standard library package Constraints { doc /* * This package defines the base types for constraints and related elements in the * SysML language. */ private import Performances::BooleanEvaluation; private import Performances::booleanEvaluations; private import Performances::trueEvaluations; private import Performances::falseEvaluations; abstract constraint def ConstraintCheck :> BooleanEvaluation { doc /* * ConstraintCheck is the most general class for constraint checking. ConstraintCheck is the base * type of all ConstraintDefinitions. */ ref constraint self: ConstraintCheck :>> BooleanEvaluation::self; } abstract constraint constraintChecks: ConstraintCheck[0..*] nonunique :> booleanEvaluations { doc /* * constraintChecks is the base feature of all ConstraintUsages. */ } abstract constraint assertedConstraintChecks :> constraintChecks, trueEvaluations { doc /* * assertedConstraintChecks is the subset of constraintChecks for ConstraintChecks asserted to be true. */ } abstract constraint negatedConstraintChecks :> constraintChecks, falseEvaluations { doc /* * negatedConstraintChecks is the subset of constraintChecks for ConstraintChecks asserted to be false. */ } }