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standard library package Requirements {
* This package defines the base types for requirements and related elements in the SysML language.
private import Base::Anything;
private import ScalarValues::String;
private import ControlFunctions::allTrue;
private import Constraints::constraintChecks;
private import Constraints::assertedConstraintChecks;
private import Constraints::negatedConstraintChecks;
private import Parts::Part;
private import Parts::parts;
private import Actions::Action;
private import Interfaces::Interface;
private import Attributes::AttributeValue;
private abstract constraint def RequirementConstraintCheck {
* RequirementConstraintCheck is the base ConstraintCheck for RequirementCheck, defining the
* separate assumptions and required constraints such that, if all the assumptions are true,
* then all the required constraints must be true.
constraint assumptions[0..*] :> constraintChecks, subperformances {
* Assumptions that must hold for the required constraints to apply.
constraint constraints[0..*] :> constraintChecks, subperformances {
* The required constraints that are to be checked.
return result = allTrue(assumptions()) implies allTrue(constraints()) {
* If all the assumptions are true, then all the required constraints must hold.
abstract requirement def RequirementCheck :> RequirementConstraintCheck {
* RequirementCheck is the most general class for requirements checking. RequirementsCheck is the base
* type of all requirement definitions.
ref requirement :>> self: RequirementCheck;
subject subj : Anything[1] {
* The entity that is being checked for satisfaction of the required constraints.
ref part actors : Part[0..*] {
* The Parts that fill the role of actors for this RequirementCheck.
* (Note: This is not itself an actor parameter, because specific actor
* parameters will be added for specific RequirementChecks.)
ref part stakeholders : Part[0..*] {
* The Parts that represent stakeholders interested in the concern being checked.
* (Note: This is not itself a stakeholder parameter, because specific stakeholder
* parameters will be added for specific RequirementChecks.)
* Note: assumptions and constraints are redefined here solely to simplify the
* resolution of their qualified names as library elements.
constraint assumptions :>> RequirementConstraintCheck::assumptions;
constraint constraints :>> RequirementConstraintCheck::constraints;
abstract requirement subrequirements[0..*] :> requirementChecks, constraints {
* Nested requirements, which are also required constraints.
abstract concern concerns[0..*] :> concernChecks, subrequirements {
* The checks of any concerns being addressed (as required constraints).
requirement def FunctionalRequirementCheck :> RequirementCheck {
* A functional requirement specifies an action that a system, or part of a system, must perform.
subject: Action;
requirement def InterfaceRequirementCheck :> RequirementCheck {
* An interface requirement specifies an interface for connecting systems and system parts, which
* optionally may include item flows across the interface and/or interface constraints.
subject: Interface;
requirement def PerformanceRequirementCheck :> RequirementCheck {
* A performance requirement quantitavely measures the extent to which a system, or a system part,
* satisfies a required capability or condition.
subject: AttributeValue;
requirement def PhysicalRequirementCheck :> RequirementCheck {
* A physical requirement specifies physical characteristics and/or physical constraints of the
* system, or a system part.
subject: Part;
requirement def DesignConstraintCheck :> RequirementCheck {
* A design constraint specifies a constraint on the implementation of the system or system part,
* such as the system must use a commercial off the shelf component.
subject: Part;
concern def ConcernCheck :> RequirementCheck {
* ConcernCheck is the most general class for concern checking. ConcernCheck is the base type of
* all ConcernDefinitions.
ref concern :>> self: ConcernCheck;
abstract requirement requirementChecks: RequirementCheck[0..*] nonunique :> constraintChecks {
* requirementChecks is the base feature of all requirement usages.
abstract requirement satisfiedRequirementChecks :> requirementChecks, assertedConstraintChecks {
* satisfiedRequirementChecks is the subset of requirementChecks for Requirements asserted to be satisfied.
abstract requirement notSatisfiedRequirementChecks: RequirementCheck[0..*] :> requirementChecks, negatedConstraintChecks {
* notSatisfiedRequirementChecks is the subset of requirementChecks for Requirements asserted to be not satisfied.
abstract concern concernChecks: ConcernCheck[0..*] nonunique :> requirementChecks {
* concernChecks is the base feature of all ConcernUsages.