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standard library package Connections {
* This package defines the base types for connections and related structural elements
* in the SysML language.
private import Base::Anything;
private import Occurrences::Occurrence;
private import Occurrences::HappensDuring;
private import Objects::LinkObject;
private import Objects::linkObjects;
private import Objects::BinaryLinkObject;
private import Objects::binaryLinkObjects;
private import Transfers::Transfer;
private import Transfers::transfers;
private import Transfers::FlowTransfer;
private import Transfers::flowTransfers;
private import Transfers::FlowTransferBefore;
private import Transfers::flowTransfersBefore;
private import ScalarValues::Natural;
private import Parts::Part;
private import Parts::parts;
private import Actions::Action;
private import Actions::actions;
abstract connection def Connection :> LinkObject, Part {
* Connection is the most general class of links between things within some
* containing structure. Connection is the base type of all ConnectionDefinitions.
abstract connection def BinaryConnection :> Connection, BinaryLinkObject {
* BinaryConnection is the most general class of binary links between two things
* within some containing structure. BinaryConnection is the base type of all
* ConnectionDefinitions with exactly two ends.
end source: Anything[0..*] :>> BinaryLinkObject::source;
end target: Anything[0..*] :>> BinaryLinkObject::target;
abstract flow def MessageConnection :> BinaryConnection, Transfer, Action {
* MessageConnection is the class of binary connections that represent a transfer
* of objects or values between two occurrences. It is the base type of all
* FlowConnectionDefinitions.
end occurrence source: Occurrence[0..*] :>> BinaryConnection::source, Transfer::source;
end occurrence target: Occurrence[0..*] :>> BinaryConnection::target, Transfer::target;
ref payload :>> 'item';
private ref part thisConnection = self;
in event occurrence sourceEvent [1] default thisConnection.start {
* An occurrence happening during the source of this flow connection
* that is either the start of the connection or happens before it.
in event occurrence targetEvent [1] default thisConnection.done {
* An occurrence happening during the target of this flow connection
* that is either the end of the connection or happens after it.
connection :HappensDuring connect sourceEvent to source[1];
connection :HappensDuring connect targetEvent to target[1];
private attribute seBeforeNum: Natural[1] = if sourceEvent==thisConnection.start ? 0 else 1;
private attribute teAfterNum: Natural[1] = if targetEvent==thisConnection.done ? 0 else 1;
succession [seBeforeNum] first sourceEvent[0..1] then self[0..1];
succession [teAfterNum] first self[0..1] then targetEvent[0..1];
abstract flow def FlowConnection :> MessageConnection, FlowTransfer {
* FlowConnection is the subclass of message connections that a alsow flow transfers.
* It is the base type for FlowConnectionUsages that identify their source output and
* target input.
end occurrence source: Occurrence[0..*] :>> MessageConnection::source, FlowTransfer::source;
end occurrence target: Occurrence[0..*] :>> MessageConnection::target, FlowTransfer::target;
abstract flow def SuccessionFlowConnection :> FlowConnection, FlowTransferBefore {
* SuccessionFlowConnection is the subclass of flow connections that represent
* temporally ordered transfers. It is the base type for all SuccessionFlowConnectionUsages.
end occurrence source: Occurrence[0..*] :>> FlowConnection::source, FlowTransferBefore::source;
end occurrence target: Occurrence[0..*] :>> FlowConnection::target, FlowTransferBefore::target;
abstract connection connections: Connection[0..*] nonunique :> linkObjects, parts {
* connections is the base feature of all ConnectionUsages.
abstract connection binaryConnections: Connection[0..*] nonunique :> connections, binaryLinkObjects {
* binaryConnections is the base feature of all binary ConnectionUsages.
abstract message messageConnections: MessageConnection[0..*] nonunique :> binaryConnections, transfers, actions {
* messageConnections is the base feature of all FlowConnectionUsages.
end occurrence source: Occurrence[0..*] :>> MessageConnection::source, binaryConnections::source, transfers::source;
end occurrence target: Occurrence[0..*] :>> MessageConnection::target, binaryConnections::target, transfers::target;
abstract message flowConnections: FlowConnection[0..*] nonunique :> messageConnections, flowTransfers {
* flowConnections is the base feature of all FlowConnectionUsages that identify their source output
* and target input.
end occurrence source: Occurrence[0..*] :>> FlowConnection::source, messageConnections::source, flowTransfers::source;
end occurrence target: Occurrence[0..*] :>> FlowConnection::target, messageConnections::target, flowTransfers::target;
abstract message successionFlowConnections: SuccessionFlowConnection[0..*] nonunique :> flowConnections, flowTransfersBefore {
* successionFlowConnections is the base feature of all SuccessionFlowConnectionUsages.
end occurrence source: Occurrence[0..*] :>> SuccessionFlowConnection::source, flowConnections::source, flowTransfersBefore::source;
end occurrence target: Occurrence[0..*] :>> SuccessionFlowConnection::target, flowConnections::target, flowTransfersBefore::target;
} |