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standard library package Actions {
* This package defines the base types for actions and related behavioral elements in the
* SysML language.
private import Base::Anything;
private import ScalarValues::Positive;
private import ScalarValues::Natural;
private import SequenceFunctions::size;
private import SequenceFunctions::isEmpty;
private import Occurrences::Occurrence;
private import Occurrences::HappensWhile;
private import Performances::Performance;
private import Performances::performances;
private import Transfers::SendPerformance;
private import Transfers::sendPerformances;
private import Transfers::AcceptPerformance;
private import Transfers::acceptPerformances;
private import FeatureReferencingPerformances::FeatureWritePerformance;
private import ControlPerformances::MergePerformance;
private import ControlPerformances::DecisionPerformance;
private import ControlPerformances::IfThenPerformance;
private import ControlPerformances::IfThenElsePerformance;
private import ControlPerformances::LoopPerformance;
private import TransitionPerformances::TransitionPerformance;
private import TransitionPerformances::NonStateTransitionPerformance;
private import Transfers::MessageTransfer;
private import Connections::MessageConnection;
abstract action def Action :> Performance {
* Action is the most general class of Performances of ActionDefinitions in a system or
* part of a system. Action is the base class of all ActionDefinitions.
ref action self: Action :>> Performance::self;
ref action incomingTransfers :>> Performance::incomingTransfers;
action start: Action :>> startShot {
* The starting snapshot of an Action.
action done: Action :>> endShot {
* The ending snapshot of an Action.
action subactions: Action[0..*] :> actions, subperformances {
* The subperformances of this Action that are Actions.
ref occurrence :>> this = (that as Action).this {
* The "this" reference of a subaction is always the same as that of
* its owning Action.
action sendSubactions: SendAction[0..*] :> subactions, sendActions {
* The subactions of this Action that are SendActions.
action acceptSubactions: AcceptAction[0..*] :> subactions, acceptActions {
* The subactions of this Action that are AcceptActions.
abstract action controls : ControlAction[0..*] :> subactions {
* The subactions of this Action that are ControlActions.
abstract action merges : MergeAction[0..*] :> controls {
* The controls of this Action that are MergeActions.
abstract action decisions : DecisionAction :> controls {
* The controls of this Action that are DecisionActions.
abstract action joins : JoinAction :> controls {
* The controls of this Action that are JoinActions.
abstract action forks : ForkAction :> controls {
* The controls of this Action that are ForkActions.
abstract action transitions : TransitionAction[0..*] :> subactions, transitionActions {
* The subactions of this Action that are TransitionActions.
abstract action decisionTransitions : DecisionTransitionAction[0..*] :> transitions {
* The subactions of this Action that are DecisionTransitionActions.
abstract action assignments : AssignmentAction[0..*] :> subactions, assignmentActions {
* The subactions of this Action that are AssignmentActions.
abstract action ifSubactions : IfThenAction[0..*] :> subactions, ifThenActions {
* The subactions of this Action that are IfThenActions (including IfThenElseActions).
abstract action loops : LoopAction[0..*] :> subactions, loopActions {
* The subactions of this Action that are LoopActions.
abstract action whileLoops : WhileLoopAction[0..*] :> loops, whileLoopActions {
* The loops of this Action that are WhileLoopActions.
abstract action forLoops : ForLoopAction[0..*] :> loops, forLoopActions {
* The loops of this Action that are ForLoopActions.
abstract action actions: Action[0..*] nonunique :> performances {
* actions is the base feature for all ActionUsages.
action def SendAction :> Action, SendPerformance {
* A SendAction is an Action used to type SendActionUsages. It initiates an outgoingTransferFromSelf
* from a designated sender Occurrence with a given payload, optionally to a designated receiver.
in payload :>> sentItem;
ref sentMessage :>> sentTransfer: MessageTransfer, MessageConnection;
abstract action sendActions: SendAction[0..*] nonunique :> actions, sendPerformances {
* sendActions is the base feature for all SendActionUsages.
action def AcceptMessageAction :> Action, AcceptPerformance {
* An AcceptMessageAction is an Action that identifies an incomingTransferToSelf
* of a designated receiver Occurrence, providing its payload as output.
inout payload :>> acceptedItem;
ref acceptedMessage :>> acceptedTransfer: MessageTransfer, MessageConnection;
action def AcceptAction :> AcceptMessageAction {
* An AcceptAction is an AcceptMessageAction used to type AcceptActionUsages that are
* not accepters for TransitionActions. It waits for a payload or message of the specified
* kind to be accepted by a nested state transition.
ref :>> acceptedMessage = aState.aTransition.accepter.acceptedMessage;
state aState {
transition aTransition first start accept apayload: Anything via receiver then done;
bind payload = aState.aTransition.apayload;
abstract action acceptActions: AcceptAction[0..*] nonunique :> actions, acceptPerformances {
* acceptActions is the base feature for standalone AcceptActionUsages.
abstract action def ControlAction :> Action {
* A ControlAction is the Action of a control node, which has no inherent behavior.
bind start = done {
* A ControlAction is instantaneous.
action def MergeAction :> ControlAction, MergePerformance {
* A MergeAction is the ControlAction for a merge node.
* Note: Incoming succession connectors to a MergeAction must have source multiplicity
* 0..1 and subset the incomingHBLink feature inherited from MergePerformance.
action def DecisionAction :> ControlAction, DecisionPerformance {
* A DecisionAction is the ControlAction for a decision node.
* Note: Outgoing succession connectors from a DecisionAction must have target multiplicity
* 0..1 and subset the outgoingHBLink feature inherited from DecisionPerformance.
* If an outgoing succession has a guard, it should have a transitionStep typed by
* DecisionTransition.
action def JoinAction :> ControlAction {
* A JoinAction is the ControlAction for a JoinNode.
* Note: Join behavior results from requiring that the source multiplicity of all
* incoming succession connectors be 1..1.
action def ForkAction :> ControlAction {
* A ForkAction is the ControlAction for a ForkNode.
* Note: Fork behavior results from requiring that the target multiplicity of all
* outgoing succession connectors be 1..1.
abstract action def TransitionAction :> Action, TransitionPerformance {
* A TransitionAction is a TransitionPerformance with an Action as transitionLinkSource.
* It is the base type of all TransitionUsages.
in transitionLinkSource : Action :>> TransitionPerformance::transitionLinkSource;
ref acceptedMessage : MessageConnection :>> trigger;
ref receiver :>> triggerTarget;
action accepter : AcceptMessageAction :>> 'accept';
bind receiver = accepter.receiver;
bind acceptedMessage = accepter.acceptedMessage;
action effect: Action :>> TransitionPerformance::effect;
action def DecisionTransitionAction :> TransitionAction, NonStateTransitionPerformance {
* A DecisionTransitionAction is a TransitionAction and NonStateTransitionPerformance that has a
* guard, but no trigger or effects. It is the base type of TransitionUsages used as
* conditional successions in action models.
ref action :>> accepter[0..0];
ref action :>> effect[0..0];
abstract action transitionActions: TransitionAction[0..*] nonunique :> actions {
* transitionActions is the base feature for all TransitionUsages.
action def AssignmentAction :> FeatureWritePerformance, Action {
* An AssignmentAction is an Action, used to type an AssignmentActionUsage. It is also a
* FeatureWritePerformance that updates the accessedFeature of its target Occurrence with
* the given replacementValues.
in target : Occurrence[1];
inout replacementValues : Anything[0..*] nonunique;
abstract action assignmentActions : AssignmentAction[0..*] nonunique :> actions {
* assignmentActions is the base feature for all AssignmentActionsUsages.
in :>> target : Occurrence[1] default that as Occurrence {
* The default target for assignmentActions is its featuring instance (if that is
* an Occurrence).
action def IfThenAction :> Action, IfThenPerformance {
* An IfThenAction is a Kernel IfThenPerformance that is also an Action.
* It is the base type for all IfActionUsages.
in :>> ifTest[1];
in action :>> thenClause[0..1];
action def IfThenElseAction :> IfThenAction, IfThenElsePerformance {
* An IfThenElseAction is a Kernel IfThenElsePeformance that is also an IfThenAction.
* It is the base type for all IfActionUsages that have an elseAction.
in :>> ifTest[1];
in action :>> thenClause[0..1];
in action :>> elseClause[0..1];
abstract action ifThenActions : IfThenAction[0..*] nonunique :> actions {
* ifThenActions is the base feature for all IfActionUsages.
abstract action ifThenElseActions : IfThenElseAction[0..*] nonunique :> actions {
* ifThenElseActions is the base feature for all IfActionUsages that have an elseAction.
abstract action def LoopAction :> Action {
* A LoopAction is the base type for all LoopActionUsages.
in action body[0..*] {
* The action that is performed repeatedly in the loop.
action def WhileLoopAction :> LoopAction, LoopPerformance {
* A WhileLoopAction is a Kernel LoopPerformance that is also a LoopAction.
* It is the base type for all WhileLoopActionUsages.
in :>> whileTest default {true} {
* A Boolean expression that must be true for the loop to continue.
* It is evaluated before the body is performed and is always evaluated at
* least once.
in action body :>> LoopAction::body, LoopPerformance::body {
* The action that is performed while the whileTest is true and the
* untilTest is false.
in :>> untilTest default {false} {
* A Boolean expression that must be false for the loop to continue.
* It is evaluated after the body is performed.
private abstract action def ForLoopActionBase :> LoopAction {
in action body;
in ref seq[0..*] ordered nonunique;
action def ForLoopAction :> ForLoopActionBase {
* A ForLoopAction is a LoopAction that iterates over an ordered sequence of values.
* It is the base type for all ForLoopActionUsages.
protected ref var[0..1] :> seq {
* The loop variable that is assigned successive elements of seq on each
* iteration of the loop.
in ref :>> seq {
* The sequence of values over which the loop iterates.
in action :>> body {
* The action that is performed on each iteration of the loop.
private attribute index : Positive {
* The index of the element of seq assigned to var on the current iteration
* of the loop.
private action initialization
assign index := 1;
then private action whileLoop
while index <= size(seq) {
assign var := seq#(index);
then perform body;
then assign index := index + 1;
abstract action loopActions : LoopAction[0..*] nonunique :> actions {
* loopActions is the base feature for all LoopActionUsages.
abstract action whileLoopActions : WhileLoopAction[0..*] nonunique :> loopActions {
* whileLoopActions is the base feature for all WhileLoopActionUsages.
abstract action forLoopActions : ForLoopAction[0..*] nonunique :> loopActions {
* forLoopActions is the base feature for all ForLoopActionUsages.