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standard library package Views {
* This package defines the base types for views, viewpoints, renderings and related elements
* in the SysML language.
private import Parts::Part;
private import Parts::parts;
private import Requirements::RequirementCheck;
private import Requirements::requirementChecks;
abstract view def View :> Part {
ref view :>> self : View;
abstract ref view subviews : View[0..*] :> views {
* Other Views that are used in the rendering of this View.
abstract ref rendering viewRendering : Rendering[0..1] {
* The rendering of this View.
viewpoint viewpointSatisfactions : ViewpointCheck[0..*] :> viewpointChecks, checkedConstraints {
* Checks that the View satisfies all required ViewpointUsages.
satisfy requirement viewpointConformance by that {
* An assertion that all viewpointSatisfactions are true.
require viewpointSatisfactions {
* The required ViewpointChecks.
abstract viewpoint def ViewpointCheck :> RequirementCheck {
* ViewpointCheck is a RequirementCheck for checking if a View meets the concerns of viewpoint stakeholders.
* It is the base type of all ViewpointDefinitions.
ref viewpoint :>> self : ViewpointCheck;
subject subj : View[1] :>> RequirementCheck::subj;
abstract rendering def Rendering :> Part {
* Rendering is the base type of all RenderingDefinitions.
ref rendering :>> self : Rendering;
abstract ref rendering subrenderings : Rendering[0..*] :> renderings {
* Other Renderings used to carry out this Rendering.
rendering def TextualRendering :> Rendering {
* A TextualRendering is a Rendering of a View into a textual format.
rendering def GraphicalRendering :> Rendering {
* A GraphicalRendering is a Rendering of a View into a Graphical format.
rendering def TabularRendering :> Rendering {
* A TabularRendering is a Rendering of a View into a tabular format.
abstract view views : View[0..*] nonunique :> parts {
* views is the base feature of all ViewUsages.
abstract viewpoint viewpointChecks : ViewpointCheck[0..*] nonunique :> requirementChecks {
* viewpointChecks is the base feature of all ViewpointUsages.
abstract rendering renderings : Rendering[0..*] nonunique :> parts {
* renderings is the base feature of all RenderingUsages.
rendering asTextualNotation : TextualRendering[1] :> renderings {
* asTextualNotation renders a View into textual notation as defined in the
* KerML and SysML specifications.
rendering asTreeDiagram : GraphicalRendering[1] :> renderings {
* asTreeDiagram renders a View as a tree diagram, using the
* graphical notation defined in the SysML specification.
rendering asInterconnectionDiagram : GraphicalRendering[1] :> renderings {
* asInterconnectionDiagram renders a View as an interconnection
* diagram, using the graphical notation defined in the SysML specification.
rendering asElementTable : TabularRendering[1] :> renderings {
* asElementTable renders a View as a table, with one row for each exposed
* Element and columns rendered by applying the columnViews in order to the
* Element in each row.
view columnView[0..*] ordered {
* The Views to be rendered in the column cells, in order, of each rows of the table.
abstract ref rendering :>> viewRendering[0..1];
rendering :>> subrenderings[0..*] = columnView.viewRendering;
} |