standard library package TradeStudies { doc /* * This package provides a simple framework for defining trade-off study analysis cases. */ private import Base::Anything; private import ScalarValues::*; private import ScalarFunctions::*; private import ControlFunctions::*; abstract calc def EvaluationFunction { doc /* * An EvaluationFunction is a calculation that evaluates a TradeStudy alternative, * producing a ScalarValue that can be comparted with the evaluation of other * alternatives. */ in ref alternative : Anything { doc /* * The alternative to be evaluated. */ } return attribute result : ScalarValue[1] { doc /* * A ScalarValue representing the evaluation of the given alternative. */ } } abstract requirement def TradeStudyObjective { doc /* * A TradeStudyObjective is the base definition for the objective of a TradeStudy. * The requirement is to choose from a given set of alternatives the selectedAlternative * for that has the best evaluation according to a given EvaluationFunction. What * value is considered "best" is not defined in the abstract base definition but must be * computed in any concrete specialization. */ subject selectedAlternative : Anything { doc /* * The alternative that should be selected, as evaluated using the given * ObjectiveFunction. */ } in ref alternatives : Anything[1..*] { doc /* * The alternatives being considered in the TradeStudy for which this TradeStudyObjective * is the objective. */ } in calc fn : EvaluationFunction { doc /* * The EvaluationFunction to be used in evaluating the given alternatives. */ } out attribute best : ScalarValue { doc /* * Out of the evaluation results of all the given alternatives, the one that is considered * "best", in the sense that it is the value the selectedAlternative should have. This * value must be computed in any concrete specialization of TradeStudyObjective. */ } require constraint { fn(selectedAlternative) == best } } requirement def MinimizeObjective :> TradeStudyObjective { doc /* * A MinimizeObjective is a TradeStudyObjective that requires that the * selectedAlternative have the minimum ObjectiveFunction value of all the * given alternatives. */ subject :>> selectedAlternative; in ref :>> alternatives; in calc :>>fn; out attribute :>> best = alternatives->minimize { doc /* * For a MinimizeObjective, the best value is the minimum one. */ in x; fn(x) }; } requirement def MaximizeObjective :> TradeStudyObjective { doc /* * A MaximizeObjective is a TradeStudyObjective that requires that the * selectedAlternative have the maximum ObjectiveFunction value of all the * given alternatives. */ subject :>> selectedAlternative; in ref :>> alternatives; in calc :>>fn; out attribute :>> best = alternatives->maximize { doc /* * For a MinimizeObjective, the best value is the maximum one. */ in x; fn(x) }; } abstract analysis def TradeStudy { doc /* * A TradeStudy is an analysis case whose subject is a set of alternatives * (at least one) and whose result is a selection of one of those alternatives. * The alternatives are evaluated based on a given ObjectiveFunction and the * selection is made such that it satisfies the objective of the TradeStudy * (which must be a TradeStudyObjective). */ subject studyAlternatives : Anything[1..*] { doc /* * The set of alternatives being considered in this TradeStudy. * * In a TradeStudy usage, bind this feature to the actual collection of * alternatives to be considered. */ } abstract calc evaluationFunction : EvaluationFunction { doc /* * The EvaluationFunction to be used to evaluate the alternatives. * * In a TradeStudy usage, redefine this feature to provide the desired * calculation (or bind it to a calculation usage that does so). */ } objective tradeStudyObjective : TradeStudyObjective { doc /* * The objective of this TradeStudy. * * Redefine this feature to give it a definition that is a concrete * specialization of TradeStudyObjective. That can either be one of the * specializations provided in this package, or a more specific user- * defined one. */ subject :>> selectedAlternative; in ref :>> alternatives = studyAlternatives; in calc :>> fn = evaluationFunction; } return selectedAlternative : Anything = studyAlternatives->selectOne {in ref a { doc /* * The alternative selected by this TradeStudy, which is the one that meets the * requirement of the tradeStudyObjective. */ } tradeStudyObjective(selectedAlternative = a)}; } }