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standard library package MeasurementReferences {
* This package defines the representations for measurement references.
private import Collections::Array;
private import Collections::List;
private import ScalarValues::*;
private import VectorValues::ThreeVectorValue;
private import SequenceFunctions::size;
private import SequenceFunctions::equals;
private import ControlFunctions::forAll;
private import Quantities::QuantityDimension;
private import Quantities::VectorQuantityValue;
private import Quantities::scalarQuantities;
private import Quantities::ScalarQuantityValue;
private import Quantities::SystemOfQuantities;
private import ISQSpaceTime::angularMeasure;
attribute def TensorMeasurementReference :> Array {
* TensorMeasurementReference is the most general AttributeDefinition to represent measurement references.
* The concept "measurement reference" is defined in [VIM] "quantity" NOTE 2 as "A reference can be a measurement unit,
* a measurement procedure, a reference material, or a combination of such.", see https://jcgm.bipm.org/vim/en/1.1.html .
* In addition [VIM] "quantity" NOTE 5 states that "A quantity as defined here is a scalar. However, a vector or a tensor,
* the components of which are quantities, is also considered to be a quantity". However, the rest of [VIM] does not explicitly
* define how tensor and vector quantities can be or should be supported.
* In this package, in line with TensorQuantityValue in package Quantities, the most general kind of measurement reference
* is TensorMeasurementReference that represents a measurement reference for any order of tensor quantity. Since the order can
* also be one or zero, this includes vector and scalar quantities. The specializations VectorMeasurementReference and
* ScalarMeasurementReference are defined to specifically represent measurement references for vector and scalar quantities.
* TensorMeasurementReference specializes Array, which provides its multi-dimensional structure. The order of a tensor is equivalent
* to the rank of an Array.
* Attribute isBound specifies whether the vector space product is bound (isBound is true) or free (isBound is false).
* Attribute mRefs specifies the scalar measurement references for all dimensions of a tensor quantity.
* The short name of a TensorMeasurementReference is the unique symbol by which the measurement reference is known.
* The name of a TensorMeasurementReference is spelled-out human readable name of the measurement reference.
* For example, typical measurement references for (scalar) quantity speed are declared with the following humanId and name:
* <'m/s'> and 'metre per second',
* <'km/h'> and 'kilometre per hour',
* <'mi/h'> and 'mile per hour'.
* A measurement reference can have zero or more definitionalQuantityValues that allow to specify
* quantity values that carry a particular meaning or relevance for the measurement reference.
attribute isBound: Boolean[1] default false;
attribute order :>> rank;
attribute mRefs: ScalarMeasurementReference[1..*] nonunique :>> elements;
attribute definitionalQuantityValues: DefinitionalQuantityValue[0..*];
attribute def VectorMeasurementReference :> TensorMeasurementReference {
* A VectorMeasurementReference is a specialization of TensorMeasurementReference for vector quantities that are
* typed by a VectorQuantityValue. Its order is one. Implicitly, it defines a vector space of dimension `n` = dimensions[1].
* The magnitudes of the `n` basis unit vectors that span the vector space are defined by the mRefs which each are
* a ScalarMeasurementReference, typically a MeasurementUnit or an IntervalScale.
* Attribute isOrthogonal declares whether the basis vectors of the vector space are orthogonal, i.e., whether all
* inner products of any pair of basis vectors are equal to zero.
* A pair of a specialization of VectorQuantityValue and a specialization of VectorMeasurementReference can also be used to
* define a vector space for state vectors as used in state-space representation models.
attribute :>> dimensions: Positive[0..1];
attribute isOrthogonal: Boolean[1] default true;
abstract attribute def ScalarMeasurementReference :> VectorMeasurementReference {
* A ScalarMeasurementReference is a specialization of VectorMeasurementReference for scalar quantities
* that are typed by a ScalarQuantityValue and for components of tensor or vector quantities.
* Its order is zero. A ScalarMeasurementReference is also a generalization of MeasurementUnit and MeasurementScale.
* It establishes how to interpret the numerical value (num) of a ScalarQuantityValue or a component of
* a tensor or vector quantity value, and establishes its actual quantity dimension.
* Attribute mRefs is bound to self for a ScalarMeasurementReference, for consistency with tensor and vector measurement references,
* as the dimension or component of a scalar quantity is itself.
attribute :>> dimensions = ();
attribute :>> isOrthogonal = true;
attribute :>> mRefs = self;
attribute quantityDimension: QuantityDimension[1];
attribute def CoordinateFrame :> VectorMeasurementReference {
* CoordinateFrame is a VectorMeasurementReference with the specific purpose to quantify (i.e., coordinatize) a vector space,
* and locate and orient it with respect to another CoordinateFrame.
* Optional attribute transformation enables specification of the location and orientation of this CoordinateFrame as dependent
* and nested with respect to another (reference) coordinate frame. Typically the other CoordinateFrame is the frame of
* the next higher element (Object, Item or Part) in a composite structure.
attribute transformation: CoordinateTransformation[0..1] {
attribute :>> target = that;
attribute def '3dCoordinateFrame' :> CoordinateFrame {
* Most general 3-dimensional coordinate frame
attribute :>> dimensions = 3;
alias ThreeDCoordinateFrame for '3dCoordinateFrame';
abstract attribute def CoordinateTransformation {
* CoordinateTransformation is the most general representation of the transformation of a target VectorMeasurementReference
* with respect to a source VectorMeasurementReference.
attribute source: VectorMeasurementReference[1];
attribute target: VectorMeasurementReference[1];
assert constraint validSourceTargetDimensions { source.dimensions == target.dimensions }
attribute def CoordinateFramePlacement :> CoordinateTransformation {
* CoordinateFramePlacement is a CoordinateTransformation by placement of the target frame in the source frame.
* Attribute origin specifies the location of the origin of the target frame as a vector in the source frame.
* Attribute basisDirections specifies the orientation of the target frame by specifying the directions of
* the respective basis vectors of the target frame via direction vectors in the source frame. An empty sequence of
* basisDirections signifies no change of orientation of the target coordinate frame.
attribute origin : VectorQuantityValue[1];
attribute basisDirections : VectorQuantityValue[0..*] ordered nonunique;
assert constraint validOriginDimensions { origin.dimensions == source.dimensions }
assert constraint { size(basisDirections) == 0 or size(basisDirections) == source.dimensions#(1)}
assert constraint validateBasisDirections { basisDirections->forAll { in basisDirection : VectorQuantityValue;
basisDirection.dimensions->equals(source.dimensions) }
abstract attribute def TranslationOrRotation {
* TranslationOrRotation is an abstract union of Translation and Rotation
attribute def Translation :> TranslationOrRotation {
* Representation of a translation with respect to a coordinate frame
* Attribute translationVector specifies the displacement vector that constitutes the translation.
attribute translationVector : VectorQuantityValue[1];
attribute def Rotation :> TranslationOrRotation {
* Representation of a rotation about an axis over an angle
* Attribute axisDirection specifies the direction of the rotation axis.
* Attribute angle specifies the angle of rotation, where a positive value implies right-handed rotation.
* Attribute isIntrinsic asserts whether the intermediate coordinate frame moves with the rotation or not,
* i.e. whether an instrinsic or extrinsic rotation is specified.
* See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Davenport_chained_rotations for details.
attribute axisDirection : VectorQuantityValue[1];
attribute angle :>> angularMeasure;
attribute isIntrinsic : Boolean[1] default true;
attribute def TranslationRotationSequence :> CoordinateTransformation, List {
* Coordinate frame transformation specified by a sequence of translations and/or rotations
* Note: This is a coordinate transformation that is convenient for interpretation by humans.
* In particular a sequence of rotations about the principal axes of a coordinate frame is much more easy understandable
* than a rotation about an arbitrary axis.
* Any sequence can be reduced to a single combination of a translation and a rotation about a particular axis, but in general
* the original sequence cannot be retrieved as there are infinitely many sequences representing the reduced transformation.
attribute :>> elements : TranslationOrRotation[1..*] ordered nonunique;
attribute def AffineTransformationMatrix3d :> CoordinateTransformation, Array {
* AffineTransformationMatrix3d is a three dimensional CoordinateTransformation specified via an affine transformation matrix
* The interpretation of the matrix is as follows:
* - the upper left 3x3 matrix represents the rotation matrix
* - the uper right 3x1 column vector represents the translation vector
* - the bottom row must be the row vector (0, 0, 0, 1).
* I.e. the matrix has the following form:
* ( R, R, R, T,
* R, R, R, T,
* R, R, R, T,
* 0, 0, 0, 1 )
* where the cells marked R form the rotation matrix and the cells marked T form the translation vector.
* Note: See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transformation_matrix, under affine transformations for a general explanation.
attribute rotationMatrix : Array {
attribute :>> elements : Real[9] ordered nonunique;
attribute :>> dimensions = (3, 3);
attribute translationVector : ThreeVectorValue[1] { :>> elements : Real[3]; }
attribute :>> dimensions = (4, 4);
attribute :>> elements : Real[16] ordered nonunique = (
rotationMatrix.elements#(1), rotationMatrix.elements#(2), rotationMatrix.elements#(3), translationVector#(1),
rotationMatrix.elements#(4), rotationMatrix.elements#(5), rotationMatrix.elements#(6), translationVector#(2),
rotationMatrix.elements#(7), rotationMatrix.elements#(8), rotationMatrix.elements#(9), translationVector#(3),
0, 0, 0, 1);
assert constraint validSourceDimensions { source.dimensions == 3 }
attribute def NullTransformation :> AffineTransformationMatrix3d {
* NullTransformation is a three dimensional CoordinateTransformation that places the target CoordinateFrame at the
* same position and orientation as the source CoordinateFrame.
attribute :>> rotationMatrix {
attribute :>> elements = (1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);
attribute :>> translationVector {
attribute :>> elements = (0, 0, 0);
attribute nullTransformation : NullTransformation [1];
abstract attribute def MeasurementUnit :> ScalarMeasurementReference {
* Representation of a measurement unit.
* Note: MeasurementUnit directly specializes ScalarMeasurementReference in order to allow for efficient and intuitive definition of a ratio scale.
* A MeasurementUnit can be used in two ways:
* 1. Directly as the mRef in a ScalarQuantityValue, which implies that the effective measurement reference is a ratio scale defined by the unit.
* 2. As the unit of a MeasurementScale.
* A MeasurementUnit specifies one or more UnitPowerFactors.
attribute :>> isBound = false;
attribute unitPowerFactors: UnitPowerFactor[0..*] ordered;
attribute unitConversion: UnitConversion[0..1];
assert constraint hasValidUnitPowerFactors : VerifyUnitPowerFactors {
in unitPowerFactors = MeasurementUnit::unitPowerFactors;
in quantityDimension = MeasurementUnit::quantityDimension;
abstract attribute def SimpleUnit :> MeasurementUnit {
* Representation of a measurement unit that does not depend on any other measurement unit.
private attribute simpleUnitSelf: SimpleUnit = self;
attribute :>> unitPowerFactors: UnitPowerFactor[1] {
attribute unit :>> UnitPowerFactor::unit = simpleUnitSelf;
attribute exponent :>> UnitPowerFactor::exponent = 1;
abstract attribute def DerivedUnit :> MeasurementUnit {
* Representation of a derived measurement unit that depends on one or more powers of other measurement units.
* VIM defines "derived unit" as "measurement unit for a derived quantity", see https://jcgm.bipm.org/vim/en/1.11.html .
attribute def UnitPowerFactor {
* Representation of a measurement unit power factor, which is a tuple
* of a referenced measurement unit and an exponent.
attribute unit: MeasurementUnit;
attribute exponent: Real;
abstract attribute def UnitConversion {
* Representation of the linear conversion relationship between one measurement unit and another measurement unit, that acts as a reference.
* Attribute isExact asserts whether the conversionFactor is exact or not. By default it is set true.
attribute referenceUnit: MeasurementUnit;
attribute conversionFactor: Real;
attribute isExact: Boolean default true;
attribute def ConversionByConvention :> UnitConversion {
* Representation of a UnitConversion that is defined according to some convention.
attribute def ConversionByPrefix :> UnitConversion {
* Representation of a UnitConversion that is defined through reference to a named unit prefix,
* that in turn represents a decimal or binary multiple or sub-multiple, as defined in ISO/IEC 80000-1.
* Note: The actual value of the conversion factor is derived from the definition of the unit prefix.
* Examples: kilometre for conversion factor 1000 with reference unit metre, nanofarad for 1E-9 farad.
attribute prefix: UnitPrefix[1];
attribute conversionFactor redefines UnitConversion::conversionFactor = prefix.conversionFactor;
attribute def UnitPrefix {
* Representation of a multiple or sub-multiple measurement unit prefix as defined in ISO/IEC 80000-1.
attribute longName: String;
attribute symbol: String;
attribute conversionFactor: Real;
abstract attribute def MeasurementScale :> ScalarMeasurementReference {
* Representation of a non-ratio measurement scale as opposed to a ratio measurement scale defined by a MeasurementUnit.
* Note: A ratio scale is implied by direct use of a MeasurementUnit as the mRef in a ScalarQuantityValue.
attribute unit: MeasurementUnit;
attribute quantityValueMapping: QuantityValueMapping[0..1];
attribute def OrdinalScale :> MeasurementScale {
* Representation of an ordinal measurement scale.
attribute def IntervalScale :> MeasurementScale, CoordinateFrame {
* Representation of an interval measurement scale.
* An IntervalScale is also a CoordinateFrame
* The offset of one interval measurement scale w.r.t. another interval or ratio scale is defined through a quantityValueMapping, see MeasurementReference.
attribute :>> isBound = true;
attribute def CyclicRatioScale :> MeasurementScale {
* Representation of a ratio measurement scale with a periodic cycle.
* Note: The magnitude of the periodic cycle is defined by the modulus of the scale.
* Example: Planar angle with modulus 360 degrees, therefore on such a cyclic ratio scale,
* an angle of 450 degrees is equivalent to an angle of 90 degrees, and -60 degrees is equivalent to 300 degrees.
attribute modulus: Number;
attribute def LogarithmicScale :> MeasurementScale {
* Representation of a logarithmic measurement scale
* The magnitude v of a ratio quantity value expressed on a logarithmic scale
* for a magnitude x of a quantity value expressed on a ratio scale is computed as follows:
* v = f * log_base( (x / x_ref )^a )
* where:
* f is a multiplication factor,
* log_base is the log function for the given logarithm base,
* x is the actual quantity,
* x_ref is a reference quantity,
* a is an exponent.
attribute logarithmBase: Number;
attribute factor: Number;
attribute exponent: Number;
attribute referenceQuantity: ScalarQuantityValue[0..1];
attribute def QuantityValueMapping {
* Representation of the mapping of equivalent quantity values expressed on two different MeasurementReferences
* A QuantityValueMapping specifies a mapping from a given mappedQuantityValue owned by the MeasurementReference
* that owns the QuantityValueMapping to a referenceQuantityValue owned by another MeasurementReference.
* Example: The mapping between the temperature value of 0.01 degree Celsius on the celsius temperature scale
* to the equivalent temperature value of 273.16 K on the kelvin temperature scale,
* would specify a mappedQuantityValue referencing the
* the DefinitionalQuantityValue (0.01, "absolute thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water")
* of the celsius interval scale, and a referenceQuantityValue referencing the
* DefinitionalQuantityValue (273.16, "absolute thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water")
* of the kelvin ratio scale.
attribute mappedQuantityValue: DefinitionalQuantityValue;
attribute referenceQuantityValue: DefinitionalQuantityValue;
attribute def DefinitionalQuantityValue {
* Representation of a particular quantity value that is used in the definition of a TensorMeasurementReference
* Typically such a particular value is defined by convention. It can be used to define a selected reference value,
* such as the meaning of zero on a measurement scale or the origin of a top-level coordinate frame.
* Example: The 'kelvin' MeasurementReference for thermodynamic temperature could have a
* DefinitionalQuantityValue {
* :>> num = 273.16;
* :>> definition = "thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water in kelvin";
* }
* that is value of the definition of the scale.
attribute num: Number[1..*];
attribute definition: String;
attribute def DimensionOneUnit :> DerivedUnit {
* Explicit definition of "unit of dimension one", also known as "dimensionless unit".
attribute :>> unitPowerFactors = ();
attribute def DimensionOneValue :> ScalarQuantityValue {
* A ScalarQuantityValue with a DimensionOneUnit.
attribute :>> num: Real;
attribute :>> mRef: DimensionOneUnit;
attribute dimensionOneQuantities : DimensionOneValue[*] nonunique :> scalarQuantities;
attribute one : DimensionOneUnit[1] = DimensionOneUnit();
attribute def CountValue :> DimensionOneValue {
* Explicit definition of a generic "count" quantity as a DimensionOneValue.
attribute countQuantities : CountValue[*] nonunique :> dimensionOneQuantities;
attribute def SystemOfUnits {
* A SystemOfUnits represents the essentials of [VIM] concept "system of units" (https://jcgm.bipm.org/vim/en/1.13.html), defined as a
* "set of base units and derived units, together with their multiples and submultiples, defined in accordance with given rules,
* for a given system of quantities".
* The base units are a particular selection of measurement units for each of the base quantities of a system of quantities,
* that form the basis on top of which all other (derived) units are defined.
* Attribute systemOfQuantities speficies the associated SystemOfQuantities.
attribute longName: String[1];
attribute systemOfQuantities : SystemOfQuantities[1];
attribute baseUnits: SimpleUnit[1..*] ordered;
constraint def VerifyUnitPowerFactors {
* Constraint definition to verify that the given unit power factors comply with the required quantity dimension
in unitPowerFactors: UnitPowerFactor[*] ordered;
in quantityDimension: QuantityDimension[1];