\n<jester-> nameserver\n<fredd> jester- mi da errore durante il caricamento dell' archivio quando clicco su driver. exe\n<cicciocele_> dove lo devo mettere nel file che si è aperto?\n<jester-> zafira: al boot hai il menu grub o avendo solo linux non lo vedi\n<cicciocele_> devo cancellare quel       # generated by networkmanager\n<jester-> cicciocele_: si le due stringhe\n<cicciocele_> e salvo?\n<jester-> cicciocele_: non cancellare che tutto quello dopo un # non è un comando ma un testo\n<zafira> ho solo linux\n<jester-> zafira: allora al boot tieni premuto shift che lo vedi e parti col ripristino\n<fredd> jester- e mi dice questo:Archive:  /media/Driver/USB Network Driver.exe\n<fredd> [/media/Driver/USB Network Driver.exe]\n<fredd>   End-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not\n<fredd>   a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.  In the\n<fredd>   latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on\n<FloodBotIt1> fredd: Non intasare il canale, usa http://paste.ubuntu.com per incollare, non usare Invio come punteggiatura.\n<fredd>   the last disk(s) of this archive.\n<zafira> ok mo ci provo\n<jester-> cicciocele_: salva e prova ff\n<cicciocele_> dopo che ho salvato mi esce sempre nel terminale che non mi da il permesso\n<jester-> cicciocele_: ls -la /etc/resolv.conf\n<cicciocele_> tutto come prima\n<jester-> che cazzo di attributi ha\n<cicciocele_> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 40 2011-05-23 17:44 /etc/resolv.conf\n<jester-> cicciocele_:  group\n<jester-> lo deve scrivere è giusto\n<cicciocele_> sempre in terminale?\n<jester-> si\n<cicciocele_> groups? o groupd?\n<cicciocele_> perchè group non da nulla\n<jester-> groups\n<cicciocele_> adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare\n<jester-> cicciocele_: mount e metti nel pastebin\n<fredd> jester-  http://paste.ubuntu.com/611901/\n<jester-> !paste | cicciocele_\n<ubot-it> cicciocele_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<cicciocele_> non posso è un altro pc......ci metto due anni per copiare\n<jester-> fredd: che centra un file .exe\n<jester-> cicciocele_: sembra che hai il filesystem montato in solo lettura\n<cicciocele_> potrebbe essere\n<jester-> cicciocele_:  secondo me reinstalli per bene\n<cicciocele_> io ho installatoquale è la procedura migliore ?\n<cicciocele_> in italiano\n<jester-> cicciocele_: controlla md5sum della iso che hai usato e, se giusto, rimasterizza a bassa velocità\n<fredd> jester- ah tu dici che ubuntu non riconosce .exe? e allora come posso ovviare?\n<cicciocele_> io non ho fatto con il cd ma con un sistema che ha scaricato direttamente\n<jester-> cicciocele_: quando parte il cd scegli la lingua\n<cicciocele_> e fatto tutto da solo via windows\n<cicciocele_> si avevo messo in italiano\n<jester-> cicciocele_: fallo col pc connesso al rutter\n<jester-> cicciocele_: qualcosa è andato storto\n<cicciocele_> ma devo farlo con il cd? o con quale metodo?\n<jester-> al boot il kenrel trova casini e mont il fs in sola lettura\n<jester-> cicciocele_: installi da cd ma il pc deve essere connesso al router\n<cicciocele_> via lan?\n<jester-> cicciocele_: poi setta lui la rete\n<cicciocele_> ma io non ho il cd lo dovrei fare\n<jester-> cicciocele_: col cavo pc--> retro del rutter\n<jester-> cicciocele_: e cosa hai usato per installare\n<cicciocele_> wubi\n<jester-> cicciocele_: aaaah è dentro a winzoz\n<jester-> cicciocele_: disinstallalo e fatti una installazione su partizione\n<cicciocele_> avevo fatto su partizione logica non primaria...ma non penso cambi qualcosa\n<jester-> cicciocele_: linux se ne frega\n<cicciocele_> resta il fatto che non ho il cd\n<cicciocele_> ho solo un iso scaricato dal sito per pc a 64 bit\n<cicciocele_> versione 11.04\n<jester-> cicciocele_: manuale, vai sulla partizione/modifica/ usare ex4, formattare montare come /\n<jester-> cicciocele_: scaricati la iso\n<jester-> dentro a winzoz su ntfs è una ciofeca\n<cicciocele_> ok.....dopo che scarico la iso come la carico su cd?\n<jester-> cicciocele_:  avrai nero imagino\n<cicciocele_> si\n<jester-> cicciocele_: una volta scaricata destro e apri con nero\n<jester-> gli dai il cd e te la scrive\n<jester-> cicciocele_: oppure da nero scrivi immagine\n<cicciocele_> controllando non ho nero...conosci altri programmi per montare iso?\n<jester-> eh chi si ricorda\n<cicciocele_> ok dai ricapitolando\n<cicciocele_> monto l'immagine...metto il cd e faccio partire dal bios sotto cd\n<cicciocele_> installo come se mettessi windows\n<jester-> http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download\n<cicciocele_> la versione 11.04 va bene?\n<cicciocele_> io ho windows a 64 bit quindi scelgo 64\n<jester-> cicciocele_:  infrarecoder vedi Burn your CD or create a USB drive\n<jester-> winzox -->show me how\n<jester-> cicciocele_: vaa bene la 64 bit\n<cicciocele_> posso metterlo anche su una usb e far partire il bios dalla usb\n<cicciocele_> ok\n<jester-> cicciocele_: segui per la usb winzoz\n<jester-> cicciocele_: prima disinstalla wibi da rimuovi applicazioni di winzoz\n<jester-> wubi\n<cicciocele_> io  da un semplice ccleaner ho cancellato e formattato tutto su ubuntu vecchio\n<cicciocele_> adesso monto su cd e riparto\n<cicciocele_> poi ti faro sapere\n<elmutzine> ciao! ho appena  cambiato versione di ubuntu, attuale 11.04. Nel riavviare il Pc nek momento del grub lo schermo mi da un errore, out of frequency e si spegne, si riaccende solo al momento del login, sto seguendo un paio di guide ma non riesco a venirne fuori, sapreste aiutarmi?\n<jester-> elmutzine: vai di ripristino a la boot scegli grafica sicura\n<elmutzine> jester-: cioè? reinstallo il boot?\n<jester-> elmutzine: ma parte il sistema?\n<elmutzine> jester-: si, quando effettuo il login non ho più problemi.\n<elmutzine> il rpoblema si presenta solamente nell'avviare il pc\n<jester-> elmutzine: fa vedere cat /etc/default/grub\n<jester-> !paste | elmutzine\n<ubot-it> elmutzine: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<elmutzine> jester-: ok,  un attimo\n<elmutzine> jester-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/611912/\n<jester-> elmutzine: prova a cambiare GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"quiet splash\"  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"\"\n<elmutzine> jester-: ok\n<jester-> elmutzine: salvi e dai sudo update-grub\n<jester-> elmutzine: a vedere anche eventuale xorg.conf\n<elmutzine> jester-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/611915/\n<jester-> elmutzine: il conf è a posto\n<elmutzine> jester-: ok, provo a riavviare\n<jester-> vai\n<krikri> ciao jester sono ritornato per qualche minuto\n<elmutzine> jester-: niente da fare, il problema persiste\n<jester-> elmutzine: dato update-grub?\n<elmutzine> jester-: si, l'avevo dato appena dopo la modifica del file\n<savaglie> salve\n<jester-> elmutzine: #GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480  --> GRUB_GFXMODE=1024x768\n<jester-> elmutzine: e appena sotto aggiungi GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=keep\n<savaglie> Sto usando netbeans su ubuntu e ho provato ad eseguire un applicazione scritta in java per la creazione di un client attraverso l'uso dei socket su un time-server da cui prelevare l'ora e stamparla.Nella fase di compilazione non mi da problemi ma quando faccio il run ricevo l'errore java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused\n<elmutzine> jester-: la seconda linea la creo io, giusto?\n<jester-> yess\n<elmutzine> jester-: mantengo il cancelletto vicino a GRUB_GFXMODE=1024x768?\n<jester-> nu o non lo caga\n<elmutzine> jester-: ok allora tolgo\n<elmutzine> jester-: lancio ancora update-grub?\n<jester-> elmutzine: yess o no da dei cambiamenti\n<jester-> non sa*\n<savaglie> jester-: psso una domanda?\n<jester-> savaglie: certo\n<savaglie> volevo sapere se di default ubuntu bloccasse le porte in ascolto perchè non riesco a fare un socket che si colleghi ad un server remoto\n<jester-> savaglie: no ma se hai un router con firewall le blocca lui\n<savaglie> sono dietro una rete universitaria\n<savaglie> potrebbe essere questo il problema?\n<jester-> savaglie: penso di si. il sysadmin ava blindato\n<jester-> avrà\n<savaglie> grazie stasera proverò da casa mia allora\n<savaglie> :)\n<elmutzine> jester-: risolto, grazie mille!!\n<savaglie> qua si fa pure assistenza backtrack 5 visto che ormai è basata su ubuntu lucid?\n<jester-> elmutzine: a volte è una cazzata\n<jester-> savaglie: solo ubuntu\n<elmutzine> jester-: già, però le cazzate mi mettono sempre in crisi, han soluzioni sempre più semplici di ciò che vado a pensare\n<savaglie> ma se sul sito dice di essere basata su ubuntu non dovrebbe essere cmq supportata?non è una derivata di ubuntu?\n<jester-> savaglie: si fa assistenza solo su ubuntu doc\n<savaglie> doc?\n<jester-> vai te a sapere cosa taroccano le drivate\n<remix_tj> savaglie: ma se ci sono problemi con il formaggio te vai a lamentarti dal lattaro?\n<savaglie> no\n<savaglie> grazie remix_tj\n<savaglie> il concetto mi è stato chiarito perfettamente\n<savaglie> :)\n<savaglie> grazie anche a te jester-\n<remix_tj> :-)\n<jester-> :)\n<savaglie> a presto\n<savaglie> buona serata  a tutti\n<elmutzine> jester-: comunque ti ringrazio ancora, buona serata!!\n<jester-> de nada\n<zafira> cia jester\n<zafira> ho provato quello che mi hai detto\n<jester-> cià zafira\n<zafira> ho provato la modalita' ripristino\n<jester-> eh?\n<zafira> ma nada\n<jester-> zafira: arrivi al menu?\n<zafira> si\n<jester-> zafira: e in grafica sicura el va no?\n<zafira> ci sono 4 modalita'\n<jester-> la prima dovrebbe essere\n<zafira> linux generic\n<zafira> linux rispristino\n<jester-> failsafe o grafica sicura\n<zafira> e memtest\n<jester-> DareDevil: devi usare ripristino e al menu vai in grafica sicura\n<jester-> zafira:  devi usare ripristino e al menu vai in grafica sicura\n<zafira> ripristino l'ho trovato ma in grafica sicura non ci arriva\n<jester-> zafira: arriva la menu di ripristino?\n<zafira> allora al ravvio spingo shift\n<zafira> si apre una finestra con 4 modalita\n<zafira> seleziono ripristino\n<zafira> parte poi si blocca con lo schermo con artefatti\n<zafira> e non va piu' avanti\n<jester-> zafira: allora l'installazione è venuta farlocca, hai controllato md5sum della iso?\n<zafira> di questa no dell'altra mi ha dato esito positivo\n<jester-> zafira: ricontrollerei e rimasterizzerei non su un riscrivibile\n<jester-> zafira: poi fai installazione su partizione?\n<jester-> o wubi\n<zafira> ho fatto l'installazione su un hd dedicato\n<zafira> staccando fisicamente l'altro\n<jester-> zafira: non è che poi hai attaccato e riavviato ?\n<jester-> zafira: avvia con l'altro l'hd staccato\n<zafira> ok mo ci provo\n<zafira> ora sono con i 2 HD attacati\n<akis24> buonasera\n<zafira> jester provato anche con il \"HD staccato ma niente\n<jester-> zafira: reinstalla ma con entrambi i dischi attaccati\n<zafira> no ho paura di rovinare il so dell'altro\n<zafira> come faccio a controllare la ISO\n<jester-> !md5sum | zafira\n<ubot-it> zafira: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Md5Sum\n<zafira> mo vedo la iso\n<zafira> jester iso controllata ed e' OK\n<zafira> che faccio\n<jester-> masterizza a installa da capo\n<jester-> non su un RW\n<zafira> perche'\n<jester-> perchè gli RW dopo 2 volte che li usi non sono affidabili\n<zafira> ok allora faccio questa procedura\n<zafira> clicco 2 volte sulla iso e mi si apre nero e masterizzo a bassa velocita'\n<zafira> giusto??\n<cicciocele> jester scusa se ti disturbo ma una installazione da cd..quanto dura?...sono già 20 minuti che sono fermo in una schermata che contiente tutti numeri 7.28.....................\n<akis24> di solito in 20 minuti si installa tutto..\n<cicciocele> e mi compare una zona rossa dove leggo fail\n<akis24> riavvia e riprova di nuovo\n<cicciocele> quindi c'è qualche errore eppure ho scaricato la iso dal sito ubuntu.com e copiata su cd\n<cicciocele> direttamente da windows\n<akis24> a volte è successo pure a me\n<cicciocele> è già la seconda volta\n<akis24> allora controlla la iso magari è danneggiata oppure la masterizzazione non è andata bene\n<cicciocele> ne sto rifacendo un'altra\n<akis24>  !md5sum  | nel caso avessi ancora prb...\n<ubot-it> nel caso avessi ancora prb...: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Md5Sum\n<akis24> cosi vedi se la iso è integra\n<paolo> salve ragazzi! qualcuno è in grado di consigliarmi un laptop di nuova generazione \"pienamente supportato\" a livello hw con cpu intel core? Leggendo il forum sembra che scegliere un portatite sia un po' come giocare alla roulette russa... ps vorrei installare ubuntu 10.04 lts\n<paolo> so che in caso di problemi ci siete qua voi, ma preferirei non disturbarvi :)\n<jester-> paolo: hp o dell\n<jester-> schede con chipset inteel\n<jester-> paolo: video nvidia\n<paolo> jester-: cavolo, gli hp su cui avevo messo gli occhi montano tutte la radeon.. ;-\\\n<paolo> jester-: non so se è un'info utile, ma non mi serve x giocare\n<jester-> paolo: sono migliorati anche i driver ati ma nvidia sarebbe l'ideale\n<paolo> jester-: ok, ricalibro le mie ricerche allora, grazie :)\n<paolo> nel frattempo se qualcun altro ha testimonianze da riportare....... eheh\n<jester-> paolo: chiedi eventualmente a [Enrico]  quli ati sono supportate\n<jester-> quali*\n<akis24> per me con ati sempre un avventura...\n<[Enrico]> jester-: attualmente AMD supporto lo switch con la intel se hai 2 schede video..... nvidia no ;)\n<[Enrico]> jester-: quindi nvidia ideal == YMMV\n<[Enrico]> ideale*\n<[Enrico]> paolo: cmq sia, che problema c'è con le radeon?\n<jester-> [Enrico]: appunto che ho detto di chiedere a te che conosci l'ambaradam\n<paolo> [Enrico]: guarda, per quello che devo fare io col pc una vale l'altra. mi interessa sono avere un notebook che funzioni BENE out of the box.. non ho voglia di perdere tempo a sistemarlo/ottimizzarlo.\n<jester-> paolo:  non piare un accero e sony vaio\n<[Enrico]> paolo: beh sia con ati che con nvidia devi installare i driver propietari (2 click ed è fatta per entrambi) per avere powersave e 3d migliori\n<[Enrico]> paolo: ma veniamo al punto: cosa intendi con BENE? è un concetto assai relativo\n<nino> salve\n<paolo> [Enrico]: comunque nessun problema, soltanto avevo visto dei laptop interessanti come prezzo/prestazioni (es. hp dv6-6008el) ma montano Radeon HD 6490M\n<nino> posso  fare una domanda?\n<jester-> nino: ciulla se puoi\n<[Enrico]> paolo: ripeto, dimmi cosa intendi esattamente con BENE (cioè tutto quello che vuoi fare con quel pc) e ti dico\n<nino> ho un problema con ubuntu...non riesco piu' ad aggiornarlo\n<paolo> [Enrico]: con \"bene\" intendo che il so riconosca out of the box l'hardware della macchina.\n<paolo> [Enrico]: sono programmatore e il pc lo uso esclusivamente per programmare\n<[Enrico]> paolo: quello lo fa sia radeon sia nvidia\n<jester-> nino: cioè?\n<paolo> [Enrico]: allora perfetto! La scheda grafica non sarà presa in considerazione nei parametri di scelta, grazie.\n<jester-> nino: il pvt non è gradito\n<nino> ...anche se cerco di installare altro software no me lo fa fare\n<nino> scusa\n<jester-> nino: apri un terminle dai : sudo apt-get update e poi metti l'output su pastebin\n<jester-> !paste | nino\n<ubot-it> nino: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<nino> cosa devo fare?...non  capisco\n<jester-> <jester-> nino: apri un terminle dai : sudo apt-get update\n<nino> ok\n<jester-> nino: poi incolli la risposta sul paste\n<paolo> poi ovviamente per ringraziarvi del supporto riporterò anch'io la mia esperienza (http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/Notebook)\n<nino> fatto\n<jester-> nino:  incolla nel pastebin\n<jester-> !paste | nino\n<ubot-it> nino: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<nino> l'ho incollato\n<nino> ah...scusa\n<nino> http://paste.ubuntu.com/611966/\n<jester-> nino: sudo apt-get upgrade\n<nino> ok\n<jester-> nino: fa vedere cosa ha fatto\n<nino> http://paste.ubuntu.com/611969/\n<jester-> nino: da quanto non aggionri\n<jester-> nino: dai s\n<nino> da quando ho questo problema che non mi permette di farlo\n<COSO> ciao scusate mi sapete dire come bisogna fare quando si riducono le finestre sulla barra delle aplicazioni per farle riapparire sul desktop? io non vedo niente sulla barra sotto\n<jester-> nino: pigia s\n<COSO> scusa jester-  ma dila quelloc he hai scritto era per me?\n<jester-> COSO: gnome callsico?\n<nino> fatto\n<jester-> classico?\n<COSO> nonlo so se sia classico ho ubuntu lucid\n<jester-> nino: mo tira circa un giga di roba\n<jester-> COSO: resetta gnome\n<COSO> e come devo fare a resettare\n<jester-> !gnomereset | COSO\n<ubot-it> COSO: Per resettare gnome alle sue impostazioni di default rinominare le cartelle nascoste nella propria home .gnome2 .config .gconf .gconfd .gnome2_private e riavviare la sessione\n<nino> ok\n<jester-> nino: scarica?\n<COSO> si vabe ma fatto questo cosa dovrebbe succedere\n<nino> si\n<jester-> COSO: che torna a default con le barre non cannibalizzate\n<COSO> si pero' io non ho mai fatto niente per farlo diventare così\n<jester-> hai segato inavvertitamente un applet\n<COSO> quindi dovrei rinominare ste cartelle nascoste\n<jester-> si\n<COSO> pero' pure mio fratello si trova col medesimo problema a casa sua\n<COSO> io non ho guardato se quando ho iistallato sta lucid si vedevano le cartelle rimpicciolite ad icona\n<jester-> non mi ricordo come si chiama l'applet\n<nino> ancora 4 min\n<jester-> nino: tira bene la tua banda\n<nino> si\n<COSO> non ho capito bene come le devo rinominare\n<K99Brain> !resetpanel | COSO\n<ubot-it> COSO: Per resettare il panello alle sue impostazioni di defaults, scrivere questo nel terminale: gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel  - Vedere anche !gnomereset per resettare interamente gnome\n<jester-> COSO: aggiungi un .bak per esempio, basta che il nome cambia\n<COSO> a bastava fare tutto nel terminale e io son andato a aprire le cartelle nascoste\n<COSO> non devo mettere nessun sudo?\n<jester-> nu\n<K99Brain> COSO, quel che è nella tua home appartiene a te, non usare mai sudo se non serve\n<COSO> scusa nella stringa da mettere nel terminale ci va p8re questo  - Vedere anche !gnomereset per resettare interamente gnome?\n<K99Brain> secondo te?\n<COSO> secondo me non lo so'\n<COSO> ho imparato a non firarmi mai del intuito\n<COSO> soprattutto con ste cose\n<COSO> ma ci va o no\n<nino> Si sono verificati degli errori nell'elaborazione:  linux-image-2.6.31-14-generic E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)\n<jester-> nino: sudo apt-get -f install\n<paolo> quindi dite che con una robina del genere non dovrebbero esserci problemi? http://bit.ly/jczTdu\n<K99Brain> COSO, il comando è:  gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel\n<K99Brain> e basta\n<COSO> e allora sto fatto di vedere pure quella cosa cosa dovrei fare\n<K99Brain> !gnomereset | COSO\n<ubot-it> COSO: Per resettare gnome alle sue impostazioni di default rinominare le cartelle nascoste nella propria home .gnome2 .config .gconf .gconfd .gnome2_private e riavviare la sessione\n<paolo> (ho trovato da un'altra fonte che monta il chipset intel hm55)\n<nino> Si sono verificati degli errori nell'elaborazione:  linux-image-2.6.31-14-generic E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)\n<jester-> paolo: si puo sapere sel custa?\n<nino> jaster devo un attimo lasciare il pc...possiamo continuare dopo?\n<COSO> a bene dopo quella stringa li son apparse le finestre sulla barra\n<jester-> nino: ok\n<ALM_> ciao a tutti, ho un problema: ho installato i compilatori c++ gcc e mingw32, ho installato una libreria (GMP) ma va solo su gcc; come faccio a farla andare anche su mingw32?\n<COSO> facendo puree l'altra cosa cosa dovrebbe migliorare\n<nino> ciao...grazie\n<paolo> a mediaworld 799 :)\n<K99Brain> COSO, quello che hai fatto è resettare i pannelli. L'altra procedura resetta tutto, compresi sfondo e eltre cose\n<paolo> poi ovviamente al costo andranno aggiunti anche gli altri 4 giga di ram ;)\n<COSO> vabe nonlo faccio m ain caso dovessi farlo sarebbe meglio che imparo\n<COSO> per fare pure la seconda cosa cosa andrebbe messo nel terminale?\n<jester-> COSO: usi il file manager visualizzando i file nascosti\n<COSO> e poi rinominarli?\n<COSO> vabe lascio stare\n<jester->  proprio come un winzoz, clicchi destro poi rinomina\n<ALM_> qualcuno mi aiuta x favore?\n<jester-> !chat | ALM_\n<ubot-it> ALM_: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<K99Brain> ALM_, e poi mingw32 è una traduzione per windows del caomplilatore gcc, che cacchio ti serve?\n<COSO> comunque mi servirebbe un altra cosa quando vado in personalizza aspettonegli effetti visivi ci sono i tre puntini da selezionare   nessuno normali e aggiuntivi, ma una volta io avevo pure piu in basso quelli persinalizzato e adesso non cè piu , come dovrei fare per farlo tornare\n<K99Brain> !programmazione | ALM_\n<ubot-it> ALM_: sezione dedicata alla programmazione e allo sviluppo http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Programmazione\n<jester-> !ccsm | COSO\n<ubot-it> COSO: Per abilitare effetti visivi aggiuntivi personalizzabili in Ubuntu: installa 'compizconfig-settings-manager' o 'simple-ccsm'. Dopo l'installazione apparirà la relativa icona in Sistema Preferenze - Vedi anche !compiz - Aiuto in #compiz-fusion\n<cicciocele> salve a tutti....sto installando ubuntu da cd....e ho creato una partizione prima di iniziare l'installazione da windows\n<cicciocele> una partizione di 20 gb\n<jester-> cicciocele: da winzoz?\n<COSO> jester-,  puoi dirmi il comando per istallarlo dal terminale per favore?\n<K99Brain> !installazione | COSO\n<ubot-it> COSO: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione | Per installazione grafica http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download\n<jester-> COSO: sudo apt-get install 'compizconfig-settings-manager\n<K99Brain> no, spe\n<jester-> COSO: che centra winzoz\n<ALM_> mimiminmingw\n<COSO> jester-,  io mica ho parlato di windows\n<jester-> COSO / cicciocele  che centra winzoz\n<K99Brain> COSO, http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/InstallareProgrammi\n<K99Brain> COSO, comunque, direi che devi assolutamente documentarti\n<K99Brain> !comandi | COSO\n<ubot-it> COSO: trovi i comandi base su http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/ComandiBase - Gestione di File e Directory: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/ComandiBase#gestionefiledirectory - Terminale e File Manager: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/RigaDiComando\n<K99Brain> !documentazione | COSO\n<ubot-it> COSO: Documentazione ufficiale http://help.ubuntu-it.org - Documentazione della comunità http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Documentazione - Gruppo documentazione: pagina principale http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoDocumentazione\n<K99Brain> COSO, studia :)\n<COSO> sisi ok\n<cicciocele> l'unica cosa che quando scelgo la parte del disco che avevo creato mi dice NON è STATO DEFINITO ALCUN FILE SYSTEM DI root correggere questo problema\n<jester-> cicciocele: cosa centra windows\n<cicciocele> l'avevo creata prima .....tipo due settimane fa ma per altri motivi\n<cicciocele> e poi ho deciso di dedicarla ad ubuntu\n<jester-> cicciocele: installazione su partizione devi fare il boot dle cd\n<cicciocele> si si\n<cicciocele> ho già fatto il boot e sto facendo l'installazione da cd\n<jester-> cicciocele: sei al partizionamento?\n<cicciocele> si\n<jester-> cicciocele: manuale\n<cicciocele> mi chiede di usare la partizione come: file system ext4 ext2 jfs\n<jester-> cicciocele: vai sulla partizione dove piazzi ubuntu\n<cicciocele> quale devo scegliere\n<cicciocele> fatto\n<jester-> cicciocele: modifica\n<jester-> cicciocele: usare come etx4\n<jester-> cicciocele: formattare\n<jester-> cicciocele: montare come /\n<cicciocele> punto di mount?\n<jester->  /\n<K99Brain> /\n<jester-> termina e salva\n<cicciocele> devo mettere anche un'area di swap?\n<jester-> se c'è una partizone piccola la prende  lui\n<cicciocele> jester non andare via cosi rivediamo la questione lan e wifi\n<cicciocele> se puoi logicamente\n<jester-> cicciocele: è collegato al rutter il pc?\n<cicciocele> si si è collegato al router\n<jester-> cicciocele:  dovrebbe configurare la rete\n<cicciocele> e ho anche flaggato  la finestra con aggiornamenti via internet\n<jester-> batti sempre enter\n<cicciocele> anche la wifi?\n<jester-> no\n<jester-> difficile\n<cicciocele> ok\n<jester-> devi avere culo che avere una scheda che va di natura\n<cicciocele> sta scaricando anche dei pacchetti per la lingua quindi forse dovrebbe aver riconosciuto la lan\n<jester-> sperem\n<embryo76> cortesemente! salve a tttui\n<embryo76> c'è qualcuno dispo ad aiutarmi?\n<K99Brain> !qualcuno | embryo76\n<ubot-it> embryo76: la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera'\n<embryo76> installare falsh palyer su ubuntu 11 64 bit... ho problemi\n<jester-> embryo76: cioè?\n<K99Brain> embryo76, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree\n<embryo76> fatto\n<embryo76> yup\n<embryo76> resta in attesa di header\n<embryo76> I seguenti pacchetti saranno inoltre installati:   flashplugin-installer ia32-libs lib32asound2 lib32bz2-1.0 lib32gcc1   lib32ncurses5 lib32ncursesw5 lib32stdc++6 lib32v4l-0 lib32z1 libc6-i386   nspluginwrapper Pacchetti suggeriti:   xulrunner-1.9 firefox-3.0 konqueror-nsplugins msttcorefonts   ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-dejavu ttf-xfree86-nonfree xfs lib32asound2-plugins I seguenti pacchetti NUOVI saranno installati:   flashplugin-i\n<jester-> embryo76: quindi?\n<embryo76> E: Impossibile scaricare alcuni pacchetti. Potrebbe essere utile eseguire \"apt-get update\" o provare l'opzione \"--fix-missing\". fede@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree Lettura elenco dei pacchetti... Fatto Generazione albero delle dipendenze        Lettura informazioni sullo stato... Fatto I seguenti pacchetti saranno inoltre installati:   flashplugin-installer ia32-libs lib32asound2 lib32bz2-1.0 lib32gcc1   lib32\n<jester-> embryo76: cambia server\n<embryo76> 0% [In attesa degli header]\n<embryo76> Err http://it.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main libc6-i386 amd64 2.13-0ubuntu13   Connessione non riuscita [IP: 80]\n<jester-> embryo76: amministrazione/gestore pacchetti/preferenze/repository\n<embryo76> scusate ma sono una pippa in tema..\n<embryo76> ok vado\n<embryo76> ci sono\n<embryo76> amministrazione/gestore pacchetti/preferenze/repository\n<jester-> embryo76: otri server/italia/fastbul\n<toto23> buonasera\n<toto23> qualcuno mi puo' aitare?\n<embryo76> ubuntu.fastbull.org\n<embryo76> ok\n<jester-> embryo76: pigia ricarica\n<toto23> dopo aver installato xubuntu sul monitor mi appare attenzione frequenza non supportata\n<toto23> salve jester sono luca230103\n<jester-> embryo76: cerca, per nome , flash\n<embryo76> aggiorna ok\n<jester-> embryo76: destro su flashplugin-installer\n<embryo76> sta cercando sw nuovo ecc\n<embryo76> ecc\n<toto23> jester puoi aiutarmi?\n<jester-> toto23: poi parte il sistema o no\n<zul_> ciao ragazzi\n<toto23> si si\n<toto23> parte\n<zul_> chi sa aiutarmi su mysql?\n<toto23> uso xubuntu 11.04\n<jester-> toto23: come cazzo si chiama l'editor di xubuntu\n<zul_> ho creato un utente pippo all'interno del database mysql con password pippo. Quando provo a fare mysql -u pippo -p non mi fa entrare.. dove sbaglio?\n<toto23> xfce\n<jester-> toto23: sudo mousepad /etc/default/grub\n<embryo76> jester sta scaricando.. abbi pazienza\n<toto23> fatto\n<toto23> si e' aperta una finestra\n<embryo76> jester ci sono\n<embryo76> su destro\n<jester-> toto23: cambia sta riga GRUB_GFXMODE=1024x768x32 e togli il #\n<embryo76> istalla...\n<nino> eccomi\n<jester-> toto23: appena sotto aggiungi questa GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=keep\n<nino> eccomi\n<toto23> jester ti posto quello che vedo\n<toto23> non la trovo\n<jester-> posta\n<toto23> http://paste.ubuntu.com/611987/\n<jester-> toto23: la riga 25\n<nino> jester eccomi\n<jester-> toto23: tolgi # e cambiala in GRUB_GFXMODE=1024x768x3\n<jester-> toto23: appena sotto inserisci GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=keep\n<jester-> nino: alura?\n<nino> mi da lo stesso errore\n<Cyber_forences> hello a tutti\n<jester-> nino: sudo apt-get update\n<nino> l'ho fatto prima\n<jester-> toto23: GRUB_GFXMODE=1024x768x32  mancava il 2\n<jester-> nino: rifallo\n<nino> fatto\n<jester-> nino: sudo dpkg --configure -a\n<toto23> ok fatto ora?\n<jester-> toto23: sudo update-grub\n<toto23> ok\n<jester-> toto23: riavvia\n<toto23> ok\n<jester-> nino: che fa\n<nino> sta elaborando\n<Cyber_forences> scusate qualquno di voi mi puo aiutare per FIRESTARTER\n<embryo76> jester sorry nel frattempo ho cliccato col destro, ho dato installa\n<embryo76> e sta ascaricando\n<embryo76> ma si pianta al 51%\n<jester-> embryo76: sembra che hai una linea farlocca\n<nino> come devo fare per postarti l'elaborazione?\n<embryo76> grazizzime\n<embryo76> lol\n<toto23> jester 6 un grande!\n<jester-> nino: ha finito?\n<toto23> grazie\n<jester-> toto23: :)\n<nino> si...per postasre\n<embryo76> jester si proprio forte\n<embryo76> :P\n<jester-> !paste | nino\n<ubot-it> nino: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<jester-> embryo76: fermalo e rifallo partire\n<nino> http://paste.ubuntu.com/611993/\n<embryo76> hyup\n<embryo76> vado con un chiavetta\n<embryo76> chiavica\n<jester-> nino: uname -r\n<nino> 2.6.32-21-generic\n<jester-> nino: sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-generic\n<nino> premo s?\n<jester-> si\n<nino> ok\n<nino> http://paste.ubuntu.com/611995/\n<jester-> nino: sudo dpkg --purge linux-image-2.6.31-14-generic\n<jester-> nino: hai un sistema che è un casino\n<jester-> hai pure i proposed abilitati\n<nino> lo so...;-)\n<nino> http://paste.ubuntu.com/611996/\n<jester-> non è possibile che configuri ancora i kenrle vecchi\n<jester-> nino: sudo apt-get -f install\n<embryo76> brrr\n<nino> http://paste.ubuntu.com/611999/\n<jester-> nino: sudo dpkg --clear-avail\n<nino> fatto\n<jester-> nino: sudo dpkg --purge --force-depends  linux-image-2.6.31-14-generic\n<nino> http://paste.ubuntu.com/612002/\n<jester-> nino: hai anche grub a bottane, fai una reinstallazione sopra senza formattare che salvi i dati o viene natale\n<zul_> ragazzi ho aggiunto un utente in mysql con questo comando:  insert into user (Host, User, Password) values ('localhost', 'foo','foo');   ma non mi entra quando provo a fare mysql -u foo -p\n<zul_> dove sbaglio?\n<nino> ma perdo tutto\n<jester-> nino: se non formatti la partizione non predi nulla\n<jester-> nino: devi fare manuale al partizionamento\n<nino> cosa e' che devo fare ...esattamente?\n<jester-> nino: midifica la partizione, usare ext4, non formattare7 montare come /\n<nino> scusa...ma non capisco...puoi spiegarmi?\n<jester-> è scritto chiaro appena sopra nino\n<jester-> nino: arrivi al partizionamento, vai sulla partizione ubuntu, modifica\n<jester-> nino: usare come ext4 , non spuntare formattare, montare come /\n<nino> come si modifica...scusa ma nn sn proprio un esperto\n<jester-> nino: una volta che ci sei lo vedi ma prendi nota\n<jester-> che io ha ancor ala cena che aspetta\n<nino> per andare su ext4 e poi montare come si fa\n<jester-> nino: se leggessi attentamente\n<nino> leggo...ma scusami...mi sn perso\n<embryo76> il main libbc 64 non lo ha scaricato da natty\n<jumpysnake> hello\n<nino> devo usare gparted?\n<Dig> ave prodi. se ubuntu si congela....come trovo il motivo?\n<nino> help me\n<nino> ho letto attentamente...ma nn capisco\n<jumpysnake> nino: riguardo a cosa?\n<nino> mi e' stato detto di modificare la partizione ma nn so come si fa\n<jumpysnake> si ma cosa devi fare?qual è il problema?\n<nino> ho problemi di aggiornamenti sia di ubuntu che di qualsiasi programma\n<jumpysnake> mmmmm...ma non dovrebbe essere un prob di partizione...errori?\n<nino> tanti...\n<jumpysnake> tipo?\n<nino> http://paste.ubuntu.com/612002/\n<Dig> forse ha l' hd pieno\n<embryo> jester sei un mito\n<nino> capito?\n<embryo> grazie\n<embryo> fatto\n<embryo> era la connessione come dicevi tu\n<nino> jester\n<embryo> ora dal gestore paccheti posso laciare il server da te indicato per tutti gli aggiornamenti?\n<jumpysnake> nino: sei su una live?\n<nino> no...\n<jumpysnake> se vuoi modificare la partizione devi avviare la live o un altro so\n<nino> con gparted no?\n<jumpysnake> si sempre con gparted...ma devi smontare la partizione di ubuntu...ed ora non te lo permete...quindi avvia una live o un altro so\n<nino> ma questo mi permette di reinstallare ubuntu senza formattare?\n<cicciocele> jester ho installato il tutto ...con windows in parallelo in un'altra partizione ma all'avvio ...mi parte solo con windows e non mi fa scegliere\n<jumpysnake> ma non devi reinstallare niente...devi solo avviare una live (prova ubuntu)\n<jumpysnake> nino: riavvio\n<nino> ma a cosa mi serve questo...\n<Synaptic> Buona sera, vorrei delle info gentilmente, da quando ho aggiornato la mia 10.10 alla 11.04 sono incappato in qualche bug... la qualità grafica del mio desktop è peggiorata... alcune finestre non sono più fluide come prima, e spesso ci sono bug grafici, e poi non mi partono più i giochi avviati con steam\n<cicciocele> salve a tutti ho bisogno di una delucidazione\n<cicciocele> ho installato ubuntu su una partizione diversa da quella dovbe ho win7\n<Synaptic> cicciocele, scrivi, se qualcuno sà qualcosa risponderà\n<cicciocele> ma all'avvio mi da solo win7\n<Synaptic> cicciocele, hai installato prima ubuntu o prima win7?\n<cicciocele> se entro in windows non mi compare la partizione\n<Dig> cicciocele, hai instllato prima ubuntu e poi win?\n<cicciocele> win7 fa parte del pc...oggi dopo qualche mese ho installato ubuntu\n<cicciocele> in parallelo\n<cicciocele> non l'ho sostituito\n<Dig> hai la live di ubuntu?\n<cicciocele> cosa è la live?\n<Synaptic> cicciocele, devi ripristinare L'MBR\n<Synaptic> !mbr\n<ubot-it> Per  ripristinare MBR: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/RipristinoMbrWindows\n<cicciocele> e come si fa\n<cicciocele> si ma io non riesco ad entrar ein ubuntu\n<cicciocele> ho solo win7\n<Synaptic> ci entri tramite il CD di Ubuntu,\n<Synaptic> in modalità live\n<Synaptic> utilizzi la live CD\n<cicciocele> quindi riavvio il pc da cd?\n<Dig> cicciocele, la live è il cd che serve per installare ubuntu\n<Synaptic> esattamente.. e avvii ubuntu come LIVE-CD\n<Dig> cicciocele, si\n<Synaptic> poi segui la guida\n<Synaptic> Dig, ho un vuoto di memoria.. una volta ripristinato l'mbr va reinstallato grub?\n<Dig> Synaptic, ma se reinstalla grub non risolve?\n<Synaptic> prima resetta l'mbr... poi reinstalla grub... è meglio fare così\n<Dig> cicciocele, comunque da win7 non vedrai mai Ubuntu. Win  legge solo file sistem NTFS e FAT\n<cicciocele> ah ok grazie per la info\n<cicciocele> quindi non devo fare il procedimento inverso cioè far riconoscere a win7  il nuovo ubuntu?\n<Synaptic> no\n<Dig> cicciocele, win riconosce solo se stesso\n<Dig> e certe volte nemmeno se stesso\n<Synaptic> devi far in modo che all'avvio appaia grub.. cosi da poter scegliere cosa avviare.. per fare questo devi ripristinare MBR e reinstallare grub.. facendolo tramite live-cd\n<cicciocele> dice che devo scaricare ms-sys\n<cicciocele> facendo partire dal cd mi da try ubuntu e install ubuntu\n<Synaptic> scaricalo una volta che sei dentro la live-cd... se lo scarichi su win non ti serve a niente\n<Synaptic> devi selezionare try ubuntu\n<cicciocele> ok fatto....adesso dovrei scaricare ms-sys dove lo trovo?\n<Dig> Synaptic, i crash i quale file log li trovo?\n<Synaptic> Dig, prova qui: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-gnome-system-log-viewer/\n<Synaptic> cicciocele, ubuntu 32 o 64 bit?\n<cicciocele> 64\n<cicciocele> ma mi da un'altra tastiera non italiana o almeno non come quella del mio notebook\n<Synaptic> lo scarichi da questo indirizzo http://ubuntu.mirror.cambrium.nl/ubuntu//pool/universe/m/ms-sys/ms-sys_2.1.0-1_amd64.deb\n<Synaptic> all'avvio della live-cd ti chiedeva che tipo di \"language\" vuoi... dovevi selezionare Italiano..\n<Synaptic> ormai o ti arrangi con la tastiera straniera.. o riavvii e rilanci la live-cd mettendo lingua italiana\n<cicciocele> riavvio\n<Synaptic> !grub\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/ | Per ripristinare Grub: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/Ripristino\n<cicciocele> mi chiede una user e password\n<Dig> cicciocele, hai avviato da live?\n<cicciocele> si\n<cicciocele> con la versione di prova\n<Dig> sei connesso alla rete?\n<cicciocele> aspe cistro riprovando ho riavviato\n<cicciocele> si sono connesso alla rete\n<Dig> stai riavviando la live?\n<cicciocele> si ancora una volta in italiano\n<Dig> cicciocele, sei connesso alla rete via cavo?\n<cicciocele> si\n<Dig> sai cos'è il terminale vero? mi pare che sei alle prime armi\n<cicciocele> è il primo giorno...si però so cosa è\n<cicciocele> dato che è da questa mattina che tentavo invano di far andare internet poi riformattando sembrava andare\n<Dig> quando è avviato lancia il terminale\n<cicciocele> ok e cosa devo fare?.. non devo prima scaricare ms-sys?\n<Dig> dovresti seguire questa guida http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/RipristinoMbrWindows\n<cicciocele> ma ho lanciato la lan in itliano e mi da sempre tutto in inglese....\n<cicciocele> come faccio a capire in quale unità ho windows\n<Dig> il files system è NTFS\n<Innerina> Come ripristino le interfacce attorno alle finestre???\n<Innerina> (per intenderci dove c'è il titolo dell'applicazione, il contorno insomma)\n<Dig> cicciocele, fatto?\n<cicciocele> il problema è che ne ho tanti ntfs\n<Dig> c'è uno con *\n<cicciocele> si è quello?\n<gionnico> ciao\n<gionnico> qualche appassionato di strategici real time fa una partita a spacezero con me?\n<Dig> cicciocele,  da li si avvia il tuo pc\n<cicciocele> ascolta ho scaricato ms-sys\n<cicciocele> e so che * è su sda2\n<cicciocele> devo avviare ms-sys o procedo solo sul terminale\n<Dig> cicciocele, ms sys l'hai installato?\n<cicciocele> no\n<Dig> cicciocele,  lo devi installare\n<cicciocele> mi da un crash....\n<cicciocele> e non lo installa\n<cicciocele> è normale\n<cicciocele> ?\n<cicciocele> mi dice che il sistema si è chiudo inaspettatamente\n<Dig> cicciocele, hai un pc vecchio?\n<cicciocele> no\n<cicciocele> è a 64 bit\n<Dig> cicciocele, scusa se ti richiedo. Hai installato prima win7 e poi hai installato ubuntu?\n<cicciocele> prima win7(da un anno) e oggi ubuntu\n<Dig> cicciocele, hai scaricato il file ms-sys per 64bit giusto?\n<cicciocele> si\n<Dig> cicciocele, come hai provato a installarlo?\n<cicciocele> l'ho scaricato e poi avviato con ubuntu software center\n<cicciocele> adesso non mi ha ridato l'errore l'ho preso da un altro mirror\n<cicciocele> ora cosa digito?\n<cicciocele> sudo ms-sys -w /dev/sd2  ??\n<fiamma> ubuntu 11.4 updatato dalla precedente versione, funziona tutto bene ma vorrei levare la barra in stile mac..e riavere i menu e la barra delle applicazioni come prima..(in fondo allo schermo)\n<cicciocele> mi dice unable to open /dev/sd2 no such file or directory\n<Dig> cicciocele, ok\n<jumpysnake> notte\n<DareDevil> alla mia gatta piace Ubuntu http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/23/DSC04893.JPG\n<DareDevil> :)\n<Dig> cicciocele, proviamo un'altra cosa\n<cicciocele> mi dice unable to automaticly select boot sector\n<cicciocele> it is an unknow boot record\n<cicciocele> dice    /dev/sda2 has an x86 boot sector\n<Dig> cicciocele, mi posti il risultato di fdisk\n<cicciocele> ascolta sono su un altro pc\n<cicciocele> dovrei chiudere e scriverti dal portatile\n<Dig> asp\n<Dig> cicciocele, avvia firefox e vieni qui http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-it\n<cicciocele2> eccomi\n<Dig> posta qui http://pastebin.ubuntu.com\n<cicciocele2>    Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System /dev/sda1               1        1567    12582912   27  Unknown /dev/sda2   *        1567        1580      102400    7  HPFS/NTFS /dev/sda3            1580       39777   306817024    7  HPFS/NTFS /dev/sda4           39777       77826   305626113    f  W95 Ext'd (LBA) /dev/sda5           39777       47230    59866112    7  HPFS/NTFS /dev/sda6           47230       7\n<Dig> qui http://pastebin.ubuntu.com\n<cicciocele2> l'ho postato\n<Dig> cicciocele, mi devi dare il link\n<cicciocele2> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/612040/\n<Dig> cicciocele, ok, proviamo questo\n<Dig> sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt\n<cicciocele> non ha dato nulla di speciale\n<Dig> cicciocele, sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev\n<Dig> cicciocele, sudo mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc\n<cicciocele> io copio di preciso quello che tu scrivi compreso gli spazi vuoit\n<bobbybong1> dig vuoi farlo andare in chroot sulla partizione di windows\n<Dig> bobbybong1, altromenti come fa?\n<cicciocele> ma come mai mi da questo problema......è una procedura normale o come mai capita questo\n<bobbybong1> linux e sulla partizione sda7\n<cicciocele2> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/612042/\n<cicciocele2> si è sulla 7\n<Broc> ciao a tutti!\n<Dig> azz si è sulla 7\n<bobbybong1> e non ha files di swap questa installazione\n<cicciocele2> no\n<Broc> avrei una domanda\n<Broc> ho già chiesto nel forum ma il mio thread è scivolato via senza risposta\n<Dig>  bobbybong1, ormai non gli conviene spostare l'avvio su sda7 e reinstallare grub?\n<Broc> praticamente mi è sparita l'icona di dolphin\n<bobbybong1> si\n<cicciocele> io posso sempre formattare il tutto....e ripartire\n<Broc> qualcuno sa spiegarmi perché\n<Broc> e come fare a recuperarla?\n<bobbybong1> cicciocele, e reistalli bene\n<cicciocele> io credevo di aver reinstallato bene...l'unica cosa io non voglio eliminare windows\n<Dig> cicciocele, usa una guida video per non sbagliare\n<cicciocele> e vorrei entrambi i sistemi all'avvio in modo che posso scegliere\n<Broc> c'è qualcuno che mi aiuta???\n<cicciocele> avete qualche link di riferimento?\n<bobbybong1> quando reinstalli scegli la sda7\n<cicciocele> si l'avevo fatto\n<bobbybong1> !installazione\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione | Per installazione grafica http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download\n<cicciocele> ma una sola cosa c'è qualche impostazione per avere entrambe le scelte dei SO all'avvio o devo sempre installare con la live ms-sys?\n<Dig> cicciocele, se segui la guida potrai scegliere\n<bobbybong1> se hai un istallazione senza problemi come spesso avviene hai entrambi i sistemi operativi\n<Dig> bobbybong1,  dai uno sguardo a questo? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/612029/\n * Broc aspetta pazientemente che qualcuno si accorga di lui =)\n<cicciocele> grazie a tutti\n<Broc> uff chi mi può rispondere?\n<bobbybong1> Dig, cosa vuol dire ? che cosa non riesci a fare?\n<bobbybong1> Broc, se facessi una domanda\n<Broc> bobbybong1: l'ho già fatta sopra\n<Broc> mi è sparita l'icona di dolphin, file manager\n<Broc> come faccio a recuperarla?\n<bobbybong1> dal menu?\n<Broc> sì\n<Dig> bobbybong1, certe volte abbasso lo schermo del portatile si spegne lo schermo (come ho selezionato io) quando lo rialzo il pc non risponde più. Mi è capitato due o tre volte\n<bobbybong1> Broc, vai su sistema cerca dolphin tasto destro del mouse aggiungi ai preferiti\n<Broc> bobbybong1: è quello il problema... è sparito anche da lì\n<bobbybong1> Dig, devi mettere una password per riaccedere?\n<Broc> e me lo son ritrovato in \"oggetti smarriti\", senza l'icona...\n<Dig> bobbybong1, no. non funziona manco alt-ctrl-f2 devo per forza tenere premuto il pulsante di avvio.\n<bobbybong1> Broc, magari non funzionerà prova a cambiare set di icone\n<Broc> come?\n<bobbybong1> Dig, non è che hai provato wailand\n<bobbybong1> ?\n<Dig> bobbybong1, no.\n<bobbybong1> Broc, system-setting\n<Dig> bobbybong1, speravo di trovare qualche traccia dell'errore in un file log\n<bobbybong1> aspetto applicazie dalla reteoni Broc puoi scaricarne di nuov\n<Broc> ok\n<bobbybong1> :)\n<bobbybong1> spero hai capito\n<bobbybong1> Dig, i files di log sono in /var/log/\n<Broc> bobbybong1: no ma il problema non è questo o.o\n<Broc> ho scaricato un tema... apro la cartella dove l'ho scaricato con dolphin e non vede il file...\n<Dig> bobbybong1, e si lo so...ma io non è che ci capisca nulla.\n<Broc> anche abilitando la visualizzazione file nascosti\n<bobbybong1> Broc, se lo scarichi con il browser lo mette in Scaricati nella tua home\n<Broc> infatti\n<Broc> ma lì non c'è\n<bobbybong1> ma ci sono dei temi che installi direttamente\n<Broc> no, ha scaricato un .deb\n<Broc> e l'ho aperto da chrome\n<Broc> ma nella cartella non c'è\n<Broc> o almeno, non lo vedo con dolphin\n<Broc> e tra l'altro la stessa cosa mi è successa pomeriggio con un altro file scaricato...\n<Dig> notte ragazzi\n<bobbybong1> guarda in tmp/kde-tuo_user\n<bobbybong1> Broc,\n<filo1234> be controlla dove dolphin salva i file scaricati\n<Broc> bobbybong1: in che?\n<Broc> ah ok\n<Broc> bobbybong1: e cosa dovrei trovare in quella cartella?\n<bobbybong1> il files che hai scaricato con il set di icone\n<Broc> filo1234: no, scaricati con chrome, e li salva nella cartella \"scaricati\"\n<Broc> ma lì dolphin non li vede\n<Broc> bobbybong1: non c'è nulla\n<Broc> e il file si trova effettivamente nella cartella scaricati\n<Broc> ma dolphin non lo vede\n<bobbybong1> potevi trovare un set di icione che si installava direttamente da li senza che dovesse richiamare chrome\n<Broc> bobbybong1: si ma non è il problema delle icone, perché mi è successa la stessa cosa anche con un altro file xD\n<Broc> bobbybong1: :( che faccio?\n<bobbybong1> Broc, non so a me non mi è mai capitato dalla console riesci a vedere i files?\n<bobbybong1> ls Scalicati\n<bobbybong1> Scaricati\n<Broc> bobbybong1: sì\n<Broc> sia il .deb di adesso\n<Broc> sia quello che avevo scaricato prima\n<filo1234> forse hai qualche impostazione su dolphin tipo mostra file txt e non tutti roba del genere....non uso doplhin da quando avevo il ciuccio\n<andrea1_> ho installato google chrome su ubuntu 11.04 pero' nel launcher dopo aver trasportato l'icona mi compare uno spazio vuoto e non il simbolo di chrome\n<zafira> jester non fuziona sempre la stessa storia\n<Broc> filo1234: no, non credo. piuttosto credo che questo rpoblema sia collegato al fatto\n<Broc> che oggi ho installato un altro file manager per curiosità; da quando poi l'ho rimosso doplphin non ha più funzionato...\n<zul_> scusate ho fatto un casino sugli utenti di mysql. All'inizio avevo inserito a mano nel db mysql con la query  \"insert into user bla bla bla\" l'utente pippo, poi ho cancellato la riga dell'utente pippo dal db mysql e ho cercato di ricrearlo con CREATE USER 'pippo'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' e mi dava un errore come se l'utente esistesse. Ora come faccio ad eliminare l'utente pippo?\n<zafira> me sa che sto' ubuntu e' na sola\n<Broc> bobbybong1: che dici?\n<zul_> scusate ho fatto un casino sugli utenti di mysql. All'inizio avevo inserito a mano nel db mysql con la query  \"insert into user bla bla bla\" l'utente pippo, poi ho cancellato la riga dell'utente pippo dal db mysql e ho cercato di ricrearlo con CREATE USER 'pippo'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' e mi dava un errore come se l'utente esistesse. Ora come faccio ad eliminare l'utente pippo?\n<bobbybong1> sudo aptitude reinstall kubuntu-desktop Broc\n<Broc> bobbybong1: già fatto :)\n<Broc> non aptitude, ma apt-get\n<Broc> ma credo sia lo stesso\n<bobbybong1> Broc, l'ultima che mi viene in mente e quella di rinominare la cartella .kde nella tua home e riavviare\n<filo1234> install --reinstall\n<zafira> salve gente\n<zafira> una domanda\n<Broc> filo1234: sudo apt-get --reinstall install kubuntu-desktop, lo so =)\n<Broc> bobbybong1: a cosa servirebbe?\n<filo1234> eh ma magari altri che leggono no\n<zafira> che differenza c'e' tra la i386 e amd64??\n<filo1234> Broc: ah bene lo sai, ma non sai a cosa serve\n<filo1234> zafira: che una è per processori 32bit e l'altra per processori 64bit\n<Broc> filo1234: non so a cosa serve rinominare la cartella .kde ...\n<filo1234> ps: la 32 bit puoi usarela anche per un proc 64bit\n<zafira> quindi io ho un q9550\n<zafira> quale devo scaricare?\n<zafira> 8gb di ram\n<filo1234> Broc: ah ..be serve a resettare le impostazioni al default....nel senso che quando riapri il programma, lo stesso ricrea una cartella .programma con le impostazioni di default\n<bobbybong1> zafira, 64bit\n<zafira> ma non funziona\n<Broc> proviamo a riavviare e vediamo se esplode\n<Broc> torno subito\n<filo1234> non c'è bisogno di riavviare\n<filo1234> -.-\n<zafira> ora provo a tirar giu' la studio che dovrebbe essere quella che seve a me per i montaggi video\n<filo1234> lascia perdere\n<zafira> le altre si bloccano\n<filo1234> prendi una desktop e ti installii programmi che ti servono\n<zafira> ma non mi parte\n<filo1234> vabè prova\n<Broc> ok vediamo se va\n<Broc> bobbybong1: filo1234 ehi, ora funziona!\n<bobbybong1> :)\n<zafira> ma la dicitura amd64 va bene anche per intel\n<filo1234> quindi avevi qualche impostazione at cazzem\n<Broc> solo che boh, si è incasinato tutto.... non ho più icone sul desktop, il set di caratteri è cambiato\n<filo1234> zafira: si\n<zafira> perche' finito di installare al riavvio mi da schermo nero con solo il puntatore del mouse\n<Broc> filo1234: mi piacerebbe sapere quale...\n<bobbybong1> notte\n<Broc> filo1234: poi mi ha cambiato set di caratteri ma io non l'avevo cambiato in precedenza.... come torno a quello di prima? =)\n<giulia> ciao\n<giulia> ho trovato il problema dei miei temi\n<giulia> una questione di index file che manca\n<giulia> ma l'unico problema per il quale mi sto sbattendo la testa è : dove trovo il nome del tema di icone nel foglio di stile gtk &\n<giulia> ?\n<ccc> ciao a tutti\n<ccc> non riesco a modificare il comandi del lanciatore di skype\n<Deindre> ccc: in che senso?\n<Deindre> spiegati meglio\n<ccc> viao Deindre\n<Deindre> ciao ccc\n<ccc> per far funzionare la webcam integrata\n<Deindre> scusa continuo a non capire\n<Deindre> la webcam la selezioni dalla preferenze\n<Deindre> che c'entra il lanciatore?\n<ccc> prima modificavo il lanciatore di skype con un comando per far utilizzare la libreria libv4\n<filo1234> ccc: da terminale dai alacarte vai su skype>selezionie modifichi il comando\n<filo1234> devi mettere LD_PRELOAD ecc..eccc..?\n<ccc> sì filo1234\n<Deindre> filo1234: grazie\n<filo1234> Deindre: prego, di che?\n<filo1234> :P\n<Deindre> filo1234: ti si vede sabato?\n<filo1234> non ce la faccio ho un matrimonio\n<Deindre> :(\n<filo1234> ogni volta ne ho una\n<Deindre> già\n<ccc> filo1234, avevo già fatto qil cambio\n<ccc> ma non va\n<filo1234> ccc: se dai il comando da terminale?\n<ccc> sì\n<filo1234> ccc: ma lanci skype dal lanciatore che hai modificato o da un altrolanciatore creato da te o inserito nella barra?\n<ccc> ho modificato il lanciatore di skype\n<ccc> che ho inserito permanentemente su unity\n<filo1234> si ma tu lanci quello modificato? ossia dal menu applicazioni?\n<ccc> dalla barra sinistra di unity\n<filo1234> credo che debba rimeetercelo dopo la modifica\n<filo1234> lancalo dal menu\n<ccc> un attimo\n<filo1234> lancialo\n<filo1234> o magari devi riavviare la sessione\n<ccc> menù applicazioni?\n<filo1234> si\n<ccc> niente\n<filo1234> vai in /usr/share/applications/\n<filo1234> bedi se hai un qualcosa con skype.desktop\n<ccc> no solo skype\n<filo1234> ccc: ls /usr/share/applications/ | grep skype\n<ccc> sì c'è\n<filo1234> gksudo gedit /usr/share/applications/skype.desktop\n<filo1234> nella riga Exec=    cos'hai?\n<ccc> skype\n<ccc> devo inserire il comando lì?\n<filo1234> si tra virgolette\n<filo1234> \"LD_PRELOAD ......\"\n<ccc> ok\n#ubuntu-it 2011-05-24\n<ccc> e il lanciatore dell'unity lo lascio con quale comando?\n<filo1234> cancellalo\n<ccc> e come lo lancio skype?\n<filo1234> i lanciatori rimettili come in origine\n<filo1234> anche quello modificato con alacarte prima\n<ccc> niente\n<filo1234> poi comanderà quel file senza modificare i comandi\n<filo1234> ccc: ma il comando se lo lanci da terminale funziona?\n<ccc> mettendo il comando skype non va il video\n<ccc> il comando sì\n<filo1234> riavvia la sessione\n<ccc> lancia skype e fa funzionare ila webcam\n<ccc> ok\n<filo1234> poi lancia skype da terminale senza il preload\n<filo1234> solo skype\n<ccc> ok\n<ccc> rientro\n<filo1234> dovrebbe leggere da quel file\n<ccc> filo1234, niente da fare se digito skype parte il programma ma non funziona la webcam\n<ccc> invece se digito il comando su terminale la webcam va\n<filo1234> spetta che provo\n<ccc> ok, grazie\n<filo1234> togli le virgolette dal comando ccc\n<ccc> ok\n<ccc> non va, riavvio la sessione e vediamo\n<filo1234> ccc: spe\n<filo1234> nel comando prima di preload aggiungi bash\n<filo1234> bash LD_PRELOAD blabla\n<ccc> filo1234, niente non va neanche senza virgolette\n<filo1234> hai messo bash?\n<filo1234> nel comando prima di preload aggiungi bash\n<filo1234> bash LD_PRELOAD blabla\n<ccc> ok\n<ccc> niente\n<filo1234> dammi un attimo che non mi funzia più nulla\n<ccc> ok\n<uragano2> Buonasera!\n<uragano2> ho creato uno script che deve essere avviato come ultimo all'avvio, ho eseguito i passi necessari ma a volte funziona e  a volte no\n<glpiana> ola\n * realnot hi guys\n<Odo> Giorno\n<massimo18> Buon Giorno\n<Mauy> ciao a tutti ho un problema con un pc fisso se faccio partire la live da cd va senza problemi quando poi gli dico di installare installa senza problemi, ma al primo riavvio dopo l'installazione il computer non carica il sistema operativo\n<glpiana> Mauy, non carica e da errore?\n<Mauy> no schermo nero acceso ma nero\n<glpiana> Mauy, scheda video nvidia?\n<Mauy> si\n<glpiana> Mauy, all'avvio vedi il menu di grub?\n<Mauy> no\n<glpiana> Mauy, all'avvio quando vedi i messaggi del bios premi e mantieni rpemuto il tasto shift fino a che ppare il menu di grub\n<glpiana> Mauy, poi premi il tasto \"e\"\n<Mauy> provo\n<glpiana> Mauy, ti piazzi alla fine della riga che termina con quiet splash e aggiungi l'opzione    nomodeset\n<glpiana> Mauy, poi premi ctrl+x\n<glpiana> Mauy, se va, poi mettiamo a posto\n<Mauy> dopo quiet splash ho altre cose scritte esattamente dove devo inserire nomodeset\n<glpiana> Mauy, in fondo alla riga\n<Stanwell> buongiorno a tutti\n<Mauy> ok è possibile che vada a capo o la riga finisce e non va a capo\n<Stanwell> un amico mio ha reinstallato ubuntu 10.10 ma non funziona il wifi, su iwconfig non spunta alcuna interfaccia e da lspci spunta un 00:04.0 Ethernet controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] SiS900 PCI Fast Ethernet (rev 90), però mi diceva che prima si connetteva in wireless normalmente con la stessa versione di ubuntu\n<Mauy> no non avvia ho notato che mi resta la luce hdd accesa fissa e comunque sabato ho provato ad installare anche con una scheda video matrox e avevo lo stesso problema\n<Stanwell> qualche idea per \"risvegliare\" il modulo wifi?\n<glpiana> Stanwell, a me è successo su una macchina che \"sparisse\" la scheda wifi. io ti direi di controllare che gli aggiornamenti siano a posto e darei un sudo dpkg --configure -a\n<Stanwell> sono in contatto telefonico con l'amico disperato\n<Stanwell> glpiana, stamattina via cavo s'è collegato tranquillamente\n<Stanwell> però in alto a destra\n<Stanwell> mi dice che non appare nulla che possa riguardare wifi e similari\n<glpiana> Stanwell, digli di dare: sudo dpkg --configure -a\n<glpiana> Stanwell, poi sudo apt-get update   e   sudo apt-get dist-upgrade         visto che può connettersi.\n<glpiana> poi gli dici di riavviare e ridare lspci\n<Stanwell> tutti questi comandi\n<glpiana> troppi?\n<Stanwell> vanno dati da connesso?\n<Stanwell> ahah nono :D\n<glpiana> Stanwell, il primo anche senza connessione, gli altri sì\n<Stanwell> oki\n<Stanwell> 1 attimo\n<Stanwell> dopo il --configure non ha output\n<Stanwell> visivi\n<Stanwell> normale?\n<glpiana> normale\n<Stanwell> ok\n<Stanwell> sta rivviando il pc\n<Stanwell> glpiana, cosa devo dirgli di individuare dopo lspci?\n<glpiana> fatti dare lspci\n<glpiana> !paste | Stanwell\n<ubot-it> Stanwell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<giordano> salve a tutti/e ,  ho un problema la mia scheda wi -fi vede la mia rete ma non mi fa connettere, cosa posso fare?\n<glpiana> giordano, che scheda wifi è?\n<Stanwell> glpiana, http://paste.ubuntu.com/612203/\n<glpiana> Stanwell, ma non è che ha una wifi usb?\n<giordano> http://paste.ubuntu.com/612204/\n<glpiana> giordano, la prism... eri già stato qui vero?\n<Stanwell> glpiana, mi ha più volte confermato che si è sempre connesso senza problemi\n<glpiana> Stanwell, non mi hai risposto\n<Stanwell> sì anche\n<glpiana> -.-\n<giordano> si, come ho detto prima la rete wi-fi del mio ruter la vede, ma non mi fa connettere\n<Stanwell> una tp-link\n<glpiana> giordano, hai protezioni sul router?\n<Stanwell> ma si connetteva senza di essa\n<giordano> si\n<glpiana> Stanwell, quindi stiamo parlando di una scheda interna\n<Stanwell> esatto\n<glpiana> giordano, prova a togliere la protezione e vedi se si connette\n<mikunos> salve a tutti\n<Stanwell> ciao\n<glpiana> Stanwell, digli di controllare se il bios la vede. altra cosa che può fare è avviare da livecd e dare lspci per vedere se la vede\n<mikunos> perchè il mio ubuntu al click di apertura di qualsiasi cartella mi visualizza un gestore di files diverso dal vecchio nautilus?\n<mikunos> Non riesco ad utilizzare gli scripts e molte altre funzioni\n<glpiana> mikunos, fa vedere una schermata\n<glpiana> !image | mikunos\n<ubot-it> mikunos: Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<Stanwell> glpiana, qualcosa nelle sue parole mi ha fatto intuire che sta per spazientirsi ahahahahah\n<Stanwell> comunque sta controllando via bios\n<glpiana> Stanwell, ha anche windows sul pc?\n<Stanwell> no, soltanto ubuntu\n<mikunos> glpiana\n<mikunos> http://imagebin.org/154780\n<glpiana> mikunos, vai su aiuto -> informazioni\n<mikunos> Thunar è un gestore di file veloce e facile\n<mikunos> da usare per l'ambiente grafico Xfce.\n<glpiana> mikunos, e come mai hai thunar? hai mezzo xubuntu?\n<mikunos> no\n<mikunos> ho solamente fatto l'aggiornamento tempo fa\n<giordano> quando compare la rete mi dice di inserire la key di accesso, e comunque non va\n<glpiana> mikunos, i programmi non van su da soli\n<glpiana> mikunos, dpkg -l | grep xubuntu\n<glpiana> !paste | mikunos\n<ubot-it> mikunos: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<Stanwell> giordano, dopo che inserisci la key cosa ti dice?\n<glpiana> giordano, ma hai levato la chiave dal router?\n<mikunos> dpkg -l | grep xubuntu non da alcun risultato\n<glpiana> mikunos, dpkg -l | grep xfce\n<giordano> va in ricezione e dice che è fuori rete\n<mikunos> http://pastie.org/1965271\n<Stanwell> glpiana, sto iniziando a rabbrividire\n<glpiana> mikunos, ok, hai installato xfce. l'hai fatto seguendo qualche guida ad mentulam canis?\n<glpiana> Stanwell, ???\n<Stanwell> sta insinuandosi nel mio cervello l'idea che il wifi non ci sia affatto in quel portatile\n<glpiana> eh\n<glpiana> Stanwell, sa anche a me\n<Stanwell> mi faccio dare modello esatto e controllo io sul web\n<Stanwell> credo che sarà la prima persona a morire di ubuntu\n<mikunos> glpiana tu non ci crederai ma non ho installato quell'applicazione volontariamente, sarò stato rapito dagli ALIENI!?\n<mikunos> come posso ripristinare il pc?\n<glpiana> mikunos, esatto, non ci credo. termina sessione e rifai il login. dimmi cosa leggi come sessione in basso\n<mikunos> dovrebbe esserci Ubuntu\n<mikunos> Ubuntu Classic\n<glpiana> mikunos, oki, resetta gnome\n<mikunos> ?!\n<glpiana> !gnomereset | mikunos\n<ubot-it> mikunos: Per resettare gnome alle sue impostazioni di default rinominare le cartelle nascoste nella propria home .gnome2 .config .gconf .gconfd .gnome2_private e riavviare la sessione\n<glpiana> mikunos, cioè si potrebbe provare con qualcosa di meno traumatico\n<mikunos> tipo?\n<glpiana> però così va a posto pulito, visto che non sappiamo cosa hanno fatto gli spiriti sul tuo pc\n<glpiana> mikunos, tipo: se clicchi su risorse -> home cosa si apre?\n<mikunos> Io ho .gnome, .gnome2, .gnome2_private\n<glpiana> mikunos, se clicchi su risorse -> home cosa si apre?\n<Stanwell> glpiana, abbiamo appurato che il mitico asus a4000 NON HA modulo wifi per la mia felicità\n<glpiana> Stanwell, lol\n<DareDevil> vorrei porre alla vostra attenzione questo http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/23/DSC04893.JPG\n<glpiana> Stanwell, si collegava con la forza del pensiero?\n<glpiana> DareDevil, carino, ma sei off topic qui\n<Stanwell> glpiana, sarà stato il pentagono\n<glpiana> !chat | DareDevil\n<ubot-it> DareDevil: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<DareDevil> cavolo non me ne sono accorto! scusate\n<glpiana> :)\n<Stanwell> glpiana, beh grazie lo stesso e scusa per il tempo perso\n<glpiana> :)\n<Mauy> glpiana, ti è venuto in mente qualcosa per il mio problema di avvio???\n<Stanwell> avresti potuto raccontare agli amici di aver fatto funzionare il wifi anche in un laptop dove non c'è\n<glpiana> Mauy, avvia in recovery e dimmi cosa fa\n<glpiana> Stanwell, LOL\n<Mauy> ok\n<Stanwell> mi spiace :D\n<Stanwell> un saluto a tutto il canale\n<Stanwell> a presto\n<Mauy> si ferma qundo mi da le info sul masterizzatore\n<Mauy> petta mi da un allert\n<Mauy> dev/disk/by-uuid......... does not exist dropping to a shell\n<glpiana_> Mauy, un secondo solo\n<Mauy> ok\n<glpiana> eccomi di nuovo\n<glpiana> problema alla rtee\n<glpiana> *rete\n<Mauy> rete?\n<glpiana> scrivevo:  Mauy, e non va oltre? avvia con livecd\n<glpiana> Mauy, sì io ho avuto un problema alla rete e mi son disconnesso\n<Mauy> no ok adesso riavvio da live\n<Mauy> preciso che l'hardware è tutto testato però ho notato che da live avvia ma anche li siblocca per un po con la luce hdd accesa fissa\n<glpiana> Mauy, dimmi quando la live si è avviata\n<Mauy> ok\n<ndi> ciao\n<mikunos> glpiana: mikunos, se clicchi su risorse -> home cosa si apre?   mi apre sempre thunar\n<glpiana> mikunos, ok, apri un terminale\n<mikunos> con tutte le cartelle nascoste\n<glpiana> mikunos, scrivi: nautilus\n<glpiana> lo apre?\n<mikunos> si correttamente\n<glpiana> mikunos, clicca col destro su una directory e sceli: apri con altra applicazione\n<glpiana> mikunos, scegli apri cartella e spunta affinchè lo ricordi\n<mikunos> ok\n<mikunos> ora?\n<glpiana> ora risorse -> home\n<glpiana> cosa apre?\n<mikunos> quale applicazione devo scegliere dal menu?!\n<mikunos> apri con altra applicazione   =========> Quale applicazione?\n<glpiana> mikunos, scegli apri cartella e spunta affinchè lo ricordi           <----- ma quante volte van scritte le cose?\n<mikunos> glpiana: non è chiaro ciò che hai scritto\n<glpiana> mikunos, aspetta\n<mikunos> glpiana: dopo aver fatto click con il tasto destro e scelto: apri con un altra applicazione appare una finestra e mi chiede, ovviamente l'applicazione\n<mikunos> quindi quale applicazione deve usare il sistema?\n<glpiana> mikunos, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/501082/Schermata-Apri%20con.png\n<glpiana> magari col disegno va meglio\n<mikunos> ok\n<mikunos> fatto\n<mikunos> non c'è la spunta per ricordare l'applicazione\n<glpiana> non si capiva dal messaggio: scegli apri cartella, che dovevi scegliere apri cartella?\n<mikunos> no\n<mikunos> comunque adesso il comportamento è lo stesso\n<mikunos> apre Thunar\n<glpiana> secondo me hai tocchicciato da qualche parte e non capisco perchè non dirlo. comunque, resetta gnome come indicato sopra\n<Mauy> live avviata, secondo mè è un problema di qualche hardware.... non voglio farti perdere tempo, non mi interessa una soluzione so lper questa volta devo poter avere una macchina su cui si installa da solo senza smanettamenti da parte mia o dell'utente se pensi che sia un problema tipo del disco dimmelo che lo cambio e provo\n<mikunos> glpiana: possa morire ma non ho toccato, VOLONTARIAMENTE, niente\n<glpiana> Mauy, apri il gestore dischi\n<Mauy> ok\n<glpiana> Mauy, fai il check del disco su cui hai installato. quando termina dimmelo che facciamo un'altra cosa\n<glpiana> mikunos, anzi fai una prova\n<mikunos> dimmi\n<glpiana> mikunos, vai sul tasto in alto a destra ed entra come guest per vedere come si comporta\n<mikunos> ok\n<glpiana> a tra poco\n<Mauy> lo sto facendo ma scusa se mi permetto ho gia testato il disco con hdd regenerator e non aveva nessun guasto è stata la prima cosa che ho pensato il disco difettoso\n<gerby> gerby\n<gerby> dvd italian\n<gionnico> qualcuno vuol giocare a spacezero 0.80 con me? mandatemi PM\n<zeitgeist000> salve, quando masterizzo un iso con brasero alla fine dice creating image checksum. Che serve sta roba posso fare cancel perche dura molto?\n<K99Brain> !chat | gionnico\n<ubot-it> gionnico: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<gionnico> zeitgeist000: sarebbe la verifica opzionale\n<gionnico> ma se l'hai messa fallo finire, però puoi masterizzare senza verificare l'immagine ma devi dirglielo prima\n<zeitgeist000> bo allora nne grave se faccio cancel? dura mezz ora\n<zeitgeist000> sai percaso dove lo imposto in modo che non me la fa?\n<gionnico> cancella pure\n<zeitgeist000> grazie mille\n<pivellino-ubuntu> ciao. Devo rimuovere un software che si chiama Dnetstats ma non lo trovo in ubuntu software center e neppure in gestore pacchetti, non riesco a rimuoverlo da terminale.\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu:  come lo hai installato? nemmeno io lo trovo nei repo\n<pivellino-ubuntu> enzotib L'ho installato da terminale\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu:  con quale comando? hai prima scaricato qualcosa da internet o modificato i repo?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> enzotib L'ho installato mesi fa, mi pare che non ho modificato i repository. Credo che ho fatto tutto da terminale\n<giordano> http://paste.ubuntu.com/612225/\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu:  il nome che hai scritto è corretto? se sì: dpkg -l | grep dnetstats\n<enzotib> !pastebin | pivellino-ubuntu\n<ubot-it> pivellino-ubuntu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<giordano> http://paste.ubuntu.com/612225/\n<enzotib> giordano:  cosa stai tentando di fare?\n<giordano> nulla, non mi ricordo come si apre la rete, se dal sito della netger a da ubuntu\n<enzotib> giordano:  per prima cosa dhclient richiede il sudo\n<enzotib> giordano:  iwconfig essid richiede una stringa (il sid, appunto), e sempre il sudo\n<ugone> Ciao a tutti\n<giordano> con la prima string la schell rimane immobile devo premere ctrl-c, per la seconda invede da lo sesso risultato\n<glpiana> Mauy, scusami ero via. a che punto sei?\n<glpiana> giordano, per togliere la password del router devi entrare nel router con il browser\n<Mauy> finito\n<glpiana> Mauy, il check intendi?\n<Mauy> si\n<glpiana> Mauy, oki, ora segui questa procedura:\n<glpiana> !grub | Mauy\n<ubot-it> Mauy: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/ | Per ripristinare Grub: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/Ripristino\n<glpiana> Mauy, la guida del ripristino, devi seguirla fino al comando chroot incluso\n<glpiana> Mauy, dimmi quando ci sei\n<Mauy> ok\n<pivellino-ubuntu> enzotib  Scusa mi si è staccata la connessione\n<Mauy> alla seconda riga mi dice mount poin does not exist\n<glpiana> Mauy, questo? sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt\n<Mauy> no quella dopo\n<glpiana> questo? sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev\n<Mauy> si\n<glpiana> Mauy, controlla cosa scrivi\n<Mauy> ops ho dimenticato /\n<glpiana> Mauy, ascolta, devi fare moooolta attenzione quando fai ste cose, ok?\n<Mauy> si scusa\n<glpiana> Mauy, non è un problema per me, è per il tuo pc che lo dico ;)\n<giordano_> mi sono accorto che quando apro i video la finestra se ingrandita fa comparire un finestra nera.\n<Mauy> bhe mal che vada riparto tanto sono test comunque devo farlo il chroot\n<glpiana> Mauy, sì, a che punto sei?\n<Mauy> ok lo faccio e ci sono\n<pivellino-ubuntu> enzotib Per caso hai trovato qualcosa su come rimuovere Dnetstats?\n<Mauy> ci sono\n<glpiana> Mauy, scrivi: dpkg --configure -a\n<Mauy> fatto\n<glpiana> Mauy, il pc è collegato alla rete?\n<Mauy> no\n<Mauy> adesso si\n<glpiana> Mauy, oki, digita: apt-get update\n<Mauy> fatto\n<glpiana> Mauy, apt-get dist-upgrade\n<Mauy> confermo?\n<glpiana> Mauy, vuole solo installare o anche rimuovere?\n<Mauy> solo installare\n<glpiana> oki, faglielo fare\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu:  ti avevo chiesto di dare un comando: dpkg -l | grep dnetstat\n<pivellino-ubuntu> enzotib Ho dato ora il comando ma non è successo nulla\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu: locate dnetstat\n<pivellino-ubuntu> enzotib E' uscito /usr/bin/dnetstats   che devo fare?\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu:  solo questo?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> si\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu: perché senti l'esigenza di rimuoverlo, se il file è solo quello, non dovrebbe dare alcun fastidio\n<pivellino-ubuntu> enzotib Quel software non mi serve, è da un sacco di tempo che non lo uso\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu:  un minuto\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu:  ho fatto una ricerca, vedo che è distribuito in formato sorgente, e non ha una vera e propria installazione, secondo me un rimuovere quel file dovrebbe essere sufficiente\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu:  sudo rm /usr/bin/dnetstats\n<pivellino-ubuntu> enzotib Ho dato quel comando, inserita password e invio ma non è uscito nessun risultato\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu:  nessun errore, tutto a posto\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu:  fai anche un locate -i dnetstats\n<pivellino-ubuntu> enzotib  E' uscito /home/luca/.local/share/applications/DNetstats.desktop\n<pivellino-ubuntu> /usr/bin/dnetstats\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu: ok, sei a posto, quell'output è un residuo nel db di locate, il file in effetti non c'è più, e anche i sorgenti probabilmente li hai già cancellati da tempo\n<enzotib> io vado, ciao\n<pivellino-ubuntu> enzotib grazie\n<glpiana> Mauy, a che punto siamo?\n<Mauy> finito ora\n<glpiana> Mauy, digita: cat /etc/default/grub          e metti su pastebin\n<glpiana> !paste | Mauy\n<ubot-it> Mauy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<Mauy> http://paste.ubuntu.com/612235\n<glpiana> Mauy, oki, ora riprendi la guida dal comando exit incluso in poi e riavvia il pc e vedi che fa.\n<glpiana> torno tra breve\n<glpiana> Mauy, alur?\n<Mauy> nada non avvia\n<glpiana> bah\n<glpiana> Mauy, riprova a entrare in grub\n<Mauy> in pratica mi hai fatto fare gli aggiornamenti giusto??'\n<glpiana> Mauy, sì\n<glpiana> Mauy, e dimmi dopo quiet spash cosa leggi\n<glpiana> *splash\n<Mauy> ok comunque ho gia provato a rifare tutto da capo tre volte e sempre lo stesso risultato penso possa essere un problema di incompatibilità di qualche hardware\n<Mauy> vt.handoff=7\n<glpiana> Mauy, cancella e poi dai ctrl+x\n<Mauy> ok\n<Mauy> idem\n<glpiana> Mauy, togli quello e scrivi acpi=off\n<Mauy> ok la scheda è vecchia però chipset via\n<glpiana> Mauy, leva anche quiet splash\n<Mauy> fatto continua a non avviare\n<glpiana> Mauy, vedi le scritte?\n<Mauy> yes\n<glpiana> Mauy, e dove si blocca?\n<Mauy> dopo il cd rom\n<glpiana> Mauy, il lettore cd è vuoto?\n<Mauy> si\n<glpiana> Mauy, se premi invio o ctrl+c va avanti?1\n<Mauy> ha scritto initramfs con invio\n<glpiana> Mauy, allora torna da livecd e segui pedissequamente la guida del ripristino di grub. installazione di grub compresa\n<Mauy> ok però vorrei sapere secondo te perchè mi da questo problema?\n<glpiana> Mauy, sto cercando di capire\n<glpiana> ma se si blocca lì mi sa che ci è installato male grub\n<glpiana> Mauy, prova. peggio di così non può andare in ogni caso\n<Mauy> si ma puo essere che grub si installi male per 3 o 4 formattazioni da 0\n<glpiana> Mauy, sì\n<Mauy> a me non interessa tanto il farlo funzionare ora mi interessa capire perchè non funziona\n<Mauy> ok riparto col ripristino\n<Mauy> petta forse ho letto un messaggio che puo aitarti a capire\n<Mauy> alert dev/disk/by-uuid/......... does not exist\n<glpiana> Mauy, appunto, reinstalla grub seguendo al guida del ripristino\n<Mauy> non è che ha problemi a veder il disco fisso??\n<Mauy> si ma la cosa che mi fa pensare è che pure caricando la live si blocca per un po con la luca hdd fissa prima di caricare\n<glpiana> Mauy, vabbè, dai fa quel che vuoi\n<Mauy> non voglio fare quel che voglio voglio capire tu sei bravo e aiuti tutti ma io vorrei arrivarci sto cercando di imparare come ragiona linux per imparare a cavarmela da solo come con win\n<glpiana> Mauy, allora durante l'installazione grub si installa male. per farlo partire devi fare il ripristino. l'errore dice che non vede il disco, ci sarà un problema di UUID ma fin che non ripristino grub no sapremo mai se è quello\n<Mauy> ok\n<Mauy> riprovo e grazie per la pazienza\n<Mauy> nel frattempo l'eventuale problema di uuid da cosa puo essere causato?\n<glpiana> Mauy, un difetto dell'installer? una incompatibilità hardware? io non lo so, non sono un tecnico\n<Mauy> ok anche io pensavo che poteva essere una incompatibilià hardware quindi potrei non avere torto è quello che interessa a me\n<nicolakor> ciao a tutti, ubuntu mi dà questo messaggio di errore nell'aggiornamento software http://pastebin.com/ydhLXsZm mi aiutate per favore?\n<DarkSun> uhm\n<DarkSun> forse ti conviene eliminare tutto il contenuto di /var/lib/apt/lists\n<nicolakor> provo?\n<MarconM> bongiorno\n<DarkSun> nicolakor: prova\n<nicolakor> sto aggiornando la lista..\n<nicolakor> DarkSun grazie mille, problema risolto... grazie ancora\n<DarkSun> di niente ;)\n<nicolakor> a presto\n<DarkSun> ciao\n<robbie> ciao raga! ho un problema con la scheda wifi del mio portatile! è un pc vecchio! scheda broadcom bcm4306! con ubuntu 10.04 riuscivo a farla funzionare tramite \"Driver aggiuntivi\" mentre ora trova solo i driver della scheda video ma non per il wifi! riuscite ad aiutarmi????? grazie! :)\n<cicciocele> ciao a tutti....ho installato ieri per la prima volta ubuntu e quindi sono inesperto...ora sono collegato via cavo lan c'è qualcuno che puo spiegARMI come settare per la WIFI ??  grazie\n<robbie> @cicciocele, prova ad andare in sistema, amministrazione, driver aggiuntivi! guarda se ti trova i driver per la tua scheda wifi! oppure se sono già installati premi sull'icona della connessione in alto a dx, clicca sul nome della rete ed inserisci la pass :)\n<ubottu-it> robbie: Error: \"cicciocele,\" is not a valid command.\n<robbie> cicciocele, prova ad andare in sistema, amministrazione, driver aggiuntivi! guarda se ti trova i driver per la tua scheda wifi! oppure se sono già installati premi sull'icona della connessione in alto a dx, clicca sul nome della rete ed inserisci la pass :)\n<massimo18> -.-\n<cicciocele> non mi compare nessuna rete se vado nelle  reti senza fili in alto a dx\n<mtb-vero> salve, qualcuno sa se è possibile ''leggere'' con ubutu 11 uno smartphone ...windows  (omnia900)\n<jester-> 'ngiorno\n<mtb-vero> giorno\n<Broc> ciao a tutti\n<Broc> ho una domanda\n<Broc> come posso cambiare il file manager impostato come default?\n<jester-> Broc: cioè?\n<Broc> dato che aprendo le cartelle dall'accesso rapido le apre con gwenview\n<Broc> mentre io vorrei visualizzarle con dolphin\n<Broc> jester-: dal menu K o come si chiama, se io vado su \"computer\" e apro ad esempio \"home\", non la apre con dolphin\n<jester-> Broc: curati peace- quando logga che è lui il the best kakkade expert\n<Broc> ma con gwenview che, essendo un visualizzatore di foto, non mi permette di veder tutti i file...\n<K99Brain> Broc, non uso kde da un po, ma prova a spulciare nel systemsettings\n<K99Brain> da qualche parte mi pare di ricordare che è impostabile\n<Broc> K99Brain: può essere in applicazioni prdefinite?\n<Broc> ah sì, trovato!\n<Broc> a posto\n<K99Brain> Broc, si, è possibile\n<cicciocele> ciao jester hai qualche minuto....vorrei settare il wifi se ti ricordi era in sospeso da ieri\n<jester-> cicciocele: fa vedere cosa risponde iwconfig\n<cicciocele2> scusami mi ridai il link dove posso copiare senza intasare\n<jester-> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<cicciocele2> http://paste.ubuntu.com/612276/\n<jester-> cicciocele2: e lspci | grep -i network\n<cicciocele2> 03:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR928X Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)\n<jester-> cicciocele2: sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree\n<tado> qualcuno sa come impostare la lente file & cartelle di modo che cerchi su tutto l'hard disk e non solo su home?\n<cicciocele2> jester -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/612277/\n<jester-> cicciocele2: sudo iwlist wlan0 scan\n<cicciocele2> cicciocele@cicciocele-Aspire-4820TG:~$ sudo iwlist wlan0 scan wlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down\n<cicciocele2> ci risiamo\n<jester-> cicciocele2: compare la wifi nell'icona?\n<cicciocele2> no per adesso no\n<jester-> cicciocele2: nel bios è abilitata?\n<cicciocele2> se non ricordo male ma non so dove ...dovrei dare qualche autorizzazione?\n<cicciocele2> si la lucina è accesa e in windows va\n<jester-> ti dovrebbe chiedere la pass\n<jester-> cicciocele2: rfkill list\n<cicciocele2> http://paste.ubuntu.com/612280/\n<jester-> cicciocele2: sudo rfkill unblock all\n<jester-> cicciocele2: e non pigiare piu il tastino fn\n<cicciocele2> fatto\n<jester-> cicciocele2: guarda se compare nell'icon\n<jester-> a\n<cicciocele2> cosa manca ancora l'icona in alto a dx\n<cicciocele2> c'è solo l'icona della LAN e non del wifi\n<cicciocele2> posso fare qualche altra cosa?\n<jester-> cicciocele2: ridai rfkill list\n<cicciocele2> da lo stesso di prima\n<cicciocele2> jester io ci sono eventualmente ti vengono altre idee\n<jester-> cicciocele2: fa vedere\n<cicciocele2> è identico a quello di prima http://paste.ubuntu.com/612280/\n<jester-> cicciocele2: sudo rfkill unblock all\n<jester-> scrivi bene\n<cicciocele2> fatto\n<cicciocele2> io copio e incollo\n<jester-> cicciocele2: rfkill list\n<jester-> a vedere se è sbloccata\n<cicciocele2> http://paste.ubuntu.com/612284/\n<jester-> cicciocele2: hai anche winzoz sul pc?\n<cicciocele2> scusami ma non ho  mai utilizzato winzoz (o almeno non so cosa è)\n<jester-> cicciocele2: windows\n<cicciocele2> ah scusa\n<cicciocele2> si si c'è winzoz\n<cicciocele2> in parallelo\n<jester-> cicciocele2: allora vai in winzoz la fai collegare poi senza toccare niente riavvii in lunux\n<jester-> linux\n<cicciocele2> e quindi tolgo il cavo lan?\n<jester-> cicciocele2: yess\n<jester-> cicciocele2: pure in win togli la lan\n<cicciocele2> ok a tra poco\n<gigirock> raga n capisco na cosa.....una volta che saned e' in funzione....come faccio a fargli automaticamente fare le scansioni ?\n<jester-> gigirock: che è la domda trabocchetto? fai quella diriserva va\n<jester-> domanda*\n<cicciocele> jester in winzoz va....qui no\n<jester-> cicciocele: rfkill list è ancora bloccata?\n<cicciocele> si\n<jester-> cicciocele: sudo  apt-get install wicd\n<gigirock> allora io ho uno scanner in rete ethernet ed un server ubuntu....una volta configurato il collegamento e messo in funzione saned....gli utenti si collegheranno a saned per sannerare.....ok ?\n<jester-> cicciocele: sudo dpkg --purge network-manager network-manager-gnome\n<gigirock> *scannerare\n<jester-> gigirock: occhei\n<gigirock> jester-: io voglio che gli utenti vadano sulla macchina scanner premano scan e il server fa la scansione e spedisce un file in una directory condivisa\n<jester-> gigirock: io ho una multifunzione in lan con cavo eth. ed è installata su tutti i pc\n<cicciocele> http://paste.ubuntu.com/612290/\n<jester-> cosi ognuno si fa i cazzi suoi\n<jester-> cicciocele: sudo dpkg --purge network-manager network-manager-gnome\n<gigirock> jester-: cosi ' ognuno mi spacca i maroni che non riescie a fare una scansione !!!!!\n<jester-> gigirock: è come se fosse attaccato diretto ad ogni pc in rete\n<jester-> gigirock: pacioccamenti particolari server da linuxari sadomaso rivolgerssi a remix_tj filo1234 & Odo\n<cicciocele> http://paste.ubuntu.com/612293/\n<gigirock> jester-: smack...... ma filo n c'e' e Odo n lo conosco e remix_tj di solito n mi considera\n<remix_tj> gigirock: eh non e' cosi' immediato\n<jester-> cicciocele: riavvia a avrai una icona di rete diversa\n<remix_tj> noi abbiamo dovuto comprare delle fotocopiatrici di rete\n<cicciocele> ok\n<BruceLeonardo> ciao a tutti\n<jester-> gigirock: la comodità di una stampante7scanner in ln è appunto che una volta installata su ogni pc la usano direttamente tutti\n<gigirock> remix_tj: infatti ma n esiste qualche progetto bell'efatto ?\n<BruceLeonardo> avrei bisogno di consigli a proposito di Ubuntu sul mio aspire one d 260\n<jester-> BruceLeonardo: dica\n<BruceLeonardo> grazie\n<remix_tj> gigirock: dovresti documentarti sul tuo scanner in linux se e' possibile rilevare il comando dello scanner, a quel punto si lancia qualche comando che acquisisce la scansione su un pdf\n<BruceLeonardo> allora\n<BruceLeonardo> ho installato nel mio aspire\n<BruceLeonardo> ubuntu 10.04\n<remix_tj> gigirock: di progetti gia' fatti purtroppo non ne conosco\n<BruceLeonardo> netbook\n<jester-> BruceLeonardo: 10.04?\n<BruceLeonardo> si\n<BruceLeonardo> è errato jester?\n<jester-> BruceLeonardo: stiamo avanti di 2 versioni\n<BruceLeonardo> funziona\n<gigirock> si ok remix_tj io sono gia' al punto che hp-scan fa na scansione.....quello che n capisco e' che ci faccio con saned\n<jester-> BruceLeonardo: ultima è 11.04\n<BruceLeonardo> lo so\n<BruceLeonardo> ma da chiavetta non riesco ad installare le versioni sucessive\n<BruceLeonardo> è anche questo vhe vi volevo chiedere\n<BruceLeonardo> ...\n<jester-> gigirock:  hplip usa xsane ne piu ne meno\n<gigirock> BruceLeonardo: devi aggiornare il bios\n<jester-> BruceLeonardo: dovresti fare 2 passaggi e ti converebbe reinstallare diretto la 11.04\n<BruceLeonardo> come faccio? non è che sia espertissimo...\n<jester-> gigirock: ????\n<BruceLeonardo> avete un comando per terminale o che so un link ?\n<jester-> BruceLeonardo: per cosa\n<BruceLeonardo> dove posso seguire passo passo?\n<jester-> !usb\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/DaSupportoUsb\n<BruceLeonardo> per fare i due passaggi\n<jester-> !installazione\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione | Per installazione grafica http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download\n<jester-> !natty\n<ubot-it> Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal: http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ | Kubuntu 11.04: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/natty/ | È preferibile usare i torrent | problemi noti: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyNarwhal/ReleaseNotes\n<BruceLeonardo> oddio quanti link\n<BruceLeonardo> grazie\n<BruceLeonardo> allora\n<jester-> BruceLeonardo: i due passaggi li fai scaricando da internet e usando il gestore\n<pivellino-ubuntu> ciao. Stavo cercando di installare gmail-notify ma con la connessione lenta si è scaricato solo una parte. Ora quando provo ad installarlo dal software center mi dice che devo riparare l'installazione, clicco si e non riesco ad installarlo. Che faccio?\n<jester-> BruceLeonardo: leggi aggiornamento da 10.04 a 10.10\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: prova con apt-get -f install\n<BruceLeonardo> Jester: ho gia installato e seguito i comandi da usb\n<BruceLeonardo> un mese fa\n<BruceLeonardo> ora provo a vedere i vostri link\n<jester-> BruceLeonardo: non facciamo confusione, ha installato la 10.04?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun  http://paste.ubuntu.com/612297/\n<jester-> BruceLeonardo: vuoi avanare di versione?\n<BruceLeonardo> Jester: ho installato la 10.04 tutto gia tramite guida di come installare il file iso tramite usb\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: una delle dipendenze è danneggiata e quindi non la puoi installare\n<BruceLeonardo> Jester: si voglio avanzare di versione\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun Come cancello la dipendenza?\n<BruceLeonardo> questa nel mio netbook non mi ci trovo\n<jester-> BruceLeonardo: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/AggiornamentoMaverick\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: non puoi. è una dipendenza, nel senso che il pacchetto che vuoi installare ha bisogno di quella dipendenza per poter funzionare, altrimenti niente\n<jester-> BruceLeonardo: poi l'avanzamento alla 11.04 te lo vede senza piu fare niente\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun Ok, grazie proverò un altro programma\n<BruceLeonardo> Jester: ok sto leggendo\n<BruceLeonardo> Jester: un'altra cosa\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: che versione di ubuntu stai usando?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> 10.10\n<BruceLeonardo> Jester: come mai non riesco a masterizzare?\n<DarkSun> nome in codice?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> maveric-merkat\n<jester-> BruceLeonardo: non ti serve masterizzare per avanzare\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: be', il pacchetto c'è in maverick però se dice che è danneggiato\n<BruceLeonardo> Jester: non intendevo dire per avanzare, in generale non riesco a masterizzare con Ubuntu\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: prova a rimuovere il pacchetto, lanciare apt-get clean e a reinstallarlo\n<jester-> BruceLeonardo: facile che il problema scompaia avanzando, se no ci si pensa dopo\n<BruceLeonardo> Jester: grazie mille ora provo sul mio netbook ad avanzare\n<cicciocele> jester sono in wifi\n<cicciocele> grazie mille\n<jester-> cicciocele: ciumbia\n<jester-> cicciocele: era il network manager che non andava daccordo col tuo hw\n<MarconM> !ping\n<ubot-it> pong\n<gigirock> sbeng\n<BruceLeonardo> Jester: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/AggiornamentoMaverick QUI MI CHIEDE DI PREMERE \"ALT F2\" ED ESEGUIRE UPDATE MANAGER...ma mi compare la piccola finestra esegui applicazione\n<BruceLeonardo> e quando digito \"update manager\" mi da errore\n<BruceLeonardo> Jester: ho provato a mandare il comando da terminale\n<BruceLeonardo> Jester: son riuscito a trovare l'avanzamento\n<BruceLeonardo> è in corso\n<tdk200> salve a tutti\n<cicciocele> ragazzi c'è qualcuno che sa dirmi come si puo scaricare da BUC...\n<cicciocele> provando a scaricare mi dice You must be logged in to download this file.\n<remix_tj> cicciocele: BUC e' ubuntu?\n<cicciocele> scusami\n<cicciocele> ho installato da solo due giorni il tutto e mi sono permesso di chiedere da ignorante\n<tdk200> ho una scheda di rete asus wl 138g v2\n<tdk200> volevo ottenere il numero del firmware che ha come posso verificarlo?\n<remix_tj> cicciocele: non so che software sia, e' un software di ubuntu?\n<remix_tj> tdk200: prova con lshw -C networking\n<cicciocele> si è del sito BastaUnClick\n<remix_tj> non mi sembra un software supportato da ubuntu\n<K99Brain> e non mi sembra nemmeno che basta un click, visto che non ci riesci\n<K99Brain> il che la dice lunga\n<tdk200> remix_tj, ho provato schermo nero ho dovuto riavviare\n<cicciocele> ragazzi stavo cercadno di scaricare aircrack.zip dal sito di BUC\n<remix_tj> !aircrack | cicciocele\n<ubot-it> cicciocele: Su questo canale non troverete supporto per software il cui intento è craccare le reti wifi\n<tdk200> remix_tj,  ci sei?\n<remix_tj> tdk200: si\n<tdk200> capito\n<remix_tj> terminale e dai sudo lshw -C networking\n<tdk200> hio inviato il comando mi ha fatto schermo nero\n<remix_tj> come schermo nero?\n<remix_tj> e' un comando che stampa dei dati\n<remix_tj> non puo' fare schermo nero\n<tdk200> probabile che il difetto sia del mio pc adesso riprovo\n<zaganator> ciao a tutti ho un problema con la ram... non è stata riconosciuta dalsistema operativo... ho provato ad andare sulo bios e da lì la vedo ma Ubuntu non ne vuole sapere\n<paolo> ciao, domanda.. è possibile/consigliabile installare su ubuntu 10.04 lts il kernel di una versione di ubuntu più recente?\n<tdk200> remix_tj, niente da fare\n<tdk200> il pc si spegne\n<tdk200> :S\n<remix_tj> tdk200: e' impossibile.\n<remix_tj> tdk200: riprova di nuovo\n<tdk200> lo schermo si fa nero\n<tdk200> e lampeggia\n<tdk200> l'icona del monitor la lucetta\n<K99Brain> tdk200, fai vedere questo, un attimo:  uname -a\n<remix_tj> tdk200: hai aggiornato il sistema agli ultimi aggiornamenti? mi dicono che il bug e' risolto\n<tdk200> no\n<tdk200> devo aggiornare aspè\n<remix_tj> aggiorna il kernel piu' che altro\n<remix_tj> e' la parte che ha il bug\n<tdk200> cmq questa cosa dche devo fare e per usare aircrack\n<tdk200> come posso aggiornarlo\n<remix_tj> !aircrack | tdk200\n<ubot-it> tdk200: Su questo canale non troverete supporto per software il cui intento è craccare le reti wifi\n<remix_tj> :-D\n<tdk200> si no problem so già usarlo\n<tdk200> cosa brutta è che con la scheda asus 138g v2 bisogna fare un installazione di driver broadcom\n<tdk200> ho una guida che mi da questo codice\n<tdk200> sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer\n<tdk200> corretto remix\n<tdk200> remix_tj,\n<remix_tj> ah buh si sembra di si\n<tdk200> perchè il monitor mode nn si abilita senza quei driver\n<roger_> ciao ragazzi!\n<tdk200> e resto con la scheda che mi sta su channel -1 sempre\n<roger_> Una domanda...xubuntu che tipo di processore minimo supporta?\n<tdk200> penso il pentium 3\n<tdk200> roger_,  unica cosa che forse ti da problemi nello spegnimento del pc\n<roger_> ..Ho un Duron amd 900 +  440 ram...volevo sapere se lo potevo installare..!!??\n<tdk200> si\n<tdk200> anche se devi metter su ram roger_\n<roger_> ..altrimenti?..\n<angelo> ciao\n<angelo> ho appena creato una chiavetta usb persistente con ubuntu\n<DarkSun> roger_: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/RequisitiDiSistema#Computer_meno_potenti\n<roger_> Grazie!\n<angelo> esiste un modo per spostare tutte le mie configurazioni attuali sulla chiavetta? (mail,social, calendari, preferenze, ecc...)\n<angelo> sulla chiavetta ho una 32 bit, sul pc una 64 (che devo togliere\n<enzotib> angelo: le liveusb persistenti sono un po' strane, non si capisce mai bene cosa è persistente e cosa no, o almeno io non l'ho ancora capito\n<angelo> ho lasciato i 4 gb (il massimo) per i file di configurazione\n<angelo> ho utilizzato il creatore di dischi d'avvio\n<angelo> cmq, esiste una soluzione alla mia domanda?\n<DarkSun> una soluzione? spostare da qualche parte le tue configurazioni\n<DarkSun> non devono per forza di cose stare nella liveusb\n<DarkSun> spostale su dropbox e via\n<useUbu> Ciao a tutti\n<useUbu> Qualcuno di voi può aiutarmi? Devo visualizzae una pagina web però mi chiede i instllare adobe plash player però c'è già instalalto sul pc.\n<tdk200> Linux tdk200-desktop 2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:31:50 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux\n<useUbu> c'è nessuno?\n<tdk200> remix_tj,\n<tdk200> Ci sei ancora??\n<remix_tj> tdk200:\n<tdk200> ti passo un paste bin\n<remix_tj> che c'e'?\n<angelo> DarkSun, io vorrei una chiavetta che sostituisca all'occorrenza (in mobilità) il pc. Mi indicheresti quali file spostare per un backup completo? ho trovato questa discussion, ma tratta di backup dalla chiavetta. posso utilizzarla per un backup da pc a chiavetta? e poi riutilizzarlo su un atro pc? http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/index.php?topic=312883.msg2358253\n<tdk200> remix_tj,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/612343/\n<tdk200> questo è ciò che è uscito dal comando che ho dato\n<tdk200> ma il firmware così è aggiorato\n<tdk200> la guida mi dice che evo andare in driver aggiuntivi e aggiornarlo\n<tdk200> cioè attivarlo\n<remix_tj> a me sembra ok\n<remix_tj> non saprei come fare\n<tdk200> ma da come dice nel codice\n<tdk200> b43-fwcutter è già alla versione più recente.\n<tdk200> I seguenti pacchetti NUOVI saranno installati:\n<tdk200>   firmware-b43-installer\n<tdk200> b43 fwcutter già c'era\n<tdk200> solo il firmware mancava\n<tdk200> quindi adesso aircrack dovrebbe andare?\n<DarkSun> angelo: da pc a chiavetta in che senso?\n<angelo> mi spiego meglio\n<angelo> ho una ubuntu 64. voglio passare alla 32 bit\n<tdk200> remix_tj,  ci sei?\n<angelo> ho scaricato il file immsgine, quindi ne approfitto per creare una chiavetta live per lavorare in mobilità con le mie configurazioni\n<remix_tj> tdk200: non lo so, non ho mai fatto questa cosa. Io so solo che se mi si collega in wireless e' configurato\n<tdk200> prima air crack non mi fungeva dopo aver messo il firmware dovrebbe fungere\n<tdk200> per vedere il mac addres delle periferiche?\n<angelo> ora mi restano i passaggi: 1) portare le mie configurazioni sulla chiavetta persistente 2)reinstallare ubuntu sul pc 3) ripristinare le configurazioni\n<K99Brain> !aircrack | tdk200\n<ubot-it> tdk200: Su questo canale non troverete supporto per software il cui intento è craccare le reti wifi\n<K99Brain> !clone | angelo\n<ubot-it> angelo: Per avere i pacchetti gia installati sul tuo pc, in un altro pc ( o per riavere gli stessi pacchetti dopo una  reinstallazione ) utilizzare (escluse le \" \") \"dpkg --get-selections > my-packages\" portare il file \"my-packages\" nel nuovo pc ed  eseguire \"sudo dpkg --set-selections < /path/my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade\"\n<angelo> K99Brain, questa soluzione, oltre ai programmi, comprende le loro configurazioni attuali?\n<K99Brain> angelo, questo per i pacchetti.. per le configurazioni, basta che ti salvi la home\n<angelo> AH ECCO\n<angelo> ok, perfetto\n<angelo> gentilissimi come sempre\n<K99Brain> angelo, se hai una home su una partizione separata\n<K99Brain> angelo, basta che la riutilizzi\n<angelo> ok\n<angelo> ina ggiunta a questa soluzioni mi ritrovo esattamente il mio pc altrove giusto?\n<K99Brain> angelo, si, piu o meno\n<angelo> per il mio uso da utente sega è comunque ok giusto?\n<K99Brain> angelo, se hai messo roba da terze parti o da pacchetti deb, magari quelli li devi rimettere a mano\n<angelo> ah...\n<angelo> peccato\n<angelo> vabbè\n<K99Brain> ma va beh\n<angelo> un paio appindicator e google chrome\n<K99Brain> come lo hai fatto la prima volta lo rifai\n<tdk200> K99Brain,\n<angelo> infatti\n<tdk200> ma perchè poi attivando monitor mode in aircrack con questa sceda mi crea un mon0? coe se fosse un'altra periferica\n<zaganator> hey qualcuno sa qualcosa di ram?\n<Dig_64bit> Ciao a tutti, ho una semplice domanda. Io condivido cartelle e file tra due ubuntu. Quando modifico i file da un pc all'altro mi cambiano i permessi sul file modificato. C'è un modo per modificare questo?\n<jester-> Dig_64bit: man cp\n<Dig_64bit> jester-, cioè? cp non si usa per copia i files?\n<DarkSun> appunto!\n<jester-> Dig_64bit: ci sono delle opzioni\n<jester-> cp -sticazz\n<Dig_64bit> jester-, ho visto ...ma non ci capisco molto...la trovo in giro in italiano?\n<MarconM> buonasera\n<jester-> Dig_64bit: --preserve=all\n<angelo> ciao\n<angelo> ho provato ad avviare da persistent, ma anzichè ubuntu mi manda in una shell a linea id comando in cui mi si chiede di montare un filesystem con tante opzioni. è normale o ho sbagliato qualcosa nella creazione della chiavetta?\n<jester-> angelo: fatta come\n<angelo> quello indicato dalla guida. creatore dischi di avvio, con l'opzione di riservare 4 giga per le configurazioni\n<angelo> c'è da aggiungere però che essendo la chiavetta da 16, ho pensato di creare due partizioni. la prima per i dati, la seconda per ubuntu. è stato quello?\n<jester-> angelo: persistent sarebbe?\n<angelo> una live, http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/DaSupportoUsb?action=show&redirect=Installazione%2FUbuntuLivePersistenteUsb\n<jester-> angelo: scaricata la iso e fatta la penna?\n<angelo> yes\n<jester-> angelo: e facendo il boot da usb cosa succede\n<angelo> quando dico \"avvia senza installare\", anzchè ubuntu mi parte una shell di terminale con un intestazione chiamata BusyBox\n<angelo> che mi chiede di montare il filesystem, ma non ci ho capito granchè\n<jester-> angelo: formattala e rifalla per bene e prima controlla md5sum della sio\n<jester-> iso\n<angelo> già fatto il controllo md5sum prima\n<angelo> non potrebbe essere il rpoblema delle partizioni sulla chiavetta?\n<angelo> ho due fat 32 primarie\n<jester-> angelo: pialla a fanne una sola\n<angelo> e la live l'ho montata sulla 2a, riservandomi la prima per i dati, dato che la live ha 4 giga di limite\n<angelo> mhhh... e allora una domanda nasce spontanea... c'è un modo per superare il limite di 4 giga della live?\n<jester-> angelo: alla live serve circa un giga\n<Dig_64bit> jester-, grazie\n<jester-> Dig_64bit: funza?\n<Dig_64bit> buona serata a tutti\n<angelo> si, io intendevo lo spazio riservato per salvare i file di configurazione\n<angelo> è limitato a 4 giga\n<angelo> un po pochini\n<jester-> angelo: fai una sola partizione e poi setti 2.5 di aggiuntivo se la penna è da 4\n<angelo> è da 16\n<angelo> volevo sfruttarli tutti\n<angelo> per avere un pc in tasca\n<Dig_64bit> jester-, con cp --help il mi esce tutto in Italiano. Non è quello che intendevo. Mi sono spiegato male...ma figurati. è solo per evitare di dare chmod 777 -R un paio di volte al giorno\n<jester-> angelo: una live serve per installare e come coltellino svizzero, se vuoi un os su usb usa o remastersys  o fai installazione sulla usb normale avendo cura di mettere grub sulla usb\n<angelo> remastersys non so cosa sia, mi informo. per uanto riguarda grub, me lo chiede esplicitamente durante l'installazione dove meterlo o devo settare dei aprametri?\n<jester-> angelo: non ricordo\n<angelo> ok\n<angelo> grazie di tutto\n<angelo> ciao\n<Dig_64bit> a presto\n<paolo89> ciao ragazzi\n<paolo89> c'è qualcuno\n<paolo89> ??\n<paolo89> avrei bisogno di una piccolissima info\n<paolo89> vabbe ve la dico\n<paolo89> è proprio una stupidaggine\n<paolo89> nn riesco a trovare tutte le discussioni da me aperte\n<paolo89> come posso fare?\n<DarkSun> discussioni riguardo cosa?\n<paolo89> nel forum\n<K99Brain> !logs | paolo89\n<ubot-it> paolo89: Log del canale: http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/  oppure  http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/\n<K99Brain> paolo89, ah, del forum? e cercale nel forum allora\n<K99Brain> -.-\n<checco> ciao a tutti mi serve un consiglio.....ho una cartella con molti file dentro...vorrei creare una lista di questi file su un documento..come faccio in modo semplice..grazie mille...\n<filo1234> checco: ls >> filelist.txt\n<filo1234> dentro la cartella\n<checco> non ho capito scusami...\n<filo1234> checco: da terminale ls /percorso/cartella/ >> filelist.txt\n<checco> ok capito.....grazie mille\n<checco> grandeeeeee\n<filo1234> il filelist.txt viene creato nella directory in cuo lanci il comando\n<filo1234> se lo vuoi dentro la stessa cartella metti il percorso anche li\n<filo1234> ls /percorso/cartella/ >> /percorso/cartella/filelist.txt\n<checco> ok penso di aver capito....ma e possibile farlo pure tramite interfaccia grafica?? o solo da terminale\n<filo1234> checco: non lo so ma certe cose si fa prima a farle da terminale\n<checco> si infatti e che io sono un po negato ma non fa nulla cosi mi impegno\n<checco> grazie mille a presto.....\n<zafira> aiuto\n<zafira> jester ci sei\n<zafira> non va\n<zafira> ho provato anche ubuntustudio 64\n<zafira> sempre lo stesso problema\n<zafira> schermo nero dopo l'installazione al primo riavvio\n<zafira> c\n<zafira> un volontario che mi aiuta??\n<safari> salve ragazzi\n<safari> avete mai usato teamview per ubuntu?\n<alnuvola> sera ^_^\n<safari> sera\n<bobbybong> ciao\n<safari> ciao\n<safari> qualcuno sa aiutarmi\n<bobbybong> !qualcuno\n<ubot-it> la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera'\n<safari> dovrei accedere da remoto su un pc di un cliente con teamview\n<safari> voi l'avete mai usato? lui usa windiws però\n<alnuvola> perchhe' nn usi vnc e ti sesemplifichi la vita ???\n<bobbybong> il pc a cui vuoi accedere è nella lan o su internet\n<gab_> \tdomanda su unity: son passato alla 11.04 da due giorni ma nn riesco a capire se è possibile avere su un pannello le applicazioni aperte in una finestra (e solo in quella finestra). Per non essere costretto a spsotare una finestra di una applicazione per vedfere le altre aperte\n<safari> perchè lui ora ha installato tw su internet\n<alnuvola> bisogna vedee che protocollo usa di connessione\n<safari> perchè ho visto che esiste tw per distibuzioni linux\n<fritz91> buonasera...nonostante l'ora spero ci sia qualcuno\n<fritz91> ho un problema parecchio fastidioso con la scheda video al punto che ho dovuto reinstallare ubuntu, ma stavolta ho scelto la 10.10\n<fritz91> non so per quale strano motivo ma non riesco ad installare i driver nvidia proprietari e anche se ci riesco, all'avvio mi rimane la schermata nera con il login e niente di più\n<fritz91> dando sudo service gdm start (tentativi disperati) mi dice che è già in esecuzione\n<fritz91> qualche idea? non vorrei rinunciare a ubuntu visto che a comunque a parte questo problema mi trovo benissimo\n<fritz91> grazie in anticipo\n<torn> anche io ho un problema legato alla scheda video (almeno credo ahahha!!!) non riesco a visualizzare correttamente la barra di unity, devo per forza utilizzare \"Ubuntu classico\"!! vedo una barra grigia, nessuna icona all'interno ma se ci passo sopra compaiono i nomi delle icone!! (es firefox, writer, aree di lavoro ecc) boooh!!! :)\n<fritz91> sì esatto!\n<fritz91> mi dava anche questi problemi, quando riusciva ad avviarsi...ma non era un gran guadagno\n<fritz91> torn, ma non è che hai usato compiz\n<torn> no fritz!! niente compiz! io ho un notebook vecchio, ho pensato fosse la scheda video!! boo!! invece con \"Ubuntu classico\" non ho nessun problema!!\n<fritz91> eh io vorrei risolvere...il pc è nuovo ed è un peccato non usare tutto il potenziale...la recoverymode è un po' riduttiva, speriamo che qualcuno venga in mio soccorso :)\n<jumpysnake> sera\n<fritz91> sera\n<fritz91> jumpysnake, sapresti aiutarmi? ho un problema con la scheda nvidia\n<jumpysnake> fritz91: riguardo?\n<fritz91> jumpysnake, scusami, non riesco ad installare i driver nvidia...e se riesco, non mi avvia completamente l'interfaccia grafica e rimango con il login con lo sfondo nero\n<jumpysnake> fritz91: che modello?\n<fritz91> nvidia?\n<jumpysnake> serie? geforce?\n<fritz91> geforce 310M notebook\n<jumpysnake> è vecchia molto se non sbaglio?\n<fritz91> e insomma\n<jumpysnake> tipo 2005\n<fritz91> il pc l'ho comprato a settembre\n<jumpysnake> che driver hai installato?quello raccomandato?\n<fritz91> e l'ho pagato abbastanza\n<fritz91> sì quello...ma non va\n<jumpysnake> hai provato  altro?\n<fritz91> con la 11.04 avevo a disposizione driver open\n<fritz91> ma mi dava comunque problemi\n<fritz91> e non pochi\n<fritz91> così sono tornato alla 10.10\n<jumpysnake> e vanno?\n<fritz91> ma non posso cmq usarli\n<jumpysnake> perchè?\n<torn> sono tornato!! muhahahah!\n<fritz91> perché all'avvio mi rimane la schermata nera con il login\n<jumpysnake> allora loggati\n<fritz91> sì l'ho fatto\n<jumpysnake> e dai sudo startx\n<fritz91> ah startx?\n<jumpysnake> sudo startx\n<jumpysnake> e invio\n<fritz91> mi avevano detto sudo service gdm start è completamente sbagliato?\n<jumpysnake> prova sudo startx\n<fritz91> ok ti ringrazio\n<jumpysnake> non succede nulla..mica salta in aria il pc\n<fritz91> sisi lo so! ahaha\n<fritz91> grazie mille torno subito!\n<jumpysnake> prego\n<torn> ciao jumpy, sai mica perché io vedo la barra di unity grigia anche se sopra ci sono le icone?? sono praticamente trasparenti, se ci passo il mouse sopra esce il nome ma non si vedono!!\n<jumpysnake> non uso unity torn,\n<torn> ah ok grazie!! :) ps. mi puoi dire a cosa serve sudo startx?? :D\n<jumpysnake> torn,cioè non ho 11.04 installata\n<jumpysnake> ad avviarel so con interfaccia grafica...non è giusto giusto come l ho detto..ma a quello serve\n<torn> ok capito!!! grazie mille :)\n<jumpysnake> prego\n<fritz91> rieccomi\n<fritz91> purtroppo non c'è stato niente da fare\n<fritz91> non posso postarti l'output...ma ad un certo punto c'era: (EE) no device detected     Fatal Error: no screens found\n<jester-> fritz91: problema?\n<jumpysnake> sommo jester-  aiutaci tu. :-)\n<fritz91> jester-, ciao non riesco a far funzionare la mia scheda video NVIDIA geforce 310M\n<jester-> fritz91: roba vecchia o nuova che non sono aggiornato coi modelli\n<fritz91> nuova\n<jester-> fritz91: hai installato il driver?\n<fritz91> sfrutta il cuda...non so bene cosa sia ma ha anche un giga dedicato\n<jester-> fritz91: hai installato il driver?\n<fritz91> sì ma sono proprio quelli a darmi problemi...se non li uso bene o male funziona ma in pratica non sfrutto la scheda video, o no?\n<jester-> fritz91: non so circa il cuda ma installando il driver consigliato funza x o no\n<fritz91> no\n<jester-> fritz91: come lo hai installato il driver\n<fritz91> driver aggiuntivi da \"amministrazion\"\n<fritz91> e\n<jester-> fritz91: ok e dopo installazione riavviando?\n<jester-> fritz91: non è che invece del current hai messo gli open\n<fritz91> nono\n<fritz91> non sono disponibili gli open con la 10.10\n<jester-> fritz91: se parti da ripristiono e al menu vai in grafica sicura ?\n<fritz91> non nella sezione \"driver aggiuntivi\" quantomeno\n<fritz91> sì è quello che ho fatto adesso\n<jester-> fritz91: prova ad avanzare alla 11.04 che sa che con la tua scheda è anche una questione di kernel\n<jester-> fritz91: e gli open sono una ciofeca\n<jester-> tali nouveau\n<fritz91> purtroppo mi da altri problemi...sia la 11.04 che il nuovo kernel\n<fritz91> già provato\n<jester-> fritz91: cioè?\n<fritz91> con il nuovo kernel, non mi rileva la chiavetta internet o meglio non la posso usare per collegarmi, visto che la rileva perfettamente\n<fritz91> mentre per quanto riguarda il video mi da gli stessi problemi\n<jester-> fritz91: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf  e metti nel pastebin\n<fritz91> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/612461/\n<jester-> fritz91: sudo gedit /etc/default/grub metti nel paste che provimo una modiifica\n<torn> jester-, poi posso chiederti una cosa su unity? non la visualizzo correttamente... ti aspetto......... :D\n<jumpysnake> dio jester-, grazie\n<jester-> torn: cioè?\n<fritz91> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/612462/\n<jester-> fritz91: mofica GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"quiet splash nomodeset\"\n<jester-> aggiungi nomodeset\n<torn> ho 11.04, vedo la barra di unity grigia, senza icone, ma se ci passo sopra col mouse le icone appaiono! con \"ubuntu classico\" invece tutto ok. uso i driver open perché con i proprietari unity non partiva proprio.....!\n<jester-> torn: scheda?\n<fritz91> fatto, salvo e do update-grub?\n<jester-> fritz91: yess e prova a riavviare\n<jester-> torn: lspci | grep -i vga\n<fritz91> ok\n<fritz91> riavvio e torno\n<torn> scusa, non appaiono le icone, appaiono i nomi delle icone!! grazie per il comando ahah!! nVidia Corporation NV36 [GeForce FX Go5700]\n<jester-> torn: mmm mi sa che è dura, da driver agguintivi toli l'open e metti il consigliato\n<jester-> togli\n<jester-> torn: ma mi pare che le 5000 unity el va no\n<hopersolapasswor> buona sera a tutti. non ricordo la password di amministratore per installare gli aggiornamenti in ubuntu 11.4\n<hopersolapasswor> qualcuno può consigliarmi sul da fare?\n<jester-> hopersolapasswor: è la stessa pass dell'utente\n<torn> ok provo..! però ricordo che non mi compare neanche la barra superiore con il consigliato, riesco a malapena a riavviarlo con ctrl alt canc (e anche la schermata che appare si vede tipo lampeggiare..) mentre ubuntu classico forse andava bene anche con i consigliati...! cmq provo ancora! :)\n<jester-> torn: è un bug\n<hopersolapasswor> jester, il problema è che non la ricordo\n<hopersolapasswor> le ho provate tutte\n<jester-> torn: consiglierei di rimanere al classic che lo risolveranno\n<hopersolapasswor> mi conviene salvare i file e reinstallare il tutto?\n<fritz91> jester-, niente da fare, stessa situazione\n<torn> okok va bene!! cmq consigli in ogni caso i driver proprietari??\n<jester-> hopersolapasswor: avvia in ripristino, al menu vai in shell di root. e dai: passwd nickdelluser\n<fritz91> l'unica differenza è che è cambiata la risoluzione della schermata di login...adesso azzardei che è ad un 800X600\n<jester-> hopersolapasswor: ti chiede la pass e di ripeterla, la digiti ma non la vedi e lascia in bianco il resto\n<hopersolapasswor> ok jester ci provo\n<hopersolapasswor> male che va reinstallo il tutto\n<hopersolapasswor> grazie e buona serata.\n<jester-> fritz91: ho controllato, le fx non vanno ed è un bug, o driver paccato male o qualcosa nel plugin\n<fritz91> uh che bella notizia\n<fritz91> quindi se voglio ubuntu mi devo tenere la grafica ridotta, giusto?\n<fritz91> ovviamente sopravviverò però è un gran peccato :(\n<jester-> fritz91: in natty i driver per roba vecchia hanno avuto una regressione, speriamo che fixino e non abbandonino l'hw un po vecio\n<jester-> fritz91: d'altra parte non si puo pretendere pieno supporto su hw veramente obsoleto\n<fritz91> ma questa scheda video non è così obsoleta\n<fritz91> anzi\n<jester-> fritz91: avrà solo una decina d'anni\n<fritz91> ?!\n<jester-> equivale a un umano sui 150 anni\n<fritz91> ehm...se il pc l'ho comprato a settembre 600 euro vuol dire che mi hanno inciuciato per benino??\n<jester-> fritz91: le fx sono uscite una decina d'anni fa\n<jester-> fritz91: ti hanno dato un pacco veramente vecchio\n<fritz91> maledetti\n<jester-> fritz91: da anni non sono piu in commerci le fx si vede he hanno raschiato i fondi di magazzino da discarica\n<fritz91> non ti offendere eh, ma sei sicuro che questa è così vecchia??\n<torn> aspettate forse state facendo casino??????????????? XDDD jester forse volevi dirlo a me????? sbaglio???????\n<fritz91> aaaaaaaah\n<fritz91> XD\n<fritz91> stiamo attenti!\n<jester-> fritz91: sicurissimo fx 5200 e fx 5700\n<fritz91> ma la mia è una geforce 310M\n<jester-> fritz91: hihihihih\n<jester-> fritz91: è torn che ha la scheda nonna\n<fritz91> ah ecco!\n<torn> ioioioio sono quello della fx ahahahahah!! XDDD sisi è nonnissima^3 ahahahaha\n<fritz91> già stavo denunciando la fnac!\n<jester-> fritz91: con nomodeset che è successo\n<fritz91> eccomi, allora, stesso problema\n<fritz91> è solo cambiata la risoluzione della schermata di login\n<fritz91> direi che sembra ad un 800X600\n<fritz91> mentre prima era sicuramente 1366X quello che è\n<jester-> fritz91: vedi la finestra di login e poi entrando va tutto a puttane?\n<torn> mi pare che abbia 6 anni il mio pc! all'epoca era stra-avanti, ora è nonno ahahah\n<fritz91> no, l'interfaccia non si avvia proprio\n<fritz91> rimane il login letterale, sfondo nero\n<jester-> fritz91: manco col classic?\n<jester-> fritz91: è un protatile?\n<fritz91> solo la recovery mode funziona\n<fritz91> sì\n<fritz91> asus k52jc\n<jester-> fritz91: non so che altro pensare, il driver è il current?\n<fritz91> sì\n<torn> fritz per caso hai provato con la 11.04 a mettere i driver open??\n<jester-> fritz91: che schda hai detto che è?\n<jester-> torn: se non funzano i nvidia figurati gli open\n<fritz91> Nvidia Geforce 310M (modello per notebook) cuda 1GB\n<torn> ahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahah XD\n<fritz91> con gli open o li installo o meno è uguale\n<fritz91> neanche li considera\n<torn> ragazzi vado a nanna, buona serata, grazie a tutti! grazie jester, grazie fritz, grazie jumpysnake, ciaoooooo :)\n<jumpysnake> notte torn,\n<jester-> fritz91: sudo aptitude clean\n<jester-> fritz91: sudo aptitude reinstall dkms nvidia-current\n<fritz91> aptitude command not found\n<Hitek> Sera a tutti\n<Hitek> qualcuno sa aiutarmi sui file . zip, che non riesco piu aprire?\n<jester-> fritz91: sudo apt-get install --reinstall dkms nvidia-current\n<jester-> Hitek: cioè?\n<Hitek> could not display\n<bitbartx_> ma l'hai mai aperto o nn riesci piu ora??\n<jester-> Hitek: sudo apt-get install unzip p7zip-full p7zip-rar\n<fritz91> fatto\n<fritz91> provo a riavviare?\n<jester-> fritz91: riavvia a ho poca fede\n<fritz91> ok, a sto punto tutta la mia fede è in te! XD\n<fritz91> torno subito!\n<jester-> fritz91: spe\n<Hitek> fatto,niente\n<jester-> disinstalla xserver-xorg-video-nouveau\n<jester-> Hitek: apri con gestore archivi\n<jester-> gestore\n<jester-> Hitek: o unzip file.zip\n<fritz91_> jester-, i tuoi dubbi erano fondati...solito problema\n<Hitek> nessun segnale di vita con unzip\n<bitbartx_> ma da degli errori??\n<bitbartx_> hai provato a riscaricarlo?\n<Hitek> niente nessun errore\n<Hitek> prima mi dava l'errore che ho segnalato poco fà\n<Hitek> ora niente di niente\n<bitbartx_> cancella tutto e riscaricalo\n<jester-> fritz91_: serve pazienza che fissino a magari segnala il bug\n<bitbartx_> ti conviene\n<bitbartx_> poi una volta scaricato dagli i permessi giusti e rifai l'operazione\n<Hitek> bitbartx,  cosa dovrei cancellare\n<jester-> fritz91_: in xorg.conf invece di nvidia scivici il driver che c'è in xorg.conf.faisafe cosi eviti il recoveri\n<bitbartx_> lo zip\n<fritz91_> ok...posso essere fiducioso? leggendo qua e là noto che i driver proprietari si interessano poco di correggere i bug...spero sia una fesseria\n<fritz91_> vabbè basta che disinstallo i driver...praticamente si avvia la grafica ridotta\n<jester-> fritz91_: il driver osiginale di sicuro funza, avranno fatto qualche errore nel paccarlo\n<fritz91_> jester-, ok vorrà dire che aspetterò...posso credere...ma è un problema comune o sono uno dei pochi fortunati?\n<jester-> fritz91_: non vedo in gira nulla by gugl\n<jester-> in giro\n<jester-> per quello ti consiglio di segnalare il bug\n<jester-> !bug\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/SegnalareBug | vedi anche !launchpad\n<fritz91_> jester-, come nome del pacchetto? cosa metto?\n<jester-> nvidia-current\n<Hitek> jester-,  non si dovrebbero aprire con monta archivio?\n<fritz91_> giusto per completezza...aggiungo dettagli?\n<jester-> fritz91_: si xorg.conf\n<fritz91_> nella breve descrizione un \"unable to use nvidia driver\" va bene?\n<jester-> fritz91_: e pure /var/log/Xorg.0.log\n<jester-> fritz91_: curiosità: prova a dare sudo modprobe nvidia\n<fritz91_> non serve neanche il pastebin\n<fritz91_> FATAL: Module nvidia not found.\n<fritz91_> aspè però\n<jester-> fritz91_: hai tolto nvidia-current?\n<fritz91_> già li ho disinstallati i driver...visto che non fungono\n<fritz91_> li rimetto subito\n<jester-> fritz91_: https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/ppa\n<fritz91_> mi consola...evidentemente non sono il solo\n<fritz91_> ma sono tutti driver per versioni precedenti\n<fritz91_> (intendevi cercare lì i driver o segnalare il bug anche a loro?\n<stejazz> buona sera a tutti\n<fritz91_> salve\n<stejazz> ragazzi visto che non posso parlare nella chat\n<stejazz> vorrei\n<stejazz> parlare qui di altro\n<stejazz> è possibile??\n<fritz91_> non credo\n<fritz91_> comunque notte a tutti\n<fritz91_> ciààààààà\n<stejazz> c'è qualcunooooooOO??\n<stejazz> roxdragon, ci sei?\n<stejazz> Carlin0, ??\n<filo1234_> stejazz: hai un mute qualcosa avrai combinato?\n#ubuntu-it 2011-05-25\n<stejazz> filo1234, ciao\n<filo1234> ciao\n<stejazz> grazie per avermi risposto\n<stejazz> si, credo di avere un muto ma non so come mai\n<filo1234> be qualcosa avrai fatto\n<stejazz> credo di non aver mai combinato niente...\n<stejazz> anzi ne sono quasi sicuro...\n<stejazz> filo1234, sai per caso come risolvere questo problema??\n<stejazz> ciao\n<roxdragon> ciao Steeler\n<roxdragon> stejazz,\n<DigiuRN> !fstab\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Fstab\n<massimo18> Buon Giorno\n<glpiana> ola\n<Odo> Giorno\n<Steeler> la mia multifunzione epson SX10 non stampa, ne fa le fotocopie, lo scanner funziona, viene vista sia abilitata che condivisa, ma non stampa, può essere un problema di cartucce ?\n<massimo18> Steeler: ma quando dai il via ad una stampa che fa la stampante?\n<Steeler> massimo18, nel pannello appare l'icona del lavoro, ma la stampante non fa niente.\n<massimo18> Steeler: e non ti segnala nulla che ne so tipo inchiostro esaurito o un errore?\n<Steeler> massimo18, il fatto è che le fotocopie le deve fare stand-alone. ma non fa nemmeno quello\n<Steeler> massimo18, si segnala inchiostro mancante, ma io ho sostituito la cartuccia nera.\n<massimo18> Steeler: uhmmm ... cartuccia tarocca?\n<Steeler> massimo18, sono tutte originali.\n<massimo18> Steeler: se non funziona nemmeno la fotocopia forse è un problema della stampante\n<glpiana> Steeler, se non fa le fotocopie è un problema non collegato a ubuntu. affrontatelo su #ubuntu-it-chat per cortesia\n<Steeler> glpiana, ho provato anche su debian, stesso storia.\n<massimo18> appunto\n<glpiana> Steeler, che c'entra con quel che ho scritto?\n<Steeler> massimo18, infatti mi sembra proprio un probema hw.\n<massimo18> Steeler: qui sei in supporto per ubuntu non per epson :)\n<Steeler> massimo18, :) in effetti ubuntu la vede perfettamente ed appare il lavoro sul pannello ^_^\n<massimo18> !chat | Steeler\n<ubot-it> Steeler: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<Steeler> massimo18, e lo scanner funziona :P\n<glpiana> !chat | Steeler\n<glpiana> neanche a chiederlo per cortesia funziona?\n<spritz> qualcuno sa dirmi qualcosa x risolvere un problema con i driver della scheda video?\n<glpiana> spritz, esponi il problema e si vede\n<spritz> ho installato i driver proprietari e cliccato su attiva, riavviato il pc, e ora mi compare questo: restart the X server\n<glpiana> spritz, che scheda?\n<spritz> nvidia geforce 8600 GT\n<glpiana> spritz, installati come i driver?\n<spritz> dal sistema driver aggiuntivi\n<spritz> potevo scegliere tra quelli sperimentali, quelli versione current e quelli 173 (mi pare)\n<spritz> scelto la verrione current raccomandata\n<glpiana> spritz, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/522588\n<ubot-it> Launchpad bug 522588 in nvidia-graphics-drivers \"Ensure that X.org startup failure displays (EE) messages to the user\" [Medium,Triaged]\n<glpiana> spritz, è nelle release note di natty\n<glpiana> spritz, sei su natty vero?\n<spritz> si si\n<spritz> appena installato ubuntu 11\n<glpiana> spritz, hai fatto gli aggiornamenti?\n<spritz> si, appena installato ho fatto tutti gli aggiornamenti\n<glpiana> spritz, oki, dammi 5 minuti e arrivo\n<spritz> grazie :)\n<bia> salve, con 11.04 ho provato a masterizzare un cd dati con brasero su due pc diversi ma entrambi mi han dato lo stesso problema: masterizzazione ok ma poi se provo a leggere il cd lo vedo vuoto. consigli?\n<glpiana> bia, prova a usare k3b\n<glpiana> spritz, apri un terminale\n<spritz> ok\n<glpiana> spritz, scrivi: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf\n<glpiana> !paste | spritz incolla su pastebin\n<ubot-it> spritz incolla su pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<luca230103> buongiorno a tutti\n<luca230103> qualcuno in canale?\n<glpiana> !nessuno | luca230103\n<ubot-it> luca230103: se nessuno parla in canale non significa che non ci siano utenti attivi. Fate la vostra domanda  tecnica e se qualcuno vorrà rispondervi lo farà\n<luca230103> ciao glpiana\n<spritz> aspetta che mai fatto una roba del genere che ho appena iniziato ad usare ubuntu\n<luca230103> glpiana come faccio a cancellare gli account che restano memorizzati su skype?\n<glpiana> spritz, fai con calma seguendo le istruzioni di ubot-it\n<spritz> incollo il comando che mi hai dato tu?\n<glpiana> luca230103, rimuovi la directory di skype nella tua home: .Skype\n<glpiana> spritz, dai il comando nel terminale. ti esce qualcosa immagino, o no?\n<luca230103> quindi cancellarla?\n<glpiana> luca230103, rimuovere = cancellare, non trovi?\n<spritz> cat: /etc/x11/xorg.conf: File o directory non esistente\n<luca230103> si mapoi funzionera' lo stesso?\n<glpiana> luca230103, dopo aver rimosso quella directory sarà come al primo avvio\n<luca230103> grazie gl piana\n<glpiana> spritz, ma li hai installati sti driver nvidia?\n<spritz> si si\n<glpiana> spritz, scrivi nel terminale: gksu nvidia-settings\n<spritz> dice driver installati ma attualmente non in uso\n<glpiana> spritz, dimmi se si apre o se rompe\n<spritz> esce così You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.\n<glpiana> spritz, chiudi e scrivi: lsmod | grep nvidia\n<glpiana> spritz, dimmi solo se elenca qualcosa o meno\n<spritz> se metto anche grep nvidia non compare nulla, se scrivo solo lsmod compare un elenco\n<glpiana> spritz, scrivi: dpkg -l | grep nvidia\n<glpiana> spritz, quello che esce lo metti su pastebin\n<spritz> fatto\n<glpiana> spritz, non tutto direi. devi copiare qui l'indirizzo della pagina\n<spritz> http://paste.ubuntu.com/612644/\n<spritz> ah scusa XD\n<glpiana> spritz, torna sul gestore dei driver\n<spritz> ok\n<glpiana> spritz, tu hai messo i current, ma i raccomandati quali sono?\n<spritz> i current\n<glpiana> lol ok\n<glpiana> fai così, disinstallali\n<glpiana> spritz, poi riavvia e poi torna che li rimettiamo ma lo vediamo insieme\n<spritz> ok faccio e torno\n<spritz> ok, devo anche riavviare il pc o non serve?\n<glpiana> spritz, devi riavviare. ma te l'ho anche scritto\n<spriz> glpiana, riavviato il pc\n<glpiana> spriz, oki, torna sul gestore dei driver\n<glpiana> !image | spriz prendi una schermata\n<ubot-it> spriz prendi una schermata: Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<glpiana> sai come fare?\n<spriz> con stamp r sist?\n<glpiana> spriz, sì. se non va sotto gli accessori trovi cattura shcermata\n<glpiana> *schermata\n<spriz> http://imagebin.org/155004\n<glpiana> spriz, oki, ora attiva i current. dimmi quando termina e se da dettagli\n<spriz> finito di installarli, ora chiede di riavviare x renderli attivi\n<spriz> non escono altri dettagli\n<glpiana> spriz, riavvia il pc e torna\n<spriz> eccomi\n<spriz> su nvidia x server setting esce ancora: You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.\n<Clippoz> Ciao a tutti\n<Peace-> e ciao\n<Peace-> spriz: che stai a combina'?\n<spriz> mi stavo facendo aiutare da glpiana con la scheda video\n<Peace-> motivo ?\n<spriz> ho visto che è un problema di tanti su google, praticamente installo i driver proprietari raccomandati, li attivo, riavvio il pc\n<spriz> e cmq non mi configura nvidia\n<spriz> dice driver installati ma non in uso\n<Peace-> ma li hai aggiunti con il cazzillo apposito\n<Peace-> o hai scaricato i drvier e li hai installati ?\n<spriz> aggiunti con il coso apposta\n<spriz> dal sistema\n<spriz> già provato 3 volte :(\n<Peace-> spriz: hai unity?\n<bia> glpiana, con k3b masterizzazione ok, ma c'è un motivo particolare perchè brasero non funzioni?\n<spriz> dice che non è supportato xkè non mi installa i driver\n<rolling2> bgiorno\n<spriz> cmq si ho messo ubuntu 11\n<Peace-> bia: perche è un software nato male\n<Peace-> bia: lascia stare brasero per carità ormai è la serie infinita non masterizza mai bene\n<rolling2> sapete se è possibile aggiornare la 10.4 alla v 11.4\n<bia> Peace-, però con 10.04 funzionava da dio\n<Peace-> bia: il punto è questo : k3b funzioina sempre bene\n<Peace-> bia: se funziona bene k3b ok se non funziona k3b allora tutti gli altri faranno peggio\n<Peace-> è un software di riferimento\n<Peace-> e un motivo c'è\n<bia> Peace-, grazie per le dritte!\n<Peace-> in pratica ho sentito problemi con k3b solo quando il masterizzatore era finito\n<Clippoz> raga..ho un asus eee pc...con su l'11.04, volevo sapere qualcuno l'ha già messo su?\n<Peace-> con gnomebacker e brasero sempre problemi dovuti al software\n<jester-> 'ngiorno\n<glpiana> spriz, scusa torno dopo\n<spriz> ok glpiana\n<rolling2> la versione 10.4 si aggiornera da sola opuure verrà ancora supportata?\n<rolling2> si può aggiornare?\n<jester-> rolling2: 10.04?\n<Peace-> rolling2: 10.04 è supportata per 3 anni\n<rolling2> quindi per aggiornare alla 11.4 come dovrei fare?\n<Peace-> rolling2: perche vuoi aggiornare?\n<Peace-> rolling2: hai problemi hardware? software?\n<jester-> rolling2: se vuoi aggiornarla subito serve un workaround e per arrivare alla 11.04 devi fare due passaggi\n<rolling2> solo per vedere le news della nuova vers\n<rolling2> che genere di passaggi?\n<Peace-> rolling2: va laascia stare\n<rolling2> ok\n<spriz> Peace - te hai qualche consiglio x far funzionare sta scheda video?\n<rolling2> lascio questa :D\n<Federico> ....\n<jester-> rolling2: da 10.04-->10.10-->11.04 un giga e 2 ciascuno\n<glpiana> spriz, eccomi\n<glpiana> spriz, in un terminale: sudo nvidia-xconfig\n<torn> jester-, ciao sono ancora qui! ahah! sei al pc? non visualizzo correttamente l'icona di skype o di emesene anche se ho aggiunto la barra di notifica!\n<torn> dici che dipende sempre dallo stesso bug della scheda video???\n<jester-> torn: non penso, dai una resettata a gnome\n<jester-> !gnomereset\n<ubot-it> Per resettare gnome alle sue impostazioni di default rinominare le cartelle nascoste nella propria home .gnome2 .config .gconf .gconfd .gnome2_private e riavviare la sessione\n<torn> ok provo grazie!! :)\n<versilia> ciao a tutti\n<versilia> ho bisogno di aiuto per configurare una pennina internet\n<versilia> c'è qualcno?\n<jester-> versilia: cioè?\n<versilia> ho una pennina tre e non riesco a farla riconoscere\n<versilia> ho seguito le instruzioni ma niente\n<jester-> versilia: collegandola la monta come normale pendrive usb?\n<versilia> si\n<versilia> ho seguito questa guida http://informatizzati.org/linux/chiavetta-internet-huawei-e156g-su-ubuntu-e-kubuntu-1004.html\n<jester-> versilia: dentro non ci sono i driver linux?\n<versilia> seeeee\n<jester-> versilia: ci sono o no\n<versilia> jester-:\n<versilia> jester-: no ovviamente\n<versilia> jester-: non è nemmeno uno degli ultimi modelli\n<versilia> jester-: per esempio ora non la riconosce proprio per nulla\n<jester-> versilia: hai controllato se i codici usb quaglino con quelli della guida?\n<torn> jester-, fatto, si è resettato ma non si vede ancora l'icona correttamente! però appare un pixel bianco nell'area di notifica e quando chiudo il programma sparisce anche l'icona!!!! sembra quasi nascosa sotto all'indicatore dell'orologio, utente ecc!!! però anche se provo a spostare tutto l'icona di skype/emesene non compare!!!!!!\n<jester-> versilia: metti nel paste la risposta a: lsusb\n<jester-> torn: prova a cambiare le icone nelle personalizzazione del tema\n<versilia> jester-: mi dai il link del past?\n<jester-> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<versilia> http://paste.ubuntu.com/612671/\n<torn> jester-, scusami ma sono un po' nabbo ahah! intendi preferenze sull'aspetto, personalizza, icone? sto provando ma nulla, rimane sempre quel pixel ma non l'icona completa!\n<versilia> jester-: hai visto?\n<jester-> versilia: sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/10-hsdpa.rules\n<versilia> jester-: me lo da vuoto\n<jester-> versilia: spe\n<jester-> ok incollaci dentro questo http://paste.ubuntu.com/612673/\n<versilia> jester-: come mai era vuoto? avevo fatto tutto\n<jester-> versilia: non è il file che hai pacioccato da guida\n<versilia> jester-: ah ok\n<versilia> jester-: ora devo riavviare o provare qualcosa?\n<jester-> versilia: spe rivai qui\n<jester-> http://informatizzati.org/linux/chiavetta-internet-huawei-e156g-su-ubuntu-e-kubuntu-1004.html\n<versilia> jester-: non ho capito\n<jester-> versilia: c'è un errore TargetProduct= 0x100 deve essere TargetProduct= 0x1003\n<spriz> s.o.s. scheda grafica\n<jester-> versilia: quindi riapri quel file e correggi\n<versilia> jester-: così va bene? http://paste.ubuntu.com/612676/\n<jester-> versilia: quel paragrafo spostalo sotto\n<spriz> problema driver nvidia su ubuntu 11. ho installato i driver proprietari raccomandati, riavviato il pc (provato e riprovato con vari tentativi), continua a darmi driver installati ma non in uso, e non mi permette di cambiare l'x config. come posso fare?\n<versilia> jester-: cioè metto tutto quello che c'è nella guida in fondo al file?\n<jester-> spriz: è scemo il driver aggiuntivi, lsmod | grep nividia cosa risponde\n<torn> spriz è un friend o'mine mi sa ahah! :)\n<spriz> jester: ho dato il comando ma non compare nulla :(\n<versilia> jester-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/612679/\n<spriz> su google ho visto che son in tantissimi con lo stesso problema\n<jester-> versilia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/612680/\n<jester-> spriz: dpkg- l | grep nvidia\n<versilia> jester-: Ok!\n<jester-> versilia: sudo service udev restart\n<spriz> jester: dove ti posto cosa compare?\n<jester-> !paste | spriz\n<ubot-it> spriz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<versilia> jester-: e ora cosa dovrebbe succedere?\n<jester-> versilia: se non da errore nulla\n<spriz> http://paste.ubuntu.com/612681/\n<jester-> versilia: stacca e riattacca la cosa\n<versilia> jester-: non vedo differenza, dove devo cercarla?\n<jester-> versilia: l'ha montata sul desktop?\n<versilia> no, in che senso?\n<versilia> jester-: no, in che senso?\n<jester-> versilia: riavvia va\n<jester-> versilia: com la pennina attaccata\n<versilia> ok ciao a dopo ;)\n<torn> spriz, per caso hai provato con i driver open? cambia qualcosa? anche io ho un problema simile con la mia scheda video :)\n<jester-> spriz: alura sto uotput?\n<spriz> avevo installato ubuntu una sett fa e ho provato con tutte e 3 le scelte dei driver che comparivano.. il risultato è stato un blocco dello schermo e ho dovuto reinstallare tutto :(\n<spriz> jester ho postato prima\n<jester-> spriz: o segui o ti arrangi\n<spriz> jester-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/612681/\n<jester-> spriz: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf  sempre nel paste\n<torn> jester-, prima cmq ho provato con le icone ma nulla, sempre uguale!\n<rosico> ciao a tutti ragazzi ho necessità di avviare una copia live di ubuntu ma mi chiede il login\n<jester-> torn: mi sa che è il vesa\n<rosico> non ho idea di quali siano\n<spriz> jester-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/612683/\n<jester-> rosico: spiegati meglio\n<glpiana> ola\n<rosico> jester-, ho messo un cd di una live di ubuntu\n<spriz> glpiana: scusa prima non ero più al pc\n<rosico> dopo aver selezionato \"prova senza installare\"\n<torn> jester-, mmm cos'è il vesa?? poi giuro che non ti chiedo più nulla per almeno 1 settimana ahah!\n<glpiana> spriz, credo tu debba mettere Option \"NoPowerConnectorCheck\" \"true\"  nella sezione Screen, prima di EndSection\n<rosico> carica tutto il suo ambaradan ma si pianta sulla schermata di login\n<jester-> spriz: lsmod | grep nvidia\n<spriz> jester-: con quel comando continua a non comparire nulla uff\n<glpiana> jester-, è la 8600 da quel che ho capito. è elencata nelle release notes di natty\n<jester-> torn: prova anche tu la glpiana opzione\n<spriz> glpiana: mmm cos'è la sezione screen?\n<glpiana> spriz, dai un'occhiata a quello che hai messo su pastebin\n<Versilia> jester-: eccomi\n<jester-> torn: abilita il current e poi in xorg.conf sotto a \"nvidia\" metti Option \"NoPowerConnectorCheck\" \"true\"\n<glpiana> spriz, hai visto le Section \"Screen\" ?\n<spriz> glpiana ok visto\n<glpiana> spriz, edta il file con gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf    se ancora non l'hai aperto così\n<jester-> glpiana: va bene anche in driver\n<spriz> glpiana, x modificare come si fa? sempre dal terminale? sorry ma è la prima volta che uso ubuntu praticamente\n<glpiana> jester-, sì? ok\n<glpiana> spriz, leggi il comando che ti ho appena dato\n<jester-> glpiana: sotto a \"nividia\"\n<torn> jester-, troppo difficile per un nabbo come me!!! ahah!!\n<spriz> glpiana, ok mi ha aperto una schermata di comandi e lettere\n<jester-> torn: abilita il driver e posta poi xrog.conf\n<Versilia> jester-: come faccio a vedere se funziona, per ora va con il wireless non vedo altre connessioni\n<glpiana> spriz, devi aggiungere una riga con scritto: Option \"NoPowerConnectorCheck\" \"true\"\n<glpiana> spriz, a quanto pare puoi metterla un po' dove ti pare, l'importante è che stia tra un Section e un EndSection.\n<spriz> glpiana la aggiungo prima di endsubsection?\n<torn> jester-, ok provo, devo scappare per 10 minuti però mannaggia! poi leggo quel che scrivete e provo!! intanto grazie 10000! :)\n<glpiana> spriz, scegli o la sezione driver o la sezione screen\n<glpiana> spriz, non endsubsection, endsection ho detto\n<c-ruz> ciao\n<spriz> glpiana posso postarti l'immagine prima di dar ok, così mi dici se va bene\n<glpiana> spriz, certo\n<spriz> glpiana: http://paste.ubuntu.com/612686/\n<glpiana> spriz, secondo me può andare. salva il file\n<glpiana> spriz, e poi riavvia e vediamo che combina\n<spriz> glpiana: ok salvato, ora riavvio e torno, speriamo bene\n<glpiana> sperem\n<jester-> spet\n<jester-> a\n<jester-> la va ben no\n<glpiana> azz\n<glpiana> jester-, perchè?\n<jester-> http://paste.ubuntu.com/612687/\n<glpiana> jester-, ah ma è lo stesso credo. la subsection si fa i capperi suoi\n<jester-> vediamo\n<glpiana> credo l'importante sia che è tra section ed endsection\n<jester-> puo pure darsi\n<Versilia> jester-: per la pennina?\n<glpiana> ip ip urrà\n<jester-> Versilia: l'ha montata sul desktop la penna o no\n<jester-> Versilia: alura?\n<Versilia> jester-: io non la vedo\n<jester-> Versilia: sudo apt-get install wvdial\n<Versilia> jester-: come devo fare a montarla?\n<jester-> Versilia: non la deve montare\n<Versilia> jester-: si è messo a scaricare\n<rosico> per chi non lo sapesse\n<rosico> se dopo aver avviato una live di ubuntu\n<rosico> chiede login\n<glpiana> !enter | rosico\n<ubot-it> rosico: non spezzettare una frase su piu' righe. Non utilizzare il ritorno a capo come punteggiatura.\n<rosico> scusatemi\n<jester-> Versilia: sudo wvdialconf e poi metti nel paste\n<rosico> se dopo aver avviato una live di ubuntu, chiede il login, i dati sono : ubuntu come utente, password vuota\n<massimo18> rosico: mai vista una live che chiede il login\n<rosico> io oggi sì\n<spriz> glpiana: ti scrivo da windows ora, ubuntu non parte più :'(\n<rosico> saluti e baci\n<jester-> rosico: dove hai preso la iso\n<glpiana> spriz, oki, avvia in recovery mode e segnati sti passaggi\n<spriz> neanche in modalità ripristino\n<rosico> jester-, dal sito di ubuntu\n<glpiana> spriz, non può non partire in recovery per le modifiche a xorg.conf\n<jester-> rosico: hai fatto cd o usb\n<rosico> ho provato con 8.10, 9.04 e adesso 9.10\n<Versilia> jester-: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/612690/\n<spriz> glpiana: compaiono 2 righe di comandi e poi smette di lavorare e si blocca in quella schermata\n<rosico> purtroppo non avevo il tempo di scaricare live più recenti\n<glpiana> spriz, avvia in recovery e ti trovi al menu. scendi con la freccia e scegli console di root\n<jester-> rosico: hai fatto cd o usb\n<glpiana> spriz, scrivi: nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf\n<rosico> jester-, cd\n<jester-> rosico: prendi la 11.04\n<glpiana> spriz, scendi con la freccia fino alla riga che hai aggiunto e la cancelli. premi ctrl+o  e invio per salvare  e poi ctrl + x  e poi invio per chiudere.\n<jester-> !natty | rosico\n<ubot-it> rosico: Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal: http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ | Kubuntu 11.04: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/natty/ | È preferibile usare i torrent | problemi noti: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyNarwhal/ReleaseNotes\n<glpiana> spriz, quindi scrivi reboot   per riavviare il sistema\n<spriz> glpiana: ora provo\n<rosico> jester-, ho risolto inserendo ubuntu come user e niente come pw\n<rosico> posso linkare un sito?\n<jester-> Versilia: ??\n<jester-> rosico: a quale pro\n<Versilia> te l'ho scritto\n<jester-> Versilia: se non mi nomini non me ne accorgo\n<rosico> per il discorso login e lives di ubuntu\n<Versilia> jester-: guarda che l'ho fatto\n<Versilia> jester-: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/612690/\n<rosico> chissà capiti a qualcuno\n<jester-> Versilia: la penna era attaccata?\n<Versilia> si\n<Versilia> jester-: si\n<jester-> Versilia: non la caga\n<Versilia> jester-: ottimo! quindi???\n<jester-> Versilia: hai avanzato da 10.10 ?\n<Versilia> jester-: si, avevo avuto un problema con l'avenzamento poi ho risolto con glpiana\n<jester-> Versilia: se hai ancora il kernel della 10.10 prova  aprtire con quello\n<Versilia> jester-: non non c'è, di solito i kernel vecchi li cancello. Perché dovrei provare?\n<jester-> Versilia: perchè facile che col kernel vecio riandava\n<Versilia> jester-: ah con gli aggiornamenti peggiora!?!?!\n<jester-> Versilia: un po di roba ha avuto regression\n<jester-> tipo i nvidia\n<jester-> e qualche chiavetta\n<Versilia> jester-: ascolta, io andrei via, ci possiamo risentire domani ?  quando ci sei? io avrei bisogno di collegarmi, non posso usare solo windows.\n<jester-> Versilia: o Peace- ti dice come prendere il kernel 39 da ubuntu kernel\n<jester-> Versilia: non hai un cellofono vecchio?\n<Versilia> jester-: non ho capito\n<Peace->  Versiliahttp://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.39-oneiric/\n<Peace->  Versilia http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.39-oneiric/\n<Peace-> Versilia: li ci sta il kernel\n<jester-> Versilia: le chiavette sono una fregatura, vanno molto meglio i celllulari per andare in internet che se ha il blutooth non hai manco la chiavica che sporge\n<Peace-> o a 32bit o a 64bit a seconda\n<Peace-> e poi ti scarichi anche\n<Versilia> jester-: si ok, ma perchè devo fare un downgrade :(\n<Peace-> Versilia: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.39-oneiric/linux-headers-2.6.39-020639_2.6.39-020639.201105190911_all.deb\n<jester-> Versilia: è il kernel\n<Peace-> einfine dove li hai scaricati fai sudo dpkg -i *.deb\n<Versilia> Peace-: grazie\n<jester-> Versilia: col -38 non va, magari col 39 riva\n<glpiana> spriz, quindi?\n<Versilia> jester-: preferisco di no, allora continuo a spippolare sul web fino a che qualcuno non lo sistema\n<spriz> glpiana: niente da fare, non da segni di vita.. secondo te se metto ubuntu 10.04 (mi pare si chiami così) si può risolvere il problema della scheda video? e poi, cambiano molto le funzionalità dal 10.04 all'11?\n<jester-> Versilia: col 38 mi da che non c'è verso\n<Peace-> Versilia: va che jester- mica è un pirla comune neh\n<glpiana> Versilia, mettere il kernel 39 per vedere se va meglio non è traumatico. male che vada non lo scegli all'avvio e poi lo rimuovi\n<jester-> spriz: ripristino parte?\n<Peace-> Versilia: se ti dice una cosa 9.99/10 è vero\n<spriz> jester-: compaiono le 2 righe fino al controllo della ram e poi si pianta tutto\n<glpiana> spriz, non ha senso che la macchina non si avvii più\n<spriz> e devo spegnere il notebook dal bottone\n<Versilia> glpiana: ok, si può fare, cos'ì se devo navigare con la penna uso quello\n<jester-> spriz: che hai combinato, è impossibile che non parta in ripristino\n<Versilia> ok grazie a tutti\n<Versilia> ora vado\n<glpiana> Versilia, se va la penna e anche il resto puoi usarlo definitivamente\n<spriz> glpiana: eh lo so, in ripristino dovrebbe andare si, non so manco io xkè non parta\n<Versilia> glpiana: ma scusa preferisco tenermi la versione nuova\n<torn> spriz, a me con la 10.04 lts andava benone! anche compiz e gli effetti grafici!!\n<spriz> torn: infatti su forum ecc ho visto che tutti han optato x tornare a quella versione aspettando che risolvano il problema sulla 11\n<glpiana> Versilia, mi sa che non ci stiamo capendo\n<Versilia> ok ciao a tutto\n<Versilia> glpiana: dimmi\n<spriz> io non avendo mai usato ubuntu non so cosa cambi da una versione all'altra xò\n<glpiana> Versilia, io lo dico per farti tenere la versione di ubuntu nuova\n<torn> jester-, sei una sagoma! ahah sei un grande! :)\n<jester-> lol\n<Versilia> glpiana: nel senso che quando devo navigare uso ilkernel vecchio e quando sono a casa con il wifi uso quella nuova? Ho capito?\n<glpiana> spriz, avvia da livecd e vieni qui\n<jester-> Versilia: il kernel 2.6.39 è piu nuovo del 2.6.38\n<torn> spriz, non so dirti cosa cambi a livello kernel ecc, cmq l'interfaccia grafica è uguale ad \"ubuntu classico\" della 11.04!\n<glpiana> Versilia, aumenta il numero --> versione più recente\n<Versilia> glpiana: beh si mi sembrava.... ma allora non ho capito.\n<spriz> glpiana: una domanda, secondo te vale la pena andare verso la 10.04 se non riesco a risolvere?\n<jester-> non come la morosa che diventa piu vecchia\n<Versilia> glpiana: il39 cos'è, una nuova versione? una beta?\n<jester-> spriz: scaricati la 10.10 va\n<glpiana> Versilia, sono delle release candidate. ma falla sta prova. se non va poi lo rimuovi\n<glpiana> spriz, a me pare strano non riuscire a risolvere su nvidia\n<spriz> jester- : ho letto che ci son problemi anche con la 10.10 x i driver\n<glpiana> spriz, e visto che hai 3 driver a disposizione cercherei di provarli tutti\n<jester-> Versilia: 37 38 39 etc è il numero di rilascio\n<Versilia> glpiana: capito, io invece avevo capito che mi volevate far tornare indietro perché jester- mi aveva chiesto se avevo la vecchia\n<glpiana> spriz, ora però vorrei capire che gli  preso al pc\n<glpiana> Versilia, te l'ha chiesto perchè nel caso potevi usare il kernel vecchio sulla release nuova\n<jester-> Versilia: non avendo la vecchia tanto vale provare una piu nuova\n<spriz> glpiana: la scorsa settimana avevo provato, e alla fine compariva lo schermo nero (non so con quale dei 3 driver xò) e non si poteva far nulla\n<glpiana> spriz, mi pare strano che no si possa fare nulla. comuqnue se parti da livecd vediamo di mettere aposto\n<glpiana> * a posto\n<spriz> glpiana: cmq ora avvio in modalità live a veder se riusciamo a risolvere\n<Versilia> jester-:  ok allora scarico.. posso fare con ubuntu soft centr.\n<glpiana> Versilia, ti ha spiegato Peace- come fare\n<glpiana> Versilia, e no, non puoi dal software center\n<Versilia> glpiana: ma io vedevo che il file si apriva anche di li uffi:\n<glpiana> Versilia, ah beh se ci clicchi sopra due volte sì\n<glpiana> Versilia, pensavo volessi cercarli dal software center\n<glpiana> Versilia, ma se fai da terminale col comando di Peace- nel caso vediamo gli errori\n<Versilia> glpiana: e quindi va da solo,no? perché da terminale poi non sono capace a dirgli dove si trova il file (che ora è sul desktop)\n<torn> glpiana, ciao, chiedo anche a te, anche se ho chiesto a jester- ma non è riuscito ad aiutarmi purtroppo!! ho 11.04, scheda grafica vecchia con bug annessi, ho l'area di notifica attiva ma non visualizzo correttamente l'icona di skype/emesene. dici che è colpa della scheda grafica?\n<glpiana> Versilia, i file li scarichi con firefox? li trovi nella directory Scaricati\n<glpiana> Versilia, apri un temrinale e scrivi: cd Scaricati\n<torn> glpiana: jester ha provato a farmi resettare gnome, cambiare le icone ma nulla...!\n<Versilia> glpiana: no. l'ho messo sul desktop!\n<glpiana> torn, che interfaccia usi?\n<glpiana> Versilia, allora cd Scrivania\n<Versilia> glpiana: ok, sta andando\n<torn> glpiana: ubuntu classico perché ho un bug con unity e non si vede correttamente..! ora utilizzo i driver open, con i proprietari mi dice che non sono attivi e non ho nemmeno le poche animazioni che ho con gli open\n<glpiana> torn, nvidia?\n<Versilia> glpiana: finito che devo fare ora?\n<spriz> glpiana: eccomi, son con la live cd\n<glpiana> Versilia, l'output riporta errori?\n<glpiana> spriz, ti passo una guida d cui devi seguire i primi passaggi\n<glpiana> !grub | spriz segui per ripristino\n<ubot-it> spriz segui per ripristino: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/ | Per ripristinare Grub: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/Ripristino\n<Versilia> glpiana: non, ho chiuso\n<spriz> glpiana: ok, cmq non c'entra niente il fatto di aver il dual boot vero?\n<glpiana> spriz, quando hai dato chroot mi chiami\n<glpiana> spriz, no non c'entra\n<torn> glpiana: si 7500 o 5700 non mi ricordo più ahah! ho letto che c'è proprio un bug di unity con queste schede video! il problema è: dici che il problema dell'area di notifica è legato al bug della scheda video o a qualcos'altro? perché se è colpa della scheda me ne faccio una ragione e stop ahah\n<pivellinnn> Ciao a tutti. Ho bisogno di una mano. Mi hanno attivato infostrada ma non riesco a connettermi ne con il cavo ne con la rete wireliss. Ho ubuntu 10.10, grazie\n<glpiana> torn, apri un terminale: /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p\n<glpiana> !paste | torn\n<ubot-it> torn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, se attacchi il cavo le lucine del router e quelle della scheda direte del pc lampeggiano?\n<spriz> glpiana: a proposito, se seguo la guida non vado ad intaccare anche la mbr vero? xkè x non star li a ripristinarla, ho usato un programmino che mantiene entrambi i bootloader\n<pivellinnn> si, lampeggiano\n<torn> glpiana: mi da tutti yes! faccio il paste lo stesso?\n<glpiana> spriz, e cosa sarebbe?\n<glpiana> torn, no. lsmod | grep nv\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, ok, sei su un altro pc?\n<pivellinnn> si\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, scrivi: ping -c3\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, dimmi se pinga\n<pivellinnn> dove lo devo scrivere?\n<spriz> glpiana: easy bcd o qualcosa del genere mi pare, praticamente installi il grub sulla partizione di ubuntu e non sulla generale, e con questo programmino scegli all'inizio se avviare con il grub o se usare l'mbr\n<torn> glpiana: non da risultato..... non ritorna nulla\n<glpiana> spriz, vabbè mi auguro non sia quello. ma non credo visto che prima avviavi\n<glpiana> torn, lsmod | grep nou\n<Versilia> glpiana:come facciamo a vedere se va?\n<pivellinnn> glpiana  Devo scrivere nel terminale? Che vuol dire pinga?\n<torn> glpiana: ok funge, faccio il paste\n<glpiana> Versilia, riavvia e scegli il kernel nuovo\n<torn> glpiana: http://paste.ubuntu.com/612697/\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, devi ottenere qualcosa tipo 64 bytes from fx-in-f106.1e100.net ( icmp_req=1 ttl=52 time=25.4\n<glpiana> torn, oki, sta usando gli open e gli piacciono. vuoi porvare ad attivare i proprietari?\n<pivellinnn> glpiana  Ho scritto nel terminale e mi ha detto comando non trovato\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, hai scritto male allora\n<torn> glpiana: ok va bene!! attivo, riavvio e torno!! :)\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, ping spazio -c3 spazio\n<glpiana> torn, spe\n<glpiana> torn, dimmi lspci | grep -i vga  cosa risponde\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Mi dice -c3 comando non trovato\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, ma ping lo scrivi o no?\n<torn> glpiana: dice 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV36 [GeForce FX Go5700] (rev a1)\n<glpiana> torn, e ti propone i driver proprietari?\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Mi dice connect: Network is unreachable\n<massimo18> ahhh\n<torn> glpiana: si, in \"driver aggiuntivi\" mi fa vedere i proprietari 173 e gli open\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, scrivi: ifconfig\n<glpiana> torn, oki, provali allora e poi torna\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, dimmi se elenca eth0\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Esce una immensa scritta\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, dimmi se elenca eth0\n<pivellinnn> glpiana si\n<torn> glpiana: ok! ps. wow come fai a pensare, ragionare, capire, scrivere a più persone contemporaneamente?? mitico!!\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, il tuo router è configurato per ip statico o dhcp?\n<glpiana> torn, sono multitasking almeno dal '92\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Non lo so\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, beh con windows come hai fatto a configurare la rete?\n<torn> glpiana: ahahah!!!!! :) torno subito\n<glpiana> :)\n<pivellinnn> glpiana  Con window entra e basta. Mi pare che non sia statico\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, scrivi: sudo dhclient\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Aspetta che posto tutto su pastebin\n<glpiana> ok\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, già che lo fai mettici anche l'output di lspci\n<versilia> glpiana: ma non c'era il kernel 39, dovevo aggiornare prima di riavviare?\n<pivellinnn> glpiana  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/612699/\n<glpiana> versilia, che pacchetti hai installato?\n<versilia> glpiana: il kernel come mi hai detto tu\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, ti avevo chiesto anche lspci\n<pivellinnn> glpiana  Scusa la prima lettera cosa è?\n<glpiana> versilia, cat /var/log/dpkg.log           nel terminale e mi copi le ultime dieci righe\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, elle di livorno\n<versilia> glpiana: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/612700/\n<torn> glpiana: perfetto ora funziona!! ahah! però c'è un nuovo problema... d'oh! non visualizzo più le ombre, le animazioni e l'icona degli spazi di lavoro ora è diversa, sono 4 in fila al posto di una specie di quadrato!! cmq almeno l'icona di skype si vede e riesco a riaprirlo! quindi grazie mille! :)\n<versilia> glpiana: è installato,no? non devo aggiornare il grub?\n<glpiana> versilia, dpkg -l | grep linux-image\n<glpiana> torn, che inerfaccia stai usando ora?\n<glpiana> *interfaccia\n<versilia> glpiana: ok!\n<pivellinnn> glpiana  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/612701/\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, dimmi un attimo, il sistema è aggiornato o è appena installato?\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Aggiornato\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, e come lo hai aggiornato se no nsi collega?\n<glpiana> *non si\n<versilia> glpiana: scusa ma la 39 non c'è ancora. o sbaglio io?\n<glpiana> versilia, no, confermi quello che pensavo ;)\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Avevo e ho ancora la chiavetta\n<glpiana> versilia, hai messo solo gli headers\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, oki, il wifi nel router ce l'hai?\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Si\n<versilia> glpiana: spiegami.. quante cose devo installare?\n<torn> glpiana: sempre ubuntu classico! con ubuntu normale c'è il bug che non mi permette di vedere un accidenti! non compaiono le barre e le finestre o fanno tipo flash, compaiono e scompaiono! cmq in driver aggiuntivi mi dice driver attivato ma non in uso...! e son scomparsi gli open..\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, vediamo di fare andare la wifi allora, anche s emi pare assurdo che non vada l aethernet\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Non si connette con il wifi\n<glpiana> torn, fregatene di quello che ti dice il gestore dei driver. ridai nel terminale il comando di test che hai fatto prima\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, noermale è una broadcom, ora vediamo di farla andare\n<glpiana> *normale\n<versilia> glpiana: ho scaricato anche image, è collpa mia ma mi avevate messo un link solo...\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, nel terminale: sudo rmmod b43\n<torn> glpiana: oh cacchius dovresti ridarmelo perché non lo ricordo!!!!\n<glpiana> torn, freccia in alto e lo ritrovi, è nell'history del terminale\n<glpiana> torn, oppure ctrl+r e scrivi test\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Mi dice Error : modul  e b43 not exist in /proc/modules\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, oki, ora scrivi: lsmod | grep wl   e dimmi se elenca qualcosa. non mi interessa cosa\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Mi dice Usage: lsmod\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, scrivi bene su: lsmod  |  grep   wl\n<glpiana> non è una i maiuscola, non è una elle\n<glpiana> è un pipe\n<glpiana> shift + \\\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Elenca numeri e lettere\n<torn> glpiana: non riesco con freccia in alto perché sto scrivendo dal browser e riavviandosi si è cancellata la cronologia! scusami!\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, sudo rmmod wl\n<glpiana> <glpiana> torn, apri un terminale: /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Fatto\n<torn> glpiana: ho due no a not blacklister e unity supported, faccio il paste?\n<torn> *blacklisted\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, ora scrivi: sudo modprobe b43\n<glpiana> torn, pasta pasta\n<torn> glpiana: ecco qui dovrebbero parlare del bug che ho io https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/772207\n<ubot-it> Launchpad bug 772207 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-173 \"version 173.14.30 is buggy for NVidia GeForce FX series\" [Undecided,Confirmed]\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Fatto\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, ora scrivi: dmesg  |   tail\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, mi interessa sapere che dice riguardo al firmware\n<torn> glpiana: http://paste.ubuntu.com/612704/\n<glpiana> torn, facciamo una prova. male che vada si impalla tutto :D\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Elenca delle cosa, metto su pastebin?\n<glpiana> torn, scrivi: unity --reset\n<versilia> glpiana: allora riavvio?\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, se mi dici se c'è una riga almeno che parla di firmware non ce n'è bisogno\n<torn> anche se sono in ubuntu classico va bene lo stesso??\n<torn> glpiana: anche se sono in ubuntu classico va bene lo stesso??\n<glpiana> versilia, stavolta ti ha fatto l'enco dei kernel in grub?\n<glpiana> torn, sì\n<glpiana> *elenco\n<versilia> boh, l'ho fatto da gdeb\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Nessuna scritta firmware\n<glpiana> versilia, oki, dpkg -l | grep linux-image    e guarda se c'è\n<versilia> glpiana: boh, l'ho fatto da gdeb\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, mettimi le righe su pastebin allora\n<torn> glpiana: fatto, faccio il paste perché non capisco cosa dice...!!!!\n<glpiana> torn, no no, non  serve\n<glpiana> torn, non òleggerò mai quell'output\n<versilia> glpiana: si lo vedo. credo sia giusto\n<glpiana> torn, dimmi solo se appare unity oppure no\n<torn> glpiana: okok!! :)\n<glpiana> versilia, la riga inizia con ii ?\n<versilia> glpiana:  si, che vuol dire?\n<versilia> glpiana: posso riavviare?\n<glpiana> versilia, che è installato. vai riavvia e vediamo come va\n<glpiana> torn, non mi hai detto però\n<glpiana> torn, è apparsa unity o no?\n<torn> glpiana: faccio prima a fartelo vedere..... son solo 6 righe http://paste.ubuntu.com/612706/\n<pivellinnn> glpiana http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/612707/\n<glpiana> torn, oki, nulla allora se non pa pparsa. la tua scheda è in blacklist\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, lsmod | grep b43    elenca qualcosa?\n<torn> glpiana: nuoooooo!! ok..! cosa consigli di fare? lasciare tutto così e rimanere su ubuntu classico?\n<glpiana> torn, unity-2d?\n<pivellinnn> glpiana http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/612709/\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, ls /lib/firmware/b43           elenca o dice inesistente?\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, non stare a incollare, mi basta sì o no\n<torn> glpiana: mmmm ne ho sentito parlare!! mi vado a informare così non ti faccio perder tempo ahah! solo una cosa...: per installarla si può da software center? sovrascrive gnome?\n<glpiana> torn, ma va là. sudo apt-get install unity-2d\n<glpiana> torn, poi temrini sessione e al loin scegli unity-2d che sarà apparsa\n<glpiana> *login\n<torn> glpiana: ahahahaha faccio subito!! grazie^2!\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Mi dice file o directory inesistente\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, e immagino che sudo iwlist scan   risponda non scan result o comuqnue non elenchi le reti\n<torn> glpiana: ah poi volevo chiederti una cosa che non c'entra niente!! se io scarico un programma, metti opera, direttamente dal sito, lo installo, poi quando esce una versione nuova si aggiorna automaticamente??\n<glpiana> torn, no\n<massimo18> -.-\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Mi dice che l'interfaccia non supporta scanning sia per etho che wlan\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, oki, tu ora puoi connetterti per un attimo con la chievetta?\n<glpiana> *chiavetta\n<pivellinnn> glpiana si\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, oki, collegati e vai sui driver proprietari. dimmi che ti elenca per la scheda wifi\n<torn> glpiana: quindi l'unico modo per tener aggiornate automaticamente le applicazioni è tramite software center? o basta che siano nell'elenco del \"gestore pacchetti\"? scusa ma sono abbastanza nuovo di ubuntu e su queste cose ho davvero un sacco di dubbi!! poi basta riavvio e provo unity 2d!! :)\n<Versilia> glpiana: ho fatto, il computer va, ora per vedere se va pure la chiavetta?\n<glpiana> torn, devono essere pacchetti contenuti nei repository. i repository vengono aggiornati e a queò punto vieni avvisato della presenza di aggiornamenti\n<glpiana> Versilia, inseriscila\n<Versilia> glpiana: c'era già\n<glpiana> Versilia, la vedi sul desktop?\n<Versilia> glpiana: no no\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Vado su Sistema - Amministrazione - Driver aggiuntivi e mi dice scaricamento e aggiornamento indici pacchetti, dopo non fa nulla\n<glpiana> Versilia, boh, io di chiavette so un belino.\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, non dice nulla o rimane in palla?\n<pivellinnn> scarica perchè la barra avanza ma dopo non apre niente\n<Versilia> ciao\n<Versilia> glpiana: ok grazie, domani provo se mi aiutare di nuovo je\n<Versilia> a domani\n<glpiana> ciao Versilia\n<torn> glpiana: ok più o meno ci sono!! intanto grazie mille, buona giornata!! :)\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, strano. da terminale: gksu jockey-gtk\n<glpiana> ciao torn\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Cerco di fare l'aggiornamento ma mi dice che non c'è la connessione eppure internet funziona perchè mi apre le pagine\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, mmm... ma lì non deve fare neinte. deve solo aprirti la pagina dei driver agiguntivi\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Ricordo bene che prima li apriva ma oogi no\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, prova a riavviare il pc e riprova\n<pivellinnn> ok\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Non si connette\n<massimo18> ?\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, la chiavetta?\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Il wireliss\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, ma sì lo so che non si connette il wireless. dovevamo provare a vedere i driver aggiuntivi\n<glpiana> ora lo apre dirver aggiuntivi?\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Mi dice, senza connessione, nessun driver proprietartio è in uso in questo sistema. E' assurdo\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, non necessariamente\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Può essere che il problema sia che ho anche installato wicd manager. Ma non li uso contemporaneamente\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, se hai messo wicd hai dovuto togliere network-manager\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, ma non penso c'entri\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Disinstallo wicd?\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, allora dal pc in cui sei ora scaricati: http://downloads.openwrt.org/sources/broadcom-wl-\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, la versione di ubuntu è? 11.04?\n<pivellinnn> glpiana 10.10\n<massimo18> -.-\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, 32 o 64 bit?\n<pivellinnn> glpiana 32\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, scaricati anche questo http://ubuntu.mirror.cambrium.nl/ubuntu//pool/main/b/b43-fwcutter/b43-fwcutter_013-2_i386.deb\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, quando hai i due pacchetti, li sposti sull'altro pc\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, te li copi nella home. poi apri un terminale\n<fritz91> glpiana, ciao, ecco la tua mosca fastidiosa :), quando effettuo il login senza interfaccia grafica, come faccio a passare alla modalità grafica ridotta senza riavviare?\n<glpiana> fritz91, alt+f7 o f8\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Copiati nella home\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, nel temrinale scrivi: tar xjf broadcom-wl-\n<REG_> Ciao\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, fatto?\n<REG_> sto cercando di scaricare synaptic nel mio Xubuntu...non so come fare! Qualcuno mi può aiutare?\n<glpiana> REG_, scaricare synaptic su xubuntu? ma c'è già synaptic ion xubuntu\n<pivellinnn> glpiana fatto\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, cd broadcom-wl-\n<REG_> glpiana...allora usarlo....\n<pivellinnn> glpiana fatto\n<glpiana> REG_, lo trovi sotto amministrazione, gestore pacchetti syanptic\n<REG_> veramente sto cercando di scaricare Java...e ho letto che prima devo scaricare synaptic\n<REG_> e non devo fare niente per abilitarlo?\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, ora clicca due volte sul pacchetto b43-fwcutter_013-2_i386.deb   e installalo\n<glpiana> REG_, su che versione di xubuntu sei?\n<REG_> sono tale genio di non saperlo\n<REG_> come faccio a controllare che versione è?\n<glpiana> REG_, apri un terminale\n<REG_> ok\n<pivellinnn> glpiana installato\n<glpiana> REG_, scrivi: lsb_release -r\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, ora torna nel terminale e scrivi: sudo b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware/ wl_apsta_mimo.o\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, rispetta gli spazi\n<REG_> 10.04\n<glpiana> REG_, oki, hai aperto synaptic?\n<pivellinnn> glpiana ho fatto, è uscita una scritta\n<REG_> non so mica da dove?\n<glpiana> REG_, ma te l'ho scritto prima -.-\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, vediamo\n<REG_> perdon! già seguirti mi manda in tilt i due miei neuroni..lo cerco\n<glpiana> REG_, ti ho scritto che è sotto amministrazione gestore pacchetti\n<REG_> ok un attimo\n<[KVM]> Ciao!\n<pivellinnn> glpiana http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/612722/\n<[KVM]> chi vuole dare una occhiata  questo?\n<[KVM]> http://www.soundcafe.it/out.ogv\n<REG_> glpiana, l'ho aperto\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, cosa ti ho scritto a fare di rispettare gli spazi se poi tu non lo fai?\n<glpiana> REG_, vai su impostazioni repository\n<REG_>  ok\n<glpiana> !chat | [KVM]\n<ubot-it> [KVM]: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<glpiana> [KVM], e non spammare per cortesia\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Riprovo\n<[KVM]> ok non era spam\n<[KVM]> era un contributo grossissimo alla comunità\n<glpiana> [KVM], come lo definisci?\n<glpiana> [KVM], sul canale di supporto?\n<glpiana> !irc | [KVM]\n<ubot-it> [KVM]: leggi le Linee Guida del canale su http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoIrc/LineeGuida\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Ha estratto delle cose\n<[KVM]> finalmente google sketchup su linux... senza sbattimenti\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, perfetto. ora: sudo rmmod b43\n<REG_> ci sono su repository\n<glpiana> !chat | [KVM] e due\n<ubot-it> [KVM] e due: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<pivellinnn> glpiana da errore\n<[KVM]> si si vado vado ;P\n<glpiana> REG_, vai nella seconda scheda e metti la psunta hai repository partner di canonical\n<glpiana> [KVM], e basta\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, dice che non c'è nella lista?\n<pivellinnn> esatto\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, oki, ora sudo rmmod wl\n<pivellinnn> glpiana fatto\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, ora sudo modprobe b43\n<pivellinnn> glpiana fatto\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, ora: dmesg | tail   e dimmi se leggi firmware da qualche parte\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Si\n<massimo18> \\o/\n<glpiana> alè!\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, sudo iwlist scan\n<REG_>  vai nella seconda scheda e metti la psunta hai repository partner di canonical : glpiana non ho capito che cosa dovrei fare (grazie per la pazienza)\n<glpiana> REG_, hai detto che hai aperto repository da synaptic, giusto?\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Sono uscite delle scritte\n<REG_> giusto\n<REG_> si\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, prova a collegarti dall'icona dell arete\n<glpiana> REG_, ci sono più schede nella finestra che hai aperto, giusto?\n<pivellinnn> glpiana wireliss o cavo?\n<glpiana> pivellinnn, wireless\n<glpiana> svanisco. a più tardi\n<REG_> si  software per Ubuntu,Atro software,\n<REG_> nooo\n<REG_> :'(\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Gira poi chiede la password gira ancora ma non si connette\n<REG_> qualcuno mi può aiutare a scaricare java nel mio pc?\n<pivellinnn> glpiana Non si connette, che devo fare?\n<K99Brain> REG_, abilita i repository partner e installa il pacchetto sun-java6-plugin\n<REG_> non so mica come abilitare i repository partner.....\n<K99Brain> !repository | REG_\n<ubot-it> REG_: Guida ai repository: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Repository e http://help.ubuntu-it.org/8.04/ubuntu/add-applications/it/extra-repositories.html | Esempio di sources.list http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Repository/SourcesList | Da Kubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Repository/Kubuntu\n<REG_> lo so che non sembra vero..ma non so arrivarci\n<K99Brain> REG_, http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Repository/Ubuntu\n<K99Brain> c'è scritto\n<REG_> ok..speravo un qualcosa più facile! Grazie :)\n<K99Brain> REG_, piu facile che fare 3 o 4 click?\n<REG_> sarà il caldo...\n<REG_> :D\n<daniele> ciao a tutti\n<daniele> come faccio a ripritinare la data e l'orario sul pannello gnome 2.30?\n<nicotano> salve\n<Pyrox> salve a tutti :) c'è qualcuno che può darmi una mano?\n<Holden> !qualcuno | Pyrox\n<nicotano> !qualcuno | Pyrox\n<ubot-it> Pyrox: la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera'\n<Pyrox> praticamente ho installato ubuntu 11.04 in dual boot con xp su 2 hard disk diversi, ho dovuto installare grub manualmente perchè l'installazione mi dava errore nell'installare il bootloader... comunque adesso facendo update-grub2 rileva xp, maquando vado ad avviarlo mi rimane una schermata nera e si riavvia il pc, mentre se scollego l'hard disk con sopra ubuntu xp si avvia normalmente...\n<Odo> Pyrox, ascolta ma quando scolleghi l'hd di ubuntu il grub compare? o parte diretto xp?\n<Pyrox> no parte diretto xp\n<Odo> ah ecco\n<Odo> allora...\n<Odo> disco 1 xp e disco 2 ubuntu?\n<Pyrox> no disco 1 ubuntu e disco 2 xp\n<Odo> Pyrox, ti dico come farei io ok?\n<Pyrox> ok\n<Odo> spe fammi  un sudo fdisk -l\n<Odo> e incolla in paste fammi guardare un attimino\n<Pyrox> http://pastebin.com/WJTjSvK8\n<lucazade> ciao... qualcuno è in grado di aiutarmi con il bug 788138 ?\n<ubot-it> Launchpad bug 788138 in plymouth \"group default.plymouth is broken\" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/788138\n<Odo> Pyrox, il grub come lo hai installato? ho letto che lo hai installato manualmente che passaggi hai fatto?\n<Pyrox> ho seguito il wiki\n<Odo> Pyrox, pero' ubuntu ti parte, e' solo xp che non ti parte giusto?\n<Pyrox> si si ubuntu parte, windows no, ma se stacco l'hard disk di ubuntu parte\n<Odo> guarda non dovrebbe partire, perche' se lo hai messo sul secondo disco il bios dice di partire dal primo disco non e' che poi non trova il primo e poi parte dal secondo, ecco questa e' una cosa un po' anomala\n<Odo> mi incolli anche questo per favore: cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg\n<Odo> e poi...\n<Odo> Pyrox, il wiki che hai seguito ti ha fatto partire da live e fare chroot?\n<Pyrox> si\n<Odo> Pyrox, se mi incolli quella riga, poi si potrebbe provare una cosa\n<Pyrox> eccolo http://pastebin.com/pg49cJBA\n<romeopapa> salve, ho un problema con natty, ogni tanto si blocca la barra laterale, nel senso che non rientra...e copre le applicazioni, che faccio?\n<Odo> Pyrox, allora non so quanto sei pratico, ti dico come farei io, ti faccio prima una domanda sei pratico del bios?\n<Pyrox> dipene quanto pratico :D se si tratta di cambiare priorità degli hard disk e cose così si\n<romeopapa> nessuno?\n<romeopapa> glpiana, ?\n<Odo> Pyrox, io metterei fisicamente il disco di ubuntu come secondo disco, proprio a livello hardware in modo che diventa sataB e chiaramente il disco di win sataA\n<Odo> Pyrox, poi dal bios direi di partire dal disco Satab (ubuntu)\n<Odo> penso che in questo modo vada, non so se hai difficolta' a fare questa cosa, in alternativa prendi una live e si rifa' la procedura chroot qui insieme\n<francesco_93> salve a tutti, ho bisogno di aiuto.... posso chiedervi qualche dritta?\n<Pyrox> allora, premetto che uso ubuntu da un paio di anni sempre con questa configurazione dei 2 hard disk quindi deve andare per forza in qualhce modo senza cambiare posizione :D il fatto è di solito installo prima xp e poi ubuntu, che mi riconosce xp e configura il grub automaticamente, mentre questa volta mi ha dato un errore nell'installazione del bootloader e quindi ho dovuto fare il tutto manualmente...\n<nicotano> !chiedi | francesco_93\n<ubot-it> francesco_93: per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<K99Brain> Pyrox, prova ad eseguire la procedura di ripristino del grub\n<Odo> Pyrox, si ma metti sempre xp come secondo disco?\n<K99Brain> !grub ¦ Pyrox\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'grub \\xc2\\xa6 Pyrox'\n<K99Brain> !grub | Pyrox\n<ubot-it> Pyrox: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/ | Per ripristinare Grub: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/Ripristino\n<Pyrox> @Odo si si la configurazione è sempre quella\n<ubottu-it> Pyrox: Error: \"Odo\" is not a valid command.\n<Odo> K99Brain, sta tranquillo e' una discusisone gia iniziata\n<K99Brain> Odo, ok\n<francesco_93> Dunque... dopo aver scaricato e masterizzato l'immagine della live di Ubuntu 11.04, al momento del boot, il live cd non si avvia sostituito da uno sfondo nero con scritte bianche... a me indecifrabili. Cercando nel forum prima di rivolgermi qui, ho trovato una discussione identica alla mia ma senza risultato: http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/index.php/topic,455572.msg3559552.html#msg3559552\n<francesco_93> li c'è l'immagine che mi appare.... qualcuno può aiutarmi? come posso far partire il live cd e installare il nuovo Ubuntu?\n<Odo> Pyrox, dando il sudo update-grub non ti da errori giusto?\n<Pyrox> ho anche provato a fare un fixboot-fixmbr e a reinstallare grub, ma niente\n<Pyrox> no niente errori\n<K99Brain> francesco_93, prima di masterizzare, hai controllato l'md5 della iso?\n<francesco_93> sinceramente no.... non l'avevo mai fatto e mi era sempre andata bene.... non so dove trovare l'md5 di questa distro.\n<Odo> Pyrox, non so, mi sembra banale dirti riprova ancora con il ripristino penso che ci sia dell'altro\n<K99Brain> !md5 | francesco_93\n<ubot-it> francesco_93: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Md5Sum\n<K99Brain> francesco_93, controllalo, non sia mai che hai una immagine con errori\n<K99Brain> francesco_93, poi fai anche il check del cd masterizzato\n<Odo> Pyrox, in alternativa potresti installarlo sul grub di windows e dire al bios di partire dal secondo disco\n<Pyrox> Odo, guarda sono 2 giorni che sto impazzendo... le ho provate veramente tutte... se uscisse un errore dopo il grub almeno... ma rimane tutto nero e si riavvia\n<francesco_93> ai, questo non so come farlo... sarebbe quello del masterizzattore? controlla scrittura del disco?\n<Odo> Pyrox, se ti va installa il grub sul secondo disco e nel bos gli dici di partire da sataB\n<Pyrox> Odo, quindi nel mio caso fare il ripristino grub facendo il chroot su sdb e installandolo là?\n<Odo> Pyrox, ma per me resta una prova, non una certezza\n<Odo> no spetta la procedura di ripristino e' sempre quella l'unica cosa che cambierai e la parte dove dice di installare in sda, li dirai sdb\n<Pyrox> si si intendevo quello D\n<Odo> e dopo devi ricordarti di cambiare nel bios la priorita' di boot\n<Odo> ok perfetto\n<Pyrox> posso provare\n<Pyrox> devo prima disinstallare il grub che c'è adesso? se no poi ne avrò 2 su 2 hard disk\n<Odo> Pyrox, naaaa\n<Odo> che ti frega\n<Odo> tanto se non ti incasini nel bios lo sai\n<Pyrox> si in effetti\n<Pyrox> tanto il boot lo fa solo da un hard disk\n<Pyrox> boh vado a fare questa nuova prova\n<francesco_93> ora scarico l'immagine perchè dopo la masterizzazione l'avevo eliminata e dpo vi farò sapere.... buon pomeriggio!\n<Pyrox> Odo, grazie per la dritta, magari ripasso dopo per aggiornarti\n<Odo> si ook speriamo bene\n<torn> glpiana: ciao gl sono ancora qua ahahah! unity 2D è power! l'icona di skype si vede ma...... quella di emesene no! d'oh! ho provato anche con i driver open ma niente, tra l'altro non avevo provato prima emesene con ubuntu classico...! sai il perché???? skype si e emesene no... installato dal software center...\n<Pyrox> Odo, rieccomi, non è cambiato niente... sempre la stessa cosa\n<Odo> Pyrox, ascolta io proverei a reinstallare solo ubuntu allora..\n<glpiana> torn, le hai messe in whitelist ste icone?\n<glpiana> torn, vabbè ne riparliamo che devo andare\n<glpiana> ciao a tutti\n<Pyrox> ieri l'ho installato 3 volte e mi ha sempre dato quell'errore del bootloader, anche se non riesco a capire il perchè...\n<torn> mmmmmmmm non so cos'è whitelist ahahha!!! okok buona giornata ciaoooooooo :)\n<Pyrox> ho controllato anche l'integrità del cd\n<Odo> pyrox hai provato a guardare su launchpad l'errore preciso?\n<Pyrox> hmm no\n<Pyrox> dovrebbe essere questo https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/686859\n<ubot-it> Launchpad bug 686859 in ubiquity \"\"Bootloader install failed\" cannot be closed\" [Undecided,Confirmed]\n<Pyrox> anzi questo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/703009\n<ubot-it> Launchpad bug 703009 in grub2 \"grub-probe: error: cannot stat `aufs'.\" [Undecided,Confirmed]\n<Pyrox> provo a installare la LTS... magari mi rileva subito windows e boh\n<roger_> ciao ragazzi!\n<MatteoR> ciao roger_\n<roger_> Ennesimo problemino..^_^..: ho comperato un lettore mp3 (mpman - smarty3) ma Ubuntu non lo vede...come posso risolvere?\n<MatteoR1> Ops...\n<matteo_> ciao a tutti\n<MatteoR> ciao matteo_\n<matteo_> ho un problema\n<Peace-> come tutti matteo_\n<Peace-> chi piu chi meno...\n<roger_> ciao\n<MatteoR> !qualcuno | matteo_\n<ubot-it> matteo_: la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera'\n<matteo_> giusto :) ho appena installato ubuntu 11.04 sul mio vecchio hp vectra (avrà una decina di anni). al temine dell'installazione mi viene chiesto di riavviare il sistema, purtroppo però mi si blocca ad una schermata nera piena di scritte.. cosa devo fare?\n<matteo_> grazie mille\n<MatteoR> matteo_: Sai dirci cosa c'era scritto?\n<matteo_> sì\n<matteo_> credo si tratti una sorta di check list prima dell'avvio.. una serie di starting e stopping\n<matteo_> gli esiti sembrano tutti positivi perchè a destra della schermata vedo solo degli OK\n<MatteoR> matteo_: Il pc non si spegne? Anche con il live cd?\n<matteo_> sì cliccando si RIAVVIA il pc si è effettivamente riavviato.. ha anche espulso il cd\n<MatteoR> matteo_: Ah quindi tu hai visto solo delle scritte prima del riavvio? Se sì, è normale.\n<matteo_> capisco ma è fermo a questa schermata da circa 30 minuti..\n<matteo_> se vi è utile posso dirvi che l'ultima voce di tutto l'elenco che rimane impresso sullo schermo è: checkin for running unattended-upgrades: *asking all remaining processes to terminate...\n<MatteoR> matteo_: Ah capisco... puoi spegnerlo forzatamente.\n<matteo_> allora procedo?\n<MatteoR> matteo_: Ogni tanto fa così\n<MatteoR> matteo_: Sì tranquilla\n<MatteoR> *tranquillo\n<matteo_> ok ora lo spengo e dopo lo riaccendo\n<matteo_> ok il risultato è più o meno lo stesso\n<matteo_> elenco di configurazioni fino ad un checking battery state...\n<matteo_> tutti positivi tranne la voce stopping automatic crash report generation\n<matteo_> a destra di questa voce mi da FAIL\n<matteo_> dopo l'ultima voce penso mi dia la possibilità di scrivere perchè vedo il trattino lampeggiare\n<matteo_> non dà ancora segni di vita...\n<Gierre66> salve, sono sul posto giusto per chiedere assistenza tecnica?\n<MatteoR> Gierre66: Sì. chiedi pure\n<matteo_> credo che stia per spegnersi\n<Gierre66> Primo approccio al mondo Linux... vorrei installare ubuntu in dual boot su un notebook dove e' gia' presente XP\n<MatteoR> matteo_: Ok. dimmi se si spegne\n<MatteoR> !installazione | Gierre66 Basta cercare un po'. Qui ci sono le guide\n<ubot-it> Gierre66 Basta cercare un po'. Qui ci sono le guide: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione | Per installazione grafica http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download\n<matteo_> no, per un attimo si era acceso il led della cpu rimanendo fisso, ma alla fine ha soltanto mandato in standby il monitor\n<Gierre66> ok, quelle le ho trovate. Non so solo come comportarmi con le partizioni... sistema tutto da solo?\n<MatteoR> Gierre66: Leggi bene la guida passo per passo.\n<MatteoR> Gierre66: C'è scritto tutto lì. E' facile.\n<matteo_> niente è sempre tutto fermo\n<MatteoR> matteo_: Hai un computer a cui non piace linux. Anch'io ne avevo uno. Purtroppo su questo non sono esperto e non so aiutarti\n<Gierre66> quale delle tante? Avevo cominciato con quelle della comunità passare a Ubuntu. Procedo con quella?\n<MatteoR> Gierre66: Sì Installazione grafice\n<matteo_> e se installassi una versione precedente? perchè avevo già installato la 8 e andava tutto bene..\n<MatteoR> matteo_: Prova, ma non so aiutarti io.\n<matteo_> va bene, grazie per il tempo dedicatomi! buon proseguimento\n<Gierre66> ok... ultimo quiz e poi vado a fare danni. Esistono guide personalizzate per singoli modelli di Notebook? Io ho un inspiron 6400 e sul ma sul thread ufficiale di HWupgrade sono rimasti un po' indiestro con le informazioni\n<K99Brain> Gierre66, la cosa migliore è provare\n<K99Brain> Gierre66, usa il live cd\n<Gierre66> il live cd e' quello per la installazione di prova?\n<Guest85023> Ciao\n<K99Brain> Gierre66, si\n<MatteoR> ciao Guest85023\n<Guest85023> ho un problema con l'installazione di linux\n<torn> glpiana: dove sei amicooooooo ce l'ho fattaaaaaaaaa :((\n<Gierre66> l'appetito vien mangiano: il mio Xp e' a 32bit... posso installare in duale la versione Ubuntu a 64 visto che il notebook la regge?\n<K99Brain> Gierre66, e che c'èntra xp?\n<K99Brain> Gierre66, sono sistemi operativi diversi\n<Gierre66> ok... era un dubbio che mi e' venuto al momento. Avevo paura di una reazione anafilittica tra i due 32 vs 64. :)\n<MatteoR> Guest85023: Esponi pure l tuo problema\n<Gierre66> bon... grazie a tutti per ora. Immagino non mancheranno le occasioni per risentirci... buon proseguimento.\n<Guest85023> salve potraste darmi una mano a risolvere il problema di installazione di linux?\n<Guest85023> il mio problema è questo: parte l'installazione, scelgo la lingua, clicco su installa e dopo un po' mi appare questo messaggio\n<Guest85023> BusyBox v1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.1.3-5ubuntu7) Built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.  (initramfs)\n<Guest85023> come posso risolvere?\n<checco> ciao a tutti...il mio rebus e questo..possiedo una micro sd da 8 giga...dovo varie modifiche sulla stessa di dati..presenta un problema..non posso piu modificarne il contenuto..mi dice che e di sola lettura...provo a cambiare i permessi ..ma nulla...formatto tutto ricopio ..il problema sembra risolversi..ma successivamente alla rimodifica dei file si ripresenta\n<checco> come faccio????\n<checco> ciao a tutti...il mio rebus e questo..possiedo una micro sd da 8 giga...dovo varie modifiche sulla stessa di dati..presenta un problema..non posso piu modificarne il contenuto..mi dice che e di sola lettura...provo a cambiare i permessi ..ma nulla...formatto tutto ricopio ..il problema sembra risolversi..ma successivamente alla rimodifica dei file si ripresenta [18:28] <checco> come faccio????(scusate se ripeto il messaggio...non so \n<jester-> checco: sa di sd ciucca\n<checco> ????\n<jester-> facile che è partito qualche settore, poi il filesystem presenta errori e te la monta in sola lettura\n<checco> che significa sto messaggio\n<jester-> checco: il senso sarebbe che è da rottamare, forse\n<checco> scusami ho capito invece di ciucca...ciuccia..........iihihihihi scusami...lolol\n<jester-> checco: fai una prova\n<checco> minkia ma e nuovaaaaaaaaa\n<jester-> checco: sudo fdisk -l e vedi che sdx è\n<jester-> checco: poi senza sbagliare o ti rivergina un hd dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdx bs=512 count=1\n<jester-> x= lettera della periferica\n<jester-> checco: poi la partizioni e la formatti da gparted in fat32\n<checco> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/612834/\n<jester-> checco: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=1\n<checco> fatto e ora come faccio a fare la partizione da gparted in fat32.... dopo il secondo comando posso toglierla???\n<jester-> checco: apri gparted\n<jester-> checco: vai su sdb\n<checco> se mando il comando gparted mi dice che non e installato...possibile che sbaglio come aprirlo da terminale???\n<jester->  checco installalo\n<jester-> checco: e cercalo in amministrazione(editro partizioni)\n<checco> ok........\n<checco> jester mi serve ancora una mano scusami....vado  ad aprire il programma ma non so usarlo..mi dici i passaggi perfavore???\n<checco> ho aggiornato i dispositivi....\n<checco> me li da in Gib\n<jester-> checco: checco clicca su sda e vai su sdb\n<jester-> checco: dovresti solo spazio non allocato\n<checco> ok trovato\n<jester-> checco: clicca destro sullo spazio non allocato e poi su nuovo\n<checco> crea tabella partizioni ...\n<jester-> checco: se chiede di fare la tabella dai ok\n<checco> fatto\n<jester-> checco: destro e nuovo\n<jester-> lasci l'intero spazio e poi scegli  fat32\n<checco> nessuna tabella trovata su prtizioni sdb\n<jester-> checco: quando clicchi nuovo ti chiede che serve la tabelle e devi confermare\n<checco> si ma mi dice di farla dal menu dispositivo e crea tabella partizioni..poi mi da una lista\n<jester-> checco: oppure vai nel menu dispositivo e creala\n<jester-> checco: lascia quello che propone mi pare sia dos\n<jaf> ciao a tutti ho un problema...ho installato su una penna usb ubuntu ora sto tentando di formattarla...ma win7 continua a riconoscerla come mai?\n<checco> vado acreare la partizione...attenzione potrebbero cancellarsi i file du sdb....\n<filo1234> jaf: ?\n<jester-> checco: ok creala\n<checco> lascio bios era quello il rebus...\n<jester-> jaf: cioè?\n<checco> ce scusa dos\n<jaf> ok non mi sono spiegato bene...ho installato ubuntu su hd usb\n<jaf> con  i file di bot\n<jaf> ora sto tentando di formattarlo\n<sparkling> salve a tutti\n<jester-> file di bot?\n<jaf> anche\n<filo1234> jaf: ma sei su ubuntu?\n<jester-> jaf: che sarebbe?\n<sparkling> in un file .sh, questo comando echo \"/share/HDA_DATA/.qpkg/Optware/lib/\" >> /etc/ld.so.conf cosa significa?\n<jaf> si  ho messo il cd e sto viaggiando col trial\n<jaf> così mi lege l'hd\n<filo1234> sparkling: scrive quella stringa \" ....\" nel file ld.so.conf\n<sparkling> in aggiunta?\n<filo1234> si\n<jester-> sanova: ti scrive /share/HDA_DATA/.qpkg/Optware/lib/\"  in /etc/ld.so.conf\n<jester-> jaf: sai che non si capisce il problema?\n<jaf> ok\n<jaf> riprovo a spiegare\n<jaf> voglio formattare un hd che in modo che win me lo legga sapete come fare?\n<sparkling> filo1234: ok grazie..scusate ma dovrò farvi altre 2-3 domande stupide perchè devo capire a cosa serve sto cacchio di file che mi hanno fatto scrivere...\n<jaf> formattare con ubuntu\n<checco> jester....grazie mille....se e da 8 giga mi puo far fare una partizione grande massimo 7,41 gb non e una buona microsd giusto??...\n<jester-> checco: parte dello spazio rimane riservato, succede cosi anche su hd\n<sparkling> lanciare \"ldconfig\" a vuoto immagino che serve per \"inizializzare\" il file ld.so.conf che ho appena modificato\n<jester-> jaf: lo formatti in ntfs\n<checco> aa ok quindi grazie ancora caro...vieni a cagliari e ciai una serata di bevute al poetto....ciaoooo\n<jester-> jaf: usa gparted\n<jaf> ok come?\n<jester-> checco: ti mando filo1234 e porta la sorella\n<filo1234> la sua però\n<jester-> checco: menu amministrazione\n<jester-> filo1234: eccerto\n<filo1234> lol\n<checco> hahahahaah io porto mia cugina...\n<jester-> ho scritto porta non che porta\n<jester-> checco: va bene anche la cuggina\n<sparkling> infine il comando export EVENT_NOEPOLL=0 cosa fa^\n<sparkling> ^\n<sparkling> ?\n<checco> ihihiihhii ciao raga\n<filo1234> esporta la variabile EVENT_NOEPOLL e le assegna il valore 0\n<sparkling> la esporta da dove?\n<filo1234> la rende disponibile\n<jaf> come faccio a formattarlo in ntfs?\n<filo1234> per tutti gli script che devono usarla\n<jester-> jaf: hai aperto gparted?\n<jaf> non so dov'è\n<jester-> dov'è dov'è la gnoccaaa?\n<jaf> sono col cd trial\n<jester-> <jester-> checco: menu amministrazione\n<jaf> trovato\n<jester-> <jester-> jaf: menu amministrazione\n<pivellinnn> ciao\n<jaf> ci sono\n<sparkling> filo1234 ok grazie: ultima domanda: tramite terminale digito il comando per lanciare un demone che rimane in esecuzione finchè tengo il terminale aperto...chiudendolo il comando si termina... è possibile lanciare un comando in background senza che venga terminato alla chiusura del terminale? immagino di sì ..mi sapreste dare qualche dritta su come fare?\n<sparkling> grazie\n<filo1234> sparkling: comando &\n<pivellinnn> Non riesco a collegarmi a internet ne con il cavo ne con la rete wireliss. Ho ubuntu 10.10. Qualcuno che mi aiuta per npiacere, grazie\n<jester-> jaf: vai sulla partizione da formattare, clicchi destroe poi formatta\n<sparkling> e se il comando ha dei parametri? tipo comand-daemon -g -t / ecc....?\n<filo1234> non cambia nulla metti & alla fine\n<jester-> pivellinnn: ifconfig la vede eth0?\n<sparkling> ok grazie\n<pivellinnn> jester si\n<jester-> pivellinnn: ha un ip assegnato?\n<pivellinnn> credo di no\n<jester-> controlla\n<pivellinnn> jester come controllo?\n<jester-> pivellinnn: da ifconfig alla voce indirizzo inet\n<pivellinnn> jester ci sono lettere e numeri ma non c'è la parola \"ip\" e credo che non c'è l'indirizzo ip assegnato\n<jester-> pivellinnn: da ifconfig alla voce indirizzo inet\n<pivellinnn> jester aspetta che posto su pastebin\n<jester-> pivellinnn: come sei collegato a internet adesso\n<pivellinnn> un altro pc\n<jester-> pivellinnn: il pc in questine è collegato col cavo?\n<jester-> questione*\n<pivellinnn> http://paste.ubuntu.com/612852/\n<jester-> pivellinnn: il pc in questione è collegato col cavo?\n<pivellinnn> jester Il pc da cui scrivo è collegato in wireliss\n<jester-> pivellinnn: il pc in questione è collegato col cavo? e 4\n<pivellinnn> l'altro è sconnesso\n<jester-> pivellinnn: il pc in questione è collegato col cavo? e 5\n<pivellinnn> jester No\n<sparkling> filo1234 ovviamente la & fuhziona alla perfezione...ma giusto per capire...io ho un file chiamato autostart.sh che viene lanciato ad ogni avvio...dentro oltre ai comandi sopra (che comunque non credo siano essenziali per il funzionamento del programma) c'è questo export qui: http://pastebin.com/w08JTmsf  è possibile che quella stringa lanci il demone di cui parlavo prima? grazie\n<jester-> pivellinnn: se non attacchi il cavo come fa ad assegnare un ip alla eth\n<pivellinnn> jester Ho collegato il cavo e ora di nuovo il comando\n<filo1234> sparkling: se intendi transmission-daemon si\n<jester-> pivellinnn: dai prima sudo dhclient eth0\n<sparkling> filo1234 ok ora ci ragiono su un po poi magari rifaccio una domanda :D\n<pivellinnn> jester ok\n<sparkling> grazie per ora\n<jester-> sparkling: poi filo1234 ti fa in video tipo: come diventare fakiri in 7 giorni\n<filo1234> lol\n<sparkling> filo1234 ah ecco scusa.. quella che ho pastato è un'unica riga? oppure va spezzata arrivato a \"/transmission/web\" - invio ?\n<sparkling> jester- mitico!\n<jester-> lol\n<filo1234> no è una riga unica\n<sparkling> ok\n<sparkling> riavvio il ns e vedo di capire cosa c'è che non va...\n<pivellinnn> jester http://paste.ubuntu.com/612855/\n<filo1234> sparkling: è eseguibile quello script?\n<filo1234> da dove e come lo lanci?\n<sparkling> lo script si... il file è salvato in una partizione del nas apposita che viene letta all'avvio e lancia automaticamente il file autostart.sh\n<jester-> pivellinnn: sudo dhclient eth1\n<jester-> che non si sa quale hai attaccata\n<sparkling> il file garantisco che viene lanciato ed è eseguibile...magari il problema è da un'altra parte quindi ora riavvio e verifico con top se il demone viene lanciato...\n<sparkling> poi vedo...se non parte è qualcosa nel file autostart...se parte ma non entro nel webservice allora è colpa del programma che ha qualche impostazione settata male\n<pivellinnn> jester  http://paste.ubuntu.com/612856/\n<jester-> pivellinnn: eth1 ha l'indirizzo?\n<jester-> pivellinnn: NAT è abilitato nel router?\n<pivellinnn> jester Scusa  mi sono spostato un attimo\n<pivellinnn> jester Come faccio a controllare le due cose?\n<jester-> pivellinnn: ifconfig per la eth1 e nel router ci devi entrare\n<pivellinnn> jester http://paste.ubuntu.com/612859/ in pastebin c'è l'eth1 e nel router come ci entro?\n<Harris> sera ragazzi\n<Harris> avrei bisogno di una mano\n<jester-> !chiedi | Harris\n<ubot-it> Harris: per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<Harris> ho fatto l'aggiornamento alla 11.04  e mi è scomparsa l'indicatore dell apercentuale del wifi, mi si vede soltanto l'icona con le varie connessioni\n<jester-> Harris: avevi aggiunto un applet?\n<Harris> jester-, no è proprio il network manager\n<Harris> quello predefinito di ubuntu\n<jester-> Harris: se ci vai sopra con il puntatore la vedi la %\n<jester-> Harris: o clicchi destro e informazionei connessione\n<Harris> jester-, no nn mi compare proprio nulla nemmeno se premo tasto destro\n<jester-> Harris: non cè l'icona rete?\n<jester-> !gnomereset | Harris\n<ubot-it> Harris: Per resettare gnome alle sue impostazioni di default rinominare le cartelle nascoste nella propria home .gnome2 .config .gconf .gconfd .gnome2_private e riavviare la sessione\n<jester-> Harris: se usi unity dai il comando unity --reset\n<Harris> jester-, si l'icona c'è ma non mi da la possibilità di vedere la percentuale\n<Harris> jester-, uso ubuntu classico (gnome)\n<jester-> !gnomereset | Harris\n<ubot-it> Harris: Per resettare gnome alle sue impostazioni di default rinominare le cartelle nascoste nella propria home .gnome2 .config .gconf .gconfd .gnome2_private e riavviare la sessione\n<Harris> jester-, ubot-it, ci provo e vi faccio sapere\n<jester-> Harris: ubot-it è solo un bot che a comando risponde\n<pivellinnn> jester Che devo fare\n<jester-> pivellinnn: reisntalla col cavo attaccato o viene natale\n<pivellinnn> jester non ho nessuna voglia di reistallare, chiedo a qualche altro\n<pivellinnn> jester grazie lo stesso\n<Harris> jester-, no cosi non va\n<jester-> Harris: cioè?\n<pivellinnn> Non riesco a collegarmi a internet ne con il cavo ne con la rete wireliss. Ho ubuntu 10.10. Qualcuno che mi aiuta per npiacere, grazie\n<Harris> jester-, ho fatto quello che ha detto di fare il bot ma nn va lo stesso\n<freedom_> Ciao a tutti, volevo sapere se qualcuno mi poteva segnalare una guida per creare una chiavetta USB da Windows per installare Linux.\n<jester-> Harris: se ci metti sopra il puntatore del mouse all'icona senza cliccare?\n<Harris> jester-, no  nn esce niente\n<HoldenC> freedom_, hai guardato sul wiki?\n<freedom_> c'è una guida ma è da sistema operativo Linux\n<jester-> freedom_: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download ti fa pure le figure\n<jester-> freedom_: a Burn your CD or create a USB drive\n<freedom_> Ok grazie\n<freedom_> avevo visto da un altra parte\n<jester-> pallino su usb e winzoz e clicchi show me\n<freedom_> Ma c'è anche una procedura da rete con pc windwos?\n<HoldenC> jester-, ottima quella guida, a prova di noob :D\n<jester-> HoldenC: oggià\n<jester-> HoldenC: ma siccome va bene non è segnalata\n<freedom_> Ho trovato una guida ma richiede di creare un server linux che non ho\n<jester-> freedom_: le possibilità stanno tutte li\n<HoldenC> jester-, forse bisognerebbe aggiungere una nota al wiki, cosi le persone possono trovarla\n<jester-> HoldenC: l'abbiamo nel bot alla voce !installazione, il wiki si incazzano se lo paciocchi\n<HoldenC> jester-, ok\n<jester-> HoldenC: andrebbe tradotta\n<enrylinux> attivare effetti di compiz senza che unity crashi qualcuno ha risolto?\n<HoldenC> jester-, sono poche frasi, non sarebbe difficile\n<jester-> enrylinux: unity è un plugin di compiz\n<jester-> enrylinux: non puoi fare altro\n<enrylinux> strano\n<jester-> HoldenC: avevano lincato la pagina alla home ubuntu-it al rilascio, adesso guarda cosa c'è\n<jester-> enrylinux: non è strano\n<jester-> enrylinux: da unity non puoi avere tutte le cazzate compiz\n<jester-> per adesso\n<enrylinux> questo succede anche da ubuntu classic\n<jester-> !ccsm | enrylinux\n<ubot-it> enrylinux: Per abilitare effetti visivi aggiuntivi personalizzabili in Ubuntu: installa 'compizconfig-settings-manager' o 'simple-ccsm'. Dopo l'installazione apparirà la relativa icona in Sistema Preferenze - Vedi anche !compiz - Aiuto in #compiz-fusion\n<enrylinux> fatto ma crasha anche lui\n<filo1234> freedom_: cerca unetbootin\n<jester-> enrylinux: che scheda video hai\n<enrylinux> nvidia 7600\n<jester-> enrylinux: messo il driver?\n<enrylinux> certo\n<jester-> enrylinux: i nvidia in nattuy sono un po sminchiati\n<enrylinux> è l'unica pecca che ho riscontrato in natty\n<jester-> enrylinux: metti nel pastebin la risposta a cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf\n<nio> help me\n<enrylinux> ok jester\n<enrylinux> jester- volevi sapere\n<jester-> enrylinux: metti nel pastebin la risposta a cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf\n<jester-> !paste | enrylinux\n<ubot-it> enrylinux: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<enrylinux> http://paste.ubuntu.com/612884/\n<enrylinux> ok\n<sparkling> col comando shutdown -r now, da terminale, vedo tutta la sequenza di shutdown per capire eventuali punti dove si blocca?\n<jester-> enrylinux: svuotalo e incollaci questo http://paste.ubuntu.com/612886/\n<jester-> sparkling: sudo halt\n<sparkling> jester- grazie\n<sparkling> jester- è un nuovo deodorante contro il sudore?\n<sparkling> \"stop al sudore con: SUDO HALT!\"\n<jester-> spiritus\n<sparkling> :P\n<sparkling> eddaiiii\n<enrylinux> jester è meglio farne una copia\n<sparkling> se la mia stringa per avviare un programma è \"/opt/comando.sh\"... per poter loggare l'avvio in caso di errore devo usare /opt/comando.sh 2>/opt/errori.log ?\n<jester-> enrylinux: alura?\n<enrylinux> fatto\n<sparkling> jester- comunque con sudo halt non si spegne ugualmente...e non vedo nulla a terminale che mi dica cosa fa durante la fase di spegnimento...\n<jester-> enzotib: gksu gedit /etc/environment\n<enrylinux> fatto\n<jester-> enrylinux: gksu gedit /etc/environment\n<jester-> enrylinux: incolla questa stinga alla fine\n<jester-> UNITY_FORCE_START=1\n<enrylinux> fatto\n<jester-> enrylinux: riavvia il cassone e prova unity\n<enrylinux> vai\n<jester-> enrylinux: funza?\n<sparkling> jester- capisco che la battuta era brutta prima... per loggare l'avvio di un programma è corretta la stringa /opt/comando.sh 2> /opt/errori.log?\n<jester-> sparkling: non saprei\n<enrylinux> no\n<jester-> enrylinux: unity --reset\n<sparkling> ìs -m irc.azzurra.it\n<sparkling> scusate\n<enrylinux> il cubo non si puo' fare\n<enrylinux> crasha\n<jester-> enrylinux: in unity niente cubbo  co\n<jester-> & co\n<enrylinux> ma ache gli altri effetti crashano\n<jester-> enrylinux: e 5 anche gli altri effetti non vanno in  unity\n<enrylinux> non è cosi'\n<jester-> va bè\n<MatteoR> enrylinux: Unity, per quanto riguarda gli effetti (e non solo) fa veramente cag**e\n<enrylinux> io sono riuscito con un altro sistema\n<enrylinux> jester ti potrei mandare foto del cubo con unity\n<frezli> io ho usato alcuni effetti e mi sembrano funzionare ma non ho provato il cubo, comunque è proprio unity che è veramente improponibile\n<MatteoR> !image\n<ubot-it> Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<enrylinux> http://imagebin.org/155093\n<frezli> unity è stato molto azzardato , la cosa migliore è continuare con gnome e usare unity su un computer a parte tanto per provare , e sperare che si accorgano dell'errore e tornino a gnome 3 che tanto bene sta promettendo\n<MatteoR> O meglio usare kde\n<frezli> si ma kde ha anche quello i suoi grossi problemi\n<enrylinux> kde effetti funzionano alla grande\n<enrylinux> visto l'immagine\n<MatteoR> frezli: Sempre meglio di unity\n<frezli> quello che mi preoccupa di ubuntu è che stanno parlando di introdurre il server grafico wayland che se aggiunto a unity si salvi chi puo'\n<MatteoR> frezli: La soluzione è semplice: cambia distro\n<frezli> spero proprio di no , certo che se combinano ancora pasticci come sembra saremo costretti in tanti\n<MatteoR> frezli: O tutti su kubuntu\n * MatteoR Tra poco vado a mangiare\n<frezli> ma non so ma al momento ubuntu 10.04 è perfetto fra un anno si valuterà\n<MatteoR> frezli: Speriamo bene\n<zafira> ciao\n<Aizram> ciao zafira\n<zafira> ho installato ubuntu 11.04 amd64\n<zafira> finito l'installazione ho riavviato\n<zafira> e tac... schermo nero con solo il puntatore del ,mouse\n<zafira> ho provato varie versione ma sempre la stessa cosa\n<zafira> invece la 32 funziona a meraviglia\n<zafira> che puo' essere???\n<stevr1it> salve, lanciando skype da terminale mi da i seguenti errori. uso ubuntu 11.04 64 bit, come posso correggerli e risolvere le anomalie?\n<stevr1it> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/612932/\n<K99Brain> stevr1it, hai installato skype a 32 bit  mi sa\n<K99Brain> stevr1it, skype è anche nei repo partner\n<K99Brain> era meglio se lo prendevi da li\n<stevr1it> K998ho intallasto skype da repository\n<stevr1it> K99Brain, lo disinstallo e dove lo trovo a 64 bit?\n<K99Brain> stevr1it, come sarebbe a dire che lo hai installato da repository?\n<enrylinux> http://www.skype.com/intl/it/get-skype/on-your-computer/linux/\n<stevr1it> si era nei repository, ho aperto synaptic\n<belinsonic> frigo mi vedi?\n<zafira> come mai il 32 mi funziona 3 il 64 no di ubuntu studio\n<stevr1it> era installato rpecedentemente, poi con l'aggiornamento l'ha trovato lui\n<stevr1it> K99Brain, ho trovato le istruzioni, or ainstallo il 64 bit grazie\n<DigiuRN> ciao\n<frigOvuotO__> o ciao belin\n<frigOvuotO__> ci sei belin?\n<belinsonic> ciao\n<frigOvuotO__> ecco chiediamo qui\n<zafira> ciao\n<DigiuRN> sono indeciso su quale antivirus installare\n<zafira> come mai il 32 mi funziona 3 il 64 no di ubuntu studio\n<DigiuRN> cosa mi consigliate fra avira free e CLAM?\n<frigOvuotO__> ciao raga belinsonic vorrebbe installare su un hd ubuntu ma possiede un mac è possibile? potete aiutarlo a installare è la prima volta per lui!\n<DigiuRN> non mi interessa la scansione in tempo reale,vorrei una cosa leggera\n<enrylinux> lascia stare antivirus\n<DigiuRN> insomma che non abbia demoni sempre attivi che mi peserebbero e basta\n<zafira> come mai il 32 mi funziona e il 64 no di ubuntu studio\n<DigiuRN> anche rkhunter e compagnia bella?\n<DigiuRN> capisco che linux non ne abbia bisogno,è piu per il fatto che spesso prelevo file da pc windows\n<frigOvuotO__> ecco non ci risponde nessuno ;(\n<zafira> vero non mi risponde nisciuno\n<frigOvuotO__> come mai non ci sono stasera?\n<belinsonic> porto male frigo\n<frigOvuotO__> no\n<frigOvuotO__> qui rispondono sempre sono i migliori\n<stevr1it> K99Brain, ho instllato la versone 64 bit ma mi da gli stessi errori http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/612936/\n<frigOvuotO__> ciao raga belinsonic vorrebbe installare su un hd ubuntu ma possiede un mac è possibile? potete aiutarlo a installare è la prima volta per lui!\n<belinsonic> ciao raga member:belinsonic vorrebbe installare su un hd ubuntu ma possiede un mac è possibile? potete aiutarlo a installare è la prima volta per lui!\n<zafira> come mai il 32 mi funziona  il 64 no di ubuntu studio\n<belinsonic> nessuno mi aiuta?\n<frigOvuotO__> zafira se non hai 64bit\n<frigOvuotO__> overme ci sei?\n<belinsonic> grazie a tutti siete fantastici\n<frigOvuotO__> ahahah\n<frigOvuotO__> aspetta\n<belinsonic> frigo sono tutti disponibili\n<frigOvuotO__> ciao raga belinsonic vorrebbe installare su un hd ubuntu ma possiede un mac è possibile? potete aiutarlo a installare è la prima volta per lui!\n<belinsonic> ciao raga member:belinsonic vorrebbe installare su un hd ubuntu ma possiede un mac è possibile? potete aiutarlo a installare è la prima volta per lui!\n<belinsonic> grazie\n<frigOvuotO__> strano che nessuno risponde\n<belinsonic> no dai\n<belinsonic> sono tutti disponibili\n<belinsonic> grazie raga\n<frigOvuotO__> ahhaha\n<frigOvuotO__> cmq questo canale è quello giusto per  farti aiutare ....qui sono i migliori\n<belinsonic> con tutte queste risposte  ho risolto tutto\n<belinsonic> frigo vieni in pv\n<MassimoS75> Qualcuno capisce di configurazione IMAP di Gmail? :-)\n<enzotib> MassimoS75: fa la domanda, senza girarci intorno\n<MassimoS75> Allora avevo evolution configurato per imap con gmail e mi funzionava tranquillamente\n<MassimoS75> ad un certo punto, una mesata fa, ha smesso di funzionare, e a me non pare di aver cambiato nulla\n<MassimoS75> ho ubuntu 11.04\n<enzotib> MassimoS75: e cosa dice? dà qualche messaggio di errore?\n<MassimoS75> allora mi recupera l'elenco delle mail, ma se clicco su una mail, non si apre, l'errore è\n<MassimoS75>  Impossibile recuperare il messaggio  Risposta inattesa dal server IMAP: Return-Path:\n<MassimoS75> l'elenco lo recupera, ma non ci sono le mail recenti, si ferma al 16 marzo\n<enzotib> MassimoS75: e usare POP3?\n<MassimoS75> vabb\n<MassimoS75> potrei usare anche un altro client, tipo thunderbird\n<MassimoS75> che è supportato\n<MassimoS75> evolution non è tra i cliente supportati da gmail\n<MassimoS75> però capisci, per me è soprattutto una questione di tigna, non mi sta proprio bene che una cosa che funzionava, di punto in bianco non funzioni più\n<zafira> come mai il 32 mi funziona  il 64 no di ubuntu studio\n<MassimoS75> se mi stessero bene cose del genere userei Windows, non Ubuntu ;-)\n<enzotib> MassimoS75: vabè, era per dire, se avevi fretta di risolvere, ma capisco il tuo punto di vista\n<MassimoS75> ma evolution ha qualche file di log,  o qualcosa del genere, qualche parte dove magari scrive più dettagliatametne dove è il problema?\n<MassimoS75> (comunque la versione modo \"fretta\" già c'è l'ho: usare gmail dal browser) ;-)\n<enzotib> MassimoS75: non saprei, tra l'altro ce l'ho al lavoro, qui non uso evolution\n<MassimoS75> si è un classico, evolution al lavoro e thunderbird a casa ... io invece, stranamente, faccio il contrario :-)\n<MassimoS75> la cosa che mi fa incacchiare è che pare che sto problema c'è l'ho solo io, non sono riuscito a trovare altri che se ne lamentano nel forum di ubuntu-it e in rete in generale\n<Asso> ciao a tutti\n<MassimoS75> ciao\n<MassimoS75> il problema c'è l'ho da ubuntu 10.10, speravo che con l'aggiornamento a 11.04 si risolvesse e invece niente\n<Asso> sono nuovo ... come si fa a mettere la barra che si vede nelle foto del sito di  ubunto a sinistra  verticale con i bottoni delle applicazioni ???\n<Asso> e le icone sul desktop tipo windows si possono mettere ??? tipo risorse del computer documenti rete ecc. ???\n<MassimoS75> penso di riferisci all'interfaccia unity\n<Asso> si ho istallato l'ultima versione di ubnto  l'interfaccia si attiva da sola o va attivta ??\n<MassimoS75> hai l'ultima versione di ubuntu, la 11.04 natty ?\n<MassimoS75> può dipendere dal PC, dal comparto grafico\n<Asso> si ho scaricato dal sito la versione dvd\n<MassimoS75> unity ha usa effetti grafici particolari\n<Asso> in verità alla fine installazione ha detto interfaccia unity non compatibile con hardware  disattivarla ...  come faccio a capire se cel'ho attiva oppure no ???\n<MassimoS75> se la scheda grafica è troppo vecchia o non supportata può essere che ti parte in desktop gnome classico\n<Asso> da che lo capisco ?? non ho mai avuto ubunto\n<MassimoS75> se non vedi la barra dei bottoni a sinistra, vuol dire che è disattivata, stai con il desktop gnome classico, come quello della vecchia versione di ubuntu\n<Asso> CHE SFIGA\n<MassimoS75> è un pc vecchio?\n<Asso> senti ma come faccio a vedere le periferiche hardware ??\n<Asso> no è nuovo GT210 ION\n<Asso> nvidea\n<MassimoS75> io ho il problema inverso, ho unity e ancora non mi ci abituo, mi ricordo che c'era una applicazione per vedere l'hardware ma non la trovo\n<Asso> fore non ha i driver giusti\n<Asso> come si fa pe caricare i driver ?\n<MassimoS75> c'è da qualche parte una applicazione che si chiama \"driver aggiuntivi\" ?\n<MassimoS75> prova a cercarla nei menu sopra\n<enzotib> sudo lshw -short\n<enzotib> per vedere l'hardware\n<Asso> e per istallare i driver  come faccio ?\n<Asso> sto cercando di scaricarli da nvidia.it ma mi chiede flash player che però non mi si installa da solo ...che casino sto linuxxxx\n<MassimoS75> aiuto il mio evoltion è posseduto! mi spara formule arcane!\n<MassimoS75> basta ci rinuncio\n<MassimoS75> almeno per oggi\n<MassimoS75> vabbe io vi saluto, non mi sembra che riuscirò a risolvere il mio problema per stasera, e non mi sento in grado di poter aiutare Asso oltre\n<Asso> si possono mettere i tasti di chiusura finestra X  sulla destra ??? a sinistra non mi ci trovo\n<MassimoS75> buona sera\n<enzotib> Asso: per flash, installa il pacchetto flashplugin-installer dai repo\n<Asso> ok ci provo\n<enzotib> Asso: sai come fare?\n<Asso> ubunto software center poi lo scrivo su cerca e poi installa giusto ?\n<enzotib> Asso: sì, può essere una via\n<Asso> ho un mediacenter ci ho messo su ubunto ..perchè su repubblica diceva che questa nuova versione era fighissima e molto facile da usare . . .ma  non mi sembra ihihihihi\n<Asso> mi sa tanto che mi tocca ripassare a windows 7 eheheheh\n<Asso> AIUTO sto scaricando il driver ma invece di salvarmelo me lo apre in ASCII nel browserrrr\n<Asso> non c'e' ancora molto supporto per linux a quanto vedo . . .pensavo fossero stati fatti passi in avanti . . invece mi sembra proprio che il mercato sia ancora  monopolio di windows... che tristezza\n<Asso> Impossibile aprire il file «/home/asso/Scaricati/NVI…inux-x86_64-270.41.19.run».\n<Asso> Il programma non è stato in grado di determinare la codifica dei caratteri.\n<Asso> Assicurarsi che il file non sia un file binario.\n<Asso> Selezionare una codifica dei caratteri dal menù e riprovare.\n<bobbybong> Asso, prova salva link come\n<Asso> si fatto e mi slava il file .RUN come ho scritto sopra . . . poi ci clicco su apri e mi dice  che non pùo aprire\n<bobbybong> ok\n<bobbybong> apri un terminale\n<Asso> ok apro terminale\n<Asso> fatto   poi ?\n<bobbybong> cd Scaricati\n<Asso> che foo ora ?\n<bobbybong> chmod +x NVI…inux-x86_64-270.41.19.run\n<bobbybong> ./NVI…inux-x86_64-270.41.19.run\n<Asso> ma il percorso gli lo devo dare ?\n<bobbybong> la consolle è aperta nella cartella scaricati dove scarica il browser\n<Asso> chmod +x /home/asso/Scaricati/NVI…inux-x86_64-270.41.19.run\n<Asso> no la consolle mi scrive desktop :-( come ci arrivo nella cartella ?\n<bobbybong> cd\n<bobbybong> cd Scaricati\n<Asso> ho sritto questo asso@asso-desktop:~/Scaricati$ chmod +x NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.41.19.run\n<Asso> ma non fa nulla\n<bobbybong> hai solo cambiato i permessi\n<bobbybong> ora\n<bobbybong> ./NVI…inux-x86_64-270.41.19.run\n<Asso> ahhhh\n<Asso> e mo come lo istallo sto file ?\n<bobbybong> ./NVI…inux-x86_64-270.41.19.run\n<bobbybong> così\n<bobbybong> poi sono fatti tuoi installando un driver video senza cognizioni può portare a disastri\n<Asso> ERROR: this .run file is intended for the\n<Asso> Linux-x86_64 platform, but you appear to be\n<Asso> running on Linux-x86.  Aborting installation.\n<bobbybong> non hai il 64bit\n<Asso> cavolo e perchè nooo non lo installa in automatico ??? ma cazzo . . .ok scarico il driver per x86\n<filo1234> Asso: mi spieghi perchè vuoi installare dal .run?\n<filo1234> Asso: poi non ti lamentare se non va niente eh\n<filo1234> tant'è che non sai bene cosa stai facendo...\n<Asso> madonninaaa non si finisce maii . . .ora me lo stava installando ma mi dice errore perchè non sono root\n<bobbybong> sudo !!\n<Asso> ihihi volevo installare i driver della scheda video visto che non mi va interfaccia unity . . .  come faccio a istallarli non si fa così ??\n<pivellino-ubuntu> ciao a tutti. Dovrei configurare infostrada con ubuntu. qualcuno sa come si fa?\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubuntu: che c'è da configurare?\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubuntu: comunque non ha nulla a che fare con ubuntu, chiedi in chat\n<Asso> bobby  scrivo SUDO e poi ???\n<filo1234> !sudo | Asso\n<ubot-it> Asso: root è disabilitato di default su ubuntu,  usa sudo per eseguire i comandi testuali con i permessi di root http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Sudo - per i programmi con interfaccia grafica usa gksudo o kdesudo\n<Asso> che sudo è vero con questo caldo ihihih\n<bobbybong> sudo !!\n<pivellino-ubuntu> filo1234 Ti spiego. Mi hanno attivato oggi la linea, non si collega ne con il cavo e neppure col wireliss. Ho fatto anche la prova con il cd live di ubuntu ma niente non si collega e credo che serva qualche configurazione ma non so dove mettere le mani.\n<filo1234> e comunque da amministrazione driver hardware dovresti trovare il driver proprietario consigliato\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubuntu: si ma allora il problema è che non si connette ubuntu?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> filo1234 Esatto\n<filo1234> che ip ha il router?\n<Asso> ho scritto : !sudo | Asso  ma non lo prende\n<filo1234> Asso: forse devi legegre meglio\n<filo1234> leggere*\n<filo1234> non andare a mo di pinna di pescecane\n<pivellino-ubuntu> filo1234 Avevo acceso window e da lì ho preso l'ip che è\n<Asso> per favore poi non rompo più  come si diventa root . . . che scrivo di preciso ?\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubuntu: quello è di windows?\n<attempt> /|\n<filo1234> ma il router che ip ha?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> filo1234 Si\n<filo1234> !sudo | Asso  leggi\n<ubot-it> Asso  leggi: root è disabilitato di default su ubuntu,  usa sudo per eseguire i comandi testuali con i permessi di root http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Sudo - per i programmi con interfaccia grafica usa gksudo o kdesudo\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubuntu: guarda su windows cos'hai come gateway\n<attempt> sudo si scrive sudo. man sudo e vedi il manuale Asso\n<pivellino-ubuntu> filo1234 Da qui non riesco a guardare. Sono su ubuntu collegato con una chiavetta. A cosa mi serve il gateway? E' un numero?\n<filo1234> è un ip che è quello del router\n<Asso> asso@asso-desktop:~/Scaricati$ sudo -u asso ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-270.41.19.run\n<Asso> così va bene ?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> filo1234 Cosa ci faccio con quel numero?\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubuntu: serviva a me per darti un comando e provare a configurare la rete\n<pivellino-ubuntu> filo1234 Riavvio, lo prendo e se sei ancora qui facciamo la prova\n<Asso> come lo lancio sto file da root help me ...\n<Asso> cazzo ci sono riuscito dovevo scrivere sudo ./ ecc.. ecc.. andando a tentativi è partita l'installazione\n<Asso> ora mi scrive : ERROR: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before\n<Asso>          installing.  For further details, please see the section INSTALLING\n<Asso>          THE NVIDIA DRIVER in the README available on the Linux driver\n<Asso>          download page at www.nvidia.com.\n<FloodBotIt1> Asso: Non intasare il canale, usa http://paste.ubuntu.com per incollare, non usare Invio come punteggiatura.\n<Asso> come faccio ora a uscire da X before ??\n<filo1234> leggi il README come ti dice l'errore\n<Asso> altrimenti non mi fa istallare i driver . . .che gran sega !!!!!!\n<filo1234> Asso: cerca di usare un linguaggio consono oltretutto\n<filo1234> se devi chiudere X  sudo service gdm stop\n<Asso> ok ci provo\n<zafira> qualcuna ha ubuntu studio??\n<pivellino-ubuntu> filo1234 Il numero del gateway è\n<stevr1it> ho fatto un backup con luckybackup or ami trovo la root piena /sda6/ mi aiutate a trovare dove è andato a finire il back up?\n<attempt> prova con un locate di un file che hai solo in originale e backup. trovi elencate le due directory.\n<stevr1it> attempt, spiegati meglio, sono parecchi file\n<stevr1it> attempt, ho 4 hardisk su media e il beackup era diretto la, ma ora mi ha rimpito la root\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubuntu: ti do dei comandi e te li segni ok? colleghi il cavo e li dai\n<attempt> con locate ne cerchi uno in particolare. locate ti individua la directory originale del file che tu conosci gia' e anche quella dove stà la copia.\n<pivellino-ubuntu> filo1234 Ok\n<attempt> se ne trovi uno li trovi tutti\n<filo1234> stevr1it: ls -ltr ti ordina gli ultimi file modificati\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubuntu: ti faccio un paste\n<pivellino-ubuntu> filo1234 Va bene, grazie\n<stevr1it> ok\n<stevr1it> filo1234, mi da solo un aprte dei risulti, il resto è schermo bianco su terminale,\n<stevr1it> filo1234, sono andato da root ho paerto nautilus e sotto media ho due partizioni in più\n<alessandro_> Salve a tutti\n<alessandro_>  io ho una particolare cosa da fare\n<alessandro_> dovrei crearmi una pendrive\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubuntu: http://pastebin.com/MbivSJBd\n<alessandro_> con un server ma non volevo far la solita cosa di installarmi xampp\n<alessandro_> volevo propio un server che funzioni su qualsiasi sistema operativo\n<alessandro_>  è possibile far ciò?\n<filo1234> stevr1it: ma come si chiama questo backup?\n<stevr1it> è una backup della home tutta la cartella stevr1it\n<filo1234> be allora avrai una cartella che si chiama così no?\n<zafira> qualcuna ha ubuntu studio??\n<filo1234> stevr1it: vedi se è presente da altre parti oltre che nella home\n<stevr1it> filo1234,  come libero la trash della root?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> filo1234 Con l'ultimo comando mi dice SIOCADDRT: Nessun processo corrispondente\n<filo1234> si trova in /root/.local/share/Trash\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubuntu: si scusami mancava eth0 finale\n<pivellino-ubuntu> riscrivimelo per intero l'ultimo comando per piacere\n<filo1234> http://pastebin.com/index/MbivSJBd\n<filo1234> ah no aspetta\n<filo1234> l'ultimo dei tst?\n<filo1234> test?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> filo1234 Sudo route add default eccc... questo com'è per intero?\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubuntu: http://pastebin.com/2Xa7H59W\n<filo1234> questo è completo\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubuntu: anzi aspetta che aggiungo una cosa\n<filo1234> no ok quello pivellino-ubuntu\n<filo1234> rifai\n<filo1234> azzzz pivellino-ubuntu aspe che c'è un errore\n<stevr1it> filo1234, ho fatto grazie,  ho eliminato il file che ha creato in root. ciao\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubuntu: http://pastebin.com/GxP21jnW ok\n<filo1234> la accendiamo\n<filo1234> meno male che era un backup della home, cosa c'entrava root bah\n<pivellino-ubuntu> filo1234 http://paste.ubuntu.com/612971/\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubuntu: ma il cavo è collegato?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> filo1234 Certo che è collegato, ho fatto la prova quando il cavo è stato rilevato.\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubuntu: dmesg | tail -n 20\n<filo1234> e metti in paste\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubuntu: stacca il cavo e riattaccalo\n<filo1234> poi dai quel comando\n<filo1234> e copialo\n<vaillant> clear\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubuntu: ma ora da dove sei connesso?\n<pivellino-ubunt1> filo1234 http://paste.ubuntu.com/612974/\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubunt1: si ma devi fare tutto scollegando la chiavetta però\n<pivellino-ubunt1> filo1234 Mi connetto con una chiavetta. Quando lancio i comandi mi disconnetto\n<filo1234> ok\n<filo1234> [ 1904.621686] eth0: link up.\n<filo1234> [ 1907.627489] eth0: link down.\n<filo1234> la scheda è su ok\n<filo1234> mmmm\n<filo1234> strano però\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubunt1: fai vedere cat /etc/network/interfaces\n<filo1234> senza disconnetterti\n<pivellino-ubuntu> filo1234 http://paste.ubuntu.com/612978/\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubuntu: ascolta\n<pivellino-ubuntu> filo1234 Dimmi tutto\n<filo1234> modifchiamo il file interfaces\n<filo1234> gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces\n<filo1234> commenta la parte che riguarda auto-dslprovider\n<filo1234> tutte le righe\n<filo1234> e poi aggiungi :\n<filo1234> auto eth0\n<filo1234> iface eth0 inet dhcp\n<filo1234> salva e fai un riavvio con il cavo collegato\n<pivellino-ubuntu> filo1234 Giusto per chiarire commentare cioè aggiungere prima  #\n<filo1234> se non riesci più a connetterti togli i commenti che hai messo e cancella le righe eth0 che hai aggiunto\n<filo1234> si\n<filo1234> fammi vedere il file prima di riavviare\n<pivellino-ubuntu> filo1234 devo lasciare spazio dopo quelle righe o scrivo di seguito?\n<filo1234> non c'è bisogno di scollegarti\n<filo1234> non è importante\n<alessandro_> possibile fare una usb con server?\n<alessandro_> tralasciano xampp\n<alessandro_> oppue easyphp\n<pivellino-ubuntu> filo1234 http://paste.ubuntu.com/612981/     Ok?\n<filo1234> ok\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubuntu: spetta\n<filo1234> fai vedere anche cat /etc/resolv.conf\n<pivellino-ubunt1> filo1234 Non si collega, che faccio? Mi pare assurdo questa situazione.....\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubunt1: bah non più idee adesso sono fuso\n<filo1234> boh\n<filo1234> è strano\n<pivellino-ubunt1> filo1234 Il punto è che tra qualche giorno se non trovo una soluzione sarò costretto a utilizzare di nuovo window\n<pivellino-ubunt1> filo1234 Fammi un favore ti posso inviare la mia e-mail in privato così se trovi qualche soluzione me la invii?\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubunt1: eh ma senza vedere tanto non so cosa posso provare\n<filo1234> torna domani\n<pivellino-ubunt1> filo1234 A che ora ti trovo qui?\n<filo1234> mezza mattina ma ci sono anche altri tanto\n<pivellino-ubunt1> filo1234 Il modello del modem ha importanza?\n<filo1234> bah non dovrebbe\n<filo1234> ma domani siamo più freschi\n<filo1234> ora sono cotto\n<pivellino-ubunt1> filo1234 Grazie, domani mattina accendo verso le 10. Buona notte e grazie.\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubunt1: ma ti hanno cambiato pure il router?\n<pivellino-ubunt1> filo1234 E' un modem nuovo, thomson tg585 v8\n<filo1234> ma hai mai lanciato ppoeconf per caso? per configurare la connessione vecchia?\n<pivellino-ubunt1> filo1234 E' la prima volta che ho l'adsl.\n<filo1234> uhm ok\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubunt1: ah spetta spetta\n<filo1234> no niente\n<filo1234> vaneggio\n<filo1234> dai a domani\n<filo1234> altrimenti rischiamo di far cagate\n<pivellino-ubunt1> roan_ Tu ti colleghi con infostrada?\n<pivellino-ubunt1> filo1234 Ok a domani, grazie\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubunt1: ma non c'entra infostrada\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubunt1: con windows ti colleghi?\n<pivellino-ubunt1> Si\n<filo1234> allora non c'entra nulla\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubunt1: hai il dualboot?\n<pivellino-ubunt1> La lan su window 7 non mi funziona ma wireliss si\n<pivellino-ubunt1> si\n<filo1234> non è che hai windows ibernato?\n<pivellino-ubunt1> si, pure\n<filo1234> ecco\n<filo1234> spegnilo\n<filo1234> e avvia ubuntu\n<pivellino-ubunt1> è su virtualbox window ma è spento.\n<filo1234> ah e allora dillo\n<filo1234> ho chiesto se avevi un dualboot\n<pivellino-ubunt1> ho solo ubuntu acceso per ora.\n<filo1234> non ci capiamo\n<filo1234> su quel pc hai sia linux che windows installati?\n<filo1234> non in virtualbox\n<pivellino-ubunt1> Ho dual boot ma ora ho acceso solo ubuntu. Window è spento.\n<filo1234> fisicamente\n<filo1234> è spento o è ibernato?\n<pivellino-ubunt1> esatto, tutti e due linux e window. Window è spento\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubunt1: hai solo una scheda di rete?\n<pivellino-ubunt1> filo1234 Non lo so, come faccio a verificare?\n<filo1234> fai veder ifconfig e iwconfig\n<pivellino-ubunt1> http://paste.ubuntu.com/612987/\n<filo1234> allora gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces\n<pivellino-ubunt1> si\n<filo1234> l'avevi risistemato?\n<pivellino-ubunt1> no\n<filo1234> ok allora cancella eth0\n<filo1234> ecc..\n<filo1234> e ritogli i commenti che hai messo\n<pivellino-ubunt1> fatto\n<filo1234> poi cambia quel wlan0 in eth1\n<pivellino-ubunt1> fatto\n<filo1234> vedere\n<pivellino-ubunt1> http://paste.ubuntu.com/612990/\n<filo1234> salva\n<pivellino-ubunt1> fatto\n<filo1234> prova un po' a connetterti con la wireless\n<filo1234> senza ilcavo\n<filo1234> prova la wifi\n<pivellino-ubunt1> stacco e provo\n<filo1234> la vedi la tua rete da networkmanager?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> filo1234 Non si connette\n<filo1234> ma la rete la vedi?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> si\n<filo1234> pivellino-ubuntu: non capisco perchè in quel file ci sia quella roba bo\n<filo1234> se usi nm\n<filo1234> è strano\n<filo1234> senti ricommenta quelle righe riavvia e fai l'ultima prova con la wifi\n<filo1234> però riavvia completamente\n<pivellino-ubuntu> ok\n<pivellino-ubuntu> filo1234 Grazie mille sono connesso con il wireliss\n<filo1234> pfiu\n<pivellino-ubuntu> filo1234 Domani se ti va facciamo la prova se mi funziona pure con il cavo\n<filo1234> ok quindi a questo punto c'è un problema sulla connessione lan sul routr\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Esatto\n<filo1234> visto che hai la stessa situazione di windows\n<filo1234> ora\n<pivellino-ubuntu> anzi, non ho fatto la prova\n<filo1234> non è che ci siano le eth spente sul rouetr?\n<filo1234> router\n#ubuntu-it 2011-05-26\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Con il pc di mio fratello su window la lan funziona\n<filo1234> ok\n<filo1234> allora proverei\n<filo1234> i led dietro sono accesi?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> quali led? le luci dello \"spinotto\" della lan?\n<filo1234> sul router\n<filo1234> dietro non ha dei led?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> dietro dove?\n<filo1234> dietro il router\n<filo1234> dove ci sono le porte ethernet\n<filo1234> quando connetti il cavo intendo\n<pivellino-ubuntu> il led del modem è acceso\n<pivellino-ubuntu> si, le luci accendono\n<filo1234> ok\n<filo1234> boh allora prova un po'\n<filo1234> ma ora io mi corico\n<pivellino-ubuntu> ok, provo ora grazie, buona notte.\n<filo1234> prova pure usando il cavo di tuo fratello\n<filo1234> non si sa mai\n<pivellino-ubuntu> la lan non va. Domani poi provo, grazie\n<pivellino-ubuntu> buona notte.\n<ichi> ahhh va che bello che è sempre pieno di gente qua\n<ichi> bella [Enrico]\n<ichi> ciao Carlin0\n<ichi> ueila roxdragon!\n<ichi> !chat\n<ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<roxdragon> we ichi\n<ichi> bella rox!\n<ichi> si nottambula qui eh XD\n<ichi> vieni un attimo di la in chat? mi serve di sapere una cosa che qua nn c'entra nulla\n<Steeler> sul forum non ho trovato un lista di chiavette web compatibili, avete qualche link ?\n<remix_tj> Steeler: web? umts?\n<remix_tj> huawei di vodafone vanno al primo colpo\n<Steeler> remix_tj, interessante.\n<massimo18> Buon Giorno\n<Odo> Giorno\n<Steeler> come termino in maniera forzata evolution da terminale?\n<OverMe> killall -9 evolution\n<Steeler> OverMe, -9 sta per ?\n<massimo18> -9\n<OverMe> Steeler, segnale KILL\n<Steeler> OverMe, ok :P\n<glpiana> ola\n<obelix> salve\n<obelix> ho un problemacon ubuntu\n<obelix> con\n<obelix> non visualizzo nulla a schermo\n<glpiana> obelix, il pc è acceso?\n<obelix> l'unica cosa che posso usare e' la shell\n<glpiana> obelix, spiega maglio dai\n<glpiana> *meglio\n<obelix> da shell posso usare irssi\n<obelix> meglio un par di cavoli, ho 200 gb di dati\n<glpiana> obelix, ti ho chiesto di spiegare meglio il problema in modo da poterti aiutare\n<glpiana> obelix, ma se inizi così mi sa che finiamo in fretta\n<obelix> come posso fare il backup dei dati da shell passandoli su un eventuale hdd esterna ?\n<massimo18> -.-\n<obelix> ed infatti vado in fretta\n<obelix> devo andare all'ospedale\n<obelix> devo andare perch? ho una visita\n<massimo18> !chat | obelix\n<ubot-it> obelix: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<glpiana> obelix, attacchi il disco esterno, vedi con dmesg | tail che device è. con mount vei dov'è montato e se non lo è lo monti a mano\n<glpiana> obelix, il comando per copiare è cp\n<glpiana> man cp ti darà tutte le indicazioni che la tua fretta a bisogno\n<glpiana> ciao e buona visita\n<obelix> si come si fa la copia con cp lo so\n<glpiana> bene, sei a posto allora\n<obelix> dicevo se ? si curo che rilevi l'hdd esterno tramite usb\n<obelix> dato che ne devo comprare uno\n<obelix> e poi tramite cp lo so\n<glpiana> obelix, prendo la sfera di cristallo e vedo cosa accadrà quando attaccherai il disco o provi tu a collegarlo?\n<glpiana> obelix, cercare invece di ripristinare il sistema?\n<glpiana> non se ne parla proprio?\n<obelix> ci ho provato infinitamente\n<obelix> senza alcun successo\n<massimo18> obelix: mai pensato che forse non lo sai fare?\n<obelix> ci sono dei problemi che non si riescono a risolvere\n<glpiana> obelix, beh nel caso avessi voglia di provare per evitarti la spesa dimmelo\n<obelix> ho usato tutti i comandi possibili ed immaginabili\n<obelix> apt.get update\n<massimo18> lol\n<obelix> apt-get update\n<obelix> apt-get dist-upgrade\n<glpiana> obelix, quelli aggiornano\n<obelix> apt-get -f install\n<glpiana> non mettono a posto\n<glpiana> obelix, fermo\n<glpiana> basta\n<massimo18> obelix: cioè hai dato comandi che non servono\n<FloodBotIt1> glpiana: Non intasare il canale, usa http://paste.ubuntu.com per incollare, non usare Invio come punteggiatura.\n<glpiana> non elencare più nulla\n<obelix> appunto devo sostituire molti packages\n<glpiana> obelix, se vuoi ci dici in seguito a cosa è successo il casino e vediamo di risolvere, ma fare la cronaca di ciò che hai fatto è inutile\n<obelix> al momento devo andare all'ospedale\n<obelix> ho avuto un incidente l'8 maggio\n<obelix> un figlio di mignotta mi ha tagliato la strada mentre ero sulla mia SCOTT RANSOM 40\n<glpiana> obelix, ce dispiace ma non è il canale in cui raccontarlo\n<obelix> per non finire fra le lamiere e vetri della sua automobile mi sono schiantato a terra\n<glpiana> obelix, tiro le somme: sei entrato in canale per dirci che devi andare in ospedale\n<obelix> CODICE GIALLO, di urgenza al S.CAMILLO\n<glpiana> ciao caro. vai da solo  o ti faccio uscire io dal canale?\n<obelix> 4 punti sul viso\n<glpiana> obelix, ultimo avviso\n<obelix> no era per dirti come sono messo e che dunque ho una cosa urgente da fare e che non posso fermarmi in chat\n<obelix> nemmeno se volessi, perche' e' piu' importante la salute\n<glpiana> obelix, e allora se hai cose urgenti da fare vai e non venrie qui a trollare\n<glpiana> obelix, basta\n<glpiana> obelix, una parola off topic e sei fuori\n<obelix> era per dirti solo per quale motivo dovevo andare in ospedale, pensavo che te ne fottesse qualcosa di una persona che ha rischiato quasi di morire\n<glpiana> -.-\n<obelix> dato che ho avuto molte complicazioni\n<massimo18> eh\n<obelix> io vado, buon divertimento a te\n<glpiana> !chat | obelix\n<ubot-it> obelix: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<Disco> Buongiorno\n<Disco> Volevo sapere se esiste un modo per controllare lo stato di un hard disk utilizzando un LiveCD. Con stato del''Hard Disk intendo trovare eventuali errori e sapere se il disco è andato.\n<Disco> Potete aiutarmi?\n<glpiana> Disco, sì ci sono appositi programmi. tipo gparted\n<Disco> Quindi basta avviare il PC con la Live di Ubuntu e lanciare Gparted? Dove vedo lo stato del disco?\n<Odo> Disco, usi natty?\n<Disco> Ho il LiveCD di Kubuntu 10.10 e il Live di OpenSUSE Gnome (so che non c'entra molto, pardon)\n<Odo> Disco, comunque se non e' un disco esterno, puoi usare palimpsest\n<Odo> Disco, hai il controllo smart che a parer mio e' una grande cosa\n<Disco> Non è un disco esterno, è un disco fisso di un portatile di un amico con su Win7.\n<Disco> Nessuna idea?\n<Odo> Disco, ascolta se hai la live, nel menu amministrazione se ricordo bene c'e' un programma \"gestore dischi\" o una roba cosi'\n<Odo> Disco, o in alternativa apri un terminale e scrivi palimpsest\n<Disco> palimpsest da solo oppure con qualche argomento?\n<Odo> Disco, no da solo\n<Disco> Ok, forse ci sono, ho lanciato Gparted\n<Disco> E mi da un warning\n<Odo> Disco, gparted e' un altra roba pero' eh\n<Disco> The disk has bad sector\n<Disco> Penso quindi sia andato, sbaglio?\n<Disco> Scusa Odo, hai ragione anche tu... Adesso provo con il comando\n<Odo> Disco, be' direi proprio di si, quando un disco comincia ad avere dei settori danneggiati c'e' una sola cosa da fare\n<Odo> sostituirlo\n<Disco> Eh, sì, vabbeh, non è mio e più di tanto non mi interessa\n<Odo> serve poco markarli come settori difettosi, dopo un po ne escono altri\n<Disco> Comunque il disco è andato e va cambiato\n<Odo> Disco, sicuro ma lancia palimpsest, dovrebbe dirti il disco ha dei settori danneggiati, o anche e' prossimo alla rottura\n<Disco> un secondo che devo installarlo\n<Disco> Ok, ho lanciato il programma\n<Disco> E andando sul disco mi dice SMART Status: Disk has few bad sector\n<Odo> Disco, non e' prossimo alla rottura, ma va cambiato, diciamo che hai la possibilita' di recuperare i files ora\n<Disco> Sì, i file li ho recuperato e messi su CD grazie al live di KDE\n<Odo> Disco, comunque se fai il test ti dice anche quanti settori\n<Disco> Adesso stavo cercando di capire se era proprio il disco andato o se era Win che rompeva le palle\n<Disco> Ho visto adeso, provo a lanciare il self test\n<Disco> Grazie Odo ;)\n<Odo> Disco, test\n<Odo> Disco, tranqui\n<Disco> Hum.. Ha finito i test, ma mi da solo un pallino rosso: Current Pending Sector Count\n<Odo> Disco, ascolta lo puoi usare ma il disco va cambiato\n<Disco> Sìsì, volevo solo che fosse \"ufficiale\" il fatto che il disco va cambiato\n<Disco> Non essendo mio non vorrei dire una cagata ;)\n<Disco> Grazie ancora Odo, scappo ;)\n<jester-> 'ngiorno\n<zappo_> buongiorno a tutti\n<zappo_> buongiorno glpiana\n<glpiana> ciao zappo_\n<zappo_> sono bloccato con l'installazione di una chiavetta \"onda mc833up\"dopo aver installato,come da istruzioni,i pacchetti \" libqt3-mt e wvdial \"non riesco ad andare avanti\n<jester-> zappo_: sudo wvdialconf cosa combina\n<zappo_> jester-, guardo\n<zappo_> jester-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/613124/\n<jester-> zappo_: il sistema proprio non la caga, usi natty?\n<zappo_> jester-, scusa non avevo la chiavetta inserita adesso riprovo\n<glpiana> -.-\n<jester-> zappo_: prima sudo rm /etc/wvdial.conf\n<zappo_> jester-, ok\n<zappo_> jester-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/613130/\n<jester-> zappo_: fa vedere: lsusb\n<zappo_> jester-, non riesco a fare copia incolla deve essere successo qualcosa provo a riavviare.\n<zappo_> jester-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/613134/\n<jester-> zappo_: è attaccata la chiavetta?\n<zappo_> jester-, si\n<jester-> zappo_: non la rileva\n<jester-> zappo_: c'è bluetooth e la webcam ma non la key\n<jester-> zappo_: stacca il blutoooth e metti al suo posto la key\n<zappo_> jester-, provo a cambiare presa usb?\n<passinif> ciao ragazzi\n<zappo_> jester-, blutooth non è inserito in una presa usb è interno al pc come del resto la web cam\n<jester-> zappo_: cambiata usb?\n<zappo_> jester-, si risultato lo stesso\n<jester-> zappo_: che sia rotta?\n<jester-> lè morta\n<zappo_> jester-, no perche se vado su win navigo tranquillamente\n<jester-> zappo_: se attacchi una penna usb dati?\n<jester-> zappo_: parliamo di sistema installato o in virtualbox\n<zappo_> jester-, non ho provato ma adesso inserisco una micro sim nella key e provo\n<jester-> zappo_: ho la vaga sensazione che non ti funzino le usb\n<zappo_> jester-, ieri ho trasferito dati sull'hard disk esterno senza problemi\n<jester-> zappo_: seguendo presunte guide hai scritto dei files?\n<zappo_> jester-, ho inserito la microsim e la porta usb funzia.Si ho copiato la cartella \"linux\"in documenti e ho provato ad installare il file \"install.sh\" , come dice nelle istruzioni della chiavetta.Ma li mi sono inchiodato\n<jester-> zappo_: lsusb ancora\n<zappo_> jester-, ok\n<zappo_> jester-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/613142/\n<jester-> zappo_: staccala riattaccale e posta dmsesg | tail\n<zappo_> jester-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/613144/\n<jester-> zappo_: go sbaglià dmesg | tail\n<mikunos> Salve a tutti, come faccio a copiare tutti i file di una cartella senza che mi venga chiesto se desidero sovrascrivere ogni singolo file?\n<zappo_> jester-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/613145/\n<jester-> mikunos: cp cartella/*\n<mikunos>  jester- mi chiede override?!\n<jester-> mikunos: non dovrebbe\n<jester-> mikunos: cp cartella/*  /dove/copi\n<mikunos> beh ci sono anche delle sottocartelle, forse per questo non funzia\n<jester-> mikunos: cp -r\n<mikunos> niente da fare jester-\n<mikunos> cp: overwrite `/var/www/ ....\n<jester-> zappo_: dentro alla chiavetta c'era una cartella linux?\n<zappo_> jester-, si\n<jester-> zappo_: e l'hai copiata sul desktop o nella home?\n<filo1234> mikunos: usa rsync\n<zappo_> jester-, in documenti\n<mikunos> filo1234 ?\n<jester-> zappo_: vacci col terminale\n<filo1234> rsync -arvp /origine/  /destinazione/\n<jester-> zappo_: hai gnome è kde?\n<zappo_> jester-, faccio copia sulla cartella e incolla nel terminale?\n<mikunos> -bash: rsync: command not found\n<jester-> zappo_: devi entrare nella cartella che hai copiato col terminale\n<filo1234> mikunos: ma hai ubuntu?\n<mikunos> si\n<jester-> zappo_: cd Documenti/crtellacopiata\n<zappo_> jester-, e come si fà?\n<filo1234> mikunos: versione?\n<jester-> zappo_: nome della cartella?\n<zappo_> jester-, linux\n<jester-> zappo_: cd Documenti/linux\n<mikunos> filo1234, ultima\n<filo1234> mikunos: uname -a cosa da?\n<zappo_> jester-, No such file or directory\n<jester-> zappo_: vai in Documenti con nautilus e controlla il nome\n<filo1234> mikunos:\n<DarkSun> salve\n<filo1234> uname -a\n<filo1234> salve DarkSun\n<DarkSun> uè filo1234\n<DarkSun> ciao anche a te mikunos\n<zappo_> jester-, nautilus?\n<jester-> zappo_: svegli il file manager\n<jester-> zappo_: fa vedere ls Documenti\n<jester-> o tiriamo natale\n<zappo_> jester-, scusami ma penso di non essere in grado\n<jester-> zappo_: ls Documenti\n<jester-> e metti nel pastebin\n<zappo_> jester-, ti copio quello che è in documenti?cosa è \"ls\"\n<zappo_> jester-, ha ci sono\n<jester-> zappo_: dai il comando ls Documenti\n<zappo_> jester-, scusami mi perdo in una goccia d'acqua\n<zappo_> jester-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/613148/\n<jester-> zappo_: cd Docomenti Linux\n<jester-> zappo_: dai ls e fa vedere\n<zappo_> jester-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/613150/\n<jester-> zappo_: scusa cd Documenti/Linux\n<jester-> zappo_: chiudi e riapri il terminale poi dai il comando\n<zappo_> jester-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/613151/\n<jester-> zappo_: ls\n<zappo_> jester-, ls cd Documenti/Linux            cosi?\n<jester-> zappo_: ls\n<jester-> sei gia in Documenti/Linux\n<jester-> se non hai chiuso\n<jester-> zappo_: ls e basta\n<zappo_> jester-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/613156/  e se non hai gia perso la pazienza sei super\n<jester-> zappo_: chmod +x install.sh\n<jester-> zappo_: USI gnome o kde\n<zappo_> jester-, penso gnome su ubuntu 10/04 netbook\n<jester-> zappo_: fatto?\n<zappo_> jester-, non da niente\n<jester-> zappo_: sudo ./install.sh\n<zappo_> jester-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/613158/\n<jester-> zappo_: guarda nel menu internet se c'è onda connection manager\n<zappo_> jester-, no\n<jester-> zappo_: riavvia, dai svelto che devo andare\n<zappo_> jester-, ok\n<zappo_> jester-, non c'è facciamo un'altra volta grazie per la tua pazienza\n<jester-> zappo_: lsusb\n<jester-> zappo_: sudo rm wvdial.onf e poi rifai sudo wvdialconf\n<jester-> zappo_: sudo rm wvdial.conf e poi rifai sudo wvdialconf\n<zappo_> jester-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/613163/\n<zappo_> jester-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/613171/\n<jester-> zappo_: nada da fare\n<zappo_> jester-, grazie mille comunque\n<jester-> zappo_: sigh\n<pa> qualcuno ha problemi con skype oggi\n<pa> ?\n<Peace-> pa: sky è stato comprato da windows probabilmente avrai sempre maggior problemi con lo stesso\n<Peace-> pa: ti consiglio di passare a google video talk\n<pa> Peace-, ma google video talk non e' web based?\n<pa> io non voglio tenere un browser sempre aperto per chattare\n<pivellino-ubuntu> ciao a tutti\n<pivellino-ubuntu> filo1234 Ciao, ti va di provare a sistemare la connessione con il cavetto?\n<DarkSun> non dovrebbe riconoscertela in automatico?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun Non si connette con il cavo....\n<DarkSun> ma prima sì?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun E' la prima volta che attacco il cavo e non si è mai connesso\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: quando hai installato il sistema il cavo era attaccato?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> No\n<DarkSun> ed è lì che hai sbagliato perché all'installazione ti fa un riconoscimento automatico della scheda di rete, quindi se hai il cavo collegato, non ti darà alcun problema quando poi lo dovrai usare ad installazione ultimata\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun Ubuntu l'ho installato mesi fa e ho sempre usato la chiavetta, ieri mi hanno attivato l'adsl\n<DarkSun> dai da terminale ifconfig e metti il risultato nel paste\n<pivellino-ubuntu> si\n<Peace-> pa: browser o applicazione... che differenza fa?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/613191/\n<Peace-> pa: se funziona e funziona bene con linux dimmi che differenza fa?\n<Peace-> mah paranoia?\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: dai sempre da terminale route -n\n<pa> e' scomodo, e' lento, usa piu risorse, non e' integrato\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: incolla il risultato sempre nel paste\n<pivellino-ubuntu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/613192/\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: hai il cavo collegato?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun Il cavo è staccato, sono collegato con il wireliss\n<DarkSun> attacca il cavo e dai di nuovo ifconfig e dai tutto al paste\n<pivellino-ubuntu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/613195/\n<DarkSun> ora ridai route -n\n<pivellino-ubuntu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/613197/\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: domanda stupida: sicuro che ti abbiano attivato internet? cioè, i led del modem lampeggiano?\n<DarkSun> soprattutto quello relativo a internet e al dsl\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun Si, internet funziona e la lan pure\n<DarkSun> ok, allora proviamo con pppoeconf\n<DarkSun> lancia da terminale sudo pppoeconf\n<DarkSun> ti chiederà alcune informazioni\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun Mi trova due dispositivi ethernet e sono costretto a sceglire si\n<Peace-> pa: allora usa una cosa che non funzionera' piu bene su linux\n<DarkSun> costretto? devi sceglierne uno, quello funzionante\n<Peace-> pa: scomodo? per em è comodissimo\n<Peace-> pa: usa piu risorse forse se tieni acceso 8000 pagine, io uso kubuntu e funziona a razzo con un pc che ha quasi 4 anni\n<Peace-> cmq veditela tu\n<pivellino-ubuntu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/613199/\n<Peace-> io uso quello che funziona meglio e skype non è unsoftware al mio livello\n<Peace-> buona fortuna per la risoluzione diei tuoi problemi\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: il wifi non c'entra nulla col pppoeconf\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun Scelgo si?\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: però fatti prima un backup di quel file per sicurezza. sai farlo?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> No, come si fa?\n<DarkSun> sudo cp /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider.backup\n<tko> il mio wi-fi si connette ma non navigaaaa.... con il cavo funziona ( internet ). Avete suggerimenti?\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: fatto?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun Ho copiato il file. Ma in quale cartella si trova quello copiato? Posso procedere con ifconfig?\n<DarkSun> nella stessa directory. comunque sì, procedi\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun Che faccio? http://paste.ubuntu.com/613203/\n<DarkSun> spe'\n<DarkSun> dai sì e inserisci username e password\n<pivellino-ubuntu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/613207/\n<DarkSun> sì\n<pivellino-ubuntu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/613209/\n<DarkSun> sì\n<pivellino-ubuntu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/613211/\n<DarkSun> sì, ovvio\n<pivellino-ubuntu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/613212/   Faccio si?\n<DarkSun> sì\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun  Mi disconnetto dal wireliss prima e poi clicco si?\n<DarkSun> hai network manager?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> si\n<DarkSun> dai sì, poi clicca su network maanger e scegli la connessione col filo\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Quindi non mi disconnetto.\n<DarkSun> no, al massimo ti connetterà automaticamente lui alla rete eth\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun http://paste.ubuntu.com/613215/ Qui mi fa scegliere solo \"OK\". Comunque è connesso con il wireliss, clicco su eth0 per vedere se si connette?\n<DarkSun> sì\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun Solito problema non si connette con il cavo\n<DarkSun> hai un username e una pass per connetterti?\n<Beavis> Salve, sto provando ad installare adobe flash player dal sito di adobe, ma al termine dello scaricamento pacchetti ho il seguente errore \"Il pacchetto «adobe-flashplugin» è virtuale\". L'installazione del pacchetto installer da synaptic non funziona ugualmente, nel senso che il plugin non funziona, potreste aiutarmi?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun Per connettermi con il wireliss devo inserire la password perchè c'è la protezione.\n<DarkSun> ovvio, lì sì\n<enzotib> Beavis: devi installare il pacchetto flashplugin-installer\n<DarkSun> prova a dare pon dsl-provider\n<Beavis> enzotib, fatto, non funziona flash\n<enzotib> Beavis: controlliamo: dpkg -l | grep -E 'flash|gnash|swf|nsplugin'\n<enzotib> !pastebin | Beavis metti su pastebin l'output\n<ubot-it> Beavis metti su pastebin l'output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun Mi dice permesso negato. Provo con sudo?\n<DarkSun> ovvio\n<Beavis> enzotib, ok\n<Beavis> enzotib, http://paste.ubuntu.com/613219/\n<enzotib> Beavis: rimuovi swfdec-mozilla e la lib\n<Beavis> enzotib, la lib dove la trovo?\n<Beavis> /usr/lib?\n<enzotib> Beavis: no, intendo il pacchetto libswfdec-0.8-0 che compare nell'elenco che mi hai mostrato\n<Beavis> enzotib, ok, stavo disinstallando e mi dice che disinstalla anche gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg\n<pivellino-ubunt1> DarkSun http://paste.ubuntu.com/613223/ Non si collega\n<DarkSun> mah, è strano. filo1234 ci sei un secondo?\n<Beavis> enzotib, ora ho fatto, quindi ora reinstallo l'installer per flash?\n<pivellino-ubunt1> DarkSun Ieri ho risolto con lui, infatti non si collegava neppure con il wireliss.\n<DarkSun> con il wireless il discorso è un po' diverso\n<DarkSun> comunque aspetta lui\n<enzotib> Beavis: sì\n<pivellino-ubunt1> DarkSun Riavvio?\n<DarkSun> io di solito risolvevo con pppoeconf\n<enzotib> Beavis: quello che ho detto io prima\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubunt1: prova\n<Beavis> enzotib, ok\n<Beavis> enzotib, grazie, risolto\n<enzotib> Beavis: bene\n<relon> salve chi mia aiuta a installare una stampante? Ho ubuntu 11.04\n<enzotib> relon: usb?\n<relon> la devo usare in wireless, io ho il portatile  e lei è connessa al fisso\n<relon> ho già provato a installarla ma non riesce a stampare\n<enzotib> se la devi usare in wireless, perché è connessa al fisso?\n<relon> enzotib perchè il fisso la usa via usb\n<enzotib> beh, allora lascio, non ho esperienza di stampanti che fanno wireless e usb insieme\n<relon> ma non mi importa al momento l'usb, mi interessa solo che stampi in wireless\n<enzotib> relon: la configurazione wireless della stampante devi farla dalla stampante stessa, per quanto ne so, non c'entra ubuntu\n<relon> si ma a ubuntu devo comunque fargliela vedere. ho usato la configurazione guidata di ubuntu ma forse sbaglio qualcosa\n<enzotib> relon: come hai configurato la stampante, per connettersi a una rete wireless esistente, oppure fa lei una rete ad-hoc?\n<relon> ho semplicemente avviato la voce \"stampa\" dal menu di ubuntu. lì puoi cercare le stampanti disponibili condivise\n<enzotib> relon: e sulla stampante non hai fatto niente?\n<relon> no non c'è bisogno, l'ho solo condivisa dal fisso. era andato tutto liscio con la vecchia samsung, questa è una hp ma non riesco\n<enzotib> relon: ma la condivisione significa che non usi il wireless della stampante, usi il collegamento con il fisso che poi accoda alla stampante\n<relon> ah ok, sì intendo quello\n<enzotib> quindi la stampante non è wireless, oppure non vuoi usare il wireless, ho capito bene?\n<relon> non credo sia wireless... comunque la voglio usare tramite la condivisione\n<relon> scusa sono stato poco chiaro :)\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: allora?\n<enzotib> relon: il dekstop ha windows o ubuntu?\n<relon> win xp\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun Con quelle modifiche che abbiamo fatto non mi funziona più il wireliss, sono connesso con la chiavetta purtroppo. Su network manager mi dice Rete senza fili - Dispositivo non gestito, che faccio?\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: allora riprendi il file di backup. ricordi?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> come lo riprendo?\n<DarkSun> non ricord il percorso?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> trovato\n<DarkSun> sai cosa fare?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> no\n<enzotib> relon: e non la trova?\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: dimmi il percorso\n<relon> si ubuntu la vede, ma non stampa\n<enzotib> relon: sarà un problema di permessi dal lato di windows\n<pivellino-ubuntu> /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider.backup\n<relon> per esempio su ubuntu ho URI: socket://  ( è il fisso) è giusto no?\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: sudo cp /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider.backup /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu: DarkSun, suppongo pon-etc abbia scritto in /etc/network/interfaces, bisogna ripulirlo per usare network-manager\n<DarkSun> enzotib: sì, ha scritto anche lì. deve cancellare tutto il contenuto del file?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Dato il comando.\n<enzotib> DarkSun: per usare nm deve restare solo l'interfaccia lo, due righe all'inizio\n<relon> enzotib comunque fa lo stesso, non è urgente. Casomai apro un topic sul forum con calma\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: dai un secondo cat /etc/network/interfaces e metti nel paste tutto\n<enzotib> relon: l'hai scritto tu l'URI o te lo ha proposto ubuntu?\n<relon> io ho solo dovuto mettere l'ip del fisso\n<nicotano> salve\n<pivellino-ubuntu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/613242/\n<enzotib> relon: ripeto, come hai proceduto, riesci a dirmelo esattamente?\n<relon> sì\n<enzotib> relon: ok, ascolto\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: lascia solo le prime 2 righe. giusto enzotib ?\n<relon> prima ho avviato \"stampa\" (quello nel menù di ubuntu)\n<enzotib> DarkSun: giusto\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: ok, vai! :)\n<relon> da lì ho fatto aggiungi -> stampante\n<enzotib> DarkSun: ma ha un modem o un router, che tu sappia?\n<enzotib> relon: ok\n<DarkSun> credo router sinceramente\n<relon> poi ho scelto stampante di rete -> appsocket/hp jetdirect\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: hai un modem o router?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> modem\n<enzotib> relon: non Windows con Samba?\n<relon> no\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Ascolta penso che bisogna riavviare\n<relon> è meglio quello?\n<enzotib> relon: secondo me devi usare quello\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: hai lasciato solo le prime 2 righe?\n<enzotib> relon: non è che è meglio, è quello corretto, l'altro è sbagliato (a meno che non sbagli io)\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun Prima di riavviare vorrei installare wicd ma mi da problemi. Ho lasciato anche le righe commentate perchè ieri ha funzionato così.\n<relon> cacchio mi sa che hai ragione, ora provo e ti dico\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu: modem wireless che non fa da router? molto strano, che modello?\n<DarkSun> quali righe? ridammi il contenuto di /etc/network/interfaces\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Scusate ma io non capisco la differenza tra router e modem. è un thomson tg585 v8\n<pivellino-ubuntu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/613244/ Ho lasciato così\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Mi aiutate ad installare wicd\n<DarkSun> va be', quei commenti puoi anche toglierli visto che non ti serviranno\n<DarkSun> per adesso riavvia e vedi se funziona il wifi come ieri\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu: ma la connessione ADSL, i parametri, li hai impostati sul \"modem\" ?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> No\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu: io farei una cosa\n<relon> enzotib, fatto funziona... che stupidata che era! grazie :)\n<pivellino-ubuntu> I parametri del modem non li ho toccati.\n<enzotib> prego relon\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Riavvio\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu: aspe'\n<enzotib> che fretta!\n<DarkSun> già\n<relon> enzotib, ora non è che devo disinstallare l'altra?\n<DarkSun> enzotib: cosa consigli tu, di modificare qualche parametro nella pagina del modem?\n<enzotib> relon: ne hai due?\n<relon> no intendo la configurazione di prima comunque resta, non vorrei avere installati driver doppi per niente\n<enzotib> DarkSun: se è un modem/router, deve configurare i parametri della connessione direttamente dall'interfaccia web del router\n<enzotib> DarkSun: poi col cavo funziona in dhcp senza problemi\n<enzotib> DarkSun: senza pon-dsl-etc-etc\n<DarkSun> enzotib: ah ok\n<enzotib> relon: no, vai tranquillo\n<relon> enzotib, cioè basta che faccio testo destro -> rimuovi ? non è che c i sono driver da togliere?\n<enzotib> relon: no, non devi fare niente\n<relon> enzotib ok allora a posto, grazie ancora\n<relon> ciao\n<enzotib> prego relon, e ciao\n<pivellino-ubunt1> Ora mi sento meglio, il wireliss funziona di nuovo. Come posso installare il wicd visto che mi da problemi?\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubunt1: perché non cerchi prima di risolvere col cavo?\n<pivellino-ubunt1> DarkSun Magari...\n<DarkSun> se non fossi uscito così in fretta, enzotib ti avrebbe detto cosa avresti dovuto fare\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubunt1: vorrei capire i parametri della connessione dove li hai messi\n<pivellino-ubunt1> enzotib Quali parametri? Io non ho toccato nulla\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubunt1: che operatore hai?\n<pivellino-ubunt1> infostrada\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubunt1: non ti ha dato uno username e password da usare?\n<enzotib> (che poi sono uguali per tutti)\n<pivellino-ubunt1> si\n<enzotib> o forse il modem te l'hanno dato già configurato?\n<pivellino-ubunt1> quelli scritti sul manuele o l'e-mail che ho fatto al momento della prima registrazione?\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubunt1: sì, ma dimmi, il modem è in comodato ed è già configurato?\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubunt1: intendo l'email\n<pivellino-ubunt1> Il modem è mio, non è in comodato.\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubunt1: e benvenuto/ospite dove lo hai scritto? come glielo hai detto al modem?\n<pivellino-ubunt1> quando faccio sul browser mi chiede username e password per configurarlo\n<enzotib> e quella è un'altra cosa, la password di admin del router\n<DarkSun> di solito è la stessa anche lì\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubunt1: quindi con l'interfaccia web hai configurato il modem/router, non è vero che non hai toccato neinte\n<pivellino-ubunt1> enzotib Li non ho toccato niente, ho solo cambiato la password del wifi.\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubunt1: anche io ho infostrada, e user/pass sono benvenuto/ospite, anche per te?\n<pivellino-ubunt1> no\n<pivellino-ubunt1> avevo letto qualcosa del genere in giro ma ora sono cambiati\n<zappo_> sono bloccato con l'installazione di una chiavetta \"onda mc833up\"dopo aver installato,come da istruzioni,i pacchetti \" libqt3-mt e wvdial \"non riesco ad andare avanti\n<enzotib> infostrada ti ha dato uno username e una password, vero?\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubunt1: ^^\n<pivellino-ubunt1> si\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubunt1: e li usi in qualche modo?\n<pivellino-ubunt1> no, mi sono serviti solo per cambiare la password del wifi\n<enzotib> uhm, non capisco e lascio il campo\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubunt1: non sta parlando della password per accedere all'interfaccia web del router\n<DarkSun> bensì all'username e password che infostrada avrebbe dovuto darti per connetterti tramite cavo alla rete\n<enzotib> direi, quella non gliela dà certo infostrada\n<pivellino-ubunt1> DarkSun Stavo parlando proprio di quella.\n<DarkSun> enzotib: eh, lo so, ma è meglio spiegarsi\n<pivellino-ubunt1> e si trovo all'interno del modem nelle istruzioni.\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubunt1: ecco, e state parlando di due cose differenti\n<pivellino-ubunt1> Io non sono esperto di queste cose....pensavo si riferisse a quella.\n<DarkSun> leggi male ciò che ti si dice\n<enzotib> io ho chiarito, credo: l'account di infostrada (non quello del manuale del modem) lo usi da qualche parte?\n<pivellino-ubunt1> No, non lo uso.\n<enzotib> e com'è possibile che ti connetti, allora?\n<pivellino-ubunt1> enzotib Per connettermi ho inserito la password del wifi in network manager e si connette.\n<enzotib> ok, confermo, io abbandono\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubunt1: solo una prova, disconnetti il wireless da network manager, e poi attacca il cavo, vedi che succede\n<pivellino-ubunt1> enzotib non si connette\n<pivellino-ubunt1> già fatta la prova.\n<Neo_> salve\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubunt1: l'hai fatto nell'ordine temporale come l'ho detto io?\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubunt1: e poi abbiamo modificato il file \"interfaces\" magari ora funziona\n<pivellino-ubunt1> provo di nuovo ora.\n<pivellino-ubuntu> enzotib visto che tu hai infostrada fammi un piacere, tasto destro in network manager - modifica connessioni - e mi dici i parametri della prima finestra. Con il cavo non va.\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu: eh, non ora, sono al lavoro\n<pivellino-ubuntu> enzotib Della connessione col cavo.\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu: dimmi, che un po' mi ricordo\n<pivellino-ubuntu> enzotib Auto etho (il nome della connessione) click su modifica - nella voce via cavo - c'è indirizzo mac dispositivo\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu: e ci siamo\n<pivellino-ubuntu> poi indirizzo mac clonato e MTU\n<pivellino-ubuntu> che ci devo scrivere??\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu: mac clonato è vuoto, e MTU automatico\n<pivellino-ubuntu> e mac dispositivo???\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu: dovrebbe riempirlo da solo con dei numeri esadecimali separati da \":\"\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu: sarà mica vuoto?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> 00:1B:38:C7:8A:30   Questi?\n<DarkSun> sì\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu: quelli sono univoci per ogni scheda di rete, quindi sono solo tuoi (e magari faresti bene a non mostrarli in pubblico :)\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu: ok, le altre schede?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> non le ho toccate\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu: è impostato in alto per \"Connetti automaticamente\"?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> enzotib Non ho capito cosa vuoi dire\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu: nella pagina, in alto c'è una checkbox, con vicino scritto \"Connettere automaticamente\", c'è la X oppure no?\n<enzotib> (o meglio, il \"visto\")\n<pivellino-ubuntu> enzotib Wireliss si connette automaticamente e anche il cavo se funzionasse.\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu: non mi hai risposto\n<pivellino-ubuntu> No, non c'è\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu: non c'è il check o non c'è proprio la scritta che ho detto?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Nessun ceck\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu: allora mettilo\n<pivellino-ubuntu> come?\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu: c'è un quadratino vuoto con vicino scritto \"Connettere automaticamente\"?\n * enzotib sta cominciando a innervosirsi\n<pivellino-ubuntu> No, non c'è.\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu: allora è un network manager fatto ad hoc per te?\n<enzotib> non ce la posso fare\n<pivellino-ubuntu> enzotib Scusa, non vedo nessun quadratino, lasciamo perdere visto che non ci capiamo. Grazie comunque.\n<enzotib> eppure avevo detto 1) non c'è il check 2) non c'è proprio la scritta, e la risposta era stata \"nessun check\", forse mi spiego io male\n<pivellino-ubuntu> enzotib Non c'è il check.\n<OverMe> lol\n<OverMe> enzotib, è prematurata per 2\n<enzotib> OverMe: a destra\n<pivellino-ubuntu> enzotib Non so come si fa uno scrennshot del desktop se no la farei giusto per chiarire.\n<Aizram> :(\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Proverò più avanti a risolvere il problema del cavo. Al momento non riesco a installare wicd...mi da un errore http://paste.ubuntu.com/613260/\n<OverMe> pivellino-ubuntu, premi stamp per fare lo screen\n<pivellino-ubuntu> ok\n<OverMe> !image | pivellino-ubuntu\n<ubot-it> pivellino-ubuntu: Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<pivellino-ubuntu> enzotib ecco il desktop http://imagebin.org/155234\n<OverMe> e a che dovrebbe servire lo screenshot del desktop?\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu: ma non stavamo parlando delle impostazioni della connessione via cavo? non eravamo su quella finestra?\n<OverMe> al massimo era utile quella della finestra \"modifica connessioni\"\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Si, di quella via cavo\n<Aizram> -.-'\n<DarkSun> enzotib: sei ancora qui? io avrei già abbandonato da un pezzo\n<enzotib> DarkSun: sono come il berluscone, ho una volontà di ferro!\n<DarkSun> enzotib: sì ma quand non c'è partecipazione dell'altra parte...\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Scusate, io partecipo, solo che non sono al vostro livello.\n<DarkSun> ma quale livello, scusa? ti stiamo dicendo ciò che l'interfaccia al 100% ti mostra\n<enzotib> pivellino-ubuntu: d'accordo, però dovresti leggere con più attenzione quello che scriviamo\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Non so che dire, ho letto le cose che avete scritto, però voi dite una cosa che poi a me sembre un'altra e quindi non ci troviamo...\n<ndi> ciao\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Grazie a tutti e due ci proverò un altro giorno a sistemare il cavo.\n<DarkSun> dubito che un altro giorno cambierà le cose\n<DarkSun> ti diciamo: nella finestra di \"Modifica connessione\" -> \"Via cavo\"\n<DarkSun> seleziona la prima voce che dovrebbe essere \"Auto eth0\"\n<pivellino-ubuntu> si\n<DarkSun> ti si dovrebbe aprire un'altra finestra in cui in alto c'è un checkbox con scritto: Connettere automaticamente\n<DarkSun> c'è?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun sotto nome della connessione c'è il check box ed è con la spunta\n<DarkSun> ah, finalmente!\n<pivellino-ubuntu> meglio tardi che mai.\n<DarkSun> enzotib: la spunta c'è, ora secondo te che si dovrebbe fare?\n<voll> ciao ragazzi..\n<voll> mi serve una mano..\n<voll> non sono espertissimo di ubuntu, ma anche leggendo diversi forum non sono riuscito a risolvere..\n<voll> il mio portatile non si spegne.\n<voll> ho ubuntu 11.04 che si riavvia tranquillamente, ma non si spegne..\n<voll> schermo nero e così resta\n<voll> finchè non lo spengo di forza\n<voll> idee ?!\n<enzotib> DarkSun: scusa, ero a prendere il caffè\n<enzotib> DarkSun: a questo punto penserei che il problema è sul router, forse non è impostato per il DHCP\n<voll> enzotib parli con me ?\n<enzotib> voll: ti chiami DarkSun ? :)\n<voll> ops... sorry pensavo fosse tutto il nick..\n<voll> -.-\n<enzotib> no problem :)\n<enzotib> voll: prova un sudo poweroff --force\n<enzotib> voll: magari prima senza il --force\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: accedi all'interfaccia web del router\n<pivellino-ubuntu> si\n<voll> non corrisponde al tasto \"arresta\" ?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun Sono all'interno.\n<voll> comunque ora provo..\n<DarkSun> fai uno screenshot di quella pagina\n<pivellino-ubuntu> si\n<voll> torno tra un po' a prove fatte !! bye\n<pivellino-ubuntu> http://imagebin.org/155241\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: nella voce Ethernet sotto Rete domestica\n<DarkSun> c'è qualcosa riguardante DHCP\n<DarkSun> ?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> No\n<DarkSun> se clicchi su \"Luca-PC\"\n<pivellino-ubuntu> La wlan mi risulta attiva perchè sono connesso e lì c'è l'assegnazione dell'indirizzo dhcp\n<DarkSun> screenshot anche lì va'\n<pivellino-ubuntu> ne faccio più di uno.\n<pivellino-ubuntu> http://imagebin.org/155242\n<pivellino-ubuntu> http://imagebin.org/155243\n<pivellino-ubuntu> http://imagebin.org/155245\n<DarkSun> a me non interessa il wifi\n<DarkSun> interessa l'eth\n<R1ngh10> salve  ho un problema con unity e la mia intel 855gme, qualcuno può aiutarmi\n<pivellino-ubuntu> http://imagebin.org/155246 Qui cosa si dovrebbe fare?\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: nella seconda immagine ci sono 2 Luca-PC, clicca su uno dei 2 e screenshot\n<DarkSun> uhm, quest'ultima immagine dice che il pppoe è attivo\n<DarkSun> enzotib: che dici tu?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Il \"luca\" di sopra http://imagebin.org/155247\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: secondo me dovresti provare a fare una configurazione guidata della dsl\n<pivellino-ubuntu> l'altro http://imagebin.org/155249\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Può essere che il problema è che lì c'è scritto ip statico? Sui modem è statico o dinamico?\n<DarkSun> conosci qual è la differenza tra ip statico e dimanico?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> di solito viene assegnato quando uno si connette.\n<DarkSun> sì ma la differenza tra uno statico e uno dinamico?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> quello statico è sempre uguale, l'altro non so...\n<R1ngh10> Nessuno disponibile??\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: l'altro, no!\n<voll> rieccomi, ciao a tutti !!\n<voll> enzotib ci sei ?\n<enzotib> ci sono\n<voll> ho fatto qualche prova.\n<voll> per non saper nè leggere nè scrivere dò la colpa del mio problema a \"evolution\"\n<voll> sarà una coincidenza o meno, ma quando chiudo il programma (non semplicemente dalla \"x\", ma cliccando su esci) il pc non ne vuole a che sapere di spegnersi\n<voll> mentre se lo lascio aperto oppure lo chiudo semplicemente dalla \"x\" (resta quindi background) il pc si spegne..\n<voll> ho fatto prove su prove per 12 volte chiudendo o lasciando aperto il prog quindi non credo si parli di coincidenze\n<voll> hai qualche idea per risolvere?\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: allora?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> sono qui\n<enzotib> voll: non l'hai già trovata la soluzione? chiudere con la x\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: perché non fai una configurazione guidata?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun giusto ci provo ora\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: ottimo. naturalmente, se hai dubbi, chiedi. ed inoltre, fai una configurazione della dsl, non del wifi\n<voll> beh non è una soluzione, è aggirare il problema.. comunque la versione 11.04 ha diversi bug.. ad esempio la barra unity a me a volte resta sempre in primo piano, non si sposta, ma i collegamenti funzionano...\n<bitbartx_> qualcuno ha gia testato gnome 3??\n<cineutente> SALVe a tutti ragazzi, chi può darm iuna mano con Cinelerra?\n<Peace-> bitbartx_: si  efa schifo\n<Peace-> bitbartx_: cioè di andare va ... ma insomma è un trauma\n<Peace-> cineutente: cinellera omddio\n<Peace-> cineutente: ma chi lo usa?\n<Peace-> cineutente: usa kdenlive vala'\n<voll> le versioni di ubuntu hanno una certa cadenza di pubblicazione ?\n<Peace-> ogni 6 mesi\n<enzotib> voll: sei mesi\n<cineutente> si, è vero, il fatto è che mi crasca in ocntinuazione e non riesco ad impararlo\n<Peace-> voll: lts 3 anni\n<Peace-> cineutente: hai aggiunto il ppa\n<Peace-> ?\n<voll> ok, grazie. lts cosa sarebbe ?\n<cineutente> io lo ho installato ora non ricordo se con ipacchetti o con ubuntu soft (credo il seodno) ma funziona ma poi ogni tanto, addio\n<Peace-> cineutente:  ppa:sunab/kdenlive-release\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun é da troppo che sono davanti al pc, basta. Fatta la configurazione e non si è connesso, grazie a te e agli altri. Nulla da fare. Mi potreste aiutare ad installare wicd, ho paura che network manager mi dia buca...\n<bitbartx_> Peace dove l'hai testato??\n<cineutente> Scusami Peace, ma kdenlive può eszsere paragonato ad un programma profesisoanle di montaggio video... A me serve epr cose abbastanza importanti\n<Peace-> cineutente: cinellera è un fastidio solo ad usarlo\n<cineutente> si, sn daccordo\n<Peace-> con kdenlive fai gran parte del lavoro\n<cineutente> ma devo trovare una valida alternativa\n<Peace-> e se lo sai usare bene fai quasi tutto\n<Peace-> cineutente: io ho fatto le videoguide\n<Peace-> di blender , cinellera , kdenlive\n<cineutente> Scusami ma come faccio a visualizzare le release che mi hai postato?\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: per installare wicd credo tu debba disinstallare n-w perché mi pare vadano in conflitto\n<cineutente> beh... alora devo dire che sono stato fortunato a pensare di hciedere in chat... :)\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun Ero riuscito ad installare wicd e ntm era già installato. Poi ho disinstallato perchè pensavo che non mi sarebbe più servito.\n<Peace-> cineutente:\n<Peace-> cineutente: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/26/plasma-desktopWs1715.jpg\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: prova ad installarlo allora.\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun Ora mi dice che ci sono pacchetti danneggiati e dipendenze insoddisfatte\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: prova con apt-get -f install\n<cineutente> Ma guarda che ti credo Peace, io dicevo solo che non so trovare le release per reinstallarlo e vedere se non crascha\n<pivellino-ubuntu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/613291/\n<DarkSun> senza il wicd finale\n<DarkSun> sudo apt-get -f install\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Mi dice 0 installati, 0 aggiornati\n<cineutente> Mi ocnsigli di reinstallarlo da ubuntu software?\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: nient'altro?\n<cineutente> non cpaisco il ppa\n<pivellino-ubuntu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/613293/\n<DarkSun> riprova ora a dare il comando di installazione di wicd\n<Peace-> cineutente: guarda io uso kubuntu e ho il repository attivato\n<Peace-> cineutente: e non crasha tanto facilmente\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Mi da lo stesso errore di prima\n<Peace-> cineutente: con alcuni effetti crasha\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: mi puoi far vedere il sources.list? cat /etc/apt/sources.list\n<Peace-> cineutente: cerca di usare kubuntu e il repository adesso mi dispiace ma devo andare\n<cineutente> e ho capito ma allora non va cosi bene come dici\n<Peace-> cineutente: io ti dico la verita' con alcuni effetti crasha si\n<pivellino-ubuntu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/613294/\n<Peace-> ma ...\n<Peace-> i crash sono sporadici\n<cineutente> io ogni volta che metto il ttiolot mi crasha\n<Peace-> cineutente: no li è perche cè'è quialche cosa che non va\n<Peace-> cineutente: praticamente se hai installato da repository ....\n<Peace-> crasha si\n<cineutente> no da ubuntu software\n<Peace-> se invece hai aggiunto ppa ....\n<cineutente> se mi spighi ocme aggiungerlo lo faccio subito\n<Peace-> ubuntu software = normali repository\n<Peace-> cineutente: http://www.kdenlive.org/user-manual/downloading-and-installing-kdenlive/pre-compiled-packages/ubuntu-packages\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: come immaginavo\n<Peace-> cineutente: scappo mi spiace\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: dammi un secondo, te li dò io\n<pivellino-ubuntu> si\n<ichi_2> giorno a tutti\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/613295/\n<ichi_2> !chat\n<ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: cancella tutto il contenuto del file sources.list e mettici quelli, ok?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> si\n<DarkSun> quando hai finito, salva e dai di nuovo cat /etc/apt/sources.list\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: poi, ridammi il paste\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun Scusa, faccio tasto destro apri come amministratore ma non li apre, mi dai il comando per farlo da terminale>?\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list\n<pivellino-ubuntu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/613298/\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: salva e dai il comando: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Upgrade non serve per avanzare di versione?\n<DarkSun> dist-upgrade serve a quello\n<DarkSun> upgrade serve ad aggiornare i software qualora ce ne fosse bisogno\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun http://paste.ubuntu.com/613301/\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: come hai aggiunto quella riga?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun A quale riga ti riferisci?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/613302/\n<DarkSun> quella riga di ppa dove l'hai messa?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> La riga che c'era su source.list?  Non lo so era lì.\n<zaganator> ciao raga vorrei aiuto per la mia ram\n<zaganator> qualcuno sa perchè la mia ram non è vista da ubuntu?\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: quella relativa al ppa. controlla un po' nella directory /etc/apt se c'è da qualche parte\n<OverMe> zaganator, quanta ram hai?\n<zaganator> OverMe: avevo 3gb e adesso ho installato un gb in più, devo fare qualcosa che non so per attivarla?\n<OverMe> zaganator, apri un terminale e scrivi: free -m && sudo lshw && uname -a\n<R1ngh10> ragazzi qualcuno puoi aiutarmi non riesco a far partire unity con la mia intel 855gme\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun In quella cartella ci sono diversi file....l'unico che si apre è source.list gli altri sono in formato .gpg\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: allora controlla in synaptic. può darsi ci sia quella riga lì da qualche parte\n<zaganator> OverMe: ok vado a prpovare\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun Come controllo lì?\n<OverMe> zaganator, dove vai? ora non sei da ubuntu?\n<zaganator_> OverMe: sono sempre io ma da un'altro pc..., ti posto quello che è uscito?\n<OverMe> !paste | zaganator_\n<ubot-it> zaganator_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: vai in Synaptic -> Impostazioni -> Repository\n<zaganator_> OverMe: http://paste.ubuntu.com/613309/\n<OverMe> zaganator_, e il resto?\n<zaganator_> è tutto quì\n<OverMe> che comando hai dato?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun Un attimo\n<zaganator_> free -m && sudo lshw && unname -a\n<OverMe> zaganator_, allora non è tutto li\n<OverMe> leggi, ti dovrebbe chiedere la password\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: vai tranquillo\n<zaganator_> OverMe: scusa hai ragione\n<OverMe> zaganator_, e il terzo è uname con una enne sola\n<zaganator_> in effetti me lo sta dicendo anche il terminale...\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun Non c'è quella scritta.\n<DarkSun> manco in software di terze parti?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> No\n<DarkSun> va be', strano. ora installa wicd\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Ma non si può aggiungere da terminale quella scritta?\n<DarkSun> certo che sì ma il problema è che c'è ma non so dov'è\n<zaganator_> OverMe:http://paste.ubuntu.com/613312/\n<zaganator_> OverMe: che dici ci siamo adesso?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Sono già riuscito ad installare wicd, ma quando cerco gli aggiornamenti da errore, perchè?\n<DarkSun> da quell'errore?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/613301/\n<OverMe> zaganator_, mmm dai questo comando: sudo lshw -c memory\n<OverMe> altrimenti non leggo bene\n<DarkSun> pivellino-ubuntu: se è solo quello l'errore, non ti preoccupare. piuttosto cerca di scoprire dove l'hai messo\n<DarkSun> di default non credo, quindi di sicuro l'hai messo tu\n<pivellino-ubuntu> DarkSun Non so...adesso chiudo, ho altre cose da fare, grazie per la pazienza, ciao\n<DarkSun> ciao\n<R1ngh10> ragazzi qualcuno puoi aiutarmi non riesco a far partire unity con la mia intel 855gme\n<zaganator_> OverMe: http://paste.ubuntu.com/613316/\n<OverMe> zaganator_, ok la ram è vista\n<zaganator_> ma quando vado in info di sistema non me la fa vedere...\n<OverMe> probabilmente il problema è dato dal fatto che hai il sistema a 32 bit\n<OverMe> zaganator_, prova a scaricare una live a 64 bit e controlla\n<zaganator_> OverMe, ok volevo in effetti  provare  prima o poi... ma dici che dipenda dal sistema allora?\n<OverMe> zaganator_, penso proprio di si, dato che la lshw la memoria la vede tutta\n<OverMe> fai partire la live a 64 e lo vedi subito\n<zaganator_> OverMe, ok ti becco dalla live se ci sei ancora... Grazie\n<zaganator_> OverMe, una sola cosa io ho masterizzato una live di Kubuntu è lo stesso?\n<OverMe> zaganator_, basta sia a 64bit, poi va bene lo stesso\n<zaganator_> OverMe, ok a dopo!!\n<R1ngh10> non riesco a far partire unity con video intel 855\n<DarkSun> R1ngh10: basta ripetere. abbiamo letto. se qualcuno sa risponde\n<DarkSun> hai già cercato in rete?\n<R1ngh10> si e non trovo nulla nel senso che ne ho seguite alcune di guide ma niente\n<DarkSun> aspetta che qualcuno ti aiuti allora\n<R1ngh10> ok\n<zafira> ciao a tutti\n<zafira> qualcuno puo' aiutarmi??\n<DarkSun> esponi il problema prima\n<MatteoR> !qualcuno | zafira\n<ubot-it> zafira: la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera'\n<zafira> ok\n<zafira> ho provato ad installare la versione a 64\n<zafira> finita l'installazione al riavvio mi compare la schermara nera con il puntatore del muose che si muove solo\n<zafira> inve installando la 32 tutto funziona\n<zafira> siccome vorrei sfruttare gli 8GB che avete qualche soluzione??\n<DarkSun> 8gb di cosa?\n<zafira> di ram\n<DarkSun> ma li riconosce tutti gli 8 giga?\n<zafira> il bios\n<DarkSun> sì\n<zafira> si certo\n<DarkSun> quindi la tua scheda madre riesce a supportare 8giga, giusto?\n<zafira> si uso anche win7 a 64\n<zafira> e vede gli 8GB diram\n<ptux> salve a tutti ho problemi a connettermi (via cavo e via wifi) con una rete \"non protetta\".\n<zafira> ma l'installazione la faccio\n<ptux> in pratica gli network-manager rileva la rete, e se clicco per effettuare la connessione l'indicatore inizia a girare e le lucine verdi si accendono entrambe.\n<Steeler> icama\n<zafira> su un hd secondario per avere i 2 sistemi separati\n<Steeler> ciao, vbox mi dice che devo aggiungere al mio user vboxuser, per abilitare l'USB, come faccio ?\n<ptux> poi però dopo un lungo periodo di roteazione dell'icona, la connessione non viene effettuata.\n<DarkSun> ptux: la password l'hai messa?\n<ptux> qualche indicazione? da cosa potrebbe dipendere e come risolvere?\n<shadenzo> Steeler     sudo gedit /etc/group    e aggiungi il tuo utente alla fine della riga dove c'e scritto  vboxuser\n<shadenzo> poi salvi :P\n<DarkSun> ptux: allora?\n<shadenzo> ah Steeler  devi fare log out    e login perchè l'impostazione abbia effetto\n<zafira> nessuno per me\n<DarkSun> qualcosa all'installazione è andato male forsE?\n<frezli> ciao raga , se installo un altro sistema ubuntu derivato senza reinstallare grub , poi grub2 vede in nuovo sistema nella lista o in che file devo intervenire ???? grazie\n<DarkSun> con update-grub dovresti risolvere\n<zafira> ma ho provato diverse versioni e tutte lo stesso problema\n<shadenzo> zafira,    diverse versioni cioè natty lucid  e altre ?\n<Steeler> shadenzo, proprio logout da ubuntu o da vbox ?\n<shadenzo> Steeler da ubuntu\n<Steeler> ok\n<shadenzo> zafira  puo' essere un problema comune  googla \"ubuntu 8gb RAM\"  e vdi se salta fuori qualcosa\n<Steeler> shadenzo, il mio utente ci devo scrivere Steeler o qualcos'altro ?\n<zafira> la 11.04 e la 10.04\n<shadenzo> Steeler   devi scrivere il nome utente con il quale entri in ubuntu\n<frezli> mi aiutate con grub2 .....\n<zafira> mo vedo\n<Steeler> vboxuser: steeler\n<Steeler> ok\n<shadenzo> no  Steeler  non ci devono essere spazi  , come nelle altre righe del file ,   vboxuser:steeler\n<Steeler> shadenzo, si fatto, grazie.\n<shadenzo> prego\n<shadenzo> zafira che processore hai ?\n<zafira> q9550\n<ptux> scusate ero stato disconnesso pure dalla chiavetta...\n<ptux> dicevo: non riesco ad accedere ad una rete \"non  protetta\" né via wired, che via wireless...\n<ptux> ...stesso fenomeno per due pc uno con ubuntu 10.10; uno con 11.04.\n<zafira> dovrebbe essere compatibile\n<ptux> fenomeno quanto meno strano, gli stessi computer con gli stessi dispositivi, ieri sera su un'altra rete (anch'essa non protetta) funzionavano correttamente...\n<ptux> qualche idea?\n<shadenzo> si certo zafira\n<shadenzo> zafira  hai cambiato qualcosa nel pc  , e prima a 64 bit andava ?\n<ptux> mi pare di capire che la rete venga rilevata correttamente, ma forse non assegna l'IP con DHCP.\n<shadenzo> zafira comunque   puoi installare la 32 bit   e installando il mmodulo apposito vede tutta la ram http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-4gb-ram-limitation-solution/\n<shadenzo> ptux  a volte il dhcp   \"scazza\"  in qualche modo uno tenta di riottenere un indirizzo gia occupato  prova con ip fisso\n<zafira> grazie  (shadenzo) ora provo\n<zafira> anche se e' poco chiaro\n<jester-> sera\n<fredd> jester-  :) come faccio ad aprire le porte ad amule?\n<jester-> fredd: le devi aprire nel rutter\n<fredd> quello con l'antenna?\n<Aizram> -.-'\n<jester-> fredd: yess consulta il manuale\n<fredd> vabbè\n<fredd> vedo\n<zzzzzzz_> morattis fools: http://bit.ly/kls6vn\n<Peace-> cineutente: allora hai fatto la porcheria?\n<enrylinux> sera jester-\n<jester-> cià\n<zafir> ciao a tutti\n<zafir> quale programma per la posta\n<K99Brain> zafir, evolution\n<K99Brain> zafir, è già installato\n<zafir> bene dove lo trovo\n<zafir> non lo trovo\n<shadenzo> Applicazioni ->Ufficio -> email e calendario evolution\n<shadenzo> almeno su lucid\n<zafir> ho risolto per il problema della ram\n<shadenzo> bene :)\n<zafir> ora mi vede 8gb con il sistema a 32\n<zafir> comunque non c'e' nell.applicazione ufficio\n<shadenzo> ottimo  tanto tra 64bit e 32 come velocità sono identici\n<shadenzo> cos 'hai natty ?\n<zafir> ma perche non lo includono direttamente\n<zafir> si natty\n<shadenzo> fai   Alt+F2    e scrivi evolution\n<cineutente> ragazzi chi conosce il prg. openshot\n<shadenzo> comunque vedrai che lo trovi nei vari menu\n<zafir> Errore nell'eseguire lo stat del file \"/home/mara/evolution\": File o directory non esistente\n<shadenzo> è incluso\n<zafir> dice questo\n<zafir> non credo almeno nella versione studio\n<zafir> lo sto caricando dal software center\n<cineutente> openshot\n<cineutente> chi lo conosce?\n<zafir> provato al volo\n<shadenzo> ok\n<zafir> niente di che spero che ci sia di meglio per i video\n<cineutente> zafir\n<cineutente> conosci openshot?\n<zafir> si l.ho provato ma non mi e' piaciuto\n<zafir> spero ci sia di meglio\n<shadenzo> mmmhh  se vouii fare della multimedialità   professionale  linux non è il massimo  dipende da cosa vuoi\n<shadenzo> ma  non sono esperto\n<`5im0k> sera\n<cineutente> ragazzi chi ocnosce openshot\n<cineutente> ?\n<cineutente> ?\n<cineutente> Chi ocnosce openshot?\n<thetom> buonasera a tutti!!\n<thetom> vi chiedo una cosa non strettamente relativa ad ubuntu, sto cercando di metter su un server web casalingo con ubuntu e apache2. funziona tutto, ma non riesco a far funzionare correttamente l'ftp perchè l'utente ftp non è proprietario dei files della cartella /var/www (il prop è www-data). come posso risolvere?\n<Marcofe> ciao a tutti ragazzi\n<Marcofe> qualcuno ha avuto problemi con l'ipod aggiornato alla 4.2 su ubuntu?\n<Marcofe> e sopratutto come l'ha risolto..\n<R1ngh10> potete aiutarmi, non riesco a far partire unity con la mia intel 855\n<mrpc> sera a tutti stavo cercando di far funzionare questa cam con natty ID 046d:0896 Logitech, Inc. OrbiCam ho provato a compilare i drive gpsca ma al make mi da già degli errori\n<frey> buonasera\n<frey> qualcuno mi sa dire o meglio potrebbe rinfrescarmi sul come si crea un alias?? non ricrdo più: solo una vago.bash_aliases\n<frey> vabbe passiamo all'altra domanda\n<frey> ho installato ubuntu con wubi ma ho riscontrato una scosa fastidiosa: quando accendo il pc scelgo tra windows  e ubuntu, se scelgo widnows parte se scelgo ubuntu parte il grub di ubuntu. come posso toglierlo?\n<mrpc> se togli il grub come scegli poi tra un sistema e l'altro?\n<mrpc> frey, altrimenti controlla con sudo gedit /etc/default/grub se il timeout è impostato a 0\n<mrpc> notte\n#ubuntu-it 2011-05-27\n<glpiana> ola\n<Trury> Ciao\n<Trury> mi piacerebbbe installare ubuntu su 2 notebook e 1 desk\n<Trury> mi chiedevo: come funziona per i dirver delle periferiche?\n<glpiana> Trury, prova il livecd e vedi chehardware viene riconosciuto\n<glpiana> Trury, i driver son già presenti. in linea di massima non c'è nulla da scaricare da altrove\n<Trury> Grazie mille!\n<rorro007> ciao a tutti domanda: è possibile nella 11.04 togliere o lasciare sempre a zero in, trova file >recenti??\n<rorro007> nessuno sa aiutarmi??\n<rorro007>  E possibile nella 11.04 togliere o lasciare sempre a zero in, trova file >recenti??\n<rorro007> o ancora meglio dove si trova la cartella recenti??\n<Odo> Giorno\n<jester-> 'ngiorno\n<baffone85> salve a tutti\n<baffone85> ho un problema con skype, nel momento in cui inserisco nome utente e password e premon login si chiude immediatamente\n<K99Brain> baffone85, avvia skype da terminale\n<K99Brain> baffone85, fallo crashare e vedi che errori ti ritorna\n<OverMe> baffone85, prova a cancellare la cartella .Skype nella home\n<baffone85> mi dice aborted nel terminale\n<baffone85> nella mia home non vedo nessuna cartella.skype\n<remix_tj> baffone85:\n<remix_tj> apri il terminale e fai\n<remix_tj> rm .Skype/shared.xml\n<baffone85> fatto\n<baffone85> adesso se avvio skype mi chiede di installarlo\n<baffone85> ora funge\n<baffone85> ma cosa era successo?\n<OverMe> baffone85, è una cosa che è successa un po' a tutto il mondo. colpa loro comunque\n<baffone85> okok cmq grazie mille\n<baffone85> ciao e buona gionata a tutti\n<mircosx> ciao a tutti\n<mircosx> ho un problema con 11.04\n<mircosx> il video si vede come se ci fosse \"rumore\" elettrico nel cavo... vibra\n<glpiana> mircosx, hai già cambiato cavo per vedere se il problema è quello?\n<jester-> mircosx: prova ubuntu classi non effetti\n<jester-> classic\n<mircosx> cavo cambiato... il problema me lo fa da quando ho messo l'11\n<mircosx> con il 10 andava bene\n<mircosx> adesso provo con il classic allora\n<nerchio> Wow, carina questa chat\n<glpiana> mircosx, prova anche a modificare la frequenza di refresh\n<nerchio> supporto molto interessant\n<nerchio> cmq, buongiorno a tutti\n<mircosx> come si modifica il refresh?\n<mircosx> uso linux da poche settimane ...\n<glpiana> mircosx, sotto sistea preferenze monitor, o se usi unity scrivi monitor dopo aver premuto il tasto con la bandierina\n<mircosx> solo ha 60hz xD\n<nerchio> Salve,\n<mircosx> sara la scheda video integrata che e' una schifezza?\n<mircosx> lspci dice: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 18)\n<glpiana> mircosx, fai come consiglia jester- . se non migliora vediamo\n<nerchio> una domanda facile facile: ho aggiornato alla version 11.04, però, passato GRUB il sistema non si avvia e inizia a lampeggia il led BLOC MAIUS\n<glpiana> ah intel. ok non vediamo nulla allora\n<nerchio> cosa posso fare?\n<glpiana> nerchio, qualcosa è andato male negli aggiornamenti\n<glpiana> nerchio, vedi il menu di grub all'avvio?\n<nerchio> si, certo,\n<nerchio> posso scegliere fra le varie versioni di Ubuntu\n<nerchio> e windows\n<nerchio> ah, nemmeno le versioni vecchie di Ubuntu si avviano\n<glpiana> nerchio, tra i vari kernel di ubuntu nessuno si avvia?\n<glpiana> oki\n<nerchio> nessuno\n<glpiana> !grub | nerchio segui la guida per il ripristino\n<ubot-it> nerchio segui la guida per il ripristino: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/ | Per ripristinare Grub: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/Ripristino\n<nerchio> ho cercato fra i problemi noti d'aggiorbamento e non ho trovato nulla\n<glpiana> nerchio, la segui fino a chroot poi torni qui\n<nerchio> perfetto\n<nerchio> grazie\n<Nerchio> glplana, sono arrivato ad eseguir chroot\n<glpiana> Nerchio, oki. scrivi: dpkg  --configure  -a\n<Nerchio> ora cosa faccio?\n<glpiana> Nerchio, oki. scrivi: dpkg  --configure  -a\n<glpiana> Nerchio, hai dato il comando?\n<Nerchio> certo, ed`ha pure termito\n<Nerchio> terminato :)\n<glpiana> Nerchio, oki, devo scappare quindi ti do i comandi qui velocemente:\n<Nerchio> sembra tutto ok\n<glpiana> Nerchio, sudo apt-get -f install\n<glpiana> scusa senza sudo,  non serve\n<glpiana> Nerchio, apt-get update\n<glpiana> Nerchio, e poi apt-get dist-upgrade\n<glpiana> Nerchio, poi riprendi la guida e reinstalli grub\n<glpiana> Nerchio, terminata la guida riavvia e vedi che fa\n<glpiana> a dopo\n<Nerchio> ciao grazie\n<Nerchio> glpiana, non funziona\n<Nerchio> ora esco pure io\n<Nerchio> poi ne riparliamo\n<Nerchio> grazie cmq\n<Nerchio> ciao\n<FloodBotIt2> Nerchio: Non intasare il canale, usa http://paste.ubuntu.com per incollare, non usare Invio come punteggiatura.\n<Nerchio> ah, ok!\n<massimo18> Buon Giorno\n<gigirock> Domanda tecnica: Vorrei che allo scatenarsi di un evento parta un mio script......\n<K99Brain> gigirock, che evento? sismico?\n<Peace-> gigirock: ossia?\n<Peace-> attacchi una chiavetta?\n<Peace-> o un programma ==> script?\n<Peace-> o device ==> script?\n<gigirock> facciamo conto che il demone saned si attiva..... dove scrivo che all'attivazione il mio script venga eseguito ?\n<Peace-> gigirock: saned?\n<Peace-> perche sto saned si attiva?\n<gigirock> perche' uno scanner in rete inizia una scansione\n<Peace-> in rete quindi\n<Peace-> mm\n<Peace-> non saprei lo so fare se attacchi una periferica usb\n<Peace-> o la stacchi\n<Peace-> ma per il resto non mi snomai posto il problema\n<Peace-> che poi... il demone non è altro che un pgoramma che controlla che succede\n<gigirock> Peace-: con la chiavetta come fai ?\n<Peace-> gigirock: guarda http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2010/10/24/nokia-5800-udev-rules-to-automount/\n<Peace-> gigirock: li quando si attacca fa girare il programma mkdir\n<Peace-> gigirock: ovviamente gli puoi girare qualsiasi altro programma\n<gigirock> grazie Peace- adesso guardo....\n<Peace-> gigirock: pero... non so se vada bene...\n<Peace-> nel senso li attacchi via usb\n<pivellino-ubunt1> Ciao. Rieccomi, qualcuno ha una pazienza infinita per aiutarmi a far funzionare la connessione con il cavo? Grazie\n<goldrake> pivellino-ubunt1: infinita quanto?\n<gigirock> pivellino-ubunt1: che cavo ?\n<pivellino-ubunt1> goldrake Ho la connessione che mi funziona solo con il wifi...e non si riesce a farla andare con il cavo. Non so...si può provare ad impostare il wicd.\n<pivellino-ubunt1> rete fissa\n<glpiana> pivellino-ubunt1, hai già cambiato cavo?\n<pivellino-ubunt1> no\n<glpiana> pivellino-ubunt1, prova. perchè avevamo già visto la scheda e pareva ok, se non ricordo male\n<pivellino-ubunt1> glpiana Non va\n<glpiana> pivellino-ubunt1, hai già fatto la prova?\n<glpiana> sei rapido :)\n<stevr1it> ubuntu 11.04 e continui crach di libreoffice\n<glpiana> pivellino-ubunt1, avvia da livecd e prova se la connessione via cavo va\n<stevr1it> cosa fare per risolverli?\n<pivellino-ubunt1> Ho fatto la prova poco fa\n<glpiana> stevr1it, prova a resettare le dir nascoste di libreoffice\n<pivellino-ubunt1> glpiana Da live cd non va, avevo fatto la prova qualche giorno fa.\n<glpiana> pivellino-ubunt1, da livecd o con cavo nuovo?\n<stevr1it> glpiana, dimmi come, cancellandole?\n<Odo> pivellino-ubunt1, hai provato a spengere la wireless prima di connettere il cavo?\n<goldrake> stevr1it: soprattutto la dir dei temporanei\n<glpiana> stevr1it, yes\n<stevr1it> glpiana, già provato\n<pivellino-ubunt1> Odo Ho fatto la prova prima di entrare in chat e non funziona\n<Odo> pivellino-ubunt1, si ma la wireless l'hai spenta?\n<Odo> pivellino-ubunt1, hai il tastino fisico?\n<pivellino-ubunt1> Odo Si, l'avevo spenta.\n<Odo> pivellino-ubunt1, con il tastino fisico?\n<glpiana> stevr1it, crasha facendo robe assurde o anche con file semplici?\n<stevr1it> file semplic paerti per 5 minuti\n<stevr1it> excel o wirter, nonn importa\n<glpiana> stevr1it, usi effetti grafici?\n<pivellino-ubunt1> Odo, il tasto sul pc è spento però sono connesso ugualmente con wifi.\n<stevr1it> glpiana, no\n<Odo> pivellino-ubunt1, che wireless eh? intel?\n<glpiana> stevr1it, che interfaccia usi?\n<stevr1it> glpiana, quella originale\n<pivellino-ubunt1> Odo Non lo so, come controllo?\n<glpiana> stevr1it, unity?\n<Odo> pivellino-ubunt1, lspci\n<glpiana> cazzarola sembra un quiz\n<Odo> pivellino-ubunt1, e incolli in paste\n<stevr1it> glpiana, no gnome\n<stevr1it> glpiana, la version e di libreoffice  libreoffice-, Ubuntu package 1:3.3.2-1ubuntu5\n<glpiana> stevr1it, l'interfaccia originale della versione di ubuntu che ha libreoffice è unity\n<pivellino-ubunt1> Odo http://paste.ubuntu.com/613721/\n<stevr1it> glpiana,  ma unity non mi funzione con la scheda grafica ati\n<stevr1it> glpiana, eppoi non mi trovo per nula con unity\n<glpiana> stevr1it, quindi entri come ubuntu classico o come ubuntu classico no effects?\n<stevr1it> glpiana, ubuntu secure credo sia\n<Odo> pivellino-ubunt1, incolli anche questo please lsmod |grep bcm\n<stevr1it> glpiana, provo ad entrare senza effetti\n<glpiana> Odo, è la mia stessa ethernet\n<glpiana> stevr1it, ecco, entra senza effetti\n<pivellino-ubunt1> Odo Non esce fuori nessun niente\n<stevr1it> glpiana, grazie, cè inltre qualcuno in rete che sapia settare le schede grafiche ati?\n<glpiana> stevr1it, le schede ati su 11.04 vanno tutte con i drvier open\n<glpiana> stevr1it, e con le ati va unity\n<glpiana> stevr1it, non credo nemmeno ce ne sia di blacklistate\n<stevr1it> glpiana, se la attivo con driver suggeriti be skype mi sballa tutto\n<glpiana> stevr1it, hai installato ex novo?\n<stevr1it> glpiana, si\n<Odo> pivellino-ubunt1, ok spetta fammi guardare un attimino\n<glpiana> stevr1it, e tu usa i driver open, quelli già presenti\n<stevr1it> glpiana, ma non va in 3d\n<glpiana> stevr1it, ma non diciamo sciocchezze. dai lspci | grep -i vga\n<stevr1it> glpiana, VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Juniper [Radeon HD 5750 Series]\n<stevr1it>  , va bene?\n<glpiana> stevr1it, yes, ora guardo. tu dai: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf\n<stevr1it> glpiana, direcotry non esistente\n<glpiana> stevr1it, oki, atandon sil vou pè\n<glpiana> *plè\n<Odo> pivellino-ubunt1, lsmod |grep b4\n<stevr1it> glpiana, francese maccheronico?\n<glpiana> stevr1it, parecchio\n<pivellino-ubunt1> Odo Niente anche qui.\n<glpiana> stevr1it, /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p\n<stevr1it> glpiana,  io dislessico nostrano\n<Odo> pivellino-ubunt1, ok fammi il favore fai lsmod e incolli tutto in paste\n<glpiana> !paste | stevr1it\n<ubot-it> stevr1it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<stevr1it> !pastebin\n<pivellino-ubunt1> Odo http://paste.ubuntu.com/613724/\n<stevr1it> glpiana, http://paste.ubuntu.com/613725/\n<glpiana> stevr1it, glxinfo | grep render\n<glpiana> stevr1it, ti dirà di mettere mesa-utils\n<stevr1it> non è installato, se lo istallo mi sballa tutto\n<glpiana> stevr1it, le installi e dai il comando. deve risponderti yes. poi dai lsmod | grep radeon\n<glpiana> stevr1it, ma cosa sballa?\n<stevr1it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/613726/\n<glpiana> stevr1it, senti, mi dai 20 minuti?\n<Odo> pivellino-ubunt1, allora ascoltami un attimo,  se il cavo e collegato, ora scollegalo\n<glpiana> stevr1it, torno appena riesco\n<stevr1it> skyep erp esempio l'immagine mi appare su tutte le pagine\n<pivellino-ubunt1> Odo Ho tolto il cavo\n<stevr1it> ok a dopo\n<Odo> pivellino-ubunt1, poi proviamo a smontare il modulo della wireless, se va a buon fine, la wireless andra' giu' e perderai la connesisone\n<pivellino-ubunt1> Odo E se perdo la connessione come faccio a collegarmi?\n<Odo> pivellino-ubunt1, poi metterai il cavo, e vedi se hai segnali di connessione, compreso l'applet in alto a dx, ammesso che usi buntu e non kubuntu altrimenti saprai tu cosa guardare\n<pivellino-ubunt1> Odo Ho ubuntu.\n<Odo> pivellino-ubunt1, se con il cavo ancora non va, rimonti il modulo e si riconnettera' dopo un attimo\n<Odo> pivellino-ubunt1, ovemai nel giro di 2 3 minutii non va, riavvii e tutto torna come prima\n<pivellino-ubunt1> Odo Ok l'importante è che mi dici come fare.\n<Odo> pivellino-ubunt1, allora il modulo da smontare e' wl, dovrebbe essere quello, ti spiego come montarlo e come smontarlo\n<Odo> pivellino-ubunt1, non procedere leggi prima tutto\n<pivellino-ubunt1> Odo Ok\n<Odo> con il comando: sudo modprobe -r wl\n<Odo> rimuoverai il modulo\n<Odo> la wireless andra' giu' e a quel punto metti il cavo\n<Odo> se la ethernet non ti va, stacchi il cavo e dai : sudo modprobe wl\n<Odo> ok procedi\n<pivellino-ubunt1> Odo Ok, provo\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Odo Ho anche riavviato, non funziona\n<Odo> pivellino-ubuntu, una volta smontato il modulo la ethernet non va?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Odo Non si collega\n<Odo> pivellino-ubuntu, ma con la live ti va? hai provato?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Odo Con la live non va, ne con ubuntu 10.10 ne con 11.04\n<Odo> pivellino-ubuntu,  fai vedere ifconfig per favore\n<pivellino-ubuntu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/613732/\n<Odo> pivellino-ubuntu, non hai un altro pc per controllare dopo che hai smontato il modulo vero?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Odo No\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Odo Mio fratello ha un pc e lì la lan funziona ma è window. Non è un problema del modem\n<Odo> pivellino-ubuntu, allora ricominciamo, quando hai smontato il modulo la connesisone e' andata giu'?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Odo Si è staccata la connessione wifi.\n<Odo> pivellino-ubuntu, ma dopo hai rimontato il modulo e non ripartiva la wifi?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Odo Poi ho fatto la prova con il cavo e non andava. Ho riavviato e il cavo non andava, senza montare il modulo la wifi è andata (dopo il riavvio)\n<Odo> pivellino-ubuntu, ok se riavvi il modulo si monta da solo, non serve rimontarlo, io ti dicevo di montarlo per far tornare la wifi, per evitare di riavviare, insomma il riavivo era solo se la wifi non andava\n<Odo> pivellino-ubuntu, ok purtroppo mi serve qualche altra prova\n<pivellino-ubuntu> ok\n<Odo> pivellino-ubuntu, se da terminale dai ping -c3\n<Odo> ottieni la risposta?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Odo Sono qui sperando che si risolva, provo.\n<jester->\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Odo Si, c'è risposta\n<Odo> pivellino-ubuntu, ok allora ti chiedo di farmi un altra prova.. ascolta tutto\n<pivellino-ubuntu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/613736/\n<Odo> pivellino-ubuntu, suppongo che eth1 sia la wlan\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Esatto\n<Odo> allora segna tutto...\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Eth0 é il cavo\n<Odo> pivellino-ubuntu, smonti la wlan con sudo modprobe -r wlan\n<Odo> poi dai: sudo ifconfig eth0\n<Odo> poi provi a vedere se dando: ping -c3\n<glpiana> stevr1it, ci sono\n<Odo> se risponde...\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Odo Ok\n<Odo> dai ping -3\n<Odo> no spetta leggi tutto pivellino-ubuntu\n<stevr1it> glpiana, eccomi\n<Odo> pivellino-ubuntu, fatto questo, dai sudo modprobe wl\n<Odo> e tornerebbe la wireless\n<Odo> pivellino-ubuntu, ascolta... ho mancato un passaggio\n<Odo> pivellino-ubuntu, dopo che hai smontato il modulo wl, ricorda che devi mettere il cavo ok?\n<Odo> se e' tutto chiaro procedi\n<stevr1it> glpiana, nel frattempo ho installato le mes-util\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Odo Ok, vado\n<glpiana> stevr1it, dai il comando glxinfo | grep render\n<stevr1it> glpiana, glxinfo | grep render\n<stevr1it> direct rendering: Yes\n<stevr1it> OpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on AMD JUNIPER\n<stevr1it> stevr1it@stevr1it:~$\n<FloodBotIt2> stevr1it: Non intasare il canale, usa http://paste.ubuntu.com per incollare, non usare Invio come punteggiatura.\n<glpiana> stevr1it, oki, prossima volta usa pastebin\n<glpiana> stevr1it, lsmod | grep radeon\n<stevr1it> glpiana, non pensavo che per una riga ok\n<pivellino-ubunt1> Odo http://paste.ubuntu.com/613740/\n<glpiana> stevr1it, sei svenuto?\n<stevr1it> glpiana,  no\n<glpiana> stevr1it, però?\n<stevr1it> glpiana, dimmi attendevo\n<glpiana> <glpiana> stevr1it, lsmod | grep radeon\n<stevr1it> ok\n<glpiana> attendevi cosa? lol\n<glpiana> te l'avevo dato prima sto comando ;)\n<stevr1it> glpiana, tue istruzioni\n<stevr1it> glpiana, http://paste.ubuntu.com/613742/\n<glpiana> stevr1it, oki, vai su sistema preferenze monitor\n<glpiana> guarda se hai una scleta per le frequenze\n<pivellino-ubunt1> Odo Nessuna idea?\n<stevr1it> glpiana, come faccio?\n<Odo> pivellino-ubunt1, spe\n<glpiana> stevr1it, O.o\n<stevr1it> glpiana, non capisco\n<glpiana> stevr1it, apri quel programma  lo trovi\n<glpiana> stevr1it, l'hai aperto monitor?\n<stevr1it> si\n<stevr1it> glpiana, quale programma\n<Odo> pivellino-ubunt1, allora in differita e' un po' complicato, ma proviamo a fare qualche altra prova\n<glpiana> stevr1it, sì vabbè dai. io vado a prendere un caffè. fallo anche tu ;)\n<glpiana> a tra breve\n<pivellino-ubunt1> Odo Si\n<Odo> pivellino-ubunt1, mi rifai il ping che prima c'e' stao un errore, questo: ping -c3\n<Odo> e paste per favore\n<pivellino-ubunt1> Odo Con il cavo attaccato?\n<stevr1it> glpiana, su monitor è bloccato su 60 herz\n<Odo> pivellino-ubunt1, no no senza cavo\n<Odo> cosi' nelle condizioni attuali\n<pivellino-ubunt1> http://paste.ubuntu.com/613744/\n<Odo> pivellino-ubunt1, ok, allora.. ti scrivo tutte le operazioni\n<roger_> ciao ragazzi...problemino..\n<roger_> Non parte Skype!..Come posso risolvere?\n<roger_> ..Grazie!!\n<Odo> pivellino-ubunt1, allora smonti il modulo sudo modprobe -r wl\n<Odo> pivellino-ubunt1, poi ifconfig\n<pivellino-ubunt1> Odo ifconfig con il cavo attaccato?\n<Odo> pivellino-ubunt1, spe un sec. torno tra un attimo\n<massimo18> roger_: apri un terminale e prova così : LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype\n<Odo> pivellino-ubunt1, allora dopo che hai smontato il modulo, metti il cavo\n<Odo> poi ifconfig\n<Odo> poi sudo ifconfig eth0\n<Odo> poi sudo route add default gw\n<Odo> e poi ping -c3\n<Odo> togli il cavo\n<Odo> rimonti il modulo con sudo modprobe wl\n<Odo> e metti tutto in paste\n<pivellino-ubunt1> Odo ok\n<roger_> Grazie!!!..Horisolto cancellando il file: shared.xml\n<roger_> ciao a tutti..^_^\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Odo http://paste.ubuntu.com/613746/\n<stevr1it> glpiana,  bevuto il caffè?\n<Odo> pivellino-ubuntu, bene sappiamo che la ethernet non va proprio\n<Odo> pivellino-ubuntu, con ubuntu ti ha mai funzionato?\n<stevr1it> glpiana, frequenze schermo bloccate su 60\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Odo Non ho mai usato ethernet perchè ho sempre usato la chiavetta\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Odo L'adsl me l'hanno attivata il 25 maggio\n<stevr1it> glpiana, i driver proprietario fglxr non sono installati, che faccio li installo?\n<Odo> pivellino-ubuntu, spe torno tra 2 minuti\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Odo Ok\n<Odo> pivellino-ubuntu, allora installa: sudo apt-get install hwinfo\n<Odo> pivellino-ubuntu, quando ha finito dai: sudo hwinfo --netcard\n<Odo> e incolli tutto in paste\n<pivellino-ubuntu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/613753/\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Odo Il cavo non è attaccato.\n<Odo> pivellino-ubuntu, si si allo stato attuale\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Odo Ancora niente? Non si può provare con wicd o altro software?\n<stevr1it> glpiana, eccomi\n<glpiana> stevr1it, allora che hai fatto? hai messo gli fglrx?\n<Odo> pivellino-ubuntu, non ho guardato scusa, sto un attimo impicciato, si puoio provare con wicd, ma per me nn gfunziona la ethernet,\n<glpiana> pivellino-ubuntu, hai altri sistemi su sto pc?\n<stevr1it> si ma le frequenze sono sempre bloccate\n<pivellino-ubuntu> glpiana Si, ho window 7\n<glpiana> pivellino-ubuntu, e lì la scheda funziona?\n<stevr1it> glpiana, si ma le frequenze sono sempre bloccate\n<glpiana> stevr1it, e ti fa lo stesso errore grafico?\n<stevr1it> humm devo provare, aseptta\n<pivellino-ubuntu> glpiana Lì la lan non funziona per un bug di window 7.\n<pivellino-ubuntu> glpiana Quando ero fuori per lavoro la lan su vista mi funzionava\n<glpiana> pivellino-ubuntu, io ho la tua stessa ethernet qui ed ha sempre funzionato senza alcun problema. se non va nemmeno da livecd io controllerei nel bios\n<pivellino-ubuntu> glpiana Cosa devo controllare nel bios e come?\n<stevr1it> glpiana, risolto, ora il video è ok, vediamo libreoffice fra 5 minuti\n<glpiana> pivellino-ubuntu, eh, boh. le periferiche. i bios son diversi l'uno dall'altro\n<pivellino-ubuntu> glpiana Sai configurare wicd?\n<glpiana> pivellino-ubuntu, hai messo wicd?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> glpiana Si\n<glpiana> pivellino-ubuntu, e hai levato network-manager?\n<pivellino-ubuntu> glpiana No\n<massimo18> eh\n<glpiana> ma poi perchè wicd? la tua scheda va benissimo con network manager. il problema sta altrove\n<glpiana> !wicd | pivellino-ubuntu comunque guarda qui\n<ubot-it> pivellino-ubuntu comunque guarda qui: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/DispositiviSenzaFili/Wicd\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Ok\n<nicotano> salve\n<pivellino-ubuntu> Wicd non riesco ad impostarlo, è la stessa procedura che avevo seguito ieri sera ma nulla.\n<stevr1it> glpiana, tutto risolto, libreoffice ora va bene, ora ultimo inghippo, ho 4 hardisk nel mio pc e vorrei che venissero montati automaticamente all'avvio del pc e non doverli mondare io ongi volta, inoltre chiedo un abuon software per fare un backup su un altro hardisk\n<nicotano> stevr1it, metti riga in fstab e crea dir in mnt\n<stevr1it> ok\n<glpiana> !fstab | stevr1it segui il consiglio di nicotano\n<ubot-it> stevr1it segui il consiglio di nicotano: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Fstab\n<glpiana> stevr1it, usa gli UUID non i device\n<glpiana> !backup | stevr1it e prova a vedere qui\n<ubot-it> stevr1it e prova a vedere qui: backup is http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/BackupDelSistema\n<stevr1it> glpiana, urgono spiegazioni su uuid\n<glpiana> stevr1it, leggi la guida e ti spiega che sono\n<nicotano> stevr1it, per backup io uso grsync,  uuid identifica ogni partizione univocamente\n<Guest79636> ciao a tutti\n<Guest79636> ho un problema col touchpad\n<stevr1it> glpiana, fstab http://paste.ubuntu.com/613792/\n<Guest79636> qualcuno mi può aiutare?\n<glpiana> Guest79636, illustra il problema. chi sa ti aiuta\n<glpiana> stevr1it, eh, visto\n<stevr1it> glpiana,  creo una dir in mnt con che nome?\n<Guest79636> lo scroll a 1 e 2 dita non funziona\n<glpiana> stevr1it, quel che vuoi tu. qualcosa che ti aiuti a riconoscere i dischi\n<stevr1it> glpiana mkdir hd1 ecc?\n<glpiana> Guest79636, prova a guardare qui http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/Periferiche/SynapticsTouchpad\n<Guest79636> li ho gia visto\n<glpiana> stevr1it, sudo mkdir /media/nomedirectory\n<nicotano> stevr1it, una dir per ogni partizione e nome come ti pare meglio per capire cosa è\n<nicotano> meglio in mnt non in media\n<nicotano> solito in media stanno i rimovibili e montati a volo\n<stevr1it> nicotano, create in mnd hd1 hd2 hd3 hd4\n<stevr1it> mnt\n<stevr1it> glpiana, ora?\n<nicotano> stevr1it, magari dai un  nome per riconoscere il contenuto, cmq se tu ti orizzonti va bene\n<glpiana> stevr1it, leggi sta guida? o tel a devo leggere io come la favoletta prima della nanna? :)\n<stevr1it> SI MI CAPISCO IO\n<stevr1it> scusate\n<stevr1it> okleggo\n<stevr1it> sempre nervosetto\n<glpiana> stevr1it, io?\n<glpiana> vabbè, ciao. stacco\n<Guest79636> touchpad sto provando la guida, passiamo ad un secondo incoveniente (meno grave)\n<stevr1it> glpiana,  ciao\n<Guest79636> ci sono 2 dualboot\n<stevr1it> nicotano, ora non so come muovermi\n<nicotano> stevr1it, cosa devi fare, prima crei le dir che necessitano in mnt gli dai owner tuo nome utente\n<nicotano> stevr1it, poi metti righe in fstab\n<stevr1it> nicotano, ok gli do gli owner ora\n<Guest79636> mi spiego: accendo il pc e ho windows e ubuntu: se clicco windows parte, se clicco ubuntu si avvia il grub di ubuntu con windows e ubuntu. qui invece se clicco ubuntu parte, se clicco windows torna al primo boot ; non so se avete capito lo rispego se qualcosa XD qualcuno sa come togliere uno dei due??? preferirei quello di windows ma è piu fastidioso quindi preferisco togliere quello di ubuntu: funziona se rimu\n<Guest79636> ovo il pacchetto grub???\n<stevr1it> nicotano, fatto\n<Guest79636> scusate l'itaGliano XD\n<stevr1it> ok\n<stevr1it> nicotano,  metto righe come?\n<nicotano> stevr1it, hai scritto fstab\n<nicotano> stevr1it, esempio nella guida\n<nicotano> ricava UUID prima\n<stevr1it> nicotano, mi citate la guida l'ho letta e non ho cpapito\n<nicotano> stevr1it, 1 passo alla volta\n<nicotano> ricava UUID del primo disco/paritizione da aggiungere\n<stevr1it> dunque, nell'esempio me mettono /dev/ va fatto così?\n<stevr1it> nicotano, come lo ricavo? scusa mi sono perso\n<nicotano> apri il terminale e digita sudo blkid /dev/hdXY sostituendo ad X ed Y la lettera dell'HD ed il numero della partizione da analizzare. Il comando restituisce il nuovo UUID.\n<stevr1it> nicotano ho tutti gli UUID\n<nicotano> stevr1it, uno per volta aggiungi 1 riga in base all'esempio della guida\n<nicotano> stevr1it, che file system hanno queste partizioni\n<stevr1it> ext4\n<nicotano> stevr1it, puoi fare una cosa come questa UUID=a813c804-1554-4869-8f34-97a8e368d069 /mnt/dati       ext4    defaults        0       2\n<stevr1it> nicotano, non capisco /mnt/dati\n<nicotano> stevr1it, quella è il punto di mount\n<nicotano> stevr1it, era un esempio del mio fstab\n<Guest79636> scusate ma il file che si riferiche al touchpad è xorg.conf?\n<Guest79636> xk nel link che mi è stato postato dice di modificarlo ma a me è vuoto\n<nicotano> Guest79636, va aggiunta la sezione input device\n<nicotano> Guest79636, vedi qui esempio http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/Notebook/SamsungQ1?highlight=%28xorg.conf%29\n<stevr1it> nicotano, aggiunti così http://paste.ubuntu.com/613797/\n<nicotano> stevr1it, /mnt/hd1 e le altre sono di proprietà del tuo utente ?\n<stevr1it> si\n<nicotano> stevr1it, sudo mount -a e dovresti accedere\n<stevr1it> ho fatto sudo chown stevr1it -R  hd1\n<stevr1it> ncotano mi dice che il device special eUUID ecc non esiste\n<nicotano> stevr1it, cosi'  sudo chown  -R stevr1it: stevr1it /mnt/hd1\n<nicotano> stevr1it, cosi'  sudo chown  -R stevr1it:stevr1it /mnt/hd1\n<nicotano> stevr1it, hai scritto giusto ?\n<stevr1it> si ma mi dice che non esistono\n<stevr1it> gli UUID li ho copiati ed incollati\n<nicotano> stevr1it, hai messo \" prima del ID\n<stevr1it> no\n<stevr1it> ed anceh dopo?\n<nicotano> c'è in pastebin UUID=\"c8139208-c8d8-4382-8ea6-4a790b6fa526 /mnt/hd1 ext4\n<nicotano> le virgolette non vanno e poi ridai owner col gruppo\n<stevr1it> ok tolgo le fvirgolette\n<stevr1it> ncotano andato\n<stevr1it> nicotano, ora non me li vede più del tutto\n<nicotano> stevr1it, cosi'  sudo chown  -R stevr1it:stevr1it /mnt/hd1\n<stevr1it> mi pare funzioni\n<nicotano> stevr1it, deve funzionare se non hai errato UUID\n<stevr1it> nicotano,  non me li vede ancora\n<nicotano> stevr1it, sudo fdisk -l\n<stevr1it> nicotano,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/613801/\n<nicotano> stevr1it, sudo mount -a  lo hai dato\n<stevr1it> nicotano, si\n<stevr1it> nicotano, v\n<nicotano> stevr1it, esci da /mnt\n<stevr1it> nicotano, http://paste.ubuntu.com/613802/\n<stevr1it> nicotano, uscit\n<nicotano> stevr1it, richiedi UUID uno per volta e controlla riga fstab\n<stevr1it> con blick e poi?\n<stevr1it> blink\n<nicotano> stevr1it, commenta tutte le altre 3 righe chai aggiunto e vediamo se monta almeno 1\n<nicotano> stevr1it, metti su pastebin fstab\n<stevr1it> nico commentate 3 e rimontato nulla da fare, ecco l'fstab http://paste.ubuntu.com/613810/\n<stevr1it> nicotano, non è che devo collegare /dev/ ecc con l' /mnt/dh1?\n<stevr1it> nicotano, sono fuso\n<nicotano> uuid le directory di montaggio ci sono ?\n<stevr1it> nicotano, questi hardisk partizionati s imontano solo in media e poi mi fanno casini,\n<nicotano> stevr1it, ma sono dischi fissi?\n<stevr1it> si interni\n<stevr1it> due hardisk da 1 tb l'uno partizionati in 4 da 500 gb\n<stevr1it> nicotano,  montati su una scheda raid\n<nicotano> stevr1it, di raid non ne capisco forse è quello che rome perchè fstab è corretto, se UUID corrisponde alle dir di montaggio\n<nicotano> rompe**\n<stevr1it> ma non è settta la scheda raid\n<stevr1it> settata\n<nicotano> stevr1it, ls -l /mnt che dice?\n<nicotano> semmai diamo anche un chmod -R 777\n<nicotano> per le dir di montaggio\n<stevr1it> nicotano,\n<stevr1it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/613814/\n<stevr1it> nicotano, lo strano è che da nautilus che vado in mnt li vedo e vedo tutti i contenuti\n<nicotano> e allora son montati\n<nicotano> che ci stiamo scervellando\n<stevr1it> si ma li vedo solo andandoli a cercare su /mnt\n<nicotano> e certo se li hai montati li\n<stevr1it> ne da desttop ne da risorse\n<stevr1it> nicotano, scusa ma mi hai detto tu di montarli li\n<nicotano> infatti va bene\n<stevr1it> coem faccio a farli apparire sul desktop o nelal directory di risorse?\n<nicotano> stevr1it, creati segnalibro in nautilus\n<stevr1it> inoltre se ci faccio un backup ora mi riempiono laroot?\n<nicotano> stevr1it, nah\n<nicotano> stevr1it, se vuoi vederli sul desktop montali in media e non in mnt\n<stevr1it> ahh , ma prima quando ci facevo un backup dentro con Rsync mi riempivano la root\n<nicotano> se copi su altra partizione non dovrebbe il punto di mount è un nodo\n<stevr1it> nicotano, ho provato a farci un backup con Grsync ed ecco il risultato: http://paste.ubuntu.com/613818/\n<stevr1it> nico che scemo scusami\n<nicotano>  boh,\n<stevr1it> nicotano, cercavo di montarlo in medi acome prima\n<stevr1it> nicotano, ora va bene grazie\n<stevr1it> ciao\n<giuseppe_> buon pomeriggio a tutti!!!\n<giuseppe_> come posso esportare un file scaricato da a mule?\n<K99Brain> giuseppe_, che vuoi fare?\n<giuseppe_> ho scaricato una canzone e non riesco a trasportarla sul mio pc... come devo fare?\n<K99Brain> giuseppe_, se l'hai scaricata con amule la trovi nella cartella ~/.aMule/Incoming\n<giuseppe_> non riesco a trovarla\n<K99Brain> giuseppe_, .aMule è una cartella nascosta\n<K99Brain> giuseppe_, ctrl+h\n<K99Brain> giuseppe_, per visualizzare i file nascosti\n<giuseppe_> ok grazie mille!\n<Gianlu90> buonasera...non riesco a trovare i driver per far funzionare una stampante multifunzione canon mx340\n<D1G1U> ciao\n<Gianlu90> nessuno che può aiutarmi?\n<joejoe> ciao\n<DarkSun> Gianlu90: è un 64bit il tuo sistema?\n<Gianlu90> si\n<DarkSun> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1518425\n<DarkSun> prova a seguire questa guida\n<Gianlu90> già fatto darksun\n<Gianlu90> grazie\n<LjL> ciao. si riesce ultimamente a guardare http://rai.tv/ con Moonlight (su Lucid o Natty)? io non ci sono riuscito. con Moonlight che c'è nei repository, si lamenta che è una versione vecchia; ho provato a scaricare il plugin direttamente dal sito di Moonlight, ma resta bloccato sul caricamento\n<jester-> LjL: da mo non va piu la rai\n<LjL> :\\ niente Ubuntu per mio padre quindi\n<peace2__> LjL: mmm allora\n<peace2__> LjL: esisterebbe un estensine di firefox\n<peace2__> che non usa moonligh\n<peace2__> vuoi provarla?\n<jester-> peace2__: se lè induelè\n<LjL> peace2__: sì, preferirei fagli usare Ubuntu se possibile ma la RAI è un must\n<peace2__> recupero la maillist che mi avevano mandato\n<peace2__> jester-: LjL raismth\n<peace2__> jester-: LjL http://acab.servebeer.com/raismth.xpi\n<peace2__> provatela non è sicuro che funzioni al 100%\n<LjL> funziona, grazie. solo che temo non si possano vedere le cose on demand, che mio padre usa... i canali normali però si vedono\n<mattex> salve a tutti, ho una stampante laser epson epl 5800 che non riesco a far funzionare, come posso fare per i drivers o altro?\n<DarkSun> come si installa quell'xpi?\n<enzotib> DarkSun: suppongo lo trascini in firefox\n<DarkSun> sì, fatto :D\n<DarkSun> a me su debian non funziona\n<DarkSun> boh?\n<jester-> DarkSun: apri con firefox\n<Aizram> jester-, ... Vmware?\n<jester-> Aizram: ??\n<Aizram> spe\n<DarkSun> jester-: fatto\n<DarkSun> jester-: gira gira gira gira gira :D\n<jester-> DarkSun: che path hai dato\n<jester-> devo aver cannato qualcosa\n<DarkSun> /usr/bin/vlc mi pare\n<DarkSun> vlc per mms\n<DarkSun> per il resto mplayer\n<jester-> DarkSun: passprase?\n<DarkSun> no\n<DarkSun> ma ho preso quello giusto? ha il logo di vlc insomma\n<jester-> a meno che voglia il plugin vlc per mozilla installato\n<BienVenido> ciao scusate devo aver fatto un pasticcio con ubuntu, mi sono messo a toccare gli effetti visivi e le connessioni, e adesso emule adunanza che usavo con wine quando lo lancio non mi appare piu sul dwsktop na senbra che sia aperto perche mi appaiono i messaggi del programma come faccio a sistemare sto casino\n<BienVenido> vorrei ripristinare ubuntu chemagari va a posto , come devo fare?\n<Cyber_forences> ciao a tutti\n<Cyber_forences> scusa ho bisogno di un'info sul prg FIRESTARTER\n<Cyber_forences> chi mi può aiutare ?\n<filo1234> !chiedi | Cyber_forences\n<ubot-it> Cyber_forences: per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<Cyber_forences> scusate ma sono un novello\n<Cyber_forences> perche il firewoll installato su xubuntu non si attiva in automatico ?\n<filo1234> Cyber_forences: parli di ufw?\n<Cyber_forences> no FIRESTARTER\n<filo1234> firestarter l'hai installato tu?\n<Cyber_forences> si\n<filo1234> Cyber_forences: boh non lo uso da molto firestarter aveva un po' di problemi\n<filo1234> in ogni caso c'è ufw di default\n<filo1234> puoi installare gufw per gestirlo graficamente\n<Cyber_forences> ok grazie ma ci sono le regole di defoult?\n<stevr1it> filo, ho un hardisk che non riesco a montare sdb1 mi dai un amano?\n<stevr1it> non riesco a montare un ahrdisk che mi aiuta? ecco fdisk -l http://paste.ubuntu.com/613888/  l'ardi disk è sdb1 detto anche video\n<remix_tj> stevr1it: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt\n<remix_tj> ?\n<stevr1it> remix_tj, mi dice : mount: /dev/sdb1 già montato o /mnt occupato\n<remix_tj> stevr1it: mount\n<stevr1it> remix_tj, http://paste.ubuntu.com/613889/\n<remix_tj> stevr1it: sudo mkdir /mnt/sdb1 && sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb1\n<stevr1it> remix_tj, mount: /dev/sdb1 già montato o /mnt/sdb1 occupato\n<stevr1it> adesso ho dei dubi che sia sdb1, vi erano tutti i video sopra\n<remix_tj> no, non puo' essere\n<remix_tj> o mi hai incollato delle righe in meno\n<stevr1it> no\n<remix_tj> uhm\n<stevr1it> già\n<remix_tj> stevr1it: tail -n 50 /var/log/messages\n<remix_tj> stevr1it: tail -n 50 /var/log/syslog\n<stevr1it> rmix non lo apre, dice che non esiste\n<stevr1it> remix_tj, http://paste.ubuntu.com/613891/\n<remix_tj> uhm stevr1it\n<remix_tj> spe\n<stevr1it> dimmi\n<remix_tj> sudo file -sL /dev/sdb1\n<stevr1it> remix_tj, http://paste.ubuntu.com/613894/\n<remix_tj> stevr1it: ok\n<remix_tj> allora\n<remix_tj> sudo umount /dev/sdb1\n<stevr1it> remix_tj,  i dice: umount: /dev/sdb1: non montato\n<remix_tj> ok stevr1it\n<remix_tj> allora\n<remix_tj> ti do un comando per riga\n<remix_tj> cd\n<stevr1it> ok\n<remix_tj> mkdir sdb1\n<remix_tj> sudo mount /dev/sdb1 sdb1\n<stevr1it> dove\n<stevr1it> remix_tj, aspetta\n<remix_tj> cosi'\n<remix_tj> esattamente cosi' come te li ho dati\n<stevr1it> mi dice che è già montato\n<remix_tj> no, non e' assolutamente possibile\n<frezli> iao raga ho provato ubuntu 11.04 con gnome 3 e devo proprio dire che è veramente ottimo e ben fatto , non ha niente a che fare con la sbrodiglia di unity\n<remix_tj> !chato | frezli\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'chato'\n<remix_tj> !chat | frezli\n<ubot-it> frezli: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<stevr1it> remix_tj,  guarda: http://paste.ubuntu.com/613895/\n<stevr1it> remix_tj, che faccio? riavvio e vedo se si sbloca?\n<remix_tj> lsof /dev/sdb1\n<stevr1it> remix_tj, fatto\n<remix_tj> ma cazzo stevr1it cosa fai a sto computer che ha sempre scazzi?\n<remix_tj> io non ho mica tutti si problemi...\n<stevr1it> remix_tj, allroa oggiho sistemato 4 partizioni con nicotamo e ho seguito i suoi suggerimenti ora non mi vede questo hardisk scusa mi\n<remix_tj> riavvia\n<remix_tj> non so che dirti\n<stevr1it> remix_tj, ho 2 hardisk da 1 terabite l'uno partizionati, più un hardisk con rot e home partizioati e un ahrdisk con i video\n<stevr1it> ora a dopo ciao\n<stevr1it> remix_tj, ora va era solo bloccato\n<stevr1it> remix_tj, me lo monta in media\n<stevr1it> meglio farlo montare in mnt\n<remix_tj> no, fa lo stesso\n<remix_tj> anzi dovrebbe essere /media il default\n<stevr1it> ma non mi si monta automaticamente\n<stevr1it> devo montarlo ogni volta che accendo il pc\n<stevr1it> remix_tj, scusa il disturbo. ciao\n<Frey> scusate qualcuno può aiutarmi a configurare lo scroll del mio touchpad??? non mettetemi link di guide perchè le ho provate tutte ma niente\n<DarkSun> sei già andato in sistema - preferenze - mouse?\n<Frey> si\n<Frey> a mouse\n<Frey> non ci sono altre opzioni oltre a quelle di regolare le velocità\n<Frey> cosa che invece c'è in altre parti\n<mrpc> ciao non mi riesce di far funzionare questa cam 046d:0896 Logitech, Inc. OrbiCam ho provato a compilare i driver gpsca ma già al make ricevo degli errori\n<silviopsi> ciao a tutti\n<silviopsi> ho fatto una minchiata e mi servirebbe una mano\n<silviopsi> o forse un miracolo....\n<mrpc> silviopsi, con la tua morosa non ti si può aiutare... per altro prova a dire che problema hai\n<silviopsi> ho seguito una procedura indicata nel forum di ubuntu one\n<silviopsi> perchè da un pò di giorni mi dava come risposta \"autorizzazione fallita\"\n<silviopsi> il link è questo http://askubuntu.com/questions/42429/ubuntu-one-sync-error\n<silviopsi> non so bene cosa ho sbagliato\n<silviopsi> ma in realtà mi ha cancellato tutti i documenti salvati sul computer e, soprattutto, tutti i settaggi che avevo di ubuntu\n<silviopsi> c'è modo per recuperare? a sto punto credo di aver cancellato le cartelle . local, .cache e .config\n<mrpc> silviopsi, la procedura che hai indicato elimina alcune cartelle questo è evidente\n<silviopsi> si infatti\n<silviopsi> le cartelle di ubuntu one\n<remix_tj> no\n<remix_tj> non le cartelle di ubuntu one\n<silviopsi> probabilmente se l'ho scritto così, \"ubuntu one\", mi ha cancellato invece le cartelle di ubuntu\n<remix_tj> le cartelle di configurazione di buona parte\n<remix_tj> no no silviopsi\n<mrpc> esatto\n<remix_tj> se hai cancellato .local .cache e  .config\n<remix_tj> hai cancellato le configurazioni di buona parte dei programmi\n<remix_tj> *tra cui* ubuntu one\n<silviopsi> infatti si\n<remix_tj> comunque io consiglio se non si sa di rinominarle, non cancellarle\n<mrpc> si ma con riferimento a ubuntuone\n<silviopsi> sono abbastanza inesperto, però se ci prestavo un attimo di attenzione ci potevo arrivare\n<silviopsi> e qualche sistema per recuperarle? ho usato photorec su una penna usb rotta\n<silviopsi> ha fatto un buon lavoro ma qui non saprei dove farlo lavorare\n<mrpc> ma scusa i tuoi documenti non li tenevi nella tua home?\n<silviopsi> si\n<silviopsi> mi ha ripulito l'intera scrivania\n<mrpc> quella l'hai cancellata?\n<remix_tj> ma...\n<remix_tj> non e' che hai cancellato tutti i tuoi dati della home?\n<remix_tj> mi sa che non recuperi una cibba\n<remix_tj> silviopsi: prova a dare questo comando\n<silviopsi> home ripulita intera!!\n<remix_tj> mount | grep $(whoami) | grep crypt | wc -l\n<stevr1it> remix_tj, scusa, ho probelmi con skype, quando dialogo con qualcuno be qualsiasi pagina visite mi trovo la finestra di dialogo, senza cornice e sfarfallante,\n<silviopsi> fatto\n<silviopsi> mi restituisce \"o\"\n<remix_tj> silviopsi: che output tu ha dato?\n<silviopsi> 0\n<remix_tj> 0\n<remix_tj> uhm\n<mrpc> silviopsi,  la procedura che hai indicato non tocca la scrivania o i tuoi documenti, non mi pare\n<FloodBotIt2> remix_tj: Non intasare il canale, usa http://paste.ubuntu.com per incollare, non usare Invio come punteggiatura.\n<remix_tj> silviopsi: comunque se hai un backup bene\n<remix_tj> altrimenti mi sa che e' gia' troppo tardi\n<remix_tj> stevr1it: uh?\n<silviopsi> niente backup\n<remix_tj> silviopsi: eh, non so che dirti...\n<silviopsi> cmq seguendo quella procedura che ho linkato\n<mrpc> remix_tj, ma come può aver fato sto casino con la procedura indicata nel sito che ha postato?\n<remix_tj> stevr1it: non si e' capito una fava della tua domanda. Quando hai il problema?\n<stevr1it> ok\n<silviopsi> mi pare che il terminale mi ha detto che stavo toccando una directory che finiva (tipo) in .gsfv\n<silviopsi> come se il comando di eliminazione non potesse essere portato a termine\n<stevr1it> remix_tj, quando dialogo con skype, la finestra dove vedo la persona, anche se cambio pagina, e paro un file, rimane sempre li e senza cornice e lampeggia.. uso ubuntu 11.04 con gnome senza effetti,una scheda ati con i driver proprietari. Se uso skuype con unity la finestra di dialogo è divisa a metà e si vedono due teste delal eprsona\n<mrpc> silviopsi, se vuoi provare con photorec comunque ricorda di non farlo salvando i dati sullo stesso supporto dal quale cerchi di recuperarli\n<silviopsi> vabbè mi devo ricostruire il mio ubuntu: è l'unica mi sa\n<stevr1it> remix_tj, mi soo chiarito?\n<remix_tj> stevr1it: ho capito. Quale e' il santo piu' vicino a cui puoi andare a votarti?\n<silviopsi> gli faccio fare l'analisi dell'intero hard disk?\n<stevr1it> remix_tj, ma perchè 11.04 fa sti casini?\n<silviopsi> e poi mi analizzo tutti i file trovati?\n<stevr1it> remix_tj,  reinstallo la 10.04?\n<remix_tj> stevr1it: a me non li fa tutti sti problemi, ma se continui ad avere tutte ste rogne torna indietro di versione\n<remix_tj> non sei obbligato ad avere sempre l'ultima\n<stevr1it> remix_tj, hai un 64 bit amd?\n<remix_tj> si ho una macchina 64, ma tu hai skype su un sistema a 64bit?\n<mrpc> silviopsi, se te vuoi recuperare i file della tua home non ce bisogno che scansioni tutto l'hd se hai separato le partizioni altrimenti si\n<stevr1it> remix_tj, si\n<remix_tj> stevr1it: eh, non so quanto bene funzioni\n<stevr1it> remix_tj, ma prima andava benissimo\n<silviopsi> uau, ovvviamente non ho fatto partizione di nulla\n<silviopsi> ok grazie per l'aiuto\n<mrpc> ha fatto tutto da solo allora....scansiona l'hd puoi farlo anche da live ma non salvare sullo stesso hd da cui recuperi ricordalo\n<stevr1it> remix_tj, se tengo intatta la partizione home, e installo debian, solo root faccio casini??\n<remix_tj> no\n<remix_tj> silviopsi: backup backup backup\n<silviopsi> come dire: sbagliando s'impara\n<silviopsi> porca di ..........\n<mrpc> quelche aiuto per questa cam ID 046d:0896 Logitech, Inc. OrbiCam? Altrimenti la schiodo dal notebook\n<stevr1it> remix_tj, non so sto pensando cosa è meglio fare, per tornare alla 10.04 devo sono reinstallare la root?\n<silviopsi> notte ragazzi e grazie ancora\n<mrpc> ciao\n<stevr1it> silviopsi, notte\n<remix_tj> stevr1it: hai la tua home da parte? puoi installare anche fedora se vuoi eh\n<remix_tj> basta che non tocchi la tua home\n<stevr1it> remix_tj, si è da parte, uhumm fedora non mipiace per nulla\n<stevr1it> ok grazie ado con debian allora  notte, nella speranza delal prossima lts di ubuntu\n<remix_tj> stevr1it: era un esempio -_-\n<stevr1it> remix_tj, capito, ma siccome le ho provate tutte\n<stevr1it> e ubuntu era la migliore\n<stevr1it> remix_tj, grazie di tutti i suggerimenti, notte\n<remix_tj> stevr1it: lo scopo era dire che puoi installare quel che ti pare\n<remix_tj> se non cancelli i dati\n<remix_tj> non perdi niente\n<stevr1it> remix_tj, mi mancherà poter rompèere un po qui con i miei casini\n<remix_tj> stevr1it: a me non mancherai per niente :-)\n<stevr1it> remix_tj, ciao\n<mrpc> se non ci sta attento e usa un file system diverso gli va in formattazione la partizione e addio dati, spero che se la cavi\n<mrpc> notte alla prossima\n<jumpysnake> sera\n<Guest79636> ciao a tutti\n<Guest79636> anche se non ho risolto niente\n<peppeuz> buonasera. Sto installando Ubuntu 10.04 su un notebook, devo farlo necessariamente via lan perché il lettore cd non funziona e non supporta il boot da usb\n<peppeuz> l'installazione parte normalmente, riesco a fare tutto fino al punto quando deve creare il file system: non c'è verso, si ferma immediatamente e non va avanti. Suggerimenti?\n<claudio> ragazzi buona sera\n<Guest39899> chi è disponibile a rispondere a una domanda semplice?\n<stevr1it> urgente auto, ho fatto un backup con Grsync ed ora ho la root piena, come faccio a trovare il file di backup o lop che me ìl'ha riempita?\n#ubuntu-it 2011-05-28\n<aiutubuntu> buonasera a tutti, mi e' successa una cosa stranissima non so perche' dal 500 usb esterno non trovo piu' nulla mi escono questi valori\n<aiutubuntu> Disk /dev/sda: 122.9 GB, 122942324736 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 14946 cylinders Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disk identifier: 0x0006f7df     Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System /dev/sda1   *           1       14573   117053440   83  Linux /dev/sda2           14573       149\n<HardDiskDiPeppeu> Non ? vero che sono rotto!\n<HardDiskDiPeppeu> Solo funziono in maniera differente.\n<HardDiskDiPeppeu> peppeuz mente. U.U\n<luiframau> Ciao a tutti. Qualcuno ha notizie di Ubuntuwintv per Natty?\n<peppeuz> HardDiskDiPeppeu: siamo su it-chat -.-\n<peppeuz> e sto provando debian\n<HardDiskDiPeppeu> ecco vedi.. funziono in maniera diversa..mica vuol dire che non funziono\n<HardDiskDiPeppeu> :)\n<fulvi0x> buongiorno a tutti\n<umicheli> ciao\n<fulvi0x> ciao..\n<fulvi0x> chi mi può dare dei consigli su come mettere linux su un netbook senza lettore cd ?\n<enzotib> fulvi0x: puoi creare una pendrive di installazione\n<fulvi0x> enzotib: ma facendola partire (ad esempio con lubuntu), mi installa un dual boot con windows e lubuntu o solo lubuntu?\n<fulvi0x> io vorrei toglierlo definitivamente windows\n<enzotib> fulvi0x: se fare dual boot oppure sostituire completamente il sistema operativo esistente, lo scegli in fase di partizionamento.\n<fulvi0x> perfetto!!! grazie ^^\n<enzotib> fulvi0x: però dipende dalla tua esperienza con linux, se sei all'inizio ti suggerirei di mantenere windows, per un po' di tempo\n<fulvi0x> enzotib no tranq ;)\n<fulvi0x> sono i netbook senza lettore cd ke mi sono nuovi\n<fulvi0x> non linux ^^\n<enzotib> !usb | fulvi0x\n<ubot-it> fulvi0x: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/DaSupportoUsb\n<fulvi0x> aZZ\n<fulvi0x> bella!!\n<enzotib> fulvi0x: se poi vuoi farlo da windows, ti posso fornire altre info\n<enzotib> !installazione | fulvi0x\n<ubot-it> fulvi0x: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione | Per installazione grafica http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download\n<fulvi0x> unebootin ??\n<enzotib> anche\n<fulvi0x> vabeh è indifferente.. ora sto scaricando la iso ..\n<fulvi0x> tu sai anche consigliarmi quale distro mettere?\n<enzotib> fulvi0x: ovviamente ubuntu :)\n<fulvi0x> ahahaha\n<enzotib> (dato il canale in cui siamo)\n<fulvi0x> enzotib: ma è un netbook con 7gb di harddisk e 500mb di ram\n<fulvi0x> mi è stato sconsigliato ubuntu desktop\n<enzotib> sì, va bene\n<fulvi0x> lubuntu non è sempre ubuntu ma lite ?\n<fulvi0x> o ho capito male ..\n<fulvi0x> pensavo stesse per lite ubuntu\n<enzotib> lubuntu ha un desktop environment diverso, anziché GNOME ha LXDE\n<enzotib> ma la base è sempre ubuntu\n<fulvi0x> ah okk!!\n<fulvi0x> il desktop environment più pesante è il kde giusto ?\n<enzotib> mah, non saprei, gli estimatori di kde dicono di no\n<fulvi0x> ahahahahhahahahaha\n<fulvi0x> :D\n<fulvi0x> arch pure mi hanno consigliato .. ma mi fido di ubuntu!!\n<fulvi0x> anche per la sua comunità..\n<enzotib> archlinux richiede un po' di lavoro per avere un sistema funzionante, magari dà più soddisfazione alla persona esperta, ma bisogna perderci un po' di tempo\n<fulvi0x> capito..\n<massimo18> Buon Giorno\n<lonejack> sapete perchè il mio sistema 10.04 non propone l'aggiornamento alla 11.04?\n<enzotib> lonejack: perché le LTS propongono (di default) solo l'aggiornamento alla successiva LTS (12.04 da venire)\n<lonejack> enzotib, ma scusa ho una 10.04 la successiva è la 11.04?\n<Peace-> no\n<Peace-> lonejack: ogni 3 anni\n<lonejack> okayo... non lo sapevo\n<enzotib> Peace-: ogni *due* anni\n<Peace-> enzotib: vero\n<Pavlx> chi desidera aiutarmi ?\n<Pavlx> ho un problema con ubuntu ho postato il problema qui pastebin.ubuntu.com/614047\n<Pavlx> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/614047\n<Peace-> Pavlx: male , molto male\n<jester-> Pavlx: hardy?\n<Pavlx> si una vecchia hardy\n<Pavlx> e prima era ancora pi? vecchia\n<Pavlx> e ci lavoravo bene con la precedente\n<jester-> Pavlx: 1000 e3 fischia pacchi in sospeso: cosa stavi facendo\n<Pavlx> aggiornamento\n<Pavlx> e nulla di piu'\n<jester-> Pavlx: aggornamento dopo 4 anni?\n<Pavlx> non mi interessa aggiornare un os, ma lavorarci\n<jester-> Pavlx: sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/cups-common_1.4.4-7_all.deb\n<jester-> Pavlx: infatti gli aggiornamenti li fanno per sport\n<jester-> Pavlx: sudo apt-get -f install && sudo apt-get upgrade\n<eLBati> ciao\n<fleurtherock> ciao\n<fleurtherock> sulle add-on di firefox ne avevo trovata una che mi permetteva di farne funzionare altra non prettamente dedicate all'ultima versione vi ricordate come si chiama?\n<Pavlx> ecco un altro http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/614092\n<Pavlx> a forza di aggiornamenti gli hard drives si sono appesantiti\n<remix_tj> Pavlx: gli aggiornamenti si fanno per lavorarci, non cosi' tanto per fare\n<Pavlx> eh, hai pure ragione te, ma quando te li manda ubuntu, credo che siano indiscutibili\n<Pavlx> e quando non funzionavano da interfaccia grafica bisognava farli a mano\n<Pavlx> dedicandoci diverse ore\n<remix_tj> ??\n<remix_tj> io ci dedico 3 minuti a settimana pure sui server\n<Pavlx> quando presi l'hard drive su cui sto lavorando, 200 gb gli bastavano ed avanzavano nel 2005, ora 200 gb non ic fa pi? nulla\n<remix_tj> Pavlx: eh?\n<remix_tj> 200gb?\n<Pavlx> non mi sembra affatto corretto che il sistema stia diventando sempre piu' ciccione\n<remix_tj> ma il sistema non diventa ciccione, semplicemente aggiornando rimpiazza alcuni file\n<remix_tj> e quando hai finito pulisci la cache e ritorna come prima\n<remix_tj> certo che 1000 pacchetti pesano una cifra\n<remix_tj> vabbe'\n<Pavlx> si 200 gb e non ci faccio nulla\n<Pavlx> ci sono stati aggiornamenti per piu' di 100 pacchetti\n<Pavlx> 1000\n<Pavlx> altro che mille, ne ho dovuti aggiornare migliaia\n<Pavlx> solo per arrivare ad hardy\n<remix_tj> Pavlx: quando ha finito l'aggiornamento, ripeto, cancelli la cache e ritorna come prima\n<remix_tj> Pavlx: ma stai facendo un avanzamento di versione?\n<Pavlx> se riesciussi a rispristinare l'interfaccia grafica sarei contento\n<Pavlx> purtroppo l'interfaccia grafica non riesco a ripristinarla\n<remix_tj> stai facendo un avanzamento di versione?\n<Pavlx> e sto lavorando su un hdd che avendo 6 anni e' seriamente compromessa\n<Pavlx> sto aggiornando tutto\n<Pavlx> ma lo sto facendo solo per sostituire qui pacchetti obsoleti e per avere un sistema leggermente piu' giovane\n<Pavlx> ma per me riuscire a metter mano all'interfaccia grafica e' vitale\n<remix_tj> aggiornando cosa significa?\n<remix_tj> aggiornare e rimanere alla stessa versione\n<remix_tj> o aggiornare e passare ad una versione piu' recente?\n<remix_tj> non mi sembra di far domande difficili\n<remix_tj> per domande facili voglio risposte semplici, tutto qui :-)\n<Pavlx> si puo' lasciare pure lo stesso kernel, ma aggiornare i pacchetti\n<remix_tj> Pavlx: resti su hardy o passi a qualche release piu' avanti?\n<Pavlx> oppure si puo' decidere di aggiornare anche il kernel\n<Pavlx> al momento rimango ad hardy, dato che ci sono dei problemi da dover risolvere\n<remix_tj> ohhhhhhh\n<eLBati> scusate qualcuno con natty ha problemi con l'application menu? tipo che il menu di applicazioni come thunderbird non compare? (parlo del menu 'file' 'tools'...)\n<remix_tj> Pavlx: e dopo quell'errore non ti funziona l'interfaccia grafica?\n<Pavlx> prima si risolvono i problemi, fare un backup ed infine installare una nuova ubuntu\n<Pavlx> esattamente come hai detto\n<remix_tj> a me sembra un po' impossibile, visto che dovrebbe non funzionarti soltanto il servizio di stampa\n<remix_tj> comunque\n<remix_tj> Pavlx: ridammi il comando\n<giordano> Salve a tutti e a tutte, vorrei chiedere una piccola cosa, esiste un programma simile a Banner che consente di creare in maniera veloce uno striscione con lettere bombate e colorate? Grazie\n<remix_tj> sudo apt-get install -f\n<Pavlx> certo che se si potesse continuare a chattare, mentre il sistema si riavvia\n<Pavlx> guarda che hai sbagliato il comando sudo apt-get -f install\n<remix_tj> funziona uguale\n<cagi> buongiorno a tutti, ho fatto installato la 11.04 di ubuntu e da allora il wifi non mi funziona più sono alle primissime armi e quindi non so dove mettere le mani avrei bisogno di aiuto\n<Pavlx> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/614098\n<remix_tj> Pavlx: sudo dpkg -i --force-all /var/cache/apt/archives/libcups2_1.4.4-7_i386.deb\n<Pavlx> riecco il http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/614101\n<remix_tj> Pavlx: apt-get -f install\n<remix_tj> ridaghene\n<Pavlx> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/614105\n<Pavlx> dunque qualche novita' ?\n<remix_tj> non vedo nulla\n<remix_tj> tu vedi errori?\n<Pavlx> sembrerebbe che ci sono 3 files isolati e piu' di 1100 non aggiornati\n<remix_tj> sei tornato al prompt?\n<Pavlx> si certo\n<Pavlx> ho lavorato sempre da shell\n<Pavlx> ho lanciato sempre firefox da shell\n<Pavlx> ed ogni volta dovevo chiudere firefox per postarti il pastebin\n<remix_tj> -_-\n<remix_tj> Pavlx: ora rilancia sudo apt-get upgrade\n<Pavlx> anche ora sto usando la shell e sto usando irssi\n<Pavlx> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/614109\n<Pavlx> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/614110\n<remix_tj> Pavlx: quindi?\n<Pavlx> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/614111\n<Pavlx> trovati altri errori\n<jester-> Pavlx: hai il sistema apt a buone donne\n<jester-> Pavlx: non ha piu nemmeno la key dei repo ufficiali\n<Pavlx> a quanto pare si\n<Pavlx> sembrerebbe che hai ragione\n<remix_tj> Pavlx: sudo dpkg -i --force-all /var/cache/apt/archives/debconf_1.5.36.1_all.deb\n<Pavlx> ma hanno fatto la distribuzione in modo che i repositories siano settabili solo da interfaccia grafica, questo e' quel che almeno mi sembra di ricordare\n<jester-> Pavlx: ma va, la gui scrive semplicemente sources.list\n<remix_tj> Pavlx: l'interfaccia grafica l'hanno fatto per farti usare il mouse.\n<Pavlx> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/614113\n<remix_tj> Pavlx:  ce l'hai in culo, non ci fai piu' niente da qui\n<remix_tj> e' rotto del tutto\n<remix_tj> ma posso sapere che problema ha la tua interfaccia grafica?\n<Pavlx> sfondo marrone\n<Pavlx> onon si vede nulla sullo schermo a parte lo sfondo\n<Pavlx> niente di niente\n<remix_tj> Pavlx: apri un terminale e lancia il comando\n<remix_tj> gnome-panel\n<Pavlx> c' solo la shell e la possbilita' di lanciare le cose da shell come ad esempio mozilla\n<remix_tj> bene\n<remix_tj> da quella shell lancia\n<jester-> !gnomereset | Pavlx\n<ubot-it> Pavlx: Per resettare gnome alle sue impostazioni di default rinominare le cartelle nascoste nella propria home .gnome2 .config .gconf .gconfd .gnome2_private e riavviare la sessione\n<remix_tj> gnome-terminal &\n<jester-> Pavlx: 2)  gconftool-2 -u --recursive-unset /apps/panel\n<jester-> Pavlx: 3) che senso ha rianimare hardy\n<Pavlx> non ho capito bene il primo passaggio\n<Pavlx> entrare nella /home e poi in .gnome2\n<remix_tj> Pavlx: entra nella tua home\n<jester-> Pavlx: leggi bene\n<remix_tj> e lancia\n<remix_tj> for i in .gnome2 .config .gconf .gconf2 .gnome2_private; do mv $i $i.old; done\n<Pavlx> non ho questi files nascosti in /home\n<jester-> Pavlx: li hai in /home/obelix o in breve i ~/\n<jester-> per home si intende la cartella user\n<jester-> for i in ~/.gnome2 .config .gconf .gconf2 .gnome2_private; do mv ~/$i $i.old; done\n<jester-> o fai cd /home/obelisco\n<Pavlx> io non ho gnome2 ma gnome2old\n<jester-> Pavlx: se hai lanciato la stringa mi pare normale\n<Pavlx> e dunque ?\n<Pavlx> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/614126\n<Pavlx> ma per far tornare i files sul desktop che debbo fare ?\n<remix_tj> Pavlx: hai dato il comando\n<remix_tj> gnome-panel &\n<remix_tj> ?\n<_Fox__> ciao ragazzi qualcuno puo aiutarmi?\n<Pavlx> se li guardo sulla shell si vedono\n<Pavlx> no, debbo aver saltato quel passaggio involontariamente\n<Pavlx>  sudo gnome-panel &\n<Pavlx> [1] 12829\n<Pavlx> che accidenti vogliono dire quei numeri ?\n<remix_tj> fregatene\n<remix_tj> si sono aperti i menu?\n<remix_tj> anzi i pannelli\n<remix_tj> ?\n<FloodBotIt2> remix_tj: Non intasare il canale, usa http://paste.ubuntu.com per incollare, non usare Invio come punteggiatura.\n<Pavlx> vuoi dire su appare applications places systems e le varie icone sul panel ?\n<remix_tj> ho detto pannelli, cosa c'e' cosi' difficile?\n<Pavlx> cosa intendi per pannelli ?\n<remix_tj> quelli si chiamano pannelli\n<remix_tj> quella cosa che hai sopra e sotto lo schermo\n<remix_tj> con i bottono\n<remix_tj> bottoni, l'orologio\n<Pavlx> intendi i panneli che sono in Applications .....\n<remix_tj> no.\n<Pavlx> si certo\n<remix_tj> applications e' nei pannelli\n<remix_tj> non il contrario\n<remix_tj> bene\n<remix_tj> ok\n<remix_tj> allora apri Places\n<remix_tj> e apri la tua home da li'\n<Pavlx> da quando mi dicesti di digitare gnome-panel\n<Pavlx> ma io voglio vedere i miei files sullo schermo non tramite /home/obelix/Desktop\n<yankee> se voglio vedere un hard disk esterno attaccato ad un windows7  su ubuntu, devo usare samba?\n<remix_tj> Pavlx: si ok ho capito\n<remix_tj> pero' si vedono?\n<remix_tj> ti si apre nautilus?\n<Pavlx> si\n<Pavlx> si\n<remix_tj> tu hai tutti i tuoi file sul desktop?\n<Pavlx> si\n<remix_tj> allora premi\n<remix_tj> alt-F2\n<remix_tj> e scrivi\n<remix_tj> nautilus\n<FloodBotIt2> remix_tj: Non intasare il canale, usa http://paste.ubuntu.com per incollare, non usare Invio come punteggiatura.\n<remix_tj> e comunque il fatto che tu abbia tutti i file sul desktop di rende una persona da evitare :-)\n<Aizram> XD sistemate sto conteggio delle righe\n<remix_tj> .\n<remix_tj> Aizram: no ce l'ha con me FloodBotIt2 perche' scrivo in un modo che non gli piace.\n<Aizram> :D\n<Aizram> e lo so\n<remix_tj> Pavlx: lo scopo della nosta attività e' farti fare il backup e formattare perche' hai il sistema a puttane.\n<remix_tj> vado a mangiare.\n<Pavlx> anche io\n<Pavlx> ma solo cosi? potro' finalmente metter mano ai miei files\n<Pavlx> tnx too much\n<yankeee> se voglio vedere un hard disk esterno attaccato ad un windows7  su ubuntu, devo usare samba?\n<jester-> yankeee cioè? sta attaccato a un altro pc con seven in lan\n<yankeee> si l'hd è attaccato al pc con seven\n<yankeee> e ho un router\n<yankeee> e voglio vedere il contenuto da ubuntu\n<remix_tj> !samba | yankeee\n<ubot-it> yankeee: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Server/Samba\n<jester-> yankeee: prova a installare  ssh server e poi ad usare accedi al server\n<remix_tj> diciamo che in realta' potrebbe bastare la voce di menu' che serve per collegare le unita' di rete\n<jester-> protocollo ssh\n<remix_tj> jester-: l'hd e' attaccato sul pc con windows seven, non c'e' ssh:-)\n<jester-> aggià\n<jester-> remix_tj: se po minga instalall sul seven?\n<yankeee> ho già provato con samba, ho creato il file di configurazione\n<yankeee> ma non va un gran che\n<yankeee> adesso riprovo con la guida ufficiale\n<remix_tj> jester-: su windows anca no\n<remix_tj> yankeee: allora\n<jester-> remix_tj: putty?\n<remix_tj> spe un secondo\n<remix_tj> jester-: no no\n<Rigongia> Ciao a tutti\n<remix_tj> allora\n<remix_tj> yankeee: sul pc windows supponiamo che si chiami f:\\ l'unita' hd\n<remix_tj> quindi tu da ubuntu dovresti fare\n<remix_tj> Risorse -> Connetti Al server\n<remix_tj> scegli il tipo \"Condivisione windows\"\n<remix_tj> come server metti l'ip del pc windows\n<remix_tj> e come nome condivisione metti f$\n<remix_tj> poi utente quello dell'altro PC con seven e come dominio metti l'ip dell'altro computer\n<remix_tj> in teoria funziona, in pratica dipende da un po' di fattori\n<yankeee> provo\n<jester-> remix_tj: condivisione winzoz?\n<remix_tj> si\n<yankeee> non va\n<remix_tj> yankeee: allora devi esplicitamente fare una condivisione di quell'unita'\n<remix_tj> purtroppo non sono ferrato nell'ambiente home\n<remix_tj> in zona professional funziona cosi'\n<yankeee> su windows l'ho condiviso il disco\n<BienVenido> ciao scusate cè un modo per ottimizzare il trasferimento dati della usb2.0 su ubuntu?\n<BienVenido> mi sta andando lento\n<BienVenido> mi trasferisce a 10 mb al secondo\n<BienVenido> per favore qualcuno sa cosa si puo' fare?\n<giorgio88> è stato risolto il bug di unity nella 11.04 che riguardava il freeze con l'utilizzo dei driver nvidia current?\n<bunga> Salve... non mi parte più skype -.-\n<bunga> nemmeno a morire\n<bunga> ?\n<bunga> pronto pronto?\n<bunga> c'è qualcuno?\n<cagi> buongiorno a tutti, ho fatto installato la 11.04 di ubuntu e da allora il wifi non mi funziona più sono alle primissime armi e quindi non so dove mettere le mani avrei bisogno di aiuto\n<enzotib> cagi: se clicchi sull'icona della rete, compare la tua rete nella lista?\n<cagi> enzotib, si compare cerca la connessione poi chiede la chiave la metto e mi da errata\n<enzotib> cagi: sei sicuro che ti chieda la chiave e non, che so, lo sblocco del keyring?\n<cagi> enzotib:keyring è il portachiavi?\n<enzotib> cagi: sì\n<cagi> enzotib, no quella me la chiedeva ssubito all'accensione ed ora l'ho tolta\n<enzotib> cagi: prova a vedere se nelle impostazioni di sicurezza della connessione è impostato il metodo corretto\n<cagi> enzotib,  abbi pazienza sono proprio a zero cosa dovrei guardare di preciso in quel tab?\n<enzotib> cagi: la tua rete wireless com'è impostata? questo devi saperlo tu. WEP, WPA, WPA2?\n<cagi> enzotib, wap\n<enzotib> cagi: a parte che non esiste, ma proprio quello devi controllare, se è impostato come dev'essere\n<cagi> enzotib, scusa volevo scrivere wpa\n<cagi> enzotib, per la precisione WPA-PSK TKIP 256 bit\n<shadenzo> ciao  ragazzi   come si fa  a cambiare la dimesione delle icone sulla scivania (gnome 2)\n<enzotib> cagi: in genere dovrebbe capirlo da solo, in ogni caso controlla che sia corretta l'impostazione della connessione, magari prova sia con WPA personal che enterprise, non so bene la differenza\n<cagi> enzotib, ho già provato ma niente\n<cagi> enzotib, ho gia avuto il problema con la 10.10 e con il vs aiuto era risolto. ho provato a rifare il tutto, ma evidentemente dimentico qualcosaù\n<enzotib> shadenzo: da nautilus, preferenze, viste, preferenze vista a icone, livello di ingrandimento predefinito\n<shadenzo> ahem  grazie enzotib   mi sembrava piu complicato   ahem   -.-\"\n<alessandro_> salve a tutti\n<alessandro_> io avrei una particolare richiesta\n<alessandro_> dovrei fare una penna usb con un server all'interno\n<alessandro_> però non volevo usare xammp o easyphp\n<enzotib> un server in una penna? e ci sta?\n<alessandro_> ma bensi' usare un server che mi dà la possibilità di vederlo sia con linux sia con windows\n<alessandro_> perchè io uso il bellisimo ubuntu ma purtroppo\n<alessandro_> la maggioranza della gente usa windows\n<alessandro_> enzotib bhe oddio su una penna da 4gb ci stà qualcosina\n<alessandro_> e possibile creare questo server da utilizzare in win e linux?\n<enzotib> alessandro_: allora, cominciamo col dire che non siamo su messenger, quindi esprimi pensieri più lunghi, senza premere enter ogni tre o quattro parole\n<alessandro_> ok scusa\n<enzotib> alessandro_: seconda cosa, non ho capito granché, se potessi spiegare meglio sarebbe utile\n<alessandro_> a me servirebbe una penna usb con al''interno un server perchè dovrei mostrare dei siti demo\n<alessandro_> siccome uso i csm avrei bisogno del database quindi mi serve sempre un server com phpmyadmin etc..\n<alessandro_> la maggior parte della gente usa ancora windows\n<enzotib> alessandro_: credo di dire una cosa ovvia, ma un webserver non deve girare necessariamente sullo stesso tipo di sistema operative di un web client\n<enzotib> anzi, in giro molti siti sono su apache/linux, e gli utenti che li guardano nemmeno lo sanno\n<alessandro_> ok capito però io avrei la necessità di lavorare in linux e poi come faccio far vedere i miei lavori ai clienti\n<enzotib> alessandro_: ma mica te lo devi portare dietro il server! non basta accedervi in rete?\n<alessandro_> si ok ma volevo una cosa alternativa alla rete\n<alessandro_> al posto di comprarmi uno spazio web lo facevo direttamente dalla usb\n<enzotib> alessandro_: ma il server deve essere un OS avviato, non puoi attaccare la penna a un pc acceso e sperare di avere qualcosa di utilizzabile\n<enzotib> a meno che non avvii il pc del cliente facendo boot dalla tua penna\n<alessandro_> siamo arrivati al punto che volevo io\n<enzotib> alessandro_: ok, se è questo che vuoi, quello che c'è sul pc ospite non conta niente, ti interessa solo l'hardware e io bios\n<alessandro_> uno: esiste un programmino che io inserisco la penna usb e poi dentro alla mia usb faccio partire direttamente il bios\n<alessandro_> scusa ho fatto confusione\n<alessandro_> un programma che faccia partire il bios direttamente dalla mia usb\n<alessandro_> senza che sia io a mettere le mani nel bios\n<enzotib> non credo\n<alessandro_> ok allora è meglio che mi compri uno spazio web e butto tutto li dentro\n<enzotib> alessandro_: ma perché non ti porti un laptop? è più semplice e sicuro, non puoi mai sapere se qualcosa non va su un pc di un altro\n<alessandro_> oppure bisogna che vada con un portatile\n<enzotib> ecco\n<alessandro_> il problema mio è che uso un fisso per lavorare\n<enzotib> oppure devi usare una virtual machine, non so se esiste una versione portable per windows\n<alessandro_> e ogni volta dovrei passare tutti i miei lavori dal fisso al portatile\n<alessandro_> senza la rottura di crearmi nuovi database e configurare i csm\n<alessandro_> quindi meglio che mi compri uno spazio web giusto?\n<enzotib> alessandro_: direi di sì\n<enzotib> alessandro_: ma se non hai fastweb (che non ti dà un indirizzo pubblico), puoi usare il tuo pc come server, con dyndns\n<alessandro_> ho anche quella sfiga li che uso fastweb\n<alessandro_> è una bellissima cosa usare il propio pc come server\n<alessandro_> ma con fastweb non è propio possibile usufruire di quel bel servizio?\n<enzotib> non è un problema del servizio, è un problema di fastweb che ti tiene dietro un muro\n<alessandro_> èhh lo so purtroppo al momento ci son cascato con l'offerta fastweb\n<alessandro_> ma ora vorrei cambiare anche perchè lo posso fare\n<akis24> buon pomeriggio\n<zaganator> ciao a tutti\n<zaganator> io dovrei installare wine per utilizzare sketch up ma non riesco mi dice che devo installare pacchetti non fidati!! come aggirare l'ostacolo?\n<akis24> wine è di default su ubuntu almeno per quello che so' io\n<zaganator> volevo provare ad utilizzare il terminale ma non sono molto ferrato in argomento\n<akis24> e ha tutto sui repository interni\n<zaganator> ok ma se clicco sul file .exe di installazione non me lo riconosce\n<akis24> ma su ubuntu non cè un file .exe di  installazione\n<akis24> prova da synaptic\n<zaganator> ok ci provo grazie!!\n<akis24> prg\n<simontol> Ciao, qualcuno mi può aiutare? Ho un problema con i driver proprietari nvidia su Natty..\n<simontol> Praticamente se li installo arrivo alla schermata del desktop ma non riescoa a cliccare in nessuna area dello schermo, inoltre l'area di notifica non viene caricata. Se accedo alla console (ctrl+alt+f1),  il risultato è una schermata con caratteri illeggibili\n<akis24> ciao\n<shek> salve a tutti\n<shek> qualcuno di voi mi può aiutare con la configurazione di privoxy?\n<balloto> Buon pomeriggio a tutti!\n<balloto> ho appena fatto l'aggiornamento a ubuntu 11.04..tutto ok tranne che l'orario, nel pannello. risulta \"schiacciata\"..ovvero io vedo: 17.3 e l'ultima cifra si vede a metà..se provo a spostarlo si sposta tutto il gadget (compreso del volume, controllo connessione e pulsante per spegnere). Ho provato a resettare il pannello ma resta sempre così..qualcuno ha qualche idea?\n<shek> lanciando privoxy da console ho il seguente errore: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/614216/\n<shek> qualcuno mi può aiutare !?!?!?\n<jofor> salve a tutti\n<MatteoR> ciao jofor\n<jofor> novità?\n<gigirock> ho in configurazione da grub diversi kernel vorrei tenere solo l'ultimo ....come faccio ad eliminarli ?\n<Peace-> gigirock: sudo apt-get remove porcherie\n<gigirock> Peace-, ciao, ma porcherie cosa scrivo ?\n<gigirock> non si faceva da synaptic ?\n<Peace-> gigirock: e daje http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/28/plasma-desktopxS9174.jpg\n<Peace-> ti ho letto nel pensiero\n<gigirock> tu 6 come quello degli x-men :)\n<gigirock> Peace-, ma tu non eri esperto di stampe e scanner ?\n<gigirock> ma se uno ha installato la 1004 che kernel dovrebbe avere ?\n<Peace-> gigirock: google ==package ubuntu ==> sitarello\n<Peace-> ==>tutti i pacchi ==> ctrl F linux image ==> ottinei il numerello\n<Peace-> gigirock: boh io riesco piu o meno in tutto\n<gigirock> Peace-, io dovrei fare in maniera che diversi scanner connessi sulla rete ethernet , alla pressione del tasto scan sulla macchina, generino dei file che finiscono tutti in una determinata directory\n<gigirock> ho a disposizione un server ubuntu sempre presente sulla rete\n<Peace-> connetti ssh per ogni file\n<Peace-> e poi dai per ogni connessione lo stesso comando\n<Peace-> man scanimage\n<gigirock> Peace-, connetti ssh per ogni file ?\n<Peace-> ti connetti via ssh ad ogni computer\n<Peace-> forse cosi si fa cmq è una roba da nerd\n<Peace-> :)\n<Peace-> peroì ha un suo perche interessante\n<gigirock> raga ad ogni avvio il sistema dice di dover controllare l'hard disk , se lo lascio fare al termine dice che ci sono problemi su /\n<gigirock> non e' possibile controllare l'hard disk dal os ?\n<gigirock> ci vuole una live ?\n<Peace-> gigirock: usa la live\n<gigirock> una volta accesa la live che comandi devo dare .... chkdsk ?\n<Peace-> gigirock: mi pare  fsck.ext3\n<Peace-> o  fsck.ext4\n<gigirock> ah ora rammento grazie Peace-\n<gigirock> adesso cerco la live.....ma mi sa che sto catorcio n avvia dalla usb......devo incendiare un CD :)\n<gigirock> i kernel marci se ne sono andati :)\n<gigirock> Peace-, funzionera' fsck anche da gparted live ?\n<gigirock> quella ce l'ho !\n<gigirock> miiiii sono scarsissimo...\n<gigirock> passo alla live....\n<gigirock> cia\n<Peace-> gigirock: l'hai detto sei scarso\n<petremic> ciao ho un problema con la lucid, non la apro da molto tempo. non riesco ad aggiornare credo sia un problema sulle sorgenti software mi mancano dei repository, e se non è questo proprio non so cos'è. tra l'altro ho ancora la lingua inglese non riesce a scaricare l'italiano.\n<petremic> mi aiutereste?\n<Aizram> che errore ti da?\n<petremic> http://paste.ubuntu.com/614249/\n<jester-> petremic: mezz'ora fa ti è stato detto come cambiare server\n<petremic> jester no, mi è stato detto che il problema è il server ma non mi è stato detto come cambiarlo\n<gigirock> jester-, c'e' l'errore delle gp\n<gigirock> *gpg keys\n<jester-> gigirock: quello non è un errore, poi non scarica da 2 server\n<gigirock> jester-, dns ?\n<jester-> gigirock: leggi l'errore che ha postato\n<petremic> jester-, mi dici come cambiare server?\n<petremic> altrimenti tra mezzora sto ancora qua a fare domande\n<jester-> petremic: amministrazione/sorgenti software\n<petremic> jester-, ok ci sono ma ci sono una marea di opzioni\n<jester-> petremic: scaricare da/click/altro/italia/fastbull\n<jester-> petremic: quindi scegli server\n<petremic> ok sembra cge sta funzionando\n<petremic> jester-, finalmente sta aggiornando ho fatto con l'opzione \"select the best server\"\n<petremic> volevo sapere da qualcuno se è possibile installare i plasmoidi di kde su ubuntu\n<petremic> mi servirebbe il pastbin ad esempio\n<enrylinux> si\n<petremic> enrylinux, hai risposto a me con quel sì?\n<nicolakor> ciao a tutti, come faccio a sistemare chrome in modo da visualizzare i video mediaset e rai, moonlight non funziona..\n<enrylinux> si ho visto delle guide per quello che richiedi io personalmente non lo farei ?\n<petremic> enrylinux, e perchè non lo faresti?\n<enrylinux> inanzitutto che sistema hai ?\n<petremic> su un pc ho kubuntu su un altro ho lucid\n<petremic> ubuntu\n<enrylinux> versione\n<petremic> lucid\n<petremic> riavvio e rientro tra un pò\n<petremic> quindi perchè non a i plasmoidi su ubuntu lucid?\n<enrylinux> perche' ti potrebbero dare dei problemi di conflitti\n<enrylinux> se ti piace kde installati quello\n<petremic> enrylinux, a me piace moltissimo kde e infatti mi sa che resto con quello sul fisso e con ubuntu sul portatile\n<petremic> enrylinux, anche se devo dire da grafico che gnome è più attraente\n<enrylinux> forse dovresti aggiornare alla 11.04\n<petremic> sì fatto\n<petremic> ma nonostante questo gnome è meglio\n<enrylinux> io uso entrambi\n<petremic> anche a livello semplicemente del font\n<MeAtieR> c'è nessuno?\n<MeAtieR> ho bisogno di una mano\n<bobbybong> !nessuno\n<ubot-it> se nessuno parla in canale non significa che non ci siano utenti attivi. Fate la vostra domanda  tecnica e se qualcuno vorrà rispondervi lo farà\n<MeAtieR> grazie bobby\n<MeAtieR> non riesco a guardare raitv, serve silverlight ma non esiste per ubuntu, quindi ho scaricato moonlight ma non funziona.. come posso fare?\n<attempt> male\n<MeAtieR> tutto qua?\n<attempt> in pratica non c'e' verso.\n<attempt> cambiano silverlight di contiuo, moonlight non gli puo' tenere dietro.\n<spada> ciao a tutti! ho un problema..provo a installare ubuntu 11.04 ma arrivato al menu di scelta da chiavetta, qualsiasi sia la mia scelta mi da un errore al momento del boot, dicendo che non trova il kernel..cosa devo fare??\n<newbie|2> Buonasera\n<newbie|2> ragazzi qualcuno sa se c'èun modo per installare Lubuntu attraverso Wubi?\n<newbie|2> Non so magari modificando un file di configurazione di wubi per fargli credere che lubuntu sia tipo una distribuzione ufficiale\n<frey> ciao raga scusate se vis tono ancora ma sto impazzendo per lo scrolling del touchpad\n<frey> non riesco a trovare il pacchetto synclient\n<frey> nessuno sa qualcosa??? eppure penso sia uun problema noto a molti pc\n<Carlin0> !info xserver-xorg-input-synapitcs\n<ubot-it> Package xserver-xorg-input-synapitcs does not exist in natty\n<Carlin0> !info xserver-xorg-input-synaptics\n<ubot-it> xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (source: xserver-xorg-input-synaptics): Synaptics TouchPad driver for X.Org server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.3.99+git20110116.0e27ce3a-0ubuntu12 (natty), package size 67 kB, installed size 368 kB\n<frey> a me risulta installato\n<frey> il file xorg\n<frey> è vuoto\n<D1G1U> sera\n<frey> sera\n<D1G1U> na domanda\n<D1G1U> :) ho aggiornato alla 11.04 ma non mi funziona l'utility pig\n<D1G1U> anche nella 10.10 avevo questo problema\n<D1G1U> qualcuno di voi ha questo problema?\n<D1G1U> nella 10.10 era un bug onosciuto, se non sbaglio\n<D1G1U> se qualcuno di voi ha l'ultima versione può controllare perfavore?\n<D1G1U> nessuno?\n<frey> anche per me nessuno?\n<frey> D1G1U, per stasera siamo stati sfortunati\n<frey> ciao a tutti notte\n<zaganator> ciao qualcuno sa qualcosa su come farpartire google earth\n<zaganator> qualcuno?\n<DareDevil> anche io avrei bisogno di qualcuno\n<steph7> mi complimento con la community per il nuovo sito, molto bello\n<steph7> scusate, pensavo di essere in chat\n<DareDevil> al momento dell'installazione ho scelto di non fare il login bensì di accedere direttamente\n<zaganator_> bbb\n<DareDevil> come posso abilitare il login?\n#ubuntu-it 2011-05-29\n<zaganator_> ok credo che nn ci sia nessuno disponibile\n<zaganator_> qualcuno di voi ha avuto esperienza con google earth?\n<zaganator_> a me nn si collega al server... dice di mettere a posto il firewall ma i nn ho nessun firewall attivato!\n<zaganator_> ok si fanno quattro chiacchere?\n<zaganator_> visto che di ubuntu nn si riesce a parlare\n<zaganator_> ok nemmeno chiacchere... cerchiamo altrove!!!\n<zafira> ciao a tutti\n<zafira> come si installa cinelerra??\n<zaganator_> è la prima volta che mi capita di nn ricever nemmeno  una risposta.... bene dicono che c'è sempre una prima volta...\n<zaganator_> zafira http://www.tuxmind.altervista.org/?p=189\n<zaganator_> primo risultato su gg\n<zafira> grazie\n<zaganator> prego\n<Carlin0> DareDevil, hai trovato come riabilitare il login ?\n<DareDevil> sì sì\n<DareDevil> ora ho sia gnome che kde\n<DareDevil> e posso scegliere all'avvio cosa usare\n<DareDevil> è perfetto\n<Carlin0> capito ...\n<DareDevil> per ora sto su ubuntu\n<DareDevil> non ho capito però quando farò gli aggiornamenti se mi aggiornerà sia gnome che kde insieme\n<attempt> il sources.list e' uno solo.\n<Carlin0> aggiorna tutti i pacchetti installati\n<DareDevil> ottimo\n<DareDevil> ora ho proprio tutto...ho la grafica di gnome con molti software kde\n<DareDevil> non capisco, perchè quando chiudo kde al riavvio successivo i programmi aperti vengono ripristinati mentre con gnome si chiude tutto?\n<attempt> ogni sessione e' a se\n<attempt> se usi kde e li e' impostato riapri l'ultima sessione,la salva e la riapre.\n<DareDevil> e su ubuntu si può impostare di salvare l'ultima sessione?\n<attempt> penso proprio di si\n<DareDevil> sapresti dirmi come?\n<Carlin0> mi pare lo faccia da se\n<DareDevil> ok allora provo a riavviare e a verificare se mi lascia tutti i software aperti\n<Carlin0> ma non ne sono sicuro io uso solo gnome\n<DareDevil> e di quello sto parlando\n<DareDevil> perchè kde sicuro lo fa\n<Carlin0> ahhhhhh... applicazioni d'avvio aspe...\n<attempt> ti posso dire su kde. e' in sistem settings. una delle opzioni della sessione. su gnome non ricordo.\n<DareDevil> essì ma a me serve su gnome perchè kde già me lo fa\n<Carlin0> da applicazioni d'avvio c'è l'opzione memorizza\n<Carlin0> mai usata :P\n<DareDevil> provo a riavviare senza sto memorizza e vedo cosa succede\n<DareDevil> dopodichè vado a letto\n<DareDevil> grazie\n<attempt> io riapro nuova sessione sempre. non mi interessa che mi riapra programmi che avevo aperti alla chiusura.\n<DareDevil> un'ultima domanda, come gadget se volessi un orologio più grande su gnome ci sono solo gli screenlets?\n<Carlin0> yes\n<DareDevil> ok\n<Carlin0> prova su gnome-look forse c'è altro\n<DareDevil> grazie però domani ora devo correre a letto\n<DareDevil> buonanotte\n<Carlin0> so fuso mejoo che vado a nanna anch'io\n<cagi> buonasera a tutti,ritento ho  installato la 11.04 di ubuntu e da allora il wifi non mi funziona più sono alle primissime armi e quindi non so dove mettere le mani avrei bisogno di aiuto\n<airgnox> cagi prova a vedere sul forum di ubuntu se per caso qlc ha avuto il tuo stesso problema perchè a st'ora dubito che ci sia qualcuno ancora attivo su sto forum\n<airgnox> su sta chat cioè\n<airgnox> io non saprei proprio aiutarti\n<cagi> il problema a quanto ho capito è dovuto dalla scheda intersil isl 3886 che ha dei driver prism54 o comunque a qualcosa del genere che la mia ignoranza non mi consente di capire di più\n<cagi> ah ok provo e grazie\n<cagi> airgnox, beh almeno tu sei attivo\n<airgnox> heheh\n<airgnox> cagi , si ma per poco\n<airgnox> cagi ,  controlla bene il forum se sei registrato\n<airgnox> è un problema comune quello del wireless\n<cagi> airgnox, si  un'occhio anche se sommario glielo avevo dato, ma con questo driver non ne ho visti\n<Edo964> Avrei bisogno di aiuto per ripristinare la parte grafica di ubuntu 11.04 che è incasinata\n<Edo964> : l'altro ieri all'avvio mi ha segnalato un problema sulla cartella /tmp; ieri non riuscivo a fare il login perche vedevo solo caratteri quadrati\n<Edo964> seguendo istruzioni sul web sono riuscito a ripristinare i caratteri\n<Edo964> non sono più eseguibili alcuni programmi:gestore aggiornamebti e aspetto (non riesco a cambiare tema) ecc.\n<massimo18> Buona Domenica\n<Edo964> ubuntu natty 11.04: avrei bisogno di aiuto per ripristinare l'interfaccia grafica (ad es. gestore aggiornamenti non parte)\n<massimo18> Edo964: spiegati meglio\n<Edo964> Innanzitutto grazie! L'altro ieri all'avvia lo splash mi segnala problemi alla cartella /tmp; do il comando F per ripristinare automaticamente, Al riavvio al login appaiono tuto caratteri quadrati bianchi (non mi riconosce la tastiera) in modalità testuale tutto ok (ma io non ci capisco molto). Adesso sono riuscito a sistemare i caratteri, ma alcuni programmi grafici non vanno (gestore aggiornamenti, Aspetto ecc.)\n<massimo18> Edo964: usi unity?\n<Edo964> sì\n<massimo18> Edo964: non capisco cosa sia successo, ma io proverei a resettare unity ma non garantisco che funzioni\n<lonejack> da un po' di tempo non funziona più il tasto-rotella centrale del mouse per fare il copia-incolla. sapete come risolvere?\n<Edo964> <massimo18> grazie ci ho già provato: adesso sono in modalità calssica senza effetti ma il problema rimane\n<massimo18> Edo964: allora non so dirti\n<Edo964> massimo18: grazie comunque\n<alo21> salve a tutti\n<alo21> firez: salve\n<Edo964> Quit: a presto\n<Ab3L> sto riempiendo la mia dichiarazione dei redditi su ubuntu. il problema è che il fisco ginevrino mette sempre dei caratteri minuscoli (mi astengo dai commenti). non mi ricordo più come fare a \"zoomare\" per vederci meglio. qualcuno mi può ricordare come fare?\n<Ab3L> sto usando ubuntu natty versione classica.\n<Ab3L> trovato. :)\n<rorro007> ciao a tutti come faccio ad azzerare  renceti in ubuntu 11.04\n<massimo18> rorro007: cosa sono i renceti?\n<rorro007> massimo 18, dove trova file recenti\n<massimo18> rorro007: ma in che contesto?\n<rorro007> massimo 18, nella versione precedente documenti recenti potevo eliminarli\n<steph7> puoi eliminarli da terminale\n<rorro007> steph7, e come è il comando\n<massimo18> rorro007: ma documenti relativi a cosa?\n<massimo18> bho\n<mirchinho> buongiorno a tutti qualcuno può aiutarmi ho installato il 10.04 ma ho dei grossi problemi con gli aggiornamenti ed il software center...........\n<rorro007> massimo 18, tutti mi fa vedere quelli aperti\n<rorro007> massimo 18, o meglio quelli visti\n<mirchinho> ciao a tutti qualcuno riesce aiutarmi?\n<rorro007> massimo 18, non so se hai capito\n<steph7> rorro007, scrivi in google \"unity-cancellare-cronologia-file-documenti-recenti\"\n<steph7> manco il tempo di leggere e già si è eclissato..\n<marcovaldo> ragazzi buona domenica a tutti. ho un problema a creare un file iso da file dvd da terminale... ho provato a crearlo dall'usuale comando mkisofs ma è comparsa un'insolita scritta qualcuno saprebbe darmi qualche dritta????\n<marcovaldo> qui il codice dell'errore: http://paste.ubuntu.com/614492/\n<paolo> salve ragazzi, sono sulla livecd di ubuntu 10.04 ma ho un problema, come unica risoluzione video mi da 1024x768\n<paolo> (ati radeon hd 6490m)\n<paolo> come faccio a portarlo in 1280?\n<paolo> siete tutti a pranzo... allora ripasso poi\n<napster32> ciao a tutti\n<napster32> avrei bisogno di una delucidazione\n<pitzalone> buongiorno. come posso fa riapparire l'icona nell'area di notifica di network manager? è sparita!\n<pitzalone> anche quell del volume\n<napster32> fai tasto destro sulla barra\n<napster32> aggiungi pannello\n<napster32> indicatore completo\n<pitzalone> non mi esce indicatore completo\n<napster32> prova indicatore\n<pitzalone> provato... niente\n<napster32> che versione hai di ubuntu?\n<pitzalone> netbook remix 9.04\n<napster32> mi trovi impreparato allora, io ho la Natty 11.04\n<napster32> io invece ho il problema con alltray e teamviewer\n<napster32> nessuno sa aiutarmi?\n<napster32> daredevil tu conosci alltray?\n<DareDevil> no perchè?\n<napster32> ho bisogno di aiuto\n<DareDevil> e non ne so nulla\n<napster32> teamviewer con alltray nella versione 11.04 nn mi si riduce ad icona in traybar\n<DareDevil> azzo\n<DareDevil> ma stai sul classic oppure con tutto attivato?\n<napster32> conosci alternative per ridurre programmi nella trayicon?\n<DareDevil> prova con il classic\n<napster32> classic, x carità l'unity non son capace vederlo\n<napster32> troppo incasinato l'unity ^^\n<DareDevil> a nonostante questo ti rompe in questa maniera?\n<napster32> si\n<napster32> funziona con transmission - amule\n<napster32> ma con teamviewer niente\n<DareDevil> ma a cosa ti serve teamviewer?\n<napster32> governare il pc dal lavoro ^^\n<DareDevil> e questo alltray cos'è?\n<DareDevil> team viewer indipendentemente da alltry funziona?\n<napster32> un programma che ti spara l'applicazione nella traybar\n<napster32> si\n<DareDevil> e allora che ti frega?\n<DareDevil> usalo senza alltry\n<napster32> che appena avvio teamviewer è a tutto schermo e rompe\n<DareDevil> sì ma se lo usi in maniera indipendente non sminchia vero?\n<napster32> cioè?\n<DareDevil> senza alltry\n<napster32> senza alltray, alltray lo uso per ridurlo ad icona\n<napster32> a meno che non conosci alternative per ridurlo ad icona\n<DareDevil> tu vorresti ridurlo ad icona a distanza vero?\n<napster32> no ^^ allora teamviewer è come desktop remoto, solo più efficace\n<napster32> però quando lo avvii è su una finestra\n<napster32> io invece vorrei avviralo direttamente ridotto ad icona (background diciamo)\n<DareDevil> conosco teamviewer....\n<napster32> ecco, hai presente la finestra blu iniziale?\n<napster32> ecco, quella ridotta a icona quindi avere il desktop libero\n<DareDevil> senti io per quello che l'ho usato mi ricordo che comunque qualcuno dall'altra parte che lo avvia deve stare ammenocchè non lo metti in avvio automatico\n<DareDevil> vabbè al di là di questo\n<napster32> infatti, io avvio la macchina ubuntu con teamviewer all'avvio, fin qui ok\n<DareDevil> tu non vuoi che nel desktop remoto ti appaia quella finestrella blu\n<DareDevil> che si iconizzi\n<napster32> però vorrei la finestra ridotta, capito come?\n<napster32> esatto!\n<napster32> ho letto ad esempio che basta mettere &\n<napster32> alla fine del comando, ma nn funziona niente ^^\n<DareDevil> ma ti occupa molto spazio? su cosa lavori? grafica? che fastidio ti dà?\n<napster32> niente, che se uno a casa apre il pc vedo tutto il desktop libero\n<DareDevil> io l'ho usato molto poco teamviewer, non so come aiutarti per questo particolare problema\n<napster32> fa niente... ma nn c'è nessun'altro qui?\n<DareDevil> io ho fatto na bellezza allucinante. ho installato gnomedesktop su kde e posso quindi scendere all'avvio o l'uno a l'altro desktop\n<Peace-> DareDevil: dipende dai punti di vista\n<Peace-> per me è un pastrocchio xD\n<DareDevil> Peace-: perchè? o entri in uno o entri nell'altro\n<Peace-> DareDevil: beh il menu  è abbastanza abominevole\n<Peace-> doppie applicazioni per fare la stessa cosa\n<DareDevil> Peace-: le applicazioni sono diverse ma ineffetti fanno le stesse cose.\n<DareDevil> credo che tuttosommato possano convivere\n<Peace-> per me creano solo confusione\n<Peace-> cmq !chat\n<Dig> ho problemi con il wi-fi. ogni tanto mi si disconnete il pc e devo riavviare il laptop per riavere il segnale.\n<shadenzo> devo reist il sistema ,  oltre alla lista dei repo devo salvarmi un backup delle varie chiavi dei repo ,  come si fa ?\n<d4vey> shadenzo, hai poi risolto con nautilus?\n<MatteoR> shadenzo: Perchè devi reinstallare l'intero sistema?\n<shadenzo> Mattoer    il sistema non si avivva piu neanche in console (causa mia cazzata ehm )  . Allora ho reistallato un dvd fatto con remastersys , ma il sistema ora non va bebne come prima (si blocca non risponde + il mouse ) ecc\n<MatteoR> shadenzo: Mi spieghi cosa hai fatto? Magari si può riparare\n<shadenzo> ecco\n<shadenzo> si è ripiantato ho dovuto riavviare\n<napster32> ripropongo la domanda di oggi: nessuno sa come avviare un'applicazione all'avvio ridotto in trayicon?\n<shadenzo> napster32     alltray\n<napster32> ok\n<MatteoR> napster32: C'è un programma che crea delle systray per tutte le app, ma non mi ricordo come si chiama\n<napster32> uso ubuntu 11.04\n<napster32> funziona con transmission, amule\n<napster32> provalo con teamviewer e dimmi se ti funziona\n<MatteoR> alltray\n<shadenzo> installi  alltray     e metti nele applicazioni di avvio  il comando       \"alltray applicazione\"\n<MatteoR> shadenzo: Che operazione hai fatto al tuo pc per non farlo avviare più?\n<napster32> esatto, ma su 11.04 con teamviewer: alltray teamviewer non si riduce neanke se gli spari, xkè???\n<napster32> avro provato migliaia di comandi, ma con teamviewer non ne vuole sapere\n<MatteoR> napster32: Perchè teamviewer funziona con wine\n<napster32> però se faccio partire teamviewer e poi con alltray lo riduco allora funziona\n<MatteoR> napster32: Non è un software linux nativo\n<napster32> ma l'ho scaricato dal sito teamviewer\n<napster32> è mi dice che c'è la versione linux\n<MatteoR> napster32: Sì, ma funziona con wine\n<napster32> e quindi?\n<napster32> non si può ridurre se sotto wine?\n<MatteoR> napster32: propongo questo: alltray wine \"path/di/teamviewer.exe\"\n<napster32> \"alltray wine /usr/bin/teamviewer\n<napster32> AllTray: Esecuzione del processo figlio \"wine\" non riuscita (File o directory non esistente)\"\n<napster32> wtf?\n<MatteoR> napster32: Uhm...\n<MatteoR> napster32: Aspetta\n<shadenzo> MatteoR,   avevo installato  console-tools  : pessima idea\n<napster32> è da una settimana ke ci provo, ho anke formattato pensando ad un problema di installazione\n<MatteoR> shadenzo: Da quel momento non funziona?\n<MatteoR> shadenzo: Si può riparare\n<MatteoR> shadenzo: Quello di cui hai bisogno è una live di ubuntu\n<MatteoR> shadenzo: avvii in modalità live ubuntu\n<napster32> MatteoR: grazie per l'aiuto comunque, se ci riesci ti farò un monumento ^^\n<shadenzo> MatteoR,  ma hai letto sopra ? non partiva piu  : ho gia  reinstallato con un dvd remastersys ma non funziona bene quest'installazione\n<MatteoR> shadenzo: devi avviare ubuntu da cd = ubuntu live\n<MatteoR> shadenzo: Non da hdd\n<shadenzo> MatteoR,  e poi ?\n<shadenzo> si e poi ?\n<MatteoR> shadenzo: monti la tua partizione di linux\n<elpacio778> salve\n<shadenzo> continua\n<elpacio778> buongiorno\n<elpacio778> ciao\n<MatteoR> shadenzo: poi da termianle \"chroot path della root di linux su hdd (sarà /media/e qualcosa)\n<MatteoR> chroot/media/nome della cartella\n<shadenzo> si ti seguo MatteoR\n<shadenzo> continua\n<MatteoR> shadenzo: Scusa metti sudo prima\n<shadenzo> ok ok\n<MatteoR> shadenzo: poi sudo apt-get remove console-tools\n<MatteoR> shadenzo: exit\n<MatteoR> shadenzo: riavvia\n<shadenzo> MatteoR,   quel pacchetto non c'è piu : ho gia reinstallato\n<napster32> MatteoR: poi ci sono io ^^\n<shadenzo> è la nuova installazione che mio da dei problemi capito ?\n<MatteoR> shadenzo: Ah scusa, ma pensavo che ce l'avevi ancora\n<shadenzo> no no\n<elpacio778> salve chi mi da alcune delucidazioni su alcuni problemi riscontrati con ubuntu\n<shadenzo> ho una installazione fatta da remastersys che si pianta e ha varie stranezze\n<shadenzo> quindi devo reinstallare\n<MatteoR> napster32: riesci a scoprire come fa a lanciare teamviewer il lanciatore da menù?\n<napster32> con il -d intendi?\n<MatteoR> shadenzo: Il dvd è difettoso\n<napster32> MatteoR: anzi no, trovato\n<shadenzo> puo essere  in questi casi non è facile scoprire la causa\n<napster32> MatteoR: /opt/teamviewer/teamviewer/6/bin/teamviewer\n<shadenzo> con win va tutto quindi non è il pc\n<MatteoR> napster32: alltray /opt/teamviewer/teamviewer/6/bin/teamviewer\n<shadenzo> MatteoR,    devo solo sapere come  fare un backup delle chiavi dei repo per portarle sul nuovo sistema\n<MatteoR> shadenzo: Quando si pianta così senza motivo e quasi sicuramente il cd difettoso\n<napster32> MatteoR: niente lo apre, ma non lo riduce ad icona\n<shadenzo> ok MatteoR\n<MatteoR> ho dimenticato un accento per strada... ops\n<elpacio778> scusate il disturbo ma qualcuno potrebbe esser cosi gentile da rispondere devo installare ubuntu, in realtà in passato ho fatto qualche installazione ma ho avuto qualche problema nell usarlo\n<napster32> MatteoR: però come ti ho detto prima, se faccio partire teamviewer e poi con alltray lo riduco, funziona, xkè dannatamente su console no?\n<MatteoR> napster32: alltray \"teamviewer\" &\n<napster32> MatteoR: idem lo apre e basta\n<napster32> MatteoR: ti posto il debug che fa alltray in PM?\n<MatteoR> napster32: posta\n<MatteoR> napster32: adesso sono sicuro che ti verrà il nervoso. A me funziona\n<napster32> versione?\n<napster32> di ubuntu intendo\n<MatteoR> napster32: 11.04\n<MatteoR> napster32: mi funziona sia con ubuntu (che avevo provato tempo fa) sia con kubuntu\n<napster32> io uso ubuntu 11.04 il natty diciamo\n<napster32> che diavolo è allora?\n<MatteoR> napster32: Inoltre se cerco nei forum, quello è il comando da dare... non capisco\n<napster32> MatteoR: guarda pm\n<MatteoR> napster32: Scusami, ma adesso devo andare via (a lavorare)\n<napster32> MatteoR: spe\n<napster32> MatteoR: hai skype?\n<MatteoR> napster32: no.\n<napster32> MatteoR: qualcosa per rintracciarti?\n<MatteoR> napster32: cmq adesso devo proprio andare via. mi dispiace\n<elpacio778> chi mi da una mano\n<d4vey> elpacio778, quale è il problema?\n<elpacio778> avrei un paio di domande in quanto devo reinstallare ubuntu visto che in passato o avuto qualche problemuccio, in primo luogo vorrei sapere se mi conviene installare una 11 .04 o la 10.04 che alungo termine\n<d4vey> elpacio778, dipende anche un po' da te... e dal pc. E' particolarmente nuovo il pc?\n<elpacio778> e un dell inspiron 1300\n<silvano> salve a tutti\n<silvano> stò avendo dei problemi sul mio pc\n<silvano> qualcuno può  aiutarmi per piacere?\n<silvano> o nn si può chiedere qui?\n<silvano> !help\n<ubot-it> http://help.ubuntu-it.org\n<bobbybong> !nessuno\n<ubot-it> se nessuno parla in canale non significa che non ci siano utenti attivi. Fate la vostra domanda  tecnica e se qualcuno vorrà rispondervi lo farà\n<silvano> allora mi preparo\n<silvano> xD\n<silvano> grazie\n<silvano> ho appena acquistato un cpu già con linux preinstallato ( opensuse ) ho deciso di passarlo a ubuntu 11.04 solo che finita l'installazione con successo al riavvio si presenta uno schermo nero e nn parte più. se qualcuno può aiutarmi gliene sarò grato\n<bobbybong> la live funzionava?\n<silvano> si\n<silvano> ho controllato l'md5\n<bobbybong> grub si è installato?\n<silvano> gli ho fatto fare pure l'aggiornamento\n<bobbybong> silvano, all'avvio c'è grub?\n<silvano> nn sono molto pratico\n<silvano> che è?\n<silvano> :-(\n<bobbybong> !grub\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/ | Per ripristinare Grub: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/Ripristino\n<silvano> stò arrangiando da un sistema operativo che parte dalla chiavetta\n<bobbybong> ok\n<silvano> grazie\n<silvano> bobby\n<silvano> mo controllo\n<silvano> ti faccio sapere\n<bobbybong> ok\n<bobbybong> leggi le wiki\n<silvano> ok\n<bobbybong> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/Ripristino\n<bobbybong> segui questa guida\n<silvano> asp un sec\n<silvano> che nn stò capendo quasi niente\n<silvano> :-d\n<silvano> :-D\n<bobbybong> sforza le meningi :)\n<silvano> stò facendo\n<bobbybong> apri una consolle e scrivi sudo fdisk - l\n<bobbybong> e metti nel paste\n<bobbybong> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<silvano> ma adesso nn ho avviato ubuntu\n<silvano> dal sistema\n<silvano> stò con la chiavetta\n<bobbybong> devi fare da live non sei con una chiavetta?\n<bobbybong> sopra cosa ci gira?\n<silvano> backbox\n<silvano> solo che nn so fare niente\n<bobbybong> sempre linux\n<silvano> quindi lo faccio\n<bobbybong> apri una consolle e scrivi sudo fdisk - l\n<bobbybong> apri una consolle e scrivi sudo fdisk -ll\n<silvano> ci stò\n<bobbybong> tutto quello devi farew è scritto nel wiki\n<silvano> è uscito dev\\sda1 ..2...3\n<bobbybong> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<silvano> http://paste.ubuntu.com/614555/\n<bobbybong> silvano devi copiare pari pari i comandi della pagina http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/Ripristino\n<bobbybong> la configurazione del pc dell'esempio è uguale al tuo\n<silvano> ok\n<silvano> grazie mo provo\n<bobbybong> sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt\n<silvano> ti faccio sapere\n<silvano> lo devo ripristinare\n<silvano> come stà scritto là\n<silvano> uguale\n<bobbybong> te li scrivo in sequenza\n<bobbybong> sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt\n<bobbybong> sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev\n<bobbybong> sudo mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc\n<bobbybong> sudo mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys\n<bobbybong> sudo chroot /mnt\n<bobbybong> grub-install /dev/sda\n<bobbybong> update-grub2\n<bobbybong> exit\n<silvano> grazie assai\n<bobbybong> cd ~\n<bobbybong> sudo umount /mnt/dev\n<bobbybong> sudo umount /mnt/proc\n<bobbybong> sudo umount /mnt/sys\n<bobbybong> sudo umount /mnt/\n<bobbybong> poi riavvii\n<silvano> ok poi però lo faccio avviare dal disco\n<bobbybong> dall hardik dall'installazione\n<bobbybong> di ubuntu\n<silvano> ok\n<silvano> bobby\n<silvano> qunado scrivo gli umount\n<silvano> mi dice not mounted\n<silvano> mi dice you are not root\n<DarkSun> devi essere root, è normale\n<DarkSun> quindi: o ti identifichi come root oppure usi sudo\n<silvano> :-D\n<silvano> io so rocco\n<silvano> xD\n<silvano> scusami\n<DarkSun> ma era una battuta?\n<silvano> si\n<silvano> bruttina\n<DarkSun> squallida! ma fa niente\n<silvano> come faccio adesso?\n<DarkSun> a fare cosa? se il problema è che non sei root ma rocco, devi usare sudo\n<bobbybong> silvano, lo hai installato grub?\n<silvano> ti copio\n<silvano> la cosa intera come a prima?\n<silvano> co paste\n<silvano> ?\n<bobbybong> ok\n<silvano> fatto\n<bobbybong> e il link?\n<silvano> http://paste.ubuntu.com/614562/\n<silvano> scus\n<bobbybong> silvano prova a riavviare se non funziona usa la live di ubuntu e riprova questa procedura\n<silvano> mo me li scrivo i comandi\n<silvano> in sequenza\n<silvano> grazie assai\n<silvano> assia\n<silvano> assai\n<bobbybong> ciao in bocca al lupo\n<silvano> crepi\n<silvano> xD\n<silvano> salve\n<silvano> bobby\n<silvano> niente\n<silvano> :-(\n<silvano> fatto tutto\n<silvano> ma nn si avvia\n<silvano> :-(\n<bobbybong> prova a rifarlo con una live di ubuntu\n<silvano> che da là l'ho fatta\n<silvano> :-(\n<silvano> dal dvd\n<bobbybong> avevi appena installato no? reinstalla\n<silvano> da capo?\n<silvano> e poi ripeto?\n<silvano> la procedura\n<silvano> subito?\n<bobbybong> no\n<silvano> installo\n<silvano> poi?\n<bobbybong> normalmente dopo installato ubuntu parte questa procedura e per ripristinare il boot\n<bobbybong> si vede che a te non è finita bene l'installazione\n<silvano> a me quando lo installo si riavvia\n<silvano> però parte una volta sola\n<silvano> dici che la scarico da capo?\n<silvano> da un altro cpu direttamente\n<silvano> controllo md5sum\n<silvano> e reinstallo\n<bobbybong> si\n<silvano> ok\n<silvano> mo provo\n<silvano> tantto\n<silvano> :-D\n<FloodBotIt1> silvano: Non intasare il canale, usa http://paste.ubuntu.com per incollare, non usare Invio come punteggiatura.\n<MatteoR> silvano:  Che problema hai?\n<silvano> mo te lo scrivo\n<silvano> allora io ho comprato un cpu con già linux installato (opensuse) solo che ho cambiato a ubuntu 11.04 dopo aver installato con successo al riavvio il cpu nn parte presentandomi eternamente uno schermo nero\n<DarkSun> cpu?\n<silvano> portatile\n<silvano> un hp\n<DarkSun> e cosa c'entra \"cpu\"?\n<DarkSun> che acronimo è, in questo caso?\n<silvano> notebook\n<silvano> serio\n<silvano> :-D\n<DarkSun> va be', ci rinuncio\n<MatteoR> silvano: Scheda video?\n<MatteoR> silvano: Hai provato una live? Funzionava?\n<silvano> vga shared\n<MatteoR> silvano: No marca e modello\n<silvano> la live funziona ho controllato l'md5sum\n<MatteoR> silvano: mi dici la marce il modello della scheda video?\n<silvano> asp che vedo\n<silvano> un sec\n<MatteoR> *marca\n<silvano> hp\n<silvano> ti scrivo la sigla completa\n<silvano> ?\n<MatteoR> silvano: non è hp, deve essere o ati o nvidia o intel\n<silvano> intel\n<silvano> pentium\n<silvano> inside\n<MatteoR> Quella è la cpu\n<MatteoR> sto parlando di scheda video\n<MatteoR> su tutti i pc c'è una scheda video\n<silvano> ci sarà scritto da qualche parte?\n<silvano> scusatemi l'ignoranza\n<MatteoR> silvano: sei su quel pc adesso?\n<silvano> dsi\n<silvano> si\n<silvano> però\n<picoz> Scusate ma dal modello di notebook si ricava la scheda video\n<silvano> stò su un sistema operativo che parte dalla chiavetta usb\n<MatteoR> silvano: và bene. dici il nome completo del tuo pc\n<silvano> hp nb 620 intel dual core t4500 15,6 2gb\n<Synaptic> Salve, avrei una domanda da porvi.. ho un pc con 2 hard disk.. su uno (dove attualmente sono) ho ubuntu KDE... sull'altro vorrei metterci win.. sò per certo che mettendo windows dopo aver già installto ubuntu mi farà sparire il grub.. in seguito dovrò ripristinare l'mbr dal disco di avvio.. ma poi come farò in modo di far riapparire il grub all'avvio?\n<picoz> dovrebbe essere Produttore Intel  Modello GMA 4500MHD\n<MatteoR> silvano: Intel fornisce già i driver su linux, quindi potrebbe essere un cd difettoso\n<MatteoR> silvano: HAi fatto MD5SUM su quel cd?\n<silvano> sisi\n<silvano> corrispondeva tutto\n<silvano> cmq\n<silvano> mo lo riscarico\n<silvano> da un altro computer\n<silvano> e lo ricontrollo\n<silvano> faccio un altro dvd\n<silvano> e riprovo\n<MatteoR> silvano: Uhm... mi dici cosa vedi passo per passo sul tuo pc durante il boot?\n<silvano> allora compare il puntino che lampeggia in alto a sinistra\n<silvano> poi lampeggia\n<silvano> e diventa scuro\n<silvano> e ciao\n<silvano> xD\n<enzotib> Synaptic: non dovrai ripristinare l'MBR, dovrai ripristinare grub\n<Synaptic> enzotib, e grub non va ripristinato dopo aver resettato l'mbr?\n<MatteoR> silvano: ok prova questo. Avvialo im modalità ripristino. Riavvia il pc tieni premuto shift durante il boot e seleziona il kernel in modalità ripristino. segnati tutte le scritte che compaiono. Poi ci fai sapere\n<silvano> ok\n<silvano> mo provo\n<LXCC-Vincenzo> Ciao, domanda veloce, se in synaptic attivo una voce degli aggiornamenti (es. aggiornamenti proposti) e installo gli aggiornamenti, posso poi ritornare alla situazione iniziale in un secondo tempo?\n<Ab3L> ho lanciato un \"rm -R *\"  in una cartella da ripulire. come posso vedere quello che sta ripulendo? è possibile?\n<LXCC-Vincenzo> Ab3L: apri nautilus\n<silvano> salve\n<MatteoR> silvano: fatto?\n<silvano> sisi\n<Ab3L> LXCC-Vincenzo: grazie. ho provato ma è un casino. allora penso che killo rm e lo rilancio con -v.\n<silvano> allora\n<silvano> [ 11.416730] phy0 (freccia) rt2800pci_mcu_status: error -mcu request failed no response from hardware\n<enzotib> Synaptic: appunto, ripristinare grub in genere non ha lo stesso significato di ripristinare l'MBR, tu dicevi di doverli fare entrambi\n<enzotib> LXCC-Vincenzo: gli aggiornamenti proposti non sono consigliabili\n<attempt> Synaptic hai letto in chat?\n<attempt> no non torni indietro.\n<silvano> che ne pensi matteo?\n<LXCC-Vincenzo> enzotib:  si infatti, quindi per provarli l'unico metodo e' fare una installazione di prova su un'altra partiz.? O  c'e' un metodo per congelare la situazione attuale per permettermi di fare le prove?\n<LXCC-Vincenzo> Ab3L:  rm e' veloce , se mi dici che e' un casino, probabilmente c'e' un problema\n<MatteoR> silvano: penso che dovresti reinstallare il sistema, visto che la live funzionava\n<MatteoR> silvano: Probabilmente l'installazione è andata male.\n<MatteoR> silvano: Fai una installazione pulita\n<silvano> l'ho fatta tre volte\n<MatteoR> !installazione | silvano\n<ubot-it> silvano: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione | Per installazione grafica http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download\n<enzotib> LXCC-Vincenzo: non è vero che non si può tornare indietro, se ti segni esattamente la versione attuale e la versione nuova dei paccehtti che installi, puoi sempre fare il downgrade\n<silvano> ok\n<silvano> mo riprovo\n<silvano> la scarico da capo\n<silvano> faccio un altro dvd per sicurezza\n<MatteoR> silvano: Non so cosa dirti\n<MatteoR> silvano: Ma si era fermato a quel messaggio di errore?\n<LXCC-Vincenzo> enzotib: cioe' devo segnarmi ciascun pacchetto che installa come aggiornamento?\n<silvano> sisi\n<enzotib> LXCC-Vincenzo: queste informazioni le puoi anche ricavare a posteriori dai log, ma è un po' più compila\n<enzotib> complicato*\n<attempt> salvati il log del terminale. c'e' scritto ogni pacchetto che versione e'. sia quello che viene sostituito sia quello nuovo.\n<MatteoR> silvano: Proviamo un'altra cosa\n<silvano> dimmi tutto\n<silvano> tanto\n<MatteoR> silvano: Aspetta che non mi ricordo i percorsi. un'attimo\n<silvano> sisi\n<silvano> fai\n<silvano> fai\n<FloodBotIt1> silvano: Non intasare il canale, usa http://paste.ubuntu.com per incollare, non usare Invio come punteggiatura.\n<enzotib> !enter | silvano\n<ubot-it> silvano: non spezzettare una frase su piu' righe. Non utilizzare il ritorno a capo come punteggiatura.\n<MatteoR> silvano: Allora se su linux adesso su quel pc?\n<MatteoR> *sei\n<silvano> s\n<MatteoR> silvano: Ok. Sei con una live?\n<silvano> stò con un sistema sulla chiavetta\n<silvano> backbox\n<MatteoR> silvano: Ok. Una premessa: quando ti dico posta, metti tutto sul link che ti scrive ubot-it adesso e segui le sue istruzioni\n<MatteoR> !paste | silvano\n<ubot-it> silvano: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<silvano> che devo fare?\n<MatteoR> silvano: Allora da un terminale digita \"mount\" e posta\n<silvano> http://paste.ubuntu.com/614586/\n<MatteoR> silvano: Uhm... non è montata la partizione di ubuntu\n<MatteoR> silvano: riesci a montarla e ripostare mount?\n<silvano> che scrivo nel terminale?\n<MatteoR> silvano: prova mount /dev/sda1\n<MatteoR> e postami mount\n<silvano> http://paste.ubuntu.com/614587/\n<MatteoR> silvano: questo allora \"mount -t ext4 /dev/sda1 /mnt\" (senza virgolette)\n<silvano> http://paste.ubuntu.com/614591/\n<MatteoR> silvano: scusa. questo scrivi: \"sudo -t ext4 /dev/sda1 /mnt\" (senza virgolette)\n<MatteoR> silvano: correggo: \"sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sda1 /mnt\" (senza virgolette)\n<MatteoR> silvano: E' da tanto che non uso la console alla vecchia maniera\n<silvano> http://paste.ubuntu.com/614592/\n<silvano> figurati\n<silvano> xD\n<MatteoR> silvano: Ok. è montata. Riesci a capire se stai usando gnome o kde?\n<MatteoR> silvano: o lxde o che altro\n<silvano> nn so\n<enzotib> MatteoR: ls /home/silvano/.kde, per esempio\n<silvano> come faccio a saperlo?\n<enzotib> o meglio /mnt/home/silvano/.kde\n<MatteoR> silvano vabbè dai questo: sudo chroot /mnt\n<silvano> se scrivo qualche comando esce?\n<MatteoR> silvano: prova a vedere se hai gedit, kate, o che altro\n<MatteoR> un editor di testo mi serve\n<silvano> http://paste.ubuntu.com/614594/\n<MatteoR> silvano: Ok\n<silvano> xfce\n<MatteoR> silvano: se scrivi gedit salta fuori qualcosa?\n<silvano> si\n<MatteoR> silvano: Un editor\n<silvano> pure un documento senza titolo\n<MatteoR> silvano: ok chiudilo\n<MatteoR> silvano: volevo vedere se funziona\n<silvano> fatto\n<peter__> salute a tutti ho un problema con il wireless di un portatile qualcuno può darmi una mano?\n<MatteoR> silvano: sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf\n<enzotib> peter__: spiega\n<peter__> veramente il problema è nell'installazione di madwifi :(\n<nanomad> peter__, ti hanno già risposto in #ubuntu mi sembra :)\n<nanomad> ma sentiamo pure\n<MatteoR> silvano: Compare un documento. Vai alla fine di questo documento (crea una nuova riga)\n<silvano> con invio creo una riga?\n<silvano> ok\n<MatteoR> silvano e scrivi (senza le virgolette) \"blacklist rt2800pci\" salva e riavvia.\n<enzotib> silvano: per curiosità, questi comandi li stai facendo dal terminale dove hai fatto chroot?\n<silvano> si\n<enzotib> strano, mi aspetterei che DISPLAY non è settata\n<MatteoR> enzotib: funziona lo stesso. Avevo provato questa operazione\n<silvano> allora riavvio\n<silvano> grazie tante\n<silvano> ti faccio saprere\n<enzotib> MatteoR: niente da dire, mi chiedo come mai, ma qualche volta proverò\n<MatteoR> enzotib: Anch'io me l'aspettavo sinceramente un errore del genere, ma mi sono accorto che funziona lo stesso\n<MatteoR> enzotib: avevo il live di ubuntu su kubuntu e potevo utilizzare kate\n<MatteoR> enzotib: con chroot\n<enzotib> MatteoR: sì, ho provato e va, evidentemente chroot eredita le variabili d'ambiente, anche se a mio parere non dovrebbe\n<MatteoR> enzotib: lo so è strano\n<Synaptic> ciao\n<Synaptic> !mbr\n<ubot-it> Per  ripristinare MBR: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/RipristinoMbrWindows\n<Synaptic> ho un problemone\n<Synaptic> attualmente sono dalla live cd\n<Synaptic> ho installato win.. dopo aver installato ubuntu... e ora sto cercando di ripristinare l'mbr\n<Synaptic> root@ubuntu:~# sudo ms-sys -w /dev/sda1\n<Synaptic> Unable to automaticly select boot record for /dev/sda1\n<Synaptic> /dev/sda1 has an x86 boot sector,\n<Synaptic> it is an unknown boot record\n<FloodBotIt1> Synaptic: Non intasare il canale, usa http://paste.ubuntu.com per incollare, non usare Invio come punteggiatura.\n<enzotib>  Synaptic è proprio quello che ti avevo detto\n<Synaptic> eh ho capito\n<Synaptic> ma ho fatto come avevi detto tu\n<enzotib> Synaptic: *non* devi ripristinare l'MBR, devi ripristinare grub\n<Synaptic> ma dal bios non mi trova l'hd con ubuntu\n<enzotib> !grub\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/ | Per ripristinare Grub: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/Ripristino\n<Synaptic> sono dovuto entrare in live cd\n<enzotib> Synaptic: eh, infatti il ripristino di grub dopo l'installazione di win si *deve* fare da live\n<Synaptic> sto seguendo la guida\n<enzotib> Synaptic: quale?\n<Synaptic> fatto\n<Synaptic> ho risolto\n<Synaptic> installato e updatato grub secondo la guida di ripristino grub che mi hai linkato\n<Synaptic> ha finito senza errori\n<enzotib> prima di cantare vittoria, riavvia e prova\n<Synaptic> si ora provo\n<D1G1U> ciao a tutti\n<Synaptic> enzotib, l'ho riattaccato a caldo, sennò non potevo entrare sulla kubuntu\n<enzotib> Synaptic: hai due dischi, giusto?\n<Synaptic> si... sdb con linux e sda con win\n<enzotib> Synaptic: sudo fdisk -l, su pastebin\n<Synaptic> vedo solo quello di linux con quel comando.. perchè l'hard disk di win è smontato.. l'ho riattaccato a caldo siccome\n<Synaptic> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<Synaptic> http://paste.ubuntu.com/614618/\n<Synaptic> ora non capisco perche l'hd di linux me lo da come SDA... mentre quando ero da livecd lo vedeva come sdb\n<enzotib> Synaptic: i nomi non sono indicativi, solo gli UUID non cambiano (quasi) mai\n<Synaptic> ok\n<enzotib> Synaptic: la cosa più semplice che puoi fare è impostare il disco con kubuntu come disco di boot nel bios, e probabilmente funziona senza fare altro\n<Synaptic> l'ho impostato... ma avvia quello di windows ugualmente\n<Synaptic> non mi dà 2 scelte\n<Synaptic> quando sono attaccati entrambi dal bios nelle priorità visualizzo solo quello con win\n<enzotib> Synaptic: ok, allora parti da livecd\n<MatteoR> ciao D1G1U\n<Synaptic> partendo da livecd poi che devo fare?\n<enzotib> Synaptic: vieni qui e vediamo\n<Synaptic> di solito ripristinando l'mbr e reinstallando grub una volta risolvevo...\n<Synaptic> cmq arrivo da live\n<Mauro> test\n<luigi> vorrei installare il repository universe. chi mi spiega per favore?\n<enzotib> luigi: è già abilitato di default, che io sappia\n<shouldes> luigi: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Repository/SourcesList\n<luigi> shouldes, io sono qui http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmbienteGrafico/MenuApplicazioniInstallate per debian. ma nn riesco a vedere la voce menu\n<luigi> ho installato il file di visualizzazione di debian. e li vedo tutti i pacchetti..\n<luigi> shouldes, e in gestori pacchetti ubuntu ho 1 di ubuntu 2 di canonical 3 da acquistare\n<shouldes> luigi: non riesco a capire le domande\n<luigi> scusa ma io nn riesco a capire esempi di buon file nella pag. che mi hai linkato cosa devo  FARE?\n<shouldes> luigi: eliminando tutto il contenuto del tuo sources.list, e mettendo al suo posto le righe consigliate dal wiki, hai un buon sources.list con tutte le componenti attive\n<shouldes> luigi: quando hai modificato, salvato, chiuso, dai un sudo apt-get update\n<luigi> e shouldes  mi va bene per debian.? io nn so cosa troverò . spero di avere una \"scatola\" con tutte le applicazioni. dalle cose che ho letto sembra che debian vada bene\n<shouldes> luigi: i repository di ubuntu non vanno assolutamente bene per Debian, per quello ci sono i wiki di Debian e il supporto Debian\n<luigi> shouldes,  provo a fare , se ho capito, quello che mi dici intanto grazie...\n<luigi> shouldes,  scusa quindi in \"file di visualizzazione di pacchetti debian nn ho TUTTI I pacchetti\n<luigi> shouldes,  ho fatto come mi hai detto e sta macinando\n<shouldes> luigi: se hai messo i repository di Ubuntu su Debian, puoi solo far casini\n<shouldes> luigi: Debian non ha repository che si chiamano universe\n<luigi> shouldes,  no nn ho fatto partire nulla da debian  sono rimsto impressionato da questo \"La notizia eccellente è che è possibile installare questo menù Debian in Ubuntu ed usarlo! \"\n<luigi> shouldes,  preso da qui.http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmbienteGrafico/MenuApplicazioniInstallate\n<shouldes> luigi, se stai usando ubuntu, hai fatto il passaggio precedente nel sources.list, ora devi solo dare questo comando\n<shouldes> sudo apt-get install menu\n<shouldes> e ha fatto ciò che la guida chiede (non serve a nulla, se non hai applicazioni che partono con su-to-root, ora come ora)\n<shouldes> *e hai fatto\n<luigi> shouldes, ho dato il comando che mi hai suggerito ma ..E: Impossibile impostare il blocco /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Risorsa temporaneamente non disponibile)\n<shouldes> luigi: chiudi synaptic oppure installa menu da synaptic\n<shouldes> luigi: synaptic è il gestore pacchetti\n<luigi> shouldes, grazie ha fatto. almeno so che devo chiudere..\n<shouldes> luigi: la traduzione italiana di ubuntu è una schifezza, per questo bisogna specificare cosa sono le cose\n<luigi> shouldes, ho capito che  lascio da parte debian per ora.... se posso..le icone unity che da tutorial devono sganciarsi e poter essere riposizionate nn si schiodano\n<shouldes> luigi: non uso ubuntu 11.04, quindi per unity non saprei, per quanto riguarda, l'altra domanda, basta che dai sudo update-menus e hai fatto tutto quello che chiede il wiki, ti manca solo questo passaggio\n<shouldes> luigi: anche se non ho capito che devi fare con quella guida inutile\n<luigi> shouldes, capire.. ma sono TROOOPPO  indietro e sono ormai anche vecchio pero.....\n<luigi> shouldes, ah se hai un consiglio per uno di buona volontà linkami la guida mihliore per imbranati volenterosi che sanno 3 parole d'inglese e spesso le confondono\n<mrpc> ciao, vorrei far funzionare la cam del portatile, questa ID 046d:0896 Logitech, Inc. OrbiCam\n<shouldes> luigi: una guida, ma per far cosa? per unity?\n<steph7> mrpc, dovrebbe essere supportata da gspca\n<mrpc> steph7, infatti, ho provato a scaricare e compilare i drive ma già al make mi da degli errori\n<steph7> tipo?\n<mrpc> riguardo asp\n<mrpc> steph7, tipo questo http://paste.ubuntu.com/614648/\n<shouldes> mrpc: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/732243\n<ubot-it> Launchpad bug 732243 in linux \"Acer Logitech, Inc. Orbicam fails to start working.\" [Undecided,Confirmed]\n<elpacio78> salve\n<steph7> appunto...\n<mrpc> steph7, ah, quindi non si può fare?\n<elpacio78> chiedo gentilmente una aiuto per rimuovere plymouth da 10.04 cosi da vedere nel boot i messaggi di avvio tetuali\n<shouldes> elpacio78: sudo nano /etc/default/grub\n<elpacio78> e velocizzare il boot possibilmente\n<steph7> mrpc, che ubuntu hai? che kernel?\n<shouldes> elpacio78: togli la parola splash, salva e chiudi\n<shouldes> elpacio78: sudo update-grub\n<shouldes> elpacio78: finito\n<mrpc> steph7, 2.6.38-8-generic natty\n<elpacio78> ok provo\n<elpacio78> scusa come faccio a salvare il grub\n<elpacio78> me lo aperto nel teminale\n<shouldes> elpacio78: c'è scritto sotto, ctrl+o\n<mrpc> elpacio78, devi aprirlo con privilegi di root per modificarlo\n<elpacio78> ok scusa\n<shouldes> mrpc: gli ho postato il comando con sudo, quindi ok\n<mrpc> shouldes, si si scusa mi era sfuggito\n<elpacio78> ok fatto provo a ravviare e faccio sapere\n<elpacio78> grazie\n<shouldes> elpacio78: non velocizzi nulla :9\n<luigi> ciao grazie a dopo ...è una minaccia\n<elpacio78> dici no perche io all'avvio o un cursore nero lampeggiante per piu di 10 secondi\n<elpacio78> mentre provai ad installare la 7.04 e non c'era nessun curosre nero\n<elpacio78> solo che la 7.04 non e piu supportata\n<steph7> mrpc, prova con camorama, ma se c'è un bug come ti ha detto shouldes, devono risolvere...\n<mrpc> steph7, ci avevo già provato purtroppo\n<elpacio78> come tolgo il cursore nero lampeggiante mentre quando avvio da usb con chiavetta il cursore non c'e\n<elpacio78> quindi credo sia un bug\n<steph7> mrpc, pare essere un bug comune a più distro, redhat, opensuse, ecc...\n<monica_> ciao a tutti\n<elpacio78> graziie perfetto ora ho i servizi all avvio\n<elpacio78> il testo dei servizi\n<elpacio78> per e vero non si velocizza nulla\n<elpacio78> quindi per velocizzare l'avvio cosa posso fare\n<mrpc> steph7, che bello, speriamo bene allora\n<monica_> ho una cartella sulla scrivania devo eseguire il comando riguardo linstallazione dal pacchetto scaricato in questa pagina http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/FuocoTools ,,,una volta eseguito mi esce file o directory non esistente...come faccio?\n<madadam1> ragazzi in seguito all'installazione di windows su una partizione separata sto cercando di ripristinare grub seguendo questa guida http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/Ripristino, ma quando digito \"grub-install /dev/sda\" ho il seguente errore \"/usr/sbin/grub-probe: errore: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?)\"\n<enzotib> monica_: quella è una cosa di Peace-, che ora non c'è, chiedi a lui quando entra. Ma secondo me è una cosa vecchia\n<monica_> in che senso vecchia che fuoco tools e un casino da installare ora???\n<shouldes> elpacio78: è lento? perché per velocizzare puoi solamente togliere servizi utili, tipo il server di stampa, ma velocizzi quasi nulla, togliendo un sacco di roba che può tornare utile\n<elpacio78> ok grazie\n<elpacio78> provo qalche guida per togliere servizi\n<enzotib> monica_: non hai letto l'avviso a inizio pagina?\n<monica_> capito...perke mi serviva un convertitore dpg e non so da dove toglierlo fuori......\n<mrpc> ok ciao per ora e grazie comunque\n<cisco> salve a tutti\n<monica_> enzotib....scusami una cosa come il percoso di una cartella presente in scrivania???scusami anche se e una domanda stupida\n<cisco> ho un problema ad attivare gli effetti grafici avanzati di ubuntu 11.04\n<enzotib> monica_: ~/Scrivania/nomefile\n<cisco> nella versione precedente bastava andare sotto aspetto e lì trovavo le opzioni invece ora nada -.-\n<enzotib> cisco: devi installare compizconfig-settings-manager, e da lì puoi impostare quello che vuoi\n<cisco> enzotib: hai presente quello che intendo ? mentre sposti una finestra si vede l'effetto grafico carino :)\n<enzotib> cisco: qualcunque cosa tu voglia modificare di compiz, devi installare quel pacchetto\n<cisco> e lo trovo in qualche repository?\n<enzotib> cisco: in Software Center, oppure in Synaptic (Gestore Pacchetti) oppure da terminale con apt-get\n<cisco> ok tnx ;)\n<cisco> domanda stupida, ho scaricato compiz, ma da dove lo lancio?\n<enzotib> cisco: dal menu di sistema, in alto a destra, segli impostazioni di sistema, poi trovi compiz\n<DarkSun> controlla prima se hai il 3d abilitato, altrimenti è inutile e perdi ulteriore tempo\n<cisco> mmm sotto sistema ho : preferenze, amministrazione\n<cisco> con il 10.04 andava da Dio...\n<enzotib> cisco: che versione di ubuntu hai?\n<cisco> 11.04\n<enzotib> cisco: e hai unity?\n<cisco> ehm cosa sarebbe?\n<DarkSun> LOL\n<cisco> lol mica tanto\n<enzotib> cisco: hai la barra a scomparsa sulla sinistra?\n<cisco> sono alle prime armi :)\n<cisco> no, ho avviato ubuntu classico da login\n<enzotib> cisco: ALt-F2 e scrivi gnome-control-center\n<cisco> fatto\n<enzotib> cisco: e ora cerca compiz tra le varie icone\n<cisco> si ho selezionato\n<enzotib> e ora film, a poi\n<cisco> ok ora in teoria dovrebbe attivare gli effetti?\n<biedo> itelia\n<biedo> io sono italiano\n<biedo> scusa\n<biedo> mi puoi aiutare\n<andrea_> !chat\n<ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<toto23> buonasera\n<toto23> ci sono operatori?\n<toto23> sera jester\n<toto23> ho installato da capo xubuntu ma il problema resta va in crash firefox\n<toto23> e non solo qualsiasi browser che uso\n<toto23> qualcuno puo' aiutarmi?\n<DarkSun> lancialo da terminale e dicci cosa dice\n<toto23> dark ti posto\n<toto23> http://paste.ubuntu.com/614685/\n<DarkSun> non dice granché\n<toto23> dark potrebbe essere l'adattatore wifi?\n<toto23> e' un po' vecchiotto\n<DarkSun> non credo. crasha per un bug interno al software o roba simile\n<DarkSun> non c'entra niente l'adattatore wifi\n<toto23> ho reinstallato tutto da capo il problema lo tenevo gia' prima\n<toto23> il bello che non lo fa sempre\n<MatteoR> toto23: Avvia firefox da terminale e posta l'errore che compare dopo il crash\n<DarkSun> be', è strano. ma con qualsiasi browser?\n<toto23> si addirittura il crome a volte non si apre nemmeno\n<toto23> matteo come faccio ad aviiare da terminale?\n<DarkSun> scrivendo firefox\n<MatteoR> toto23: Da terminale digita \"firefox\" senza virgolette\n<toto23> adesso l'ha aperto tranquillamente\n<toto23> ripeto non lo fa sempre\n<MatteoR> toto23: Se lo avvii con il lanciatore dà problemi?\n<toto23> matteo se vado in questa pagina me lo fa aspet\n<toto23> http://www.cariparma.it/jsp/it/dovesiamo/index.jsp\n<toto23> quando clicco ricerca citta\n<shadenzo> ciao\n<toto23> matteo non ci capisco nulla cmq da terminale si apre\n<shadenzo> ho reinstalato 10.04  sul portatile ma non mi  carica il driver nvidia (geforce 8400gs )    prima mi funzionava ...\n<MatteoR> toto23: Uhm... a me funziona\n<shadenzo> l'altra volta avevo fatto tutto con l'installatore automatico senza problemi\n<shadenzo> sul web non trovo granchè\n<MatteoR> shadenzo: Hai provato a vedere con \"driver aggiuntivi\"?\n<toto23> matteo ok ti posto l'errore\n<MatteoR> toto23: E' crashato?\n<toto23> http://paste.ubuntu.com/614688/\n<toto23> si si\n<shadenzo> \"Driver Hardware\"  MatteoR ?\n<MatteoR> shadenzo: Si\n<MatteoR> shadenzo: Scusa :-)\n<MatteoR> toto23: Le gtk funzionano male...\n<shadenzo> si mi dice che il driver è installato e attivo ma all avvio non lo carica ,\n<toto23> quindi?\n<MatteoR> shadenzo: Come fai a dirlo?\n<shadenzo> lo dice lui esplicitamnete con un mesaggio\n<MatteoR> shadenzo: Puoi scrivere il messaggio esatto che ti dice?\n<toto23> matteo quindi che posso fare?\n<MatteoR> toto23: Passa ad un altro ambiente grafico, xfce non và molto bene. O gnome o kde ti consiglio\n<shadenzo> MatteoR,   caricamento del driiver \"nvidia\" fallito   una cosa del genere\n<toto23> ma e' dovuto all'hardware?\n<MatteoR> toto23: No, a dei bug in alcune librerie (problema software)\n<toto23> ok ora provo\n<MatteoR> !gnome\n<ubot-it> gnome is Desktop Environment predefinito di Ubuntu. ( http://www.gnome.org/ ) - Guida: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmbienteGrafico/Gnome\n<MatteoR> !kde\n<ubot-it> kde is Ambiente grafico predefinito di Kubuntu. ( http://www.kde.org/ ) - Guida: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmbienteGrafico/Kde\n<FloodBotIt1> ubot-it: Non intasare il canale, usa http://paste.ubuntu.com per incollare, non usare Invio come punteggiatura.\n<ubot-it> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)\n<MatteoR> Ora i bot litigano. FICO!!!\n<toto23> matteo come faccio a passare a kde?\n<MatteoR> !gnome | toto23\n<ubot-it> toto23: gnome is Desktop Environment predefinito di Ubuntu. ( http://www.gnome.org/ ) - Guida: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmbienteGrafico/Gnome\n<MatteoR> !kde | toto23\n<ubot-it> toto23: kde is Ambiente grafico predefinito di Kubuntu. ( http://www.kde.org/ ) - Guida: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmbienteGrafico/Kde\n<MatteoR> ci sono le guide\n<toto23> grazie\n<toto23> matteo faccio ambiente semplice o completo?\n<toto23> cosa mi consigli?\n<MatteoR> toto23: completo. Cosa hai scelto, per curiosità?\n<toto23> minima\n<MatteoR> toto23: Sì, ma hai scelto kde o gnome?\n<toto23> kde\n<attempt> 7+\n<MatteoR> toto23: Come me\n<toto23> minima o completo\n<toto23> che tipo d installazione?\n<MatteoR> toto23: Io ho la versione completa?\n<MatteoR> toto23: te la consiglio\n<toto23> ok\n<toto23> ci provo\n<MatteoR> toto23: Oppure ti scarichi la iso di kubuntu e fai una bella installazione pulita, poi puoi installarti firefox\n<MatteoR> !kubuntu\n<ubot-it> Kubuntu: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/ | Guida a Kubuntu: http://kubuntuguide.org/Lucid\n<MatteoR> toto23: Perchè c'è da lavorarci sennò\n<toto23> in che senso?\n<MatteoR> toto23: Potrestia avere qualche conflitto. Ti consiglio di scaricarti la iso e farti una installazione pulita\n<toto23> ok\n<shadenzo> attempt  ehm   sulla 10.04  dopo una reinstallazione  non mi carica il driver nvidia  (geforce 8400gs)  se puoi mi dai 2 dritte ?  non ho trovato niente sul wiki e sui forum\n<fester-> Ciao. Come si fa a capire se una scheda DVB e' installata ?\n<fester-> sotto /dev/dvb non esiste niente\n<bobbybong> dmesg |grep DVB\n<fester-> E' vuoto\n<attempt> in synaptic togli tutto quel che riguarda nvidia\n<bobbybong> non è installata\n<attempt> anche sudo aptitude purge nvidia*\n<fester-> bobbybong: questa maledetta pctv 340 SE non ne vuole, ho seguito una guida e' andato tutto ok .........\n<shadenzo> ah dici con me attempt ok ora vado\n<attempt> parti con i vesa da modalita' kernel recovery e lo riavvii.\n<bobbybong> fester-, usb o pci?\n<attempt> poi vai in driver hardware e gli fai installare i driver che consiglia lui. dovrebbero essere i current\n<fester-> bobbybong: USB\n<attempt> quindi riavvii.\n<attempt> se dice che il driver e' installato ma non in uso dopo il riavvio apri un terminale e dai il comando  sudo nvidia-xconfig\n<fester-> ho seguito questa guida : http://linuxforums.org.uk/linux-tips-tricks/pinnacle-hybrid-tv-tuner-pctv-330e-in-ubuntu-10-10-maverick/\n<attempt> shadenzo prima di riavviare con il kernel recovery rinomina xorg pero'.\n<bobbybong> fester-, io ho una Pinnacle PCTV 73e SE)\n<bobbybong> e funziona con kaffeine\n<attempt> elimini i vecchi driver e poi rinomini xorg. poi vai avanti shadenzo.\n<fester-> bobbybong: e' tra quelle menzionate per andare su ubuntu? o e' pure ostica\n<shadenzo> ok attempt\n<bobbybong> fester-, funziona su ubuntu\n<bobbybong> fester-, che avevo prima sempre pinnacle era più ostica ma funzionava\n<shadenzo> riavvio\n<fester-> bobbybong: se e' il caso ne compro una compatibile. Però vorrei che funzionasse VLC, kaffeine non i piace tante\n<bobbybong> fester-, questa costa poco non ha telecomando ne storage\n<fester-> ok, grazie mille\n<bobbybong> fester-, non so come puoi a selezionare i canali con vlc io uso kaffeine perché ho kubuntu\n<fester-> bobbybong: bisogna usare w-scan\n<bobbybong> fai fare un file di testo e lo passi a vlc?\n<shadenzo> attempt  ora \"Driver Hardware\" mi segnala che non ci sono driver proprietari installati ,  ho fatto partire una sessione grafica di emergenza , e ha caricato i nouvea (lo vedo con lsmod)\n<shadenzo> *nouveau\n<attempt> si ma non ti propone dei driver proprietari?\n<attempt> da attivare dico.\n<shadenzo> no  la finestra  Driver Harware è bianca   e dice solo che non ci sono driver pro installati\n<shadenzo> non mi propone nessun driver\n<attempt> shadenzo vedi con synaptic se hai il pacchetto jockey installato\n<shadenzo> ok\n<attempt> poi siccome non ricordo il nome preciso del pacchetto guardi fra i pacchetti nvidia. ce n'e' uno che dice che permette di scegliere il driver da installare fra i tanti di nvidia.\n<shadenzo> pare di si jockey-gtk  e jockey-common sono installati\n<shadenzo> ah ok\n<shadenzo> allora quello non lodovevo togliere ...\n<fester-> bobbybong: si\n<attempt> dovrebbe essere facile da individuare\n<attempt> fornisce le informazioni a jockey sui driver di nvidia.\n<shadenzo> si  sembra sia nvidia-common  che installa anche vari nvidia-modaliases per individuare\n<attempt> esatto si.\n<shadenzo> la modalita grafica\n<shadenzo> ok ora riprovo   Driver Harware\n<aTSo-> salve\n<shadenzo> ecco attempt ora me li propone con uno raccomandato\n<attempt> e' il current?\n<MatteoR> aTSo-: ciao\n<shadenzo> si\n<attempt> attivalo\n<shadenzo> oki\n<aTSo-> ciao, avrei un problema\n<aTSo-> :)\n<attempt> vedrai che scarica e attiva il driver. poi riavvia. se dopo riavviato normalmente parti con i nouveau e dice che non e' attivato dai un comando in terminale\n<shadenzo> nvidia-xconfig\n<shadenzo> ?\n<attempt> potrebbe dre installato ma non in uso. si il comando e' quello. dallo con sudo.\n<shadenzo> ok\n<attempt> infine controlla che abbia installato anche invidia-settings.\n<attempt> il pannello di controllo della scheda grafica.\n<shadenzo> ok  ora riavvio\n<attempt> se vuoi aggiustarti le opzioni lo fai usando quello ma avviandolo da terminale   sudo nvidia-settings. cosi' poi le impostazioni nuove le puoi salvare.\n<attempt> aTSo- esponi\n<attempt> !qualcuno\n<ubot-it> la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera'\n<aTSo-> oh grazie\n<aTSo-> non mi funzina più ubuntu classico\n<aTSo-> con 11.04\n<aTSo-> si avvia solo unity\n<attempt> prova a resettare gnome. le istruzioni al link qui sotto.\n<attempt> !gnomereset\n<ubot-it> Per resettare gnome alle sue impostazioni di default rinominare le cartelle nascoste nella propria home .gnome2 .config .gconf .gconfd .gnome2_private e riavviare la sessione\n<aTSo-> ecco\n<aTSo-> scusa ma come faccio a trovarle in home?\n<attempt> aprendo una cartella qualsiasi ti si apre nautilus che e' il filemanager.\n<aTSo-> si\n<attempt> vai a visualizza. spunti file nascosti\n<aTSo-> ah ok\n<aTSo-> mi mancava questo passaggio\n<aTSo-> e da lì le posso rinominare\n<aTSo-> ?\n<attempt> si come una cartella qualsiasi. nella home non hai bisogno di usare il terminale per essere amministratore.\n<aTSo-> ok\n<aTSo-> grazie :)\n<attempt> rinominale tipo .gnome2.bak   etc etc\n<MatteoR> shadenzo: Risolto?\n<shadenzo> attempt niente  midice  \"failed to load nvidia kernel module\"\n<shadenzo> tutto come prima\n<attempt> sudo modprobe nvidia\n<shadenzo> in xorg.conf     c'è un modulo \"glx\"\n<shadenzo> ok\n<shadenzo> aspe\n<aTSo-> mi chiedevo...\n<shadenzo> Fatal module nvidia not found\n<aTSo-> nel file manager non ci sono cartelle che abbiano a che fare con i pannelli... potrei creare nuove cartelle e rinominarle .gnome2.bak .config.bak etc?\n<attempt> shadenzo. apri sinaptic e controlla che risultino installati gli headers del current, il driver del current, nvidia-common  nvidia-glx\n<shadenzo> acc  anche gli headers   non lo  sapevo ...\n<shadenzo> ora vedo\n<attempt> anche nvidia-kernel-common,  eventualmente anche nvidia-kernel-source sempre della stessa versione current.\n<shadenzo> nvidia-current-dev ?\n<attempt> no i dev nessuno\n<shadenzo> forse ho trovato il prob : nvidia-glx-current  non c'è proprio e neanche  nvidia-current-kernel-source\n<shadenzo> ho lanciato  un sudo apt-get update  poi ricontrollo\n<attempt> no\n<attempt> nvidia-glx non ha versione current\n<attempt> e il kernel-source di norma non serve e forse su ubuntu non c'e' proprio.\n<shadenzo> ah\n<shadenzo> mancava solo nvidia-kernel-common\n<shadenzo> l'ho installato\n<attempt> sudo modprobe nvidia\n<shadenzo> giaq fatto non lo trova e neanche glx\n<shadenzo> dice \"Fatal module xxxxx not found\"\n<attempt> si ma riavvia\n<shadenzo> ah devo riaviare prima ok\n<shadenzo> stessa cosa attempt\n<attempt> ok. io devo andare a nanna. mi dispiace.\n<shadenzo> grazie mille per l'aiuto\n<shadenzo> ciao notte\n<attempt> chiedi a jester quando c'e'.\n<shadenzo> oki\n<attempt> notte\n<shadenzo> bye\n<gigirock> non riesco ad aggiornare i driver nvidia con una 1004 e kenel 33\n<gigirock> anche se tento di rimuovere i driver proprietari ho un errore\n<gigirock> cia roxdragon entri ed esci a capocchia ?\n<roxdragon> we\n<miki> ragazzi ho bisogno di una mano, ho installato chromium su ubuntu 11 ma non riesco ad importare i preferiti da firefox, ho il file html ma quando vado ad importarli in chromium non me lo legge, come faccio?\n<esulu> salve a tutti\n<esulu> ho un problema con sudo apt-get update\n<esulu> mi da il seguente errore e non capisco come mai mi potete dare un consiglio please\n<esulu> Recuperati 1720 kB in 3min 47s (7575 B/s)\n<esulu> W: Impossibile recuperare http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/Release.gpg  Si è verificato qualcosa di anormale nella risoluzione di \"extras.ubuntu.com:http\" (-5 - Nessun indirizzo associato al nome host)\n<esulu> E: Impossibile scaricare alcuni file di indice: saranno ignorati o verranno usati quelli vecchi.\n<FloodBotIt1> esulu: Non intasare il canale, usa http://paste.ubuntu.com per incollare, non usare Invio come punteggiatura.\n#ubuntu-it 2012-05-21\n<naxil2> grazie di tutto\n<Best`> buondì!\n<Odo> Giorno\n<grabbi> hi\n<grabbi> where can i found if my PC is good to install ubuntu 12.04 on it?\n<enzotib> !english | grabbi\n<ubot-it> grabbi: Please join the international channel #ubuntu if you want to speak english. Here only italian language is permitted. Thank you\n<grabbi> dove posso vedere se le specifiche del mio pc sono compatibili con ubuntu 12.04?\n<glpiana> ola\n<doubler7> enzotib,  come mai ubuntu occupa 61.6 GB? eppure è più piccolo di windows come sistema...\n<OverMe> doubler7, ubuntu non occupa 61 GB, avrai 55GB di dati\n<doubler7> OverMe,  ho scartato già le cartelle dei dati dal conteggio dei giga\n<doubler7> OverMe,  pardon errore mio\n<jester-> 'ngiorno\n<cricido> ciao\n<cricido> ragazzi\n<cricido> ieri ho spento il pc e questa mattina non si avvia piu ubuntu busy box\n<cricido> mi date unam mano\n<jester-> cricido: avvia in modalità recovery,  fai update e upgrade di apt\n<jester-> cricido: hai messo qualche ppa per caso?\n<cricido> non cva\n<cricido> mi scrive tipo inframets\n<cricido> orqa certco la dicitura\n<glpiana> !grub | cricido ripristina grub\n<ubot-it> cricido ripristina grub: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/ | Per ripristinare Grub: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/Ripristino\n<cricido> ma mi è  gia successo\n<cricido> si ma mi piacerebbe capire\n<cricido> perche lo fa spesso\n<cricido> glpiana comunque se ripristino il grup riparte e non perdo niente vero?\n<glpiana> cricido, se ripristino grub correttamente dovrebbe partire e non perdi niente. se sbagli a dare i comandi può succedere di tutto\n<cricido> glpiana ma serve il cd di instllazione\n<cricido> ?\n<glpiana> cricido, o il cd o una installazione presente sullo stesso pc che si avvii\n<MarcoFe> ciao ragazzi\n<MarcoFe> conoscete mica un programma per ubuntu per gestire le proprie attivita'?\n<MarcoFe> grazie\n<filo1234> MarcoFe: attività illecite o cosa?\n<cricido> perche il mio portatile non ha cd rom\n<cricido> e è un po un problema\n<cricido> c'è installato ubuntu appunto che non funziona piu\n<MarcoFe> filo1234: XD no no attivita' del tipo \"fare questo bla bla\"\n<cricido> ma i comandi dovrebbero andare\n<cricido> nno?\n<MarcoFe> filo1234: usavo un programma prima ma non ricordo qual'era! :)\n<filo1234> MarcoFe: cioà un'agenda?\n<MarcoFe> diciamo di si\n<MarcoFe> filo1234:\n<glpiana> cricido, fa boot da usb?\n<filo1234> MarcoFe: osmo?\n<MarcoFe> uhmm filo1234 ora lo provo :) grazie\n<cricido> si si\n<filo1234> MarcoFe: c'è anche rednotebook\n<glpiana> cricido, e fallo da usb. non cambia nulla\n<cricido> si si\n<cricido> devo creare la penna\n<cricido> e ora ho solo win7 che si avvia\n<cricido> avevo gia provato ma non mi faceva la chiavetta bene\n<cricido> e non bottava\n<glpiana> cricido, http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/\n<cricido> pero era appena uscito il 12.04\n<cricido> ok\n<MarcoFe> filo1234: molto piu'carino\n<MarcoFe> grazie tante filo1234 :)\n<filo1234> prego\n<cricido> avevo gia provato\n<cricido> ma poi mi da errore\n<cricido> nel bootare\n<glpiana> cricido, nell'avviarsi?\n<cricido> si\n<cricido> da errore\n<cricido> dicendo che non è bootabile\n<cricido> provai con 12.04\n<jester-> cricido: falla in winzoz cole suo tool http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows\n<glpiana> cricido, rifalla\n<cricido> rifaccio\n<cricido> poi in pratica se parte\n<cricido> devo ripristinare\n<gian_> ciao ho installato iTunes mediante wine, siccome non funzionava bene, ho rimosso Itunes con disinstalla progr. di wine e poi disinstallato wine. Mi ritrovo in programmi ancora Itunes, come faccio a rimuoverlo completamente?\n<glpiana> gian_, che interfaccia usi?\n<gian_> ho usato wine da ubuntu softw center\n<glpiana> gian_, no, intendo se usi gnome gnome classic unity kde lxde xfce fluxbox blackbox o altro ancora\n<gian_> ubuntu 12.04\n<gian_> unity\n<doubler7> glpiana,  vorrei creare un lanciatore sulla scrivania per smontare l'hard disk ntfs\n<doubler7> glpiana, quel comando... sudo unmount...\n<glpiana> doubler7, non ha senso. fai visualizzare i dischi sulla scrivania e poi ci clicchi col destro e lo smonti\n<glpiana> gian_, e dove lo vedi sto programma? nella dash?\n<gian_> si\n<gian_> naturalmente se clicco non succede nulla\n<doubler7> glpiana,  ci sono problemi con la romozione sicura....ecco perchè voglio crearlo...\n<filo1234> doubler7: che tipo di problemi?\n<doubler7> glpiana,  a causa di un errore dovuto all'alimentazione esterna...\n<filo1234> doubler7: mi pare di averti gia detto che era quasi \"normale\"\n<filo1234> e che il disco veniva comunque smontato correttamente\n<doubler7> filo1234,  vorrei creare questo lanciatore ...per comodità....grazie\n<jester-> doubler7:  farlo da nautilus è troppo semplice?\n<glpiana> gian_, puoi provare a resettare zeitgeist: rm ~/.local/share/zeitgeist/activity.sqlite\n<glpiana> zeitgeist-daemon --replace\n<cricido> è lungo a fare la chiavetta\n<doubler7> jester-, come?\n<cricido> :)\n<jester-> doubler7: finestra di sinistra, clic destro sul device e smonta o rimozione sicura\n<gian_> a resettare unity?\n<glpiana> gian_, non resetta unity quel comando. resetta il database del demone che gestisce la memoria della dash\n<gian_> mi hai scritto 2 comandi, il primo che inizia con rm e il secondo zeitgeist-daemon --replace?\n<glpiana> gian_, sì\n<gian_> scusa ancora, il segno ~ cosa sta ad indicare??\n<glpiana> gian_, indica il percorso /home/tuoutente\n<bithunter> buongiorno\n<bithunter> ragazzi, come posso installare caratteri in inkscape/ubuntu 12.04? C'è un software dove possa scegliere e poi installare quello che mi serve?\n<glpiana> !fonts | bithunter\n<ubot-it> bithunter: Installazione: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmbienteGrafico/InstallareCaratteri - Caratteri Microsoft: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmbienteGrafico/CaratteriMicrosoft\n<bithunter> grazieeee\n<bithunter> :)\n<bithunter> glpiana: ho visto ma volevo sapere se c'è un appl per ubuntu per scegliere tra una lista di caratteri quello che ti serve?\n<andred> ciao a tutti\n<glpiana> bithunter, che io sappia il carattere che usi in un programma lo scegli dal programma stesso. poi magari no ho capito che intendi\n<jester-> bithunter: nei repo ce ne sono parecchi di font\n<jester-> uno piu brutto dell'altro ma ci sono\n<filo1234> lol\n<bithunter> mi spiego meglio: ho bisogno di implementare uno o più tipo/i di fonts in inkscape... volevo vederli prima di installarli... quindi: un metodo per vedere/installare un font aggiuntivo in Ubuntu/applicazione\n<glpiana> bithunter, per vederli c'è la mappa caratteri\n<bithunter> ok\n<glpiana> anzi tabella caratteri\n<andred> posso fare una domanda? è da poco che ho installato la 12.04 su un server 2.4 ghz, 2gb di ram e 2 hd raid 0... quando faccio il boot normale, mi si blocca, a volte sembra che la scheda video non sia impostata correttamente perchè appaiono linee strane etc etc.. se faccio il boot per ripristinare e avvio normalmente funziona tutto. qualcuno mi sa aiutare?\n<bithunter> certo, ma se volessi un carattere particolare dove e come posso aggiungerlo/vederlo\n<andred> sono un newbie e non so da dove iniziare per risolvere il problema, grazie mille!!!\n<glpiana> bithunter, come aggiungerlo è speigato nella guida, come vederlo te l'ho appena detto\n<bithunter> ok\n<doubler7> glpiana,  ieri ho provato la tastiera a schermo e mi ha dato questo errore:    http://imagebin.org/213232\n<glpiana> doubler7, che è sto caribu?\n<doubler7> glpiana, boh\n<glpiana> doubler7, vai su applicazioni accessibilità e avvia onboard se vuoi la tastiera a schemro\n<doubler7> glpiana, ok grazie\n<andred> nessuno sa aiutarmi?\n<jester-> andred: un server con ambiente grafico?\n<andred> ho installato la 12.04 server, ma poi ho messo gnome perchè essendo all'inizio non sapevo bene come fare..\n<andred> e soprattutto perchè accedo in vnc dal mio mac\n<jester-> andred: e poi hai pacioccato con i driver video?\n<filo1234> andred: installa una desktop normale che fors eè meglio\n<andred> no, non ho ancora capito se è un problema di scheda grafica o che\n<jester-> andred: prima andava e poi ha smesso?\n<glpiana> andred, essendo un server non avrebbe più senso accedervi in ssh?\n<andred> no, non andava. potrei anche disabilitare il gdm, l'importante è che si avvii, perchè ogni volta devo avviare la modalità di ripristino e poi avviare il sistema normalmente\n<andred> effettivamente, se andasse il boot non avrei problemi\n<andred> vi riepilogo un attimo quel che ho fatto\n<andred> ho installato ubuntu 12.04\n<glpiana> !enter | andred\n<andred> tutto ok, tranne per l'avvio\n<ubot-it> andred: non spezzettare una frase su piu' righe. Non utilizzare il ritorno a capo come punteggiatura.\n<andred> ok, scusate\n<andred> ho provato a installare l'ambiente grafico per capirci qualcosa perchè sono alle prime armi, ma a me non serve l'ambiente grafico in realtà, l'ho messo per capire se riuscivo a risolvere qualcosa, ma nulla. ora vorrei togliere l'ambiente grafico e far funzionare il boot normalmente, ma shell non so come fare\n<jester-> andred: ma è mai partito il server o si è sminchiato dopo\n<andred> intendevo dire \"ma da shell non so come fare\"\n<andred> non è mai partito normalmente, per questo ho fatto un po' di prove strane\n<filo1234> andred: si ma mi spieghi perchè ha installato l aversione server?\n<filo1234> hai*\n<jester-> andred: comincia a lasciar perdere il raid che tanto se non hai hw adeguato è una ciofeca\n<filo1234> chiedi a glpiana ^\n<filo1234> lol\n<andred> vorrei fare un server multimediale in cui mettere i miei file e condividerli tramite samba e afp ai pc windows e al mio mac\n<glpiana> filo1234, lol\n<jester-> andred: lo fai da un quasiasi os linux e non linux\n<andred> cos'è che posso fare da qualsiasi os linux? non ho capito\n<andred> ciao!\n<filo1234> andred: dammi retta reinstalla una versione desktop\n<filo1234> pre quello che devi fare ( fatto in quelo modo ) non ti serve ammazzarti con una versione server, dato che non sai usarla\n<filo1234> il kernel della versione server è diverso, e ha moduli in meno\n<andred> ma io ho chiesto un'altra cosa, non su quale versione dovrei spendere il mio tempo\n<andreaowild> mi si era chiuso...\n<andreaowild> ciao!!!\n<andreaowild> nessuno sa come aiutarmi allora?\n<andreaowild> se si blocca all'avvio di ubuntu, ho fatto un'installazione non corretta?\n<glpiana> andreaowild, ti è stato consigliato di installare una versione desktop che avendo un kernel differente dalla server magari ti risolve il problema alla radice\n<andreaowild> ma poi posso disabilitare x?\n<andreaowild> vabbè, grazie\n<glpiana> andreaowild, a che pro a questo punto, essendo utile l'interfaccia?\n<andreaowild> non mi è utile l'interfaccia\n<andreaowild> oltre a voler studiare un po' questosistema, vorrei anche poterlo usare in modo utile.\n<glpiana> andreaowild, allora riesegui una installazione server. se il problema si ripresenta, invece di installarci gnome vieni qui e vediamo che fare\n<jester-> andreaowild: perchè con intrfaccia gafica non puoi usare terminela e tty?\n<jester-> puoi scegliere di non farla partire la grafica\n<andreaowild> bello, come posso fare?\n<jester-> andreaowild: il terminale lo apri in grafica, di tty ne hai 6  control-alt-F1  F2 F3 3etc etc\n<jester-> andreaowild: alla schrmata d login scegli di andare in bash\n<jester-> schermata*\n<andreaowild> possiamo ritornare al punto di partenza?\n<andreaowild> al boot si blocca e apppaiono linee e errori che potrebbero esser della scheda video\n<jester-> andreaowild:   e 27, se dopo installazione non parte il problema è li\n<andreaowild> ho capito che il problema è al boot\n<andreaowild> si blocca!\n<glpiana> andreaowild, anche con il sistema aggironato?\n<glpiana> *aggiornato\n<andreaowild> yep\n<andreaowild> l'ho installato domenica\n<jester-> andreaowild:  e 28 installa un sustema server o desktop normale su partizone\n<jester-> partizione\n<andreaowild> ho aggiornato con apt-get update / apt-get upgrade\n<andreaowild> etc etc\n<jester-> andreaowild: quindi era partito\n<jester-> o no\n<andreaowild> non parte mai\n<glpiana> io sarei curioso di vederle, ste scritte\n<andreaowild> in recovery mode, faccio l'avvio normale e funziona\n<jester-> andreaowild: se mai partito come hai usato apt\n<andreaowild> in recovery mode, faccio l'avvio normale e funziona\n<glpiana> andreaowild, hai una fotocamera o un telefono che fa foto?\n<andreaowild> si\n<jester-> andreaowild: hai seguito questa guida per installazione raid?  http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/DispositiviPartizioni/FakeRaid\n<glpiana> !image | andreaowild\n<ubot-it> andreaowild: Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<andreaowild> non è in fakeraid, ma raid0 hardware\n<glpiana> andreaowild, mostraci ste scritte\n<andreaowild> adesso vado a casa e la faccio, verso la una e mezza la carico\n<andreaowild> se potessi caricare il video lo caricherei\n<jester-> andreaowild: server o non derve ubuntu e altro supportano solo il fake\n<andreaowild> e quindi ho sbagliato qualcosa con le partizioni..\n<glpiana> andreaowild, fin che non si vede dove si blocca si sta solo a chiacchierare. aggiornaci dopo\n<andreaowild> va bien\n<jester-> richmau\n<andreaowild> @jester- cosa vuol dire che ubuntu supportano solo il fake?\n<ubottu-it> andreaowild: Error: \"jester-\" is not a valid command.\n<andreaowild> jester- cosa vuol dire che ubuntu supportano solo il fake?\n<jester-> andreaowild: che funza solo il fakeraid\n<jester-> andreaowild: segui la guida\n<andreaowild> perciò se ho un raid0 hardware dovrei comunque configurare un fakeraid?\n<jester-> eh\n<jester-> o raid 1 che sia\n<andreaowild> vaaa bien\n<jester-> leggi la guida\n<andreaowild> scusate la rottura, ma non sapendo, chiedo...\n<jester-> mia che un raid si mette su a spanne\n<andreaowild> eh già... però da qualche parte devo pur cominciare no?\n<glpiana> avere il pc sotto mano è un ottimo inizio\n<jester-> di solito si dovrebbe cominciare documentandosi e ubuntu ha una vasta doc\n<andreaowild> io mi documento\n<andreaowild> però se non so da dove cominciare, su cosa mi documento. la mia domanda era proprio questa: da dove comincio per risolvere il problema?\n<jester-> !troll\n<ubot-it> Trollare è un comportamento considerato fastidioso dagli altri utenti del canale. Questo include andare offtopic o chiedere la stessa cosa piu volte ottenendo risposte ma non considerarle, e questi non sono i soli comportamenti che possono essere considerati da troll. Per favore leggi /msg ubot-it irc - se questo riguarda te, potresti ritrovarti fuori dal canale.\n<glpiana> andreaowild, ti ho risposto. ora basta per favore. quando torni con l'immagine ne riparliamo\n<andreaowild> ok capito\n<lupo> ciao ce un modo per scaricare il file di ubuntu 12.04 ita  e masterizzare senza tutte le procedure\n<lupo> ?\n<filo1234> ?\n<filo1234> lupo: di quali procedure parli?\n<lupo> scusa se mi sono estresso male cmq scaricare il file  ricompattare  autenticare fre il live e poi istallare\n<TaLaDo> lupo, ora si che si è capito\n<lupo> :-P\n<filo1234> lupo: ancora non ho capito di cosa parli\n<lupo> cerco  un modo  istallare il linux senza fare tutte le procedure ma solo scaricando  masteriza facendo un cd auto partente e istallare\n<TaLaDo> lupo, che io sappia ti scarichi la iso la masterizzi e installi\n<andreaowild> ciao a tutti, ecco ritornato lo stressatore!!\n<lupo> quando ho scaricato il file .rar  dentro cerano tre cartelle  e la cartella iso no il file\n<andreaowild> vi linko l'immagine\n<andreaowild> http://imagebin.org/213242\n<TaLaDo> lupo, il file .rar?\n<TaLaDo> !installazione\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione | Per installazione grafica http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download\n<glpiana> andreaowild, speravo stessi parlando di righe \"scritte\", non grechine\n<glpiana> andreaowild, hai il pc in questione sottomano?\n<andreaowild> ye\n<andreaowild> yes\n<lupo> scusate mi devo scollegare  ho problemi con internet a tra poco grazie per ora\n<glpiana> andreaowild, scrivi: sudo apt-get pastebinit\n<glpiana> andreaowild, scusa, sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<andreaowild> ok installato\n<glpiana> andreaowild, ora: uname -a | pastebinit\n<andreaowild> spetta che mi collego dal mac così poi copio\n<glpiana> andreaowild, no, copia solo il numero\n<andreaowild> http://paste.ubuntu.com/998863/\n<glpiana> andreaowild, quanta ram ha il pc?\n<andreaowild> 2 gb\n<glpiana> andreaowild, dpkg -l | grep linux-image | pastebinit\n<andreaowild> http://paste.ubuntu.com/998866/\n<glpiana> andreaowild, free | pastebinit\n<andreaowild> http://paste.ubuntu.com/998869/\n<glpiana> andreaowild, sudo apt-get install linux-image-3.2.0-24-generic\n<andreaowild> fatto\n<glpiana> andreaowild, cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | pastebinit\n<andreaowild> riavvio?\n<andreaowild> http://paste.ubuntu.com/998875/\n<glpiana> andreaowild, al boot visualizza il menu di grub e scegli la voce Ubuntu, con Linux 3.2.0-24-generic e non la pae\n<glpiana> andreaowild, poi dimmi se si avvia o meno\n<andreaowild> ok provo\n<andreaowild> al boot ho scelto versioni precedenti di linux e poi quella che mi hai detto non pae\n<andreaowild> e si è bloccato\n<andreaowild> eccomi\n<glpiana> andreaowild, scrivi: cat /etc/default/grub\n<glpiana> anzi\n<glpiana> andreaowild, scrivi: cat /etc/default/grub | pastebinit\n<andreaowild> http://paste.ubuntu.com/998906/\n<glpiana> andreaowild, riavvia, quando visualizzi grub, sulla prima riga premi il tasto \"e\"\n<andreaowild> okz\n<glpiana> andreaowild, poi ti piazzi in fondo alla riga che contiene quiet splash noapic          e li cancelli, quindi premi ctrl+x per avviare con sta modifica. dimmi se si avvia\n<andreaowild> no, c'è un errore lo stesso\n<glpiana> andreaowild, che errore?\n<andreaowild> scusa\n<andreaowild> va in errore lo stesso\n<glpiana> ah\n<andreaowild> la schermata cambia\n<andreaowild> adesso faccio la foto\n<andreaowild> http://imagebin.org/213251\n<andreaowild> ecco la foto\"\n<alessio> ciao raga, c'è un modo per installare ubuntu desktop, senza però installare brasero, firefox e tutta la moria di software proposti dal pacchetto??\n<glpiana> andreaowild, sì vabbè, bastava dire che avevi due righe verticali\n<filo1234> alessio: installi una versione minimale e scegli quello che vuoi installare o no\n<andreaowild> eheheh\n<glpiana> alessio, no, ubuntu-desktop è un meta pacchetto e quelle robe se le porta dietro\n<filo1234> alessio: comunque a seconde del DE che scegli poi, alcuni programmi/dipendendeze verranno comunqu einstallati\n<alessio> glpiana, uso gnome shell 3.4\n<alessio> filo1234, uso gnome shell 3.4\n<alessio> glpiana, ok ma se poi disintallo brasero si deve portare dietro ubuntu-desktop per forza??\n<glpiana> aspettiamo che lo dici anche a tutti gli altri 49 utenti? :)\n<glpiana> alessio, ma ubuntu-desktop è un metapacchetto\n<filo1234> alessio: hai chiesto come installare senza alcuni pacchetti...non come disisntallare alcuni pacchetti\n<alessio> glpiana, avevo sbagliato leggi il commento sopra, la domanda me l'ha fatta filo e io ho risposto a te\n<filo1234> io non ti ho fatto domande\n<glpiana> lol\n<filo1234> lokl\n<alessio> filo1234, voglio avere ubuntu-desktop ma senza tutti quei maledetti sw\n<filo1234> alessio: io ti ho gia risposto\n<alessio> filo1234, mi avevi chiesto che de uso\n<filo1234> no\n<alessio> raga ma ci vuole molto a leggere?? ufff....\n<glpiana> alessio, ubuntu-desktop è un metapacchetto e si porta dietro tutto quello per cui è configurato (e tre)\n<filo1234> 14:17 < filo1234> alessio: comunque a seconde del DE che scegli poi, alcuni programmi/dipendendeze verranno  comunqu einstallati\n<pac> buon pomeriggio\n<jester-> bella coppia\n<filo1234> alessio: io non ti ho chiesto nulla, ti ho risposto, forse tu non leggi\n<alessio> vabbè lasciamo stare qui ci suffermiamo sugli errori di battitura/grammatica invece di risolvere i problemi -.-'\n<pac> uso la 11.10 e vorrei sapere se questa guida è ancora  efficace http://pebloy.blogspot.it/2010/05/configure-ubuntu-1004-for-thinkpad-x41.html\n<filo1234> alessio: comunque a seconde del DE che scegli poi, alcuni programmi/dipendendeze verranno comunqu einstallati\n<filo1234> alessio: installi una versione minimale e scegli quello che vuoi installare o no\n<glpiana> alessio, se leggessi bene avresti letto anche delle spiegazioni che non stai prendendo in considerazione\n<jester-> pac: non è una guida marcata ubuntu, quindi è ot\n<pac> jester-: capisco grazie\n<alessio> filo1234, come installo una versione minimale?? non me ne frega niente se è minimale o completa voglio sto benedetto ubuntu-desktop senza portarmi dietro tutti che sw inutili\n<glpiana> andreaowild, non in privato per cortesia\n<filo1234> alessio: ok non hai capito un asega\n<filo1234> ciao\n<filo1234> ho cose più importanti da fare\n<andreaowild> non volevo crear casini con più discussioni\n<alessio> filo1234, come vuoi se non mi vuoi aiutare non mi aiutare ma non dire che non ho capito una sega\n<jester-> filo1234: siete tu e glpiana che non capite che il gatto e la volpe vi prenson per i fondelli\n<alessio> filo1234, come si installa sta minchia di versione minimale??\n<glpiana> alessio, se vuoi il pacchetto ubuntu-desktop ti pigli quello che si porta dietro. ounto\n<filo1234> te lo dico perchè non sai di cosa parli e non hai capito una sega di quello che ti ho detto\n<jester-> vi prendono*\n<filo1234> e 15\n<glpiana> alessio, modera i toni\n<alessio> glpiana, ah ok ci voleva tanto a dirlo??\n<glpiana> alessio, alla quarta volta lo hai capito?\n<filo1234> leggi e impara a leggere quello che ti dicono, se vuoi \"personalizzarti\" la distro installando quello che ti serve, parti da una minimale\n<filo1234> .\n<glpiana> meno male, cominciavo a disperare\n<alessio> glpiana, mi sa che tocca a te leggere bene le frasi e capirne il senso\n<glpiana> alessio, dacci un taglio\n<alessio> glpiana, io non avevo capito il fatto di sta benedetta versione minimale\n<alessio> filo1234, ah una distro minimale e allora cosa scrivi ti installi una versione minimale del pacchetto??\n<glpiana> alessio, io non ti ho parlato di versione minimale\n<alessio> glpiana, ho detto che ne hai parlato tu?? no!!\n<glpiana> alessio, io ti ho spiegato che ubuntu-desktop è un metapacchetto che si porta dietro roba\n<filo1234> alessio: io no ho scritto di installare una versione minimale del pacchetto\n<glpiana> alessio, alla prossima risposta su sti toni sei fuori\n<alessio> glpiana, si ok e lo avevo gia capito il fatto della minimale l'ha detto filo\n<alessio> filo1234, leggiti i commenti sopra\n<filo1234> io ti ho scritto esattamente questo\n<filo1234> alessio: leggi tu\n<filo1234> 14:17 < filo1234> alessio: installi una versione minimale e scegli quello che vuoi installare o no\n<filo1234> 14:17 < filo1234> alessio: comunque a seconde del DE che scegli poi, alcuni programmi/dipendendeze verranno  comunqu einstallati\n<filo1234> .\n<glpiana> andreaowild, avvia da recovery e scrivi: dpkg --configure -a        poi riavvia\n<filo1234> s epoi non sai cosa sia una versioneminumale, chiedi invece di fare il gradasso\n<alessio> filo1234, ok allora  giro la domanda...c'è un'alternativa a ubuntu-desktop??\n<filo1234> -.-\n<glpiana> -.-\n<glpiana> mettere una minimale e non installarlo\n<glpiana> alessio, ma perchè sto desiderio di avere un apcchetto inutile?\n<glpiana> *pacchetto\n<alessio> glpiana, perchè su synaptic c'è scritto che è un pacchetto importante e infatti da quando l'ho rimosso quando loggo su gnome prima di comparire il mio bel de c'è una fastidiosissima schermata tutta pixelata a righe orizzontali e verticali\n<glpiana> alessio, quella schermata non dipende di sicuro dalla presenza o dall'assenza del pacchetto ubuntu-desktop\n<alessio> glpiana, ok allora mi potresti gentilmente dire come far rifunzionare plymouth e a rimuovere quella benedetta schermata che c'è al login?? grazie :D\n<glpiana> alessio, che scheda video hai e che driver usi?\n<alessio> glpiana, ati 5650 hd radeon mobility ed uso i driver proprietari ati 12.4\n<alessio> glpiana, non uso gli open perchè gnome shell non funziona, non so perchè ma funziona solo la fallback\n<glpiana> alessio, scrivi nel temrinale: dpkg -l | grep fglrx\n<glpiana> !paste | alessio\n<ubot-it> alessio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<glpiana> alessio, mettici anche l'output di uname -a\n<alessio> glpiana, dpkg -l | grep fglrx non mi da output\n<glpiana> alessio, li hai messi col .run preso dal sito?\n<alessio> glpiana, si\n<glpiana> alessio, l'output dell'altro comando?\n<alessio> glpiana, Linux ALESSIO 3.3.6-030306-i7 #201205121335 SMP Sun May 13 11:25:28 CEST 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux comunque anche con il kernel di default mi fa lo stesso giochino\n<glpiana> alessio, su queto canale non c'è supporto per versioni di software non presenti nei repository\n<glpiana> !chat | alessio\n<ubot-it> alessio: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<alessio> glpiana, lo sapevo che me lo dicevi ma il problema me lo fa anche con il kernel di default\n<glpiana> alessio, e mi pare non sia la prima volta che ti dico sta cosa\n<alessio> glpiana, se vuoi loggo con quello di default ma tanto non cambia niente ho lo stesso identico problema\n<glpiana> alessio, tu rientra qui col kernel di default e i driver fglrx installati col gestore dei driver aggiuntivi e ne riparliamo\n<alessio> glpiana, se li installo con il gestore dei driver aggiuntivi gnome-shell fa i capricci\n<alessio> glpiana, ad esempio la data si vede solo a metà e cose simile\n<alessio> *simili\n<andreaowild> glpiana, nada non funzia\n<andreaowild> ora vado\n<andreaowild> a presto!!!\n<andreaowild> grazie mille lo stesso\n<glpiana> alessio, non posso farci nulla. ti ho semplicemente illustrato la politica di questo canale e ti ho detto dove chiedere eventualmente\n<Drizamanuber> ciao a tutti, in quale chat posso chiedere informazioni su libre office?\n<andreaowild> ciaooooooooo\n<FloodBotIt2> andreaowild: Non intasare il canale, usa http://paste.ubuntu.com per incollare, non usare Invio come punteggiatura.\n<alessio> glpiana, loggo con quello di default ma tanto non cambia nada\n<glpiana> Drizamanuber, se il problema riguarda ubuntu chiedi qui\n<Drizamanuber> glpiana: no, riguarda le macro di libreoffice, come compilarle\n<glpiana> !chat | Drizamanuber\n<ubot-it> Drizamanuber: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<Drizamanuber> glpiana: ho ricevuto la risposta da ubot, non mi ricordavo l'esatto nome della chat, adesso me lo segno  da qualche parete\n<alessio> glpiana, rieccomi Linux ALESSIO 3.2.0-24-generic #37-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 25 08:43:22 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux\n<mnemonik> ...non ho capito una cosa... quando sono attive due e più finestre di uno stesso programma nella barra di destra di ubuntu 12.04 compaiono nell'icona tanti segnetti bianchi quante le finestre attive del programma.... quando voglio cambiare finestra del programma clikko sull'icona relativa al programma attivo ma si apre sempre la stessa finestra del programma... per aprire le altre finestre devo chiudere 1 finestra alla volta del programma ... per vedere\n<alessio> glpiana, ho installato i driver aggiuntivi e sembrano essere perfetti unica cosa è che plymouth all'accensione non funziona mentre quando spengo si\n<glpiana> alessio, non funziona nel senso che? non visualizzi UBUNTU e i pallini?\n<gian_> ciao glpiana, ho provato a lanciare i comandi rm ~/.local/share/zeitgeist/activity.sqlite e poi seitgeist-daemon --replace, ma non è successo nulla, si ferma su dei warning\n<alessio> glpiana, esatto\n<glpiana> mnemonik, cliccaci due volte e ti mostrerà tutte le finestre di quel programma\n<alessio> glpiana, ti dico subito che ho modificato il file grub se vuoi te lo posto su pastebin\n<glpiana> alessio, riavvia e al boot premi \"E\". in fondo alla riga con quiet splash scrivi nomodeset       e premi ctrl+x e poi dimmi se migliora o peggiroa\n<glpiana> *peggiora\n<glpiana> alessio, ah ok, pastebinnalo allora\n<alessio> glpiana, ok anche se nomodeset l'ho gia usato\n<glpiana> gian_, metti su pastebuin quello che è apparso\n<mnemonik> glpiana, purtroppo mi apre sempre la stessa finestra... minimizzo e riclikko... mi apre sempre la stessa finestra\n<alessio> glpiana, http://paste.ubuntu.com/998967/\n<mnemonik> glpiana, per fa comparire l'altra finestra devo chiudere quella che mi si apre\n<glpiana> mnemonik, cioè quando clicchi si minimizza la finestra?\n<gian_> !pastebin\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<alessio> glpiana, eccoti anche l'initramfs http://paste.ubuntu.com/998968/\n<mnemonik> glpiana, no clikko sull'icona del programma attivo.. ma si pone in primo piano sempre la stessa finestra del programma... mentre l'altra rimane minimizzata\n<glpiana> alessio, hai roba ripetuta, come la risoluzione ad esempio. dovresti avviare editando la riga al boot ed eliminando una opzione per volta e una sola per vedere in quale caso non si presentano problemi relativi allo sfarfallio o all'assenza di plymouth\n<gian_> glpiana, http://paste.ubuntu.com/998971/\n<glpiana> mnemonik, e se clicchi due volte di fila?\n<alessio> glpiana, ho gia provato...ma niente\n<glpiana> gian_, oki, riavvia il pc intanto e poi vedi se la situazione è migliorata nella dash\n<gian_> glpiana, l'ho fatto diverse volte ma non è cambiato nulla\n<glpiana> alessio, quantomeno edita /etc/defalt/grub e metti un cancelletto davanti a GRUB_GFXMODE=1366x768  e poi dai sudo update-grub\n<glpiana> gian_, e quel warning da dove esce se hai già riavviato?\n<alessio> glpiana, ah ok ma ho letto sulla guida che il cancelletto andava rimosso proprio per avviare il grub a 1366x768\n<glpiana> alessio, ma tu gli dai anche una opzione prima per la risoluzione\n<gian_> no, quel warning viene fuori quando da terminale lancio zeitgeist-daemon --replace\n<alessio> glpiana, ok aggiornato riavvio\n<glpiana> gian_, ma quello dovevi farlo solo la prima volta\n<glpiana> gian_, al riavvio del pc no serve più\n<gian_> ok, ma andando a riavviare, andando in applicazioni vedo ancora l'icona \"iTunes\" (icona a forma di bicchiere)\n<glpiana> gian_, allora facciamo così: locate iTunes.desktop\n<gian_> ok, ho lanciato questo comando da terminale\n<glpiana> gian_, ti ha dato qualcosa?\n<gian_> no\n<alessio> glpiana, ok fatto ma niente si vede meglio nel senso che non fa più cose strane del tipo sfarfallii e schermate a righe\n<alessio> glpiana, comunqe ho visto in bum che plymouth non ha la spunta può essere per quello che non funziona??\n<glpiana> gian_, locate itunes\n<glpiana> caffè\n<gian_> glpiana, neanche adesso\n<glpiana> torno tra qualche minuto\n<glpiana> gian_, allora, apri l adash, visualizza l'icona di itunesprendila e trascinala sul desktop\n<gian_> glpiana, l'ho fatto\n<glpiana> gian_, ora dimmi esattamente com esi chiama il file che ti ha creato\n<gian_> glpiana, iTunes.desktop\n<glpiana> gian_, scrivi: locate iTunes.desktop\n<gian_> glpiana, l'ho lancio da terminale ma non succede nulla\n<glpiana> gian_, nel terminale cd Scrivania\n<glpiana> gian_, poi scrivi: ls -la iTunes.desktop\n<gian_> glpiana, -rw-rw-r-- 1 gianfranco gianfranco 274 mag 21 10:19 iTunes.desktop\n<glpiana> gian_, sudo updatedb\n<glpiana> gian_, poi ridai: locate iTunes.desktop\n<gian_> glpiana, niente, mi ricompare la scritta della directory\n<glpiana> gian_, ma lo scrivi con la t maiuscola?\n<gian_> si\n<glpiana> gian_, almeno quello sulla scrviania dovrebbe vederlo\n<gian_> per essere più sicuro faccio copia e incolla, ma niente\n<glpiana> gian_, secondo me qualcosa sbagli, perchè dopo updatedb dovrebbe vederti almeno quello sulla scrivania. copia tutti i comandi che ti ho dato e relativi output su pastebin\n<glpiana> !paste | gian_\n<ubot-it> gian_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<gian_> se ci clicco sopra per aprirlo mi dice che non è fidato\n<gian_> glpiana, http://paste.ubuntu.com/999031/\n<glpiana> gian_, e quello sarebbe un comando che non da nulla?\n<gian_> si ma dopo updatedb con sudo\n<glpiana> <glpiana> gian_, sudo updatedb\n<glpiana> <glpiana> gian_, poi ridai: locate iTunes.desktop\n<glpiana> <gian_> glpiana, niente, mi ricompare la scritta della directory\n<glpiana> vedi tu\n<FloodBotIt2> glpiana: Non intasare il canale, usa http://paste.ubuntu.com per incollare, non usare Invio come punteggiatura.\n<gian_> scusa non avevo visto updatedb\n<glpiana> gian_, rm /home/gianfranco/.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/iTunes/iTunes.desktop\n<glpiana> gian_, poi non dovrebbe più visualizzartelo. se lo fa, riavvia l'interfaccia grafica e vediamo se c'è ancora\n<gian_> glpiana, ok non compare più, grazie\n<glpiana> prego :)\n<gian_> glpiana, scusa ancora, ma se ho disinstallato iTunes, posso cancellare tutto quello che trovo lanciando locate iTunes?\n<DAMN3dg1rl> saluti. per motivi che nn sto a spiegare sto facendo una eresia, ovvero usando una live di kubuntu 12.04 . il problema sta nel fatto nel fatto che rekonq non tiene in memoria la passoword dei vari siti web, ed in particolare gmail e fb ,  costringendomi più e più volte nella stessa sessione di riloggarmi\n<DAMN3dg1rl> sta diventando tutto estenuante\n<DAMN3dg1rl> enzotib ... te ne hai idea del come risolvere ? ;)\n<glpiana> gian_, sì\n<glpiana> DAMN3dg1rl, installa firefox\n<DAMN3dg1rl> glpaina, su live ?\n<glpiana> DAMN3dg1rl, no? chi te lo vieta?\n<DAMN3dg1rl> se riesco a trovare il terminale...\n<glpiana> DAMN3dg1rl, si chiama konsole\n<DAMN3dg1rl> glpiana, idem in debian, ma ... non capisco cosa sia sta simil finder che mi trovo con kde su *buntu...\n<glpiana> DAMN3dg1rl, non ho capito di che parli ma mi sembra argomento da #ubuntu-it-chat non da supporto\n<DAMN3dg1rl> glpiana, non trovo nemmeno il modo di accedere a qualcosa che non sia quelle tre cose sul \"desktop\"\n<DAMN3dg1rl> sono completamente spaesata\n<glpiana> DAMN3dg1rl, kde ha un menu per le appicazioni. non mi sembra tanto difficile usarlo: clicchi sulla k, poi in basso su applicazioni e poi sfogli il menu\n<DAMN3dg1rl> glpiana, non c'è il menù k qua...\n<DAMN3dg1rl> c'è una cosa identica o quasi a finder di osx\n<DAMN3dg1rl> ma non riesco a capire come si usi\n<glpiana> DAMN3dg1rl, non stai usando kubuntu allora\n<DAMN3dg1rl> lsb_release -a mi da ubuntu 12,04 lts\n<glpiana> DAMN3dg1rl, a maggior ragione, non stai usando kubuntu\n<glpiana> DAMN3dg1rl, ora se hai finito di trollare, torna su #ubuntu-it-chat\n<OverMe> lol\n<DAMN3dg1rl> glpiana, vuoi piantarla di accusarmi ?\n<DAMN3dg1rl> se vuoi ti invio uno screen .............\n<glpiana> !image | DAMN3dg1rl\n<ubot-it> DAMN3dg1rl: Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<DAMN3dg1rl> glpiana, ecco uomo di poca fede http://imagebin.org/213260\n<glpiana> DAMN3dg1rl, quella è sì kde, ma non quella del livecd di kubuntu\n<DAMN3dg1rl> io ho scaricato dalla pagina kubuntu.org ...........\n<glpiana> DAMN3dg1rl, comunque se scrivi konsole su quel search and launch ti tiri fuori d'impiccio\n<DAMN3dg1rl> dove è il search and launch ?\n<glpiana> DAMN3dg1rl, guarda la barra in alto partendo da sinistra, sposta lo sguardo lievemente verso destra.... eccolo!\n<glpiana> ciao stacco\n<Drizamanuber> glpiana: ciao\n<DAMN3dg1rl> thank\n<glpiana> ciao Drizamanuber\n<lelamal> DAMN3dg1rl: hai un netbook su cui stai testando kubuntu?\n<DAMN3dg1rl> lelamal , s' , è un netbook il dispositivo con disco rigido fritto che sto usando con la live\n<lelamal> quella è l'interfaccia netbook, non quella desktop\n<lelamal> per cambiarla segui questa guida\n<lelamal> http://digitizor.com/2010/09/18/how-to-switch-between-desktop-and-netbook-workspace-in-kubuntu-10-10/\n<DAMN3dg1rl> grazie. intanto appena arrivo a casa ho un disco fisso in cassetto e ci rimetto debian sopra\n<lelamal> di niente\n<DAMN3dg1rl> certo che un op che ti accusa di troll perchè non conosce una interfaccia alternativa... ;)\n<DAMN3dg1rl> tornando a rekonq, non posso installare ff , è assai pesante. si può capire come fixar rekonq ?\n<filo1234> DAMN3dg1rl: maa cosa ti serve salvare le password in una live me lo spieghi?\n<DAMN3dg1rl> filo, sto navigando beatamente su fb e controllando amorevolmente la mia posta. ogni 3 secondi ho il redirect per il login\n<DAMN3dg1rl> assai scomodo , non trovi?\n<lelamal> prova ad installare konqueror, rekonq è ancora parecchio buggato\n<DAMN3dg1rl> provo. lelamal. ma perchè l'hanno messo come cosa principale , se è lecito chiedere ? insomma... è buggato\n<filo1234> DAMN3dg1rl: sarà ma non ne vedo l'utilità.. in ogni caso mi pare più un problema della live\n<lelamal> eeh, me lo chiedo anch'io\n<filo1234> DAMN3dg1rl: chiedi agli sviluppatori\n<DAMN3dg1rl> filo, cosa non vedi l'utilità ?\n<filo1234> perchè una live non mantenga le password\n<filo1234> nell'usare una live come intendi tu\n<DAMN3dg1rl> lelamal, mi ero dimenticata di konqueror, ti amo !\n<DAMN3dg1rl> ;)\n<DAMN3dg1rl> cambio browser , a poi\n<lelamal> :)\n<robytrevi> ciao  a tutti\n<ServerNO> Salve a tutti\n<ServerNO> Qualcuno può aiutarmi ???\n<filo1234> !qualcuno | ServerNO\n<ubot-it> ServerNO: la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera'\n<ServerNO> OK\n<ServerNO> devo configurare un server ftp vsftpd su ubuntu server e devo aggiungere degli utenti che hanno delle cartelle dove uppare dei dati tutte contenuti in una sottodirectory dati\n<ServerNO> mi spiego meglio\n<ServerNO> ogni utente ha la sua directory personale utente1 utente2 e così' via ogni utente deve poter accedere solo alla propria cartella. In fine ci sarà un utente principale che potrà accedere a tutte queste cartelle\n<Best`> ragazzi scappo, ci si legge domani! Seraaa!\n<glpiana> ola\n<Aizram> glpiana, :D\n<glpiana> ola Aizram\n<gian_> ho una canon mp250 che non stampa... I driver sono installati (cnijfilter 3.40) ed è correttamente connessa tramite usb.\n<rorro007> ciao a tutti, non so cosa ho toccato mentre ero al portatile, mi sono sparite i bordi finestra per chiudere e minimizzare qualcuno mi può aiutare?? ho la 12.04\n<glpiana> rorro007, avrai smanazzato le configurazioni di compiz\n<rorro007> glpiana, stavo lavorando con gimp e non so sono sparite\n<jester1-> glpiana: ma va.  è noto che ubuntu si sminchi da sola, specialmente a pc spento\n<glpiana> rorro007, sarà morto compiz\n<glpiana> rorro007, hai già riavviato?\n<rorro007> glpiana, no\n<glpiana> rorro007, e cosa ti ferma dal farlo?\n<rorro007> glpiana, che ne so??\n<rorro007> glpiana, se riavvio ritorna tutto come prima??\n<glpiana> rorro007, consulto la sfera e ti dico, intanto riavvia\n<filo1234> glpiana: vuoi la destra o la sinistra?\n<rorro007> glpiana, sei sempre il solito... se ritorno è perche ho problemi saluti e grazie\n<filo1234> eh\n<glpiana> sempre il solito\n<gian_> ho una canon mp250 che non stampa... I driver sono installati (cnijfilter 3.40) ed è correttamente connessa tramite usb.\n<glpiana> !repeat | gian_\n<ubot-it> gian_: non ripetere la tua domanda spesso, ogni N minuti. Non aumenterà le probabilità di ottenere una risposta ma provocherà solamente una reazione stizzita da parte degli altri utenti del canale. Se nessuno ti risponde riprova più tardi o utilizza le altre forme di supporto messe a dispozione dalla comunità.\n<gian_> ciao, è possibile avanzare da ubuntu 10.04 ad ubuntu 10.10 senza cd?\n<glpiana> gian_, diciamo he non è possibile farlo con cd (se non cn alternate)\n<glpiana> !aggiornamento | gian_\n<ubot-it> gian_: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione#Avanzamento_di_versione\n<gian_> glpiana: glpiana  vorrei reinstallare 10.10 dato che con quel rilascio la mia stampante funzionava. Adesso invece con la 10.04 non funziona...\n<glpiana> gian_, la 10.10 però non è più supportata\n<glpiana> e quindi mi sa che l'avanzamento che vuoi fare non puoi farlo\n<glpiana> se non andare a scomodare i repository old release\n<gian_> glpiana: su questo pc ho solo 768MB di ram, per questo non installo l'ultima versione disponibile. Quale mi consiglieresti per la mia ram?\n<glpiana> gian_, o tieni la 10.04 o passi a 12.04 e metti gnome classico (gnome-session-fallback)\n<filo1234> o lxde\n<glpiana> bah\n<Sagitt> salve a tutti!\n<Sagitt> avrei una domanda, è possibile abilitare il support x264 a ffmpeg installato dai source? ho trovato delle guide su come abilitarlo ma se provo a rimuovere l'attuale mi disinstalla alcune applicazioni che non posso disinstallare\n<filo1234> Sagitt: chiedi in #ffmpeg\n<Sagitt> e per la seconda domanda sai rispondermi?\n<filo1234> scusa ma non vedo la seconda domanda\n<filo1234> ne hai fatta una\n<Sagitt> c'è un modo per rimuovere un'applicazione senza rimuovere i pacchetti affini? in questo caso ho ffmpeg e zoneminder, se rimuovo ffmpeg lui mi disinstalla zoneminder, ma se rimuovo zoneminder oltre ad avere off una funzione che mi deve rimanere attiva (ffmpeg esporta solo i video in zoneminder) devo anche riconfigurarlo tutto\n<filo1234> Sagitt: che io sappia no, almeno senza segare il sistema\n<Sagitt> ho chiesto in ffmpeg\n<Sagitt> il problema è che se compilo ffmpeg\n<Sagitt> devo compilarmi anche zoneminder\n<Sagitt> e preferivo tenermi quello dei sorgenti\n<jester1-> Sagitt:  ffmpeg non è una dipendenza di zoneminder, ome fa a toglierlo\n<Sagitt> se io provo a rimuovere ffmpeg secondo questa guida aspetta.\n<Sagitt> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=786095\n<Sagitt> il primo\n<Sagitt> I seguenti pacchetti saranno RIMOSSI:\n<Sagitt>   ffmpeg zoneminder\n<Sagitt> anche solo se tento di togliere ffmpeg\n<jester1-> Sagitt: hai usato ppa per zoneminder?\n<Sagitt> ppa sarebbe?\n<jester1-> i repo scruasi\n<jester1-> Sagitt: cosa ti interessa togliere\n<jester1-> zone o ffmpeg\n<Sagitt> ffmpeg\n<Sagitt> senza tolgiere zoneminder\n<Sagitt> per installare manualmente come da guida\n<Sagitt> ffmpeg e il supporto x264\n<jester1-> installare cosa\n<Sagitt> vorrei mettere ffmpeg e il supporto x264 a ffmpeg\n<Sagitt> secondo quella guida c'è da compilarlo a mano\n<jester1-> Sagitt: toglilo epoi reinstalli il minder\n<Sagitt> c'è alternativa?\n<Sagitt> zi jester1- era ciò che volevo fare\n<Sagitt> il problema è che se tolgo minder\n<Sagitt> dopo mi tocca riconfigurarlo da 0\n<Sagitt> era proprio questo che voelvo evitare\n<jester1-> Sagitt: no la conf ti rimane\n<jester1-> se non cancelli la cartella nella home\n<Sagitt> sei sicuro?\n<jester1-> Sagitt: comunque è strana la cosa\n<Sagitt> io ricordo che l'ultima volta che feci un unistall di zoneminder\n<Sagitt> mi rimosse tutto\n<Sagitt> configurazione compresa\n<Sagitt> si basa su mysql\n<FloodBotIt2> Sagitt: Non intasare il canale, usa http://paste.ubuntu.com per incollare, non usare Invio come punteggiatura.\n<jester1-> Sagitt: si sto vedendo adesso che ffmpeg è una dipendenza\n<jester1-> che non dovrebbe togliere ma i bug esistono\n<Sagitt> non c'è modo alternativo per aggiungere il famoso supporto vero?\n<jester1-> Sagitt: sudo dpkg -r ffmpeg cosa vorrebbe fare\n<Sagitt> Si sono verificati degli errori nell'elaborazione:\n<Sagitt>  ffmpeg\n<jester1-> Sagitt: joina la chat e chiedi a peace-\n<jester1-> Sagitt: secondo me hai incrocchiato apt & co\n<Sagitt> guarda jester1-\n<Sagitt> su questo server non c'è stato fatto altro che un update + upgrade, e install zoneminder\n<jester1-> Sagitt: sudo apt-get install --reinstall ffmpeg zoneminder\n<jester1-> Sagitt: il solito server con la grafica?\n<Sagitt> no\n<Sagitt> server vuoto\n<Sagitt> update\n<Sagitt> upgrade, installazione di un paio di pacchetti\n<Sagitt> configurazione di questi e fine\n<FloodBotIt2> Sagitt: Non intasare il canale, usa http://paste.ubuntu.com per incollare, non usare Invio come punteggiatura.\n<Sagitt> ops. scusate\n<jester1-> Sagitt: e come vedi le cam e le clip di zoneminder\n<Sagitt> mjpg_streamer\n<Sagitt> le clip sono delle immagini in sequenza, ffmpeg non fa altro che esportarle in video se voglio io\n<jester1-> Sagitt: e come lo configuri senza il bauser\n<Sagitt> bauser\n<Sagitt> ?\n<jester1-> browser\n<Sagitt> in che senso come lo configuro?\n<jester1-> Sagitt: che mi ricordi si paciocca con firefox\n<Sagitt> mm no, semplicemente accedo da chrome per esempio sul mio pc attuale\n<Sagitt> digitando l'ip del server, e accedo alla web interface\n<jester1-> Sagitt: comunque ffmpeg è installato a cass per quello lo vuole levare\n<jester1-> Sagitt: sudo apt-get -f install\n<jester1-> Sagitt: sudo apt-get install --reinstall ffmpeg zoneminder\n<Sagitt> adesso lo faccio\n<jester1-> Sagitt: fa vedere eventuale errore\n<Sagitt> http://paste.ubuntu.com/999336/\n<jester1-> Sagitt: è tutto sminciato, pulisci e reinstalla\n<jester1-> Sagitt: o prova a fare un simlink /usr/share/zoneminder -->/var/cache/zoneminder\n<Sagitt> provo\n<Sagitt> io non ho sminchiato nulla\n<Sagitt> ho solo installato come la repo vuole\n<jester1-> Sagitt:  non è correttamente installato lo zone\n<jester1-> Sagitt: niente di piu facile che sia buggato\n<Sagitt> adesso correggo i symlin\n<Sagitt> forse sono le config che li modificano\n<jester1-> Sagitt: eh controlla\n<jester1-> Sagitt: non è una novità un pacchetto che si dimentica un qualcosa\n<jester1-> o meglio il mantainer del pacchetto\n<Sagitt> ok\n<Sagitt> reinstall fatto\n<jester1-> Sagitt: è andato a buon fine?\n<Sagitt> a quanto pare\n<Sagitt> e sembra anche non aver resettato nulla\n<jester1-> Sagitt: sudo apt-get -f install\n<jester1-> cosa dice\n<Sagitt> 0 aggiornati, 0 installati, 0 da rimuovere e 0 non aggiornati.\n<jester1-> prova adesso a togliere ffmpeg\n<Sagitt> the same\n<Sagitt> facciamo cosi\n<Sagitt> lo accontento\n<Sagitt> e rimuovo zoneminder\n<Sagitt> il il -y\n<Sagitt> cosa vuol dire in un apt-get install?\n<jester-> Sagitt: apt-get install sticass installa il pacchetto sticass e le relative dipendenze\n<jester-> -f install tenta di sistemare installazioni farlocche\n<Sagitt> jester-: sto testando la guida ora\n<Sagitt> una domanda che magari ne sapete di più\n<Sagitt> ogni tanto su questo piccolo server\n<Sagitt> senza alcuna causa\n<Sagitt> senza toccar nulla, ma lasciandolo li\n<Sagitt> si scazza il mysql dando un errore, e googlando lo hanno in molti, ora non ricordo l'errore\n<Sagitt> cosa può essere?\n<pas> ciao ho problema con la cam\n<pas> non si vede\n<glpiana> pas, con che programma^\n<glpiana> ?\n<pas> tutti\n<pas> skype .. ho provato anche chatroulette\n<glpiana> tutti -.-\n<pas> ma nulla\n<glpiana> pas, con cheese l'hai provata?\n<pas> non lo ho istallato .. lo installo ?\n<glpiana> pas, sì\n<pas> non si vede\n<glpiana> pas, dai lsusb e copia su pastebin\n<glpiana> !paste | pas\n<ubot-it> pas: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<pas> http://paste.ubuntu.com/999416/.\n<pas> http://paste.ubuntu.com/999416/\n<glpiana> pas, scrivi cheese nel terminale\n<pas> aperto\n<pas> (ma già lo era prima\n<glpiana> pas, e non mostra niente a terminale?\n<pas> una marea di warnig\n<pas> *warninng\n<glpiana> pas, hai provato a collegarla ad un'altra porta usb?\n<pas> funziona la porta con win si collega\n<pas> nell'altra ho il wi-fi\n<glpiana> pas, da quel che vedo dovrebbe andare senza problemi quella webcam. altro ora non so dirti, sorry\n<gabriele93> ho installato ubuntu-studio....hanno messo xface come DE...posso mettere qualcosa di superiore senza combinare casini?\n<pas> capito grazie\n<Sagitt> jester-\n<Sagitt> se seguo quella guida e mi salvo i .deb output posso poi in futuro fare un dpkg -i senza un make dinuovo?\n<jester-> Sagitt: ??\n<Sagitt> https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/UbuntuCompilationGuide\n<Sagitt> questa guida mi fa compilare i moduli manualmente\n<Sagitt> e nella cartella di compilazione mi crea un .deb\n<Sagitt> se in futuro io per esempio reinstallo ubuntu server, e volessi reinstallare quei moduli\n<Sagitt> posso farlo usando sudo dpkg -i file.deb invece che ricompilarli?\n<jester-> Sagitt: se hai fatti il deb è sempre buono\n<jester-> fatto*\n<Sagitt> x264_0.124.2197+git69a0443-1_i386\n<Sagitt> libvpx_201205211918-git-1_i386\n<Sagitt> mi fa questi deb\n<Sagitt> per esempio, quindi lo prendo per un si?\n<jester-> Sagitt:  certo altrimenti a cosa servirebbero i deb\n<Sagitt> perchè tipo il pc non è prestazionale molto\n<Sagitt> e ci sta mettendo tipo mezzora per compilare ffmpeg :p\n<alessio> filo1234, sei pratico di driver ati??\n<alessio> raga non riesco più ad installare i driver ati, nè i proprietari nè quelli aggiuntivi...qualcuno mi da una mano per favore??\n<tullio> Ciao a tutti,sono nuovo....\n<bobbybong> !ciao | tullio\n<ubot-it> tullio: Ciao! Benvenuto in #ubuntu-it\n<tullio> Spero di essere riuscito a fare le cose per benino...!\n<tullio> Mi ha dato le dritte un certo ugone..\n<tullio> Azzz ma cè anche lui..........  ciao ugo\n<tullio> ugone\n<alessio> raga ma la patch di con kovalis è gia incluso nel 3.4??\n<tullio> Ci sei ugone..\n<tullio> Ciao a tutti.\n<avici> ciao a tutti\n<avici> qualcuno se ne intende di virtualizzazioni KVM?\n<tull> ciao, ho un problema con ubuntu lucid, da un po' mi succede che il tempo da quando compare lo sfondo a quando compare la schermata di login è troppo lungo\n<Joshua^Dunamis> tull: può dipendere da molte cose, hai aggiornato i drivers nvidia, hai pacchetti di repositories esterni che riguardano Xorg?\n<tull> Joshua^Dunamis, ho i drivers nouveau ma succede anche con i drivers nvidia, e non ho nessun repository esterno per Xorg\n<tull> l'avvio è veloce tranne in quel periodo\n<tull> ci mette un sacco (25 secondi) ad arrivare al login\n<Sagitt> qualcuno ha httpsegmenter installato?\n<Sagitt> jester-: alla fine sono riusicto a installare ffmpeg con il supporto x264 e zoneminder\n<Sagitt> però ora ho un problema nell'installazione di httpsegmenter\n<Sagitt> segmenter.c:342:45: error: ‘URL_WRONLY’ undeclared (first use in this function)\n<Sagitt> che razza di errore é?\n<naxil> ciao ragazzi\n<naxil> ieri ho fatto un piccolo batch. chiamato a.sh\n<naxil> ora pero ha un lucchetto sopra.. e non posso piu avviarlo\n<Ryccardo> uhmm, vediamo\n<naxil> cosa e' successo?\n<Ryccardo> l'hai scritto da terminale o da GUI?\n<naxil> terminale\n<naxil> usando gedit pero\n<Ryccardo> magari stavi usando sudo?\n<naxil> ma i permessi chmod come li vedo? per ogni file?\n<Ryccardo> vai nella sua cartella e fai `ls -l` :)\n<Ryccardo> o direttamente `ls -l /percorso/al/file`\n<naxil> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 90 2012-05-20 19:17 wiiflow.sh\n<naxil> ecco quindi devo ridurre i privilegi al file..\n<Ryccardo> ecco, è di proprietà di root (anche se dovresti comunque poterlo usare in sola lettura)\n<Carlin0> man chown\n<Ryccardo> Carlin0: ma quale man, dovrebbero saperlo tutti a memoria :p\n<Carlin0> Ryccardo, io per sopraggiunti problemi di età ho la memoria corta e ogni tanto lo consulto lol\n<naxil> io manco lo sapevo. ora ho capito grazie\n<naxil> cmq ragazzi ho un problemino di kernel mi sa. all'avvio mi dice qualche cosa.. ma non faccio in tempo a vedere..\n<Ryccardo> con ctrl+alt+f1 torni sulla console, poi scorri con ctrl (o era shift?) e pagsu/paggiù\n<Ryccardo> se non ti basta c'è il syslog\n<Ryccardo> per tornare su X (ctrl+)alt+f5/f6/f7/f8 in base a quante tty hai\n<naxil> scusate cosa sono le tty?\n<naxil> c'e' nessuno che usa il dualmonitor per favore?\n<Ryccardo> sarebbero i terminali \"standard\" (al contrario di quelli che apri in una finestra con xterm, Konsole e simili) -- li attivi premendo ctrl+alt+f1 per il primo, f2 per il secondo… dopo l'ultimo c'è l'interfaccia grafica\n<naxil2> a ecco\n<naxil2> perche ho premuto ed ho dovuto riavviare\n<Ryccardo> ?\n<naxil2> si sono entrate nel tty1\n<naxil2> e poi non sono riuscito a tornare su gnome\n<naxil2> ho scritto gnome-panel ma mi diceva errore gtk\n<bodo_> sera!\n<Ryccardo> per tornare alla GUI devi ripremere quei tasti ma con f5/f6/f7/eccetera :)\n<naxil2> mmm non riprovo\n<naxil2> Ryccardo usi il dual monitor?\n<Ryccardo> no…\n<naxil2> usi gnome?\n<Ryccardo> neanche :)\n<Ryccardo> xfce\n<Ryccardo> (con un pentium 3 te le sogni le ultime versioni dei DE \"di punta\")\n<naxil2> ma perche nessuno usa gnome? e' cosi brutto?\n<naxil2> a ecco\n<naxil2> ma anche io ho 1gb di ram..\n<bodo_> io ho un problema quando avvio l'installazione del 12.04 il monitor si spegne e mi appare l'avviso hdmi fuori campo o qualcosa del genere invece la versione 10.04 non m dà problemi da cosa può essere causato?\n<Ryccardo> non parliamo di KDE che ha messo l'indicizzazione dei file ed un'UI orrenda, altro che la serie 3.x\n<naxil2> forse potrei mettere un pannello piu leggero? ma poi tutto funziona ugualmente? programmi vari?\n<Ryccardo> naxil2: in quanto a compatimilità no problem, ci sono le librerie\n<naxil2> a quindi puoi usare un \"programma\" per gnome con la tua grafica?\n<naxil2> e come faccio a passare da xfce?\n<Ryccardo> sì, il primo programma per KDE che provi ad installare ti dirà che richiede \"libqt\" ed altri 50 pacchetti con un nome simile, le librerie QT sono (di fatto) \"la grafica di kde\"\n<Ryccardo> lo installi da un package manager, ma non sono sicuro che ci sia su ubuntu (è da un po' che sto provando debian)\n<naxil2> ma ubuntu e' una mod di debian?\n<Ryccardo> è basato su debian, ma si considerano di fatto due cose separate (sono gestiti da team diversi e soprattutto Ubuntu è \"il Debian collaudato e preconfigurato\")\n<naxil2> oi\n<naxil2> ok io vorrei capire perche la mia tastiera e' segata. non riesco ad usare il tastierino come numeri. anche con numpad. senza numpad mi muove il mouse\n<bodo_> io ho un problema quando avvio l'installazione del 12.04 il monitor si spegne e mi appare l'avviso hdmi fuori campo o qualcosa del genere invece la versione 10.04 non m dà problemi da cosa può essere causato?\n<Ryccardo> naxil2: per il \"muove il mouse\" controlla nelle impostazioni la parte sull'accessibilità\n<Ryccardo> bodo_: centra PROBABILMENTE con la configurazione di X, ma non saprei bene\n<Ryccardo> aspè, \"installazione\"\n<naxil2> grazie ryccardo\n<bodo_> non sò cosa sia x comunque lo devo istallare da zero\n<Ryccardo> X è il fondamento dell'interfaccia grafica, ma appunto non si sarebbe ancora attivata in quel momento\n<bodo_> ah ok\n<Ryccardo> anche sui pc a scuola abbiamo avuto un problema simile (anche se erano coi cavi vga, colpa del monitor scarso)\n<bodo_> eppure la versione precedente me la installa senza problemi 10.4 o 10.10\n<Ryccardo> proverei a passare al kernel gli argomenti per andare con e senza il framebuffer (rispettivamente \"vga=normal\" e \"fb800x600\") ma non ricordo come si faccia\n<DAMN3dg1rl> creare una partizione estesa con il partizionatore dell'installatore kubuntu, per infilarci delle logiche dentro, come lo facciO?\n<Ryccardo> DAMN3dg1rl: crei le logiche direttamente se ricordo bene\n<DAMN3dg1rl> uhm\n<DAMN3dg1rl> buono\n<DAMN3dg1rl> e la dimensione da creare per le partizioni è espressa in che unità di misura?\n<Carlin0> bodo_, se arrivi alla prima schermata prova le opzioni che offre F6\n<DAMN3dg1rl> Ryccardo, ne hai idea?\n<Carlin0> DAMN3dg1rl, io credo che tu debba creare prima l'estesa e poi le logiche al suo interno\n<Ryccardo> MB, ma puoi proprio scrivere \"123 GB\" e te l'accetta\n<bodo_> ok io riesco a visualizzare la prima schermata dove cìè scritto installa ubuntu e altre cose devo provare li?\n<Carlin0> bodo_, si\n<DAMN3dg1rl> ti ringrazio\n<naxil2_> come faccio a dividere lo spazio di lavoro in 2 cosi da poter spostare le finestre da una parte all'altra?\n<bodo_> ok il problema è che lo devo installare su questo pc al massimo entro dopo con il portatile grazie per l'aiuto!\n<elio_> buonasera! Avevo un piccolo problema con il Mouse........non riesco a fargli fare lo scrool con la rotellina centrale!\n<DAMN3dg1rl> niente., non riesco a scegliere di creare logiche\n<elio_> per essere più chiaro se provo semplicemente a girare la rotellina funziona e quindi riesco a spostarmi nelle pagine, se invece voglio utilizzare la rotellina come un vero e proprio \"pulsante\" e fare poi lo scroll muovendo il mouse non riesco!\n<DAMN3dg1rl> credo ci sia qualcosa di strano\n<Ryccardo> DAMN3dg1rl: mh, che programma usi per partizionare? con cfdisk non ho mai avuto problemi, nemmeno con quello integrato nell'\"installazione esperti\"\n<DAMN3dg1rl> Ryccardo, quello della live\n<Carlin0> crea prima l'estesa\n<Ryccardo> gparted immagino?\n<DAMN3dg1rl> Carlin0, manca l'opzione\n<DAMN3dg1rl> Ryccardo, penso sia partitionmanager\n<Carlin0> installa gparted\n<naxil2_> Carlin0 ce l'ho fatta!!!!!\n<naxil2_> finalmente ho capito\n<naxil2_> alleluja\n<naxil2_> !chat\n<ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<naxil2> Carlin0,  vieni in chat che ti dico\n<DAMN3dg1rl> Carlin0, sono su live\n<Carlin0> DAMN3dg1rl, lo so ma puoi installarlo lo stesso\n<elio_> buonasera! Avevo un piccolo problema con il Mouse........non riesco a fargli fare lo scrool con la rotellina centrale! per essere più chiaro se provo semplicemente a girare la rotellina funziona e quindi riesco a spostarmi nelle pagine, se invece voglio utilizzare la rotellina come un vero e proprio \"pulsante\" e fare poi lo scroll muovendo il mouse non riesco!\n#ubuntu-it 2012-05-22\n<Carlin0> buonanotte\n<SFREGIO> ue come lo installo photoshop su linux\n<glpiana> ola\n<doubler7> ola glpiana\n<glpiana> ola doubler7\n<doubler7> http://imagebin.org/213364   e   http://imagebin.org/213365    lol\n<doubler7> mentre caricava le anteprima dei divx nell'harddisk ntfs esterno\n<glpiana> doubler7, mantieni il sistema aggiornato e prima o poi i crash termineranno\n<glpiana> doubler7, hai riprovato ed è andato ancora in crash?\n<doubler7> glpiana, una volta..s+ freezzato\n<Best`> Buuooooonggioooornooooooo!\n<Best`> ops\n<doubler7> sè+\n<Best`> scuste\n<Best`> buondi!\n<pac> buongiorno\n<glpiana> doubler7, comincia ad aggiornare il sistema che c'è un aggiornamento del kernel\n<doubler7> bonsciurn bestpac\n<doubler7> ok\n<pac> stamattina 12.04 mi ha riscontrato un errore interno e la stampante è inutilizzabile\n<pac> purtroppo non riesco a copiare tutte le voci del crash per informarvi meglio\n<glpiana> pac, nel terminale: ps aux | grep cups\n<glpiana> pac, per le info del crash puoi prender ele immagini\n<pac> ho provato a tronare alla versione previous dove mio trovo ora ma niente\n<glpiana> !image | pac\n<ubot-it> pac: Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<glpiana> !paste | pac\n<ubot-it> pac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<glpiana> torno subito (reboot)\n<pac> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1000335/\n<glpiana> pac, hai già postato qualcosa?\n<pac> glpiana: http://imagebin.org/213369\n<pac> glpiana: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1000335/\n<glpiana> pac, ps aux | grep ijs\n<pac> glpiana: http://imagebin.org/213370\n<pac> glpiana: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1000338/\n<glpiana> pac, nel terminale scrivi: ijs_server_epsonpl\n<glpiana> pac, poi riprova la stampante\n<pac> glpiana: pasquale@pasquale-System-Product-Name:~$ ijs_server_epsonpl ijs_server_epsonpl: command not found pasquale@pasquale-System-Product-Name:~$\n<glpiana> pac, sì, mancava una e: ijs_server_epsonepl\n<pac> glpiana: comando dato cursore lampeggiante stampante  ancora inattiva\n<glpiana> pac, sul browser come indirizzo metti: localhost:631\n<pac> glpiana: ok\n<glpiana> pac, vai su amministrazione e poi clicca su gestisci stampanti\n<pac> glpiana: ok\n<glpiana> pac, la vedi elencata?\n<pac> glpiana: si\n<glpiana> pac, cliccaci sopra e poi dimmi cosa c'è tra èarentesi di fianco al nome della stampante\n<glpiana> *parentesi\n<pac> glpiana: (Processing, Accepting Jobs, Not Shared, Server Default)\n<glpiana> pac, clicca su maintenance e scegli \"cancel all jobs\" e dimmi cosa appare tra parentesi ora\n<pac> glpiana: EPSON-EPL-6200L EPSON-EPL-6200L Errore\n<glpiana> pac, maintenance -> print test page\n<pac> glpiana: EPSON-EPL-6200L (Processing, Accepting Jobs, Not Shared, Server Default)\n<pac> glpiana: non la stampa\n<glpiana> pac, e non fa nulla. ok\n<glpiana> pac, hai già riavviato il sistema, vero?\n<pac> glpiana: prima di chiedere un supporto si\n<glpiana> pac, allora prima di tutto scollega la stampante. spegnila e staccale l'alimentazione per almeno una decina di secondi\n<glpiana> pac, dopodichè riattaccala, accendila, e scrivi nel temrinale dmsg | tail         e metti su pastebin\n<pac> glpiana: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1000354/\n<glpiana> sory, dmesg | tail\n<pac> glpiana: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1000357/\n<glpiana> pac, apri la gestione delle stampanti e prova astampare una pagina di prova\n<pac> g\n<pac> ok\n<pac> glpiana: ti ringrazio di cuore!\n<glpiana> :)\n<pac> glpiana: buona giornata!\n<glpiana> pac, la prossima volta che succede fai solo l'ultimo intervento, dovrebbe essere sufficiente\n<pac> glpiana: ma io spero non accada più! Cambia qualcosa se sono su previous?\n<glpiana> pac, previous? intendi che hai scelto un kernel precedente al boot?\n<pac> glpiana: si+\n<pac> glpiana: non va bene vero?\n<glpiana> pac, se il sistema funziona usalo pure, il motivo di questa scelta?\n<pac> glpiana: ma come dicevo prima non funzionando sua 12.04 ho provato sulla versione previous, ci sono probabilità che non funzioni se torno di la?\n<glpiana> pac, prova ad avviare ocn l'altro kernel e vediamo\n<glpiana> *con\n<pac> glpiana: ok\n<Best`> riavvio un'attimo :)\n<glpiana> Best`, grazie dell'informazione\n<pac> glpiana: funziona però mi sono dimenticato di copiare l'ultimo comando da tenere da parte per occasioni simili!\n<glpiana> pac, nessun comando, solo staccare e riattaccare la stampante\n<pac> glpiana: va bene quest non dovrei dimenticarlo! :-) di nuovo buona giornata!\n<dod> o/\n<glpiana> pac, altrettanto\n<tomahawk_> aoo\n<tomahawk_> gentaccia\n<tomahawk_> ce siete\n<glpiana> !nessuno | tomahawk_\n<ubot-it> tomahawk_: se nessuno parla in canale non significa che non ci siano utenti attivi. Fate la vostra domanda  tecnica e se qualcuno vorrà rispondervi lo farà\n<glpiana> !enter | tomahawk_\n<ubot-it> tomahawk_: non spezzettare una frase su piu' righe. Non utilizzare il ritorno a capo come punteggiatura.\n<tomahawk_> oko\n<tomahawk> ma ogni tanto na stronzata se po di\n<tomahawk> no perchè me pare un mortorio\n<glpiana> !chat | tomahawk\n<ubot-it> tomahawk: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<glpiana> tomahawk, questo è un canale di supporto, non una chat\n<tomahawk> di supporto\n<tomahawk> infatti pe sopportave ce ne vole\n<glpiana> tomahawk, se hai un problema relativo a ubuntu esponilo. altrimenti sei pregato di no scrivere. grazie\n<glpiana> *non\n<dod> dicce cosa non te va' secce'. na riga sola me raccomanno.\n<glpiana> dod, per cortesia\n<dod> ok\n<tomahawk> oh Sant'Antonio mio!!!!!\n<alessio> glpiana, we ciao come va?? mi potresti gentilmente aiutare sempre per quei benedetti driver ati??\n<glpiana> alessio, fammi un sunto della situazione attuale\n<alessio> glpiana, se provo ad installare i driver aggiuntivi mi arriva quasi alla fine poi la barra di avanzamento va avanti e indietro per un po' e mi esce l'errore con il relativo file di log da guardare, mentre se installo i proprietari col .run preso dal sito dell'amd mi dice che vi sono gia dei driver installati e che prima devo rimuoverli se voglio installare quest'ultimi\n<glpiana> alessio, scrivi: dpkg -l | grep fglrx\n<glpiana> !paste | alessio\n<ubot-it> alessio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<alessio> glpiana, non mi da otput\n<alessio> *output\n<glpiana> alessio, locate fglrx\n<alessio> glpiana, /usr/share/app-install/desktop/fglrx-driver.desktop\n<alessio> /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/source_fglrx-installer.py\n<alessio> /usr/share/jockey/handlers/fglrx.py\n<glpiana> alessio, fa vedere l'output del gestore driver aggiuntivi\n<alessio> glpiana, L'installazione di questo driver non è riuscita.\n<alessio> Consultare i file di registro per maggiori informazioni: /var/log/jockey.log\n<glpiana> appunto, fa vedere  /var/log/jockey.log\n<alessio> glpiana, ho fatto con cat forse è incompleto http://paste.ubuntu.com/1000392/\n<alessio> glpiana, ti posto quello completo con gedit\n<glpiana> alessio, no, non serve\n<glpiana> alessio, sei col kenrel 3.2 o col 3.4?\n<alessio> glpiana, con il 3.4\n<glpiana> alessio, -.-   e lo hai preso da qualche parte o te lo sei compilato tu?\n<alessio> glpiana, l'ho preso da kernel.org\n<glpiana> alessio, e lo hai compilato tu\n<alessio> glpiana, ah no scusa ho preso solo i 3 file, all.deb/amd64.deb e un'altro\n<glpiana> alessio, dpkg -l | grep linux-image\n<alessio> glpiana, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1000398/\n<glpiana> alessio, scrivi: sudo apt-get install fglrx-updates fglrx-amdcccle-updates\n<glpiana> alessio, fa vedere che dice all afine\n<alessio> glpiana, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.4-precise/ ho preso i soliti 3 file\n<glpiana> *alla fine\n<alessio> glpiana, eh asp mo c'è il pacchetto danneggiato\n<glpiana> alessio, metti us pastebin l'errore\n<alessio> glpiana, devo andare in /usr/var/cache/apt e cancellarlo\n<alessio> glpiana, ora dice di dare un apt-get -f install perchè il pacchetto non è installato completamente\n<alessio> glpiana, però l'ho gia fatto ieri e alla fine mi dice che c'è un errore\n<glpiana> alessio, allora chiariamo una cosa: o mi mostri gli output che ti chiedo o non pretendere che io cerchi di aiutarti\n<alessio> glpiana, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1000401/\n<alessio> glpiana, te li mostro però ti ho detto che ho fatto la stessa cosa ieri e l'unica è stato cancellare quel file...\n<mikunos> Buongiorno a tutti\n<mikunos> come va?\n<alessio> glpiana, vai sono nelle tue mani ti posto solo gli output (era giusto per darti una mano nient'altro)\n<mikunos> sto sclerando nell'aggiornamento di UBUNTU all'ultima versione\n<alessio> mikunos, così così sto sclerando dietro sti benedetti driver ati :D\n<mikunos> ciao alessio\n<alessio> mikunos, perchè cosa ti dice??\n<glpiana> alessio, sudo apt-get purge fglrx\n<mikunos> che scheda hai?\n<alessio> glpiana, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1000405/\n<mikunos> glpiana alessio l'update manager si blocca all'avvio dell'aggiornamento\n<alessio> mikunos, mi sta gia aiutando glpiana grazie :D comunque ati 5650 hd radeon mobility\n<mikunos> alessio ok\n<alessio> mikunos, io ho risolto facendo un'installazione pulita del 12.04\n<glpiana> alessio, hai synaptic?\n<glpiana> mikunos, si blocca e cosa dice?\n<alessio> glpiana, si\n<glpiana> alessio, apri synaptic\n<mikunos> glpiana mi dice che devo inviare una segnalazione\n<glpiana> alessio, cerca fglrx e dimmi che pacchetti ti mostra come installati\n<glpiana> mikunos, senza dettagli?\n<mikunos> bug #967314\n<ubot-it> Launchpad bug 967314 in update-manager \"update-manager crashed with RuntimeError in error(): unable to get the value\" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/967314\n<alessio> glpiana, appena apro il synaptic mi dice che c'è un pacchetto danneggiato, che sarebbe quel benedetto driver aggiuntivo\n<glpiana> alessio, e poi?\n<mikunos> glpiana l'errore è riportato nel bug site\n<glpiana> mikunos, ho visto. dammi l'output di cat /etc/apt/sources.list   e di ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d\n<alessio> glpiana, comunque jockey-common, jockey-gtk, fglrx-amdcccle però ha un punto esclamativo rosso (che sarebbe quello danneggiato) e infine xserver-xorg-video-radeon,\n<glpiana> mikunos, su pastebin\n<glpiana> alessio, marca per la rimozione completa fglrx-amdcccle\n<alessio> glpiana, comunque cosa strana prima avevo anche il pacchetto fglrx ora invece no\n<alessio> glpiana, ok rimosso\n<mikunos> glpiana http://pastie.org/3948699\n<glpiana> alessio, chiudi synaptic\n<alessio> glpiana, ok\n<glpiana> alessio, riaprilo e dimmi se segnala ancora problemi\n<mikunos> glpiana http://pastie.org/3948703\n<alessio> glpiana, no il synaptic non segnala problemi (ovvio abbiamo rimosso il pacchetto danneggiato) :D\n<alessio> glpiana, ora??\n<glpiana> alessio, se era ovvio potevi afrlo tu prima. ora chiudi synaptic e scrivi: sudo apt-get clean\n<glpiana> mikunos, proviamo a levare sti repository che hai aggiunto. se proprio non ne puoi fare a meno li aggiungerai di nuovo in seguito\n<alessio> glpiana, eh ma prima mi hai detto di non prendere iniziative e di seguire le tue istruzioni, comunque dopo il clean??\n<glpiana> alessio, non coglionarmi\n<glpiana> alessio, sudo apt-get install fglrx-updates fglrx-amdcccle-updates\n<glpiana> mikunos, sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*\n<glpiana> mikunos, poi dai un sudo apt-get update\n<mikunos> ok\n<alessio> mhmhm buona stamane scarico a 829kb/s :D\n<mikunos> alessio: capperi cos'hai?\n<glpiana> mikunos, quando ha temrinato riavvia l'update-manager e vediamo se procede\n<mikunos> e da dove scarichi\n<mikunos> ok glpiana\n<glpiana> mikunos, per cortesia ste robe gliele chiedi in privato\n<mikunos> ok glpiana\n<alessio> mikunos, una penosissima alice 7mega =( qui dalle mie parti fastweb non prende sennò via di 20mb con soglia minima apprezzabile altro che alice che soglia minima in download è 1mb\n<mikunos>  glpiana:  errore\n<mikunos> chiusura inattesa di Gestore Aggiornamenti\n<alessio> glpiana, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1000414/\n<glpiana> mikunos, ridai sudo apt-get update e mostrami l'output\n<mikunos> glpiana http://minus.com/lBlFLLVUr29nk\n<glpiana> alessio, ls /usr/share/ati/fglrx-uninstall.sh\n<alessio> glpiana, /usr/share/ati/fglrx-uninstall.sh\n<glpiana> alessio, sudo /usr/share/ati/fglrx-uninstall.sh\n<alessio> glpiana, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1000415/\n<mikunos> glpiana http://paste.ubuntu.com/1000416/\n<alessio> mikunos, ti consiglio di levare medibuntu fa solo danni quando devi aggiornare\n<alessio> mikunos, tanto non servono quasi a niente quei pacchetti andrei ad usare proprio di rado quei tipi di file\n<alessio> *andrai\n<mikunos> ma ho eseguito il comando di cancellazione dei source che mi hai indicato\n<glpiana> alessio, dpkg -l | grep fglrx\n<glpiana> alessio, da qualcosa ora?\n<alessio> mikunos, il mio è solo un consiglio visto che tutti in rete dicono di avere problemi a fare l'upgrade ed è dovuto a medibuntu\n<alessio> glpiana, iU  fglrx-amdcccle-updates                    2:8.960-0ubuntu1                        Catalyst Control Center for the AMD graphics accelerators\n<glpiana> alessio, sudo apt-get purge fglrx-amdcccle-updates\n<glpiana> mikunos, prova a fare come dice alessio, leva o commenta la riga di medibuntu\n<alessio> glpiana, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1000418/\n<glpiana> alessio, sudo mv  /usr/share/ati /usr/share/ati_old\n<alessio> glpiana, non da output\n<glpiana> alessio, oki, lsmod | grep radeon\n<alessio> glpiana, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1000421/\n<glpiana> alessio, oki, ora riavvia il sistema e poi torna qui. però devi aspettare, torno tra un po'\n<alessio> glpiana, ok intanto leggo un po' di notizie poi quando torni sistemiamo, grazie 1000 per l'aiuto che mi stai dando :D\n<glpiana> alessio, hai riavviato?\n<alessio> glpiana, si si eccomi scusa\n<pac> scusate per i problemi relativi ai software va bene qui?\n<alessio> pac, credo di si di pure\n<glpiana> alessio, vai su driver aggiuntivi e vedi che dice\n<alessio> glpiana, attivo i proprietari??\n<alessio> glpiana, mi dice che nessun driver proprietario è in uso su questo sistema\n<glpiana> alessio, sì, vediamo se li mette. se da errore metti il log su pastebin\n<glpiana> alessio, sei su 3.4?\n<alessio> glpiana, si si ora lo sto compilando per i7\n<glpiana> alessio, riavvia in 3.2 e vedi che dice driver aggiuntivi\n<pac> i manuali di scribus fanno riferimento solo a vecchie versioni e non mi ci ritrovo con l'ultima disponibile. il problema riguarda l'allineamento delle caselle di testo alle griglie!\n<alessio> glpiana, ah ok asp vedo se va a buon fine l'installazione sul 3.4 e poi al massimo appena finisce di compilare vado sul 3.2\n<glpiana> ok\n<alessio> pac, sul sito di scribus dice che non è più supportato per linux e che si sono fermati alla versione\n<alessio> pac, prova a vedere se qualcuno offre una versione più aggiornata tramite ppa\n<pac> alessio: bene grazie\n<glpiana> scribus su pangolin è la 1.4\n<alessio> pac, se vuoi aggiungi questi ppa deb http://debian.scribus.net/debian/ oneiric main\n<alessio> deb http://debian.tagancha.org/debian/ oneiric main\n<alessio> pac, ma qui dice che potrebbero creare problemi e che non sono perfettamente stabili...a tuo rischio e pericolo quindi\n<glpiana> alessio, non consigliare repository esterni su questo canale\n<glpiana> alessio, e poi pac ha pangolin non oneiric\n<alessio> glpiana, ah ok scusa...comunque sono sul sito di scribus\n<alessio> glpiana, veramente non ha detto che versione di ubuntu ha\n<mikunos1> glpiana\n<alessio> glpiana, comunque 0 non è andata a buon fine\n<pac> alessio: grazie annullo!\n<mikunos1> glpiana non funziona l'aggiornamento\n<glpiana> alessio, l'ha detto prima relativamente a un altro problema\n<alessio> glpiana, ah ok scusa allora :D\n<glpiana> mikunos1, si blocca nello stesso modo?\n<mikunos1> si glpiana\n<glpiana> mikunos1, dai: sudo apt-get install --reinstall update-manager update-manager-core\n<glpiana> mikunos1, poi riprova\n<mikunos1> ok\n<mikunos1> glpiana errore, niente da fare\n<mikunos1> continua imperterrito\n<mikunos1> lasciamo stare.\n<mikunos1> mi sa che dovrò passare un giorno per reinstallare tutto\n<mikunos1> ricordi per caso la situazione dei 3 monitor?\n<jester-> 'ngiorno\n<mikunos1> sono solamente preoccupato perchè ho notato che la nuova versione non è che sia veramente stabile con i driver ATI\n<glpiana> mikunos1, usa i radeon\n<mikunos1> glpiana lasciamo stare ci ho perso le notti\n<glpiana> pac, per scribus, installa scribus-doc e poi richiami la documentazione con f1\n<alessio> glpiana, le guide di lffl sono proprio una chiavica guarda qua http://paste.ubuntu.com/1000496/\n<alessio> glpiana, http://www.lffl.org/2012/05/kernel-34-x64-corei3-i5-i7-guida-alla.html\n<alessio> glpiana, o e sempre colpa dei driver ati??\n<sberla> CIao, ho installato openjdk-7-jdk e quando compilo con javac usa la versione 7 mentre per eseguire con java usa la versione 6 causando errore ovviamente. Idee su come risolvere, per favore?\n<glpiana> sberla, nel terminale dpkg -l | grep openjdk\n<glpiana> !paste | sberla\n<ubot-it> sberla: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<sberla> glpiana: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1000522/\n<glpiana> sberla, ora: update-alternatives --list java\n<glpiana> sempre su pastebin\n<sberla> glpiana: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1000524/\n<sberla> vado con la seconda?\n<sberla> glpiana: la aggiorniamo ? :)\n<glpiana> sberla, sì, update-alternatives --config java\n<sberla> glpiana: ha funzionato grazie\n<glpiana> sberla, :)\n<sberla> glpiana: buona giornata.\n<glpiana> altrettanto\n<romeopapa> glpiana, ciao\n<romeopapa> glpiana, una domanda, ho notato un notevole rallentamento dell'esplora risorse con la 12.04, è normale?\n<newbie|4> ciao a tutti\n<cricido> posso con ubuntu creare un tinclient\n<cricido> ?\n<cricido> ho un hardware p3 128 mb di ram\n<glpiana> romeopapa, non l'ho notato\n<cricido> glpiana che consigli\n<cricido> lubuntu?\n<glpiana> cricido, non so cosa sia un tinclient\n<cricido> in pratica un pc che lancia il desktop remoto\n<cricido> per connettersi a un server\n<glpiana> cricido, thin client\n<cricido> ahhahaa\n<cricido> scusa\n<cricido> ahahha\n<cricido> scritto male\n<FloodBotIt2> cricido: Non intasare il canale, usa http://paste.ubuntu.com per incollare, non usare Invio come punteggiatura.\n<glpiana> !ltsp | cricido dice enzotib\n<ubot-it> cricido dice enzotib: ltsp is http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/UbuntuLtsp\n<cricido> quello era della telecom ehhehe\n<romeopapa> glpiana, polesse un appesantimento generale? che fa \"pulizia del computer\"?\n<cricido> glpiana: ma esiste un iso oppure è il normale ubuntu con certi pacchetti\n<cricido> ?\n<glpiana> romeopapa, leva pacchetti inutilizzati, osboleti, esterni (quindi occhio a cosa rimuovi) e le configurazioni inutili\n<romeopapa> glpiana, sie...mi leva wine, virtualbox, chrome..., draftsigh...anche quelli non supportati\n<glpiana> romeopapa, e tu deseleziona quello che vuoi tenere\n<glpiana> romeopapa, ma poi mica sei costretto a usarlo\n<romeopapa> glpiana, infatti...\n<glpiana> cricido, leggi la guida, lo spiega\n<romeopapa> glpiana, c'è qualche altro controllo da fare?\n<glpiana> romeopapa, è una installazione nuova o un avanzamento?\n<romeopapa> avanzamento\n<glpiana> romeopapa, potresti resettare gnome allora\n<glpiana> romeopapa, che interfaccia usi?\n<romeopapa> glpiana, mmm bho, quella standard...di serie?\n<glpiana> romeopapa, la barra a sinistra?\n<romeopapa> glpiana, sisi\n<glpiana> romeopapa, la 3d o la 2d (si chiama unity sta interfaccia) ?\n<romeopapa> glpiana, si UNITY 3d credo, da dove lo vedo?\n<glpiana> romeopapa, apri un temrinale e scrivi: ps aux | grep unity-2d\n<glpiana> romeopapa, se non da niente è unity 3d\n<romeopapa> glpiana, incollo qui tanto è poca roba:     26048  0.0  0.0   9416   928 pts/1    S+   12:13   0:00 grep --color=auto unity-2d\n<glpiana> romeopapa, oki, è unity-2d allora. dai prova un reset di gnome intanto così vedi se migliora la situazione. dimmi anche che scheda video hai\n<glpiana> !gnomereset | romeopapa\n<ubot-it> romeopapa: Per resettare gnome alle sue impostazioni di default rinominare le cartelle nascoste nella propria home  .gnome2 .config .gconf .gconfd .gnome2_private  con un nome a piacere, ad esempio .gnome2.bk e riavviare la sessione\n<romeopapa> glpiana, è un portatile con nvidia geforce g210m da 512 mb\n<glpiana> romeopapa, driver nouveau o proprietari?\n<romeopapa> glpiana, che domande difficili stamani!\n<glpiana> romeopapa, lol: lsmod | grep nvidia\n<romeopapa> glpiana, nulla...non dice nulla\n<glpiana> romeopapa, lsmod | grep nouveau\n<romeopapa> glpiana, è nouveau!\n<glpiana> romeopapa, oki. hai rinominato le directory?\n<romeopapa> spe lo fo\n<romeopapa> glpiana, fatto, riavvio\n<glpiana> romeopapa, basta terminare sessione e rientrare\n<romeopapa> glpiana, sisi lo so, avevo XP su virtuabox...sta facendo gli aggiornamenti...\n<AlexTux> salve ragazzi, qualcuno di voi ha mai usato compizconfig-settings-manager?\n<romeopapa> glpiana, approfitto...per quello che ho capito wine non funziona con programmi tipo database\n<romeopapa> ti risulta?\n<romeopapa> ci sono novità?\n<jester-> !ccsm\n<ubot-it> Per abilitare effetti visivi aggiuntivi personalizzabili in Ubuntu: installa 'compizconfig-settings-manager' o 'simple-ccsm'. Dopo l'installazione apparirà la relativa icona in Sistema Preferenze - Vedi anche !compiz - Aiuto in #compiz-fusion\n<glpiana> romeopapa, non uso wine\n<romeopapa> glpiana, fai bene! mi tocca windows per 1 solo programma di lavoro che non funge su wine\n<AlexTux> jester-, sì lo so, ho solo una domanda specifica, quando provo ad abilitare le finestre tremolanti parla di un altro sw, snapping windows che va disabilitato per attivare questo effetto, volevo sapere cosa è e se è capitato anche a voi\n<glpiana> AlexTux, alcuni plugin non sono compatibili con altri. tutto lì. se usi come interfaccia unity ti sconsiglio di smanazzare ccsm\n<AlexTux> glpiana, andrei più sicuro con gnome dici?\n<glpiana> AlexTux, no, ti sconsiglio di toccarlo perchè rischi di mandare in palla gnome. se poi no puoi fare a meno delle finestre tremolanti sono la persona sbagliata per aiutarti\n<AlexTux> glpiana, no assolutamente, era giusto per provare\n<glpiana> AlexTux, per provare e non fare danni usa una sessione ospite\n<glpiana> se proprio devi\n<jester-> AlexTux: apri ccsm e metti la spunta si ciofeca finestre tremolanti\n<AlexTux> glpiana, a quello ci avevo già pensato :p\n<AlexTux> jester-, fino a lì c'ero arrivato, ma non so cosa sia snapping windows e volevo sapere\n<OverMe> AlexTux, sono le finestre che si appiccicano ai bordi del desktop\n<AlexTux> OverMe, quindi eventualmente niente bordi adesivi, mille grazie!\n<mizusan> ciao, ad ogni accesso ubuntu 12.04 mi dice che non ho sbloccato le chiavi e mi chiede la psw. E' normale? si può fare qualcosa?\n<glpiana> mizusan, sì, resetta le password del portachiavi. sai come fare?\n<mizusan> glpiana, no\n<glpiana> mizusan, apri password e chiavi\n<mizusan> glpiana, fatto\n<glpiana> mizusan, vedi una voce elncata?\n<glpiana> *elencata\n<mizusan> glpiana, si password:login\n<glpiana> mizusan, tasto destro -> delete\n<glpiana> poi quando ti richiederà la password per il portachiavi la lasci in bianco\n<mizusan> glpiana, ok grazie\n<TaLaDo> dove mette i filmati di youtube che una volta metteva in /tmp ?\n<glpiana> TaLaDo, li stipa in .mozilla/firefox/qualcosa.default/Cache/ e poi in giro per le sottodirectory\n<TaLaDo> che fregatura\n<glpiana> TaLaDo, difficile reperirli comunque, ma ci sono alternative\n<TaLaDo> glpiana, quali?\n<glpiana> TaLaDo, un plugin per firefox che si chiama download helper, oppure il programma minitube\n<TaLaDo> glpiana, ora cerco\n<TaLaDo> grazie\n<glpiana> TaLaDo, minitube è nei repo, il plugin di firefox lo trovi sul sito mozilla tra gli addon\n<TaLaDo> ok\n<timoty> salve\n<timoty> sto utilizzando ubuntu 12.04 e remmina per connettermi in desktop remoto attraverso VNC ad un'altra macchina che ha installata la 11.10\n<timoty> quando provo a scrivere un testo sulla 11.10 la tastiera risulta configurata in inglese piuttosto che in italiano\n<timoty> qualcuno mi sa dire come fare per configurarla correttaemnte?\n<glpiana> timoty, prova a cliccare sul tasto delle impostazioni e vai nella scheda rdp. imposta la tastiera e vedi se funziona\n<glpiana> timoty, oppure metti la spunta a \"usare la disposizione di tastiera del client\"\n<timoty> glpiana: già fatto e non ha prodotto effetti (anche perché credo sia destinato al protocollo RDP)\n<mizusan> ciao, meTV non trova dispositivi dvb inseriti, pasto lsusb prima e dopo http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1000694/\n<glpiana> timoty, sto facendo delle prove\n<timoty> glpiana: grazie\n<mizusan> glpiana, sono ancora io, ME TV non trova dispositivi dvb inseriti, pasto lsusb prima e dopo http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1000694/\n<glpiana> timoty, sto provando con vnc network computing. usi quello?\n<timoty> sì\n<timoty> glpiana: sì\n<glpiana> timoty, sto provando tra due 12.04 e la tastiera funziona correttamente. è impostata come tastiera italiana su entrambi i pc?\n<timoty> glpiana: sì è italiana su entrambi ma sono una 12.04 e una 11.10\n<timoty> glpiana: non due 12.04\n<glpiana> timoty, se quando ti connetti al pc con 11.10 vai su impostazioni di sistema -> layout di tastiera, cosa vedi elencato a sinistra?\n<alessio> glpiana, we ciao rieccomi ho rimosso tutti i kernel tranne il 3.2 continuiamo con i driver??\n<glpiana> alessio, sì. te li mostra ora il gestore dei driver aggiuntivi?\n<alessio> glpiana, si ma anche prima me li mostrava...comunque...li installo da li allora??\n<glpiana> alessio, sì installali e nel caso non andassero su metti il log su pastebin\n<timoty> glpiana: a sinistra? Italiana\n<glpiana> timoty, e solo quella?\n<timoty> glpiana: si' solo quella\n<alessio> glpiana, incredibileeeeeeeeeee evvaiiiiiiiiiii\n<alessio> glpiana, ti adoro :D\n<glpiana> lol\n<alessio> glpiana, se voglio installarli sul 3.4 ottimizzato per i7 come devo fare?? rimuovo prima questi e poi li installo??\n<glpiana> alessio, non so dirtelo\n<glpiana> timoty_, il problema è sia nel terminale che negli applicativi?\n<alessio> glpiana, ok dai faccio la prova sicuramente erano gli altri kernel che combinavano danni ne avevo 8 pensa un po' :D\n<alessio> glpiana, grazie ancora :D\n<alessio> glpiana, ti faccio sapere come va a finire :D\n<carlo> ciao a tutti, per sbaglio ho tolto la spunta ll opzione \"abilita reti senza fili\" (o qualcosa del genere) dal menù a tendina che esce cliccando sull icona del wifi in alto a destra........ora non riesco più a far partire il wifi xkè mi è stata congelata l'opzione \"abilitare reti senza fili\".......cosa posso fare? ovviamente adesso sto scrivendo da windoz, dato che da ubuntu non posso collegarmi\n<timoty> glpiana: a quale terminale fai riferimento? ad xterm o alla console senza X?\n<Drizamanuber> ho problemi con l'istallazione della mail di yahoo su evolution\n<glpiana> xterm\n<timoty> no anche xterm ha lo stesso problema\n<glpiana> Drizamanuber, http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/viewtopic.php?t=310471\n<Drizamanuber> glpiana: ho visto le istruzioni, ma non riesco a trovare dove mettere la spunta\n<glpiana> timoty, spiacente ma non trovo nulla al riguardo, e nemmeno come parrare l'ozpione al comando\n<timoty> glpiana: forse questo potrà aiutare. Ho provato a fare la connessione al contrario da 11.10 a 12.04 (usando visualizzatore di scrivanie remote Vinagre) stesso protocollo ma direzione inversa e mi dice si è verficato un errore connessione all'host impossibile. Secondo te perché? E' un problema di firewall\n<glpiana> timoty, hai il firewall attivo?\n<glpiana> Drizamanuber, io non ho un account yahoo quindi non posso controllare cosa appare nelle opzioni\n<timoty> glpiana: come posso controllare se ho il firewall attivo? In ssh mi connetto tra le due macchine senza problemi\n<Drizamanuber> glpiana: capisco, grazie comunqeu\n<glpiana> timoty, allora, di default non lo è, quindi se è attivo lo hai attivato tu. scrivi in un terminale: sudo iptables -L\n<glpiana> Drizamanuber, ma se vuoi vediamo, campo per campo la tu aocnfigurazione di evolution\n<Drizamanuber> ok\n<timoty> glpiana: le tre catene sono tutte e tre vuote\n<glpiana> Drizamanuber, però devi dirmi tu i vari campi perchè non ho nemmeno evolution :)\n<Drizamanuber> ok glpiana\n<glpiana> timoty, quindi niente firewall. hai configurato su 12.04 l'accesso da remoto?\n<Drizamanuber> glpiana: nella pagina delle identità ho inserito la mia mail di yahoo\n<timoty> glpiana: non mi ricordo ora controllo\n<glpiana> Drizamanuber, completo di @yahoo.com/it ?\n<Drizamanuber> glpiana: nella pagina delle ricezioni ho messo POP - pop3.yahoo.com e come nome utente ....@yahoo.it cifratura ssl, sì nella identità ho messo ....@yahoo.it\n<glpiana> Drizamanuber, cmabia pop3 con pop.mail.yahoo.com\n<glpiana> *cambia\n<Drizamanuber> glpiana: ci ho già provato ma non funziona lo stesso\n<Drizamanuber> adesso ritento\n<Drizamanuber> mi dice che è impossibile connettersi errore nell'inviare la password\n<timoty> glpiana: non l'avevo configurato, dopo averlo fatto mi connetto e la tastiera da 11.10 a 12.04 funziona bene il contrario no :-(\n<glpiana> timoty, non capisco a cosa possa essere dovuto. hai provato anche con altri client?\n<timoty> no, non ho provato\n<glpiana> Drizamanuber, e se togli la cifratura?\n<Drizamanuber> glpiana: sto facendo prorpio quello\n<glpiana> timoty, prova ad esempio con xvnc4viewer\n<timoty> glpiana: pensavo che il client di default funzionasse meglio del precedente persente nella 11.10\n<avici> ciao a tutti\n<Drizamanuber> glpiana: l'host deve essere per forza .com=\n<glpiana> Drizamanuber, perchè?\n<Drizamanuber> perchè uso yahoo in italiano\n<avici> qualcuno se ne intende di QtEmu??? ho cercato sul software center virtual machine manager e mi ha fatto scaricare quel QtEmu\n<Drizamanuber> glpiana: per ora ci rinuncio, provo questa sera\n<glpiana> Drizamanuber, prova a mettere come account solo il nome senza @yahoo.it\n<glpiana> avici, cosa vorresti virtualizzare?\n<avici> un altro os\n<glpiana> avici, usa virtualbox allora\n<glpiana> !virtualbox\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Virtualizzazione/VirtualBox\n<avici> ok thank's provo\n<avici> glpiana, sfrutta la virtualizzazione kvm virtualbox?\n<Drizamanuber> glpiana: le ho già provate tutte, sto impazzendo\n<glpiana> avici, non credo\n<avici> uhm\n<avici> ho preso il pc nuovo con la cpu ke lo supporta apposta\n<glpiana> avici, allora guarda qui http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Virtualizzazione/Qemu\n<m1t0> avici: non ho capito che tipo di problema riscontri con qemu\n<avici> m1t0 adesso sto leggendo la guida di qemu\n<glpiana> m1t0, non penso ne riscontri ancora visto che non l'ha usato\n<avici> m1t0 io avevo cercato virtual machine manager e mi ha fatto scaricare qtemu\n<glpiana> che è una interfaccia per qemu\n<avici> ho provato ad installare un os ma quando facevo partire mi diceva An error has occurred. This may have been caused by an incorrect setting. The error is qemu: -disable-kvm: invalid option\n<m1t0> avici: devi controllare se hai i moduli corretti caricati\n<glpiana> avici, non esiste quella opzione. al massimo c'è -enable-kvm\n<avici> glpiana non lo so, ho copiato l'errore ke mi ha dato\n<glpiana> avici, oki, ma come hai avviato la macchina?\n<avici> nella configurazione mi chiedeva: disk immage fortmat e posso scegliere tra native immage(qcow); raw image (img); VMWWAREimage (vmd)\n<avici> nn capisco xo xke nn mi chiede il percorso dell file .iso (nel mio caso ke lo installero da un .iso)\n<m1t0> avici: devi controllare bene che sia abilitato il supporto a kvm su qemu\n<avici> ieri seguendo 1 guida mi diceva : Successivamente, caricare i moduli kvm e kvm-intel se si possiede un processore Intel (estensione VT-x)  # modprobe kvm # modprobe kvm-intel\n<avici> e scrivendoli su terminale nn succedeva niente\n<avici> non mi dava nessun output\n<m1t0> avici: e' corretto\n<glpiana> avici, lsmod | grep kvm\n<m1t0> vedi se ci sono con lsmod\n<m1t0> esatto\n<avici> ok\n<avici> copio qui: kvm_intel              61643  0  kvm                   383910  1 kvm_intel\n<glpiana> avici, io ti consiglierei di usare direttamente qemu da riga di comando invece ella interfaccia in modo da sapere chiaramente che opzioni gli dai in pasto\n<glpiana> a dopo\n<avici> quindi mi consigli di seguire la guida che mi hai dato prima?\n<avici> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Virtualizzazione/Qemu\n<m1t0> avici: assolutamente si\n<avici> ma una volta installata attraverso la riga di comando posso usarla tramite interfaccia?\n<m1t0> avici: in piu' probabilmente devi abilitare il vt-x dal bios\n<avici> quello lo ho fatto m1t0\n<m1t0> avici: bene\n<m1t0> avici: se intendi avviare il sistema con grafice, certamente puoi farlo\n<avici> il fatto è ke nn credo che riuscirò ad usare tramite riga di comando\n<avici> finche è da installare e configurare ke seguo 1 guida ok\n<avici> ma se devo utilizzarlo una volta installato da riga di comando nn ne sarei in grado\n<timoty> glpiana: ho installato sia vinagre e anch'esso imposta la tastiera inglese, mentre xvnc4viewers non ho capito come si usa\n<timoty> glpiana: xvnc4viewers si lancia da riga di comando_\n<avici> m1t0 un altra cosa, su quella guida che mi ha passato glpiana dice:Per emulare sistemi X86_64 sostituire il comando qemu visto nel paragrafo Utilizzo con qemu-system-x86_64.\n<timoty> glpiana: xvnc4viewers si lancia da riga di comando?\n<avici> quindi ad esempio al posto del comando qemu -hda disco-test.img -cdrom nome_immagine.iso -m 192 -boot d scriverò qemu-system-x86_64 -hda disco-test.img -cdrom nome_immagine.iso -m 192 -boot d\n<avici> ?\n<Cyber_Orange> ciao a tutti. ho provato ad installare ubuntu 12.04 sul notebook hp pavilion g6 series ma la schermata diventa nera e il computer sembra ibernato\n<m1t0> avici: si\n<avici> ok\n<m1t0> avici: hai installato qemu-kvm-extras. ?\n<avici> si m1t0\n<Cyber_Orange> guarda non ho nemmeno fatto partire l'installazione\n<Cyber_Orange> ah m1t0 stavi parlando con avici\n<m1t0> Cyber_Orange: si\n<k41s3r80> ciao a tutti\n<k41s3r80> qualcuno potrebbe aiutarmi?\n<k41s3r80> sono novizio con irc\n<m1t0> k41s3r80: inizia bene! non chiedere di poter chiedere, ma chiedi e basta! :P\n<k41s3r80> grazie\n<k41s3r80> che differenza c'è tra gli utenti con il pallino verde ed il resto?\n<glpiana> k41s3r80, questo canale è dedicato al supporto di ubutnu\n<glpiana> !chat | k41s3r80\n<ubot-it> k41s3r80: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<k41s3r80> grazie\n<glpiana> timoty, scrivi xvnc4viewer nel terminale\n<avici> m1t0 e glpiana ho seguito la guida ma nn ha funzionato qualcosa\n<glpiana> avici, spiega\n<avici> allora....ho aperto qemu\n<avici> e gia in quella specie di terminale che si è aperta c'è qlc che nn va\n<timoty> glpiana: fatto mi chiede il server ci metto l'ip?\n<m1t0> qlc lol bellissimo\n<avici> mi da dei bot failed\n<avici> nn so come copiaverlo xo,nn riesco a copiare da li\n<glpiana> timoty, sì\n<glpiana> avici, da terminale?\n<avici> glpiana, no , non riesco a copiare quello che mi dice quando si apre qemu\n<glpiana> !image | avici\n<ubot-it> avici: Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<timoty> glpiana: fatto, sfortunatamente non cambia nulla. Sempre con il layout della tastiera in inglese\n<glpiana> timoty, un secondo che vedo\n<avici> glpiana: http://imagebin.org/213424\n<glpiana> avici, dai il percorso cmpleto quando specifichi la iso?\n<glpiana> timoty, nulla, non trovo niente che possa risolvere la cosa\n<m1t0> avici: e' soltanto un problema di path sicuramente, il sistema dice chiaramente qual'e' il problema\n<timoty> glpiana: grazie lo stesso\n<avici> glpiana io come comando ho scritto: cruck@home:~$ qemu-img create VM1.img 10G , poi qemu-system-x86_64 -hda VM1.img -cdrom BT5R1-GNOME-64.iso -m 1024 -boot c\n<Ecila> Ciao a tutti! Avrei bisogno di una mano. La versione di ubuntu che ho al momento è la 10.04, mi è stato consigliato di aggiornarla. Come fare?\n<samba_> ciao, avrei bisogno di modificare il file gtkrc-3.0 in modo che il font size per le applicazioni tipo gedit / geany   usino ad esempio il font \"ubuntu\" e font-size=8\n<samba_> quale file devo modificare e con quale stringa devo mettere ?\n<samba_> Ecila, per aggiornare dai il comando update-manager -d\n<samba_> !upgrade | Ecila\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'upgrade'\n<samba_> !update | Ecila\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'update'\n<Ecila> ma non senza perdere i dati?\n<enzotib> Ecila, l'aggiornamento da 10.04 a 12.04 sarà possibile dopo la prima milestone: 12.04.1\n<enzotib> (a meno di usare sotterfugi)\n<Ecila> mm... ovvero?\n<samba_> (non è così devastante)\n<samba_> ma è meglio aspettare che sia stabile\n<enzotib> Ecila, che devi aspettare ancora\n<samba_> più stabile di adesso\n<Ecila> Ma passare ad una versione successiva anche di poco?\n<Ecila> il mio problema adesso è che riesco a collegarmi solo col cavo ethernet\n<Ecila> le wifi non le rileva\n<enzotib> Ecila, poi dovrai fare tutti i passaggi intermedi, ovvero 10.10, 11.04, 11.10 e finalmente 12.04\n<Ecila> e come si fanno i suddetti passaggi?\n<samba_> enzotib,  no, non e' vero\n<samba_> io ho fatto un passaggio unico dal portatile dove ti scrivo\n<samba_> 10.04 -> 12.04\n<enzotib> samba_, non è supportato, quindi sconsigliato, poi un può fare quello che vuole, anche passare da ubuntu a mint\n<enzotib> samba_, 10.04 -> 12.04 si può fare perché sono entrambe LTS\n<samba_> lo so\n<enzotib> ma non lo proporrà fino a quando uscirà la 12.04.01\n<samba_> e credo che il passaggio da una LTS all'altra sia più che supportato\n<samba_> altrimenti tutti i server ubuntu non andrebbero avanti\n<enzotib> samba_, dipende da cosa intendevi per \"non è vero\"\n<samba_> non voglio fare discussioni, con \"non è vero\" volevo dire che è possibile fare un passaggio dalla 10 alla 12\n<samba_> solo quello\n<enzotib> samba_, siamo d'accordo, io dicevo a Ecila che se vuole passare a 10.10 poi si trova costretto a fare tutti i passaggi\n<samba_> ok\n<Ecila> e quindi? cosa consigliate?\n<enzotib> Ecila, aspettare, oppure passare a 10.10\n<enzotib> Ecila, oppure installare direttamente 12.04 da zero\n<Ecila> e se passo a 10.10 poi dovrò fare tutti i passaggi, versione per versione, giusto?\n<enzotib> Ecila, sì\n<Ecila> dai, non bisogna avere troppe pretese\n<Ecila> mi basta che vada internet wifi\n<Ecila> posso fare l'aggiornamento senza perdere i dati, giusto?\n<enzotib> Ecila, ma perché non va il wifi? che scheda hai?\n<Ecila> scheda?\n<Ecila> scusate, ma state parlando con una persona che non se ne intende affatto...\n<Ecila> mi piace l'etica di ubuntu, e per questo l'ho fatto installare, ma le mie conoscenze tecniche si fermano presto\n<enzotib> Ecila, lspci | grep Network\n<Ecila> enzotib ?\n<enzotib> Ecila, sai cos'è un terminale?\n<Ecila> sì\n<Ecila> ovvero, so come vi si accede\n<Ecila> devo dare quel comando sul terminale?\n<enzotib> Ecila, sì\n<Ecila> enzotib 04:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev 01)\n<enzotib> Ecila, benissimo, dpkg -l | egrep 'b43|bcm'\n<Ecila> ii  bcmwl-kernel-source                               Broadcom 802.11 Linux STA wireless driver so\n<Ecila> ii  bcmwl-modaliases                                  Modaliases for the Broadcom 802.11 Linux STA\n<enzotib> Ecila, sudo apt-get purge bcmwl-kernel-source bcmwl-modaliases && sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer\n<enzotib> Ecila, NON incollare qui l'output\n<Ecila> no no\n<Ecila> sembra abbia finito\n<enzotib> Ecila, sudo iwconfig (su pastebin)\n<enzotib> !pastebin | Ecila\n<ubot-it> Ecila: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<Ecila> enzotib http://paste.ubuntu.com/1000889/\n<Ecila> Anzi, mi sa che sta continuando\n<naxil2> ciao a tutti\n<naxil2> mi serve una mano con uno script\n<naxil2> dovrei fare uno script che attiva shutdown o \"disconnetti\" controllando il valore del bandwith di pp0\n<glpiana> naxil2, non c'è supporto per gli script su questo canale. chiedi su #ubuntu-it-chat\n<Ecila> enzotib http://paste.ubuntu.com/1000892/\n<naxil2> ok\n<Ecila> enzotib adesso ha finito\n<enzotib> Ecila, però c'è un errore, aspetta che guardo\n<enzotib> Ecila, sudo iwconfig\n<enzotib> Ecila, sempre su pastebin\n<Ecila> enzotib http://paste.ubuntu.com/1000902/\n<enzotib> Ecila, sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter\n<Ecila> enzotib fetch and extract firmware?\n<enzotib> Ecila, sì\n<Ecila> fatto\n<enzotib> Ecila, sudo iwconfig su nuovo\n<enzotib> Ecila, scusa, sudo iwconfig  (di nuovo)\n<Ecila> enzotib uguale a prima\n<enzotib> Ecila, lsmod | egrep 'b43|wl'\n<Ecila> enzotib non lo riconosce\n<enzotib> Ecila, che significa?\n<enzotib> Ecila, se scrivi bene deve funzionare, quel comando\n<Ecila> enzotib http://paste.ubuntu.com/1000918/\n<naxil2> ragazzi ho installato un programma ma stranamente quando ci premo sopra non parte..\n<enzotib> Ecila, ok, intendevi che non dà output? v a bene lo stesso\n<enzotib> Ecila, sudo modprobe b43\n<Ecila> enzotib, sì, in quel senso\n<Ecila> enzotib, neanche questo dà output\n<enzotib> Ecila, sudo iwconfig\n<Ecila> enzotib http://paste.ubuntu.com/1000934/\n<enzotib> Ecila, perfetto: sudo iwlist wlan0 scan\n<Ecila> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1000941/\n<enzotib> Ecila, quindi ora ti funziona il wireless\n<Ecila> sì?\n<Ecila> proviamo....\n<enzotib> Ecila, click con il tasto sinistro sull'icona della rete (in alto a destra) dovrebbe mostrarti le reti disponibili\n * samba_ is away: I am too busy to read, then I am too busy.\n<enzotib> !away | samba\n<ubot-it> samba: i messaggi pubblici di away creano confusione in canale soprattutto per gli utenti alle prime armi e possono interrompere una discussione in corso. Ti preghiamo quindi di evitare di usarli\n * samba_ is back (gone 00:00:06)\n<naxil2> se usate xchat basta scrivere /ignore #ubuntu.it NOTI\n<enzotib> naxil2, per cosa?\n<naxil2> cosi non vedete piu le scritte join/eccetera\n<naxil2> toglie tutte le notifiche\n<samba_> grande naxil2\n<enzotib> naxil2, le regole del canale prevedono il non uso dei messaggi di away\n<naxil2> visto che due cacchiate le so fare anche io\n<samba_> apprezzo 1k di volte di più il messaggio tuo che quello del bot\n<naxil2> si ma su certi canali tutto quel ESCE/entra e' un po fastidioso\n<naxil2> qui non serve tanto\n<naxil2> cmq enzotinb verresti in chat per favore?\n<enzotib> naxil2, ci sono già\n<Best`> via.. si và a casa! A domani! Ciaooo!\n<pac> buon pomeriggio\n<pac> ho trovato, ma non so più dove, che devo sostituire il nome del device con il suo id in questo comando xsetwacom get \"Wacom Serial Penabled 1FG Touchscreen eraser\" all ma non capisco come procedere\n<pac> sto cercando di utilizzare gromit però da terminale mi da questo http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1001041/\n<alessio> ciao a tutti raga, ho un problema con plymouth...quando spengo il pc si vede l'animazione ma quando lo accendo no\n<OverMe> pac, non è rilevante\n<pac> OverMe: quindi dovrebbe andare?\n<OverMe> se ti riferisci alle prime 3 righe di warning, non pregiudicano\n<alessio> enzotib, we come va?? mi daresti una mano??\n<enzotib> no\n<avici> looool\n<avici> m1t0_ ci 6?\n<ubu5400> salve a tutti\n<ubu5400> ho un problema con il mio ubuntu 11.04 su notebook\n<enzotib> !chiedi | ubu5400\n<ubot-it> ubu5400: per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<a7x> ubu5400, esplicati\n<ubu5400> quando installo i software da ubuntu software center mi dice alla fine operazione di pacchetto non riuscita\n<avici> beh chiedo a tutti, ho problemi con la virtualizzazione KVM....ho seguito la guida http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Virtualizzazione/Qemu c'è qualcuno che se ne intende abbastanza da potermi aiutare?\n<a7x> valeo1978\n<a7x> valeo1978\n<ubu5400> anche se poi in realtà me lo ritrovo in applicazioni\n<a7x> uhm\n<a7x> ci deve essere un bug\n<ubu5400> come mai?\n<a7x> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<a7x> ... nulla ubu5400 è un errore del mio client, comunque incolla l'output del terminale sul paste -^\n<ubu5400> può essere dovuto a questi benedetti server...?\n<ubu5400> comando output?\n<a7x> ubottu-it, l'output =  quello che ti dà ubuntu-software-center\n<ubottu-it> a7x: Error: \"l'output\" is not a valid command.\n<a7x> ubu5400, l'output =  quello che ti dà ubuntu-software-center\n<ubu5400> ora riprovo e incollo l'out\n<ubu5400> si ma come lo estraggo?\n<ubu5400> devo allegare l'immagine con stamp?\n<a7x> se ti è più facile sì\n<stefano__> ciao\n<ubu5400> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1001091/\n<stefano__> dovrei programmare sulla porta porallela qualcuno sa come si fa vedere l' indirizzo della porta?\n<ubu5400> sarà stato adobe reader.deb ita a provocare questo bug?\n<enzotib> !chat | stefano__\n<ubot-it> stefano__: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<a7x> ubu5400, ci sono buone possibilità, installArchives() failed: Selezionato il pacchetto audacity-data. <- questo è il primo errore che ti dà?\n<ubu5400> mi pare che il problema si sia presentato quando ho installato un paccheto deb di adobe reader 8 in italiano\n<ubu5400> in effetti mi sembra che nell'out sia riportato sotto\n<ubu5400> che dite provo a disinstallarlo con purge\n<ubu5400> ma vi chiedo il comando esatto che non ricordo\n<a7x> ascolta, proviamo comunque\n<a7x> sudo apt-get remove --purge pacchetto_come_si_chiama\n<ubu5400> AdobeReader_ita-8.1.7-1.i386.deb\n<avici> beh chiedo a tutti, ho problemi con la virtualizzazione KVM....ho seguito la guida http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Virtualizzazione/Qemu c'è qualcuno che se ne intende abbastanza da potermi aiutare?\n<ubu5400> quindi esattamente?\n<a7x> ubu5400 dpkg devi usare\n<ubu5400> si ma se mi dite il comando completo ve ne sarei grato\n<a7x> ubu5400, dpkg -r AdobeReader_ita-8.1.7-1.i386\n<a7x> anzi\n<a7x> ubu5400, dpkg -P AdobeReader_ita-8.1.7-1.i386\n<ubu5400> dpkg: attenzione: there's no installed package matching AdobeReader_ita-8.1.7-1.i386\n<ubu5400> mi dice questo\n<a7x> vai nella cartella in cui si trova il file .deb\n<a7x> e digita dpkg -P AdobeReader_ita-8.1.7-1.i386.deb\n<ubu5400> in home ho una cartella di adobe all'interno ci sono  due sotto cartelle reader e flash\n<ubu5400> ma non vedo il file deb  in quello reader\n<a7x> ubu5400, cercalo\n<a7x> lo sai tu come l'hai insstallato :\\\n<ubu5400> il pacchetto deb originario d'installazione è sulla scrivania\n<ubu5400> l'ho rimosso da sinaptyc\n<ubu5400> va bene uguale?\n<ubu5400> ora provo a vedere se mi da ancora il bug\n<ubu5400> synaptic\n<ubu5400> pardon...\n<a7x> va bene\n<a7x> procedi\n<ubu5400> ah  prima ho rimesso il mirror italia per i pacchetti\n<ubu5400> ma è stato ripristinato o no?\n<ubu5400> sto installando il pacchetto di adobe reader 9 presente\n<a7x> vediamo cosa succede\n<ubu5400> ci mette un lo interrompo e provo con un pacchettopiù piccolo pò\n<carlo> ciao a tutti, per sbaglio ho tolto la spunta ll opzione \"abilita reti senza fili\" (o qualcosa del genere) dal menù a tendina che esce cliccando sull icona del wifi in alto a destra........ora non riesco più a far partire il wifi xkè mi è stata congelata l'opzione \"abilitare reti senza fili\".......cosa posso fare? ovviamente adesso sto scrivendo da windoz, dato che da ubuntu non posso collegarmi\n<ubu5400> sto insttallando filezilla\n<carlo> !image\n<ubot-it> Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<enzotib> carlo, nm-tool, output su pastebin\n<ubu5400> ok\n<ubu5400> sembra risolto\n<max_sme> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1001166/\n<max_sme> potete aiutarmi\n<max_sme> ?\n<ubu5400> il problema era il pacchetto adobe reader 8 che avevo installato prima\n<glpiana> ola\n<carlo> enzotib, purtroppo non posso dare comandi dal terminale, sono su windows.......non mi posso connettere da ubuntu........per essere più chiaro ho caricato la foto dell'opzione che ho toccato http://imagebin.org/213439\n<ubu5400> ah suggeritemi qualche buon tool per il monitoraggio rete e dispositivi\n<ubu5400> ed anche hardware\n<ubu5400> se possibile\n<enzotib> carlo, la conosco l'opzione, ma senza quel pc sottomano non possiamo fare niente, non hai un cavo per connetterti?\n<a7x> ubu5400, monitoraggio rete?\n<ubu5400> si\n<ubu5400> rete e dispositivi connessi alla rete\n<a7x> chiedi in #ubuntu-it-chat\n<ubu5400> più che un tool un software di monitoraggio\n<ubu5400> oltre al semre efficiente terminale\n<a7x> max_sme, hai pacioccato con i sources?\n<carlo> enzotib, al momento sono in treno connesso tramite hotspot wifi del cellulare......:( se mi sai indicare una guida va benissimo, altrimenti tento di ricollegarmi stasera da casa, tirando un cavo da qualche parte! :)\n<ubu5400> ok\n<ubu5400> grazie lo stesso\n<samba_> ragazzi, ho una domanda\n<samba_> vediamo se mi potete aiutare\n<samba_> avrei bisogno di modificare il font size delle applicazioni che usano gtk2 e gtk3\n<samba_> c'è qualche file / link / manuale che posso leggermi oppure qualcuno sa cosa dovrei fare per modificare i font ?\n<pandafunk> samba_, puoi cambiare i font con ubuntu-tweak o gnome-tweak-tool\n<a7x> carlo, prova a: entrare su ubuntu e disattiva la wireless tramite il bottone apposta/combinazione di tasti, riattivala e riavvia\n<carlo> a7x, già provato.....non cambia nulla! :(\n<pandafunk> carlo, ogni tanto a me capita... non so se è il tuo caso, ma se spengo e stacco la batteria poi riprende a funzionare\n<glpiana> samba_, che versione di ubuntu hai? e che interfaccia usi?\n<samba_> glpiana, uso fluxbox e ubuntu 12.04\n<ubu5400> qualcuno ha mai provato gtkGuitune?\n<ubu5400> l'ho installato ma non mi apre l'interfaccia\n<glpiana> !qualcuno | ubu5400\n<ubot-it> ubu5400: la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera'\n<enzotib> ubu5400, lancialo da terminale, mi pare che richiede /dev/dsp\n<ubu5400> come lo lancio comando esatto?\n<enzotib> ubu5400, padsp gtkguitune dovrebbe andare\n<ubu5400> si ok\n<samba_> ok, sono riuscito a configurare i font\n<samba_> ma adesso vorrei sapere in che file ha messo la conf\n<ubu5400> ma solo da terminale posso lanciarlo?\n<enzotib> ubu5400, oppure modifichi il lanciatore\n<glpiana> samba_, fluxbox dovrebbe avere le conf sotto .fluxbox\n<ubu5400> gli do il comando che ho appena lanciato sul term\n<samba_> sì, ma la configurazione delle applicazioni è inerente a gtk e non ai temi di fluxbox\n<ubu5400> perfetto\n<enzotib> ubu5400, mkdir -p ~/.local/share/applications && cp /usr/share/applications/gtkguitune.desktop ~/.local/share/applications\n<samba_> fluxbox gestisce solo i temi delle finestre e del menu\n<ubu5400> fatto\n<glpiana> samba_, hai ragione anche tu\n<enzotib> ubu5400, cosa, hai già modificato o stavi seguendo me?\n<samba_> dovrebbe esserci un gtkrc che è stato modificato\n<samba_> ma non so dove\n<samba_> nella home no\n<samba_> in .config no\n<ubu5400> ho cambiato il comando del lanciatore\n<FloodBotIt2> samba_: Non intasare il canale, usa http://paste.ubuntu.com per incollare, non usare Invio come punteggiatura.\n<ubu5400> con padsp gtkguitune\n<glpiana> samba_, cercalo: sudo updatedb     e poi locat gtkrc | grep home\n<pandafunk> samba_, glpiana le impostazioni dovrebbero stare nel backend gsettings\n<pandafunk> samba_, glpiana gsettings list-recursively | grep interface | grep font\n<ubu5400> ubuntu is the best!!!\n<samba_> ho trovato questo file: ~/.gconf/desktop/gnome/interface/%gconf.xml\n<samba_> da settare a mano\n<samba_> o con gconf\n<samba_> risolto, tnx\n<timoty> glpiana: ho trovato un workaround al problema di remmina e della tastiera inglese\n<ubu5400> grazie a tutti come sempre e alla prossima\n<glpiana> timoty, dimmi\n<ubu5400> ciao\n<timoty> glpiana: in realtà non e' un problema di remmina ma un bug di vnc\n<timoty> comunque il workaround consiste nell'aggiungere al layout di tastiera italiana\n<glpiana> timoty, come'\n<glpiana> ?\n<timoty> glpiana: comunque il workaround consiste nell'aggiungere al layout di tastiera italiana anche quello inglese americano e una volta connessi fare lo switch prima in inglese e poi nuovamente in italiano\n<timoty> glpiana: verrà inviato uno switch attraverso la connessione vnc e quindi funziona bene\n<glpiana> timoty, buono a sapersi. è quello che si cambia con lo shift?\n<timoty> glpiana: come si cambia con lo shift?\n<timoty> io ho in alto l'icona della tastiera con una it e en per la tastiera italiana e usa\n<glpiana> timoty, non so, leggevo qualcosa a riguardo oggi, ma molto lla veloce\n<glpiana> *alla\n<timoty> glpiana: ho capito cos'è quello shift a cui ti riferivi\n<timoty> glpiana: a me fa lo switch premendo shift e il fissa maiuscole\n<glpiana> timoty, non so altro\n<timoty> glpiana: è uno shortcut per fare lo switch fra le tastiere\n<glpiana> ecco\n<timoty> glpiana: o meglio tra i layout delle tastiere\n<timoty> saluti\n<avici> beh chiedo a tutti, ho problemi con la virtualizzazione KVM....ho seguito la guida http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Virtualizzazione/Qemu c'è qualcuno che se ne intende abbastanza da potermi aiutare?\n<carlo> iao a tutti, per sbaglio ho tolto la spunta ll opzione \"abilita reti senza fili\" (o qualcosa del genere) dal menù a tendina che esce cliccando sull icona del wifi in alto a destra........ora non riesco più a far partire il wifi xkè mi è stata congelata l'opzione \"abilitare reti senza fili\".......cosa posso fare?\n<carlo> p.s. adesso sono riuscito a collegarmi via lan\n<carlo> *ethernet\n<carlo> enzotib, .\n<enzotib> carlo:\n<enzotib> avici: ma il problema qual è?\n<avici> ciao a tutti\n<esulu> ciao\n<avici> c'è qualcuno che si intende di virtualizzazioni KVM?oggi ho seguito la guida http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Virtualizzazione/Qemu c'è qualcuno che se ne intende?\n<enzotib> avici, ho letto più volte il tuo messaggio, ma quale sia il problema non lo hai ancora detto\n<avici> ciao enzotib, non lho scritto xke pensavo che nessuno sapesse qlc riguardo alla virtualizzazione,oggi ho parlato con m1t0 e con qualcun altro di cui nn ricordo il nick...x quello continuavo a postare il messaggio\n<enzotib> avici, non ho detto che so aiutarti, ma se non esponi nessuno verrà a chiedertelo\n<avici> cmq ho seguito quella guida...quando apro qemu xo mi si apre un terminale, in cui mi dice che nn partono alcuni boot..\n<jackiechan0> hi there my windows borders are disappeared how can i fix ?\n<lelamal> !en | jackiechan0\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'en'\n<jackiechan0> ?\n<jackiechan0> lelemi aiutate\n<lelamal> jackiechan0: in this channel people use Italian. /join # ubuntu for English support\n<jackiechan0> lelamal: ho incollato per sbalgio\n<jackiechan0> posso essere aiutato\n<lelamal> certo, io però non ho idea :). qualcun altro leggerà se scrivi in italiano però.\n<jackiechan0> ok\n<tull> ciao, in ubuntu lucid il comando per vedere il menu di grub 2 è Shift? Ho provato con Shift , compare una scritta \"loading grub 2\" ma poi non compare nessun menu.\n<sandrinux> tull, a me sembrava Esc\n<tull> avevo provato anche con Esc ma non succedeva nulla\n<tull> non compariva neanche la scritta \"loading grub 2\"\n<tull> vorrei tornare al kernel vecchio\n<tull> il 2.6.32-40\n<sandrinux> tull, hai ragione è Shift, Esc era per Grub....boh, dovrebbe funzionare...\n<tull> boh\n<tull> devo tenerlo premuto lo SHIFT?\n<tull> posso provare con lo SHIFT di destra\n<sandrinux> tull, eh non lo so è indispensabile, ma se lo tieni premuto male non dovrebbe fargli\n<tull> ok provo\n<vassalli> ciao\n<vassalli> salve\n<dod> salve vassalli\n<takli> \\q\n<sergios> salve a tutti, ho bisogno di aggiornare adobe flash player su ubuntu 11.10 ma sul sito http://get.adobe.com/it/flashplayer/ non so quale versione scaricare... scusate la domanda da newbbo ma qual'è il comando per aggiornarlo da terminale?\n<Carlin0> sergios, perchè scaricare il flashplayer dal sito quando è nei repo ?\n<MarcoPau> ciao, siete riusciti ad installare picasa?\n<sergios> Carlin0 come posso fare ad aggiornare? mi conviene disinstallare  e reinstallare da ubuntu software center?\n<Carlin0> sergios, dai questo comando → dpkg -l | grep 'flash\\|gnash\\|swf'\n<Carlin0> e metti l'output in paste\n<Carlin0> !paste | sergios\n<ubot-it> sergios: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<sergios> http://pastebin.com/tz5xCMaH\n<sergios> eccolo Carlin0\n<Carlin0> sergios, il flash è già aggiornato solo hai altra roba che va in conflitto ora la rimuoviamo\n<Carlin0> sergios, sudo apt-get purge gnash gnash-common browser-plugin-gnash\n<Carlin0> sergios, e dopo riavvia il browser\n<sergios> ok, cmq ricordo che quando ho installato avevo difficoltà ed è probabile che ho fatto qualche casino! :P\n<Carlin0> sergios, oltretutto gli ultimi flash sono un po bacati...\n<sergios> Carlin0: fatto, ho riavviato firefox\n<Carlin0> prova a vedere su youtube ...\n<Carlin0> dovrebbe andare\n<sergios> Carlin0: non va, prima riuscivo a vedere youtub e non riuscivo con i video di repubblica.it. adesso non vedo nessuno dei due!\n<Carlin0> posta di nuovo dpkg -l | grep 'flash\\|gnash\\|swf'\n<sergios> Carlin0: http://pastebin.com/shVstrmR\n<Carlin0> sergios, usi la 32 o la 64 bit ?\n<sergios> 64\n<Carlin0> mmm, un attimo\n<Carlin0> sergios, dai sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-installer\n<Carlin0> poi sergios vai qui http://get.adobe.com/it/flashplayer/  scarichi il tar gz lo scompatti e lo metti nella cartella /.mozilla/plugins\n<Carlin0> se quella cartella non esiste la crei\n<sergios> ok\n<Carlin0> sergios, è una cartella nascosta nella tua home\n<Carlin0> sai come vederla vero ?\n<naxil2> carlin0 oggi sono riuscito ad installare il mobile partner (software propietario per la connessione UMTS) mi ha creato (come in windows) anche una ETH1 \"virtuale\" pensi che mi possa servire per sherare la connessione?\n<Carlin0> naxil2, ti ho già detto ieri che ne capisco poco :P\n<naxil2> a non eri te.. scusami\n<Carlin0> naxil2, nulla :)\n<Carlin0> !tizio\n<ubot-it> non porre le tue domande a qualcuno in particolare, rivolgiti al canale. Non usare forme del tipo \"Tizio, mi sai dire..\"/\"Tizio, posso?\"\n<Carlin0> lol\n<naxil2> ok\n<sergios> Carlin0: no, non so come fare per visualizzarla (vergogna) :)\n<naxil2> te di bash ci capisci?\n<naxil2> !chat\n<ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<Carlin0> sergios, dal menu visulaizza mi pare ci debba essere mostra fiel/cartelle nascoste\n<sergios> ok trovato visualizza/mostra file nascosti :)\n<Carlin0> .mozilla/plugins\n<sergios> Carlin0 hm hm... dentro la cartella /.mozilla non ci sono cartelle plugin ma estension, penso sia quella esatto?\n<Carlin0> sergios, creala tu la cartella plugins se non c'è\n<Carlin0> e ci metti dentro il file libflashplayer.so\n<sergios> Carlin0: fatto, e ci ho messo dentro il contenuto della cartella scompattata (non la cartella ma ciò che c'era dentro)\n<sergios> ah ok solo quel file?!?\n<Carlin0> dentro c'era quel file li ...\n<Carlin0> si è lui il prediletto :P\n<Carlin0> se non funziona così ho finito le idee , ma speriamo bene\n<sergios> si insieme a una cartella usr e un file readme\n<sergios> incrociamo le dita\n<sergios> Carlin0: adesso che si fa?\n<Carlin0> riavviia FF e riprova sul tubo\n<sergios> Carlin0: nada!\n<Carlin0> che palle ...\n<sergios> Carlin0 http://imagebin.org/213502\n<Carlin0> sergios, ma non ha mai funzionato ?\n<sergios> youtube funzionava, non con tutti i video però\n<Carlin0> sergios, se dai al terminale → locate libflashplayer.so\n<Carlin0> che dice ?\n<sergios> lancio il comando locate libflashplayer.so ma nn mi dice nulla\n<Carlin0> ma scusa almeno quello nella tua home dovrebbe vederlo no?\n<Carlin0> quello che abbiamo messo poco fa ...\n<sergios> aspetta...\n<sergios> niente da fare, il file c'è ma nn da terminale nn lo trovo\n<sergios> assurdo! o_O\n<Carlin0> sergios, dai → cd ~\n<Carlin0> e dopo → ls -l\n<Carlin0> metti in paste il 2°\n<Carlin0> anzi accorciamo fai → ls -l .mozilla\n<sergios> http://pastebin.com/9MGc6itw\n<Carlin0> dai quello che ti ho dato dopo scusa ..\n<Carlin0> ls -l .mozilla\n<sergios> si eccolo http://pastebin.com/01z0a4mw\n<Carlin0> buh stranisssimo ...\n<sergios> io e la tecnologia abbiamo sempre questo rapporto! :S\n<Carlin0> sergios, dai → cd .mozilla/plugins\n<Carlin0> e poi ls\n<Carlin0> lo vede il file o no ?\n<sergios> Carlin0 eh si! http://pastebin.com/gvBGA0dC\n<sergios> lo vedo!\n<Carlin0> proviamo una cosa\n<Carlin0> dagli da quella posizione questo comando → sudo cp libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so\n<Carlin0> dimmi se da errori\n<sergios> no, nessun errore (ma apparentemente nessuna procedura)\n<Carlin0> dai locate libflashplayer.so\n<Carlin0> lo vede ?\n<sergios> scusami, mi correggo... mi chiedeva la password, non me ne ero accorto e mi da il seguente errore cp: impossibile creare il file regolare \"/usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so\": File o directory non esistente\n<Carlin0> ok proviamo così\n<Carlin0> sudo cp libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so\n<sergios> nessun errore ma apparentemente nulla di fatto\n<Carlin0> dai locate libflashplayer.so\n<sergios> niente\n<Carlin0> ls /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/\n<sergios> si, adesso lo vedo\n<Carlin0> lo vedi tu ma non locate ...\n<Carlin0> ma roba da matti\n<sergios> eheh già!\n<lollo64it> updatedb ?\n<Carlin0> e non vedendolo locate non lo vede il browser\n<Carlin0> lollo64it, se sai qualcosa fatti pure avanti\n<lollo64it> dicevo solo che la locate per funzionare\n<lollo64it> deve essere preceduto da \"sudo updatedb\"\n<Carlin0> sergios, prova ...\n<Carlin0> lollo64it, ignoravo la cosa\n<sergios> ok, fatto\n<Carlin0> sergios, cmq alla fine sempre devi riavviare firefox e provare\n<sergios> ok\n<sergios> non mi si avvia più firefox... provo a riavviare il sistema\n<Carlin0> eh ??\n<Carlin0> sergios, cancella il file che abbiamo messo nella tua home\n<sergios> Carlin0 noente, continua a non avviarsi\n<Carlin0> sergios, ma non da errori ?\n<sergios> no, niente\n<Carlin0> prova a lnciarlo da terminale\n<Carlin0> vedi cosa dice\n<sergios> come faccio?\n<Carlin0> scrivi firefox\n<sergios> sono ancora nella cartella /.mozilla/plugins\n<Carlin0> fa nulla\n<naxil2> scusate.. come disconnetto da tty internet?\n<sergios> http://pastebin.com/72TgpwVf\n<Carlin0> sergios, dai di nuovo sudo updatedb\n<Carlin0> e poi riprova\n<sergios> niente, stesso errore\n<Carlin0> sudo rm /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so\n<sergios> Carlin0 ho cancellato tutta la cartella plugins che avevo creato... prima di dare questo comando dovrei fare qualcosa?\n<Carlin0> no cancelliamo anche l'altro file che abbiamo copiato\n<Carlin0> e poi vediamo....\n<sergios> permesso negato\n<sergios> impossibile cancellare\n<Carlin0> come permesso negato ?\n<sergios> *impossibile rimuovere\n<Carlin0> posta comando e output\n<sergios> http://pastebin.com/g54fBMH9\n<Carlin0> non hai messo sudo\n<sergios> ops scusami!\n<sergios> fatto\n<Carlin0> prova a avviare ff\n<sergios> niente, mi compare \"avvio di firefox\" nella barra in basso e poi sparisce\n<Carlin0> sergios, cd ~\n<Carlin0> mv .mozilla .mozilla-bak\n<sergios> Carlin0 niente!\n<Carlin0> non si avvia firefox ?\n<sergios> no\n<Carlin0> hai dato quei 2 comandi ?\n<sergios> non si avvi\n<sergios> si\n<Carlin0> ls\n<Carlin0> ls -a\n<sergios> Carlin0 http://pastebin.com/NHpv8STB\n<Carlin0> riprova a dare sudo updatedb\n<Carlin0> che sto comando non lo conosco e non so bene cosa faccia\n<sergios> ff continua a non riavviarsi\n<Carlin0> prova a riavviare tutto... anche se non mi sembra una  soluzione ...\n<sergios> torno subito :)\n<sergios> Carlin0 niente nemmeno così! adesso purtroppo devo staccare! cosa pensi possa fare in futuro?\n<sergios> disinstallare e reinstallare tutto ff?\n<Carlin0> sergios, posta sul forum\n<Carlin0> !forum\n<ubot-it> forum is http://forum.ubuntu-it.org\n<Carlin0> oltre a questo puoi provare con → sudo apt-get install --reinstall firefox\n<Carlin0> sergios, mi spiace :(\n<sergios> Carlin0 non preoccuparti, non porto rancore... sta nel richio del gioco! :)\n<sergios> grazie cmq per il tempo che mi hai dedicato :)\n<Carlin0> e ma mi girano le balle fidati\n<sergios> lo immagino\n<sergios> :D\n<Carlin0> posta sul forum e vedrai che si risolve\n<sergios> ok, ho copiato la nostra discussione...\n<Carlin0> ok i comandi che abbiamo dato + che altor\n<sergios> ATTENZIONE!!! E' RIPARTITO FF!!!!\n<Carlin0> poi il canale qui è loggato quindi puoi recuperarla anche da li\n<sergios> sommo gaudio!\n<Carlin0> !logs\n<ubot-it> Log del canale: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/\n<Carlin0> meno male va\n#ubuntu-it 2012-05-23\n<sergios> youtube ancora nella ma è già qualcosa\n<Carlin0> bhe non ho rislvto ma almeno no ho fatto danno\n<sergios> eheh si si va bene anche così! non preoccuparti! ti ripeto non avrei portato comq rancore!\n<Carlin0> no vebbè ma girano le balle a fare danno\n<sergios> ps: che vuol dire il canale è loggato?\n<Carlin0> tutto registrato ci sono i log\n<Carlin0> !logs\n<ubot-it> Log del canale: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/\n<sergios> wow quindi devo stare attento a quello che dico! eheheh!\n<Carlin0> eh ...\n<sergios> ok Carlin0, notte!\n<sergios> notte a tutti! :)\n<Carlin0> notte sergios  ;)\n<sergios> tornerò presto a rompervi le balle! :)\n<pac> buongiorno\n<pac> temo di avere troppa roba all'avvio del grub vorrei eliminare qualcosa e tenere solo win7 e ubuntu 11.04 ma non so da dove iniziare e temo di inibire l'avvio.\n<glpiana> ola\n<jester-> 'ngiorno\n<Best`> buongiorno :)\n<Odo> Giorno\n<ac> devo preparare delle video lezioni e volevo utilizzare kazam ma nonostante tutte le prove ottengo solo un video senza audio\n<Mauy> Ciao a tutti ho un portatile con card reader integrato jmicron jmb385 che non viene riconosciuto ho provato con 11.04 11.10 e 12.04 mi piacerebbe farlo andare chi mi helpa\n<glpiana> Mauy, scrivi in un terminale lspci         e       lsusb\n<glpiana> !paste | Mauy\n<ubot-it> Mauy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<Mauy> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1002605/\n<glpiana> Mauy, non lo vedo. infila una scheda e poi scrivi: dmesg | tail\n<Mauy> glpiana, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1002615/\n<glpiana> mmm...\n<glpiana> Mauy, togli al scheda, reinseriscila e ridai il comando\n<glpiana> *la\n<Mauy> glpiana, fatto http://paste.ubuntu.com/1002621/\n<glpiana> Mauy, niente da fare. non lo considera. prova a scrivere dmesg | grep -i card\n<Mauy> con card inserita?\n<glpiana> Mauy, indifferente\n<Mauy> glpiana, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1002626/\n<glpiana> Mauy, uname -a\n<Mauy> glpiana, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1002627/\n<glpiana> Mauy, e anche sudo fdisk -l\n<Mauy> glpiana, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1002630/\n<glpiana> Mauy, la card era inserita?\n<Mauy> si\n<glpiana> Mauy, non la vede. e per quanto vedo manco il lettore viene visto\n<Mauy> è quello che sospettavo.... sipuò fare qualcosa?\n<glpiana> Mauy, non ne ho idea. non vedendolo non so come aiutarti\n<OverMe> Mauy, che pc è? hai visto se da bios c'è qualche opzione per il lettore?\n<Mauy> glpiana, infatti ho cercato in internet e ho trovato altre persone col problema ma nessuna soluzione è un acer aspire 5930 da bios non so ma con win funziona\n<Mauy> non penso ci sia una combinazione di tasti per accendere o spegnere il lettore!\n<glpiana> Mauy, con versioni di ubuntu precedenti funzionava?\n<Mauy> non ho nessun ubuntu prima della 11.04\n<Mauy> provate a leggere quì http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1718934\n<OverMe> Mauy, hai la card inserita?\n<Mauy> si\n<glpiana> Mauy, Support Kernels: 2.6.22~2.6.38\n<Mauy> si lo so che è per vecchi kernel ma magari era di aiuto\n<glpiana> Mauy, puoi provare a scaricarlo e a compilarlo\n<OverMe> Mauy, ls /sys/bus/pci/\n<Mauy> non so compilarlo se mi aiuti ci provo (sono una sega con linux)\n<glpiana> Mauy, segui OverMe prima di tutto\n<Mauy> OverMe, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1002648/\n<OverMe> Mauy, echo 1 | sudo tee /sys/bus/pci/rescan\n<Mauy> me l'ha aperta\n<OverMe> cosa?\n<Mauy> la sd\n<Mauy> OverMe, cosa significa se col comando che mi hai dato la vede e la monta?\n<OverMe> Mauy, è un problema noto, il lettore funziona solo se fai partire il pc con una scheda inserita oppure dai quel comando a pc già avviato. ora controllo se esiste una soluzione\n<Mauy> ok grazie\n<vit_o> salve a tutti\n<vit_o> ho notato un problema con gnome-screensever, praticamente utilizzava un casino di risorse addirittura faceva partire pure la ventola. ho installato XScreenSaver e volevo sapere come lo sostituisco\n<vit_o> praticamente devo mettere di defoult XScreenSaver al posto di gnome-screensaver, qualcuno può aiutarmi?\n<glpiana> vit_o, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=195557 dai un'occhiata qui o imposta gnomescreensaver con schermo nero così non fa amcinare la scheda video\n<OverMe> Mauy, proviamo a fare una cosa\n<Mauy> dimmi\n<OverMe> sudo gedit /etc/default/grub\n<OverMe> dove c'è GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"quiet splash\" scrivici GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"quiet splash pciehp.pciehp_force=1\"\n<vit_o> glpiana, come faccio cmq a fare la seconda cosa che hai detto?\n<Mauy> OverMe, ok poi\n<OverMe> controlla di aver scritto bene, salva, esci e dai: sudo update-grub\n<Mauy> OverMe, fatto ora?\n<glpiana> vit_o, vai sulle impostazioni del salvaschermo e scegli dall'elenco dei salvaschermi \"schermo nero\" o roba simile\n<OverMe> Mauy, echo \"acpiphp\" | sudo tee -a /etc/modules\n<Mauy> OverMe, OK\n<vit_o> glpiana, ma sono con 12.04 non esiste il salvaschermo. questo di gnome già è una pagina nera. La guida che mi hai passato sarebbe buona se solo non ci fosse lo stesso problema, qua non esistono più i salvaschermi.\n<OverMe> Mauy, riavvia _senza_ la scheda\n<glpiana> vit_o, sei su 12.04?\n<Mauy> ok a dopo\n<vit_o> glpiana, si\n<glpiana> vit_o, quindi gnome-screensaver lo hai messo tu\n<glpiana> vit_o, rimuovilo e poi imposta il blocco dello schermo e avrai schemro nero\n<glpiana> *schermo\n<vit_o> glpiana, non ricordo di averlo fatto ma cmq è lì\n<glpiana> O.o\n<glpiana> vit_o, deciditi: dici che non c'è ma che è lì senza avercelo messo\n<glpiana> o io non ti sto capendo\n<vit_o> glpiana, ho detto che c'è! Ma soltanto non ricordo di averlo installato, forse era in qualche pacchetto inziale. Comunque, come lo rimuovo?\n<glpiana> vit_o, sudo apt-get purge gnome-screensaver\n<glpiana> vit_o, ma controlla che non si porti via mezzo sistema\n<glpiana> vit_o, fermo\n<glpiana> se siamo ancora in tempo\n<glpiana> :)\n<vit_o> glpiana, sisi\n<glpiana> vit_o, io ce l'ho, sta girando ma non da problemi. quando si avvia cosa visualizza?\n<vit_o> glpiana, scusa ma non potremmo farlo avviare all'avvio (Xscreensaver) e invece gnome-scr lo disattivo?\n<glpiana> vit_o, se vuoi fare quello segui quel link che ti ho dato allora\n<vit_o> glpiana, lo schermo nero normalissimo, però il problema è che consuma un casino di risorse! L'ho monitorato e praticamente quasi tutto da 3-4% passa al15% e si accende pure la ventola! O_O\n<glpiana> vit_o, ben stano sto comportamento. comunque per disabilitarlo puoi levare il .desktop da /etc/xdg/autostart/ credo sia sufficiente. ma se mi dai un minuto faccio una prova io\n<vit_o> glpiana, c'ho provato ma non và perchè è troppo vecchio, ho provato ad aprire un documento dove dicevano di cambiare alcune stringhe ma addirittura qui è vuoto quel file\n<Mauy> OverMe, riavviato ora?\n<OverMe> Mauy, prova ad infilare la scheda e vedi se funziona\n<OverMe> altrimenti rimettiamo come prima\n<Mauy> OverMe, nada non la vede\n<OverMe> allora dobbiamo aspettare un fix dall'alto\n<vit_o> glpiana, penso di essere capace a disabilitarlo e farlo partire all'avvio, ma mi puoi dare una mano nel creare qll di xscreensaver\n<glpiana> vit_o, dammi un attimo che prima ci provo e poi ti dico\n<OverMe> Mauy, rimettiamo a posto: sudo gedit /etc/default/grub e togli pciehp.pciehp_force=1 poi sudo gedit /etc/modules e togli acpiphp\n<vit_o> glpiana, ok grazie\n<TaLaDo> salve stamane mi è stato proposto un aggiornamento relativo a libreoffice ma non si riesce a installare questo è quello che mi appare: http://pastebin.com/4HuKW5Zc\n<Mauy> OverMe, ok mi ripeti il comando da dare ogni volta per farla montare che non l'ho segnato\n<OverMe> echo 1 | sudo tee /sys/bus/pci/rescan\n<glpiana> vit_o, ci sono quasi\n<OverMe> con la scheda infilata\n<glpiana> TaLaDo, scrivi nel terminale e dammi l'output su pastebin: sudo dpkg --configure -a\n<TaLaDo> glpiana,  non da output\n<Mauy> OverMe, si  esatto\n<glpiana> TaLaDo, dpkg -l | grep libreoffice-help-it\n<Mauy> OverMe, GRAZIE\n<TaLaDo> glpiana,   http://pastebin.com/C1fK0AYt\n<glpiana> TaLaDo, sudo apt-get update\n<TaLaDo> ehm non vorrai l'output vero?\n<TaLaDo> sta a macinare :)\n<glpiana> TaLaDo, di questo no. dimmi quando termina\n<TaLaDo> ok ha finito ora\n<glpiana> TaLaDo, sudo apt-get upgrade\n<TaLaDo> sta aggiornando libreoffice-help-it\n<Mauy> Ciao\n<glpiana> vit_o, sto incontrando problemi. pazienta\n<TaLaDo> glpiana,  ancora errori  http://pastebin.com/aJTeiTk8\n<glpiana> TaLaDo, scrivi: sudo apt-get clean\n<glpiana> TaLaDo, poi ridai sudo apt-get upgrade\n<TaLaDo> ok\n<glpiana> vit_o, yeah ci sono\n<glpiana> vit_o, tu?\n<TaLaDo> glpiana,  ok andato a buon fine ti ringrazio\n<glpiana> :)\n<vit_o> glpiana, yep :)\n<glpiana> vit_o, sudo mv /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-screensaver.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-screensaver.desktop_old\n<glpiana> vit_o, poi, xscreensaver l'hai già installato?\n<vit_o> glpiana, sono due comandi giusto? (si, già è installato)\n<glpiana> vit_o, no, un solo comando per irnominare un file\n<glpiana> *rinominare\n<vit_o> glpiana, fatto.\n<glpiana> vit_o, sudo cp /etc/xdg/autostart/xscreensaver-properties.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart/\n<glpiana> vit_o, cazz. sbagliato\n<vit_o> glpiana, già! xD\n<glpiana> vit_o, sudo cp /usr/share/applications/xscreensaver-properties.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart/\n<glpiana> vit_o, poi: sudo nano /etc/xdg/autostart/xscreensaver-properties.desktop\n<vit_o> glpiana, fatto\n<vit_o> glpiana, sono dentro Xd\n<glpiana> vai nella riga Exec=xscreensaver e la cambi in Exec=xscreensaver -no-splash\n<glpiana> vit_o, salvi con ctrl+o   ed esci con ctrl+x\n<vit_o> glpiana, da comunque la riga è: Exec=xscreensaver -demo\n<vit_o> glpiana, la cambio uguale?\n<glpiana> vit_o, sì, leva -demo e metti -no-splash\n<vit_o> glpiana, dopo che metto salva mi dice:  nome del file in cui salvare.  non metto niente e chiudo?\n<glpiana> vit_o, mmm... ti ho fatto fare un giro assurdo per niente forse -.-\n<glpiana> vit_o, aspetta un csecondo che forse c'è una via più diretta\n<vit_o> glpiana, uhmm... ho già salvato, rimetto tutto a posto?\n<glpiana> vit_o, un attimo e ti dico\n<glpiana> vit_o, infatti c'era una via più semplice. avevo mancato un .desktop. allora procedi così\n<glpiana> vit_o, sudo rm /etc/xdg/autostart/xscreensaver-properties.desktop\n<vit_o> glpiana, aspetta! e con quel terminale che faccio? rimetto tutto apposto?\n<glpiana> vit_o, che rimetti a posto? lo cancelliamo quel file e basta\n<vit_o> glpiana, ok\n<vit_o> glpiana, fatto\n<glpiana> vit_o, per ora abbiamo copiato un file, l'abbiamo modificato, mi sono accorto che non serviva toccare quello e lo rimuoviamo. e siamo al punto di partenza\n<glpiana> tabula rasa :D\n<vit_o> glpiana, tutto chiaro :)\n<glpiana> vit_o, ora scrivi cp /usr/share/xscreensaver/xscreensaver-daemon.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart\n<vit_o> glpiana, (scusa ma ancora non sono tanto familiare con rm cp e bla bla)\n<glpiana> vit_o, beh abbiamo anche rinominato il .desktop di gnome-screensaver, ma quello serve\n<vit_o> glpiana,  ho dovuto fare:  sudo  cp /usr/share/xscreensaver/xscreensaver-daemon.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart\n<vit_o> glpiana, perchè primi mi diceva permesso negato, cmq adesso dovrebbe essere fatto.\n<glpiana> vit_o, sì, ho saltato sudo\n<vit_o> glpiana, magari a questo ci sono arrivato :) adesso che si fa? :D\n<glpiana> vit_o, ricapitoliamo. scrivi: ls /etc/xdg/autostart | grep screen              e metti su pastebin\n<vit_o> glpiana, sono solo due righe: gnome-screensaver.desktop_old  xscreensaver-daemon.desktop\n<glpiana> oki, prova a riavviare\n<glpiana> e torna qui\n<vit_o> ooooooook\n<vit_o> glpiana, i'm back\n<vit_o> glpiana, nelle applicazioni di avvio gnome-screensaver non c'è più. adesso dovremmo aggiungere Xscreensaver, giusto?\n<glpiana> vit_o, spe, scrivi nel terminale: ps aux | grep xscreen\n<vit_o> glpiana, (scusa, una cosa che non c'entra ma, come faccio da terminale a visualizzare le cartelle nascoste? )\n<glpiana> vit_o, a elencarle? ls -la\n<vit_o> glpiana, che faccio? te lo posto in pastdebian?\n<glpiana> sì\n<vit_o> glpiana, mi sfugge il link sorry\n<glpiana> !paste | vit_o\n<ubot-it> vit_o: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<vit_o> glpiana, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1002759/\n<glpiana> vit_o, oki, ora io non so come metterti le impostazioni dello screensaver in Impostazioni di Sistema. che interfaccia usi?\n<vit_o> glpiana, unity\n<glpiana> vit_o, se apri la dash e scrivi xscreen dovrebbe apparirti una icona\n<vit_o> glpiana, scusa ma non basterebbe lanciarlo all'avvio? come un altro normale programma ?\n<vit_o> glpiana, si infatti è così che lo faccio partire normalmente\n<glpiana> vit_o, ma sta già girando. lo abbiamo fatto quello. era per fartelo impostare a piacere\n<vit_o> glpiana, ah, quindi è già 'attivo' ?\n<glpiana> vit_o, sì\n<vit_o> glpiana, e partirà ad ogni avvio in automatico giusto?\n<glpiana> vit_o, già lo ha fatto\n<glpiana> vito      1885  0.0  0.0  59708  2760 ?        S    12:19   0:00 xscreensaver -nosplash <---- è in esecuzione\n<vit_o> glpiana, perfetto ma quando lo lancio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1002770/\n<vit_o> glpiana, non ho capito l'ultima tua riga.\n<glpiana> vit_o, aspetta\n<glpiana> vit_o, dami l'output di ps aux | grep screen\n<glpiana> *dammi\n<alexpixel22> ciao a tutti, io possiedo una tavola grafica wacom modello cth-470 e sono su ubuntu 11.10 in teoria dovrebbe già prendermi la tavola ma non la rinosco\n<alexpixel22> mi potete aiutare?\n<vit_o> glpiana, ecco: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1002774/\n<glpiana> vit_o, locate gnome-screensaver.desktop\n<vit_o> glpiana, /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-screensaver.desktop\n<glpiana> vit_o, ma lo avevamo rinominato questo -.-\n<glpiana> vit_o, perhcè è tornato così?\n<glpiana> <glpiana> vit_o, sudo mv /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-screensaver.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-screensaver.desktop_old\n<vit_o> glpiana, ma che ne so! tra l'altro non spunta nelle aplicaziondi di avvio, ma lì si. non è strano?\n<vit_o> glpiana, mando quel comando allora?\n<glpiana> vit_o, no, non lo è\n<glpiana> vit_o, sì dai quel comando\n<vit_o> glpiana, allora è strano che non lo sia\n<vit_o> glpiana, mv: impossibile eseguire stat di \"/etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-screensaver.desktop\": File o directory non esistente\n<glpiana> vit_o, ls /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-scree*\n<vit_o> /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-screensaver.desktop_old\n<glpiana> vit_o, non è che prima hai riavviato solo l'interfaccia grafica e no nil pc?\n<glpiana> *non il\n<tre5> salve\n<vit_o> glpiana, e no, ho riavviato tutto\n<glpiana> vit_o, nel terminale: sudo updatedb\n<vit_o> glpiana, cosa dovrebbe venir fuori?\n<glpiana> vit_o, e non è che sei andato nelle impostazioni di sistema a riattivare lo screensaver?\n<glpiana> vit_o, niente deve uscire\n<glpiana> vit_o, scrivi: locate gnome-screensaver.desktop\n<vit_o> glpiana, no, non ho toccato niente.\n<vit_o> glpiana, è qui: /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-screensaver.desktop_old\n<glpiana> vit_o, riavvia, non toccare nulla e dai ps aux | grep screen\n<vit_o> ok\n<glpiana> vit_o, deve darti solo due righe, una del grep e una con xscreensaver -nosplash\n<glpiana> vit_o, io vado a mangiare. a dopo\n<tre5> salve, chiedo se è possibile installare un programma che rilevi la temperatura del processore, e nel caso fosse possibile , come raggiungere il server repo. grazie\n<glpiana> !sensors  tre5\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'sensors  tre5'\n<glpiana> !sensors | tre5\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'sensors'\n<glpiana> -.-\n<vit_o> glpiana, allora caso mai ci sentiamo 'dopo' adesso scappo a lezione, grazie per l'aiuto!!\n<glpiana> tre5, http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/LmSensors\n<glpiana> ciao vit_o\n<tre5> Mille grazie a tutti.\n<alexpixel22> qualcuno di voi mi può aiutare con il riconoscimento di una tavola grafica\n<glpiana> alexpixel22, è usb?\n<alexpixel22> si\n<glpiana> alexpixel22, scrivi lsusb in un terminale e metti l'output su pastebin\n<glpiana> !paste | alexpixel22\n<ubot-it> alexpixel22: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<alexpixel22> glpiana, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1002845/\n<glpiana> alexpixel22, su che versione di ubuntu sei?\n<alexpixel22> glpiana, ubuntu 11.10\n<glpiana> alexpixel22, prova a vedere se questo ti aiuta http://askubuntu.com/questions/88028/wacom-bamboo-capture-cth-470-pen-and-touch-not-working\n<alexpixel22> glpiana, ho una connessione lenta piano piano ci provo\n<glpiana> alexpixel22, forse questa soluzione, che evita l'uso di ppa, è migliore http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1515562\n<alexpixel22> grazie glpiana ha funzionato\n<glpiana> alexpixel22, il primo o il secondo metodo?\n<alexpixel22> glpiana, il primo metodo, il secondo ovviamente non lo provato\n<glpiana> ok\n<sergios> salve a tutti! Sto provando ad installare ubuntu 12.04 in dual boot con windows xp (home edition: uso questo perchè è il suo, originale) ho ripulito tutto l'hd da 160 gb, poi ho creato una partizione in ntfs\n<sergios> ... (continua)\n<DAMN3dg1rl> coming soon\n<sergios> ... dove ho installato win con il recovery cd che ha formattato arbitrariamente in fat32. Installato win ho creato sempre da live con g parted una partizione swap da 2 gb una ext4 per ubuntu e una ntfs per i dati. installato ubuntu e riavviato mi ritrovo schermata nera con messaggio \"error: unknown filesystem.\" e la riga sotto \"grub rescue>_\" con underscore lampeggiante\n<sergios> la mia domanda è: potrebbe essere che il mo computer non riesce a leggere gli ext4?\n<glpiana> sergios, ext4 non viene letto \"dal computer\" ma dal sistema operativo. quindi è da escludere la cosa\n<glpiana> sergios, l'installazione è andata liscia ho ha dato errori?\n<sergios> si\n<glpiana> *o\n<glpiana> azz ho scritto o congiunzione con l'acca -.-\n<glpiana> sergios, l'installazione è andata liscia o ha dato errori?\n<enzotib> si\n<glpiana> lol\n<sergios> si, liscia come l'olio! :) cmq adesso sto riprovando l'intera procedura\n<glpiana> sergios, le partizioni falle durante l'installazione\n<enzotib> sergios, hai controllato dove diceva di voler mettere grub?\n<sergios> glpiana, qui in chat mi si consigliava invece di farle precedentemente per evitare di dover ridimensionare quella creata dall'installazione di windows\n<glpiana> sergios, non so chi l'abbia consigliato ma ha poco senso visto che il programma che esgue il partizionamento è lo stesso\n<sergios> enzotib intendi il \"/\" ? se si l'ho messo come punto di mount su ext4 usato con journelin come da wiki (fine es.1) http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/DispositiviPartizioni/PartizionamentoManuale\n<glpiana> sergios, no, intende grub, il boot loader\n<glpiana> sergios, ora sei da livecd?\n<sergios> il bootloader sempre come da es.\n<sergios> /dev/sda\n<sergios> si sono il live cd\n<glpiana> sergios, scrivi in un terminale: sudo fdisk -l\n<glpiana> !paste | sergios\n<ubot-it> sergios: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<sergios> glpiana preferisco rifare la procedura perchè ho cmq eliminato e ricreato la partizione in ext4 con tutta l'installazione di ubuntu pensando che fosse quello il prob :P\n<glpiana> sergios, quidni cosa sei venuto a chiedere se tanto stai reinstallando? :)\n<enzotib> un supporto morale\n<sergios> se la causa dell'errore potesse essere il mio sistema che non legge gli ext4! Domanda a cui avete già risposto :)\n<sergios> e anche un buon supporto morale :D\n<k0ral_> ciao a tutti! non riesco ad impostare dropbox su ubuntu in modo da farlo caricare all'avvio...\n<k0ral_> sono riuscito ad avviarlo così come sono abituato a vederlo su windows solo usando il comando da terminale ~/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd\n<k0ral_> solo che mi resta aperta la finestra del terminale in sospeso..\n<k0ral_> come posso fare in modo che quel comando venga dato in automatico ogni volta che accendo il pc? ~/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd\n<enzotib> k0ral_, io mi ritrovo un file dropbox.desktop in ~/.config/autostart, che non ho fatto io\n<enzotib> (o almeno non mi ricordo di averlo messo io lì)\n<k0ral_> enzotib: anche io ce l'ho ma non va\n<k0ral_> enzotib: all'avvio mi chiede di inserire la password sembra per farmi avviare dropbox...io la inserisco ma poi non va\n<enzotib> k0ral_, e tu sei perfettamente sicuro di mettere la password giusta?\n<k0ral_> enzotib: si, è la password con cui accedo...e poi se non fosse corretta mi ricomparirebbe la richiesta di inserimento password, no?\n<k0ral_> enzotib: o è la password di dropbox? non sembrerebbe perchè sembra un messaggio di ubuntu e non di dropbox\n<enzotib> k0ral_, rifai login, fai uno screenshot della richiesta, e poi, prima di fare altre manovre, prendi l'output di pgrep -fl dropbox\n<k0ral_> enzotib: come faccio lo screenshot? come in windows con alt+stamp?\n<enzotib> k0ral_, sì\n<k0ral_> enzotib: e dove te lo incollo?\n<k0ral_> enzotib: su pastebin prende solo testo?\n<enzotib> !imagebin | k0ral_\n<ubot-it> k0ral_: Vuoi mostrarci una schermata del tuo problema? Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<k0ral_> enzotib: ok\n<k0ral_> enzotib: ho un file in download, se esco mi si interrompe, giusto?\n<enzotib> k0ral_, sì\n<k0ral_> enzotib: allora aspetto che finisca\n<Joshua^Dunamis> raga raga, ho la directory /var/log che ha occupato quasi tutto la partizione di sistema dopo aver usato testdisk\n<Joshua^Dunamis> è la prima volta che opero con questa directory, come svuotarla?\n<enzotib> Joshua^Dunamis, cos'è che occupa più spazio?\n<Joshua^Dunamis> non ricordo come controllare enzotib qual'è la sintassi giusta?\n<Joshua^Dunamis> con ls -l non mi fa capire tantissimo\n<enzotib> Joshua^Dunamis, sudo find /var/log/ -printf '%s %p\\n' | sort -nr | head\n<Joshua^Dunamis> enzotib: azz è kern.log e sys.log\n<enzotib> Joshua^Dunamis, versioni attuali o con numero progressivo?\n<Joshua^Dunamis> enzotib: sembrano fisse\n<Joshua^Dunamis> enzotib: come verifico meglio?\n<enzotib> Joshua^Dunamis, metti su pastebin, per intanto\n<Joshua^Dunamis> enzotib: okkk\n<enzotib> (l'output del comando precedente\n<enzotib> )\n<Joshua^Dunamis> enzotib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1003107/\n<Joshua^Dunamis> enzotib: in più continua ad apparire una finestra di errore interno di Ubuntu\n<enzotib> Joshua^Dunamis, comincerei col provare a riavviare, e vedere se parte con nuovi log, così quelli li cancelliamo o zippiamo\n<Joshua^Dunamis> enzotib: apposto allora riavvio e vediamo\n<Joshua^Dunamis> enzotib: allora mi è apparsa pure una finestra che mi segnala soli 65mb su hd\n<Joshua^Dunamis> enzotib: intato ti riposto l'output\n<enzotib> Joshua^Dunamis, comincia con sudo apt-get clean, che un po' di spazio dovrebbe farlo\n<enzotib> e poi fammi ri-vedere la nuova versione dell'output del comando di prima\n<enzotib> magari anche un df -h\n<Joshua^Dunamis> okkk\n<Joshua^Dunamis> enzotib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1003110/\n<enzotib> Joshua^Dunamis, ok, io proporrei di cancellare quei due file, e riavviare (non credo che ti serva il contenuto)\n<enzotib> Joshua^Dunamis, i file rimarranno dato che probabilmente sono aperti da qualche processo, ma al riavvio dovrebbe essere risolto\n<Joshua^Dunamis> enzotib: no, non credo, volevo essere certo che non ci fossero danni nel cancellarli, uso rm direttamente?\n<enzotib> Joshua^Dunamis, sì\n<Joshua^Dunamis> okkk\n<Joshua^Dunamis> enzotib: fatto con sudo me li ha rimossi, li ha ricreati molto più piccoli già, cmq riavvio e vediamo l'andamento :)\n<enzotib> ok\n<Rebecca92> problema con skype. Pulseaudio non funge per nulla con tale applicazione, ho persino provato ad modificare il file asound, come descritto nella wiki del sito ubuntu , oppure installare asound .\n<Joshua^Dunamis> enzotib: grazie, pare tornato tutto normale :)\n<Rebecca92> Ma nulla. non so come usare sto beneamato client per l'audio\n<enzotib> Joshua^Dunamis, tienili sotto controllo, se crescono rapidamente vedi un po' cosa c'è dentro che li riempie\n<Joshua^Dunamis> enzotib: esatto ;)\n<Holden> Rebecca92, versione di ubuntu? hardware? che problema da?\n<Rebecca92> Holden, kubuntu 12,04 , il portatile è un samsung n220\n<Joshua^Dunamis> enzotib: azz, non è tutto normale, nel senso che manca il file syslog\n<Joshua^Dunamis> enzotib: anzi manca anche kern.log O.O\n<Rebecca92> Holden,in pratica non funziona nulla ne in ingresso nè un uscita l'audio\n<Joshua^Dunamis> enzotib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1003117/\n<k0ral_> enzotib: ci sei? ho fatto lo screenshot e il comando\n<k0ral_> enzotib: http://imagebin.org/213571\n<k0ral_> enzotib: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1003118/\n<Rebecca92> Holden, ci sei?\n<Holden> Rebecca92, si, è che mi hai dato troppi dettagli e mi sono confuso -.-\n<Rebecca92> Holden,??\n<Holden> Rebecca92, non funziona nulla non è una descrizione dettagliata del problema... con questi elementi non riesco ad aiutarti\n<Rebecca92> Holden, cosa devo dirti '? non ho audio su skype\n<Rebecca92> nè in entrata ( microfono ) nè uscita ( casse )\n<Holden> le altre applicazioni funzionano? vedi skype tra la lista dei programmi che si agganciano al server? vedi errori in terminale o syslog? hai modificato qualcosa? ha mai funzionato?...\n<k0ral_> qualcuno può aiutarmi a far partire dropbox all'avvio? mi compare la schermata http://imagebin.org/213571 inserisco la password di sistema ma non carica niente. funziona come sono abituato su winzozz solo se da terminale scrivo ~/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd ma rimane il terminale in \"sospeso\"\n<enzotib> k0ral_, il dropbox andrebbe anche bene, secondo me\n<enzotib> k0ral_, ma c'è quest'altro comando che non capisco da dove esce: pkexec dropbox --http-proxy http://proxyutenti.comune.peccioli.pi.it:8080/ update\n<enzotib> k0ral_, è questo che chiede la password\n<enzotib> k0ral_, che casini hai fatto?\n<Guest1049> voglio installare lubuntu e creare una usb con unetbootin,ma non so che selezionare nella voce DISTRIBUTION\n<Guest1049> perche chiaramente non mi compare lubuntiu\n<Rebecca92> Holden,s' le altre vanno\n<enzotib> Guest1049, scarica la iso, e invece di indicare la Distro, indica la Iso\n<Rebecca92> Holden,io non so come funzioni pulseaudio\n<Rebecca92> fosse per me userei alsa\n<Guest1049> ah ok...ci provo,grazie\n<Rebecca92> se mi dai info per verificare le cose ti ringrazio\n<Joshua^Dunamis> enzotib: ho eseguito un dpkg-reconfigure su logrotate e rsyslog ma ancora mancano kern.log e syslog in /var/log/ è normale?\n<k0ral_> enzotib: boh! so solo che ho impostato il proxy perchè qui in laboratorio mi richiede il proxy.\n<Holden> Rebecca92, è un programma che sta in ascolto (server) in attesa che i clients si connettano per scambiare dati\n<k0ral_> enzotib: ti riepilogo come l'ho installato, forse l'ho incasinato\n<Rebecca92> Holden,come verifico quanto questo ?\n<Rebecca92> *chiesto ?\n<enzotib> Joshua^Dunamis, al riavvio non sono apparsi?\n<Joshua^Dunamis> enzotib: no\n<enzotib> Joshua^Dunamis, sudo touch /var/log/{kern.log,syslog}, e poi riavvia\n<Holden> Rebecca92, apri skype da terminale e controlla l'output, apri anche  tail -f /var/log/syslog e guarda se spunta qualcosa\n<k0ral_> enzotib: ho provato ad installarlo dall'ubuntu software center ma mi dava questa finestra all'avvio e non mi partiva. poi ho provato a installarlo (sopra) con la procedura indicata sul sito di dropbox http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1003127/\n<Rebecca92> Holden,io solitamente ranzo pulse.... e funziona ... ora vorrei evitare\n<k0ral_> enzotib: e tieni presente che sono dietro un proxy..che ho combinato? c'è una soluzione per sistemare il mio casino?:)\n<Joshua^Dunamis> enzotib: riavvio col touch li abbiamo generati vuoti giusto? al riavvio qualcosa ci dovrebbe stare giusto? tipo l'output di dmesg\n<enzotib> Joshua^Dunamis, sì, suppongo di sì\n<Joshua^Dunamis> okkk provo subito a riavviare\n<Best`> vado ragà. A domani.. ;)\n<enzotib> k0ral_, non capisco perché hai preso il tar e non il deb\n<enzotib> k0ral_, hai 12.04?\n<oxusmorus> scusate come faccio una volta installato ubuntu a vedere emule con i file in download e quelli condivisi da xp???\n<k0ral_> enzotib: se per deb intendi quello che installa dall'ubuntu software center, quella è la prima cosa che ho fatto.\n<enzotib> k0ral_, anche sul sito di dropbox c'è un deb, tu invece sei andato a prendere il tar, ti sei complicato la vita\n<enzotib> k0ral_, io ricomincerei da zero\n<k0ral_> enzotib: poi visto che mi dava quella finestra di cui ho fatto lo screenshot, allora ho preso il tar e con quel comando sulla pagina di dropbox ha funzionato come sono abituato ad usarlo su winzozz, solo che tutte le volte devo dare il comando manualmente e mi resta la finestra del terminale in \"sospeso\"..\n<enzotib> k0ral_, ho capito, ho capito\n<k0ral_> enzotib: si, ho l'ultima ubuntu lts\n<enzotib> k0ral_, ti ripeto, io azzererei tutto e ricomincerei\n<Joshua^Dunamis> enzotib: non ci sono di nuovo\n<k0ral_> come ricomincio da zero senza stare a risincronizzare tutti i file?\n<oxusmorus> mi leggete??\n<Joshua^Dunamis> enzotib: o.O\n<k0ral_> enzotib: come ricomincio da zero senza stare a risincronizzare tutti i file?\n<enzotib> Joshua^Dunamis, è strano: fammi un ls -l /var/log\n<enzotib> k0ral_, i file sono in ~/DropBox, e non vanno cancellati\n<Joshua^Dunamis> enzotib: okkk\n<oxusmorus> scusate qualcuno mi aiuta o devo far tutto da sola?\n<enzotib> !pazienza | oxusmorus\n<ubot-it> oxusmorus: la gente qui è volontaria, non pretendere che qualcuno ti risponda. Le risposte non sono sempre disponibili. Guarda http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoIrc/LineeGuida\n<oxusmorus> va beh enzotib ho solo chiesto se qualcuno mi aiuta\n<Joshua^Dunamis> enzotib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1003137/\n<enzotib> oxusmorus, e io ti ho solo detto di avere pazienza\n<enzotib> Joshua^Dunamis, ma io kern.log e syslog li vedo\n<k0ral_> enzotib: come ricomincio da zero? che intendi? disinstallare e reinstallare dropbox? come faccio?\n<oxusmorus> beh ma dovrei andare a casa,ora sono a lavoro\n<enzotib> k0ral_, cominciamo con killall dropbox, e sudo killall dropboxd\n<Joshua^Dunamis> enzotib: si con ls -l li sto vedendo anche io XD non è che il comando di prima serviva solo ad elencare quelli di dimensioni superiori a un certo valore e quindi non li vedevo più?\n<k0ral_> enzotib: al secondo comando : dropboxd: no process found\n<enzotib> Joshua^Dunamis, mostra i primi dieci per dimensione\n<k0ral_> enzotib: dopo?\n<enzotib> k0ral_, controlliamo: pgrep -fl dropbox\n<Joshua^Dunamis> enzotib: perfetto, ora è tutto chiaro!!! Allora apposto e grazie ancora ;)\n<enzotib> Joshua^Dunamis, prego\n<Rebecca92> Holden,non da nessun errore\n<k0ral_> enzotib: niente\n<enzotib> k0ral_, ok, ora rm -rf ~/.dropbox*\n<k0ral_> enzotib: ok\n<k0ral_> enzotib: poi?\n<enzotib> k0ral_, sudo apt-get purge dropbox\n<Rebecca92> Holden,non va e punto\n<enzotib> Rebecca92, lo spazio dopo la virgola\n<Holden> Rebecca92, vedi una cosa così nelle preferenze audio? http://imagebin.org/213574\n<Rebecca92> Holden,di skype ?\n<enzotib> Rebecca92, lo spazio dopo la virgola\n<Holden> no, di ubuntu/pulse\n<k0ral_> enzotib: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1003144/\n<enzotib> k0ral_, sudo apt-get purge nautilus-dropbox\n<k0ral_> enzotib: purge viene usato per disinstallare giusto? come uso sudo apt-get install per installare...giusto?\n<Rebecca92> Holden, kmix?\n<enzotib> k0ral_, sì\n<Holden> Rebecca92, no, l'icona del volume in alto a destra\n<k0ral_> enzotib: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1003145/\n<enzotib> k0ral_, ls -l /etc/apt/sources.list.d/\n<Rebecca92> Holden, in alto a destra ho la x per chiudere konversation\n<Holden> Rebecca92, capisco... vado a casa, a dopo :)\n<k0ral_> enzotib: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1003147/\n<enzotib> k0ral_, ok, sudo apt-get install nautilus-dropbox\n<k41s3r3x> ciao a tutto:)\n<k41s3r3x> ciao a tutti:)\n<vit_o> salve a tutti\n<vlt> Ciao.\n<k0ral_> enzotib: forse c'è qualche problema: http://imagebin.org/213575.Considera che la connessione qui non va benissimo..:(\n<k0ral_> enzotib: forse c'è qualche problema: http://imagebin.org/213575. Considera che la connessione qui non va benissimo..:(\n<k0ral_> enzotib: devo fare next o start dropbox\n<k0ral_> enzotib: ?\n<enzotib> aspe', calma\n<gabriele93> giorno\n<gabriele93> è possibile sostituire pavucontrol all'applet del volume?\n<k0ral_> enzotib: era per me calma?:)\n<enzotib> k0ral_, sì, sta fermo e aspetta che elaboro\n<k0ral_> enzotib: ok\n<gabriele93> enzotib, giorno :)\n<k0ral_> enzotib: perchè forse ho sbagliato qui a fare next oppure start dropbox. non ricordo cosa ho fatto qui la prima volta\n<gabriele93> è possibile sostituire pavucontrol all'applet del volume?\n<enzotib> k0ral_, env | grep http\n<k0ral_> enzotib: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1003169/\n<enzotib> k0ral_, sudo dropbox update\n<k0ral_> enzotib: http://imagebin.org/213578\n<gianni88> ciao.ho appena installato lubuntu...ma la luminosita dello schermo è bassissima (nonostante l'abbia impostata al massimo)...chi mi puo dare un cosniglio?\n<k0ral_> enzotib: e non riesco a chiudere quella finestrella di errore\n<k0ral_> enzotib:  che faccio?\n<enzotib> k0ral_, da un altro terminale: sudo killall dropbox\n<k0ral_> enzotib: ok...ora? :)\n<k0ral_> enzotib: ho sempre la finestra con \"start dropbox\" o \"next\" aperta..la chiudo?\n<enzotib> k0ral_, sudo http_proxy=http://proxyutenti.comune.peccioli.pi.it:8080/ dropbox update\n<vit_o> ho un problema con lo screensaver (12.04 con unity), quello di gnome mi da problemi quindi vorrei 'rimuoverlo' con l'aiuto qui ho installato xscreensaver ma adesso partono entrambi all'avvio. Qualcuno può aiutarmi ?\n<enzotib> k0ral_, sì\n<enzotib> k0ral_, chiudila\n<gianni88> .ho appena installato lubuntu...ma la luminosita dello schermo è bassissima (nonostante l'abbia impostata al massimo)...chi mi puo dare un consiglio?\n<k0ral_> enzotib: stesso errore e stessa finestrella precedente\n<enzotib> k0ral_, su pastebin\n<k0ral_> enzotib: sudo killall dropbox ????\n<k0ral_> enzotib: http://imagebin.org/213578\n<lelamal_> !repeat | gianni88\n<ubot-it> gianni88: non ripetere la tua domanda spesso, ogni N minuti. Non aumenterà le probabilità di ottenere una risposta ma provocherà solamente una reazione stizzita da parte degli altri utenti del canale. Se nessuno ti risponde riprova più tardi o utilizza le altre forme di supporto messe a dispozione dalla comunità.\n<enzotib> k0ral_, ma non ti avevo detto di dare sudo killall dropbox?\n<enzotib> k0ral_, non si è chiusa ancora quella finestra?\n<k0ral_> enzotib: si, ma si è riaperta con l'ultimo comando\n<k0ral_> enzotib: devo ridare killall?\n<enzotib> k0ral_, sì, dai di nuovo killall, ma l'ultimo comando era diverso da come lo hai scritto tu\n<enzotib> k0ral_, è questo: sudo http_proxy=http://proxyutenti.comune.peccioli.pi.it:8080/ dropbox update\n<k0ral_> enzotib: non ho rifatto lo screenshot ti ho messo quello di prima perchè era identica la finestrella\n<enzotib> k0ral_, ed hai sbagliato, perché così non riesco a capire cosa succede, ti ricordo che io non sono davanti al tuo pc\n<k0ral_> enzotib: ok, rifaccio\n<enzotib> k0ral_, rifai il comando che ti ho scritto e fammi vedere l'output\n<k0ral_> enzotib: http://imagebin.org/213579\n<enzotib> k0ral_, possibilmente pastebin, usa imagebin solo quando strettamente necessario\n<k0ral_> enzotib: clicco ok?\n<enzotib> k0ral_, sì\n<k0ral_> enzotib: http://imagebin.org/213580\n<enzotib> k0ral_, e che cazzarola, gliela abbiamo data la variabile\n<enzotib> k0ral_, ok, fermalo\n<k0ral_> enzotib: può essere https?\n<k0ral_> enzotib: dropbox non lavora con https o no?\n<enzotib> k0ral_, env | grep http > out\n<k0ral_> enzotib: asp ho provato con https ed ha dato qcosa di diverso\n<k0ral_> enzotib: ma sempre un errore..http://imagebin.org/213582\n<k0ral_> enzotib: che faccio? \"report problem\"?\n<enzotib> k0ral_, aspetta\n<enzotib> k0ral_, ok, fermalo di nuovo\n<k0ral_> enzotib: sudo killall dropbox?\n<enzotib> sì\n<k0ral_> enzotib: ci sono ancora finestrelle di errore aperte..che non si chiudono con killall, che faccio?\n<k0ral_> enzotib: e nemmeno col mouse\n<enzotib> k0ral_, Alt-F2, xkill, e poi ci clicchi sopra col mouse\n<k0ral_> enzotib: ok\n<k0ral_> enzotib: ora?\n<enzotib> k0ral_, quindi adesso la situazione è tornata normale?\n<k0ral_> enzotib: si\n<k0ral_> enzotib: cioè..dropbox è chiuso\n<enzotib> k0ral_, pgrep -fl dropbox\n<k0ral_> enzotib: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1003207/\n<k0ral_> enzotib: sembra ci sia un terminale bloccato\n<k0ral_> ma cliccandoci non riesco ad aprirlo\n<enzotib> k0ral_, sudo killall -f dropbox\n<enzotib> k0ral_, togli il -f\n<k0ral_> enzotib:\n<k0ral_> enzotib: ok\n<enzotib> k0ral_, di nuovo pgrep -fl dropbox\n<k0ral_> enzotib: fatto. tutto ok\n<k0ral_> enzotib: non da niente\n<enzotib> k0ral_, ls -d ~/.dropbox*\n<k0ral_> enzotib: ls: cannot access /home/carlo/.dropbox*: No such file or directory\n<enzotib> k0ral_, ok, ls -l /etc/apt/sources.list.d/\n<k0ral_> enzotib: total 4 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 176 May 16 09:58 google-chrome.list\n<enzotib> k0ral_, sudo apt-get purge nautilus-dropbox\n<k0ral_> enzotib: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1003216/\n<enzotib> k0ral_, hai 64 bit?\n<k0ral_> enzotib: si\n<enzotib> k0ral_, wget https://www.dropbox.com/download?dl=packages/ubuntu/dropbox_1.4.0_amd64.deb\n<k0ral_> enzotib: mi stanno cacciando dal laboratorio..se ci vuole tanto facciamo domani :) se ti trovo..\n<enzotib> ok\n<k0ral_> enzotib: fatto\n<k0ral_> enzotib: ora?\n<enzotib> non credo, ma i problemi sono dietro l'angolo\n<k0ral_> enzotib: l'ultimo è andato bene, ha scaricato\n<enzotib> k0ral_, sudo dpkg -i dropbox_1.4.0_amd64.deb\n<k0ral_> enzotib: ora?\n<k0ral_> enzotib: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1003220/\n<k0ral_> enzotib: azz...:(\n<k0ral_> enzotib: facciamo domani se ti trovo...ciao :)\n<enzotib> ok\n<leo__> Sera\n<leo__> Potete aiutarmi non riesco a far funzionare flash player anche se installato\n<jester-> leo__: installato cpme\n<jester-> come\n<jester-> leo__: bù\n<leo__> jester scusa! Tramite software centre\n<jester-> leo__: inscolla nel terminale, da enter e incolla la sisposta nel pastebin\n<jester-> dpkg -l | egrep 'ndis|swf|gnash|flash|nsplugin'\n<jester-> paste | leo__\n<jester-> !paste | leo__\n<ubot-it> leo__: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<glpiana> ola\n<vit_o> buona sera a tutti\n<gianni888> qualcuno mi aiuta con la luminosita dello schermo??ho appena installato lubuntu!grazie\n<fourlastor> ciao a tutti\n<fourlastor> è possibile che ubuntu abbia spento la mia webcam (uso tlp)?\n<fourlastor> e in caso, c'è modo di riaccenderla?\n<fourlastor> perché con lsusb non la vedo più, quindi m'è venuto naturale pensare a quello..\n<jester-> fourlastor: uso tlpsarebbe?\n<fourlastor> un gestore di energia, l'ho usato dopo aver letto diverse guide dato che il mio disco scaldava\n<jester-> fourlastor: uso tlp  sarebbe?\n<fourlastor> jester-, questo https://github.com/linrunner/TLP/wiki/TLP-Linux-Advanced-Power-Management\n<jester-> FloodBotIt2:  fourlastor vedo che il cazzillo disabilita un fracco ri roba, far le quali usb;, e piu che per lo scaldameento serve a risparmiare batteria\n<fourlastor> sì, anche la batteria, e ovviamente da bravo scemo non avevo controllato le usb, ora l'ho disabilitato ma anche riavviando il pc non si riaccende\n<jester-> fourlastor:  se lsusb non vede le usb o vede le usb e non la cam attaccata\n<fourlastor> vede le usb ma non la cam attaccata (è integrata)\n<jester-> fourlastor: puo darsi che abbia messo in blacklist il modulo della cam\n<fourlastor> ora controllo, dici di modprobe?\n<jester-> fourlastor:  dico in qualche file in /etc/modprobe.d/\n<fourlastor> sì sto guardando jester-\n<fourlastor> dovrebbe essere uvcvideo, giusto?\n<jester-> a sapere che modulo usa si carica a mano\n<jester-> fourlastor: uvcvideo è uno\n<fourlastor> umh..\n<fourlastor> ma teoricamente caricando il modulo dovrei vedere la cam su lsusb?\n<jester-> fourlastor: teoricamente lsusb dobrebbe vedere comunque il device collegato se la usb è up\n<jester-> fourlastor: ma se lo carichi male non fa\n<fourlastor> hm, nada\n<fourlastor> provo a riavviare un'altra volta\n<fourlastor> eccolo\n<fourlastor> jester-, ancora niente comunque\n<jester-> fourlastor: prova a disabilitare il servizio, se sevizo  è\n<fourlastor> ok, riavvio\n<gianni888> qualcuno mi aiuta con la luminosita dello schermo??ho appena installato lubuntu!grazie\n<jester-> gianni888: portatile?\n<gianni888> si\n<gianni888> è bassissima la luminosita\n<jester-> gianni888: i tasti fn non funzano?\n<gianni888> si funzionano..ma se la letto al max è comunque scura ,se la diminuisco si spegne addirittura\n<jester-> gianni888: che pc è e che scheda grafica monta\n<gianni888> eee pc asus\n<gianni888> sono poco pratico :)\n<jester-> gianni888: se trovo l'appunto sei fortunato\n<gianni888> speriamo\n<jester-> gianni888: sudo /etc/default/grub\n<angelo> ciao a tutti\n<angelo> non riesco a avviare la wireless\n<jester-> angelo: broadcom?\n<gianni888> jester-, command not fiunf\n<gianni888> found\n<jester-> gianni888: sudo gedit /etc/default/grub\n<angelo> scusa, cos'è broadcom\n<gianni888> uguale jester-\n<jester-> gianni888: scrivi bene o non hai gnome\n<gianni888> ho lubuntu\n<jester-> gianni888: come si chiama l'editor di lubbuntu\n<cristian_c> angelo, è un produttore di schede wireless sopratutto\n<angelo> ah, ok\n<angelo> grazie4 cristian_c , cosa devo fare?\n<gianni888> credo leafpad\n<cristian_c> angelo, spiega meglio, che cosa intendi con 'non riesci ad avviare la wireless'?\n<jester-> sostituisci gedit con quello\n<fourlastor> jester-, ci sono riuscito :) ho spento e staccato il pc dalla corrente per qualche secondo ed è andata\n<jester-> bene\n<jester-> quasta della corrente non la sapevo\n<gianni888> ok..si è aperto un file\n<fourlastor> ora va anche con tlp ma comunque ho disabilitato l'usb dallo spegnimento\n<jester-> gianni888:  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"quiet splash acpi_osi=Linux acpi_backlight=vendor\"\n<jester-> gianni888: correggi la riga\n<jester-> gianni888: salva e dai sudo update-grub\n<angelo> scusate ma devo andare, grazie per l'aiuto\n<gianni888> ok fatto jester-\n<jester-> gianni888: sudo update-grub\n<gianni888> fatto anche questo\n<jester-> riavvia\n<degli> nessuno usa asterisk?\n<gianni888> ok...a dopo!\n<gabry> ciao a tutti, ho un computer con ubuntu 11.04 e vorrei passare ad ubuntu 12.04. il problema è che gestore aggiornamenti non mi da nessuna possibilità di avanzamento versione, ed il comando dist-upgrade mi ha solo installato 2 aggiornamenti di sistema. qualche consiglio?\n<fourlastor> jester-, ho scoperto chi/cosa spegne la webcam\n<fourlastor> skype!\n<fourlastor> ri-riavvio va\n<jester-> gabry: dist aupgrade non fa nessun avanzamento, devi usare il gestore aggiornamento\n<dod_> gabry non puoi. 11.04 non e' una lts. puoi aggiornare direttamente da lts a lts. oppure da una versione alla successiva diretta.\n<jester-> gabry: e da 11.04 a 12.04 devi fare due avanzamenti\n<gianni88> grazie jester- va benissimo ora!!!!\n<jester-> gianni88: bene\n<k41s3r3x> ciao a tutti :)\n<gianni88> mi ridaresti il comando cosi me lo appunto per la prox volta?\n<gianni88> la riga da correggere\n<gabry> dod_, jester-  il gestore aggiornamento non mi da la possibilità di farlo e si, avevo letto che prima devo passare alla 11.10 e dopo alla 12.04, ma non mi fa fare nemmeno quello\n<jester-> gianni88: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"quiet splash acpi_osi=Linux acpi_backlight=vendor\"\n<dod_> gabry te lo dico francamente ti conviene salvare la home su un disco diverso e poi reinstallare. salvare i dati tuoi e i file di configurazione dei programmi di posta, firefox etc etc..\n<gabry> dod_, O_O\n<dod_> in alternativa cambiare a mano i repo e provare l'avanzamento alla 11.10 che puo' fallire. o usare il cd della 10.10 per avanzare.\n<dod_> 11.10 scusa.\n<gabry> dod_, perchè richiederebbe meno tempo/sarebbe più sicuro o perchè non c'è altro modo?\n<carlo> ciao a tutti\n<dod_> richiede meno tempo ed e' piu' sicuro. ed hai un sistema sicuramente sano.\n<fourlastor> volete ridere? esiste skype\n<carlo> come faccio a configurare la rotellina del mouse in modo che scorra le pagine quando la premo?\n<gabry> dod_, mmmh, a sto punto mi sa che formatto e installo da zero\n<fourlastor> e noi che stiamo ancora alla 0.35 :°\n<fourlastor> la versione compilata staticamente per la precisione\n<cristian_c> carlo, quando la 'giri' vorrai dire :)\n<dod_> gabry e' la cosa migliore. salvati la cartella .mozilla con i preferiti di firefox, quella della posta se ti serve con le impostazioni, dalla home, sono cartelle nascoste. poi i tuoi dati.\n<carlo> cristian_c, no quando la premo XD su windows quando premo la rotellina e muovo il mouse in su o in giù (tenendo la rotella premuta) le pagine scorrono......\n<gabry> dod_, naaaaa, uso chrome che sincronizza in automatico ;) per il resto comunque si, farò così\n<cristian_c> carlo, credo che forse dovresti usare xinput ma non ne sono sicuro\n<carlo> cristian_c, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1003423/\n<cristian_c> carlo, quale dei due mouse?\n<gabry> va bene, grazie a tutti\n<gabry> ciao!\n<carlo> cristian_c, ne ho solamente uno di muose collegato, l'altro è il touchpad\n<cristian_c> carlo, ne risultano due\n<cristian_c> PS/2 Mouse\n<cristian_c> PIXART USB OPTICAL MOUSE\n<carlo> cristian_c, ho provato a scollegalo e ridando xinput non c'è più PIXART USB......quindi deduco sia quello.......l'altro non so cosa sia\n<cristian_c> carlo, ok, quindi è il mouse usb, giusto?\n<carlo> cristian_c, si è il  PIXART USB OPTICAL MOUSE\n<cristian_c> carlo, prova questo: xinput --list  --long \"PIXART USB OPTICAL MOUSE\"\n<carlo> cristian_c, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1003440/\n<cristian_c> Button labels: \"Button Left\" \"Button Middle\" \"Button Right\" \"Button Wheel Up\" \"Button Wheel Down\" \"Button Horiz Wheel Left\" \"Button Horiz Wheel Right\"\n<fourlastor> comunque grazie jester-\n<fourlastor> :)\n<cristian_c> quindi hai tre bottoni più tre rotelle, giusto?\n<carlo> cristian_c, no ho i due tasti canonici più una rotella verticale che funge anche da 3° tasto\n<cristian_c> allora credo tu debba utilizzare \"Button Middle\"\n<lelamal_> carlo: quando ti riferisci a \"le pagine scorrono\" a quale programma ti riferisci?\n<cristian_c> carlo, prova xinput --list-props \"PIXART USB OPTICAL MOUSE\"\n<carlo> lelamal_, a nessun programma in particolare, a tutto il sistema\n<carlo> cristian_c, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1003457/\n<cristian_c> carlo, quindi tutte le finestre con scroll\n<carlo> esatto\n<lelamal_> ci sono alcuni programmi che prevedono quell'opzione, ad esempio Firefox, ma vanno abilitati dalle opzioni se presenti\n<carlo> lelamal_, si, avevo letto dei forum in merito, ma io volevo utilizzarlo a livello globale\n<lelamal_> se provassi a fare lo scroll automatico in questa finestra di chat, ad esempio, non funzionerebbe perché non è previsto\n<carlo> lelamal_, ma da windows lo farebbe\n<lelamal_> ma questo non è Windows\n<cristian_c> \tEvdev Middle Button Emulation (264):\t0\n<cristian_c> \tEvdev Wheel Emulation (270):\t0\n<cristian_c> \tEvdev Third Button Emulation (266):\t0\n<cristian_c> chissà a cosa servono queste proprietà\n<cristian_c> che comunque sono disattivate\n<nannes> cristian_c: lo dice il nome stesso a cosa servono :D\n<zappo_> ciap a tutti\n<nannes> ciap ciap anche a te zappo_\n<cristian_c> nannes, non sono uno specialista\n<carloo> cristian_c, scusa ma mi è andato in crash il sistema e ho dovuto riavviare......non ho letto le ultime cose che hai scritto\n<nannes> Middle Button Emulation = Emulazione tasto centrale\n<nannes> Wheel Emulation = Emulazione \"rotellina\"\n<nannes> Third Button Emulation = Emulazione terzo tasto\n<cristian_c> nannes, sì, ma in concreto? :)\n<nannes> Sono funzioni che servono quando, ad esempio, il tuo mouse non ha la rotellina e vuoi scorrere in un latro modo (click + spostamento mouse)\n<nannes> oppure quando non hai il terzo tasto,\n<nannes> abilitando quello viene emulato quando tu premi realmente i due tasti contemporaneamente :)\n<cristian_c> nannes, in realtà carloo vuole fare proprio questo ----> ono funzioni che servono quando, ad esempio, il tuo mouse non ha la rotellina e vuoi scorrere in un latro modo (click + spostamento mouse)\n<cristian_c> nannes, ok, ora è più chiaro\n<nannes> eh.. allora abilitala! ;)\n<cristian_c> nannes, non è per me\n<nannes> si si per lui dico\n<cristian_c> nannes, che differenza c'è tra middle e third button emulation?\n<zappo_> su ubuntu 12/04 si possono vedere filmati in moonlight?ho provato ad installarlo ma non funzia.\n<carloo> zappo_, si riescono a vedere video ma ad esempio puntate intere no.....\n<carloo> nannes, come faccio ad abilitarlo?\n<nannes> cristian_c: hmm uno è il tasto della rotellina (wheel button). l'altro il classico terzo tasto (anche se ora non si usa più di tanto)\n<Tullio> Salve a tutti...\n<nannes> zappo_: hmmm moonlight purtroppo difetta tanto! Consiglio l'estensione per firefox (tanto ti serve per vedere i video rai.tv, no?) :)\n<nannes> zappo_: l'estensione  è qui https://addons.mozilla.org/it/firefox/addon/raismth/\n<nannes> !ciao | Tull\n<ubot-it> Tull: Ciao! Benvenuto in #ubuntu-it\n<cristian_c> nannes, quindi middle è la rotellina? :9\n<zappo_> nannes, grazie pensavo che in questi ultimi due anni avessero risolto il problema moonlight.\n<nannes> si se la memoria non mi inganna è lei :P\n<carloo> faccio volentieri la cavia, anche se non ti ricordi nannes va bene lo stesso! Tentar non nuoce! :))\n<cristian_c> carloo, devi abilitare Wheel Emulation\n<nannes> carloo: fai diventare quello \"0\" un \"1\" ;)\n<nannes> ti serve il comando o riesci da solo?\n<cristian_c> esatto\n<carloo> non sono capace! :( ho ubuntu da 5 giorni!\n<cristian_c> --set-int-prop device property format value\n<carloo> --set-int-prop: command not found\n<cristian_c> al posto di device, \"PIXART USB OPTICAL MOUSE\"\n<nannes> noo cristian\n<cristian_c> al posto di property, Wheel Emulation\n<cristian_c> no?\n<nannes> deve mettere l'identificativo! tipo /dev/mouse0\n<cristian_c> oppure\n<Tullio> ciao a tutti io esco... :-)\n<cristian_c> ⎜   ↳ PIXART USB OPTICAL MOUSE                \tid=10\t[slave  pointer  (2)]\n<cristian_c> id = 10\n<carloo> bash: errore di sintassi vicino al token non atteso \"(\"\n<nannes> ok.. il format è 8 per l'emulazione dei pulsanti eh!\n<cristian_c> lol\n<carloo> nannes, quindi?\n<cristian_c> sì, infatti è un booleano, 8 bit\n<nannes> xinput set-int-prop \"PIXART USB OPTICAL MOUSE\" \"Evdev Middle Button Emulation\" 8 1\n<nannes> pardon mi ero confuso prima, cristian_c!\n<cristian_c> carloo, digita il comando suggerito da nannes\n<cristian_c> ma non era wheel emulation?\n<nannes> wheel è la rotellina... per scorrere...\n<nannes> non mi hai detto che gli serviva il tasto centrale? :S\n<carloo> nannes, fatto.....putroppo non funziona! in compenso adesso premendo il tasto della rotellina cambio scrivania\n<cristian_c> lol\n<cristian_c> nannes, lui vuole schiacciare la rotellina come un tasto\n<cristian_c> nannes, ma vuole usare la rotellina come se non la avesse\n<cristian_c> per avere l'effetto della rotella\n<cristian_c> nannes, lo so, sembra un po' contorta come cosa :D\n<lelamal_> nannes: a quanto ho capito io, lui vuole la funzione di auto-scroll in tutti i programmi\n<cristian_c> sì\n<carloo> a dir la verità non so se è per quello, xkè prima stavo pasticciando con \"CompizConfig\"\n<cristian_c> la funzione della rotella\n<cristian_c> lol\n<cristian_c> nannes, cioè vuole usare la rotella per scrollare, ma senza scrollarla, ma bensì schiacciandola e muovendo il mouse\n<cristian_c> come se non si avesse la rotella\n<cristian_c> ecco perché parlavo di wheel emulation\n<nannes> ahh ora ho capito che vuole XD\n<nannes> si è la wheel emulation\n<nannes> XDXD\n<nannes> perchè l'autoscroll di per se' è una caratteristica da abilitabile/gestibile dal software stesso quindi non mi tornava XDF\n<cristian_c> nannes, vai con il comando giusto\n<cristian_c> anzi rimettiamogli il comando precedente a posto prima\n<cristian_c> cioè a 0\n<nannes> si dagli il comando... è uguale al mio solo con lo zero\n<carloo> questo comando se non fa conflitto con l'altro lo terrei volentieri!\n<nannes> nel mentre sto vedendo come scegliere il tasto assassino... perchè puoi scegliere quale usare...e lui vuole quello centrale!\n<drhoffyep7> Ciao! mi servirebbe aiuto per configurare un access point? qua le info: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1003521/\n<cristian_c> carloo, xinput set-int-prop \"PIXART USB OPTICAL MOUSE\" \"Evdev Middle Button Emulation\" 8 0\n<jester-> dr4kk4r^: da nm aggiungi wifi -->modo -->Ad-hoc\n<carloo> fatto\n<nannes> ha detto che gli andava bene cristian_c !\n<cristian_c> ah\n<nannes> vabè\n<cristian_c> ora il prossimo comando\n<nannes> intanto ho trovato lo schema dei tasti del mouse :P il tasto della rotellina è il 2 :P\n<nannes> quindi\n<cristian_c> \tEvdev Wheel Emulation (270):\t0\n<nannes> questo è il primo\n<nannes> xinput set-int-prop \"PIXART USB OPTICAL MOUSE\" \"Evdev Wheel Emulation\" 8 1\n<cristian_c> nannes, magari proviamo prima questo e se va bene anche l'altro\n<nannes> questo è il secondo\n<nannes> xinput set-int-prop \"PIXART USB OPTICAL MOUSE\" \"Evdev Wheel Emulation Button\" 8 2\n<nannes> così dovrebbe andare come vuoi tu\n<cristian_c> lol\n<drhoffyep7> Jester: ti riferivi a me?\n<cristian_c> ah, è vero, al momento il valore era 4\n<carloo> FUNZIONA!!!!\n<Drizamanuber> ho problemi a impostare la mail di yahoo per evolution\n<cristian_c> nannes, sei un mostro XD\n<drhoffyep7> mi servirebbe aiuto a impostare un access point\n<nannes> lol è na cazzata! XD\n<carloo> grazie!!!\n<cristian_c> carloo, nulla è impossibile con gnu/linux (o quasi)\n<carloo> per curiosità da quanto usare linux e come avete imparato tutti questi comandi?\n<nannes> Drizamanuber: guarda le guide di yahoo... ogni gestore mette le istruzioni a disposizione.. poi van bene per tutti i clients\n<cristian_c> !chat | carloo\n<ubot-it> carloo: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<carloo> ook\n<Drizamanuber> nannes: seguendo le loro impostazioni non riesco\n<nannes> carloo: quando si dimenticano i comandi, ci sono i \"man\" oppure \"nomecomando --help\"!! non devi avere la memoria di Pico della Mirandola :D\n<Drizamanuber> non è la priima mail che imposto\n<Drizamanuber> le altre funzionano tutte benissimo\n<nannes> Drizamanuber: ah... forse c'è un blocco per i clients (come per Gmail)\n<nannes> Drizamanuber: ma che errore da'\n<jester-> dr4kk4r^: da nm aggiungi wifi -->modo -->Ad-hoc\n<Drizamanuber> non accetta la password\n<carloo> no xò io conosco a mala pena sudo apt-get update! XD XD  più di quello non so fare!\n<jester-> drhoffyep7: metti un bessid e in ipv4 lasci automatico dhcp\n<drhoffyep7> Il problema e che non mi serve un ap \"classico\" ma ho una configurazione \"esotica\" qua il link con le varie info: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1003521/\n<nannes> e poi dovrai reindirizzare il traffico sull'altra interfaccia con IPTABLES drhoffyep7\n<nannes> (dopo avere configurato il proxy)\n<drhoffyep7> Scusa ma di networking sono proprio nuovo!! Mi sapresti indicare i comandi eth1 e l'interfaccia che si collega a internet e wlan1 e l'accesspoint\n<zappo_> nannes,ho installato il plugin che mi hai drtto prima ma mi da questo errore  Plz check your settings about audio decoder path  faad2 [www.audiocoding.com/faad2.html]\n<nannes> drhoffyep7: ora pensa a fare la rete ad-hoc su wlan1 come ha detto jester\n<drhoffyep7> ok\n<drhoffyep7> va bene da network manager?\n<nannes> si\n<nannes> zappo_: devi installare l'intero pacchetto dei codecs per avere il faad2\n<zappo_> nannes, e come si fa?\n<Drizamanuber> nannes:io per questa sera mollo il colpo, ciao e buona serata\n<drhoffyep7> nanes: scusa ma non ho ben capito mi puoi indicare i passaggi e cos'e il bessid?\n<nannes> o forse no :P prova questo zappo_ → sudo apt-get install faad faad2-dbg libfaad-dev libfaad2 xmms2-plugin-faad\n<zappo_> nannes, ok grazie\n<nannes> -.-' drhoffyep7 leggiti qualcosa sulle reti, è brutto fare tutto su dettatura senza saper che succede a livello macchina ...a cosa servono i comandi...\n<nannes> cacchiolina non ricordo il nome del plugin pack.... va bè\n<nannes> mi sà che serviranno anche questi zappo_ → sudo apt-get install xmms2-plugin-mp4 libmp4v2-0 libmp4v2-dev libmpeg4ip-0 libmpeg4ip-dev libmpeg4ip-doc\n<giorgio70> ciao\n<nannes> ciao giorgio70!\n<giorgio70> nannes,  ciao\n<giorgio70> ubuntu 12.04; come mai ogni tano appaiono gli apport ?\n<zappo_> nannes, adesso funzia installo comunque?\n<nannes> zappo_: ah no se funzia rimani cosi! :D\n<giorgio70> ad esempio ora è apparso :  ubuntu 12.04:ha riscontrato un errore interno\n<drhoffyep7> Ho provato a guardare in rete ma non ho trovato una guida per fare un access point come serve a me? non potresti indicarmi una guida?\n<drhoffyep7> ho impostato hostapd senza problemi! devo configurare dhcpd e capire come si \"bypassa\" il proxy\n<nannes> eeeh... combattere è inutile -.-'\n<giorgio70> ma va\n<nannes> no non dicevo a te giorgio70 :D\n<giorgio70> è una metafora ?\n<drhoffyep7> credo si riferisse a me\n<nannes> giorgio70:  cos'è un apport?! :s\n<nannes> drhoffyep7: Ma il proxy di per sè sei riuscito a configurarlo o no?\n<drhoffyep7> Lo so sono un cane ha spiegarmi! Io mi connetto con il wifi a una rete. questa rete per farti andare in internet devi configurare un proxy. Il problema e che molti cellulari non gestiscono i proxy allora ho pensato di usare il mio portatile come ripetiore visto che ha 2 interfaccie wireless.\n<Joshua^Dunamis> giorgio70: l'apport è in maniera semplice un sistema di monitoraggio dei programmi e del sistema, se indica un errore, apri i dettagli e vedi qual'è il programma che genera l'errore, in più fai continua in modo da inviare il report a chi cercherà di risolvere il bug\n<drhoffyep7> Io mi connetto senza problemi al proxy e in internet! e creare un accesspoint che mi riesce difficile\n<nannes> anche a scrivere italiano drhoffyep7 XD\n<nannes> drhoffyep7: Prima di tutto devi scegliere se gestirlo da network manager oppure da terminale (interfaces,profiles ecc)\n<drhoffyep7> Si! anche quello! Non mi faccio mancare niente! XD (a mia discolpa sto scrivendo al buio)\n<nannes> ah ok sei perdonato .D\n<drhoffyep7> Preferirei gestirlo da terminale perchè devo applicare anche un macfilter\n<giorgio70> Joshua^Dunamis,   ok\n<drhoffyep7> è ho visto come si fa con hostapd\n<giorgio70> Joshua^Dunamis,  grazie\n<nannes> bien\n<nannes> drhoffyep7:  masticati questa https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessAccessPoint\n<nannes> drhoffyep7: e intanto imposta l'IP statico per l'interfacia che farà da access point\n<drhoffyep7> Ma poi come faccio a far connettere più dispositivi conteporaneamente?\n<nannes> poi il comando per farlo da terminale è iwconfig\n<nannes> drhoffyep7: mettendo la tua scheda wireless in modalità master!!!ù\n<nannes> però c'è da vedere se la supporta :D non tutte le schede lo fanno :D\n<drhoffyep7> Ahh! Ok ora guardo! io ho una alink Technology, Corp. RT2870/RT3070 Wireless Adapter.\n<nannes> LOL\n<drhoffyep7> LOL??\n<nannes> ho paura di no XD ma prova va..\n<nannes> fai cos' per vedere se supporta: sudo iwconfig wlan1\n<nannes> mode master\n<nannes> sudo iwconfig wlan1 mode master\n<nannes> se esce un errore.. trema\n<drhoffyep7>  con quella usb non ci sono riuscito ora provo con la broadcom: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1003640/\n<drhoffyep7> mi disconetto un attimo\n<nannes> noo\n<nannes> fermoo\n<nannes> è senza le virgolette, magrebino! :D\n<nannes> drhoffyep7: ^\n<nannes> -.-''''''\n<ep7drhoffy622it> stesso outpud per la broadcom!! Però (nella mia immensa ignoranza) non capisco quando ho impostato un semplice access point senza mac filter proxy e cavolate varie andava tutto!! e in più con hostapd sono riuscito a far connettere un altro pc al mio! poi però non riceveva l'indirzzo perche non avevo il server dhcpd\n<nannes> perchè va senza virgolette il master!!! XD\n<nannes> io te l'ho detto ma sei scappato\n<Ryccardo> mi segnalano che c'è un errore nella manpage di kill (sia su Ubuntu che Debian) -- si può ottenere una lista dei segnali con `kill -L` ma deve essere in minuscolo\n<ep7drhoffy622it> sisi ero di fretta! comunque anche senza virgolette da lo stesso errore! (le virgolette erano la mia seconda opzione)\n<nannes> con tutte e due le interfacce?\n<ep7drhoffy622it> si! http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1003654/ guarda un po tu magari (molto probabilmente) sbaglio qualcosa\n<nannes> la scheda non lo supporta..\n<nannes> Forse ci sono driver appositi... ridammi il modello please..!\n<ep7drhoffy622it>  Ralink Technology, Corp. RT2870/RT3070 Wireless Adapter (con hostapd: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1003662/)\n<nannes> dai in fase di sperimentazione non puoi tenere il MAC block abilitato!!! fallo dopo LOL\n<nannes> e per la password stessa storia\n<ep7drhoffy622it> ho inserito i mac dei telefoni e del'altro pc che usavo per test!! Ho preferito tenere tutto attivo per verificare che funzionasse tutto! è cosi era finche non arrivava alla fase di assegnamento dell'indirizzo! Non sono risuscito a configuare dhcpd\n<nannes> no no no. disattiva. sia mac che psw\n<nannes> non ha senso\n<nannes> ora\n<ep7drhoffy622it> Ok! ma ora come ora non posso testare la mia configurazione perchè l'altro pc non è disponibile!\n<ep7drhoffy622it> almeno che non mi \"testi\" da solo la connessione sfruttando l'altra scheda wifi\n<ep7drhoffy622it> Grazie per la pazienza\n<ep7drhoffy622it> il problema principale per me adesso e sapere come impostare dhcpd\n<ep7drhoffy622it> ho dato un occhiata al file di configurazione ma non ho capito molto\n<nannes> è inutile senza un altro pc... mi dispiace ma non procedo ...\n<neramarea> 'sera. update mi da' in continuazione due pacchetti non aggiornati: gir1.2-clutter-1.0 e libclutter-1.0-0. PICCHE'?\n<neramarea> pardon... upgrade\n<neramarea> si può forzare?\n<dod_> neramarea sudo dpkg --configure -a che dice? metti in paste\n<neramarea> dod_ non dice nulla...\n<dod_> che versione hai di ubuntu?\n<neramarea> 12\n<Kalce> buonasera a tutti\n<Kalce> io uso easy peasy di derivazione da ubuntu 10.04 . Nel mio utente ho cambiato password. Ora tutte le volte che vi accedo mi chiede anche la password del portachiavi di sicurezza ( che è rimasta la vecchia ).  Come posso sincrnizzarla con la nuova?\n<Carlin0> cambia la pass anche del portachiavi\n<tony___> salve a tutti\n<tony___> ho un problemino nell'stallare ubuntu...chi mi può aiutare?\n<tony___> ho un probelemino nell'istallare ubuntu\n<tony___> perchè io scrivo una cosa e me ne esce un'altra?\n<tony___> c'è qualcuno\n<tony___> come mai provo a istallare sul pc ubunto e si istalla sulla penna usb?\n<Carlin0> !qualcuno\n<ubot-it> la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera'\n#ubuntu-it 2012-05-24\n<Carlin0> buonanotte\n<dem> problemi con aggiornamenti software,\n<dem> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1004049/\n<BetaBrain> giorno\n<mizusan> ciao, ho problemi con gparted, non riesco a fare nulla su partizione ntfs...\n<DaVinciIT> buongiorno. vorrei usare ubuntu in azienda e sto cercando una società che sia in grado di supportarci nella configurazione.\n<glpiana> ola\n<Odo> Giorno\n<TaLaDo> Come faccio a mettere tutto in italiano Thunderbird?\n<jester-> TaLaDo: installa il pacchetto della lingua it\n<TaLaDo> jester-, pare ci sia\n<TaLaDo> ma i menù e altre cose restano in inglese\n<jester-> pare o c'è\n<TaLaDo> aspetta ti posto una videata\n<DAMN3dg1rl> TaLaDo, imagebin.org\n<Holden> TaLaDo, sistema/amministrazione/supporto lingue  e vedi se ti dice di installare qualche pacchetto\n<TaLaDo> http://imagebin.org/213666\n<jester-> TaLaDo: fa vedere dpkg -l | grep thunderbird\n<TaLaDo> jester-,  http://pastebin.com/atqCyiCw\n<TaLaDo> Holden,  http://imagebin.org/213667\n<Holden> TaLaDo, quando hai aperto quella finestra, ti ha avvisato che mancavano pacchetti?\n<TaLaDo> no\n<jester-> TaLaDo: cliicca disable\n<TaLaDo> si mi dice che per rendere attiva la cosa devo riavviare thunderbird\n<TaLaDo> riavvio?\n<jester-> direi di si\n<TaLaDo> bene riavviato ma non è cambiato nulla\n<jester-> TaLaDo: adesso riabilitalo\n<TaLaDo> fatto e riavviato ma... come prima\n<TaLaDo> lasciamo stare tanto funziona ugualmente\n<jester-> TaLaDo: sudo apt-get install --reinstall  thunderbird-locale-it\n<nanaep7> Giorno avrei bisogno d'aiuto per impostare un proxy\n<jester-> TaLaDo: fa vedere dpkg -S /etc/issue\n<TaLaDo> aspetta che sta facendo il comando precedente\n<glpiana> nanaep7, spiega cosa vuoi fare\n<Guest78744> salve ragazzi, ho intenzione di passare da winzoz a ubuntu, sto provando il cd live ma il computer è estremamente lento, e il lettore fa un rumore strano.\n<glpiana> Guest78744, se il tuo pc fa boot da usb, crea una live usb e provalo da lì\n<Guest78744> e come si fa :) una live usb :)\n<nanaep7> Ho creato un access point(wlan1) che dovrebbe fare da Bypass per un proxy sulla rete che uso per connettermi a intenet(eth1) In pratica chi si connette a wlan1 NON deve impostare il proxy\n<glpiana> da windows devi usare http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ per esempio\n<TaLaDo> jester-,  sono due righe copio qui?\n<jester-> si\n<TaLaDo> franco@franco-stazione01:~$ dpkg -S /etc/issue\n<TaLaDo> base-files: /etc/issue\n<glpiana> nanaep7, guarda qui se ti è utile http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Server/Proxy\n<jester-> TaLaDo: dopo il reinstall ?\n<TaLaDo> ho riavviato thinderbird ma niente come prima\n<TaLaDo> thunderbird\n<jester-> TaLaDo: prova a rinominare la cartella .thunderbird\n<jester-> non cancellarla\n<glpiana> TaLaDo, apri modifica -> preferenze e clicca su gestione componenti aggiuntivi\n<nanaep7> Ho guardato ma non devo creare un proxy. Io sono connesso a internet trammite eth1 e per andare su internet| Però gli smartphone non possono impostare il proxy quindi volevo creare un accesspoint con il proxy già impostato\n<jester-> ]ff0\n<glpiana> TaLaDo, poi vai in Lingua\n<TaLaDo> ehm scusate ho rinominato la cartella che faccio riavvio thunderbird prima di quei comandi glpiana ?\n<glpiana> TaLaDo, se hai già rinominato segui jester-\n<glpiana> nanaep7, devi usare il tuo pc per autenticare gli accessi o devi fare altro?\n<TaLaDo> si ho rinominato e ora mi chede di riconfigurare l'account di posta\n<glpiana> TaLaDo, ora è in italiano?\n<jester-> TaLaDo: è in ita o ancora in inglese\n<TaLaDo> ma è in inglese\n<jester-> strana sta cosa\n<TaLaDo> e lo so per quello chiedevo a voi\n<glpiana> TaLaDo, allora interrompi, chiudi thunderbird, rimuovi la nuova .thunderbird, rinomina la vecchia\n<TaLaDo> io non sono riuscito a fare nulla\n<jester-> TaLaDo:  cancella la cartella appena riformata e ripristina la precedente\n<TaLaDo> ok\n<glpiana> TaLaDo, poi prova dalle preferenze a cambiare la lingua\n<jester-> TaLaDo: e fai cme ha detto glpiana\n<glpiana> nanaep7, o devi semplicemente condividere la connessione tramite il pc?\n<TaLaDo> grazie del vostro interesse ma niente da fare\n<glpiana> TaLaDo, sei andato su lingue? come è impostato?\n<TaLaDo> glpiana,  allora io sono andato nelle adons ma c'è italiano\n<TaLaDo> se mi spieghi meglio cosa intendi tu forse ci arrivo\n<TaLaDo> in edit>preference   non trovo lingue o roba simile\n<glpiana> TaLaDo, dimmi quali sono le voci che vedi elencate nella colonna sinistra dei componenti aggiuntivi\n<glpiana> TaLaDo, modifica -> preferenze -> gestione componenti aggiuntivi (che sarà add ons in inglese)\n<TaLaDo> si\n<TaLaDo> ho mandato la schermata prima\n<TaLaDo> comunque la rimando se vuoi\n<glpiana> TaLaDo, se l'hai già mandata dammi il link\n<glpiana> tra le schermate che hai mandato vedo solo quella delle impostazioni di sistema\n<TaLaDo> http://imagebin.org/213670\n<glpiana> ok\n<glpiana> vista\n<glpiana> TaLaDo, metti su pastebin l'output di: dpkg -l | grep lang\n<TaLaDo> http://pastebin.com/5rNj8dyA\n<glpiana> TaLaDo, solo thunderbird ti da sto problema o anche altri programmi?\n<TaLaDo> solo thunderbird\n<glpiana> dammi gli output di: cat /etc/default/locale   e di env | egrep 'LANG|LC_'\n<TaLaDo> http://pastebin.com/sgpdp47i\n<TaLaDo> http://pastebin.com/UpbwTGQm\n<enzotib> TaLaDo, lascia solo la prima riga in /etc/default/locale\n<TaLaDo> enzotib, in che senso?\n<enzotib> TaLaDo, gksu gedit /etc/default/locale\n<enzotib> TaLaDo, e cancelli tutto tranne la prima riga\n<nanaep7> Mi spiego io sono connesso a internet alla connessione \"RETE1\" per navigare devo usare un porxy che ho impstato su tutto il sistema trammite il centro di controllo. Però ho un paio di smartphone che devo connettere a internett ma che non gestiscono i proxy\n<nanaep7> trammite hostapd volevo creare un accesspoint che bypassasse il proxy (che non ha autenticazione)\n<TaLaDo> enzotib, cioè lascio solo   LANG=\"it_IT.UTF-8\"  e cancello tutto il resto esatto\n<TaLaDo> ?\n<enzotib> TaLaDo, sì\n<TaLaDo> ok\n<enzotib> TaLaDo, salva, chiudi, e poi fammi vedere il contenuto del file ~/.profile\n<TaLaDo> enzotib,  http://pastebin.com/KrRV1Kcz\n<glpiana> nanaep7, dimmi se ho capito: tu hai un pc che si connette a internet tramite proxy. con questo pc vuoi creare un access point cui collegare degli smartphone, fin qui ci sono?\n<nanaep7> isi\n<nanaep7> si\n<enzotib> TaLaDo, e ora /etc/profile\n<glpiana> nanaep7, quindi vuoi condividere la connessione internet del pc con questi smartphone, corretto?\n<nanaep7> si\n<glpiana> nanaep7, allora mettiamo da parte il proxy, che tanto già il pc si collega a quello. dimentichiamocelo\n<glpiana> nanaep7, e vediamo di condividere la connessione tramite wifi. pensi possa essere sufficiente?\n<TaLaDo> enzotib,  http://pastebin.com/ZpikSdwq\n<nanaep7> Ok! gli smarphone  si collegano senza problemi al mio pc! Uso hostapd e ho impostato dhcp\n<enzotib> TaLaDo, /etc/environment\n<glpiana> nanaep7, se la connessione è condivisa allora dovrebbero navigare sans problem, immagino\n<nanaep7> glpiana no perche gli smartphone non hanno impostato il proxy\n<TaLaDo> enzotib,  http://pastebin.com/FXiSgTmS\n<enzotib> TaLaDo, gksu gedit /etc/environment, anche qui lascia solo la prima riga\n<TaLaDo> ok\n<tank> ciao a tutti\n<TaLaDo> enzotib, quindi lascio solo la riga con  PATH=\"/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games\" ed elimino il resto?\n<enzotib> TaLaDo, sì\n<TaLaDo> ok\n<TaLaDo> fatto\n<enzotib> TaLaDo, riavvia la sessione\n<TaLaDo> ok\n<jester-> NGEN\n<glpiana> nanaep7, ma per forza sto hostapd devi usare? non puoi configurare network manager perchè condivida la wifi?\n<glpiana> *condivida tramite wifi\n<nanaep7> glpiana Per impostare il macfilter !\n<glpiana> ip  ip urrà!\n<enzotib> lol\n<nanaep7> Sto impazzendo! oggi a casa faccio i test con un computer e non con un iphone delle balle\n<TaLaDo> enzotib, tutto come prima\n<TaLaDo> lasciamo perdere :)\n<enzotib> TaLaDo, dammi di nuovo l'output di cat /etc/default/locale e di env | egrep 'LANG|LC_'\n<TaLaDo> ok\n<enzotib> TaLaDo, se vuoi lasciar perdere, decidi tu\n<enzotib> non sarò io a obbligarti :)\n<TaLaDo> enzotib,  è una sola riga la metto qui:   LANG=\"it_IT.UTF-8\"\n<enzotib> ok\n<TaLaDo> sia per un comando che per l'altro\n<TaLaDo> è uguale\n<enzotib> TaLaDo, dpkg -l | grep thunderbird\n<glpiana> nanaep7, hai provato a farlo tramite network manager?\n<nanaep7> si ma non mi lascia impostare la wpa e a me serve la wpa\n<glpiana> nanaep7, e fai wep. non puoi usare wep?\n<TaLaDo> enzotib,  scusa il ritardo...   http://pastebin.com/TXCUc5Xv\n<enzotib> TaLaDo, l'unica differenza che vedo è che io mi trovo installati anche thunderbird-locale-en e locale-en-us\n<TaLaDo> enzotib,  non so che dirti\n<enzotib> TaLaDo, prova a installarli\n<TaLaDo> mi dici come fare altrimenti faccio danni\n<Holden> TaLaDo, per curiosità, hai cercato su google... spesso altre persone hanno problemi di questo tipo e a volte dopo mille tentativi trovano la soluzione...\n<enzotib> TaLaDo, sudo apt-get install thunderbird-locale-en thunderbird-locale-en-us\n<enzotib> Holden, e come la trovano? :)\n<nanaep7> no qui è pieno di hacker!! in questo momento continuano a fare accessi al mio ssh\n<TaLaDo> Holden,  si ma forse io ne ho fatti 2000 ma nulla\n<enzotib> !info fail2ban\n<ubot-it> fail2ban (source: fail2ban): ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6-3 (precise), package size 82 kB, installed size 414 kB\n<enzotib> nanaep7, ^^\n<Holden> enzotib, di solito per trial-and-error, volevo risparmiare a TaLaDo l'estenuante processo :D\n<jester-> NGEN\n<nanaep7> glpiana la wep me la craccano in 10 secondi con 3 dispositivi collegati\n<TaLaDo> enzotib,  installati riavviato ma nulla ti ringrazio comunque\n<tre5> salve\n<fasos> buongiorno a tutto il canale\n<fasos> ho bisogno di un aiutino\n<fasos> come al solito\n<glpiana> !aiuto | fasos\n<ubot-it> fasos: per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<fasos> ok\n<fasos> il mio firefox non carica nessun tipo di video dal web, ho anche controllato i plug-in e ci sono sia per flash che mediamplayer, cosa dovrei fare ho anche reinstallato, nulla!\n<glpiana> !flash | fasos\n<ubot-it> fasos: Guida all'installazione del plugin Flash: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/InternetRete/Flash | Guida alla risoluzione dei problemi di Flash: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/InternetRete/Flash#Risoluzione_dei_problemi\n<fasos> se lo carico da terminale leggo questi errori: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1004435/\n<glpiana> fasos, comincia a seguire la guida che ti ho indicato. se la cosa non si risolve ne riparliamo\n<fasos> ok ricevuto\n<Knam> ciao\n<Knam> qui ci sono le stesse persone che rispondono sul lunchpad?\n<glpiana> O.o\n<glpiana> Knam, direi di no\n<glpiana> leggi il topic\n<Knam> glpiana: non ho capito\n<glpiana> Knam, no, qui non ci sono le stesse persone che rispondono su launchpad. leggi il topic per farti una idea dello scopo di questo canale\n<glpiana> !topic | Knam\n<ubot-it> Knam: per vedere il topic, scrivi /topic.\n<Knam> glpiana: ecco, mi mancava quello!\n<Knam> glpiana:  cmq se scrivi /topic non funziona\n<Knam> glpiana:  ho una domanda\n<glpiana> Knam, sul client di freenode non va, ma se usi un client irc come xchat /topic funziona\n<Knam> glpiana:  ubuntu 12 in dual boot con w7. Dopo l'installazione di ubuntu con pennina usb il grub non funziona. Se lascio la pennina usb inserita il grub funziona\n<glpiana> Knam, durante l'installazione grub è stato installato nel master boot record della chiavetta inevce che in quello del disco. ora sei da ubuntu installata?\n<Knam> glpiana: ma che furbata, e perchè nessuno l'ha scritto nel wiki? si sono su ubuntu\n<glpiana> Knam, da quando è uscita 12.04 ho sentito sta roba solo da te e da un altro utente, per cui non penso accada così di sovente\n<glpiana> Knam, scrivi nel terminale: sudo fdisk -l                    e metti l'output su pastebin\n<glpiana> !paste | Knam\n<ubot-it> Knam: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<Knam> glpiana: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1004445/\n<glpiana> scrivi: sudo grub-install /dev/sda\n<glpiana> Knam, fatto?\n<Knam> glpiana: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1004449/\n<Knam> glpiana: ci sei?\n<glpiana> Knam, sì un secondo. sto cercadno di capire cosa è sto flexnet\n<jester-> ha messo qualche puttanta\n<Knam> glpiana: certo grazie\n<glpiana> Knam, prova comunque a dare: sudo update-grub\n<Knam> glpiana: ok lo faccio. se ti può aiutare leggi qui: http://forum.debianizzati.org/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=43138 è legato ai software adobe. e su windows ne ho parecchi\n<glpiana> Knam, che versione di ubuntu hai?\n<Knam> glpiana: l'ultima, messa ieri\n<Knam> glpiana: posso riavviare?\n<glpiana> speriamo di non aver sminchiato la prima partizione\n<Knam> glpiana: cosa dovrebbe accadere senno?\n<Knam> glpiana: anzi, dimmi quando ti trovo perche ora devo uscire.\n<glpiana> Knam, boh, tipo non parte più windows\n<Knam> glpiana: ok, ma il grub sulla penna è intatto, partirebbe intanto con quello, no?\n<glpiana> Knam, se abbiamo tocchicciato la partizion dei windows no, ma non credo perchè l'errore parla di settore 32 mentre la prima di windows parte al 2048\n<glpiana> Knam, riavvia e vediamo che è successo, tanto nel caso ormai il danno è fatto. l'update-grub l'hai dato?\n<Knam> glpiana: si, dato. però in ogni caso non posso rimanere dopo il riavvio. CI dobbiamo risentire dopo. grazie\n<glpiana> Knam, se tornassi a dire se funziona o meno mangerei più rilassato\n<Knam> glpiana: ok\n<Knam> glpiana: ok va\n<glpiana> anche windows?\n<Knam> glpiana: si, ho riavviato prima in wind e poi in ubuntu\n<glpiana> oki\n<Knam> glpiana: grazir\n<TaLaDo> Per correttezza volevo dirvi che ho risolto con thunderbird scaricando dal sito una versione in italiano\n<enzotib> TaLaDo, ok, grazie\n<TaLaDo> grazie a te\n<steelerbackup> ciao ^^, sto facendo backup da LIVE. Non ho i permessi per accedere/salvare alcune cartelle o file nella home locale. soluzioni ??\n<Menphis> ciao,vorrei installare grub su un disco esterno su cui è installato linux\n<Menphis> grub 2\n<Menphis> scusate per la domanda,credo di aver risolto :)\n<glpiana> steelerbackup, scrivi nel terminale gksu nautilus   e opera come suprutente\n<steelerbackup> glpiana: sei un mito.\n<glpiana> lol\n<steelerbackup> glpiana: x caso scade il root'? devo andare prendere un hhd esterno fuori casa.\n<naxil> ciao a tutti\n<DD3my> buongiorno\n<naxil> ho fatto una regola iptables per condividere la connessione (e tutto funziona) ora per non dover ridare tutte le volte questo comando? iptables-restore < /etc/iptables-condivisione.rules\n<glpiana> steelerbackup, fin che nautilus è aperto non scade\n<tre5> Buon giorno\n<naxil> buonpomeriggio\n<naxil> glpiana.. scusa ma come faccio a fare in automatico questo? iptables-restore < /etc/iptables-condivisione.rules\n<tre5> stavo cercando di caricare in pastebin.ubuntu.com una finestra di terminale che ho catturato , per chiedere consigli, ma visualizza solo il percorso e non si vede l' immagine, c'è da selezionare qualche formato in particolare?\n<glpiana> naxil, potresti metterlo in uno script e farlo eseguire da rc.local\n<naxil> ma c'e' un file che viene caricato ogni volta da ubuntu?\n<naxil> come lo chiamo?\n<glpiana> naxil, ma perchè devi fare una cosa del genere? le regole imposti spariscono quando fai reboot?\n<steelerbackup> glpiana: quindi insomma quando si fa backup da live dare un sudo -s e poi gksu nautilus ?\n<naxil> sembrerebbe di si\n<glpiana> steelerbackup, sudo -s non serve, basta gksu nautilus per avere i privilegi di super utente\n<naxil> e poi na cosa strana.. ora non mi chiede piu la pass .. per sudosu.. perche?\n<steelerbackup> glpiana: okay ^^\n<glpiana> naxil, l'avrai già scritta una volta\n<naxil> oppure la password iniziale e' a tempo come quella del terminale?\n<naxil> cioe' la pass che metto per login regge sudo?\n<glpiana> naxil, no, non fare confusione. se hai già scritto la password nel terminale la tiene in memoria per un po'. se hai dato sudo su sei superutente e quindi è logico che non te la chieda\n<naxil> ma veramente io non l0avevo scritta. l'unica che avevo scritto era quella del login\n<naxil> forse qualche programma che avvio fa in auto sudo?\n<sergios> salve a tutti continuo ad avere problemi con l'installazione di ubuntu in dual boot con windows! Sono sicuro di aver fatto tutto bene seguendo la wiki! ma continua a darmi lo stesso problema: al riavvio del sistema mi da il seguente messaggio \"error: unknown filesystem\" e sulla riga sotto \"grub rescue>_\" con underscore lampeggiante. Chi mi sa aiutare?\n<glpiana> naxil, non di default\n<glpiana> sergios, sei da live ora?\n<naxil> come vedo quando e perche vengono dati i privilegi? c'e' na tabella che mi dice dove vengono dati eventualmente in automatico?\n<sergios> glpiana sono da una ltro pc ma sto installando xchat da live sul pc in questione\n<sergios> *un altro\n<glpiana> sergios, oki, allora collegati con il pc in questione che guardiamo\n<tre5> scusate, per visualizzare le immagini su pastebin,ubuntu.com , c'è da selezionare qualche tipo di linguaggio in particolare?\n<steelerbackup> glpiana: comunque non mi fa copiare niente, misà che formatto così.\n<glpiana> tre5, non si usa pastebin per quello\n<glpiana> !image | tre5\n<ubot-it> tre5: Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<glpiana> steelerbackup, non ti fa copiare niente e che errore da?\n<tre5> scusate ancora e grazie ubot-it\n<steelerbackup> glpiana: sempre di permessi\n<sergioss> glpiana eccomi dal pc malato! :)\n<glpiana> sergioss, nel terminale: sudo fdisk -l             e poi su pastebin\n<glpiana> steelerbackup, apri un terminale e scrivi: mount              e copia  l'output su pastebin\n<glpiana> naxil, ma tu avvii ufw all'avivo del pc?\n<naxil> cosa e' ufw?\n<naxil> credo sia il mobilepartner\n<naxil> sai che ha settato pp0 come eth2 virtuale?\n<glpiana> naxil, http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Sicurezza/Ufw\n<naxil> cosa che a mano non so se ci sarei riuscito\n<naxil> cmq praticamente si puo gestire un pp0 come una eth \"virtuale\" vero?\n<steelerbackup> glpiana: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1004589/\n<glpiana> sergios, hai letto il comando che devi dare?\n<glpiana> steelerbackup, su quale disco stai cercando di scrivere?\n<steelerbackup> glpiana: su un HDD esterno 250GB\n<sergioss> glpiana: http://pastebin.com/3ysWWWtN\n<glpiana> steelerbackup, da una lista di file ne riconosceresti il contenuto? in questo caso dai: ls /media/CT22             e dammi conferma\n<glpiana> sergioss, ti faccio dare un po' di comandi\n<glpiana> sergioss, sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt\n<sergioss> fatto\n<glpiana> sergioss, sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev\n<steelerbackup> glpiana: ls: cannot access /media/CT22: No such file or directory\n<glpiana> sergioss, sudo mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc\n<glpiana> sergioss, sudo mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys\n<glpiana> steelerbackup, ridai mount\n<glpiana> copiami qui l'ultima riga\n<steelerbackup> glpiana: misà che l'hdd esterno non ha i permessi..\n<steelerbackup> glpiana: /dev/sdb1 on /media/CT22 250GB type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks,uid=999,gid=999,shortname=mixed,dmask=0077,utf8=1,showexec,flush)\n<glpiana> steelerbackup, no ho capito, la dir ha lo spazio in mezzo vero? si chiama CT22 250GB ?\n<steelerbackup> glpiana: si ha lo spazio.\n<sergioss> glpiana, fatto! (sei un multitasking man!)\n<sergioss> se vuoi aspetto...\n<glpiana> steelerbackup, scrivi: sudo mkdir /media/disco\n<glpiana> sergioss, sudo chroot /mnt\n<glpiana> sergioss, dovrebbe cambiarti il prompt da $ a #\n<glpiana> steelerbackup, poi dai sudo umount /dev/sdb1            e dopo   sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/disco\n<tre5> Salve ,\n<tre5> ora invio il riferimento ad imagebin.org con l' immagine del resoconto di sensors. chiedo se i due valori alla terzultima e quintiltima riga sono preoccupanti o se è normale così. http://imagebin.org/213688\n<tre5> grazie.\n<sergioss> glpiana esatto, adesso sono in root@ubuntu:/#\n<glpiana> tre5, io penso siano inattendibili\n<naxil> scusa na cosa glpiana ma ufw e' solo un interfaccia semplificata.. ma praticamente agisce sempre su iptables giusto? quindi dando ufw disable non si disattiva il firewall ma solo ufw? giusto? ho capito bene?\n<glpiana> sergioss, scrivi: cat /etc/issue\n<tre5> galpiana, grazie\n<sergioss> glpiana cat /etc/issue -> Ubuntu 12.04 LTS \\n \\l\n<glpiana> sergioss, oki, ora: grub-install /dev/sda\n<glpiana> naxil, quando avvii il pc e dai sudo iptables-l  cosa ti risponde?\n<steelerbackup> glpiana: fatto.\n<tre5> questo è quello che mi da il cat : Ubuntu 12.04 LTS \\n \\l\n<naxil> no io ufw e' la prima volta che lo sentivo\n<naxil> mi da una marea di scritte iptable -l\n<glpiana> steelerbackup, ora dai ls /media/disco    e dimmi se ne vedi il contenuto\n<steelerbackup> glpiana: pare che sta copiando.\n<naxil> i\n<glpiana> naxil, adesso hai abilitato ufw?\n<sergioss> gl piana: grub-install /dev/sda /usr/sbin/grub-probe: errore: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?).\n<naxil> si ma non e' che mi serva a molto\n<glpiana> sergioss, apri un altro terminale, scrivi mount   e metti su pastebin\n<naxil> non devo bloccare ip o porte specifiche..\n<naxil> volevo solo sapere come fare a caricare la regola in automatico\n<naxil> senza usare il restore\n<glpiana> naxil, allora scrivi: sudo ufw disable             e poi riavvia e dimmi se subito dopo il riavvio sudo iptables -l ti mostra qualcosa\n<naxil> cmq iptables mi da sembre allowed\n<naxil> ok\n<naxil> praticamente il quel modo capisco se la regola la \"TIENE\" o nO?\n<glpiana> naxil, in quel modo so se iptables ha regole all'avivo\n<sergioss> glpiana, http://pastebin.com/VgmHWLAZ\n<naxil> ok\n<naxil> cmq glpiana io avrei modificato il file INTERFACES con questa riga pre-up /etc/network/attiva-condivisione-internet\n<glpiana> sergioss, hai saltato uno dei comandi che ti ho dato. nel temrinale con # scrivi exit\n<naxil> e' giusto farlo su ubuntu o no?\n<glpiana> naxil, non ne ho idea\n<glpiana> naxil, ma se intendi /etc/network/interfaces non penso sia il caso di scriverci dentro regole di iptables\n<naxil> e' che ho un po confusione.. ogni volta che a qualcuno chiedo : COME FARE QUESTO COMANDO IN AUTO? se ne esce con un file nuovo da editare.. na volta e' .bashrc na volta .profilena volta interfaces..\n<sergioss> glpiana scusami, fatto!\n<glpiana> sergioss, sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev\n<naxil> insomma glpiana l'autoexec.bat generico di ubuntu quale sarebbe?\n<glpiana> naxil, non esiste. non sei nè su dos nè su windows. se vuoi eseguire comandi da superutente all'avivo del pc li metti in /atc/rc.local come ti ho detto prima\n<glpiana> *etc\n<naxil> capito\n<naxil> qualsiasi comando?\n<naxil> oppure faccio script piu complesso e avvio quello?\n<glpiana> naxil, meglio lo script\n<naxil> non mi interessa semplificare iptables con interfaccia\n<glpiana> naxil, che deve essere eseguibile e munito di tutto il path\n<naxil> a ok\n<naxil> posso usare la sintassi ~/?\n<glpiana> naxil, no\n<naxil> quindi /home/naxil/avvio.sh?\n<glpiana> naxil, se il file è nella home di un utente devi dare il percorso intero /home/utente/ecc. ecc.\n<naxil> ok\n<naxil> gentile come sempre grazie\n<glpiana> prego\n<sergioss> glpiana ok, ho dato anche \"sudo mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc\" e  \"sudo mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys\"\n<glpiana> sergioss, ora sudo chroot /mnt\n<sergioss> glpiana ok\n<glpiana> sergioss, hai il prompt # ?\n<sergioss> glpiana, si\n<glpiana> sergioss, oki, ora: grub-install /dev/sda\n<sergioss> glpiana \"Installation finished. No error reported.\" :)\n<glpiana> sergioss, ora scrivi: update-grub\n<sergioss> glpiana http://pastebin.com/eun9SuE5\n<sergioss> fatto!\n<glpiana> sergioss, scrivi: exit\n<glpiana> sergioss, poi scrivi: sudo umount /mnt/dev\n<sergioss> glpiana, ok, sono in $\n<steelerbackup> glpiana: grazie, ho salvato tutto; formatti. Che mi consigli tra Natty e Mint 12 ??\n<glpiana> steelerbackup, io ti consigliere Precise Pangolin visto che è uscita da un mese\n<sergioss> glpiana fatto, devo fare lo stesso per /mnt/proc e /mnt/sys ?\n<glpiana> sergioss, sudo umount /mnt/proc\n<glpiana> sergioss, sudo umount /mnt/sys\n<steelerbackup> glpiana: questo PC ha il monitor 4/3 e non è ultra potente..\n<glpiana> sergioss, sudo umount /mnt/\n<glpiana> steelerbackup, come interfaccia puoi mettere quello che vuoi in un secondo tempo se unity non piace/è pesante.\n<glpiana> sergioss, dopodichè riavvia e vediamo che fa al boot\n<steelerbackup> glpiana:  non è mio il pc ^^\n<glpiana> steelerbackup, beh, fai scegliere a chi di dovere :D\n<steelerbackup> glpiana: mio papà; + disinformatico :P\n<glpiana> sergioss, se funziona, come entri fai gli aggironamenti\n<steelerbackup> è\n<glpiana> lol\n<steelerbackup> glpiana: gli ho messo linux x forza ^^\n<k0ral_> non riesco a installare dropbox su ubuntu a 64bit in modo da usarlo come sono abituato su windows. chi ha voglia di aiutarmi?\n<sergioss> glpiana ne ho saltato uno e poi rifatto ma mi dice che è occupatao http://pastebin.com/u3wGT4Bx\n<steelerbackup> glpiana: formatto va, poi oggi parliamo di una cosa in query o qui, o anche stasera, grazie !!!!\n<glpiana> sergioss, mmm...\n<glpiana> scrivi mount   e fa vedere l'output\n<glpiana> k0ral_, io volentieri. dimmi che hai fatto finora\n<glpiana> e anche che versione di ubuntu hai\n<k0ral_> glpiana: allora ho la 12.04 LTS\n<sergioss> glpiana http://pastebin.com/DFY58Yq5\n<k0ral_> finora ho provato ad installarlo dall'ubuntu software center\n<k0ral_> glpiana: ma non mi parte al login e mi sincronizza subito tutto come su windows\n<glpiana> k0ral_, perfetto. non hai aggiunto repository, vero?\n<k0ral_> glpiana: no\n<k0ral_> glpiana: come si fa ad aggiungerli?\n<glpiana> sergioss, ripeti i comandi umount per sys e proc\n<k0ral_> glpiana: avevo sentito che bisogna aggiungerli per installarlo da linea di comando\n<glpiana> k0ral_, no, non vanno aggiunti. apri un temrinale e scrivi: dpkg -l | grep dropbox\n<glpiana> k0ral_, non più\n<k0ral_> glpiana: non dice niente\n<sergioss> glpiana: fatto\n<glpiana> k0ral_, sudo apt-get install nautilus-dropbox\n<glpiana> sergioss, oki sudo umount /mnt\n<sergioss> glpiana: ok, andata adesso riavvio?\n<glpiana> sergioss, sì\n<sergioss> ok incrocio tutte le dita in mio possesso\n<glpiana> lol\n<k0ral_> glpiana: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1004657/\n<glpiana> k0ral_, qualcosa va storto. faccio una prova\n<k0ral_> glpiana: ieri stavo provando con enzotib ma non abbiamo risolto. ti faccio presente che sono \"dietro\" ad un proxy\n<glpiana> ah ecco\n<k0ral_> glpiana: dopo quel comando mi compare anche la finestra http://imagebin.org/213691\n<glpiana> k0ral_, allora il problema è lì, come dice anche l'errore: Error: Trouble connecting to Dropbox servers. Maybe your internet connection is down, or you need to set your http_proxy environment variable\n<k0ral_> glpiana: ok, e ieri abbiamo provato a settare la variabile in http e non andava, con https andava ma dava un altro errore\n<glpiana> k0ral_, quindi se lo fai partire e riavvii nautilus ti appare l'icona sulla brra e hai le opzioni di dropbox nel menu tasto destro su file?\n<k0ral_> glpiana: dimmi come procedo\n<glpiana> k0ral_, non so come procedere, ora cerco. intanto rispondi alla domanda\n<sergios> glpiana: il problema persiste\n<sergios> :(\n<k0ral_> glpiana: le opzioni non ho provato\n<k0ral_> glpiana: dropbox sembra partire dopo che lo installo da ubuntu software center, ma mi chiede la password di sistema e dopo non si avvia\n<glpiana> k0ral_, allora io vedo che dal menu dropbox, preferenze, si può impostare il proxy\n<sergios> glpiana: sempre lo stesso errore \"unknown file system. grub rescue\" torno in live...\n<glpiana> sergios, ok\n<k0ral_> glpiana: giusto per farti capire cosa ho fatto prima..sono riuscito ad installarlo e farlo partire così\n<k0ral_> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1004666/\n<k0ral_> glpiana: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1004666/\n<k0ral_> glpiana: però quel comando dovevo darlo manualmente tutte le volte dopo il login\n<k0ral_> glpiana: alla fine con quel comando partiva, il problema era che non si avviava da solo all'avvio\n<glpiana> k0ral_, ora no l'hai dato?\n<k0ral_> no\n<k0ral_> glpiana: no\n<glpiana> k0ral_, scrivi nel temrinale: ps aux | grep dropbox\n<k0ral_> glpiana: carlo@carlolab:~$ ps aux | grep dropbox carlo     4892  0.0  0.0  13576   924 pts/1    S+   14:48   0:00 grep --color=auto dropbox\n<glpiana> k0ral_, oki, prova a scrivere dropbox start -i\n<k0ral_> glpiana: mi compare questa finestra http://imagebin.org/213694\n<glpiana> fermo\n<sergios> glpiana: il problema nn sarà questo ma sto facendo un controllo del disco... male no gli fa!\n<glpiana> k0ral_, qualcosa non torna, a me non fa sta richiesta di autenticazione\n<glpiana> sergios, ok\n<k0ral_> glpiana: quindi? :(\n<glpiana> quindi intanto annulla quella finestra\n<k0ral_> glpiana: ok..attendo tue istruzioni\n<glpiana> k0ral_, apri il file manger, visualizza i file nascosti e dimmi quali directory che iniziano con .dropbox vedi\n<giordano_>  in pi+ su ubuntu unity 12.04 cosa posso fare?\n<glpiana> giordano_, in più rispetto a cosa?\n<k0ral_> glpiana: della home?\n<glpiana> k0ral_, sì\n<giordano_> se volessi aggiungere qualche effetto in pi+ su unity cosa posso fare?\n<glpiana> giordano_, effetti grafici?\n<k0ral_> glpiana: come si visualizzando i file nascosti? se puoi meglio fare tutto da terminale, no? non era ls -al?\n<glpiana> giordano_, se proprio devi, col rischio di sminchiare tutto, installa compizconfig-settings-manager\n<glpiana> giordano_, e ripeto, se proprio devi\n<glpiana> k0ral_, da temrinale però vedi anche i file contenuti. ctrl+h in nautilus\n<giordano_> si, anche ed esempio installare gnome 3 o far partire ubuntu con un altra schemata..\n<giordano_> si, anche ed esempio installare gnome 3 o far partire ubuntu con un altra schermata..\n<glpiana> giordano_, ognome3 è già installato. sta alla base dell'interfaccia che stai usando. se intendi gnome shell scrivi: sudo apt-get install gnome-shell\n<giordano_> ok, si intendevo quella, grazie.\n<glpiana> k0ral_, anzi fai così, riavvia il pc. ora dropbox è installato quindi dovrebbe avviarsi da sè\n<glpiana> k0ral_, se al riavvio lo vedi sulla barra, dalle preferenze imposta il proxy. se non si avvia, torna qui che vediamo di farlo partire\n<glpiana> caffè\n<giordano_> fatto, installato gnome-shell, ora cosa devo fare?\n<giordano_> devo riavviare il sistema?\n<sergios> giordano_ penso sia sufficiente fare cambio utente e nella schemata principale selezionare dal menu a tendina che ti compare premendo sull'ingranaggio la voce che desideri\n<giordano_> ok\n<sergios> giordano mi sa che cambio utente non basta, prova riavviando\n<giordano_> si, me ne sono accorto, allora ci rivediamo subito.\n<sergioss> glpiana eccomi da live sul pc maledetto!\n<glpiana> sergioss, riproviamo la procedura\n<sergioss> pronto!\n<glpiana> sergioss, sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt\n<sergioss> fatto\n<glpiana> sergioss, sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev\n<glpiana> sudo mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc\n<glpiana> sudo mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys\n<sergioss> fatto\n<glpiana> sergioss, sudo chroot /mnt\n<sergioss> glpiana: ok, sono su #\n<glpiana> sergioss, grub-install /dev/sda\n<sergioss> glpiana finito senza errori\n<glpiana> sergioss, update-grub\n<sergioss> ok\n<sergioss> fatto\n<glpiana> sergioss, grub-install --recheck /dev/sda\n<sergioss> glpiana: installazione eseguita senza errori\n<glpiana> boh, exit\n<sergioss> lol\n<glpiana> sudo umount /mnt/dev\n<glpiana> sudo umount /mnt/proc\n<glpiana> sudo umount /mnt/sys\n<glpiana> sudo umount /mnt\n<sergioss> plpiana: fatto. riavvio?\n<sergioss> glpiana: riavvio?\n<glpiana> sergioss, dammi l'outpu di sudo fdisk -l che controlo una cosa\n<glpiana> *controllo\n<sergioss> glpiana eccolo http://pastebin.com/XvWQRfXF\n<glpiana> sergioss, hai windows xp?\n<sergioss> allora è un windows xp home edition installato con recovery disk: fa tutto da solo\n<glpiana> sergioss, oki, riavvia, se non va proviamo un ripristino di mbr e poi di nuovo la procedura di adesso\n<sergioss> ok, a fra poco\n<sergioss> glpiana: ps: la cosa strana è che si installa su una fat32 anche se io gli preparo una bella ntfs... lui la riformatta\n<sergioss> :S\n<glpiana> sergioss, eh beh. dai riavvia\n<sergioss> ok\n<sergios> glpiana: error: unknown file system . grub rescue>_\n<sergios> glpiana una ttimo di pasienza che rientro da live\n<glpiana> sergios, 32 o 64 bit?\n<sergios> 32\n<glpiana> oki\n<glpiana> attendo\n<sergios> o cacchio... non vorrei che ho installato una 64bit su un sistema a 32 :S\n<sergios> possibile?\n<glpiana> impossibile\n<sergios> ok :)\n<sergios> allora confermo, 32!\n<glpiana> sergios, ci siamo quasi?\n<sergios> glpiana sto installando xchat\n<sergios> glpiana c'è già un client irc su live?\n<glpiana> sergios, c'è anche la chat da web\n<sergios> ???\n<glpiana> http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-it\n<sergios> :O\n<sergios> a saperlo :)\n<sergioss> glpiana ecchime! :)\n<glpiana> sergioss, apri un terminale e scrivi: wget http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/RipristinoMbrWindows?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=ms-sys_2.1.0-1_i386.deb\n<glpiana> no, non va così\n<glpiana> sergioss, pri l'indirizzo in firefox e scarica il pacchetto\n<glpiana> o lo salvi o lo installi direttamente, dobbiamo comuqnue installarlo\n<glpiana> sergioss, dimmi che hai scelto di fare così proseguiamo\n<sergioss> glpiana sto scaricando il pacchetto\n<sergioss> scaricato!\n<glpiana> sergioss, nel terminale: cd Scaricati          se è in italiano, se no cd Downloads\n<sergioss> glpiana ci sono\n<glpiana> sergioss, sudo dpkg -i ms-sys_2.1.0-1_i386.deb\n<sergioss> glpiana: ok, fatto\n<glpiana> sergioss, sudo ms-sys -w /dev/sda\n<giordano_> favoloso sto gnome-shell\n<sergioss> glpiana: DOS/Windows NT master boot record successfully written to /dev/sda\n<glpiana> sergioss, riavvia, dovrebbe partire windows\n<sergioss> arrivo\n<sergios> glpiana: esatto, si sta avviando windows\n<glpiana> sergios, oki, riavvia poi da livecd e riafacciamo l'installazione di grub\n<glpiana> *rifacciamo\n<sergios> glpiana: ok\n<tommy1502> salve a tutti come faccio ad installare ubuntu dopo che ho creato una pennina\n<tommy1502>  ???\n<glpiana> tommy1502, come hai creato la pennina?\n<glpiana> tommy1502, come hai creato la pennina?\n<tommy1502> ho preso tutti i file\n<tommy1502> e li ho messi dentro\n<glpiana> che file?\n<tommy1502> non si fà così???\n<tommy1502> quello rar\n<tommy1502> che scarichi\n<glpiana> che rar?\n<glpiana> tommy1502, si scarica una iso non un rar. magari windows ci mette l'icona di winrar\n<glpiana> tommy1502, da windows la devi creare?\n<tommy1502> si infatti è iso\n<tommy1502> io li ho messi nella pennina\n<glpiana> tommy1502, non si fa così, usa questo http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/\n<tommy1502> cos'è ??\n<glpiana> tommy1502, un programma per creare penne avviabili usando la iso che hai scaricato\n<aldo_> !image\n<ubot-it> Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<tommy1502> sicura che nn porta virus\n<tommy1502> ??\n<glpiana> sì, sicuro. comunque fallo controllare dal tuo antivirus per sicurezza\n<tommy1502> ok ora ci provo\n<tommy1502> .. .\n<tommy1502> ma se io metto gli iso senza quel programma\n<tommy1502> ?????\n<tommy1502> cosa succede\n<tommy1502> ??\n<glpiana> tommy1502, non funziona la chiavetta\n<FloodBotIt2> tommy1502: Non intasare il canale, usa http://paste.ubuntu.com per incollare, non usare Invio come punteggiatura.\n<sergioss> glpiana eccomi da live!\n<glpiana> sergioss, oki, sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt\n<glpiana> sergioss, poi: sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev\n<glpiana> sudo mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc\n<glpiana> sudo mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys\n<glpiana> sergioss, sudo chroot /mnt\n<sergioss> glpiana: ok, sono in #\n<glpiana> sergioss, grub-install /dev/sda\n<sergioss> glpiana: installazione completata senza err\n<glpiana> sergioss, update-grub\n<Aizram> glpiana, ... è da questa mattina che sistemi i grub altrui :P\n<glpiana> lol\n<Aizram> è sempre lo stesso?\n<glpiana> !chat | Aizram\n<ubot-it> Aizram: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<Aizram> :'(\n<Aizram> ho sbagliato stanza!\n<naxil> ciao\n<naxil> ho fatto casino\n<sergioss> glpiana: Cannot find list of partitions! http://pastebin.com/yhYgBLGn\n<naxil> ho installato ushare (e poi l'ho tolto) e ora la connessione sherata non va piu\n<naxil> bho\n<glpiana> sergioss, avevi montato tutto prima? dev proc e sys?\n<glpiana> sergioss, o hai saltato qualcosa?\n<naxil> come resetto iptables?\n<sergioss> glpiana non dovrebbe mancare nulla http://pastebin.com/2aGrnDm3\n<glpiana> sergioss, ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount --bind /proc /mnt/sys <--- hai montato proc in sys\n<Aizram> glpiana, non è che ha grub 1\n<alexpixel22> ho un piccolo problema con blender quando cerco di farlo partire mi da questo errore\n<Aizram> ?\n<alexpixel22> Xlib:  extension \"GLX\" missing on display \":0.0\".\n<alexpixel22> intern/ghost/intern/GHOST_WindowX11.cpp:193: X11 glXQueryVersion() failed, verify working openGL system!\n<naxil> ma scusate cosa ha fatto usharE?\n<glpiana> Aizram, no\n<alexpixel22> initial window could not find the GLX extension, exit!\n<Aizram> ops....\n<FloodBotIt2> alexpixel22: Non intasare il canale, usa http://paste.ubuntu.com per incollare, non usare Invio come punteggiatura.\n<Aizram> sbagliato di nuvo\n<glpiana> sergioss, scrivi exit poi sudo umount /mnt/sys    e sudo umount /mnt/proc\n<glpiana> alexpixel22, hai già riavviato?\n<alexpixel22> glpiana, si\n<sergioss> glpiana fatto.\n<glpiana> sergioss, ora sudo /proc /mnt/proc   e poi      sudo mount /sys /mnt/sys\n<glpiana> alexpixel22, nel terminale: glxinfo | grep render\n<sergioss> gl piana forse intendi sudo mount /proc /mnt/proc ?\n<glpiana> sergioss, sì 8sto andando insieme)\n<alexpixel22> glpiana, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1004806/\n<glpiana> alexpixel22, lspci | grep -i vga\n<sergioss> glpiana puoi ridarmi il comando esatto?\n<alexpixel22> glpiana, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1004811/\n<glpiana> sergioss, sudo --bind /proc /mnt/proc\n<glpiana> sergioss, poi sudo --bind /sys /mnt/sys\n<glpiana> ossì -.-\n<glpiana> sergioss, sudo mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc\n<glpiana> sergioss, poi sudo mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys\n<glpiana> ecco\n<sergioss> grazie :)\n<glpiana> alexpixel22, doppia scheda. quale è in uso ora? digita lsmod e metti su pastebin\n<sergioss> glpiana scusami ma mi sa che c'è qualcosa che non va http://pastebin.com/sX1KGq4m\n<glpiana> sergioss, sì erano sbagliato. sotto ho corretto. gli ultimi due comandi che ti ho dato\n<glpiana> <glpiana> sergioss, sudo mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc\n<glpiana> <glpiana> sergioss, poi sudo mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys\n<alexpixel22> glpiana, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1004818/\n<glpiana> alexpixel22, stai usando la intel, magari è per quello che non va\n<sergioss> gliana, fatto\n<alexpixel22> glpiana, da dove l'hai capito?\n<glpiana> alexpixel22, dai moduli caricati\n<glpiana> sergioss, sudo chroot /mnt\n<sergioss> glpiana: sono in #\n<glpiana> sergioss, grub-install /dev/sda\n<sergioss> ok fatto\n<sergioss> gl piana fatto\n<glpiana> sergioss, update-grub\n<sergioss> glpiana: DONE!!!\n<sergioss> riavvio?\n<glpiana> sergioss, exit\n<glpiana> sergioss, poi tutti gli umount e poi riavvia\n<sergioss> ok\n<sergioss> ok\n<sergioss> gl piana prima di riavviare serve qualcosa?\n<sergioss> glpiana prima di riavviare serve qualcosa?\n<glpiana> sergioss, no, riavvia e vediamo\n<alexpixel22> glpiana, come faccio a farlo partire con l'altra scheda?\n<glpiana> alexpixel22, non ne ho idea e al momento sto per schiodare da qui\n<sergios> glpiana: ci stavo per credere ma niente, ancora quell'errore maledetto\n<alexpixel22> glpiana, grazie lo stesso\n<glpiana> sergios, mi spiace. a breve devo andare. e per il momento ho esaurito le idee\n<sergios> glpiana grazie mille per il tempo dedicatomi!\n<sergios> :)\n<dem> non mi si aggiornano i pacchetti\n<dem> li scarica ma non li installa\n<dem> non mi si aggiornano i pacchetti come posso fare?\n<OverMe> dem, sudo apt-get update\n<OverMe> metti nel paste\n<OverMe> !paste | dem\n<ubot-it> dem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<dem> già fatto anche upgrade\n<dem> ok ti do il paste dal terminale\n<OverMe> sì\n<dem> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1004856/\n<dem> errore alla fine del listato\n<OverMe> dem, un attimo\n<enzotib> posso?\n<enzotib> dem, sed -n '35741,35760p' /var/lib/dpkg/available\n<dem> nel software senter nei primi aggiornamenti mi dice sotto .....non ancora disponibili, c'entra qualcosa?\n<enzotib> dem, su pastebin\n<dem> devo dare questo.....sed -n '35741,35760p' /var/lib/dpkg/available     ?\n<naxil> mi serve na mano davvero\n<naxil> allora ho fatto casino con iptables..\n<enzotib> dem, sì\n<naxil> ora do iptables -F\n<dem> ok provo\n<enzotib> dem, non è che serve a sistemare, serve solo a indagare\n<naxil> per le regole rimangono sempre uguali cioe' quando do iptables -t NAT -L rimane tutto anywhere... ma come mai?\n<naxil> iptables -F non dovrebbe resettare tutto il firewall?\n<enzotib> naxil, prova con sudo -t NAT -F\n<enzotib> naxil, manca il comando: sudo iptables -t NAT F\n<dem> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1004862/\n<dem> csa dite dell'outpout?\n<naxil> iptables v1.4.4: can't initialize iptables table `NAT': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)\n<naxil> Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.\n<OverMe> naxil, nat minuscolo\n<enzotib> dem, un attimo\n<naxil> fatto\n<naxil> secondo voi che mi ha fatto ushare?\n<dem> enzotib  ok\n<naxil> dopo quello la connessione e' andata a galline\n<naxil> e poi perche il comando e' nat e nn eth2?\n<enzotib> dem, sudo dpkg --clear-avail\n<dem> provo\n<OverMe> naxil, ?\n<naxil> si?\n<dem> non fa niente il comando   sudo dpkg --clear-avail\n<naxil> praticamente ora sotto prot ho scritto all... e non eht2\n<naxil> funzionaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa miticiiiiiiiiiiiiii\n<naxil> e' bastato resettare le regole iptables...\n<naxil> siete dei grandi\n<naxil> overme verresti nattimo in chat devo chiederti delle delucidazioni\n<naxil> !chat\n<ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<enzotib> dem, ok, ora prova a dare update/dist-upgrade\n<dem> enzotib   ma il comando che dici ....update/dist-upgrade      non  è per avanzare  di versione?    che dura ore\n<enzotib> dem, no, sudo apt-get update semplicemente aggiorna le informazioni dei pacchetti disponibili\n<dem> ok\n<enzotib> dem, e sudo apt-get dist-upgrade aggiorna quello che può, e non c'entra niente con l'avanzamento di versione\n<dem> ridammelo\n<enzotib> cosa?\n<dem> codice\n<enzotib> ? sta scritto qualche centimento più sopra\n<dem> ahh\n<enzotib> dem, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade\n<enzotib> dem, funziona?\n<dem> <enzotib       grandeeeeeeee!!!     funziona   dopo aver processato per un po   mi dice non ci sono pacchetti da installare\n<enzotib> dem, ok\n<dem> grazie\n<dem> mi salvo il comando\n<dem> esco ciao grazie\n<enzotib> ciao\n<sergios> da dove accedo alla storia della chat?\n<enzotib> sergios, xchat?\n<enzotib> !log | sergios\n<ubot-it> sergios: Log del canale: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/\n<enzotib> sergios, o intendi i log del tuo client?\n<sergios> esatto il log del canale! :) GRAZIE\n<tommy1502> salve a tutti ho scaricato ubuntu è lo ho messo in una pennina grazie a un programma che si chiama unebootin ma ora cosa faccio come faccio ad installarlo\n<tommy1502> c'è qualcuno che mi può aiutare\n<tommy1502> ????\n<sergios> enzotib intendevo il log del canale, quello del mio client sarebbe riferito al mio nick?\n<Guest72940> Salve a tutti, posseggo un acer aspire 4830tg e ho appena installato ubuntu 12.04 e non mi si sente l'audio. Cosa posso fare?\n<enzotib> sergios, no, quello sarebbe quello che il tuo client salva mentre sei collegato, se hai abilitato questa funzionalità\n<enzotib> !installazione | tommy1502\n<ubot-it> tommy1502: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione | Per installazione grafica http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download\n<sergios> tommy1502 se ho capito bene devi assicurarti che dal bios del tuo computer sia selezionata la usb come prima periferica di  boot\n<HoldenC> tommy1502, inserisci la pennina ed avvia il pc, di solito c'e' un tasto (tipo f12 o f8) che tira fuori un menu' da cui puoi scegliere di avviare il sistema dal pendrive\n<HoldenC> Guest72940, capire che scheda audio hai a bordo: da terminale   lspci\n<Guest72940> HoldenC, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1004915/\n<sergios> enzotib no, non ho attivato questa funzione e non ne conoscevo l'esistenza... come l'attivo?\n<enzotib> sergios, dipende dal client\n<enzotib> sergios, cosa usi? xchat?\n<sergios> si, xchat\n<enzotib> sergios, Impostazioni -> Preferenze -> Logging  e metti il check a Enable logging\n<HoldenC> Guest72940, cat /proc/asound/*\n<Guest72940> HoldenC, da terminale giusto?\n<HoldenC> Guest72940, si\n<sergios> enzotib, grazie! :) e il log da consultare è sempre quello su internet o da xchat?\n<enzotib> sergios, lo trovi in ~/.xchat2/xchatlogs\n<enzotib> li trovi, dato che sono uno per canale e per giorno, mi pare\n<sergios> enzotib, si, mentre scrivevo ho visto il tasto open data folder su xchat e ho immaginato. Grazie! :)\n<Guest72940> HoldenC, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1004921/\n<Guest72940> HoldenC, ho notato adesso che non mi si regola neanche la luminosità. Potresti aiutarmi anche per questo?\n<HoldenC> Guest72940, per la luminosita' non saprei, per la scheda audio sembra tutto ok, magari hai selezionato l'uscita digitale?\n<Guest72940> HoldenC, no ho su altoparlanti\n<HoldenC> Guest72940, hai provato a cercare su google?\n<Guest72940> HoldenC, forse ho risolto ci sentiamo dopo che adesso riavvio\n<HoldenC> ok\n<mat0006> OverMe, ho appena installato ubuntu 12.04 ma purtroppo non riesco a regolare la luminosita e non si sente l'audio, puoi aiutarmi?\n<mat0006> Salve a tutti ho appena installato ubuntu 12.04 ma purtroppo non riesco a regolare la luminosita e non si sente l'audio, qualcuno può aiutarmi?\n<naxil> ragazzi come setto la rete su xfce?\n<naxil> ho questa distro con xfce e ho gia gnome settato per condividere la connessione con\n<naxil> sono davanti ha lxterminale\n<enzotib> naxil, questa distro cosa sarebbe?\n<naxil> e' linux 10.10 ubuntu con xfce\n<naxil> ma non ha network manager..\n<naxil> come faccio?\n<naxil> riconosce il network adapter l'ho visto con lspci\n<enzotib> naxil, perché non ha network manager?\n<naxil> credo ch enon ci sia\n<naxil> mi dici per favore come lo lancio da terminalelx?\n<enzotib> naxil, se non sei chiaro, non posso capire che stai facendo. In ogni installazione comune di ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu/lubuntu c'è network manager, perché tu non ce l'hai?\n<naxil> perche e' una distro modificata per funzionare su xbox360\n<OverMe> \\o/\n<enzotib> naxil, quindi non è ubuntu\n<naxil> parte ho davanti xfce ma non ha network manager e poi e' la prima volta che vedo xfce forse non so dov ee'\n<naxil> certo che e' ubuntu\n<enzotib> !bubuntu | naxil\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'bubuntu'\n<enzotib> !buntu | naxil\n<ubot-it> naxil: Non tutto ciò che finisce per *buntu è ufficiale, non diamo supporto a derivate Ubuntu non ufficiali o non riconosciute. Supporto solo per http://www.ubuntu-it.org/progetti-derivati.shtml\n<naxil> vabbe' si hai ragione... cmq e' una distro 10.10 alleggerita e con kernel un po modificato per funzionare con hw xbox\n<enzotib> viva la sincerità\n<naxil> pero' a livello software e' in grado di avviare qualsiasi altra cosa\n<naxil> avvieresti con ubuntu xfce (xubuntu?)\n<enzotib> naxil, anche da windows sono in grado di avviare qualsiasi cosa\n<naxil> oddio senti mi dici come faccio a capire se c'e' network manager? dove e' lesegubile.. come si kiama se volessi lanciarlo da terminalx?\n<enzotib> naxil, cosa non è chiaro nella frase \"non c'è supporto\"?\n<enzotib> !chat | naxil\n<ubot-it> naxil: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<alessio> ciao a tutti, qualcuno mi da una mano a fare un'installazione pulita dei driver proprietari ati?? grazie :D\n<alessio> oi raga non in troppi ehhh...\n<alessio> rraga qualcuno può guardare sto log e dirmi perchè non riesco ad installare sti fottutissimi driver ati?? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1005101/\n<neramarea> 'sera. ho due pacchetti (repo non ufficiali) che non supportano il changelog. come si fa ad aggiornarli comunque?\n<glpiana> ola\n<neramarea> glpiana?\n<glpiana> neramarea?\n<neramarea> ho due pacchetti (repo non ufficiali) che non supportano il changelog. come si fa ad aggiornarli comunque?\n<glpiana> neramarea, passa in chat, qui non c'è supporto ai pacchetti non ufficiali\n<glpiana> !chat | neramarea\n<ubot-it> neramarea: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<aide> ragazzi ho aggiornato la nuova versione di ubuntu 12.04 ma non mi riconosce più la chiavetta internet quando la inserisco. La chiavetta non si accende più come se fosse rotta. Qualcuno ha una soluzione? GRazie\n<aide> nessuna mi aiuta?\n<Joshua^Dunamis> !aiuto | aide\n<ubot-it> aide: per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<aide> ho aggiornato la nuova versione di ubuntu 12.04 ma non mi riconosce più la chiavetta internet quando la inserisco. La chiavetta non si accende più come se fosse rotta. Qualcuno ha una soluzione? GRazie\n<aide> ecco ho formulato la domanda\n<Joshua^Dunamis> aide: che chiavetta è? hai già controllato sul forum inserendo il nome dell tua chiavetta\n<Joshua^Dunamis> aide: non siamo indovini, abbiamo bisogno di informazioni per capire il problema\n<aide> la chiavetta non mi ha mai dato problemi con le precedenti versioni di ubuntu, cioè con la 11.04 e 11.10\n<Joshua^Dunamis> aide: nome e modello della chiavetta?\n<Joshua^Dunamis> aide: provider internet?\n<aide> la chiavetta è NOKIA DATA CARD modello CS-10\n<aide> IL PROVIDER È winD\n<Joshua^Dunamis> aide: hai solo Ubuntu come SO?\n<Joshua^Dunamis> aide: hai modo di provare se altro pc si accende?\n<Joshua^Dunamis> non conosco quella chiavetta, per cui io non so come aiutarti, magari si fa avanti qualcuno\n<aide> ho anche Windows 7, con il quale la chiavetta va perfettamente. Per windows c'è il file eseguibile della chiavetta che installo. INvece ubuntu la riconosceva direttamente. Ora non la riconosce più :-(\n<Joshua^Dunamis> aide: okkk con win va, qundi la chiavetta funziona.. è usb?\n<aide> sì è usb\n<Joshua^Dunamis> aide: okkk fai una cosa scollegala digita dmesg su un terminale\n<Joshua^Dunamis> poi la riconnetti e ridigiti dmesg sul terminale\n<Joshua^Dunamis> aide: è apparsa una riga in più che si riferisce all'usb?\n<aide> ok lo sto facendo\n<aide> sono comparse parecchie scritte\n<aide> anzi un'infinità di scritte di cui non capisco nulla! :-(\n<Joshua^Dunamis> aide: si è normale ora dimmi se la ricolleghi e ridai il comando se compaiono altre righe anvcora\n<Joshua^Dunamis> *ancora\n<Joshua^Dunamis> aide: tieni traccia della attuale ultima riga\n<Joshua^Dunamis> aide: e dimmi se cambia quando colleghi la chiavetta\n<aide> ok\n<aide> scusami sono caduto\n<aide> ho un problem: ho aggioranto ubuntu con la versione 12.04 e non mi riconosce più la chiavetta\n<aide> chi mi sa aiutare?\n<aide> nessuno mi dà una mano?\n<aide> possibile che non c'è nessuno che possa aiutarmi\n<DD3my> che pc hai aide?\n<robytrevi> ciao a tutti\n<sbubba> sera\n<tre5> buona sera\n<robytrevi> Ho notato che quando oggi ho aperto deluge nel kern.log sono pieno di righe tipo Possible SYN flooding on port xxx. Sending cookies. sto cercando informazioni ma non capisco cosa significa. Suggerimenti? Al riavvio (del sistema e di deluge) i messaggi smettono\n<verdazzurra> non so come si usa ubuntu\n<verdazzurra> mi piacerebbe ho comprato un giornale con ubuntu 11.10\n<verdazzurra> mio figlio lo ha installato ma non conosco le istruzioni\n<robytrevi> verdazzurra: non ci sono istruzioni... in cosa non ti trovi? cosa vorresti fare e non riesci a fare?\n<verdazzurra> grazieeeeeeeeeee\n<verdazzurra> ho montato la web cam ma non funziona non so se ci vogliono i driver\n<verdazzurra> ho messo una chiavetta USB ma non ho saputo aprirla\n<verdazzurra> ho scaricato un downloder ma non so dove si è salvato\n<robytrevi> verdazzurra: per vedere se la webcam viene correttamente riconosciuta apri ubuntu-software-center (è il software per l'installazione automatica dei programmi di ubuntu) ha l'icona di una specie di borsa arancione, e installa il programma cheese\n<verdazzurra> lo scrivo\n<robytrevi> verdazzurra: le chivette usb in generale si aprono automaticamente, se così non fosse, apri una cartella qualsiasi e nella colonna di sinistra della finestra che ti si apre dovresti avere tutti i dispositivi collegati\n<verdazzurra> roby ti ringrazio sei stato molto gentile\n<robytrevi> verdazzurra: cosa singifica che hai scaricato un downloader??? Da dove? con cosa? cos'è? Comunque in generale le cose che scarichi stanno nella cartella Scaricati, o nella home del tuo utente, o sulla Scrivania (Desktop))\n<verdazzurra> volevo scaricare skype\n<sbubba> ragazzi, è successa una cosa strana. dopo aver dato questi comandi http://pastebin.com/fqp65Vqa per pulire un po' di roba, al successivo riavvio mi dava errore, praticamente fstab non riconosceva più due partizioni di swap. ora ho risolto, ma vorrei capire cosa gli è andato di traverso\n<Holden> verdazzurra, per scaricare skype credo basti andare sul sito ufficiale, dove trovi il pacchetto .deb, a quel punto per installarlo basta un doppio click\n<verdazzurra> sono riuscita ad aprire facebook                       -gmail  vedere i giochi\n<Rebecca92> !info skype 10.10\n<ubot-it> 10.10 is not a valid distribution ['lucid', 'maverick', 'natty', 'oneiric', 'precise']\n<Rebecca92> !info skype | oneric\n<ubot-it> skype (source: skype): VOIP and instant messaging client. In component main, is extra. Version (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 26 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)\n<verdazzurra> grazie a tuttiiii\n<verdazzurra> vado subito a provare\n<Rebecca92> verdazzurra, se\n<Rebecca92> verdazzurra, sudo apt-get install skype\n<Rebecca92> non serve scaricare alcunchè\n<enzotib> sbubba: la /tmp non va cancellata a runtime, viene cancellata automaticamente ad ogni avvio\n<verdazzurra>   rebecca non capisco  tutte le sigle che hai messo\n<Rebecca92> verdazzurra, copia questo in un terminale\n<sbubba> enzotib, uh leggevo lo script per la pulizia ed ho preso spunto da quello. la prossima volta evito la temp allora, grazie\n<verdazzurra> sto su un'altro computer\n<robytrevi> Rebecca92: è appena arrivato in ubuntu, cerca di essere più elementare nelle spiegazioni. E poi skype dovrebbe essere nei repository partner, quindi dovrebbe prima aggiungere i repo, poi aggiornare e poi installare skype come dici\n<Rebecca92> robytrevi,\n<Rebecca92> !info skype oneric\n<ubot-it> oneric is not a valid distribution ['lucid', 'maverick', 'natty', 'oneiric', 'precise']\n<Rebecca92> !info skype oneiric\n<ubot-it> skype (source: skype): VOIP and instant messaging client. In component main, is extra. Version (oneiric), package size 23029 kB, installed size 29200 kB (Only available for i386)\n<Rebecca92> robytrevi, è in main . come puoi vedere\n<verdazzurra> grazie a tutti  a presto\n<robytrevi> Rebecca92: allora lo dovrebbe trovare in Ubuntu software center, fagli le cose facili (per lui, non per te). Comunque non c'è in quel repo: http://it.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/ o almeno io non lo vedo\n<Rebecca92> robytrevi, il bot dice di s'\n<robytrevi> Rebecca92: anche la tv dice tante cose, ma non per questo sono vere\n<robytrevi> ;-)\n<Rebecca92> non ho la tv. non saprei\n<robytrevi> Rebecca92: infatti sta nei parter: http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/pool/partner/s/skype\n<marcuy> Non riesco a fare `traceroute' al tuo cervello...  Di', sei collegato??\n<enzotib> marcuy: ?\n<robytrevi> sembra una chiara richiesta di supporto...\n<marcuy> LOL\n<enzotib> marcuy: va a scherzare da un'altra parte\n<marcuy> traceroute non è un comando da linux?\n<jester-> sera\n<tre5> salve, oggi ho chiesto un parere riguardo due valori piuttosto dubbi di un rapporto lm-sensors. ora indico l' indirizzo in imagebin.org della finestra di terminale. http://imagebin.org/213688 i valori dubbi sono il terzultimo ed il quintultimo. glpiana ha risposto che secondo lui erano inattendibili, ma poi era impegnatissimo a risolvere altri problemi ed allora ho lasciato perdere. volevo chiedere se c' è qualche co\n<tre5> sa da provare o se stirata di un mal funzionamento dei sensori. grazie\n<robytrevi> tre5: beh, sembrano temperature assurde in effetti... Si starebbe squagliando il pc...\n<jester-> tre5: confrontali con i valori del bios\n<jester-> se non quagliano usa una gui o applett e tarala\n<tre5> tester , ubuntu è installato in una partizione di un macintosh\n<tre5> *jester\n<jester-> tre5: il che linux su un mac fa piuttosto strano, se mac recente\n<fourlastor> tre5, tocca il computer, scotta?\n<tre5> si\n<jester-> tre5: che mac è? hai seguito la guida install per il tipo di mac?\n<tre5> jester-, il mac ha un anno.\n<jester-> tre5: e ci metti linux avendo osx?\n<jester-> ti piace essere triste?\n<fourlastor> jester-, che male c'è scusa?\n<fourlastor> tre5, prova a vedere se con powertop capisci cosa è\n<tre5> jester- , hai ragione, ma sono un po' curioso ed allora mi avventuro in cose bizzarre.\n<tre5> in effetti ne ho quattro sistemi operativi.\n<tre5> installati.\n<jester-> tre5: installati virtual box e virtualizzalo, è ottimo\n<fourlastor> tre5, comunque la th0o sembra essere la ventola dell'hard disk\n<tre5> no niente virtualbox, multi boot\n<tre5> M\n<tre5> ma 250 gradi sembrano tantini.\n<fourlastor> tre5, se riavvii su mac c'è un sensore per controllare?\n<tre5> dovrei installare un piccolo programma. che non ho ancora voluto installare perché quando va da osx, è tutto freddo.\n<fourlastor> beh ci vorrà qualche minuto prima che si freddi..\n<tre5> può essere significativo che il venditore mi ha detto che il processore montato non socome ne perché, non sembra digerire molto l' installazione di altri sistemi operativi.\n<tre5> comunque grazie per i suggerimenti.\n<fourlastor> non saprei..\n<luke_66> ciao a tutti\n<naxil> ragazzi\n<naxil> praitcamente sudo su non mi chiede piu la password\n<naxil> va subito in #\n<naxil> non l'ho mai inserito prima\n<naxil> la pass l'ho messa solo durante il login\n<luke_66> ho un problema dopo un upgrade su kubuntu 12.04. kdm si avvia ma non c'è nessul login prompt. ho gurdato qualche log (rsyslog, syslog), ho controllato dmesg. l'unico problema riscontrato è in dbus.log -> 'FATAL: Modulertc not found.' che posso fare?\n<luke_66> ho provato a stoppare kdm con sudo service kdm stop e a riavviarlo ma niente...\n<luke_66> il problema sembra essere legato a upstart ma + di quello non riesco a capire...\n<naxil> ho capito praticamente ho dato una regola in rc.local con sudo\n<naxil> a questo punto praticamente ho sempre sudo?\n<naxil> ! chat\n<ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<joker_> buonasera\n<naxil> ciao\n<joker_> ciao roxdragon\n<roxdragon> ciao joker_\n<joker_> ciao roxdragon tutto bene??\n<roxdragon> sisi tutto bene! non ricordo chi sei\n<joker_> sono stejazz\n<joker_> ti ricordi?? xD\n<roxdragon> yes\n#ubuntu-it 2012-05-25\n<glpiana> ola\n<Steeler> !chat\n<ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<AlfonsoCeleo> Buon Giorno a tutti\n<knam> buongiorno\n<knam> sto facendo un aggiornamento e ubuntu mi chiede dove installare il grub\n<glpiana> knam, non capisco perchè debba chiedertelo. comuqnue, quanti dischi hai nel pc?\n<AlfonsoCeleo> infatti.. mi sembra strano... quante partizioni disponi?\n<glpiana> AlfonsoCeleo, le partizioni no c'entrano\n<glpiana> *non\n<knam> glpiana: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1006044/\n<glpiana> knam, grub va messo in /dev/sda\n<AlfonsoCeleo> scusami... intendevo dischi... è ovvio\n<AlfonsoCeleo> mi sono espresso male\n<glpiana> AlfonsoCeleo, sarà anche ovvio per te, ma può creare confusione\n<AlfonsoCeleo> scusami starò maggiormente attento :)\n<glpiana> ok :)\n<knam> glpiana: l'opzione è sda o sda5. Ho provato ha cliccare solo sda e mi dice \"sei sicuro che non vuoi installare il grub?\"\n<glpiana> knam, allora, riavvolgi il nastro e parti dal principio: cosa stai facendo?\n<knam> cliccato tutti gli aggiornamento e schiacciato ok\n<knam> glpiana: cliccato tutti gli aggiornamento e schiacciato ok\n<glpiana> knam, dall'inizio ho detto, non da un certo punto.\n<glpiana> !dettagli | knam\n<ubot-it> knam: Per favore dacci dettagli completi. Per esempio \"Ho un problema con..., sto usando Ubuntu versione... con interfaccia.... Quando provo a fare..., ottengo questo output: ..., ma mi sarei aspettato che facesse...\"\n<k0ral_> glpiana: ti ricordi del mio problema con dropbox?\n<glpiana> k0ral_, sì, dovevi riavviare e non sei più tornato. parla\n<AlfonsoCeleo> ...si perchè non è semplice comprendere il problema andando già nella fase secondaria...  è meglio scrivere dettagliatamente il problema in quanto è più facile che gli utenti possano prestare supporto..\n<k0ral_> glpiana: scusami ma è il pc del laboratorio e ogni tanto devo lavorare ;)\n<glpiana> k0ral_, succede\n<k0ral_> glpiana: cmq...il problema è sempre questo http://imagebin.org/213798\n<glpiana> k0ral_, vabbè, inserisci la password\n<k0ral_> glpiana: non fa niente. non avvia dropbox\n<glpiana> k0ral_, nel temrinale: ps aux | grep dropbox\n<k0ral_> glpiana: carlo     3354  0.0  0.0  13576   924 pts/0    S+   09:39   0:00 grep --color=auto dropbox\n<glpiana> k0ral_, ls -la /var/lib/dropbox/.dropbox-dist/dropbox\n<knam> glpiana: ubuntu 12. Gestore aggiornamenti mi ha proposto 85 aggiornamenti e ho cliccato ok. A un certo punto, a metà installazione, è uscita una schermata di Debconf chiede dove installare il grub. Cliccando su aiuto si dice: \"in precendenza il boot loader era installato su un disco che per qualche motivo ja cambiato identificatore. E' importante che l'immagine del grub rimanga in sinstonia con i moduli di grub e con grub.cfg. ecce\n<k0ral_> glpiana: ls: cannot access /var/lib/dropbox/.dropbox-dist/dropbox: No such file or directory\n<knam> scusate ma non posso copiarlo su pastebin\n<glpiana> knam, continua a spiegare\n<knam> glpiana: se mi dite come funzione image bin te lo copio li\n<glpiana> k0ral_, sudo apt-get install --reinstall nautilus-dropbox              e metti su pastebin\n<glpiana> !image | knam\n<ubot-it> knam: Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<glpiana> knam, non c'è molto da spiegare sul funzionamento. carichi l'immagine e metti la spunta ai termini del servizio\n<knam> glpiana: ora lo faccio\n<glpiana> knam, metti anche il tuo nick nel rpimo campo\n<glpiana> *primo\n<k0ral_> glpiana: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1006052/\n<k0ral_> glpiana: in + si è aperta una finestra che mi chiede \"restart nautilus\" , devo metterla su imagebin?\n<knam> glpiana: http://imagebin.org/213799\n<glpiana> k0ral_, no, ma fallo comunque ripartire (anche s enon servirà, non avendo scaricato il necessario)\n<k0ral_> glpiana: clicco su restart ma non fa niente e la finestra rimane aperta..:(\n<Best`> Buongiorno!\n<glpiana> k0ral_, vabbè per ora chiudila che cerchiamo di capire il problema\n<k0ral_> glpiana: fatto\n<glpiana> k0ral_, ora aspetta un attimo\n<glpiana> knam, clicca su avanti\n<AlfonsoCeleo> penso che vada selezionata la prima casella, ovvero quella già spuntata\n<glpiana> k0ral_, scrivi: ls -ls /var/lib/dropbox/.dropbox-dist\n<k0ral_> glpiana: ls: cannot access /var/lib/dropbox/.dropbox-dist: No such file or directory\n<knam> glpiana: cliccando solo sda? si possono cliccare l'uno, l'altro o tutti e due\n<glpiana> k0ral_, oki, ora ls -l /var/lib/dropbox\n<glpiana> knam, SOLO sda\n<k0ral_> glpiana: total 0\n<glpiana> knam, che poi l'altro neanche lo vedo, è coperto. ma se mi dici che è /dev/sda5 assolutamente NON va selezionato\n<glpiana> k0ral_, ora ls -la /.dropbox-dist\n<glpiana> k0ral_, scusa\n<glpiana> k0ral_, ora ls -la ~/.dropbox-dist\n<k0ral_> glpiana: ls: cannot access /.dropbox-dist: No such file or directory\n<knam> glpiana: si, scusa: dai sono stato bravo,si leggeva praticamente tutto. Cmq: http://imagebin.org/213800\n<glpiana> k0ral_, si ho ciccato la tilde :D\n<knam> glpiana: è come ti avevo detto prima\n<glpiana> knam, clicca su avanti senza selezionare e dimmi che fa\n<AlfonsoCeleo> knam, come da informazione fornitati si è creata una sorta di \"confusione\"  comunque va impostata la prima soluzione e andare avanti e vderai che andrà tutto bene\n<knam> volete che vi leggo l'help di ubuntu?\n<k0ral_> glpiana: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1006061/\n<glpiana> knam, no, dimmi cosa fa se clicchi su avanti\n<knam> glpiana: torna alla schermata dove mi chiede dove installarlo che palle!\n<glpiana> k0ral_, oki, proviamo a fare una cosa: sudo cp -r ~/.dropbox-dist /var/lib/dropbox/\n<glpiana> knam, allora seleziona sda poi quando passi alla schermata successiva metti la spunta alla voce che appare e procedi. lo installiamo dopo\n<knam> glpiana: fatto\n<glpiana> knam, oki, lasciagli finire tutti gli aggiornamenti e dimmi poi quando ha terminato\n<k0ral_> glpiana: fatto, non ha protestato :)\n<knam> glpiana: allora ci sentiamo dopo che ha finito tutto.\n<glpiana> k0ral_, meno male :D\n<AlfonsoCeleo> bene..\n<k0ral_> glpiana: con sudo...protesta?:)\n<glpiana> k0ral_, ora: /var/lib/dropbox/.dropbox-dist/dropbox\n<k0ral_> glpiana: cd ?\n<glpiana> k0ral_, no, così come ho scritto\n<k0ral_> glpiana: ok, si è avviato dropbox ma resta in \"sospeso\" il terminale\n<k0ral_> glpiana: ti ricordo che sono dietro ad un proxy\n<glpiana> k0ral_, lascia perdere un secono il temrinale. controlla che dropbox lavori\n<k0ral_> glpiana: si, lavora come previsto\n<glpiana> k0ral_, se non lavora, clicca sull'icona e vai nelle preferenze e imposta il proxy\n<k0ral_> solo che lo vorrei attivo al login in automatico\n<knam> glpiana: ha già finito. come facciamo a vedere se il grub è a posto senza riavviare?\n<glpiana> k0ral_, oki, allora riavvia il pc e torna che vediamo se parte da sè\n<glpiana> knam, apri un terminale\n<glpiana> knam, scrivi: sudo grub-install /dev/sda\n<k0ral_> glpiana: nelle preferenze di dropbox, il proxy è settato ad auto\n<k0ral_> glpiana: devo metterlo manuale e scrivo il proxy?\n<glpiana> k0ral_, se sta funzionando io lo lascerei così. non ha senso modificare una cosa che già funziona\n<k0ral_> glpiana: ok allora riavvio e basta?\n<glpiana> k0ral_, yes\n<knam> glpiana: installation is finished\n<knam> glpiana: sono a posto?\n<glpiana> knam, no. scrivi: sudo update-grub\n<knam> glpiana: ma quindi noi stiamo facendo le cose un'altra volta per essere sicuri?\n<glpiana> knam, se prima hai messo la spunta sulla voce che non faceva installare grub, abbiamo saltato l'installazione. quindi ora la stiamo facendo\n<k0ral_> glpiana: scusa, ma per riavviare, ho chiuso la finestra del terminale e dropbox si è chiuso...è normale?\n<k0ral_> glpiana: io lo vorrei sempre attivo\n<glpiana> k0ral_, lo hai riavvaito sto pc o no?\n<knam> glpiana: hai ragione, ma è possibile che ci fosse già, perchè nessuno l'ha tolto, no?\n<k0ral_> glpiana: e senza dover tenere una finestra di un terminale aperta in \"sospeso\"\n<k0ral_> glpiana: no, ancora no :) a dopo :P\n<glpiana> -.-\n<k0ral_> glpiana: riavvio o solo logout?\n<glpiana> knam, hai dato il comando?\n<knam> si\n<glpiana> k0ral_, RIAVVIA STO PIFFERO DI PC!\n<k0ral_> glpiana: :)\n<enzotib> lol\n<glpiana> knam, che ti ha scritto?\n<glpiana> knam, ha elencato i kernel?\n<knam> glpiana: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1006077/\n<glpiana> knam, oki, riavvia\n<knam> glpiana: lo faccio dopo, tanto non dovrebbero ess probl , oki?\n<glpiana> knam, sarebbe meglio controllare subito se il sistema si avvia, non trovi?\n<knam> glpiana: ok\n<glpiana> k0ral_, si avvia da solo?\n<k0ral_> glpiana: GRANDE :) funziona al login in auto :)\n<glpiana> k0ral_, bene\n<k0ral_> glpiana: posso capire cosa è successo? cosa hai fatto?:) almeno imparo :)\n<glpiana> k0ral_, ti ho fatto copiare in /var/lib/dropbox quello che non riusciva a scaricare durante l'installazione e che tu già avevi nella home\n<k0ral_> ok e l'avevo nella home perchè l'avevo installato dall'ubuntu software center, giusto?\n<k0ral_> glpiana: era qcosa che doveva stare sia nella home che in /var/lib/dropbox?\n<glpiana> k0ral_, o perchè lo avevi scaricato manualmente (almeno così hai detto ieri)\n<glpiana> k0ral_, più che altro viene avviato da /var/lib/dropbox/.dropbox-dist\n<k0ral_> glpiana: ok, viene avviato da lì e lì non avevo niente?\n<knam> glpiana: tutto ok!!!\n<glpiana> k0ral_, esatto\n<glpiana> knam, bene\n<glpiana> caffè, sì sì, arrivo, hai ragione\n<k0ral_> glpiana: perfetto, grazie :)\n<k0ral_> glpiana: vedo che hai ottenuto il mio \"successo\" e anche un altro :) bravo!:)\n<knam> ora qualcuno mi dovrebbe dire se è possibile mettere in rete due ubuntu attaccati allo stesso router, se non è una cosa complicata. C'è un software?\n<k0ral_> glpiana: ora vado, alla prossima :)\n<knam> ora qualcuno mi dovrebbe dire se è possibile mettere in rete due ubuntu attaccati allo stesso router, se non è una cosa complicata. C'è un software?\n<vit_o> salve a tutti\n<vit_o> come faccio non far partire all'avvio xscreensaver ? qualcuno può darmi una mano?\n<enzotib> vit_o, che versione di ubuntu usi?\n<vit_o> enzotib, 12.04 e uso unity\n<enzotib> vit_o, e allora dovrebbe partire gnome-screensaver, non xscreensaver, per quanto ne so\n<vit_o> enzotib, avevo un problema di 'risorse' con gnome-screensever, allora ho installato xscreensaver, ma poi qui mi hanno aiutato a sistemarlo. Ma adesso ho entrambi in esecuzione all'avvio ma come screensaver parte gnome (una schermata nera). Quindi basterebbe non farlo partire all'avvio xscreensaver? giusto?\n<enzotib> non ho capito un'acca\n<enzotib> vit_o, probabilmente se non ti serve più, ti basta disinstallare xscreensaver\n<vit_o> enzotib, si ma volevo semplicemente non farlo partire all'avvio. Ma mi sa che faccio come dici tu e butto tutto via.\n<vit_o> un altra cosa, quando parte il pc. la schermata del grub non dovrebbe essere viola?\n<glpiana> vit_o, ma non lo avevamo già fatto?\n<glpiana> ah adesso vuoi che non parta\n<glpiana> -.-\n<vit_o> glpiana, uh sei qua! che bello! :) ... Il problema è che adesso ce li ho entrambi!\n<glpiana> vit_o, basta cancellare il file che avevamo  messo in /etc/xdg/autostart\n<glpiana> vit_o, quale vuoi tenere?\n<vit_o> glpiana, penso sia meglio tenere gnome adesso non mi da problemi e dovrebbe essere più leggero, tu che dici?\n<glpiana> vit_o, oki, disinstalla xscreensaver come ti consigliava enzotib\n<glpiana> vit_o, e rimuovi anche il file di cui sopra\n<vit_o> glpiana, grazie! volevo proprio sapere cosa dovevo rimuovere! perfetto.\n<enzotib> ue, non tutto autostart, eh!\n<vit_o> stavo dicendo di un altro piccolo problema, da un po' di tempo la schermata del grub non è viola e quando spengo il pc mi appare una schermata gialla per qualche secondo. non credo sia normale giusto?\n<vit_o> enzotib, ahaha no no sto attento. grazie dell'aviso cmq!\n<ettoku> salve dovrei immagazinare dei dati in un hard disk vecchiotto...vorrei sapere come è messo : http://imagebin.org/213813\n<ettoku> sono un attimo su windows\n<glpiana> !chat | ettoku\n<ubot-it> ettoku: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<vit_o> sale a tutti!\n<glpiana> e un po' di olio se si può\n<vit_o> si è vero, anche quello fa sempre piacere\n<vit_o> guardavo le applicazioni di avvio e per sbaglio ne ho cancellate alcune, ma non so quali! c'è un modo per 'tornare indietro' ?\n<glpiana> vit_o, basta resettare l'interfaccia grafica e tutto torna come prima\n<glpiana> !gnomereset | vit_o\n<ubot-it> vit_o: Per resettare gnome alle sue impostazioni di default rinominare le cartelle nascoste nella propria home  .gnome2 .config .gconf .gconfd .gnome2_private  con un nome a piacere, ad esempio .gnome2.bk e riavviare la sessione\n<glpiana> o meglio tutto torna a default\n<vit_o> ho brutte esperienze con qll comando. se lascio tutto com'è cosa potrebbe succedere?\n<vit_o> cioè, magai ho rimosso applicazioni stupide e quindi non avrannp un grande effetto sul sistema\n<glpiana> vit_o, che brutte esperienze potrai mai avere con quel comando? (quale poi?)\n<vit_o> glpiana, qlc tempo fa ho dovuto resettare unity ed è successo un casino! ho cancellato e rimesso quelle cartelle una decina di volte, magari anche quella volta poi mi hai aiutato tu\n<glpiana> vit_o, comunque rinominando quelle directory non resetti unity\n<glpiana> vit_o, in ogni caso se non vuoi farlo non sei certo obbligato\n<glpiana> vit_o, le applicazioni di avvio che hai rimosso, le hai mica tolte da /etc/xdg/autostart ?\n<vit_o> glpiana, si certo, infatti sto chiedendo aiuto a voi perchè magari potete farmi capire meglio. E quindi cosa succede rinominando qll cose? perdo anche le varie applicazioni che ho aggiunto col tempo?\n<glpiana> vit_o, le applicazioni di avvio che hai rimosso, le hai mica tolte da /etc/xdg/autostart ?\n<vit_o> glpiana, no. le ho tolte con l'interfaccia grafica, dovevo cliccare aggiungi e per sbaglio ho clikkato rimuovi\n<glpiana> vit_o, oki, allora ti dico cosa ho io lì: blueman applet e dropbox\n<glpiana> fine delle mie applicazioni di avivo\n<glpiana> se non hai bluetooth blueman no serve\n<glpiana> se non hai dropbox non serve neanche dropbox\n<glpiana> il resto si avvia da sè\n<vit_o> glpiana, vedi queste tue parole sono di conforto. Non capisco perchè io ne ho un casino, ma adesso so che le cose importanti partiranno cmq da se.\n<vit_o> grazie\n<glpiana> vit_o, poi dipende da cosa hai installato, che sicuro è diverso da ciò che ho installato io\n<vit_o> glpiana, si infatti, sicuramente.\n<vit_o> glpiana, scusami ancora, potresti aiutarmi a mettere di nuovo xscreensaver su autostart ? Il problema era gnome-screensaver e l'ho eliminato.\n<glpiana> vit_o, lol\n<glpiana> vit_o, solo perchè oggi mi sento buono ;)\n<vit_o> glpiana, :D grazieee!!!! [Il problema fu che li avevo entrambi e quindi ne ho eliminato uno all'avvio, QUELLO SBAGLIATO! -.-']\n<glpiana> vit_o, sudo  cp /usr/share/xscreensaver/xscreensaver-daemon.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart\n<vit_o> glpiana, diciamo per farmi capire *.desktop è la cosa più simile ad un esequibile giusto? cioè lancia l'applicazione, no?\n<vit_o> *eseguibile\n<glpiana> vit_o, no, .desktop contiene delle informazioni su un programma. aprine uno per esempio: nel terminale: cat /usr/share/applications/gedit.desktop\n<glpiana> vit_o, vedrai che quel file riporta il nome l'eseguibile l'icona la descrizione in varie lingue e altro\n<glpiana> vit_o, e poi sti .desktop li sfrutti per far riferimento al programma che ti interessa\n<glpiana> nel nostro caso abbiamo preso quello del demone di xscreensaver e lo abbiamo messo in una directory particolare che viene letta per avviare programmi all'avvio dell'interfaccia grafica\n<vit_o> glpiana, capito, adesso è un po' tuttto più chiaro. grazie tante\n<glpiana> :)\n<vit_o> glpiana, posso rubarti altri 5 minuti per parlare dell'avvio e di questa schermata gialla che mi appare allo shutdown?\n<vit_o> glpiana, secondo te è un 'problema' di kernel o di plymouth?\n<glpiana> vit_o, avevo già letto prima, ma non so a cosa possa essere dovuta. appare e scompare o rimane lì pe rtutta la procedura di spegnimento?\n<vit_o> glpiana, per tutta la procedura praticamente\n<glpiana> vit_o, se è plymouth lo scopriamo in fretta. al boot visualizzi il menu di grub?\n<vit_o> glpiana,  si, ma non è viola come lo è sempre stato\n<vit_o> glpiana, (per quel conta, secondo me è il plymouth che non và)\n<glpiana> vit_o, a parte il colore che nel caso ci pensiamo dopo, quando visualizzi il menu premi il tasto \"e\", piazzati in fondo alla riga che temrina con quiet splash (e altre opzioni se ne hai agigunte) e cancellale. poi premi ctrl+x per avviare (senza plymouth\n<glpiana> vit_o, vedrai le righe a schemro durante il boot, è quello che deve fare. poi una volta che hai caricato il sistema, spegnilo e vedi se appare o meno la schermata gialla\n<vit_o> glpiana, intanto c'è da dire che al momento parte senza plymouth, praticamente c'è una schermata nera fino alla comparsa del mouse.\n<glpiana> vit_o, fa nulla. fai comuqnue la rpova come te la ho illustrata\n<vit_o> glpiana, ok. quindi devo cancellare la riga che finisce con quiet splash ?\n<glpiana> no\n<glpiana> vit_o, leggi bene\n<glpiana> sì non sono stato chiaro -.-\n<glpiana> cancella quiet splash\n<glpiana> lol\n<vit_o> ok allora vado e torno.\n<bobi_> per favore datemi un aiuto, ho installato la versione 12.04 di ubuntu ma non mi riconosce più la chiavetta\n<bobi_> per favore datemi un aiuto, ho installato la versione 12.04 di ubuntu ma non mi riconosce più la chiavetta\n<lelamal> !repeat | bobi_\n<ubot-it> bobi_: non ripetere la tua domanda spesso, ogni N minuti. Non aumenterà le probabilità di ottenere una risposta ma provocherà solamente una reazione stizzita da parte degli altri utenti del canale. Se nessuno ti risponde riprova più tardi o utilizza le altre forme di supporto messe a dispozione dalla comunità.\n<bobi_> scusami\n<bobi_> non ho capito cosa ha scritto lelamal\n<lelamal> bobi_: di avere pazienza\n<bobi_> tu puoi aiutarmi per favore?\n<vit_o> glpiana, ho cancellato 'quiet splash i804.nomux $vt_handoff'; quando ho spento è apparsa la schermata gialla\n<lelamal> bobi_: no, mi spiace\n<glpiana> vit_o, oki, allora non è plymouth la causa\n<glpiana> vit_o, hai modo di fare una foto allo schermo? giusto perchè son curioso idi vederlo.\n<glpiana> bobi_, che chiavetta? dati, internet, wifi?\n<vit_o> glpiana, penso che con la foto camera ce la posso fare\n<bobi_> dati\n<glpiana> !image | vit_o\n<ubot-it> vit_o: Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<vit_o> glpiana, ok. vado e torno\n<bobi_> è una chiavetta nokia data card modello cs-10\n<bobi_> prima dell'aggiornamento di ubuntu andava perfettamente, ma da quando ho aggiornato ubuntu passando alla veresione 12.04 quando inserisco la chiavetta non si accende più nemmeno la spia. è come se non avessi inserito nulla\n<vit_o> glpiana, eccola la schermata http://imagebin.org/213815\n<glpiana> bobi_, chiavetta data card però che vuol dire? non conosco i modelli. è dati, una classica chiavetta usb da tot giga?\n<glpiana> azz che giallo vit_o !!!\n<bobi_> si è una normale chiavetta usb per connettersi ad internet\n<glpiana> vit_o, non è che hai impostato in precedenza unq ualche sfondo colorato di quel colore e quindi alla chiusura di ubuntu balza in primo piano?\n<vit_o> glpiana, a me piace il giallo, ma qst è proprio brutto! prr\n<glpiana> bobi_, ossignur che roba difficile che sei. quindi non una chiavetta dati, ma una connessione tramite sim? o wifi?\n<glpiana> vit_o, lol\n<bobi_> una connessione tramite sim, nella chiavetta usb c'è una sim della wind con la quale mi connetto ad internet\n<vit_o> glpiana, no, mai usato sfondo del genere. cmq prima, ho spento ed è riapparso. poi qnd l'ho fatto ripartire per venire qui il plymouth è partito e provando a riavviare la schermata gialla non c'era più!\n<glpiana> bobi_, oki, ora è chiaro. quando la inserisci appare l'icona sul desktop?\n<glpiana> vit_o, bene. riprova ancora magari a riaviare e vedi se è sparita epr sempre\n<glpiana> *riavviare\n<bobi_> no, non appare più nulla da quando ho aggiornato ubuntu con la versione 12.04\n<glpiana> bobi_, oki, ora la penna è inserita?\n<vit_o> glpiana, ho riavviato adesso per fare la foto e c'era. Adesso non ho toccato niente, provo ugualmente?\n<bobi_> sì è inserita , ma è come se non lo fosse perchè non la vede\n<glpiana> vit_o, sì prova\n<glpiana> bobi_, levala, poi reinseriscila e nel terminale scrivi: dmesg | tail\n<glpiana> !paste | bobi_\n<ubot-it> bobi_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<vit_o> glpiana, yes sir\n<bobi_> ok procedo\n<bobi_> fatto, è qui http://paste.ubuntu.com/1006334/\n<vit_o> glpiana, la schermata gialla è ancora là, ancora più inquietante.\n<glpiana> bobi_, hai altre porte usb su cui inserirla?\n<glpiana> vit_o, azz. non so aiutarti però\n<bobi_> sì , ma anche se la inserisco sulle altre non me la riconosce\n<vit_o> glpiana, ok, grazie gualmente, tanto per capire. la cosa che mi hai fatto cancellare a che serviva?\n<glpiana> vit_o, la roba che ti ho fatto cancellare è ancora là perchè le modifiche la boot svaniscono all'avvio successivo. era per vedere cosa accadeva senza passare da plymouth\n<glpiana> bobi_, scrivi lsusb    e metti su pastebin\n<vit_o> glpiana, capito. vabbè proverò più avanti tra qlc giorno di nuovo qui perchè cmq in giro sul web non ho trovato soluzioni\n<vit_o> allora grazie tante e buona giornata\n<glpiana> altrettanto vit_o\n<bobi_> scusa glpiana sono caduto, adesso dovrei scrivere lusb e incollare su paste bin?\n<glpiana> bobi_, sì, ma aspetta prova prima a digitare: eject /dev/sr2\n<glpiana> bobi_, dimmi se il terminale ti restituisce il prompt\n<bobi_> cmq prima sono caduto perchè appena ho tolto e reinserito la chiavetta in un'altra porta usb si è bloccato ubuntu\n<glpiana> wow\n<bobi_> il terminale mi dice che è impossibiole trovare o aprire il dispositivo\n<glpiana> bobi_, ma il sistema è aggiornato?\n<bobi_> lux@lux-TravelMate-5744Z:~$ eject /dev/sr2 eject: impossibile trovare o aprire il dispositivo \"/dev/sr2\"\n<bobi_> scusami\n<bobi_> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1006344/\n<bobi_> sì è aggiornato\n<glpiana> bobi_, ls /dev/sr*\n<bobi_> fatto, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1006348/\n<glpiana> bobi_, hai un solo lettore cd, vero?\n<glpiana> sì, dai è un portatile\n<bobi_> sì, un solo lettore\n<glpiana> scrivi: eject /dev/sr1\n<bobi_> l'ho scritto\n<glpiana> bobi_, ti ha ridato il prompt?\n<bobi_> si esatto\n<glpiana> bobi_, ora vai su network manager e prova a connetterti o a configurare la connessione\n<bobi_> perdonami , dov'è il network manager\n<glpiana> bobi_, sarebbe l'icona della rete in alto a destra, nei pressi dell'orologio\n<bobi_> devo andare su connessioni VPN e quindi su configura VPN?\n<glpiana> bobi_, no, su modifica connessioni e poi banda larga\n<AngelForget> scusate come posso aggiustare il logo screen di kubuntu 12.04 perché all'avio mi da con una risoluzione troppo alto\n<bobi_> perfetto se vado su modifica connessioni e poi su banda larga trovo il nome della chiavetta Wind-non business\n<bobi_> ma nonostante ciò non me la riconosce\n<glpiana> AngelForget, prova a modificare la riga #GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480 in /etc/default/grub, togliendo il cancelletto davanti e inserendo come numeri la risoluzione che vuoi\n<glpiana> AngelForget, poi dai sudo update-grub\n<glpiana> bobi_, nel terminale di nuovo: dmesg | tail\n<glpiana> caffè\n<bobi_> incollo su pastebin\n<AngelForget> glpiana,  scusami mi dai la procedura completa x il terminale per kubuntu\n<bobi_> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1006360/\n<AngelForget> glpiana, ...\n<glpiana> AngelForget, kdesudo kate /etc/default/gru\n<glpiana> AngelForget, kdesudo kate /etc/default/grub\n<glpiana> mancava un b\n<AngelForget> glpiana, mi da questo in terminale  è tutto ok ?\n<AngelForget> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1006375/\n<glpiana> bobi_, stacca la chiavetta, rinifilala in una porta, dai dmesg | tail      guarda se la chiama sr 1 o sr2 o cosa, dai poi eject sr1 o 2 a seconda di quel che ha detto e dai di nuovo dmesg | tail\n<bobi_> ho digitato dmesg | tail sul terminale e ho riportato qui su http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1006360/\n<glpiana> AngelForget, ma si è aperto o no kate?\n<AngelForget> si\n<glpiana> AngelForget, modifica come ti ho detto, salva e dai sudo update-grub\n<AngelForget> luinca cosa strana e che mi da tutte ste scritte nel terminale di solito con gnome non le da\n<filo1234> te le da te le da\n<glpiana> a tra poco\n<bobi_> l'ho staccata e riattaccata ma non capisco come la chiama, certe volte sr e altre sr 2... incollo qui http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1006381/\n<glpiana> bobi_, eject /dev/sr2\n<AngelForget> quindi filo1234  e tutto normale ?\n<glpiana> AngelForget, filo1234 non è per nulla nromale\n<bobi_> mi dice che è impossibile trovare il dispositivo\n<glpiana> bobi_, scrivi: uname -a\n<AngelForget> e quindi ho qualche errore glpiana ?\n<glpiana> AngelForget, no, ho detto che filo1234 non è normale\n<glpiana> a tra poco (davvero stavolta)\n<filo1234> no tu hai detto che non sono nromale\n<glpiana> lol\n<bobi_> fatto , cinollo su pastebin?\n<bobi_> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1006387/\n<AngelForget> glpiana, devo solo modificare la riga #GRUB_GFXMODE=640x48\n<AngelForget> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1006388/\n<AngelForget> glpiana, ho fatto tutto come hai detto tu  , ho riavviato il mio portatile ma non è cambiato niente ..?\n<glpiana> AngelForget, non lo so, dimmelo tu\n<glpiana> bobi_, ok, il kernel è ok. noncapisco a cosa sia dovuto il problema. con la versione precedente la infilavi e andava l lvolo?\n<AngelForget> lo screen logo di kubuntu rimane sempre sulla stessa risoluzione\n<glpiana> AngelForget, ma il pastebin che mi hai fatto è prima o dopo la modifica?\n<AngelForget> prima\n<glpiana> AngelForget, e tu che hai messo?\n<bobi_> con la versione precedente la infilavo e andava... poi si disconnetteva , poi la infilavo nuovamente e dopo un po' diventava stabile\n<bobi_> ma adesso non me la riconosce manco morto\n<AngelForget> glpiana,  eccocosa ho messo\n<AngelForget> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1006401/\n<adry> buon giorno a tutti sapete dirmi dove posso trovare fake atac per kubuntu?\n<glpiana> AngelForget, e hai dato sudo update-grub dopo la modifica?\n<AngelForget> si\n<glpiana> adry, cos'è fake atac?\n<bobi_> quindi ora come ora... cosa devo fare? :-(\n<glpiana> AngelForget, allora non so dirti. puoi provare con l'opzione nomodeset. se vuoi fare una prova, all'avvio del pc quando visualizzi il menu di grub, premi il tasto\"e\" e scrivi nomodeset dopo quiet splash, poi premi ctrl+x\n<adry> glp e un programma per fare abbonamenti atac contrafati\n<glpiana> bobi_, è una installazione nuova o un avanzamento dalla precedente?\n<glpiana> adry, non sei sul canale adatto per questo argomento\n<glpiana> adry, e ti dico anche che nessun canale pubblico lo è\n<bobi_> è un avanzamento della precedente\n<glpiana> bobi_, scrivi nel terminale: dpkg -l | grep linux-image\n<adry> glpiana  e per bat track come si fa per instalazione su kubuntu ?\n<bobi_> fatto, esce questo http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1006408/\n<glpiana> adry, backtrack è una distro derivata da ubuntu. qui si da supporto per ubuntu non per le derivate.\n<glpiana> bobi_, hai ancora il kernel della versione precedente. al boot visualizzi il menu di grub?\n<glpiana> adry, se per bat track intendevi backtrack, altrimenti non so cosa sa\n<adry> glpiana ce un cannale per kubuntu ?\n<glpiana> adry, questo\n<bobi_> che sarebbe il menù di grub? Il menù in cui posso scegliere quale sistema operativo far partire tra linux e windows? Se è questo la risposta è sì\n<adry> si quello intedevo backtrack glpiana\n<glpiana> adry, allora ripeto, backtrack è un'altra distribuzione\n<glpiana> bobi_, allora vedrai una voce relativa ai kernel precedenti. selezionala e cambia schermata e da lì puoi far partire il kernel 3.0.0\n<adry> grazie glpiana posso instalare un programma per windos su questo sistema operativo ?\n<glpiana> bobi_, vedi se con quello va\n<glpiana> !wine | adry\n<ubot-it> adry: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Virtualizzazione/Wine\n<sauro> buongiorno a tutti. Ho questo problema con una installazione precise x86_64. Il pc è parte di una rete formata da un server linux (Red Hat) con attiva una condivisione samba per diversi client windows. dal mio pc precise, vdevo senza problemi la rete attraverso nautilus senza invocare nessuna connessione (la rete era visibile). Oggi non mi collego più alla rete (vedo i dischi condivisi ma non si montano). cosa può essere accaduto\n<bobi_> non ho capito bene... dal boot posso fare partire il 12.04? Io scorro col cursore e poi digito invio, come faccio a cambiare la schermata?\n<glpiana> bobi_, dovresti vedere una voce relativa ai kernel vecchi (old kernels o roba simile)\n<glpiana> sauro, in un terminale scrivi: ps aux | grep smb\n<glpiana> !paste | sauro\n<ubot-it> sauro: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<bobi_> ok, adesso riavvio e riprovo, quindi devo far ripartire i vechi kernel?  potrebbe essere legato a questo il problema della chiavetta?\n<glpiana> bobi_, visto che con la versione precedente andava magari va ancora col kernel precedente\n<glpiana> bobi_, è un tentativo\n<bobi_> oppure mi conviene non fare l'avanzamenti di versione, da disintrallare la versione 11.10 e installare la 12.04?\n<sauro> glpiana, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1006420/\n<glpiana> bobi_, fai sta prova intanto. non prevede installazioni nè altro\n<bobi_> ok\n<bobi_> riavvio\n<adry> un ultima domanda se mi potette aiutare per eliminare un file che manda un chat dentro al sistema operativo per riconoscere il pc come lo potrei eliminare del tutto\n<glpiana> adry, eh?\n<glpiana> bobi_, ovviamente hai già provato a riavviare e riautenticarti sulla rete, vero?\n<glpiana> scusa bobi_\n<glpiana> sauro,  ovviamente hai già provato a riavviare e riautenticarti sulla rete, vero?\n<adry> glpiana ce una chat che manda un file o non so cosa dentro al sistema e dei moderatori tramite questo file mi riconoscono e mi bannano come potrei eliminarlo del tutto ?\n<glpiana> adry, ma che c'entra con l'argomento di questo canale?\n<glpiana> adry, e poi se ti hanno bannato avranno le loro ragione. discutine con i moderatori in questione\n<adry> glpiana un programma per fare una pulizia completa del pc\n<glpiana> adry, su kde?\n<bobi_> sono andato sul boot di avvio e ho cliccato su prevoius version, di qui sono andato sulla versione 3.0.0 (che dovrebbe essere 11.10) anziché sulla 12.04, ma il problema della chiavetta permane\n<glpiana> bobi_, infila la chiave e dai dmesg | tail\n<bobi_> fatto, mi esce questo http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1006433/\n<adry> si glpiana sul kde che faccia una bella pulizia di tutto\n<glpiana> adry, prima dai sto comando: cat /etc/issue | base64        e dammi l'output\n<sauro> glpiana, ho riavviato, ma non mi connetto. Per la verità non ho mai fatto nessuna autenticazione neanche quando vedevo la rete regolarmente...\n<glpiana> sauro, la rete è raggiungibile da altri pc?\n<adry> glpiana dal terminale o da qua ?\n<glpiana> adry, terminale\n<sauro> glpiana, si, i client windows vedono la rete normalmente.\n<glpiana> sauro, non so a cosa possa essere dovuto il problema, sorry\n<sauro> glpiana, quando parli di autenticazione, a quale procedura ti riferisci esattamente?\n<bobi_> quindi da cosa può dipende il problema?\n<glpiana> sauro, tu hai detto di essere dentro a una rete formata da un server red hat etc etc\n<sauro> glpiana, si, e da nautilus vedo le condivisioni  ma non si montano (fino a ieri tutto ok e non ho modificato nessuna configurazione)\n<glpiana> adry, hai trovato il terminale?\n<bobi_> glpiana ho incollato su pastebin e mi esce questo http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1006433/\n<glpiana> sauro, ripeto, non so a cosa sia dovuto il problema. vedi se la guida di samba ti aiuta\n<adry> no mi dice sul terminale comando non trovato\n<bobi_> cosa può voler significare?\n<glpiana> !samba | sauro\n<ubot-it> sauro: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Server/Samba\n<glpiana> bobi_, non lo so. la chiave attualmente è sicuramente funzionante?\n<glpiana> adry, metti su pastebin comando e output dell'errore\n<glpiana> !paste | adry\n<ubot-it> adry: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<sauro> glpiana, ok, adesso vedo. grazie\n<bobi_> sì è funzionante perchè con windows funziona\n<adry> ok grazie glpiana\n<bobi_> dai comandi sul terminale cosa emerge? che non la vede?\n<glpiana> bobi_, in un terminale dai: sudo dpkg --configure -a\n<glpiana> bobi_, io vedo un errore ma non so a cosa sia dovuto\n<glpiana> bobi_, dopo il comando riavvia normalmente e po riprova la chiavetta\n<glpiana> bobi_, anzi prima di riavviare digita: ifconfig\n<glpiana> bobi_,  e metti su pastebin\n<bobi_> quando digito dpkg --configure -a mi dice che l'operazione richiesta necessita dei privilegi di superutente...\n<filo1234> bobi_:   sudo  ^\n<bobi_> ah grazie :-)\n<filo1234> 16:14 < glpiana> bobi_, in un terminale dai: sudo dpkg --configure -a\n<bobi_> sì sì ho sbagliato a copiare pardon\n<bobi_> fatto copio su pastebin http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1006463/\n<glpiana> bobi_, prova un riavvio\n<bobi_> il riavvio lo faccio con la chiavetta inserita o la tolgo e la inserisco quando ho riavviato il pc? sul boot che versione metto: 3.0.0 oppure 3.2.0?\n<glpiana> bobi_, kernel 3.2 e puoi provare entrambe le soluzioni (con e esenza chiavetta)\n<bobi_> ok provo\n<bobi__> fatto, tutto come prima la chiavetta non me la riconosce\n<bobi__> è veramente assurdo non so cosa fare\n<glpiana> bobi__, hai ancora un livecd della 11.10?\n<bobi__> sì ce l'ho\n<bobi__> la devo reinstallare?\n<bobi__> la installo direttamente o devo disinstallare la vecchia?\n<glpiana> bobi__, no, no, avvia il livecd e prova la chiavetta\n<glpiana> se poi con il cd funziona, visto che con la tua installazione non va io ti direi di rimettere la 11.10 se hai necessità di usare la chiavetta\n<bobi__> devo usare ubuntu in modalitù live e vedere se funziona la chiavetta?\n<glpiana> bobi__, yes\n<bobi__> ok provo subito\n<bobi__> è indifferente lasciarla o inserirla dopo?\n<glpiana> bobi__, mettila dopo\n<glpiana> bobi__, così provi anche a dare dmesg | tail dopo averla inserita e vedi se ancora appare quell'errore\n<bobi__> ok\n<bobi__> ok faccio e torno, grazie mille\n<glpiana> io vado, ciao a tutti\n<samba_> ciao ragazzi, ho un domandone o se volete un problema da risolvere\n<samba_> praticamente ho la mia $HOME/Music che è montata con le opzioni bind,rw\n<Best`> ciao ragazzi, buon week-end!\n<samba_> il mount point è /var/lib/mpd/music\n<samba_> ora, quando provo a rimuovere il file $HOME/Music/file.mp3 ricevo questo errore: Invalid cross-device link\n<samba_> se non sbagli mi dice che non posso cancellare un hard link in un altra partizione\n<samba_> ma la cosa interessante è che questo errore lo ricevo solo da nautilus mentre da linea di comando va tutto bene\n<samba_> cosa potrebbe essere ?\n<enzotib> samba_, ma tu hai hard links?\n<samba_> enzotib, montanto la partizione con l'opzione bind non è come avere degli hark link?\n<enzotib> no\n<enzotib> gli hard link vivono limitatamente ad un'unica partizione\n<enzotib> samba_, può darsi che nautilus cerchi di fare giochi strani col cestino, prova a eliminare senza passare dal cestino\n<samba_> enzotib, deve essere per quello, ma a questo punto non capisco come fare per dirgli di spostarli nel cestino nel caso volessi\n<samba_> perchè alla fine sono solo file su un altra partizione\n<samba_> anche le mv sono permesse, no?\n<enzotib> samba_, ma invece di un bind mount, non potevi fare un link simbolico?\n<samba_> l'ho fatto dopo aver letto questo wiki su mpd : https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Music_Player_Daemon_(Italiano)#Altra_soluzione_alternativa\n<enzotib> samba_, ma tu sei su ubuntu, vero?\n<samba_> sì\n<enzotib> samba_, mi fai vedere l'errore esatto di nautilus, magari uno screenshot?\n<enzotib> !imagebin | samba_\n<ubot-it> samba_: Vuoi mostrarci una schermata del tuo problema? Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<enzotib> samba_, e comunque la storia del +x non credo sia necessaria su ubuntu, dato che non mette rwx------ di default\n<samba_> http://imagebin.org/213831\n<samba_> la storia del +x è necessaria solo per le directory sennò non ci puoi entrare\n<enzotib> samba_, ma su ubuntu la tua home è +x per tutti\n<samba_> ma non le sottodirectory dentro music per gli utenti non owner, è per quello che\n<samba_> dato che i permessi sono mpd:audio\n<samba_> devo usare chmod 775 per avere la possibilità di ascoltare la musica\n<samba_> o entrare nelle directory\n<samba_> dato che il mio user non è mpd ma appartiene al gruppo audio\n<samba_> cmq questo è un altro problema che ho già risolto\n<enzotib> samba_, ti ripeto, a me che +x per tutti, anche others\n<enzotib> samba_, a te non è così?\n<samba_> che cosa è +x ?\n<enzotib> ?\n<enzotib> ma allora di cosa stiamo parlando?\n<samba_> la home, la $HOME/Music o un file dentro ?\n<samba_> io sto parlando di un errore: \"Invalid cross-device link.\"\n<samba_> che mi arriva quanto tento di cancellare un file con nautilus\n<enzotib> samba_, tutte le directory gerarchicamente sotto la mia home, tranne casi particolari, sono drwxr-xr-x\n<samba_> le mie no, ne ho alcune che sono 700 e altre che sono 770\n<enzotib> e non le puoi sistemare, dato che la umask di default è 0002 ?\n<samba_> ma perchè stiamo parlando dei permessi delle cartelle enzotib ? C'entra qualcosa con l'errore: \"Invalid cross-device link.\" ?\n<enzotib> samba_, perché l'unico motivo di seguire quella pazza cosa del bind mount sono i permessi\n<enzotib> samba_, se i permessi fossero a posto come sono di default in ubuntu, non avresti bisogno di fare il bind mount\n<samba_> i permessi sono ok enzotib altrimenti non potrei cancellare o muovere i file da terminale\n<AlfonsoCeleo> Scusatemi volevo gentilmente porvi una piccola problematica... in pratica non riesco ad inviare email da mozilla Thunderbird. ho un indirizzo con Tiscali... allora faccio la configurazione della posta in modo classico.. Apro Thunderbird.. e faccio la configurazione mettendo nome indirizzo email e password poi ho provato a scegliere sia IMAP che POP3 ma il risultato non cambia: Riesco a ricevere correttamente i messaggi ma non ad inviarli... co\n<AlfonsoCeleo> me posso risolvere?\n<enzotib> AlfonsoCeleo, hai seguito questo: http://assistenza.tiscali.it/tecnica/posta/configurazioni/linux/thunderbird/1.php ?\n<AlfonsoCeleo> si certo.. infatto ho fatto proprio la stessa configurazione .. ma non ho risolto nulla\n<enzotib> AlfonsoCeleo, ti dà un qualche tipo di messaggio di errore?\n<AlfonsoCeleo> si, quando provo ad inviare un email mi dice che è connesso al smtp.tiscali.it e dopo circa 1 minuto mi dice che la connessione è andata fuori tempo massimo\n<AlfonsoCeleo> e quindi  si ferma tutto\n<enzotib> AlfonsoCeleo, ma tu sei su connessione tiscali?\n<AlfonsoCeleo> no.. faccio parte di un provider locale... si chiama Convergenze... e difatti ho provato anche a mettere l'smtp di quest'ultimo come ho sempre fatto con microsoft outlook\n<AlfonsoCeleo> ma qui non funziona comunque\n<enzotib> cioè la stessa configurazione email funziona con outlook e non con thunderbird?\n<AlfonsoCeleo> esattamente\n<enzotib> AlfonsoCeleo, che smtp usi su outlook?\n<AlfonsoCeleo> smtp.convergenze.it\n<enzotib> AlfonsoCeleo, allora per prima cosa direi di usare lo stesso che funziona su outlook\n<enzotib> AlfonsoCeleo, e su outlook hai impostato username/password per usare l'smtp?\n<tpaper> ragazzi, sono un supernabbo, come termino un processo?\n<AlfonsoCeleo> si ho usato la password di tiscali e l'username di tiscali...\n<enzotib> tpaper, killall nomeprocesso\n<enzotib> AlfonsoCeleo, sull'smtp di convergenze.it?? mi sembrerebbe strano\n<AlfonsoCeleo> si.. davvero... ho sempre fatto cosi... per la posta in uscita.. ed è andato sempre tutto bene.. perchè dovrei usare la password del mio ISP\n<AlfonsoCeleo> ?\n<enzotib> AlfonsoCeleo, devi usare una password diversa per ricevere e per inviare, secondo me, per ricevere username/password di tiscali, per mandare username/password del provider\n<enzotib> AlfonsoCeleo, come può autenticarti l'smtp di tizio con la password di caio?\n<AlfonsoCeleo> capisco enzotib, ma come faccio ad impostarle entrambe?\n<enzotib> AlfonsoCeleo, Impostazioni Account -> Impostazioni Server -> Nome utente, quello di tiscali\n<enzotib> AlfonsoCeleo, invece Server in uscita (SMTP)->Modifica->Nome utente quello del provider della connessione\n<AlfonsoCeleo> beh il nome utente devo mettere il mio indirizzo email di tiscali giusto?\n<AlfonsoCeleo> mentre per l'smtp devo mettere il nomer utente del provider?\n<enzotib> AlfonsoCeleo, questo non lo so, i dettagli devi prenderli dalla pagina web di tiscali, quella di prima\n<AlfonsoCeleo> In pratica per aver accesso alla mail di tiscali.. mi basta andare su www.tiscali.it ed inserire la mia email: alfonso.celeo@tiscali.it e poi inserisco la mia password e cosi mi accede\n<enzotib> AlfonsoCeleo, l'accesso web è tutt'altra cosa, per la configurazione di un vero client devi seguire le istruzioni del sito\n<AlfonsoCeleo> va bene,.. allora riprovo a fare la configurazione del sito di mozilla che mi hai gentilmente inviato prima e vedo se risolvo\n<AlfonsoCeleo> scusami.. per cancellare il mio account attuale da mozilla come faccio?\n<AlfonsoCeleo> ne voglio fare uno nuovo\n<enzotib> AlfonsoCeleo, chiudi thunderbird e cancella la cartella ~/.thunderbird, e torna come nuovo\n<AlfonsoCeleo> scusami ancora.. ma non riesco a trovare la cartella sono andato su home o su altre cartelle ma non la visualizzo\n<enzotib> AlfonsoCeleo, Ctrl-H per visualizzare le cartelle nascoste (poi di nuovo Ctrl-H se ti dà fastidio vederle)\n<AlfonsoCeleo> Ottimo... allora riprovo e ti faccio sapere.. nel frattempo ti ringrazio davvero tanto per la tua pazienza e gentilezza\n<enzotib> prego\n<AlfonsoCeleo> Allora ho riprovato ma nulla da fare.. ti spiego cosa ho fatto. Aperto Thunderbird... Creato un nuovo account.. mi ha chiesto come prima casella: nome da visualizzare ed ho messo mio nome e cognome\n<AlfonsoCeleo> poi ho messo la mia e-mail... poi ho messo la mia password, cliccato su ricorda password e continua\n<AlfonsoCeleo> lui mi cerca automaticamente le impostazioni per il POP/IMAP e SMTP e mi da pop.tiscali.it e smtp.tiscali.it\n<AlfonsoCeleo> cosi allora invece di andare avanti metto configura manualmente e cosi metto pop.tiscali.it e come SMTP metto convergenze.it\n<enzotib> ok\n<AlfonsoCeleo> a questo punto concludo la configurazione e mi legge subito le email ricevuto.... ma quando provo ad inviarle non riesce a connettersi\n<enzotib> AlfonsoCeleo, hai impostato il nome utente per l'smtp?\n<AlfonsoCeleo> quando premo invia mi dice: connessione a smtp.convergenze.it e poi connesso e poi mi dice connessione oltre il limite di tempo massimo e si ferma tutto..\n<AlfonsoCeleo> hmmm non credo.. cioè in pratica se vado su impostazioni e poi su server smtp e modifico smtp.convergenze.it mi compare la prima casella con scritto descrizione\n<enzotib> AlfonsoCeleo, mi fai uno screenshot di Server in uscita (SMTP) -> Modifica?\n<AlfonsoCeleo> ma certo un momento che lo faccio e lo carico\n<enzotib> !imagebin | AlfonsoCeleo\n<ubot-it> AlfonsoCeleo: Vuoi mostrarci una schermata del tuo problema? Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<AlfonsoCeleo> http://imagebin.org/213837\n<AlfonsoCeleo> eccola qui... e grazie per avermi indicato il sito...\n<enzotib> AlfonsoCeleo, prima cosa, devi mettere il tuo username con il provider, non quello di tiscali\n<AlfonsoCeleo> come potete vedere nella descrizione ho messo il nome del mio provider.. poichè non so se devo scrivere qualcosa in particolare\n<enzotib> la descrizione non è importante, è solo un mnemonico\n<AlfonsoCeleo> cioè qundi nella prima casella? devo mettere l'username del mio provider?\n<enzotib> AlfonsoCeleo, ma lo username è importante, non può assoutamente fuzionare con quello di tiscali, magari funziona senza autenticazione, ma non quella di tiscali\n<AlfonsoCeleo> certo certo... allora provo a mettere il nome utente del mio ISP\n<enzotib> AlfonsoCeleo, NOOO, nella prima quello che vuoi, nell'ultima il nome utente come conosciuto dal provider\n<enzotib> ecco\n<enzotib> AlfonsoCeleo, prova anche senza autenticazione, magari funziona\n<AlfonsoCeleo> ok infatti ci sto provando proprio adess enzotib\n<AlfonsoCeleo> no niente non va.. ho provato a creare una semplice email con un altro mio indirizzo email.. oggetto e poche lettere di messaggio.. ma nulla allora vado a prendere il nome utente che mi ha fornito il mio provider e provo ad inserirlo...\n<enzotib> io devo andare, ciao\n<AlfonsoCeleo> ok ciao ciao e grazie di tutto\n<AlfonsoCeleo> sei stato molto gentile\n<jester-> sera\n<glpiana> ola\n<frezli1> :-D\n<simotravelmate> salve a tutti\n<simotravelmate> avrei bisogno di aiuto\n<jester-> !qualcuno | simotravelmate\n<ubot-it> simotravelmate: la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera'\n<jester-> --------------------\n<AlfonsoCeleo> esatto....\n<simotravelmate> qualcuno può aiutarmi?\n<AlfonsoCeleo> simotravelmate, se hai un problema ponilo\n<simotravelmate> sono appena passato\n<AlfonsoCeleo> sicuramente ci sarà qualcuno che saprà aiutarti se ne è capace...\n<simotravelmate> da una versione di ubuntu 10.4 all'ultima\n<jester-> !àà---------------------\n<simotravelmate> mi sembra 12.4\n<simotravelmate> e ho molti problemi\n<AlfonsoCeleo> si la precise...\n<AlfonsoCeleo> che tipi di problemi?\n<lello> salve a tutti, ho un piccolo problema con il 3d, la mia ati 6750 e l'intel integrata sull'I5\n<AlfonsoCeleo> simotravelmate, ti consiglio di postare il problema su di una riga sola.. questo faciliterà la lettura del problema e dell'analisi\n<simotravelmate> intanto avevo un boot con win e linux e ora non me lo fa più vedere ma si avvia direttamente linux\n<simotravelmate> questo è il peggiore perchè non so come riavviare win con un anno di installazione quindi tanta roba\n<jester->                 ---\n<lello> praticamente con i driver proprietari ati il 3d non va, funziona con l'intel ma spesso, all'avvio, sembra abbia dei problemi a funzionare come si deve, riavviando il tutto torna a posto\n<lello> avete qualche dritta?\n<glpiana> !grub | simotravelmate esegui i comandi install e update rportati dopo chroot nella guida per il ripristino\n<ubot-it> simotravelmate esegui i comandi install e update rportati dopo chroot nella guida per il ripristino: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/ | Per ripristinare Grub: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/Ripristino\n<AlfonsoCeleo> simotravelmate, devi sicuramente riprisitnare il grub...\n<AlfonsoCeleo> ihihih come non detto\n<simotravelmate> quindi la lista che avevo si chiama grub e ora come mai mi è scomparso?\n<AlfonsoCeleo> esattamente... quando ti si avvia il pc ti compare il grub... dove al suo interno puoi decidere il sistema operativo da avviare\n<glpiana> simotravelmate, apri un terminale\n<glpiana> simotravelmate, scrivi sudo fdisk -l\n<glpiana> !paste | simotravelmate\n<ubot-it> simotravelmate: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<simotravelmate> ora tento di seguire la guda per il grub\n<jester->                                            ----------------------ù ------\n<simotravelmate> ma ho anche un altro quesito, mi funziona tutto peggio e non mi trovo molto con il nuovo ambiente grafico, non mi ritrovo i programmi installati compiz non va + e molte altre cose, anche lar ete va male, è possibile tornare alla vecchia versione?\n<glpiana> simotravelmate, certo, basta reinstallare\n<AlfonsoCeleo> ma i programmi ci sono... basta andare sulla dash\n<simotravelmate> cosa è la dash\n<simotravelmate> prima in alto a destra avevo un menù con i programmi divisi per tipologie\n<AlfonsoCeleo> se guardi in alto a sinistra del tuo schermo troverai un quadratino con il simbolo di ubuntu...\n<simotravelmate> in alto a sinistra\n<glpiana> simotravelmate, se vuoi supprto, affrontiamo una cosa alla volta\n<simotravelmate> si ci sono andato\n<AlfonsoCeleo> cliccalo e li potrai trovare tutte le applicazioni da te installate...\n<glpiana> -.-\n<simotravelmate> ma non mi fa vedere i programmi che avevo\n<simotravelmate> solo 4 programmi che sono di base\n<AlfonsoCeleo> ti consiglio ciò che ti dice glpiana.. affronta prima il problema principale...\n<AlfonsoCeleo> no aspetta li trovi le applicazioni usate di recente\n<glpiana> simotravelmate, quali programmi?\n<simotravelmate> ok\n<simotravelmate> dove è allora la lista di tutti i programmi?\n<AlfonsoCeleo> se guardi in basso alla schermata trovi delle piccole icone.. la prima è una casetta\n<AlfonsoCeleo> clicca sulla seconda\n<AlfonsoCeleo> e li troverai tutte le applicazioni da te installate...\n<glpiana> simotravelmate, cliccando su filtra in alto a destra ti da le categorie\n<simotravelmate> a cavolo devo andare sulla seconda icona e poi selezionare ogni categoria\n<simotravelmate> si ora ho visto\n<simotravelmate> grazie mille\n<AlfonsoCeleo> Anche se aggiorni il tuo SO = Sistema Operativo.. le tue applicazioni non si perdono perchè non è come formattare e reinstallare tutto da capo\n<simotravelmate> si infatti questo lo sapevo ma non le trovavo\n<AlfonsoCeleo> ma è soltanto un aggiornamento del sistema..\n<AlfonsoCeleo> comunque simotravelmate ora ripara il grub\n<simotravelmate> ok\n<AlfonsoCeleo> è la cosa principale che devi fare per ripristinare l'altro sistema operativo di cui disponi.. la guida che ti è stata data...\n<simotravelmate> in ogni caso un downgrade non è possibile\n<glpiana> simotravelmate, apri un terminale\n<AlfonsoCeleo> segui glpiana che è molto esperto\n<glpiana> simotravelmate, no niente downgrade, nel caso devi reinstallare\n<glpiana> simotravelmate, dimmi se vuoi riapare grub o meno\n<AlfonsoCeleo> esatto :)\n<simotravelmate> si\n<simotravelmate> sembra assurdo ma lo aprivo dal menu a tendina e ora non so come si fa\n<AlfonsoCeleo> rivai sulla dash e nella casella di ricerca scrivi terminale\n<simotravelmate> ok ci sono\n<simotravelmate> sudo fdisk -l ?\n<glpiana> simotravelmate, sì\n<simotravelmate> ok fatto\n<glpiana> !aste | simotravelmate\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'aste'\n<glpiana> !paste | simotravelmate\n<ubot-it> simotravelmate: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<simotravelmate> non leggo niente\n<AlfonsoCeleo> come no...\n<glpiana> simotravelmate, dove non leggi niente?\n<simotravelmate> non mi hai inviato del testo?\n<AlfonsoCeleo> no, aspetta\n<glpiana> simotravelmate, devi incollarlo tu il testo -.-\n<AlfonsoCeleo> esatto\n<simotravelmate> tutto quello che mi risponde dal comand fdisk\n<glpiana> simotravelmate, sì\n<dod> si\n<AlfonsoCeleo>  http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<simotravelmate> Disk /dev/sda: 200.0 GB, 200049647616 bytes 255 testine, 63 settori/tracce, 24321 cilindri, totale 390721968 settori Unità = settori di 1 * 512 = 512 byte Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Identificativo disco: 0x1549f232  Dispositivo Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System /dev/sda1   *          63   102392639    51196288+   7  HPFS/NTFS/exF\n<dod> simotravelmate non qui.\n<glpiana> simotravelmate, su pastebin -.-\n<AlfonsoCeleo> simotravelmate, non qui te l'ho appena ripubblicato\n<dod> devi copiarlo nella pagina sul browser.  incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina.\n<AlfonsoCeleo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/\n<panforte90> Sera!\n<simotravelmate> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1006790/\n<simotravelmate> scusate\n<AlfonsoCeleo> simotravelmate, ti capisco.. e non preoccuparti.. all'inizio ero peggio di te\n<AlfonsoCeleo> e ancora non sono un grande esperto...\n<glpiana> simotravelmate, sudo grub-install /dev/sda\n<simotravelmate> grazie del supporto e della comprensione\n<AlfonsoCeleo> tranquillo.. fai le cose con calma e vedrai che tutto andrà a buon fine..\n<dod> sera panforte90\n<AlfonsoCeleo> l'importante è che leggi con attenzione le indicazioni che ti vengono date...\n<panforte90> Sera dod!\n<simotravelmate> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1006794/\n<AlfonsoCeleo> vai sul sito che ti è stato pubblicato... incolla il testo che ti è comparso nel terminale dopo che hai inserito il comando.. inserisci il nick\n<AlfonsoCeleo> poi premi paste...\n<glpiana> simotravelmate, sudo update-grub\n<simotravelmate> fatto\n<AlfonsoCeleo> e posta qui l'indirizzo che ti viene dato\n<glpiana> AlfonsoCeleo, l'ha già fatto. basta per cortesia\n<glpiana> simotravelmate, mi mostri l'output?\n<AlfonsoCeleo> ok ok... tranquillo )\n<simotravelmate> si\n<simotravelmate> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1006797/\n<glpiana> simotravelmate, riavvia\n<simotravelmate> ok ora provo, a fra poco\n<AlfonsoCeleo> ok...\n<simotravelmate_> eccomi di nuovo\n<simotravelmate_> il grub non si vede ancora\n<glpiana> simotravelmate_, nel terminale: cat /etc/default/grub\n<glpiana> su pastebin\n<simotravelmate_> però credo ci sia, il monitor dopo l'avvio e le prime visualizzazioni mi da un messaggio\n<simotravelmate_> out of range, poi attende alcuni secondi e dopo si avvia\n<glpiana> simotravelmate_, grub c'è per forza, se no non potrebbe partire ubuntu\n<simotravelmate_> ok scusami, mi dice out of range come se sia una risoluzione sopra quella del monitor\n<glpiana> simotravelmate_, ti ho chiesto l'outptu di un comando\n<simotravelmate_> lo stò facendo\n<simotravelmate_> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1006818/\n<simotravelmate_> ?\n<glpiana> simotravelmate_, fai sta prova, riavvia il pc e quando riparte premi e tieni premuto il tasto shift\n<glpiana> simotravelmate_, tienilo premuto costantemente, e vediamo se ti mostra il menu\n<simotravelmate_> ok\n<simotravelmate_> provo\n<AlfonsoCeleo> speriamo bene... quando successe anche a me il tasto shift mi funzionò...\n<simotravelmate> eccomi\n<simotravelmate> premendo shift per un attimo visualizza loading grub, dopo di che di nuovo schermo scuro con scritta out of rante\n<glpiana> simotravelmate, ma quando hai letto grub loading hai lasciato il tasto?\n<simotravelmate> la prima volta credevo di averlo fatto, quindi ho spento di nuovo e l'ho lasciato fisso come mi hai detto te ma uguale\n<glpiana> simotravelmate, che risoluzione usi sul pc?\n<simotravelmate> 1920 x 1080\n<glpiana> simotravelmate, allora scrivi: gksu gedit /etc/default/grub\n<simotravelmate> cambio 640 x 480\n<simotravelmate> con la mia?\n<glpiana> simotravelmate, vai ala riga #GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480  togli il cancelletto ( # ) e al posto dei numeri metti chessò, 800x600\n<simotravelmate> ok salvo e riavvio?\n<glpiana> simotravelmate, poi salvi il file e chiudi gedit. nel terminale scrivi: sudo update-grub\n<glpiana> simotravelmate, poi riavvia e vedi se visualizzi grub menu\n<glpiana> io devo staccare. ciao\n<dimitri_> sera.... come si installa una stampante canon lbp 5100 su ubuntu 12.04 a 64 bit ?\n<dimitri_> qualcuno ha news su questo diavolo di capt che non va ogni volta che si cambia versione\n<giorgio70> ciao\n<giorgio70> per montare un secondo HD dati con ubuntu 12.04 come si fa ?\n<dod> come e' collegato al pc?\n<giorgio70> slave\n<giorgio70> dod,  ciao\n<giorgio70> in master ho installto ubuntu 12.04\n<dod> ma allora lo dovresti gia' vedere nel programma di navigazione file.\n<giorgio70> no non lo vede\n<dod> apri una cartella qualsiasi. si apre nautilus. vedi a sinistra in basso fra le risorse dovresti vedere il disco. se ci clicchi sopra lo monta e ti mostra i file all'interno.\n<dod> sudo fdisk -l in terminale e metti in paste\n<dod> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<giorgio70> g\n<dod> sicuro che e' collegato bene sia cavo dati che cavo alimentazione vero?\n<giorgio70> controllo\n<dimitri_> mi aiutate a copnfigurare la stampante ho installatio 12.04 e non va +\n<robytrevi> ciao a tutti\n<AlfonsoCeleo> buonasera a tutti\n<cristian_c> ciao\n<assunta> ciao, ho installato ubuntu 12.04 e non mi funziona piu la videocam con skype mi aiutate ?\n<cristian_c> assunta, quale versione usavi prima?\n<assunta> la videocam o ubuntu\n<cristian_c> ubuntu\n<assunta> ho una hercules silver e prima usavo ubuntu 11.04\n<cristian_c> funzionava lì?\n<assunta> si\n<robytrevi> assunta: chiudi skype, apri un terminale e dai: LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l2convert.so /usr/bin/skype --disable-cleanlooks -style GTK\n<robytrevi> assunta: e vedi se così funziona\n<assunta> funziona ancora ho fatto un altra installazione ma o uso 12.04 o uso 11.04\n<cristian_c> ma non era clearlooks?\n<cristian_c> assunta, con gli altri programmi funziona?\n<robytrevi> cristian_c: l'ultima parte serve per utilizzare il tema di default... può essere omessa...\n<assunta> non funziona...dice nessun disposiztivo tovato\n<cristian_c> infatti pensavo fosse clearlooks e non cleanlooks\n<cristian_c> assunta, con quali programmi?\n<assunta> cristian_c, skype ...nel terminale mi dice anche Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to load type module: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/menuproxies/libappmenu.so\n<cristian_c> assunta, io ho chiesto un'altra cosa prima\n<alessio> ciao raga vi prego datemi una mano, sono qui davanti al mio pc e non riesco a fare partire la shell grafica, mi va solo in tty -.-' mi sta venenedo la voglia di prendere la iso di winzoz e dire addio a tutto...vi prego aiutatemi prima che faccia gesti insani :D\n<assunta> scusa non avevo letto.... non ho altri programmi che usano la cam\n<cristian_c> 22:25:07 <cristian_c> assunta, con gli altri programmi funziona?\n<robytrevi> cristian_c: potrei aver scritto male... ;-)\n<cristian_c> assunta, mi sembra strano, almeno uno dovrebbe essere preinstallato\n<alessio> se do startx mi si blocca il pc ho letto alcune guide su come riconfigurare xorg ma non ci ho capito niente...\n<assunta> se mi dici provo ad installarne qualcuno\n<cristian_c> alessio, puoi spiegare l'antefatto?\n<cristian_c> assunta, ma magari ce l'hai già installato, controlla\n<robytrevi> alessio: che versione? cos'hai fatto? funzionava prima?\n<assunta> cosa debbo vedere se è installato ?\n<cristian_c> assunta, prova a vedere se c'è cheese o camorama, o guvcview\n<cristian_c> insomma controlla tra le applicazioni installate\n<alessio> robytrevi, cristian-c, ubuntu 12.04 64bit, prima funzionava alla perfezione tranne per il fatto che ho smadonnato due giorni per installare i driver grafici...\n<assunta> nessuno dei tre\n<cristian_c> alessio, ripeto, puoi spiegare l'antefatto?\n<assunta> installo cheese ?\n<alessio> cristian_c, non c'è nessun antefatto due orette fa l'ho spento per aprirlo e pulire la ventola ed ora non va più\n<robytrevi> alessio: hai aggiornato il kernel? se così fosse prova ad avviare il kernel precedente da grub\n<cristian_c> assunta, apri un terminale e digita: dpkg -l | grep cheese\n<alessio> robytrevi, è proprio quello il problema non ho il kernel che avevo prima...l'ho aggiornato e poi come un fesso ho cancellatto con lo script il 3.2\n<cristian_c> alessio, non direi proprio che non è successo niente :D\n<assunta> niente\n<assunta> lo installo ?\n<cristian_c> assunta, prova con dpkg -l | grep camorama\n<alessio> cristian_c, l'ho accesso all'una e fino a 2 ore fa non dava problemi...\n<cristian_c> assunta, sì installalo\n<robytrevi> alessio: che scheda video è? che driver hai installato? come?\n<cristian_c> alessio, cioè ma se prima di pulire la ventola funzionava e dopo non funzionava più, un motivo ci sarà\n<alessio> robytrevi, ati 5650 radeon hd mobility, ho installato i driver proprietari con il file .run scaricato dal sito ufficiale dell'amd\n<cristian_c> alessio, anche questo è molto diverso da 'niente'\n<assunta> allora installato cheese e lanciato dice nessun dispositivo trovato\n<robytrevi> alessio: dovresti disinstallare i driver da tty, guarda qui:\n<cristian_c> assunta, prova con camorama o guvcview\n<alessio> robytrevi, io ora mi sono scaricato i soliti 3 file del kernel 3.2 e l'ho messo sulla chiavetta, però non so come passare sulla chiavetta le ho provate tutte...cd File system cd chiavetta cd qualsiasi cosa\n<cristian_c> assunta, è una wecam usb?\n<cristian_c> *webcam\n<assunta> cristian_c, si una hercules silver con mic\n<cristian_c> alessio, credo tu abbia fatto grossi casini pasticciando con kernel e driver, è normale che poi parta il sistema\n<robytrevi> alessio: http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/viewtopic.php?t=155477\n<robytrevi> alessio: la parte \"Disinstallazioni\"\n<cristian_c> assunta, allora apri un terminale e digita: lsusb && lsusb -t\n<alessio> cristian_c, non ho fatto pasticci, siccome ha funzionato tutto alla perfezione per una giornata intera, ora perchè tolgo un po' di polvere si pialla il sistema?? mahhh\n<cristian_c> assunta, poi usa pastebin\n<assunta> camorama dice could not connect to video device /dev/video\n<cristian_c> !pastebin | assunta\n<ubot-it> assunta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<robytrevi> alessio: comunque dovresti andare in \"cd /media/cartella_di_montaggio_della_pennetta/eccetera. Ma non credo funzionerà. Meglio che disinstalli i driver hardware e provi a riavviare\n<cristian_c> alessio, insomma, ho visto che hai installato kernel presi da chissà dove (non ho capito se erano aggiornamenti del sistema), ma sopratutto hai scaricati driver esterni ai repo, io non mi stupirei se le cose vanno a ramengo\n<assunta> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1007077/\n<cristian_c> assunta, ehm, dovresti collegare la webcam e accenderla :D\n<alessio> cristian_c, fin quando i driver aggiuntivi non me li fa installare ed esce sempre la finestra con quel benedetto log, e fin quando gnome-shell farà schifo con i driver open userò quelli proprietari...mi sembra ovvio\n<cristian_c> alessio, infatti ci sono gli appositi driver aggiuntivi installabili dal gestore driver con restrizioni, non ha senso andarseli a cercare su internet\n<robytrevi> alessio: solo che quando cambi kernel devi prima disinstallare i driver dal kernel vecchio e poi reinstallarli nel nuovo\n<alessio> robytrevi, sto riavviando...\n<alessio> robytrevi, si è quello che avevo fatto...anche perchè sennò mi diceva che c'erano gia dei driver installati e di rimuoverli prima\n<robytrevi> alessio: quanto detto, ovviamente se installi i driver a mano\n<alessio> robytrevi, bella roby ora si avvia :D\n<alessio> robytrevi, però si vedono tutti i colori sfasati come se fossero psichedelici\n<robytrevi> alessio: ora non hai i driver proprietari installati nel nuovo kernel\n<alessio> robytrevi, li installo col .run?? tanto li ho presi dal sito dell'amd...credo che sappiano quello che fanno\n<robytrevi> alessio: se li installi, al riavvio sarà tutto come prima. inoltre ad ogni aggiornamento del kernel (se installi i driver manualmente) dovrei prima rimuovere i driver manualmente dal kernel vecchio, poi avviare il nuovo e reinstallare i driver\n<cristian_c> alessio, te lo sconsiglio viamente\n<cristian_c> *vivamente\n<cristian_c> perché già esistono pacchettizzati per ubuntu\n<alessio> robytrevi, cristian_c, eh ok li installo da driver aggiuntivi basta che poi non mi esce il log perchè non mi va di postare ed aspettare ore e ore per risolvere, anche perchè domani si va a scuola -.-'\n<cristian_c> alessio, ok\n<cristian_c> scheda ati o nvidia?\n<alessio> cristian_c, ati ati :D\n<cristian_c> allora starai installando gli fglrx\n<assunta> ok funziona ma solo se lancio skype con il comando da terminale se lo lancio da icona non va....cosa faccio ?\n<alessio> cristian_c, esatto :D mi consigli gli fglrx o gli fglrx-updates??\n<cristian_c> alessio, prima gli fglrx\n<cristian_c> mai sentito parlare di fglrx-updates\n<robytrevi> cristian_c: in teoria sono i proprietari che però si aggiornano automaticamente, ma con la 11.10 non funzionava\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, vorrà dire che ad ogni cambio kernel li riattiverà\n<robytrevi> già\n<cristian_c> assunta, puoi postare il pastebin aggiornato (con webcam collegata)?\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, ho bisogno della tua consulenza\n<cristian_c> :D\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, posso?\n<robytrevi> si cristian_c\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, ho installato la 12.04 ma non riesco ad attivare alcun driver per la scheda wireless\n<assunta> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1007094/\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, anche seguendo il wiki si parla di attivare i proprietari da jockey\n<robytrevi> cristian_c: che scheda è?\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, ma in jockey risultano attivati, però da lspci si vede il contrario\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, una broadcom BCM4311\n<assunta> cristian_c, non era il cavo della usb ma quello del monitor che era staccato (messo male)\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, sul wiki parla di installare i driver STa\n<cristian_c> assunta, la vedo in lsusb\n<robytrevi> cristian_c: non ricordo quali schede ma alcune invece dei driver bcmwl funzionano con i b43 o viceversa. Hai già provato gli uni o gli altri (solo gli uni o solo gli altri; non contemporaneamente)?\n<assunta> cristian_c, ora funziona ma solo se lancio skype con il comando manuale che mi hai dato prima da terminale\n<cristian_c> assunta, sono attivati sia i driver per la webcam (sonixj) sia quelli per l'audio del mic (snd-usb-audio)\n<robytrevi> assunta: puoi modificare il comando di avvio di skype con quello suggerito; dai da terminale \"alacarte\" vai nella sezione internet --> Skype --> Proprietà --> E al comando metti quello nuovo\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, il problema è che in lspci non risulta nessun driver attivo per quella scheda, mentre in jockey risultano attivi gli STA. È un'assurdita :O\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, la cosa strana è che quella webcam non funziona né in cheese, né in camorama\n<robytrevi> ma non ha detto che funziona con il comando suggerito?\n<assunta> non va\n<cristian_c> mi pare ci sia una guida sul wiki a riguardo\n<alessio> rieccomi\n<alessio> non mi fa installare gli fglrx...che faccio elimino la cartella /usr/share/ati??\n<assunta> aspe.... sto usando unity non gnome\n<cristian_c> se non sbaglio l'hanno tolta dal wiki, ma comunque ho trovato una guida\n<tre5> salve\n<cristian_c> per la hercluse classic silver\n<cristian_c> alessio, vorrei vedere lspci -k\n<robytrevi> cristian_c: controlla con \"lshw\" alla voce network che driver stai usando\n<assunta> robytrevi cristian_c ora funziona sia con cheese che con skype\n<alessio> cristian_c, No command lscipi found- did you mean...\n<cristian_c> alessio, lspci -k\n<cristian_c> assunta, con il comando di robytrevi?\n<assunta> solo che per farla funzionare con skype debbo usare il terminale e cambaindo su alacarte credo si cambi solo su gnome non su unity ...o sbaglio ?\n<robytrevi> assunta: dovrebbe essere così per entrambi\n<assunta> robytrevi, l'ho fatto ma non funziona\n<robytrevi> che dice il terminale assunta\n<alessio> cristian_c, aspè che attacco il mio all'alimentazione che si sta scaricando la batteria\n<assunta> ho copiato al posto di skype LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l2convert.so /usr/bin/skype --disable-cleanlooks -style GTK\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, *-network UNCLAIMED\n<assunta> robytrevi, in che senso che dice il terminale ?\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, quindi è proprio 'cleanlooks'?\n<alessio_> cristian_c, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1007120/\n<robytrevi> cristian_c: (prima dicevi lspci, quindi non capico...) prova a disabilitare i driver installati da jockey-gtk e carica il modulo b43\n<robytrevi> assunta: e funziona?\n<assunta> robytrevi, ricapitolo... ho aggiornato alacarte come mi hai detto ma se uso l'icona non funziona la webcam se invece uso il comando da terminale funziona\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, ok, ci sono soltanto i radeon\n<cristian_c> lol, è uscito\n<cristian_c> scusate, mi riferivo ad alessio\n<cristian_c> :D\n<alessio_> cristian_c, sono qui\n<alessio_> cristian_c, ero uscito con quello di mia madre :D\n<robytrevi> assunta: da dove avvii skype? hai provato a riavviare prima?\n<alessio_> cristian_c, ci sono solo i radeon ed ora??\n<assunta> robytrevi, no non ho riavviato dopo alacarte\n<assunta> che faccio riavvio ?\n<robytrevi> assunta: non dovrebbe servire, ma da che icona avvii skype\n<cristian_c> alessio_ sostanzialmente cosa dice il gestore driver quando provi ad abilitare gli fglrx\n<assunta> robytrevi, dalla icona nella barra al lato sx\n<cristian_c> ?\n<robytrevi> cristian_c: ma prima non hai detto che da jockey-gtk ti vede attivi i driver sta?\n<cristian_c> in poche parole\n<alessio_> cristian_c, aspè che lo rifaccio e ti riporto tutto pure il log\n<cristian_c> alessio_, non è necesario se capisci quello che è scritto (lo dico per farti risparmiare tempo)\n<alessio_> cristian_c, L'installazione di questo driver non è riuscita.\n<alessio_> Consultare i file di registro per maggiori informazioni: /var/log/jockey.log\n<cristian_c> allora conviene proprio guardarli, così si risolve\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, sì, vede i driver STA attivi, è strano\n<assunta> robytrevi, non so se serve ma se lancio la dash e cerco skype e dico di aprirlo non fa niente\n<robytrevi> cristian_c: disattivale e poi carica con modeprobe i driver b43 (prova)\n<alessio_> cristian_c, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1007140/\n<lelamal> robytrevi: ti volevo ringraziare per quel comando LD_PRELOAD ecc. che hai dato ad Assunta! Ho seguito tutta ala conversazione, e con quel comando sono riuscito a far funzionare la mia videocamera su Skype, dove non funzionava da 2 anni. Grazie ancora! :)\n<cristian_c> sul wiki è scritto che il chip è supportato anche dai b43\n<cristian_c> lelamal, addirittura due anni! :d\n<lelamal> sì sì :)\n<assunta> lelamal, mi devi un aiuto allora\n<robytrevi> assunta: sicuro di avere messo copiato correttamente il comando?\n<robytrevi> (assunta: in alacarte intendo...)\n<cristian_c> ERROR: Binary package fglrx has no trusted origin, rejecting\n<cristian_c> alessio_ dove li hai presi i kernel?\n<lelamal> assunta: mi spiace, uso KDE, non so come aiutarti a copiare quel comando nel tuo sistema. :/\n<alessio_> cristian_c, lffl\n<robytrevi> cristian_c: da dove esce quell'errore?\n<assunta> LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l2convert.so /usr/bin/skype --disable-cleanlooks -style GTK\n<cristian_c> alessio_, ora tutto è spiegato :'(\n<cristian_c> un'altra vittima di ferramroberto\n<robytrevi> lol\n<alessio_> cristian_c, fanno roba pupperia?? mi conviene compilarmelo da solo??\n<cristian_c> ma che compilare\n<cristian_c> alessio_, il forum e irc è pieno di utenti che si sputtanano il sistema con i repo di ferramroberto\n<alessio_> cristian_c, io mi ero compilato il 3.4 per i7 seguendo la guida di sto geniaccio...(per modo di dire)\n<cristian_c> e poi dicevano a pollycoke\n<assunta> robytrevi, ho tolto l'icona dalla barra (la avevo bloccata prima di cambiare il comando) e ora se richiamo skype non parte +\n<alessio_> cristian_c anche io mi sputtanai una decina di volte il sistema aggiungendo i suoi repo ma ora non uso repo al massimo qualche .deb non provato dalla comunità, ma scaricato direttamente dal sito ufficiale come skype\n<assunta> robytrevi, se invece rimetto solo skype funziona (da icona intendo) ma senza la cam attiva\n<assunta> non è che debbo mettere qualche apice o cose del genere ?\n<robytrevi> assunta:\n<cristian_c> alessio_, ti conviene usare ppa-purge o reinstallare\n<alessio_> cristian_c, perchè?? non ho aggiunto repo\n<robytrevi> assunta: metti come comando bash -c \"\" e tra le virgolette metti il comando di prima\n<cristian_c> alessio_, altrimenti addio video\n<cristian_c> alessio_, ah, ok\n<cristian_c> alessio_ sostanzialmente che cosa hai fatto di preciso?\n<alessio_> cristian_c, alla decima volta che ho reinstallato l'ho capito...l'ho pure insultato e mi aveva detto che se non gradivo le sue guide potevo benissimo non seguirle\n<assunta> bingooooooooooooooooooo\n<assunta> ora funziona tutto\n<alessio_> cristian_c, niente ogni nuovo kernel che esce lo compilo con questa guida http://www.lffl.org/2012/05/kernel-34-x64-corei3-i5-i7-guida-alla.html\n<assunta> grazie robytrevi\n<alessio_> cristian_c, in termini di velocità ci sta, perchè alla fine ci mette molto meno a fare il boot, ma in termini di stabilità...non ne parliamo va...\n<assunta> non è che sapete anche come installare la stampante canon ?\n<robytrevi> assunta: modello?\n<assunta> lbp5100\n<alessio_> assunta, http://www.lffl.org/2012/05/installazione-stampanti-canon-su-ubuntu.html chiedi se va bene non so perchè tutti parlano male di sto ferramosca\n<cristian_c> alessio_, scusa ma tu hai una hd5000 o sbaglio?\n<alessio_> cristian_c, si una 5650\n<cristian_c> alessio_, nella guida si parla di hd7000 una generazione successiva\n<alessio_> cristian_c, qui dice solo che è migliorata la gestione di alcune periferiche...l'importante è che si adatti al mio procio ed avendo un i7 720qm credo che sia perfetta\n<cristian_c> alessio_, il problema piuttosto è quello dic seguire più il wiki di ubuntu e meno le guide prese da internet per fare le operazioni base\n<alessio_> cristian_c, eh ma il wiki dice in 30290923 frasi quello che qui dice con una ventina...\n<cristian_c> alessio_, \"oltre all'introduzione di nuovi driver per la gestione di diverse periferiche, tra le quali le schede video della serie Radeon HD 7000 di AMD e la APU Trinity\" ---> ergo, non ti serve\n<cristian_c> a parte la questione del boot più veloce\n<alessio_> cristian_c, è miglioramenti nella gestione dei consumi energetici :D\n<cristian_c> sì, questo è vero, lo utlizzo anch'io quel kernel\n<cristian_c> anche se che con la batteria skrausa non ho potuto apprezzare le differenze\n<alessio_> cristian_c, comunque sia io sto usando il 3.3.6 ottimizzato per i7 perchè non riesco proprio ad installare i driver sul 3.4\n<robytrevi> assunta: c'è una vecchia guida nel wiki, ma segue ancora l'installazione manuale dei driver: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/StampantiScanner/CanonLbp2900\n<robytrevi> cristian_c: hai provato con i driver b43?\n<alessio_> cristian_c, eh io le ho apprezzate invece...quasi in termini di ore...\n<cristian_c> alessio_, io seguo sempre il wiki, se non c'è niente sul wiki, cerco su internet, ma solo DOPO\n<assunta> robytrevi, sto seguendo la guida che mi hai dato prima\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, guardo subito come\n<alessio_> cristian_c, cosa dici ricompilo un'altra volta il 3.4 con questa guida?? anche perchè alla fine cambi giusto due parametri...\n<cristian_c> alessio, io li ho presi già pacchettizzati da launchpad\n<cristian_c> parlo del 3.4\n<alessio_> cristian_c, se prendo il kernel gia pacchettizzato mi da dei problemi quando lo installo mi dice missing firmware...\n<cristian_c> uhm, hai ragione\n<alessio_> cristian_c, ok ma non è ottimizzato per i7 quindi in termini di prestazioni siamo li...è come avere un 3.2 alla fine cambia giusto il risparmio energetico\n<cristian_c> comunque i firmware non sono inclusi nei sorgenti del kernel, se non sbaglio\n<alessio_> cristian_c, ma quando un kernel su kernel.org è mainline invece che stable, significa che è meglio starne alla larga??\n<alessio_> cristian_c, quindi non è un problema se dice possible missing firmware?? posso usarlo ugualmente senza preoccupazioni??\n<cristian_c> beh, basta guardare le date\n<cristian_c> è meglio stable credo\n<cristian_c> alessio_, dipende dal firmware\n<alessio_> cristian_c, se vuoi dai un'occhiata mi renderesti davvero felice...http://paste.ubuntu.com/1007178/\n<cristian_c> è un warning, non un errore, non saprei\n<alessio_> cristian_c, ok aspè che entro con il 3.4 e mi dici come installare i driver...grazie 1000 per l'aiuto che mi stai dando (state c'è anche roby :D)\n<alessio_> arrivo subito\n<alessio> cristian_c, rieccomi sono andato in bagno un attimo\n<alessio> cristian_c, sono tutt'orecchie...\n<cristian_c> alessio, la guida di iffl non è proprio semplice\n<alessio> cristian_c, no no non devo compilare il 3.4 ottimizzato l'ho gia installato, devo installare i driver ati\n<cristian_c> è difficile da seguire già per utenti medi\n<cristian_c> alessio, e ti da lo stesso messaggio di errore il gestore driver?\n<alessio> cristian_c, ma va il fatto di compilare è una cazzata\n<alessio> cristian_c, se vuoi provo ma credo proprio di si\n<cristian_c> alessio, ho letto quella guida ed è spaventosa per numero di comandi usati\n<alessio> cristian_c, dici...mhmhm no nemmeno troppo\n<alessio> cristian_c, comunque si mi da quell'errore\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, ho installato il pacchetto dei b43 e abilitato gli STA nel gestore driver, ma in lspci -k non risultano driver attivati\n<cristian_c> alessio, con kernel più vecchi riesci ad abilitare gli fglrx?\n<robytrevi> STA e b43 sono gli stessi? non ricordo. in alternativa puoi provare con i wl\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, i wl sono gli STA di prima :9\n<alessio> cristian_c, i kernel vecchi li ho rimossi comunque mi ricordi che con il 3.2 li abilitavo senza problemi\n<robytrevi> *cristian_c\n<cristian_c> *:)\n<cristian_c> alessio, perché li hai rimossi, io li conservo sempre\n<cristian_c> ?\n<alessio> cristian_c, li posso rimettere ci vogliono 2 second\n<alessio> *secondi\n<robytrevi> ah ok, allora devi disabilitare gli STA e riavviare la rete, successivamente carichi solo i 43\n<robytrevi> *b43\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, quindi adesso cosa devo fare precisamente?\n<cristian_c> sono un po' confuso Xd\n<robytrevi> disabilita i driver STA, rimuovi il modulo corrispondente () lo vedi da (lsmod) e poi ricarica i b43: sudo modprobe b43 ; infine riavvii la rete (sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart)\n<robytrevi> cristian_c: poi con iwconfig e iwlist scan vedi se va\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, in lsmod ci sono i wl\n<alessio> cristian_c, niente sul 3.4 non riesco nemmeno ad installarli con il .run\n<alessio> cristian_c, DKMS part of installation failed.  Please refer to /usr/share/ati/fglrx-install.log for details\n<cristian_c> alessio, reinstalla i vecchi kernel\n<alessio> cristian_c, eh ok dai installo il 3.2\n<cristian_c> alessio, dai repo ovviamente\n<robytrevi> cristian_c: sudo modprobe -r wl     e poi sudo modprobe b34 e sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart   poi iwconfig e sudo iwlist scan  Usa paste\n<alessio> cristian_c, scarico i 3 file da kernel.org??\n<cristian_c> FATAL: Module wl not found.\n<cristian_c> lol, eppure c'è\n<cristian_c> alessio, ho parlato di repo\n<alessio> cristian_c, qual è quello di default con ubuntu 12.04??\n<alessio> cristian_c, come li installo dai repo?? io solitamente prendo i 3 file da qui http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/\n<cristian_c> alessio, che poi la colpa non è tanto di iffl, ma di quanti scaricano roba dall'esterno (alla windows) invece che usare i repo :(\n<cristian_c> il 3.2\n<cristian_c> FATAL: Module wl not found.\n<cristian_c> lo\n<cristian_c> 3.2.0\n<cristian_c> scusate\n<alessio> cristian_c, quindi apro synaptic e cerco headers, image e headers all\n<cristian_c> alessio, io lascerei perdere i ppa, veramente\n<cristian_c> alessio, esatto, ma non sono sicuro che il tuo sistema sia privo di ppa\n<alessio> cristian_c, se vuoi ti posto il mio source.list\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, anche se il primo comando da un risultato assurdo, vado con il secondo comando?\n<cristian_c> alessio, ok, ti credo\n<robytrevi> cristian_c: prova... tanto vale solo per questa sessione\n<cristian_c> alessio, posta invece ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, ora ho fatto comparire b43 in lsmod\n<alessio> cristian_c, non ci posso far niente si aggiunge sempre da solo sto stronzo google-chrome.list  google-chrome.list.save\n<cristian_c> alessio, lol\n<Carlin0> se da solo ...\n<cristian_c> Carlin0, ola\n<Carlin0> e poi c'era la marmotta che incartava il cioccolato :)\n<alessio> cristian_c, mortacci sua...è che chromium non mi attira più di tanto mentre chrome...bhe tanta roba, firefox mi crasha sempre -.-'\n<Carlin0> 'sera a tutti\n<cristian_c> alessio, installa i kernel dai repo, tanto li potrai selezionare nel grub\n<alessio> cristian_c, come si installa il kernel dai repo??\n<alessio> cristian_c, li cerco su synaptic??\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, finalmente, caricato il modulo b43 in lsmod, in lspci -k compare: \tKernel driver in use: b43-pci-bridge\n<cristian_c> com'è giusto che sia\n<alessio> cristian_c, vado a nanna ci penso domani dai :D\n<cristian_c> alessio, sì\n<alessio> cristian_c, grazie di tutto notte :D\n<cristian_c> usa sempre i repo, segui la forza (cit.)\n<robytrevi> cristian_c: vedi se ora vedi scansiona correttamente le reti e se ti puoi connettere\n<alessio> cristian_c, :D basta che non siano repo di terze parti sopratutto del sig. ferramosca =)\n<marco> salve\n<cristian_c> infatti parlo dei repo ufficiali di ubuntu, non dei ppa\n<alessio> cristian_c, (cit. un mongolo a caso che si è piallato il sistema una decina di volte :D)\n<alessio> NOTTE!!!! :D\n<marco> a chi posso chiede aiuto?\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, è comparsa una nuova voce nel menù dell'icona sul pannello: reti senza fili, dispositivo non pronto (manca il firmware) , queste due righe sono disattivate\n<Carlin0> !chiedi | marco\n<ubot-it> marco: per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<cristian_c>  * Running /etc/init.d/networking restart is deprecated because it may not enable again some interfaces\n<marco> ok\n<robytrevi> cristian_c: hai installato b43-fwcutter? se non sbaglio è lui che pensa al firmware\n<cristian_c> sì, l'ho installato\n<cristian_c> ho controllato più di una volta\n<cristian_c> altrimenti col cavolo che potevo caricar eil modulo b43 :D\n<marco> domanda: Installato in dual boot windows e ubuntu su acer aspire 1363 su windows la scheda wireless funziona su ubuntu no! Soluzioni?\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, comunque finalmente adesso iwconfig mi vede l'interfaccia wlan, cosa che non faceva prima\n<cristian_c> wlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down\n<robytrevi> cristian_c: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/DispositiviSenzaFili/Broadcom#Installare_i_driver_b43_con_connessione_internet  la parteInstallare i driver b43 senza connessione internet dove dice coe installare il firmware\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, eh, ma io ora sto usando la connessione\n<cristian_c> non senza fili\n<robytrevi> (cristian_c magari c'è pure una versione più aggiornata§)ù\n<cristian_c> com'era il comando wlan0 up\n<cristian_c> come iniziava?\n<robytrevi> cristian_c: ma non ti trova il firmware, quindi magari installandoglielo manualmente cambia qualcosa\n<robytrevi> cristian_c: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up (se wlan0 è il dispositivo)\n<Carlin0> marco, dai nel terminale il comando lspci e metti l'output in paste che vediamo che scheda è\n<cristian_c> SIOCSIFFLAGS: File o directory non esistente\n<Carlin0> !paste | marco\n<ubot-it> marco: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<cristian_c> eppure è quello\n<robytrevi> cristian_c: sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb    e poi sudo modprobe b43\n<cristian_c> ho installato firmware-b43-installer\n<marco> Chipset: INPROCOMM IPN 2220 a/b/g Wireless LAN Adapter (rev 01)\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, ora sono repsenti le reti nel menù\n<cristian_c> il problema era il firmware\n<robytrevi> cristian_c: grande!\n<cristian_c> *presenti\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, però la guida potrebbe essere più chiara su cosa fare e in che caso :)\n<cristian_c> invece di andare a tentativi\n<cristian_c> :D\n<robytrevi> proponilo al gruppo wiki :-)\n<Carlin0> marco, è una discussione un po vecchia http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/viewtopic.php?t=359487 l'ho trovata con google ...\n<cristian_c> connessione stabilita\n<cristian_c> un'ultima cosa\n<cristian_c> nell'icona non compaiono le tacche, come è finora sempre successo\n<cristian_c> parlo del network manager\n<cristian_c> zero tacche, come se non fosse connesso\n<robytrevi> cristian_c: non l'ho mai usato\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, cosa usi? :D\n<robytrevi> cristian_c: wicd... da sempre...\n<cristian_c> (per curiosità :P )\n<cristian_c> ah, non sapevo, uno dei pochi direi :)\n<alessandr1> buonasera a tutti\n<Siphion> (io uso wicd, da sempre pure io)\n<cristian_c> lol\n<alessandr1> io ho un problema con ubuntu software center\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, grazie :)\n<alessandr1> praticamente non funziona\n<cristian_c> per laiuto sul wireless di stasera\n<alessandr1> non mi si apre\n<cristian_c> *l'aiuto\n<robytrevi> cristian_c: magari al riavvio si ripiglia e riconosce tutto correttamente\n<cristian_c> robytrevi, può essere\n<cristian_c> comunque il pulsantino led funziona\n<alessandr1> che posso fare per ripristinarlo\n<cristian_c> alessandr1, ci sono altre applicazioni aperte nel desktop?\n<robytrevi> cristian_c: non so dirti se il modulo b43 e il firmware si caricheranno automaticamente all'avvio... prova e se non lo fanno lo aggiungi tu.\n<Carlin0> dkms dovrebbe aggiungerli da solo\n<alessandr1> cristian_c,  no non ci sono apllicazioni aperte nel desktop\n<cristian_c_> alessandr1, quale messaggio di errore riporta?\n<alessandr1> nessun messaggio\n<robytrevi> alessandr1: controlla di avere i repository a posto, apri un terminale e dai: sudo apt-get update\n<robytrevi> alessandr1: posta la risposta in paste\n<robytrevi> alessandr1: !paste | alessandr1\n<robytrevi> !pastebin\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<alessandr1> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1007257/\n<alessandr1> robytrevi,  ecco li il link\n<robytrevi> alessandr1: e sudo apt-get upgrade  ?\n<joker__> sera\n<nannes> salvee\n#ubuntu-it 2012-05-26\n<robytrevi> ciao a tutti\n<assunta> buongiorno a tutti, non riesco a installare la mia stampante qualcuno mi da un aiutino ?\n<assunta> robytrevi, ieri ho seguito quel tuo link ma non c'e' la mia stampante\n<robytrevi> assunta puoi ripetere il modello?\n<assunta> canon lbp5100\n<robytrevi> assunta: ubuntu 32 o 64 bit?\n<assunta> 64\n<assunta> 12.04 64\n<robytrevi> assunta: hai già guardato se c'è qualche driver nel sito della canon?\n<assunta> robytrevi, ho seguito una serie di strade. scaricato i driver dal sito canon generato i deb (erano rpm) di questo capt e seguito la procedura ma non stampa. se lancio il monitor mi dice che esiste e fa anche il contyrollo del toner mi dice quante copie ha fatto ma.... non stampa\n<robytrevi> assunta: quindi viene riconosciuta, no? Ma non da nessun errore?\n<assunta> va tutto in attesa\n<robytrevi> assunta: sudo ccpdadmin\n<assunta> robytrevi, mi ha appena fatto un aggiornamento e stava installando proprio il nuovo cups e mi ha detto se volevo aggiornare il cups blacklist e si è bloccato tutto\n<robytrevi> assunta: si è bloccato l'aggiornamento o cosa?\n<glpiana> ola\n<assunta> stava facendo un update ho dovuto resettare e ora se faccio sudo apt-get update mi dice impossibile impostare il blocco per proseguire\n<assunta> Impossibile acquisire il blocco sulla directory di amministrazione (/var/lib/dpkg/). Un altro processo potrebbe tenerla occupata.\n<glpiana> assunta, ti sta seguendo qualcuno?\n<assunta> glpiana, non so parlavo con robytrevi ma non lo leggo più\n<assunta> aspettavo cosa fare si è bloccato l'upgrade e non so come risolvere stavo leggendo qualche blog nel frattempo\n<glpiana> assunta, scrivi nel terminale: sudo dpkg --configure -a\n<assunta> dpkg: errore: un altro processo detiene il blocco su database di stato di dpkg\n<glpiana> assunta, scrivi: sudo lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock\n<assunta> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1007731/\n<glpiana> assunta, sudo kill -9 11700\n<assunta> ok\n<glpiana> assunta, ora di nuovo: sudo lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock\n<assunta> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1007734/\n<glpiana> assunta, sudo dpkg --configure -a\n<assunta> mi fa una domanda http://paste.ubuntu.com/1007735/  che scrivo ?\n<assunta> glpiana, credo sia proprio il file della stampante che non va e che da problemi. avevo messo uno # dopo aver generato i file seguendo un post\n<glpiana> assunta, cups è il demone di stampa. se non hai fatto modifiche particolari tu, a mano, digli Y\n<assunta> glpiana, il mio prob è proprio che non riesco a stampare e sto cercando di farlo con questa diavolo di stampante canon....faccio Y\n<assunta> sta andando.... ho intravisto anche che è partito cups ed ha visto una stamapnte....speriamo bene\n<assunta> ok ha fatto\n<assunta> ma... se faccio sudo apt-get update mi da http://paste.ubuntu.com/1007745/\n<glpiana> assunta, aspetta un paio di minuti e riprova\n<assunta> glpiana, niente da fare\n<assunta> rimuovo /var/lib/apt/lists/lock ?\n<enzotib> assunta, pgrep -fl 'apt|dpkg'\n<assunta> 2264 /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/aptd\n<assunta> cd\n<enzotib> assunta, pgrep -fl 'update|software'\n<glpiana> assunta, prova  a dare: sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/lock  /var/lib/dpkg/lock.bak\n<assunta> 13151 update-notifier\n<glpiana> assunta, poi riprova o segui enzotib\n<assunta> non mi ha rinominato lock in lock.bak\n<assunta> è rimasto lock\n<enzotib> assunta, ti ha dato errore?\n<assunta> no\n<enzotib> assunta, hai provato a riavviare?\n<assunta> aspe ma l'errore me lo da non in /var/lib/dpkg/lock ma in /var/lib/apt/lists/lock .... quale debbo rinominare ?\n<enzotib> assunta, hai provato a riavviare?\n<assunta> non ancora.... in /var/lib/dpkg c'e' sia lock che lock.bak\n<assunta> che faccio rimuovo lock ?\n<assunta> rimosso lock con sudo rm lock ma il prob resta..... provo a riavviare ?\n<enzotib> sì\n<assunta> .... ho tolto a mano /var/lib/apt/lists/lock ed ora va sta facendo update\n<assunta> enzotib, scusa se sono stata azzardata ;-) ma mi è andata bene ... forse\n<enzotib> ecco, forse\n<assunta> sudo apt-get update ora funziona e arriva alla fine con fatto\n<assunta> ora che faccio x la stampante ?\n<enzotib> ah, questo lo ignoro\n<assunta> glpiana, risolto il prob dell'upgrade ...che faccio x la stampante ?\n<assunta> riprovo + tardi.... grazie di tutto ragazzi\n<jester-> 'ngiorno\n<New> buongiorno\n<New> ho notato che dopo l'ultimo aggiornamento fatto dal gestore il tempo di boot del mio sistema operativo è aumentato molto\n<New> come faccio a verificare se tutto è a posto?\n<enzotib> New, quando hai fatto l'aggiornamento?\n<New> entotib l'altro ieri mi ha fatto gli aggiornamenti automatici\n<New> enzotib: credo dipenda da quello, perché non ho installato altro\n<enzotib> New, awk '$1 == \"2012-05-24\" && $3 ~ /upgrade|install|purge|remove/' /var/log/dpkg.log\n<enzotib> New, metti l'output su pastebin\n<enzotib> !pastebin | New\n<ubot-it> New: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<New> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1007817/\n<New> ecco qui\n<enzotib> New, hai kubuntu?^\n<New> no\n<New> ho ubuntu 12.04\n<enzotib> New, dpkg -l | grep linux-image\n<enzotib> New, sempre su pastebin se sono più di tre righe\n<New> enzotib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1007820/\n<enzotib> New, grep linux-image /var/log/dpkg.log\n<New> enzotib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1007822/\n<Steeler> !chat\n<ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<enzotib> New, la lentezza è confermata da più di una prova?\n<New> si\n<New> ho provato un bel po' di volte a riavviare\n<enzotib> New, il file /var/log/boot.log contiene qualcosa?\n<New> enzotib: lo cerco in file tra le cartelle nascoste?\n<enzotib> New, non è nascosto\n<New> enzotib: l'ho trovato\n<New> enzotib: si contiene qualcosa\n<enzotib> New, cosa?\n<New> enzotib: incollo su pastebin?\n<enzotib> sì\n<New> enzotib: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1007826/\n<enzotib> New, wc -l /var/log/syslog\n<New> enzotib: 3646 /var/log/syslog\n<enzotib> New, grep '^May 26' /var/log/syslog\n<enzotib> New, se scorrono troppe righe e non riesci a copiare...\n<enzotib> New, grep '^May 26' /var/log/syslog >out && gedit out\n<New> enzotib: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1007830/\n<giovanni60> ciao\n<giovanni60> ho montato un 2° hd ( Slave ) , però ogni tanto questo HD non lo vedo più, si smonta. ( ho ubuntu 12.04 )\n<giovanni60> ho usato questa procedura :   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive\n<robytrevi> giovanni60: cat /etc/fstab\n<robytrevi> giovanni60: sudo fdisk -l\n<robytrevi> !pastebin | giovanni60\n<ubot-it> giovanni60: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<New> enzotib: pensi che funzioni tutto a dovere?\n<enzotib> New, sto guardando il log\n<New> enzotib: ok, scusami allora\n<giovanni60> robytrevi,   http://paste.ubuntu.com/1007836/\n<robytrevi> giovanni60: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid\n<enzotib> New, scrivi mount in un terminale e dammi l'output\n<New> enzotib: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1007842/\n<giovanni60> robytrevi,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1007839/\n<enzotib> New, free -m\n<robytrevi> giovanni60: io cambierei in fstab la riga:\n<robytrevi> giovanni60: /dev/sdb1    /media/dati   ext3    defaults     0        2\n<New> enzotib: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1007845/\n<robytrevi> giovanni60: con: UUID=6b876520-16c2-4566-9a7d-97be5196597f    /media/dati   ext3  rw,defaults  0    0\n<giovanni60> robytrevi,  eseguito\n<enzotib> New, mah, non trovo niente di interessante che giustifichi il problema\n<robytrevi> giovanni60: salva e prova a riavviare. (tutte le altre righe lasciale come sono!)\n<New> enzotib: quindi potrebbe essere semplicemente una casualità..\n<giovanni60> robytrevi,    emetto   sudo mount -a\n<New> enzotib: magari ricomincia a funzionare a dovere\n<enzotib> New, lo spero, per il momento non so cos'altro verificare, se mi viene in mente qualcosa ti faccio sapere\n<New> enzotib: sei stato comunque gentilissimo\n<New> enzotib: per ora ti rinagrazio\n<robytrevi> giovanni60: beh, prima dovresti smontare la partizione, se non è già smontata; poi con quel comando vedi se si monta correttamente\n<giovanni60> roby\n<giovanni60> robytrevi,   ok\n<cagoccione> sto con Lubuntu... e ho bisogno di eseguire uno script ad ogni logout\n<cagoccione> come posso fare?\n<ingandrea> Salve a tutti!!\n<panforte90> Salve!\n<Smallinsect> ciao, come posso fare per sapere se qualcuno sta usando la mia rete wireless abusivamente? sono su lubuntu\n<Smallinsect> se conoscete una guida chiara online va benone perchè non ho trovato nulla di chiarificante\n<Smallinsect> ero caduto se qualcuno mi aveva risposto ho perso la chat ...\n<mikunos> ciao a tutti\n<mikunos> come al solito mi trovo nei guai\n<mikunos> il mio portatile arranca con il nuovo Ubuntu\n<robytrevi> Smallinsect: Se non sbaglio nast fa quello che chiedi\n<mikunos> cosa devo controllare?\n<mikunos> sento la ventolina impazzire\n<robytrevi> Smallinsect: Poi con \"sudo nast -i wlan0 -m\" sostituendo a wlan0 il nome del tuo dispositivo dovresti vedere ciò che ti interessa\n<robytrevi> mikunos: caratteristiche del pc?\n<mikunos> robytrevi ciao\n<mikunos> robytrevi ho un Vaio\n<mikunos> VGN-AR31S\n<mikunos> un vecchio top level della sony\n<mikunos> 2GB di RAM\n<robytrevi> scheda video? driver usati?\n<mikunos> NVIDIA GeForce Go 7600 128 MB\n<robytrevi> driver?\n<mikunos> i drivers grafici accelerati NVIDIA\n<mikunos> aggiornamenti post-release\n<mikunos> prima avevo la versione current ed era comunque lento\n<robytrevi> mikunos: dai da terminale il comando \"top\" e vedi se qualche processo occupa tutta la cpu\n<mikunos> lightdm\n<mikunos> 7%\n<mikunos> compiz\n<mikunos> nessun altro\n<mikunos> di così particolare\n<mikunos> c'è empathy\n<mikunos> ma non è gravoso\n<mikunos> appena eseguo qualcosa di grafico\n<mikunos> si verificano i rallentamenti\n<mikunos> fino all'effetto scroll che ricorda i vecchi win 95\n<mikunos> con assenza di ram\n<mikunos> e schede con memorie condivise\n<robytrevi> cosa stai usando? unity? Hai provato altre versioni o altri DE?\n<mikunos> si uso Unity, e non ho ancora provato le altre versioni di UI\n<robytrevi> Potresti provare e vedere il risultato\n<mikunos> ok\n<mikunos> ci provo\n<mikunos> aine moment\n<mikunos> ho solamente Ubuntu e Ubuntu 2D\n<robytrevi> gnome-session-fallback è la versione classica, senò c'è gnome-shell (devi installare i relativi pacchetti)\n<robytrevi> *sennò\n<ale_> salve a tutti\n<ale_> sono nuova di questa chat\n<ale_> e ci sono entrata perchè\n<ale_> ho visto che qui si parla di ubuntu\n<ale_> e siccome ho un problema\n<ale_> volevo sapere se c'è qualcuno che può aiutarmi...\n<robytrevi> !chiedi | ale_\n<ubot-it> ale_: per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<enzotib> !enter | ale_\n<ubot-it> ale_: non spezzettare una frase su piu' righe. Non utilizzare il ritorno a capo come punteggiatura.\n<ale_> ok scusa, grazie mille! io ho un problema con libreoffice. vorrei trovare un modo per far riconoscere il formato svg su questo software..c'è una versione più aggiornata o si può modificare il software in qualche modo? mi piacerebbe portare le funzioni di xournal a libreoffice in pratica..\n<enzotib> ale_, non mi è chiaro quale sia il problema, puoi tranquillamente usare immagini nel formato svg in libreoffice\n<enzotib> non capisco neanche cosa c'entri xournal\n<ale_> chiedo scusa sono stata un pò confusionaria.non riesco a fare il copia incolla su libreoffice per il files in formato svg, però mi andrebbe meglio ancora se si riuscisse a incorporare il programma xournal a libreoffice perchè lavoro con la tavoletta grafica e non mi piace la matita di libreoffice e d'altro canto non vorrei abbandonare libreoffice perchè mi trovo bene nello scrivere le formule...\n<Steeler> ale_, ma parli di libreoffice draw?\n<karonte> salve a tutti\n<karonte> qualcuno sa come si può installare su ubuntu una stampante di rete, sharata con p910nd\n<karonte> ?\n<ale_> no di libreoffice writer...diciamo che però sì in libreoffice writer uso anche le funzionalità di draw però non mi piacciono perchè non è molto precisa la matita...\n<Steeler> ale_, scusa mi spieghi cosa ci disegni con la tavolettA?\n<ale_> io sto elaborando degli appunti di fisica per il testo le formule e i grafici elementari non c'è problema solo che se devo fare qualche appunto a un grafico nel dettaglio mi trovo in difficoltà con la barra strumenti di libreoffice draw\n<Steeler> ale_, ma i grafici si fanno su calc, sbaglio?\n<enzotib> karonte, sei obbligato a usare p910nd?\n<ale_> io li faccio direttamente su writer...vado sulla barra strumenti e libreoffice mi riporta tranquillamente le funzionalità di calc draw, math etc, sul mio file di testo...\n<karonte> enzotib: si per via dei pc windows varie ed eventuali\n<karonte> ho le stampanti configurate così da anni\n<karonte> non ho voluto usare samba perchè non mi serve a niente\n<enzotib> karonte, se lo fai da anni, cosa c'è di diverso adesso?\n<karonte> enzotib: fino ad ora ho ignorato il fatto che su ubuntu non riuscivo a installare la stampante\n<karonte> ma ora ho la necessità di stampare da ubuntu\n<karonte> visto che sto developpando qui\n<karonte> fino ad ora developpavo solo su windows, e linux lo usavo da server\n<alessio> raga qualcuno mi da una mano ad installare i driver ati per favore??\n<enzotib> karonte, e usa un termine più decente, developpare non si può sentire\n<karonte> ok sto programmando su linux\n<karonte> -_-\n<alessio> minchia karonte te la developpi?? :D\n<enzotib> karonte, quando fai Aggiungi Stampante -> Stampante di rete, ti dà la possibilità di scegliere Host o stampante LDP/LPR\n<enzotib> karonte, hai provato a farlo?\n<karonte> si ho visto\n<karonte> quale devo scegliere?\n<enzotib> te l'ho scritto\n<karonte> visto si\n<karonte> scusami\n<enzotib> poi devi inserire l'host che credo sia facile, ma la coda non so cosa sia\n<karonte> ora provo a vedere che succede\n<karonte> grazie enzotib\n<robytrevi> alessio: attivandoli da jockey-gtk non si installano?\n<enzotib> karonte, credo che lpq sul sistema dove sta p910nd dovrebbe dirti le code disponibili sul server\n<alessio> robytrei, jokey-gtk sarebbe driver aggiuntivi?? no comunque se vuoi ti posto il log\n<robytrevi> alessio: postalo\n<alessio> robytrevi, ok asp che rifaccio la procedura e ti posto il log\n<karonte> enzotib: noto che si blocca la procedura interessante ^^\n<robytrevi> !pastebin | alessio\n<ubot-it> alessio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<enzotib> karonte, a volte ha bisogno di tempo per recuperare informazioni dalla rete, aspetta un po'\n<karonte> sisi è li che lavora tanto non ho furia\n<karonte> cmq enzotib p910nd è un bel serverino, vi feci tutto il lavoro su udevd per beccare l'accensione della stampante\n<karonte> e su windows da 0 problemi\n<enzotib> karonte, ma dove gira?\n<karonte> enzotib: su debian\n<alessio> robytrevi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1008029/\n<robytrevi> alessio: che scheda è?\n<alessio> robytrevi, ati 5650 hd radeon mobility\n<ale_> io esco...grazie comunque, buon pomeriggio a tutti :)\n<robytrevi> hai provato ad installarli manualmente (in questo caso se aggiorni il kernel devi rimuovere manualmente i driver e reinstallarli nel nuovo)\n<robytrevi> *alessio\n<alessio> robytrevi, dimmi...\n<robytrevi> alessio: hai provato ad installarli manualmente (in questo caso se aggiorni il kernel devi rimuovere manualmente i driver e reinstallarli nel nuovo)\n<alessio> robytrevi, nel vecchio non sono installati al massimo loggo e mi dici cosa devo fare per rimuoverli...\n<robytrevi> alessio, era un'informazione per il futuro. Hai già provato ad installarli manualmente? che kernel stai usando? uname -r\n<alessio> robytrevi, al momento sto usando il 3.4\n<alessio> robytrevi, Linux ALESSIO 3.4.0-030400-i7 #201205210521 SMP Tue May 22 13:35:55 CEST 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux\n<robytrevi> alessio: mmm... allora non ti so aiutare... Non so se ci sono problemi con l'installazione dei driver con i kernel fuori dai repo ufficiali.\n<alessio> robytrevi, ah ok =(\n<kalem> qualcuno mi dice come si cambia la lingua di default globalmente ?\n<kalem> non per gnome solamente\n<kalem> ho installato su macchina virtuale ed è in inglese\n<enzotib> kalem, che sistema c'è sulla macchina virtuale?\n<D4V|DE> ciao a tutti\n<D4V|DE> ubuntu 12.04 e kubuntu 12.04 che amarezza...\n<D4V|DE> entrambi li uso\n<D4V|DE> ed entrambi si bloccano\n<D4V|DE> soluzioni?\n<enzotib> !enter | D4V|DE\n<ubot-it> D4V|DE: non spezzettare una frase su piu' righe. Non utilizzare il ritorno a capo come punteggiatura.\n<D4V|DE> kubuntu si blocca e mi propone la finestra di login come se chiudesse la sessione\n<D4V|DE> e ubuntu con gnome shell invece si spegne direttamente\n<enzotib> D4V|DE, e hanno sempre fatto così?\n<D4V|DE> no.. da quando ho installato nelle partizioni\n<D4V|DE> il 12.04\n<D4V|DE> escludo problemi hardware xkè col winzozz non lo fa...\n<D4V|DE> li ho installati entrambi.. una partizione con gnome e una con kde per avere piu chance\n<D4V|DE> e invece sono fottuto in entrambi i casi\n<tull> entrambi si bloccano all'avvio o dopo il login?\n<enzotib> D4V|DE, cioè dico, hanno dato subito problemi, appena installati?\n<D4V|DE> da quando li ho installati\n<D4V|DE> che fanno così\n<enzotib> !enter | D4V|DE , e due!\n<ubot-it> D4V|DE , e due!: non spezzettare una frase su piu' righe. Non utilizzare il ritorno a capo come punteggiatura.\n<D4V|DE> il kubuntu 11.10 era perfetto! mentre ubuntu 12.04 beta era addirittura più stabile\n<enzotib> D4V|DE, hai installato qualcosa tipo driver video, o non sei riuscito a fare neanche quello?\n<D4V|DE> uso nvidia-current\n<D4V|DE> ho provato anche i post-release e tralaltro da poco hanno aggiornato alla nuova release e... il problema è sempre uguale\n<enzotib> D4V|DE, ma hai fatto l'avanzamento oppure hai installato da zero?\n<D4V|DE> entrambi avanzati\n<enzotib> D4V|DE, allora la cosa ovvia da suggerire è di provare a installare da zero\n<enzotib> D4V|DE, e di usare i nouveau che dicono vadano bene\n<D4V|DE> ahiaa sarebbe un casino dato che è gb su gb di roba da spostare... farei prima a fare installazione pulita su un'altro pc e provare come va\n<enzotib> D4V|DE, puoi anche installare senza formattare\n<assunta> salve, ho ancora problemi e non riesco ad aggiornare .... mi dice che il sistema di pacchetti è danneggiato di fare  apt-get install -f ma poi mi ridice che non riesce a fare il lock\n<enzotib> assunta, fa vedere\n<assunta> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1008121/\n<enzotib> assunta, ma non ci hai messo sudo davanti?\n<assunta> giusto ora va\n<assunta> enzotib, l'errore che mi da la stampante è Inattiva - /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstocapt3 failed (me lo avevi chiesto stamattina )\n<enzotib> assunta, forse te lo ha chiesto glpiana\n<enzotib> assunta, apri FF alla pagina http://localhost:631/\n<assunta> enzotib, non trovo FF\n<enzotib> assunta, sarebbe firefox :)\n<assunta> ok aperto\n<assunta> cups 1.5.3 che faccio ?\n<enzotib> assunta, clicca su stampanti\n<enzotib> e poi sul nome della tua stampante\n<assunta> ok ho le due stampanti che ho installato LBP5100 e LBP5100-2\n<assunta> ci sono ... cosa vuoi che faccio ?\n<enzotib> uhm\n<pdor> mozilla con xubuntu non mi fa vedere un sacco di cose...l'unica alternativa e' konqueror?\n<pdor> ciao:)\n<tull> pdor, cosa non ti fa vedere?\n<enzotib> pdor, intendi firefox?\n<pdor> sopratutto quello che scrivo nelle caselle di ricerca chat ecc\n<pdor> si\n<pdor> firefox\n<tull> strano...\n<pdor> scrive binaco su bianco\n<pdor> o nero su nero\n<enzotib> pdor, è una cosa che ho già sentito\n<pdor> con xubuntu eh?\n<pdor> bene allora non sono io che ho fatto casini\n<enzotib> pdor, cos'altro hai provato, ubuntu?\n<pdor> ubuntu e' pesante...\n<pdor> non l'ho ancora provato\n<assunta> enzotib, ha aggiornato il sistema e quindi è ripartito... sono su FF e sulla stampanate che faccio ?\n<pdor> forse ubuntu con xcfe4\n<pdor> sono ancora alla 11.10\n<enzotib> pdor, dato che dicevi xubuntu, come se fosse un problema specifico di xubuntu\n<enzotib> assunta, c'è un elenco di azioni?\n<pdor> immagino che con ubuntu vada bene...\n<enzotib> pdor, immagino non è sufficiente\n<pdor> esiste un plugin per firefox che dia delle opzioni avanzate di visualizzazione?\n<assunta> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1008154/\n<pdor> o meno equivoche :)\n<enzotib> assunta, sopra a description, non c'è un elenco?\n<enzotib> assunta, che inizia con Maintenance\n<assunta> enzotib, no ci sono due tasti scelta uno administration e uno maintenance\n<enzotib> pdor, ma lo fanno solo alcuni siti?\n<enzotib> assunta, clicca su Maintenance, e vedrai una lista\n<assunta> enzotib, e...\n<enzotib> assunta, mi dici cosa c'è nell'elenco\n<pdor> adesso me lo fa pure gugol\n<assunta> print test page, clean print, print self test page, pause print, reject job, move all job, cancell all job\n<enzotib> assunta, ma il problema qual è?\n<assunta> enzotib, che non stampa... se tampo nello status della stampante esce\"/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstocapt3 failed\"\n<enzotib> assunta, non saprei\n<assunta> oppure \"/usr/lib/cups/backend/ccp failed\"\n<newdick> ciao a tutti\n<newdick> a chi posso chiedere informazioni sul grab?\n<newdick> perche andando ad installare ubuntu da pendrive...mi ha installato il grab sulla pendrive?cioè senza la pen drive non posso scegliere di avviare linus\n<newdick> linux*\n<newdick> xke è andata cosi?\n<Kalce> buonasera a tutti\n<Kalce> io uso la 10.04 . Voglio disinstallare libre office perchè è troppo macchinoso aggiornarlo e quindi reinstallare openoffice.... come faccio a disinstallarlo?\n<enzotib> Kalce, come hai installato libreoffice?\n<Kalce> enzotib , scusa , sono caduto...\n<Kalce> sono andato sul sito e mi sono installato file per file\n<Kalce> enzotib , rieccomi\n<Drizamanber> ciao a tutti, ho lanciato un grub-install /dev/sda e poi sudo grub update, il risultato è che non vede più le altre partizioni, come faccio a sistemare il device.map?\n<diego> l'avevi fatto con una live?\n<Drizamanber> diego: no, con ubuntu 11.04 montato su una partizione\n<Drizamanber> jester-: hai 5 minuti da dedicarmi?\n<diego> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Troubleshooting\n<diego> secondo me devi montare le varie partizioni prima di dare il grub update\n<diego> http://www.istitutomajorana.it/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1263&Itemid=33 (al paragrafo metodo B)\n<giovanni60> ciao\n<giovanni60> ho montato un 2° hd ( Slave ) , però ogni tanto questo HD non lo vedo più, si smonta. ( ho ubuntu 12.04 )    ho usato questa procedura :   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive\n<diego> come si smonta, scusa?\n<diego> se fai un df, lo vedi nei filesystem?\n<giovanni60> si lo vedo, pero non so per quale motivo, si smonta non vedo più i file\n<diego> dovresti cercare nei log, tipo in dmesg\n<diego> o in altri log in /var/log\n<diego> ma si smonta all'improvviso, o facendo qualcosa?\n<giovanni60> si smontas all'improssivo\n<giovanni60> senza fare niente\n<diego> sicuro che sia ben collegato?\n<giovanni60> ad esempio siccome uso HD per scaricare dei file da inetrnet, dopo un certo tempo, non scarico piu perche non vede piu HD\n<giovanni60> si\n<diego> quindi all'avvio compare, e dopo un pò di tempo non lo trovi più nel file manager?\n<giovanni60> esatto\n<diego> scrivi dmesg da terminale, e vedi se c'è qualche messaggio anomalo\n<giovanni60> questo con ubuntu 11.10 non succedeva\n<diego> allora è un problema dell'automount di ubuntu, secondo me\n<giovanni60> diego,   http://paste.ubuntu.com/1008294/\n<diego> sto vedendo\n<diego> sembra che il disco stia per andarsene, io farei una copia dei file altrove e poi un controllo completo con il programma della casa produttrice (seagate, wd, ecc...)\n<diego> forse è un falso allarme, ma non mi fiderei, ci sono vari errori nel log che mi hai mostrato\n<giovanni60> ok grazie\n<diego> usando il programma apposito, se ci sono settori danneggiati dovrebbe spostarli altrove e il disco ti torna a funzionare normalmente\n<giovanni60> è idoneo per ubuntu?\n<diego> che marca è il disco?\n<giovanni60> hd è un seagate\n<micheg> è difficile spostare un settore al massimo si piò marcare come non scrivibile.\n<diego> si ma usando il sw seagate si arrangia lui\n<diego> cmq il software SeaTools è per dos o windows\n<diego> bisognerebbe forzare un controllo completo del disco, anche degli errori (tipo il chkdsk di windows)\n<diego> non so come si fa\n<giovanni60> quindi devo inserirlo in un S:O windows\n<diego> esatto\n<diego> installi seatools e fai un check\n<micheg> se hai un bios che supporta l'emulazione ide per il sata lo puoi fare anche da un disco di avvio freedos. comunque un settore non si sposta si segna come non scrivibile, se ce ne sono molti danneggiati sono cavoletti amari vuol dire che il disco ti sta lasciando. comunque per fare un check veloce anche da una live di linux puoi usare fsck, ma solo su un disco non montato. (quindi se to lo manta in automatico smontalo)\n<giovanni60> quindi devo smontare il 2° HD\n<giovanni60> micheg,  quindi devo smontare il 2 hd e poi nel terminale do fsck ?\n<micheg> si. fsck.tipo_della_partizione /dev/disco\n<giovanni60> chiudo e apro\n<giovanni60> riciao\n<diego> ciao\n<giovanni60> in risorse veod il 2 HD che ora è montato in quanto vicino cè un simbolo ^ _\n<giovanni60> lo devo smontare m tasto destro ( smonta ) ??\n<giovanni60> o devo usare gparted\n<diego> usa smonta\n<diego> gparted serve per modificare le partizioni\n<giovanni60> impossibile smontare\n<diego> guarda in dmesg\n<diego> puoi forzare lo smontaggio, ma devi usare umount\n<giovanni60> diego,  smontato\n<diego> ora devi fare il fsck\n<diego> ma è un filesystem windows o linux?\n<diego> scusami ma devo scappare\n<diego> ciao\n<nannes> ciauu\n<lyoko> buonasera a tutti!vorrei sapere se esiste una versione per ubuntu 11.10 del convertitore video x psp grazie in anticipo\n<Steeler> lyoko, kdenlive ?\n<lyoko> si\n<Steeler> lyoko, che formato sono ?\n<lyoko> cosa?\n<Steeler> lyoko, quelli della psp\n<lyoko> mp4\n<Steeler> lyoko, perfetto, va bene Kdenlive.\n<lyoko> grz\n<lyoko> ma sei sicurp che sia x ubuntu?\n<Steeler> lyoko, sono il RE di KDENLIVE.\n<lyoko> ok\n<lyoko> un ultima cosa come funzionano i file gz.\n<Steeler> lyoko, l'hai installato ?\n<lyoko> cosa?io sn nuovo e nn so qualche cosa!\n<robytrevi> ciao a tutti\n<gabriele93> sera\n<gabriele93> scusatemi, come si toglie il \"ritardo\" da uno script?\n<enzotib> eh?\n<alessio> raga come mai quando apro ubuntu software center non crasha, ma quando vado su installato crasha?? l'ho rimosso e reinstallato ma niente\n<enzotib> alessio, dopo averlo reinstallato, e prima di lanciarlo la prima volta, cancella ~/.config/software-center e ~/.cache/software-center\n<alessio> enzotib, ok grazie ora provo\n<alessio> enzotib, mi potresti dare direttamente il comando da dare?? ho provato con nautilus ma niente non trovo la cartella config\n<enzotib> alessio, rm -rf ~/.config/software-center\n<enzotib> alessio, e poi rm -rf ~/.cache/software-center\n<alessio> enzotib, ok grazie :D\n<alessio> enzotib, niente è crashato di nuovo -.-'\n<enzotib> alessio, crashato con tanto di richiesta di segnalazione?\n<alessio> enzotib, esattamente\n<enzotib> alessio, e i dettagli quali sono?\n<enzotib> alessio, ls -lt /var/crash | head -1\n<alessio> enzotib, totale 23040\n<enzotib> alessio, scusa: ls -t /var/crash | head -1\n<alessio> enzotib, _usr_share_software-center_software-center.1000.crash\n<enzotib> alessio, gedit /var/crash/_usr_share_software-center_software-center.1000.crash , e metti su pastebin\n<alessio> enzotib, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1008525/\n<gabriele93> enzotib, pare funzioni\n<enzotib> alessio, sed -n 650,651p /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dbus/connection.py\n<silvertux> esiste la versione dvd alternate di ubuntu 12?\n<alessio> enzotib, ion.py\n<alessio>         reply_message = self.send_message_with_reply_and_block(\n<alessio>             message, timeout)\n<enzotib> alessio, stai usando qualche repo particolare?\n<silvertux> il dvd della 12 non contiente l'alternate?\n<alessio> enzotib, no 0 repo, escluso quello di google che si aggiunge ogni volta in automatico, l'ho rimosso una ventina di volte ma niente continua ad aggiungersi da solo sto maledetto\n<alessio> *google chrome\n<silvertux> la gestione di grub e quindi i vari recovery sono rimasti invariati rispetto a ubuntu 11?\n<enzotib> alessio, e i proposed?\n<enzotib> silvertux, grub è lo stesso\n<alessio> enzotib, ho tolto la spunta appena ho installato il sistema\n<enzotib> alessio, la spunta di default non c'è\n<alessio> enzotib, ah gia l'ho tolta ai non supportati\n<enzotib> alessio, grep proposed /etc/apt/sources.list\n<silvertux> ma non hanno sviluppato il dvd alternate come fecero per la 11? perchè no?\n<alessio> enzotib, non da output\n<enzotib> silvertux, ma a che ti serve, tanto una volta installato ti scarichi dalla rete tutto quello che ti serve\n<enzotib> alessio, ok\n<enzotib> alessio, però non capisco l'errore, pare collegato con DBus\n<enzotib> alessio, vediamo se c'è qualche log\n<silvertux> enzotib, ma dmcrypt è incluso nel cd?\n<silvertux> perchè senò faceva comodo il dvd...\n<alessio> enzotib, provo a riavviare?? solitamente è solo questione di un riavvio...che dici?? anche il crash report dice che se persiste bisgona riavviare\n<enzotib> silvertux, non lo so, ma immagino di sì, o per lo meno la alternate normale dovrebbe scaricare i moduli che gli servono per l'installazione\n<enzotib> alessio, ah, tu non hai ancora provato il riavvio?\n<alessio> enzotib, no :D\n<alessio> enzotib, riavvioo e ti faccio sapere\n<silvertux> grazie\n<alessio> enzotib, crasha ancora =(\n<alessio> enzotib, e poi perchè ora ho 4 icone del catalyst control center invece che due??\n<enzotib> alessio, catalyst? ma si usa ancora?\n<alessio> enzotib, certo...perchè??\n<alessio> enzotib, uso gnome-shell e non posso usare i driver open =(\n<Trippz> ciao qualcuno mi può aiutare ad installare teamspeak 3?\n<Trippz> ho scaricato il file .run dal sito\n<Trippz> ma non riesco ad installarlo\n<Trippz> ho provato ad eseguirlo dalla home ma mi dice che il file è inesistente\n<enzotib> Trippz, non si dà supporto a software che non è nei repo\n<Trippz> teamspeak 2 c'era, forse lo staranno per aggiungere\n<enzotib> !info teamspeak-server\n<ubot-it> teamspeak-server (source: teamspeak-server): VoIP chat for online gaming (server). In component multiverse, is optional. Version (precise), package size 1014 kB, installed size 2936 kB\n<enzotib> !info teamspeak-client\n<ubot-it> teamspeak-client (source: teamspeak-client): VoIP chat for online gaming. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.0.32-3ubuntu3 (precise), package size 7198 kB, installed size 14960 kB\n<Trippz> si questo è il 2.0\n<enzotib> Trippz, e questo passa ubuntu\n<Trippz> strano che non ci sia il 3 ancora tra i pacchetti\n<Trippz> in che senso passa ubuntu?\n<enzotib> Trippz, se non c'è, non ci sarà fino alla prossima release\n<enzotib> Trippz, \"è questo quello che ubuntu passa a noi utenti\"\n<Trippz> pausa cena e poi torno a stressare google allora, grazie lo stesso\n<Trippz> \"tornoa stressare perchè ho giàcercato prima per i file run\"\n<enzotib> Trippz, ma il 2 non va bene?\n<marco> salve\n<nannes> ciau marco\n<marco> domanda ho un acer aspire 1363 sul quale ho installato ubuntu ultima versione. ho scaricato ndsiwrapper istallato i driver di windows xp e fatto da riga di comando sudo  mdprobe  ndsiwrapperr\n<marco> al momento sempra funzionale mi trova le reti wireless ma non mi si connette dove sbaglio\n<marco> ?\n<nannes> marco: che scheda è?\n<marco> ok adessso guardo\n<nannes> marco: lspci | grep -i wifi\n<giovanni60> ciao\n<nannes> ciao giovanni60\n<giovanni60> nannes,  ciao\n<giovanni60> dovrei eseguire un fsck al mio HD come fare ?\n<robytrevi1> giovanni60: avvi un livecd e senza montare la partizione esegui fsck sulla partizione in questione\n<marco> allora\n<enzotib> giovanni60, oppure sudo touch /forcefsck e riavvii\n<enzotib> marco, se nemmeno sai che scheda hai, perché hai usato ndiswrapper?\n<giovanni60> scusate ma lo vorrei fare solo al mio 2 HD montato in slave\n<robytrevi1> giovanni60: smonta la partizione ed esegui fsck su quella partizione\n<marco> stai calmo\n<enzotib> !chi | marco\n<ubot-it> marco: se stai parlando con qualcuno in particolare, per rendere più leggibile il canale ti consiglio di inserire il suo nickname in quello che dici (puoi usare il completamento premendo il tasto tab)\n<marco> la scheda in questione la conosco non ha driver per ubunutu\n<giovanni60> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1008612/\n<giovanni60> robytrevi1,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1008612/\n<robytrevi1> giovanni60: qual'è il problema?\n<marco> neti2220\n<Trippz> enzotib: no purtroppo le persone con cui devo parlare usano il 3 e il 2 non riesce ad entrare nel server in questione\n<giovanni60> robytrevi1,  ho montato un hd ( slave ) però hd dopo un po si smonta e non riesco più ad utilizzarlo se non spegnendo e riaccendendo il pc ( ho utilizzato come guida : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1008612/\n<giovanni60> robytrevi1,   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive\n<robytrevi1> non è che ci sia un problema di alimentazione e si spegne? giovanni60\n<robytrevi1> giovanni60: controlla nei log se ci sono errori quando sparisce l'hard disk\n<giovanni60> robytrevi1, mentre scarico da internet dei file, ad un certo punto sento un clic e hd sparisce, mentre il pc è acceso\n<marco> lspici -f?\n<marco> quale è il comado per vedere la scheda wireless in uso?ù\n<Trippz> qualcuno mi sa dire come ci si sposta nelle directory, ad esempio raggiungere il desktop da terminale?\n<lelamal> Trippz: cd nome/della/directory\n<Trippz> grazie\n<Trippz> avevo già provato ma non andava, è case sensitive?\n<lelamal> sì\n<Trippz> ah ecco :D\n<lelamal> :)\n<Trippz> lelamal, potrei chiederti una cosa in privato?\n<lelamal> Trippz: meglio in canale, così se non so rispondere io lo farà qualcun altro\n<Trippz> eh il problema è che mi pare non siano gradite in pubblico domande che hanno a che fare con programmi che non sono nei repository, nulla di che si tratta di teamspeak 3.0\n<lelamal> queste domande sono gradite comunque su #ubuntu-it-chat. Se qualcuno sa, rispoderà là.\n<lelamal> !ot | Trippz\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'ot'\n<lelamal> !offtopic | Trippz\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'offtopic'\n<lelamal> ehh\n<Trippz> vabè io posto il risultato poi se qualcuno vuole aiutarmi mi aiuterà pure qua XD\n<Trippz> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1008642/\n<Trippz> adesso provo anche dilà ....\n<lelamal> sì, meglio\n<Trippz> pero non capisco perchè comunque si tratta di un procedimento che non per forza si usa per programmi che non sono nei repository\n<lelamal> è la politica del canale, ne so quanto te\n<Trippz> scusate qualcuno mi puo aiutare con un dns poisoning?\n<Trippz> queste sono domande OT :D\n<Trippz> ahahhaa\n<Trippz> join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<Trippz> ops\n<Trippz> XD\n<FloodBotIt2> Trippz: Non intasare il canale, usa http://paste.ubuntu.com per incollare, non usare Invio come punteggiatura.\n<Trippz> ok una domanda che forse posso fare qua, non c'è verso di far funzionare il microfono\n<robytrevi1> Trippz: alsamixer -V all\n<Trippz> robytrevi1: ok si è aperto il mixer\n<robytrevi1> Trippz: il microfono è interno o esterno?\n<robytrevi1> Trippz: controlla che sotto alle voci Mic o capture non ci siamo delle M\n<Trippz> robytrevi1:  il microfono è esterno\n<robytrevi1> Trippz: allora la voce dovrebbe essere capture\n<giovanni60> non vedo in ubutnu 12.04 l'installazione della stampante\n<giovanni60> trovato scusate\n<Trippz> robytrevi1: non ci sono delle MM però la scritta è rossa e la barra verde sta a metà ferma\n<robytrevi1> Trippz: lspci | grep Audio\n<Trippz> 00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02)\n<robytrevi1> Trippz: con cosa stai provando il microfono?\n<Trippz> con teamspeak\n<g_gio> salve\n<Kiefer> ciao a tutti . qualcuno mi può aiutare ad installare grass su ubuntu 12.4 ? grazie\n<uncertomarco> ciao ho un problema, ho installato ubuntu server e la ventola del mio computer fa molto rumore e non si ferma mai\n<uncertomarco> hello?  qualcuno che mi caga=\n<micheg> è difficile risponderti, e comunque modera il linguaggio controlla con top i processi\n<uncertomarco> ok, scusa per il linguaggio...\n<uncertomarco> comunque, avevo notato che installando ubuntu desktop sullo stesso pc un po' di tempo fa mi faceva lo stesso scherzo fino a che non ho installato il driver nvidia\n<jester-> inoltre non siamo un callcenter che i comodi altrui dopo mezzanotte\n<Kiefer> è gia mezzanotte? e non ho risolto ...urca\n<uncertomarco> antani\n<jester-> uncertomarco:  hai in server con grafica?\n<uncertomarco> jester-: no, prima avevo installato gnome-desktop-environment e nvidia-current per provare a risolvere il mio problema, ma non è servito a nulla... così ho deciso di reinstallare daccapo l'ambiente ubuntu-server come da cd\n<jester-> uncertomarco: quindi non è un probmea di deriver grafici ma dell'aspi del tuo bios che non va daccordo con ubuntu. che kernel usi\n<jester-> uncertomarco: prova a editare il menu grub premdndo e, e nella riga kernel dopo ro mitti acpi=force\n<jester-> oppure acpi=force\n<uncertomarco> sì deve essere qualcosa tra il bios e ubuntu, visto che nella partizione windows è silenzioso....\n<jester-> anche noapic\n<jester-> acpi=off\n<jester-> non mi viene in mente altro\n<uncertomarco> jester-: grazie mille, provo a vedere se funziona\n<micheg> ma a che ti server gnome su un server?\n<gi> salve, ho un problema con nvidia, a volte funziona a volte no\n<gi> adesso l'xconfig non mi fa vedere le giuste risoluzioni di monitor\n<gi> cioè quando apro nvidia-xconfig mi dice You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.\n<gi> scusate nvidia-setting\n<gi> ciao air, nvidia non mi funziona bene\n<gi> come risoluzione ho solo 800 x 600\n#ubuntu-it 2012-05-27\n<Carlin0> bonanotte :)\n<rorro007> ciao a tutti ho un problema ho inserito la pendrive e se vado in computer me la riconosce pero non me la apre. Ho la 12.04\n<pdor> ciao non mi va piu la connessione cablata...invece la wireless va\n<pdor> e cosi non mi fido ad aggiornare a 12.04\n<pdor> ogni tanto mi tocca resettare il router al default di fabbrica, c''e un programma che monitora le connessioni ?\n<Epznsfw2> salve a tutti, sto avendo problemi con dpkg, non riesco ad installare/disinstallare nessun programma in quanto ogni volta che ci provo dpkg mi da un errore, per aggiornare libssl1.0.0 l'errore è il seguente http://paste.ubuntu.com/1009223/  come posso risolvere? grazie in anticipo\n<pdor1> ciao non mi va piu la connessione cablata...solo quella wireless\n<pdor1> mi si legge?\n<pdor> ciao non mi va piu la connessione via cavo...solo wireless\n<pdor> scusate ma mi si legge?\n<Diels-Alder> ciao a tutti volevo sapere come mai gm-notify resetta la configurazione ogni volta che ci clicco nel mememnu\n<Diels-Alder> cioè se clicco mi appare il configurator metto le credenziali, applico e chiudo... vado nel memenù e non funge e se riclicco mi esce di nuovo il configuratore senza credenziali...\n<gabriele93> ciao a tuti\n<gabriele93> tutti\n<gabriele93> è possibile passare da xfce a gnome?\n<jester-> 'ngiorno\n<gabriele93> jester-, giorno\n<papone> ciao a tutti\n<papone> ho un problema con calc di open office, chi mi sa indirizzare?\n<jester-> !qualcuno | papone\n<ubot-it> papone: la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera'\n<papone> ok, ho un file calc, devo formattare dei dati e trasfromarli in formato valuta. Se lo faccio all'inizio di tutti i dati comapare un apostrofo. Se elimino l'apostrofo il vaore della cella cambia.\n<jester-> papone: hai assegnato il formato valuta alle celle?\n<papone> esatto\n<papone> è il mio estratto conto online\n<papone> lo scarico in formato csv\n<papone> se provo a formattare le celle mi aggiunge l'apostrofo.\n<jester-> papone: non te lo passano in formato excel?\n<papone> in formato excel posso scaricarlo ma per office 2007, e open office non lo apre...\n<pdor> ciao non va piu virtualbox dopo l'aggiornamento mi dice di fare    /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup ma non trova vboxdrv....e nemmeno catfish lo trova\n<pdor> aggiornamento a 12.04\n<papone> ho provato anche con servizi online per trasformare il file scaricato da xls a ods, ma falliscono tutti...\n<papone> quindi mi rimaneva la possibilità del .scv, ma non riesco a risolvere questo intoppo\n<jester-> papone: a me libre apre tranquillo file excel\n<papone> anche a me libre apre i file excel :-)\n<jester-> poi non è compatibile 100% checcè se ne dica\n<papone> ma non mi apre i file excel che scarico dal sito della banca...\n<papone> scarico il file provo ad aprirlo e mi trovo una tabella bianca...\n<jester-> papone: hanno i permessi almeno 644 e sono owner e gruppo tuo user?\n<papone> ho tutti i permessi del mondo!!! heheeheh\n<papone> anche excel di office che ho al lavoro (registrata e regolare) non apre quel file. L'help desk mi ha mandato un add-on per rendere compatibile i file excel 2007 con excel 2003... ma ovviamente con openoffice non so che farmene.\n<papone> Inutile dire che al lavoro non ho i permessi admin per aggiornare excel, altrimenti avrei risolto il mio problema (passando per win, ma almeno avrei i miei file))\n<jester-> papone: non ho isea di come si potrebbe fare a trasformare svc in formato office\n<jester-> idea\n<papone> trasformare scv in office è praticamente automatico, ma una volta aperto il file se provo a lavorare sui dati qualsiasi cosa io faccia mi aggiunge l'apostrofo all'inizio\n<papone> scusate, sbagliavo estensione, i file sono .csv mi si erano ingarbugliate le dita\n<papone> la cosa bella è che con google ho trovato questa soluzione:Si cerca la stringa \".*\" e si sostituisce con \"&\"\n<papone> Bisogna spuntare le opzioni di ricerca \"Espressione regolare\" e fare la ricerca nei valori.\n<papone> ma se lo faccio, dove avevo 25 euri me ne ritrovo 1.04\n<papone> mi cambia proprio i valori...\n<papone> lo stesso procedimento, applivcato al campo data invece funziona\n<enzotib> papone, quando apri il csv, ti mostra la finestra per modificare le colonne?\n<papone> sì\n<enzotib> papone, ed è lì che cambia il tipo?\n<papone> e riesco a definirle per bene: data causale entrate ed uscite\n<papone> a vista il foglio di calcolo è perfetto, ma non posso lavorarci su (fare i totali parziali e simili), perchè i dati sono solo formattati in testo\n<enzotib> ripeto: papone, ed è lì che cambia il tipo?\n<enzotib> cambi*\n<papone> scusa ma non ho chiaro cosa intendi\n<papone> il sostituisci . con & lo faccio dopo aver importato il file in calc\n<papone> ricapitolando:\n<enzotib> papone, tu dici \"[12:35:38] <papone> se provo a formattare le celle mi aggiunge l'apostrofo.\"\n<enzotib> cos intendi per \"formattare\"?\n<enzotib> cosa*\n<papone> apro il file .csv  lo importo in calc    provo a formattare le celle    a questo punto compare nei campi l'apostrofo prima dei valori\n<enzotib> papone, cosa intendi per \"formattare\"?\n<papone> per formattare intendo impostare le celle come valuta\n<enzotib> papone, lo fai *dopo* l'import?\n<papone> tasto destro del file formato celle\n<papone> certo dopo aver importato il file\n<enzotib> papone, perché non lo fai durante l'import?\n<papone> ... non ho mai provato,\n<enzotib> prova\n<enzotib> se selezioni una colonna puoi dire di che tipo deve essere considerata\n<papone> asp..\n<enzotib> nella finestra di import\n<pdor> ciao non mi va piu virtualbox, dopo l'aggiornamento a 12.04, mi dice di fare    /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup ma non trova vboxdrv....e nemmeno catfish lo trova..idee?\n<papone> ho aperto la finestra di import, di solito flaggo SEPARATO e VIRGOLA non vedo cosa altro potrei fare...\n<enzotib> papone, fammi uno screenshot e ti dico\n<enzotib> !imagebin | papone\n<ubot-it> papone: Vuoi mostrarci una schermata del tuo problema? Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<enzotib> pdor, cos'è catfish?\n<papone> ok datemi qualche secondo e faccio, è da un po' che nonentro in irc e ci metterò un p'\n<jester-> pdor: come lo avevi installato vbox\n<enzotib> papone, magari fa in modo di non mostrare nell'immagine dati sensibili\n<pdor> jester-: non me lo ricordo:)\n<pdor> e' dentro synapytic pero'\n<pdor> ma ho fatto pareecchie capriole\n<papone> posso mettere un link ad un forum cui avevo postato il problema?\n<jester-> pdor: fa vedere dpkg -l | grep virtualbox\n<enzotib> papone, serve a qualcosa?\n<jester-> !pastebin | pdor\n<ubot-it> pdor: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<papone> avevo linkato 2 file scaricati dal sito della banca, per vedere se qualcuno riusciva a risolvere il problema...\n<enzotib> papone, ok\n<pdor> jester-: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1009513/\n<jester-> pdor: disinstalla tutto e installa quello da sito oracle\n<pdor> da synaptiv basta?\n<jester-> eh\n<jester-> tutti pacchetti elencati\n<papone> enzotib: http://imagebin.org/214051\n<pdor> jester-: mi sa che lo avevo gia' fatto ma non ha funzionato qualcosa...e devo fare andare l'usb2...mi sai suggerire sopratutto cosa NON devo fare?\n<enzotib> papone, se clicchi su una intestazione di colonna, dovresti poter modificare il campo \"Tipo di colonna\"\n<papone> sì, ho provato con standard e testo  ma senza risultato\n<jester-> pdor: con ose non funzano le usb, serve quello oracle, installare le exstensions, che trovi sempre sul sito e le guest\n<papone> http://imagebin.org/214052\n<pdor> anche le guest dal sito eh...\n<papone> http://imagebin.org/214053\n<pdor> mi sa che mischiai...\n<enzotib> papone, allora non ci capiamo, lo devi fare lì, nella finestra di import, rileggi attentamente quello che ho scritto\n<papone> http://imagebin.org/214054\n<papone> asp\n<papone> enzotib: \"dovresti modificare il campo tipo di colonna\"\n<enzotib> papone, cerca questa scritta nel primo screenshot che hai postato, c'è\n<papone> le opzioni sono: standard, testo, data (3 formati) inglese, nascondi\n<enzotib> papone, e hai provato le diverse opzioni?\n<enzotib> (escuso data)\n<enzotib> cioè devi provare solo testo\n<papone> solo standard e testo, quelle data e nascondi mi sembravano assurde...\n<papone> ma per completezza ora provo\n<enzotib> papone, se non va, dammi un file su cui provare\n<papone> come te lo posto?\n<enzotib> papone, su dropbox, o tramite dcc\n<papone> ehm,\n<papone> ....\n<enzotib> papone, /dcc send enzotib /path/to/file\n<papone> ho provato con data...\n<papone> e funziona\n<papone> importo con formato data, poi lo cambio in valuta e funziona\n<enzotib> ok\n<papone> mi hai risolto un gran problema,\n<papone> grazie moltissimo\n<papone> ora vado a pranzo sollevato\n<enzotib> prego :)\n<pdor> c'e' una interfaccia grafica per installare pacchetti debian?\n<jester-> pdor: non devi installare nulla da synaptic\n<pdor> sisi infatti\n<pdor> ma per i pachetti debian mi sembrava che ci fosse un gestore\n<jester-> pdor: doppio click sul .deb\n<pdor> anche perche' l'altra volta che ho installato debian ho fatto casino\n<pdor> si apre nel gestore di archivi\n<pdor> facendo doppio clic\n<jester-> pdor: e da li lo installi che si prende anche eventuali dipendenze\n<pdor> ma come:)\n<Guest63480> salve volevo una mano per quanto riguarda il riconoscimento di un secondo HD Slave su ubuntu! ho scaricato anche \"Strumento di configurazione NTFS\" ma non capisco come funziona :(( ho provato anche a seguire i forum e la guida di wiki per capire come fare ma non funziona!:(\n<pdor> vedo solo 4 directory dentro l'archivio\n<jester-> pdor: ???\n<jester-> pdor: lo hai apreto con file roller\n<jester-> aperto\n<pdor> si con doppio clic\n<jester-> pdor:  desto e apri con software center che dovrebbe  essere il default per i deb\n<Guest63480> nessuno può darmi una mano?? :( non sò più a chi rivolgermi!\n<pdor> grazz:) ehm...\n<jester-> Guest63480: quando acendi il p il bbios lo vede'\n<jester-> ?\n<Guest63480> si si lo vede e anche se digito sul terminale sudo fdisk -l mi legge entrambi gli HD :)\n<jester-> Guest63480: qindi dove sta il problema\n<jester-> quindi*\n<Guest63480> il problema è che non riesco a trovare il modo per entrare! Cioè a me servirebbe solo per immagazzinare dati film musica ecc ma non trovo il modo per entrare! :( non so dov'è situato!\n<Guest63480> per fare un esempio se uso un SO come windows xp lo posso trovare su risorse del computer, e su ubuntu? Scusa forse la banalità della domanda ma è da poco che ho installato ubuntu!! ;)\n<jester-> Guest63480: usi gnome o unity\n<jester-> ?\n<jester-> Guest63480: hai la barra laterale a sinistra sul desktop?\n<Guest63480> si si esatto\n<jester-> Guest63480: clicca la home\n<jester-> l'icona a casetta\n<Guest63480> ok\n<Guest63480> poi?\n<jester-> Guest63480: colonna di sinistra dovresti vedere tutte le partizioni presnti\n<jester-> presenti*\n<jester-> Guest63480: le clicchi e te le monta\n<jester-> proprio come in winziz\n<jester-> winzoz*\n<Guest63480> si ma vedo solamente il disco principale, unità cd/dvd e unità floppy e basta :(\n<jester-> Guest63480: sicuro?\n<Guest63480> si per questo sono andato su wiki per scaricare il programma ma non capisco come funziona :(\n<jester-> programma di cosa\n<Guest63480> ho scaricato un programma che si chiamastrumento di configurazione NTFS\n<jester-> Guest63480: fai uno shot del desktop con nautilus a perto e postalo su\n<jester-> Guest63480: centra una sega ntfs\n<jester-> !imagebin | Guest63480\n<ubot-it> Guest63480: Vuoi mostrarci una schermata del tuo problema? Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<Guest63480> a si? quindi non serve quel programma?? comunque sto chattando con il portatile il sistema ubuntu è sul fisso :/ come faccio?? esco e rientro col pc fisso??\n<jester-> direi di si\n<Guest63480> perfetto allora esco e ritorno ;)\n<Guest63480> eccomi\n<Guest63480> scusa ma come si posta una schermata??\n<jester-> !imagebin | Guest63480\n<ubot-it> Guest63480: Vuoi mostrarci una schermata del tuo problema? Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<jester-> Guest63480: la fai col tasto stamp\n<Guest63480> ok adesso ci provo\n<Guest63480> ok eccola http://imagebin.org/214059\n<jester-> Guest63480: devi postare la schermata col filemanager aperto  Guest63480 icona file o ruben\n<Guest63480> a ok ok scusate\n<Guest63480> eccola http://imagebin.org/214061 ;)\n<jester-> Guest63480: sudo fdisk -l\n<Guest63480> ok\n<jester-> Guest63480: e dpkg -l | grep ntfs\n<Guest63480> facendo sudo fdisk -l a volte mi rileva tutti e 2 gli hd e a volte solo il primo!!\n<jester-> Guest63480: sa di hd alla frutta\n<Guest63480> davvero??\n<Guest63480> quindi basta è da buttare :/\n<jester-> Guest63480: eh stai attento quando accendi il pc, se lo vede il bios lo vede anche il sistema\n<jester-> se non lo vede è come se non ci fosse\n<jester-> Guest63480: controlla che sia alimentato e collegato allo slot ide per bene\n<Guest63480> si il bios lo vede è questo il problema e anche se inserisco il cs ubuntu per l'installazione mi lascia scegliere entrambi gli hd quindi è strano :(\n<jester-> Guest63480: e che sia settato come slave si sullo stesso cavo ide del primo hd\n<Guest63480> si adesso controllo se è collegato correttamente\n<jester-> Guest63480: secondo me anche l bios lo vede e non lo vede\n<Guest63480> è tutto ok cmunque grazie per l'aiuto!! ;) solo una domanda..se provo in futuro a sostituire il vecchio hd con uno nuovo basta vedere se lo legge il bios giusto?? perchè se il bios lo vede allora automaticamente anche il SO lo vede!\n<jester-> Guest63480: si\n<jester-> Guest63480: e va settato col pin dietro come slave\n<Guest63480> e per montarlo come faccio? home --> file e di fianco alla cartella compare l'hd??\n<jester-> Guest63480: si\n<Guest63480> dovrebbe essere comunque in slave perchè ho tolto il jumper come scritto sopra l'hd ;)\n<Guest63480> o devo fare altro'\n<Guest63480> ?\n<jester-> Guest63480: riavvia che e controlla se il biod lo vede. se si lo vedà anche nautilus\n<jester-> e fdisk -l\n<Guest63480> ho capito grazie! ;)\n<Guest63480> scusate se sono ancora qui a insistere ma ho spento il pc, ho smontato e rimontato l'hd e lo riconosce il bios e anche il SO con sudo fdisk -l ma guardate qui?? non posso montarlo! http://imagebin.org/214062\n<Guest63480> dov'è il problema?\n<flavio61> ciao\n<flavio61> scusate ma con questo programma è anche possibile scambiarsi files?\n<oloferne1066> penso di si.\n<naxil> ciao\n<naxil> non riesco a registrare suoni con il registratorino .. pero' da impostazioni audio vedo il volumne del mic..\n<andibi> ciao a tutti ho 1 problema con skype...non riesco a far audio e microfono....\n<andibi> ciao a tutti ho 1 problema con skype...non riesco a far andare audio e microfono....\n<andibi> scusate mi sono espresso male...le casse riproducono i suoni...ma se collego le cuffie con il microfono continuo a sentire i suoni dalle casse,ed il microfono nn registra\n<Guest74813> ciao a tutti!\n<sergios> salve a tutti! Non riesco a vedere alcuni contenuti di adobe flah player. non so se è il caso di reinstallarlo o aggiornare i codec... idee?\n<Guest74813> Ho un problema, ho ridimensionato una partizione con gparted poi ho salvato ma il caricamento ci sta mettendo tanto! sono quattro ore che aspetto.. perché ci sta mettendo così tanto tempo??\n<Guest74813> se faccio annulla ho paura di perdere tutto.. cosa mi consigliate?\n<naxil> andibi\n<naxil> prova cosi..\n<naxil> apri terminale e fai alsamixer\n<naxil> spostati con le freccette fino a mic\n<sergios> Guest74813 potrebbe essere che la partizione in questione si trovi in un'ità montata. in tal caso prova a smontarla!\n<naxil> se premi il tasto M levi e metti i mute alle varie cose della tua scheda sonora..\n<naxil> io ho risolto cosi\n<naxil> avevo il mute sul microfono\n<sergios> Guest74813 *un'unità\n<Guest74813> @sergios cosa?\n<sergios> Guest74813 la partizione che hai ridimensionato potrebbe essere montata nel sistema. prova a smontarla! a me è capitato così!\n<sergios> Guest74813 il processo di ridimensionamento rimane in sospeso fino a quando non smonti la partizione.\n<Guest74813> quindi cosa faccio? annullo?\n<sergios> no!\n<sergios> smonta la partizione\n<sergios> il processo dovrevve continuare e terminare regolarmente\n<Guest74813> ma come faccio a smontarla?\n<Guest74813> ho capito!\n<Guest74813> grazie @sergio\n<sergios> Guest74813 ha funzionato?\n<Guest74813> si\n<sergios> sono contento :)\n<sergios> (l'esperienza insegna) :P\n<sergios> salve a tutti! Non riesco a vedere alcuni contenuti di adobe flah player. non so se è il caso di reinstallarlo o aggiornare i codec... idee?\n<sergios> Guest74813, prego!\n<sergios> Non riesco a visualizzare alcuni contenuti di flash player: qualche giorno fa qui in chat mi hanno aiutato http://pastebin.com/55HjJvnU ma la procedura non è andata bene... anzi! si era disattivato ff poi ripartito da solo! adesso riesco a vedere ancora meno contenuti perchè pare che abbimo disinstallato GNASH (non so bene cosa sia) ma poi non siamo riusciti a reinstallare il pacchetto scaricato dal sito adobe. Ho\n<sergios> trovato questa guida ma mi sono già bloccato al punto 1 perchè non so quali componenti siano installati!\n<sergios> http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/viewtopic.php?t=335197\n<dod_> guarda laggo di brutto. se hai pazienza..\n<dod_> prova ad aprire il gestore pacchetti fai una ricerca per flash e togli tutto cio' che lo riguarda e che risulta selezionato e installato.\n<dod_> che riguarda flashplayer ovviamente.\n<dod_> poi sergios, ti cerchi la cartella .mozilla abilitando la visualizzazione delle cartelle nascoste.\n<dod_> vedi se hai una cartella plugin dentro la .mozilla. se non c'e' la crei.\n<sergios> dod_ di pasienza ne ho da vendere ma te ne servirà anche a te... :)\n<dod_> plugins.\n<dod_> hai un sistema 64bit?\n<sergios> si sono a 64bit\n<sergios> ho anche una cartella .mozilla-bak , cos'è, non serve?\n<dod_> ok. quindi l'ultimo passaggio e' scaricare il pacco per linux amd64 dal sito adobe. lo scompatti usando rar. esce fuori un file che si chiama libflashplayer.so. lo copi dentro la cartella plugins che a sua volta sta' dentro la cartella .mozilla nella home.\n<dod_> ignorala.\n<dod_> se ancora hai problemi aspetti che vedo come sono messo sul mio. probabilmente io uso gnash solamente oppure il plugin installer presenti nei repo ma devo controllare.\n<reddos> ciao a tutti ho installato di nuovo ubuntu 12.04 32 bit  ma non riesco a vedere i video di youtube cosa devo installare grazie\n<reddos> ho trovato una guida su google ma non mi convince\n<nannes> dod_: il sito adobe mi ha dato noie ultimamente... se serve c'è questo, io ho fatto da qui: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/amd64/adobe-flashplugin/\n<reddos> io ho 32 bit va bene uguale\n<nannes> reddos: no!! per te c'è la 32bit!\n<nannes> reddos: lsb_release -a && uname -a\n<reddos> ok\n<reddos> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1009917/\n<sergios> dod_ questo è quello che mi spunta... mi sa che non ho nulla installato!\n<sergios> http://imagebin.org/214073\n<giovanni60> ciao\n<nannes> reddos: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/104244646/adobe-flashplugin_11.2.202.235-0precise1_i386.deb\n<giovanni60> esiste in ubuntu 12.04 un programa per estrappolare i file pdf in libreoffice ??\n<reddos> ok\n<nannes> giovanni60: in che senso estrappolare?\n<giovanni60> per modificarli\n<giovanni60> nannes,  ciao\n<sergios> giovanni60: File/Esporta nel formato PDF\n<nannes> sergios: no vuole fare il contrario lui.. vuole importare\n<giovanni60> da pdf in libre office\n<dod_> sergios allora prendi il pacco dal sito come ti ho detto. per 64bit. scompatti e copi il file dentro plugins.\n<sergios> nannes capito male!\n<giovanni60> sergios,  file pdf /esporta in libreoffice\n<nannes> sergios: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/105154249/adobe-flashplugin_11.2.202.235-0oneiric1_i386.deb\n<nannes> ops ops\n<nannes> fermo sergios, volevo dire quest'altro: (scusa)\n<nannes> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/105154186/adobe-flashplugin_11.2.202.235-0oneiric1_amd64.deb\n<sergios> dod_ http://imagebin.org/214073 convieni con me che non ho nulla di installato? non ho mai usate gestore pacchetti (anche se alcune cose su youtube le vedo)\n<nannes> giovanni60: C'è un'estensione che te lo permette, si chiama \"PDF Import\"\n<sergios> giovanni60: pensavo un'altra cosa, non so aiutarti!\n<nannes> giovanni60: forse è già una funzione integrata!\n<nannes> che versione hai installato di libreoffice?\n<giovanni60> quella di default dic ubuntu 12.04\n<nannes> giovanni60: io non la conosco... guarda please, così non si perde tempo\n<nannes> da Aiuto > Informazioni\n<lelamal> giovanni60: forse questa? http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/project/pdfimport\n<nannes> lelamal: se è >= 3.3 ce l'ha già integrata\n<lelamal> nannes: ah ok!\n<giovanni60> nannes,  libre 3\n<sergios> nannes ma il link che mi hai dato è di un file .deb, un installabile se non sbaglio! non c'è il file libflashplayer.so che dovrei mettere nella home/.mozilla/plugins come mi diceva dod_\n<nannes> giovanni60: in ogni caso i pdf non son fatti per esser modificati. Quindi non aspettarti la stessa facilità con cui modifichi un documento di testo qualsiasi, anche perchè \"PDFimport\" è un'estensione che funziona solo su LibreOfficeDraw\n<nannes> sergios: anche a me qualche giorno fa, oneiric ha dato dei problemi con l'installazione di flash da repository. Ho risolto con quello. Quindi ti conviene  disinstallare qualsiasi pacchetto flash che hai adesso, e mettere quello ----> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/105154186/adobe-flashplugin_11.2.202.235-0oneiric1_amd64.deb\n<andibi> naxil ci 6 ancora??\n<naxil> si\n<naxil> dimmi\n<naxil> hai risolto?\n<sergios> dod_ spero non ti offendi se seguo naxil... :) mi sembra che abbia esperienza diretta e recente sull'argomento!nannes io ho ubuntu 11.10 con gnome shell. va bene lo stesso?\n<nannes> ahah non c'è problema! ;) XD\n<sergios> scusate sto facendo confusione coi nomi!!!\n<naxil> me?\n<naxil> perche?\n<naxil> io dicevo ad andibi\n<naxil> sul 'audio\n<sergios> naxil appunto, ho fatto confuzione coi nomi ! pardon!\n<naxil> niente figurati\n<sergios> :)\n<andibi> si naxil ho scritto alsamixetr\n<andibi> che faccio ora?su headphone vedo 00\n<andibi> senza nessuna scala\n<Sagitt> Could not connect to database: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)\n<Sagitt> come posso risolvere? ho un eeepc 900 con ubuntu server 12.04 e zoneminder\n<Sagitt> pur se formatto, e lo lascio li funzionare con zoneminder ogni tot esce quell'avviso e nulla funziona più\n<reddos> niente da fare i video di youtube non si vedono si era bloccato il pc ho dovuto riavviarlo manualmente\n<giovanni60> se una applicazione non blocca, come si fa a chiuderla ( ubuntu 12.04 ? grazie\n<giovanni60> se una applicazione si blocca, come si fa a chiuderla ( ubuntu 12.04 ? grazie\n<reddos> fai come ho fatto io lo spengi e lo riavvii\n<naxil> ma scusa andibi\n<naxil> che centra headphone?\n<naxil> allora praticamente hai tutti i volumi davanti di tutte le uscit/entrate della tua scheda audio\n<andibi> naxil dovrei aver risolto\n<naxil> con le frecciette sx/ds ti muovi\n<andibi> xo vedo ke ho il microfono attacco\n<naxil> con su giu = + vol - vol\n<naxil> vai su mic\n<naxil> e vedi se sullo 00 hai il verde\n<andibi> anche se nn sono su skype mi riproduce il suono nelle casse\n<naxil> se no premi M\n<andibi> si ho fatto naxil\n<naxil> certo\n<andibi> ma come faccio a sentire il suono solo dalle cuffie quando attacco il microfono?\n<sergios> nannes, ho installato ma mi dice che il pacchetto <<adobe flash-plugin>> viola il conflitto del pacchetto esistente adobe flash-plugin ()\n<nannes> sergios: ti avevo detto di cancellare i vecchi\n<sergios> avevo visto che da gestore pacchetti non c'era nulla di installato che riguardasse adobe flash player.. pensavo bastasse quello! http://imagebin.org/214073\n<sergios> nannes, la cosa è risolvibile?\n<rorro007> ciao a tutti ho un problema ho inserito la pendrive e se vado in computer me la riconosce pero non me la apre. Ho la 12.04\n<naxil> scusate\n<naxil> saltata la corrente\n<naxil> si diceva?\n<naxil> con ci stavo parlando?\n<andibi> naxil: dicevo ke se attacco le cuffie\n<andibi> il suono lo sento nelle casse...e vorrei sentirlo nelle cuffie\n<sergios> ho fatto un casino con l'installazione del pacchetto di adobe flash player senza disinstallare il vecchio. Adesso vanno in conflitto e non so come risolverlo anche perchè da ubuntu software center non mi da la voce disinstalla!\n<sergios> idee?\n<nannes> sergios: dpkg -l | grep -i flash\n<sergios> nannes, http://pastebin.com/WjJJu4dZ (grazie)\n<jester-> sergios: fa vedere dpkg -l | egrep 'ndis|swf|gnash|flash|nsplugin'\n<nannes> sergios incolla questo tutto insieme →  sudo apt-get remove adobe-flashplugin;sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras\n<Drizamanuber> ciao a tutti ho un pc con un processore da 840 mhz, quale distro mi conviene installare? ho provato con xubuntu 12.04 e va in crash, mentre lubuntu si installa, ma ci mette una vita a partire\n<nannes> Drizamanuber: lubuntu io cel'ho in un athlon 900mhz e va... quanta ram hai?\n<nannes> Drizamanuber: e poi, che scheda video hai?\n<Drizamanuber> nannes: 240 mb\n<Drizamanuber> non so qual'è la scheda video il pc è un sony vaio\n<naxil> !chat\n<ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<nannes> Drizamanuber: in che senso ci mette una vita a partire? quanto ci mette? e poi, nel boot vedi lo splash screen o no?\n<nannes> naxil: per chi è? :)\n<naxil> per me\n<naxil> scusate.. ma lo vedete tutti? credevo di no.. solo con il nick si vedesse..\n<Drizamanuber> nannes: 5 min circa per partire\n<Drizamanuber> nannes: cos'è lo spalsh screen?\n<nannes> naxil: eheh :) se non vuoi che si veda, devi fare un pv a ubot-it\n<nannes> Drizamanuber: il logo lubuntu con i pallini che caricano\n<Drizamanuber> nannes: sì quello si vedeva e poi partiva, funzionava tutto ma molto a  rilento\n<nannes> Drizamanuber: togli lxde e metti fluxbox, andrà ancor più veloce... (però non avrai il file manager)\n<nannes> Drizamanuber: se no, per questi scopi ci sono distro come AntiX che sono una bomba!\n<nannes> Drizamanuber: disabilitalo da grub.cfg allora\n<Drizamanuber> nannes: allora provo antix\n<sergios> nannes http://imagebin.org/214079\n<naxil> nannes verresti in chat nattimo..\n<nannes> sergios: bene hai quasi fatto.. premi il tasto TAB (in modo che venga selezionato l'OK) poi Invio\n<sergios> nannes, ok sta andando...\n<sergios> nannes ha finito! adesso? (flash su youtube continua a non funzionare)\n<nannes> sergios: fammi vedere l'output del comando... se ha dato errori\n<nannes> (da pastebin)\n<sergios> nannes eccolo ma mi sembra che manchi la parte iniziale... http://pastebin.com/Fa9pydKG\n<nannes> sergios: dai adesso il comando dpkg -l | egrep 'ndis|swf|gnash|flash|nsplugin'\n<sergios> nannes: fatto, senza output.\n<nannes> lol :D bien, fai quest'ultima cosa:\n<Drizamanuber> qual'è il comando per controllare la mia scheda videeo?\n<sergios> (sono molto ignorante sul terminale e comandi vari :P)\n<nannes> cd~;wget http://launchpadlibrarian.net/105154186/adobe-flashplugin_11.2.202.235-0oneiric1_amd64.deb;sudo dpkg -i adobe-flashplugin_11.2.202.235-0oneiric1_amd64.deb\n<nannes> sergios: incolla quest, tutto insieme, pure con il link! ^^^^ poi fammi vedere l'output du pastebin\n<sergios> nannes, http://pastebin.com/KNesXMe4\n<sergios> Drizamanuber http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/Video/DomandeFrequenti\n<nannes> sergios:  scrivi → sudo updatedb;locate plugins | grep -i lib/firefox | grep -v search\n<sergios> nannes http://pastebin.com/WRBrXYVY\n<sergios> fatto!\n<nannes> sergios:  ls /usr/lib/firefox/plugins;echo -e \"\\n\\n\";locate libflashplayer.so | grep adobe\n<sergios> nannes http://pastebin.com/nb6iNNtd\n<sergios> nannes ce n'è anchee uno nel cestino :)\n<nannes> sergios: sudo cp /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/;sudo cp /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/;\n<nannes> poi prova quella schifuezzua\n<sergios> nannes, ok fatto! schifuezzua sarebbe flash? :D stavo già testando e funzionava anche prima di dare questo comando! GRAZIE!\n<sergios> nannes, AHHHH finalmente sono riuscito a vedere questo video che mi ha mandato un mio amico ben una settimana fa! (da vedere assolutamente) http://video.repubblica.it/sport/la-pesca-facile-barracuda-di-18-chili-salta-sulla-barca/95554/93936\n<sergios> GRAZIEEE!\n<nannes> lol barracuda di 8 kg O.O\n<nannes> *18\n<sergios> che salta inbarca da solo!! :O\n<ZioScar> salve a tutti\n<nannes> sergios: se gli andata sopra... ahia!!\n<nannes> *andava\n<ZioScar> scusatemi, succede una cosa strana...quando faccio ruotare il cubo fila tutto liscio, appena clicco sulla freccetta in basso per la visualizzazione stile \"expo\" crasha tutto\n<ZioScar> che può essere?\n<nannes> ZioScar: hmm devi farlo partire da terminale per vedere l'errore\n<ZioScar> nannes, ma se mi crasha tutto come faccio...sono costretto a riavviare\n<ZioScar> nannes, spiegami un pò\n<nannes> addirittura! beh allora reindirizzi l'output su file di testo ZioScar!\n<nannes> ZioScar: ma \"crash\" e \"freeze\" sono due cose diverse\n<ZioScar> nannes, spiegami, in pratica, dovrei far roteare il cubo tramite terminale, e poi sempre tramite terminale digitare il comando che mi fa il \"frezee\"?\n<nannes> ZioScar: ahaha macchè!\n<nannes> devi solo lanciare compiz da terminale, il resto è lo stesso..... ma come ho detto crash e freeze son due cose diverse... a te crasha o si blocca?\n<ZioScar> nannes, si blocca tutto\n<nannes> allora non crasha un bel niente\n<ZioScar> nannes, ho dato un compiz --replace da terminale..ho ripetuto la procedura..ma non dice nulla\n<ZioScar> nannes, anzi dice solo questo mentre carica compiz compiz (core) - Error: Couldn't load plugin '/usr/lib/compiz/libimgsvg.so' : /usr/lib/compiz/libimgsvg.so: undefined symbol: decor_apply_gravity\n<nannes> ZioScar: che hai fatto qualche aggiornamento?\n<ZioScar> nannes, la distro è aggiornata..si\n<nannes> -.- spiegati meglio\n<ZioScar> nannes, ho appena finito di installare ubuntu 12.04\n<ZioScar> nannes, ho appena finito di installare gli aggiornamenti\n<nannes> pulita o dist-upgrade ???\n<ZioScar> nannes, vado, come al solito, per mettere compiz\n<ZioScar> nannes, pulita\n<ZioScar> nannes, infine, trovo la sorpresa...mi si blocca nella visualizzazione..\n<nannes> ZioScar: mm..boh, sono strani errori se hai installato da repo...\n<nannes> ZioScar: versione?\n<ZioScar> nannes, spiegami come faccio a vedere l'errore di compiz da terminale\n<ZioScar> nannes, i passaggi da fara\n<ZioScar> fare*\n<nannes> ZioScar: se si blocca è un problema però...\n<nannes> che versione di compiz???\n<ZioScar> nannes, 1:\n<nannes> ZioScar: vabbè ormai sta per fallire completamente il progetto...\n<robytrevi> ciao a tutti\n<ZioScar> nannes, che intendi?\n<mariano> ciao a tutti ioo ho un problema con java chi mi può aiutare?\n<nannes> nel sito ufficiale vedo che l'ultima stable sarebbe la 0.8.8, mentre tu hai la 0.9.7\n<ZioScar> nannes, questo vuol dire che non può funzionare?\n<nannes> ZioScar: comunque sia, se vuoi sclerare a cercare la soluzione ----> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash\n<nannes> con quelle istruzioni riesci a vedere l'errore ^\n<patatalessa> ciao scusate son nuova di ubuntu posso chiedervi una cosa?\n<bud87> chiedi e se possibile, ti sarà dato\n<patatalessa> grazie intanto\n<patatalessa> devo prendere le cartelline che ho sul desktop di windows e metterle sul desktop di ubuntu,ma come si fa che non le riesco a trovare?\n<Steeler> patatalessa, cioè aspè; sei su 2 PC ?\n<patatalessa> no ovviamente\n<Steeler> patatalessa, allora spiega la situazione, sei su WIN ?\n<patatalessa> devo trovare la cartella col mio nome sul desktop di windows per leggerla da ubuntu\n<patatalessa>  no steeler ora son su ubuntu\n<patatalessa> ma non trovo le cartelle del desktop di windows\n<jester-> patatalessa: monti la partizione win da nautlius e fai\n<Steeler> patatalessa, ma come fai ad essere su win se stai su ubuntu ?\n<patatalessa> infatti non son su windows steeler,ma leggi cosas scrivo?\n<Steeler> patatalessa, si, sei in Dual Boot ?\n<patatalessa> che vuol dire steeler?\n<Steeler> patatalessa, hai 2 sistemi insieme nello stesso computer ?\n<patatalessa> si\n<nannes> patatalessa: se apri una cartella a caso (nautilus) troverai la lista delle partizioni nella parte sinistra della finestra\n<nannes> patatalessa: basta cliccare su quella di windows, e troverai le cartelle (Documents and Settings/NomeUtente/Desktop)\n<patatalessa> si lo so ma quelle cartelle non le trovo\n<nannes> patatalessa: allora è \"Users\"\n<nannes> (invece di Doc.andSet.)\n<Steeler> tutti che si ricordano i path di win ahahha\n<nannes> Steeler: quando ci lavori ti rimangono in testa\n<Steeler> nannes, asd\n<nannes> (poi non vedo cosa c'è da ridere)\n<nannes> :P\n<sergios> patatalessa anche io ce l'ho in /user/NOMEUTENTE/Desktop\n<patatalessa> non la trovo\n<Steeler> patatalessa, può darsi anche che sia \"AllUsers\"\n<patatalessa> steeler abbi pazienza ma come ci arrivo?\n<Steeler> patatalessa, è montato questo hdd con win; file sistem da xxxGB ??\n<sergios> patatalessa ma come è stato installato ubuntu sul tuo pc?\n<patatalessa> steeler mi parli in arabo :D\n<nannes> patatalessa: scrivi nel terminale  →  mount\n<patatalessa> non csapisco nulla di queste cose\n<Steeler> patatalessa, si infatti dai mount\n<nannes> !paste | patatalessa: e incolla tutto nel pastebin\n<ubot-it> patatalessa: e incolla tutto nel pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<patatalessa> scaricato ed installato\n<patatalessa> cosa devo incollare?\n<sergios> patatalessa apri il programma che si chiama terminale\n<Steeler> patatalessa, fai prima a premere CTRL+ALT+T\n<sergios> e poi scrivi il comando mount\n<patatalessa> e dove lo trovo\n<Steeler> patatalessa, fai prima a premere CTRL+ALT+T\n<patatalessa> ok e poi?\n<sergios> scivi mount\n<patatalessa> è comparso di tutto\n<sergios> quello che ti compare lo copi e lo reincolli su http://paste.ubuntu.com/\n<sergios> copia e incolla tutto\n<Steeler> patatalessa, x copiare lo selezioni con il mouse e premi CTRL+SHIFT+C\n<patatalessa> shift sarebbe? :D\n<nannes> tasto destro > copia\n<nannes> senza complicare :D\n<sergios> il tasto per fare le maiuscole\n<patatalessa> ha ha ha\n<sergios> :D\n<patatalessa> ok e ora?\n<Steeler> patatalessa, CTRL+V dentro qui http://paste.ubuntu.com/\n<sergios> dopo aver incollato tutto nella casella \"content\" premi il tasto \"paste\" in basso\n<sergios> esatto\n<patatalessa> fatto e poi?\n<kiefer> Caio a tutti qualcuno mi può aiutare ad istallare Grass 6.4.2 nella 12.04 di ubuntu? Grazie\n<sergios> patatalessa copia l'indirizzo della pagina che ti è comparsa e poi incollalo qui in chat!\n<Steeler> patatalessa, copia il link che vedi nella barra degli indirizzi e incollalo qui\n<nannes> kiefer: non so cosa sia, ma prima di tutto guarda se su synaptic\n<patatalessa> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010236/\n<sergios> yhaaa!!!\n<nannes> ahahah\n<nannes> quale sarà di quei tre? :/\n<patatalessa> ed ora?\n<nannes> eheh gli facciamo guardare tutti e tre :P\n<kiefer> nannes: no sono oltre https://launchpad.net/~ubuntugis/+archive/ubuntugis-unstable?field.series_filter=precise non c'è in synap\n<naxil2> salve\n<patatalessa> nannes se vuoi ti dico come si chiama quel che cerco\n<nannes> no patatalessa\n<nannes> ahah certo hce questo nick che hai scelto..ù\n<patatalessa> e mica l'ho scelto a caso\n<sergios> ;)\n<patatalessa> ùcon tre figli ed un lavoro capisci anche tu..............\n<patatalessa> insomma?\n<nannes> ls /media/D6E24711E246F571/;echo -e \"\\n\\n\";ls /media/Volume/;echo -e \"\\n\\n\";ls /media/8A2829AF28299B69/\n<Steeler> secondo me è questo /media/8A2829AF28299B69\n<nannes> patatalessa: incolla tutto sto minestrone sul terminale patatalessa, poi premi invio ^^\n<nannes> patatalessa: e incolli tutto quello che esce nel pastebin, come hai fatto prima :P\n<naxil2> non so se puo interessare a qualcuno ma dico la mia esperienza con il 3d.. e le schede vecchie e opengl: installando driconf ho abilitato il TS e cosi sono riuscito a giocare a giochi come regnum che altrimenti dicevano oldvideocards\n<patatalessa> nel terminale?\n<patatalessa> ecco figlio chiama\n<nannes> kiefer: dice \"Unstable releases\" quindi non pretendere troppo... però vediamo: dov'è l'errore?\n<patatalessa> dove devo copiuarlo nannes?\n<sergios> patatalessa, si nel terminale!\n<patatalessa> nel terminale dove?\n<sergios> dove ti lampeggia il cursore\n<kiefer> nannes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010245/\n<nannes> patatalessa: metti la freccina del mouse nella parte nera del terminale, premi tastoDestro>incolla\n<nannes> patatalessa: poi invio\n<Steeler> patatalessa, se l'hai copiato da qui, li premi CTRL+SHIFT+V\n<patatalessa> asp\n<patatalessa> mi cdice comando non trovat\n<patatalessa> scusate devo scappare\n<patatalessa> figlio chiama\n<patatalessa> grazie comunque nannes\n<patatalessa> ma ritornerò ad angoscxiarti\n<sergios> patatalessa abbi tanta pasienza e te ne sarà data altrettanta... qui c'è tanta brava gente disposta ad aiutarti!\n<nannes> :)\n<nannes> sergios: facci da promoter...\n<sergios> vado anche io... nannes grazie ancora per flash e attento ai barracuda volanti!\n<nannes> sergios: porta gente :P\n<nannes> okkk ciauu!!\n<sergios> si si... da una settimana sto cercando di sistemare un dual boot su un pc di una mia amica che sarà una nuova adepta... spero\n<nannes> cmq: io me li mangio i barracuda volanti\n<nannes> bravo :D\n<nannes> kiefer: ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/\n<sergios> sempre se riesco a risolvere sto problema mooolto strano \"error: unknown filesystem\" riga dopo \"grub rescue>\" e cursore lamp\n<nannes> sergios: probabilmente unknown filesystem è una partizione danneggiata\n<kiefer> nannes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010254/\n<sergios> nannes, probabile, anche se ho più volte eliminato tutte le partizioni e rifatte da zero? forse un prob fisico in qualche cluster danneggiato dell'hd?  quando installo windows tutto ok, è un errore che mi da appena finisco l'installazione di ubuntu e riavvio.\n<nannes> sergios: l'hai detto. fai un check disk\n<kiefer> sergios:  prova to a scaricare nuovamente la distro?\n<nannes> kiefer: quindi l'hai installato da quel repo oppure no?\n<Steeler> sergios, sarà che win non si accorge degli errori e si fotte prima.\n<neramarea> 'sera. il notebook della mia ragazza con ubuntu 11.10 non vede le memory card inserite nello slot, il mio con la 12.04 sì. come risolvo?\n<kiefer> nannes: e quello che speravo di aver fatto ma probabilmente è un problema di chiavi? sinceramente non ne ho idea\n<nannes> kiefer: il pacchetto è installato. Il repo non c'è più. Quindi 1)l'hai installato da quel repo poi l'hai tolto tu  2)non l'hai installato da li\n<nannes> neramarea: accertati che non sia un problema hardware\n<neramarea> nannes e come?\n<nannes> neramarea: una live di precise è un'idea... oppure se lei ha pure win, è perfetto\n<kiefer> nannes: provo a reinstallare il riferimento ai repo. Grazie\n<neramarea> sì, ha anche windows, ma i file che vogliam gestire sono in ubuntu\n<nannes> neramarea: metti win e accertati che li il lettore di schede funzioni. A quel punto si potrà parlarne qui... se no si perde solo tempo\n<neramarea> ok\n<nannes> kiefer: ma ti serve una versione particolare? Perchè sembra che ci sia già nei repo default di ubuntu\n<kiefer> nannes:  non mi serve la 6.4.2 per ubuntu 12.04\n<nannes> aaaaa\n<kiefer> nannes: con interfaccia grafica wxPython GUI\n<kiefer> nannes:  ho sbagliatoa scrivere: Mi serve la 6.4.2 per ubuntu 12.04\n<nannes> kiefer: beh da questo pastebin sembra ci sia già http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010245/\n<sergios> nannes: già, check disk, proverò appena ho il pc sottomano; kiefer: non ci avevo pensato... anche se da live pare funzioni perfettamente!\n<sergios> intanto grazie a tutti, siete sempre molto gentili anche con le CAPRE CAPRE CAPRE come me (e patatalessa) :D\n<sergios> ciao a tutti!\n<kiefer> nannes: si ma non si vede la surce list\n<nannes> kiefer: per scoprire quel problema basta riprovare ad aggiungere il ppa\n<nannes> però kiefer secondo me è meglio compilare i sorgenti\n<nannes> dal sito ufficiale: «To get the latest version of GRASS on Ubuntu, compile the code from source. See the Compile and Install section for a shell script that makes this easy.» http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/Compile_and_Install\n<kiefer> nannes: se provoa lanciarlo mi da questo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010277/\n<nannes> kiefer: premi invio\n<kiefer> nannes: magari se sapevo compilare non venivo a stressarvi\n<nannes> kiefer: e dov'è tutta questa difficoltà\n<neramarea> nannes winsozz la vede\n<nannes> neramarea: lsusb\n<neramarea> spè che tornismo su ubuntu\n<nannes> anzi aspetta.... \"la vede\" vuol dire che hai provato a entrare, a scriverci un file?\n<nannes> fermo, rimani su win\n<nannes> e prova quello ^^\n<kiefer> nannes: fatto stavo infatti aggiornando\n<kiefer> dopo la riaggiunta dei ppa\n<neramarea> nannes sì\n<nannes> ok allora forza con ubuntu\n<neramarea> (dannazione a win e alla sua lentezza...)\n<kiefer> nannes: probabilmente ieri quandoho provato ad installarlo ho avutoproblemi di connessione. sembra che ora funzioni. Devo riavviare. Ciao e molte grazie\n<nannes> bene.. ciauu\n<naxil2> secondo voi questo errore perche? http://pastebin.com/mrHeGwmD non ho spazio nel hd?\n<neramarea_> nannes http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1010288/\n<nannes> neramarea_: lsmod | grep -i scsi && cat /proc/bus/usb/devices && sudo apt-get install sg3-utils\n<neramarea_> nessun result\n<nannes> O.O\n<neramarea_> ...eh eh... però ora la vede\n<neramarea_> grazie nannes\n<nannes> LOL\n<nannes> di niente..\n<neramarea_> bene. ora lascio la donna smanettare in pace. buona serata a tutti\n<nannes> cavolacci a volte confondo i comandi linux generali con ubuntu.... ma perchè non lasciano il mondo come lo trovano a canonical -.-\n<naxil2> ragazzi ma per aggiornare i mesa devo per forza compilarli vero?\n<nannes> naxil2: credo proprio di si. Nei repo sono versioni datate\n<naxil2> nannes.. ma scusa na cosa.. quale devo dare al make? lib-dri-32? quale ce ne sono almeno 30\n<naxil2> aspe te le faccio vedere su pastebin cosa dice il make\n<nannes> naxil2: un semplice \"Make\"\n<nannes> il makefile gestisce tutto da solo\n<naxil2> no\n<naxil2> mi dice quale ver mettere.. aspe\n<naxil2> no ver quale mesa fare..\n<naxil2> http://pastebin.com/3jeqMpnJ\n<naxil2> guarda qua http://pastebin.com/3jeqMpnJ\n<naxil2> ma poi scusa.. ci sono due tipo di open driver per ubuntu/linux? i mesa e i gli xf86-video-ati?\n<naxil2> anche facendo ./configure non trova la ver giusta.. va data la dipendenza al make..\n<naxil2> nannes?\n<neramarea> si può creare una rete locale tra due pc ubuntu? tipo il workgroup di win?\n<nannes> scusa ero afw\n<nannes> afk\n<naxil2> si\n<nannes> naxil2: da dove hai scaricato\n<naxil2> dal sito originale\n<nannes> dammi il link\n<naxil2> dove rilasciano il mesa\n<nannes> neramarea: certo\n<nannes> !condivisione | neramarea\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'condivisione'\n<nannes> -.-\n<naxil2> http://xorg.freedesktop.org/wiki/RadeonFeature\n<neramarea> nannes? ;-)\n<nannes> !samba | neramarea\n<ubot-it> neramarea: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Server/Samba\n<naxil2> nannes qui scusa http://cgit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/\n<nannes> hai preso gli 8.0.3 ?\n<Steeler> naxil2, a forza di dire MESA mi stai facendo pensare a questo http://www.mesaboogie.com/\n<nannes> Che ampli i mesa...\n<naxil2> si\n<naxil2> l'ho presi\n<naxil2> ma quando do make\n<nannes> naxil2: scusa che sistema hai 64 o 32\n<naxil2> mi chiede duemila cose.. cioe' devo dirgli quale mesa fare..\n<naxil2> 32\n<nannes> scegli i linux-x86 allora\n<naxil2> ma mi da un casino di errori\n<nannes> -.-\n<nannes> pastebin.\n<nannes> oppure prova anche linux-x86-32\n<naxil2> ascolta\n<naxil2> ma hai ragione te ubuntu installa i OpenGL version string: 1.5 Mesa 7.7.1\n<naxil2>  quando invece ci sono gia gli 8.0.3\n<naxil2> nannes ma questi xserver-xorg-video-ati sono altri driver? diversi dai mesa.. o sono complementari?\n<neramarea> ho fatto una cazzata: volevo aggiungere il ppa di gnome shell testing, però ho cambiato idea, ma ora... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1010349/ e il gestore aggiornamenti da' lo stesso errore... come elimino il ppa?\n<nannes> naxil2: xorg e mesa son due cose diverseeee\n<naxil2> cioe? mi puoi spiegare in chat per favore mi interessa molto\n<nannes> i mesa sono un'mplementazione di opengl su linux (GPL)\n<nannes> (detto molto in modo spicciolo)\n<neramarea> risolto editando /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ricotz-testing-precise.list\n<naxil2> !chat\n<ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<nannes> per vedere che cos'è X ---> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_Window_System (la pagina italiana fa schifo naxil2)\n<nannes> naxil2: per chiarire, possiamo vedere i mesa come delle semplici \"estensioni\" dell' X system\n<naxil2> ok\n<naxil2> per abilitare opengl eccetera oltre che alla \"grafica\" .. insomma mesa e' l'open accellerazione di x?\n<naxil2> mi so incartato..\n<naxil2> bgho non so come si fa apro un thread\n<nannes> è più generale: sono librerie grafiche e basta...\n<nannes> grazie alle quali puoi anche abilitare l'accekerazione 3d, si, però OpenGL sono solo librerie\n#ubuntu-it 2013-05-20\n<cri> buongiorno\n<akis24> giorno\n<glpiana> ola\n<jester-> 'ngiorno\n<Shin3> giorno\n<CostRick> Giorno :)\n<cedpreganziol> Buongiorno a tutti.\n<CostRick> ciao cedpreganziol\n<cedpreganziol> volevo segnalare un probabile errore\n<cedpreganziol> in http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/MD5Sum#Impronte_di_Ubuntu\n<enzotib> cedpreganziol, #ubuntu-it-doc\n<cedpreganziol> se scarico la versione 12.04 server, i386 l'hash calcolato risulta essere quello della AMD64\n<cedpreganziol> ok\n<cedpreganziol> saluti\n<CostRick> Raga... come si selezione le checkbox da terminale? ho provato con tutti i tasti...\n<CostRick> Guaardate: intendo queste: http://i43.tinypic.com/2ui8byd.png\n<enzotib> CostRick, TAB finché non la selezioni e poi Space\n<CostRick> Cazzo! Era banalissimo! ahahhaa ... grazie enzotib  :)\n<enzotib> prego\n<CostRick> Uhm, come faccio ad individuare il drive dove è installato mbr? devo dare al terminale: sudo burg-install \"(hd0)\" ma non so con cosa sostituire hd0\n<CostRick> provo con hd0 dai... spero un bene\n<JohnnyP> ciao a tutti. ho un problema con ubuntu 13.04. ho installato ubuntu 12.10 su una partizione e senza disinstallare windows 7 dall'altra poco più di un mese fa senza problemi di nessun tipo. l'ho aggiornato alla versione 13.04 e dopo circa una settimana (oggi) mi è comparso questo messaggio all'accensione: the system is running in low graphics mode.\n<jester-> JohnnyP: problema di driver video pare\n<jester-> JohnnyP: comincia a dare sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade\n<JohnnyP> nella schermata nera che compare?\n<blabla_> !java\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Programmazione/Java\n<blabla_> GRANDE BOT!\n<jester-> JohnnyP: hai il prompt?\n<JohnnyP> su windows?\n<jester-> JohnnyP: parlo di ubuntu winz non centra\n<jester-> se il problema lo hai in winz non centra ubuntu\n<JohnnyP> quando mi esce il messaggio e do l'Ok, il mouse e la tastiera non mi funzionano più... e sono costretto a spegnere e riaccendere il pc\n<blabla_> jester-: ho bisogno di installare java... quale fra quelle del link devo mettere?\n<JohnnyP> ho visto su internet che se clicco ctrl+alt+f1 esce una specie di prompt. dopo aver fatto il login tramite il terminale, cosa devo fare?\n<jester-> JohnnyP: parti in ripristino, al menu attivi la rete poi vai in root e fai\n<jester-> blabla_: nessuno di quelli per le java oracle serve un ppa\n<blabla_> jester-:  eh???\n<blabla_> jester-:  spiegati meglio\n<jester-> blabla_:  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java\n<jester-> blabla_: sudo apt-get update\n<jester-> blabla_: sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer\n<blabla_> jester-: c'è altro da inserire?\n<jester-> no\n<blabla_> jester-: ok... puoi spiegarmi tecnicamente cosa mi hai fatto fare?\n<jester-> aggiungere un repo e installare le java non free\n<jester-> ci mette un po a scsaricare\n<hhhh> !java\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Programmazione/Java\n<rocco__> buongiorno\n<rocco__> ok, mi voglio far prendere da imbranato, vorrei cambiare lo sfondo delle finestre e dell start, dove ci sono le varie applicazioni, vorrei togliere il colore bianco, ma non so come fare, son riuscito a cambiare i bordi, qualche aiutino dove devo andare? (non in quel senso)\n<rocco__> grazier\n<rocco__> cascato\n<hhhh> rocco__: non c'è nessuno ora\n<akhilleus> ciao a tutti\n<a12g10> ce nesSSUUNOO\n<cristian_c> lol\n<cris76> ciao\n<cris76> a chi posso domandare per installare ubuntu?\n<TaLaDo> !installazione\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione | Per installazione grafica http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download\n<us3r-> come faccio a modificare la risoluzione del display?\n<us3r-> nel netbook, dovrebbe essere 1024x600 ma è 1280x720\n<us3r-> così non vedo la parte sotto\n<us3r-> ma se metto 1024x600 non si vede + niente\n<us3r-> il display è 10.2 pollici\n<us3r-> vga compatible controller via technologies cx700/vx700 s3 unichrome pro (rev 03)\n<us3r-> kernel boot options èa default\n<us3r-> quiet splash --\n<klod> ho un problema con il puntatore mouse, praticamente quando clicco qualsiasi cosa il puntatore sparisce. cosa posso fare?\n<us3r-> che mouse è?\n<us3r-> se è sotto i 10 euro buttalo\n<us3r-> sotto i 6 anzi\n<klod> non lo so mi è stato regalato.. provo con un altro mouse?\n<us3r-> sìsì\n<us3r-> ma me quella cosa nn lo faceva neanche con un mouse cinese da 6 euro\n<glpiana> il mouse in sè no cìentrerà nulla.\n<glpiana> klod, che cosa usi? gnome, unity, kde, xfce?\n<glpiana> altro?\n<us3r-> mancano i driver forse\n<us3r-> a me su lubuntu non funziona il tasto destro del mouse\n<us3r-> lo scroller\n<us3r-> a spingere lo scroller\n<us3r-> che è anche un tasto\n<klod> me lo fa ugualmente\n<klod> io credo che sia un problema di driver\n<us3r-> io uso lxde\n<glpiana> klod, poi quando hai tempo rispondimi\n<us3r-> klod, che cosa usi? gnome, unity, kde, xfce?\n<klod> non so cosa siano\n<glpiana> klod, cosa hai installato? ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu?\n<us3r-> su linux o si è esperti o meglio usare solo windows\n<klod> ah ubuntu\n<glpiana> e qui una volta era tutta campagna\n<glpiana> klod, che scheda video hai?\n<klod> ati radeon hd 5450\n<Kalce> salve a tutti\n<Kalce> tutti*\n<glpiana> klod, dopo aver installato ubuntu hai messo i driver proprietari per la scheda video?\n<klod> si, ieri sera però non mi dava problemi oggi ho acceso e mi ha dato questo problema\n<glpiana> klod, oki, come li hai installati?\n<Kalce> ho appena installato la 13.04 e l' ho installata in maniera che all' avvio mi chiede la password per sbloccare il disco.  Come posso fare per non farmi chiedere più quella password e andare direttamente alla password dell' utente?\n<us3r-> glpiana esistono driver per ubuntu di via technologies cx700/vx700 s3 unichrome pro (rev 03) ?\n<klod> sono andato su driver aggiuntivi e ho visto che il driver della scheda grafica non era installato e l'ho installato da li\n<glpiana> us3r-, prova a vedere qui http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Cestino/HardwareVideoViaChrome9Unichrome\n<glpiana> klod, oki, allora rifai la stessa cosa, ma stavolta disinstalla il driver\n<glpiana> klod, poi riavvia il pc e vediamo come si comporta\n<klod> ok va bene provo grazie mille\n<glpiana> Kalce, puoi spiegarmi cos'è sta roba della password del disco?\n<us3r-> forse intendi l'accesso a un disco dopo il login\n<us3r-> xkè prima del login non l'ho mai sentito\n<Kalce> glpiana , tutte le volte che accendo il pc mi chiede una pssword per sbloccare il disco\n<rocco__> buon pomeriggio, qualcuno mi può darmi un guida come cambiare lo sfondo del solito bianco??\n<glpiana> Kalce, hai criptato il disco?\n<rocco__> dal*\n<Kalce> glpiana , mi sà di si....\n<glpiana> rocco__, sfondo di cosa?\n<rocco__> sono riuscito a cambiare i bordi\n<rocco__> non so come si chiamano\n<rocco__> per esempio lo sfondo dello start dove ci sono applicazioni\n<glpiana> rocco__, di che interfaccia grafica parliamo?\n<rocco__> ultimo kubuntu\n<Kalce> glpiana , infatti parla di unlocking disk e di cryptsetup\n<rocco__> ubuntu così con quel desktop non mi piace più, non mi dite che si può mettere anche il classico, perchè non sono riuscito a trovare\n<glpiana> Kalce, non so aiutarti\n<Guest81156> ciao a tutti, quando provo ad aggiornare ubuntu 12.04 a 12.10 (per poi passare a 13.04) mi visualizza il seguente messaggio. \"È possibile che il proprio hardware non sia completamente supportato in Ubuntu 12.10.\n<Guest81156> L'esecuzione dell'ambiente desktop «unity» non è completamente supportata dal proprio hardware. Dopo l'aggiornamento ci si troverà in un ambiente molto rallentato. Si consiglia di mantenere la versione LTS per il momento. Per ulteriori informazioni consultare la pagina https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/UpdateManagerWarningForUnity3D. Continuare comunque con l'aggiornamento?\" Cosa posso fare? Ho una scheda video sis 771\n<glpiana> rocco__, per mettere gnome classico installa il pacchetto gnome-classic-fallback  e poi scegli gnome classic come sessione quando fai il login\n<Kalce> glpiana , grazie comunque.\n<Kalce> ciao a tutti\n<glpiana> rocco__, per lo sfondo dei menu non so driti, penso tu debba usare ubuntu tweaks o come si chiama per cambiare tema. oppure my-unity, se c'è ancora\n<glpiana> Guest81156, usi unity normalmente?\n<rocco__> grazie glpiana ho trovato, sorry per la mia imbranatezza.....................\n<glpiana> :)\n<Guest81156> glpiana uso unity 2d :D\n<glpiana> Guest81156, ecco, il problema è che da 12.10 in poi non c'è più unity 2d\n<Guest81156> glpiana quindi per me l'ultima versione è la 12.04? non potrò più avanzare?\n<glpiana> Guest81156, io ti consiglio di scaricarti la iso, metterla su dvd o chiavetta, e provarla, per capire in che condizioni ti troveresti dopo l'upgrade\n<glpiana> Guest81156, comunque unity non è l'unica interfaccia disponibile\n<Guest81156> glpiana intendi kde o gnome classico o xlde?\n<glpiana> sì\n<us3r-> glpiana non va bene quella guida, è per ubuntu vecchio\n<us3r-> io ho lubuntu 13.04\n<glpiana> us3r-, temo non ci sia altro per le unichrmoe\n<us3r-> e che faccio?\n<rocco__> un altra informazione se è possibile, da stamattina già 2 volte che il mio pc va in blocco e devo spengerlo, la stranezza da quando uso i vari linux non mi è mai capitato, qualcuno sa dirmi da che cosa può dipendere?\n<glpiana> us3r-, con che altre release andava bene?\n<us3r-> mint 14 ma usava lo stesso driver generico\n<us3r-> altre uguale\n<glpiana> us3r-, che kernel usavano le release funzionanti?\n<us3r-> l'ultimo\n<us3r-> anche lubuntu 10.4 andava bene\n<us3r-> ma sempre con driver generico\n<rocco__> quando va in blocco cosa può dipendere? dalla ram??\n<glpiana> us3r-, che kernel usavano le release funzionanti? o fino a che versione di ubuntu non avevi problemi\n<glpiana> rocco__, ram o scheda video di solito\n<us3r-> io c'ho messo solo quest'ultima e la 10.4\n<rocco__> strano\n<glpiana> rocco__, per la ram, puoi fare il test della ram all'vvio del pc\n<us3r-> ho la 13.4 aggiornata\n<rocco__> ho 2 gb\n<rocco__> di ram\n<rocco__> con quale programma?\n<glpiana> rocco__, per \"ram\" intendo un banco rovinato, non \"poca ram\"\n<us3r-> non ho mai messo i driver giusti per la scheda video\n<glpiana> rocco__, se all'avvio del pc visualizzi il menu di grub trovi la voce relativa al ram test. se non visualizzi il menu di grub, appena accendi il pc premi e tieni premuto il tasto shift\n<us3r-> xkè lo devo trovare prima.\n<rocco__> mnon avevo nessun problema con altri systemi, addirittura ho win 8 e devo essere sincero e molto più veloce di kubuntu, con kubuntu vedo un leggero rallentamento nell' apertura delle finestre\n<glpiana> us3r-, la unichrome o va col driver presente nel kernel o c'è poco da fare. se sai dirmi una versione di kernel non troppo vecchia con cui andava bene vediamo di cercarne i pacchetti\n<us3r-> va nel senso che si vede lo schermo\n<us3r-> xkè già è tanto che si vede\n<rocco__> ok vaado, provo e ritorno\n<us3r-> con certe versioni di ubuntu quando andava al desktop nn si vedeva niente\n<simone83> buon giorno\n<simone83> vengo da windows ed usavo cubase con vst tipo guitar rig e amplitube, ora sto scaricando ubuntu studio ma vorrei fare le stesse cose. So che cubase non funziona con ubuntu ma c'è un programma professionale che mi permette di fare le stesse cose tipo registrazioni multitraccia e usare simulatori di ampli????\n<simone83> risposta possibilmente in giornata\n<glpiana> <simone83> risposta possibilmente in giornata\n<simone83> qualcuno sa rispondermi??\n<us3r-> mettere linux in un netbook come questo devo evobook ten è un casino\n<us3r-> mancano quasi tutti i driver\n<simone83> us3r hai risposto a me?\n<us3r-> no\n<glpiana> simone83, http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Programmi#Multimedia\n<glpiana> simone83, vedi se qualcuno dei programmi elencati fa al caso tuo\n<simone83> grazie, sembrerebbe protools, ma come faccio a scaricarlo?\n<glpiana> simone83, no, non ci siamo. nella colonna di sinistra ci sono i software windows ed apple. a destra invece i corrispettivi(più o meno) per linux\n<glpiana> simone83, nel caso specifico, ardour: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Multimedia/Audio/Ardour  http://ardour.org/\n<simone83> allora, vedo che cubase funzionerebbe anche con ubuntu. ma io ho il formato .exe per windows. come faccio se vorrei scaricarlo per ubuntu??\n<glpiana> \"volessi\"\n<glpiana> simone83, dove hai visto che cubase va su linux?\n<simone83> come si fa per scaricarlo per ubuntu?\n<glpiana> simone83, dove hai visto che cubase va su linux?\n<simone83> ho trovato la scritta cubase e a sinistra mi indica l'icona di ubuntu\n<simone83> scusa ho capito\n<glpiana> simone83, di fianco a cubase ci sono la bandierina di windows e la mela di apple\n<simone83> a sinistra ci sono programmi similari per ubuntu\n<rocco__> stavo riflettendo il mio pc e un amd, per caso dovero scaricare la versione di kubuntu 64bit??\n<glpiana> rocco__, puoi farlo tranquillamente se il prcessore è a 64 bit\n<rocco__> glpiana è troppo lunga il test della memoria  farò in seguito\n<simone83> se volessi scaricare rosegarden come si fa?\n<ale__> salve a tutti\n<rocco__> cioè non cambia nulla se ho installato la versione 64bit?\n<ale__> sono novello di ubuntu. mi aiutate ad installare silverlight per ubuntu?\n<glpiana> simone83, http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Multimedia/Audio/Rosegarden\n<glpiana> ale__, non esiste silverlight per ubuntu\n<simone83> glpiana grazie tanto e spero di farcela da solo. ti devo un caffè virtuale\n<glpiana> :)\n<ale__> sucsate mi ero disconnesso. allora mi aiutate ad installare silverlight?\n<glpiana> ale__, non esiste silverlight per ubuntu\n<ale__> moonlight allora\n<us3r-> sì\n<glpiana> ale__, http://www.go-mono.com/moonlight/ e clicca install... sempre che funzioni\n<us3r-> moonlight per firefox\n<us3r-> e poi metti lo script smooth\n<us3r-> smooth moonlight\n<us3r-> mi sembra per grease monkey\n<us3r-> che è un'estensione per firefox\n<us3r-> rai smooth\n<rocco__> per me non funziona, se avevo eseguito bene la guida non funziona\n<us3r-> Rai Smooth Streaming Player (raismth)\n<us3r-> per moonlight\n<ale__> in effetti non funzione moonlight\n<us3r-> poi dovrai installare anche mplayer\n<rocco__> cè qualcosa che non va le finestre quando le apro rallentano, non riesco a capire\n<rocco__> invece di andare avanti se ritorna indietro\n<us3r-> e un altro coso che richiede per l'audio\n<us3r-> te lo dice\n<rocco__> vuol dire che kubuntu sta diventando pesante per il mio vecchio pc?\n<ale__> se non funziona moonlight come faccio a vedere mediaset play?\n<rocco__> ale_ t' installi windows\n<glpiana> rocco__, prova a installare il pacchetto: kubuntu-low-fat-settings\n<ale__> gran bella risposta rocco\n<us3r-> io ho messo lubuntu xkè ho un pc lento\n<rocco__> :-)\n<glpiana> ale__, temo non ci sia modo\n<ale__> che fregatura\n<rocco__> glpiana dal center?\n<glpiana> rocco__, sì, e se non lo trovi facciamo da terminale, che facciamo prima\n<rocco__> nulla provo da terminale\n<glpiana> rocco__, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-low-fat-settings\n<rocco__> installato\n<rocco__> che cosa serviva?\n<rocco__> us3r che cosa cambia con lubuntu??\n<glpiana> rocco__, ti abbassa i settaggi video, in pratica imposta kde per consumare meno risorse\n<rocco__> faa in automatico?\n<us3r-> è + leggero\n<us3r-> ha lxde invece di kde\n<us3r-> come ambiente\n<rocco__> ma a livello grafico e come il desktop di kubuntu?\n<us3r-> sì dipende dai gusti\n<us3r-> è un po' + brutto ma x me no\n<us3r-> a me piace + di kubuntu\n<glpiana> rocco__, no, lxde è molto più semplice di kde\n<us3r-> poi però dovrai evitare programmi di kde come k3b, kvirc,\n<rocco__> mi piace l' ambiente desktop di kubuntu\n<us3r-> e metterne altri di lxde o xfce o gnome\n<us3r-> anche krusader dovrai evitare\n<us3r-> e tutti i programmi kde\n<rocco__> ha ecco\n<rocco__> qualcuno sa spegarmi perchè su un pc vecchio come il mio win 8 gira veloce? che cosa ha che kubuntu non ha??\n<glpiana> rocco__, non è il canale adatto\n<glpiana> !chat | rocco__\n<ubot-it> rocco__: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<remix_tj> vecchio?\n<remix_tj> cosa vuol dire vecchio?\n<rocco__> il mio e un vecchio amd 3000 con 2500 gb di ram\n<us3r-> rocco__ xkè win 8 è fatto bene\n<rocco__> non parlo di grafica ma di velocità, si accende molto di pù di kubuntu\n<rocco__> sorry\n<rocco__> ho letto adesso\n<us3r-> dopo aver fatto windows 7 hanno visto che potevano renderlo + leggero\n<akis24> ciao\n<glpiana> !chat | us3r-\n<ubot-it> us3r-: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<us3r-> ma forse lubuntu è ancora + leggero\n<rocco__> comunque glpiana ritornando al discorso di prima ho installato quello che mi hai suggerito, e non devo far nient' altro?\n<glpiana> rocco__, riavvia, così ricarica le impostazioni. e poi vedi se si comporta meglio\n<rocco__> ok provo.\n<us3r-> come faccio per far funzionare il tasto centrale del mouse?\n<glpiana> us3r-, dovrebbe funzionare di default. tu cosa ti aspetti che faccia?\n<us3r-> doppio clic\n<us3r-> ma invece non fa neanche quello che fa tasto sinistro\n<glpiana> us3r-, no, di default il tasto centrale simula la pressione simultanea di destro e sinistro. il comportamento di default e di copiare il testo selezionato precedentemente\n<us3r-> e come lo incolli poi?\n<us3r-> sapevo 'sta cosa ma nn la ricordo +\n<us3r-> io sapevo che il tasto destro serviva a incollare il testo selezionato prima\n<us3r-> mi sbaglio?\n<glpiana> us3r-, intendo che cliccandolo 'incolla'\n<glpiana> il tasto destro serve a mostrare menu contestuali\n<us3r-> ma non lo fa\n<us3r-> c'ho provato, dopo riprovo\n<us3r-> che ora sto su windows 7\n<us3r-> io sapevo che il tasto centrale* serviva a incollare il testo selezionato prima\n<glpiana> us3r-, è quello che ho scritto\n<superrobyy> raga non riesco a reindirizzare le richieste di un ip su un'altro ip usando iptables\n<defaultuser> ciao a tutti\n<defaultuser> nessuno?\n<akis24> ciao defaultuser\n<defaultuser> ciao akis\n<akis24> !aiuto\n<ubot-it> per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<defaultuser> di cosa si parla qui?\n<akis24> supporto ufficiale ubuntu\n<defaultuser> @akis24 di cosa si parla qui sn nuovo\n<akis24> defaultuser: leggi il topic ...\n<defaultuser> ok scusa...solo supporto per ubuntu\n<akis24> il resto degli argomenti su #ubuntu-it-chat\n<defaultuser> grazie mille\n<micheg> eh be pensa anche io dal nome ero rimasto confuso pensavo si parlasse di barbie\n<akis24> di nulla\n<defaultuser> hahaha simpatico\n<dd_> Ragazzi , mi serve un aiutone stra urgentemente...premetto che io di computer non ci capisco una mazza..un mio amico mi ha installato lúltima versione di ubuntu ( prima avevo la vecchia ) , ed ora non riesco a fare partire internet .. cioé , mi detecta le reti , e si connette anche alla rete di casa mia , ma poi quando apro internet mi dice che é impossibile visualizzare la pagina..dal mio linguaggio avrete capito che sono un profa\n<akis24> dd_: avrai configurato la connessione ?\n<dd_> in che senso ?\n<dd_> ripeto , io putroppo sono un profano , ha fatto tutto il mio amico...la prima sera andava..\n<dd_> la seconda l ho acceso e non mi detettava nemmeno le reti\n<dd_> poi mi ha fatto scrivere qualcosa nel terminale e mi ha detettato tutte le reti\n<dd_> credevo fosse risolto , ma poi ho cliccato su internet e non me lo apre...\n<akis24> dd_: tipo inserire i parametri username e password\n<akis24> dd_: dall'icona network-manager credo sia in alto a sinistra dove appare l'icona della rete\n<rorro007> ciao mi sonp messo a giocare con compiz maneger ed è sparito tutto\n<rorro007> come faccio a rimetterlo come era prima\n<akis24> dd_:  a destra pardon credo..\n<dd_> certo..la rete é connessa...\n<dd_> mi dice che la connessione con la mia rete é stabilita\n<dd_> ma , nonostante ció , non mi funziona internet\n<cristian_c> rorro007, spiega cos'hai fatto?\n<cristian_c> *senza ?\n<akis24> dd_: da  terminale  dai  ping www.ubuntu.it\n<akis24> ciao cristian_c\n<dd_> cosa akis , scusa ? non ho capito...ti ho detto che sono un profano :D vado sul terminale , ok ...e poi ?\n<akis24> dd_: scrivi  ping www.ubuntu.it  e vedi se risponde\n<akis24> dd_: !paste\n<akis24> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<dd_> akis , che scrivo sul terminale ? ping o !paste ?\n<akis24> dd_:   ping www.ubuntu.it\n<dd_> ma perché continui a cliccarmi quel sito di ubuntu ? :D\n<akis24> dd_: sul terminale dovrebbe apparire se si connette con il sito .. mica faccio pubblicita'\n<akis24> dd_: altrimenti richiama l'amico..\n<dd_> no , allora dunque ci sto capendo poco\n<dd_> io ho scritto ping sul terminale\n<dd_> poi mi esce un altra serie di scritte a me incomprensibile\n<dd_> e mi chiede di scrivere ancora qualcosa...\n<dd_> io sono a Lisbona , il mio amico era qua a farmi visita , ma ora é giá tornato in italia , per questo sono in crisi...\n<akis24> dd_: ping www.ubuntu.it fai copia e incollalo sul terminale\n<akis24> dd_: quello che ti risponde il terminale invece lo copi e incolli qui ..\n<akis24> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<dd_> ma che cazzo akis , non capisco :D scrivo ping www.ubuntu.it sul terminale ?? :D\n<akis24> si esattooooo\n<dd_> eh ma io sto lavorando da 2 pc diversi...\n<dd_> peró te lo posso copiare , aspetta\n<akis24> dd_:  mica è colpa mia\n<dd_> lo so ahahaha\n<dd_> ok , aspetta\n<dd_> scrivo ping www.ubuntu.it sul terminale\n<akis24> si esatto\n<dd_> e il terminale mi scrive\n<dd_> ping : unknown host www.ubuntu.it\n<dd_> e mi richiede di scrivere un altra informazione...\n<akis24> dd_: bene non si connette a nulla  infatti\n<akis24> anzi male..\n<dd_> :(\n<dd_> :(\n<akis24> dd_: sai usare network manager ovvero cliccarci sopra aprirlo ?\n<dd_> no...\n<akis24> dd_: ohi ohi nno so' come farti proseguire ..\n<akis24> dd_: mai usato ubuntu ?\n<dd_> va bene , grazie lo stesso...\n<akis24> prego\n<cristian_c> dd_ qual'è il problema?\n<cristian_c> *qual è\n<dd_> ti faccio copia incolla , aspetta\n<cristian_c> dd_, fammi un riassunto\n<dd_> Ragazzi , mi serve un aiutone stra urgentemente...premetto che io di computer non ci capisco una mazza..un mio amico mi ha installato lúltima versione di ubuntu ( prima avevo la vecchia ) , ed ora non riesco a fare partire internet .. cioé , mi detecta le reti , e si connette anche alla rete di casa mia , ma poi quando apro internet mi dice che é impossibile visualizzare la pagina..dal mio linguaggio avrete capito che sono un profa\n<akis24> [19:41:12] <dd_> ping : unknown host www.ubuntu.it\n<cristian_c> akis24, il router pinga?\n<akis24> cristian_c: no non riesce\n<cristian_c> akis24, anche lì unknown host?\n<akis24> cristian_c: si si da lui\n<cristian_c> akis24, non ho capito\n<akis24> non riesce a navigare\n<cristian_c> akis24, io parlavo del ping\n<akis24> cristian_c: non pinga come hai letto sopra\n<akis24> [19:41:12] <dd_> ping : unknown host www.ubuntu.it\n<akis24> e ora sotto :)\n<cristian_c> akis24, parlo del router, non di www.ubuntu.com\n<cristian_c> XD\n<dd_> state parlando con me o tra di voi ? devo fare qualcosa ?\n<cristian_c> dd_, stiamo cercando di risolver eil problema\n<dd_> ok , devo fare qualcosa ?\n<akis24> cristian_c: non riesce a pingare\n<cristian_c> akis24, sì, ma dipende cosa\n<cristian_c> dd_, sì, pinga il router\n<cristian_c> dd_, qual'è l'indirizzo locale del tuo router?\n<dd_> ehm , cristian... io non ci capisco niente di ste cose.,.devi guidarmi passo passo :D\n<cristian_c> dd_, qual'è l'indirizzo locale del tuo router?\n<dd_> non ne ho idea !\n<akis24> buona serata a tutti\n<cristian_c> dd_, come accedi alla pagina web del router\n<cristian_c> ?\n<cristian_c> dd_, che operatore telefonico hai?\n<dd_> non ho telefono fisso , vivo a Lisbona...\n<cristian_c> dd_, e come ti connetti?\n<cristian_c> adsl?\n<cristian_c> dd_, posta: route -n\n<cristian_c> dd_, fatto?\n<dd_> risolto , ragazzi :)\n<dd_> ho chiesti aiuto su un forum e mi hanno aiutato :)\n<dd_> grazie mille ad entrambi !\n<cristian_c> dd_ lol\n<cristian_c> dd_, come hai risolto?\n<cristian_c> lol\n<davide_> ciao, ho comprato di recente una stampante epson xp-202, ho installato i driver per ubuntu, il pc vede la stampante, infatti appare nella lista delle stampanti da scegliere per la stampa. però poi non stampa nulla. qualcuno può aiutarmi?\n<cristian_c> davide_, come li hai installati?\n<davide_> ho scricato i driver dal sito della epson\n<davide_> cristian_c: sono pacchetti .debc\n<davide_> .deb\n<cristian_c> davide_, non era riconosciuta prima?\n<cristian_c> senza installare nulla\n<akhilleus> ciao cristian_c\n<cristian_c> akhilleus, ciao\n<akhilleus> :) ti avevo salutato amico =)))\n<davide_> cristian_c:no non la vedeva\n<cristian_c> davide_, posta qualche log di cups\n<cristian_c> akhilleus, anch'io ti ho salutato :D\n<akhilleus> cerco programmi potentissimi XD\n<cristian_c> akhilleus, ?\n<davide_> cristian_c: mi dici il comando pleace?\n<akhilleus> tipo che riesco a creare foto di donne bellissime ihihihih\n<cristian_c> davide_, non c'è un comando, vai in /var/log/cups/\n<cristian_c> !chat | akhilleus\n<ubot-it> akhilleus: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<akhilleus> scusa ubot-it\n<cristian_c> lol\n<akhilleus> XD\n<uait> ciao a tutti\n<uait> scusate, vorrei delle info su inadyn\n<uait> come faccio a installarlo?\n<cristian_c> !info inadyn\n<ubot-it> inadyn (source: inadyn): client to alleviate the requirements for an Internet name. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.96.2-1 (raring), package size 24 kB, installed size 96 kB\n<uait> cioè, a quanto ho capito sta su /bin, ma /bin dove sta?\n<cristian_c> uait, sudo apt-get install inadyn\n<cristian_c> uait, lol, ma perché ti interessa dove sta?\n<cristian_c> XD\n<uait> allora\n<uait> ho aperto software center\n<uait> ho preso inadyn e lo ho scaricato\n<uait> ora?\n<cristian_c> uait, installato, vorrai dire\n<uait> si\n<cristian_c> XD\n<cristian_c> uait, se non c'è nel menù, apri un terminale e lancialo\n<uait> come si fa?\n<uait> allora?\n<cristian_c> uait, che cosa?\n<uait> se scsrivo inadyn da errori\n<cristian_c> uait, che errori?\n<davide_> cristian_c: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5684854/\n<uait> ti scrivo in query il messaggio x non intasare\n<cristian_c> uait, magari devi leggere il man su come usarlo\n<uait> asp\n<davide_> cristian_c: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5684857/\n<cristian_c> mi devo assentare\n<cristian_c> davide_ ho aperto i link intanto\n<cristian_c> Unknown directive SystemGroup on line 16 of /etc/cups/cupsd.conf.\n<cristian_c> failed to CreateProfile: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply:Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.\n<davide_> cristian_c: ti danno errore i link?\n<cristian_c> no\n<cristian_c> è che mi devo assentare\n<davide_> intanto ti posto l'ultimo log\n<davide_> cristian_c: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5684866/\n<davide_> grazie dell'aiuto ciao ragazzi\n<uait> qualcuno che si intende di gimp mi sa dire xke non trovo il filtro porta in rilievo?\n<prato> ciao a tutti\n<us3r-> sul grub 2 se premo una volta con la freccia giu' non fa niente, se premo 2 volta veloce con la freccia giu' va a 2 linee giu\n<us3r-> che devo fare?\n<us3r-> se premo 2 volte*\n<krabador> us3r-, hai la tastiera rotta.\n<us3r-> no\n<us3r-> su altri programmi va bene\n<krabador> se premi una volta e tieni premuto?\n<us3r-> resta fermo\n<krabador> se premi una volta e poi invio , manda l'equivalente della linea di sotto?\n<us3r-> questo lo devo provare\n<cristian_c> lol\n<us3r-> hai ragione\n<us3r-> se premo freccia sotto e poi invio prende quello sotto\n<us3r-> ma che devo fare?\n<us3r-> se tengo premuto va velocemnte da quella direzione\n<us3r-> fino alla fine\n<krabador> sembra un problema di visualizzazione\n<krabador> anche se nella media i problemi di tastiera in grub sono sempre di tipo hardware\n<us3r-> e il mio invece di che tipo è?\n<us3r-> forse cambiando la risoluzione risolvo\n<us3r-> ma come si cambia?\n<krabador> se è un fisso, resetta il bios, ri configuralo, e vedi che succede\n<us3r-> è un netbook\n<cristian_c> lol\n<us3r-> che ridi?\n<us3r-> cmq non è un gran problema\n<us3r-> se devo usare l'opzione sotto basta che premo invio\n<us3r-> freccia sotto e poi invio\n<us3r-> anche se non vedo che lo seleziona\n<krabador> vai in live, riconfiguralo e vedi che succede.\n<us3r-> e come lo riconfiguro?\n<us3r-> quand'è così meglio lasciare stare\n<us3r-> che dopo può incasinarsi\n<krabador> us3r-, http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/Ripristino\n<us3r-> sai come cambiare la risoluzione del desktop da liveusb?\n<us3r-> su lubuntu\n<us3r-> xkè quando cambio poi non riconosce che non vedo + niente\n<us3r-> e devo cambiarla\n<us3r-> ci sarà un file\n<us3r-> dove tiene scritto che risoluzione è scelta\n<cristian_c> us3r-, è facile, c'è lxrandr\n<cristian_c> !kappa | us3r-\n<ubot-it> us3r-: www.nokappa.it\n<us3r-> e che devo fa' con questo lxrandr ?\n<cristian_c> us3r-, cambi la risoluzione del monitor\n<us3r-> è proprio quello che dicevo\n<us3r-> usando lxrandr\n<us3r-> se la risoluzione è sbagliata poi riporta a quella di prima?\n<us3r-> io mi ricordo su live usb di mint 12 lxde, l'ultima con lxde che usando quel lxrandr non riportava alla risoluzione di prima\n<cristian_c> us3r-, ma almeno hai provato?\n<us3r-> no, su lubuntu 13.04 che ho installato no perchè ho paura\n<cristian_c> che poi non ho capito il senso di 'prima'\n<us3r-> se poi rimane la risoluzione sbagliata non so come rimetterlo a posto\n<us3r-> non cambiava alla risoluzione precedente\n<us3r-> che c'era prima.\n<us3r-> io non ci vedevo piu' niente sul display, non potevo impostarla io\n<cristian_c> us3r-, ma è una cosa strana\n<cristian_c> mai sentito prima di questo problema\n<us3r-> provando da liveusb se metto 1024x600 si incasina\n<us3r-> ma xkè? in win xp va bene 1024x600 è la sua risoluzione\n<us3r-> è un display 10.2\"\n<cristian_c> us3r-, netbook\n<cristian_c> ?\n<cristian_c> ok\n<us3r-> sì\n<us3r-> allora su linux mette 1280x720\n<us3r-> e ho dovuto con difficoltà spostare la barra da sotto a sopra\n<us3r-> c'è una parte sotto e una a destra che non posso usare.\n<cristian_c> us3r-, guarda che c'è la sessione apposita per netbook\n<cristian_c> dalla schermata di login\n<us3r-> sarà un problema di driver, non trovo driver per via technologies cx700/vx700 s3 unichrome pro (rev 03)\n<us3r-> dov'è questa sezione?\n<us3r-> ah io non ho il login\n<us3r-> quando l'ho installato ho usato l'opzione login automatico\n<cristian_c> us3r-, ahhhhh, scheda sfigata\n<cristian_c> us3r-, guarda che basta fare clic su Logout :P\n<us3r-> netbook economico\n<cristian_c> lol\n<us3r-> e da lì che faccio?\n<cristian_c> us3r-, c'è il menù per la scelta della sessione\n<cristian_c> ho controllato personalmente per lubuntu\n<cristian_c> ha anche una sessione per netbook\n<us3r-> dici?\n<us3r-> ora provo\n<cristian_c> certo\n<max_> scusate il disturbo posso chiedere se c'è qualcuno k potrebbe darmi una mano? ho istallat ubuntu 13 04 ma nn m funziona l audio le ho provate tutte ma nada c'è ki potrebbe darmi una mano?\n<cristian_c> max_, che pc è?\n<cristian_c> !kappa | max_\n<ubot-it> max_: www.nokappa.it\n<krabador> max_, hai dato da terminale sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?\n<max_> un hp p7 1000it\n<cristian_c> max_, prima di tutto, apri alsamixer\n<max_> ne ho date diverse ora provo cn questa k m hai dato cmq l audio arriva xkè dal volume i segnalatori si spostan ma poi nada\n<cristian_c> max_, la lingua del chan è l'italiano\n<cristian_c> !image | max_\n<ubot-it> max_: Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<cristian_c> max_, magari posta uno screenshot\n<max_> d alsamixer dev postare l immagine?\n<max_> scusate x l ignoranza sn alle prime armi cn ubuntu\n<krabador> ubuntu 13.04 ha avuto in uscita diversi problemi legati a bug di alsa, e supporto a driver proprietari, max_ , stai usando il sistema aggiornato?\n<max_> si aggiornat poco fa\n<krabador> hai riavviato?\n<mibofra> max_, kernel?\n<max_> ma neanche cn 12 04  nn funzionava l audio\n<mibofra> oppure è alsa settato male\n<mibofra> max_, potresti provare a ricompilare alsa\n<mibofra> max_, se domani un po prima passi ti posso aiutare io step to step :)\n<max_> ripasso quì? a k ora se c 6?\n<cristian_c> max_, se posti un'immagine di alsamixer, magari si capisce meglio\n<krabador> le release del kernel dal 3.8.9 in poi hanno fixato parecchi problemi del supporto audio\n<max_> cm faccio a postarti l immagine d aslamixer?\n<krabador> !image | max_\n<ubot-it> max_: Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<krabador> max_, precedentemente hai usato soltanto la 12.04?\n<max_> x prendere l immagine dev usare qualk programma?\n<krabador> max_, che os stai usando adesso?\n<cristian_c> max_, tasto stamp\n<max_> ubuntu\n<max_> 13 04\n<cristian_c> max_, ma ripeto, scrivi in modo comprensibile\n<krabador> allora stamp, salvi e fai l'upload sui siti indicatiti\n<max_> ora sono su ubuntu\n<us3r-> su lubuntu come si cambia la risoluzione da terminale ??\n<mibofra> max_, verso le 9 per dire\n<mibofra> anche se sono qui quasi h24 :D\n<mibofra> XD\n<us3r-> il display è incasinato con un'altra risoluzione e posso solo fare ctrl+alt+f2 per entrare nel tty\n<max_> come faccio a stampare da dove?\n<us3r-> devo cambiarlo da 1024x600 a 1280x720\n<krabador> max_, devi premere il tasto stamp del pc\n<us3r-> anche riavviando resta incasinato\n<max_> scusami l ignoranza quale sarebbe dv si trova?\n<krabador> max_, è un netbook, vero?\n<max_> un fisso\n<krabador> max_,  allora, nella zona dei tasti direzionali, le freccette\n<krabador> sopra\n<max_> a ok cred d aver capito\n<krabador> altrimenti \"cattura schermata\" dalla dash di unity\n<max_> http://imagebin.org/258375\n<max_> si vede così?\n<cristian_c> guardo\n<krabador> si, alsa apparentemente sta funzionando, e tutto al massimo\n<max_> quindi cs dovrei fare?\n<cristian_c> max_, è un all-in-one?\n<mibofra_tablet> max_ : domani :)) ?\n<cristian_c> ah, no\n<max_> è stran xkè al programma del settaggio volume l audio arriva ma poi nada\n<cristian_c> max_, sto cercando\n<max_> cristian scusa k intendi ?\n<ANGELO___> CIAO RAGAZZI VORREI CEHIDERVI UNA INFO.... HO FATO UN CASINO CON BOOTLOADER E VECCEHI VERSIONI DI UBUNTU....\n<max_> <cristian_c> max_, è un all-in-one?\n<cristian_c> max_ pensavo fosse un pc all-in-one, invece è soltanto un desktop\n<cristian_c> classico\n<cristian_c> !maiuscolo | ANGELO___\n<ubot-it> ANGELO___: Non scrivere in maiuscolo nel canale, equivale ad urlare e non e' un comportamento gradito nel canale. grazie.\n<ANGELO___> scusatemi nn lo sapevoo...\n<ANGELO___> allora praticam vorrei chiedervi come posso sistemare\n<cristian_c> max_, digita: aplay -l\n<cristian_c> ANGELO___, sistemi da live\n<jester-> ANGELO___: che casino avresti fatto\n<krabador> max_, purtroppo per il momento l'audio puo' essere un problema su 13.04, o aspetti che canonical risolva, oppure provi ad aggiornare il kernel ad una versione successiva, ma è una procedura non supportata.\n<cristian_c> ANGELO___, ma prima spiegati\n<max_> http://computer.chapaki.com/scheda-tecnica-e-prezzi-pavilion-p7-1000it-di-hp-A0N97EA%23ABZ.html questo è il mio pc\n<ANGELO___> il mio boot manager e poi anceh come posso ricancellare alcuen verisoni vecchie di linux usbutnu.. senza mai dover cancellare cio che ho su win ...e ovviam sensza perdere quella aprtizione...\n<cristian_c> max_, sì, ma l'avevo visto\n<cristian_c> max_, digita il comando\n<cristian_c> ANGELO___, quante partizioni hai?\n<max_> quello k mi hai dat all inizio della discussione l ho mandato\n<cristian_c> 23:53:24 <cristian_c> max_, digita: aplay -l\n<jester-> ANGELO___: cosa ha che non va grub\n<max_>  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade??????\n<cristian_c> 23:53:24 <cristian_c> max_, digita: aplay -l\n<max_> ok\n<us3r-_> ho risolto\n<cristian_c> lol\n<cristian_c> us3r- funza?\n<us3r-_> ho rimesso la risoluzione di prima\n<ANGELO___> praticam allora voglio impostare win comw predefinito.. poi cancelalre linux... e recueprere quello spazio ... e poi riemttere ...\n<us3r-_> alt+f2  -->  lxrandr\n<cristian_c> us3r-, ma hai fatto l'accesso con la sessione netbook?\n<cristian_c> us3r-, e quindi?\n<us3r-_> da lì ho cercato di modificare col mouse anche se non era la risoluzione giusta\n<jester-> ANGELO___: se cancelli linux non parte piu winz. devi ripristinare mbr, poi reinstallare eventualemnte linux\n<us3r-_> ora chatto da lostirc da lubuntu\n<jester-> !mbr | ANGELO___\n<ubot-it> ANGELO___: Per  ripristinare MBR: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/RipristinoMbrWindows\n<max_> http://imagebin.org/258377\n<cristian_c> us3r-, uhm, lo stesso client che uso io\n<us3r-_> perchè ho provato a mettere 1024x600 ma s'era incasinato\n<max_> è male?\n<us3r-_> e è strano perchè sarebbe la sua risoluzione giusta\n<us3r-_> poi dopo ho rimesso 1280x720\n<us3r-_> no, da login netbook poi la risoluzione era quella di sempre\n<max_> http://imagebin.org/258377 cistian k dice?\n<URUS> posso avere aiuto per installare i driver nvidia 540 m ?\n<URUS> non so proprio da dove iniziare\n<URUS> ubuntu 12.04 lts\n<jester-> URUS: 540?\n<cristian_c> max_, ho cercato nel file che descrivono i codec\n<URUS> si\n<URUS> nvidia gforce 540m\n<URUS> scusa\n<jester-> URUS: e da dove saltano fuori\n<max_> e cs dice?\n<URUS> gt540m\n<krabador> URUS, da terminale sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get nvidia-current-updates\n<URUS> krabador: provo\n<jester-> URUS: 540 è la scheda video?\n<URUS> si\n<cristian_c> max_, ho trovato qualcosa\n<mibofra_tablet> ciao ragazzi\n<mibofra_tablet> ci si vede :)\n<jester-> URUS: impostazioni sistema\n<jester-> URUS: sorgenti software\n<max_> cs cristian?cs dev fare?? vorrei risolvere xkè x me è un offesa usare windows haha\n<cristian_c> un'offesa all'italiano, sicuro\n<jester-> URUS: ci sei?\n<cristian_c> max_, ho trovato un topic in cui si parla del tuo codec su linux\n<max_> hahah :-( xkè??\n<URUS> krabador: sta scaricando\n<ANGELO___> adesso ci prpovoo.. .. xke è molto imporante...\n<max_> e cs dice? hanno risolto?\n<ANGELO___> ragazzi ci rpovo e rmi ricoleggo\n<URUS> jester-: si\n<ANGELO___> grazie pre i lmeotno\n<ANGELO___> moemtno\n<cristian_c> max_, in live funziona?\n<jester-> URUS: sei in sorgenti software?\n<max_> k intendi x in live?\n<cristian_c> max_, a\n<max_> le cuffie funzionano\n<cristian_c> max_, da dvd o usb\n<cristian_c> max_, quando provi ubuntu da dvd\n<max_> m ero dimenticat d dirtelo\n<krabador> le cuffie funzionano?\n<max_> noo\n<max_> nada\n<krabador> anche non in live?\n<URUS> jester-: ho fatto quello che mi aveva detto krabador\n<jester-> URUS: cioè?\n<URUS> jester-: URUS, da terminale sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get nvidia-current-updates\n<jester-> URUS: sbagliato\n<cristian_c> krabador, trovo una discussione in cui dicono di aggiungere la classica riga model=\n<jester-> URUS: vai in sprgenti software ed entra nella etichetta driver aggiuntivi\n<cristian_c> krabador, ma non dice con quale valore\n<cristian_c> -,-\n<URUS> jester-: driver agiutivi non ce niente\n<URUS> nessun driver proprietario in uso\n<jester-> URUS: suggerisce qualcosa?\n<max_> http://imagebin.org/258382 cristian può esserti d aiuto???\n<cristian_c> max_, quale kernel stai usando?\n<URUS> jester-: no\n<max_> vedi il suono arriva ma poi nada\n<URUS> ora non parte -.-+\n<cristian_c> max_, postami la schermata Configurazione\n<jester-> URUS: lspci | grep -i vga e incolla qui he è una sola riga\n<URUS> jester-: non parte\n<URUS> cioe vedo tutto nero\n<jester-> URUS: cosa non parte\n<max_> cs dev lanciare xkè si veda?\n<cristian_c> max_, mi sono accorto di una cosa: fai clic sulle icone degli altparlanti nella schermata che mi hai postato\n<jester-> URUS: se vedi nero come cazzo vedi driver aggiuntivi\n<cristian_c> *altoparlanti\n<jester-> URUS: no pvt\n<cristian_c> lol\n<URUS> jester-:  ho fatto come mi aveva detto krabador\n<URUS> cioe URUS, da terminale sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get nvidia-current-updates\n<URUS> poi ho riavviato il pc\n<URUS> ora non parte\n<URUS> cioe carica, pero vedo tutto nero\n<max_> http://imagebin.org/258383 questa volevi vedere?\n<jester-> URUS: control-alt-F2   ti logghi e dai sudo dpkg --purge nvidia-current-updates  quindi sudo reboot\n<cristian_c> max_, della finestra precedente\n<URUS> ho riavviato e sono sul grub\n<URUS> quindi avvio e facco control+alt+f2 ? giusto ?\n<max_> configurazione= duplex stereo analogico\n<jester-> URUS: avvia in ripristino se ei sul grub\n<jester-> URUS: quando arrivi al menu fischia\n<URUS> ok\n<max_> il programma precedente ha 5 skermate riproduzione - registrazione - uscite - ingressi - configurazione quale ti interessa vedere???\n<Valgio63> jester- ciao  volevo dirvi che ho (in parte) risolto il mio problema con nvidia settings per i 173, ho rimesso , per adesso , la versione 270 presa dagli archivi e poi ho bloccato il pacchetto per l'aggiornamento.\n<URUS> jester-: ci sono\n<jester-> URUS: abilita la rete\n<URUS> sono sul menu\n<jester-> URUS: abilita la rete\n<URUS> resume\n<jester-> network\n<URUS> ah si scusa non avevo visto bene faccio\n<jester-> URUS: adesso vai in root\n<Valgio63> jester- comunque ho scaricato TUTTE le versioni, dalla 195 alla 304 0.2, leproverò in seguito  e tengo quella che mi va meglio con i driver.\n<max_> cristian c'è qualcosa k posso provare?\n<jester-> Valgio63: andava dalle parti della 10,x\n<URUS> mode manager loaded plugin gobi\n<cristian_c> max_, configurazione\n<URUS> jester-: ma rimane la\n<URUS> non mi esce per scrivere\n<Valgio63> lo so, ma con l'ultima non riesco a settare quasi niente! Almeno sono riuscito a regolare a modo luminosità e contrasto!\n<cristian_c> Valgio63, ottimo\n<jester-> URUS: non hai il prompt # ?\n<Valgio63> Grazie , altro piccolo problema: come faccio a far apparire le icone del cestino etc. sul desktop della 12.04, che non ci sono?\n<max_> http://imagebin.org/258387 questa?\n<jester-> Valgio63: con unity?\n<URUS> jester-: no . lampeggi solo _\n<URUS> e basta\n<Valgio63> nein, la unity mi gira male, la cairo peggio!!! Con gnome\n<cristian_c> Valgio63, io le ho appena aggiunte su lubuntu\n<jester-> URUS: strano riavvia\n<URUS> jester-: ok\n<jester-> URUS: riavvia normal e a schermo nero avvisa\n<Valgio63> ubuntu tweak, gcon-editor le ha già spuntate, ma non ci sono!\n<Valgio63> gconf-editor, scusa.........refuso!\n<max_> cristian  ti interessa sapere k scheda audio ho???\n<cristian_c> max_, già lo so\n<Valgio63> Jester- , cristian: e anche niente musica all'avvio!\n<max_> a bn beat te ahhaha invidia se nn sbaglio\n<URUS> si è avviato\n<URUS> tutto\n<URUS> jester-: sono sul desktop\n<Valgio63> Con la 11.10 va tutto bene.....a parte il fatto che ci mette un po' a spengeri, la12 è decisamente veloce!\n<max_> nvidia\n<jester-> URUS: hai la grafica?\n<URUS> jester-: ora che faccio sisisi\n<jester-> URUS: lspci | grep -i vga\n<URUS> 2 schede video\n<URUS> inte interna\n<berg66> buonasera\n<URUS> nvidia\n<jester-> URUS: allora serve bombalee\n<krabador> bumblebee\n<jester-> o come cazzo si chiama\n<URUS> jester-: e come se installa\n<berg66> ho bisogno di aiuto\n<URUS> ?\n<krabador> berg66, chiedi\n<jester-> URUS: prima di mettere il nvidia andava bene?\n<URUS> si\n<berg66> krabador\n<berg66> ho il dvd immagine iso ubuntu\n<URUS> jester-: si possono installare i driver nvidia o no ?\n<jester-> ursus allora lo togliamo e krabador ti cerca la pagina wiki per il bombale\n<cristian_c> Valgio63, beh, la musica la tolgono anche da unity :D\n<URUS> perche ho visto sul sito che ce\n<URUS> ma non so come\n<Valgio63> hahahahaha!!!\n<krabador> URUS, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee\n<jester-> URUS: con la doppia scheda è si puo ma è un po primitivo\n<Valgio63> ma mi sai dare una mano?\n<berg66> k ce l'ho\n<krabador> berg66, che succede col dvd?\n<jester-> URUS: sudo dpkg --purge nvidia-current-updates\n<max_> cristian t 6 arreso ank tu? se si l ho capisco ajhaj\n<URUS> krabador: jester-: alla fine mi seve usare cuda\n<berg66> devo metterlo a un notebook senza so come devo fare\n<jester-> URUS: segui il wiki per il bomba se non funza il cuda devi aspettare che nvidia scoelli il driver apposito per linux\n<jester-> URUS: non è che si puo iinventare\n<Valgio63> berg66, mettilo su una penna usb con unetbootin\n<max_> ma xkè le cuffie funzionane mentre le casse della tv no??? è strano no???\n<URUS> jester-: ma sul sito ce per linux !\n<max_> funzionano\n<berg66> perchè devo metterlo sulla penna\n<URUS> jester-: http://www.nvidia.it/Download/index.aspx?lang=it\n<krabador> berg66, allora, il notebook non ha il lettore dvd?\n<berg66> si lo ha\n<Valgio63> berg66, perchè fai avviare il live o l'installazione da lì!\n<URUS> jester-: visto ?\n<krabador> berg66, da problemi se metti il dvd di ubuntu nel lettore dvd,e cerchi di farlo partire in boot?\n<jester-> URUS: ancora mi pare non sia stato rilasciato per la doppia scheda\n<Valgio63> berg66, funzionea il lettore dvd?\n<berg66> si\n<Valgio63> parte in boot?\n<URUS> jester-: mi serve usare la tecnologia cuda come posso fare ?\n<berg66> che vuol dire parte il boot\n<jester-> URUS: usare winz\n<jester-> che li il river c'è\n<Valgio63> devi modifcare il bios, sequenza di avvio, 1° il dvd  e pi il resto hd etc.\n<krabador> berg66, allora , all'accensione del notebook, entri in bios, e imposti il lettore dvd come prima periferica di boot\n<URUS> jester-: ma mi sembra pianta windows\n<berg66> ok\n<berg66> poi fa tutto da solo\n<krabador> berg66, oppure uno dei tasti, spesso, f11 f12 , se premuti all'avvio di fanno scegliere la periferica di boot per la sessione\n<Valgio63> oppure entrare , se c'è, con l'opzione scelta di boot, di solito F8 , ma dipende dal bios\n<jester-> URUS: segui il wiki che ti ha incollato krabador\n<jester-> e seguilo attentamente\n<krabador> berg66, poi devi far partire l'installazione, con \" installa ubuntu\"\n<berg66> con il dvd\n<URUS> jester-: la seguo se mi portera ad utilizzare cuda altrimenti non mi serve\n<krabador> si, subito dopo che parte il dvd, se non da problemi\n<krabador> berg66,\n<jester-> URUS: se non provi non lo puoi sapere\n<max_> ragazzi c'è qualcuno k sa darmi un consiglio su cs posso fare x far funzionare l audio del mio pc?\n<jester-> URUS: per logica dovrebbe andare\n<Valgio63> krabador,mi dai una mano tu?\n<URUS> jester-: ok faccio ora grazie a tutti e due\n<krabador> Valgio63, chiedi\n<cristian_c> max_, più che altro mi serviva la schermata Configurazione\n<Valgio63> krabador, come faccio a far apparire le icone del cestino etc. sul desktop della 12.04, che non ci sono?\n<Valgio63> su gnome?\n<max_> cristian te l ho mandata\n<cristian_c> max_, non la trovo\n<max_> http://imagebin.org/258387\n<max_> questa?\n<berg66> ok grazie\n<berg66> raga\n<krabador> berg66, è oartito?\n<krabador> *partito\n<berg66> si\n<Valgio63> krabador,12.04.2, per la precisione o meglio: 12.04.1 aggornata\n<cristian_c> max_, ok, ora c'è\n<Valgio63> berg66, buon divertimento!\n<berg66> grazie\n<berg66> ciao\n<cristian_c> max_, hai fatto clic sulle icone degli altoparlanti in Riproduzione?\n<krabador> berg66, buona installazione\n<max_> ti era sfuggita la post + spesso la prossima volta hahah ;-p\n<Valgio63> krabador, na sai niente?\n<cristian_c> !tab | max_\n<ubot-it> max_: Per autocompletare un nick scrivete le prime due o tre lettere e poi premete il tasto TAB | vedi anche !chi\n<cristian_c> !chi\n<ubot-it> se stai parlando con qualcuno in particolare, per rendere più leggibile il canale ti consiglio di inserire il suo nickname in quello che dici (puoi usare il completamento premendo il tasto tab)\n<krabador> Valgio63, un attimo\n<Valgio63> krabador, scusa!\n<max_> cristian ma in configurazione nn ho le casse\n<Valgio63> cristian_c, grazie stasera ho imparato qualcosa! con !tab\n<krabador> Valgio63, :D\n<Valgio63> krabador, arrivo fra 20 secondi, mi squilla il phone!\n<krabador> Valgio63, fai pure\n<max_> in prova ho le casse\n<max_> nella schermata del volume  base\n<max_> cmq ho premut su prov nn fa nulla\n<max_> nada audio\n<cristian_c> max_, in Riproduzione\n<cristian_c> max_, perché il volume pare disattivato\n<cristian_c> cristian_c, magari se fai clic sulle icone che ho indicato\n<cristian_c> max_, http://imagebin.org/258382\n<Valgio63> krabador, rieccomi era la mia signora che è in ospedale da una settimana ormai :(((\n<max_> se prem sull icona del volume si disattiva\n<Valgio63> krabador, trovato niente per me?\n<krabador> Valgio63, allora, con gnome tweak tool\n<krabador> Valgio63, ci sono le opzioni\n<URUS> krabador: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee\n<URUS> cosa devo fare\n<URUS> advance setup\n<max_> qualche altro programma driver da poter provare??\n<Valgio63> krabador, già fatto, tutto spuntato....e tutto come prima, o devo riavviare il server x?\n<krabador> Valgio63,  beh, riavvia proprio e vedi che succede\n<Valgio63> krabador, idem con ubuntu tweak e gconf-editor, tutto spuntato ma nient:(((((\n<Valgio63> krabador, ah, ok ci provo e rientro.\n<URUS> jester-:\n<krabador> URUS, segui passo passo la guida\n<URUS> non caspisco dopo advance\n<Valgio63> krabador, uscito e rientrato. niente. riavvio proprio invece che riavviare il server?\n<krabador> Valgio63, si\n<cristian_c> max_, mmmmm\n<jester-> URUS: toh in italiano http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/Video/GraficaIbrida/Bumblebee\n<Valgio63> krabador, ok. a fra poco....è un po' vecchiotto come me!\n<Valgio63> il pc\n<cristian_c> max_, era già disattiva, dalla schermata che mi avei postato\n<URUS1> 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)\n<URUS1> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF108 [GeForce GT 540M] (rev ff)\n<max_> max@max-p7-1000it:~$ aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav  Riproduzione in corso WAVE '/usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Frequenza 48000 Hz, Mono può esserti utile???\n<URUS1> jester-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5685308/\n<jester-> URUS1: abbiamo capito che hai la doppia scheda, segui il wiki e poi installa nvidia current anche\n<jester-> <jester-> URUS: toh in italiano http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/Video/GraficaIbrida/Bumblebee\n<jester-> URUS1: è chiara la procedura\n<jester-> URUS1: poi devi lanciare da terminale o modificare i lanciatoti\n<URUS1> ma è una guida diversa per\n<cristian_c> max_, ma funza?\n<URUS1> jester-: sono arrivato a sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends bumblebee\n<jester-> URUS1: <jester-> URUS: toh in italiano http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/Video/GraficaIbrida/Bumblebee\n<jester-> e 4\n<jester-> segui la italiana\n<URUS> ok rifaccio tutto\n<max_> no cristian 0 nn da segni d vita\n<URUS> no si capisce niente\n<cristian_c> max_, uhm, ora non ho tempo che devo uscire dal chan\n<cristian_c> ma se ricapita l'occasione, guardiamo meglio\n<max_> ok grz cmq\n<Valgio63> krabador, rieccomi e tuuto uguale a prima!\n<Valgio63> tutto\n<max_> ragazzi qualcuno d voi qualche consiglio per risolvere problemi audio?\n<krabador> Valgio63, verifica che in gnome tweak non sia selezionata la voce have a file manager handle the desktop\n<max_> nn abbandonatemi ahahha\n<Valgio63> krabador,  è su off, avevo già controllato!\n<URUS1> qualcuno puo dirmi il mistero di come inserire la versione del drive se non so come e dove trovarla ?\n<URUS1> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5685339/\n<max_> nessun vuole cimentarsi nel darmi un aiutino ???\n<Valgio63> krabador, ci ho cinnamon sopra, sarà mica quello?\n<Valgio63> krabador, tano non mi piace un granchè! meglio mate.\n<krabador> Valgio63, si\n<Valgio63> tanto!!! non tano!\n<krabador> Valgio63, è cinnamon che crea quel discorso\n<Valgio63> krabador, si cosa? é cinnamon?\n<Valgio63> krabador, lo disinstallo! D agestore pacchetti o meglio da ubuntu software centre?\n<Valgio63> fanc....lo\n<krabador> Valgio63, dai non è cosi' grave\n<Valgio63> krabador, sarà sempre lui che non mi fa andare la musica di avvio?\n<krabador> Valgio63, la musica d'avvio va reimpostata\n<URUS1> jester-: mi dai una mano ? nella guida dice di installare qualcosa ma non dice come dice di inserire la versione del driver presente sul pc , e dove vo tirare fuori tutta sta informazione ? non è facile\n<Valgio63> krabador, perchè anche quella è out!\n<Valgio63> krabador, l'ho fatto! su una guida l'ho trovata ma non va uguale!\n<Valgio63> oppure ho cazziato qualcosa!\n<URUS1> Prendere nota della versione del driver Nvidia presente nel sistema (esempio nvidia-304)  come si fa ?\n<Valgio63> krabador, disistallo da ubuntu software centre o da synaptic?\n<krabador> Valgio63, da terminale\n<Valgio63> krabador, allora aiutami, sono un po' hady sul term!\n<Valgio63> handY--cappato!\n<Valgio63> XD\n<Valgio63> krabador, terminale aperto\n<krabador> Valgio63, sudo apt-get --purge autoremove cinnamon\n<Valgio63> krabador, partito\n<Valgio63> s\n<Valgio63> s era per il terminale!\n<Valgio63> krabador, sai mica se mate da lo stesso problema?\n<krabador> Valgio63, non dovrebbe\n<Valgio63> krabador, fatto, riavvio?\n<krabador> Valgio63, si\n<URUS1> krabador: tu dai per cado come si fa ?\n<krabador> URUS, apt-cache search nvidia-current\n<URUS1> ok\n<URUS1> krabador: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5685372/\n<krabador> URUS, apt-cache showpkg nvidia-current\n<Valgio63> krabador, SSSSSiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!\n<URUS1> krabador: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5685377/\n<krabador> Valgio63, bene\n<Valgio63> krabador, per il suono d'avvio, la guida mi dice di creare un lanciatore in applicazioni d'avvio con questo comando: /usr/bin/canberra-gtk-play --id=\"desktop-login\" --description=\"GNOME Login\". ti risulta?\n<krabador> Valgio63, una cosa del genere\n<krabador> URUS, allora 304\n<Valgio63> krabador, ma lo hai fatto o no tu?\n<krabador> Valgio63, io no.\n<Valgio63> krabador, meglio silenzioso eh?\n<Valgio63> lol\n<krabador> Valgio63, si, lo preferisco\n<krabador> :D\n<Valgio63> krabador, io ci provo, era confortante l'avvio, come il vecchio Windows98!\n<Valgio63> krabador, quanta acqua.....\n<krabador> stai seguendo lffl, vero?\n<Valgio63> krabador, l'ho trovato, non ho il tempo di seguirlo tanto come vorrei!\n<krabador> Valgio63, per il suono di ubuntu, intendo\n<Valgio63> krabador, si\n<krabador> Valgio63, il loro articolo funziona, per il suono\n<URUS1> krabador: ti prego famelo tu non capisco un tubo\n<Valgio63> krabador, sto tentando, al lavoro. di far partire un qualsiasi ubuntu su una scheda con 128m di ram!! Domani provo con uno dei vechi mint con feisy o gutsy ! Ti immagini?\n<URUS1> krabador: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5685392/\n<krabador> Valgio63, hardware di anni fa, non va male con kernel 2.4 o 2.6\n<krabador> Valgio63, il problema è ,se vuoi una vecchia ubuntu, gli aggiornamenti di sicurezza\n<krabador> Valgio63, non tutte hanno un repository legacy, dopo la fine del supporto ufficiale\n<Valgio63> krabador, ma è un OBC!! Praticamente mi stà in mano,\n<Valgio63> krabador, e lo faccio per provare a gestire delle telecamere remote!\n<krabador> URUS,  a che punto sei arrivato?\n<Valgio63> krabador, finti i tempi dei soldi a scialo nelle FS!!!xD\n<URUS1> devo modificare il file che ti ho postato su pastebin\n<URUS1> krabador: punto 3 di configurazione\n<Valgio63> krabador, adesso vado, domattina sveglia allle 6, notte a tutti e grazie di nuovo!!\n<krabador> Valgio63, buonanotte\n<krabador> URUS, hai aperto /etc/bumblebee/bumblebee.conf ?\n<URUS1> si\n<krabador> URUS, allora sostituisci quello che ti dicono\n<URUS1> ma non capisco non coicide\n<krabador> mettendo al posto di VERSION la perfetta versione del tuo driver installato\n<URUS1> che sarebbe ?\n<krabador> URUS, devi stostituire quelle righe soltanto se hai un driver proprietario installato\n<krabador> se prima l'hai rimosso, adesso non dovresti averlo\n<URUS1> 'e come faccio a saperlo se ce l'ho\n<URUS1> nel file ho\n<URUS1> Driver=nouveau\n<URUS1> [driver-nouveau]\n<URUS1> KernelDriver=nouveau\n<URUS1> PMMethod=auto\n<URUS1> XorgConfFile=/etc/bumblebee/xorg.conf.nouveau\n<krabador> hai l'opent\n<krabador> accontentati di usare bumblebee su driver open\n<krabador> altrimenti riavvia, installa nvidia-current e fallo puntare a lui.\n<URUS1> krabador: sto fancendo tutto questo perche mi serve usare cuda\n<URUS1> krabador: non so come\n<krabador> URUS, installa anche primus\n<URUS1> te dico che non so non me neintendo per niente\n<URUS1> krabador: si\n<URUS1> krabador: primus è già alla versione più recente.\n<krabador> URUS, apt-cache search bumblebee\n<URUS1> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5685425/\n<URUS1> krabador: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5685425/\n<URUS1> krabador:  :( aiuto\n<krabador> URUS, se hai riavviato, dopo aver installato bumblebee, lo stai usando , con i driver nouveau\n<krabador> URUS, vedi se va bene per quello che devi fare\n<URUS1> krabador: nouveau?\n<URUS1> ma non devono essere nvidea ?\n<krabador> puoi usarlo con entrambi\n<krabador> cosa scritta chiaramente nel wiki\n<URUS1> e come faccio a sapere se posso utilizzare i core della scheda video ?\n<krabador> se non ti piace come va con nouveau, puoi settare bumblebee per funzionare con i driver proprietari\n<krabador> installandoli, e modificando /etc/bumblebee/bumblebee.conf\n<krabador> come scritto in figura\n<krabador> wiki\n<URUS1> krabador: ma se non capisco ce poco da fare\n<URUS1> una volta modificato cosa devo fa ?\n<URUS1> krabador: mi avevte dato due guide diverse e non so come fare ne con una ne con l'altra non vanno\n<krabador> URUS, le guide sono pressochè identiche\n<krabador> una è quella del wiki internazionale, una del wiki italiano\n<URUS1> krabador: in una non dice di modificare quel file\n<URUS1> krabador: su quella che mi hai dato tu sono fermo qui\n<URUS1> sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends bumblebee\n<URUS1> e dopo cosa faccio ?\n<URUS1> non dicono piu niente\n<URUS1> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee#Installation\n<krabador> quando hai installato il pacchetto bumblebee,e primus, che linea hai dato?\n<URUS1> ho fatto\n<URUS1> krabador: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5685461/\n<krabador> ecco\n<URUS1> e poi ho fatto sudo apt-get install primus\n<URUS1> ma ora non so come nadare avanti\n<krabador> la wiki internazione ti fa installare il supporto al driver proprietario con un'opzione specificata dove ti sei bloccato, li a sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends bumblebee\n<krabador> mentre quella italiana ti fa modificare il file .conf\n<URUS1> quindi ora riprendo dalla italiana ma da dove ?\n<krabador> allora, ti è chiaro che puoi usare bumblebee anche usando i nouveau?\n<URUS1> krabador: no\n<URUS1> non mi è chiaro niente se devo essere sincero\n<URUS1> io voglio instalare i driver nvidia per avere il supporto cuda della mia scheda\n<krabador> http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=522127\n<krabador> cuda è un'altra cosa.\n<URUS1> krabador: non so io cmq avevo specificato prima\n<URUS1> seguo quello ?\n<krabador> per far funzionare nvidia optimus, serve bumblebee\n<URUS1> quindi ?\n<krabador> se hai la 12.04, si\n<URUS1> 12.04 lts\n<URUS1> si\n#ubuntu-it 2013-05-21\n<URUS1> krabador: una domanda\n<URUS1> ma io sto usando ubuntu 12.04lts da hd esterno . cambia qualcosa ?\n<URUS1> posso usare il os anche su altri pc ?\n<URUS1> da hard disk esterno ?\n<krabador> URUS, per maneggiare meglio bumblebee , installati bumblebee-config-gtk da ppa esterno\n<krabador> URUS, non cambia nulla, solo che se è usb, non è paragonabile in prestazioni se interno, sata\n<URUS1> ?ma lo riconosce un altro pc\n<URUS1> e cmq come installo bumblebee-config-gtk ?\n<URUS1> con apt ?\n<krabador> URUS, puoi usare il sistema operativo su altri pc il cui hardware sia supportato dal kernel del sistema operativo\n<cri> giorno\n<glpiana> ola\n<sacarde> ciao\n<sacarde> sapete come resettare le barre in unity?\n<sacarde> non mi appaiono piu\n<glpiana> !unityreset | sacarde\n<ubot-it> sacarde: per resettare unity alle impostazioni di partenza, premi alt+f2 (o apri un terminale) e digita: unity --reset\n<sacarde> reimposta anche le barre?\n<sacarde> e ..\n<sacarde> unity-2d-launcher   ?\n<glpiana> sacarde, prova. se non agisce su unity-2d vediamo che altro fare\n<sacarde> ma le impostazioji di unity sono tutte nella dir .gconf ?\n<glpiana> immagino. sacarde puoi anche provare a resettare gnome se vuoi\n<glpiana> !gnomereset\n<ubot-it> Per resettare gnome alle sue impostazioni di default rinominare le cartelle nascoste nella propria home  .gnome2 .config .gconf .gconfd .gnome2_private  con un nome a piacere, ad esempio .gnome2.bk e riavviare la sessione\n<glpiana> a tra poco\n<masso68> Hum.. Non so se questo è il posto giusto (non vorrei scocciare). Sono un neofita di Ubuntu. Ho la versione 13.04 scaricata da poco ( ha sostituito la 12.04) e, come succedeva anche all'inizio della precedente versione, quando devo spengere il pc (Acer Aspire 7110) rimane in un limbo perenne sulla schermata di chiusura (scritta UBUNTU coi pallini sche scorrono al di sotto). C'è qlc ke posso fare io o devo aspetare un bug fix dell\n<glpiana> masso68, il tuo sistema è stato aggironato dopo l'installazione?\n<glpiana> *aggiornato\n<masso68> ho fatto quello che mi si richiedeva per l'aggiornamento al 13.04. Poi ho lanciato l'aggiornamento software (lo faccio quasi sempre) e ho installato quel che c'era da installare  Devo forse fare altro?\n<jester-> 'ngiorno\n<glpiana> masso68, no, direi che è aggiornato. apri un terminale e scrivi: uname -a\n<masso68> fatto\n<glpiana> masso68, e che ti ha risposto?\n<masso68> questo: Linux masso-Aspire-7110 3.8.0-22-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Thu May 16 15:17:59 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux\n<glpiana> masso68, cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep proposed\n<masso68> ??? devo inserire quella stringa sul terminale?\n<glpiana> sì, copiala e incollala nel temrinale\n<masso68> ha risposto:   deb http://it.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ raring-proposed restricted main multiverse universe deb-src http://it.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ raring-proposed restricted main multiverse universe #Added by software-properties\n<glpiana> masso68, oki, e perchè usai i repository proposed?\n<glpiana> vabbè, lasciamo stare\n<masso68> li avevo scaricati per visualizzare dei video con cui avevo problemi\n<glpiana> masso68, apri sorgenti software\n<glpiana> togli la spunta ai proposed, poi chiudi e trona nel terminale\n<masso68> dove trovo le sorgenti software?\n<glpiana> masso68, nel terminale scrivi: gksu software-properties-gtk\n<masso68> fatto\n<glpiana> masso68, hai tolto la spunta?\n<masso68> da dove?\n<glpiana> masso68, dai repository proposed\n<jester->   pagherei per sapere come li hai abilitati\n<glpiana> eh, misteri!\n<masso68> dunque: dentro SOFTWARE E AGGIORNAMENTI ho la spunta su SOFTWARE CON RESTRIZIONI PER COPYRIGHT  O MOTIVI LEGALI. Credo di averla abilitata quando ho scaricato e installato i pacchetti di MEDIBUNTU.  E' quella spunta che devo togliere?\n<glpiana> masso68, no, devi cercare una riga che riporta la parola \"proposed\" o \"proposti\". ora, in tutto lì hai 3 o 4 schede, con 4 righe per una. non penso ci voglia molto a leggerle tutte. e poi come li hai messi, saprai anche levarli\n<mondocane> qualcuno usa ufw col kernel 3.8 ?\n<glpiana> !qualcuno | mondocane\n<ubot-it> mondocane: la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera'\n<masso68> ho trovato e tolto (scusa...)\n<glpiana> masso68, ora chiudi e torna nel temrinale\n<masso68> fatto\n<glpiana> masso68, sudo apt-get update       e poi quando termina: sudo apt-get install linux-image-3.8.0-21-generic\n<mondocane> Col kernel 3.8 compilato da me ed ufw-0.33 in /var/log/messages mi trovo : nf_conntrack: automatic helper assignment is deprecated and it will be removed soon. Use the iptables CT target to attach helpers instead.\n<mondocane> credo non sia niente di che\n<glpiana> mondocane, con un kernel non compilato da te il problema è lo stesso?\n<masso68> fatto tutto\n<mondocane> eh quando me ne sono accorto era tardi, i vecchi li ho eliminati\n<glpiana> masso68, ora dimmi se all'avvio del pc vedi il menu di grub o se parte subito ubuntu\n<glpiana> mondocane, installa il generic e vedi se il problema è nel kernel compilato da te\n<masso68> devo riavviare, quindi? O spengo e riaccendo?\n<glpiana> masso68, no, devi solo rispondermi\n<mondocane> ok quando torno :)\n<jester-> mondocane: apt-get install linux-image-3.8.0-21-generic e lo rimetti\n<glpiana> quando avvii il pc, vedi il menu di grub o parte direttamente ubuntu?\n<masso68> non so cosa sia il MENU DI GRUB e non capisco cosa interndi per AVVIO\n<masso68> ho capito.\n<glpiana> masso68, per avvio intendo accensione del computer, per menu di grub intendo un menu per la scelta del sistema operativo\n<masso68> ho il menu di grub\n<glpiana> masso68, oki, allora dovrai cercare il kernel 3.8.0-21, e non il 3.8.0-22 che sarà la prima scelta\n<glpiana> masso68, quindi riavvia il computer e procedi\n<jester-> dentro a opzioni avanzate\n<masso68> mumble mumble.... dove trovo il kernel 3.8.0-21?  (ve l'ho detto all'inizio che sono un neofita...  =0(  )\n<nicola> ciao a tutti\n<nicola> ho appena finito di installare ubuntu 12.10 LTS ma la connessione internet è lentissima\n<glpiana> masso68, in impostazioni avanzate, nel menu che ti appare quando accendi il pc\n<glpiana> nicola, 12.10 non è LTS. cosa hai installato?\n<nicola> ho seguito questa guida: http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/viewtopic.php?p=4244272&mobile=off\n<akis24> giorno\n<nicola> ma nn ne vuole sapere\n<nicola> glpiana, scusa è la 12.04\n<glpiana> nicola, parliamo di connessione via cavo o wireless?\n<nicola> wireless con un adattatore d-link\n<glpiana> nicola, che scheda wireless hai? interna o usb?\n<nicola> usb\n<glpiana> nicola, e connettendoti allo stesso router via cavo e via wifi trovi differenza di velocità di connessione?\n<nicola> via cavo nn è possibile perché il router è in segreteria...\n<nicola> però se accedo con windows funziona bene\n<glpiana> nicola, apri un terminale e scrivi: lsusb\n<glpiana> !paste | nicola\n<ubot-it> nicola: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<angelo___> ciao ragazzi vi ho contattato ieri .. x qst probelma: non riesco piu a vedere win ... ho letto ma dicgitando i comandi praticam ... non riesco a far nulla adesso sono da cd live.... mi aiutereste passo passo per paicere.. ?\n<jester-> angelo___: non vedi win in che senso\n<angelo___> nel dual boot ( si avvia direttam linux) ... e in piu ho fatto alcuni casini .. nela sneso che ci sono versioni precedenti sotto linux...  tra cui 3.5.0-28 credo sia l ulitmo kernel ... ma io devo e  voglio cancelalre anche questo kernel qui 3.5.0-17  con il rispettivo recovery e  ovviamente recuepreare quello spazio\n<nicola> glpiana ecco il paste: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5686267/\n<glpiana> midammi anche l'output del comando: lsmod\n<glpiana> nicola, dammi anche l'output del comando: lsmod\n<masso68> glpiana: ho fatto come mi hai suggerito, ho dato il riavvio, ma si è bloccato sulla solita schermata. Ho spento, riacceso selezionando il kernel  di cui sopra, ho provato a arrestare e si è bloccato ancora. Che fare?\n<nicola> glpiana sono connesso da altro pc, ti devo copiare manualmente tutto l'output?\n<nicola> o hai bisogno di qlc in particolare?\n<angelo___> allora ragazzi idee?? xke io nn so piu che fare......\n<glpiana> nicola, perchè non ti colleghi col pc in questione?\n<nicola> perché nn ce la fa!\n<glpiana> masso68, scrivi: uname -a\n<masso68> non ti fidi eh? fai bene!!  =0D      : Linux masso-Aspire-7110 3.8.0-21-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 14 22:17:37 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux\n<glpiana> nicola, tu hai scritto che la connessione è lenta\n<glpiana> masso68, oki, ora scrivi: sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.8.0-22-generic\n<angelo___> spero di aveer spiegato al meglio li  mio problema...\n<nicola> glpiana: si, ma è talmente lenta che mi sta caricando ancora la pagina di accesso alla chat\n<glpiana> nicola, lascia perdere la chat, dai il comando e apri la paguina di pastebin. vedi se riesci a eseguire pastebin e poi copia qui l'indirizzo della pagina\n<glpiana> angelo___, scrivi nel temrinale: sudo os-prober\n<masso68> glpiana: fatto\n<glpiana> masso68, oki, quantomeno ora hai il kernel ufficiale che partirà da solo. hai detto che lo stesso ti era capitato in precedenza. giusto?\n<masso68> si anche con la 12.04, ma poi (credo a qualche aggiornamento inviato dalla comunity) la cosa si è risolta\n<glpiana> masso68, allora mi sa che ti tocca aspettare. oppure, visto che hai aggiornato, prova ad avviare col kernel vecchio\n<masso68> cioè col .21 o col .22?\n<masso68> ... chiaro: col 21...\n<masso68> vado\n<pycasso> salve sto creando una lista dinamica di pulsanti in pygtk ma a tutti viene connessa la stessa funzione\n<pycasso> http://pastebin.com/6gWuxssJ\n<pycasso> come posso risolvere?\n<angelo___> GLPIANA  ho fatto come mi hai detto tu ...\n<angelo___> e m è venuto fuori una coa del genere...\n<jester-> !chat | pycasso\n<ubot-it> pycasso: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<angelo___> dev/sda1:Windows 7 (loader):Windows:chain /dev/sda6:Ubuntu 12.10 (12.10):Ubuntu:linux\n<angelo___> e ora??\n<angelo___> e ora dopo aver digitato quel comando cosa faccio?\n<glpiana> angelo___, un momento per cortesia\n<angelo___> scusami GLPIANA... perche pensavo che i sms nn fossero stati visualizzati ... pardon\n<masso68> glpiana:  ho spento e si è bloccato comunque. Poco male. Attenderò come la volta scorsa. Ma questo non toglie che sono proprio contento della comunità Ubuntu! Mi piace il modo di collaborare ognuno con le proprie esperienze (io faccio l'infermiere, spero non vi servirò mai  =0D  ). Volevo, quindi ringraziare per il tempo e la pazienza deditatemi. GRAZIE  glpiana! E buon lavoro!\n<angelo___> grande masso68 ;-)\n<glpiana> angelo___, nel terminale scrivi: sudo fdisk -l\n<glpiana> !paste | angelo___\n<ubot-it> angelo___: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<nicola> glpiana l'altro pc nn regge proprio la connessione (forse ho capito perché!)\n<nicola> allora ti spiego che cosa è successo:\n<glpiana> nicola, spiega\n<nicola> il pc ha una scheda di rete con un'antennina dietro al pc\n<nicola> dato che nella stanza in cui lavoro il segnale è molto basso il primo tecnico ha collegato un cavo ethernet ad un giocattolino attaccato alla presa della corrente\n<nicola> il secondo tecnico poi ha collegato via usb l'adattatore d-link dw125 e quindi la velocità di connessione era migliore (su win)\n<angelo___> glpiana credo di averlo fatto porprio ora..\n<glpiana> angelo___, oki, passami il link però\n<nicola> ora mi sono accorto che l'usb adapter non funziona su ubuntu (o per lo meno credo visto che il led è spento)\n<angelo___> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5686331/\n<angelo___> a volte mi stupisco di quanto sia scemo ahah\n<glpiana> angelo___, dammi anche l'output di: mount\n<angelo___> come s fa?\n<glpiana> angelo___, scrivi mount nel temrinale e fai la stessa cosa che hai fatto ora\n<nicola> finalmente è riuscito ad incollare il codice che mi hai richiesto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5686333/\n<angelo___> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5686336/\n<glpiana> nicola, domanda: ma non è che è così lento perchè non si connette all'apparecchietto che ti ha messo alla presa ma a un segnale più distante?\n<nicola> penso che sia proprio così!\n<nicola> come posso fare per dirgli di usare l'apparecchietto?\n<glpiana> angelo___, ma da dove hai avviato adesso?\n<angelo___> da live cd\n<glpiana> nicola, devi andare sulla connessione e cliccare su quella col segnale più elevato\n<glpiana> ora devo assentarmi. a più tardi\n<jester-> nicola: non sai se sei connesso eth o wifi?\n<angelo___> glpiana ma pensi sia sistemabile coem cosa'?\n<angelo___> xke sicneram ho paura a riavviare.. xke penso che si possa nna ccendere piu nenache linux\n<nicola> a questo punto nn ci sto capendo più niente. l'apparecchietto dovrebbe utilizzare il wifi tramite corrente elettrica\n<cristian_c> powerline?\n<jester-> nicola: hai detto che sull'adattore è collegato un cavo eth o no\n<glpiana> angelo___, non puoi avviare dalla tua installazione di ubuntu?\n<glpiana> vado\n<jester-> nicola: dovrebbe essere un adattatore che prende la banda mandata con altro adattaore nell'impianto corrente\n<nicola> jester- si\n<angelo___> ok ok grazie lo stesso glpiana.. adesso cerco di capirci qlksina... a dopo se ci sei\n<jester-> nicola: cavo eth cazzillo to pc?\n<nicola> yes\n<jester-> nicola: quindi prende la banda normale dall'impianto elettrico, scollega la wifi e collega la eth dall'icono di rete\n<jester-> icona\n<jester-> è come se la pigliassi dal router\n<jester-> sperando che non hai fatto casino in configurazione rete\n<jester-> nicola: anzi vai in modifica connessioni--> cavo-->modifica-->ipv4-->metti DHCP\n<nicola> fatto\n<nicola> ma adesso nn si connette più!\n<jester-> nicola: mo collega la cavo dall'icona di rete sulla tray\n<nicola> ?\n<jester-> nicola: hai un'icona di rete in alto a destra sulla barra o no\n<jester-> clicca\n<jester-> cosa vedi\n<nicola> si\n<jester-> abilita rete\n<jester-> cavo e wifi o no\n<nicola> yes attivo risulta solo: wired connection 1\n<jester-> nicola: quindi la wifi non c'è\n<jester-> nicola: clicca e connettila\n<jester-> nicola: se connessa dovresti navigare\n<jester-> nicola: ifconfig , etho ha un indirizzo inet?\n<nicola> boh, come faccio a saperlo?\n<jester-> nicola: nel terminale digita: ifconfig\n<jester-> e vedi se c'è un numero dopo indirizzo inet della eth0\n<nicola> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5686368/\n<jester-> nicola: stai usando la wifi e non eth\n<jester-> possibile che nell'icona rete non compaia\n<jester-> nicola: sudo ifconfig wlan0 down e la manda gia, sudo dhclient eth0\n<jester-> dovrebbe connettere la cavo\n<jester-> se va piano avraà il segnale debole\n<nicola> nisba\n<jester-> mila wifi è usb?\n<jester-> nicola:  wifi è usb?\n<nicola> oltre all'apparecchietto c'è anche l'usb adapter d-link dwa125. come mai non lo rileva?\n<jester-> nicola: è collegato in wifi il tuo pc e sa do os smonchiato, scommetto che se provi una live funza tutto, stacca la usb e riavvia\n<nicola> jester-: dava lo stesso problema\n<nicola> ho staccato il cavo eth da dietro al pc e adesso voglio provare a farlo funzionare con l'usb adaptor\n<jester-> nicola: stacca la usb e riavvia se non si connette in eth chiama il tecnico che qualcosa non va nell'adattatore nella presa\n<jester-> nicola: se il segnale wifi è debole non vai da nessuna parte, per quello il tipo ha messo la presa\n<nicola> tecnico? ognuno ha la sua teoria...\n<jester-> nicola: non c'è molto da teorizzare con l'usb scollegata usa per forza la eth\n<nicola> il secondo tecnico - pur lasciando l'adattatore - ha attaccato l'adattatore usb\n<nicola> attenzione io penso che il segnale lo prenda dalla schede di rete interna al pc e non dall'adattatore usb esterno\n<jester-> se non va bene l'adattatore non a il suo mestiere se ti colleghi in wifi ed è lenta la causa è segnale debole o driver linux scarso. provare anche da winz sullo stesso pc sarebbe un test\n<jester-> nicola: usb wifi o integrata prendono un segnale radio\n<jester-> la eth dal cavo\n<nicola> win funziona perchè l'ho usato fino a ieri!\n<jester-> nicola: rimane da capire se l'adattatore nella presa è un adattore per la banda o un specie di access point\n<jester-> se è eth non c'è motivo, sepre che faccia iul suo lavoro, che non navighi\n<jester-> wifi bisogna vedere che chipset ha la usb\n<nicola> Atlantis Land Homeplug Turbo 85Mbps\n<jester-> nicola: is è un adattatore banda\n<jester-> ce n'è un altro collegato al router, anzi controlla che lo sia\n<jester-> nicola: usa i fili della corrente come cavo\n<nicola> l'apparecchietto è connesso tramite un cavo eth mentre il segnale è portato dalla corrente elettrica\n<jester-> nicola: certo\n<jester-> invece di stendere cavi si usa quelli che ci sono\n<jester-> nicola: quindi uno manda e l'altro riceve\n<nicola> yes\n<jester-> nicola: l'altro è collegato al rutter?\n<jester-> che se non sono in due fanno nulla\n<nicola> controllo\n<_Kalce_> buongiorno a tutti\n<_Kalce_> esiste un software tipo devede che mi sembra che con u 13.04 non funzioni proprio benissimo?\n<jester-> _Kalce_: k3b non li fa i dvd video?\n<cristian_c> _Kalce_, kdenlive?\n<cristian_c> _Kalce_, openshot?\n<jester-> anche\n<cristian_c> !programmi | _Kalce_\n<ubot-it> _Kalce_: Per una lista di programmi disponibili per Ubuntu consulta http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Programmi\n<_Kalce_> ma non è roba per kde? io ho unity.....\n<cristian_c> _Kalce_, apri il link\n<cristian_c> _Kalce_, ora  non ricordo ma ce ne sono\n<cristian_c> _Kalce_, oppure una bella ricerca nel software center\n<_Kalce_> come si digita quell' asta alla fine della parola programmi?\n<nicola> jester- mica hai un paio di transenne?\n<jester-> nicola: ??\n<jester-> ti hanno fottuto un adapter?\n<nicola> jester-: devo impedire alla signora delle pulizie di avvicinarsi alle prese di corrente!!!\n<jester-> lol\n<nicola> va che è una meraviglia\n<jester-> :D\n<nicola> ti devo una birra\n<jester-> nicola: se è bona la signora perdonala\n<_Kalce_> comunque grazie ragazzi ....alla prossima...\n<nicola> il problema è che è pure brutta ;-)\n<jester-> funzano bene gli adapter senza sbattersi a tirare file\n<jester-> i\n<jester-> sigh\n<nicola> vabbè in studio il problema della rete c'è sempre stato! in alcune stanze funziona, in altre no\n<nicola> era la soluzione più economica (rispetto al cablaggio dell'intero studio!)\n<jester-> nicola: costano pure relativamente poco, pensa che i crucchi usano la rete pubblica per mandare internet\n<nicola> immagino, anche se preferisco rimanere nella legalità ;-)\n<nicola> jester- ora vado, sei stato gentilissimo\n<nicola> ciao\n<jester-> ciao\n<_Kalce_> save a tutti di nuovo....\n<_Kalce_> ho appena installato 13.04 e devede ... ma devede , una volta selezionato il file da trasformare ( da .mp4 a .avi) non parte.....\n<akhilleus> cristian_c ci 6?\n<glpiana> !tizio | akhilleus\n<ubot-it> akhilleus: non porre le tue domande a qualcuno in particolare, rivolgiti al canale. Non usare forme del tipo \"Tizio, mi sai dire..\"/\"Tizio, posso?\"\n<akhilleus> ok\n<angelo___> ciao ragazzi ...vi ho contattato stamane... ma causa lavoro ho dovuto interoompere ... allora pticam io in dual boot win 7 e linux ubuntu.... innnazittuto vorrei rimuovere  le vecchie versioni di ubuntu installate... perche ho due kernel...e io vorrei solo l ultimo il piu aggioranto ..e ovviam eliminare la ltro e recueprare quello sapzzioe amgari restituirlo a win ....Mentre per quanto riguarda win.. non riesco a visualizzarlo .\n<angelo___> credo sia relatvo all MBR.... mi aiutatte passo passo er apicere??\n<angelo___> mi aiutati per paicere??\n<angelo___> mi aiutate per piacere??\n<angelo___> anceh perche sono un utente linux da pochix...\n<glpiana> angelo___, ora sei da livecd o dalla tua installazione?\n<angelo___> ora dalla mia versioen .. CIAOOO glpiana... PAICERE ANGELO\n<glpiana> angelo___, allora apri un terminale e scrivi: sudo os-prober\n<angelo___> nn esce nulla\n<angelo___> è normale?\n<glpiana> angelo___, sudo fdisk -l\n<glpiana> !paste | angelo___\n<ubot-it> angelo___: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<angelo___> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5686749/\n<glpiana> angelo___, scrivi: uname -a          e copia qui la riga che esce\n<angelo___> angelinux@angelinux-AO721:~$ uname -a Linux angelinux-AO721 3.5.0-28-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 23 23:05:48 UTC 2013 i686 athlon i686 GNU/Linux\n<glpiana> angelo___, hai la versione 12.10?\n<angelo___> si\n<angelo___> ho provato a fare l aggioranmetneo alla 13 ma nn è mai andata a nuon fine\n<glpiana> angelo___, vuoi dire che l'hai avviato e si è fermato subito o che qualcosa aveva fatto?\n<angelo___> no no ... nn ha  fatto l upgarde\n<glpiana> ok, scrivi: sudo apt-get update\n<glpiana> quando termina, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade\n<angelo___> sta aggioranndoo.. manca poco max un paio di minuti o forse meno\n<glpiana> oki\n<glpiana> angelo___, quando termina, riavvia comunque e quando torni riprendiamo\n<angelo___> riavvio il pc..??o chiudo solo firefox e riavvio questo??\n<glpiana> angelo___, riavvia il pc\n<angelo___> ciao GLPIANA...\n<angelo___> ho appena finitoo\n<angelo___> cosa faccio adesso invece?\n<glpiana> angelo___, oki, apri il terminale\n<glpiana> angelo___, sudo os-prober\n<angelo___> ancora neitne\n<angelo___> nn esce scritto nulla..\n<glpiana> angelo___, sudo apt-get install --reinstall os-prober\n<angelo___>  FATTO\n<angelo___> fatto\n<glpiana> angelo___, sudo os-prober\n<angelo___> niente\n<glpiana> mmm...\n<glpiana> dpkg -l | grep grub\n<glpiana> !paste | angelo___\n<ubot-it> angelo___: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<angelo___> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5686869/\n<akis24> ciao\n<glpiana> angelo___, ma dillo che hai toccato il boot loader con repositories esterni -.-\n<angelo___> io??\n<glpiana> angelo___, cos'è sto grub costumizer?\n<angelo___> ma nn soo neanceh cosa vuol dire\n<angelo___> ahah\n<angelo___>  ah quello è un porgramma che ho installato xke volevo provare a capirci qlksa..\n<angelo___> ma nn ho capito neitne\n<angelo___> e ho cheisto aiuto\n<glpiana> angelo___, vabbè, comuqneu dobbiamo levarlo e ripristinare la sotuazione originale\n<glpiana> angelo___, ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d\n<angelo___> fatto\n<glpiana> !paste | angelo___\n<ubot-it> angelo___: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<angelo___> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5686886/\n<glpiana> angelo___, sudo apt-get install grub-pc\n<angelo___> mi cheide : se mantenene la versione local o installare i package maintainer's version\n<angelo___> cosa sputno\n<angelo___> ?\n<glpiana> !paste | angelo___\n<ubot-it> angelo___: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<angelo___> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5686898/\n<glpiana> angelo___, dai ok (se ok non è evidenziato, premi il tasto tab e poi premi invio)\n<angelo___> finito\n<glpiana> angelo___, dpkg -l | grep grub\n<angelo___> fatto\n<glpiana> angelo___, non hai ancora capito che se un comando ti da output devi metterlo su pastebin?\n<angelo___>  si il problmea e' che nn sempre\n<angelo___> me lo fa incolalre\n<angelo___> eppure sono attaccato al router\n<angelo___> infatti ora gira  ma nn carica la pagina.. cioè nn me lo fa incolalre\n<angelo___> incollare\n<glpiana> ne riparliamo quando avrai il link\n<angelo___> ah ok ok\n<angelo___> bingo finalemtne\n<angelo___> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5686941/\n<glpiana> angelo___, ora scrivi: sudo grub-install /dev/sda\n<angelo___> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5686945/\n<glpiana> angelo___, sudo update-grub\n<angelo___> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5686952/\n<glpiana> angelo___, cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep proposed\n<angelo___> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5686955/\n<glpiana> angelo___, dpkg -l | grep linux-image\n<angelo___> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5686962/\n<glpiana> angelo___, apt-cache policy linux-image-3.5.0-30-generic\n<angelo___> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5686964/\n<glpiana> angelo___, sudo os-prober\n<angelo___> niente\n<glpiana> angelo___, sudo apt-get purge grub-customizer\n<angelo___> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5686971/\n<glpiana> angelo___, sudo os.-prober\n<glpiana> angelo___, sudo os-prober\n<angelo___> nietne\n<glpiana> angelo___, riavvia e torna qui da live\n<angelo___> ok  capo ;-)\n<angelo___> eccomi\n<angelo___> glpiana\n<angelo___> che orami sei diventato il mio mito informatico hahhaah\n<glpiana> angelo___, apri un terminale e scrivi: sudo os-prober\n<angelo___> mi mandi il link per incollare per apicere?? cmq è solo uan stringa\n<angelo___> te lo incollo qui ??\n<angelo___> ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo os-prober /dev/sda6:Ubuntu 12.10 (12.10):Ubuntu:linux\n<glpiana> ecco, adesso manco lo vede più -.-\n<glpiana> angelo___, nulla da fare. proviamo a ripristinare mbr per vedere se windows parte ancora\n<angelo___> ok ok\n<glpiana> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/RipristinoMbrWindows\n<angelo___> io quello che ho notato .. che ora all avvio .. c'è scritto solo UBUNTU ... e non piu tutto cio che stava scirtot priam.. imamgino sia uan notizia inutele mia...\n<glpiana> angelo___, apri sta pagina, scarica il pacchetto per la tua versione e installalo\n<glpiana> angelo___, quello è perchp grub2 visualizza diversamente. e non sarebbe comunque un problema. il problema è far ripartire windows. cerca di fare rapidamente che io tra 4 minuti stacco\n<angelo___> si si\n<angelo___> fatto\n<angelo___> installato\n<glpiana> angelo___, ora scrivi: sudo ms-sys -w /dev/sda\n<angelo___> ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo ms-sys -w /dev/sda DOS/Windows NT master boot record successfully written to /dev/sda\n<glpiana> angelo___, ora riavvia il pc e vedi se parte windows. se parte correttamente, riavvia da live cd e segui la guida per il ripristino di grub\n<glpiana> !grub | angelo___\n<ubot-it> angelo___: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/ | Per ripristinare Grub: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/Ripristino\n<glpiana> non so se quando torni ci sono ancora, per cui segnati l'inidirzzo\n<angelo___> ok ok perfetto nn so veera come ringraziarti ... sul serioooo io sono un ing energeticoo....ma purtroppo nn capisco un cavolo di ste cose. qui .. grazie ancora..\n<glpiana> angelo___, prima di ringraziare vedi se ti parte qualcosa\n<angelo___> ok ok riavvio subito\n<angelo___> ti ringrazio per il tempo dedicato\n<angelo___> almeno\n<angelo___> glpiana ci sei??\n<angelo___> praticam nn si avvia nulla\n<angelo___> non carica neanche piu linux...\n<angelo___> c'è una cosa che parala di MAC ADDRESS\n<angelo___> ma nn fa nulla\n<glpiana> angelo___, linux è normale che non lo carichi, abbiamo resettato mbr. e windows non parte?\n<angelo___> no\n<glpiana> angelo___, allora è normale che non lo vedesse nemmeno linux\n<angelo___>  e ceh faccio ora ?? lo lancio dall ufficio?? ;-)\n<glpiana> angelo___, se vuoi ripristinare linux, segui la guida che ti ho indicato. ma se hai anche intenzione di rimettere a posto windows, prima pensa a windows e poi a linux\n<angelo___> ok ok da quella guida\n<glpiana> !grub\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/ | Per ripristinare Grub: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/Ripristino\n<angelo___> ok ok\n<glpiana> angelo___, segui per il ripristino\n<glpiana> se hai problemi, chiedi. ti aiuteranno\n<glpiana> io vado\n<angelo___> adesso provo e grazie ancora\n<romeopapa> salve, posso chiedere qui informazioni su driver stampanti?\n<akis24> !aiuto | romeopapa\n<ubot-it> romeopapa: per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<akis24> romeopapa: se riguarda ubuntu si per il resto #ubuntu-it-chat\n<angelo___> ragazzi mi aiutate per piacere?? mi ha dato una mano fino ad aora GLPIANA...\n<angelo___> ma io nn ho cpaito ancora come posso fare a sisitemare delle cose...\n<angelo___> come posso fare??\n<romeopapa> configurazione: pc in rete aziendale con multifunzione olivetti, riesco a stampare solo da web (google ad esempio) non da libreoffice o altro programma ubuntu, stamp correttamente da xp su virtualbox. ubuntu vede la stampante \"INATTIVA\". Suggerimenti?\n<romeopapa> ad esempio, da web uso i soliti driver linux della stampante che ho istallato? (crederei di si...) perchè da li stampo e da ubuntu no?\n<ZlojCrash> multifunzione di rete? Non LPT o USB?\n<angelo___> praticam ho su l mio hard disk da 320 gb.... ci sono win 7...e ubuntu ( ma credo che GLPIANA me le abbia elimiante)... ora nn riesco a far visuliazzare piu WIN NEL DUAL BOOT... e sopratutto nenanceh ubutnu .. infatti ora sono da live cd... e vorrei impsotare anceh come primo boot  win.. x nn incappare piu in spaicaevoli casini .... spero di essere stato chiaro... mi aiutate per apicere???\n<romeopapa> yes\n<akis24> angelo___: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/Ripristino\n<angelo___> ciao akis24... mi da un sacco di errori.. ad ogni riga ceh provo ad incollare...\n<angelo___> ecoc xke cheido il vs aiuto\n<akis24> angelo___: devi seguire la guida per reinstallare grub\n<angelo___> infatti glpiana mi faceva postare\n<angelo___> ogni singola cosa..\n<angelo___> xke ci stava capendo un po ..\n<angelo___> il danno\n<ZlojCrash> romeopapa - modelle di multifunzione?\n<akis24> angelo___: ci capisce è molto ma è andato via\n<akis24> angelo___: intanto leggi come ripristinare grub al link che ti ho messo sopra\n<romeopapa> ZlojCrash, olivetti dcopia 451 mf\n<BlAcKaNgEl> ciao\n<angelo___> infatti ... è stato cosi gentile..e soraptutto motlo ma molto bravo io nn ho fatto praticam nulla ahah .. si si sto leggendo .. ma qnd incollo ... mi resittiuisce qst sms\n<angelo___> root@ubuntu:~# sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt mount: you must specify the filesystem type\n<angelo___> e io sul serio nn ci capisco un cavolo\n<ZlojCrash> 451 mf? non 4501 mf?\n<akis24> angelo___: devi montare la partizione su cui risiede ubuntu ... cerca di capire la guida\n<romeopapa> ZlojCrash, http://www.olivetti.it/Tool/Product/Panoramica/view_html?id_item=970&idp=428\n<akis24> angelo___: da terminale fdisk -l  vedi la partizione di ubuntu e poi dai quel comando\n<akis24> angelo___: !paste\n<akis24> !paste | angelo___\n<ubot-it> angelo___: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<angelo___> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5687081/\n<angelo___> sono arrivato fino qui e credo di aver fatto bene ma sicuram nn sara cosi\n<angelo___> ;-)\n<ZlojCrash> romeopapa - provi usare PPD da MACOSX drivers per CUPS\n<romeopapa> ZlojCrash, Ne sai qualcosa?\n<romeopapa> ZlojCrash, scusa, non ho capito\n<romeopapa> ZlojCrash, i driver ce li ho\n<ZlojCrash> Scusa uno momento\n<akis24> angelo___: provo a seguirti vediamo se ci si riesce guardo un attimo\n<angelo___> ok ok faccio quello ceh midici\n<akis24> angelo___: sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt  prova ora cosi\n<akis24> e poi continua come nella guida ...\n<angelo___> ora riprovo... continuo da dove mi ero fermato??\n<akis24> angelo___:  sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt e poi devi solo applicare i passaggi della guida\n<ZlojCrash> ubuntu usa PPD files per printers\n<ZlojCrash> http://download6.konicaminolta.eu/develop/public/&&BDV&EN&sw&ineo%2B+552&Printer+Driver&&&0&&&0&Color+MFP&0&&6\n<ZlojCrash> PostScript\tItalian\tPPD driver (30001.0000 MU) for Generic 50C-2 Series\t30001.0000\t2012-01-12\n<akis24> angelo___:  sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt  scusa  ho sbagliato e poi devi solo applicare i passaggi della guida\n<ZlojCrash> questo driver per tua multifunzione\n<akis24> angelo___: correggo sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt era giusto cosi come prima\n<akis24> az scappato\n<romeopapa> ZlojCrash, o vediamo, poi mi spieghi perchè da google stampa....\n<romeopapa> ZlojCrash, mi dice sempre inattiva...\n<angelo___> akis 24...\n<angelo___> allora\n<angelo___> ho riavviato e mi è compaprso è\n<angelo___> ubutnu\n<ZlojCrash> Hai messo questo driver?\n<angelo___> ma win ancora no\n<romeopapa> ZlojCrash, ovviamente si\n<akis24> angelo___: allora aspetta un attimo e vediamo..\n<angelo___> okok\n<akis24> angelo___: al solito dai sudo update-grub e poi metti il risultato su pastebin\n<angelo___> mi ripassi il link di paste bin\n<angelo___> per apicere\n<akis24> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<angelo___>  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5687134/\n<ZlojCrash> romeopapa - Ho incontrato una situazione del genere che ho dovuto installare la configurazione del server CUPS-alone e configurarlo a mano. Oggi probabilmente non sara in grado di rispondere - forse domani.\n<akis24> angelo___: ora questo cat /boot/grub/menu.lst e sempre su pastebin ..\n<angelo___> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5687142/\n<ZlojCrash> ciao a tutti!\n<akis24> angelo___: hai window 7 o altro ?\n<angelo___> win 7\n<akis24> ok\n<angelo___> akis24 posso fare qlksa??\n<akis24> angelo___: dai questo sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst e poi  aspetta\n<angelo___> ok ok telo posto e poi qndpuoi io sono qui ...\n<angelo___> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5687162/\n<akis24> si vedo\n<akis24> angelo___: allora guarda qui alla fine quasi e vedrai qualcosa da aggiungere dalla riga 165 alla riga 168 quando aggiungi quelle quattro righe salva e poi riavvi http://paste.ubuntu.com/5687166/\n<angelo___> ma lo metto prima o dopo la parola quiet??\n<OverMe> angelo___, ma con glpiana non avevi appurato che windows non parte neanche senza linux?\n<akis24> angelo___:  mettilo esattamente come lo vedi li\n<akis24> ops\n<angelo___> pardon... ok ok riavvio e ritorno qui ..\n<angelo___> a dopo\n<OverMe> -.-\n<akis24> OverMe:  pensi che abbia win che non parte ?\n<OverMe> prima non gli partiva, se non l'ha sistemato nel frattempo (e non credo...)\n<akis24> OverMe: riguardando non vedo il timeout ...\n<akis24> si c'è tre secondi\n<angelo___> akis24 eccomi .. niente da fare.. non si vede win 7\n<akis24> angelo___:  un minuto e sistemiamo..\n<angelo___> ok ok graziee\n<angelo___> suls erio\n<OverMe> angelo___, ripeto, se hai windows che non parte, il grub non lo vedrà mai\n<akis24> angelo___: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst\n<angelo___> ok OVERME.. io nn capisco niente.. ditemi cosa posso fare.. xke vorrei avere win 7 ee ubuntu .. ( ma una sola versione e non diversi kernel) e x colpa mia .. ho fatto un casino assurdo e vorrei che mi aiautaste sul serio\n<angelo___> aperto\n<OverMe> devi prima recuperare o reinstallare windows (come ti ha già detto prima glpiana)\n<akis24> angelo___:  poi modifica questa riga da cosi  hiddenmenu a cosi #hiddenmenu ovvero metti il cancelletto avanti\n<angelo___> messo\n<angelo___> salvo??\n<akis24> angelo___:  e questa imposta da  \" timeout\t\t3 \" a \" timeout 10 \"\n<angelo___> fatto\n<akis24> angelo___: dopo salvi e posti su pastebin cosi controlliamo\n<akis24> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<angelo___> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5687215/\n<akis24> angelo___: riavvia ora  e vediamo\n<Guest79144> ciao !!! vorrei istallare ubuntu su un aspire one d255 c'è una guida sul forum ?????\n<angelo___> ok ok riavvio e vi dico\n<akis24> !installazione | Guest79144\n<ubot-it> Guest79144: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione | Per installazione grafica http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download\n<Guest79144> si ma quale versione devo istallare ?????\n<akis24> Guest79144:  direi la 13.04\n<angelo___> akis24 nietne ancora\n<akis24> angelo___: nel menu di grub vedi win... ?\n<angelo___> no\n<angelo___> vedo ubuntu / metest e absta credo\n<Guest79144> ok grazie siete grandi !!!!!!!\n<akis24>  angelo___  imposta cosi ##hiddenmenu doppio cancelletto con il comando solito  sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst salvi e riavvi\n<angelo___> ok ok riavvio\n<angelo___> akis24 niente ancora\n<akis24> angelo___: prima partiva winz ?\n<angelo___> ovvio\n<OverMe> prima hai detto che non partiva\n<akis24> angelo___:  sudo os-prober dal terminale e posta il risultato\n<OverMe> <angelo___> glpiana ci sei??\n<OverMe> <angelo___> praticam nn si avvia nulla\n<OverMe> <angelo___> non carica neanche piu linux...\n<OverMe> questo dopo aver ripristinato il MBR\n<angelo___> nn esce nulla aki24\n<angelo___> aksi24\n<angelo___> ragazzi è un caino lo soo .. ma nn volgio e nn posos perdere dei dati di win\n<OverMe> se windows non parte il problema è di windows e non si risolve in questo canale\n<angelo___> quidni la soluzione OVER ME? QUALE SAREBBE??\n<OverMe> infili un cd di windows e fai un ripristino\n<angelo___> ma se io ho un netbook e ho piu cd... coem faccio ??\n<OverMe> cosa vuol dire \"e ho più cd\" ?\n<akis24> angelo___: usi quello di ripristino ...\n<CX8> musci perché sei passato ad Arch?!!\n<CX8> traditore\n<angelo___> ho un netbook e qnd ho fatto il backup\n<angelo___> mi ha fatto fare 3 dvd\n<Pif> 3 dvd?!\n<CX8> la prossima volta uso un HD\n<Pif> Ma seriamentee?\n<Pif> Cacchio\n<Pif> é un b8\n<angelo___> e che ne so 3 dvd mi ha fatto fare\n<CX8> da quanti Gb?\n<angelo___>  praticam credo con tutti i drivere programmi eccecc..\n<Pif> i kick ass programmer si scrivono i driver da soli\n<angelo___> boh quidni ?? quale dei dvd dovrei mettere. xke cosi mi fa reinstallare tutot win .. cosa ceh nn voglio fare .. da un giorno praticam che osn oqui .. visto ceh ho dei porgrammi quali catia solidedge da migliaia di euro\n<akis24> angelo___: entra qui #ubuntu-it-chat\n<OverMe> non è detto che ti faccia reinstallare tutto\n<cri> angelo___, io direi di fare una istallazione pulita\n<Pecurus> salve a tutti volevo chiedere dato che suono nuovo del mondo ubuntu come posso risolvere il problema che mi affligge ovvero che il pc si freeza \"a caso\" non potendo piu compiere alcuna operazione io penso che sia dovuto ai driver video\n<krabador> Pecurus, freezes vari possono essere varie cose\n<krabador> ram, videoram, chipset, alimentatore.... se sta partendo l'alimentatore dovrebbe spegnersi\n<Pecurus> capito e come dovrei riuscire a capire di cosa si tratta??\n<krabador> *se si sta surriscaldando dovrebbe spegnersi\n<krabador> Pecurus, è un fisso o un notebook ?\n<Pecurus> fisso\n<Pecurus> assemblato da me\n<HoldenC> Pecurus, puoi guardare se in /var/log/syslog c'e' traccia di messaggi d'errore\n<krabador> quanti anni fa?\n<Pecurus> 23\n<Pecurus> scusa 2\n<Pecurus> ma processore e scheda madrea e ram 6 mesi\n<krabador> ecco, puoi vedere il file che ti ha detto HoldenC\n<Pecurus> ok\n<krabador> !paste | Pecurus\n<ubot-it> Pecurus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<Pecurus> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5687556/\n<Pecurus> così?\n<HoldenC> Pecurus, vedo questi messaggi sospetti:gnome-session[1901]: Gtk-CRITICAL: gtk_main_quit: assertion `main_loops != NULL' failed\n<HoldenC> e poi vedo che riavvii la macchina subito dopo\n<Pecurus> si perchè non risponde piu\n<Pecurus> cioè qualsiasi cosa faccio non funziona\n<Pecurus> mouse tastiera non funzionano\n<HoldenC> Pecurus, che versione di ubuntu stai usando?\n<Pecurus> 13.04\n<Pecurus> la 12.10 mi dava ancora piu problemi e diciamo che non so praticamente nulla\n<HoldenC> Pecurus, hmm, che driver video usi?\n<Pecurus> proprietari ati gli ultimi\n<Pecurus> perchè quelli open mi fanno andare sempre la ventola\n<Pecurus> a giri elevati\n<HoldenC> Pecurus, cpu e scheda video?\n<Pecurus> i5 2500k e ati hd 5870\n<Pecurus> versione asus\n<HoldenC> hmm\n<HoldenC> provo a cercare su google quell'errore\n<Pecurus> ok\n<Pecurus> grazie\n<HoldenC> Pecurus, usi l'interfaccia unity?\n<slowhand> ciao ho un problema\n<slowhand> qualcuno disposto ad ascoltare??\n<HoldenC> !qualcuno\n<ubot-it> la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera'\n<simone83_> chi mi da una mano???\n<simone83_> ...\n<simone83_> ho un problema\n<simone83_> qualche santo?????\n<HoldenC> !chiedere\n<ubot-it> Non chiedere di chiedere, chiedi e basta!\n<simone83_> ok\n<simone83_> ho ubuntu studio e ho scaricato wine per usare cubase, lo installa ma all'apertura del programma si fermo su lcc cioè la licenza e dice di non leggere un file che in realtà c'è\n<simone83_> chi mi aiuto su questo problema?????\n<akis24> simone83_: evidentemente manca il file di licenza che sul prg ci sara'\n<Pecurus> HoldenC si la uso\n<simone83_> quando lo installo su windows è ok, la stessa cosa su ubuntu non va.\n<simone83_> in realtà ho provato ad usare i programmi di ubuntu ma personalmente sarà il fatto che devo vederli bene ma sembrano fare schifo\n<akis24> simone83_: magari lo cerca in un altro percorso rispetto a win che non trova\n<slowhand> ho installato ubuntu 13.04 solo che quando lo avvio dal multiboot mi apre la shell e non la grafica\n<HoldenC> Pecurus, ok. su google si trovano un po' di risultati relativi a crash e quell'errore, ma bisogna leggerli e cercare di capire se e come hanno risolto. io purtroppo devo andare ora\n<slowhand> da cosa pensate dipenda??\n<akis24> simone83_: allora che discutiamo  a fare ? torna a winz\n<Pecurus> HoldenC se mi mandi i link posso dare un'occhiata\n<HoldenC> Pecurus, cerca questa stringa con google: gnome-session : Gtk-CRITICAL: gtk_main_quit: assertion `main_loops != NULL' failed\n<Pecurus> ok\n<simone83_> io vorrei un programma come cubase, un multitraccia dove ho la possibilità di caricare dei VST tipo simulatori di ampli. Ho provato rosegarden con alcuni plug in ma devo aprire 5 programmi per far si che funziona. c'è un canale di ubuntu dedicato a musicisti???\n<Pecurus> HoldenC grazie mille\n<akis24> simone83_: credo esista una versione apposta ma non saprei dirti ora e qui si parla di ubuntu ufficiale\n<HoldenC> Pecurus, di niente\n<slowhand> scusate, ho installato ubuntu 13.04 però quando lo avvio, non carica la grafica e mi dà la shell\n<slowhand> qualcuno ha una mezza idea del perchè??? grazie\n<akis24> slowhand: hai provato a dare startx sulla shell ?\n<slowhand> no ora provo\n<jester-> slowhand: devi prima loggarti\n<jhjh> come faccio a d eliminare ubuntu da un dual boot???\n<jester-> jhjh: cioè vuoi disinstallare ubuntu?\n<jhjh> eliminarlo dalla partizione e tornare ad avere solo win\n<jhjh> so che c'è un file da sistemare\n<jhjh> però non ricordo come si chiama\n<jester-> jhjh: se installato su partizione devi ripristinare MBR\n<jester-> poi formatti la partizione da winz\n<jester-> !mbr\n<ubot-it> Per  ripristinare MBR: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/RipristinoMbrWindows\n<jhjh> jester-:  ecco! esatto! MBR era il nome\n<jester-> jh fallo da ubuntu installata\n<pepigno75> salve su un portatile con EFI disabilitato da boot ho installato la 12.04 e windows 8 e tutto funzionava, grub2 mi faceva partire anche windows8. Poi ieri ho deciso di formattare e mettere la 13.04. Ubuntu tutto ok ma windows8 ora non parte più\n<pepigno75> Ecco l' errore: Errore: impossibile trovare il comando \"drivemap\" errore:invalido EFI file patch\n<jester-> !uefi | pepigno75\n<ubot-it> pepigno75: UEFI è una specifica che definisce una interfaccia software tra un sistema operativo e le piattaforme firmware, è intesa come un sostituto del BIOS. Per informazioni su come impostare e installare Ubuntu su macchine UEFI vedi http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/UEFI\n<mammolo> Ciao a tutti\n<ridichetipassa> salve a tutti\n<ridichetipassa> avrei una domnada\n<ridichetipassa> domanda\n<URUS> jester-: il UEFI si puo installare ?\n<lukaas73> ciao,sono nuovo\n<lukaas73> ho bisogno di un consiglio...\n<lukaas73> come faccio a scaricare il driver della webcam?\n<lukaas73> c'è nessuno?\n<lukaas73> ku ku\n<simone_> sera\n<simone_> qualcuno??????\n<lukaas73> ciao simone\n<simone_> mi serve un aiuto\n<lukaas73> tu conosci bene ubuntu?\n<lukaas73> anche a me serve\n<simone_> io devo sapere come funziona wine\n<lukaas73> wine? Funziona ancora?\n<lukaas73> Lo ricordo in una vecchissima versione\n<lukaas73> Io ho bisogno di sapere come installare il driver della mia webcam\n<simone_> in teoria sono musicista, usavo cubase con windows ma sono passato a ubuntu studio che lo trovo ottimo ma cubase non funziona\n<lukaas73> ma qui non c'è nessuno che risponde\n<lukaas73> forse dobbiamo cambiare canale chat\n<simone_> il problema è che non ho la minima idea di come funzionano i programmi musicali che ti da ubuntu, per suonare devi aprire tre - quattro programmi in contemporanea\n<lukaas73> bella domanda. Non ne so nulla. Io lo ho re-installato da 10 giorni\n<simone_> è l'unico canale in italiano\n<lukaas73> Provo ad andare nel forum. Forse li trovi anche te info su quello che cerchi\n<lukaas73> Stalloneitaliano, tu conosci ubuntu?\n<StalloneItaliano> conoscere è una parola grande: diciamo che lo stimo!\n<lukaas73> Oh grazie, meno male\n<lukaas73> tu sai come faccio a installare il driver della webcam?\n<lukaas73> Ho una esterna, e viene riconosciuta plug & play da windows , ma non da ubuntu\n<krabador> lukaas73, che webcam hai ?\n<lukaas73> una schifezza da 10 euro con usb e jack per microfono\n<StalloneItaliano> lukaas73, c'è questa wiki che è molto utile: http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/viewtopic.php?t=32178\n<lukaas73> ok, mille grazie. Adesso ci vado... :)\n<filippo> sera a tutti, ho un disperato bisogno di ripristinare un vecchio pc (HP nx9010) ma ho problemi con l'hard disk. qualche anima pia che si intenda di fsck o altro programma per controllare il buono stato dell'apparechio e come eventualmente ripristinarlo?\n<gghgh> come tolto ubuntu per mettere windows\n<gghgh> ??\n<gghgh> come tolgo ubuntu per mettere windows'??\n<Emanuele_Deriu> prendi il cd di windows\n<Emanuele_Deriu> lo metti dentro\n<Emanuele_Deriu> e riavvi il pc\n<gghgh> Emanuele_Deriu: non parte\n<filippo> scusa gghgh, intendevo ripristinare l'integrità dell'HHD, sono un ubuntero anche io e convinto\n<gghgh> Emanuele_Deriu: anche con bios settato\n<gghgh> filippo: eh?\n<Emanuele_Deriu> gghgh, devi far partire prima il lettore dvd dell HD\n<Emanuele_Deriu> devi entrare nel bios e sistemare le preferenze d'avvio\n<gghgh> Emanuele_Deriu: io vado nel bios ...mposto il boot da cd... riavvio, metto il disco, ma non parte\n<Emanuele_Deriu> ma funziona il cd?\n<filippo> gghgh, scusa per la seconda volta, credevo parlassi con me\n<gghgh> Emanuele_Deriu: su un altro mio pc è partito benissimo e ha installato tutto\n<gghgh> filippo: in ogni caso... sai aiutarmi?\n<filippo> purtroppo no, non arrivo a tanto, già Emanuele_Deriu ha detto tutto quello che avrei potuto pensare\n<gghgh> Emanuele_Deriu: hai altre idee?\n<Emanuele_Deriu> mh allora\n<Emanuele_Deriu> che pc è?\n<gghgh> acer aspire 5920g\n<Emanuele_Deriu> allora soluzioni semplici\n<Emanuele_Deriu> installa wine o macchina virtuale :D\n<Emanuele_Deriu> altrimenti prova che vada il lettore cd magari è quello che non va\n<Emanuele_Deriu> dopo che riavvi fa rumori strani il pc?\n<gghgh> il lettore va! inserisco i disci su ubuntu e li gelle\n<gghgh> cosa è wine?\n<Emanuele_Deriu> un programma per far partire programmi .exe su ubuntu\n<gghgh> ah\n<gghgh> ok\n<gghgh> Emanuele_Deriu: ho scoperto una cosa\n<gghgh> i cd e dvd normali li legge il pc!\n<gghgh> non legge ne cd ne dvd rom!\n<gghgh> però se non sono rom li legge\n<Emanuele_Deriu> ...\n<Emanuele_Deriu> riesci a mettere windows su pennina?\n<gghgh> già fatto\n<gghgh> già provato a mettre win su usb\n<gghgh> ma non me lo legge cmq\n<URUS> ma non ha la partizione di recovery ?\n<gghgh> URUS: installato sull'intero hdd ubuntu... mo voglio rimettere win\n<URUS> gghgh: sta parlando di windows\n<URUS> partizione di riprestino di windows non ce l'hai ?\n<gghgh> no urus ! windows non c'è più sul mio pc\n<URUS> altrimenti fai partire quella per reinstallare windows\n<gghgh> URUS: non c'è nessuna partizione\n<gghgh> solo ubuntu\n<URUS> è nuovo il pc ?\n<gghgh> no vecchio\n<gghgh> quando l'ho preso 5 anni fa c'era win vista\n<URUS> ah scusa avevo capito che eroa nuovo e quindi con la partizione di riprestino di widows\n<Emanuele_Deriu> ma a che ti serve winzoz sarà lentissimo\n<URUS> come fatte a mettere windows su usb da linux ?\n<URUS> appunto concordo con emanuele\n<Emanuele_Deriu> non mi ricordo forse unebootin\n<Emanuele_Deriu> URUS, non riesco ad installare samba su xubuntu 13.04 sai aiutarmi?\n<gghgh> URUS:  ma il pc non è mio e devo rimettere win\n<URUS> Emanuele_Deriu: non ho la piu palida idea di cosa parli\n<URUS> Emanuele_Deriu: so meno di te\n<Emanuele_Deriu> mettici xubuntu modificato e digli che è la nuova versione di windoz :D\n<URUS> gghgh: capito ma come hai meso windows su usb da linux ?\n<URUS> Emanuele_Deriu: windows 9 ahahahha\n<Emanuele_Deriu> si :D\n<URUS> Emanuele_Deriu: come ha fatto gghgh a mettere windows su usb ?\n<Emanuele_Deriu> non l'ha messa\n<Emanuele_Deriu> ha il dvd\n<URUS> ?\n<URUS> ah ecco\n<URUS> ma da linux questa procedura non si puo fare ?\n<URUS> magari usando dd ?\n<Emanuele_Deriu> no deve solo andare nel bios e far partire il tutto\n<URUS> si ok ho capito il suo problemma ma questo è un problemma mio ihih :P\n<URUS> posso creare la usb windows da linux ?\n<URUS> senza virtualmachina ?\n<Emanuele_Deriu> http://bit.ly/10KAmft\n<Emanuele_Deriu> fai prima con la vm\n<URUS> Emanuele_Deriu: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=senza+virtual+macchina\n<URUS> :P\n<Emanuele_Deriu> http://toshidex.org/2012/09/29/windows-creare-un-windows-bootable-da-usb-da-linux/\n<Emanuele_Deriu> toh\n<Emanuele_Deriu> era il secondo risultato del link che ti ho dato\n<Emanuele_Deriu> continuo col dire che fai prima con la vm\n<URUS> Emanuele_Deriu: lo so ma tante volte mi ritrovo con ubuntu pulito e senza iternet\n<Emanuele_Deriu> eh allora non fa\n<Emanuele_Deriu> devi sempre installare qualche pacchetto\n<URUS> ecco non si puo e va beh\n<URUS> tanti si ritrovano cosi\n<Emanuele_Deriu> http://toshidex.org/2012/09/29/windows-creare-un-windows-bootable-da-usb-da-linux/ questo l'hai visto?\n<URUS> Emanuele_Deriu: si\n<antisociale> una mano con il wifi per favore\n<calimero_82> ciao\n<calimero_82> ragazzi non mi parte + l audio\n#ubuntu-it 2013-05-22\n<CaprettaD> Cerco un aiuto molto tecnico. C'è qualcuno on?\n<dario_> ciao\n<akis24> giorno\n<Mattialeggenda> Buongiorno a tutti ho un vecchio notebook con 128mb di ram e 400mhZ che distribuZione scelgo?\n<Mattialeggenda> È belka la distro plume linux ????\n<glpiana> ola\n<vlt> ’ngiorno\n<Zlojcrash_away> salve\n<pk84re> ciao a tutti\n<jester-> 'ngiorno\n<densing> buongiorno, ho comprerato un nuovo pc con preistallato windows 8 vorrei ritornare al SO ubuntu, qualcuni mi puo aiutare?\n<TaLaDo> !installazione\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione | Per installazione grafica http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download\n<TaLaDo> densing, installa accanto\n<densing> ok adesso provo.....\n<densing> !installazione\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione | Per installazione grafica http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download\n<findus> sistema ubuntu lts 12.04 molto lento che fare?\n<calimero_82> buongiorno a tutti\n<calimero_82> ragazzi non mi parte l audio\n<calimero_82> ho ubuntu 12.10\n<findus> qualche settaggio per tenere ubuntu lts 12.04 in forma?\n<findus> qualcuno sa come qualche programma che legge i file avi dei film per la traduzione di film in inglese?\n<Dooc> ciao  tutti volevo chieders una cosa e possibile spostare l barra unity\n<Lazza192> buongiorno a tutti vorrei chiedervi un aiuto io sul mio pc ho sono come sistema ubuntu 12.10 e visto che per un errore il software center non funziona piu, vorrei sapere come disinstallare ubuntu per poi installare la versione 13.04\n<findus> il comando per installare gli aggiornamenti?\n<OverMe> Lazza192, semplicemente fai l'installazione della 13.04 e durante l'installazione scegli di formattare la partizione dove adesso hai la 12.10\n<calimero_82> ragazzi non capisco perchè sento bassissimo\n<findus> jester il comando per installare gli aggiornamenti?\n<calimero_82> ho il volume al massimo ma si sente basso\n<OverMe> Lazza192, comunque, quale errore?\n<Lazza192> OverMe io ho scaricato la versione 13.04 e l'ho messo su un cd come ho fatto con la versione precedente ma non me lo fa partire l'installazione, e ho riprovato a fare un nuovo cd ma anche con quello non mi parte non so proprio il perchè\n<OverMe> hai controllato l'md5 dell'immagine? all'avvio hai impostato il cd (o la chiavetta usb) per avviarsi per primo?\n<Lazza192> comunque mi dice    errore sconosciuto: <<type'exceptions.systemerror'>> (E:the package splashtop-streamen needs to be reinstalled, but i can't find an archive for it\n<Lazza192> sisi l'ho controllato ed e apposto\n<OverMe> Lazza192, se vuoi possiamo provare a sistemare l'errore\n<Lazza192> se è possibile :)\n<OverMe> Lazza192, apri un terminale: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade\n<OverMe> !paste | Lazza192\n<ubot-it> Lazza192: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<OverMe> Lazza192, ?\n<adam__1> ciao, ho installato ink per controllare il livello di inchiostro della stampante. vorrei sapere come faccio a sapere a che numero di porta usb è collegata la stampante\n<jester-> adam__1: man ink\n<adam__1> jester, non dice il numero di porta\n<jester-> adam__1: disolito usb0 usb1 etc\n<jester-> se non usa raw\n<jester-> adam__1: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man1/ink.1.html\n<luisa> qualcuno sa se esiste un programma di data recovery per ubuntu? vorrei salvare i file della scheda SD che la macchina fotografica non legge più\n<jester-> adam__1: ink -a ?\n<jester-> luisa: intendi files cancellati?\n<adam__1> -a non è un comando valido\n<luisa> no, non mi legge più la scheda neanche il pc e dentro ci sono foto\n<luisa> posso recuperarle?\n<jester-> luisa: photorec nel pacchetto testdisk\n<jester-> è un po un casino ma qualcosa fa\n<luisa> mi spieghi meglio? lo trovo nel software center?\n<jester-> luisa: si testdisk è nei repo\n<luisa> ok trovato lo sto installando\n<jester-> luisa: fai una cartella bacup nella home e poi\n<jester-> backup\n<luisa> installato e cartella creata\n<jester-> luisa: poi     sudo photorec /d ~/backup\n<jester-> segui le richieste\n<jester-> e incrocia le dita, se recupera non  assegna ai files il nome originale\n<luisa> 0 files saved...\n<jester-> luisa: hai indicato il device giusto?\n<luisa> ce ne erano due.. ho scelto il multiple card reader.. l'altro mi sembrava il disco fisso\n<jester-> luisa: se non trova niente la sd è mesa male\n<luisa> la cosa strana è che io ho usato la macchina fotografica, poi ho messo la sd nel pc e non me la leggeva, l'ho rimessa nella macchina fotografica e non me la leggeva più neanche la macchina\n<jester-> luisa: fa vedere nel paste cosa risponde duso fdisk -l\n<jester-> !paste | luisa\n<ubot-it> luisa: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<luisa> devo scrivere \"fdisk -1\" nel terminale?\n<jester-> eh\n<jester-> e poi incolli nel pastebin\n<jester-> come da bot\n<luisa> mi dice opzione non valida\n<jester-> sudo fdisk -l\n<luisa> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5689917/\n<jester-> sudo fdisk -l  (-elle)\n<luisa> ops scusa\n<luisa> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5689921/\n<jester-> luisa: la sd è attaccata?\n<luisa> sì\n<jester-> luisa: non la vede\n<jester-> sembra morta\n<luisa> molto bene\n<jester-> luisa: toglila e riattaccala e ridai il comando\n<luisa> uguale come prima\n<jester-> sembra defunta\n<luisa> veramente mi è capitato pure un'altra volta che non la leggeva (però avevo provato semplicemente ad attaccarla, senza usare il terminale)\n<luisa> poi la tolsi, spostai il tasto di sola lettura e me la leggeva di nuovo\n<luisa> soltanto che questa volta non ha funzionato\n<jester-> luisa: prova a riavviare il pc non vorrei che testdisk l'abbia nascosta\n<luisa> vabbè provo a riavviare. torno tra un po', grazie!\n<luisa> niente jester temo non ci sia speranza\n<jester-> luisa: se fdisk non la vede è da buttare\n<luisa> provo a lasciarla dal fotografo ma a questo punto immagino nulla da fare\n<jester-> tentar non nuoce\n<jester-> magari cì+ qualche tool winzoz piu potente\n<jester-> c'è*\n<luisa> va bene ti ringrazio, photorec sembra comunque un buon affare da tenere salvato sul pc...\n<luisa> alla prossima, speriamo vada meglio :D ciao\n<svingegneria> Ciao a tutti\n<jester-> potente è potente poi ti scassi a cercare i file visto che gli da un nome non coerente\n<adam__1> jester, guarda cosa mi dice quando do il comando http://paste.ubuntu.com/5689908/\n<jester-> mika hai letto il manuale che ti ho incollato nè\n<jester-> ink -p usb -n 0  ink -p usb -n 1 e via dicendo\n<jester-> ink -a\n<adam__1> quei comandi li ho provati ma da lo stesso risultato che ti ho linkato\n<jester-> io vedo altri comandi nel link\n<jester-> adam@adam-desktop:~$ ink adam@adam-desktop:~$ ink -p usb\n<jester-> ink -p usb -n 0 mi pare un po diverso\n<jester-> magari con sudo\n<jester-> sudo ink -p usb -n 0\n<jester-> sudo ink -p usb -n 1\n<jester-> sudo ink -p usb -n 2\n<jester-> etc\n<Dooc> Salve, ho un problema, se seguendo molti forum ma niente... come posso spostare la barra unity in basso ?\n<jester-> Dooc: non penso sia possibile\n<jester-> a meno di tarocccare i file di configurazione unity\n<Dooc> jester-, su youtube molti l'hanno spostata\n<jester-> cerca come hanno fatto\n<jester-> queli files hanno taroccato\n<Dooc> jester-, ho cercato ma invano\n<jester-> qui si trattano solo problemi di serie\n<itDany83> Salve a tutti\n<calimer82> salve\n<itDany83> Ho bisogno di aiuto, in quanto io inesperto del mondo di ubuntu\n<itDany83> Piacere mi presento mi chiamo Daniele ho 30 anni. Il mio problema riguarda l'installazione di una derivata di ubuntu quale xubuntu su un netbook hp mini 110\n<itDany83> Se qualcuno sa aiutarmi ne sarei felicissimo\n<itDany83> Non ce nessuno che sa aiutarmi\n<Dix78> itDany83 che problema hai di preciso?\n<itDany83> Il mio problema riguarda l'installazione di una derivata di ubuntu quale xubuntu su un netbook hp mini 110\n<Dix78> si itDany83 ho capito... ma non sai come creare il disco, si blocca l'installazione...cerca di essere più preciso per favore\n<itDany83> Praticamente il mio netbook ha gia 4 partizioni di sistema per il ripristino e non riesco a partizionare con gparted\n<Dix78> itDany83 ma devi installare ubuntu e utilizzare solo quello o vuoi fare un dual boot con un altro sistema operativo?\n<itDany83> un dual boot\n<itDany83> pero quando lo acquistato  il disco e gia partizionato in 4 artizioni\n<Dix78> itDany83 hai provato a modificare le partizioni da live?\n<itDany83> perche per ora volevo tenere sia windows che linux\n<itDany83> e poi quando avevo padronanza di linux eliminare windows\n<itDany83> si mi dice che non posso creare piu di 4 partizioni\n<itDany83> ora io volevo sapere se potevo eliminare una delle 4 per far spazio a linux pero non so se poi posso ripristinare di nuovo windows con i disci di ripristino\n<itDany83> Torno tra un po a dopo\n<calimer82> ragazzi perchè quando inserisco le cuffie il volume è bassissimo?\n<TaLaDo> calimer82, cntrolla i livelli in alsamixer\n<calimer82> ciao talado\n<calimer82> come devo fare?\n<TaLaDo> calimer82, apri un terminale e digita alsamixer\n<calimer82> fatto\n<TaLaDo> calimer82, contrlla i vari lvelli\n<krabador> calimer82, che hai rotto?\n<TaLaDo> lol\n<calimer82> ciao krabador\n<krabador> ciao\n<krabador> :)\n<calimer82> eh si sente bassissimo\n<calimer82> con le cuffie\n<krabador> calimer82, stai usando quale ubuntu?\n<calimer82> il 12.10\n<calimer82> l ho rimesso\n<calimer82> l ho tolto\n<calimer82> quello di ieri\n<calimer82> è verginello\n<calimer82> :d\n<calimer82> :D\n<krabador> allora, apri il terminale, e digita alsa-mixer\n<calimer82> sisi ce  l ho\n<Jopageri> Salve\n<krabador> bene, li ci sono tutti i livelli di tutte le uscite\n<calimer82> e quale devo vedere?\n<krabador> master, pcm\n<krabador> calimer82, è un notebook?\n<calimer82> nono\n<calimer82> un pc desk\n<krabador> !image | calimer82\n<ubot-it> calimer82: Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<krabador> magari fai uno screenshot e mettilo li\n<krabador> col tasto stamp\n<calimer82> cosa si preme per lo screenshoot?\n<calimer82> ah ok\n<calimer82> non mi ricordavo\n<krabador> :)\n<calimer82> mannacc a bubbazz\n<calimer82> http://imagebin.org/258553\n<krabador> calimer82, se premi f6 che ti dice?\n<TaLaDo> ora escono 20 schede diverse :P\n<calimer82> aspè\n<calimer82> predefinita\n<krabador> TaLaDo, :D\n<calimer82> hda intel\n<krabador> calimer82, allora, adesso vai nelle opzioni audio\n<calimer82> ok\n<krabador> calimer82, dimmi quante e come si chiamano le uscite\n<calimer82> 2\n<calimer82> ouptot digitale\n<calimer82> uscita analogica\n<krabador> calimer82, posta pure uno screen della schermata\n<calimer82> http://imagebin.org/258555\n<TaLaDo> calimer82, prova ad aumentare semplicemente il volume in uscita\n<calimer82> ok\n<calimer82> si ora si sente\n<calimer82> grazie talado\n<TaLaDo> lol\n<calimer82> grazie krabador\n<calimer82> grazie uaglions\n<calimer82> :D\n<krabador> calimer82, fai partire un audio, e vedi la differenza se da alsa-mixer alzi il pcm\n<krabador> calimer82, ....\n<TaLaDo> dai stavi scherzando\n<calimer82> nono\n<calimer82> ho alzato\n<mondocane> scusate ma che versione di xchat e' quella di imagebin (se e' xchat)\n<calimer82> ma perchè sul desktop è al massimo\n<TaLaDo> no? allora è grave :|\n<krabador> mondocane, quale imagebin\n<mondocane> questo http://imagebin.org/258555\n<krabador> calimer82, se hai alzato il volume nelle opzioni audio\n<krabador> in base al livello che ho visto\n<krabador> adesso rischi la distorsione\n<calimer82> ? non sto capendo\n<krabador> calimer82, per il momento non fa niente\n<krabador> se non riscontri problemi\n<calimer82> ok\n<krabador> mondocane, non è xchat\n<BED75_> Ciao\n<krabador> BED75_, che problemi hai con l'installazione?\n<BED75_> allora dopo aver lanciato l'installazione dal cd mi esce la scritta :\n<BED75_> this kernel requires the following features not present on the cpu :\n<BED75_> pae\n<BED75_> Unable to boot\n<krabador> BED75_, che cpu hai?\n<BED75_> ho un notebook\n<BED75_> intel pentium\n<BED75_> 1.4 ghz\n<krabador> BED75_, quale versione di ubuntu hai scaricato?\n<BED75_> la 13.04\n<BED75_> l'ultima\n<BED75_> piu' datate non le trovo nel doenload\n<krabador> BED75_, allora, devi scaricare una versione di ubuntu a 32bit\n<krabador> con kernel generic\n<BED75_> la trovo nella sezione dowlnload?\n<krabador> BED75_, hai scaricato l'ultima versione , di ubuntu normale?\n<BED75_> io ho scaricato ubuntu 13.04 per desktop a 32 bit\n<krabador> BED75_, per quella cpu ti converrebbe utilizzare una derivata con ambiente grafico piu' leggero\n<krabador> quanta ram hai?\n<BED75_> la ram è 512 ddr sdram\n<BED75_> quindi una derivata tipo xubuntu o lubunto ?\n<krabador> ecco, si, prova lubuntu i386\n<krabador> qui\n<krabador> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/13.04/release/\n<BED75_> allora provero' con quella\n<BED75_> mi è andato in crash windows xp e devo recuperare dei file dal disco fisso con un avvio da cd... con lubuntu è possibile farlo senza installare  ?\n<krabador> si\n<krabador> la lanci in live\n<BED75_> ok\n<krabador> e accedi tranquillamente al disco\n<krabador> basta fare \"prova senza installare\" , all'avvio del cs\n<krabador> cd\n<BED75_> perfetto allora provo con questa versione .... grazie mille\n<krabador> di niente.\n<BED75_> a risenterci nel caso dovessi avere ancora problemi e complimenti per il servizio che date ...lodevole\n<itDany83> Rieccomi scusate per il ritardo son dovuto uscire\n<itDany83> Rispiego il mio problema\n<itDany83> Qualcuno a gia avuto occasione di installare xubuntu su un netbook Hp mini 210-1100\n<glpiana> itDany83, che problemi incontri?\n<itDany83> con gparted non mi fa creare le partizioni per installare la distro perche ce ne sono gia 4 create per i dischi di ripristino\n<itDany83> di windows\n<glpiana> itDany83, prima di toccare una situazione del genere mi assicurerei di riuscire a ripristinare il disco esattamente come è ora\n<itDany83> appunto ti spiego come sono le partizioni\n<itDany83> sono chiamate esattamente sda1 sda2 sda3 sda4\n<itDany83> nella prima da 199 mb ha la etichetta SYSTEM\n<itDany83> nella seconda non ce etichetta e d è da 217 gb\n<itDany83> la terza è da 15, 65gb ed e la recovery e l'ultima e una fat32 chiamata HP_TOOLS\n<itDany83> Ora le prime tre sono ntfs l'ultima e fat32\n<glpiana> itDany83, ti fermo un attimo\n<itDany83> ok dimmi pure\n<filippo> salve, su un vecchio pc con solo 40 GB totali di hhd mi conviene fare la partizione /home? Se si con quanti GB?\n<glpiana> itDany83, per poter procedere con una installazione, una delle partizioni primarie andrebbe eliminata. andrebbe quindi creata al suo posto una partizione estesa, dentro la quale puoi creare tutto ciò che vuoi\n<ubuntian> ho u problema\n<glpiana> itDany83, ma procedere in questo senso vuol dire eliminare una partizione che magari è necessaria al corretto funzionamento del tuo pc o alla validità della garanzia\n<itDany83> appunto non so se la sda4 chiamata HP_TOOLS  la posso eliminare ho serve per il ripristino\n<glpiana> itDany83, per questo dicevo già sopra che prima di procedere inq ualsiasi modo dovresti assicurarti di poter ripristinare allo stato attuale il disco\n<itDany83> diciamo che la garanzia e scaduta\n<glpiana> itDany83, e io ne so meno di te. magari sul manuale del tuo pc trovi informazioni al riguardo\n<itDany83> il problema che non mi hanno dato manuale era gia tutto pre installato\n<itDany83> io ho creato i dischi di ripristino\n<ubuntian> il mio problema è che che cerco di installare ubuntu in un pc (acer aspire 1300), tutto va alla meglio ma quando arriva alla fine della registrazione si vede tutto a strisce\n<itDany83> ti spiego intanto voleo installare in dual boot per imparare ad usare linux e poi eliminavo windows una volta preso coscenza delle funzionalita di linux\n<glpiana> itDany83, puoi avviare un livecd (o live usb) e collegarti qui?\n<filippo> salve, su un vecchio pc con solo 40 GB totali di hhd mi conviene fare la partizione /home? Se si con quanti GB?\n<calimer82> ragazzi dinuovo sento bassissimo\n<calimer82> per colpa delle cuffie , come devo fare?\n<glpiana> calimer82, sei riuscito ad alzare il volume in qualche modo prima?\n<calimer82> si è al massimo\n<glpiana> O.o\n<calimer82> ma con le cuffie sento bassissimo\n<glpiana> calimer82, parlo del volume delle cuffie\n<calimer82> e dove sta?\n<glpiana> -.-\n<calimer82> scusa della mia ignoranza\n<calimer82> per\n<glpiana> calimer82, hai scritto che \"di nuovo \" senti bassissimo. io intendo che sei ricaduto nuovamente in un problema\n<glpiana> calimer82, tu invece intendi che sei sempre nella stessa situazione di prima?\n<calimer82> si\n<TaLaDo> ?\n<glpiana> calimer82, ti avevano fatto aprire alsamixer se non ricordo male\n<calimer82> sisi\n<TaLaDo> calimer82, ma se hai detto che prima sentivi bene\n<calimer82> lo riapro?\n<calimer82> poi ho rimesso le casse\n<calimer82> le ho tolte\n<calimer82> e dinuovo con le cuffie si sente basso\n<calimer82> :(\n<glpiana> calimer82, e se rifai quello che hai fatto prima?\n<calimer82> non cambia niente\n<calimer82> si sente basso\n<TaLaDo> bho\n<glpiana> calimer82, mentre prima il volume si era alzato?\n<calimer82> sisi\n<calimer82> ho solo tolto e rimesso le cuffie\n<TaLaDo> calimer82, vai in impostazioni audio e guarda il volume\n<calimer82> è impostato su uscita analogica e sta al 100\n<adam__1> ciao sto provando da un po a provare a vedere il livello di inchiostro dalla stampante, ma da questo risultato http://paste.ubuntu.com/5690204/\n<TaLaDo> calimer82, e in alsamixer è tutto a posto?\n<calimer82> quale parametro devo vedere?\n<TaLaDo> master gdm\n<TaLaDo> o cme cavlo si chiama\n<calimer82> master si\n<TaLaDo> headphne?\n<TaLaDo> *headphone\n<calimer82> sempre 100\n<TaLaDo> calimer82, sicuro che hai inserito bene lo spinotto delle cuffie?\n<calimer82> ora rimetto\n<calimer82> ok ho cambiato cuffie\n<calimer82> sono rotte le cuffie\n<calimer82> :(\n<TaLaDo> :P\n<TaLaDo> pareva stran\n<mondocane> :)\n<calimer82> grazie talado\n<uait> scusate\n<uait> su gimp qualcuno mi sa dire come mai spariscono i filtri?\n<Mario__> Ciao a tutti, non so se sono nel posto giusto, ho un problema con lubuntu 13.04, ce qualcuno che può darmi una mano ?\n<akhilleus> ciao a tutti\n<akhilleus> ciao crstian_c   ed M\n<akis24> ciao\n<Jopageri> Salve\n<Jopageri> qualcuno che mi aiuta con Ubuntu 13.04 e installazione da usb?\n<Jopageri> ?\n<akis24> Jopageri: vuoi installare ubuntu 13.04 su usb ?\n<akis24> !installazione\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione | Per installazione grafica http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download\n<BED75> ciao\n<davide_> come va, raga\n<BED75> Qualcuno mi puo' aiutare per problemi di installazione ?\n<davide_> dimmi\n<BED75> ho provato a lanciare ubuntu 13.04 desktop a 32 bit dal cd ma mi usciva :\n<BED75> This kernel requires the folowing features not present on the cpu - Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU\n<BED75> su consiglio di krabador ho provato con lubuntu 13.04 desktop a 32 bit perchè il mio notebook ha solo 512 mb di ram\n<BED75> è partito gli ho dato la selezione della lingua in italiano e il riavvio senza installazione ma poi esce ancora òla stessa dicitura di prima :\n<BED75> This kernel requires the folowing features not present on the cpu - Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU\n<davide_> dice che la cpu non è compatibile, cambia distro\n<BED75> cambio cosa scusa?\n<davide_> il tuo pc supporta l'avvio da cd-rom\n<BED75> si\n<krabador> BED75, vuol dire che anche il kernel di lubuntu è PAE\n<krabador> e  non generic\n<krabador> BED75, aspetta.\n<BED75> ah ok grazie\n<davide_> guarda il kernel\n<krabador> BED75,  a prescindere da ubuntu adesso\n<BED75> si\n<krabador> BED75, tu vuoi caricare una sessione live per recuperare i dati, o per installare il sistema operativo?\n<BED75> per recuperare dati\n<krabador> allora puoi evitare ubuntu, direttamente\n<krabador> che fare un boot non pae , è una cosa un po' lunga\n<BED75> quindi per recuperare dati che consigli ?\n<BED75> smonto il disco fisso .... etc etc\n<BED75> o altri rimedi software ?\n<krabador> BED75, l disco fisso .... etc etc\n<krabador> <BED75> o altri rimedi software ?\n<krabador> ops\n<krabador> scusa\n<krabador> http://partedmagic.com/doku.php#.UZzSNHxs0W0\n<BED75> uso questo software\n<BED75> caspita ci vuole un po di esperienza non a livello amatoriale per quel software mi pare ?\n<krabador> BED75, non te la prendere, ma qui si fa supporto ubuntu\n<BED75> hai perfettamente ragione !!!!\n<krabador> BED75, se, in ogni caso lo mandi in live, hai interfaccia grafica\n<BED75> ok\n<BED75> grazie per il supporto\n<BED75> buon lavoro\n<krabador> ciao\n<tatiscio> chi mia aiuta con problema a portachiave google chrome\n<tatiscio_> problema con portachiave google chrome\n<tatiscio_> aiuto\n<Emanuele_Deriu> sera mi potete aiutare a condividere una cartella su xubuntu?\n<jester-> Emanuele_Deriu: nel senso?\n<Emanuele_Deriu> condividere in rete\n<Emanuele_Deriu> tramite samba\n<Emanuele_Deriu> con ubuntu basta fare tasto destro e fare condividi cartella ma su xubuntu non so come fare\n<jester-> Emanuele_Deriu: installa system-config-samba su entrambi i pc poi usalo per settare la condivisione\n<Emanuele_Deriu> c'è già\n<jester-> allora usalo, se non  hai sminchiato smb.conf funza\n<Emanuele_Deriu> come lo apro?\n<Emanuele_Deriu> non ho toccato niente\n<jester-> Emanuele_Deriu: vedi nel menu amministrazione\n<Unity> Ciao a tutti come posso mettere la barra unity in basso ? come questo video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ciZiD4xvbA\n<Emanuele_Deriu> jester-, su xubuntu c'è gigolo che dovrebbe essere l'alternativa per usare samba ma non lo so usare\n<jester-> Emanuele_Deriu: sudo apt-get install system-config-samba\n<jester-> o parliamo di aria fritta\n<Emanuele_Deriu> system-config-samba è già alla versione più recente.\n<jester->  gksu system-config-samba\n<Matt_91> Emanuele_Deriu: io ci installerei nautilus XD\n<Emanuele_Deriu> poi diventa lentissimo Matt_91\n<Matt_91> Emanuele_Deriu: dipende dal pc, comunque segui jester- che sei in buone mani ;)\n<jester-> setta e poi sfoglia la rete dal file manager\n<jester-> Emanuele_Deriu: le cartelle condivise devono essere nella home\n<Emanuele_Deriu> http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/istantanea-22052013-171941.php\n<jester-> Emanuele_Deriu: hai cannibalizzato smb.conf\n<Emanuele_Deriu> non l'ho aperto D:\n<jester-> ma scassato è\n<jester-> Emanuele_Deriu: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/501061/smb.conf\n<jester-> rimpiazza\n<jester-> Emanuele_Deriu: wget  https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/501061/smb.conf  e lo trovi nella home\n<Emanuele_Deriu> ho aggiunto una cartella e me la vede\n<Emanuele_Deriu> ok apposto grazie jester-\n<Guest86756> buona sera, volevo fare l' aggiornamento di ubuntu da 12.04 a 13.04, volevo essere sicura, prima di farlo, di non perdere i dati attuali. Non c'è rischi vero per i dati?\n<Emanuele_Deriu> in teoria no\n<Emanuele_Deriu> ma se fai un backup è meglio\n<Berto> Salve a tutti\n<Berto> Avrei bisogno di un chiarimento\n<Berto> c'è qualcuno che può dedicarmi qualche minuto?\n<Emanuele_Deriu> !chiedi\n<ubot-it> per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<Berto> Ho appena installato ubuntu 13.04 versione amd64, e per vedere se aveva riconosciuto la scheda video ho aperto dettagli dalle impostazioni di sistema, e mi dice su grafica: Gallium 0.4 on AMD CEDAR, io ho un ati radeon hd 5450 1 gb, ha già riconosciuto da se la scheda? Se vado su software e aggiornamenti e poi su driver aggiuntivi mi da la possibilità di usare i driver open source testati e quelli del proprietario, però anche appl\n<Berto> rimane scritto quello che dico all'inizio\n<Berto> quindi significa che i driver sono già installati correttamente o che ne posso installare di migliori? Quali sono i migliori?\n<jester-> Berto: di sicuro sta usando il radeon open a se driver aggiuntivi consigli il non open lo puoi provare\n<jester-> lo attivi e vedi ll'effetto che fa\n<pippuccio76> Salve a tutti , come faccio a  vedere se cups parte all'avvio?\n<Berto> ma dopo che lo seleziono e metto applica modifiche non mi chiede nemmeno di riavviare, significa che è già attivo o che per finirlo di attivare devo fare qualche altra operazione?\n<jester-> berto se attivo ha il pallino verde e comunque se appena attivato devi riavviare\n<mondocane> pippuccio76, con rcconf\n<jester-> pippuccio76: anche da programmi avvio\n<Berto> allora riavvio e vi faccio sapere, che per adesso mi spunta soltanto arancione\n<pippuccio76> jester ho lubuntu ....\n<jester-> pippuccio76: non conosco\n<jester-> pippuccio76: installa ed usa bum per configurare i servizi\n<pippuccio76> un altra cosa , come mai non mi appaiono + in automatico gli aggiornamenti di sistema?\n<jester-> pippuccio76: se  non ce ne sono non appaiono e comunque lubuntu per non spreare risorse non lo prevede\n<jester-> sprecare*\n<pippuccio76> jester devo avere il sistema un po sminchiato  guarda: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5690936/\n<jester-> sudo dpkg --configure -a\n<jester-> apt-get -f install\n<pippuccio76> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5690941/\n<jester-> hai sinchiato pure il fs, è montato in sola lettura\n<pippuccio76> reinstallo tutto o c'è verso di risistemarlo?\n<jester-> che dev è\n<jester-> sd??\n<pippuccio76> sda1\n<anakinsane> Salve\n<anakinsane> ho bisogno di aiuto per una partizione btrfs\n<anakinsane> ci sto su da 4 ore google non mi è di aiuto\n<anakinsane> qualcuno riesca a darmi supporto?\n<anakinsane> sto cercando di recuperare i dati con un CD Live su una partizione btrfs\n<anakinsane> non mi fa accedere neanche da terminale con sudo su\n<jester-> pippuccio76: dove sta /\n<jester-> se non lo si rimonta in rw va una sega\n<pippuccio76> in sda1\n<jester-> pippuccio76: sudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/sda1 /\n<jester-> anakinsane: btrfs sarebbe?\n<pippuccio76> jester : http://paste.ubuntu.com/5690970/\n<jester-> pippuccio76: sudo mount -t ext4 -o remount,rw /dev/sda1 /\n<pippuccio76> jester : http://paste.ubuntu.com/5690977/\n<anakinsane> da nautilus me l'ha già montato\n<anakinsane> smonto e lancio \"mount - o remount,rw?\n<anakinsane> dunque ripeto sto da live CD ora ho smontato tutte le partizioni qui l'fdisk http://paste.ubuntu.com/5690997/\n<anakinsane> ubuntu@ubuntu:/# mount -o remount,rw /dev/sda7 mount: can't find /dev/sda7 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab\n<pippuccio76> jester-  che faccio?\n<anakinsane> pippuccio e jester ma state parlando con me, o risolvendo altri problemi? :/\n<pippuccio76> io latriu problemi...\n<jester-> pippuccio76: sicuro che sia sda1?\n<jester-> pippuccio76: fa vedere cosa risponde mount\n<pippuccio76> mount sda1?\n<jester-> pippuccio76: mount e basta\n<jester-> 555555\n<pippuccio76> jester- : http://paste.ubuntu.com/5691016/\n<jester-> pippuccio76: sda1 è giusto ma dice protetto da scrittura è un disco?\n<pippuccio76> si un sata da 160 partizionato...\n<jester-> non capisco come puo essere protetto da scrittura\n<jester-> hai combinato qualcosa?\n<pippuccio76> in che senso?\n<jester-> magari con gparted\n<pippuccio76> no...\n<jester-> come fa ad essere protetto\n<mettiu> ciao devo ridimensionare le foto, in una cartella. ho trovasto questo comando\n<mettiu> mogrify -resize 500x500 DSC_0001.JPG\n<jester-> mettiu: usare gimp?\n<mettiu> funziona se metto la foto che si chiama DSC_001.jpq\n<mettiu> jester-,\n<mettiu> come faccio ?\n<mettiu> sono molte foto\n<mettiu> non solo 1\n<jester-> mettiu: prova *.jpg\n<jester-> fai una copia prima\n<pippuccio76> jester- piallo?\n<mettiu> non va jester\n<jester-> pippuccio76: direi di si\n<bodom> mettiu: usa imagemagick\n<mettiu> mogrify mogrify: Unable to open file (*.jpg) [File o directory non esistente].\n<mettiu> cosa è imagick ?\n<jester-> fara un file alla volta\n<mettiu> no non fa niente\n<jester-> ci vuole uno script che non so fare, forse\n<bodom> mettiu: http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/resize/#resize\n<pippuccio76> mi consigliate qualche rolling decente\n<pippuccio76> che possa utilizzare la home che già ho....\n<mettiu> ma il comando mogrify\n<bodom> mettiu: sudo apt-get install imagemagick per installarlo\n<mettiu> un avolta installato ?\n<bodom> mettiu: convert -resize 500x500 *.JPG, più o meno: vedi il link\n<bodom> mettiu: se non prendi l'asterisco, puoi fare un loop con bash: for file in *.JPG; do convert \"$file\" -resize 500x500 \"$file.resized.jpg\"; done\n<bodom> mettiu: i loop sono spiegati qua: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO-7.html\n<huhh> salve\n<huhh> come tolgo ubuntu dal pc e rimetto win?\n<huhh> nessuno sa aiutarmi??\n<enzotib> huhh, hai il disco di win?\n<huhh> enzotib:  si ho il disco di win\n<enzotib> huhh, e allora inserisci quello e fai una installazione normale, prendendo tutto il disco\n<huhh> enzotib: non lo riconosce! anche con bios impostato!\n<enzotib> huhh, non è possibile, o il bios non è impostato bene oppure il cd ha qualche difetto o magari non è un cd avviabile. In ogni caso non può essere un problema di ubuntu\n<huhh> enzotib: il bios è impostato su cd! il disco funziona! perchè con quel disco ho instasllato win anche su un altro pc\n<enzotib> huhh, va bene, come vuoi\n<huhh> enzotib: come risolvo!\n<huhh> enzotib: nemmeno da chiavetta bootoble parte win!\n<huhh> con bios settato e tutto!\n<huhh> e la chiavetta funziona!\n<enzotib> huhh, ti ho detto il mio parere, non è ubuntu il problema\n<huhh> enzotib: che non fosse ubuntu il problema lo davo per certo!\n<huhh> anche perchè con ubuntu live usb avevo formattato tutto il pc in fat 32\n<huhh> enzotib: e nemmeno così partiva l'installazione di win\n<enzotib> huhh, e allora se il problema non è ubuntu, perché vieni a chiedere qui?\n<huhh> enzotib: non sono un esperto! a mio parere il problema non è di ubuntu! magari voi potevate sapere che il problema era di ubuntu\n<huhh> enzotib: non so se mi sono spiegato\n<enzotib> huhh, ora che tu dici che non è ubuntu e io ti dico che non è ubuntu, siamo d'accordo\n<enzotib> e questo significa che non devi chiedere qui\n<huhh> enzotib: SIMPATIA PORTAMI VIA proprio\n<Andrea> ciao ragazzi...qualcuno potrebbe darmi una mano?\n<huhh> enzotib: tua moglie non te la da più? fammi capire...\n<Guest44507> ?\n<Guest44507> ho installato ubuntu ma non riesco a configurare la wii fi...qualcuno mi potrebbe aiutare?\n<help-me01> ho appena installato ubuntu..ma ho problemi con la wii fi qualcuno di voi mi potrebbe aiutare per favore?\n<enzotib> help-me01, che tipo di problemi?\n<help-me01> credo che bisogni configurare la scheda di rete\n<help-me01> ma non so come si fa\n<help-me01> praticamente ho un router alice e devo collegarmi con ubuntu...ma non ci riesco\n<enzotib> help-me01, se clicchi sull'icona della rete, in alto a destra, dice qualcosa rigurado al wifi?\n<help-me01> n\n<help-me01> no\n<enzotib> help-me01, apri un terminale e scrivi iwconfig, metti tutto quello che esce su pastebin\n<enzotib> !pastebin | help-me01\n<ubot-it> help-me01: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<help-me01> facendo iwconfig mi dice \"lo no wireless extension eth0 no wireless extension\"\n<enzotib> help-me01, ok, allora lspci -k, sempre su pastebin\n<help-me01> non posso incollare lo stamp video perchè sta su un altro pc\n<help-me01> immagino vi interessi il network controller\n<enzotib> help-me01, non hai un cavo di rete per collegarti? oppure puoi usare un file di testo per salvare le info, e una pendrive per trasferire il file\n<help-me01> niente cavo :(\n<Sid__> salve a tutti come faccio ad installare microsoft office?\n<Sid__> qualcuno potrebbe spiegarmelo bene passo per passo\n<Sid__> magari se riuscire via email a questo indirizzo perchè adesso devo andare: simonesidanelli@gmail.com\n<Sid__> grazie in anticipo ciao a tutti\n<krabador> !office | Sid__\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'office'\n<krabador> .\n<enzotib> -.-'\n<pippuccio76> jester- non ho ancora formattato doveva essere un problema temporaneo ... ho però un problema con un pacchetto che non riesco a rimuovere ne ha reinstallare....\n<it-39> sera\n<help-me01> raga...qualcuno mi sa dire come faccio a capire se la scheda di rete è installata?\n<help-me01> e se è installata corrttamente?\n<krabador> help-me01, wi-fi?\n<my_mind_says> buona sera\n<my_mind_says> ho appena installato xubuntu 12.04 su una macchina e mi chiedevo come mai quando vado per vedere i video i fullscreen su vlc media player mi compare il pannello insime al video\n<my_mind_says> invece di scomparire mostrando solo in video in questione...\n<krabador> my_mind_says, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-panel/+bug/1005175\n<krabador> una cosa nota\n<my_mind_says> eh stavo vedendo...\n<my_mind_says> quindi non c'è soluzione...\n<krabador> my_mind_says, http://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=97996\n<krabador> my_mind_says, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1981951\n<martina> durante l'installazione di ubuntu avviene la riformattazione se si sta occupando un intero hd oppure no?\n<Dix78> jgk.k\n<Dix78> utilizzando xubuntu è possibile vedere Ubuntu One nell'elenco programmi invece che dover aprire sempre il gestore delle impostazioni?\n<Norby26> ciao\n<Norby26> Posso fare ''pubblicità'' ad una mia discussione nella quale espongo un problema?\n<Norby26> http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/viewtopic.php?f=95&t=558482\n<robottinosino> ho una macchina ubuntu alla quale ho solo accesso tramite ssh :( interfaccia eth0 è in DHCP, dovrebbe essere ip statico\n<robottinosino> arrivo tramite una card wifi messa \"di stramacchio\"\n<robottinosino> ho root, come cambio nella maniera appropriata eth0 (in modo che al riavvio sia su e con l'ip giusto, etc..)\n<robottinosino> (finora usavo Network > Wired > Options > IPv4 Settings)\n<enzotib> robottinosino, devi mettere le info in /etc/network/interfaces\n<robottinosino> ciao enzotib, grazie..\n<enzotib> ciao robottinosino\n * robottinosino legge man interfaces..\n<enzotib> robottinosino, http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch03_:_Linux_Networking#The_iface_Stanza\n<robottinosino> enzotib: grazie 1024 per il link! :) trovo molto interessante che molti esempi abbiano, in una stanza di tipo auto, per il protocollo tcp/ip definito tramite metodo statico , opzioni tipo \"network\" che, a leggere 'man interfaces' non appaiono!\n<robottinosino> mi chiedo dove sia documentato l'uso di \"network\" visto che non è nella man page.. (dimostrazione: man interfaces | grep --color=always  '\\<network\\>')\n<enzotib> boh :)\n<robottinosino> incredibile. la man page non ha l'opzione ed essa non è in altre man page affiliate. whoa.\n<robottinosino> scatta il bug report?\n<robottinosino> forse la gente non legge più le man page come me e guarda direttamente su google? sono confuso.. o.0\n<enzotib> robottinosino, s'ha da vedere se funziona quella cosa\n<enzotib> magari è una cosa vecchia non più supportata\n<robottinosino> nel senso che la gente semplicemente mette cose a caso su google e tutti copiano? ah ah ah ... sarebbe davvero la vittoria del sitema \"leggiti la man page\"..\n<robottinosino> ma non voglio sperare tanto\n<robottinosino> c'è un modo di disabilitare questo sistema che cerca le wifi in automatico..\n<robottinosino> network-manager?\n<robottinosino> ma senza perderne la configurazione per sempre, solo dicendo: stai buonino per una ventina di minuti, mentre lavoro sul serio, poi torna a giocare alla caccia al tesoro wifi..\n<enzotib> robottinosino, disabilitare la connessione automatica ?\n<robottinosino> ho una rete wifi che va e che viene, quando va.. mi toglie anche la lan, seppure sia un ip fisso e cavo ben collegato..\n<enzotib> robottinosino, togli il flag \"connessione automatica\" alla conf di quella rete wifi\n<robottinosino> enzotib: grazie, proverò..\n<yousiry> hi\n<Valgio63> Salve a tutti! Stasera vorrei fare un passo in più. Come faccio a creare il pacchetto .deb partendo dal sorgente?\n<Valgio63> C'è nessuno?\n<NaS> qualcuno sveglio che puo' darmi una mano?\n<Valgio63> NaS, dipende su cosa, la vorrei anch'io!\n<Valgio63> ma sembra che stasera siano tutti già a nanna!\n<Dix78> !nessuno\n<ubot-it> se nessuno parla in canale non significa che non ci siano utenti attivi. Fate la vostra domanda  tecnica e se qualcuno vorrà rispondervi lo farà\n<Valgio63> Ok, ripeto: come faccio a creare un pacchetto .deb partendo dal sorgente?\n<Valgio63> Ok , notte a tutti!\n<URUS> problemma aggiornamento ubuntu\n<URUS> ubuntu 13.04 ubuntu mi sta crando unn sacco di problemmi\n<cri> ciao\n<URUS> cri: ciao cricri\n<cri> URUS: ciao\n<cri> URUS: se vuoi provare una derivata di arch\n<URUS> cri: na\n<cri> passo si la non mi so accorto del canale XD\n<Guest54240> scusatemi mi ero assentato\n<Guest54240> io volevo solo sapere se per autentificarsi a un dominio windows occorre per forza di cose la pass di amministratore del dominio\n<Guest54240> ergo sono in una rete con dc e volevo usare linux ma provando likewise mi richiede la pass di amministratore\n<Guest54240> io ho un utente valido che uso da un pc windows\n<Guest54240> mi chiedo come sia possibile una cosa così, io normale utente di certo non ho quei privilegi e il sistemista di turno non penso possa girare il mondo per autentificare pc linux\n<Guest54240> grazie a chi risponde\n#ubuntu-it 2013-05-23\n<glpiana> ola\n<_Kalce_> buongiorno a tutti.\n<_Kalce_> io uso la 13.04 . Nel thunderbird ho notato che tra le preferenze , ce ne è una che mi consente di usare una rubirica remota. Io ho un undirizzo di posta con gmail.  Direttamente nel sito ho salvato alcuni indirizzi. Quell' opzione si riferisce a  quella rubrica? e se si.... come faccio ad impostarla?\n<cristian_c> salve\n<cristian_c> ho problemi con i tasti volume. Ad esempio, quando premo il tasto toggle (attiva/disattiva audio), si disattiva soltanto, ma non si riattiva premendolo nuovamente\n<cristian_c> in precedenza funzionava, ma ora non più, cosa per me abbastazanza misteriosa\n<cristian_c> Qualche idea?\n<hsdb> Salve a tutti...\n<hsdb> c'è qualcuno che mi può aiutare\n<hsdb> ???\n<glpiana> !aiuto\n<ubot-it> per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<jester-> !qualcuno | hsdb\n<ubot-it> hsdb: la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera'\n<hsdb> ok\n<hsdb> sto cercando di installare ubuntu 13 su un power mac g5\n<hsdb> 2,0 ghz dual cpu\n<hsdb> una volta avviata la live e caricato il kernel e goduto della schermata nera con il logo ubuntu e i pallini che si caricano di sotto\n<hsdb> mi esce fuori una finestra con scritto che c'è un problema con la mia scheda grafica e che se si vuole procedere potrò farlo solo in bassa risoluzione\n<hsdb> faccio click su\n<hsdb> ok\n<hsdb> e poi mi appare un'altra finestra con varie opzioni, 1. avviare in bassa definizione per una sessione\n<hsdb> 2 troubleshooting\n<hsdb> 3 riconfigurare\n<hsdb> exit to console login\n<hsdb> dopo di che mi esce fuori schermo nero con la riga di comando e finisce qui\n<hsdb> alla luce di quanto esposto qualcuno può aiutarmi\n<hsdb> ???\n<hsdb> scheda grafica GEForce FX 5200\n<jester-> hsdb: è vecchia e non piu 100% supportata\n<hsdb> ok...\n<hsdb> posso superare il problema in qualche modo?\n<jester-> hsdb: cambiando cheda\n<hsdb> umh...\n<jester-> scheda o usare il driver open oppure quello consigliato in driver aggiuntivi ma avrai comunque problemi di risoluzione e rendering\n<hsdb> alcune distro di ubuntu sono fatte per pc vecchissimi...\n<hsdb> e ora questo non supporta\n<hsdb> mi va bene\n<jester-> hsdb: la retrocompatibilità non puo essere eterna\n<hsdb> io devo solo scrivere e andare su internet\n<jester-> hsdb: a meno che metti una distro altrettanto vecchia\n<jester-> tipo la serie 10.xx\n<hsdb> umh... poi posso aggiornare da li...\n<hsdb> ho capito...ma perchè non mi fa andare sul desktop anche se in bassa risoluzione\n<jester-> hsdb: aggiornando, p aprte che devi fare 27 passaggi, ti riporta al problema attuale\n<cristian_c> ho trovato una guida nel Cestino del wiki sul macbook\n<hsdb> http://askubuntu.com/questions/293509/ubuntu-13-04-with-nvidia-geforce-fx-5200\n<cristian_c> uno santarosa e uno calistoga\n<hsdb> ma da riga di comando posso entrare in safe mode su ubuntu e provare a scaricare i driver e vedere che succede\n<hsdb> ?\n<almaidinajad> ciao a tutti, ho un problema con l'audio in raring. Praticamente ad ogni avvio devo risettare i volumi che sembrano settarsi a valori predefiniti\n<hsdb> Scusami jester...sul sito della invidia c'è anche il driver per la scheda\n<hsdb> aggiornato ad aprile 2013\n<jester-> hsdb: provalo ma dovrebbe essere lo stesso che c'è nei repo, il 173 se non sbaglio\n<hsdb> mi puoi aiutare a caricare l'ambiente grafico\n<jester-> e ti toccherà cambiare la versione del gcc\n<jester-> hsdb: parti in ripristino al menu scelgi failsafex\n<hsdb> quindi ora faccio exit to console login\n<jester-> poi disinstalli il driver nvidia che hai eventualmente messo\n<hsdb> non ho messo mai nulla\n<jester-> e reinstalli il nouveau se lo  hai segato\n<hsdb> è la prima volta...\n<jester-> vai di recovery allora e prova falisafex\n<hsdb> failsafex: command not found\n<hsdb> ubuntu@ubuntu: $ failsafex\n<jester-> hsdb: devi riavviare usare modolita ripristino o recovery che sia\n<jester-> arrivi a un menu\n<hsdb> ho riavviato\n<hsdb> welcome to yaboot version 1.3.16\n<jester-> hsdb: non i ripristino\n<hsdb> io sono con una live\n<jester-> hsdb: che è\n<hsdb> Io sto con una power mac g5\n<jester-> hsdb: non ububuntu mi pare\n<hsdb> è ubuntu\n<hsdb> per power pc\n<jester-> !macbook\n<ubot-it> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro\n<jester-> vedi un po nel wiki se c' il tuo tipo di mac\n<hsdb> il mio non è un mac book\n<hsdb> è un power mac g5\n<jester-> hsdb: hai preso la iso mac?\n<hsdb> si\n<jester-> hsdb: e guarda nel wiki\n<hsdb> !powermac\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'powermac'\n<jester-> hsdb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages\n<IraDivina> ciao sguanoz, qualcuno sa dirmi come e se è possibile creare un'applicazione per browser (quindi html css javascript) che permette di inviare comandi al computer tipo aprire un programma?\n<jester-> !chat | IraDivina\n<ubot-it> IraDivina: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<IraDivina> -.-\n<hsdb> devo scappere jester...grazie mille\n<almaidinajad> come mai i volumi (di registrazioine e riproduzione) si resettano ad ogni riavvio? c'è un modo per lasciarli fissi?\n<akis24> giorno\n<cristian_c> IraDivina, parli di trovare strumenti di sviluppo\n<cristian_c> ?\n<eugenio> ciao a tutti, a nessuno crasha mai skype durante una conversazione?\n<IraDivina> cristian_c, no, nel senso.. vedo ormai un sacco di programmi che non sono altro che piccoli bowser e mi chiedevo se ci fosse la possibilità da browser cliccare su un pulsante che ti apre per esempio gimp nel pc\n<cristian_c> eugenio, dipende\n<cristian_c> eugenio, che software usi, che pc hai?\n<cristian_c> almaidinajad, parli del montaggio?\n<almaidinajad> cristian_c, ogni volta che riavvio i volumi del microfono e delle casse si settano ad un volume diverso da quello impostato in precedenza da me\n<almaidinajad> Ho un fisso con Raring installato cristian_c\n<cristian_c> almaidinajad, beh, usare alsactl per salvare la configurazione\n<cristian_c> *usa\n<almaidinajad> cristian_c, ma è normale che tutte le impostazioni di sistema mi si resettano automaticamente?\n<cristian_c> almaidinajad, tutte quali?\n<almaidinajad> quelle che riguardano l'audio cristian_c\n<akis24> almaidinajad:  puoi provare cosi a fissare volumi prima regola ovviamente   sudo alsactl store - sudo alsactl restore\n<Liink> Salve a tutti, ho una stampate Epson Stylus SX130, sono riuscito ad installarla ma non riesco a scannerizzare, mi dice Nessun Scanner disponibile, per quale motivo ?\n<almaidinajad> ok, grazie akis24 provo e riavvio\n<akis24> di nulla\n<Liink> Vi prego, mi serve per lavoro, come posso risolvere _?\n<cristian_c> almaidinajad, ok, allora usa alsactl\n<almaidinajad> si ok grazie cristian_c\n<cristian_c> akis24, è quello che gli avevo detto\n<jester-> !chat\n<ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<akis24> cristian_c: :)\n<cristian_c> akis24, :D\n<cristian_c> Liink, so che è supportata in linux\n<Liink> cristian_c: e allora perchè non funziona ?\n<akis24> Liink: i driver per lo scanner qui ...http://download.ebz.epson.net/dsc/search/01/search/searchModule\n<Liink> akis24, mi dice 0 elementi...\n<cristian_c> Liink, soltanto un attimo\n<Liink> cristian_c, ok\n<jester-> Liink: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/StampantiScanner/EpsonMulti  se non è supportata so cazzi\n<Liink> jester-, ma con ubuntu 11.04 funzionava\n<jester-> Liink: hai installato xsane\n<Liink> jester-, nop\n<Liink> no*\n<Liink> jester-, ora lo sto installando\n<jester-> poi lancia xsane da terminale\n<jester-> e vedi che fa\n<jester-> comunque guarda il link che ti ho incollato\n<akis24> Liink: .. iscan_2.29.1-5~usb0.1.ltdl3_i386.deb  iscan_2.29.1-5~usb0.1.ltdl7_amd64.deb  che li vedo solo io ?  http://download.ebz.epson.net/dsc/du/02/DriverDownloadInfo.do?LG2=IT&CN2=&DSCMI=21580&DSCCHK=fc9bb422d982caa5b3624bbcde36cf92e1000838\n<Liink> jester-, mi dice \"NO device aviable\"\n<jester-> Liink: sudo xsane\n<Liink> akis24, ho scaricato quella per la versione a 64 e 32 bit, mi dice sul'ubuntu software center che la dipendenza non può essere soddisfatta\n<Liink> jester-, niente mi da lo stesso errore\n<jester-> Liink: = non è supportata\n<Liink> jester-, nooo e ora come faccio ?\n<jester-> Liink: che tipo è\n<Liink> jester-, sx 130\n<jester-> Liink: manco per lo scanner ci sono http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/StampantiScanner/ScannerEpson\n<jester-> Liink: non so che dirti\n<Liink> jester-, ok grazie mille\n<Liink> jester-, però sono riuscito ad installare iscan-data\n<cristian_c> Liink, supporto completo: Stylus SX130 Series\tUSB\t0x04b8/0x0883\tComplete\tall-in-one\n<cristian_c> Liink, ho controllato sul sito di sane\n<Liink> cristian_c: e allora perchè non mi funziona ?\n<jester-> Liink: toglila e reinstallala\n<Liink> jester-, ok provo\n<cristian_c> Liink, credo siano i permessi di root\n<cristian_c> Liink, hai provato la lanciare il programma con sudo?\n<Liink> cristian_c: no\n<cristian_c> 11:38:24 <jester-> Liink: sudo xsane\n<jester-> Liink: va?\n<IraDivina> cristian_c,\n<Liink> Eccomi, sudo xsane mi ha fatto andare in crash il sistema...\n<jester-> Liink: dai sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade\n<Liink> jester-, poi ?\n<jester-> Liink: ha fatto qualcosa?\n<jester-> Liink: sudo adduser $USER scanner\n<Liink> jester-, si alcuni aggiornamenti\n<Liink> jester-, poi dopo di sudo adduser $USER scanner\n<jester-> Liink: fatto?\n<Liink> jester-, si\n<jester-> termina sessione e rientra\n<Liink> jester-, ok\n<Liink_> Eccomi\n<jester-> Liink_: xsane\n<Liink_> jester-, stesso errore\n<jester-> Liink_: hai rimosso la stampante?\n<jester-> e poi reinstallata\n<jester-> impostazioni sistema\n<Liink_> jester-, si poi l'ho rimessa\n<Liink_> jester-, se vado nelle proprietà della stampante mi dice inattiva... perchè?\n<Liink_> ?\n<jester-> Liink_: spegila e riaccendila\n<jester-> ma se non stampa inattiva è\n<Liink_> jester-, e rido sempre xsane ?\n<jester-> eh\n<Liink_> jester-, niente.... sempre lo stesso errore\n<jester-> sudo xsane\n<Liink> Rieccomi... di nuovo\n<jester-> Liink: crash?\n<Liink> jester-, il broweser ....\n<jester-> Liink: nada?\n<Liink> jester-, no niente di niente\n<jester-> Liink: rimetti la 12.04 che 13-04 sarà buggato xsane\n<jester-> Liink: prova la live della 12,10\n<Liink> jester-, il problema che io ho la 12.04\n<jester-> Liink: avevi detto che 12.04 funzava\n<Liink> jester-, sulla 11.04 funzionava.. avevo scritto\n<cristian_c> Liink, un'ultima cosa\n<jester-> Liink: come hai aggirnato alla 12.04\n<jester-> aggiornato\n<cristian_c> Liink, hai installato robe, pacchetti, fatto altro?\n<Liink> cristian_c, ho fatto l'installazione da 0\n<cristian_c> Liink, e poi?\n<jester-> Liink: pacioccato sources.list?\n<Liink> cristian_c, e poi niente\n<cristian_c> Liink, cat /etc/apt/sources.list\n<Liink> jester-, nono\n<jester-> Liink: prova la live della 13.04\n<Liink> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5693235/\n<cristian_c> Liink, ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/\n<davide__> sul mio pc ho ubuntu 13.04 che windows 8 per canccemare windows e tenere solo ubuntu posso farlo o devo instalalre tutto da capo..\n<cristian_c> Liink, dpkg -l | grep scan\n<Liink> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5693238/\n<cristian_c> davide__, puoi cancellare\n<cristian_c> davide__, la partizione di winz\n<davide__> come faccio\n<jester-> i ppa si mettono da soli?\n<cristian_c> Liink, a parte quel jockey, non vedo cose distruttive\n<Liink> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5693247/\n<cristian_c> Liink, posta anche l'ultimo comando\n<cristian_c> ah, ok\n<cristian_c> guardo\n<cristian_c> davide__, uhm, un modo è avviare la live\n<cristian_c> davide__, e usare gparted\n<cristian_c> davide__, ma anche da sistema installato, tato la ntfs non è montata\n<cristian_c> davide__, ma è comunque è una cattiva idea\n<cristian_c> davide__, perché vuoi cancellare winz?\n<cristian_c> potreesti pentirtene\n<jester-> pessima idea segare winz\n<davide__> ho gparted installato, win lo cancello perchè dai un sacco di problemi con gli aggiornamenti, e antivirus\n<cristian_c> davide__, beh, non è facile configurarlo, ma io l'ho fatto\n<jester-> davide__: occhio che linux è alternativa non sostituto\n<jester-> come la moto alla magana\n<davide__> gparted installato.poi..\n<Liink> cristian_c: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5693247/\n<cristian_c> Liink, l'ho visto\n<Liink> cristian_c: ah okok scusami\n<cristian_c> Liink, credo tu debba installare i driver del sito per il tuo modello\n<cristian_c> sito epson\n<cristian_c> perché sta in external backend\n<Liink> cristian_c: l'ho fatto ma niente....\n<cristian_c> oppure vediamo se c'è il pacco nei repo\n<cristian_c> Liink, e li hai anche disinstallati?\n<Liink> cristian_c: no\n<cristian_c> perrché alcuni non compaiono\n<cristian_c> mmmmmm\n<cristian_c> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5693247/\n<cristian_c> c'è soltanto iscan_data\n<Liink> cristian_c: grazie mille dell'aiuto, anche se non funziona speriamo poi diventi compatibile\n<Liink> jester-: grazie mille dell'aiuto, anche se non funziona speriamo poi diventi compatibile\n<cristian_c> Liink, guarda che è compatibile\n<jester-> Liink: pigliati una hp officejet 4500 rete e 50 / 60\n<cristian_c> Liink, http://www.epson.it/it/it/viewcon/corporatesite/products/mainunits/support/10839\n<cristian_c> Liink, vai qui: http://download.ebz.epson.net/dsc/du/02/DriverDownloadInfo.do?LG2=IT&CN2=&DSCMI=21580&DSCCHK=fc9bb422d982caa5b3624bbcde36cf92e1000838\n<cristian_c> Liink, fai clic su Accetto\n<marchino_> ciao\n<marchino_> da dove scarico una versione LIVE\n<marchino_> di ubuntu?\n<marchino_> vorrei far partire il sistema operativo da CD/DVD\n<TaLaDo> http://releases.ubuntu.com/raring/\n<marchino_>  ubuntu-13.04-desktop-i386.iso    questa va bene?\n<marchino_> ma da dove capisco se è live?\n<TaLaDo> sn tutte live\n<marchino_> ah tutte?\n<marchino_> e se volessi installarlo?\n<TaLaDo> quando la lanci ti chiede se vui installare o prvare\n<marchino_> ok perfetto\n<marchino_> gentilissimo\n<marchino_> ti ringrazio! la sto già scaricando\n<marchino_> :D\n<marchino_> grazie! Ciao ciao\n<carlo65> Su un disco da 500Gb dopo aver installato xp. Da xp ho installato ubuntu 12.04. Quando avvio scelgo se partire con xp oppure con ubuntu.\n<cristian_c> carlo65, con wubi?\n<carlo65> Il problema che ho usando ubuntu, è che mi dice che ho poco spazio. Come faccio ad aumentare lo spazio?\n<cristian_c> carlo65, posta: sudo fdisk -l\n<cristian_c> !pastebin | carlo65\n<ubot-it> carlo65: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<carlo65> Ho usato gestore dischi per creare una partizione ext4 da 54 GB\n<carlo65> La partizione c'e ma lo spazio non viene riconosciuto. Provo con sudo fdisk -l\n<cristian_c> ok\n<carlo65> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5693500/plain/\n<almaidinajad> ciao a tutti non riesco a bloccare il volume di registrazione del microfono. ho già provato con alsactl\n<cristian_c> carlo65, non hai postato l'output del comando\n<cristian_c> almaidinajad, che comando hai digitato?\n<almaidinajad> sudo alsactl store , cristian_c\n<almaidinajad> ho riavviato ma tutto e tornato silenzioso cristian_c\n<cristian_c> almaidinajad, ma prima o dopo aver impostato l'audio?\n<cristian_c> il comando, intendo\n<almaidinajad> ho impostato i volumi, dato il comando e riavviato cristian_c\n<Pablo1> !wiki manual partition\n<ubot-it> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)\n<Pablo1> esiste una guida per il partizionamento manuale hd ?\n<TaLaDo> !partizioni\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/DispositiviPartizioni - Vedi anche !gparted\n<carlo65> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5693582/plain/\n<carlo65> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5693582/plain/\n<carlo65> non mi ricordo piu con pastebin come si fa\n<cristian_c> almaidinajad, devi usare il restore per caricarlo\n<cristian_c> credo\n<cristian_c> carlo65, pastebin l'hai usato, il problema è che non hai incollato l'output di terminale\n<cristian_c> hai incollato un testo tuo\n<almaidinajad> cristian_c, e questo lo devo fare ogni volta? mi serve solo che i volumi restino come li ho settati io in precedenza\n<cristian_c> almaidinajad, intanto prova\n<almaidinajad> ok, funziona con restore cristian_c\n<cristian_c> almaidinajad, ok\n<eugenio> cristian_c, scusa ero fuori ufficio, uso skype su ubuntu 12.10 a 64bit\n<cristian_c> almaidinajad, adesso, puoi dfare una cosa per automatizzare\n<cristian_c> eugenio, che driver video usi?\n<eugenio> quelli ubuntu\n<cristian_c> eugenio, jockey-text -l\n<cristian_c> almaidinajad, metti il comando in appllicazioni di avvio\n<cristian_c> almaidinajad, oppure in rc.local\n<eugenio> cristian_c, http://paste.debian.net/5983/\n<cristian_c> eugenio, non li hai scaricati da nessuna parte?\n<eugenio> cristian_c, giusto per completezza, in pratica mi crasha la chiamata, al che skype si blocca, se killo l'applicazione e la rilancio skype parte ma non mi logga più....solo riavviando skype torna a funzionare correttamente...questo prob lo avevo anche con 12.04\n<eugenio> cristian_c, no...\n<Norby26> Ciao\n<cristian_c> eugenio, controllo: lspci -k\n<Norby26> Questa è la chat dedicata al supporto?\n<cristian_c> sì\n<D4V|DE> ciao a tutti\n<Norby26> Mi serve una mano per il mio lubuntu 13.04\n<Norby26> Devo attivare il wifi\n<cristian_c> Norby26, che scheda wireless?\n<cristian_c> boradcom?\n<Norby26> Probabilmente sì\n<Norby26> Anzi, sono sicuro\n<cristian_c> lol\n<cristian_c> !boradcom | Norby26\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'boradcom'\n<cristian_c> !broadcom | Norby26\n<ubot-it> Norby26: Dispositivo senza filo Broadcom http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/DispositiviSenzaFili/Broadcom\n<cristian_c> segui la guida\n<Norby26> Ok\n<almaidinajad> cristian_c, come apro rc.local?\n<Norby26> Grazie, se ho bisogno di un aiuto più approfondito posso chiedere qui?\n<cristian_c> almaidinajad, sudo gedit /etc/rc.local\n<cristian_c> Norby26, sì\n<Norby26> Ok\n<Norby26> :)\n<eugenio> cristian_c, http://paste.debian.net/5989/\n<almaidinajad> grazie cristian_c\n<cristian_c> almaidinajad, prima di exit 0\n<cristian_c> almaidinajad, una riga sopra\n<cristian_c> c'è uno spazio apposito infatti\n<Norby26> A me servono quelli b43 o STA?\n<Norby26> (Driver)\n<almaidinajad> ok, grazie di nuovo cristian_c\n<Norby26> Cioè, c'è un comando per farmelo capire? (da terminale)\n<cristian_c> \tKernel driver in use: nouveau\n<cristian_c> eugenio, come hai installato skype?\n<cristian_c> eugenio, non è che è troppo pesante per il pc?\n<cristian_c> almaidinajad, funge?\n<cristian_c> Norby26, nella guida è scritto, dipende dal chip\n<cristian_c> asp\n<almaidinajad> ora provo a riavviare cristian_c ma già da terminale si è ristabilito tutto, quindi credo che vada ;)\n<cristian_c> Norby26, lspci -k\n<Norby26> Ok\n<Norby26> Grazie\n<cristian_c> digitalo\n<Norby26> Tra poco ti avviso, accendo il pc e scrivo!\n<Norby26> comunque c'era scritto qualcosa del tipo BCM4321 o BCM4312, dovrebbe essere sta, giusto?\n<cristian_c> dipende\n<cristian_c> dipende dal chip\n<carlo65> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5693630/plain/\n<cristian_c> carlo65, non hai postato l'output del comando\n<cristian_c> carlo65, digita il comando nel terminale\n<carlo65> scusate cosa vuol dire\n<cristian_c> carlo65, poi copia-incolla\n<cristian_c> carlo65, prima di tutto, digita il comando\n<cristian_c> carlo65, dimmi quando hai fatto\n<carlo65> sono andato su pastebin\n<carlo65> ho copiato la schermata sul mio pc\n<carlo65> la voglio incollare su pastebin\n<cristian_c> carlo65, il comando, non la schermata\n<cristian_c> schermata di cosa?\n<carlo65> la schermata l'ho prima salvata in mmagini\n<cristian_c> schermata di cosa?\n<carlo65> la copio da immagini  e la incollo in 'content' poi do il comando paste, infine copio il link\n<carlo65> il problema che ho, è che voglio aumentere il volume a disposizione per ubuntu\n<cristian_c> carlo65, io ti ho soltanto suggerito di digitare il comando\n<cristian_c> carlo65, l'hai fatto?\n<carlo65> chiedo scusa ma quale comando?\n<cristian_c> lol\n<cristian_c> sudo fdisk -l\n<cristian_c> è una vita che l'ho chiesto\n<carlo65> ho dato il comando sudo pw fdisk -l\n<cristian_c> carlo65, una volta digitato, copia il risultato direttamente su pastebin\n<cristian_c> pw?\n<cristian_c> carlo65, digita il comando corretto\n<carlo65> midava una schermata che io ve la volevo far vedere in pastebin\n<cristian_c> carlo65, digita il comando corretto\n<cristian_c> carlo65, non serve nessuna schermata, serve soltanto il testo del risultato del comando\n<cristian_c> carlo65, ti faccio un esempio\n<carlo65> quando digito il comando sudo fdisk dal terminale mi chiede la password, ecco cos'è pw\n<cristian_c> carlo65, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5693658/\n<cristian_c> carlo65, non c'entra nulla pw\n<cristian_c> devi digitare il comando correttamente\n<cristian_c> carlo65, guarda il mio esempio\n<carlo65> il comando sudo lo devo dare da terminale?\n<Norby26> Cristian, ci sei?\n<cristian_c> carlo65, sì, sudo fdisk -l\n<cristian_c> tutto intero\n<cristian_c> Norby26, che succede?\n<Norby26> Ho digitato il comando '' sudo lshw -c network '' da terminale, mi da product. BCM4312 802.11b/g LP - PHY\n<Norby26> Vendor: Broadcom corporation\n<carlo65> mi risponde [sudo] pasword for administrator?\n<cristian_c> carlo65, digita la password\n<cristian_c> carlo65, vedo che sei proprio a digiuno di linux\n<cristian_c> XD\n<carlo65> purtroppo sì\n<Norby26> cristian, per caso sai se servono i driver STA?\n<cristian_c> Norby26, STA: BCM4311, BCM4312, BCM4313, BCM4321, BCM4322, BCM43224, BCM43225, BCM43227, BCM43228\n<cri> ciao\n<glpiana> elisa\n<Norby26> Quindi il '' product: BCM4312 '' necessita di STA?\n<cristian_c> Norby26, b43: BCM4306/3, BCM4311, BCM4312, BCM4318, BCM4320\n<cristian_c> vanno bene anche i b43 nel tuo caso\n<cristian_c> io uso i b43, ad esempio\n<Norby26> Ho scaricato sulla pendrive\n<Norby26> un b43 cutter\n<Norby26> ed un firmware-b43-installer\n<Norby26> 015-9\n<cristian_c> Norby26, sei collegato via cavo?\n<Norby26> Purtroppo no\n<cristian_c> Norby26, quindi, non sei vicino al pc adesso?\n<cristian_c> ah, sei su windows?\n<Norby26_> Rieccomi\n<Norby26_> Mi ha dato un errore\n<cristian_c> carlo65, fatto?\n<cristian_c> Norby26_, cosa?\n<Norby26_> Dicevo: sono su un pc con windows e vicino a me ho il pc con lubuntu\n<Faber_> Un saluto a tutti! Sto aggiornando Ubuntu da 12.04 a 12.10 ma durante l'installazione degli aggiornamenti, circa a metà, si è bloccato. Qualcuno può darmi un consiglio sul da farsi?\n<cristian_c> Norby26_, allora: non hai un cavo ethernet?\n<Norby26_> Ed ho scaricato sulla pendrive b43-fwcutter_015-9\n<Norby26_> Purtroppo no\n<cristian_c> Norby26, la procedura per installare i driver wifi è più semplice usando il cavo\n<cristian_c> Norby26_, aspetta\n<Norby26_> Lo so ma in questo momento proprio non posso :(\n<Norby26_> Tempo fa l'ho già fatto con ubuntu 12.04\n<Norby26_> Ma non so se questi driver vanno bene\n<Norby26_> k\n<cristian_c> Norby26_, se sei senza connessione, allora è più facile installare gli STA\n<cristian_c> In mancanza di una connessione ad internet, il pacchetto bcmwl-kernel-source può essere reperito nella cartella /pool/restricted/b/bcmwl del CD di installazione di Ubuntu.\n<Norby26_> E quelli sta\n<carlo65> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5693695/\n<Norby26_> Si attivano scaricando su pendrive questo pacchetto? bcmwl-kernel-source\n<cristian_c> Norby26_, Se si ha già installato Ubuntu sul PC tramite CD, questo può essere usato come sorgente software all'interno dell'Ubuntu Software Center in modo da installare il pacchetto bcmwl-kernel-source e automaticamente le sue dipendenze.\n<Norby26_> Ho scaricato Lubuntu tramite live cd, ho già cercato il pacchetto ma non c'è\n<cristian_c> Norby26_, hai abilitato la dorgente?\n<TypeText> Ciao a tutti, ho un problema con skype appena cerco di chiamare qualcuno mi da questo errore \" Problema di riproduzione audio \" e si chiude la finestra della chiamata... mi sapete dire il perchè? grazie mille\n<cristian_c> TypeText, che pc hai?\n<Norby26_> Non so nemmeno che cos'è, scusa la mia ignoranza\n<cristian_c> Norby26_, apri Sorgenti software\n<TypeText> cristian_c: ciao cristiano sono Liink :), il pc l'ho assemblato da solo quindi sono vari componenti\n<cristian_c> carlo65, oh, finalmente!\n<Norby26_> Dove lo trovo su Lubuntu? (Con la L)\n<cristian_c> carlo65, ho capito qual'è il problema\n<Norby26_> Cristian\n<cristian_c> TypeText, a proposito, ti avevo linkato la pagina della epson da cui scaricare i pacchettu deb\n<cristian_c> *pacchetti\n<cristian_c> Norby26_, da Sistema\n<TypeText> cristian_c: sisi ti avevo detto che non funzionavano nemmeno quelli\n<Norby26_> Secondo te è possibile cercare '' bcmwl-kernel-source '' su internet, scaricarmelo, metterlo sulla pendrive ed installarlo su Lubuntu?\n<cristian_c> Norby26_, Strumenti di sistema\n<cristian_c> TypeText, ma se non li hai neanche installati?\n<cristian_c> -,-\n<TypeText> sisi\n<cristian_c> TypeText, no, non risultavano presenti nel sistema\n<cristian_c> non raccontiamo cose non vere\n<TypeText> cristian_c: io li avevo installati ...\n<cristian_c> solo iscan c'era\n<cristian_c> non risultavano esserci\n<cristian_c> Norby26_, perché complicarsi la vita inutilmente?\n<cristian_c> TypeText, l'output parlava chiaro\n<Norby26_> Cristian, su Strumenti di sistema ho : Aggiornamento software, gestione task, gestore pacchetti, ibus, Installatore pacchet gdebi, lubuntu software center\n<cristian_c> carlo65, l'output dice che non hai installato linux, ma hai soltanto creato una partizione estesa\n<cristian_c> Norby26_, aggiornamento software\n<carlo65> ubuntu l'ho installato da windows xp\n<carlo65> poi nell'usarlo mi dice di cancellare dei file poichè lo spazio è 650 MB.\n<cristian_c> carlo65, se hai usato wubi, è una pessima idea\n<cristian_c> carlo65, il punto è che è stata una cattiva idea usare wubi\n<carlo65> io invece non vorrei cancellare , vorrei aumentare lo spazio per ubuntu creando una nuova partizione.\n<Norby26_> aggiornamenti software mi chiede la connessione, lol\n<cristian_c> carlo65, appunto, dovresti installare ubuntu veramente\n<cristian_c> su partizione\n<cristian_c> Norby26_, devi andare in Impostazioni\n<cristian_c> Norby26_, c'è un pulsante nella finestra\n<carlo65> dovrei quindi installare ubuntu sulla nuova partizione estesa?\n<carlo65> Come si fa?\n<cristian_c> TypeText, il fatto che tu abbia pensato di installare i driver quando non l'hai fatto non vuol dire che lo scanner non sia compatibile\n<cristian_c> è una cosa piuttosto semplice\n<cristian_c> carlo65, devi creare delle partizioni logiche all'interno dell'estesa\n<TypeText> crstian_c: non so cosa dire io li avevo installati dopo riprovo ora ho questo problema con skype\n<cristian_c> !partizioni | carlo65\n<ubot-it> carlo65: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/DispositiviPartizioni - Vedi anche !gparted\n<Faber_> Gente... se provo ad interrompere l'operazione di installazione degli aggiornamenti (dal momento che è bloccata) ricevo questo messaggio: \"Questo terminerà l'operazione e potrebbe lasciare il sistema in uno stato d'errore\"... per questo vi chiedo aiuto, non so cosa fare. Nessuno ha un consiglio sul da farsi? :(\n<cristian_c> TypeText, è un pc vecchio?\n<TypeText> cristian_c: nono\n<cristian_c> TypeText, che driver video usi?\n<TypeText> cristian_c: cosa centra....\n<cristian_c> Faber_, non lo bloccare, allora\n<cristian_c> TypeText, c'entra perché i driver possono creare problemi a skype\n<cristian_c> TypeText,anche se a dire il vero l'errore parla di audio, questo è vero\n<TypeText> cristian_c: sono riuscito a far partire la chiamata ma non riuscivo a sentire, stavo modificando le impostazioni di skype ora vedo\n<cristian_c> TypeText, prima di tutto controlla l'audio a prescidere da skype\n<cristian_c> *prescindere\n<Faber_> Ok, non lo blocco ma è più di un'ora che è fermo e non va avanti... è fermo su \"Pacchetto patch installato\"... e non procede. Boh.. :(\n<cristian_c> carlo65, se non hai lo spazio necessario, dovrai ridimensionare la partizione di windows\n<cristian_c> Faber_, allora, fermalo e poi riprova a dare un update\n<cristian_c> Faber_, da terminale\n<Faber_> Bene, provo dai.. intanto grazie ;)\n<cristian_c> Faber_, c'è sempre sudo apt-get install -f\n<cristian_c> in caso di problemi\n<cristian_c> poi c'è un altro comando che non ricordo, sempre per risolvere questo tipo di situazione\n<nicola> buon dì\n<Faber_> Ok... spero di non restare senza SO ... :) ... provo.\n<carlo65> il dicho e da 500 GB. 250 GB mi bastano per XP. Gli altri 250 li uso per Ubuntu. Potrebbe andar bene?\n<cristian_c> Faber_, questo no :P\n<TypeText> cristian_c: niente come posso risolvere il problema con skype.....\n<cristian_c> carlo65, è una buona soluzione :)\n<cristian_c> secondo me\n<cristian_c> TypeText, hai controllato le impostazioni audio?\n<nicola> ieri ho interpretato male una guida che ho trovato su internet è ho installata su ubuntu 12.04 anche lubuntu\n<TypeText> cristian_c, allora l'errore me lo da solo su skype ad esempio su un'altro programmi di VoIP non me lo da\n<nicola> poichè non mi piaceva ho disinstallato lutuntu e pare funzionare tutto tranne...\n<nicola> ... tranne il fatto che in fase di login mi appaiono ancora le opzioni di accesso con lubuntu\n<nicola> come posso fare ad eliminare tale opzioni?\n<cristian_c> nicola, bravo :D\n<cristian_c> nicola, dpkg -l | grep lubuntu\n<cristian_c> !paste | nicola\n<ubot-it> nicola: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<carlo65> cristian _c & company, vi ringrazio molto. Ora devo andare.\n<cristian_c> TypeText, come saprai skype è un programma proprietario, quindi la distro non ha accesso al codice del programma, in pratica non lo gestisce\n<TypeText> cristian_c, eh si lo so\n<cristian_c> TypeText, non ti resta che controllare le opzioni audio di skype\n<cristian_c> sperando che ti vada bene\n<cristian_c> TypeText, in generale, l'audio funge bene?\n<TypeText> cristian_c, sisi\n<cristian_c> carlo65, di niente\n<cristian_c> TypeText, allora, controlla le opzioni di skype\n<nicola> cristian_c: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5693736/\n<TypeText> cristian_c, però non è possibile.. si le opzione le ho smanettate tutte ma niente...\n<cristian_c> nicola, prova a rimuovere questo: ii  lubuntu-default-settings               0.27                                    default settings for Lubuntu\n<cristian_c> !skype | TypeText\n<ubot-it> TypeText: Guida all'installazione di skype: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/InternetRete/Telefonia/Skype\n<cristian_c> dai un'occhiata qua\n<Antomelandro> dove posso trovare un tema simile a mac per ubuntu?\n<cristian_c> Antomelandro, non credo che nei repo ufficiali ci sia\n<nicola> con sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove lubuntu-default-settings ?\n<cristian_c> nicola, io proverei con un semplice: sudo apt-get remove lubuntu-default-settings\n<Antomelandro> grazie mille,cristian_c, ho cercato, ne ho trovato qualcuno, ma per la mia versione, cioè quella netbook , non sono compatibili\n<nicola> gli altri pacchetti non è necessario rimuoverli?\n<cristian_c> nicola, puoi farlo ma non sono sicuro che ciò ti cambi la vita\n<cristian_c> Antomelandro, e comunque è meglio se queste cose le domandi nell'altro canale\n<cristian_c> !chat | Antomelandro\n<ubot-it> Antomelandro: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<Antomelandro> grazie\n<Norby26> Rieccomi\n<Norby26> cristian, per caso sai se c'è un pacchetto specifico di bcmwl-kernel-source oppure posso prenderne uno a caso nel web?\n<Norby26> (Per Lubuntu 13.04)\n<cristian_c> Norby26, ti avevo suggerito di fare un'altra cosa\n<cristian_c> l'hai fatta?\n<nicola> provo a riavviare\n<Norby26> Purtroppo mi si è riavviato questo pc e non ho letto il consiglio :(\n<Norby26> Scusa cristian, hai così tanta pazienza da potermelo ripetere?\n<cristian_c> Norby26, apri sorgenti software\n<Norby26> Sorgenti non ci sta\n<Norby26> (Su strumenti del sistema)\n<cristian_c> Norby26, gestore aggiornamenti\n<Norby26> Ho gestore pacchetti\n<nicola> cristian_c: dopo aver fatto come mi hai detto il risultato di dpkg -l | grep lubuntu è questo: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5693786/\n<nicola> al riavvio sono spariti da login i desktop lubuntu ma sono rimasti: GNOME/Openbox e Openbox\n<cristian_c> Norby26, gestore aggiornamenti\n<cristian_c> nciola, dpkg -l | egrep \"^rc\" | cut -d ' ' -f3\n<Norby26> gestore aggiornamenti non c'è\n<cristian_c> Norby26, prima hai detto che c'era\n<cristian_c> Norby26, non è che l'hai rimosso?\n<Norby26> aggiornamenti software\n<cristian_c> Norby26, va bene\n<cristian_c> aprilo\n<cristian_c> nicola, digitato?\n<Norby26> Eh sì ma li mi dice che c'è bisogno di una connessione\n<cristian_c> Norby26, comunque appare la finestra, giusto?\n<Norby26> Sì esatto\n<Norby26> però c'è sritto\n<nicola> cristian_c: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5693810/\n<Norby26> ''Aggiornamenti software''\n<Norby26> Scaricamento delle informazioni del repository non riuscito\n<Norby26> Controllare la propria connessione a internet\n<cristian_c> Norby26, se si è aperta fai clic sul pulsante impostazioni\n<Norby26> Ah sì eccolo\n<cristian_c> lol\n<Norby26> XD\n<Norby26> Ora ho una barra\n<Norby26> Software per ubuntu | Altro software | Aggiornamenti | Autenticazione | Driver aggiuntivi\n<cristian_c> Norby26, ?\n<cristian_c> ok\n<cristian_c> Norby26, la prima o la terza mi pare\n<cristian_c> guardo\n<Norby26> ok\n<cristian_c> nicola, sudo dpkg --purge `dpkg -l | egrep \"^rc\" | cut -d ' ' -f3`\n<Norby26> Sulla prima\n<Norby26> Ho codice sorgente\n<Norby26> COn altre opzioni\n<Norby26> Hanno tutte una V, tranne codice sorgente che ha un -\n<cristian_c> ok\n<cristian_c> !broadcom\n<ubot-it> Dispositivo senza filo Broadcom http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/DispositiviSenzaFili/Broadcom\n<Norby26> Ehm, che devo fare? XD\n<cristian_c> Norby26, vai in altro software\n<Norby26> ok\n<Norby26> fatto\n<cristian_c> Norby26, spunta su cd rom\n<cristian_c> Norby26, inserisci il cd/dvd di ubuntu\n<Norby26> Ma devo inserire il cd?\n<Norby26> AH ok\n<cristian_c> nicola, fatto?\n<cristian_c> Norby26, lo prende da lì il pacchetto che ti serve\n<Norby26> va bene se lo inserisco adesso o devo riavviare o qualcosa?\n<nicola> fatto, riavvio e vediamo un pò\n<cristian_c> Norby26, adesso\n<cristian_c> nicola, asp\n<cristian_c> nicola, non è finita\n<nicola> ah, scusa\n<cristian_c> nicola, dpkg -l | grep box\n<nicola> cristian_c: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5693842/\n<Norby26> Cristian, dopo aver messo la spunta su cd rom devo fare | Aggiungi volume..| Aggiungi.. | X Chiudi    / ?\n<Norby26> Aspetta mi chiede la pass per mettere la spunta, vado?\n<Norby26> Cristian..?\n<cristian_c> nicola, ii  openbox                                3.5.0-2ubuntu2                          standards compliant, fast, light-weight, extensible window manager\n<cristian_c> Norby26, digita la password\n<Norby26> ok\n<Norby26> ok adesso ci sta la spunta\n<Norby26> posso chiudere normalmente il ''Software e aggiornamenti '' ?\n<nicola> cristian_c: vado con sudo apt-get remove openbox ?\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, fai clic su Chiudi in sorgenti software e poi Verifica nel gestore aggiornamenti\n<cristian_c_> nicola, prova con quello sì\n<Norby26> Aggiornamenti software?\n<cristian_c_> nicola, a dire la verità ci sono altri due pacchetti di openbox installati, ma tu prova con quello\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, sì, c'è un pulsante Verifica\n<Norby26> non lo trovo\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, che pulsanti ci sono?\n<Norby26> ma su aggionrmaneti software?\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, hai chiuso Sorgenti software dopo la modifica?\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, sulla prima finestra che hai aperto\n<nicola> fatto, riavvio ?\n<Norby26> Sono tornato li e la spunta ci sta\n<cristian_c_> nicola, sì\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, chiudi sorgenti software\n<Norby26> Chiuso\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, e poi verifica nella finestra principale\n<cristian_c_> quella degli aggiornamenti\n<Norby26> Mi sto un attimo perdendo\n<Norby26> Ma è quello ''Aggiornamenti software'' ?\n<cristian_c_> !image | Norby26\n<cristian_c_> mmm\n<ubot-it> Norby26: Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<cristian_c_> se hai dubbi, posta una schermata\n<Norby26> Allora,\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, anche tu mi pare sia un bel po' a digiuno di ubuntu\n<Norby26> Io ora sono su aggiornamenti software, scaricamento delle informazioni del repository non riuscito, controllare la propria connessione a internet.\n<nicola> cristian_c: ok, risolto\n<nicola> grazie\n<Norby26> Avevo Ubuntu 12.04 e lo usavo fino a pochi giorni fa, ma dopo aver fatto le cose basilari non molto\n<Norby26> XD\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, uhm, allora entra in sorgenti software e togli la spunta dalle altre voci\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, lascia soltanto quella dei cd rom\n<Norby26> Sicuro'\n<Norby26> ?\n<cristian_c_> del\n<Norby26> Ah capito\n<cristian_c_> sì\n<cristian_c_> tanto le riattivi dopo\n<Norby26> La spunta è su\n<Norby26> cd rom\n<Norby26> Indipendente\n<Norby26> Indipendente (Codice sorgente)\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, lasciala solo su cd rom\n<Norby26> Ok\n<Norby26> Fatto\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, il cd è già inserito?\n<cristian_c_> o dvd\n<Norby26> Sì\n<Norby26> CD-R\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, chiudi e riprovi\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, l'importante è che sia il disco di installazione\n<Norby26> Riprovo a fare cosa?\n<cristian_c_> a verificare\n<cristian_c_> nella finestra principale\n<Norby26> Cosa dovrebbe esserci nella finestra principale?\n<cristian_c_> io ho due pulstanti, installa aggiornamenti e Verifica\n<cristian_c_> !apt | Norby26\n<ubot-it> Norby26: apt-get is http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Apt\n<Norby26> Ho chiuso e sono ritornato su aggiornamenti software\n<Norby26> e ci sta la stessa cosa di prima\n<Norby26> Io su aggiornamenti software ho:\n<Norby26> Scaricamento delle informazioni del repository non riuscito controllare la propria connessione a internet\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, ho pensato una cosa: apri il cd con il file manager\n<Norby26> File manager?\n<cristian_c_> sì\n<cristian_c_> pcmanfm\n<Norby26> ok\n<Norby26> Ok\n<cristian_c_> vai sul cd\n<Norby26> eccolo\n<Norby26> Pool?\n<cristian_c_> sì\n<cristian_c_> restricted\n<Norby26> Poi restricted?\n<Norby26> Ok\n<cristian_c_> b\n<Norby26> Ho s\n<cristian_c_> e basta\n<cristian_c_> ?\n<Norby26> sì\n<cristian_c_> allora s\n<Norby26> dentro sl-modem\n<cristian_c_> bcmwl\n<cristian_c_> mmmmmm\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, se è come mi dici, questa cosa satrebbe da far presente a chi mantiene la guida wiki\n<cristian_c_> *sarebbe\n<Norby26> Uso Lubuntu 13.04\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, proviamo con il metodo che ho utilizzato io in passato (sia per ubuntu che per debian9\n<Norby26> Il file comunque è : sl-modem-daemon_2.9.11-20110321-8_i386.deb\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=+b43-fwcutter&searchon=names&suite=raring&section=all\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, mi hai dato un suggerimento per un altro mio problema, grazie :)\n<Norby26> Di fw cutter ne ho 1 sul pen drive\n<cristian_c_> chiuso offtopic\n<Norby26> Ah sì? XD\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, usa quello che ti ho indicato\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, non so da dove l'hai preso tu\n<cristian_c_> http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=+b43-fwcutter&searchon=names&suite=raring&section=all\n<Norby26> Lo devo scaricare sul pen drive?\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, che versione di lubuntu hai installato? i386 o amd64\n<cristian_c_> ?\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, digita: uname -m\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, sì\n<cristian_c_> da windows\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, mentre il comando lo digiti in ubuntu\n<Norby26> i386\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, http://packages.ubuntu.com/raring/b43-fwcutter\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, http://packages.ubuntu.com/raring/i386/b43-fwcutter/download\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, scegli un mirror e te lo scarichi\n<cristian_c_> il deb\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, cancella il pacchetto che avevi scaricato in precedenza, altrimenti fai confusione\n<Norby26> ok\n<Norby26> Un mirror a caso?\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, beh, non saprei\n<cristian_c_> io ne ho scelto uno vicino\n<cristian_c_> dovrebbe scaricare comunque\n<cristian_c_> http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/b/b43-fwcutter/b43-fwcutter_015-14_i386.deb\n<Norby26> europe?\n<cristian_c_> http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/b/b43-fwcutter/b43-fwcutter_015-14_i386.deb\n<cristian_c_> digita questo\n<Norby26> Ok\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, appena fatto, digita anche questo: http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/patch/patch_2.6.1-3ubuntu2_i386.deb\n<Norby26> e poi sposto tutto sulla pen drive USB?\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, hai scaricato i due deb?\n<cristian_c_> dai due indirizzi che ho indicato\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, basta che copi l'indirizzo nel browser e scarichi automaticamente\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, dimmi quando hai fatto\n<Norby26> sposto suulla pen drive?\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, hai scaricato?\n<Norby26> Sulla+\n<cristian_c_> ?\n<Norby26> sì\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, digita questo: http://downloads.openwrt.org/sources/wl_apsta-\n<Norby26> scaricati su questo pc\n<cristian_c_> nel browser\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, anche quest'ultimo?\n<Norby26> sì\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, ora scarica infine: http://mirror2.openwrt.org/sources/broadcom-wl-\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, digita l'indirizzo nel browser\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, dimmi quando hai fatto\n<Norby26> ok tutti e 3\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, quattro vorrai dire\n<cristian_c_> http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/b/b43-fwcutter/b43-fwcutter_015-14_i386.deb\n<cristian_c_> http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/patch/patch_2.6.1-3ubuntu2_i386.deb\n<Norby26> S' tutti e 4\n<cristian_c_> http://downloads.openwrt.org/sources/wl_apsta-\n<Norby26> Cutter, patch, apsta e broadcom\n<cristian_c_> http://mirror2.openwrt.org/sources/broadcom-wl-\n<Norby26> Sì tutti questi\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, spostali sulla pendrive\n<Norby26> ok\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, hai cancellato quello che c'era prima?\n<cristian_c_> quello scaricato in precedenza?\n<Norby26> Sì, ora meto questi\n<Norby26> metto*\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, una volta collegata al pc con ubuntu, copia i quattro file nella tua home\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, dimmi quando hai fatto\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, e installa i due .deb facendo doppio clic su di essi\n<Norby26> In che ordine?\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, boh, per i due deb prova dal primo\n<cristian_c_> io parlo dei deb\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, fatto?\n<Norby26> Ancora no, scusami, ma ho dei problemi di lag con questo pc, ma ci vorrà poco!\n<cristian_c_> -,-\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, magari, prima di domani :D\n<Norby26> Eccomi!\n<Norby26> Ho copiato i file nella home XD\n<cristian_c_> -,-\n<Marco90> ciao a tutti scrivo per un problema relativo al mio pc uso ubuntu 13.04 64 bit e il mio problema è che lo schermo così come il sisitema si freeza senza poter far niente\n<Norby26> Ok, ora installo i due deb?\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, certo\n<Norby26> Ho fatto tasto sinistro\n<Norby26> Mi da\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, doppio clic\n<Norby26> AH ok\n<cristian_c_> 17:01:53 <cristian_c_> Norby26, e installa i due .deb facendo doppio clic su di essi\n<Norby26> Ok\n<cristian_c_> basta leggere\n<Norby26> mi dice\n<Norby26> DIpendenze non integre\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, hai installato qualche driver video?\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, il pc è vecchio?\n<Marco90> si i proprietari ati\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, posta una schermata\n<cristian_c_> non è possibile\n<Norby26> Cristian, quando apro mi dice dipendenze non integre\n<Norby26> Lo installo via terminale?\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ i proprietari ati e no il pc è praticamente nuovo\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, tutti e due?\n<Norby26> Sì, tutti e due\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, ti do il comano\n<cristian_c_> *comando\n<Norby26> Ok\n<Norby26> Installo prima uno o l'altro?\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, sudo dpkg -i nome_pacchetto.deb\n<cristian_c_> sì\n<Norby26> Prima cutter o patch?\n<cristian_c_> prova\n<cristian_c_> quello che vuoi\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, come li hai installati?ù\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ dai dirver aggiuntivi ma avevo provato anche con i driver del sito ati\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, direi che è una possibile causa di casini\n<Norby26> Ok il primo sembra essere andato (fw cutter)\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, come hai disinstallato i driver del sito?\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, alleluia\n<Norby26> Ha estratto, configurato, e poi l'ultima stringa è ''Elaborazione dei trigger per man-db..''\n<Norby26> E finisce così\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, ti ritorna il prompt?\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ per sicurezza avevo reinstallato il sistema in toto\n<Norby26> sì\n<Norby26> Sì, mi torna il @ :-S\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, installati tutti e due?\n<Norby26> Solo cutter\n<Norby26> vado col secondo?\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, anche l'altro deb\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, mi interessa quello che hai fatto dopo aver installato il sistema\n<cristian_c_> non prima\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ ho installato il sistema ho installato i dirver e ho aggiornato tutto il sistema\n<Norby26> cristian\n<Norby26> sembrerebbe andato anche il secondo\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, quali driver?\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, ok\n<cristian_c_> alleluia\n<Norby26> E finisce sempre Elaborazione del trigger per man-db..\n<Marco90> i proprietari da dirver aggiuntivi\n<Norby26> E torna il prompt\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, tar xfvj broadcom-wl-\n<Norby26> ok\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, quindi non quelli del sito?\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ esatto\n<Norby26> Ok, andato pure questo!\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, anche con gli open ci sonpo problemi?\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ mentre con gli open avevo sempre la ventola che andava forte\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, hai doppia scheda?\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, sudo b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware wl_apsta-\n<Marco90> ho una hd 5870 e non ricordo se il processore ne ha una integrata è un core i5 2500k\n<Norby26> Sei sicuro?\n<Norby26> XD\n<Norby26> Io procedo...!\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, procedi\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, la ventola andava forte sostanzialmente per un motivo\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, avevi tutte e due le schede accese\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, ecco perché andava a palla\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ la ventola della scheda intendo\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ comunque ok\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, sì, in ogni caso il problema è quello che ho indicato\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, è un problema di doppia scheda\n<Norby26> cristian_c_, sembrerebbe andato pure questo\n<Marco90> ok e come lo risolvo??\n<cristian_c_> !graficaibrida | Marco90\n<ubot-it> Marco90: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/Video/GraficaIbrida | Vedi anche http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/Video/GraficaIbrida/Bumblebee http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/Video/GraficaIbrida/Acpi_call http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/AbilitareDriverProprietari\n<cristian_c_> jester-, ho inaugurato la voce del bot\n * cristian_c_ taglia il nastro\n<Marco90> premetto che non mi interessano le prestazioni dato che non gioco basta avere un sistema stabile\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, primo link\n<Norby26> cristian_c_, ho fatto il comando\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, sudo b43-fwcutter --unsupported -w /lib/firmware broadcom-wl-\n<Norby26> mimo?\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, digita anche quello qui sopra\n<Norby26> O.o\n<Norby26> Ok\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ ok\n<Norby26> Cristian\n<Norby26> Ma broadcom-wl-4.150 ecc. tutto attaccato\n<Norby26> ?\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ e quale metodo conviene usare?\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, io ti suggerisco l'utilizzo di acpi_call che spegne la scheda deidcata (ati)\n<cristian_c_> *dedicata\n<cristian_c_> tanto non ti interessa usarla\n<Norby26> Cristian ci sei?\n<Norby26> XD\n<Norby26> Ma broadcom-wl-\n<Norby26> è attaccato o staccato da ecc.?\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, sudo b43-fwcutter --unsupported -w /lib/firmware broadcom-wl-\n<cristian_c_> così com'è\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ ok grazie ads provo\n<Norby26> eh ma qui va accapo\n<cristian_c_> è uguale\n<Norby26> ok\n<guruntu> ciao\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ quindi poi che driver devo usare??\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, non ti devi preoccupare, perché la scheda intel utilizza soltanto un driver\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, l'ati viene proprio spenta\n<Norby26> cristian_c_, andato pure questo\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, a, prima di fare tutta l'operazione, disinstalla i driver proprietari\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, sì è acceso il led?\n<Norby26> Quale?\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, wireless\n<Norby26> no..\n<guruntu> ragazzi ho installato da poco ubuntu sul mio portatile asus k53s ma su ubuntu posso installare i driver del mio pc usando il cd originale del pc?\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, Abilitare i driver STA tramite il gestore driver.\n<Norby26> OK\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, che in realtà sono i b43\n<Norby26> Ah\n<Norby26> OK\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, ma tu apri Driver aggiuntivi\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, e abilita il driver proprietario\n<Norby26> Cristian\n<cristian_c_> guruntu, c'era windows sul pc?\n<Norby26> dove trovo il gestore driver? prima lo avevo visto ma mi son dimenticato\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ ok ads provo ma il link di acpi_call non mi funziona\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, sorgenti software\n<guruntu> sul portatile si mente su un pc fisso ho solo ubuntu\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, quale link?\n<giova> ?\n<cristian_c_> guruntu, allora la risposta è no, dato che quelli sono driver per windows\n<guruntu> e come fCCIO A RIATTIVARE L'AUDIO SUL FISSO?\n<giova> sera, ho intallato ubu 13.04: è scomparso l'ubdate manager del 12? qua vedo software updater e software&updates: quale uso? Perchè non mi  trova i driver grafici automanticamente come l'altro?\n<Marco90>  cristian_c_ http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/Video/GraficaIbrida/Acpi_call\n<Norby26> cristian_c_ sono su Driver aggiuntivi\n<cristian_c_> giova, li trovi in sorgenti software\n<Norby26> Ma è vuoto\n<cristian_c_> guruntu, stai parlando di due problemi diversi?\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, hai ripristinato sorgenti software?\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, prima che ti dicessi di aggiungere e togliere spunte\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, cosa non funziona?\n<Norby26> Ah, devo rimettere le spunte su indipendente?\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, rimetti tutto com'era prima\n<giova> dov'è \"sorgenti software\"?\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, togliendo quella del cd\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ la guida descritta nel link non mi funziona cioè nel terminale mi da errore\n<Norby26> ok ho ripristinato\n<cristian_c_> giova, dal gestore aggiornamenti\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, qualche dettaglio in più non guasterebbe\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, ora, digita: jockey-text\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, ora, digita: jockey-text -l\n<cristian_c_> ops\n<guruntu> CRISTIAN TI RIPONGO LA PRIMA DOMANDA  DA COMPUTER FISSO CON INSTALLATO SOLO UBUNTU POSSO INSTALLARE I DRIVER DELLA CHEDA MADRE DEL MIO PC OPPURE COME DEVO FARE?\n<Norby26> Il driver proprietari è vuoto\n<Norby26> Ah, devo digitare questo da terminale?\n<Norby26> jockey-text -l?\n<giova> dov è il gestore aggiornamenti?\n<Norby26> (elle)\n<cristian_c_> !maiuscolo | guruntu\n<ubot-it> guruntu: Non scrivere in maiuscolo nel canale, equivale ad urlare e non e' un comportamento gradito nel canale. grazie.\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, sì\n<cristian_c_> giova, usi unity?\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ uso questo comando  git clone https://github.com/marcoDallas/acpi_call_GUI.git cd acpi_call_GUI sudo chmod +x install.sh sudo ./install\n<Marco90> cristian_c_\n<Marco90> fatal: il path di destinazione 'acpi_call_GUI' esiste già e non è una directory vuota.\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, uesto è il comando: git clone https://github.com/marcoDallas/acpi_call_GUI.git\n<Marco90> questo è l'errore\n<Norby26> Jockey: comando non trovato, cristian_c_\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, hai messo tutto insieme\n<giova> si\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, quelli sono altri comandi\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, hai digitato male, penspo\n<cristian_c_> *penso\n<cristian_c_> giova, apri la dash\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ sisi ma mi da questo errore fatal: il path di destinazione 'acpi_call_GUI' esiste già e non è una directory vuota\n<giova> e poi?\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, digita: pwd\n<cristian_c_> giova, cerca l'applicazione\n<Norby26> AH è vero non ho messo la stanghetta\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ ok poi?\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, magari avevi la J maiuscola\n<giova> è in inglese, lo chiamano \"update manager\"?\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, che esce?\n<cristian_c_> giova, va benissimo\n<giova> non c'è\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ con pwd esce questo /home/marco\n<cristian_c_> giova, cosa?\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, ok\n<Norby26> cristian_c_ Il programma ''jockey-text può essere trovato nei seguenti pacchetti * jockey-common * jockey common, Provare sudo apt-get install <PACCHETTO SELEZIONATO>\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, cd acpi_call_GUI\n<giova> update manager che tanto adoro\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, digita in un terminale: sudo apt-get update\n<cristian_c_> uhm\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ fatto\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, asp\n<Norby26> ok\n<Norby26> lo digito?\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, sì\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, il problema è che non sei connesso\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, fai una cosa\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, digita: cat /etc/apt/sources.list\n<GURUNTU> CIAO A TUTTI\n<Norby26> Ok\n<cristian_c_> !maiuscolo | GURUNTU\n<ubot-it> GURUNTU: Non scrivere in maiuscolo nel canale, equivale ad urlare e non e' un comportamento gradito nel canale. grazie.\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, sudo chmod +x install.sh\n<giova> ha fatto qualcosa\n<Norby26> cristian_c_ l'ho fatto ma mi da un codice lunghissimo che finisce con: ##This software is not part of ubuntu, but is offered by third-party ecc.\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ ok mi chiede la password e torna come prima\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, senza errori?\n<Norby26> cristian_c_ ma dice qualcosa a proposito del canonical ed ho visto alcune spunte prima riguardanti questa cosa qua\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ si scrivo sudo chmod +x install.sh poi metto la password e torno qua marco@marco-MS-7758:~/acpi_call_GUI$\n<giova> ma allora si può o no installare sti driver\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, sudo ./install\n<cristian_c_> giova, sì\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ comando non trovato\n<giova> ricordo che prima li cercava da solo, vorrei capire perchè adesso non lo fa\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, ricapitoliamo: io ti ho fatto installare il firmware/driver giusto\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, i b43\n<cristian_c_> giova, hai aperto il gestore aggiornamenti?\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, sei nella stessa directory?\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, pwd\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, e fin qui ci siamo\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, ora non ti resta che abilitarli tramite il gestore driver\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, che però tale gestore sembra non esserci per un qualche motivo\n<cristian_c_> Norby26, quindi, il più è fatto\n<giova> cristian_c_, non lo trovo\n<Marco90> cristian_c in che senso scusa ma ci capisco poco :(\n<cristian_c_> giova, update-manager\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, digita: pwd\n<giova> solo \"software updater\"\n<Marco90> cristian_c ok\n<cristian_c_> giova, va benissimo\n<Marco90> cristian_c poi?\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, che esce?\n<giova> cristian_c_, si, ma lui mi dice che tutto il software è aggiornatao\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ marco@marco-MS-7758:~/acpi_call_GUI/acpi_call_GUI$\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, esce questo?\n<cristian_c_> giova, pulsante Impostazioni\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ si\n<giova> cristian_c_ sipoi\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, ls -l\n<cristian_c_> giova, poi, Driver aggiuntivi\n<giova> cristian_c_ si poi?\n<cristian_c_> giova, e ci sei arrivato\n<cristian_c_> XD\n<giova> cristian_c_ non c'è niente li dentro\n<cristian_c_> giova, che scheda video hai?\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ ok fatto\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, su pasebin\n<cristian_c_> !pastebin | Marco90\n<ubot-it> Marco90: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<giova> 2 ati in chrossfire\n<cristian_c_> giova, modelli?\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/5694101/\n<giova> bo, fra le prime hd version da 1 gb l'una, ma non avevo mai avuto problemi prima d' ora\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, hai fatto un po' un casino\n<akis24> sera\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ immagino :(\n<cristian_c_> giova, mi interessano i modelli\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ quindi che faccio?\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, cd .\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ chiudo e riapro il teminale prima?\n<cristian_c_> no\n<cristian_c_> o meglio sì\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ok fatto\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, poi digita cd acpi_call_GUI\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ ok\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, e poi: ls -l\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ ok fatto\n<cristian_c_> su pastebin\n<cristian_c_> giova, te li ricordi?\n<Marco90> cristian_c_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/5694122/\n<cristian_c_> -rwxrwxr-x 1 marco marco 2185 mag 23 17:28 install.sh\n<cristian_c_> il file c'è\n<cristian_c_> sudo ./install\n<Marco90> sudo: ./install: comando non trovato\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, evidentemente, stai facendo di testa tua\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, pwd\n<Marco90> no sto seguendo quello che mi dici\n<Marco90> si fatto\n<Marco90> poi?\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, che esce?\n<Marco90> questo /home/marco/acpi_call_GUI\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, il file install c'è\n<cristian_c_> -rwxrwxr-x 1 marco marco 2185 mag 23 17:28 install.sh\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, forse ho capito\n<cristian_c_> mmmmmmm\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, prova in un altro modo\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, sh install.sh\n<cristian_c_> dovrebbe andare\n<Marco90> si vedo la cartella nella mia home infatti\n<Marco90> ok\n<cristian_c_> se non va, ci aggiungi sudo\n<Marco90> ok\n<Marco90> sta scaricando qualcosa\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, finalmente\n<Marco90> fatto\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, java -jar acpi_call_GUI.jar\n<cristian_c_> Marco90, e poi continua a seguire la guida wiki\n<Marco90> ok grazie mille\n<giova> noooo è scomparso!\n<Norby26> cristian_c_ ci sei?\n<akhilleus> ciao a tutti\n<cri> ciao\n<URUS> aiuto\n<URUS> ubutnu ha riscontrato un errore interno\n<it-39> sera ciao URUS\n<URUS> it-39: /sera me sai aiutare\n<it-39> URUS credo propio di no :(\n<it-39> anzi credo di aver bisogno io di aiuto!\n<URUS> it-39: dimmi se posso\n<it-39> non so come settarei parametri per  /dev/ttyUSB0 da terminale.... la seriale a quanto pare funziona solo su win e non capisco il perche\n<URUS> it-39: ha n on posso aveve provato anche io ma non ho finito\n<URUS> prova con\n<URUS> gtk-term\n<it-39> provato non va\n<it-39> da caratteri strani\n<URUS> combia la velocita\n<URUS> i baud\n<jester-> it-39: perchè forse non carica il driver\n<it-39> su win con iperterminal va a 115200\n<URUS> o prova con un altra\n<it-39> no i driver li carica perche se disconnetto il cavo non mi vede piu' /dev/ttyUSB0\n<URUS> jester-: eccoti tu sei il tipo giusto :)\n<jester-> it-39: usb0 non è porta seriale\n<URUS> ubuntu 13.10 mi da errori\n<URUS> ubutnu ha riscontrato un errore interno\n<it-39> e un cavo che converte usb to serial\n<jester-> che ci fai cona una porta seriale di questi tempi\n<URUS> jester-: ttl\n<jester-> it-39: non penso che garbi a linux\n<it-39> un router devo ricaricarci il firmware .... si jester ttl\n<jester-> it-39: ruter usb ancora\n<jester-> ma vanno max a 2 giga\n<it-39> ma no seiale ttl usb\n<jester-> adsl?\n<it-39> connessa al router\n<jester-> it-39: router?\n<it-39> d-link 2640b\n<jester-> e quando mai esiste un rutter com\n<URUS> jester-: non è com\n<jester-> non hai porte com sul pc?\n<it-39> jester il router ha l'ingresso per la seriale\n<jester-> URUS: seriale che è\n<URUS> ma tramite pin di programmazione ttl\n<it-39> esatto\n<jester-> URUS: com1 e 2 sono le seriali\n<jester-> poi c'è c'era la parallela\n<it-39> su win questo cavo crea una com virtuale com 6\n<jester-> it-39: win sarà attrezzato per farlo\n<jester-> serve sempre un driver\n<jester-> a sapere quel'è su linux\n<it-39> jester scusa  se ubuntu non aveva il driver avrebbe riconoscito la usb quando inserisco il cavo?\n<psyco_> ciao  c'è nessuno\n<psyco_> ??\n<psyco_> ho  bisogno di una dritta\n<psyco_> salve\n<psyco_> c'è qualcuno\n<URUS> psyco_: dire\n<URUS> di cosa hai bisogno\n<psyco_> ok\n<URUS> poi te diciamo se ci siamo o no\n<URUS> :P\n<fastciuccenfurio> dipende\n<psyco_> praticamente volevo sapere se la batteria impostata a ricarica mx  80 per cento  su windows  puo essere ripristinata alla normale carica di 100 per 100 su ubuntu 13.04\n<URUS> non ci sono\n<psyco_> il  mio è un samsun con funzionalita energy con invidia optimum come le posso  sfruttare?   su  ubuntu ?\n<psyco_>   su window  ho  parechie  opzioni di  risparmio energetico  ecc qui  non ne  vedo  alcuna\n<psyco_> dovro tornare a window 7?\n<Norby26> Non mi si apre chronium\n<psyco_> aspetto risposta\n<psyco_> c'è nessuno?\n<jester-> !nessuno | psyco_\n<ubot-it> psyco_: se nessuno parla in canale non significa che non ci siano utenti attivi. Fate la vostra domanda  tecnica e se qualcuno vorrà rispondervi lo farà\n<psyco_> troppo  tempo\n<jester-> ??\n<jester-> mah\n<Andrea_> salve c'è qualcuno?\n<Andrea_> sono nuovo, posso fare una domanda tecnica?\n<jester-> !chiedi | Andrea_\n<ubot-it> Andrea_: per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<Andrea_> beh non rispondeva nessuno, comunque... Dunque sto usando tramite cd ubuntu 11.10  ma non l'ho installato perchè ho l'hard disk difettoso e per adesso non posso comprarlo, mi chiedevo, posso continuare a utilizzare ubuntu tramite cd o c'è il rischio che riavviando il pc io perda tutte le personalizzazioni fatte (firefox, programmi, ecc)?\n<jester-> Andrea_: cd non è scrivibile e perdi le aggiuntem su usb puoi settare uno spazio aggiuntivo per cambiamenti e dati\n<Carmine__> Ciao scusa posso chiederti delle info\n<Carmine__> _\n<Carmine__> ?\n<Andrea_> quindi posso, per così dire, installarlo su usb e usare sempre quella?\n<Carmine__>  il mio portatile non parte vista, il cd ripristino e in italia quindi vorrei recuperare prima I Miei dati prima di fare il recovery, ho letto che con Linux live e possible, la VERSIONE UBUNTU 12.04.2 ma una Volta che lo la con Linux dopo posso ripristinarlo a windows o mi rimane Linux fammi sapere\n<Carmine__> E MI PERMETTE DI AVVIARLO LIVE?\n<Liink> Ciao a tutti, volevo chiedervi una cosa... gioco ad un gioco \"Browser\" si chiama HaxBall, per giocarci serve Adobe Flash... il mio problema qual'è che io quando creo una stanza per far giocare le persone... diciamo che non laggano ma dopo un pò inizia a scattarmi e a scattargli, lo stesso quando entro nelle stanze degli altri dopo poco mi comincia a scattare, per quale motivo ? Ad esempio su windows non mi da questo problema\n<jester-> Carmine__: se non installi non cambia nulla sul disco del pc\n<jester-> Liink: che flash hai messo\n<Liink> jester-, quello dell'installaziomne\n<jester-> Liink: cioè?\n<jester-> c'è adob e ciofeca gnash\n<jester-> Liink: dpkg -l | egrep 'ndis|swf|gnash|flash|nsplugin'   fa vedere la risposta nel paste\n<jester-> !paste | Liink\n<ubot-it> Liink: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<jester-> Liink: cucuuu\n<dod> andato..\n<Liink> jester-, eccomi scusami\n<Liink> jester-,http://paste.ubuntu.com/5694586/\n<Liink> Ciao a tutti, volevo chiedervi una cosa... gioco ad un gioco \"Browser\" si chiama HaxBall, per giocarci serve Adobe Flash... il mio problema qual'è che io quando creo una stanza per far giocare le persone... diciamo che non laggano ma dopo un pò inizia a scattarmi e a scattargli, lo stesso quando entro nelle stanze degli altri dopo poco mi comincia a scattare, per quale motivo ? Ad esempio su windows non mi da questo problema\n<Liink> jester-, Ciao eccomi scusami\n<URUS> cri ?\n<URUS> jester- ?\n<URUS> si è verificato un problemma a un programma di sistema\n<URUS> segnalare il problemma adesso ?\n<URUS> cosa devo fare\n<URUS> e come posso risolvere ?\n<URUS> come scelte ho\n<Liink> Ciao a tutti, volevo chiedervi una cosa... gioco ad un gioco \"Browser\" si chiama HaxBall, per giocarci serve Adobe Flash... il mio problema qual'è che io quando creo una stanza per far giocare le persone... diciamo che non laggano ma dopo un pò inizia a scattarmi e a scattargli, lo stesso quando entro nelle stanze degli altri dopo poco mi comincia a scattare, per quale motivo ? Ad esempio su windows non mi da questo problema\n<URUS> annulla e segnalle il problemma e la x per chiudere\n<URUS> un altro errore\n<URUS> # /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/indicator-applet-complete\n<Liink> jester-, appena puoi scrivimi ti prego\n<cri> ciao\n<Liink> CIao\n<akhilleus> sera\n<cri> akhilleus: ciao\n<Liink> Sera\n<Liink> Ciao a tutti, volevo chiedervi una cosa... gioco ad un gioco \"Browser\" si chiama HaxBall, per giocarci serve Adobe Flash... il mio problema qual'è che io quando creo una stanza per far giocare le persone... diciamo che non laggano ma dopo un pò inizia a scattarmi e a scattargli, lo stesso quando entro nelle stanze degli altri dopo poco mi comincia a scattare, per quale motivo ? Ad esempio su windows non mi da questo problema\n<Riccardone> tiè : http://news.wintricks.it/web/sicurezza/37697/internet-explorer-10-e-il-piu-sicuro/\n<w4x> ciao\n<Riccardone> w4x ciao\n<w4x> chi mi aiuta?! devo aprire un programma di windows con wine ma non riesco perchè questo programma mi chiede di eseguirlo come amministratore\n<w4x> ciao Riccardone\n<Riccardone> chi ti chiede di eseguire come Amministratore cosa ?\n<Riccardone> w4x : apri un terminale e digita \"sudo wine\"\n<w4x> ok\n<w4x> fatto\n<Riccardone> è partito ?\n<w4x> Usage: wine PROGRAM [ARGUMENTS...]   Run the specified program\n<w4x>        wine --help                   Display this help and exit\n<w4x>        wine --version                Output version information and exit\n<w4x> questo è quello che mi compare\n<Riccardone> http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/viewtopic.php?t=512801\n<Riccardone> http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/viewtopic.php?t=359271\n<Riccardone> vedi se può fare al caso tuo ..\n<w4x> ok grazie\n<filippo> sera ragazzi\n<filippo> come faccio da live cd a sapere se il pc ha memoria grafica e quanta ne ha?\n<jester-> filippo: memoria grafica?\n<filippo> si memoria dedicata o condivisa della scheda grafica\n<filippo> jester-,  pardon, scheda video\n<jester-> filippo:  free -m e vedi la ram\n<jester-> filippo: top vedi i servizi\n<filippo> grazie jester-\n<Rik_84> >Salve a tutti, ho installato ubuntu 13.04 su un portatile ma l'unica cosa che non va e la regolazione della luminosità col tasto fn... Qualcuno e in grado di aiutarmi?\n<jester-> Rik_84: marca tipo?\n<Rik_84> jester, acer one 756\n<jester-> Rik_84: prova a riavviare al menu grub pigi il tasto e\n<jester-> Rik_84: cerca la riga con quiet slpash e aggiungi: acpi_osi=Linux   acpi_backlight=vendor\n<jester-> Rik_84: se funza lo si rende definitivo\n<Rik_84> jester-, ora provo\n<jester-> Rik_84: una volta aggiunta la stringa F10 per fare il boot\n<URUS> mi date una mano devo installare un kernel inferiore\n<Rik_84> jester-, non va\n<jester-> Rik_84: scritto bene?\n<jester-> dopo spalsh?\n<jester-> splash\n<Rik_84> jester-, nella riga di splah ho fatto spazio e digitato quello che mi hai detto\n<jester-> Rik_84: non mi viene in mente altro\n<Rik_84> con la 12.04 avevo seguito un comando e poi andava ma non lo trovo\n<Rik_84> jester-, grazie lo stesso provo a navigare ancora un po nei forum... grazie\n<Rik_84> ciao\n<IraDivina> jessy te ne intendi di qtdesigner?\n<jester-> IraDivina: none\n<IraDivina> :(\n<Valgio63> jester-, ciao, ci sei o sei già a nanna?\n<Valgio63> jester-, ok, sei a nanna!\n<jester-> Valgio63: cu fu\n<Valgio63> jester-, ti volevo salutare , finalmente ho quasi ottimizzato la mia distro e sono quasi pronto per un remastersis/backup!\n<jester-> ciumbia\n<Valgio63> jester-, manca veramente poco!\n<jester-> Valgio63: 13.04?\n<Valgio63> jester-, 12.04.2, dubito che il pc mi regga la 13.04!ho qualche picoproblema con Mate ma direi di poco conto, non mi piace nessuno dei temi predefiniti!\n<jester-> Valgio63: facile che te lo velocizzi con kubuntu\n<Valgio63> Anche l'amiance che uso qui su gnome viene decisamente diverso!\n<Valgio63> ambiance!\n<Valgio63> jester-, perchè kde è pi lesto?\n<jester-> eeepc è rinato\n<jester-> con le qt4 pare disi\n<Valgio63> jester-, dagli con sti' refusi di tastiera! Uhmmmm ma devo reinstallare il tutto o posso provare ad installarlo qui?\n<jester-> adesso che hai\n<Valgio63> jester-, Ubuntu!\n<jester-> si ma non 13\n<jester-> Valgio63: prova la live\n<Valgio63> Con Gnome,Mate e Cairo (anche se non gira...troppo vecchio!\n<Valgio63> jester-, potrei provare in seguito, ma gli effetti di compiz vanno anche li? non ho mai provato kde.\n<jester-> li ha per conto suo gli effetti, compiz non è piu sviluppato\n<Valgio63> jester-, ganzo! quasi quasi ci provo! ovvio che in live però non gireranno, anche perchè se è come ubuntu devo sempre avviare in nomodeset, i nouveau non mi vanno!\n<jester-> prova da usb\n<Valgio63> jester-, finisco di personalizzare il mio, e poi lo installo sull'ha, poi kubuntu lo metto sul disco di prova! Dove ho questo adesso.\n<Valgio63> jester-, la struttura è uguale? ovvero le cartelle del file system, grub etc.?\n<Valgio63> jester-, dovrebbe no? in fondo sempre debian è!\n<jester-> Valgio63: secondo me è anche un po meglio\n<jester-> grub è piu aggiornato come versione, quello whhezy è da tristezza\n<Valgio63> jester-, di debian? certo! ho finito stamani di personalizzare un Mint Maya al lavoro stamani!\n<jester-> certo che per lavorare i tarocchi....\n<Valgio63> jester-, sai chi lo usa ha usato sempre xp.......già il fatto di avere il menù al contrario me li metteva in tilt!\n<Valgio63> jester-, \" Ma dovè il tasto START?????\" Non c'è c...ne!\n<Valgio63> jester-, Vedo che con quello vanno un po' meglio. Tanto per quello che devono fare..........!\n<jester-> Valgio63: per le tipe serve kde che è quello piu convenzionale\n<jester-> unity non ha senso e gnome 3 è zoppo e pare stia per essere abbandonato\n<Valgio63> jester-, MAGARI CI FOSSE UN PO? DI F... DA ME! Le uniche tipe sono ai piani alti delle FS!!\n<Valgio63> jester-, Tutti maschietti!\n<Valgio63> jester-, ce ne una di Bastia Umbra che....se avessi un po' meno anni e non fossi sposato! e una Riz......zi!\n<jester-> sigh\n<Valgio63> jester-, Non vorrei esser troppo volgare!\n<Valgio63> jester-, Ma è proprio BONA. Due pozze la posto degli occhi! E tutte le curve al posto giusto!\n<Valgio63> jester-, partito lo scaricamento. Mi va a singhiozzo, non ho mai capito se il problema è il pc o questi aggeggi che mi fanno la rete con la corrente a 220??? Boh! LOL\n<jester-> sono i server\n<Valgio63> jester-, altri 17 minuti poi lo metto sull'usb con multisystem. Grazie per ora ci risentiamo.\n<Valgio63> 'NOTTE A TUTTI!!!! XD\n<jester-> notte\n<Guest3362> ciao ragazzi potreste aiutarmi con linux ubuntu?????????\n#ubuntu-it 2013-05-24\n<URUS> ragazzi non mi compare crea nuovo documento con il tasto destro\n<URUS> ubuntu13.10\n<URUS> che a quanto pare è 13.04\n<weltall> ci sono stato meno ad installare arch che windows XD\n<cri> giorno\n<massy> giorno\n<cri> .-.\n<glpiana> ola\n<akis24> giorno\n<cristian_c> ciao\n<cristian_c> il problema è questo: da un po' di tempo ho notato che non funzionano più i tasti volume del laptop. Ad esempio, il tasto toggle funziona in parte perché se lo premo, l'audio viene disattivato ma, se lo premo nuovamente, non viene riattivato\n<cristian_c> Qualche idea?\n<flavio> ciao\n<Guest45919> cia\n<Guest45919> ciao\n<Guest45919> qualcuno mi può aiutare con 12.04\n<cristian_c> !qualcuno | Guest45919\n<ubot-it> Guest45919: la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera'\n<Guest45919> ok\n<Guest45919> io ho ubuntu 12.04 lts andava benissimo fino a un mesetto fa\n<Guest45919> facevo gli aggiornamenti finchè\n<Guest45919> un giorno dopo un aggiornamento accendo ubuntu apro firefox o chrome navigo un pò e poi nautilisu mi si imballa in modo pazzesco\n<Guest45919> che nn funziona più niente e devo spegnere un i7 con il pulsante....\n<cristian_c> Guest45919, digita questo comando: cat /etc/apt/sources.list && ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/\n<cristian_c> !paste | Guest45919\n<ubot-it> Guest45919: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<mettiu> Si tratta di uno script per il menu contestuale di nautilus, quindi copiatelo in /home/utente/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/ e rendetelo eseguibile. Accetto commenti e consigli\n<mettiu> mi dite cosa devo fare per fare questo ?\n<mettiu> grazie\n<cristian_c> mettiu, ?\n<mettiu> si io\n<cristian_c> mettiu, riparti dall'inizio\n<cristian_c> XD\n<mettiu> buongiorno\n<cristian_c> ok\n<mettiu> ho letto da qualche parte che non si deve presentarsi dire chi mi aiuta e robe del genere.\n<mettiu> chiedo scusa\n<mettiu> http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/viewtopic.php?t=130422\n<cristian_c> mettiu, sì, ma il problema sì\n<mettiu> devo convertire\n<glpiana> mettiu, su che versione di ubuntu sei?\n<mettiu> molte .nef in jpg\n<Guest45919> io  nn ho capito cosa fare..\n<mettiu> nef il formato di raw di nikon\n<mettiu> come faccio a dirti che versione uso ?\n<Guest45919> devo incollare quel comando lì e poi?\n<cristian_c> Guest45919, ok, apri il terminale e digita il comando che ho indicato\n<cristian_c> Guest45919, poi, utilizza pastebin per incollare il risultato\n<cristian_c> mettiu, lsb_release -a\n<glpiana> mettiu, se non sai il numero della versione che hai installato, apri un terminale e scrivi: lsb_release -r\n<mettiu> 12.10\n<mettiu> ho uno script trovato nella pagine che vi ho linkato\n<glpiana> mettiu, ora nel terminale scrivi: ls .gnome2/nautilus-scripts/\n<mettiu> ls: impossibile accedere a .gnome2/nautilus-scripts/: File o directory non esistente\n<cristian_c> dev'essere creata\n<mettiu> ok fatto\n<mettiu> ha fatto\n<glpiana> mettiu, scrivi: locate nautilus-scripts\n<mettiu> ok\n<glpiana> fatto cosa?\n<mettiu> !pastebin\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<mettiu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5696176/\n<glpiana> mettiu, oki, ma l'hai creata tu ora?\n<mettiu> cosa ?\n<glpiana> mettiu, allora, sintonizzati: prima hai dato  ls .gnome2/nautilus-scripts/ e ti ha risposto : File o directory non esistente\n<glpiana> mettiu, poi invece risulta esistere\n<mettiu> no gl piana perchè\n<glpiana> mettiu, quindi?\n<mettiu> ero in na altra cartella con cd\n<mettiu> poi ho riaperto il terminale\n<mettiu> ed ha funzionato\n<mettiu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5696177/\n<glpiana> ah ok.\n<mettiu> questo è lo script (non lho fatto io) non ne sono capace\n<glpiana> mettiu, ora col temrinale piazzati nella directory in cui si trova lo script\n<mettiu> non ho ancora piazzato lo script\n<mettiu> non ne sono capace\n<glpiana> mettiu, devi ancora crearlo?\n<mettiu> si\n<mettiu> non sono capace\n<mettiu> come fare a crearlo ?\n<cristian_c> mettiu, copialo in un file di testo\n<glpiana> meglio. scrivi nel temrinale: touch  .gnome2/nautilus-scripts/nome_che_ti_piace\n<glpiana> mettiu, dagli il nome che preferisci\n<glpiana> cristian_c, posso continuare io o vuoi fare tu?\n<mettiu> ok fatto glpiana\n<glpiana> cristian_c, in due non è il caso\n<glpiana> mettiu, dimmi il nome, così ti do il comando successivo\n<mettiu> nikonconvert\n<cristian_c> glpiana, come preferisci, io non interferisco, se è il caso\n<glpiana> cristian_c, sì, è il caso.  grazie ;)\n<glpiana> mettiu, scrivi: gedit .gnome2/nautilus-scripts/nikonconvert\n<glpiana> mettiu, ti si apre l'editor, copia il contenuto dello script che hai messo su pastebin prima e salva il file\n<mettiu> ok salvato\n<mettiu> il colore del testo diventa da bianco a colorato\n<glpiana> mettiu, chiudi l'editor e torna al terminale\n<mettiu> si\n<mettiu> ok\n<glpiana> mettiu, scrivi: chmod +x .gnome2/nautilus-scripts/nikonconvert\n<mettiu> ok fatto\n<mettiu> scritto\n<glpiana> mettiu, ora apri nautilus e cliccando col tasto destro dovresti vedere una nuova voce relativa agli script\n<flaviooo> ciao\n<mettiu> si vedo\n<flaviooo> sono rietrato da un altro pc\n<mettiu> grazie ora prova e ti faccio sapere\n<cristian_c> flaviooo, hai digitato?\n<flaviooo> si\n<mettiu> glpiana\n<mettiu> perfetto funziona grazie\n<flaviooo> mi riscrivi dove devo incolllare quello che è uscito?\n<glpiana> mettiu, bene. se vuoi aggiungere altri script devi fare la stessa cosa. con chmod +x abbiamo reso eseguibile il file. il metterlo in quella directory lo rende subito disponibile a menu\n<cristian_c> flaviooo, digita questo comando: cat /etc/apt/sources.list && ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/\n<mettiu> ok, sto cominciando ora a capire il funzionamento del file nef e raw, sono file  grezzi, quello script mi salva le immagini da raw a jpg, ma non fa nessun tipo di trasformazioni sono sgranate !\"!! è un problema, cmq molto meglio di niente, ciao\n<flaviooo> l'ho fatto\n<flaviooo> chris\n<flaviooo> ora dove ti incollo il risultato?\n<cristian_c> flaviooo, incolla il risultato su pastebin\n<cristian_c> !paste | flaviooo\n<ubot-it> flaviooo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<flaviooo> ho postato c'è?\n<flaviooo> io so come risolvere il problema devo solo tornare alla versione linux precedente\n<flaviooo> infatti in questo mese sto facendo così\n<flaviooo> accendo poi faccio due volte freccia giu nel grub e vado su previous linux vers\n<flaviooo> poi ancora due volte freccia giu e vado in una versione di linux precedente quel maledetto aggiornamneto che è stabile  e si può usare; ora io vorrei rimettere nel grub al proimo posto la versione vecchia e stabile e cancellar e la versione che da il problema si può??\n<cristian_c> flaviooo, va beh, allora non è difficile\n<cristian_c> flaviooo, hai installato dei kernel?\n<cristian_c> flaviooo, comunque, non hai incollato l'indirizzo della pagina\n<glpiana> mettiu, hai già provato ad aprirle con gimp munito dei plugin gimp-dcraw o gimp-ufraw?\n<flaviooo> io sono andato su pèaste bin in pooster ho messo flaviooo e nellla finetsra ho incollato tutto\n<flaviooo> lo rifaccio\n<cristian_c> sì\n<cristian_c> flaviooo, poi posta qui il link\n<flaviooo> lo vedi? adesso?\n<cristian_c> flaviooo, devi copiare qui l'indirizzo\n<flaviooo> ah ok\n<flaviooo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5696194/\n<flaviooo> cristian_c si vede\n<flaviooo> ?\n<cristian_c> flaviooo, sì\n<cristian_c> flaviooo, hai installato anche qualche kernel?\n<cristian_c> flaviooo, digita: uname -r\n<flaviooo> io facevo tutti gli aggiornamneti e di conseguenza mi cambiav la veersione di lkinux che venivano incolonnate una sotto l'altra nel grub, poi avervo seguito un tutorial per reistallare il grub infatti dopo quel comando che nn ricordo + quandoi accendo nn ho più la schermata nera ne viola diel grub ma c'è un mondo con le stelle disegnate e la scritta debian poi mi loggo alla versione 38 (vecchia) e tutto funza, erò io adesso vor\n<cristian_c> debian?\n<cristian_c> lol\n<flaviooo> si\n<flaviooo> debian\n<flaviooo> a qualcuno dopo gli aggiornamneti è succcesso che si blocca tutto come  a me o no?\n<cristian_c> flaviooo, è strano, digita il comando\n<cristian_c> flaviooo, mi chiedo cosa c'entri debian, comunque\n<flaviooo> lho digitato -r\n<flaviooo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5696211/\n<francesc1> Salve a tutti, posseggo la seguente MB Asus P8Z77-I Deluxe e vorrei installare ubuntu in raid, mi consigliate il raid software gestito da ubuntu o il raid hardware di intel?\n<francesc1> raid1\n<cristian_c> flaviooo, è strano ce il kernel faccia così\n<cristian_c> *quel kernel\n<cristian_c> flaviooo, uhm\n<flaviooo> DIMMI\n<akis24> uhm oggi sulla precise si è passati alla versione 3.2.0-44  almeno da me è va' tutto bene\n<cristian_c> flaviooo, a che ora si è verificato l'ultimo freeze\n<cristian_c> 3.2.0-41-generic\n<cristian_c> *?\n<cristian_c> flaviooo, con quale kernel hai il problema?\n<akis24> uname -r\n<akis24> 3.2.0-44-generic-pae\n<cristian_c> akis24, eppure li ho fatti ora gli aggiornamenti\n<cristian_c> ah, non ho riavviato il sistema\n<akis24> cristian_c: stamattina io ..\n<glpiana> akis24, hai i proposed attivi immagino\n<flaviooo> con il 40\n<flaviooo> e col 39\n<akis24> cristian_c: no\n<flaviooo> perchè dato che l'ha fatto sul 40 ho detto vado sul 39 aggiorno e magari si rimette a posto\n<flaviooo> invece no dopo l'agggmento si è rovinato anche il 39\n<flaviooo> ora quindi nuso il 38\n<cristian_c> glpiana, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5696194/\n<cristian_c> glpiana, no\n<glpiana> cristian_c, no cosa?\n<flaviooo> dunque la cosa + semplice è rimetter eil 38 in cima al grub e poi nn aggiorno più niente e boom\n<cristian_c> glpiana, non sono i proposed attivi\n<cristian_c> è strano, i kernel non si rovinano\n<glpiana> cristian_c, e tu dai sources di flaviooo capisci se akis24 ha o meno i proposed?\n<cristian_c> glpiana, ops\n<cristian_c> :P\n<flaviooo> cristian_c  quindi cosa faccio?\n<cristian_c> flaviooo, sei sicuro che sia un problema di kernel\n<cristian_c> ?\n<cristian_c> flaviooo, disinstalla i nuovi kernel ad esempio\n<cristian_c> dal gestore pacchetti\n<jester-> 'ngiorno\n<glpiana> cristian_c, guarda la riga 61 del pastebin riferito ai source lst\n<flaviooo> e come si fa dal gestore pacchetti?\n<cristian_c> google-chrome.list\n<glpiana> cristian_c, eh, è normale che ci sia?\n<cristian_c> glpiana, nulla di che, quel repo contiene soltanto google chrome\n<cristian_c> glpiana, ho fatto postar eanche il contenuto della directory sources.list.d\n<glpiana> cristian_c, no, quella riga in sources.list non c'entra un belino. fagli fare un sudo apt-get update\n<cristian_c> per eventuale presenza di ppa\n<cristian_c> glpiana, non è presente nel file\n<cristian_c> falso allarme\n<glpiana> -.-\n<akis24> cristian_c: senti nel pomeriggio ci sei per caso ?\n<akis24> ops scusa non il posto giusto qui\n<cristian_c> akis24, credo proprio di no\n<cristian_c> lol\n<enrico__> Ciao avrei un problema ho un acer 7551g con ati hd 5470, ho installato sia la versione 12 che la 13 al momento dell'avvio vedo il mouse ma nessuna icona nella barra\n<enrico__> non vedo ne la barra in alto che quella veerticale\n<jester-> enrico__: control-t\n<jester-> enrico__: si apre il terminale?\n<enrico__> no nulla\n<enrico__> si muove solo il mouse\n<jester-> enrico__: vedi lo sfondo senza barre?\n<enrico__> esatto\n<enrico__> sfondo e mouse\n<jester-> enrico__: control F2 e vai in tty\n<jester-> ti logghi\n<jester-> sudo apt-get install dconf-tools\n<enrico__> non fa nulla con ctrl f2\n<jester-> dconf reset -f /org/compiz/\n<jester-> alt-F3?\n<enrico__> ha dato un errore chiamato copiz all'inizio\n<enrico__> nemmoalt f3\n<glpiana> ctrl+alt+f2\n<enrico__> ok\n<enrico__> questo va\n<enrico__> sono nel terminal\n<jester-> azzo mi dono dimenticato alt\n<jester-> enrico__: dai user e pass\n<jester-> sudo apt-get install dconf-tools\n<jester-> dconf reset -f /org/compiz/\n<enrico__> primo comando in elaborazione\n<enrico__> secondo\n<enrico__> error command line dbus-launch\n<francesc1> Salve a tutti, posseggo la seguente MB Asus P8Z77-I Deluxe e vorrei installare ubuntu in raid, mi consigliate il raid software gestito da ubuntu o il raid hardware di intel?\n<glpiana> francesc1, diciamo che ti sconsigliamo raid\n<glpiana> enrico__, ma da live funziona correttamente? vedi barra e icone?\n<jester-> enrico__: rm -r .compiz\n<jester-> enrico__: rm -r .compiz-1\n<jester-> enrico__: rm -r .config\n<jester-> enrico__: rm -r .gnome2\n<jester-> enrico__: sudo lightdm stop\n<jester-> enrico__: sudo lightdm start\n<enrico__> mi da directory non esiste con .compiz\n<francesc1> glpiana, perchè?\n<Serpico> Ciao\n<enrico__> gli altri comandi dopo compiz-1 vanno\n<enrico__> sudo ligthdm stop mi da tre ok con broken pipe\n<jester-> enrico__: sa di os a bottane\n<jester-> sudo rebbot\n<jester-> sudo reboot\n<enrico__> cavolo appena installato\n<enrico__> non è che con ati fai i capricci?\n<enrico__> ho riavviato\n<enrico__> ora le icone e la barra si vedono\n<glpiana> francesc1, non mi pare che ci sia un gran supporto per raid\n<enrico__> mi da solo che c'è un problema con la ricerca degli aggiornamenti\n<jester-> enrico__: cioè?\n<enrico__> in altro mi compare un simbolo divieto\n<enrico__> se clicco mi dicie si è verificato un problema  durante la verifica\n<enrico__> delgli aggiornamenti\n<Green_Theragon_9> Ciao a tutti :)\n<glpiana> enrico__, apri un terminale\n<glpiana> enrico__, scrivi: sudo apt-get update\n<enrico__> fatto\n<jester-> enrico__: sudo apt-get update\n<jester-> lol\n<enrico__> mi da tutto fatto\n<enrico__> riavvio?\n<jester-> enrico__: sudo apt-get upgrade\n<enrico__> fatto anche quello\n<jester-> enrico__: ha aggiornato quALCOSA?\n<enrico__> ora dopo il riavvio è sparita la scritta\n<jester-> enrico__: non serve riavviare se non ha dato errori\n<enrico__> magicamente sono risparire le barre\n<enrico__> sia sopra che di lato\n<jester-> enrico__: hai messo qualche ppa?\n<enrico__> no\n<jester-> enrico__: ridai dconf reset -f /org/compiz/\n<enrico__> da lo stesso errore di prima\n<enrico__> dbus launch\n<jester-> fa anche sudo lightdm stop e sudo lighdm start\n<enrico__> con il comando lightdm mi da stopping system V runlevel compatibility\n<enrico__> poi è fermo\n<enrico__> a lampeggiare sotto e non posso inserire il comando di start\n<jester-> enrico__: riavvia\n<lellons> installare driver ati scheda hd 530v\n<enrico__> ok\n<enrico__> saranno mica i driver ati?\n<enrico__> sapete come posso installare da terminale?\n<cristian_c> lellons, se sono presenti, basta che vai in Driver aggiuntivi e li attivi\n<lellons> grazie cristian ma in driver aggiuntivi non li segnala premetto ubuntu 13.01\n<jester-> lellons: se hai una ati e driver aggiuntivi non segnala nulla va bene cosi\n<lellons> allora cosa si può fare\n<jester-> lellons: che problema avresti\n<cristian_c> lellons, per fare cosa?\n<jester-> lellons: sta uando il radeon open\n<jester-> e va bene\n<jester-> lellons: lsmod | grep radeon cosa risponde\n<lellons> non riconosce la presa hdmi e di conseguenza il suono, in partenza cricca il video poi parte\n<cristian_c> lellons, hai guardato nella finestra di configrazione dell'audio?\n<lellons> si ma non rileva hdmi\n<cristian_c> lellons, posta una schermata\n<cristian_c> !image | lellons\n<ubot-it> lellons: Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<tado> ciao a tutti. sto facendomi venire il mal di testa per impostare il dizionario di libreoffice di modo che distingua american e british english. qualcuno sa darmi una mano?\n<lellons> ho avuto problemi nell'istallazione dei driver proprietari dandomi furi un errore\n<jester-> lellons: se aggiuntivi non vede proprietari hai fatto un danno\n<lellons> come rimediare\n<cristian_c> lol\n<jester-> lellons: sudo  /usr/share/ati/amd-uninstall.sh\n<jester-> lellons: sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-dri libgl1-mesa-glx libglu1-mesa\n<jester-> lellons: sudo reboot\n<aleritty> Ciao a tutti! Sto cercando di bootare la iso di raring in modalità UEFI, ma non riesco a farlo partire\n<aleritty> come non detto... il solo fatto di aver aperto la chat ha sbloccato il boot :-D\n<Liink> Salve a tutti, ho un problema con skype 4.2... in poche parole non mi permette ti fare chiamate per problemi audio, vorrei installare skype 4.1 com'è il comando ?\n<massy> Liink, devi disinstallare la 4,2\n<massy> che sistema usi?\n<Liink> massy: no la 4,1 perchè la 4,2 mi da problemi\n<massy> che versione hai installato?\n<Liink> massy: per ora nessuna\n<massy> da terminale usa: sudo apt-get install skype -y\n<Liink> massy: poi ?\n<massy> e poi si installa skype, preso direttamente dai repository\n<massy> quidi presumo sia la versione 4.1\n<enrico__> provo ad installare la versione 11\n<massy> cosa enrico__\n<enrico__> non riesco a fare nulla con la 12 e la 13 non vedo nulla\n<massy> enrico__,  spiegati meglio\n<enrico__> praticamente mi sparisce la barra sopra e quella orizzonttale\n<Liink> massy: ok grazie ora provo\n<massy> enrico__,  che usi??\n<enrico__> mi hanno suggerito di fare delle cose ma non vanno\n<massy> Liink,  prego\n<enrico__> ati\n<enrico__> hd 5470\n<massy> mm enrico__  intendevo che sistema operativo usi?\n<enrico__> ora ho intallato la 12 lts\n<cristian_c> massy, a proposito, ho notato che skype non ha le decorazioni finestra\n<cristian_c> massy, con i pulsanti ecc...\n<enrico__> ma anche con la 13 fa la stessa cosa\n<massy> cristian_c,  ma son basilari??\n<cristian_c> massy, cioè a tutto schermo e non posso chiudere la finestra\n<massy> F11?\n<cristian_c> massy, no, non c'è proprio niente\n<massy> cristian_c, ma mi stai a pigliare per i fondelli?\n<massy> ahahaha\n<cristian_c> massy, devo chiuderlo dalla barra delle applicazioni con Chiudi\n<enrico__> cosa mi consigli massy?\n<cristian_c> massy, NO, PROVATO SU DUE PC DIVERSI\n<cristian_c> ops\n<massy> cristian_c, semplice, cambia il pc\n<cristian_c> massy, lo fa su due pc diversi\n<massy> aspetta un sec che apro il mio skype così controllo\n<massy> uff\n<cristian_c> ok\n<cristian_c> io ho 4.2\n<glpiana> cristian_c, anche io ho la 4.2 e le cornici ci sono\n<cristian_c> glpiana, è strano\n<cristian_c> glpiana, non ho trovato nessuna opzione nelle impostazioni\n<glpiana> cristian_c, no, è normale che ci siano\n<cristian_c> per far apparire le decorazioni\n<cristian_c> cioè la bbarra del titolo con i pulsanti\n<cristian_c> *barra\n<massy> strano io uso la ubuntu 12.04 lts e nn ce skype in USC\n<massy> rigiro il problema\n<massy> ahahaha\n<cristian_c> mi pare sia nei partner\n<massy> vado a pranzo, a dopo gente bye\n<cristian_c> ma forse non l'ho trovato neanche lì\n<cristian_c> massy, non ricordo come l'ho installato\n<glpiana> http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ raring/partner amd64 Packages\n<cristian_c> glpiana, la cosa strana è che i partner non sono elencati in synaptic\n<glpiana> aggiungili\n<cristian_c> glpiana, in sorgenti software sono spuntati\n<cri> lo sto riscaricando ccr urbanterror\n<cri> scusate sbagliato canale\n<cristian_c> glpiana, continuano a non apparire\n<glpiana> cristian_c, in sources.list ci sono?\n<cristian_c> glpiana, sì\n<glpiana> bon\n<cristian_c> ma non in synaptics\n<cristian_c> *synaptic\n<glpiana> cristian_c, ma che stai guardando in synaptic?\n<Liink> massy: E: Impossibile trovare il pacchetto skype\n<cristian_c> glpiana, orgine\n<cristian_c> *origine\n<glpiana> !image | cristian_c\n<ubot-it> cristian_c: Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<cristian_c> glpiana, a tutto schermo?\n<glpiana> cristian_c, basta vedere la colonna completa\n<cristian_c> glpiana, della finestra principale o delle proprietà del pacchetto?\n<cristian_c> ok, allora fullscreenezzo\n<Liink> crstian_c: scusami come posso mettere skype 4.1\n<cristian_c> Liink, prima di tutto, disinstalla la versione che hai\n<cristian_c> glpiana, non c'è l'appiglio per ridimensionare i pannelli di synaptic\n<glpiana> Liink, http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/pool/partner/s/skype/\n<glpiana> cristian_c, ma che interfaccia grafica usi?\n<cristian_c> glpiana, gtk\n<glpiana> cristian_c, da quel che dici sembra completamente \"sminchiata\"\n<cristian_c> glpiana, il punto è che vorrei mostrare tutti gli elementi della lista\n<glpiana> cristian_c, vado a mangiare, ne parliamo tra mezz'oretta\n<glpiana> ok?\n<cristian_c> ma se sapessi come ridimensionarlo...\n<cristian_c> sì\n<glpiana> a dopo\n<Liink> glpiana: scusami, mi ha installato la 4.0....\n<Liink> glpiana: scusami ho risolto\n<cristian_c> lol\n<mikeluzzo> ciao a tutti\n<mikeluzzo> c'è qualcuno che mi può aiutare?\n<massy> mikeluzzo, scrivi il tuo problema, se qualcuno sa, ti aiuta\n<mikeluzzo> ok grazie\n<massy> ma prego per così poco\n<mikeluzzo> praticamente ho un vecchio pc con xp professional... ho deciso di mettere in dual boot ubuntu 13\n<mikeluzzo> il problema che non mi fa istallare ubutu a fianco a xp\n<mikeluzzo> come mai?\n<massy> forse colpa del vekkio pc che ha il bios che nn sopporta il dual boot\n<massy> posso darti un consiglio??\n<massy> scaricati virtualbox, ed usa ubuntu in virtuale, così ti impratichisci, poi quando sarai diventato bravo ed autosufficiente, allora potrai compiere il grande passo\n<kimal73x> jester-: allora ho dato questo comando: sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.5.0-21-generic\n<mikeluzzo> ah ok grazie! non sapevo ci fossero bios che non sopportana il dual boot...\n<kimal73x> a cazzo ho sbagliato\n<kimal73x> il kernel\n<jester-> kimal73x: conumque non toglie il kernel in uso\n<massy> mikeluzzo, quelli vekki sicuramente, ma se forse puoi fare una ricerca su internet basandoti sul tuo modello\n<kimal73x> sì era questo quello giusto\n<kimal73x> sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.5.0-21-generic\n<jester-> vedi quante immagini hai con dpkg -l | grep linux-image\n<kimal73x> sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.8.0-21-generic  jester-\n<jester-> kimal73x:  la 21 è l'ultima stabile\n<kimal73x> jester-: parli della 3.8.0-21 ???\n<mikeluzzo> massy è un pc che sto riciclando da un vecchio ufficio, per girarlo ad un amico... mi avrebbe fatto piacere se poteva scegliere tra du SO :)\n<jester-> kimal73x: si\n<jester-> adesso cosa usi\n<kimal73x> jester-: è proprio quella che mi da problemi\n<kimal73x> ora ho la 3.5.0-26\n<kimal73x> e non ho problemi\n<massy> mikeluzzo, prova a rigirare la domanda a jester- lui magari lo sa\n<mikeluzzo> ok....\n<kimal73x> jester-: se volessi dare un comando che m'installa l'ultimo kernel stabile?\n<mikeluzzo> jester... non riesco a istallare ubuntu 13 a finaco di xp professional su un vecchio pc... è possibile che che il bios non supporti un dual boot?\n<Problemi> CIao a tutti ho un problema con il programma skype, ogni volta che cerco di fare una chiamata mi dice sempre problema riproduzione audio, ma con altri programmi VoIP questo problema non me lo da perchè?\n<massy> questo succede da quando skype è stato acquistato dalla microsoft, ci avete fatto caso??\n<jester-> kimal73x: sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-generic\n<Problemi> massy: come posso risolvere ?\n<kimal73x> jester-: per essere sicuro che non m'installa cose di terze parti?\n<jester-> Problemi: che skype hai messo\n<glpiana> cristian_c, ci sono\n<Problemi> jester-, 4.1\n<jester-> kimal73x: vai in sorgenti software e disattivi i proposed\n<jester-> Problemi: da repo o da sito\n<mikeluzzo> jester- ... non riesco a istallare ubuntu 13 a finaco di xp professional su un vecchio pc... è possibile che che il bios non supporti un dual boot?\n<jester-> mikeluzzo: hai solo xp adesso sul pc?\n<cristian_c> glpiana, anch'io\n<mikeluzzo> sì jester-\n<glpiana> cristian_c, vediamo sta schermata innanzitutto, anche se non riesci ad allargare la colonna\n<jester-> mikeluzzo: hai spazio libero in xp?\n<cristian_c> glpiana, non trovo la maniglia verticale\n<cristian_c> in altezza no\n<kimal73x> jester-: i proposed non sono abilitati ma i raring-backports sì. disabilito?\n<jester-> mikeluzzo: se non hai spazio non c'è vesro\n<jester-> kimal73x: si\n<kimal73x> jester-: è quella la sminchiata che ho fatto allora\n<jester-> kimal73x: lascia i parteners e gli extra\n<Problemi> jester-, da qui http://archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/s/skype/\n<cristian_c> glpiana, se non la allungo, non posso farti vedere tutta la lista del riquadro\n<kimal73x> jester-: ma ti assicuro che non ho mai attivato io manualmente sta cosa\n<cristian_c> eppure, è a schermo intero\n<kimal73x> lo avrà fatto qualche software al posto mio\n<glpiana> cristian_c, fa nulla posta l'immagine intanto\n<mikeluzzo> jester- c'è un unica partizione dove dentro ci sta xp...\n<jester-> Problemi: perchè fare le capriole quendo abilitando i parteners ed extra lo mette apt?\n<Problemi> jester-, ??\n<jester-> mikeluzzo: appunto ma se la partizione è piena dove lo trova lo spazio per fare una linux\n<jester-> Problemi: apri software center\n<jester-> comincia a togliere skype\n<kimal73x> jester-: ma perchè skype da tutti sti problemi?\n<mikeluzzo> jester- quindi dovrei re-installare xp partizionando in disco... cioè lasciando tipo 20gb liberi?\n<jester-> kimal73x: è l'utonto che se li va a cercare\n<kimal73x> jester-: allora è stato skype ad abilitare i patners?\n<cristian_c> glpiana, http://imagebin.org/258776\n<jester-> mikeluzzo: svuota il cestino di xp poi controlli quanto spazio libero ha\n<Problemi> jester-, ok ora ?\n<jester-> Problemi: ora vai in impostazioni-->sorgenti software\n<glpiana> cristian_c, anzitutto è normale che tu non possa allungare la colonna, quindi non preoccuparti per quello. dopodichè usa lo scrolla e fai un'altra schermata con le restanti righe\n<Problemi> jester-, scusami ho messo da poco unity quindi mi ci devo ambientare usavo sempre gnome classic\n<mikeluzzo> ok jester- appena finisce di re installare windows^^\n<jester-> Problemi: gksu software-properties-gtk\n<kimal73x> jester-:  disabilitati i proposed, reinstallato ultimo kernel stabile ma al riavvio escono scritte e poi si avvia bene.\n<Problemi> jester-, ok poi ?\n<jester-> kimal73x: se i avvia va bene\n<kimal73x> jester-: ok grazie\n<jester-> Problemi: altro software e abilita parteners e indipendente\n<cristian_c> glpiana, http://imagebin.org/258777\n<glpiana> cristian_c, cerca skype\n<Problemi> jester-, già c'era\n<cristian_c> glpiana, fatto\n<jester-> Problemi: hai rimosso skype?\n<glpiana> cristian_c, lo trova?\n<Problemi> jester-, sisi\n<cristian_c> glpiana, sì, ma non so la provenienza\n<jester-> Problemi: rm -r -Skype\n<glpiana> cristian_c, è installato?\n<cristian_c> glpiana, certo\n<jester-> Problemi: sudo apt-get install skype\n<cristian_c> glpiana, sono i partner che non appaiono\n<jester-> Problemi: rm -r .Skype  pardon\n<glpiana> cristian_c, nel temrinale: apt-cache policy skype\n<cristian_c> glpiana,         500 http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ precise/partner i386 Packages\n<cristian_c>   Installato:\n<cristian_c> apt-cache policy\n<cristian_c> non me lo ricordavo bene\n<cristian_c> lo userò spess\n<Problemi> jester-, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5696645/\n<jester-> Problemi: sudo apt-get update\n<jester-> Problemi: sudo apt-get install skype\n<glpiana> cristian_c, torna su synaptic e guarda l'elenco dei server a sinistra. vedi che hai due voci per precise/main?\n<jester-> Problemi: dovrebbe piare il 4.2\n<cristian_c> glpiana, sì\n<Problemi> jester-, lo stesso errore\n<glpiana> cristian_c, clicca su quella di archive.canonical.com\n<Problemi> jester-, ora funziona ho dovusto togliere la spunta a partener di canonical\n<cristian_c> glpiana, fatto, escono i due pacchetti di skype\n<glpiana> cristian_c, quello è prtner\n<jester-> Problemi: non era quello\n<jester-> mancava update\n<cristian_c> skype e skype-bin\n<Problemi> jester-, nono ora lo installa\n<cristian_c> glpiana, confesso he un riferimento esplicito in synaptic avrebbe aiutato sin dall'inizio\n<jester-> Problemi: i parteners li lascerei abilitati\n<Problemi> jester-, ok... non lo installa...\n<glpiana> cristian_c, e vabbè :)\n<jester-> !info skype\n<ubot-it> skype (source: skype): client for Skype VOIP and instant messaging service. In component main, is extra. Version (raring), package size 15 kB, installed size 61 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)\n<cristian_c> eh, neanche info dice che appartiene ai partner\n<cristian_c> :D\n<cristian_c> è implicito\n<jester-> Problemi: se non lo vede non hai abilitato gli extra indipendenti\n<Problemi> jester-, quindi cosa devo fare ?\n<jester-> Problemi: controllare che proposed e indipendenti sian abilitati\n<Problemi> jester-, si sono abilitati\n<jester-> Problemi: 13.04 o stai usando un tarocco\n<Problemi> jester-, uso la 12.04\n<jester-> Problemi: sempre li dentro sta skype negli extra\n<jester-> o indipendenti che siano\n<Problemi> e quindi ?^\n<kimal73x> jester-: il riavvio non va. si blocca tutto e devo cazzare reset.\n<jester-> Problemi: se sono abilitati dai sudo apt-get update e poi controlla nel center\n<jester-> kimal73x: vai a trovare la mamma e reinstallale il tutto\n<kimal73x> jester-: fammi capire cosa rischio a stare sulla 0.5.-26?\n<jester-> kimal73x: 0.5.-26?\n<Problemi> jester-, si ci sono\n<jester-> Problemi: installa allora\n<kimal73x> 3.5.0-26\n<jester-> kimal73x: ma che distro ha la mom\n<jester-> quantal?\n<kimal73x> jester-: ad entrambi ho installato l'ultima  in corso\n<jester-> come faceva ad avere un kernel 3.8\n<jester-> 3.5 è quantal\n<kimal73x> ed ho sbagliato. potevo trestarmene con la LTS\n<jester-> kimal73x: ma va hai sbagliato a paicoccare\n<kimal73x> jester-: abbiamo la 13.04 nessun pacioccamento. abbiamo upgradato a versione nuova\n<jester-> kimal73x: la mom sta su tuo stesso pianerottolo?\n<kimal73x> jester-: purtroppo no ma non è molto lontana. ci vado nel pomeriggio\n<jester-> kimal73x: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade che mi sa che hai fatto casino\n<Problemi> jester-, ok dopo averlo installaro mi da sempre lo stesso errore\n<Problemi> jester-, qui il problema è sempre dell'audio è\n<kimal73x> jester-: l'unico casino che posso aver fatto è quello di non aver controllato di avere quei cacchio di patners abilitati\n<jester-> Problemi: rm -r .Skype\n<Problemi> jester-, ok\n<jester-> chidilo, riaprilo e vai nelle impostazioni skype audio e fai il test\n<kimal73x> jester-: dopo che ho fatto questo dist-upgrade, ossia l'aggiornamento che fo?\n<jester-> kimal73x: se non ha paccehtti in sospeso la reisntalli pulito\n<kimal73x> jester-: ??? e perchè mi stai facendo aggiornare se devo reinstallre tutto?\n<Problemi> jester-, poi\n<jester-> Problemi: il testo è positivo o non parla\n<Problemi> jester-, non parla\n<kimal73x> jester-: è un aggiornamentone questo che sto facendo. sta scaricando un casino di cose. mi sembra strano. è come se questa upgrade a nuova versione non l'avessi fatto o fossse andanto storto\n<jester-> Problemi: nelle impstazioni audio che alternative ti da. il mic funza?\n<jester-> kimal73x: mi sa che avete zompato mezzo aggiornamento\n<jester-> a quello serve il dist-upgrade\n<Problemi> jester-, allora ti spiego.. utilizzo ts3 che serve per parlare  e  fin qui nessun problema parlo traanquillamente e sento tutto, il problema sta in skype perchè non mi fa selezionare pulse audio dalle impostazioni di esso\n<jester-> Problemi: installa pavucontrol e a skype aperto controlla che succede\n<jester-> Problemi: non è che hai rimosso pulse?\n<Problemi> jester-, ho installato pavucontrol ma niente\n<jester-> Problemi: in configurazioni audio ingresso il mic è attivo?\n<Freddy1> uso ubuntu 13.04 64bit , come faccio ad installare skype?\n<Problemi> jester-, si\n<jester-> Problemi: se parli si muove il cusore?\n<Problemi> sisi\n<jester-> Problemi: non so che dirti sulla 13.04 funza perfetto\n<Problemi> bene...\n<Problemi> ok grazie lo stesso\n<Freddy1> jester-: uso ubuntu 13.04 64bit , come faccio ad installare skype?\n<Problemi> freddyl, o da sito o sudo apt-get install skype\n<jester-> Freddy1: gksu software-properties-gtk\n<Freddy1> Problemi: dal sito nn sono riuscito , provo da terminale , grazie\n<jester-> Freddy1: altro software, abilita parteners e indipendente\n<Freddy1> jester-: parter è già flaggato , indipendente nn c'è nella lista\n<Freddy1> partner*\n<Freddy1> Problemi: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5696712/\n<Freddy1> jester-: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5696712/\n<Problemi> freddyl, questo skype sta dando troppi problemi anche a me...\n<Freddy1> Problemi: hai visto il !paste? come posso risolvere?\n<Problemi> freddyl, sudo apt-get update e poi riprovi skype\n<jester-> Freddy1: se non segui\n<jester-> Freddy1: gksu software-properties-gtk\n<jester-> Freddy1: altro software, abilita parteners e indipendente\n<Freddy1> jester-: ho seguito , l'ho fatto , è già flaggato partners\n<jester-> Freddy1:  e pure indipenseti\n<jester-> indipendenti* li dentro sta\n<Freddy1> jester-: come t ho già scritto prima, non c'è 'indipendenti' in quella lista\n<jester-> Freddy1: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get installa skype\n<Freddy1> c'è SOLO 'partners d canonical'\n<jester-> Freddy1: guarda bene che ci sono\n<jester-> appena sotto a parteners\n<Freddy1> jester-: guardato bene , non c sono\n<jester-> indipendenti o extra\n<Freddy1> jester-: c'è SOLO partner d canonical , non c'è altro\n<jester-> Freddy1: fai una foto al desktop e postala\n<jester-> !imagebin\n<ubot-it> Vuoi mostrarci una schermata del tuo problema? Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<Dix78> Salve ho un problema nella gestione delle finestre su Xubuntu. La nuova finestra è massimizzata ma non mi fa vedere i pulsanti per ridurre a icona o chiudere la finestra stessa. Per poter visualizzare quei pulsanti devo fare doppio click sulla barra del titolo.\n<Freddy1> jester-: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5696735/\n<jester-> chiudi softcenter\n<Freddy1> è già chiuso ubuntu sw center\n<Freddy1> jester-: come faccio? a 'fare 1 foto' al desktop?\n<jester-> Freddy1: chiudi anche sorgenti\n<jester-> Freddy1: tasto stamp\n<Freddy1> jester-: chiudo sw aggiornamenti?\n<jester-> Freddy1: eh\n<Freddy1> eh = si , presumo , ok\n<jester-> fai casino\n<mettiu> come faccio a rinominare piu' file contemperaneamente ?\n<Freddy1> mai fatto\n<Freddy1> jester-: http://imagebin.org/258781\n<glpiana> mettiu, fai un esempio di quello che vuoi fare\n<jester-> Freddy1: che distro hai\n<mettiu> file nella stessa cartella che si chiamano\n<Freddy1> jester-: ubuntu 13.04 64bit\n<mettiu> 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg\n<mettiu> rinomionarli\n<mettiu> tutti assieme in asd esempio\n<mettiu> 1-1.jpg 1-2.jpg 1-3.jpg\n<jester-> Freddy1: in sorgenti aggiornamenti che hai\n<jester-> non è possibile che non ci siano gli extra\n<Freddy1> jester-: se intendi 'se aggiornamenti > aggiornamenti' sono flaggate tutte le caselle\n<Freddy1> sw*\n<jester-> Freddy1: si intende in sorgetni software\n<jester-> Freddy1: tab aggiornamenti cosa hai flaggato\n<jester-> Freddy1: sopra non eve essere flaggato solo proposed\n<jester-> proposti\n<Freddy1> jester-: software e aggiornamenti > aggiornamenti , sono flaggate tutte le caselle\n<jester-> Freddy1: sei in sorgenti software o da qualche altra parte\n<Freddy1> dove trovo sorgenti sw? come lo apro?\n<glpiana> mettiu, installa gprename\n<Freddy1> jester-: dove trovo sorgenti sw? come lo apro? io ho aperto sw e aggiornamenti\n<jester-> Freddy1: ma se ci sei appena stato\n<jester-> gksu oftware-properties-gtk\n<jester-> gksu software-properties-gtk\n<jester-> Freddy1: tab aggiornamenti che hai\n<jester-> Freddy1: ??\n<Freddy1> jester-: 6 tu che non mi segui , vabbé , comunque ti ripeto per la terza volta che scrivendo quel comando mi apre 'sofware e aggiornamenti' e al 'tab' aggiornamenti' sono flaggate tutte le caselle\n<Freddy1> aggiornamenti di sicurezza importanti , aggiornamenti raccomandati , aggiornamenti proposti , aggiornamenti non supportati\n<Freddy1> jester-: tutte quelle caselle , che ti ho appena scritto , sono tutte flaggate\n<Freddy1> jester-: se vuoi ti invio photo\n<jester-> Freddy1: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/501061/sorgenti1.png\n<jester-> a me va\n<jester-> c'è come dovrebbe essere\n<jester-> Freddy1: se poi te usi un ubuntu tarocco non so\n<Freddy1> jester-: uso ubuntu ufficiale , l'unico che c'è dal sito ubuntu.it , come risolvo?\n<jester-> Freddy1: non è normale non avere gli indipendenti da abilitare\n<Freddy1> jester-: infatti , come risolvo? come faccio? ad avere gli indipendenti da abilitare\n<jester-> aggiungi al sources list deb http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu raring main\n<jester-> deb-src http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu raring main\n<Freddy1> jester-: deb-src: comando non trovato\n<jester-> Freddy1: fai aggiungi\n<jester-> Freddy1: pii pelculo\n<Freddy1> no , quindi nn è 1 comando terminale\n<jester-> gksu software-properties-gtk\n<jester-> Freddy1: altro sotf aggiungi\n<jester-> http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu\n<jester-> Freddy1: verione raring\n<jester-> main\n<Freddy1> jester-: fatto ma non compare 'indipendenti'\n<jester-> Freddy1: compare la stringa nella finestra?\n<Freddy1> jester-: è come prima , quella finestra , con le stesse cose di prima\n<Freddy1> jester-: partner d canonical e java\n<jester-> Freddy1: se hai aggiunto non puo non coparire\n<jester-> comparire\n<jester-> Freddy1: aggiungi\n<Freddy1> jester-: se non mi credi ti invio photo\n<Freddy1> jester-: comunque se vuoi lo ri faccio no problem\n<jester-> Freddy1: rifallo\n<jester-> aggiungi nel primo box http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu\n<jester-> secondo metti raring\n<Freddy1> ho clickato aggiungi poi su riga apt ho scritto -> deb-src http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu raring main\n<jester-> nel tezzo main\n<Freddy1> poi ho clickato aggiungi sorgent4e\n<Freddy1> sorgente*\n<jester-> Freddy1: cosa ti ho scritto di fare\n<jester-> dove lo hai lo hai visto deb.src\n<jester-> Freddy1: http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu\n<jester-> rating e main\n<jester-> raring*\n<Freddy1> jester-: eccome dove l'ho visto -> [14:26] <jester-> deb-src http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu raring main\n<jester-> Freddy1: hai letto 60 righe sopra\n<jester-> e non leggi quello che ti scrivo\n<jester-> Freddy1: pare che trolli\n<Freddy1> non solo l'ho letto ma te l'ho anche incollato , vabbé , dimmi cosa devo fare , allora\n<glpiana> <jester-> Freddy1: aggiungi\n<glpiana> <jester-> aggiungi nel primo box http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu\n<glpiana> <jester-> secondo metti raring\n<glpiana> <jester-> nel tezzo main\n<Freddy1> jester-: pare che non vuoi aiutarmi , o forse non sai come risolvere , vabbé\n<TaLaDo> lol\n<Freddy1> jester-: ho clickato aggiungi e mi scrive comando apt\n<Freddy1> non ci sono primo secondo terzo box\n<glpiana> Freddy1, allora scirvi:  deb http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu raring main\n<jester-> glpiana: lasaperd\n<Freddy1> jester-: ok è comparso indipendente , finalmente\n<jester-> ma va\n<Freddy1> ma si , ora cosa faccio?\n<glpiana> Freddy1, chiudi sorgenti software e nel temrinale scrivi: sudo apt-get update\n<mettiu> glpiana, dopo aver installato gprename ?\n<glpiana> mettiu, lo avvii e lo usi :)\n<uait> quando entra mibofra fate un fischio xD\n<mettiu> glpiana, funziona\n<mettiu> grazie ciao\n<Freddy1> glpiana: ok , ho fatto , grazie\n<Freddy1> glpiana: come faccio ad installare skype?\n<glpiana> Freddy1, nel terminale scrivi: apt-cache policy skype\n<glpiana> !paste | Freddy1\n<ubot-it> Freddy1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<uait> vabbe chiedo a voi nel frattempo. allora ho gimp, ma nei filtri ho il problema che ne manco alcuni, ovvero porta in rilievo e stroke, qualcuno sa come metterli?\n<Freddy1> glpiana: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5696974/\n<glpiana> Freddy1, sudo apt-get install skype\n<Freddy1> glpiana: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5696980/\n<glpiana> Freddy1, sudo apt-get -f install\n<uait> vabbe chiedo a voi nel frattempo. allora ho gimp, ma nei filtri ho il problema che ne manco alcuni, ovvero porta in rilievo e stroke, qualcuno sa come metterli?\n<glpiana> !repeat | uait\n<ubot-it> uait: non ripetere la tua domanda spesso, ogni N minuti. Non aumenterà le probabilità di ottenere una risposta ma provocherà solamente una reazione stizzita da parte degli altri utenti del canale. Se nessuno ti risponde riprova più tardi o utilizza le altre forme di supporto messe a dispozione dalla comunità.\n<Freddy1> glpiana: fatto , poi?\n<Freddy1> glpiana: se vuoi te lo !pasto\n<glpiana> fradeve, ha dato output?\n<glpiana> metti su pastebin, sì\n<calimer82> ciao a tutti\n<calimer82> ragazzi voi che comandi usate per pulire ubuntu?\n<Freddy1> glpiana: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5697002/\n<akhilleus> ciao a tutti\n<akhilleus> cristian ciao\n<glpiana> Freddy1, dpkg -l | grep skype\n<svingegneria> Ciao a tutti\n<Freddy1> glpiana: mi scrive 'comando non trovato'\n<glpiana> Freddy1, hai scritto male allora\n<Freddy1> glpiana: no , ho copia incollato\n<Freddy1> glpiana: ho scritto -> dpkg -l | grep skype\n<glpiana> Freddy1, metti su pastebin che vediamo cosa hai copiaincollato\n<Freddy1> glpiana: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5697017/\n<glpiana> Freddy1, beh, posso anche credere che \"l\" non sia un comando\n<Freddy1> glpiana: ops sorry ho capito perché\n<Freddy1> glpiana: ok comunque ho fatto , ora?\n<glpiana> Freddy1, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade\n<Freddy1> glpiana: fatto , te lo pasto?\n<glpiana> Freddy1, se ha installato qualcosa sì\n<Freddy1> glpiana: 0 installati\n<glpiana> Freddy1, apri sorgenti software e cambia il server da cui prendere i pacchetti\n<Freddy1> glpiana: spiegami come cambiare il server , please , ho aperto 'sw e aggiornamenti' poi?\n<glpiana> Freddy1, nella prima scheda c'è scritto: \"scaricare da\"\n<glpiana> clicca lì e scegli un server, tra quelli italiani, che sia garr o fastbull\n<Freddy1> glpiana: non ho capito , sorry , devo selezionare 'server in italia' ?\n<Freddy1> glpiana: o devo selezionare 'altro' ?\n<glpiana> Freddy1, selezioni \"altro\" e poi scegli un server di quelli che ti ho detto tra quelli italiani\n<Freddy1> glpiana: ho selezionato 'ubuntu.fastbull.org'\n<Freddy1> glpiana: ora cosa faccio?\n<glpiana> Freddy1, oki, chiudi sorgenti software e trona nel temrinale\n<glpiana> scrivi: sudo apt-get update\n<glpiana> Freddy1, poi copia quel che è uscito su pastebin\n<Freddy1> glpiana: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5697049/\n<glpiana> Freddy1, torna su sorgenti software  e leva nella scheda aggiornamenti la spunta ai repository proposed\n<Freddy1> glpiana: ok , fatto , 'aggiornamenti proposti' ho tolto il flag\n<glpiana> Freddy1, chiudi e di nuovo sudo apt-get update\n<Freddy1> glpiana: te lo !pasto?\n<Freddy1> glpiana: ok fatto , poi?\n<glpiana> Freddy1, sudo apt-get install skype\n<Freddy1> glpiana: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5697085/\n<glpiana> Freddy1, sudo apt-get install skype-bin\n<Freddy1> glpiana: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5697090/\n<glpiana> Freddy1, apt-cache policy skype-bin\n<Freddy1> glpiana: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5697094/\n<glpiana> Freddy1, non capisco dove stia l'inghippo. vai qui http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/pool/partner/s/skype/ scaricati il file -deb e installalo cliccandoci sopra\n<glpiana> io stacco, ciao\n<Freddy1> QUALE , dei tanti , file.deb? :( vabbé\n<Guest36271> nel processo di installazione si vede tutto a righe\n<Guest36271> nn so come fare\n<Guest36271> non c'è nessuno che ha avuto il mio stesso problema?\n<jester-> Guest36271: se hai una scheda tipo sis è facile\n<elsa61> ciao\n<elsa61> ho installato ubuntu 12.04, ho visto che è uscito ubuntu 13.04 vale la pena utilizzarlo ??\n<roht> penso di si\n<jester-> elsa61: dipende\n<jester-> se il pc va bene no\n<elsa61> ilpc va bene con ubuntu 12.04\n<elsa61> nessun problema\n<elsa61> per ora\n<jester-> 12.04 + pure lts\n<jester-> se ci lavori ancora meglio\n<jester-> elsa61: dovresti fare 2 passaggi, diretto è permesso solo fra lts\n<elsa61> jester-,  bisogna installare lts\n<jester-> elsa61: 12,04 è lts\n<jester-> long term suppot\n<jester-> supporto piu lungo\n<elsa61> jester-,  ma ubuntu 12.04 non ha supporto di 3 anni\n<uait> qualcuno mi sa dare il link del download del filtro porta in rilievo gimp?\n<jester-> !rilasci\n<ubot-it> Scalette di rilascio: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Rilasci | Cicli di vita delle versioni: http://www.ubuntu-it.org/index.php?page=Rilascio_nuove_versioni\n<elsa61> quindi migliore 12.04\n<jester-> elsa61: è la piu stabile\n<elsa61> jester-,   ok quindi mi tengo ancora ubuntu 12.04\n<jester-> potresti provare la live 13.04 e vedere come funza er pc\n<jester-> e vedere le differnze, consiglio kubuntu che come grafica è convenzionale molto configurabile\n<massy> anche perche il supporto vale 5 anni non piu 3\n<jester-> massy: e 5 anni?\n<jester-> hanno accorciato\n<massy> jester-, sapevo che la ubuntu 12.04 lts viene supportata per 5 anni con gli aggiornamenti\n<massy> hanno cambiato??\n<jester-> si la 12.04 è ancora 5 anni\n<jester-> dalla 13.04 hanno accorciato i tempi mica poco\n<jester-> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Rilasci\n<massy> ho letto jester-\n<massy> io uso la 12.04\n<massy> quindi per 5 anni la devo supportare ahahaha\n<sambuco> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS\n<sambuco> quindi la 13.04 non è LTS ..\n<jester-> nu\n<jester-> scade gennaio prossimo il supporto\n<jester-> nove mesi invece che 2 anni\n<Danielson> hey\n<rasta81> ciao a tutti..\n<fourlastor> ciao a tutti :) penso di aver fatto qualche cazzata durante l'installazione di ubuntu e ora tutti i dispositivi li monta dentro a /media/daniele invece di /media, c'è un modo per risolvere? :D\n<nannes> !fstab | fourlastor, leggi qui\n<ubot-it> fourlastor, leggi qui: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Fstab\n<fourlastor> nannes, non ci sono direttive nell'fstab, già controllato\n<fourlastor> in pratica monta dentro a /media/daniele qualsiasi cosa se non specificato diversamente\n<rasta81> mi è capitato un problema (già avuto con ubuntu  12.10 e ora col 13.04)  con notebook della mia morosa.. A installazione eseguita correttamente nel momento in cui vado a spegnerlo con la relativa icona invece di spegnersi si riavvia. Ho già fatto qualche ricerca sul web ma non sono riuscito a risolvere il mio problema..\n<jester-> fourlastor: /media/daniele l'hai creata tu o ha partizioni separate\n<rasta81> il fatto è che con la 12.10, non avendone necessità, non mi sono dilungato nelle ricerche e ho optato per rimettere su win 7... ora però con la 13.04 la cosa persiste..\n<jester-> rasta81: prova a spegnere da terminale con sudo halt a vedere che fa\n<rasta81> già provato jester-\n<mondocane> halt -p ?\n<rasta81> lancia quache comando ma non si spegne..rimane bloccato..\n<fourlastor> jester-, creata io durante l'install (mi sembrava una \"buona idea\"), in pratica ho un secondo hd che volevo montare lì, poi ho semplicemente eliminato l'auto mounting di quel volume, eliminando la riga dall'fstab, e ora si monta in automatico, però sempre in quella cartella, ho provato a cancellare e rifare la partizione, se cambio l'etichetta si monta in /media/daniele/<etichetta>, se metto \"daniele\" come etichetta si monta in\n<fourlastor> /media/daniele, se non metto l'etichetta si monta in /media/daniele/<UUID>\n<fourlastor> quindi immaginavo ci fosse da qualche parte una default root per il mount delle cose che è stata cambiata, però onestamente non ne ho idea\n<rasta81> da bios ho già controllato e ho provato a disabilitare i vari \"wake on.....\" come suggerito su qualche ricerca nel web\n<rasta81> ma senza risultati..\n<jester-> fourlastor: comunque è fstab che indica\n<fourlastor> jester-, se elimini la riga da fstab nelle ultime versioni di ubuntu si monta in una directory scelta in automatico (un po' come le pennette usb)\n<jester-> fourlastor: monta in /media\n<rasta81> ora non ho il pc davanti quindi altre prove non riuscirei a farne...però posso segnarmi i vostri consigli e provare appena ho il pc davanti..\n<fourlastor> appunto, quello è il comportamento normale, io sto cercando di capire come ripristinarlo :D\n<jester-> fourlastor: se la partizione non ha etichetta assegna un nome suo al punto di mount\n<rasta81> quello che ricordo è che ho provato i vari comandi di halt da terminale ma non si riavviava nemmeno..rimaneva bloccato nel terminale...\n<jester-> rasta81: se acpi del pc non è compatibile c'è poco o niente da fare\n<fourlastor> jester-, quello lo so, quello che non capisco è perché invece di /media/<etichetta|UUID> la monta in /media/daniele/<etichetta|UUID> quando la monta in automatico\n<jester-> rasta81: prova ad avviare editando grub e dopo splah metti noapic\n<rasta81> quindi è proprio una incompatibilità hardware jester- ?\n<jester-> se non va prova con acpi=force\n<jester-> fourlastor: non ho idea non sapendo che hai fatto installando\n<fourlastor> jester-,  trovato, pare che il punto di mount automatico sia cambiato dalla 12.10 in /media/<username>/<etichetta|UUID>\n<rasta81> ehm..mi sa che sia meglio tornar qui quando ho il pc davanti... :)\n<fourlastor> quindi non l'ho fatto io era così di base :P\n<jester-> fourlastor: va che a tutti continua a montare in /media/quelcheè\n<rasta81> jester-:  ... ma sull'incompatibilità acpi azz.....anche su un notebook di 6 mesi di vita?\n<jester-> fourlastor: e da solo non crea una danile o altro in /media\n<jester-> rasta81: è problema di pc troppo vecchi o troppo nuovi\n<jester-> a meno che usano chipset intel\n<fourlastor> jester-, http://askubuntu.com/a/215138\n<jester-> che visto che paga sviluppo kernel i driver suoi ce li mette\n<rasta81> ehhh...se nn erro è proprio intel il chipset...\n<rasta81> nn ci metto la mano sul fuoco..\n<jester-> fourlastor: a me contiuna a montare in media/etichetta\n<rasta81> anzi...dopo aver letto che paga lo sviluppo kernel la mano la tolgo proprio dal fuoco.... XD\n<jester-> o /media/random\n<fourlastor> magari perché hai aggiornato invece di installare da 0\n<rasta81> parli con me fourlastor ?\n<fourlastor> no con jester- sorry :P\n<rasta81> vabbuò...appena ho la possibilità di avere il pc davanti mi ricollego qui e vediamo se si può risolvere....\n<rasta81> per ora grazie a tutti.. :)\n<jester-> fourlastor: non installazione nuova 13.04 kubuntu, non so poi circa gnome e unity\n<rasta81> buona serata!\n<fourlastor> non saprei, comunque va bene così :) scappo! grazie ugualmente!\n<akis24> sera\n<sandero66> salve\n<sandero66> sono nuovo di ubuntu e vorrei sapere se e possibile installare una iso da hd senza cd o chiavette\n<weltall> che iso vuoi installare? ubuntu? ti serve la chiavetta o network boot che è la cosa più complessa :P\n<almaidinajad> sandero66, da hd non la puoi installare poichè si devono fare delle operazioni sull'hard disk stesso\n<almaidinajad> in compenso puoi installare da hd esterno, come se fosse una chiavetta sandero66\n<sandero66> ho gia installato ubuntu 13 04 ma vorrei creare una partizione windows\n<weltall> windows si installa solo da chiavetta cd o altro sistema windows\n<sandero66> grazie ragazzi\n<almaidinajad> ciao a tutti ho un problema d'audio con ubuntu raring\n<almaidinajad> dopo aver messo mano ad alsactl mi è completamente sballata la velocità ed il tono della musica che ascolto dal browser, suggerimenti?\n<pro97> ciao\n<pro97> !list\n<ubot-it> questo non è un canale per scaricare o di condivisione di contenuti\n<francesc1> buona sera, esiste un modo per abilitare i driver proprietari da terminale?\n<fiamma> ciao ragazzi\n<fiamma> io stasera su google plus ho una chat molto importante\n<fiamma> ma devo installare il plugin apposito\n<fiamma> scaricato lo apro e il software center mi dice che un file si è installato male\n<fiamma> e deve ripararlo\n<fiamma> come faccio???\n<fiamma> ragazzi è importantissimo, non posso perderlo\n#ubuntu-it 2013-05-25\n<giordano> salve a tutti/e, vorrei sapere se si può installare una videata grafica come E17 su ubuntu gnome 12.04, grazie.\n<cristian_c> ciao\n<cristian_c> da un po' tempo non funzionano più bene i tasti volume del laptop\n<cristian_c> ad esempio, il toogle dell'audio funziona a metà nel senso che riesco a disattivare il volume (mute), ma non se lo premo nuovamente non si riattiva più\n<cristian_c> Qualche idea?\n<akis24> giorno\n<skricciolo1981> salve\n<_FabioNET_> olà\n<Dix78> Buongiorno a tutti!!! Ho un problema con pidgin. Fino a ieri funzionava benissimo, ora invece quando tento di aprirlo si apre la schermata del programma poi si chiude immediatamente. Ho provato a \"Purgarlo\" e reinstallarlo ma senza risultati\n<cristian_c> Dix78, hai aggiunto ppa e simili?\n<Dix78> cristian_c l'installazione l'ho fatta dal software center poi ho controllato se si dovevano abilitare ppa ed era tutto ok\n<cristian_c> Dix78, sì, ma la domanda è un'altra\n<cristian_c> Dix78, hai aggiunto altri ppa?\n<Dix78> no cristian_c\n<cristian_c> Dix78, cat /etc/apt/sources.list && ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/\n<jester-> 'ngiorno\n<Dix78> giorno jester-\n<Dix78> cristian_c fatto... vuoi vedere il paste?\n<cristian_c> Dix78, sì\n<Dix78> cristian_c non piangere vedendo i risultati http://paste.ubuntu.com/5699635/\n<cristian_c> Dix78, non è che piango, ma mi stupisco sempre quando affermano il contrario\n<cristian_c> Dix78, deb http://archive.canonical.com/ raring partner\n<cristian_c> deb http://archive.canonical.com/ quantal partner\n<cristian_c> deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu raring partner\n<Dix78> cristian_c ? devo eliminare quei ppa?\n<cristian_c> Dix78, hai i partner tripli\n<cristian_c> Dix78, di cui uno per quantal\n<cristian_c> che non c'entra niente con raring\n<cristian_c> ahhhhh\n<cristian_c> deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu raring-proposed multiverse main restricted universe\n<cristian_c> Dix78, pure i proposed\n<cristian_c> Dix78, rinomina il file sources.list\n<cristian_c> Dix78, ad esempio sources.list.bak\n<cristian_c> Dix78, mi dicono dalla regia: poi, da software center-->impostazioni-->configura sorgenti\n<cri> cioa\n<_Kalce_> salve a tutti...\n<_Kalce_> uso il 13.04 ... mi sapete dire un buon programma per convertire i wav in mp3?\n<cristian_c> _Kalce_, ce ne sono vari, io usavo sound-converter\n<cristian_c> usi kde?\n<_Kalce_> cristian,no...unity\n<jester-> _Kalce_: soundconverter\n<_Kalce_> jester, grazie\n<_Kalce_> grazie a tutti.... bye bye\n<jester-> _Kalce_: ma devi abilitare i repo indipendenti extra e installare ubuntu-restricted-extras\n<jester-> la fretta è sempre una cattiva consigliera\n<_Kalce_> jester,  azz... sono ignorante....come si fà?\n<jester-> _Kalce_: gksu software-properties-gtk  altro software abiliti indipendenti e partenrs\n<jester-> _Kalce_: dopo di che sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras soundconverter\n<jester-> anzi prima ancora sudo apt-get update o non sa di averli\n<_Kalce_> jester: provo....\n<jester-> _Kalce_: dopo di che sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras soundconverter lame\n<jester-> serve anche lame\n<_Kalce_> jester: ok\n<janie> salve ragazzi! avrei bisogno di un aiutino spicciolo...credo che possa aiutarmi praticamente chiunque\n<janie> dovrei installare il software Calibre su ubuntu 13.04\n<janie> http://calibre-ebook.com/download_linux\n<janie> però non ci capisco nulla -_-\n<cristian_c> janie, dal software center\n<cristian_c> janie, non devi scaricare niente dal web\n<cristian_c> lo trovi già nei repo di ubuntu\n<invisibleman> ci sono degli aggiornamenti da installare, ma provando ad installarli mi appare il messaggio che potrebbe provenire da sorgenti non autenticate. cosa faccio?\n<krabador> invisibleman, hai aggiunto ppa\n<invisibleman> sono poco pratico. ormai sono solo un utente utilizzatore. cosa e' ppa?\n<krabador> invisibleman, da terminale digita software-properties-get\n<krabador> *software-properties-gtk\n<invisibleman> ok mi è comparsa una maschera con le sorgenti software\n<krabador> invisibleman, dì cosa ti appare alla tab \"altro\"\n<invisibleman> solo selezionato indipendente software sviluppatori di terze parti\n<hh_> ragazzi ubuntu mi legge solo alcuni dischi.... alcuni non li visualizza nemmeno nel drive ! come risovo??\n<hh_> ragazzi ubuntu mi legge solo alcuni dischi.... alcuni non li visualizza nemmeno nel drive ! come risovo??\n<entony> ciao ragazzi posso chiedervi un aiuto x ubuntu 13.04?\n<hh_> entony: non c'è nessuno ora\n<hh_> entony: manco a me rispondono\n<entony> tu potresti aiutarmi?\n<hh_> entony: chiedi... vediamo se son capace\n<entony> ho installato ubuntu su un portatile ma ho un problema,nel momento in cui devo chiudere il programma mi rimane la scritta ubuntu e rimane acceso\n<hh_> l'hai installato sul hd?\n<entony> si\n<hh_> singolo e su partizione\n<hh_> o su* ?\n<entony> ho formattato il pc e installato il programma\n<hh_> ti rimane la scritta ubuntu ?\n<hh_> i pallini sotto la scritta sono bianchi o arancioni?\n<entony> entrambi\n<entony> da bianchi diventano arancioni\n<hh_> diventano tutti arancioni?? o ne rimane qualcuno alla fine bianco?\n<entony> sembra come se carica i pallini si muovono\n<krabador> !imagebin | invisibleman\n<ubot-it> invisibleman: Vuoi mostrarci una schermata del tuo problema? Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<krabador> posta uno screenshot della tab \"altro\" di software properties gtk\n<entony> sono riuscito a spiegarti il problema?\n<hh_> entony: si si caricano... ma devi dirmi se diventano tutti arancioni o tutti bianchi...\n<hh_> entony:  perchè se non tutti si caricano significa che c'è in corso qualche processo che ubuntu non riesce ad arrestare\n<hh_> krabador: ubuntu mi legge solo alcuni dischi.... alcuni non li visualizza nemmeno nel drive ! come risovo??\n<entony> è un continuo movimento di colori\n<hh_> entony: non ne ho idea allora\n<krabador> \"alcuni non me li visualizza nemmeno nel drive\" spiegati\n<entony> se provo a installare la versione precedente?\n<hh_> krabador: nel senso che non li vedo nemmeno tra le icone a sinistra...\n<hh_> entony: la 13 ha quanche bug... io ti consiglio vivamente di mettere la 12.04... mi trovo benissimo\n<krabador> hh_, apri il terminale e digita sudo fdisk -l\n<entony> ok lo faccio subito allora grazie\n<hh_> krabador: con disco inserito?\n<krabador> hh_, non lo so ... se vuoi vedere le partizioni di un disco disinserito....\n<entony> scusami un ultima domanda\n<entony> ho un vecchio portatile con windows 2000 e volevo installare linux cosa mi consigli?\n<krabador> entony, lubuntu\n<hh_> entony: ubuntu... se sei alle prime armi con linux\n<entony> si\n<krabador> entony, è l'unico candidato ubuntu based per hardware di una certa età\n<entony> ma mi piace parecchio linux\n<krabador> ma entony , che hardware ha il portatile?\n<entony> 128\n<hh_> krabador: ti metto il pastebin\n<krabador> hh_, si\n<krabador> entony, non solo la ram\n<invisibleman> ubot - it & krabador http://imagebin.org/258901\n<krabador> entony, cpu ?\n<entony> sul portatile che ho il problema la ram è di 1gb non è che è la versione che non è compatibile con il pc?\n<krabador> invisibleman, ubot-it non è un utente\n<invisibleman> sorry\n<hh_> krabador: http://pastebin.com/2GUmWxrv\n<entony> scusate ma non capisco molto di questa roba x me è tutto nuovo\n<krabador> invisibleman, ok, puoi postare l'immagine di software-properties-getk ?\n<krabador> *software-properties-gtk\n<krabador> entony, molto semplicemente, che processore,e  ram ha il notebook con win2000?\n<entony> la ram è di 128 mb\n<invisibleman> krabador sempre la linguetta altro?\n<krabador> invisibleman, si\n<krabador> hh_, ti vede un solo disco, quanti te ne dovrebbe vedere?\n<hh_> krabador: come disco intendo cd- dvd\n<hh_> me ne legge solo alcuni!\n<hh_> non tutti\n<krabador> hh_, dischi che vedi perfettamente su win?\n<entony> ho trovato la versione 12.04.2 andrà bene?\n<krabador> entony, è l'ultima dell'attuale long term support\n<entony> ok provo con quella versione\n<invisibleman> krabador http://imagebin.org/258903\n<invisibleman> comunque non ho modificato nessuno di questi parametri\n<krabador> invisibleman, allora, disabilita \"indipendente\"\n<krabador> chiudi il gestore aggiornamenti senza aggiornare\n<krabador> e da terminale digiti sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade\n<hh_> krabador: non ho win su questo pc... però sull'altro pc in cui ho win i dischi li vedo perfettamente (sono film comprati)\n<krabador> hh_, potrebbe essere un problema del lettore.\n<krabador> hh_, non ci sono problemi in montaggio di dvd originali\n<hh_> mmm\n<hh_> però strano\n<hh_> ho comprato il cofanetto del padrino è su 5 dischi ne legge 1\n<max> salve\n<Guest55917> salve\n<Guest55917> avrei una domanda inerente il server\n<hh_> krabador: ad esempio! se metto ubuntu bootable su usb lo legge.... se metto win bootable su usb NO (bios impostato correttamente si intende)\n<Pablo1> hh_: prova winusb\n<Pablo1> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:colingille/freshligh\n<Pablo1> sudo apt-get update\n<Pablo1> sudo apt-get install winusb\n<Pablo1> hh_:freshlight *\n<Pablo1> mancava la t finale\n<hh_> Pablo1: a cosa serve ? a mettere win bootable\n<hh_> ?\n<Pablo1> hh_: si stesso procedimento di unetbootin\n<entony> scusate ragazzi ho provato a cliccare CTRL+ALT+CANC e mi è uscita una schermata con delle scritte cosa posso fare adesso?\n<roht> che scritte?\n<invisibleman> krabador l'installazione con il tuo comando è andata. rifacendo una verifica con il gestore aggiornamenti ne sono rimasti 8 è sono tutti relativi header di linux\n<roht> dicci dicci\n<entony> il computer è rimasto con la schermata devo fare qualcosa?\n<hh_> Pablo1: ma la usb bootable che ho funziona! l'ho prvata su un altro pc!\n<invisibleman> krabador forse ho capito sono nuovi aggiornamenti è probabilmente andavano in conflitto con altri che erano propedeutici a questi. ora stanno andando anche dal gestetore aggiornamenti. speriamo che non ho fatto casino. comunque grazie di tutto\n<roht> ctrl+alt+f2\n<invisibleman> ho imparato qualcosa di nuovo\n<Pablo1> hh:  la penna contiene win e funziona su un altro pc ? se si io mi trovavo nella stessa condizione ho risolto formattando la penna usb a fat e non fat32, rifatto l'immagine e ha funzionato\n<roht> entony, tenere premuto i pulsanti ALT + STAMP poi con i pulsanti sopracitati premuti, digitare i tasti R E I S U B uno alla volta\n<invisibleman> un saluto a tutti\n<rusfus> salve\n<rusfus> ieri mattina e qualche ora fa mi e successa una cosa insolita, dal nulla mi si e spento il pc. ora ho installato seguendo la guida Sensor Indicator e mi sembra tutto ok con la temperatura\n<rusfus> qualcuno sa dirmi da cosa puo' dipendere??\n<rusfus> le uniche cose \"anomale\" sono nel VCore voltage : +3 voltage 3,03 / +5 voltage 5,07 / +12 voltage 11,98\n<rusfus> per il resto temperatura cpu, mb, core e hd sembrano nella norma, approssimativamente sui 40\\45° celsius\n<rusfus> qualcuno che almeno mi mandi in culo??\n<rusfus> va be!\n<rusfus> ciao a tutti\n<Liink> Pablo1, ciao\n<MattiaUBUNTIANO> buongiorno a tutti\n<cristian_c> Liink, ciao\n<Liink> cristian_c: ciao\n<superobot28> buongiorno a tutti!\n<superobot28> ho un problema ad entrare nel router,prima con windows entravo adesso non mi fa' entrare.come posso fare?\n<cristian_c> superobot28, basta che digiti l'ip\n<cristian_c> del gateway\n<superobot28> grazazie cristan ho prvato ma midice pagina non trvata..e dallo shell mi da' comando non trvato.\n<superobot28> la versione e' la 13.04\n<cristian_c> superobot28, che indirizzo hai digitato nel browser?\n<superobot28>\n<cristian_c> dovrebbe fungere\n<cristian_c> superobot28, route -n\n<superobot28> niente mi da' pagina non trovata\n<cristian_c> superobot28, il comando\n<superobot28> ho prvato ora sullo shell ed entro..mi da' la schermata di configurazione ip.ecc.ecc\n<superobot28> cristian da web mi da la  seg  uente scritta:La connessione al server è stata annullata durante il caricamento della pagina\n<superobot28> come faccio ad entrare nel setaggio del router?\n<cristian_c> superobot28, hai digitato il comando?\n<superobot28> si ho digitato il comando\n<superobot28> per configurarlo cosa devo fare?\n<cristian_c> superobot28, posta qui il risultato del comando\n<cristian_c> superobot28, anzi, su pastebin\n<cristian_c> !paste | superobot28\n<ubot-it> superobot28: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<superobot28> fatto\n<cristian_c> superobot28, posta qui il link\n<superobot28> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5700527/\n<filippo> salve a tutti\n<cristian_c> superobot28, il gateway è giusto\n<cristian_c> superobot28, perché devi accedere alle impostazioni del router?\n<superobot28> devo cambiare lap assword e mettere nuova password per wifi\n<filippo> ho un hp nx9010 che ha il tasto fisico per attivare7disattivare le funzionalità del touchpad per evitare che mentre si scriva si possa inavvertitamente toccate. Il problema è che capita che il touchpad sia disattivato all'accensione del PC e non si possa attivare, soluzioni?\n<superobot28> ma da pagina web non mida la maschera.\n<cristian_c> superobot28, digita: iwconfig\n<cristian_c> filippo, ma era stato disattivato prima di spegnerlo?\n<superobot28> fatto ,mi da' no wireless extensions\n<cristian_c> superobot28, uhm, ifconfig -a\n<filippo> cristian_c, no, io non lo tocco per niente quel tasto, le volte che l'ho toccato ho visto che se si attiva all'inizio poi posso accendere e spegnere tranquillamente\n<superobot28> mi da' tutti i pacchetti eth e lo\n<cristian_c> filippo, quindi il problema si è verificato sin dall'inizio?\n<cristian_c> superobot28, su pastebin\n<filippo> si, vorrei avere la sicurezza che se accendo il PC si possa usare il touchpad sempre, con facoltà di disattivarlo, insomma vorrei farlo funzionare per come è uscito da HP\n<riccardo> Ciao!\n<cristian_c> filippo, il tasto quindi non funge, giusto?\n<filippo> no\n<cristian_c> filippo, puoi fare una prova\n<cristian_c> filippo, quando accade, digita: sudo modprobe -r\n<cristian_c> filippo, quando accade, digita: sudo modprobe -r psmouse\n<cristian_c> filippo, e poi: sudo modprobe psmouse\n<filippo> cristian_c, funge, funge!!\n<filippo> cristian_c, se ora imposto i comandi che mi hai dato in modo che siano avviati con il sistema non dovrei avere più problemi, no?\n<URUS> aiuto , installare kernel 3.5.0-27 su ubuntu 12.10\n<URUS> urgente ragazzi\n<URUS> va bene il comando apt-get install linux-image-3.5.0-27 ?\n<cristian_c> filippo, dovrebbe funziona\n<cristian_c> *funzionare\n<filippo> bene, bene\n<cristian_c> filippo, mettili in /etc/rc.local\n<cristian_c> filippo, mettili in /etc/rc.local\n<cristian_c> URUS, sono nei repo?\n<filippo> cristian_c, ok\n<URUS> cristian_c: con quel comando me lo installa il problemma è che voglio sapere se facendo cosi è giusto altrimenti dopo mi da un errrore di un file in var/log/\n<URUS> e dopo non posso piu installare i driver per la scheda ati per che mi da errrore\n<cristian_c> URUS, ma non vengono installati automaticamente tramite gli aggiornamenti di sistema?\n<URUS> appunto ma io ora sono al 3.5.0-17-generic e dopo va al 3.8 ma a me serve il 3.5.0-27\n<URUS> cristian_c\n<teddyl78> ci sono sviluppatori?\n<URUS> io ora ho il 3.5.0-31-generic\n<teddyl78> chi mi può aiutare?\n<URUS> è se faccio upgrade o dist-upgrade se installa da solo ?\n<teddyl78> voglio collegarmi ad un computer che ha linux e io conosco solo il suo ip\n<URUS> perche è quello che non voglio cioe voglio quello e basta\n<teddyl78> posso farlo?\n<cristian_c> teddyl78, lol\n<teddyl78> chi mi può aiutare?\n<cristian_c> URUS, allora pen so che sian o presenti nei repo\n<cristian_c> URUS,  controlla in synaptic\n<teddyl78> ciao cristian\n<cristian_c> !chiedi | teddyl78\n<ubot-it> teddyl78: per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<URUS> teddyl78: leggi in privato\n<teddyl78> stò scaricando la versione adesso dal sito\n<URUS> cristian_c: mi manca (driver-aggiuntivi)\n<URUS> come posso installarlo\n<cristian_c> URUS, che scheda è?\n<URUS> ati readom mobility 2600\n<cristian_c> teddyl78, devi collegarti in remoto?\n<cristian_c> URUS, sembra una scheda vecchia\n<URUS> si ma con quel tool me lo trova\n<URUS> provato con altre versione\n<URUS> cristian_c: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RV630 [Mobility Radeon HD 2600]\n<cristian_c> URUS, il punto è che non ci sono più driver proprietari per la tua scheda\n<cristian_c> URUS, devi accontentarti degli open\n<cristian_c> o comprarti una scheda recente\n<cristian_c> questi sono i driver proprieari\n<URUS> ma con altre versione me lo installa\n<cristian_c> il supporto non è infinito , prima o poi finisce\n<URUS> tipo ubuntu 12.04lts\n<URUS> provato sta notte\n<cristian_c> URUS, perché era presente nei repo\n<cristian_c> hanno tolto il supporto\n<URUS> ma io ora sono su ubuntu 12.10\n<URUS> e non trovo il tool di ubuntu DRIVER AGGIUSTIVI\n<cristian_c> URUS, per assicurarti della cosa, controlla sul sito ubuntu packages\n<cristian_c> per la tua release\n<cristian_c> URUS, ahhhhhhhh\n<cristian_c> URUS, quello sta in sorgenti software\n<cristian_c> URUS, avevo capito un'altra cosa :D\n<URUS> cioe come lo installo\n<URUS> cristian_c: ??????????????\n<URUS> come lo installo allora\n<URUS> cristian_c: mi manca https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-zIBrgxB6u40/UFmEfuftDHI/AAAAAAAAkBI/qMf46kww2wI/s800/impostazioni_sistema_driver_aggiuntivi.png\n<URUS> come lo installo\n<cristian_c> URUS, sei andato in Sorgenti software?\n<URUS> si e cosa faccio\n<URUS> su additional driver non ce niente cosa faccio\n<URUS> cristian_c: ??\n<cristian_c> URUS, se non c'è niente, hanno tolto il supporto alla tua scheda per i driver proprietari\n<cristian_c> quindi, accontentati degli open\n<URUS> ma se stanotte c'era\n<URUS> e se installo ubuntu 12.04\n<URUS> me lo trovera ancora\n<URUS> cristian_c: sto installando additional driver da ubuntu software center\n<cristian_c> URUS, guarda che c'è già\n<URUS> te sto dicendo che non ce\n<URUS> era quello che mi mancava\n<cristian_c> URUS, Driver aggiuntivi e additional drivers sono la stessa cosa\n<cristian_c> lol\n<marzio> ciao a tutti\n<marzio> avrei bisogno di risolvere un problema\n<marzio> riguardo una connessione internet che non funziona\n<marzio> ho un portatile che non si connette via wi-fi\n<Liink> Sera\n<marzio> la spia di ricezione wi-fi è accesa\n<marzio> cosa devo fare per configurare la rete ?\n<cristian_c> Liink, ciao\n<Liink> cristian_c: ti posso chiedere una cosa ?\n<jester-> cristian_c: visto?\n<jester-> cristian_c: è desktop maddoc non na ciofeca\n<cristian_c> jester-, sì, visto\n<barrnet> 'sera\n<barrnet> c'è qualcuno che potrebbe aiutarmi? :)\n<krabador> barrnet, chiedi\n<barrnet> ho un piccolo problema con la mia linea wireless di casa..\n<barrnet> ho 3 pc: Uno con windows seven e due con xubuntu 13.04\n<barrnet> se si connette il pc con windows 7 tutto bene\n<barrnet> se si connette solo un pc con xubuntu 13.04 tutto bene\n<barrnet> se si connette windows 7 con il fisso con xubuntu 13.04 win va bene e xubuntu va piuttosto lento..\n<barrnet> ma se collego il netbook con xubuntu 13.04 qualsiasi altro dispositivo, perfino la ps3, non riesce più a navigare\n<barrnet> quali potrebbero essere le cause?\n<krabador> barrnet, che router hai?\n<barrnet> un sitecom\n<barrnet> dovrebbe essere questo: http://www.sitecom.com/it/wireless-router-n300-x2/wlr-2100/p/347\n<barrnet> ma tutti quelli della serie n300 sono uguali esteticamente...\n<krabador> barrnet, controlla le impostazioni di dhcp nella sezione wireless del firmware del router.\n<krabador> barrnet, se colleghi i pc col cavo lan, com'è la situazione?\n<barrnet> non ho provato, il modem è un pò distante dai pc\n<krabador> col netbook ti ci puoi avvicinare.\n<barrnet> ho la tabella con i client connessi\n<barrnet> emh...  dovrebbe xD\n<barrnet> il problema è che è morta la batteria, non funziona senza l'alimentazione\n<krabador> e non puoi attaccarlo alla stessa presa di corrente del router?\n<barrnet> purtroppo mi arriverà in settimana quella nuova, per ora sono presadipendente\n<barrnet> ok, aspè\n<barrnet> ok, ora mi ricollego via lan\n<Liink> barrenet, sto seguendo \"vagamente\" il tuo problema però esso dipende dalla tua connessione\n<Liink> barrenet, speedtest.net\n<Liink> barrenet, dimmi i risultati\n<krabador> Liink, se avviene una sorta di \"selezione\" delle periferiche non è una questione di connessione, se invece è solo la velocità, è l'eventuale priorità data alle periferiche, se drasticamente differenti in prestazioni\n<Liink> krabador, chiedo scusa ma avevo letto solo le utlime cose\n<krabador> contando che in ogni caso, con adsl a 7 mega, se si attaccano 4 periferiche, non si puo' pretendere che ognuna sia una scheggia\n<Liink> krabador, questo che dicevo\n<Liink> krabador, però mettiamo caso che ha una 20 Mb\n<krabador> fosse una 20 e ci sono drastiche differenze, se connesse singolarmente vanno a banda piena, sarebbe impostazioni del router.\n<krabador> che potrebbe anche avere in realtà un atteggiamento del genere \"di base\"\n<Liink> krabador, molte volte i  router/modem non riescono a supportare i 20MB\n<krabador> Liink, fosse cosi' non si connetterebbe propri.\n<krabador> *proprio.\n<krabador> se adsl2+ , è ok.\n<Liink> krabador, si connette ma non sfrutta tutta la banda...\n<Liink> krabador, se dovesse essere un router/modem.... datato\n<barrnet> aww caduto\n<krabador> Liink, non agganci la portante,.\n<krabador> barrnet, va con la lan?\n<barrnet> via lan va tutto bene\n<barrnet> col wireless cade la connessione dall''altro pc\n<krabador> barrnet, assicurati che il dhcp sia impostato sia per la lan che il wi-fi\n<barrnet> ovvero?\n<krabador> barrnet, vai nelle impostazioni del router\n<krabador> e verifica che il dhcp sia attivo per entrambi\n<barrnet> non c'è possibilità di scelta\n<barrnet> DHCP Mode : \tNone DHCP Server DHCP Relay configuration\n<krabador> barrnet, se è il wlr-2100 , c'è l'impostazione dhcp\n<barrnet> e sono in quel menu\n<barrnet> sono in basic settings => dhcp settings\n<krabador> !imagebin | barrnet\n<ubot-it> barrnet: Vuoi mostrarci una schermata del tuo problema? Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<Liink> krabador, cosa ne pensi di questa guida la posso seguire http://www.lffl.org/2012/06/ubuntu-wifi-migliorare-linux.html\n<barrnet> http://i.imgur.com/g3KopmJ.png\n<krabador> Liink, fa utilmente modificare un paio di parametri\n<Liink> krabadord, è si ma è consigliabile ?\n<Liink> krabadord, seguire quella guida ?\n<krabador> Liink, se avverti il calo dopo qualche minuto, non fai niente di male\n<krabador> barrnet, ok, è attivo, fammi uno screenshot delle impostazioni wireless\n<barrnet> http://i.imgur.com/G4uWEME.png\n<krabador> barrnet, assegna a tutte le periferiche un canale wifi, e impostalo sul router\n<barrnet> eh?\n<krabador> se ci fai caso\n<krabador> nelle tue \"wireless basic settings\"\n<krabador> hai\n<krabador> \"channel\"\n<barrnet> ah, il canale di trasmissione?\n<barrnet> ok\n<barrnet> ma...\n<barrnet> nei dispositivi come lo imposto?\n<barrnet> sudo iwconfig _INTERFACE_ channel numero ?\n<krabador> si\n<barrnet>     SET failed on device _INTERFACE_ ; No such device.\n<krabador> barrnet, _interface_ è la tua periferica\n<barrnet> si, ho provato anche con wlan0\n<barrnet> è uguale\n<barrnet>     SET failed on device wlan0 ; No such device.\n<krabador> è una eth\n<krabador> o eth0 o eth1\n<barrnet> mmm\n<krabador> se usi la porta lan\n<krabador> dovrebbe essere eth1\n<barrnet> si, ma via lan non ho problemi...\n<barrnet> è il wifi con i problemi xD\n<krabador> allora\n<krabador> il valora\n<krabador> _interface_\n<krabador> è una eth\n<barrnet> eth1      IEEE 802.11abg  ESSID:\"SitecomE9A1DC\"\n<barrnet>           Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.462 GHz  Access Point: 00:0C:F6:E9:A1:DC\n<barrnet>           Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off\n<barrnet>           Power Management:off\n<barrnet> eth1, no?\n<krabador> bravo\n<barrnet> ok, impostato\n<barrnet> e sotto windows come faccio? lol\n<barrnet> ma i dispositivi non dovrebbero rilevare il modem, anche se è sul canale 5?\n<barrnet> *routher\n<krabador> barrnet, su win lo fai da gestione periferiche\n<krabador> selezioni la scheda di rete wifi\n<krabador> ed hai tra i parametri il canale.\n<barrnet> ook\n<barrnet> nel caso questa modifica non funzionasse che altri tentativi dovrei fareù?\n<barrnet> perché il problema è circoscritto solo al netbook\n<barrnet> posso collegare diversi dispositivi, pure celllari, e va più o meno bene con tutti\n<krabador> hai cambiato il canale anche nel router?\n<barrnet> se collego il netbook saltano tutti gli altri e rimane connesso solo lui\n<barrnet> si\n<krabador> il fatto che il netbook \"escluda\" la connessione agli altri, puo' essere solo perchè in qualche modo monopolizza qualche impostazione automatica del wireless del router\n<krabador> se il netbook esclude gli altri anche in lan è un altro discorso\n<barrnet> no, in lan non accade\n<barrnet> scusami..\n<barrnet> ma se in Add DHCP Reservation\n<barrnet> metto un indirizzo ip riservato al mac del netbook\n<barrnet> potrei risolvere?\n<barrnet> della serie\n<barrnet> al dhcp faccio dare gli ip da\n<barrnet> e al netbook imposto\n<Lorenzo_> Ciao a tutti, avrei bisogno di un aiuto per installare  driver generici che mi consentano di  settare lo schermo  1368x768 con ubuntu 12.04\n<krabador> Lorenzo_, che scheda video è ?\n<Lorenzo_> ati radeon 9550\n<Lorenzo_> amd nn supporta queste schede x linux\n<krabador> Lorenzo_, no, le supporta fino alla release di un driver, che non è piu' supportato dal server grafico x\n<krabador> di base, funziona con il mesa\n<krabador> su ubuntu\n<krabador> che va abbastanza bene\n<Lorenzo_> mi puoi spiegare meglio come fare?\n<Lorenzo_> nn sono molto esperto\n<krabador> Lorenzo_, l'hai già installata ubuntu?\n<Lorenzo_> nn so cos'è mesa ho un ubuntu abbastanza basic....\n<Lorenzo_> se mi spieghi un po' ci posso provare\n<krabador> Lorenzo_, l'hai già installata ubuntu?\n<Lorenzo_> certo ubuntu è installato\n<krabador> allora hai già i mesa funzionanti\n<krabador> non va bene la risoluzione del tuo monitor?\n<Lorenzo_> la risoluzione max di ubuntu è 1024x768 però il il mio schermo è 1368x768\n<Lorenzo_> è un monitor samsung 17\" 1368x768\n<Lorenzo_> quindi mi mancano due fette di schermo\n<krabador> puoi aggiugere risoluzioni , a quelle disponibili post installazione\n<krabador> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/Video/Xorg\n<Lorenzo_> ho provato a seguire qualche guida ma nn sono riuscito...\n<Lorenzo_> ok ora leggo e ci provo grazie Krabador\n<krabador> di niente\n<ion_> Ciao. Ho un problema con il display hdmi su 13.04. Qualche anima pia?\n<krabador> ion_, è un problema noto\n<krabador> ion_, se il sistema è perfettamente aggiornato ,e non è cambiato nulla\n<krabador> puoi solo fare tentativi\n<krabador> ion_, da sudo apt-get upddate && sudo apt-get upgrade da terminale\n<ion_> Krabador, i driver nvidia riconoscono il monitor correto\n<ion_> ma in impostazioni display no\n<krabador> ion_,  quali hai installato, gli nvidia current o gli nvidia-current-updates ?\n<Lorenzo_> <krabador> sono riuscito a modificare la risoluzione correttamente, ora dovrei modificare il file xorg.conf x renderle definitive\n<Lorenzo_> dove lo trovo?\n<krabador> Lorenzo_, /etc/X11/xorg.conf\n<krabador> Lorenzo_, fai un backup del precedente , rinominandolo xorg.conf_old\n<krabador> e poi salva quello che hai fatto, come xorg.cong\n<krabador> xorg.conf\n<ion_> Krabrador, gli updates!\n<Lorenzo_> grazie ci provo\n<krabador> ion_, gli hai installati tramite la schermata dei driver aggiuntivi?\n<Lorenzo_>  <krabador> ho un file xorg.conffailsafe ma nn me lo fa modificare\n<krabador> Lorenzo_, è l'unico dentro la cartella?\n<Lorenzo_> dentro la cartela x11 è l'unico\n<Lorenzo_> no scusa ce ne sono altri\n<Lorenzo_> ci sono varie cartelle e altri file\n<Lorenzo_> tra cui default display settings\n<krabador> Lorenzo_, nella 12.04 non c'è effettivamente uno xorg.conf con i driver open\n<Lorenzo_> default_ display_ manager\n<krabador> Lorenzo_, http://askubuntu.com/questions/4662/where-is-the-x-org-config-file-how-do-i-configure-x-there\n<ion_> Krabrador, scusa ma ho perso la connessione\n<Lorenzo_>  <krabador> si va sul difficile...\n<krabador> Lorenzo_, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution/\n<krabador> oppure puoi provare la soluzione suggerita in askubuntu\n<Lorenzo_> <krabador> ora casco dal sonno, ho salvato le pagine e ci provo domani a mente più lucida, grazie di tutto sei stato molto gentile\n<cri> ciao\n<krabador> Lorenzo_, di niente\n<takoski> qualcuno sa perche il mio alimentatore fischia?\n<cri> takoski: io lo staccherei\n<cri> di solito fischiano gli alimentatori di bassa qualità\n#ubuntu-it 2013-05-26\n<corto> c-e qualcuno che puo aiutarmi a sistemare il filesystem\n<corto> ho un portatile con doppia partizione windows ubuntu\n<corto> e mi si e- danneggiato il grub\n<corto> non esce piu\n<corto> adesso sono nel live sul terminale\n<corto> e dando sudo fsck dev/sda2\n<corto> mi esce scritto\n<corto> udo fsck /dev/sda2 fsck from util-linux-ng 2.16 e2fsck 1.41.9 (22-Aug-2009) fsck.ext2: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while trying to open /dev/sda2 Could this be a zero-length partition?\n<akis24> buona domenica\n<jester-> 'ngiorno\n<Alex74> Aiutooooo!!!\n<Alex74> salve ragazzi, sono nuovo dell'ambiente, ho un problema, ho un netbook hpmini 2133 con 2 gb di ram, volevo sapere se esise una distribuzione linux adatta a questo ntbook... vi ringrazio\n<jester-> Alex74: prova la live della 13.04\n<jester-> Alex74: tenedo presente che da usb è molto piu lenta\n<Alex74> gr\n<Alex74> grazie jester, ma è possibile scaricarla e installarla tramite cd?\n<jester-> Alex74: certo che si\n<jester-> Alex74: installazione solo by cd o usb\n<jester-> !installazione | Alex74\n<ubot-it> Alex74: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione | Per installazione grafica http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download\n<jester-> !uab | Alex74\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'uab'\n<jester-> Alex74: se decidi di installare scegli accanto a winzoz che toglierlo non è mai una biona idea\n<Alex74> grazie,  ma se non riconosce qualche driver? cosa faccio?\n<jester-> Alex74: provi la live e vedi subito quel che funza o no, se l'hardware non è cinese strano disolito va tutto, potresti avere un piccolo problrema se la wifi è broadcom al che in installazione è bene abilitare software di terze parti\n<Alex74> ok, grazie oggi ci provo!!!!\n<cri> giorno\n<Cri> Cambiato XD messo chakra su SSD vediamo come va\n<cristian_c> ?\n<snikker> ho impostatato le acl con  \"sudo setfacl -d -R -m g:green-group:rwx /path/to/dir1\" ma non riesco a scrivere nella cartella impostata con l'utente che fa parte del gruppo \"green-group\". mi date una mano?\n<cristian_c> snikker, devi cambiare le acl?\n<snikker> cristian_c: più che cambiare vorrei sapere perchè non mi fa scrivere in quella directory\n<stefano4896> non riesco ad installare ubuntu,la voce installa affianco a windows 7 non appare (ubuntu 13.04)\n<stefano4896> perchè non appare\n<stefano4896> ?\n<snikker> cristian_c: l'utente in uso fa parte del gruppo secondario impostato con le acl con i permessi di scrittura\n<stefano4896> non ho capito\n<jester-> stefano4896: winzoz è installato?\n<stefano4896> si\n<stefano4896> voglio usare ubuntu e windows\n<jester-> stefano4896: ma in che punto dell'installer sei\n<stefano4896> alla pagina in cui chiede come installare ubuntu\n<stefano4896> non mi appare la voce installa affianco a windows 7\n<jester-> stefano4896: installa poi segui e devi arrivare la parizionamento\n<jester-> li lo vedi\n<stefano4896> ci provo,un attimo\n<stefano4896> mi appare solo la voce cancella il disco e installa ubuntu e le altre 3 voci\n<jester-> stefano4896: strana  la cosa, hai deframmentato winz?\n<stefano4896> si,ma un po' di tempo fa\n<cristian_c> snikker, quali sono i permessi della cartella?\n<jester-> stefano4896: va rifatto\n<stefano4896> lo faccio con defraggler\n<jester-> stefano4896: naturalmente fai il bood da cd o usb?\n<jester-> boot*\n<snikker> cristian_c: drwxr-xr-x+ 3 foo foo 4096 May 26 09:46 dir1\n<stefano4896> cd\n<jester-> stefano4896: lo devi fare da winz stesso\n<stefano4896> cioè? forse l'ho fatto\n<stefano4896> quali sono i passaggi da eseguire?\n<jester-> stefano4896: il defrag lo fai da winz7 medesimo\n<jester-> utilita, deframmentazione\n<jester-> mi pare\n<stefano4896> ok fra qualche minuto ritorno\n<cristian_c> snikker, secondario rispetto a cosa?\n<stefano4896> ho poca frammentazione\n<stefano4896> 6%\n<jester-> stefano4896: falla comunque\n<snikker> cristian_c: secondario nel senso che il gruppo nativo è \"foo\" poi ho inserite l'utente in un altro gruppo di nome \"green-group\"\n<stefano4896> ok a fra poco\n<cristian_c> snikker, cat /etc/group\n<snikker> cristian_c: green-group:x:1001:foo\n<cristian_c> uhm\n<puppo89> ciao!\n<cristian_c> enzotib, tu ti intendi di acl?\n<puppo89> ho un problema con la minimizzazione delle applicazioni!\n<cristian_c> puppo89, tipo?\n<puppo89> 1) rispondo alla tua domanda...non sono assolutamente un esperto di informatica, mi dispiace\n<cristian_c> puppo89, che problema?\n<puppo89> 2) quando minimizzo la cartella o l'applicazione si blocca ubuntu 13.04\n<cristian_c> puppo89, che pc è?\n<puppo89> toshiba satellite p300\n<cristian_c> puppo89, uhm, strano\n<cristian_c> puppo89, ho trovato qualcosa\n<puppo89> non lo so, però se minimizzo premendo sulla linea in alto a sinistra si blocca...se riduco premendo crtl+super+d funziona normalmente\n<cristian_c> puppo89, se vuoi ti do il link\n<puppo89> saresti gentilissimo!\n<puppo89> grazie :)\n<cristian_c> puppo89, visto?\n<puppo89> visto, ora leggo...\n<puppo89> mmmmmm...non capisco! :( e poi riguarda ubuntu 11.10...potrei provare con la soluzione 1...\n<cristian_c> puppo89, 11.10 è soltanto un esempio\n<Rik_84> Buon giorno a tutti, sto cercando di installare la 13.04 su un pc fisso tramite chiavetta (che precedentemente ho usato sul notebook e va) solo che sul fisso quando avvio la live resta fermo tutto sulla schermata viola e non parte nulla. C'è qualche buon samaritano in grado di aiutarmi ? Premetto che e 2 mesi che smanetto su ubuntu quindi la mia esperienza e molto bassa... Grazie :)\n<DottorLeo> ciao!\n<akhilleus> salve la mia stampante non stampa + i pdf\n<akhilleus> cosa può essere successo?\n<akhilleus> qualcuno potrebbe aitarmi?\n<uait> mibofra quando ci sei fa un fischio\n<URUS> akhilleus: ma riesci a stampare altro ?\n<akhilleus> si si\n<uait> qualcuno si intende di gimp e gimp animation package e download video da youtube?\n<uait> slap\n<cristian_c> uait, non molto\n<cristian_c> uait, chre devi fare?\n<cristian_c> *che\n<uait> cominciamo con lo scaricare il video da youtube: ho messo tra i plugin youtube downloader\n<uait> quando vado sul video, e faccio download, in che formato lo salvo?\n<akhilleus> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5703399/\n<uait> ps. il video mi serve per fare una gif\n<cristian_c> uait, la licenza di youtube non permette di scaricare i video\n<cristian_c> vedi cause legali di google con microsoft\n<blim> salve ragazzi, ho scaricato e verificato la iso di xubuntu 13.04, ma l'installazione si blocca quando è chiede se installare anche il software di terze parti, qualche suggerimento ?\n<cristian_c> blim, dipende da te\n<cristian_c> blim, puoi installarlo anche dopo\n<cristian_c> blim, comunque digli sì, se vuoi\n<blim> ho provato anche a deselezionare ,ma dopo che clicco su avanti il pc si impalla\n<blim> per sicurezza ho riscaricato la iso e riprovato mi da sempre lo stesso problema\n<Veloce> Ciao a tutti, ho un problema che riguarda un gioco, need for speed world ho visto molti video d'installazione su youtube, putroppo a me non riesce, può essere un problema dell'architettura del OS che è a 64bit ?\n<cristian_c> Veloce, ok, però veloce :P\n<cristian_c> Veloce, usi wine?\n<Veloce> cristian_c: si\n<cristian_c> Veloce, guarda nel database di winehq\n<Veloce> cristian_c: si gira\n<cristian_c> Veloce, magari è spiegato anche come installarlo\n<cristian_c> Veloce, solitamente (se non servono particolari accorgimenti) basta digitare: wine nome_applicazione.exe\n<cristian_c> magari sul file di installazione\n<Veloce> cristian_c: diciamo si installa ma non parte il launcher\n<cristian_c> Veloce, dove va a finire il launcher?\n<Veloce> cristian_c: sulla scrivania\n<Veloce> cristian_c: e ho provato anche nella cartella d'installazione, mi dice che ci sono problemi con il server...\n<Veloce> cristian_c: però in realtà non ci sono\n<cristian_c> Veloce, apri 'Esplora unità C:'\n<Veloce> cristian_c: ok\n<cristian_c> Veloce,  e poi rintraccia la cartella del programma\n<Veloce> cristian_c: sisi ci sono\n<cristian_c> Veloce, che file c'è dentro?\n<cristian_c> *ci sono\n<Veloce> cristian_c: vari .dll e il laucher\n<cristian_c> Veloce, vorrai dire l'exe\n<Veloce> cristian_c: il launcher è in .exe ovvio\n<cristian_c> Veloce, lancialo da terminale\n<Veloce> cristian_c: sempre con wine nome_applicazione.exe\n<cristian_c> dipende dal nome dell'exe :P\n<Veloce> cristian_c: si ... ma sempre lo stesso errore\n<cristian_c> Veloce, a me interessa che posti l'output di terminale\n<cristian_c> su pastebin\n<cristian_c> !paste | Veloce\n<ubot-it> Veloce: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<Veloce> cristian_c: non da niente mi apre l'exe, mi da l'errore e si chiude....\n<cristian_c> Veloce, non logga nulla su terminale?\n<cristian_c> mmmmmm\n<Veloce> cristian_c: no, scusami torno tra un'oretta\n<Veloce> cristian_c: grazie e scusami di nuovo\n<cristian_c> uhm\n<cristian_c> strano\n<cristian_c> a me wine ha sempre loggato tutto\n<cristian_c> qualunque cosa\n<cristian_c> !compilare | uait\n<ubot-it> uait: compilare da sorgenti programmi che già sono nei repository è inutile e può essere dannoso, non farlo! Se proprio vuoi rischiare.. http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/InstallareProgrammi/DaSorgenti\n<mibofra> oi chi mi cercava?\n<cristian_c> mibofra, uait\n<jester-> la vispa teresa ti cercava\n<mibofra> ok cristian_c\n<uait> mibofra c 6?\n<gio> ciao a tutti posso chiedere un aiuto?\n<cristian_c> !chiedi | gio\n<ubot-it> gio: per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<gio> grazie allora installato 13.04 vedo il router ma non navigo\n<cristian_c> gio, riesci a stabilire la connessione?\n<gio> la connessione ce mi connetto con il tablet 'ma da pc al massimo arrivo al router  vedo il mio ip ma firefox non fa nulla\n<davide__> ho un pc con due sistemi operativi uno windows 8 e altro ubuntu 13.04. voglio tenete solo ubuntu e eliminarer windows 8 come devo fare\n<cristian_c> gio, intendo dire se riesci a stabilire una connessione con il pc\n<onebitxajax> davide__: sei sicuro di volerlo fare?\n<davide__> mi dico di no!!\n<davide__> scusa,dici di no\n<onebitxajax> davide__: per ora tienilo, poi dopo 1 anno da adesso toglilo, questo e' il mio consiglio\n<davide__> ok, pero come faccio\n<onebitxajax> davide__: tra 1 anno lo saprai da solo\n<davide__> va be!!! ci credo\n<gio> se vado al router fnziona ma altro non fa  (in alto a destra ho due frecce contrapposte)\n<gio> dice connessione via cavoo 1\n<cristian_c> gio, ifconfig -a\n<cristian_c> gio, ping -c3 www.google.com\n<cristian_c> !paste | gio\n<ubot-it> gio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<gio> cristian grazie ma sono un vecchio minchia he non a nulla dove lo scrivo quello che mi hai detto?\n<cristian_c> gio, apri un terminale\n<gio> alt  f2? va bene?\n<cristian_c> gio, no\n<cristian_c> un terminale vero e proprio\n<davide__> gio: il tasto ctrl+alt+t\n<gio> ok  ottimo ma non so leggere la risposta che mi da  ifconfig -a  mi dice le stesse cose di informazioni di connessione\n<cristian_c> !pastebin | gio\n<ubot-it> gio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<cristian_c> posta lì\n<davide__> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5703666/\n<davide__> scusate, facevo un a prova ..experimet ..grz;)\n<gio> linck encap:Ethernet indirizoHW 50:e5:49:37:b2:5b         indirizzo inet: becast: maschera :255.255.255      indirizzo inet6: fe80::52e5:\n<cristian_c> gio, su pastebin\n<davide__> c'è un progarmma per ubuntu 13.04 che manda sms gratis\n<gio> il comando !paste   non so come scrverlo perche nonm dice nulla :(\n<cristian_c> gio, apri questa pagina nel browser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/\n<krabador> davide__, c'è un programma che assolda pony express gratis.\n<gio> problem loading page\n<cristian_c> gio, ma cos'hai fatto?\n<cristian_c> gio, con quale pc stai scrivendo?\n<gio> ho scritto nella barra  degli indirizzi su firefox http://ecc.\n<gio> sono con un tablet\n<cristian_c> gio, e non te la apre?\n<cristian_c> gio, sicuro di aver scritto bene\n<cristian_c> ?\n<gio> allora io ti scrivo con un tablet e quello che mi chiedi di fare lo faccio sul pc collegato via cavo al router che vedo e accede ad internet\n<marc-> ciao\n<cristian_c> gio, pastebin serve per copiare il risultato\n<cristian_c> quindi utilizza pure il tablet per aprire pastebin\n<marc-> posso fare una domanda?\n<cristian_c> !chiedi | marc-\n<ubot-it> marc-: per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<marc-> ok\n<marc-> ho installato ubuntu su chiavetta usb con unebooting ma all'avvio non parte\n<marc-> ho provato su un desktop e su un netbook\n<marc-> ma nulla\n<cristian_c> marc-, hai controllato l'hash della .iso?\n<marc-> messaggio cioe?\n<cristian_c> !md5 | marc-\n<ubot-it> marc-: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Md5Sum\n<marc-> scusate ma come faccio a controllare l'hash\n<cristian_c> marc-, è scritto nella guida\n<cristian_c> devi controllare la .iso\n<cristian_c> basta leggere\n<marc-> ok provo\n<gio_> ora sono con un altro pc con windows e sono entrato in paste.ubuntu .com ma che devo fare?\n<cristian_c> gio_, copiaci il contenuto del terminale\n<davide__> ciauz\n<cristian_c> cioè, il risultato dei comandi\n<davide__> vado  per cinghiali\n<cristian_c> lol\n<gio_> cristian devi essere un santo per stare quì a dare una mano ma con pazienza mi ridai i comandi (il tablet è uscito dalla chat e non li vedo piu)\n<cristian_c> gio, ifconfig -a\n<cristian_c> gio, ping -c3 www.google.com\n<marc-> cristian ho controllato l'hash e ok\n<gio_> su syntax devo selezionare qualcosa?\n<marc-> non capisco perchè arriva a una schermata nera con la scritta syslinux ecc con il cursore lampeggiante alla seconda riga\n<gio_> mi esce questo   Paste from gio ca at Sun, 26 May 2013 15:53:35 +0000\n<cristian_c> gio_, niente xynatx\n<cristian_c> come mamma l'ha fatto\n<cristian_c> *syntax\n<gio_> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5703749/\n<Liink> Sera\n<marc-> cristian scusami ho controllato l'hash e mi dice che è lo stesso\n<cristian_c> marc-, ottimo\n<cristian_c> gio_, allora, pastebin l'hai saputo usare\n<cristian_c> gio_, il problema è che ci devi incollare i risultati dei comandi\n<marc-> si ottimo ma non purtroppo non parte\n<cristian_c> marc-, che iso hai scaricato?\n<cristian_c> nome dell'iso\n<marc-> ubuntu-13.04-desktop-i386\n<cristian_c> uhm\n<cristian_c> marc-, spiega esattamente cosa succede, quando accendi il pc con la usb collegata\n<marc-> allora\n<marc-> messo nel bios la pertenza con usb\n<gio_> non saprei come fare per copiare e incollare da un pc ad un altro\n<marc-> arriva una schemata nera con la scritta syslinux 4.04 edd 2011-04-18 copyright (c) 1994-2011 h.peter anvin et al con il cursore lampeggiante in seconda riga e non fa nulla\n<marc-> se cerco di cliccare qualche tasto sento un bip ù\n<marc-> ho provato anche con la versione 12.04lts\n<marc-> ma niente\n<marc-> e due giorni che provo\n<Liink> marc-, scusami che problema hai ?\n<marc-> ciao liink come dicevo a cristian non riesco a far partire ubuntu da usb\n<Liink> marc-, hai un netbook\n<marc-> si ma ho provato anche su un desktop\n<Liink> marc-, che errore ti da ?\n<cristian_c> gio_, file di testo\n<cristian_c> è una soluzione\n<marc-> syslinux 4.04 edd 2011-04-18 copyright (c) 1994-2011 h.peter anvin et al con il cursore lampeggiante in seconda riga e non fa nulla\n<Liink> marc-, tu hai scaricato linux  da unetbootin ?\n<cristian_c> marc-, che pc è?\n<marc-> uno un acer aod150 l'altro un hp dc7700 entranbi hanno win 7 montato sopra\n<Liink> marc-, tu hai scaricato linux  da unetbootin ?\n<Liink> marc-, o dal sito ? Molte volte scaricandolo da unetbootin (sempre se utilizzi quel programma) da quanche problema\n<marc-> no ho scaricato ubuntu dal sito ufficiale\n<marc-> ho usato dopo unebooting\n<Liink> marc-, utilizzi sempre la stessa usb ?\n<marc-> ho provato a cambiarla ma  ninete\n<marc-> niente\n<marc-> ho formattato le chiavette che ho usao in fat32\n<marc-> poi ho aperto unebooting\n<Liink> marc-, prova in ntsf\n<Liink> marc-, anche se non dipende da questo....\n<marc-> ho cliccato iso e tramite il pulsante dei tre puntini sono andato a caricare iso ubuntu ,ho selezionato la chiavetta usb F e ho fatto fare tutto al programmino\n<marc-> finito tutto ho riavviato ma nulla\n<marc-> provo a formattarla in ntfs\n<Liink> marc-, il problema è intrigato perchè mi dici che non è la stessa usb, sono 2 computer differenti, e due versioni di ubuntu..\n<Liink> marc-, sicuro che sia F:\n<marc-> si  si\n<marc-> sicuro\n<marc-> ho solo quella collagata\n<cristian_c> marc-, fat32 a bene\n<cristian_c> *va\n<Liink> cristian_c: si è vero va bene ma facciamolo provare lo stesso\n<Liink> cristian_c: tentare non costa nulla\n<Liink> marc-, hai modificato qualche cosa nel bios ?\n<marc-> nel netbook il bootloader\n<Liink> marc-, nel fisso ?\n<marc-> per far partire per prima la chiavetta\n<marc-> nel fisso devo cliccare f9\n<Liink> marc-, se è solo quello allora non c'è problema\n<cristian_c> marc-, quanta ram hanno i i pc?\n<marc-> entrambi 2gb\n<marc-> pochi?\n<Liink> marc-, nono\n<Liink> marc-, hai provato solo con ubuntu 13.04 e 12.04 ?\n<marc-> nel fisso andando nel boot e selezionando la chiavetta non me lo fa neanche partire mi fa partire win7\n<marc-> si solo quei 2\n<Liink> marc-, modifica il bootloader del fisso dai la priorità alla usb\n<Liink> marc-, dagli la priorità rimetti fat32 e questa volta prova a scaricare l'iso da unetbootin....\n<cristian_c> marc-, è molto strano\n<Liink> cristian_c: la cosa strana che ha provato con diverse cose.....\n<Liink> cristian_c: ma il risultato è sempre lo stesso\n<cristian_c> più che altro non mi so dare una spiegazione logica\n<Liink> idem\n<cristian_c> marc-, quanto è grande la pendrive?\n<cristian_c> marc-, hai provato con un'altra pendrive?\n<krabador> alcuni bios vedono le penne un fat16\n<cristian_c> krabador, eh, ma due è coincidenza\n<krabador> *in\n<Liink> krabador: 2 pc ?\n<krabador> è una questione di bios\n<cristian_c> Liink, beh, va detto che io ho tre pc con la stessa scheda ethernet con bug\n<cristian_c> Liink, non l'avrei mai detto\n<cristian_c> una particolare realtek\n<cristian_c> lol\n<krabador> per alcuni funziona solo unetbootin\n<cristian_c> mmmmmmm\n<cristian_c> infatti ho un'altraidea\n<krabador> e non quello per esempio consigliato sul wiki ubuntu, come software per win\n<cristian_c> comunque\n<Liink> cristian_c: bene :) ora c'è da capire il problema.... dell'utente marc\n<cristian_c> una cosa da fare è provare con un'altra penna\n<krabador> di regola si deve formattare la pendrive con l'utility di hp\n<cristian_c> krabador, il netbook è acer\n<krabador> e usare prima questo http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows\n<krabador> poi unetbootin\n<krabador> se si vuole fare da win\n<jester-> è er mejo\n<cristian_c> marc-, hai provato con un'altra pendrive?\n<krabador> unetbootin in caso non vada il primo\n<cristian_c> krabador, lui ha già usato unetbootin\n<marc-> ho provato con la stessa formattata in ntfs ma non parte va direttamente in win 7\n<jester-> na ciofeca\n<cristian_c> lol\n<Liink> marc-, dagli la priorità rimetti fat32 e questa volta prova a scaricare l'iso da unetbootin....\n<Liink> <Liink> marc-, modifica il bootloader del fisso dai la priorità alla usb\n<Liink> <Liink> marc-, dagli la priorità rimetti fat32 e questa volta prova a scaricare l'iso da unetbootin....\n<krabador> allora marc- formatta la pendrive con http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/Hard-Disk-Utils/HP-USB-Disk-Storage-Format-Tool.shtml\n<marc-> come devo fare da unebooting\n<jester-> !usbwin | marc- the best way\n<ubot-it> marc- the best way: Scarica PenDriveLinux (http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/) | Installalo su Windows e lancialo: lui si occuperà di trasferire l'immagine ISO su USB | Opzionalmente questo programma può anche scaricare lui stesso l'immagine ISO | Attenzione: il programma è in inglese\n<krabador> poi usa http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows\n<Liink> riavvio\n<krabador> se non va, dopo questo, riformatta e prova unetbootin\n<marc-> provo con pendrive linux\n<Liink> marc-, novità\n<ildaniel> ciao, qualcuno conosce e usa idesk? non riesco a far partire i programmi una volta create le icone...\n<krabador> !chat | ildaniel\n<ubot-it> ildaniel: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<ildaniel> a ops è vero scuSS\n<massy> salve a tutti\n<massy> la mia domanda di oggi: ho un router alice con dhcp automatico, ad ogni avvio di sessione con ubuntu-gnome 13-04  mi cambia IP. Per avere un ip statico, devo andare in impostazioni di rete/cavo/impostazioni IPv4 e li mettere indirizzo maschera gateway?\n<cristian_c> massy, clic destro sull'icona di NM\n<cristian_c> massy, modifica connessioni\n<cristian_c> la selezioni, impostazione ipv4\n<cristian_c> scegli manual\n<cristian_c> e poi imposti gli ip\n<enzotib> buonasera\n<massy> grazie ragazzi\n<massy> gentilissimi come sempre\n<cristian_c> massy, hai fatto?\n<rojaleo> ciao! sono un paio di giorni che smanetto con ubuntu 12.04 dopo anni di fedeltà a xp.... vorrei continuare con questa versione, però mi sta dando dei problemi, per esempio con la scheda video perchè quando faccio delle videochiamate con skype l'altra persona mi vede ma io vedo il video che sfarfalla e diventa tutto blu.... in realtà è un pò vecchiotto il portatile, è un acer aspire 3000. avete qualche consiglio da darmi o Ã\n<Liink> rojaleo, ciao benevnuto nel mondo linux, hai aggiornato i driver della scheda video ?\n<Liink> rojaleo, hai quelli raccomandati ?\n<rojaleo> ciao Liink!  dal terminale ho controllato e pare tutto apposto... la mia scheda è sis è mi dice Status ok installed..\n<Liink> rojaleo, allora vai su driver aggiuntivi e scrivimi quello che vedi\n<rojaleo> c'è solo la scheda wireless che l'ho installata tramite il programmino di driver wireless di windows\n<rojaleo> ti copio la schermata\n<rojaleo>  This package contains Broadcom 802.11 Linux STA wireless driver for use with Broadcom's BCM4311-, BCM4312-, BCM4313-, BCM4321-, BCM4322-, BCM43224-, and BCM43225-, BCM43227- and BCM43228-based hardware.\n<Liink> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<rojaleo> Liink, ti è arrivata..?\n<Liink> rojaleo, si ora cerco di capire il problema\n<rojaleo> Liink, grande grazie mille\n<Samul> ciao a tutti\n<Samul> ho un problema con ubuntu 13.04\n<Samul> ha qualche problema a rilevare i dispositivi connessi via USB.\n<Samul> per esempio quando avvio virtualbox e provo a guardare nella lista dei dispositivi USB, dice che non ce ne sono\n<Samul> ma in realtà ce ne sono ben due connessi.\n<Samul> GParted li vede, però.\n<Samul> ho provato con una pennetta USB e un Hard Disk esterno, sempre connesso via USB.\n<Samul> quando connetto la USB, compare \"volume da 8 GB\" e GParted la vede, però virtualbox no. per l'hard disk esterno, solo GParted lo vede.\n<enzotib> !enter | Samul\n<ubot-it> Samul: non spezzettare una frase su piu' righe. Non utilizzare il ritorno a capo come punteggiatura.\n<enzotib> Samul, il problema è virtualbox?\n<Samul> no\n<Samul> non solo.\n<Samul> lo è anche il wbfs manager. conosci?\n<enzotib> e allora cos'altro?\n<enzotib> mai sentito\n<Samul> va beh\n<Samul> serve sempre per svolgere delle funzioni con gli HDD esterni.\n<Samul> diciamo che io voglio che sia la USB che l'HDD vengano letti correttamente e funzionino come devono.\n<enzotib> Samul, le applicazioni vedono un volume se viene montato (gparted però fa da sé), altrimenti no\n<enzotib> Samul, e il montaggio automatico dipende dal filemanager\n<Samul> quindi?\n<Samul> devo solo montare?\n<Samul> sì ora che mi ci fai pensare l'ho smontata prima per formattarla\n<Samul> ah no è montata.\n<enzotib> Samul, oltre virtualbox, che rispetto alle usb è tutto un mondo a parte, non ho ben capito cos'è che non va\n<Samul> wbfs manager.\n<Samul> che serve per backuppare le ISOs dei giochi per wii da un hdd esterno.\n<enzotib> quindi sono dischi che sono formattati in modo particolare? wbfs filesystem\n<Samul> sì\n<Samul> sono un po' diversi diciamo\n<Samul> se vuoi ti do uno screen di gparted\n<enzotib> Samul, il problema è che quel wbfs manager non vede il disco?\n<Samul> eh sì\n<Samul> se proprio vogliamo, windows lo vedeva.\n<Samul> http://i.imgur.com/rHN69TU.png\n<Samul> e poi, mi diresti anche come faccio a far sì che virtualbox veda la USB?\n<enzotib> Samul, da quella schermata direi che gparted vede la partizione ma non capisce cos'è, ed è comprensibile\n<Samul> eh\n<Samul> ma wbfs dovrebbe\n<Samul> è fatto apposta!\n<enzotib> hai provato il pacchetto qwbfsmanager?\n<Samul> è quello.\n<Samul> è lo stesso pacchetto, cambia il nome da windows a linux\n<enzotib> ah\n<enzotib> allora boh\n<Samul> allora mi dici almeno qual è il problema di virtualbox?\n<enzotib> comunque in virtualbox devi installare l'extension pack, se non l'hai fatto\n<enzotib> poi aggiungere il tuo utente al gruppo vboxusers con il comando: sudo adduser $USER vboxusers\n<enzotib> riavviare la sessione\n<Samul> bene\n<Samul> solo che non so qual è dei tre l'estension pack che devo installare\n<Samul> nell'ubuntu software center ce ne sono tre\n<enzotib> no no\n<Samul> e allora dov'è?\n<enzotib> Samul, hai installato virtualbox da software center?\n<Samul> sì\n<Samul> ._.\n<enzotib> Samul, è uno dei rari casi in cui consigliamo quello preso da sito\n<Samul> D:\n<Samul> ma ho già installato cinque o sei macchina virtualié\n<Samul> *macchine virtuali\n<enzotib> quelle dovrebbero continuare a funzionare\n<enzotib> sennò puoi provare a vedere se ti installa il pack preso da sito sull'installazione che hai\n<Samul> un momento.\n<Samul> ora provo.\n<enzotib> Samul, attenzione che non sto parlando di guest additions ma di extension pack, è diverso\n<Samul> perché se così fosse\n<Samul> sì sì lo so\n<Samul> adesso vedo che fare\n<Samul> perché se riesco a farlo funzionare\n<Samul> risolvo anche il problema dell'hdd\n<Samul> perché windows lo vede.\n<Samul> ops, scusa se invio le frasi \"spezzate\", è un vizio che devo cercare di perdere.\n<enzotib> eh\n<enzotib> comunque le vm continuano a funzionare, fai Macchina->Aggiungi dal menu e cerchi il file.vbox relativo\n<enzotib> in ogni caso fatti un backup, non voglio responsabilità :)\n<Samul> sìsì\n<Samul> allora, un'altra domanda\n<Samul> esiste un programma che mi faccia masterizzare un ISO windows su una USB?\n<Samul> con unetbootin non si può.\n<Samul> ...\n<enzotib> Samul, intendi una iso del dvd di boot per installare windows?\n<Samul> sì\n<enzotib> sì può fare, una volta l'ho fatto, ma devi cercare in rete, non ricordo\n<enzotib> e comunque esula dagli argomenti di questa chat\n<Samul> ok.\n<enzotib> non lo fai con strumenti standard, comunque\n<rojaleo> ehi Liink..\n<Samul> mmh\n<Samul> mi sa che ho risolto\n<Samul> credo bastasse eseguirlo da root.\n<Samul> -.-\n<Samul> come faccio a eseguire tutti i programmi da root?\n<massy> basta scrivere il nome del programma\n<massy> nel terminale\n<Samul> eh\n<Samul> ma graficamente\n<massy> al max se richiede i privilegi di root ti chiede la pass di amministrazione\n<Samul> ma graficamente\n<massy> fai na prova\n<Samul> già fatto\n<massy> apri terminale e digita un prog che tu hai installato\n<Samul> ma è uno sbattimento ogni volta aprire il terminale.\n<massy> e che ti esce?\n<Samul> si apre, ma non ho voglia di farlo dal terminale.\n<Samul> non c'è un modo graficamente?\n<massy> in che senso graficamente?\n<Samul> che io clicco sull'icona\n<massy> che sistema operativo usi?\n<Samul> e me lo apre come root\n<Samul> ubuntu 13.04\n<Samul> ._.\n<massy> con unity?\n<massy> o con gnome?\n<Samul> ?\n<Samul> boh\n<massy> ehehe\n<Samul> come lo vedo?\n<massy> hai la barra a sinistra verticale coi programmi?\n<Samul> sì\n<massy> allora è unity\n<Samul> ok.\n<massy> clicca sul primo icona in alto, si chiama dash\n<Samul> sì\n<Samul> poi?\n<massy> e li nella stringa apri i programmi\n<Samul> ah\n<massy> esempio, per il terminale, dgt ter\n<Samul> basta far così?\n<massy> si\n<massy> semplice no?\n<Samul> e me li apre come root?\n<massy> li apre con il tuo nome amministratore\n<massy> penso sia root\n<Samul> non credo\n<massy> fai na prova\n<Samul> perché se apro per esempio unetbootin\n<Samul> mi dice che deve essere aperto come root\n<Samul> ergo non lo apre come root\n<massy> allora per aprire uneboottin\n<massy> apri terminale, digita\n<Samul> sì\n<Samul> lo so\n<massy> sudo su\n<Samul> sudo bla bla bla\n<Samul> ma io NON VOGLIO FARLO DAL TERMINALE, io chiedo se c'è un modo di cliccarci e te lo apre da solo come root.\n<massy> purtroppo uneboottin è uno di quei programi che richiedono di essere root\n<massy> anche synaptic\n<Samul> ma non c'entra\n<Samul> non è solo per quello\n<Samul> io dico in generale\n<Samul> se posso far sì che tutti i programmi me li apre root in automatico.\n<massy> per quello devi aspettare qualcun altro piu esperto di me\n<massy> penso che esiste il modo, magari con un lanciatore\n<Samul> ok.\n<Samul> una domanda\n<massy> dimmi\n<Samul> è normale che eseguendo virtualbox da root tutte le macchine virtuali non ci siano?\n<massy> non lo so io lo eseguo normalmente\n<Samul> ok\n<massy> mica lo lancio da root\n<Samul> eh ma se non lancio da root non mi vede le USB\n<massy> impossibile, io le vedo e non sono mai in root\n<enzotib> Samul, le usb le vede se fai come ho detto io prima\n<massy> mi sa che usiamo lo stesso ubuntu\n<Samul> va beh\n<massy> io ubuntu-gnome 13.04\n<enzotib> Samul, ed è normale che non vede le vm, dato che sono del tuo utente\n<massy> ciao enzotib\n<enzotib> ciao massy\n<menendez> ciao a tutti\n<massy> dciao menendez\n<Samul> ciao menendez\n<menendez> :-)\n<massy> enzotib: mi sa che mi son perso la prima parte dell'auiuto\n<enzotib> massy, probabile :)\n<massy> per ora di problemi ubuntu 13.904 nn me ne crea\n<massy> 13.04\n<massy> uso la ubuntu-gnome\n<installazione_he> ciao\n<ubuntu-dar> buonasera atutti\n<ubuntu-dar> c'è qualche persona che può aiutarmi nell'istallazione di zimbra\n<enzotib> ubuntu-dar, e che cos'è?\n<ubuntu-dar> zimbra e un server di posta elettronica\n<enzotib> ubuntu-dar, non mi pare ci sia nei repo\n<ubuntu-dar> la prima cosa che non mi riesce e collegarmi con putty al server\n<ubuntu-dar> le istruzioni mi dicono di entrare come utente root\n<ubuntu-dar> ma la password di root nell'installazione del ubuntu servr 12.04 lts non è impostata\n<enzotib> ubuntu-dar, quando ho detto che non è nei repo, volevo mettere in evidenza che qui non c'è supporto per software non ufficialmente supportato\n<ubuntu-dar> si scusa ma per entrare con putty sul server come root me lo potete spiegare\n<imus62> ho problemi con flash player in ubuntu 13.04\n<enzotib> ubuntu-dar, non saprei\n<enzotib> imus62, che problemi?\n<imus62> vedo i video da youtube veloci e senza audio\n<enzotib> veloci? questa è nuova\n<enzotib> imus62, come hai installato flash?\n<GabMus> come circa 1.5x di velocità?\n<GabMus> usi chrome/chromium? se si è un problema di chrome/chromium appunto. Purtroppo non puoi farci molto\n<enzotib> GabMus, è uscito\n<GabMus> oh\n<GabMus> sono molto distratto\n<GabMus> Domandina veloce: voi per la musica cosa usate? Io sono tornato a Banshee, che secondo me è ottimo, ma mi piacerebbe avere qualcosa di più simile al nuovo itunes\n<enzotib> GabMus, io uso Clementine\n<enzotib> non saprei dire se assomiglia a iTunes, non credo\n<GabMus> non è che è poi così attraente\n<GabMus> clementine dico\n<GabMus> è un po' troppo complesso\n<GabMus> poi non è scritto per kde?\n<GabMus> sarà male integrato con unity/gnome\n<enzotib> io non uso né unity né gnome\n<GabMus> xfce?\n<enzotib> in ogni caso deriva da amarok e usa le qt, ma non ha niente a che vedere con lde\n<enzotib> s', uso xfce\n<enzotib> sì*\n<GabMus> sai cosa? dovrei dare un'altra chance a xfce\n<GabMus> come gestore finestre che usi?\n<enzotib> il default, xfwm4\n<GabMus> mh,  non ne vado pazzo\n<GabMus> una volta ci avevo messo compiz\n<GabMus> ma compiz è morto praticamente. sarebbe interessante metterci il gestore di gnome-shell. mutter, giusto?\n<GabMus> sarei anche disposto a provare pantheon-shell, solo che mi infastidisce l'idea di dover aggiungere i repo di elementary...\n<enzotib> compiz è morto? unity dipende da compiz\n<enzotib> comunque secondo me sono discussioni piuttosto sterili, un wm vale l'altro se funziona per quello che ti serve\n<GabMus> si, se è per questo anche un de vale l'altro. non per questo siamo tutti ad usare twm o openbox\n<GabMus> in un de voglio anche un po' di stile, non chiedo tanto. gli effettini di gnome-shell sono molto belli\n<GabMus> poi unity dipende da compiz per ora, ma per quello che ho capito (e correggetemi se sbaglio) unity 8 con mir  non lo dovrebbe più usare\n<enzotib> non so\n<viper155> Non riesco a visualizzare le unità del galaxy s3\n<viper155> Jelly bean 4.1.2\n<bigmonster0595> ciao\n<bigmonster0595> c'èmqualcuno che può aiutarmi nellinstallazione?\n<bigmonster0595> nell'installazione*\n<ziovale> Per  favore  mi spiegate perche non riesco ad installare programmi su ubuntu dandomi -errore pacchetti non  fidati\n<enzotib> ziovale, sudo apt-get update\n<enzotib> !pastebin | ziovale fa vedere l'output su pastebin\n<ubot-it> ziovale fa vedere l'output su pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<ziovale> scusatemi  ragazzi  sono  un neofita vi  chiedo di  instradarmi e  darmi delle  lezioni  se  avete  pazienza\n<vladi> ciao a tutti, ho un po di problemi a configurare per la connession internet ubuntu 13 04. Quando l'ho installato avevo una connessione tramite eth0 funzionante. ora lo provo con un modem usando alice, con pppoe ma non riesco a configurarlo correttamente. Riesco a pingare, ma non funziona ftp e neanche il browser.. qualcuno mi puo' dare una dritta..\n<vladi> pppoe conf non trova nessun access concentrator\n<gionni> ciao\n<vladi> ciao\n<vladi> gionni te ne capisci di ubuntu?\n<gionni> sto scaricando ubuntu\n<gionni> piu o meno\n<vladi> non riesco a configurare pppoeconf per usarlo con alice\n<gionni> su altri pci lo uso ..\n<gionni> ----\n<gionni> io non riesco a trovare il file per installarlo\n<vladi> secondo te, se ping funziona, risolve gli indirizzi, non c'e' nessun firewall, come mai da browser non riesco ad andare in internet?\n<vladi> in che senso non riesci a trovare il file?\n<gionni> nel senso che lo scarico e poi?\n<gionni> comunque prova a usare mozilla come broures\n<vladi> lo scarichi, metti su una chiavetta l'immagine iso e riavvi cambiando le impostazioni del bios\n<gionni> ma una volta lo install da pc\n<gionni> è l'unico modo?\n<ubuntu-dar> Buonasera a tutti\n<ubuntu-dar> help me\n<gionni> ciao\n<gionni> siamo apposto...\n<gionni> ciao che tu sappia per install ubuntu...\n<gionni> ci vuole per forza una chiavetta?\n<ubuntu-dar> sto cambiando dei parametri di rete su un ubuntu server 12.04  tramite putty ssh\n<ubuntu-dar> questo e il comando vi /etc/network/interfaces ma non riesco a salvare le modifiche qualche utente mi può aiutare\n<ziovale> ho provato  a  dare  da terminale il  comando - sudo apt-get update - ma  mi  sempre  errore  - installazione  pacchetti  non  fidati -\n<gionni> quindi?\n<jester-> ziovale: hai aggiunto un ppa senza importae la key\n<jester-> !gpgerr | ziovale\n<ubot-it> ziovale: Se ricevi errori di chiave GPG dopo aver aggiunto dei repository personalizzati, identifica la chiave GPG che  restituisce l'errore ricevuto ( per esempio  437D05B5 ) ed esegui da terminale:  gpg --keyserver  keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <codice_chiaveGPG> && gpg --export --armor | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get  update\n<ziovale> come  faccio - ripeto son  principiante\n<jester-> ziovale: elimina il ppa che anno solo danni\n<jester-> che fanno*\n<jester-> !ppa\n<ubot-it> Un Personal Package Archive (PPA) è in grado di fornire il software alternativo non normalmente disponibile nei repository di Ubuntu offical - Alla ricerca di un PPA? Vedi https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - ATTENZIONE: PPA sono pacchetti di terze parti NON supportati il cui utilizzo è a proprio rischio. Vedi anche !addppa e !ppa-purge\n<ubuntu-dar> sto cambiando dei parametri di rete su un ubuntu server 12.04  tramite putty ssh  questo e il comando vi /etc/network/interfaces ma non riesco a salvare le modifiche qualche utente mi può aiutare\n<jester-> ubuntu-dar: non riesci a srivere il file?\n<jester-> serve sudo e essere root\n<ubuntu-dar> auth eth0  iface eth0 inet static  address  gateway  netmask  network  broadcast  dns-nameservers\n<jester-> ubuntu-dar: devi essere root o usare udo per scrivere fuori dalla home\n<ubuntu-dar> ho fatto sudo su\n<ubuntu-dar> e sono riuscito a entrare come root grazie mille\n<Liink> Buona Notte a tutti\n<ziovale> ibboost-system1.49.0 libtorrent-rasterbar6 qbittorrent - questo e il  messaggio  che  mi  da  per  installare   qBITTORRENT\n<ziovale> anche  se  x  il  momento  non  sono  riuscito a trovare  delle  soluzioni   vi  ringrazio  -  alla  prossima\n<cristian_> ciao\n<Chakrino> ciao\n<nannes> hi Chakrino\n<Chakrino> hi\n<giox> Buonasera\n<giox> vorrei installare ubuntu\n<giox> sul mio portatile\n<giox> ho provato a scaricare la iso e metterla su pennetta (non avendo masterizzatore)\n<giox> e regolare il boot su di essa\n<giox> ma non succede niente\n<giox> mi potreste gentilmente indicare qualche altra soluzione al mio problema?\n<Chakrino> -\n#ubuntu-it 2014-05-19\n<ufalc> Abbruyyese ci sei?\n<ufalc> abbruzzese\n<ufalc> ragayyi chi mi da una mano?\n<ufalc> ragazzo abbruzzese ci sei?\n<ufalc> qualcuno di buona volonta che mi da una mano?\n<Nico_> ce ancora qualcuno ?\n<Joshua^Dunamis> io\n<Nico_> avrei un problemino con ubuntu precisamente, accedendo l nuovo vps, e questo ha un sistemaoperativo Ubuntu, io praticamente non riesco a vedere la schermata del desktop\n<Nico_> ho seguito parecchie guide\n<Nico_> su youtube e in rete, ma non ci sono santi per farlo funzonare\n<krabador> Nico_, se ha ubuntu server senza ambiente grafico, non potrai mai vederlo\n<krabador> Nico_, che macchina è?\n<Nico_> ti posso fare vedere il sito\n<krabador> Nico_, dove è collegata questa macchina?\n<Nico_> e un server francese\n<Nico_> e strano che mi dann il collegamento remoto, senon posso vedere la grafica\n<Nico_> quelli della macchna sono milanesi\n<Nico_> i titolari\n<krabador> Nico_, che cosa deve gestire questa macchina?\n<Nico_> semplicemente un server di gioco\n<Nico_> mi serve banda e abitando in un paese, non ne ho\n<krabador> Nico_, \"accesso remoto\" non significa che tu debba vedere il desktop\n<Nico_> io sono abituato a windows\n<krabador> Nico_, puo' tranquillamente significare che hai accesso per configurarlo, ma a riga di comando\n<krabador> Nico_, consulta i fornitori del servizio\n<Nico_> vedi configurarlo a riga di comando, per uno che usa la prima volta un sistema operativo lunix puo essere un problemone\n<krabador> Nico_, e perchè non l'hai chiesto prima a chi te l'ha venduto=?\n<Nico_> perche ho visto un prezzo di pochi euro, e e ho visto vps, i due che ho usato su windows erano con interfaccia grafica\n<krabador> Nico_, ci sono  vps che ti consentono l'installazione dell'ambiente grafico\n<krabador> e vps che non te lo consentono\n<Nico_> questo non lo sapevo\n<krabador> Nico_, dipende dal fornitore del servizio\n<Nico_> ora ormai no pero al servizio supporti lo chiedo per domani\n<krabador> per un collegamento remoto, nella media conviene assolutamente installare un ambiente grafico il piu' minimale possibile\n<Nico_> il problema come ti dicevo, e che dalle mie parti non ho campo non ho banda, altrimenti installavo tutto io nel mio pc ed era tutto ok\n<Nico_> pero con 8 mega che fai\n<krabador> Nico_, http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=566543\n<krabador> 8 megabit?\n<Nico_> mbs di connessione e 0.70 di upload\n<Nico_> un ping che se va bene e 70 o 60\n<krabador> beh, se sono pieni, 8 mbps, non è male\n<krabador> c'è gente che sta peggio in zone molto piu' urbane\n<Nico_> ma per gestire un server di gioco ti server un upload anche di 8 10 mega\n<Nico_> minimo\n<Nico_> abito a Venezia\n<krabador> per gestire un server serve banda, ma dicevi che \"al paese stavi male\" ... sei semplicemente allineato alla media nazionale\n<Nico_> e cominciamo solo ora a migliorare, ma solo in citta\n<krabador> e, fidati, sei tra i piu' fortunati\n<Nico_> sisi certo\n<Nico_> nono e la media nazionale\n<Nico_> lo so\n<krabador> ci sono aziende, che con contratti business ultrapagati, in base alla zona in cui sono locate devono accontentarsi di 1 mbps\n<krabador> e 200k di upload\n<Nico_> in questi anni non ci sono stati invesimenti, sempre di politica alla fine si parla\n<Nico_> investimenti\n<krabador> preservano monopoli, con una connettività buona, la gente smette di usare i media tradizionali\n<krabador> per questo ci vanno piano\n<krabador> Nico_, se te lo permette il fornitore del servizio, comunque dovrai installare a mano l'ambiente grafico\n<krabador> con qualche comando , da impartire dal terminale\n<Nico_> sara dura , come ho detto linux io lo conosco poco poco\n<midy> aiuto con ubuntu 14.04 che non si collega alla time capsule.\n<midy> qualcuno ha idea?\n<akis24> giorno\n<jester-> 'ngiorno\n<pillo> BUONGIORNO A TUTTI\n<pillo> scusate il maiusc\n<pillo> Buongiorno\n<pillo> dove posso trovare una guida linux da 0\n<zavorra> salve a tutti\n<zavorra> ho un problema con una webcam\n<zavorra> quando parte la videochiamata skype (uso lubuntu) , la videata tende a lampeggiare di verde , fino a che si interrompe e non vedo più nulla, a dire il vero sembra un problema skype-Lubuntu perchè ho provato con altra webcam ed il risultato è identico\n<gloria_> buongiorno avrei bisogno di un consiglio per l'instqallazione\n<krabador> gloria_, chiedi\n<gloria_> ok ho xp su un ssd e vorrei installarci vicino ubuntu ma ho anghe un'altro hdd da 1,5 t partizionato in 3\n<gloria_> ubuntu messo sull'ssd leggerebbe anche il secondo hdd ?\n<gloria_> mmmmhh domanda troppo scema ?? state forse rotolando dalle risate ...\n<Xandrox> salve ù\n<jester-> gloria_: grub vede tutto poi devi scegliere la modalita\n<Xandrox> cerco aiuto per un portatile hp550 dove non si attiva il wifi con ubuntu 14.04\n<jester-> Xandrox: broadcom?\n<Xandrox> si credo\n<jester-> Xandrox: sei dal pc problema?\n<gloria_> jester-: cosa intendi per modalità ..?\n<Xandrox> Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN Network Connection\n<Xandrox> si\n<jester-> gloria_: per la precisione la combinazione è pc con normale hd e sd esterna?\n<jester-> Xandrox: intel è un casino pare non ci sia ancora il driver per al 14.04\n<Xandrox> :(\n<jester-> krabador: te che segui la  intel hanno risolto?\n<Xandrox> si ho notato ma speravo in una soluzione\n<Xandrox> quindi potrei mettere la 12.04 e farla funzionare?ù\n<krabador> jester-, hanno pubblicato l'installer\n<krabador> si\n<jester-> c'è un installer intel che tiene pure il river aggiornato la per la 14-04 c'erano problemi\n<krabador> per la 14.04\n<jester-> krabador: se dici a Xandrox come fare\n<Xandrox> te ne sarei grato\n<krabador> Xandrox, che ubuntu ?\n<krabador> 32 o 64?\n<Xandrox> 14.04 lts 64\n<krabador> Xandrox, allora scarica questo https://download.01.org/gfx/ubuntu/14.04/main/pool/main/i/intel-linux-graphics-installer/intel-linux-graphics-installer_1.0.5-0intel1_amd64.deb\n<gloria_> jester-:  allora nel pc ho un ssd corsair con circa 20 Gb di spazio disponibili (disco C ) dove c'è xp e un hdd western digital con 3 partizioni ntfs da 500 gb l'una. vorrei installare ubuntu sull' SSD e leggere/scrivere i dati anche sul secondo disco .. è possibile ?\n<jester-> gloria_: servono almeno 10 12 gb di spazio per l'os\n<jester-> li hai liberi all'interno di xp?\n<Xandrox> krabador: lo installo col doppio click o da terminale?\n<jester-> gloria_: comunque il sistema su ssd ha poco senso\n<jester-> velocizza il boot ma non l'uso\n<krabador> Xandrox, no\n<gloria_> jester-:  quindi potrei installare ubuntu in una delle partizioni dell'hdd ?\n<jester-> gloria_: velocizza se ci metti la home su ssd cioè dove leggi e scrivi\n<jester-> gloria_: yess\n<gloria_> jester-:  anche se non è il disco primario ?\n<jester-> gloria_: fai una partizione da 20 gb per il sistema\n<jester-> un 200 per òa home e una da 4 per la swap\n<Xandrox> krabador: scusami non ho capito che faccio dopo averlo scaricato?\n<krabador> Xandrox, apri il terminale\n<krabador> Xandrox,  vai nella cartella in cui l'hai scaricato\n<jester-> gloria_: frega una cass di sove sta liunx\n<jester-> gloria_: ma devi fare installazione manuale\n<jester-> è un po un casino\n<gloria_> jester allora nella partizione che ora è per esempio disco E sposto i dati,  ma la devo formattare?\n<Xandrox> krabador: da terminale ho un po di problemi ancora scusami, il file è nella cartella scaricati\n<krabador> Xandrox, apri il terminale, e scrivi cd Scaricati\n<krabador> poi invio\n<Xandrox> krabador: ok\n<jester-> gloria_: bisogna vedere come sei messo con dischi e partizion,dovresti usare la live e venire in canale che si controlla\n<gloria_> jester-:  alla fine avrei un ssd disco C con solo xp e un hdd con 2 partizioni (E e G) con file nts e 1 partizione con ubuntu e le sue 3 partizioni giusto ?\n<jester-> gloria_: si vede quello che è possibile fare\n<Xandrox> krabador: ci sono krabador\n<krabador> Xandrox, adesso , sudo dpkg -i intel-linux-graphics-installer_1.0.5-0intel1_amd64.deb || apt-get -yf install\n<zavorra> Mi sà che il problema è skype , xchè con cheese và tutto bene....qualcuno ha idea di come posso far funzionare skype per bene ?\n<krabador> Xandrox, aspetta\n<jester-> gloria_: potresti virtualizzarlo in winzo con vmware player\n<Xandrox> krabador: ok attendo\n<krabador> Xandrox, sudo dpkg -i intel-linux-graphics-installer_1.0.5-0intel1_amd64.deb || sudo apt-get -yf install\n<jester-> se hai un po diram\n<krabador> Xandrox, copia ed incolla quest'ultima linea, per intero\n<krabador> !pastebin | Xandrox\n<ubot-it> Xandrox: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<gloria_> jester-:  si quando avrò scaricato e masterizzato la iso tornerò però mi anticipavo perchè domani mi arriva un nas e devo sapere come formattare i dischi\n<krabador> Xandrox, poi usa pastebin, per incollare il risultato dei comandi che ti ho mandato\n<jester-> gloria_: dische esterni rallentano assai\n<jester-> dischi*\n<gloria_> jester-: ma sono la cosa migliore per il back up e poi avrei tutti i contenuti accessibili on line :)\n<Xandrox> krabador: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7487816/\n<gloria_> jester-:  e vorrei che fossero salvati e disponibili anche quelli contenuti nella partizione dedicata a ubuntu\n<krabador> Xandrox, adesso apri questo link\n<krabador> Xandrox, http://pastie.org/pastes/9189144/text\n<krabador> copia ed incolla nel terminale\n<krabador> manda\n<krabador> Xandrox, poi pastebin\n<Xandrox> krabador: non mi da nulla\n<krabador> ok\n<krabador> Xandrox, sudo intel-linux-graphics-installer\n<krabador> e parte l'installer\n<Xandrox> krabador: si\n<Xandrox> krabador: reporto o close?\n<krabador> reporti o close,cosa?\n<Xandrox> ha finito e mi da back close report\n<krabador> Xandrox, ma ha dato errore?\n<Xandrox> krabador: nono\n<krabador> Xandrox, ah, allora, close\n<krabador> Xandrox, aspetta\n<krabador> Xandrox, mandami un'immagine, per favore\n<krabador> premi stamp\n<krabador> poi http://it.tinypic.com/\n<krabador> fai l'upload ed incolla il link qui\n<gloria_> jester-:  ti ringrazio tornerò + tardi ciao\n<Xandrox> krabador: krabador http://it.tinypic.com/r/v3gdj9/8\n<krabador> ok Xandrox tutto apposto\n<krabador> riavvia, come ti chiede\n<krabador> ed al riavvio hai il driver intel\n<Xandrox> krabador: ok torno fra un po e ti dico poi se tutto va bene mi dici in quale piazza farti la statua ^_^\n<krabador> Xandrox, ok\n<xandrox_> krabador: rieccomi\n<xandrox_> krabador: il tasto per attivare il wifi rimane arancione e in rete vedo in grigio attiva wifi\n<krabador> xandrox_, rfkill list\n<krabador> !pastebin\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<xandrox_> krabador: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7487880/\n<krabador> xandrox_, sudo rfkill unblock all\n<krabador> rfkill list\n<krabador> dpkg -l | grep firmware\n<xandrox_> krabador: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7487889/\n<krabador> xandrox_, sudo lshw -C network\n<krabador> sempre pastebin\n<krabador> scusa se puo' sembrare noioso\n<xandrox_> krabador: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7487908/ noioso imparo cose nuove può mai essere noioso??? ^_^\n<krabador> xandrox_, allora sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree\n<krabador> xandrox_, poi riavvia\n<Xandrox> krabador: ci risono\n<krabador> Xandrox, allora, sempre rfkill list\n<krabador> poi iwconfig\n<Xandrox> krabador: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7487945/\n<krabador> sudo iwlist wlan0 scan\n<Xandrox> krabador: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7487957/\n<krabador> Xandrox, verifica se non hai un tasto f con la funzione di disabilitazione e ablilitazione del wireless\n<krabador> Xandrox, spesso c'è una f, che in abbinamento con il tasto fn , ha questa funzione\n<krabador> se non hai un tasto fisico per il wireless\n<Xandrox> krabador: sisi ho il tasto fisico\n<Xandrox> krabador: ma resta arancione pure se lo pigio\n<krabador> Xandrox, sudo ip link set wlan0 up\n<krabador> rfkill list\n<Xandrox> krabador: tutto uguale\n<krabador> sudo iwlist wlan0 scan\n<krabador> anche questo ?\n<Xandrox> krabador: si\n<Xandrox> krabador: se può esserti utile quando si accende il pc la luce del tasto è blu poco dopo diventa arancio e si ferma così\n<krabador> Xandrox, dmesg | grep dmesg | grep\n<krabador> Xandrox, spetta\n<krabador> ho sbagliato\n<krabador> Xandrox, dmesg | grep iwl\n<Xandrox> krabador: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7488024/\n<krabador> Xandrox, allora\n<krabador> Xandrox, apri il terminale\n<krabador> Xandrox, premi una volta il tasto wireless, in maniera secca e decisa\n<krabador> Xandrox, e manda rfkill list\n<Xandrox> fatto uguale\n<krabador> Xandrox, ripremi un'altra volta , e rimanda rfkill list\n<Xandrox> nada\n<krabador> Xandrox, l'unica cosa che ti è rimasta da fare, se con l'interruttore hai questo discorso\n<krabador> Xandrox, è andare in bios\n<krabador> e resettare tutto\n<Xandrox> krabador: ok provo grazie mille\n<krabador> Xandrox, esegui un reset del bios\n<krabador> Xandrox, risetta poi il boot\n<krabador> correttamente\n<krabador> ricarica ubuntu\n<krabador> e vedi\n<krabador> hai win su questo computer?\n<Xandrox_> krabador: grande\n<Xandrox_> krabador: in quale piazza te la faccio sta statua !!!! grazie mille\n<krabador> :D\n<krabador> bene\n<Xandrox_> krabador: posso chederti un' altra cosa?\n<Xandrox_> krabador: su un altro pc\n<krabador> Xandrox_, chiedi\n<Xandrox_> è una workstatio hp xw4400 con installato win7  e ubuntu 14.04lts che non ne vuole di spegnersi\n<krabador> Xandrox_, apri il teriminale e vedi cosa dice sudo shutdown -h now\n<Xandrox_> krabador: lo monto e mi collego da quallo\n<xandroxone> krabador:\n<krabador> xandroxone, si\n<xandrox> krabador: eccomi\n<krabador> hai avuto modo di vedere cosa dice il comando?\n<xandrox> krabador: mount: / is busy\n<xandrox> *will now halt e resta cposì\n<xandrox> krabador: come faccio a copiarti quell' output\n<krabador> xandrox, a meno che tu non abbia fatto una foto, non puoi\n<xandrox> krabador: fatta ^^\n<krabador> xandrox, potrebbe , il supporto del kernel per l'hardware della workstation, non essere ottimale\n<xandrox> krabador: da quel che vedo ha un problema con modemmanager[626]\n<krabador> xandrox, hai grub in avvio?\n<xandrox> si\n<krabador> xandrox, quando si avvia, seleziona la prima linea in alto , premi il tasto \"e\" , a fianco a quiet splash, scrivi acpi=force    premi poi il tasto f10\n<krabador> carichi\n<krabador> e spegni\n<krabador> per vedere cosa fa\n<xandrox> krabador: non c'è quiet splash l'ho tolto nei vari tentativi in rete\n<krabador> xandrox, ok, praticamente alla sua altezza\n<xandrox> krabador: non so dove aggiungerlo ...\n<xandrox> krabador: non mi fa aggiungere\n<brk> Ciao. ho un problema con le cuffie audio su ubuntu 12.0.4. Quando inserisco il jack si sente sia in cuffia che dal pc. Ho letto che il kernel 3.5.qualcosa risolve il problema, ma non lo posso installare perchè non vuole una cpu non-pae. Avete suggerimenti ?\n<flymilla> ciao a tutti! qualcuno mi può aiutare? voglio installare Linux ubuntu sul mio portatile ma non so come si fa :-( ho scaricato linux e dopo averlo copiato sudvd provo a lanciarlo ma mi continua a ripartire window 8!!!\n<remix_tj> flymilla: hai messo il file che hai scaricato in un dvd così com'è? hai sbagliato, dovresti masterizzare l'immagine\n<remix_tj> !iso | flymilla\n<ubot-it> flymilla: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/DispositiviPartizioni/MasterizzareIso\n<remix_tj> qui ci sono tutte le istruzioni\n<flymilla> ok allora sicuramente è per quello!! grazie mille molto gentile\n<daniele_> ciao ragazzi, o creato un hotspot virtuale su ubuntu, adesso se creo una vpn sul pc dove ho creato il virtual hotspot verrà condivisa con tutti gli apparati che collego all'hotspot?\n<luigiDL> ciao\n<luigiDL> a tutti\n<luigiDL> c'è qualcuno in linea?\n<krabador> !qualcuno luigiDL\n<ubot-it> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)\n<krabador> !qualcuno | luigiDL\n<ubot-it> luigiDL: la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera'\n<luigiDL> qualcuno puo' aiutarmi: ho un macbook pro 7.1 vorrei passare a xubuntu , sapreste dirmi che versione dovrei mettere ?\n<RedAaron> ciao\n<RedAaron> ho un problema con il mio netbook\n<RedAaron> ho provato ad installare tramite usb la versione 14.04 32bit\n<RedAaron> ma tramite il tool non è andata mai\n<RedAaron> dopodichè ho provato con un lettore dvd esterno ma non sembra finire l'installazione\n<krabador> RedAaron, lubuntu\n<krabador> RedAaron, è la piu' indicata per netbook\n<RedAaron> ho capito ma non mi fa proprio partire il boot da usb\n<krabador> RedAaron, come hai fatto la pendrive ?\n<RedAaron> con unetbootin\n<RedAaron> da la scarico la versione di lubuntu\n<krabador> RedAaron, hai solo win a disposizione per fare la pendrive?\n<RedAaron> ma non mi fa comunque andare\n<RedAaron> si ho solo windows\n<krabador> \"a la scarico la versione di lubuntu\"  <---\n<krabador>  ?\n<krabador> luigiDL, il mac è 2010 ?\n<RedAaron> da unetbootin riesco a scaricare direttamente la versione di lubuntu che carica direttamente sulla penna\n<krabador> RedAaron, scarica lubuntu dalla risorsa ufficiale\n<krabador> RedAaron, e non usare unetbootin\n<RedAaron> ed uso sempre unetbootin per fare la pendrive?\n<krabador> !usbwin | RedAaron\n<ubot-it> RedAaron: Scarica Universal USB Installer (http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/) | Installalo su Windows e lancialo: lui si occuperà di trasferire l'immagine ISO su USB | Opzionalmente questo programma può anche scaricare lui stesso l'immagine ISO | Attenzione: il programma è in inglese\n<krabador> ma usa questo\n<RedAaron> ok\n<RedAaron> allora scarico dalla sorgente madre\n<RedAaron> e poi uso questo\n<RedAaron> speriamo funzioni perchè per ora ho il netbook in disuso\n<krabador> RedAaron, formatta per bene la pendrive,prima\n<RedAaron> fat 32\n<RedAaron> giusto?\n<RedAaron> allocazione da 16kb?\n<krabador> RedAaron, con cosa la stai formattando la pendrive?\n<RedAaron> formattatore di windows\n<Ozzyboshi> aridaglie\n<Ozzyboshi> krabador, ma allora ce l'hai con me\n<Ozzyboshi> si va nel canale delle dispute?\n<krabador> !chat | Ozzyboshi\n<ubot-it> Ozzyboshi: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<Ozzyboshi> ascolta finiamo questa storia una volta per tutte\n<Ozzyboshi> ce l'hai con me?\n<krabador> !chat | Ozzyboshi\n<ubot-it> Ozzyboshi: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<Ozzyboshi> che uomo che sei\n<Ozzyboshi> vergognoso\n<Ozzyboshi> mi fai pena\n<Ozzyboshi> proprio incoerente\n<Ozzyboshi> avrai 5 anni\n<Ozzyboshi> a dire tanto\n<krabador> Ozzyboshi, ma vergognati tu, ad entrare in risorse con regole, con il pieno intento di fare come ti pare senza rispettare i presenti\n<krabador> se vuoi anarchia\n<krabador> non sono queste le risorse giuste\n<Ozzyboshi> vai divertiti a bannare\n<krabador> Ozzyboshi, divertiti da qualche altra parte\n<Paradisee> what happen\n<krabador> Paradisee, certa gente finisce i farmaci , e accende il computer\n<Paradisee> brutta cosa la dipendenz\n<RedAaron> grazie per l'aiuto comunque\n<Simone> Ciao, qualcuno mi può aiutare? Ho installato Lubuntu 14 un un laptop, non riesco a vedere i video sia da lettore multimediale sia dal web con FF, ho flash attivo, ma niente da fare. E' un problema facile da risolvere? Spiegatevi in modo semplice perché sono nuovo di linux. Grazie\n<krabador> Simone, cat /proc/cpuinfo\n<krabador> !pastebin | Simone\n<ubot-it> Simone: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<Simone> ti serve qualche dato in particolare\n<krabador> Simone, quello che ti ho mandato, è un comando, da mandare con il terminale\n<krabador> Simone, il suo risultato , lo copi ed incolli nel sito segnalato, ed incolli qui il link risultante\n<Simone> ok fatto, ma quale dati ti serve, perché sto lavorando da un altro pc.\n<krabador> Simone, è meglio che entri qui con quel pc\n<Simone> Ok datemi un attimo che mi ricollego\n<Simone>  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29  \t  Questi i dati: Processor: 0processor\t: 0 vendor_id\t: GenuineIntel cpu family\t: 6 model\t\t: 11 model name\t: Mobile Intel(R) Pentium(R) III CPU - M  1200MHz stepping\t: 4 microcode\t: 0x2 cpu MHz\t\t: 798.000 cache size\t: 512 KB physical id\t: 0 siblings\t: 1 core id\t\t: 0 cpu cores\t: 1 apicid\t\t: 0 initial apicid\t: 0 fdiv_bug\t: no f00f_bug\t: no coma_bu\n<krabador> Simone, usa il pastebin\n<Simone> quello che ho fatto, però\n<krabador> !pastebin | Simone\n<ubot-it> Simone: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<Simone> ragazzi è troppo un casino i dati ci sono\n<krabador> Simone, non ci sono tutti, e pastebin è semplicissimo da usare\n<krabador> Simone, apri il browser\n<krabador> vai qui http://paste.ubuntu.com/\n<krabador> incolli il contenuto che ti ha dato il terminale\n<krabador> nello spazio all'interno\n<krabador> metti un nick\n<krabador> clicchi paste\n<krabador> e il link che ti appare sulla barra, dopo aver premuto paste\n<krabador> lo incolli qui\n<Simone> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7489821/\n<krabador> Simone, la cpu non ha la flag sse2\n<krabador> quindi flash non è compatibile\n<krabador> va installata l'ultima versione compatibile\n<krabador> Simone, https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/50758594/libflashplayer.so\n<krabador> scarica questo\n<spartacus_72> sera\n<Simone> krabador mi è partita la connessione mi avevi risposto non ho visto\n<krabador> Simone, allora\n<krabador> Simone, la cpu non ha la flag sse2\n<krabador> quindi flash non è compatibile\n<krabador> va installata l'ultima versione compatibile\n<krabador> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/50758594/libflashplayer.so\n<krabador> scarica questo\n<krabador> Simone, e va messa nella cartella attuale di flash\n<krabador> Simone, quanta ram , e che scheda video hai?\n<Simone> 1giga di ram e la scheda video Intel 830M UMA\n<krabador> Simone, lubuntu è drasticamente piu' indicata\n<krabador> www.lubuntu.net\n<Simone> in che senso, sto già usando lubuntu\n<krabador> ah, ok\n<Simone> sto scaricando quello che mi hai detto dovo trovo la cartella \"flash\"?\n<Paradisee> krabador: spesso e volentieri ricevo un errore da terminale, quando torno nel manger login, per caso sai come riesco a vedere i log?\n<krabador> Simone, apri il terminale\n<Simone> l'ho scaricata e mò che faccio? dove strovo la cartella?\n<Simone> ok\n<krabador> Simone, dove hai scaricato il file?\n<Simone> nella cartella dei file scaricati\n<krabador> Simone, allora cd Scaricati\n<Simone> come comando terminale?\n<krabador> Simone, si\n<krabador> ci sei ?\n<Simone> devo digitare cd Scaricati?\n<krabador> Simone, si\n<Simone> ok, poi?\n<krabador> Simone, sudo cp libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer\n<krabador> Simone, poi pastebin\n<Simone> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7490036\n<krabador> Simone, chiudi e riapri firefox\n<Simone> poi devo fare la login di nuovo, a dopo\n<krabador> Simone, prova il flash\n<Simone> ok krabador ci sono\n<ufalc> Krabadorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr\n<ufalc> ci sei?\n<brk> ciao. su ubuntu 12.0.4 se collego le cuffie audio si sente in cuffia ma si sente anche dal pc. Qualcuno ha idea di come fare in modo che il suono esca solo in cuffia ?\n<krabador> ufalc, wei\n<ufalc> amico mio\n<krabador> ufalc, che succede\n<ufalc> tutto bene\n<Simone> mi dice la striscia in alto che l'esecuz. del plugin obsoleto adobe flash è stato bloccato sulla chat da firefox, devo continuare o attivo?\n<ufalc> ho istallato ubuntu\n<krabador> ufalc, bene\n<ufalc> si poi sono rientrato per dirtelo, ma eri andato via volevo ringraziarti\n<krabador> Simone, digli di usarlo\n<ufalc> sei stato un mito\n<krabador> :D\n<krabador> ufalc, mi fa piacere\n<ufalc> si ho avuto qualche problemino.. con la tastiera, la web cam ma ho risolto tutto\n<krabador> ufalc, come ti trovi ?\n<krabador> ok\n<ufalc> lúnica cosa che non riesco a fare e copiare le foto con il bluetooth, quando eseguo lóperazione mi da un errore\n<ufalc> i dispositivi sono collegati\n<ufalc> ma non so\n<krabador> ufalc, sono perfettamente parificati i dispositivi?\n<ufalc> entro nel cel, da esplora... vedo le foto, la copia e mi da lérrore\n<krabador> ufalc, hai provato dal pc al telefono ?\n<ufalc> si dal pc al telefono, entro in esplora file, vedo le foto, le trascino o le copio e mi da l´errore\n<krabador> ufalc, ok, dal pc al telefono hai provato?\n<krabador> il contrario\n<krabador> scusami\n<krabador> dal telefono al pc , hai provato?\n<Simone> Ok krabador, sembra che funzioni, mi dice che è obsoleto...ho censentito sempre .... ma poi questo mi servirà anche per i Dvd e Divx?\n<krabador> Simone, no\n<krabador> Simone, per quello installa vlc\n<krabador> e fa tutto lui\n<ufalc> dal telefono quando cerco di inviare la foto mi dice che non si puo connettere, ma dal pc io vedo il telefono e ci entro dentro\n<krabador> Simone, sudo apt-get install vlc\n<Simone> mi dava problemi anche quello\n<krabador> Simone, è obsoleto , perchè è una versione di diverso tempo fa di flash, ma è l'ultima che va col tuo processore\n<krabador> firefox dall'ultima versione , te la segnala, fino alla penultima non ti diceva nulla\n<krabador> Simone, che tipo di problemi?\n<Simone> sul lettore video? avevo l'audio ma non il video\n<ufalc> dal telefono quando cerco di inviare la foto mi dice che non si puo connettere, ma dal pc io vedo il telefono e ci entro dentro\n<Simone> ma dal Gestore a pacchetti non risulta \"libflashplayer.so\", posso spostarlo o cancellarlo dagli scaricati? Non dovrà essere aggiornato, vero?\n<krabador> Simone, no\n<krabador> ufalc, posta l'errore\n<krabador> !pastebin | ufalc\n<ubot-it> ufalc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<krabador> posta l'errore che ti da quando provi a fare i trasferimenti\n<Simone> no, cosa, in che senso?\n<krabador> no, non deve essere aggiornato\n<Simone> il file devo lasciarlo in quella cartella?\n<ufalc> si é verificato un errore nel copiare il file all´interno di home falco scrivania\n<krabador> Simone, quello che hai scaricato, tienitelo, in caso di reinstallazione\n<krabador> Simone, dpkg -l | grep gstreamer\n<krabador> Simone, pastebin\n<brk> Ciao. qualcuno mmi può aiutare a risolvere il problema audio ?\n<krabador> brk, se il kernel non la supporta a dovere, sono questi gli inconvenienti\n<krabador> brk, sudo lshw -C audio\n<krabador> brk, aplay -l\n<krabador> !pastebin | brk\n<ubot-it> brk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<brk> ecco krabador\n<brk> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7490192/\n<krabador> brk, http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/viewtopic.php?t=393126\n<krabador> brk, http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=393126&sid=f165bcd6ee40ed94613885dc02e705fd&start=20#p3061872\n<Simone> Kabador, il file scaricato devo lascirlo lì, o posso spostarlo?\n<krabador> krabador, puoi anche cancellarlo, ma ti consiglio ti tenerlo , per quando reintsallerai\n<Simone> questo andrà file bene anche per Chromim o Chromo?\n<krabador> Simone, no\n<krabador> chromium/chrome ha il suo interno\n<krabador> Simone, che ha smesso anche lui di supportare cpu senza flag sse2\n<Simone> quindi\n<Simone> potrei aver qualche problema\n<Simone> che ne dici?\n<Simone> grazie, comunque, alla prossima\n<brk> grazie krabador. sul forum che mi hai indicato ho trovato la soluzione :-)\n<krabador> brk, :D\n<brk> le sai tutte...\n<krabador> si fa quel che si puo'\n<quelmarco> Buona sera a tutti\n<krabador> quelmarco, salve\n<quelmarco> ciao krabador !\n<krabador> salve quelmarco\n<quelmarco> come va?\n<krabador> benvenuto nel canale ufficiale italiano di supporto di ubuntu\n<quelmarco> grazie mille! è il mio primo accesso qui!\n<vice_> hola\n<vice_> sto usando chrome e non mi fa scaricare un file pdf,   apro firefox è lo scarica tranquillamente....   mi kiedo ma chrome su ubuntu ha qualche problema?\n<vice_> un altro esempio con chrome non si riesce a giocare con i doodle di google\n<jester-> vice_: se non va un cavallo usa l'altro, dove sta il problema\n<vice_> si tranquillo che faccio cosi...  ma è un peccato ...parliamo di google che non dedica tempo a ubuntu\n<jester-> vice_: google ha solo la marca famosa\n<vice_> io in w7 usavo chrome è mi trovavo benissimo\n<vice_> usavo firefox e lo cambiai con chrome\n<Joshua^Dunamis> vice_: ok e qui magari fai al contrario\n<jester-> e siccome linux desktop è circa lo 0,5% del  mercato e ubuntu è una parte dello 0,5% che cambia ogni sei mesi spendere per 4 gatti non conviene\n<jester-> fino  a quando ci saranno compaglie come mozilla hp nvidia e pochi altri che forniscono supporto va ancora abene\n<vice_> si, pensandoci hai ragione.... ci si accontenta\n<Joshua^Dunamis> vice_: chrome è un browser della google, se ha problemi su Ubuntu non è Ubuntu il responsabile. Quanti programmi vengono fatti per windows che poi hanno problemi? Cioè non è che appena qualcosa non va è colpa del sistema operativo. A volte i programmi vengono scritti male e vanno migliorati\n<jester-> cromo non è che sia poi sto granche\n<vice_> Joshua^Dunamis    alt qui nessuno accusa un problema ad ubuntu\n<jester-> se volevi infettarti su facebook con trojan dovevi usare cromo\n<jester-> ma siccome ha un brand è buono a  prescindere\n<Joshua^Dunamis> perfetto, io poi ho sempre preferito Firefox a Chrome. Premetto che da anni non uso Sistemi Operativi diversi da GNU/Linux, se non saltuariamente qualche pc di amici\n<vice_> di solito si cerca di usare il browser che al momento sia abbastanza veloce e funzionale\n<jester-> vice_: ad aprire impiega quanto ff e se hai una banda adsl del cazzo sicuramente non la migliora\n<Joshua^Dunamis> e con Firefox mi trovo mooolto bene, quando mi tocca usare Chrome su qualche pc o Notebook con Windows non mi piace granché a livello prestazionale, ma... de gustibus\n<jester-> Joshua^Dunamis: quoto\n<vice_> mi spiegte x ke arrivano questi messaggi in chat\n<vice_> randomcpp [~gcollura@host167-220-dynamic.54-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has quit\n<vice_> è quando entra un nuovo utente?\n<Joshua^Dunamis> vice_: sono messaggi del server che indicano ad esempio che l'utente randomcpp è uscito in questo caso, oppure se è entrato (has joined)\n<jester-> o che h a cambiato nick o che andato away\n<vice_> gcollura@host167\n<vice_> è il nome?\n<jester-> è il nome dell'host\n<vice_> che viene preso dal nome pc?\n<jester-> dal nick\n<vice_> ok , cioe quello che scrivi nel login della chat?\n<jester-> quando entri nel server freenode ti assegna un nome host\n<vice_> quindi è casuale?\n<jester-> comprende un nome l'ip e il provider\n<jester-> vice_: tu usi la webchat ma il tuo ip c'è\n<vice_> si ma il nome?\n<jester-> il nome solitamente lo ricava dal nick\n<vice_> ok coincidenze :)\n<Joshua^Dunamis> stiamo andando off topic, vi è sicuramente un canale apposito per fare domande tecniche sulla IRC Chat\n<jester-> !chat\n<ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<jester-> ma non c'è traffico facciamo eccezione\n<vice_> ok pensavo ke vi annoiavate... vado nella chat libera se vi sentite soli chiamate che ritorno....  un bacio :)\n<Joshua^Dunamis> si certo ma il canale viene logato, cioè per chi cerca info tecniche riguardo ubuntu\n<Joshua^Dunamis> vice_: io sto su entrambi i canali ;)\n<krabador> Joshua^Dunamis, ah si?\n<jester-> viene logato solo -it   tutela di tutti\n<jester-> di chi chiede e di chi aiuta\n<Joshua^Dunamis> krabador: ti riferisci al log? Si, viene logato appunto per permettere a chiunque di rivedere le discussioni\n<krabador> Joshua^Dunamis, utile\n<Joshua^Dunamis> krabador: si\n<sonoio> c'è qualcuno?\n<krabador> sonoio, chiedi\n<sonoio> un informazione qual'è la versione migliofre da usare su un portatile'\n<sonoio> grazie krabador\n<krabador> sonne, che caratteristiche ha questo portatile?\n<sonoio> 64 bit\n<sonoio> 4 giga di ram\n<sonoio> vuoi sapere altro?\n<krabador> sonoio, che processore, e scheda grafica, di preciso?\n<sonoio> aspetta\n<sonoio> nn so,devo guardarci\n<krabador> sonoio, che os stai usando?\n<sonoio> un toshiba\n<sonoio> c 50\n<krabador> sonoio, che sistema operativo stai usando?\n<sonoio> windows 8\n<sonoio> c sei?\n<krabador> puoi usare anche la verisione normale\n<sonoio> cioè quale?\n<sonoio> che è sta roba?\n<sonoio> ah ok :9 grazie\n<Joshua^Dunamis> sonoio: puoi installare anche Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, poi secondo i tuoi gusti c'è Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 LTS o Kubuntu 14.04 LTS\n<Joshua^Dunamis> cambia il Desktop Environment, Ubuntu usa Unity, Ubuntu GNOME usa Gnome, Kubuntu usa KDE\n<sonoio> in che senso secondo i miei gusti?\n<krabador> sonoio, http://www.ubuntu-it.org/derivate\n<krabador> dai uno sguardo\n#ubuntu-it 2014-05-20\n<sonoio> caspita....grazie krabador gentilissimo e informatissimo\n<sonoio> :)\n<krabador> :D\n<sonoio> buonanotte egrazie :)\n<katymerlin> non riesco a disinstallare playonelinux\n<ExPBoy> !info palyonelinux\n<ubot-it> Package palyonelinux does not exist in saucy\n<ExPBoy> !info playonelinux\n<ubot-it> Package playonelinux does not exist in saucy\n<ExPBoy> katymerlin: e come l'hai installato?\n<katymerlin> lo installato da soft center\n<ExPBoy> che versione di ubuntu hai?\n<ExPBoy> !info playonlinux\n<ubot-it> playonlinux (source: playonlinux): front-end for Wine. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.2.1-1 (saucy), package size 1578 kB, installed size 3954 kB\n<ExPBoy> in ogni caso se vai sul software center lo trovi e puoi disinstallarlo oppure da terminale  apt-get remove playonlinux\n<katymerlin> 12.04\n<ExPBoy> vecchiotto\n<ExPBoy> comunque è uguale\n<katymerlin> Operazione di pacchetto non riuscita Installazione o la rimozione di un pacchetto software non riuscita\n<katymerlin> non me lo ha disinstallato\n<jester-> 'ngiorno\n<ExPBoy> katymerlin: fai vedere tutto anche il comando in pastebin\n<ExPBoy> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<katymerlin> cosa devo inviarti\n<ExPBoy> l'output del terminale\n<katymerlin> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7491970/\n<ExPBoy> katymerlin: devi usare sudo davanti al comando\n<ExPBoy> sudo apt-get remove playonlinux\n<ExPBoy> poi metti la tua password (anche se non la vedi)\n<katymerlin> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7491981/\n<Riccardone> katymerlin: la S è maiuscola ...\n<Riccardone> oppure dai invio senza scrivere 's' ...\n<ExPBoy> Riccardone: non penso sia quello il problema\n<Riccardone> ExPBoy: provando con dpkg --purge che succede ?\n<ExPBoy> mha\n<katymerlin> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7492004/\n<jester-> katymerlin: hai zompato playonlinux\n<katymerlin> cosa intendi\n<jester-> se non gli dici cosa purgare rimani a farsi le pippe lunghe lunghe\n<jester-> katymerlin: sudo dpkg --purge playonlinux\n<jester-> loggico no?\n<katymerlin> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7492019/\n<jester-> è tutto incasinato comincia a dare sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade che hai 250 pacchetti di arretrati\n<Riccardone> poi anche sudo apt-get clean && apt-get autoclean per ripulire la cache ...\n<flymilla> buongiorno a tutti. ho installato ieri linux ubuntu e volevo chiedere come si fa per installare i programmi? ho scaricato open office ma non riesco a installarlo... grazie\n<jester-> flymilla: c'è libreoffice di serie\n<jester-> flymilla: e c'è il software center per il resto\n<katymerlin> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7492085/\n<jester-> katymerlin: sudo dpkg --configure -a\n<jester-> katymerlin: e chiudi il sotware center\n<flymilla> sono andata nel software center ma per esempio open office non me lo trova...pensavo fosse un programma di linux...quindi i programmi che non sono nel software center non sono installabili? perdonami ma per me è un mondo nuovo linux!\n<jester-> flymilla: c'è gia libreoffice installato di serie che è uguale\n<jester-> guarda nel menu ufficio\n<jester-> o clicca il ogo in cima alla barra e poi scrivi libre nella ricerca\n<flymilla> ah ok..\n<flymilla> sapete anche se esiste samsung kies (programma x smartphone samsung) per linux?\n<jester-> flymilla: non esiste e non esistono o quasi drivers dedicati per cellofoni\n<flymilla> :-(\n<katymerlin> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7492088/\n<jester-> katymerlin: sudo apt-get upgrade\n<zio> buongiorno, qualcuno mi aiuta d installare un pacchetto fempero.pl ?ricevo questo mess di errore :La stampante «KONICA-MINOLTA-C203-C253-C353» richiede il pacchetto «/usr/lib/cups/filter/femperonpsc250mu.pl» che non risulta al momento installato. Installare tale pacchetto prima di utilizzare questa stampante.\n<jester-> zio: fempero.pl  sarebbe?\n<zio> ops, buon giorno, qualcuno mi aiuta con il messaggio precedente ...ho incollato il mess ma ha inviato solo quello che avevo incollato\n<zio> ho installato una stampante konica c353 ma NON STAMPA\n<jester-> zio: fempero.pl  sarebbe?\n<zio> fempero\n<zio> è un pacchetto dentro il minidrive scaricato dal sito\n<jester-> cioè?\n<jester-> è qualcosa in perl cosa dovrebbe fare\n<zio> si\n<zio> il mio problema è far stampare una konica c353\n<zio> posso mettere il link del sito ?\n<zio> konica\n<zio> dal quale ho scaricato il minidrive ?\n<zio>  oppure se avete soluzioni migliori mi aiutate ?\n<jester-> zio: eh ma se hai preso dal sito ci saranno le istruzioni per installare il driver\n<zio> per install.ph\n<zio> di questo fempero nonn dice nulla\n<zio> ma il pacchetto esiste\n<zio> nella cartella estratta\n<jester-> zio: il driver lo installi eseguendo install.sh\n<jester-> dovrebbe installare il necessario\n<zio> no, install.pl\n<jester-> sempre che sia poi compatibile\n<zio> nelle dir di cups\n<jester-> zio: c'è sicuramente file readme e install\n<jester-> con dentro le istruzioni\n<zio> si, in inglese penso che install.pl sia andato a buon fine, il problema è fempero\n<jester-> madu\n<jester-> ma le hai lette le istro?\n<zio> si\n<zio> in inglese\n<jester-> bè?\n<jester-> cosa dicono\n<zio> cups mi da la 353 fornendo il ppd ma mi chiede fempero\n<zio> richiede il pacchetto «/usr/lib/cups/filter/femperonpsc250mu.pl» che non risulta al momento installato.\n<jester-> zio: incolla le istruzioni nel pastebin\n<jester-> !paste | zio\n<ubot-it> zio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<zio> asp\n<zio> jester-, è un pdf\n<zio> ci sto provando\n<jester-> dammi il link al download del driver\n<zio> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7492177/\n<zio> http://www.konicaminolta.co.uk/business-solutions/support/download-center/download-result.html?packageId=33627&productName=bizhub%20C353\n<jester-> zio: hai eseguito ./install.pl dentro alla cartella ?\n<zio> si\n<zio> nella dir\n<jester-> ha instalalto ?\n<zio> non so, mi ha detto che la dir esisteva\n<zio> lo facciamo insieme ?\n<jester-> zio: chmod +x install.pl\n<jester-> zio: sudo ./install.pl\n<jester-> zio: sudo service cups restart\n<zio> jester-, Installation procedure for Konica Minolta drivers is starting.\n<zio> No such file:\n<zio> usage:\t install [CUPS configuration file]\n<zio> Exiting\n<jester-> zio: come si chiama la certella contenete i driver e dove ce l'hai\n<zio> nella home dbhc203psc200en\n<zio> ho dato prima cd dbhc203psc200en\n<jester-> zio: sudo ./install.pl /etc/cups\n<zio> Installation procedure for Konica Minolta drivers is starting.\n<zio> No such file:\n<zio> usage:\t install [CUPS configuration file]\n<zio> Exiting\n<jester-> zio: sudo ./install.pl /etc/cups/cups.conf\n<zio> Installation procedure for Konica Minolta drivers is starting.\n<zio> No such file: /etc/cups/cups.conf\n<zio> usage:\t install [CUPS configuration file]\n<zio> Exiting\n<jester-> zio: sudo ./install /etc/cups/cups.conf\n<zio> Installation procedure for Konica Minolta drivers is starting.\n<zio> No such file: /etc/cups/cups.conf\n<zio> usage:\t install [CUPS configuration file]\n<zio> Exiting\n<zio> mancava il .pl l'ho messo io\n<jester-> non metterlo\n<zio> mi aveva dato command not found\n<zio> sudo: ./install: command not found\n<jester-> zio: ls /etc/cups\n<jester-> zio: sudo ./install /etc/cups/cupsd.conf\n<jester-> zio: sudo ./install.pl /etc/cups/cupsd.conf\n<zio> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7492216/\n<zio> sudo: ./install: command not found\n<jester-> zio: sudo ./install.pl /etc/cups/cupsd.conf\n<zio> scusa, ho visto ora\n<zio> ~/dbhc203psc200en$  sudo ./install.pl /etc/cups/cupsd.conf\n<zio> Installation procedure for Konica Minolta drivers is starting.\n<zio> No such file:\n<zio> usage:\t install [CUPS configuration file]\n<zio> Exiting\n<jester-> zio: riscompatta la tar e rifai\n<zio> jester-, rieccomi\n<zio> ho fatto con estrai qui\n<zio> jester-,  può essere che dobbiamo installare dove dice che manca fempero ?\n<zio> in /usr/lib/cups/filter/femperonpsc250mu.pl ...cosa ne pensi ?\n<jester-> zio: il cupsd.conf sta un /etc/cups ma non lo trova\n<jester-> quindi non puo leggere le informazioni\n<jester-> e ciò è strano\n<zio> in principio parla del terminale di kde ? c'è differenza nelle dir con unity ?\n<jester-> quindi rientra nella cartella e dai sudo install.pl /etc/cups/cupsd.conf\n<zio> ~/dbhc203psc200en$ sudo install.pl /etc/cups/cupsd.conf\n<zio> sudo: install.pl: command not found\n<jester-> quindi rientra nella cartella e dai sudo ./install.pl /etc/cups/cupsd.conf\n<zio> Installation procedure for Konica Minolta drivers is starting.\n<zio> No such file:\n<zio> usage:\t install [CUPS configuration file]\n<zio> Exiting\n<jester-> quindi rientra nella cartella e dai sudo ./install.pl /etc/cups/cupsd.conf.default\n<zio> No such file: /etc/cups/cupsd.conf.default\n<jester-> quindi rientra nella cartella e dai sudo ./install.pl install /etc/cups/cupsd.conf\n<zio> No such file: install\n<zio> usage:\t install [CUPS configuration file]\n<zio> Exiting\n<jester-> è bacato\n<jester-> bisogna fare in manuale\n<jester-> segui la parte installazione manuale\n<zio> e quindi ?\n<jester-> il path è giusto ma continua a dire che non lo trova\n<zio> proviamo a estrarre il file con tar -xvzf ? ti mando la procedura asci ?\n<zio> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7492283/\n<jester-> ./install.pl /here/and/there/cupsd.conf\n<jester-> quindi sudo ./install.pl /etc/cups/cupsd.conf\n<zio> e quindi ?\n<jester-> quindi non si capisce perchè non esegue ridalli il download che lo scarico\n<zio> jester-,  mi puoi aiutare a scegliere il drive corretto dal sito ?\n<zio> http://www.konicaminolta.co.uk/business-solutions/support/download-center/download-result.html?packageId=38861&productName=bizhub%20C353\n<jester-> zio: modello?\n<zio> c353\n<jester-> zio: multifunzione?\n<zio> si\n<zio> bizhub c353\n<jester-> manda a questa pagina ma sotto alla licenza il c353 non la vedo\n<jester-> http://www.konicaminolta.co.uk/business-solutions/support/download-center/download-result.html?packageId=38861&productName=bizhub%20C353\n<zio> dal leggimi dovrebbe essere il c 362\n<jester-> zio: contiene solo i ppd\n<zio>  lo so\n<Xandrox> ciao a tutti\n<Xandrox> qualcuno mi aiuta a risolvere un problema di spegnimento su una workstation xw4400\n<zio> jester-, il kmpu18 cos'è ?\n<jester-> zio: prova a copiare il file in estratto in /etc/cups/ppd\n<zio> di cosa ?\n<jester-> hai preso 362UnixPPD.zip?\n<zio> lo avevo preso prima ma poi ho scaricato il minidrive perchè non riuscivo a farlo andare, lo riscarico\n<zio> jester-,  l'ho estratto\n<zio> ed in Scaricati\n<jester-> si ma non è per la 35\n<zio> si\n<zio> :(\n<jester-> scarica kmpu18.zip\n<jester-> c'è il deb debian\n<jester-> ma dice che serve il ppd per la 251\n<jester-> 351\n<jester-> che non vedo\n<zio> e quindi install il db e usiamo il ppd del minidrive gira ?\n<Xandrox> help pls errore shutdown ubuntu 14.04lts\n<jester-> zio: hai il ppd per la 351?\n<jester-> zio: installa il deb debian e poi\n<jester-> cp <ppd-file> /etc/lp/ppd\n<jester-> \tchown daemon  /etc/lp/ppd/<ppd-file>\n<jester-> \tchgrp lp      /etc/lp/ppd/<ppd-file>\n<jester-> \tchmod 444     /etp/ppd/<ppd-file>\n<jester-> zio: installa anche lpr\n<jester-> prima di tutti\n<zio> scusami\n<zio> mi guidi tu ?\n<zio> dov'è lpr ?\n<jester-> zio: sudo apt-get install lpr\n<zio> tolgo cups bsd ? ho altre stampanti nel pc ?\n<jester-> zio:no\n<zio> quindi non installo lpr ?\n<jester-> zio: cd kmpu18/\n<zio> ~$ cd kmpu18/\n<zio> bash: cd: kmpu18/: File o directory non esistente\n<zio> ok, ho spostato la cartella\n<zio> -Name:~/kmpu18$\n<jester-> zio: hai scompattato lo zip nella home?\n<zio> si\n<jester-> allora c'è la cartella kmpu18\n<zio> l'ho scompattata in scaricati e adesso l'ho trasferita nella home, si che c'è\n<jester-> cd kmpu18\n<zio> ok\n<jester-> sudo apt-get install kmpu1.8-debian-intel.deb\n<zio> Lettura elenco dei pacchetti... Fatto\n<jester-> zio: spe\n<jester-> zio: ho cannato il comando\n<zio> ok\n<jester-> sudo dpkg -i kmpu1.8-debian-intel.deb\n<zio> jester-, fatto\n<jester-> zio: errori?\n<zio> nessuno, Configurazione di kmpu (1.8)...\n<zio> Processing triggers for man-db ( ...\n<zio> nessun errore\n<jester-> zio: adesso copia il ppd 351 in /etc/lp/ppd\n<zio> come root ?\n<jester-> si\n<jester-> poi\n<jester-> hown daemon  /etc/lp/ppd/<ppd-file>\n<jester-> \tchgrp lp      /etc/lp/ppd/<ppd-file>\n<jester-> \tchmod 444     /etc/lp/ppd/<ppd-file>\n<zio> scusa ma dove trovo il ppd 351 ?\n<jester-> <ppd-file>=nomedelfile\n<jester-> zio: hai detto di averlo nel minidriver\n<jester-> zio: KOC351U.ppd\n<zio> il ppd nel minidriver è pbhc203psc200en.ppd\n<zio> oppure il 362 KO362U.ppd\n<jester-> il readme dice <ppd-file>\n<zio> non ho il 351\n<jester->  KOC351U.ppd\n<zio> lo vado a cercare\n<jester-> eh\n<jester-> KOC351U.ppd     bizhub C351\n<jester-> zio: prova un po a riavviare a vedere se per caso la stante c'è intallandola\n<zio> riavvio il pc\n<zio> ho installato solo il deb\n<zio> riavvio ?\n<jester-> zio: dovrebbe essere a posto\n<jester-> sto guardando nel deb e c'è tutto\n<zio> riavvio ?\n<jester-> zio: sudo service cups restart\n<jester-> c'è tutto dentro al deb\n<zio> ho installato come c351 mi da in attesa che la stampante finisca\n<jester-> è accesa?\n<zio> si lampeggia per la ricezione dei dati ma è bloccata a lampeggiare\n<jester-> riavvia\n<zio> ok\n<zio> a dopo\n<Xandrox> errore shutdown qualcuno può aiutarmi per favore?\n<jester-> Xandrox: cioè?\n<Xandrox> il pc non si spegne\n<jester-> appena installato ?\n<Xandrox> si è pulito ma gia sarà una settimana che ci sbatto la testa e cerco in giro\n<zio> jester-,  nulla, lampeggia e ubuntu dice in attesa che la stampante finisca\n<jester-> Xandrox: terminale\n<jester-> Xandrox: sudo halt\n<jester-> zio: sudo apt-get -f install\n<Xandrox> jester-: ti posto la foto?\n<jester-> Xandrox: yess\n<zio> 0 aggiornati, 0 installati, 0 da rimuovere e 37 non aggiornati.\n<jester-> zio: il driver è installato visto che la stampante è in lista\n<jester-> mi sa che è farlocco per la 14.04\n<zio> la stampante non è in lista, io ho la c353\n<zio> ma trovo la 351 o 352\n<jester-> allora devi trovare il ppd èer la 353\n<jester-> e copiarlo in /etc/lp/ppd\n<zio> che dovrebbe essereKO362U.ppd e dopo che lo copio ? perchè se lo faccio da installazione stampante si blocca\n<zio> se fornisco questo ppd durante l'installazione si blocca e non lo prende\n<zio> fatto, copiato ein etc/lp/ppd\n<zio> e adesso ?\n<jester-> zio: http://chomikuj.pl/mahmah832/System32/DriverStore/FileRepository/prnkm002.inf_amd64_neutral_7c42808e24ebff99/Amd64/KOC353U,2320316297.PPD\n<jester-> zio: sudo service cups restart\n<zio> prima di dare questo ppd ?\n<zio> elimino la stampante\n<jester-> dopo averlo copiato\n<jester-> elimina e reinstalla\n<Xandrox> jester-: http://i57.tinypic.com/rml8g0.jpg\n<jester-> Xandrox: e sta li a puppare?\n<Xandrox> si\n<zio> jester-, sempre in attesa che la stampante finisca\n<jester-> Xandrox: prova a ravvire,al menu pigi il tasto e\n<jester-> zio: riavvia\n<zio> ok\n<Xandrox> jester-: ci sono\n<jester-> Xandrox: cerchi la riga con quiet splash dopo splash lasci uno spazio e scrivi; acpi=force   F10 per il boot\n<jester-> Xandrox: poi provi a spegnere se funza si rende definitivo\n<Xandrox> se non ci fosse la riga con quiet splash?\n<ExPBoy> ?\n<jester-> c'è per forza\n<ExPBoy> se non c'è non usi ubuntu\n<ExPBoy> :)\n<jester-> se non c'è non è normale\n<zio> jester-, rieccomi\n<zio> in attesa che la stampante finisca\n<jester-> zio: adesso risulta la stampante in lista\n<jester-> ?\n<zio> no\n<Xandrox> jester-: http://i58.tinypic.com/2nuuog8.jpg\n<jester-> zio: hai copiato il pdd in /etc/lp/pdd\n<zio> lo copio\n<jester-> e minchia\n<ExPBoy> lol\n<Xandrox> lol\n<jester-> Xandrox: facciamo finta che è ubuntu, scrivi dopo ro\n<jester-> riga linux\n<zio> lol ;copiato\n<zio> riavvio ?\n<jester-> zio: si alla winzoz\n<Xandrox> jester-: scrivo solo acpi=force ?\n<zio> ok\n<jester-> si\n<Xandrox> jester-: ora è acceso provo a spegnere normalemtne?\n<jester-> Xandrox: prova\n<Xandrox> jester-: uguale\n<jester-> Xandrox: è la scheda madre che ha ACPI non linux digeribile\n<Xandrox> jester-: qiundi no c'è soluzione mi sa :(\n<jester-> Xandrox: che pc è\n<Xandrox> workstatio hp xw4400\n<zio> jester-,  riavviato ma la c353 non è in elenco\n<Xandrox> jester-: provo a reistallare?\n<jester-> zio: file copiato?\n<zio> si\n<jester-> nome?\n<zio> KOC353U.PPD\n<jester-> zio: ls /etc/lp/KOC353U.PPD\n<zio>  impossibile accedere a /etc/lp/KOC353U.PPD: File o directory non esistente\n<jester-> zio: anzi fa vedere ls /etc/lp/ppd\n<zio> ci sono un bel pò\n<jester-> metti nel paste\n<jester-> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<zio> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7492601/\n<jester-> zio:  non hai copiato tutto\n<zio> controllo\n<zio> 24 a terminale\n<jester-> copia tutto\n<zio> sono tutti\n<jester-> nel paste ne vedo 4\n<ExPBoy> jester-: no sono 24\n<ExPBoy> ricarica la pag\n<jester-> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7492601/\n<jester-> quanti ne vedi\n<ExPBoy> 24\n<jester-> sempre quaccio ne vedo\n<ExPBoy> spe ti copio di la\n<zio> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7492605/\n<jester-> zio: nada in lista vedi KOC353U.PPD?\n<zio> si\n<jester-> zio: tolta e reinstallato la stampante?\n<zio> è sotto a KOC353U.ppd\n<zio> si\n<zio> installata no perchè mi sono fermato nella scelta\n<zio> non c'è la 353\n<jester-> zio: devi toglirla e reinstallarla\n<zio> quale installo ?\n<zio> visto che la 353 non è in elenco ?\n<jester-> zio: wget https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/501061/KOC353U.PPD\n<jester-> zio: sudo cp KOC353U.PPD /etc/lp/ppd\n<jester-> zio: sudo service cups restart\n<jester-> zio: sudo chown daemon  /etc/lp/ppd/KOC353U.PPD\n<jester-> zio: chgrp lp      /etc/lp/ppd/KOC353U.PPD\n<zio> /etc/lp/ppd/KOC353U.PPD\": Operazione non permessa\n<jester->  zio chmod 444     /etc/lp/ppd/KOC353U.PPD\n<zio> non carica il gruppo\n<jester-> zio: sempre con sudo prima\n<zio> sudo chgrp lp      /etc/lp/ppd/KOC353U.PPD ?\n<jester-> si\n<zio> ok\n<zio> adesso ?\n<jester-> zio: sudo service cups restart\n<ExPBoy> (speriamo sia la volta buona)\n<zio> chmod 444     /etc/lp/ppd/KOC353U.PPD .. questo non più ?\n<zio> con sudo ?\n<jester-> zio: anche\n<jester-> sempre sudo\n<zio> installo la stampante ?\n<jester-> sudo service cups restart prima\n<zio> fatto\n<jester-> vedi se mo c'è\n<zio> non c'è\n<jester-> zio: sudo chown daemon  /etc/lp/ppd/KOC353U.ppd\n<jester-> zio: sudo chgrp lp      /etc/lp/ppd/KOC353U.ppd\n<zio> fatto\n<zio> entrambi\n<jester-> zio: sudo chmod 444     /etc/lp/ppd/KOC353U.ppd\n<jester-> riavvia\n<zio> ok\n<zio> jester-, la stampante continua a non essere in elenco\n<jester-> zio: in teoria dovrebbe esserci, non so che altro fare\n<zio> in pratica non c'è, andiamo a pranzare, magari ripasso domani se posso disturbarti ?\n<zio> ciao, buon pranzo. grazie, gentilissimo.\n<jester-> zio:\n<zio> si ?\n<jester-> zio hai installato lpr?\n<zio> no, perchè avrebbe tolto cups bsd\n<jester-> prova a installarlo\n<zio> anche se mi toglie cups bsd ?\n<jester-> zio: male che vada lo togli e rimetti cups-bsd\n<zio> faTTO\n<zio> fatto\n<jester-> sudo service cups restart\n<jester-> e controlla\n<zio> niente, non c'è\n<zio> la 353 non c'è\n<jester-> sigh\n<jester-> va bè riavvia\n<zio> ok\n<jester-> se non c'è ho esaurito le opzioni\n<zio> nada, 353 assente\n<jester-> zio: merd\n<zio> se vuoi ci pensiamo un pò su\n<jester-> va bè vado a cibarmi\n<zio> vado a pranzare anche io, a domani. buon pranzo\n<zio> grazie\n<zio> ciao\n<jester-> cià\n<zio> ciao ragazzi, buon appetito a tutti\n<knaigerchrome1> ciao a tutti se voglio estrarre un file in una directory protetta come faccio ad ottenere i permessi per poterlo fare?\n<jester-> knaigerchrome1: sudo\n<knaigerchrome1> ma non sono su terminale, ho aperto un archivio e trascinando il file nella directory non mi fa copiare nulla\n<jester-> knaigerchrome1: sudo nautilus\n<Xandrox> jester-: rieccomi adesso dopo ro c'è quiet splash\n<jester-> Xandrox: che strano\n<knaigerchrome1> mi continua a dire permessi non sufficienti\n<jester-> knaigerchrome1: che dir è\n<knaigerchrome1> usr/share/games/mess\n<jester-> nella home fuori dal home criptata\n<jester-> katymerlin: se fai con nautilis aperto con sudo li hai i poeri\n<jester-> poteri\n<knaigerchrome1> home/usr/share/\n<knaigerchrome1> quindi sudo katymerlin?\n<jester-> knaigerchrome1: terminale e dai sudo nautilus\n<knaigerchrome1> l'ho già fatto\n<jester-> si è aperto?\n<jester-> il file mandager?\n<jester-> manager\n<katymerlin> mi prendi in giro\n<knaigerchrome1> si  e ho messo la cartella ho estratto e mi ha detto permessi non sufficienti\n<jester-> knaigerchrome1: con nautilus aperto con sudo copia incolla ?\n<Xandrox> jester-: anche la live da questo errore\n<jester-> Xandrox: acpi non compatibile\n<jester-> Xandrox: 14.04?\n<Xandrox> jester-: si\n<jester-> pc vecchio?\n<Xandrox> jester-: mi consigli altro?\n<jester-> pc vecchio?\n<Xandrox> jester-: si\n<jester-> Xandrox: prova la 12.04\n<Xandrox> ok provo\n<jester-> da live vedi che fa\n<Angelo__> ciao\n<Angelo__> ieri mi è stato consigliato lubuntu per il netbook qui\n<Angelo__> volevo sapere se si aggiorna insieme alla distribuzione ubuntu\n<krabador> Angelo__, si\n<Angelo__> ah proprio tu me l'hai consigliato\n<Angelo__> grazie per l'aiuto perchè sembra stia partendo, in ogni caso, mi sai dire qualche differenza sostanziale rispetto alla release di ubuntu?\n<krabador> Angelo__, ha, un differente ambiente grafico\n<xandrox> krabador: ciao\n<krabador> molto piu' leggero\n<krabador> Angelo__, e molto piu' semplice\n<krabador> Angelo__, tipico tasto a sinistra, meno alla winxp\n<Angelo__> ho capito, ma va bene lo stesso per imparare ad usare linux giusto?\n<krabador> Angelo__, certo\n<Angelo__> bisogna sempre richiamare i comandi\n<krabador> Angelo__, anzi, sei un po' piu' avvantaggiato\n<Angelo__> inserendo le stringe\n<Angelo__> stringhe\n<Fly80> inserendo le stringhe?\n<Angelo__> inserendo i comandi\n<krabador> Angelo__, l'attività del terminale , è uguale in tutte le versioni ubuntu\n<Angelo__> sorry\n<Angelo__> ok e se posso chiedere un'altra cosa\n<krabador> Angelo__, se devi inserire un comando da terminale, questo sarà uguale in tutte le versioni ubuntu+\n<Angelo__> ok ok\n<Angelo__> ho letto che c'è la possibilità di avviare installazioni di pacchetti direttamente con un doppio clic sopra\n<Angelo__> senza andare a richiamare il comando\n<Angelo__> è una cosa possibile?\n<xandrox> krabador: non sono ancora riuscito a far spegnere quella workstation quando puoi io sono qui\n<Fly80> Angelo__, dovresti un po' uscire dal concetto di \"installazione stile windows\" secondo me\n<krabador> Angelo__, si\n<krabador> Angelo__, pero' è molto meglio se impari a installare col terminale\n<Angelo__> beh certo sto imparando ora ad usarlo dopo che da 17 anni uso Windows xD\n<krabador> hai modo di agire molto meglio\n<krabador> se il pacchetto puo' dare problemi\n<Fly80> e comunque sono rari i casi in cui il software che cerchi non si trovi all'interno dei repository\n<krabador> il terminale, nonostante non sia punta e clicca, man mano che lo usi, abbrevia molte operazioni +\n<Fly80> anche qui tutt'altra cosa rispetto a windows, che il software devi cercartelo\n<Angelo__> ho capito\n<Angelo__> e solitamente qual'è il comando per richiamare l'installazione di un pacchetto?\n<krabador> Angelo__, sudo apt-get install pacchetto\n<krabador> Angelo__, se sai precisamente il nome del programma\n<krabador> Angelo__, per cercarlo sudo apt-cache search programma\n<krabador> e lui ti dice quanto c'è nel repositories con quel nome\n<Angelo__> ottimo\n<krabador> poi , in base al nome, lo dai in pasto a sudo apt-get install , e lui ti installa il pacchetto con le dipendenze\n<xandrox> qualcuno ha esperienze con una workstation hp che non si spegne con ubuntu?\n<akis24> sera\n<krabador> xandrox, hai mandato il sistema operativo con acpi=off , in grub ?\n<xandrox> krabador: off è l'unico che non ho provato\n<xandrox> ho provato stamane force con jester\n<Angelo__> grazie mille!\n<krabador> xandrox, era l'opzione che ti segnalai l'altra volta\n<krabador> xandrox,non è andata?\n<krabador> xandrox, hai avuto segnalazioni testuali in spegnimento?\n<xandrox> krabador: si\n<xandrox> krabador: stamane con jester ho reinstallato\n<krabador> xandrox, hai reintsallato 14.04?\n<xandrox> krabador: no 12.04\n<krabador> xandrox, e non va uguale?\n<xandrox> krabador: si esatto\n<xandrox> krabador: credo che il problema sia nel bios ma è diveso da tutti gli altri\n<krabador> xandrox, dammi il modello della motherboard\n<xandrox> krabador: da temrinale come le prendo?\n<william__> come posso installare windows 7 su ubuntuùùù'\n<william__> ?\n<krabador> !chat | william__\n<ubot-it> william__: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<krabador> chiedi in #windows\n<william__> ah okqy grazie\n<krabador> xandrox, sudo dmidecode | grep -i 'Base Board Information' -A4 -B1\n<rud_> ciao\n<xandrox> krabador: http://i58.tinypic.com/23v1387.png\n<dardevil95> ciao a tutti\n<dardevil95> qualcuno puo aiutarmio\n<dardevil95> aiutarmi?\n<akis24> !aiuto\n<ubot-it> per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<krabador> dardevil95, chiedi\n<dardevil95> io sto facendo dual boot con windows 8.1 e ubuntu 14.04 lts e installando la versione uefi mi da errore e non riesco a completare l'installazione! mentre con l'altra modalità non uefi funziona ma al riavvio parte windows senza fare dual boot\n<xandrox> krabador: hai visto il modello?\n<dardevil95> asus vivobook s 200\n<dardevil95> ..\n<dardevil95> quasi completata l'installazione da un errore riferito al uefi\n<dardevil95> nessuno che mi sa aiutare?\n<akis24> dardevil95: seguito bene la guida per installazione con uefi ?\n<dardevil95> sisi\n<dardevil95> sono sicuro\n<xandrox> krabador: il modello dovrebbe essere questo \"0A68h\"\n<akis24> dardevil95: che errore hai ?\n<dardevil95> installando senza uefi funziona\n<dardevil95> il modello di cosa=\n<dardevil95> ?\n<akis24> dardevil95: non ha detto a te\n<xandrox> dicevo a krabador\n<dardevil95> scusa\n<xandrox> np\n<krabador> xandrox, per favore posta meglio l'immagine\n<krabador> xandrox, non è arrivata\n<xandrox> krabador: http://i58.tinypic.com/23v1387.png\n<xandrox> krabador: http://i58.tinypic.com/23v1387.jpg\n<krabador> xandrox, allora, stesso dicorso del grub\n<krabador> e prova noapix\n<krabador> noapic\n<xandrox> krabador: ok come?\n<krabador> xandrox, non avevi provato acpi=force, oggi ?\n<xandrox> krabador: si\n<krabador> xandrox, nello stesso modo\n<xandrox> cambio in acpi=off\n<xandrox> ?\n<krabador> noapic\n<krabador> xandrox, allora, avvio, premi il tasto \"e\" mentre il sistema ha la prima linea di grub in evidenza\n<krabador> metti noapic nella stessa linea di quiet splash\n<krabador> a fianco\n<xandrox> k\n<krabador> poi premi il tasto f10\n<krabador> xandrox, deve essere giusto il punto in cui mettere l'aggiunta, se non te lo ricordi, non puoi metterlo a caso\n<xandrox> krabador: accanto quiet splash uno spazio e scrivo no?\n<krabador> si\n<krabador> in ogni caso, vanno viste quali sono le impostazioni energetiche nel bios\n<krabador> xandrox, di questa workstation non hai nessuna documentazione?\n<xandrox> krabador: cosa vuoi sapere\n<krabador> xandrox, le impostazioni energetiche del bios\n<xandrox> krabador: posso darte entrando nel bios?\n<krabador> xandrox, una macchina del genere, ha un manuale dove le dice\n<krabador> come mai non ce l'hai?\n<xandrox> krabador: sicuramente ma non l'ho qui a portata di mano\n<xandrox> krabador:  qualsiasi cosa modifichi da \"e\" non lo fa avviare\n<krabador> ma premere f10 no?\n<xandrox> krabador: lo premo eccome si avvia e si blocca o mi da kernel panic ma normale si avvia\n<krabador> xandrox, questa macchina veniva venduta con Red Hat enterprise linux, all'interno, montava quindi un kernel realizzato apposta per supportare il suo hardware\n<xandrox> krabador: si ho letto in giro ma speravo in una soluzione :(\n<krabador> one :(\n<krabador> scusa\n<krabador> Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5\n<xandrox> krabador: non esiste modo quindi per modificare ubuntu per farlo spegnere? così ci levo mani!\n<krabador> entra in bios premento f10\n<krabador> all'avvio\n<krabador> vai in Os Power Management\n<xandrox> krabador: ci sono\n<krabador> dimmi le opzioni che hai\n<xandrox> runtime power mangement   enable - idle power saving    extended - acpi s3 support   enable\n<xandrox> acpi s3 hard disk reset    disable\n<krabador> va su Advanced -- Power On Options\n<xandrox> krabador: ci sono\n<krabador> vedi come sta messao \"I/O APIC Mode\"\n<xandrox> krabador: non c'è qui\n<krabador> quali opzioni hai ?\n<xandrox> krabador: http://i60.tinypic.com/ea4jzq.jpg\n<dardevil95> errore:\"l'installazione del pacchetto <<grub-efi-amd64-signed>> in/taget/non è riuscita. senza il boot loader GRUB, il sistema installato non si avvierà\"\n<dardevil95> questo è l'errore\n<krabador> dardevil95, hai già eseguito\n<krabador> hai già eseguito l'installazione?\n<krabador> xandrox, se vai completamente in basso, non hai altre opzione\n<xandrox> krabador: no\n<krabador> xandrox, allora acpi s3 support disable , salvi riavvii\n<krabador> xandrox, tasto e,  sulla prima linea di grub, acpi=off a fianco di quiet splash\n<krabador> f10\n<krabador> e dimmi che succede\n<dardevil95> si krabbador\n<dardevil95> krabador*\n<krabador> dardevil95, http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/UEFI#Riparazione_bootloader\n<dardevil95> linux sicure remix?\n<xandrox> krabador: kernel panic\n<dardevil95> cos'è'\n<krabador> dardevil95, in bios, che voci ti si sono create in boot ?\n<dardevil95> allora\n<dardevil95> uefi e il nome della pennina\n<dardevil95> e uno solo il nome della pennina\n<xandrox> krabador: http://i59.tinypic.com/34y4ns9.jpg\n<dardevil95> allora: uefi:sandisk cruzer... e sandisk cruzer 8.01 (sto facendo boot da usb)\n<riki__> ciao\n<krabador> dardevil95, allora\n<krabador> spiegami la situazione\n<krabador> per filoo e per segno\n<dardevil95> ho scaricato dal sito ufficiale ubuntu 14.04\n<dardevil95> della communiti, con unebootin ho fatto boo da pennina e sono entrato nel bios del pc che ha windows 8.1 (bios uefi) e ho impostato uefi sandisk cruzer(cioè la penna usb) come prima ozione di boot, a questo punto parte l'installazione e a fine installazione mi da quell'errore che ho mandato prima\n<riki__> mi serve un aiuto\n<xandrox> krabador: come ripristino grub originale dal menu \"e\"\n<dardevil95> il boot del pc inizialmente era fast boot e io come ho letto da guida ho cambiato e ho messo launch csm\n<dardevil95> e launch pxe oprom\n<riki__> ragazzi mi consigliate kubuntu o xubuntu?\n<dardevil95> krabador non ho capito\n<krabador> dardevil95, che pc è\n<dardevil95> asus vivobook s200 11.6\n<krabador> xandrox, non è mai stato modificato\n<jester-> sera\n<xandrox> si che lo è adesso dopo ro    acpi=noirq  quiet splash e qualsiasi cosa tocchi non si avvia\n<krabador> xandrox, dal tasto e, non viene modificato grub, un maniera permanente\n<krabador> xandrox, niente di cio' che ti ho fatto fare\n<krabador> ha modificato grub in maniera permanente\n<xandrox> krabador: sisi lo so\n<krabador> appunto\n<xandrox> krabador: dico così perchè magari nei vari tentativi miei quel acpi=noirq non ci dovrebbe essere e io ce l'ho messo\n<krabador> xandrox, scusami, chi ti ha detto di metterlo ?\n<xandrox> una guida ç_ç\n<krabador> non puoi metterti a chiedere assistenza con un sistema modificato senza dire le modifiche che hai fatto\n<pocho2290> ciao\n<krabador> xandrox, non si avvia proprio ?\n<xandrox> krabador: scusami tanto\n<xandrox> krabador: sto provando riattivando acpi s3\n<krabador> xandrox, non ti scuso non si puo' perdere tempo cosi'\n<pocho2290> dove posso trovare le versioni precedenti dei vari ambienti desktop inferiori a quelle scaricabili dal sito?\n<xandrox> krabador: hai ragione ma all0inizio te lo scrissi quando ti dissi di acpi=force\n<krabador> pocho2290, scarica direttamente una versione di ubuntu precedente\n<pocho2290> grazie krabador\n<xandrox> krabador: reinstallo e provo come mi hai detto\n<superjartist> sapete dirmi quale versione di linux è giusta per computer molto vecchi (anni 90-2000)\n<akis24> sera\n<Riccardone> akis24: ciao\n<akis24> ciao Riccardone\n<spartacus_72> sera\n<Ozzyboshi> sera\n<nid_> ciao a tutti\n<nid_> chi mi può aiutare??\n<krabador> nid_, chiedi\n<nid_> dv istallare ubuntu all' interno di windows xp vedendo su internet ho visto che c'è wubi\n<krabador> nid_, wubi è stato abbandonato dagli sviluppatori ubuntu\n<krabador> è sconsigliato usarlo\n<nic_> sera...\n<nid_> quindi dv fare per forza la partixione cn ubuntu\n<krabador> nid_, fai partire l'installazione, e ti chiederà di installarlo a fianco, poi fa tutto da solo, ed alla fine , al riavvio , hai una schermata che ti chiede cosa caricare\n<krabador> se ubuntu o win\n<krabador> nid_, che caratteristiche ha il il pc ?\n<nid_> e in caso in futuro vorrei disistalarlo\n<krabador> nic_, reinstalli semplicemente il master boot record di win\n<krabador> !mbr | nid_\n<ubot-it> nid_: Per  ripristinare MBR: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/RipristinoMbrWindows\n<nid_> ok grazie mille\n<nic_> se posso chiedere: sto installando xubuntu su un pavillion su cui è già presente xp. Durante l'installazione subito parte male perchè lavora offline (mentre il pc è in WLAN lavorando con xp)\n<nic_> consigli?\n<krabador> nid_, cancelli la partizione, da sessione live e la riassegni a win\n<nid_> gentilissimo\n<krabador> nid_, prova comunque ubuntu in sessione live, e vedi se fa tutto quello che ti serve\n<krabador> nic_, fa partire xubuntu in sessione live, con l'opzione \"prova ubuntu\"\n<nic_> ok..\n<nic_> fatto\n<krabador> nic_, da li puoi verificare , dal task di network manager, se il pc vede le reti\n<krabador> nic_, che scheda wireless ha questo pavillion\n<nic_> riesci a dirmi come lo posso vedere dalla sessione Live? non ricordo... e dovrei tornare su xp per dirtelo\n<krabador> nic_, vedi le reti dal task di network manager ?\n<nic_> no\n<krabador> nic_, cosa ti dice il task di network manager, con il tasto sinistro e col tasto destro del mouse?\n<nic_> impossibile aprire \"Windows Network\"\n<krabador> non c'entra niente windows network\n<nic_> ok... mi guidi?\n<krabador> nic_, apri il terminale, digita sudo lshw -C network , e iwconfig\n<krabador> nic_, dopo ognuno devi mandare invio\n<nic_> network0 BCM4318 ecc ecc ecc\n<nic_> network 1 RTL-8100/8101L/8139\n<nic_> ecc ecc\n<krabador> nic_, incolla il risultato di entrambi i canali su un editor di testo\n<krabador> salva , su una chiavetta\n<nic_> ...son su un altro pc\n<krabador> importalo in un pc connnesso\n<krabador> aprilo ed incollalo in pastebin\n<krabador> !pastebin | nic_\n<ubot-it> nic_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<nic_> ragazzi... son approdato in un mondo nuovo\n<nic_> e non è un atterraggio facile\n<nic_> anzi!\n<krabador> nic_, allora le broadcom non vanno di default, perchè il driver ha una licenza non ridistribuibile, e deve esser installato a mano dall'utente\n<krabador> è un passaggio semplice\n<krabador> ma connessi viene meglio\n<krabador> nic_, hai l'opportunità di attaccare questo notebool tramite cavo?\n<nic_> no, non ora. mi organizzo in modo da mettermi in rete cablato e riprovo domani... grazie comunque del supporto\n<nic_> grazie krabador\n<krabador> di niente\n<knaigerchrome1> ciao a tutti mi sono collegato stamani ma poi la linea non funzionava piùe non ho potuto risolvere il problema seguente: ho installato l'emulatore di tutte le console MESS e vorrei inserirci le ROMS, ho individuato le cartelle dove poterle inserire ma mi dice che non ho i permessi necessari per copiare gli elementi in quelle cartelle come posso risolvere?\n<krabador> knaigerchrome1, assegnagli delle cartelle che siano sotto /home/utente\n<krabador> altrimenti ti risulterà difficile usarle come utente\n<knaigerchrome1> praticamente per farlo dovrei modificare il file mess.ini però se lo apro e lo modifico non mi fa salvare le modifiche\n<krabador> knaigerchrome1, sudo gedit file\n<krabador> e puoi salvare quello che ti pare\n<krabador> non fare danni\n<knaigerchrome1> non va bene questo comando mi apre una pagina bianca con il nome del file\n<krabador> knaigerchrome1, sudo gedit, e poi deve esserci il file che devi aprire\n<knaigerchrome1> devo includere il percorso?\n<krabador> knaigerchrome1, se hai mandato veramente sudo gedit file\n<krabador> ti ha aperto file\n<krabador> che non esiste\n<krabador> knaigerchrome1, si\n<knaigerchrome1> ok pensavo trovasse il file da solo :)\n<krabador> knaigerchrome1, puoi andare con il terminale\n<krabador> nella cartella dove è il file\n<krabador> e mandi sudo gedit comecavolosichiama\n<knaigerchrome1> ok basta fare cd scrivania ecc fino ad arrivare alla cartella giusto?\n<krabador> knaigerchrome1, si\n<krabador> puoi anche fare cd Scriv , premere tab e lui autocompleta la cartella\n<krabador> e puoi facilmente arrivare alla cartella in questione con un solo comando\n<knaigerchrome1> c'è un problemino il file si trova in /etc/ e con gedit mi da un errore\n<fumagallimattia> Buonasera\n<fumagallimattia> C'è nessuno?\n<spartacus_72> sudo gedit**\n<krabador> knaigerchrome1, che ubuntu hai ?\n<fumagallimattia> Io 14.04\n<krabador> knaigerchrome1, che ubuntu hai ?\n<fumagallimattia> È impossibile configurare una key wifi senza essere connessi a internet?\n<krabador> fumagallimattia, se intendi una internet key di una compagnia telefonica, molte funzionano già di base\n<krabador> inserendole, e andando in \"modifica connessioni\" nel task di network manager\n<fumagallimattia> No, un adattatore wifi della d link\n<krabador> fumagallimattia, inseriscilo, manda sudo lsusb\n<krabador> e vedi cosa restituisce il comando\n<fumagallimattia> Lo riconosce in alto sotto bus 002 device 004\n<fumagallimattia> Ma nelle impostazioni connessione non lo trova\n<krabador> fumagallimattia, incolla il contenuto del comando in pastebin\n<krabador> !pastebin | fumagallimattia\n<ubot-it> fumagallimattia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<puffinho> 'notte a tutti...\n<puffinho> ...c'è qualcuno che può darmi una mano con l'avvio di UbStudio !!!\n<krabador> puffinho, che problema c'è?\n<puffinho> ...mi dà un sacco di problemi. . . .non si avvia mai da solo ...e quando ci riesco non posso montare NESSUN altra partizione...e a leggere altri dati dal disco !\n<puffinho> Ciao Krab !!\n<puffinho> credo sia rimasta montata...o viene letta...una partenza da un disco che ho cercato di aggiustare...\n<puffinho> ..ma che NON è assolutamente attaccata al pc..\n<krabador> puffinho, grub che cosa fa all'inizio\n<krabador> puffinho, allora, ripristina grub\n<krabador> !grub | puffinho\n<puffinho> ..il grub all'inizio va bene !!!....mi permette di scegliere...come al solito...\n<ubot-it> puffinho: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/ | Per ripristinare Grub: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/Ripristino\n<puffinho> no no....l'ho fatto !!!\n<krabador> puffinho, allora cerca di essere preciso con quello che succede\n<puffinho> ... ...ma UbStudio non si avvia lo stesso !!!!\n<puffinho> rimane la schermata nera...\n<krabador> puffinho, che cosa hai fatto?\n<puffinho> finchè non torno indietro Riavviandolo ...e faccio l'altro avvio. . . ( Risoluzioni di problemi di Ub)\n<krabador> puffinho, sudo fdisk -l\n<krabador> !pastebin puffinho\n<ubot-it> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)\n<krabador> !pastebin | puffinho\n<ubot-it> puffinho: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<puffinho> ...da li...riesco a far partire Studio.. Poi però non posso usare le altre partizioni...kè mi dice sono NON MONTABILI !!!\n<puffinho> ..ok Krab-....faccio il Check...e PASTO il tutto !\n<puffinho> ;)\n<puffinho> scusa Krab...\n<puffinho> ...facendo l'aggiornamento....e avendo mandato la comunicazione d'errore... Ora mi sta facendo aggiornare la versione..e mi chiede di riavviare !!\n<puffinho> ...vado!!!...magari (sperando s'aggiusti il tutto..) ci sentiamo dop o!??\n<krabador> puffinho, stai prendendo a martellate l'installazione\n<puffinho> hhhh\n<krabador> spera che il salto vada a ripristinare qualcosa di corrotto\n<puffinho> eeeeh.... ohj!!! ....erano 2 mesi che nn partiva..\n<puffinho> ..infatti....\n<puffinho> leggevo orOra !!\n<krabador> puffinho, se non preso a martellate\n<krabador> possono passare anche 6 anni\n<krabador> e riparte lo stesso\n<puffinho> Grazie sempre !\n<puffinho> O.o\n<puffinho> ..spero proprio di no ! . . . .avremo i Droni fra 6 anni\n<puffinho> XP\n<puffinho> a dopo !!... ( spero )\n<LoZioNe> amici nottambuli,qualcuno di voi sa dove trovare la lista di comandi del menù dei tools di kali?Devo inserirli a mano nel mio Kmenù -.-\"\n<LoZioNe> (sono un'ufficio complicazioni affari semlici...lo so)\n<krabador> LoZioNe, chiedi in #kali-italia\n<LoZioNe> krabador,grazie mille :)\n<joke2k> sera\n<LoZioNe> ciao\n#ubuntu-it 2014-05-21\n<michela> ciao... non riesco ad installare Xbuntu... nel file che ho scaricato non ci dovrebbe essere un exe? ... come faccio a far partire l'installazione?\n<jester-> 'ngiorno\n<michela> chi mi puo aiutare?\n<jester->                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   \n<jester->                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   \n<jester->                                                                                                                michela dica\n<jester-> michela: cu fu\n<nid> ciao a tutti chi mi aiuta??\n<cristian_c> !aiuto | Guest61720\n<ubot-it> Guest61720: per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<Guest61720> quando istallo ubuntu tramite wubi al riavvio quando entro su ubuntu mi da error\n<ExPBoy> ma esiste ancora wubi?\n<ExPBoy> Guest61720: ti consiglio una installazione normale wubi fa pena\n<ExPBoy> !installazione\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione | Per installazione grafica http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download\n<Guest61720> si l ho trovato nel file zip scaricato sul sito\n<Guest61720> io prima di formattare il pc avevo xp e ubuntu 13.04\n<luca124> ciao\n<luca124> !list\n<ubot-it> questo non è un canale per scaricare o di condivisione di contenuti\n<jester-> tel chì el telù\n<jester-> n\n<ExPBoy> :)\n<LoZioNe> Buongiorno a tutti\n<zio> buongiorno\n<zio> jester-, ci sei ?\n<zio> ops\n<zio> volevo fargli sapere che il ppd della konica che mi ha inviato sulla 12.04 gira benissimo e quindi sono riuscito a far lavorare anche nella 14 la konica bizhub 353\n<zio> grazie ragazzi, gentilissimi\n<krabador> bene\n<zio> saluti per jester, magari vedo di ripassare per salutari, buon pranzop a tutti\n<zio> grazie krabador\n<zio> ciao, buon pranzo\n<zio> vedo di ripassare\n<zio> ciao\n<zio> ^_^\n<aiutubuntu> Ciao amici mi aiutate a cancellare dal cestino 17 giga che non riesco piu'? Il problema e' dovuto al fatto che ho messo questi file nel cestino per liberare spazio poi ho inavvertitamente cliccato su restore e patatarac\n<vice_> ciao\n<vice_> nella scrivania  se digito un simbolo tipo \\ + - *   si apre una finestrella piccola in basso a destra a cosa serve?\n<krabador> aiutubuntu, se sono stati riposozionati dov'erano, cancellali di nuovo\n<krabador> con shift canc\n<krabador> così non passano per il cestino\n<vice_>  ciao krabador\n<Angelo__> CIao a tutti, non voglio star sempre qui a disturbare però ho bisogno di aiuto per la versione desktop di ubuntu stavolta, l'ho installata ho iniziato a mettere i vari programmi ecc\n<Angelo__> ma ho la netta impressione che ci sia bisogno dei driver video per la scheda video\n<Angelo__> in quanto la risoluzione è davvero bassissima e si vede davvero poco risoluto\n<Angelo__> nelle impostazioni dello schermo il nome del display è \"non riconosciuto\" ho provato a scaricare i driver dal sito nvidia\n<Angelo__> ma mi viene un file di 60mb che però ubuntu mi vuole aprire come file di testo\n<Angelo__> ho provato a scaricare una specie di manager delle risorse per nvidia\n<cristian_c> Angelo__, no\n<Angelo__> ma non ho risolto niente...\n<cristian_c> Angelo__, hai controllato quali driver sono in uso?\n<Angelo__> quelli standard che ha messo ubuntu\n<Angelo__> nn ho toccato niente\n<Samul> ciao a tutti\n<Angelo__> per questo secondo me ci vuole qualche driver specifico\n<Angelo__> che però non so come applicare\n<Angelo__> ciao samul\n<Samul> uso ubuntu 14.04 lts 64 bit e vorrei installare il driver del mio scanner epson stylus sx130 (quello della stampante si è installato automaticamente)\n<Samul> quando li scarico dal sito epson  e li avvio, però, compare questo http://i.imgur.com/LtUxp7H.png\n<Samul> (ciao Angelo__)\n<Samul> non capisco, per caso non sono supportati dalla mia versione dell'os?\n<cristian_c> Angelo__, sicuro che usasse i nouveau?\n<cristian_c> Angelo__, e hai controllato in Driver aggiuntivi?\n<Samul> ciao cristian_c, ti ricordi di me?\n<cristian_c> mmmmmmm..., vagamente\n<Samul> mi avevi già aiutato due volte\n<Samul> con il problema della stampante\n<Samul> ogni volta che aggiorno/cambio OS siamo punti a capo :/\n<ExPBoy> Samul: quante volte cambi OS?\n<Samul> spesso\n<ExPBoy> eh allora è normale\n<Samul> ne provo diversi perché non riesco a trovare quello \"definitivo\"\n<Samul> sono passato da ubuntu a debian, linux mint e diversi altri\n<ExPBoy> Samul: ribadisco è normale\n<Samul> capisco\n<LoZioNe> Angelo_, di che scheda video parliamo?\n<Samul> ma qualcuno può aiutarmi per favore?\n<aiutubuntu> scusate ma dei file dal cestino come li tolgo (avendo erroneamente digitato restore)?\n<ExPBoy> svuotando il cestino?\n<Angelo__> parliamo di una gtx 650ti\n<Angelo__> nvidia\n<Angelo__> nn ho visto i driver aggiuntivi comunque, dove posso controllare?\n<Samul> ExPBoy, cristian_c, qualcuno può aiutarmi please?\n<LoZioNe> aiutubuntu,prova a vedere qua: http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/viewtopic.php?p=4019920\n<cristian_c> Angelo__, in driver aggiuntivi\n<ExPBoy> Samul:  http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/viewtopic.php?t=510202\n<LoZioNe> Angelo__,dovrebbero essere i 304\n<Angelo__> ok\n<Angelo__> li scarico da qua allora, grazie\n<Angelo__> ah non erano per me i link\n<cristian_c> Angelo__, non cercare sul web i driver\n<Angelo__> ok\n<cristian_c> se ci sono, sono nei repo ufficiali di ubuntu\n<Angelo__> ok\n<aiutubuntu> LoZione ho provato nulla :( sudo rm -rf /root/.local/share/Trash/files/*\n<Angelo__> se non ci sono non ho alternative?\n<LoZioNe> aiutubuntu, prova sudo rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/files/*\n<Samul> grazie mille ExPBoy, bastava solo scaricare l'altro driver!\n<Samul> (ce n'erano due praticamente identici)\n<ExPBoy> si ma bastava cercare come ho fatto io :)\n<Samul> il punto è che cercavo la cosa sbagliata\n<ExPBoy> lol\n<Samul> tentavo di risolvere il problema delle dipendenze\n<Samul> senza pensare che forse era meglio provare da 0\n<krabador> alla ricerca della cosa sbagliata, di Samul\n<ExPBoy> della serie meglio complicarsi la vita\n<Samul> lol\n<Samul> va beh quel che conta è che ora è tutto risolto :)\n<ExPBoy> bene\n<Angelo__>  \n<LoZioNe> ma è possibile che su 18,2GB di root ne ho già riempiti 18,2 e la Home invece è solo a 6,44GB occupati?\n<Angelo__> ora provo di nuovo cercando nei driver aggiuntivi\n<Angelo__> e nel caso ci sent dopo\n<Angelo__> grazie\n<LoZioNe> scusate...Root da 18,8GB e riempiti 9,10GB\n<flymilla> ciao a tutti! qualcuno sa se esistono i driver x linux della fotocamera canon coolpix p90?\n<cristian_c> flymilla, non viene montata cme una memoria di massa?\n<cristian_c> *come\n<flymilla> si mettendo direttamente la schedina sd si...però il software è comodo perchè ha delle utility molto utili\n<flymilla> ad esempio per montare le foto panoramiche\n<cristian_c> flymilla, software non equivale a driver\n<cristian_c> hai parlato di driver\n<flymilla> si hai ragione!!\n<flymilla> :-)\n<cristian_c> flymilla, comunque, ci sono dei software che supportano le funzioni avanzate di molte fotocamere\n<flymilla> ad esempio?\n<cristian_c> non ricordo i nomi dei programmi\n<flymilla> ok\n<flymilla> devo guardare nel software center?\n<cristian_c> flymilla, prova digikam\n<cristian_c> flymilla, sì\n<flymilla> ok grazie mille\n<cristian_c> flymilla, o darktable\n<cristian_c> !info digikam\n<ubot-it> digikam (source: digikam): digital photo management application for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.4.0-1ubuntu3 (saucy), package size 3945 kB, installed size 15565 kB\n<cristian_c> !info darktable\n<ubot-it> darktable (source: darktable): virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.3-1ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 2645 kB, installed size 7906 kB\n<cristian_c> !info ufraw\n<ubot-it> ufraw (source: ufraw): standalone importer for raw camera images. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.19.2-2ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 740 kB, installed size 2166 kB\n<cristian_c> !info rawstudio\n<ubot-it> rawstudio (source: rawstudio): RAW image converter. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0-1.1ubuntu2 (saucy), package size 923 kB, installed size 2687 kB\n<cristian_c> ecc...\n<Angelo__> Salve, rieccomi...ancora col problema della nvidia gtx 650\n<Angelo__> ho messo i driver 311\n<Angelo__> e la risoluzione è lievemente aumentata a 1124\n<Angelo__> per 824 tipo\n<Angelo__> però ancora lontani dai 1080p\n<Angelo__> si vede ancora non molto bene...\n<Angelo__> qualcuno può aiutarmi\n<Fly80> ciao\n<Samul> ciao\n<Fly80> scusate, c'è un modo per evitare di fare l'automount se voglio caricare il cell via usb?\n<Fly80> mi appare sempre \"failed to mount device\"\n<Fly80> ma non mi interessa montarlo :)\n<Fly80> ora sembra si sia fermato e mi appare l'icona del cellulare sulla barra di Unity\n<tony__> ciao ragazzi ... una volta scaricato il file iso...poi qual'è la procedura\n<Angelo__> ciao\n<Angelo__> allora nessuna soluzione per me?\n<Fly80> Angelo__, che soluzione?\n<Angelo__> per quanto riguardava la risoluzione full hd con la mia scheda video\n<Fly80> ah non so, non c'ero :)\n<Angelo__> allora ripongo la domanda\n<Angelo__> ho un problema con la risoluzione con una scheda video gtx 650 della nvidia\n<Angelo__> non riesco a settarla in full hd\n<Angelo__> e quindi lo schermo mi appare molto poco risoluto\n<Angelo__> sto provando i vari driver aggiuntivi\n<Angelo__> ma non funziona\n<Angelo__> dovrei abilitare quelli x server?\n<Fly80> non saprei proprio, hai provato i driver ufficiali?\n<Angelo__> scaricarli dal sito ufficiale?\n<Fly80> se non creano problemi, perché no\n<Fly80> ma magari sto dicendo un'eresia, io farei così se quelli dei repository non vanno\n<Angelo__> se li scarico x linux\n<Angelo__> mi da un file che vuole aprire con il lettore di testo\n<remix_tj> !nvidia | Angelo__\n<ubot-it> Angelo__: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/Video/Nvidia\n<remix_tj> direi che la cosa meglio è seguire le istruzioni sul wiki :-)\n<Fly80> Angelo__, segui le istruzioni. E comunque basta guardare l'estensione del file, se non sai cos'è non lo aprire\n<remix_tj> meglio ancora la pagina in inglese che è più aggiornata https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia\n<Angelo__> sto provando a scaricare l'ultimo driver che dice nel link in inglese\n<Angelo__> i file .run come si aprono?\n<Fly80> chmod +x nomefile.run\n<Fly80> e poi dalla directory\n<Fly80> ./nofile.run\n<Fly80> ./nomefile.run\n<Angelo__> dice che è impossibile accedere\n<Angelo__> non va\n<Angelo__> quando mi chiede la password dice file non esistente\n<Angelo__> mi sto arrendendo...\n<aiutubuntu> allora nessuno mi sa dire come posso DEFINITIVAMENTE cancellare dal cestino i files?\n<blerim_> salve a tutti! sto cercando di installare il programma xlite, seguo tutta la procedura indicata su wikiubuntu  ma quando arrivo a dover creare il collegamento per l'applicazione mi dice file non esistente\n<blerim_> mi potreste aiutare? grazie\n<roberto567> ciao a tutti\n<roberto567> si può installare grub in un disco rigido aggiunto ?\n<roberto567> vorrei fare un sistema con due hd, nel primo esiste già windows, nel secondo vorrei mettere Grub + ubuntu\n<roberto567> oppure conviene mettere grub in una chiavetta a parte ?\n<roberto567> qualcuno mi sta leggendo ?\n<cybernova> roberto567, ti conviene installare grub sul primo hard disk\n<roberto567> qualche esperto mi può rispondere ?\n<roberto567> quello che contiene già windows 7 ?\n<cybernova> si, se è quello che il bios fa partire per primo\n<roberto567> però modificando le priorità nel bios, potrei far partire per primo il HD aggiunto no ?\n<cybernova> roberto567, si certo\n<krabador> basta che GRUB finisce nella prima periferica che parte\n<roberto567> perchè non vorrei metter mano al disco con windows\n<roberto567> ah grazie a tutti\n<krabador> scegli quella con linux come prima, e metti lí il GRUB\n<cybernova> roberto567, grub è in grado di rilevare sia winz che linux quindi basta che lo installi nel primo hd dal quale viene fatto il boot che puoi lanciare tutti e 2 i so\n<roberto567> grazie a tutti\n<roberto567> la mia perplessità cmq è risolta in quanto mi chiedevo se fosse meglio avere un'installazione di grub a parte\n<krabador> grub è un boot loader, se non parte in boot, non ha senso\n<roberto567> grazie e buona continuazione\n<roberto567> veramente + che loader lo chiamerei manager :D\n<krabador> se in 2 dischi , non vuoi toccare quello win, fa partire l'altro e metti li i lgrub\n<krabador> quando userai il win da solo , partirà senza problemi\n<roberto567> grazie ancora :D\n<akis24> sera\n<Jois-studio> Ciao\n<LoZioNe> volevo segnalare che quando appena loggato in irc sul canale il commento #ubuntu-it :http:www.ubunti.it.org ha il collegamento sbagliato davanti ai : di http ;)\n<Tanalitu> Ciao a tutti. Ho un problema con l'installazione di Ubuntu/Xubuntu. Ho un PC fisso Pentium D. Scheda madre asrock 775dual-vsta. Ho tentato di installare sia Ubuntu che Xubuntu al posto di Xp, ma l'installazione si blocca sempre, o poco prima della scelta prova-installa, o poco dopo.\n<krabador> Tanalitu, sicuro di non avere ram o disco andati?\n<Tanalitu> krabador, windows xp funziona. In più ho installato Lubuntu con l'installazione alternate, però è molto instabile. Si inchioda spesso all'avvio e sempre allo shutdown.\n<Tanalitu> krabador, però ripeto, windows xp funziona tranquillamente.\n<krabador> Tanalitu, mi elenchi per favore , le specifiche hardware del pc\n<Tanalitu> krabador, Pentium D da 2.6ghz 32 bit, Ram 1024mb x 2\n<krabador> niente scheda video , immagino\n<Tanalitu> krabador, scusa, Pentium D da 3.4. Scheda video NVIDIA\n<Tanalitu> krabador, la nvidia geforce gf6600gt\n<krabador> Tanalitu, hai fatto pendrive o dvd\n<Tanalitu> krabador, entrambi\n<krabador> sia di xubuntu che di ubuntu?\n<Tanalitu> krabador, no, con xubuntu ho provato sia la pendrive che il cd. Di ubuntu solo dvd\n<krabador> Tanalitu, 14.04 entrambe?\n<Tanalitu> krabador, no, Ubuntu la 13.04. Di Xubuntu la 14.04 e la 12.04\n<krabador> allora Tanalitu , prendi il dvd di xubuntu 14.04, mandalo in live,e  scegli forcepae e nomodeset . e fa partire \"prova ubuntu\"\n<Tanalitu> krabador, come faccio a scegliere forcepae e nomodeset?\n<krabador> con f6\n<Tanalitu> quando lo devo premere?\n<krabador> alla lista delle opzioni di boot\n<Tanalitu> krabador, scusa, la lista delle opzioni di boot dove sarebbe? Dopo aver fatto partire il live? Perché se così fosse, con xubuntu 14.04 si blocca subito dopo il primo loading. E non arriva alla scelta prova-installa\n<fabio> sera\n<krabador> Tanalitu, che errore ti da\n<fabio> ma per aumentare font grub?\n<Tanalitu> krabador, mi appare una schermata grigia puntinata multicolore, e divisa in rettangoli orizzontali.\n<krabador> Tanalitu, ubuntu 14.04 fa lo stesso ?\n<krabador> Tanalitu, quella schermata è un errore di visualizzazione\n<Tanalitu> krabador, Ubuntu 14.04 non l'ho provato, ma Ubuntu 13.04, quando riesco a scegliere (non sempre) se installare o provare, poi mi si spegne lo schermo o diventa tutto grigio (non puntinato)\n<krabador> Tanalitu, devi provare ubuntu 14.04 con quelle impostazioni del menu f6\n<Tanalitu> krabador, okkey, provo a scaricarlo e poi vedo. Ma che problema pensi possa essere?\n<krabador> problemi con il driver video , nell'impostazione di base\n<Tanalitu> krabador, ah. Intanto grazie.\n<fabio> ma per aumentare font grub?\n<krabador> fabio, man grub-mkfont\n<Alstew> buona sera\n<Alstew> qualcuno può aiutarmi?\n<krabador> chiedi\n<Alstew> grazie\n<Alstew> volevo cancellare telepathy da kubuntu\n<Alstew> ma non ci riesco\n<krabador> Alstew, apri il terminale\n<krabador> dpkg -l | grep telepathy\n<Alstew> già fatto\n<krabador> e manda il contenuto su pastebin\n<Alstew> sudo apt-get --purge telepathy\n<krabador> dpkg -l | grep telepathy\n<krabador> e manda il contenuto su pastebin\n<krabador> !pastebin | Alstew\n<ubot-it> Alstew: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<Alstew> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7498369/\n<krabador> allora\n<Alstew> ma se apro radice-usr-share..ci sta\n<krabador> per favore\n<krabador> vuoi mandare il comando che ti ho dato ?\n<Alstew> quale?\n<Alstew> ok scusa\n<krabador> Alstew, te l'ho mandato 2 volte\n<Alstew> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7498380/\n<Alstew> scusa non avevo visto\n<krabador> Alstew, sudo apt-get remove --purge kde-telepathy-* kde-config-telepathy-accounts\n<krabador> Alstew, aspetta\n<krabador> non è completo\n<krabador> Alstew, sudo apt-get remove --purge kde-telepathy-* kde-config-telepathy-accounts libtelepathy-* plasma-runner-telepathy-contact telepathy-*\n<krabador> Alstew, copia ed incolla questo\n<krabador> mandalo\n<krabador> e pastebin\n<Alstew> cosa devo fare adesso?\n<krabador> pastebin\n<Alstew> scrivere pastebin?\n<krabador> !pastebin | Alstew\n<ubot-it> Alstew: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<krabador> chiaro adesso?\n<Alstew> ho capito cosa ci devo inserire dentro?\n<krabador> il risultato del comando che ti ho dato, per esempio\n<Simone> Ciao ho installato chrome su lubuntu 14, ma non risco ad aprirlo\n<Alstew> tutto ciò che ha fatto il terminale?\n<krabador> Alstew, si, ti spaventa?\n<krabador> Simone, chrome-browser\n<Simone> si\n<Alstew> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7498403/\n<krabador> Alstew, ok\n<Alstew> non devo fare altro?\n<krabador> Simone, intendo, manda chrome-browser da terminale\n<krabador> Alstew, rimanda dpkg -l | grep telepathy\n<Simone> mi dici i comandi\n<Alstew> non esce nulla\n<fabio> vuoi il paste? krabador\n<Simone> krabador, \"sudo apt-get install chrome\" ? mi dice impossibile trovare pacchetto chrome\n<krabador> fabio no\n<krabador> <krabador> Simone, intendo, manda chrome-browser da terminale\n<fabio> quindi? krabador\n<krabador> fabio,  studiati quel comando, e puoi settare font per grub\n<fabio> aaaaaaaa ok\n<fabio> --asce=? krabador\n<Simone> non si apre da terminale, comando non trovato mi dice\n<krabador> Simone, dpkg -l | grep chrome\n<krabador> Simone, pastebin\n<Simone> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7498503/\n<krabador> Simone, in terminale digita google-chrome-stable\n<Simone> Istruzione non consentita (core dump creato), mi dice\n<krabador> Simone, manda il pastebin con i messaggi da terminale\n<krabador> Simone, lubuntu 32 bit ?\n<Simone> Sì\n<Simone> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7498518/\n<fra_dolcino> qualcuno sà qualcosa di QInk, cioè se funiziona sulla 14.04 e sulle stampanti Canon delle serie 3500?\n<fra_dolcino> mi riferivo questo http://www.lffl.org/2012/04/qink-ora-disponibile-anche-per-ubuntu.html per controllare livelli di inchiostro\n<krabador> Simone, per favore , va col terminale nella cartella del pacchetto\n<Simone> comandi?\n<Simone> cosa devo digitare?\n<krabador> Simone, dove hai scaricato il paccheto\n<Simone> il pacchetti si era scaricato in GDebi\n<krabador> Simone, va nel sisto goohle\n<krabador> http://www.google.it/intl/it/chrome/browser/\n<krabador> scarica il deb a 32 bit\n<krabador> Simone, nel frattempo con il terminale, manda sudo apt-get remove --purge google-chrome-browser\n<barabba> ciao a tutti\n<barabba> ho installato la 14.04 e tutto funziona bene\n<Simone> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7498611/\n<barabba> l'unica cosa che nn riesco a installare è VPNC per le vpn CISCO\n<barabba> nonostante mi dice che è intsllato nn lo trovo nella lista delle VPN\n<barabba> qualcuno ha gentilmnente dei consigli?\n<krabador> Simone, sudo apt-get remove --purge google-chrome-stable\n<Simone> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7498622/\n<barabba> ho risolto\n<barabba> grazie mille\n<krabador> Simone, hai scaricato il pacchetto dal sito google?\n<spartacus_72> sera\n<vice_> ciao fratelli\n<JACK3viso> Ciao a tutti quelli del canale :)\n<krabador> salve JACK3viso\n<JACK3viso> ciao krabador\n<JACK3viso> sei un operatore o semplice utente?\n<Simone> krabador, scusami ma non riuscivo più ad inviare con ivio risposte\n<Simone> mi, manca ancora un po' alla fine del download, poi che faccio?\n<vice_> chi mi spiega x ke se sulla scrivania digito un simbolo tipo \\ - * +  mi si apre una finestrella in basso a destra , a cosa serve?\n<type> ce nessuno che mi puo aiutare ad istallare ubuntu in dual boot con win7?\n<type> non riesco\n<type> se installo uno non posso istallare l altro\n<type> il pc e un portatile asus uefi\n<vice_> à\n<krabador> !uefi | type\n<ubot-it> type: UEFI è una specifica che definisce una interfaccia software tra un sistema operativo e le piattaforme firmware, è intesa come un sostituto del BIOS. Per informazioni su come impostare e installare Ubuntu su macchine UEFI vedi http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/UEFI\n<type> si\n<type> lo so\n<type> ho letto le guide\n<krabador> type, hai disabilitato quanto di uefi, da bios?\n<type> ma non riesco a capire perche mi vede sempre l hd vuoto\n<type> si\n<Simone> krabador, ok download completato, che faccio lo installo dal Package Installer?\n<type> ho un asus k550ca\n<type> premo f2\n<krabador> type, hai già eseguito un installazione\n<type> sisi\n<type> una volta l avevo fatto\n<type> poi ho dovuto riformattare perche si era imputtanato tutto\n<krabador> adesso cosa c'è nel pc\n<krabador> solo win^\n<krabador> ?\n<type> si\n<krabador> Simone, no\n<Simone> dimmi\n<krabador> Simone, apri il terminale\n<krabador> Simone, va nella cartella in cui l'hai scaricato\n<krabador> e mandi dpkg -i pacchetto\n<krabador> dove pacchetto è il nome del pacchetto che hai scaricato\n<Simone> e chiudo il package? mando subito nel terminale dpkg -i pacchetto?\n<type> krabador scusa se ti stresso\n<type> installo prima win?\n<krabador> Simone, non lo devi toccare\n<type> e poi ubuntu\n<type> ?\n<krabador> Simone, il package manager\n<krabador> type, non hai nulla in questo pc ?\n<Simone> lo lascio aperto\n<type> ho backuppato tutto ;)\n<type> posso fare tutto\n<krabador> Simone, chiudilo\n<krabador> non ci devi fare niente\n<type> vi prego aiutatemi non ne posso piu\n<type> :)\n<Simone> vai nella cartella, quali comandi prima di quelli che mi hai dato?\n<krabador> type, ripristina il pc con la partizione di ripristino\n<type> cioe?\n<krabador> type, consulta il manuale del notebook\n<krabador> che trovi sul sito del produttore\n<type> non ce\n<krabador> si\n<type> perche prima c era win8\n<type> e l ho levato\n<krabador> type, allora\n<Simone> cioè apro il terminale e dò subito dpkg -i pacchetto? non ho capito, perchè se faccio subito così mi dice che non ho i privilegi\n<krabador> type, puoi ripristinare il pc, con la partizione di ripristino,che usi richiamandola come dice il manuale del notebook\n<type> l hard disk è stato piallato\n<type> non ci sono partizioni di ripristino\n<type> :)\n<krabador> type, allora puoi mettere quello che ti pare\n<type> ok adesso\n<type> ce win\n<type> in una partizione e nell altra niente\n<type> metto live ubuntu\n<type> e non mi riconosce le partizioni\n<type> vede lhard disk come se fosse vuoto\n<krabador> type,  o non c'è niente , o c'è qualcosa in questo pc, deciditi\n<type> krabador non ci stiamo capendo mi sa\n<krabador> <type> perche prima c era win8\n<krabador> <type> e l ho levato\n<krabador> <type> l hard disk è stato piallato\n<krabador> <type> non ci sono partizioni di ripristino\n<krabador> <type> :)\n<krabador> <type> installo prima win?\n<krabador> <type> e poi ubuntu\n<krabador> <type> ?\n<type> so leggere\n<krabador> <type> ok adesso\n<krabador> <type> ce win\n<type> non ti preoccupare\n<type> risolvo io\n<vice_> wow\n<Fetentone> stabbene\n<Simone> krabador...puoi rispondermi..\n<krabador> Simone, allora, dove hai scaricato il file?\n<Simone> come dicevo prima\n<krabador> in che cartella\n<Simone> come la posso vedere?\n<krabador> il browser ha scaricato direttamente?\n<Simone> penso di sì, dal sito\n<krabador> allora cd scaricati\n<krabador> cd Scaricati\n<krabador> ls\n<krabador> e controlli se c'è il file\n<krabador> se c'è , copi il nome, scrivi sudo dpkg -i  e incolli\n<krabador> oppure scrivi sudo dpkg -i goog   , poi premi tab e lui autocompleta il nome del file\n<krabador> e premi invio\n<krabador> poi pastebin\n<Simone> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7498905/\n<vice_> krabador\n<krabador> Simò hai scaricato il deb dal sito google che ti ho dato prima?\n<krabador> o no?\n<Simone> si\n<krabador> <krabador> Simone, va nella cartella in cui l'hai scaricato\n<krabador> <krabador> e mandi dpkg -i pacchetto\n<krabador> <krabador> dove pacchetto è il nome del pacchetto che hai scaricato\n<krabador> voleva significare che non dovevi proprio scrivere \"dpkg -l pacchetto\"\n<krabador> ma \"pacchetto\" deve essere il nome del file\n<krabador> in ogni caso, devi vedere dove è finito\n<krabador> riapri il browser, controlla la cronologia dei download\n<krabador> e vedi in che cartella è finito\n<vice_> fratello\n<Simone> è in /tmp\n<krabador> Simone, che browser usi, firefox?\n<Simone> si\n<krabador> Simone, allora, va nelle impostazioni di firefox\n<krabador> imposta con \"chiedi dove salvare ogni file \"\n<Simone> ok\n<krabador> poi , va a riscaricare il pacchetto in una cartella a tua scelta\n<krabador> Simone, poi nel terminale mandi cd cartellachehaiscelto\n<Simone> devo procedere ad un nuovo download\n<krabador> dove cartellachehaiscelto è il percorso completo della cartella che hai scelto per il download\n<krabador> vice_, che problema hai ?\n<Valgio63> krabador, ciao\n<mario_> Salve\n<krabador> wei Valgio63\n<Valgio63> krabador, ti ricordi il problemino con Documenti Recenti che non va? Non è il fatto che ho montato i dischi all'avvio e che Documenti è su una di queste partizioni, l'ho fatto sullaltra partizione (quella in cui provo di tutto) e non lo fa.\n<sin___> hola!volevo disabilitare la sessione ospite su  ubuntu 13.10 e seguendo una guida ho fatto un casino\n<amos_> salve\n<amos_> velocemente come faccio a creare una penna con ubuntu?\n<Valgio63> amos_, una penna con ubuntu in live?\n<amos_> si però voglio formattare il pc perchè no si avvia\n<amos_> no\n<amos_> lo devo scaricare?\n<Valgio63> amos_, ma ci vuoi installare ubuntu o cosa?\n<krabador> amos_, quale sistema hai?\n<krabador> per fare la pendrive?\n<amos_> il pc è bloccato c'era lubuntu\n<ador> salve a tutti\n<ador> sono nuovo\n<ador> a chi posso chiedere?\n<jester-> beato te\n<krabador> amos_, e in quale sistema vuoi fare la pendrive?\n<jester-> !chiedi | ador\n<ubot-it> ador: per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<ador> ok\n<sin___> credo che dovrei cancellare \"lightdm.conf\" ma non me lo fa fare\n<jester-> sin___: e poi come avvii\n<sin___> il fatto è che quando avvio con quello mi spegne il monitor\n<amos_> sto scaricando ubuntu voglio creare una penna per partire da boot\n<jester-> sin___: hai fatto qualche cannibalismo al lightdm?\n<jester-> amos_: da quale sistema\n<ador> sono nuovo di ubuntu. e vorrei installaro per la prima volta su un HD partizionato. per farlo partire d una pendrive come devo fare?\n<sin___> volevo disab.la sessione ospie.lo apro e nn c'è scritto nulla dentro.copio una guida trovata su internet ,riaccendo e nn funziona.ora sto con una chiavetta di prova\n<Riccardone> !usb | ador\n<ubot-it> ador: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/DaSupportoUsb\n<jester-> ador: da quale sistema devi crare la penna\n<jester-> creare*\n<ador> win7\n<krabador> amos_, scusami, e 3 , in quale sistema vuoi creare la pendrive\n<krabador> amos_, che sistema hai a disposizione , adesso, per fare la pendrive?\n<krabador> !usbwin | ador\n<ubot-it> ador: Scarica Universal USB Installer (http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/) | Installalo su Windows e lancialo: lui si occuperà di trasferire l'immagine ISO su USB | Opzionalmente questo programma può anche scaricare lui stesso l'immagine ISO | Attenzione: il programma è in inglese\n<krabador> !usbwin | amos_\n<jester-> sin___: basta fafre seguire la stessa guida al contrario e la prossima volta ricordarsi di fare la copie dei files che si modificano\n<ubot-it> amos_: Scarica Universal USB Installer (http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/) | Installalo su Windows e lancialo: lui si occuperà di trasferire l'immagine ISO su USB | Opzionalmente questo programma può anche scaricare lui stesso l'immagine ISO | Attenzione: il programma è in inglese\n<Riccardone> ador: segui le istruzioni del bot\n<ador> ho demon tools, può servire?\n<jester-> ador: segui le guide\n<sin___> si ma non riesco ad entrare con il sistema 13.10,adesso sto provando a cancellare il contenuto del file ma è bloccato\n<amos_> grazie provo\n<jester-> sin___: vai in shell e dai startx\n<sin___> come faccio ad andare in shell?\n<jester-> sin___: control-alt-F2 ti autentichi e dai il comando\n<sin___> ci provo,e poi dopo il comando\n<sin___> ?\n<valentino> ciao\n<valentino> a tutti!\n<valentino> c'è qualcuno che mi aiuterebbe con ubuntu?\n<krabador> !chiedi\n<ubot-it> per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<valentino> premetto che sono utente winsozz...purtroppo\n<valentino> è la prima volta che uso ubuntu\n<valentino> fino ad ora sono riuscito ad installare ubuntu in dual boot con windows 7 e a creare il dualboot per la scelta del sistema tramite ubuntu richiamando un comando sul terminale\n<valentino> fino ad ora tutto ok\n<valentino> ma la connessione ad internet in ubuntu non vuole proprio funzionare ! come operatore ho fastweb\n<krabador> valentino, tramite wireless o cavo ?\n<valentino> cavo solo cavo\n<krabador> quale ubuntu ?\n<valentino> la connessione ethernet tenta sempre di collegarsi ma mi dice dopo un po sono disconnesso, l'ubunto installato è l'ultimo quello pubblicato sul sito\n<valentino> 14.04 lts\n<krabador> valentino, sudo lshw -C network\n<valentino> ehm..posso segnarlo perchè ora sono su windows 7 e mi scollegherei dalla chat\n<valentino> ma questo comando lo devo fare mentre tenta di collegarsi o da disconnesso?\n<valentino> provo solo questo comando e poi ti faccio sapere cosa dice?\n<krabador> questo comando dice di preciso che hardware di rete hai\n<krabador> e con questo , si puo' focalizzare il problema\n<valentino> ok allora esco e rientro..faccio subito\n<sin_> non funziona\n<sin_> lightdm.conf non riesco modificarlo\n<valentino> ciao eccomi\n<valentino> ecco il log\n<valentino> sudo] password for linux:    *-network                       description: Ethernet interface        product: RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller        vendor: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.        physical id: 0        bus info: pci@0000:03:00.0        logical name: eth0        version: 06        serial: 74:d4:35:09:aa:56        size: 100Mbit/s        capacity: 1Gbit/s        width: 64 bits        clock: 33\n<krabador> valentino, la wireless\n<valentino> la wireless cosa?\n<krabador> non hai una scheda wireless\n<valentino> si lo so difatti ti avevo detto che avevo solo il cavo ethernet e quindi mi collegherei solo col cavo ethernet\n<valentino> come faccio con windows\n<krabador> valentino, devi incollare in pastebin\n<valentino> pastebin?\n<krabador> !pastebin | valentino\n<ubot-it> valentino: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<krabador> per intero il risultato del comando\n<valentino> !pastebin\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<jester-> lol\n<valentino> fatto\n<jester-> valentino: lol leggere le istruzioni del bot no?\n<valentino> scusate ma non lo sapevo\n<jester-> !paste | valentino\n<ubot-it> valentino: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<valentino> non succederà più\n<valentino> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7499269/\n<jester-> valentino: lspci | grep -i network\n<valentino> ok riva e ritorno grazie per la pazienza...volo\n<valentino> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<valentino> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7499307/\n<valentino> eccomi questo è il log http://paste.ubuntu.com/7499307/\n<jester-> valentino: non hai una scheda wifi integrata\n<valentino> no\n<jester-> valentino: allora che probleima hai\n<jester-> problema*\n<valentino> avevo detto a krabador che non riuscivo a collegarmi con il cavo di rete\n<valentino> non funziona la connessione tenta sempre di collegarsi ma non va e mi disconnette sempre\n<jester-> valentino: ho la tua steessa scheda eth e mai avuto problemi fa vedere risposta a ifconfig\n<valentino> ifconfig lo devo fare mentre tenta la connessione o in modalita disconnect?\n<jester-> fallo e basta\n<valentino> un'altr cosa ma è normale che quando entro in ubuntu per 10 15 sec buoni lampeggia sempre lo schermo?\n<jester-> valentino: installazione fresca?\n<valentino> si\n<valentino> normale?\n<jester-> secondome è venuta farlocca, controlla md5sum della iso, se giusto rifai la usb e reinstalla\n<jester-> !md5sum\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Md5Sum\n<jester-> valentino: tipo di ubuntu installato?\n<valentino> 14.04 lts\n<jester-> ok\n<valentino> come si verifica se la iso è corrotta o meno?\n<jester-> !md5sum\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Md5Sum\n<valentino> ok grazie verifico subito\n<valentino> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<valentino> ho il log di ifconfig http://paste.ubuntu.com/7499408/\n<valentino> l'impronta di md5sum è corretta e l'iso va bene\n<jester-> valentino: proverei prima a cambiare cavo\n<jester-> usando quello in dotazione al rutter\n<valentino> il fatto è che su windows 7 funziona\n<jester-> stesso cavo?\n<valentino> eh si\n<jester-> reinstalla va\n<jester-> valentino: che provider hai che vedo un ip strano\n<jester-> fartweb?\n<valentino_> eh si ho fastweb\n<jester-> facile che devi farti resettare l'hug\n<jester-> non ti assegna l'ip\n<valentino_> non ho l'hag ma un modem dsl ormai gli hag sono spariti\n<jester-> va bè reinstalla se no si sistema senti l'assistemza fart che è un problema del loro router\n<valentino_> le ho provate tutte anche dal bios\n<jester-> valentino_: la eth è su\n<valentino_> fartweb suona proprio come una scorreggia!\n<jester-> valentino_: modifica connessioni è in dhcp?\n<valentino_> no non ho modificato nulla\n<jester-> valentino_: installando scaricava aggionamenti?\n<valentino_> no mi diceva prima dell'installazione che non c'era linea dsl e tra l'altro no nmi ha riconosciuto il sistema windows 7 all'inizio dell'installazione mi diceva che nessun sistema operativo era presente\n<valentino_> ho installato ubuntu in una partizione ext4 with joi ..qualcosa\n<jester-> valentino_: winz7 rilascia il filesystem o congela\n<valentino_> dove lo rilascia?\n<jester-> se congela mi sa che non rilascia nemmeno la scheda\n<valentino_> windows non mi ha mai crashato\n<jester-> valentino_: da live navigava o non hai provato\n<valentino_> se per live intendi la prova di ubunto senza installazione non non ha mai navigato\n<valentino_> all'inizio ho dovuto richiamare sudo update-grub se no manco il dualbot avevo partiva direttamente ubuntu senza avviare mai win7\n<jester-> nell'icona la rete è attiva?\n#ubuntu-it 2014-05-22\n<dulcinea> ciao a tutti, ho un problema con installazione scanner\n<dulcinea> se qualcuno può aiutarmi espongo il problema\n<suziseguzi> hello anyone ON ?\n<krabador> !english | suziseguzi\n<ubot-it> suziseguzi: Please join the international channel #ubuntu if you want to speak english. Here only italian language is permitted. Thank you\n<ador> salve\n<ador> ho caricato ubuntu sulla pendrive, ma non riesco a farlo partire come boot\n<krabador> ador, hai usato http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/ ?\n<ador> ho usato lili usb creator\n<krabador> !usbwin | ador\n<ubot-it> ador: Scarica Universal USB Installer (http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/) | Installalo su Windows e lancialo: lui si occuperà di trasferire l'immagine ISO su USB | Opzionalmente questo programma può anche scaricare lui stesso l'immagine ISO | Attenzione: il programma è in inglese\n<suziseguzi> krab Mi scuso per quello che ho detto in inglese, italiano e male ho pensato che qualcuno mi potrebbe aiutare di tradurre alcune parole da Inglese a Italiano\n<krabador> suziseguzi, questo sito è adibito al supporto ufficiale italiano di ubuntu\n<suziseguzi> Lo so e mi scuso per questo! Non sapevo dove altro chiedere\n<krabador> !chat | suziseguzi\n<ubot-it> suziseguzi: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<ador> l'anti virus mi blocca autorun.inf\n<ador> è importante?\n<krabador> disabilita un attimo l'antivirus\n<ador> può essere per questo che dal bios non visualizzavo la pennetta?\n<krabador> no, piu' per il programma che hai usato\n<dulcinea> installazione scanner, chiedo supporto\n<krabador> dulcinea, cerca di tornare ad un orario piu' trafficato\n<ador> ho passato il programma sulla pennetta con successo, ma comunque non riesco a lanciarlo dal bios perché non lo vede come boot\n<ador> come posso fare?\n<ador> notebook è un samsung del 2011\n<akis24> giorno\n<fra_dolcino> un aiuto per la stampante wireless canon mg3550, non riesco a trovare IP per connettermi al pannello della stampante, insomma rilevarla prima di installare i driver\n<cristian_c> fra_dolcino, ma non fai tutto dal display della stampante?\n<fra_dolcino> ho seguito le istruzioni del manuale, per connetterla al router via WPS\n<cristian_c> asppunto\n<fra_dolcino> purtroppo non ha display, stampante economica\n<cristian_c> ah\n<cristian_c> lol\n<fra_dolcino> cristian_c, ora ti spiego\n<fra_dolcino> la procedura è tenere premuto tasto wireless printer, entro due minuti, tenere premto tasto wps sul router\n<cristian_c> esatto\n<fra_dolcino> a quel punto network manager mi rileva una connessione fantomatica chiamata RT5390_1\n<fra_dolcino> invece dovrebbe chiamarsi Canon Ij Setup qualcosa del genere\n<cristian_c> ok\n<fra_dolcino> al primo tentativo me l'ha visto pa poi è sparito\n<cristian_c> To confirm that your printer is successfully connected to your wireless network, you can print out the network settings of your printer if you wish:\n<fra_dolcino> cristian_c, questo forse potrei farlo dall'altro pc connesso via cavo usb alla stampante\n<fra_dolcino> perché su questo non ho ancora installato i driver e sull'altro è possibile stampare solo via cavo\n<cristian_c> fra_dolcino, ma l'hai già installata via usb al pc?\n<cristian_c> fra_dolcino, prima devi installarla via cavo\n<cristian_c> fra_dolcino, insomma, installa prima i driver\n<fra_dolcino> cristian_c,\n<cristian_c> altrimenti non la puoi usare manco via wifi\n<fra_dolcino> fra_dolcino, dall'altro pc l'ho fatto ma non la rileva quando tento utilizzo wireless\n<cristian_c> lol\n<fra_dolcino> è una cosa successa dopo aver resettato il router\n<fra_dolcino> prima funzionava\n<cristian_c> lol\n<fra_dolcino> aveva il suo ip\n<fra_dolcino> mo è scomparso\n<fra_dolcino> :)\n<cristian_c> fra_dolcino, sei sicuro non sia un problema del router?\n<fra_dolcino> che ti devo dì\n<fra_dolcino> cristian_c, non sono sicuro\n<cristian_c> fra_dolcino, controlla la documentazione e le impostazioni del router\n<fra_dolcino> cristian_c, non mi viene in mente cosa dovrei controllare sul router e che ho dimenticato di settare dopo il resettaggio\n<cristian_c> fra_dolcino, ad esempio il supporto alla stampa e il wps\n<fra_dolcino> qualcosa che riguarda wireless network sicuramente, ma cosa\n<cristian_c> fra_dolcino, dipende dal modello del router, controlla la documentazione\n<fra_dolcino> cristian_c, alla sezione wps c'è SSID, ci va sempre il nome del router?\n<cristian_c> fra_dolcino, non ho il tuo router davanti\n<cristian_c> ma non hai un manuale?\n<fra_dolcino> cristian_c, si, c'è nel pannello di controllo\n<cristian_c> ti avranno dato un disco con il pdf\n<ExPBoy> lol\n<cristian_c> oppure lo reperisci al sito ufficiale\n<ExPBoy> fra_dolcino: che router è?\n<ExPBoy> (economico come la stampante?)\n<cristian_c> lol\n<fra_dolcino> esatto\n<cristian_c> lol\n<fra_dolcino> ExPBoy, router è dlink-go n150\n<fra_dolcino> si è impallato un bel giorno e ho dovuto resettarlo, perché continuava a riallinearsi\n<cristian_c> buttalo via\n<fra_dolcino> da allora è sparito ip stampante\n<fra_dolcino> cristian_c, fa schifo?\n<ExPBoy> fra_dolcino: ma è un adattatore usb?\n<cristian_c> <fra_dolcino> si è impallato un bel giorno e ho dovuto resettarlo, perché continuava a riallinearsi\n<cristian_c> fra_dolcino, perché non fai un test e poi controlli il log del router?\n<cristian_c> fra_dolcino, ma prima premi il pulsante wps sul router e poi il corrispondente sulla stampante?\n<fra_dolcino> rieccomi\n<fra_dolcino> cristian_c, no prima tasto wireless stampante, poi quello su router\n<cristian_c> io leggo il contrario\n<cristian_c> perché prima va attivato il wps sul router\n<fra_dolcino> cristian_c, l'ho letto sul manuale della canon\n<fra_dolcino> cristian_c, tu dove hai letto?\n<cristian_c> fra_dolcino, sul manuale canon non trovo scritto di premere il pulsante wps sul router\n<cristian_c> ah, s, hai ragione\n<cristian_c> *sì\n<cristian_c> For exact details on starting WPS on your access point, please refer to its user guide.\n<cristian_c> fra_dolcino, magari per il d-link è diverso\n<cristian_c> fra_dolcino, comunque, fai come suggerito\n<cristian_c> fra_dolcino, entrambe le prove e controlla il log\n<fra_dolcino> cristian_c, questa è la pagina router, sezione wps http://picpaste.com/Screenshot_-_22052014_-_10_45_57-BMDxQWLc.png\n<fra_dolcino> cristian_c, ho guardato log ma non ci capisco una mazza\n<cristian_c> lol\n<cristian_c> fra_dolcino, pastebinna\n<cristian_c> fra_dolcino, o meglio, prova a invertire i tasti\n<fra_dolcino> cristian_c, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7500676/ log router (c'è pure la data sballata e non capisco quanto tiene traccia)\n<fra_dolcino> cristian_c, dici di  fare al contrario: tenere premuto wps e poi andare a pigiare tasto wireless stampante\n<cristian_c> fra_dolcino, devi assicurarti che il wps sia attivo sul router\n<cristian_c> puoi accertarlo?\n<fra_dolcino> cristian_c, si, WPS state: configured\n<cristian_c> fra_dolcino, intendo, esteriormente\n<fra_dolcino> cristian_c, la prima volta che l'ho installata, bastava scansionare IP e trovarla nell'elenco, ora non si capisce azzo è successo\n<fra_dolcino> cristian_c, intendi se è acceso il led\n<cristian_c> se è spento è disattivato, se lampeggia è attivo\n<fra_dolcino> cristian_c, il led wps sta acceso per qualche istante dopo che premi, lampeggia un po' e poi si spegne\n<cristian_c> fra_dolcino, per quanto tempo l'hai tenuto premuto?\n<fra_dolcino> il fatto è che non hai nessun feedback di quello che fai, appunto con un display sulla stampante sarebbe stato più semplice\n<fra_dolcino> cristian_c, una decina di secondi\n<cristian_c> loooooool\n<cristian_c> WPS\n<cristian_c> Press the button and let go after 1 second to enable WPS\n<cristian_c> function.\n<fra_dolcino> almeno ti dice: qualcosa \"errore\", \"fanculo\"\n<fra_dolcino> cristian_c, lol\n<fra_dolcino> cristian_c, nel manuale diceva \"hold\" io per hold ho inteso un po' di secondi :)\n<jester-> 'ngiorno\n<fra_dolcino> bella jester-\n<jester-> aiò fra_dolcino\n<fra_dolcino> jester-, ti ricordi la menata con nvidia? magari anche no, però te lo dico lo stesso, non avevo installato nvidia-331.38-updates\n<fra_dolcino> ci vogliono anche updates se no nvidia-prime non funge\n<jester-> fra_dolcino: non ci volgono aupdate bobmaleee usa il 304 e prime il 331\n<fra_dolcino> ora c'è però un fantomatico bug che quando usi nvidia-prime swichato appunto su nvidia, ti fa congelare lo schermo se usi touchpad\n<jester-> ne updare o altro\n<fra_dolcino> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-prime/+bug/1220426\n<ubot-it> Launchpad bug 1220426 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-331 \"[nvidia-prime]Freeze while using touchpad\" [Critical,Confirmed]\n<fra_dolcino> questo\n<jester-> fra_dolcino: e il driver 14.04 è automatico e fa lo switch da solo quando serve\n<fra_dolcino> jester-, a me stava sempre su nvidia, allora l'ho spostato su intel\n<fra_dolcino> anche perché se no c'è sta menata che ti si congela lo schermo ogni 2x3 se usi touchpad\n<jester-> metti il 331 normmale\n<fra_dolcino> senza update?\n<jester-> se poi è buggato lo fixeranno\n<jester-> fra_dolcino: update non è il normale\n<fra_dolcino> jester-, senza update non rilevava proprio invidia\n<jester-> balle\n<fra_dolcino> se andavi su nvidia-settings, ti usciva una finestrella d'errore senza alcun messaggio\n<fra_dolcino> jester-, te lo giuro! :)\n<fra_dolcino> mica vengo qua a diffondere disinformazioni e a confondere gli utenti e i volontari\n<ExPBoy> uhm\n<fra_dolcino> :)\n<jester-> fra_dolcino: togli 331 e nvidia-prime e metti bumblebee-nvidia che si insallerà per dipendenza il 304\n<jester-> fra_dolcino: prime è instabile non quaglia con tutti gli hw\n<fra_dolcino> jester-, lo prendo in considerazione\n<jester-> fra_dolcino: non è che 304 o 331 faccia differenza\n<jester-> 331 supporta schede piu recenti e stop\n<fra_dolcino> jester-, ok, proverò però ho letto che a qualcuno rimane il bug che dicevo anche con bumblebee\n<jester-> non è che avendo il 304 il pc da 1000 cocozze diventi un pc da 1500\n<jester-> fra_dolcino: se poi è un bug biogna aspettare il fix\n<fra_dolcino> cristian_c, ora l'ha rilevata, dopo il secondo resettaggio\n<fra_dolcino> è tornato il vecchio IP\n<shadow91> ciao   come  si  fa  ad  usare  una  chiavetta  internet  su  lubuntu?\n<jester-> shadow91: la attacchi e se compatibile la rileva\n<jester-> se non compatibile devi andare a trovarti drivers, se esistono, o il workaround\n<cristian_c> fra_dolcino, ora funge?\n<shadow91> jester-:   ho  provato  con  una  , lei  si  accende  ma  non  veniva  rilevata\n<jester-> shadow91: cerca su gogol con stringa: modello esatto key ubuntu\n<fra_dolcino> vodafone aveva un progetto per i driver delle loro chiavette, mi pare si chimasse betavine\n<cristian_c> fra_dolcino, ?\n<fra_dolcino> https://forge.betavine.net/projects/vodafonemobilec/ nel caso usi vodafone\n<jester-> non è vadofone o altro , è il tipo di key\n<cristian_c> fra_dolcino, io parlavo della stampante\n<jester-> mica le fanno i provider\n<fra_dolcino> cristian_c, ma che ne sò, ho resettato, riconfigurato il router come prima, schiacciato wps, fatto ipscan e ho visto il vecchio ip\n<cristian_c> fra_dolcino, ma funge o no ora?\n<fra_dolcino> jester-, ho capito però vodafone avrà la convenzione con una specifica casa produttrice, ora non ricordo se zte o altro\n<jester-> fra_dolcino: ma lo sai cosa serve wps sul dlink?\n<jester-> serve a filtrare la lan\n<fra_dolcino> jester-, e cosa filtra?\n<jester-> la lan filtra\n<fra_dolcino> cristian_c, funge ora :)\n<cristian_c> ok\n<jester-> fra_dolcino: leggi il manuale e se hai il mio stesso tipo avrai pure le eh sul retro scassate\n<jester-> dgn2000 va solo in wifi le eth defungono dopo breve uso\n<jester-> me lo hanno cambiaot due volte e sempre defunte,è un modello roganto\n<jester-> rognato\n<pazzoide> ciau, qualcuno mi dà una mano con questa scheda di rete usb: conceptronic c150ru? sono alle prime armi\n<jester-> di rete usb? mai viste\n<pazzoide> è una chiavetta usb wireless\n<jester-> è internet key la rete non centra\n<jester-> pazzoide: modello?\n<pazzoide> no non è una chiavetta dei gestori telefonici, è una scheda di rete usb wireless\n<jester-> pazzoide: mai vista\n<pazzoide> da lsusb http://pastebin.com/g11E1y0h\n<pazzoide> ma non credo la rilevi correttamente...\n<jester-> pazzoide: intendi schedas usb wifi?\n<pazzoide> esatto\n<jester-> iwconfig la vede?\n<Fly80> io ne avevo una di usb wireless\n<pazzoide> iwconfig sì, ma ifconfig no\n<Fly80> un bordello anni fa per farla andare\n<Fly80> auguri pazzoide :D\n<pazzoide> T_T\n<pazzoide> infatti ci sto impazzendo\n<jester-> pazzoide: sudo iwlist wlan0 scan\n<Fly80> nel dmesg te la rileva quando la inserisci?\n<Fly80> basta che vedi cosa ti scrive appena la inserisci\n<Fly80> e magari capisci il tipo di driver che ti serve\n<pazzoide> il comando di jester mi dice: network is down\n<pazzoide> quello che mi propone fly va oltre le mie capacità >.<\n<Fly80> pazzoide, basta che scrivi dmesg e ti stampa un log\n<jester-> pazzoide: rfkill list\n<pazzoide> fly, e come lo pesco dalla lista infinita?\n<Fly80> alla fine\n<Fly80> tu stacca la usb\n<Fly80> poi la riattacchi\n<Fly80> e vedi le ultime righe nuove che ti scrive\n<jester-> pazzoide: rfkill list\n<Fly80> ma fai quel che dice jester prima :)\n<pazzoide> installo rfkill e rivo\n<jester-> è gia installato\n<pazzoide> nu\n<jester-> se no non hai ubuntu\n<pazzoide> ubuntu servre\n<pazzoide> rfkill list http://pastebin.com/pqdLUsU4\n<cristian_c> pazzoide, non hai la gui?\n<pazzoide> nu\n<cristian_c> tutto a riga di comando?\n<pazzoide> sì\n<cristian_c> pazzoide, provare a usare il network manager da terminale\n<Guest20435> ciao  ho inserito  la  mia  olicard  100  in  lubuntu   ma  non  la  rileva  come  risolvo?\n<Fly80> cmq mi fa ridere il nick pazzoide ogni volta che lo si usa nella frase :D\n<pazzoide> ^^\n<Fly80> pazzoide, hai provato a vedere che cosa ti rileva quando inserisci la wifi usb?\n<cristian_c> !info nmcli\n<ubot-it> Package nmcli does not exist in saucy\n<jester-> pazzoide: se non hai dimestichezza con la bash installati openbox\n<jester-> o devi farti tutto a mano connessione compresa\n<pazzoide> dmesg riattacando la chiavetta dà (nelle ultime righe) http://pastebin.com/BQcwaNUm\n<jester-> pazzoide: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmbienteGrafico/Openbox\n<pazzoide> faccio a mano perchè il pc è vecchiotto\n<jester-> e come la fai la connessione\n<jester-> mica la fa da solo\n<pazzoide> intanto deve vedere la chiavetta correttamente, poi mi guarderò qualche guida\n<pazzoide> una cosa per volta ^^\n<jester-> o usi una gui nm o scrivi i files a mano\n<cristian_c> pazzoide, io eviterei di cercare info a caso sul web\n<cristian_c> per non far danni\n<jester-> se iwconfig la vede è rielvata\n<jester-> se non connessa con ip ifconfig non la vede\n<cristian_c> pazzoide, ma che pc è?\n<pazzoide> hmmm quindi una volta impostata la connessione alla ssid compare anche in ifconfig?\n<jester-> metti un server senza grafica se non conosci comandi e struttura nm dove vai\n<cristian_c> pazzoide, in ifoconfig già compare\n<cristian_c> pazzoide, ma ti intendi di server?\n<cristian_c> *ifconfig\n<pazzoide> no christian non compare in ifgonfig\n<jester-> ma va\n<cristian_c> pazzoide, impossibile\n<pazzoide> ovviamente non mi intendo id server\n<cristian_c> looool\n<jester-> pazzoide: installa openbox che quanto meno hai  una minimo di grafica\n<cristian_c> <cristian_c> pazzoide, ma che pc è?\n<jester-> che poi la normale per usi domestici fa quello che fa la server\n<pazzoide> ma non sono i comandi a crearmi problemi, la grafica fa la stessa cosa, solo che do io i comandi.\n<jester-> pazzoide: ma sai quello che devi e stai facendo?\n<cristian_c> pazzoide, con la gui non hai bisogno di comandi per stabilire la connessione\n<cristian_c> fai tutto da applet del network manager\n<pazzoide> quasi quasi provo, mi hai convinto. poi si puo' rimuovere la gui, nel caso?\n<cristian_c> <cristian_c> pazzoide, ma che pc è?\n<pazzoide> un pc che uso per fare cose da pazzoide (sperimento)\n<jester-> pazzoide: non sai un cazzo di server e di comandi bash vuoi fare senza la grafica?\n<pazzoide> beh due cosine le so, ma con la gui non si impara mai nulla\n<cristian_c> mi sembra che ti manchino le basi\n<pazzoide> imparo quando cozzo davanti a un problema, cioè sempre ^^\n<jester-> pazzoide: eh allora ti devi studiare la struttura del server e le sue logiche, quindi scrivere i files a mano\n<jester-> sapendo cosa ci scrivi\n<cristian_c> non si può mica fare a caso\n<jester-> mica impari in 5 minuti\n<cristian_c> non è proprio l'approccio giusto\n<jester-> bisogna partire dalle basi\n<pazzoide> e quali sarebbero?\n<pazzoide> cmq, non è che voglio diventare amministratore di sistemi\n<jester-> linguaggio bash, struttura del server\n<jester-> come funza il network su un server, regole iptables etc etc\n<pazzoide> il mio scopo è solo mettere su un serverino che condivida una connessione a internet tra 2 schede, niente di impoosibile\n<jester-> a scuolo mica si comincia dalle medie\n<jester-> pazzoide: nulla è impossibile ma si devono le relative conoscenze\n<jester-> anche se elementari\n<ExPBoy> uhm\n<pazzoide> beh su quelle cose ci sono un sacco di wiki\n<pazzoide> cmq sono connesso con ssh al server, quindi niente gui\n<jester-> pazzoide: allora segui il wiki\n<pazzoide> ;)\n<pazzoide> grazie a tutti per il tempo concessomi per le mie pazzie, molto gentili\n<jester-> pazzoide: per non imparare non c'è niente di meglio che usare il copia incolla senza capire sapere cosa fa il comando\n<pazzoide> ottima osservazione\n<ExPBoy> ma va?\n<jester-> semplice logica\n<ExPBoy> che poi se mettevi la versione desktop facevi prima\n<jester-> non è figa\n<ExPBoy> non è che se si chiama server funziona da solo\n<pazzoide> si può togliere poi la gui?\n<jester-> anzi ha meno utilità installate\n<ExPBoy> ma perchè?\n<jester-> anzi non ne ha prorpio\n<pazzoide> è pesante\n<ExPBoy> hai un pc della discarica?\n<jester-> pazzoide: basta  non farla partire\n<pazzoide> quasi\n<ExPBoy> eh allora ...\n<pazzoide> lo uso come versione di prova\n<pazzoide> per provare se va tutto\n<ExPBoy> sarebbe come provare con la nonna... (vabbhe lasciamo stare)\n<jester-> non usandola è coe se non ci fosse , altra cosa logica, se poi  il pc fa fatica con openbox è solo da portare in discarica\n<cristian_c> ExPBoy, lol\n<pazzoide> ahah\n<cristian_c> pazzoide, che caratteristiche ha?\n<ExPBoy> è bianco\n<pazzoide> e suda\n<ExPBoy> pazzoide: seriamente se è troppo scrauso non ne ricavi niente\n<ExPBoy> secondo me ha 512 di ram\n<pazzoide> sto provando con la gui\n<pazzoide> si èimpallato :/\n<ExPBoy> eh\n<ExPBoy> riportalo dove l'hai trovato :)\n<pazzoide> :)\n<pazzoide> vabeh, tempo esaurito, grazie a tutti =)\n<pazzoide> ciao!\n<jester-> madu\n<ExPBoy> lol\n<gen> Salve, ho da poco installato per la prima volta il sistema operativo Ubuntu.\n<gen> Sto provando a scaricare dei software tramite l'Ubuntu Software centre, ma è tutto bloccato (in attesa). Come posso risolvere il problema?\n<gen_> Salve, ho da poco installato per la prima volta il sistema operativo Ubuntu. [13:14] <gen> Sto provando a scaricare dei software tramite l'Ubuntu Software centre, ma è tutto bloccato (in attesa). Come posso risolvere il problema?\n<gen_> ?\n<cristian_c> lol\n<cristian_c> gen_, bloccato in che senso?\n<jester-> gen_: 13.04 è vecchia\n<gen_> bloccato nel senso che mi da tutto in attesa e il download non prosegue\n<ExPBoy> server da cambiare\n<jester-> gen_: 13.04 è scaduta a gennaio ormale che non aggiorni. i server sono down\n<gen_> scusa jester, che intendi per 13.04? Io ho la 14.04 come versione di Ubuntu\n<gen_> e la 13.10 come versione del download centre\n<cristian_c> gen_, che errore ottieni?\n<gen_> Mi dà: installazione pacchetti. La barra che indica il progesso è ferma a metà e non va oltre. In più in coda ci sono altri download tutti in attesa.\n<cristian_c> gen_, ma la connessione funge?\n<gen_> yes\n<cristian_c> gen_, hai fatto gli aggiornamenti di sistema?\n<cristian_c> hai provato a cambiare server per i repo?\n<gen_> da sorgente software ho selezionato il server migliore... ma niente..\n<lord_ice> ciao a tutti\n<krabador> gen_, se hai il terminale aperto con l'operazione in corso, premi ctrl c\n<gen_> poi?\n<Vale_> ciao ho installato ubuntu ber bene e va una bomba, solo che durante la prima installazione ed ad ogni avvio lo schermo lampeggia come se il sistema dovesse stabilizzarsi poi dopo 30 sec va bene, però lo fa sempre come mai?\n<MANUEL__> ciao non riesco piu a  fare gli aggiornamenti  e mi dice che ci sono dei pacchetti non fidati python-lockfile\n<MANUEL__> help\n<LoZioNe> MANUEL_ ,vedi qua http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=579290\n<quintino> salve a tutti, ho installato ubuntu 14.04 su un notebook hp pavilion dv6 va tutto ok tranne il mouse, avvolte sebra tremare e altre volte si dissolve. Mi potreste aiutare? grazie\n<joke2k> salve a tutti\n<joke2k> devo decifrare questo messaggio di errore:\n<joke2k> The following packages have unmet dependencies: python-qgis : Depends: python-qgis-common (= 2.0.1-2build2) but 2.2.0-2~trusty1 is installed\n<joke2k> quando provo ad aggiornare il sistema\n<Fly80> joke2k, hai installato una versione di qgis diversa da quella nei repository?\n<joke2k> Fly80, non mi sembra, pero poco prima di installare qgis ho fatto il passaggio alla 14.04\n<joke2k> posso controllare nei sources.list?\n<joke2k> in generale non capisco perche mi dice quel messaggio, cosa fa scatenare quell'errore? se rimuovo python-qis?\n<ghigomatto> giorno a tutti\n<ghigomatto> problema (non so più che fare)...\n<ghigomatto> ho un sistema ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server, su cui devo implementare un servizio sftp utilizzando vsftpd.\n<ghigomatto> Il punto è che non riesco ad usare un utente locale per accedere al sistema in sftp e fare ciò che voglio all'interno della home-dir che ho deciso essere in jail.\n<ghigomatto> Insomma, non riesco a mettere in jail l'utenza (locale) utilizzanod le direttive di vsftpd. Ho notato che, pur avviando il processo, il servizio non genera il pid file, come invece succede regolarmante sui sistemi debian un pò più datati, e dove questo sistema funziona bene.\n<ghigomatto> Qualcuno sa come aiutarmi?\n<alice94> Ciao a tutti! C'è qualcuno esperto in installazione di ubuntu?\n<Paradisee> alice94: sei in canale sbagliato\n<Paradisee> e poi cos'è ubuntu\n<alice94> Qual è il canale giusto?\n<Paradisee> questo, chiedi pure\n<alice94> Ho provato ad  installare ubuntu al posto di winXP, ma l'installazione si inchioda all'inizio, subito dopo il primo loading.\n<Paradisee> si inchioda per quanto?\n<alice94> Fisso. Resta la schermata grigia. Non mi fa scegliere nemmeno prova o installa\n<Paradisee> caratteristiche hardware?\n<Paradisee> versine di ubuntu?\n<Paradisee> in che modo lo installi?\n<alice94> Paradisee, CPU Intel Pentium D 3.4 Ghz 32bit. Ram: DDR2 1024x2. Scheda madre: AsRock, 775dual-vsta. Scheda grafica: NVIDIA GeForce 6600 128MB\n<alice94> Paradisee, ho provato sia usb che dvd\n<Paradisee> versine di ubuntu?\n<Paradisee> il computer non mi sembra del tutto adatto ad ubuntu\n<alice94> Paradisee, ho tentato con Ubuntu 13.04 (dvd), Ubuntu 14.04 (usb), Xubuntu 14.04 (usb), Xubuntu 12.04 (cd)\n<Paradisee> in ogni caso una versione i386, è una soluzione, poco soddisfacente\n<alice94> Paradisee, in che senso poco adatto?\n<Paradisee> stai provando ad installare una versione a 64bit?\n<alice94> No\n<alice94> 32 Bit\n<Paradisee> sicuro?\n<alice94> Paradisee, di cosa? Che il pc sia a 32bit o che io stia installando a 32 bit?\n<Paradisee> la seconda\n<alice94> Paradisee, 100%. Ho solo versioni 32bit. L'unica cosa che ha funzionato, è stato installare Lubuntu 12.04 alternative. Ma anche lì ho problemi, nel senso che si impalla spesso.\n<Paradisee> provato a far partire un live cd?\n<alice94> Paradisee, non mi fa scegliere prova o installa. Si blocca prima\n<Paradisee> sicuro che si blocchi, e non sta semplicemente facendo cose in background?\n<alice94> Paradisee, con Xubuntu viene una schermata grigia e fucsia, con Ubuntu una schermata grigia completamente.\n<Paradisee> quanto hai aspettato?\n<Paradisee> il tuo pc non è una bomba..\n<Paradisee> se prima non ti assicuri di aver fatto le cose come andrebbero fatte, non possiamo darti una mano\n<jester-> alice94: prima schermata prova ubuntu e sticass vari tato F6 e metti nomoeset\n<jester-> se poi hai una grafica sis non perdere tempo\n<alice94> Paradisee, Scusa, ma non è normale una schermata grigia e fucsia puntinata.\n<alice94> jester-, con prima schermata cosa intendi? Quando esce la scritta \"Ubuntu\" e sotto i pallini del loading?\n<Paradisee> alice94: semplicemente aspetta\n<Paradisee> datti un limite di 10 minuti, se va bene, altrimenti si procede in un altra maniera\n<jester-> alice94: al menu prova ubuntu unstalla ubuntu etc, intendo fcendo il boot da usb o cd\n<alice94> jester-, a quel menu non ci arriva nemmeno. Si blocca prima. E la scheda grafica è Nvidia GeForce da 128mb\n<Paradisee> prova kubuntu, senza perdere tempo\n<jester-> alice94: al boot come vedi l'omino sotto pigia entere veloce\n<alice94> jester-, ah, e da lì poi posso scegliere subito la modalità \"nomodeset\"?\n<alice94> Paradisee, perché dovrebbe funzionare kubuntu?\n<Paradisee> alice94: perchè il tuo pc è abbastanza vecchio\n<jimmib> salve sono alle prime armi chiedevo i comandi sul terminale per ripulire il sistema da file initillizzati grazie\n<jester-> alice94: da tasto F&\n<jester-> F6\n<jester-> scegli anche la lingua\n<jester-> !pulireubuntu ! jimmib\n<ubot-it> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)\n<jester-> !pulireubuntu | jimmib\n<ubot-it> jimmib: pulire ubuntu is http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/PulireUbuntu\n<alice94> jester-, grazie, ci provo appena torno dall'Uni!\n<carillon90> ciao a tutti\n<carillon90> volevo un'informazione penso abbastanza veloce...\n<carillon90> qual'è la differenza tra Ubuntu e Ubuntu della comunità?\n<krabador> carillon90, in versione della comunità, c'è solo software opensource\n<krabador> all'interno.\n<carillon90> quindi conviene sempre prendere quella base?\n<carillon90> o è meglio quella della comunità?\n<krabador> se installi quella della comunità italiana, sarà già in italiano\n<carillon90> che non è una brutta cosa in effetti... ;)\n<krabador> Stazioni radio italiane;\n<krabador> segnalibri di firefoz\n<krabador> firefox\n<carillon90> però Universal USB Installer non me la riconosce come versione di Ubuntu... :(\n<krabador> carillon90, imposta sempre ubuntu, e falla, dovrebbe andare lo stesso\n<carillon90> imposto ubuntu, ma non vede neanche la ISO...\n<krabador> carillon90, valla a selezionare a mano\n<krabador> imposta ubuntu, e poi clicca su sfoglia\n<carillon90> clicco su browse, vado nella pagina dove ho a iso e non la vede\n<krabador> carillon90, che estensione di file, è impostato a cercare, nella finestra \"browse\" ?\n<carillon90> se invece metto \"Try Unlisted Liinux Iso\" la vede\n<carillon90> iso\n<krabador> carillon90, allora, usa quest'opzione\n<carillon90> cambia niente, giusto?\n<krabador> quest'opzione ha delle impostazioni standard\n<carillon90> sennò faccio prima e la metto su disco ;)\n<krabador> carillon90, dai prova con la pendrive\n<carillon90> ci sto provando\n<krabador> carillon90, formata precedentemente la pendrive\n<carillon90> sìsì\n<carillon90> già fatto\n<carillon90> anche se avrei dovuto andare con un low format...\n<krabador> perchè, è rovinata?\n<carillon90> mi segnava che aveva solo 1gb disponibile invece che 2\n<krabador> dopo averla formattata, o prima?\n<carillon90> dopo\n<krabador> beh. non è il massimo\n<carillon90> massì, 1gb mi basta lo stesso ;)\n<krabador> non è una questione di spazio\n<krabador> ma di problemi in utilizzo\n<krabador> ed in assegnazione dei settori\n<carillon90> sìsì, lo so\n<carillon90> credo però che i \"gb\" mancanti siano presi da un precedente utilizzo come \"chiavetta boot\"\n<carillon90> quindi posso tranquillamente sistemare la cosa dopo l'installazione\n<fabio_> sera\n<carillon90> sera\n<krabador> carillon90, se hai \" un precedente utilizzo come \"chiavetta boot\"  \" , dopo la formattazione hai tutto lo spazio della chiavetta\n<krabador> Universal USB Installer ed altri software, non nascondono lo spazio occupato per \"chiavetta boot\"\n<krabador> carillon90, preoccupati quindi.\n<spartacus_72> sera\n<ador> salve a tutti\n<akis24> sera\n<ador> chi mi può aiutare! ho scaricato ubuntu 14.04 amd64. l'ho aperto e messo in una pendrive con \"unversal usb installer\".\n<ador> non riesco andare oltre la prima scermata di ubuntu\n<krabador> ador, che cpu / ram /scheda video hai , con precisione ?\n<ador> ho una AMD A8 3510mx APU con radeon HD graphics 1.80ghz, con 4gb ram\n<carillon90> krabador, la chiavetta è stata creata\n<carillon90> ora mi accingo alla distr... ehm... all'installazione di ubuntu su pc\n<krabador> carillon90, riavvia, impostala come prima periferica di boot, seleziona \"prova ubuntu senza installare\"\n<krabador> hai già un'ubuntu da distruggere\n<krabador> ?\n<carillon90> no, magari... devo togliere un windows 8.1 e un linux mint...\n<krabador> ador, allora,  al menu iniziale , premi f6 e seleziona nomodeset\n<krabador> ador, poi seleziona \"prova ubuntu senza installare\"\n<ador> ho provato prima ma si blocca cmq\n<ador> si blocca sulla scermata viola con la scritta ubuntu\n<carillon90> ciao a tutti, a quando ho finito l'installazione e comunque a presto ^^\n<ador> cmq adesso provo a riavviare e a selezionare nomodeset\n<ador> non dovrebbe bloccarsi più?\n<krabador> carillon90, se parte con \"prova ubuntu senza installare\" puoi provare il sistema, ed iniziare da li l'installazione\n<krabador> carillon90, anche entrare qui per problemi, se connesso in lan, o se ha una scheda wireless di cui ci sono già i drivers dentro il supporto installazione ubunt u\n<krabador> ador, seleziona nomodeset e vedi che succede\n<ador> ok\n<ador> a tra poco\n<ador> karbador-ho provato ma non sucede niente\n<krabador> ador, che scheda madre hai?\n<ador> karbador, onestamente desso non ricordo\n<ador> come posso fare a controllare?\n<krabador> che sistema operativo hai ?\n<ador> win7\n<krabador> ador, prova a rifare la pendrive con unetbootin\n<ador> ho già usato sia \"universal usb installer\" che lili \"linux live usb creator\" ma niente\n<krabador> ador, prova unetbootin\n<ador> arrivo alla schermata che mi chiede se o voglio installare o provare, ma entrambi si boccano quando appare la schermata viola con la scritta ubuntu e i cinque pallini sotto che cambiano colore\n<krabador> ador, prova unetbootin\n<ador> ok\n<ador> dove mi dice \"space used to preservd files across reboots\" cosa devo scrivere?\n<akis24> ador: ignoralo\n<dany_> ciao ragazzi\n<dany_> prima ero andato dove si parlava in inglese, ora è giusto\n<krabador> dany_, chiedi\n<dany_> si\n<dany_> ho installato ubuntustudio perchè compongo musica ma non riesco a far suonare la tastiera muta con i programmi inclusi\n<dany_> di ubuntustudio\n<krabador> dany_, sicuro che la tastiera sia compatibile con linux?\n<dany_> la tastiera è una UMA25S della behringer\n<dany_> con hydrogen ha suonato\n<krabador> dany_, apri il terminale, e manda lsusb\n<krabador> dany_, allora dipende dal supporto interno del singolo programma\n<dany_> ma hydrogen non ha synt\n<krabador> dany_, prova in ardour,\n<dany_> aspe che è da poco che sto provando linux!!!!!\n<dany_> devo scrivere solo lsusb?\n<dany_> fatto\n<krabador> pastebin | dany_\n<dany_> Bus 001 Device 004: ID 148f:3070 Ralink Technology, Corp. RT2870/RT3070 Wireless Adapter\n<dany_> Bus 001 Device 003: ID 18a5:0302 Verbatim, Ltd 32GB Flash Drive\n<dany_> Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub\n<dany_> Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub\n<dany_> Bus 004 Device 004: ID 08bb:2902 Texas Instruments PCM2902 Audio Codec\n<dany_> cos'è sto pastebin? dove lo trovo'\n<dany_> ?\n<krabador> !pastebin | dany_\n<krabador> dany_, aspetta\n<krabador> dany_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/\n<krabador> dany_, è attaccata la tastiera?\n<dany_> si si\n<dany_> ho incollato elenco in pastebin ed ora?\n<krabador> clicca paste\n<krabador> e incolla qui il link\n<krabador> poi\n<dany_> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7502969/\n<krabador> dany_, Bus 004 Device 003: ID 1397:01b4 BEHRINGER International GmbH\n<krabador> la keyboard viene vita\n<krabador> vista\n<krabador> è una questione dei singoli software host\n<dany_> ok, quindi un programma (non dico ai livelli di cubase che uso su windows) tu sai qualche nome?\n<dany_> per comporre?\n<krabador> dany_, su linux c'è ardour\n<krabador> che attualmente usano in diversi studi di registrazione\n<krabador> supporta mediamente i vst\n<krabador> dany_, lmms\n<krabador> un'altro studio\n<dany_> devo impostare però i driver..alsa,...\n<krabador> dany_, http://rafalcieslak.wordpress.com/2012/08/29/usb-midi-controllers-and-making-music-with-ubuntu/\n<krabador> dany_, linux per suonare ha jack\n<dany_> ok grazie buona serata\n<krabador> dany_, devi impostare quello\n<krabador> dany_, aspetta un attimo\n<dany_> si\n<krabador> dany_, http://linux-sound.org/\n<krabador> dany_, http://www.linux-audio.org/\n<krabador> dany_,\n<dany_> audio system ho solo JACK- driver mi da ALSA,.oss,dummy...\n<krabador> dany_, http://ardour.org/\n<krabador> dany_, jack è il protocollo audio piu' indicato per suonare\n<krabador> usato alla grande anche da interfacce focusrite, su linux\n<dany_> provo\n<dany_> è a pagamento vedo\n<krabador> non è a pagamento\n<krabador> dany_, terminale\n<krabador> dany_, sudo apt-cache search ardour\n<dany_> fatto ok\n<krabador> dany_, che risultato hai avuto ?\n<dany_> non vedo segnale in entrata\n<krabador> dany_, http://wiki.linuxaudio.org/apps/start\n<dany_> quando premo i tasti della tastiera muta\n<krabador> dany_, \"non vedo segnale in entrata\" da cosa?\n<dany_> in ardour\n<krabador> dany_, scusami, se hai esperienza con cubase, sai di dover andare ad impostare il device all'interno del programma\n<dany_> certo certo\n<krabador> dany_, lo hai fatto in ardour ?\n<krabador> http://wiki.linuxaudio.org/apps/start\n<Tanalitu> krabador, ciao. Ieri sera mi stavi aiutando con l'installazione di Ubuntu. Ho provato con Ubuntu 14.04, in \"nomodeset\", ma nulla. Fa qualche passo in più, nel senso che riesco più o meno ad arrivare alla scelta del download degli aggiornamenti e dei software di terze parti, ma poi si impalla.\n<krabador> Tanalitu, mi ripeti per favore le caratteristiche del pc?\n<krabador> Tanalitu, con precisione\n<Tanalitu> CPU Intel Pentium D 3.4 Ghz 32bit - Ram DDR2 1024x2 - Scheda madre: AsRock, 775dual-vsta - Scheda grafica: NVIDIA GeForce 6600 128MB - HDD: WD 1.0TB\n<krabador> Tanalitu, fa ripartire la live di ubuntu 14.04 , seleziona nomodeset, ma scegli prova ubuntu senza installare\n<Tanalitu> krabador, provato anche quello. Si impalla.\n<krabador> Tanalitu, dovresti dirmi cosa ti appare,nel verbose\n<Tanalitu> krabador, il verbose sarebbe la tabella con tutti i valori che appare sul desktop?\n<Tanalitu> krabador, il verbose sarebbe la tabella con tutti i valori che appare sul desktop?\n<krabador> Tanalitu, praticamente , quando selezioni \"prova ubuntu senza installare\" aspetti un attimo e premi un tasto freccia\n<krabador> tipo la freccia destra\n<krabador> ti appare il processo di caricamento testuale\n<Tanalitu_> krabador, scusa. E' saltata la corrente e non sono riuscito a leggere. Il verbose sarebbe quella tabella iniziale?\n<krabador> <krabador> Tanalitu, praticamente , quando selezioni \"prova ubuntu senza installare\" aspetti un attimo e premi un tasto freccia\n<krabador> <krabador> tipo la freccia destra\n<krabador> <krabador> ti appare il processo di caricamento testuale\n<Tanalitu_> krabador, sì, e cosa devo segnarmi?\n<krabador> tutto quello che ti dice\n<krabador> in particolar modom\n<krabador> quando si blocca\n<Tanalitu_> ah, okkey. Ci provo!\n<Tanalitu> krabador, allora. Mi ero dimenticato di specificare che facedo \"prova ubuntu\", arriva fino al desktop. Ma dopo pochi secondi, si blocca. Quindi non si blocca nel loading.\n<Tanalitu> krabador, comunque ho le scritte che dicevi\n<Tanalitu> krabador, ho messo il video delle scritte su youtube perché erano troppe da trascrivere. Ecco il link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwf0pIfPUZI\n<krabador> Tanalitu, ti parte\n<krabador> allora da li\n<krabador> devi aprire ilterminale\n<krabador> e mandare il comando dell'installer\n<krabador> in modo che se hai problemi te li visualizza\n#ubuntu-it 2014-05-23\n<jester-> 'ngiorno\n<ghigomatto> giorno a tutti\n<ghigomatto> ho un sistema ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server, su cui devo implementare un servizio sftp utilizzando vsftpd\n<ghigomatto> Il punto è che non riesco ad usare un utente locale per accedere al sistema in sftp e fare ciò che voglio all'interno della home-dir che ho deciso dovrà essere in jail (tramite vsftpd)\n<ghigomatto> Insomma, non riesco a mettere in jail l'utenza (locale) utilizzando le direttive di vsftpd\n<ghigomatto> Qualcuno sa come aiutarmi?\n<icest0rm> ciao a tutti\n<icest0rm> qualche anima pia che mi può dare una mano con configurazioni di nvidia/x e compagnia bella?\n<jester-> icest0rm: cioè?\n<icest0rm> provo a spiegare\n<icest0rm> sul portatile (un dell e6520 con scheda integrata nvidia e intel) ho installato ubuntu 14.04\n<icest0rm> lo tengo solitamente sulla docking station\n<icest0rm> e fine a qualche giorno fa tutto ok\n<icest0rm> riuscivo a pilotare i miei 3 monitor esterni\n<jester-> icest0rm: hai installato qualche driver?\n<icest0rm> dopo una blanda configurazione fatta con gnome-monitor\n<icest0rm> sto usando il driver nvidia-331\n<icest0rm> con nvidia-primus\n<jester-> icest0rm: hai installato nvidia-prime\n<remix_tj> ghigomatto: sftp o ftp-ssl?\n<icest0rm> si jester\n<icest0rm> prime scusa\n<jester-> icest0rm: pare che primus sia instabile e che sia da preferire bumblebee-nvidia\n<jester-> che usa il 304\n<ghigomatto> remix_tj: sftpd\n<remix_tj> ghigomatto: sftp = ftp via ssh, ftp-ssl = ftp sicuro. se usi vsftpd puoi usare solo quest'ultimo\n<icest0rm> mmm\n<icest0rm> eppure funzionava tutto correttamente, avevo solo qualche bega quando toglievo dalla docking e lo rimettevo\n<ghigomatto> remix_tj: di fatto vorrei contattare il server vsftpd in porta 22 con una connessione ssh....di fatto questo vorrei, e vorrei che l'utente in questione possa spostarsi solo dentro la propria home, ho provato anche con rshell, ma è troppo restrittiva.\n<icest0rm> ma un riavvio e tornava ok, adesso invece non si ripiglia più\n<remix_tj> ghigomatto: allora ti serve sftp e non va bene vsftpd. Quello che ti serve è questo: http://www.howtoforge.com/restricting-users-to-sftp-plus-setting-up-chrooted-ssh-sftp-debian-squeeze\n<icest0rm> nessuno ha idee?\n<ghigomatto> remix_tj: funzia anche con ubuntu 12.04 LTS? ( immagino di si...)\n<remix_tj> ghigomatto: certo\n<jester-> icest0rm: hai letto sopra?\n<ghigomatto> vedo che richiede openssh-server\n<icest0rm> si di bumblebee...ma io non un problema di gestione di nvidia/intel\n<icest0rm> devo farle andare assieme per pilotare i 3 monitor\n<jester-> icest0rm segare xorgf.conf e rifarlo con nvidia-settings?\n<icest0rm> già fatto\n<icest0rm> ma 1. nvidia-settings non vede la scheda intel\n<icest0rm> quindi sarebbe monco\n<icest0rm> e 2. anche integrandolo, non ho ottenuto risultati soddisfacenti\n<jester-> icest0rm: non deve vedere la intel\n<icest0rm> e perché no?\n<icest0rm> io devo pilotare 3 monitor\n<icest0rm> 2 sono agganciati alla nvidia, 1 alla intel\n<jester-> perchè paciocca il driver invidia\n<jester-> icest0rm: comunque qualcosa hai fatto se prima andava e poi no\n<icest0rm> si\n<icest0rm> succedeva che quando toglievo il portatile dalla docking station e poi lo rimettevo\n<icest0rm> la config non andava correttamente....ma con un riavvio tornava ok\n<jester-> quindi?\n<icest0rm> questa volta invece niente...riesco a vedere i 3 monitor, ma quello centrale è come se fosse in panning\n<icest0rm> anche xrandr dice che è in modalità panning\n<icest0rm> e non riesco a disabilitargliela\n<icest0rm> devo avere 3 monitor indipendenti, invece da quello centrale se mi sposto a lato l'immagine shifta\n<jester-> icest0rm: ma hai fatto qualcosa prima o no\n<icest0rm> e sul 3° non riesco a posizionare finestre\n<jester-> si è scassato da sola di notte a pc spento\n<icest0rm> jester: scollegando il notebook dalla docking la config cambiava in automatico per far andare il monitor interno\n<icest0rm> ricollegandolo non sempre si ripigliava la config giusta\n<ghigomatto> remix_tj: per ora grazie, provo a vedere che succede e farò sapere.\n<icest0rm> tutto questo lo faceva in automatico ubuntu, senza interventi manuali\n<jester-> icest0rm: e 4 hai modificato qualcosa cercando di ovviare?\n<icest0rm> quando al riavvio non è tornato alla solita config ho provato a vedere i vari tool (nvidia-settings, gnome-monitor-settings, xrandr) per vedere se riuscivo a riportare la situazione allo standard, ma non ci sono più riuscito\n<icest0rm> ed è sempre andato da quando ho installato la 14.04 la prima volta...mah..\n<jester-> icest0rm: che tipo di intel monta il pc\n<icest0rm> intel gm900 mi pare\n<icest0rm> integrata nel chipset\n<jester-> icest0rm: lspci | grep -i vga\n<icest0rm> 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)\n<icest0rm> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF119M [NVS 4200M] (rev a1)\n<Vale> ciao sapete come mai wine gira su driver xorg mentre se metto i driver nativi testati non parte?\n<jester-> icest0rm: cancella .nvidia-setting-rc  e il file nsacosto relativo al gnomesticass nella home o in .config\n<jester-> icest0rm: rinomina /etc/X11/xorg.conf se esiste\n<icest0rm> gnomesticass quale sarebbe?\n<icest0rm> ;)\n<jester-> i tool che hai usato\n<jester-> gnome-monitor-settings\n<icest0rm> è quello del control center\n<icest0rm> per la configurazione del monitor\n<icest0rm> non so dove scrive\n<icest0rm> probabilmente il monitor.xml\n<jester->  nella home da qualche parte\n<jester-> !unityreset | fai anche\n<ubot-it> fai anche: per resettare unity alle impostazioni di partenza, premi alt+f2 (o apri un terminale) e digita: unity --reset | Da Ubuntu 12.10 in avanti: sudo apt-get install dconf-tools esegui nel terminale:  dconf reset -f /org/compiz\n<icest0rm> ok\n<icest0rm> dconf reset -f /org/compiz\n<icest0rm> fatto\n<icest0rm> e il resto anche\n<icest0rm> adesso...riavvio?\n<jester-> yess\n<icest0rm> ok...ci vediamo dopo...sperem ben\n<icest0rm> rieccomi...\n<sahadow91> come  faccio  a  far  rilevare  una  chiavetta  tim  olicard  145   su  lubuntu?\n<jester-> alura?\n<icest0rm> niente si è ripristinato il tutto\n<icest0rm> ma il monitor centrale\n<jester-> sahadow91: se compatibile la rileva\n<icest0rm> fa ancora panning\n<icest0rm> se vado verso destra l'immagine shift a sinistra verso il monitor di sinistra\n<icest0rm> che caz..\n<jester-> icest0rm: vedi se ti fa downgradare il driver intel\n<jester-> icest0rm: installa synaptic e fallo da li\n<icest0rm> perché quello intel?\n<jester-> se non hai fatto altro potrebbe essere un aggiornamento del driver farlocco\n<jester-> icest0rm: perchè in teoria se non serve il 3d usa l'intel\n<icest0rm> m'immagino che usi entrambe le schede\n<jester-> icest0rm: hai provato a togliere prime e il 331 e poi installare bobmali?\n<icest0rm> la nvidia pilota i due monitor ad essa collegati\n<icest0rm> e la intel l'altro..\n<icest0rm> no bumblebee no...perché mi funzionava questa config e non capisco perché non va più...ma eventualmente farò un tentativo...\n<jester-> icest0rm: il meccanismo dovrebbe essere che per usi normali usa intel per uso grafico impegnativo passa a nvidia\n<jester-> questo è la logica della doppia scheda\n<icest0rm> si questo se uno usa bumblebee o nvidia prime per disattivare una o l'altra scheda\n<icest0rm> ma nel mio caso\n<icest0rm> non può usare intel per pilotare le uscite collegate alla nvidia\n<icest0rm> per quelle hardwired sulla nvidia usa la nvidia e epr quelle hardwired sull'intel usa l'intel\n<jester-> icest0rm: allora disattiva la intel nel bios se possibie e togli prime\n<jester-> icest0rm: quindi e uscite video sono sulla nvidia?\n<icest0rm> oh mio dio\n<ExPBoy> si ma quante sono?\n<icest0rm> non mi spiego?\n<icest0rm> la nvidia pilota le due porte DVI\n<icest0rm> della docking\n<ExPBoy> eh\n<icest0rm> la intel pilota la VGA e la HDMI\n<icest0rm> quindi\n<jester-> ne ha 3 di solito hdmi vga e dcvi\n<ExPBoy> quindi 2 monitor\n<icest0rm> se io voglio usare due DVI e una VGA\n<icest0rm> come sto facendo\n<icest0rm> devo avere entrambe le schede attiva\n<icest0rm> due monitor li pilota la nvidia e l'altro l'intel\n<jester-> icest0rm: mi sa cha hai fatto casino con le uscite\n<icest0rm> che casino jester?\n<icest0rm> quelle sono\n<icest0rm> mica si può cambiare niente\n<jester-> icest0rm: la mia nvidia ha 3 uscite\n<jester-> hdmi dvi e vga\n<ExPBoy> pure la mia\n<ExPBoy> ne uso 2 (non mi servono 3 monitor)\n<jester-> icest0rm: pare logico che se uno sta sulla intel non centra con i 2 che stanno sulla nvidia\n<ExPBoy> icest0rm: usa le tre uscite e risolvi il problema\n<jester-> metti il tezzo pure sulla invidia\n<icest0rm> forse non tenete di conto che c'è la docking\n<icest0rm> che replica le porte\n<icest0rm> io non sto collegando i monitor al portatile\n<icest0rm> ma alla docking station\n<jester-> icest0rm: il principio è sempre lo stesso\n<jester-> icest0rm: lsmod | grep nvidia\n<icest0rm> ti assicuro che la nvidia non pilota 3 uscite contemporaneamente\n<jester-> c'è?\n<icest0rm> c'è scritto dovunque\n<jester-> icest0rm: come no\n<jester-> weltall: ne ha 4 e le usa\n<jester-> mi pare\n<jester-> weltall: hai mica che tu un dell?\n<weltall> 4 sono pilotate è la feature che vende del kepler\n<weltall> se hai optimus puoi gestirne anche di più di monitor\n<weltall> 2 sono dati all'intel\n<weltall> e il resto all'nvidia\n<jester-> si ma optimus bombali non è figo\n<weltall> io cmq uso 3 monitor\n<icest0rm> guarda qua\n<icest0rm> http://negativo17.org/complex-setup-with-nvidia-optimus-nouveau-prime-on-fedora-19-2/\n<icest0rm> questo è il wiring di un dell e6430\n<jester-> icest0rm: che centra fedora\n<icest0rm> LVDS (Internal panel)\tIntel\n<icest0rm> VGA (not usable along with the docking station one)\tIntel\n<icest0rm> VGA (Docking station)\tIntel\n<icest0rm> DVI\tNvidia\n<icest0rm> DVI (Docking station)\tNvidia\n<ExPBoy> bho\n<icest0rm> scusate\n<weltall> ovviamente si parla di windows\n<weltall> linux good luck :D\n<icest0rm> ^\n<icest0rm> ?\n<ExPBoy> lol\n<weltall> configurazioni video particolari su linux sono masochismo puro\n<icest0rm> il link era solo per far vedere come erano collegate le uscite alle schede\n<icest0rm> non per altro\n<jester-> hihihi\n<weltall> io già devo staccare tutti i monitor e riattaccarli tutte le volte che accedo al desktop su linux\n<weltall> :D\n<weltall> e non mi vede la vga se non gli dico \"mi guardi che monitor ho attaccato?\"\n<weltall> io ho optimus opzionale ho una configurazione molto diversa\n<weltall> e su linux tengo sempre optimus off\n<weltall> visto che è un disastro totale\n<weltall> non posso disinstallare mezzo x e reinstallarlo ogni santa volta XD\n<weltall> che voglio cambiare config\n<weltall> poi dire che una scheda nvidia pilota solo 3 uscite è sbagliato a prescindere\n<weltall> nvidia vende dei prodotti quadro che puntano ad avere molti monitor\n<weltall> vengono usati principalmente in finanza o in centri di controllo (eg: centrali elettriche)\n<alfio> ciao amici ho un problema con il programma fsi arena mi chiede java ma non so cosa fare?\n<ParaPyconit> alfio: installalo :D\n<krabador> alfio, che ubuntu?\n<alfio> ho gia' scaricato java\n<alfio> 14.04\n<alfio> forse dovrei autorizzare l'utilizzo ma come?\n<krabador> alfio, sudo apt-get install icedtea-7-plugin java7-jdk java7-runtime\n<alfio> come?\n<alfio> krabador dimmi come devo fare\n<krabador> alfio, apri il terminale\n<krabador> alfio, copia ed incolla quel comando\n<krabador> e premi invio\n<alfio> krabador sei un grande\n<alfio> tutto ok sono entrato\n<alfio> ciao\n<alfio> e grazie\n<krabador> di niente\n<dany_> buongiorno a tutti\n<shadow91> ciao  non  riesco  a  fare  una  reinstallazione\n<shadow91> se  inserisco  il  cd  di  lubuntu  per  esempio    dopo  aver  inserito  la  lingua    si  blocca  con  striscia  rossa   sopra  lo schermo\n<shadow91> come  risolvo?\n<ParaPyconit> krabador: perchè a me non danno retta? gh\n<shadow91> ????\n<krabador> shadow91, processore / ram / scheda video del pc ?\n<krabador> lubuntu quale ?\n<jester-> shadow91: inserisci pure nomodeset da tasto F6\n<krabador> si, se accade al menu del boot del cd, premi f6 come dice jester- , seleziona nomodeset, e manda una delle opzioni \"prova \" o \" installa\"\n<shadow91> volevo  reinstallare  ubuntu    e  avevo  provato  con    il  live  usb senza  riuscirci\n<shadow91> krabador: Intel® Core™2 CPU E8500 @ 3.16GHz × 2    4gb  di  ram    nvidia  geforce  8400gs\n<jester-> serve nomodeset\n<jester-> shadow91: e sempre che il cd non sia farlocco, controlla md5sum della iso\n<jester-> !md5sum | shadow91\n<ubot-it> shadow91: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Md5Sum\n<shadow91> ok\n<shadow91> mi sapreste  dire   cosa  significa  questo:[5.212143 usb 6-1 device  not  accepting  andress 5 error -71  ]\n<shadow91> [5.212392] hub 6-0:1.0  unable to  enumerate usb device  on  port  1\n<shadow91> ???\n<shadow91> ????\n<sin___> hola!volevo togliere la sessione ospite ma non mi riconosce più niente.ubuntu 13.10\n<cristian_c> sin___, spiegati meglio\n<sin___> allora ho modificato il file lightdm.conf come da guide trovate in rete:( alla riaccensione non mi riconosce nulla\n<sin___> ci sentiamo tra un pò\n<dulcinea> ciao a tutti, chiedo suppurto per installazione stampante su ubuntu 14.04\n<jester-> dulcinea: quale\n<dulcinea> mi correggo: è lo scanner a non funzionare\n<dulcinea> epson stylus sx230\n<jester-> che moello\n<jester-> modello\n<cristian_c> dulcinea, via usb?\n<dulcinea> si\n<jester-> ma perchè comprate hw non linux digeribile\n<ExPBoy> dulcinea:  http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/viewtopic.php?p=4189103\n<ExPBoy> qui pare abbiano risolto\n<jester-> dulcinea: se non c'è qui la vedo dura http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/StampantiScanner/EpsonMulti\n<dulcinea> il primo link già provato, ma non trovo le sezioni indicate\n<dulcinea> il secondo: guardo ora\n<salvo94> salve a tutti mi serve aiuto\n<ExPBoy> !aiuto\n<ubot-it> per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<salvo94> ho installato da poco ubuntu 14.04 lts senza una partizzione windows,quindi di conseguenza c'è solo ubuntu...ora il problema e che io non so come usarlo etc vorrei aiuto da voi esperti su come usarlo al meglio e aggiornarlo a meglio\n<cristian_c> salvo94, sul sito di ubuntu c'è il tour\n<cristian_c> e una panoramica\n<cristian_c> per il resto, c'è il wiki\n<cristian_c> !documentazione\n<ubot-it> Documentazione ufficiale http://help.ubuntu-it.org - Documentazione della comunità http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Documentazione - Gruppo documentazione: pagina principale http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoDocumentazione\n<salvo94> grazie :) ora leggo tutto quello che mi interessa..\n<salvo94> un'altra cosa\n<salvo94> come installare giochi\n<salvo94> sto uscendo pazzo,tra video di youtube ecc\n<krabador> salvo94, allora, non si gioca su linux\n<krabador> salvo94, nel senso che molti giochi vanno con wine / playonlinux\n<krabador> molti non vanno\n<krabador> e non andranno mai\n<krabador> e molti vanno in parte\n<salvo94> ecco come faccio a installarli con wine??? c'è una guida non so :\\\n<salvo94> e una lista di giochi che potranno andare su linux\n<cristian_c> salvo94, se i giochi sono soltanto per windows, occorre usare wine e potendo playonlinux, come ti  stato detto\n<salvo94> ma io già ho installato playonlinux e configurato wine\n<cristian_c> salvo94, ma stai parlando di giochi disponibili soltanto per winz?\n<Betim_> ciao a tutti! ieri sera ho aggiornato  Kubuntu e ho cambiato tema, ho riavviato il computer mi compare il simbolo che carica il programma e poi viene lo schermo nero si vede solamente la freccia e se entro come utente Guest funziona\n<jester-> per giochi winz va usato winz\n<cristian_c> eh\n<jester-> Betim_: rinomina la cartella .kde\n<ExPBoy> salvo94: non tutto gira sotto wine\n<ExPBoy> anzi... quasi niente\n<jester-> pretendere di giocare roba winz su linux è come voler carrozare la moto come la magana\n<ExPBoy> vabbhè\n<Betim_> panico! xD spiega un pò meglio\n<dulcinea> provata la rpocedure non trovo pipslite-cup\n<cristian_c> dulcinea, hai scaricato i driver dal sito epson?\n<dulcinea> si ma pipslite-cup proprio non c'è\n<cristian_c> Betim_, è una cartella nascosta nella tua home directory\n<cristian_c> dulcinea, quali driver hai scaricato?\n<dulcinea> ho provato con tutti e tre gli rpm disponibili x86\n<cristian_c> dulcinea, rpm?\n<cristian_c> ma non hai ubuntu?\n<dulcinea> la guida usa alien per farli deb\n<cristian_c> dulcinea, no, ci sono anche i deb\n<cristian_c> chi ti ha detto che non ci sono?\n<cristian_c> dulcinea, hai un sistema a 32 o 64 bit?\n<dulcinea> riprovo coi deb, dal più recente al più vecchio\n<cristian_c> dulcinea, scusa, e allora che c'entrano gli rpm?\n<cristian_c> se avevi già i dev\n<cristian_c> *deb\n<dulcinea> li ho già provati prima di chiedere in chat, in chat mi è stata indicata un'altra procedura e io la seguivo passo passo\n<cristian_c> dulcinea, spiegati meglio\n<cristian_c> avevi i deb e perché sei passato/a agli rpm?\n<dulcinea>  <jester-> dulcinea: se non c'è qui la vedo dura http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/StampantiScanner/EpsonMulti\n<jester-> perchè il trollaggio viene meglio\n<cristian_c> lol\n<cristian_c> dulcinea, ci sono i driver sul sito epson, non vedo il problema di scaricarli e installarli\n<cristian_c> anche in winz si scaricano i driver dal sito e si installano\n<dulcinea> se aggiungi che il pc deve essere acceso ho tutti gli elementi... devo essere pazza a rivolgermi alla chat...\n<cristian_c> infatti non ho capito sta cosa degli rpm\n<cristian_c> sul sito ci sono i deb\n<cristian_c> si scaricano per il proprio modello iscan e iscan-data e li si installa con doppio clic\n<sin___> arihola!come posso entrare nel so copo aver modificato lightdm.conf?\n<sin___> mi siego meglio:volevo togliere la sessione ospite e,segundo le gui9de in rete ho modificato il file lightdm.conf.alla riaccensionenon mi fa più entrare e mi disattiva il monitor\n<jester-> sin___: installa gdm mettilo a defualt quando chiede e vivi in pace\n<sin___> mi devi aiutare passo passo:)\n<jester-> e un'altra volta fatti un backup dei file di sistema pria di taroccarli\n<dulcinea> tralacio questione deb/rpm che siamo in una empasse. se lancio questo comando: sudo /usr/share/pipslite/rc.d/inst-rc_d.sh install restituisce comando non trovato\n<sin___> il backup ce l'ho,ma il problema è come entrare\n<jester-> sin___: fai da shell\n<jester-> contro-alt-F2\n<jester-> e dai startx\n<jester-> se non parte ripristini il file a mano da riga di comando\n<sin___> si\n<sin___> spe che sto col notebook\n<jester-> anzi prima dai: sudo service lightdm stop\n<jester-> poi startx\n<cristian_c> dulcinea, davvero, non so se stai trollando\n<cristian_c> dulcinea, la soluzione è semplice: scarica i driver giusti e li installi\n<cristian_c> finito\n<Betim_> ragazzi scusa per la mia ignoranza, ma io sono nella home del profilo Guest e non riesco a trovare la benedetta cartella da rinominare .kde, come faccio a trovarla?!?!?\n<Betim_> fattemi un tutorial scritto please!!\n<dulcinea> allora, mi sono rivolta alla chat dopo aver installato i driver deb ed aver visto che lo scanner non era visibile. il chat, jester mi ha indicato un forum che proponeva la procedura con gli rpm e io l'ho seguita passo passo, ma continua a non vedere lo scanner, la stampante si\n<dulcinea> non so cosa vuol dire trollare\n<jester-> Betim_: parti in ripristino, arrivi al menu, abiliti la rete/nework o non monta il fs in scrittura, vai in root, mv .kde .kde.bak, exit per tornare al menu, avvio normale\n<cristian_c> dulcinea, se ci sono i deb, gli rpm non servono a niente\n<sin___> mi dice stop unknown instance\n<dulcinea> ok. dillo a chi mi ha detto di seguire quella procedura.\n<installing20> salve\n<jester-> sin___: fai il resto\n<jester-> sin___: sudo apt-get install gdm\n<installing20> sto cercando di installare lubuntu ma mi dice che ho meno di 4 giga liberi per proseguire con l'installazione\n<installing20> in verità ho 32 giga\n<cristian_c> dulcinea, disinstalla i deb convertiti da rpm\n<dulcinea> non li ha installati perchè aveva già trovato i miei driver deb precedenti\n<cristian_c> dulcinea, apri un terminale\n<jester-> installing20: usando tutto il disco?\n<dulcinea> già\n<cristian_c> sin___, non seguire guide online prese a caso sul web\n<dulcinea> già aperto\n<cristian_c> se non sai quel che stai facendo\n<sin___> lo soooooooo!\n<sin___> mai più\n<sin___> cosa è gdm?\n<cristian_c> !info gdm\n<ubot-it> gdm (source: gdm): Next generation GNOME Display Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.8.4-0ubuntu2 (saucy), package size 713 kB, installed size 6048 kB\n<jester-> sin___: il cuggino di lightdm\n<cristian_c> ihihih\n<cristian_c> dulcinea, digita: dpkg -l | grep scan\n<cristian_c> dulcinea, risultato su pastebin\n<sin___> sono arrivato alla scelta del disp manager vado con gdm? sicuri,l'accendo?\n<jester-> sin___: certo, mettilo a default\n<sin___> fatto\n<jester-> sin___: riavvia\n<sin___> ok\n<dulcinea> cosa devo fare dopo aver digitato?\n<jester-> !paste | dulcinea\n<ubot-it> dulcinea: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<cristian_c> uhm\n<jester-> ehmm\n<sin___> si è fermato alla pagina dove carica il so ..non va avanti ...\n<dulcinea> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7505288/\n<jester-> sin___: se non arriva al login hai azzoppato il sistema non solo lightdm\n<jester-> !ripristino | sin___\n<ubot-it> sin___: Per ripristinare un sistema danneggiato: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/RipristinoInstallazione\n<sin___> non perdo i dati vero?\n<cristian_c> dulcinea, non li hai presi dal sito quei driver\n<jackbrown> salve qualcuno sa come abilitare l'audoo HDMI Su ubuntu 14 ?\n<jester-> sin___: se segui la guida no, ma un backup della home andrebbe fatto ogni tanto\n<jester-> jackbrown: con scheda video?\n<jackbrown> jester-: N56VZ Nvitia GT650M\n<jackbrown> Nvidia\n<jackbrown> laptop ASUS\n<sin___> ma il bckup è nel disco a cui devo accedere e dove èil so\n<jester-> jackbrown: hai installato il driver invidia da driver aggiuntivi?\n<nonsaprei_> conoscete qualche programma simile a pastedebian per immagini?\n<jester-> sin___: so frega un tubo che frega è la tua home\n<jester-> o parte della home\n<jackbrown> jester-: certo\n<cristian_c> dulcinea, sul sito ci sono i 1.28.0-2\n<jester-> jackbrown: 331?\n<cristian_c> ii  iscan-data                                            1.28.0-3                                            all          Image Scan! for Linux data files\n<cristian_c> tu hai questi\n<jackbrown> jester-: si\n<dulcinea> cosa devo fare?\n<jester-> jackbrown: setta l'uscita voce\n<jackbrown> ?\n<jackbrown> jester-: non appare l'opzione HDMI output\n<jackbrown> nelle opzioni audio\n<jackbrown> anche quando collego l'hdmi\n<jester-> jackbrown: nelle impostazioni audio canale uscita\n<jackbrown> jester-: si appare solo l'audio del portatile\n<jester-> jackbrown: installa pavucontrol e controlla con quello\n<jackbrown> ok\n<jester-> jackbrown: e devi avere in moto un qualcosa che parla o suona\n<jackbrown> ok\n<jester-> tipo un mp3 o video\n<cristian_c> dulcinea, io non sono sicuro tu abbia scaricato i driver dal sito\n<jackbrown> jester-: non esce vedo sol  Altoparlanti interni\n<jackbrown> uscita analogica\n<cristian_c> non corrispondono\n<jackbrown> cuffie analogiche jester-\n<cristian_c> dulcinea, qui i driver: http://download.ebz.epson.net/dsc/du/02/DriverDownloadInfo.do?LG2=IT&CN2=&DSCMI=27729&DSCCHK=801a788309d0a4d5d559efd6cb1d7a5491b11266\n<jester-> jackbrown: quindi non vede uscita hdmi? a me si\n<jackbrown> jester-: no però non ho nulla collegato alla porta HDMI adesso\n<jester-> jackbrown: lol\n<jackbrown> jester-: non dovrebbe apparire lo stesso ? mi dice Cuffie analogiche (unplugged)\n<jackbrown> cioè mi vede anche gli output scollegati\n<cristian_c> dulcinea, tra l'altro non hai risposto quando ti ho chiesto se hai sistema a 32 o 64 bit\n<jester-> appare quello che è operativo\n<jester-> se stacchi il mic per es sparisce\n<dulcinea> 64\n<cristian_c> dulcinea, iscan_2.29.3-1~usb0.1.ltdl7_amd64.deb\n<jackbrown> jester-: ok devo provare collegadno all'hdmi allora ?\n<cristian_c> dulcinea, e iscan-data_1.28.0-2_all.deb\n<jester-> jackbrown: mi pare logico\n<jackbrown> jester-: ok jester grazie pauvcontrol è molto completo, esiste un modo per renderlo predefinito ?\n<jester-> jackbrown: è una semplice gui per impostare\n<jackbrown> ok grazie provo\n<dulcinea> errore. è già installata una versione più recente\n<cristian_c> dulcinea, io non so cos'hai fatto\n<cristian_c> ma secondo dovresti ripristinare e seguire le indicazioni giuste, stavolta\n<cristian_c> *me\n<dulcinea> come faccio?\n<dulcinea> a ripristinare intendo\n<dulcinea> mi si è piantato il pc, ho perso la soluzione al mio problema con lo scanner?\n<jester-> hai perso cristiano_c\n<jester-> * cristian_c has quit (Quit: Sto andando via)\n<dulcinea> mi aveva detto di seguirlo...\n<jester-> dulcinea: a sapere dove è andato e se ti era a portata\n<dulcinea> mi comprava uno scanner che poteva aiutarmi ad installare?\n<jester-> dulcinea: dipende da come sarebbe andato l'iseguiemnto\n<sin___> come faccio a capire quale vrsione ho?\n<dulcinea> ma qualcuno può spiegarmi come disinstallare i driver ed installare quelli giusti?\n<jester-> sin___: prendi l'ultima non necessariamente deve essere la stessa versione\n<jester-> al menu scegli tasto Fx altro\n<jester-> cioè mode\n<sin___> ma sulla guida cè scritto che deve essere uguale.ho bisogno di fare un ripristino\n<jester-> è lo stesso\n<jester-> sin___: se non lo ai tuc he minghia hai installato\n<jester-> da recovery vai in root e dai: lsb-release -a\n<jester-> da recovery vai in root e dai: lsb_release -a\n<jester-> cin underscore\n<sin___> adesso sto con una chiavetta di prova 12.10 e sono all'interno del so c'è qualche file che mi indichi la versione?\n<jester-> sin___: /etc/lsb-release\n<sin___> da terminale\n<jester-> <sin___> adesso sto con una chiavetta di prova 12.10 e sono all'interno del so c'è qualche file che mi indichi la versione?\n<jester-> quindi?\n<sin___> se non ricordo male la vers-è 13.10\n<sin___> dove la posso scaricare?\n<jester-> andare col file manager a controllare il file?\n<Betim_> ragazzi sapete dirmi se esiste supporto tecnico per ubuntu via telefono?\n<lollo_> ciao ragazzi una domanda, ho kubuntu 12.04 posso installare kde 4.13?\n<dulcinea> c'è qualcuno che sa installare una epson stylus su ubuntu? e che ha voglia di spiegarmelo?\n<dulcinea> problema con  scanner epson stylus su ubuntu 14.04\n<sin___> e se faccio questo?http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/ModalitaDiRipristino\n<Red-XIII> ciao ragazzuoli\n<Red-XIII> ho un piccolo problema con il PC, non ho audio in cuffia... :(\n<lucas_> hi\n<Manveer> ciao\n<Manveer> i have a problem??\n<sin___> sto facendo la reinstallazione di ubuntu seguendo questa http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/RipristinoInstallazione .la mia home verrà mantenuta?\n<krabador> sin___, si, se segui il ripristino la home viene mantenuta\n<krabador> Red-XIII, quale ubuntu?\n<sin___> perchè sulla schermata c'è reinstalla e non aggiorna come sulla guida è lo stesso?\n<sin___> il so 13-10\n<Red-XIII> ciao krabador\n<Red-XIII> ubuntu 14.04 LTS\n<krabador> Red-XIII, sudo apt-get intsall alsa-utils alsa-tools\n<Red-XIII> proviamo! :D\n<krabador> Red-XIII, e poi alsa-mixer\n<Red-XIII> ok ok\n<krabador> da li vedi i livelli\n<Red-XIII> son tutti giusti, diciamo\n<krabador> Red-XIII, mandi per favore il pastebin del primo comando\n<krabador> ed un'immagine del secondo?\n<krabador> !pastebin | Red-XIII\n<ubot-it> Red-XIII: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<krabador> !imagebin | Red-XIII\n<ubot-it> Red-XIII: Vuoi mostrarci una schermata del tuo problema? Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<Red-XIII> il pastebin di sudo apt-get instal... ?\n<Red-XIII> qui l'img http://imagebin.org/311596\n<Red-XIII> krabador, con \"il primo comando\" che intendevi?\n<krabador> Red-XIII, quando premi f6 in alsa-mixer, che cosa succede?\n<Red-XIII> mi apre la selezione della scheda audio, credo\n<Red-XIII> sì, confermo\n<fra_dolcino> problema CUPS, non riesco più ad accedere alla pagina di amministrazione localhost:631/admin, con la mia user name e password\n<tommi> ho montato U.14.04 mi risulta lento sugg.\n<tommi> ciao a tutti\n<jester-> tommi: su che pc\n<tommi> jester; intel pentium(r)4 cpu 300 GHzx2\n<tommi> os 64 bit\n<|gonzo|> e che pretendi da un p4...\n<jester-> tommi: come pretendere che la nonna balli la rock acrobatico\n<jester-> tommi: hai almeno messo lubuntu?\n<tommi> si 14 04\n<jester-> tommi: lubuntu o ubuntu\n<tommi> ubuntu\n<jester-> la piu pesante, la nonna ballerebbe meglio con lubuntu\n<tommi> mai sentito vado a ricercsr grazie per adesso\n<jester-> tommi: http://www.ubuntu-it.org/ --> DERIVATE\n<tommi> jester: trovato scarico e monto tante grazie\n<Red-XIII> ragazzi, ero entrato qualche ora fa per il problema audio con il mio portatile, ma sono dovuto andare via repentinamente... :S chiedo scusa\n<Red-XIII> raga, non riesco a sentire niente se uso le cuffie... :(\n<jester-> installa pavucontrol e ualo per settare il canale uscita\n<jester-> usalo*\n<ilimeo> Salve\n<ilimeo> Ho da poco installato la 14.04 lts. Ho anche seguito le guide post installazione per i vari applicativi e componenti aggiuntivi. Mi è rimasto però un problema con l'applicazione youtube in quanto per la maggior parte dei video mi chiede di scaricare adobe flash player\n<ilimeo> come posso risolvere?\n<ilimeo> Vedendo i video da firefox o chrome invece funziona perfettamente!\n<teo_> ciao\n<spartacus_72> sera\n<teo_> non so perchè ma nn mi parte il download\n<teo_> quando provo a scaricare xubuntu\n<teo_> o qualsiasi altro software\n<jackbrown> salve qualcuno sa come si attiva l'audio HDMI su Ubuntu 14 ?\n<teo_> ???\n<Paradisee> ma io mi chiedo.........\n<Paradisee> ma google, lo usate mai?\n<spartacus_72> Paradisee, ;)\n<Paradisee> teo_: da che os sei\n<Paradisee> jackbrown: cercato su google prima?\n<jackbrown> Paradisee: si ma siccome l'ho appena installato pensavo dovesse già funzionare tutto e le guide trovate in rete sono vecchie quindi non volevo pasticciare\n<Paradisee> jackbrown: installato cosa\n<jackbrown> Paradisee: ubuntu 14\n<jackbrown> ho anche installato i driver nvidia consigliati per la mia scheda video da Ubuntu\n<jackbrown> quindi pensavo dovesse fuzionare già tutto\n<Paradisee> e chi ti ha detto quali erano\n<Paradisee> provato ad andare sul terminale e digitare: \"alsamixer\" ?\n<teo_> Paradise_: un vecchio xp\n<teo_> winzoz\n<Paradisee> teo_: e cosa vuol dire non ti parte il download\n<teo_> vuol dire che non me lo scarica\n<Paradisee> teo_: quanto tempo aspetti? da dove lo scarichi?\n<teo_> dal sito uffciale\n<teo_> sto ancora aspettando\n<teo_> da circa 20 minuti\n<spartacus_72> jackbrown, il problema sembra essere lo stesso della 13.04\n<jackbrown> spartacus_72: come lo risolvo?\n<spartacus_72> jackbrown, dai un occhio:http://www.lffl.org/2013/04/ubuntu-1304-e-laudio-hdmi-che-non.html\n<jackbrown> ok\n<spartacus_72> teo_, provare col torrent?\n<teo_> dal sito ufficiale sempre nada\n<filippo> raga salve ho disperato bisogno di aiuto\n<Paradisee> teo_: in che maniera lo scarichi\n<teo_> sto provando da torrentz\n<teo_> il torrent?? spunto la casella torrent e schiaccio download\n<Paradisee> sai cos'è un torrent?\n<spartacus_72> che client hai per i torrent?\n<teo_> mi è capitato di sentirne parlare e mi è capitato di scaricare un discreto numero di files dalla rete\n<filippo> ho 1 problema col notebook, allora praticamente da quando ho ubuntu sia che ho la versione 12, 13 o l'ultima, la batteria non va, sia che la batteria sia originale o cinese, praticamente una volta inserita il pc la legge, e carica tutto regolarmente, al momento di staccare l'alimentatore e quindi il pc va solo con la batteria, o c'è un crash con schermata nera e scritte, o solo si spegne lo schermo e il pc continua a funzionare, \n<spartacus_72> teo_, che client? bitorrent o cosa?\n<spartacus_72> bittorent**\n<teo_> u torrent\n<teo_> sto usando in questo momento\n<Paradisee> teo_: parte il download da microtorrent?\n<spartacus_72> teo_, ok,quando dau scarica,se lo prende utorrent?\n<teo_> si ma lo sto scaricando dal sito torrentz.eu\n<teo_> mi sarebbe piaciuto averlo da una fonte ufficiale\n<spartacus_72> teo_, basta controllare impronta md5\n<Paradisee> filippo: potresti essere piu chiaro?\n<spartacus_72> ma nn capisco perchè non riesci a scaricare dal sito ufficiale\n<teo_> ma neanche io\n<filippo> paradisee , piu chiaro in che senso? dimmi cosa vorresti sapere\n<teo_> non mi parte il download\n<teo_> davvero nn capisco\n<filippo> praticamente sono disperato. ho speso un casino di soldi in batterie ma niente.\n<spartacus_72> teo_, quale versione vuoi scaricare?\n<filippo> poi quando stacco l'alimentatore e rimane solo la batteria, lo schermo fa uno strano rumore e si abbassa la luminosità\n<Paradisee> filippo: rileggi la tua frase, e dimmi se è scritta per essere capita o meno\n<teo_> xubuntu 13.10 32bit\n<filippo> allora mi rispiego, fondamentalmente sul mio notebook la batteria fa crashare il laptop oppure spegne lo schermo.\n<filippo> volevo sapere a cosa potrebbe essere dovuto.\n<Paradisee> filippo: ti sei assicurato che la batteria venga caricata?\n<filippo> si è carica al 100%\n<Paradisee> con un tester magari\n<filippo> il notebook la riconosce e la carica perfettamente\n<spartacus_72> teo_, provato da qua: http://www.ubuntu-it.org/derivate/xubuntu\n<spartacus_72> ??\n<teo_> ok grazie ora provo poi ti faccio sapere\n<filippo> ma non è che il notebook crasha sempre, solo se stacco il cavo alimentatore.\n<filippo> per il resto va perfettamente se batteria e alimentatore sono insieme.\n<Paradisee> filippo: il pc si spenge o solo lo schermo?\n<teo_> omg arrivo da li\n<teo_> e niente\n<teo_> adesso riprovo\n<filippo> solo lo schermo diventa nero e il pc continua a funzionare, oppure certe volte alterna una schermata nera di crash con delle scritte bianche che se vuoi ti dico.\n<Paradisee> magari\n<filippo> e cmq fa uno strano rumore lo schermo appena stacco l'alimentatore...\n<filippo> tipo ssssssssss\n<spartacus_72> teo_, spiega meglio che succede quando clikki  su scarica\n<filippo> e si abbassa di luminosità.\n<Paradisee> quanti anni ha il pc\n<filippo> piu di 5 è molto malandato\n<filippo> potrebbe essere la scheda video vero?\n<filippo> che ormai è danneggiata no?\n<Paradisee> no\n<filippo> può essere che se installo windows funziona?\n<Paradisee> probabile le piste siano ossidate\n<filippo> per piste a cosa ti riferisci?\n<Paradisee> cosi su 2 piedi non so dirti nulla di piu\n<Paradisee> non avendo il computer davanti, non posso andare a caso\n<teo_> mi apre la pagina complimenti per il download e non succede niente\n<filippo> è un hp pavilion dv5\n<filippo> cmq le batterie sono sempre nuove e originali\n<filippo> di ottima qualità.\n<filippo> quindi il problema è o del pc o di ubuntu\n<Paradisee> non ti rimane che fare delle prove, o darci qualche informazione in piu\n<spartacus_72> teo_, la pagina è:complimenti stai per installare....poi clicca download,in altro a destra e ti porta alla pagina della varie versioni,32 e 64\n<filippo> ok ti dico cosa mi da la schermata nera quando crasha\n<filippo> mi da un kernel panic e 5 hardware error\n<Paradisee> filippo: riesci a dare un \"sudo apt-get update\"\n<filippo> fatto\n<Paradisee> ti da errori?\n<teo_> si poi scelgo la versione e non succede niente\n<filippo> no tutto liscio come l'olio\n<Paradisee> sudo apt-get dist-upgrade\n<spartacus_72> teo_, scegli kubuntu 32bit?\n<teo_> eh si quella era l'idea\n<teo_> xubuntu\n<spartacus_72> teo_, seleziona la casella download torrent\n<teo_> fatto iverse volte\n<spartacus_72> teo_, non parte utorrent?\n<Paradisee> teo_: che browser stai usando?\n<spartacus_72> già,o è il browser o è utorrent\n<spartacus_72> teo_, browser?\n<filippo> fatto\n<filippo> tutto liscio come l'olio paradisee\n<Paradisee> sudo apt-get update\n<filippo> fatto tutto liscio\n<spartacus_72> teo_, stiamo aspettando di sapere che diamine di browser usi\n<filippo> provo a staccare l'alimentatore?\n<teo_> scusate\n<Paradisee> filippo: no\n<teo_> un explorer vecchio\n<spartacus_72> teo_, ah ecco\n<Paradisee> teo_: cambia browser\n<teo_> enfatti\n<spartacus_72> teo_, scarica firefox\n<teo_> ci stavo pnsando\n<spartacus_72> e butta nel cesso ie\n<teo_> ovvio\n<filippo> l'altra volta ho aperto il notebook e la ram era in ottime condizioni anche.\n<filippo> io penso che sia qualcosa che abbia a che fare direttamente con lo schermo.\n<spartacus_72> filippo, a me con gli stessi sintomi era partita la retroilluminazione su un mini hp,nn so se sia il tuo caso,ma potrebbe\n<filippo> si penso sia così!!\n<Paradisee> filippo: dovresti postare un immagine precisa del kernel panic\n<filippo> xkè appena stacco l'alimentatore, lo schermo fa uno strano suono fastidioso\n<filippo> e diventa tipo opaco\n<filippo> si abbassa di luminosità, però sulle impostazioni la luminosità è sempre al massimo\n<spartacus_72> come faceva il mio\n<filippo> cmq ora ti mando la stringa del kernel panic\n<filippo> Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal machine check on current CPU\n<teo_> grazie per il supporto Spartacus_72 e Paradise\n<spartacus_72> teo_, di nulla\n<filippo> cosa centra ora la CPU boh...\n<ilimeo> nessuno sa aiutarmi per youtube?\n<Paradisee> ilimeo: non leggo la ua domanda\n<filippo> eh si penso proprio che ormai il pannello lcd sia andato e quindi la batteria da solo non lo regge più\n<Paradisee> filippo: ripeto, devi essere piu specifico con l'errore\n<Paradisee> i problemi possono essere molteplici\n<spartacus_72> filippo, hai modo di provare un altro schermo? la tv?\n<filippo> al momento no, cmq se dovesse andare su un altro schermo, la risposta è chiara vero?\n<filippo> pannello lcd andato giusto?\n<spartacus_72> filippo, ovvio\n<filippo> cioè non andato xkè con l'alimentatore va a meraviglia\n<filippo> come mai?\n<filippo> le batterie sono poco potenti?\n<spartacus_72> retroilluminazione\n<spartacus_72> 70 euro circa\n<filippo> cos'è la retroilluminazione?\n<filippo> mi spieghi xfavore\n<Paradisee> filippo: ripeto, per l'ennesima volta, ci sono molteplici kernel error, se non sei specifico, noi non ti possiamo aiutare\n<Paradisee> piuttosto porta il pc in assistenza\n<filippo> paradise ma piu specifico di cosi? c'è scritto solo quello nel kernel panic\n<filippo> non ce altro, poi ci sono gli hardware error e basta\n<spartacus_72> filippo, la retroill regola la luminosità dello schermo in condizioni di scarsa alimentazione,quindi potrebbe implicare anche la batteria\n<spartacus_72> filippo, procurati un altro schermo e verifica\n<filippo> quindi è x colpa della batteria che non è abbastanza potente?\n<filippo> xkè con l'alimentatore va bene?\n<Paradisee> io la mia l'ho data, fai come vuoi\n<filippo> questo vorrei capire.\n<spartacus_72> filippo, si,parrebbe di si,retro + batteria\n<spartacus_72> ma come suggerisce Paradisee il discorso è complesso\n<spartacus_72> filippo, la prima prova da fare è con altro schermo\n<filippo> giusto. ma sto pensando a come fare sta prova\n<spartacus_72> filippo, io all'epoca provai con la tv\n<spartacus_72> hai una uscita hd nel pc?\n<filippo> si ma questo è un hp pavilion dv5 non so se ha l'attacco forse si asp\n<ilimeo> Paradisee: è un po' più in alto... problemi con pùl'applicazione youtube\n<spartacus_72> credo di si\n<Paradisee> ilimeo: poni la domanda\n<Paradisee> non riesci a visualizzare video?\n<filippo> ho una porta con scritto\n<filippo> HDMI\n<spartacus_72> ok\n<filippo> è quella?\n<spartacus_72> filippo, trova un cavetto hd....decoder,ps3 etc\n<spartacus_72> e collegalo alla tv\n<filippo> la tv è lcd va bene?\n<spartacus_72> certo\n<spartacus_72> se ha ingresso hd\n<ParaCesso> brb toilet\n<filippo> ok provo, quindi se nella tv funziona lo schermo, posso andare a comprare un nuovo pannello per il notebook giusto?\n<ilimeo> Ho da poco installato la 14.04 lts. Ho anche seguito le guide post installazione per i vari applicativi e componenti aggiuntivi. Mi è rimasto però un problema con l'applicazione youtube in quanto per la maggior parte dei video mi chiede di scaricare adobe flash player.\n<spartacus_72> filippo, si\n<ilimeo> Vedendo i video da firefox o chrome invece funziona perfettamente!\n<filippo> ok grazie. proverò domani e vi farò sapere.\n<filippo> saluti e grazie\n<spartacus_72> ilimeo, che versione l'app?\n<spartacus_72> filippo, di nulla\n<ilimeo> spartacus_72: dove lo vedo?\n<spartacus_72> ilimeo, da synaptic\n<spartacus_72> gestore pacchetti\n<ilimeo> spartacus_72: 2.4.16\n<spartacus_72> ilimeo, si chiama sempre minitube?\n<spartacus_72> non ho la 14.04 io\n<ilimeo> unity-webapps-youtube 2.4.16+14.04.20140428-0ubuntu1\n<spartacus_72> hai provato ad aggiornare?\n<spartacus_72> ilimeo, quando hai installato la 14.04?\n<ilimeo> aggiornare cosa?\n<spartacus_72> il sistema\n<ilimeo> credo di si...\n<ilimeo> comunque domani vedo\n<ilimeo> ora chiudo\n<ilimeo> grazie del supporto\n<knaigerchrome1> ciao a tutti ho inserito un dvd noleggiato ma non me lo apre, mi compare nel launcher il programma dvd ma come schiaccio play mi da un messaggio di errore come posso risolvere?\n<knaigerchrome1> ho provato anche da vlc ma niente da fare\n<krabador> knaigerchrome1, devi installare libdvdcss\n<krabador> knaigerchrome1, sudo apt-get install libdvdread4\n<knaigerchrome1> ok ora provo grazie\n<krabador> sudo apt-get install libdvdread4\n<krabador> spetta\n<knaigerchrome1> ok\n<krabador> c'è un secondo comando\n<krabador> sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh\n<krabador> questo , installa libdvdcss, in presenza di libdvdread4\n<knaigerchrome1> quindi utilizzo anzi questo?\n<krabador> devi mandare prima il primo poi il secondo\n<krabador> entrambi li devi mandare\n<knaigerchrome1> ok provvedo subito\n<knaigerchrome1> ok funziona tutto grazie 1000 buona notte ;)\n<francesco_> savle\n<francesco_> salve\n<francesco_> ok\n<francesco_> ok\n<francesco_> e in linea?\n#ubuntu-it 2014-05-24\n<akis24> giorno\n<|17|Catenzo> Ciao a tutti! Ho trovato su internet questo canale irc, ma prima devo registrarmi su qualche forum?\n<cristian_c> |17|Catenzo, questa è la chat di supporto\n<cristian_c> ma non è l'unico strumento per ottenere aiuto\n<cristian_c> se uno vuole, usa il forum di supporto o la documentazione ufficiale più il wiki\n<|17|Catenzo> Qual è il forum di supporto?\n<enzotib> o Chiedi.ubuntu-it.org\n<cristian_c> !forum\n<ubot-it> forum is http://forum.ubuntu-it.org\n<cristian_c> !chiedi\n<ubot-it> per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<cristian_c> uhm\n<ExPBoy> lol\n<|17|Catenzo> Ok, ho aggiornato i driver della scheda grafica del mio pc, quando lo riavvio però non parte e mi lascia in una schermata nera in cui ho la possibilità di dare dei comandi. Che comando dovrei dare per farlo avviare?\n<cristian_c> |17|Catenzo, aggiornati?\n<|17|Catenzo> No, hai ragione, me li ha fatti installare come driver esterni al sistema o una cosa del genere\n<cristian_c> |17|Catenzo, spiegati meglio\n<|17|Catenzo> Ieri ho installato ubuntu per la prima volta, mi ha completato il tutto e poi mi ha detto che non erano presenti i driver per attivare la scheda grafica ad alte prestazioni. Mi ha proposto di scaricarli come software esterno (dicendo cioè che la quantità degli aggiornamenti non dipendeva da loro). Lo ho aggiornato e riavviato. Il pc mi è rimasto fermo in una sorta di schermata di avvio nero, in cui posso dare ordini alla mascchina. Nella dispera\n<ExPBoy> e che scheda grafica hai?\n<cristian_c> |17|Catenzo, software esterno?\n<ExPBoy> al limite driver proprietari\n<|17|Catenzo> Una ati readon, ma non ho idea di dove trovare il codice\n<ExPBoy> !ati\n<ubot-it> Guarda su http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/Video/#head-0682d007ecb9abbcbaaa161f1873e63f0597ac6e; Driver prorietari Catalyst: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/Video/Ati/Catalyst; Driver open source: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/Video/Ati/Radeon\n<|17|Catenzo> Li mi dice come installarli, e lo ho fatto il mio problema è che al riavvio non parte in automatico, prima mi caricava direttamente la pagina iniziale (tipo windows) invece ora mi fa la schermata di avvio in cui posso dargli per esempio sudo apt-get ma da cui non so come fare a farlo partire\n<cristian_c> |17|Catenzo, non ho capito di quale software parli\n<|17|Catenzo> Nessun software, me li ha fatti scaricare come driver aggiuntivi (scusa ma mentre lo facevo non avevo letto con attenzione)\n<akis24> |17|Catenzo: prova a dare  startx  vedi se si avvia la grafica o che risponde\n<|17|Catenzo> Mi dice: failed to load session \"gnome\"\n<|17|Catenzo> Ma non posso fare termina sessione perché non vedo il cursore del mouse\n<akis24> !ripristino |17|Catenzo:\n<ubot-it> 17|Catenzo:: Per ripristinare un sistema danneggiato: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/RipristinoInstallazione\n<|17|Catenzo> Ok, lo reinstallerò, grazie\n<cristian_c> |17|Catenzo, non è propriamente una reinstallazione\n<akis24> |17|Catenzo: non installare driver proprietari se va bene con gli open  oppure chiedi qui prima come fare\n<cristian_c> sopratutto se non si è esperti\n<|17|Catenzo> Ok, grazie a tutti! :)\n<jester-> 'ngiorno\n<Ozzyboshi> ciao jester-\n<rozzilla> ciao a tutti\n<rozzilla> come posso importare una immagine su avidemux?\n<rozzilla> o comunque, quale programma mi consigliate per unire video e immagini?\n<jester-> rozzilla: kdeinlive\n<rozzilla> si riesce con quello\n<rozzilla> ?\n<rozzilla> provo ;)\n<jester-> rozzilla: non ho esperienza diretta ma dicono sia il migliore\n<rozzilla> ok provo\n<rozzilla> grazie\n<rozzilla> jester-,\n<rozzilla> programmi più semplici?\n<cristian_c> rozzilla, io ho provato sommariamente\n<cristian_c> rozzilla, dipende cosa devi fare\n<cristian_c> !programmi\n<ubot-it> Per una lista di programmi disponibili per Ubuntu consulta http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Programmi\n<cristian_c> !info avidemux\n<ubot-it> avidemux (source: avidemux): a free video editor - GTK version. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:2.5.4-0ubuntu13 (saucy), package size 764 kB, installed size 1957 kB\n<Guest88300> Salveee\n<Guest88300> Qualcuno online?\n<Guest88300> Oiii\n<luciuxx> oh yeah, si parla italiano qui\n<krabador> luciuxx, http://chat.ubuntu-it.org/\n<krabador> per parlare di quanto non sia supporto ad ubuntu, #ubuntu-it-chat\n<luciuxx> bè, sto insttallando in questo momento su un vecchissimo pc, Xubuntu e sto chattando con questa bellissima compagnia\n<luciuxx> se qualcuno dice3 qualchecosa ...\n<serverino> #ubuntu-it-chat\n<|gonzo|> re\n<zavorra> buonasera a tutti\n<zavorra> ho un problma con la luminosità su lubuntu\n<zavorra> anche se con il tasto \"fn\" e \" aumnto luminosità\" porto al massimo la luminosità il display non varia di un...lumen\n<zavorra> c'è nessuno ?\n<krabador> zavorra, notebook?\n<zavorra> acer aspire 5670\n<krabador> apri il terminale\n<krabador> manda cd /sys/class/backlight\n<krabador> poi ls -la\n<krabador> !pastebin | zavorra\n<ubot-it> zavorra: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<zavorra> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7510939/\n<krabador> zavorra, sudo leafpad /sys/class/backlight/acer-wmi/brightness\n<krabador> metti valore 7\n<krabador> salva\n<krabador> riavvia\n<zavorra> ok a dopo\n<zavorra> grz\n<zavorra> rieccomi\n<zavorra> il valore era 15 l'ho impostato a 7 , adesso ?\n<krabador> zavorra, non è cambiato nulla?\n<zavorra> no\n<krabador> zavorra, che scheda video hai?\n<zavorra> non lo sò\n<zavorra> .....:-P\n<krabador> vabeh.\n<krabador> e tuo il pc?\n<zavorra> no\n<zavorra> ati\n<zavorra> ho guardato adesso\n<zavorra> nel system profiler\n<zavorra> però prima quando premevo fn più aumen to luminosità mi compariva l'immagine sullo schermo della barra che aumntava adsso non più\n<zavorra> riecomi scusa\n<zavorra> sono uscito per sbaglio\n<zavorra> pensi sia un problma driver ?\n<krabador> zavorra, sudo leafpad /etc/default/grub\n<krabador> zavorra, modifichi questa GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"quiet splash     in    GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"quiet splash acpi_backlight=vendor\"  , salvi\n<krabador> sudo update-grub\n<krabador> riavvii\n<spartacus_72> sera\n#ubuntu-it 2014-05-25\n<Beta_Alfa23> salve. avrei un dubbio: sulla chiavetta USB/disco devo caricare direttamente il file zippato o devo prima estrarre i file?\n<sin_> hola!come faccio a vedere file nascosti con una versione prova?\n<sin_> e invece permessi di root su versione live di ubuntu?\n<akis24> buona domenica\n<jester-> 'ngiorno\n<sin_> arihola!un programma per installare la 14.04 lts da usb live?\n<akis24> !installazione | sin_\n<ubot-it> sin_: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione | Per installazione grafica http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download\n<cristian_c> sin_, il programma di installazione è già contenuto nella live\n<cristian_c> e si può avviare l'installazione anche senza entrare in modalità live\n<sin_> mi sono espr.male,dalla iso all'eseguibile\n<ExPBoy> ti sei espresso ancora peggio\n<ExPBoy> !usb | sin_\n<ubot-it> sin_: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/DaSupportoUsb\n<cristian_c> esatto\n<cristian_c> sin_, sei su winz o linux?\n<sin_> qui sono su live 12.10 e poi sono su note con winz\n<ExPBoy> 12.10?\n<jester-> sin_: pecchè 12.10?\n<jester-> ti piacciono le tardone sui 50?\n<sin_> è quella che ho sulla usb\n<ExPBoy> lol\n<jester-> ci è andata da sola sulla ub?\n<sin_> cmq la 14 non è presente nelle creazioni deunetbootin e usb installer\n<ExPBoy> ?\n<sin_> ?\n<ExPBoy> sin_: stai dicendo seriamente?\n<sin_> ma che\n<ExPBoy> a ok trolli\n<sin_> nn capisco\n<sin_> ma che trollo\n<jester-> trollalleruu trollallaaaaa\n<akis24> sin_:  riassumendo scaricati ultima versione e installa o prova con quella ..  la tua ormai è in eta' di pensione o quasi\n<sin_> lo so è che devo prima recuperare i dati e penso di avercela fatta ,ho la iso e la devo scompattare dentro la usb con quei prog.con winz.nn c'è la 14.04\n<cristian_c> sin_, mica la scarichi con unetbootin la iso\n<cristian_c> sin_, apri unetbootin, e selezioni il file\n<cristian_c> poi ci pensa lui a fare il resto\n<mirkosfi> salve a tutti.\n<mirkosfi> avrei bisogno di chiedere un consiglio a qualcuno che sia esperto nell'installazione di ubuntu.....\n<mirkosfi> qualcuno a cui posso chiedere?\n<sin_> arihola!ho inst. lavers.14.04.ho salvato la home prec. che faccio sostituisco a quella attuale?\n<cristian_c> !italiano | sin_\n<ubot-it> sin_: scrivere in maniera corretta facilita la lettura dei messaggi: frasi contenenti abbreviazioni, spesso chiare soltanto a chi le scrive, sono di difficile interpretazione. Ti invitiamo pertanto a non usarle. Vedi http://tinyurl.com/35d9kcn\n<sin_> ho installato la versione 14.04.ho salvato la home che avevo prima ,vorrei sostiotuirla per avere le impostazioni precedenti.faccio copia incolla?\n<puffinho> salve a tutti\n<puffinho> c'è qualcuno a cui posso chiedere un aiuto !???\n<puffinho> ...l'avanzamento della versione m'ha combina svariati casini !!!\n<puffinho> (combinato)\n<cristian_c> sin_, vuoi ripristinare la vecchia home?\n<cristian_c> sin_, ma non avevi la home in partizione separata?\n<puffinho> ciao cri...\n<cristian_c> !aiuto | puffinho\n<ubot-it> puffinho: per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<cristian_c> puffinho, non ti conosco\n<puffinho> ups... ..sorry Ubot !!... e grazie !\n<puffinho> ...manco io !!!...era per salutare !  :)\n<puffinho> ...allora, . . .  NO , io vorrei mantenere questa nuova versione\n<puffinho> ...però vorrei anche poter montare utte le altre partizioni...e/o pennette..hard disk...etc.. che Ora non mi monta più\n<sin_> nella vecchia home ci sono le impostazioni di firefox a me interessano quelle.prima di formattare ho copiato la vecchia home e adesso vorrei sostituirla a quella nuova\n<puffinho> ...poi è sparito il wireless...ed anche se connetto via cavo(come ora) ..non mi esce più il segnalatore sulla barra in alto\n<cristian_c> sin_, ma non fai meglio a mettere la home in partizione separata?\n<cristian_c> !ripristino | puffinho\n<ubot-it> puffinho: Per ripristinare un sistema danneggiato: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/RipristinoInstallazione\n<puffinho> ah.... ok !!...provo subito !!\n<puffinho> Grazie !\n<sin_> mi sa che farò così ho capito che è un casino se modifichi qualcosa\n<cristian_c> sin_, nel caso, comunque prova a copiare le cartelle nascoste che ti interessano\n<cristian_c> quelle della home\n<sin_> quindi potrei fare adesso una partizione sul hd dove mettere solo la home\n<sin_> ci provo\n<sin_> scusa non me le fa copiare\n<cristian_c> puffinho, ok, facci sapere :)\n<cristian_c> sin_, ?\n<cristian_c> sin_, puoi farlo quando partizioni l'hard disk prima dell'installazione, ad esempio\n<Guest91923> ciao a tutti\n<Guest91923> sto per installare l'ultima versione di kubuntu ma stavolta vorrei ripartire in due l'hd per installare in uno il sistema operativo e i programmi e l'altra per mettere i file. come si fa?\n<zahira> iao a tutti\n<zahira> ho un problea on la tastiera\n<zahira> non rionose la tastiera usb\n<zahira> ok\n<krabador> zahira, apri il terminale, lsusb\n<krabador> e incolla il contenuto qui\n<krabador> !pastebin | zahira\n<ubot-it> zahira: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<zahira> krabador adesso sembra funzionare\n<zahira> nella tastiera del laptop alcuni tasti non vanno\n<krabador> zahira, se sono solo alcuni, il problema puo' non essere del sistema operativo\n<zahira> è hardware il problea infatti\n<krabador> zahira, quindi ?\n<zahira> la tastiera è arrivaa\n<zahira> ma anche le porte usb non vanno bene questo pc è morto\n<zahira> ihihihihih\n<Gio2180> buonasera\n<Gio2180> ho una micro sd che non viene rilevata dal pc\n<Gio2180> qualcuno mi può aiutare ?\n<krabador> Gio2180, funziona il lettore di card?\n<Gio2180> si.\n<Gio2180> con un'altra mcro sd funziona\n<krabador> Gio2180, su quanti sistemi hai provato questa sd ?\n<Gio2180> solo su ubuntu\n<Gio2180> la scheda non è mia\n<krabador> il proprietario dove ha provato?\n<Gio2180> credo su windows\n<krabador> \"credo\"\n<Gio2180> non ha ubuntu\n<krabador> Gio2180, per ricevere aiuto, servono informazioni precise\n<Gio2180> glielo chiedo\n<Gio2180> confermo\n<Gio2180> windows\n<Gio2180> io invece, solo su ubuntu\n<krabador> Gio2180, premettendo che le sd, come tutte le memorie flash, partono, ed anche dopo non molto tempo\n<Gio2180> questo lo so\n<krabador> Gio2180, apri il terminale\n<Gio2180> ok\n<krabador> Gio2180, fdisk -l\n<krabador> sudo fdisk -l\n<krabador> e pastebin\n<krabador> !pastebin | Gio2180\n<ubot-it> Gio2180: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<Gio2180> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7515672/\n<krabador> Gio2180, lsusb\n<krabador> sempre pastebin\n<Gio2180> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7515684/\n<ubuntu-studio> ciao\n<ubuntu-studio> ..AIUTO !!!!...ho reistallato ubStudio!!...e credo m-abbia cancellato win 8 ...e relative partizioni di ripristino !!_!\n<ubuntu-studio> (ho reistallato ubStudio)\n<ubuntu-studio> ...qualcuno pu; aiutarmi per favore !!!!\n<krabador> ubuntu-studio, se hai brasato il disco mettendo solo ubuntu studio, non puoi piu' recuperare nulla\n<ubuntu-studio> ciao Krab\n<krabador> ubuntu-studio, tutte le scritture fatte sul disco in installazione\n<ubuntu-studio> ...no!!!...il problema [ che ho fatto REISTALLA UBSTUDIO !!!\n<krabador> hanno sovrascritto\n<ubuntu-studio> noooooooooooooooooooooo\\\n<ubuntu-studio> ...nn va manco la tastiera !!!!! >(\n<krabador> gli indici della precedente impostazione del disco\n<krabador> ubuntu-studio, queste operazioni di fanno con cognizione di causa\n<ubuntu-studio> e piu cognizione di cosi !_!__++!+_!\n<krabador> Gio2180, sudo umount /dev/sdb1\n<ubuntu-studio> ...lo faccio da un anno ormai !!!\n<ubuntu-studio> ....ho fatto REISTALLA !!!!!...ma nn diceva niente di ( A fianco di win...etc etc )\n<krabador> Gio2180, sudo gparted\n<krabador> \"ma nn diceva niente di ( A fianco di win...etc etc )\" e non ti si è accesa nessuna lampadina ?\n<Gio2180> l'altro comando l'ho dato, ma mi dice NON MONTATO\n<ubuntu-studio> ma niente niente !???!??...manco aprendo il pc...e leggendo l-hard disk da un altro pc !_+??\n<krabador> ubuntu-studio, non è una trattativa, se l'installazione ha usato l'intero disco\n<Gio2180> giovanni@giovanni:~$ sudo gparted sudo: gparted: command not found\n<krabador> hai sovrascritto tutti gli indici\n<ubuntu-studio> >(\n<ubuntu-studio> ..che coglione !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >(\n<ubuntu-studio> ...uffffffffff\n<krabador> Gio2180, sudo apt-get install gparted && sudo gparted\n<ubuntu-studio> emmo>?<??\n<krabador> ubuntu-studio, sudo gparted\n<krabador> e manda un'immagine del disco\n<ubuntu-studio> come faccio a rimettere tutto appost !???\n<krabador> !imagebin | ubuntu-studio\n<ubot-it> ubuntu-studio: Vuoi mostrarci una schermata del tuo problema? Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<krabador> ubuntu-studio, come fai a rianimare un morto?\n<Gio2180> fatto\n<krabador> Gio2180, è un programma per gestire partizioni, a destra hai un menu a tendina con i devices rilevati\n<krabador> Gio2180, quanti ne rileva?\n<krabador> Gio2180, com'era formattata la pendrive?\n<ubuntu-studio> dai krab.. ...in fondo i problemi sono nati tutti da sta caz....di avanzamento di versione....\n<krabador> ubuntu-studio, l'avanzamento di versione è sconsigliata\n<ubuntu-studio> ...se no me ne stava buono buonino io ...era tutto appost....\n<Gio2180> ne rileva 6 più uno non allocato\n<ubuntu-studio> ...bene !!!!  E ALLORA PERCHE- DIAVOLO  LA MANDANO !!!?!!?!???????\n<krabador> Gio2180, manda un'immagine\n<krabador> !imagebni | Gio2180\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'imagebni'\n<krabador> ubuntu-studio, non succede niente se il sistema non è pacioccato\n<krabador> ubuntu-studio, ma se il sistema è molto smanettato, e molti utenti non lo ammettono di farlo, da problemi\n<krabador> ubuntu-studio, datti una calmata\n<ubuntu-studio> ......... >(\n<krabador> ubuntu-studio, di fronte a problemi con la propria installazione, o segui la guida di ripristino\n<Gio2180> cosa è imagebni?\n<krabador> !ripristino | ubuntu-studio\n<ubot-it> ubuntu-studio: Per ripristinare un sistema danneggiato: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/RipristinoInstallazione\n<krabador> !imagebin | Gio2180\n<ubot-it> Gio2180: Vuoi mostrarci una schermata del tuo problema? Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<krabador> ubuntu-studio, oppure reinstalli, ma nel momento del partizionamento selezioni \"altro\" e riassegni la stessa partizione usata da ubuntu\n<krabador> ubuntu-studio, dopo un backup, e non hai problemi.\n<ubuntu-studio> ok!! ...vorr' dire che ora ho imparato !!!\n<ubuntu-studio> >...a prezzo alto. . . . . .per;\n<krabador> ubuntu-studio, manda sudo gparted\n<krabador> ubuntu-studio, e vediamo come sta messo il sistema\n<krabador> manda immagine\n<krabador> !imagebin | ubuntu-studio\n<ubot-it> ubuntu-studio: Vuoi mostrarci una schermata del tuo problema? Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<ubuntu-studio> dici a me Krab !+?!?\n<krabador> scusami, qual'è il nome a fianco alle linee che sto scrivendo?\n<ubuntu-studio> .....non c-e/  infatti !!!....percio chiedo\n<krabador> ubuntu-studio, manda sudo gparted\n<krabador> ubuntu-studio, e vediamo come sta messo il sistema\n<krabador> e te le ho riscritte dalla history\n<ubuntu-studio> aaaaaaahhh....e scusami Krab. . . . Sono Puffinho 1!!!!!.....e che sto usando la pen Live...\n<ubuntu-studio> e nn me ne ero accorto....Scusa , davvero...\n<ubuntu-studio> ..ok .\n<krabador> già, è faticoso vedere con il nick a fianco alle cose che si scrivono ....\n<ubuntu-studio> hhhh...si si ....hai ragione\n<ubuntu-studio> ...allora...ho aperto gparted...\n<ubuntu-studio> ora >?\n<krabador> fa uno screenshot\n<krabador> la fai con il tasto stamp\n<ubuntu-studio> si si\n<ubuntu-studio> fatto\n<gigi> ho un problema nell'istallazione qualcuno mi potrebbe aiutare gentilmente?\n<ubuntu-studio> ...lo posto\n<ubuntu-studio> ?!?\n<krabador> ubuntu-studio, manda immagnie\n<ubuntu-studio> come??\n<krabador> !imagebin | ubuntu-studio\n<ubot-it> ubuntu-studio: Vuoi mostrarci una schermata del tuo problema? Carica un'immagine su http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | http://imageshack.us/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<krabador> gigi, che problema?\n<ubuntu-studio> http://imagebin.org/311739\n<ubuntu-studio> prima del DELITTO .. ...avevo 2,3 partizioncine per il ripristino di Win8 ....la partizione di Win8..una partiz come Dati...e una di UbStudio\n<gigi> allora io istallo e va tutto bene poi quando vado a riavviare mi da il seguente errore : serious errors were found while checking the disk drive for/\n<ubuntu-studio> ora.........nada !\n<krabador> ubuntu-studio, se il disco è solo quello\n<gigi> <krabrador>ho provato anche ad istallare da capo ma sempre così mi da\n<gigi> :(\n<gigi> salve a tutti ho un problema con l'istallazione di ubuntu chi mi puo dareunamano?\n<gigi> nessuno?\n<ubuntu-studio> krab\n<gigi> krabador?\n<ubuntu-studio> ...che faccio !????.... ...provo a leggere il disco con qualche programma di recupero dati !_>??!?\n<ubuntu-studio> ...o sarebbe inutile !??\n<ubuntu-studio> ......\n<puffinho> ri ciao\n<puffinho> krab ...puoi darmi una mano con la rete wireless por favor..\n<puffinho> ( successe già quando installai UbStudio la prima volta...\n<puffinho> ...non me la attiva.. ..nemmeno dai tasti della tastiera Asus)\n<sim_> ho un problemino chi mi aiuta?\n<sim_> cosa devo fare sem mi dice serious errors were found while checking the disk drive for/  ????\n<puffinho> azzz.........qua sò scappati tutti !!!  :(\n<sim_> si:(\n<puffinho> vabò . . . .è pure domenica per loro !! X) . . . ..riprovo piu tardi !!\n<puffinho> Ciao sim... ciao a tutti\n<ubuwu> ciao a tutti\n<sim_> ciao puffignho buona domenica!\n<ubuwu> qualcuno puoi aiutarmi in un problema di rete ?\n<ubuwu> ce nessuno ?\n<jester-> !qualcuno\n<ubot-it> la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera'\n<jester-> ubuwu: ??\n<ubuwu> eccomi scusa\n<ubuwu> il problema è il seguente\n<ubuwu> ho installato da pochi ubuntu 14.04 LTS ed è connesso alla rete domestica (dove ci sono collegati altri due computer con windows 7) tramite Netgear wifi adapter N150 wna1100 a un router sempre Netgear DGN1000\n<ubuwu> Il computer si connette e disconnette continuamente e si blocca il computer\n<jester-> ubuwu: adattatore usb?\n<ubuwu> si\n<jester-> sei collegato col pc in qestione?\n<ubuwu> no ma sei mi dai 1 min lo accendo\n<ubuwu> ok computer acceso\n<jester-> ubuwu: dovresti venire in canale con quello\n<ubuwu> ci provo sperando non si sconnetta\n<ubuwu> eccomi sono collegato\n<ubuwu> jester-?\n<jester-> ubuwu: apri un terminale\n<ubuwu> fatto\n<jester-> ubuwu: lsusb\n<jester-> e metti la risposta nel paste\n<jester-> !paste | ubuwu\n<ubot-it> ubuwu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<ubuwu> eccomi jester scusa\n<ubuwu> si era bloccato\n<ubuwu> il pc\n<jester-> ubuwu: lsusb\n<jester-> e metti la risposta nel paste\n<jester-> !paste | ubuwu\n<ubot-it> ubuwu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<ubuwu> come faccio scusa a mettere la risposta nel paste\n<jester-> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<ubuwu> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<ubuwu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7516133/\n<jester-> athero non dovrebbe avere problemi, non è che è un pc vecchio solo con usb1?\n<jester-> ubuwu: ho una wn111v2 e va benissimo\n<ubuwu> no sono usb 2\n<ubuwu> collegata tramite prolunga del cavetto\n<jester-> ubuwu: collegalo riettamente\n<jester-> ubuwu: e scollega glialtri pc\n<ubuwu> ok provo\n<ubuwu> eccomi jester\n<ubuwu> si era bloccato di nuovo il computer\n<ubuwu> ciao a tutti\n<ubuwu> ho una connessione a rete domestica dove ci sono altri due computer con windows 7 collegati. Il problema è che continuamente il pc si collega e discollega alla rete bloccandosi poi il pc\n<ubuwu> la connesione avviente tramite un adattatore wifi netgear\n<jester-> ubuwu: hai collegato direttament alla usb e disconnesso gli altri pc?\n<ubuwu> si provato ma il problema persiste\n<ubuwu> non potrebbe essere il problema che siano i driver o la giusta configurazione della rete?\n<jester-> ubuwu: la mia Bus 002 Device 008: ID 0846:9001 NetGear, Inc. WN111(v2) RangeMax Next Wireless [Atheros AR9170+AR9101]\n<jester-> mi sa che il tuo cipset sia un filino linux indigessto\n<ubuwu> cioè scusa cosa vuol dire ?\n<jester-> ubuwu: il pc quanto è vecio\n<ubuwu> 4/5 anni\n<ubuwu> ti servono le componenti\n<jester-> ubuwu: la mia ha cipset Atheros AR9170+AR9101 la tua Atheros AR9271\n<jester-> ubuwu: non se ha 4 5 anni ha usb2\n<ubuwu> si ma quando avevo su windows dovevo installare sempre i driver per 2.0\n<jester-> ubuwu: sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree\n<jester-> mi sa che manca il firm\n<ubuwu> provo grazie\n<ubuwu> a cosa serve ?\n<ubuwu> scusa ma sono davvero un principiante\n<ubuwu> di linux\n<ubuwu> fatto installato\n<jester-> il firmware è una specie di password\n<jester-> specie\n<ubuwu> password per cosa? ho appena finito di installarlo\n<jester-> ubuwu: http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firmware\n<ubuwu> ok grazie\n<ubuwu> per ora non si sta bloccando\n<jester-> ubuwu: hai installato?\n<ubuwu> si installato\n<jester-> ubuwu: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade\n<ubuwu> jester- : ho appena finito di installare\n<ubuwu> si era di nuovo un attimo bloccato mentre installava\n<Guest64718> buona sera posso chiedervi u consiglio in merito ad hardware?\n<jester-> !chiedi\n<ubot-it> per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<andrealuce> ciao a tutti\n<ubuwu> eccomi jester-\n<andrealuce> posso chiedere a qualcuno consigli in fatto di hardware?\n<andrealuce> scusate se disturbo epr questo\n<ubuwu> jester- ho finito di installare\n<krabador> !chat | andrealuce\n<ubot-it> andrealuce: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<andrealuce> ciao krabador come stai?\n<andrealuce> :D\n<ubuwu> eccomi jester- si era piantato di nuovo il computer\n<andrealuce> krabador c'è una sezione apposta per hardware o sulla chat non possiamo parlarne? non voglio creare problemi\n<krabador> andrealuce, è qui dentro, che non è indicato parlare di altro che non sia supporto\n<krabador> !chat | andrealuce\n<ubot-it> andrealuce: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<andrealuce> grazie krabador e che qui trovo chi ne sa più di me\n<andrealuce> scusate\n<andrealuce> ciao a tutti\n<ubuwu> ciao a tutti ho il seguente problema. Ho il mio pc ubuntu collegato tramite adattatore netgear alla mia rete domestica (dove ci sono due windows 7 collegati) che continuamente si connette e disconnette dalla rete\n<ubuwu> dopodichè si blocca il computer\n<ubuwu> e spesso appaiono errori come questo\n<ubuwu> BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 22s![Xorg:999]\n<ubuwu> o questo\n<ubuwu> BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 23s![Xorg:991]\n<ubuwu> ciao a tutti ho il seguente problema. Ho il mio pc ubuntu collegato tramite adattatore netgear alla mia rete domestica (dove ci sono due windows 7 collegati) che continuamente si connette e disconnette dalla rete\n<ubuwu> dopodichè si blocca il computer e spesso appaiono errori come questo BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 22s![Xorg:999],   BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 23s![Xorg:991]\n<ubuwu> qualcuno ha idea di che problema si tratti ?\n<vice_> come cancellare  la cronologia dei comandi dati al terminale ?\n<krabador> vice_, non s\n<krabador> non sono utili?\n<vice_> ciao cabrador\n<vice_> k\n<vice_> nella versione 13.10 se non erro davo il comando history -c   e li cancellava ma su 14.04 li cancella ma al riavvio li ri trovi\n<vice_> è poi  vorrei capire perche se sono nella scrivania e digito un simboli tipo -*+  si apre una finestrella in basso a destra, a cosa serve ?\n<vice_> krabador ?\n<vice_> non riesco a cancellare la cronologia del terminale di ubuntu 1404\n<krabador> vice_, history -c && history -w\n<vice_> krabador number one !!!\n<vice_> ciao ci sentiamo più tardi... un abbraccio è grazzie mille kabrador\n<ufalc> Krabador, solo tu ,i puoi aiutare :(\n<krabador> ufalc, ciao, che succede?\n<ufalc> krabador sei un mito :)\n<ufalc> non lo so.... fino a questa mattina riuscivo a vedere le dirette su la7, le repliche.... della rai... torno questa sera.... accendop il pc... e non mi fa vedere piu i video, le dirette e le repliche :(\n<krabador> ufalc, allora , che versione di ubuntu?\n<krabador> e che browser\n<ufalc> be penso lßultima.....  firefox\n<ufalc> krabador 14 04 LTS\n<krabador> ufalc, allora, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade\n<krabador> ufalc, mandami un pastebin del risultato della linea\n<krabador> !pastebein | ufalc\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'pastebein'\n<ufalc> eeeeeeeee krabador non so di cosa parli :( io ho sempre usato il mac per internet... per fare video... vedere film... non me ne intendo di comandi o cose del genere\n<ufalc> sorry\n<krabador> ufalc, molto semplicemente apri il terminale, copi ed incolli li questa linea\n<krabador> apri il sito segnalato\n<krabador> incolli li dentro il risultato della linea incollata e mandata nel terminale\n<krabador> premi paste\n<krabador> e incolli qui il link\n<krabador> !pastebin | ufalc\n<ubot-it> ufalc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<ufalc> Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.19-0ubuntu6) ...\n<krabador> ufalc, aspetta,e copia ed incolla tutto il risultato nel pastebin\n<ufalc> ma si é fermato\n<ufalc> ultima stringa il mio nome\n<krabador> ufalc, copia ed incolla tutto\n<ufalc> fatto\n<krabador> incolla qui il link risultante del pastebin\n<ufalc> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7517447/\n<krabador> bene, sempre nel terminale, dpkg -l | grep flash\n<krabador> e stessa cosa di pastebin\n<ufalc> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7517460/\n<krabador> bene, dpkg -l | grep flash jre\n<krabador> bene, dpkg -l | grep flash icedtea\n<krabador> entrambi, puoi anche metterli in un unico pastebin\n<ufalc> scusa li devo incollare separatamente?\n<krabador> li mandi entrambi, copi ed incolli tutto in un pastebin\n<krabador> sempre se danno risultato\n<krabador> ufalc, scusa\n<ufalc> mi dice non esistente\n<krabador> dpkg -l | grep jre\n<krabador> dpkg -l | grep icedtea\n<krabador> questi sono i comandi\n<ufalc> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7517475/\n<krabador> hai mancato questo\n<krabador> dpkg -l | grep icedtea\n<ufalc> comba scusa ma lßho messo e rimesso e mi dice inesistemte4\n<krabador> se hai messo questo, dpkg -l | grep flash icedtea  si\n<krabador> dpkg -l | grep icedtea\n<krabador> cerca di esprimerti bene\n<ufalc> in che senso scusaß\n<krabador> hai rimandato il comando?\n<ufalc> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7517499/\n<ufalc> scusami, cosa intendevi con esprimermi bene?\n<krabador> sudo apt-get install icedtea-7-plugin java7-jdk java7-runtime openjdk-7-jre\n<krabador> poi riavvio\n<ufalc> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7517516/\n<krabador> sudo apt-get install icedtea-7-plugin java7-jdk openjdk-7-jre\n<ufalc> mi sa che sta scaricando.-.. Krabador sei un mito... senti.. serio mi dici cosa intendevi con cerca di esprimerti meglio?  ti ha dato fastidio il compa? ma da noi é come dire fratello...\n<ufalc> o per gli errori ortografici? sto usando una tastiera tedesca\n<ufalc> e non ci sono abituato\n<krabador> lo so, ma il canale è loggato\n<krabador> il log puo' essere poi consultato da altri utenti\n<ufalc> quindi non ti posso chiamare compa :) hehehehe bo ok scusa allora....\n<krabador> :D\n<ufalc> quindi quando finisce di scaricare riavvio il sistema?\n<krabador> si\n<ufalc> ascolta, ma per quale motivo fino a questa mattina ho visto la diretta di la7 e questa sera no?\n<krabador> ufalc, dove la vedi la diretta di la7 ?\n<ufalc> sul loro sito\n<ufalc> mi sa che é un po troppo complicato.......\n<krabador> non credo.\n<ufalc> be tutti sti comandi strani... come si fa a saperli?\n<krabador> apt-get è il gestore dei pacchetti di ubuntu\n<ufalc> non si potrebbe renderlo meno complicato? hahahahahah scusa ma io ho lavorato 11 ore.... e quando torno a casa voglio solo rilassarmi, se devo scaricare qualcosa... dovrei scaricarlo da internet.... come un qualsiasi programma.... comunque grazie veramente di cuore\n<krabador> dpkg si usa per maneggiare i pacchetti deb, ovvero i pacchetti di ubuntu\n<krabador> ufalc, fondamentalmente è facile, pero' se vanno storte operazioni di aggiornamento ed installazione di programmio\n<krabador> programmi , possonon verificarsi cose del genere\n#ubuntu-it 2015-05-18\n<akis24> giorno\n<Mr_Pan> ciao akis24\n<aponedimaggio> ciao ragazzi, il mio notebook samsung ha da poco incominciato a fare un \"brutto\" rumore continuo e no-stop che suppongo sia la ventola, ieri sera la temperatura era salita sopra la norma quando ha incominciato a farlo, arrivando fino a 80°. dopo di che ho spento e lasciato riposare, l'ho poi riacceso e per ora la temperatura rimane sotto i 50° ma i\n<aponedimaggio> l rumore continua, mi sapete dare qualceh dritta? grazie\n<aponedimaggio> non c'è odore di bruciato\n<akis24> !chat | aponedimaggio\n<ubot-it> aponedimaggio: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<ripristino> Buongiorno il sistema operativo e' andato in crash non so per quale ragione c'e' una procedura per ripristinarlo senza perdere i dati perche' non mi fa montare il volume e non so come fare avevo nell'account tutti i file vorrei non perderli con la nuova istallazione\n<akis24> !ripristino | ripristino\n<ubot-it> ripristino: Per ripristinare un sistema danneggiato: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/RipristinoInstallazione\n<ripristino> ok quindi inserisco il dvd e avvio tipo nuova installazione ...solo che dovrei trovare nella schermata aggiorna ..giusto ?\n<akis24> ripristino:  cosi è scritto sempreche' tu abbia la /home separata dalla partizione  di sistema /\n<Carlin0> ripristino, ma che volume non ti fa montare ?\n<ripristino> ho istallato ubuntu in un hd sata da 500gb creato un account poi un giorno e' andato in crash il file system e non mi permette di accedere ai dati vado in home mi segnala che non puo' montare il volume cioe' il sistema operativo e continuamente apre e chiude il volume non so se sono stato chiaro ?\n<Carlin0> 'nzomma ... ripristino hai per caso criptato la home ?\n<ripristino> ora non so che cosa sia la home separata dalla partizione di sistema sinceramente la cavolata e' stata la mia che non ho separato i file dal sistema operativo ma credevo che non acacdessa ami un crash con ubuntu\n<ripristino> si per accedere chiede la password?\n<Carlin0> mai dire mai\n<ripristino> dall'inizio quando ho configurato il sistema anti impiccioni porta sfiga\n<Carlin0> e da live cd riesci ad accedere ai dati ?\n<ripristino> ci provo ma come apro mi dice che non puo' montare il volume e sparisce l'hd poi sopo 2 secondi riappare provo ad entrare stessa situazione un loop infinito\n<Carlin0> vabbè prova la procedura che ti ha indicato akis24\n<ripristino> ok paradossalmete parlando ma posso farla se attacco l'hd ad un altro pc o devo usare lo stesso pc ?\n<Carlin0> meglio sullo stesso pc\n<Carlin0> perchè configura l'hardware presente ...\n<ripristino> ok era perche' ora mi trovo in altro posto grazie infinite vi faro sapere buona giornata e buon lavoro\n<aponedimaggio> lubuntu è protetto dai virus comuni (ad es. pagine inattendibili, link pericolosi ecc) ?\n<gigirock> aponedimaggio, pagine inattendibili e link pericolosi non sono virus\n<Carlin0> aponedimaggio, i virus normalmente vengono fatti per win , poi ovvio che se si inventano un malware per java o altro ... insomma sicuro è morto come si dice\n<aponedimaggio> è possibile controllare se lubuntu abbia dei virus?\n<Carlin0> cmq io mai beccato un virus con linux\n<aponedimaggio> anche aprendo link, mail ecc segnalati come pericolosi?\n<Carlin0> aponedimaggio, l'antivirus normalmente si usa per controllare file che devi passare a win ma nessuno vieta di controllare anche partizioni linux\n<Carlin0> ma come ha detto gigirock non confondere virus con altro\n<aponedimaggio> che cosa si può passare di pericoloso con link e pagine inattendibili?\n<gigirock> !info clamav\n<ubot-it> clamav (source: clamav): anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.98.4+dfsg-2~ubuntu14.04.1 (trusty), package size 89 kB, installed size 687 kB\n<Carlin0> !info clamtk\n<ubot-it> clamtk (source: clamtk): graphical front-end for ClamAV. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.45-1 (trusty), package size 268 kB, installed size 1406 kB\n<gigirock> aponedimaggio, un file .zip contenente setup.exe che esegue \"format c: \"\n<aponedimaggio> ok grazie quindi faccio partire clamav che mi scannerizza il disco?\n<Carlin0> si si ma è inutile fattelo dire\n<aponedimaggio> ok :) 50° è una buona temperatura interna per un notebook?\n<Carlin0> esci dalla mentalità windowsiana\n<Carlin0> !chat | aponedimaggio\n<ubot-it> aponedimaggio: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<aponedimaggio> chiedevo della temperatura perchè ieri sera è arrivata tutto di un colpo a 80° conseguentemente all'inizio di un rumore tipo ronzio interno che non so a cosa associare (forse ventola iperattiva). l'ho poi spent oe lasciato riposare e quando lho riacceso è tornato a temperatura normale sotto i 50° o max 55-58. però il ronzio, che è abbastanza forte,\n<aponedimaggio>  è continuato. cosa può essere?\n<Carlin0> !chat | aponedimaggio\n<ubot-it> aponedimaggio: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<akis24> aponedimaggio: di maggio se continui  cosi vai fuori ..\n<akis24> aponedimaggio: sono gia' piu' volte che ti si dice di entrare in chat  regolati per conseguenza\n<diego85> attualmento ho ubuntu 15.04 e riuscivo a stampare in wifi.. ora non mi lascia più stampare in wifi mi da errore come posso risolverlo?\n<cristian_c> diego85, stampante wifi?\n<diego85> si hp deskjet_2540 mi da errore device comunication 5012\n<diego85> premesso che fino a ieri stampava\n<cristian_c> diego85, attualmente funziona via usb?\n<diego85> si si ...\n<cristian_c> diego85, cancella la stampante dalle impostazioni\n<cristian_c> diego85, poi riaggiungila con:  hp-setup -i indirizzoip\n<diego85> cristian_c grazie ora funziona\n<cristian_c> lol\n<diego85> ho un' altro problema con il bluetooth non riceve file\n<cristian_c> diego85, credo che il motivo sia uno\n<cristian_c> cioè il fatto che nel frattempo è cambiato l'ip\n<cristian_c> e quindi hai dovuto reimpostarla\n<cristian_c> diego85, su quale pc?\n<diego85> sempre su ubuntu 15.04 mi riconosce il cell tempo fa ricevevo file ora li invio e ubuntu non li riceve\n<cristian_c> diego85, su quale pc?\n<cristian_c> diego85, hai effettuato il pairing tra telefono e ubuntu 15.04?\n<diego85> scusa l' ignoranza ma cos'è il pairing?\n<cristian_c> diego85, accoppiamento\n<diego85> si si fatto\n<cristian_c> diego85, quando hai installato 15.04, hai effettuato il pairing?\n<cristian_c> diego85, come l'hai fatto?\n<diego85> ho aperto il gestore bluetooth ho fatto o\n<diego85> aggiungi o cerca dispositivo poi ho confermato lo stesso codice sia pc che cell e risulta accoppiato\n<cristian_c> diego85, e quindi il pc è stato aggiunto alla lista dei dispositivi sul cellulare?\n<diego85> si esatto e mi dice collegato-associato\n<diego85> ora noto un lucchetto sulla icona del bluetooth\n<cristian_c> diego85, quale icona?\n<diego85> quella con il simbolo bluetooth su ubuntu in alto a destra\n<cristian_c> ho capito\n<cristian_c> diego85, prova a cliccarci\n<cristian_c> diego85, magari devi modificare le impostazionu\n<cristian_c> *i\n<cristian_c> i permessi per quanto riguarda la ricezione\n<diego85> ok provo a darci un occhio grazie\n<cristian_c> diego85, fai sapere\n<diego85> ubuntu invia file ecc ma non riceve e avolte dove c'è la casellina visibile si spegne e devo riaccenderla\n<cristian_c> diego85, hai controlla le impostazioni del bluetooth su ubuntu in questo momento?\n<cristian_c> *controllato\n<diego85> quando clicco la voce impostazione mi apre una paginetta poi c'è la lista dispositivi e appare il cell\n<cristian_c> diego85, non sto parlando della lista dispositivi\n<cristian_c> ma delle impostazioni del bluetooth sul tuo pc\n<diego85> è quello che ho fatto\n<cristian_c> diego85, posta una schermata\n<cristian_c> !image | diego85\n<ubot-it> diego85: Carica un'immagine su https://imgur.com/ | http://imageshack.us/ (richiede registrazione) e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<N3mo> Buongiorno, Potreste passarmi una guida per attivare l'iberazione su Kubuntu 15.04? l' avevo già fatto sulla 14.10 ed andava bene ma ora non so se posso seguire la stessa guida. Grazie.\n<cristian_c> N3\\http://askubuntu.com/questions/614662/how-to-enable-hibernation-in-15-04\n<cristian_c> lol\n<N3mo> Ubuntu Kubuntu cambia niente?\n<agarest> Buongiorno a tutti\n<cristian_c> N3mo, hai letto al link?\n<agarest> Avrei bisogno di un aiutino. usavo una live usb di ubuntu dove all'avvio dovevo mettere nomodeset acpi=off\n<agarest> ora ho fatto l'installazione nel portatile e vorrei che prendesse quell'impostazione di default all'avvio, come posso fare?\n<cristian_c> !parametriavvio\n<ubot-it> Parametri per avvio da live cd: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/ParametriAvvio | vedi anche https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/KernelModeSetting\n<cristian_c> agarest, devi pacioccare /etc/default/grub\n<cristian_c> agarest, come scritto nel paragrafo in fondo alla pagina\n<agarest> ottimo, grazie mille! come posso aprire quel file come amministratore?\n<cristian_c> agarest, con sudo\n<cristian_c> agarest, sudo editorditesto /etc/default/grub\n<agarest> da terminale,ok\n<agarest> grazie ancora! Buona giornata!\n<cristian_c> agarest, ma se guardi bene, c'è il link\n<N3mo> cristian_c:  SI.... non riesco a trovar eil percorso dove creare il file .... e in più l'autore dice che la funziona va solo da terminale... io ricordo che su 14.10 avevo dato un paio di comandi da temrinale e poi mi era apparsa anche la scritta nel menù di spegnimento\n<cristian_c> N3mo, veramente.... 'Log out and check that you can see the hibernate menu item on the login screen, do the same once you logged in.'\n<N3mo> cristian_c:  EDIT>After installing hibernate package I can run it from the terminal, but still it is not available in the shutdown menu.\n<cristian_c> N3mo, nella risposta, non nella domanda\n<cristian_c> non devi guardare la domanda, ma la risposta\n<N3mo> cristian_c:  Si, ma lui ha editato il primo post rispondedno a quello sotto e gli ha dewtto che non funziona nell' interfaccia grafica ma solo d aterminale, no?\n<cristian_c> N3mo, eh , no\n<cristian_c> guarda data e orario\n<cristian_c> N3mo, la risposta è successiva all'edit\n<N3mo> Ah, già :D allora provo a cercare quel percorso e crearci il file... speriamo di non far danni... :D\n<N3mo> cristian_c:  Impossibile entrare nella cartella /etc/polkit-1/localauthority. credo di non disporre dei diritti necessari.... come si fa?\n<cristian_c> N3mo, come crei il file?\n<N3mo> No, non riesco a raggiungere la poszione... mi fermo alla cartella localeautority\n<N3mo> mi dice che non è possibile acedervi..\n<N3mo> sto utilizzando dolphin, non il temrinale\n<cristian_c> N3mo, prova a creare direttamente il file, no?\n<cristian_c> N3mo, oppure usa ls da root\n<cristian_c> sudo ls\n<ripristino> salve devo ripristinare ubuntu per un crash di sistema avevo cia' scritto stamane mi e' stato suggerito da live caricare aggiorna ubuntu in fase di istallazione ma trovo scritto solo 4 punti Reinstalla ubuntu e' quello che presumo sia il modo piu' giusto per salvare i dati chiedo conferma perche' la voce aggiorna non la trovo ?\n<N3mo> cristian_c:  Dovrei esserci... ora creo il file ? http://pastebin.com/9fW5XUdh\n<cristian_c> N3mo, non loggarti come root, utilizza sudo\n<N3mo> Ok\n<N3mo> Creo il file in quella posizione?\n<cristian_c> N3mo, se la pagina dice quello...\n<N3mo> Speremo ben :D\n<cristian_c> N3mo, sì , ma ripeto, fai da utente con sudo\n<cristian_c> non da root\n<N3mo> Io ho dato sudo su\n<cristian_c> N3mo, sudo comando\n<cristian_c> N3mo, sudo editorditesto /percorso/file\n<N3mo> questo è il nome che deve avere il file, giusto ? com.ubuntu.desktop.pkla\n<cristian_c> N3mo, è scritto nella pagina\n<Lenders> Salve ragazzi avrei una domanda da porvi. Ho notato una cosa strana in Ubuntu 15.04 che qualche sito web non me lo visualizza correttamente ad esempio prima ero su Edreams a cercare alcune cose ma non riusciva a visualizzarsi bene ne con chrome ne con mozilla e per tanto ho dovuto chiudere e accendere windows...sapete se è solo un problema mio?\n<Carlin0> Lenders, magari il sito non è ottimizzato per quei browsers\n<Carlin0> Lenders, succede solo li o anche in altri siti ?\n<Lenders> Su chrome e su mozilla su windows me li visualizza correttamente solo su ubuntu no\n<Lenders> comunque tutti i siti di viaggi mi fa così\n<Lenders> e sinceramente mi scoccia chiudere e utilizzare windows se devo fare qualcosa\n<Carlin0> con gli stessi browser su win li vedi bene ?\n<Lenders> e certo\n<Carlin0> strano ... non so che dirti aspetta a vedere se qualcuno ne sa di +\n<Lenders> e infatti non capisco, sinceramente è molto scomoda questa cosa\n<Lenders> non so se siete su ubuntu magari provate anche voi ad andare sulla home di edreams\n<Carlin0> non sono su ubuntu 15.04 se no ti avrei chiesto un link\n<Lenders> magari anche sulla tua versione non va\n<Carlin0> sono su Debian Testing se vuoi provo eh\n<gigirock> Lenders, aggiorna java , aggiorna flashplugin\n<gigirock> firefox si e' aggiornato ieri\n<Lenders> non mi appare nessun aggiornamento comunque se vi va di provare scrivete edreams su google e cliccate il primo link\n<Carlin0> Lenders, se non ti fa vedere aggiornamenti puoi provare lo stesso con → sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade\n<Lenders> ora provo\n<gigirock> Lenders su ubuntu mate 15 64 bit funziona\n<Lenders> sulla home devi andare\n<Lenders> solo alcune pagine non vanno\n<Carlin0> chrome non lo visualizza bene cmq ...\n<Carlin0> hai ragione\n<Lenders> e vedi\n<Carlin0> non è un problema di ubuntu però\n<Carlin0> è un problema de browser\n<dadexix86> chrome 42.......152 a me non dà problemi, esattamente quali problemi riscontrate?\n<Lenders> e non so su windows con gli stessi browser vanno benissimo\n<Lenders> la pagina non si visualizza correttamente e ne la ricerca\n<Carlin0> Versione 42.0.2311.152\n<Carlin0> la pagina risulta tutta bianca con solo le scritte\n<Lenders> comunque aggiornamenti fatti e non va lo stesso\n<dadexix86> questo è il mio screenshot http://it.tinypic.com/r/10empap/8\n<dadexix86> stessa versione di Chrome di Carlin0\n<Carlin0> dadexix86, in pratica a me non carica le immagini\n<Lenders> e neanche a me\n<Lenders> e se provo a fare ricerca non va perchè appaiono sempre le lettere\n<Carlin0> e manco su ff (iceweasel)\n<Lenders> praticamente è inutilizzabile il siti da ubuntu\n<Lenders> sito*\n<dadexix86> anche edreams.it a me funziona bene, ricerca compresa. ora provo con firefox\n<dadexix86> Lenders, a me funziona bene :)\n<Lenders> e a me no\n<krabador> Lenders, dpkg -l | grep icedtea\n<dadexix86> Lenders, hai mica una ATI o Nvidia con driver proprietari?\n<Lenders> nvidia\n<dadexix86> Carlin0, tu quale scheda video hai?\n<Lenders> krabador devo scrivere quello sul terminale?\n<Carlin0> nvidia anch'io\n<dadexix86> appena provato, funziona bene anche su firefox 38.0\n<krabador> Lenders, se hai voglia\n<Carlin0> e per forza di cose devi usare i driver proprietari , i nouveau sono buggati\n<dadexix86> io ho una nvidia, con i proprietari (ma al momento sono su 14.04!)\n<Carlin0> krabador, cosa va installato icedtea-plugin ?\n<dadexix86> versione 331.113 dei driver\n<Carlin0> dadexix86, io su debian testing\n<Lenders> krabador ho scritto ma non mi appare nulla\n<krabador> Lenders, sudo apt-get install icedtea-7-plugin\n<dadexix86> personalmente non credo che sia un problema di icedtea, perché google chrome non utilizza il plugin java (che è npapi)\n<krabador> Lenders, chiudi e riapri firefox/chromium e riprova\n<Lenders> krabador fatto non cambia nulla\n<krabador> Lenders, manda screen di come vedi questo sito\n<Lenders> ok\n<dadexix86> Carlin0, quale versione hai dei driver nvidia?\n<Lenders> ecco http://i.imgur.com/YAjzAp2.png\n<Carlin0> dadexix86, quella per schede vecchie\n<krabador> Lenders, puoi mandare uno screen di firefox ?\n<Carlin0> nvidia-legacy-304xx-driver\n<Lenders> krabador a te http://i.imgur.com/kpzKGVT.png\n<dadexix86> Lenders tu quali driver hai? se vai direttamente su www.edreams.it senza tutta quella sfilza di parametri di connessione hai lo stesso problema?\n<Lenders> io ho gli ultimi per la mia scheda\n<Lenders> gt740M\n<Carlin0> io lo vedo come Lenders\n<dadexix86> Lenders, intendi quelli instabili scaricabili dal sito nvidia? dacci il numero di versione, che \"ultimi\" vuol dire poco o nulla :)\n<Carlin0> krabador, tu come lo vedi ?\n<Lenders> e come faccio a vederli da ubuntu?\n<Lenders> comunque non sono le versioni beta ma quelle collaudate\n<Carlin0> non vorrei dire un a cazzata ma potrebbe essere problema di rete\n<Carlin0> Lenders, dpkg -l | grep nvidia\n<dadexix86> Lenders dal pannello di controllo nvidia, la seconda riga è \"NVIDIA Driver Version\"\n<Carlin0> metti su paste\n<Carlin0> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<krabador> beh, io personalmente, ultimo chromium, lo vedo correttamente , ma non fa ricerche , e se faccio f5 lo vedo come lenders\n<dadexix86> Carlin0, potrebbe benissimo essere un problema di rete. Lenders hai la stessa visualizzazione scomposta anche se non gli passi parametri?\n<krabador> al che, lo vedo correttamente , se ci vado dalla barra degli indirizzi\n<Carlin0> secondo me è un problema di rete\n<krabador> Carlin0, io non ho problemi di rete, ma con f5 lo vedo come lenders\n<Lenders> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11205241/\n<Lenders> a voi\n<Carlin0> krabador, problema di rete tra il server di edreams e noi\n<Carlin0> dadexix86, è in germania passa altri nodi\n<Lenders> allora io con la stessa rete su windows lo vedo bene\n<krabador> Carlin0, se ci vado tramite la barra degli indirizzi lo visualizzo correttamente\n<krabador> solo se faccio f5 implode\n<Carlin0> cosa vuoi dire tramite barra degli indirizzi ? che lo scrivi a mano ?\n<Lenders> Carlin0 ti ho postato il risultato sul terminale hai visto?\n<dadexix86> Carlin0, sì, scrivi a mano www.edreams.it e dai invio, stessa cosa per Lenders e controllate se lo vedete o meno\n<Carlin0> Lenders, si ma era a dadexix86 che interessavano i tuoi driver\n<Lenders> ho provato non mi va ugualmente\n<krabador> http://i.imgur.com/BzGcsNC.png\n<Carlin0> dadexix86, già fatto , ho provato anche com al posto di it\n<Carlin0> nisba\n<krabador> al che , se faccio f5 esplode\n<Carlin0> ma è un problema del sito\n<Carlin0> che magari l'hanno provato solo su win e su certi browser\n<Lenders> mi sembra strano è un sito piuttosto importante\n<Lenders> poi può darsi tutto\n<krabador> beh, \"piuttosto importante\"\n<krabador> Lenders, fanno i siti come vogliono\n<Lenders> per i voli è il più trafficato\n<Lenders> be si sicuramente\n<Carlin0> sarebbe utile segnalarglielo\n<krabador> c'è ancora chi sfrutta esclusive internet explorer\n<Carlin0> magari provvedono  a cambiare webmaster o a ingropparselo\n<krabador> specialmente roba amministrativa\n<Lenders> vabè però è strano che krabador lo visualizza e noi no\n<Lenders> qualcosa che non va c'è perforza\n<krabador> anche dadexix86 lo vede\n<tdk200> Salve a tutti voi raga\n<Carlin0> questioni di rete Lenders anche dadexix86  lo vede\n<tdk200> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<dadexix86> ciao tdk200\n<Lenders> ma ti ripeto con questa rete su windows va da dio\n<dadexix86> confermo, anche dopo un F5 continuo a vederlo bene\n<Carlin0> Lenders, qualcosa che non va c'è ma non sui nostri pc\n<dadexix86> Lenders, secondo me c'è qualche nodo di rete che blocca determinato traffico proveniente da Linux, non è un problema dei vostri PC ma del sito o comunque della rete\n<Lenders> mannaia\n<krabador> anche in firefox mi esplode se mando f5\n<tdk200> ragazzi ho un problema con questo programma droidcam che ho installato con un pacchetto del gruppo dev47apps\n<dadexix86> se ispezionate la pagina (f12 su Chrome) dovreste riuscire a vedere se e cosa viene bloccato\n<tdk200> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11205369/\n<krabador> Lenders, hai in precedenza in qualche modo accettato  i/il loro cookie ?\n<Carlin0> è un problema misto rete/sito\n<tdk200> Ho installato senza problemi droidcam ma ogni volta che spengo il pc e lo riaccendo l'applicazione mi dice che il device non è installato\n<tdk200> e devo installardo sempre da capo\n<Carlin0> krabador, ho provato anche svuotando la cache\n<krabador> tdk200, per favore, leggi la documentazione di cio che cerchi di installare di esterno ai repositories, non ne rispondiamo, quantomeno non qui nel canale supporto\n<Lenders> no so ragazzi se trovate qualche soluzioni scrivete grazie mille!\n<dadexix86> io stacco, buona giornata a tutti\n<Carlin0> Lenders, la miglior soluzione (anche per il futuro) è segnalare l'anomalia\n<Carlin0> altro non saprei\n<krabador> Lenders, svuota completamente la cache dei cookies, controlla che non sia bloccato javascript, e ripristina impostazioni carattere / visualizzazione , del browser, se le hai modificate per qualche ragione\n<Carlin0> http://www.edreams.it/engine/call_center/eptica/ io ho mandato segnalazione\n<azzardoincredibi> ciao ho provato a installare un pacchetto libav per plugin dell'estensione videodownload helper e mi ha dato questo errore con un \"!\" in basso a destra  nella barra. Mi dice:  si è verificato un errore, per ulteriori informazioni sull'errore avviare il gestore dei pacchetti tramite il menù richiamabile con click destro del mouse, oppure dare il com\n<azzardoincredibi> ando apt-get dal terminale. Il messaggio di errore è << Errore: BrokenCount >0. Di solito questo significa che i pacchetti installati presentano delle dipendenze irrisolte. che  fare?\n<azzardoincredibi> non mi avvia il terminale perchè dice che c'è già un applicazioen simile aperta ma di fatti non ho nessun terminale aperto ...\n<reddiz> nemmeno se fai con tasto destro sull'icona \"nuovo terminale\" ?\n<Carlin0> azzardoincredibi, chiudi software center e gestore pacchetti\n<reddiz> era successo anche a me\n<azzardoincredibi> non sono aperti! :)\n<azzardoincredibi> tasto destro su quale icona reddiz? non vedo nuovo terminale\n<reddiz> azzardo, punta col mouse sulll icona del terminale, e fai \"tasto destro\" e \"nuovo terminale\"\n<reddiz> provaci poi dimmi! io avevo risolto cosi.. era un piccolo bug che avevo solo io forse :)\n<reddiz> se riavvia il pc.. il buon vecchio metodo per risolvere mooooolti problemi è questo ahahah\n<azzardoincredibi> uso lxterminal ma non viene fuori nessun icona nuovo terminale p.s. sn su lubuntu\n<krabador> azzardoincredibi, ctrl alt t\n<azzardoincredibi> pensa che sia successo perchè durtante l'installazione di un pacchetto libav alla fine mi è venuta fuori una finestra di terms agreement di Microsoft e non mi faceva procedere quindi ho chiuso il terminale.\n<reddiz> ah cavolo...\n<reddiz> allora non saprei come aiutarti, forse su google trovi una soluzione.. magari sul forum di lubuntu/ubuntu\n<krabador> azzardoincredibi, con il tasto tab avresti pututo selezionare yes\n<azzardoincredibi> questo è il messaggio che mi esce se clicco su \"mostra aggiornamenti\" nella tendina che esce dal punto esclamativo\n<krabador> per accettare i termini microsoft e non avresti bloccato l'installazione\n<azzardoincredibi> https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/vLqPVvRfCNgd3DRS46NA\n<krabador> azzardoincredibi, non s'è aperto il terminale ?\n<azzardoincredibi> no\n<azzardoincredibi> faccio continua o esegui aggiornamento parziale?\n<krabador> azzardoincredibi, no\n<krabador> ctrl alt f2, avrai un terminale a tutto schermo, in cui devi eseguire il login testuale, con user e pass, al che digiti sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock   sudo dpkg --configure -a    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade\n<krabador> per tornare qui, ctrl alt f7\n<reddiz> ragazzi come posso mettere ogni volta che chiudo hexchat, la frase \"quit:ciao a tutti/arrivederci\" ???\n<azzardoincredibi> ok krabador alla fine mi ha detto 15 Pacchetti aggiornati. 1 pacchetto non completamente installato o rimosso e poi. E: Impossibile impostare blocco a /var/cache/apt/archives/lock e poi E: impossibile bloccare la directory /var/cache/apt/archive\n<azzardoincredibi> ma il terminale a schermo pieno ha funzionalità diverse dagli altri?\n<Carlin0> no\n<azzardoincredibi> krabador mi sai dire?\n<Carlin0> azzardoincredibi, hai per caso aperto software center o gestore pacchetti ?\n<azzardoincredibi> solamente la finestra di aggiornamento che ho linkato prima con filepicker, che krabador mi ha detto di lasciare stare\n<Carlin0> sicuro che ti ha detto questo ?\n<azzardoincredibi> scrolla un attimo più su e vedi anche tu\n<Carlin0> perchè leggendo indietro non lo vedo\n<azzardoincredibi> gli ho chiesto se dovevo fare continua o esegui avanzamento parziale e mi ha detto no\n<Carlin0> no ma non di tenere la finestra aperta\n<azzardoincredibi> ok quindi la chiudo?\n<Carlin0> certo\n<azzardoincredibi> e cosa mi dovrebbe cambiare ora?\n<Carlin0> chiudi anche il gestore aggiornamenti\n<azzardoincredibi> quello non è mai stato aperto\n<Carlin0> ok ora segui quello che ti ha detto prima\n<Carlin0> <krabador> ctrl alt f2, avrai un terminale a tutto schermo, in cui devi eseguire il login testuale, con user e pass, al che digiti sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock   sudo dpkg --configure -a    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade\n<Carlin0> <krabador> per tornare qui, ctrl alt f7\n<azzardoincredibi> ok il risultato è lo stesso\n<azzardoincredibi> p.s. posso tornare al desktop mentre esegue dal terminale a schermo pieno senza interrompere?\n<Carlin0> ma se sta eseguendo  come fai a sapere il risultato ?\n<azzardoincredibi> ha finito :)\n<azzardoincredibi> quindi quel risultato che cosa signfica per un povero ignorante come me?\n<Carlin0> che risultato ?\n<Carlin0> ha aggiornato o no ?\n<azzardoincredibi> aveva già aggiornato ma dice sempre che c'è 1 elemento non completamente installato o rimosso.\n<azzardoincredibi> poi come prima dice E: Impossibile impostare blocco a /var/cache/apt/archives/lock e poi E: impossibile bloccare la directory /var/cache/apt/archive\n<giures67> non riesco a far partire kodi chi mi da una mano?\n<Carlin0> e se dai sudo spt-get -f install\n<Carlin0> cosa dice ?\n<Carlin0> ops scusa\n<Carlin0> e se dai sudo apt-get -f install\n<azzardoincredibi> indentico a prima dice E: Impossibile impostare blocco a /var/cache/apt/archives/lock -      open (11: risorsa temporaneamente non disponibile) e poi E: impossibile bloccare la directory /var/cache/apt/archive\n<azzardoincredibi> sempre 1 elemento non completamente installato o rimosso\n<krabador> azzardoincredibi, sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock\n<krabador> rimanda sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade\n<krabador> giures67, in quale ubuntu ?\n<giures67> ubuntu 14.04 lts derivata xubuntu\n<krabador> giures67, allora, nel repositories troverai xbmc\n<giures67> gia provato nn funziona ho provato anche forum 0\n<krabador> nella versione 12.3\n<krabador> \"già provata non funziona\" ---> cosa fa ?\n<giures67> e' installato perchè esiste nel multimedia l'icona , ma se clicco nn parte parte 1a schermata poi ritorn al desktop .\n<krabador> giures67, ed hai installato i repositories di kodi , segnalati nel sito ufficiale, per poi installare kodi?\n<giures67> si ci ho smanettatoto tt ieri niente\n<krabador> non hai disinstallato la precedente versione di xbmc installata, prima ?\n<giures67> gia fatto nulla\n<krabador> giures67, queste domande sono per sapere lo stato attuale della macchina\n<krabador> non se hai risolto o meno\n<krabador> apri il terminale, scrivi kodi, manda invio e vedi cosa compare\n<giures67> Segmentation fault (core dumped)\n<giures67> Crash report available at /home/giures67/kodi_crashlog-20150518_160420.log\n<krabador> giures67, sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<krabador> giures67, cat /home/giures67/kodi_crashlog-20150518_160420.log | pastebinit\n<giures67> e scusami ma avevo capito che le domande erano per quel motivo\n<krabador> giures67, il secondo comando restituisce un link , nel terminale, copialo ed incollalo qui\n<giures67> giures67@giures67-TravelMate-2700:~$ sudo apt-get install pasterbinit\n<giures67> [sudo] password for giures67:\n<giures67> Lettura elenco dei pacchetti... Fatto\n<giures67> Generazione albero delle dipendenze\n<giures67> Lettura informazioni sullo stato... Fatto\n<giures67> E: Impossibile trovare il pacchetto pasterbinit\n<Carlin0> ecco :P\n<Carlin0> pasteRbinit\n<Carlin0> giures67, è meglio che fai copia/incolla dei comandi così non rischi di sbagliare\n<giures67> giures67@giures67-TravelMate-2700:~$ sudo apt-get install pasterbinit\n<giures67> [sudo] password for giures67:\n<giures67> Lettura elenco dei pacchetti... Fatto\n<giures67> Generazione albero delle dipendenze\n<giures67> Lettura informazioni sullo stato... Fatto\n<giures67> E: Impossibile trovare il pacchetto pasterbinit\n<Carlin0> ci insiste\n<krabador> c'è talento\n<azzardoincredibi> krabador mi dice che è necessario scaricare un archivioda 360kb accetto?\n<krabador> si, accetta7\n<krabador> azzardoincredibi, se parli del comando che ti ho dato\n<krabador> giures67_, prima che incolli ancora il risultato del comando che hai dato sbagliato\n<krabador> ti faccio presente che sei stato buttato fuori dal floodbot perchè non si possono incollare lunghi output in canale\n<krabador> ti reincollo i comandi che ti ho mandato alle 16:05\n<krabador> <krabador> giures67, sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<krabador> <krabador> giures67, cat /home/giures67/kodi_crashlog-20150518_160420.log | pastebinit\n<giures67_> giures67@giures67-TravelMate-2700:~$ sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<giures67_> Lettura elenco dei pacchetti... Fatto Generazione albero delle dipendenze        Lettura informazioni sullo stato... Fatto\n<krabador> giures67_, per favore\n<krabador> solo del secondo comando\n<giures67_> pastebinit è già alla versione più recente. I seguenti pacchetti sono stati installati automaticamente e non sono più richiesti:\n<krabador> ti è stato chiesto\n<krabador> ti incollare qui\n<krabador> l'output\n<krabador> cerca di non fare di testa tua, chiedi , se qualcosa non ti è chiaro\n<azzardoincredibi> dice che si sono verificati dei problemi nell'elaborazione\n<krabador> azzardoincredibi, posta il contenuto completo del comando\n<krabador> *risultato\n<giures67_> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11207267/\n<azzardoincredibi> E: sub process usr/bin/dkpg returned an error code\n<azzardoincredibi> come faccio dal terminale a schermo pieno, funziona stamp immagine schermo?\n<krabador> azzardoincredibi, sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<N3mo> Copia tutto su !pastebin\n<krabador> se installa, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade | pastebinit\n<azzardoincredibi> è già presente\n<krabador> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade | pastebinit\n<krabador> giures67_, sudo lshw -C video | pastebinit\n<azzardoincredibi> ok e ora come lo uso pastebinit\n<krabador> azzardoincredibi, devi mandare proprio il comando che ti ho postato\n<N3mo> dopo il comando inserisci |pastebin\n<N3mo> dopo il comando inserisci |pastebinit\n<krabador> N3mo, attento\n<azzardoincredibi> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11207506/\n<krabador> azzardoincredibi, non c'è nessun problema\n<krabador> sudo apt-get -y autoremove | pastebinit\n<azzardoincredibi> lo posso tenere pastebin o è meglio toglierlo?\n<krabador> \"lo posso tenere pastebin o è meglio toglierlo\" ---> che fastidio ti da?\n<azzardoincredibi> quello era il comando per rimuoverlo?\n<krabador> azzardoincredibi, con autoremove, togli roba non piu' necessaria\n<azzardoincredibi> ok\n<azzardoincredibi> grazie for the support buona serata\n<krabador> manda l'output\n<azzardoincredibi> quindi ora quell'installazione di libav che era rimasta a metà è stata eliminata o completata? :D\n<krabador> azzardoincredibi, vuoi o no mandare l'output del comando che ti è stato suggerito?\n<azzardoincredibi> ok ma ora mi ha rimosso libreoffice? http://paste.ubuntu.com/11207595/\n<krabador> versione precedente\n<azzardoincredibi> ok quindi mi sai rispondere all'ultima domanda?\n<krabador> autoremove non taglia roba in uso dall'utente\n<krabador> ma non avevi salutato?\n<azzardoincredibi> posso finire l'installazione di libav o la devo riprendere dall'inizio?\n<azzardoincredibi> mi sono ricordato della domanda da cui è nato tutto :)\n<krabador> reinstalla, e manda pure sudo apt-get install lubuntu-restricted-addons lubuntu-restricted-extras\n<azzardoincredibi> ora posso riprendere a usare il terminale normale o sempre quello a schermo pieno?\n<krabador> dopo l'ultimo comando riavvia\n<azzardoincredibi> ok\n<azzardoincredibi> ciao buona serata :)\n<krabador> buona serata a te\n<krabador> <krabador> giures67_, sudo lshw -C video | pastebinit\n<giures67_> giures67@giures67-TravelMate-2700:~$ sudo lshv -C video | pastebinit sudo: lshv: command not found Si sta tentando di inviare un documento vuoto, in chiusura.\n<giures67_> questo e' cio' che e' uscito\n<krabador> giures67_, ma ti preoccupi, prima di mandare comandi nel terminale, di averli digitati correttamente ?\n<giures67_> si\n<krabador> sei veramente sicuro ?\n<giures67_> la il post 17:17 l'ho fatto c copia e incolla\n<krabador> ma bravo, e , per favore, se non ti urta, puoi riportare quello che ti ho suggerito, e subito dopo quello che hai mandato?\n<giures67_> [16:48] <krabador> giures67_, sudo lshw -C video | pastebinit\n<azzardoincredibi> mi ha datto errore di elaborazione nellultimo comando prima di riavviare krabador\n<giures67_> [17:17] <giures67_> giures67@giures67-TravelMate-2700:~$ sudo lshv -C video | pastebinit sudo: lshv: command not found Si sta tentando di inviare un documento vuoto, in chiusura.\n<azzardoincredibi> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11207595/\n<krabador> giures67_, e non noti nessuna differenza?\n<krabador> azzardoincredibi, il pastebin che hai mandato non riporta niente del genere\n<azzardoincredibi> bè sono rimasti 19 pacchetti non installati che il comando che mi hai dato voleva installare\n<krabador> azzardoincredibi, se devi mandare pastebin, deve essere presente il problema\n<krabador> altrimenti non ha senso\n<krabador> sudo apt-get install lubuntu-restricted-addons lubuntu-restricted-extras | pastebinit\n<azzardoincredibi> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11207991/ . ok allora l'errore non importa?\n<giures67_> scusa , nn ti sto prenedendo in giro , nn mi sono accorto\n<giures67_> ti invio nuovo\n<krabador> giures67_, ok, manda il comando corretto\n<giures67_> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11207993/\n<giures67_> e? questo quello che cerchi ?\n<krabador> si\n<giures67_> grazie sorry\n<azzardoincredibi> quindi è a posto krabador?\n<krabador> azzardoincredibi, se ci fosse stato un problema, sarebbe stato nuovamente riportato\n<azzardoincredibi> ok bona\n<krabador> azzardoincredibi, nessun problema da questo .\n<krabador> giures67_, cat /usr/share/applications | pastebinit\n<krabador> giures67_, puoi copiare da qui , ed incollare\n<krabador> nel terminale, per evitare rischi di errori\n<giures67_> ok eseguo\n<krabador> giures67_, ci sei ?\n<giures67_> si\n<krabador> il link allora?\n<giures67_> giures67@giures67-TravelMate-2700:~$ cat /usr/share/applications | pastebinit cat: /usr/share/applications: È una directory Si sta tentando di inviare un documento vuoto, in chiusura.\n<giures67_> ho copiato ed incoll\n<krabador> ls -la /usr/share/applications | pastebinit\n<krabador> errore mio\n<giures67_> ok eseguo\n<giures67_> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11208134/\n<krabador> cat /usr/share/applications/kodi.desktop | pastebinit\n<giures67_> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11208160/\n<krabador> giures67_, sudo mousepad /usr/share/applications/kodi.desktop\n<krabador> ti aprirà l'editor di testo con un testo all'interno\n<giures67_> ok\n<krabador> modifica la linea Exec=kodi con Exec=sh -c \"MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=3.0 kodi\"\n<krabador> salvi chiudi e provi a mandare kodi\n<giures67_> ok eseguo\n<giures67_> giures67@giures67-TravelMate-2700:~$ kodi Segmentation fault (core dumped) Crash report available at /home/giures67/kodi_crashlog-20150518_174144.log\n<krabador> giures67_, cat /usr/share/applications/kodi.desktop | pastebinit\n<giures67_> se è irrisolvibile pazienza\n<krabador> cat /home/giures67/kodi_crashlog-20150518_174144.log | pastebinit\n<giures67_> ok\n<krabador> hai un hardware decisamente datato, per i cambiamenti che ha subito xbmc/kodi, negli ultimi anni\n<giures67_> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11208264/\n<krabador> giures67_, mi hai mandato solo il secondo\n<giures67_> solo questo mi da\n<krabador> te ne ho indicati 2\n<krabador> sveglia\n<krabador> la riga prima di <giures67_> se è irrisolvibile pazienza\n<giures67_> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11208352/\n<krabador> vabeh, io adesso devo andare, se non risolvi ti consiglio di disinstallare la versione di kodi che hai messo dai repositories kodi, installare la versione di xbmc presente nei repositories ufficiali, e modificare l'eseguibile di xbmc, nello stesso modo in cui abbiamo modificato l'esegubile di kodi, ma con Exec=sh -c \"MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=3.0 xbmc\" al posto di Exec=sh -c \"MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=3.0 kodi\"\n<krabador> giures67_, cerca di non prendere in giro chi cerca di aiutarti\n<giures67_> ok grazie ciao e scusa il disturbo\n<giures67_> io non ho preso in giro nesuno , comunque grazie lo stesso\n<giures67_> ==\n<giures67_> ==  giures67\n<valentluca> Salve, ho installato MATE su Ubuntu 14.04 seguendo la guida ufficiale. Ora però non riesco a disinstallarlo. Qualcuno potrebbe aiutarmi? Grazie\n<wuolfit> ciao a tutti\n<wuolfit> ho il seguente problema ho 3 registrazioni da cui vorrei eliminare i rumori ed aumentare il volume delle voce presenti\n<wuolfit> esiste un programma per far si che cio' sia possibile?\n<cybernova> wuolfit, prova audacity\n<cybernova> !info audacity | wuolfit\n<ubot-it> wuolfit: audacity (source: audacity): fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.5-1ubuntu3 (trusty), package size 2404 kB, installed size 6397 kB\n<wuolfit> ok grazie ora provo.....\n<cybernova> wuolfit, è molto famoso nell'ambiente, un vero e proprio programma professionale\n<wuolfit> se mai vi ricontatto se ho problemi\n<wuolfit> grazie cybernova\n<wuolfit> ciao di nuovo ho scaricato audacity ed l'ho provato ma non essendo pratico non sono riuscito nel mio intento cosa dovrei fare per eliminare i rumori ed aumentare il volume delle voci?\n<patricia_> buonasera a tutti...ho xubuntu 12.04 installato su un notebook asus...da qualche giorno riscontro degli arresti di sistema improvvisi, come se facessi correttamente uno shoutdown... come posso capire il motivo di questi arresti?\n<patricia_> PS: mi sono segnato anche gli orari e i giorni di questi arresti su un foglietto..\n<wuolfit> hai per caso programmato degli spegnimenti patricia_?\n<patricia_> wuolfit, no.. inoltre capitano con cadenza differente\n<patricia_> uno anche circa una mezz'oretta fa\n<wuolfit> hai fatto per caso modifiche hardware che potrebbero aumentare la temperatura della cp?\n<wuolfit> cpu scusa\n<patricia_> nemmeno wuolfit ... il pc in questione è ad uso di una mia collega di lavoro che desiderava avere un os leggero per utilizzarlo per navigare sul web e stop...\n<patricia_> in questo momento sto escludendo danni all'hd con badblocks...\n<wuolfit> in quanti usano il pc?\n<patricia_> la mia collega e suo marito per le medesime cose...facebook, giochetti in flash online e skype. nient'altro..\n<wuolfit> strano....penso\n<patricia_> infatti wuolfit ..\n<wuolfit> puo' essere un problema di connettori dell'alimentazione?\n<wuolfit> esmpio  mettendo mano ad un hp portatile con winzoz 8 se toglievo la batteria e lo attaccavo alla corrente non si accendeva\n<patricia_> no wuolfit...il pc si spegne andado proprio in shoutdown...\n<patricia_> non si spegne \"come se mancasse l'alimentazione\"\n<aiutooo> salve, ho comprato un paio di cuffie con microfono da attaccare al pc tramite usb\n<aiutooo> sono di marca microsoft, esistono dei driver per poterle utilizzare su ubuntu?\n<wuolfit> si attaccale e vai\n<aiutooo> non funzionano se le attacco e basta\n<patricia_> ma mi stavo chiedendo...esiste un registro eventi su xubuntu? cosicchè possa visualizzare gli errori che compaiono prima di questi strani spegnimenti del pc?\n<cybernova> wuolfit, a quello ci devi pensare te, guarda la wiki di audacity che sicuramente ti darà qualche informazione in più: http://wiki.audacityteam.org/wiki/Audacity_Wiki_Home_Page\n<wuolfit> grazie cybernova\n<cybernova> wuolfit, prego, quello che vuoi fare non è banale ed esistono professionisti apposta che sanno cosa fare e come, in bocca al lupo\n<wuolfit> crepi\n<wuolfit> aiutooo devi dire al sistema quale periferica usare invece delle solite cuffie o micreofono\n<aiutooo> wuolfit: come faccio?\n<wuolfit> su impostazioni audio\n<wuolfit> c'e' tutto\n<patricia_> sono al 40% dell'analisi di badblocks ma ancora nessun errore...\n<moonlight> Buona sera, ho installato xfce4 su ubuntu 14.04 ma adesso non riesco ad eliminarlo! Qualcuno potrebbe aiutarmi?\n<patricia_> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<moonlight> Ho provato in tutti i modi: con sudo apt-get purge, con sudo apt-get remove... ma non si disinstalla!\n<krabador> moonlight, sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<patricia_> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11210806/ questo è il syslog raga.... forse da qua si capisce perchè xubuntu fa spegnere il pc?\n<krabador> moonlight, dpkg -l | grep xfce4 | pastebinit\n<patricia_> anzi...perchè il pc si spegne senza motivo.....\n<moonlight> ho risolto da solo\n<moonlight> al riavvio xfce4 non c'è più\n<moonlight> adesso, come disinstallo mate?\n<krabador> moonlight, risolvi da solo\n<krabador> visto che lasci gente ad aspettare il risultato dei comandi\n<patricia_> forse ho trovato! 19:17:41 patricia-K53BR kernel: [ 2033.493031] Critical temperature reached (99 C), shutting down.\n<patricia_> quindi il motivo di sti spegnimenti è in questo errore immagino..\n<krabador> patricia_, beh, decisamente, è un notebook o un fisso?\n<patricia_> un notebook krabador\n<moonlight> ho risolto dando il tuo comando e rimuovendo i pacchetti segnati\n<patricia_> in che modo posso capire quale sensore rileva questa temperatura troppo alta e quindi manda in shoutdown il pc?\n<krabador> patricia_, smontalo, pulisci la ventola, e cambia la pasta termoconduttiva alla cpu\n<patricia_> ok krabador\n<krabador> Paradisee, se arrivi veramente a 99°, rischi molto di piu' di spegnimenti improvvisi del sistema\n<krabador> patricia_, se arrivi veramente a 99°, rischi molto di piu' di spegnimenti improvvisi del sistema\n<patricia_> adesso faccio una stampa del log e lo faccio vedere alla proprietaria del pc...intanto grazie mille\n<patricia_> buona serata\n<krabador> moonlight, che guida hai seguito per installare mate?\n<moonlight> Quella della wiki\n<moonlight> di ubuntu-it\n<krabador> moonlight, dpkg -l | grep ubuntu-mate-dev | pastebinit\n<krabador> incolla qui il link risultante\n<Real83> Qualcuno disponibile per due \"aiutini\"?\n<fabio_cc> !qualcuno | Real83\n<ubot-it> Real83: la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera'\n<Real83> Silvelight esite per Ubuntu?\n<Real83> o almeno qualcosa di analogo\n<fabio_cc> !pipelight | Real83\n<ubot-it> Real83: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/InternetRete/Navigazione/Pipelight\n<Real83> thx\n<fabio_cc> Real83, prego\n<valerio81> buonasera a tutti. Vorrei chiedervi un aiuto per installare per far partire un programma, si chiama LinuxBand.\n<valerio81> o meglio, l'ho installato, ma quando lo lancio, il terminale mi restituisce questo messaggio\n<valerio81> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11213803/\n<Carlin0> !chat | valerio81\n<ubot-it> valerio81: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<valerio81> ok, grazie mille\n#ubuntu-it 2015-05-19\n<piro80> buongiorno a tutti su un pc ho installato ubuntu 14.04 ho installato l'ambiente grafico enlightenment ho impostato un tema adesso sul pc mi appare la scrivania del tema impostato ma non mi fa fare nulla apparte muovere il mouse\n<Guest50192> Buongiorno a tutti. Uso Ubuntu 14.04 lts e credo di avere un problema di eccessivo consumo RAM, ma vorrei essere aiutato a capire se è vero. Non riesco a vedere video perchè \"saltano\" con qualsiasi browser (Firefox e Chrome). E mi serve vederli per lavoro. Qualcuno può aiutarmi?\n<Guest50192> c'è nessuno?\n<krabador> good morning\n<akis24> giorno\n<piro80> buongiorno a tutti su un pc ho installato ubuntu 14.04 ho installato l'ambiente grafico enlightenment ho impostato un tema adesso sul pc mi appare la scrivania del tema impostato ma non mi fa fare nulla apparte muovere il mouse\n<krabador> piro80, seleziona un'altro ambiente al login\n<piro80> non mi permette di fare nulla\n<krabador> piro80, il login\n<krabador> piro80, http://i.stack.imgur.com/ovESn.png qui\n<piro80> se posso fare qualcosa solo all'avvio\n<krabador> http://c-nergy.be/blog/wp-content/gallery/xrdp14-04/lxde_3a.png qui\n<krabador> selezioni l'altro ambiente grafico\n<piro80> non riesco perchè avevo impostato di entrare direttamente quindi non passo per la schermata di login ma entra direttamente e da dentro non mi permette di chiudere la sessione\n<krabador> piro80, male, sconsigliabilissimo disabilitare il login\n<krabador> piro80, ctrl alt t, apre un terminale ?\n<piro80> eee me ne sono accorto comunque fortunatamente non avevo ancora caricato dati o altro quindi penso che farò una reistallazione\n<piro80> provato non appare il terminale\n<krabador> piro80, ctrl alt f2 , effettui il login testuale , sudo mv ~/.config ~/.config_old , sudo reboot\n<piro80> provato anche ctrl alt f2 non da segni di vita\n<krabador> piro80, riavvia, seleziona la seconda voce dall'alto in grub , seleziona ulteriormente la seconda voce dall'alto del menu che compare\n<krabador> avrai il menu della modalità ripristino\n<krabador> selezioni root\n<krabador> mount -o remount,rw /\n<krabador> digiti ed invii esattamente questa linea\n<krabador> poi sudo mv ~/.config ~/.config_old\n<piro80> proverò grazie adesso devo uscire grazie tante krabador\n<krabador> piro80, torna quando hai il pc davanti\n<piro80> ok grazie ancora\n<asolo> ciao a tutti\n<asolo> dopo aver instaallato ubuntu 14.04 non riesco a mettere la linguia italiana\n<tdk200> Giorno\n<krabador> asolo, impostazioni --- lingua\n<krabador> asolo, connesso ad internet\n<asolo> si sono connesso ad internet\n<asolo> e su impostazioni lingua mi da italiano ma effettivamente è tutto inglese\n<krabador> elimina la lingua inglese e seleziona solo quella italiana, al che riavvia\n<asolo> già fatto infatti mi trovo solo quella italiana\n<krabador> asolo, manda uno screenshot di impostazioni lingua\n<krabador> !image | asolo\n<ubot-it> asolo: Carica un'immagine su https://imgur.com/ | http://imageshack.us/ (richiede registrazione) e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<krabador> l'immagine la fai premendo il tasto stamp\n<krabador> e sarà nella cartella immagini\n<asolo> stavo facendo delle verifiche mi sa che ha riscontrato un errore durante l'installazione perche non riesco ad installare nemmeno un programma dal software center\n<asolo> https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/A5TGjrbrTUS1ZqKHI85g\n<krabador> il sistema per quello che si puo' vedere , è in italiano\n<asolo> sembrerebbe\n<krabador> al che , chiudi impostazioni\n<krabador> apri il termiale\n<krabador> terminale\n<krabador> sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<krabador> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade | pastebinit\n<asolo> https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/uy10cEv8TKwOfr09Ir8w\n<asolo> E: Impossibile trovare il pacchetto pastebinit\n<krabador> asolo, software-properties-gtk\n<krabador> abilita tutti i repositories\n<krabador> universe restricted multiverse\n<krabador> mettendo la spunta\n<krabador> chiudi la finestra\n<krabador> torni sul terminale, sudo apt-get update\n<krabador> sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<krabador> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade | pastebinit\n<asolo> facendo sudo apt-get update\n<asolo> Err http://it.archive.ubuntu.com trusty Release.gpg\n<asolo>   Impossibile iniziare la connessione a it.archive.ubuntu.com:80 (2001:760:ffff:b1::34). - connect (101: Network is unreachable) [IP: 2001:760:ffff:b1::34 80]\n<asolo> Err http://it.archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates Release.gpg\n<asolo>   Impossibile iniziare la connessione a it.archive.ubuntu.com:80 (2001:760:ffff:b1::34). - connect (101: Network is unreachable) [IP: 2001:760:ffff:b1::34 80]\n<asolo> Err http://it.archive.ubuntu.com trusty-backports Release.gpg\n<asolo>   Impossibile iniziare la connessione a it.archive.ubuntu.com:80 (2001:760:ffff:b1::34). - connect (101: Network is unreachable) [IP: 2001:760:ffff:b1::34 80]\n<asolo> Lettura elenco dei pacchetti... Fatto\n<krabador> asolo1, non si puo' incollare in canale\n<krabador> si deve usare pastebin\n<krabador> e pastebinit era appunto un modo automatizzato per farlo\n<asolo1> non va\n<krabador> asolo1, apri il terminale\n<krabador> software-properties-gtk\n<asolo1> comunque con sudo apt-get update mi da una serie di errori\n<krabador> asolo1, ma leggi quello che sto scrivendo?\n<asolo1> si\n<krabador> software-properties-gtk , menu a tendina \"scaricare da \"\n<krabador> seleziona altro\n<krabador> italia\n<krabador> mirror.crazynetwork.it\n<krabador> clicca scegli server\n<krabador> chiudi la finestra di software-properties-gtk\n<krabador> torna sul terminale\n<krabador> sudo apt-get update\n<krabador> sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<krabador> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade | pastebinit\n<asolo1> oleee è andato sta scaricando pastebinit\n<asolo1> che faccio ora\n<krabador> hai mandato l'ultimo comando?\n<asolo1> si\n<krabador> deve aver restituito un link\n<krabador> incollalo qui\n<asolo1> è fermo a estrazione dei template dei pacchetti 100%\n<krabador> allora lascialo fare\n<asolo1> ok\n<asolo1> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11222595/\n<krabador> bene, sistema aggiornato, post installazione, adesso puoi riavviare, tornare in supporto lingue, e lui ti chiederà in automatico di installare i pacchetti\n<krabador> che prima non hai installato , come gli aggiornamenti, per problemi con i repositories\n<asolo1> ok va adeso è tutto italiano\n<asolo1> grazie infinitamente\n<krabador> ma di niente\n<PeppeSR> salve come faccio a vedere se un pacchetto è installato o meno?\n<PeppeSR> in caso specifico mi interesserebbe php5-gd\n<krabador> PeppeSR, dpkg -l | grep pacchetto\n<PeppeSR> weiii ciao carissimo :) come stai?\n<calimero_82> salve, ogni tanto crasha evince-thumbnailer, a cosa serve?\n<conte81>  CIao a tutti\n<Uzzi> vi è la possibilità di lanciare un processo in una sessione video di un utente, da una sessione ssh remota?\n<Riccardo62> Buongiorno\n<Riccardo62> avrei bisogno di capire come risolvere un problema dopo l'ultimo aggiornmento\n<Riccardo62> Lenovo 3000 n200 Ubuntu 15.04\n<Riccardo62> quando si avvia resta in pausa e occorre forzare lo spegnimento\n<Riccardo62> al secondo riavvio offre la possibilità di scegliere la versione\n<krabador> Riccardo62, finisce la fase di avvio, o succede esattamente durante?\n<Riccardo62> se scelgo la 17 non parte\n<Riccardo62> con la 16 parte correttamente\n<Riccardo62> dopo il root in fase di avvio\n<krabador> Riccardo62, puoi riportare il nuomero corretto , completo di \"17\" e \"16\"?\n<Riccardo62> dove trovo la versione installata\n<Riccardo62> ?\n<krabador> Riccardo62, 17 e 16, da soli, in ubuntu non significano nulla\n<Riccardo62> hai ragione ok però non so dove trovare la versione scritta estesa\n<Carlin0> Riccardo62, ti riferisci ai kernel ?\n<krabador> Riccardo62, quando la selezioni ?\n<Riccardo62> credo di si\n<krabador> Riccardo62, la schermata di selezione all'avvio, ovvero grub , non ce l'hai , e non ce l'avevi prima, giusto ?\n<Riccardo62> no prima partiva direttamente e appariva la scrivania\n<krabador> Riccardo62, allora, avvia il pc, e mettiti a premere il tasti shift\n<Riccardo62> ora forse vedo grub quando scelgo la versione kernel\n<krabador> appunto, lo fai apparire premendo continuamente il tasto shift in avvio\n<Riccardo62> e poi ?\n<krabador> in corrispondenza della prima voce in alto, premi il tasto e\n<krabador> al che , avrai una serie di linee, vai a cancellare le parole quiet splash   e premi f10\n<krabador> in questo modo vediamo in che punto dell'avvio si blocca\n<Riccardo62> per fare questo devo abandonarti e riprendere poi la chat\n<krabador> Riccardo62, segnati perfettamente cio' che appare, meglio se fai una foto, e la posti poi\n<krabador> !image | Riccardo62\n<ubot-it> Riccardo62: Carica un'immagine su https://imgur.com/ | http://imageshack.us/ (richiede registrazione) e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<krabador> su imgur\n<Riccardo62> ok\n<Riccardo62> vado?\n<krabador> l'importante è che torni qui con documentazione del problema\n<epizefiri> Hola!\n<krabador> hola\n<epizefiri> Il mio pc con l'ultima lts dopo alcuni minuti smette di riprodurre suoni\n<epizefiri> se son con le cuffie il problema non si presenta, con le casse interne si. Cosa può essere?\n<krabador> del tipo che inizi ad ascoltare qualcosa, durante la riproduzione stessa stacca ?\n<epizefiri> si\n<dadexix86> casse interne od esterne? se esterne, ti succede anche con altri dispositivi?\n<epizefiri> Con le casse esterne (quindi tramite uscita jack) non succede. Succede solo con le casse interne (è un portatile, un thinkpad )\n<dadexix86> epizefiri, -^ , a me succede con delle casse esterne quando gli faccio arrivare roba a volume basso, ad un certo punto si spengono, ma perché sono fatte così loro\n<krabador> Riccardo62, non in privato, scrivi pure in canale\n<Riccardo62> si si ok\n<epizefiri> dadexix86, si conosco quel tipo di problema.. no qui succede sia con i suoni di sistema che con la musica.. e succede sia a volume basso che alto\n<epizefiri> addirittura succede pure se non ascolto nulla.. cioè, io so che se il pc è acceso da una ventina di minuti non riproduce più suoni\n<krabador> epizefiri, esattamente nel momento in cui succede, hai controllato alsamixer e pavucontrol per vedere se ci sono differenze?\n<Riccardo62> https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/obzpS7L2QXW5WdSqUvDD\n<Riccardo62> Partenza\n<dadexix86> epizefiri, te lo fa anche con altre distribuzioni/sistemi operativi/versioni di Ubuntu?\n<Riccardo62> https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/ya8JPINBQ7qRUPMIxNXj\n<krabador> dadexix86, se hai il supporto di installazione, prova una sessione live, per vedere se ci sono differenze con l'installazione\n<epizefiri> krabador, alsamixer nessuna differenza.. pavucontrol non lo conosco.. mi informo subito\n<epizefiri> dadexix86, non ho altri sistemi sulla macchina...\n<krabador> epizefiri, ubuntu o derivata?\n<epizefiri> krabador, ubuntu all'ultima lts.. 14.04 se non erro\n<Riccardo62> In sequenza appare grub e scelgo la prima voce \"Ubuntu\"\n<epizefiri> si, 14.04\n<krabador> epizefiri, 14.04.2 ?\n<krabador> che l'è bella che buggata\n<epizefiri> ahahah, vero?\n<krabador> purtroppos i\n<krabador> ci sono stati problemi\n<Riccardo62> 15.04\n<epizefiri> uhm, dici che se aggiorno risolvo o devo fare un installazione pulita?\n<Riccardo62> https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/JADc1xudQ32S9VaX1NIM\n<krabador> epizefiri, ti consiglierei in realtà di installare 14.04.1\n<krabador> se proprio vuoi provare con un'altra installazione\n<Riccardo62> Questo è quello che appare subito dopo\n<krabador> epizefiri, come ti dicevo prima, prova una sessinoe live con il supporto di installazione che hai\n<epizefiri> ok\n<krabador> Riccardo62, hai premuto \"e\" in quel punto\n<krabador> e cancellato quiet splash?\n<Riccardo62> dopodichè resta una videata nera e l'HD non da segni di elaborazione alcuna\n<krabador> epizefiri, per un bel po', per vedere se ti si presenta il problema anche li\n<Riccardo62> quale punto '\n<Riccardo62> ?\n<krabador> Riccardo62, <krabador> in corrispondenza della prima voce in alto, premi il tasto e\n<krabador> <krabador> al che , avrai una serie di linee, vai a cancellare le parole quiet splash   e premi f10\n<krabador> <krabador> in questo modo vediamo in che punto dell'avvio si blocca\n<krabador> alle 14:49\n<krabador> era solo della parte successiva a quest'operazione\n<krabador> che serviva una foto\n<Riccardo62> riavvio, grazie\n<epizefiri> krabador, provo con una live usb di un altra distro. a sto punto 15.04 e vedo se il problema non si ripresenta.. se si dovesse ripresentare che faccio? Vuol dire che è un problema hw?\n<krabador> si, è un problema hardware\n<krabador> che tra l'altro riguarda diversi thinkpad\n<krabador> epizefiri, prova 15.04, nel caso il kernel 3.19 abbia , nello specifico hardware, risolto il problema\n<epizefiri> krabador, hai link su questo problema hardware dei thinkpad? Ho una polizza casco sul pc.. al massimo me lo faccio sostituire\n<krabador> epizefiri, spetta , di supporto hardware, non hardware fisico\n<epizefiri> ah, okidoki :D\n<Somewhere> Ciao ragazzi, da qualche giorno ubuntu non mi riesce a montare il cellulare come dispositivo di massa, ma mi carica solamente la batteria. Ho visto le impostazioni del cellulare ed è tutto ok.. Consigli?\n<Mariottinet> Salve, voglio mettere linux su un pc acer apsire 3053wxmi, quale disro mi consigliate? grazie\n<kodi_> Mariottinet: per cosa ti serve?\n<Mariottinet> siccome e un pc che non uso tanto vorrei imparare meglio linux cmq mi serve per navigare, scaricare cose cosi\n<kodi_> !download | Mariottinet\n<ubot-it> Mariottinet: download is http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ o http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ o http://www.ubuntu-it.org/download\n<Mariottinet> Grazie!!\n<kodi_> Mariottinet: il terzo link\n<Mariottinet> si ho visto\n<Mariottinet> Ok vado a sperimentare grazie a presto\n<befluel> cioa\n<befluel> ciao\n<befluel> buon giorno a tutto il canale\n<guest00> Ciao ragazzi, non so se è morta la pennetta, è in modalità read-only, ho provato i seguenti comandi ma niente http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11230337/\n<krabador> guest00, sudo gparted\n<krabador> selezioni la pendrive\n<krabador> crei nuova tabella partizioni\n<guest00> già usato gparted\n<krabador> e per fare cosa?\n<guest00> per fommattarla, ma è in read only\n<krabador> e allora\n<krabador> sudo gparted\n<guest00> ok\n<krabador> selezioni la pendrive\n<krabador> crei nuova tabella partizioni\n<krabador> una volta creata chiudi gparted\n<krabador> stacchi la pendrive, la riattacchi\n<krabador> la smonti\n<krabador> sudo umount /dev/sdb1\n<krabador> sudo gparted\n<krabador> crei partizione\n<krabador> chiudi gparted, stacchi la pendrive\n<guest00> 1 partition is currently active on device /dev/sdb\n<krabador> la riattacchi e vedi che dice\n<krabador> guest00, deve essere smontata\n<krabador> guest00, chiudi gparted\n<krabador> sudo umount /dev/sdb1\n<guest00> Can't write to /dev/sdb, because it is opened read-only.\n<guest00> l'ho smontata\n<krabador> una volta smontata , sudo gparted e creazione tabella partizioni\n<krabador> ti da quest'errore?\n<krabador> dispositivo --- crea tabella partizioni, una volta selezionata la pendrive dentro gparted\n<guest00> create partition table -> select new partition msdos. Can't write to /dev/sdb, because it is opened read-only.\n<guest00> nel link pastebin dice Dirty bit is set. Fs was not properly unmounted and some data may be corrupt.\n<guest00>  Automatically removing dirty bit.\n<krabador> ho letto il link\n<krabador> guest00, verifica che la pendrive non abbia uno switch fisico per la protezione delle scritture\n<guest00> non ce l'ha\n<guest00> sono sicuro\n<guest00> sudo mkfs -t vfat /dev/sdb1\n<guest00> mkfs.fat 3.0.26 (2014-03-07)\n<guest00> mkfs.vfat: unable to open /dev/sdb1: Read-only file system\n<krabador> guest00, smonta la pendrive\n<krabador> una volta smontata dosfsck -a /dev/sdxx , con xx che devono corrispondere a lettera e numero partizione della tua pendrive\n<krabador> guest00, sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<krabador> guest00, dosfsck -a /dev/sdxx | pastebinit\n<krabador> ed incolli qui poi il link prodotto\n<guest00> fsck.fat 3.0.26 (2014-03-07)\n<guest00> open: Read-only file system\n<krabador> guest00, sudo su\n<krabador> smonta sempre la pendrive\n<krabador> sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<krabador> dosfsck -a /dev/sdxx | pastebinit\n<guest00> è smontata\n<Riccardo62> @kabrador\n<Riccardo62> ci sei ?\n<Riccardo62> Ops! krabador\n<Riccardo62> Buonasera\n<Riccardo62> qualcuno può aiutarmi ?\n<guest00> fsck.vfat -vaV /dev/sdb1\n<guest00> fsck.fat 3.0.26 (2014-03-07)\n<guest00> fsck.fat 3.0.26 (2014-03-07)\n<guest00> open: Permission denied\n<krabador> guest00, per favore, puoi mandare esattamente i comandi che ti ho indicato ?\n<krabador> Riccardo62, hai le foto dello screen , come da precedenti istruzioni?\n<Riccardo62> Ubuntu 15.04 si blocca al momento di kernel device manager\n<Mr_Pan> è scappato?!?! lol\n<guest00> scusa è caduta la connessione\n<guest00> udo umount /dev/sdb1\n<guest00> umount: /dev/sdb1: not mounted\n<guest00> sudo dosfsck -a /dev/sdb1\n<guest00> fsck.fat 3.0.26 (2014-03-07)\n<guest00> open: Read-only file system\n<Riccardo62> Quando si interrompe si oscura subito, non è facile cogliere l'attimo ci riprovo ma la dicitura è avvio di kernel device manger\n<krabador> Riccardo62, ti segnalato 2 volte, quest'oggi, per favore, di, nel grub, premere e (il tasto \"e\" della tastiera) in corrispondenza della prima voce dal'alto selezionata\n<guest01> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11230767/\n<krabador> guest01, find /dev/sdb -type f -exec chmod 666 {} \\;\n<guest01> fatto\n<krabador> guest01, montala adesso da qualche parte\n<guest01> non esce niente\n<krabador> per vedere se ha preso questa modifica\n<guest01> quale comando\n<guest01> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11230851/\n<krabador> guest01, successivamente all'ultimo comando che ti ho dato, devi montare la pendrive in una cartella\n<krabador> tipo /mnt\n<krabador> andare all'interno e cercare di copiarci qualcosa\n<guest01> è già montata in media e da quel risultato\n<guest01> ho smontato e rimontato e da quello\n<guest01> non posso cancellare ne incollare\n<krabador> guest01, su quale ubuntu?\n<krabador> guest00, su quale ubuntu?\n<guest00> 14.04\n<guest00> è rotta?\n<guest00> ho cercato e se questo http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11231021/ non funziona allora significa che è rotta\n<guest00> nei log da sempre [sdb] Write Protect is on\n<Riccardo62> krabador  https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/jdNOI6U3RIC9aNMgW8ig\n<krabador> le manovre che abbiamo fatto, in corrispondenza di una pendrive fisicamente integra avrebbero dovuto risolvere il problema\n<Riccardo62> eliminato quiet e splash\n<krabador> perfetto\n<krabador> premuto f10 ?\n<guest00> ok grazie\n<krabador> guest00, 5€ per una 4gb sono 5 caffè D:\n<guest00> non bevo caffè lol\n<Riccardo62> si ora la videata  https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/mxWPIkU2R1A2fA2KyXkQ\n<Riccardo62> l'aggiornamento che si blocca è questo  https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/sVaIrr5xQ2mh2xqNXexM\n<krabador> Riccardo62, la penultima foto che hai fatto\n<krabador> è esattamente il punto in cui si blocca il caricamento?\n<Riccardo62> esatto\n<krabador> Riccardo62, ok, allora , prova a caricare la seconda voce,dall'alto , dell'ultima foto che mi hai mandato\n<Riccardo62> Linux 3.19.017 generic o la 16 ?\n<Riccardo62> la Upstart 17 ?\n<Riccardo62> perchà ci ho già provato e parte solo con la 16\n<Riccardo62> tutte le 17 si piantano\n<krabador> tutte e 2 si piantano ?\n<krabador> appunto\n<Riccardo62> si\n<Riccardo62> se non trovo la soluzione vorrei perlomeno attivare soltanto la 16 ma non so come impostare\n<Riccardo62> in automatico\n<Carlin0> magari si è solo installato male il nuovo kernel\n<krabador> allora, Riccardo62 accedi con la prima 16 dell'elenco\n<Riccardo62> è quella con la quale Ti sto scrivendo\n<Riccardo62> ma come faccio a eliminare la 17 che mi legge per prima ?\n<Riccardo62> se accedono i miei familiari non sanno fare tutte le manovre necessarie a riavviare...\n<krabador> Riccardo62, allora, apri un terminale\n<krabador> sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<krabador> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | pastebinit\n<krabador> il secondo restituirà un link\n<Riccardo62> sta elaborando\n<Riccardo62> mi dice \"W: È consigliato eseguire \"apt-get update\" per correggere questi problemi\n<Riccardo62> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11231358/\"\n<Riccardo62> rc@rc-3000-N200:~$ sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<Riccardo62> [sudo] password for rc:\n<Riccardo62> Lettura elenco dei pacchetti... Fatto\n<Riccardo62> Generazione albero delle dipendenze\n<Riccardo62> Lettura informazioni sullo stato... Fatto\n<Riccardo62> I seguenti pacchetti NUOVI saranno installati:\n<Carlin0> autoflood :P\n<krabador> peccato\n<Carlin0> penso che torni è da stamattina che gira\n<Riccardo62> krabador ci risono ...\n<Riccardo62> rc@rc-3000-N200:~$ sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<Riccardo62> [sudo] password for rc:\n<Riccardo62> Lettura elenco dei pacchetti... Fatto\n<Riccardo62> Generazione albero delle dipendenze\n<Riccardo62> Lettura informazioni sullo stato... Fatto\n<Carlin0> Riccardo62,  ...\n<Carlin0> non incollare in canale lunghi paste\n<Carlin0> !paste | Riccardo62\n<ubot-it> Riccardo62: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<Riccardo62> sono stato bandito dal canale....ma intorno a me non c'è neppure un rigagnolo...\n<Carlin0> usa il pastebin\n<Riccardo62> ho pastato bin ma non so esattamente cosa sto facendo\n<Mr_Pan> Riccardo62, dopo un tot di righe in poco tempo Autoflood ti sbatte fuori ... usa pastebin...\n<Carlin0> oltretutto non sei stato cacciato da bot ma ti sei autofloodato\n<Riccardo62> ho usato pastebin ma ora ho il testo in una nuova scheda e non so come pubblicarlo\n<Carlin0> * Riccardo62 ha chiuso la connessione (Excess Flood)\n<Riccardo62> tutto fatto in buona fede ragazzi ... scusatemi\n<Carlin0> passa il link\n<Carlin0> tranqui\n<Riccardo62> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11231542/\n<Riccardo62> questo '\n<Riccardo62> ?\n<Riccardo62> krabador non Ti ho abbandonato ma ho fatto Kakarakiri (giusto 2 volte- quindi...Kakarakiri) :-)\n<Carlin0> Riccardo62, dai sudo apt-get update\n<Carlin0> come ti dice di fare ubuntu stesso\n<Riccardo62> \"W: È consigliato eseguire \"apt-get update\" per correggere questi problemi\"..... Eseguo\n<Carlin0> di nuovo ?\n<Riccardo62> Risposta \"http://paste.ubuntu.com/11231703/\"\n<Carlin0> devi mettere sudo davanti\n<Riccardo62> \"Impossibile acquisire il blocco sulla directory di amministrazione (/var/lib/dpkg/). È necessario essere root.\"\n<Riccardo62> ah ok\n<Riccardo62> non stavo sudando e quindi non c'ho pensato... :)\n<Riccardo62> me lo ha richiesto un'altra volta, avviato\n<Riccardo62> ancora una volta\n<Carlin0> continua a dare sempre lo stesso errore ?\n<Riccardo62> mi sembra che chieda sempre la stessa cosa e registri sempre lo stesso errore\n<Riccardo62> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11231737/\n<Carlin0> Riccardo62, si è sempre lo stesso errore\n<Riccardo62> Vi chiedo scusa e Vi sono grato dell'aiuto ma domani mi servirebbe utilizzare il pc per una presentazione....\n<Carlin0> Riccardo62, cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit\n<Riccardo62> non ho capito...\n<Mr_Pan> Riccardo62, dev iscivere il comando da cat incluso in poi\n<Carlin0> non so fino a che punto riesco ad aiutarti , non sono praticissimo di ubuntu , speriamo torni presto krabador\n<Carlin0> fai copia incolla Riccardo62\n<Riccardo62> \"http://paste.ubuntu.com/11231783/\" mi ha ridato questo ...\n<Carlin0> bene\n<Riccardo62> sono andato alla pagina ma è uscito un messaggio in Aramaico !\n<Carlin0> è il tuo sources.list\n<Riccardo62> ok\n<Carlin0> mi spiace devi aspettare krabador non riesco a individuare quali sono i repo doppi che hai\n<cristian_c> deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu vivid main restricted\n<cristian_c> questo è doppio\n<cristian_c> è presente due volte\n<Riccardo62> grazie lo stesso Carlin0 almeno ho preso un pò di confidenza con Ubuntu, aspetterò krabador e altri suggerimenti grazie davvero\n<Riccardo62> grande cristian_c ! come lo estirpo ?\n<Carlin0> Riccardo62, eh perchè io in realtà non uso ubuntu\n<cristian_c> deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu vivid restricted\n<cristian_c> anche questo mezzo doppio\n<Carlin0> l'unica cosa che potrei farti e cancellare tutto e rifarli ex novo\n<cristian_c> deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu vivid-updates restricted\n<cristian_c> mezzo doppio pure questo\n<Carlin0> cristian_c, tu che dici ?\n<Riccardo62> se reinstallo 15.04 da cd ?\n<Carlin0> no sei matto\n<cristian_c> e pure questo: deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu vivid-security restricted\n<Carlin0> non si reinstalla per una cosa simile\n<cristian_c> deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu vivid partner\n<cristian_c> deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu vivid partner\n<Riccardo62> fiuuu ! meno male\n<cristian_c> e anche questi sono  doppi\n<Mr_Pan> Carlin0, ho la lista pulita dei repo vivid se vuoi\n<Carlin0> cristian_c, che facciamo cancelliamo tutto e li prendiamo dal wiki ?\n<Mr_Pan> fai prima ....\n<Mr_Pan> ce li ho .\n<Carlin0> Mr_Pan, http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Repository/SourcesList\n<cristian_c> Riccardo62, sì , ti conviene rifare il sources.list\n<cristian_c> a default\n<Mr_Pan> si intendevo dire che li avevo già pronti nel file di testo ... lo so che stanno li :D\n<Riccardo62> cristian_c se non è una cosa vietata ai minori posso farlo ...se mi spieghi bene cosa fare...\n<Carlin0> Riccardo62, dai al terminale → sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list\n<cristian_c> Riccardo62, Carlin0 ti ha linkato la pagina wiki apposita\n<Carlin0> Riccardo62, ti apre il sources.list\n<Carlin0> dimmi quando ci sei\n<Carlin0> cristian_c, i backports ci vanno ?\n<Riccardo62> ho visto , si ma non so come eseguire cosa...devo copiare il testo intero o a comandi a terminale ?\n<Carlin0> aspetta Riccardo62\n<Carlin0> Riccardo62, hai aperto il file come ti ho detto ?\n<Riccardo62> sono operativo nella source list\n<Carlin0> aspetta un attimo , intanto cancellalo tutto\n<Carlin0> che ti preparo cosa copiarci dentro\n<Riccardo62> cancellato\n<Mr_Pan> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11232106/\n<Carlin0> Riccardo62, incollla tutto quello che ce nel paste linkato da Mr_Pan\n<Carlin0> dopo salvi e chiudi\n<Riccardo62> ho copiato dal link\n<Riccardo62> salvato e chiuso\n<krabador> nerdacci , gli potevate dire di cambiare semplicemente dal menu a tendina di software-properties-gtk , la voce \"scarica da\"\n<Carlin0> dopo che hai chiuso sudo apt-get update\n<Carlin0> krabador, aveva de repo doppi\n<krabador> sisi, doppi, ammettilo di esserti divertito a vedere Riccardo62 smanettare\n<krabador> :D\n<Carlin0> prosegui pure tu cmq :P\n<Carlin0> LOL\n<krabador> daaaai che si scherza, madonna...\n<Riccardo62> nerdacce io intanto soffro ...di ansia ma soffro\n<Carlin0> lo so\n<Carlin0> Riccardo62, hai chiuso e salvato ?\n<Carlin0> krabador, ma lo sai che non conosco bene ubuntu\n<Riccardo62> sembra fatto e non da più errori\n<krabador> Carlin0, il testo è sempre la cosa migliore\n<Carlin0> faccio per quel poco che so\n<krabador> quindi ok\n<Carlin0> Riccardo62, update non da + errori ?\n<Riccardo62> \"Lettura elenco dei pacchetti... Fatto\n<Riccardo62> \"\n<krabador> Riccardo62, sudo apt-get update | pastebinit\n<krabador> cosi' ci rendiamo conto\n<Mr_Pan> Riccardo62, occhio al flood ....\n<Riccardo62> Mr_Pan ora vieni fuori Te col flood ? ... E' due ore che si smanetta ! O.0 !\n<Carlin0> krabador, gli abbiamo messo anche i backports ho visto ... non so se sia bene / male\n<Riccardo62> ahahha\n<Mr_Pan> Riccardo62, lol\n<Mr_Pan> Riccardo62, il link della lista dei repo l'ho mandata io :D\n<Riccardo62> Carlino i Boccaporti vanno chiusi solo se c'è mare mosso\n<Carlin0> Riccardo62, hai dato il comando che ti ha detto krabador ?\n<Riccardo62> volevo ma mi sono perso ora controllo\n<krabador> bah, i backports magari se li lascia spenti è meglio\n<Riccardo62> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11232202/\n<krabador> bene nessun errore\n<Riccardo62> O K !\n<Riccardo62> :)\n<Riccardo62> posso tentare di riavviare e vedere cosa succede ?\n<krabador> no\n<Carlin0> no\n<krabador> sudo apt-get dist-update | pastebinit\n<Riccardo62> va bene ma backport ?\n<Riccardo62> s\n<krabador> Riccardo62, meglio toglierli\n<Riccardo62> come ?\n<Riccardo62> da suorce list ?\n<krabador> si , allora, sudo gedit /etc/sources.list\n<Carlin0> apt\n<krabador> aah gia\n<Riccardo62> faccio un misto ?\n<krabador> si , sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list\n<krabador> no il secondo\n<Riccardo62> ok\n<Riccardo62> pronto\n<krabador> metti  #  a fianco di deb http://it.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu vivid-backports main restricted universe multiverse   e    deb-src http://it.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu vivid-backports main restricted universe multiverse\n<Carlin0> all'inizio della riga\n<krabador> in modo da avere #deb http://it.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu vivid-backports main restricted universe multiverse       #deb-src http://it.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu vivid-backports main restricted universe multiverse\n<krabador> salvi , chiudi , sudo apt-get update | pastebinit\n<Riccardo62> sono le prime due righe ?\n<krabador> no, guarda bene\n<Carlin0> sono le 2 righe con la parola backports\n<Riccardo62> fatto\n<krabador> salvi , chiudi , sudo apt-get update | pastebinit\n<Riccardo62> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11232252/\n<krabador> Riccardo62, che fai , mandi il pastebin del pastebinit ?\n<Carlin0> Riccardo62, basta che ci dai il link che ti risponde lui\n<Carlin0> lol\n<krabador> Riccardo62, sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade | pastebinit\n<krabador> e , appunto, dacci solo il link risultante\n<Riccardo62> ho visto WARNING e allora ho esagerato\n<Riccardo62> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11232301/\n<Riccardo62> l'ultimo è questo\n<krabador> bene , hai il sistema completamente aggiornato\n<Riccardo62> Ragazzi siete stati grandi !\n<Riccardo62> Grazie di cuore\n<Carlin0> però quel kernel gli blocca tutto , non sarà il caso di provare a reinstalllarlo\n<krabador> gia\n<krabador> Riccardo62, allora, dpkg -l | grep 3.19.0-17 | pastebinit\n<Riccardo62> Ho ringraziato prima perchè se non si riavvia non ci sentiremo mai più ! sigh sigh !\n<Carlin0> al max riavvi come ora col vecchio kernel\n<Riccardo62> vado ? dpkg etc... ?\n<Carlin0> si dai il comando\n<krabador> \"non ci sentiremo mai più\" ---> lanci il pc dalla finestra?\n<Riccardo62> ahahahahah SICURO !\n<Riccardo62> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11232383/\n<krabador> Riccardo62, in ubuntu , finquanto non li rimuove l'utente , rimangono i vecchi kernel appunto per la possibilità di usarli in corrrispondenza di problemi con l'ultimo\n<Riccardo62> bene\n<Riccardo62> allora posso sempre fare come ho fatto quest'oggi\n<Carlin0> certo\n<Carlin0> ma ora vediamo se riusciamo a sistemare\n<krabador> Riccardo62, sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-headers-3.19.0-17 linux-headers-3.19.0-17-generic linux-image-3.19.0-17-generic linux-image-extra-3.19.0-17-generic\n<krabador> spetta\n<krabador> Riccardo62, sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-headers-3.19.0-17 linux-headers-3.19.0-17-generic linux-image-3.19.0-17-generic linux-image-extra-3.19.0-17-generic | pastebinit\n<Riccardo62> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11232507/\n<Carlin0> che strana risposta\n<Riccardo62> se cercate di prendere tempo per carpire info sensibili ditelo eh !? ve li do io e così si va a dormire ! Ahahhahahaha\n<Carlin0> no no\n<krabador> eeeh, già, che hai il kernel 3.19.0-17 è un segretone di stato\n<Riccardo62> ;-)\n<Riccardo62> che cacchio di risposta ha dato ?\n<Carlin0> che non può riscaricare i pacchetti\n<krabador> Riccardo62, sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-headers linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic linux-image | pastebinit\n<krabador> Carlin0, sono stati ripuliti?\n<Carlin0> fosse per me te li purgherei\n<Carlin0> ripuliti cosa ?\n<Riccardo62> E: Il pacchetto \"linux-headers\" non ha candidati da installare\n<Riccardo62> E: Il pacchetto \"linux-image\" non ha candidati da installare\n<Riccardo62> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11232564/\n<krabador> Riccardo62, il pastebinit\n<Carlin0> proviamo a purgarli ?\n<krabador> Riccardo62, dpkg -l | grep linux-image | pastebinit\n<krabador> Riccardo62, dpkg -l | grep linux-headers | pastebinit\n<Riccardo62> con tutte queste paste e bignè forse una purga ci vuole...\n<krabador> Riccardo62, non essere ingordo\n<Riccardo62> :)\n<krabador> prendi solo quelli consigliati :D\n<Carlin0> lascia i cannoli alle signore\n<Riccardo62> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11232614/\n<Riccardo62>   ecco uno\n<Riccardo62> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11232617/\n<Riccardo62>  ecco due\n<krabador> qua c'è da togliere parecchia robetta\n<Riccardo62> Carlin0 tranqui sono all'antica ...:)\n<Carlin0> ha un sacco di kernel vecchi\n<Riccardo62> krabador ce la facciamo per colazione ?\n<Carlin0> dipende a che ora la fai\n<krabador> Riccardo62, no, sarai sazio di paste\n<krabador> per quell'ora.\n<Carlin0> meglio che gli metti il comando su paste\n<Carlin0> lol\n<Riccardo62> effettivamente avevo notato una sfilza di kernel , una videata piena....\n<krabador> Riccardo62, sudo apt-get remove --purge linux-image-3.16.0-23-generic linux-image-3.16.0-25-generic linux-image-3.16.0-28-generic linux-image-3.16.0-29-generic linux-image-3.16.0-30-generic linux-image-3.16.0-32-generic linux-image-3.16.0-33-generic linux-image-3.16.0-34-generic linux-image-3.16.0-36-generic linux-image-extra-3.16.0-23-generic linux-image-extra-3.16.0-25-generic linux-image-extra-3.16.0-28-generic linux-image-extra-3.16.0-29-\n<krabador> generic linux-image-extra-3.16.0-30-generic linux-image-extra-3.16.0-32-generic linux-image-extra-3.16.0-33-generic linux-image-extra-3.16.0-34-generic linux-image-extra-3.16.0-36-generic linux-headers-3.16.0-25 linux-headers-3.16.0-28 linux-headers-3.16.0-29 linux-headers-3.16.0-30 linux-headers-3.16.0-32 linux-headers-3.16.0-33 linux-headers-3.16.0-34 linux-headers-3.16.0-36\n<krabador> bene , si è spezzato\n<Carlin0> meglio che gli metti il comando su paste\n<krabador> assolutamente\n<Carlin0> lo dissi\n<Riccardo62> e 1\n<Carlin0> Riccardo62, aspetta\n<krabador> Riccardo62, http://pastie.org/private/iqxtnbsta47913w0fgstzq\n<Riccardo62> ops\n<krabador> copia ed incolla questo\n<krabador> Riccardo62, se lo mandi spezzato non va\n<Carlin0> e questi sono solo i 3.16 vero ?\n<krabador> si\n<Riccardo62> speriamo bene\n<Carlin0> hai fatto Riccardo62 ?\n<Carlin0> questa è solo un po di pulizia\n<Riccardo62> ho inviato il primo spezzone ed  è partito\n<Carlin0> Riccardo62,\n<Riccardo62> ho inviato poi il comando intero e non trova nulla\n<krabador> Riccardo62, dovevi mandare SOLO\n<krabador> quello intero\n<Riccardo62> troppo tardi era già partito\n<Carlin0> vediamo la situazione al momento dai\n<Carlin0> <krabador> Riccardo62, dpkg -l | grep linux-image | pastebinit\n<Carlin0> <krabador> Riccardo62, dpkg -l | grep linux-headers | pastebinit\n<Carlin0> ridai sti 2 comandi\n<Riccardo62> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11232843/\n<Riccardo62> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11232845/\n<krabador> ok Riccardo62\n<krabador> sudo apt-get remove --purge linux-headers-3.16.0-25 linux-headers-3.16.0-28 linux-headers-3.16.0-29 linux-headers-3.16.0-30 linux-headers-3.16.0-32 linux-headers-3.16.0-33 linux-headers-3.16.0-34 linux-headers-3.16.0-36 | pastebinit\n<Riccardo62> ci pensa\n<Riccardo62> continua  a pensare\n<Carlin0> lassalo fare\n<krabador> ti darà il solito link\n<Riccardo62> a pagamento ?\n<krabador> beh, dopo un ora di assistenza scatta la tariffa\n<Carlin0> la notturna\n<Carlin0> è cara\n<Riccardo62> io assisto voi nel vostro operato dato che se non creo il problema voi non potete operare\n<Mr_Pan> interessante punto di vista ....\n<Carlin0> ma ancora sta pensando ?\n<Riccardo62> e oggi si sa ... il lavoro scarseggia\n<Riccardo62> comincio a temere che più che pensando ci stia ri...pensando\n<Riccardo62> L'HD lavora...\n<Carlin0> e il terminale che dice ?\n<Riccardo62> nada\n<Carlin0> mi sorge un dubbio\n<Riccardo62> alleluia\n<Riccardo62> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11232987/\n<Carlin0> Riccardo62, uname -a | pastebinit\n<krabador> esatto\n<Riccardo62> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11233050/\n<Carlin0> tutto ok finora dai\n<krabador> lsb_release -a | pastebinit\n<krabador> il 16 è l'ultimo di vivid, in assoluto , dai repo ufficiali\n<krabador> avevi i backport abilitati anche prima?\n<Carlin0> e per questo non gli riscaricava il 17\n<Carlin0> buh\n<krabador> appunto\n<Riccardo62> Boh !\n<krabador> l'ultimo paste\n<Carlin0> allora lo purghiamo e buonanotte\n<Riccardo62> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11233055/\n<Riccardo62> me o il kernel ?\n<Carlin0> tuttedue\n<Riccardo62> Carlin0 sii chiaro nelle Tue esposizioni ahahahaha\n<Carlin0> :o)\n<Riccardo62> metti ansia\n<Riccardo62> ahahahaha\n<krabador> sudo apt-get remove --purge linux-image-3.19.0-17-generic linux-image-extra-3.19.0-16-generic | pastebin\n<Carlin0> no\n<Carlin0> no\n<Riccardo62> no che ?\n<Carlin0> no dare il comando\n<krabador> oooooh is\n<krabador> si\n<Carlin0> aspe\n<krabador> sbagliato ad incollare\n<Carlin0> capita\n<krabador> sudo apt-get remove --purge linux-image-3.19.0-17-generic linux-image-extra-3.19.0-17-generic | pastebin\n<Riccardo62> Ognuno di noi ha il suo Angelo custode ! io c'ho Carlin0\n<Riccardo62> sudo apt-get remove --purge linux-image-3.19.0-17-generic linux-image-extra-3.19.0-17-generic | pastebin\n<Riccardo62> Ops ! ho sbagliato\n<Carlin0> pure tu !!!\n<krabador> Riccardo62, poi   sudo apt-get remove --purge linux-headers-3.19.0-17 linux-headers-3.19.0-17-generic | pastebin\n<Riccardo62> comando non trovato\n<Carlin0> impossibile Riccardo62\n<Riccardo62> E: Impossibile impostare il blocco /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Risorsa temporaneamente non disponibile)\n<Riccardo62> E: Impossibile acquisire il blocco sulla directory di amministrazione (/var/lib/dpkg/). Un altro processo potrebbe tenerla occupata.\n<Riccardo62> pastebin: comando non trovato\n<Carlin0> ahhhhhhhhh\n<krabador> Riccardo62, il comando precedente è tornato al terminale?\n<Carlin0> non pastebin ma pastebinit\n<krabador> hai gestori aggiornamenti, o software center aperto?\n<Riccardo62> mi devo preoccupare?\n<Carlin0> capito Riccardo62 ?\n<krabador> sudo apt-get remove --purge linux-image-3.19.0-17-generic linux-image-extra-3.19.0-17-generic | pastebinit\n<krabador> sudo apt-get remove --purge linux-headers-3.19.0-17 linux-headers-3.19.0-17-generic | pastebinit\n<krabador> eccoli\n<krabador> uno alla volta\n<krabador> piano piano\n<Carlin0> resta ancora una conf residua di un kernel\n<Carlin0> eheheheh\n<Carlin0> rc  linux-image-3.19.0-15-generic                       3.19.0-15.15                               i386\n<Riccardo62> E: Impossibile impostare il blocco /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Risorsa temporaneamente non disponibile)\n<Riccardo62> E: Impossibile acquisire il blocco sulla directory di amministrazione (/var/lib/dpkg/). Un altro processo potrebbe tenerla occupata.\n<Riccardo62> Si sta tentando di inviare un documento vuoto, in chiusura.\n<krabador> per il moment la lasciamo\n<krabador> Riccardo62, mandi sudo ?\n<Riccardo62> quaqle?\n<Riccardo62> semplicemente sudo\n<krabador> c'è sudo all'inizio del tuo comando ?\n<Riccardo62> ?\n<krabador> no+\n<krabador> Riccardo62, c'è un software center aperto ?\n<Carlin0> o gestore pacchetti\n<Riccardo62> no\n<Riccardo62> solo firefox e terminale\n<krabador> prima di darti questo link http://paste.ubuntu.com/11232987/   ti ha dato errore ?\n<Riccardo62> no\n<Riccardo62> verificato\n<krabador> Riccardo62, sudo apt-get update | pastebinit\n<Riccardo62> E: Impossibile impostare il blocco /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Risorsa temporaneamente non disponibile)\n<Riccardo62> E: Impossibile acquisire il blocco sulla directory di amministrazione (/var/lib/dpkg/). Un altro processo potrebbe tenerla occupata.\n<Riccardo62> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11233213/\n<krabador> sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock && sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock\n<Riccardo62> Carlin0 ... vado ?\n<Carlin0> vai tranwui\n<Carlin0> guarda che sbagliamo tutti eh\n<krabador> Riccardo62, che fai prendi per il culo?\n<Riccardo62> scherzo:)\n<krabador> ti ricordo che è mezzanotte e mezza\n<krabador> Riccardo62, un paio di coglioni\n<Carlin0> krabador cmq è + esperto di me ti puoi fidare\n<Riccardo62> non offenderti è solo per smorzare la tensione\n<Carlin0> è + facile lasciarlo fare come faccio io che prendersi la briga di fare come fa lui\n<Riccardo62> ho sempre preso con ironia le cose della vita se possibile ma non ho mai preso per il culo nessuno nemmeno per scherzo\n<Carlin0> bon fine della polemica vado a farmi uno spuntino (mortazza time)\n<krabador> il comando non da output , a meno gli oggetti a cui punta non esistano.\n<Riccardo62> non ha dato nessuna risposta\n<krabador> sudo apt-get remove --purge linux-image-3.19.0-17-generic linux-image-extra-3.19.0-17-generic linux-headers-3.19.0-17 linux-headers-3.19.0-17-generic linux-image-3.19.0-15-generic linux-image-extra-3.19.0-15-generic  | pastebinit\n<Riccardo62> E: Impossibile impostare il blocco /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Risorsa temporaneamente non disponibile)\n<Riccardo62> E: Impossibile acquisire il blocco sulla directory di amministrazione (/var/lib/dpkg/). Un altro processo potrebbe tenerla occupata.\n<Riccardo62> Si sta tentando di inviare un documento vuoto, in chiusura.\n<Riccardo62> io non vedo niente di aperto\n<krabador> Riccardo62, sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock && sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock\n<krabador> riavvia\n<krabador> sempre con 16\n<Riccardo62> rm: impossibile rimuovere \"/var/lib/apt/lists/lock\": File o directory non esistente\n<Riccardo62> vado con il riavvio ?\n<krabador> ok, idem, riavvia, sempre con 16\n<Riccardo62> Pronti\n<krabador> bene, di nuovo terminale , di nuovo sudo apt-get remove --purge linux-image-3.19.0-17-generic linux-image-extra-3.19.0-17-generic linux-headers-3.19.0-17 linux-headers-3.19.0-17-generic linux-image-3.19.0-15-generic linux-image-extra-3.19.0-15-generic  | pastebinit\n<Riccardo62> sta lavorando\n<krabador> bene\n<Riccardo62> mi devo preocupare ?\n<Riccardo62> Sarà mica dislessico il mio pc ?\n<krabador> tra un po' dovrebbe dare il link\n<Riccardo62> ho come l'impressione che non stia lavorando L'HD è fermo\n<Carlin0> Riccardo62, cmq qualcuno ha pasticciato un po su quel pc eh\n<Carlin0> repo doppi kernel che non si sa da dove viene .. troppa roba strana\n<Riccardo62> il pc è stato formattato e ex non installato Ubunto  un anno e mezzo fa poi solo aggiornamenti\n<Carlin0> ma lo usi solo tu ?\n<Riccardo62> si\n<Carlin0> niente figli moglie suocere\n<Riccardo62> lo utilizzano in consultazione e basta\n<Riccardo62> nessuna installazione\n<Carlin0> dicono tutti così sopratutto quando succedono casini\n<Riccardo62> ha sempre segnalato un errore di sistema regolarmente inviato\n<krabador> Riccardo62, rimasto in sospeso, il comando ?\n<Carlin0> cmq ....amen\n<Riccardo62> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11233562/\n<krabador> bene, adesso il pc è allineato con gli ultimi aggiornamenti\n<Riccardo62> Carlin0 il pc ha sempre funzionato regolarmente e solo dopo l'ultima kernel ha dato il problema\n<krabador> Riccardo62, riavvia, seleziona la prima voce che hai nel menu\n<krabador> Riccardo62, il 16 è l'ultimo ufficiale\n<Carlin0> o lascialo fare da solo\n<Riccardo62> e non ci sarebbe niente di male ad ammettere tentativi di manovra ma quando ho avuto bisogno sono entrato in chat\n<Riccardo62> riavvio\n<Carlin0> allora ?\n<Riccardo62> Pronti !\n<Riccardo62> Partito regolare in automatico\n<Carlin0> hai lasciato che facesse da solo ?\n<Riccardo62> esatto\n<Carlin0> bene\n<Carlin0> ora levami una curiosità però\n<Carlin0> Riccardo62, dpkg -l | grep linux-image\n<Carlin0> ops scusa\n<Carlin0> Riccardo62, dpkg -l | grep linux-image | pastebinit\n<Riccardo62> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11233783/\n<Riccardo62> deve essere partito con la 16\n<Carlin0> Riccardo62, ls /boot/ | pastebinit\n<Riccardo62> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11233814/\n<Carlin0> buh è strano ma come si usa.... cosa che funziona non si tocca +\n<Carlin0> sei a posto Riccardo62\n<Carlin0> sentiamo cosa dice krabador\n<Riccardo62> vedi aggiornamenti retrò ?\n<Carlin0> hai dei file che non dovrebbero esserci\n<Carlin0> perchè non c'è il pacchetto deb\n<krabador> da 3.8 a 3.13 è roba vecchia\n<Riccardo62> ce lo debbo mettere ?\n<Carlin0> si ma come mai li ha ?\n<Carlin0> con dpkg non si vedono\n<krabador> Riccardo62, sudo apt-get -y autoremove | pastebinit\n<Riccardo62> due anni fa avevo windows e ho utilizzato ubuntu in contemporanea per prendere confidenza ma poi ho formattato il tutto e non dovrebbe ro eserci\n<krabador> Carlin0, sono gli script in boot, se non rimossi da comandi automatici, rimangono li\n<krabador> Riccardo62, quante partizioni ha ubuntu?\n<Carlin0> quando rimuovi il deb vanno via anche loro , infatti i 3.16 non ci sono +\n<Riccardo62> una solamente\n<krabador> Carlin0, che sono quelli che abbiamo rimosso noi\n<Riccardo62> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11233861/\n<Carlin0> ma lasciali li va ... male non fanno\n<Carlin0> Riccardo62, quanta ram ha quel pc ?\n<krabador> se rimossi, ci va anche un sudo update-grub\n<Riccardo62> prima 1 gb ora 3 gb\n<Carlin0> e che cpu ?\n<Riccardo62> Intel® Pentium(R) Dual CPU T2330 @ 1.60GHz × 2\n<Riccardo62> Intel® 965GM x86/MMX/SSE2\n<Riccardo62> 77,6 GB\n<Riccardo62> 32 bit\n<Riccardo62> di più nnsò\n<Carlin0> si si era solo curiosità\n<Riccardo62> sudo update-grub vado?\n<Carlin0> ubuntu ci sta un po stretto forse infatti come hai visto per certe cose ci mette tempo\n<Riccardo62> perchè non hai visto windows O.O\n<Carlin0> sudo update-grub | pastebinit\n<krabador> necessario con la rimozione dei componenti in /boot\n<Riccardo62> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11233979/\n<Carlin0> eh ma tocca cancellarli a mano\n<Carlin0> oppre glieli si lascia\n<Carlin0> tu che dici krabador ?\n<krabador> puo' tenerli ma visto che ci siamo si puo' scozzare del tutto\n<Carlin0> con rm ..\n<krabador> su\n<krabador> si\n<Riccardo62> oh vai\n<Carlin0> Riccardo62, sudo rm -r /boot/*3.11*\n<Carlin0> Riccardo62, sudo rm -r /boot/*3.13*\n<Carlin0> Riccardo62, sudo rm -r /boot/*3.8*\n<Riccardo62> entrambi in sequenza?\n<Carlin0> tutto in sequenza\n<Carlin0> alla fine\n<Carlin0> ls /boot/ | pastebinit\n<Riccardo62> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11234091/\n<Carlin0> ok ora\n<Carlin0> sudo update-grub | pastebinit\n<Carlin0> poi vado a nanna\n<Riccardo62> rc@rc-3000-N200:~$ sudo update-grub | pastebinit\n<Riccardo62> Generating grub configuration file ...\n<Riccardo62> Attenzione: Setting GRUB_TIMEOUT to a non-zero value when GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT is set is no longer supported.\n<Riccardo62> Trovata immagine linux: /boot/vmlinuz-3.19.0-16-generic\n<Riccardo62> Trovata immagine initrd: /boot/initrd.img-3.19.0-16-generic\n<Riccardo62> Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.elf\n<Riccardo62> Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.bin\n<Carlin0> ...\n<Riccardo62> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11234103/\n<Carlin0> sei a posto ti abbiamo dato una ripulita mica da poco\n<Carlin0> aspe ....\n<Carlin0> ancora una cosa mentre ci siamo\n<Carlin0> lol\n<Riccardo62> Ragazzi siete stati grandi data l'ora e l'impegno profuso\n<Carlin0> sudo dpkg --purge `dpkg -l | egrep \"^rc\" | cut -d ' ' -f3` | pastebinit\n<Carlin0> poi vado a nanna per davvero\n<Riccardo62> se vi può consolare ora devo finire il lavoro di oggi\n<Carlin0> che lavoro fai ?\n<Riccardo62> consulente in Edilizia e Arredamento, Progetto vendo e realizzo quello che posso\n<Carlin0> hai dato l'ultimo comando ?\n<Riccardo62> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11234159/\n<Carlin0> buonanotte a tutti\n<Riccardo62> https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/K8vWQR5SgaSdut7fpWjy\n<Riccardo62> questo è un esempio di progetto realizzato\n<Carlin0> complimenti ...\n<Carlin0> ora il supporto è finito se vuoi chiacchierare passa in chat io vado a nanna\n<Carlin0> !chat | Riccardo62\n<ubot-it> Riccardo62: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<Carlin0> notte\n<Riccardo62> no no devo preparare la riunione di domani\n<Riccardo62> Buonanotte e grazie infinite davvero\n<Carlin0> è stato un piacere\n<Riccardo62> reciproco Notte a tutti\n<Riccardo62> Notte krabador\n<Riccardo62> i miei complimenti per la competenza dimostrata\n#ubuntu-it 2015-05-20\n<evan__> Salve, ho Xubuntu 15.04 quando provo a fare apt-get update mi dice che non trova \"http://it.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/vivid/InRelease\" prima non era mai successo\n<evan__> ho disattivato ipv6 perchè pensavo potesse essere un problema legato ma non cambia nulla, qualcun altro ha questo problema?\n<akis24> giorno\n<invisible93> se qualcuno mi può aiutare : http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=597936\n<invisible93> vedo che questa community è molto attiva... sì sì :S\n<cristian_c> invisible93, ?\n<cristian_c> !dettagli\n<ubot-it> Per favore dacci dettagli completi. Per esempio \"Ho un problema con..., sto usando Ubuntu versione... con interfaccia.... Quando provo a fare..., ottengo questo output: ..., ma mi sarei aspettato che facesse...\"\n<jack_> ciao\n<Guest51002> salve ho installato lubuntu e effettuato il download di un piccolo programma mi chiede il comando o credo un'applicazione per scompattare il pacchetto cosa posso fare visto che non so usare i comandi del terminale ?\n<cristian_c> Guest51002, qui non c'è supporto a programmi non presenti nei repository ufficiali di ubuntu\n<Carlin0> che programma Guest51002 ? dove lo hai preso ?\n<cristian_c> Guest51002, comunque, leggi le istruzioni all'interno del pacchetto\n<Guest51002> xdcc emule\n<Guest51002> si ok allora ti chiedo puo' un comune essere umano capire cosa fare con una conoscenza di base o devo imaprare a programmare il tutto ...vorrei utilizzare il vostro software ma senza cucinarmi le sinapsi e senza dovervi disturbare per ogni stupidaggine\n<Guest51002> il pacchetto non dice nulla e' file rar immagino devo abbinare un applicativo per decomprimere\n<Guest51002> unico problema e' che con wind ci riuscivo qua non so come fare\n<Carlin0> Guest51002,  leggi le istruzioni come ti ha detto cristian_c , tieni conto che un pacchetto preso fuori dai repo non è detto che funzioni\n<Carlin0> al limite rivolgiti a chi lo ha creato\n<Guest51002> scusa se tu hai un file rar che faresti ?? e' difficile da spiegare ?\n<Carlin0> !info unrar\n<ubot-it> unrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:5.0.10-1 (trusty), package size 133 kB, installed size 298 kB\n<Carlin0> Guest51002, hai lubuntu ?\n<Guest51002> ok ho cercato di aprire il pacchetto e mi dice non trovo il comando installato si ho lubuntu\n<Carlin0> dovrebbe aprirtelo xarchiver\n<Guest51002> dove vado a cercare il unarchive per esempio ?\n<cristian_c> Guest51002, ha estensione rar?\n<cristian_c> sicuro?\n<akis24> Guest51002: usa il gestore degli archivi per .rar .e .zip  nel frattempo sempre che come ti è stato detto sia un file valido per quel sistema come ti è stato detto\n<ronny1> non riesco ad autenticarmi con weechat :( su hexchat si e con weechat no.. lancio il comendo msg nickserv identify _____ e non mi fa accedere al mio account\n<cristian_c> Guest51002, sudo apt-get install rar unrar\n<Carlin0> !chat | ronny1\n<ubot-it> ronny1: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<ronny1> oh okay grazie\n<ronny1> scusate :)\n<ronny1> !chat | ronny1\n<ubot-it> ronny1, please see my private message\n<Guest51002> ok puoi indicarmi la procedura senza usare il terminale perche' se no sono vincolato a chiedervi ogni volta aiuto vorrei arrivarci da altra via per favore ...non conosco i comandi da terminale e non sempre sono attaccato on line ora dove si trova xarchiver\n<Guest51002> ?\n<Carlin0> ma non devi conoscere i comandi basta fare copia incolla di quello che ti si dice\n<cristian_c> Guest51002, si tratta di installare due pacchetti\n<cristian_c> Guest51002, se il problema è l'estensione rar\n<cristian_c> !rar\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/FormatiProprietari#head-05a28f01b4a66c3427e63e27bd2c2b500b292a3b\n<cristian_c> Guest51002, il formato rar è un formato proprietario\n<cristian_c> per cui si deve pagare una licenza di utilizzo (i distributori di os, generalmente)\n<cristian_c> ecco perché non è preinstallato\n<cristian_c> Guest51002, i pacchetti li puoi installare da terminale, da gestore pacchetti o anche da software center\n<Guest51002> come i somari praticamente ...ok  ci sara nel vostro pacchetto di software dentro lubuntu un applicativo per spacchettare guidami dove lo posso trovare e proviamo cosi\n<Guest51002> ok vado software center apse\n<cristian_c> vostro?\n<cristian_c> Guest51002, devi installare il supporto ai rar\n<cristian_c> Guest51002, ma sei sicuro che il pacchetto abbia estensione rar?\n<Guest51002> si sicuro 100%\n<Guest51002> non conoscendo l'interfaccia lubuntu non so dove cercare gli applicativi\n<Guest51002> sto cercando\n<cristian_c> Guest51002, lubuntu software center\n<cristian_c> oppure Gestore pacchetti\n<cristian_c> se proprio non vuoi digitare un comando di terminale.\n<Guest51002> sono su gestore pacchetti cosa cercao?\n<Guest51002> crco ?\n<cristian_c> Guest51002, pacchetti rar e unrar\n<cristian_c> li installi\n<Guest51002> ok vado perche sto su 2 pc\n<cristian_c> in realtà è più veloce il terminale su questo\n<Guest51002> non trovo mi spiace pacchetti rar unrar sai per caso dove si colloca\n<Carlin0> Guest51002, ma ad aprire un terminale riesci ?\n<Carlin0> !info xarchiver\n<ubot-it> xarchiver (source: xarchiver): GTK+ frontend for most used compression formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.5.2+20130119+dfsg-5 (trusty), package size 390 kB, installed size 1516 kB\n<Guest51002> si provo\n<cristian_c> Guest51002, ci sono , ma appunto da terminale è più veloce\n<cristian_c> ho controllato ora nel gestore pacchetti e ci sono\n<cristian_c> !info rar\n<ubot-it> rar (source: rar): Archiver for .rar files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2:4.2.0-1 (trusty), package size 610 kB, installed size 1270 kB\n<cristian_c> !info unrar\n<ubot-it> unrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:5.0.10-1 (trusty), package size 133 kB, installed size 298 kB\n<Guest51002> sono su lubuntu software center ci sono dei menu e poi dei sottomenu\n<cristian_c> Guest51002, gestore pacchetti\n<Guest51002> su accessori ho trovato 7zip puo andare bene\n<cristian_c> Guest51002, è comodo per installare i pacchetti dai repo ubuntu\n<cristian_c> da terminale è ancora più veloce\n<cristian_c> Guest51002, non so\n<Guest51002> gestore pacchetti non esite l'interfaccia non la riporta\n<cristian_c> Guest51002, installa synaptic se vuoi un gestore di pacchetti grafico\n<cristian_c> !info synaptic\n<Carlin0> Guest51002, scusa ma vieni a chiedere supporto e poi vuoi fare di testa tua\n<ubot-it> synaptic (source: synaptic): Graphical package manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.81.1 (trusty), package size 1329 kB, installed size 7650 kB\n<Carlin0> a quest'ora avevi già risolto\n<Guest51002> ti sto solo facendo notare che cio che mi chiedi non lo vedo\n<cristian_c> Carlin0, eh, ma si vuole complicare la vita da solo\n<cristian_c> Guest51002, ma hai installato synaptic?\n<Guest51002> no vorrei che foste piu' lineari tutto qua\n<Guest51002> non so dove te lo devo cercare\n<cristian_c> Guest51002, più semplice di installare un gestore pacchetti cosa c'è?\n<cristian_c> Guest51002, cerca synaptic nel software center\n<Carlin0> Guest51002, da mezzora ti diciamo 'apri un terminale' l'hai fatto ?\n<Guest51002> che se tu conosci il sistema operativo che usi so tutti capaci\n<cristian_c> Carlin0, no, lui preferisce installare le cose da interfaccia grafica, a costo di complicare\n<cristian_c> Guest51002, sì, ok, ma l'hai installato?\n<Guest51002> terminale aperto\n<Carlin0> chiudi software center\n<Carlin0> e poi incolla nel terminale\n<cristian_c> Guest51002, digita: sudo apt-get install rar unrar\n<akis24> scrivi la password anche se non la leggi e dai invio eh ...\n<akis24> :)\n<Guest51002> impossibile acquisire il blocco sulla directory\n<Guest51002> ??\n<Carlin0> chiudi software center\n<Carlin0> chiudi software center\n<cristian_c> Guest51002, non puoi usare due gestori di paccheti alla volta (terminale e software center)\n<cristian_c> *pacchetti\n<cristian_c> Guest51002, hai installato rar e unrar?\n<Guest51002> mi dice  unrar non ha versioni disponibili\n<cristian_c> Guest51002, sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<Guest51002> ariprovo\n<cristian_c> Guest51002, 15.04?\n<Guest51002> non trova\n<cristian_c> Guest51002, per favore, rispondi alle domande\n<Guest51002> 13.04\n<cristian_c> lol\n<Carlin0> fuori supporto\n<cristian_c> Guest51002, la 13.04 non è supportata\n<cristian_c> non puoi più installare nulla\n<cristian_c> hanno spento i repository\n<Guest51002> capisco grazie ok aggiorno allora speriamo funzioni\n<cristian_c> è scaduta come lo yogurt\n<cristian_c> Guest51002, aggiorna\n<Guest51002> succede\n<Guest51002> ok alla prossima\n<cristian_c> e poi potrai installare tutti i programmi dei repository\n<Guest51002> grazie infinite\n<cristian_c> di niente\n<reddiz> ubot-ot non ho trovato il fali da modificare, sono ronny1\n<Carlin0> !chat reddiz\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'chat reddiz'\n<Carlin0> !chat | reddiz\n<ubot-it> reddiz: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<frannn> ho bisogno della java machine\n<krabador> frannn, apri un terminale\n<frannn> come si installa\n<krabador> frannn, quale ubuntu stai installando?\n<krabador> *usando\n<frannn> l'ultima versione\n<krabador> segnalala, per favore\n<frannn> se mi dici il comando da terminale ti rispondo in modo piu preciso\n<krabador> segnala la versione di ubuntu che stai usando, per favore\n<frannn> \"Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS\"\n<krabador> bene, non è \"l'ultima versione\" , ma l'ultima long term support. l'ultima versione è la 15.04\n<frannn> ok ho capito\n<krabador> sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre openjdk-7-jdk icedtea-7-plugin\n<frannn> sto installando\n<frannn> grazie ù\n<daniele_> ciao a tutti\n<crome> Ciao a tutti ho effettuato il download di cairo su ubuntu studio 14 ma non trovo il file per avviarlo dove si trova ..nella cartella download risulta vuota\n<Carlin0> crome, Scaricati\n<crome> non c''e e' vuota ?\n<crome> 0 elementi\n<crome> l'ho scaricata dal soft center\n<crome> insieme ad un'altra applicazione ma nulla\n<Carlin0> ma il software center dovrebbe anche installarla non solo scaricarla\n<Carlin0> quindi forse è già installata\n<crome> dalla procedura mi dice che l'ha scaricata ora vorrei verificare se l'ha installata e farla anche partire per configurare\n<crome> ammesso che l'abbia istallata come la trovo per modificare il dock tipo mac ?\n<krabador> crome, vai nel sito ufficiale del progetto\n<krabador> crome, quando ti chiamavi pinguy , ti è stato mandato\n<crome> ok devo cercarlo\n<krabador> crome, http://glx-dock.org/\n<crome> fatto\n<crome> ora\n<krabador> crome, guarda in tutto il menu di ubuntu studio, un riferimento a cairo\n<crome> ok\n<krabador> questo http://www.glx-dock.org/ww_page.php?p=First%20Steps&lang=en  risponde a parecchie tue domande\n<vinny74> Ciao a tutti sono nuovo della chat ma non di ubuntu\n<krabador> !supporto | vinny74\n<ubot-it> vinny74: il canale di supporto è #ubuntu-it\n<krabador> !chat | vinny74\n<ubot-it> vinny74: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<krabador> !ciao | vinny74\n<ubot-it> vinny74: Ciao! Benvenuto in #ubuntu-it\n<vinny74> Condivisione cartelle da web con samba\n<vinny74> Ho messo su un server per un cliente e grazie ad owncloud gli ho creato questo cloud, ma l'utente è un pò restio alle innovazioni\n<vinny74> lui aveva delle cartelle condivise in rete che io gli ho portato sul cloud ma per lui sembra essere difficile abituarsi, quindi la mia domanda è\n<vinny74> Si può creare un sistema di condivisione tipo rete interna ma su web io ci ho provato ma non riesco mai ad accedere alle cartelle create con samba da web\n<vinny74> ho preparato un server in locale e tutto va bene ma se rifaccio la stessa configurazione su una VPS questo non va\n<vinny74> i client suno tutti windows\n<crome> e' in inglese ho provato con cambio lingua nulla le altre le cambia in italiano no cmq sto provando dal terminale\n<krabador> !chat | crome\n<ubot-it> crome: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<crome> ok\n<crome> come procedere\n<krabador> !chat | crome\n<ubot-it> crome: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<neramarea> sera a tutti. non riesco a vedere in 16:9 con schermi duplicati il segnale video hdmi in uscita da notebook (ubuntu 12.04) a tv lcd sony 32\". ho già smanettato con xrandr, e sono vicino al risultato, ma... il tv, da scheda tecnica sony, è 1920x1080, ma impostando questa risoluzione, mi viene TAGLIATA  una cornice di circa 1,5 cm...\n<Mariottinet> Salve a tutti, ho un problema, ho installato lubuntu su un acer aspire 3050 e non riesco a connetterlo ad internet, il wi-fi non funzona più prima quanto c'era windows funzionava come risolvo?\n<b00k3r> sera\n<cybernova> Mariottinet, versione di lubuntu?\n<Mariottinet> 15.04\n<Mariottinet> desktop\n<cybernova> Mariottinet, ok, apri un terminale e digita il seguente comando: lshw -C network\n<cybernova> !paste | Mariottinet\n<ubot-it> Mariottinet: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<Mariottinet> ora provo e ti faccio sapere\n<cybernova> Mariottinet, quel comando serve soltanto per sapere che scheda di rete hai, non risolve nulla\n<Mariottinet> quindi? cmq sara la 802\n<cybernova> Mariottinet, quindi dai quel comando e incolla nel link che ti ho dato l'output e posta qui in canale l'indirizzo\n<Mariottinet> non mi da l'output, dice ke è incompleto\n<cybernova> Mariottinet, digita bene, il comando è giusto e da output\n<zgorbyo> salve a tutti\n<zgorbyo> sarebbe qualcuno in grado di spiegarmi la procedura di installazione ./configure; make; make install ? la trovo spesso e sono un po confuso a riguardo\n<zgorbyo> per esempio adesso dovrei installare un pacchetto che la richiede\n<cybernova> zgorbyo, quella procedura è generale, probabilmente quello che vuoi installare nella cartella avrà un file chiamato README o qualcosa del genere con dentro le istruzioni\n<cybernova> Mariottinet, niente messaggi privati\n<Mariottinet> cybernova, allora ho dato il comando ke mi hai dato mettendo sudo lshw -C network e cosi non mi da errore però non capisco cos'e l'output\n<cybernova> Mariottinet, l'output è il risultato del comando, a video avrà scritto pure qualcosa\n<Mariottinet> ok, description, pruduct, vendor, ecc cosa devo copiare? ti chiedo scusa ma nn sn un esperto\n<cybernova> Mariottinet, tutto qua: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ poi riporti qui in canale l'indirizzo della pagina una volta fatto\n<Mariottinet> ok\n<buntu15> buonasera a tutti\n<cybernova> Mariottinet, sei riuscito?\n<buntu15> ragazzi è possibile avere delle info su dei comandi da terminale\n<cybernova> buntu15, fai la domanda e aspetta che qualcuno che sa la risposta ti risponda\n<Mariottinet> un attimo ho dovuto copiare e mettere in una pen drive ed ora lo metto nel link ke mi hai  dato\n<buntu15> vorrei avere informazioni sul comando hash\n<cybernova> Mariottinet, non hai un cavo ethernet per poterti collegare dal pc in questione?\n<Mariottinet> si, ma lo posso fare domani, se metto il cavo e più semplice?\n<cybernova> Mariottinet, sicuramente perchè poi è probabile che bisogna andare a scaricare dei driver da internet che poi si portano dietro dipendenze\n<Mariottinet> ho incollato quello ke hai detto ma c'e una casella poster, e non so cosa mettere e una syntax\n<cybernova> buntu15, è un comando interno della bash, se da terminale dai: help hash ti da la lista delle opzioni e relativa spiegazione di cosa fa anche il comando\n<cybernova> Mariottinet, poster metti il tuo nome e poi clicca Paste!\n<cybernova> Mariottinet, una volta cliccato Paste! ti apre una nuova pagina e tu devi copiare il link di quella pagina\n<Mr_Pan> !paste | Mariottinet\n<ubot-it> Mariottinet: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<buntu15> info hash è la stessa cosa\n<buntu15> che help hash\n<cybernova> buntu15, non è vero, info hash ti pare la pagina di manuale della funzione di libreria hash mentre help hash ti apre il manuale del comando interno della bahs\n<cybernova> bash*\n<Mariottinet> ho messo il nome e cliccato paste mi da una pagina con una schermata con dei numeri da 1 a 27\n<Mariottinet> il link della pagina e questo? http://paste.ubuntu.com/11247849/\n<cybernova> Mariottinet, bravo è proprio questo\n<buntu15> il manuale ovviamente è in inglese\n<Mariottinet> Grazie, finalmente!!! e ora ke si fa?\n<buntu15> esiste una guida di questo tipo di comando in italiano?\n<cybernova> Mariottinet, semplicemente domani con il cavo ethernet ed una connessione ad internet entri dentro a lubuntu e nei driver aggiuntivi avrai la voce che ti fa installare il driver per far funzionare la scheda\n<dadexix86> buntu15, mi sono connesso solo ora, di quale comando parli?\n<Mariottinet> per entrare dentro lubuntu ke intendi?\n<cybernova> Mariottinet, che devi avviare il sistema operativo lubuntu\n<buntu15> salve dadexix86 il comando è hash\n<Mariottinet> tutto qua riconoscera automaticamente?\n<dadexix86> buntu15, sulla mia installaizone trovo solo una libreria \"hash\", nessun comando... con quale pacchetto l'hai installato?\n<cybernova> Mariottinet, si a patto che tu abbia una connessione ad internet, il percorso per installare i driver aggiuntivi è il seguente: Menù → Preferenze → Driver aggiuntivi\n<cybernova> dadexix86, è un comando interno della bash\n<buntu15> ora mi trovo su windows mi ricollego dopo da ubuntu e ti faccio sapere cosa mi esce a video\n<Mariottinet> si ho l'adsl, un buon router ecc. voglio avvicinarmi a linx perchè sono stanco di cercare licenze per programmi windows , qundi imparerò meglio sul pc acer ke e vecchiotto per poi passare al pc buono\n<buntu15> mi dite quale è il server dove ci troviamo per impostarlo su hexchat\n<emilio_> salve a tutti\n<dadexix86> buntu15,  se intendi che ti esce questo http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/hash.3.html allora è il manuale della libreria, non del comando della bash (il titolo contiene un (3) tra parentesi, e il (3) è la documentazione delle librerie, per programmare)\n<dadexix86> buntu15, se invece intendi il comando hash della shell, è documentato nel manuale di bash, che dovrebbe essere automaticamente in italiano nel momento in cui installi manpages-it\n<dadexix86> buntu15, te lo metto su pastebin, così fai prima http://paste.ubuntu.com/11248074/\n<emilio_> non riesco a far partire windows xp in dual boot con ubuntu\n<emilio_> ho già provato il comando update-grub senza ottenere risultati .. ho il menù di grub2 con l'entrata per windows ma quando clicko mi porta di nuovo al menù di grub\n<emilio_> l'output di boot info script è questo\n<emilio_> http://pastebin.com/n9ULSu6r\n<buntu15> se installo manpages-ip tutto ciò che si trova su terminale viene tradotto?\n<emilio_> qualcuno sa aiutarmi?\n<dadexix86> buntu15, no, sono i manuali che sono stati tradotti dai santi di www.pluto.it\n<dadexix86> buntu15, chi scrive un programma e lo documenta in genere lo fa solo in inglese, specialmente quelli da terminale, perché 1) normalmente chi programma lavora in inglese 2) l'inglese è ormai una lingua universale in ambito informatico, la conoscono quasi tutti 3) magari il programmatore conosce altre due o tre lingue, ma scrivere la documentazione porta via troppo tempo, quindi viene affidata ad altri volontari la traduzione, m\n<dadexix86> a questi pochi volontari non possono ovviamente stare al passo con la mole di programmi che vengono scritti ogni giorno\n<dadexix86> ma comunque !chat\n<dadexix86> !chat\n<ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<emilio_> dadeix86 sapresti aiutarmi?\n<buntu15> mi dici quale è il server irc per poterlo resgistrare sul mio hexchat\n<buntu15> visto che ora sono collegato direttamente da http://chat.ubuntu-it.org/\n<emilio_> anche io sono via web, ho provato irc.freenode.net ma non va\n<emilio_> non mi si collega\n<emilio_> noob a vita :D\n<cristian_c> emilio_, allora\n<cristian_c> buntu15, dico anche a te\n<cristian_c> emilio_, buntu15 il problema sono l'accettazione dei cookie\n<cristian_c> siete entrambi su firefox?\n<buntu15> chrome\n<cristian_c> uhm\n<buntu15> ma il server è sinislao.freenode.net\n<cristian_c> almeno la prima volta dovrebbe apparire nel browser, visitando chat.ubuntu-it.org una richiesta di accettazione dei cookie\n<cristian_c> che dovrebbe comparire in basso nella pagina\n<emilio_> io da browser riesco ad accedere, da mirc no\n<cristian_c> emilio_, forse è meglio approfondire in #ubuntu-it-chat\n<emilio_> ok\n<emilio_> cristian_c sai per caso aiutarmi con il boot di windows?\n<cristian_c> !chiedi\n<ubot-it> per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<Riccardone> emilio_: sei su un canale dedicato a Linux! Per favore ...\n<emilio_> Riccardone il problema è grub\n<emilio_> non è windows\n<emilio_> va configurato da ubuntu se non sbaglio\n<emilio_> oppure se non è in grado di farmi partire windows devo toglierlo\n<Riccardone> emilio_: meglio configurare grub ad hoc ..\n<Riccardone> !grub | emilio_\n<ubot-it> emilio_: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/ | Per ripristinare Grub: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/Ripristino\n<buntu15> posso sapere quale è il nome del server da impostare sul mio xchat\n<cristian_c> emilio_, in genere la risposta è boot repair\n<Riccardone> buntu15: irc.freenode.net\n<cristian_c> se hai un bios uefi\n<emilio_> cristian_c non è uefi\n<cristian_c> emilio_, ok, allora segui la guida al ripristino del grub\n<cristian_c> !grub | emilio_\n<ubot-it> emilio_: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/ | Per ripristinare Grub: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/Ripristino\n<emilio_> il problema è che quando scelgo Windows dal menu di boot di Grub, mi riporta al menu stesso\n<Mariottinet> cybernova intanto grazie domani ti faccio sapere se funziona o meno, buonasera a tutti alla prox\n<cristian_c> uhm\n<emilio_> ho anche provato a dare l'update-grub e in grub-mkconfig\n<buntu15> ok fatto grazie\n<cristian_c> emilio_, 15.04?\n<emilio_> 14.04.2\n<emilio_> cristian_c, mi trova Windows ma non mi si avvia\n<emilio_> cristian_c, potrebbe esserti utile l'output di boot info?\n<cristian_c> emilio_, http://askubuntu.com/questions/135272/how-to-boot-into-windows-7-when-grub-is-installed-in-the-windows-partition\n<cristian_c> emilio_, sì, potrebbe essere utile\n<emilio_> ho il link di pastebin, fa uguale?\n<cristian_c> e boot repair potrebbe pure aiutare\n<cristian_c> emilio_, sì\n<emilio_> http://pastebin.com/n9ULSu6r\n<cristian_c> ahhhh, forse capito\n<cristian_c> emilio_, ricordo che era capitato anche a me\n<cristian_c> emilio_, da quando si verifica questo problema?\n<emilio_> ho messo ubuntu da una settimana circa, ma forse è la prima volta che tento di avviare windows\n<cristian_c> ottimo\n<cristian_c> emilio_, hai controllato il bios\n<cristian_c> ?\n<emilio_> cristian_c, probabilmente ho installato il boot loader nella partizione di windows\n<cristian_c> emilio_, mo vediamo\n<emilio_> cristian_c, cosa dovrei controllare nel bios?\n<cristian_c> emilio_, la modalità dell'hard disk sata\n<cristian_c> è ide o ahci?\n<emilio_> cristian_c, dovrei controllare\n<cristian_c> emilio_, allora controlla\n<emilio_> cristian_c, non so precisamente cosa e dove controllare\n<emilio_> c'è una voce IDE controller\n<cristian_c> emilio_, controlla se è impostato ide o ahci\n<emilio_> c'è una voce ide controller -> enabled\n<cristian_c> uhm\n<emilio_> ahci hpet table -> disabled\n<cristian_c> emilio_, di quale pc parliamo?\n<emilio_> ho ripristinato i valori di default del bios\n<emilio_> cristian_c, è un athlon 7750, socket AM2+\n<emilio_> non recentissimo, un pc assemblato\n<cristian_c> emilio_, allora, prova prima a ripristinare grub\n<cristian_c> se pensi di aver installato il grub in sda1\n<cristian_c> !grub\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/ | Per ripristinare Grub: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/Ripristino\n<cristian_c> emilio_, e installalo in sda, invece\n<emilio_> cristian_c, è installato sicuramente in sda1\n<cristian_c> emilio_, ok, allora ripristinalo  installandolo in sda\n<cristian_c> come da guida wiki\n<emilio_> cristian_c,  Boot sector info:  Grub2 (v1.99) is installed in the boot sector of sda1\n<emilio_> cristian_c, concordi?\n<cristian_c> emilio_, fai una prova\n<cristian_c> su quanto detto ora\n<emilio_> cristian_c, ripristino dando: update-grub && sudo grub-install /dev/sda  ?\n<cristian_c> emilio_, leggi tutta la guida\n<cristian_c> con calma\n<cristian_c> emilio_, e ti servirà la live\n<emilio_> cristian_c, posso provare boot-repair dall'ubuntu installato?\n<emilio_> oppure serve smontare le unità?\n<cristian_c> emilio_, io proverei con la guida che ti è stata linkata\n<emilio_> la guida dice che se ho accesso al sistema basta dare update-grub e grub-install /dev/sda\n<cristian_c> onestamente, mi sembra la cosa più sensata da fare\n<cristian_c> emilio_, la guida ti spiega esattamente i passi da seguire\n<cristian_c> ecco perché ti ho detto di leggerla con attenzione\n<emilio_> cristian_c, ok provo ho solo paura di fare altri danni\n<cristian_c> emilio_, se hai dei dubbi  puoi chiedere anche qui\n<cristian_c> mentre la applichi\n<emilio_> ok, grazie ancora\n<emilio_> cristian_c, vado a cena, ho bisogno del disco di ripristino di windows\n<emilio_> cristian_c, grazie dell'aiuto!\n<cristian_c> emilio_, non hai ripristinato grub?\n<daniele_> buona sera a tutti\n<emilio_> cristian_c, no non ci sono riuscito\n<emilio_> adesso non va più neppure grub\n<cristian_c> emilio_, cos'hai fatto esattamente?\n<emilio_> ho usato il boot repair\n<emilio_> ma non ha funzionato\n<emilio_> poi la guida mi rimandava a testdisk\n<emilio_> ma diceva che il boot sector era danneggiato\n<emilio_> adesso provo con la recovery console di xp\n<emilio_> poi nel caso ripristino grub\n<krabador> la recovery console di xp sovrascriverà il bootloader facendoti caricare solo win\n<krabador> per caricare ubuntu o cio' che sia, servirà sempre il ripristino di grub\n<krabador> !grub | emilio_\n<ubot-it> emilio_: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/ | Per ripristinare Grub: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/Ripristino\n<krabador> segui questa guida per il ripristino di grub\n<krabador> in caso di dual boot ubuntu/xp\n<emilio_> krabador, ho eseguito il ripristino con update-grub e grub-install /dev/sda\n<krabador> emilio_, devi farlo da sessione live\n<krabador> di ubuntu\n<krabador> che carichi con un supporto di installazione\n<emilio_> krabador, ma mi ripristina anche l'mbr di windows?\n<krabador> emilio_, la guida del wiki funziona perfettament e\n<emilio_> krabador, il problema è che ho installato grub in sda1\n<krabador> emilio_, segui la guida.\n<emilio_> ok\n<emilio_> lo faccio\n<emilio_> metto ubuntu live su usb\n<emilio_> krabador, basta la live di ubuntu oppure devo scaricare super grub disk?\n<krabador> non la vuoi proprio leggere la guida\n<Riccardo62> Buonasera a tutti\n<Riccardo62> Una pregunta...\n<krabador> !ciao | Riccardo62\n<ubot-it> Riccardo62: Ciao! Benvenuto in #ubuntu-it\n<Riccardo62> paura eh ?\n<Riccardo62> tutto ok krabador\n<Riccardo62> grazie ancora volevo solo rassicurarvi sul buon esito\n<krabador> non è ancora esploso niente dopo un giorno\n<krabador> ottimo\n<Riccardo62> il timer era difettoso :)\n<krabador> non è detto allora, bene.\n<Riccardo62> un saluto e ancora grazie\n<emilio_> krabador l'ho letta 10 volte la guida\n<emilio_> krabador, avevo accesso a grub e quindi al sistema, non mi dice che serve la live necessariamente\n<emilio_> krabador: se non avessi avuto accesso a grub, avrei dovuto usare la live\n<emilio_> krabador: comunque adesso ho la live su usb, eseguo i comandi da lì e vediamo\n<cristian_c> emilio_, infatti ti avevo detto di farlo in live\n<emilio_> krabador: mi ripristinerà grub e windows non si avvierà ugualmente\n<krabador> emilio_, dipende dal cosa è successo a windows, molto semplicement e\n<emilio_> nella guida non c'è scritto di farlo in live\n<krabador> emilio_, se hai dato \"update-grub e grub-install /dev/sda\" come hai detto , hai già sbagliato\n<rek> usa live e sei a posto\n<emilio_> krabador, cosa dovrei fare allora?\n<emilio_> invece di darmi la guida, ditemi quale punto della guida seguire\n<cristian_c> emilio_, scusa, ma hai detto di aver installato grub su sda1 invece che sda\n<emilio_> perchè ci sono 10 procedure in quella guida\n<krabador> emilio_, ripristinare grub al di fuori del sistema che viene caricato tramite esso\n<emilio_> cristian_c, si, durante l'installazione di ubuntu\n<krabador> è il modo piu' valido\n<krabador> di ripristinare grub\n<emilio_> cristian_c, per quello ho dato grub-install /dev/sda\n<emilio_> per spostarlo su sda\n<emilio_> come dice la guida\n<cristian_c> emilio_, io ti avevo detto di leggere l'intera guida\n<cristian_c> con calma\n<cristian_c> anzi, ripetuto più volte\n<emilio_> cosa ho sbagliato?\n<emilio_> ho letto la guida\n<krabador> <krabador> emilio_, ripristinare grub al di fuori del sistema che viene caricato tramite esso è il modo piu' valido\n<emilio_> krabador, già fatto\n<krabador> carica quindi la / una live, e segui i passi indicati\n<emilio_> adesso ho grub funzionante\n<emilio_> ma devo ripristinare l'mbr di windows\n<emilio_> in pratica sono tornato al punto di partenza\n<krabador> emilio_, ma che errore ti da il caricamento di win?\n<cristian_c> emilio_, ti dissi che ci sono vari step nella guida\n<emilio_> nessun errore, mi torna al menu di grub\n<cristian_c> una serie dettagliata di comandi da eseguire\n<cristian_c> in live\n<krabador> !mbr | emilio_\n<ubot-it> emilio_: Per  ripristinare MBR: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/RipristinoMbrWindows\n<emilio_> è come se invece di caricare windows mi ricaricasse grub\n<krabador> in questo modo puoi ripristinare mbr win, ma probabilmente windows ha problemi piu' seri\n<emilio_> krabador, grazie, quello che cercavo\n<emilio_> adesso provo\n<krabador> toglimi solo una curiosità\n<emilio_> e vi dico\n<emilio_> si\n<emilio_> krabador: si?\n<krabador> l'hai appena effettuata una procedura da live di ripristino di grub, da quando ne stiamo parlando , o il tuo \"già fatto\" si riferisce a qualcosa che hai fatto prima che ti si segnalasse ulteriormente qui in canale ?\n<fazio85> VOLEVO SAPERE SE CI SONO DRIVER X UNA STAMPANTE LEXMARK X2500 X LINUX UBUNTU\n<emilio_> krabador, l'ho fatta 10 minuti fa\n<emilio_> krabador, ho usato ms-sys e non ha dato errore, però non ho più il menù di grub all'avvio\n<emilio_> adesso lo sto ripristinando tramite boot-repair\n<emilio_> da live cd\n<emilio_> vediamo che ne viene fuori ..\n<fazio85> buonasera volevo sapere se x la lexmark x2500 ci sono i driver x ubuntu?\n<fazio85> potete darmi il link con il file deb? se ci sia?\n<emilio_> krabador: nulla da fare\n<emilio_> windows non parte\n<emilio_> boot-repair mi rimanda a testdisk\n<cristian_c> fazio85,\n<cristian_c> fazio85, allora\n<cristian_c> emilio_, puoi ripristinare grub seguendo la guida linkata in precedenza\n<cristian_c> fazio85, non risulta supportata\n<cristian_c> fazio85, no privato\n<cristian_c> fazio85, qui dichiarano di aver trovato un metodo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1243920\n<cristian_c> fazio85, non insistere, niente messaggi privati di supporto\n<krabador> emilio_, i problemi di windows sono piu' gravi\n<cristian_c> fazio85, te l'ho detto, non usare il privato per questioni di supporto, scrivi in canale\n<krabador> emilio_, puoi solo provare a ripristinare il sistema win con un disco win, e poi ripristinare grub,\n<fazio85> ok\n<krabador> emilio_, sempre se il primo ripristino riesce\n<emilio_> krabador, si devo trovare un modo per usare la console di ripristino di windows xp da chiavetta usb\n<krabador> emilio_, non ha il lettore questo pc ?\n<fazio85> la lexmark x2500 ha driver per linux\n<emilio_> krabador si ma devo comprare un cd ..\n<emilio_> krabador, domani lo faccio\n<krabador> emilio_, già riparare il pc gratis va bene\n<krabador> un cd, crolla il mondo, no?\n<emilio_> krabador, nono figurati è che devo farlo domani\n<krabador> cosa che conferma che non hai la licenza originale\n<fazio85> eventualmente qualcuno può darmi il link\n<krabador> se non sei già in possesso di cd di winxp\n<krabador> emilio_, in bocca al lupo\n<emilio_> krabador, installo windows tramite msdn\n<emilio_> conosci?\n<krabador> !chat | emilio_\n<ubot-it> emilio_: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<emilio_> è un programma microsoft che fornisce license gratis di windows agli studenti\n<emilio_> quindi non ho proprio bisogno di copie non originali\n<krabador> !chat | emilio_\n<ubot-it> emilio_: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<emilio_> se mi dici che non ho la licenza originale mi dà fastidio, non sono qui per spammare\n<oblo> fazio85 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1243920\n<cristian_c> oblo, aveva già il link\n<oblo> ah\n<oblo> non funge quindi\n<oblo> andato\n<cristian_c> non sappiamo se l'abbia seguita\n#ubuntu-it 2015-05-21\n<pugmel> salve a tutti e buon giorno\n<pugmel> io uso ubuntu 15.04 64 bit gira bene unica cosa che non mi trova più i driver per scheda audio e scheda video originali\n<pugmel> prima con altre versioni di ubuntu me lo trovava subito ora per giocare a steam no posso usare la scheda grafica originale come si spiega questo??\n<fazio85> buongiorno potete aiutarmi ho un problema con la mia stampante lexmark x2500 su ubuntu?\n<jester-> 'ngiorno\n<davegarath> ragazzi, lanciando un upgrade ho avuto questo errore con l'upgrade di grub : http://paste.ubuntu.com/11260643/\n<davegarath> che è sto loop0p1 ?\n<dadexix86> davegarath, personalmente direi un cd/dvd... quale versione di Ubuntu usi e quali ppa esterni hai abilitato?\n<davegarath> dadexix86: 14.04.02 LTS ppa... fammi vedere\n<Carlin0> davegarath, per i ppa ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/\n<davegarath> sì sì stavo guardando\n<davegarath> ho chrome e stavo guardando grub-customizer\n<davegarath> non ricordavo fosse un ppa\n<Carlin0> grub costumizer ... visto che l'errore è su grub\n<Carlin0> è un forte indiziato\n<jester-> davegarath: Ssistema su partizione o dentro a winz\n<davegarath> sì infatti pensavo anche io\n<davegarath> jester-: in che senso ? non c'è winz è partizionato con lvm\n<dadexix86> davegarath, concordo con Carlin0\n<davegarath> quindi che mi consigliate di fare ? eliminare grub-customizer e commentare il ppa ?\n<Carlin0> davegarath, le personalizzazioni su grub meglio farle a manina\n<jester-> aaah lvm del cass\n<davegarath> jester-: sono un estimatore di lvm non posso farne a meno\n<davegarath> ;)\n<jester-> davegarath: consigliabile rimuover il ppa con ppa-purge\n<jester-> !ppapurge\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'ppapurge'\n<jester-> !ppa-purge\n<ubot-it> Per disabilitare una PPA dai tuoi sorgenti e ripristinare i pacchetti di default di Ubuntu, installare ppa-purge e utilizzare il comando: sudo ppa-purge ppa: <repository-name> / <subdirectory> - Per ulteriori informazioni, vedere http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html\n<dadexix86> lo stesso lavoro di ppa-purge da qualche tempo lo fa anche add-apt-repository -r , e non bisogna installare nulla di nuovo\n<dadexix86> !add-apt-repository\n<ubot-it> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)\n<davegarath> come identifico il repositorty-name ? c'è anche un ppa list ?\n<dadexix86> come l'hai aggiunto, lo togli. se hai dato sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mantainer/repository, dai  sudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:mantainer/repository\n<jester-> davegarath: è la stringa che hai usapo per aggiungere il repo\n<jester-> dadexix86: nel terminale dai history | grep ppa\n<davegarath> trovata di culo nell'history ;) non me la ricordavo\n<davegarath> mmm http://paste.ubuntu.com/11260823/ ho rimosso il ppa che mi ha rimosso account-plugin-windows-live ( che non pensavo manco di avere ;) )\n<davegarath> ma grub-customizer c'è ancora lo devo segare a mano ?\n<jester-> Unable to find an archive \"trusty\" for the package \"grub-customizer\"\n<jester-> come da copione i ppa sani sono molto pochi\n<davegarath> beh l'ho segato a mano\n<jester-> si ma il purge dovrebbe ripristinare le impostazioni precedenti\n<davegarath> ora dovrei fare un dist-upgrade per il kernel che have been kept back\n<davegarath> dovrebbe rilanciare il grub e vediamo che combina\n<davegarath> devo fare altro prima ?\n<davegarath> mmm ho aggiornato il nuovo kernel\n<davegarath> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11260935/\n<davegarath> non mi piace questa stringa : cryptsetup: WARNING: target md127_crypt uses a key file, skipped\n<davegarath> perché l'ha skippata ?\n<davegarath> il mio loop0p1 può essere il mio raid ?\n<jester-> davegarath: partizione criptata?\n<davegarath> jester-: sì\n<davegarath> ma ne ho diverse di partizioni criptate\n<jester-> eh non è ancora affidabile e si  sminchia spesso\n<davegarath> ho parecchi dischi\n<davegarath> 3 dei quali sono in raid5 e criptati\n<davegarath> poi ho i LV di root e di home criptati a loro volta\n<davegarath> in un altro disco\n<jester-> davegarath: mi pare di capire che canna una partizione criptata\n<jester-> fai uno scandisk e auguri\n<davegarath> mi sa che ho il raid che ha dei problemi\n<jester-> facile\n<davegarath> il /proc/mdstat mi dice che è tutto a posto però\n<jester-> o remix_tj il raid expert\n<davegarath> il mio problema sono sti cazzo di Inoput/output error sul loop0p1\n<jester-> cosa c'è nel loop0p1\n<davegarath> bella domanda è quello che vorrei capire\n<davegarath> il raid è stato mappato come md127_crypt http://paste.ubuntu.com/11261021/\n<davegarath> ed il pvs lo vede\n<davegarath> come faccio a capire cosa sia sto loop0p1 ?\n<jester-> davegarath: pare una partizione ciucca\n<jester-> per non sapere ne leggere ne scrivere fai scandisk su tutte le partizioni\n<davegarath> scandisk ?\n<jester-> fsck\n<davegarath> fsck lo faccio sui block device mica sulle partizioni .... :/\n<jester-> davegarath: so poco di raid\n<davegarath> i bd sono tutti LV\n<jester-> ma penso che le varie partizioni possono essere fsckappate\n<davegarath> ma c'è un modo per capire a cosa punti sto loop ?\n<jester-> non so se raid ha comando particolare\n<jester-> davegarath: se non ti assiste remix_tj la vedo dura\n<davegarath> spero si manifesti presto :)\n<davegarath> remix_tj: aiuttooooo :D\n<jester-> le drè laurà\n<jester-> davegarath: spera di non avere un disco a mignotte\n<davegarath> ma non vorrei che sia sto kernel che ha qualche problema nel gesire il raid... da quando sono passato a 14.04 ho avuto parecchi problemi di performance ad accedre al raid\n<davegarath> se fosse un disco a mignotte pace il raid dovrebbe escluderlo\n<davegarath> è fatto apposta\n<jester-> che tipo di raid hai\n<davegarath> sw\n<davegarath> l'ho fatto con mdadm\n<davegarath> 3 dischi in raid5\n<fabiana> ciao a tutti\n<fabiana> !domande\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'domande'\n<fabiana> !regole\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'regole'\n<fabiana> !list\n<ubot-it> questo non è un canale per scaricare o di condivisione di contenuti\n<fabiana> ragazzi conoscete qualche utiliy per il recupero di dischi fissi?\n<krabador> fabiana, chiedi , se hai domande sul supporto ubuntu\n<fabiana> ciao krabador\n<mettiu> buongiorno che differenza tra la 14.04.02 LTS e 14.04.02 LTS (supportata comunita) ?\n<krabador> mettiu, la versione della comunità ha solo queste differenze http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/CdItaliano#Personalizzazioni\n<krabador> molto semplicemente , è localizzata in italiano\n<mettiu> ok meglio scegliere una 32 o una 64?\n<mettiu> !pastebin\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<krabador> tu che processore hai?\n<mettiu> come faccio a capirlo?\n<mettiu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11263653/\n<krabador> sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<krabador> cat /proc/cpuinfo | pastebinit\n<mettiu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11263749/\n<mettiu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11263775/\n<mettiu> krabador, ti serve altro?\n<krabador> mettiu, ti sei accorto che hai un problema?\n<mettiu> no.\n<mettiu> che tipo?\n<krabador> lscpu ha comunque rilevato che puoi mettere una versione a 64 bit, ma il secondo pastebin, leggilo bene\n<mettiu> non lo so leggere.\n<mettiu> che intendi per problema?\n<krabador> mettiu, torna quando hai imparato a leggere.\n<mettiu> so leggere l'italiano, ma non sono un esperto di pc.\n<mettiu> krabador,  se parli di un problema ti chiedo di dirmi cosa intendi\n<alfomega> hello\n<alfomega> salve\n<alfomega> sto cercando di installare ubuntu 15.04 su un hp envy con intel i7 ma mi da una serie di errori dopo il boot e non parte nemmeno la versione di prova live\n<joke2k> buondi\n<alfomega> salve\n<alfomega> c'e' qualcuno di supporto?\n<generale2> salve\n<krabador> !ciao | generale2\n<ubot-it> generale2: Ciao! Benvenuto in #ubuntu-it\n<generale2> ho una macchina server con 2 schede di rete, con ubuntu 15.04; vorrei usarla a cascata di un modem telecom\n<generale2> e a monte di uno switch\n<generale2> collegato ad un ufficio con un 20 pc sia windows che ubuntu\n<generale2> vorrei creare una specie di hotspot che mi genstisca le connessioni\n<generale2> limitando facebook  youtube\n<generale> mi servirebbe un aiuto\n<Carlin0> !aiuto\n<ubot-it> per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<krabador> generale, qui si fa supporto tecnico al sistema operativo ubuntu\n<krabador> non si fa amministrazione di rete e sistema gratis\n<krabador> !supporto | generale\n<ubot-it> generale: il canale di supporto è #ubuntu-it\n<generale> -.- ok ho capito\n<krabador> !chat | generale\n<ubot-it> generale: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<generale> ma mi serviva na dritta tutto qui\n<generale> troppo fiscali\n<krabador> generale, http://www.ubuntu.com/management/ubuntu-advantage\n<Carlin0> generale,  se non si facesse così ...\n<generale> ok ok\n<AndroUser> 🙌🙋\n<Mariottinet> Buon pomeriggio a tutti\n<cybernova> !ciao | Mariottinet\n<ubot-it> Mariottinet: Ciao! Benvenuto in #ubuntu-it\n<Mariottinet> cybernova, stamattina ho messo il cavo ethernet  ma carica in continuazione e nn succede nulla ke faccio?\n<cybernova> Mariottinet, dove si blocca precisamente?\n<Mariottinet> in basso a destra dove c'e l'iconcina della rete carica e resta in carica snz connettersi\n<Carlin0> ma cosa carica ?\n<Mariottinet> la connesione\n<Carlin0> cosa vuol dire\n<Mariottinet> ke non si connette\n<Carlin0> ti spiace scrivere in italiano\n<Mariottinet> ?\n<Carlin0> prova al terminale → ping -c 3 google.com\n<Carlin0> risponde ?\n<Mariottinet> sto provando\n<Mariottinet> dice ping: unknown host google.com\n<Carlin0> che router hai ?\n<Mariottinet> netgear 300\n<Carlin0> e che ubuntu usi ?\n<Mariottinet> lubuntu 15.04\n<Carlin0> ma adesso sei collegato con quello ?\n<Mariottinet> il router si, i problemi sono nel l'altro pc un acer aspire 3050 wxmi\n<Carlin0> se dai sempre al terminale → route -n\n<Carlin0> che numero esce sotto la scritta gateway ?\n<Carlin0> 192.168. ????\n<Carlin0> completa questo\n<Mariottinet> niente numero sotto la scritta\n<Carlin0> non esce 192.168. qualcos'altro ?\n<Mariottinet> no\n<Carlin0> ma la scheda di rete di quel pc sei sicuro che vada ?\n<Mariottinet> quanto era windows si e pure il wi-fi funzionava\n<Carlin0> il wifi è una cosa ... ethernet un altra\n<Mariottinet> come ho messo lubuntu non e funzionato più niente\n<Carlin0> mi spiace devo andare ... vedi se riesce a aiutarti qualcun altro al limite ripassa\n<Mariottinet> ok grazie\n<Mariottinet> cybernova, novità?\n<mettiu> ciao ho scaricato ubuntu 15.04 messo su chiavetta usb, poi ho fatto la procedura creatore dischi di avvio, ma adesso non mi è chiaro cosa dev ofare.\n<Mr_Pan> Mariottinet, l'acer in questione sul frontale ha un interruttore a scorrimento per attivare la wifi .. assicurati che sia acceso\n<Mariottinet> e non accende lo so ke c'e l'interruttore c'e lo da anni\n<Mr_Pan> mettiu,lascia la usb inserita e riavvia il pc scegliendo la usb come avvio (alcuni pc F12 per attivare il menù di scelta del boot o F2 per entrare nel BIOS e cambiare la sequenza di boot predefinita)\n<cybernova> Mariottinet, con la ethernet dovrebbe andare, tra l'altro guardando il paste di ieri, usa il driver correttamente\n<cybernova> mettiu, cosa stai cercando di fare?\n<Mariottinet> cybernova, non ho capito\n<mettiu> cybernova,  voglio prima farlo partire il lifem, poi vedere se funziona e poi installarlo definitivamente\n<cybernova> mettiu, lifem cosa sarebbe?\n<cybernova> intendi la live probabilmente\n<mettiu> live.\n<mettiu> si scusa\n<mettiu> vado? provo?\n<cybernova> Mariottinet, il cavo ethernet è funzionante? prova a cambiare la porta nel router in cui la colleghi\n<cybernova> mettiu, si segui quanto ti ha detto Mr_Pan\n<mettiu> ho gia provato, ma non ho trovato usb...\n<Mariottinet> si e funzionante, ora provo a cambiare\n<mettiu> cybernova,  non riesco ad avviare, mi da MBA configuartion ma non trovo la priorita di partenza!\n<mettiu> facendo ctrl+s\n<cybernova> mettiu, la chiavetta di avvio su che sistema operativo l'hai fatta? filesystem della chiavetta?\n<mettiu> ubuntu\n<mettiu> 12.10\n<cybernova> mettiu, filesystem della chiavetta?\n<mettiu> cybernova, scusa ma non capisco. cosa mi chiedi.\n<Mariottinet> cybernova, ho dato il comando lshw -C network e stavolta nella schermata sono spuntati una serie di cose, tipo serial: 00:16: ecc size: 100Mbit/s capaccity: 100Mbit/s width: 32 bit clock:33 MHz capabilitiaes: pm bus_master ecc, configuation: autonegotiation=on ecc\n<cybernova> mettiu, ntfs, fat32, ext4?\n<mettiu> cybernova, come faccio a capirlo?\n<mettiu> tipo di filesistem msdos.\n<cybernova> mettiu, inserisci la chiavetta e dai il comando sudo blkid\n<cybernova> !paste | mettiu\n<ubot-it> mettiu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<cybernova> Mariottinet, quello c'era anche ieri\n<cybernova> Mariottinet, è cambiato qualcosa cambiando la porta nel router?\n<mettiu> cybernova, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11267049/\n<cybernova> mettiu, mettici sudo davanti: sudo blkid\n<mettiu> cybernova, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11267066/\n<Mariottinet> a sii? non ricordavo, no niente riconosce il cavo xkè cambiando porta stacca il caricamento e quando lo inserisco riparte\n<cybernova> mettiu, ok è fat32, prova una cosa, proviamo a farla da terminale, devi dare il comando: sudo dd if=pathdelfileiso of=/dev/sdb bs=4M && sync\n<cybernova> mettiu, al posto di pathdelfileiso devi metterci il path dove il file .iso risiede\n<cybernova> mettiu, attenzione a dare il comando giusto, prima di inviarlo postalo qua\n<Mariottinet> cybernova, scusa ma per esempio il pc da cui sto chattando e connesso in wi-fi, il fatto che abbia messo il cavo nell'altro non ci fa nulla vero? cioè posso usare il wi-fi in un pc ed ethernet in un altro?\n<mettiu> cybernova, sudo dd if=/media/pc2/DISK_IMG of=/dev/sdb bs=4M && sync\n<cybernova> mettiu, no il path è sbagliato devi mettere quello del file .iso che hai scaricato\n<cybernova> Mariottinet, si tranquillamente\n<mettiu> cybernova, isudo dd if=/media/pc2/DISK_IMG/ubuntu-15.04-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=4M && sync\n<mettiu> ?\n<Mariottinet> ok, cmq ho provato tutte e 4 le porte ed è sempre uguale\n<mettiu> cybernova,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11267171/\n<cybernova> mettiu, scusa aspeetta un attimo, il disco DISK_IMG non è la chiavetta?\n<mettiu> cybernova,\n<mettiu> si la chiavetta di chiama cosi\n<cybernova> mettiu, e allora come fa ad esserci il file .iso dentro alla chiavetta?\n<mettiu> cybernova,\n<mettiu> è dentro il .iso perchè?\n<mettiu> intendo dire è dentro la chiave usb il file .iso  non va bene?\n<cybernova> mettiu, ma non hai creato un disco d'avvio?\n<mettiu> cybernova, si con creatore disco d'avvio\n<Mariottinet> mettiu, io per fare la chiavetta avviabile uso il programma rufus-2.1 e semplice leggero veloce e senza installazione\n<cybernova> mettiu, non ci siamo, allora copia il file .iso sul tuo pc locale intanto\n<mettiu> cybernova, ok copiato. in scrivania\n<cybernova> mettiu, velocissimo...allora al posto del path che c'era prima metti quello della iso sulla scrivania\n<davegarath> mettiu: sei sicuro che abbia finito la copia ? ci ha messo troppo poco\n<mettiu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11267287/\n<mettiu> si si copiato. ma ci ho messo di piu a sistemare sto percorso.... lo sapevo.\n<mettiu> cybernova, adesso?\n<cybernova> mettiu, ora ci siamo, prima però dai il comando: sudo umount /dev/sdb1\n<mettiu> cy\n<mettiu> cybernova,\n<mettiu> questo dato.\n<mettiu> adesso do il comando co lpercorso.\n<cybernova> mettiu, ora dai il comando di prima\n<cybernova> mettiu, aspetta che finisca, ci metterà un pochino\n<mettiu> cybernova, dato ... ma non fa niente.\n<cybernova> mettiu, aspetta che stampi dell'output\n<mettiu> cy\n<mettiu> cybernova, quanto ci mette?\n<cybernova> mettiu, qualche minuto\n<cybernova> poi dipende\n<mettiu> cybernova,\n<mettiu> questo comando cosa fa?\n<cybernova> mettiu, crea il disco d'avvio\n<mettiu> dove?\n<cybernova> mettiu, secondo te dove?\n<mettiu> cybernova,\n<mettiu> non lo so, non sono esperto.\n<cybernova> mettiu, nella chiavetta usb\n<mettiu> cyber\n<mettiu> cosa è il disco di avvio?\n<cybernova> mettiu, come hai fatto ad installare ubuntu 12.10?\n<mettiu> cybernova, è successo anni fa. non ricordo niente....\n<mettiu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11267442/\n<mettiu> cy\n<mettiu> cybernova, fatto\n<mettiu> adesso devo andare... mannaggia.\n<Mariottinet> cybernova, il pc non ne vuole sapere di connettersi, quindi adesso stacco la spina domani metto di nuovo windows e vediamo se funziona di nuovo, quello ke non capisco e se il pc nasce cosi che cn un semplice  tasto si attiva il wi-fi perchè appena ho cambiato sistema operativo nn e funzionato più?\n<mettiu> manca tanto?\n<cybernova> mettiu, bene ora riavvi e fai partire il boot da chiavetta e hai fatto\n<cybernova> Mariottinet, perchè se non c'è il driver della schedina wifi non funziona nulla, il tasto semplicementa la spegne e la accende\n<cybernova> Mariottinet, se non ti arrendi ci sarebbe un altro modo\n<Mariottinet> cioè?\n<cybernova> Mariottinet, segui questo paragrafo: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/DispositiviSenzaFili/Broadcom#Installare_i_driver_b43_senza_connessione_internet\n<Mariottinet> ok, grazie\n<cybernova> prego, tu hai detto che usi la 15.04, prova a seguire i passi per la 14.04\n<Mariottinet> si esatto, quindi seguo quelli per 14.04\n<Mariottinet> ammesso ke riesca a seguire\n<cybernova> Mariottinet, se metti la 14.04 però c'è la sicurezza che i passaggi funzionano\n<Mariottinet> cioè non devo togliere la 15.04 e mettere la 14.04, ma seguire solo i passi della 14.04 giusto?\n<cybernova> Mariottinet, allora, i passi per la 14.04 su 15.04 potrebbero non corrispondere, la guida non è ancora stata aggiornata, se vuoi essere sicuro devi installare la 14.04\n<Mariottinet> umm, ok allora dmn lo faccio e ti faro sapere come va,ok? intanto grazie 1000 e buona serata\n<cybernova> Mariottinet, va bene, prego e buona serata anche a te\n<Mariottinet> cybernova scusa mi ridai il link della procedura ke ho sbagliato a salvarlo\n<Mariottinet> come non detto lo recuperata\n<akis24> sera\n<paonazzo> ragazzi non riesco a visualizzare corettamente i file wmv.... aiutatemi\n<paonazzo> ah che maleducato dimenticavo: buonasera!\n<krabador> paonazzo, hai installato vlc ?\n<paonazzo> yes krabador\n<krabador> che ubuntu stai usando?\n<paonazzo> ubuntu 14.04\n<krabador> sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras\n<paonazzo> Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS\n<paonazzo> precisamente\n<paonazzo> krabador: l'ho già installato\n<paonazzo> il video di solito parte ma non procede, poi in seguito il programma crasha!\n<krabador> vlc ?\n<krabador> paonazzo, provato con totem?\n<paonazzo> si, ma uno qualsiasi dei lettori video\n<krabador> paonazzo, apri il lettore dal terminale, manda il video e riporta i messaggi d'errore qui\n<krabador> con pastebin\n<paonazzo> ok\n<krabador> !pastebin | paonazzo\n<ubot-it> paonazzo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<krabador> paonazzo, per favore, manda anche sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<krabador> e poi sudo apt-get update | pastebinit\n<paonazzo> krabador: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11269482/\n<krabador> paonazzo, riproduci per favore un wmv che non sia un flusso di rete\n<paonazzo> ah...\n<paonazzo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11269510/\n<paonazzo> così va meglio krabador ?\n<krabador> paonazzo, sudo apt-get install mplayer\n<krabador> paonazzo, mplayer file.wmv\n<krabador> vedi cosa fa, e manda un pastebin qui per favore\n<paonazzo> krabador: già installato\n<krabador> e allora fallo , non segnalare se una cosa ce l'hai o no\n<paonazzo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11269559/ krabador\n<paonazzo> sto procedendo con l'update\n<paonazzo> krabador: con mplayer sembrerebbe funzionare\n<paonazzo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11269602/ ho interrotto io il flusso\n<krabador> paonazzo, quanto dura questo video di esempio wmv che hai mandato?\n<paonazzo> pochi minuti\n<paonazzo> non è file particolarmente lungo\n<krabador> paonazzo, ti chiedo di visualizzarlo tutto, per favore, e , di visualizzarlo facendo degli skip avanti e dietro 7\n<paonazzo> l'ho fatto con numerosi skip in avanti e indietro, non ho riscontrato grossi problemi\n<paonazzo> devo inserire il pastebin del file?\n<krabador> paonazzo, no, mandalo anche tutto senza toccarlo\n<paonazzo> lo sto facendo\n<paonazzo> intanto è terminato l'update\n<krabador> paonazzo, hai mandato sudo apt-get update | pastebinit   ?\n<krabador> in questo modo ti viene direttamente creato il link del pastebin da inviare qui\n<paonazzo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11269690/ krabador\n<paonazzo> come krabador non ho chiaro il meccanismo...\n<krabador> paonazzo, sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<paonazzo> fatto\n<krabador> sudo apt-get update | pastebinit\n<krabador> e lui crea il link da incollare qui\n<paonazzo> una volta che voglio incollare il file come faccio???\n<krabador> del risultato del comando sudo apt-get update\n<krabador> paonazzo, leggi cio' che sto scrivendo\n<paonazzo> ok\n<krabador> sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<krabador> sudo apt-get update | pastebinit\n<krabador> ed incolla qui il link risultante\n<krabador> che ti apparirà nel terminale\n<paonazzo> krabador: come faccio a riprodurre un flusso di rete wmv con mplayer?\n<paonazzo> krabador: il file wmv continua a non essr riprodotto da vlc...\n<krabador> paonazzo, mplayer indirizzoflusso\n<paonazzo> purtroppo quell'indirizzo di flusso sembrerebbe non funzionare...\n<krabador> paonazzo, lo scrivi correttamente ?\n<paonazzo> e si...\n<krabador> paonazzo, arriva il risultato del comando che ti ho chiesto per favore, di mandare, diverso tempo fa ?\n<paonazzo> l'ho scritto! adesso te lo ripropongo http://paste.ubuntu.com/11269690/\n<krabador> bravo , stai riproponendo una cosa che non ti ho neanche chiesto\n<krabador> ti ho chiesto, esattamente 4 volte\n<krabador> sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<krabador> sudo apt-get update | pastebinit\n<krabador> ma neanche l'ombra , del link risultante\n<paonazzo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11269900/\n<krabador> paonazzo, cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit\n<paonazzo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11269902/\n<krabador> ls -la /etc/apt/sources.list.d | pastebinit\n<paonazzo> ls -la /etc/apt/sources.list.d | pastebinit\n<paonazzo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11269927/\n<krabador> ma quanti bei ppa\n<krabador> paonazzo, dpkg -l | grep libav\n<paonazzo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11269969/\n<krabador> paonazzo, dpkg -l | grep vdpau | pastebinit\n<paonazzo> krabador: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11269975/\n<krabador> paonazzo, allora, vlc --- strumenti --- preferenze --- tutto --- ingresso codificatori --- codificatori video --- ffmpeg , selezioni nel menu decodifica hardware \"decodificatore video VDPAU\"\n<krabador> salvi , chiudi vlc , lo riapri, e vedi cosa fa\n<paonazzo> ok krabador\n<paonazzo> krabador: non riesco a visualizzare l'opzione decod\"decodificatore video VDPAU\"\n<krabador> paonazzo, quante ne hai in quel menu a tendina?\n<paonazzo> ho l'opzione Video Acceleration (VA) API\n<paonazzo> tre\n<paonazzo> quella appena detta, automatico, disabilita\n<krabador> paonazzo, che scheda grafica hai ?\n<paonazzo> non saprei... come faccio a vederla da terminale?\n<krabador> paonazzo, sudo lshw -C video | pastebinit\n<paonazzo> krabador: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11270381/\n<krabador> paonazzo, sudo apt-get install mesa-vdpau-drivers libvdpau-va-gl1 | pastebinit\n<paonazzo> sudo apt-get install mesa-vdpau-drivers libvdpau-va-gl1 | pastebinit\n<paonazzo> scusa\n<paonazzo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11270470/\n<krabador> paonazzo, hai diversi ppa, che rischiano di intralciare l'installazione di pacchetti nel sistema\n<krabador> come tra l'altro in questo caso\n<daniele_> sera\n<sam_x> ciao ragazzi, un'informazione: sono da molto alle prese con una completa migrazione a linux. Al momento uso l'ultima lts ma, a causa dellìimpossibilità di installare i driver grafici intel su quest'ultima, sto pensando di passare alla 15.04. L'unica mia paura è questa: dovrò aggiornare il SO ogni 6 mesi?? Ho letto che non è una cosa esente da risch\n<sam_x> i e grane.... voi che dite? Grazie\n<jester-> sam_x: intel non necessita di driver installati, sono gia nel kernel\n<sam_x> io volevo installare quelli da 01.org perché al momento con i driver che ho scalda da morire... pensavo che installando quelli lì avrei risolto\n<jester-> sam_x: che mi risulti intel passa qualcosa dal suo sito  per le piu recenti schede il resto è meglio evitarlo e se scalda non è detto che sia un problema di driver video ma piu facilmente una incompatibilità acpi\n<jester-> sam_x: prov la live della 15.04 e vedi cme butta\n<sam_x> ok, grazie del consiglio. Per la question lts/non lts che mi consigli? Usare non lts è una grana?\n<sam_x> Grazie, naturalmente dell'aiuto\n<jester-> non sei obbligato ad avanzare ogni sei mesi\n<Carlin0> lts 5 anni di supporto , non lts 9 mesi\n<sam_x> per la tua esperienza gli avanzamenti \"filano liscio\"?\n<jester-> se non usi ppa si\n<sam_x> grazie, ancora. Qualcosa mi dice che ci risentiremo ;)\n<carminebuntu> ciao qualcuno sa come posso far funzionare correttamente il surround 5.1 dtt2200 con audio alc850 integrato nella scheda madre a8n-sli deluxe ?\n<carminebuntu> con ubuntu 15.04\n<nigella> ciao , da qualche giorno abword e libreoffice mi fanno un sacco di bug e piccoli problemi durante la modifica dei documenti word\n<nigella> si rallentano oppure cambiano spazi da soli, oppure non mi fanno piuù scrivere perchè inseriscono una lettere e 3 no. come posso fare?\n<jester-> nigella: modifica di documenti creati con ms office?\n<nigella> no creati su lubuntu\n<nigella> file abword\n<nigella> e file salvati in doc da libreoffice\n<jester-> se ne crei  uno nuovo?\n<nigella> hmmm mi accorgo che anche in un file nuove, rallenta e si bugga appena inserisco un immagine jpg\n<nigella> come mai?\n<krabador> nigella, sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<jester-> nigella: con gedit?\n<krabador> dpkg -l | grep libre | pastebinit\n<krabador> incolla qui l'indirizzo web prodotto da quest'ultimo\n<nigella> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11272345/\n<nigella> cos'è gedit?\n<krabador> nigella, se hai lubuntu, apri leafpad\n<krabador> vedi se si comporta nello stesso modo che hai appena descritto\n<jester-> nigella: che pc e quanta ram?\n<nigella> NOTEBOOK samsung intel atom 1gb ram 16'gb HD\n<nigella> leafpad è a posto\n<nigella> ma sono abbastanza convinto che sia l'inserimento dell'immagine che mandi in pappa libreoffice e abword perchè su leafpad che non posso inserire immagini non dà problemi naturalmente\n<jester-> nigella: libre non è un drago e il pc nemmeno\n<krabador> nigella, 1gb , sebbene, lubuntu , sono un po' pochi per certe operazioni\n<nigella> bè cavolo però, sto facendo cose semplici :D testo + 1 foto roba da amiga :)\n<Carlin0> poi se un file lo crei con abword è meglio se continui a gestirlo con quello\n<krabador> esatto\n<krabador> nigella, se l'immagine è 500mega, non proprio \"roba da amiga\"\n<nigella> l'immagine è grande 4 mega\n<nigella> risoluzioni medie niente di estremo\n<krabador> nigella, sudo apt-get remove --purge libreoffice-*\n<krabador> sudo apt-get install libreoffice-avmedia-backend-gstreamer libreoffice-base-core libreoffice-common libreoffice-core libreoffice-draw libreoffice-impress libreoffice-math libreoffice-pdfimport libreoffice-style-galaxy libreoffice-writer\n<krabador> riprova a creare il file con libreoffice\n<nigella> non identico\n<nigella> appena inserisco immagine la scrittura diventa lenta, disordinata buggata ec\n<krabador> nigella, cat /proc/cpuinfo | pastebinit\n<nigella> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11272709/\n<jester-> poca ram?\n<krabador> non gliela fa\n<nigella> dite che è per quelle caratteristiche?\n<nigella> ma scusate però, 1 immagine e del testo li supportavano anche i computer di 15 anni fa, non capisco cosa sia cambiato...\n<krabador> nigella, il software non è lo stesso da 15 anni a questa parte\n<krabador> cosi' come l'hardware che viene sfruttato dallo stess o\n<nigella> un software come libreoffice o abword fa lavorare così tanto il pc?\n<krabador> nigella, versione di lubuntu?\n<jester-> cambiato che i software recenti vengono sviluppati per pc al passo coi tempi e un netbook in pratica non è un pc\n<jester-> tantè vero che con l'avvento dei tablet la produzione è cessata\n<nigella> versione suppongo l'ultima\n<krabador> nigella, lsb_release -a | pastebinit\n<nigella> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11272927/\n<krabador> nigella, il consumo di ram, nel caso di libreoffice, tende ad essere ottimizzato con il passare delle versioni\n<krabador> questa di 14.04 è ancorata all'anno scorso\n<nigella> ottimizzato nel senso che ad ogni nuova versione ne consuma di più?\n<krabador> esattamente il contrario\n<nigella> ah ok\n<krabador> solo che negli ultimi 2 anni, il kernel linux stesso è andato avanti cercando di tagliare un po' i ponti con hardware troppo vecchio\n<krabador> e di occupare un po' di piu' in proporzione\n<nigella> bè il mio notebook è del 2008 non vecchissimo\n<jester-> in elettronica corrisponde a umano sugli 80\n<nigella> se dovessi continuare a lavorare su pc per documenti e internet, mi consigliate ipad o portatile?\n<krabador> nigella, l'ipad serve a leggere la gazzetta sulla tazza del cesso\n<jester-> tablet non è pc\n<jester-> serve a mandare mail a fare foto e palle varie\n<jester-> non elabori una sega\n<nigella> ok. non sono ancora utilizzabili con i programmi base? nemmeno quelli più tosti?\n<jester-> nigella: i progammi sono le cosi dette app\n<jester-> che compri allo store\n<krabador> nigella, per lavorare ci vogliono mouse e tastiera\n<krabador> tablet vari non sono ancora pronti a tale scopo.\n<krabador> se vuoi aspettare che lo siano, aspetta pura.\n<krabador> *e\n<nigella> cmq hanno possibilità di attaccarci tastiera no?\n<jester-> altri programmi non sono installabili sul tablet è uno smartfono piu grosso che non telefona\n<jester-> nigella: basta comprarne una compatibile\n<nigella> gira qualche sistema linux su tablet?\n<krabador> nigella, c'è un mercato dei convertibili, che stanno raggiungendo le potenze dei pc di fascia medio-alta\n<jester-> nigella: escluso roba apple ci gira andriod che è un ios di apple taroccato\n<krabador> ed hanno caratteristiche da tablet\n<jester-> droido è derivato linux\n<jester-> piu o meno\n<krabador> nigella, se vuoi lavorare/lavoricchiare, ma avere qualcosa che si possa usare come un tablet, visto che ti piacciono tanto, informati su questa categoria\n<nigella> ok grazie\n<nigella> spassionatamente per me che uso il pc solo per documenti/online e musica che portatile mi consigliereste?\n<jester-> nigella: dipende dalla money che esci\n<nigella> non vorrei andare oltre i 200\n<krabador> nigella, puoii prendere allora un convertibile\n<krabador> o un notebook di fascia medio-bassa\n<krabador> ma che dissiopano male\n<nigella> ma questi convertibili sono in pratica ipad che si staccano dalla tastiera pc? l'hardware è tutto sotto l'lcd?\n<jester-> nigella: con 200 combini poco\n<jester-> nigella: dai 500 in su\n<nigella> grazie per l'aiuto buona notte\n#ubuntu-it 2015-05-22\n<akis24> giorno\n<glpiana> ola\n<Davide> Salve,\n<glpiana> !ciao | Davide\n<ubot-it> Davide: Ciao! Benvenuto in #ubuntu-it\n<Davide> è da ieri che il mio netbook mi sta dando delle noie con questo segnale: \"caricamento dell'elenco pacchetti non riuscito\".\n<glpiana> Davide, apri un terminale e scrivi: sudo apt-get update\n<glpiana> !paste | Davide\n<ubot-it> Davide: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<Davide> Ok faccio subito. Un altra cosa che penso sia connessa è che l'audio delle casse del portatile non emettono alcun suono e solamente quando collego le cuffie al entrata sento l'audio. Pensate derivi da l problema precedente?\n<glpiana> Davide, una cosa per volta\n<Davide> Fatto sta caricando ...\n<Davide> Ha finito\n<glpiana> Davide, copia quanto è apparso a schermo e mettilo su pastebin come ti ho scritto prima\n<Davide> Ok\n<Davide> Fatto\n<glpiana> e copia qui l'indirizzo della pagina, come c'è scritto sopra\n<Davide> http://paste.ubuntu.com/\n<glpiana> Davide, l'inidirizzo della pagina che ti è apparsa dopo che hai cliccato su \"paste\" intendo\n<Davide> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11279712/\n<Davide> Scusami, sbadataggine mia\n<glpiana> Davide, oki, il problema sta nel fatto che i repository extras per vivid non ci sono e non ne conosco il motivo. risolviamo in fretta. che versione di ubuntu hai messo sul netbook? quella con la barra a sinistra?\n<Davide> Si, l'ultima versione 15.04\n<glpiana> Davide, nel terminale scrivi: sudo software-properties-gtk\n<Davide> Fatto! Mi si è aperta la pagina degli aggiornamenti e software\n<glpiana> Davide, vai nella seconda scheda, altro software\n<Davide> Fatto\n<glpiana> Davide, lì dovresti vedere software indipendente, confermamelo\n<Davide> Si ce ne sono due: Indipendente e Indipendente (Codice Sorgente)\n<glpiana> Davide, togli la spunta ad entrambi\n<Davide> Fatto\n<glpiana> Davide, chiudi la finestra degli aggiornamenti e trona al terminale\n<Davide> Ho fatto click su \"chiudi\" e mi si è aperta una finestra che dice: \"Le informazioni sul software disponibile non sono aggiornate\"\n<Davide> Clicco \"Ricarica\" o \"Chiudi\"?\n<glpiana> Davide, chiudi. poi tornato al terminale ridai: sudo apt-get update\n<Davide> Ok sta facendo\n<Davide> Fatto\n<glpiana> Davide, stavolta è andata diversamente?\n<Davide> Si! In fondo al terminale c'è scritto: W: È consigliato eseguire \"apt-get update\" per correggere questi problemi\n<glpiana> Davide, copia di nuovo su pastebin quanto è uscito\n<Davide> OK\n<Davide> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11279838/\n<glpiana> Davide, ok, di nuovo sudo software-properties-gtk\n<Davide> Apert\n<Davide> *Aperto\n<glpiana> Davide, sempre nella seconda scheda, conta quante voci \"partner di canonical\" hai\n<Davide> 4\n<glpiana> Davide, devi averne solo due, un partner e un partner codice sorgente\n<Davide> E allora cosa faccio? Rimuovo?\n<glpiana> Davide, togli la spunta a un partner e a un partner codice sorgente\n<Davide> Fatto\n<glpiana> Davide, chiudi e torna al terminale e dai di nuovo sudo apt-get update\n<Davide> Sta caricando\n<Davide> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11279966/\n<glpiana> Davide, perfetto. ora scrivi: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade             in modo da aggiornare il sistema\n<Davide> Fatto, ma mi dice che: Il pacchetto linux-image- deve essere reinstallato, ma non è possibile trovarne un archivio.\n<glpiana> Davide, scrivi: uname -a                 e copia qui la riga che esce\n<Davide> Linux davide-1001PX 3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 30 16:13:00 UTC 2015 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux\n<glpiana> Davide, scrivi: dpkg -l | grep linux-image                e copia su pastebin\n<Davide> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11280055/\n<glpiana> Davide, sudo apt-get purge linux-image-\n<Davide> E: Il pacchetto linux-image- deve essere reinstallato, ma non è possibile trovarne un archivio.\n<glpiana> Davide, prova con: sudo apt-get purge linux-image-  --force-yes\n<Davide> Lo stesso messaggio: E: Il pacchetto linux-image- deve essere reinstallato, ma non è possibile trovarne un archivio.\n<glpiana> Davide, scrivi: sudo aptitude purge  linux-image-\n<Davide> sudo: aptitude: command not found\n<glpiana> Davide, scrivi: sudo apt-get install aptitude\n<Davide> Stesso messaggio di prima: E: Il pacchetto linux-image- deve essere reinstallato, ma non è possibile trovarne un archivio.\n<glpiana> Davide, sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq linux-image-\n<Davide> Fatto\n<Davide> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11280271/\n<glpiana> Davide, ora: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade\n<Davide> Mi dice: Continuare? [S/n]\n<glpiana> Davide, copiami su pastebin quanto precede la domanda\n<Davide> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11280305/\n<glpiana> Davide, premi pure invio per farlo proseguire\n<Davide> Ok sta preseguendo\n<Davide> Sta estraendo in questo momento\n<glpiana> ok\n<Davide> Finito\n<glpiana> Davide, bene, scrivi: sudo dpkg --configure -a\n<glpiana> Davide, se non da nessun output riavvia il pc\n<Davide> Niente, quindi riavvio?\n<glpiana> sì, riavvia\n<Davide> Ok, grazie mille della sua disponibilità e gentilezza!\n<glpiana> :)\n<ancoraNewbie> Buongiorno\n<ancoraNewbie> se configuro il proxy di sistema lo prende automaticamente apt-get?\n<dadexix86> ancoraNewbie, dipende da come/dove lo configuri...\n<Davide> Salve, ho un problema con il mio neetbook con software installato 15.04: l'audio della cuffie si sente, ma quello delle casse interne del pc no. Come posso risolvere? Grazie.\n<dadexix86> ancoraNewbie, guarda l'help di apt-get https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto#Setting_up_apt-get_to_use_a_http-proxy\n<glpiana> Davide, hai già provato a mettere mano alle impostazioni audio cui accedi dall'icona del volume?\n<Davide> Si, ho seguito la guida di ubunto e non è un problema di impostazioni\n<Davide> Il volume è al massimo e infatti quando inserisco le cuffie si sente, ma quando le stacco non c'è più alcun suono\n<glpiana> Davide, il tuo pc ha anche l'uscita hdmi?\n<jester-> 'ngiorno\n<Davide> No\n<glpiana> Davide, in un terminale scrivi: lspci | grep -i audio               e copia qui la riga che esce\n<Davide> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11281015/\n<glpiana> Davide, metti su pastebin l'output di: lsmod\n<Davide> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11281029/\n<ancoraNewbie> dadexix86 grazie\n<dadexix86> ancoraNewbie, prego\n<ancoraNewbie> mi sa che devo riavviare la sessione dell'utente\n<dadexix86> ancoraNewbie, una volta che hai configurato in .bashrc basta che lo ricarichi\n<ancoraNewbie> per ora tengo da parte la guida che mi hai linkato perchè ho fatto già qualcosa di simile.\n<ancoraNewbie> Non ho agito solo sulla sessione\n<ancoraNewbie> ma ho lanciato\n<ancoraNewbie> sudo gedit /etc/apt/apt.conf\n<ancoraNewbie> e ho aggiunto gli acquired\n<ancoraNewbie> solo che\n<ancoraNewbie> quando faccio env | grep proxy\n<ancoraNewbie> ho 2 http_proxy=\n<glpiana> Davide, nel terminale scrivi: alsamixer\n<glpiana> Davide, poi premi F6 e dimmi cosa appare nella finestrella\n<ancoraNewbie> come faccio logout da shell?\n<dadexix86> ancoraNewbie, quel file lo configura solo per apt-get, è normale che tutte le altre applicazioni non vedano nulla :)\n<ancoraNewbie> ok\n<dadexix86> per ricaricare .bashrc ti basta dare . ~/.bashrc\n<ancoraNewbie> difatti l'ho impostato da System settings col wizard\n<Davide> Esce fuori la Scheda Audio con 3 opzioni: (predefinita) - HDA Intel - Inserisci il nome del device\n<dadexix86> ancoraNewbie, non conosco questo wizard di cui parli, ma se parli delle configurazioni di Gnome o Unity non vedo perché le applicazioni che lanci da terminale dovrebbero conoscerne l'esistenza :)\n<glpiana> Davide, allora nulla. premi esc per uscirne\n<Davide> Ok\n<Davide> Allora cosa faccio?\n<glpiana> Davide, scrivi nel terminale: pavucontrol\n<Davide> Non è installato\n<glpiana> Davide, installalo con sudo apt-get install pavucontrol\n<Davide> Fatto già. Aperto ora\n<glpiana> Davide, nella scheda \"uscite\" cosa vedi?\n<Davide> Audio interno Stereo analogico con tre barre sulla destra: una con il disegno del volume, un'altra con il disegno del lucchetto e l'ultima con   una spunta cerchiata in verde\n<Davide> Sotto due linee che indicano i volumi della cassa di sinistra e di destra regolati circa a metà del loro spazio\n<Davide> Poi ancora sotto un'altra barra vuota con sotto scritto \"Advanced\"\n<glpiana> Davide, nella scheda \"configurazione\" vedi qualcosa?\n<Davide> Poi ancora sotto c'è scritto \"Mostra\" e di fianco una barra selezionastrice  con inserito \"All Output Device\"\n<Davide> C'è scritto \"Duplex stereo analogico\"\n<glpiana> Davide, dovrebbe essere un menu da cui puoi scegliere diverse voci, giusto?\n<Davide> Si\n<glpiana> Davide, che altre voci ci sono?\n<Davide> - Stereo analogico output\n<Davide> - Stereo analogico input\n<Davide> - Spento\n<glpiana> niente, torna alla scheda \"uscite\" e se puoi prendi una schermata\n<glpiana> !image | Davide\n<ubot-it> Davide: Carica un'immagine su https://imgur.com/ | http://imageshack.us/ (richiede registrazione) e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<glpiana> torno tra 10 minuti\n<Davide> Io tra poco devo andare perché sono viaggio questo pomeriggio\n<Davide> http://imageshack.com/a/img540/5420/MOYD3z.png\n<Davide> Scusa ma devo andare ... proverò a vedere se riesco a risolverlo in qualche modo, sennò vi ricontatterò. Grazie lo stesso e buona giornata\n<evan__> Salve, ho un problema con audio HDMI non vedo il dispositivo dando \"aplay -l\" e neanche nel controllo volume nella sezione \"Uscite\" mi potete aiutare? grazie\n<jester-> evan__: scheda video?\n<evan__> GeForce 840M con driver NVIDIA 346.59\n<evan__> Riesco a inviare il segnale video al televisore ma l'audio no, sembra che non esiste nessuna uscita audio hdmi\n<evan__> ho Xubuntu 15.04 64bit\n<jester-> evan__: sicuro che hai installato il nvidia?\n<jester-> evan__: la tv è impostata di comseguenza?\n<evan__> il driver nvidia è installato e funzionante\n<evan__> cosa devo impostare nella tv?\n<jester-> evan__: di prendere dal pc\n<jester-> controlla le impostazioni audio della tv\n<evan__> ok ma nel PC non trovo nessun dispositivo di uscita audio HDMI\n<jester-> evan__: se la tv non riceve il device non va up\n<jester-> evan__: controlla anche con nvidia-settings\n<ExPBoy> evan__, scusa ma il pc ha l'uscita HDMI?\n<evan__> il PC è collegato attualmente alla TV con il cavo HDMI e vedo il desktop\n<jester-> evan__: hai guardato le impostazioni audio della tv?\n<evan__> sto guardando ma non trovo nulla relativo alla sorgente audio, solo effetti di equalizzazione\n<jester-> terminale --> nividia-settings\n<evan__> in nvidia-settings non vedo nulla relativo all'audio\n<ExPBoy> e nelle impostazioni audio che vedi?\n<jester-> evan__: installa pavucontrol e controlla le uscite\n<evan__> vedo nel tab \"uscite\" le voci Altoparlanti e Cuffie\n<ExPBoy> eh\n<evan__> jester-, è gia installato\n<ExPBoy> allora non hai uscite audio HDMI\n<jester-> cambia driver invidia metti il 331 se c'è\n<evan__> la mia scheda video è supportata solo dal 340 in su\n<evan__> :(\n<jester-> la 840 è vecchiotta assai\n<evan__> il 331 non funziona con la 840\n<evan__> gia provato\n<ExPBoy> prendi audio out del pc e collegala (se possibile) all'entrata audio della tv\n<evan__> uff sempre problemi :(\n<jester-> no problemi che linux sarebbe\n<jester-> evan__: provato il 340?\n<evan__> non ancora\n<jester-> prova\n<evan__> nella scheda \"Driver proprietari\" vedo la versione 340.76 da nvidia e da nvidia-updates che cambia? quale scelgo?\n<jester-> evan__: sudo apt-get install nvidia-340-updates-uvm\n<evan__> prima tolgo quelli vecchi si?\n<jester-> evan__: fa da solo\n<jester-> almeno ovrebbe\n<jester-> evan__: o abilita il 340.76\n<evan__> ok provo\n<evan__> scusa si era disconnesso\n<evan__> dicevi?\n<jester-> evan__: abilita il 340.76\n<evan__> ok ne ho 2\n<jester-> il normale\n<evan__> entrambi 340.76\n<jester-> non update\n<evan__> ok\n<solo1> avrei un problema con ubuntu server grub e raid1.\n<jester-> aaaahiaaa\n<ExPBoy> :)\n<jester-> solo1: prova a descrivere il problema\n<ExPBoy> e ma sono 3 i problemi se non ho capito male\n<solo1> Da controller creo il Raid1 rif. nome VolumeRaid. Raid ok bootable ( 2 hd rilevati in raid ). Parte ubuntu mi vede solo 250gb ( alias 1 solo degli hd manco in raid ).\n<jester-> solo remix_tj ti potrebbe assistere\n<jester-> solo1: hai installato come raid?\n<solo1> cosa significa hai installato come raid ?\n<jester-> solo1: mi pare che un fase installazione permetta di installare come raid e comunque leggo qui ogni tanto che usano partman\n<jester-> solo1: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/vivid/+source/partman-auto-raid\n<jester-> solo1: i 3 hd sono gemelli?\n<solo1> si\n<evan__> jester-, riavvio e ti dico se cambia qualcosa\n<solo1> non riesco a partizionarlo manualmente. intendo dire visto che il grub non puo' essere presente in mirror ... non potendo partizionarlo in quando mi rileva solo 1 hd ( 2 in raid1) mi domando esiste una soluzione ?\n<jester-> solo1: se non sbaglio raid 1 prevede solo 2 dischi. per 3 serve il 5\n<jester-> mi pare, non vorei dire cazzate\n<evan__> jester-, non cambia nulla con i 340 cmq non vorrei dire una cazzata ma puo essere che l'audio hdmi esce con Intel?\n<evan__> con lspci mi da questo: 00:03.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT HD Audio Controller (rev 0b)\n<evan__> 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 8 Series HD Audio Controller (rev 04)\n<evan__> non vedo Device audio relativi a nvidia\n<jester-> evan__: hai doppia scheda?\n<jester-> evan__: lspci e incolla nel pastebin\n<jester-> !paste | evan__\n<ubot-it> evan__: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<evan__> si la scheda è mista intel+nvidia\n<evan__> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11283543/\n<jester-> evan__: quindi se usa la intel è logico che hdmi non va\n<jester-> evan__: e non ti so dire come disabiltare la intel\n<evan__> non sto usando la intel\n<jester-> è automatica la cosa, invidia interviene quando si fa pesante\n<evan__> nel pannello Nvidia posso scegliere la scheda da usare, nvidia o intel\n<evan__> no\n<evan__> quello avviene su windows\n<jester-> evan__: hai fatto creare xor.conf al settings?\n<jester-> evan__: pure in winz si puo scegliere se non scegli fa da solo\n<evan__> con questi driver non puoi\n<evan__> o usi uno o l'altro\n<jester-> evan__: il pannello invidia in pratica è nvidia-settings\n<evan__> si chiama nvidia prime il meccanismo... non ti fa usare entrambe le schede ma solo una\n<jester-> evan__: dalla 14.10 è automatico\n<evan__> ti faccio uno screenshot?\n<jester-> evan__: logico solo una\n<jester-> ma fa lo switch da solo se serve\n<evan__> no\n<jester-> la intel per usi normali\n<jester-> evan__: va bè visto che sai tu tu fai\n<evan__> allora se scelgo intel la scheda nvidia viene spenta\n<evan__> se scelgo nvidia non usa la intel\n<evan__> questo è quello che ho potuto verificare pero' magari mi sbaglio?\n<jester-> evan__: dove cacchio scegli\n<evan__> nel pannello Nvidia ho \"PRIME Profiles\"\n<jester-> in  pratica è il driver nividia che usa hdmi\n<jester-> se il device non c'è i casi sono 2: o invidia non è in uso o il driver è buggato\n<evan__> guarda questa immagine: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-zA15_dLijmY/UqdrSwbzJ1I/AAAAAAABP_w/7d8d_xwCscc/s1600/nvidia-prime-profiles.jpg\n<evan__> è simile a quello che vedo io\n<jester-> evan__: lsmod | grep nviia\n<jester-> evan__: lsmod | grep nvidia\n<evan__> evan@HP:~$ lsmod | grep nvidia\n<evan__> nvidia              10559488  35\n<evan__> drm                   344064  9 i915,i915_bpo,drm_kms_helper,nvidia\n<jester-> evan__: boh in teoria dovrebbe andare\n<evan__> :(\n<w8eub14> ho un hd da 500gb sata per inserire w8.1 e ubuntu 15 quale e' la procedura per installare i due sistemi operativi visto che hanno diverse configurazioni\n<cristian_c> w8eub14, li vuoi installare in dual boot?\n<w8eub14> si\n<w8eub14> premo f8 e scelgo cosa caricare\n<cristian_c> uhm\n<cristian_c> ma quello è il bootloader di windows\n<w8eub14> l'idea e questa\n<cristian_c> !installazione | w8eub14\n<ubot-it> w8eub14: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione | Per installazione grafica http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download\n<cristian_c> w8eub14, ma hai provato ubuntu in live su quel pc?\n<w8eub14> di solito faccio cois perche' con ubuntu 15 cambia ?\n<w8eub14> si un po' lento ma ok funziona\n<cristian_c> w8eub14, di solito cosa fai?\n<w8eub14> inserisco il dvd e come parte va in modalita live\n<w8eub14> pero' sarei interessato ad averlo in hd\n<cristian_c> <w8eub14> di solito faccio cois perche' con ubuntu 15 cambia ?\n<cristian_c> intendevo questo\n<w8eub14> quindi non si puo' fare immagino ?\n<cristian_c> w8eub14, è una domanda\n<cristian_c> w8eub14, di solito cosa fai?\n<w8eub14> te l'ho scritto l'ho provato in live\n<w8eub14> con la iso\n<w8eub14> tutto qua\n<cristian_c> w8eub14, mi riferisco a quanto hai scritto prima, non alla live\n<cristian_c> il fatto della live è chiaro\n<w8eub14> beh' premo f8 sulla tastiera e scelgo cosa far partire perche' ho w7 e w8\n<cristian_c> ok\n<cristian_c> w8eub14, beh, in quel caso utilizzi il bootloader di windows\n<w8eub14> ore vorrei formattare un hd da 500\n<w8eub14> si\n<cristian_c> w8eub14, se installi ubuntu, verrà installato anche il grub\n<w8eub14> specificando grub\n<cristian_c> w8eub14, e scritto nella guida wiki\n<w8eub14> ok non l'ho ancora vista la guida magari gli do una letta\n<cristian_c> w8eub14, beh togli il 'magari'\n<cristian_c> visto che è fatta apposta :P\n<w8eub14> pensavo fosse un po' come partizionare w8 in un hd l'idea era questa\n<w8eub14> ok e' in italiano ?\n<cristian_c> w8eub14, se non sai come fare le cose, il wiki è la risposta nella maggior parte dei casi\n<cristian_c> w8eub14, apri la pagina e vedrai\n<w8eub14> ok il link di prima immagino\n<cristian_c> esatto\n<w8eub14> vado\n<w8eub14> ho dato una letta veloce non mi pare cosi difficile credo no ?\n<cristian_c> w8eub14, generalmente no\n<w8eub14> se imposto una partizione da 250 gb e installo pulito prima ubuntu 15 poi formatto e inserisrco negli altri 250 ntfs w8.1 che3 dici\n<cristian_c> w8eub14, in caso di dubbi, chiedi pure qui\n<cristian_c> w8eub14, perché formattare?\n<Davide> Ritorno con il mio problema: l'audio della casse del mio pc non mi danno alcun suono: ho solo la possiiblità di collegare le cuffie per sentire l'audio\n<cristian_c> nel senso, puoi creare subito le partizioni\n<w8eub14> cosa ne pensi do priorita a ubuntu 15 che mi e' di primo interesse poi partiziono co gp altri 250 ma in ntfs\n<cristian_c> Davide, l'avevi risolto in passato?\n<cristian_c> gp?\n<Davide> No, avevo scritto stamattina, ma dopo sono dovuto andare via per motivi di viaggio\n<w8eub14> mmmm non so se si puo'  g parted\n<w8eub14> gp sta per gparted\n<Davide> è già da qualche giorno che mi da questo problema\n<cristian_c> w8eub14, se il disco è vuoto, puoi farlo\n<cristian_c> Davide, qualche giorno fa funzionava perfettamente?\n<Davide> Si\n<w8eub14> si e' vuoto non c'e' nulla formattato basso livello pero' poi posso dare boot come da windows premendo f8 lo accetta ?\n<cristian_c> Davide, si è verificato qualche evento in questi giorni?\n<cristian_c> w8eub14, ti ho spiegato  che se installi ubuntu, verrà installato grub\n<cristian_c> e ci penserà grub a gestire la scelta\n<Davide> Ho avuto dei problemi con gli aggiornamenti software, ma li ho risolti stamattina. Pensavo potessere essere quello, ma alla fine il problema non si è risolto\n<cristian_c> Davide, come li hai risolti?\n<w8eub14> a ok cioe grub e' una sorta di menu che mi dice cosa voglio caricare\n<cristian_c> !grub | w8eub14\n<ubot-it> w8eub14: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/ | Per ripristinare Grub: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/Ripristino\n<Davide> Tramite questa chat, seguendo le istruzione a me date\n<cristian_c> w8eub14, primo link\n<Davide> era rimasto a questo punto: https://imageshack.us/i/f0MOYD3zp\n<cristian_c> Davide, considera che non posso sapere cosa ti hanno detto\n<cristian_c> *posso non sapere\n<Davide> Ok lui mi aveva fatto fare dei procedimenti tramite terminale e le cose alla fine si sono risolte. Prima non potevo ne aggiornare, ne scaricare dallo Store, ma adesso tutto funziona regolarmente\n<cristian_c> Davide, eh, vorrei capire cos'hai fatto\n<w8eub14> ok ci puo' satre riporta esempio di ubuntu e windo vista ma cambia poco\n<cristian_c> w8eub14, sì, è un menu di scelta\n<cristian_c> diciamo: appare un men\n<cristian_c> *un menù di scelta\n<w8eub14> sai quale e' il piccolo intoppo e' che se metto prima w8 poi con ubuntu vedo che occorrono piu' piccole partizioni ...ad occhio e croce e la cos ami risulta poco pratica magari faccio qualche errore\n<Davide> Non saprei descriverlo nei particolari ... So che ho aperto il terminale e lui mi ha dato dei codici da inserirvi e alla fine si è sistemato tutto\n<cristian_c> w8eub14, in gparted?\n<w8eub14> invece mi sistemo ubuntu che e' quello piu' farragginoso e poi w8 che so coem mi devo muovere nella partizione\n<cristian_c> Davide, forse non si è sistemato\n<Davide> Ma il problema è che non mi va l'audio delle casse del pc ora ... Cosa devo fare?\n<cristian_c> Davide, ma almeno hai capito qual era il problema?\n<cristian_c> Davide, intendo con gli aggiornamenti\n<w8eub14> si con gparted mi muovo con disinvoltura se pero' non devo creare partizioni particolari\n<w8eub14> dando una letta alla guida mi pare siano 3\n<cristian_c> w8eub14, quali partizioni particolari devi creare?\n<Davide> Non si scaricavano i pacchetti\n<cristian_c> w8eub14, è per praticità\n<cristian_c> che si creano tre partizioni ad hoc\n<cristian_c> Davide, sì, ma sai perché 'non si scaricavano i pacchetti'?\n<w8eub14> leggo una di swap e una da ha e alrti 2gb per non so cosa\n<w8eub14> in w8 non c'e' li fa tutto lui\n<cristian_c> w8eub14, puol esprimerti più chiaramente?\n<cristian_c> 'da ha'\n<cristian_c> w8eub14, scusa, a quale esempio del wiki fai riferiimento?\n<w8eub14> si ok nell'esempio riportato nella guida si vedono chiaramente piu ' partizioni o device il che mi lascia pensare che non sia come per ambiente windows tutto qua a meno che non stia interpretando male la procedura\n<cristian_c> w8eub14, mi puoi indicare l'esempio che citi (ce ne sono vari)?\n<w8eub14> punto 3 altro\n<w8eub14> noto piu' partizioni device\n<cristian_c> ok\n<w8eub14> pero' alla fine va bene cosi\n<cristian_c> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Standard?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=situazione_finale.png\n<cristian_c> questa?\n<w8eub14> esattamente\n<cristian_c> io non vedo tante partizioni particolari\n<cristian_c> solo la swap è particolare\n<cristian_c> e le partizioni oltre alla ntfs, in questa schermata sono due soltanto\n<w8eub14> si sai non conoscendo come fare magari ho difficolta\n<cristian_c> w8eub14, se ti serve una swap, la crei, molto semplicemente\n<cristian_c> se vuoi una home separata dalla partizione di sistema, la crei\n<cristian_c> non vedo altre 'stranezze'\n<cristian_c> poi se c'è uefi, allora il discorso si complica leggermente, se non c'è una partizione efi\n<w8eub14> ossia una home separata dalal partizione che vantaggio ha ?\n<cristian_c> che ne richiede la creazione in modalità uefi\n<w8eub14> si ne ho sentito parlare\n<cristian_c> w8eub14, la home è la tua directory personale\n<w8eub14> ok\n<cristian_c> con i file dell'utente, dell'account di sistema creato\n<w8eub14> ti seguo\n<cristian_c> il vantaggio è che puoi reinstallare il sistema (da leggersi ricreare la partizone di sistema) senza perdere i dati utente\n<cristian_c> *partizione\n<cristian_c> o almeno uno dei possibili vantaggi\n<w8eub14> beh allora e' vantaggioso ma scusa non c'e' la procedura di reinstallo da iso se qualcosa va storto ?\n<cristian_c> da iso?\n<cristian_c> w8eub14, io parlavo dei dati utente, del tuo account\n<w8eub14> a ok\n<w8eub14> pensavo sistema\n<w8eub14> beh male male non e' che sia molto bravo ma se seguo la guida passo passo un tentativo\n<w8eub14> ok allora procedo speriamo fili tutto ok\n<cristian_c> w8eub14, come detto prima, se hai altri dubbi sulla guida, puoi scrivere qua\n<w8eub14> andata a presto\n<solo1> qualcuno per risolvere un problema con un raid1 ubuntuserver e cgrub ?\n<Innerina> Io ho problemi con la stampante pixma mp450, qualcuno mi dà una mano?\n<Innerina> Mi dà questo errore sulle proprietà: Si è verificato un problema nel connettersi al server CUPS\n<cristian_c> !qualcuno | solo1\n<ubot-it> solo1: la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera'\n<cristian_c> !qualcuno | Innerina\n<ubot-it> Innerina: la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera'\n<Innerina> Mi dà questo errore sulle proprietà della stampante pixma mp450: Si è verificato un problema nel connettersi al server CUPS\n<solo1> risolvere un problema con un raid1 ubuntuserver e cgrub ? - qualcuno per\n<Innerina> quindi deduco che manchino i driver\n<cristian_c> Innerina, contestualizza il tutto\n<Innerina> ah sto da ubuntu mate su fisso\n<cristian_c> 1) è la prima volta che la installi su ubuntu?\n<cristian_c> !chiedi | solo1\n<ubot-it> solo1: per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<Innerina> sì la prima volta\n<cristian_c> Innerina, 2) ubuntu mate 15.04?\n<Innerina> la riconosce, la vede e stampa il test ma non mi fa vedere le proprietà, insomma manca la gestionalità\n<Innerina> sì\n<cristian_c> se stampa i driver ci sono\n<Innerina> ok, allora come mai su proprietà mi dà: Si è verificato un problema nel connettersi al server CUPS?\n<cristian_c> Innerina, non lo so, controlla i log di cups\n<Innerina> dove li trovo?\n<cristian_c> Innerina, /var/log/cups\n<Innerina> grazie, controllo\n<Innerina> Boh, sembra tutto a posto...\n<cristian_c> uhm\n<cristian_c> Innerina, puoi postare uno screenshot?\n<Innerina> ci sono diversi file log\n<Innerina> quello error non c'é niente\n<cristian_c> Innerina, Intendo la schermata di errore\n<Innerina> Ah ok\n<Innerina> Fatto, ma dove te la sendo?\n<cristian_c> !image\n<ubot-it> Carica un'immagine su https://imgur.com/ | http://imageshack.us/ (richiede registrazione) e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<Innerina> Ho il pc un pò lento e dovrei andare... risolverò questo problema appena possibile...\n<pingui> Buonasera a tutti\n<krabador> !ciao | pingui\n<ubot-it> pingui: Ciao! Benvenuto in #ubuntu-it\n<pingui> grazie, ho un problema il mio portatile (datato e con su installato da zero lubuntu) non mi vede la scheda di rete wifi\n<pingui> (ora sono connesso con il cao di rete)\n<krabador> pingui, apri il terminale\n<pingui> fatto\n<krabador> sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<krabador> sudo lshw -C network | pastebinit\n<krabador> il secondo restituisce un indirizzo web, incollalo qui\n<pingui> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11287597/\n<pingui> (figo come cosa(\n<krabador> pingui, iwconfig | pastebinit\n<krabador> pingui, lspci -nn -d 14e4: | pastebinit\n<pingui> il primo mi dice che non posso mandare una cosa vuota\n<krabador> l'altro ?\n<pingui> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11287653/\n<krabador> pingui, lsb_release -a | pastebinit\n<pingui> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11287678/\n<krabador> pingui, sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer\n<krabador> riavvia\n<krabador> pingui,  sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer | pastebinit\n<pingui> Cursore bianco....stara' lavorando?\n<pingui> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11287711/\n<pingui> riavvio?\n<krabador> pingui, ok, riavvia\n<krabador> torna qui\n<krabador> poi\n<pingui> oki thanks nel mentre\n<pingui> eccomi\n<pingui> non c' e' ancora\n<krabador> pingui, sudo modprobe -r b43\n<krabador> sudo modprobe b43\n<krabador> sudo rfkill unblock all | pastebinit\n<pingui> il primo ok...il secondo mi dice documento vuoto\n<krabador> il secondo non deve dare output\n<krabador> solo del terzo , serve il pastebin\n<beppapig> ciao\n<krabador> che ti ho appunto segnato\n<pingui> si scusa del terzo\n<pingui> il primo e il secondo nessun output\n<pingui> il terzo mi dice che non posso inviare un documento vuoto\n<krabador> pingui, nm-applet\n<krabador> vedi che dice\n<pingui> Trova un errore nel cercare un bus address di accessibilita' e poi fallisce nel registrare l'agente perche' c'e' gia' una registrazione per questo utente\n<krabador> pingui, guarda nel task in basso a destra, in lubuntu, della gestione delle reti\n<krabador> tasto destro\n<krabador> vedi che dice\n<pingui> C' e la wired\n<pingui> ma non la wireless\n<krabador> pingui, rfkill list | pastebinit\n<krabador> pingui, sudo lshw -C network | pastebinit           di nuovo\n<krabador> iwconfig | pastebinit\n<pingui> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11287920/\n<krabador> pingui, il primo ?\n<krabador> te lo sei mangiato?\n<pingui> E' vuoto\n<pingui> il terzo arriva\n<pingui> vuoto anche il terzo\n<krabador> pingui, lsmod | pastebinit\n<pingui> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11288015/\n<krabador> sudo modprobe -r b43\n<krabador> sudo modprobe b43\n<krabador> riavvia\n<pingui> io?\n<krabador> con chi sto parlando ?\n<pingui> oki sorry\n<pingui> Continua a non apparire\n<pingui> (rieccomi)\n<krabador> dpkg -l | grep bcmwl | pastebinit\n<pingui> Documento vuoto\n<krabador> pingui, sudo apt-get remove purge firmware-b43-installer b43-fwcutter\n<krabador> sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source\n<krabador> riavvia\n<pingui> Dice che non trova il pacchetto purge\n<krabador> pingui, scusa\n<krabador> pingui, sudo apt-get remove --purge firmware-b43-installer b43-fwcutter\n<krabador> sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source\n<pingui> Ok sta installando 63 mega di roba\n<pingui> dopo aver rimosso con il primo comando\n<pingui> Poi una volta finito, se ti va e vuoi, mi spieghi come mai non andava?\n<krabador> vediamo prima se va\n<pingui> Allora mentre installava i 64 mega si e' freezato tutto\n<pingui> ho aspettato un 5 minuti\n<pingui> poi ho spento con il pulsante di accensione e l'ho riacceso\n<pingui> ora eccomi qua\n<pingui> non compare ancora il wi-fi\n<krabador> dpkg -l | grep firmware | pastebinit\n<krabador> dpkg -l | grep bcmwl | pastebinit\n<pingui> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11288453/\n<pingui> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11288481/\n<krabador> pingui, sudo apt-get install --reinstall bcmwl-kernel-source\n<krabador> sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree\n<pingui> Ho dato il primo comando ha fatto un po' di cose\n<pingui> ma ora sembra fermo su DKMS: install completed.\n<pingui> che faccio?\n<cristian_c> pingui, aspetta la fine dell'esecuzione\n<pingui> Ciao cristian_c io aspetto...ma e' da quasi 10 minuti con cursore bianco sulla riga sotto...e' normale?\n<cristian_c> lol\n<cristian_c> <krabador> pingui, sudo apt-get install --reinstall bcmwl-kernel-source\n<cristian_c> questo?\n<pingui> yes\n<pingui> Ciao krabador sono felice che tu sia rientrato\n<krabador> pingui, dato entrambi i comandi?\n<pingui> solo il primo pero' e' fermo su DKMS: install completed\n<pingui> e sotto ha un cursore bianco\n<pingui> ?\n<krabador> s'è sbloccato?\n<pingui> sembrerebbe di si'\n<krabador> manda l'altro\n<krabador> con pastebinit\n<pingui> ma non credo di poter digitare\n<krabador> è tornato al terminale\n<krabador> ?\n<pingui> nu\n<pingui> cursore bianco ma non ho il \"prompt\"\n<pingui> credo che torni al prompt se pigio CTRL-C\n<krabador> pingui, ci deve tornare da solo\n<pingui> ok\n<pingui> e' li' da 20 minuti non saprei\n<pingui> che faccio? aspetto ancora?\n<pingui> Continua a non tornare al prompt\n<krabador> ctrl-c\n<jester-> sera\n<pingui> Non fa niente con ctrl-c\n<krabador> pingui, fa uno screenshot\n<krabador> !image | pingui\n<ubot-it> pingui: Carica un'immagine su https://imgur.com/ | http://imageshack.us/ (richiede registrazione) e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<pingui> Ehmmm pigiando prt sc non mi fa copia lo schermo negli appunti\n<pingui> come faccio a fare lo screenshot?\n<krabador> pingui, controlla in home\n<krabador> e in /home/utente/Immagini\n<pingui> http://imgur.com/f7Qk5XG\n<pingui> Scusa per il ritardo con cui l'ho caricata ma ho dovuto disattivare un allarme dell'edificio in cui sono prima che mi arrivi qua la pula e mi blindi :-)\n<krabador> innanzitutto è consigliabile che tu faccia copia ed incolla dei comandi che ti vengono suggeriti\n<pingui> Ho fatto\n<krabador> se ctrl c non ha riportato il terminale, all'host\n<krabador> ctrl shift t\n<krabador> vedi se di apre un'altra tab di terminale\n<pingui> yep\n<pingui> l'ha aperta\n<krabador> sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree | pastebinit\n<pingui> Dice che non e' possibile acquisire il blocco sulla directory di amministrazione /var/lib/dpkg\n<pingui> un altro processo potrebbe tenerla occupata\n<pingui> ed e' spuntata fuori una finetra\n<krabador> pingui, torna nella tab congelata , rimanda ctrl c\n<pingui> non lo prende\n<krabador> torna nella tab che hai aperto\n<pingui> la finestra che e' saltata fuori dice che si e' verificato un problema a un programma di sistema\n<pingui> segnalare il problema adesso?\n<krabador> sudo reboot\n<pingui> ok torno tra un attimo\n<pingui> Eccomi\n<pingui> Al riavvio si era bloccato sulla schermata di lubuntu\n<pingui> ho dovuto spegnere dal pulsante per farlo ripartire un' altra volta\n<pingui> ma ora sono entrato\n<krabador> pingui, sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree | pastebinit\n<krabador> riavvio router\n<krabador> per me intendo\n<pingui> dpkg e' stato interrotto e' necessario eseguire sudo dpkg --configure -a per correggere il problema\n<pingui> dpkg e' stato interrotto e' necessario eseguire sudo dpkg --configure -a per correggere il problema\n<krabador> pingui, sudo dpkg --configure -a | pastebinit\n<pingui> lanciato\n<pingui> E li fermo con il cursore bianco come prima\n<pingui> E un comando lungo da eseguire?\n<pingui> ?\n<pingui> Che faccio? attendo?\n<krabador> aspetta un attimo\n<pingui> oki\n<matteo> come faccio a cambiare i cursori del mouse?\n<Guest21865> http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/viewtopic.php?t=445501\n<pingui> sono passati gia' 5 minuti e' normale?\n<krabador> pingui, ctrl c\n<krabador> sudo dpkg --configure -a\n<krabador> e fa il pastebin a mano\n<krabador> !pastebin | pingui\n<ubot-it> pingui: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<pingui> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11289501/\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, il topic linkato non è valido?\n<pingui> E' ancora fermo le'\n<Guest21865> si, ma non so cosa devo fare.\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, unity, kde?\n<Guest21865> su ubuntu\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, apri l'ubuntu control center\n<Guest21865> ubuntu software center?\n<cristian_c> no\n<pingui> ?\n<Guest21865> cristian_c, non so cosa è ubuntu control center\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, anzi, unity control center\n<cristian_c> !info unity-control-center\n<ubot-it> unity-control-center (source: unity-control-center): utilities to configure the GNOME desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 14.04.3+14.04.20140604-0ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 703 kB, installed size 4064 kB\n<Guest21865> cristian_c, come faccio ad aprirlo?\n<krabador> pingui, ctrl c\n<krabador> vedi se si sblocca\n<Guest21865> !pastebin\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<Guest21865> cristian_c, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11289622/\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, cercalo nella dash\n<pingui> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11289634/\n<pingui> Il CTRL+C me l'ha preso questo il risultato\n<Guest21865> cristian_c, non lo trovo.\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, cos'hai digitato?\n<krabador> pingui, sudo dpkg --remove bcmwl-kernel-source\n<Guest21865> unity-control-center\n<krabador> pingui, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade\n<pingui> il primo ok\n<pingui> il secondo sta scaricando una tonnellata di roba\n<krabador> pingui, fallo fare\n<krabador> quando ha finito riavvia\n<pingui> ok\n<Guest21865> cristian_c, il gestore del mouse?\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, digita ubuntu control center\n<cristian_c> senza trattini\n<cristian_c> scusa\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, unity control center\n<cristian_c> oppure solamente control center\n<Guest21865> ok poi?\n<cristian_c> cosa esce?\n<cristian_c> hai aperto il control center?\n<Guest21865> si apre  la gestione.\n<Guest21865> mouse e tochpad, audio, colore, dettagli etc.\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, apri Aspetto\n<Guest21865> cristian_c, aperto.\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, mmm, pare che il control center non basti\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, devi farlo da unity tweak tool\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, installa unity-tweak-tool, lo apri e poi vai in Cursor\n<cristian_c> e selezioni il tema tra quelli disponibili\n<pingui> rieccomi\n<krabador> pingui, sudo apt-get -y install linux-firmware-nonfree | pastebinit\n<Guest21865> cristian_c, sto provando a cambiare la riga, ma non cambiano i cursori!!!\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, beh\n<pingui> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11289979/\n<Guest21865> o meglio cambia solo su mozilla!!!!!!\n<krabador> pingui, sudo apt-get autoremove | pastebinit\n<krabador> pingui, riavvia, non ti seccare\n<pingui> No problemo\n<pingui> aspetto che finisca\n<pingui> e riavvio\n<pingui> E' li' fermo....normale?\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, digita: gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-theme\n<cristian_c> <Guest21865> o meglio cambia solo su mozilla!!!!!! <--- mmmm\n<Guest21865> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11290031/\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, è quello che hai selezionato?\n<Guest21865> cristian_c, si da tweak\n<pingui> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11290039/\n<krabador> pingui, riavvia\n<pingui> ok\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, hai provato con varie applicazioni?\n<Guest21865> si funziona solo con mozilla firefox\n<pingui> Eccomi\n<Guest21865> cristian_c, dove è la cartella con i cursori?\n<krabador> pingui, software-properties-gtk , da terminale, controlla l'ultima tab a destra\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, mi pare /usr/share/icons\n<cristian_c> oppure nella home in ~/.icons\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, con quali applicazioni hai provato?\n<pingui> messaggino di errore nel terminale\n<pingui> ha caricato una finestra\n<krabador> ovvero?\n<pingui> e nella tab a destra\n<D3M0> ciao a tutti\n<Guest21865> cristian_c, come faccio a incollare dentro i cursori. credo che sia una cartella bloccata o protetta.\n<pingui> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11290108/\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, ma appare nella lista dei cursori in tweak tool?\n<Guest21865> cristian_c,\n<Guest21865> e pensodi no perchè non li ho ancora incollati dentro.\n<Guest21865> perchè protetta come cartella.\n<pingui> Dice Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/G Wireless LAN controller\n<cristian_c> <cristian_c> Guest21865, è quello che hai selezionato?\n<cristian_c> <Guest21865> cristian_c, si da tweak\n<cristian_c> ...\n<pingui> This device is not working\n<pingui> e sotto due radio button\n<pingui> la prima\n<krabador> beh,il primo è ignorabile\n<krabador> pingui, manda screen del secondo\n<pingui> (non selezionata)\n<pingui> ah ok\n<Guest21865> cristian_c, intendevo dire che quello che mi hai fatt ocontrollare è quello che effettivamente era selelzionato, non quello che volevo io.\n<cristian_c> lol\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, eh, ma dillo prima che  non c'è nella lsita\n<cristian_c> *lista\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, se non lo installi, come fai a selezionarlo?\n<Guest21865> ok.\n<Guest21865> come faccio a metterlo nella cartella protetta?\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, mettilo nella cartella .icons\n<pingui> http://imgur.com/6GTZMqF\n<Guest21865> cristian_c,\n<Guest21865> è protetta non riesco a incollarci niente!\n<Guest21865> non so come fare.\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, ls -al ~\n<cristian_c> !paste | Guest21865\n<ubot-it> Guest21865: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<Guest21865> cristian_c, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11290167/\n<krabador> pingui, clicca in \"usa sorgenti del driver wireless ...\"\n<krabador> e lascia fare\n<pingui> sta pensando\n<pingui> o meglio\n<pingui> riflettendo\n<pingui> e cercando di capire se e' il caso di darmela/darcela vinta...\n<pingui> :-D\n<krabador> heheeh\n<pingui> magari si muove a pieta'\n<pingui> o forse dice....\n<krabador> \"questa wireless non s'ha da fare, ne' domani, ne' mai\"\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, non c'è neanche una cartella .icons nella home\n<Guest21865> sono in usr/share/ icons\n<cristian_c> intendevo la cartella nella home\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, crea la cartella .icons nella tua home\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, il tuo tema in che formato è stato scaricato?\n<pingui2> krabador\n<pingui2> sono pingui da un'altro pc\n<krabador> che cosa è successo all'altro ?\n<Guest21865> cristian_c, tar.gz\n<Guest21865> cristian_c, creato .icons\n<pingui2> è quasi arrivato alla fine e tutti i comandi (tastiera e mouse compresi) si sono freezati\n<pingui2> la ventola gira ma non posso fare niente\n<pingui2> che faccio§?\n<krabador> pingui2, spegni forzatamente\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, se apri .tar.gz, che cosa vedi?\n<krabador> pingui2, riaccendi\n<pingui2> sta facendo\n<krabador> pingui2, ricarica il sistema\n<Guest21865> cristian_c, una cartella\n<pingui2> oki un sec\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, copia quella cartella in .icons\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, poi riapri tweak\n<Guest21865> cristian_c, ok lovedo, impostato, ma va solo su mozilla. perchè ?\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, se l'hai impostato\n<pingui2> ok torno di là\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, poi, come faceva a funzionare prima in firefox quando ancora non l'avevi installato ? O.o\n<pingui> rIECCOMI\n<pingui> Ops\n<pingui> Rieccomi\n<Guest21865> cristian_c, intendenvo che cambiava al variare dei vari temi.\n<krabador> pingui, terminale, software-properties-gtk\n<krabador> ignora l'errore che appare nel terminale\n<Guest21865> cristian_c, adesso?\n<krabador> va nell'ultima tab a destra\n<pingui> sta caricando\n<pingui> ok\n<pingui> non c'e' piu' la scheda di rete\n<pingui> c'e' solo l- unknown\n<krabador> pingui, screen\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, con quali applicazioni hai provato?\n<Guest21865> mozilla\n<Guest21865> libreoffice.\n<Guest21865> ma sulla scrivania è normale esempio\n<cristian_c> quindi solo con firefox?\n<cristian_c> ah, funza anche con libreoffice\n<pingui> http://imgur.com/HhVnjUD\n<cristian_c> Guest21865, beh, teoricamente, io proverei a rieseguire il login\n<Guest21865> ok ci provo.\n<Guest21865> ciao grazie.\n<krabador> ok, pingui chiudi la finestra\n<krabador> pingui, sudo lshw -C network | pastebinit\n<pingui> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11290420/\n<krabador> pingui, controlla nel task di rete\n<krabador> cosa dice\n<pingui> cioe'?\n<krabador> cioè controlla ne task di rete\n<krabador> in basso a destra\n<pingui> ah ok\n<pingui> c'e' solo wired\n<pingui> e vpn la wi-fi non appare\n<krabador> pingui, dpkg -l | grep bcmwl | pastebinit\n<krabador> iwconfig | pastebinit\n<pingui> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11290477/\n<krabador> rfkill list | pastebinit\n<Riccardone> ciao a tutti\n<pingui> il 2 e il 3 dicono che sono vuoti\n<krabador> ok\n<Riccardone> non capisco perchè l'aggiornamento mi propone di aggiornare a kernel 3.13, quando in realtà ho un 3.16 ...\n<Riccardone> http://pastebin.com/0k9Xgi72\n<krabador> Riccardone, hai installato a mano un 3.16, provenendo da 14.04 precedente a point release varie ?\n<krabador> pingui, ok, sudo dpkg --remove bcmwl-kernel-source\n<Guest5886> cristian_c, riavviato come prima, niente da fare. esempio nella finestra di mozilla va bene nella finetra ma in alto il cursore è sempre alla versione base!\n<Riccardone> krabador: si, ho messso un 3.16 che risolve un bug per il mio sensore wifi ...\n<pingui> fatto\n<Riccardone> krabador: non ho capito il discorso delle point release varie ...\n<krabador> Riccardone, allora lui mantiene la linea della distro\n<krabador> non quello che hai messo tu\n<krabador> se ne sbatte di quello che hai messo tu a mano\n<pingui> krabador: eseguito, e' tornato al prompt\n<Riccardone> c'è un modo per far si che non aggiorni i kernel se inferiori alla 3.16 ?\n<krabador> bloccare l'aggiornamento del kernel\n<krabador> ma\n<cristian_c> Guest5886, quindi il problema è solo nel desktop?\n<krabador> \"hai installato a mano un 3.16, provenendo da 14.04 precedente a point release varie\" ---> hai installato direttamente 14.04.2 oppure hai installato 14.04 regolarmente installata ?\n<Riccardone> krabador: chiaramente se faccio un upgrade mi torna indietro alla 3.13 e riecco di nuovo i prpblemi con la WiFi ...\n<Guest5886> cristian_c, non in quasi tutto.\n<cristian_c> Guest5886, digita: gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-theme\n<krabador> \"chiaramente \" dovresti sapere, che cio' che installi a mano, di esterno dal repository, non viene considerato dal repository stesso , al fine dell'aggiornamento\n<Riccardone> krabador: ho installato 14.04 con la spunta \"download degli aggiornamenti durante l'instalazione\" e \"installa software di terze parti\"\n<krabador> pingui, sudo apt-get install firmware-b43legacy-installer\n<krabador> pingui, riavvia\n<krabador> Riccardone, quando (sii preciso) e la iso come si chiamava ?\n<Riccardone> krabador: adesso mi torvo con la situazione del pastebin di prima\n<Riccardone> una settimana fa e la iso si chiama ...\n<krabador> (si sente \"oooooo\" dalla curva)\n<Guest5886> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<Riccardone> krabador: :) non te lo so dire perchè l'ho installata da una USB pen di qualche tempo fa ...\n<Guest5886> cristian_c, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11290697/\n<Riccardone> krabador: adesso vedo che la 14.04 non è piùdownloadabile, ma solo 14.04.2\n<krabador> Riccardone, semplicemente , perchè, se scaricavi la iso in questo periodo\n<cristian_c> Guest5886, hai installato obsidian?\n<krabador> avresti avuto già di default un kernel 3.16\n<krabador> in quanto la 14.04.2 ha quel kernel branch\n<krabador> quindi la pendrive è stata fatta con una iso precedente\n<Guest5886> cristian_c, che intendi per installarE?\n<krabador> che aggiornandosi , ti menziona 14.04.2\n<Riccardone> krabador: esatto ...\n<Guest5886> ho estratto la cartalle\n<krabador> ma non aggiorna il kernell\n<krabador> perchè, se installi direttamente la 14.04.2 , te lo ritrovi di default\n<krabador> Riccardone, \"esatto\" ---> non sto tirando ad indovinare\n<Riccardone> krabador: mi conviene quindi \"piallare\" il PC e reinstallare 14.04.2 ex-novo ?\n<cristian_c> Guest5886, quando hai scaricato il tar.gz, l'hai aperto e copiato il contenuto in .icons\n<krabador> se vuoi un kernel da 3.16 in su , si\n<krabador> oppure fai , a mano\n<Guest5886> cristian_c, si\n<krabador> \"enablement stack\"\n<Riccardone> e allora \"piallo\" ...\n<cristian_c> Guest5886, quindi è obsidian ll tema che hai installato?\n<pingui> FIGOOOOOO\n<krabador> Riccardone, o pialli e installi una 14.04.2 , ma\n<pingui> FIGHISSIMOOOOOO\n<krabador> pingui, perfetto\n<pingui> SONO TRAMITE Wi/FI\n<pingui> Lubuntu....tu l'hai sfidato...e lui ti ha mangia\n<pingui> (alla Alberto Sordi)\n<Mr_Pan> pingui, puoi evitare di \"strillare\"... scrivi in minuscolo pls...\n<krabador> Riccardone, c'è un ma\n<Riccardone> krabador: dimmi\n<krabador> la 14.04.2 si porta appresso un po' di bugghetti\n<krabador> decisamente fastidiosi\n<krabador> per via di pacchettizzazioni errate\n<pingui> Mr_Pan scusami ma era per una gioia immensa...cioe' e' dalle 17.20 che sono in ballo con sta cosa\n<krabador> di alcuni componenti importanti\n<Guest5886> Obsidian_L\n<Guest5886> per la precisione\n<Riccardone> krabador: mmm ... quindi ?\n<Mr_Pan> pingui, ok :D\n<krabador> Riccardone, che scheda grafica hai ?\n<Guest5886> cristian_c, ove L sta per left mancini\n<pingui> Grazie Krabador...gentilissimo e preparatissimo veramente\n<krabador> pingui, si fa quel che si puo'\n<krabador> buon lubuntu 15.04\n<pingui> Scappo a mangiarmi la fagiolata di Terence Hill e Bud Spencer...un abbraccio e grazie ancora\n<krabador> hehehehe\n<krabador> buon appetito\n<Riccardone> krabador: come loverifico ?\n<Mr_Pan> pingui, temiamo il dopo fagiolata :P\n<krabador> Riccardone,  sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<krabador> Riccardone, sudo lshw -C video | pastebinit\n<Riccardone> krabador: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11290775/\n<Riccardone> krabador: intel ValleyView (mai sentita tra l'altro)\n<krabador> Riccardone, ok\n<krabador> allora, potresti anche installare 14.04.2 ex novo, ci sono problemi con le ati, ed l'installazione del driver closed\n<krabador> Riccardone, ma senti un po' una cosa\n<Riccardone> krabador: dimmi\n<krabador> non potresti provare la 15.04\n<Riccardone> krabador: è supportata solo per nove mesi da quanto leggo e non è LTS :(\n<krabador> si, ma tu non sei cosi' audace, da farti una bella fresh installation , della 15.10 , quando esce ?\n<Riccardone> krabador: che è una fresh installation ?\n<Riccardone> anche la 15.10 non va bene in quanto non LTS ..\n<krabador> installazione ex novo\n<krabador> oh, spetta\n<krabador> non è che le non lts sono merda\n<krabador> intendiamoci\n<Riccardone> krabador: si, lo so, è solo per un fatto di \"supprto\"\n<krabador> tu per esempio, nel caso della 14.04 hai dovuto installare a mano un kernel successivo\n<krabador> che non ti sarebbe mai stato dato li' dentro\n<Riccardone> krabador: infatti ...\n<krabador> non fosse che in canonical solo ultimamente hanno deciso di aggiornare il kernel alle lts\n<krabador> con le point release\n<krabador> altrimenti manutenevano sempre lo stesso, all'uscita della lts, per 5 anni\n<Riccardone> krabador: intanto la 15.04 me la sarico e ci gioco in live ...\n<krabador> quindi, chi si trovava problemi di supporto hardware, se li teneva\n<krabador> Riccardone, esatto, è quello che intendevo\n<krabador> tu prova, un po'\n<krabador> se non hai problemi, te la metti\n<krabador> altrimenti , come il discorso di cui prima\n<krabador> o fai l'enablement stack , alla versione che hai installato\n<Riccardone> il fatto è che adesso con la 14.04.2 il PC mi va davvero bene, l'unico inghippo è questa palla dell'upgrade ...\n<krabador> o installi ex novo la 14.04.2\n<krabador> Riccardone, non è un inghippo\n<Riccardone> krabador: che sarebbe l'enablement stack ?\n<krabador> la distro aggiorna cio' che ha in linea con il repo\n<krabador> Riccardone, praticamente ti fa passare a cio' che ha in default la 14.04.2\n<krabador> ovvero un kernel 3.16, , xorg 1.17\n<krabador> (che da qualche problemino)\n<krabador> hai 3 possibilità : ti tieni la distro che hai , con il kernel che hai installato a mano, e per evitare che la distro voglia mettere quello che è in linea con il repo, devi bloccarne l'aggiornamento (che senso ha una lts, se poi gli tieni tu bloccato il kernel, alla versione che hai messo tu, (che dovresti aggiornare a mano ) )\n<krabador> fai l'enablement stack\n<krabador> oppure installi ex novo una 14.04.2\n<Riccardone> mi sa che vado con l'installazione nuova ...\n<krabador> in tutto questo\n<krabador> se dai una bella provata alla 15.04\n<krabador> non sbagli nulla\n<Riccardone> krabador: le distro nuove mi fanno perdere un sacco di tempo, sono piene di bug ...\n<Riccardone> krabador: cambiano sempre qualcosa, per cui mi abituo con difficoltà ...\n<krabador> \"piene di bug\" ---> va contestualizzato\n<krabador> 14.04 sta dando ed ha dato molti piu' problemi di quanti ne possano dare 14.10  e 15.04\n<krabador> Riccardone, questo è quanto, a te la scelta\n<Riccardone> krabador: ci dormo su questo fine settimana ...\n<cristian_c> <Guest5886> cristian_c, ove L sta per left mancini <-- ok\n#ubuntu-it 2015-05-23\n<dario__> salve ragazzi ho un problemone, nel mio ubuntu 14.04 non ho più spazio nella radice e dovrei ridimensionarlo avrei bisogno di un live che adesso non ho e non riesco a scaricarla\n<dario__> possa fare tutto il passaggio da tty2 smontando le partzioni e ridiensionarle da testuale?\n<dario__> altra cosa che non capisco è perchè ho ff in inglese nella sessione amminisratore e in italiano in quella normale o in quella spite\n<Carlin0> dario__, devi farla per forza da live , a meno che tu non abbia un altro linux su quel pc\n<dario__> ok allora scarico l alive e mi faccio una usb e riparto\n<Carlin0> perchè cmq anche da testuale la partizione sarebbe montata\n<dario__> chiaro io speravo di riuscire a forzare la cosa :D\n<dario__> scusate l'ignoranza\n<dario__> invece per ff idee?\n<Carlin0> ff : è solo questione di impostazioni\n<dario__> lo so ma non riesco a trovarle ^_^\n<dario__> tutte quelle del sistema sono in italiano e su ff non trovo nulla che mi chieda se inglese o italiano\n<Carlin0> su questo non so aiutarti perchè non uso ubuntu\n<Carlin0> ah ... occhio che dopo modificata la partizione dovrai anche ripristinare il grub\n<dario__> anche se aumento una e diminuisco l'altra?\n<Carlin0> !grub\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/ | Per ripristinare Grub: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/Ripristino\n<dario__> non modifico le descrzioni o nomi\n<Carlin0> modificandola il grub non la riconosce +\n<Carlin0> al 90% sarà così\n<dario__> dovrebbe bastare il update-grub\n<dario__> io su questa macchina o solo ubuntu\n<Carlin0> vabbè poi vedrai ...\n<Carlin0> segnati il link del ripristino intanto\n<dario__> intanto grazio adesso devo cpire perchè non mi scarca la live\n<dario__> porca zozza\n<Carlin0> !download\n<ubot-it> download is http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ o http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ o http://www.ubuntu-it.org/download\n<Carlin0> magari perchè non hai spazio ...\n<dario__> non perche in home ho ancora solo 484GB\n<Carlin0> ma scusa quanto è la partizione root ?\n<Carlin0> hai la home separata ...\n<dario__> si ho la home seprata\n<dario__> root solo 9GB\n<dario__> 3 anni fa pensavo bastasse\n<dario__> ho separto la root e la home per l'eventualità di reinstallare il sistema senza perdere la home\n<Carlin0> in effetti non sono pochi\n<Carlin0> non avrai per caso tanti kernel vecchi installati ?\n<dario__> possibile e non mi ricordo più come fare per pulire\n<dario__> adesso faccio una ricerca non ci avevo pensato\n<Carlin0> dario__, al terminale dpkg -l | grep linux-image\n<Carlin0> metti il risultato su paste\n<Carlin0> !paste | dario__\n<ubot-it> dario__: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<dario__> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11301096/\n<Carlin0> insomma un po di spazio si recupera... metti qui il risultato di → uname -a\n<dario__> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11301141/\n<Carlin0> ok un attimo\n<dario__> sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.2.0-27-generic\n<Carlin0> aspe...\n<Carlin0> iincolla questo al terminale\n<Carlin0> http://pastie.org/private/yws9zdudhxsgjvkfghjog\n<Carlin0> è una prima pulita ma ne hai ancora\n<dario__> li ho fatti tutti tranne la 3.13.0-52 e la 51\n<Carlin0> dopo dai → sudo dpkg --purge `COLUMNS=300 dpkg -l \"*\" | egrep \"^rc\" | cut -d\\  -f3`\n<dario__> ok\n<Carlin0> dario__, ma hai fatto tu ho hai dato quello che ti ho scritto io ?\n<dario__> ho fatto io il tuo messaggio lo ho visto dopo\n<dario__> ma erano li stessi\n<Carlin0> ok vediamo come sei messo ora dai di nuovo dpkg -l | grep linux-image\n<Carlin0> su paste\n<dario__> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11301321/\n<Carlin0> non hai tolto gli extra\n<Carlin0> aspe ...\n<dario__> urca ecco perchè mi dava errore\n<dario__> sudo apt-get purge linux-image-extra.... giusto\n<dario__> lo faccio io tranquillo\n<Carlin0> dario__,  dopo dai di nuovo dpkg -l | grep linux-image\n<dario__> non mi fa togliere gli extra\n<Carlin0> come cerchi di rimuoverli ?\n<dario__> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11301519/\n<dario__> sempre con pt-get purge\n<dario__> apt-get\n<Carlin0> aspetta un attimo\n<Carlin0> prova con questo dario__ http://pastie.org/private/ubjpg2lvaf39xt0tfu3jg\n<dario__> nisba\n<dario__> faccio una cosa adesso provo a riavviare\n<dario__> così vedo se sistema qualcosa poi faccio un sudo apt-get -f install perchè mi da dei pacchetti con problemi dopo aver tolto i kernel\n<dario__> ci sentiamo dopo  intanto grazie\n<dario_> rieccomi già tutto va meglio\n<Carlin0> dario_, dopo guardiamo anche i relativi headers\n<dario_> 1paste\n<dario_> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<dario_> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11301725/ Carlin0\n<Carlin0> l'hai copiata male ?\n<dario_> in che senso?\n<Carlin0> vedo sulla stessa riga il comando e la risposta\n<dario_> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11301755/\n<dario_> così mi sembra possa andare\n<dario_> fatta un po di pulizia ^_^\n<Carlin0> si ora dai dpkg -l | grep linux-headers\n<dario_> adesso ho 3GB liberi\n<Carlin0> e togliamo anche gli headers relativi ai kenrel tolti\n<Carlin0> infatti te lo dissi che 9 gb non erano pochi\n<dario_> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11301771/\n<Carlin0> fai tu dario_ ?\n<dario_> si stesso comando di prima ma con linux-headers.... giusto?\n<Carlin0> lascia 51 e 52 come hai fatto per i kernel\n<Carlin0> lascia anche il generic al fondo mi raccomando\n<dario_> chiaroù1\n<dario_> grazie\n<Carlin0> di nulla\n<Carlin0> magari alla fine dai un sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get autoremove\n<Carlin0> per la cosa di ff passa + tardi , io uso debian non so dirti come impostare la lingua su ubuntu\n<dario_> tranquillo grazie mille\n<devuser> salve a tutti\n<Carlin0> ti sei evitato una bella rogna , toccar ele partizioni è sempre delicato\n<devuser> perchè dico perchè  Ubuntu e la GPU non vanno mai d'accordo :)\n<devuser> doppia scheda, intenl e nvisia\n<dario_> e si\n<dario_> ancora grazie e buona giornata\n<devuser> da due anni che uso solo la scheda Intel , nvidia non è mai andata\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> buongiorno, qualcuno sa dirmi su ubuntu con che programma si apre un file di installazione con estensione .sh?\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> ciao cristian_c ;)\n<cristian_c> alexxxxxxxxxx, è uno script di shell\n<cristian_c> alexxxxxxxxxx, volendo lo apri con un editor di testo\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> si l'ho fatto con gedit ma mi si blocca\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> posso lanciarlo su terminale per installarlo?\n<cristian_c> so blocca in che senso?\n<cristian_c> *si\n<cristian_c> clic destro -> Apri con -> gedit\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> si apre gedit e resta bianco, poi si fa grigio (come quando si blocca) poi torna bianco\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> alla fine devo chiuderlo\n<cristian_c> mmmm\n<cristian_c> alexxxxxxxxxx, sicuro abbia estensione sh?\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> si\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> ho provato ad avviarlo da terminale ma mi dice permesso negato\n<cristian_c> alexxxxxxxxxx, come si chiama il file?\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> Cytoscape\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> Cytoscape_3_2_1_unix.sh\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> ho fatto ./Cyt... .sh e mi dice permesso negato\n<cristian_c> alexxxxxxxxxx, sudo updatedb && locate Cytoscope_3_2_1_unix.sh\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> ho fatto sudo sh nomefile e mi dice che non puo aprirlo\n<cristian_c> !paste | alexxxxxxxxxx\n<ubot-it> alexxxxxxxxxx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> ah ok\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> mi è andato a capo il cursore e lampeggia senza fare niente....\n<cristian_c> attendere, prego...\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11303230/\n<cristian_c> alexxxxxxxxxx, il file non esiste\n<f843d0> cristian_c: hai scritto Cytoscope_3_2_1_unix.sh, ma lui disse Cytoscape_3_2_1_unix.sh\n<cristian_c> ottimo\n<cristian_c> :D\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> ahahhahahahahha\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> ho copiato da te\n<cristian_c> alexxxxxxxxxx, locate Cytoscape_3_2_1_unix.sh\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> mi hai indotto in errore ahahhahahahah\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> aspetta lo rifaccio\n<cristian_c> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11303273/\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> ora dovrebbe essere andato\n<cristian_c> alexxxxxxxxxx, ls -l ~/Scaricati/Cytoscape_3_2_1_unix.sh && file ~/Scaricati/Cytoscape_3_2_1_unix.sh\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11303301/\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> che brutti permessi che c'ha sto file\n<cristian_c> /home/alessandro/Scaricati/Cytoscape_3_2_1_unix.sh: data\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> ?\n<f843d0> alexxxxxxxxxx: credo avrebbe dovuto dirti Bourne-Again shell script\n<cristian_c> io ho ad esempio alsa-info.sh: Bourne-Again shell script, ASCII text executable, with very long lines\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> ah boh ho copiato tutto quello che c'era\n<f843d0> alexxxxxxxxxx: comunque, chmod +x /home/alessandro/Scaricati/Cytoscape_3_2_1_unix.sh per provare ad eseguirlo\n<cristian_c> alexxxxxxxxxx, è un fake\n<cristian_c> f843d0, infatti gli ho postato un esempio di 'sh' vero\n<cristian_c> :D\n<cristian_c> f843d0, mmm, ti fidi?\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> ma come un fake, è un programma di biologia molecolare che ci devo fare un esame\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> lo hanno scaricato tutti i maledetti che hanno windows\n<cristian_c> ah\n<f843d0> cristian_c: non ho mai detto che e` giusto eseguirlo...\n<cristian_c> f843d0, :P\n<f843d0> cristian_c: ho solo detto che, almeno per provare ad eseguirlo, ci vuole lo Sticky Bit giusto :)\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> non me lo fa eseguire con quel comando\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> uffa non posso rovinare la mia media del 30 e lode solo perche non riesco a installare sta cagata di programma :P\n<f843d0> alexxxxxxxxxx: a quale comando ti riferisci?\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> quello che mi hai suggerito tu\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> l'ho incollato ma non dà segni di vita\n<f843d0> alexxxxxxxxxx: in che senso non da` segni di vita? Non vi e` output o e` rimasto appeso?\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> mi va accapo\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> come se avessi digitato il nulla\n<f843d0> alexxxxxxxxxx: controlla adesso con ls -l\n<f843d0> alexxxxxxxxxx: vedrai che oltre a rw ci sono x\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> -rwxr-x--x 1 alessandro alessandro 119937330 mag 14 21:45 Cytoscape_3_2_1_unix.sh\n<f843d0> alexxxxxxxxxx: con x si indica che un file e` eseguibile, o che un folder e` apribile\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> ed è evidenziato verde, la cosa mi fa essere ottimista :P\n<f843d0> alexxxxxxxxxx: ora puoi provare, a tuo rischio e pericolo, a lanciare ./Cytoscape_3_2_1_unix.sh\n<cristian_c> alexxxxxxxxxx, ls -l ~/Scaricati/Cytoscape_3_2_1_unix.sh && file -i ~/Scaricati/Cytoscape_3_2_1_unix.sh\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> fattoooooo\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> ho digitato ./Cytoscape_3_2_1.sh\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> ed è partito\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> grazie cari, se non ci foste dovrebbero inventarvi, vi dedicherò il mio ennesimo 30 e lode\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> ;)\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> noooooo, mi ha aperto il wizard per l'installazione ma ora non so dove è finito, oh mio dio\n<cristian_c> alexxxxxxxxxx, in che senso?\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> cioè mi è partito l'installer\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> sono andato avanti, ma ora non so come richiamare il programma per avviarlo\n<cristian_c> ancora non ci siamo\n<cristian_c> alexxxxxxxxxx, in ogni caso, qui non si fa supporto ad applicazioni scaricate dal web\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> ah si ho risolto :P\n<alexxxxxxxxxx> ora scappo, grazieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee\n<Pepp_n_FX> ciao a tutti\n<Pepp_n_FX> è possibile forzare Ubuntu a ricaricare i driver usb?\n<cristian_c> Pepp_n_FX, puoi ricaricare i driver con rmmod o modprobe -r\n<cristian_c> o meglio li rimuove, per ricaricarli, modprobe\n<Sasha82> Salve a tutti, ho un problema ad installare Xubuntu15.04 qualcuno può aiutarmi?\n<Sasha82> Ad un certo punto mi compare una schermata bera con scritto: Xubuntu login\n<Sasha82> E non so come andare avanti\n<cristian_c> Sasha82, in quale punto?\n<cristian_c> in live va?\n<Sasha82> la sto installando da chiavetta USB\n<Sasha82> prima è comparsa una schermata blu con scritto Xubuntu\n<Sasha82> e poi questa\n<frezli> ciao raga ho installato ubuntu 15.04 , non riesco capire come utilizzare il multidesktop\n<frezli> cioè aprire programmi su desktop diversi , cosa che una volta era naturale in linux\n<cristian_c> Sasha82, sì, ok, ma hai già provato la modalità live?\n<cristian_c> frezli, beh, come apri le applicazioni, solitamente?\n<frezli> clicco suul'icona apro un programma e poi se voglio aprirne un altro su un altro desktop come faccio\n<cristian_c> frezli, dove trovi l'icona?\n<frezli> tanto per capirci  è il classico multidesktop di linux\n<frezli> che non trovo più\n<cristian_c> frezli, generamente, comunque, basta fare lo switch del desktop ,e aprire l'applicazione\n<frezli> cosa vuol dire switch del desktop\n<cristian_c> frezli, ah, non trovi lindicatore  'switch desktop'?\n<frezli> a ci vuole l'indicatore ?\n<cristian_c> frezli, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Selection_0021.png\n<frezli> cristian è proprio quello che cerco , non c'è\n<frezli> c'è il cestino in basso a sinistra ma no la barra sotto con i vari desktop\n<cristian_c> frezli, utilizzi unity?\n<frezli> si io ho ubuntu classico senza nessuna modifica appena installato\n<frezli> quindi unity\n<cristian_c> http://askubuntu.com/questions/83176/how-do-i-quickly-switch-between-workspaces-in-unity\n<cristian_c> frezli, quindi vai in Aspetto\n<cristian_c> seleziona Comportamento e infine attiva 'Attiva spazi di lavoro'\n<frezli> grazie ho capito\n<frezli> io uso tutti i giorno gnome shell e con unity non capisco niente , non capisco perchè hanno incasinato cosi' tanto le cosa con questa unity\n<cristian_c> frezli, beh, alla fine si tratta di attivare un'opzione nel control center\n<cristian_c> frezli, comunque, funza ora?\n<frezli> ok grazie funziona\n<frezli> certo che trovo molto più funzionale gnome shell , con le gnome shell extensions fai quello che vuoi\n<cristian_c> frezli, beh, ok, ma in ogni caso il sistema di default è spoglio, se non installi estensioni\n<cristian_c> :P\n<cristian_c> frezli, in ogni caso, anche con unity puoi installare gli indicatori, gli scopes, ecc...\n<cristian_c> *scope\n<frezli> si ma in gnome con 3 4 estensioni hai gnome shell + menu classici più quello che vuoi\n<Carlin0> degustibus\n<cristian_c> beh, qui il discorso si allunga,  a questo punto si potrebbe installare kde, xfce o mate\n<cristian_c> avendo un de all-in-one\n<frezli> va be proverò anche unity adesso in un secondo computer\n<blulnd> ciao, ho bisogno di un aiuto a configurare la scheda video!\n<cristian_c> blulnd, esattamente,quali necessità hai?\n<blulnd> ciao, ho appena installato la 15.04 e non ritorvo più la scheda audio analogica. vedo solo quella HDMI.\n<cristian_c> blulnd, ma non era riguardo alla scheda video la domanda?\n<cristian_c> O.o\n<blulnd> ho sbagliato a scrivere, scusa\n<brunonet63> ciao, necessito di aiuto per far funzionare un pc HP Compaq-6730s ed un modem netgear D1500 che non dialogano pru vedendosi...\n<cristian_c> blulnd, mmmm\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, sei collegato via cavo?\n<brunonet63> si, ora sono in hot spot con il cell\n<cristian_c> uhm\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, quindi stai navigando dal compaq via wifi?\n<cristian_c> o via usb?\n<Pepp_n_FX> come posso fare la ricerca manuale degli aggiornamenti?\n<Sasha82> scusate rieccomi, ma come si installa da usb in modalità Live?\n<cristian_c> Pepp_n_FX, apri il gestore aggiornamenti\n<brunonet63> esatto\n<Pepp_n_FX> ovvero?\n<Carlin0> !installazione | Sasha82\n<ubot-it> Sasha82: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione | Per installazione grafica http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download\n<cristian_c> Sasha82, quando entri nel desktop in modalità live,compare un'icona che avvia il wizard d'installazione del sistema\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, mmm, digita: ifconfig -a\n<cristian_c> in un terminale\n<Carlin0> Pepp_n_FX, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, poi incolla il risultato su pastebin\n<cristian_c> !paste | brunonet63\n<ubot-it> brunonet63: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<Sasha82> Installando da USB per prima cosa mi esce una schermata azzurra con la scritta xubuntu e con un cerchio di caricamento.\n<Pepp_n_FX> trovato, grazie... si chiama Aggiornamenti Software\n<Sasha82> dopo di che scompare e appare una schermata nera in cui mi si chiede: Xubuntu login:\n<brunonet63> perdona l'impaccio, ma dove devo digitare  ifconfig -a ?\n<cristian_c> Sasha82, hai provato ad avviare la modalità live?\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, <cristian_c> in un terminale\n<Sasha82> ma in quale momento posso scegliere questa modalità?\n<cristian_c> Sasha82, poco dopo il boot\n<cristian_c> Sasha82, se apri il link suggerito da Carlin0\n<Sasha82> ma ti dico dopo il boot, appare solo sta schermata azzura...\n<Sasha82> si lo sto guardando\n<blulnd> cristian_c, aplay -l elenca anche i dispositivo Analogico \"ALC887\" ma in impostazioni audio non compare nell'elenco selezionabile\n<brunonet63> ok ho copiato il testo, ma ancora non capisco dove digitarlo\n<Carlin0> Sasha82, dove hai preso questa iso ?\n<cristian_c> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Standard\n<Sasha82> dal sito ubuntu\n<cristian_c> Sasha82, troverai qualcosa di simile a questo: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Standard?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=1004-0.png\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, in un terminale\n<Sasha82> no assulutamente nulla del genere...\n<cristian_c> blulnd, posta su pastebin il risultato di aplay -l\n<cristian_c> !paste | blulnd\n<ubot-it> blulnd: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<cristian_c> Sasha82, allora facendo riferimento alla guida linkata, fino a quale schermata arrivi?\n<Sasha82> a nessuna di queste\n<Sasha82> adesso vi posto cosa vedo io..\n<Carlin0> Sasha82, la cosa + strana e che ti chieda un login , il che fa pensare a una iso non originale o danneggiata\n<blulnd> cristian_c http://paste.ubuntu.com/11304912/\n<Sasha82> https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/F7OLG8oPT8Di4rm7v58u https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/kACxUGVSRhGgHz28qZeW\n<brunonet63> cose intendi per un terminale, io l'unico pc che ho è quello che sto usando, dovrei aprire una pagina  nuova specifica ? parlami come ad uno davvero imbrabato !\n<cristian_c> blulnd, mmmm\n<cristian_c> blulnd, apri alsamixer\n<Carlin0> Sasha82, ma riavvii il pc o stai apri l'installazione da windows ?\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, ok, premi ctrl+alt+t\n<blulnd> cristian_c fatto\n<cristian_c> blulnd, posta una schermata\n<cristian_c> !image | blulnd\n<ubot-it> blulnd: Carica un'immagine su https://imgur.com/ | http://imageshack.us/ (richiede registrazione) e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<brunonet63> fatto: si è aperta una finestra\n<cristian_c> Sasha82, cosa appare prima di: https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/F7OLG8oPT8Di4rm7v58u ?\n<Sasha82> Io parto con il pc spento e la chiavetta inserita.\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, digita il comando\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, e poi incolla il risultato su pastebin\n<cristian_c> !paste | brunonet63\n<ubot-it> brunonet63: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<Sasha82> una schermata nera piena di righe di comando che scorrono\n<cristian_c> Sasha82, e prima di quella?\n<Sasha82> nulla\n<Carlin0> !md5 | Sasha82\n<ubot-it> Sasha82: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Md5Sum | md5: http://releases.ubuntu.com/15.04/MD5SUMS\n<cristian_c> Sasha82, parti dall'inizio\n<Sasha82> ho messo su chiavetta Xubunto attraverso LiLi\n<cristian_c> ah\n<cristian_c> Sasha82, hai altri pc con 'linux'?\n<Sasha82> e quindi installo da chiavetta USB\n<Sasha82> No\n<cristian_c> !usbwin | Sasha82\n<ubot-it> Sasha82: Scarica Universal USB Installer: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/ | Installalo su Windows e lancialo: lui si occuperà di trasferire l'immagine ISO su USB. Guida: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows | Opzionalmente questo programma può anche scaricare lui stesso l'immagine ISO\n<brunonet63> ok, mi da un a serie di dati\n<cristian_c> Sasha82, sì sì, ma come hai eseguito il boot?\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, incolla su pastebin\n<brunonet63> spiegami bene cosa  e come fare, ti prego !\n<cristian_c> <Sasha82> Io parto con il pc spento e la chiavetta inserita.\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, digita: sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<brunonet63> lo digito all'interno della pagnia dei dati ? in fondo ?\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, sempre nella finestra del terminale\n<cristian_c> quella che hai aperto prima con la scorciatoia da tastiera\n<blulnd> cristian_c http://i.imgur.com/xohCs4E.png\n<cristian_c> blulnd, premi F6\n<brunonet63> fatto e mi chiede una password\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, digita la tua password\n<blulnd> cristian_c fatto\n<cristian_c> quella che hai scelto per il tuo account durante l'installazione, e che usi per effettuare il login\n<cristian_c> blulnd, posta schermata\n<brunonet63> quella che uso nel pc vero ?\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, sì\n<blulnd> cristian_c http://i.imgur.com/3UFquYK.png\n<brunonet63> ok, presa, sta elaborando, e  ora ?\n<cristian_c> blulnd, le prime due scelte non cambiano nulla, giusto, nella schermata?\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, aspetta che finisca\n<brunonet63> ok, si è posizionato ... concursore lampeggiante al termine\n<Sasha82> Provo con l'universal usb\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, digita: ifconfig -a | pastebinit\n<cristian_c> Sasha82, e controlla anche l'md5, come ti ha suggerito Carlin0\n<Sasha82> ok\n<blulnd> cristian_c esatto, con versioni precedenti potevo vedre tutti i dispositivi: anzi i problimi erano con HDMI\n<cristian_c> blulnd, da quanto si verifica questo problema?\n<cristian_c> 15.04?\n<blulnd> Yes\n<cristian_c> blulnd, quindi appena hai installato la 15.04, hai notato questo problema?\n<blulnd> cristian_c sì, l'ho pure reinstallato ma niente\n<cristian_c> blulnd, e in live invece?\n<cristian_c> sempre della 15.04\n<brunonet63> fatto, ora mi dice  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11305058/ che significa ?\n<cristian_c> ottimo\n<cristian_c> apro il link\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, se apri il link pure tu, vedrai :P\n<blulnd> cristian_c live 15.04 sempre problema\n<Carlin0> blulnd, ma l'audio funziona o no ?\n<cristian_c>           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1\n<cristian_c> sì ,sei collegato via wifi\n<cristian_c> blulnd, ok\n<cristian_c> Carlin0, lui ha l'audio impostato su uscita hdmi\n<cristian_c> e non gli compare l'opzione dell'audio intenro\n<cristian_c> *interno\n<brunonet63> ok, vedo dati, che fare ?\n<Carlin0> ho capito , ma funziona ? ha line in mute ....\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, quindi stai utilizzando correttamente la scheda wifi del portatile\n<blulnd> cristian_c si quello HDMI al quale ho collegato la tv, mentre se voglio utilizzare i jack dell'analogico per connettere HI-FI non posso\n<cristian_c> usando il cellulare invece del router come access point\n<cristian_c> per l'accesso al web\n<cristian_c> Carlin0, dice appunto che l'audio via hdmi funziona\n<cristian_c> ma non tramite le uscite della scheda interna\n<brunonet63> bene, ma sono sempre connesso in hot spot e non con la linea via cavo, devo forse  dgt la richiesta di download as text ' o cosa ?\n<Carlin0> cristian_c, ha line in mute ...\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, allora\n<cristian_c> Carlin0, ok, ma prima deve selezionare la scheda interna\n<cristian_c> quel canale se non sbaglio fa parte dell'hdmi\n<cristian_c> Carlin0, ma forse hai ragione\n<cristian_c> blulnd, prova a fare come suggerito da Carlin0\n<Carlin0> la scheda è unica ha solo + canali\n<brunonet63> devo riaccendere il modem e collegarmi ora? Oppure  come faccio a passare dal wifi del cell al cavo adsl\n<blulnd> ok\n<blulnd> provo\n<Carlin0> blulnd, dove c'è MM premi m e alza un po il volume\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, cavo?\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, comunque, potresti iniziare col provare a collegarti via cavo ethernet al router\n<blulnd> Carlin0 fatto ma niente\n<brunonet63> ora sono connesso in wi fi hot spot con il cell. ma nei tentativi precedenti con cavo connesso al netgear a sua volta connesso via cavo alla linea adsl non mi fa avere accesso\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, ah, ecco\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, ok, allora prima di tutto devi assicurarti che sia il router a funzionare bene\n<blulnd> Carlin0 prima potevo scegliere fra i dispositivi da impostazioni, ora vedo solo HDMI, uscita S/PDIF e Cuffie analogiche\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, attualmente, hai provato il router solo con quel pc e con ubuntu?\n<Carlin0> blulnd, sudo apt install pulseaudio\n<Carlin0> da li potresti selezionare entrate e uscite\n<brunonet63> esatto, l'assietensa telefonica di infostrada dice che mi vede ma che ci dovrebbero essere problemi per la configurazione tra pc e router\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, hai provato con un altro pc?\n<blulnd> Carlin0 http://i.imgur.com/29S7jr3.png\n<cristian_c> con windows, magari\n<Sasha82> ha funzionato grazie a tutti\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, cosa esce con cuffie analogiche?\n<cristian_c> Sasha82, ottimo\n<cristian_c> Sasha82, ma hai già installato?\n<brunonet63> è possibile che sia da riconfigurare il dialgo per la connessionte tra pc e router ?\n<brunonet63> perchè come cedi con il cell va bene\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, mi viene da pensare che il problema sia con il router stesso\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, ma come fai la connessione di solito?\n<blulnd> cristian_c cuffie analogiche è la risposta!! L'analogico è là: sono coassiali e non ciffie ma funziona. Risolto.\n<blulnd> Grazie!!!\n<cristian_c> coassiali?\n<Carlin0> casse\n<cristian_c> ahhh\n<cristian_c> beh, sempre uscita è\n<blulnd> Giusto. Grazie ad entrambi cristian_c e Carlin0\n<cristian_c> blulnd, ma ha le casse integrate il pc?\n<brunonet63> prima usavo una chiavetta, ora uso il cell experia sony come hot spot e siccome da poco ho la linea internet anche sul fisso di casa così ho preso il modem router per collegarmi  comodamente... credevo...\n<cristian_c> o solo uscita?\n<cristian_c> il jack da 3.5 mm\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, appunto, il problema mi sembra del router\n<blulnd> solo uscita\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, perciò hai provato con altri pc / sistemi operativi?\n<cristian_c> blulnd, ahhhhh\n<cristian_c> blulnd, allora non ha le casse\n<cristian_c> che pc è?\n<Carlin0> brunonet63, dovresti provare a collegarti via cavo\n<brunonet63> cioè dovrei riportarlo dove è stato comprato ?\n<brunonet63> se mi collego come dovrei, resto alla start page e non va più internet\n<blulnd> cristian_c è una scheda AION-T Deluxe con uscita audio coassiale per casse tradizionali.\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, ma appunto chiedo: hai fatto le prove che ti ho detto?\n<cristian_c> ah\n<cristian_c> blulnd, pci?\n<cristian_c> su slot pci?\n<brunonet63> ieri l'ho portato in ufficio e pareva funzionasse tutto.ora ho la pagina aperta con i dati di pastebin\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, mmm, quindi hai provato il pc o il router in ufficio?\n<cristian_c> non è chiaro\n<brunonet63> esatto, e funzionava cioè pc e ruoter si vedevano. ora dalle pag che mi avevi detto di aprire (pastebin) se dgt text mi chiede di fare login,   è cosi che dovrei provare ?\n<cristian_c> no\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, per favore, rispondi alle domande\n<cristian_c> se vuoi ricevere aiuto\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, 1) cos'è che hai portato in ufficio?\n<brunonet63> ok, dimmi: e perdona l'intromissione\n<cristian_c> 2) come crei la connessione wifi sul pc?\n<blulnd> cristian_c il nome corretto è AT3IONT-i Deluxe asus http://i.imgur.com/LebJZRR.jpg\n<brunonet63> in ufficio ho portato questo pc, il modem e tutti i suoi cavi\n<cristian_c> blulnd, ah, è una mobo\n<blulnd> sì\n<Carlin0> brunonet63, e la funzionava ?\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, altri pc si collegano con quel router?\n<blulnd> cristian_c e Carlin0 ciao e grazie ancora.\n<Carlin0> ciao blulnd\n<brunonet63> funzionava, nel senso che con tutto collegato chiedeva solo la linea internet, che non ho collegato per problemi di chiusura dell'ufficio. nessun altro pc è mai sto collegato prima a questo ruoter che è nuovo\n<cristian_c> se non hai provato ...\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, ti conviene provare quel router da altre parti, con windows, ecc..\n<cristian_c> prima di ipotizzare problemi col SO\n<cristian_c> visto che non va né via cavo, né via wifi\n<Carlin0> brunonet63, dovresti collegare il pc via cavo al router e poi digitare nel terminale route -n per accertarsi che lo veda\n<krabador> siamo sicuri che il router si connetta ad internet correttamente?\n<brunonet63> perchè è possibile che con ubuntu non si interfacci ?\n<Carlin0> brunonet63, se lo colleghi e non navighi qualcosa è\n<brunonet63> con cavo inserito lo vede e mi da la connessione, almeno nella icona in alto a dx , ma poi non funziona internet\n<Carlin0> quindi vediamo se esiste il collegamento pc → router\n<Carlin0> l'icona non vuol dire nulla\n<krabador> brunonet63, e tu hai aperto un browser, e digitato l'indirizzo ip del router\n<krabador> per vedere se apre la pagina di configurazione del router, e verificare correttamente se \"è tutto a posto\" ?\n<Carlin0> krabador, non credo sia in grado di fare una cosa simile da solo brunonet63\n<brunonet63> ok, appena aquistato ho collegato tutto e seguito le istruzioni digitando nome rete e password  dell'etichetta originali, e fin lì tutto bene\n<krabador> e glielo diciamo noi\n<brunonet63> hei ? ci siete ?\n<krabador> brunonet63, se non attacchi questo pc al router , e non mandi un po' di comandi di cui mandi poi il risultato qui\n<krabador> non c'è molto da dirci\n<brunonet63> ora sono collegato in hot spot dal cell, su questo pc, ma se attivo la connessione adsl resto fermo ad una start page e niene internet\n<Carlin0> <krabador> brunonet63, se non attacchi questo pc al router\n<krabador> brunonet63, servono dei comandi da mandare da un pc collegato a quel router\n<krabador> senza una cosa del genere\n<krabador> ci giriamo i pollici tutti\n<krabador> un pc con ubuntu\n<leopesto> ciao, ho una piccola questione su un hd\n<brunonet63> ok, al pc con ubuntu è collegato il cavo che va al router che a sua volta è collegato alla adsl della linea telefonica fissa, ma il ruoter è spento altrimenti si sovrappone a qesta connessione e resto tagliato fuori,  come potrei procedere ?\n<leopesto> se lo attacco lsusb mi segnala che la porta a cui é attaccato é un hd wd pero non ho alcuna info e non posso accedervi, su dischi nemmeno risulta\n<Carlin0> brunonet63, come mettere la roba in frigo ma col frigo spento\n<brunonet63> non ho altri pc a disposizione, dovrei ricollegarmi da altre linea e in parallelo eseguire i comandi che puoi darmi ? se così fosse mi devo riorganizzare e trovare un  altro collegamento\n<mayflower> krabador, sei proprio acido\n<Carlin0> brunonet63, potresti fare così collegare il pc a router , dare ad esempio route -n , salvare la risposta su un file di testo ... e poi ...\n<cristian_c> leopesto, dmesg | tail\n<cristian_c> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<brunonet63> route -n dove va dgt?\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, nel terminale\n<brunonet63> ok,lo dgt subito, fatto,mi da dei dati, come li copio ?\n<cristian_c> brunonet63, incolla su pastebin\n<cristian_c> !paste | brunonet63\n<ubot-it> brunonet63: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<leo_pesto> http://pastebin.com/ZrMSC9zQ\n<leo_pesto> sembra molto molto lento\n<brunonet63> ok li ho copiati su pastebin\n<leo_pesto> brunonet63, fai submit e copia il link ;)\n<brunonet63> fatto,ora ?\n<Carlin0> ora aspetta che indoviniamo il link dove hai scritto\n<leopesto> brunonet63:incollalo qui e premi enter (che é quel tasto a forma di L girata tipo)\n<brunonet63> Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface\n<brunonet63>         UG    0      0        0 wlan0\n<brunonet63>   U     9      0        0 wlan0\n<brunonet63> questi sono i dati che ti occorrono ?\n<leopesto> non serve a nulla finché non accendi il router\n<leopesto> accendilo, connettiti (anche se internet non funziona chissene) dai il comando, poi ti colleghi al wifi (o spegni il router come vuoi) e ci incolli il risultato\n<brunonet63> va bene ora sono troppo affaticato e scoraggiato, riproverò appena avrò a disposizione una connessione parallela. Grazie comunque , tutti  capaci e gentili.... anche se qualcuno non molto cmprensivo  verso chi è impacciato.. come me.a presto---\n<jester-> sera\n<Riccardone> krabador: sto facendo ls USB pen con la 15.05\n<Riccardone> *04\n<krabador> bene, dagli una bella provata\n<krabador> se quello che ti serve che faccia, lo fa, reputa come ti sembra che lo faccia\n<krabador> e se ti piace\n<krabador> la metti\n<krabador> .\n<Riccardone> krabador: esatto (tu non tiri infatti)\n<Riccardone> krabador: leggevo però che hanno tolto, abiword e Gnumeric ...\n<Riccardone> krabador: vediamo un po' se mi soddisfa ...\n<krabador> Riccardone, in quei casi, si dice \"sudo apt-get fatti capanna\"\n<krabador> non è la presenza di software installabile, che possa essere discriminatorio, tecnicamente , per una distribuzione\n<Riccardone> krabador: se invece cambiassi /etc/apt/sources.list mettendo il repository di 15.04 ?\n<Riccardone> krabador: si incazza apt ?\n<krabador> Riccardone, questo è un canale di supporto\n<krabador> ha un log\n<krabador> in modo che possa essere possibile la consultazione\n<krabador> di quanto detto qui dentro\n<krabador> al fine di giovare ad utenti in difficoltà\n<krabador> e garantire in questo modo anche che quanto detto in questa risorsa ufficiale , non possa recare danno ai sistemi degli utenti che si rivolgono qui dentro\n<Riccardone> ok capito\n<krabador> è stato affrontando il tuo discorso , sulla base della distribuzione che usi abbondantemente ieri\n<krabador> xubuntu 15.04\n<Riccardone> krabador, si\n<Riccardone> in live\n<krabador> Riccardone, http://xubuntu.org/news/15-04-release/\n<Riccardone> krabador, sto leggendo ... Ame sembra andar tutto bene ancora. Mi funzionano anche i tasti per il backlight ed il volume :)\n<Stefano> Bsera a tutti\n<krabador> !ciao | Stefano\n<ubot-it> Stefano: Ciao! Benvenuto in #ubuntu-it\n<Stefano> Vorrei installare Ubuntu sul mio pc\n<Stefano> qualcuno mi può aiutare online?\n<krabador> puoi fornire informazioni precise sul tuo pc, a livello di componentistica?\n<krabador> !installazione | Stefano\n<ubot-it> Stefano: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione | Per installazione grafica http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download\n<Stefano> certo\n<Stefano> Ho appena installato cpu-z pe conoscere la configurazione\n<krabador> Stefano, non sai le caratteristiche del tuo pc?\n<Stefano> Processore AMD Phenom II X4 965\n<Stefano> Ritengo sia 32 bit\n<krabador> sbagliato.\n<Stefano> Ecco\n<Stefano> cominciamo bene\n<krabador> Stefano, è tuo il pc?\n<Stefano> Ho letto che prima di scaricare una versione occorre sapere se è a 32 o 64 bit\n<Stefano> Sono neofita, non uccidetemi subito\n<krabador> qui nessuno uccide nessuno\n<krabador> al massimo si chiedono informazioni precise sulla propria macchian\n<krabador> Sagitt - ario\n<ale85> buona sera a tutti\n<Mr_Pan> !ciao | ale85\n<ubot-it> ale85: Ciao! Benvenuto in #ubuntu-it\n<VITRON> Ciao, c'è qualcuno disponibile ad aiutarmi con una nuova istallazione?\n<VITRON> vorrei provare ubuntu\n<VITRON> ho già il cd della versione 14.10\n<Mr_Pan> VITRON, visto che hai il cd perchè intanto non avvii live ? così lo provi senza installare nulla ...\n<Mr_Pan> !live | VITRON\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'live'\n<krabador> VITRON, scarica 15.04 , la 14.10 è la precedente versione intermedia, entro breve viene cessata dal supporot\n<VITRON> e non posso aggiornare a 15.4 dopo aver istallato questa ?\n<VITRON> vorrei istallare direttamente tanto ho già provato ubuntu da un amico e mi è piaciuto molto\n<VITRON> mi aveva spiegato come fare ma non riesco a far partire il cd all'avvio... non so se modificato bene la root\n<krabador> VITRON, non te lo consiglio\n<krabador> vivaente\n<krabador> visto che ti trovi di fronte ad una nuova installazione\n<krabador> scarica la 15.04 , e fa un supporto di installazione\n<krabador> se il tuo pc, supporta il boot da usb, puoi fare le prove varie facendo una pendrive come supporto di installazione\n<krabador> !usbwin | VITRON\n<ubot-it> VITRON: Scarica Universal USB Installer: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/ | Installalo su Windows e lancialo: lui si occuperà di trasferire l'immagine ISO su USB. Guida: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows | Opzionalmente questo programma può anche scaricare lui stesso l'immagine ISO\n<krabador> VITRON, non si deve modificare nessuna root, per l'avvio del pc\n<Ale55> Sera a tutti\n<VITRON> non devo dire al pc di avviarsi leggendo da cd?\n<krabador> si, ma è il boot, non il root\n<krabador> !ciao | Ale55\n<ubot-it> Ale55: Ciao! Benvenuto in #ubuntu-it\n<Ale55> chi mi potrebbe dare un aiuto su un-istallazione di ubuntu\n<VITRON> ahhh scusa\n<VITRON> mi sono sbagliato\n<Ale55> sono in live\n<krabador> Ale55, chiedi , specifica per favore cpu ram e scheda video del pc\n<VITRON> prima di continuare vorrei chiarire che sto cercando di istallare ubuntu su notebook Asus\n<Ale55> e dovrei installare ubuntu e dovrei formattare windows7\n<VITRON> la procedura è uguale giusto?\n<Ale55> pero ho un problema che ho due hard disk\n<krabador> VITRON, la procedura di installazione, in base a cosa di intende fare , è la stessa , nelle varie macchine\n<Ale55> e non vorrei cancellare i dati del secondo hard disk\n<krabador> VITRON, con l'unica differenza se, in presenza di uefi, o bios tradizionale\n<krabador> Ale55, lui non cancella nulla\n<Ale55> cpu intel 2.6 dual core\n<krabador> se non glielo dici espressamente\n<Ale55> e ma devo formattare windows\n<VITRON> ti dico si ma non ho capito nulla... cmq se scarico iso su chiavetta o mini sd è uguale?\n<krabador> VITRON, segui il link che ti ho passato prima, si .\n<Ale55> volevo solo che durante l-installazione\n<VITRON> ok\n<krabador> Ale55, stacca il secondo disco prima di far partire l'installazione\n<krabador> a pc spento\n<VITRON> ultima cosa devo impostare boot per leggere da chiavetta?\n<krabador> Ale55, fai poi partire l'installazione\n<krabador> Ale55, quando ti verrà chiesto, gli fai usare tutto il disco presente\n<krabador> Ale55, e nessun problema, lui cancella win, e mette solo ubuntu\n<Ale55> e ma dovrei fare un operazione elaboriosa\n<krabador> Ale55, è elementare, particolarmente\n<Ale55> non ti chiede su che disco vuoi installare ubuntu\n<krabador> Ale55, la modalità di installazione è un passo obbligato, con opzioni precisate\n<krabador> Ale55, si , puoi anche specificarlo tutto a manpo\n<krabador> ma se il secondo disco non ti serve a tal fine, lo stacchi\n<krabador> fai partire l'installazione solo con il disco interessato attaccato\n<Ale55> casomai se resti in linea io faccio partire linstallazione\n<krabador> Ale55, allora, fa una cosa, sempre qui da live cd\n<krabador> Ale55, chiudi l'installazione se l'hai fatta partire\n<krabador> apri gparted\n<krabador> fa uno screenshoot di uno e dell'altro disco\n<krabador> postali qui tramite imgur\n<krabador> !image | Ale55\n<ubot-it> Ale55: Carica un'immagine su https://imgur.com/ | http://imageshack.us/ (richiede registrazione) e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<Ale55> ok  ora te li posto\n<VITRON> scusate ho scaricato universal usb ma sono fermo al passo 2 \"browser\" che devo selezionare???\n<cristian_c> browse\n<cristian_c> VITRON, scegli il file .iso di ubuntu che hai scaricato\n<krabador> VITRON, la iso\n<krabador> fallo della 15.04\n<krabador> non installare la 14.10 per favore, tra poco esce dal supporto\n<Ale55> <krabador>  http://imagebin.ca/v/22kSqjGNr75K\n<Ale55> <krabador> http://imagebin.ca/v/22kTJ8nVMW5O\n<VITRON> ma a mi chiedo una cosauna volta che istallo la mia versione e tra 3 mesi ne esce una nuova devo rifare ancora questa procedura ???\n<cristian_c> puoi avanzare\n<cristian_c> senza reinstallare\n<Ale55> <krabador> http://imagebin.ca/v/22kTfvtdQUpS\n<krabador> VITRON, no, puoi fare l'avanzamento\n<VITRON> ok\n<krabador> Ale55, sdc, non fa niente\n<akis24> sera\n<Ale55> sarebbe il terzo\n<Ale55> io dovrei lasciare intatto il Magazine\n<Ale55> che sarebbe il disoco da 80GB\n<Ale55> e formattare quello da 160\n<krabador> Ale55, allora, c'è un sistema nel primo disco?\n<krabador> sda\n<krabador> c'è un sistema all'interno ?\n<Ale55> si quello da 160 si windows7\n<krabador> Ale55, hai detto che di win7, non ti interessa niente ?\n<Ale55> assolutamente niente xche era diventato come una lumaca\n<Ale55> scusami gli errori grammaticali\n<Ale55> ma sono in live e ho la tastiera che non funziona come il solito\n<krabador> Ale55, allora, già qui da gparted è possibile predisporre il disco per l'installazione di ubuntu\n<Ale55> dimmi come fare cosi io predispongo gia'\n<krabador> cancelli le 2 partizioni e ne crei 3, che per ubuntu sarebbero destinate alla partizione root, la partizione home, e la partizione swap\n<krabador> in questo modo, durante l'installazione si vanno ad assegnare a mano , le partizioni, e devi solo aspettare che finisca\n<Ale55> allora cancello le due partizioni\n<VITRON> Krabador per l'istallazione mi serve la connessione al web con cavo o posso anche con wireless??\n<krabador> VITRON, serve la connessione web\n<Ale55> gparted non mi da' la possibilita di cancellare le partizioni\n<krabador> Ale55, non sbagliarti con sdb ;)\n<krabador> Ale55, devi smontarle\n<Ale55> io agisco sda\n<krabador> Ale55, tasto destro \"smonta\"\n<Ale55> tutto e due sda\n<Ale55> smonto tutto e le cancello\n<krabador> VITRON, serve la connessione ad internet, e , se fai partire il supporto di installazioen con l'opzione \"prova\" , e non direttamente con l'opzione installa\n<krabador> puoi vedere se funziona la wireless\n<krabador> in modo sa usare quella, come conessione ad internet durante l'isntallazione\n<krabador> VITRON, qual'ora non fosse compatibile, si puo' vedere se è di quelle installabili, sempre dalla sessione live\n<Ale55> <krabador> le tre partizioni che devo creare qunti gb per ognuna\n<krabador> Ale55, allora, fai una root di 20 / 30 giga , non di piu'\n<krabador> la home di quanto ti pare\n<krabador> e la swap , in base a quanta ram hai\n<krabador> quanta ram hai ?\n<Ale55> 2gb\n<krabador> allora una swap di 2gb\n<krabador> root ed home, filesystem ext4\n<krabador> swap , filesystem swap\n<Ale55> quando ho finito ti posto l'immagine\n<krabador> una volta create correttamente le partizioni , devi schiacciare la v verde, per confermare\n<krabador> esatto\n<krabador> posta immagine qui , prima di confermare\n<VITRON> Krabador fammi capire solo una cosa vediamo se riesco ad essere autonomo e non romperti anche dopo... quando avro finito di scaricare l'iso su sd come dovro avviare il pc da formattare con il nuovo ubuntu?\n<krabador> VITRON, se hai instenzione di avere solo ubuntu nel pc, ed ha un  solo disco, puoi anche seguire l'installazione standard\n<krabador> e dire all'installer di usare tutto il disco ed aspettare che finisca l'installazione\n<krabador> !installazione | VITRON\n<ubot-it> VITRON: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione | Per installazione grafica http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download\n<krabador> per tutto il resto , puoi trovare informazioni alla guida di installazione\n<VITRON> si solo ubuntu\n<krabador> VITRON, se hai problemi, chiedi pure qui\n<Ale55> <krabador> http://imagebin.ca/v/22ka6dRpO96B\n<paolo_> buonasera\n<VITRON> ok\n<krabador> !ciao | paolo_\n<ubot-it> paolo_: Ciao! Benvenuto in #ubuntu-it\n<paolo_> volevo chiedere se era possibile mettere ubuntu nella pendrive in modo da portarlo anche in ufficio\n<paolo_> installato nella pen drive\n<krabador> Ale55, perchè 3,91 la swap ?\n<paolo_> grazie\n<krabador> come li hai assegnati , i valori delle dimensioni?\n<krabador> Ale55, fa una cosa, eliminale tutte, fa la swap per ultima, a destra\n<Ale55> ho messo root 20gb\n<Rebecca92> Ale55, stai per caso installando su un ssd ?\n<Ale55> <krabador> http://imagebin.ca/v/22kclUDYyEdh\n<Ale55> <Rebecca92> no hdd\n<Rebecca92> ok :)\n<krabador> Ale55, ok, puoi effettuare le modifiche\n<krabador> e far partire il supporto di installazione\n<Ale55> allora gli do la spunta verde\n<krabador> si\n<Ale55> e possibile che abbia gia' finito gparted\n<krabador> si, se avessi dovuto ridimensionare partizioni win\n<krabador> avresti dovuto aspettare anche un oretta\n<krabador> ma la creazione delle partizioni è un processo rapiso\n<krabador> *do\n<krabador> adesso puoi far partire l'installazione\n<krabador> quando ti chiederà dove installare\n<krabador> selezioni \"altro\"\n<krabador> ed assegni le 2 partizioni , root, e home\n<krabador> a mano\n<Ale55> io la faccio partire in caso ti chiedo\n<krabador> !installazione | Ale55\n<ubot-it> Ale55: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione | Per installazione grafica http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download\n<krabador> selezionando \"altro\" ti verranno visualizzate le varie partizioni, selezioni la tua root\n<krabador> clicchi in basso a sinistra su un tasto \"change\"\n<krabador> selezionin \"file system ext4 con journaling\"\n<krabador> punto di mount \" / \"\n<krabador> stessa cosa per la home, soltanto che il punto di mount deve essere \" /home \"\n<krabador> ti assicuri che il boot loader finisca in sda, senza indicazione di partizione, sda  liscio\n<krabador> che potrebbe esserti indicato dal menu a tendina con il nome stesso del disco rilevato\n<krabador> al che vai avanti tranquillamente e lasci fare tutto a lui\n<Ale55> scarico gli aggiornamenti durante l[installazione\n<Ale55> e software di terze parti\n<krabador> si, seleziona entrambi\n<Ale55> <krabador>http://imagebin.ca/v/22kgb5I0yZU6\n<Ale55> cosa faccio\n<krabador> vai avanti\n<krabador> non hai voluto staccare il disco\n<krabador> lui lo rileva\n<krabador> e ti da quel messaggio\n<Ale55> seleziono si o no\n<krabador> ti ho risposto\n<Ale55> provo con si\n<krabador> se si , lui smonta\n<krabador> e non te le elencherà\n<krabador> quando dovrai selezionare\n<krabador> è irrilevante cio' che rispondi\n<Ale55> io ho risposto si\n<krabador> in quanto successivamente andrai a selezionare a mano le partizioni\n<Ale55> <krabador> http://imagebin.ca/v/22kigy18huZO\n<krabador> Ale55, non ignorare quanto scritto in precedenza.\n<Ale55> e io gli ho dato si prima\n<Ale55> e' una cosa grave\n<krabador> Ale55, cosa fare in questo punto, ti è stato descritto alle 21:56\n<krabador> scorri i messaggi\n<krabador> e chiedi se non hai capito\n<Ale55> <krabador> http://imagebin.ca/v/22klGp4DSQrD\n<Ale55> cosi' va meglio\n<krabador> puoi andare avanti\n<Ale55> non devo dagli formatta da nessuna parte alora\n<krabador> Ale55, le hai appena create\n<krabador> sono vuote\n<Ale55> ok\n<krabador> ma se proprio vuoi, puoi\n<Ale55> vado avanti cosi'\n<krabador> per dare un'idea di partenza adesso\n<Ale55> se dici che va bene anche senza formattazione procedo cosi'\n<krabador> a scanso di equivoci, metti la spunta\n<krabador> ad home e root\n<krabador> e vai avanti\n<Ale55> <krabador> http://imagebin.ca/v/22kmtyu3Njkl\n<krabador> Ale55, scusami, ma ti serve qualcuno che prema avanti per te ?\n<Ale55> non vorrei fare disastri\n<krabador> ecco, ed il messaggio parla chiaro su quello che fa\n<krabador> hai piallato un disco, e si riferisce a quello\n<krabador> preoccupati quando a rischio c'è qualcosa che ti serve\n<Ivan87> Salve possibile avere aiuto?\n<krabador> Ivan87, fa la tua domanda\n<Ivan87> Allora devo installare ubuntu 15.04 su hd esterno\n<Ale55> <krabador> posso andare avanti allora o mi fermo\n<Ivan87> aspetta\n<Ivan87> all'avvio dell'installazione appare una finestra con scritto\n<Carlin0> Ivan87, perchè su hd esterno ?\n<Ivan87> la partizione assegnata a /boot, ha inizio a un offset di 1024 byte\n<Ivan87> d'allineamento minimo per questo disco\n<Ivan87> Io clicco avanti ma l'installazione non parte\n<Carlin0> evita la partizione /boot Ivan87\n<Ivan87> Comunque hd esterno perchè non ho un portatile e lo uso per lavoro in giro\n<Ivan87> ok quindi solo area di swap e partizione /?\n<krabador> Ivan87, ma hai intenzione di usare questa installazione su pc diversi?\n<Ivan87> Si certo, ho già ubuntu 14.04 su questo HD e lo uso ovunque\n<krabador> Ivan87, non è sempre assicurato che parta ovunque\n<Ivan87> Si ovviamentelo so, ma i pc dove lo uso io funziona sempre\n<krabador> Ivan87, se vuoi fare la stessa cosa, pialla questo disco, selezionalo a mano, in fase di installazione, ed assicurati che ci finisca grub dentro\n<krabador> e tanti saluti\n<Ivan87> In che modo?\n<krabador> Ivan87, non hai già 14.04 ?\n<Ivan87> Si\n<krabador> come hai fatto all'epoca?\n<Ivan87> Non ricordo purtroppo, l'ho fatto l'anno scorso\n<Ivan87> Qui adesso io scelgo come installazione altro\n<Ivan87> Creo l'area di swap\n<krabador> Ivan87, apri gparted, formatta il disco prima, ti conviene\n<Ivan87> Creo la partizione \"/\"\n<krabador> Ivan87, poi fai partire l'installazione , e le selezioni a mano , selezionando \"altro\"\n<krabador> Ivan87, quanta swap metti , in questo disco, che userai su vari pc ?\n<Ivan87> Posso? Ho la chiavetta con il live creato con unebootin\n<Ivan87> Io pensavo di mettere circa 8Gb come swap\n<Carlin0> ellapeppa\n<krabador> la swap, serve solo ad ibernare, se il pc, ha 4 gb ram\n<krabador> 8gb di swap non servono a niente\n<krabador> nel modo piu' assoluto\n<krabador> se non a rallentare il sistema\n<Ivan87> Non serve per velocizzare?\n<krabador> no\n<Carlin0> quanta ram hai su sti pc Ivan87 ?\n<krabador> leggi a rigurardo\n<Ivan87> Ah capito, comunque ho 8Gb di ram, e i pc dove lo utilizzo hanno tra i 6 3 gli 8 GB\n<krabador> Ivan87, se è un disco da installazione volante, non fare la swap\n<krabador> non ha senso , a meno di non far partire questo disco in un sistema con 1gb ram\n<Ivan87> Si quello lo so, intendevo dire che ho creato la USB di installazione con unebootin\n<Ivan87> Per poi installarlo su HD esterno\n<krabador> ecco, e la swap cosa dovrebbe riguradare?\n<Ivan87> La creo per l'HD esterno, e mi chiede di creare la swap\n<krabador> Ivan87, puo' segnalare che non c'è area di swap, ma l'installazione la fa\n<krabador> in ogni caso, fai come ti pare, ma 8gb non hanno senso\n<Carlin0> inolte non credo che ibernerai su un hd esterno\n<krabador> infatti\n<Ivan87> Ok quindi metto 1 o 2 Gb?\n<Ivan87> Uso l'ibernazione spesso a casa\n<krabador> Ivan87, cosa non è chiaro di \"fai come ti pare\" sul fronte swap ?\n<krabador> se i pc in cui lo userai , hanno almeno 4 gb, non serve , appunto se non con esigenza di ibernazione\n<Ivan87> Ok ok, Provo a creare solo la partizione con \"/\"\n<Ivan87> Sto provando in questo preciso momento\n<krabador> Ivan87, pialla il disco con gparted, fa una sola partizione ext4 di tutto il disco\n<Ivan87> Ok provo\n<krabador> fa partire l'installazione, seleziona \"altro\" quando ti chiede dove installare\n<Ivan87> Vi dico in live lo svolgimento del tutto\n<krabador> selezioni questo disco esterno, e , come detto prima, ti assicuri che grub finisca dentro il disco esterno\n<Ivan87> Ecco, grub non so cosa sia. E' il bootloader?\n<krabador> vai aventi , aspetti, enjoy .\n<krabador> Ivan87, è nella schermata \"altro\"\n<krabador> quando dovrai selezionare la partizione\n<Ivan87> Ok\n<krabador> ma , Ivan87 , sentiti pure libero\n<krabador> di chiarire leggendo la guida\n<krabador> !installazione | Ivan87\n<ubot-it> Ivan87: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione | Per installazione grafica http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download\n<Ivan87> Grazie ubot-it\n<krabador> Ale55, come procede?\n<Ale55> sto installando\n<krabador> Ale55, perfetto\n<Ale55> spero bene\n<krabador> Ale55, una volta che il bootloader era assegnato al disco sda, le partizioni sono state indicate in quel modo\n<krabador> non ci sono rischi che succceda nulla\n<krabador> hai scelto l'utente?\n<Ale55> si\n<Ale55> so\n<krabador> come hai impostato l'accesso\n<krabador> automatico?\n<Ale55> si con password\n<krabador> automatico è sconsigliabile\n<krabador> ottimo\n<Ivan87> Mi spunta sempre la stessa finestra con scritto: \"La partizione /dev/dìsdc1 assegnata a /, ha inizio a un offset di 3584 byte dall'allineamento minimo per questo disco: potrebbe portare a prestazioni non ottimali\"\n<krabador> la password è sempre meglio , in quanto puo' servire gestire parametri di caricamento\n<Ivan87> Che cosa vuol dire?\n<Ale55> ho installato la 14.04\n<krabador> Ivan87, se sei in live\n<krabador> manda schermate del problema\n<krabador> !image | Ivan87\n<ubot-it> Ivan87: Carica un'immagine su https://imgur.com/ | http://imageshack.us/ (richiede registrazione) e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<Ale55> Ora ha terminato l'installazione\n<Ivan87> Sto usando un altro pc per fare tutto\n<krabador> Ale55, beh, ti chiederà di riavviare, riavvia pure\n<Ale55> devo riavviare il pc e poi ritorno\n<Ivan87> aspetta provo a fare una cosa\n<Carlin0> Ivan87, connettiti con l'altro\n<krabador> Ivan87, senti, come già segnalatoti, carica ubuntu in live, fa partire gparted pialla il disco, con una sola partizione\n<krabador> fa partire l'instalazione\n<krabador> se gparted da problemi, segnalali direttamente mandando screen\n<krabador> di quello che fa\n<Ivan87> https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/QbIglhOcQGipZ9pmH7uD\n<Ivan87> Ora ti faccio vedere cosa c'è all'avvio del live\n<krabador> Ivan87, senti\n<krabador> ma gparted\n<krabador> prima di far partire l'installazione , lo vuoi usare o no?\n<krabador> hai voglia di prendere in giro?\n<Ivan87> Non lo vedo gparted all'avvio della penna usb, ora ti mostro\n<krabador> Ivan87, ctrl alt t\n<Ivan87> https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/UV03Wu9ISZmlqgH9oj7W\n<krabador> sudo gparted\n<krabador> niente di piu' niente di meno\n<krabador> quando carichi la sessione live\n<Ale55> <krabador> rieccomi con il S.O installato\n<krabador> tra l'altro unetbootin è discretamente sconsigliabile\n<Ivan87> Giuro che non lo sapevo si potesse fare, scusa la mia ignoranza\n<Ale55> TI RINGRAZIO MOLTISSIMO\n<krabador> Ale55, bene\n<krabador> :D\n<krabador> Ale55, allora adesso , puoi fare una cosa molto semplice\n<krabador> Ale55, apri un terminale\n<krabador> ctrl alt t\n<krabador> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade\n<krabador> e una volta che ha finito , sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras\n<Ale55> e cambio versione cosi'?\n<Ivan87> gparted non mi vede l'HD esterno, mannaggia\n<krabador> no, ti fa l'aggiornamento\n<Ivan87> risolto\n<krabador> Ale55, ti fa l'aggiornamento dei pacchetti della versione\n<Ale55> ok ottimo\n<krabador> Ale55, la 14.04 è mantenuta 5 anni\n<Ale55> per quello ho messo questa versione\n<Ale55> ti chiedo è possibile avere in qualche modo gnome desktop\n<Ale55> perchè con unity non vado al massimo\n<krabador> Ale55, questa è la tipica domanda , che sarebbe stato il caso di farla prima\n<krabador> Ale55, in quanto potevi scaricare ed installare, proprio ubuntu gnome\n<krabador> con gnome all'interno\n<Ale55> e non si può fare ora\n<VITRON> rieccomi\n<krabador> aggiungere ambienti grafici successivamente , non è proprio il massimo\n<krabador> Ale55, si puo' fare,\n<VITRON> scusatemi sto seguendo la guida per l'istllazione\n<krabador> solo che inizi a sminchiare i default\n<krabador> eccetera\n<krabador> Ale55, se hai tempo e voglia, scarica ed installa direttamente la versione di ubuntu, con l'ambiente grafico che fa al caso tuo\n<VITRON> ma quando riavvio per leggere dal usb non lo fa e mi avvia sempre il windows\n<krabador> VITRON, quanti anni ha il pc?\n<Ale55> meglio che resta con unity allora\n<VITRON> ho impostato su boot come prima scelta usb\n<krabador> VITRON, conviene formattare la pendrive, e rifarla , sempre con lo stesso programma, in caso di problemi\n<VITRON> non saprei 2 o 3\n<Ale55> ed abituarmi a questo ambiente che dici\n<VITRON> ok provo\n<Carlin0> Ale55, potevi anche provare xubuntu ...\n<Ivan87> https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/a0kYu7QMTvSMKSb86JqX\n<Carlin0> xfce è totalmente diverso da unity\n<Ivan87> cosa devo fare per l'esattezza?\n<krabador> Ale55, se vuoi installarlo lo stesso, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop\n<krabador> Ale55, al riavvio, selezioni dalla schermata di login , gnome ,cliccando sul pulsante accando ad user name\n<VITRON> che impostaazioni di formattazione mi consigli?\n<Ale55> si ma se me lo sconsigli non lo faccio\n<krabador> VITRON, che sistema usi per la formattazione?\n<krabador> Ale55, hai appena installato, fa pure qualche prova, se distruggi qualcosa, reinstalli\n<VITRON> win 7 profes.\n<krabador> VITRON, formattazione completa, fat32\n<VITRON> ok\n<Ivan87> Allora, formattato tutto, adesso riprovo l'installazione, grazie comunque per l'aiuto, siete molto gentili e disponibili\n<krabador> Ivan87, preoccupati che il boot loader finisca nel disco esterno\n<krabador> senza numero di partizione\n<krabador> ma come sdc , se il disco esterno è sdc\n<Ivan87> Perfetto :)\n<VITRON> Krabador il pc ha 6 anni\n<VITRON> Asus k50c\n<krabador> VITRON, allora dovresti avere anche un tasto di selezione del boot rapido\n<krabador> in avvio\n<krabador> tipo f12\n<krabador> seleziona , una volta fatta, la pendrive con quello\n<VITRON> cioè premendo f12 entro nel boot\n<VITRON> ??\n<VITRON> mi apre la cartella PC\n<VITRON> Computer\n<Carlin0> all'avvio del pc VITRON\n<Ivan87> VITRON all'avvio del pc appare una schermata con l\n<Ivan87> scritto premi f12 o altro per boot\n<VITRON> ok\n<f843d0> Talvolta anche F8\n<VITRON> :P scusate l'ignoranza\n<Ale55> <krabador> ho fatto i due comandi che mi avevi suggerito\n<Ale55> mi chiede di Eula\n<Ale55> gli do si che accetto le condizioni\n<VITRON> ok ho riformattato e installato nella micro sd l'iso di ubuntu ora riprovo\n<Ale55> <krabador> gli devo dare altri comandi oppure è finito cosi'\n<Ivan87> Ragazzi usate la punteggiatura così si capisce cosa volete dire.\n<Ivan87> Ale55 era una domanda?\n<Ale55> si\n<Ale55> scusa per la punteggiatura\n<Ivan87> Ma tranquillo, è solo per capire meglio :)\n<Carlin0> Ale55, che comando hai dato ?\n<Ale55> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade\n<VITRON> Kabrador Boot setting configuration ---> quit Boot [disabled] .... E' corretto?\n<Ale55> sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras\n<Carlin0> Ale55, ha dato errori ?\n<Ale55> no nessun errore\n<Carlin0> Ale55, dovresti essere a posto\n<Ale55> <Carlin0> allora mi tengo unity\n<Ale55> ?\n<Carlin0> Ale55, quello lo devi decidere tu\n<VITRON> mentre in boot device Priority ho : 1st Removable devace - 2st Network - 3st cd/dvd - 4st Hard Device.....Onboard LAN boot ROM [Disabled] E' tutto corretto???\n<Carlin0> a me personalmente non piace , preferisco xfce\n<Ivan87> Scusate ancora, allora ho formattato l'HD, ho scelto per l'installazione \"Altro\", poi ho fatto l'unica partizione con / ed avvio, ma parte sempre la solita schermata,   se clicco avanti non succede nulla\n<Ivan87> Cosa dovrei fare a questo punto?\n<Ale55> e ma krabador diceva che ormai che ho installato ubuntu 14.04 lo dovevo far prima questa cosa altrimenti\n<Carlin0> <krabador> Ale55, se vuoi installarlo lo stesso, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop\n<Carlin0> bhe certo se ti decidevi prima era meglio\n<Ivan87> Aiuto per piacere :(\n<Ale55> meglio gnome o xfce\n<Ale55> ?\n<Mr_Pan> personalmente preferisco xfce ma è una scelta tua ....\n<Carlin0> Ivan87, non ti da nessun errore ?\n<Carlin0> Ale55, è solo questione di gusti\n<Ivan87> No solo la schermata per l'offset\n<Ale55> siete gia in due che mi dite xfce\n<Carlin0> eh ma allora Ale55 dovevi installare xubuntu\n<Ale55> Allora intanto installo gnome desktop\n<Ivan87> Ok ho capito, mi sa che la migliore cosa è lasciar perdere, Non riesco proprio, non da alcun errore ma non parte l'installazione\n<Ale55> meglio gdm o lightgdm\n<Ivan87> Dite che il problema possa essere la chiavetta usb live?\n<Carlin0> Ivan87, dire senza vedere ... è sparare a caso\n<Ivan87> Ti metto l'immagine, prova a dare un'occhiata.\n<Ivan87> https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/QbIglhOcQGipZ9pmH7uD\n<Ale55> meglio gdm o lightgdm?\n<Carlin0> ma scusa ... perchè non vieni qui col pc dove installi e ci fai vedere delle immagini + nitide\n<Carlin0> Ale55, cambia poco su\n<Ivan87> Perchè la live non si connette al wifi purtroppo\n<Carlin0> gdm è specifico per gnome\n<Ivan87> Anche se digito la pw giusta\n<Carlin0> collega via cavo\n<Ale55> ok grazie <Carlin0>\n<VITRON> Perdonatemi il sistema al riavvio mi da questo messaggio e non mi legge la porta usb per l'istallazione: express gate is not istalled on your system or the istallation is incomplete to get internet access within seconds of startingyour computer.please use express gate installer to install epress gate... pOTETE AIUTARMI??????\n<Ivan87> Non mi è possibile utilizzare il cavo al momento, sono a casa della mia ragazza e non posso andare in camera dei suoi per collegarmi\n<Ivan87> Posso solo il wifi\n<VITRON> mi sa che butto via tutto e mi vado a comprare un bel win 8 nuovo nuovo meso seghe e ore davanti a un cazzo di pc che non funziona\n<VITRON> VI ringrazio cmq ciao buona serata\n<cristian_c> allora\n<cristian_c> VITRON, puoi riassumere il problema?\n<cristian_c> Ivan87, lo stesso anche per te\n<VITRON> veramente voprrei andare a letto pensavo fosse più semplice per come ne ne avevano parlato\n<cristian_c> VITRON, io non ho seguito\n<VITRON> e da prima di cena che provo ad istallare ubuntu\n<cristian_c> VITRON, hai provato in live, prima di installare?\n<cristian_c> prima si prova in live, poi se tutto va bene, si installa\n<VITRON> in live che intendi\n<cristian_c> VITRON, 'prova ubuntu senza installare' invece dell'opzione 'installa'\n<cristian_c> appare nella schermata di scelta\n<cristian_c> !installazione\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione | Per installazione grafica http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download\n<VITRON> io con kabrador ero arrivato alla creazione ddella usb iso\n<cristian_c> VITRON, questa qua: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Standard?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=1004-0.png\n<Ivan87> Eccomi dal pc corretto, sono riuscito a connettermi\n<Ivan87> Riprovo tutto, in ogni caso come si fa lo snapshot su ubuntu_\n<cristian_c> VITRON, oppure questa: https://assets.ubuntu.com/sites/ubuntu/latest/u/img/download/desktop/try-ubuntu-before-you-install/image-tryubuntubeforeyouinstall-1.jpg\n<cristian_c> Ivan87, ahh, lo screenshot?\n<cristian_c> VITRON, la usb puoi pure utilizzarla in modalità live\n<Ivan87> si scusa, colpa del troppo utilizzo di git\n<cristian_c> VITRON, se fai il boot da usb, dovresti poter arrivare al desktop, scegliendo 'Prova ubuntu senza installarlo'\n<cristian_c> Ivan87, tasto stamp, è la scorciatoia universale\n<VITRON> non ci arrivo\n<cristian_c> ci sono applicazioni preinstallate che lo fanno, ma stamp è più veloce\n<VITRON> Perdonatemi il sistema al riavvio mi da questo messaggio e non mi legge la porta usb per l'istallazione: express gate is not istalled on your system or the istallation is incomplete to get internet access within seconds of startingyour computer.please use express gate installer to install epress gate.\n<VITRON> e si avvia win 7\n<cristian_c> VITRON, ah quindi non riesci a fare neanche il boot da usb?\n<Ivan87> Grazie cristian/c\n<VITRON> l'ho impostato ma non la legge la usb\n<[Jano]> VITRON: Shutdown WINDOWS _°_\n<VITRON> Ehhh???\n<Ivan87> Vitron significa spegni windows\n<cristian_c> VITRON, trovato qualcosa.\n<VITRON> asp sto cercando di provarlo live\n<cristian_c> VITRON, asus?\n<VITRON> naturalmente vi scrivo da un altro pc\n<VITRON> si ASUS k50c di 6 anni fa\n<cristian_c> VITRON, infatti esce un risultato su google\n<cristian_c> proprio per il k50c\n<cristian_c> casualmente :D\n<VITRON> che risultato?\n<Ivan87> Sto aspettando che la partizione si formatti :(\n<cristian_c> dove un utente ha segnalato lo stesso problema\n<Ivan87> Un'ora cavolo\n<cristian_c> VITRON, per caso hai partizionato il disco?\n<VITRON> no\n<cristian_c> ok\n<cristian_c> VITRON, devi disabilitare quell'opzione\n<cristian_c> entrando nel bios\n<sawyer> salve ragazzi, ho una informazione da chiedere..secondo voi è normale che con un core duo e4300, nvidia 9600gt e 2gb ram ubuntu e unity girino un po lentino?\n<cristian_c> disabilitare l'opzione express gate nel bios\n<cristian_c> sawyer, secondo me sì\n<cristian_c> sawyer, xubuntu ci girerebbe meglio\n<VITRON> Cristin_c come lo faccio\n<VITRON> da f2?\n<cristian_c> VITRON, a entrare nel bios?\n<cristian_c> VITRON, sì\n<cristian_c> ho un asus e ci entro con f2\n<VITRON> e poi?\n<Mr_Pan> sawyer, unity ciuccia... è pesante... prova xubuntu con xfce\n<sawyer> capisco grazie, effettivamente sul mio portatile gira meglio\n<cristian_c> VITRON, poi cerchi l'opzione nel bios\n<cristian_c> sawyer, in ogni caso, fai prima una prova in live\n<sawyer> la cosa strana che sul mio laptop che ha una hd4000 della intel gira cmq piu' reattivo l'OS\n<sawyer> pero li cpu e ram sono di gran lunga superiori\n<cristian_c> VITRON, express gate da quanto leggo è un mini sistema caricato all'avvio del pc\n<cristian_c> e ripartizionando potrebbe essere andato perso\n<Ivan87> Vi lascio per un po, intanto aspetto che riesca a formattare prima dell-installazione\n<Carlin0> sawyer, più che altro è un po scarsa la cpu\n<sawyer> ehh gia'\n<Carlin0> 1.8 Ghz\n<VITRON> ok Cristal_c prima di fare questo tentativo vorrei pravare come mi hai detto ad usare live ubuntu\n<sawyer> no il e4300 gira a 2,4 ghz\n<VITRON> sono andato sul link che im hai mandato e ho cliccato scarica ma non succede nulla\n<sawyer> pero' è proprio l'architettura della cpu che ha fatto il suo tempo oramai\n<Carlin0> sawyer, 1.8Ghz per 2 http://ark.intel.com/it/products/28024/Intel-Core2-Duo-Processor-E4300-2M-Cache-1_80-GHz-800-MHz-FSB\n<cristian_c> VITRON, cosa vorresti scaricare?\n<sawyer> sorry il mio è l'e4600\n<cristian_c> VITRON, entra nel bios e disattiva l'opzione express gate\n<cristian_c> molto semplicemente\n<cristian_c> in modo da poter eseguire il boot da usb\n<VITRON> no ok adesso ho capito com'è è sono un link che mi mostra come eseguire l'istallazione\n<cristian_c> eh sì\n<VITRON> allora il mio problema è riuscire a far partire l'iso\n<VITRON> non ci arrivo a quel punto\n<cristian_c> VITRON, devi sistemare il boot da usb\n<cristian_c> come ti ho spiegato\n<VITRON> l'ho fatto\n<VITRON> mentre in boot device Priority ho : 1st Removable devace - 2st Network - 3st cd/dvd - 4st Hard Device.....Onboard LAN boot ROM [Disabled] E' tutto corretto???\n<cristian_c> VITRON, l'hai disattivata?\n<cristian_c> express gate\n<cristian_c> VITRON, a me l'ordine di boot sembra corretto\n<VITRON> adesso lo faccio... spengo il notebook\n<cristian_c> VITRON, puoi anche riavviarlo\n<cristian_c> con un reboot\n<VITRON> vediamo se trovo sto express\n<cristian_c> VITRON, di essere dovrebbe esserci\n<VITRON> sono nel bios\n<VITRON> dove devo cercare\n<Ivan87> Ecco che si ripresenta il problema uffi\n<Ivan87> https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/2ciUIQl28cYQUJfHGAkm\n<Ivan87> cristian c\n<Ivan87> daresti un occhiaa\n<Ivan87> occhiata\n<VITRON> Boot setting configuration ---> quit Boot [disabled] .... E' corretto? o devo impostare Enabled???\n<Ivan87> Qualcuno sa cosa significa quella schermata_\n<cristian_c> allora\n<Ivan87> Perche in ext 2 non mi da lo stesso errore\n<cristian_c> VITRON, alcuni dicono che hanno risolto disinstallandolo\n<cristian_c> ma non è essenziale\n<cristian_c> VITRON, quale sistema è installato attualmente?\n<VITRON> win 7\n<Ivan87> che differenza c'e tra ext4 e ext2?\n<cristian_c> VITRON, ok, allora dovresti disintallare express gate da lì\n<cristian_c> *disinstallare\n<VITRON> dal setup del bios devo fare altro oltre a cambiare l'ordine di boot?\n<cristian_c> VITRON, sembra di no\n<cristian_c> almeno nel video youtube non vedo altre opzioni\n<VITRON> quindi disinstallo express gate da dove da win7\n<Ivan87> cristian_c sapresti rispondere alla mia domanda please?\n<cristian_c> Ivan87,  su quel disco cosa c'è?\n<cristian_c> VITRON, sì, da windows\n<Ivan87> Al momento nulla\n<Ivan87> E' formattato\n<cristian_c> VITRON, anzi\n<cristian_c> VITRON, nel bios hai un menù di nome Tools?\n<VITRON> dimmi\n<cristian_c> Ivan87, allora, se non hai nulla, rifai la tabella della partizioni\n<VITRON> devo riavviare\n<cristian_c> e poi crea le partizioni come si deve\n<cristian_c> VITRON, controlla di avere Tools, oltre a Boot\n<VITRON> e poi\n<Ivan87> Fatto, ma con ext4 o ext3 non installa\n<cristian_c> 1. Enter BIOS settings and go to [Tools] to select ExpressGate and set option to [Disabled]. Prss F10 to save and exit.\n<cristian_c> Ivan87, ma non devi semplicemente creare partizioni sul disco?\n<Ivan87> E' un HD Seagate da 500Gb UISB3\n<VITRON> ok provo\n<Ivan87> Si certo che devo semplicemente creare partizioni del disco\n<cristian_c> Ivan87, allora rifai la tabella delle partizioni\n<Ivan87> Io la creo piena, quindi tutti e 500Gb con punto di mount /\n<cristian_c> e crea partizioni adatte per ubuntu\n<Ivan87> Ho solo un'unica partizione in FAT32\n<cristian_c> Ivan87, suggerita ext4, per vari motivi\n<cristian_c> Ivan87, non serve la fat\n<Ivan87> E cosa ntfs?\n<cristian_c> neanche\n<cristian_c> <cristian_c> Ivan87, suggerita ext4, per vari motivi\n<VITRON> sono nel bios\n<cristian_c> VITRON, ok, controlla se c'è Tools\n<cristian_c> 1. Enter BIOS settings and go to [Tools] to select ExpressGate and set option to [Disabled]. Prss F10 to save and exit.\n<cristian_c> io trovo questo sul sito asus\n<VITRON> nel menu del setup ho Main Advanced Security Boot Exit\n<cristian_c> cos'hai in Advanced?\n<[Jano]> Non è possibile . . . Ciao a Tutti\n<VITRON> come ti mando una foto?\n<Ivan87> Ragazzi per stasera rinuncio, ci penso domani, notte a tutti e grazie davvero del supporto\n<cristian_c> !image\n<ubot-it> Carica un'immagine su https://imgur.com/ | http://imageshack.us/ (richiede registrazione) e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<Ivan87> Buona continuazione\n<Mr_Pan> notte Ivan87\n<Mr_Pan> [Jano], ciao\n<cristian_c> with the bios version 211 there is no option for disable the express gate led's.\n<[Jano]> Mr_Pan: Ciao, non riesco a vedere/leggere queste cose .  veramente, scusate\n * Luciph3r saluta\n<Mr_Pan> [Jano], quali ?\n * Luciph3r saluta\n<[Jano]> Mr_Pan: Non riuscire a installare Ubuntu e veramente impossibile\n<cristian_c> VITRON, comunque, alcuni dicevano che avevano aggirato il problema facendo il boot da cd/dvd\n<Mr_Pan> [Jano], e vabbè ha  un problema con un'impostazione del bios che non lascia installare ... è una situazione particolare...\n<VITRON> lo so ma pare non mi funzioni il lettore  non saprei\n<[Jano]> Mr_Pan: Peccato che ha un IP con tutte le porte chiuse (Fastweb) senno lo installavo a distanza §°_\n<VITRON> cmq ho caricato l'img nel sito ma come estraggo un link da mandarti?\n<cristian_c> VITRON, quale sito?\n<cristian_c> VITRON, su win 7 i cd vengono visti?\n<VITRON> http://imgur.com/jkHkhKv\n<cristian_c> ok, vista la schermata\n<cristian_c> VITRON, su win 7 i cd vengono visti?\n<VITRON> no\n<cristian_c> ok, quindi è fuori uso\n<VITRON> non li apre\n<cristian_c> VITRON, come hai creato l'usb?\n<VITRON> universal\n<cristian_c> VITRON, quel pc è stato venduto con windows 7?\n<VITRON> si credo di si l'ho presi usato\n<cristian_c> allora non puoi sapere se è stato ripartizionato o meno\n<cristian_c> se è stato ripartizionato, ecco i problemi di express gate\n<[Jano]> VITRON: Utilizzo Ubuntu dalla versione 5.04, e se non ero capace di installare (e prima era diverso) non entravo neanche in chat\n<cristian_c> VITRON, dovresti ripristinare il settore di boot\n<cristian_c> in  modo che non compaia più quel messaggio di errore\n<cristian_c> VITRON, ma quando inserisci la usb con ubuntu, esattamente cosa accade?\n<cristian_c> minuto per minuto, diciamo\n<[Jano]> cristian_c: se Windows parte perchè deve ripristinare MBR, non creargli confusione\n<Mr_Pan> [Jano], questo è un canale di supporto proprio per chi non è in grado di risolvere i problemi da se  ..\n<cristian_c> Funziona anche da chiavetta. Non ho mai provato il ripristino del master boot record di Win7, ma se non sbaglio la procedura che riscrive il settore di boot dovrebbe essere abbastanza semplice. Con XP si accedeva alla console e poi si davano in successione i comandi \"fixboot\" e \"fixmbr\" - See more at: http://forum.eeepc.it/viewtopic.php?id=12403&p=2#sthash.8oM7RAW5.dpuf\n<cristian_c> ops\n<cristian_c> :D\n<[Jano]> Mr_Pan: Vero hai ragione, scusa ma e difficile *_°\n<cristian_c> [Jano], il fatto è che ci dovrebbe essere una riga che mostra l'avvio di express gate e potrebbe dare problemi su quel portatile\n<VITRON> sentite vedo che vi sto creando fastidi e dato che non si può istallare vi lascio lavorare in santa pace domani mi compro un bel pc nuovo e vaffa... spoeravo di potyer istallare dato che amici lo usano e non hanno mai avuto tutti sti problemi\n<VITRON> cmq la pen drive è perfetta dentro c'è l'intera iso\n<VITRON> e quando la inserisco non fa un cazz\n<cristian_c> VITRON, eh, ma non hai risposto alle domande\n<cristian_c> VITRON, l'ordine di boot era giusto?\n<VITRON> si\n<cristian_c> (era quello che avevi mostrato prima?)\n<VITRON> quello che ti ho inviato\n<[Jano]> VITRON: No, assolutamente, scusami, andate avanti.\n<cristian_c> con removable device al primo posto\n<VITRON> si\n<cristian_c> [Jano], secondo me, lui deve ripristinare l'mbr per risolvere il problema\n<cristian_c> VITRON, ah, una cosa, hai controllato l'md5 del file .iso?\n<VITRON> che diavolo è mbr\n<cristian_c> quale file .iso hai scaricato\n<[Jano]> cristian_c: Se Windows si avvia regolarmente no\n<cristian_c> VITRON, mbr è il master boot record\n<cristian_c> [Jano], sì, ma c'è anche quel mini OS che asus ha inserito e che rompe le scatole\n<cristian_c> [Jano], non so se hai letto il messaggio di errore che ha postato all'inizio\n<[Jano]> cristian_c: no\n<[Jano]> cristian_c: scusa\n<cristian_c> <VITRON> Perdonatemi il sistema al riavvio mi da questo messaggio e non mi legge la porta usb per l'istallazione: express gate is not istalled on your system or the istallation is incomplete to get internet access within seconds of startingyour computer.please use express gate installer to install epress gate.\n<VITRON> ubuntu-15.04-desktop-amd64\n<cristian_c> VITRON, ahhhhh\n<cristian_c> VITRON, il tuo pc è a 64 bit?\n<cristian_c> processore\n<[Jano]> cristian_c: il suo modello si\n<[Jano]> VITRON: Dal BIOS disabilita \"Express gate\" e installa normalmente\n<VITRON> http://imgur.com/iLJOP19\n<cristian_c> [Jano], non riesce a trovare l'opzione nel bios\n<VITRON> jano se mi dici come lo disabito lo faccio subito\n<cristian_c> Tipo processore \tIntel celeron m\n<cristian_c> VITRON, io andrei di lubuntu\n<[Jano]> VITRON: Nel BIOS --> ultima TAB --> Fai un LOAD DEFAULT --> Salva ed esci. Poi metti il CD\n<cristian_c> GRAFICA\n<cristian_c> Integrata Sì  Produttore SiS\n<cristian_c> Modello SIS M672\n<[Jano]> VITRON: Se non parte, vai nel TAB per modificare l'avvio e dai priorità al DVD/CD\n<cristian_c> grafica orrenda\n<cristian_c> [Jano], ha il cd fuori uso\n<cristian_c> *lettore\n<cristian_c> [Jano], ha detto, per forza usb\n<[Jano]> cristian_c: Allora che lo cambi, cavolo\n<cristian_c> [Jano], è quello che ha detto di voler fare :D\n<Carlin0> oppure usa un lettore esterno\n<cristian_c> <[Jano]> VITRON: Nel BIOS --> ultima TAB --> Fai un LOAD DEFAULT --> Salva ed esci. Poi metti il CD\n<[Jano]> cristian_c: a.. solo USB\n<cristian_c> VITRON, comunque, sì, ti conviene tentare un load default\n<[Jano]> VITRON: Fai un \"load default\" e poi ricominci\n<cristian_c> Carlin0, comunque, il pc è scarsotto per via del procio e della scheda grafica\n<cristian_c> anche con ubuntu darebbe problemi\n<cristian_c> di compatibilità\n<cristian_c> con le nuove versioni del sistema\n<Carlin0> cristian_c, appunto forse non gli conviene cambiare lettore , magari trova chi gli presta uno esterno\n<cristian_c> Carlin0, eh, dipende da lui\n<cristian_c> ma ne vale la pena?\n<VITRON> nell'ultima tab in exit ho Load User Defaults e Load manufacture defaults\n<Carlin0> la sis la feci girare anni fa su debian squeeze\n<cristian_c> VITRON, non saprei quale dei due\n<cristian_c> [Jano], idee?\n<cristian_c> Carlin0, sì, anni fa è un conto, ora con i nuovi kernel è tutta un'altra storia\n<cristian_c> hanno tagliato il supporto\n<Carlin0> e lo so\n<cristian_c> in un certo senso\n<VITRON> raga sono sicuro che avete di meglio domani lo faccio formattarea zero con win e poi provo ad istallare linux\n<cristian_c> Carlin0, e quindi bisogna come minimo pacioccare\n<cristian_c> xorg\n<VITRON> magari il lettore mi riparte\n<cristian_c> VITRON, se proprio vuoi insistere con quel pc, usa un lettore cd/dvd esterno\n<[Jano]> VITRON: Non si formatta un questo motivo, ricordalo *°_\n<VITRON> peccato la soluzione della penna sembrava carina\n<cristian_c> che è la cosa migliore\n<cristian_c> VITRON, per bypassare il problema\n<VITRON> ok\n<VITRON> provo lettore est.\n<VITRON> vi faccio sapere\n<VITRON> ciao e grazie\n<cristian_c> anzi, io ne devo acquistare uno e l'altro giorno non l'ho preso perché non l'avevano :P\n<cristian_c> VITRON, ok, buona notte\n<Mr_Pan> cristian_c, ma chi vende ancora lettori dvd/cd ....\n<[Jano]> VITRON: peggio, se il CD/DVD non va e neanche la USB. . .Ma non ci credo. .\n<[Jano]> VITRON: Con DVD exeternal non andra meglio\n<cristian_c> [Jano], i netbook non hanno mai avuto il lettore\n<cristian_c> [Jano], la usb dovrebbe funzionare, quindi anche il lettore usb\n<[Jano]> cristian_c: Appunto, da USB deve riuscire\n<cristian_c> [Jano], ok, ma il suo è un pc particolare\n<cristian_c> pacioccato da asus\n<Carlin0> il lettore esterno però viene visto come lettore e lo puoi usare anche dove non è supportato il bot da usb\n<cristian_c> e visto che l'ha acquistato usato, probabilmente non è stato venduto dal produttore con win 7\n<cristian_c> concordo con Carlin0\n<cristian_c> Carlin0, comunque, quel pc ha il boot da usb\n<cristian_c> è uscito sicuramente dopo il 2007\n<[Jano]> cristian_c: Be, forse e vero, a distanza sembra tutto facile !!\n<[Jano]> cristian_c: Senza il PC in mano è difficile dare consigli\n<cristian_c> Anno di rilascio \t2009\n<cristian_c> non è vecchio, il problema è il processore scarso\n<cristian_c> e la vga pessima\n<Carlin0> la sis è proprio una croce :P\n<cristian_c> il boot da usb ce l'avrà sicuramente, quindi anche da lettore usb\n<cristian_c> Carlin0, vero\n<[Jano]> Io su uno dei miei server uso una 10.04 che vola !! con un Pentium 3, dai ragazzi ..consuma meno). Digli di mettere una 12.04 (anche se la 14.04\n<[Jano]> Tutti i sever vanno con 10.04, l'ultima vera release Ubuntu/Linux, poi hanno fatto troppo casino\n<Carlin0> la 10.04 era basata su squeeze\n<Mr_Pan> [Jano], ma il supporto  ? ?  ?pure se  LTS 5 anni sono passati ..\n<[Jano]> Vabbe ora siamo OT, pensiamo al problema di VITRON\n<[Jano]> Mr_Pan: Meglio\n<[Jano]> Mr_Pan: Sistema che funziona non si cambia (sui server), ti assicuro che la 10.04 è l'ultima nata UBUNTU, poi si sono sbizzarriti.\n<Carlin0> lucid fu una gran bella release\n<Carlin0> e cmq all'epoca aveva ancora solo 2 anni di supporto mi pare\n<[Jano]> Carlin0: Già, per mettere a posto la 12.04 già ci si faceva fatica (gia erano cambiate le cose) comunque adesso siamo ridotti come usare sti caz.... di telefonini. Solo Icone da usare per gli andicap... Come il Windows 3\n<Mr_Pan> [Jano], ok quello che funziona non si cambia... ma resta il fatto che non hai più supporto... e poi mica devi rimanere su ubuntu...\n<Carlin0> !chat\n<ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<Mr_Pan> giusto\n<Mr_Pan> [Jano], devi venire di la\n<[Jano]> Mr_Pan: Il mio canale è #aircrack-ng, PS Carlin0 Ha ragione. Buona notte a tutti, Grazie per la compagnia. Ciao\n#ubuntu-it 2015-05-24\n<akis24> giorno\n<Mr_Pan> akis24, ciao\n<akis24> ciao Mr_Pan\n<ufalc> qualcuno puo darmi una mano?\n<Torpedo_Smash> salve ragazzi, ho installato ubuntu 15.04 sul mio notebook da qualche settimana ormai, ma da oggi non si sentono gli auricolari quando li connetto. Gli auricilari sono perfettamente funzionanti inquanto li ho provato anche sul mio Nexus 4\n<cristian_c> Torpedo_Smash, ubuntu con unity?\n<Torpedo_Smash> cristian_c, sì\n<Torpedo_Smash> provengo da Kubuntu 14.10, ma ho fatto un'installazione pulita\n<cristian_c> Torpedo_Smash, apri le impostazioni audio\n<Torpedo_Smash> cristian_c, fatto\n<cristian_c> Torpedo_Smash, posta una schermata\n<cristian_c> !image\n<ubot-it> Carica un'immagine su https://imgur.com/ | http://imageshack.us/ (richiede registrazione) e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<Torpedo_Smash> cristian_c, ci sta mettendo un po' :)\n<Torpedo_Smash> cristian_c, si è bloccato te lo carico da un'altra parte\n<Torpedo_Smash> cristian_c, https://flic.kr/p/sx3gMX\n<cristian_c> Torpedo_Smash, hai fatto clic sul pulsante?\n<Torpedo_Smash> cristian_c, che pulsante?\n<cristian_c> 'Suono di prova'\n<maurizio> !list\n<ubot-it> questo non è un canale per scaricare o di condivisione di contenuti\n<Torpedo_Smash> cristian_c, sì, ma non sento nulla\n<cristian_c> Torpedo_Smash, apri un terminale\n<Torpedo_Smash> cristian_c, fatto\n<cristian_c> Torpedo_Smash, e digita: sudo apt-get update\n<cristian_c> !paste | Torpedo_Smash\n<costi88> Ciao a tutti volevo qualche info su ubuntu sono totalmente inesperto chi può aiutarmi?\n<ubot-it> Torpedo_Smash: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<maurizio> salve ragazzi si potrebbe fare una ricerca generale di un file come su mirc chi mi puo aiutare?\n<Mr_Pan> !aiuto | costi88\n<ubot-it> costi88: per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<Mr_Pan> !qualcuno | costi88\n<ubot-it> costi88: la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera'\n<cristian_c> !documentazione | costi88\n<ubot-it> costi88: Documentazione ufficiale http://help.ubuntu-it.org - Documentazione della comunità http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Documentazione - Gruppo documentazione: pagina principale http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoDocumentazione\n<cristian_c> maurizio, su quale ubuntu?\n<Torpedo_Smash> cristian_c, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11326341/\n<costi88> Possiedo un vecchio sony vaio dual core a 32bit, 2gb di ram ddr2, Hard disk da 160gb attualmente come sistema operativo ho seven. Può andar bene ubuntu 15,04 su questo tipo di pc? avrei anche un miglioramento delle prestazioni ?\n<cristian_c> Torpedo_Smash, solo con ubuntu riscontri il problema?\n<maurizio> intendo se su x chat si puo fare una ricerca di un file senza chiedere una lista come facevo su mirc capito\n<cristian_c> Torpedo_Smash, e solo con le cuffie?\n<cristian_c> costi88, beh, io ti consiglio xubuntu\n<cristian_c> costi88, in ogni caso, puoi provarlo in live, prima di installare su hard disk\n<Torpedo_Smash> cristian_c, non ho altri sistemi, le casse si sentono bene\n<cristian_c> maurizio, cosa c'entra con ubuntu?\n<cristian_c> Torpedo_Smash, ok\n<cristian_c> Torpedo_Smash, apri alsamixer\n<maurizio> no infatti io usavo windows\n<maurizio> e adesso uso ubuntu\n<costi88> La prova in live si fa senza installare e ovviamente non rischio di perder dati presenti su seven?\n<cristian_c> <cristian_c> maurizio, su quale ubuntu?\n<Torpedo_Smash> cristian_c, è nel terminale?\n<cristian_c> Torpedo_Smash, digita: alsamixer\n<maurizio> mirc lo conosci?\n<cristian_c> costi88, se non metti mano alle partizioni e ai file, no\n<Torpedo_Smash> cristian_c, fatto\n<cristian_c> !image | Torpedo_Smash\n<ubot-it> Torpedo_Smash: Carica un'immagine su https://imgur.com/ | http://imageshack.us/ (richiede registrazione) e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<cristian_c> maurizio, rispondi alla domanda\n<maurizio> la 14.04.2\n<maurizio> ok\n<cristian_c> maurizio, con xchat?\n<maurizio> si\n<cristian_c> maurizio, xchat supporta plugin\n<maurizio> nn riesco a cercare i file\n<cristian_c> ma è fatto per la comunicazione in chat, non per altro\n<Torpedo_Smash> cristian_c, https://flic.kr/p/ttUtLz\n<cristian_c> maurizio, se ti servono plugin, val sul sito di xchat e fai una ricerca\n<maurizio> no si puo scaricare come mirc che dici\n<cristian_c> Torpedo_Smash, hai collegato le casse sempre alla stessa uscita delle cuffie?\n<cristian_c> maurizio, qui si fa supporto a ubuntu\n<Torpedo_Smash> cristian_c, no, sono integrate, è un notebook\n<cristian_c> se hai una richiesta specifica di supporto a ubuntu, falla pure\n<cristian_c> Torpedo_Smash, eh, ma io intendo le casse esterne\n<maurizio> volevo solo sapere come scaricare su xchat\n<cristian_c> Torpedo_Smash, quante uscite audio hai?\n<cristian_c> maurizio, ti ho risposto sopra, xchat è fatto per chattare, se ti serve altro, cerca i plugin\n<Torpedo_Smash> cristian_c, mai avute casse esterne e ho solo quell'uscita\n<cristian_c> Torpedo_Smash, beh, fatti prestare delle casse\n<cristian_c> e prova\n<Torpedo_Smash> cristian_c, chiedo al mio coinquilino, un momento\n<cristian_c> Torpedo_Smash, il problema potrebbe essere l'uscita cuffie/casse\n<cristian_c> Torpedo_Smash, se è difettosa, con quella prova, lo vedi subito\n<maurizio> vabbe chiedero aiuto a qualcun'altro\n<cristian_c> Torpedo_Smash, anzi, quando provi con casse e cuffie , controlla i volumi nella scheda Applicazioni delle impostazioni audio\n<cristian_c> durante la riproduzione\n<cristian_c> !chat | maurizio\n<ubot-it> maurizio: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<Torpedo_Smash> cristian_c, ancora muto\n<toni> ciao\n<cristian_c> Torpedo_Smash, ok, prova come ti ho detto con la scheda Applicazioni selezionata\n<cristian_c> sia con casse che cuffie\n<Torpedo_Smash> cristian_c, tutto al massimo, ma non va, ora devo andare a pranzo, grazie comunque!\n<cristian_c> Torpedo_Smash, se guardi alsamixer con le cuffie scollegate , il canale Speaker passa da MM a 00?\n<cristian_c> ok\n<Torpedo_Smash> cristian_c, sì\n<cristian_c> ok\n<ramirez> salve.ho da poco istallato ubuntu 14.10 su asus F552C.Non mi funzionava la scheda wireless.scheda mediatec.Poi qui in chat mi avete già aiutato e risolto il problema.ora non riesco piu a farla funzionare.chi mi può seguire.grazie\n<ramirez> ho giò disponobile una usb con iso ubuntu 14.04.nel computer non ho ancora messo nulla quindi posso fare reistallazioni e quant altro\n<cristian_c> ramirez, come hai risolto?\n<ramirez> ho i driver della scheda mediatec m760e\n<ramirez> mi hanno guidato da terminale ma io non so rifarlo\n<cristian_c> ramirez, come avevi risolto in passato?\n<cristian_c> ramirez, su quale ubuntu avevi risolto?\n<ramirez> qui in chat passo passo su ubuntu 14.04\n<cristian_c> ok\n<ramirez> posso reistallarlo se necessario\n<cristian_c> ramirez, quindi hai installato la 14.10 e ora necessiti di rieseguirla?\n<cristian_c> l'installazione dei driver\n<ramirez> ehm,credo\n<cristian_c> credi?\n<ramirez> non sono pratico\n<ramirez> ho aggiornato alla 14.10\n<cristian_c> ramirez, quindi l'altra volta non hai installato i driver?\n<cristian_c> 'salve.ho da poco istallato ubuntu 14.10'\n<ramirez> ma credo che per me che sono nuovo sia meglio la 14-04\n<cristian_c> quindi reinstallando il sistema?\n<cristian_c> ramirez, dipende\n<ramirez> ok io seguirò i tuoi consigli,io sonoo muovo e non ne capisco molto\n<cristian_c> ramirez, facciamo un po' di chiarezza\n<cristian_c> hai installato la 14.10 da zero?\n<ramirez> no.da usb ho istallato la 14.04 poi mi ha chiesto l'avanzamento alla 14.10.un amico m'ha detto che la 14.04 LTS è meno problematica per uno nuovo come me.\n<cristian_c> ok\n<cristian_c> ramirez, in realtà, non è vero\n<cristian_c> semplicemente la 14.04 lts ha un supporto di 5 anni, cosa che la 14.10 non ha (solo 9 mesi)\n<ramirez> vabbè,io non ho competenze per farmi un id-)ea,mi fido di questa chat.è ubuntu ;)\n<cristian_c> ramirez, o meglio, puoi informarti a dovere\n<ramirez> ha,ok capito ty\n<cristian_c> !rilasci | ramirez\n<ubot-it> ramirez: Scalette di rilascio: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Rilasci | Cicli di vita delle versioni: http://www.ubuntu-it.org/progetto/rilasci\n<cristian_c> ramirez, così vedi quando 'scadono', come lo yogurt\n<ramirez> ahhaah,grazie\n<cristian_c> per quanto riguarda la scheda\n<cristian_c> non so bene cosa ti abbiano fatto fare sulla 14.04\n<cristian_c> ramirez, sei collegato via cavo da quel pc?\n<ramirez> via cavo\n<cristian_c> ramirez, apri un terminale e digita: lshw -C network\n<cristian_c> digita anche: rfkill list\n<cristian_c> ramirez, hai solo ubuntu installato sul portatile?\n<ramirez> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11327122/   si solo ubuntu\n<cristian_c> ramirez, questa scheda l'ho già vista qualche settimana fa\n<ramirez> si\n<ramirez> da Lukesky\n<ramirez> ho messo un altro nick,e ora ho riconosciuto pure il tuo ;-)\n<cristian_c> ramirez, ora mi ricordo di te\n<cristian_c> ramirez, mi sembra tu l'abbia installato sulla 14.10\n<cristian_c> o sbaglio?\n<ramirez> ahha già pochi orogressi,ma non  ho avuto propri tempo.si\n<cristian_c> l'rfkill è a posto\n<cristian_c> ramirez, beh, comunque\n<cristian_c> !logs | ramirez\n<ubot-it> ramirez: Log del canale: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/\n<ramirez> non ho capito,sono andato sul link,ci sono le passate sessioni?\n<ramirez> cosa significa !logs?\n<ramirez> mi sto leggendo questo http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/LogDiSistema  :-)\n<ramirez> mmh,non ci capisco\n<cristian_c> ramirez, sono i log di ubuntu, il canale è loggato\n<cristian_c> quindi puoi ritrovare anche la discussione dell'altra volta\n<ramirez> bene infatti c'avevo provato ma ancora npon lo so usare.se le ritrovo ho risolto mi basta seguirle\n<ramirez> come si fà la ricersca?sarebbe utilissimo\n<cristian_c> ramirez, di base non c'è la ricerca\n<cristian_c> ma so che con curl si può fare, ma non ho mai provato\n<cristian_c> ramirez, indicativamente, sai quando l'hai installata?\n<cristian_c> ahhhh, trovato\n<cristian_c> lukesky\tla mia scheda è una mediatec,ho i driver in una cartella dul desktop,ma non riesco a \"montarla\" quali comandi dal terminale?\n<cristian_c> ramirez, log del 2.3 maggio, ma poi si perdono le tracce\n<cristian_c> *2-3\n<ramirez> grande,ora guardo,però sarebbe bello se mi spieghi come si fa ;-)\n<cristian_c> non lo so, ho solo aperto qualche log a caso\n<ramirez> ah\n<cristian_c> ramirez, ma se tu ti ricordassi indicativamente quando, sarebbe più semplice\n<ramirez> eh,ora provo a cercare\n<cristian_c> trovato\n<cristian_c> 10 maggio\n<ramirez> bene\n<cristian_c> lukesky\tBuongiorno,chi mi può aiutare?ho 2 problemi con ubuntu 14.04 e 15.04.su ASUS F552C,c'ho installato U14.04,eliminando windows,non si vede la scheda wireless(mediatec ma ho i   \"driver\")\n<ramirez> sisi\n<cristian_c> lukesky\tsono con la 14.10\t17:30\n<cristian_c> lukesky\tnon funziona la scheda wirless mediatec su asus F552C,\t17:32\n<cristian_c> ramirez, quindi avevi la 14.10 già\n<ramirez> eh credo che avevo fatto confusione.ore la sto ricercando aspè vediamo se riesco a trovarla\n<cristian_c> ramirez, per capirci, sei sempre con la stessa 14.10?\n<cristian_c> visto che i driver li hai installati sulla 14.10\n<cristian_c> ramirez, a menio che tu non abbia fatto altro che non hai detto\n<cristian_c> *meno\n<ramirez> ukesky, allora, da quel che capisco\n<ramirez> [08:37] <lukesky> è quella MT7630E_Wi-Fi_BT_Source_V3.14_20140625_v2 ho sulla scrivania\n<ramirez> [08:37] <cristian_c> c'è modo di farla funzionare con un vecchio kernel\n<ramirez> [08:37] <lukesky> la cartella con i driver\n<ramirez> [08:38] <lukesky> mmh\n<ramirez> [08:38] <cristian_c> in quanto alcuni pc con preinstallato ubuntu erano dotati di questo chip wireless\n<Ramirez> che è successo?ho trovato la scorsa discussione\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, hai floodato il canale\n<cristian_c> e il bot ti ha buttato fuori\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, ma c'è una cosa del tuo discorso che non torna\n<Ramirez> ok\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, sei venuto qui oggi\n<Ramirez> dimmi\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, a dire che dovevi attivare il wifi sulla 14.10\n<cristian_c> e che l'avevi fatto sulla 14.04\n<cristian_c> quando invece il log mostra inequivocabilmente che l'hai installata sulla 14.10\n<Ramirez> boh,chre ti dico,c ho capito poco,comunque ora rieseguo le istruzioni dalle 09:01 della chat del 10 mag\n<Ramirez> faccio bene?\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11065317/\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, no\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, sarebbe utile se tu spiegassi esattamente il problema\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, non li avevi già installati i driver sulla 14.10?\n<cristian_c> perché lo domandi di nuovo?\n<Ramirez> si li avevo ma ora il network manager non mi fa vedere wi-fi\n<Ramirez> forse ho fatto casino\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, contestualizza il casino\n<Ramirez> provo\n<Ramirez> io non ho idea del perchè sulla barra non trovo piu le connessioni wireless,e non ho idea della cause.magari ci sono e non li so \"accendere\"\n<Ramirez> ho spento in malo modo?ho istallato qualcosa di sbagliato?non lo sò.\n<Ramirez> comunque ho intensione di rimettere la 14.04 e tenerla fino alla 15.04 LTS.che dici?ora però per risolvere ilproblema\n<krabador> quanto tempo , lukesky\n<Ramirez> seguirei(cercando di capire) le istruzioni del 10.tu che ne dici?\n<Ramirez> ciao kra\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, la 15.04 non è lts\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, facendo cosa saggia , puoi avanzare da subito alla 15.04\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, se hai fatto altro, puoi dirlo adesso\n<Ramirez> ho detto una caxx,come mi consigli di procedere?\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, ora hai detto che il wifi ha smesso di funzionare di punto in bianco\n<krabador> allora ? come va con il copia/incolla dei comandi?\n<cristian_c> eppure con dkms avrebbe dovuto continuare a funzionare anche dopo l'aggiornamento del kernel 3.16\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, digita: uname -a\n<Ramirez> non mi dà le opzioni wi-fi e prima si connetteva automat\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, dopo un po' di permanenza in chat , credo che tu abbia chiaro che se hai un problemi, lo devi descrivere accuratamente\n<cristian_c> fornendo i\n<cristian_c> !dettagli | Ramirez\n<ubot-it> Ramirez: Per favore dacci dettagli completi. Per esempio \"Ho un problema con..., sto usando Ubuntu versione... con interfaccia.... Quando provo a fare..., ottengo questo output: ..., ma mi sarei aspettato che facesse...\"\n<Ramirez> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11328395/ ok\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, sei passato soltanto dal -37 al -38\n<Ramirez> ?\n<cristian_c> come kernel , intendo\n<cristian_c> 3.16.0-38-generic\n<Ramirez> ah 3.16.0-37\n<Ramirez> ok ho capito\n<Ramirez> ho letto\n<Ramirez> ma non sò come e perchè ne cosa comporta\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, ls -l /lib/firmware/\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, ls - /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/\n<cristian_c> sbagliato\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, ls -l /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, ls -l /lib/modules/3.16.0-37-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/\n<Ramirez> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11328484/\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, anche il primo e l'ultimo\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, digita, poi:  ls -l /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00\n<Ramirez> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11328552/\n<Ramirez> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11328563/\n<Ramirez> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11328565/\n<cristian_c> -rw-r--r--  1 root root  382212 mag 10 20:25 MT7650E234.bin\n<cristian_c> -rw-r--r--  1 root root  382212 mag 10 20:25 mt76x0.bin\n<cristian_c> il che significa che non hai cambiato sistema\n<cristian_c> <cristian_c> Ramirez, ls -l /lib/modules/3.16.0-37-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, manca questo\n<cristian_c> ah, no, c'è\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, ok, hai aggiornato il kernel, e sono scomparsi i driver\n<Ramirez> ok\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, ma scusa, non è meglio che installi direttamente la 15.04?\n<Ramirez> se tu dici che è meglio per me va bene\n<Ramirez> infatti mi aveva chiesto di aggiornare alla 15\n<Ramirez> ma quando l 'ho fatto\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, anzi, prova prima in live\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, prova una live\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, ancora con la connessione lenta?\n<Ramirez> <lukesky> ciao crj,grazie,ora sono sulla 15.04\n<Ramirez> [12:20] <cristian_c> lukesky, avevo detto 14.10\n<Ramirez> [12:20] <cristian_c> non hai ascoltato\n<Ramirez> [12:21] <lukesky> si poi mi ha subito chiesto\n<Ramirez> [12:21] <lukesky> se volevo passare alla 15 e ho detto si\n<Ramirez> ops ho fatto qualche casino dopo aver copiaincollato una parte di testo di http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2015/05/10/%23ubuntu-it.txt mi si è scollegato,non vedevo utenti e diceva che ho impostato lo stato +i ramirez. e sono uscito\n<Ramirez> ci sei ancora cri?\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, è la seconda volta che il bot ti butta fuori\n<cristian_c> per lo stesso motivo di prima, che ti era stato spiegato\n<Ramirez> non l ho capito.comunque,dicevamo di passare alla 15.c'è qualcosa che non ti ho pastebinnato?\n<krabador> Ramirez, scarica , se non ce l'hai piu', la 15.04 , fa un supporto di installazione, mandalo in boot, e torna qui\n<Ramirez> ok\n<alealleg> salve a tutti\n<alealleg> ho un problema: ho installato ubuntu 15.04 e non mi funziona più l'audio dal pc\n<alealleg> se inserisco le cuffie funzione, dal pc no\n<alealleg> la scheda audio è una Realtek ALC269VB ed è riconosciuta dal sistema\n<alealleg> chi mi può aiutare?\n<alealleg> ho un problema di audio: la mia scheda audio è una Realtek ALC269VB e dopo aver installato ubuntu (15.04) l'audio si sente solo nelle cuffio e non più dagli altoparlanti del pc...\n<alealleg> chi può aiutarmi?\n<akis24> sera\n<Ramirez> cristian\n<Ramirez> kra\n<Ramirez> ?\n<Ramirez> sono sulla 15-04\n<Ramirez> sono ora sulla 15.04\n<rek> hi\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, ok\n<Ramirez> ok\n<cristian_c> <Ramirez> sono ora sulla 15.04 <-- mi riferivo a questo\n<Ramirez> si\n<Ramirez> ora come procediamo?\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, apri un terminale\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, non c'è connessione, giusto?\n<Ramirez> fatto sono via cavo.la wi fi non c è\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, lshw -C network && rfkill list\n<cristian_c> !paste | Ramirez\n<ubot-it> Ramirez: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<Ramirez> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11330361/\n<cristian_c> Ramirez,     lsmod | grep asus\n<Ramirez> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11330442/\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, ls -l /etc/modprobe.d/\n<Ramirez> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11330522/\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, echo \"options asus_nb_wmi wapf=0\" > /etc/modprobe.d/asus.conf\n<Ramirez> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11330578/\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, sudo -i\n<Ramirez> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11330599/\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, echo \"options asus_nb_wmi wapf=0\" > /etc/modprobe.d/asus.conf\n<Ramirez> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11330610/\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, exit\n<Ramirez> fatto\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, cat /etc/modprobe.d/asus.conf\n<Ramirez> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11330645/\n<cristian_c> ok, si parte da 0 e si arriva fino a 4, eventualmente\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, riavvia il pc\n<Ramirez> ho capito ora riavvio\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, lshw -C network && rfkill list\n<Ramirez> cri ancora niente proviamo con 1?miridai i\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, sudo -i\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, echo \"options asus_nb_wmi wapf=1\" > /etc/modprobe.d/asus.conf\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, exit\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, cat /etc/modprobe.d/asus.conf\n<Ramirez> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11330762/\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, cat /etc/issue\n<Ramirez> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11330801/ riavvio\n<Ramirez> ?\n<cristian_c> sì\n<Ramirez> niente proviamo col 2\n<Ramirez> ?\n<cristian_c> mmm\n<cristian_c> ti dico la mia\n<cristian_c> secondo me, questo metodo non funziona\n<Ramirez> ok\n<cristian_c> funziona nel caso\n<cristian_c> *-network DISABLED\n<cristian_c> ma tu hai invece:\n<cristian_c>   *-network UNCLAIMED\n<Ramirez> ti posso richiedere per favore,il comando per trovare le passate discussioni?mi sembrava comodo\n<Ramirez> ok ho capito come procediamo?\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, intanto, digita: sudo rm /etc/modprobe.d/asus.conf\n<Ramirez> torniamo alla 14.04?\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, in modo da eliminare il file che hai creato\n<Ramirez> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11330888/\n<Ramirez> l'altra volta eravamo tornati alla 14.04 mi sembra\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, eddai\n<cristian_c> c'è il log\n<Ramirez> come si accede alla lista?lo abbiamo fatto prima ma non mi ricordo\n<Ramirez> !log ?\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'log ?'\n<jester-> !logs\n<ubot-it> Log del canale: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/\n<Ramirez> grazie\n<Ramirez> cercavo questo,mi sarà utile anche in futuro\n<Ramirez> quindi seguo le istruzioni del 10 maggio (da quando siamo tornati alla 14) giusto cri?\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, cd mt7630e\n<Ramirez> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11330988/\n<Ramirez> siamo nella cartella no?\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, quindi l'hai conservata?\n<cristian_c> hai fatto avanzamento a 15.04, giusto?\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, non hai provato la 15.04 in live, come ti avevamo consigliato?\n<Ramirez> si\n<cristian_c> sì a quale domanda?\n<Ramirez> si se apro la home c'è la cartella m7630e\n<Ramirez> con i file dentro\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, e per quanto riguarda le altre domande?\n<Ramirez> ho fatto avanzamento\n<cristian_c> allora\n<Ramirez> da aggioenamento software\n<Ramirez> no\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, ls -l\n<Ramirez> quindi dovrò tornare alla 14.04 suppongo\n<cristian_c> !paste | Ramirez\n<ubot-it> Ramirez: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<Ramirez> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11331080/\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, make clean\n<Frediver> Buona Domenica\n<Ramirez> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11331113/\n<Frediver> Sapete per caso indicarmi come posso vedere che porte ho aperte sul router con ubuntu?\n<Frediver> nel registro del mio router ho trovato alcuni attacchi dos e port scan e non è la prima volta\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, ?\n<Ramirez> si\n<Ramirez> dimmi\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, puoi digitare l'ultimo comando che ti ho indicato?\n<Ramirez> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11331248/ nn m'ero accorto scusa\n<cristian_c> ok\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, make\n<Ramirez> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11331317/\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, sudo -s make install\n<Ramirez> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11331369/\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, ls -l /lib/firmware\n<cristian_c> considerato che i firmware erano già presenti, spero non abbia fatto delle copie :P\n<Ramirez> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11331395/\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, intanto riavvia il pc\n<Ramirez> ok\n<Ramirez> funzione :-)\n<Ramirez> si è pure ricordato la password\n<Ramirez> non me l'ha chiesta\n<akis24> :O\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, una cosa è il driver , una cosa è la conf\n<cristian_c> del network manager\n<Ramirez> ok.bene cri.ora io oserei chiederti di aiutarmi con altre 2-3 cosettine se puoi ;-)\n<Ramirez> tipo possiamo far funzionare anche il bluetooth?\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, io farei una cosa\n<Ramirez> dimmi ti seguo\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, visto che sei tornato dopo due settimane con lo stesso problema\n<Ramirez> si\n<Ramirez> mi guardo la discussione del 10 maggio\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, cd mt7630e\n<Ramirez> giusto,forse ci riesco\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, sudo make dkms\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, uname -a\n<Ramirez> ok cri scrivimi i comandi poi ti pastebinno su 1 solo\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, te li ho scritto alcuni secondi fa\n<cristian_c> *i\n<Ramirez> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11331612/ si abbiamo scritto in contemporanea\n<Ramirez> riavvio?\n<cristian_c> ora guardo\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, non c'è bisogno\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, ma potresti fare un'altra cosa\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, per evitare di guardare ogni volta il log del canale\n<Ramirez> dimmi\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, potresti scrivere la soluzione sul forum, se sei iscritto\n<cristian_c> ed eventualmente proporre il metodo d'installazione del wifi+bt nel wiki di ubuntu\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, aiutando così altre persone nella tua situazione\n<Ramirez> po ti chiederei ancora aiuto se posso,tipo vorrei far girare i programmi che non hanno una versione per ubuntu quindi vorrei  istallare wine e imparare a usarlo\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, wine è particolare\n<Ramirez> si sono iscritto dimmi come fare che lo facciamo subito\n<cristian_c> certe cose ci girano, altre ci girano con escamotage, altre ci girano così e così, non benissimo, e infine ci sono cose che proprio non ci girano affatto\n<Ramirez> facciamolo aiutami a metterlo sul forum,una volta già ci avevo provato\n<Ramirez> ok,prima mettiamo il risolto\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, se vai sul sito di winehq, c'è un database che mostra la compatibilità delle varie applicazioni di windows, con wine\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, sei già iscritto al forum?\n<Ramirez> poi comunque,se possibile mettiamo wine\n<cristian_c> ah, ok\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, se sei iscritto, è sufficiente che tu scriva esattamente la soluzione\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, compreso i comandi per scaricare il repository da github, ecc...\n<cristian_c> se guardi il log di due settimane fa e quello di oggi, ti sarà facile ricostruire il metodo\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, comunque, linux non è sostitutivo, ma bensì alternativo\n<cristian_c> a windows\n<Ramirez> scusa cri ho una telefonato\n<Ramirez> ok,cri allora dopo ci provo,così mi esercito pure.io qui  avevo windows ma volevo farlo fuori e l'ho fatto\n<Ramirez> certo che linux è alternativo,però wine mi può far comodo\n<Ramirez> si può istallare dal software center?\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, ti conviene tenerlo windows, in dual boot\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, sì, wine è nei repo ufficiali di ubuntu\n<cristian_c> !info wine\n<ubot-it> wine (source: wine1.6): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (meta-package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu4 (trusty), package size 0 kB, installed size 21 kB\n<Ramirez> orami l'ho già fatto fuori\n<Ramirez> procedo all'istallazione\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, fai sapere se poi sei riuscito a scrivere il metodo sul forum\n<Ramirez> un altra cosa,se posso.il computer è comunque lentino,eppure è vuoto,forse ci sono delle procedure da fare per renderlo un  pò   piu veloce?vabbè non è importante,così\n<Ramirez> mi pare lentino anche il firefox,e la connessione dovrebbe essere buona\n<Ramirez> si\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, dipende dalle capacità del pc\n<cristian_c> dalle sue caratteristiche\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, avevi detto l'altra volta che la cpu non era al massimo\n<cristian_c> è ancora così?\n<cristian_c> intendo cpu al 100% di consumo\n<Ramirez> non sò come controllarla\n<Ramirez> dove si va per vedere l'utilizzo della cpu?\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, dal task manager\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, ma l'altra volta dicesti che era a posto\n<cristian_c> quindi...\n<cristian_c> quindi l'hai già fatto in passato\n<Ramirez> ho trovato il monitor di sistema\n<cristian_c> guarda il carico in percentuale sulla cpu\n<Ramirez> CPU1 4-8 % CPU2 5-10 %\n<Ramirez> oscillano pi o meno così\n<cristian_c> bassina\n<cristian_c> allora non hai problemi con la cpu\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, il pc è relativamente recente/potente?\n<Ramirez> ok.per esempio ad aprire il software center ci mette 5 secondi\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, il software center è lento di suo\n<Ramirez> si è del 2014 ASUS F552C\n<Ramirez> na sola ma recente\n<cristian_c> ma per il resto, è fluido?\n<Ramirez> ok\n<cristian_c> oppure c'è altro che rallenta?\n<Ramirez> ma non credo,non ho titato giu quasi niente\n<Ramirez> solo vlc\n<Ramirez> per i video.film e non programmi pesanti\n<naxil> salve\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, non parlo a livello di donwnload\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, la fluidità del sistema è accettabile?\n<naxil> ho dei freeze improvvisi\n<Ramirez> non sò da dove si controlla\n<cristian_c> naxil, fai il controllo del disco\n<cristian_c> per vedere se ci sono settori danneggiati\n<Ramirez> si comunque piu o meno va bene\n<Ramirez> accettabile\n<Ramirez> lentino ma accettabile\n<naxil> cristian_c, ne ho fatti duemila.. me lo fa ad ogni riavvio cmq\n<naxil> fsck\n<cristian_c> Ramirez, quando va lento, controlla la cpu come hai fatto prima\n<cristian_c> naxil, esito?\n<naxil> pulito\n<naxil> pero' e' palloso dopo fsck si riavvia\n<cristian_c> naxil, come hai controllato?\n<naxil> perche' fsck arriva al 100% senza chiedermi FIZ?\n<naxil> fix?\n<naxil> scusa ma devo andare a pappare\n<naxil> ci si sente dopo\n<cristian_c> naxil, magari la prossima volta, rispondi alle domande\n<naxil> ti ho risposto\n<cristian_c> no\n<cristian_c> non l'hai fatto\n<naxil> a cosa non ho risposto?\n<naxil> fammi capire\n<cristian_c> <cristian_c> naxil, come hai controllato?\n<Ramirez> grazie cri,alla prox\n<luca1> ciao\n<naxil> krabador,\n<naxil> eccomi\n<naxil> ho etc/default/grub\n<naxil> ho aggiunto una linea su grub_cmd_line_default=\"acpi=off\"\n<naxil> e' giusta?\n<krabador> 2.02~beta2-9\n<krabador> questa è la versione di 14.04 , di grub\n<naxil> ma e' sempre grub1?\n<krabador> naxil, \"è giusta\" , anche la condanna a morte , nei paesi che la prevedono è giusta\n<krabador> dipende se c'è stato il reato\n<naxil> e' fatta bene?\n<naxil> voglio provare a disabilitare acpi\n<naxil> penso che va in freeze quando prova ad abbassare il volt della cpu\n<krabador> e perchè devi provare ad abbassare il voltaggio della cpu?\n<naxil> no no.. penso che vada in freeze quando usa il risparmio energia.. e i ghz fanno l'altalena\n<naxil> infatti quando lo lascio un po' in idle va in freeze\n<naxil> posso fare qualcosa per bloccare sempre la cpu al max?\n#ubuntu-it 2016-05-23\n<droxcell> Mi sa che vado a letto\n<droxcell> Domani massacro il portatile\n<droxcell> Grazie a tutti per l'aiuto!\n<droxcell> Notte\n<riky79> ciao ragazzi qualcuno puo aiutarmi?sn nuovo di ubuntu..ho scaricato wine,na qnd lo faccio partire da avvia nn ne vuole sapere..come dv fare?\n<riky79> scusate c'è nessuno'\n<riky79> ?\n<riky79> grazie lo stesso\n<nlona> salve ragazzi c'è qualcuno che sa come aiutarmi? Ho un grosso problema con kaffeine non visualizzo + nessun programma tv si vedono i dati epg ma a video schermo nero o provato a disintallare con purge e reinstallare ma non cambia nulla.\n<ligomat> Salve, avrei un problema con xubuntu. L'ho installato ieri e devo dire che il mio piccolo pc è veramente rinato. Ho seguito una guida trovata sul web su come abilitare compiz su xubuntu ed ha funzionato ma ad ogni avvio mi notifica un problema. Come potrei risolvere questo messaggio? Inoltre dopo aver abilitato compiz non posso cambiare più tema..\n<Rebarbaro91> ciao  non mi  notifica  piu'  quando  ci sono aggiornamenti\n<glpiana> Rebarbaro91, apri un terminale e scrivi: sudo apt-get update\n<Rebarbaro91> glpiana:  fatto\n<glpiana> Rebarbaro91, ora sudo apt-get upgrade\n<Rebarbaro91> glpiana: fatto\n<glpiana> Rebarbaro91, c'erano aggiornamenti?\n<Rebarbaro91> glpiana: no\n<glpiana> Rebarbaro91, quindi aveva ragione a non segnalare aggiornamenti\n<ExPBoy> :)\n<gigirock> Rebarbaro91, i computer son tipi precisetti.....\n<Rebarbaro91> di solito  quando  c'erano  aggiornamenti  mi  si  apriva  la  schermata  con  gli  aggiornamenti  da fare\n<Rebarbaro91> adesso no\n<ExPBoy> uhm\n<ExPBoy> se non ci sono non apre nulla\n<gigirock> Rebarbaro91, nella 1604 e' cambiato qualcosa per le notifiche degli aggiornamenti vai a vedere i changelog\n<Rebarbaro91> devo sempre cliccare' su aggiornamenti  software\n<Rebarbaro91> gigirock: come  li  vedo?\n<ExPBoy> Rebarbaro91, stai dicendo seriamente o scherzi?\n<Rebarbaro91> no  ho  sbagliato\n<Rebarbaro91> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<ExPBoy> eh\n<lillo> salve a tutti, non riesco a vedere le anteprime delle immagini su ubuntu... sono andato su nautilus /modifica/preferenze/anteprima e su mostrare i provini e le miniature ho messo sempre, ma non si vedono lo stesso! come posso fare? grazie\n<gigirock> lillo, ma che immagini sono ?\n<lillo> qualsiasi\n<lillo> jpg png\n<lillo> anche sotto i 10 mb\n<gigirock> lillo, ma adesso cosa vedi ? ci fai uno screenshot ?\n<lillo> si un sec\n<lillo> https://imagebin.ca/v/2i82E5vCcX4z\n<lillo> ecco qua\n<gigirock> lillo, sudo chmod -R 777 ~/.cache/thumbnails dal terminale\n<lillo> grazie! funziona\n<gigirock> lillo, suerte\n<lillo> ;)\n<lillo> gia che ci sono , vorrei chiederti un altra cosa se non disturbo troppo\n<lillo>  a volte, quando apro qualche pagina diciamo un po' piu' impegativa (con video, banner animati etc) mi si blocca il touchpad! e devo fare per forza sudo reboot... solo che non si riavvia ma si blocca e devo per forza spegnerlo dal tasto di spegnimento\n<lillo> cosa devo fare?\n<lillo> la tastiera funziona\n<lillo> il mouse no... non si sposta ne clicca\n<gigirock> lillo, mi sembra un problema legato all'hardware , e con che browser accade ?\n<lillo> firefox\n<lillo> sento proprio il pc che diventa piu' rumoroso, e poi puff il touchpad smette di funzionare\n<lillo> non ho mouse esterni\n<gigirock> lillo, puoi provare con chrome per esempio ?\n<lillo> chromium va bene lo stesso?\n<gigirock> si dai prova per primo con quello...\n<lillo> ok provo ad usare quello e se si blocca anche cosi' te lo dico\n<lillo> solo che non e' che si blocca sempre, come capita\n<gigirock> lillo, come sai firefox non ha una buona compatibilita' con adobe flash, e se il sito ne fa uso massivo magari crea problemi\n<lillo> e si blocca giusto giusto il touchpad? la tastiera funziona bene\n<gigirock> lillo, si blocca il touchpad ma poi si hanno problemi sulla gestione dello spegnimento .......\n<lillo> ahh\n<lillo> ok\n<lillo> ;)\n<Kalsifer> salve, mi servirebbe sapere cosa fare per far partire ubuntu dal CD/DVD; credo di averlo masterizzato correttamente, ma se riavvio il pc con il cd inserito mi parte sempre windows (10 home edition)\n<young> Kalsifer, devi settare dal bios l'avvio da cd\n<Apuane> Ciao mi servirebbe un aiutino!! Stavo configurando samba per mettere ubuntu in dominio windows ma dopo aver configurato il file /etc/nsswitch.conf; dando un qualunque comando con sudo mi da il seguente errore: \"sudo: Uid 1000 sconosciuto: utente sconosciuto.\"\n<Kalsifer> ok giusto, non pensavo che si potesse ancora ripartire dal bios\n<gigirock> Apuane, e cosa hai configurato in nsswitch.conf ?\n<Apuane> ho modificato questi paramentri: hosts: files dns winbind, passwd:  compat winbind, group: compat winbind\n<Apuane> scusami hosts: files dns wins\n<gigirock> Apuane, sudo group tuoutente\n * gigirock lunchtime\n<Apuane> mi da sempre questo errore: \"sudo: Uid 1000 sconosciuto: utente sconosciuto\n<Apuane> ogni comando con sudo\n<Apuane> se do il comando \"whoami\" mi dice \"whoami: impossibile trovare il nome dell'utente con id 1000\"\n<apuane1> ciao scusa mi si è bloccato il pc e non mi riconosce più la password. Deve essersi scasinato qualcosa in passwd penso\n<Fede200> ciao a tutti, ho un problema con l'interfaccia web di plex media, in pratica da quando ho installato apache non è più raggiungibile dai pc presenti all'interno della rete domestica, qualcuno sa aiutarmi?\n<Fede200> ciao a tutti, ho un problema con l'interfaccia web di plex media, in pratica da quando ho installato apache non è più raggiungibile dai pc presenti all'interno della rete domestica, qualcuno sa aiutarmi?\n<gigirock> Fede200, e dai sara' un default nella conf di apache\n<gigirock> !info apache2\n<ubot-it> apache2 (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server. In component main, is optional. Version 2.4.18-2ubuntu3 (xenial), package size 84 kB, installed size 488 kB\n<gigirock> !apache\n<ubot-it> apache: Installare e configurare Apache: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Server/Web - Installazione di un server LAMPP: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Server/Xampp\n<Fede200> gigirock: lampp è già installato, da localhost l'interfaccia web di plex la vedo perfettamente, il problema sta negli altri pc all'interno della rete, come se le porte fossero bloccate (ma non lo sono)\n<gigirock> Fede200, questo e' il canale di supporto per ubuntu e plex non e' ubuntu, per qualisasi altro argomento #ubuntu-it-chat\n<gigirock> !chat | Fede200\n<ubot-it> Fede200: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<squizzolo> salve, sto cercando di eseguire un programma in c. Ci ho perso tanto tempo per controllare se avessi sbagliato qualcosa o meno. Controllato il tipo di errore che mi da, ho visto che forse è perché la memoria è settata solamente in lettura/scrittura. Come posso controllare questo?\n<glpiana> squizzolo, di che memoria parli?\n<squizzolo> sinceramene non so! Ho letto: errore che si genera su piattaforme con protezione della memoria\n<glpiana> squizzolo, vabbè. passa comunque su #ubuntu-it-chat che qui sei off topic\n<squizzolo> ah ok scusate\n<leopaceco> ciao a tutti c'è nessuno?\n<gigirock> !nessuno | leopaceco\n<ubot-it> leopaceco: se nessuno parla in canale non significa che non ci siano utenti attivi. Fate la vostra domanda  tecnica e se qualcuno vorrà rispondervi lo farà\n<leopaceco> ciao, ho installato l'ultima release di ubuntu in dual boot, ho fatto le partizioni, disattivato il secur boot, avviato ubuntu dalla pennetta e l'ho installato\n<leopaceco> adesso pero non riesco ad entrarci, quando accendo/riavvio il pc non mi fa scegliere il os da caricare, mi pare in auto windows come sempre\n<leopaceco> ho win 8.1, suggerimenti?\n<krabador> leopaceco, disabilitazione di avvio rapido, da sistema operativo, e verifica come sta messo fastboot in bios\n<krabador> se hai installato con secure boot abilitato, NON VA DISABILITATO dopo\n<leopaceco> ok controllo, cmq l'avvio veloce attualmente è attivo. Ho installato con secure boot disabilitato e attualmente è disabilitato\n<The_shadow> Ciao a tutti. Sto provando a mettere in dominio windows. Ma quando eseguo il comando \"net ads join -U administrator\" mi da questo errore: \"DNS update failed: NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER\". Qualche consiglio?! Grazie\n<krabador> leopaceco, ubuntu supporta uefi, secure boot potevi lasciarlo com'era\n<krabador> !chat | The_shadow\n<ubot-it> The_shadow: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<The_shadow> ok grazie\n<leopaceco> avevo letto cosi in una guida di questo forum, cmq ho trovato come disabilitare il fast boot dalle impostazioni di sistema senza spegnere il pc, è lo stesso o lo devo fare dal bios?\n<krabador> leopaceco, questo non è un forum, e nella guida wiki ufficiale, è chiaramente esposto questo concetto\n<krabador> <krabador> leopaceco, disabilitazione di avvio rapido, da sistema operativo, e verifica come sta messo fastboot in bios\n<leopaceco> ok grazie, vado e controllo, mi rifaccio vivo :P\n<Leopaceco> Rieccomi, ho cercato la voce fast boot nel bios ma non l'ho trovata\n<Leopaceco> il fast boot comunque era disabilitato correttamente anche se non dal bios, infatti ci ha messo di più per accendersi, ciononostante il ha lanciato Windows ugualmente senza farmi scegliere il so\n<krabador> Leopaceco, win era installato con secure boot abilitato ?\n<Leopaceco> immagino di sì, io l'ho disabilitato X installare ubuntu ed è rimasto così\n<Leopaceco> provo ad attivarlo?\n<krabador> Leopaceco, quello che ti ho segnalato prima, vale anche per il contrario\n<krabador> se l'installazione del sistema è stata eseguita in una modalità, non si puo' cambiare l'impostazione di secure boot\n<krabador> a meno di non operare in modo da far funzionare l'installazione in quella modalità\n<Leopaceco> pero Windows mi parte ugualmente bo\n<Leopaceco> se provassi a mettere la voce network come prima scelta di boot che succederebbe?\n<krabador> piuttosto che usare le voci del boot a caso, verifica se è cambiato il numero delle voci di boot, in bios\n<Leopaceco> Come me quantità sono sempre le stesse\n<krabador> e cosa dicono  ?\n<Leopaceco> internal hd drive\n<Leopaceco> external device\n<Leopaceco> internal optical disc drive\n<Leopaceco> e network\n<Leopaceco> Primo in priorità ovviamente l'hd\n<krabador> Leopaceco, abilita secure boot, e segui  http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Uefi#Riparazione_bootloader , se windows è installato con secure boot abilitato\n<Leopaceco> Ok grazie mille :)\n<Shez_> salve a tutti\n<Shez_> ho installato guwf ma non riesco ad avviarlo mi va sempre in crash qualcuno può aiutarmi?\n<Shez_> Questo è l'errore che ricevo quando cerco di avviarlo da console http://pastebin.com/QVgRwcwQ\n<Shez_> c'è nessuno?\n<Shez_> c'è nessunoooooooooo........?\n<Carpte> salve, ho un problema con open-jdk l'ultima versione che mi trova è la sette ma questa mi sta creando problemi con la compilazione di sorgenti eclipse: Exception in thread \"main\" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/main/Main : Unsupported major.minor version 52\n<krabador> Carpte, su 16.04, nei repositories, c'è anche fino alla 9\n<krabador> Carpte, che ubuntu hai ?\n<Carpte> verifico perche non ricordo... da un pò che non lo usavo\n<Shez_> ho installato guwf ma non riesco ad avviarlo mi va sempre in crash qualcuno può aiutarmi?\n<Shez_> Questo è l'errore che ricevo quando cerco di avviarlo da console http://pastebin.com/QVgRwcwQ\n<krabador> Carpte, ti conviene usare un sistema di sviluppo basato su un sistema che usi spesso\n<Carpte> 15.10 la versione\n<krabador> Carpte, e che non devi controllare che versione è\n<krabador> Carpte, in 15.10 c'è 8\n<krabador> Carpte, sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<krabador> dpkg -l | grep openjdk | pastebinit\n<Carpte> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16637660/\n<Carpte> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16637660/\n<Carpte> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16637660/\n<Carpte> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16637660/\n<Carpte> scusa andava a capo e non lo avevo notato\n<krabador> dpkg -l | grep icedtea | pastebinit\n<Carpte> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16637783/\n<krabador> Carpte, sudo apt-get remove --purge openjdk-7-*\n<Carpte> krabador se installo la relese 16.10 risolvo direttamente? ho visto che la 16.10 è anche lts quindi mi sa che conviene cambiare\n<krabador> Carpte, sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk openjdk-8-jdk-headless openjdk-8-jre openjdk-8-jre-headless\n<krabador> Carpte, se 16.10, credo che tu abbia visto male.\n<Carpte> 16.04 sorry\n<f843d0> Shez_: hai provato ad installarlo in modalità live?\n<Shez_> f843d0, no\n<f843d0> Shez_: è un pacchetto standard, quindi avrai compromesso il tuo sistema, o a botte di PPA o con installazioni da fonti sempre non ufficiali\n<Shez_> ho installato il pacchetto dai repo\n<f843d0> Shez_: avrai compromesso il sistema in un momento precedente\n<Shez_> f843d0, ho reistallato tutto il stema da poco...\n<Shez_> *sistema\n<f843d0> Shez_: allora ti costerà pochissimo provarlo in live\n<Shez_> f843d0, in pratica vvio la lavi ed installo gufw?\n<Shez_> f843d0, in pratica avvio la la live ed installo gufw e vedo se mi da lo stesso problema?\n<krabador> Shez_, ti serve qualcuno che venga li ?\n<Shez_> krabador, no :)\n<krabador> molto bene :D\n<dragoverde> ciao gente, ho da poco installato ubuntu su un thinkpad t430 e non capisco perchè qui non mi esce la notifica quando ho il maiuscolo attivo, mi sapete dire come attivarla?\n<f843d0> dragoverde: notifica di tale evento mentre digiti la password?\n<dragoverde> no mentre sono dentro all'os, sul desktop ovunque\n<dragoverde> esco un secondo e torno\n<dragoverde> ciao rieccomi col problema della  notifica MAIUSC\n<f843d0> !info indicator-keylock | dragoverde\n<ubot-it> dragoverde: indicator-keylock (source: indicator-keylock): Indicator for Lock Keys. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.1.0 (xenial), package size 19 kB, installed size 172 kB\n<dragoverde> quindi sudo apt-get indicator-keylock ??\n<f843d0> dragoverde: può essere un inizio\n<dragoverde> non esiste\n<f843d0> dragoverde: la stringa di sopra dovrebbe convincerti del contrario, convieni?\n<f843d0> dragoverde: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && apt-cache search indicator-keylock | pastebinit\n<dragoverde> ho appena installato caps lock indicator seguendo le istruzioni di questo link : http://tipsonubuntu.com/2014/05/23/caps-lock-indicator-ubuntu-1404/\n<dragoverde> però ora non vedo niente sulla barra principale, come mai?\n<Mr_Pan> dragoverde, non si da supporto a fonti non ufficiali come quella linkata .....\n<Mr_Pan> dragoverde, e ovviamente neanche a PPA ...\n<Mr_Pan> !ppa | dragoverde\n<ubot-it> dragoverde: Un Personal Package Archive (PPA) è in grado di fornire il software alternativo non normalmente disponibile nei repository di Ubuntu offical - Alla ricerca di un PPA? Vedi https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - ATTENZIONE: PPA sono pacchetti di terze parti NON supportati il cui utilizzo è a proprio rischio. Vedi anche !addppa e !ppa-purge\n<f843d0> dragoverde: hai lanciato i comandi che ti sono stati suggeriti prima? Perchè cercare guide non ufficiali alla risorsa? Ogni software che si tenta di installare al di fuori della release richiede esperienza e capacità di giudizio.\n<dragoverde> quindi mi tocca rimuoverlo?\n<dragoverde> ti ho già risposto f8, non funzionano quei comandi.\n<f843d0> dragoverde: purtroppo, la tua risposta non è mai pervenuta sul canale. Il log ti offrirà un modo per verificare di persona\n<f843d0> 20:51:32< f843d0> dragoverde: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && apt-cache search indicator-keylock | pastebinit\n<Mr_Pan> dragoverde, apt-get install indicator-keylock   >> funziona ...\n<f843d0> Dopo questo messaggio, non c'è stata replica\n<dragoverde> mi pareva di avere risposto, strano. ecco il pastebinit: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16642724/\n<f843d0> dragoverde: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/05/23/%23ubuntu-it.txt\n<f843d0> dragoverde: dipana pure i tuoi dubbi. Vedi repliche?\n<f843d0> dragoverde: il pacchetto era correttamente individuato da apt-cache search, e potevi installarlo senza ricorrere a guide esterne di dubbia integrità.\n<shez_> rieccomi\n<f843d0> dragoverde: hai aggiunto PPA al sistema? cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit\n<dragoverde> ok, castigato l'ignorante. a questo punto?\n<shez_> non riesco ad installare gufw da live qualcuno può aiutarmi\n<f843d0> shez_: la live ha connessione ad internet?\n<shez_> si\n<f843d0> shez_: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && apt-cache search gufw | pastebinit\n<dragoverde> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16642804/\n<f843d0> dragoverde: sudo apt-get install indicator-keylog\n<dragoverde> e: impossibile trovare il pacchetto\n<f843d0> dragoverde: apt-cache search indicator-keylog | pastebinit\n<fausto> buonasera a tutti!volevo sapere come si puo disinstallare  ubuntu 16.04 per installa re unicamente win 10??\n<f843d0> !windows | fausto\n<ubot-it> fausto: per ricevere supporto per windows, rivolgersi al canale ##windows\n<dragoverde> si sta tentando di inviar eun pacchetto vuoto: in chiusura.\n<dragoverde> un documento*\n<f843d0> dragoverde: ah... e prima te lo trovava... avvia un sistema in live, assicurati di avere connessione, e controlla l'ultimo comando\n<dragoverde> madonna troppo difficile, a questo punto lo tolgo e via meglio...\n<f843d0> dragoverde: ottima scelta\n<f843d0> dragoverde: torna pure con un sistema operativo fasato sulla tua abilità utente\n<shez_> f843d0, mi dice che non localizza il pacchetto pastebin, lo stesso errore per gufw\n<f843d0> !paste | shez_\n<ubot-it> shez_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<f843d0> shez_: un output completo facilita la comprensione\n<fausto> okkey allora giro la domanda...come disinstallo ubuntu 16.04 per installare un altro sistema operativo?? non credo che l'assistenza windows mi dica come si disinstalli ubuntu...\n<dragoverde> guarda non ho ore da perdere per stare dietro a due app...per rimuovere: sudo apt-get remove giusto?\n<shez_> f843d0, devo trascrivere tutto in manuale perchè il problema è su un altra macchina non su questa....\n<f843d0> dragoverde: no, sudo apt-get --purge remove [package]\n<Mr_Pan> fausto, meti il nuovo S.O., formatta e reinstalla . fine\n<dragoverde> perchè se uso remove mi elimina solo parzialmente?\n<f843d0> dragoverde: --purge rimuove anche i file di configurazione. Per ogni dubbio, c'è il man\n<fausto> okkey gparted non mi fa formattare metto la usb con windows per sovrascrivere ubuntu e non me la legge\n<f843d0> shez_: male, sei sicuro di avere accesso internet?\n<shez_> f843d0, in pretica costruisce l'albero delle dipendenze, poi mi dice: E: unable to locate package pastebin, ed è la stessa situazione che si crea quando cerco di installare il pacchetto gufw\n<dragoverde> ok grazie\n<f843d0> shez_: non è un po' strano che 2/2 pacchetti non ti funzionano, nemmeno secondo la tua versione di essere in live?\n<shez_> f843d0, si, ho tolto anche il dhcp, il browser si collega ad internet... asp provo a pingare qualcosa...\n<f843d0> shez_: considera che ogni distribuzione è testata prima di essere rilasciata. E il bug non scappa certo in fase di installazione\n<shez_> f843d0, pingo il sito di google tranquillamente\n<shez_> f843d0, l'update di apt-get riesce...\n<f843d0> shez_: apt-cache search pastebinit\n<f843d0> !paste | shez_\n<ubot-it> shez_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<shez_> f843d0, http://pastebin.com/h7bZ5eNt\n<f843d0> shez_: ora... se apt-cache search lo trova...\n<f843d0> shez_: sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<f843d0> shez_: qualcosa risponde\n<f843d0> !paste | shez_\n<ubot-it> shez_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<shez_> f843d0, http://pastebin.com/Q455H18f\n<f843d0> shez_: ti sembra pastebinit?\n<shez_> f843d0, no ma la live è su un altra macchina ......\n<f843d0> shez_: ok, quando fai pace con il cervello, sottoponi nuovamente il tuo problema\n<shez_> ?\n<shez_> non ho capito, si è offeso?\n<Guest18695> ho instlalato amule e mi dà questo errore: http://i.imgur.com/vpWRCyn.png?1\n<al-allahji> mi sapete dire xkè?\n<Mr_Pan> !amule\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/InternetRete/Condivisione/Amule - vedi anche la voce !adunanza\n<jn_jn> sera :D\n#ubuntu-it 2016-05-24\n<jn_jn> buongiorno,\n<Simone90> Buongiorno a tutti, ho scoperto di aver perso dei dati da un RAID 1 che all'apparenza funziona perfettamente ma che ha cancellato e quando il pc è acceso, continua a cancellare file da solo.\n<Simone90> Negli ultimi giorni ho formattato il pc (il SO è installato su un terzo disco) e dopo l'installazione di Ubuntu 16.04 per vedere il raid ho installato mdadm e ho dato il comando \"sudo mdadm --assemble --scan\". Tutto sembrava funzionare fino a quando non ho fatto questa scoperta\n<ExPBoy> Simone90, se si cancellano dati può essere un malfunzionamento hardware sul raid\n<Simone90> ExPBoy: il raid è stato creato con il software mdadm non con un controller hardware\n<ExPBoy> eh\n<ExPBoy> Simone90, non sono un veggente ma secondo me hai i dischi a buone donne\n<Simone90> ExPBoy: entrambi in contemporanea?\n<ExPBoy> Simone90, non so che dirti fai delle prove del tipo escludi un disco ... e simili\n<Simone90> ExPBoy:  domanda banale, ma se tolgo uno dei due dischi li riesco a vedere normalmente (dato che sono in raid 1) o devo impartire qualche comando?\n<serenaf> Buongiorno tutti....sto tentando (nn riuscendoci) di ripristinare il pc con ubuntu 14.04 LTS che ad inserimento password iniziale crasha e non mi fa entrare, dopo vari tentativi adesso e' in tilt completo....riesco ad entrare in modalita' recovery ma non riesco a ripristinare....vorrei almeno recuperare i miei dati prima di formattare....Consigli?\n<serenaf> grz\n<serenaf> N.B. ho cambiato la passw ma niente da fare\n<ExPBoy> Simone90, in teoria lo vedi al limite sarà da montare\n<ExPBoy> serenaf, ma che è successo?\n<serenaf> grz tutti\n<ExPBoy> ?\n<ExPBoy> bho\n<Simone90> ExPBoy: ok prefetto, provo però facendo partire una live di ubuntu da USB, così se è un problema che c'è nel SO appena installato non me lo porto dietro, mentre se vedo che i file diminuiscono anche qui vuol dire che è il radi, in pratica restringo il campo\n<ExPBoy> Simone90, esatto\n<vincenzo82> ciao a tutti\n<vincenzo82> mi servirebbe installare sul computer un programma\n<vincenzo82> tipo daemon tools\n<vincenzo82> che programma mi consigliate e dove lo trovo?\n<vincenzo82> grazie in anticipo\n<miche_> vincenzo82: prova a cercare AcetoneISO\n<nitro282> ciao raga\n<nitro282> ho un problema\n<nitro282> ho installato la distro ubuntu 16.04\n<nitro282> vado per configurare la rete\n<nitro282> inserisco la maschera.... salvo.. non si collega\n<nitro282> scusate, ovviamente inserisco tutto, ip, maschera, gateway, dns\n<nitro282> salvo, non si collega, riapro e noto che nella maschera si mangia l'indirizzo\n<nitro282> trasformando in 25 O-o\n<nitro282> ho provato anche con nada\n<nitro282> provo a configurare tramite file interfaces\n<nitro282> e non sembra influire\n<nitro282> ho sempre confugurato senza problemi dall'interfaccia grafica\n<nitro282> non capisco perchè mi deve creare questo problema stupido\n<nitro282> non c'è nessuno?\n<dadexix86> nitro282, infatti è molto strano.\n<dadexix86> quando hai installato hai controllato l'MD5 dell'immagine?\n<dadexix86> se usi un altro utente funziona?\n<Carpte> buongiorno, sono di nuovo qui purtroppo... Dopo aver aggiornato la versione java come mi è stato suggerito ieri sto riscontrando notevoli difficolta in eclipse che mi crasha di continuo quando avvio il windowBuilder. Può dipendere dalla versione java? cioè openjdk version \"1.8.0_91\" ? Con java della oracle ci sono possibilita che risolvo il continu\n<Carpte> o crash?\n<Simone90> Buon pomeriggio a tutti, dopo alcuni problemi con un pc che utilizzavo come \"server\" domestico mi sono ritrovato con dei file cancellati su un Raid 1 creato con mdadm e con file system in ntfs\n<Simone90> qualcuno mi saprebbe aiutare nel recupero di questi dati?\n<Simone90> P.S. il raid funziona ed è perfettamente accessibile, non ha subito formattazioni o partizionamenti vari, semplicemente, a causa di un problema software di ignota natura, sono stati cancellati diversi file in cartelle a caso\n<akis24> !chat | Simone90\n<akis24> Simone90: poni la tua domanda su #ubuntu-it-chat  visto che non è argomento da canale di supporto\n<Simone90> akis24: ok\n<Carpte> nessuno sa darmi un consiglio/indicazione?\n<akis24> Carpte:  e la domanda ?\n<Carpte> buongiorno, sono di nuovo qui purtroppo... Dopo aver aggiornato la versione java come mi è stato suggerito ieri sto riscontrando notevoli difficolta in eclipse che mi crasha di continuo quando avvio il windowBuilder. Può dipendere dalla versione java? cioè openjdk version \"1.8.0_91\" ? Con java della oracle ci sono possibilita che risolvo il continu\n<Carpte> o crash?\n<akis24> Carpte:  sarebbe da testare ..  comunque chiedi su #ubuntu-it-chat\n<krabador> Carpte: è una questione che devi trattare con chi eclipse nello stesso sistema. Ieri hai chiesto , segnalato che avevi il problema con openjdk 7, ricevuto consiglio di provare con la 8, non hai segnalato se il problema si fosse risolto\n<Carpte> sisi il problema era risolto. con opnjdk7 non potevo compilare il sorgente con openjdk 8 compilo e eseguo ma se uso windowbuilder o simili crasha tutto\n<ubot-it> Simone90: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<nitro282> eccomi\n<nitro282> ora provo altro utent\n<gra> salve a tutti, in ubuntu 15.10 ho avuto problemi con gli spazzi di lavoro che a volte durante la selezione resta bloccato e debbo fare il reset del pc\n<akis24> gra: diminuiscili se possibile che pc hai ?  cpu? ram ?\n<gra> ciao akis24 , sai dirmi il comando per terminale per sapere le caratteristiche?\n<akis24> gra: cat /proc/cpuinfo  sul terminale e metti tutto su pastebin\n<gra> akis24    http://pastebin.com/B7y1ZW7z\n<akis24> gra: free da terminale e poi sempre su pastebin\n<gra> http://pastebin.com/8GZ5DLZG\n<akis24> gra:  che versione di ubuntu hai ?\n<gra> 15.10\n<akis24> gra: sudo apt-get update  .. sempre su paste\n<gra> http://pastebin.com/eEDMT1TY\n<akis24> gra: hai ppa nel sistema e quelli provocano problemi\n<gra> che sono i ppa?\n<akis24> gra: a breve \" luglio \" cessa il supporto per la tua versione ti conviene reinstallare  da zero comunque\n<akis24> !ppa\n<akis24> gra:  i ppa sono archivi di programmi non ufficiali  diciamo cosi\n<akis24> gra: prova a dare sudo apt-get clean\n<akis24> gra: non avrai risposta non serve che lo metti su pastebin\n<akis24> gra: comunque se lavori contemporaneamente su diversi spazi di lavoro il sistema tende a rallentare ovviamente\n<gra> Fatto. io ho installato la versione 15.10 con java6 perche sembra supportare bene sweethome3d, e ho anche wine con cooledith e flash5 per windows\n<akis24> gra: prova a limitare le applicazioni che apri contemporaneamente\n<akis24> gra: specie se impegnative  per il pc  ..\n<gra> Alle brutte evito di usare gli spazzi multipli. Grazie mille per il supporto\n<akis24> di nulla gra\n<nitro282> niente, sono entrato come ospite\n<nitro282> solo la maschera non mi fa inserire e dopo che salvo la sballa\n<nitro282> il resto me li tiene come dati\n<nitro282> non ci posso credere\n<nitro282> e da tre giorni che non trovo soluzioni\n<akis24> nitro282: parli da solo in supporto ?\n<nitro282> ?\n<nitro282> parlo da solo se nessuno risponde\n<nitro282> altrimenti cerco risposte\n<nitro282> possibile che non posso risolvere questa cavolata?\n<glpiana> nitro282, puoi esporre il tuo problema con chiarezza? magari qualcuno può aiutarti\n<akis24> nitro282: fermo restando che sei nel canale di supporto fai vedere quando hai chiesto ???\n<nitro282> inserisco maschera, o anche 0\n<nitro282> salvo e quando riapro visto che non connette\n<nitro282> mi trovo invece di quell'indirizzo un bel 24\n<nitro282> *25\n<nitro282> sono chiaro?\n<glpiana> nitro282, https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subnet_mask\n<nitro282> glpiana..\n<nitro282> ti conosco da circa 10 anni in questa chat :D\n<nitro282> avro installato ubuntu circa 200 volte\n<nitro282> ed ho questo problema.... vero\n<glpiana> nitro282, 25 è esattamente quello che hai scritto,\n<nitro282> ahhhh viene tradotto?\n<nitro282> e perchè allora non si connette??\n<glpiana> nitro282, eh, guarda anche il link che ti ho postato. non è comunque una novità dell'ultimo mese\n<nitro282> ahahah\n<f843d0> nitro282: probabilmente con quella maschera non vede il gateway o dhcp server\n<glpiana> nitro282, la connessione non è fatta solo di subnet mask. c'è l'ip, c'è il gateway, ci sono i dns... tante cose\n<nitro282> ma ubuntu non l'ho ha mai gestito cosi\n<nitro282> e non stavo pensando a quello ma piuttosto a un problema\n<nitro282> infatti è tutto corretto\n<nitro282> niente, allora cerco altrove il problema\n<simzar> salve, ho cliccato su un settattoggio dell'unity tweak tool e mi si è bloccato il sistema. sono da guest e non riesco più ad entrare con il mio account\n<simzar> che posso tentare?\n<f843d0> simzar: una possibilità è accedere da tty e cancellare ~/.config\n<f843d0> simzar: tutte le tue personalizzazioni delle applicazioni verranno perse\n<simzar> ok, come procedo?, hai una guida?\n<simzar> come apro una tty?\n<simzar> un terminale è uguale?\n<f843d0> simzar: un terminale è uguale\n<f843d0> simzar: entrare in tty significa accedere a un terminale senza interfaccia grafica\n<f843d0> simzar: modalità percorribile con Ctrl + Alt + F1 e ripristinabile con Ctrl + Alt + F6 o F7\n<simzar> F7, ok\n<simzar> mi loggo come utente admin e poi cosa cerco?\n<f843d0> simzar: il tuo utente sotto /home/[utente]\n<simzar> home/.config, giusto? da cancellare\n<f843d0> simzar: no, /home/[utente]/.config\n<simzar> ok\n<simzar> mi dice che è una directory\n<simzar> la rimuovo?\n<simzar> -f?\n<f843d0> simzar: rm -r /path/to/folder\n<simzar> rm -f\n<simzar> ok\n<simzar> non me la fa rimuovere\n<f843d0> simzar: dicendo?\n<simzar> che è una directory\n<f843d0> simzar: che comando impartisci?\n<simzar> Is a directory\n<simzar> sudo rm - f\n<f843d0> simzar: se ti ostini a usare -f invece che -r, ci passi il prossimo Ciclo Cosmologico Conforme a dare il comando\n<f843d0> 20:11:29< f843d0> simzar: rm -r /path/to/folder\n<simzar> hahaha\n<simzar> ok\n<simzar> scusa\n<orcra> ciao quando cerco di sospendere il sistema mi si spegne lo schermo e non c'è modo di uscirne se non tenere premuto accensione.\n<orcra> ho ubuntu 16.04\n<simzar> f843d0 riavvio?\n<f843d0> simzar: prova, buona fortuna\n<simzar> oppur devo ristabilire quella directory?\n<simzar> ok\n<samuele4414> buonasera\n<simzar> f843d0: fantastico, e adesso?\n<simzar> che sarebbe successo? non ho più le configurazioni di impostazione personale?\n<simzar> ma a parte quello, sembra che ho il software con gli accessi corretti, firefox funziona come prima\n<f843d0> simzar: esattamente, avevo avvisato\n<f843d0> 20:04:05< f843d0> simzar: tutte le tue personalizzazioni delle applicazioni verranno perse\n<Federico> Buonasera, ho bisogno di aiuto per iniziare con ubuntu...\n<Federico> qualcuno anche in privato senza rompere a tutti mi può aiutare?\n<simzar> certo, ma è molto meglio che non aver accesso del tutto, mi sembra grandioso\n<orcra> qualcuno sa quale sia il problema?\n<simzar> Federico: chiedi e basta\n<simzar> f843d0: ma è una scheggia, molto più veloce di prima, può essere che le configurazioni influissero sulle prestazioni?\n<doom_> ho impostato su ubuntu gnome il tema scuro globale ma cè un problema su ubuntu software center non vedo la descrizione dei programmi da installare\n<simzar> f843d0: di male in meglio, così tanto da far impressione, sono contento, grazie.\n<f843d0> simzar: sehr gerne, buon sistema\n<simzar> sehr? gerne?\n<f843d0> simzar: (è un piacere)\n<simzar> f843d0:  sehr gerne!\n<orcra> grazie\n<McLaren> Buonasera. Ho installato una scheda video Ati-Radeon HD3470 sulla MOBO, 2 uscite DP , monitor collegato con adattatore VGA. Putroppo ho lo schermo nero. Se faccio partire in modalita' normale dal menu Recovery vedo il desktop. Ho buttato ieri sera qualche comando nel terminale per controllare ma sembra tutto ok.\n<doom_> salve ho impostato su ubuntu gnome il tema scuro globale ma cè un problema su ubuntu software center non vedo la descrizione dei programmi da installare\n<primaesperienza> salve ragazzi sto cercando di installare chrome ma di da errore \" La dipendenza non può essere soddisfatta: libstdc++6 (>=4.8.0) \"\n<primaesperienza> uso ubuntu 12.04\n<vincenzo82> ciao volevo sapere come si chiama il programma identico a daemon tools in ubuntu?\n#ubuntu-it 2016-05-25\n<Alessio> Salve ho un problema , dopo aver formattato e installato linux Ubuntu , ho cercato di installare alcune applicazioni come un anti virus e u torrent,  ma non avvia le applicazioni non le installa e non le apre proprio\n<Alessio> Ho provato ad installare wine , e tutti i programmi interessati per lanciare un app ma niente  sono inesperto non ho mai avuto linux\n<Alessio> Nessuno può aiutarmi?\n<sdsfhhj_> buongiorno sto provando ad installare ubuntu16.04, ma sono bloccato sulla schermata delle partizioni, avrei bisogno di consigli!\n<sdsfhhj_> la schermata mi da tre possibilita, 1 installa ubuntu accanto...... 2  cancella disco......  3 altro\n<sdsfhhj_> io sul pc ho gia installato linux mint e windows e vorrei installare ubuntu al posto di linux mint e mantenere windowsint\n<sdsfhhj_> buongiorno sto provando ad installare ubuntu16.04, ma sono bloccato sulla schermata delle partizioni, avrei bisogno di consigli!\n<sdsfhhj_>  la schermata mi da tre possibilita, 1 installa ubuntu accanto...... 2  cancella disco......  3 altro\n<sdsfhhj_>  io sul pc ho gia installato linux mint e windows e vorrei installare ubuntu al posto di linux mint e mantenere windows.\n<sdsfhhj_> Vado sulla scelta 3 altro… e mi si presenta la tabella delle partizioni e qui mi fermo.Come faccio a cancellare linux mint e mettere ubuntu al suo posto?\n<ExPBoy> sdsfhhj_, installi sulla stessa partizione dove c'è mint e si cancella da solo\n<sdsfhhj_> ExPBoy, e ho provato ma qualcosa non funzia o sbaglio...\n<ExPBoy> !installazione\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione | Per installazione grafica http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download\n<akis24> sdsfhhj_:  sbagli .. ti basta selezionarla e assegnargli mountpoint /  ext4  formattare si  e verra' usata per l'installazione\n<ExPBoy> eh\n<sdsfhhj_> akis24, se seleziono la partizione di mint,poi faccio modifica_\n<sdsfhhj_> ?\n<ExPBoy> ?\n<ExPBoy> non hai detto che vuoi installare?\n<akis24> sdsfhhj_: esatto\n<sdsfhhj_> ExPBoy, ubuntu 16.04\n<ExPBoy> eh quindi cosa non hai capito di : installare sulla partizione mint?\n<sdsfhhj_> se seleziono modifica si apre una finestra con la dimensione della partizione e usare come,\n<akis24> sdsfhhj_: si devi solo impostarla come ext4  punto di mount /  e poi applica modifica\n<sdsfhhj_> akis24, ah adesso provo\n<sdsfhhj_> akis24, in punto di mount cosa metto\n<akis24> sdsfhhj_: eh te l'ho scritto due volte gia'   /\n<sdsfhhj_> akis24, scusa non avevo...\n<sdsfhhj_> akis24, ok è partita grazieeeeee\n<akis24> prego\n<Guest59255> Buongiorno a tutti, una domanda forse \"stupida\" a cui spero qualcuno possa rispondere... se una lts ha una versione del PHP in end of life, Canonical cmq continuera' a tappare i buchi sulla sicurezza fino alla fine della LTS giusto ?\n<akis24> Guest59255: si  la versione di php verra' aggiornata come il resto \" sempreche' abbiano qualcosa da tappare \"\n<Guest59255> grazie mille akis24\n<akis24> ovvio che la versione di php deve essere quella dei repo ufficiali .. di nulla\n<vincenzo82> ciao a tutti\n<vincenzo82> volevo sapere se ce un programma identico a daemon tools ma per ubuntu\n<vincenzo82> io ne ho provati un po ma non funzionano\n<akis24> vincenzo82: se si tratta di montare qualhe immagine .iso puoi usare acetoneiso\n<vincenzo82> lo so\n<akis24> vincenzo82: e allora che chiedi a fare\n<vincenzo82> akis24 non è solo quello\n<vincenzo82> akis24 per simulare cd virtuali?\n<akis24> !chat | vincenzo82:\n<ubot-it> vincenzo82:: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<vincenzo82> akis24\n<vincenzo82> akis24 grazie\n<akis24> di nulla\n<domenico> buongiorno a tutti per favoe una domanda...:date supporto anche per installazioni di edubuntu? ho spento il sistema con il tasto di alimentazione ed non si è piu avviato l'os\n<akis24> domenico: e all'avvio cosa ti appare ?\n<domenico> si blocca ad una schermata con scritto mi pare senbox...ecc...ho montato l'hd in un box ex usb e ho installato linuxlite sto usando questp per scrivere\n<domenico> sembrerebbe dannegiata la partizione in quanto tramite il gestore di cartelle non mi legge la partizione,o meglio la legge ma non mi fa entrare mi da errore\n<ExPBoy> domenico, potresti essere più preciso?\n<domenico> vorrei essere piu preciso ma non son tanto pratico di linux in generale...\n<akis24> domenico: intanto potresti provare ad accedere in recovery mode per tentare di ripararare il sistema\n<domenico> fatto non funziona\n<domenico> si blocca sempre alla solita schermata\n<akis24> domenico: se ci posti lerrore con esattezza se no andiamo a girare a vuoto\n<ExPBoy> sarebbe bene sapere l'errore preciso\n<ExPBoy> eh\n<akis24> l'errore*\n<domenico> busybox\n<ExPBoy> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=822576\n<domenico> appare  la schermata nera con scritto :busybox v ecc built-in.the.shell enter help for a list of built-in commands\n<ExPBoy> leggi il post\n<domenico> e non va avanti...\n<domenico> ok grazie\n<ExPBoy> domenico, in google trovi parecchio aiuto se l'errore è quello\n<domenico> ti ringrazio ho cercato ma non son riuscito a trovare la soluzione...continuo a carcare grazie ancora\n<ONEUBU> salve possiedo ubuntu 14.04, c'e' un modo invece di premere 2 volte x aprire una cartella basta 1 solo click per aprirla?\n<glpiana> ONEUBU, potresti provare a controllare nel gestore dei file, sotto \"modifica\" -> \"preferenze\". ci dovrebbe essere una scheda relativa al comportamento del mouse\n<ONEUBU> dove trovo gestore dei file?\n<glpiana> ONEUBU, il gestore dei file è il programma con cui visualizzi le icone dei file e le cartelle. se hai ubuntu con unity lo puoi aprire con la casetta in alto a sinistra\n<ONEUBU> cartella home?\n<glpiana> sì\n<ONEUBU> aprendo home tasto dx mi dà : proprietà non mi compare modifica o preferenze\n<ONEUBU> uso ubuntu 14.04 lts\n<glpiana> ONEUBU, no, apri normalmente il rpogramma. poi devi andare sulle preferenze del programma. se non hai un menu in alto con scritto \"modifica\", avrai un tasto in alto a destra, che, cliccato, ti mostrerà un menu\n<ONEUBU> http://s33.postimg.org/7ambrd1b3/Schermata_del_2016_05_25_13_05_35.png\n<glpiana> ONEUBU, se ti sposti col mouse in alto, sulla barra dove leggi \"Cartella home\", ti appariranno delle voci. una è \"modifica\"\n<ONEUBU> http://s33.postimg.org/jn1mnyehr/Schermata_del_2016_05_25_13_08_16.png\n<glpiana> ONEUBU, ho scritto \"barra in alto\", non di fianco\n<ONEUBU> http://s33.postimg.org/jeaj4szbz/Schermata_del_2016_05_25_13_10_01.png\n<ONEUBU> http://s33.postimg.org/49e0bg6ov/Schermata_del_2016_05_25_13_12_20.png\n<glpiana> ONEUBU, non ci capiamo. io intendo la barra che fa cornice allo schermo, quella che riporta la scritta \"Cartella home\" in alto, sopra le icone della barra laterale\n<ONEUBU> haaaa si si\n<ONEUBU> trovato :)\n<ONEUBU> ;)\n<ONEUBU> non la vedevo proprio quella hihiiihi abituato cn win\n<ONEUBU> grazie\n<glpiana> :)\n<ONEUBU> scusa se ti ho fatto perdere la testa :)\n<ONEUBU> la barra laterale si può spostare giu?\n<glpiana> ONEUBU, su 14.04 no, che io sappia\n<ONEUBU> in quale versione si può?\n<glpiana> mi pare di aver letto che lo si può fare nella 16.04\n<gigirock> si solo nella 1604 ....\n<ONEUBU> si ho letto nella 16.04\n<ONEUBU> ma si può aggiornare da 14.04 a 16.04?\n<ONEUBU> se si come fare?\n<gigirock> certo\n<gigirock> !avanzamento\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/NoteAvanzamento\n<ONEUBU> secondo voi mi consigliate ad effettuare aggiornamento da 14.04 a 16.04?\n<ONEUBU> questo notebook asus x54c è uscito con ubuntu 12.04 ho aggiornato a 14.04\n<nieppidefeffi> salve possiedo ubuntu 14.04 vorrei passare a 16.04 ma se provo ad aggiornare mi esce che è già aggiornato è non mi fà passare alla 16.04\n<nieppidefeffi> http://s33.postimg.org/ocyqceajj/Schermata_del_2016_05_25_13_33_54.png\n<nieppidefeffi> http://s33.postimg.org/n118yz2e7/Schermata_del_2016_05_25_13_34_07.png\n<nieppidefeffi> http://s33.postimg.org/8nh5sy7z3/Schermata_del_2016_05_25_13_34_23.png\n<nieppidefeffi> dove sbaglio?\n<gigirock> nieppidefeffi, vai in aggiornamenti software e metti \"da LTS\"\n<nieppidefeffi> è già impostato su lts\n<gigirock> nieppidefeffi, devi avere anche disco libero a sufficienza\n<nieppidefeffi> non ho installato nulla solo chrome e amule\n<gigirock> nieppidefeffi, allora ctrl alt t poi sudo update-manager -d\n<nieppidefeffi> http://s33.postimg.org/i5888f8bj/Schermata_del_2016_05_25_13_46_34.png\n<gigirock> nieppidefeffi, seleziona anche i proposti\n<nieppidefeffi> con il comendo sudo update-manager -d  è uscito\n<nieppidefeffi> adesso sta facendo agg.\n<gigirock> nieppidefeffi, hai driver video particolari ?\n<nieppidefeffi> no\n<nieppidefeffi> notebook x54c\n<nieppidefeffi> ubuntu certified con ubuntu 12.04\n<nieppidefeffi> mi è uscito software di 3 parti disattivato\n<gigirock> nieppidefeffi, nei driver video hai qualche driver 'proprietario' ?\n<nieppidefeffi> come lo vedo\n<gigirock> nieppidefeffi, si ok tutto normale .... vedi che tra una mezz'ora ti chiede delle conferme\n<nieppidefeffi> http://s33.postimg.org/iynmwtkgv/Schermata_del_2016_05_25_13_50_46.png\n<nieppidefeffi> che faccio?\n<gigirock> si ok procedi\n<nieppidefeffi> ok\n<gigirock> si ma amule non si puo' vedere......\n<nieppidefeffi> xchè?\n<nieppidefeffi> :(\n<gigirock> niente dai\n<nieppidefeffi> non è buono?\n<nieppidefeffi> quanto ci mette a finire?\n<nieppidefeffi> http://s33.postimg.org/z490a0rmn/Schermata_del_2016_05_25_13_54_13.png\n<Fero> ciao a tutti\n<morfeo> ciao\n<morfeo> chi può aiutarmi a stabilire una connessione alla rete internet con il terminale?\n<akis24> morfeo: chiedi in chat e non in supporto\n<morfeo> si grazie,  ora ci riprovo\n<akis24> !chat | morfeo cliccaci sopra ..\n<ubot-it> morfeo cliccaci sopra ..: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<federico> buona sera mi potete dire come fare due partizioni nel mio hard disk con ubuntu\n<federico> grazie in anticipo\n<federico> c e qualcuno\n<f843d0> !gparted | federico\n<ubot-it> federico: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/DispositiviPartizioni/PartizionamentoManuale\n<federico> lo sto usando ma non mi fa modificare nulla\n<federico> non mi ga modificare gli spazzi\n<federico> fa\n<federico> come posso fare\n<akis24> federico: per agire sulle partizioni devi smontarle  e poi puoi effettuare le modfiche sempre che non siano in uso\n<federico> non mi fa smontare\n<akis24> federico: quale partizione vuoi modificare ? quella di sistema ?\n<federico> si\n<federico> ho soo quella\n<federico> solo\n<akis24> federico: devi farlo da disco live non puoi modificare una partizione in uso\n<federico> come faccio\n<akis24> federico: ti scarichi una versione di ubuntu ti crei il disco live oppure la usb e poi modifichi la partizione su hard-disk\n<federico> ok ci provo\n<gigirock> ciprovaci\n<Guest88867> Salve a tutti, ho avuto un problema nel disinstallare Avidemux. Il programma compare nella barra di ricerca di ubuntu, ma non nel software center, e quando provo a disinstallarlo con sudo apt-get remove mi dice che il pacchetto non è installato. Inoltre continuo a ricevere richieste di aggiornamento per l'applicazione... Come posso fare?\n<mike00> ciao, qualcuno sa che comando devo usare per aprire telegram desktop da terminale?\n<mike00> lo vorrei mettere nelle applicazioni d'avvio... se possibile\n<gigirocK> mike00: ma si dovrà avviare sul dedktop ?\n<gigirocK> *desktop\n<mike00> in che senso?\n<krabador> spesso in uno solo ;)\n<gigirocK> mike00: lo vuoi avviare da terminale per vederlo sul desktop ?\n<mike00> mi serve il comando per aprirlo\n<mike00> e poi inserire il comando nelle Applicazioni d'Avvio\n<mike00> ???\n<krabador> mike00, http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/AvvioAutomatico#Unity\n<doom_> Salve ho impostato su ubuntu gnome14.04.4 il tema scuro globale e tema finestra e gtk Numix, il problema e che aprendo il software center e tutto bianco e non leggo i nomi delle applicazioni e le informazioni delle app.\n<krabador> doom_, molte applicazioni non supportano adwaita dark\n<doom_> krabador  non c'è un modo per risolvere? uso gnome14.04\n<krabador> doom_, non puoi pretendere che il sistema risponda completamente alle modifiche arbitrarie dell'utente\n<doom_> krabador - purtroppo gnome software non me lo fa scaricare su questa versione\n<krabador> doom_, hai 14.04.4 , tieni quello che è a corredo con quella versione\n<krabador> puoi solo provare a modificare parametri specifici di software center, che , in presenza di ulteriori customizzazioni che hai fatto , possono non riquadrare lo stesso\n<krabador> doom_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1913590\n<krabador> http://askubuntu.com/a/426742\n<mike00> krabador, lo so come aggiungere un programma alle Applicazioni d'Avvio, ma nmon so il comando di telegram desktop...\n<mike00> qualuno lo sa?\n<doom_> krabador dove trovo i codici per cambiare colore del testo?\n<afiox> buonasera, ho ubuntu 14.04 e vorrei passare al 16.04. In passato quando c'erano delle nuove versioni con altri pc ho ricevuto msg che chiedevano di passare alla versione successiva. come posso fare adesso visto che non ho ricevuto ancora alcun msg per l'aggiornamento?\n<afiox> grazie anticipatamente\n<Clutch1> Buonasera, avrei bisogno di un supporto su scheda video. Ho installato una Ati HD3470 ma ho lo schermo nero. Vedo la grafica se parto in modalità Resume e poi normal. Problema di driver o diritti ? il log di gpu manage dice questo..Error: can't access /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:01:00.0/driver\n<gigirock> zack_, iiddnn almeno salutare....\n<zack_> scusate. buonasera a tutti\n<true89> come facci a stallare i driver della mia stampante dal cmd ho gia il fail\n<gigirock> true89, prego fornire maggiori dettagli\n<true89> ho una stampante brother hl-1212w ho scaricato i draiver da internet per stampare ma non so come installarli\n<gigirock> true89, cosa hai scaricato ? che file ?\n<true89> ho scaricato i driver di stsmpa in formato deb\n<true89> formato .gz\n<gigirock> allora o deb o gz quale dei due ?\n<true89> gz\n<gigirock> ok ctrl alt t\n<gigirock> si apre un terminale ?\n<true89> si\n<gigirock> scrivi sudo apt install pastebinit\n<true89> fatto\n<gigirock> ok adesso come si chiama il file che hai scaricato ?\n<true89> linux-brprinter-installer-2.0.0-1.gz\n<gigirock> allora da dove 6 scrivi cp Scaricati/linux-brprinter-installer-2.0.0-1.gz .\n<true89> no such file or directory\n<true89> mi dice cosi\n<gigirock> scrivi ls -l | pastebinit\n<gigirock> mandami il link che ti ritorna\n<true89> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16693833/\n<true89> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16693833/\n<true89> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16693833/\n<gigirock> allora da dove 6 scrivi cp Scar poi premi TAB e vedi che lui ti scrive Scaricati/ poi scrivi linu poi TAB e vedi che lui completa.... metti il punto e invio\n<true89> cp Scart.\n<gigirock> true89, ma hai scaricato dal browser ?\n<true89> si\n<true89> cp scar.\n<gigirock> Scar con maiuscolo\n<gigirock> true89, in ubuntu maiuscole e minuscole contano\n<true89> cp: missing destination file operand after ‘Scar.’\n<true89> cp: missing destination file operand after ‘Scar.’\n<true89> cp: missing destination file operand after ‘Scar.’\n<true89> cp: missing destination file operand after ‘Scar.’\n<true89> mi da cosi\n<gigirock> true89, dopo cp Scar devi usare il tasto tab , non enter\n<gigirock> sai quale e' il tasto tab true89 ?\n<true89> scrivo linu e poi pigio tab ma non fa nulla\n<true89> si\n<gigirock> true89, dai .... cp Scaricati/linux-brprinter-installer-2.0.0-1.gz . fai copia incolla del comando dai............\n<true89> No such file or directory\n<gigirock> true89, ls Scaricati/ | pastebinit\n<true89> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16694089/\n<gigirock> true89, ma dove e' sto file ?\n<gigirock> true89, ls linux* | pastebinit\n<true89> You are trying to send an empty document, exiting.\n<gigirock> true89, find . -iname \"linu*\" | pastebinit\n<Clutch1> buonanotte a tutti\n<true89> autoremove\" per rimuoverli.\n<true89> 0 aggiornati, 0 installati, 0 da rimuovere e 218 non aggiornati.\n<true89> zoppi18@zoppi18-Aspire-E5-571G:~$  find . -iname \"linu*\" | pastebinit\n<true89> find: `./.gvfs': Permission denied\n<true89> find: `./.cache/dconf': Permission denied\n<true89> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16694176/\n<gigirock> true89, cd Documenti\n<true89> ???\n<gigirock> true89, sudo bash linux-brprinter-installer-2.0.0-1\n<true89> printer-installer-2.0.0-1: No such file or directory\n<gigirock> true pwd | pastebinit\n<gigirock> true89,pwd | pastebinit\n<true89> buntu.com/16694264/\n<gigirock> true89, cd Documenti\n<true89> fatto\n<gigirock> true89, sudo bash linux-brprinter-installer-2.0.0-1\n<true89> mi ha scritto in rosso me ->\n<gigirock> ?\n<true89> ho scritto come mi hai detto te e mi ha scritto     me ->   tutto in rosso\n<gigirock> me -> nel senso il tuo user ?\n<true89> no proprio me\n<gigirock> true89, fai control + c ....\n<gigirock> true89, poi cd ..\n<gigirock> true89, wget http://download.brother.com/welcome/dlf006893/linux-brprinter-installer-2.0.0-1.gz\n<true89> ora ha scritto il mio nome in rosso\n<gigirock> mah , sei nella tua dir ?\n<gigirock> true89, si e' scaricato il file ?\n<true89> si\n<true89> cosa è la dir\n<gigirock> true89, gunzip linux-brprinter-installer-2.0.0-1.gz\n<true89> l ho messo ma non  mi ha fatto niente\n<gigirock> true89, ls -l | pastebinit\n<true89> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16694462/\n<gigirock> true89, sudo chmod +x linux-brprinter-installer-2.0.0-1\n<true89> non fa nulla\n<gigirock> ok true89 come si chiama la stampante: modello ?\n<true89> brother hl-1212w\n<gigirock> true89, sudo bash linux-brprinter-installer-2.0.0-1 HL-1212W\n<true89> Driver-packages cannot be found.\n<true89>  Confirm the model name.\n<gigirock> true89, sudo bash linux-brprinter-installer-2.0.0-1\n<true89> ora ha smesso di scrivere in rosso\n<gigirock> true89, come e' collegata la stampante con usb ?\n<true89> mi ha detto imputmodel name ->\n<gigirock> true89, prova HL-1212\n<true89> no la stampante no la ho con me al momento\n<true89> comunque la posso colegare wirles o con usb\n<gigirock> con usb e' + semplice\n<gigirock> deve essere collegata per completare installazione\n<true89> Driver-packages cannot be found.\n<true89>  Confirm the model name.\n<gigirock> 6 sicuro del modello ?\n<true89> si\n<true89> hl-1212w\n<gigirock> true89, sudo bash linux-brprinter-installer-2.0.0-1 -h\n<true89> USAGE:  linux-brprinter-installer-2.0.0-1  model\n<true89>      :  linux-brprinter-installer-2.0.0-1   -f model\n<true89>      :  linux-brprinter-installer-2.0.0-1   -l\n<true89> che devo fare\n<gigirock> non c'e' quel modello nei driver....\n<true89> ?\n<true89> lo so la loro assistenza mi ha detto che per linux sono tuttinuguali\n<gigirock> lol\n<true89> tutti uguali\n<true89> mi hanno detto che era anche facile\n<true89> comunque il failè su ducumenti\n<gigirock> http://support.brother.com/g/b/downloadhowto.aspx?c=it&lang=it&prod=hl1212w_us_eu&os=128&dlid=dlf101546_000&flang=4&type3=561\n<gigirock> true89, ma se segui il link che ti ho mandato .... non e' il file che hai scaricato tu\n<true89> me l ha scaricato e penso che funzioni grazie mille della tua pazienza buona notte\n<Guest88867> Salve a tutti, ho avuto un problema nel disinstallare Avidemux. Il programma compare nella barra di ricerca di ubuntu, ma non nel software center, e quando provo a disinstallarlo con sudo apt-get remove mi dice che il pacchetto non è installato. Inoltre continuo a ricevere richieste di aggiornamento per l'applicazione... Come posso fare?\n<Guest42287> salve, la tastiera del mio laptop hp non viene riconosciuta dalla live 16.04\n<Guest42287> idee?\n<Mr_Pan> Guest42287, in che senso non viene riconsociut ala tastiera  ? da dove scrivi  ?\n<Guest42287> ciao Mr_Pan\n<Guest42287> bios la vede e la posso usare\n<Guest42287> ma come parte la gui non posso più scrivere\n<Guest42287> Mr_Pan, ??\n<Innerina> C'é qualcuno sveglio a quest'ora? Ho un problema con un pacchetto danneggiato...\n<krabador> certo, se dormono  non ti risponderanno\n<Innerina> Eh per forza era una domanda del tipo se ci sei batti un colpo XD\n<Innerina> detto questo, è ubuntu-desktop la rogna =/\n<krabador> Innerina, sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<krabador> Innerina, dpkg -i | grep ubuntu-desktop | pastebinit\n<Innerina> Ok\n<krabador> in tutto questo, da quale ubuntu/derivata stai scrivendo ?\n<Innerina> Ubuntu Mate 16.04 appena avanzato\n<Innerina> sembra andato a buon fine tutto tranne questo\n<Innerina> Mi dà questo output: dpkg: errore: l'operazione richiesta necessita dei privilegi di super-utente\n<Innerina> Si sta tentando di inviare un documento vuoto, in chiusura.\n<krabador> beh, in ubuntu-mate ubuntu-desktop non ti serve\n<Innerina> Ah ottimo\n<Innerina> ma dove dà problemi invece?\n<Innerina> Dico gli ambienti\n<krabador> è il metapacchetto per ubuntu main, con unity\n<Innerina> Ah, dà problemi col fallback?\n<Innerina> Di Unity me ne frego, ma quello fallback...\n<krabador> no, l'avanzamento di versione, da qualsiasi versione a qualsiasi versione, se il sistema è parecchio \"vissuto\" puo' avere noie del genere\n<krabador> ma fallback in mate non ti serve neanche\n<krabador> è una questione unity\n<Innerina> No, è un altro degli ambienti che ho\n<Innerina> Perché avevo anche Ubuntu classico con Unity + il fallback\n<krabador> fallback è una modalità di unity\n<krabador> esatto\n<Innerina> ma ormai uso solo Mate...\n<krabador> se la dimensione è questa puoi lasciarlo com'è\n<Innerina> Ma se entro in fallback appunto, avrò noie col desktop?\n<krabador> non hai ubuntu mate, se partivi da ubuntu a cui hai messo mate\n<Innerina> Sì è così, ci ho aggiunto Mate\n<krabador> conseguentemente problemi con componenti ubuntu main, se vuoi usare ubuntu main un fallback o meno\n<krabador> te li porti dietro\n<Innerina> mi sembra di ricordare\n<krabador> se sei intenzionata ad usare mate, puoi ignorare\n<krabador> altrimenti sudo apt-get remove --purge ubuntu-desktop\n<Innerina> Ho capito ma se entro in Unity o fallback che succede con questo metapacchetto fallato?\n<Innerina> Non vedo il desktop o cosa?\n<krabador> sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop\n<krabador> sudo apt-get build-dep ubuntu-desktop\n<Innerina> Ho già provato il reinstall da Synaptic, ma non funziona\n<Innerina> cmq grazie\n<krabador> keep calm and use bash\n<krabador> segnala se hai errori durante la procedura\n<Innerina> Ah ho capito cosa sbagliavo, riprovo il comando di prima\n<Innerina> ah no\n<Innerina> farò come dici tu\n#ubuntu-it 2016-05-26\n<Innerina> Ok, sembra andato tutto a buon fine, ho pure fatto pulizia con sudo apt-get autoremove.. e si è pulito anche il grub =)\n<krabador> perfetto\n<Innerina> Grazie e buonanotte... =)\n<Python_96> Buongiorno, ho installato ubuntu 16.04 ma la mia scheda video mi da problemi ovvero: vedo lo schermo scolorito. Non so proprio come risolvere vi prego aiuto. Scheda video = amd hd 8570d & amd r740. Il driver che il sistema ha installato è il radeon.\n<Python_96> c'è qualcuno che mi può aiutare?\n<jn_jn> Python_96, prova a chiedere e vedi se ti risponde qualcuno\n<ExPBoy> !qualcuno\n<ubot-it> la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera'\n<Joan> buongiorno a tutti, premesso che mi sono avvicinato da poco ai sistemi linux vi chiedo un aiuto perchè attualmente utilizzo Xubuntu LTS 14.04 che vorrei aggiornare alla versione 16.04. Il mio sistema non rileva questa nuova versione pertanto non mi propone l'aggiornamento...come posso farlo ?fare\n<Joan> grazie\n<akis24> Joan:  aspettare che segnali la possibilita' di avanzare\n<ExPBoy> !aggiornamento\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione#Avanzamento_di_versione\n<Joan> non c'è un modo per farlo da terminale ?\n<Joan> non c'è un modo per farlo da terminale ?\n<ExPBoy> Joan, leggere la guida no?\n<akis24> e ci si stanca se leggeva in fondo .. capiva\n<glpiana> Joan, anzitutto i repository devono essere a posto\n<glpiana> Joan, apri un terminale e digita: sudo apt-get update      dopodichè copia tutto l'output su pastebin\n<glpiana> !paste | Joan\n<ubot-it> Joan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<Joan> ok, scusatemi e grazie per le risposte\n<Python_96> ho installato ubuntu 16.04 ma la mia scheda video mi da problemi ovvero: vedo lo schermo scolorito. Non so proprio come risolvere vi prego aiuto. Scheda video = amd hd 8570d & amd r740. Il driver che il sistema ha installato è il radeon.\n<Python_96> sono disperato  :(\n<jn_jn> Python hai provato con i nouveau?\n<glpiana> jn_jn, i nouveau sono per le schede nvidia, non per le amd\n<jn_jn> prima casomai prova con i nouveau poi trovati i driver appropriati per la tua gpu e li installi manualmente se servisse, io non ho schede video AMD e mai le avrò, potrebbe essere che i driver per la 16 sono buggati e devi attendere che venga risolto, oppure ti da problemi il fatto che ci sono 2 gpu\n<glpiana> Python_96, durante l'installazione e prima ancora durante la prova da live avevi il problema dello schermo?\n<jn_jn> ok credevo fossero buoni per amd i mesa li può usare?\n<glpiana> jn_jn, mesa non sono driver, sono librerie\n<jn_jn> glpiana, appunto che driver usano le amd?\n<glpiana> jn_jn, radeon\n<jn_jn> e basta?\n<glpiana> jn_jn, nella 16.04 credo ci siano solo quelli e non ci siano più gli fglrx, cioè i driver proprietari\n<jn_jn> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2016-March/016315.html\n<jn_jn> ho trovato questo forse non puoi avere un sistema stabile nella 16 con gpu amd\n<jn_jn> quindi torna alla 14\n<glpiana> jn_jn, basta limitarsi a usare i radeon e il sistema sarà stabile, senza dubbio\n<jn_jn> è ma se ha i radeon e non gli funzionano dove sta il probl?\n<jn_jn> non credo che sia un problema HW\n<glpiana> jn_jn, fin che non risponde non lo sapremo mai. inoltre non è questo il canale in cui tirare a indovinare risposte su argomenti che si ignorano\n<ExPBoy> :)\n<glpiana> jn_jn, se vogliamo chiacchierare della cosa, entra in #ubuntu-it-chat\n<jn_jn> ok volevo perdere un pò di tempo\n<jn_jn> scusate\n<Python_96> glpiana: già da quando ho avviato la live\n<Python_96> glpiana: e prima anche con windows perchè non trovavo il driver giusto. Perciò come faccio  :'(\n<glpiana> Python_96, prendi per cortesia una videata per farci capire qual è il problema\n<glpiana> !image | Python_96\n<ubot-it> Python_96: Carica un'immagine su http://prnt.sc/ o https://imgur.com/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<Python_96> glpiana: se vi faccio lo screen voi lo vedete normale\n<Python_96> è poi in questo momento sono a lavoro\n<jn_jn> prova ad inviarlo\n<Python_96> ho già provato e ne sono sicuro al 100% jn_jn\n<ExPBoy> Python_96, difficile aiutarti ....\n<glpiana> Python_96, beh, nel caso puoi sempre fare una foto allo schermo col cellulare in modo da mostrarci quello che vedi tu\n<glpiana> Python_96, ma se al momento non hai il pc sotto mano...\n<Python_96> glpiana: vedo se riesco a farmela inviare due secondi\n<glpiana> Python_96, intanto dimmi: driver aggiuntivi ti propone qualcosa?\n<Python_96> no\n<Python_96> comunque adesso non mi possono mandare la foto\n<Python_96> vi spiego in poche parole i colori del monitor non sono belli limpidi/nitidi ma si vedo molto scoloriti vengono caricati di più i colori scuri\n<Python_96> non so se mi sono spiegato\n<Python_96> :)\n<glpiana> Python_96, stiamo parlando di un portatile?\n<Python_96> desktop\n<glpiana> Python_96, hai già provato a configurare la gamma dei colori con le impostazioni dello schermo?\n<Python_96> ovvero?\n<ExPBoy> Python_96, hai detto che avevi problemi anche in windows quindi mai andato bene quel coso?\n<glpiana> Python_96, il tuo monitor ha sicuramente dei tasti per configurarne luminosità contrasto gamma e quant'altro\n<Python_96> ExPBoy: si andava bene con i vecchi driver ma da quando amd gli ha aggiornati ho sto problema\n<Python_96> ok\n<ExPBoy> Python_96, rimetti quelli vecchi\n<Python_96> glpiana: si ho capito...\n<Python_96> ExPBoy: si 1) se funzionassero 2) se lo trovo vedo tutto grigio\n<Python_96> ExPBoy:  le ho provate veramente tutte\n<ExPBoy> Python_96, non ci sto capendo molto: hai appena detto che con i vecchi driver era ok ma forse ho capito male\n<Python_96> ExPBoy: allora quando avevo windows e usavo quel driver che ero riuscito a trovare andava bene ma, ogni volta che installo un nuovo os ho sto problema. Che i rilevatori automatici dei driver mi trovano quello aggiornato e quello mi da problemi, e non sto riuscendo più  a trovare la mia versione\n<glpiana> se state parlando di driver di windows siete pregati di continuare in #ubuntu-it-chat\n<Python_96> glpiana: no era per farvi capire cosa intendevo\n<Python_96> non riuscite a trovare una soluzione vero?\n<gigirock> Python_96, come e' collegato il video ?\n<Python_96> gigirock: hdmi\n<Python_96> perchè gigirock?\n<Mr_Pan> cavo scadente ?\n<gigirock> Python_96, non tutti i cavi hdmi sono ok, poi se hai altri input prova con quelli io ho un monitor che dvi va benissimo display port e' peggio\n<Python_96> Mr_Pan: dotazione con il pc\n<gigirock> Python_96, la scheda ha altri output ?\n<Python_96> dvi\n<Python_96> è li ho un secondo monitor\n<Python_96> che ha l'uscita vga collegato ad un adattatore hdmi collegato poi ad un adattatore dvi\n<gigirock> Python_96, che skifo\n<Python_96> è quello in questo modo si vede bene\n<Python_96> gigirock: è vecchio avevo quello è lo usato\n<gigirock> !italiano | Python_96\n<ubot-it> Python_96: scrivere in maniera corretta facilita la lettura dei messaggi: frasi contenenti abbreviazioni, spesso chiare soltanto a chi le scrive, sono di difficile interpretazione. Ti invitiamo pertanto a non usarle. Vedi http://tinyurl.com/35d9kcn\n<Python_96> gigirock: cosa non hai capito?\n<Python_96> che te lo rispiego meglio\n<gigirock> Python_96, è con accento o senza cambiano il senso delle frasi , puoi usarli correttamente\n<glpiana> Python_96, se con quell'accrocchio l'altro monitor va bene il problema, imho, non sta nei driver. prova a procurarti un altro cavo hdmi e prova con quello. prova anche come ti ho suggerito pocanzi a settare meglio il monitor\n<glpiana> per le disquisizioni sull'ortografia e la grammatica siete sul canale sbagliato\n<Python_96> glpiana: ok glpiana ti ringrazio ^_^\n<Python_96> glpiana: speriamo che funzioni ti faccio sapere come va\n<tonybrooklin> salve, ho ubuntu gnome 16.04 installato; vorrei sapere come modificare la barra dei preferiti che appare di solito se portate la freccia nell'angolo sinistro in alto dello schermo. Ecco io vorrei che questa barra non apparisse in questo modo ma che fosse sempre visibile\n<gigirock> tonybrooklin, hai gia' provato con tweak ?\n<gigirock> tonybrooklin,  ma poi cosi' e' come se fosse unity..............\n<Vincenzo82> Ciao a tutti ho aggiornato ubuntu 16.04 perché mi ha segnalato che c erano aggiorn di sistema. Ecco da quando l ho aggiornato va lento e i browser non si aprono più. In cerca programmi mi dice che non ci sono programmi cosa può essere successo? Sto scrivendo da iphone\n<glpiana> Vincenzo82, apri un terminale e scrivi: sudo dpkg --configure -a\n<Vincenzo82> Ok\n<tonybrooklin> gigirock, ma quale versione di tweak?\n<tonybrooklin> gigirock, perché c'è la versione per unity, scusa l'ignoranza ma unity non è l'ambiente grafico, diciamo stock, di ubuntu?\n<tonybrooklin> gigirock, perché io ho scaricato la derivata appunto di gnome\n<glpiana> tonybrooklin, probabile che intendesse gnome-tweak-tool dato che hai detto di avere gnome\n<Vincenzo82> Glpiana impossibile accedere all area di stato dpkg. File sistem sola lettura\n<gigirock> tonybrooklin, si tonybrooklin mi sbaglio io tweak penso ci sia solo per unity, per gnome non so se esistono tool appositi...\n<glpiana> Vincenzo82, riavvia il pc, al menu di grub scegli di accedere alle altre opzioni di avvio e fai partire la prima voce che riporta recovery mode\n<tonybrooklin> glpiana, addirittura dovrei andare in recovery? io l'ho visto fare da uno youtuber che tratta di linux. Si possono condividere link di youtube?\n<glpiana> tonybrooklin, perchè dovresti andare in recovery?\n<krabador> tonybrooklin: per quello che dice lo youtuber ne discuti con lui\n<tonybrooklin> krabador, intendevo dire che l'ho visto fare, ma io non ci riesco\n<tonybrooklin> glpiana, tu hai scritto, \"fai partire la prima voce che riporta la recovery mode\"\n<gigirock> tonybrooklin, esiste gnome-tweak-tool\n<tonybrooklin> gigirock, okok provo a scaricarlo\n<glpiana> tonybrooklin, l'ho detto, ma non a te, a Vincenzo82\n<gigirock> !info gnome-twaek-tool\n<ubot-it> Package gnome-twaek-tool does not exist in xenial\n<gigirock> !info gnome-tweak-tool\n<ubot-it> gnome-tweak-tool (source: gnome-tweak-tool): tool to adjust advanced configuration settings for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.18.1-1 (xenial), package size 161 kB, installed size 948 kB\n<tonybrooklin> glpiana, scusate non sono abituato, è la prima volta che discuto in un client irc\n<Vincenzo82> Glpiana non riesco più ad accedere a ubuntu dopo il recovery\n<gigirock> Vincenzo82, sai cosa e' un chroot ?\n<krabador> !ripristino | Vincenzo82\n<ubot-it> Vincenzo82: Per ripristinare un sistema danneggiato: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/RipristinoInstallazione\n<Vincenzo82> No non lo so\n<vincenzo82> glpiana chiedo scusa per le continue disconnessioni ma da iphone si disconnette sempre, ho risolto reistallando il sistema, volevo ripristinare ma nelle voci di installazione non compariva reistalla ubuntu per cui l ho installato da capo, In futuro mi riguardero dall aggiornarlo\n<Pengaraia> Ciao vorrei sapere se avendo 2 partizioni e possibile installare ubuntu nella seconda e formattare solo lo spazio destinatogli ??\n<glpiana> Pengaraia, è possibile\n<glpiana> !pasrtizionamento\n<ubot-it> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)\n<glpiana> !partizionamento | Pengaraia\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'partizionamento'\n<glpiana> vabbè\n<glpiana> !gparted | Pengaraia\n<ubot-it> Pengaraia: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/DispositiviPartizioni/PartizionamentoManuale\n<Pengaraia> ubot ce dadire che hai buon tempo\n<krabador> fa quello che può\n<Pengaraia> certo un bell ambientino\n<glpiana> Pengaraia, ti è stata indicata la guida per partizionare il disco. se dopo averla letta hai dei dubbi, chiedi pure qui. chi saprà aiutarti lo farà\n<Pengaraia> Guida verificata con Ubuntu: 12.04 14.04 e valida x il 16.o4\n<glpiana> Pengaraia, sì, funziona sempre allo stesso modo.\n<Pengaraia> grazie\n<glpiana> Pengaraia, puoi usare la seconda partizione del tuo disco per metterci ubuntu, ma se la tocchi ne perdi il contenuto\n<glpiana> Pengaraia, puoi però ridimensionarla, ma prima ti conviene fare un defrag da windows, per accorpare il più possibile i dati contenuti (sempre che ce ne siano)\n<Pengaraia> tutto o solo lo spazio che gli dedico\n<glpiana> Pengaraia, è inoltre il caso di creare una partizione di swap (della dimensione della tua ram in linea di massima)\n<glpiana> Pengaraia, come meglio credi\n<glpiana> Pengaraia, ultima cosa, nello spazio che liberi crea una partizione estesa, dentro la quale potrai inserire tutte le partizioni che vuoi\n<Pengaraia> allora vorrei agire in questo modo. dare 100 o 150 Gb dedicarli al SO e a successive applicazioni per cui penso mi basti una partizione??\n<glpiana> Pengaraia, mettendo sistema e dati nella stessa partizione ti basta, certo. e ti eviti di pensare a quanto spazio lasciare all'una o all'altra cosa\n<Pengaraia> bene un ultima cosa ''partizione di swap'' me lo poi approfondire un pochino di più :)\n<Pengaraia> se non la faccio adopera tt quella che ce o sbaglio ??\n<glpiana> falla, serve di appoggio alla ram satura\n<Pengaraia> ah e qunto le dedico ?? o 2 gb l'avrei gia aumentata ma con xp non serve non la utilizerebbe\n<glpiana> Pengaraia, se hai 2 giga, falla di 2 o al massimo di 4 (che magari poi ti viene voglia di aumentarla)\n<Pengaraia> ok ma con 4 gira lo stesso anche se x adesso non cisono ??\n<glpiana> Pengaraia, lo farebbe anche con 1 o con 3. ma tu falla di almeno 2 giga\n<glpiana> Pengaraia, tutte le operazioni di cui abbiamo parlato possono essere eseguite in fase di installazione, quando si arriva al partizionamento (esclusa la deframmentazione, che va fatta da windows)\n<Pengaraia> no no lo faccio di 4 volevo gia aumentarla con xp ma non la sfuttava anzi peggiotavano le perfomance\n<glpiana> Pengaraia, stai solo attento a non cancellare/formattare/eliminare la partizione con xp\n<Pengaraia> e be certo da win\n<Pengaraia> no no ne ho due\n<Pengaraia> C e D :)\n<glpiana> Pengaraia, D contiene dati?\n<Pengaraia> no solo aplicazioni\n<Pengaraia> cmq su D ce molto spazio\n<glpiana> Pengaraia, esegui la deframmentazione e vedi come si presenta lo spazio disponibile dopo\n<Pengaraia> ok\n<Pengaraia> grazie del tuo tempo gentilissima o o :)\n<Pengaraia> ciao\n<mattew1991> buonasera ho un problema con l'installazione della stampante samsung scx-3200\n<ramk9966> buona sera a tutti\n<mattew1991> puoi aiutarmi\n<constancenott> Ciao!\n<constancenott> Qualcuno mi può aiutare? Ho comprato da poco HP stream 13 con 32 gb di memoria e dato che io e Windows non ci piacciamo proprio, sto cercando disperatamente di installarci Lubuntu o Xubuntu. Il primo (dopo aver scaricato Rufus e provveduto a fare un'immagine iso) al riavvio non me lo vede nemmeno. Il secondo invece mi dice 'invalid arch independen\n<constancenott> t efi magic grub'.\n<constancenott> Aiutoooooooo :(\n<Nick25> Qualcuno sa come aggiornare alla 16.04 dalla 14.04?\n<fabio46> ciao qualcuno può aiutarmi?\n<akis24> !chiedi | fabio46\n<ubot-it> fabio46: per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<fabio46> perfetto è la mia prima volta mi scuso. Ho assemblato un pc da usare come server casalingo ma dato che monta un i7-4790 volevo lasciare comunque la possibilità di sfruttarlo anche come un normale pc. Ho installato Kubuntu 16.04 e montato due hard disk uno da 1T e un'altro da 3 T. Quello da 1 T ospita il sistema operativo con relativa swap. Quello d\n<fabio46> a 3T E' un disco dati da condividere in rete. Ora il problema che sto avendo è montare l'ard disk all'avvio renderlo scrivibile e condividerlo in rete. Per quello Da 1T nessun problema. Per quello da 3T ho provato in tutti i modi anche con la modifica di fstab ma non monta la partizione. Premetto che l'ho partizionato in ext4.\n<f843d0> fabio46: come hai editato fstab? Hai specificato UUID del disco? Che errore ti dà mount dell'unità anche dopo l'avvio?\n<fabio46> nessun errore. Ho editato sia con UUID che con sdx. Ma niente non lo monta. COme se non lo vedesse proprio. pero se lo monto da file manager nessun problema ci entro tranquillamente\n<cristian_c> fabio46: controlla il dmesg\n<fabio46> come faccio?\n<cristian_c> fabio46: intanto: sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<fabio46> ok\n<fabio46> fatto\n<cristian_c> fabio46: dmesg | pastebinit\n<fabio46> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16715851/\n<cristian_c> fabio46: come monti il disco sdb?\n<f843d0> fabio46: come detto prima, hai provato a montare il disco da 3Tb (sdb) con e senza fstab?\n<fabio46> con fstab e senza fstab. Provato in tutte e due i modi.\n<fabio46> seguendo la guida che c'è sul sito ubuntu. http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/DispositiviPartizioni/MontarePartizioni/Ext4\n<cristian_c> fabio46: ok, ma in questo sessione, come l'hai montato?\n<fabio46> adesso non è montato\n<f843d0> fabio46: sei sicuro? mount | grep sdb | pastebinit\n<fabio46> mi dice si sta tentando di inviare un documento vuoto\n<cristian_c> [ 423.795809] EXT4-fs (sdb1): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null) [ 529.243545] EXT4-fs (sdb1): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null) [ 604.306254] EXT4-fs (sdb1): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)\n<fabio46> quindi vuol dire che è montato\n<cristian_c> fabio46: sudo fdisk -l | pastrbinit\n<cristian_c> fabio46: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit\n<cristian_c> il secondo\n<fabio46> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16716206/\n<f843d0> fabio46: mkdir ~/foo; sudo mount /dev/sdb1 ~/foo; mount | grep sdb | pastebinit\n<cristian_c> interessante, tabella gpt\n<f843d0> cristian_c: visto, invece che dos\n<cristian_c> mentre sda è dos\n<fabio46> che vuol dire?\n<fabio46> non vi seguo hlelp!!!! :D\n<f843d0> fabio46: con il comando di sopra, che dice?\n<fabio46> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16716273/\n<f843d0> fabio46: quindi ora è montato, hai dei contenuti nel disco?\n<fabio46> si ho dei contenuti\n<fabio46> musica film ecc...\n<f843d0> fabio46: ls /home/Server/foo rispecchia le tue aspettative?\n<f843d0> fabio46: scusa, ls /home/server/foo\n<fabio46> che vuol dire? scuso l'ignoranza ma sono nuovo del terminale conosco solo qualcosa di base\n<fabio46> cosa significa foo?\n<f843d0> fabio46: puoi digitare il comando senza porti domande esistenziali? ls /home/server/foo\n<f843d0> fabio46: ripeto, rispecchia le tue aspettative il risultato? [Y/n]\n<cristian_c> foo = baz\n<f843d0> cristian_c: eh no, prima viene bar\n<fabio46> hahhaha ho digitato e mi restituisce il contenuto dell'hard disk\n<cristian_c> esatto\n<f843d0> fabio46: ok, quindi se non te lo monta tramite fstab, è solo perchè l'fstab è compilato male\n<fabio46> quindi ora cosa faccio?\n<f843d0> fabio46: ritieni percorribile pubblicare il contenuto del tuo fstab? [y/n]\n<fabio46> si si nessun problema\n<f843d0> fabio46: cat /etc/fstab | pastebinit\n<fabio46> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16716429/\n<f843d0> fabio46: con tale fstab non monti sdb1 nemmeno fosse Cicciolina\n<cristian_c> lol\n<fabio46> hahaaahahha\n<fabio46> quindi?\n<cristian_c> fabio46: e come hai editato lo fstab?\n<cristian_c> visto che non hai aggiunto alcuna nuova riga\n<f843d0> fabio46: sudo blkid /dev/sdb1 | pastebinit\n<fabio46> si l'avevo aggiunta. adesso dato che non mi montava nulla l'ho tolta e ho portato tutto come all'origine\n<fabio46> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16716492/\n<cristian_c> il che non permette in alcun modo\n<cristian_c> di determinare cosa fosse andato storto nell'editing del file fstab\n<fabio46> quindi edito il file fstab?\n<cristian_c> fabio46: sì\n<cristian_c> ma spero nel modo giusto\n<cristian_c> !fstab\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Fstab\n<Clutch1> Buonasera, ho un problema di black screen dopo aver installato la scheda video. Ubuntu parte solo in safe mode. Grazie!\n<fabio46> ragazzi aiuto. Allora devo prima montare la partizione e poi editare il file fstab?\n<cristian_c> Clutch1: installato nel senso di 'montato'?\n<cristian_c> fabio46: no\n<Clutch1> si scusa\n<cristian_c> fabio46: apri il file fstab in scrittura\n<fabio46> fatto\n<fabio46> UUID=c4a92bf1-5f4a-4d85-815a-ece5b22ab269    /media/UUID=c4a92bf1-5f4a-4d85-815a-ece5b22ab269  rw,defaults  0    0\n<fabio46> così?\n<cristian_c> fabio46: ok, sdb1 è una partizione dati?\n<fabio46> si sdb1 è dati\n<cristian_c> fabio46: UUID=c4a92bf1-5f4a-4d85-815a-ece5b22ab269    /media/nomeutente/directory  defaults  0    2\n<cristian_c> fabio46: dov'è montata di solito la tua partizione?\n<fabio46> prima la montavo in una cartella in media/SERVER_MEDIA\n<f843d0> Clutch1: magari sapere il modello di scheda video e la versione di Ubuntu...\n<fabio46> directyory è sdb1?\n<f843d0> fabio46: no, il device te lo scordi proprio, stai usando UUID\n<f843d0> fabio46: UUID=c4a92bf1-5f4a-4d85-815a-ece5b22ab269    /media/SERVER_MEDIA  defaults  0    2\n<Clutch1> ATI RADEON HD 3470 - ubuntu 14.04.04\n<f843d0> fabio46: quando hai scritto, salvato, etc. posta cat /etc/fstab | pastebinit\n<fabio46> l'ho provato mille volte questo ma non va niente\n<f843d0> fabio46: abbi fede\n<fabio46> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16716821/\n<fabio46> certo certo :)\n<f843d0> Clutch1: avevi una scheda video differente prima? Hai installato dei driver particolari? Settaggi di xorg.conf?\n<f843d0> fabio46: chi ha messo il # davanti?\n<f843d0> fabio46: il Diavoletto di Pascal?\n<fabio46> hahahhah devo toglierlo?\n<Clutch1> no: avevo solo l'integrata prima.\n<cristian_c> fabio46: spe, m'ero dimenticato ext4\n<fabio46> hai ragione\n<f843d0> fabio46: togli il # sicuramente. Metti ext4, e metti <pass> 0\n<cristian_c> fabio46: f843d0> fabio46: UUID=c4a92bf1-5f4a-4d85-815a-ece5b22ab269    /media/SERVER_MEDIA  ext4 defaults  0    0\n<f843d0> fabio46: quando hai fatto, come prima. cat /etc/fstab | pastebinit\n<fabio46> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16716873/\n<f843d0> Clutch1: e dell'integrata non hai specificato niente a livello di xorg.conf?\n<cristian_c> ok, buono\n<f843d0> Clutch1: stai forzando l'impiego di qualche driver in particolare?\n<Clutch1> no non ho mai toccato nula\n<Clutch1> no\n<f843d0> fabio46: ora, sudo umount /home/server/foo && rmdir /home/server/foo\n<fabio46> ok\n<f843d0> Clutch1: quando avvii e approdi al black screen... cosa accade se premi Ctrl + Alt + F1 ?\n<Clutch1> nulla\n<f843d0> Clutch1: hai già provato a entrare in modalità tty?\n<f843d0> fabio46: quando hai fatto, sudo mkdir /media/SERVER_MEDIA\n<fabio46> fatto\n<f843d0> fabio46: sudo mount /media/SERVER_MEDIA\n<fabio46> fatto\n<f843d0> fabio46: ls /media/SERVER_MEDIA\n<fabio46> ls /media/SERVER_MEDIA\n<fabio46> ok\n<f843d0> fabio46: l'unica cosa, controlla se l'utente può scrivere. Temo che così solo con diritti di amministrazione puoi scrivere\n<fabio46> comunque lo ha montato e in home me lo apre adesso\n<fabio46> se non me lo scrive cosa posso fare?\n<Clutch1> ti racconto una roba che ho fatto...chiaramente a casaccio ...ho provato l'alto giorno a lanciare un sudo startx ..mi ha bloccato l'account e poi lo sbloccato sudo chown etcc. e funzionava ..anche facendo diversi reboot. poi ho spento fisicamente la macchina e quando è ripartita aveva lo schermo nero\n<f843d0> fabio46: intanto prova, poi ci pensiamo\n<f843d0> Clutch1: è stata una storia interessante, soprattutto con sudo chown...\n<f843d0> Clutch1: prova con un supporto di installazione in modalità live. Se funziona, avrai devastato il sistema con operazioni casuali\n<fabio46> adesso è scrivibile. ma avevo proprio questo problema prima di non vedere più l'ard disk montato all'avvio. appena riavviavo mi si toglievano i permessi di scrittura\n<f843d0> fabio46: qual miglior modo di testare se non riavviare? :)\n<f843d0> fabio46: se il problema persiste, contattiamo cristian_c\n<Clutch1> se metto il CD live non leggo nulla putroppo\n<fabio46> Hard disk :D\n<fabio46> va benissimo comqune sei un grande grazie :D ora riavvio e mi ricollego\n<f843d0> Clutch1: hai impostato le priorità di boot in modo adeguato? Il disco ha mai funzionato? Hai controllato l'md5?\n<f843d0> fabio46: sehr gerne\n<Clutch1> il live CD funziona perche' l'usavo per collegarmi al sito della banca ..non riconosce la scheda...il CD gira\n<cristian_c> Clutch1: esattamente in quale punto ti blocchi?\n<f843d0> Clutch1: aspetta, cerchiamo di usare la terminologia adeguata allora...\n<Clutch1> dopo grub...\n<f843d0> Clutch1: riesci ad approdare al menu con la scritta \"Prova Ubuntu senza installare?\"\n<Clutch1> no\n<Clutch1> aspetta..\n<Clutch1> ora non ricordo ma mi sembra di no\n<f843d0> Clutch1: magari riprovare?\n<Clutch1> se vuoi provo\n<f843d0> Clutch1: eh ma non è che lo faccio per il piacere di saperti all'opera eh\n<Clutch1> ok esco provo e mi ricollego tra 5 min. txs!\n<cristian_c> Clutch1: quindi nel grub, cosa scegli?\n<Clutch1> scusate: GRUB del mio pc o del LIVE CD ?\n<f843d0> Clutch1: il live cd ha poco a che fare con Grub\n<Clutch1> ok ora esco inforno il cd e faccio sapere...grazie per ora!\n<cristian_c> speriamo che il cd non si bruci, dopo essere stato ibfornato\n<Clutch1> rieccomi..il live cd funziona..monitor nero...la spia disco lavora...\n<f843d0> Clutch1: hai selezionato la voce \"Prova Ubuntu senza installare\" ?\n<Clutch1> non vedo nulla\n<Clutch1> tutto nero\n<Clutch1> ho provato anche con vecchio cd di XUBuntu...lo schermo sfarfalla....\n<cristian_c> Clutch1: ma cos'hai scelto nel menù iniziale di grub?\n<Clutch1> nulla non vedo nulla nel dvd...una volta che inforno inizia a leggere ma non vedo nulla\n<cristian_c> Clutch1: avevi detto che appariva il grub\n<Clutch1> scusatemi non sono molto esperto e rischio di fare caos come al solito. il menu grub lo vedo sul pc cove ho installato unbutu e fino a li nessun problema\n<cristian_c> Clutch1: e cosa vedi sul pc che ti interessa, invece?\n<Clutch1> il menu di grub e se scelgo le opzioni ri recovery  le vedo tutte\n<cristian_c> allora vedi il grub su entrambi i pc\n<Clutch1> non sono stato chiaro scusami : ho solo un PC.\n<cristian_c> perfetto\n<Clutch1> ho provato a fare un boot con il cd ma appunto non funziona\n<cristian_c> Clutch1: intendo, quando mandi in boot il disco live\n<cristian_c> il grub appare?\n<Clutch1> non vedo nulla\n<Clutch1> pero' funziona perche la spia del disco lavora\n<cristian_c> Clutch1: e vedi qualcosa dopo l'avvio del disco?\n<cristian_c> nulla nulla?\n<Clutch1> probabilmente arriva fino al punto dove chiede se vuoi provare la versione live o installare\n<cristian_c> ah, ecco\n<cristian_c> !image | Clutch1\n<ubot-it> Clutch1: Carica un'immagine su http://prnt.sc/ o https://imgur.com/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<Clutch1> nero\n<Clutch1> scusate.. ho lanciato il comando da terminale\n<Clutch1> mi dice imagescan  install !\n<Clutch1> mi dice imagescan  install |\n<cristian_c> Clutch1: comando? Dove?\n<Clutch1> sul terminale !image |\n<cristian_c> Clutch1: non è un comando\n<cristian_c> di terminake\n<cristian_c> Clutch1: e vedi qualcosa dopo l'avvio del disco?\n<Clutch1> no\n<Clutch1> si vede un simbolo all'inzio per qualche secondo sfondo viola...\n<Clutch1> in basso...poi parte il caricamento e tutto si spegne\n<cristian_c> Clutch1: il che appare dopo la schermata di menù\n<cristian_c> che quindi aicuramente appare\n<Clutch1> il menu' non lo vedo\n<cristian_c> Clutch1: qualcosa vedi\n<cristian_c> postalo\n<cristian_c> !image | Clutch1\n<ubot-it> Clutch1: Carica un'immagine su http://prnt.sc/ o https://imgur.com/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<Clutch1> ci provo ok ! a dopo\n<Clutch1> ECCO IL LINK http://prnt.sc/b8ud2u+\n<Clutch1> http://prnt.sc/b8ud2u\n<cristian_c> Clutch1: icone di tastiera e omino\n<Clutch1> ESATTO\n<cristian_c> Clutch1: per favore, rimuovi il maiuscolo\n<cristian_c> *il tutto maiuscolo\n<Clutch1> si scusa\n<cristian_c> Clutch1: in quella schermata che hai mostrato, premi un tasto qualsiasi\n<Clutch1> ok esco faccio il test e riporto grazie\n<Clutch1> dal live cd premendo un tasto sono entrato nel menu e ho lanciato \"ubuntu senza installazione\" ma lo schermo è nero\n<Clutch1> notte a tutti\n<vincy> ciao ce qualcuno che puo aiutarmi_\n<vincy> oggi per ben 2 volte a causa dell-ultimo aggiornamento il mio computer e andato in tilt\n<vincy> la prima volta ho tentato il ripristino ma poi si [ fermato alla scritta imitramfs\n<vincy> ho reinstallato ubuntu 16.04\n<vincy> anava tutto bene finche ha rifatto quell aggiornamento dopo di che stesso di oggi, il pc ha cominciato a bloccarsi a rallentare. ho riavviato\n<vincy> ed ora di nuovo initramfs\n<vincy> ora sono connesso dalla live\n<vincy> mi potete aiutare_grazie\n<vincy> aiutatemi\n<vincy> allora_\n<vincy> grazie mille\n#ubuntu-it 2016-05-27\n<stefano1967> buongiorno\n<akis24> !ciao | stefano1967\n<ubot-it> stefano1967: Ciao! Benvenuto in #ubuntu-it\n<stefano1967> ho un problema con avanzamento versione...\n<stefano1967> c'e' qualcuno che può aiutarmi?\n<akis24> stefano1967:  avanzamento da quale versione  a che versione ?\n<stefano1967> dalla 14.04 alla 16.04\n<akis24> stefano1967: hai aggiunto ppa al sistema ?\n<stefano1967> no\n<stefano1967> scusa forse si\n<akis24> stefano1967:  sudo apt-get update e metti su pastebin tutto\n<akis24> !paste | stefano1967\n<ubot-it> stefano1967: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<stefano1967> fatto\n<akis24> stefano1967: posta il link della pagina col risultato qui in canale ..\n<stefano1967> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16728242/\n<stefano1967> mi sento scemo, scusami\n<akis24> di nulla ..\n<akis24> stefano1967: non hai segnalazione di avanzamento ? o che problema hai dacci qualche dettaglio\n<glpiana> stefano1967, perchè hai i repository porposed attivi?\n<stefano1967> non ho la segnalazione di avanzamento e non mi viene nemmeno con sudo do ....\n<stefano1967> come li disattivo?\n<glpiana> stefano1967, da sorgenti software\n<glpiana> ma non hai risposto\n<stefano1967> non lo so...\n<stefano1967> quali devono essere attivi?\n<glpiana> stefano1967, disattiva i proposed. poi torna al terminale e scrivi: sudo apt-get update\n<glpiana> stefano1967, poi scrivi: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade\n<stefano1967> fatto\n<halon> Una curiosità, anche a voi su unity con certe applicazioni i menu sopra (quelli che si integrano con la bara superiore) non vengono visualizzati?\n<glpiana> stefano1967, ha aggiornato qualcosa?\n<stefano1967> stefano@DESKTOP:~$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade\n<stefano1967> Lettura elenco dei pacchetti... Fatto\n<stefano1967> Generazione albero delle dipendenze\n<stefano1967> Lettura informazioni sullo stato... Fatto\n<stefano1967> Calcolo dell'aggiornamento... Eseguito\n<stefano1967> 0 aggiornati, 0 installati, 0 da rimuovere e 0 non aggiornati.\n<stefano1967> stefano@DESKTOP:~$\n<glpiana> halon, tenendoli in finestra o a schermo pieno?\n<halon> tutti e due\n<glpiana> halon, che programmi?\n<halon> le applicazioni qt tendenzialmente rimangono a posto, pero tipo nautilus no\n<stefano1967> scusate mi è sparito tutto-\n<halon> esempio... quassel ha tutto a posto, mentre nautilus e zim no, e nemmeno sublime text\n<halon> stefano1967: provabilmente ti ha kickato il bot perche hai incollato un output...\n<glpiana> stefano1967, non incollare più di due righe qui. comuqnue, sudo do-release-upgrade\n<halon> glpiana: cercando su google ho trovato che potrebbe essere colpa dei driver nvidia proprietari ma francamente non capisco implicazione...\n<glpiana> halon, fai in fretta a controllare, riattivando i nouveau\n<halon> hmm lo hai fato fatto? non so perche ma sento che farà del gran casino ritornando ai nouveau\n<stefano1967> pare che adesso funzioni..\n<glpiana> stefano1967, se non va, controlla in sorgenti software, scheda aggiornamenti, come è impostata la politica di avanzamneto di versione (ultima riga in basso)\n<glpiana> ok\n<glpiana> a dopo\n<stefano1967> se ho problemi torno da voi angeli del paradiso... poi midate una mano a metterlo a posto?\n<halon> glpiana: wow conversione del driver andata bene, che sorpresa :D per adesso sono riapparsi, ma dato che anche con i vecchi driver avvolte andava, aspetto a festeggiare vittoria\n<rosimo> non riesco a ristabilire l'inserimento testo per altre lingue, hiragana e katakana non ci sono più. Ho fatto un reset del .config della home cancellando la directory. Come faccio a ristabilire gli inserimenti testo in altre lingue?\n<rosimo> Tra le lingue disponibili mi appare Dvrak japanese ma non funziona dalla selezione lingue\n<glpiana> rosimo, dacci un contesto: che versione di ubuntu hai?\n<rosimo> 14.04 LTS\n<glpiana> con unity?\n<rosimo> sembra di si\n<rosimo> lo sfondo è violaceo\n<glpiana> rosimo, di che programma parliamo?\n<rosimo> tutti, per inserimento testo su gedit writer e così via testo ovunque da inserire\n<glpiana> ci ragiono\n<rosimo> la tabella caratteri mi visualizza hiragana a katakana ma non riesco più a scrivere sumamisen nulla ogmamco.b ecco il risultato se imposto ja dal selettore lingue\n<rosimo> sembra che cambi la tastiera, ma a me interessa l'inserimento, la tastiera resta ita\n<stefano1967> una domanda posso?\n<rosimo> stefano1967: già fatta, passa ad un'altra\n<stefano1967> appena ho aggiornato il sistema mi date una mano con la configurazione dello swap?\n<rosimo> stefano1967: usa gparted, lo sai usare?\n<glpiana> stefano1967, non c'è nulla da configurare per la swap\n<stefano1967> vabbe vediamo dopo, comn la 14.04 avevo un po di problemi... con 4 gb.\n<rosimo> stefano1967: cerca delle guide, io ho spostato la swap e ridimensionata usando gparted, ma credo devi dichiarare se cambi supporto fisico\n<squizzolo> salve, ho un problema con la stampante. L'ho utilizzata ieri, solamente che non aveva inchiostro. Ho comprato una nuova cartuccia, ma non riesco a stampare perchè mi dice in attesa che la stampante torni disponibile\n<glpiana> squizzolo, prova a scrivere nel terminale: sudo service cups restart\n<squizzolo> aspetta ora mi si è cancellata dalle stampanti e non riesco a installarla nuovamente\n<squizzolo> come faccio per farla riconoscere?\n<glpiana> squizzolo, reinstallala\n<squizzolo> la prima volta come ho inserito l'usb l'ha riconosciuta\n<squizzolo> ora no\n<squizzolo> non ho installato niente io\n<glpiana> squizzolo, che stampante è?\n<rosimo> gipiana riavvio, forse serve a qualcosa riavviare?\n<squizzolo> canon mx395\n<glpiana> rosimo, di solito no, ma non so che hai fatto finora\n<squizzolo> provo a riavviare e vedo se me la trova?\n<glpiana> squizzolo, no. apri il browser\n<glpiana> squizzolo, vai a questo indirizzo\n<glpiana> squizzolo, http://localhost:631/\n<squizzolo> ok\n<squizzolo> poi\n<glpiana> squizzolo, clicca su administration\n<squizzolo> non c'è\n<glpiana> squizzolo, e cosa vedi a quell'inidirizzo?\n<squizzolo> sono entrato in un pagina per aggiungere le stampanti\n<rosimo> glpiana: ho avviato input method ma non cambia nulla\n<glpiana> squizzolo, se guardi in alto c'è scrito \"home\" \"administration\" \"classes\" ...\n<squizzolo> sisi\n<squizzolo> sono li\n<glpiana> squizzolo, add printer\n<squizzolo> ok\n<squizzolo> poi\n<squizzolo> non trova niente in locale\n<glpiana> squizzolo, la stampante è accesa? è collegata?\n<squizzolo> si\n<glpiana> rosimo, vai nelle impostazioni, su supporto lingue\n<glpiana> squizzolo, staccala, poi riattaccala e in un terminale scrivi: dmesg | tail\n<glpiana> !paste | squizzolo\n<ubot-it> squizzolo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<squizzolo> devo andare...scusa\n<glpiana> -.-\n<rosimo> c'è italiano, inglese e giapponese\n<glpiana> rosimo, su sistema di input della tastiera?\n<rosimo> dice che c'è ibus\n<rosimo> lo tolgo?\n<glpiana> è selezionato?\n<rosimo> si\n<glpiana> lascialo\n<rosimo> selezionato è ibus\n<rosimo> peccato, l'avrei tolto, che tanto sembra non funzionare\n<glpiana> rosimo, le indicazioni sono di usarlo se devi scrivere giapponese\n<rosimo> ahhh certo, ma siccome non mi fa scrivere .... lo eliminavo volentierissimo\n<glpiana> rosimo, scim lo hai installato?\n<rosimo> selettore e metodo? non ci sono entrambe\n<rosimo> li carico entrambe?\n<glpiana> prova rosimo , io non so il giapponese, non scrivo in giapponese e quindi non ho altri metodi di inserimento che la tastiera qwerty normale\n<rosimo> per ora carico metodo\n<rosimo> il selettore mi da un segnale tipo avvertimento\n<rosimo> ok installato, poi? riavvio?\n<glpiana> rosimo, se non funziona da subito riavvia, o almeno disconnettiti e rientra\n<rosimo> ok disconnetto\n<rosimo> glpiana: ora che faccio? sembra come prima\n<glpiana> rosimo, prova a leggere qui http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=23532&start=20\n<lorenzovalsecchi> ciao, avrei un problema di connettività ethernet su un PC asus eeebox EB1007. Sono presenti in dual boot win7pro e mate 16.04. Sia da quest'ultimo che da xubuntu 16.04 non viene rilevato il plug ethernet, che invece non dà problemi in ambiente win (da cui ora sto scrivendo). Consigli?\n<rosimo> glpiana: si, quella l'avevo già seguita, è che non risolvo, non mi appaiono tutte le source che le immagini d'esempio mostrano\n<rosimo> nelle immagini le liste di japanese sono molte di più io ne ho una sola\n<rosimo> ho la japanese dvorak che credo sia la tastiera\n<glpiana> rosimo, dimmi, sulla barra vedi il selettore della lingua?\n<rosimo> si\n<glpiana> rosimo, quando clicchi sopra ti appare un menu?\n<rosimo> si\n<glpiana> rosimo, mi dici le voci che leggi?\n<rosimo> tabella disposizione e impostazioni\n<rosimo> tre\n<rosimo> tabella, disposizione, impostazioni\n<rosimo> ah, e it per la lingua\n<glpiana> rosimo, impostazioni\n<rosimo> ok\n<rosimo> come sorgenti ho italiana\n<rosimo> sarà la tastiera\n<rosimo> rimetto la dvrak che avevo tolto (tanto non funza e non ho la tastiera japan\n<rosimo> )\n<rosimo> se non mi dici di rimetterla non la rimetto\n<glpiana> rosimo, cosa vedi elencato?\n<rosimo> solo la tastiera italiana\n<glpiana> rosimo, clicca +\n<rosimo> ok\n<rosimo> centinaia di lingue\n<rosimo> troppe, la japanese dvorak è l'unica japan\n<glpiana> rosimo, apri un terminale e scrivi: dpkg -l | grep keyboard\n<glpiana> !paste | rosimo\n<ubot-it> rosimo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<rosimo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16729678/\n<rosimo> riprovo a riavviare che scim mi ha chiesto la tastiera, gli ho detto che uso la ita\n<glpiana> prova\n<rosimo> glpiana: fammi riavviare, si, vediamo, poi ha detto che devo avviare il gestore con super-space\n<rosimo> glpiana: come prima\n<rosimo> glpiana: ci sarà un qualche conflitto\n<glpiana> conflitto?\n<glpiana> rosimo, dpkg -l | grep xfonts\n<glpiana> !paste | rosimo\n<ubot-it> rosimo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<rosimo> si, adesso ho più gestori\n<rosimo> ibus e scim\n<rosimo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16729965/\n<glpiana> rosimo, dpkg -l | grep language\n<rosimo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16730003/\n<glpiana> rosimo, boh, non so che dirti. da quando non va più sta roba?\n<rosimo> da quando ho cancellato .config dalla home\n<glpiana> rosimo, entra come guest nel tuo sistema e vedi come si comporta lì\n<rosimo> ok\n<rosimo> uguale\n<rosimo> ogmcmao.b\n<rosimo> sumimasen non funziona\n<rosimo> im-config può aiutarmi?\n<rosimo> glpiana: adesso sembra che ho ben tre gestori\n<peppe1> ciao a tutti  vorrei mandare dei filmati a un proiettore attraverso la presa vga.( ubuntu 14.04 ) è possibile avere i comandi di un player ( stop-start) sullo schermo del portatile e fare uscire il filmato dalla vga?\n<rosimo> su\n<glpiana> rosimo, ne funziona almeno uno?\n<rosimo> hahahahah, appare una piccola finestra in basso a destra, dev'essere scim, c'è scritto qualcosa tipo SC e sotto IM, varia tra inglese/europeo e English/Keyboard\n<rosimo> ma japanese zero\n<glpiana> rosimo, tasto destro su quella finestrella fa qualcosa?\n<rosimo> si apre un menu dove posso leggere anche configurare scim\n<glpiana> rosimo, prova a configurarlo\n<rosimo> in opzioni mi chiede schema tastiera, ho impostato ita\n<rosimo> per il resto non si cita mai altro che English/Europe o English/keyboard\n<glpiana> rosimo, non so come aiutarti\n<rosimo> potrei togliere i gestori? tutti, poi ne rimetto uno\n<rosimo> come si tolgono?\n<rosimo> spunto dal software centre?\n<glpiana> rosimo, per togliere scim: sudo apt-get purge scim\n<glpiana> o da software center, come preferisci\n<rosimo> per controllare tutti i pacchetti lingua?\n<glpiana> rosimo, dpkg -l | grep language-pack\n<rosimo> ok\n<rosimo> per ora faccio questi controlli, poi vediamo come va, grazie della pazienza\n<Hero20> Buongiorno a tutti, sono un nostalgico dei vecchi programmi p2p e utilizzo ancora il famoso amule, purtroppo però con l'aggiornamento adUbuntu 16.04 non funziona più, crasha di continuo ecc.\n<Hero20> Buongiorno a tutti, sono un nostalgico dei vecchi programmi p2p e utilizzo ancora il famoso amule, purtroppo però con l'aggiornamento adUbuntu 16.04 non funziona più, crasha di continuo ecc.\n<Hero20> conoscete qualche programma alternativo?\n<akis24> Hero20: forse ti converrebbe disinstallare e provare a reinstallalrlo\n<akis24> reinstallarlo*\n<stefano1967> ciao a tutti\n<akis24> Hero20: sembra sia un problema del programma comunque leggi qui http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=610529\n<stefano1967> problema:\n<stefano1967> stavo aggionando da 14.04 a 16.04 mi si è inchiodato l'aggiornamento\n<akis24> stefano1967: magari se lo condividi con noi ..\n<stefano1967> e adesso non parte più...\n<stefano1967> e sono disperato\n<akis24> stefano1967: al menu di avvio ci arrivi ?\n<cristian_c> 'magari se lo condividi con noi'...\n<stefano1967> no\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: avevi ppa attivi?\n<stefano1967> no\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: in modalità di ripristino parte?\n<stefano1967> schermata nera con scritto in alto a sinistra FAILED e sotto una serie di ok\n<stefano1967> l'ultima voce senza ok è:\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: quindi si pianta anche in modalità di ripristino?\n<stefano1967> Starting show plymouth boot screen\n<stefano1967> non mi fa entrare, ma nel dubbio ricordatemi come si accede\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: dal grub\n<stefano1967> ok e ci accedo come?\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: 'come' in che senso?\n<stefano1967> come accedo al grup?\n<stefano1967> scusa grub\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: non appare all'accensione del pc?\n<akis24> stefano1967: riavvia e al menu di grub seleziona la voce di avvio del kernel con recovery mode  \" la seconda voce in sostanza \"\n<stefano1967> no parte direttamente ubunttu\n<akis24> ahh ecco\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: allora premi shift o esc ossessivamente\n<cristian_c> dopo la schermata del logo del pc\n<stefano1967> non ci riesco\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: ti hanno tagliato le dita? ;)\n<stefano1967> symap\n<stefano1967> sympa..\n<stefano1967> no no entra in mod ripristino\n<cristian_c> ecco\n<stefano1967> fatto\n<stefano1967> sono dentro\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: hai scelto shell di root?\n<stefano1967> opzioni avanzate?\n<stefano1967> riga comando?\n<cristian_c> shell di root\n<stefano1967> riga comando?\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: posta una schermatq\n<cristian_c> !image | stefano1967\n<ubot-it> stefano1967: Carica un'immagine su http://prnt.sc/ o https://imgur.com/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<stefano1967> grub>\n<cristian_c> eh, no\n<cristian_c> non sei nel grub\n<stefano1967> vuoi la schermata?7\n<cristian_c> te l'ho chiesta\n<stefano1967> ti dico cosa  c'e' scritto?\n<stefano1967> *ubuntu\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: mandi la schermata\n<stefano1967> opzioni avanzate\n<stefano1967> memory test\n<stefano1967> memory test  serial console\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: è una richiesta difficile?\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: vai in opzioni avanzate\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: è sicuramente grub\n<stefano1967> eccomi di nuovo\n<stefano1967> sono al login in modalità ripristino\n<stefano1967> ovviamente ciao a tutti!\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: digita: (cat /etc/apt/sources.list && ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/) | less\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: è un'immagine creata con dd\n<cristian_c> ops, sbagliato canale\n<stefano1967> ok fatto\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: manda la schermata\n<stefano1967> non so come fare.\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: immagino tu possa scattare una foto\n<cristian_c> nel 2016\n<stefano1967> fatto\n<stefano1967> come te la mando?\n<krabador> !image | stefano1967\n<ubot-it> stefano1967: Carica un'immagine su http://prnt.sc/ o https://imgur.com/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<cristian_c> !image | stefano1967\n<stefano1967> fa schifo come foto... b93idc\n<cristian_c> vediajo\n<cristian_c> m\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: serve il link alla foto\n<stefano1967> http://prntscr.com/b93idc\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: hai diversi ppa\n<cristian_c> diversamente da quanto affermato in precedenza\n<stefano1967> ma li avevo disbilitati\n<cristian_c> allora è strano che si sia inchiodato l'avanzamento\n<cristian_c> ma potrebbe comunque essere un problema dovuto a essi\n<stefano1967> come posso procedere?\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: con un ripristino di sistema?\n<stefano1967> con la chiavetta mi dice che non trova il sistema operativo.\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: non ricordo se da modalitò di ripristino ci sia un'opzione simile\n<cristian_c> ma dalla live si può comunque fare\n<stefano1967> da riga di comando?\n<krabador> !ripristino\n<ubot-it> Per ripristinare un sistema danneggiato: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/RipristinoInstallazione\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: oppure installazione pulita della 16.04, evitando di formattare la partizione di sistema\n<cristian_c> ma non ricordo se sia necessaria la creazione di un nuovo utente\n<krabador> si segnala la vecchia root, si verifica non sia spuntata la casella di formattazione, si crea un'altro utente\n<stefano1967> in recovery parte.\n<stefano1967> arrivo al prompt\n<krabador> ed a fine processo si passano i dati da una parte all'altra\n<stefano1967> mi dice che non c'e' sistema operativo installato...\n<stefano1967> da riga comando non possiamo fare niente?\n<krabador> !ripristino | stefano1967\n<ubot-it> stefano1967: Per ripristinare un sistema danneggiato: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/RipristinoInstallazione\n<stefano1967> non me lo fa fare il ripristiono\n<krabador> ovvero?\n<stefano1967> se parto da usb mi dice che non c'e' un sistema operativo installato e quindi non vedendo il sistema non me lo fa ripristinare.\n<krabador> allora assegna a mano la vecchia root\n<krabador> come segnalato\n<stefano1967> non lo so fare.\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: avvia una live e verifichi l'esistenza delle partizioni in gparted\n<krabador> stefano1967: fai tutto da USB\n<krabador> sia verificare le partizioni , che reinstallare sulla vecchia root\n<krabador> tramite l'opzione \"altro\"\n<krabador> dell'installer\n<stefano1967> failed to start load kernel module\n<stefano1967> non si risolve da riga comando?\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: non ti serve la riga di comando, ti basta la live usb\n<stefano1967> ci provo.\n<stefano1967> install ubuntu?\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: no\n<stefano1967> bensi?\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: try ubuntu without installing'\n<stefano1967> ok fatto\n<stefano1967> un disco è il grub\n<stefano1967> uno è il sistema.\n<cristian_c> eh no\n<stefano1967> e adesso?\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: ma hai controllato in gparted?\n<stefano1967> cosa devo controllare?\n<stefano1967> vuoi foto?\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: l'esistenza delle partizioni\n<cristian_c> che cos'hai verificato? E come?\n<stefano1967> cosa devo controllare?\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: l'esistenza delle partizioni\n<cristian_c> vol. 2\n<stefano1967> ci sono\n<cristian_c> bene\n<stefano1967> vlm2pv\n<cristian_c> ?\n<stefano1967> prntscr.com/b944oz\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: quindi hai una partizione cifrata/lvm?\n<stefano1967> boh ...\n<cristian_c> O.o\n<stefano1967> scusa\n<stefano1967> visto foto?\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: fa un salvataggio dei dati e partiziona normalmente\n<cristian_c> senza partizioni cifrate et similia\n<stefano1967> cioè salvo tutto quello che ho e riparto da zero?\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: tramite backup su supporto esterno\n<cristian_c> dei dati che ti interessa preservare\n<stefano1967> cioè la mia cartella in home...\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: puoi farlo\n<stefano1967> scusa mi dice che non ho i permessi\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: fallo da root\n<stefano1967> riga comando?\n<akis24> sudo -s\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: quindi o da terminale o lanciando il file manager da root\n<stefano1967> come si chiama il file manager?\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: nautilus, suppongo nel tuo caso\n<stefano1967> poi devo ritrovarmi tutto... minchia... ma almeno do una pulita...\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: hai installato tu ubuntu?\n<stefano1967> si\n<stefano1967> perchè?\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: non sapevi di avere una partizione cifrata o lvm\n<akis24> stefano1967: visto che non sai neanche di avere partizione criptata .. qualcuno l'ha impostata eh\n<stefano1967> forse io in installazione...\n<stefano1967> è il computer su cui ho tutto..\n<cristian_c> ottimo\n<stefano1967> ma forse meglio non cifrata?\n<cristian_c> che dici?\n<stefano1967> in che senso?\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: ubuntu può non gestire perfettamente l'avanzamento su sistemi con partizioni cifrate\n<cristian_c> a maggior ragione se contenenti ppa\n<stefano1967> mi spieghi cosa sono le ppa?\n<stefano1967> cosi magari evito\n<krabador> !PPA\n<ubot-it> Un Personal Package Archive (PPA) è in grado di fornire il software alternativo non normalmente disponibile nei repository di Ubuntu offical - Alla ricerca di un PPA? Vedi https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - ATTENZIONE: PPA sono pacchetti di terze parti NON supportati il cui utilizzo è a proprio rischio. Vedi anche !addppa e !ppa-purge\n<stefano1967> ok.\n<stefano1967> tu la installeresti cifrata o no?\n<cristian_c> cristian_c> stefano1967: hai diversi ppa\n<cristian_c> <cristian_c> diversamente da quanto affermato in precedenza\n<cristian_c> <stefano1967> ma li avevo disbilitati\n<krabador> la cifratura va saputa gestire.\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: non è che prendi in giro?\n<stefano1967> ?\n<krabador> è un passo che va fatto con una gamba in proporzione.\n<stefano1967> perchè in giro?\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: se leggi sopra, ti fai un'idea\n<stefano1967> mi state dando una mano infinita ... perchè devo prendervi in giro?\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: fai quanto segnalato in precedenza\n<cristian_c> se vuoi continuare a ricevere supporto\n<cristian_c> altrimenti non fa niente, e torni quando hai richieste di supporto a ubunu\n<stefano1967> scusa ma non capisco.,\n<cristian_c> cristian_c> stefano1967: fa un salvataggio dei dati e partiziona normalmente\n<cristian_c> <cristian_c> senza partizioni cifrate et similia\n<akis24> stefano1967: ti si sta' consigliando solo di eseguire il ripristino ed evitare partizioni cifrate eh dai\n<stefano1967> scusate non avevo capito.\n<cristian_c> cristian_c> stefano1967: tramite backup su supporto esterno\n<cristian_c> <cristian_c> dei dati che ti interessa preservare\n<stefano1967> lo sto già facendo...\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: apri il file manager nautilus con sudo, se ti è più comodo rispetto alla riga di comando\n<stefano1967> fatto anche questo e funziona.\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: se hai il backup su supporto esterno, puoi procedere a ripartizionamento\n<stefano1967> poi cancello partizione e riparto da capo facendo fare tutto a ubuntu corretto?\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: se hai il backup su supporto esterno, puoi procedere a ripartizionamento\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: e ti consiglio di eseguire il ripartizionamento da gparted\n<stefano1967> ok con la live... e poi reboot ok?\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: oppure puoi cancellare l'intero disco lasciando fare tutto all'installer\n<stefano1967> se ci sei ancora tra 11 minuti ho finito il salvataggio\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: l'installer contiene un'opzione del genere\n<stefano1967> si cancella e riparti\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: l'installazione la esegui da live\n<cristian_c> !installazione | stefano1967\n<ubot-it> stefano1967: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione | Per installazione grafica http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download\n<stefano1967> quello lo so fare...\n<stefano1967> la swap se la fa da solo vero?\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: se sele<ioni cancellazione del disco e installazione\n<stefano1967> ok\n<cristian_c> le partizioni necessarie verranno create automaticamente\n<cristian_c> ma assicurati non siano spuntate le opzioni relative a lvm o cifratura\n<stefano1967> fra 7 minuti risorgo\n<stefano1967> avevo solo 54 giga da copiare\n<stefano1967> ci siamo\n<stefano1967> unica partizione non cifrata.\n<stefano1967> fatta da installer\n<stefano1967> e adesso faccio  nottata per ripristinare il tutto.\n<stefano1967> Grazie di tutto davvero!\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: non ha creato anche la swap?\n<cristian_c> intendo il partizionamento automatico\n<stefano1967> si si lo ha fatto da solo non c'ho messo mano.\n<cristian_c> ok\n<cristian_c> stefano1967: quindi hai già installato la 16.04?\n<cristian_c> (o reinstallato 14.04)\n<stefano1967> sono all 80% circa\n<stefano1967> gia che c'ero ho installato la 16.04 mi sembra che ubuntu si incasini un po con gli aggiornamenti...\n<f843d0> stefano1967: è una delle poche frasi con qualche risvolto veritiero, ma se aiuti con PPA e partizioni cifrate...\n<stefano1967> giuro non lo faccio più!\n<stefano1967> fatto ripartito perfetto!\n<Shez_> ho installato guwf ma non riesco ad avviarlo mi va sempre in crash qualcuno può aiutarmi?\n<Shez_> come faccio a sapere dove trovare uno specifico pacchetto?\n<cristian_c> Shez_: esattzmente, che devi fare?\n<cristian_c> Shez_: qual è lo scopo finale?\n<Shez_> cristian_c, installare un pacchetto che altrimenti non è disponibile separatamente\n<cristian_c> Shez_: ma che ci devi fare col pacchetto?\n<Shez_> installare la libreria python-gi per far funzionare gufw almeno spero... :)\n<cristian_c> Shez_: ma che ci fai con gufw?\n<Shez_> cristian_c, è l'interfaccia grafica per ufw\n<cristian_c> Shez_: sì, ma che ci fai con ufw?\n<Shez_> cristan_c, voglio l'interfaccia per il firewall è così grave?\n<cristian_c> Shez_: non è grave, ma che devi fare al firewall?\n<Shez_> cristian_c, perchè ti interessa sapere cosà ci faccio con un interfaccia grafica per il ufw?\n<cristian_c> Shez_: perché magari si può capire se ti è davvero utile\n<Shez_> cristian_c, scusa, ma sono curioso :)\n<cristian_c> perché vuoi operare sul firewall?\n<Shez_> cristian_c, voglio vedere cosa si collega ad internet e cosà no\n<cristian_c> Shez_: e hai bisogno di ufw per far questo?\n<Shez_> cristian_c, no ci sono anche altri pacchetti che mi permettono di farlo, ma io voglio l'interfaccia grafica per il firewall gufw così per provare...\n<cristian_c> Shez_: mi sembra un buon modo per complicarsi la vita\n<cristian_c> ai fini del monitoraggio, eh\n<cristian_c> !info gufw\n<ubot-it> gufw (source: gui-ufw): graphical user interface for ufw. In component universe, is optional. Version 16.04.1-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 777 kB, installed size 3175 kB\n<cristian_c> Shez_: da dove hai capito che ti manca quella determinata libreria?\n<Shez_> !info python-gi\n<ubot-it> python-gi (source: pygobject): Python 2.x bindings for gobject-introspection libraries. In component main, is optional. Version 3.20.0-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 200 kB, installed size 700 kB\n<Shez_> cristian_c, https://bugs.launchpad.net/gui-ufw/+bug/1566056\n<cristian_c> !info python-gi\n<ubot-it> python-gi (source: pygobject): Python 2.x bindings for gobject-introspection libraries. In component main, is optional. Version 3.20.0-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 200 kB, installed size 700 kB\n<Shez_> cristian_c, ma non è disponibile da sola ho istallo il pacchetto che la contiene o nada...\n<cristian_c> 'ho'? O.o\n<Shez_> :P\n<Shez_> *o installato\n<cristian_c> Shez_: e qual è il problema di installare la dipendenza di python-gi?\n<Shez_> *o installo\n<Shez_> cristian_c, non sapevo quale pacchetto la contenesse\n<cristian_c> Shez_: ma apt npn risolve automaticamente le dipendenze?\n<cristian_c> Shez_: puoi andare in synaptic, volendo tra le altre cose, e controllare quali dipendenze abbia il pacchetto python-gi\n<Shez_> cristian_c, http://pastebin.com/Qda0CQA2\n<Shez_> cristian_c, ok provo con synaptic\n<Shez_> cristian_c, non trovo nulla in synaptic cercando phyton-gi\n<cristian_c> Shez_: python-gi\n<Shez_> cristian_c, grazie ora funziona e non va in crasch, grazie :)\n<Shez_> cr*ash\n<ale99F> Buonasera, volevo sapere se nel passaggio da SO windows a linux, i file presenti nell'HD vengono salvati o non posso più recuperarli?\n<ale99F> Buonasera, volevo sapere se nel passaggio da SO windows a linux, i file presenti nell'HD vengono salvati o se non posso più recuperarli\n<f843d0> ale99F: fa comunque una copia di sicurezza dei dati. La domanda è troppo generica, e la risposta non potrà mai essere esauriente\n<ale99F> Ti spiego: ora ho un SO Windows XP, ma c'è un file corrotto, quindi non mi apre il SO e non possiedo il disco d'installazione per ripararlo...ciò che volevo fare è salvare i dati che ho su disco, com'è possibile farlo?\n<f843d0> ale99F: accedi in modalità live dal supporto di installazione di Ubuntu, monta il disco, copia i dati che vuoi salvare su dispositivo esterno capiente\n<ale99F> Ora provo, intanto grazie mille per la disponibilità!\n<ale99F> Ho impostato il BIOS in modo che mi leggesse subito la chiavetta con cui installare Ubuntu, ma mi dice file BOOTMGR mancante...come procedere?\n<Mr_Pan> ale99F, come hai creato la chiavetta Ubuntu  ?\n<ale99F> con unetbootin\n<Mr_Pan> ale99F, unebootin non sempre va a buon fine ... i conviene utilizzare dd da terminale\n<Carlin0> ale99F, hai win ?\n<ale99F> il fatto è che non mi legge proprio la chiavetta (non penso sia sia quello il problema), si arresta prima con la schermata che mi dice che manca bootmgr\n<Mr_Pan> ale99F, la chiavetta l'hai creata da windows o da linux  ?\n<ale99F> si, ho windows xp, ma c'è un file corrotto, quindi non mi carica il SO\n<ale99F> da windows 7, su un altro computer\n<Mr_Pan> !usbwin\n<ubot-it> Scarica Universal USB Installer: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/ | Installalo su Windows e lancialo: lui si occuperà di trasferire l'immagine ISO su USB. Guida: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows | Opzionalmente questo programma può anche scaricare lui stesso l'immagine ISO\n<Mr_Pan> ale99F, leggi i link sopra e ricrea la chiavetta\n<Mr_Pan> hai ocntrollato MD% del file .iso che hai scaricato  ?\n<Mr_Pan> !md5\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Md5Sum | md5: http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/MD5SUMS\n<ale99F> Ora provo con Universal USB Installer\n<Mr_Pan> ale99F, ok ... siamo qui\n<Carlin0> ma quello è per win ...\n<ale99F> Con Universal USB Installer mi da l'installer boot menu... come devo proseguire per salvare i dati che ho sull'hd?\n<f843d0> ale99F: dovresti avere la voce \"Prova senza Installare\"\n<ale99F> si esatto, procedo con quella opzione?\n<f843d0> ale99F: certo, non l'ho menzionata per occupare byte nel cyberspazio\n<Mr_Pan> ale99F, si così avvierai il sistema in modalità LIVE per poterlo testare senza toccare nulla dei dati  che sono sul disco\n<ale99F> dove vado a recuperare i miei dati....scusate ma è la prima volta che uso linux\n<f843d0> ale99F: intanto avvia il sistema tutto caricato in memoria volatile\n<ale99F> cioè?\n<f843d0> 22:02:13< f843d0> ale99F: dovresti avere la voce \"Prova senza Installare\"\n<ale99F> si, ho già continuato...\n<f843d0> ale99F: ottimo, descrivi con parole tue la situazione che ti si pone di fronte\n<ale99F> ho semplicemente davanti il desktop di ubuntu\n<f843d0> ale99F: Ctrl + Alt + T\n<ale99F> ok\n<f843d0> ale99F: la postazione è connessa a internet? Puoi verificarlo provando il comando ping\n<f843d0> ale99F: premi Ctrl + C per interrompere l'esecuzione di tale comando\n<ale99F> dice di no: Network is unreachable\n<ale99F> ls -l\n<f843d0> ale99F: hai la possibilità di collegare via cavo ethernet la postazione?\n<f843d0> ale99F: hai sbagliato destinazione del comando, ma per favore segui quello che ti si dice, se vuoi provare comandi a caso, rendi il supporto complesso e induci nervoso nel prossimo\n<ale99F> aspetta che verifico... è un problema se non riesco a collegarlo??\n<f843d0> ale99F: lo può diventare, dipende dalla tua minuzia nel riportare i risultati dei comandi\n<ale99F> ora come ora non ho cavi ethernet in giro... si riesce a risolvere ugualmente?\n<f843d0> ale99F: hai un dispositivo di memorizzazione di massa USB, volgarmente noto come chiavetta?\n<ale99F> si, si\n<f843d0> ale99F: prova a inserirlo. Dovrebbe comparirti il File Manager\n<ale99F> deve essere vuota o va bene anche se contiene file?\n<f843d0> ale99F: basta che ci sia un po' di spazio, qualche Mb è sufficiente. E il File System possibilmente umano\n<ale99F> Mi ha aperto la chiavetta USB...cosa intendi con File System possibilmente umano?\n<f843d0> ale99F: mi basta il risultato, va bene\n<f843d0> ale99F: torna al terminale. Digita il comando sudo fdisk -l > ~/fdisk.output.txt\n<f843d0> ale99F: realizzi ~ con F12. Non sbagliare la digitazione, e in caso di errore, sei pregato di controllare nuovamente il comando. Deve collimare con quanto esposto\n<ale99F> come posso controllare che è andato a buon fine? In output non mi ha dato nessuna risposta\n<f843d0> ale99F: ora spostati nel File Manager dove hai visto la chiavetta. Dovrebbe esserci un tasto che ti porta nella Home. Ivi troverai il file fdisk.output.txt. Con un approccio simil-windoze, copia il file sulla chiavetta. Riporta dubbi e/o perplessità a riguardo\n<ale99F> ok, ho copiato il file sulla chiavetta\n<f843d0> ale99F: ok, cerca di smontare il dispositivo seguendo una procedura ortodossa. Nel File Manager dovrebbe figurare un tasto generalmente associato all'operazione di Eject di memoria degli anni '90, dovrebbe aiutarti all'uopo\n<ale99F> ok, fatto\n<f843d0> ale99F: accedi alla chiavetta dalla postazione collegata ad Internet e pubblica il contenuto del file che hai copiato su...\n<f843d0> !paste | ale99F\n<ubot-it> ale99F: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<ale99F> non mi è chiaro questo passaggio, devo aprire paste.ubuntu.com, poi come procedo?\n<f843d0> ale99F: leggi per cortesia\n<f843d0> !paste | ale99F\n<ubot-it> ale99F: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<f843d0> ale99F: è un sito web, incolli il testo, premi paste, ti restituisce un link, ce lo copincolli qui\n<ale99F> Nella sezione \"poster\"devo indicare il mio nickname?\n<f843d0> ale99F: si\n<f843d0> ale99F: il testo deve essere il contenuto del file che hai su chiavetta\n<ale99F> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16745597/plain/\n<f843d0> ale99F: torna al terminale della postazione interessata. Il seguente è un unico comando: mkdir ~/foo && sudo mount /dev/sda1 ~/foo\n<ale99F> Mi dice mkdir: cannot create directory '/home/ubuntu/foo': File exists\n<f843d0> ale99F: mkdir ~/bar && sudo mount /dev/sda1 ~/bar\n<ale99F> Mount is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened. The volume may be already mounted, or another software may use it which could be identified for example by the help of the 'fuser' command.\n<f843d0> ale99F: mount | grep sda > mount.sda.txt\n<f843d0> ale99F: quindi, sposta il file mount.sda.txt su chiavetta, smontala in modo ortodosso, torna sul pc connesso, ed usa il servizio per pubblicare l'output...\n<f843d0> !paste | ale99F\n<ubot-it> ale99F: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<ale99F> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16746189/plain/\n<f843d0> ale99F: Torna nel file manager dove amministri la chiavetta. Spostati in /media/ubuntu/Preload e dovresti vedere il contenuto del tuo agognato disco\n<ale99F> Mi dice: This location could not be displayed. Sorry, could not display all the contents of \"Preload\": Error when getting information for file '/media/ubuntu/Preload/boot.ini': Input/output error\n<f843d0> ale99F: sudo umount /media/ubuntu/Preload && sudo mount /dev/sda1 ~/bar\n<ale99F> poi?\n<f843d0> ale99F: poi spostati con il File Manager su /home/ubuntu/bar\n<f843d0> ale99F: possibilmente prima che il Sole raggiunga il limite di Chandrasehkar per aggregazioni di cluster successive\n<ale99F> Viene scritto lo stesso errore di prima\n<f843d0> ale99F: il disco è potenzialmente andato\n<ale99F> potenzialmente?!? XD\n<f843d0> ale99F: il comando gnome-disks ti apre un'interfaccia?\n<f843d0> ale99F: pardon, sudo gnome-disks\n<ale99F> si\n<f843d0> ale99F: riesci a verificare l'integrità del disco?\n<ale99F> Come?\n<ale99F> Dice: Assessment: Disk is OK, 1459 bad sectors\n<f843d0> ale99F: Windoze è mai riuscito a proporre un chkdsk?\n<ale99F> Penso di si\n<f843d0> ale99F: e gli hai lasciato spazio di manovra per effettuare la procedura?\n<f843d0> ale99F: quale risultato ha restituito dopo il chkdsk?\n<ale99F> Non ne ho idea\n<f843d0> ale99F: puoi fornire la risposta a entrambe le domande, precisamente?\n<ale99F> Io personalmente non l'ho mai fatto\n<ale99F> non saprei che risponderti\n<f843d0> ale99F: quando avvii Windoze, cosa accade?\n<f843d0> ale99F: ti propone il menu con le voci per selezionare il tipo di avvio? Ti avvisa che farà chkdsk e tu salti con la pressione di un tasto per intenderci?\n<f843d0> ale99F: descrivi cosa accade\n<ale99F> non me lo avvia -.-\n<ale99F> Mi diceva tipo file boot.ini danneggiato\n<f843d0> ale99F: torna sul terminale. Prova sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g\n<f843d0> ale99F: riporta cosa succede\n<ale99F> Reading package lists... Done\n<ale99F> Building dependency tree\n<ale99F> Reading state information.... Done\n<ale99F> ntfs -3g is already the newest version\n<ale99F> ntfs -3g set to manually installed\n<f843d0> ale99F: ok. Proviamo con sudo fsck /dev/sda1\n<ale99F> 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded\n<ale99F> ok, adesso procedo\n<ale99F> fsck from util-linux 2.20.1\n<ale99F> fsck: fsck.ntfs: not found\n<ale99F> fsck: error 2 while executing fsck.ntfs for /dev/sda1\n<f843d0> ale99F: ok. sudo apt-get install ntfs-config\n<ale99F> E: Unable to locate package ntfs-config\n<f843d0> ale99F: sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs\n<ale99F> E: Unable to locate package ntfs-progs\n<ale99F> ntfsprogs\n<f843d0> ale99F: sudo apt-get install testdisk\n<ale99F> E: Unable to locate package testdisk\n<f843d0> ale99F: senza connessione ad internet la cosa è complicata\n<f843d0> ale99F: hai bisogno di strumenti per poter provare a sistemare da GNU/Linux il macello del disco\n<ale99F> Proverò nei prossimi giorni a collegare con un cavo ethernet\n<f843d0> ale99F: comunque, una possibile strada è tentare il ripristino da Windoze\n<f843d0> ale99F: il FS NTFS è squisitamente sua competenza\n<ale99F> Non ci sto capendo niente XD\n<f843d0> ale99F: hai un File System NTFS compromesso\n<f843d0> ale99F: non è compito di GNU/Linux sistemarlo\n<ale99F> E come posso fare?\n<f843d0> ale99F: soprattutto senza connessione ad Internet\n<ale99F> Io pensavo di risolvere mettendo un altro SO\n<f843d0> ale99F: con il disco di installazione di Windoze puoi provare a riparare il disco\n<f843d0> ale99F: un altro sistema operativo funziona potenzialmente, ma perdi i dati se procedi\n<ale99F> Il fatto è che non ho il disco di installazione di windows\n<Mr_Pan> ale99F, potresti risolvere (forse) ma lo devi collegare a internet ......\n<f843d0> ale99F: si era inteso che tu fossi interessato a recuperare i dati presenti\n<ale99F> Si, l'obiettivo è quello\n<Mr_Pan> ale99F, potresti risolvere (forse) ma lo devi collegare a internet ......\n<f843d0> ale99F: e comunque, male non disporre di una copia dei dati. I problemi hardware succedono nel mondo reale\n<ale99F> Lo so, ma non è mio il computer... è di un mio famigliare, che mi ha chiesto se riuscivo a recuperargli i dati\n<f843d0> ale99F: Male a prescindere\n<ale99F> Non ci posso fare niente, se non fa il backup non è colpa mia :P\n<f843d0> ale99F: inutile lamentarsi del danno subìto, quando l'hardware smette di funzionare. Soprattutto con i sistemi attuali di USB Storage Mass, supporti ottici, cloud...\n<f843d0> ale99F: si e no, puoi cominciare a spiegare la questione intanto\n<f843d0> ale99F: fondamentalmente, se perde i dati, è perchè ha voluto perderli\n<ale99F> Si, ma non ha dati di vitale importanza, solo che se possibile, avrebbe preferito recuperarli\n<ale99F> non è che ha voluto, sono incidenti\n<f843d0> ale99F: rileggi con calma le linee sopra e capirai che ha voluto\n<ale99F> Posso chiederti quanti anni hai?\n<ale99F> Hai studiato informatica?\n<f843d0> !chat | ale99F\n<ubot-it> ale99F: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n#ubuntu-it 2016-05-28\n<graphiccity> ciao a tutti. uso 16.04 con unity. quando uso app kde(kdenlive) ho il doppio menu. come posso disabilitare il menu kde e tenere solo il globalmenu di unity? grazzie\n<graphiccity> scusate il mio italiano. nn e la mia lingua madre\n<shanbar> ciao, sto scaricando Ubunto 16.04 e http://www.linuxliveusb.com/ per installare su chiavetta usb; avast sembra ha bloccato quest'ultimo! identificandolo come potenziale pericolo.\n<shanbar> 1. desidero installare ubunto su un pc desktop, ora senza sistema operativo. Come fare?\n<shanbar> 2. come usare http://www.linuxliveusb.com/ per usare la chiavetta per l'avvio?\n<shanbar> non c'è nessuno?! Come funziona qui?\n<squizzolo> buongiorno, dopo la sospensione è sparita la barra inferiore e non posso aprire le finestre che avevo attive. Come risolvo?\n<Macedone> Salve a tutti, sto' scaricando ubuntu 16.04 quale programma x win mi consigliate per metterlo su pendrive?\n<f843d0> !usbwin | Macedone\n<ubot-it> Macedone: Scarica Universal USB Installer: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/ | Installalo su Windows e lancialo: lui si occuperà di trasferire l'immagine ISO su USB. Guida: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows | Opzionalmente questo programma può anche scaricare lui stesso l'immagine ISO\n<Macedone> Grazie :D\n<Guest80431> ciao, qualcuno puo' aiutarmi con i crash di firefox?\n<max55> buona sera a tutti\n<krabador> !ciao | max55\n<ubot-it> max55: Ciao! Benvenuto in #ubuntu-it\n<max55> per convertire i video su ubuntu che programma posso usare ? ho ubuntu 16.04\n<krabador> !chat | max55\n<ubot-it> max55: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<max55> ciao krabador\n<max55> ok scusa vado in chat\n#ubuntu-it 2016-05-29\n<Acidburn94> Ciao a tutti!\n<Acidburn94> Scrivo qui perché sono un po' disperato c'Ã�� qualcuno disponibile per una mano?\n<cristian_c> !qualcuno | Acidburn94\n<ubot-it> Acidburn94: la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera'\n<Acidburn94> Grande! Posso chiedere a te?\n<cristian_c> !chiedi | Acidburn94\n<ubot-it> Acidburn94: per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<Acidburn94> Ho un problema con l'installazione di ubuntu sul mio dell xps 13 9350 ovvero non riesco a trovare un metodo di installazione corretto, se tengo uefi secure boot e legacy secure boot on e provo a far partire la chiavetta dal bíos non mi parte, se tolgo secure boot al legacy e faccio partire ububtu in modalità legacy parte e tutto ma non mi volta più\n<Acidburn94>  windows quindi prima di fare eventuali danni vorrei sapere se qualcuno può indirizzarmi e darmi una mano su coke settare i varinuefi e come far partire la chiavetta grazie\n<cristian_c> Acidburn94: hai installato ubuntu in legacy o uefi?\n<cristian_c> Acidburn94: che poi hai installato o stai semplicemente tentando di mandare la live?\n<Acidburn94> In questo momento in nessuno dei due se hai dei suggerimenti in che modalità e con che impostazioni di boot te ne sarei grato\n<Acidburn94> Sto tentando di installarlo\n<cristian_c> Acidburn94: quindi per ora devi fare il boot\n<cristian_c> Acidburn94: quale file hai scaricato e come hai creato la live?\n<Acidburn94> Si devo avviarlo da chiavetta e ho tutto con secure boot\n<Acidburn94> Ho scaricato dal sito 16.04 e l'ho montato su chiavetta con rufus\n<cristian_c> !usbwin | Acidburn94\n<ubot-it> Acidburn94: Scarica Universal USB Installer: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/ | Installalo su Windows e lancialo: lui si occuperà di trasferire l'immagine ISO su USB. Guida: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows | Opzionalmente questo programma può anche scaricare lui stesso l'immagine ISO\n<Acidburn94> OK allora lo monto su chiavetta con questo! Poi per il boot come posso fare?\n<cristian_c> Acidburn94: prova con secure boot attivo\n<cristian_c> Acidburn94: ma disattiva il fastboot\n<ExPBoy> Acidburn94, naturalmente prima prova la live\n<Acidburn94> Quindi tengo tutto attivo e provo cosi! OK vado a cercare come togliere il fast boot\n<ExPBoy> non capisco cosa intendi per tutto attivo\n<Acidburn94> Aveva già ubuntu sul vecchio PC quindi so com'è e come si USA un pochino! Quindi non ho bisogno della livello penso\n<Acidburn94> Secure boot on uefi e secure boot on legacy\n<ExPBoy> se lo dici tu\n<ExPBoy> io la proverei da live prima\n<ExPBoy> poi fa come credi :)\n<Acidburn94> Okok:)\n<motzhard> Salve! Sono stato utente linux fino a ubuntu 8.10 di conseguenza son passati un po di anni! Ho acquistato un xps 9550, sapreste dirmi se l'uefi comporta qualcosa in particolare per quanto riguarda l'linstallazione?\n<akis24> !uefi | motzhard\n<ubot-it> motzhard: UEFI è una specifica che definisce una interfaccia software tra un sistema operativo e le piattaforme firmware, è intesa come un sostituto del BIOS. Per informazioni su come impostare e installare Ubuntu su macchine UEFI vedi http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/UEFI | vedi anche https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI\n<starrys> salve, ho installato ubuntu 16 ma non riesco ad installare i programmi che scarico da internet come per esempio skype, cosa devo fare?\n<akis24> stryx`: devi abilitare i repo partner\n<akis24> sorry stryx`\n<Acidburn94> Ciao a tutti stamattina avevo chiesto un consiglio su come installare ubuntu sul mio dell xp13 9350 mi e' stato detto di disabilitare il fast boot. Io ho disabilitato il fast boot e anche il secure boot UEFI quando entro in bios e dico di bootare la chiavetta in modalita' uefi fa partire tutto arrivo al punto di installazione di ubuntu seleziono la\n<Acidburn94>  lingua e non appena faccio continua mi da un messagio : ci vogliono almeno 8.4 gb per installare ubuntu e questo PC ne ha solo 8. idee su come posso risolvere?\n<Carlin0> Acidburn94, ma parli di spazio su disco vero ...\n<Acidburn94> penso di si, il messaggio che ricevo e' quello quindi non saprei che spazio intende ma suppongo di si che sia su disco\n<Carlin0> e non hai una decina di gb liberi su quel disco ?\n<Acidburn94> ne ho molti di piu' liberi su disco circa 50 e ho spazio unlocated che ho fatto apposta per ubuntu di altri 50 GB circa\n<Carlin0> e allora perchè dici : il pc ne ha solo 8 ?\n<cristian_c> eh\n<cristian_c> Acidburn94: magari manda una schermata di gparted\n<cristian_c> !image\n<ubot-it> Carica un'immagine su http://prnt.sc/ o https://imgur.com/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<Carlin0> mi sa che confonde lo spazio su disco con la ram -_o\n<Acidburn94> no calma non lo dico io che ne ha solo 8 e quello che mi dice ubuntu installer appena cliccco su continua dopo aver scelto la lingua\n<Acidburn94> ora vi carico l'immagine di come e' ripartito lo spazio\n<Carlin0> Acidburn94, come hai fatto la penna usb ?\n<Acidburn94> con rufus, piu' che altro ora a mi viene un dubbio, io ho scaricato la versione 16.04 amd64 il mio pc pero' e' basato su processore intel, devo prendere quindi la versine a 32 bit?\n<Carlin0> Acidburn94, falla con questo\n<Carlin0> !winusb\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'winusb'\n<Carlin0> !usbwin\n<ubot-it> Scarica Universal USB Installer: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/ | Installalo su Windows e lancialo: lui si occuperà di trasferire l'immagine ISO su USB. Guida: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows | Opzionalmente questo programma può anche scaricare lui stesso l'immagine ISO\n<Acidburn94> ok e per la versione? quella amd64 va bene anche se ho processore intel?\n<Carlin0> va bene la 64 Acidburn94\n<Acidburn94> ok provo e lancio e vi aggiorno! grazie dell'aiuto\n<Carlin0> che processore hai ?\n<Acidburn94> intel i7 skylake\n<Carlin0> allora va bene la 64 Acidburn94\n<Acidburn94> ok lo installo in uefi mode o legacy? siccome ho disabilitato il secure boot di uefi posso sceglierlo\n<Carlin0> sul uefi non so aiutarti ...senti qualcun altro o leggi le guide\n<Carlin0> !uefi\n<ubot-it> UEFI è una specifica che definisce una interfaccia software tra un sistema operativo e le piattaforme firmware, è intesa come un sostituto del BIOS. Per informazioni su come impostare e installare Ubuntu su macchine UEFI vedi http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/UEFI | vedi anche https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI\n<Acidburn94> ok grazie!\n<Acidburn94> http://imgur.com/LCqZ2WB questo e' lo spazio che ho e questo e' quello che mi dice sia che provi a installarla da uefi sia da legacy http://imgur.com/BTHzLzQ\n<Mr_Pan> Acidburn94, ma tenti di installare sulla usb  ?\n<Acidburn94> no! cerco di installarlo sul pc\n<Acidburn94> anche a me sembra che lo voglia installare sulla usb ma non so come cambiare opzione siccome dopo che mi fa selezionare la lingua  clicco continua e mi dice quello\n<cristian_c> Acidburn94: scusa, ma ti si era chiesta una schermata di gparted...\n<cristian_c> Acidburn94: e poi, già questa mattina avevi affermato di voler utilizzre universal usb installer\n<cristian_c> Acidburn94: e già questa mattina ti era stata data indicazione riguardomuefi\n<Acidburn94> se serve proprio quella di gpated lo scarico su windows e la faccio! infatti sto usando universal usb installer\n<cristian_c> ?\n<Acidburn94> e ho seguito anche l'indicazione\n<cristian_c> hai nuovamente parlato di rufus a Carlin0\n<cristian_c> Acidburn94: e gparted lo mandi da live...\n<cristian_c> non devi scaricare niente...\n<Acidburn94> ho usato usb universal usb lui mi aveva semplicemente chiesto come avevo fatto la chiavetta\n<cristian_c> non con universal, evidentemente...\n<Acidburn94> si ho rifatto la chiavetta e ho usato universal\n<cristian_c> Acidburn94: ok, e non puoi mandare una schermata di gparted da live?\n<Mr_Pan> Acidburn94, niente messaggi privati . li ho disabilitati. scrivi e chiedi qui in chan\n<cristian_c> Acidburn94: e come hai ridimensionato le partizioni su disco?\n<Acidburn94> provo a mandare la schermata da gparted\n<cristian_c> !image\n<ubot-it> Carica un'immagine su http://prnt.sc/ o https://imgur.com/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<Acidburn94> si ok!\n<ale99F> Buongiorno, potete aiutarmi a recuperare i dati presenti sul disco dalla modalità live di ubuntu?\n<cristian_c> ale99F: hai difficoltà specifiche a utilizzare ubuntu in live?\n<ale99F> vorrei recuperare i dati presenti sull'hd\n<krabador> ale99F: disco NTFS del parente ?\n<cristian_c> ale99F: qui si fa supporto a ubuntu, quindi se non hai domande specifiche in merito....\n<ale99F> non so cosa vuol dire.. ti spiego: sul suddetto pc ho SO windows xp, ma un file boot.ini corrotto, quindi non mi apre il sistema, io volevo recuperare i dati sull'hd, e ho pensato di farlo con linux, poiche non ho il disco di installazione di windows che mi permetteva di ripristinare il sistema...\n<ale99F> L'altro giorno mi ha dato una mano un utente di questa chat, ma non avendo una connesione era più dificile operare (dal terminal di ubuntu)....ora ho collegato il pc tramite cavo ethernet e ho una connesione\n<krabador> ale99F: carichi Ubuntu live, apri la partizione col gestore file , e fai quel che ti pare. Se ci sono problemi fisici col disco / partizione , rivolgiti a personale specializzato.\n<trigger> ciao gente, come faccio a capire se sul mio notebook con SSD è attivo TRIM?\n<krabador> che sistema?\n<trigger> W10/Ubuntu\n<krabador> su Ubuntu , sudo gedit /etc/fstab\n<krabador> vedi se le partizioni vengono montate con opzione discard\n<krabador> il tutto dopo aver verificato se SSD di cui si sta parlando supporta trim\n<krabador> hdparm -I /dev/sda | grep TRIM\n<krabador> se disco è SDA\n<trigger> ci deve essere scritto discard? perchè non c'è scritto\n<trigger> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16806410/\n<trigger> ops, come faccio a mandarti i risultati dei miei ultimi comandi?\n<krabador> che Ubuntu, di grazia?\n<trigger> ?\n<trigger> p.s. su ubuntu lts è attiva la deframmentazione programmata del disco?\n<trigger> in default*\n<krabador> hahahahah\n<krabador> trigger, p.s. ce la fai a specificare la versione di ubuntu di cui stai parlando , o devi chiedere a qualcuno ?\n<lillo> salve a tutti, ho notato che il mio touchpad si blocca e devo per forza riavviare (la tastiera funziona) come posso fare ? ecco il mio ximput e lspci http://paste.ubuntu.com/16806659/\n<lillo> si blocca quando vado su siti come amazon e youtube, credo sia un discorso collegato alla scheda video..\n<trigger> ultima versione\n<trigger> lts\n<krabador> trigger, ha un numero\n<krabador> ce la fai a specificarlo ?\n<trigger> 16.04\n<krabador> trigger, sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<trigger> già installato\n<krabador> trigger, ma non avendo la palla di vetro ;)\n<krabador> cat /etc/fstab | pastebinit\n<trigger> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16806866/\n<krabador> sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit\n<trigger> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16806902/\n<krabador> lillo, con tutti i browsers ?\n<lillo> si\n<lillo> quando vado su siti un po' piu complessi (con video , animazioni etc etc)\n<lillo> ma non sempre, a quando gli gira a lui\n<krabador> trigger, dpkg -l | grep hdparm | pastebinit\n<trigger> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16807006/\n<krabador> trigger, hdparm -I /dev/sda | grep TRIM | pastebinit\n<trigger> \"si sta tentando di inviare un documento vuoto\n<trigger> ok mancava sudo. http://paste.ubuntu.com/16807146/\n<trigger> dice che è abilitato o solo supportato?\n<krabador> trigger, se ti sforzassi di leggere quello che ti si dice, scopriresti, che il comando appena dato è per verificare che il disco supporti trim\n<trigger> infatti è per questo che ho chiesto se significa abilitato o supportato\n<krabador> infatti ti era stato detto prima\n<trigger> quando?\n<krabador> scorri pure con comodo le linee precedenti\n<krabador> trigger, l'opzione \"discard\" di montaggio, in fstab, abilita trim\n<trigger> ok era da dedurre, pretendi troppo da un inesperto :)\n<krabador> trigger, <krabador> il tutto dopo aver verificato se SSD di cui si sta parlando supporta trim\n<krabador> <krabador> hdparm -I /dev/sda | grep TRIM\n<krabador> non mi sembra cosi' da dedurre ;D\n<krabador> trigger, sudo gedit /etc/fstab ,    in questo punto    errors=remount-ro    , aggiungi discard, cosi'      errors=remount-ro,discard\n<krabador> salvi chiudi\n<krabador> e dal riavvio successivo hai trim abilitato\n<trigger> come avevo letto su http://www.navigaweb.net/2012/07/disco-ssd-veloce-e-duraturo.html  , TRIM aiuta a velocizzare l'SSD, tu mi consigli di attivarlo, non ci sono controindicazioni? (il notebook è praticamente nuovo)\n<krabador> trigger,fatti un favore, leggi documentazioni ufficiali dei sistemi che usi\n<krabador> piuttoso che leggere a caso\n<krabador> altrimenti saranno tante le cose che sarai costretto a dedurre ;)\n<sharlockholmes> buona domenica a tutti\n<gigirock> anche a te\n<sharlockholmes> sn un medico che ormai da anni usa linux mint sul pc\n<krabador> !mint | sharlockholmes\n<ubot-it> sharlockholmes: Per supporto a linuxmint: http://www.linuxmind-italia.org/index.php\n<sharlockholmes> da qualche settimana ho acquistato un nuovo notebook proveniente dalla cina e mi trovo benissimo sul pc....tuttavia vorrei passare ad ubuntu\n<sharlockholmes> perche e il mio sistema preferito\n<sharlockholmes> ho usato in passato mint perche usano un netbook e ubuntu nn mi girava per la scarsa ram del sistema\n<sharlockholmes> :-) ubuntu is my prefer system\n<sharlockholmes> ahahaha krabador\n<gigirock> sharlockholmes, ma hai windows su quel pc cinese ?\n<sharlockholmes> yes...windows 10\n<krabador> sharlockholmes, e il punto sarebbe proclamare amore eterno, o c'è una domanda ?\n<sharlockholmes> ce una domanda\n<krabador> un  medico senza apostrofi ed accenti...\n<sharlockholmes> kabrador la tasteira e in spagnolo e devo ancora modificarla per abilitarla in italiano\n<sharlockholmes> ecco xche nn metto accenti o apostrofi\n<sharlockholmes> sorry\n<sharlockholmes> domanda voglio usare linux ubuntu odio w10 e dopo aver fatto la live su usb e installato ubuntu sul pc parte solo windows10\n<sharlockholmes> ho disattivato secure boot\n<sharlockholmes> ma niente\n<sharlockholmes> ho notato che quando installavo ubuntu durante installazione nn veniva riconosciuta la presenza di w10\n<sharlockholmes> pensate che ci sia una soluzione?\n<krabador> disabilitare secure boot, se il sistema è stato installato con secure boot abilitato, causa solo problemai\n<sharlockholmes> ok quindi riattivo secure boot ma nn parte lo stesso\n<krabador> sharlockholmes, va a verificare le opzioni di boot\n<sharlockholmes> te li posso dire dalla memoria prima ce uefi che nn e windows ma nn ricordo il nome e poi ho scelto windows ma nn parte lo stesso\n<krabador> sharlockholmes, e , la convivenza con win8/8.1/10 passa per \"avvio rapido\" disabilitato\n<krabador> sharlockholmes, no\n<krabador> devi verificare adesso\n<krabador> post installazione .\n<sharlockholmes> quindi per riassumere vado nel bios ti dico cosa ce scritto, riattivo secure boot e poi ritorno qui?\n<krabador> se ubuntu è stato installato con secure boot abilitato, è abilitato che deve stare\n<gigirock> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/SecureBoot\n<sharlockholmes> vado a modificare e poi vi scrivo cosa trovo...grazie per supporto...ps lo sapevate che scrittore di sharlock holmes era un medico?\n<trigger> ok, non hai risposto alla mia domanda però krabador , lo consigli il TRIM?\n<sharlockholmes> scusate mi sn perso qualcosa?\n<sharlockholmes> cosa e' il trim?\n<krabador> sharlockholmes, sapevo che lo scrittore di sherlock holmes era un medico\n<gigirock> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Trim | trigger\n<sharlockholmes> si infatti il metodo deduttivo di sharlock holmes viene preso dal metodo deduttivo medico\n<sharlockholmes> :-)\n<gigirock> ma c'e' compresa la tipa asiatica ?\n<sharlockholmes> vado a modificare e poi vi dico\n<sharlockholmes> grazie ragazzi\n<krabador> sharlockholmes, quello di sherlock , quello di sharlock sarà il modo di preparare mojitos\n<sharlockholmes> ahahahaha\n<sharlockholmes> sara etere ospedaliero a darmi questi problemi\n<sharlockholmes> scheri a parte vado e poi vi dico\n<sharlockholmes> cmq con questa tastiera spagnola sto impazzendo\n<trigger> ho dato il comando sudo gedit /etc/fstab ma non mi esce niente e non riappare la stringa di comando ?\n<Sherlockholmes> Rieccomi\n<gigirock> trigger, devi chiudere gedit\n<sherlockholmes> rieccomi qua...allora modificato secure boot e riattivato\n<sherlockholmes> nella lista boot ce 1 uefi hd wind\n<sherlockholmes> 2 ueap af:uefi: built .in efi shell\n<sherlockholmes> 3 hard disk\n<sherlockholmes> come faccio a far partire ubuntu senza che mi si avvii direttamente w10?\n<gigirock> sherlockholmes, dove pensi di aver messo grub ?\n<krabador> trigger, <krabador> su Ubuntu , sudo gedit /etc/fstab ---> se hai mandato questo alle 16:24, è aperto\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, il boot loader , va installato nella partizione EFI , in sistemi con uefi abilitato\n<trigger> mi dà questi errori dopo la modifica di fstab: (gedit:5458): Gtk-WARNING **: Calling Inhibit failed: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files\n<trigger> ** (gedit:5458): WARNING **: Set document metadata failed: Impostazione dell'attributo metadata::gedit-spell-enabled non supportata\n<trigger> ** (gedit:5458): WARNING **: Set document metadata failed: Impostazione dell'attributo metadata::gedit-encoding non supportata\n<trigger> ** (gedit:5458): WARNING **: Set document metadata failed: Impostazione dell'attributo metadata::gedit-position non supportata\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, non accetto messaggi privati\n<krabador> scrivi tranquillamente in canale, nell'ottica che i lunghi output vanno postati su pastebinit\n<krabador> !pastebint\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'pastebint'\n<krabador> !pastebin\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<sherlockholmes> scusa kadrador...\n<gigirock> trigger, prova a chiudere tutti i gedit cosi' partiamo da una situazione normale\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, uefi è implementato in maniera molto variabile (e buggata) dai vari produttori hardware\n<gigirock> trigger, perche' devi toccare fstab ?\n<krabador> gigirock, discard ... gliel'hai mandato anche tu il wiki ;)\n<sherlockholmes> kadrador nn ho la piu pallida di dove sia grub....come faccio a capirlo?\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, carica ubuntu in sessione live, dal supporto che hai usato per l'installazione con \"prova senza installare\"\n<krabador> connettiti ad internet e torna quo .\n<krabador> qui\n<krabador> cosa manca ?\n<trigger> di gedit ce n'era aperto solo 1 e ora è salvato e chiuso, il messaggio di errore me l'ha dato dopo la chiusura. Poi me l'avete detto voi di utilizzare il comando edit fstab....O_o\n<krabador> trigger, non sono errori\n<krabador> se leggi bene , non c'è \"error\" da nessuna parte. 7\n<trigger> ok quindi posso stare tranquillo anche se ha detto WARNING e che ha fallito varie operazioni?\n<krabador> trigger, cat /etc/fstab | pastebinit\n<krabador> trigger, non ha fallito niente che ti interessi\n<sherlockholmes> kadrador  ok grazie vado e vi riaggiorno...thanks a loto\n<sherlockholmes> a lot\n<trigger> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16808634/\n<krabador> trigger, ok, hai trim abilitato al prossimo riavvio .\n<trigger> operazione completata giusto? grazie\n<lillo> salve a tutti, ho notato che il mio touchpad si blocca spesso e devo per forza riavviare (la tastiera funziona) come posso fare ? ecco il mio ximput e lspci http://paste.ubuntu.com/16806659/\n<lillo> se faccio sudo modprobe -r psmouse non fa niente\n<lillo> anche sudo modprobe  psmouse\n<krabador> certo, tutto deve avere un ' effetto..\n<krabador> ti sei chiesto cosa fanno i 2 comandi che hai mandato ?\n<krabador> lillo, sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<krabador> lillo, sudo lshw -C video | pastebinit\n<lillo> ecco qua http://paste.ubuntu.com/16809153/\n<lillo> sono dei comandi che ho copiato da una guida per quando si blocca il touchpad, ma a me non funzionano\n<krabador> lillo, uname -a | pastebinit\n<Sherlockholmes2> Rieccomi\n<krabador> lillo, \"ho copiato da una guida\" ---> quale ?\n<Sherlockholmes2> Krabador sn in Ubuntu live e ho aperto gparted\n<krabador> Sherlockholmes2, ubuntu 16.04 ?\n<krabador> Sherlockholmes2, e chi ti ha detto di aprirlo :D\n<lillo> non ricordo, la dovrei ricercare\n<krabador> lillo, prenditi tutto il tempo che ti serve ;)\n<lillo> ok ora cerco\n<Sherlockholmes2> Krabador... Mia iniziativa :)\n<krabador> Sherlockholmes2, e puoi rispondere all'altra domanda =\n<krabador> ?\n<Sherlockholmes2> Krabador yes questa versione\n<lillo> http://askubuntu.com/questions/367701/touchpad-stopped-working-out-of-the-blue\n<lillo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16809212/\n<Sherlockholmes2> Krabador Ora che faccio?\n<krabador> Sherlockholmes2, efibootmgr | curl -F c=@- https://ptpb.pw\n<krabador> Sherlockholmes2, l'output , in mezzo avrà un link , incollalo qui\n<krabador> lillo, dpkg -l | grep synaptic | pastebinit\n<lillo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16809595/\n<lillo> ecco\n<krabador> lillo, sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-input-synaptics\n<krabador> lillo, riavvia, vedi come va\n<lillo> torno in chat se si riblocca?\n<krabador> lillo, xinput --list-props 12 | pastebint\n<krabador> lillo, xinput --list-props 12 | pastebinit\n<lillo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16809772/\n<trigger> un'altra domanda, su ubuntu 16.04 è attiva la deframmentazione programmata del Disco?\n<lillo> riavvio\n<lillo> se si riblocca torno qua\n<lillo> a dopo\n<krabador> trigger, ma hai messo ubuntu pensando di doverlo trattare come windows ?\n<trigger> sei un po' intolleranti con i nuovi utenti? ;) un tempo lo eri anche tu....haha\n<Mr_Pan> trigger, deframmentazione!??! OMG!\n<krabador> trigger, sono intollerante con chi non sa minimamente cosa sta toccando, senza preoccuparsi di informarsi un minimo all'inizio\n<shaerlockholmes> scusate amici rieccomi qui....ho faticato un po perche la versione live di ubuntu nn mi si connette alla rete alice e ho eseguito tethering dallo smartphone...\n<shaerlockholmes> krabador per favore mi ricopi il link che mi avevi indicato qualche minuto fa?...grazie mille\n<krabador> Sherlockholmes2, efibootmgr | curl -F c=@- https://ptpb.pw\n<krabador> nel terminale, invio\n<shaerlockholmes> krabador grazie davvero....ecco quello che mi compare efibootmgr: EFI variables are not supported on this system.\n<shaerlockholmes> date: 2015-03-03T00:05:42.457000+00:00\n<shaerlockholmes> digest: da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709\n<shaerlockholmes> long: ANo5o-5ea0sNMlW_75VgGJCv2AcJ\n<shaerlockholmes> short: 2AcJ\n<krabador> e tanti saluti a \"Sherlockholmes2, l'output , in mezzo avrà un link , incollalo qui \"\n<sherlockholmes> krabador efibootmgr efi variables are not supported on this system ect ect\n<sherlockholmes> krabador ho ancora qualche speranza di installazione per ubuntu ?\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, quel comando ha prodotto un link\n<krabador> incollalo qui , per favore\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, sudo fdisk -l | curl -F c=@- https://ptpb.pw\n<krabador> cosi' come questo\n<sherlockholmes> krabador vedo questi dati https://ptpb.pw/2AcJ\n<sherlockholmes> krabador spero sia quello che mi chiedi....\n<krabador> l'altro ?\n<sherlockholmes> krabador nella prima riga ce efibootmgr I curl -F c=@- https://ptpb.pw\n<sherlockholmes> krabador corretto ce questo che hai scritto tu :)\n<AdrianoMAX> Salve,sapete qualche programma per Ubuntu,x creare iso di Windows avviabili?\n<AdrianoMAX> Ho provato UnetBootin e altri,ma non mi fa iso avviabile\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, te ne ho mandato un'altro\n<krabador> <krabador> sherlockholmes, sudo fdisk -l | curl -F c=@- https://ptpb.pw\n<krabador> <krabador> cosi' come questo\n<sherlockholmes> krabador ho fatto partire il link sul terminale...\n<AdrianoMAX> da me?\n<sherlockholmes> krabrados ora mi dice nel status created...\n<sherlockholmes> krabrados ora mi dice status created....\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, ma i medici lo sanno cos'è un link  ?\n<sherlockholmes> krabador ahahahaha.....si ma qui nn si capisce un tubo :)\n<krabador> se sai cos'è, lo sai distiguere , tra le linee di output\n<sherlockholmes> krabador io penso ad un link come a un indirizzo di pagina web...qui ce in ordine dall alto al basso\n<sherlockholmes> efiboot I curl ecc....\n<sherlockholmes> date ecccc\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, ti prego\n<krabador> sudo fdisk -l | curl -F c=@- https://ptpb.pw\n<krabador> copia/incolla questo, nel terminale , premi invio, incolla qui il link che c'è in mezzo alle linee di output\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, alle 18:10 ti è stato chiesto\n<sherlockholmes> url: https://ptpb.pw/Ixv9\n<sherlockholmes> credo sia questo il link....\n<sherlockholmes> https://ptpb.pw/IXv9\n<sherlockholmes> scusa la X era maiuscolo....\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, dpkg -l | grep efibootmgr | curl -F c=@- https://ptpb.pw\n<sherlockholmes> grazie fatto...ti serve il nuovo link?\n<sherlockholmes> ora ho capito cosa mi chiedi....evvaiiiii\n<krabador> e quanto devo aspettare ?\n<sherlockholmes> https://ptpb.pw/2AcJ\n<sherlockholmes> mamma mia che carattere voi informatici...come quelli dell ospedale...sempre poco gentili...scherzo\n<krabador> sudo apt-get -y install efibootmgr | curl -F c=@- https://ptpb.pw\n<sherlockholmes> https://ptpb.pw/B8ui\n<sherlockholmes> https://ptpb.pw/B8ui\n<sherlockholmes> https://ptpb.pw/B8ui\n<sherlockholmes> https://ptpb.pw/B8ui\n<sherlockholmes> scusa l ho copiato piu volte...\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, efibootmgr | curl -F c=@- https://ptpb.pw\n<sherlockholmes> https://ptpb.pw/2AcJ\n<sherlockholmes> https://ptpb.pw/B8ui\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, sicuro di copiare ed incollare i link correttamente ?\n<BigDave> help\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, sudo mkdir /media/a && sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/a\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, ls -la /media/a | curl -F c=@- https://ptpb.pw\n<sherlockholmes> mmm spero...https://ptpb.pw/U1xk\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, ls -la /media/a/EFI | curl -F c=@- https://ptpb.pw\n<sherlockholmes> https://ptpb.pw/ttQK\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, ls -la /media/a/EFI/Boot | curl -F c=@- https://ptpb.pw\n<sherlockholmes> https://ptpb.pw/gxIv\n<ale99F> potete dirmi come si fa ad accedere all'hd dalla modalità live di ubuntu?\n<krabador> ancora?\n<krabador> ale99F, uname -a | curl -F c=@- https://ptpb.pw\n<krabador> da terminale\n<ale99F> No, io devo salvare i vecchi dati, con quel comando mi mostra solo delle informazioni\n<krabador> ale99F, incollare qui il link , puo' essere pericoloso\n<krabador> ?\n<Sherlockholmes> Krabador grazie per aiuto... Ho il timore che la connessione sia saltata...\n<krabador> Sherlockholmes, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair\n<krabador> sudo apt-get update\n<krabador> sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && boot-repair\n<krabador> Sherlockholmes, e segui http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Uefi#Riparazione_bootloader\n<krabador> Sherlockholmes, o questo https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI#Converting_Ubuntu_into_UEFI_mode\n<ale99F> non è lo stesso pc\n<krabador> come dettoti diverse ore fa, apri il gestore files, e vedi se a sinistra hai la partizione che ti interessa , nella lista volumi, ci clicchi, vedi se monta correttamente e visualizza il contenuto , al che fai quello che ti pare\n<ale99F> il fatto è che non me lo monta correttamente, di conseguenza non posso vedere il contenuto\n<krabador> allora o fornisci le informazioni richieste, come quella di prima\n<krabador> oppure ci salutiamo qui\n<krabador> ale99F, nel momento in cui il montaggio non avviene correttamente per una questione fisica del disco , che se è allineato al periodo xp , è estremamente probabile, sempre come dettoti prima, di' al parente di consultare personale specializzato .\n<ale99F> https://ptpb.pw/omsI\n<krabador> ale99F, sudo fdisk -l | curl -F c=@- https://ptpb.pw\n<ale99F> https://ptpb.pw/909l\n<krabador> hai sbagliato\n<krabador> connetti quel pc qui,\n<ale99F> come dovrei fare?\n<ale99F> cosa ho sbagliato?\n<krabador> ale99F, apri dal pc in questione questa chat, in modo da incollare direttamente  i risultati dei comandi\n<ale99F> krabador:  ok, ho fatto l`accesso dal computer in questione...\n<krabador> ale99F, sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<krabador> ale99F, sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit\n<krabador> ale99F, ci metterai 40 minuti a rispondere ?\n<ale99F> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16817031/\n<krabador> ale99F, df -h | pastebinit\n<ale99F> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16817126/\n<krabador> sudo umount /dev/sda1\n<krabador> sudo mkdir /media/a\n<krabador> sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/a | pastebinit\n<ale99F> dice: You are trying to send an empty document, exiting.\n<krabador> ok, ls -la /media/a | pastebinit\n<ale99F> non mi da nessun messaggio in output\n<krabador> è tornato alla linea di comando ?\n<ale99F> no aspetta...\n<ale99F> ls: cannot access /media/a/AUTOEXEC.BAT: Input/output error\n<ale99F> ls: cannot access /media/a/boot.ini: Input/output error\n<ale99F> ls: cannot access /media/a/bootfont.bin: Input/output error\n<ale99F> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16817221/\n<krabador> ecco i tuoi dati, abbuffati ;)\n<ale99F> da dove accedo ad essi?\n<krabador> ale99F, ma sai cosa sono files e cartelle?\n<ale99F> simpatico, veramente....\n<cristian_c> ale99F: ti era stato già suggerito\n<cristian_c> dal gestore di file\n<cristian_c> ale99F: come indicsto dal percorso, in /media e poi 'a'\n<cristian_c> ecc...\n<ale99F> Grazie, ma\n<ale99F> Sorry, could not display all the contents of “a”: Error when getting information for file '/media/a/boot.ini': Input/output error\n<krabador> ale99F, ma vuoi andare a recuperare i dati  a 'sto parente, o vuoi continuarla a menare per giorni ?\n<cristian_c> ale99F: e da dove recuperi questo messaggio?\n<ale99F> quando provo ad entrare nella cartella\n<cristian_c> 'ad entrare nella cartella' <- dal gestore di file?\n<ale99F> krabador:  non ti costringe nessuno a rispondere\n<ale99F> si, dal gestore di file\n<cristian_c> ale99F: devi fare un backup dei file o cos'altro?\n<krabador> ale99F, e tu sei tenuto a prestare attenzione a quello che ti viene detto\n<krabador> visto che sono che le cose, nella loro completezza ti sono state dette\n<krabador> ma ti vedono protagonista di tempi morti enormi ed errore nel riportare dati richiesti\n<krabador> \"visto che sono che le cose\" ---> visto che sono ore che le cose\n<krabador> ale99F, ti ricordo inoltre, che se il pc windows del tuo parente è esploso, non è scopo di questo canale e di questa risorsa intervenire a riguardo.\n<ale99F> Fa niente... non rispondo neanche..\n<ale99F> Comunque a tutti per l`aiuto, ma ti consiglio di essere piu cortese ed educato, ma rimane un consiglio..\n<ale99F> grazie a tutti*\n<krabador> ale99F, il log parla per te, non preoccuparti ;)\n<krabador> !log | ale99F\n<ubot-it> ale99F: Log del canale: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/\n<Mr_Pan> ho il problema che ogni volta che il pc va in standy, una volta che rientro con la password, non si vede più la freccia del mouse ... sono costretot a uscire dalla sesisone e rientrare ... xubuntu 16.04. idee?\n<krabador> Mr_Pan, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1573454\n<Mr_Pan> krabador, thanks non lo avevo visto\n<krabador> figurati\n<cristian_c> utenti che 'non rispondono neanche', ottimo....\n<krabador> I_Migliori™\n<Mr_Pan> krabador, è un bug conosciuto ma senza soluzione per ora solo un workaround ... ctrl+alt+f1 e poi torni al desktop grafico ...\n<Mr_Pan> meglio di riavviare la sesisone di continuo ..\n<krabador> per il momento, a quanto pare. Xorg il primo mese è un po' cosi.\n<sherlockholmes7> buona sera...come prima cosa volevo ringraziare la disponibilita' di krabador per avermi supportato oggi pomeriggio\n<krabador> sherlockholmes7, hai seguito gli ultimi comandi ed il link ?\n<sherlockholmes7> carissimo siiiiii\n<krabador> com'è andata ?\n<sherlockholmes7> mmm mancava un soffio ma nn parte ma quando avvio il boot recover e andato in advanced mi compare questa scritta\n<krabador> sherlockholmes7, posta direttamente una foto della schermata del programma, che fai premendo il tasto stamp\n<krabador> !image | sherlockholmes7\n<ubot-it> sherlockholmes7: Carica un'immagine su http://prnt.sc/ o https://imgur.com/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<lillo> salve a tutti, non riesco a fare funzionare il microfono come mai?\n<sherlockholmes7> http://prnt.sc/b9x3t2\n<sherlockholmes7> come vedete nn demordo :)\n<krabador> lillo, aplay -l | pastebinit\n<krabador> hai secure boot disabilitato\n<krabador> sherlockholmes7, ^\n<lillo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16818464/\n<sherlockholmes7> quindi devo entrare in bios e togliere secure boot?\n<krabador> no, DEVI ABILITARLO , come detto prima.\n<sherlockholmes7> scusa abilitarlo?\n<sherlockholmes7> si scusami lo abilito subito e poi ci rivediamo :)))))) thanksssss a lot\n<krabador> lillo, alsamixer , premi f6 , fa screenshot\n<krabador> sherlockholmes7, come detto prima ---> ore fa\n<lillo> https://imagebin.ca/v/2irBO3WwqWvR\n<sherlockholmes> krabador il secure boot e' abilitato\n<lillo> e questo e' in cattura https://imagebin.ca/v/2irBx1ZYhIRl\n<sherlockholmes> ho riprovato a far partire boot repair ma mi da il solito errore...\n<sherlockholmes> mi dice il messaggio di passare dalla modalita legancy mode a efi mode...\n<lillo82> scusate e' caduta la linea....\n<lillo82> dicevo\n<lillo82> https://imagebin.ca/v/2irBO3WwqWvR\n<lillo82> e questo e' in cattura https://imagebin.ca/v/2irBx1ZYhIRl\n<sherlockholmes> entro nel bios e cambio da legancy a efi mode?\n<krabador> perchè, è il legacy???\n<krabador> <krabador> lillo, alsamixer , premi f6 , fa screenshot\n<krabador> premi f6, e poi fai screenshot\n<lillo82> https://imagebin.ca/v/2irBO3WwqWvR\n<lillo82> e questo e' in cattura https://imagebin.ca/v/2irBx1ZYhIRl\n<lillo82> va bene cosi?\n<krabador> lillo82, f6 , predefinita, cattura, equivala a quest'ultima?\n<sherlockholmes> scusate ma con questa tastiera strana con f6 nn fa lo screenshot....\n<lillo82> non ho capito\n<lillo82> dove sbaglio?\n<sherlockholmes> vi copio la prima parte del messaggio che mi compare dopo aver avviato boot repair...The boot of your PC is in Legacy mode. Please change it to EFI mode. Please use Boot-Repair-Disk-64bit (www.sourceforge.net/p/boot-repair-cd) which contains an EFI-compatible version of this software. ((use it from live-USB, not from DVD))\n<lillo82> questa e' riproduzione piu f6 https://imagebin.ca/v/2irHHyXh4aNN\n<lillo82> e questa cattura piu f6 https://imagebin.ca/v/2irHYpqfOTyT\n<lillo82> e questa cattura piu f6 https://imagebin.ca/v/2irHYpqfOTyT\n<sherlockholmes> @ krabador cosa mi consigli per favore...entrare nel bios e cambiare da legacy a efi mode?\n<giovanni> ciao a tutti! Io ho installato oggi in dual boot la versione 16.04 di ubuntu con windows 10 ma ho un problema ogni tanto lo schermo lampeggia nero e' una cosa abbastanza fastidiosa qualcuno sa come posso risolvere? grazie in anticipo\n<sherlockholmes> ragazzi grazie lo stesso...siete stati gentili...io provo a farlo la modifica consigliata nel bios...un saluto a tutti\n<krabador> giovanni, \"ogni tanto lo schermo lampeggia di nero\" ---> casualmente,o in momenti specifici ?\n<giovanni> casualmente prima mentre scrivevo lo faceva ora no\n<sherlockhomes> @ krabador quando sei libero se ti va accetto volentieri un tuo aiuto...\n<krabador> giovanni, puoi descrivere \"lampeggia di nero\" ?\n<giovanni> come se ci fosse un micro black out ma e' una cosa rapidissima e lo fa una due volte poi basta\n<krabador> giovanni, sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<krabador> giovanni, sudo lshw -C video | pastebinit\n<krabador> giovanni, incolla il link risultante\n<giovanni> ok arriva\n<krabador> lillo82, alsamixer, f6, seleziona hda intel pch , premi f4, fa screenshot\n<giovanni> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16819789/\n<giovanni> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16819789/\n<giovanni> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16819789/\n<lillo82> ok ora faccio\n<giovanni> scusa ne ho incollati 3 per sbaglio!\n<lillo82> krabador, ma lo avevo gia fatto ...\n<lillo82> questa e' riproduzione piu f6 https://imagebin.ca/v/2irHHyXh4aNN\n<lillo82> e questa cattura piu f6 https://imagebin.ca/v/2irHYpqfOTyT\n<krabador> lillo82, hai mandato una marea di screen con f6 sovrapposto\n<krabador> lillo82, quando f6 va premuto PRIMA\n<krabador> poi selezionato quanto richiesto\n<krabador> POI f4\n<krabador> POI screen\n<lillo82> se faccio f4 mi va in cattura\n<lillo82> se seleziono intel etc etc devo fare enter, se premo f4 non fa niente.... premo enter e poi f4 e mi va in cattura\n<krabador> giovanni, il supporto a skylake è presente in linux, ma ancora in via di perfezionament o\n<krabador> lillo82, \"seleziona hda intel pch\" ---\n<lillo82> cioe' vuoi la screen senza f6?\n<lillo82> fatto!\n<krabador> significa selezionare quella linea E PREMERE INVIO\n<krabador> poi cattura.\n<lillo82> infatti e' quello che ho fatto\n<giovanni> quindi per ora lo devo tenere cosi'? ora tipo lo ha rifatto un momento\n<krabador> lillo82, vuoi essere cosi' gentile da fare un'ennesimo screen ? ;)\n<lillo82> senza f6 sovrapposto? dopo che seleziono intel e premo invio?\n<krabador> lillo82, puoi chiamare un amico un po' piu' esperto di te, per accompagnarti in questa conversazione ?\n<lillo82> dai :)\n<krabador> giovanni, contro il mancato supporto , o supporto parziale, non c'è nulla da fare\n<lillo82> ora arrivano le screeen\n<lillo82> un sec\n<giovanni> ok ti ringrazio moltissimo per l'aiuto :)\n<krabador> figurati\n<sherlockhomes> krabador se vuoi io ci sn :)\n<krabador> sherlockhomes, e la domanda?\n<lillo82> ecco la prima https://imagebin.ca/v/2irSqCgsPqGy\n<lillo82> e la seconda https://imagebin.ca/v/2irT0VUMODIK\n<sherlockhomes> dopo aver avviato boot repair mi dice che il sistema e' in modalita' legacy....\n<krabador> sherlockhomes, legacy = secure boot disabilitato = uefi disabilitato\n<krabador> sherlockhomes, rispondi seriamente ad una domanda postati diverse ore fa : sei sicuro di aver installato ubuntu con uefi abilitato ?\n<lillo82> ovviamente con intel selezionato\n<krabador> lillo82, imposta \"disable\" nella voce \"auto mute m\" in riproduzione, in alsamixer\n<sherlockhomes> krebador... io dopo aver preso il pc con w10 ho provveduto subito ad installato ubuntu...nn ti so se questa informazione ti aiuta a capire se ho installato ubuntu con uefi abilitato...\n<krabador> !chi | sherlockhomes\n<ubot-it> sherlockhomes: se stai parlando con qualcuno in particolare, per rendere più leggibile il canale ti consiglio di inserire il suo nickname in quello che dici (puoi usare il completamento premendo il tasto tab)\n<lillo82> krabador, fatto e adesso?\n<sherlockhomes> @ubot-it\n<sherlockhomes> @ubot-it\n<sherlockhomes> @ ubot-it scusa... grazie per il suggerimento...provvedero' a farlo le prossime volte...\n<krabador> sherlockhomes, ad un medico quanto aiuterebbe \"dopo essermi alzato dal letto, mi ha fatto male la gola\" ?\n<lillo82> krabador, non funziona ancora il mic :(\n<krabador> sherlockhomes, come hai trovato, la prima volta che hai effettuato accesso a bios, le impostazioni di sercure boot, fast boot ?\n<sherlockhomes> @ krabador direi pochissimo...ma apprezzo la precisione con cui il pz mi racconta le cose...\n<lillo82> (che poi tra l'altro non funziona neanche l'attacco delle cuffie)\n<krabador> sherlockhomes, puoi indicare il modello preciso di questo notebook ?\n<krabador> lillo82, le cuffie sono rilevate mute\n<lillo82> krabador, mm sta per muto? e come le faccio partire?\n<sherlockhomes> @ certo...per trovare le impostazioni nel bios digito in sequenza esc f1 f2 f3 f4 nn sapendo quale sia il tasto per entrare nel bios...\n<krabador> premi m in corrispondenza della voce\n<krabador> lillo82, alc256, il tuo chip audio sembra non essere supportato\n<lillo82> krabador, accidenti e come faccio allora?\n<lillo82> le casse funzionano, ma le cuffie e il microfono interno no :(\n<sherlockhomes> @ krebador e nella maggior parte dei casi entro...cmq quando ho installato ubuntu la prima volta nn sn entrato nel bios e ho provveduto direttamente ad installarlo come ho fatto le precedenti volte su altri pc...il modello del pc nn e' scritto da nesuna parte...e' prodotto dalla zeus electronic technology\n<lillo82> che tu sappia esistono schede audio esterne che possono risolvere il mio problema? magari cinesate da pochi euro\n<krabador> cinesate da pochi euro non sono consigliabili piu' o meno a prescindere\n<lillo82> ma ehm io ho pochi euro...\n<lillo82> sono poveretto\n<krabador> lillo82, ti devi accontentare di quello che succede.\n<lillo82> ne ho trovata una a 60 centesimi spedita!\n<krabador> lillo82, uname -a | pastebinit\n<krabador> !chat | lillo82\n<ubot-it> lillo82: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<lillo82> ok..\n<krabador> almeno certe amenità non occuperanno il log.\n<giovanni> sherlockhomes: il tuo problema qual'e'? perhce' anche io avevo problemi con l'installazione e bios ecc poi ci sono riuscito se mi spieghi orse posso aiutarti\n<krabador> giovanni, sherlockhomes ne deve dare di informazioni\n<lillo82> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16820417/\n<giovanni> krabador: non e' cosi' facile per neofiti di ubuntu come me :) ti assicuro che ho fatto fatica ma e' stato soddisfacente\n<krabador> gigirock, lui è medico\n<sherlockhomes> @ grazie giovanni...ti spiego in breve...nn amo w10 e dopo che mi e' arrivato il pc nuovo ho installato ma nn mi parte...oggi pomeriggio krabador mi fa aiutato facendomi eseguire dei comandi nel treminale e ultima operazione sarebbe stata quella di avviare boot repair e sistemare il tutto...una volta avviato boot repair non mi portare il processo..\n<sherlockhomes> .ps cardiologo per la precisione :)\n<gigirock> chi sherlockhomes ?\n<krabador> sherlockhomes, non perdere tempo per favore\n<sherlockhomes> @ scusa...\n<sherlockhomes> @ krabador scusa\n<krabador> e rispondi per favore sulla condizione delle voci rilevate prima\n<giovanni> sherlockhomes: non ti parte ubuntu o windows? e ubuntu in che modalita' lo hai installato in caso?\n<sherlockhomes> @ giovanni w10 parte ma ubuntu no...a questa domanda nn so rispondere...l ho installato senza toccare il bios\n<giovanni> sherlockhomes: ok ubuntu in che senso non parte? se lo hai installato immagino sia partito una volta\n<krabador> oh sherlockhomes o rispondi, o un cardiologo non avrà problemi a portare il pc in un centro assistenza, no ?\n<lillo82> buonanotte a tutti\n<giovanni> krabador: calma lo provo ad aiutare io :)\n<gigirock> da notare la novita' giovanni , a cui vanno i saluti della comunita'\n<sherlockhomes> @ krabador...nessun problema a portare il pc in assistenza...speravo solo si riuscire a concludere installazione oggi perche mi serve per lavoro...\n<sherlockhomes> @ davvero giovanni grazie....se nn potete nessun problema e lo porto in assitenza...\n<giovanni> gigirock: grazie mille ma non sono un'esperto come molti di voi\n<krabador> sherlockhomes, se non rispondi , non puo' nessuno\n<giovanni> sherlockhomes: proviamo, dimmi le info che ti ho chiesto prima\n<krabador> sherlockhomes, ed è un pomeriggio intero che ti sto chiedendo di riabilitare uefi , e con un pc in legacy , secure boot non puo' essere abilitato\n<krabador> sherlockhomes, <krabador> sherlockhomes, legacy = secure boot disabilitato = uefi disabilitato\n<sherlockhomes> @ giovanni Kradabor ma come faccio ad abiliare un pc in uefi?\n<giovanni> sherlockhomes: ha ragione ragione kabrador, in piu' se il tuo precedente sistema operativo e' installato in ueubuntu deve esserlo se vuoi il dual bootfi anche\n<krabador> sherlockhomes, entra in bios, disabilita legacy\n<krabador> riabilita secure boot\n<krabador> e , per l'amor di Dio, datti una mossa\n<krabador> !log | giovanni\n<ubot-it> giovanni: Log del canale: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/\n<giovanni> sherlockhomes: basta che riabiliti secure boot e disabilita auto il legacymaticamente\n<krabador> giovanni, puoi andare a vedere quante volte è stato detto all'utente sherlock holmes a riguardo di uefi, e cosa ha fatto l'utente a riguardo\n<giovanni> krabador: grazie mille, ma basterebbe che lui bootasse in bios e riabilitasse secure boot, anche se io in teoria lo ho disabilitato per installare linux\n<sherlockhomes> @ krabador riprovo per ultima volta ma vi giro che secure boot e' enable...cosi mi dice nel bios...cmq riavvio e riprovo...grazie per la paziente...\n<sherlockhomes> per la pazienza...\n<krabador> giovanni, non aggiungere altro ad una questione affrontata fin troppo qui dentro, questo canale ha appunto il log per la consultazione da parte degli utenti alla ricerca di soluzioni di un problema\n<giovanni> krabador: kabrador scusami mi dici velocemente se lui ha effetivamente installato ubuntu in dual boot e poi non gli boota?\n<giovanni> krabador: o cosa ha combinato? almeno non sto a cercarmi tutto nel log\n<giovanni> krabador: perche' se lo avesse effetivamente installato e' strano forte il fatto che non booti\n<krabador> gigirock, uefi è implementato in maniera estremamente variabile dai vari vendors, ed in molti piu' casi di quanti se ne possano immaginare, è buggato\n<krabador> giovanni, ^\n<krabador> gigirock, scusa\n<sharlockholmes> @ giovanni ho riavviato e sn entrato nel bios e la modalità secure boot e' abilitata...ho fatto anche la foto del bios...se mi fornisci un link dove caricarla la allego...\n<krabador> !image | sharlockholmes\n<ubot-it> sharlockholmes: Carica un'immagine su http://prnt.sc/ o https://imgur.com/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<giovanni> sharlockholmes: ok dimmi se hai effetivamente installato ubuntu e non ti boota oppure non sei riuscito a installare ubuntu\n<gigirock> quelli che si portera' Conte sono + o - i migliori in Italia\n<gigirock> sorry\n<sharlockholmes> @ ubot-it giovanni http://prnt.sc/b9yhgw eccola...ho installato ubuntu ma nn parte...\n<krabador> sharlockholmes, falla sia della pagina di legacy\n<krabador> sharlockholmes, che di secure boot\n<krabador> sharlockholmes, che delle voci del boot\n<krabador> sharlockholmes, verifica le voci di \"secure boot mode\"\n<sharlockholmes> @ krabador te le faccio tutte le foto...la voce secure boot mode e' in modalità standard...\n<krabador> \"<krabador> sharlockholmes, verifica le voci di \"secure boot mode\" ---> elenca tutte le opzioni\n<giovanni> sharlockholmes: ma quindi hai partizionato il disco e installatolato ifle ma quando riavvi non ti l'opzione dual boot?\n<krabador> giovanni, leggi il log per queste informazioni\n<sharlockholmes> @ krabador giovanni vado a fare le foto richieste...si dopo aiuto krabador ho sistemato le ripartizioni...\n<giovanni> sharlockholmes: ok allora se disabiliti il secure boot dovresti poter scegliere\n<giovanni> sharlockholmes: il secure boot serve per far si che vi sia boot di un unico sistema operativo\n<krabador> giovanni, se leggessi il log , sapresti che sono tentativi già affrontati\n<giovanni> krabador: scusami ma non ne avevo tanta voglia ahaha\n<krabador> il che, è trollare\n<krabador> !troll | giovanni\n<ubot-it> giovanni: Trollare è un comportamento considerato fastidioso dagli altri utenti del canale. Questo include andare offtopic o chiedere la stessa cosa piu volte ottenendo risposte ma non considerarle, e questi non sono i soli comportamenti che possono essere considerati da troll. Per favore leggi /msg ubot-it irc - se questo riguarda te, potresti ritrovarti fuori dal canale.\n<krabador> giovanni, dillo prima, se hai voglia di continuare su questa linea\n<giovanni> krabador: comunque mi sembra strano che avendo installato ubuntu non gli booti nel senso se lo monta poi boota di solito il problema e' sull'installazione\n<giovanni> krabador: calma\n<sherlockholmes> @ giovanni krabador se per favore mi fornite un link per allegare le foto vi mando le schermate del bios...grazie\n<krabador> !image | sherlockholmes\n<ubot-it> sherlockholmes: Carica un'immagine su http://prnt.sc/ o https://imgur.com/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<giovanni> sherlockholmes: quello di prima\n<sherlockholmes> @ ubot-it giovanni krabador grazie provvedo subito\n<sherlockholmes> http://prnt.sc/b9ypru\n<sherlockholmes> http://prnt.sc/b9yqd5\n<sherlockholmes> http://prnt.sc/b9yqut\n<sherlockholmes> http://prnt.sc/b9yrb6\n<sherlockholmes> caricate tutte :)\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, hard disk drive bbs priorities\n<giovanni> sherlockholmes: allora devi camiare le priorita'\n<giovanni> sherlockholmes: esatto quello che dice krabrador\n<sherlockholmes> @ krabador giovanni ok entro li dentro e che cosa metto? vi faccio una foto?\n<krabador> fai una foto\n<sherlockholmes> ok thanksssss...grazie davvero ragazzi per il supporto...se siete di milano andiamo a berci una birra...vado e torno\n<giovanni> krabador: esco un attimo e rientro devo dare un reboot\n<krabador> !image | sharlockholmes\n<ubot-it> sharlockholmes: Carica un'immagine su http://prnt.sc/ o https://imgur.com/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<sharlockholmes> subito grazie\n<sharlockholmes> http://prnt.sc/b9z3xp\n<sharlockholmes> http://prnt.sc/b9z44k\n<sharlockholmes> http://prnt.sc/b9z4c6\n<sharlockholmes> http://prnt.sc/b9z4jf\n<sharlockholmes> @ubot-it li ho messo in sequenza in base alle diverse possibilita' di selezione\n<sharlockholmes> @ubot-it li ho messe in sequenza in base alle diverse possibilita' di selezione\n<krabador> sharlockholmes, prova a selezionare in sezione boot, in corrispondenza di boot n°1 , non uefi hard disk, ma hard disk\n<krabador> sharlockholmes, vedi che fa\n<sharlockholmes> grazie krabador...la prossima volta di scrivere in ciao con ubuntu...riprovo subito\n<sherlockholmes> nn parte ne win10 ne ubuntu...ecco la foto della schermata...http://prnt.sc/b9z8gz\n<sherlockholmes> ho ripristinato bios come era prima...\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, ricordi se hai installato ubuntu a 32 o a 64 bit ?\n<sherlockholmes> 64 sn sicuro\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, allora secure boot abilitato , uefi hard disk , fa partire di nuovo ubuntu da supporto di installazione e prova di nuovo boot repair\n<sherlockholmes> ok provo grazie....\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, quando sei\n<sherlockholmes> e partito il boot repair....evvaiiiiii\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, molto bene, per favore, manda un'immagine\n<sherlockholmes> yesssss\n<krabador> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI#Converting_Ubuntu_into_UEFI_mode\n<krabador> !image | sherlockholmes\n<ubot-it> sherlockholmes: Carica un'immagine su http://prnt.sc/ o https://imgur.com/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<sherlockholmes> subito grazie...\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, ubot-it non è un utente , prova a digitare !ciao   in canale\n<sherlockholmes> !ciao\n<ubot-it> Ciao! Benvenuto in #ubuntu-it\n<sherlockholmes> :)\n<sherlockholmes> http://prnt.sc/b9zg85\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, e questo dopo aver fatto cosa?\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, le immagini del sistema operativo falle premendo il tasto stamp\n<krabador> lui le salverà in Immagini\n<sherlockholmes> carissimo su questa tastiera nn ce il tasto stamp e f6 nn esegue screen shot...dopo aver fatto partire boot repair andato in advanced e fatto apply...mi compare alla fine questo\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, sicuro di non avere un tasto associato a fn , per stamp ?\n<sherlockholmes> quasi sicuro....\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, \"grub location\" come era impostato ?\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, era di quello che volevo vedere l'immagine\n<sherlockholmes> @ krabador nn lo so come era impostato se vuoi metto no e rifaccio da capo il boot repair\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, era fondamentale lo status di grub location\n<krabador> ed è specificato estremamente chiaramente nelle guide\n<sherlockholmes> @ allora come era segnato nel link che mi hai mandato nel pomeriggio...l ho seguito alla lettera...\n<sherlockholmes> @ krabador come era segnato nel link che mi hai mandato nel pomeriggio...l ho seguito alla lettera...\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, si, ma se in grub location quello che viene rilevato, non va eseguito\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, metti si , clicca su forward e fa altra immagine\n<sherlockholmes> @ krabador mi dice GRUB is still present. Please try again.\n<krabador> *se in grub location quello che viene rilevato è una voce che dice determinate cose, non va eseguito\n<sherlockholmes> @ krabador http://prnt.sc/b9zl8u\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, perfetto, vai avanti\n<sherlockholmes> @ krabador compare sempre questo http://prnt.sc/b9zg85\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, vada per yes, forward, riavvia\n<sherlockholmes> @ krabador mi dice come messaggio finale GRUB is still present. Please try again.\n<krabador> riavvia\n<sherlockholmes> ok devo cambiare qualcosa nel bios e lascio tutto cosi e riavvio?\n<krabador> lascia tutto cosi'\n<sherlockholmes> @ krabador ok riavvio\n<sherlockholmes> grazie\n<sherlockholmes> ho riprovato ad avviare ma nn mi parte ne w10 ne ubuntu..mi da lo stesso problema di prima...\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, va a controllare come sta messo boot options n°1 ,e controlla se si sono aggiunge opzioni selezionabili\n<sherlockholmes> krabanor sei stato davvero gentile a darmi un mano nonostante il fatto che sn principiante e nn capisco un h...domani devo andare al lavoro...che ne dici se proseguiamo un altra volta?\n<sherlockholmes> ho chiesto a voi nn xche nn volessi andare in assistenza...ma dopo tentativi falliti con un mio amico ing amante di ubuntu...nn riuscendo con lui ho chiesto a voi...\n<krabador> sherlockholmes, torna quando hai tempo , questo canale è qui apposta\n<sherlockholmes> siete veramente splendidi e scusa per la mia ignoranza...I wish you the best...\n<sherlockholmes> :)\n<krabador> buon lavoro\n<sherlockholmes> thanks too you...\n#ubuntu-it 2017-05-22\n<LINUX-NEW> buongiorno, utilizzo un portatile dell latitude E7470 al boot ho alcuni problemi con ubuntu 16.04 quali driver mancanti scheda wifi ( anche se la scheda wifi funziona regolarmente ) e altri avvisi del genere, la domanda è: cè un modo per saltare il controllo di questi driver all'avvio per velocizzare lo startup ? questo perche prima di acaricare il SO si ferma almeno 10/15 secondi su questi avvisi.....\n<tony0> processore 1,60 Ghz Ram 2 Ghz quale distro mi conviene installare?\n<tony0> notebook hp dv4000\n<tony0> pavilion\n<LINUX-NEW> tony0, LXDE\n<Mr_Pan> tony0, Lubuntu\n<tony0> lxde debian giusto?\n<tony0> Mr_pan lubuntu lo provato in live ma non mi piace la grafica\n<tony0> LINUX-NEW debian?\n<tony0> adesso ho installato ubuntu 16.04 e sembra girare bene\n<gigirock> LINUX-NEW, non ho capito quando e come si 'ferma' su quei avvisi .....\n<gigirock> LINUX-NEW, hai gia' installato ubuntu 1604 ?\n<tony0> gigirock si\n<tony0> gigirock sembra fino ad ora che giri bene ubuntu 16.04\n<gigirock> si tony0 ma che de usi ?\n<tony0> gigirock non ho capito cosa?\n<gigirock> tony0, usi unity lxde gnome o che altro ?\n<tony0> unity\n<tony0> ubuntu 16.04\n<LINUX-NEW> gigirock, no non ancora\n<gigirock> ok, LINUX-NEW vuol dire che quei driver non sono caricati nel kernel della live ma poi come vedi nei repo troverai la giusta corrispondenza, la 16.04 come dice il suo nome e' vecchia di un anno\n<alienet> http://alienet.info/\n<alienet> conoscete questo sito\n<alienet> sapete come funziona\n<alienet> no riesco come funzioan\n<alienet> funziona\n<alienet> no riesco ad installare il vpn da terminale\n<Mr_Pan> alienet, smettila di giocare al piccolo hachero\n<Mr_Pan> !supporto\n<ubot-it> il canale di supporto è #ubuntu-it\n<Mr_Pan> !chat\n<ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<davide4444> Salve, scusate il disturbo ma volevo chiedere delle informazioni per quanto riguarda ubuntu, siccome sto montando un computer da zero, volevo sapere se era possibile installare come primo sistema operativo Ubuntu (scusate per la domanda un po' stupida però tra mille dubbi preferisco chiedere)\n<Carlin0> davide4444, ovvio che si può\n<davide4444> ok grazie mille\n<b000lt> buona sera a tutti\n<Mr_Pan> ciao b000lt\n<b000lt> ho un problema con il mio portatile : L'audio funziona alla prima accensione, dopo la sospensione non va piu e devo per forza riavviare\n<b000lt> ho provato a fare qualche operazione letta sul forum ma senza successo, Qualcuno saprebbe aiutarmi ? grazie\n<Carlin0> b000lt, che ubuntu ? che portatile\n<b000lt> Notebook HP 530 Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS\n<Carlin0> b000lt, sei su ubuntu ora ? ora va l'audio ?\n<b000lt> ora no perche ho ripreso dalla sospensione\n<Carlin0> b000lt, apri un terminale scrivi alsamixer e posta la schermata\n<Carlin0> !image\n<ubot-it> Carica un'immagine su http://prnt.sc/ o https://imgur.com/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<b000lt> https://prnt.sc/farxv5\n<b000lt> @Carlin0 : https://prnt.sc/farxv5\n<Carlin0> b000lt, sudo apt install pastebinit\n<Carlin0> b000lt, dpkg -l | grep alsa | pastebinit\n<Carlin0> b000lt, posta il link che viene generato dall'ultimo comando\n<b000lt> Carlon0 http://paste.ubuntu.com/24623995/\n<Carlin0> b000lt, apri di nuovo alsamixer e con la frecce spostati sulla colonna internal poi premi M per levare il mute e alza il volume con la frecce\n<Carlin0> b000lt, cambia qualcosa ?\n<Carlin0> b000lt, certo se riuscissi a rispondere un po + veloce ...\n<b000lt> Scusa https://prnt.sc/fas7oq non ca0b5a n433a\n<b000lt> cambia nulla\n<Carlin0> b000lt, non hai tolto il mute , rileggi cosa ho scritto\n<b000lt> l ho fatto ma non va ho disabilitato anche auto mute\n<Carlin0> b000lt, no in quella colonna il mute è ancora attivo devi premere M quando sei sulla colonna\n<b000lt> Carlin0 https://prnt.sc/fasc9t\n<Carlin0> b000lt, proviamo a reinstallare alsa ...\n<Carlin0> b000lt, sudo apt install --reinstall alsa-base alsa-utils\n<b000lt> fatto\n<Carlin0> cambia qualcosa ?\n<b000lt> no\n<Carlin0> mi spiace ho finito le idee :(\n<b000lt> grazie ,mille\n<Carlin0> b000lt, ma l'ha sempre fatto ?\n<b000lt> no da poco che fa cosi\n<Carlin0> b000lt, ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d | pastebinit\n<andreag76c> qualcuno può aiutarmi devo installare linux su pc intel 64 bit quale versione devo selezionare?\n<b000lt> http://paste.ubuntu.com/24624093/\n<Carlin0> andreag76c, che cpu ? quanta ram ? che scheda video ?\n<andreag76c> cpu intel i7 64 bit   ram 16 giga    scheda video geforce gtx650\n<Carlin0> b000lt, hai aggiunto sorgenti non ufficiali riguardanti proprio l'audio , 99% so loro ad aver incasinato\n<Carlin0> andreag76c, con quel hardware puoi installare qualsiasi versione\n<b000lt> carlin0 era per provare pipelight con timvision, se nn ricordo male ....  cmq posso rimediare ?\n<Carlin0> !download | andreag76c\n<ubot-it> andreag76c: download is http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ o http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ o http://www.ubuntu-it.org/download\n<Carlin0> !ppa-purge | b000lt\n<ubot-it> b000lt: Per disabilitare una PPA dai tuoi sorgenti e ripristinare i pacchetti di default di Ubuntu, installare ppa-purge e utilizzare il comando: sudo ppa-purge ppa: <repository-name> / <subdirectory> - Per ulteriori informazioni, vedere http :/ / www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html\n<andreag76c> perchè ho scaricato ubuntu 16.10 desktop-amd64 l'ho messa sulla usb ma non me la vede mi dice che non c'è nessun sistema operativo nella chiavetta usb ma invece c'è\n<b000lt> carlin0 grazie ora provo\n<Carlin0> b000lt, per timvision basta chrome è un plugin lo vedo pure io\n<Carlin0> andreag76c, hai uefi ? hai windows già installato ?\n<Carlin0> andreag76c, come l'hai messa su usb ?\n<andreag76c> si esatto l'ho messa inj formato iso come l'ho scaricata\n<Carlin0> come l'hai mesa su usb ?\n<b000lt> carlino d avvero? io no ci sono mai riuscito\n<andreag76c> formato iso\n<Carlin0> b000lt, solo che chrome è solo a 64 bit\n<Carlin0> andreag76c, come (in che modo)\n<andreag76c> copia e incolla\n<Carlin0> eh no andreag76c usa rufus su windows per metterla su usb\n<andreag76c> rufus dove lo trovo?\n<Carlin0> andreag76c, inoltre ti consiglio la 16.04 che ha 5 anni di supporto\n<b000lt> Carlino va bene lo faccio sul pc fisso che è a 64 e ho lo stesso problema  come si chiama il plugin\n<Carlin0> mentre la 16.10 ha solo + 2 mesi\n<Carlin0> andreag76c, https://rufus.akeo.ie/\n<Carlin0> b000lt, basta che leggi le faq di timvision\n<andreag76c> ma poi quandoi la lancio mi da la possibilità di installare in un altro hd dove non c'è win?\n<Carlin0> andreag76c, scegli tu dove installarla\n<Carlin0> andreag76c, quando la lanci prima di installarla scegli prova senza installare\n<andreag76c> a ok grazie molte carlin0 sei gentile ciao!\n<Carlin0> e da live verifica che funzioni tutto\n<andreag76c> ok\n<akis24> e segui la guida uefi che un pc simile ha di sicuro\n<Carlin0> e si ha uefi di certo\n<Carlin0> !uefi\n<ubot-it> UEFI è una specifica che definisce una interfaccia software tra un sistema operativo e le piattaforme firmware, è intesa come un sostituto del BIOS. Per informazioni su come impostare e installare Ubuntu su macchine UEFI vedi http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/UEFI\n<Carlin0> ma li sono ignorante\n<andreag76c> grazie anche a @ubot.it ci guardo\n<robypaly66> Salve ho un problema grosso al riavvio non  vedo più l'hard disk interno dove salvo i dati\n<robypaly66> mi sapete aiutare?\n<f843d0> robypaly66: che versione di Ubuntu, da quanto lo fa? Cose del genere sarebbe utile saperle...\n<cristincc> Ciao a Tutti. Ho un problema con le estensioni su ubuntu gnome. In pratica è sparito il pulsante on/off per attivare le estensione. Qualche suggerimento?\n<Mr_Pan> process all\n<Mr_Pan> stats\n<cris_> disappear the bottom to enable the extensions on ubuntu gnome. some suggestins??\n<Mr_Pan> !italiano\n<ubot-it> scrivere in maniera corretta facilita la lettura dei messaggi: frasi contenenti abbreviazioni, spesso chiare soltanto a chi le scrive, sono di difficile interpretazione. Ti invitiamo pertanto a non usarle. Vedi http://tinyurl.com/35d9kcn\n<B00LT> @Carlin0 ciao per la timvision come mi spiegavi oggi non ho trovato nessuna FAQ e nessuna guida\n<Carlin0> B00LT, passa in chat\n<Carlin0> !chat\n<ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<B00LT> buona sera a tutti volevo spendere n GRAZIE per Carlin0 che mi ha risolto un problema che cercavo di risolvere da un anno  GRAZIE ancora e b notte a tutti\n<Carlin0> eh B00LT ma l'ho risolto perchè avevo infostrada e poi so passato a  tim per la fibra\n<Carlin0> e quindi ho timvision compreso\n<Carlin0> lol\n<Carlin0> ora vado davvero\n<Carlin0> notte\n<B00LT> anche io ma non sono mai riuscito tu si .... b notte e GRAZIE\n#ubuntu-it 2017-05-23\n<andre76> qualcuno puoi aiutarmi ho installato linux 16.10 ma non riesco a installarci il modem usb huawei e1692 dove ho la promozione tim 100 h al mese di navigazione allora sono andati in windows e ho scaricato wine 1.8.5 e playonlinux 4.2.10 per iniziare a installare programmi che uso in windows ma questi ultimi due non me li installa mi appare un messagg\n<andre76> io con scritto che sono di terzeparti e il puklsante installa sembra non funzionare come posso fare?\n<andre76> se avete un sistema per installare il modem tim in ubuntu sarebbe meglio coì scarico direttamente da lì\n<gigirock> andre76, se il sw e' per win difficilmente funzionera' in ubuntu\n<andre76> cosa intendi per sw?\n<gigirock> http://www.google.it/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwin55a3p4bUAhVCEJoKHb3MC9QQFgg0MAI&url=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.ubuntu.it%2Fviewtopic.php%3Ff%3D9%26t%3D578138&usg=AFQjCNFVjfAT3PhOKmtjjlwDZkW7Am6KTA andre76\n<gigirock> andre76, non ho molto tempo , vai su google e scivi huawei e1692 ubuntu e segui qualche guida ufficiale .....dai\n<andre76> si può fare una connesione remota in ubuntu?\n<gigirock> !rdp\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'rdp'\n<andre76> ok ci guardo\n<gigirock> andre76, si ma non c'e' una risposta di una riga alla tua domanda\n<Mr_Pan> andre76: puoi installare TeamViewer e remmina per RDP/SSH\n<andre76> qualcuno puoi aiutarmi ho installato linux 16.10 ma non riesco a installarci  wine 1.8.5 e playonlinux 4.2.10 per iniziare a installare programmi che uso in windows ma questi ultimi due non me li installa mi appare un messaggio con scritto che sono di terzeparti e il puklsante installa sembra non funzionare come posso fare?\n<Mr_Pan> andre76: non ripetere la domanda\n<Mr_Pan> andre76: cosa devi installare ?\n<andre76> remmina per RDP/SSH  cos'è\n<andre76> devo installare wine 1.8.5 e playonlinux 4.2.10 ma li devo scaricare da win non ho la possibilta' di collegare internet in ubuntu\n<Mr_Pan> andre76: no cosa vuoi installare dentro ubuntu\n<Mr_Pan> Che giri con wine e Play Linux\n<Mr_Pan> andre76: non aspettarti una grande compatibilità\n<andre76> dicersi programmi di musica come cubase e relativi plug in audio anche torrent\n<Mr_Pan> andre76: non credo che cubase giri ... torrent esiste transmission in ubuntu\n<andre76> ho visto che con wine e playonlinux puoi installare i file exe\n<Mr_Pan> Ma perché non puoi attaccare un cavo al pc Linux ?\n<Mr_Pan> andre76: si ma la compatibilità è bassa\n<andre76> il problema principale è che vorrei metterci internet ma ho il modem tim che al suo interno ha un fikle exe per installare il driver\n<andre76> ho linux in un hd esterno per usare i due sistemi l'ho appena installato volevo testarlo se potevo inastallarci i .exe\n<Carlin0> exe è roba windows\n<Mr_Pan> andre76: router con un file exe... se attacchi il cavo dovrebbe funzionare senza problemi\n<andre76> perchè in rete  dice che con wine e playonlinux puoi?\n<Mr_Pan> Lascia perde exe in ubuntu / Linux ...\n<Mr_Pan> andre76: prova io ti ho detto la mia .. gira poca roba\n<andre76> anche se si installano poi non girano?\n<Mr_Pan> Ma può anche essere che nn si installano o nn partono .. prova...\n<andre76> ok provo ciao\n<Carlin0> andre76, collega il modem e dai lsusb leggi come lo vede\n<Mr_Pan> andre76: ciao\n<andre76> il modem non lo vede ma su imposta connessioni si\n<Mr_Pan> andre76: cerca un rete i parametri per connessioni tim e configurala a mano da network manager\n<Carlin0> andre76, tu posta il risultato di lsusb poi vediamo se lo vede o no\n<Carlin0> !paste | andre76\n<ubot-it> andre76: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<andre76> ok adesso devo riavviare per entrare in linux ciao\n<mrdek> Ciao a tutti, vorrei installare ubuntu su un hd esterno in modo che quando lo collego al computer possa scegliere se far partire ubuntu o il os interno. Uso un macbook pro. Sarei grato se qualcuno mi riesca a spiegare come fare\n<f843d0> mrdek: intanto, hai provato una versione di Ubuntu in live per renderti conto del supporto hardware?\n<f843d0> mrdek: inoltre, non è un'ottima idea far risiedere un OS su un disco esterno, a livello puramente di prestazioni\n<gianco62> Ciao a tutti, ho fatto l'aggiornamento da 16.04 a 17.04 e non mi riesce più di connettermi alla rete wifi. Quqlcuno sa dirmi qualcosa al riguardo?\n<f843d0> gianco62: hai provato da live?\n<gianco62> scusa ma sono alle prime armi cosa intendi da live?\n<f843d0> gianco62: realizza un supporto di installazione di Ubuntu 17.04, opera il boot da esso, e seleziona \"Prova Ubuntu senza installare / Try Ubuntu without installing\"\n<gianco62> si ma ormai l'ho installato\n<f843d0> gianco62: intanto si controlla se ci sono problemi con una versione \"ortodossa\" dell'OS.\n<f843d0> gianco62: se poi il sistema è stato compromesso per l'avanzamento di versione, è meglio procedere con un ripristino o reinstallazione. Ma intanto è bene sapere con che tipo di problema si sta avendo a che fare.\n<gianco62> certo forse mi conviene ripristinare la vecchia versione\n<Mr_Pan> se installo da zero ubuntu su disco ssd perdo anche i dati che nel raid 0 (2x2 TB) ?\n<f843d0> Mr_Pan: se il raid è software, direi di si\n<Mr_Pan> f843d0, li perdo perche devo ricotruire anche il raid da zero ?!\n<f843d0> Mr_Pan: eh mi sa di si, comunque cerco in letteratura\n<f843d0> Mr_Pan: se proprio ti devi lanciare senza paracadute, è altamente consigliabile provarlo in macchina virtuale prima\n<oiteu> Buonasera, utilizzo lubuntu 16.04 e non riesco a connettermi con la VPN, qualcuno può aiutarmi grazie.\n<Mr_Pan> !chat\n<ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n#ubuntu-it 2017-05-24\n<alienet> ciao ragazzi buongiorno ora sono su ubuntu mate\n<alienet> sto provando la nuova rete anonima alienet\n<alienet> la conoscete alienet.info\n<alienet> la ha inventata un hacker italiano\n<alienet> e sto usando una vpn sara un po difficile per voi individuarmi\n<alienet> risulta che sono a amsterdam\n<alienet> invece sapete dove sono\n<Mr_Pan> alienet, ma allora sei un hackero .. OMG!\n<Mr_Pan> tor e proxy questi sconosciuti ..\n<alienet> come hackero no solo un semplice programmatore mica ho laurea in ingegneria informatica solo diploma programmatore e disegnatore caad\n<alienet> cad\n<alienet> disegnatore cad\n<alienet> e meglio di tor perche almeno quando ti connetti sparisce il computer dalla rete tipo ip spoofing\n<alienet> https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_spoofing\n<Mr_Pan> alienet, questo é il canale di supporto ubuntu stai inquinando i log\n<Mr_Pan> alienet, sei pregato di smetterla\n<Mr_Pan> e non mandarmi PM tanto li ho bloccati\n<alienet> se gli blocchi mica gli vedi no\n<alienet> vabbene la finisco era giusto per farvi capire che ci sono nuove reti anonime oltre tor ce anche alienet passate a trovarci dai su\n<alienet> ciao buona giornata io vado a lavoro\n<waltrek> Ho installato l'ultima versione di Lubuntu e vorrei passare a Ubuntu 17. Come posso procedere?\n<ExPBoy> waltrek, scarichi la live e lo installi\n<ExPBoy> !installazione\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione | Per installazione grafica http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download\n<waltrek> Sono neofita di linux e ubuntu. Cos'è la live e come la installo. Ho bisogno dell'ABC. Grazie!\n<ExPBoy> waltrek, vedo con piacere che hai letto la guida che ti ho consigliato\n<MarcoN> buon giorno a tutti! Mi scuso se scrivo qua ma, essendo un neofita di ubuntu, avrei bisognodi un supporto. Ho installato la nuova versione di Kubuntu su un HD con due partizioni: Una per il S.O. e l'altra con partizione NTFS dove tendo i miei dati ( giusto per capirsi ). Non riesco a modificare o fare nulla nella partizione NTFS, presumo sia un pro\n<MarcoN> blema di permessi: qualcuno di voi sa darmi un aiuto cortesemente?\n<Mr_Pan> MarcoN, la partizione NTFS accetta i permessi scritture/lettura solo nel moemnto in cui viene montata nel file FSTAB ... all avvio\n<Mr_Pan> MarcoN, come monti la partizione NTFS\n<Mr_Pan> MarcoN, leggi la guida >>> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/DispositiviPartizioni/MontarePartizioni/Ntfs\n<MarcoN> ti ringrazio Mr_Pan .. ora provo a seguire la guida... :)\n<simon86> ciao ma aiutate pure per puppy linux?\n<Mr_Pan> simon86, no qui solo supporto a Ubuntu e derivate ufficiali\n<pietro> ragazzi buon pranzo prima di tutto poi seriamente ho un problema con ubuntu gnome\n<pietro> 32 bit la cpu rimane sempre alta\n<pietro> perche no ho aperto i programmi\n<Mr_Pan> pietro, descrizione del tipo di hw per favor ram processore ecc ecc\n<pietro> intel celeron 3050\n<pietro> 4 giga di ram 512 di scheda video\n<pietro> dicevano per ubuntu va bene ma ho provato di tutto l k x ma ubuntu gira male alla fine sono passato anche a mint era peggio pero\n<pietro> speravo che spendendo poco con un pc del 2016 andasse bene\n<pietro> asus f402\n<pietro> modello pc\n<pietro> con windows no vi dico va ancora peggio ho cambiato hardisk peggio ancora no gira proprio\n<pietro> so gia che avete capito chi sono pero datemi una mano\n<pietro> pensate persino in live gira male anche la distro tails\n<pietro> che e la piu leggera\n<pietro> ma state tutti mangiando vedo vabbe vi lascio lemail mi contatte voi emanuele198719@gmail.com\n<pietro> mi trovate sempre sapete\n<pietro> grazie ancora\n<Carlin0> sbasso, fermati !\n<sbasso> Carlin0: ?\n<Michele81> salve a tutti\n<Carlin0> !ciao | Michele81\n<ubot-it> Michele81: Ciao! Benvenuto in #ubuntu-it\n<Michele81> a chi posso chiedere un aiuto riguardo l'installazione di un gioco?\n<Carlin0> che gioco Michele81 ?\n<Michele81> Runaway 1e2\n<Carlin0> preso dove ?\n<Michele81> premetto che il gioco è originale\n<Mr_Pan> !chat\n<ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<Carlin0> qui non diamo supporto a software derivante fuori dai repo ufficiali\n<Michele81> ok grazie...\n<bobbalob> cè qualcuno ??\n<bobbalob> scusate l'orario\n<bobbalob> dovrei cambiare i permessi di scrittura di un disco\n<Raffaele> Salve a tutti\n<f843d0> !ciao | Raffaele\n<ubot-it> Raffaele: Ciao! Benvenuto in #ubuntu-it\n<Raffaele> Chiedo una gentilezza: ho installato xubuntu in un notebook vaio su cui originariamente vi era xp.\n<Raffaele> Avverto però un fastidioso rumore all'altoparlante sx che non so come far sparire\n<Carlin0> che rumore ?\n<Raffaele> Un crepitio\n<Raffaele> Tipico dei popcorn (per rendere insomma l'idea)\n<Carlin0> eh Raffaele sarà che il pc è vecchiotto\n<Carlin0> sembra un problema di hardware e non di software\n<Raffaele> Ma con xp non l'ha mai fatto\n<Raffaele> Ho letto nel forum altri utenti che con lacstessa macchina hanno avuti lo stesso problema\n<Carlin0> quindi si conferma che sia problema di hardware\n<Raffaele> E sembra qualcuno dice che sia un problema kernel\n<Raffaele> Domani proverò questa soluzione https://www.google.it/amp/s/www.lffl.org/2012/10/ubuntu-e-i-problemi-audio-ecco-un-ppa.html/amp\n<Raffaele> E scriverò di nuovo\n<Raffaele> Intanto grazie per l'attenzione\n<Raffaele> Notte\n<Carlin0> Raffaele, ma lo vedi che è roba di 5 anni fa ?\n#ubuntu-it 2017-05-25\n<bobbalob> CIao ragazzi , qualcuno più simpatico di Carlin0? cmq il comando dd , chevoi sappiate, permette la creazione di usb live di altri sistemi operativi differenti da ubuntu?\n<bobbalob> devo fare una usb per un ripristino di un altro pc , grazie\n<vecchio> Salve, sto cercando di virtualizzare linux su windows ma ogni volta esce questo: http://imgur.com/GDuiflR qualcuno saprebbe aiutarmi? Pochi giorni fa prima di cambiare l'HD del pc me lo installava\n<Carlin0> vecchio, non diamo supporto a installazioni virtualizzate\n<neoh20> ciao ragazzi, vi spiego il mio problema. ho installato ubuntu sul mio macbook pro e adesso quando avvio mi fa partire in automatico ubuntu mentre per usare macOS devo forzare scegliendo il disco di avvio quando accendo. volevo sapere se c'era un modo per poter scegliere tra ubuntu o macOS all'avvio\n<Carlin0> neoh20, sei su ubuntu ora ?\n<neoh20> ora su mac\n<Carlin0> torna qui da ubuntu\n<neoh20> ok a tra poco\n<neoh2o> eccomi ora sono su ubuntu\n<Carlin0> neoh2o, apri un terminale  e scrivi sudo apt install pastebinit\n<Carlin0> neoh2o, sudo update-grub | pastebinit\n<Carlin0> neoh2o, posta il link che viene generato dall'ultimo comando\n<neoh2o> https://thepasteb.in/p/Elh1X6q21lgIm mi da questo messaggio\n<Carlin0> 14:11:32<Carlin0> neoh2o, posta il link che viene generato dall'ultimo comando\n<Carlin0> neoh2o, è la 17.04 ?\n<neoh2o> dopo che faccio sudo update-grub | pastebinit mi da quel messaggio\n<neoh2o> si\n<Carlin0> eh non lo vede proprio osx , mi spiace ma oltretutto la 17.04 ha un sacco di problemi , è stata rilasciata immatura\n<neoh2o> adesso praticamente se non faccio niente all'avvio mi parte ubuntu se invece scelgo il disco mi da macos\n<Carlin0> ubuntu dovrebbe rilevare la presenza di altri sistemi operativi e farti scegliere all'avvio , ma la 17.04 ha un sacco di bug\n<neoh2o> ma allora mi sa che è per quello che mi ha fatto creare la partizione manuale\n<neoh2o> perchè l'alternativa era cancellare il disco non avendo rilevato altro sistema operativo\n<neoh2o> che altre distro mi consigli?\n<Saverio> Salve a tutti\n<Carlin0> neoh2o, sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit\n<Saverio> devo installare una epson stylus office BX305F... in automatico non mi esce...qualcuno può dirmi come fare?\n<Carlin0> Saverio, vedi se ti può essere di aiuto http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/StampantiScanner/EpsonStylusC\n<Saverio> solo per le C\n<Carlin0> ma la vede in quel modo ?\n<Saverio> si\n<Carlin0> e non ti propone driver adeguati ?\n<Saverio> cioè il gestore stampante la vede ma i driver sono di un'altra e non si trova quando stampo\n<Carlin0> i driver sono dove ?\n<Carlin0> ah ... capito\n<Saverio> quelli che mi propone il gestore stampante\n<Carlin0> quando la casa madre non rilascia driver è un problema\n<intelproblem> problemi con intel celeron del 2016\n<intelproblem> no riesco a far girare ubuntu\n<intelproblem> salve a tutti\n<intelproblem> praticamente uso un intel celeron n3050\n<intelproblem> con 4 giga di ram e 512 di scheda video pero che devo fare neanche lubuntu va\n<intelproblem> che mi consigliate\n<intelproblem> http://chat.ubuntu-it.org/\n<intelproblem> e la chat giusta no oppure ho sbagliato canale\n<Carlin0> intelproblem, il modello esatto di cpu ?\n<intelproblem> n3050\n<intelproblem> cosi dice sulle info\n<Carlin0> e la scheda video , che modello è ?\n<intelproblem> intel hd 400 braswell\n<Carlin0> cosa intendi : non riesco a far girare ?\n<intelproblem> che la ram gira sempre troppo\n<gigirock> Saverio: allora ?\n<Saverio> lho installata con un driver epson.....ma non posso controllarla....adesso mi dice cartuccia non riconosciuta....ti faccio sapere appena la cambio, grazie cmnq\n<pk2017> Salve a tutti\n<utente01> salve, ho un problema dopo un aggiornamento \" sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade\", icona audio scomparsa e da \"opzioni-audio-uscita\" non compare nessuna scheda audio, ma il fatto strano è,dt \"alsamixer\" riesco a regolare il volume principale, ma rimane il fatto che non riesco più a trovare la scheda dalle opzioni. Spero sia chiaro Versione ubuntu\n<utente01> 16.10. grazie in anticipo\n<Carlin0> utente01, metti sudo apt update in pastebin\n<Carlin0> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<utente01> ok\n<utente01> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24656005/\n<Carlin0> utente01, hai aggiunto dei ppa che ti hanno incasinato l'OS con l'aggiornamento\n<Carlin0> !ppa\n<utente01> sto già provvedendo a eliminare subito dei ppa\n<ubot-it> Un Personal Package Archive (PPA) è in grado di fornire il software alternativo non normalmente disponibile nei repository di Ubuntu offical - Alla ricerca di un PPA? Vedi https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - ATTENZIONE: PPA sono pacchetti di terze parti NON supportati il cui utilizzo è a proprio rischio. Vedi anche !addppa e !ppa-purge\n<Carlin0> eeh ma non basta rimuoverli ...\n<Carlin0> le librerie scaricate sono state installate\n<Carlin0> e il fatto che il tutto sia avvenuto con un aggiornamento è un classico\n<Carlin0> !ppa-purge\n<ubot-it> Per disabilitare una PPA dai tuoi sorgenti e ripristinare i pacchetti di default di Ubuntu, installare ppa-purge e utilizzare il comando: sudo ppa-purge ppa: <repository-name> / <subdirectory> - Per ulteriori informazioni, vedere http :/ / www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html\n<utente01> ok, provvederò ad eliminarli correttamente\n<utente01> provo a riavviare e vedere se ho risolto il problema\n<utente01> grazie\n<ryuujin> utente01: prego\n<utente01> ho eliminato i vari ppa con successo, ma il problema da \"opzioni-audio-scheda, continua. però l'audio ora rimane attivo all'avvio, prima dovevo sempre andare da alsamixer\n<utente01> e settare i volumi manualmente.\n<utente01> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24656435/\n<utente01> ho tolto pure pulseaudio\n<thing2022> Sale\n<thing2022> salve\n<thing2022> avrei un problema con l'installazione di una chiavetta Wi-Fi sul mio compaq cq57 con ubuntu 16.10\n<Slave> Ciao ragazzi ho una domanda da porvi, ho un hard disk condiviso in rete in un pc con Ubuntu rete gigabit. Se provo a copiare da windows la velocità è di 110mb/s fissa. Se provo a copiare da un'altro pc con ubuntu la velocità è di 35mb/s e dal portatile sempre con ubuntu 25mb/s. Con windows tutto ok! Come mai? Stesso problema anche su freenas condiv\n<Slave> iso smb e zfs. Da cosa può dipendere? grazie mille in anticipo\n<Slave> Ovviamnete tutto cablato ethernet gigabit e i pc sono tutti gigabit.\n<Slave> nessuno può aiutarmi?\n<pietroalbini> piccolo avviso anche qui\n<pietroalbini> tutta la roba di ubuntu-it sarà offline per qualche ora per manutenzione programmata\n<Mr_Pan> pietroalbini, ok\n<raffaele80it> Salve, ho un problema di rumore negli altoparlanti del mio notebook vaio su cui ho appena installato xubuntu\n<raffaele80it> qualcuno saprebbe aiutarmi?\n<Riccardone> raffaele80it: che tipodi problema ?\n<raffaele80it> crepitio all'altoparlante sx\n<raffaele80it> con xp (s.o. originario) non lo faceva\n<Riccardone> alsamixer\n<Riccardone> gioca un po' con i volumi e vedi che succede\n<Riccardone> :)\n<raffaele80it> https://thepasteb.in/p/66hVwGmgqg5cW\n<raffaele80it> scusa,  ho sbagliato\n<raffaele80it> :-)\n<raffaele80it> sto prvando a carica lo screenshot\n<raffaele80it> http://i.imgur.com/0AVzGRa.png\n<raffaele80it> il crepitio inizia ad essere continuo al momento dell'avvio. Poi si calma e inizia a sentirsi 1-2 secondi ogni circa 2 minuti\n<raffaele80it> in ogni caso l'audio non funziona\n<Riccardone> hai il canale sx delle headfone al 92%,quello dx a zero ...\n<Riccardone> con F5 mostra tutti canali\n<raffaele80it> ieri sera ho provato a smanettare un po' in alsamixer. L'audio ha iniziato a funzionare ma il crepitio è iniziato sentirsi continuamente e anche mettendo tutti i volumi a zero non smetteva\n<Riccardone> uname -a\n<raffaele80it> http://i.imgur.com/T1ZeypV.png\n<Riccardone> lsb_release\n<raffaele80it> devo dare questi 2 comandi sul terminale?\n<Riccardone> si,giusto per capire che versione di kernel e xubuntu sui ...\n<raffaele80it> faccio subito\n<Riccardone> ma perchè tieni il canale sx alto ed il dx a 0 ??\n<Riccardone> abilita il loopback e disabilita il capture\n<raffaele80it> http://i.imgur.com/GvgA6IB.png\n<raffaele80it> così?\n<raffaele80it> http://i.imgur.com/hpTEWbm.png\n<Riccardone> scusa lsb_release -a\n<Riccardone> ok\n<Riccardone> così meglio ?\n<Riccardone> però dovresti anche bilanciare icanali dx/sx\n<raffaele80it> così ?\n<raffaele80it> http://i.imgur.com/kdfiNNP.png\n<Riccardone> ubuntu 17 ?\n<raffaele80it> si\n<raffaele80it> quali sarebbero i canali dx e sx ?\n<raffaele80it> http://i.imgur.com/ShLdiW8.png\n<Riccardone> hai dato un'occhiata qui; http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/Audio/RisoluzioneProblemiAudio ?\n<Riccardone> i numeretti sopra 'headphone' 57<>0 ... Canale sx 57%, dx 0%\n<Riccardone> sopra PCM 57<>2... dovresti bilanciare\n<raffaele80it> grazie, non l'avevo notato :D\n<raffaele80it> adesso penso di aver sistemato\n<raffaele80it> http://i.imgur.com/zqM4wZF.png\n<Riccardone> dovrebbe andare meglio ...\n<Riccardone> hai ancora il gracchio ?\n<raffaele80it> di meno, a intervalli più lunghi, tipo ogni 5 minuti un gracchio di 1 secondo circa\n<raffaele80it> ma se riavvio alsamixer si sballa o mantiene queste impostazioni?\n<Riccardone> mantiene queste impostazioni generalmente ...\n<Riccardone> prova a riavviare e vedi\n<raffaele80it> se mi ricollego alla chat ti ritrovo :-) ?\n<Riccardone> sarà dura ...\n<Riccardone> sto crollando dal sonno\n<raffaele80it> scusami\n<raffaele80it> grazie mille\n<raffaele80it> ti occupi di php ?\n<raffaele80it> dovrei parlarti di un mio progetto\n<Riccardone> pocaroba\n<Riccardone> fino al php4 ero attento, poi col 5 e la programmazione ad oggetti ho un po' lasciato ...\n#ubuntu-it 2017-05-26\n<ryuujin> Riccardone in pratica hai lasciato quando php stava diventando decente\n<Giuseppe1111111> Salve\n<Giuseppe1111111> Ho un vecchio pc da recuperare...che caratteristiche minime deve avere per supportare bebe il sistema operativo?\n<gigirock> Giuseppe1111111, il minimo garantito non c'e' .....\n<Giuseppe1111111> Intendo caratteristichè del pc\n<gigirock> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/RequisitiDiSistema Giuseppe1111111\n<Giuseppe1111111> Può andare bene su titti i pc?\n<gigirock> no, Giuseppe1111111 non c'e' scritto quello nella guida che ti ho linkato\n<Lock> quindi ho pensato subito che fosse un problema di driver\n<Carlin0> Lock, ?\n<kub> il Wi-fi con win10 funziona ma con kubuntu no. Help!\n<ryuujin> gia'\n<Carlin0> kub, sei con kubuntu ora ?\n<kub> si\n<Carlin0> apri un terminale e scrivi sudo apt install pastebinit\n<Carlin0> kub, sudo lshw | pastebinit\n<Carlin0> kub, posta il link che viene prodotto dall'ultimo comando\n<kub> ok\n<kub> https://thepasteb.in/p/r0hwJ28NA29HK\n<kub> scusate per l'attesa\n<kub> ehi\n<kub> https://thepasteb.in/p/r0hwJ28NA29HK\n<gigirock> kub, ma il wifi e' 'acceso' adesso ?\n<gigirock> kub, sudo apt-get --reinstall install bcmwl-kernel-source se 6 collegato ad internet.....\n<gigirock> kub, anche se non sappiamo cosa hai installato .....\n<Carlin0> !bcm | kub leggi la guida la tua scheda è BCM4311\n<ubot-it> kub leggi la guida la tua scheda è BCM4311: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/DispositiviSenzaFili/Broadcom\n<ale12345> buonasera, ho un problema relativo ad internet su lubuntu 17.04\n<ale12345> in pratica mozilla firefox mi dice \"server not found\" nonostante internet funzioni\n<ale12345> in cavo è attaccato correttamente perchè se io vado in (indirizzo modem) funziona\n<ale12345> ovviamente sto scrivendo da altro computer\n<Carlin0> ale12345, se scrivi nel terminale ping -c 3 risponde ?\n<ale12345> sono venute fuori varie scritte, io però non so come allegarle..\n<ale12345> per fargliele leggere\n<Carlin0> lce una riga verso il fondo che dice qualcosa tipo ...\n<Carlin0> 3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2003ms\n<Carlin0> cosa dice a te ?\n<ale12345> non c'è traccia di scritte del genere\n<Carlin0> e cosa dice l'ultima riga ?\n<ale12345> [-W timeout] destination\n<Carlin0> cmq ale12345 la 17.04 ha parecchi problemi , è stata rilasciata molto immatura\n<gigirock> ale12345, ma quindi sei collegato con cavo ethernet ?\n<gigirock> ale12345, ma hai installato o sei dalla live ?\n<ale12345> installato\n<ale12345> ethernet, il computer non supporta il wifi\n<gigirock> ah ok\n<ale12345> come faccio a risolvere?\n<gigirock> ale12345, devi controllare la tua connessione in lubuntu magari forza il dns a e togli il protocollo ipv6\n<gigirock> controlla inoltre che il gateway sia a che e' il tuo modem\n<Carlin0> se non risolvi installa la 16.04 che è più stabile\n<ale12345> sto cambiando il dns\n<ale12345> come faccio a disattivare il protocollo ipv6? Premo su \"ignore\"?\n<gigirock> si dalla tendina seleziona ignore o disattiva....\n<ale12345> fatto, devo riavviare il computer?\n<gigirock> poi dal terminale un bel sudo service network-amanager restart\n<gigirock> poi dal terminale un bel sudo service network-manager restart\n<ale12345> funzionaaaa, il comando dal terminale lo do lo stesso?\n<Carlin0> se funziona puoi farne a men\n<Carlin0> meno*\n<gigirock> ale12345, anche no adesso fai sudo apt update\n<gigirock> poi sudo apt upgrade\n<ale12345> Grazie mille veramente, il computer n questione è un vecchio pc assemblato anni e anni fa che ora, installandoci lubuntu, è rinato e ho intenzione di regalarlo ad una famiglia bisognosa\n<ale12345> ne approfitto per un piccolissimo problema al mio portatile\n<ale12345> da qualche settimana nella barra d stato è apparsa una strana icona\n<ale12345> è un rettangolo con un divieto rosso dentro, se la clicco non succede nulla però\n<Mr_Pan> ale12345, segnala problemi di aggiornamento\n<Mr_Pan> ale12345,  da terminale    sudo apt update&&sudo apt -y upgrade\n<Mr_Pan> tutto su una riga .. lascialo lavorare e vedi se scompare il segnale\n<Mr_Pan> altrimnti bisogna controllare il sources.list\n<ale12345> sta caricando\n<ale12345> è ancora li...\n<Mr_Pan> ale12345, lascailo andae fino a che finisce\n<Carlin0> ale12345, ma se da errore mettilo in paste\n<Carlin0> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<ale12345> ha finito\n<ale12345> e c'è ancora\n<Carlin0> ale12345, ma da errori il terminale ?\n<ale12345> https://thepasteb.in/p/DRhjG3o2QGMSy\n<Carlin0> ale12345, ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d\n<Carlin0> metti in paste\n<Mr_Pan> ale12345, hai dei PPA\n<Mr_Pan> !ppa\n<ubot-it> Un Personal Package Archive (PPA) è in grado di fornire il software alternativo non normalmente disponibile nei repository di Ubuntu offical - Alla ricerca di un PPA? Vedi https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - ATTENZIONE: PPA sono pacchetti di terze parti NON supportati il cui utilizzo è a proprio rischio. Vedi anche !addppa e !ppa-purge\n<Misterporter> buonpomeriggio\n<ale12345> https://thepasteb.in/p/vghOVAEYjpJt3\n<Misterporter> ho bisogno di aiuto\n<ale12345> buon pomeriggio\n<Misterporter> ho appena scaricato ed avviato ubunto\n<Misterporter> ultima versione\n<Misterporter> k'ho avviata da dvd\n<Misterporter> mi chiede login e password\n<Carlin0> ale12345, sudo rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/latuatr*\n<Carlin0> !enter | Misterporter\n<ubot-it> Misterporter: non spezzettare una frase su piu' righe. Non utilizzare il ritorno a capo come punteggiatura.\n<ale12345> fatto\n<Carlin0> ale12345, e poi di nuovo sudo apt update\n<Misterporter> ok grazie quindi faccio do invio senza scrivere nulla\n<ale12345> https://thepasteb.in/p/8qhO4YOZjZYF0\n<Carlin0> ale12345, non hai dato il primo comando correttamente\n<Carlin0> ops\n<Carlin0> scusa anzi\n<Carlin0> ho toppato io\n<Carlin0> ale12345, sudo rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tuala*\n<ale12345> capita a tutti di sbagliare\n<ale12345> fatto\n<Carlin0> sudo apt update ale12345\n<ale12345> di nuovo sudo apt update?\n<ale12345> ok\n<Carlin0> si\n<Carlin0> ora non dovrebbe dare errori r dovrebbe sparire quel coso\n<Carlin0> Misterporter, dove l'hai presa ubuntu ?\n<ale12345> mi chiede di aggiornare dei pacchetti\n<Carlin0> ok ale12345 dai sudo apt -y upgrade\n<ale12345> dice di fare apt list --upgadable\n<Carlin0> si ma ...\n<Carlin0> dai il comando che ti ho detto\n<ale12345> ok\n<ale12345> sta lavorando.. grazie in anticipo\n<ale12345> ha finito\n<Carlin0> ale12345, errori ?\n<ale12345> rimane l'affarino lassù\n<Carlin0> dovrebbe sparire ...\n<Carlin0> sudo apt update da errori ?\n<ale12345> ho fatto un altro sudo apt update e dice che tutti i pacchetti sono aggiornati, 0 errori\n<Mr_Pan> ale12345, riavvia\n<ale12345> ok\n<Carlin0> allora sei a posto vedrai che sparisce il coso\n<ale12345> ok grazie, riavvio il computer, arrivederci e buona serata\n<Misterporter> Carlin0: lo presa da qui sito ufficiale è la ubuntu 17.04la voglio avviare da dvd e va tutto bene parte ma mi da da scrivere prima il login e poi\n<Carlin0> Misterporter, controlla il md5sum della iso\n<Carlin0> !md5 | Misterporter\n<ubot-it> Misterporter: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Md5Sum\n<Misterporter> sighhhhh non ci capisco niente Carlin0 considera che oggi è la prima volta che voglio approdare a Ubuntu\n<Carlin0> eh ma leggi la guida , è in italiano\n<Misterporter> consigliami una buona versione di ubunto da scaricare e lanciare da DVD\n<Carlin0> Misterporter, dipende anche dal tuo pc : che cpu ha ? quanta ram ? che scheda video\n<Misterporter> è un lenovo nuovissimo 4gb\n<Carlin0> nuovissimo non vuol dire nulla conta il tipo di processore\n<kub> il problema non si è risolto anche se ho seguito la guida per l'installazione dei driver\n<kub> iwconfig\n<gianco62> Buongiorno a tutti, ho fatto l'avanzamento alla versione 17.04 e si sono verificati alcuni problemi. Il wifi ha smesso di funzionare e posso connettermi solo con la connessione via ethernet. Ho una vecchia stampante Epson che ha sempre funzionato con tutte le versioni precedenti fino alla 16.10, ora non viene più vista. qualcuno può aiutarmi.\n<kub> lo no wireless extensions\n<kub> anche io ho problemi col wifi gianco\n<Carlin0> kub, sei da ubuntu sempre ?\n<kub> si\n<Carlin0> kub, apri un terminale e  scrivi sudo apt install pastebinit\n<kub> già fatto\n<Carlin0> kub, dpkg -l | grep bcmwl | pastebinit\n<Carlin0> kub, posta il link che viene prodotto dall'ultimo comando\n<Carlin0> gianco62, gli avanzamenti di versione non sempre vanno a buon fine e la 17.04 è già un disastro a se\n<kub> http://paste.ubuntu.com/24667423/\n<gianco62> Si questo lo so.\n<Carlin0> kub, cat /etc/network/interfaces | pastebinit\n<gianco62> https://thepasteb.in/p/AnhrqE16MK9Tv questo è quello che mi riporta il terminale ogniqualvolta gli do un comando\n<kub> http://paste.ubuntu.com/24667466/\n<Carlin0> kub, hai riavviato dopo installato i driver ?\n<kub> si\n<Carlin0> kub, sudo ifconfig | pastebinit\n<kub> prima mi diceva di eseguire modprobe senza riavviare poi per sicurezza ho riavviato\n<Carlin0> gianco62, hai software center aperto o altro quando dai il comando ?\n<kub> http://paste.ubuntu.com/24667473/\n<Carlin0> kub, sudo rfkill list | pastebinit\n<gianco62> no sono in contemporanea su Telegram ma non penso centri qualcosa\n<Carlin0> gianco62, no o software center o gestore pacchetti\n<kub> http://paste.ubuntu.com/24667479/\n<Carlin0> kub, ma ha un tastino che apre / chiude il wifi quel pc ?\n<gianco62> Provo a spegnere tutto e a riavviare?\n<Carlin0> no\n<Carlin0> gianco62, prova a dare sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock\n<Carlin0> e poi gianco62 sudo apt update\n<gianco62> fatto\n<Carlin0> cambiato qualcosa ?\n<gianco62> è venuta fuori una lista\n<Carlin0> gianco62, errori ?\n<gianco62> https://thepasteb.in/p/JZhpMKQk2Zqtg\n<Carlin0> gianco62, sudo dpkg --configure -a\n<Carlin0> gianco62, sudo apt -f install\n<gianco62> Ho dato il primo comando e mi ha rimandato questo\n<gianco62> https://thepasteb.in/p/1jhnWqE3vzvIB\n<Carlin0> dai il secondo\n<gianco62> https://thepasteb.in/p/vghOVAyVrA8c3\n<Carlin0> gianco62, sudo apt -y autoremove --purge\n<gianco62> https://thepasteb.in/p/DRhjG3OlZ33Iy\n<Carlin0> gianco62, sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock\n<Carlin0> gianco62, sudo apt -y autoremove --purge\n<gianco62> https://thepasteb.in/p/qjhLwX7xwEXFB\n<Carlin0> gianco62, sudo apt -f install\n<gianco62> https://thepasteb.in/p/76hE7ZWgVo6CV\n<Carlin0> gianco sudo apt install --reinstall cups cups-x2go samba-common-bin\n<gianco62> https://thepasteb.in/p/Z4hPBQopj6PFG\n<Carlin0> gianco62, sudo apt install pastebinit\n<Carlin0> gianco62, apt-cache search cups | pastebinit\n<giujepe12154> aiutoooo\n<giujepe12154> non reisco ad installare xubuntu su pc\n<giujepe12154> mi aiutate\n<Carlin0> !aiuto | giujepe12154\n<ubot-it> giujepe12154: per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<Carlin0> che pc giujepe12154 ? che cpu ha ? quanta ram ? che scheda video ?\n<gianco62> https://thepasteb.in/p/xGhmNxQ62AQUM\n<giujepe12154> non riesco a darti queste info\n<giujepe12154> praticamente è ultravecchio hyundai\n<giujepe12154> parte la chiavetta, compaiono le stringhe ma non installa\n<Carlin0> giujepe12154, sudo dpkg-reconfigure samba-common-bin\n<Carlin0> ops\n<Carlin0> gia sudo dpkg-reconfigure samba-common-bin\n<Carlin0> gianco62,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure samba-common-bin\n<giujepe12154> ragazzi\n<giujepe12154> non sono esperto come voi\n<giujepe12154> parole spicciole\n<Carlin0> giujepe12154, come hai preparato la chiavetta ?\n<giujepe12154> linux live\n<Carlin0> giujepe12154, ma da windows ?\n<giujepe12154> si\n<gianco62> https://thepasteb.in/p/AnhrqE1wpKKTv\n<Carlin0> usa rufus giujepe12154\n<giujepe12154> potrebbe essere quello il problema\n<giujepe12154> ?\n<giujepe12154> da windows come vedo che hardware ha questo pc..non mi ricordo dove devo vedere!\n<giujepe12154> magari cosi vi scrivo tutto\n<kub> Carlin0 si l'ho premuto il tasto del wifi ma mi accende il bluetooth\n<kub> http://paste.ubuntu.com/24667773/\n<Carlin0> gianco62, sudo rm /var/cache/debconf/config.dat\n<Carlin0> gianco62,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure samba-common-bin\n<Carlin0> kub, sudo ifconfig | pastebinit\n<gianco62> https://thepasteb.in/p/k5hYG55ngERuE\n<Carlin0> gianco62, sudo rm /var/cache/debconf/*.dat\n<Carlin0> gianco62,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure samba-common-bin\n<gianco62> https://thepasteb.in/p/r0hwJ22rlDlCK\n<Carlin0> gianco sudo apt install --reinstall cups cups-x2go samba-common-bin\n<gianco62> https://thepasteb.in/p/48hYkllYKZzfR\n<Carlin0> che palle !!!\n<Carlin0> lol\n<Carlin0> gianco sudo apt install --reinstall cups-x2go samba-common-bin\n<kub> http://paste.ubuntu.com/24667835/\n<gianco62> Hai ragione\n<Carlin0> kub, sudo iwconfig | pastebinit\n<Carlin0> tra un po devo scappare vi avverto\n<gianco62> https://thepasteb.in/p/nZhlBmm37GquY\n<Carlin0> gianco sudo apt install --reinstall samba-common-bin\n<kub> https://thepasteb.in/p/48hYkll9ZN1iR\n<gianco62> https://thepasteb.in/p/Vmh0Qgg5lq5f4\n<Carlin0> prova a riavviare kub\n<Carlin0> gianco62, cat /etc/apt/sources.list\n<kub> va bene se il problema non si risolve che faccio??\n<kub> quando ti ritrovo?\n<gianco62> https://thepasteb.in/p/xGhmNxxBEWlIM\n<Carlin0> torni e vediamo io tra un po stacco magari trovi qualcun altr\n<kub> ok grazie del supporto\n<Carlin0> gianco62, sudo apt update\n<gianco62> https://thepasteb.in/p/LghN8QQl1QBCZ\n<Carlin0> gianco62, è ubuntu giusto ?\n<gianco62> ubuntu 17.04\n<Carlin0> gianco62, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list\n<Carlin0> gianco62, ti si apre il file cancelli tutto e incolli dentr quello che trovi in questo link http://sprunge.us/dDfb\n<Carlin0> so 4 righe\n<Carlin0> gianco62, e dopo sudo apt update\n<gabriele2002> salve dovrei stampare ma non so come scaricare i driver\n<Carlin0> gabriele2002, che stampante ?\n<gabriele2002> brother\n<Carlin0> vediamo ...\n<Carlin0> !brother\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/StampantiScanner/BrotherMultifunzione\n<gabriele2002> per la precisione brother DCP-J123W\n<Carlin0> vedi la guida gabriele2002\n<gabriele2002> ok\n<gabriele2002> mi da errore quando stampo\n<gianco62> Non è successo nulla forse ho commesso qualche errore nei passaggi\n<gianco62> Il comando l'ho dato sempre al tyerminale.\n<Carlin0> gianco62, cat /etc/apt/sources.list\n<Carlin0> ma fai copia/incolla dei comandi ...\n<gabriele2002> ultima informazione\n<gabriele2002> mi puoi dire i comandi per scaricare java??\n<gianco62> https://thepasteb.in/p/Z4hPBQQGn6JTG\n<gianco62> Non mi ridà la lista\n<Carlin0> gabriele2002, dovrebbe essere già installata la versione open\n<gabriele2002> no\n<gabriele2002> non la trovo\n<Carlin0> gianco62, ...\n<Carlin0> gianco62, ti si apre il file cancelli tutto e incolli dentr quello che trovi in questo link http://sprunge.us/dDfb\n<Carlin0> gianco62, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list\n<Carlin0> e ci incolli dentro le 4 righe del link\n<Carlin0> salvi e chiudi\n<gianco62> Purtroppo non mi si apre più il file nel quale incollare la stringa\n<Carlin0> gianco62,\n<Carlin0> gianco62, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list\n<Carlin0> il file ora è vuoto\n<Carlin0> incolla dentro quello che contiene http://sprunge.us/dDfb\n<Carlin0> gabriele2002, sono ignorante in materia mi spiace , aspetta qualcun altro\n<Ab3L> gabriele2002: apri un terminale e scrivi \"locate jre\" dovrebbe dirti dove si trova java.\n<gabriele2002> ok grazie\n<Ab3L> gabriele2002: scusa, \"locate jdk\"\n<gianco62> L'ho incollato\n<Carlin0> ok gianco62\n<Carlin0> gianco62, cat /etc/apt/sources.list\n<gianco62> https://thepasteb.in/p/48hYkllxRwYsR\n<gianco62> Mi sembra non riporti nulla?\n<Carlin0> gianco62, ascolta devo andare ... ma tu poi rileggi con calma\n<gianco62> Va bene ti ringrazio per la cortesia.\n<Carlin0> 17:48:47<Carlin0> gianco62, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list\n<Carlin0> 17:49:33<Carlin0> gianco62, ti si apre il file cancelli tutto e incolli dentro quello che trovi in questo link http://sprunge.us/dDfb dopo salvi e chiudi\n<Carlin0> dopo incollato devi salvare il file gianco62 se no si perde tutto\n<gianco62> Ok ho fatto\n<gianco62> https://thepasteb.in/p/1jhnWqqry7mCB\n<gianco62> questo è l'ultimo messaggio da terminale\n<gianco62> sob!!!\n<Ab3L> gianco62: quelli non sono errori. ti si è aperto gedit con il contenuto di /etc/apt/sources.list ?\n<giannix> ciao voglio scaricare ubuntu ma devo selezionare desktop o server? grazie\n<gianco62> Ho fatto l'operazione che mi ha suggerito carlino\n<Ab3L> giannix: dipende per che cosa lo scarichi. se per usarlo giusto come server, allora scarica la versione server. se invece vuoi usarlo come un utente normale per andare in internet, scrivere lettere, e-mail, ecc. ecc. ecc. allora meglio che scarichi la versione desktop.\n<Ab3L> gianco62: dunque hai rimpiaziato il contenuto del vecchio file /etc/apt/sources.list con quello proposto da Carlin0 ? hai già fatto salva?\n<giannix> desktop, grazie\n<gianco62> si\n<Ab3L> gianco62: cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit\n<gianco62> fatto\n<Ab3L> gianco62: incollami il link che ti è uscito\n<gianco62> non è uscito nulla\n<Ab3L> gianco62: poi, già che ci sei, incollami anche il link che ti esce dopo questo comando: ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d | pastebinit\n<Ab3L> gianco62: cat /etc/apt/sources.list\n<gianco62> https://thepasteb.in/p/nZhlBmmYlR6IY\n<Ab3L> gianco62: chiudi gedit.\n<gianco62> https://thepasteb.in/p/Y6hkBAA4Mo1h7\n<gianco62> ok fatto\n<Ab3L> ora ridai i comandi di prima: cat /etc/apt/sources.list\n<Ab3L> ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d\n<gianco62> https://thepasteb.in/p/KOh8p44gxm8cJ\n<Ab3L> gianco62: sudo apt-get update\n<gianco62> https://thepasteb.in/p/zmh8V44klXVHZ\n<Ab3L> gianco62: ls -alR /var/lib/apt/\n<gianco62> https://thepasteb.in/p/qjhLwXk8Eq4uB\n<gabriele2002> chi mi sa dire i codici per scaricare java??\n<kub> salve\n<Ab3L> gianco62: non mi piace il tuo /var/lib/apt/lists/partial\n<gianco62> cioè?\n<Ab3L> gianco62: penso che i proprietari di quella cartella siano sbagliati\n<gianco62> e cosa posso fare?\n<Ab3L> gianco62: purtroppo io ho una versione più vecchia della tua, ma da me è sempre root root, invece da te è _apt root\n<gianco62> quasi quasi torno alla 16.10 andava così bene\n<Ab3L> gianco62: devo documentarmi per sapere se posso farti cambiare i proprietari con chown oppure se invece bisogna lasciare così perché c'è un processo in corso.\n<kub> ehi\n<gianco62> Allora ci sentiamo domani.\n<Ab3L> gianco62: so come cambiare l' _apt in root, ma sto verificando se si può fare senza troppi dolori. in genere quell'errore l'ho avuto con dpkg invece che con apt e non so può essere trattato alla stessa maniera.\n<kub> salve ho un problema col wifi\n<Ab3L> kub: ho letto, ti parte il blutooth invece che il wifi, ma purtroppo non saprei come aiutarti.\n<kub> ok aspetto risposta\n<kub> aiuto me\n<kub> per favore\n<kub> ehi\n#ubuntu-it 2017-05-27\n<Big> salve a tutti\n<Big> sono qui perchè ho un piccolo problema con la chiave usb e ubuntu\n<Big> nonostante abbia googlato un bel pò nn ho trovato soluzione\n<Big> in poche parole non riesco a scrivere file sulla chiave da ubuntu mentre da win si\n<Big> quando copio un file mi da: errore durante la copia\n<Big> la destinazione è in sola lettura\n<Big> non ho troppa confidenza coi comandi chmod perchè è da poco che sono tornato al debian però credo di averli provati un pò tutti\n<Big> qualcuno ha una soluzione??\n<Mr_Pan> Big, controlla se la pennetta ha uno switch che blocca la scrittura come quelle delle sd card\n<Big> :)\n<Big> nn c'è\n<Big> e cmq ho 2 chiavi che mi danno lo stesso errore\n<Big> ho formattato sia con gparted che con il programma di win\n<Big> sian in fat che ntfs\n<Mr_Pan> Big, qualcuno ha risolto procedendo a nuova formattazione\n<Mr_Pan> pui farlo con gparted. da console o da windows\n<Big> magari devo dare delle opzioni particolari???\n<Big> nella formattazioni tipo di flag\n<Big> cmq è un bug del sistema o un'errore dell'utenza\n<Mr_Pan> Big, hai controllato i permessi della usb ?  utente e permessi lettura/scrittura  ?\n<michele_> buongiorno, c'è qualcuno che mi aiuta a scrivere uno script di shell?\n<tom81> ciao Carlin0\n<tom81> sono ancora io con il solito problema con la rete\n<tom81> per favore aiutami a risolver sto problema perchè non ne posso più di dover sempre riavviare per avere la connessione\n<tom81> ho fortmattato ma non è cambiato nulla\n<tom81> può esserci qualche impostazione nel bios da modificare?\n<Big> @mr_pan se parli di quelli cliccando dx sull'icona si ho spippolato un bel pò\n<Carlin0> Big, quando levi la chiavetta dal pc prima la smonti ?\n<Silvia> Ciao! ho una domanda, spero possiate aiutarmi\n<Silvia> ieri ho formattato il mio netbook ASUS eeepc e ho installato ubuntu 17.0, pero mi sembra che sia un po' lento... è lento a fare il boot, ad aprire i fare programmi, anche a navigare su internet\n<Silvia> non è molto lento, ci si puo lavorare, è solo che non è fluido ed è un po' snervante\n<Silvia> mi chiedo se magari non sia Ubuntu 17.0 troppo pesante per il mio netbook\n<Silvia> grazie dell'aiuto\n<Big> @carlin0 di solito no però ho provato a usarla con win e funziona posso scrivere poi rimuovo safe e provo con ubu ma non va\n<Carlin0> Silvia, dicci le caratteristiche del pc : cpu ram e scheda video\n<Carlin0> Big, devi formattare la chiavetta e poi prima di scollegarla da linux va smontata o espulsa\n<Big> ok faccio subito con gparted\n<Big> devo usare un fat o ntsf??\n<Carlin0> fat32\n<Big> devo mettere dei flag particolari??\n<Carlin0> no no\n<Big> quindi nessun flag???\n<Carlin0> ma ogni volta prima di scollegarla smontala\n<Silvia> Ã�� un eeepc seashell series, 2 gb di ram, processore Intel® Atom™ CPU N2600 @ 1.60GHz × 4, scheda video Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 4.0, 128 bits), e ho scaricato la versione di ubuntu a 32bit, perche quella a 64 non me la accettava\n<Carlin0> Silvia, su una cpu atom è molto meglio se installi lubuntu che è + leggero , inoltre ti consiglio la versione 16.04 LTS che è + stabile ed ha 5 anni di supporto\n<Big> nulla persiste il problema\n<Carlin0> strano Big\n<Carlin0> Silvia, scarica questa http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/16.04.2/release/lubuntu-16.04.2-desktop-i386.iso\n<Big> errore durante la copia\n<Big> la destinazione è il sola lettura\n<Silvia> ok grazie per il consiglio\n<Silvia> una volta che la scarico devo metterla su chiavetta e fare lo stesso procedimento che ho fatto ieri riformatando il pc?\n<Silvia> (scusa la domanda un po' idiota ma non sono molto pratica :D)\n<Carlin0> Silvia, si e in fase di installazione sovrascrivi la prima installazione ubuntu , se fai la chiavetta da win usa rufus\n<Silvia> ok grazie mille carlino!\n<Silvia> lo faccio subito\n<Silvia> buona giornata!!!!\n<Carlin0> Big, è strano perchè fat32 non supporta permessi di scrittura , di solito quella cosa accade quando scolleghi la chiavetta sena prima smontarla\n<f843d0> Big: sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<Big> installato ma a che serve :)\n<f843d0> Big: lsb_release -a | pastebinit\n<f843d0> Big: incolla in canale il link prodotto dal comando\n<Big> https://thepasteb.in/p/8qhO4YkwV0jc0\n<f843d0> Big: incolla il link, non generarne un altro\n<Big> http://paste.ubuntu.com/24676823/\n<Big> eccolo\n<f843d0> Big: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit\n<Big> http://paste.ubuntu.com/24676834/\n<Big> http://paste.ubuntu.com/24676834/\n<f843d0> Big: sudo mount | pastebinit\n<Big> http://paste.ubuntu.com/24676838/\n<Big> ovviamente la chiave è inserita in questo momento\n<f843d0> Big: lo vedo. E sembra anche montata correttamente\n<f843d0> Big: touch foo.bar /media/ryoma/D8AE-2FFB\n<f843d0> Big: scusa, touch /media/ryoma/D8AE-2FFB/foo.bar\n<Big> fatto\n<f843d0> Big: ls -lh /media/ryoma/D8AE-2FFB/ | pastebinit\n<Big> http://paste.ubuntu.com/24676900/\n<f843d0> Big: come vedi, ha creato il file nella chiavetta. Puoi scrivere li dentro. Ci sarà qualcos'altro nella manovra che compi che non quadra.\n<Big> beh prendo un file da una finestra e lo trascino nell'altra...\n<Carlin0> Big, la 17.04 è buggatissima\n<f843d0> Big: hai provato anche a fare \"destro -> Copia -> destro -> Incolla\" ?\n<Big> si ho provato\n<f843d0> Big: ci fornisci il nome di un file che vuoi copiare e che sia possibile fare oggetto di esempio?\n<Big> cmq sono sollevato dal fatto che sia la dist buggata e nn sia un mio errore\n<Big> era un video .mkv\n<Mr_Pan> >4 GB?\n<Big> 1.7gb\n<Big> la chiave è da 8\n<f843d0> Big: qualcos'altro?\n<Big> per esempio il file che abbiamo creato per sbaglio foo.bar se trascinato in cartella nn va\n<Big> il file foo.bar che è dentro la chiave invece posso cancellarlo o copiarlo fuori dalla chiave\n<f843d0> Big: e allora probabile che sia qualche strano comportamento della GUI. Benchè, è molto strano\n<Big> provo a fare la stessa cosa con gnome??\n<Carlin0> Big, la chiave è 8 gb ma tieni conto che fat32 non supporta file + grandi di 4 gb\n<Big> il file foo.bar è vuoto eppure nn lo copia\n<Carlin0> si si il problema è un altro\n<Big> provo a riavviare con gnome o un'altra gui??\n<f843d0> Big: puoi provare con un altro DE, o in live. A me pare strano che venga rilasciata una versione che puntualmente ha problemi a portare a termine operazioni di copia su supporti esterni, comunque.\n<Carlin0> Big, ls | pastebinit\n<f843d0> Big: vedi, per esempio, già il fatto che parli di \"altre GUI\", quanta roba hai installato tutta insieme?\n<Big> http://paste.ubuntu.com/24676968/\n<f843d0> Big: uno dei modi più semplici di provocare disagi, è installare più di un gestore grafico contemporaneamente\n<Big> beh si ho pasticciato un pò in quel verso\n<Carlin0> Big, cp discord-canary.deb /media/ryoma/D8AE-2FFB/\n<Big> ho messo prima gnome e poi canary\n<Carlin0> e poi guarda se l'ha copiato nella chiavetta\n<f843d0> Big: ecco, appunto.\n<Big> si fatto\n<Carlin0> l'ha copiato Big ?\n<Big> si ha copiato\n<Mr_Pan> Big, quei deb tipo canary-discord ... li hai installati  ?\n<Big> si\n<Big> discord è un programma di chat audio tipo teamspeack\n<Mr_Pan> Big, canary-discord e' una versione testing...\n<Mr_Pan> Big, oltre a non essere un DE ufficialmente supportato..\n<Mr_Pan> Big, ok in testing pero ..\n<Big> però è un programma che fa tutt'altro è una chat perchè influisce sulla usb\n<f843d0> Big: a farla breve, sono convinto che se lanci una sessione live, la GUI funziona, copi, incolli, eccetera\n<Carlin0> Big, in + la 17.04 è già piena di bug di per se\n<f843d0> Big: nessuno ha influito sulla USB. Qualcosa ha strapazzato il file manager della GUI che usi\n<f843d0> Big: come hai visto, da terminale funziona tutto senza problemi\n<Big> per me è che ho installato sia gnome che canary\n<f843d0> 11:41:50< f843d0> Big: ecco, appunto.\n<f843d0> Big: inoltre, installare programmi non da repo ufficiali, ci si prende poi il rischio delle conseguenze\n<Mr_Pan> Big, prova con una live e se funziona correttamente ti suggerisco una reinstallazione da zero senza pasticciare\n<f843d0> Big: non dovresti _mai_ installare roba al di fuori del repo ufficiale della distro\n<Big> si però vorrei rimettere canary\n<f843d0> (a meno che non sai esattamente quello che stai facendo)\n<Big> che è la gui più semplice chiara e funzionale\n<f843d0> Big: esiste una distro che adotta canary come GUI? Vai con quella. Non con altre, cercando di portarci dentro l'altra roba. Oppure, fallo, ma poi queste sono le conseguenze\n<Carlin0> Big, cma per copiare il film → cp Ghost.In.The.Shell.2017.iTALiAN.MD.WEBRip.R3.XviD-GENiSYS.avi /media/ryoma/D8AE-2FFB/\n<Big> l'unica è mint ma ha dei problemi con un gioco che uso\n<Carlin0> lol\n<Big> il gioco è supportato su linux\n<Big> è albion online\n<Carlin0> !chat\n<ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<Big> si stavo già copiando il film tramite terminale\n<Big> non credevo di essere andato ot scusate\n<Carlin0> Big, il mio consiglio è : metti la 16.04 che ha 5 anni di supporto e non pasticciarla\n<Big> si credo che seguirò il tuo consiglio grazie di tutto\n<Big> ops cmq sbagliavo la gui che uso è cinnamon\n<Big> beh alla prossima grazie ancora\n<Mau> Salve ho un problema con la cessione anche da ripristino mi dice che  directory non esistere\n<Carlin0> con cosa ?\n<Carlin0> Mau, cosa sarebbe la \"cessione\" ?\n<Mau> Conessione\n<Carlin0> Mau, che ubuntu è ?\n<Mau> 16.04 lts\n<Carlin0> Mau, ma da ethernet o wifi ?\n<Mau> Ethernet\n<Carlin0> Mau, l'ha sempre fatto o è solo da poco ?\n<Mau> Fatto dopo aggiornamento e ho provato da menù di ripristino ad abilitare la rete e mi dà un messaggio che ti mando\n<Carlin0> Mau, fammi vedere la risposta a ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/\n<Mau> Grepp etc resolv .conf file  o directory non esistente\n<Mau> Come facci a farti vedere la risposta.?\n<Mau> Con menù ripristino non riesco\n<Carlin0> Mau, o fai una foto o crei un file txt da incollare nel pastebin\n<Carlin0> Mau, e tu entra da sessione normale\n<Carlin0> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<Carlin0> Mau, esce tanta roba in risposta a quel comando ?\n<Mau> Mi spieghi cosa devo fare non ci capisco molto  devo dare il comando da terminale. .\n<Carlin0> Mau, esce tanta roba in risposta a quel comando ?\n<Mau> Da Terminale?\n<Carlin0> Mau, si\n<raffaele80it> Salve, avrei bisogno di aiuto per un problema audio che ho con xubuntu ed una Vaio\n<Carlin0> vabbè Mau torna quando ti va di collaborare\n<Mau> Cosa devo digitare\n<Mau> Scusa della mia ignoranza\n<Carlin0> 15:24:55<Carlin0> Mau, fammi vedere la risposta a ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/\n<raffaele80it> si tratta di un notebook Sony Vaio VGN FS515B su cui  precedentemente vi era XP\n<Mau> File o directory non esistente\n<Carlin0> Mau, puoi farmi vedere una foto ?\n<Mau> Forse non  eseguo correttamente.\n<raffaele80it> Si sentono dei fastidiosi colpi alle casse durante l'avvio (durata 30-40 secondi). L'audio non funziona. Ho provato a sistemare da alsamixer e sono riuscito a far funzionare l'audio senza problema. Ma appena riavvio il notebook ricominciano i problemi\n<doomed> salve ho un problema di aggiornamenti su gnome 16.04 https://paste.ubuntu.com/24679479/\n<Carlin0> doomed, ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/\n<doomed> Carlin0 https://paste.ubuntu.com/24679515/\n<Carlin0> doomed, sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xenial*\n<Carlin0> e poi sudo apt update\n<doomed> poi?\n<Carlin0> da errori ?\n<doomed> Carlin0 Ho provato a riaggiornare i pacchetti ma mi escono una marea di errori\n<Carlin0> metti in paste\n<doomed> https://paste.ubuntu.com/24679570/\n<Carlin0> doomed, sudo apt -f install\n<doomed> Carlin0 con quel comando tutto bene, ti posto un paste di un aggiornamento dei pacchetti per sapere se e tutto ok\n<doomed> https://paste.ubuntu.com/24679603/\n<Carlin0> doomed, dai ancora sudo apt upgrade\n<Carlin0> per sicurezza\n<doomed> Carlin0  nessun problema\n<David77> Buon pomeriggio a tutti! mi è successa una cosa preoccupante al mio lubuntu 16.04: ho provato ad aprire una gif animata con il programma definito GPicView 0.2.5 e il pc ha cominciato ad macinare sul disco e poi si è bloccato. non funzionavano neanche le console ne il num lock o caps lock. dopo 10 minuti ho dovuto spengerlo forzatamente e all'avvio il sistema ha dovuto correggere degli inode. non penso sia una cosa normale. vorrei sapere se possibile qua\n<Carlin0> ok ...bene così doomed\n<doomed> Carlin0 grazie dell'aiuto buonagiornata\n<Carlin0> David77, non si è letto tutto\n<David77> buon pomeriggio Carlin0, non si è letto il mio messaggio?\n<Carlin0> finisce con ... vorrei sapere se possibile qua\n<Carlin0> possibile cosa ?\n<David77> Carlin0, ripeto il messaggio copiato dalla chat: Buon pomeriggio a tutti! mi è successa una cosa preoccupante al mio lubuntu 16.04: ho provato ad aprire una gif animata con il programma definito GPicView 0.2.5 e il pc ha cominciato ad macinare sul disco e poi si è bloccato. non funzionavano neanche le console ne il num lock o caps lock. dopo 10 minuti ho dovuto spengerlo forzatamente e all'avvio il sistema ha dovuto correggere degli inode. non penso sia\n<Carlin0> ecco si è letto un pezzo ancora in meno\n<Carlin0> copia solo la fine\n<David77> Carlin0, forse è stata ridotta la cache di caratteri. io vedo i miei messaggi. ripeto solo la fine, grazie Carlin0\n<David77> vorrei sapere se possibile quale potrebbe essere il problema e come posso prevenire un'altra volta il problema. è la prima volta che mi succede con i vari *ubuntu negli anni che l'ho utilizzato con soddisfazione. grazie.\n<Carlin0> David77, di che pc parliamo ? che cpu ha ? quanta ram ?\n<Carlin0> cmq David77 invece di spegnere potevi killare il processo\n<David77> portatile con 4GB di ram, Genuine Intel(R) CPU 575  @ 2.00GHz 64bit\n<David77> Carlin0 le console non funzionavano e neanche il mouse :(\n<Carlin0> non riesco a trovarla sta cpu e non la conosco ...cmq\n<David77> e tastiera visto che NumLock e CapsLock non funzionavano neanche\n<Carlin0> purtroppo ad ogni rilascio diventa + pesante anche ubuntu e derivate varie\n<Carlin0> David77, o magari era quella gif a contenere qualcosa\n<Carlin0> mai sentite cose simili\n<David77> Carlin0, immaginavo che la 16.04 è diventata un po' più pesante. la gif l'ho creata io con ffmpeg da un piccolo video della recita della scuola fatta dal mio tablet\n<Carlin0> eh David77 magari era troppo pesante ... non saprei\n<David77> Carlin0 ovviamente adesso l'ho cancellata. le gif animate create con ffmpeg di solito sono molto grosse per via della codifica, ma saranno stati una trentina di MiB. cosa mi consigli Carlin0?\n<Carlin0> non sono pratico dell'argomento ...\n<David77> Carlin0 ti ringrazio comunque dell'interessamento. considera che con irfanview, tramite win, ho aperto una gif animata sempre fatta nello stesso modo da 110MiB... non pensavo che il visualizzatore di immagini di lubuntu mi faccesse questo\n<David77> Carlin0 in attesa magari che qualcuno mi sappia aiutare volevo sapere se la correzione degli inode mi ha comportato la perdita di file e se quando le console non funzionano e neanche tastiera e mouse (spero mai più) cosa potrei fare. grazie\n<David77> irfanview tramite wine non win scusate l'errore :(\n<f843d0> David77: hai provato almeno due volte ad aprire il file?\n<David77> f843d0: grazie della risposta. no ho solo aperto una volta il file e poi si è tutto bloccato :( poi, per precauzione una volta riavviato e che il sistema ha corretto gli inode l'ho cancellato. intanto il video mio ce l'ho e in caso posso sempre ricreare il gif, che ovviamente non aprirei con il visualizzatore d'immagini di default GPicView 0.2.5 per evitare un'altro blocco. idee?\n<f843d0> David77: beh, intanto controllerei che sia riproducibile. Un blocco di sistema in fase di lettura non dovrebbe ammazzare nessuno\n<f843d0> David77: in seconda battuta, proverei un altro visualizzatore\n<David77> f843d0: quindi veiricare prima con, per esempio, irfanview tramite wine? che mi consigli come visualizzatore rapido per le gif animate che metterei come predefinto? gthumb?\n<David77> *verificare\n<David77> f843d0: la cosa che mi preme e solo che lubuntu 16.04 non mi si blocchi più. per gli inode e cosa fare in caso di blocco console, tastiera e mouse?\n<Mr_Pan> David77, lascia perdere roba sw attraverso wine non e' questa la filosofia\n<David77> Mr_Pan grazie della risposta. concordo. infatti cercavo un pacchetto nativo ubuntu che facesse +/ lo stesso di irfanview velocemente. tuoi consigli? gthumb l'ho installato dopo ma non ho trovato una guida completa. gimp è un po' pesantuccio per semplicemente tagliare un pezzo di immagine in un'altra. comunque mi interessa come supporto solamente che non mi vada in blocco il sistema :) grazie\n<David77> visto quello che mi ha detto il buon Carlin0 quanti sono al massimo i caratteri che si possono mettere in un singolo messaggio quì?\n<th34lch3m1st> ciao. è possibile che la 16.04.1 installata 6 mesi fa e aggiornata manualmente installando l'hwe stack sul mio notebook abbia versioni più recenti dei programmi rispetto alla 16.04.2 installata sul desktop 1 mese fa?\n<David77> il repository è lo stesso. esempio?\n<th34lch3m1st> David77 si\n<th34lch3m1st> repo ubuntu (inkscape)\n<th34lch3m1st> ora ricontrollo...\n<th34lch3m1st> no è diverso, shame on me\n<th34lch3m1st> eeh la vecchiaia.....\n<David77> th34lch3m1st: quindi è lo stesso. https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/inkscape\n<th34lch3m1st> David77 no sul notebook ho il ppa di launchpad mentre sul desktop no. non mi ricordavo di averlo installato sul notebook dal ppa...che testa che ho...\n<David77> ok\n<th34lch3m1st> David77 grazie per lo spunto\n<David77> figurati. buona serata\n<th34lch3m1st> anche a te/voi... ciao\n<chicco> salve\n<chicco> dopo aver scaricato file ubuntu\n<chicco> e salvato su hard disk esterno\n<chicco> cosa devo fare per istallarlo?\n<David77> chicco: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione\n<franz16xx> ciao\n<raffaele80it> Ciao\n<raffaele80it> potrei avere cortesemente un aiuto per risolvere un problema audio con xubuntu sul mio notebook vaio?\n<David77> !domanda\n<ubot-it> per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su  una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)\n<raffaele80it> scusami prima volta che scrivo qui\n<raffaele80it> sul mio notebook vaio (su cui prima c'era XP) ho installato Xubuntu ma durante l'avvio sento dei rumori agli altoparlanti della durata di 30 secondi circa. L'audio è inutilizzabile. Utilizzando l'adio (ad es. Youtube) i rumori alle casse (tipo popcorn) diventano continui e fastidiosi finchè l'audio non sparisce del tutto (come se andasse in autopro\n<raffaele80it> tezione). Ho provato a sistemare da alsamixer e settando le MM a 00 l'audio inizia a funzionare ma al successivo riavvio le impostazioni non vengono mantenute ed inizia di nuovo il gracchio fino a che l'audio non scompare di nuovo del tutto. Ciò mi costringe a ripetere la procedura con alsamixer\n<carletto> non riesco a loggarmi a chiedi ubuntu...\n<carletto> Firefox non può stabilire una connessione con il server localhost:8123.\n<carletto> questo mi dice firefox...\n<David77> raffaele80it: che versione di xubuntu?\n<raffaele80it> dovrebbe essere la 17. COme faccio a controllare per essere più sicuro?\n<David77> carletto: http://chiedi.ubuntu-it.org/account/signin/ ?\n<David77> raffaele80it: da terminale cat /etc/lsb-release\n<raffaele80it> https://thepasteb.in/p/Elh1XpzPGm2fm\n<raffaele80it> si, 17.04\n<raffaele80it> sul mio notebook vaio (su cui prima c'era XP) ho installato Xubuntu ma durante l'avvio sento dei rumori agli altoparlanti della durata di 30 secondi circa. L'audio è inutilizzabile. Utilizzando l'adio (ad es. Youtube) i rumori alle casse (tipo popcorn) diventano continui e fastidiosi finchè l'audio non sparisce del tutto (come se andasse in autopro\n<raffaele80it> tezione). Ho provato a sistemare da alsamixer e settando le MM a 00 l'audio inizia a funzionare ma al successivo riavvio le impostazioni non vengono mantenute ed inizia di nuovo il gracchio fino a che l'audio non scompare di nuovo del tutto. Ciò mi costringe a ripetere la procedura con alsamixer\n<raffaele80> sul mio notebook vaio (VFGN FS515B) su cui ho installato Xubuntu 17.04 (prima c'era XP ) durante l'avvio sento dei rumori agli altoparlanti (il crepitio tipico dei pop corn)  della durata di 30 secondi circa.\n<raffaele80> L'audio non funziona.\n<raffaele80> Ho provato a sistemare con  alsamixer settando le MM a 00 e l'audio inizia a funzionare.\n<raffaele80> Al successivo riavvio le impostazioni però non vengono mantenute ed inizia di nuovo il problema del crepitio\n<micio> salve! ho un problema con un upgrade a ubuntu 16.04 LTS forse dovuto alla vecchia scheda video VIA CHROME 9\n<Mr_Pan> micio, una descrizione dettaglita del problema sarebbe gradita\n<Mr_Pan> micio, updagrade da quale versione  ?   non e' mi una buona idea ... meglio installazione fresca con una LTS poi ..\n<micio> eccomi! ho fatto upgrade da 14.04 LTS a 16.04 su un vecchio notebook Amilo\n<micio> dopo lo splash lo schermo diventa nero\n<Carlin0> micio, gli avanzamenti di versione non sempre vanno a buon fine\n<micio> a sapelo prima\n<micio> saperlo prima ...\n<Mr_Pan> micioall avvio al menu di grub premi \"e\" prova ad aggiungere nella riga  vmlinux...  nomodeset\n<micio> per entrare in questa chat sto usando proprio lo stesso notebook ma con lubuntu 12.04 live CD. Mi tocca uscire dalla chat per provare ed intanto rientro con un altro dispositivo cos= vediamo sesi puo risolvere.\n<micio> mi sostituisce micio2\n<micio2> Sono nel setparams 'Ubuntu' , mi date qualche dritta ?\n<Carlin0> micio2, secondo me fai prima a salvare dati da live e reinstallare , e fai anche un lavoro più pulito\n<micio2> Carlin0, sono certo che l'upgrade é andato a buon fine. Il problema è sulla scheda video che ha memoria condivisa\n<Carlin0> beh se è andato a buon fine non hai problemi\n<raffaele80ii> nessuno sa iutarmi?\n<Mr_Pan> micio2, ma che problemi ti da  ? ?\n<Mr_Pan> raffaele80ii, ??!?!?!\n<micio2> Diciamo che funziona ma non si vede 😀\n<micio2> in recovery mode mi dice anche welcome to Ubuntu 16.04 lts\n<Mr_Pan> ok\n<micio2> E compare anche il recovery menu\n<micio2> Provo l'opzione failsafeX\n<Mr_Pan> raffy, perche continui a cambiare nick  ?\n<Mr_Pan> vabbe...\n<micio2> Compare il messaggio \"the system is running in low graphics mode ... You will need to configure these yourself\n<Mr_Pan> micio2, la scheda via chrome9 fin dalla vesione 8.4 viene supportata in modo automatico ...\n<Mr_Pan> purtroppo non sappiamo se l avanzamento da 14.04 a 16.04 lts abbia provocato malfunzionamenti ..\n<Mr_Pan> micio2, inoltre sarebbe da controllare se hai dei PPA installati ...\n<Mr_Pan> micio2, per me il suggerimento e' installazione pulita da zero\n<Carlin0> male che vada i vesa dovrebbero supportarla , ma l'avanzamento è sempre un salto nel buio\n<Mr_Pan> micio2, calcola che il supporto alle schede via Chrome9 non e' dei migliori .\n<micio2> Quella è l'ultima spiaggia 😉\n<Carlin0> e poi visto la scheda video non oso immaginare la cpu e forse ubuntu è troppo\n<micio2> Lubuntu 16.04\n<micio2> Infatti\n<Carlin0> ah lubuntu sopra hai scritto ubuntu\n<micio2> CPU dual core 2gb RAM\n<Mr_Pan> micio2, sopra hai scritto ubuntu\n<micio2> Perché con la 14.04 avevo sia Ubuntu che Lubuntu che Lubuntuma l'upgrade l'ho fatto da Lubuntu\n<Mr_Pan> micio2,  tutto in una unica installazione  ?\n<Mr_Pan> micio2, brutta idea mischiare piu DE ...\n<micio2> Funzionava, facevo il logout e passavo da un ambiente grafico all'altro\n<Mr_Pan> micio2, certo qnche una macchna senza freni funziona...\n<Carlin0> micio2, ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d risponde qualcosa ?\n<micio2> Eppure il recovery menu compare\n<micio2> Sono nella bash, qualche suggerimento di driver da scaricare ?\n<Carlin0> ti ho chiesto una cosa micio2\n<micio2> Scusa, ora vedo\n<micio2> 23 righe di risposta\n<Mr_Pan> !paste\n<ubot-it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina\n<Carlin0> ecco micio2 quello è ciò che ti ha imputtanato l'avanzamento di versione perchè sono tutte sorgenti software non ufficiali che tu hai aggiunto\n<Mr_Pan> micio2, incolla su paste e metti qui il link\n<micio2> Come faccio ? Sono in chat col tablet\n<Mr_Pan> micio2, non importa...\n<Mr_Pan> micio2, come detto da Carlin0 i problemi provengono tutti da quelle 23 righe\n<Mr_Pan> !ripristino\n<ubot-it> Per ripristinare un sistema danneggiato, avviate il CD alternate e selezionate \"Rescue a broken system\"\n<Mr_Pan> no link vecchio\n<Mr_Pan> micio2, fai prima a reinstallare ma elimina quei ppa ...\n<Mr_Pan> !ppapurge\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'ppapurge'\n<Carlin0> salva i dati e  reinstalla da zero\n<Carlin0> that's it\n<Carlin0> bonanotte\n<micio2> Provero con la alternate . Notte.\n<micio2> Grazie\n#ubuntu-it 2017-05-28\n<pogues> qualcuno è in ascolto?\n<pogues> amici?\n<jk^> ciao a tutti\n<jk^> ma mi ha detto un tipo, non di questo canale, che il fake pae si può fare anche su altre derivate/versioni di ubuntu non solo su lubuntu come spiega la guida. E' corretto?\n<Carlin0> jk^, di che derivate parli ?\n<Saverio> Buona domenica a tutti\n<Saverio> Ho da poco installato ubuntu 16.04...vorrei metterci i driver della mia geforce 7200/7300...li ho anche scaricati e installati da terminale, ma la risposta è questa:\n<Saverio> ERROR: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before\n<Saverio>  installing.\n<Saverio> come si chiude questo x...grazie\n<f843d0> Saverio: i driver si possono installare da repo\n<f843d0> Saverio: nel tuo caso, direi, se tutto va bene, i legacy\n<Saverio> gia provato...torna sempre sulla stessa posizione...\n<f843d0> Saverio: sudo apt-get install pastebinit\n<Saverio> Impossibile impostare il blocco /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Risorsa temporaneamente non disponibile)\n<Saverio> ah forse perchè sto aggiornano..aspe\n<f843d0> Saverio: eh... aspetta la fine dell'aggiornamento\n<Saverio> fatto\n<f843d0> Saverio: riavvia\n<Saverio> il pc? o la sessione...\n<f843d0> Saverio: il PC\n<Saverio> ok a dopo\n<stevr1it> salve ubuntu 17.04  non mi riconosce il wireless, mentre nel precedente sistema tutto funzionava bene. potete aiutarmi?\n<f843d0> stevr1it: collega la postazione tramite Ethernet ed entra in chat da li.\n<stevr1it> son cellgato da etenret\n<stevr1it> colelgato da ethernet\n<f843d0> stevr1it: sudo apt-get install -y pastebinit\n<stevr1it> ok\n<stevr1it> già instalalto\n<f843d0> stevr1it: sudo lshw | pastebinit\n<f843d0> stevr1it: incolla in canale il link restituito dal comando\n<stevr1it> http://paste.ubuntu.com/24689700/\n<f843d0> !bcm | stevr1it\n<ubot-it> stevr1it: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/DispositiviSenzaFili/Broadcom\n<stevr1it> bash: !bcm: event not found\n<f843d0> stevr1it: ehm, devi seguire la guida che è comparsa in canale in seguito a quel comando. Non è un comando bash\n<stevr1it> ok\n<stevr1it> a dopo , grazie\n<Raffaele80it> sul mio notebook vaio (VFGN FS515B) su cui ho installato Xubuntu 17.04 (prima c'era XP ) durante l'avvio sento dei rumori agli altoparlanti (il crepitio tipico dei pop corn) della durata di 30 secondi circa.\n<Raffaele80it> L'audio non funziona.\n<Raffaele80it> Ho provato a sistemare con alsamixer settando le MM a 00 e l'audio inizia a funzionare.\n<Raffaele80it> Al successivo riavvio le impostazioni però non vengono mantenute ed inizia di nuovo il problema del crepitio\n<f843d0> Raffaele80it: l'ha sempre fatto?\n<Raffaele80it> Quando c'era xp non lo faceva\n<f843d0> Raffaele80it: no, intendo dire, il problema è emerso sin dal primo avvio di Ubuntu?\n<Raffaele80it> Si, il problema si è presentato da quando ho iniziato ad utilizzare la versione try da USB. Pensavo che con l'installazione del S.O. sull'hard disk poteva risolversi (magari con qualche aggiornamento) ma purtroppo non è stato così\n<f843d0> Raffaele80it: adesso hai configurato alsamixer in modo da fornire audio normalmente?\n<Raffaele80it> Si ma al riavvio del pc il problema si ripresenta\n<f843d0> Raffaele80it: digita sudo alsactl store\n<Raffaele80it> Provo\n<Saverio> Di nuovo\n<Saverio> riavviato il pc....\n<Raffaele80it> F843d0: è sparita l'icona volume attraverso cui entravo nelle impostazioni avanzate e abbassavo il volume di chromium.\n<f843d0> Raffaele80it: ma le impostazioni adesso vengono mantenute?\n<Raffaele80it> Abbassandonil volume di chromium riuscivo a far sparire il fastidioso crepitio e poi da alsamixer sistemavo tutto. Sapresti dirmi come farla riapparire\n<f843d0> Raffaele80it: \"abbassare il volume di Chromium\"... direi lo si può fare da pavucontrol. Lancialo, cerca l'applicazione Chromium in Playback di Pulseaudio, e abbassa il volume\n<Raffaele80it> Provo, grazie\n<Raffaele80it> Non la trovo\n<f843d0> !chi | Raffaele80it\n<ubot-it> Raffaele80it: se stai parlando con qualcuno in particolare, per rendere più leggibile il canale ti consiglio di inserire il suo nickname in quello che dici (puoi usare il completamento premendo il tasto tab)\n<f843d0> |dettagli | Raffaele80it\n<f843d0> !dettagli | Raffaele80it\n<ubot-it> Raffaele80it: Per favore dacci dettagli completi. Per esempio \"Ho un problema con..., sto usando Ubuntu versione... con interfaccia.... Quando provo a fare..., ottengo questo output: ..., ma mi sarei aspettato che facesse...\"\n<raffaele80i> Eccomi, sono Raffaele80it. Sono entrato con il pc (primo ero con lo smartphone)\n<raffaele80it> f843d0: ci sei?\n<f843d0> !dettagli | raffaele80it\n<ubot-it> raffaele80it: Per favore dacci dettagli completi. Per esempio \"Ho un problema con..., sto usando Ubuntu versione... con interfaccia.... Quando provo a fare..., ottengo questo output: ..., ma mi sarei aspettato che facesse...\"\n<jk^> Carlin0, ho letto la guida del fakepae parla solo di lubuntu per quello che c'ho capito ma un tipo (non di questo canale) mi disse che si può fare quel fakepae su qualsiasi tipo di ubuntu, tutti non me li ricordo, ma per fare esempi pratici parlo di ubuntu (principale), kubuntu, xubuntu, e via dicendo\n<raffaele80it> sul mio notebook vaio (VFGN FS515B) su cui ho installato Xubuntu 17.04 (prima c'era XP ) durante l'avvio sento dei rumori agli altoparlanti (il crepitio tipico dei pop corn) della durata di 30 secondi circa.\n<raffaele80it> L'audio non funziona.\n<raffaele80it> Ho provato a sistemare con alsamixer settando le MM a 00 e l'audio inizia a funzionare.\n<jk^> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/FakePAE\n<jk^> Carlin0, questo è il link\n<raffaele80i> sul mio notebook vaio (VFGN FS515B) su cui ho installato Xubuntu 17.04 (prima c'era XP ) durante l'avvio sento dei rumori agli altoparlanti (il crepitio tipico dei pop corn) della durata di 30 secondi circa.\n<raffaele80i> L'audio non funziona.\n<raffaele80i> Ho provato a sistemare con alsamixer settando le MM a 00 e l'audio inizia a funzionare.\n<raffaele80i> Al successivo riavvio le impostazioni però non vengono mantenute ed inizia di nuovo il problema del crepitio\n<f843d0> !ripeti | raffaele80i\n<ubot-it> raffaele80i: non ripetere la tua domanda spesso, ogni N minuti. Non aumenterà le probabilità di ottenere una risposta ma provocherà solamente una reazione stizzita da parte degli altri utenti del canale. Se nessuno ti risponde riprova più tardi o utilizza le altre forme di supporto messe a dispozione dalla comunità.\n<f843d0> raffaele80i: procurati una connessione stabile, perchè così sei solo un fastidioso disturbo al canale\n<AriesDark89> Salve... ho un problema nel reinstallando ubuntu... ho seguito questa guida http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/RipristinoInstallazione ma nella schermata iniziale non mi da reinstalla ubuntu.... mi da solo prova ubuntu o installa ubuntu... che devo fare?\n<Carlin0> AriesDark89, scegli installa e quando arrivi al partizionamento gli assegni manualmente la medesima partizione\n<Carlin0> aveva fretta\n<Carlin0> AriesDark89, scegli installa e quando arrivi al partizionamento gli assegni manualmente la medesima partizione\n<AriesDark89> Anche se io devo solo reinstallare ubuntu?\n<Carlin0> solo ... è una installazione nuova\n<AriesDark89> Però sulla guida c'era scritto che i file non venivano cancellato\n<f843d0> AriesDark89: a prescindere da guide e speranze, non vedo perchè non avere un backup dei dati importanti\n<Carlin0> AriesDark89, quello sta a te se scegliere di formattare o no la partizione\n<f843d0> AriesDark89: voglio dire, si può anche rompere l'hard disk tra 20s per quello che ne sappiamo\n<Carlin0> per il resto se non sovrascrive non ti risolve il problema\n<Carlin0> un backup come consigliato da f843d0 non fa mai male\n<AriesDark89> io volevo ripristinare tutto il sistema operativo perche mi stava dando problemi..: cosi ho preso quella guida che mi ha ridetto di fare la liveusb e alla schermata iniziale di scegliere reinstalla ubuntu\n<AriesDark89> sisi okok avete ragione...\n<AriesDark89> adesso sono al tipo di installazione... elimina cancella o altro.... per non perdere i file dovrei mettere altro giusto?\n<Carlin0> si altro\n<Carlin0> poi gli riassegni la stessa partizione ma senza formattarla\n<Carlin0> anche se mi sa un po di lavoro del cactus\n<AriesDark89> Dici perché ci metterà tanto?\n<Carlin0> no dico perchè : non formattando non è mai una installazione \"pulita\"\n<AriesDark89> ah capito...\n<AriesDark89> ma adesso mi dice che non è stato definito alcun file Systems di root anche se ho selezionato ubuntu 16.04.02 e sotto la key\n<Carlin0> te l'ho detto ...\n<Carlin0> 14:31:07<Carlin0> poi gli riassegni la stessa partizione ma senza formattarla\n<AriesDark89> penso che torno indietro e faccio elimina\n<Carlin0> se ci dai retta salvi i dati e rasi tutto a zero\n<AriesDark89> ok... dimmi tutto\n<Carlin0> AriesDark89, hai dei dati da salvare ?\n<AriesDark89> si\n<Carlin0> mentre sei da live fai copia incolla su disco esterno o altro\n<Carlin0> e te li salvi\n<AriesDark89> Scusa non ho capito\n<Carlin0> rileggi\n<AriesDark89> Cioe alla schermata tipo di installazione posso accedere a ubuntu e salvare i dati\n<raffaele80it> sul mio notebook vaio (VFGN FS515B) su cui ho installato Xubuntu 17.04 (prima c'era XP ) durante l'avvio sento dei rumori agli altoparlanti (il crepitio tipico dei pop corn) della durata di 30 secondi circa.\n<raffaele80it> L'audio non funziona.\n<raffaele80it> Ho provato a sistemare con alsamixer settando le MM a 00 e l'audio inizia a funzionare.\n<raffaele80it> Al successivo riavvio le impostazioni però non vengono mantenute ed inizia di nuovo il problema del crepitio\n<Carlin0> AriesDark89, riavvia l'installazione e scegli : prova senza installare e  da li salvi i dati\n<AriesDark89> okok\n<AriesDark89> e poi faccio elimina giusto?\n<Carlin0> dopo che hai salvato i dati elimini la partizione\n<Carlin0> ma sei tranquillo almeno\n<AriesDark89> grazie mille\n<f843d0> AriesDark89: il salvataggio dei dati da live è semplicissimo se non hai attivato la criptazione delle partizioni\n<Carlin0> copia / incolla\n<AriesDark89> nono non l'ho attivata\n<raffaele80it> f843d0: ho fatto il ripristino. Adesso la connessione dovrebbe andare meglio. Purtroppo il crepitio destabilizzava anche il funzionamento del wifi\n<f843d0> raffaele80it: come già detto in mattinata, puoi usare sudo alsactl store per forzare il salvataggio delle impostazioni di ALSA\n<raffaele80it> f843d0: lh0 fatto. Le impostazioni vengono mantenute ma il crepitio c'è sempre\n<raffaele80it> f843d0: e poi non trovo più come abbassare il volume di chromium http://i.imgur.com/f3Cmtkh.png\n<f843d0> raffaele80it: scheda riproduzione. Serve Chromium avviato, e in riproduzione di qualcosa\n<f843d0> raffaele80it: sudo apt-get install -y pastebinit\n<AriesDark89> Mi ha detto che l'installazione di grup install/dev/sdb non è riuscita. Questo è un errore fatale...\n<AriesDark89> posso continuare senza bootloader?\n<f843d0> AriesDark89: prima ti ha anche chiesto dove installare il bootloader\n<f843d0> AriesDark89: a giudicare dal nome del device, hai provato a installare GRUB sul supporto di installazione, invece che l'hard disk interno\n<AriesDark89> posso annullare l'installazione e ricominciare da capo?\n<AriesDark89> o basta che uso un'altra pc per riscrivere l'immagine dentro la stessa chiavetta?\n<f843d0> AriesDark89: ricomincia l'installazione\n<raffaele80it> f843d0: ho avviato youtube ma non appare: http://i.imgur.com/2qFvQjH.png\n<f843d0> 14:52:01< f843d0> raffaele80it: sudo apt-get install -y pastebinit\n<AriesDark89> non mi permette di fare nulla\n<AriesDark89> se clicco su continua senza bootloader mi dice che necessita di bootloader che avviarsi\n<AriesDark89> e se clicco su annullare installazione mi dice che il pc potrebbe andare in uno stato non avviabile\n<AriesDark89> kmq\n<AriesDark89> tutte e 2 mi danno l'ok grigio... o meglio qualsiasi opzione vado a fare non mi fa selezionare ok.... l'on e selezionabili solo se scelgo un altro sda.... che posso fare?\n<AriesDark89> se spengo il pc mantenendo il tasto in acceso che succede?\n<raffaele80it> f843d0: fatto: http://i.imgur.com/c3qBe9l.png\n<AriesDark89> che faccio... provo a forzare lo spegnimento del pc?\n<f843d0> AriesDark89: riavvia la macchina, senza problemi, cerca di far ripartire il supporto di installazione\n<AriesDark89> con la stessa key?\n<f843d0> AriesDark89: si\n<AriesDark89> Normale che alla\n<AriesDark89> schermata di avvio.... dopo 13 minuti... ancora è in avvio????\n<Carlin0> AriesDark89, una domanda : come l'hai preparata la chiavetta usb ?\n<AriesDark89> su ubuntu\n<AriesDark89> col programma dedicato\n<AriesDark89> perche?\n<Carlin0> con cosa ?\n<AriesDark89> asp\n<AriesDark89> Creatore fischi di avvio\n<AriesDark89> e proprio il nome del\n<AriesDark89> progtamma di ubuntu\n<Carlin0> dovrebbe andare ... hai controllato il md5sum della iso ?\n<AriesDark89> scusa ma non so cosa sia\n<Carlin0> !md5\n<AriesDark89> kmq vada adesso mi è ripartita l'installazione\n<AriesDark89> e sto riformattando la key sul mac\n<AriesDark89> con onebit\n<ubot-it> http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Md5Sum\n<Carlin0> AriesDark89, ma che pc è ? che cpu ? quanta ram ? che scheda video ?\n<AriesDark89> Ah ok non neanche ci fosse questa possibilita\n<porpora> Ubuntu 17.04 non scarica più gli aggiornamenti e qualsiasi altro programma\n<f843d0> porpora: e in seguito a cosa?\n<f843d0> Se spegni il router, succede\n<porpora> non saprei\n<fasli> buonasera\n<fasli> chi mi aiuta\n<raffaele80it> sul mio notebook vaio (VFGN FS515B) su cui ho installato Xubuntu 17.04 (prima c'era XP ) durante l'avvio sento dei rumori agli altoparlanti (il crepitio tipico dei pop corn) della durata di 30 secondi circa.\n<raffaele80it> L'audio non funziona.\n<raffaele80it> Ho provato a sistemare con alsamixer settando le MM a 00 e l'audio inizia a funzionare.\n<raffaele80it> Al successivo riavvio le impostazioni però non vengono mantenute ed inizia di nuovo il problema del crepitio\n<rosario> hi, is avilable the download link fot ubuntu touch ?\n<AriesDark89> Salve\n<AriesDark89> ho appena reinstallato ubuntu 16.04.02 ma non mi si apre più il boot grub... Avete qualche soluzione?\n<AriesDark89> Se vi può essere utile... nella reistallazione non mi ha aperto la\n<AriesDark89> pagina grub.... ma quella di unetboot con scritto default gru ubuntu without istallino ecc... ovviamente come da procedura  ho messo tra e poi ho installato la versione completa dal l'icona del desktop\n<AriesDark89> try*\n<AriesDark89> prima di montare il file ISO ho verificato la correttezza con ms5\n<AriesDark89> aiutatemi please\n<AriesDark89> Qualcuno on?\n#ubuntu-it 2018-05-21\n<chiarabriccola> ciao, il mio pc dopo l'ultimo aggiornamento di windows 10 non funziona più. lo schermo è nero, non carica windows neanche in modalità provvisoria nè è possibile reinstallare windows tramite usb. Ho pensato di provare a farlo ripartire con ubuntu. Ma poi, i programmi funzioneranno?\n<Carlin0> !windows | chiarabriccola\n<ubot-it> chiarabriccola: Per ricevere supporto per windows, rivolgersi al canale ##windows\n<chiarabriccola> volevo capire come funziona ubuntu in questo caso\n<Carlin0> chiarabriccola, hai installato ubuntu ?\n<chiarabriccola> lo sto scaricando\n<Carlin0> !installazione\n<ubot-it> Guida per l'installazione di Ubuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/InstallareUbuntu\n<Carlin0> !usb\n<ubot-it> Per creare una chiavetta bootabile consultare la pagina wiki https://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/CreazioneLiveUsb\n<chiarabriccola> grazie, ma dopo averlo installato cosa succede? i programmi che avevo sul pc ci saranno ancora e funzioneranno? scusate l'ignoranza...\n<Carlin0> chiarabriccola, ubuntu è un sistema operativo indipendente , installarlo non riporterà in vita windows\n<Carlin0> avrai ubuntu e userai i suoi programmi\n<chiarabriccola> quindi per esempio, tutte le mailche avevo su outlook\n<chiarabriccola> non le potrò più vedere\n<Carlin0> quella è roba win outlook non gira su ubuntu\n<chiarabriccola> ok, grazie,\n<Carlin0> di nulla\n<gigirock> chiarabriccola, se con una chiavetta usb riesci a caricare ubuntu senza installare forse puoi accedere ai tuoi vecchi dati\n<Miss_Pannolina> Mr_Pan Mr_Pannolino MA TU NON SARAI MICA COME PASQUALE AMETRANO NEL FILM DI CARLO VERDONE? QUELLO CHE SCENDE DALLA GERMANIA IN ITALIA E VIENE DERUBATO DI QUALUNQUE COSA? AHAHAHHAHAHAHAH SEI COSÌ ANCHE TU? PASQUALE AMETRANO? GUARDA QUA AHAHAHAHHAHAAHAH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kUcG189m8I PURE TU CON L'ALFA SUD ROSSA COME LUI AHAHAHHAHAHAHAH PASQUALE AMETRAAANOOOOO\n<Miss_Pannolina> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH\n<Miss_Pannolina> Mr_Pan Mr_Pannolino MA TU NON SARAI MICA COME PASQUALE AMETRANO NEL FILM DI CARLO VERDONE? QUELLO CHE SCENDE DALLA GERMANIA IN ITALIA E VIENE DERUBATO DI QUALUNQUE COSA? AHAHAHHAHAHAHAH SEI COSÌ ANCHE TU? PASQUALE AMETRANO? GUARDA QUA AHAHAHAHHAHAAHAH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kUcG189m8I PURE TU CON L'ALFA SUD ROSSA COME LUI AHAHAHHAHAHAHAH PASQUALE AMETRAAANOOOOO\n<gigirock> chiarabriccola, se il computer non era 'criptato' i tuoi vecchi dati dovrebbero essere leggibili\n<BELOTTA> Mr_Pan GUARDA LA SCENA DI PASQUALE AMETRANO CON L'ALFA SUD ROSSA APPENA ENTRA IN ITALIA CHE SI FA DERUBARE SUBITO DELL'AUTORADIO AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1akGVPXKLc GUARDA IL CARTELLO ALLA FINE \"WILLKOMMEN IN ITALIEN\" AHAHAHAHAHHAHA NON POSSO IMMAGINARE QUANDO ENTRI TU IN ITALIA COME NON TI LASCERANNO ADDOSSO NEANCHE LE MUTANDE Mr_Pannolino AHAHAHAHHAHAHA\n<ForseSonoEritrea> Mr_Pan Mr_Pannolino MA QUANDO MANDI LE EMAIL A DIGITALOCEAN POI COME TI FIRMI ALLA FINE? Mr_Pannolino O PASQUALE AMETRANO?AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA \"RUHE! REISEPASS BITTE! DANKE!\" ... \"AMETRAAANOOO...VA A VOTARE A MATERA? E' DA MOLTO TEMPO CHE MANCA DALL'ITALIA? AMETRAAANO...ARRIFATTI LA FOTO CHE SEI PEGGIORATO\" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH PIU GUARDO 'STA SCENA E PIÙ MI SEMBRI TU CON QUELL'ALFA SUD COLOR PEPERONE AHAHAHAHHAHAAHAH\n<Mr_Pannolina> Mr_Pan MA HAI ANCORA QUEL CLACSON TUTTO PARTICOLARE NELL'ALFASUD?AHAHAHHAHAHA IL DOGANIERE TEDESCO TI HA PURE RIMPROVERATO CHE FACEVI TROPPO BORDELLO AHAHAHAHAHAH MA TI RENDI CONTO COME TI FAI RICONOSCERE SUBITO CHE SEI ITALIANO?TE NE RENDI CONTO?ANZI COME DICONO,COME DICONO I TEDESCHI? \"itaka\" AHAHAHHAHAHA SEI UN ITAKA ANCHE TU Mr_Pannolino?AHAHHAHAHAHAHAH\n<ASSEMBLATA> CERTO CHE UBUNTU NON SI FA MANCARE NULLA TRA I SUOI ADEPTI,DA QUESTO SI RICONOSCE IL GRAN SUCCESSO DI UN SISTEMA OPERATIVO AHAHAHAHHAAHAH,GUARDATE CHI ABBIAMO QUI,POSSIAMO FARE LE BARZELLETTE: C'ERA UN TEDESCO (Mr_Pan) UN TERRONE (fabio_cc) E UN ITALIANO (Carlin0) AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA SEMBRANO LE BARZELLETTE CHE RACCONTAVAMO ALLE ELEMENTARI AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH\n<Claudio> Ho log di giorni... di poco supporto, ma molto spam da parte di questa persona\n#ubuntu-it 2018-05-22\n<Carlin0Fessakki8> DAI SU MA SERIAMENTE,A PARTE GLI SCHERZI MA NON VI FA RIDERE QUELLA STORIA CHE VI RACCONTAVO IERI POMERIGGIO?QUELLA DEL TEDESCO (Mr_Pan) IL TERRONE (fabio_cc) E L'ITALIANO (Carlin0)?MA NON SEMBRANO DAVVERO MESSI APPOSTA COSÌ PER FARE LE BARZELLETTE?E INVECE NON È UNA CONGIURA È PROPRIO LA REALTÀ...MA VI RENDETE CONTO COSA CI OFFRE UBUNTU?AHAHAHAHHAHAHA MA C'È DA RIDERE!\n<ajaa> Mr_Pannolino TU PER ESEMPIO NON SARAI MICA UNA SPECIE DI TONY MONTANA IN VERSIONE SPAGHETTARA?QUELLO ERA UN PROFUGO CUBANO A MIAMI E TU SEI INVECE UN PROFUGO ITALIANO IN GERMANIA CHE VUOL FAR CARRIERA NELLA MALAVITA AHAHAHAHAHAH,LO SCARFACE ITALIANO IL NOSTRO Mr_Pan\n<Carlin0Fessakki8> Mr_Pan MA QUANDO DEVI FARE LA GUERRA CONTRO I MALAVITOSI SLAVI,RUSSI,ALBANESI CHE CI STANNO LÌ COME LI COMBATTI? A COLPI DI MITRA O A COLPI DI PC? AHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH\n<Carlin0NnEsceMai> Carlin0 MA TU IMMAGINI CHE PRIMA DELL'UNITÀ D'ITALIA NEL 1861 IL PIEMONTE HA FORNITO LUNGIMIRANTI PATRIOTI COME IL CAMILLO BENSO CONTE DI CAVOUR E OGGI INVECE RIFORNISCE IL POPOLO SOLTANTO DI SCHIFOSISSIMI MORTI DI FIGA DISPERATI COME TE CHE NON ESCONO MAI DI CASA E SI FANNO LE SEGHE DAVANTI AL PC FACENDOSI PERENNEMENTE RIFIUTARE DALLE DONNE?TE NE RENDI CONTO Carlin0?AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH È MATERIA DI STUDI SOCIOLOGICI TU\n<Carlin0NnEsceMai> Carlin0 TI CONVIENE FARTI OSPITARE DA fabio_cc PER UN PERIODO DI TEMPO E PROVARE SE TROVI LÌ UNA FIGA,DALLE SUE PARTI....SE SEI INVALIDO PRENDERAI UNA PENSIONE NO?PER I TERRONI È GIÀ UNA CONQUISTA ANCHE QUELLA AHAHAHAHAKHAH SE SFOGGI TALE RICCHEZZA DAVANTI A LORO AVRAI SICURAMENTE SUCCESSO (E UNA FIGA!),PROVACI Carlin0! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH\n<axaj> MA ALLORA Carlin0 COM'ERA,COM'ERA QUELLA STORIA CHE RACCONTAVI L'ALTRA VOLTA E CHE HO LETTO NEI LOG QUI DEL CANALE?IO STO UNA NOTTE A TROLLARTI E POI IL MALATO SARESTI TU?AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAH Carlin0 MA IO ESCO,TU NO Carlin0,C'È DIFFERENZA....TU NON HAI MAI AVUTO UNA VITA AL DI FUORI DI QUESTO CANALE E DEL TUO ASSEMBLATO AHAHAHAHAHHAHAAH Carlin0 TU SEI SOLO E SENZA FIGA,IO UNA FIGA CE L'HO AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH\n<Carlin0xkeNnEsci> CERTO CHE SE CANONICAL SI AFFIDA A VOI PER SUPPORTARE UBUNTU,È COME DARE LE SORTI DEL PAESE IN MANO AL PD AHAHAHAHHAAHAH... Mr_Pan.... Carlin0.... COM'ERA COM'ERA QUELL'ALTRA STORIA INVECE,QUELLA DEL !paga? AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH MA VI PARE CHE CHI CERCA SOFTWARE OPEN SOURCE PAGA VOI? AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA\n<Carlin0xkeNnEsci> TANTO VALE TENERE WINDOWS,ECCO PERCHÉ NON AVRETE MAI SUCCESSO,ALTRO CHE !paga AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA\n<Carlin0xkeNnEsci> Carlin0 CONTINUA A LASCIARMI ANCORA MESSAGGI QUI NEL CANALE CHE POI ME LI LEGGO NEI LOGS E APPENA HO TEMPO VENGO A RISPONDERTI,DATO CHE IO NON SONO COME TE E OGNI TANTO ESCO DI CASA AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH TU SCRIVIMI LO STESSO Carlin0,TI CONCEDO L'ONORE DI RICEVERE ATTENZIONE DA ME TU CHE NON NE HAI AVUTA MAI NELLA VITA AHAHHAAHAHHAHAHAHA\n<Carlin0NnEsceMai> Carlin0 E MENTRE CI SEI RISPONDIMI PURE SU QUELLA QUESTIONE CHE TI CHIEDEVO L'ALTRA VOLTA,COME SI RIPRODUCE UN PIEMONTESE CONSIDERATO CHE NON SCOPA MAI?AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH TU SEI IL CLASSICO EMBLEMA AD ESEMPIO DEL PIEMONTESE MORTO DI FIGA,SOTTOMESSO DALLE FIGHE DI LEGNO E COSTRETTO A BERE DALLA LORO FREGNA QUANDO PISCIANO CON LA LONTANA SPERANZA FORSE UN GIORNO DI POTERLE COMPIACERE AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA\n<Carlin0NnEsceMai> Carlin0 MA A TORINO PERCHÉ CI SONO ESCLUSIVAMENTE FIGHE DI LEGNO CHE NON LA SMOLLANO MAI E DELLE QUALI TU PER ESEMPIO SEI VITTIMA?INVECE DI PENSARE A LINUX PERCHÉ NON TI PONI QUESTE DOMANDE CERCANDO DI STUDIARE TALI FENOMENI TIPICI DELL'ITALIA,DELLA TORINO DI OGGI?AHAHAHHAHAHAAH Carlin0 SE NON CAMBIA QUESTA MENTALITÀ LÌ TU NON SCOPERAI MAI,QUESTO LO SAI VERO?RIMARRAI VERGINE A VITA COSÌ AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA\n<CarlinA> Carlin0 MA TI RICORDI IL FILM CHE T'AVEVO LINKATO L'ALTRO GIORNO,QUELLO DEL PIEMONTESE CHE ANDAVA CON LA PUTTANA NAPOLETANA AHAHAHAHAHAHAH MI SA CHE ERI TU QUELLO LÌ,IL PIEMONTESE IN CERCA DI ATTENZIONI CHE PAGA UNA DONNA PER FARSI COMPATIRE,NON SO SE ERA PIÙ INFERIORE LUI NELLA PARTE DI MORTO DI FIGA OPPURE LEI NELLA PARTE DELLA NAPOLETANA AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH\n<CarlinA> Carlin0 IN QUEL CASO LÌ SÌ CHE CI STA BENE IL !paga AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA Carlin0 !paga PER AVERE UNA DONNA AHAHAHAHHAHAHA,IL FATTO È CHE SE PURE PAGHI,NON SI SA SE TE LA DIANO UGUALMENTE DATO CHE RAGGIUNGI LIVELLI DI SFIGA TROPPO ELEVATI PER L'ESSERE UMANO E PURE UNA PUTTANA POTREBBE RIFIUTARSI DI CONCEDERSI A TE AHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAH\n<CarlinA> Mr_Pannolino DIMMI QUALCOSA ALMENO TU Mr_Pannolino,Carlin0 È TROPPO NOIOSO,TROPPO TRISTE E DEPRESSO COME PERSONA,MI FA ANNOIARE,PER QUESTO NON TROVERÀ MAI UNA DONNA NELLA VITA AHAHAHAHAHAH Mr_Pannolino RACCONTAMI DELLA GERMANIA,COSA FAI LÌ?CURI GLI INTERESSI DELLA NDRANGHETA PER IL RICICLAGGIO DI DENARO SPORCO?FAI INVESTIMENTI PER LORO?AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA\n<Mr_Pannolina> Mr_Pannolino MA INVECE DI PASSARE LA TUA INTERA VITA A UN PC E RIDURTI COSÌ COME UN Carlin0 QUALSIASI (ahahahahahahah) PERCHÉ NON TE NE VAI IN QUALCHE BAR ITALIANO A GIOCARE A CARTE IN MEZZO A TUTTI QUEGLI SFIGATI DI IMM-INGRATI TERRONI CHE CI STANNO LÀ A FARSI RICONOSCERE CHE SONO ITALIANI?AAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA ABBANDONA QUESTO PC Mr_Pannolino ED ESCI DI CASA ALMENO TU DATO CHE Carlin0 NON CE LA FA AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH\n<CarlinA> Carlin0 INVECE DI STARE AL PC FATTI UN GIRO A BARRIERA DI MILANO COSÌ MENTRE CI SEI VAI A DAR FUOCO A TUTTI I TERRONI CHE INCONTRI PER LA VIA LÌ AHAHAHAHHAHAH COSÌ LA SMETTONO DI VENIRE A TORINO PER SCASSARE I COGLIONI A QUESTI PIEMONTESI AHAHAHHAHAHAHAH,VAI A DARGLI FUOCO Carlin0,COSÌ SE NE TORNANO IN AFRICA\n<CarlinA> NON POSSO PENSARE Carlin0 CHE TU SIA COSÌ SFIGATO DA NON RIUSCIRE A FAR AMICIZIA CON LA GENTE,TI COMPORTI DA VERO E PROPRIO PIEMONTESE,FALSO E CORTESE AHAHAHAHAHAHAH,SEI PROPRIO LA SFIGA TRASMIGRATA IN PERSONA,CERCHI DI FARE IL BRILLANTE,IL SIMPATICO MA NON RIESCI A LEGARE CON LE PERSONE,TEMI SEMPRE CHE QUALCUNO POSSA METTERTELO AL CULO,SEMBRI QUASI ALBANESE PER LA PAURA RECONDITA CHE TI PORTI DENTRO AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA\n<CarlinA> ORA PER ESEMPIO TI SVEGLI A ORA DI PRANZO Carlin0 E NON FAI UN CAZZO TUTTO IL GIORNO...FAI PROPRIO LA VITA DEL PIEMONTESE AHAHAHAHAHAAH,ALTRO CHE REDDITO DI CITTADINANZA E 5 STELLE,PASSI LA VITA SENZA FARE UN CAZZO LI MORTACCI TUA...SE METTONO IL REDDITO DI CITTADINANZA TI TOCCA USCIRE DI CASA A CERCARTI UN LAVORO,SE NO TI TOLGONO IL SUSSIDIO AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH\n<CarlinA> Carlin0 TI RENDI CONTO CHE STANDO TUTTA LA VITA AL PC COME FAI TU NON POTRAI CONOSCERE MAI UNA FREGNA,NON TI POTRAI MAI SPOSARE E NON POTRAI MAI AVERE DEI FIGLI MA SOPRATTUTTO......NON POTRAI MAI SCOPARE?SVERGINARTI?VUOI MORIRE VERGINELLO Carlin0?GIÀ CHE VIVI A TORINO E SEI SULLA BUONA STRADA CON TUTTE LE FIGHE DI LEGNO CHE CI SONO,SE NON ESCI DI CASA POI COMPLETI L'OPERA DELLA VERGINITÀ AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA\n<ColeiCheTrolla> Carlin0 SFRUTTALA QUESTA TERZA MEDIA CHE HAI,FATTI VALERE,TROVATI UN LAVORO ED ESCI DI CASA,NON PUOI FARE LA VITA DEL PAPPONE SENZA NEANCHE CONOSCERE ED AVER MAI VISTO LA MATERIA PRIMA OVVERO LA FIGA AHAHAHAHHAAHAH\n<aTorinoSoloTerun> Carlin0 HAI FATTO COLAZIONE CON CRAUTI E BAGNA CAUDA COME TUTTI I PIEMONTESI OPPURE ANCORA TI DEVI ALZARE DAL LETTO? AHAHAHHAAHAH TRANQUILLO Carlin0,HAI ANCORA TUTTA LA VITA DAVANTI PER POTER INIZIARE A VIVERE...INTENDO LA VITA QUELLA VERA,QUELLA FUORI DAL TUO ASSEMBLATO Carlin0 .... AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH DORMI TRANQUILLO PER ADESSO,POI INIZIERAI A LAVORARE,SCOPARE,AVERE DEGLI AMICI ECC.ECC.\n<LA-BAGNA-CAUDA> Carlin0 TE GUSTANO TUTTI I MIEI STEREOTIPI E LUOGHI COMUNI SUI PIEMONTESI? FOSSERO SOLO CAZZATE SAREBBE NIENTE,IL FATTO È CHE SONO TUTTE COSE REALI E VERITIERE AL 100% AHAHAHHAAH TRANNE FORSE SOLO QUELLO DELLA COLAZIONE CON CRAUTI E BAGNA CAUDA,FORSE SOLTANTO QUELLO HO ESAGERATO MA IL DISCORSO CHE MORITE DI FIGA PERCHÉ CI SON LE FIGHE DI LEGNO LÌ È TUTTO VERO AHAHHAHAHAHAAH\n<brunetto> buongiorno\n<[Enrico]> buon giorno brunetto\n<brunetto> ho problemi con usb wifi in ubuntu 18.04, c'è qualcuno che può aiutarmi\n<[Enrico]> !qualcuno | brunetto\n<ubot-it> brunetto: la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera'\n<vincenzo> buongiorno, non riesco a risolvere un errore su ubuntu e malformed line 6 in source list etc/apt/sources.list(dist parse), non mi si apre nemmeno software center\n<[Enrico]> brunetto: sarebbe utile sapere marca e modello della penna USB. Oltre a questo ci servono gli output dei seguenti comandi presi dal computer in questione con la penna USB attaccata: dmesg, lsusb -v\n<[Enrico]> brunetto: gli output li puoi mettere su un paste\n<[Enrico]> !paste | brunetto\n<ubot-it> brunetto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale. Incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina. Per maggiori informazioni: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/InternetRete/Navigazione/Pastebin\n<vincenzo> buongiorno, non riesco a risolvere un errore su ubuntu e malformed line 6 in source list etc/apt/sources.list(dist parse), non mi si apre nemmeno software center\n<brunetto> scusa enrico, non capisco \"niente query\"\n<[Enrico]> brunetto: mi hai scritto un messaggio in privato, non farlo, rispondi sempre in canale per favore ☺\n<[Enrico]> brunetto: adesso guardo i paste che mi hai mandato, dammi qualche minuto\n<brunetto> grazie, tutto il tempo che vuoi è un mese che sto tribulando\n<[Enrico]> brunetto: prova a fare questo: sudo bash -c 'cat \"blacklist rtl8192cu\" > /etc/modprobe.d/rtl8xxxu.conf'\n<[Enrico]> brunetto: poi riavvia il computer\n<brunetto> poi mi sa che faròfatica a tornare in chat\n<[Enrico]> brunetto: anzi aspetta\n<[Enrico]> brunetto: puoi fare il paste dell'outpu del comand lsmod?\n<[Enrico]> comando*\n<brunetto> https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/QDnMCfbTNb/\n<[Enrico]> brunetto: se ora lanci: sudo modprobe rtl8xxxu\n<[Enrico]> funziona la wireless?\n<brunetto> nessun adattatore wifi trovato\n<[Enrico]> la wifi usb è collegata al computer in questione?\n<brunetto> si\n<[Enrico]> brunetto: il comando modprobe ha dato qualche output di errore?\n<brunetto> ho dei file con informazioni sull'installazione li vuoi vedere\n<brunetto> nessun messaggio\n<[Enrico]> no\n<[Enrico]> brunetto: ok, allora mi servono gli output dei seguenti due comandi: dmesg (di nuovo), ip link show\n<brunetto> https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/dDyJSbFYhw/\n<brunetto> https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/4hmtGW5Dzc/\n<[Enrico]> brunetto: temo non sia supportata. Non ne sono sicuro. Per quel che posso capire è basata su chip realtek RTL8812BU. I chip della realtek non sono supportati bene su Linux\n<brunetto> nel mini cd ci sono due driver : RTL88x2BU_WiFi_linux_v5.1.7_19806_BTCOEX20161024-3333.20161025\n<[Enrico]> ci sono dei driver non ufficiali che non ti consiglio, sinceramente fai prima a comprare una nuova chiavetta\n<brunetto> e l'altro RTL8192EU_linux_v4.4.1.1_18873_BTCOEX20160412-0042.20160805\n<[Enrico]> brunetto: non funzioneranno, sono molto vecchi, ma puoi provare.... occhio che potresti rompere il sistema\n<brunetto> grazie\n<[Enrico]> brunetto: se vuoi fai il join in #ubuntu-it-chat , in questo canale si parla solo di supporto ufficiale, ma in -chat non c'è questa restrizione\n<brunetto> buona giornata\n<[Enrico]> brunetto: comunque guarda, ci perderai ore e alla fine non funzionerà bene, dico sul serio, le realtek sono una pena purtroppo\n<[Enrico]> fai prima a prendere una nuova chiavetta davvero, ti risparmi la frustrazione\n<brunetto> ciao\n<[Enrico]> ciao :)\n<``TRAVIONE``> Carlin0 MA TI RICORDI QUANDO DICEVI DI ME CHE SONO UN TRAVIONE?AHAHAHAHHAHAHAAH MA POI CHE CAZZO SAREBBE 'STO TRAVIONE?È UN TERMINE PIEMONTESE CHE USATE SOLO VOI?\"TRAVIONE\" AHAHAHHAHAAHAH Carlin0 MA POI TU SEI SICURO DI SAPER DISTINGUERE UNA DONNA VERA DA UN \"TRAVIONE\" TU CHE UNA DONNA NON L'HAI MAI VISTA IN TUTTA LA TUA SCHIFOSISSIMA VITA DA PEZZENTE?AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA\n<piemontesina> Carlin0 MA LA TERZA MEDIA L'HAI COMPRATA IN ALBANIA COME RENZO BOSSI HA FATTO CON LA SUA LAUREA?AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH LA TERZA MEDIA TE L'HA DATA QUALCHE ALBANESE LÌ A BARRIERA DI MILANO?AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA OPPURE L'HAI PRESA A SAN SALVARIO DA QUALCHE MAROCCHINO? Carlin0 MA I FOUNDER DEL CANALE SANNO CHE INVECE DI IGNORARE I TROLL,LI DEFINITE \"TRAVIONI\" ?AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA\n<Ocram> Ciao! Stamane, il mio portatile, un Asus ZenBook con installato Ubuntu 18.04, ha effettuato un aggiornamento. In questo momento, non riesco più ad accedere alla macchina. Mi mostra lo schermo di login, digito la password, e resta lì appeso... Cosa posso fare?\n<LA-TOPORAGNA> Carlin0 ma è vera quella storia che si racconta in giro su voi piemontesi? pare che in piemonte,a torino le donne siano solite pisciare dentro una ciotola e poi darne da bere il contenuto a voi sfigati maschi morti di figa che con la speranza di compiacerle,la ingurgitate sino all'ultimo sorso AHAHAHAHAHHAHAAH Carlin0 ma seriamente siete così sfigati in piemonte?veramente?o fate solo finta di esserlo? AHAHAHAHHAHAHAAH\n<Carlin0-MI-BANNA> INFATTI IL VECCHIO DETTO \"QUANDO IL GATTO NON C'È,I TOPI BALLANO\",SECONDO LA FILOSOFIA PIEMONTESE VIENE TRASFORMATO IN \"QUANDO LA DONNA PISCIA,I MASCHI BEVONO\" AHAHAHAHHAHAAH VERO Carlin0?ANCHE TU SEI RIDOTTO COSÌ?TU CHE NON ESCI MAI DI CASA E NON VEDI MAI DONNE?PURE TU NE SAGGI IL PISCIO AD OGNI OCCASIONE?AHAHAHAHAHHAHAAH\n<ryuujin> mah povero demente\n<niko> why not ban webchat at all ?\n<storione> sono ryuujin... e' una prova\n<ryuujin> ero io, volevo vedere una cosa della webchat\n<[Enrico]> niko: a lot of legit users are coming in from webchat\n<ryuujin> [Enrico]: secondo me va chiuso ai non registrati... con redirect su canale unregged\n<[Enrico]> ryuujin: lui è registrato\n<ryuujin> questi nick no... o si?\n<ryuujin> se lui fosse registrato, un sysop freenode non potrebbe direttamente bannarlo dal server?\n<[Enrico]> niko: the purpose of this channel is to help ubuntu users, removing one of their main access methods would severely limit the utility of the channel, imho\n<[Enrico]> ryuujin: questi non so, ma avevano già provato con gli utenti registrati e li registrava nuovi ogni volta\n<[Enrico]> certo ha un passo in più e male male non fa\n<kiokoman> ma denunciarlo alla postale no? :)\n<[Enrico]> ma non è una soluzione definitiva\n<ryuujin> pero' capisco che e' un limite anche per nuovi utenti in cerca di aiuto\n<[Enrico]> niko: and FYI, I'm not an Ubuntu member, I'm just a simple user sharing my two cents, ultimately is up to the community people managing this channel to choose\n<[Enrico]> kiokoman: beh non è una brutta idea sinceramente\n<niko> i could add uppercase detection on sigyn, but i'm not sure that will solve the problem here, given he uses vps/vpn/proxies\n<[Enrico]> niko: is that going to check the username or also the first sentence?\n<[Enrico]> actually it might be a good idea to ban uppercase abuse, if possible. Would limit the visibility\n<ryuujin> it has used some nicknames with mixed uppercase/lowercase like \"Carlin0-MI-BANNA\"\n<ryuujin> maybe you can add a regex to match \"Carlin\" in the nickname too\n<ryuujin> with exc for Carlin0\n<[Enrico]> but that would ban Carlin0 too! ;)\n<ryuujin> :)\n<ryuujin> it would be nice heuristic check based on previous messages :P mmm...\n<ryuujin> a spamassassin for irc ;)\n<[Enrico]> honestly the most effective way would probably be to permanently switch the channel to registered only and keep banning offensive users. He would keep going with new one, but it would be an additional step. Have to see what the channel managers think about it\n<[Enrico]> other distro channels gave up long ago about registered users only\n<[Enrico]> I canali in Inglese per lo meno\n<[Enrico]> smart idea\n<[Enrico]> oh actually it's a +q not a +r :)\n<remix_tj> niko: we have a webchat link on our website, maybe we should take some other contermeasures\n<traba> ciao... premettendo che sono abbastanza imbranato... come faccio ad installare i driver di una stampante che ho scaricato???\n<ryuujin> ciao traba\n<traba> ciao\n<ryuujin> di ceh stampante si tratta? in che formato hai scaricato i driver?\n<traba> la stampante è pantum... i driver li ho scaricati dal sito della pantum\n<ryuujin> il file che hai scaricato e' un .deb?\n<traba> è .zip...devo aprirlo?\n<traba> se lo apro è .tar\n<Carlin0> traba, pantum quale ?\n<traba> M6506W\n<Carlin0> traba, è un tar.gz ma non so cosa contenga\n<traba> come la installo sta stampante quindi?\n<traba> ho anche il cd con i drivers\n<Carlin0> traba, il tar.gz contiene un altro tar.gz alla fine troverai un file install.sh\n<traba> ok\n<traba> poi\n<Carlin0> che va lanciato da terminale col comando sudo ./install.sh\n<Carlin0> e quello \"dovrebbe\" installarti i driver , dico dovrebbe perchè non lo conosco\n<traba> quindi apro il terminale e digito ./install.sh ???\n<traba> scusa ma sono incapace\n<Carlin0> prima devi portarti nella cartella che contiene quel file\n<Carlin0> mi spiace devo andare ...\n<ryuujin> traba: non ci sono indicazioni sul sito?\n<traba> sono io che non so come fare\n<traba> come li installo da terminale?\n<ryuujin> ci sono tantissimi modi e dipendono dal tipo di pacchetto\n<ryuujin> nel tuo caso, devi aprire il terminale e portarti nella diretory dove hai decompresso il file\n<ryuujin> se c'e' un install.sh puoi provare a fare sudo ./install.sh\n<ryuujin> ma dipende... ti conviene vedere se c'e' un file di testo README o INSTALL che indica i passaggi da seguire\n<traba> ok grazie\n<Mr_Pan> buonasera\n<kiokoman> buona sera\n<WalterQ> Ciao a tutti, vorrei sapere se c'è un modo su ubuntu 18.04 per poter creare una partizione di recovery nascosta. Per intenderci come quella che si trova sui portatili nuovi che danno il sistema operatoivo pre-installato e che all'occorrenza può essere re-installato\n<WalterQ> Spero di essere riuscito a spiegarmi, chiedo scusa, ma sono comunque un neofita di ubuntu\n<WalterQ> Grazie anticipatamente per le vostre risposte.\n<kiokoman> WalterQ: uhm\n<kiokoman> WalterQ: teoricamente si\n<kiokoman> ma non ho fatto in tempo a dirti che sarebbe alquanto inutile\n<kiokoman> xd\n<Leprotto> ciao a tutti\n<gigirock> yo\n<Leprotto> qualcuno mi potrebbe aiutare con un problema con i repository (ubuntu 18.04)?\n<Leprotto> da un po' di giorni mi da dei messaggi di errore quando cerco di fare l'aggiornamento?\n<Mr_Pan> Leprotto, che errori\n<Leprotto> allora ti copio il log se riesco a capire come funziona pastebin :D\n<gigirock> Leprotto, more log | pastebinit\n<Leprotto> https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/mnJMjXjphv/\n<gigirock> Leprotto, 6 in italia ?\n<Leprotto> sisi\n<gigirock> Leprotto, ma che te ne fai dei backport ?\n<Leprotto> in effetti li ho abilitati ma non ho ben capito a cosa servono :D\n<gigirock> lol\n<gigirock> toglili e usa un repo italico poi controlla che dns usi\n<Mr_Pan> dai log si vede che la priorita dei repo e' cambiata in 500 (backports) evidentemente hai scaricato qualcosa da li e ora usa quelli ma cosi facendo mandi tutto in vacca ...\n<Mr_Pan> a stretto giro...\n<Leprotto> allora ho disabilitato i backports però mi è rimasto il problema della priorità dei pacchetti\n<Leprotto> come risolvo?\n<Mr_Pan> Leprotto, hai fatto sudo apt update      dopo che hai tolto i backports  ?\n<Leprotto> l'ho fatto ora e sembra si sia risolto\n<Leprotto> domanda che differenza c'è fra sudo apt update e apt-get update?\n<kiokoman> apt-get e' deprecato\n<gigirock> Leprotto, apt adesso e' il comando ufficiale e da anche molte + info\n<kiokoman> Leprotto: per farla breve quando i nerd si stancano di qualcosa la cambiano nel tentativo di renderla + semplice quindi hanno pensato bene di togliere il -get che era in +\n<Leprotto> chiedo perchè una volta ho fatto sudo apt update e mi ha elencato gli aggiornamenti senza lasciarmeli installare\n<kiokoman> Leprotto: apt update aggiorna solo la lista mentre apt upgrade effettua l'aggiornamento\n<Leprotto> grazie\n<Leprotto> altra domanda ubuntu 18.04b è ancora compatibile con i ppa?\n<Mr_Pan> !ppa\n<ubot-it> Un Personal Package Archive (PPA) è in grado di fornire il software alternativo non normalmente disponibile nei repository di Ubuntu official - Alla ricerca di un PPA? Vedi https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - ATTENZIONE: PPA sono pacchetti di terze parti NON supportati il cui utilizzo è a proprio rischio. Vedi anche !addppa e !ppa-purge\n<Mr_Pan> Leprotto, NON si usano i PPA\n<kiokoman> si, non si usano.. e comunque la domanda era sbagliata, dovevi invertire i soggetti\n<Leprotto> ho capito ma se proprio ho bisogno di software non ufficialmente supportato in ubuntu che faccio? :D\n<Leprotto> ah capisco\n<gigirock> Leprotto, o lo compili o lo scarichi direttamente\n<Leprotto> kiokoman è stato più esaustivo :D\n<gigirock> Leprotto, che software ti manca ?\n<Leprotto> in pratica aggiornando a ubuntu 18 ho perso la compatibilità con alcuni ppa\n<gigirock> Leprotto, e' il contrario sono i ppa non compatibili con 18\n<Leprotto> mah avevo scaricato il grub customizer :D, liciaggio in arrivo! :D\n<kiokoman> !linciaggio\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'linciaggio'\n<kiokoman> !ghigliottina\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'ghigliottina'\n<gigirock> Leprotto, c'e' un programma ufficiale per il grub......\n<Leprotto> tipo?\n<kiokoman> !impiccaggione ?\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'impiccaggione ?'\n<gigirock> Leprotto, no non c'e' +\n<kiokoman> qui non vi so aiutare, la prima cosa che faccio generalmente e' togliere quiet e splash da grub\n<kiokoman> tutte quelle scritte da nerd che scorrono non hanno prezzo\n<Leprotto> scherzi a parte a cosa serve uno splash che tii impedisce di identificare eventuali problemi durante l'avvio?\n<Leprotto> è pure viola e fa schifo\n<gigirock> Leprotto, ma vuoi eliminare lo splash screen ?\n<kiokoman> eh proprio per quello tolgo splash e quiet\n<Mr_Pan> kiokoman, per favore siamo in supporto e il canale e' loggato ... non sparare coando a caso su u-bot\n<Leprotto> quello lo so fare, io lo avevo scaricato per aggiungere voci a grub senza dover pasticciare con gli editor di testo\n<kiokoman> Mr_Pan: roger !\n<gigirock> Leprotto, se vuoi usare il grub devi usare il text editor\n<Leprotto> si ma mi dovrei leggere qualche tutorial per capire come è impostato\n<gigirock> Leprotto, nessuno nasce imparato (cit.)\n<Leprotto> in pratica ho scoperto che il repository andava aggiornato\n<kiokoman> Leprotto: è probabile\n<kiokoman> buona notte a tutti\n<Leprotto> e a proposito della mia domanda precedente wikipedia dice\n<Leprotto> Backporting is the action of taking parts from a newer version of a software system or software component and porting them to an older version of the same software. It forms part of the maintenance step in a software development process, and it is commonly used for fixing security issues in older versions of the software and also for providing new\n<Leprotto> features to older versions.\n<Leprotto> la domanda è se la cosa è sicura o se può creare problemi di stabilità al software\n<Leprotto> notte\n#ubuntu-it 2018-05-23\n<rana28_> il mio pc non riesce più a riconoscere i driver della stampante hp 4500\n<XABC> Non si è installato il drive corretto della scheda video, non vedo il messaggio di benvenuto è tutto bianco.\n<XABC> Per il resto funziona sono andato a controllare i drive e non ho nessun drive originale ma non vedo neanch e quelli compatibili.\n<Carlin0> XABC, che scheda video e che driver\n<XABC> non so quale sche video ho , è un pc vecchio che mi hanno regalato, e non ho nessun drive installato o meglio non vedo i drive.\n<XABC> software e aggiornamenti /drive aggiuntivi    giusto?\n<XABC> è vuoto non ho neanche il drive del processore , nulla!\n<Carlin0> XABC, apri un terminale e scrivi sudo ldhw -C display | nc termbin.com 9999\n<XABC> esiste un softeare che veda tutte le periferiche e le identifichi?\n<Carlin0> XABC, posta qui il link che esce\n<[Enrico]> XABC: in ubuntu, come in tutti i sistemi linux, i driver sono inclusi nel sistema. I driver aggiuntivi sono quelli forniti da terze parte sono molto pochi (in quanto tutti gli altri sono inclusi nel sistema). Per esempio i driver proprietari nvidia o alcuni chip wireless. Fine. I driver della CPU, scheda madre eccetera, sono tutti inclusi\n<XABC> https://thepasteb.in/p/Vmh0Ev3xZnWU4\n<Carlin0> scusa XABC ho sbagliato io il comando\n<Carlin0> XABC, sudo lshw -C display | nc termbin.com 9999\n<XABC> https://thepasteb.in/p/lOhO37x1QkgsB\n<XABC> cosa significa 33 mhz non mi dite che è la cpu!?\n<Carlin0> no è la scheda video , cmq credo che meglio di così non possa andare e  le intel bene o male sono abbastanza supportate\n<XABC> Quindi non serve nessun drive?\n<Carlin0> ci sono già i driver ... hai letto cosa ha scritto Enrico ?\n<XABC> si, che sono inclusi nel os ma volevo la certezza che ci siano, mi ricordo che per risolvere un problema simile dove compariva il benvenuto bianco mi è stata fatta installare un drive video con un nome particolare che ora non ricordo. Aveva risolto il problema ma se dite che non è necessario alora va bene così.\n<XABC> ok allora se è tutto vi ringrazio ciao!\n<mr16> buongiorno, ho un problema, ho installato sul mio pc ubuntu 16.04 in dual boot, da qualche giorno non mi fa entrare più in ubuntu avviando direttamente windows, prima di ciò mi appare il seguente errore:\n<mr16> https://thepasteb.in/p/LghNgv84OzgHZ\n<mr16> devo ripristinare grub? se si con quale modalità? perderò i dati=\n<mr16> ?\n<pac1957> Buon pomeriggio, sono su Ubuntu 18.04 Unity, da qualche ho lo sfondo nero ed è impossibile fare modifiche. E'  un problema che si risolve?\n<pac1957> pardon manca \"giorno\".\n<Carlin0> pac1957, ubuntu 18.04 non usa più unity usa gnome\n<pac1957> Carlin0: ma quando sono entrato avevo più opzioni e tra quelle c'era anche unity.\n<pac1957> Carlin0: possibile l'abbia installato io?\n<Carlin0> pac1957, ma hai fatto una nuova installazione o hai avanzato di versione ?\n<pac1957> Carlin0: installazione nuova\n<Carlin0> se non sai tu cosa hai installato ...\n<pac1957> Carlin0: allora no\n<Carlin0> pac1957,  e se invece scegli gnome ?\n<pac1957> Carlin0: Con tutti gli altri ambienti non ho problemi.\n<pac1957> Carlin0: Carlin0: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/7S7PSWbsCt/\n<Carlin0> pac1957, cmq unity è stato abbandonato e non riceverà più aggiornamenti\n<pac1957> Carlin0: vero non ci avevo pensato, peccato perché mi ci trovavo bene.\n<pac1957> Carlin0: lo posso eliminare?\n<Carlin0> pac1957, usa semplicemente gnome ...che tra le altre cose l'hanno reso graficamente quasi uguale\n<WalterQ>  /msg NickServ identify ^\"DV&té4\\°!A\n<Mr_Pan> WalterQ ... lol\n<Carlin0> WalterQ, cambia pass e falla mettere dal client automaticamente\n<Carlin0> :)\n<WalterQ> Si stavo cercando i comandi per cambiarla\n<WalterQ> me li puoi passare per favore?\n<Nabbo_88> Salve a tutti!\n<Nabbo_88> C'è qualcuno che può aiutarmi? ho un problemone con l'installazione dell'ultima versione di ubuntu :(\n<Carlin0> WalterQ, /msg nickserv set password lanuovapass\n<Carlin0> !qualcuno | Nabbo_88\n<ubot-it> Nabbo_88: la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera'\n<Nabbo_88> ho un problemone con l'installazione dell'ultima versione di ubuntu\n<Nabbo_88> In pratica ho scaricato l'immagine ISO e l'ho masterizzata su DVD\n<Nabbo_88> Premetto che al momento ho windows 10\n<Nabbo_88> Quindi sono andato su impostazioni/ripristino ecc ecc\n<Nabbo_88> faccio ripartire con DVD\n<Nabbo_88> scelgo l'installazione\n<Carlin0> devi entrare nel bios e far bootare i dvd\n<Nabbo_88> e nel momento in cui viene la schermata viola mi si blocca al quarto pallino\n<WalterQ> fatto\n<Carlin0> Nabbo_88, controlla il md5sum della iso\n<WalterQ> Grazie Carlin0\n<Carlin0> !md5 | Nabbo_88\n<ubot-it> Nabbo_88: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/MD5Sum | Per una lista completa, si veda: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/MD5Sum/Hash\n<Nabbo_88> grazie mille Carlin! ora vedo\n<Nabbo_88> Quindi se scopro che ci sono errori, riscarico la ISO?\n<Nabbo_88> ho fatto\n<Nabbo_88> mi dice: Mi dice che sono le stesse, quindi non è quello il problema :(\n<Nabbo_88> nessuno mi sa dire come fare?\n<Nabbo_88> ragazzi??!?\n<Nabbo_08> Raga, c'è qualcuno online tra i 32 utenti che può aiutarmi per favore?\n#ubuntu-it 2018-05-24\n<Fabio> Esiste un sistema per far partire in automatico il collegamento bluetooth al mouse durante l'accensione invece che abilitarlo di volta in volta manualmente tramite l'apposita voce in Impostazioni ogni volta che si accende il PC?\n<kiokoman> Fabio: cioe' ogni volta che accendi il pc il bluetooth e' spento e lo devi accendere?\n<Fabio> Esatto kiokoman , cioè il bluetooth risulta acceso in verità solo che la connessione al mouse materialmente la devo \"attaccare\" manualmente perché non si attiva da sola. Questo ad ogni accensione.\n<kagakazov> ragazzi non riesco a aggiornare il sistema\n<kagakazov> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Pmcbsg9XJt/\n<kagakazov> ragazzi non riesco a aggiornare il sistema\n<kagakazov> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Pmcbsg9XJt/\n<kiokoman> il supporto per la 17.04 non era finito?\n<kiokoman> kagakazov: mi sa che devi aggiornare alla 17.10\n<kiokoman> kiokoman: sudo do-release-upgrade\n<kiokoman> Fabio: potresti provare da terminale a collegare il mouse con il comando -> sudo hidd --connect AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF se funziona te lo metti in avvio automatico\n<Fabio> Sì kiokoman già fatto ma non ha funzionato pur con l'indirizzo MAC corretto.\n<kiokoman> Fabio: hcitool spinq ?\n<kiokoman> Fabio: o provi ad usare un altro bluetooth manager tipo blueman\n<christian3> salve a tutti, mi chiamo christian, vorrei porvi una domanda, io utilizzo ubuntu 16.04.1 tuttavia non mi è stato mai notificato nessun aggiornamento inteso come 16.04.x (so che per la versione 18.04 bisognerà aspettare la prima point release)\n<christian3> però ho visto che per esempio c'è la 16.04.4 LTS come mai non mi viene notificato tale aggiornemnto?\n<Carlin0> christian3, se scrivi nel terminale lsb_release -r cosa risponde ?\n<christian3> release: 16.04\n<[Enrico]> christian3: quelli sono aggiornamenti solo del cd di installazione. Il sistema include tali aggiornamenti normalmente\n<christian3> in che senso scusami?\n<Carlin0> christian3, sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade\n<[Enrico]> christian3: in pratica se ti installi la 16.04 oggi dovresti  poi fare gli aggiornamenti accumulati negli ultimi due anni. Sono tanti, allora rilasciano una nuova immagine periodicamente che include gli aggiornamenti normali che tu hai già fatto :)\n<Carlin0> esatto\n<christian3> ah ok, quindi non c'è bisogno di aggiornare!\n<[Enrico]> quindi se oggi installi la 16.04.4 devi fare gli aggiornamenti solo degli ultimi 2-3 mesi\n<[Enrico]> christian3: no hai già aggiornato\n<Carlin0> se fai gli aggiornamenti normali ...\n<[Enrico]> christian3: c'è anche un'altra cosa, le nuove immagini arrivano anche con driver nuovi opzionali.\n<christian3> grazieeee\n<[Enrico]> questi non sono necessari se il tuo computer funziona come dovrebbe\n<christian3> no no funziona tutto\n<[Enrico]> e si possono abilitare anche da installazioni già in corso, ma, ripeto, non serve se il tuo sistema già funziona in modo soddisfacente\n<Carlin0> christian3, sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade\n<[Enrico]> christian3: se ti interessa approfondire la cosa è documentata sulla wiki ufficiale in inglese https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack\n<Carlin0> aggiorna qualcosa ?\n<Carlin0> la domanda cadde nel vuoto ...\n<ryuujin> Carlin0 attese la risposta... il ticchettio dell'orologio nella stanza si faceva sempre piu' insistente. I secondi divennero minuti...\n<Carlin0> eh perchè qualcuno afferma che abbia già aggiornato ma non ho capito su che basi\n<Carlin0> vabbè amen\n<ryuujin> christian3: Carlin0 ti ha chiesto se provando ad aggiornare, ti viene notificato qualcosa\n<ryuujin> su un terminale scrivi\n<ryuujin> sudo apt update && apt -y upgrade\n<Carlin0> ci manca un sudo\n<ryuujin> sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade\n<ryuujin> :D\n<Carlin0> inizia il caldo si suda :P\n<ryuujin> eheh\n<christian3> eccomi perdonatemi\n<christian3> il sistema funziona era una mia curiosità, siccome vedevo che venivano rilasciate \"le release\" ma non ricevevo nessuna notifica, mi son detto come mai??\n<Carlin0> christian3, haii provato a dare i comandi che ti ho detto ?\n<christian3> sto provando ora\n<christian3> ok, ho dato i comandi\n<Carlin0> aggiorna qualcosa o no ?\n<christian3> ha aggiornato qualcosa\n<Carlin0> ok ora riprova lsb_release -d\n<christian3> ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS\n<Carlin0> sei a posto direi\n<christian3> ok con quei comandi esattamente cosa ho fatto ahahah?\n<Carlin0> coi normali aggiornamenti avanza anche la point release\n<Carlin0> hai aggiornato\n<christian3> perfetto grazie\n<[Enrico]> erano equivalenti a fare gli aggiornamenti tramite le normali notifiche, semplicemente da riga di comando\n<[Enrico]> da IRC è molto più facile darti i comandi da lanciare piuttosto che spiegarti quali tasti premere\n<Carlin0> anche per via dei vari DE\n<[Enrico]> ecco\n<christian3> va bene\n<christian3> di nuovo grazie mille\n<Carlin0> da terminale vale sia per gnome che kde etc etc\n<[Enrico]> e poi è più facile fare il copia / in colla di eventuali errori\n<[Enrico]> prego\n<christian3> ciao a tutti\n<Carlin0> alla prossima christian3\n<christian3> ;)\n<Nabbo_88> buondì! Ho già scritto ieri ma non mi ha risposto nessuno.. c'è qualcuno che può aiutarmi oggi?\n<Nabbo_88> in pratica sto cercando di installare ubuntu 18.04\n<Nabbo_88> da windows 10\n<Nabbo_88> quindi faccio il riavvio avanzato passando attraverso l'UEFI\n<Nabbo_88> metto installa Ubuntu\n<Nabbo_88> e niente, dopo uno o due minuti si blocca\n<Nabbo_88> quando c'è la schermata viola con i pallini\n<[Enrico]> Nabbo_88: hai provato a selezionare prova ubuntu senza installare?\n<[Enrico]> in generale è consigliabile scegliere quell'opzione, tanto una volta partito troverai un bottone per installare anche da li :)\n<Nabbo_88> si, ho provato\n<Nabbo_88> qualsiasi cosa scelgo si blocca :(\n<Nabbo_88> cmq ho appena trovato sul forum un post col mio problema:\n<Nabbo_88> https://forum.ubuntu-it.org/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=628380\n<[Enrico]> hai un dell xps 15?\n<Nabbo_88> no\n<Nabbo_88> un asus K550VX\n<Nabbo_88> però ho fatto le sue medesime cose\n<Nabbo_88> ho provato sia con la pennetta sia con il dvd\n<[Enrico]> premendo esc durante la schermata viola coi pallini vedi qualche errore?\n<Nabbo_88> mi pare di si\n<[Enrico]> Nabbo_88: potresti fare una foto e mostrarceli?\n<Nabbo_88> Certo! Grazie mille Enrico! :)\n<Nabbo_88> dammi 10 minuti e sono di nuovo qui\n<[Enrico]> Nabbo_88: eh fra 10 minuti io sono in treno purtroppo :), ma magari trovi qualcun altro\n<Nabbo_88> noooo :(( speriamo xD\n<Nabbo_88> vabbè allora faccio con più calma\n<[Enrico]> Nabbo_88: un'altra cosa che puoi provare a fare è usare il parametro di avvio nomodeset come spiegato qui https://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/ParametriAvvio\n<[Enrico]> alcuni driver grafici, specialmente nvidia, hanno dei bug e non funzionano bene. Usando quel parametro a volte si riesce a installare in modalità grafica \"vecchia scuola\" diciamo e poi puoi installare i driver proprietari al primo avvio\n<Nabbo_88> si io ho una nVidia Ge FOrce GTX 950\n<Nabbo_88> il problema è che a quella schermata io non riesco proprio ad arrivarci\n<[Enrico]> beh strano quella schermata è prima di quella viola coi pallini\n<[Enrico]> è letteralmente la prima schermata subito dopo il BIOS, dopo che selezioni di fare il boot di ubuntu da UEFI\n<[Enrico]> se non vedi quella schermata la pennetta / cd non è stata creata correttamente\n<[Enrico]> !installazione | Nabbo_88\n<ubot-it> Nabbo_88: Guida per l'installazione di Ubuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/InstallareUbuntu\n<[Enrico]> nel caso segui queste istruzioni\n<Nabbo_88> ma intendi questa?\n<[Enrico]> io ora devo andare\n<[Enrico]> ciao\n<Nabbo_88> https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/LuXhRLDMSkm1BspHl5AJ?signature=5460fc1707c22141090fedb8b6efb98d1f26934ce782cf4d2ad970bf89531a1c&policy=eyJleHBpcnkiOjE1MjcxNzY1NTl9\n<Nabbo_88> Ciao Enrico, grazie!\n<[Enrico]> si quella\n<[Enrico]> premi un tasto\n<[Enrico]> ciao\n<luca__> ciao\n<luca__> vorrei sapere come disabilitare la scheda wi integrata nel portatile e collegarmi tramite chiavetta wifi\n<luca__> *wifi\n<Carlin0> luca__, il pc non ha un tasto fisico che la spegne ?\n<luca__> Carlin0 si ce l'ha, ma se lo disttivo e inserisco la chiavetta usb come faccio a capire se sto usando l una o l'altra?\n<Carlin0> luca__, quello spegna solo la scheda integrata\n<barbobrabo2> buona sera ssignori, i file temporanei di internet usando linux mint in che cartella li trovo?\n<Mr_Pan> barbobrabo2, non dipende da mint o altro\n<Mr_Pan> ma dal browser...\n<barbobrabo2> firefox ?\n<barbobrabo2> :-)\n<UeCiccio> Salve, nel mio kubuntu 18.04 ho Aggiunto un pannello superiore alla cui destra ho inserito il vassoio di sistema assieme alle alle icone \"ricerca\", \"lettore multimediale\" e \"blocca/esci\"; alla sua sinistra, invece, \"cambia desktop\" e \"profili di console\". Il problema è che ogniqualvolta riavvio il sistema mi ritrovo tutte le icone sulla sinistra. Sapete se c'è un modo per risolvere il problema?\n#ubuntu-it 2018-05-25\n<jeanrose> Buongiorno, avrei bisogno di supporto per un problema che non riesco a risolvere in Ubuntu 18.04 AMD64 Desktop\n<[Enrico]> jeanrose: spiega il tuo problema, non aspettare che qualcuno ti risponda prima di averlo spiegato :)\n<jeanrose> Ho bisogno di accedere alla macchina Ubuntu da un Client Windows via XDMCP (usando Xming),\n<[Enrico]> oh mamma\n<jeanrose> In Ubuntu ho configurato tutto corettamente (nel file /etc/gdm3/custom.conf)\n<[Enrico]> jeanrose: se puoi usare RDP invece di XDMCP ti consiglio di installare xrdp su ubuntu e usare quello\n<jeanrose> Ma non funziona. La connessione non viene stabilita. Finestra grigia che lampeggia poi va in errore\n<jeanrose> RDP non va bene nel mio caso\n<jeanrose> Ho bisogno necessariamnete di collegarmi via XDMCP.\n<jeanrose> Fino alle versioni precedenti (ho varie macchine con Ubuntu 16.04) funziona tutto correttamente\n<kiokoman> la 16 usava unity\n<jeanrose> Si, infatti\n<kiokoman> la 18 usa gnome, leggo che con gnome non funziona\n<jeanrose> Sulla 18.04 ho provato anche ad installare Unity con Lightdm, ma non funziona neanche qulla :(\n<jeanrose> Con gnome non funziona ?!?!\n<kiokoman> kde / xfce o unity 2d\n<kiokoman> così pare\n<jeanrose> Ma ho trvato vari articoli che invece dicono che deve funzionare !!!!\n<jeanrose> Il problema è che nenache con Unity funziona !!! Scermata grigia e tutto bloccato !!!\n<jeanrose> Schermata perdon :-)\n<[Enrico]> sono abbastanza convinto che funzioni con GNOME, anche Red Hat supporta XDMCP e GNOME è il default\n<kiokoman> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/xdmcp\n<jeanrose> Esatto ! La penso anche io così.\n<kiokoman> qui dicono che ha diversi problemi ma non l'ho mai usato\n<jeanrose> ma non so più che prove fare !!!\n<jeanrose> Riporto la configurazione fatta sulla mia macchina (custom.conf):\n<kiokoman> jeanrose: le porte sono aperte?\n<jeanrose> https://thepasteb.in/p/2RhK4vyLKp5S4\n<jeanrose> Si, e per maggior sicurezza ho completamnete disattivato il firewall\n<^kiokoman^> schermata grigia con puntatore mouse a X\n<WSagitt> salve\n<^kiokoman^> WSagitt: salve\n<WSagitt> ciao\n<^kiokoman^> jeanrose: puoi lanciare Xming.exe -logverbose 3 -logfile log.txt -query ipserver e poi postare il log?\n<Carlin0> a dirla tutta sembra più un problema windows che linux\n<jeanrose> No, perchè con altre macchine con Ubuntu 16.04 (Unity) funziona\n<jeanrose> Faccio la porbva che mi ha chiesto Kiokoman\n<jeanrose> https://thepasteb.in/p/Z4hPwE9Dr8WhG\n<jeanrose> Ecco il log\n<Carlin0> ma il programma che da problemi gira su win , o sbaglio ?\n<jeanrose> Si, Xming lo lancio sul Client Windows 7\n<jeanrose> Quello che succede è schermata grigia che flasha continuamente finchè non killo il processo Xmin\n<[Enrico]> jeanrose: hai provato a usare un altro client, per esempio un altro sistema ubuntu, per escludere che sia un problema di xming?\n<Carlin0> dice che con la 16.04 va\n<jeanrose> Esatto, con le macchine 16.04 funziona\n<[Enrico]> eh ho ben capito, ma le cose cambiano :)\n<jeanrose> Ma cambiano in peggio !!! :-(\n<jeanrose> :-)\n<Carlin0> magari il problema non è gnome/unity ma i nuovi kernel\n<[Enrico]> se è solo xming che non funziona con la 18.04 e gli altri client funzionano non è detto che sia un problema della 18.04\n<jeanrose> Non ho ancora provato con altri Client perchè la necessita urgente è di risolvere dai Client Windows :-)\n<jeanrose> Cmq farò una prova ...\n<Carlin0> jeanrose, cmq la 16.04 ha supporto fino al 2021\n<Carlin0> a dopo\n<jeanrose> Il fatto è che si voleva upgradare i sistemi con la 16.04 alla 18.04 :-)\n<jeanrose> Ma se ho di questi problemi, lascio il mondo come sta ! .-)\n<[Enrico]> prego\n<jeanrose> Enrico, ho appena provato da un altro Client Linux con Xnest e ho lo stesso ed identico problema: schermata che lampeggia.\n<jeanrose> Quindi il problema è su Ubuntu 18.04\n<[Enrico]> così pare :)\n<gigirock> ma vi lampeggia la schermata del browser ?\n<gigirock> oggi in win 10 con explorer 11 lamepggiano tutti i siti\n<[Enrico]> !chat | gigirock\n<ubot-it> gigirock: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<[Enrico]> l)\n<[Enrico]> ;)\n<gigirock> miiii che palle\n<[Enrico]> :P\n<ferd979> ciao a tutti ho questo errore che non so come risolvere\n<Mr_Pan> !veggenti ..\n<ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'veggenti ..'\n<Mr_Pan> !veggenti\n<ubot-it> Gli utenti di questo canale non sono in possesso di poteri magici, non possiedono sfere di cristallo e non sono nemmeno veggenti. Canonical non può permettersi un corso di stregoneria per i suoi collaboratori. Si chiede quindi, gentilmente, di esprimersi in maniera chiara e molto dettagliata.\n#ubuntu-it 2018-05-26\n<ggbit> Ciao a tutti! Ho un problemone che è sorto ieri sera e sono disperato, spero veramente che possiate aiutarmi in qualche modo!\n<ggbit> Ho gia scritto nel canale inglese il mio problema, ma lo posto anche qui nel caso qualche anima santa magari possa aiutarmi:\n<ggbit> I used to have on my mac a dual boot with ubuntu, but yesterday I've decided to delete the ubuntu partition cause I was running out of space. The problem is that I've deleted it with utility disk on mac, and now every time I try to reboot, it gives me only 2 options: grub and ubuntu. I just want to access some files from the mac partition because I\n<ggbit>  don't have a backup of some of them (I know...), and they are for a work project. I really hope someone can be so amazing to help me figure out how to recover these files >.>\n<RR90> Ciao a tutti, non so bene come funzioni qui, ma avrei bisogno di una mano...\n<Carlin0> RR90, spiega il problema e se qualcuno sa risponde\n<RR90> ok, in sintesi non riesco ad installare ubuntu (nè la versione 16.04 LTS nè la 18.04 LTS) sul mio portatile, in cui i requisiti di sistema non penso siano un problema\n<RR90> il succo è che quando provo le live version, c'è sempre qualcosa che non funziona e dopo poco tempo si blocca tutto, non posso premere nulla, il mouse/touchpad rimane fisso, non posso far altroche spegnere con hard reset\n<Carlin0> RR90, che scheda video ha il pc ?\n<RR90> GTX1050\n<Carlin0> nvidia ?\n<RR90> sì\n<Carlin0> ha 2 schede o ha solo quella ?\n<RR90> che io sappia, solo questa\n<RR90> non sono espertissimo di pc e componenti hardware, ma non ho mai letto di ulteriori schede video\n<Carlin0> ok prova in questo modo : quando si avvia la live all'inizio e ci sono 2 pallini al centro in basso premi un tasto qualsiasi e  poi prova le opzioni con f6 tipo nomodeset ed altro\n<RR90> nello specifico, cosa dovrei verificare?\n<RR90> nel senso, cosa dovrebbe succedere?\n<Carlin0> devi provare se usando una di quelle opzioni non si blocca più\n<Carlin0> il problema era quello no ?\n<RR90> posso dirti ad esempio che all'inizio il touchpad funziona per una decina di secondi poi no, e devo usare il mouse...o se provo a cambiare il layout della tastiera, idem si pianta\n<RR90> no so se possano essere info utili\n<RR90> comunque sì, adesso provo un po' e poi mi faccio risentire\n<Carlin0> ora devo andare\n<RR90> grazie per l'aiuto\n#ubuntu-it 2018-05-27\n<dresult> Ciao a tutti, ho un problema con la notifica della batteria scarica...ho provato a chiedere in forum, su chiedi e a cercare in giro sul web ma non sono riuscito a risolvere...mi dareste una mano ? :)\n<Mr_Pan> !chiedi\n<ubot-it> per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà\n<matadores> buona sera\n<fabio_cc> !ciao | matadores\n<ubot-it> matadores: Ciao! Benvenuto in #ubuntu-it\n<matadores> volevo installare ubuntu ad un mio amico\n<matadores> ma mi dice  cosi\n<matadores> fare in modo che il programma di istallazzione smonti le partizzioni\n<matadores> mi consigliate di creare una partizzione da windows o cosa devo fare?\n<fabio_cc> matadores, dovresti spiegarti un po' meglio\n<matadores> praticamente ho scaricato ultima versione di ubuntu per istallarlo su un pc di un amico mio\n<matadores> su rischiesta sua  ma lo vuole affianco di windows\n<matadores> una volta che ha provato la live ha detto installa e mi e' uscita questa scritta\n<fabio_cc> matadores, durante l'installazione avevi l'opzione installa a fianco a windows?\n<matadores> Il programma di installazione ha rilevato che i seguenti dischi presentano delle partizioni montate\n<matadores> Fare in modo che il programma di installazione smonti le partizioni su questi dischi prima di continuare?\n<matadores> aspe ho trovato lo stesso probblema sul vostro forum ma non vi e' risposta\n<matadores> https://forum.ubuntu-it.org/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=591964\n<matadores> mi esce la scritta della ragazza\n<fabio_cc> matadores, probabilmente dalla live eri acceduto alle partizioni presenti sull'hard disk, che quindi sono state montate\n<matadores> quindi rientro e  faccio installa direttamente ?\n<fabio_cc> matadores, si è meglio, altrimenti se vengono montate le partizioni è normale che ti esca quella scritta, in quel caso devi dirgli di smontarle\n<matadores> si fabio hai ragione  ero entrato nelle cartelle di windows  da live\n<fabio_cc> matadores, allora è normale\n<matadores> grazie fabio io vado se ho probblemi rientro con il pc mio dinuvo grazie ancora per la getilezza\n<WSagitt> mi servirebbe una configurazione di una vpn multi hop\n<WSagitt> qualcuno mi può aiutare\n<luca__> ciao!\n<luca__> https://pastebin.com/Zhd9t7sd\n<WSagitt> ciao luca\n<WSagitt> il link era per me\n<luca__> ciao\n<WSagitt> ciao\n<luca__> ho bisogno di qualche aiutino\n<WSagitt> anche tu\n<luca__> diciamo che era generico\n<WSagitt> io volevo fare un vpn\n<WSagitt> ma non trovo molto in giro\n<WSagitt> tipo client vps1 >>>>>vps2>>>internet\n<luca__> da quello che so io per avere un buon vpn devi pagare\n<luca__> poi dipende da cosa ci devi fare\n<luca__> NordVpn è uno di quelli buoni\n<WSagitt> sì voglio farlo come privato prendere due vps e li mettere openvpn\n<WSagitt> lo anche fatto solo che non riesco\n<WSagitt> nel rindirizzamento tra le due vps con vpn\n<luca__> è come se mi parlassi in arbo! xD\n<luca__> non so proprio come aiutarti\n<WSagitt> ok\n<WSagitt> grazie\n<WSagitt> sepro che qulcuno abbai qualche configurazione\n<luca__> mi spiace\n<dextm80> ciao ragazzi\n<dextm80> ciao Mr_Pan\n<dextm80> ciao Carlin0\n<dextm80> ho un problema, non so perchè ad un riavvio di ubuntu si ferma sul grub \"Minimal bash-like line editing is supported ecc ecc e non ne cavo piedi?cosa è successo? non vorrei formattare dopo tutte le configurazioni fatte\n<fabio_cc> !chat | WSagitt\n<ubot-it> WSagitt: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<fabio_cc> (in riferimento a quanto chiesto prima)\n<fabio_cc> !tizio | dextm80\n<ubot-it> dextm80: non porre le tue domande a qualcuno in particolare, rivolgiti al canale. Non usare forme del tipo 'Tizio, mi sai dire..'/'Tizio, posso?'\n<dextm80> fabio_cc, è inerente a ubuntu, non ho fatto mica domande su windows, e poi ho solo salutato non ho posto le domande a loro. so benissimo come funziona, grazie\n<fabio_cc> dextm80, se leggi bene vedi che la prima cosa che ho scritto era per WSagitt\n<dextm80> fabio_cc, scusa dicevi  a WSagitt\n<fabio_cc> si\n<dextm80> sorry\n<fabio_cc> dextm80, tutto ok\n<dextm80> mi dai una mano? :) :)\n<fabio_cc> dextm80, adesso mi devo assentare, ma intanto scrivi maggiori dettagli (versione di ubuntu, ultime cose che hai fatto prima che succedesse questo problema)\n<dextm80> ok, versione 16.04 e non ho fatto nulla a parte il classico sudo apt update/upgrade\n<dextm80> ero da tanto che non installavo/modificavo nulla, lo uso come serber\n<dextm80> server\n<fabio_cc> dextm80, comunque non ho capito bene, si blocca sul menu di grub oppure da un messaggio di errore?\n<dextm80> si blocca sul grub\n<dextm80> minimal bash like line editing is supported for the first word tab ubuntu\n<dextm80> fabio_cc,\n<fabio_cc> dextm80, quindi se premi i tasti direzionali non ti permette di scegliere alcuna voce\n<dextm80> no +è fermo su grub>\n<dextm80> linea di comando\n<fabio_cc> ah va al prompt\n<dextm80> si\n<fabio_cc> ma sicuro che non ci siano messaggi di errore prima? dovresti mandare una foto della schermata\n<fabio_cc> !image\n<ubot-it> Carica un'immagine su http://prnt.sc/ o https://imgur.com/ e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.\n<dextm80> no nessun messaggio di errore\n<dextm80> ora la carico\n<dextm80> http://prntscr.com/jn9eoe\n<dextm80> fabio_cc, ecco qui\n<dextm80> si blocca immediatamente su questa schermata\n<fabio_cc> si visto\n<fabio_cc> dextm80, io per adesso mi devo assentare, magari continua ad aiutarti qualcun altro. Intanto potresti avviare in live e fare un controllo delle partizioni con gparted e magari controllare i dati SMART dell'hard disk tramite l'applicazione Dischi\n<dextm80> ok\n<fabio_cc> per quanto riguarda gli ultimi aggiornamenti, sarebbe utile se ti ricordassi quali pacchetti sono stati aggionrati\n<fabio_cc> *aggiornati\n<dextm80> purtroppo non ricordo\n<dextm80> forse l'unica cosa che rimane è formattare :|\n<kiokoman> dextm80: l'unica cosa che mi viene in mente che possa impedire l'avvio e' la manomissione di /etc/fstab oppure si e' aggiornato / installato male grub\n<kiokoman> dextm80: potresti avviare il sistema live da una chiavetta o cd e riparare grub\n<Mr_Pan> !ripristino\n<ubot-it> Per ripristinare un sistema danneggiato: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/RipristinoInstallazione\n<matthewstar> novita'?\n<matthewstar> ciao tutti\n#ubuntu-it 2019-05-20\n<finduz> salve, ho un problema con l'audio... ad ogni avvio la barra è a metà volume e ogni volta la devo massimizzare\n<finduz> come posso fare affichè parta sempre al max?\n<Taralla92> Salve, vorrei sapere come fare una volta installato ubuntu per collegare il mio iphone a pc ed effettuare poi backup, grazie\n<ilBarde> qualcuno online?\n<Mr_Pan> che fretta\n<Mr_Pan> 1 minuto esatto\n<Fr2000> Salve, desidero sapere i requisiti di sistema per installare ubuntu. Grazie\n<Carlin0> 54 secondi ...\n#ubuntu-it 2019-05-21\n<sponsor> Non esiste un boot repair per Ubuntu 19.04 ? Devo aggiunfere un boot di Windows Server 2008 std.\n<Carlin0> sponsor, se dai sudo update-grub  lo vede ?\n#ubuntu-it 2019-05-22\n<Mister6339> Ciao a tutti. Ho installato il 19.04 ma si blocca in fase di avvio. I pallini si accendono ma non si avvia.\n<lucarrettte> buonasera chiedo quale ubuntu mi consigliate di istallare su un vecchio hompc con pentium 2,8ghz 1 giga di ram 80Hd\n#ubuntu-it 2019-05-23\n<laura> cctt\n<Guest82752> scusate   dovrei  aggiornare  live  su   un a pennetta  per   accedee  home  banking  in  quanto  il  browesere  salvato  è  obsoleto  posso  aggiornarlo  o  devo  riscaricare\n<prusso> salve devo aggiungere un boot di Windows Server 2003 std r32 in Ubuntu 19.04 disco Dingo desktop.\n<federico> salve, ho installato ubuntu e poi ho riavviato il pc ma mi esce una cosa strana. Vi allego la foto di quello che mi esce. Grazie https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/tdSpk2XSTFWFVGPOV269?signature=2e5c9c0d2308cfb2ed4b9ca14d6df87e2959a6b3a57ebc1e13ac91df89b040fb&policy=eyJleHBpcnkiOjE1NTg2MTg4MDB9\n<Carlin0> prusso, ti avevo già chiesto : hai provato a dare nel terminale il comando sudo update-grub ?\n<Mr_Pan> federico per favoro non entrare qui e in chat con 2 nick diversi chiedendo la stessa cosa ..\n<Mr_Pan> federico, e´rimasto bloccato  cosi´ ?\n<federico> scusami avevo sbagliato è la prima volta che uso questa chat\n<federico> comunque si. è rimasto bloccato cosi che devo fare?\n<Carlin0> federico, che versione di ubuntu ?\n<federico> 18.04.2 LTS\n<Carlin0> cmq quello è lo spegnimento non l'avvio\n<federico> in pratica ho installato ubuntu da chiavetta facendo tutti i passaggi ..... quando installo ubuntu al termine dell'installazione mi chiede di riavviare il pc , schiaccio riavvia ora e dopo un po esce quello che vi avevo mandato in foto. che devo fare?\n<Carlin0> hai provato a forzare lo spegnimento ?\n<Carlin0> federico, come hai preparato la chiavetta ?\n<federico> si ho provato. riaccendo il pc e mi esce il grub, seleziono ubuntu mi chiede di inserire la password per entrare e poi si blocca\n<federico> ho usato rufus per la chiavetta\n<Carlin0> federico, che scheda video ha il pc ? che cpu ? quanta ram ?\n<federico> nvidia 1050, intel i7, 8gb ram\n<Carlin0> il problema al 99% è quella scheda video\n<federico> cioè\n<Mr_Pan> i  driver ...\n<Carlin0> federico, prova così all'avvio quando sei al menù di grub premi e poi cerca una riga che inizia con linux e aggiungi al fondo la parola nomodeset , quindi premi f10 per avviare con la modifica\n<federico> ho fatto questo ed è partito. Poi ho riavviato, è entrato, ho messo la password e non mi esce più niente\n<federico> nel senso che si è bloccato di nuovo\n<Carlin0> dammi 2 minuti che sistemiamo definitivamente , intanto riavvia in quel modo\n<Carlin0> ma devi aspettare che so incasinato\n<federico> si ho riavviato come hai detto tu ed è andato. Poi ho spento e riacceso ma si blocca di nuovo. ogni volta che accendo devo mettere nomodeset?\n<federico> aspetto non ci sono problemi, grazie della disponibilità\n<Carlin0> avvia in quel modo e poi aspetti un attimo\n<Carlin0> se riavvii perdi la impostazione\n<federico> ho avviato in quel modo. ho usato un po ubuntu e poi ho spento. l'ho riacceso e si blocca di nuovo\n<federico> ogni volta che accendo il pc devo mettere nomodeset?\n<Carlin0> leggi cosa ti scrivo ...\n<Carlin0> oppure avvia in quel modo e poi installa i driver proprietari\n<Carlin0> !nvidia | federico leggi la guida\n<ubot-it> federico leggi la guida: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/Video/Nvidia\n<federico> io ho fatto come hai detto tu cioè .......poi cerca una riga che inizia con linux e aggiungi al fondo la parola nomodeset , quindi premi f10 per avviare con la modifica..... e ubuntu è partito. Dopo un po ho spento il pc per vedere se quando riaccendo il pc e apro ubuntu funzione bene ma invece si blocca\n<Carlin0> 16:01 <Carlin0> se riavvii perdi la impostazione\n<federico> e quindi ogni volta che spengo e accendo il pc perdo tutto?\n<federico> e ogni volta devo mettere l'impostazione nomodeset?\n<Carlin0> federico, ma leggi cosa ti scrivo ?\n<federico> avvio in quel modo e installo i driver\n<Carlin0> ok ... bravo\n<federico> ok grazie mille problema risoltoù\n<federico> dovevo impostare i driver sulla scheda grafica\n<Guest65217> ciao, avrei bisogno di supporto tecnico\n<Carlin0> !chiedi | Guest65217\n<ubot-it> Guest65217: per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà\n<Guest65217> HO uno scanner Epson v550, ho installato tutti i driver, con il comando scanimage --L mi riconosce lo scanner ma nel momento in cui apro i programmi non mi rileva alcuno scanner, perchè?\n<Carlin0> simplescan non lo vede ?\n<Guest65217> NO\n<Carlin0> hai provato anche con xsane ?\n<David77> buonasera a tutti! l'unica maniera di avere il play store ufficiale di android su ubuntu è quello di installare Andorid Studio? grazie\n#ubuntu-it 2019-05-24\n<sergio1968> buongionro. qualcuno online?\n<sergio1968> da un paio di giorni ho un problema che ho finanche difficoltà a descrivere per cui cerco lumi\n<sergio1968> quando apro qualunque programma la finestra è disegnata a partire dalle coordinate 0,0 per cui il titolo finisce sotto la barra di stato e non si riesce a spostare\n<imbel> Ciao ragazzi,\n<imbel> ho un problema con l'hdmi, il monitor collegato al laptop dice che non c'è alcun segnale, nelle impostazioni di ubuntu non trova alcun dispositivo collegato e se do xrandr da terminale non mi torna alcuna info sull'hdmi\n<imbel> sto usando ubuntu 18.04\n<[Enrico]> imbel: potrebbe essere il cavo rotto\n<imbel> Enrico funzionava con l'altro laptop\n<imbel> @Enrico\n<[Enrico]> imbel: da quanto non usi l'altro laptop? Puoi provare i due laptop uno di fila all'altro?\n<imbel> non lo uso da ieri\n<imbel> ora provo\n<[Enrico]> ok improbabile che il cavo si sia rotto tra ieri e oggi\n<[Enrico]> forse è il connettore del laptop che non funziona?\n<[Enrico]> mi sembra difficile che il monitor non venga nemmeno rilevato\n<imbel> il laptop è praticamente nuovo\n<[Enrico]> poi oddio ci sono configurazioni hardware strane forte, tipo alcune varianti di nvidia optimus, che sono semplicemente un incubo\n<[Enrico]> imbel: se è un laptop nuovo forse ti conviene provare ubuntu 19.04 e vedere se va meglio. Prova semplicemente la live e vedi se il monitor viene visto\n<imbel> dettaglio che non ho detto, ho disattivato la gpu nvidia, che dava troppi problemi\n<[Enrico]> imbel: quindi è un setup optimus. che marca di laptop? conta che la HDMI potrebbe essere connessa alla scheda nvidia (errore fatale da parte del produttore), quindi disattivando la nvidia la porta non funziona\n<imbel> con l'altra funziona\n<imbel> allora il laptop è un acer aspire 7\n<[Enrico]> imbel: quale altra? altra cosa?\n<[Enrico]> ah l'altra GPU :)\n<imbel> acer aspire 7 è quello sul quale sto riscontrando i problemi\n<[Enrico]> si le intel funzionano benissimo, anche le AMD non vanno male. Le nvidia sono molto penose\n<imbel> scusami volevo dire con l'altro (altro laptop)\n<[Enrico]> imbel: si ma l'altro laptop ha una configurazione hardware diversa\n<[Enrico]> molto probabilmente\n<imbel> è un hp probook con la gpu della intel\n<[Enrico]> imbel: temo che l'unico modo di far funzionare la porta HDMI per un laptop in cui questa è connessa alla scheda nvidia sia abilitare la scheda nvidia e installare i driver proprietari nvidia\n#ubuntu-it 2019-05-25\n<gippo> salve\n<perr-paranoic> Ciao per cambiare le impostazioni di stampa da colore a B/N posso farlo solo da localhost:631 dal menù grafico non mi fa cambiare... forse è un problema di permessi?\n<davide> salve\n<davide> come faccio a saper che versione di pyton o\n<davide> nessuno\n<Carlin0> davide, che versione di ubuntu usi ?\n<davide> 19.04\n<Carlin0> dpkg -l | grep python\n<davide> grazie\n<Carlin0> dovrebbe essere la 2.7.16\n<davide> perfetto\n<davide> router fritz 7490 parametri voip tim dove li trovo\n<Carlin0> !chat\n<ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<davide> scusate\n<davide_> exit\n<bumba> ciao , ho un problema evince mi da sempre errore di segmentazione\n#ubuntu-it 2020-05-18\n<guest81> ciao ho questo portatile\n<guest81> https://www.bytecno.it/asus-f402sa-wx164t-1-6ghz-n3060-14-1366-x-768pixels-bianco.html\n<guest81> quale linux posso mettere\n<guest81> ???\n<Gian> Buongiorno\n<Gian> come si regola la frequenza dello schermo sul portatile da 100h a 60h\n<Gian> il monitor balla l'immagine se si muove\n<Gian> e mio figlio deve fare i compiti e gli da fastidio agli occhi\n<Gian> sono andato su schermi ma si può solo cambiare la risoluzione e non la frequenza hertz\n<Gian> sperando che sia quello il problema\n<pc-ale> Buona giornata a tutti. Ho un problema con ubuntu mate 20.04 installato su  pc msi gp62 6qf Leopard pro: il touchpad non funziona. Qualcuno può aiutarmi? Grazie\n<Gian> scusate se presto\n<Gian> uso ubuntu 18 lts\n<guest81> quale ubuntu posso mettere\n<Mr_Pan> guest81, direi Xubuntu\n<Mr_Pan> hai 4 gb di ram ma celeron come processore\n<Mr_Pan> Gian, spiegati meglio\n<Gian> lo schermo non è stabile\n<Mr_Pan> Gian, fermo restando che 100Hz é meglio di 60Hz ....\n<Mr_Pan> se lo schermo supporta i 100 Hz\n<Gian> si ho letto anch io ma non so dove si può cambiare\n<Gian> se muovo lo schermo del portatile lui farfalla\n<Mr_Pan> Gian, spiega per bene non ti seguo\n<sardonico> sei sicuro che supporti i 100hz? gli lcd al 99% sono a 60hz\n<Mr_Pan> iinfatti é quello che cercavo di capire\n<Gian> ho letto che il farfalla dello schermo può essere dato dalla frequenza\n<Gian> non so che frequenza ho\n<Mr_Pan> !dettagli\n<ubot-it> Per ricevere assistenza tecnica, per favore indica: Versione di Ubuntu o derivata, CPU (marca e modello), quantitativo di RAM, Scheda Video (marca e modello), se notebook, il modello preciso, se presente UEFI (vedi anche !uefi), fa una completa panoramica del problema riscontrato, postando il pastebin (vedi !pastebin) di eventuali comandi in questione.\n<Gian> dalle impostazioni non trovo la frequenza\n<Gian> 18 lts\n<Mr_Pan> e'ubn laptop --- e'un desktop ... .?!?!?!\n<Gian> hp pavilion dv6\n<Gian> intel core i5 memoria 3.6 gib disco 314gb\n<sardonico> che modello e che scheda video ha?\n<Gian> grafica intel ironlake mobile\n<Gian> cosi dice la schermata di ubuntu 18.04.4 lts\n<Gian> per sapere meglio le caratteristiche del portatile qual è il comando da terminale?\n<Gian> display        Madison [Mobility Radeon HD 5650/575\n<Gian> è un portatile\n<sardonico> Gian: che versione hai installato? 32 o 64 bit? è più probabile che sia un problema di driver?\n<Gian> 64\n<Gian> come posso risolvere?\n<pc-ale> A ri-ciao a tutti. È da ieri che chiedo aiuto per il mio touchpad (che non funge da quando ho installato ubuntu 20.04). Qualcuno può aiutarmi per favore?\n<Mr_Pan> pc-ale> dettagli ...\n<pc-ale> grazie! Ubuntu Mate 20.04 su pc msi gp62 6qf Leonard Pro. Funge tutto benissimo tranne il touchpad\n<pc-ale> ho provato a seguire questa una guida ufficiale https://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/Periferiche ma non sono riuscito\n<Mr_Pan> pc-ale> esist eun bug aperto dal 2016 >>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1584479   ultimo messaggio dice di avere la soluzione\n<ubot-it> Launchpad bug 1584479 in linux \"[MSI GP72 6QE Leopard Pro] acpi=off required to boot\" [Low,Incomplete]\n<Mr_Pan> leggi tutto il opost\n<Mr_Pan> *post\n<pc-ale> Ok, grazie. Mi documento poi se serve riscrivo. Cmq ho installato con acpi=off settato\n<pc-ale> altrimenti non l'installazione si bloccava\n<pc-ale> Ho scorso il post (che è in inglese e non lo comprendo così a fondo) e sono arrivato alla possibile soluzione proposta per la 19.10: \"remove pnp_acpi=off and add acpi_iso=Linux\". Chiedo: da dove lo rimuovo e da dove setto l'altro parametro? Grazie\n<Carlin0> pc-ale, hai risolto ?\n<Gamba> Buon pomeriggio a Voi\n<Gamba> con chi sto parlando?\n<Gamba> Devo cambiare rinnovare il mio pc Laptop e non vorrei + sottostare a Windows per tante ragioni anche morali\n<Carlin0> !chat | Gamba\n<ubot-it> Gamba: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<Gamba> a chi devo rivolgermi per un consiglio su ubuntu?\n<Gamba> con ubuntu ho limiti di operatività?\n<sardonico> ti hanno consigliato di passare sul canale #ubuntu-it-chat\n<Carlin0> Gamba, qui solo supporto\n<Gamba> ok grazie scusa Buon pomeriggio\n<Giuffro> Buongiorno, avrei bisogno di un supporto per il mio Notebook. Ho installato molto tempo fa la versione Ubuntu MATE in dualboot con il Widnows 10 già presente. Poi per mancanza di tempo non l'ho più utilizzata. L'altro giorno volevo riprenderla e ho notato che non mi si carica ma dopo circa 1 minuto e 1/2 di \"A start job is running for ...\" mi rende\n<Giuffro>  disponibile solo la maintenance mode..\n<wilfred> Ho usato per circa 2 mesi Ubuntu 10.... oggi ha ciesto di fare l'aggiornamento al 20.04 e poi non sono più riuscito ad avviarlo. Come posso fare?\n<max1> salve gente ho installato la nuova 20.04 ma ho riscontrato un problema con i3... se uso GNOME come DE non ho alcun problema, ma  con i3 alcune e sottolineo alcune applicazioni come pidigin o doublecommander hanno problemi di font, ho privato a sistemare con lxappearance o  gnome-tweaks, ma ovviamente se cambio dimensione del font  la cambia per tutte le app anche per quelle che non davano problemi. insomma sembra che la coperta sia tr\n<max1> oppo corta e dove tiro da un lato poi scopro l'altro. oltre a lasciar perdere i3 cosa potrei fare? grazie gente :)\n#ubuntu-it 2020-05-19\n<Peppe46> Salve a tutti avrei di biosgno di un consiglio. Ho installato su un vecchio notebook con Intel Celeron Processor M560 e 2gb di ram, ubuntu 20.04 ma non gira velocissimo ovviamente. Vorrei installare una versione più leggera, ho guardato un po le derivate ma ho un po di confusione, cosa mi consigliereste con questo hardware?\n<Mr_Pan> Peppe46, 2 gb di ram direi Xubuntu o Lubuntu\n<Carlin0> Peppe46, xubuntu o lubuntu\n<Peppe46> la differenza sostanziale tra i 2?\n<Mr_Pan> la parte grafica ... lubuntu é la piu leggera in assoluto\n<Mr_Pan> xubuntu (xfce) e'una via di mezzo\n<Carlin0> Peppe46, sei sicuro del modelo di cpu ?\n<Mr_Pan> celeron 560 ha scritto\n<Mr_Pan> ah M ... uhmm\n<Peppe46> HP Compaq 6720s Intel Celeron Processor M560\n<Mr_Pan> e supporta i 64 bit\n<Carlin0> Peppe46, M560 è un i5 mentre celeron 560 è un'altra cosa\n<Peppe46> ma leggevo che con queste derivate avrei una risoluzione video 800x600\n<Mr_Pan> e chi lo dice   ?\n<sardonico> si, quella CPU ce l'ho su un Compaq NX6110\n<Mr_Pan> no no avrai la risoluzione che il pc e' in grado di sostenere ...\n<Peppe46> è celeron m560, il notebook è vecchiotto\n<sardonico> la scheda video intel GM965 è ben supportata\n<Peppe46> ah ok, avevo letto questo link https://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/RequisitiDiSistema\n<Mr_Pan> m560 celeron  single core   64 bit\n<sardonico> non ti aspettare grandi cose ma è usabile\n<sardonico> andrà alla risoluzione del pannello del notebook\n<Mr_Pan> Peppe46, requisti minimi e consigliati ...\n<Peppe46> ok, ma comunque gira anke ubuntu classico 20.04 ma ovviamente non velocissimo\n<Mr_Pan> Peppe46, pesantuccio con 2 gb di ram e quel processore\n<Carlin0> ma con gnome è un chiodo di sicuro\n<Mr_Pan> con xubuntu/lubuntu la macchina sará LEGGERMENTE piú reattiva\n<sardonico> usando Firefox al posto di Chrome\n<Peppe46> e l'ultima curiosità, ma kubuntu invece  usa le stesse risorse di ubuntu classico?\n<sardonico> KDE è leggermente più leggero, quasi come XFCE\n<Carlin0> kubuntu IMHO è pesante per quel hardware\n<sardonico> troppo comunque per quella configurazione\n<Mr_Pan> giá\n<Peppe46> ok ragazzi, grazie mille, siete stati gentilissimi\n<Peppe46> proverò xubuntu\n<Mr_Pan> ok ci trovi qui nel caso\n<Carlin0> KDE se parte akonadi non è molto leggero :P\n<xubu> ciao a tutti\n<xubu> qualcuno paziente ,considerata la mia inesperienza potrebbe fornirmi un aiuto ?\n<xubu> avevo installato l 'ultima versione 32 bit di xubuntu , ieri ho fatto un aggiornamento e adesso mi risulta la stampante inattiva\n<xubu> ho eseguito vari tentativi ma nulla\n<xubu> la rileva ,stampa anche la pagina prova , ma torna inattiva\n<xubu> è collegata con usb\n<eeepcasus> non ho più il disco di ripristino di ubuntu e vorrei sapere quale versione di ubuntu installare sul mio Asus Eee Pc 1215P-BLK001U . Vi ringrazio anticipatamente.\n<Carlin0> !ramcpu | eeepcasus\n<ubot-it> eeepcasus: indica marca e modello esatti di CPU e VGA (scheda video) più la quantità di RAM presente\n<eeepcasus> Eee PC Seashell series cpu N570 1.66 GHz 167 GHz (Dual Core) ram 2,00 GB - scheda video Intel GMedia Accelerator 3150.\n<Carlin0> eeepcasus, luubntu o xubuntu al massimo\n<Carlin0> ops ...\n<Carlin0> eeepcasus, lubuntu o xubuntu al massimo\n<Carlin0> !derivate\n<ubot-it> http://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/flavours - http://www.ubuntu-it.org/derivate - https://www.ubuntu-it.org/download/derivate\n<eeepcasus> Voi cosa mi consiggliate?\n<Carlin0> uno dei 2 , xubuntu è più completo lubuntu più minimale e leggero\n<eeepcasus> grazie tante!!!!\n<Kerd> Buonasera ragazzi, ho una domanda: sto su ubuntu 20.04 e da poco quando mi guardo un video in streaming dopo diciamo 30 minuti si blocca tutto\n<Kerd> qualche idea del perché ?\n#ubuntu-it 2020-05-20\n<dani98> buongiorno\n<max4> salve gente sono su 20.04, sapreste indicarmi il file che si occupa delle notifiche a schermo devo cambiare il font. ho un problema con le app in gtk-2. ho editato .gtkrc-2.0 ed ho risolto tranne che per le notifiche che rimangono ancora troppo piccole e ineleggibili. grazie\n<harleyros> salve a tutti avrei un problema con  l installazione di lubuntu... ho scaricato le due versioni quella da 20 e quella da 18.. ho fatto la chiavetta usb avviabile ma ogni volta che faccio partire il bios dalla chiavetta mi da un problema diverso.. sto provando anche un altra chiavetta comunque i problemi che mi si sono presntati fino ad adesso sono\n<harleyros> bootimgr mancante e error loading operation system\n<harleyros> qualcuno potrebbe dirmi cosa fare ?\n<harleyros> anche ubuntu ,mate ma anche questo mi da lo stesso errore\n<avvaldo> non riesco a installare lubuntu 18.04 32 bit\n<avvaldo> mi dice: unable to boot please use appropriate kernel for your cpu\n<avvaldo> cosa devo fare? grazie\n<Mr_Pan> avvaldo> che processore hai nel pc   ?\n<Mr_Pan> sicuro di avere la versione 32 bit scaricata ?\n<Mr_Pan> non dovrebbe darti quell'errore\n<Carlin0> infatti se dice quello sta usando la 64 su un pc 32\n<sator11> Ciao\n<sator11> è connesso qualcuno che possa darmi una mano?\n<sator11> ho un problema con Ubuntu 20.04 lts che non rileva in alcun modo la webcam del laptop\n#ubuntu-it 2020-05-21\n<piero> buongiorno sto scaricando ubunto 20 dal vostro sito io ho installato il 19.20 e ho inserito un dvd per copiarlo mi spiegate la procedura\n<piero> e' poco tempo non sono tanto esperto su questo sistema operativo\n<piero> 20.04 deskop\n<piero> c'e' qualcuno che mi guida\n<Tivoli> buongiorno, ho installato minitube. Trovava i video ma non li visualizzava\n<shad3> ciao a tutti\n<shad3> qualcuno operativo?\n<groudon_> ma perchè ho bisogno di gnome-shell?\n<Mr_Pan> groudon_,   ?\n<groudon_> Mr_Pan, tu usi il xfce o gnome3?\n<Mr_Pan> xfce\n<groudon_> gnome-shell mi sembra stare la merda. Perchè gli genti usano gnome3?\n<Mr_Pan> groudon_,  non so chiedi a loro ...\n<Kekko> Buongiorno. Avrei una domanda stupida\n<Mr_Pan> Kekko, bnessuna domanda é stupida\n<Kekko> ho installato ubuntu su un HP 550. In poche parole come faccio ad abilitare la low graphic mode visto che non sembra gestire bene la grafica pesante di ubuntu 20.04? in 16.10 si poteva fare da gcomplitz ma ora non c'è questa opzione\n<groudon_> Mr_Pan, io lo uso perche non so niente da linux\n<Kekko> io ho sempre usato linux in ambito sever\n<Kekko> (debian )\n<Carlin0> Kekko, forse conviene anche a te passare a una derivata più leggera tipo xubuntu\n<Kekko> però in ambito desktop so poco e niente, infatti spesso opero da terminale per abitudine\n<Kekko> @Carlin0 come detto sopra per l'ambito desktop vorrei utilizzare Unity come interfaccia. volendo potrei disabilitare su questa stessa installazione di ubuntu l'interfaccia grafica e sostituirla con xfce, ma vorrei mantenere l'ambiente grafico corrente\n<Carlin0> Kekko, la 20.04 non ha unity , è gnome shell\n<Kekko> pensavo fosse unity\n<groudon_> unity mi sembra morto\n<Carlin0> unity è stato abbandonato da canonical\n<Kekko> comunque grnome shell non ha una low graphic mode?\n<Mr_Pan> mi sembra di no\n<groudon_> gnome3 ha gnomeflashback\n<Carlin0> eh non saprei ... non lo uso\n<Mr_Pan> ma io uso xfce quindi non so al 100%\n<Kekko> cioè ho notato che windows 10 va meglio di ubuntu su questo pc. Chiariamoci, non è scattante come su un pc nuovo ma si lavora\n<groudon_> Kekko, si perche stai usando il gnome-shell\n<Kekko> ubuntu 20.04 dovrebbe usare con tutto chiuso 550mb ram\n<Mr_Pan> Kekko, come ha scritto Carlin0 forse hai scelto la distro sbaglaiata per quel tipo di hw ...\n<Mr_Pan> una xubuntu sarebbe stata piú indicata\n<Kekko> @Mr_Pan mi immaginavo che xubuntu o lubuntu sarebbe andata meglio per questo pc. Installai lubuntu un paio di anni fa su un  fisso con 256mb di ram e un vecchio processore amd e andava fluidissimo, anche in navigazione\n<Kekko> comunque un pc del 98\n<Carlin0> gnome è il DE più pesante in assoluto\n<Mr_Pan> Kekko, quanta ram  ?  processore?\n<Mr_Pan> 98?!?! OMG!\n<Kekko> Questo hp ha 3gb di ram ddr2 e un intel celeron\n<Kekko> il portatile è del 2008\n<Mr_Pan> ahhhh avevi scritto 98 sopra...\n<Kekko> considerate che questo è uno dei pochi portatili che ha il processore sostituibile\n<Mr_Pan> anche il mio t420 ha il processore sostituibile\n<Carlin0> diciamo che gnome ci gira ma tu hai ben visto come\n<Kekko> noo ahhaha il pc del 98 era un fisso che ho buttato e aveva 256mb di ram e ci misi lubuntu ahhhaha\n<Mr_Pan> Kekko, xubuntu o lubuntu sono le distro per te\n<Carlin0> a dopo ...\n<Mr_Pan> Kekko, il problema non é tanto la distro ma con poca ram come apri una pagina web si inchioda tutto\n<Carlin0> Kekko, o ubuntu mate che è anche leggerino essndo un fork di gnome 2\n<Kekko> infatti mia madre ha lo stesso hp ma con il processore dual core e ci si può mettere un T9000(mi pare si chiami così il processore più potente installabile su questa macchina))\n<Mr_Pan> !derivate\n<ubot-it> http://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/flavours - http://www.ubuntu-it.org/derivate - https://www.ubuntu-it.org/download/derivate\n<Kekko> fosse per me ci avrei messo debian 9 però considerando che lo devo usare per navigare e lavorarci un p'ò anche l'occhio vuole la sua parte\n<Mr_Pan> Kekko, anche Budgie ha un DE leggero\n<Kekko> stavo vedendo\n<Kekko> quindi non si possono ridurre le animazioni su fossa\n<Kekko> Budgie richiama molto lo stile Apple\n<Mr_Pan> si\n<Kekko> sembra carino\n<Camuzzoland> Buongiorno a tutti, sono un utilizzatore di ubuntu poco esperto...\n<Kekko> Buongiorno\n<Kekko> comunque l'ultima cosa da fare è vedere se effettivamente sono stati installati i driver corretti o comunque se sono stati selezionati\n<Camuzzoland> ho un notebook hp con  Intel® Core™ i5-2450M CPU @ 2.50GHz × 4,  e 3,8 GiB di mem, dite che lubutu 20.04 LTS girerà bene sul mio computer?\n<Kekko> si, vai tranquillo\n<Camuzzoland> grazie\n<Kekko> sto usando ubuntu che è il più pesante su un portatile con un intel celeron 1 core 3gb di ram ddr2 e grafica intel integrata\n<Kekko> lubuntu gira anche su 512mb di ram\n<Camuzzoland> ah ok\n<Kekko> anche se ti consiglio vivamente di installare ubuntu piuttosto che lubuntu, specialmente se sei alle prime armi con linux. Ha una grafica più semplice e comprensibile\n<Camuzzoland> LTS vuol dire aggiornamenti per 5 anni?\n<Kekko> LTS = Long Term Support\n<Camuzzoland> bè ti dirò che preferisco una grafica \"minimale\" tipo lubuntu... mi interessano leggerezza e funzionalità\n<Kekko> ah bene\n<Kekko> vi saluto ragazzi\n<Camuzzoland> ciao e grazie\n<Mr_Pan> Camuzzoland, si lubuntu va bene con quella config\n<Mr_Pan> Camuzzoland, una via di mezzo potrebbe essere Xubuntu o Budgie\n<Camuzzoland> lubuntu a parte la veste grafica essenziale, che per me è un pregio, ha delle limitazioni a livello di funzionalità rispetto ad esempio ad ubuntu?\n<Mr_Pan> Camuzzoland> no le funzioni sono sempre le stesse cambia solo la parte grafica ma il \"dietro\" é comune a tutte le distro\n<paul65> ciao .. vorrei installare lubuntu 18 sun un EEEPC che ha un SSD da 4g ed un hdd da 16 ... mettere la \"/\" ed il boot su SSD e home su hd .. potebbe andare ?\n<groudon_> paul65, si\n<paul65> devo fare anche la parti er il boot su SSD o la m fa gia lui ... ? idem per SWAP ?\n<groudon_> paul65, forse 4g è troppo picolo\n<paul65> quello era il mio dubbio .. ma non trovo distro pi piccole\n<groudon_> prova con xubuntu o lubuntu\n<groudon_> swap solo sulla hdd\n<paul65> mi riferivo a LUBUNTU infatti\n<paul65> groudon_: ma devo partizionarla la swap?\n<paul65> pensavo la creasse lui\n<groudon_> devi fare una partizione swap\n<paul65> 200 per il boot vanno bene?\n<groudon_> anche forse è meglio a metter /var sul hdd o tmpfs\n<paul65> rientro in chat dalla live .. osso postare uno screens hot della partizione ?\n<groudon_> 200 per il boot vanno bene\n<Carlin0> 200 cosa ?\n<groudon_> 200MB\n<Carlin0> per efi ...\n<groudon_> paul65, poi*\n<paul65> eccommi\n<paul65> dalla live di lubuntu non ho app per screenshot :\n<paul65> cmq SDA :\n<paul65> sda: sda1 /boot    200M;     sda5      /     3,8g  ext4\n<paul65> sdb : sdb1   /var   2g ext;   sdb 2   /home   14g\n<Carlin0> paul65, non fare la /boot separata\n<paul65> la cancello e selezione il boot da sda ? come chiede la GUI?\n<Carlin0> tu confondi /boot e efi\n<Carlin0> non fare la partizione di /boot\n<paul65> ok su  sda solo  \"/\" ?\n<Carlin0> e cmq temo che 4 gb siano pochi\n<paul65> che cosa potrei installare ?\n<paul65> Carlin0: temo anch'io\n<paul65> a parte le live tipo puppy o altre .. perche vorrei un OS installato .. pensavo di usare la macchian come cold wallet per BTC e non collegarlo mai piu alla rete\n<paul65> quindi una volta che ho installato Electrum non mi servira granchè+\n<groudon_> paul65, io credo che è bene cosi\n<paul65> groudon_:  vediamo sto installando\n#ubuntu-it 2020-05-22\n<luca951> ciao ragazzi avete un sito, non bloccato, dove si possono scaricare i torrent\n<Mr_Pan> !torrent\n<ubot-it> Per scaricare la propria versione di Ubuntu o derivata, è preferibile usare i torrent: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/DownloadTorrent | Per sapere come usare i torrent: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/InternetRete/Condivisione/Transmission\n<Mr_Pan> !warez\n<ubot-it> questo non è un canale per scaricare o di condivisione di contenuti\n<Mr_Pan> luca951> gli unici torrent che pui scaricare da noi sono quelli relativi alle varie distro\n<luca951> ma se volessi scaricare dei libri o della musica\n<Angelo> sì\n<Angelo> ciao a tutti\n<Angelo> Ho un problema con il mio pc abbastanza datato\n<Carlin0> luca951, pagala la musica\n<Angelo> si tratta di hp compaq nx7300\n<Carlin0> !cpuram | Angelo\n<ubot-it> Angelo: indica marca e modello esatti di CPU e VGA (scheda video) più la quantità di RAM presente\n<Angelo> ok\n<Angelo> è un intel celeron M CPU 430\n<Angelo> 1.73 GHz\n<Angelo> 1.5 GB di RAM sistema a 32 bit\n<Angelo> quando installo ubuntu non mi riconosce la scheda WiFi. Da cosa può dipendere? Grazie\n<Carlin0> ma supporta il 64 bit\n<Angelo> no\n<Carlin0> si almeno così dice intel ........\n<Carlin0> https://ark.intel.com/content/www/it/it/ark/products/29735/intel-celeron-processor-430-512k-cache-1-80-ghz-800-mhz-fsb.html\n<Carlin0> Angelo, che ubuntu usi ? che scheda wifi ?\n<Angelo> ubuntu a 64 non me lo fa installare\n<Carlin0> forse allora la cpu non è quella\n<Angelo> strano\n<Angelo> mi da un problema sul kernel\n<Carlin0> Angelo, che ubuntu usi ? che scheda wifi ?\n<Angelo> adesso non ricordo bene l'errore\n<Angelo> te lo dico subito\n<Angelo> allora ubuntu volevo utilizzare l'ultimo 20.04 lts\n<Angelo> wifi\n<Mr_Pan> Angelo inizia a dirci che sk wireless monta il pc ... apri Terminale e scrivi\n<Angelo> una broadcom 802.11g\n<Mr_Pan> sudo lshw -C network\n<Mr_Pan> modello esatot\n<Mr_Pan> con la stringa che ti ho dato devi vedere sotto wireless interface\n<Angelo> si ok appena reinstallo ubuntu ve lo dico\n<Angelo> adesso sto su windows nello stesso pc\n<Angelo> sapete dove posso trovare informazioni più dettagliate dell scheda wifi in ambiente windows\n<Angelo> ?\n<Carlin0> cmq (forse) basta installare i driver , ma Angelo sul quel pc evita ubuntu , installa una derivata più leggera\n<Angelo> si infatti\n<Angelo> quale mi consigli\n<Carlin0> lubuntu\n<Carlin0> hai una cpu veramente scarsa e poca ram\n<Angelo> si lo so. Ma sto facendo degli esperimenti per decidere se buttarlo definivamente o se può avere ancora qualche chance\n<Angelo> ok metterò lubuntu ma ricordo che anche facendo l'aggiornamento del driver non riuscivo a vedere la lista degli hot-spot\n<Angelo> appena installo vi faccio vedere cosa succede in diretta...\n<Angelo> che differenza c'è tra lubuntu alternate e desktop\n<Carlin0> alternate ha installer non grafico\n<Angelo> a ok\n<Angelo> grazie\n<Carlin0> !invio\n<ubot-it> Per non essere buttato fuori dal bot non spezzettare una frase su piu' righe. Non utilizzare il ritorno a capo come punteggiatura.\n<gio1711> Ciao,ho bisogno di una consulenza, per un problema con il dual boot\n<Carlin0> !chiedi | gio1711\n<ubot-it> gio1711: per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà\n<gio1711> ho installato ubuntu in dual boot, ma se provo ad avviare il pc con windows mi dice che c'è un problema con il boot, ad ubuntu invece riesco ad accedere tranquillamente\n<Carlin0> dovresti rivolgerti ai canali winddows\n<Carlin0> !windows\n<ubot-it> Per ricevere supporto per windows, rivolgersi al canale ##windows\n<gio1711> grazie\n<gio1711> non riesco ad accedere da ubuntu ad un account microsoft istituzionale\n<Guest78778> Salve a tutti, ho un problema con Ubuntu 20.04, provo a ingrandire lo schermo ma ho problemi con la funziona \"scala\"\n<Guest78778> Ho una scheda video NVIDIA\n<Guest78778> Ho \"risolto\" abbassando la risoluzione e mantenendo lo stesso rapporto, però c'è meno definizione\n<Carlo101> Ciao a tutti, spero di non disturbarvi troppo ma avrei bisogno su una delucidazione sul secure boot per l'installazione di Ubuntu\n<Carlo101> Qualcuno è online e potrebbe aiutarmi?\n<Carlo101> Chiedo scusa ma era saltata la connessione\n<Carlo101> Vi lascio qui il problema, vorrei installare Ubuntu 20.04 in dual boot con Windows, ho disattivato l'avvio rapido e il SecureBoot dal BIOS. Avviata l'installazione da chiavetta, nella scheda \"Aggiornamenti e altro software\" ho spuntato la voce \"Installa software di terze parti\", ma mi viene chiesta di creare una password per il Secure Boot. Signifi\n<Carlo101> ca che non l'ho abilitato? E' una cosa normale?\n<Carlo101> Vi ringrazio\n<kar88> ciao ragazzi\n<kar88> ho un problema\n<kar88> il mio notebook è in dual boot ubuntu windows\n<kar88> mi arriva l'aggiornamento alla versione 20.04 dalla 19.10\n<kar88> installo gli aggiornamenti poi riavvio e ubuntu non parte\n<kar88> si riavvia sempre il pc , pero win parte\n<kar88> mi aiutate\n<kar88> eppure il menu del grup appare\n<heolo14> ciao a tutti perché entro a fatica.. come quasi bannato?\n<kranky77> Buonasera a tutti\n<kranky77> ho un problema persistente con l'audio su Linux Mint Mate x64\n<kranky77> l'audio presenta un ronzio ad intermittenza\n<kranky77> che scompare solo quando riproduco qualcosa\n<kranky77> sia con player che sul web\n<kranky77> c'è qualcuno in chat???\n<heolo14> kranky77 è un rumore metallico?\n<kranky77> no\n<kranky77> un ronzio\n<heolo14> ventolio?\n<kranky77> fruscio/ronzio\n<kranky77> che va ad intermittenza\n<kranky77> ripetutamente\n<heolo14> è sicuramente un problema hardware\n<kranky77> dopo qualche secondo da quando riavvio il sistema\n<heolo14> i software non rumoreggiano\n<heolo14> sostituisci di sicuro la ventola\n<kranky77> quale ventola\n<kranky77> sono tutte praticamente nuove\n<heolo14> montate male forse\n<kranky77> e su windows non mi da nessun problema\n<kranky77> no no\n<kranky77> tranquillo\n<kranky77> su windows installato in dual boot nessun problema\n<heolo14> o un problema di frquenza del monitor\n<kranky77> questo non lo avevo considerato\n<heolo14> il computer è uno strumento elettrico che lavora su frquenze\n<kranky77> ok\n<heolo14> diversamente non so cosa può essere ma di certo non è un problema software\n<kranky77> ma come mai su windows non ho questi problemi?\n<kranky77> sarà più sensibile linux?\n<heolo14> i due OS sono diversi\n<heolo14> si\n<kranky77> ok\n<kranky77> e come risolvo ?\n<heolo14> reistalla l'OS rumoroso\n<heolo14> con la N^\n<kranky77> ti dico questo\n<kranky77> ho installato dapprima ubuntu ultima release\n<kranky77> 20.04 x64\n<kranky77> e mi dava lo stesso problema\n<heolo14> trova un altro file della stessa distro\n<kranky77> sicchè poichè mi piace mint ho provato con mint mate\n<kranky77> già usato in passato senza problemi\n<kranky77> l'unica novità che ho upgradato al pc\n<kranky77> sono ssd Samsung evo 860\n<Carlin0> !mint\n<ubot-it> Linux Mint non è una derivata supportata di Ubuntu. Si prega di cercare assistenza in #linuxmint-help server irc.spotchat.org | https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewforum.php?f=65\n<heolo14> diversamente non sapremmo\n<kranky77> è su base Ubuntu\n<kranky77> su\n<heolo14> saprei*\n<kranky77> a chi devo chiedere\n<kranky77> per favore\n<heolo14> se entra qualcuno a qualcun altro\n<kranky77> la chat di mint è praticamente deserta\n<heolo14> io un'idea te lo ho già data\n<heolo14> è un problema di frequenza\n<Carlin0> kranky77, qui solo supporto a ubuntu e derivate ufficiali\n<kranky77> heolo14:  ok e ti ringrazio\n<heolo14> ;) a te\n<kranky77> heolo14:  ti facevo sol presente che nemmeno un giorno prima c'era Ubuntu 20.04\n<kranky77> e avevo lo stesso problema\n<kranky77> pensando fosse un bug\n<heolo14> no no è un problema tra sistemi hardware\n<kranky77> o problema driver hardware ho voluto provare con mint\n<Carlin0> !chat | kranky77\n<ubot-it> kranky77: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<kranky77> Carlin0:  io pensavo che essendo un derivato potevate supportarmi\n<kranky77> Carlin0:  un derivato di Ubuntu\n<Carlin0> kranky77, leggi su quello che ho scritto\n<kranky77> Carlin0: ok ho capito\n<kranky77> Carlin0:  grazie comunque a chi nonostante tutto mi ha supportato\n<kranky77> heolo14:  grazie gentilissimo\n<heolo14> ;)\n<Angelo> salve. Vorrei sapere come faccio a creare una chiavetta esb bootable in ambiente lubuntu. Esiste una applicazione tipo Rufus? Grazie\n<Carlin0> !etcher\n<ubot-it> Etcher è una applicazione per creare usb bootabili su win mac e linux https://www.balena.io/etcher/\n<Angelo> perfetto. Grazie mille\n#ubuntu-it 2020-05-23\n<rocu> giorno! un info per favore, ho formattato una pendrive da 16gb Kingstone, con (dischi) su xubuntu 18.04, all inizio la pennetta la leggeva ecc, dopo la formattazione mi da il seguente errore: 1 su linux non la legge nemmeno(non la vede nemmeno dal terminale) su win inveceappe na inserit a da :  D/: nome di directory non valido mentre da esplora ris\n<rocu> orse la vede ma se clicco da :inserire un disco in un unità  usb (D :), non riesco nenahce a formattare, appena cerco di formattare diciamo che la espelle in automatico, se qualcuno puo darmi una mano ringrazio in anticipo,,\n<rocu> PS: formattata su  lubuntu. 18.04\n<Carlin0> 90% è usurata\n<rocu> ciao Carlin0!! , in che senso? l ho comprate 3 settimane fa, infatti sono 2 pendrive uguali , e tutte e 2 non utilizzabili ne riformattabili dopo la procedura sopracitata\n<Carlin0> fdisk -l la vede ?\n<Carlin0> non la vede da terminale cosa intendi ?\n<rocu> fdisk se intendi (dischi) l utility di lubuntu, ho appena inserito e la vede,\n<rocu> solo che non so come continuare,,\n<Carlin0> no intendo , apri il terminale e scrivi : sudo fdisk -l\n<rocu> ah ok\n<Carlin0> metti quello che esce in pastebin\n<Carlin0> !paste | rocu\n<ubot-it> rocu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale. Incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina.\n<rocu> mi da impossibile aprire dev\n<rocu> provo da super us\n<rocu> si da super user la vede\n<rocu> d\n<rocu> con fdisk - l  la vede, oltre alle altre partizione del comp,\n<rocu> come posso rimediare Carlin??\n<Carlin0> se fai vedere anche a me come ti ho chiesto ...\n<rocu> aspettta, sn qui in chat col comp di mio cugino che ha win, arrivo col mio linux,\n<rocu> scusa\n<rocu> s\n<rocu> eccomi carlin\n<rocu> ridò il comando fdisk -l e te lo posto con paste,\n<Carlin0> no\n<Carlin0> sudo fdisk -l\n<rocu> ok\n<rocu> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qPn84RPsQd/\n<rocu> ecco,,\n<Carlin0> perchè hai tagliato ?\n<Carlin0> fai vedere tutto l'output\n<rocu> okk\n<rocu> ecco\n<rocu> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9xMyTQb7QF/\n<Carlin0> neh sembrerebbe che non ha partizioni la chiavetta , forse basta crearne una\n<rocu> come faccio? è un po che sono fuori dall'informatica, e sinceramente non ricordo comandi ecc tutto a memoria, hai consigli??\n<Carlin0> scrivi nel terminale : sudo apt install gparted\n<Carlin0> poi apri gparted (dopo installato) e  selezioni la chiavetta , ti apparrà tutto spazio non allocato\n<rocu> sta scaricando\n<rocu> ;)\n<Carlin0> ci clicchi dentr e crei una partizione fat32\n<Carlin0> occhio a non formattare il disco\n<rocu> fat32 non ext4 quindi?\n<rocu> tranquillo  xdd\n<Carlin0> la chiavetta va fat32\n<rocu> ok\n<rocu> ci provo, sto avviando gparte\n<Carlin0> in alto a  destra selezioni il dev disco/chiavetta\n<rocu> gia fatto provo a reinserir la pendrive,\n<Carlin0> smontala prima di estrarla\n<rocu> fatto, reinserita e mi ricompare spazio non allocato, riprovo a ricreare fat32 e ti dico\n<Carlin0> dopo creata la partizione hai cliccato su applica ? la spunta verde\n<rocu> applica tutte le operazioni mi da,\n<Carlin0> si clicca li\n<rocu> non da spunta verde ma grigia xd,, cmq è questa che intendi\n<rocu> okkk\n<Carlin0> verde grigia , quelle sono cazzatine grafiche\n<rocu> haha\n<rocu> fatto\n<rocu> ora come la  smonto da g parted??\n<rocu> perchè nella cartella home ecc non la vede,\n<Carlin0> ci clicchi sulla partizione e vai su smonta\n<Carlin0> se non te lo da vuol dire che è già smontata\n<Carlin0> ok devo andare ma dovresti aver risolto credo .... ciao\n<rocu> grazie carl, ciaoooo\n<rocu> provo da dischi che da gparted nn mi opz smonta,,\n<rocu> se hai mezzo secondo, che dici continuo a usare lubuntu 18.04 o rinstallo 20.04??\n<rocu> s\n<rocu> cmq grz di cuoree\n<rocu> ciaoo\n<rocu> s\n<rocu> s\n<Rommell76> Ciao a tutti\n<Rommell76> Qualcuno ha mail provato ad avviare filezilla pro su ubuntu 18.04 ?\n<alexneckn> Salve,\n<alexneckn> Ho un Vivobook pro nel quale ho in dual boot windows 10 e Ubuntu 18.04. Ormai ho Ubuntu su questo pc da 6 mesi e non mi ha mai creato problemi. Questa mattina andando ad accedere nel mio account Ubuntu dopo aver effettuato il login è apparsa una schermata viola e il pc si è bloccato. Ho letto tutti i consigli sul web ma nessuno sembra funzionare. Q\n<alexneckn> uale soluzioni posso provare?\n<alexneckn> Grazie in anticipo\n<nerone> salve a tutti\n<nerone> avrei bisogno di una mano\n<FFattorini2> Buon pomeriggio, avrei una domanda: ho iniziato ad installare ubuntu 20 sul mio pc, prima c'era una versione precedente, con pennetta USB. Nel desktop della preinstallazione sembra tutto funzionare correttamente, ma quando apro ad esempio firefox non prende più input da tastiera, diversamente se scrivo la password per il wifi funziona correttamente\n<FFattorini2> , consigli?\n<heolo14> portatile?\n<heolo14> laptop?\n<heolo14> o fisso?\n<FFattorini2> portatile\n<FFattorini2> ho provato anche con una tastiera USB e l'effetto è identico, parimenti con la tastiera a schermo, magari essendo nella schermata di preinstallazione è voluto? anche sul terminale non prende input\n<heolo14> manca un driver\n<FFattorini2> ok grazie\n<heolo14> prego\n<lauretta> buonasera\n<lauretta> sono nuova...salve\n<lauretta> qualcuno puo' aiutarmi\n<patrikk1> buona sera ce qualcuno ... avrei bisogno per una informazione tecnica\n<DarckAngel> patrikk1: dica\n<patrikk1> a propositi di connessione hdmi esterno\n<patrikk1> e un po lungo da spiegare posso scrivere qui o in privato?\n<DarckAngel> scrivi chi puo risponde\n<patrikk1> ok\n<patrikk1> Ho acquistato un intel Nuc  con monitor esterno con win 10 pro a un prezzo moto conveniente visto che  non simpatizzo per Windows e volevo fare un po di prove... volevo installare Ubuntu 20.04 lts e fin qui tutto bene e funziona……però volevo fare in modo di lasciarlo acceso senza connettere Hdmi cioè senza nessun monitor acceso e con win 10 non da\n<patrikk1> nessun problema (perché  volevo raggiungerlo da remoto) il problema che  volevo usare ubuntu ma appena sconnetto il cavo Hdmi  ubuntu si blocca.. come mai… da cosa dipende?\n<DarckAngel> non ho quel dispositivo\n<patrikk1> capisco\n<patrikk1> ma lo fa anche con altri sistemi ?\n<patrikk1> comunque grazie\n<DarckAngel> leggendo ha dei problemi con uscita hdmi\n<patrikk1> esatto\n<DarckAngel> hai provato con altre connessioni?\n<patrikk1> ma il fatto che se lo lascio alimentato e acceso senza usare nessuna connessione video iio lo vado da remoto a chiamare lui e bloccato\n<patrikk1> io non volevo lasciare un monitor acceso\n<DarckAngel> a ragionamento lo dovresti impostare come server nas\n<patrikk1> ubuntu ?\n<patrikk1> non dipende dal bios?\n<DarckAngel> come ripeto non ho mai utilizzato una configurazione del genere\n<DarckAngel> ma per l'utilizzo che ne devi fare tu si\n<patrikk1> si e una situazione un po anomala\n<DarckAngel> se impostato in rete non dovrebbe cambiare nulla se scolleghi il monitor\n<DarckAngel> ma è una supposizione\n<patrikk1> si in effetti\n<patrikk1> comunque grazie mille per la disponibilità\n<DarckAngel> di nulla\n<DarckAngel> patrikk1: prova a disabilitare tutti i rsparmi energetici\n<patrikk1> gia fatto\n<patrikk1> ma non va\n<DarckAngel> da collegato accedi\n<patrikk1> non so se ho capito ... si se e collegato al monito si accende ma come lo sconnetto si blocca e io lo volevo richiamare dall'esterno ma lui e bloccato\n<patrikk1> appena riconnetto hdmi funziona\n<DarckAngel> se i monitor e collegato ti colleghi da altra utenza\n<patrikk1> il fatto che con win funziona\n<patrikk1> infatti mi fa arrabbiare la cosa\n<DarckAngel> sarebbe da fargli vedere un fake monitor XD\n<patrikk1> si infatti\n<DarckAngel> https://www.reddit.com/r/HomeServer/comments/3m9hff/setting_up_a_headless_intel_nuc/\n<DarckAngel> leggi qui\n<patrikk1> ok\n<Angelo> Salve. Sto provando lubuntu su un netbook hp mini 210 che è un 64 bit, ma i video in streaming vedono spesso a scatti. Ho installato lubuntu 18.04 a 64 bit con funzioni minime. Se provo a installare la versione a 32 bit, avrei gli stessi problemi o potrebbe migiiorare la parte video streaming tipo netflix per intenderci? Grazie\n#ubuntu-it 2020-05-24\n<bbanner> buongiorno a tutti\n<digdug> buon giorno avrei una domanda da neofito da porvi\n<Carlin0> !chiedi | digdug\n<ubot-it> digdug: per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà\n<Mr_Pan> digdug> cosa ?\n<digdug> vorrei installare linux su xp 32 su centrino 1.6ghz con 900 mb di ram . mi sapete indicare una versione che lo supporti?\n<Carlin0> !ramcpu | digdug\n<ubot-it> digdug: indica marca e modello esatti di CPU e VGA (scheda video) più la quantità di RAM presente\n<Mr_Pan> digdug> 1 gb di ram  ?   ti direi lascia perdere ... la prima pagina web che apri si inchioda tutto\n<digdug> intel m processor pentium 1.6ghz ,scheda grafica intel 82852, ram 1gb.\n<digdug> appuno chiedevo se esiteva una versione meno recente che potesse supportare\n<digdug> appunto\n<digdug> piuttosto che portarlo in discarica\n<Carlin0> digdug, se riuscissi a dirci il modelo esatto di cpu potremmo almeno capire se supporta o no il 64 bit\n<Carlin0> cmq come ha detto Mr_Pan ci farai ben poco\n<Mr_Pan> Carlin0> comunque al 99% no é solo 32 bit e con 1 GB di ram ...\n<Mr_Pan> https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ark/products/27577/intel-pentium-m-processor-1-60-ghz-1m-cache-400-mhz-fsb.html\n<Carlin0> lo so ma magari la ram la puoi aumentare , la cpu resta quella\n<digdug> Grazie . reistallo xp\n<Mr_Pan> digdug> non é che cambi molto ...\n<Mr_Pan> sempre che appena apri una pagina (repubblica.it AD ESEMPIO) il sistema comincerá a fare swap sul disco\n<Carlin0> bhe oddio un OS di 20 anni fa è sicuramente più leggero (ma meno sicuro)\n<Mr_Pan> Carlin0> si quello si\n<digdug> è un pc che usiamo da battaglia quindi la sicurezza non è importante. comunque grazie e buona domenica\n<titobuono> Salve, ho appena installato la versione 20.04 seguendo la guida presente sul sito e ora stavo esplorando la documentazione per chi è nuovo come me su ubuntu e linux. Tuttavia ho un dubbio riguardo le repository: non ho capito bene a cosa servono e non mi è chiaro se per una corretta manutenzione del mio sistema operativo, è necessario installare qu\n<titobuono> ella con scritto \"Partner di Canonical\".\n<Paco80> buongiorno a tutti. ho appena installato ubuntu e mai usato. qualcuno sa dirmi perchè non riesco a spegnere il pc con ubuntu\n<Paco80> grazie a chi volesse intervenire\n<fabio_cc> ciao Paco80, cosa succede quando provi a spegnere?\n<Paco80> schermata nera con il simbolo di ubuntu in basso, ma spegnimento zero, spengo dal pulsante manuale\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: versione di ubuntu?\n<Paco80> ultima 20.04\n<Paco80> ho installato ubuntu come so principale\n<Paco80> ovvero solo ubuntu\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: prova con \"sudo shutdown now\" nel terminale, vedi se si spegne o se riesci a leggere qualche messaggio di errore\n<Paco80> scusa \"sudo shutdown now\" è un app contenuta in ubuntu\n<Paco80> ?\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: no apri il terminale di ubuntu e digiti quel comando\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: clicca su attività in alto a sx e digita terminale\n<Paco80> si mi esce digita per ricercare\n<Paco80> poi\n<fabio_cc> Paco80:  scrivi terminale e aprilo\n<Paco80> fatto\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: sei entrato in chat dal pc con ubuntu?\n<Paco80> si\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: ti chiedo perché col comando che ti do dovrebbe spegnersi\n<Paco80> ok grazie\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: prova a digitare nel terminale: sudo shutdown now\n<fabio_cc> vedi se si spegne o se da errori\n<fabio_cc> ti chiederà la tua password\n<fabio_cc> tu digitala anche se non la vedi\n<Paco80> si infatti\n<fabio_cc> in realtà scrive\n<Paco80> fabio fatto ma mi succede la stessa cosa\n<Paco80> senza darmi errori\n<DarckAngel> Paco80: ma lo hai aggiornato??\n<Paco80> si\n<DarckAngel> da terminale?\n<Paco80> no\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: ah, non è una installazione da zero?\n<Paco80> si installazione da zero\n<fabio_cc> DarckAngel questo ti chiedeva\n<Paco80> è un installazione da zero, ma quando l'ho messo non mi ricordo dove mi ha chiesto di verificare gli aggiornamenti e l'ho fatto\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: quando ci sono aggiornamenti da installare dovrebbe avvertirti, ma in ogni caso puoi aggiornare da terminale col comando sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade\n<Paco80> ok\n<Paco80> dove trovo l'elenco dei comandi di ubuntu così, me li guardo e cerco di capirci qualcosa in più\n<Paco80> quindi da quello che capisco si usa tanto il terminale?\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: ora ti di dei link del wiki di ubuntu-it\n<Paco80> ok grazie\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: buona parte delle cose (ma non tutto) si possono fare anche graficamente ma il terminale è più rapido e flessibile, più adatto ad eseere usato in caso di supporto tecnico a distanza\n<Paco80> ok\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: https://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Terminale https://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/ComandiBase https://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/PrivilegiDiAmministrazione https://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/PermessiFile\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: https://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/InstallareProgrammi\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: https://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/ScopriUbuntu\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: la pagina principale del wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/\n<DarckAngel> con il terminale risolvi parecchi impicci XD\n<DarckAngel> è la prima cosa che devi imparare\n<Paco80> comunque non riuscite arisolvere questo problema\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: possiamo provare a vedere se con l'opzione di avvio acpi=off si risolve il problema\n<Paco80> devo inserirlo a terminale?\n<apt-ghetto> Non credo che acpi=off sia una buona idea. Ci sono anche altre: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.txt\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: si potrebbe fare una prova al volo ma bisogna inserire l'opzione da menu di grub e dato che sei alle prime armi mi sembra un po' complicato fartelo fare, quindi ti faccio modificare il file di configurazione, eventualmente si può sempre rimettere come prima\n<fabio_cc> si, se ne possono provare anche altre meno brutali\n<Paco80> provo, ma poi resta così?\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: si è una modifica fissa, a meno che non venga rimodificato il file\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: intanto proviamo con acpi=off, se funziona allora proviamo strict ad esempio\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: dal terminale: sudo nano /etc/default/grub\n<Paco80> ho iserito acpi=0ff e mi manda una riga sotto\n<Paco80> senza chiedere password\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: aspetta dove lo hai scritto\n<Paco80> a terminale\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: la password non te l'ha chiede perché l'hai messa prima\n<Paco80> ok\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: devi aggiungere acpi=off qui: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"quiet splash acpi=off\"\n<fabio_cc> il resto non devi toccarlo\n<Paco80> alla stringa sotto?\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: devi modificare GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"quiet splash\" in GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"quiet splash acpi=off\"\n<Paco80> scusa ma non sto capendo\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: ma hai dato sudo nano /etc/default/grub ?\n<Paco80> adesso si emi si è aperta un'altra facciata\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: ora cerca GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"quiet splash\"\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: modificalo in GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"quiet splash acpi=off\"\n<Paco80> lo devo scrivere?\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: devi aggiundere acpi=off dopo splash\n<fabio_cc> sono devi digitare solo 8 caratteri\n<fabio_cc> e null'altro\n<fabio_cc> ovviamente fai uno spazio dopo splash\n<Paco80> sono in una schermata con scritto GNU nano 4.8   grub\n<Paco80> sotto è scritto ^G Guida ^ Salva ecc.\n<DarckAngel> e la schermata di nano\n<Paco80> lo so che per voi è facile\n<DarckAngel> hai modificato il file\n<Paco80> non ho capito cosa mettere\n<Paco80> cosa digitare\n<Paco80> scusatemi\n<DarckAngel> leggi quello che ha scritto fabio_cc\n<Paco80> come faccio a cercare GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"quiet splash\"\n<Paco80> devo scrivere ^w e poi il resto?\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: dovresti vederlo, dovrebbe essere la decima riga del file o giù di li\n<DarckAngel> per muoverti all'interno del file usa le frece direzionali\n<Paco80> non vedo niente\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: tu hai scritto solo sudo nano\n<DarckAngel> hai digitato male\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: avevo detto di scrivere sudo nano /etc/default/grub\n<DarckAngel> esci con ctrl+x\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: usa copia/incolla non scrivere le cose a mano\n<Paco80> sono uscito\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: usiamo gedit che è più semplice\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: scrivi \"sudo gedit /etc/default/grub\"\n<fabio_cc> senza le virgolette\n<apt-ghetto> No, non usare sudo con Gedit\n<fabio_cc> apt-ghetto: ci vorrebbe gksudo ma nel caso di gedit non crea problemi\n<apt-ghetto> No, non ci vorrebe gksu neanche\n<apt-ghetto> `gedit admin:///percorso/al/file`\n<apt-ghetto> Come lo sai, che nel caso di gedit non crea problemi?\n<Paco80> fabio mi sono uscite 33 stringhe\n<Paco80> 33#\n<fabio_cc> apt-ghetto: non conoscevo la possibilità gedit admin:///, in passato usavo gksudo perché sudo non inizializza correttamente certe variabili dell'ambiente grafico, ma non ho mai avuto problemi neanche con sudo gedit\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: aggiungi acpi=off dopo splash\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"quiet splash\" deve diventare GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"quiet splash acpi=off\"\n<Paco80> ok\n<Paco80> devo salvare\n<fabio_cc> si salva, ma prima di chiudere copia tutto il file e mettilo su ubuntu paste, voglio essere sicuro\n<fabio_cc> !paste | Paco80\n<ubot-it> Paco80: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale. Incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina.\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: poi per le prossime volte non usare più sudo gedit ma gedit admin:///percorso come detto da apt-ghetto\n<Paco80> fabio scusa mi è saltata la chat\n<Paco80> ho perso tutto il percorso\n<Paco80> comunque salvato e si è risolto il problema\n<Paco80> grazie\n<Paco80> mi dispiace solo che non sono riuscito a salvare la chat\n<Carlin0> !log | Paco80\n<ubot-it> Paco80: Log del canale: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/\n<Carlin0> risolto senza nemmeno un update-grub , un vero miracolo\n<fabio_cc> Paco80: infatti non avevamo ancora finito, non è possibile\n<Paco80> nooo\n<Paco80> io ho salvato sono uscito, ho spento e ha funzionato\n<Paco80> adesso come faccio mi si è cancellata la chat\n<Paco80> non riuscivo a mandarti il tutto\n<Paco80> sono riuscito solo a copiarmi i link su un documento word\n<Paco80> quindi non mi ha salvato niente, sono punto e a capo?\n<Paco80> fabio ci sei o ti sei scocciato?\n<Paco80> mi dispiace ma non sono capace più di tanto\n<andrea_> Ciao a tutti e buona domenica\n<andrea_> Dovrei installare su Kubuntu 20.04 i driver di una chiavetta wireless ma non so proprio come fare, ho scaricato il driver per linux dal sito dell'hamlet in formato .zip, l'ho scompattato con ark , ma dentro ci sono un sacco di cartelle e non so come fare ad installarlo\n<enzotib> andrea_: guarda se c'è un file README\n<andrea_> Si c'è\n<andrea_> Direi incomprensibile per me\n<enzotib> andrea_: link al pacchetto che hai scaricato? oppure metti il README su pastebin\n<enzotib> !pastebin | andrea_\n<ubot-it> andrea_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale. Incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina.\n<andrea_> http://www.hamletcom.com/products/hnw600acu.aspx?t=download\n<andrea_> Questo è il link del driver\n<andrea_> Quello piu' in basso per linux\n<enzotib> ok\n<enzotib> andrea_: sotto la directory document c'è il file Quick_Start_Guide_for_Driver_Compilation_and_Installation.pdf\n<andrea_> Sto guardando..\n<andrea_> Non mi sembra ci sia niente che mi dica come installarlo su kubuntu\n<andrea_> omg c'è, ma è veramente difficile per me :(\n<enzotib> andrea_: mi pare di capire che il file install.sh è per PC-Linux, che non è Ubunut\n<enzotib> Ubuntu*\n<enzotib> in alternativa bisogna leggere con attenzione i passaggi manuali\n<andrea_> Avevo provato ad avviare quel file ma non succedeva niente\n<andrea_> Ora devo andare, lascio connesso e ci riprovo questa sera. Devo aggiornare la mia connessione internet e con quella chiavetta posso sfruttarla al meglio. Attualmente ho una 30 mega e devo passare a una 100\n<andrea_> Ho appena configurato tutto kubunt e sono molto soddisfatto era da molto tempo che non lo usavo\n<maxsme> ho installato kubuntu20.04 asus X66ic ma la webcam quando vado su meet per le video conferenze s vede al contrario si può risolvere?\n<fabio_cc> maxsme: prova v4l2ucp\n<fabio_cc> maxsme: sudo apt install v4l2ucp\n<fabio_cc> maxsme: ci sono le opzioni per il flip orizzontale e verticale dell'immagine\n<maxsme> ok adesso provo\n<maxsme> cmq Grazie\n<maxsme> Impossibile trovare il pacchetto v4l2ucp\n<maxsme> mi dice questo\n<fabio_cc> maxsme: lo hanno tolto in ubuntu 20.04, controllo una cosa\n<maxsme> ok\n<fabio_cc> maxsme: purtroppo l'ultima versione di ubuntu dove c'è questo pacchetto è la 18.04, poi non lo hanno più messo, forse non è più sviluppato\n<fabio_cc> https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=v4l2ucp&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all\n<fabio_cc> maxsme: mi dispiace, con quella applicazione io avevo risolto il problema\n<maxsme> posso provare se la trovo\n<Angelo> Ciao a tutti. Mi sta capitando un caso strano. Con lubuntu 18.04 appaiono due connessioni non attive e non riesco a connettermi in wifi nonostante la password corretta. Sapete indicarmi com risolvere questo problema?\n<fabio_cc> maxsme: prova v4l-conf\n<Angelo> di che si tratta?\n<fabio_cc> maxsme: no vcl2ucp non è più presente nei repo e ti sconsiglio di installarlo da altre fonti\n<fabio_cc> maxsme: prova sudo apt install v4l-conf\n<maxsme> va bene provo\n<heolo14> raga alla chat asistenza entro a fatica\n<maxsme> non sono riuscito a risolvere l prolema del webcam rovesciata\n<Mr_Pan> heolo14, ??\n<heolo14> Mr_Pan scusa ma non entro nella chat di ubuntu\n<Mr_Pan> lo so\n<heolo14> sono bannato?\n<Mr_Pan> heolo14io, si per qualche giorno\n<Mr_Pan> heolo14io, vieni in chat\n<heolo14> dimmi Mr_Pan\n<Mr_Pan> entra su chat\n<heolo14> quake?\n<heolo14> quale?\n<heolo14> sono qui e su quella libera\n<Mr_Pan> heolo14, #ubuntu-it-.chat\n<Mr_Pan> heolo14, quella libera?!\n<heolo14io> non entro\n<Mr_Pan> !chat\n<ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<heolo14io> si questa più l'altra ci sono in tutte due\n<Mr_Pan> heolo14io, si ho tolto il ban\n<heolo14io> ah ok\n<heolo14io> entro grazie\n<heolo14> ;9 grazie raga\n<heolo14> ;)\n<Mr_Pan> !chat\n<ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n<Mr_Pan> !ciao\n<ubot-it> Ciao! Benvenuto in #ubuntu-it\n<Mr_Pan> piero, serve aiuto   ?\n<piero> buonasera, dove posso scaricare xubuntu 20.04 32bit? trovo solo il 64...\n<Mr_Pan> piero, no nesistono piú le versioni 32 bit ...\n<Mr_Pan> vengono rilasciate solo a 64 bit\n<piero> non trovo link funzionanti\n<piero> capito, io ho un vecchio computer a 32, allora posso installare la versione 18\n<Mr_Pan> piero, si la 18.04 lts la trovi a 32 bit\n<piero> bene proverò con quella. esiste un link per il download diretto attivo?  con i torrent impiega  dei giorni\n<Mr_Pan> si un attimo\n<Mr_Pan> !download\n<ubot-it> https://www.ubuntu.com/download , http://releases.ubuntu.com/ o https://www.ubuntu-it.org/download\n<Mr_Pan> !derivate\n<ubot-it> http://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/flavours - http://www.ubuntu-it.org/derivate - https://www.ubuntu-it.org/download/derivate\n<Mr_Pan> apri ultimo link delle derivate\n<piero> fatto! grazie ! buona serata\n<Mr_Pan> prego\n<Mr_Pan> heolo in chat per favore\n<Mr_Pan> !chat\n<ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC"}}
-{"text": "#ubuntu-sa 2010-12-30\n<Sary> !swat\n<lubotu3> Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.\n#ubuntu-sa 2012-12-29\n<AnOoS> ملالل\n<AnOoS> مرحبأ\n#ubuntu-sa 2013-12-25\n<netrunner_> assalamu alikum\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC"}}
-{"text": "#ubuntu-bd 2011-03-01\n<tuhin> hi all\n#ubuntu-bd 2011-03-02\n<tuhin> hi all\n<tuhin> which linux+version u all using here?\n<Tanvir> tuhin, hello\n<Tanvir> I'm using Ubuntu 10.10.\n<tuhin> hi tanvir\n<Tanvir> Yes.\n<tuhin> what other linux u used beside ubuntu 10.10\n<Tanvir> Nothing.\n<tuhin> since when using ubuntu?\n<tuhin> how much ram it takes right after boot?\n<Tanvir> Almost a year, I think.\n<Tanvir> I didn't figure that.\n<tuhin> hmm so u have been using 9.04 and 9.10 before?\n<Tanvir> Let me remember..\n<Tanvir> Yeah, I used 9.10.\n<tuhin> the system monitor shows ram usage\n<Tanvir> I know that.\n<tuhin> ok how much ram its using now?\n<Tanvir> Now it's 993 MB\n<tuhin> hmm , u have many program open right, what programs are open\n<Tanvir> A bunch of firefox tabs, pidgin.. etc\n<Tanvir> All desktop programs.\n<tuhin> ok\n<tuhin> this chat room is very quite\n<tuhin> i came yesterdaya nd none said anything\n<Tanvir> Yeah, I was about to sleep.\n<tuhin> ah\n<Tanvir> You must ping.\n<tuhin> where do u live?\n<Tanvir> Dhaka\n<tuhin> me too\n<tuhin> khilgaon\n<tuhin> area\n<Tanvir> Mine is Tejgaon.\n<tuhin> hm\n<tuhin> why this chat room is so empty i wonder\n<Tanvir> Bengali people didn't realized the importance of IRC yet I suppose. :)\n<tuhin> there was a project called Ankur Linux and its not updated anymore\n<Tanvir> What that project contains?\n<tuhin> they did a good job when they did\n<tuhin> its bengali linux\n<tuhin> evthign is in bengali\n<Tanvir> Ankur has it's own website, you can figure that out.\n<Tanvir> Yeah, they still do that.\n<tuhin> yes but the version is old\n<Tanvir> They published Bengali spell checker recently.\n<tuhin> they didnt release any in couple years\n<tuhin> yes i saw that but linux in bengali should be updated\n<tuhin> so that ore people can take linux easyly\n<Tanvir> Mm. http://www.ankur.org.bd <-- I see many apps there.\n<tuhin> i am talking About \"Ankur Linux\" distro not programs only\n<Tanvir> I know nothing about that.\n<tuhin> i bought their live CD couple years ago and it was very good\n<tuhin> they stopped working on that it seems\n<Tanvir> Maybe.\n<Tanvir> BTW, I will be away now. See ya later. :)\n#ubuntu-bd 2011-03-03\n<barebone> Welcome lavluda :)\n#ubuntu-bd 2013-02-28\n<abckb__> অাপনারা বান্ঙলা দেখতে পাচ্ছেন?\n#ubuntu-bd 2014-02-27\n<raihan> Ekushey, \n<raihan> e\n<raihan> Ekushey, \n<raihan> Ekushey, \n<raihan> Ekushey, কি মিয়া, আপনাকে পাওয়া যায় না কেন?\n<raihan> হরতাল ডাকমু কিনতু কয়ে দিলাম\n<raihan> শনিবারে মিটিং করব\n<raihan> থাকবেন\n<raihan> টাটা ফর নাও\n<raihan> :/\n<Ekushey> hi raihan\n<Ekushey> i wasn't home :)\n<Ekushey> what's up?\n#ubuntu-bd 2014-03-01\n<raihan> Ekushey, \n<raihan> Ekushey, \n<raihan> are you here?\n<raihan> ধুরু মিয়া, আপনি নাই :(\n<raihan> আসে http://www.flickr.com/photos/russelljohn/8268398872/ এই ছবির ডাউনলোড লিংক দিবেন, অথবা ছবিটা সরাসরি আমাকে মেইল করবেন\n<raihan> 63raihan@gmail.com\n<raihan> এটা মন কাড়ে নিল আমার :)\n<Ekushey> raihan: :)\n<raihan> এইয়েস, ইউ আর এখানে? Ekushey \n<Ekushey> chobi ta bhalo hoy nai, focus thik nai\n<raihan> :ঢ\n<raihan> ;D\n<raihan> কনকি\n<raihan> তাও আমার চাই\n<raihan> ঐটা\n<raihan> :p\n<raihan> ভাই, কেমন জানি হয়ে যাচ্ছি। পকেটে কিছু টাকা জমতেই কাজ করতে আর ইচ্ছা করছে না! সমাধান কি বলেন তো!\n<Ekushey> spend the money :P\n<Ekushey> pocket khali holei abar kaaj korte ichcha korbe\n<raihan> হেহেহে, আচ্ছা আপনার এলমাবে কয়েকটা সুন্দরী মেয়ে দেখলাম। কে ঐগুলা o.O\n<raihan> ?\n<Ekushey> konta?\n<Ekushey> link dekhi?\n<raihan> হারিয়ে গেছে, থামেন খুজি :প\n<Ekushey> lol ok\n<raihan> http://www.flickr.com/photos/russelljohn/8298139638/\n<Ekushey> lol a friend\n<raihan> :/\n<raihan> বার বার আশাটা মাটি করে দেন \n<raihan> :(\n<Ekushey> :)\n<raihan> ভাই কিছু পার্সোনাল প্রশ্ন করি? যোদি কিছু না মনে করেন\n<Ekushey> #bangladesh e koren\n#ubuntu-bd 2016-02-29\n<pavlushka> Hi every1!\n<pavlushka> something is trying to activate my webcam remotely, what do I do?\n<pavlushka> Hi guys! How can I get a cloak???\n#ubuntu-bd 2016-03-03\n<Kilos> greetings all\n<Ekushey> Hello Kilos\n<Kilos> so guys are you supporting pavlushka at his ubuntu membership application in 15 minutes\n<Kilos> on #ubuntu-meeting\n<pavlushka> I am here..\n<pavlushka> Ekushey : hi, sorry, u really dont know me.\n<Kilos> ah Ekushey nice to meet a member from bangladesh\n<dipraw> hello everyone\n<dipraw> i am a friend of pavlushka!\n<Kilos> cool\n#ubuntu-bd 2016-03-05\n<Kilos> hi pavlushka \n<Kilos> hi everyone else\n<pavlushka> Kilos:Hia\n * pavlushka eating\n<Kilos> enjoy\n<pavlushka> Kilos:veg sucks\n<Kilos> lol\n<Kilos> because they good for you\n<pavlushka> Kilos:I got ur recomm mail\n<Kilos> good\n<pavlushka> Kilos:Thanks\n<pavlushka> Kilos:Really\n<Kilos> i do what i can to help grow ubuntu\n<Kilos> have you seen the africa site we built to help connect all locos and linux users on the african continent\n<Kilos> http://ubuntu-africa.info\n<pavlushka> Kilos, I planned to, but no, not yet\n<pavlushka> Kilos, thanks\n<Kilos> when you do, refresh quite a few times and watch the background change\n<pavlushka> Kilos, wow, nice one\n<Kilos> hi JediKnight im sure if seen you somewhere before\n<Kilos> on other channels amybe\n<Kilos> maybe\n<Kilos> do you carry a light saber\n<pavlushka> Kilos, should I join?\n<Kilos> you can if you like\n<pavlushka> Kilos, gr8\n<Kilos> we have guys from all over join us on the irc channel\n * pavlushka #endeating\n<pavlushka> See ya\n<dipraw>  /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER dipraw quqmlcrppqtv\n<Kilos> hmm...\n<dipraw> Kilos: Oops\n<Kilos> lol\n<Kilos> hi dipraw \n<dipraw> Kilos: Hi\n<pavlushka> Hi Ekushey!!!\n<pavlushka> Ekushey:Hi RusselJhon!!!\n#ubuntu-bd 2016-03-06\n<Kilos> greetings all\n<Kilos> hi Ekushe3y \n<belkinsa> o/ all\n<Kilos> hi belkinsa \n<belkinsa> No Russel?\n<Kilos> he left\n<Kilos> um\n<Kilos> [14:22] <-- Ekushe3y (~ekushey@ has left this server (Ping timeout: 248 seconds).\n<Kilos> my time\n<belkinsa> Okay\n<Kilos> like 8 hours ago\n<belkinsa> Thanks\n<Kilos> np\n#ubuntu-bd 2017-02-27\n<anirbaan> Hello everyone & Kilos :)\n<anirbaan> Kilos: what is the root file system check command? is it \"mkdir /enforce\" ?\n<Kilos> hi anirbaan pavlushka and other lurkers\n<Kilos> i use fsck\n<Kilos> sudo touch /forcefsck\n<Kilos> then it checks while booting\n<Kilos> i dont know the involved commands but pavel will know\n<anirbaan> Kilos: got it, and you know even pavlushka lurks :p\n<Kilos> yes hahaha\n<pavlushka> Kilos: ping\n<Kilos> pavlushka pong\n<Kilos> whats up\n<pavlushka> Kilos: once you mentioned a system migration tool for Ubuntu only, can you recall it?\n<Kilos> systemback\n<pavlushka> Kilos: wow, I was testing you :p\n * pavlushka whispers nah\n<Kilos> make a usb boot stick with exactly you working system to intall again or on another pc\n<pavlushka> Kilos: by the btw thanks :)\n<Kilos> you welcome lad\n * pavlushka on the run\n<Kilos> run fast\n<Kilos> hehe\n<pavlushka> Welcome NahidSultan and zaki  :)\n<zaki> hey pavlushka\n<zaki> how are u doing?\n<pavlushka> zaki: nothing, overstuffed my tummy, now cant move\n<zaki> ow\n<Kilos-> lol\n<pavlushka> yeah, I was waiting for this :p\n<pavlushka> reply\n<Kilos-> self inflicted punishment\n<pavlushka> Kilos-: nope, mom's inflicted punishment, kinda self inflicted coz I was trying to keep her every request on food :p\n<Kilos-> lol\n<Kilos-> nono\n<Kilos-> she didnt force food into your mouth'\n<Kilos-> hahaha\n<pavlushka> true, but she served the plate and dont like it left overs\n<Kilos-> lol\n<Kilos-> go for a walk it will help\n<Kilos-> just dont jump\n<Kilos-> hi NahidSultan \n<Kilos-> ai!\n<Kilos-> Nahiyan \n<pavlushka> Kilos-: I bunked last night's sleep, so I am dead sleepy\n<Kilos-> oh my\n<Nahiyan> hello\n<Nahiyan> I was awake for\n<Kilos-> go sleep lad\n<Nahiyan> 30 hours yesterday\n<pavlushka> Kilos-: I am in a state that you can kill me but you cant make me move\n<Kilos-> dont you guys sleep?\n<Nahiyan> I had a lot of work yesterday\n<Nahiyan> project stuff\n<Kilos-> ah\n<pavlushka> Kilos-: I have some deadlines, So I'll think about the deadlines for a while and fall a sleep on the chair :p\n<Kilos-> lol\n<Nahiyan> I should probably go to sleep now\n<Nahiyan> I've been awake for about 20 hours now X_X\n<Nahiyan> see ya guys tomorrow :)\n<pavlushka> see ya\n<Kilos-> sleep tight guys\n<pavlushka> Kilos-: where you are going?\n<Kilos-> i thought you fell asleep on the chair\n<Kilos-> then i go play liberators\n<Kilos-> only thing fb is good for\n#ubuntu-bd 2017-02-28\n<pavlushka> welcome zaki :)\n<zaki> hey pavlushka :)\n<zaki> ty\n<Kilos-> hi guys\n<pavlushka> hi Kilos- \n#ubuntu-bd 2017-03-01\n<pavlushka> Good day to every one :)\n<Kilos-> hi pavlushka and others\n<pavlushka> Hello Kilos- :) \n<pavlushka> Kilos-: how is the day?\n<Kilos-> ok ty just tired. gonna nap a while i think\n<Kilos-> hows things your side\n<pavlushka> u-la-la: ddg dax\n<u-la-la> pavlushka: Dax Shepard An American actor, comedian, writer, and director. :: Microsoft Dynamics AX Microsoft Dynamics AX is one of Microsoft's enterprise resource planning software products. :: DAX A blue chip stock market index consisting of the 30 major German companies trading on the...\n<hex29> ?\n<zaki> hey hex29\n<hex29> hello\n<zaki> welcome to #ubuntu-bd\n<hex29> shobai ki bangladeshi?\n#ubuntu-bd 2017-03-03\n<pavlushka> hello Shako019 \n<Shako019> Hello?\n<pavlushka> WhizzKid: \"/nickserv identify [nickname] password\"\n<pavlushka> WhizzKid: \"/nickserv identify nickname password\"\n<pavlushka> Kilos: we have a WhizzKid \n<Kilos> i saw that pavlushka \n<WhizzKid> Hi Kilos\n<Kilos> hi WhizzKid \n<WhizzKid> I'm frm BD\n<Kilos> dont make me remember who another nick belongs to\n<Kilos> i know its you pavlushka \n<pavlushka> Kilos: lol, no\n<Kilos> i saw you change nick to pavlushka from WhizzKid \n<WhizzKid> why are you thinking so? Kilos\n<pavlushka> Kilos: He is one of my friends from the Uni\n<Kilos> ah you setting up his irc\n<pavlushka> Kilos: I was kinda checking that nick avalibility\n<WhizzKid> Ha Ha Ha\n<pavlushka> Kilos: and yes, helping him setting up :)\n<Kilos> good lad\n<WhizzKid> Kilos I have just joined HexChat and Pavlu helped me at that time\n<pavlushka> Kilos: It wasn't me :p\n * pavlushka actually singing a song by Shaggy\n<pavlushka> It wasn't me\n<Kilos> well welcome anyway WhizzKid `\n * pavlushka on breakfast, brb\n<WhizzKid> Thanks Kilos\n<pavlushka> WhizzKid: you can search in the channel list for #chemistry\n<pavlushka> or ##chemistry\n<WhizzKid> Yes I have got one\n<WhizzKid> and joined there\n<pavlushka> wow \\o/\n<pavlushka> u-la-la: coffee on\n * u-la-la flips the salt-timer\n<Kilos> u-la-la coffee please\n<u-la-la> Kilos: Alrighty\n<pavlushka> u-la-la: entertain WhizzKid \n * u-la-la pours coffee on WhizzKid and runs for his life\n<Kilos> lol\n * pavlushka runs too :p\n<u-la-la> Coffee's ready for pavlushka and Kilos!\n<Kilos> u-la-la ty\n<pavlushka> WhizzKid: ki koros?\n<WhizzKid> dost office a kam kori?\n<WhizzKid> tui?\n<WhizzKid> Music bajas kamne?\n<pavlushka> WhizzKid: ei shukro bareo?\n<pavlushka> WhizzKid: koi music bajabo?\n<WhizzKid> ai chat room a?\n<pavlushka> WhizzKid: lol, ha, ek shathe movie dekha gele aro valo hoito\n<WhizzKid> ha ha ha\n<WhizzKid> recent kon movie dekhesis?\n<pavlushka> WhizzKid: Dangal!\n<WhizzKid> Hindi?\n<WhizzKid> oh \n<WhizzKid> amir khan\n<pavlushka> WhizzKid: and we play music here like this, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGikhmjTSZI\n<pavlushka> WhizzKid: kam er thelae kam korar e time paina r movie!\n<WhizzKid> etto busy?.......................bapre\n<pavlushka> WhizzKid: ekta stock e ase, moana, dekha hoini ekhono\n<WhizzKid> ami dekhesi\n<WhizzKid> valoi........musical animation type\n<pavlushka> WhizzKid: have some more for music, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTQbiNvZqaY\n<WhizzKid> 'Spirited away' dekte paris\n<WhizzKid> darun\n<pavlushka> WhizzKid: wow\n<WhizzKid> many thanks for the links\n<pavlushka> WhizzKid: btw irc is only text based, we cant even paste pics and you are asking for music??\n<WhizzKid> i didnt know that\n<pavlushka> WhizzKid: for pics we do this http://imgroute.com/?p=663414\n<pavlushka> WhizzKid: its a screenshot of my browser\n<WhizzKid> nice to know these\n<pavlushka> WhizzKid: or like this, http://imgur.com/gallery/ZywRw\n<WhizzKid> hmmmmm, bujhesi dost\n<pavlushka> u-la-la: coffee on\n * u-la-la washes some mugs\n<pavlushka> WhizzKid: that's our IRC bot u-la-la\n<pavlushka> home made bot with a south-African blush\n<u-la-la> Coffee's ready for pavlushka!\n<pavlushka> ty u-la-la \n<pavlushka> u-la-la: ty\n<u-la-la> You are welcome my friend\n<pavlushka> WhizzKid: for you,save it somewhere http://paste.ubuntu.com/24101709/\n<WhizzKid> Dost, it seems really helpful.............many thanks\n<pavlushka> u-la-la: ping\n<u-la-la> pong\n<WhizzKid> ?\n<WhizzKid> u-la-la coffe on\n<u-la-la> WhizzKid: Huh?\n<pavlushka> WhizzKid: coffee banan bhul :p\n<pavlushka> WhizzKid: try this http://www.xm1math.net/texmaker/\n<pavlushka> u-la-la: coffee on\n * u-la-la starts grinding coffee\n<WhizzKid> Thanks pavel\n<pavlushka> WhizzKid: say \"u-la-la coffee please\"\n<zaki> hei pavlushka\n<pavlushka> Hello zaki , meet my friend WhizzKid :)\n<u-la-la> Coffee's ready for pavlushka!\n<zaki> hi WhizzKid\n<pavlushka> u-la-la: ty\n<u-la-la> You are welcome my friend\n * zaki meeting WhizzKid\n<pavlushka> u-la-la: ddg latex editor\n<u-la-la> pavlushka: Uhh... DuckDuckGo has no Instant Answer on that\n<pavlushka> u-la-la: ddg latex\n<u-la-la> pavlushka: Latex A stable dispersion of polymer microparticles in an aqueous medium. It is found in nature... :: LaTeX A document preparation system. :: Latex clothing Latex rubber is used in many types of clothing.\n<zaki> he he\n<zaki> pavlushka: text editor?\n<pavlushka> zaki: yep\n<zaki> wb WhizzKid Shako019\n<zaki> how are u doing?\n<pavlushka> WhizzKid: why two ?\n<pavlushka> WhizzKid: dont connect with double nick\n<pavlushka> WhizzKid: you might get banned for access flood\n<pavlushka> WhizzKid: on the network\n<pavlushka> WhizzKid: we call it klined, the ban :p\n<Shako> well noted with thanks\n<pavlushka> u-la-la: tell Whizzkid to reply his mails\n<u-la-la> pavlushka: Righto, I'll tell whizzkid on freenode\n<Kilos> hahahaha\n<Kilos> you crazy kid\n<Kilos> sleep tight guys\n#ubuntu-bd 2017-03-04\n<pavlushka> Hello everyone & Kilos :)\n<Kilos> hi pavlushka and others\n<pavlushka> How are you Kilos ?\n<Kilos> im ok ty lad and you?\n<pavlushka> Welcome Tanvir :)\n<Tanvir> Thanks, pavlushka. :-)\n<pavlushka> Hey la Its Shako | WhizzKid :)\n<pavlushka> Hello zaki :)\n<pavlushka> Kilos: I have a dog named mebu, HE was chewing a broom, I said hey and he dropped the broom, lol\n<zaki> hi pavlushka\n<pavlushka> like he was committing a crime, lol\n<zaki> mebu??\n<pavlushka> yep\n<Kilos> lol\n<Kilos> yes pavlushka if you in a crowd shout hey and watch everyone look around with a guilty look on their faces\n<pavlushka> lol\n<pavlushka> Kilos: but the funny thing is mebu knows that we dont like him doing that and his expressions was hilarious after that, lol]\n<zaki> pavlushka: i havn't meet with Shako019 or WhizzKid\n<pavlushka> zaki: really? nut I cant tell now which one is real, lol\n<pavlushka> WhizzKid: or Shako019 \n<Kilos> hahaha\n<zaki> ha ha\n<zaki> hello Shako019 \n<pavlushka> may be Shako is having some problems connecting\n<pavlushka> night every one :)\n#ubuntu-bd 2017-03-05\n<anirbaan> Morning everyone :)\n<pavlushka> Kilos: ping\n<pavlushka> Kilos: https://pavelsayekat.blogspot.com/2017/03/adding-bengali-jatiyo-keyboard-layout.html\n<saiful> hello\n<saiful> pavel bro.....\n<pavlushka> Hello saiful :)\n<saiful> how are you....\n<pavlushka> saiful: what's up?\n<pavlushka> saiful: I am good, you?\n<saiful> want to install Arch Linux\n<saiful> not bad....\n<saiful> but facing internet connection problem....\n<pavlushka> saiful: go ahead, give it a try :)\n<pavlushka> saiful: intenet connection problem like?\n<saiful> i can't setup my broadband connection in Arch linux before install\n<pavlushka> saiful: checked this , https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Installation_guide ?\n<saiful> i was seen , how to set pppoe connection before install to get installation data\n<pavlushka> saiful: gone through this , https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pppd ?\n<saiful> tried......but not work\n<saiful> good bye, I'll try tomorrow \n<pavlushka> saiful: see you /\n#ubuntu-bd 2019-02-26\n<pavlushka> zaki: o/\n<zaki> hey pavlushka \n<zaki> how are you ?\n<pavlushka> zaki: me good, you?\n<zaki> i'm okay \n<zaki> I was at saintmartin /cox's bazar last 4 days \n<pavlushka> wow, nice\n<pavlushka> zaki: ১২ হাজার টাকা দামের জিনিসে ২০ টাকা দামের reed switch, ফাইজলামির একটা সীমা থাকে\n<zaki> he he \n<zaki> how's your experiments going ?\n<pavlushka> zaki: anemometer কাজ করে না কারণ ২০ টাকা দামের reed switch বিগড়াইসে\n<zaki> :D \n<zaki> রিপ্লেস করা যায় না?\n<pavlushka> zaki: হুম, যায়, techshopbd থেকে order করসি, আসতেছে\n#ubuntu-bd 2020-02-24\n<pavlushka> zaki: o/\n<zaki> hey pavlushka \n<zaki> pavlushka, should I enable canonical live patch on ubuntu server?\n<zaki> any suggestions ? \n<zaki> I have two ubuntu server running \n<pavlushka> zaki: the live patch is used to patch the kernel without any reboot, so if you can handle it correctly then may be.\n<pavlushka> zaki: where are these servers? and how important are those?\n * pavlushka meant on what purpose they are being used?\n<zaki> pavlushka, in my office . importance level is medium. \n<zaki> but I have keep those up and running 24.7\n<zaki> 24/7\n<pavlushka> zaki: you should test the livepatch on a test server, though to my knowledge canonical supports up to 3 machines for free \n<pavlushka> s/test server/test server first\n<u-la-la> pavlushka meant to say: zaki: you should test the livepatch on a test server first, though to my knowledge canonical supports up to 3 machines for free \n<zaki> yes, 3 machine per account , and you have to sign in with ubuntu one \n<pavlushka> zaki: yeah\n#ubuntu-bd 2020-02-25\n<pavlushka> zaki:  o/\n<pavlushka> zaki: o/\n<zaki> hey pavlushka \n<pavlushka> zaki: https://imgur.com/a/6v4ZD6G, coreboot on my desktop finally but only works for CLI mode :( but yay \\o/\n<u-la-la> [ Coreboot tianocore_debug with GOP blobs - Album on Imgur ] - imgur.com\n<zaki> pavlushka, great \n<zaki> I received few update on your coreboot development on mail \n<pavlushka> zaki: ow\n<zaki> pavlushka, is libreboot close to coreboot?\n<pavlushka> zaki: yep, if you strip all the blobs from coreboot, you'll get libreboot.\n<pavlushka> zaki: for you FYI(kidding), my laptop already running coreboot, the coreboot in discussion I ported for my desktop board.\n<zaki> ah\n<pavlushka> zaki: it took almost a year and lots of poor's money\n<zaki> pavlushka, very difficult process \n<pavlushka> but still need to fix the Graphics support\n<zaki> pavlushka, lenovo laptop ?\n<pavlushka> yes, and the prerequisites for testing and porting is that you have to have a raspberry pi\n<pavlushka> zaki: yes Lenovo Laptop\n<pavlushka> RPI or some other SBC which has GPIO pin headers\n<zaki> to flash the bios chip?\n<pavlushka> GPIO SPI pin headers to be precise\n<pavlushka> zaki: yes\n<pavlushka> zaki: gotta go\n<pavlushka> night night\n<zaki> good night\n#ubuntu-bd 2020-02-26\n<pavlushka> zaki: o/\n<zaki> Hey pavlushka \n<zaki> I was trying revolution IRC on my Android.  \n<zaki> It's pretty good. \n<zaki> It’s in development or something . Showed in early access  category.  \n<pavlushka> aha\n<pavlushka> zaki: in the office?\n<zaki> pavlushka: not yet. Will go after 4 pm. \n<zaki> Still enjoying rain. :D\n<pavlushka> cool\n<zaki> pavlushka: I was watching this video las night.  \n<zaki> https://youtu.be/iffTJ1vPCSo\n<u-la-la> [ Replace Your Exploit-Ridden Firmware with Linux - Ronald Minnich, Google - YouTube ] - youtu.be\n<pavlushka> zaki: me too, but not enjoying the chilly wind\n<zaki> pavlushka: this IRC cloent interface  is cool. \n<zaki> client*\n<pavlushka> zaki: nice\n<pavlushka> zaki: gotta go, see you around, bye\n<zaki> pavlushka: your laptop model is x200?  \n<pavlushka> zaki: x230\n#ubuntu-bd 2020-02-27\n<pavlushka> zaki:  night night\n#ubuntu-bd 2020-02-28\n<pavlushka> zaki: night night\n<zaki> pavlushka: good night. \n#ubuntu-bd 2020-03-01\n<zaki> hey walrider \n<walrider> sorry was afk \n<walrider> Assalamu Alaikum zaki bro \n<walrider> and pavel bai and u-la-la <3  \n<pavlushka> walrider: hello\n<pavlushka> zaki: o/\n<walrider> bai how are you \n<zaki> hey pavlushka \n<zaki> watching Star Trek \n<walrider> কেমন আসে বাই pavlushka\n<pavlushka> walrider: valo, annere miss kori, anner video dekhi FB te,\n<walrider> আশলে আমি ভাস্টিসি আর নিজের কাজ কাম লইয়া একটু চাপ এ থাকি ভাই , \n<pavlushka> zaki: watched \"Parks & Recreation, two and a half man and veep\"\n<walrider> তার ওপ্রে টিউসà¦��ি করাই ৩ টা সময় এর বড়ো অভাব \n<zaki> আজেক El Clásico\n<pavlushka> walrider: that's good\n<walrider> milers sharpe uncle er research paper khujtasi \n<pavlushka> walrider: ken?\n<walrider> uni oida fb te dile fb delete koira ditase \n<walrider> mainstream media \n<walrider> balsal\n<walrider> kaj ase oita nia \n<zaki> pavlushka, how is two and a half man ? \n<walrider> 3:) \n<walrider> 😈\n<pavlushka> walrider: keep trying\n<pavlushka> zaki: dark comedy and also cheap and mean comedy\n<zaki> he he\n<pavlushka> zaki: good laugh\n<walrider> bhai breaking bad er porer akta movie banaise \n<walrider> oita dekhsen naki zaki bhai \n<pavlushka> zaki: I really loved Parks & Recreations\n<zaki> walrider, দেখা শেষ \n<walrider> oije EL camino dekhsen ? \n<pavlushka> and every series mentioned is a comedy\n<zaki> হুম\n<walrider> nice \n<walrider> better call saul er new serise er jonno wait kori ami \n<pavlushka> coz I only watch comedy\n<zaki> pavlushka, Try Big bang Theory \n<walrider> bajinga \n<walrider> :|\n<pavlushka> zaki: I tried and failed\n<zaki> আমি হাসতে হাসতে গড়াগড়ি খাই আমি \n<walrider> :D\n<walrider> ^_^ \n<pavlushka> walrider: science nia ulta palta comedy korle boring stupid lage, silly\n<pavlushka> zaki: ^\n<zaki> :D\n<zaki> walrider, আর কি অবস্থা?\n<pavlushka> I don't fall for fart jokes but Intelligent comedy\n<pavlushka> walrider: zaki watched \"Judge Romesh\"?\n<walrider> অবস্থা একটু ভালো একটু কালো \n<pavlushka> lol\n<walrider> পরাশুনায় কন্সেন্ট্রেট করতে সমস্যা হচ্চে \n<walrider> হচ্ছে \n<walrider> মন চায় পলাই জাইগা \n<zaki> pavlushka, nah\n<walrider> ঢাকা ছাইরা দিয়া \n<walrider> বাইদাওয়ে ফ্রিনোড এর ওয়েব ইউয়াই অনেক পাল্টাই গেসে লুক্স গুড \n<walrider> বেটার দেন এভার \n<zaki> pavlushka, I don't like dhaka . you ? \n<walrider> i dont liek this country \n<walrider> pavlushka you ? \n<walrider> পাভেল ভাই বলবে উনার নিজ জেলা বাদ এ কিছুই ভালো লাগে না \n<walrider> karent gelO naki XD  \n<zaki> pavlushka, wb\n<pavlushka> So, what do i missed?\n<walrider> wb xD \n<zaki> pavlushka, where is u-la-la hosted now? \n<zaki> pavlushka, I asked you about Dhaka \n<pavlushka> My fixed line is down so is ulala, on the phone now\n<zaki> do you like dhaka city ?\n<pavlushka> Not really\n<zaki> I don't like dhaka \n<zaki> pavlushka, where is u-la-la hosted now? \n<pavlushka> But that's the city where everything happens, can't deny that\n<zaki> yea\n<pavlushka> My line is back, see you in the other side\n<pavlushka_> zaki: u-la-la will be here shortly\n<zaki> pavlushka, where is u-la-la hosted now? \n<zaki> :D\n<walrider> ulala nai dc \n<pavlushka_> as it connects with my fixed line, hosted in my room, on a RPI\n<pavlushka_> told ya\n<zaki> pavlushka_, RPI dedicated for u-la-la ?\n<pavlushka> zaki: kinda, also that RPI works as a SPI rom flasher\n<zaki> oh.\n<pavlushka> zaki: if I move out, I have to buy another RPI for SPI rom flashing\n<walrider> identify \n<walrider> hmm \n<zaki> pavlushka, I can manage virtual space for u-la-la \n<zaki> if you agree\n<pavlushka> walrider: it's skeleton has changed, it takes commend with a dot\n<pavlushka> .tell walrider hi\n<u-la-la> pavlushka: I'll pass that on when walrider is around.\n<pavlushka> zaki: I do I do\n<zaki> pavlushka, ubuntu server enough ?\n<zaki> with 20gb space \n<pavlushka> zaki: more than enough, see I am running it on raspbian, So yes\n<zaki> I will give you the public IP with ssh access \n<pavlushka> zaki: I dont need that much but sure\n<pavlushka> zaki: you are such a dear\n<pavlushka> walrider: see ^\n<zaki> pavlushka, with 99% uptime :D\n<pavlushka> zaki: better than my home line\n<zaki> pavlushka, I will send you the details tomorrow . \n<pavlushka> zaki: I'll be waiting for you dear, lol\n<zaki> latest ubuntu server amd64\n<pavlushka> no I ma serious\n<pavlushka> 18.04?\n<zaki> yes\n<pavlushka> cool\n<zaki> yea\n<zaki> I was thinking of this for a while \n<walrider> bhai \n<u-la-la> walrider: 2020-03-01 - 18:19:06UTC <pavlushka> tell walrider hi\n<walrider> ami net chalano bad dibo \n<pavlushka> walrider: zaki  watch this, it's good, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DigabNc5rxg\n<u-la-la> [ Judge Romesh Becomes A Defendant Against His Wife & Mother - YouTube ] - www.youtube.com\n<walrider> ei hair er isp amare jalai mare \n<zaki> walrider, kon iSP ?\n<walrider> BDIX cap koira purai unstable banai fele 10mb/s DL 100mb/s UL  \n<walrider> Triangle \n<walrider> >:(  \n<zaki> pavlushka, funny \n<zaki> added to wishlist :D \n<pavlushka> what? now this is funny\n<zaki> walrider, সবাই দেখি Triangle রে ধুয়ে ফেলতেসে সব জায়গায় । \n<zaki> pavlushka, what is your iSP name? \n<walrider> bhai tringle has the most unfair pack ever \n<walrider> ora pack banaise thik amne dekhen: \n<pavlushka> zaki: thakurgaon online, the ISP is not that bad but the local electricity issue is terrible\n<walrider> real ip nile bdix nai \n<pavlushka> eitherway I am down\n<walrider> bdix chaile real ip nai connection unstable share ip \n<walrider> stable connection chaile abar real ip nite hobe share ip nai \n<walrider> abar \n<walrider> stable connection + bdix 100 + real ip chaile \n<walrider> main bandwith kome jay \n<walrider> 1200 takar pack e \n<walrider> tokhon bdix 100 real ip stable shob e thake \n<walrider> but main bandwidth day 6mbps \n<walrider> can you imagine ? \n<walrider> who the duck uses 6 mbps in 2020 ?\n<walrider> they named this 6mbps pack \"Premium pack \"\n<walrider> my foot\n<zaki> he he\n<walrider> bdix is the enternal internet exchange within bangladesh so as a bangali i have the 100% right to use bdix for free \n<walrider> they are literally selling bdix for money \n<walrider> no other isp do this man \n<walrider> this is open scam \n<zaki> walrider, BDIX needs maintenance \n<zaki> :D\n<walrider> no one will maintain this situation , the people are we looking to maintains has been silenced with money or has been transfered to some other platfrom or places \n<walrider> this is why i have this Country this system this web is corrupted as the politics \n<zaki> and your ISP is not directly connected to BDIX \n<zaki> they have to buy it too \n<walrider> no other isp takes money for bdix \n<walrider> not even locals \n<walrider> they gotta pay some money but thats not a big deal \n<zaki> walrider, different company has different policies . you have option to chose :P \n<zaki> pavlushka, ubuntulo1  what is this bot about ?\n<pavlushka> zaki: its the ubuntulog bot for logging\n<zaki> oh name changed \n<pavlushka> zaki: it like pavlushka_, the second alternate name\n<zaki> yea\n<walrider> palupalu \n<walrider> is better \n<zaki> walrider, ??\n<zaki> palu palu?\n<walrider> yea \n<walrider> bot name \n<zaki> oh\n<walrider> 🤣\n<pavlushka> XD\n<pavlushka> night night buddies\n<walrider> LMAO \n<walrider> jaiga \n<walrider> gn gn \n<walrider> @everyone\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC"}}
-{"text": "#upstart 2007-01-15\n<Stev2> Hello, I have a question about starting many daemons in parallel. On my system, i start httpd,smbd,nmbd,httpd,cupsd,avahid,distccd and some others all at once at boot time. Occasionaly one or more of them fail to start, and in the logs then there are errors saying could not bind to permission denied, or setgid(99) failed, permission denied. Anyone experience this?\n<Md> a randomly failing setgid is a bad, bad thing\n<Md> and the other problem looks related\n<Md> you need to understand why these daemons are being started with the wrong UID when they expect to be started by root\n<Stev2> I don't know how they could not be started by root, they are spawned from upstart, unless i am missing something.\n#upstart 2007-01-17\n* Starting logfile irclogs/upstart.log\n<AlexExtreme> great\n<AlexExtreme> the linux.conf.au website has a video of Scott's upstart talk\n<_ion> Cool, thanks for pointing that out. And since you didn't feel like giving the URL, http://mirror.linux.org.au/pub/linux.conf.au/2007/video/talks/102.ogg :-)\n<AlexExtreme> heh ;)\n<tiolpxe-> hi can someone please tell me how i can change my runlevel from 5 to 3 using upstream i cant see anything on it\n<AlexExtreme> upstream?\n<tiolpxe-> lol i dont know why i said that\n<tiolpxe-> lol\n<AlexExtreme> ;)\n<AlexExtreme> well\n<AlexExtreme> upstart doesn't use runlevels\n<tiolpxe-> so ive noticed\n<tiolpxe-> so am i correct in thinking a telinit 3 will allow me to boot to the cli\n<AlexExtreme> no\n<tiolpxe-> is it possible to boot to the cli then?\n<tiolpxe-> ive read the net with no diffinitive anwers\n<AlexExtreme> not sure, I don't use ubuntu\n<tiolpxe-> well ubuntu uses upstart and surely that determines whether it can\n<AlexExtreme> I don't know, I don't use ubuntu, as I just said\n<AlexExtreme> gonna disappear for a bit\n<tiolpxe-> surely this is ubuntu irrelevant\n<tiolpxe-> im asking an upstart question\n<_ion> I was just writing an answer.\n<AlexExtreme> heh\n<AlexExtreme> I hate it when people don't hang around for an answer... like, they expect an answer to be typed instantaneously :p\n<AlexExtreme> hah\n<AlexExtreme> I'm watching the upstart talk, there's a bit where scott's saying what computers were like in the past, starting from 30 years ago. the machine that's pictured for 10 years ago is the exact machine that's my router ;)\n<_ion> :-)\n#upstart 2007-01-18\n* ..[topic/#upstart:Keybuk] : Upstart 0.3.1 | http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ | http://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/ | http://upstart.ubuntu.com/doc/getting-started.html | http://www.netsplit.com/blog/articles/2006/12/14/upstart-0-3 | irc logs: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs | http://lca2007.linux.org.au/talk/102\n<Keybuk> oops, battery went flat there :p\n<_ion> heh\n<Keybuk> video of my talk in the /topic now\n* Keybuk is reading the dbus test suite source\n<Keybuk> davidz was telling me about a neat malloc-fail checker they have\n<Keybuk> it detects which mallocs were run, and then re-runs the tests each time causing them to fail\n<Keybuk> though I'm trying to work out why it has a copy of gcov in it\n#upstart 2007-01-19\n<Keybuk> it's kinda nice to hear Fedora developers use phrases like \"upstart should solve this\"\n<_ion> Hehe\n<_ion> Promising\n<_ion> md: Your quit message is too long. The IRC server truncates it at a byte that isn't at a character boundary, so the message looks like \"...\" in clients that assume the line to be encoded in e.g. CP1252 if it's not valid UTF-8.\n<Md> interesting, it used to work...\n<Md> _ion: looks like vim corrupted my quotes file, I need to recover it from backups\n<_ion> md: Corrupted?\n#upstart 2007-01-20\n<mbiebl> AlexExtreme: how's your work with upstart on frugalware progressing?\n<mbiebl> Have you already started converting the legacy initscripts to upstart jobs?\n<AlexExtreme> Not yet, I'm waiting for scott to get some more of the planned features implemented\n<mbiebl> Do you already use upstart for frugalware (in compat mode)?\n<AlexExtreme> mbiebl, well, it's not in the official repos, but I have been using it with compat mode on my computer\n<AlexExtreme> brb, breakfast\n<AlexExtreme> back\n#upstart 2008-01-14\n * Keybuk tries to come up with a funny word for a roadmap update\n<Keybuk> oh, obviously -- \"Upstart 0.5 Are We There Yet?\"\n<kylem> \"no\"\n<kylem> :P\n<Keybuk> quest upstart% bzr diff -r tag:0.3.8.. | diffstat | tail -1\n<Keybuk>  63 files changed, 20985 insertions(+), 22843 deletions(-)\n<Keybuk> which amounts to 120% of the code changed\n<AlexExtreme> wow.\n<Keybuk> AlexExtreme, ion_: btw, could you both unsubscribe from https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~keybuk/libnih/old-main\n<Keybuk> and probably subscribe to https://code.launchpad.net/~keybuk/libnih/trunk instead\n<Keybuk> :)\n<kylem> Keybuk, oh, you should fix the urls in the README of both of those btw\n<Keybuk> kylem: good catch ;)\n#upstart 2008-01-15\n<ion_> keybuk: Allright. I was already following the new branches, but hadn’t remembered to change the subscription at LP.\n<Keybuk> AlexExtreme: there?\n<AlexExtreme> I an\n<AlexExtreme> *am\n<Keybuk> could you unsubscribe from https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~keybuk/libnih/old-main\n<Keybuk> and probably subscribe to https://code.launchpad.net/~keybuk/libnih/trunk instead\n<AlexExtreme> ah, sure\n<Keybuk> (then I can delete it -- that branch is the old auto-mirror, trunk is hosted there natively)\n<AlexExtreme> done\n<Keybuk> init: Failed to spawn test (#0) main process: unable to execute: No such file or directory\n<Keybuk> \\o/\n<Keybuk> http://rafb.net/p/rE7u6L89.html <- full output in context\n#upstart 2008-01-16\n * Keybuk contemplates job environment\n<Keybuk> musing:\n<Keybuk> - have environment as a list in Job\n<Keybuk> - have a list of blocking events in Job\n<Keybuk> - when started by events, copy into blocking list and append event environment into Job\n<Keybuk> - when stopped by events, copy into blocking list\n<Keybuk> - when started by hand, append start environment into Job\n<Keybuk> - drop start_on/stop_on in job\n<Keybuk> - clear entire blocking list when running or when waiting\n<Keybuk> - check we don't clear stop_on but leave start_on at any point?\n<Keybuk> ... can't copy stopped events into blocking list\n<Keybuk> and don't want to clear the list while job is runnin\n<Keybuk> random thought\n<Keybuk> if a job is started manually, should its stop events still apply? :)\n<ion_> Too tired to get synapses to fire.\n<Keybuk> heh\n#upstart 2008-01-19\n<msipos_> hello, anyone here to answer a few newbie upstart questions? :)\n<msipos_> well, ok, I just posted the question here: https://answers.launchpad.net/upstart/+question/22513\n<msipos_> so, would be nice if you looked at it :)\n#upstart 2008-01-20\n<MarcWeber> Is there some kind of short reference to look up the syntax?\n<MarcWeber> Is there an example samba upstart script somewhere?\n#upstart 2009-01-12\n<sadmac2_> Keybuk: interesting\n<Keybuk> sadmac2: when you're just doing WEXITED, it's fine\n<Keybuk> but as soon as you add in things like WSTOPPED | WCONTINUED, the wait queue can change under you\n<Keybuk> (something previously queued for WCONTINUED can change to WSTOPPED or WEXITED under you)\n<sadmac2> true story\n<Keybuk> (anything can change to WEXITED, etc.)\n<keesj> wouldn't upstart benefit from a second thread to qeue this stuff?\n<Keybuk> keesj: ?\n<keesj> sorry I must have misred. I was thinking there was a problem waiting for a child because of a broken system call\n<Keybuk> well\n<Keybuk> the syscall provides a flag that is about as helpful as a chocolate teapot\n<Keybuk> but it didn't break anything, because I was just using the flag to be clever\n<sadmac2> Keybuk: chocolate teapots are delicious\n<sadmac2> I fill mine with CRACK\n<TML> Where would I find upstart's equivalent of /etc/inittab?\n<TML> Or am I perhaps barking up the wrong tree? Trying to help a friend who is on Ibex, without understanding how it works. We want to add a tty listening on the serial port for connecting a laptop to, so the box can run entirely \"headless\".\n<sadmac2> TML: /etc/event.d\n<sadmac2> TML: but you'll probably need more than that\n * sadmac2 isn't sure what manpages ubuntu ships for the jobfiles\n<Keybuk> the default ones ;)\n<sadmac2> heh\n#upstart 2009-01-13\n<keesj> hmm I make some progress in the bug I am hunting. I an now reproduces it\n<keesj> I have 3 jobs files (2 service and one \"state\" ) http://www.paste-it.net/raw/public/g3fbeff/ called test_state_exportfs test_service_exportfs and test_service_userfs\n<keesj> the exportfs \"service\" gets stated before the stop of the userfs\n<keesj> when I run a start test_state_exportfs\n<keesj> this is because my userfs is defined to stop on test_state_exportfs AND stop on test_service_exportfs\n<keesj> when I issue a start test_state_exportfs the \"userfs\" is going in a stopping state and upstart does not wait for it to be stopped before it starts the exportfs service\n<keesj> http://www.paste-it.net/public/ve5305c/ shows that (ouput of initctl events) you see that topped test_service_userfs ok\n<keesj> is printed after started test_service_exportfs\n<Keybuk> keesj: I'll look presently\n<keesj> Do you understand what I am trying to explain?\n<keesj> it looks like because the \"state\" service already puts the userfs service in a \"stopping mode\" that a check upon start of the exportfs service it does not wait for the userfs service because that one is not \"running\"\n<Keybuk> I haven't read it yet\n<Keybuk> ok\n<Keybuk> reading now\n<Keybuk> test_service_exportfs - this will start before test_state_exportfs\n<Keybuk> test_service_userfs - this will stop before either test_state_exportfs or test_service_exportfs\n<Keybuk> you run\n<Keybuk> start test_state_exportfs\n<Keybuk> I would expect to see test_service_exportfs starting->running followed by test_state_exportfs starting->running\n<Keybuk> that appears to me to be what your events output shows?\n<Keybuk> http://rafb.net/p/HxXtYN53.html\n<Keybuk> WFM\n<Keybuk> I started test_service_userfs\n<Keybuk> then started test_state_exportfs\n<Keybuk> that stopped userfs, started service_exportfs, and then concluded starting state_exportfs\n<notting> sadmac2: built it for f9/f10. didn't add anything in bodhi for it\n<sadmac2> notting: ok\n<notting> sadmac2: there's a -21 because i didn't add a changelog the first time\n<sadmac2> notting: yeah, I forgot that bit :)\n<sadmac2> notting: If you want to test em a bit you can. Other than \"does telinit u cause explosions\" theres nothing to look for\n<Keybuk> keesj: I think you're just getting confused because you're looking at the order of resulting evefnts\n<Keybuk> keesj: upstart tends to focus on one service at a time, so it's not unusual to see events in what might appear to be out-of-order\n<Keybuk> keesj: use initctl jobs for debugging instead\n<plundra> I know there is inictl restart in 0.5, but is there a 'restart' aswell? Just as 'start' etc. that is.\n<plundra> In that case, can you 'restart job1 job2 job3' (just as you can start multiple ones)\n<plundra> If so, that's fucking awesome :-] Man I hate Ubuntu 8.04 uses 0.3.9\n<Keybuk> plundra: there is if you make a symlink to it\n<Keybuk> it was added sufficiently late that the symlink isn't there by default, but it probably should be\n<keesj> re\n<keesj> Keybuk it really happens that the userfs service is not stopped(still stopping) while the export service is started\n<keesj> in you paste line 12 the export service is starting and line 13 only hte userfs is stopped\n<keesj> and only in line 19 the service is stopped \n<keesj> while at that point the service exportfs clearly looks like running\n<keesj> I will have more time tomotow , I will test on 0.5\n<Keybuk> keesj: I don't understand what you're trying to tell me\n<Keybuk> in my paste, I start test_state_exportfs\n<Keybuk> it *clearly* waits for test_service_userfs to stop *and* for test_service_exportfs to start\n<keesj> indeed but not for userfs to stop before is starts exportfs\n<Keybuk> yes, it clearly does\n<Keybuk> line 19, test_service_userfs (stop) waiting\n<Keybuk> userfs has fully stopped\n<Keybuk> line 20, test_state_exportfs (start) pre-start, process 10490\n<Keybuk> exportfs actually begins to start\n<Keybuk> this is working as intended\n<Keybuk> how are you expecting it to work?\n<keesj> I expect service_userfs to be fully stopped before service_exportfs starts\n<Keybuk> that's exactly what's happening\n<Keybuk> I don't understand your confusion\n<Keybuk> line 19, service_userfs is *fully* stopped\n<Keybuk> line 20, state_exportfs starts\n<Keybuk> there's nothing in your job to cause service_userfs to wait on service_exportfs?\n<Keybuk> the \"stop on starting test_state_exportfs\" is the key one\n<Keybuk> ah\n<Keybuk> do you think that having two \"stop on\" means \"and\" ?\n<Keybuk> (it doesn't - it means or)\n<Keybuk> you would need to use 0.5 for the behaviour you want\n<Keybuk> *and* your clause is wrong anyway if you want service_exportfs fully started\n<Keybuk> stop on starting test_state_exportfs and started test_service_exportfs\n<keesj> what I want is that when i start state_exportfs is  FIRST userfs gets fully stopped and after that only the service_exportfs get started starts. \n<keesj> that is why i added the second stop on starting exportfs\n<Keybuk> then service_exportfs needs \"stopped userfs\"\n<keesj> right\n<Keybuk> start on starting test_state_exportfs and stopped test_service_userfs\n<Keybuk> 0.5 only\n<keesj> but 0.5 can only have one start line right?\n<Keybuk> right\n<sadmac2> Keybuk: I am about to head out, but have you looked at my crude little state machine lately?\n<sadmac2> is the implementation helping any?\n<Keybuk> sadmac2: no, haven't looked at all\n<sadmac2> (I'm going to write a manpage/user document after I get a little more into it)\n<sadmac2> ah\n<sadmac2> well there's enough there now to be worthwhile\n<Keybuk> keesj: only 0.5 has \"and\" behaviour\n<Keybuk> in 0.3 everything is \"or\"\n<Keybuk> and \"or\" doesn't give you what you want\n<keesj> well or is fine for me but apparently at the moment upstart starts the service_userfs it does not stop service_userfs. because (and I am guessing) the service_userfs is in \"not started\" mode.\n<keesj> off to bed now\n<Keybuk> no\n<Keybuk> nothing to do with that\n<Keybuk> it doesn't wait because nothing tells it to\n<Keybuk> you don't have any instruction for upstart to wait\n<Keybuk> it won't wait because you haven't told it to\n<Keybuk> it doesn't know what you're thinking ;)\n<plundra> Keybuk: Ok, sweet :-)\n<plundra> Too bad not even the upcoming Ubuntu 9.04 or Debian experimental has 0.5 yet (!)\n<Keybuk> plundra: I'm not particularly planning to put 0.5 into Ubuntu\n<plundra> Keybuk: Bleh, why not? :-)\n<plundra> restart would pretty nifty\n<plundra> And from what I read in the changes, loads of other stuff were redone etc.\n<Keybuk> the userspace was never really finished\n<Keybuk> and 0.5 has various other problems\n<Keybuk> none of its new features help Ubuntu\n<Keybuk> and I'd rather spend my effort working on 0.10\n<plundra> Ok, I see.\n<plundra> So what's planned for 0.10? :-D\n<Keybuk> lots\n<plundra> Mkay, rewrites again? (Lots of stuff was remade for 0.5, right?)\n<Keybuk> the main change is dropping \"start on\"/\"stop on\"\n<plundra> Oh, ok.\n#upstart 2009-01-14\n<sadmac2> Keybuk: \"As mentioned in Chapter 3, every CPU of a multiprocessor system has its own /swapper/ process with PID equal to 0\"\n<sadmac2> Understanding the Linux Kernel 3rd edition\n<sadmac2> so there /is/ a PID 0\n<Keybuk> I thought swapper went away long ago?\n<sadmac2> the book is current to 2.6.10, so it could be\n<sadmac2> Nov. 2005 publish date\n#upstart 2009-01-18\n<sergeykish> hello, is it a channel about http://upstart.ubuntu.com ?\n<sergeykish> see it :-)\n<sergeykish> I've created a python daemon and run it using upstart. It runs good - I can see it using `ps ax | grep name`, but `status name` shows (stop)\n<sergeykish> I run script using exec: $ cat /etc/event.d/tamagotchi \n<sergeykish> exec /usr/local/sbin/tamagotchi.py\n<sadmac> sergeykish: does your python daemon fork?\n<sergeykish> sadmac, yes\n<sergeykish> it use standart daemonize method\n<sergeykish> sadmac, thanks - googled the `upstart daemon fork` and found decision https://bugs.launchpad.net/upstart/+bug/99962\n<sadmac> np\n#upstart 2010-01-19\n<tj___> hi.. a question about temporarily disabling services managed by upstart from starting.. let's say i'd like to disable some service for a reason or another but don't want to uninstall the package. in debian/ubuntu, with traditional init scripts, you could disable a service from starting on boot by running update-rc.d -f <service> remove\n<tj___> is there something similar for upstart or do i just need to remove the conf file under /etc/init ?\n<sadmac2> tj___: nothing similar as of yet\n<tj___> ok\n<tj___> i have an ltsp server setup with local apps. handy for trying out machines, testing motherboards etc. quickly without having local disks. by default it'll boot to desktop. but in the pxe menu i've setup an entry for a quick non-graphical boot with minimum services running. it passes a special command line option to kernel. then i have a custom boot script which is run very early in the boot process. it'll check for this boot argument and if exists, it'll remove g\n<tj___> this worked fine until karmic but now that more services are using upstart, i need to figure out another way to do that\n<tj___> i'd rather not just remove the conf file for the service as it would be handy if you could manually start any service after the boot if needed, only autostart on boot should be disabled\n<sadmac2> remove g?\n<tj___> g?\n<sadmac2> \" it'll check for this boot argument and if exists, it'll remove g\"\n<tj___> ah that was clipped\n<tj___> it'll remove gdm and other desktop related services using update-rc.d from the root fs which is unionfs-on-top-of-squashfs-mounted-over-nbd\n<sadmac2> tj___: you have some strange ways of operating\n<tj___> could be but it works^Hed :)\n<mbiebl> tj___: just comment out the \"start on\" in the upstart job files\n<keesj> HI\n<keesj> How or when does upstart connect to the dbus-daemon system bus?\n<keesj> is this something I can configure?\n<keesj> I am mainly interested in talking to upstart from a user accont and possibly using the dbus-daemon 's system configuration to configure who can access the upstart daemon\n<sadmac2> keesj: it used to connect when launched, which meant if you ran it before dbus (i.e. the way you'd always run it in a non-test environment) it would never connect. I think something was done about this but I'm not sure.\n<keesj> I would find it somewhat strange if upstart would not start the daemon itself and on my ubuntu machine. it starts dbus-daemon itself\n<keesj> but I think I found the trick..\n<keesj> post-start exec kill -USR1 1\n<sadmac2> keesj: exactly\n<keesj> in the dbus.conf will probably make upsart try again\n<sadmac2> sounds right\n<sadmac2> though I wonder why ubuntu doesn't have that already if it was put it.\n<sadmac2> *in\n<keesj> i ubuntu it is\n<keesj> http://paste-it.net/public/x881ffb/\n<keesj> it just lacks a comment why I did that :p\n<sadmac2> perfect then\n<keesj> thanks for helping\n<h_lfline_> notting: hey so i'm looking at your prefdm.conf / gdm.conf stuff\n<h_lfline_> woah i have underscores\n<sadmac2> h_lfline_: you're loosing vowels rapidly\n<h_lfline_> anyway, noticed a typo\n<h_lfline_> if [ -f /etc/init/$base.conf ]\n<h_lfline_> should probably be /etc/event.d/$base.conf\n<h_lfline_> but i wonder if that's the most \"upstarty\" way to do it\n<notting> /etc/init is the 0.6.x path\n<notting> /etc/event.d is the 0.3.x path\n<h_lfline_> ohhhhhh\n<h_lfline_> makes sense\n<sadmac2> h_lfline_: this should probably be in fedora-devel really. We've been coming down on the ubuntu questions pretty hard, so for fairness sake I should mention it.\n<notting> the problem is that if multiple DMs have installed jobs, you need to explicitly start one; you can't have them all start on a generic event\n<h_lfline_> but say you had a dm event\n<h_lfline_> with a DM variable\n<h_lfline_> then the only two competing would be the relevant dm and the fallback task\n<h_lfline_> sadmac2: oh i brought discussion here in case keybuk was around\n<h_lfline_> you guys probably know the internals of upstart  a lot better than i do though\n<sadmac2> h_lfline_: there is that. anyway its venturing into more generic upstart stuff anyway\n<h_lfline_> notting: so i wonder if we could have the fallback task sit back and wait\n<h_lfline_> and only chime in if the main event doesn't show up\n<notting> that sounds messy to code\n<h_lfline_> i'm looking at this state diagram that's in the upstart tree\n<h_lfline_> and it looks like things shoot to stopping if nothing is around \n<h_lfline_> so maybe we could have a handler on stopping that checks if runlevel is still 5\n<h_lfline_> and if so starts fallback\n<h_lfline_> unless there's some upstart mechanism for \"no one caught the event\"\n<sadmac2> h_lfline_: Is this absolutely necessary?\n<h_lfline_> no absolutely not\n<h_lfline_> just trying to come up with the most upstart-y way of doing things\n<h_lfline_> if doing [ -f /etc/init/$base.conf ] && start $base is the right way to go\n<h_lfline_> then that's fine with me\n<notting> backing up, the idea we're trying to solve\n<notting> we pick a $foo to start\n<notting> we want to start a specific provided-by-$foo job if it exists; if not, start a generic job that starts $foo\n<notting> hence the logic abov\n<sadmac2> oh I see. hmm...\n<sadmac2> notting: the way I'd do it would be to have the fallback job check if the provided-by-$foo job has already started, and if so, terminate itself. Then the special foo job should start on starting generic-job\n<h_lfline_> so the question is, do we detect if a job doesn't exist by doing if [ ! -f /etc/init.d/$job.conf ] or is there some upstart hook to say \"only call me if for this event if no one else takes it\"\n<notting> sadmac2: that would mean the fallback would need to know all possible names of provided-by-$foo. sounds painful\n<h_lfline_> sadmac2: is there a way to ensure job ordering?\n<h_lfline_> ohhh start on starting is the way you keep order\n<sadmac2> notting: not really\n<notting> sadmac2: how do you know what to check for otherwise?\n<sadmac2> notting: what you would do is have all of the provided-by-$foo jobs start another job called dm-started DISPLAY=$whatever. That job would have no executable. Its a \"state\" if you will\n<sadmac2> notting: then you detect the presence of that (initctl list) to determine if the display manager is up\n<sadmac2> notting: thereby implementing a good chunk of upstart 1.0 in userspace in bash :)\n<h_lfline_> you mean \"initctl status dm-started \"\n<h_lfline_> ?\n<notting> sounds messy\n<sadmac2> notting: its one line in each of the generic jobs ( post-start start dm-started ) and really not much in the generic job\n<sadmac2> *one line in each of the specific jobs\n<notting> so you'd have specific job: 'start on start-dm DM=foo', and then 'post-start initctl emit started-dm'\n<notting> and the generic job has 'start on start-dm', 'stop on started-dm'. with a sleep thrown in?\n<h_lfline_> start on starting start-dm DM=foo\n<sadmac2> notting: the specific job would have start on starting generic-dm-job DM=foo\n<h_lfline_> i think sadmac was saying if you put the \"starting\" then you don't need a sleep\n<sadmac2> notting: the idea is we always just try to run the generic job, and then we just have the specific jobs jump in the way and say \"wait!\"\n<notting> 'bar: start on starting foo' implies bar must finish before foo starts?\n<sadmac2> notting: yes.\n<sadmac2> notting: when jobs emit events they wait for all the responders to finish responding before they continue. Its a very important part of how upstart works.\n * notting goes off to write the 'start on starting startup' job\n<sadmac2> notting: and actually you don't need the dm-started state. you could have the specific jobs just have \"post-start stop generic-job\"\n<sadmac2> notting: and then the generic job will never get past starting.\n<h_lfline_> oh that's a littler nicer\n<h_lfline_> so you have start on starting display-manager DM=gdm\n<sadmac2> notting: that has the advantage that the generic job can be written in a vacuum, with no knowledge that there is such a thing as a specific job or that it might run instead.\n<h_lfline_> psot-start stop display-manager\n<h_lfline_> hmm that doesn't sound right\n<h_lfline_> maybe it should be called display-manager-arbiter or something\n<sadmac2> h_lfline_: it doesn't but it is\n<sadmac2> h_lfline_: yeah, name it as you like\n<notting> sadmac2: although it does mean that the individual jobs need to know about the generic job\n<sadmac2> notting: indeed, but they'd have to know about some event or something that was going to kick them off anyway.\n<sadmac2> notting: so they don't need to know more than usual.\n<notting> sadmac2: not as written now, but as halfline says, it's a bit hackish\n<sadmac2> notting: I'm on my way home. I could stop by and look at what you have\n<notting> lemme bounce you the mail\n<sadmac2> by on my way home I mean about to grab my coat\n<notting> i have to head out in ~15 anyway\n<sadmac2> cool\n<h_lfline_> clearly it should be called \"quest-to-find-a-display-manager\"\n<h_lfline_> start on starting quest-to-find-a-display-manager\n<h_lfline_> post-start stop quest-to-find-a-display-manager\n<notting> h_lfline_: of course, this is ignoring the contortions where it figures out what it needs to start. ah, legacy installbases and config files\n<h_lfline_> yea i'm pretty sure there's not much we can do about those checks and heuristics\n<keesj> how about an all-display-manager-rise \n#upstart 2010-01-20\n * ajb`` suspects what he's trying to do won't be possible with 0.3.9\n<sadmac2> ajb``: I don't entirely understand the question\n<ajb``> sadmac2: I want to use upstarts respawn directive to ensure the daemon is restarted if it crashes.\n<ajb``> sadmac2: However if I want the daemon to pick up defaults from /etc/defaults/daemonname I need to use a script to start it\n<ajb``> That doesn't seem to work, at least on 0.3.9 respawn can only deal with a direct exec as otherwise upstart looses track of the daemons pid\n<ion> script\n<ion>   . /etc/defaults/foo\n<ion>   exec program args\n<ion> end script\n<ion> Make sure program doesn’t fork, that’s all.\n<ajb``> I tried that, but it didn't seem to work\n * ajb`` tries again\n<ajb``> :-) it works now.. I must of had a subtly broken config before (probably experimenting with the daemon/fork directives)\n<ajb``> ion: thanks\n<ajb``> I'm guessing Hardy doesn't have any debhelper scripts for packaging things in /etc/event.d?\n<ion> It doesn’t.\n<ajb``> Is there any support for spawning processes under another uid? Or is that behaviour expected to be handled by the daemons themselves?\n<sadmac2> ajb``: there isn't yet. Upstart is poised to grow some very elaborate permissions stuff, so Scott didn't want to offer you a \"wrong way of doing things.\"\n<ajb``> Hmm, I shall have to solve the problem another way for now then....\n<ajb``> I'm guessing post-start scripts have no gaurentee the daemon has run? Can the wait?\n<ajb``> s/the/the post-start script/\n<sadmac2> ajb``: if the daemon fails then the post-start shouldn't run\n<mbiebl>  ajb``: I guess you just use su -c for now\n<ajb``> sadmac2: I want to be sure the daemon has created it's socket before tweaking it's permissions\n<sadmac2> ajb``: that makes no sense from a security standpoint\n<sadmac2> ajb``: you want to make sure the daemon has an opportunity to do things before you worry about it doing bad things?\n<ajb``> sadmac2: least bad option, I can't do su -c ${DAEMON} as that confuses upstart's process tracking\n<ajb``> as forks will have happened\n<ajb``> So option 2, allow the daemon to run as root but tweak it's comms socket to be group writable to the the things that need to talk to it\n<sadmac2> ajb``: su is not /supposed/ to fork I think. haven't figured out why it does\n<sadmac2> ion: where is scott these days?\n<ajb``> sadmac2: doesn't su always imply a shell getting invoked at some point?\n<ajb``> http://pastebin.com/m74d9c60e\n<ion> sadmac: He had a vacation last week, but he’s been active in Launchpad this week. Dunno why he’s not here.\n<ajb``> Short of patching the daemon (rrdcached btw) to be a suid binary I think a chgrp/chmod of the socket is the easiest way for now\n<ajb``> When we move our product to the next LTS (assuming upstart has the new permission stuff) I can look at making it neater\n<ajb``> Anyway thanks for the help, have to head off now\n<mbiebl> ion, sadmac2: I think Scott's at LCA\n<mbiebl> http://www.lca2010.org.nz/programme/schedule/monday\n<ion> Ah\n<sadmac2> mbiebl: that'd do it\n#upstart 2010-01-21\n<wt> Anyone here know how to run the tests in the upstart sources?\n<wt> make test didn't work\n<ion> make check IIRC\n<wt> indeed...thanks\n<wt> is there any way to disable dbus support?\n<ion> dbus-the-protocol or dbus-the-daemon?\n<ion> As for the former, *why*? As for the latter, just don’t use dbus-the-daemon.\n#upstart 2010-01-22\n<mase_wk> hi ppl, is it possible to use upstart to run an application when a file has been modified ?\n<sadmac2> mase_wk: there's nothing built into upstart to do that\n<sadmac2> mase_wk: you could have somes sort of inotify daemon tell upstart to run things, but then you could also have it run them directly (depending on your application upstart man be the better choice)\n<SatanClaus> hey guys, once more I'm trying to update my old init-scripts. this time a script which automatically performs a backup. In the old system I started it in runlevel 0 via link: /etc/rc0.d/S15backup, so after all daemons stopped, but before the partitions are unmounted.\n<SatanClaus> is there some list of events, which are thrown during shutdown, so I know which event to bind my script to?\n<sadmac2> SatanClaus: that depends on your distro's setup. You should ask in #yourdistro\n<SatanClaus> ubuntu 9.10 again... is there some way to log all events cronologically into a file?\n<sadmac2> SatanClaus: you might make a job that just logs its triggering event to a file and make it \"start on *\"\n<sadmac2> ...I think that works\n<SatanClaus> yupp, thought about that, but 2 problems: 1: how do I assign the calling event (start on *) to a variable, which I could then log? 2: doesn't the start of my job then produce events itself (starting, etc.), which would cause an infinite loop?\n<sadmac2> SatanClaus: the infinite loop thing is... interesting\n<sadmac2> SatanClaus: the name of the event is put into the script environment for you\n<SatanClaus> can't find it in the docs again... how's that variable called then?\n<SatanClaus> $EVENT ??? ;)\n<sadmac2> I think its UPSTART_EVENTS\n<SatanClaus> events?\n<SatanClaus> so possibly even multiple?\n<sadmac2> SatanClaus: yes. thanks to the \"and\" operator your job can actually be triggered by two or more events\n<ion> Upstart doesn’t really do shutdown in Ubuntu 9.10. The sysvrc scripts still handle it. My suggestion for the next-generation Upstart is that “system running” is a state, and anything that should happen just before shutting down should get triggered by the ‘system pre-stop’ event or equivalent, and the ‘system post-stop’ script would call reboot -f/halt -f.\n<SatanClaus> ah, true... cause I thought about that one as well... i first wanted to specify \"ok, my backup shall be start on stopping mountall and stopping networking\", but what if for any reason mountall needs to stop after networking is stopped. wouldn't that cause a lock?\n<sadmac2> SatanClaus: yes. The and operator is an ugly thing\n<sadmac2> SatanClaus: generally stay away from it.\n<SatanClaus> ion: yupp, such an event would be nice\n<SatanClaus> sadmac2: so upstart doesn't detect deadlocks?\n<sadmac2> SatanClaus: the theory behind upstart was that deadlocks would be impossible\n<SatanClaus> ok ;)\n<SatanClaus> thought i just presented a counter example\n<ion> The *implementation* is on its way to the goal. :-P\n<SatanClaus> ;)\n<SatanClaus> ok, cause an admin should be warned about such things...\n<sadmac2> SatanClaus: the and operator was... not implemented on one of Keybuk's good days.\n<SatanClaus> but for this you'd need a simulation run, etc.\n<ion> We can ditch the and operator in its current form as soon as we get real states into Upstart.\n<SatanClaus> ok, so as my backup currently runs I'll leave it like it is for now ;) nevertheless one thing: the output of the old sysinitv script is gone, can I get it back somehow?\n<SatanClaus> (i.e. the script writes output about its progress to stdout, which is gone since upstart)\n<sadmac2> SatanClaus: that's an Ubuntu issue\n<sadmac2> SatanClaus: and I think they may tell you NOTABUG when you ask\n<ion> exec >log 2>&1\n<SatanClaus> ion: uhm, where should I put that... currently i only have the old sysinitv link in /etc/rc0.d\n<SatanClaus> so there's no upstart .conf file\n<SatanClaus> at least not for the backup\n<sadmac2> SatanClaus: that goes in the top of your sysvrc, and \"log\" is the name of a logfile\n<sadmac2> SatanClaus: so he's telling you to go log the output\n<SatanClaus> uhm, but I want to see it...\n<SatanClaus> while shutting down\n<sadmac2> SatanClaus: I believe Ubuntu policy forbids making that easy\n<SatanClaus> anyhow, I know that tomcat is shown somehow, I'll investigate that ;)\n<SatanClaus> hmm, i think it's bad style not to tell the user what's going on... so if all old sysinitv scripts are muted by default... ugh\n<SatanClaus> hmm, i don't understand why other sysinitv scripts can show their output with echo on screen, while my script can't.\n<SatanClaus> there's no \"console output\" stanza in /etc/init/rc.conf\n<SatanClaus> and when I track back the log-calls in /etc/rc0.d/K08tomcat6 then I can find that it uses echo as well\n<SatanClaus> ok, via a function in /lib/lsb/init-functions, but I don't know how this could matter.\n<sadmac2> SatanClaus: maybe its piping to somewhere\n<SatanClaus> thought about that, but couldn't find anything\n<sadmac2> SatanClaus: use whatever tomcat's using\n<SatanClaus> i can't, i don't only want to see echo output but also rsync\n<sadmac2> hm\n#upstart 2010-01-23\n<SatanClaus> sadmac2: found the problem, have to write to /dev/console instead of stdout\n<SatanClaus> so a line of \"exec > /dev/console 2>&1\" would've been enough ;)\n#upstart 2011-01-17\n<djszapi> how about Keybuk ? :)\n<djszapi> where does upstart not print the process ID in few cases ?\n<djszapi> s/where/why/\n<djszapi> process id with exec lines and no process id with script lines ?\n<ion> It always tells the pid it’s tracking.\n<djszapi> what do you mean ion ?\n<djszapi> sysconfig-middle start/running\n<djszapi> gconfd start/running, process 438\n<djszapi> I have got lines like this, one of them with no PID.\n<ion> sysconfig-middle probably has no main process.\n<djszapi> how can that be ?\n<djszapi> some main process should be in any case, at least I thought that way :o\n<ion> Nope, it’s optional.\n<djszapi> I thought a tool is run from script section or with exec.\n<djszapi> and there is a main process in both cases.\n<ion> yes\n<djszapi> I am confused then :-S\n<djszapi> What other way is there ?\n<ion> script/exec is optional.\n<djszapi> is, but both have main process.\n<djszapi> My another issue is that when I try to enable the \"--verbose\" boot command-line option then I do not get this kind of messages (we discussed on Friday): Jan 14 14:52:49 deathspank init: tty6 main process (8557).\n<ion> sysconfig-middle doesn’t seem to have a main process, judging from the fact that what you pasted from initctl status/list says so.\n<ion> Try initctl log-priority [PRIORITY]\n<djszapi> well, it should do the same like verbose.\n<djszapi> \"initctl log-priority warn\"\n<djszapi> but tried it out, did not help.\n<djszapi> I definitely think what was run from a script section that does not have PID as said in the beginning.\n<djszapi> but that is why they should have in warn, verbose mode a 'Jan 14 14:52:49 deathspank init: tty6 main process (8557)'-like entry which I do not have...\n<djszapi> so it should show the PID of the shell, ttyS6 oslt.\n<djszapi> for example: sysconfig-middle has a parent process and I would like to know that's PID.\n<djszapi> * obviously has\n<djszapi> any idea anybody, please ?\n<robs_> hi\n<robs_> I have a problem with upstart \"stop\" and \"start\" commands inside a 10.04 Vserver Guest\n<robs_> it seems it's the same problem outlined here\n<robs_>  http://www.freak-search.com/de/thread/2643371/vserver_problems_installing_ubuntu_10.10_as_a_guest_of_a_debian_host\n<robs_> I have the same problem (ie stop \"service\" or start \"service\" hangs), this is the debug I get from \"stop dbus\" inside a ubuntu 10.04 guest: http://pastebin.com/AjA2sAKG\n<JanC> robs_: issues with upstart inside a vserver are a known problem\n<robs_> JanC: following http://linux-vserver.org/Upstart_issues the machine boots and halts just fine\n<robs_> JanC: only \"start\" and \"stop\" hang\n<djszapi> I cannot believe I need to use audit or other kernellevel stuff directly to get the PID of the parent for a command that was run from the script field of upstart.\n<djszapi> it just seems a bit khm.. :)\n<djszapi> * upstart configuration file.\n<djszapi> no idea why it cannot be the part of upstart :(\n<JanC> djszapi: are you sure the main script is still running?\n<djszapi> how does that matter ?\n<djszapi> syslog entry should be done when it runs ?\n<JanC> and upstart is not 1.0 yet, some features are still on the TODO list  ;)\n<djszapi> I know but I have been told on Friday it is possible with verbose cli boot parameter\n<djszapi> and it seems that statement 1) was not true 2) I do somehing wrong\n<djszapi> JanC: do you have any idea ?\n<djszapi> Keybuk mentioned me on Friday: with verbose I should get like: Jan 14 14:52:49 deathspank init: tty6 main process (8557)  in syslog\n<djszapi> where tty6 is the 'sh' where the command was run from.\n<djszapi> from the upstart config file's script entry.\n<djszapi> btw, where is it the best to ask questions if this channel is not OK for that ?\n<JanC> djszapi: all the jobs I see with start/running and no PID are jobs that have no main exec/script, but only pre/post-start/stop\n<JanC> and this channel is fine for asking questions, alternatively you can try the mailing list\n<djszapi> well I did not still get any answer.\n<djszapi> from this morning.\n<djszapi> the question is still the same, how can I get the process id of the parent ?\n<djszapi> wherever it was run from, let it be pre/post-start/stop\n<JanC> are you sure it is still running?\n<djszapi> I need the pid when it was running.\n<djszapi> aegis-loader:191,sh:188,init:1 -> that is the call tree\n<djszapi> and I would like to get 188 back.\n<djszapi> aegis start/running\n<djszapi> aegis.conf run the aegis-loader in a post-start like way\n<djszapi> but I need to know the PID of the parent ('sh')\n<djszapi> do you understand ?\n<JanC> yes  ☺\n<djszapi> define \"yes  ?\" :)\n<djszapi> otherwise I would say 'yes'.\n<JanC> what you apparently see as a \"?\" was a smiley\n<djszapi> pardon ?\n<JanC> yes, I understand what you want now\n<djszapi> do you know the answer how to do it ?\n<djszapi> verbose is supposed to do that.\n<djszapi> also initctl log-priority warn\n<djszapi> but none of them works :(\n<djszapi> JanC: feel free to help me, if you can :P\n<JanC> djszapi: I did some test, and for me it lists pre-start shell PIDs ?\n<JanC> djszapi: maybe you don't need 'warn' but 'info'?\n<JanC> warn should only show warnings & errors?\n<djszapi> JanC: verbose should work anyway.\n<djszapi> but I am trying with info\n<JanC> 'debug' will show even more, but 'info' should be enough\n<djszapi> does it work with 'warn' by you ?\n<djszapi> no pid with info either.\n<djszapi> JanC: http://pastebin.com/HVGiQHqz\n<djszapi> which is supposed to be the PID of the 'sh' line ?\n<djszapi> captrace lines are internal stuff, you can skip them, not that important tho.\n<JanC> http://pastebin.com/4CSGKYhm --> you can see the PID (13885) of the shell that executes the post-stop script (which only runs \"sleep 10\", hence it takes exactly 10 seconds to run)\n<JanC> that's with log-priority info\n<JanC> didn't test 'warn', but from the docs 'warn' shouldn't show this  ;)\n<JanC> \"`warn' (ordinary messages are suppressed whilst still logging warnings and errors);\"\n<JanC> does your dbus job have any pre/post-stop scripts?\n<djszapi> re\n<djszapi> JanC: I do not really understand why you keep repeating this pre/post-start/stop thingy\n<djszapi> it should return the PID of the parent in *any* case\n<JanC> djszapi: it seems like it currently doesn't log the PID of the shell indeed\n<JanC> in that case\n<djszapi> you mean in my pastebin, right ?\n<JanC> not only in your pastebin, also on my system\n<djszapi> that is a BUG\n<djszapi> Scott mentioned it should.\n<djszapi> JanC: what to do then ?\n#upstart 2011-01-18\n<hackeron> quick upstart question - when using exec, how do I execute a process as a different user?\n<ion> A future release of Upstart will have native support for that, but for now, e.g. something like exec su -s /bin/sh -c 'exec \"$0\" \"$@\"' username -- /path/to/command [parameters…]\n<hackeron> ion: I see, I take it if I do that, then using chdir is kind of pointless in the service config file, right?\n<hackeron> and I created a new file /etc/init/xanview_backend.conf - how do I make it available as a service?\n<hackeron> ah, service --status-all didn't show it, but initctl list did :) - service won't start though, where does upstart log errors?\n<hackeron> I'm trying to do: \n<hackeron> exec su -s /bin/bash -c 'cd /opt/xanview; exec \"$0\" \"$@\"' xanview -- python run_core.py >/tmp/logfile.txt 2>/tmp/logfile.txt\n<hackeron> when I run it just says initctl: Job failed to start\n<hackeron> same in syslog\n<hackeron> no log file is created :/\n<hackeron> any ideas?\n<hackeron> anyone here?\n<ion> Please pastebin the job definition. Also, using /bin/bash there is not the best idea, as it most likely loads much more slowly than whatever /bin/sh you have.\n<hackeron> I got it working, there was a command that failed to run on pre-start script -- now trying to make it start after postgresql\n<hackeron> if I manually do start xanview_backend - it starts\n<hackeron> if I restart postgresql it stops and starts\n<hackeron> but it won't start on boot :/\n<hackeron> I'm using this line: start on started postgresql until stopping postgresql\n<hackeron> and switching to sh, thanks\n<ion> init(5) doesn’t say ‘until’ is a special word. That line means it starts on the ‘started postgresql until stopping postgresql’ event which probably never comes.\n<ion> start on started postgresql\n<ion> stop on stopping postgresql\n<hackeron> thanks trying\n<hackeron> ion: no go :( - any ideas? < http://pastie.org/1472215\n<hackeron> ion: it all works fine and stops/starts with postgres if I do start xanview_frontend - but it won't start on boot :(\n<ion> postgres starts properly?\n<hackeron> hmm, actually status postgresql says unknown but  service --status-all shows  [ + ]  postgresql\n<ion> service concerns sysvinit scripts, not Upstart jobs. You don’t seem to have a postgres job in your system.\n<hackeron> service shows my xanview_frontend running - so seems to have upstart jobs as well as sysvinit?\n<hackeron> but I'm guessing there is no such event as postgresql started\n<hackeron> any recommendations for an equivalent?\n<ion> A quick workaround would be adding ‘initctl emit starting-postgresql’ in /etc/init.d/postgresql-… just before the service is started and ‘initctl emit started-postgresql’ just after, as well as ‘initctl emit stopping-postgresql’ and ‘initctl emit stopped-postgresql’ around where the service is being stopped. Then use ‘start on starting-postgresql’ and ‘stop on stopped-postgresql’ in your job.\n<hackeron> ion: oooh, very nice, thanks for that\n<ion> Sorry, i mean ‘start on started-postgresql’ and ‘stop on stopping-postgresql’ of course.\n<ion> You might want to do 'set -e; cd /opt/xanview; exec …' so that failure to change directory stops it from going forward. Or 'cd /opt/xanview && exec …', whichever you find nicer.\n<hackeron> added :)\n<hackeron> wow, that is really beautiful\n<hackeron> thanks for your help :)\n<ion> A future version of Upstart will transparently handle legacy sysvinit scripts, but that’s still some time away.\n<hackeron> very nice, now I see just how much better it is compared to sysvinit :)\n<djszapi> ion: why is upstart used in so many projects if it is in childhood ?\n<djszapi> oops, not for ion only ovb.\n<djszapi> * obv\n<djszapi> How can I see pre-start exec $CSD pre-start like lines in upstart config jobs ?\n<djszapi> I was reading on the official website exec, processing should not occur in pre/post stuff, just preparetion + cleaning\n<ion> djszapi: Millions of Ubuntu users have been running it for years with success.\n<JanC> upstart has all the features it needs to emulate sysvinit, so it can replace that in projects without problems\n<JanC> then implementing more and more services as upstart jobs makes it clearer what is really needed\n<JanC> djszapi: what you try to do seems to be something new & unpredicted, and is exactly the reason why it's a good idea to use it before it's \"finished\"  ;)\n<djszapi> JanC: do idea what you mean\n<djszapi> upstart misses basic features\n<JanC> \"basic features\" that aren't in most other init systems anyway?\n<djszapi> your mean ?\n<JanC> considering tens of millions of people have been using upstart for 3 or 4 years now, and you are the first to complain about this particular feature, it can't be \"basic\"?\n<djszapi> to print out a pid is not a basic thing ?\n<djszapi> come on :)\n<JanC> which doesn't mean the complaint is invalid, just not \"basic usage\"\n<JanC> it prints a PID\n<JanC> just not the one you want  ;)\n<djszapi> rotfl :D\n<hackeron> djszapi: it also misses being able to start a process as a different user :) - it misses loads of vital basic little things, but it's still the best we've got :)\n<djszapi> not for me\n<djszapi> audit is bette for me right now\n<hackeron> link?\n<djszapi> sorry, but I am at home and I would like to focus for the KDE project :)\n<djszapi> let us speak about it during the daytime when I spend my time in the main job :P\n<hackeron> ok, for now, link please?\n<djszapi> http://google.com\n<hackeron> I tried, nothing\n<JanC> hackeron: he needs teh PID of the shell that starts the daemon instead of the PID of the daemon\n<djszapi> not true\n<djszapi> not instead of the daemon\n<JanC> well, in addition\n<djszapi> I just need that and that is all\n<djszapi> not a biggie.\n<hackeron> JanC: well, he said audit does it - I can't find this audit he's talking about :/\n<JanC> hackeron: AFAIK he means http://people.redhat.com/sgrubb/audit/ \n#upstart 2011-01-19\n<djszapi> hackeron: did you figure it out ?\n<djszapi> Which job is runfirst by upstart ?\n<djszapi> * run first, I would like to start an audit daemon asap.\n<djszapi> so basically the question is like that: \"What is the job execution order by upstart ?\".\n<djszapi> JanC ^ any idea ? :o\n<djszapi> grep -rni \"start on startup\" .\n<djszapi> ./sysconfig-early.conf:4:start on startup\n<djszapi> mmh this process k then ^\n<djszapi> The primary event emitted by upstart is startup which is when the machine is first started (without writable filesystems or networking) -> But what is the last when poweroff, core_shutdown ?\n<djszapi> Where can I communicate with an upstart developer ? I did not get any answer on the mailing list for more than 3 days ?\n<djszapi> JanC: do you have any idea how to implement this PID printing for those missing parts ?\n<djszapi> I would like to investigate more time in the patch if I can get any starting hint.\n<JanC> djszapi: Scott is changing between jobs currently, so he might be a bit more busy than usual\n<JanC> jhunt should also be able to help you with the code\n<djszapi> jhunt: please do\n<djszapi> I would like to implement a feature, to print out the shell PID of the pre/post-start/stop commands that were run from those sections.\n<djszapi> JanC: is upstart fully leisure time project for Scott ?\n<JanC> I think he could work on it during working hours too, but not all the time as he had other work to do too\n<djszapi> I meant whether some company pays him for developing upstart.\n<djszapi> seems a quite essential tool in order to get paid by a company.\n<JanC> he was paid by Canonical, probably will get paid by Google in the future\n<JanC> as Google uses upstart in Chrome OS\n<JanC> and they are his new employer\n<JanC> http://netsplit.com/2011/01/11/leaving-canonical/ \n<jhunt> djszapi: does this relate to your \"--verbose\" issue?\n<djszapi> y\n<djszapi> jhunt: any idea where to start ?\n<jhunt> djszapi: sorry - meetings :) so from the list mail you are unable to see pids for pre-start scripts for example? I don't fully understand - do you never see pids logged in /var/log/daemon.log?\n<djszapi> what do you mean jhunt ?\n<jhunt> keybuk answered your first query. Your second related to \"--verbose\" where you are not seeing pids being logged for pre-start scripts for example?\n<jhunt> So, after either specifying \"--verbose\" or running, \"initctl log-priority debug\" when you start a job, all script section pids will get logged to (by default) /var/log/daemon.log\n<jhunt> are you saying you get no output in daemon.log?\n<djszapi> jhunt ping\n<jhunt> hello\n<djszapi> sorry I was travelling.\n<djszapi> from Nokia to home.\n<djszapi> 'Your second related to \"--verbose\" where you are not seeing pids being logged for pre-start scripts for example?' -> Yup.\n<djszapi> never tried /var/log/daemon.log, keybuk said it should be in syslog, he has never mentioned this daemon.log.\n<djszapi> and a mount command is not a daemon for instance.\n<jhunt> well, keybuk is correct in that syslog handles the logging, but on a stock Ubuntu system, it should appear in daemon.log.\n<djszapi> it is not Ubuntu, but Maemo.\n<jhunt> you'll have to see how syslog is configured then. a quick grep in the log directory should show you. If that doesn't work, feel free to post further info to the mailing list.\n<djszapi> did not, posted.\n<djszapi> nothing related and FYI: same by JanC.\n<djszapi> but it is a bit suspicious because keybuk has been quite strong minded about its working situation.\n<djszapi> I could not just speak with him since then.\n<djszapi> I did not even see him on IRC this week or mailing list.\n<djszapi> so 1) To make sure it is not implemented 2) If not I can help and I would like.\n<djszapi> because the situation got worse, auditsyscall kernel option is not supported on ARM :(\n<djszapi> and not a trivial solution to fix it and if it should anyway be in upstart as a feature it is better to deal with that for me.\n#upstart 2011-01-20\n<djszapi> moin' jhunt ;)\n<djszapi> can we continue the discussion ?\n<djszapi> seems upstart is abandoned enough :)\n<djszapi> ping jhunt\n<benc> how can I wait for a server to cleanly stop in a pre-stop event?\n<mbiebl> benc: how do you check if the server is cleanly shut down?\n<benc> mbiebl: I have a script /usr/bin/myserver status\n<mbiebl> if you have such a check, just add  small while loop\n<mbiebl> ideally with a timeout\n<benc> why a timeout?\n<benc> to force stop?\n<mbiebl> yeah\n<benc> thanks\n<mbiebl> say your service dead locks\n<mbiebl> you don't want a shutdown to block because of this\n<benc> I need to read how to write a while loop and a timeout in a script\n<mbiebl> its simple shell \n<benc> ok\n<mbiebl> benc: add  \n<mbiebl> pre-stop script\n<mbiebl> <your shell script goes here>\n<mbiebl> end script\n<mbiebl> to your upstart job\n<benc> ok\n<SpamapS> jhunt: 'morning\n<jhunt> SpamapS: evenin' :)\n<SpamapS> jhunt: did you have a chance to look at the telinit stuff?\n<jhunt> SpamapS: yeah - I'm wondering if we can take a simpler approach though - maybe watch something in /proc/1/* ?\n<SpamapS> jhunt: thats what I was wondering too. when one re-execs, does its start time re-set in /proc/#/stat ?\n<SpamapS> jhunt: tho again, is /proc still mounted at umountroot time?\n<jhunt> I think we could watch /proc/1/stat. I too was wondering about start time, but ps doesn't appear to report this as I'd expect.\n<jhunt> Certainly, \"watch -d -n1 cat /proc/#/stat\" works for a script that re-execs itself.\n<SpamapS> hmmmm\n<jhunt> testing now...\n<SpamapS> Good.. my init without the semaphore on first exec just stalls after init: Handling startup event :(\n * SpamapS curses himself for forgetting to clone his pristine lucid VM again\n<jhunt> dang - my vm wasn't exactly pristine either :(\n * SpamapS waits patiently while his new VM installs. :-P\n<jhunt> SpamapS: just mailed you a script to try.\n<SpamapS> jhunt: I'll give it a go shortly. Enjoy the evening. :)\n<SpamapS> I do like solving this in script rather than hacking in more C\n<SpamapS> given that it is a truly temporary solution\n<jhunt> SpamapS: totally agree :)\n<SpamapS> sometimes I just get so excited to write new C.. :-D\n<lasermike026> Clint, thanks for the help on the call.\n#upstart 2011-01-21\n<robs_> someone can take a look at this bug I submitted  ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/upstart/+bug/703993\n<ronny> hi\n<ronny> im a bit at loss, i cant seem to find docs on how to prevent the automated starting of some services\n<JanC> ronny: what version of upstart are you using?\n<JanC> ronny: in 0.6.7 you can use the \"manual\" stanza, in older versions you can comment out the \"start on\" line(s)\n<ronny> atm 0.6.6\n<dacresni> how can you which running process depend on an upstart job \n<dacresni> like what's using mysql now\n<JanC> considering that those processes might be running on a computer at the other side of the world, how do you think that would work?\n<dacresni> other side of the world? im just talking about programs that only start after mysql is running \n<dacresni> thats the point of upstart right? to only launch programs after the programs they depend on are runnning? \n<dacresni> in the case of mysql if there are are open sockets i guess i should ask the mysql people about that right?\n<dacresni> or am I confusing this with launchd \n<jhunt> dacresni: it's not that easy currently - you need to look at the \"start on\" and \"stop on\" entries for all jobs.\n<JanC> upstart is based on events, not on dependencies\n<jhunt> quite.\n<JanC> maybe it's possible to document dependencies in job metadata in the future, just like you can document \"emits\" ?\n<JanC> dacresni: programs/jobs that need mysql might not always have a connection/socket open permanently...\n<dacresni> ok, thanks\n<dacresni> the events vs dependencies tells me that i did confuse it with launchd \n<dacresni> I forget how systemd does it\n<JanC> you can implement dependencies using upstart's events, but not the other way around\n<dacresni> well, thanks all \n<kreign> hi, I'm trying to understand the mountall.conf file. I need to have it wait for a custom filesystem module, which is getting modprobed via module-init-tools.conf; however, both these conf files appear to have the same prereq of 'start on startup' \n<kreign> is there any way to make one a prereq of the other? \n<kreign> from looking at the files it looks like I can do an \"emits fs_module\" and then have mountall.conf with \"start on (startup and started fs_module)\" - is this correct?\n<JanC> \"emits\" is documentation\n<JanC> so it does nothing on its own\n<kreign> JanC, ok; how can I specify that basic chain of events?\n<kreign> JanC, start on (startup and started init-module-tools) ?\n<kreign> er module-init-tools\n<JanC> sounds like that might work\n<kreign> JanC, or am I going about this the wrong way?\n<kreign> i'm assuming it's not whitespace sensitive...\n<JanC> I guess the \"startup\" part can be left out too\n<kreign> hmm probably.\n<JanC> and maybe you can make the modprobe for that specific module its own task, so that mountall can start earlier?\n<kreign> JanC, hmm I don't think mountall will be able to start earlier - module-init-tools is the direct prerequisite. \n<JanC> also depends on whether boot time is important  ;)\n<kreign> not so much.\n * kreign misses the old way of doing things, somewhat.\n<kreign> JanC, I'd think that any filesystem modules should be loaded before filesystems try to mount, anyway.\n<JanC> normally they will be loaded automatically?\n<kreign> JanC, that does not seem to be the case, in this regard.\n<kreign> JanC, the modules aren't strictly \"linux compliant\" per se\n<kreign> (ok, not going to lie - it's zfs, and I\"ve also got to import the zpool in the module-init-tools.conf)\n<JanC> kreign: I think for most filesystems, their mount utility loads the modules, or something like that\n<JanC> I guess 'mount.zfs' (or whatever it's called) doesn't?\n<kreign> JanC, running mountall manually once in does the trick (with 'auto' as an fstab option)\n<kreign> JanC, it just looks like mountall is running prior to zfs module getting loaded (defined in /etc/modules) and not knowing what -t zfs is. :)\n<kreign> so, it dies.\n<JanC> right\n<JanC> like I said, you can use an extra job only to load the ZFS modules and make mountall.conf depend on that task\n<kreign> I don't recall classic init hanging on exception like this... iirc it'd continue despite problems.\n<JanC> classic init did a lot of things serially\n<kreign> JanC, right - but the zfs modules would need to be loaded beforehand, which are defined in /etc/fstab, so it makes sense to have the module-init-tools.conf do that.\n<JanC> if you don't mind waiting until all those modules are loaded\n<JanC> in most cases not an issue, I think\n<kreign> JanC, yeah. it's on server hardware, so...\n<kreign> slow bios\n<kreign> that's like 3-4 times as long as boot even though it's booting from sloooooow flash media\n<JanC> ☺\n<kreign> well let's hope i didn't biff it\n<JanC> my desktop doesn't boot fast either  ;)\n<kreign> i don't want to walk across the building again\n<kreign>  15:38:28 up 123 days, 23:34,  9 users,  load average: 0.66, 0.57, 0.49\n<kreign> ^ not much a problem for me.\n<kreign> tho i should probably do something like that. I've had two new kernels installed since then...\n<JanC> right\n<JanC> I was going to say: I install security updates  :P\n<kreign> JanC, oh I do too.\n<kreign> just don't usually have the time for a reboot... will probably do that tonight and watch monday be unproductive fixing things.\n#upstart 2011-01-23\n<tanepiper> hi, can someone help me with this: https://gist.github.com/2d1703cede3597abd595\n<tanepiper> if i try start on startup, i get an error that /var isn't mounted\n<tanepiper> however if I manually call start quartermaster, the app starts fine\n<tanepiper> oh looks like i solved it :)  start on mounted; env MOUNTPOINT=/var\n<ion> Ubuntu? ‘start on filesystem’\n<ion> Such an ‘env’ stanza doesn’t really do anything except set the value of MOUNTPOINT for your scripts.\n<ion> HOME is something you could use env for.\n<tanepiper> well that's working as well, thanks :)\n<ion> ‘start on mounted’ probably never really worked. If it happened to get started at the right time based on it, you were just lucky. :-)\n<ion> Also, 2>&1 before 1>… makes stderr go to stdout and stdout go to the logfile. You probably want to make 2 a copy of 1 after 1 has been redirected to a file.\n<tanepiper> yea, i started with a copy & paste job for running nodejs but that just wasn't working.  I'll definetly read up more on the upstart blog\n<tanepiper> so 1> /var/log/foo > &2  ?\n<ion> >>/var/log/foo 2>&1\n<tanepiper> gotch\n#upstart 2012-01-17\n<lactose>  so i am trying to set up rails with unicorn. i have my unicorn \n<lactose>                  config.rb file set up, and if i run unicorn_rails -c \n<lactose>                  /path/to/config.rb as my user everything starts up fine and i \n<lactose> woops\n<lactose> so i am trying to set up rails with unicorn.  i have my unicorn config.rb file set up, and if i run unciorn_rails -c /path/to/config.rb as my user everything starts up fine and i can view the website. however ifi run the Upstart script, I get no error message, (and the script basically exec sudo -u myuser -i `unicorn_rails -c 'path/to/config'` but i cant view the website. im redirected to my 500 error page (in the logs it says 111 con\n<SpamapS> lactose: probably something in your environment that is needed. Maybe try adding > /var/log/myjob.log 2>&1 to see if there are helpful errors.\n * SpamapS disappears\n<lactose> SpamapS: I have done so, and the file is empty\n<lactose> SpamapS: do yo uthink that the unicorn_rails command cannot be accessed -- my ruby install is through rvm and I personally cannot run this command unless I am in the working directory. But if this were the case, why is the error log file blank?\n<lactose> SpamapS: this was the problem. I chowned the .conf file in /etc/init to myuser and transferred the command to .sh in the directory of the rails app, then the conf simply exec the .sh. Do you see any security or other problem with this approach? \n<lactose> anybody else can answer that as well\n<SpamapS> lactose: you shouldn't need to chown the upstart job to your user.. that should not change who the job runs as.\n#upstart 2012-01-18\n<declanmg> Hi all\n<declanmg> Is there anyway to set the PATH within an /etc/somejob.conf upstart file?\n<declanmg> Or is there any other systemwide config file that it is appropriate to set the PATH in so that it is picked up by upstart jobs?\n<ion> The env stanza should probably work in somejob.conf.\n<declanmg> ion: Thanks a mill for the that. I will try it now. Have been exhaustively trying to track down docs on this online.\n<ion> init(5)\n<ion> And the cookbook\n<declanmg> ion: mmm... will research the cookbook\n<declanmg> Cheers\n<ion> Be sure to look at init(5) as well.\n<declanmg> ion: Will do, thanks again.\n<declanmg> Very useful resources, ion\n<declanmg> Though if I set the PATH env variable in job1 and export it, it is still not available in job2 (which I have set to start on job1).\n<declanmg> Section 7.2 of the cookbook seems to suggest that the exported var should carry through (in the cookbook example's case it is $foo)\n<declanmg> Alternatively, I could stick the env PATH stanza into /etc/init/env.conf but I need the upstart job to be able to pick up /etc/init/env.conf changes between server restarts.\n<declanmg> Which I don't think is possible :(\n<SpamapS> We should watch serverfault.com for good upstart questions and potential cookbook additions\n<SpamapS> http://serverfault.com/questions/307704/how-can-i-ensure-a-script-gets-executed-after-a-service-is-stopped-but-before-an/351115#351115\n<SpamapS> Have seen a number of them the last few days\n<SpamapS> oops meant to paste http://serverfault.com/questions/tagged/upstart .. though that is a good link to an answer I just gave that could use a few +1's ;)\n<jodh> SpamapS: good find, yes agreed. Also, we really must get apache2 et al upstartified (or atleast \"initctl emit starting\" et al added to SysV compat side of the world).\n<SpamapS> I think we should upstartify it the way I suggest.. we can't possibly handle the SIGUSR1 stuff properly with expect daemon/fork, so better that we just let apache2's pid file tracking do its thing, and just use upstart to insert the job into the event tree.\n<SpamapS> jodh: I have wondered about having rc emit events for all scripts it runs.\n<jodh> jodh: ditto. rhel6 do this I believe.\n<JanC> SpamapS: might be usefull to add a link to the cookbook to such questions too?\n<SpamapS> JanC: yeah that would probably be good\n<ahammond> I'm running ubuntu 10.10 and want to get latest upstart on it. Is there a PPA / what's the right way to do that?\n<JanC> you can't upgrade to Ubuntu 11.10 instead?\n<ahammond> JanC: that gets me 1.3 (which is good, but… no setuid / setgid) and it's a much harder sell.\n<ahammond> the answer might be to wait for 12.4 which we are planning to upgrade to anyway.\n<JanC> ah, you really mean latest-latest  ☺\n<ahammond> JanC: setuid/setgid lets me write upstart scripts that don't need sudo or start-stop-daemon: win\n<ahammond> and that logging stuff… also a big win.\n<JanC> logging stuff is cool, setuid stuff sounds more like \"sugar\"?  ☺\n<JanC> anyway, I don't know about a PPA, but there might be an unofficial one somewhere\n<ahammond> JanC: we have some in house apps where setuid is more like \"absolute requirement\" :)\n<JanC> well, sudo should work\n<ahammond> I've been using start-stop-daemon since it also gets me chdir and chroot jails if I want them.\n<JanC> or that\n<ahammond> we'll probably just put the project off until we've moved to 12.4.\n<ahammond> Hmmm...\n<JanC> it might be possible to make a backport of upstart, but that also might require some changes to existing jobs maybe...?\n<ahammond> yeah, probably too much change for production boxes. We've already scheduled the upgrade to 12.4, so...\n<JanC> ahammond: I'm sure the Ubuntu & Upstart developers would appreciate if you test this on precise *before* it gets released as 12.04 BTW  ☺\n<JanC> (and also useful for you if they fix issues before you need to depend on it)\n<ahammond> I'd love to help out. What exactly would be needed?\n<JanC> ahammond: install a system (maybe a virtual machine) with the current development version of precise, and try to write the upstart job you need; if anything fails, report bugs so that (hopefully) they get fixed before the release  ☺\n<JanC> (assuming precise already has the latest upstart, of course)\n<ahammond> JanC: looks like it's got 1.4\n<JanC> so, try to set up something similar to your production system on it, make the cahnges you want, and pester the developers until they fix all issues  ;)\n<SpamapS> upstart from precise should in theory backport just fine .. though the /run transition may require delicate handling if you try to go back to say, 10.04\n<ahammond> SpamapS: I think we'll wait until we have 12.4.\n<SpamapS> ahammond: its really just syntactic sugar.. start-stop-daemon does in fact do the same thing.\n<ahammond> SpamapS: yeah, I've been writing them using start-stop-daemon. Makes for some ugly stuff. Want pretty instead. :)\n#upstart 2012-01-19\n<SpamapS> ahammond: indeed.. tweaks here and there just make them simpler\n<SpamapS> expect exit should also eliminate some unsightly post-start's\n<bradleyayers> i'm using ubuntu 10.04 lts, but i want to use upstart 1.4, is this possible?\n<SpamapS> bradleyayers: in theory it would work fine\n<bradleyayers> i'm cherry picking the dependencies from 11.10 \n<SpamapS> bradleyayers: the package might not work without some mods, but the upstream bits would probably be fine.\n<bradleyayers> Plesk is installed on the server, so i'm concerned it might break that, since it does all sorts of stupid shit\n<SpamapS> hah yeah .. plesk + anything different == immolation of your entire business\n<bradleyayers> it's horrible D:\n<bradleyayers> uhh how do i get dpkg to install two things that depend on each other: http://dpaste.com/690059/ :(\n<bradleyayers> oops, i should really ask in ubuntu\n<brodock> can someone please take a look at this question: http://serverfault.com/questions/337198/upstart-output-pre-start-script-content/351124 ? Is there a better way to do it?\n<SpamapS> jodh: Hey, I'm working on an upstart cookbook fix and I noticed this language ...\n<SpamapS> The advantage of using `start-stop-daemon(8)`_ is that is simply changes the\n<SpamapS> user and group the command is run as. However, there is a problem with\n<SpamapS> using ``start-stop-daemon`` in that Upstart cannot track the PID for jobs\n<SpamapS> which use it\n<SpamapS> I don't see why that would be the case\n<SpamapS> running that way drops user privs, then execs the requested command.. so upstart should be able to handle it just fine\n<tmike> Hello.  I'm trying to build upstart for an LFS environment and having some issues with failing the tests.\n<SpamapS> tmike: pastebin your failure maybe?\n<tmike> http://pastebin.com/rZmbnhDa\n<tmike> Sorry got distracted setting up pastebincl on the vm\n<tmike> test_job_process sees the wrong output for the /this/command/does/not/exist bits\n<tmike> that's the first error\n<tmike> That 'wrong content' part, with the test_job_process is not the first error of that variety.  I went and changed the test to look for \"No such file or directory\" and then started to wonder if there's a reason it wants 1: /this/blah: not found instead of the \"No such\"\n<tmike> Actually, if I don't run the tests as superuser, those are the only errors I get.\n<tmike> Should I just ignore the failures, or is there a reason to expect the \"not found\" errors vs the \"No such\" errors\n<tmike> ?\n#upstart 2012-01-20\n<SpamapS> tmike: the test suite is not meant to be run as root, in fact I believe it is meant to fail as root\n<SpamapS> tmike: there's one fail that is no big deal, just a different error message. The one where len is expected to be 13 and is 0 looks more serious.\n<pmjdebruijn> hi\n<pmjdebruijn> are there known issues with upstart and lots of file descriptors?\n<pmjdebruijn> I'm running dansguardian -N (=foreground) from an upstart job\n<pmjdebruijn> with 4000 file descriptors\n<pmjdebruijn> seems to work fine from the init script\n<pmjdebruijn> though I'm wondering if upstart ignores the ulimit I have in there... and/or the security/limits.conf\n<jodh> pmjdebruijn: upstart doesn't have pam support so limits.conf is not used.\n<pmjdebruijn> ah ok\n<pmjdebruijn> but settings ulimit -n in the pre-start script doesn't seem to help either\n<jodh> pmjdebruijn: that's because the pre-start is run as a process so any other process spawned from that job won't be affected by what you do in pre-start.\n<jodh> pmjdebruijn: You need the limit stanza - http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#limit\n<jodh> pmjdebruijn: init(5) for full details.\n<pmjdebruijn> jodh: that makes sense, but the squid package in maverick has ulimit set in pre-start\n<jodh> pmjdebruijn: sounds like you found a bug then ;-)\n<pmjdebruijn> heh\n<jodh> pmjdebruijn: still seems to be a problem in precise: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/precise/squid/precise/view/head:/debian/squid.upstart Could you raise a bug on this? (so you get the kudos :) - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/squid/+filebug\n<pmjdebruijn> jodh: I haven't verified this is a problem in squid\n<pmjdebruijn> I just used it as a (bad) example\n<pmjdebruijn> well let me file the issue\n<jodh> pmjdebruijn: thanks. either that \"ulimit -n\" needs to be moved to the script section, or \"limit nofile $var $var\" syntax needs to be used.\n<pmjdebruijn> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/squid/+bug/580590\n<pmjdebruijn> though that contains a verification\n<pmjdebruijn> odd\n<tmike> Would anyone happen to know if this error in the build logs is a serious issue?: http://pastebin.com/9UCnd4gg\n<tmike> check log*\n<jodh> tmike: what shell are you using for /bin/sh?\n<tmike> bash\n<jodh> tmike: oh.\n<jodh> tmike: that explains it. /bin/sh is not supposed to be bash. However, please raise a bug on upstart so we can tweak the test case for this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/upstart/+filebug\n<tmike> What is /bin/sh supposed to be, then?\n<pmjdebruijn> dash probably\n<jodh> tmike: correct.\n<jodh> pmjdebruijn: correct even :)\n<tmike> I could see that.  All right.  Building dash it is then.\n<tmike> This is on a linux from scratch build.\n<tmike> Well, before I do that, is it a problem that I use bash instead of dash?\n<jodh> tmike: interesting!\n<tmike> Lots of fun.  It boots with sysv init right now, but I'm experimenting with upstart.\n<jodh> tmike: the recommendation is not to use bash for /bin/sh for performance but primarily security reasons. bash syntax is too expressive and dash is \"just a posix shell\"\n<jodh> tmike: since upstart is going to be using /bin/sh to run most of your jobs, it really is best to use a very basic shell.\n<tmike> very interesting\n<tmike> thank you for your advice\n<jodh> tmike: See also http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#debugging-a-script-which-appears-to-be-behaving-oddly\n<tmike> That's a very useful bit of information.  As it is, I'm having trouble even using the provide sulogin\n<jodh> tmike: to be clear, I'm not implying bash is actually insecure, but it's overkill for upstarts needs.\n<pmjdebruijn> check-bashims is quite handy :D\n<pmjdebruijn> check-bashisms even\n<tmike> linux /vmlinuz-3.1.blah root=(hd0,3) init=/opt/sbin/sulogin behaves just like a regular init.  Starts up my daemons and dumps me at a login prompt\n<jodh> tmike: I'd be very interested to hear on your progress with linux from scratch. It might even merit a section in the cookbook.\n<tmike> the upstart init itself gets to the point where it tries to mount my drives; I'm not sure whether it succeeds.  Then it prints some USB information and just stops\n<tmike> Which may very well be related to the link you posted above, hodh\n<tmike> jodh*\n<tmike> It's using the default init scripts at the moment as I haven't written any real upstart jobs for it, and I'm almost certain something in there needs to be modified to point back to a correct executable for upstart.\n<tmike> By default, I mean it's going through my sysv init scripts and running those\n<tmike> I thought it would be worth a shot, because LFS is about as untainted an OS as you can get.  Most distros have a great deal of customization done where LFS is almost entirely vanilla source for all its packages.\n<jodh> tmike: well, you'll need to ensure the system boots with init=/sbin/init where that is the upstart binary. You'll also need to \"SysV compat\" jobs (rc.conf and rc-sysinit.conf) - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/precise/upstart/precise/files/head:/conf/\n<jodh> tmike: I'd suggest reading the cookbook. In particular http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#startup\n<jodh> tmike: udevd, upstart-udev-bridge and mountall are also going to be important. Maybe you could post to the upstart-devel ML with progress?\n<tmike> Correct, I've been in that cookbook for a while.  It seems I'll be handling a lot of that stuff manually; mountall looks a lot like it wants *ubuntu specific setups\n<jodh> tmike: Ubuntu does use mountall for mounting yes. It's \"ubuntu-specific\" in the sense that only Ubuntu uses it. Note that rhel 6 / centos 6 don't use mountall. They only use upstart minimally at this stage so it might be worth seeing what they've done to get you going.\n<tmike> I may very well.  Mountall also doesn't seem like it wants to build without plymouth.  No offense to plymouth, but NO THANK YOU.\n<tmike> ;)\n<tmike> Too much effort to start building initramfs's and trying to configure all that garbage\n<tmike> A shame actually.  Plymouth seems pretty nice, and if I had luks on this VM, I'd love to have a lovely interface for my password entries.\n<tmike> The 'start on' and 'stop on' directives, do they actually call the executables {start,stop} or are they interpreted?\n<jodh> tmike: they tell upstart when to start the overall job. See http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#really-understanding-start-on-and-stop-on\n<tmike> Okay.  Just wanted to make sure I didn't need to do anything ridiculous like change all \"start on\" to \"/opt/sbin/start on\"\n<JanC> an upstart job description isn't a script  ;)\n<tmike> That's exactly what I figured, but I thought it easier to ask rather than go down that road later when debugging, only to have to walk all the way back ;)\n<tmike> Maybe this afternoon I'll set about building *.in files for these .confs for the make job, such as to prepend the $PREFIX/bindir to the commands.\n<tmike> for the exec commands and such\n<tmike> My oh my these errors are colorful ;D\n<tmike> http://imgur.com/2HQI5\n<tmike> That's all script-funkiness though.  Will need to discover why that stuff's not getting mounted.\n<tmike> Awesome, got one step further.\n<tmike> rc-sysinit.conf tries to execute /etc/init.d/rcS, which my system doesn't have\n<tmike> However, /etc/init.d/rc S (note that S is a parameter) replaces that functionality.\n<tmike> As dictated by my inittab.\n<tmike> Now it crashes mounting my virtual filesystems\n<tmike> And actually it only sort of dies.  I can let it continue past that point, where it runs up to just before giving me a login prompt, where it just stops\n<tmike> Fortunately, it starts SSH for me, so I can still SSH into it :D\n<tmike> Once I solve that problem, it will have worked virtually out of the box.\n<tmike> Well, I guess not really.  Still a mess of errors in the logs.\n<tmike> It seems to repeat the whole process, which means I'm probably calling rc S twice, or further rc steps call rc S\n<tmike> initctl list lists all the tasks in /etc/init as in 'stop/waiting' though\n<tmike> Is that correct?\n<jodh> tmike: you'd expect rc jobs to be stopped once the system has booted, yes. might be worth grabbing an Ubuntu image so you can compare your results with a normal upstart system.\n<tmike> That's what I thought.\n<tmike> I expect that's the reason why the system manages to get to the end of the rc stuff, but never places me at a login.  There's either something that's missing or it's in a race condition.\n<tmike> And it never releases from the rc jobs\n<tmike> My host is ubuntu, so it'll be easy to dig in there to see\n<jodh> tmike: look at this for some hints: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#debugging. have to afk...\n<tmike> Thanks for your help\n<tmike> So, when you get back, or to anyone else who's around, does 'stop/waiting' mean it's not yet started, that it's stuck waiting TO stop, or that it has stopped?\n<jodh> tmike: that's the \"rest\" state - it has either never started, or has now stopped. See http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#initctl-status\n<tmike> Okay, that's good then\n<jodh> tmike: Try booting with --debug/--verbose to see what events are being emitted and which jobs are starting, etc: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#add-verbose-or-debug-to-the-kernel-command-line\n<tmike> Seems everything is groovy there\n<jdiggy> Hi! I'd like to check for the existence of Upstart in a script. The best idea that I've had so far has been to check the output of `init --version`.\n<jdiggy> any way to reimport my configuration without restarting? like if I screw it up and just want to reload it.\n<jdiggy> My bad. wrong channel.\n<jdiggy> Here, I want to ask if anybody knows how to check whether Upstart is installed in, say, a Bash script? My current best idea is `init --version`.\n<ion> Some implementations of init might do something unexpected with --version, though.\n<jdiggy> Agreed. That's why I'm looking for something more reliable. The existence of some file or other. \n<jdiggy> Upstart's configuration directory is called /etc/init. The bins are called init, start, stop, restart. \n#upstart 2013-01-14\n<royal121> Hello Everyone! Where can I read about migrating to upstart from other init systems?\n<stgraber> xnox, jodh: I may be a couple of minutes late for the meeting\n<xnox> jodh: the fix is to write cookbook answer \"if you need to depend on the sysv init starting, just add emit that event in the init script\"\n<xnox> stgraber: ^\n<xnox> =))))\n<xnox> jodh: stgraber: i can hear you.\n * xnox 's ISP is rated as the worst in the UK for latency (virgin media)\n<emacsen> I have a (hopefully) simple question. I want to write a daemon that detects when the network is active and only attempts to operate then. Is upstart the way to do that, and if so, what should I be looking for?\n<stgraber> we don't have any internet-is-ready even at this point (assuming you're using upstart on ubuntu), mostly because the definition of \"internet\" and \"is-ready\" depends quite a lot on what you're planning to do with it :)\n<stgraber> so you can your job depend on an interface being configured but can't reliably have it depend on the system having internet connectivity\n<stgraber> *can make\n<stgraber> if you just want to start it when the system is done configuring all defined network interfaces, you can have it start on \"static-network-up\"\n<emacsen> stgraber, okay. Thinking about what I want to do, I guess it doesn't matter much\n<emacsen> (I'm just thinking about an improved msmtpQ\n<emacsen> I can just do it with cron\n<stgraber> xnox: got initctl to work with UPSTART_SESSION, still have to debug why I'm seeing all entries twice (same thing when using --session), will do that tomorrow\n<stgraber> my current guess is that for some reason initctl queries both the session and system bus for the state, which is obviously quite wrong\n<stgraber> oh, and initctl apparently gets into an infinite loop when you try to start/stop a job that has a name matching that of a system job ;)\n<stgraber> (same bug, just worse symptom that what I first noticed)\n#upstart 2013-01-15\n<toabctl> xnox, thanks for the d-feet sync\n<xnox> toabctl: no problem. Why this channel?\n<xnox> =))))\n<toabctl> xnox, because I know you are here:=\n<toabctl> ;)\n<ztane> got firefox zombie clinging to pid 1, which is a bit annoying because now for some reason firefox does not want to start using a same profile until I reboot my computer... (maybe it is using a pidfile to guard the profile dir).\n<ztane> up-to-date freshish install of 1210\n<jodh> ztane: can't you kill the firefox pid?\n<ztane> jodh: ofc not, that is what a zombie process is\n<ztane> a pid\n<ztane> + an entry in a process table\n<jodh> ztane: I didn't notice the word 'zombie' there :) is Upstart still responding? Can you start a new job for example?\n<ztane> jodh: let me check\n<ztane> jodh: works\n<ztane> jodh: xnox said that there is no support for general zombie reap in upstart init?\n<xnox> well, for jobs that were not started by upstart.\n<xnox> (but I may be wrong ztane, maybe jodh can give a more full answer)\n<ztane> pstree says init-+-firefox---43*[{firefox}], hanging there tight\n<ztane> hmmm\n<ztane> ah :D\n<ztane> my bad :P\n<ztane> there was 1 parent process running, which is apparent from that pstree\n<ztane> dunno why it was not killed by killall\n<xnox> =)\n<jodh> xnox/ztane: upstart calls wait repeatedly so it will handle zombies and orphans.\n<xnox> ack.\n<stgraber> jodh: hey, any idea why upstart would return user jobs twice?\n<stgraber> jodh: initctl --user or --session lists all the jobs twice. I initially thought it was a bug in my code (connecting to both buses) but it's not.\n<stgraber> method return sender=:1.119 -> dest=:1.128 reply_serial=4\n<stgraber>    array [\n<stgraber>       object path \"/com/ubuntu/Upstart/jobs/dbus\"\n<stgraber>       object path \"/com/ubuntu/Upstart/jobs/201105/dbus\"\n<stgraber>       object path \"/com/ubuntu/Upstart/jobs/debug\"\n<stgraber>       object path \"/com/ubuntu/Upstart/jobs/201105/debug\"\n<stgraber>       object path \"/com/ubuntu/Upstart/jobs/upstart_2devent_2dbridge\"\n<stgraber>       object path \"/com/ubuntu/Upstart/jobs/201105/upstart_2devent_2dbridge\"\n<stgraber>    ]\n<stgraber> that's what initctl is getting back from upstart. Obviously that's confusing it slightly ;)\n<jodh> stgraber: probably because we haven't removed the existing user job handling code.\n * xnox ponders what 201105 in above means\n<stgraber> jodh: that's my uid\n<jodh> stgraber: try disabling Upstart.conf and seeing if behavious is the same: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#enabling\n<xnox> stgraber: a bit high =)\n * xnox is 1000 everywhere =)\n<stgraber> xnox: RID-based UID in a samba4 domain gets you pretty big UIDs\n<stgraber> jodh: yeah, I think that's it. So hopefully that'll get fixed once we get rid of the current user job code.\n<jodh> stgraber: do you want to volunteer? ;)\n<stgraber> jodh: one thing that's \"interesting\" is if you have a job defined as both system and user, then you try to start the user one with \"initctl start dbus\" (for example). That'll get initctl in some kind of infinite loop and will almost freeze upstart in the process (the user upstart, not the system one)\n<stgraber> but my guess is that this will be fixed once we no longer have duplicate entries\n<stgraber> jodh: hehe, I've got a reasonably long todo list before I can et to that, but I can take a look once I'm done with my higher priority items :)\n<jodh> stgraber: agreed. ok, ta.\n<stgraber> xnox: I think I found what's broken in the upstart dailies\n<stgraber> basically, the ubuntu branch contains some ubuntu-specific patches that we don't have in the dailies\n<stgraber> the most important one being a change to the rc-sysvinit.conf start condition\n<stgraber> which perfectly explains the breakage on my machine\n<stgraber> so we can't simply use debian/ from the ubuntu branch for the dailies... we need to also get those changes out and into debian/patches, make a second branch with that and use it as the packaging branch\n<stgraber> (or just finally make ubuntu:upstart non-native and use debian/patches for those ubuntu-specific deltas, making the packaging branch re-usable for the dailies)\n * xnox +1 for ubuntu:upstart to be 3.0 quilt. But I'm sure it's not slangasek's preferred upstart workflow.... =)\n<xnox> stgraber: what about basing recipe on lp:ubuntu/upstart & merging in lp:upstart and hoping it all just works?=)\n<stgraber> I'd have to check if the recipe format allows merging and I guess we'd need a fair amount of hoping considering the number of changes we've made lately ;)\n<slangasek> 3.0 quilt + bzr is my preferred workflow in the alternate universe where I am the Marquis de Sade\n<stgraber> xnox: 5 conflicts, so not terribly bad, but can't be done automatically, so won't quite work for the daily builds\n<slangasek> xnox: find a solution to 3.0 (quilt) that won't require us to do stupid merges for anything other than the upstream source tree, and propose it?\n<xnox> stgraber: the way i deal with conflicts is created a third branch which resolves the conflicts and then you get a common base you merge up lp:ubuntu/upstart + common-conflict-resolve-branch + lp:upstart\n<xnox> recipes can handle that.\n<xnox> slangasek: I did make a proposal as summer of code project. Store the tree unpatched and offer looms api to view the patches and diff/switch up & down. But looms are never committed only flat patches are. (v2) same but generate bundles out of patches such that you can create patched branch to rebase it -> and export a new patch series.\n<xnox> slangasek: the project was not picked up =)\n<slangasek> heh\n<xnox> mercurial-queues is the best for debian/patches. They are quilt compatible but each patch has hg metadata in them. And there is nifty commands to rebase/add/remove/merge patches in that quilt series.\n<xnox> unfortunately nobody stepped up to write a good hg-buildpackage.\n<slangasek> xnox: why do you propose using the patches as the stored representation, rather than using the looms as the stored representation and serializing debian/patches from there?\n<xnox> slangasek: because of 3.0 (quilt) package format, which inherintely from quilt doesn't have $ quilt merge-series command nor $ quilt rebase-series command.\n<xnox> slangasek: if we get 3.0 ($vcs) format, there is no need for patches. But that opens a different kind of warms (no way to easily get the diff upstream vs packaged-changes)\n<slangasek> why would I ever need/want to do such a merge-series or rebase-series?  Shouldn't loom primitives be sufficient?\n<xnox> slangasek: if everyone switches and there are no exceptions, we can policy enforce looms and use that and live will be wonderful.\n<xnox> s/live/life/\n<slangasek> we don't need to switch \"everyone\" in order to make a policy change on UDD\n<xnox> slangasek: i somehow believe that unless everyone switches, there will always be packages that fail to import or do something funny which will break UDD.\n<slangasek> who is \"everyone\"?\n<slangasek> I don't understand who you're saying would be switching, here\n<slangasek> UDD itself imports from the archive, the archive wouldn't know anything about looms\n<xnox> \"everyone\" - any package that is ever manually generated & uploaded into ubuntu.\n<slangasek> unless you mean a 3.0 (bzr) format would be a prereq?\n<xnox> yes. prereq.\n<slangasek> ah\n<slangasek> yeah, that's not a great solution\n<xnox> exactly.\n<slangasek> why don't you think looms could be used to output 3.0 (quilt) reliably?\n<xnox> slangasek: packages that have both /debian/patches/series and /debian/patches/series.ubuntu fail spectacularly in the current UDD workflow.\n<xnox> guess which series the importer imported for the whole history?! =)\n<xnox> is one practical point I can think of.\n<slangasek> hmm\n#upstart 2013-01-16\n<slangasek> I'm trying to think through why that's not simply a bug in the current importer, fixable by having richer annotations in the loom data\n<xnox> bug 911496\n<xnox> http://pad.lv/911496\n<xnox> because given one source package in can now have one or many states (the debian one or the ubuntu one) for each version =/ and it all gets hairy.\n<slangasek> ah right, because then you're trying to do a merge from the Debian branch into the Ubuntu branch, and use the looms for it, but the Debian branch's loom doesn't actually represent what you'd be merging\n<xnox> =) yeap.\n<xnox> i think it was a bad idea to introduce series.vendor\n<xnox> anyway =) i want tea and need to send in patch pilot report.\n<slangasek> :)\n<jodh> xnox/stgraber: comments please - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/Specs/RaringUpstartUserSessions#Shutdown_Details\n<stgraber> jodh: looking\n<stgraber> jodh: wow, we end up with a pretty complex logout sequence but I guess it makes sense ;) We'll need to restrict the shutdown command to --user for now to avoid people trying to use it against PID 1.\n<jodh> stgraber: It might need some tweaks, but it's as fair as I could make it whilst also having reasonable performance.\n<jodh> stgraber: agreed - this is for Session Inits only for this cycle :)\n<jodh> stgraber: an alternative could be that we handle the entire shutdown from a job, but I'm not particularly in favour of that as we don't have sufficient control over the other jobs.\n<jodh> stgraber: do you know the desktop suspend path? That's the only scenario not covered in that section.\n<stgraber> jodh: I think the desktop suspend path is pretty much a direct call to pm-suspend, I'm not sure gnome-session is really involved there\n<jodh> stgraber: ack. I wonder if adding a pm-suspend hook that emits a 'resumed' event would be useful?\n<stgraber> jodh: yeah, I guess having suspend/resume events would be nice and will be easy enough to do\n<xnox> jodh: do we not have those system wide? or we just come back and assume the laptop is still in the same country connected to the same Heathrow airport wifi hot spot?\n<xnox> is this point were I am being pressed for :: events?! =)\n<jodh> xnox: we don't have such events atm, but yeah, it should be at the :sys: level.\n<stgraber> jodh: just saw your e-mail, looks like that branch isn't based on the right upstream branch, let me fix that :)\n<stgraber> (I didn't modify any .conf in my branch, so I must have messed up its base yesterday when debugging upstart)\n<jodh> stgraber: ok, np.\n<addisonj> looking at this post: http://serverfault.com/questions/128605/have-upstart-read-environment-from-etc-environment-for-a-service, is this still the best way to properly source an environment?\n<xnox> addisonj: yes, but tbh it's best to only source the only environemt variable you want / need like guested in the second answer.\n<addisonj> xnox: so setuid/setgid doesn't do anything PAM? just runs the daemon with that uid/gid set?\n<xnox> yes.\n<addisonj> xnox: yeah, problem is, we inject config into our application servers through env vars and don't want to maintain that list elsewhere...\n<xnox> I believe, you can check the source code should be easily done.\n<xnox> addisonj: but you do have that list somewhere right?!\n<addisonj> chef writes it out to /etc/environment\n<xnox> addisonj: on debian/ubuntu systems it is typical to have /etc/defaults/mydaemon which is user editable file for configs.\n<xnox> addisonj: chef can also write out /etc/init/mydaemon.overrides which includes partially the stanzas you need with environmental variables you need.\n<xnox> s/overrides/override/\n<xnox> which upstart will apply on top of the .conf file.\n<xnox> (patch-style replacing individual stanzas)\n<addisonj> oh, cool, didn't know that\n<xnox> see cookbook\n<xnox> http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/\n<addisonj> right now, we just use su and run it as our non-privileged user with env sourced, which has worked\n<addisonj> but now I am trying to do a reload but the SIGHUP isn't getting through to me process\n * xnox wonders if upstart is tracking su pid, instead of daemon pid.\n<addisonj> i believe it is\n<xnox> does $ status mydaemon matches the pid of the daemon queried via ps?\n<addisonj> oh, lemme check, never thought of doing that\n<xnox> cuase if it doesn't upstart is sending SIGHUP to something else =))))\n<xnox> (also see cookbook on establishing fork count)\n<addisonj> yeah, the pid is the su process\n * xnox recommends to avoid su / sudo in upstart jobs\n<addisonj> so I just need to do expect fork 2 or something and it should work I imagine?\n<xnox> http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#expect-daemon\n<xnox> expect daemon\n<addisonj> yeah... thats why I was asking about proper PAM support so I could avoid that, maybe I shall hack something up to properly source env as part of the job\n<addisonj> on another note however, upstart is quite awesome :) I much prefer it to init.d\n<xnox> addisonj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1538257/\n<xnox> example of script stanza that sources config file with envrionment variables and then executes fork.\n<xnox> you can have setuid/setguid stanzas up there if you need to change user.\n<xnox> this way you track \"expect fork\" & don't need su\n<addisonj> hrm, interesting, I think the only problem with that is that /etc/environment vars don't do an export :\\ but I think ican make it work with someting like that\n<xnox> . /etc/environment\n<xnox> export $PATH\n<xnox> export $socks_proxy\n<xnox> or whichever you need.\n<xnox> or make chef write out sourcable / exportable /etc/environment\n<addisonj> yeah, I shall figure something out, but you have been quiet helpful, many thanks\n<xnox> np.\n<stgraber> jodh: ping\n<stgraber> jodh: ping?\n<depesz> hi. first of all - i never had to write init scripts for upstart. but today is the day. So, I have a program, pgbouncer, that I can start, or stop, and it works fine.\n<depesz> but. this program has also full online restart mode. where I run it using special parameters, and it takes over job of previously running copy. but the new copy has different pid, and upstart doesn't knwo it's still running\n<depesz> do you know of any way to let upstart know that pid of a service has changed ?\n<JanC> depesz: I suppose you mean it does a handover between 2 instances of the program so that there is no \"gap\" during the restart?\n<JanC> no availability gap\n<depesz> i am not sure about how it works internally, but as far as I understand - there is no gap as in \"moment in time when there is no pgbouncer\"\n<depesz> there is always some pgboucner running, but it can online restart/upgrade\n<JanC> maybe you could do some trickery by only using pre- & post- scripts but no main exec/script\n<JanC> but it's certainly something where upstart could improve\n<xnox> depesz: JanC: in this case you should use instances and restarting actually should stop one instance and start another.\n<xnox> this way you can achieve & monitor the overlap as well.\n<depesz> xnox: but i don't want to use restart.\n<depesz> as restart does stop+ start.\n<depesz> the built-in (in pgbouncer) is much better\n<xnox> depesz: you can override in pre-stop script what actually happens during stop+start combo.\n<xnox> depesz: detect that restart was requested and perform the pgbouncer handover.\n<xnox> I am giving you a method how to use the built-in pbuilder restart & let upstart track the new pid.\n<depesz> hmm .. ok\n<JanC> xnox: that's more or less what I suggested, but there should probably be a more user friendly way to express that in upstart\n<xnox> 90% things are trivial 10% are easy enough to achieve ;-) pre-stop scripts are unusual but it's not the end of the world.\n<JanC> xnox: still, having syntax for it makes it easier to understand what the config does\n<JanC> that's why sysvinit scripts have a semantic difference between restart & reload, for example\n<xnox> JanC: so does upstart. it has both reload and restart\n<JanC> except reload & restart are still (mostly) hardcoded\n<JanC> and reload breaks if it causes the daemon to \"switch\" to another PID\n#upstart 2013-01-17\n<thec4ke> so do all upstart script sections run with set -e?\n<SpamapS> thec4ke: yes, turn it off with set +e\n<thec4ke> thx\n<SpamapS> thec4ke: or use || : for the 1 or 2 things that you don't care about failure on\n<UukGoblin> hi\n#upstart 2013-01-18\n<jodh> xnox: how are the updates to user-log-dir coming along?\n<xnox> yes, should do those. fixes as agreed + docs.\n<jodh> xnox: ta :)\n<xnox> jodh: what if HOME=\"../lolcats/\"\n<jodh> xnox: is that even legitimate?\n<xnox> jodh: i'm just pondering that XDG_CONFIG_HOME might end up ralative, after the fallback is used which expands $HOME. Hence I am pondering to move the check that path is absolute to a match later point.\n<xnox> such that returned conf-sources array is always legitimate. \n<xnox> jodh: I can totally see puppet/chef/whatnot misconfigure passwd \n<jodh> xnox: yeah - that sounds like the safest option.\n<xnox> jodh: does upstart handle alright if logdir is non-existant or NULL.\n * xnox adds a note to check that.\n * xnox ponders how far one can get a desktop session going with relative $HOME\n<xnox> right, needs more tests. I need to check on a few more urgent installer things now.\n<JanC> what would a relative path in $HOME be relative to?  ☺\n<stgraber> your current working dir, whatever it's :)\n<JanC> how do you go \"up\" from '/' ?\n<JanC> well, I suppose it just stays there\n<stgraber> hehe, I didn't say relative $HOME would make sense, just said how it'd work ;) but yeah HOME=\"../../home/test\" will be equal to HOME=\"/home/test\" in upstart's case ;)\n<stgraber> right, .. on / points to . so you can't go any further but it won't fail either\n<JanC> I wonder if there is a rule about what applications should do with a relative $HOME...\n<stgraber> applications usually just append stuff to $HOME and let the libc do any kind of expansion\n#upstart 2013-01-19\n<xnox> JanC: yeah, I was pondering that if $PWD is null or '/' then all paths are absolute.\n<xnox> and the contrary case possible to launch additional user session init with whacky HOME env by hand.\n<JanC> well, with upstart running as a user, things would certainly start to get weird\n<xnox> yeah, previously we didn't use any of XDG_* nor HOME env variables =/ and now it's quickly becoming interesting.\n * xnox thinks that plymouth would be so much better off written using libnih\n#upstart 2014-01-13\n<SpamapS> slangasek: any idea on how to get upstart to print stuff on the console in sid?\n<gabrbedd> Hello! When upstart emits an event... is there a way to get that event broadcast over something like dbus?\n<gabrbedd> E.g. I have a system daemon that needs to be notified of upstart events as they happen.\n<gabrbedd> nevermind... I was using upstart 1.5.  I see that this \"just works\" in 1.10.\n<SpamapS> gabrbedd: :)\n<SpamapS> slangasek: uugggh.. startpar.c has mixed tabs and spaces\n<slangasek> SpamapS: which stuff are you looking for upstart to print on the console?\n<slangasek> if this is about upstart's log messages, I don't know; but somewhere along the line there was a behavior change, I think on the kernel side, that caused upstart's use of kmsg to not work the way it had previously\n<SpamapS> slangasek: init: starting foo.. \n<SpamapS> slangasek: ahh yeah if kmsg is not working the same way that might do it\n<SpamapS> slangasek: I _do_ see some init: stuff in dmesg\n<SpamapS> slangasek: hey I'm reading startpar's upstart integration and wondering if there is a huge race condition\n<SpamapS> slangasek: Help me understand.. startpar is going to wait for started events from stuff in /etc/rc2.d ..\n<SpamapS> slangasek: but what if started already happened before startpar was listening\n<slangasek> SpamapS: startpar checks on startup for any already-running jobs; so as long as the job it's looking for ends in 'started' state, it's fine\n<SpamapS> slangasek: ok, so cloud-init won't work then\n<SpamapS> slangasek: it has tasks\n<SpamapS> slangasek: that scheme wont' work for tasks\n<slangasek> heh\n<SpamapS> slangasek: they're stop/waiting already\n<slangasek> yes, so the cloud-init upstart job needs to be changed to end in state 'started' with no running job\n<SpamapS> I believe that is what is going on in my VM\n<slangasek> s/job/process/\n<SpamapS> wha?\n<SpamapS> thats like.. breaking the basic way tasks work.\n<slangasek> why does it need to be a task?\n<slangasek> as opposed to being a non-task with no main process and a pre-start script?\n<SpamapS> because it blocks startup while udev-y things are happening.\n<SpamapS> basically cloud-init wants to stop everything until the network is up\n<slangasek> and why do you think a pre-start script doesn't do this just as well as a script?  AFAIK, the two models are interconvertible, unless you need to run the job multiple times\n<SpamapS> ok so this will work for cloud-init, I see that. However.. it seems like we could fix this some other way.\n<SpamapS> slangasek: is this documented already and I just skipped it?\n<slangasek> which part?\n<SpamapS> slangasek: the \"startup tasks must be converted to jobs\" part?\n<slangasek> yeah, that's not documented\n<slangasek> because the set of affected packages is rather small, and doesn't really include anything outside of the base system... except for cloud-init :P\n<SpamapS> slangasek: :)\n<SpamapS> slangasek: and can I assume that you're using the symlinks in /etc/rc#.d to allow enable/disable?\n<slangasek> SpamapS: update-rc.d in sid supports managing upstart .override files for enable/disable, in parallel with the rc?.d symlink changes\n<slangasek> (upstart is certainly not going to look at the symlinks when deciding whether to start or stop a job)\n<SpamapS> oh ok, so would another possibility be to remove the symlinks for special packages like cloud-init ?\n<slangasek> you could do that locally, yeah\n<SpamapS> ok, I did that and cloud-init didn't start\n<slangasek> doing it in the distro doesn't help, since it breaks compatibility with sysvinit, which someone decided was worthwhile when porting to Debian :P\n<slangasek> hmm\n<SpamapS> so I was thinking startpar was stopping it or something\n<slangasek> nope\n<SpamapS> that observation is only about 4 minutes old though, so do ignore for now\n<SpamapS> slangasek: I'm also wondering why I'm not hitting some kind of timeout ...\n<slangasek> possibly because cloud-init sticks itself in places that block the timeout handling?\n * slangasek doesn't really know\n<SpamapS> slangasek: so the timeouts apply to waiting for the upstart jobs, right?\n<slangasek> which timeouts?\n<SpamapS> oh hm.. startpar's timeouts are about flushing buffers\n<SpamapS> n/m\n<SpamapS> slangasek: I saw -t ## and thought it was \"stop waiting for it after ## seconds\"\n<SpamapS> hm just changing all the tasks to pre-starts hangs boot for me :(\n<SpamapS> ah and anything that uses the stopped events of these tasks now has to use the started event... thats why ti hangs. :-P\n<SpamapS> doh, and have to add stop on's\n<SpamapS> slangasek: ok sorry to gab your ear off. If a job fails to start.. it will be stop/waiting .. but startpar will wait for it forever.... ideas?\n<slangasek> hmm\n<slangasek> isn't that the same thing startpar does with an init script that fails?\n<SpamapS> I dont know\n<slangasek> I'm pretty sure it is\n<SpamapS> I thought it would mark it as FAIL\n<slangasek> oh\n<SpamapS> and still finish the boot\n<slangasek> yeah, you could be right\n<slangasek> in which case, we would need to extend the startpar bridge to handle this case\n<slangasek> I'm not too enthusiastic about this; the startpar bridge was always intended to be a short-term transitional solution\n<SpamapS> You should get the stopped RESULT=# event.. but you might have missed it. :-P\n<SpamapS> slangasek: Understood. I'm happy to help. This is a side project of mine at the moment. :)\n<slangasek> we probably are getting the stopped RESULT=# event, but we aren't doing anything meaningful with the $RESULT\n<SpamapS> slangasek: so this particular job is start on (filesystem and started rsyslog) ..\n<SpamapS> slangasek: and it fails in < 1s\n<SpamapS> slangasek: so I'm guessing startpar is nearly always going to miss that\n<SpamapS> unless they're queued up or something\n<slangasek> which they aren't, I'm afraid\n<slangasek> (why is it 'start on filesystem and started rsyslog' instead of 'start on started rsyslog', given that rsyslog starts on filesystem?)\n<SpamapS> slangasek: cribbed from ubuntu I'm sure\n<SpamapS> it should probably just be start on started rsyslog\n<SpamapS> but even then.. :-P\n<slangasek> yep\n<SpamapS> this is cloud-config\n<SpamapS> it could probably just be 'start on stopped rc RUNLEVEL=[2345]' in Ubuntu..\n<SpamapS> but with the current scheme, nothing can be 'start on stopped rc RUNLEVEL=[2345]' because rc is waiting for it to start. :-P\n<SpamapS> anyway I think I'm in the weeds..\n<SpamapS> slangasek: what is your longer term plan?\n<slangasek> SpamapS: longer term plan is to not need a startpar bridge because everything is natively upstart\n<SpamapS> slangasek: part of what I'm doing is keeping a project that wants to use Debian from using systemd or generating a ton of new sysvinit scripts.. so just help me get out in front of them.. it doesn't have to be perfect today. :)\n<slangasek> or because Debian adopts systemd instead, one of the two :P\n<SpamapS> ok\n<SpamapS> so this resolves when the war is over. wonderful. ;)\n<SpamapS> doh\n<SpamapS> rsyslog isn't installed on my vm\n<SpamapS> wait no it is..\n<SpamapS> but it has no upstart job\n<SpamapS> which explains a lot ;)\n<SpamapS> slangasek: ok so for my purposes, just removing the symlinks in /etc/rc2.d is the simplest solution\n<SpamapS> slangasek: cloud-init is also pretty borken and will basically never work as-is but I'll submit patches. Thanks for the feedback.\n<slangasek> ah yes, rsyslog isn't upstartified yet, is it... I've not gotten around to submitting the patches since the Debian maintainer is one of the systemd maintainers, heh\n<SpamapS> slangasek: doh\n<SpamapS> slangasek: in a perfect world that wouldn't be problematic. :(\n<slangasek> SpamapS: so, we could extend this to let init scripts signal back to upstart as well by synthesizing 'start' events; this has been buried on my TODO list for a while\n<slangasek> SpamapS: but that can be done as a hook into lsb init functions\n<SpamapS> slangasek: yeah I always thought that would have been nice even in Ubuntu.\n<slangasek> SpamapS: it's < 20 lines of shell code, if you want to JFDI :)\n<SpamapS> slangasek: no, I don't think cloud-config actually needs rsyslog for one thing.\n<SpamapS> slangasek: also I've always discouraged that kind of boot ordering as crackful. Services that aren't _boot_ related should just all boot at runlevel 2.\n<SpamapS> cloud-config really can just start at runlevel 2.\n<SpamapS> slangasek: I'm reporting this bug against cloud-init and it is unfortunate.. I'm basically going to force an Ubuntu delta because of startpar. Are you sure there's no way for cloud-init to just say \"don't put my symlinks in /etc/rc#.d as long as upstart is the intended init\" ?\n<slangasek> SpamapS: there definitely isn't, because the init system can be changed at runtime, post-install\n<SpamapS> I fail to see how that doesn't result in a bootable system.\n<slangasek> ?\n<SpamapS> Triggers would be needed actually.\n<SpamapS> You'd need a trigger that removes the symlinks if upstart is the init, and adds them back in if sysvinit is in place.\n<SpamapS> ah delta management\n<SpamapS> slangasek: is there some kind of CTTE action coming soon on this?\n<slangasek> right... and those triggers don't exist, the current model is that the filesystem should have everything in place to boot under any init\n<slangasek> SpamapS: probably going to vote this month, if all the members have a chance to finish their investigation\n<SpamapS> slangasek: I get that model. Another option is to have a latch job keeps track of tasks that have started.\n<slangasek> anyway, I think making init scripts emit start/stop events is a good thing in and of itself\n<SpamapS> yeah I do too\n<slangasek> so if I can't goad you into JFDI, maybe I should ;)\n<SpamapS> just don't have much more time to put into my little side project :)\n<SpamapS> slangasek: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=735204 reported against cloud-init, FYI\n<slangasek> cheers\n<SpamapS> slangasek: note that I am pondering a single \"start on started\" job that keeps track of what has started in /run\n<SpamapS> slangasek: startpar could check that after setting up the event listening.. \n<slangasek> I'd suggest making it part of the existing startpar bridge job... trying to have two separate jobs that 'start on started' is a great way to get an infinite loop, jodh found this out once :)\n<SpamapS> Oh I didn't look at that\n<SpamapS> but... right.. I never thoguht of that!\n<SpamapS> you almost have to have a special type of start on for htat\n<SpamapS> for that\n#upstart 2014-01-14\n<kaie> hello. Could you please help to clarify a comment on this page? http://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/Debugging -- nearly 7 years ago someone had asked for clarification -- and I'm also not understanding it today :)\n<kaie> question is: How do you request dumping of upstart events to a file on boot?\n<kaie> That page says:     echo \"Debug Message\" >> /tmp/upstart\n<kaie> That seems confusing. How does one trigger upstart to write to that file (or a different file) on boot?\n<kaie> I want to see which events are generated and processed on boot, and in which order\n<kaie> I already enabled it with --verbose but that's not sufficient, because it's goes away once startup finishes. I want that output written to a file.\n<kaie> ok. I don't know which of both fixed it. But I've added both \"--verbose --debug\" to the kernel command line and I was able to find the events in \"dmesg\" output\n<kaimast> hey all. are there any tests for extras? I try to add ipv6 support to the socket bridge but I cannot find any tests for it...\n<kaimast> would be nice if somebody could point me to the tests for any of the bridges so I don't have to start from scratch\n#upstart 2014-01-15\n<Madkinder> Hi. Is there any way I can reliably tell that a service is started with upstart?\n<Madkinder> from what I see upstart reports that it managed to start the service regardless of success\n<kaimast> Madkinder: afaik the service tells upstart that is has started successfully\n<kaimast> there are different ways to do this. see the \"expect\" flag in the cookbook\n<Madkinder> take a look: http://pastebin.com/ZNhwKTVs\n<Madkinder> this starts like a charm\n<kaimast> maybe because of the respawn flag?\n<jodh> Madkinder: Upstart will report that it successfully started the job when you \"start\" it, but \"status <job>\" will show you it is not (no longer) running.\n<Madkinder> jodh: that's the problem I'd like to fix\n<jodh> Madkinder: look at 'post-start' in init(5). I hope your service isn't as flaky as /bin/false though :)\n<Madkinder> jodh: you mean I should check whether my process started manually and emit a failure event or something like that, right?\n<jodh> Madkinder: no, I mean that if your job is really likely to fail at startup, you should use pre-start or post-start to handle that scenario. Generally, pre-start would setup the required environment. If you make the pre-start fail, the job will fail to start and \"start <job>\" will indicate that clearly.\n<Madkinder> unfortunately not all the services have a way to check the environment\n<Madkinder> for example, nginx and apache to with their -t flag, but they are rather an exception then a rule :(\n<Madkinder> I'm trying to configure my servers with configuration management tools (salt/ansible). The problem is that they both report that a service is started and running successfully while it might not be true.\n<Madkinder> most of the services with ancient sysvinit scripts work like a charm and report start failures, most upstart ones do not :(\n<methods> anyone know what the proper `start on` target is for networking ?\n<methods> I've tried just `networking` but doesn't seem to startup\n#upstart 2014-01-16\n<jbalonso1> Anyone here know how to increase the available filehandles for upstart itself?\n<jbalonso1> (I'm running on Ubuntu Raring)\n<jbalonso1> I have a great number of jobs I'm trying to manage with upstart, and I've found that upstart is losing file handles to (rather useful) log files. When init runs out, /sbin/init spins at 100% and is unresponsive.\n<jackhill> Hi, I have a service that I am trying to write a configuration for.\n<jackhill> However, it doesn't behave correctly if I use expect fork or expect daemon. The PID reported by upstart is different than what I observer the service to be running as in ps.\n<jackhill> Also, a symptom of this is that I can't get upstart to stop the service.\n<jackhill> It works \"correctly\" if I tell the service to run in the foreground and omit the expect directive.\n<jackhill> My question is: is there a tool see if a service forks or double forks or does something else weird?\n<jackhill> Oh, it seems that, occording to the cookbook, there is no ill effect to just running the service in the foreground, so I'll just do that. :)\n<dylukes> Hey guys, I'm in a bit of a pickle.\n<dylukes> I have an upstart conf running `exec gunicorn...` inside a script stanza\n<dylukes> and a bunch of env variables declared outside\n<dylukes> I want those variables to be visible inside the exec. Is there any way to do this? Alternatively I can have the same variables in a .env file, but I can't figure out how to exec that file and have those visible to the exec'd gunicorn task\n<dylukes> hm, now they seem to work\n<dylukes> ah, no they aren't :p\n<jbalonso1> dylukes: Did you export your env variables prior to the exec?\n#upstart 2014-01-17\n<Woosta> I have an upstart script with an 'exec' in it. Should I be expecting \"ap_monitor start\" to daemonise or background the exec'd command? \n<Woosta> Script here if anyone wakes up: http://paste.linuxassist.net/view/1ab2fefc\n<ritz|m7> Hi, system hangs on boot with upstart on trusty after installing SELinux\n<ritz|m7> how do I debug this\n<ritz|m7> Using --verbose option doors not yield any valuable detail\n<ritz|m7> Recovery option works fine\n<ritz|m7> Last message seen is \"stopping mount network filesystem\"\n<ritz|m7> Nevermind, fixed this\n<ritz|m7> My update was screwed up, upstart was crashing on restart\n#upstart 2014-01-18\n<gabrbedd> Is it possible to do something like `start on running foo' ?\n<gabrbedd> Specifically... the normal logic would be something like `start on started A and started B'\n<gabrbedd> But to handle restart I would also like to support `start on started A and running B' as well\n#upstart 2015-01-13\n<renan_> Would `start on started beanstalkd` work for a upstart script, given that beanstalkd is using SysV?\n#upstart 2015-01-14\n<pilva> hey, how can I run 2 gunicorn projects with upstart?\n<pilva> hey, how can I run 2 gunicorn projects with upstart?\n#upstart 2015-01-16\n<hydrajump> hi why can't I get upstart to work with `start on net-device-up IFACE=eth0` ubuntu 14.04?   \n<hydrajump> I've tried with INTERFACE=eth0 but I can't get even a simple `echo \"test\" > /tmp/test` \n<hydrajump> I want to do something when eth0 is up and another upstart job when eth0 is down, but if I can't get echo to work with those events there's little point in trying to do anything else :(\n<hydrajump> On the contrary I have other upstart jobs using `start on net-device-removed INTERFACE=tun0\n<hydrajump> which work fine\n<hydrajump> must be some bug with upstart. if I do `start on net-device-up IFACE!=lo` it works fine everytime\n#upstart 2015-01-17\n<steven__> exit\n#upstart 2016-01-19\n<xevious> Is there a way to either ask upstart if it's done booting or receive a notification when it's done booting? By \"done booting\", I mean when all the services that are configured to start when the system is booted have been launched.\n#upstart 2016-01-20\n<xevious> Is there a way to either ask upstart if it's done booting or receive a notification when it's done booting? By \"done booting\", I mean when all the services that are configured to start when the system is booted have been launched.\n<topi`> if I have set up a .conf to start only after job X has been started (\"start on started X\") then it actually gets triggered when job X has launched the main task - NOT e.g. after post-script has been done\n<topi`> this is a problem, since the task X seems to take 1-2 sec to do its stuff (mount a filesystem, actually) and anything that depends on this mount, fails\n<topi`> I tried to put a \"sleep 2\" into a post-script, but it changed nothing\n<topi`> is there a way to specify \"start on finished-post-running X\" for the job that needs that filesystem mount? (there is a chdir directive to that mount)\n<JanC> topi`: \"start on stopped X\" ?\n#upstart 2019-01-15\n<emilsp> I know that I can depend on a service parent_serv with \"start on started parent_serv\" - but is it possible to make this dependency optional? i.e. only depend on parent_serv if it exists?\n#upstart 2019-01-17\n<hallyn> emilsp: well, i guess define 'exists'?  you could have a job check for it existing and ifre off \"no_parent_serv\" event if not, and then start on started parent_serv or started no_parent_serv\" ?\n<emilsp> hallyn: that's a solution :) I'll contemplate that. Thank you very much!\n<hallyn> cool, np\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC"}}
-{"text": "#ubuntu-co 2011-03-07\n<SergioMeneses> buenas...\n<GoneBq> hola alguien de barranquilla\n<same> buenas\n<kuadrosx> don same\n<same> kuadrosx: q mas hermano?\n<kuadrosx> bien bien :P\n<kuadrosx> same: como le termino de ir el viernes? :P\n<same> kuadrosx: me alegra ome\n<Christian> buenas\n<Guest42785> buenas...\n#ubuntu-co 2011-03-08\n<orlando> hola\n<orlando> alguien me puede ayudar a conseguir portatiles con ubuntu\n<SergioMeneses> buenas...\n#ubuntu-co 2011-03-09\n<SergioMeneses> buenas...\n<zidanebs> hola q tal!\n#ubuntu-co 2011-03-10\n<SergioMeneses> buenas...\n#ubuntu-co 2011-03-11\n<ubermensh> Buen día.  Estoy instalando netbeans en Ubuntu, y al momento de la instalación me solicita el JDK.  Ya realizé la descarga del JDK el cual viene en un archivo binario; realizé la instalación de este pero al intentar instalar netbeans me sigue saliendo la alerta que no encuentra el JDK.  Agradezco cualesquier ayuda.\n<cristiangb> Hola, estoy usando un cd-live de ubuntu 10.04.2 y deseo instalarmelo, pero tengo un problema y necesito ayuda porfabor.\n<Andphe> y cual es el ....\n<cristiangb> hello, I'm using a ubuntu-live cd and I want to install it I had a problem in Windows 7, I am a new user, I am using a translator to communicate, I need help please, I can lose 5 years of my life in photographs, videos and important documents. Someone please respond.\n<Andphe> cristiangb, en español\n<Andphe> :)\n<Andphe> lo otro es que hay que tener algo de paciencia porque no todos pueden responder inmediatamente\n<cristiangb> lo siento, creí que esta pestaña era en inglés :p\n<Andphe> jajaja\n<Andphe> y cual es el problema ?\n<cristiangb> Andphe comentava que estoy usando un cd-live de ubuntu 10.04.2 porque he tenido un problema en windows 7 y no puedo acceder al sistema, me dice algo asi como invalid partition table. El win7 me lo instalo un amigo y he intentado bajarme un win7 para intentar recuperar el sistema pero ''esta tocado'' y cuando accedo a recuperar sale todo en chino literalmente, aunque ''trasteando'' un poco he conseguido ver que no se ha borrado \n<cristiangb> pero en la informacion del disco duro sale como si estubiera vacio... necesito ayuda para recuperar esos archivos...\n<Andphe> aja\n<Andphe> ay llae\n<Andphe> hmmm\n<cristiangb> perdon por la parrafada o si me he expresado mal en algo.\n<Andphe> cristiangb, le toca con algo que recuperar tablas de particion\n<Andphe> algo como esto http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk\n<cristiangb> ando un poco escaso de conocimientos en informatica y no se inglés, solo con traductores :p si me pudiera explicar que hacer para recuperar los archivos porfavor\n<Andphe> cristiangb, yo tampoco tengo experiencia con esas herramientas\n<Andphe> eso por lo reguar\n<Andphe> viene en esos CDs especializados de recuperacion de inf\n<Andphe> como un livecd\n<Andphe> ahh mire lo puede instalar en el livecd que ud tiene ahi\n<Andphe> installe el paquete testdisk\n<Andphe> estas son las instrucciones que busca http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Step_By_Step\n<Andphe> pero en Inglés\n<Andphe> ahh pere\n<Andphe> http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Paso_A_Paso\n<Andphe> cristiangb, ↑↑\n<Andphe> dele una leida\n<Andphe> antes de hacer cualquier cosa\n<tkw-one> cristiangb: no se asuste, solo por si algo copie la informacion mas valiosa en otro lugar ( particion, o cd/dvd, o memoria usb, o donde sea) y luego use ntfsfix... con eso repara la tabla de particiones si los datos no han sido atacados por un virus.\n<cristiangb> Andphe ok lo voi a intentar, esque nunca antes he usado linux :p, de todas formas tengo mucho miedo a que algo se borre, porque tengo unos 5 años en archivos, nose si llevarlo a algun tecnico por miedo a perderlo... muchas gracias por la ayuda y los enlaces. Si mejor voi a leer primero el manual :D muchas gracias Andphe\n<Andphe> si, en ese punto es importante que no haga nada de lo que no este seguro\n<cristiangb> esque no tengo acceso a esa información, en el cd de windows7 sale como que esta ahí pero no puedo acceder y desde el cd de ubuntu sale como si el disco duro estubiera vacio\n<tkw-one> cristiangb: si un virus le daño la tabla de particiones o el sector de arranque lo puede arreglar con linux, pero si el virus ataco los archivos de datos y ejecutables .. eso no lo repara nadie.\n<cristiangb> ok, voi a estudiarme el manual de TestDisk y intentaré acerlo, muchas gracias por la ayuda, os cuento luego :)\n<cristiangb> perdon no me fije que me recomendaste otro programa twk-one, que me recomendais el test-disk o el ntfsfix?\n<cristiangb> Andphe tengo 4 opciones de descarga de test-disk para linux cual me descargo? gracias por la paciencia... Linux, kernel 2.6.x i386/x86_64 - linux.png Linux, kernel 2.4.x i386/x86_64 - rpm.png Linux i386 RPM - rpm.png Linux SRPM \n<Andphe> cristiangb, instalelo en el live CD\n<Andphe> abra una terminal\n<Andphe> y escriba sudo apt-get install testdisk\n<Andphe> con eso tiene\n<cristiangb> ok, gracias de nuevo\n<cristiangb> me dice que no se pudo encontrar el paquete :(\n<cristiangb> Andphe - tkw-one, he probado de instalar los programas que me recomendaron pero en la consola del cd-live me dice que no se encuentra el paquete :(\n<Andphe> debe ser que está en otra sección\n<Andphe> http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_y_CD_de_Live_rescue\n<cristiangb> en la página dice que se encuentra con este comando pero la consola dice que no... :S    sudo   ''apt-get install testdisk''\n<cristiangb> es la versión 10.04.2 de ubuntu por si ayuda... y gracias de nuevo Andphe... te estare agobiando creo...\n<Andphe> hola, no es que estoy intermitente\n<Andphe> ehmm\n<Andphe> cristiangb, mire a ver si en el archivo /etc/apt/sources.list tiene algo como\n<Andphe> deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jaunty universe\n<Andphe> cristiangb, debo irme\n<Andphe> cristiangb, si ve que se le complica la cosa \n<cristiangb> ok gracias por todo andphe\n<Andphe> mire en esa pagina\n<Andphe> un livecd de gparted\n<Andphe> ese deberia traer ya instalado el testdisk\n<cristiangb> una ultima cosa si puedes en que apartado lo busco de la pagina?\n<Andphe> http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_y_CD_de_Live_rescue\n<Andphe> dice gparted livecd\n<Andphe> http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php\n<cristiangb> ok gracias por todo Andphe ojalá pueda solucionarlo :)\n<moy1989> buenas\n<moy1989> alguien me podría dar una definición de IPS (sistema de prevención de intrusos) y 5 ejemplos\n#ubuntu-co 2011-03-12\n<SergioMeneses> buenas...\n<sirderigo> buenas \n<SergioMeneses> buenas...\n#ubuntu-co 2011-03-13\n * dannyLopez68 AFK\n<nephlin> buenas tardes !\n<nephlin> alguien por aqui ? ? ?\n * dannyLopez68 AFK\n * dannyLopez68 AFK\n<SergioMeneses> buenas...\n#ubuntu-co 2012-03-05\n<SergioMeneses> n0rman, \\o\n<n0rman> SergioMeneses:  :)\n<SergioMeneses> n0rman, saludos bro! venga ud andaba bucando a Jhosman?\n<SergioMeneses> yo por hay vi un email de un correo @ubuntu.com\n<SergioMeneses> era eso?\n<n0rman> SergioMeneses: si, ya lo resolvimos\n<SergioMeneses> n0rman, y que era?\n#ubuntu-co 2012-03-06\n<Ignacio> hola amigos\n<IngForigua> Ignacio: hola\n<SergioMeneses> entonces IngForigua\n * SergioMeneses saluda a todo el canal con la mano!\n<IngForigua> SergioMeneses: kiai\n<IngForigua> ubucon 2014 es en colombia\n<IngForigua> ya me lo pedi\n<SergioMeneses> IngForigua: eso ya estaba pisado desde hace como dos meses\n<SergioMeneses> :D\n<SergioMeneses> pars que venga n0rman con los ninjas de -ni\n<SergioMeneses> :D\n<IngForigua> SergioMeneses: NAAAAAAAAAAA yo que queria trabajar ahora ni m\n<IngForigua> me bajo d ela nube\n<SergioMeneses> IngForigua: don't worry bb\n<SergioMeneses> you can work with me :D\n<SergioMeneses> IngForigua: hagale! q gente que ayude es lo que hace falta\n<SergioMeneses> si hollman tambien quiere bienvenidos serán!\n<IngForigua> SergioMeneses: hagamolo en tierrita caliente\n<IngForigua> en bogota manda huevo\n<hollman> sergiokof, ?\n<hollman> perdon\n<hollman> SergioMeneses, ?\n<IngForigua> SergioMeneses: me voy a venezuela\n<SergioMeneses> hollman: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuConLA 2014 en Colombia\n<SergioMeneses> IngForigua: o.0\n<hollman> puede ser\n<hollman> si \n<hollman> por que no\n<IngForigua> SergioMeneses: el otro año si voy a uruguay\n<SergioMeneses> IngForigua: eso eso\n<SergioMeneses> nos quedamos donde rubianes\n<SergioMeneses> de hay podemos ir a punta del este\n<SergioMeneses> es breve\n<hollman> IngForigua, pa donde va ?\n<hollman> cuando ?\n<hollman> a que ?\n<SergioMeneses> hollman: el ubucon del 2013 es en uruguay\n<hollman> :-o\n<hollman> vamonos para argentina!\n<hollman> tan wuapetonas las chicas\n<hollman> ha y a hablar de ununtu :P\n<SergioMeneses> IngForigua: hollman la fecha de la ubucon de este año la movieron a junio\n<SergioMeneses> pueden ir?\n<hollman> donde es ?\n<IngForigua> ahhhhhhhh estraño trabajar pa ubuntu colombia :'(\n<IngForigua> extraño\n<hollman> IngForigua, llore\n<hollman> !\n<hollman> :P\n<SergioMeneses> hollman: lol\n<SergioMeneses> IngForigua: eso eso! hagale q gente es lo q se necesita... a mi el LC me tiene con el tiempo recorto\n<IngForigua> es que en ubuntu no hay peleas ni competencia ni abusivos aprovechados\n<IngForigua> el trabajo es tan vacano y relajao\n<SergioMeneses> IngForigua: <3\n * SergioMeneses va a empezar a llorar\n<IngForigua> en redes libres\n<IngForigua> hay unos aprovechados con poder\n<IngForigua> que ven esto es por la parte $$$\n<SergioMeneses> IngForigua: :S pero hay q meterle la ficha!\n<IngForigua> parce\n<IngForigua> mejor no ot mas\n<IngForigua> :S\n<marcos_amaris> Buenas tardes, amigos.\n#ubuntu-co 2012-03-07\n<JHOSMAN> Donde es la reunion? \n<SergioMeneses> JHOSMAN, en el meeting como siempre\n<JHOSMAN> ps estamos todos #ForeverAlone jaja \n<SergioMeneses> o.0\n<WilsonChavez> Buenas Noches, Saben de algun Programa similiar a ActiveSync para la sincronizacion de Smartphone Motorola MC55 que funcione en Ubuntu 11.10\n<WilsonChavez> Holaaaaa nadie existe por aca... o no ayudan?\n<CesarGomez> Saludos WilsonChavez, si , si ayudamos y si existe alguien de hecho hay muchos :)\n<CesarGomez> ten pasiencia de seguro en un tiempo prudente quien conozca la respuesta a tu pregunta la dara\n<CesarGomez> paciencia **\n<CesarGomez> perdon por el error :$\n<JHOSMAN> Wilson que neceistas?\n<CesarGomez> a su vez le recuerdo que puede usar la lista de correo para generar la pregunta, o shapado en estos dos sitios puede obtener la ayuda necesaria de seguro alguien le podra ayudar ;)\n<WilsonChavez> ¿Saben de algun Programa similiar a ActiveSync para la sincronizacion de Smartphone Motorola MC55 que funcione en Ubuntu 11.10?\n<CesarGomez> WilsonChavez ↑↑↑\n<tkw-one[el_Malo]> dulces sueños con esta chica: http://www.elmundo.es/america/2010/12/10/estados_unidos/1292020500.html\n<CesarGomez> lol\n<JHOSMAN> No manejo plataforma motorola =(\n<WilsonChavez> por lo visto no existe nada para sincronizar la informacion recolectada en el trabajo mediante un programa similar al mencionado anteriormente tocara volver a guindos... ya he rebuscado por todo san google y no hay solucion eficaz\n<JHOSMAN> Pues algo similar me paso antes con un Motorola\n<JHOSMAN> pero lo q hice fue hacerle un virtualbox y ya jeje\n<CesarGomez> iba a decir lo mismo xD!\n<JHOSMAN> =)\n<WilsonChavez> que rabia tuve virtualizado esa joda del guindos pèro no me corre el activesync\n<JHOSMAN> ya probaste con Wine? \n<WilsonChavez> tocara instalarlo y dejar ubuntu todo sea por mi trabajo\n<WilsonChavez> si no coje con wine tampoco ya he intentado un poco de soluciones de internet y nada :(\n<JHOSMAN> :(\n<JHOSMAN> ya verificaste con el fabricante? \n<JHOSMAN> a lo mejor tengan una solucion\n<WilsonChavez> pues es que eso es un aparato que permite recolectar informacion estadistica en establecimientos comerciales y tiene un sistema lector de codigos de barras\n<WilsonChavez> de todas formas gracias... pero por aca tampoco dieron con el chiste... feliz noche Bye\n<JHOSMAN> haa \n<tkw-one[el_Malo]> si estos manes no saben \n<JHOSMAN> ok buena noche! \n<tkw-one[el_Malo]> en este canal es pregunta y resuelvelo tu mismo y quedar bien hecho.\n<SergioMeneses> DanielF, ceronman Lamusj andresmujica https://www.coursera.org/algo/auth/welcome gracias a ceronman \n<DanielF> huy aguanta\n<DanielF> gracias\n<Lamusj> SergioMeneses, excelenteee! o/ gracias!\n<andresmujica> WilsonChavez lo que buscas lo encuentras aquí  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/WindowsMobile \n<andresmujica> existen varias opciones como synce y multisync\n<andresmujica> falta ver si soportan tu dispositivo\n<CesarGomez> emms ya se fue xD!\n<k-milo> Buenas Tardes\n#ubuntu-co 2012-03-08\n<SergioMeneses> buenas!\n<CesarGomez> SergioMeneses: bien o no ?\n<SergioMeneses> CesarGomez: bn bn \n<SergioMeneses> hollman: como vio lo de la respuesta a bogota-mesh?\n<hollman> SergioMeneses, mera eleganciaaaaaaaaa\n<hollman> :D\n<hollman> SergioMeneses, pero no han respondido mas :(\n<hollman> yo ya les respondi\n<SergioMeneses> hollman: si eso me fije!... es que la respues oficial la enviaba mujica! xD pero si tenia pensado responder\n<Fdiaz> hola\n<Fdiaz> buenos dias\n<Fdiaz> soy nuevo utilizando \n<Fdiaz> sistemas operativos\n<Fdiaz> linux\n<Fdiaz> quisiera saber\n<Fdiaz> çcomo instalar\n<Fdiaz> un un archivo .tar.gz\n<hollman> http://bogota-mesh.org/blog/la_red_por_y_para_los_usuarios\n<gooria> hola, estoy estrenando ubuntu en mi portatil y tengo unproblemilla\n<gooria> no he podido acceder a los datos que tengo en la memoria sd\n<gooria> alguien me puede ayudar?\n<gooria> ah y tambien me ha quedado el equipo demasiado lento, es un toshiba portege 3440 ct\n<gooria> , es un poco ancino, pero con windows 2000 me funcionaba bien y me dijeron que con ubuntu volaria\n<gooria> pero n fue asi, la version de ubuntu es la 10.04\n#ubuntu-co 2012-03-09\n<ivan___> hola\n<ivan___> hay alguien que hable español?\n#ubuntu-co 2012-03-10\n<vientosolar> alguien por aqui?\n<JHOSMAN> Quien esta x aca??? \n<IngForigua> (18:53:46) ivan___: hay alguien que hable español? <-- i dont believe\n<vientosolar> ayuda para actualizar repositorios\n<vientosolar> que grax\n<JHOSMAN> Forigua yo jajaja\n<dodi> hhhhhh\n<dodi> Hola soy nuevo en esto de linux, me preguntaba si por el chat me darias instrucciones para la instalacion de una tarjeta inalambrica,gracias.\n<ofprieto> hola :S\n<JHOSMAN> :foreveralone: jaja \n<ofprieto> sej juee\n#ubuntu-co 2012-03-11\n<hiko_hitokiri> SergioMeneses, que dice como va la novela\n<hiko_hitokiri> SergioMeneses, tene cuidado hay anda el elitista de n0rman \n<SergioMeneses> hiko_hitokiri: entonces!\n<SergioMeneses> jaja no el n0rman es un buen amigo\n<hiko_hitokiri> SergioMeneses, pero es elitista jajaja\n<hiko_hitokiri> SergioMeneses, es joda nomas el bien sabe\n<ofprieto> bunas tardes a todos\n<ofprieto> buenas tardes a todos\n<SergioMeneses> IngForigua, \\o\n<IngForigua> SergioMeneses: quiubo\n<SergioMeneses> IngForigua, leyo el correo\n<IngForigua> SergioMeneses: cual?\n<SergioMeneses> IngForigua, la respuesta a b-mesh\n<IngForigua> a si severo\n<IngForigua> carajo tiene super poderes\n<SergioMeneses> IngForigua, o.0\n<IngForigua>  /kick SergioMeneses\n<SergioMeneses> IngForigua, chistoso\n<SergioMeneses> IngForigua, ya respondi tambien\n<IngForigua> (16:00:15) You're not a channel operator\n#ubuntu-co 2013-03-04\n<Meganet> buenas\n<Meganet> tengo una duda\n<Meganet> puedo instalar ubuntu a un pc chino que tiene como disco duro una usb udiskchip\n<hollman> Meganet, si\n<Meganet> tengo un pc chino y quiero ponerle ubuntu o otra distro\n<Meganet> instale debian pero no pude configurar el wifi\n<Meganet> y ubuntu livecd lo renoce el wifi\n<Meganet> reconoce\n<Meganet> el problema es que necesito una distro para esa vaina\n<Meganet> :)\n<Meganet> venia con un xp y ya no lo puedo instalar\n<Meganet> le di lspci | grep wireless y no mostro nada\n<Meganet> pero ubuntu live si la reconoce\n* SergioMeneses changed the topic of #ubuntu-co to:  Bienvenido al canal IRC de Ubuntu Colombia www.ubuntu-co.com - No olvidar respetar el CoC - http://www.ubuntu-ve.org/?q=codigodeconducta  - Preguntas y respuestas Ubuntu http://ubuntu.shapado.com/\n<SergioMeneses> entonces!\n<SergioMeneses> DGUERRERO, hollman kuadrosx tiagoscd \\o\n#ubuntu-co 2013-03-05\n<SergioMeneses> BartOC3, \\o\n<BartOC3> SergioMeneses Buenas noches!!\n<SergioMeneses> BartOC3, bien bien... leyendo todo lo q me compartio\n<BartOC3> SergioMeneses yo ando modificando algunas cositas..xD jeje ahora actualizo.. j\n<BartOC3> e instalando todo en un nuevo pc q tengo..:P\n<SergioMeneses> BartOC3, bien bien... yo tambiuen ando haciendo otras tareas, mañana es la ods y anda todo el mundo corriendo\n<SergioMeneses> BartOC3, mire para las tareas https://trello.com/ubuconla\n<BartOC3> Si eso es otroll\n<BartOC3> me toca instalar todo hasta lo de libo..:P\n<SergioMeneses> BartOC3, como asi?\n<SergioMeneses> BartOC3, paseme su mail por pm\n<BartOC3> SergioMeneses --> ya se lo envie..\n<BartOC3> SergioMeneses -->  las herramientas de calidad de LibreOffice ..\n<SergioMeneses> listo hay le llega el email\n<SergioMeneses> BartOC3, kk\n<SergioMeneses> listo BartOC3 hay quedaron las tareas en el trello :D \n<BartOC3> Excelente!! SergioMeneses\n<kuadrosx> SergioMeneses: https://plus.google.com/u/0/100409717163242445476/posts/jDq6BAgdpkG\n<SergioMeneses> kuadrosx, ya lo habia visto\n<SergioMeneses> pues la wiki no el post\n<kuadrosx> SergioMeneses: e \n<kuadrosx> es el creador de wayland\n<kuadrosx> bueno brb\n<SergioMeneses> kuadrosx, ;)\n * SergioMeneses es antichevere como hollman \n<SergioMeneses> kuadrosx, van a poner a shapado como soporte oficial para ubuntu en español\n<SergioMeneses>  \\o/\n<kuadrosx> :O\n<kuadrosx> hollman: ya se paso a mir?\n<kuadrosx> xD\n * kuadrosx trolling\n<hollman> jajajaja\n<hollman> hasta hoy lo leí\n<hollman> quede :-o :E\n<Costeelation> Hooola\n<Costeelation> buenas tardes señores\n#ubuntu-co 2013-03-06\n<Costeelation> Buenas noches.\n<Costeelation> Jlcmux: hola josé luis quisiera que me linkiaras información acerca del flisol en medellin, si no es mucha molestia\n<Jlcmux> Costeelation, \n<Jlcmux> Apenas estamos creando la nueva pagina y todo\n<Jlcmux> Pero que informacion necesitas\n<Jlcmux> Yo te la puedo decir\n<Costeelation> mmm lo básico, donde cuando y a que horas :)\n<Jlcmux> El 27 de Abril\n<Jlcmux> En la Universidad de Medellin\n<Jlcmux> El horario no lo tenemos exacto\n<Jlcmux> Pero imagino que como todos los años\n<Jlcmux> de 8 a 6 o algo parecido\n<Jlcmux> Costeelation, \n<Costeelation> mmm está bien :) si en algo puedo colaborar hazmelo saber‬\n<Jlcmux> Pues dime tu\n<Jlcmux> En que te gustaria ayudar\n<Costeelation> no se jaja soy muy bueno instalando cuanta distribucion encuentro :p\n<Costeelation> podría servir de instalador \n<Jlcmux> Listo\n<Jlcmux> Si quiere lo anoto \n<Jlcmux> ME da su correo\n<Jlcmux> y te voy avisando\n<Jlcmux> Costeelation, \n<Costeelation> claro\n<Costeelation> costeelation@hotmail.com, yo leo la lista de correo\n<Jlcmux> a listo\n<Jlcmux> Nos vemos\n<Jlcmux> Me voy\n<Jlcmux> Costeelation, cualquier cosa te aviso.\n<Costeelation> Si gracias, estaré pendiente\n<Costeelation> que estés bien.\n<SergioMeneses> don BartOC3 \\o\n<BartOC3> hola don SergioMeneses como ha estado\n<SergioMeneses> BartOC3, hay pasandola y ud?\n<SergioMeneses> si vio la noticia del espacio de la ubucon? que bueno por ellos\n<BartOC3> SergioMeneses -> aqui revisando un correo q llego de tdf--> para participar en la traducion de esto\n<BartOC3> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/images/1/13/GS40-GettingStartedLO.pdf\n<BartOC3> Si señor Excelente!!\n<SergioMeneses> BartOC3, interesante\n<BartOC3> Ya tengo la infor para hoy!!\n<SergioMeneses> BartOC3, perfecto!\n<SergioMeneses> sabe que como que no entendieron mi punto en cuanto al proyecto de migracion\n<SergioMeneses> dan mucho nombres que encasillan el proyecto como: software libre\n<SergioMeneses> y precisamente no es eso\n<BartOC3> cual al proyecto de educacion ?\n<BartOC3> Bueno y como se han propopuestos esos nombres!\n<SergioMeneses> BartOC31, si ese mismo\n<SergioMeneses> BartOC3, en el email q tu mandaste, no?\n<BartOC31> Si señor\n<BartOC31> pero eso no los propuse lo mando \n<BartOC31> diego gomez\n<SergioMeneses> si si \n<BartOC31> y te comparto otro documento q envio\n<BartOC31> el con sugerencias\n<BartOC31> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MwA3qHcKE0oscoCFG9Iky_UnAJpbqrs1E1M1_9Zvz3s/edit?usp=sharing\n<SergioMeneses> BartOC31, si lo andaba viendo\n<SergioMeneses> pero tenemos q reunirnos\n<BartOC31> Si voy a enviar un doodle para q pongan cada uno disoponibilidad de tiempo y asi pode realizar la reunion\n<SergioMeneses> BartOC31, eso es un proceso largo y doloroso\n<SergioMeneses> ponga un dia y listo\n<SergioMeneses> la gente le saca el tiempo\n<SergioMeneses> sino duramos un mes cuadrando la fecha de la reunion\n * SergioMeneses se acuerda de cuando se programaban las reuniones del concilio y se sienta en el rincon\n<BartOC31> jajaj listo perfecto!!\n<BartOC31> lya cambio el horario para las reuniones del coniclio\n<SergioMeneses> BartOC31, jejeje como a las 9 las mandaron\n<BartOC31> jeje si.. pero bueno..\n<BartOC31> SergioMeneses en el flisol de la guajia esta rebueno van de invitados el alcalde de riohacha y los directores de las UNAD de la zona caibe\n<BartOC31> caribe\n<SergioMeneses> BartOC31, q bueno :) me alegra\n<BartOC31> Jueves 7 de marzo a las 07.00pm Reunion del proyecto!\n<SergioMeneses> BartOC31, jejeje si hay lo lei\n<SergioMeneses> eso eso\n<BartOC31> SergioMeneses hay flisol San Andres ...xd jeje\n<SergioMeneses> BartOC31, jeje esa si es nueva\n<SergioMeneses> pero eso es de colombia o nicaragua al fin?\n<SergioMeneses> jajajaja\n<BartOC31> jajajajjajaja\n<BartOC31> Segun de colombia todavia... bueno ahora\n<BartOC31> espereamos q siga asi\n<BartOC31> xd\n<SergioMeneses> xD\n<hollman> y SergioMeneses no va a trollear en el planet ?\n<SergioMeneses> hollman, no... yo no posteo eso, yo les digo en las reuniones q eso esta mal\n<SergioMeneses> pero ud sabe quien maneja la ultima palabra\n<hollman> entristesedor ...\n<hollman> muy mal\n<SergioMeneses> hollman, un monton de gente anda ofendidisima... pero un monton monton\n<hollman> SergioMeneses, +1\n<hollman> ;)\n<SergioMeneses> y q se cuenta don hollman ?\n<SergioMeneses> como les fue con los celulares?\n<hollman> pues bien\n * SergioMeneses tiene envidia de no haber podido ir\n<hollman> no me quede todo el tiempo\n<hollman> no rindio y me fui\n<SergioMeneses> como ais q no rindio?\n<SergioMeneses> bueno me voy retirando\n<SergioMeneses> nos vemos luego... a ver si consigo algo de comer por aqui\n#ubuntu-co 2013-03-07\n<BartOC> SergioMeneses que lindo el meetingology\n<SergioMeneses> BartOC, y eso q no usaron nada de lo q de verdad hace\n<SergioMeneses> solo activaron el log\n<BartOC> si eso vi..\n<BartOC> con tiempo lo reviso bien y miro para realizar la prueba la proxima reunion de uco\n<SergioMeneses> #startmeeting\n<SergioMeneses> &startmeeting\n<ubuntu-co-bot> SergioMeneses: Error: \"startmeeting\" is not a valid command.\n<SergioMeneses> &startmeeting reunion \n<ubuntu-co-bot> SergioMeneses: Error: \"startmeeting\" is not a valid command.\n<BartOC> error\n<SergioMeneses> ve' no funciona\n<SergioMeneses> jajaja\n<BartOC> lol\n<BartOC> te hizo quedar mal\n<BartOC> xD\n<SergioMeneses> &endmeeting\n<ubuntu-co-bot> SergioMeneses: Error: \"endmeeting\" is not a valid command.\n<SergioMeneses> BartOC, quien sabe q le paso\n<BartOC> se daño por no usar\n<BartOC> xD\n<BartOC> #startmeeting Reunion\n<SergioMeneses> BartOC, a lo mejor... ash pero ya mañana lo reviso\n<SergioMeneses> no no\n<SergioMeneses> el no funciona con # sino con &\n<SergioMeneses> ping ubuntu-co-bot \n<SergioMeneses> ubuntu-co-bot, ping\n<ubuntu-co-bot> pong\n<BartOC> aa es lo q cambia..\n<BartOC> don JianSystyle\n<SergioMeneses> JianSyStyle, ?\n<BartOC> JianSyStyle --> Miembro de CaribeMesh quiere ingresar a la comunidad\n<SergioMeneses> #ping\n<SergioMeneses> &ping\n<ubuntu-co-bot> pong\n<SergioMeneses> #startmeeting reunion\n<ubuntu-co-bot> Meeting started Thu Mar  7 02:23:51 2013 UTC.  The chair is SergioMeneses. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell.\n<ubuntu-co-bot> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired\n<SergioMeneses> #chairs SergioMeneses \n<SergioMeneses> #chair SergioMeneses BartOC \n<ubuntu-co-bot> Current chairs: BartOC SergioMeneses\n<SergioMeneses> #topic test\n<SergioMeneses> #meetingtopic test\n<SergioMeneses> #vote test\n<ubuntu-co-bot> Please vote on: test\n<ubuntu-co-bot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)\n<SergioMeneses> -1\n<ubuntu-co-bot> -1 received from SergioMeneses\n<SergioMeneses> #endvote\n<ubuntu-co-bot> Voting ended on: test\n<ubuntu-co-bot> Votes for:0 Votes against:1 Abstentions:0\n<ubuntu-co-bot> Motion denied\n<BartOC> +1\n<SergioMeneses> #endmeeting\n<ubuntu-co-bot> Meeting ended Thu Mar  7 02:25:45 2013 UTC.  \n<ubuntu-co-bot> Minutes:        http://people.ubuntu.com/~sergiomeneses/ubuntu-co-meeting/ubuntu-co/ubuntu-co.2013-2013-03-07-02.23.moin.txt\n<SergioMeneses> BartOC, hay quedo ya fino\n<BartOC> SergioMeneses q rapido..xD\n<BartOC> don SergioMeneses hablamos voy a salir a comer..\n<SergioMeneses> BartOC, nos vemos\n<BartOC> si q cumple  1 año con mio novia y estoy pegado aca..xD jeje\n<SergioMeneses> BartOC, lol\n<SergioMeneses> la ley de las piernas cerradas le van a aplicar\n<BartOC> ya me regaño..xd\n<BartOC> -.- lo dejo antes q apliquen\n<BartOC> xD\n<JianSyStyle> Hola  todos\n<JianSyStyle> Bendiciones\n<JianSyStyle> holaaaa!\n<JianSyStyle> Quien me podria ayudar con el codigo de conducta de Linux\n<JianSyStyle> tengo un problema que no me deja registrarlo en mi Launchpad\n<JianSyStyle> me sale este Error\n<JianSyStyle> (7, 58, u'No data')\n<JianSyStyle> Nadie quien me ayude?\n<JianSyStyle> Otros miembros del equipo podrán ayudarle a través de la lista de correo, el foro o el chat IRC. Ésta es una etapa importante para indicar que usted ha leído y entendido los principios generales que orientan la comunidad Ubuntu. (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ColombianTeam/NuevosMiembros)\n#ubuntu-co 2013-03-09\n<SergioMeneses> BartOC3, \\o\n<SergioMeneses> al fin movio la reunion?\n<BartOC3> je Don SergioMeneses o/\n<BartOC3> jeje ando modo traducion.. q estoy atrasado..:S\n<BartOC3> jeje\n<SergioMeneses> BartOC3, ++\n<k-milogars> como ordenas con less\n#ubuntu-co 2014-03-03\n<SergioMeneses> Juankof, kuadrosx nadi3d_  miren http://ubuconla.org/\n<kuadrosx> click\n<kuadrosx> deberia comprar ticketes :P\n<nadi3d_> que es eso men \n<nadi3d_> men fuck off :D \n<nadi3d_> no me pagan no aguanta\n<SergioMeneses> lol\n<nadi3d_> tonces hay que comprar los ticketes y gastar hotel y no dan nada ;D\n<SergioMeneses> les estoy compartiendo informacion nada mas.... que divas!\n<kuadrosx> SergioMeneses: temas?\n<kuadrosx> SergioMeneses: el logo de colombia deberia ser como el de ar\n<nadi3d_> no hay plata men men muy lejos\n<SergioMeneses> kuadrosx, si pero el de nosotros es diferente\n#ubuntu-co 2014-03-05\n<ofprieto> hola todos buenas tardes\n#ubuntu-co 2014-03-06\n<IngForigua> SergioMeneses: no mas monontela y lo voy pateando\n#ubuntu-co 2014-03-08\n<leopardo31> hola\n<leopardo31> donde puedo comprar productos de linux ubuntu en barranquilla colombia\n<leopardo31> ????????\n#ubuntu-co 2015-03-07\n<srlaskar> Hola\n<ddi4z> bien graciosa esa gente que saluda y a los minutos sale\n#ubuntu-co 2018-03-05\n<el3ctron> hola!!\n<el3ctron> alguien por acá?\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC"}}
-{"text": "#ubuntu-phone 2012-01-06\n<maxolasersquad> Anyone else seen https://code.google.com/p/monav/\n<maxolasersquad> It may be a good solution to have GPS navigation on the phone.\n<Guest11875> nice find! we definitely need to have maps and navigation…\n#ubuntu-phone 2013-01-02\n<h00k> oho look.\n<seiflotfy> hey guys\n<seiflotfy> mhall119: around?\n<mhall119> seiflotfy: I am\n<seiflotfy> quick question, is zeitgeist being used in ubuntu phone?\n<seiflotfy> if yes are you guys using the qml bindings we created\n<mhall119> seiflotfy: no idea, but it wouldn't surprise me since it's used in Unity\n<popey> you probably want to use #ubuntu-discuss\n<mhall119> I don't know about QML bindings\n<seiflotfy> mhall119: we have qml bindings since over a year now\n<seiflotfy> mhall119: http://wm161.net/2011/10/28/libqzeitgeist-0-8-0/\n<mhall119> seiflotfy: cool, I'll pass that along\n<seiflotfy> :d\n<boulabiar> Does the phone use wayland ?\n<RzR> hi\n<RzR> are there ubuntu4android devels around ?\n<RzR> pop corns :)\n<tola> Does anyone know what will be the default browser for Ubuntu for Phones? Will it be Webkit or Gecko based?\n<WanderingEnder> ok, so. The last thing I heard about this was awhile back. This is not the full stack, not some chrooted... thing.\n<mhall119> tola: I don't know if that's been decided yet\n<Aiki> mhall119: I know qt is just a toolkit, but recently canonical has been cutting slices on the base ISO, so i thought it would be smart to switch all the focus to Qt.\n<RzR> WanderingEnder, yes I played w/ chroot too\n<FabianS> Most likely webkit.\n<mhall119> Aiki: even with a focus on Qt, there are a lot of Gnome components in Ubuntu that aren't going away anytime soon\n<WanderingEnder> I have a RAZR, original version (Droid, obviouzly), I'm wondering if I could put this on it.\n<RzR> but I was wondering if there are public stuff to test out ?\n<WanderingEnder> When ther eare reference builds available.\n<tola> mhall119: What about the app runtime? Jono seems to think that will be Webkit, does anyone know otherwise?\n<Muphrid> what will be the language for the SDK? QML?\n<user82> when will the images be available for testing..does anyone know?\n<mhall119> tola: for HTML5 apps?\n<Aiki> mhall119: IC Pitty... :( Thanks though!\n<tola> mhall119: yes\n<RzR> cordova ?\n<mhall119> tola: again, I don't know, but Webkit wouldn't surprise me\n<mhall119> Muphrid: QML is going to be the recommended one\n<mhall119> but AFAIK it'll be open to others\n<Muphrid> mhall119: alright, thanks\n<tvoss> mhall119, ping\n<tola> mhall119: It would be a shame to miss out on all the new APIs being added to Gecko http://wiki.mozilla.org/WebAPI\n<mhall119> tvoss: pong\n<tola> mhall119: But maybe that's an incentive to add an implementation of those APIs to Webkit...\n<mhall119> tola: any API worth developing for should be as cross-platform as possible\n<tola> mhall119: Like the new Ubuntu application environment you mean?\n<tola> mhall119: (I agree, I'm just being sarcastic)\n<WanderingEnder> Also, honest question.\n<WanderingEnder> How badly are US carriers going to be able to gut Ubuntu.\n<mhall119> WanderingEnder: that's a business thing, I don't think anyone here can answer that\n<mhall119> ideally they wouldn't want to change it at all\n<WanderingEnder> Yeah, but look at Verizon.\n<WanderingEnder> Also, the overview page says you'll need an Atom or Quad Core A9 for desktop convergence.\n<mhall119> WanderingEnder: as a Verizon customer, I know exactly what you mean :)\n<WanderingEnder> I thought we were able to get away with dual core 1GHz for that.\n<tola> btw, the reason I was asking about the web app runtime is that I've worked on some web apps that would be cool to port to Ubuntu for phones. They use the new Web APIs in Gecko, and one of them is a browser app (hence my other question) https://github.com/mozilla-b2g/gaia\n<mhall119> WanderingEnder: that I don't know about, I remember the UfA requirements originally said dual-core ARM\n<Chelsea> So, after doing reading for the last hour straight on this subject, just to be clear on this whole matter, there is no product (just software and ecosystem). Just like the Ubuntu-TV, right?\n<mhall119> Chelsea: correct, this isn't something you can go get right now\n<WanderingEnder> This is just high level for OEMs and operators. http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone/operators-and-oems\n<mhall119> for Canonical, the softwre is the product, but there is no hardware\n<WanderingEnder> (Both to my statement of Quad Core and to 'where do I get this thing?')\n<tola> Where's the source code btw?\n<Chelsea> mhall119, I really don't think a big \"announcement\" is the way to go if they're just looking for oems. This was old news allready. Some ppl's expectations where higher.\n<mhall119> tola: the components and toolkit are here: https://launchpad.net/~ui-toolkit/+archive/ppa\n<mhall119> instructiosn for instaling them are on http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/\n<WanderingEnder> I'm not really seeing anything new, actually, than the old announcement that just looked like \"Motorola WebKit Native.\"\n<gotwig> hey there\n<WanderingEnder> Except that the requirements for desktop have doubled.\n<Muphrid> rewriting my other question in the other channel: If I make an ubuntu customization (say a derivative) on the phone and make an image of it, is it possible to boot this new image on another phone? this is basically asking if the bootloader is locked\n<gotwig> what about scopes and lenses for ubuntu for phones? I dont see a point about that here http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/\n<mhall119> gotwig: there shouldn't be anything different for lenses/scopes on the phone interface\n<gotwig> mhall119, but how does the stuff show up :X\n<mhall119> gotwig: same way it does on the desktop\n<gotwig> mhall119, what is with the right click?\n<WanderingEnder> Muphrid, that's between you, your device manufacturer, and your carrier.\n<mhall119> gotwig: I don't know how previews will work, if that's what you mean\n<gotwig> mhall119, yeah ^^\n<WanderingEnder> I own a Verizon phone with a locked boot carrier, by Motorola. I expect hell to freeze over before Verizon acknoledges US law requiring interoperability.\n<tola> mhall119: Is that just for developing QML apps?\n<mhall119> gotwig: see the image at the top of http://www.jonobacon.org/2013/01/02/announcing-ubuntu-for-phones/ ?  Those are lenses on the phone\n<mhall119> tola: \"that\" being what?\n * RzR http://rzr.online.fr/q/ubuntu# is #UbuntuPhone open ? I plan to adapt it for !N950Club which already support !Ubuntu #Chroot (watch video)\n<Muphrid> WanderingEnder: right, so it will be like android, the manufacturer decides\n<FabianS> Buing phones in the USA seems like a huge pain to me.\n<mhall119> FabianS: it is\n<WanderingEnder> Muphrid, its a cell phone. The carrier will always decide, and the manufacturer will obey.\n<FabianS> With several non-compatible networks and stuff like that.\n<FabianS> At least all the other countries agreed on one standard.\n<WanderingEnder> Canonical understands that, look at the OEMs and Carriers page.\n<Muphrid> true\n<Muphrid> heh\n<tola> mhall119: Sorry, the \"components and toolkit\" you can download, do they only enable QML-based apps to be run?\n<WanderingEnder> Noting how you can develop your carrier specific bloatware easily.\n<mhall119> FabianS: except S. Korea, I think, who also uses CDMA\n<gotwig> hide for the launcher on  the phone.. something i miss on my desktop\n<mhall119> tola: yes, those are the QML components\n<FabianS> mhall119: Do they have only CDMA or both CDMA and GSM?\n<mhall119> FabianS: probably both, like the USA\n<mhall119> you know, just to make it more difficult\n<Muphrid> WanderingEnder: Can you link the page?\n<WanderingEnder> http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone/operators-and-oems\n<Muphrid> thanks\n<FabianS> Here the only real stupid thing is the choice of LTE frequencies.\n<FabianS> But that's mainly apple's fault.\n<WanderingEnder> Carrier Exclusivity and Custom Capabilities.\n<FabianS> All other phone companies managed to put LTE chips in their phones that support more than two frequencies.\n<WanderingEnder> I mean, basically, in the US, if you don't play ball with the carriers, the manufacturers will not use your OS, cause they carriers won't carry that phone.\n<WanderingEnder> So, Canonical will guess how high when Verizon says jump.\n<mhall119> WanderingEnder: more likely there will be an OEM between\n<WanderingEnder> I guess I'm wondering how badly carriers and OEMs will rip this apart.\n<jaduncan> WanderingEnder: see Android.\n<FabianS> But they hardly touched iOS and WP.\n<mhall119> http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/ is up and running again\n<tvoss> mhall119, \\o/\n<sivang> hi all\n<mhall119> hi sivang\n<sivang> hey mhall119\n<sivang> is this the channel that helped produce this: http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone/operators-and-oems ?\n<mhall119> sivang: this is a public discussion channel for the phone project\n<sivang> mhall119: excellent\n<mhall119> sivang: do you have questions about that page?\n<sivang> mhall119: first of all, I think that's the best attempt at biting at the apple (but I may be a bit biased being ubuntu universe develoepr for quite some time and uploader to main through sponsorship in ancient times)\n<mhall119> I'm a bit biased myself, so that's okay :)\n<sivang> mhall119: I would be anxious to try this phone, not sure I could afford it money wise, but would be dying to try it.\n<sivang> mhall119: I was with the community team pre-mataro, if that tells you something..\n<sivang> mhall119: and used to email with the sabdfl occasionally ;)\n<ubuntubhoy> sivang: images will be released for the Galaxy nexus soon\n<sivang> amazing\n<ubuntubhoy> not the most expensive handset anymore\n<mhall119> ^^ that\n<Walther>  So, nice work on the Ubuntu phone, when will it be available for download?\n * sivang wonders who around here still recalls Mataro besides kdub \n<mhall119> though I can forsee a run on those phones on ebay and craigslist once those images are out :)\n<k1l_> so there will be an image for the nexus4, too? or do the devs still wait for google to deliver their device? :)\n<mhall119> Walther: I don't have a solid time frame on those images yet\n<mhall119> k1l_: I've only heard that there will be images for the galaxy nexus\n<sivang> mhall119: what's the way to contribute and get noticed for Ubuntu phone?\n * mhall119 doesn't recall Mataro\n<k1l_> mhall119: ok\n<Walther> Also, how much of it will be open source / closed source?\n<sivang> mhall119: 2004, after Warty Warthog\n<mhall119> sivang: currently we have the UI toolkit available for people to get started making/porting apps\n<Walther> Will it be possible to contribute in near-official or truly official ports to other \"open\" devices, namely, Nokia N9 and the like?\n<mhall119> Walther: as much as possible will be open source\n<sivang> mhall119: ah, so it is not an open source project...\n<sivang> mhall119: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MataroConference\n<mhall119> sivang: the images are not available yet\n<ubuntubhoy> sivang: can't be fully open sourced - vendors and OEM's need an amount of control over devices\n<ubuntubhoy> or they won't buy into it\n<mhall119> but from what jono and rick spencer were saying on the OMG stream earlier, it should all be available under an open license\n<mhall119> with the probable exception of hardware drivers\n<sivang> ubuntubhoy: mer is open source and you can contribute there , and sailfish will be apparently, so I guess there's a way?\n<mhall119> though even most of that should, thanks to Google and Android, be open\n<mhall119> it will ultimately depend on the hardware used though\n<FabianS> Sailfish isn't FOSS.\n<FabianS> Only the core, not the UI.\n<ubuntubhoy> mhall119: even on Android OEM's like to lock down bootloaders\n<FabianS> The Swipe UI nokia made for Meego on the N9 is closed to.\n<sivang> FabianS: but to contribute that's all you care..\n<mhall119> ubuntubhoy: well bootloaders are an entirely different matter\n<mhall119> an OEM can lock a bootloader running 100% open software\n<ubuntubhoy> but they are still linked\n<sivang> mhall119: is it using lybhybris?\n<mhall119> ubuntubhoy: I mean that what the OEM does with the bootloader won't have any bearing on the openness of our software's development\n<mhall119> sivang: I don't know\n<sivang> *libhybris\n<ubuntubhoy> mhall119: I get that - it's just another factor to consider is all\n<sivang> so it is developed not in th eopen so far..\n<ubuntubhoy> well, nothing has been released yet\n<ubuntubhoy> so can't really say yet\n<mhall119> sivang: it was developed internally up until now\n<sivang> mhall119: I see, with voluteers as well?\n<Walther> Also, just an interested thought - will there be parts of Ubuntu Phone project merged to the Ubuntu Tablet project?\n<mhall119> sivang: what do yu mean?\n<Walther> The UI demo seemed much more sleek than the recent videos of Ubuntu Nexus 7 project\n<Walther> and the same UI ideas could perform well on the tablet as well\n<Walther> swipe, gestures, speech recognition HUD, etc\n<sivang> mhall119: well, before warty warthog released, there was a community team as well that was per-invited to join the fun before the release :)\n<ubuntubhoy> The N7 project is still only about getting the core OS working\n<ubuntubhoy> no UI stuff being done\n<mhall119> Walther: all form factors will eventually share the same foundation\n<ubuntubhoy> at least in public\n<sivang> mhall119: as you can see, I'm highly keen on community matters\n<mhall119> sivang: me too :)\n<sivang> mhall119: observer ;) http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.doc/70\n<sivang> mhall119: notice the dates..\n<mhall119> sivang: there was some non-canonical folks contributing via skunkworks\n<sivang> I'm in old timer, too old a even.\n<Walther> BTW, am I getting the right impression that mhall119 is a developer working for canonical? Any other actual employees stating ~\"official\" opinions here?\n<sivang> mhall119: ah it has a name today? what is skunkworks?\n<mhall119> Walther: former-developer, I'm on the community team now\n<mhall119> I wasn't involved in the development of the phone\n<sivang> lately, I'm feeling addicted to mobile os development\n<mhall119> sivang: skunkworks is a program to bring in community people to contribute to all kinds of internal projects prior to their official announcement\n<spjt> So has anyone finished a fart app yet\n<mhall119> sivang: http://mhall119.com/2012/11/welcome-to-the-skunk-works/\n<Walther> And yeah, repeating my previous (important) question - will it be possible to contribute to official and/or non-official ports to other devices, or preferably, not ports but actual \"device support\"?\n<mhall119> spjt: not yet, it's yours for the taking\n<sivang> mhall119: just read it, so mark named it after 10 years :)\n<Walther> It would be awesome to be able to flash my N9 with Ubuntu, and have it run the same exact OS build that a nexus 4 with Ubuntu would\n<mhall119> sivang: perhaps it was a re-initialization\n<Walther> (separate ports are always a headache, no proper updates etc)\n<ubuntubhoy> mhall119: quick question, when the GNex UOS images become available will they be announcing it or will they just 'be there' without a fanfare ?\n<spjt> I'm getting 404 errors when installing the QML toolkit preview (second command)\n<mhall119> ubuntubhoy: I'm sure it'll be announced and picked up by all the usual media\n<ubuntubhoy> K\n<ubuntubhoy> was just wondering after the N7 image went live prior to its announced release time\n<spjt> Is there an emulator image?\n<mhall119> spjt: emulator for phone hardware?\n<spjt> mhall119: I'd think it would use the Android emulator.\n<Walther> Are there *any* images available yet?\n<mhall119> Walther: not yet, only the app development components\n<Walther> that's what i thought.\n<spjt> Has anyone else gotten the QML toolkit installed?\n<pmcgowan> spjt: we can do that, use the android emulator, will keep you posted, we have played with that a bit\n<ubuntubhoy> The Android emulator works pretty well now\n<FabianS> It's really slow though.\n<ubuntubhoy> no where near as bad as it was\n<spjt> There must be some way to emulate it, otherwise there'd be no way to know if anything works at all\n<mhall119> spjt: it'll probably run on the desktop, but yes it does make it hard to test certain things\n<spjt> W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ui-toolkit/ppa/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found\n<spjt> mhall119: I mean the actual phone OS itself, not the apps\n<rsalveti> it's not hard to emulate it, specially as have qemu working nicely with the android sdk\n<mhall119> spjt: /w 51\n<mhall119> blah, ignore that\n<spjt> Ot\n<spjt> I only want the emulator to play around with it, so it's not too big of a deal..\n<pmcgowan> mhall119: I dont think the source packages have been published, but the ui is qml anyway\n<pmcgowan> the toolkit I mean\n<spjt> I'm more interested in finding out why I can't install the toolkit.\n<popey> spjt: I just tried here, and it works okay\n<Gaggo> hooray\n<mhall119> spjt: what error are you getting?\n<leonardo> omg\n<spjt> I don't get any errors with add-apt-repository ppa:ui-toolkit/ppa. apt-get update gives me W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ui-toolkit/ppa/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found\n<mhall119> spjt: ah, packages are only there for Quantal atm\n<sivang> there's an issue signing to the wiki\n<spjt> mhall119: ok then...\n<sivang> I'm using my lp creds\n<ubuntubhoy> installing fine here\n<Mercury> mhall119: Is the base X, wayland, or something else entirely?\n * sivang feels the SSO is surprised to see me back\n<mhall119> Mercury: I'm not entirely sure\n<mhall119> sivang: you can't expect to be gone for so long and have it just immediately welcome you back into it's life\n<sivang> mhall119: LOLs\n<mhall119> bring flowers or something\n<sivang> granted\n<sivang> mhall119: I'm getting too old\n<FabianS> Some german news site says that Ubuntu phone uses Android drivers.\n<FabianS> Any confirmation on this?\n<popey> our own site says that\n<sivang> FabianS: this is mentioned on the releas web pages\n<popey> http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone\n<mhall119> The nexus 7 images do too\n<FabianS> Wonder how they do that.\n<popey> \"Ubuntu runs well on entry-level smartphones – yet it uses the same drivers as Android\"\n<k1l_> FabianS: in the video mark mentions that it will work with android kernels and android drivers\n<mhall119> IIRC, the drivers have been submitted to the upstream kernel already, but haven't landed in it yet\n<sivang> FabianS: read carefully :) hence why I was asking if it was using libhybris https://github.com/stskeeps/libhybris\n<Mercury> FabianS: Ubuntu is compatable with a typical Android Board Support Package (BSP).\n<sivang> FabianS: but having applied to work for Linaro, I know that the linaro.org project did that natively.\n<sivang> FabianS: gathering vendors from all overs, literally\n<sivang> FabianS: and creating a cool common core to run ubuntu on and devices\n<sivang> :)\n<sivang> mhall119: I have some control over the material, mind you ;)\n<HumanBeing> I asked this before, but I didn't get an answer: What's about the developement of Ubuntu for Android? Is it dead?\n<popey> HumanBeing: no\n<Mercury> FabianS: I read that as 'we can run natively an an Android kernel', possibly with the extra library pieces normally used for the camera, cell radio, etc.\n<sivang> mhall119: flowers not needed, but a kiss on the chick could help ;)\n<HumanBeing> popey Great, thanks\n<popey> ʘ‿ಠ\n<mhall119> HumanBeing: Ubuntu for Android was pretty much stock Ubuntu with some custom Android work, IIRC\n<sivang> popey: you I remember from ancient times\n<mhall119> sivang: you calling popey ancient?\n<ubuntubhoy> you saying he's not ?\n<mhall119> mind you, I'm happy whenever I talk to someone who makes me feel younger, rather than older\n<sivang> mhall119: haha\n<sivang> mhall119: he's been with Ubuntu for a *while*\n<mhall119> I know\n<sivang> 'wiki says no'\n * sivang retries\n<sivang> mhall119: it uses debs right?\n<mhall119> sivang: ubuntu?\n<HumanBeing> and I've got another question... are there any news about the NexPhone (www.nexcrea.com). In my eyes this would be a perfect piece of hardware for the Ubuntu for phones\n<mhall119> HumanBeing: I stopped paying attention when they didn't guarantee any work was actually going to be done for the money\n<spjt> I want the ubuntu phone on the Galaxy Note II. I love the pen.\n<sivang> mhall119: thje phone version ;)\n<mhall119> sivang: I don't think it's that far along yet, but debs would be the obvious way for it to go\n<sivang> finally got a hello from wiki!\n<popey> sivang: I'm not _that_ old!\n<sivang> mhall119: hmm, I mean, what's the pkging system there?\n<sivang> popey: :)\n<popey> well, maybe I am.\n<sivang> popey: do you recall me?\n<mhall119> sivang: I assume it has apt/dpkg on the phone image\n<HumanBeing> mhall119 oh, ok I always wondered why they haven't got a donate-button on their webpage, which would be necessary if they really have the aim to produce the phone. strange...\n<sivang> mhall119: okay, thanks.\n<Mercury> mhall119: I'd be incrediable disappointed if they _didn't_ keep the full packaging system.\n<mhall119> HumanBeing: they did a kickstarter or one of those crowd-sourcing things\n<FabianS> That NexPhone looks an awful lot like bloatware.\n<FabianS> With no real hardware or software visible and really ugly renders.\n<HumanBeing> mhall119 I know ;) but they haven't got a single link to this on their site\n<mhall119> HumanBeing: I don't think they reached their goal\n<HumanBeing> FabianS You're right, but I was interested in this, because they promised that the phone would run Ubuntu\n<HumanBeing> thx for your information :)\n<FabianS> Er. I shouldn't write two things at once.\n<FabianS> *vaporware\n<FabianS> not bloatware\n * sivang wonders if sladen still with Canonical\n<mhall119> if anybody has questions that don't get answered here, please post them to AskUbuntu using the 'mobile' tag: http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/mobile\n* popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-phone to: Discussion for all things regarding Ubuntu in smartphone form factor | http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-phone | This channel is logged to http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | If nobody is here use http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/mobile\n<HumanBeing> A question I found on engadget.com: \"If i play fruit ninja or similar game, how this menu sistem going to behave (no phaysical buttons if i understand)??\"\n<popey> HumanBeing: there's a difference between swiping on the screen and swiping in from the edge. We need to be clever about telling the difference.\n<FabianS> Worked fine on Nokias N9 and N950.\n<HumanBeing> FabianS: How could you approve that? o.O\n<FabianS> Approve what?\n<HumanBeing> that it ran on the N9 and N950\n<FabianS> ER.\n<FabianS> Nokia invented those swipe gestures Ubuntu Phone uses.\n<FabianS> And they worked fine on N9 and N950.\n<FabianS> https://twitter.com/gregkh/status/286592231731785729\n<bobweaver> where is the code ?\n<popey> not available yet\n<FabianS> s/yet//g\n<FabianS> probably\n<popey> now now\n<bobweaver> popey,  what is framework ?\n<HumanBeing> FabianS: I see. I'm still not sure, wheather it'll be practical...\n<bobweaver> I hear that mark was talking about qml\n<popey> bobweaver: see http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/\n<FabianS> HumanBeing: I love the N9's UI. I'm sure the UI will be the least problem with Buntu Phone.\n<FabianS> Performance looks like more of an issue.\n<bobweaver> I want to add the form-factor to tv and tablet on my desktop\n<bobweaver> OMG it is OML !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n<bobweaver> s|oml|qml\n<bobweaver> Why am I not working on this ?\n<popey> ☺\n<bobweaver> popey,  I dont need to learn qml I am a expert in it. But I need to know something that I can import\n<bobweaver> like import unityphone 1.0\n<bobweaver> and it it uses qconf ?\n<bobweaver> if it *\n<bobweaver> so I can export things like this ......... pasteing\n<HumanBeing> I don't understand why they used QT instead of gtk\n<bobweaver> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1490045/\n<bobweaver> because qt is awesome and can use gtk\n<bobweaver> popey,  in that paste I am calling  com.canonical.unity-greeter  so that in any qml file I can do say\n<bobweaver> lightDmConfiguration.background == \"/usr/share/backgrounds/wahtever.png\"  that will change the glib\n<bobweaver> popey,  so You see before I write any apps for Phone I would like to see backend (QT) stuff to see what options there are to play with\n<bobweaver> like why import qconf and all that jazz if bckend of phone has it already ?\n<popey> bobweaver: i may be the wrong person to ask these types of questions\n<bobweaver> popey,  maybe you can ppoint out the right person ?\n<popey> mhall119 might, but he's just gone off the clock\n<bobweaver> dang ..... :)\n * bobweaver thinks that this is one of the best moves that Canonival has ever made. Qml is the future I have been ranting about that for like 1.5 years \n<sivang> bobweaver++\n<popey> \\o/ we got bobweaver on a happy day :D\n<bobweaver> lol\n<sivang> bobweaver: me for a bit over 2 years\n<sivang> ;)\n<sivang> but I'm biased from the Qt project side :-p\n<bobweaver> sivang,  you are also qml dev ?\n<bobweaver> sivang,  maybe you have seen some of the work that I have done ?\n<sivang> bobweaver: not sure, perhaps\n<sivang> bobweaver: been doing mostly closed stuff unfortunaltey, and private stuff\n<bobweaver> sivang,  I will make a video of what I am working on right now\n<bobweaver> kinda cool\n<sivang> bobweaver: sure thing, should be good to see\n<ubuntubhoy> Be careful - he will ask you to come look at his puppies next.\n * lpotter knows people that have been ranting about qml for 5 years\n<bobweaver> ubuntubhoy, lets see your qml code :)\n<bobweaver> I am going to make it so that the dash is render types are vars for easing.type : Easing.Whatever\n<sivang> lpotter: but you you, with Jolla no? :)\n * sivang grins\n<lpotter> i do have a current contract with jolla.\n<sivang> lpotter: twitter said something, a while ago :)\n<lpotter> but also a maintainer in qt-project\n<bobweaver> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8BCLEAH-oc\n<FabianS> I really really hope that jolla will get their hands on some decent hardware.\n<FabianS> But they probably can't compete with nokia in that regard.\n<FabianS> N9/Lumia800 and 920 are the best made smartphones I have ever seen.\n<bobweaver> jolla is cool is that what the phone is based off of  ?\n<FabianS> ?\n<FabianS> Jolla is the successor of Meego and most of the company are former Nokia guys.\n<lpotter> jolla's sailfish is mer/nemo which is based on meego\n<FabianS> Well, Sailfish is the successor.\n<FabianS> Jolla is the company\n<ubuntubhoy> bobweaver: I would show you, but you could hurt yourself by laughing too much\n<ubuntubhoy> sadly I am no dev\n<ubuntubhoy> just a little old end user\n<bobweaver> that is cool ubuntubhoy  want to see my puppys ?\n<FabianS> lpotter: Are there any informations about who is going to build jolla's hardware?\n<ubuntubhoy> bobweaver: sure, but I better get a shag out of this\n<bobweaver> lol\n<lpotter> FabianS: nothing yet\n<bobweaver> does any one have any clue at all when the phone code will be released ?\n<FabianS> :/\n<FabianS> I would get a N9 if it was <200€\n<FabianS> But with such old hardware it isn't worth ~280€.\n<ubuntubhoy> bobweaver: everywhere just says 'soon'\n<ubuntubhoy> they were quick with the N7 code though\n<ubuntubhoy> and depending how you look at it, before or after CES is logical\n<ubuntubhoy> before to peek interest\n<ubuntubhoy> after to talk to vendors/OEM's first\n<bobweaver> They should give me access if they want some bad code to be wrote j/k I am a good qml dev\n<user82> but android apps in ubuntu phone are not planned?\n<popey> user82: unlikely\n<ubuntubhoy> the question is how hard to port ?\n<bobweaver> not that hard with things like qt-exporter\n<popey> no, i think the question is \"can I run android apps directly on ubuntu phone\"\n<ubuntubhoy> BB have made fantastic tools for porting android apps to BB10\n<ubuntubhoy> popey: I mean the follow up after your answer\n<ubuntubhoy> not the original question\n<bobweaver> that is the cool thing about qml it is super super easy to work with and there are fast things like xmllistModel that are faster then webapps I would say\n<bobweaver> There are some bugs that I still can not get around like QWebView crashes because of stupid gtk\n<bobweaver> like in my tv menu that querys my backend tv server\n<bobweaver> http://imagebin.org/241468  << everything works great till flash comes into play. and yes I have pluginsEnabled but crash's saying that gtk 2 and gtk 3 can not be used together\n<bobweaver> webkit is gtk3 and some stuff in unity 2d is still gtk2 like panel. hence crash's\n<bobweaver> but I can watch big buck bunny and other things that are webm :/\n<bobweaver> If you or anyone would like to play with or use stuff that I have made there is a ppa for 12.04 But one should only try virtual I would say\n<bobweaver> https://launchpad.net/~u2t/+archive/bleedingedge\n<sivang> bobweaver: XmlListModel a true workhorse in 5 I htink it supports JSON\n<bobweaver> sivang,  that is awesome . Got to love Models\n<bobweaver> sivang,  that is my new years resolution is to port unity 2d to qt5\n<bobweaver> have to re-write all the backend stuff though as no qx11info in qt5\n<sivang> I see.\n<bobweaver> yeah there is all the Window and WindowInfo plugin stuff that is heavy on the qx11info stuff\n<k1l_> since the hardware requirements for the high end ubuntu phone mention a quadcore phone. the dev phone for the entry phne is the galaxy nexus, is the nexus 4 the high end phone (besides its not matching the sdcart/emmc space)\n<bobweaver> I am just happy that canonical is doing something with qt-quick I was real real real sad when things went all 3d\n<ubuntubhoy> k1l_: The N4 is a high end phone, the GNex, not so much.\n<jrtappers> What makes a phone not a tablet, cause they need different UI's but there is grey area\n<k1l_> ubuntubhoy: i know, i got one here :) i just wanted to know if the n4 is a devphone for the high-class version. since its powerfull and delivers all drivers etc.\n<ubuntubhoy> They have only said they will be releasing GNex images soon iirc\n<ubuntubhoy> gues that's what they are dev'ing on\n<k1l_> or if its a motorola one, which got that webtop stuff included, which was used for the ubuntu4android on the atrix\n<ubuntubhoy> jrtappers: hard one, the N7 (defo a tablet) has a phone UI\n<jrtappers> What if the user decides? Thats what windows 8 should have done\n<jrtappers> Let  the user decide, give options, don't tke them\n<ubuntubhoy> well for what its worth I run a custom ROM on my N7 so that I can have tablet UI\n<ubuntubhoy> but I think the N10 also uses the phone UI\n<ubuntubhoy> think the tablet UI has been done away with\n<ubuntubhoy> so, UI does not define the device\n<bobweaver> jrtappers,  I would say that it is all about interfaces and buttons\n<reindeernix> I hope that the phone version won't use Compiz >_>\n<bobweaver> +1million\n<popey> It uses.. Beryl!\n<popey> ;)\n<sivang> night all, this announcement was a day maker\n<bobweaver> Easing.whatever is awesome\n<reindeernix> LOL\n<bobweaver> popey,  dont scare people like that\n<sivang> bobweaver: hat's how you take almost close to stock QML lines and make a new app for yourslef: https://github.com/sivang/myrss\n<sivang> anyway, bad time in UTC+2 world\n<sivang> night!\n<jrtappers> bobweaver, I think thats a good answer\n<bobweaver> jrtappers,  think about people do use mouses with tablets and also need differebt drag points for MouseArea\n<bobweaver> OnClicked :if (unity2dConfigueration.formFactor  === tv) do this else if (unity2dConfiueration.formFactor === tablet) do this\n<jrtappers> Mice should not be over integrated for risk of becoming necessary\n<bobweaver> jrtappers,  MouseArea{} elenent is no just for Mouses\n<jrtappers> No i meant in software design\n<bobweaver> Oh +1\n<jrtappers> If mice become necessary then tablets become a lot less small\n<bobweaver> jrtappers,  there is a good example of why one would want to have different things in AbstractButton.qml  in Unity 2d\n<ubuntubhoy> A mouse should only be an option for a tablet\n<bobweaver> esp drag axis and what not for like the dash and the launcher\n<bobweaver> ubuntubhoy,  correct but if a person plugs one in it def should work\n<ubuntubhoy> yes\n<ubuntubhoy> defo\n<jrtappers> Unity would be god on tablets, but terminal may be slow\n<bobweaver> that is the thing alot of the best Qml devs are poor and can not afford things that are needed for testing\n<jrtappers> *good\n<jrtappers> What about some kind of Aspect Ratio Simulator?\n<ubuntubhoy> jrtappers: Unity menu is decent, but window management is shit\n<bobweaver> ubuntubhoy,  blame bamf\n<ubuntubhoy> The N7 build should have maximus by default\n<ubuntubhoy> like the old netbook remix used to\n<ubuntubhoy> plus linux treats touch like a mouse\n<ubuntubhoy> too precise\n<jrtappers> Multitouch could lead to opptunities\n<jrtappers> Like workplace switcher with pinches\n<ubuntubhoy> yeah\n<ubuntubhoy> still very early days\n<bobweaver> libutouch is awesome but always needs more work I would say\n<bobweaver> for tablet and what not I just have different launcher's loading\n<bobweaver> like for tablet it is like mac ipad because I am a horrible designer lol\n<bobweaver> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1490169/  << easy stuff to do if you know the vars/functions/whatever  that Unity has\n<bobweaver> Of course one can add tests to glib shemea files and then set options\n<bobweaver> rectangle {id: button ;width: parent.width / 4 ; height: parent.width / 4}MouseArea{anchors{fill: button}onClicked: launcher2dConfigueration.launcherStyle === tablet\n<jrtappers> Ubuntu phone should be able to sync over wifi without cloud\n<reindeernix> jrtappers: Isn't that what you call cloud? >_>\n<reindeernix> jrtappers: Or do you mean like sending a settings file over wifi or something?\n<jrtappers> No, as in over wifi, not over internet\n<jrtappers> For people who have VERY slow internet\n<jrtappers> ubuntu phone needs personal hotspot\n<FabianS> Yeah. Tethering is a must.\n#ubuntu-phone 2013-01-03\n<mhall119> another nice video for people who havne't seen it: http://www.engadget.com/2013/01/02/ubuntu-for-smartphones/\n<IdleOne> it does look very impresive\n<IdleOne> impressive*\n<IdleOne> I want one.\n<benkaiser> anyone know if we will be able to flash Ubuntu phone os though clockworkmod recovery just like cyanogenmod? and will there be a place to download builds for individual phones (once again like cyanogenmod)?\n<benkaiser> anyone know if we will be able to flash Ubuntu phone os though clockworkmod recovery just like cyanogenmod? and will there be a place to download builds for individual phones (once again like cyanogenmod)?\n<Tak> are there any docs yet on developing native apps for ubuntu phone?\n<popey> hi Tak\n<popey> http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/ is the entry point\n<Tak> yeah, but all I see is qml\n<popey> yeah, we're working on beefing up the docs, anything in particular you're looking for?\n<Tak> more of a c-style bootstrap guide\n<Tak> or rather, I hope you're not going to make the same mistake that ios and android both made initially by trying to prevent app developers from writing real native apps?\n<popey> (and WebOS) ☺\n<popey> Tak: I'd poke mhall119 when he wakes shortly.\n<Tak> cool, no urgency\n<Tak> I just want to get hacking :-)\n<popey> ☺\n<popey> I'd certainly love to see everyones favorite 3D game engine ported over ;)\n<Tak> pff, didn't you see ski safari in the keynote? ;-P\n<popey> heh\n<benkaiser_> popey, do you know if their will be more than just the galaxy nexus images released? like say would the note / note 2, s3 and gnex4 be getting it?\n<popey> I'd wait and see, I don't expect there to be a load of images. we have enough to do to get one image done\n * Tak look sadly at nexus4\n<Tak> otoh, how difficult will it be to create community images?\n<popey> we've moved from one dev/reference phone to another at least once or twice\n<popey> yeah, I wonder if once one image is out, whether people will do the same as happened with xda developers and start hacking other images\n<AlanBell> so a nexus 4 is a different thing to the nexus?\n<popey> yes\n<popey> galaxy nexus != nexus 4\n<AlanBell> and a nexus 3 is just the BBC being confused?\n<popey> one is a samsung product, one is LG\n<popey> yes\n<benkaiser_> I don't care if its just one other phone.... I just want it to be a very high spec'd phone (such as the note 2, s3, nexus4) so that I could buy one of them and install it on it...  because the galaxy nexus is only dual core, and I would really like a quad core phone running the ubuntu phone os\n<AlanBell> google are making a lot of confusion branding different manufacturer products as the same product name\n<jrtappers> Nexus = pure android\n<jrtappers> the first phone of every android version\n<AlanBell> yeah, I understand they are the good ones\n<benkaiser_> yeh, no crappy carrier or OEM roms (like touchwiz *shudders*)\n<k1l> popey: can you name the dev-phones involved before?\n<k1l> and i would bet on xda guys making some more images available. they ported ubuntu to several other smartphones and  tablets so far\n<benkaiser_> k1l: was the Transformer 1 or Note 1 among these?\n<k1l> benkaiser_: that werent official ports and the hardest part is to get the drivers. i dont know which devices all got working native ubuntu (desktop mode) ports. but i know about the hp touchpad, since i had ubuntu running there :)\n<benkaiser_> hmmmm.... ubuntu on my tf101 would be amazing.... would make it have a use again.... thanks k1l\n<k1l> benkaiser_: take a look into the device section on xda. maybe someone gives it a try. but be aware that on most devices the biggest problem are the drivers\n<benkaiser_> k1l: found one http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1852702\n<LudwigVonMises> I am excited.\n<LudwigVonMises> First thing we need is a good flashlight app!\n<LudwigVonMises> anyways, is ubuntu phone running on a java stack, or is it more native?\n<popey> native\n<jrtappers> We need a good dialer\n<LudwigVonMises> Yes! hell yes to native!\n<LudwigVonMises> I hate java with every bone in my body\n<k1l> will they use the regular software center?\n<benkaiser_> k1l: I think that was in one of the discussions I read, they said they havn't got up to that yet, but it should just be one place for everything... so they will just change the software centre (from my understanding)\n<LudwigVonMises> I wonder if google docs will work nicely with ubuntu phone... and ubuntu one...\n<LudwigVonMises> open office*\n<LudwigVonMises> thats what I meant\n<Tak> I guess ubuntu one is a must-work\n<LudwigVonMises> yah\n<benkaiser_> LudwikVonMises: I wonder the same thing.... but Ubuntu doesn't have a native Google Drive client (you have to use Insync)... so I wouldn't keep my hopes up...\n<LudwigVonMises> that is for sure\n<LudwigVonMises> benkaiser_: That was a typo\n<LudwigVonMises> benkaiser_: I recall open office saying that they were working on online docs\n<LudwigVonMises> libreoffice*\n<Walther> mind you, open != libr- yeah, that\n<LudwigVonMises> if I could get that synced in ubuntu one\n<LudwigVonMises> then that would be neat\n<Walther> I would still prefer the thin-client idea of a phone-computer\n<Walther> no need to sync, all important data on same device\n<Walther> more security\n<LudwigVonMises> Walther: right, so everything is on your phone\n<Walther> of course, it would still be a nice bit better if it were possible to connect it to extra hardware while still booting/using the same os :P\n<LudwigVonMises> and you bring it to a computer, and it syncs?\n<Walther> LudwigVonMises: No, the computer *is* the phone\n<LudwigVonMises> lol!\n<Walther> just dock it to a monitor,kb,mouse\n<Walther> that's the idea Ubuntu Phone has on its high-end model\n<LudwigVonMises> oh yah, that too\n<LudwigVonMises> oh my, so much to do\n<k1l> ubuntu offers alot of services that google has too. so ubuntu music and ubuntu1 fit good into ubuntu-phone, imho, but google offers alot of features and ubuntu has to try hard for not everyone demanding the google services\n<Walther> there are other competitors as well\n<LudwigVonMises> no\n<LudwigVonMises> apple died with jobs\n<LudwigVonMises> they are like sony now\n<Walther> in my opinion, the most important thing for Ubuntu phone's success is not the availability of Google services or Ubuntu services, but the *diversity* of available services, and compatibility with as many of 'em as possible\n<LudwigVonMises> and microsoft does not have the youth and developer support or fandom\n<Walther> It's not only Google and Apple. There's Netflix, Amazon, Spotify ...\n<Walther> etc\n<LudwigVonMises> Walther: the linux approach to flexibility?\n<Walther> That.\n<LudwigVonMises> Frankly I liked the fact that ubuntu didnt have many games\n<Walther> \"do what you want 'cause a linuxist is free, and ubuntu is a linux\", lol\n<LudwigVonMises> i really hate being distracted, and I am allot more productive on linux as a result\n<Walther> LudwigVonMises: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.fi/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html\n<benkaiser_> k1l: The one thing keeping me tied to Google Drive is what I primarily use it for, Google Docs... which has amazing features through the collaboration side of it...\n<LudwigVonMises> benkaiser_: Im using google spreadsheets as a database :P\n<benkaiser_> Walther: I have to agree.. on android having those core accounts that make all my apps login automatically (all the google ones at least) is perfect. And ubuntu 12.10 is right on the way there with the online accounts settings\n<LudwigVonMises> if ubuntu could get a cloud database, that would be a killer app\n<Walther> benkaiser_: yeah, and especially in the tech-savvy userbase, there are people like me who have not went to only one company's bandwagon\n<benkaiser_> LudwigVonMises: Why? you can't integrate it with a webpage (can you?)\n<Walther> as in, use only services and products of one company\n<Walther> (google docs, drive, mail, etc)\n<Walther> I use ubuntu one for cloud, multiple mails, google calendar, spotify for music, etc\n<benkaiser_> LOL, I think I was in Google's bandwagon (I want to work there one day), but this Ubuntu Phone looks AMAZING!\n<Walther> Anyway, I would be very eager to start developing apps for the Ubuntu phone, and even more so to help make the ubuntu phone OS support more devices, namely, Nokia N9\n<LudwigVonMises> benkaiser_: What do you mean, webpage? a database?\n<benkaiser_> Normally whenever I make a database its either to be used for a website, or to do complex queries on the data... I guess your use must be much different\n<Walther> Databases are simple. Uses of 'em usually aren't.\n<Walther> you can easily sudo apt-get install mysql or anythin other, nothing special about \"cloud databases\" and whatnot\n<benkaiser_> Walther: I am keen too... Love to steal some of those 1,000,000-10,000,000 download android apps that other developers havn't touched yet....\n<Walther> benkaiser_: doesn't sound too original <_<\n * Walther would prefer making something actually useful and new\n<LudwigVonMises> benkaiser_: I have a irc bot I am developing. Its plugins directory is synced on google drive. The bot keeps a quote database on a google spreadsheet.\n<benkaiser_> Walther: does it have to be? the point is building the eco system to have the basics of other ones....\n<LudwigVonMises> it is thus easily viewable by anyone who wants to go through the database, which will eventually become enormous\n<Walther> benkaiser_: that too, but if I'm not mistaken, it might be possible to run android apps on ubuntu as well\n<benkaiser_> LudwikVonMises: Sounds pretty good :)\n<LudwigVonMises> and of course it works on my channel and the community I will be devoloping\n<Walther> I mean, the Android VM (dalvik) should be port-able\n<benkaiser_> Walther, it would be even slower than html5 apps then wouldn't it?\n<LudwigVonMises> benkaiser_: Thanks. I just learned to program two days ago, and it seems a whole new world has opened up :P.  reminds me of that xkcd comic\n<LudwigVonMises> a weekend screwing around in perl will give you a career, where as hours studying english won't\n<benkaiser_> LudwigVonMises: Which language? and which comic? (I wrote a python script to download all the xkcd comics to date into a folder)\n<benkaiser_> Oh yes, that one is gold :)\n<LudwigVonMises> Because I am a vagabond, I'd like to be able to develope in public libraries, where I can add to my quote db\n<Walther> benkaiser_: possible\n<LudwigVonMises> LudwigVonMises: Python, supybot. I forget which comic.\n<LudwigVonMises> err, benkaiser_\n<LudwigVonMises> o_O\n<benkaiser_> found it http://xkcd.com/519/\n<Walther> well, there's no point in making IRC bots when there's already Bucket, billygoat and flyingferret at #xkcd, but that's offtopic\n<Walther> Anyway, any official news on the availability of the images?\n<LudwigVonMises> My goal is to move away from Google, though they are not horrid, I just dislike their search, especially recently. Im a pretty conservative guy, and I didnt appreciate the other day when I did a google search, and it displayed a ad banner stating \"You deserve an orgy today!\" with some cartoon lady on the front. My search wasnt even remotely related to that.\n<LudwigVonMises> I'd love an integrated suite on the other hand made up of ubuntu, ubuntu one, online editting software, duckduckgo, and an opensource type of social network\n<benkaiser_> LudwigVonMises: What is your search history like o.0 ? I do like 40+ searches every day and I love Google search, what do you use as an alternative?\n<LudwigVonMises> benkaiser_: at that time, I was searching around for homeless blogs. Duckduckgo when I can, though its not perfect\n<Walther> eh, offtopic to -offtopic tyvm\n<LudwigVonMises> but you notice everyday that it gets better,\n<LudwigVonMises> like, allot better.\n<Walther> a lot*\n<LudwigVonMises> Thank you. Bad habit.\n<nrosvall> Hi\n<nrosvall> it might be too early to ask, but will ubuntu-sdk support other languages than c++/qt/qml?\n<nrosvall> I'm fine with c++ though so not a big deal for me personally\n<nrosvall> it's also nice that we will finally have a phone OS where c++ is first class citizen\n<niqt_> hi\n<niqt_> will usable in future the phone sdk on other linux distro?\n<sledges> any news on licencing/openness ?\n<sledges> hello :))\n<niqt_> sledges, all silent\n<LudwigVonMises> nrosvall: maybe python :)\n<LudwigVonMises> I dunno, just stating what I would want\n<nrosvall> I would love to have python too :)\n<LudwigVonMises> java, not so much.\n<nrosvall> Vala would be nice\n<benkaiser_> Agreed on python...\n<nrosvall> but I think it's just about qt now, so python might be. not sure if there is a proper support for qt5\n<nrosvall> pyside or pyqt does not have much work done for it yet\n<LudwigVonMises> nrosvall: is qt nice to develope in?\n<nrosvall> it is for c++ at least\n<LudwigVonMises> is it a higher or lower level language than python?\n<nrosvall> c++?\n<nrosvall> lower\n<LudwigVonMises> qt\n<jo-erlend> much lower and a completely different syntax.\n<nrosvall> actually very low level\n<LudwigVonMises> qt is lower level?\n<nrosvall> qt is a framework\n<nrosvall> available for python and c++\n<nrosvall> and java(?)\n<LudwigVonMises> okay, I wasnt sure\n<LudwigVonMises> thats what I thought.\n<jo-erlend> will I _have to_ use qt and qml, or is that if I _choose_ to use the new API?\n<nrosvall> jo-erlend, not sure\n<niqt_> LudwigVonMises you can write your Qt code  also only qml and javascript\n<benkaiser_> so a qml file... defining the interface... is the logic for that written in C++ atm?\n<nrosvall> I think you will be able to use just qt\n<nrosvall> but not sure\n<niqt_> logic also in javascript\n<nrosvall> you can do the logic in c++ if you want\n<nrosvall> thats for sure\n<benkaiser_> Javascript sounds easier (I have a LOT more experience in JS than C++)\n<jo-erlend> I really hope they'll enable support for other tools. I much prefer Vala, which pretty much implies GTK+.\n<sledges> why don't you just go and try qt for yourselves? http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/\n<nrosvall> anyway I need to start installing Ubuntu on this machine now. I'm starting to develop my first commercial application for Linux\n<jo-erlend> nice :)\n<nrosvall> I did spend 10 years writing software for windows and now I had enough. Windows 8 is just so bad. and their internal process with all the developer account shit is just horrible\n<nrosvall> their customer support sucks\n<nrosvall> and to be honest windows UI is ugly and horrible to use(in my opinion)\n<xnox> it's all qt5\n<nrosvall> I have done some linux development for couple of years, but nothing which is publicly available\n<nrosvall> anyway, no more Windows dev for me.\n<sledges> yes, qt5's very slick\n<benkaiser_> judging by the mobile tutorial, the qml looks very similar to Javascripts functions and JSON data\n<sledges> qml supports javascript (to its extent)\n<sledges> and style sheets are written in (surprise surprise) css!\n<benkaiser_> so does that mean a lot of javascript code (not editing the DOM and whatnot) will port to qml quite easily? is the css only for the HTML5 apps? or even the native ones?\n<sledges> css is to define a QML UI style\n<vibhav> Sorry to disturb you guys, but will ubuntu-phone be open source?\n * vibhav is late to the party\n<sledges> i changed one of its property on my Nokia N9 MeeGo Qt phone, and homescreen started to rotate to landscape - hacky simples\n<sledges> vibhav, no news yet (was my first question upon entering this chan :))\n<sledges> yes, javascript (the logic code) should be ported with ease, benkaiser_\n<vibhav> Hopefully, it will be\n<benkaiser_> okay, so do they have special properties custom to QML? and cheers sledges\n<sledges> yes, the properties are for QML, but they tried not to deviate from HTML namings too much\n<sledges> I'd look forward contributing to a facebook or maps app of it went opensource, but then ubuntu will make profit from loads of product placement (sadly dislike 12.12 where searching for terminal amongs apps brings up suggestions to buy xbox console :( )\n<benkaiser_> sledges: is the id in the QML for the stylesheet?\n<sledges> can't tell, i'm excited yet to learn the whole stuff\n<sledges> but could guess id serves the same things as for getElementById\n<benkaiser_> Same :D and yep\n<sledges> Stskeeps, gossiping from #ubuntu-phone: 12:49 < sledges> any news on licencing/openness ?  12:50 < niqt_> sledges, all silent\n<sledges> everyone's keen on freedom :)\n<user82> ring ding ding bananphone...uhm ubuntuphone i meant\n<k1l> user82: :)\n<user82> soon k1l, soon! hopefully\n<user82> samsung galaxy nexus images are still tbd right?\n<popey> nothing available as yet.\n<user82> ok..\n<user82> thought about buying one anyway..but i guess i can as well wait then\n<k1l> im really thinking to buy my GF a gnex :) and maybe sometimes i need to test something on it :)\n<k1l> afaik the ubuntu-for-android based on a technic that motorola developed and used for their webtop stuff. does that ubuntu-for android and that new ubuntu-for-ubuntu work on other mobile devices?\n<Pip> So where to buy a U phone?\n<icesword> u phone?\n<Pip> Ubuntu phone\n<icesword> are you sure it's on sale?\n<Pip> No\n<icesword> then you can try it maybe on your own phone at your own risk\n<mhall119> Tak: popey: My understand is that native apps will be allowed, and are in fact recommended\n<Tak> \"native\" not meaning \"qml\" , correct?\n<mhall119> QML is the toolkit of choice because it's simple, runs well on mobile, and we've put a lot of work into making it work on devices of different sizes and resolutions without the developer having to change their layout code\n<mhall119> Tak: QML is not native?\n<Tak> no?\n<mhall119> I consider it native\n<mhall119> at any rate, C/C++ apps will be allowed, is my understanding\n<user82> does anyone have a original photo from a google nexus 4 camera with 8mpx?\n<Tak> yes, why?\n<mhall119> why will they be allowed?\n<h00k> Pip: sorry ;) here it is.\n<Tak> sorry, that was in response to user82's question\n<mhall119> oh, ok\n<user82> Tak, a non personal one you can send me? for having a look at how good it is 1:1 size\n<Pip> QML is from Nokia, right?\n<yfi> Pip: no\n<Tak> mhall119: do you have any info about setting up a dev environment for c apps?\n<xnox> Pip: well, now digia\n<mhall119> Tak: no, I think that's up to you what you use\n<yfi> Pip: it's part of Qt, which is governed by the Qt Project. digia (and formerly nokia) have special rights when it comes to commercial licensing\n<vibhav> mhall119: Are there any minimum specifications for Ubuntu Phone\n<mhall119> vibhav: hardware specs?\n<vibhav> mhall119: yep\n<yfi> and they do the lion share of the work, to be fair\n<mhall119> vibhav: http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone/operators-and-oems\n<Pip> I wish Ubuntu phone is better than Android phone\n<mhall119> I don't think those are \"minimum\" so much as they are general targets\n<h00k> Tak: basically if you have build-essentials installed, you can use any environment/IDE you'd like to write C/C++ stuffs\n<Tak> I guess an \"official\" toolchain/scratchbox/something setup would be much appreciated\n<Tak> h00k: ok, how about building and deploying?\n<icesword> what's good about ubuntu phone\n<vibhav> mhall119: Any plans for a UDS session for Ubuntu Phone? I will be very eager to participate in one\n<mhall119> Tak: the \"official\" setup is QtCreator and Qt/QML\n<h00k> Tak: http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/, but I haven't really checked at what's said here yet\n<mhall119> vibhav: I'm sure there will be, we haven't started with blueprints for the next UDS yet\n<Tak> ok, how does one write an opengl app with qml? ;-)\n<user82> Tak, do you have a suitable photo or none right now?\n<mhall119> Tak: packaging and deploying will work like any other app\n<mhall119> Tak: http://developer.ubuntu.com/publish/\n<Tak> sure\n<mhall119> Tak: I'm sure you can mix Qt/QML and OpenGL\n<mhall119> maybe not Qt/QML with C, but with C++ you can\n<Tak> the piece I'm missing is the build toolchain for whatever arm variant(s) ubuntu phone will support\n<vibhav> mhall119: Can I write apps operating from a terminal?\n<gac> user82: https://secure.flickr.com/photos/ubergizmo/sets/72157631911479790/\n<user82> thank you gac :)\n<yfi> Tak: you can cross-compile gcc for arm rather easily, the more tricky part is to get a full sysroot up and running. a while ago codesourcery had a reasonable offering, I don't know what the situation is nowadays\n<Tak> yes, that's essentially my question\n<Tak> apparently I'm very poor at asking it\n<Tak> maemo used to have instructions for setting up a scratchbox with all the appropriate packages\n<mhall119> Tak: yes, gcc is what will be used, as far as I know\n<mhall119> vibhav: as long as somebody writes a nice terminal app for you to run it in\n<Tak> gac: more interesting than my cat ;-)\n<vibhav> mhall119: Any idea if the app store will use dpkg internally?\n<mhall119> vibhav: it does now\n * vibhav cheers\n<benkaiser> will there be a terminal app ;) or will we have to go get it from the software centre?\n<mhall119> benkaiser: it's too early to say\n<benkaiser> fair enough :)\n<robin-gloster1> mhall119: will the whole stack be open source? or will there be closed source parts?\n<Tak> I guess at least some drivers will be closed\n<mhall119> possibly some drivers, yeah, but otherwise it should all be open\n<robin-gloster1> mhall119: thanks\n<mhall119> our parts anyway\n<mhall119> 3rd party developers and OEMs will be free to make closed-source apps\n<robin-gloster1> mhall119: sure, that's something different\n<AlanBell> is ubuntu phone using a linaro kernel?\n<mhall119> AlanBell: I don't think Linaro targets the SoC in the Galaxy Nexus\n<mhall119> but then again, I'm not sure what SoC it has\n<AlanBell> so does this have Linaro involvement?\n<mhall119> AlanBell: I don't know, you should ask akgraner\n<rsalveti> we're mostly just using linaro compiler at this point\n<rsalveti> the kernel used for galaxy nexus is the same one as provided by aosp, so not much from linaro\n<AlanBell> ok\n<mhall119> thanks rsalveti\n<Lofde_> I am ready to alpha test ubuntu on my galaxy nexus ... as a developer :D if anyone has an image !\n<sivang> evening all\n<mhall119> Lofde_: images aren't available yet, sorry\n<Lofde_> is there a mailing list to sign up on when they are\n<sivang> hey mhall119\n<sivang> mhall119: got my email?\n<mhall119> sivang: I did, yes, thank you\n<sivang> sledges: you're here as well! were you part of the work before release?\n<sivang> oops\n<sivang> that was for:\n<sivang> sladen: ^^\n<sivang> mhall119: is there a list of apps somewhere (wiki) that ubuntu phone needs?\n<mhall119> sivang: we're getting it together now, should be announced soon along with a program for getting community involvement writing them\n<sivang> mhall119: through skunkworks?\n<mhall119> sivang: no, it will all be public\n<sivang> mhall119: ah, so no skunkworks anymore?\n<mhall119> it will be skunkworks-like in that it'll pair community members with canonical staff\n<sivang> mhall119: where's the sketch up for the list happening?\n<mhall119> sivang: skunkworks is on-going, and will cover more than just the phone\n<mhall119> sivang: I don't think there's a public list anywhere yet\n<sivang> mhall119: ah, perhaps good to have it online somewhere so c.members can add their ones? (this can help create the list in an instance due to crowd sourcing)\n<sivang> mhall119: can always merge with the internal list later\n<sivang> mhall119: (Exclude duplicates, remove irrelevant stuff, etc)\n<mhall119> sivang: the list we're working on will be what we need in a default install, community folks aren't limited to that list\n<sivang> mhall119: okay cool.\n<sivang> mhall119: so that'll be the 'main' UI part of the phone image ;)\n<mhall119> it'll be default apps like you'd get on a new Android phone\n<mhall119> mail, calendar, that kind of thing\n<sivang> mhall119: okay, when do we start? ;)\n<mhall119> sivang: as soon as we have it all together\n<sivang> mhall119: k, cool\n<sivang> mhall119: prolly good to send a call out for community help on that, somewhere on site or so.\n<sivang> anyway, laters\n<user82> mhall119, what do you personally think. how long till a nexus installer/rom?\n<AlanBell> I did a bit of FAQ and link collecting please edit, it is a wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuPhone\n<user82> AlanBell, one more video: http://www.viddler.com/v/ac8413f3?secret=106830881\n<AlanBell> user82: go add it :)\n<user82> what the hell? did he really launch android apps in ubuntu phone??\n<user82> is this correct\n<user82> AlanBell, says to me \"protected site\". can you add it please?\n<popey> user82: it's a wiki, you need to sign in\n<popey> user82: he didn't launch any android apps there\n<user82> popey, were those the ubuntu phone apps?\n<AlanBell> user82: added it\n<user82> thansk AlanBell\n<user82> popey, singin did not work for me..hung up\n<popey> user82: they are native ubuntu apps\n<mhall119> user82: I don't have any idea on the timeframe, sorry\n<user82> ok mhall119 ..i thought so.\n<user82> so you thing he just said android but meant ubuntu apps popey ?\n<popey> user82: at what point did he say android?\n<popey> i just watched it and must have missed that\n<popey> anyway, they're not android apps, they're ubuntu native ones ☺\n<user82> sorry popey i forgot the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyeFcldavTk#t=1m15s\n<user82> my bad\n<popey> Thats not Ubuntu for Phones, that's Ubuntu for Android.\n<popey> Not the same product ☺\n<user82> oh ok\n<AlanBell> oh, I may have cocked up and up a U4A video on the page :)\n * AlanBell removes\n<user82> yep AlanBell..probably wrong product\n<sledges> fellows, how is hardware adaptation handled for ubuntu phone os? gpu/vpu drivers, 2D/3D hw accel, gstreamer hw accel plugins, ril for wifi, closed source binary blobs only for bionic ?\n<sledges> will each device that ubuntu os is ported to have its own PPA repo?\n<sledges> what are supported architectures (arm versions, mips), and hardfp/softfp aspects\n<popey> sledges: the core system is based around an android BSP\n<popey> so we can use android specific hardware drivers\n<popey> not running full android, but the drivers.\n<popey> i dont think we've look at the details of phone specific PPAs or package delivery in detail yet\n<thebishop> does ubuntu phone run the same kernel as the desktop?  what modifications have been made to the base system to address battery life, ui responsiveness, multiuser, etc?\n<popey> thebishop: we've learned from the Ubuntu on Nexus 7, and many of those issues are being fixed and rolling through the desktop and will also end up in the phone.\n<thebishop> popey, interesting.  i was talking to some devs in #ubuntu-nexus7, and they said the UI isn't going to be in the n7 image by default.  is it possible to build from source and install right now?\n<popey> not yet\n<jo-erlend> popey, do you know if I'll _have to_ use c++ with qt in order to write native apps, or is that just a convenience and I'll still be able to write in gtk/vala?\n<mhall119> jo-erlend: that is going ot be our recommended way\n<mhall119> but you should be able to write it with any language and toolkit that will run on the hardware and software\n<jo-erlend> Right. Ok. Very good.\n<mhall119> jo-erlend: if you use a toolkit other than the QML provided, you're going to have to do a lot more work to make it work on multiple devices and formfactors\n<mhall119> which is why we're recommending QML and the Ubuntu QML components\n<jo-erlend> hmm. I don't like the sound of that at all.\n<mhall119> jo-erlend: it's just the nature of the toolkits, most aren't made to support multiple resolutions and form factors with a single codebase\n<mhall119> we've put a lot of work into making that work with our SDK\n<mhall119> so you can write your UI once and it'll work all over the place\n<mhall119> but you're not going to get that with Gtk (at least not yet, I hope they add it too)\n<robin-gloster1> mhall119: jono kind of just said that it's not possible at all to use sth other than HTML5, QML, OpenGL in his Q&A session\n<mhall119> so, again, you can use what you want, but we're going to recommend the easiest one\n<robin-gloster1> mhall119: maybe correct that statement in #ubuntu-on-air?\n<jo-erlend> how does this affect Python? If I remember correctly, it's only free for non-commercial use?\n<jo-erlend> I mean the qt-bindings.\n<jrtappers> will ubuntu phone have terminal?\n<mhall119> jo-erlend: I think it depends on the binding\n<mhall119> jrtappers: if somebody writes one, yes\n<mhall119> robin-gloster1: let me confrm before I make any corrections\n<robin-gloster1> mhall119: yup\n<yfi> will qml be the only choice to draw on screen with qt, or is there a way to use qwidgets?\n<thebishop> popey, is there any rough timeframe for repo access? not a date, but like weeks, months?\n<jrtappers> Who uses ubutu with a 3G modem?\n<thebishop> jrtappers, i have in the past\n<thebishop> jrtappers, always pleasantly surprised by the plug-and-playiness\n<thebishop> even with 4g wimax cards\n<jrtappers> http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/30462/                    Do you agree?\n<jrtappers> Plugged it in today .1 MB, think it was on Edge, couldn't check\n<jrtappers> 100kB/s\n<popey> thebishop: no\n<thebishop> :)\n<mhall119> yfi: robin-gloster1: for now only QML and HTML5 are being developed and supported, anything else is \"to be determined\"\n<robin-gloster1> mhall119: ok thanks :)\n<mhall119> np\n<yfi> also thanks.\n<jo-erlend> but if I have a Python/GTK application, then it will run without any work, except it might not look as nice as other apps do?\n<rsalveti> sladen: at the end the drivers will depend on the vendor, we can provide a way to re-use the drivers from android\n<rsalveti> but if the vendor wants to use following the standard at ubuntu/generic linux, they can\n<mhall119> jo-erlend: at this point there are no guarntees it'll work on the phone\n<bobweaver> so I am running into troubles with the way that the dpu is getting rendered in you all's elements\n<bobweaver> why use dpu when you can just use something like parent.width / 12\n<bobweaver> when you re-scale the interface nothing will fit because of it\n<bobweaver> my work around was to set  font.Pixlsize: to something like parent.width / whatever\n<bobweaver> or the font does not resize its self thus causing maxed apps to have small titles and what not\n<jrtappers> Will ubuntu phone be USB OTG compatable?\n<bobweaver> I wonder where I should file bugs for stuff like that. and If i fix ?\n<bobweaver> jrtappers,  what is OTG ?\n<bobweaver> out the gate ?\n<jrtappers> On The Go\n<jrtappers> The port can act as host\n<jrtappers> you can connect mice and flash drives etc to it\n<bobweaver> jrtappers,  I would say (GUESSING HERE)  that as long as the kerenl can see the usb's then yueah it should work\n<jrtappers> That could be useful\n<bobweaver> same with hdmi ect\n<jrtappers> Especially if it supports usb ethernet adapters, so routers and switches can be set up on an ubuntu phone\n<bobweaver> jrtappers,  Does Ubuntu desktop support that ?\n<bobweaver> << is poor and can not afford hardware\n<jrtappers> I think ubuntu supports usb network adapters\n<bobweaver> So no one knows where to file bugs and patch's for the qml elements  ?\n<jrtappers> ubuntu phone should have the turn over to mute feature from HTC\n<bobweaver> there is also things like AbstractButton that can not use things like    if (mouse Qt.LeftButton)  activateUriWithLens(lens, categoryId, uri, mimetype)   else if  (mouse.QtRightButton) activatePreviews()\n<bobweaver> I added  acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton to AbstractButton and also some state's and transitions also OnEntered and On Exit need to be added.\n<bobweaver> well I think that is not that they \"need to be added\" but IMHO would make more robust\n<jalcine> Is there any way I can run the Ubuntu Phone in a VM of sorts?\n<bobweaver> jalcine,  there is no iso or even code base out yet BUT there is qml elements and also a notepad examp,e that you can play with\n<bobweaver> public that is ^^\n<bobweaver> but you can play with the qml elements that canonical made and also make apps\n<mhall119> jrtappers: re: OTA updates, it's too early to say for sure, but I don't see why it wouldn't\n<bobweaver> unless something has changed in the last 12 hours\n<mhall119> oh, wait, OTG?  that I have no idea\n<bobweaver> mhall119,  that is what I also said\n<bobweaver> on the go *\n<mhall119> jalcine: there is no way to run the phone software itself yet\n<jalcine> Interesting. And I'm guessing with U1 support, you could kind of leverage it as a cloud kind of thing, to make apps work everywhere.\n<bobweaver> I thought that it was Out the Gate .... silly bob\n<jrtappers> mhall119, that was USB OTG, not OTA updates\n<mhall119> jalcine: yes, your apps can sync data using U1 without having to provide your own syncing service\n<jrtappers> sorry for confusion\n<mhall119> jrtappers: yeah, I caught that only afterwards\n<popey> USB requires both hardware & software support, too early to say yet.\n<slangasek> though for comparison, the Ubuntu Nexus7 images support OTG just fine\n<bobweaver> popey,  mhall119  you will be at CES ?  I am wondering If I should spend all my money to go to vegas\n<popey> no\n<mhall119> no\n<mhall119> jono will though\n<mhall119> but it's expensive, I don't know why you'd want to pay your own way\n<bobweaver> I dont\n<mhall119> bobweaver: I'd just wait for the videos to hit youtube\n<mhall119> that's what I'll be doing\n<mhall119> that and parying because the boss is out of town :)\n<bobweaver> but if it get's me somewhere. This is super important to me. because of the tv thing and what not\n<mhall119> bobweaver: it's all business stuff\n<mhall119> well, business stuff and crazy business parties after\n<mhall119> from what I hear, anyway\n<bobweaver> If I am going to replace all my elements thta I have made with Ubuntu elements then that is cool. But I mostly want to learn about glib and how or if itt listens to dbus\n<mhall119> there be dragons\n<bobweaver> Oo\n<bobweaver> mhall119,  you have to understand that I work on the tv code like 9 hours out of the day everyday . so that is why it is so important to me\n<bobweaver> so taking everything that I have already and porting it into the interface that is already there would be a good thing well... I think that it would be a good thing that is\n<bobweaver> << can not afford a high end phone\n<mhall119> heh, neither can I, I'm still sporting my Wife's old DroidX\n<bobweaver> :)\n<mhall119> with it's stupid encrypted bootloader\n<jrtappers> why? Why does a phone need an encrypted bootloader?\n<bobweaver> the last phone that I had I install Ubuntu on it (chroot)\n<mhall119> bobweaver: are you currently using the Qt Dbus library?\n<jrtappers> Its just to  limit the users!\n<mhall119> jrtappers: pretty much\n<bobweaver> mhall119, parts of it yes\n<mhall119> ok\n<bobweaver> deelistmodel <<\n<bobweaver> that is something else and also bamf\n<mhall119> ah yes, bamf\n<bobweaver> lol\n<mhall119> BAMF!\n<mhall119> it's like the old Batman\n<bobweaver> 2 months ago I did not know what it was :( now I know too well what it is\n * mhall119 ages himself\n<bobweaver> mhall119,  here I will paste all libs\n<bobweaver> mhall119,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1493186/\n<k1l_> jrtappers: encypted bootloader to save the user, you got that wrong :)\n<jrtappers> Save them from what?\n<k1l_> from ruining their devices, they said. i mean secureboot got some points in securing the OS. but its used to limit the users\n<bobweaver> mhall119,  I forgot qt5_automoc  and GTK_LDFLAGS  DCONFQT_LIBRARIES\n<mhall119> bobweaver: what is that from?\n<bobweaver> Cmake files of my port of Unity 2d to qt5\n<mhall119> and it needs gtk and gdk stuff?\n<bobweaver> yeah for the pannel and all sorts of stuff :(\n<mhall119> oh right, I forgot the panel was still Gtk\n<bobweaver> mainly app/*\n<bobweaver> for panel ^^\n#ubuntu-phone 2013-01-04\n<jalcine> bobweaver: how big of an effort would be it to recreate the panel in Qt?\n<bobweaver> qml multimedia sensors and what not are not as advanced (networking) . But one could try to make a C++  plugin thingy. what I did with the Tv was not a great thing but it works\n<bobweaver> but that is with unity2d libs\n<bobweaver> like the plugin thing that is there at the moment in unity 2d is great but to replace with all qml front end would be fun but well.... that would be fun\n<bobweaver> effort lots\n<bobweaver> that is just one man's thoughts. There are many things that could get in the way\n<bobweaver> s|multimedia|mobile\n<jalcine> Hm.\n<jalcine> I really want to help with Ubuntu Phone.\n<jalcine> Still working on a SpeechDispatcher-esque system for speech recognition.\n<jalcine> Should help out with Unity when I'm done.\n<jalcine> https://github.com/jalcine/speechcontrol if you're curious\n<sledges> Friday moarning!\n<sledges> thanks for the answer popey\n * Tak doing Real Work on friday, feel dirty\n<sledges> well \"look busy..\" :)\n<jjardon__>  Hi, does anyone know if ubuntu for phones will be libre software?\n<popey> jjardon__: the core OS is fully open source, just like the desktop\n<popey> there may be some enablement work on hardware which requires other licenses as set by the handset/SoC manufacturers though\n<jjardon__> popey: Thanks for the info. Is the UI libre software also?\n<popey> jjardon__: all canonical software is GPL\n<popey> so the UI will also be open source\n<mitya57> The source code for the UI toolkit can already be downloaded from ppa:ui-toolkit/ppa, though the packaging refers to a closed LP branch\n<mitya57> (License is LGPL-3.0)\n<jjardon__> popey, mitya57 great, thanks!\n<schasch> Hi, does anyone know which phone to buy to flash first ubuntu-mobile-firmware-images?  the GT-I9250?\n<popey> schasch: you've probably seen the demos being given on the galaxy nexus, but we've not made any kind of final decisions, so I wouldn't buy a phone specifically for Ubuntu Phone testing right now. The first preview images may be some way off.\n<schasch> popey: :-( ...bad news... OK, I hoped those images for Galaxy Nexus could be released those days.\n<popey> patience ☺\n<schasch> patience is hard...I am still working on n900-maemo and waiting for a real linux phone\n<jo-erlend> schasch, hey... That _is_ a real linux phone. My usb port died on that one and they replaced it with an n8. :(\n<schasch> jo-erlend: till now I am happy with n900, but the hardware/software is too old and to slow...\n<sledges> get an N9\n<sledges> ah sure, not certain how that will blend in with ubuntu-os being android based\n<sledges> a \"true linux phone\" then ? ;)\n<popey> sledges: its not android based\n<sledges> using android bsp that is\n<sledges> for drivers' part\n<popey> sure, just that boit\n<popey> *bit\n<popey> it's not \"android\" as google would describe it\n<popey> </pedant>\n<sledges> android kernel?\n<Tak> but android is a custom os on top of a linux kernel...\n<popey> exactly, so it's ubuntu on top of a linux kernel using android drivers for some of the hardware\n<sledges> but android drivers are compiled against bionic, ubuntu meanwhile will be (uc/g)libc (?)\n * popey shrugs\n<sledges> *userspace drivers that is\n<sledges> like GLES wrappers etc\n<Elleo> I don't know what the ubuntu-phone team are doing, but there is libhybris, which allows for the use of bionic based drivers in a glibc based system\n<sledges> too true, I wonder when ubuntu will disclosed what's under the bonnet\n<sledges> *disclose\n<Walther> Any news on the availability of images?\n<sledges> and the source code? :)\n<Walther> I'd love to get hacking on it and help porting it to N9\n<sledges> well, we got told \"patience\" ..\n<popey> we'll announce when images are (going to be) available\n<popey> you'll know ☺\n<benfrancis> Is there any more information available yet about building HTML5 apps for Ubuntu Phone? Will there be any device APIs available to web apps? Sailfish looks like it will support HTML5 via Cordova Qt. Is this the approach Ubuntu phone will take, or will they run directly in a webkit runtime like Tizen?\n<Walther> Also, will the images be specific to devices, or will they follow the \"generic kernel\" way?\n<Walther> As in; will we have to make actual *ports* for different devices, or can the community help building support for other devices to a \"generic\" image\n<Walther> (because you know, ports suck and maintaining of separate ports sucks)\n<popey> Walther: we don't have any more info on that right now\n<benfrancis> I suspect there may be an issue with the distribution of device drivers. Most Android devices have proprietary drivers shipped with them (with no open source alternatives) which is what makes distributing images for those devices tricky from a legal point of view.\n<popey> benfrancis: no info yet on extending HTML5 or APIs\n<benfrancis> popey: OK, thanks. Where should I be listening for any news?\n<popey> benfrancis: \"the internet\" ☺\n<popey> also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuPhone\n * benfrancis turns on omnipotent mode and watches the whole Internet :P\n * ubuntubhoy thinks popey must be getting sick of answering UOS release questions\n<sledges> maybe writing a bot would be handy? :)\n<Walther> ehm, might be useful to stick that wiki link to the topic\n* popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-phone to: Discussion for all things regarding Ubuntu in smartphone form factor | http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-phone | This channel is logged to http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | If nobody is here use http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/mobile | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuPhone\n<popey> ubuntubhoy: not at all\n<schasch> watching mark's video lets me and community think there will be an image for the galaxy nexus 'next week' because it looks this \"ready\"-state\n<schasch> maybe there should be a date for \"source/image -release\" be written  on http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone or http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone to stop this BIG release question...\n<schasch> something like : \"no dev/test images\" or sourcecode before sep 2013 for any phone\"\n<schasch> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuPhone or http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone....\n* popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-phone to: Discussion for all things regarding Ubuntu for Phones | This channel is logged to http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | If nobody is here use http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/mobile | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuPhone | No images available yet.\n<popey> schasch: updated it\n<schasch> popey : thanks, but maybe something like :    !!![ \"no dev/test images\" or sourcecode before 'SEP 2013' for any phone ]!!!\n<schasch> would be better...\n<Tak> where did you hear this 2013/9 date?\n<dpm> benfrancis, you can also ask questions on www.askubuntu.com/questions/ask?tags=mobile\n<schasch> Tak : I didn't heard it, but I read in the Internet \"images coming soon\" and that seems not to be true\n<schasch> someone from the ubuntu-team should tell us a  NOT BEFORE ...[YEAR.MONTH],  , at least for the sourcecode...\n<Tak> NOT BEFORE 2013/1\n<popey> the guys are working hard on the software right now, nothing will happen before CES next week. Once that's over we'll try and get an update.\n<popey> heh\n<schasch> popey : thanks...\n<user82> schasch, setp 13 or just a date you made up?\n<robin-gloster> user82: that date is made up\n<schasch> correct, fantasy\n<user82> puh..that would be after my birthday...without ubuntu images ready or my birthday i have to wait for christmas to buy a new phone :D\n * Tak caught in a landslide\n<schasch> :-)\n<user82> hoping for google nexus images anyway..not buying a phone less price effective for ubuntu os to be honest\n<schasch> if ubuntu would tell me 'FEB 2013' image/source for galaxy nexus/or other  ,  I would buy one today\n<robin-gloster> user82: dev phone was a galaxy nexus, so probable that an image for that will be the first to be released\n<user82> robin-gloster, it was a samsung nexus..not to be confused with the lg device google nexus 4\n<user82> i got that wrong too first\n<robin-gloster> user82: \"galaxy nexus\"!\n<user82> ah ok yeah..that is what i meant.\n<user82> google phone has much better performance/price\n<schasch> robin-gloste : popey wrote they do not know yet wich phone\n<schasch> i would pay a bit more as long as I have ubuntu\n<user82> hopefully it gets ported to many phones...\n<robin-gloster> user82: galaxy nexus was a google phone, too, but the one released before nexus4\n<user82> \"ported\"0adopted\n<user82> did not know that yet robin-gloster ...\n<robin-gloster> user82: all nexus \"nexus one, nexus S, galaxy nexus and nexus4\" are \"google phones\"\n<user82> ah ok...well nexus 4 is the one i would prefer\n<robin-gloster> schasch: i only know that GNexus was the dev phone, so I said it's probable that an early image will be for it ;)\n<schasch> robin-gloster : thats what I thought/hoped too... , but see popey 's  aswer to me...\n<schasch> maybe they show it next week at CES on a NEXUS4 ???\n<schasch> :-)\n<DrHalan> hey. i am wondering if anybody is working on porting gwibber to ubuntu for phones. would be cool to have microblogging integrated into the OS.\n<DrHalan> and the same for telepathy (Maemo was pretty cool in that matter)\n<ct529> I have motorola defy, will UP work on it?\n<ubuntubhoy> ct529: only GNex image being released at first\n<ubuntubhoy> but when source is out I am sure someone will port it\n<ct529> ubuntubhoy: :-(\n<ct529> ubuntubhoy: any timeline?\n<ubuntubhoy> ct529: nope\n<ubuntubhoy> but was stated on channel nothing till after CES at earliest\n<Tak> and also on the site\n<ubuntubhoy> and the MOTD\n<ct529> ubuntubhoy: MOTD\n<ct529> ubuntubhoy: ?\n<nrosvall_> Hi\n<nrosvall_> Any news if ubuntu phone os is going to support Python with PyQt or Pyside?\n<dmdrummond> nrosvall_: I haven't heard anything official, but I'm sure it will run Python.\n<robin-gloster> nrosvall_: mhall119 said that currently only HTML5/QML/OpenGL is supported. anything else has not been decided so far\n<dmdrummond> robin-gloster: What about native code?\n<mhall119> dmdrummond: QML is native\n<robin-gloster> dmdrummond: native == QML\n<dmdrummond> mhall119: robin-gloster: last time I looked it was a markup language with javascripty bits.\n<mhall119> it's as native as python in that regard\n<dmdrummond> mhall119: I would never call oython native tbh\n<mhall119> it gets to be a difference that makes no difference\n<dmdrummond> mhall119: Wow, and that gets to be a sentence that makes no sense\n<mhall119> sorry, maybe a cultural saying\n<dmdrummond> mhall119: Will we be able to back up the QML in native C++, as say is done in the Blackberry 10 platform?\n<mhall119> dmdrummond: I'm not 100% sure on that\n<mhall119> dmdrummond: it's still pretty early, and the goal is to make the QML and HTML5 SDK top-notch\n<dmdrummond> mhall119: For the dialler app, there must already be some platform abstractions going on.  The docs I have seen so far do not mention much other than UI.  Will there be a consistent interface for bluetooth/location/<other common phone feature> ?\n<mhall119> dmdrummond: bluetooth probably, since we have that on desktops/laptops already\n<mhall119> I don't know if there's a common way of getting gps/location information though\n<rsalveti> nrosvall_: I don't see why not supporting python with pyqt/pyside\n<rsalveti> if it's working properly with qt5, then it should be good\n<Silur> hi all\n<Silur> can anyone help me with some developing q-s\n<Silur> the site and the video only metions QML and HTML5\n<Silur> will i be able to run a hellp world std C++?\n<Silur> or will it contain a python shell?\n<Silur> the site says\n<Silur> \"Ubuntu phone's going to inherit Desktop ubuntu's security, workflow, Design and management\"\n<Silur> what about development?\n<Silur> ubuntu is not unix without development opportunities :D\n<Ryan45> What is Ubuntu's relationship with Nvidia. Being involved with the tablet porting community it always seemed to fall back on NVidia quickly abandoning support for thier platforms as soon as they brought something new out.\n<Ryan45> If I read the logs correct an image is coming out for Galaxy Nexus which is TI OMAP.\n<Ryan45> I would image this is going to limit UP's availability to OMAP devices, which is not the end of the world. In fact you might be on to something if you can create an Ubuntu Phone Market where vendors can sell unlocked phones.\n<Ryan45> Obviously, the rest of the world wouldn't care\n<Ryan45> but in the US it would be a huge hit for the nerds.\n#ubuntu-phone 2013-01-05\n<Transhumanist> hi =)\n<shanbuntu_> thanks :)\n<shanbuntu_> less action than #ubuntu\n<Transhumanist> yeah haha\n<Transhumanist> it's probably just lots of people idling and waiting for more info\n<Transhumanist> Canonical are keeping the details pretty close to their chest\n<shanbuntu_> i only have a Windows 7 machine at present, and all my mobiles are Android.  Any ideas on how I can start developing Ubuntu apps?  Haven't gone through the doco yet\n<shanbuntu_> oh and have VMWare image of Ubuntu, that might help\n<Transhumanist> well\n<Transhumanist> I haven't looked into it yet myself\n<Transhumanist> but as I understand it, any native Ubuntu app should run on the phone version. That's kind of one of the selling points.\n<Transhumanist> But I heard mention of QML\n<Transhumanist> so look up QML\n<Ryan45> Yeah, isnt the point of a universal platform that the apps are universal\n<Transhumanist> further, it would be a good idea to install Ubuntu inside a virtual machine like virtual box (or probably VMWare), yeah\n<Transhumanist> Ryan45: Ja.\n<Transhumanist> but universal apps aren't necessarily fast apps\n<Ryan45> yeah, i agree\n<Ryan45> I played around in the tablet porting world and I can tell you its going to be ugly\n<Ryan45> unless you know exactly what works and what doesnt\n<Transhumanist> Still, Ubuntu is just so much less locked-down than Android, this is going to be great\n<Ryan45> it's not the OS that's the problem\n<Ryan45> its the hardware in the mobile world\n<Transhumanist> in terms of power or compatibility?\n<Ryan45> unless, this is going to be exclusive for a certain number of handsets\n<Ryan45> interms of SOC makers don't like to release code\n<Transhumanist> Yeah, proprietary drivers\n<Ryan45> because by the time anyone is porting they already moved onto thier next best thing\n<Ryan45> we are on quadcore mobile now?\n<Ryan45> what was single core? 11 months ago?\n<Transhumanist> Canonical is working that out. That's not something app evelopers need worry about.\n<Transhumanist> my Note 2 is 1.6 GHz with 4 cores and 2 gig of RAM\n<Transhumanist> the phones of 2013 and 2014 will be way more powerful\n<Transhumanist> All Canonical needs to do is secure an OEM or ODM that is dedicated to doing an Ubuntu phone. Then, it doesn't matter about the other phones and ODMs. As long as Canonical pulls off one good phone.\n<Ryan45> The linux culture is to use the devices of last year\n<Ryan45> not the device of next year\n<jo-erlend> the best starting point for developing apps for Ubuntu is here: http://developer.ubuntu.com/\n<Ryan45> people love linux because you can throw it on an old machine and breath new life into it\n<Transhumanist> That's not really true of smartphones, though.\n<Ryan45> in 2014 how many old smart phones are you going to have laying around?\n<Ryan45> I will probably have 3\n<Transhumanist> I think there is a HUGE crowd of people that would buy a phone that, when docked, becomes a normal desktop OS\n<jo-erlend> yes, but has anyone mentioned that being included in Ubuntu Phone OS?\n<Ryan45> Yes, I am not denying that, but there is a bigger market of people sitting on 1 or 2 year old devices\n<Transhumanist> jo-erlend: yes\n<Ryan45> jo, yes, that was in the video\n<Transhumanist> that's the selling point, really\n<jo-erlend> when?\n<Transhumanist> Sigh. Don't make me go find it.\n<Ryan45> its in the faq too\n<jo-erlend> That has been mentioned with respects to Ubuntu for Android, but I haven't heard anything about it for Ubuntu Phone.\n<Transhumanist> http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone/operators-and-oems\n<Transhumanist> see the table\n<Transhumanist> high-end smartphones will have desktop convergence\n<Ryan45> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuPhone#Ubuntu_Phone_FAQ\n<Ryan45> Will desktop applications such as LibreOffice run on it?When the phone is docked to a screen you should be able to use the full desktop applications. When they are on the small screen they would need a QML display which might be part of the same application.\n<jo-erlend> nice.\n<Transhumanist> Definitely. In this context, Ubuntu for Android is more like Wubi: it's there for people who don't want to fully commit, but it's not the main goal\n<Transhumanist> Assuming they actually follow through on Ubuntu for Android\n<Transhumanist> I suspect this might have surplanted it\n<Ryan45> GNexus is OMAP, if they did this project for Mediatek devices like http://www.bluproducts.com/pro-detail/vivo43\n<Ryan45> then the chinese companies could come in and drop a bunch of devices\n<Transhumanist> Yeah I don't expect the big players to pull this off. It'll be a currently non-name Chinese company probably\n<Transhumanist> That's kind of the beauty of it: if Samsung, et al don't consider this worthy of their time, there are other players who are desperately trying to break into smartphones who will\n<Ryan45> With substandard displays and no patents\n<Ryan45> lol\n<jo-erlend> huh? Why wouldn't Samsung consider this worthy? They spend resources on Tizen.\n<Transhumanist> Samsung wants control\n<Transhumanist> They might not consider Ubuntu to give them that\n<jo-erlend> why do you say that?\n<Transhumanist> After all, they're trying to replace Android with Tizen\n<Transhumanist> for precisely that reason\n<jo-erlend> I seriously doubt that.\n<Ryan45> One undertstated potential is rapid localization.\n<Ryan45> If they go after the chinese companies making phones for africa\n<jo-erlend> but Samsung has no incentive not to sell phones with a variety of operating systems.\n<Ryan45> ubuntu phone could be localized with ease for any new market\n<Ryan45> Brazil, Mexico, India, Africa\n<jo-erlend> I'd very much like Huawei to get into it. They have some nice stuff up their sleeves and they really have something to prove.\n<Transhumanist> I suppose Ubuntu will be even more open source than Android, so regardless of Canonical's wishes, Samsung could fork it and have full control if they wished.\n<Transhumanist> I imagine ZTE will be interested as well\n<Transhumanist> And LG and HTC probably want to one-up Samsung\n<jo-erlend> \"even more\"... Well, Android is primarily Apache licensed. Whether that's more or less open than GPL, is a matter of perspective.\n<Ryan45> Nokia is going to be looking for a dancing partner as soon as Microsoft divorces them.\n<Transhumanist> There are proprietary parts of Android.\n<Ryan45> which wont be long.\n<Transhumanist> Microsoft will probably watch Nokia crash and burn and then purchase them. After all, the guy running Nokia now is a Microsoft plant.\n<Ryan45> nokia is probably nice tax write off :)\n<jo-erlend> I had a Nokia N900 which I really loved until the USB port was broken. I had guarantee, so I sent it in. They replaced it with an N8. I love the hardware, but the OS doesn't cut it. I wonder if Nokia would be \"allowed\" to offer both WP and UP. They would certainly be an attractive hardware manufacturer.\n<Transhumanist> My N900 is sitting next to my mouse at the moment.\n<Transhumanist> N900 was a wonderful phone. But Nokia never pushed it. They never marketted it.\n<jo-erlend> yes, for some strange reason.\n<Transhumanist> Nokia is a much more socially responsible company than Samsung or Apple, so it is sad to see them die.\n<jo-erlend> but they've made nice phones all along. Their problem has been the OS.\n<Ryan45> I still don't like the idea of trying to get a peice of the existing pie.\n<jo-erlend> why?\n<Ryan45> Need to sell to people who dont like pie :)\n<Transhumanist> I don't really think Canonical are trying to get a piece of the pie. I think they're trying to bake a better pie.\n<Ryan45> reinvent the wheel\n<Ryan45> lol\n<jo-erlend> in any case, computing is not a mature market by any means.\n<Ryan45> Firefox Phone, Ubuntu Phone, up soon, Angry Birds Phone\n<Transhumanist> Canonical are trying to elimninate device categories. Conflate laptops, tablets, desktops into a single device. Your smartphone is a phone normally, but dock it and it's a desktop. Or put it inside a laptopdock case and it's a laptop. Or a tablet dock case and it is a tablet.\n<Ryan45> you just do the sling back motion to launch apps\n<Transhumanist> So you grab your phone out of the dock in the monring, head to work, chuck it in the dock.\n<Ryan45> yeah, my dad asked me that yesterday, if any of these phones could just have a monitor hooked up\n<Transhumanist> Or head to the university computer lab and place it in one of the 40 docks provided, with monitors and mice and keyboards attached.\n<Transhumanist> My Note 2 already has a dock with HDMI, and UDB. But without a desktop OS I see no point in using a mouse and keyboard on it on a big screen\n<Transhumanist> *USB\n<jo-erlend> also, I think the biggest app craze will subside. People probably won't continue to buy fart-apps forever. I'd predict that people will want fewer, but higher quality apps. The number of available apps is not really all that important, I think.\n<Ryan45> I really wan't to make a scifi movie with a giant space ship and they come under attack and dude pulls out his smartphone and controls the whole thing.\n<Ryan45> no point in having some big battle center with all these buttons and screens\n<jo-erlend> that highly depends on what you're doing.\n<Ryan45> good ubuntu phone commercial :)\n<Ryan45> flips back and plays a word on scrabble\n<jo-erlend> I have a few pretty wild ideas for controlling the desktop, but I think maybe they're slightly too radical yet. :)\n<Transhumanist> So have either of you installed the QML toolkit yet?\n<jo-erlend> no, I'm a Vala/GTK kinda guy, so I haven't spent too much time using Qt in a long time.\n<Transhumanist> QML is QT, then?\n<jo-erlend> Qt Markup Language, I think?\n<Transhumanist> isn't it a bit odd to choose QT whne Unity is based off Gnome which is GTK?\n<Transhumanist> maybe QML was already mature\n<jo-erlend> markup/meta, wikipedia says.\n<jo-erlend> Unity is not based on Gnome really. It's based on Compiz.\n<jo-erlend> much of the Ubuntu desktop is still based on Gnome though. But the shell itself is not.\n<Transhumanist> I'm developing an Android app for spaced repetition of frequency dictionaries for various languages. So I may work on it concurrently in QML\n<Transhumanist> ok\n<jo-erlend> they're using some toolkit of their own; NUX. I don't know much about it.\n<Transhumanist> who's using NUX? Canonical for Compiz?\n<jo-erlend> Canonical.\n<jo-erlend> for Unity, that is.\n<Transhumanist> ok\n<jo-erlend> they've used Qt for other stuff. Unity 2D is written in Qt, for instance. I think U1 client is too.\n<jo-erlend> but to me, the most important work they've done, is to unify stuff. It's not too long ago that using Qt apps in Ubuntu felt really strange. And I really love the HTML stuff and the rest of the infrastructure.\n<Transhumanist> I like Unity. I don't understand all the fuss about it. It's not like they're preventing people from using Gnome or KDE.\n<jalcine> I'm going to feel a bit iffy about HTML applications.\n<Transhumanist> in what sense? security?\n<Transhumanist> You don't have to code in HTML5\n<jo-erlend> I think they're highly useful in some cases. It's nowhere near anything like a competitor to native apps though. That'll take another decade, I'll wager.\n<Transhumanist> Yeah.\n<jo-erlend> but I _really_ wish they could make Vala/GTK first class. I understand the reasoning though. I don't really like C++ all that much and C is probably not all that comfortable in combination with Qt, though I might be wrong about that.\n<Transhumanist> Yeah, I'm not a fan of C++\n<Transhumanist> I'm OK with C and Java. Just not C++. Odd.\n<jo-erlend> then you too would probably love Vala :)\n<Transhumanist> =(\n<Transhumanist> Qt is C++?\n<jo-erlend> jup.\n<Transhumanist> Aw.\n<jo-erlend> but I don't know much about Qt, so don't trust me on any of that stuff.\n<jo-erlend> but these are exciting times. If anything would make me want to jump into QML and change some habits, it's this.\n<Transhumanist> yeah. I think all the tech punditry proclaiming this concept dead on arrive because the smartphone market is too crowded are funny\n<Transhumanist> most of them probably don't even know what Linux is\n<Transhumanist> or about the huge culture associated with it and with FOSS and with Ubuntu\n<Ryan45> Trans\n<Ryan45> That is the counter point as well\n<Transhumanist> Not really\n<Ryan45> a bunch of people are going to have legacy devices\n<Transhumanist> the pundits are shortsighted for not understanding Linux\n<Ryan45> because the linux culture is legacy devices\n<Transhumanist> but ordinary people don't care about Linux\n<Transhumanist> they care about being able to have a powerful smartphone with a desktop OS (when docked)\n<Ryan45> Your point was Ubuntu has a big following including by extension\n<Ryan45> which i agree with\n<Transhumanist> The Linux culture isn't legacy devices. That's a linux subculture.\n<Ryan45> You are going to argue that OEM linux is successful?\n<Transhumanist> Are you talking about Android?\n<Ryan45> no\n<Transhumanist> Which other OEM Linux, then? MeeGo? Tizen?\n<Ryan45> I might have stated it wrong, i mean linux installed by manufacturers\n<Ryan45> yes, I had it write Origional Equipment Manufacturer installed Linux\n<Ryan45> write LOL\n<Ryan45> right\n<Transhumanist> Ubuntu for phones will be successfull from two different angles: drawing over a large number of existing Linux users, and drawing over a large number of non-Linux users who love the concept of a smartphone that turns into a desktop when docked. For most people Ubuntu 12.10 is not that different to Windows, especially on a phone.\n<jo-erlend> <Ryan45> You are going to argue that OEM linux is successful? <-- what does that have to do with Linux being a \"legacy culture\"?\n<Ryan45> my argument is that Linux is thought of as a solution to extending the life out of devices\n<Transhumanist> Only by SOME people.\n<Ryan45> or custom built\n<Transhumanist> I see Linux as the cutting-edge compared to Windows. I have modern machines. I don't install Linux to give life to old devices (much).\n<chriadam|away> some people think that anchovies are good pizzas too, but that doesn't mean that anchovy pizzas are all there is.\n<jo-erlend> it's a long time since I had any issues with off-the-shelf hardware.\n<chriadam|away> good *on pizzas.\n<Ryan45> You installed Linux on a windows device more then lieky\n<Ryan45> even if it was the most recent\n<jo-erlend> so?\n<Transhumanist> Not my desktop. And the computer I am about to buy is from System76\n<Transhumanist> it comes with Ubuntu, not Windows\n<Ryan45> If your buddy asks if his old laptop will run linux you say, yes and it will run great\n<Transhumanist> How does this relate to phones?\n<jo-erlend> I don't consider anything a \"windows device\", btw. I think that kind of thinking is nasty. I think about hardware and software.\n<Ryan45> ok, it was a summary\n<Ryan45> so my point is, the average linux fan is going to take his phone and say, wow ubuntu looks great\n<chriadam|away> I think he's just saying that a lot of current linux users who have current Android devices, might seriously think about flashing UbuntuPhone onto their current device, instead of throwing it away, the next time they can upgrade due to plan cycle.  Sure.\n<Ryan45> and look for an image to install\n<jo-erlend> it is true that I've had to purchase licenses to Windows that I never intended to use, and that's nasty too, but that neither affects hardware nor my Ubuntu software. I just pretend there's no OS installed.\n<Transhumanist> chriadam|away: sure, and those who can't will happily buy an Ubuntu phone\n<Ryan45> Chriad: and the problem I see is that Ubuntu Phone is going to be available for a limited number of devices\n<jo-erlend> Ryan45, right. And there will be images to install, though the target hardware probably doesn't exist yet.\n<Transhumanist> Ryan45's logic is fallacious because he's implying that a) Ubuntu phones won't attract non-Linux users, and b) Linux users won't buy Ubuntu phones upon discovering that in many cases it can't be installed on their old device\n<Ryan45> Trans, i am not arguing either of those points\n<jo-erlend> Ryan45, if they use Android drivers, then you should be able to run it on most Android devices, no?\n<Transhumanist> Well then I am at a loss :p\n<chriadam|away> let's all take a moment to thank Stskeeps for that ;-D\n<Ryan45> (8:35:11 PM) Transhumanist: yeah. I think all the tech punditry proclaiming this concept dead on arrive because the smartphone market is too crowded are funny\n<Ryan45> (8:35:18 PM) Transhumanist: most of them probably don't even know what Linux is\n<Ryan45> (8:35:31 PM) Transhumanist: or about the huge culture associated with it and with FOSS and with Ubuntu\n<Ryan45> Your third statement argues they are wrong because of ubuntu's culture\n<Ryan45> and i am saying they are right on that point because of ubuntu's culture\n<Transhumanist> Yeah, why?\n<Ryan45> Because I dont want to buy a new phone\n<jo-erlend> Ryan45, then just download it and install it yourself?\n<Transhumanist> There will be a LOT of Ubuntu fans who will buy an Ubuntu phone. I'm not saying all, I'm not even saying 50%.\n<Ryan45> if i have one of the few phones it will run on\n<Transhumanist> But Ubuntu is used by tens of millions of people.\n<jo-erlend> Ryan45, where have you found the list of Android phones that won't be able to run Ubuntu?\n<Transhumanist> Ubuntu ROMs will come out.\n<Ryan45> Jo-er: i am basing my position of the fact they are working with OMAP\n<Ryan45> because nvidia and samsung keep thier stuff closed\n<chriadam|away> jo-erlend: well, it's simply not safe to assume that it'll be able to run on every piece of hardware.  hardware adaptions are a _lot_ of work.\n<jo-erlend> chriadam|away, sure. What I'm saying, is it's way too early to make claims that Ubuntu won't run on existing hardware.\n<Transhumanist> Ryan45: but aren't you implying that if Ubuntu fans discover that, hypothetically, they can't install it on their old phone, then they won't buy an Ubuntu phone?\n<Transhumanist> It just doesn't make sense to me\n<Transhumanist> Some will, some won't\n<Transhumanist> And many won't even care about their old phones\n<jo-erlend> and as I keep telling people; most hardware is still crap. So is software. Computing is not a mature market. There's plenty of time to get in, as long as you do it properly. People will want to replace their phones sooner or later anyway.\n<chriadam|away> yup.  here endeth the argument, I think.\n<Transhumanist> for the record, I am in favour of being able to reduce waste and install it on older phones. But the hardware requirements won't allow that. It needs fast processors, multiple processors, and high RAM\n<Ryan45> no, it just needs open drivers :)\n<Transhumanist> Canonical disagrees with you.\n<Transhumanist> Examine this table: http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone/operators-and-oems\n<jo-erlend> sure, I share those views. But the acceptable level of hardware hasn't been reached in my opinion. Not on tablets and not on phones. Certainly on desktops and laptops though, but that's a completely different segment.\n<Transhumanist> for the dockable version, Canonical has certain hardware requirements\n<Ryan45> lol\n<Ryan45> do you know how many 1Ghz Cortex A9's there are\n<Transhumanist> A large number.\n<Ryan45> ARM licenses that stuff out like its going out of style.\n<Ryan45> But not all of them are developer friendlty\n<Ryan45> this isn't the pc world where it's like 4 legit possibilities for cpu archetecture\n<jo-erlend> talking about ARM, I think their big.LITTLE sounds rather perfectly suited for this exact use.\n<Ryan45> man, my spelling is terrible in pidgin with no spellcheck.\n<jo-erlend> mine is terrible with no sleep :>\n<Transhumanist> what part of the world do you guys hail from?\n<Ryan45> Perhaps the 2014 release frame is because they know something about the business I do not :)\n<jo-erlend> Norway.\n<Ryan45> that future ARM forks are all going to be dev friendly\n<Ryan45> Alaska\n<Transhumanist> Ryan45: yeah, they know that more powerful phones will be out by then :p\n<Ryan45> Trans, you keep saying that but you dont talk about whats inside them\n<Ryan45> :)\n<Transhumanist> And they know that's how long it'll take to get this going with an ODM\n<Transhumanist> It'll still be ARM\n<Ryan45> My experience comes from the android tablet porting world\n<Transhumanist> But a bunch of chip manufacturers have been opening up a bit. And Canonical's plan seems to be to work with one to get their drivers working on Ubuntu, not necessarily to open those drivers\n<Transhumanist> I don't pretend that the hardware manufacturers will suddenly open up, although there's a lot of commercial pressure for that to start happening\n<chriadam|away> Mm.  Intel have a pretty big potential in the mobile space, by 2014 I'm expecting really, really low TDP from their mobile chips.\n<jo-erlend> I think the most important thing is to get stuff working on one reference model.\n<Transhumanist> Yes\n<Ryan45> Perhaps there will be a stabalization on that front\n<Ryan45> BTW, to make it clear, I am not against this whole thing, i love it :)\n<jo-erlend> chriadam|away, it'll be interesting to see.\n<Ryan45> But I think it's more in the disruption then i assimilation\n<Transhumanist> Ignoring the ROM market. Ignoring Ubuntu users who want to install it on their old phone. There WILL be a huge number of existing Ubuntu users, and non-Ubuntu first-adopters who will buy the first Ubuntu phone that comes out.\n<Ryan45> I'd love to see a Ubuntu Phone Market where there are 5-10 phones available for me to buy unlocked for $300\n<Transhumanist> Same. But that's further off I suspect\n<Ryan45> Trans: are these going to be at Verizon?\n<Ryan45> or at ATT?\n<Transhumanist> I suppose that depends on Canonical's business skills?\n<Ryan45> or is this going to be a European only concept like Nokia\n<jo-erlend> I'd very, _very_ much like to see Nokia get on board. For a large number of reasons.\n<Transhumanist> As would I. They have a really good environmental track record.\n<Ryan45> The US model has a way of just destroying good ideas.\n<Transhumanist> That's the US.\n<Ryan45> I'm in the US :)\n<Transhumanist> It won't stop you from buying a phone up front, though.\n<Ryan45> Nexus 4 is probably going to be my first\n<Transhumanist> Even if Verizon and ATT don't have a version to sell on plans\n<Transhumanist> first smartphone?\n<Ryan45> I am not the average consumer\n<Ryan45> no, I still use the milestone, here the droid\n<Ryan45> first vzw android phone\n<Transhumanist> But why do you assume the average consumer needs to buy the Ubuntu phone for it to be successful initially?\n<Ryan45> Because cost is associated with scale :)\n<Transhumanist> The best models of Android phones only sell like 20 to 50 million units.\n<Transhumanist> I understand economies of scale.\n<Ryan45> I read a great nokia quote\n<Ryan45> \"if we had a phone that sold as few as the iphone it would be considered a complete failure\" this is from before Apple had an ecosystem around the phone\n<Transhumanist> But for their first unit, selling a few million copies is fine. Mark might even subsidise this yet further with his millions of dollars.\n<chriadam|away> Ubuntu has no need for profit...  Oh, I'm sure Mark wants to sell tens of millions of handsets, at a nice margin if possible, but I don't think that's the primary aim, to be honest.\n<jo-erlend> I think it's important to keep in mind that Microsoft and Apple were considered successful even in the 80s and 90s, though that was a very small market.\n<Ryan45> The point I was just making is I hate nvidia reference platform built devices :)\n<Transhumanist> haha\n<jo-erlend> percentages doesn't pay the rent. I think Ubuntu can be quite successful even with a fairly low percentage.\n<Ryan45> They don't support even 6 month old devices\n<Transhumanist> BTW, I haven't fiddled with Cyanogen mod or anything\n<Transhumanist> but dual-booting is possible on Android phones, right?\n<Transhumanist> Because I can see a future where people dual-boot Ubuntu and Android :p\n<Ryan45> to ubuntu?\n<Transhumanist> to anything\n<jo-erlend> I can imagine a company saying \"yes, you can bring your own device – as long as it's Ubuntu so we're sure everything works properly\". :)\n<Transhumanist> e.g. between stock and Cynogen mod\n<Ryan45> It's not dualbooting, it's more like running an emulator\n<Ryan45> Look at the info on Ubuntu for Android\n<Transhumanist> Ubuntu for Android isn't emulation. It's sharing the same kernel. It's not dual-booting.\n<Transhumanist> But in todays market, can you dual-boot multiple ROMs?\n<Transhumanist> if you've unlocked your phone?\n<Ryan45> yeah, I am an idiotsavant with out the savant when it comes to explaining\n<Ryan45> no\n<Transhumanist> haha\n<Transhumanist> odd\n<Ryan45> It's the way android sets up its memory\n<Ryan45> you can certainly keep writing over\n<Ryan45> and using the old data with the new system files\n<Ryan45> but it gets ugly after a few times of doing that because that idea is REALLY stupid\n<Transhumanist> You can't... partition or something?\n<Transhumanist> Or direct the second OS to boot from external SD?\n<Transhumanist> honestly, it seems stupid that people have reinvented the wheel, DIFFERENTLY, for phones.\n<Transhumanist> They're just computers smeg it!\n<jo-erlend> on some phones, you can. Not on all.\n<jo-erlend> the mobile market is really messy in a lot of ways. So was PC in the beginning though.\n<Ryan45> (jo secretly supporting my point)\n<chriadam|away> they're not \"just computers\".  they have their own set of problems to solve, and outcomes to achieve.  people innovate, and come up with their own solutions and their own implementations.  that's just natural.\n<jo-erlend> yes and that's what happened in the early PC era as well. Then it settled. I hope the same thing will happen in the mobile space. Because it seems obvious that people should be able to switch operating systems after purchasing the hardware.\n<chriadam|away> right, that may eventually happen\n<Ryan45> Little different global chip making capability\n<jo-erlend> I'm hopeful. We're at the very beginning.\n<chriadam|away> but at the pace of technological advancement, I'd be surprised if we still had \"handsets\" as we know them today, in 20 years time.  wet-wired implants are more likely ;-)\n<Ryan45> ugh\n<Ryan45> people are against cross breeding carrots even though they will probably starve if they dont\n<Transhumanist> <chriadam|away> they're not \"just computers\".  they have their own set of problems to solve, and outcomes to achieve.  people innovate, and come up with their own solutions and their own implementations.  that's just natural.\n<Transhumanist> this is true more because of where phones have come from than because of what people are trying to achieve with them today\n<jo-erlend> chriadam|away, I don't think people are going to replace form factors. I think we'll add new ones. For instance, no tablet or handheld will ever make me want to replace a good chair, desktop, big screens and keyboard. After all, technology doesn't alter my biology. Well, not yet, anyway :>\n<Transhumanist> People today are trying to use them as computer. It makes sense to ditch the phone paradigm and TREAT them as first-class citizens in the computing world\n<Ryan45> ARM's licensing has done wonder and been the bane of a lot of inovation though :)\n<Ryan45> puts the invoation in the hands of large manufacturers\n<chriadam|away> jo-erlend: yet, in my opinion, was the operative word in that sentence.  I'm probably wrong, but we'll see.  Either way, interesting times ahead ;-)\n<Transhumanist> jo-erlend: what about a phone that docks into a small station connected to a monitor and keyboard and mouse on top of your desk with the comfy chair\n<Ryan45> if everyone had to use one of like 3 sets of chips we would see all kinds of crazy device uses, but there are like 100's of locked up cpu's now\n<Transhumanist> is that not a desktop then?\n * jo-erlend thinks having choice of operating systems will be a big selling point for hardware manufacturers in the future. \n<Ryan45> i dont want to dock anything :)\n<Ryan45> I want to just come into range\n<Transhumanist> haha\n<Transhumanist> I love that idea!\n<jo-erlend> Transhumanist, right. When hardware is capable of that – which is happening very soon – that'll certainly be interesting and appealing. It doesn't change the form factor though.\n<Transhumanist> Well it does change it! No more towers. No more buying multiple devices.\n<jo-erlend> Ryan45, I do that now. Love BlueProximity :>\n<Transhumanist> It's a huge change :p\n<jo-erlend> and when I leave the house, my webcam automatically turns into a surveillance camera. That's nice too.\n<Ryan45> we are actually going to soon run into a surplus of computing power\n<chriadam|away> if one of the books on the bookcase in your study gets belligerent, you'll _know about it_ ;-D  jokes\n<chriadam|away> Ryan45: pfft.  no such thing.\n<jo-erlend> Ryan45,  heh...  To me, that's happened a long time ago wrt stationary computing.\n<Transhumanist> You know what I love the most about smartphones replacing PC's?\n<Transhumanist> The fact that they consume 1/100th the number of watts\n<Ryan45> i read on the internet that transhumanist REALLY loves the environment :)\n<jo-erlend> chriadam|away, it was a fun weekend project more than a security thing though :)\n<Transhumanist> Well it saves on electricity bills too.\n<chriadam|away> jo-erlend: hehe, yeah, I did the same thing back when I was in uni.\n<Transhumanist> but Ryan: how is reduced electricity consumption of that magnitude not an amazing thing?\n<Ryan45> :) I'm in Alaska, our whole economy is based on wasteful energy use aka oil\n<Transhumanist> And I am from Australia. We're simiklar with coal and gas.\n<Transhumanist> It's not a good thing.\n<Transhumanist> Or something to be proud of haha\n<Ryan45> I havent had a desktop in years\n<Ryan45> I only use laptops\n<jo-erlend> Ryan45, and I'm from Norway :>\n<jo-erlend> we _are_ proud of it, I think :)\n<Ryan45> Laptops use much less power.\n<Transhumanist> I've got this 6-core AMD desktop which I am going to retire for no other reason than it accounts for like half my electricity bill.\n<Transhumanist> Yeah I'm switching to a System76 lappie\n<jo-erlend> Transhumanist, you're going to retire a computer and replace it with a new one ... for the sake of the environment?\n<Ryan45> LOL\n<Transhumanist> Think that through more carefully jo-erlend\n<Transhumanist> I need it for other reasons. I'm going to switch to using it as my main PC too, to reduce electricity consumption.\n<Ryan45> It's like when they tear down old buildings to build new environmentally responisbile ones.\n<Ryan45> And the construction equipment does more carbon production then the building will save in its life time\n<Transhumanist> The savings CAN be worth it, but most people don't to the maths to figure out whether it is\n<chriadam|away> Usually the maths is too difficult.  If everyone wasn't tearing down the old buildings, maybe HastingsDearing would be producing less heavy machinery, and maybe the steel mills would produce less steel, and maybe the mining industry would do less mining, and maybe...\n<jo-erlend> environment is very important. And low power consumption is good, not only because of the consumption, but also because lower consumption means longer life, because of less heat which requires fans and other moveable stuff.\n<chriadam|away> mainly it's good because it means my study doesn't get quite so damn hot during summer.\n<Transhumanist> The laptop I am getting has an average consumption of 30 watts (rough guess). My desktop PC has an average consumption of 300 watts (rough guess). I don't know how much electricity it cost to make each device, or how many pollutants were produced, but but it doesn't seem completely ridicuklously that at some point it will be an environmental gain to have switched to this laptop\n<jo-erlend> chriadam|away, which is a bad thing at winter in Norway. I'd rather warm my study using a computer than an oven.\n<chriadam|away> ... unless that point is longer than the lifetime of your laptop..\n<Transhumanist> indeed\n<Transhumanist> But I'm buying it so I can do development work away from home, especially at uni.\n<chriadam|away> jo-erlend: hehe.  I used to own a dell that would have solved all of your central-heating problems\n<Ryan45> Trans, how much of those chemicals in the computer came from china :)\n<Ryan45> where they dont care about pollution output in mining\n<Ryan45> or in transportation\n<Ryan45> or in production\n<jo-erlend> chriadam|away, I currently own a beast of a machine. I should actually ask the neighbours to chip in, cause I'm probably lowering their electrical bills :>\n<chriadam|away> hehe\n<jo-erlend> whenever I buy something new, I try to buy something that'll last. I didn't really realize that it'd make my box sound like a Harley Davidson.\n<Ryan45> As an Alaskan I almost exclusivly talk online with people from Europe and Australia :) Due to timezones.\n<jo-erlend> but I don't think I'll ever have to upgrade my stationary again and that's a good thing.\n<Transhumanist> You have a point. This is why I really valued Nokia's products - they handled the lifecycle environmental cost of their products really well. But as I said, there are multiple reasons for buying this laptop: specifically the ease of doing development work. If I could buy a good Nokia laptop, I would. But I can't.\n<Transhumanist> But since I am buying the laptop for reason X, then it makes sense to retire my desktop and use this laptop because it consumes perhaps 1/10th the electricity. And back to smartphones absorbing other device categories: it'll be amazing when that happens because of the global drop in energy use from domestic computing\n<jo-erlend> I didn't know that. I like Nokia for other reasons.\n<jo-erlend> Transhumanist, heh, sure. I apologize for making that joke. It wasn't an attack in any way, and I wasn't referring to you when I spoke about my stationary.\n<Transhumanist> As an Aussie I usually miss Europeans because they're mostly asleep or at work\n<Transhumanist> =(\n<Transhumanist> jo-erlend: oh, was responding to Ryan45\n<jo-erlend> hehe ok :)\n<jo-erlend> ah. He doesn't like tab completion much, I see. :>\n<Ryan45> nah, every letter costs electricity\n<Ryan45> plus I dont want to make someones computer beep and wake up thier signifigant other.\n<jo-erlend> Ryan45, I think you have a good point. People talk green, but when it comes down to decision making, I think it's better if green is a bonus. Longevity, aesthetics and simplicity is much more important, I think.\n<Transhumanist> I take issue with that because you make it sound like they're mutually exclusive\n<Transhumanist> ;)\n<chriadam|away> right.  I think the problem is that it's too complex for the average person to figure out, and it's too abstract or formless a threat to figure actively in most peoples' cognitive processes when making decisions.\n<jo-erlend> oh, quite the contrary. It's a matter of how you sell it. People like green and green is important. But I think it's better to say \"It's really nice, the battery lasts for a long time – oh, and that also means it's green\", than to say \"it's green, and it's kinda useful too!\" :)\n<jo-erlend> chriadam|away, right.\n<Transhumanist> jo-erlend: I see what you mean\n<Transhumanist> It's a matter of education, too though\n<Ryan45> OneUbuntuPhonePerChild is a way better program bTW :)\n<Transhumanist> lol\n<Transhumanist> that should be a thing.\n<jo-erlend> If you don't have to worry about the battery all the time, then that's good for you. You like that. As a bonus, it's good for the environment as well.\n<Ryan45> hey australian\n<Ryan45> who likes energy conservation\n<Ryan45> Do you like ice skating or hockey?\n<Transhumanist> I don't think my feet are designed for ice skating, but I love it anyway. I prefer skiing.\n<Ryan45> Ok, so have you heard of solar thermal absorption chilling?\n<jo-erlend> hehe\n<jo-erlend> he should, being an Australian.\n<jo-erlend> soaked leather bags filled with water was the primary way to keep the water cool when going walkabout, I seem to remember.\n<Ryan45> http://energy-concepts.com/thermochiller\n<Ryan45> They can drive the chiller needed for a skating rink off solar and I really want to build one in west texas, but australia would work as well.\n<Transhumanist> Oh, like setup a comercial ice rink run by one of these?\n<jo-erlend> are we still somewhat in touch with Ubuntu, or have we drifted completely off topic? :)\n<Transhumanist> Well... you're welcome to discuss something Ubuntu-related :D\n<Transhumanist> be back in a bit. Girlfriend is home.\n<jo-erlend> it's a good idea. I'm sure some people try to pay a little attention to the backlogs in order to catch unanswered questions. Makes it more difficult if we're talking too much about other thigns.\n<jo-erlend> things, even.\n<Ryan45> yeah\n<Ryan45> Unanswered questions, lol\n<Ryan45> like there are answers\n<jo-erlend> I've received good answers to all of my questions.\n<Ryan45> I apologize for bringing some debate to the conversation earlier :)\n<jo-erlend> don't. Enthusiasm is good. I get caught up too. I really do sometimes. :)\n<Transhumanist> Debate is good! I'm going to spend tonight installing their alpha QML development framework\n<jo-erlend> and I think green is an important aspect of UP. Not only because native code probably means less consumption, but also because a lot of people who would otherwise run a desktop 24/7 in addition to their phone, might reduce that to one device.\n<Ryan45> I would love to see them do a mediatek based demo\n<jo-erlend> I get the impression that there's still a lot of things to do before a detailed demo is called for.\n<Transhumanist> What's mediatek?\n<Transhumanist> just a device by MediaTek demoing Ubuntu Phone's features?\n<Ryan45> mediatek is the offbrand arm\n<Ryan45> A9\n<Transhumanist> http://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2013/01/04/is-ubuntu-about-to-create-the-phone-and-pc-of-my-dreams/\n<donttrustem> Hi guys, I would like to test ubuntu phone on my nexus. Is there anywhere to download the code?\n<donttrustem> Anyone here?\n<k1l> no not yet.  its not to be expected until the CES\n<donttrustem> When is the CES\n<donttrustem> Bloody bots\n<k1l> its just starting if im right\n<donttrustem> But it has been demonstrated on the nexus\n<k1l> on a galaxy nexus, yes. but the code is not published right now\n<donttrustem> When will it be published... I would like to test it and develop\n<k1l> donttrustem: there is no exact date mentioned. so its expected after the CES but dont count the hours\n<netchip> are the sources for ubuntu for phones released?\n<donttrustem> Man there must be a version out there for developers ....\n<donttrustem> netchip: I found something on the xda forum\n<k1l> netchip: no, not so far\n<netchip> :|\n<donttrustem> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1730546\n<netchip> also, why do they use Android kenrel?\n<donttrustem> Not sure if this will work\n<netchip> donttrustem, That isn't Ubuntu Phone they are developing ;)\n<k1l> donttrustem: that is not ubuntuphone\n<donttrustem> Ok\n<k1l> netchip: do they? i think they mentioned that they could use the android kernel because of the drivers\n<donttrustem> I think they need to release something soon otherwise it will lose momentum...  It needs to be out there.\n<k1l> donttrustem: its a dev stage which they want to show at the CES to the hardware manufactures to get them on board\n<k1l> donttrustem: its not ment fo end-users to use on their phone right now. so be patient\n<netchip> Yeah, well, I'm running CM on my SGS3, it's 60% open source, and the team is 3 men, and they open sourced that part, without any documentation, in _one_ year\n<netchip> So for a big company, it should take a week\n<donttrustem> Lol manufactures are users ... End user will determine the success\n<k1l> *sigh*\n<k1l> netchip: cm isnt only run by 3men at all.\n<netchip> k1l, The team who opensourced my phoine is\n<netchip> teamhacksung\n<donttrustem> If the code is not out there for devs to use and spread the word then it will die.  Ubuntu desktop started without manaufactures\n<k1l> donttrustem: that is not how the mobile business runs\n<donttrustem> We are not talking about phones anymore, it is now being pushed as a mini desktop when docked :)\n<donttrustem> Would you say that the nexus is a phone or a mini PC?  The market call them smartphones because they need to separate them as a unique device ...\n<donttrustem> But in reality they are mini computers\n<donttrustem> Anyway enough of the rant ... Will have to wait for the release\n<popey> morning all ☺\n<donttrustem> CES is this month ...  In fact on Tuesday\n<k1l> hi popey :)\n<k1l> an ipad user who is ranting about ubuntu not giving the code NAOW!!111 . ok i see\n<Preed> what code?\n<Preed> So the ubuntu phone is a device with ubuntu on it.. and ubuntu for android is the same ubuntu, but running on top/parallell to android on an android device?\n<k1l> the ubuntu-phone code\n<Preed> whats that code for?\n<lcabreza1> what country is this phone available ?\n<k1l> lcabreza1: not available yet\n<Preed> you mean the source code?\n<k1l> Preed: no, ubuntu for android/ubuntu is a desktop-unity\n<Preed> so the ubuntu phone cant dock and turn into a desktop?\n<k1l> Preed: yes source code. the user who left right after you joined complained before that there is no code released so far from ubuntu-phone\n<k1l> Preed: the ubuntu for android based on the motorola webtop hardware . the dev-device was the motorola atrix. i dont know what the actual stage is and if other phones will support it wihout that special hardware\n<Preed> But.. The ubuntu-phone wont be able to do that? only phones that ship with android+ubuntu for android?\n<k1l> Preed: i dont know if there is any special hardware needed. so if you put ubuntu-phone on your old smartphone i dont know if it will support the desktop mode\n<k1l> but that is all guessing. im not an involved dev and there is no code so far.\n<Preed> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=cpWHJDLsqTU#t=1249s\n<Preed> \"If your hardware works with android, it will also work with ubuntu\"\n<k1l> Preed: that doesnt include the desktop-dock-thingy, imho\n<Preed> True\n<k1l> it means that they  can use the android kernel and the android driver for the hardware components\n<Preed> But why would that need any special hardware? Just launch the desktop and clone the phone screen to the hdmi/mhl-out..\n<Preed> Might want dual ramdacs(?) to output a different/higher resolution to the hdmi out though..\n<Preed> I think the SGS4 will have 1080p resolution though so on that it wouldnt be neccessary\n<Preed> But 1280x720 is a bit low for a desktop\n<Preed> The pics of the ubuntu-phone here http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone is an SGS3, aside from no hardware home button, missing samsung logo, and those 3 little dots on the lower right side(speaker?)\n<k1l> no its not. its a galaxy nexus\n<Preed> oh, well, they look damn similar :D\n<Preed> no chrome edge on the nexus though\n<Preed> is the ubuntu phone going to be based on the nexus? bit low-end hardware? or maybe its just the same shell...\n<popey> Preed: no, we're just using the nexus for the demo\n<popey> k1l: the ubuntu for android demo was given on a couple of devices, the motorola was just the first\n<popey> we're not wedded to any particular phone\n<Transhumanist> I'd LOVE to run Ubuntu on my Galaxy Note 2\n<Transhumanist> it's perfect for it\n<Preed> popey: I'd love it on my SGS3 :)\n<popey> equally we're not geared up to make images for every phone someone asks for\n<Preed> popey: Well, I assume you will for the most popular devices? Btw, is the docking and launching full desktop going to be in both ubuntu for android and the ubuntu-phone?\n<Transhumanist> Of course. But given Samsung's dominance and that the S3 and Note 2 are extremely common and meet your hardware specs, it would seem a smart move to target them.\n<k1l> popey: ah, thanks from the info.  i only knew about the atrix\n<jrtappers> What phone will be the first to get ubuntu phone support in beta?\n<popey> jrtappers: no decision yet\n<popey> Preed: its in U4A, and makes sense to be in U4P too, assuming a few things\n<Preed> Do android apps/google store run on A4P too? Or does it require a full android system underneath?\n<popey> A4P?\n<Preed> I mean the android phone\n<Preed> erm... ubuntu phone\n<AlanBell> wait, Android runs on phones???\n<popey> hah\n<Preed> sorry Im tired, was up coding till 8 this morning and got up at 10 :o\n<k1l> AlanBell: yes but its just a beta :)\n<AlanBell> whatever will they come up with next :)\n<popey> U4A is Ubuntu on top of Android, and the Android bit works just like a \"normal\" Android phone\n<popey> so yeah, the \"Android\" in \"Ubuntu for Android\" has play store and Android apps etc\n<k1l> the ubuntu-phone wont have the google play\n<Preed> popey: What Im wondering is if the \"ubuntu phone\" will be able to run google play store/android apps?\n<popey> Ubuntu for Phones isn't Android, so no, it won't have Google Play\n<popey> Just like iOS doesn't have Google Play ☺\n<Preed> popey: Im guessing it might be a while until the app market for U4P has caught up with play store...?\n<Preed> although porting the apps from android to U4P should be quite easy\n<popey> Yeah, see Marks recent mail to ubuntu-devel about that\n<popey> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2013-January/036297.html\n<popey> now is the time\n<Transhumanist> can anyone subscribe to ubuntu-del?\n<Transhumanist> thanks\n<popey> yes, but it's moderated\n<popey> i.e. not a discussion list\n<Preed> maybe even the SDK has option to compile for U4P and U4A simultaneously?\n<popey> there is ubuntu-devel-discuss for discussion\n<Transhumanist> I don't wish to reply, just receive it :)\n<popey> Preed: nope\n<k1l> well, not having apps was a big problem for webos (beside the really insane pricing of the products)\n<popey> ah okay, thats what i do Transhumanist\n<popey> yeah,it's a challenge\n<k1l> i hope ubuntu finds a way to pass this cliff\n<Transhumanist> native Ubuntu apps won't run on U4P, right? Need to be coded in QML?\n<popey> they could be ported\n<popey> we're recommending Qt/QML, yes\n<Transhumanist> yes, but they need to be. However, QML apps should run fine on desktop Ubuntu once the phone is docked?\n<Transhumanist> So QML isn't required?\n<Preed> Transhumanist: probably not, since when its docked Im guessing its still running the same kernel/drivers etc\n<chriadam|away> it depends on your definition of \"run fine\".  when you're dealing with an entirely different HCI paradigm, you _need_ to adapt for application for the best user experience.\n<chriadam|away> having a touch-optimised, limited screen real-estate application running as-is on a desktop is... suboptimal.  and similarly, having a desktop-optimised, large screen with physical input methods, application, simply doesn't translate to the mobile device.  so that's one thing that is going to need developer support for, imo.\n<Transhumanist> I agree with that.\n<Transhumanist> But it'd be smart to have QML work flawlessly on Ubuntu desktop so that the only porting devs need to do is the UI side of things. Still a daunting task, but that still saves a lot of other code from having to be ported.\n<chriadam|away> QML does work flawlessly on Ubuntu desktop\n<Transhumanist> Yeah I figure. So people just need to start using it for native Ubuntu desktop apps\n<Transhumanist> so there's a big pool to draw from when U4P does come out\n<chriadam|away> people have been.  bobweaver has been writing some really interesting things, for example ;-)  but I agree, it has a long way to go in terms of traction in the developer community.\n<Transhumanist> that's cool. I'm writing an Android app at the moment that sends new vocabulary words to the notification bar each day. Will something like this be possible in Ubuntu Phone? If there a notifications feature?\n<Transhumanist> I believe Mark Shuttleworth is providing funding to an Australian mobile phone mesh networking project for making calls in a decentralised way. It would be cool to see that eventually integrated into Ubuntu Phones.\n<Degwees> Hey everyone, I've got a question about the mobile Ubuntu. Will any current phones be supported?\n<Degwees> particularly bada phones\n<k1l> at least the phones need to be open to let a linux be installed. and then they need to ship linux drivers\n<Degwees> I'm using a Samsung S8500, last I heard when someone tried to port Android onto it, they burned 4 phones and stopped working on the project\n<Transhumanist> The first phones are HIGHLY likely to be phones which can run Android. They're also likely to be phones which are very easy to unlock. E.g. Nexus devices.\n<Transhumanist> but that's just the first phones\n<Degwees> As far as I know, Android, Bada and Ubuntu all come from Debian?\n<Transhumanist> Android doesn't\n<Transhumanist> Android uses the Linux kernel, but the rest is fairly unique\n<Degwees> Alright\n<Transhumanist> I say that they'll probably target Android phones because they'll want to prevent duplication of effort, and they've got a seperate team working on getting Ubuntu running on Android phones while Android remains installed\n<k1l> android is a linux kernel with alot of java\n<Degwees> Guess I'll check if they've evolved over the last year with bada phones. It'd be awesome to see something else on the Samsung Wave cos you know... bada sucks\n<Transhumanist> haha\n<Degwees> It was great at first... great player, great camera, great everything with a but\n<Degwees> but it was never truly stable\n<Degwees> And after 2+ years that seriously gets on my nerves\n<Degwees> I mean, you know.... Even the god damn alarm clock didn't work properly :D\n<Transhumanist> I can see that. I had the Debian-based Nokia N900. Good phone. Fairly stable. But Nokia never really supported it. Paperweight now I guess.\n<Degwees> I've been on the SE boat mostly, just later started using Samsung. It's nice but they don't seem to be very good at software development\n<Transhumanist> Try their Smart TV. It's a nightmare.\n<Degwees> Haven't had the chance to, yet\n<Transhumanist> Don't.\n<Degwees> Heard news about Estonian Elion and Samsung working together to create a system which doesnt require a \"digibox\"\n<Degwees> not too sure how it's called in english though\n<Transhumanist> You'd think that with such a strong phones department, Samsung could put 2 and 2 together and use Android for TV's for a streamlined experience. But not.\n<Degwees> but that was for TVs\n<Degwees> Ah well, maybe I'll just upgrade to a Samsung S2 and give the Wave to my wife lol\n<Degwees> Anyways, thanks for the information :)\n<Transhumanist> I'm not sure the S2 will see Ubuntu any time soon.\n<Transhumanist> The Galaxy Nexus would be a better upgrade choice\n<Transhumanist> especially since it now runs Android 4.2\n<Degwees> Can't S2 be upgraded to that?\n<Transhumanist> When Samsung decides to.\n<Transhumanist> The Galaxy Nexus is a superior device to the S2\n<Transhumanist> should cost about the same\n<Transhumanist> and the Galaxy Nexus seems to be the testing phone for Ubuntu for Phones\n<Degwees> Costs a bit more here actually, just checked\n<Degwees> It's 360€ vs 390€\n<Transhumanist> OK. What if you order overseas? I am Australian, but my Galaxy Note 2 is from Bulgaria.\n<Transhumanist> haha\n<Degwees> :D\n<Transhumanist> anyway, best to keep this chan to Ubuntu discussion I guess\n<popey> ☺\n<popey> its cool\n<Degwees> Thats probably 250 AUD and 270\n<Transhumanist> =)\n<Degwees> Thanks though, I'll remember that\n<Degwees> But yeah, not sure if I'd still be getting the Nexus for it seems to lack battery life now that i'm reading into it\n<Degwees> Which, you know, is awesome for the S2 and even the Wave... The first year at least :D\n<Degwees> Anyways thank again!\n<Degwees> thanks*\n<Transhumanist> no problem. Nice to chat :(\n<Transhumanist> err :)\n<today> Will ubuntu be faster than android?\n<today> I mean, its basically a native app, right?\n<today> Using native apps*\n<AlanBell> today: impossible to say, and what you think of as \"faster\" might not be to do with the application speed as such\n<AlanBell> it will be plenty fast enough on a 2014 model phone\n<today> Low end phones will still exist\n<today> What are its languages for development?\n<k1l> the minimum specs mentioned on the site are not really low end phones\n<today> No java right?\n<AlanBell> low end screens will still exist, low end processors not so much\n<today> My new phone is 500 mhz\n<AlanBell> today: \"native\" apps are Qt/QML with javascript\n<today> java is slow right?\n<AlanBell> HTML 5 is also supported, I am guessing that is a webkit rendering engine\n<AlanBell> no, java is not slow\n<today> Its high level\n<AlanBell> a JVM takes a little while to start which is why 10 years ago, java applets were slow to start\n<today> Its slower than c ++ no?\n<AlanBell> not really in any practical sense\n<today> Mmm ever played triplea? That's slow, and its all java\n<AlanBell> it is all about the algorithm, not the language\n<today> You need a quad core machine to run it decently\n<today> The language is built on algorithims\n<today> And ever java app I use, is slow\n<k1l> ab bad scripted app on html5,qml or whatever will always be slower than a good java one.\n<AlanBell> quad core only helps multithreaded applications or running many processes at once\n<AlanBell> if you have a single threaded application then throwing more cores at it does not make any difference at all\n<today> Still its slow\n<AlanBell> and hardly anything is ever CPU bound, it is all IO waiting\n<today> Android apps are slow too :p\n<AlanBell> write an algorithm that touches the disk less it will go faster, nothing at all to do with the language\n<today> It has allot to do with the language\n<today> On java it is easier to make slow apps\n<AlanBell> why?\n<today> Its high level\n<today> And ugly too imo\n<today> I tried a bunch of development environments programmed in java. Ugly and terribly slow, and buggy\n<AlanBell> there are lots of reasons to not like java very much, but applets in web browsers in the late '90s being a bit sluggish is not one of them\n<AlanBell> swing is ugly perhaps\n<today> I'm talking about desktop apps\n<M4rtinK> what about Python support @ Ubuntu-phone ?\n<M4rtinK> there are quite a lot of people writing mobile Python applications in the Maemo/MeeGo community\n<M4rtinK> (running on Nokia N900 & N9)\n<M4rtinK> using the LGPL PySide bindings for Qt\n<M4rtinK> and it looks like PyQt already supports Qt5 (which is what Ubuntu-phone is using, right ?)\n<popey> yes, to qt5\n<M4rtinK> so is Python support on the official roadmap ? or left to the community ?\n<Walther> let's just hope that some of the community efforts will be accepted and pulled as official supports :P\n<Walther> because that's what true community support should be - community's work taken as part of the whole\n<Walther> not just as \"download the community patch from here and there\" for everything and nothing\n<M4rtinK> for the record, I've just got QML hello world running with Qt5 & PyQt on desktop :)\n<Walther> Are there any plans to merge the Ubuntu Phone work to Ubuntu Nexus work?\n<Walther> As in, having the Ubuntu Phone UI in a tablet would make sense as well\n<Walther> or perhaps switching between phone UI and desktop UI\n<popey> Walther: much of the ubuntu phone work will ripple into the distro, so as a byproduct will end up in the nexus7 build\n<popey> and vice versa, lessons learned from the nexus 7 experiment will result in a better phone experience\n<Walther> mmh. But I was mainly thinking about the swipe UI\n<Walther> which is unlikely to pop to the desktop version at least\n<xavinux1> Hi people, I would like to know how can I cntribute with the Ubuntu phone\n<AlanBell> Walther: some of that is already in the desktop version, it was called utouch but they don't call it that any more\n<AlanBell> xavinux1: mostly by learning about QML at the moment and thinking about what apps you might like to develop for the platform\n<Walther> yeah, at least the ability to three-finger drag and zoom windows, which is really cool\n<Walther> But yeah, I hope there will be tight collaboration between the -phone and -nexus teams\n<xavinux1> thanks for your answer AlanBell\n<popey> s/utouch/open input framework/\n<xavinux1> so need people that program with QT Languaje?\n<xavinux1> and develop apps?\n<AlanBell> xavinux1: right now there is nothing to see, and nothing to contribute to in the platform itself, but we do know that if you want to write apps for it then Qt/QML is going to be the way to do that\n<Walther> I wish the possibility to help in platform level would arise as soon as possible\n<Walther> as in, support for different devices etc\n<xavinux1> ok Sir, as Walther says, I have a Nokia N9, perhaps can be userful to test the platform on it and support other devices as they do with nexus?\n<Walther> I have a N9 as well, and extremely willing to help testing on it\n<Walther> N9 should be pretty well documented - there's the MeeGo community hacks, Mer project, Nitdroid android port for it, Jolla Sailfish... etc\n<Walther> so porting ubu phone to it shouldn't be difficult\n<popey> The N9 might be a bit slow these days.\n<AlanBell> I would expect there will be some instructions for the Galaxy Nexus after CES or perhaps after MWC\n<AlanBell> and my guess is that the first other thing it gets put on will be the Nexus 7\n<AlanBell> even though that isn't a phone\n<xavinux1> ok AlanBell\n<Walther> yes, it would be great to put it on my nexus 7 :O\n<Walther> :P *\n<xavinux1> Walther would be great to run it on the n9 too, don't it?\n<Walther> yup\n<gac> out of interest, are people going to be able to do their own builds, a la xda-developers? I've just retired my original HTC Desire which just about meets the minimum specs on the webpage, so i'd be interested to know if this is ever likely to arrive on that\n<gac> although being a very old handset, I don't expect there'll be anything official from ubuntu/canonical\n<Walther> I would hope for more of a \"generic kernel\" approach\n<Walther> as in, not only custom ports a la xda-developers, but those patches for support being pulled to the real distribution\n<Walther> it would be even better\n<Walther> have the advantage of not beign a custom build -> updates not dependent on the couple dudes who ported it\n<gac> it would, but it then creates the illusion of more support than there actually is IMO, so i don't think canonical would do that\n<Walther> we can hope though, and be vocal about it\n<popey> gac: yes, we're expecting to release a build which people can hack around with for other phones\n<popey> but what we release will be open source so people can use that and build their own\n<gac> sounds good, i'll keep hold of the Desire then rather than shipping it off for recycling, see what happens with ubuntu :)\n<M4rtinK> a HP Touchpad build would be nice :)\n<M4rtinK> many developers got them from the firesale (myself included) :)\n<Walther> But I take it no repos / builds are available until as of CES\n<M4rtinK> also already runs Android with CM9 just fine\n<Walther> BTW, is there a dedicated channel for nexus ubuntu?\n<Walther> nexus 7 ubuntu *\n<popey> It's unlikely anything will be available anytime soon\n<Walther> but we are the anxious geeks! we want our weekly fix of hacking now :P\n<popey> hehe, me too!\n<M4rtinK> +1\n<netchip> pff\n<netchip> We know how Ubuntu Phone is looking\n<netchip> And now it's just waiting for source code\n<netchip> I don't care about images\n<netchip> They won't help my SGS3\n<xavinux1> if the n9 can run an android 4.1 without problem, think can run an ubuntu phone os..\n<Walther> Yeah, that's what I thought\n<Walther> it might not be fast enough to comfortably run the desktop thing on a dock\n<Walther> but for the basic phone OS, it should be *fine*\n<Walther> not only barely enough, but fine\n<kristof> Hey! Any word on when we'll get those images for ubuntu-mobile?\n<k1l> <k1l> kristof: no need for swearing\n<kristof> k1l: :C apologies.\n<kristof> Is there a release date planned?\n<k1l> no, no dates yet. but it is to be expected that the dev-phone release (galaxy nexus) will be released some time after the CES\n<kristof> I'm a bit irritated that this was developed behind closed doors, but whatever.\n<k1l> kristof: why are you irritated that its behind closed doors?\n<kristof> k1l: Because the point of open-source is for open development. Much of the work to build Ubuntu Mobile has already happened.\n<kristof> It's effectively closed-source.\n<kristof> (until the dev release)\n<k1l> kristof: wait i will post a post from alan bell because i wont type it again: https://plus.google.com/109175303602657131317/posts/6doQRuuN433\n<k1l> if you want to contirbute (i bet most of the critics wont anyway, they just want a shitstorm) there will be a release after the CES\n<kristof> k1l: Oh, that was actually quite informative, thank you. =)\n<kristof> I suspected that most of this was developed in the open but simply as fragmented software.\n<kristof> Alright, I'm satisfied. Thanks!\n<k1l> CES is a business meeting, where ubuntu wants to show the OS to the manufactures to get them on the boat. it was not a user-press release so far\n<k1l> makes a bookmark on AlanBell s google+ post :)\n<AlanBell> did I accidentally say something useful?\n<bobweaver> k1l,  howabout this I have been asking for days where I should upload fixs to the Elements that Ubuntu made I have gotteen no where\n<bobweaver> where I should file bugs\n<AlanBell> for days??\n<bobweaver> for days\n<AlanBell> 3 days tops :)\n<bobweaver> 2 days\n<xavinux1> Walther think we can start testing Ubuntu and make it work the N9? Anyone may be interested in helping?\n<bobweaver> lol\n<bobweaver> AlanBell,  you are funny man lol\n<bobweaver> yeah I amwhere is the colde\n<bobweaver> er\n<AlanBell> I have filed 1 bug so far, one sec . . . .\n<AlanBell> bug #1096341\n<bobweaver> I need to know what glib schema the phone is using so That I can write apps against it\n<bobweaver> !bug #1096341\n<bobweaver> comon bot\n<bobweaver> lol\n<AlanBell> bug #1096341\n<ubot5> bug 1096341 in UI Toolkit \"GU image size advice is wrong\" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1096341\n<bobweaver> AlanBell,  now try to look at the font\n<bobweaver> and resize it\n<bobweaver> lol\n<bobweaver> or try to right click on anything that uses a abstract button\n<bobweaver> or have anything that needs to hover a abstract Button or resize it smoothly\n<AlanBell> https://bugs.launchpad.net/qml-toolkit is the place to file bugs\n<bobweaver> thanks AlanBell  what up patchs ?\n<AlanBell> all hidden in here somewhere: https://launchpad.net/manhattan\n<AlanBell> no source code yet\n<AlanBell> bobweaver: so you have the QML stuff running?\n<bobweaver> yeah I had to download the tar and then build the comentents my self\n<bobweaver> AlanBell,  I have a version of Unity 2d that uses the stuff yes\n<AlanBell> I got QT creator running earlier, but got annoyed about the different versions of QML in the repos and PPA and got bored\n<bobweaver> s|comentents| Compents\n<bobweaver> I can spell\n<bobweaver> can't lol\n<bobweaver> AlanBell, Never set Bashrc to do a man's / womens job\n<AlanBell> :)\n<bobweaver> AlanBell,  I use 3 different qt version and have never had any trouble\n<bobweaver> AlanBell, what I am working on Right now (most is still qt-quick 1 )\n<bobweaver> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhRBTqdlYSg\n<AlanBell> oh I am sure it isn't much trouble, I just put some qt 2.0 code in qt creator and it complained\n<bobweaver> so everything that I have wrote for the TV will also work in the phone\n<bobweaver> AlanBell,  it is the backend of Unity 2d that uses qx11info that is not in qt5\n<AlanBell> nice\n<bobweaver> so I am porting that but it is going to take me a couple of months. But if the phone is already there I do not need to port\n<AlanBell> so do you have a remote control that is going to run on the phone?\n<bobweaver> as I have 3 different form factors\n<bobweaver> TV , Desktop , Tablet\n<bobweaver> all can be changed from  the dash\n<bobweaver> and all is 3rd party , that is why I must know how the glib is set up in phone\n<bobweaver> if (unity2dConfiguerationformFactor === \"phone\") console.log(\"hello there Alan \\n this is a formfactor phone \") else if (unity2dConfigurationsformFactor === \"desktop\") con......\n<AlanBell> don't forget rotation, the phone could be tall or wide\n<bobweaver> Image { source: foo.png rotation: if (status === Image.Ready)  1 else 0   behavior on rotation {NumberAnimation {from 0 ; to: 360;  durration: 1200 ; easing.type: Easing.OutBounce }}     :)\n<bobweaver> I think that I like adding Behavior on whatever\n<bobweaver> rather then states and transtions but there is a time and place for wverything\n<bobweaver> everything\n<AlanBell> so what does that do? spin 360 degrees when you rotate the phone?\n<bobweaver> well you could all it when ever you want say on a button or what ever\n<bobweaver> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qb8s7pSBu30\n<bobweaver> On the light dm parts  and the parts that are loading are all behaviors\n<bobweaver> AlanBell,  that I can not tel you because I do not know how the phone glib settings are set\n<bobweaver> I am sure that it is some sorta Strut Manager but not sure how I could call iut because I have not seen the code yet :)\n<bobweaver> AlanBell, here I will write a simple app that spins a picture\n<AlanBell> I get that things can spin\n<AlanBell> the thing is when the user rotates the phone the canvas changes shape\n<AlanBell> and they can rotate it left or right\n<AlanBell> so you might want to reflow to a two column layout in landscape mode, or change some of the controls\n<AlanBell> there is an iOS calculator that is a conventional 4 function calculator in portrait mode and a scientific calculator in landscape\n<bobweaver> AlanBell, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1500958/\n<AlanBell> file:///home/alan/spin/spin.qml:1:1: module \"QtQuick\" version 2.0 is not installed  import QtQuick 2.0\n<bobweaver> Behavior Trumps everything see if the mouseArea is clicked it says that the text rotation = 1 . but because there is a behavior that is assigned to it it does that\n<bobweaver> change it to import QtQuick 1.1\n<AlanBell> why?\n<bobweaver> or change your qt version that you are useing\n<AlanBell> how?\n<bobweaver> tools -> options -> qt -> qtversions\n<bobweaver> then add the qmake file\n<bobweaver>  /opt/qt5/bin/qmake\n<AlanBell> I don't have a qt section in tools-options\n<AlanBell> ah, build and run\n<bobweaver> AlanBell,  http://imagebin.org/241859\n<bobweaver> or you can configure using project button\n<bobweaver> \"Manage Versions \"\n<bobweaver> AlanBell,  IMHO the ppa for daily is not that great it is beta qt5\n<bobweaver> gstreamer is all messed up in it webview and other's also\n<bobweaver> best to DL from nokia's site\n<bobweaver> stable qt5\n<AlanBell> I think I will wait until it hits the repos\n<bobweaver> http://qt-project.org/wiki/Qt_5.0\n<bobweaver> AlanBell,  what is your version of qtcreator 2.5.0 ?       help-->about qtcreator\n<AlanBell> Qt Creator 2.6.0\n<bobweaver> nice\n<bobweaver> higher then mine I use 2.5.0 my fav version so far. But I do not use the designer\n<AlanBell> do you use it with multiple monitors?\n<bobweaver> and tv's\n<AlanBell> I have one monitor higher than the other and the menus get disconnected and appear at the hight of the lower monitor\n<AlanBell> I should do a bug report about that\n<bobweaver> screenshot  ?\n<bobweaver> that kinda sounds like a bamf thingy\n<bobweaver> AlanBell,  unity2d or 3d ?\n<AlanBell> gnome shell\n<AlanBell> I will try in unity in a sec\n<bobweaver> AlanBell,  if you are looking for a mass amounts of example code I have a ppa\n<bobweaver>  ~u2t/bleedingedge\n<bobweaver> only for 12.04 though :(\n<AlanBell> menus work in unity\n<bobweaver> Right now I am making it so that there are var's for all the Easing.<This> and durration:<This>  so that users can change the way that icons are loaded in  launcher /dash\n<bobweaver> so that behavior code will look like this\n<bobweaver>         Behavior on rotation {NumberAnimation{from: 0 ;to: 1080;duration: (dashLensConfigureation.durrationTime); easing.type: Easing.dashLensConfigureation.easingType}\n<bobweaver> so then user can do  gsettings set com.canonical.Unity2d.dashLensConfigurations durration-time = 1300\n<AlanBell> http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-12.10/qml/mobile/qml-ubuntu-components0-pagestack.html I guess all apps load in a pagestack which does the right side swipe\n<bobweaver> or I will make a slider in the home sections\n<bobweaver> Yeah I am sure that PageStack calls other things or at least it should or it is not a Real UI\n<bobweaver> just a shell so to say and would not be able to interact with gnome\n<AlanBell> wonder if an app can screw about with the QML of another app if they are done like that\n<bobweaver> what do you mean ?\n<bobweaver> like take a app  that is in C++ and then make a declaritive view for it ?\n<AlanBell> well in one page can I do this.parent.otherapp.something\n<bobweaver> still not sure what you mean sorry\n<AlanBell> in the demo you saw the apps switcher right? you swipe from the right edge of the screen to page through all the apps running\n<bobweaver> yeh\n<AlanBell> so how isolated are they in terms of scope?\n<bobweaver> I am *guessing* that that is a strut manager with C++ backing just like launcher and how it hides and knows the size of screen\n<AlanBell> if the switcher is a pagestack and each app is loaded on a page are they sandboxed into that page or is it all one big QML structure that they can all access\n<bobweaver> I am sure that there is also global vars that are used for that but not sure because I have not seen backend code yet\n<bobweaver> AlanBell,  I am guessing hear but I bet there is a Model\n<bobweaver> AlanBell,  say I wanted to be able to open any *.desktop file in qml and I wanted it to be simple\n<bobweaver> make c++ plugin  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1501017/\n<bobweaver> then in a \"plugin\" file I exspose the element\n<bobweaver> so that in qml I can call it\n<bobweaver> Like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1501024/\n<bobweaver> because there is a element that Is created in C++ and I exspose it to QML via Plug in I can then call it any time that I want\n<bobweaver> like in a button\n<bobweaver> that is how Unity 2d launchs all its apps\n<bobweaver> well......\n<bobweaver> there is alot more to it then that but  idea over all\n<bobweaver> the c++ will make a LIB under /usr/lib/qt(version)/imports/PluginName\n<AlanBell> yeah, I don't think that it can be a pagestack exactly\n<bobweaver> then you just import that in you your qml file in are example   import Application 1.0\n<mhall119> AlanBell: the apps are all going to be sandboxed and isolated from eachother, if that's your concern\n<bobweaver> Or you can make a bunch of qml and make a folder and make that a plugin also just like Ubuntu.Componets is done\n<AlanBell> mhall119: cool, I was expecting that to be the case somehow. It is hard to get a grasp of the overall architecture from the bits that have been released\n<bobweaver> AlanBell,  + 1 million\n<mhall119> AlanBell: I don't expect the window-management functionality itself is written in QM:\n<bobweaver> only reason I have not wrote apps for it yet\n<bobweaver> I have no idea what I can do with the core backend yet and I do not need to make a bunch of declaritiv things that I do not know if the phone has already\n<bobweaver> mhall119,  qt-bamf  ?\n<bobweaver> Phone will be like\n<bobweaver> org.ayatana.bamf.view' on object at path /org/ayatana/bamf/application756416830\n<bobweaver> org.ayatana.bamf.view' on object at path /org/ayatana/bamf/application756416830\n<bobweaver> lol\n<AlanBell> mhall119: oh, I thought it would be. I presume the UbuntuShape function is for the launcher buttons so figured the rest would be QML\n<mhall119> bobweaver: there may be some manner of bamf going on\n<mhall119> AlanBell: I bet there's a lot of the UI that uses QML\n<AlanBell> mhall119: do you know much more about this than we do?\n<mhall119> but window management is more low-level than that\n<mhall119> AlanBell: not really, no\n<AlanBell> ok, fair enough :)\n<mhall119> everything I knew about it what was announced\n<mhall119> \"is what was announced\"\n<mhall119> I don't even have a prototype :(\n<bobweaver> mhall119,  that is what I am talking about once I know all about all that if bamf then there is dbus if dbus that means that there is a gio and then that means that there is ways to cingure things in a awesome fasion\n<mhall119> bobweaver: I can pretty much gurantee that there is dbus\n<bobweaver> trickle down effect\n<mhall119> since all of unity/dash/indicators/notifications on the desktop is done that way\n * bobweaver needs config.h.in and <source>/data/* \n<AlanBell> personally I think the main blocker for starting to thing about contemplating writing apps is that I don't know how rotation works, or how to simulate rotation on a desktop application\n<mhall119> but bamf was written to overcome a deficiency in X, if it's using (or going to be using) something else, bamf might not be needed\n<AlanBell> and what the expected standard behaviour of a rotated app on this platform is\n<AlanBell> or how big the screen might be relative to the gu\n<bobweaver>  standard behaviour  most the time == gschema.xml\n<mhall119> AlanBell: I'm told there is an emulator in the works, using whatever the Android SDK uses to emulate (qemu I think), that should probably let you simulate rotations\n<mhall119> AlanBell: the API gives some examples of pixels-per-gu\n<bobweaver> qume has armel things so I bet that that is it\n<mhall119> AlanBell: http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-12.10/qml/mobile/resolution-independence.html\n<bobweaver> just wish that I could help make this better lol :)\n<AlanBell> yeah, I guess I can work out the gus per screen for common resolutions\n<mhall119> bobweaver: you will, soon, everybody this week was busy preparring for the announcement, and then preparring for CES\n<bobweaver> Like I see that there is going to be all desktop phone and everything so that makes me start guessing and I do not like to guess when I am writing apps :)\n<AlanBell> some screen shots or design drafts for the core apps with measurement lines in gu would be good to see what is going on in the designer mind for those\n<bobweaver> mhall119,  I know I just want it NOW !\n<bobweaver> lol\n<AlanBell> and a video of an app rotating would be good\n<mhall119> AlanBell: pixels-per-gu is a function of pixel density, not just resolution\n<bobweaver> NO\n<mhall119> bobweaver: you and me both :)\n<bobweaver> that is not a good Idea\n<bobweaver> you should make your pixle not by some js function\n<mhall119> AlanBell: those are being written as we speak (not literally, since it's Saturday)\n<bobweaver> font.pixleSize:  parent.width / 12\n<bobweaver> that way when re-sizing it will resize if screen gets bigger\n<bobweaver> same with any elements\n<AlanBell> bobweaver: yeah, the gu stuff does appear to need a lot more justification for it's existence than it has at the moment!\n<mhall119> AlanBell: retina displays and the new screens on, say, the GS3 are jusitification for grid units\n<AlanBell> mhall119: I understand the problem they are trying to solve\n<mhall119> one grid unit should, more or less, represent the same physical size regardless of pixel density and resolution\n<bobweaver> like if I do   Image{source: foo.png ; width: Utils.pxgu(70 )}      it will always stay that even if you are in big screen and even if there is different functions for formfactors\n<bobweaver> best to do Image{source: foo.png ; width: parent.width / 12}\n<bobweaver> or what ever looks like 70 px\n<mhall119> bobweaver: parent might re-size without you wanting the button resized\n<bobweaver> I found that out the hard way with t v\n<AlanBell> yes, but this gu is quite big. Not exactly tying up with font sizes, but that order of magnitude. It isn't small as in the width of a thin line\n<bobweaver> mhall119,  then you hardcode\n<AlanBell> and it isn't a consistent fraction of the screen size\n<mhall119> bobweaver: not to pixels, because 50px on an old laptop LCD is button size, but on a retina display it's tiny\n<bobweaver> or you do    if (dashConfigureation.fullScreen === true) parent.width / 2 else ......\n<mhall119> the point is that you always want you button to be button sized, regardless of the size of it's parent, regardless of the size of the screen, regardless of the screen's resolution or it's pixel density\n<bobweaver> then it should be a better way to know what the overall size like WindowInfo {}  and then change that way not writing in a bunch of functions\n<AlanBell> it kind of needs a blog article sized thing justifying why it is a good unit, and where it should be used. I am sure that must exist internally.\n<bobweaver> also translations have been changed :(\n<bobweaver> use to be u2d.tr(\"this is text to translate \")\n<mhall119> AlanBell: it probably doesn't exist internally, as I'm sure it was all discussed in design meetings until everybody undersstood\n<mhall119> but I can request it\n<bobweaver> but there is also wrote into qs.tr() or whatever the functions is in qt\n<bobweaver> qsTr(\"text\") *\n<AlanBell> mhall119: so me, ali1234, bobweaver all reacted in a \"why on earth would I use a unit like that, it is all the bad bits of pixels combined with the not quite rightness of points\"\n<AlanBell> I am sure it can be justified, but if that is going to be part of the consistent rhythm of the user interface it needs a bit more selling!\n<bobweaver> << horrible designer\n<bobweaver> :)\n<bobweaver> at any rate I am just supper happy that I am going to be hacking on this code soon\n<bobweaver> until then I make more and more apps that are for unity 2d that can be interdrated real fast to phone core\n<Billy88> Yabaaa\n<bobweaver> Once I know about the qt/c++/dee/bamf/gio/whatever that the phone core is using and if it is using libunity ect\n<Billy88> 3orrr\n<Billy88> Kol 5ara\n<bobweaver> Billy88,  spill something on keyboard ?\n<mhall119> bobweaver: I'm interested in how to access libunity from QML myself, I'll ask about that on Monday\n<bobweaver> mhall119,  in CmakeList.txt\n<Billy88> It's my kid\n<Billy88> I can't tell him no\n<Billy88> ffg\n<bobweaver> mhall119,  like      pkg_check_modules(UNITYCORE REQUIRED unity-core-6.0)\n<bobweaver> then your project knows that it needs that to work\n<bobweaver> then you just add the libs that you want to use to your C++ files that you are going to make into declaritive views\n<bobweaver> so say #include \"deelistmodel.h\"     then in plugin.cpp      qmlRegisterType<DeeListModel>(uri, 0, 1, \"DeeListModel\");         then anytime in my qml I just call    DeeListModel{QML Goes Here }\n<bobweaver> as long as I import the libs\n<bobweaver> mhall119,  plugin.cpp     http://paste.ubuntu.com/1501103/     look at the bottom of the file \"Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2(Unity2d, Unity2dPlugin);\"        that means that I can all any of them elements now as long as I have a at the top of my qml file      import Unity2d 1.0\n<bobweaver> hope that helps :)\n<HeLLy> I was told to come to this channel with maybe some help on connect mobile broadband here in Bolivia since it is the only country not listed in South America was really hoping to have internet tomorrow for NFL games I will be going back to the states this wednesday so was hoping for a quick fix soon :-/\n<bobweaver> HeLLy,  I am watching the CIN vs HOU game atm\n<mhall119> bobweaver: I'm assuming it's not called Unity2d on the phone version\n<bobweaver> correct\n<bobweaver> them are the things that I am wondering about :)\n<mhall119> bobweaver: and that gives you access to your app's LauncherEntry and stuff?\n<bobweaver> Not sure what you mean ?\n<mhall119> bobweaver: http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-12.10/python/Unity-6.0.html#Unity.LauncherEntry\n<mhall119> that's what you use to add progress bars and counters to your Launcher icon\n<mhall119> I'm wondering how you'd do that from an app written in QML\n<bobweaver> progession on what ?\n<bobweaver> progress *\n<mhall119> on something you app is doing\n<mhall119> it can show in-app progress in the Unity Launcher icon for that app\n<bobweaver> Oh\n<bobweaver> you can send signal\n<mhall119> Nautilus uses it for file-copies, update-manager uses it for upgrade progress, etc\n<bobweaver> http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-12.10/python/Unity-6.0.html#Unity.Filter       can be seen used here  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1501149/\n<bobweaver> then that is exported to qml element as you can see in the plugin\n<ThomasCorwin> How could you purchase a Ubuntu Mobile Device?\n<bobweaver> so yes mhall119\n<k1l> ThomasCorwin: no devices yet. it was just a system showoff\n<ThomasCorwin> kil: okay. Thanks.\n<bobweaver> so mhall119  kinda like this     CmakeList.txt (make sure that the pkg is there) --> File.cpp (file that is working with pkg lib that you told cmake to include)  --> plugin.cpp (expose the File.cpp and export to <qt area>/lib/imports/<PluginName(FileManager)>)  --> FileThingy.qml (In file.qml we import are plugin (import FileManger 1.0)    Now in are qml we can call any of the elemts that are in File.cpp  file File{ Qml goes here })\n<bobweaver> s|file.qm|FileThingy.qml\n<bobweaver> so it is like making a custom lib  then make into declaritive view , then use it in your qml stuff\n<bobweaver> not sure if all the \"terms\" are right there lol\n#ubuntu-phone 2013-01-06\n<bobweaver> mhall119,  for something like progression I would do   Image{source: \"foo.png\"  state: launcherItem.progressBarVisible ? \"\" : \"hidden\" }      where launcherItem   is your well.....\n<bobweaver> er ctrl+b is bold not new line sorry\n<HeLLy> bobweaver: found the right info yay! NFL TIME!\n<bobweaver> sweet HeLLy sportsbeech ?\n<HeLLy> firstrow\n<HeLLy> Hope my 49ers pull it together next week\n<bobweaver> me too HeLLy  I am huge Niners fan\n<bobweaver> HeLLy,  what do you think about the qb you like keap or smith ?\n<HeLLy> smith :-/\n<HeLLy> He has had it rough for his entire career there with the coach changes and his stats are actually amazing\n<HeLLy> but I believe in keap I have to, he did spank the pats which put a huge smile on my face, the seahawks loss was a kick to the face though\n<HeLLy> I am diehard 49er fan having to deal with there awful seasons for so long been a big follower of Gore and Vernon Davis\n<Transhumanist> \"big-name developers such as Electronic Arts are currently developing apps for the new OS.\"\n<Transhumanist> O.o\n<k1l> ?\n<dank101> hey\n<AlanBell> I will just leave this here http://www.cultofmac.com/208529/why-apple-should-stop-making-ios-apps/\n<AlanBell> night all o/\n<bobweaver> cya AlanBell  nice chating with you :)\n<Rosenzweig> So you can develop Ubuntu Phone apps using the Quickly/QML tool kit right?\n<linuxuz3r> hi Rosenzweig\n<linuxuz3r> can you do that?\n<Rosenzweig> Hello linuxz3r.\n<linuxuz3r> whats quickly?\n<Rosenzweig> Something mentioned in the Ubuntu Phone App creation video.\n<Rosenzweig> It's a set of tools I suppose.\n<linuxuz3r> can you make 3d games with it?\n<Rosenzweig> Not sure.\n<linuxuz3r> ok\n<Rosenzweig> All I know is that to make a phone app you need Ubuntu, you need QT 5 and QML toolkit.\n<Rosenzweig> Now the tutorial I see is for python.\n<Rosenzweig> But is there a way to use C++ instead and compile for the phone?\n<linuxuz3r> qt5 from trolltech?\n<Rosenzweig> I guess there isn't a compiler at all seeing as its all python in this tutorial.\n<Rosenzweig> By Nokia, which is close enough.\n<linuxuz3r> ok\n<Transhumanist> QML is more like the GUI toolkit. For Ubuntu Phone apps\n<Transhumanist> you can indeed make 3D games. OpenGL works fine on Linux\n<Transhumanist> From what I understand, your app logic can run in C++, but they want the GUI in QML\n<Transhumanist> It seems like QML can do 3D games and call OpenGL, based on a document I'm reading about Qt5 from a year ago.\n<linuxuz3r> ok\n<linuxuz3r> i cant wait for uphone apps\n<Transhumanist> Then start coding one! :D\n<Jester86> hey guys\n<Jester86> so what is an approximate status on the ubuntu phone?\n<Jester86> is it a real possibility or still very unknown?\n<limikael> hey\n<limikael> first time i heard about this..\n<limikael> cool\n<limikael> what does it use for graphics? i suppose it is not X\n<limikael> wayland?\n<popey> Jester86: https://twitter.com/sabdfl/status/287829942249607168\n<popey> ☺\n<mesquka> it is a very real possilbility, but they have fallen behind schedule\n<mesquka> andriod is linux on phone if your wondering\n<popey> mesquka: who's behind schedule?\n<mesquka> the dev team for ubuntu phone\n<popey> we are?\n<Transhumanist> Are they?\n<Transhumanist> Nobody told me anything about them being behind schedule. Not even the rumour mill that seems to constitue tech journalism.\n<mesquka> my source is #ubuntu (brady)\n<mesquka> so you are on schedule?\n<popey> no idea who brady is\n<limikael> are you open to hearing some thoughts even if they are critical? :)\n<popey> we absolutely are. we have units to demo at CES which is exactly what we wanted ☺\n<mesquka> ok, unreliable source then\n<limikael> you know what i would want rather than a ubuntu phone? i would like a 100% web based os, like firefox os\n<limikael> or chrome os\n<mesquka> mmmm.....\n<limikael> but developed in collaboration with the community\n<limikael> that os could then be ran on both phones and surf pads\n<limikael> but it is a cool project non the less\n<popey> well, mozilla are doing firefox OS, and you'd have to speak to google about chrome os\n<popey> we're not doing either\n<mesquka> it would be a good option, i believe android prooved that linux on phones and there is the fact im using arch on my raspberry pi self built smartphone ;D\n<mesquka> you can fork chomium os if you wanted\n<limikael> sounds like a lot of work.. :)\n<popey> well, that's not what we're doing ☺\n<limikael> but i think i will do it.. some time in my life when i have an infinite amount of money i will create something very small and slim that just boot up to a web browser\n<limikael> ok but i will not go on about that\n<Transhumanist> What they're doing is eliminating device categories by conflating phones, tablets, desktops, and laptops into a single device with some different docks.\n<Transhumanist> And it's wonderful.\n<limikael> an ubuntu is really cool\n<Ryan45> maybe they can do Internet Explorer OS\n<limikael> eeehehhheh\n<mesquka> i really like the idea\n<Ryan45> popey is ubuntu phone a TI OMAP specific project at the moment?\n<Jester86> mesquka, sorry had to get another beer.\n<Jester86> so when you say it is a real possibility.. is that within this lifetime or just eventually?\n<mesquka> within the next 2 years probably\n<Ryan45> The web is great but app dev is always going to be limited\n<Ryan45> there is certain resources you simply dont want to make available to the web\n<mesquka> linux on phones, lets see..... mostly ARM processors, already existing kernal for that\n<mesquka> ryan what do you mean?\n<mesquka> as to linux on phones, if google can do it, so can we\n<bobweaver> anyone here know anything about https://reviews.ubuntu.com/reviews/api/1.0/reviews/filter/en/ubuntu/precise/any/vlc like if I can get more then reviews ?\n<bobweaver> Or other api's that are like that ?\n<mesquka> no\n<mesquka> afk\n<mesquka> im back\n<mesquka> hi\n<_polto_> hi people\n<_polto_> is there a way to test ubuntu-phone on my Galaxy Note 2 ? I am running a chrooted Ubuntu for a year now. My web and mail servers are running on it. :) but I'd really like to ban Android completely from my phone. Is it already possible since it has been announced ?\n<mesquka> hi\n<_polto_> hi mesquka\n<mesquka> is there an irc channel for just general chat\n<mesquka> ??\n<ubuntubhoy> ubuntu related ?\n<mesquka> no\n<mesquka> just in genreal\n<ubuntubhoy> just do a channel search\n<mesquka> cant\n<ubuntubhoy> but all channels with have a general subject matter\n<mesquka> ???\n<mesquka> oh right, alis, forgot\n<mesquka> I can't concentrate\n<mesquka> *sigh*\n<mesquka> What's the latest news on ubuntu phone?\n<Emanon> And can we get an image to flash?\n<ubuntubhoy> nothing will happen till after CES\n<Emanon> Bummer.\n<Emanon> Cause I'd like to drop the droid.\n<Emanon> Any news on whether full disk encryption and an actual \"Lock\" screen will be available or just the insecure \"Welcome\" screen.\n<ubuntubhoy> not got a clue\n<ubuntubhoy> it is still very much a WIP though\n<Emanon> Because I'd like to see a decent secure phone.\n<Emanon> It would be nice to script it to turn on location services and beacon the location to a web interface or pre-established email address in the event of repeated wrong code entries.\n<popey> #ubuntu-discuss is for general ubuntu discussion mesquka\n<popey> plenty of other channels exist for specific topics\n<mesquka> thanks, I was looking for ubuntu-discuss\n<mesquka> hello?\n<k1l_> ?\n<mesquka> I really need to see a psychologist\n<mesquka> If my parents would let me RAGE\n<mesquka> Just want  to smash my mac and everything around me\n<Robbilie> hello guys :)\n<mesquka> Hi robb\n<Robbilie> k1l_,\n<Robbilie> banned me on ubu :D\n<Robbilie> so are there more updates to find here than over there?\n<k1l_> Robbilie: stop that\n<Robbilie> k1l_, what did i do?!\n<k1l_> evading a ban/mute on purpose its not what its ment for\n<Robbilie> i was chatting fine with others\n<k1l_> Robbilie: i asked you several times to stop that offtopic. you didnt follow the guidlines.\n<k1l_> !guidelines > Robbilie\n<ubot5> Robbilie, please see my private message\n<Robbilie> i stopped talking bout arch?!\n<Robbilie> the bot is awesome :D\n<Robbilie> k1l_, opk read through this\n<Robbilie> *ok gonna\n<mesquka> hello?\n<Robbilie> hey\n<no_tech> hi there.  so the phone was announced, but is there any way to actually install/run it on a devide\n<no_tech> device?\n<k1l_> no_tech: nope. no images/code yet.\n<popey> see /topic ☺\n<Robbilie> thanks that was helpful\n<Robbilie> where the faqs are partly kinda strange\n<popey> how so?\n<Robbilie> Is it running X or Wayland or something else?\n<Robbilie> Unknown.\n<Robbilie> that is strange...\n<Robbilie> the are running it without knowing what tech they use? :D\n<Transhumanist> Or they don't want to tell us yet\n<Transhumanist> Keep in mind Canonical is announcing a lot more details about it at the CES in a few days\n<Transhumanist> But we've been told that images for our devices should arrive in a few months. If nothing too drastic happens, it should be safe to say that at least ONE type of Android phone (likely the Galaxy Nexus) will be able to run Ubuntu OS this year\n<no_tech> I would just love to know what devices they would focus on. My company i work for uses Blackberry, and I was hoping to get a nexus 4 for personal use, but will now wait to see what devices ubuntu will run on.  I thought it really looked good on the video's released thus far.\n<Robbilie> no_tech, i guess it wont run on a blackberry, but with the nexus you should be fine, even when the g nexus will get it first\n<no_tech> Robbilie: am sure no Blackberry.. will still wait before coughing up for a nexus phone\n<Robbilie> no_tech, i guess thats the best way ;)\n<Robbilie> still, i love my razr i and with the intel cpu explicitly mentioned on there support page i guess i will be fine :D\n<Robbilie> and on the safe side :D\n<dank101> why is it so quiet\n<Robbilie> cause nobody knows anything :D\n<popey> It's Sunday.\n<Robbilie> or that xD\n<dank101> yeh good point\n<Robbilie> pay attention, dont talk about sundays, you will get banned because its offtopic ;)\n<Robbilie> right k1l_ ?\n<dank101> can someone help me\n<Transhumanist> no_tech: it's pretty certainly, though still not 100% confirmed, that the first Ubuntu Phone compatible device will be the somewhat old Galaxy Nexus\n<dank101> i was trying to compile a app for the new ubuntu phone\n<Robbilie> Transhumanist, correct\n<Robbilie> dank101, probblems?\n<k1l_> Robbilie: poking the ops they banned you when you act against the channel guidelines isnt a very good idea\n<no_tech> Transhumanist: thanks.  i may try pick up a second hand one once the Rom is released\n<Transhumanist> As will I\n<Robbilie> k1l_, am i currently acting against the guidelines? just warning other users before they also get banned by paucity of their\n<dank101> yes it is a compiling error\n<Robbilie> whats the error and what are you compiling with\n<dank101> Qt5\n<dank101> and it saying something about GLX failing to load\n<Robbilie> glx...sorry dunno what this is :/\n<dank101> i think its OpenGL\n<dank101> something with these nvidia drivers\n<popey> can you pastebin the entire error?\n<Robbilie> popey, great idea\n<dank101> its OK i got a answer on ask ubuntu\n<Robbilie> a working solution? :D\n<Robbilie> can you post the link? might run into this soon too\n<no_tech> so i understand that the ubuntu way is to get teh community involved etc, but part of me just wishes that the anouncement included an actual device or rom being available.  this waiting is a killer...;-)\n<Robbilie> no_tech, true, i hate it when companys annouce smthng you cant get your hands on after the presentatiopn\n<Robbilie> their fail, they let the devs wait and they get bored and loose interest\n<k1l>  wait i will post a post from alan bell because i wont type it again: https://plus.google.com/109175303602657131317/posts/6doQRuuN433\n<k1l> this wasnt a enduser announcment in the first place. it was an anouncment for the CES to get the attention of manufactures to get them into the boat\n<Robbilie> who is he?\n<ubuntubhoy> k1l: makes perfect sense\n<ubuntubhoy> without OEM's interested there is no point\n<k1l> ubuntubhoy: yep. and you have to show something before the even think about it\n<ubuntubhoy> yeah\n<ubuntubhoy> CES is the place to get them all at once\n<ubuntubhoy> and the demo vids were very promising\n<Robbilie> hope thats when they release the source\n<no_tech> just hope they dont get into patent game...  am looking forward to the CES outcome\n<popey> patience...\n<ubuntubhoy> I think release time will depend on any negotiations they get involved in\n<ubuntubhoy> they will play to the OEM's a certain amount\n<k1l> popey: patience is not the internets best attitude :)\n<Transhumanist> No, no, not patience, PATENTS\n<ubuntubhoy> popey: shot in the dark here, you wouldn't happen to have a rough idea of the system image size would you ?\n<Transhumanist> 42\n<popey> no\n<ubuntubhoy> didn't think so, but was worth an ask\n<AlanBell> Robbilie: I am just a random person making educated guesses\n<k1l> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/01/cnn-predict-ubuntu-phone-wont-make-inroads\n<k1l> i like the ideas at the market situation that are mentioned there.\n<Zaki-Sama> Hello here, i know the Ubuntu for phone has nothing to do with the Ubuntu for Android\n<Zaki-Sama> still i want to know, if it's possible (right now) to personaly install it on your mobile?\n<AlanBell> nope\n<Zaki-Sama> Ah okay, and how much phones have you tested it one this far?\n<Zaki-Sama> on' -e\n<AlanBell> we know they have put it on the old galaxy nexus\n<Zaki-Sama> (sorry my english is weak)\n<Zaki-Sama> AlanBell: yes i noticed that they were only showing it on a Galaxy nexus\n<Zaki-Sama> for all the handson videos\n<Zaki-Sama> on all the hands-on videos\n<k1l> the ubuntu4android was first tested and developed on the motorola atrix\n<k1l> but it was tested on several more devices in the meantime.\n<Zaki-Sama> k1l: i see okay, and when Mark Shuttleworth speaks of Native ubuntu mobile apps he means the ordinary *.deb apps for Mobile, or the HTML5 apps ?\n<popey> native means running on the bare metal, yes\n<Zaki-Sama> Awesome, so i guess Gaming on Ubuntu will be just great, it will be benefic for both desktop & mobile environement\n<popey> well games will need to be ported over\n<Zaki-Sama> Thank you AlanBell popey and k1l you were very helpful\n<popey> which depends on the developers\n<Zaki-Sama> popey:  i know that\n<popey> as with any app\n<Zaki-Sama> but UBUNTU is the FUTURE\n<k1l> yep. just think on that most mobile smartphones use a arm cpu\n<krabador> great to see an irc channel of ubuntu phone\n<krabador> have developers planning to support hardware of many devices, or just some couple of?\n<mesquka> Hi, I'm back\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC"}}
-{"text": "#ubuntu-irc-helpers 2010-04-14\n<h2o> can anyone help me out, please\n<h2o> im having problems, whit java\n#ubuntu-irc-helpers 2010-04-17\n<mrdeadlocked> Can anyone assist me in how to perma OP someone in a channel\n<levent_> hi all\n<levent_> I am trying to install kerio vpn client on amd64\n<levent_> has anyone succeded?\n<nhandler> levent_: Try #ubuntu for support\n<levent_> they told me that\n<levent_> they would not give support for xubuntu\n<levent_> at debian channel\n<levent_> :(\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC"}}
-{"text": "#ubuntu-lb 2010-12-20\n<Elijah__> wow\n<Elijah__> we have a FireBlade\n<Elijah__> :p\n<youssefchaker> Armageddon: ma 3abbarak :P\n<Guest68643> hmm\n<Guest68643> alienpulse, got you the dvds\n<Guest68643> youssefchaker, mish natro\n<alienpulse> all righty then :)\n<alienpulse> 10x\n<Guest68643> yw\n<Guest68643> alienpulse, 2 LTS server and user\n<youssefchaker> keep your porn dealing business off this chat room your pervs!\n<alienpulse> Armageddon, we must see u soon !\n<alienpulse> hehehhe ,,\n<Armageddon> sure\n<FireBlade> Armageddon: yeah, just like Sadus was part of the LLUG/LEGLUG old Linux generation :)\n<FireBlade> glad there's another channel that's still keeping things alive in leb\n<Armageddon> :/\n<Armageddon> ok\n<Armageddon> that's all I have to say :p\n#ubuntu-lb 2010-12-21\n * ghantoos runs around the channel\n<Armageddon> :/\n<Armageddon> well at least not naked !\n<Armageddon> :p\n<ghantoos> :)\n<Armageddon> how's ghantoos ?\n<ghantoos> Armageddon: rawa2, a lot of work :)\n<Armageddon> cool\n<Armageddon> better than no work at all at least\n<ghantoos> Armageddon: yep :)\n<Armageddon> :D\n<Armageddon> exactly\n<Armageddon> sorry had to restart\n<ghantoos> Armageddon: bravo!\n<Armageddon> :p\n<Armageddon> what for ?\n<ghantoos> 12:20 < Armageddon> sorry had to restart\n<Armageddon> :p\n<Armageddon> ok\n<Armageddon> what's the bravo for ?\n#ubuntu-lb 2010-12-22\n<cuteeee> hi hi\n#ubuntu-lb 2010-12-24\n<Armageddon> Merry Christmas Y'all !\n<rapacity> it's merely christmas eve\n<rapacity> :p\n<rapacity> hey\n<rapacity> wasn't there some loser name popengi or panguini or something coming here ?\n<rapacity> me hides\n<Armageddon> :p\n<Armageddon> looooooooool\n<Armageddon> compengi, you mean ?\n<rapacity> aha was that his anme?\n<Armageddon> no idea where the heck that dumbass is\n<rapacity> :p\n<Armageddon> yea\n<rapacity> hum..\n<Armageddon> popenzi\n<rapacity> aha!\n<rapacity> right that was it\n<Armageddon> there is a chocolate thingy maybe cereal called popenz\n<Armageddon> or something\n<Armageddon> right ?\n<Armageddon> rapacity, how you been ?\n<rapacity> akh! didn't do well on exam!\n<rapacity> tired!\n<rapacity> :p\n<Armageddon> sorry to hear\n<Armageddon> you'll do better next time :p\n<rapacity> :p hopefull\n<rapacity> hoepfully*\n<rapacity> err\n<rapacity> typo hell :<\n<Armageddon> :D\n#ubuntu-lb 2010-12-26\n<rapacity> ah right\n<rapacity> I distinctly remember that we were supposed to be meeting someone Armageddon\n<Armageddon> rapacity,\n<Armageddon> who?\n<Armageddon> when ?\n<rapacity> pengicom!\n<Armageddon> I don't remember his nickname\n<rapacity> :p\n<Armageddon> maybe it was gipencom\n<rapacity> want to go meet him ?\n<Armageddon> ignepmoc\n<Armageddon> now ?\n<rapacity> well not this instant\n<rapacity> I have no clue where he is :p\n<Armageddon> exactly me neither\n<rapacity> he sent an email to the mailing list\n<rapacity> but I was too tired to do something about it\n<Armageddon> yea I was too busy too\n<Armageddon> rapacity, pm for a bit\n#ubuntu-lb 2014-12-15\n<dabukalam> Armageddon: wow more bots than people in here\n<Armageddon> dabukalam: I guess\n<Armageddon> you're still alive I see\n<dabukalam> yes lost a few limbs but still breathing\n<dabukalam> you?\n<Armageddon> meh, on the verge\n<Armageddon> hehe\n<dabukalam> I think if you sell your car and stick to public transport your chances of continuing to live will increase by about 1000 times\n<Armageddon> nope\n<dabukalam> :)\n<Armageddon> they will actually decrease\n<dabukalam> what you up to these days?\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC"}}
-{"text": "#ubuntu-tv 2012-09-10\n<smartboyhw> Waiting for daily update No#10 then now:)\n<popey> s/daily/weekly/ ?\n<smartboyhw> popey: s/daily/weekly/10 from jhodapp:)\n<popey> hah! look what you made him do!\n<smartboyhw> OH NO...\n<smartboyhw> popey: Anyway he is back:)\n<jhodapp> smartboyhw, need something?\n<smartboyhw> jhodapp: I wanna read the weekly update:\n<jhodapp> smartboyhw, I guess it's in high demand, eh? :)\n<smartboyhw> jhodapp: YES\n<jhodapp> :)\n<smartboyhw> ;)\n<jhodapp> new weekly update is out: http://www.doadjustyourset.com/2012/09/10/ubuntu-tv-weekly-update-10/\n<smartboyhw> Yay\n<tgm4883> bobweaver, pong\n<bobweaver> well hello there :)\n<bobweaver> I was wondering about 2 things if you have the time\n<tgm4883> yep, shoot\n<bobweaver> 1 ) scope is not reading tv shows just wanted to let you know that\n<tgm4883> hmm\n<tgm4883> ok\n<bobweaver> 2)  this is more a mythtv thing but I can not get movies to get fan art\n<tgm4883> so for #1, it should be getting TV shows\n<bobweaver> I rm all torrevted ones and still nothing named them the way that they should be and still nothing\n<bobweaver> but\n<bobweaver> I am getting back all the info for the movies just no fanart\n<bobweaver> myth tv\n<bobweaver> ^\n<bobweaver> let me make sure that I have the latestest scope brb\n<tgm4883> for #2, are the fan art directories getting populated with image files?\n<bobweaver> Nope just like 4\n<bobweaver> out of 50 movies or something like that\n<tgm4883> ok\n<bobweaver> drop tables and scan again ?\n<tgm4883> no you shouldn't need to ever touch the DB\n<bobweaver> good to know\n<tgm4883> go into the metadata editing section and do a search for fanart\n<bobweaver> ok\n<tgm4883> also take a look at /var/log/mythtv/metadatalookup.log\n * bobweaver plays skipping record ....  \n<bobweaver> thanks for helping me again tgm4883\n<tgm4883> it says skipping record?\n<tgm4883> anything else?\n<bobweaver> No\n<bobweaver> lol\n<bobweaver> it still is getting nothing\n<bobweaver> I am saying that I am a skipping record by saying \"thanks for helping me tgm4883  \"\n<tgm4883> ah\n<bobweaver> Ok I think that I have figured it out but could be wrong\n<tgm4883> ok what is it?\n<bobweaver> on the same box that is backend I open the frontend and noticed that all the spaces for where to store things are blank\n<tgm4883> no that's correct\n<bobweaver> ok\n<tgm4883> but check mythtv-setup, as that is where those storage directories are set\n<tgm4883> step 6 I think\n<bobweaver> yeah there is only 2 thumbnails under ~/.mythtv\n<bobweaver> ok will do\n<tgm4883> make sure a directory is setup for each, and that it's writable by the mythtv user\n<bobweaver> yeah they are all set up and right users groups and permissions\n<bobweaver> what is funny about it is this\n<tgm4883> and nothing in that log file?\n<bobweaver> I get all the metadata\n<bobweaver> like what the movie is about the actors anything that is text\n<bobweaver> but I just dont get fanart nor coverart nor thumbnails\n<bobweaver> looking closer at log\n<bobweaver> anything to look for off the top of your head ?\n<bobweaver> Oh I booked my flight today for UDS\n<tgm4883> nice\n<tgm4883> pastebin the log file\n<bobweaver> will do\n<bobweaver> taking a little bit to pastebinit\n<bobweaver> sorry\n<bobweaver> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1197378/\n<tgm4883> bobweaver, do /usr/share/mythtv/metadata/Television/ttvdb.py -v\n<bobweaver> ok\n<bobweaver> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1197384/\n<tgm4883> That looks right, what about     dpkg -l libmyth-python\n<bobweaver> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1197393/\n<tgm4883> bobweaver, ok, what if you do this\n<tgm4883> /usr/share/mythtv/metadata/Television/ttvdb.py -l en -M \"The Unit\"\n<bobweaver> ok\n<bobweaver> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1197403/\n<tgm4883> ok, so try this\n<tgm4883> In the frontend, in the settings\n<tgm4883> there should be an entry for metadata\n<tgm4883> I don't have a frontend available right now to check :/\n<bobweaver> artwork and data ? there is a place to pick out API\n<bobweaver> we can do this after you are out of work if you like\n<bobweaver> also last thing\n<tgm4883> yea that is right\n<tgm4883> so go in there and cycle though them for television to get ttvdb.py (even if it's already selected)\n<bobweaver> are you or any of mythbuntu people going to hold tracks for the future of Mythtv ? at UDS ? I would go\n<tgm4883> we don't hold mythtv tracks\n<tgm4883> we have semi-private meetings at LTS UDS's\n<tgm4883> semi-private meaning, it's at the bar :)\n<bobweaver> cool I would like to be there if I am cool enough :)\n<bobweaver> I can not change the API\n<bobweaver> wont let m\n<bobweaver> me *\n<tgm4883> hmm, ok, maybe going in was enough\n<tgm4883> I'd like you to try and get artwork again\n<bobweaver> OK\n<bobweaver> nota\n<bobweaver> I even try to reset the data and scan again\n<bobweaver> same thing getting text only back\n<tgm4883> can you paste that log again?\n<bobweaver> let me cat out video dir\n<tgm4883> I want to see if the output changed\n<bobweaver> sure\n<tgm4883> brb\n<bobweaver> kah\n<bobweaver> just to let you know the 2 movies where \"Bad Ass\"  and \"Being Flynn\"\n<bobweaver> mythmetadata.log   http://paste.ubuntu.com/1197429/\n<bobweaver> my video dir that holds movies   http://paste.ubuntu.com/1197433/\n<bobweaver> also dont know if this will help when you get back. But I have nothing called \"The Unit\" in my video's or anywhere on the computer for that matter\n<tgm4883> bobweaver, you don't?\n * tgm4883 wonders why it's searching for it then\n<bobweaver> No Sir\n<bobweaver> I just did       sudo find / -name 'The Unit'       and got nothing back\n<bobweaver> I also ran\n<bobweaver> sudo find / -name '[Tt]he [uU]nit'       and got nothing back\n<tgm4883>  \"Bad Ass\"  and \"Being Flynn\" are movies or tv shows?\n<bobweaver>  moves\n<bobweaver> movies\n<bobweaver> tvdb works fine\n<bobweaver> tmdb is the only one that is giving troubles\n<tgm4883> ok\n<bobweaver> running sudo find / -name '*[Tt]he [Uu]nit*'\n<bobweaver> nothing came back  :/\n<bobweaver> going to ask in bash if that is right on the regex\n<tgm4883> nah don't worry about it\n<tgm4883> if it's recorded, it's not going to  have that in the filename anyway\n<bobweaver> Oh there is one recording from Sunday in the lib\n<bobweaver> niners game (that was awesome ! )\n<bobweaver> meaning that I have not recored anything else  that \"watch recording \"   that is the only thing in there\n<bobweaver> well I recored before But I have rm\n<bobweaver> But nothing called 'the unit '\n<tgm4883> ok, so lets do\n<tgm4883> /usr/share/mythtv/metadata/Movie/tmdb.py -M \"Bad Ass\"\n<tgm4883> verify that returns XML\n<bobweaver> yah looks good\n<bobweaver> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1197481/\n<bobweaver> that is the correct movie and <image>  link to it is also correct     -->    http://cf2.imgobject.com/t/p/original/ws0LVXY4NwhUDkzdVR27KTXulaI.jpg\n<bobweaver> maybe I should try to run jamu ?\n<tgm4883> bobweaver, nah, jamu is deprecated\n<bobweaver> thansk\n<bobweaver> thanks *\n<tgm4883> out of curiosity, anything in syslog?\n<bobweaver> I will take a look\n<bobweaver> just apparmor talking about unity-scope-gbrowser\n<tgm4883> odd\n<tgm4883> This is 0.25 or 0.26?\n<bobweaver> 0.25.2\n<bobweaver> that was weired I just tried  sudo apt-get install libmyth-0.25-0    and it is installing Oo\n<bobweaver> but apt-cache policy mythtv      shows 0.25.2\n * bobweaver shrugs \n<bobweaver> tgm4883,  I dont want to take up that much of your time I thank you a ton for all that you have done for me with this You Rock I will try some things and get back to you later thanks again\n<tgm4883> thanks bobweaver I've asked in #mythtv-users as well, but haven't received a response yet\n<bobweaver> thanks ! anything helps at this point I am going to install some new things and I know that I should not muck around with mysql but I am going to export and search file for 'The Unit '\n<bobweaver> wait I think I might have just gained some ground\n<bobweaver> nope false alarm\n<bobweaver> GOT IT !!!!\n<bobweaver> so I have to do this  1) go to each movies and reset the meta data    2) Do not scan go right into the edit movies and then scan from in there and it is working\n<bobweaver> and then I can scan again to get text. not pretty but will work\n<bobweaver> Err but now it is not holding true too all the movies meaning that it is working but then resets :(\n<tgm4883> bobweaver, move all videos out of the videos storage group folder, scan for changes, move them back, scan for changes again\n<tgm4883> that should clear everything it knows about the videos\n<bobweaver> ok will do\n<bobweaver> keeps on crashing the exit code 133 or something like that But I think that it is starting to work\n<bobweaver> Allright tgm4883  I got great new's and I got bad news. good news sorted out mythtv (other frontend was not saving videos in right dir)  But I installed 0.26 of the scope and am still not getting back tv previews. Just to let you know also it is getting 500 error most likly my back end. But that is testing results . I am going to make into a deb and install that way to see how it goes : )thanks again\n#ubuntu-tv 2012-09-11\n<bobweaver> gezz passports are not cheap after my 2nd attempt I will have spent over $420.00 USD\n<bobweaver> Getting frugal with it. nah nah nah nah nah nah nah ... nah nah nah nah nah nah .. getting frugal with it\n<tgm4883> bobweaver, denied again?\n<bobweaver> nope\n<bobweaver> apponment is for tomorrow\n<tgm4883> ah\n<bobweaver> 140 for te 1st denial\n<bobweaver> the *     so  140(old) +  140 +25 +60 +20 +20 + 55(new birth certificate)     = 460.00 USD\n<tgm4883> bobweaver, so you have an appointment with someone now?\n<bobweaver> that is 2 months rent for bobby\n<bobweaver> yeah I set it up when getting birth certificate\n<bobweaver> shit I forgot photos\n<bobweaver> add 17 usd\n<bobweaver> 477.00 USD\n<bobweaver> bodhi_zaren from the forums said that he mad his with gimp though maybe I can do that and save the 17 usd that is a meal\n<tgm4883> yea you can bring your own photo\n<tgm4883> just meet the requirements they want\n<jhodapp> bobweaver, why did you get denied the first time?\n<bobweaver> jhodapp,  birth certificate had rips in it. it is 28 years old\n<bobweaver> seal was all flattened and what not.\n<jhodapp> bobweaver, so they were questioning the authenticity of it?\n<bobweaver> and it did not have watercolor as they did not use it back then\n<bobweaver> I think\n<tgm4883> watermark?\n<bobweaver> or that it just was not good enough I sent in that time got denial letter in the mail and of cource they kept the 140 fee\n<bobweaver> yeah the birth certiface must have water mark now-a-days\n<bobweaver> home-land-security (I think )\n<bobweaver> tgm4883,  http://www.visarite.com/birthcertificate.htm   << watermark   and my seal was just about flat for 28 years of storage\n<bobweaver> like you have to have one or the other  seal that is raised   or watermark\n<bobweaver> this new just has watermark that I got today\n<tgm4883> I had to go get a new one\n<tgm4883> as I don't have an old one :/\n<bobweaver> I might as well and throw the old one out\n * bobweaver is powerful turns out that when I was born the hospital lost power. \n<bobweaver> no baby pictures\n<jhodapp> lol\n<bobweaver> so it turns out that my BC was not filed until I was 5 days old due to power issues and what not\n<bobweaver> middle of hurricane season I guess in FL\n<bobweaver> also I had my dads birth date wrong\n<bobweaver> which I still can not find\n<bobweaver> I have not talked to him in years\n<bobweaver> last I hear he got arrested with drugs and guns\n<bobweaver> I will google it\n<tgm4883> I didn't even need my dads birth date I think\n<bobweaver> http://ithaca-cortland.ynn.com/content/video_stories/493269/meth-and-heroin-confiscated-in-drug-busts/\n<bobweaver> that's my daddy\n<bobweaver> what a jack off\n<bobweaver> yeah part ten is asking for it and my mothers\n<bobweaver> of the forum that I got from the post office\n<tgm4883> yea they ask for it, but I don't think it's required\n<tgm4883> I'm almost certain I didn't have it\n<bobweaver> lol it is on my OG hospital record of birth\n<tgm4883> unless it's printed on my birth certificate, but I think that is just the place of birth\n<bobweaver> along with little bobby foot prints :)\n#ubuntu-tv 2012-09-14\n<tgm4883`> Saviq, if you're still around ( I know it's late ) any updates for the weekly update?\n<tgm4883`> one of these days I'll remember to ask on Thursday\n<Saviq> tgm4883`, nope, not from me this week\n<tgm4883`> ok thanks\n#ubuntu-tv 2012-09-16\n<asker> hi\n#ubuntu-tv 2013-09-14\n<James_Epp> I followed the steps on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTV/Contributing for ubuntu 12.04.3 in a virtualbox VM but all I get is the main panel, desktop background and no launcher after the reboot. I expected some sort of GUI, but it does not appear one exists?\n#ubuntu-tv 2015-09-08\n<name_> hi! how to install ubuntu tv on ubuntu 15.04?\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC"}}
-{"text": "#ubuntu-design 2012-06-06\n<sladen> jnick_tait: is mattchap in today?\n<jnick_tait> sladen, yes indeed\n<sladen> jnick_tait: okay-dokey.  I'll go and see the Tower Bridge lift at 15:30, and then head to Blue Fin after\n<sladen> night night all\n#ubuntu-design 2012-06-10\n<thorwil> godbyk: 10.04 second edition, now? 0.o\n#ubuntu-design 2013-06-03\n * snwh is away: Away\n * snwh is back (gone 00:00:01)\n * xnox thinks.... maybe be gone for just a little while, but it was not specified how many timezones were crossed ;-)\n#ubuntu-design 2013-06-08\n * snwh is away: Away\n#ubuntu-design 2013-06-09\n * snwh is back (gone 38:58:00)\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC"}}