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standard library package Items {
* This package defines the base types for items and related structural elements in the
* SysML language.
private import Objects::Object;
private import Objects::objects;
private import Parts::Part;
private import Parts::parts;
private import Occurrences::HappensWhile;
private import Occurrences::JustOutsideOf;
private import Objects::StructuredSpaceObject;
private import Constraints::ConstraintCheck;
private import Constraints::constraintChecks;
private import CollectionFunctions::contains;
private import SequenceFunctions::isEmpty;
private import SequenceFunctions::notEmpty;
private import SequenceFunctions::includes;
private import SequenceFunctions::union;
private import ControlFunctions::forAll;
abstract item def Item :> Object {
* Item is the most general class of objects that are part of, exist in or flow through a system.
* Item is the base type of all ItemDefinitions.
ref self: Item :>> Object::self;
item start: Item :>> startShot;
item done: Item :>> endShot;
item shape : Item :>> spaceBoundary {
* The shape of an Item is its spatial boundary.
item envelopingShapes : Item[0..*] {
* Each enveloping shape is the shape of an Item that spacially overlaps this Item for its
* entire lifetime.
/* Enables two dimensional items to be enveloped by two or three dimensional shapes. */
attribute :>> innerSpaceDimension =
if (that as Item).innerSpaceDimension == 3 | (that as Item).outerSpaceDimension == 3? 2
else (that as Item).outerSpaceDimension - 1 {
* Enables two dimensional items to be enveloped by two or three dimensional shapes.
assert constraint { (that as Item).innerSpaceDimension < 3 implies notEmpty(outerSpaceDimension) }
item envelopingItem [1];
assert constraint {
* This constraint prevents an envelopingShape frombeing a portion.
envelopingItem.shape.spaceTimeCoincidentOccurrences->includes(that) and
item boundingShapes : StructuredSpaceObject [0..*] :> envelopingShapes {
* envelopingShapes that are structured space objects with every face or every edge
* intersecting this Item.
item boundingShape: Item :>> self;
item :>> faces {
item face :>> self;
item inter [1];
assert constraint { contains(inter.intersectionsOf, union(face, boundingShape)) }
item :>> edges {
item edge :>> self;
item inter [1];
assert constraint { isEmpty(faces) implies
contains(inter.intersectionsOf, union(edge, boundingShape)) }
item voids :>> innerSpaceOccurrences [0..*] {
* Voids are inner space occurrences of this Item.
attribute isSolid = isEmpty(voids) {
* An Item is solid if it has no voids.
abstract item subitems: Item[0..*] :> items, subobjects {
* The Items that are composite subitems of this Item.
abstract part subparts: Part[0..*] :> subitems, parts {
* The subitems of this Item that are Parts.
abstract constraint checkedConstraints: ConstraintCheck[0..*] :> constraintChecks, ownedPerformances {
* Constraints that have been checked by this Item.
connection def Touches :> JustOutsideOf, HappensWhile {
* Touching items are just outside each other and happen at the same time.
end item touchedItemToo [0..*] :>> separateSpaceToo, thisOccurrence;
end item touchedItem [0..*] :>> separateSpace, thatOccurrence;
abstract item items : Item[0..*] nonunique :> objects {
* items is the base feature of all ItemUsages.
} |