standard library package Parts { doc /* * This package defines the base types for parts and related structural elements in the * SysML language. */ private import Objects::Object; private import Objects::objects; private import Items::Item; private import Items::items; private import Ports::Port; private import Ports::ports; private import Actions::Action; private import Actions::actions; private import States::StateAction; private import States::stateActions; abstract part def Part :> Item { doc /* * Part is the most general class of objects that represent all or a part of a system. * Part is the base type of all PartDefinitions. */ ref self: Part :>> Item::self; part start: Part :>> Item::start; part done: Part :>> Item::done; abstract port ownedPorts: Port[0..*] :> ports, timeEnclosedOccurrences { doc /* * Ports that are owned by this Part. */ } abstract ref action performedActions: Action[0..*] :> actions, enactedPerformances { doc /* * Actions that are performed by this Part. */ } abstract action ownedActions: Action[0..*] :> actions, ownedPerformances { doc /* * Actions that are owned by this Part. */ ref part :>> this : Part = that as Part { doc /* * The "this" reference of an ownedAction is always its owning Part. */ } } abstract ref state exhibitedStates: StateAction[0..*] :> stateActions, performedActions { doc /* * StateActions that are exhibited by this Part. */ } abstract state ownedStates: StateAction[0..*] :> stateActions, ownedActions { doc /* * StateActions that are owned by this Part. */ } } abstract part parts: Part[0..*] nonunique :> items { doc /* * parts is the base feature of all part properties. */ } }