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Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-31 | null | onestop | null | Telegram | https://t.me/OneStopPatriotNews/53666 | Must read. Ukrainian man sharing his experiences with the war. Very instructive for understanding what to potentially expect if war breaks out and how to prepare. Our entire generation was swallowed and then spitted by revolution, war, cultural Marxism, fake pandemic and then war again. The only thing I want is the retribution to the globalist establishment that caused all of this. h/t: @CIG_telegram via @inmagnaexcitatio https://telegra.ph/What-this-war-of-mine-taught-me-about-the-reality-12-30 @OneStopPatriotNews | null | null | https://telegra.ph/What-this-war-of-mine-taught-me-about-the-reality-12-30 | null | Eliza | 68 | must read ukrainian man share experi war instruct understand potenti expect war break prepar entir generat swallow spit revolut war cultur marxism fake pandem war thing want retribut globalist establish caus ht cigtelegram via inmagnaexcitatio httpstelegraphwhatthiswarofminetaughtmeaboutther onestoppatriotnew | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-31 | null | bikelion | null | Rumble | https://rumble.com/v23amfq-benedict-xvi-first-pope-to-resign-in-600-years-dies-at-95.html | You can quibble over semantics, but what they're referring to is "Frankfurt School" postmodernism, which is sometimes labeled "cultural Marxism." | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 20 | quibbl semant theyr refer frankfurt school postmodern sometim label cultur marxism | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-31 | null | fleetwoodray | null | Rumble | https://rumble.com/v22z876-woke-trash-the-witcher-blood-origin-is-worse-than-i-thought-review.html | Eventually, these shows will end up cancelling themselves out. That's in the design of social equity and critical race theory aka Cultural Marxism. The next evolution in entertainment will be A-sexual only clones where they all have the same everything and differences will be extinct. | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 45 | eventu show end cancel that design social equiti critic race theori aka cultur marxism next evolut entertain asexu clone everyth differ extinct | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-31 | null | genstef | null | Rumble | https://rumble.com/v23c6b4-basile-2023-is-all-about-protecting-our-kids-their-future-america-right-now.html | That's great but you forgot to report on how we shouldn't be giving our kids and babies experimental bio weapons labeled as vaccines and how you guys are secretly helping to hide the death toll by the hundreds of thousands and how we should keeping our immunity up with vitamin C and d3 to name a few. Oh that's right, you guys took big pharma money. Well, you won't have to worry about too many kids being around to suffer the cultural Marxism you all have put at the top of the list. | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 93 | that great forgot report shouldnt give kid babi experiment bio weapon label vaccin guy secret help hide death toll hundr thousand keep immun vitamin c name oh that right guy took big pharma money well wont worri mani kid around suffer cultur marxism put top list | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-31 | null | anonymous | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/410375719#p410377044 | >>410375719 Getting rid of the influence of feminism and cultural marxism would be a good start. Mental illness and loneliness wasn't anywhere near as bad as it'd become as a result of the introduction of these ideologies that are directly hostile to the west. | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 44 | get rid influenc femin cultur marxism would good start mental ill loneli wasnt anywher near bad itd becom result introduct ideolog direct hostil west | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-30 | null | anonymous | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/410145713#p410145713 | After understanding so many redpills about Jews, Cultural Marxism, The N.W.O. (e.g. the W.E.F., Bilderbergers, Ruling Bloodlines), The Kalergi Plan (White Replacement), etc. I just feel demoralized... What could I do about this for the sake of the world (I know what I must do for myself as an individual)? I don't want to live in a dystopian nightmare-world (which we are not far from as is). | null | http://i.4cdn.org/pol/custom-thumbnail.jpg | null | null | Eliza | 67 | understand mani redpil jew cultur marxism nwo eg wef bilderberg rule bloodlin kalergi plan white replac etc feel demor could sake world know must individu dont want live dystopian nightmareworld far | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-30 | null | anonymous | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/410187756#p410202559 | >>410199581 Then how do you explain hippies, LSD and cultural marxism in the 60s?You're really trying to tell me Buddy Holly wasn't part of a plan to create unwanted pregnancies conceived on lover's lookout and start the abortion craze leading to roe v wade?You're really trying to tell me the beatles *didn't* take cues from crowley himself?You're really trying to tell me the Grateful Dead werent part of a plan to fry the brains of the only resistance to the Vietnam War?You're really trying to tell me Liberace, Elton John and Freddy Mercury werent the og poster children for gay acceptance in pop culture? | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 104 | explain hippi lsd cultur marxism syour realli tri tell buddi holli wasnt part plan creat unwant pregnanc conceiv lover lookout start abort craze lead roe v wadeyour realli tri tell beatl didnt take cue crowley himselfyour realli tri tell grate dead werent part plan fri brain resist vietnam waryour realli tri tell liberac elton john freddi mercuri werent og poster child gay accept pop cultur | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-30 | null | deepcow | null | Truth Social | https://truthsocial.com/@Deepcow/109603197127553754 | The fact that Time Magazine (a magazine I grew up with) would publish such an article just goes to show how low they’ve fallen into the pit of Cultural Marxism. The Leftists believe this shite, remember that.https://nypost.com/2022/12/30/time-magazine-roasted-for-article-suggesting-exercise-has-racist-origins/ | null | null | https://nypost.com/2022/12/30/time-magazine-roasted-for-article-suggesting-exercise-has-racist-origins/ | null | Eliza | 37 | fact time magazin magazin grew would publish articl goe show low they⊙v fallen pit cultur marxism leftist believ shite rememb thathttpsnypostcomtimemagazineroastedforarticlesuggestingexercisehasracistorigin | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-29 | null | anonymous | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/410010499#p410012165 | >>410010499 I unironically side with trannies over femoids. I fucking hate women and their disgusting hypocrisy. They only oppose cultural-Marxism when it effects them and their fellow front-holes. They have no concern whatsoever for the well-being of men or the issues that effect us. | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 44 | uniron side tranni femoid fuck hate woman disgust hypocrisi oppos culturalmarx effect fellow fronthol concern whatsoev wellb men issu effect u | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-29 | null | anonymous | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/409984480#p410028015 | everyone whos old enough to remember occupy knows this but cultural marxism took over education way earlier and was already a problem in the 90s | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 25 | everyon who old enough rememb occupi know cultur marxism took educ way earlier alreadi problem | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-29 | null | usaconservative | null | Minds | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1455250726434377735 | I have nothing against them, but this is just too much!But that doesn’t mean we should stop fighting it. Unfortunately, the powers-that-be who want to destroy America realize that this extreme version of Cultural Marxism is the fastest path through which the United States can self-immolate before the altar of globalism. This is why “gender dysphoria” was once rightly considered to be a mental disorder. Today, it’s being normalized in ways that defy both logic and science. | null | null | null | Eliza | 77 | noth muchbut doesn⊙t mean stop fight unfortun powersthatb want destroy america realiz extrem version cultur marxism fastest path unit state selfimmol altar global ⊜gender dysphoria⊝ right consid mental disord today it⊙ normal way defi logic scienc | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-28 | null | martinezperspective vids | null | Telegram | https://t.me/mpvids/3558 | The point of this post was very simple: People should not blame the old order for the actions of those who overthrew it. As usual, the "Third Positionists" totally missed the point. These self-identified Socialists have spent the last few years claiming (without any empirical evidence) that Cultural Marxism does not exist and that we instead live under "Cultural (Classical) Liberalism" or "Cultural Capitalism." "Leftists and non-Whites are not demolishing the West and peddling Globalism, it's those dang Anglo-American Liberal Free Market Capitalists!" Before WW2 (or at least until around the Great Depression, when Socialists gained more influence), the ideology of the Anglosphere was unabashed White (Anglo-Saxon) supremacism, eugenics, scientific racism, segregation, anti-immigration and nativism, Christianity, strong families, and traditional culture. You'd have to be completely insane to believe that the system we live under today is remotely comparable in terms of economics or ideology. We have more regulations than ever before, big government-backed monopolies, private-public partnerships, bloated welfare states, massive taxes, massive global wealth redistribution from Whites to non-Whites, and Socialist (or "Social Democratic") parties dominating governments since the end of WW2. Even the so-called "Capitalist" elites of the WEF & Co. express their desire to abolish Capitalism. Furthermore, all of the theory that underpins so-called "Cultural Liberalism" was cooked up by Marxist academics and their students, not the corporate boardrooms of Fortune 500 companies. Noel Ignatiev, Franz Boas, Theo Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Kim Crenshaw, Angela Davis, etc. are Socialist Third Worldists, not Classical Liberals. Plus, as I've repeatedly pointed out, postwar Globalist ideology has deep roots in the Socialist movement, dating back to the earliest Utopians and Radicals (I'll write an article on this topic soon). Modern "Capitalists" (corporations, businesses, etc.) parrot Cultural Marxist ("Woke") ideals for a few reasons: 1. They're forced to do so by Civil Rights laws (enacted by Socialists & Social Democrat governments in the 60s/70s). 2. They're threatened by "cancel culture" enforced by Leftist media hegemony and NGOs like the ADL. 3. Leftist activists aggressively colonized corporations as part of their Long March Through The Institutions of Power. 4. Globalist elites (who take ideological cues from Leftist academia and from being predominantly ethnically Jewish) have bought up and monopolized corporations. 5. Too Big to Fail companies can push unprofitable ideological nonsense because they're supported by the state. 6. Companies are kept in line by private finance pressure, e.g. BlackRock's ESG which is a corporate Cultural Marxist social credit score. Corporations aren't special unique entities controlled by magical abstract economic wizardry, but nodes of power (like government, media, academia, or judiciary) that can be captured or dominated by ideologically-motivated parties and individuals. Finally, if Anglo-Saxon Classical Liberalism inevitably leads to Globalism and transgender toddlers due to some inherent "structural flaw," then what does that imply for imperial monarchist countries, like Germany, Russia, and China? They succumbed to Leftism faster than any Anglo-Saxon state. Spain was a Fascist/monarchist country up until the late 70s but is now as Globalist as they come. Socialist "Third Positionists" want you to blame "Anglo-American Liberal Capitalists" for all of our woes because, in typical Leftist fashion, they are trying to sell a poison (Socialist Third Worldism) as its own antidote. They want the technocracy, the UBI, the bloated welfare state, to save all of the "oppressed" brown people around the world, and so on. This is why they downplayed or defended the COVID tyranny, claimed that Agenda 21 is irrelevant, tried to rehabilitate Socialist states (e.g. Yugoslavia), and idolize countries like Russia and China, both of which are anti-White, multiethnic/racial technocracies. | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 592 | point post simpl peopl blame old order action overthrew usual third positionist total miss point selfidentifi socialist spent last year claim without empir evid cultur marxism exist instead live cultur classic liber cultur capit leftist nonwhit demolish west peddl global dang angloamerican liber free market capitalist ww least around great depress socialist gain influenc ideolog anglospher unabash white anglosaxon supremac eugen scientif racism segreg antiimmigr nativ christian strong famili tradit cultur youd complet insan believ system live today remot compar term econom ideolog regul ever big governmentback monopoli privatepubl partnership bloat welfar state massiv tax massiv global wealth redistribut white nonwhit socialist social democrat parti domin govern sinc end ww even socal capitalist elit wef co express desir abolish capit furthermor theori underpin socal cultur liber cook marxist academ student corpor boardroom fortun compani noel ignatiev franz boa theo adorno herbert marcus kim crenshaw angela davi etc socialist third worldist classic liber plus ive repeat point postwar globalist ideolog deep root socialist movement date back earliest utopian radic ill write articl topic soon modern capitalist corpor busi etc parrot cultur marxist woke ideal reason theyr forc civil right law enact socialist social democrat govern s theyr threaten cancel cultur enforc leftist medium hegemoni ngo like adl leftist activist aggress colon corpor part long march institut power globalist elit take ideolog cue leftist academia predomin ethnic jewish bought monopol corpor big fail compani push unprofit ideolog nonsens theyr support state compani kept line privat financ pressur eg blackrock esg corpor cultur marxist social credit score corpor arent special uniqu entiti control magic abstract econom wizardri node power like govern medium academia judiciari captur domin ideologicallymotiv parti individu final anglosaxon classic liber inevit lead global transgend toddler due inher structur flaw impli imperi monarchist countri like germani russia china succumb leftism faster anglosaxon state spain fascistmonarchist countri late globalist come socialist third positionist want blame angloamerican liber capitalist woe typic leftist fashion tri sell poison socialist third worldism antidot want technocraci ubi bloat welfar state save oppress brown peopl around world downplay defend covid tyranni claim agenda irrelev tri rehabilit socialist state eg yugoslavia idol countri like russia china antiwhit multiethnicraci technocraci | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-28 | null | anonymous | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/409913045#p409915130 | You americans are the the worst fucking evil subhumans ever existed in the face of earth, you guys have done more damage to white people, white civilization and white culture in the last 20 years than any other country in the last 2 millenias unironically. All of the degenerate ideologies, white guilt, cultural marxism, faggotry, abortion, mass immigration, liberal policies, trannyism, globohomo, lgbt propaganda, all of this things are getting widely pushed and spread like a disease and you fucking disgusting filthy shit eating nigger worshipping faggot muttmericans are behind of all this. You americans are the number one enemy of the white race and i unironically call for every american who reads this to kill himself the worst way possible. | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 121 | american worst fuck evil subhuman ever exist face earth guy done damag white peopl white civil white cultur last year countri last millenia uniron degener ideolog white guilt cultur marxism faggotri abort mass immigr liber polici trannyism globohomo lgbt propaganda thing get wide push spread like diseas fuck disgust filthi shit eat nigger worship faggot muttmerican behind american number one enemi white race uniron call everi american read kill worst way possibl | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-28 | null | anonymous | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/409901720#p409916948 | >>409907420 they speak heavily about needing a one world government if you couldn't tell. it's all about people at all levels of government in al countries cooperating in cultural marxism disguised as social justice and climate change used to strong arm control over governments>>409916851 not yet. the impossible burger was pushing for it. you can't go right to bug paste that fast. | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 62 | speak heavili need one world govern couldnt tell peopl level govern al countri cooper cultur marxism disguis social justic climat chang use strong arm control govern yet imposs burger push cant go right bug past fast | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-27 | null | anonymous | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/409782200#p409789561 | >>409782200 I think he was a schizo coward and/or an MK Ultra manchurian candidate.Think about this for a moment.>He was a freemason. Freemasons are Luciferians that arr literally the 2nd phase of the Templar Knights who were Baphomet worshippers.>He was a National Socialist.Who are the enemy of this state? The jews. Where did cultural Marxism and Bolshevism and all sorts of degeneracy stem from? The jews.So this alledged "intelligent" man goes after literal Kids and Teens that dont know their ass from their elbow because they were being indoctrinated by kiie teachings? You call that based? I call that evil and cowardice.If he would have went straight to disingenuous, submersive, colluding sons of bitches that are ruining our socieites I wouldost definitely praise this mans name....but he didnt. He killed a bunch of confused, innocent kids that never had a chance to live out their life and make their own decisions. This man is an absolute piece of shit and anybody that supports him is a brainlet, manlet fucking retard. | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 170 | think schizo coward andor mk ultra manchurian candidatethink momenth freemason freemason luciferian arr liter nd phase templar knight baphomet worshippersh nation socialistwho enemi state jew cultur marxism bolshev sort degeneraci stem jewsso alledg intellig man goe liter kid teen dont know as elbow indoctrin kiie teach call base call evil cowardiceif would went straight disingenu submers collud son bitch ruin socieit wouldost definit prais man namebut didnt kill bunch confus innoc kid never chanc live life make decis man absolut piec shit anybodi support brainlet manlet fuck retard | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-27 | null | eizokusei | null | Minds | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1454390195628544017 | Lembrei de você quando li esta citação de "The Red Trojan Horse: A Concise Analysis of Cultural Marxism (English Edition)" de Alasdair Elder -"The concept of hijra refers to the migratory movement of Muslims from a region in which they are the majority, to a region in which non-Muslims are the majority. In the context of applied Islamic theology, this is done with one singular goal in mind; the subjugation of the non-Muslim region by Islam. There have already been two great hijras against Christendom. The first occurred between the years 632 and 750. During this time, the forces of Islam conquered all the lands stretching from central France to modern-day Uzbekistan. The second occurred when the Turks overran what was then the Christian Byzantine Empire, capturing its capital Constantinople in 1453. The second hijra would continue for another two centuries, after the fall of Constantinople, only being halted after Ottoman forces had been defeated at the Siege of Vienna, in 1683."Comece a ler este livro gratuitamente: https://amz.onl/5MHN6zH | null | null | https://amz.onl/5MHN6zH | null | Eliza | 168 | lembrei de você quando li esta citação de red trojan hors concis analysi cultur marxism english edit de alasdair elder concept hijra refer migratori movement muslim region major region nonmuslim major context appli islam theolog done one singular goal mind subjug nonmuslim region islam alreadi two great hijra christendom first occur year time forc islam conquer land stretch central franc modernday uzbekistan second occur turk overran christian byzantin empir captur capit constantinopl second hijra would continu anoth two centuri fall constantinopl halt ottoman forc defeat sieg vienna comec ler est livro gratuitament httpsamzonlmhnzh | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-26 | null | the resistance 1776 - news/feed | null | Telegram | https://t.me/TheResistance1776/311745 | TITLE: Exclusive: Patriot John Hill Launches Petition to Stop Cultural Marxism at West Point VIA: News - National File URL: https://nationalfile.com/exclusive-patriot-john-hill-launches-petition-to-stop-cultural-marxism-at-west-point/ | null | null | https://nationalfile.com/exclusive-patriot-john-hill-launches-petition-to-stop-cultural-marxism-at-west-point/ | null | Eliza | 21 | titl exclus patriot john hill launch petit stop cultur marxism west point via news nation file url httpsnationalfilecomexclusivepatriotjohnhilllaunchespetitiontostopculturalmarxismatwestpoint | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-26 | null | anonymous | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/409713681#p409722056 | >>409721116 >Academia basically breaks down AI between "faithfulness to human performance" and "rationality".who gives a fuck? We already know everything they create now revolves around their golden calf of wokeness? This is all just like a case study in adaption to cultural marxism, not valid science, are you possibly retarded? | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 50 | academia basic break ai faith human perform rationalitywho give fuck alreadi know everyth creat revolv around golden calf woke like case studi adapt cultur marxism valid scienc possibl retard | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-25 | null | anonymous | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/409647369#p409648394 | >>409647369 Increased support for MAPs (pedos).Restriction of human rights that we are taking for granted in a similar way as what happened with COVID. Probably global warming-related.Increased polarization between leftoid NPCs and alt-rights as the logical conclusion of Cultural Marxism as more people become redpilled.More explicit anti-white straight men stance, first Muslim and racial laws implemented in the more pozzed states.First talk of international conscription for the Ukraine vs Russia war.Meat tax. Bugs begin being heavily advertised as protein source. | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 80 | increas support map pedosrestrict human right take grant similar way happen covid probabl global warmingrelatedincreas polar leftoid npc altright logic conclus cultur marxism peopl becom redpilledmor explicit antiwhit straight men stanc first muslim racial law implement pozz statesfirst talk intern conscript ukrain v russia warmeat tax bug begin heavili advertis protein sourc | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-25 | null | anonymous | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/409618883#p409647862 | >>409624075 >What do we think about the Empire of Japan? Just like Hitler's Germany and Mussolini's Italy, Imperial Japan broke free from the Jewish banking/economical system of the time. Read Stephen Mitford Goodson's A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind, it has a chapter on Imperial Japan. Books pastebin in the OP.>>409625611 >What keeps me motivated to stand up everyday? To keep up that struggle, to endure all those low lifes and society?The fact that more and more people are coming to our ranks, and that more and more the right gains power as an alternative to the crushing ideologies and consequences of capitalism, nihilism, and cultural marxism. And specially for me, to see Brazilian Whites, mostly NatSoc's, talking about their pride in being European. It gives me hope. Sieg heil brother.>>409626416 I don't know what to think of indigenous White Europeans who are muslim. Not trying to offend your faith, but don't you feel this is a remnant of the backwards rule of the Ottomans over your lands? But well, as I said before, if an anti-Semite is half a friend, a NatSoc is a complete one! We stand together.>>409634158 As Gottfried Feder explained so beautifully in his Programme and Manifesto, we need to reconcile the labouring classes.>Worker and work-giver belong together; they have the same goal — work, production; for without production, without work, there can be no life, no culture, no forward, and no upward. The [...] oppositions that exist among humans [...] are much less important than the great shared interest of employer and employee. These oppositions are and have been resolvable by means of wage-contracts and trade-organizations to the mutual satisfaction of both sides.Also remember that NatSoc economy really cares about the mental and psychological well-being of the worker, making him more fulfilled and happy. https://odysee.com/@Cultured-Thug:c/Nazi-Economy:a | null | null | https://odysee.com/@Cultured-Thug:c/Nazi-Economy:a | null | Eliza | 304 | think empir japan like hitler germani mussolini itali imperi japan broke free jewish bankingeconom system time read stephen mitford goodson histori central bank enslav mankind chapter imperi japan book pastebin op keep motiv stand everyday keep struggl endur low life societyth fact peopl come rank right gain power altern crush ideolog consequ capit nihil cultur marxism special see brazilian white most natsoc talk pride european give hope sieg heil brother dont know think indigen white european muslim tri offend faith dont feel remnant backward rule ottoman land well said antisemit half friend natsoc complet one stand togeth gottfri feder explain beauti programm manifesto need reconcil labour classeswork workgiv belong togeth goal ⊔ work product without product without work life cultur forward upward opposit exist among human much le import great share interest employ employe opposit resolv mean wagecontract tradeorgan mutual satisfact sidesalso rememb natsoc economi realli care mental psycholog wellb worker make fulfil happi httpsodyseecomculturedthugcnazieconomya | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-24 | null | geopolitics & empire üåç | null | Telegram | https://t.me/GeopoliticsAndEmpire/31525 | Daryl Brooks and Stephen Martino joined me to discuss their book 'Welcome to America: How Cultural Marxism is Slowly Destroying America'. https://tntradiolive.podbean.com/e/daryl-brooks-stephen-martino-on-the-hrvoje-moric-show-22-december-2022/ | null | null | https://tntradiolive.podbean.com/e/daryl-brooks-stephen-martino-on-the-hrvoje-moric-show-22-december-2022/ | null | Eliza | 22 | daryl brook stephen martino join discus book welcom america cultur marxism slowli destroy america httpstntradiolivepodbeancomedarylbrooksstephenmartinoonthehrvojemoricshowdecemb | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-24 | null | hwhr2022 | null | GETTR | https://www.gettr.com/comment/c1niizn284a | As the younger people prone to work in government and public education like Richer, expect more screwups with intentional due to their indoctrination by leftists or due to their poor education emphasizing cultural Marxism rather than academic excellence, we will see frequent failures in society and all other disciplines - engineering, medicine etc. With no standards there will be no success. | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 61 | younger peopl prone work govern public educ like richer expect screwup intent due indoctrin leftist due poor educ emphas cultur marxism rather academ excel see frequent failur societi disciplin engin medicin etc standard success | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-23 | null | _clarencespangle | null | Minds | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1453093380333506562 | Cultural Marxists encourage abortion, birth control, divorce, homosexuality, drugs, miscegenation, the destruction of the traditional family, and unrestricted immigration of racial foreigners into white countries. This is a reflection of what the Cultural Marxists preach: white reproduction is evil, and that which prevents white reproduction is good. https://nordicresistancemovement.org/what-is-cultural-marxism/ #zelensky #twitterfiles #twitter #fbi #freedom | null | null | https://nordicresistancemovement.org/what-is-cultural-marxism/ | null | Eliza | 53 | cultur marxist encourag abort birth control divorc homosexu drug miscegen destruct tradit famili unrestrict immigr racial foreign white countri reflect cultur marxist preach white reproduct evil prevent white reproduct good httpsnordicresistancemovementorgwhatisculturalmarx zelenski twitterfil twitter fbi freedom | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-23 | null | soundwavepromo | null | Minds | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1452827404715167748 | Please enjoy this clip from episode 429 of the Arterburn Radio Transmission with @TonyArterburn ""Cultural Marxism Loses It's Bite"" #Racism #Homophobia #Transphobia #Antisemitism #Propaganda Watch the full episode on Rokfin.com & tip some RAEToken https://rokfin.com/stream/27099/The-Arterburn-Radio-Transmission- | null | null | https://rokfin.com/stream/27099/The-Arterburn-Radio-Transmission- | null | Eliza | 35 | plea enjoy clip episod arterburn radio transmiss tonyarterburn cultur marxism lose bite racism homophobia transphobia antisemit propaganda watch full episod rokfincom tip raetoken httpsrokfincomstreamthearterburnradiotransmiss | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-23 | null | gangrenemax | null | Incels | https://incels.is/threads/how-science-and-genetics-are-reshaping-the-race-debate-of-the-21st-century-2017.441486/ | Lv99_BixNood said: Race denialist pseudoscience. The noodlewhore-kike alliance bringing cultural marxism to your front door ""Click to expand..."" | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 18 | lvbixnood said race denialist pseudosci noodlewhorekik allianc bring cultur marxism front door click expand | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-23 | null | inmemoriam | null | Incels | https://incels.is/threads/how-science-and-genetics-are-reshaping-the-race-debate-of-the-21st-century-2017.441486/ | Lv99_BixNood said: Race denialist pseudoscience. The noodlewhore-kike alliance bringing cultural marxism to your front door ""Click to expand..."" | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 18 | lvbixnood said race denialist pseudosci noodlewhorekik allianc bring cultur marxism front door click expand | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-23 | null | lv99_bixnood | null | Incels | https://incels.is/threads/how-science-and-genetics-are-reshaping-the-race-debate-of-the-21st-century-2017.441486/ | Race denialist pseudoscience. InMemoriam said: by Vivian Choufigures by Daniel Utter""Click to expand...""The noodlewhore-kike alliance bringing cultural marxism to your front door | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 22 | race denialist pseudosci inmemoriam said vivian choufigur daniel utterclick expandth noodlewhorekik allianc bring cultur marxism front door | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-23 | null | night raiders | null | KiwiFarms | https://incels.is/threads/youtubers-teetering-on-the-edge-of-cowdom.79646 | BlancoMailo said: I think LazerPig's a prime example of a future thread subject, he's already mentioned the Farms to complain without prompting, searches his username for discussion, and comes up with the strangest of strawmen (claimed the Farms thought he was an American faking a Scottish accent when you can see from a simple search that no one on the site has said anything like that.) He's gotten worse lately about staying on topic, for instance, at the 23:12 minute mark in his latest video, John Boyd: Maverick, Hero, or Fraud?, he goes on yet another pointless tangent, this time to rant about how "cultural Marxism [is a] conspiracy theory that proclaims German Jews are secretly working to undermine the ethics of American churches and schools" in a transparent attempt to smear Boyd with a white nationalist association (it's the second point he tries to make the association, with the intro of the video being a longwinded story about this SS-LARPer he knew in Second Life reminding him of Boyd.)
Click to expand... I knew he was a lolcow when I saw a bit of his video about the 'best' tank in WW2. From what I remember he got in a literal pseudo-intellectual plebbit argument against a commiboo over fucking WW2 tanks. Which is stupid because there's a lot of different factors going on in a military engagement that can lead to a inferior force emerging victorious against a supposed superior enemy. I don't think a tank being 'better' will be a game changer unless it's a huge difference like a modern tank against a WW2 tank. Also he has a video attacking Gonzalo Lira. Haven't seen it, but I assume the entire video is defending the dindu nuffin country Ukraine. | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 291 | blancomailo said think lazerpig prime exampl futur thread subject he alreadi mention farm complain without prompt search usernam discus come strangest strawman claim farm thought american fake scottish accent see simpl search one site said anyth like he gotten wors late stay topic instanc minut mark latest video john boyd maverick hero fraud goe yet anoth pointless tangent time rant cultur marxism conspiraci theori proclaim german jew secret work undermin ethic american church school transpar attempt smear boyd white nationalist associ second point tri make associ intro video longwind stori sslarper knew second life remind boyd click expand knew lolcow saw bit video best tank ww rememb got liter pseudointellectu plebbit argument commiboo fuck ww tank stupid there lot differ factor go militari engag lead inferior forc emerg victori suppos superior enemi dont think tank better game changer unless huge differ like modern tank ww tank also video attack gonzalo lira havent seen assum entir video defend dindu nuffin countri ukrain | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-23 | null | blancomailo | null | KiwiFarms | https://incels.is/threads/youtubers-teetering-on-the-edge-of-cowdom.79646 | I think LazerPig's a prime example of a future thread subject, he's already mentioned the Farms to complain without prompting, searches his username for discussion, and comes up with the strangest of strawmen (claimed the Farms thought he was an American faking a Scottish accent when you can see from a simple search that no one on the site has said anything like that.)
√úbertroon said: We got mentioned by Lazerpig in his latest video, at 8:40 he takes issue with the people who made fun of his accent
I wonder if he'll make another Ukraine war video and comment on how those standstill 20km columns of Russian vehicles with little to no air support is probably why the US military still keeps the A-10s around even though other jets are faster, more accurate, and with higher survivability
Click to expand...
Toolbox said: Either Lazerpig actively googles his own username or he's active on KF enough to have gone through every history thread, searching his username directly, other than the posts in here there's maybe a few direct name drops.
Still Anon from the ukraine happenings seems to also concur. Also has no idea where the accent claim came from. Couldn't find anything either.
Click to expand...
He's gotten worse lately about staying on topic, for instance, at the 23:12 minute mark in his latest video, John Boyd: Maverick, Hero, or Fraud?, he goes on yet another pointless tangent, this time to rant about how "cultural Marxism [is a] conspiracy theory that proclaims German Jews are secretly working to undermine the ethics of American churches and schools" in a transparent attempt to smear Boyd with a white nationalist association (it's the second point he tries to make the association, with the intro of the video being a longwinded story about this SS-LARPer he knew in Second Life reminding him of Boyd.) | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 311 | think lazerpig prime exampl futur thread subject he alreadi mention farm complain without prompt search usernam discus come strangest strawman claim farm thought american fake scottish accent see simpl search one site said anyth like √úbertroon said got mention lazerpig latest video take issu peopl made fun accent wonder hell make anoth ukrain war video comment standstil km column russian vehicl littl air support probabl u militari still keep around even though jet faster accur higher surviv click expand toolbox said either lazerpig activ googl usernam he activ kf enough gone everi histori thread search usernam direct post there mayb direct name drop still anon ukrain happen seem also concur also idea accent claim came couldnt find anyth either click expand he gotten wors late stay topic instanc minut mark latest video john boyd maverick hero fraud goe yet anoth pointless tangent time rant cultur marxism conspiraci theori proclaim german jew secret work undermin ethic american church school transpar attempt smear boyd white nationalist associ second point tri make associ intro video longwind stori sslarper knew second life remind boyd | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-22 | null | anonymous | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/409201558#p409204955 | >>409202088 Cultural Marxism. They have been training for it since 1945. Why the fuck did we ever let the commies hang out in the colleges. | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 25 | cultur marxism train sinc fuck ever let commi hang colleg | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-22 | null | eizokusei | null | Minds | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1452615246538608658 | Lembrei de você quando li esta citação de "The Red Trojan Horse: A Concise Analysis of Cultural Marxism (English Edition)" de Alasdair Elder -"Corporatism is effectively Communism dressed up in capitalist clothes; with the threat of competition removed, and the dividing line between state and private sector increasingly blurred, the corporations increasingly take on a role comparable to that of the organs of state in a Communist regime, complete with similar levels of inefficiency and corruption."Comece a ler este livro gratuitamente: https://amz.onl/a7Tub3S | null | null | https://amz.onl/a7Tub3S | null | Eliza | 82 | lembrei de você quando li esta citação de red trojan hors concis analysi cultur marxism english edit de alasdair elder corporat effect communism dress capitalist cloth threat competit remov divid line state privat sector increas blur corpor increas take role compar organ state communist regim complet similar level ineffici corruptioncomec ler est livro gratuitament httpsamzonlatub | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-22 | null | anonymous | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/409262329#p409270660 | >>409269593 Yes. The entire world is in the middle of a Bolshevik coup. The idea is to import random people and offer native citizens shit for free so that they vote like lemmings for authoritarian policies. They want to install programmable centralized currencies, and a bunch of brainwashed, entitled women and brown people are absolutely necessary. Cultural Marxism in practice. What’s worse is that they don’t tax the billionaire class. The billionaire class is behind it. They own the media. All these people flying on private jets talking about “equity” and the normie doesn’t question it. This is what the CIA killed JFK for. MAGA is unironically a working class movement to rebel against authoritarian/globalist capitalist interests. It’s deeply ironic that the self-proclaimed academic “commie” has been so brainwashed that they do not see this. | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 135 | yes entir world middl bolshevik coup idea import random peopl offer nativ citizen shit free vote like lem authoritarian polici want instal programm central currenc bunch brainwash entitl woman brown peopl absolut necessari cultur marxism practic what⊙ wors don⊙t tax billionair class billionair class behind medium peopl fli privat jet talk ⊜equity⊝ normi doesn⊙t question cia kill jfk maga uniron work class movement rebel authoritarianglobalist capitalist interest it⊙ deepli iron selfproclaim academ ⊜commie⊝ brainwash see | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-22 | null | dahlhaus1776 | null | Gab | https://gab.com/DahlHaus1776/posts/109557028315672673 | Maybe it's a good thing that lying #neocon #AntiWhite #zionist #whore #MarkLevin is away to count the blessings of his big media contracts via his book, radio, and television deals within the domestic #bolshevik #Pravda / #Izvestia. It's another massive fleecing of our people that #koshervatives deem as okay as being robbed at gunpoint via the #SixteenthAmendment since 1913 is as "legal" as the browning of our formerly-great Republic via the "legal" pandering and #pilpul of H-1Bs and amnesty as our people are abandoned. So Levin's producer, fellow non-White and diversity hire Rich Valdes, fills in.Valdes gets more right than Levin ever could... but this will change: "We should always discriminate against bad ideas because our civil society depends on it." Let's take this to it's logical conclusion: We should ALWAYS discriminate not just against bad ideas but the criminal zionist scumbags that promote them. The reason is that it's criminal anti-White loxist #jews and their #ShabbosGoy pets that place the ideas into action. From #TheMeltingPot to #OpenBorders, jews are the driving force to fulfill the talmudic doctrine of being "The Chosen Ones™" by eradicating and enslaving #White #Christian #Americans while cloaking their nefarious actions behind the false altruism of #TikkunOlam to "repair the world", a.k.a. "the goyim knows so shut 'em down so we can keep The Big Fix™ going". All one needs to do to confirm the above is how Whites and our culture have been abandoned: Christians are replaced with zionist "evangelicals", Americans are replaced with "#conservatives", Biblical Christianity is replaced with talmudic "#judeoChristian values", Whites are replaced with #spics, #niggers, and other non-Whites, #JesusChrist is replaced with the acolytes and #FalseProphets of #CyrusScofield, and #TheRuleOfLaw via our own #Constitution is replaced by the edicts of public SERPENTS that commit #perjury against #ArticleVI while pushing a criminal scheme via an #ArticleV #ConventionOfStates. Is it any wonder why these retards can't be trusted as they lack the discernment between fighting against #OneWorldGovernment while mindlessly parroting criminal nonsense such as "#Nuremburg" and #UN tribunals like a bunch of Godless and God-damned brainwashed cultists known as #communists and koshervatives?A crack develops within the left/right #SheenyShuffle #finklethink: "It’s about good ideas versus bad ideas, and if Mitch McConnell and AOC think something is good it’s probably the opposite." ALL ideas promoted by #ZOG are not just very bad ideas. They're pure EVIL spewing from the synagogue of satan! It's utterly retarded to side with the puppets on the "left" hand or the puppets on the "right" hand while ignoring the kosher puppeteer with its hands up their asses! It's why both "sides" are complicit by placing #AmericaLAST while genuflecting towards the illegitimate jew ethnostate occupation of #Palestine they call "#israel" and its interests, such as the ongoing #Ukraine #WagTheDog and its corrupt murderous dictator and vile drug-addled jewish homosexual, #Zelensky. Sure, you'll have token anti-zionists and #AmericaFirst representation. But the overwhelming majority is for placing foreign interests first above #WeThePeople. Somehow I doubt that Levin, Valdes, or any other bloviating gasbag on the "right" that actively undermines America alongside their fellow travelers on the "left" will mention ANY of these factual ideas that actually expose the Reality right here and now!Let the euphemisms begin: "Labeling concerned parents as domestic terrorists and driving up the national debt with a massive spending bill are also bad ideas." Valdes will never say it: It's not just parents at schoolboard meetings that #SoreLoserman jew #MerrickGarland deems as "terrorists" that don't want their children spayed, neutered, perverted, mutilated, and raped via talmudic #pederastry, #pedophilia, and #ChildSacrififce! It's ALL Whites! We're the ones that are robbed in order to support foreign regimes and state-sponsored cultural #marxism. As Valdes continues his thesis against "bad ideas", does he know what happens when one talks about crippling real-world PLANS to destroy our nation, such as the plan of #ReplacementMigration by the #UnitedNations? We're labeled as "White supremacist conspiracy theorists" by the "right" while being defamed further via accusations of being on the "left"!Finally, "We need to listen to the words of Ronald Reagan and be a good citizens and patriots." No "we" don't. If being a "good citizen" and a "#PAYtriot" means to genuflect towards a rotting corpse that supported amnesty towards #IllegalAliens, liability immunity towards #DrugCartels that manufacture "vaccines", genuflected towards #communist #MLK, and massively funded the #DepartmentOfEducation with our stolen money, count me out! #RonaldReagan sucks! | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 728 | mayb good thing lie neocon antiwhit zionist whore marklevin away count bless big medium contract via book radio televis deal within domest bolshevik pravda izvestia anoth massiv fleec peopl kosherv deem okay rob gunpoint via sixteenthamend sinc legal brown formerlygreat republ via legal pander pilpul hb amnesti peopl abandon levin produc fellow nonwhit diver hire rich vald fill invald get right levin ever could chang alway discrimin bad idea civil societi depend let take logic conclus alway discrimin bad idea crimin zionist scumbag promot reason crimin antiwhit loxist jew shabbosgoy pet place idea action themeltingpot openbord jew drive forc fulfil talmud doctrin chosen ones▢ erad enslav white christian american cloak nefari action behind fals altruism tikkunolam repair world aka goy know shut em keep big fix▢ go one need confirm white cultur abandon christian replac zionist evangel american replac conserv biblic christian replac talmud judeochristian valu white replac spic nigger nonwhit jesuschrist replac acolyt falseprophet cyrusscofield theruleoflaw via constitut replac edict public serpent commit perjuri articlevi push crimin scheme via articlev conventionofst wonder retard cant trust lack discern fight oneworldgovern mindless parrot crimin nonsens nuremburg un tribun like bunch godless goddamn brainwash cultist known communist koshervativesa crack develop within leftright sheenyshuffl finklethink it⊙ good idea versus bad idea mitch mcconnel aoc think someth good it⊙ probabl opposit idea promot zog bad idea theyr pure evil spew synagogu satan utter retard side puppet left hand puppet right hand ignor kosher puppet hand as side complicit place americalast genuflect toward illegitim jew ethnost occup palestin call israel interest ongo ukrain wagthedog corrupt murder dictat vile drugaddl jewish homosexu zelenski sure youll token antizionist americafirst represent overwhelm major place foreign interest first wethepeopl somehow doubt levin vald bloviat gasbag right activ undermin america alongsid fellow travel left mention factual idea actual expo realiti right nowlet euphem begin label concern parent domest terrorist drive nation debt massiv spend bill also bad idea vald never say parent schoolboard meet soreloserman jew merrickgarland deem terrorist dont want child spay neuter pervert mutil rape via talmud pederastri pedophilia childsacrififc white one rob order support foreign regim statesponsor cultur marxism vald continu thesi bad idea know happen one talk crippl realworld plan destroy nation plan replacementmigr unitedn label white supremacist conspiraci theorist right defam via accus leftfin need listen word ronald reagan good citizen patriot dont good citizen paytriot mean genuflect toward rot corp support amnesti toward illegalalien liabil immun toward drugcartel manufactur vaccin genuflect toward communist mlk massiv fund departmentofeduc stolen money count ronaldreagan suck | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-21 | null | ukipforbritain | null | Minds | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1452323088740913161 | Richard Lucas and the fight against Cultural Marxism in ScotlandIn a contemporary, yet terrifying, remake of the 1958 Sci-Fi Classic "The Blob", the title role is played by the Scottish Government. The role of gallant resistance against horror, originally performed by Steve McQueen, is today filled by Richard Lucas of the Scottish Family Party. He joins David Scott to discuss how the Blob attacks families and how it can be resisted and, ultimately, defeated.https://rumble.com/v20s2pw-richard-lucas-and-the-fight-against-cultural-marxism-in-scotland.html | null | null | https://rumble.com/v20s2pw-richard-lucas-and-the-fight-against-cultural-marxism-in-scotland.html | null | Eliza | 74 | richard luca fight cultur marxism scotlandin contemporari yet terrifi remak scifi classic blob titl role play scottish govern role gallant resist horror origin perform steve mcqueen today fill richard luca scottish famili parti join david scott discus blob attack famili resist ultim defeatedhttpsrumblecomvspwrichardlucasandthefightagainstculturalmarxisminscotlandhtml | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-21 | null | anonymous | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/409085339#p409094686 | >>409089455 Hes pretending that the Frankfurt School/new left/cultural marxism subversion of the USA was caused by the USSR and not jews/CIA. | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 21 | he pretend frankfurt schoolnew leftcultur marxism subvers usa caus ussr jewscia | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-21 | null | independentbystander | null | Patriots | https://communities.win/c/TheDonald/p/16ZXaEfNOm/gene-simmons-of-kiss-proving-he-really-wasn't-ever-really-rock-&-roll-to-start-with:-""you-don't-have-as-many-rights-as-you-think.-shut-up-and-get-a-vaccine"".-/c/4ToiCk9R0Ts | The "music" industry has been pushing/celebrating sexuality and underage-sex for decades now, in both the lyrical content and the performers' "lifestyle." Certain performers have built their whole career on sexual subject matter with enthusiastic celebration from MSM at large. For example: Madonna would have no career without the sexual content of her lyrics and her sexually-deviant image/stage shows. Same with Cardi B, "Gangsta Bitch Vol. 1 & 2" may have been "fire mixtapes" but her "Wet A$$ Pu$$y" rap-tune is what got her into the headlines, and provided the necessary fame to be granted her "campaign interview" with Joe Biden.
We could go on all day listing deviant decadent degenerate song lyrics and the bad behavior of "rock stars" who do their best to live up to those lyrics in their personal life. Many of these "hits" gained popularity due to the headlines feigning surprise at yet another "ground-breaking" song promoting deviance and promiscuity, which only breeds more of the same.
With the "entertainment" industry's current focus on Cultural Marxism/Critical Theory we can expect more subversive/obscene "hit singles" that push the envelope of indecency, although the Slippery Slope is reaching Terminal Velocity: as all traditional standards of morality have been undermined for several decades now, the Tolerant Left will soon run out of traditions and moral standards to attack. A generation who grows up in an environment of "normalized" indecency will not have the capacity to be shocked by "entertainers" displaying indecency. | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 242 | music industri pushingcelebr sexual underagesex decad lyric content perform lifestyl certain perform built whole career sexual subject matter enthusiast celebr msm larg exampl madonna would career without sexual content lyric sexuallydevi imagestag show cardi b gangsta bitch vol may fire mixtap wet puy raptun got headlin provid necessari fame grant campaign interview joe biden could go day list deviant decad degener song lyric bad behavior rock star best live lyric person life mani hit gain popular due headlin feign surpris yet anoth groundbreak song promot devianc promiscu breed entertain industri current focus cultur marxismcrit theori expect subversiveobscen hit singl push envelop indec although slipperi slope reach termin veloc tradit standard moral undermin sever decad toler left soon run tradit moral standard attack generat grow environ normal indec capac shock entertain display indec | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-21 | null | sargon's wife's son | null | KiwiFarms | https://incels.is/threads/things-you-disagree-with-your-political-camp-on.94111 | Paganism hate everyone on the far right is a neo-pagan they're literally atheist with extra steps and they all deserve to be publicly executed alongside all communist and leftist and liberals
Worship of Adolf Hitler and other people from the 1930s and 40s I think is the right we need to look back farther than that and return to the actually with the right believes which is autocratic monarchy. Also people who worship Russia even though the basically in a continuation of the Soviet Union
And people believe in half measures is in letting non-whites have any political influence in the world and having blacks be allowed to continue living in the continental United States and not having an actual solution to the mestizo problem.
Mixed race people should be sterilized The three solutions to the black problem
Send them back to Africa
Exterminate them
Or put them in Chains and send them back to Africa
I don't believe in half measures
White nationalist need to realize that there's only so many resources and they should be in the hands of white people for the benefit of white people and if that comes at the expense of non-white I do not care People who believe that you shouldn't clamp down on pornography and degeneracy even though it will harm the country's GDP the health of a nation is not determined by how much money is in someone's pocket People who believe in based minorities of any kind
All of these people should not be trusted whatsoever
People talk about the Jewish question but will defend China and Russia
But the disgusting subhuman Chinese and the mongoloids in Russia but somehow our allies for some reason because zaugg West disagrees with them
People defend Palestinians and Muslims as fellow victims of Zion is suppression when Muslims just want to control the world f*** all of those people on the right
Anti-American right-wingers if you hate the United States or you believe in the globalist American Empire move to Russia or China and get the f*** out of America and leave the white man alone People who think that the Catholics have not done the immense damage to the United States of America through supporting civil rights legislation and their Pro spic and pro negro philia People who hate Anglo Saxons and Protestants in the United States mainly Catholic American reactionaries People who think that capitalism caused our problems and not a combination of Soviet psychological warfare and Jewish cultural Marxism | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 419 | pagan hate everyon far right neopagan theyr liter atheist extra step deserv public execut alongsid communist leftist liber worship adolf hitler peopl think right need look back farther return actual right believ autocrat monarchi also peopl worship russia even though basic continu soviet union peopl believ half measur let nonwhit polit influenc world black allow continu live continent unit state actual solut mestizo problem mix race peopl steril three solut black problem send back africa extermin put chain send back africa dont believ half measur white nationalist need realiz there mani resourc hand white peopl benefit white peopl come expens nonwhit care peopl believ shouldnt clamp pornographi degeneraci even though harm countri gdp health nation determin much money someon pocket peopl believ base minor kind peopl trust whatsoev peopl talk jewish question defend china russia disgust subhuman chine mongoloid russia somehow alli reason zaugg west disagre peopl defend palestinian muslim fellow victim zion suppress muslim want control world f peopl right antiamerican rightwing hate unit state believ globalist american empir move russia china get f america leav white man alon peopl think cathol done immens damag unit state america support civil right legisl pro spic pro negro philia peopl hate anglo saxon protest unit state main cathol american reactionari peopl think capit caus problem combin soviet psycholog warfar jewish cultur marxism | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-21 | null | greenblatts_4skin | null | Patriots | https://communities.win/c/TheDonald/p/16ZXaFosBH/pro-government-npcs-in-one-pic/c/4ToiCkBitib | I absolutely would move to Russia if I spoke Russian.
I am not being facetious. Russia is making laws against the gay liberal empire culture destruction and cultural marxism, their currency isnt being devalued into Monopoly money, its becoming more valuable. | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 41 | absolut would move russia spoke russian faceti russia make law gay liber empir cultur destruct cultur marxism currenc isnt devalu monopoli money becom valuabl | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-20 | null | user003x03 | null | Minds | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1451939617371590674 | üè¥Û†ÅßۆŢۆÅ≥ۆţۆťۆÅø‚õ™Ô∏èüáÆüᙂõ™Ô∏èüá≥üá¥: FatherDexter Francis: What do you think about Russia today !? I think from communist war of 1970s 1980s putin (former) kgb agent (now president) is after former soviet republic states ! üö¨üö¨üö¨üç∫üç∫üç∫üá∫üá≤‚õ™Ô∏èüáÆüáπüá∫üá≤‚õ™Ô∏èüáÆüáπ: SonLewis Alexander: This not lie ! Most American history book(s) will talk about marx, lenin, chaiman-mao in china how he killed four times as much as adolph hitler in nazi germany in 1942. Look at many American schools, *teaching marxism, socialism, cultural marxism, wokifying the new youth ! If' this happens they will forget who they are be brain washed !!Other than politics: No I do not hate the common citizen of russia, or china, in general, both countries *look* as nice travel destinations.You think after so many wars ! Both would stop picking political fight with western powers sense 1920s historically !Even nato is 2022 treading in "RED" line zone, somthing America should have stopped expanding so much after wars in balkans as power grab ! üö¨üö¨üö¨üö¨ | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 161 | üè¥û†åßû†å¢û†å≥û†å£û†å¥û†åø‚õ™ô∏èüáæüᙂõ™ô∏èüá≥üᥠfatherdext franci think russia today think communist war putin former kgb agent presid former soviet republ state üö¨üö¨üö¨üç∫üç∫üç∫üá∫üá≤‚õ™ô∏èüáæüáπüá∫üá≤‚õ™ô∏èüáæüáπ sonlewi alexand lie american histori book talk marx lenin chaimanmao china kill four time much adolph hitler nazi germani look mani american school teach marxism social cultur marxism wokifi new youth happen forget brain wash polit hate common citizen russia china general countri look nice travel destinationsyou think mani war would stop pick polit fight western power sen histor even nato tread red line zone somth america stop expand much war balkan power grab üö¨üö¨üö¨üö¨ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-20 | null | anonymous | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/409049442#p409056886 | >>409052779 >>409054007 "Cultural Marxism" never existed. There is Cultural Liberalism, and within it is the Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School created in the West itself, which sought to make an epistemological review of classical Marxist theory and also in opposition to the USSR. The "moral subversion of the West" is not the product of the KGB, but of the CIA which went so far as to finance "modern" art throughout the West because it considered Soviet realist art a propagandist danger. The KGB subversion was about funding and infiltrating parties and syndicates to instigate strikes and revolutions, as well as funding armed guerrillas. The CIA subversion countered this by seeking to turn revolutionaries into "hippies".On the right wing, the CIA created a false opposition to communism using a bionic patriotism infused by pop culture that attracted conservatives, always praising the free market and big American capital so that it would remain untouchable. The purpose was only one: to make conservatives oppose communism without opposing communism's initial financiers. Then the lie was told that the New-Left was a thing of the USSR so that unwary conservatives thought that fighting Progressism was fighting communism, without realizing that such shit came from big capital, untouchable and ideologically defended by conservatives. Today, however, everything is more explicit and only those who were victims of propaganda believe in the myth of Soviet moral subversion. Many of these adhered to the culture war discourse without ever going further to attack the root of the problem: multinationals, banks, media, liberal democracy, freedom of association for the conspirators - all of this is treated as a "defense of Western civilization", which is another Cold War propaganda speech. | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 280 | cultur marxism never exist cultur liber within critic theori frankfurt school creat west sought make epistemolog review classic marxist theori also opposit ussr moral subvers west product kgb cia went far financ modern art throughout west consid soviet realist art propagandist danger kgb subvers fund infiltr parti syndic instig strike revolut well fund arm guerrilla cia subvers counter seek turn revolutionari hippieson right wing cia creat fals opposit communism use bionic patriot infus pop cultur attract conserv alway prais free market big american capit would remain untouch purpos one make conserv oppos communism without oppos communism initi financi lie told newleft thing ussr unwari conserv thought fight progress fight communism without realiz shit came big capit untouch ideolog defend conserv today howev everyth explicit victim propaganda believ myth soviet moral subvers mani adher cultur war discours without ever go attack root problem multin bank medium liber democraci freedom associ conspir treat defens western civil anoth cold war propaganda speech | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-20 | null | ilovemytinfoil | null | Patriots | https://communities.win/c/TheDonald/p/16ZXaBGkXD/we-want-your-soul/c/4Tohtunm9ob | Advertising should be banned. It has been used as a social manipulation tool for decades. Just watch Mad Men. It started with the Frankfurt school.
https://www.thestandardsc.org/david-galland/the-birth-of-cultural-marxism-how-the-frankfurt-school-changed-america/ | null | null | https://www.thestandardsc.org/david-galland/the-birth-of-cultural-marxism-how-the-frankfurt-school-changed-america/ | null | Eliza | 26 | advertis ban use social manipul tool decad watch mad men start frankfurt school httpswwwthestandardscorgdavidgallandthebirthofculturalmarxismhowthefrankfurtschoolchangedamerica | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-20 | null | lmbush | null | Rumble | https://rumble.com/v21k740-kari-lakes-suit-actually-moves-foreword-as-hobbs-motion-to-dismiss-is-denie.html | I'm sure they'll stop when REPUBLICANT Types Look or speak at them with a Harsh Tone..........?
I don't disagree with you but i see no victory for a people that Tolerate Pedophilia on a national level.........?
Only Surrender and Submission................. The Police State will Arrest, Charge and Prosecute any one that stands up to their use of Cultural Marxism to dismantle this Country.
If you really look at things Objectively............... There is No real Fight Just a bunch of Jaw Jacking, Gum Flapping useless inevitable tolerance for all things corrupt and perverted.
IMHO ! | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 94 | im sure theyll stop republic type look speak harsh tone dont disagre see victori peopl toler pedophilia nation level surrend submiss polic state arrest charg prosecut one stand use cultur marxism dismantl countri realli look thing object real fight bunch jaw jack gum flap useless inevit toler thing corrupt pervert imho | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-20 | null | anonymous | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/409039551#p409040492 | >>409039551 The ADL isn't a pro jewish group. They're a leftists group operating under the guise of helping jews. Same as BLM and black people. This is why they redefined racism. Because in order to participate in critical theory aimed at a certain race, you must redefine what it means to be "racist". They are not stupid enough not to realize a "Jewish" organization demanding individuals be deplatformed for suggesting jews deplatform people is helping their supposed cause. Cultural marxism is about identifying and using victim groups for political gain. | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 90 | adl isnt pro jewish group theyr leftist group oper gui help jew blm black peopl redefin racism order particip critic theori aim certain race must redefin mean racist stupid enough realiz jewish organ demand individu deplatform suggest jew deplatform peopl help suppos caus cultur marxism identifi use victim group polit gain | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-20 | null | massimo the lonecel | null | Incels | https://incels.is/threads/who-makes-these-atheists-incels-type-memes.440088/ | "TBIcel said: Eh not really a lot of atheists are retarded reddit tier soyim and simply replace religion with other dogma be it cultural marxism, patriarchy or global warming. (71% of atheists voting for biden proves most of them are soyboy retards)"Click to expand..." | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 44 | tbicel said eh realli lot atheist retard reddit tier soyim simpli replac religion dogma cultur marxism patriarchi global warm atheist vote biden prove soyboy retardsclick expand | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-20 | null | sheogorath | null | Incels | https://incels.is/threads/who-makes-these-atheists-incels-type-memes.440088/ | "TBIcel said: Eh not really a lot of atheists are retarded reddit tier soyim and simply replace religion with other dogma be it cultural marxism, patriarchy or global warming.(71% of atheists voting for biden proves most of them are soyboy retards)"Click to expand..."As atheist I can sadly confirm this is true.I never used to think that way and I wish it were otherwise (I think it has potential to) but it's long gone "atheist plus"."I don't think atheism was always this way though.IMO like with gaming atheism used to be based until it's superiority became so obvious that it got infiltrating by co-opting normy faggots.So at this point I actually want to LARP hard as a christian conservative to get away from all the "atheism plus" bullshit like hating whiteness or hating heterosexuality. NirvanaFan1988 said: High IQ kek, atheism is the new religion.Notice how they will always fawn and shill vaxxes and condescend anyone who doesn't want to take the jews' mandated needles."Click to expand..."Not 'always' fren, I still have no faith in a god yet have no enthusiasm for vaccines."I'll admit though I could be in the minority, and like I say with my 'pebbles are atheists too' analogy, a lack of a deific belief is no guarantee of intelligence."I used to think rejecting the idea of god would mean people would be intelligent like I am but I really don't think so anymore."What you have to understand though is that being anti-vax doesn't mean people are high-IQ either."For some it's as simple as having a wisdom like 'don't trust the government, people aren't out to help you'."That doesn't take a large degree of intelligence to achieve."It's more like there are a lot of stupid people who occasionally come to some common-sense realizations like 'don't trust the government' or 'don't believe in god'."Maybe the reason we don't see these coincide is because we feel a need to trust in something so if we reject one authority we succumb to the other? | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 332 | tbicel said eh realli lot atheist retard reddit tier soyim simpli replac religion dogma cultur marxism patriarchi global warm atheist vote biden prove soyboy retardsclick expanda atheist sad confirm truei never use think way wish otherwis think potenti long gone atheist plusi dont think atheism alway way thoughimo like game atheism use base superior becam obvious got infiltr coopt normi faggotsso point actual want larp hard christian conserv get away atheism plus bullshit like hate white hate heterosexu nirvanafan said high iq kek atheism new religionnotic alway fawn shill vaxx condescend anyon doesnt want take jew mandat needlesclick expandnot alway fren still faith god yet enthusiasm vaccinesil admit though could minor like say pebbl atheist analog lack deific belief guarante intelligencei use think reject idea god would mean peopl would intellig like realli dont think anymorewhat understand though antivax doesnt mean peopl highiq eitherfor simpl wisdom like dont trust govern peopl arent help youthat doesnt take larg degre intellig achieveit like lot stupid peopl occasion come commonsens realize like dont trust govern dont believ godmayb reason dont see coincid feel need trust someth reject one author succumb | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-20 | null | nirvanafan1988 | null | Incels | https://incels.is/threads/who-makes-these-atheists-incels-type-memes.440088/ | "TBIcel said: Eh not really a lot of atheists are retarded reddit tier soyim and simply replace religion with other dogma be it cultural marxism, patriarchy or global warming. (71% of atheists voting for biden proves most of them are soyboy retards)"Click to expand..."High IQ kek, atheism is the new religion.Notice how they will always fawn and shill vaxxes and condescend anyone who doesn't want to take the jews' mandated needles. | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 71 | tbicel said eh realli lot atheist retard reddit tier soyim simpli replac religion dogma cultur marxism patriarchi global warm atheist vote biden prove soyboy retardsclick expandhigh iq kek atheism new religionnotic alway fawn shill vaxx condescend anyon doesnt want take jew mandat needl | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-20 | null | tbicel | null | Incels | https://incels.is/threads/who-makes-these-atheists-incels-type-memes.440088/ | "1337hikki said: Being atheist requires critical thought and foids r incapable of that hence y foids don't like atheists "Click to expand..."Eh not really a lot of atheists are retarded reddit tier soyim and simply replace religion with other dogma be it cultural marxism, patriarchy or global warming. (71% of atheists voting for biden proves most of them are soyboy retards) | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 61 | hikki said atheist requir critic thought foid r incap henc foid dont like atheist click expandeh realli lot atheist retard reddit tier soyim simpli replac religion dogma cultur marxism patriarchi global warm atheist vote biden prove soyboy retard | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-19 | null | rstroud | null | Patriots | https://communities.win/c/TheDonald/p/16ZXa7sNvC/rep.-schiff:-"we've-got-a-big-problem-right-now-with-social-media-companies-and-their-failure-to-moderate-content-and-the-explosion-of-hate-on-twitter,-the-banning-of-journalists-on-twitter.-[...]-if-you'll-be-responsible-moderators-of-content,-we-will-give-you-immunity."/c/4TohtlPJXca | I think the 2008 financial crisis marks the point where the democrats abandoned the pretense of being a blue-collar *people's party*. It was impossible to maintain while bailing out banks and investors while people were losing their jobs and being foreclosed on. Occupy Wall Street came way too close to the truth, and subverting it and finding a new scapegoat became a top priority. So, we saw a shift to the promotion of Cultural Marxism. Race (and by extension identity) consciousness and struggle were substituted for class consciousness and struggle under Obama.
Understanding that the bankers, corporate oligarchs, and their multitude of accomplices in government would choose to kindle a racewar rather than suffer a changing of the status quo is key to understanding the kind of people you're dealing with. | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 131 | think financi crisi mark point democrat abandon pretens bluecollar peopl parti imposs maintain bail bank investor peopl lose job foreclos occupi wall street came way close truth subvert find new scapegoat becam top prioriti saw shift promot cultur marxism race extens ident conscious struggl substitut class conscious struggl obama understand banker corpor oligarch multitud accomplic govern would choos kindl racewar rather suffer chang status quo key understand kind peopl your deal | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-19 | null | eizokusei | null | Minds | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1451553312141742088 | Lembrei de você quando li esta citação de "The Red Trojan Horse: A Concise Analysis of Cultural Marxism (English Edition)" de Alasdair Elder -"Most countries today have such a centralized bank. These banks function by loaning money to the government, who then distribute it into circulation. The effect of this is that every scrap of currency is a debt that all citizens owe to the top bankers, who first printed off the currency. The problem with this is that centralized banks are completely anathema to the concept of a free-market economy because this system gives them the power to manipulate the market independently of the people buying and selling within it. They can achieve this simply by printing more money, diluting its value, and thus reducing its purchasing power. Reducing the purchasing power of money causes prices to rise because it costs more money to purchase things. These resulting price rises are what generates the stealth tax."Comece a ler este livro gratuitamente: https://amz.onl/dG4pmwS | null | null | https://amz.onl/dG4pmwS | null | Eliza | 163 | lembrei de você quando li esta citação de red trojan hors concis analysi cultur marxism english edit de alasdair elder countri today central bank bank function loan money govern distribut circul effect everi scrap currenc debt citizen owe top banker first print currenc problem central bank complet anathema concept freemarket economi system give power manipul market independ peopl buy sell within achiev simpli print money dilut valu thus reduc purchas power reduc purchas power money caus price rise cost money purchas thing result price rise generat stealth taxcomec ler est livro gratuitament httpsamzonldgpmw | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-19 | null | anonymous | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/408896900#p408896900 | I was in s line in front of the bakery and a fat man in his 30's started yelling at a girl with piercings and purple hair that was Infront of him. He mentioned feminists, SJWs, cultural Marxism, Jordan Peterson, migrants and Jews a police was called and they put him in th back of the police car without handcuffs and drove away. | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 63 | line front bakeri fat man start yell girl pierc purpl hair infront mention feminist sjws cultur marxism jordan peterson migrant jew polic call put th back polic car without handcuff drove away | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-18 | null | anonymous | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/408777212#p408777212 | Almost seems like Russia was just a test run for what the jews intended to do to the rest of the world and what we're now experiencing here in the West with Cultural Marxism and niggerfication.Read Bulgakov's "Heart of a Dog", or watch the 1988 film adaptation with subtitles. It's about an intellectual anti-Bolshevik doctor in the early days of the communist revolution who turns a dog into a human only for the human to turn into a vile degenerate piece of shit who becomes a Bolshevik big timer.Parallels between niggers and the kikes that run them are endless.>inb4 uhg nafo faggots jump in, literally all this shit goes double for the jewkrainian shithole so don't even fuckin start | null | null | null | Mentions book, Bulgakov's "Heart of a Dog" | Eliza | 119 | almost seem like russia test run jew intend rest world experienc west cultur marxism niggerficationread bulgakov heart dog watch film adapt subtitl intellectu antibolshevik doctor earli day communist revolut turn dog human human turn vile degener piec shit becom bolshevik big timerparallel nigger kike run endlessinb uhg nafo faggot jump liter shit goe doubl jewkrainian shithol dont even fuckin start | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-18 | null | anonymous | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/408777212#p408788302 | >>408780287 Thing is, the modern phenomenon that is referred to as "cultural marxism" has no analogues to anything that occured in the soviet union, at all (except for the destruction of religion). The tranny and gay shit, the feminism, the nigger and shitskin worship that america propagates nowadays are products of the frankfurt school. Dugin, while he might not be right about the origin of it, I think is right about it's internal mechanism of self propagation and it's future trajectory as well. It's all very interesting but it makes no sense that someone is actually trying to make a new government for america/west using a "test run" for an unsustainable system that was rotten and collapsed as a precursor. The soviet union has nothing to do with anything that passes as "culturally marxist" today | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 135 | thing modern phenomenon refer cultur marxism analogu anyth occur soviet union except destruct religion tranni gay shit femin nigger shitskin worship america propag nowaday product frankfurt school dugin might right origin think right intern mechan self propag futur trajectori well interest make sen someon actual tri make new govern americawest use test run unsustain system rotten collaps precursor soviet union noth anyth pas cultur marxist today | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-18 | null | anonymous | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/408758129#p408814654 | Thierry does a another great presentation about Cultural Marxism and Woke-ismhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUU3c-yf5pA | null | null | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUU3c-yf5pA | null | Eliza | 11 | thierri anoth great present cultur marxism wokeismhttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvjuucyfpa | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-17 | null | dislesickmick2 | null | Minds | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1450814964666208262 | SOCIAL JUSTICESocial Justice UsageSource: https://educatenotindoctrinate.org/glossaries/race-equity-glossary-of-terms/The systemic and pervasive nature of social inequality woven throughout social institutions as well as embedded within individual consciousness. Oppression fuses institutional and systemic discrimination, personal bias, bigotry and social prejudice in a complex web of relationships and structures that saturate most aspects of life in our society.…Source: Sensoy, Ozlem, and Robin DiAngelo. Is Everyone Really Equal?: An Introduction to Key Concepts in Social Justice Education, first edition. Teacher’s College Press: New York, 2012, p. 186.The discrimination of one social group against another, backed by institutional power. Oppression occurs when one group is able to enforce its prejudice throughout society because it controls the institutions. Oppression occurs at the group or macro level, and it goes well beyond individuals. Sexism, racism, classism, ableism, and heterosexism are all forms of oppression.…Source: Sensoy, Ozlem, and Robin DiAngelo. Is Everyone Really Equal?: An Introduction to Key Concepts in Social Justice Education, first edition. Teacher’s College Press: New York, 2012, p. 39.To oppress is to hold down—to press—and deny a social group full access and potential in a given society. Oppression describes a set of policies, practices, traditions, norms, definitions, and explanations (discourses), which function to systemically exploit one social group to the benefit of another social group. The group that benefits from this exploitation is called the dominant (or agent) group and the group that is exploited is called the minoritized (or target) group.New Discourses CommentaryOppression is one of the central concepts of the Critical Social Justice mentality. It is, alongside marginalization and other forms of social injustice, the chief concern of Social Justice, and the exposure and subsequent disruption and dismantling of any system of power that produces it (or these) is its primary agenda. This would, perhaps, be useful and poignant if the term were treated in a reasonable sense, speaking primarily about genuine oppression—particularly but not exclusively when institutional—rather than the far vaguer systemic oppressions that Theory is dedicated to exploring, which are often highly interpretive and, well, theoretical in nature.According to Theory, oppression affects all minoritized groups, this including racial minorities, women, gender and sexual minorities, the disabled, the overweight, those from countries or cultures outside of “the West,” and indigenous people (see also, racism, cultural racism, institutional racism, anti-blackness, sexism, colonialism, imperialism, Eurocentrism, Western-centrism, ableism, fatphobia, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, transmisogyny, subaltern, and settler, and also, critical race Theory, queer Theory, postcolonial Theory, gender studies, women’s studies; feminism, black feminism, ethnic studies; disability studies, fat studies, cultural studies, masculinities studies, whiteness studies, decoloniality, orientalism, critical theory, and critical pedagogy). Oppression is the diametric opposite of (systemic) dominance (see also, patriarchy, white supremacy, whiteness, disableism, thinnormativity, heterosexism, heteronormativity, and compulsory heterosexuality). Dominance, in Theory, results from and is the result of the privilege of groups that have greater access to systemic and institutional power (see epistemic injustice, epistemic oppression, epistemic violence, and exclusion).Theory reifies oppression, which is to say that it gives it a status of “real” within material reality. Specifically, Theory reifies oppression by systemic power, which it understands to operate primarily as a function of identity, having left economic class issues mostly (but not entirely) behind (see also, classism). In the same sense that Cartesian philosophy reifies being with the famous statement cogito, ergo sum—I think, therefore I am—the Theory of Critical Social Justice reifies oppression based on identity—I experience oppression, therefore I am—thus identity categories that it readily recognizes to be socially constructed (see also, structuralism, poststructrualism, postmodernism, and social constructivism). In that sense, oppression and group identity are the bedrock concepts of Critical Social Justice Theory, and these are specifically set aside as that which must not be deconstructed, even while everything else can and should be.The mission of Theory (thus Social Justice) is to identify oppression (as it sees it) everywhere it occurs, make it more visible, expose the underlying hidden biases and assumptions that create and enable it, and problematize, subvert, disrupt, and dismantle the processes that enable its continuation, rationalization, or legitimation (by the powerful). To do this, it uses critical methods (specifically, critical theories, from which the term “Theory” is partially derived), which are tasked with these endeavors. To become aware of oppression (and thus privilege and domination) as Theory conceptualizes it is to develop a critical consciousness, which more recently under Social Justice has taken on the more specific meaning of “wokeness” (see also, false consciousness, consciousness raising, and feminist consciousness).Oppression can be so subtle as to be undetectable even by the people who experience it until they develop a critical consciousness (become woke). This often leads people of color, women, and other minoritized groups to go along with the white, patriarchal, heteronormative social order and rationalize it as natural or good on its merits (see also, ideology, liberalism, meritocracy, human nature, and individualism). This leads oppressed people to develop a kind of false consciousness about their oppression—this being a concept that derives more or less directly, with modification, from Marx (see also, Marxism, Marxian, Neo-Marxism, Post-Marxism, Cultural Marxism, and Frankfurt School)—that requires exposure through adopting critical methods.This problem can manifest in two primary interrelated ways: internalization through socialization (a kind of brainwashing by the overarching culture – see also, hegemony) or through cynical self-interest, in which members of minoritized reject solidarity with the critical cause in favor of succeeding in the overarching dominant systems of power (see also, acting white and white adjacent). These can happen in various degrees in tandem.In the first of these mechanisms—internalization through socialization—members of minoritized groups are essentially brainwashed (socialized) to accept and embrace the dominant system as natural, good, reasonable, or just the way it is (see also, status quo). In this case, with race, people of color may be socialized into supporting white supremacy (as Theory defines it) via “internalized racism,” women may support patriarchy via “internalized sexism” and “internalized misogyny,” LGBT people may support heteronormativity via “internalized homophobia” and “internalized heteronormativity” (see also, straight passing), the disabled may support ableism (thus disableism) via “internalized ableism,” overweight people might support thinnormativity via “internalized fatphobia,” and trans people may support cisnormativity through “internalized transphobia” and “internalized transsexism.” All of these are understood under a broader rubric of “internalized oppression” that posits that the social pressures that normalize the systems of dominance and oppression in society are so powerful, pervasive, and influential that they even trick people who are oppressed by them into supporting them. This, obviously, only works in the cases of Stockholm Syndrome or when the “oppression” in question is actually really vague, systemic, and perhaps not very much like oppression at all.In the second—cynical self-interest—members of minoritized groups may realize, for good reasons or bad, that it is in their better interests to “sell out” and support the dominant paradigm rather than becoming a “critical” activist against it. This may lead people of color to seek white approval, to act white, or to position themselves as white adjacent. All of these concepts are ways in which minoritized racial groups can support whiteness, thus white supremacy, by actually believing in the things Theorized to be part of these systems or, more cynically, by taking care of their own interests rather than becoming radical activists aiming for a social revolution. (Of note, whiteness and white supremacy have been stated to be perpetuated and forwarded through ideas like punctuality, having a meeting agenda, and mathematics, so what Theory considers the “system” of whiteness may contain a lot of ideas that most sensible people—of color or not—would support.) Women may be said to be seeking male approval or patriarchal reward, or when patriarchy is Theorized as intrinsically tied up with capitalism, neoliberal reward. LGBT people will be accused of straight passing and thus not being authentically gay.The flip side of these issues is also deeply Theorized as a way that oppression is maintained by the dominant, who (in keeping consistent with the critical mindset) are not only usually unaware of the oppression they’re causing but are comfortable as such and don’t want to (or aren’t able to) engage that reality without considerable work. This leads to concepts like internalized dominance, where dominant people are socialized to believe that their dominance is natural and earned (see also, human nature and meritocracy). It is also the site of a host of rather abusive concepts that try to explain how this works and, frankly, use it as a cudgel to induce guilt and shame in members of “dominant” groups. These include a dizzying array of largely fictional (perhaps projected) concepts: the racial contract, active ignorance, pernicious ignorance, willful ignorance, white talk, colortalk, white comfort, white equilibrium, complicity and white complicity, white solidarity, aversive racism, white fragility, white woman tears, male tears, racial stress, racial stamina, white innocence, and white ignorance, more or less any of which could be generalized then respecified along other axes of systemic oppression based on identity (see also, intersectionality).Oppression, in Social Justice, can be pretty mild. It might include genuine oppression and discrimination, on the one hand, and it can include having to endure microaggressions, hearing someone disagree with Theory, or meeting the basic expectations of civil society (which, in the West, are deemed to be manifestations of whiteness or patriarchy). For example, the existence of the once-popular 1990s television show Friends is considered highly problematic and thus oppressive to various minoritized groups, including trans people, LGBT, disabled, and fat people (due to some of the jokes used in the show) and people of color (especially black people) because of the show’s racial demography (and that it in many respects remade an earlier 1990s television show with an almost all-black cast called Living Single). In the Washington state legislature’s Equity Task Force, making a meeting agenda, showing up on time to the meeting, and getting things done in the agenda are described as “white supremacy,” which we can conclude induce oppression, presumably of people of color (it is further suggested in that meeting that these standards wouldn’t be expected or kept in South Africa, which is held up as a favorable model for the Washington state government). People (especially men) generally preferring it when women look nice is also a form of oppression of women, as is the typical higher cost of women’s hair styling, despite it usually being a bigger job (that is mostly done by other women who have clearly internalized misogyny along the way). Other examples (or “proofs”) of systemic oppression can be found in disparate outcomes by race and gender on mathematics tests, leading some Theorists (like Tian An and Rochelle Gutierrez) to explain that mathematics is “operating as whiteness.”The way oppression is usually Theorized is under a doctrine of its being immanent, that is, everywhere, always, pervasive, and just beneath the surface, although it’s rarely explicitly phrased that way. We hear critical race Theorists (e.g., Robin DiAngelo) insist, however, that “racism is permanent and ordinary” and instruct that “the question is not ‘did racism occur?’ but ‘how did racism manifest in that situation?’” This, of course, assumes the racism was there to begin with, hidden just beneath the surface and needing a critical awareness to find and expose. That is, Theory begins with the assumption that certain demographic groups suffer oppression from vague systemic forces and then goes looking for the evidence to support that assumption. Other groups—straight (or, specifically, cishet) white, Western men who are wealthy—benefit from privilege and have dominance.Anything that can be found (or close-read and interpreted into existence – see also, discourse analysis) that is consistent in any sense with this presupposition of immanent oppression is then treated as “evidence” not only that oppression is occurring but also that it is immanent (ordinary and hidden just beneath a nicer-looking surface – see also, code and mask). The circular reasoning here is as obvious as the invitation to both confirmation bias and desirability bias.If oppression is anything that holds a demographic group down and this is understood to include vague, nebulous and subjectively interpreted manifestations of things like sexism and racism that are posited to always be present but difficult to see, it is hard to see how it can ever be overcome and won’t just continue to be detected in increasingly subtle and subjective ways. This is precisely what seems to be happening.Related TermsAbleism; Acting white; Active ignorance; Anti-blackness; Authentic; Aversive racism; Bias; Black feminism; Cishet; Classism; Close reading; Code; Colonialism; Colortalk; Complicity; Compulsory heterosexuality; Consciousness raising; Critical; Critical consciousness; Critical pedagogy; Critical race Theory; Critical theory; Cultural Marxism; Cultural racism; Cultural studies; Decoloniality; Deconstruction; Disableism; Dis/ability; Disability studies; Discourse analysis; Dismantle; Disrupt; Dominance; Epistemic injustice; Epistemic oppression; Epistemic violence; Ethnic studies; Eurocentrism; Equity; Exclusion; False consciousness; Fatphobia; Feminism; Feminist consciousness; Frankfurt School; Gender; Gender studies; Hegemony; Heteronormativity; Heterosexism; Homophobia; Human nature; Identity; Ideology; Imperialism; Indigeneity; Individualism; Injustice; Institutional racism; Internalized ableism; Internalized dominance; Internalized misogyny; Internalized oppression; Internalized racism; Internalized sexism; Internalized transphobia; Intersectionality; Legitimate; Liberalism; Male approval; Male tears; Marginalization; Marxian; Marxism; Masculinism; Mask; Meritocracy; Microaggression; Minoritize; Neoliberal reward; Neo-Marxism; Orientalism; Patriarchal reward; Patriarchy; People of color; Pernicious ignorance; Postcolonial Theory; Post-Marxism; Postmodern; Poststructrualism; Privilege; Problematize; Queer Theory; Race; Racial contract; Racial stamina; Racial stress; Racism (systemic); Radical; Revolution; Settler; Sex; Sexism (systemic); Sexuality; Social construction; Social constructivism; Social Justice; Socialization; Solidarity; Status quo; Straight passing; Structuralism; Subaltern; Subversion; Systemic power; Theory, Thinnormativity; Transmisogyny; Transphobia; Transsexism; West, the; Western; Western-centric; White; White adjacent; White approval; White comfort; White complicity; White equilibrium; White fragility; White ignorance; White innocence; White solidarity; White supremacy; White talk; White woman tears; Whiteness; Whiteness studies; Willful ignorance; Woke/Wokeness; Women’s studieshttps://newdiscourses.com/tftw-oppression/ | null | https://educatenotindoctrinate.org/glossaries/race-equity-glossary-of-terms/ | https://educatenotindoctrinate.org/glossaries/race-equity-glossary-of-terms/ | null | Eliza | 2,254 | social justicesoci justic usagesourc httpseducatenotindoctrinateorgglossariesraceequityglossaryoftermsth system pervas natur social inequ woven throughout social institut well embed within individu conscious oppress fuse institut system discrimin person bias bigotri social prejudic complex web relationship structur satur aspect life society⊦sourc sensoy ozlem robin diangelo everyon realli equal introduct key concept social justic educ first edit teacher⊙ colleg press new york p discrimin one social group anoth back institut power oppress occur one group abl enforc prejudic throughout societi control institut oppress occur group macro level goe well beyond individu sexism racism classism ableism heterosex form oppression⊦sourc sensoy ozlem robin diangelo everyon realli equal introduct key concept social justic educ first edit teacher⊙ colleg press new york p oppress hold down⊔to press⊔and deni social group full access potenti given societi oppress describ set polici practic tradit norm definit explan discours function system exploit one social group benefit anoth social group group benefit exploit call domin agent group group exploit call minorit target groupnew discours commentaryoppress one central concept critic social justic mental alongsid margin form social injustic chief concern social justic exposur subsequ disrupt dismantl system power produc primari agenda would perhap use poignant term treat reason sen speak primarili genuin oppression⊔particular exclus institutional⊔rath far vaguer system oppress theori dedic explor often high interpret well theoret natureaccord theori oppress affect minorit group includ racial minor woman gender sexual minor disabl overweight countri cultur outsid ⊜the west⊝ indigen peopl see also racism cultur racism institut racism antiblack sexism coloni imperi eurocentr westerncentr ableism fatphobia homophobia transphobia misogyni transmisogyni subaltern settler also critic race theori queer theori postcoloni theori gender studi women⊙ studi femin black femin ethnic studi disabl studi fat studi cultur studi masculin studi white studi decoloni orient critic theori critic pedagogi oppress diametr opposit system domin see also patriarchi white supremaci white disabl thinnorm heterosex heteronorm compulsori heterosexu domin theori result result privileg group greater access system institut power see epistem injustic epistem oppress epistem violenc exclusiontheori reifi oppress say give status ⊜real⊝ within materi realiti specif theori reifi oppress system power understand oper primarili function ident left econom class issu most entir behind see also classism sen cartesian philosophi reifi famous statement cogito ergo sum⊔i think therefor am⊔th theori critic social justic reifi oppress base identity⊔i experi oppress therefor am⊔thus ident categori readili recogn social construct see also structur poststructru postmodern social constructiv sen oppress group ident bedrock concept critic social justic theori specif set asid must deconstruct even everyth el beth mission theori thus social justic identifi oppress see everywher occur make visibl expo under hidden bias assumpt creat enabl problemat subvert disrupt dismantl process enabl continu ration legitim power use critic method specif critic theori term ⊜theory⊝ partial deriv task endeavor becom awar oppress thus privileg domin theori conceptu develop critic conscious recent social justic taken specif mean ⊜wokeness⊝ see also fals conscious conscious rais feminist consciousnessoppress subtl undetect even peopl experi develop critic conscious becom woke often lead peopl color woman minorit group go along white patriarch heteronorm social order ration natur good merit see also ideolog liber meritocraci human natur individu lead oppress peopl develop kind fals conscious oppression⊔thi concept deriv le direct modif marx see also marxism marxian neomarx postmarx cultur marxism frankfurt school⊔that requir exposur adopt critic methodsthi problem manifest two primari interrel way intern social kind brainwash overarch cultur ⊓ see also hegemoni cynic selfinterest member minorit reject solidar critic caus favor succeed overarch domin system power see also act white white adjac happen various degre tandemin first mechanisms⊔intern socialization⊔memb minorit group essenti brainwash social accept embrac domin system natur good reason way see also status quo case race peopl color may social support white supremaci theori defin via ⊜intern racism⊝ woman may support patriarchi via ⊜intern sexism⊝ ⊜intern misogyny⊝ lgbt peopl may support heteronorm via ⊜intern homophobia⊝ ⊜intern heteronormativity⊝ see also straight pas disabl may support ableism thus disabl via ⊜intern ableism⊝ overweight peopl might support thinnorm via ⊜intern fatphobia⊝ tran peopl may support cisnorm ⊜intern transphobia⊝ ⊜intern transsexism⊝ understood broader rubric ⊜intern oppression⊝ posit social pressur normal system domin oppress societi power pervas influenti even trick peopl oppress support obvious work case stockholm syndrom ⊜oppression⊝ question actual realli vagu system perhap much like oppress allin second⊔cyn selfinterest⊔memb minorit group may realiz good reason bad better interest ⊜sell out⊝ support domin paradigm rather becom ⊜critical⊝ activist may lead peopl color seek white approv act white posit white adjac concept way minorit racial group support white thus white supremaci actual believ thing theoriz part system cynic take care interest rather becom radic activist aim social revolut note white white supremaci state perpetu forward idea like punctual meet agenda mathemat theori consid ⊜system⊝ white may contain lot idea sensibl people⊔of color not⊔would support woman may said seek male approv patriarch reward patriarchi theoriz intrins tie capit neoliber reward lgbt peopl accus straight pas thus authent gayth flip side issu also deepli theoriz way oppress maintain domin keep consist critic mindset usual unawar oppress they⊙r caus comfort don⊙t want aren⊙t abl engag realiti without consider work lead concept like intern domin domin peopl social believ domin natur earn see also human natur meritocraci also site host rather abus concept tri explain work frank use cudgel induc guilt shame member ⊜dominant⊝ group includ dizzi array larg fiction perhap project concept racial contract activ ignor pernici ignor will ignor white talk colortalk white comfort white equilibrium complic white complic white solidar avers racism white fragil white woman tear male tear racial stress racial stamen white innoc white ignor le could general respecifi along axe system oppress base ident see also intersectionalityoppress social justic pretti mild might includ genuin oppress discrimin one hand includ endur microaggress hear someon disagre theori meet basic expect civil societi west deem manifest white patriarchi exampl exist oncepopular televis show friend consid high problemat thus oppress various minorit group includ tran peopl lgbt disabl fat peopl due joke use show peopl color especi black peopl show⊙ racial demographi mani respect remad earlier televis show almost allblack cast call live singl washington state legislature⊙ equiti task forc make meet agenda show time meet get thing done agenda describ ⊜white supremacy⊝ conclud induc oppress presum peopl color suggest meet standard wouldn⊙t expect kept south africa held favor model washington state govern peopl especi men general prefer woman look nice also form oppress woman typic higher cost women⊙ hair style despit usual bigger job most done woman clear intern misogyni along way exampl ⊜proofs⊝ system oppress found dispar outcom race gender mathemat test lead theorist like tian rochell gutierrez explain mathemat ⊜oper whiteness⊝th way oppress usual theoriz doctrin imman everywher alway pervas beneath surfac although it⊙ rare explicit phrase way hear critic race theorist eg robin diangelo insist howev ⊜racism perman ordinary⊝ instruct ⊜the question ⊘did racism occur⊙ ⊘how racism manifest situation⊙⊝ cours assum racism begin hidden beneath surfac need critic awar find expo theori begin assumpt certain demograph group suffer oppress vagu system forc goe look evid support assumpt groups⊔straight specif cishet white western men wealthy⊔benefit privileg dominanceanyth found closeread interpret exist ⊓ see also discours analysi consist sen presupposit imman oppress treat ⊜evidence⊝ oppress occur also imman ordinari hidden beneath nicerlook surfac ⊓ see also code mask circular reason obvious invit confirm bias desir biasif oppress anyth hold demograph group understood includ vagu nebul subject interpret manifest thing like sexism racism posit alway present difficult see hard see ever overcom won⊙t continu detect increas subtl subject way precis seem happeningrel termsabl act white activ ignor antiblack authent avers racism bias black femin cishet classism close read code coloni colortalk complic compulsori heterosexu conscious rais critic critic conscious critic pedagogi critic race theori critic theori cultur marxism cultur racism cultur studi decoloni deconstruct disabl disabl disabl studi discours analysi dismantl disrupt domin epistem injustic epistem oppress epistem violenc ethnic studi eurocentr equiti exclus fals conscious fatphobia femin feminist conscious frankfurt school gender gender studi hegemoni heteronorm heterosex homophobia human natur ident ideolog imperi indigen individu injustic institut racism intern ableism intern domin intern misogyni intern oppress intern racism intern sexism intern transphobia intersect legitim liber male approv male tear margin marxian marxism masculin mask meritocraci microaggress minorit neoliber reward neomarx orient patriarch reward patriarchi peopl color pernici ignor postcoloni theori postmarx postmodern poststructru privileg problemat queer theori race racial contract racial stamen racial stress racism system radic revolut settler sex sexism system sexual social construct social constructiv social justic social solidar status quo straight pas structur subaltern subvers system power theori thinnorm transmisogyni transphobia transsex west western westerncentr white white adjac white approv white comfort white complic white equilibrium white fragil white ignor white innoc white solidar white supremaci white talk white woman tear white white studi will ignor wokewok women⊙ studieshttpsnewdiscoursescomtftwoppress | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-17 | null | anonymous | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/408670352#p408670352 | >ended voted fraud in Florida>ended cultural Marxism in schools>wants to run for president while remaining as Governor>/pol/ still sees him as a Jewish PuppetWhat will it take for DeSantis to be accepted on here? | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 34 | end vote fraud floridaend cultur marxism schoolswant run presid remain governorpol still see jewish puppetwhat take desanti accept | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-17 | null | jerry_gorline | null | Truth Social | https://truthsocial.com/@jerry_gorline/109526390136266298 | Democrats, the party of the Indian Removal Act of 1830, the Party of slavery, the KKK and Jim Crow Laws, the Party of cheaters, liars and ballot harvesters, the Party of defund the police, the Party of BLM (Buy Large Mansions), the Party of gender confusion and Cultural Marxism, the Party of open borders, the Party of the politics of personal destruction, the Party of Socialists and Communists, the Party of Climate Alarmism, the Party of forced lockdowns and vaccine mandates, the Party of Fauci. | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 85 | democrat parti indian remov act parti slaveri kkk jim crow law parti cheater liar ballot harvest parti defund polic parti blm buy larg mansion parti gender confus cultur marxism parti open border parti polit person destruct parti socialist communist parti climat alarm parti forc lockdown vaccin mandat parti fauci | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-16 | null | eric ciaramella | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/408473253#p408482231 | >>408481293 I'm sure he does in private. There are rare ethnic jews that hate absolutely everything about jewish marxism and jewish cultural marxism. I know two in my personal life who straight out say jews are communists. The guy who redpilled me on jews is jjewish. | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 46 | im sure privat rare ethnic jew hate absolut everyth jewish marxism jewish cultur marxism know two person life straight say jew communist guy redpil jew jjewish | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-16 | null | romeopacifica | null | Rumble | https://rumble.com/v20s1ao-multipolar-future-for-africa-and-the-middle-east-wmatthew-ehret-live.html | Good points. I've heard California is more communist than China. Can't speak to the Australian government. Our media has demonized words like socialism and communism. We shouldn't be afraid to debate the pros and cons of each system.
I believe the American founding fathers had good intentions and they warned us we would have to fight to keep it. We now have crony capitalism where corporations and special interest groups have been allow to corrupt everything thats not nailed down from the sovereign citizens.
I'm just a lay person but I'm trying to do my part by speaking out. Aside from the corruption, what really object to is to what I understand to be Cultural Marxism where the media is doing everything it can to create class conflict and breakdown the individual and identity and family structure. Age old divide and conquer.
Sorry to say, to date, American Capitalism has failed in 200 years. It seems America need some kind of political revolution. The population has been so dumbed-down and medicated I don't have high hopes. | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 176 | good point ive heard california communist china cant speak australian govern medium demon word like social communism shouldnt afraid debat pro con system believ american found father good intent warn u would fight keep croni capit corpor special interest group allow corrupt everyth that nail sovereign citizen im lay person im tri part speak asid corrupt realli object understand cultur marxism medium everyth creat class conflict breakdown individu ident famili structur age old divid conquer sorri say date american capit fail year seem america need kind polit revolut popul dumbeddown medic dont high hope | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-16 | null | red_wave | null | Patriots | https://communities.win/c/TheDonald/p/16ZXVTTvMn/if-you-don't-think-your-kids-are-being-indoctrinated,-here-is-a-question-from-history-midterms/c/4TohtEbnm90 | You can feel the cultural marxism coming off that question in waves. Like radioactivity. | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 14 | feel cultur marxism come question wave like radioact | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-16 | null | january22nd2022 | null | Patriots | https://communities.win/c/TheDonald/p/16ZXVSMM7v/newly-conservative california-school-board-bans-critical-race-theory-in-first-meeting/c/4TohaYjADgN | Critical race Theory is ""cultural-marxism"" applied to race. | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 8 | critic race theori culturalmarx appli race | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-16 | null | foreigninvader | null | Communities | https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/16ZXVTUkVz/how-did-you-find-conpro?/c/4TohtEfCxdd | I would visit The Donald from time to time and it switched to the .win network. I was on a journey learning about real WWII history, cultural Marxism and posting about it in The Donald. I kept getting called a Nazi or Stormcuck and someone said I should go check out ConPro so I did. Over time, I found ConPro was much closer to the truth about reality than The Donald was so I stuck around. | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 76 | would visit donald time time switch win network journey learn real wwii histori cultur marxism post donald kept get call nazi stormcuck someon said go check conpro time found conpro much closer truth realiti donald stuck around | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-16 | null | steveolatino | null | GETTR | https://www.gettr.com/comment/c1mvaum6763 | You're looking at a Biden socialist "henchman" who has lie so much that it's now pathological. Cultural Marxism has totally infested our American values and way of living. At present, that's the real virus that kills. Approximately 100 US Congress-members and around 20ish Senators are enmeshed in Socialist/ Communist movements and the FBI no longer does background checks because they, were indoctrinated in the Frankfurt School of Social Reasearch at liberal Ivy League Universities who are Socialist while un-noticed parents pay the school fees. A problematic virus. America needs to wake-up for the sake of your grand-children. | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 97 | your look biden socialist henchman lie much patholog cultur marxism total infest american valu way live present that real virus kill approxim u congressmemb around ish senat enmesh socialist communist movement fbi longer background check indoctrin frankfurt school social reasearch liber ivi leagu univers socialist unnot parent pay school fee problemat virus america need wakeup sake grandchild | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-15 | null | eizokusei | null | Minds | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1450069737017970700 | Lembrei de você quando li esta citação de "The Red Trojan Horse: A Concise Analysis of Cultural Marxism (English Edition)" de Alasdair Elder -"The very concept of meritocracy is considered unfair by Cultural Marxists, because it dispenses rewards based on actual results, and so does not guarantee equality of results. Cultural Marxists see this as unjust because it does not afford minority groups a victim narrative that would grant them special privileges by default."Comece a ler este livro gratuitamente: https://amz.onl/fSxlHeC | null | null | https://amz.onl/fSxlHeC | null | Eliza | 80 | lembrei de você quando li esta citação de red trojan hors concis analysi cultur marxism english edit de alasdair elder concept meritocraci consid unfair cultur marxist dispens reward base actual result guarante equal result cultur marxist see unjust afford minor group victim narrat would grant special privileg defaultcomec ler est livro gratuitament httpsamzonlfsxlhec | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-15 | null | bademoxy | null | Rumble | https://rumble.com/v20e3me-the-ancient-apocalypse-theory-is-likely-true.html | we are not alone, nor have we ever been alone.
a turning point was the late '40'S, when global corporatists began funding the mental virus AKA Frankfurt School cultural Marxism while elites decided to suppress the E.T./UFO-after thousands of years of general acceptance in the possibility of Aliens here.
Genetic Identity has been under attack since then as well , forcing a "woke science" wherein humans "evolved by random chance within -1 million yrs- from apes, yet genders are social construction/not biological"bullshit. I suggest human collaborators were seduced by a less than ethical ET faction into utilizing human castes for resource extraction until "natively developed" Ai/robotics can replace us and a "green plan" Depopulates Earth while Marxism deconstructs civilization and its normal(socially sustainable) nuclear family foundations. | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 126 | alon ever alon turn point late global corporatist began fund mental virus aka frankfurt school cultur marxism elit decid suppress etufoaft thousand year general accept possibl alien genet ident attack sinc well forc woke scienc wherein human evolv random chanc within million yr ape yet gender social constructionnot biologicalbullshit suggest human collabor seduc le ethic et faction util human cast resourc extract nativ develop airobot replac u green plan depopul earth marxism deconstruct civil normalsoci sustain nuclear famili foundat | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-14 | null | hero'sjourneyreturn {aarongorn} | null | Telegram | https://t.me/herosjourneyreturn/5526 | Yup. It's called ""collectivism"" or ""cultural Marxism"" üëå https://t.me/herosjourneyreturn | null | null | https://t.me/herosjourneyreturn | null | Eliza | 9 | yup call collectiv cultur marxism üëå httpstmeherosjourneyreturn | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-14 | 12:37:16 | eizokusei | null | Minds | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1449742039414476803 | Lembrei de você quando li esta citação de "The Red Trojan Horse: A Concise Analysis of Cultural Marxism (English Edition)" de Alasdair Elder -"The word ‘slave’ itself originates from the word ‘Slav,’ since the majority of slaves that were traded were not black Africans, but white Eastern Europeans and they were traded not in any European nation, but the non-European Ottoman Empire; an empire which served as the global hub of the international slave trade for half a millennium. To complete this destruction of white people’s right to sovereignty, majority-white countries are encouraged to surrender their sovereign rights to open-border supranational bodies, such as the European Union."Comece a ler este livro gratuitamente: https://amz.onl/iNAAUl1 | null | null | https://amz.onl/iNAAUl1 | null | Eliza | 113 | lembrei de você quando li esta citação de red trojan hors concis analysi cultur marxism english edit de alasdair elder word ⊘slave⊙ origin word ⊘slav⊙ sinc major slave trade black african white eastern european trade european nation noneuropean ottoman empir empir serv global hub intern slave trade half millennium complet destruct white people⊙ right sovereignti majoritywhit countri encourag surrend sovereign right openbord supran bodi european unioncomec ler est livro gratuitament httpsamzonlinaaul | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-14 | 6:32:58 | RedPillosopher1776 | null | Patriots | https://communities.win/c/TheDonald/p/16ZXQnwG4w/what-kind-of-enemy-is-so-depraved-that-they-would-dig-up-the-bones-of-your-ancestors-and-heroes-only-to-desecrate-them?/c/4Toha1xtacP | They/them, the people behind the scenes driving the cultural marxism, the soros, rothschilds, warburgs, clintons, bushs, gates, fauchis of the world. | null | ["https://media.patriots.win/post/QK3LNxo6TGqY.jpeg"] | null | null | Eliza | 21 | theythem peopl behind scene drive cultur marxism soro rothschild warburg clinton bush gate fauchi world | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-14 | 3:41:43 | ForeignInvader | null | Communities | https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/16ZXQnvyUs/crime-plunges-in-el-salvador-as-criminals-are-sent-to-prison/c/4Toha1uU8Cw | I'm still skeptical of the El Salvadorian president.
He seems to take great pride in the fact his wife is Jewish. He prayed to the Jewish wall like all good goys.
His wife pushes a lot of "women's rights" in El Salvador which is a euphemism for cultural marxism.
Remember, a lot of stuff you see regarding "tough on crime" in countries like El Salvador is often corruption shrouded under the guise of law-and-order. A friend of mine is from El Salvador and he says all the young people, especially women (a bad sign usually) love the new President but the older generations believe he's corrupt and has significant ties to the organized crime there. This might simply be a grab to root out competing criminals and monopolize it himself. The move toward bitcoin for paying taxes is actually a way to allow easier money laundering for criminals he potentially is tied to.
I think anyone placing trust in politicians like this are misguided. He is not white and he doesn't stand up for white male patriarchal values as far as I'm concerned so he's a far cry from based. I suspect there's a lot more going on here than we fully understand or what the media is publishing. | null | ["https://libertyunyielding.com/2022/12/08/crime-plunges-in-el-salvador-as-criminals-are-sent-to-prison/"] | https://www.timesofisrael.com/his-dad-was-an-imam-his-wife-has-jewish-roots-meet-el-salvadors-new-leader/ | null | Eliza | 210 | im still skeptic el salvadorian presid httpswwwtimesofisraelcomhisdadwasanimamhiswifehasjewishrootsmeetelsalvadorsnewlead seem take great pride fact wife jewish pray jewish wall like good goy wife push lot woman right el salvador euphem cultur marxism rememb lot stuff see regard tough crime countri like el salvador often corrupt shroud gui lawandord friend mine el salvador say young peopl especi woman bad sign usual love new presid older generat believ he corrupt signific tie organ crime might simpli grab root compet crimin monopol move toward bitcoin pay tax actual way allow easier money launder crimin potenti tie think anyon place trust politician like misguid white doesnt stand white male patriarch valu far im concern he far cri base suspect there lot go fulli understand medium publish | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-14 | 1:24:02 | ForeignInvader | null | Patriots | https://communities.win/c/TheDonald/p/16ZXQmpVia/chatgpt's-losing-it./c/4Toha1pxvNA | That is actually the definition for classical liberalism but that's not how most people, especially Americans, consider to be liberal today. Cultural Marxism is a better way to describe what American liberalism is.
The American founding fathers were liberals basically, by the classical definition.
I myself hate classical liberalism but ironically, a lot of Americans among the MAGA crew are in fact liberals. It's ironic because they hate liberal but actually are liberals but no one really uses the correct definition of liberal. | null | ["https://media.patriots.win/post/MGqalrqW2ABV.png"] | null | null | Eliza | 83 | actual definit classic liber that peopl especi american consid liber today cultur marxism better way describ american liber american found father liber basic classic definit hate classic liber iron lot american among maga crew fact liber iron hate liber actual liber one realli use correct definit liber | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-14 | 1:19:15 | madeaprofilejustforu | null | Patriots | https://communities.win/c/TheDonald/p/16ZXQmpVia/chatgpt's-losing-it./c/4Toha1pxe3W | What people seem to be happy calling “liberalism” these days is actually cultural Marxism. Back in the day, liberals were pretty cool. I lived in Austin… to see what it has become is just disgusting. | null | ["https://media.patriots.win/post/MGqalrqW2ABV.png"] | null | null | Eliza | 35 | peopl seem happi call ⊜liberalism⊝ day actual cultur marxism back day liber pretti cool live austin⊦ see becom disgust | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-13 | 23:25:53 | P4jrl | null | Disqus | https://www.mediaite.com/politics/you-think-i-dont-know-how-fcking-old-i-am-biden-reportedly-fed-up-with-media-fixation-on-his-age/#comment-6065462349 | Biden connecting the dots on the Dems' radical, cultural Marxism agenda: "Racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, transphobia, they’re all connected." | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 18 | biden connect dot dem radic cultur marxism agenda racism antisemit homophobia transphobia they⊙r connect | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-13 | 17:25:02 | Norbert the Tiger | null | KiwiFarms | https://incels.is/threads/debate-on-whether-nazis-are-humans-the-tranny-question-and-how-to-solve-the-decadent-west.139161 | Wormy said: I didn't say a damn word about fascism in the first place. I go with straight authoritarianism.
Click to expand...
I am not sure what this means. I take this to mean you denounce all authoritarianism. But this is an error. Authoritarianism is not de facto good or bad. Rather, it all depends on who or what has ascended to power and wields authority.
If you think democratic norms still apply, or will apply as things get worse, you are stark raving mad. I wonder if you know that even America has its own authoritarin past--with Abraham Linconl. He suspended habeaus corpus and declared martial law, not just in the South but in the entire union. When the Civil War broke out, he violated the rights of those who sympathized with the Confederacy, most particularly in Maryland. Secessionists in Maryland were jailed, brutalized with beatings and sometimes even killed. If he had not done that, Maryland might well have seceded and than the Confderacy would have captured Washington, making the Union look like the rogue state.
Wormy said: Gas the Jews. Gas the left. Gas anyone deemed sexually deviant. White homeland for whites, other colored home lands for colored people.
Click to expand... Very few if anyone advocates for what is described in the first three sentences.
Beyond that, why should whites not enjoy homogenos countries? I bet your pussy does not get all sore at the prospect of a homogenous Japan, or an indepedent, homogenous TIbet. But yes, Germany should be German, the French national team should field actual Frenchmen, London should be populated with English, Welsh, Scottish, and Irish, ie actual Britons. The balkanization, fracturing of society not just in the US but in all European countries and its diaspora will not end well. It will not work, because man is innately and indelibly tribalist. And current norms deem that it is fine for every single racial group to do so, except of course whites. Fuck that.
Wormy said: Mainly that Jews are not, in fact, responsible for my problems in life and all of society's problems and becoming all white won't magically fix everything. That's the big one. There's smaller ones too, if you're interested.
Click to expand... I am pretty confident that you are absolutely ignorant about Jews, their wildly disproportionate power in this country and elsewhere. Let me ask you-- - have you read anything by Kevin MacDonald, let alone Culture of Critique. No one should take anyone who denies the JQ seriously who has not read Kevin MacDonald. - do you know what the Frankfurt School is, who the godfathers of Cultural Marxism is? - do you know what the Balfour Declaration is? - are you able to even guesstimate Jewish represenation in Hollywood? In government (what percentage of senators and congressmen, cabinet members in presidential adminstrations since FDR). Do you know or are you able to approximate what percentage of partners at big law firms are Jewish? Do you know anything, or do you just parrot what your elementary school teachers taught you, particularly with incantations about what a swell, great guy MLK Jr was? | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 524 | wormi said didnt say damn word fascism first place go straight authoritarian click expand sure mean take mean denounc authoritarian error authoritarian de facto good bad rather depend ascend power wield author think democrat norm still appli appli thing get wors stark rave mad wonder know even america authoritarin pastwith abraham linconl suspend habeaus corpus declar martial law south entir union civil war broke violat right sympath confederaci particular maryland secessionist maryland jail brutal beat sometim even kill done maryland might well seced confderaci would captur washington make union look like rogu state wormi said gas jew gas left gas anyon deem sexual deviant white homeland white color home land color peopl click expand anyon advoc describ first three sentenc beyond white enjoy homogeno countri bet pussi get sore prospect homogen japan indeped homogen tibet yes germani german french nation team field actual frenchman london popul english welsh scottish irish ie actual briton balkan fractur societi u european countri diaspora end well work man innat indel tribalist current norm deem fine everi singl racial group except cours white fuck wormi said main jew fact respons problem life societi problem becom white wont magic fix everyth that big one there smaller one your interest click expand pretti confid absolut ignor jew wild disproportion power countri elsewher let ask read anyth kevin macdonald let alon cultur critiqu one take anyon deni jq serious read kevin macdonald know frankfurt school godfath cultur marxism know balfour declar abl even guesstim jewish represen hollywood govern percentag senat congressman cabinet member presidenti adminstr sinc fdr know abl approxim percentag partner big law firm jewish know anyth parrot elementari school teacher taught particular incant swell great guy mlk jr | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-13 | 14:55:24 | eizokusei | null | Minds | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1449414415467155466 | Lembrei de você quando li esta citação de "The Red Trojan Horse: A Concise Analysis of Cultural Marxism (English Edition)" de Alasdair Elder -"Marxist Feminist claims that their ideology is based on equality are clearly shown to be false by the fact that Feminists only seek ‘equality’ in high-powered, highly paid professions. Professions such as waste disposal, construction, or sewage maintenance, in which the workforce is almost exclusively male, are neglected in the Feminist call for equal representation in the workplace. To the contrary, Feminists devalue much of this completely essential labour, because if they were to acknowledge the true value of such work, it would mean having to admit that their despised male ‘oppressors’ actually fill an indispensable role in society; a role which most women are unwilling to fill."Comece a ler este livro gratuitamente: https://amz.onl/5sfcwcO | null | ["https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41GTBQVw+dL._SL500_.jpg"] | https://amz.onl/5sfcwcO | null | Eliza | 137 | lembrei de você quando li esta citação de red trojan hors concis analysi cultur marxism english edit de alasdair elder marxist feminist claim ideolog base equal clear shown fals fact feminist seek ⊘equality⊙ highpow high paid profess profess wast dispos construct sewag mainten workforc almost exclus male neglect feminist call equal represent workplac contrari feminist devalu much complet essenti labour acknowledg true valu work would mean admit despis male ⊘oppressors⊙ actual fill indispens role societi role woman unwil fillcomec ler est livro gratuitament httpsamzonlsfcwco | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-13 | 14:47:34 | Anonymous | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/408157223#p408164650 | >>408163467 It depends on the nip. I used to date a Japanese from Japan (nihonjing) chick, who was the tightest pussy I've ever had. Second tightest was this Japanese American chick, although she was way more into porn level sex. I dated another Japanese American chick whose pussy was pretty loose. Dated a Korean chick too, who had huge tits and her pussy was pretty tight. That didn't last long. It was just a fling. I've dated White chicks too and half White, half spic. These days, I'm more into the idea of finding someone who is my race, which is White. Times are different now though. Mostly all chicks are fucked in the head on a whole different level than prior to the last ten years. This is entirely due to the jew, with their cultural marxism (jew critical theory) and jew social media. >>408163785 >They have mandatory judaism studies as children.This does not surprise me, in the least. | null | ["http://i.4cdn.org/pol/"] | null | null | Eliza | 160 | depend nip use date japanes japan nihonj chick tightest pussi ive ever second tightest japanes american chick although way porn level sex date anoth japanes american chick whose pussi pretti loo date korean chick huge tit pussi pretti tight didnt last long fling ive date white chick half white half spic day im idea find someon race white time differ though most chick fuck head whole differ level prior last ten year entir due jew cultur marxism jew critic theori jew social medium mandatori judaism studi childrenthi surpris least | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-13 | 4:08:09 | madeaprofilejustforu | null | Patriots | https://communities.win/c/TheDonald/p/16ZXQjPmGD/based-if-true/c/4TohHCXj50r | Cultural Marxism is super real. I hope Musk finds peace and also kicks some ass. | null | ["https://media.patriots.win/post/QWf8OzG5EiR9.png"] | null | null | Eliza | 15 | cultur marxism super real hope musk find peac also kick as | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-13 | 0:21:01 | BidensDeadBrain | null | Patriots | https://communities.win/c/TheDonald/p/16ZXQiHvJ1/elon-musk-warns:-america-must-defeat-the-'woke-mind-virus'
'or-nothing-else-matters'/c/4TohH7vbyCL | It's cultural Marxism, A/K/A communism. We can't defeat it if we can't name it. | null | ["https://www.wnd.com/2022/12/elon-musk-warns-america-must-defeat-woke-mind-virus/"] | null | null | Eliza | 14 | cultur marxism aka communism cant defeat cant name | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-12 | 16:43:40 | Danny Glick | null | Disqus | https://www.lastmovieoutpost.com/holiday-greetings/#comment-6064195941 | Fighting for communism and cultural marxism | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 6 | fight communism cultur marxism | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-12 | 2:49:14 | Anonymous | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/407975838#p407986838 | >>407982116 Sociology is cultural Marxism. And it's based as fuck. Read more theory | null | ["http://i.4cdn.org/pol/"] | null | null | Eliza | 13 | sociolog cultur marxism base fuck read theori | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-11 | 17:47:04 | wrmevlp | null | Patriots | https://communities.win/c/TheDonald/p/16ZXM8P85c/why-the-left-must-destroy-free-speech...-or-be-destroyed--(good-short-read)/c/4TohGtkmDSx | Cultural Marxism's Origins: How the Disciples of an Obscure Italian Linguist Subverted America
https://libertarianinstitute.org/articles/cultural-marxisms-origins-how-the-disciples-of-an-obscure-italian-linguist-subverted-america/ | null | ["https://www.zerohedge.com/political/why-left-must-destroy-free-speech-or-be-destroyed"] | https://libertarianinstitute.org/articles/cultural-marxisms-origins-how-the-disciples-of-an-obscure-italian-linguist-subverted-america/ | null | Eliza | 14 | cultur marxism origin discipl obscur italian linguist subvert america httpslibertarianinstituteorgarticlesculturalmarxismsoriginshowthedisciplesofanobscureitalianlinguistsubvertedamerica | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-11 | 11:00:08 | Anonymous | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/407897086#p407900020 | >>407897086 "Woke" is a word morons use to describe jewish cultural marxism. The History of Political Correctness [7cPvIOk9453T].mp4https://files.catbox.moe/fng9qc.mp4 | null | ["http://i.4cdn.org/pol/infotable-frankfurt-school.png"] | null | null | Eliza | 18 | woke word moron use describ jewish cultur marxism histori polit correct cpvioktmphttpsfilescatboxmoefngqcmp | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-11 | 3:06:14 | EuropeNeedsFixing | null | GreatAwakening | https://communities.win/c/GreatAwakening/p/16ZXM69AGL/recently-freed-from-jail-in-the-us,-the-"merchant-of-death"-viktor-bout-tells-maria-butina-how-horrified-he-was-to-learn-in-america-that-there-are-72-genders/c/4TohGkUGeQa | Yeah, I know. It seems like the gender has gone from digital to analog, where there is an infinite number of variances.
I have done some research on the Frankfurt School, and this is just another aspect of the cultural Marxism that is invading the western world. In classical Marxism, they tried unsuccessfully to divide us into classes (rich/poor).
They expected the uprising of the proletariat, but it never happened. Today they are attempting the same revolution by dividing us across social/cultural norms. Feminism, wokeism, political correctness, identity politics, gender confusing, etc., are in my opinion all a result of the Frankfurt School.
Unfortunately they have come a long way... | null | ["https://nitter.nl/francis_scarr/status/1601635260630208512"] | null | null | Eliza | 110 | yeah know seem like gender gone digit analog infinit number varianc done research frankfurt school anoth aspect cultur marxism invad western world classic marxism tri unsuccess divid u class richpoor expect upris proletariat never happen today attempt revolut divid u across socialcultur norm femin wokeism polit correct ident polit gender confus etc opinion result frankfurt school unfortun come long way | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-10 | 20:56:21 | Anonymous | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/407828845#p407835121 | >>407832502 The paradox is simply their side equals objective good and the other side equals objective bad. Objective bad is always wrong and so it is necessary to not tolerate them and even destroy them because doing so protects their ideology that is for the tolerance the things they deem to be “objective good” (transsexualism, race mixing, cultural Marxism, reparations, etc). It’s just ideological procession, it’s the same line of thinking that resulted in communists killing hundreds of millions, they literally see anybody who isn’t like them as non humans and dangerous/evil that need to be genocided, a threat. It’s just a pseudo intellectual mental gymnastics way of saying it that gives them moral high ground | null | ["http://i.4cdn.org/pol/"] | null | null | Eliza | 116 | paradox simpli side equal object good side equal object bad object bad alway wrong necessari toler even destroy protect ideolog toler thing deem ⊜object good⊝ transsexu race mix cultur marxism repar etc it⊙ ideolog process it⊙ line think result communist kill hundr million liter see anybodi isn⊙t like non human dangerousevil need genocid threat it⊙ pseudo intellectu mental gymnast way say give moral high ground | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-10 | 15:29:16 | SpecialQForces | null | Telegram | https://t.me/SpecialQForces/59167 | She nailed it - THE DEMOCRATS AMERICA and the MARXISTS WORLD - CULTURAL MARXISM and LINERALISM IS THE AGENDA OF THE NWO MESSAGE TO ALL so called LIBERALS: YOU SUCK SICK COCK SUCKING LGTBQ PEDO BASTARD TRANNIES @EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL - https://rumble.com/v1km7h3-she-nailed-it.html | null | null | https://rumble.com/v1km7h3-she-nailed-it.html | null | Eliza | 40 | nail democrat america marxist world cultur marxism liner agenda nwo messag call liber suck sick cock suck lgtbq pedo bastard tranni exposethepedosendofthecab httpsrumblecomvkmhshenailedithtml | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-10 | 15:26:09 | EXPOSEthePEDOSendTheCABAL | null | Telegram | https://t.me/EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL/25442 | She nailed it - THE DEMOCRATS AMERICA and the MARXISTS WORLD - CULTURAL MARXISM and LINERALISM IS THE AGENDA OF THE NWO MESSAGE TO ALL so called LIBERALS: YOU SUCK SICK COCK SUCKING LGTBQ PEDO BASTARD TRANNIES @EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL - https://rumble.com/v1km7h3-she-nailed-it.html | null | null | https://rumble.com/v1km7h3-she-nailed-it.html | null | Eliza | 40 | nail democrat america marxist world cultur marxism liner agenda nwo messag call liber suck sick cock suck lgtbq pedo bastard tranni exposethepedosendofthecab httpsrumblecomvkmhshenailedithtml | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-10 | 15:10:03 | maggie2096 | null | GETTR | https://www.gettr.com/comment/c1mdsa46696 | The Critical Race Theory and Gender Ideology add Social Media . Is destroying our Children.
Take out The Phones and the cultural Marxism and teach our children . | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 28 | critic race theori gender ideolog add social medium destroy child take phone cultur marxism teach child | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-10 | 12:03:43 | eizokusei | null | Minds | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1448284045258526728 | Lembrei de você quando li esta citação de "The Red Trojan Horse: A Concise Analysis of Cultural Marxism (English Edition)" de Alasdair Elder -"In common with Classical Marxists, Cultural Marxists can only define themselves in terms of what they are against, rather than what they are for. Just as Classical Marxists believe that by bringing down capitalism they will solve all the world’s problems, so do Cultural Marxists believe the same in regards to smashing the patriarchy. To this end, they hold up radical individualism as the supreme cultural ideal. What differentiates this radical individualism from the individualism that can be found in being a responsible and self-governing member of a free society, is that it involves renouncing every single one of a person’s traditional allegiances, and thus becoming a completely isolated individual. The net result of such nihilism is the disintegration of the societal fabric into a cultural void, in which total dependence on the state becomes the individual’s only option."Comece a ler este livro gratuitamente: https://amz.onl/0l5fhmV | null | null | https://amz.onl/0l5fhmV | null | Eliza | 168 | lembrei de você quando li esta citação de red trojan hors concis analysi cultur marxism english edit de alasdair elder common classic marxist cultur marxist defin term rather classic marxist believ bring capit solv world⊙ problem cultur marxist believ regard smash patriarchi end hold radic individu suprem cultur ideal differenti radic individu individu found respons selfgovern member free societi involv renounc everi singl one person⊙ tradit allegi thus becom complet isol individu net result nihil disintegr societ fabric cultur void total depend state becom individual⊙ optioncomec ler est livro gratuitament httpsamzonllfhmv | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-09 | 15:27:15 | Greenblatts_4skin | null | Patriots | https://communities.win/c/TheDonald/p/16ZXHU2bTd/russian-tv-mocks-griner-release/c/4TogxqNRRrQ | very succinctly put. Its odd to see US cultural marxism talked about accurately by people in other countries and not by anyone publicly in the US who opposes it. | null | ["https://twitter.com/The_Real_Fly/status/1601049462528700417"] | null | null | Eliza | 29 | succinct put odd see u cultur marxism talk accur peopl countri anyon public u oppos | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-09 | 15:14:21 | ruston_hazeburg | null | GETTR | https://www.gettr.com/comment/c1mb4as6674 | Don't like a particular political narrative being called out? you know like cultural marxism 🤷‍♂️ | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 15 | dont like particular polit narrat call know like cultur marxism 🤷⊍♍ÿ¸ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-09 | 10:38:03 | Biopsy101 | null | Patriots | https://communities.win/c/TheDonald/p/16ZXHU1EIi/“the-inmates-were-running-the-asylum”-/c/4TogxqIrwN7 | Welcome to cultural marxism in America. The greatest desperation play in the history of humanity. | null | ["https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11519867/Inmates-running-asylum-Musk-confirms-right-wing-accounts-suspended-without-cause.html"] | null | null | Eliza | 15 | welcom cultur marxism america greatest desper play histori human | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-09 | 9:55:37 | Anonymous | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/407664106#p407665232 | me on my way to yet another day of having to supress everything i think is true and right. cultural marxism is so degrading. | null | ["http://i.4cdn.org/pol/00982183.jpg"] | null | null | Eliza | 24 | way yet anoth day supress everyth think true right cultur marxism degrad | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-09 | 1:14:22 | JackPosobiec | null | Truth Social | https://truthsocial.com/@JackPosobiec/109479648454406921 | Cultural Marxism is just the 7 deadly sins as a political ideology | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 12 | cultur marxism dead sin polit ideolog | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-09 | 0:55:17 | Anonymous | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/407609011#p407623515 | >>407623060 Unless you're from a white country that's magically avoiding cultural Marxism you should stfu because you're next, or maybe you're just a jogger. | null | ["http://i.4cdn.org/pol/c3595463b161874694a675c29e551346.jpg"] | null | null | Eliza | 24 | unless your white countri that magic avoid cultur marxism stfu your next mayb your jogger | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-08 | 20:38:18 | Anonymous | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/407592788#p407596734 | >>407592788 >what happened to cultural/neo-marxism?>A couple of years ago everyone was talking about cultural marxism and how it is the weapon being used to attack western civilization.It was a dog whistle for the jew. Now we're straight jew namin no more dog whistles | null | ["http://i.4cdn.org/pol/"] | null | null | Eliza | 43 | happen culturalneomarxisma coupl year ago everyon talk cultur marxism weapon use attack western civilizationit dog whistl jew straight jew namin dog whistl | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-08 | 20:01:36 | Anonymous | null | 4chan | https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/407592788#p407592788 | what happened to cultural/neo-marxism?A couple of years ago everyone was talking about cultural marxism and how it is the weapon being used to attack western civilization.Now it seems to have completely disappeared from the right wing lexicon. you hardly ever see people talking about it, especially on /pol/.it's as if people have forgotten that neo-marxist principles such as critical theory are the bedrock and fuel of globohomo.Breaking down of gender, the destruction of the nuclear family, equality of outcome, white guilt, desecration of history etc all stem from neo-marxism. what happened?why did the conversation move away? | null | ["http://i.4cdn.org/pol/Pol_cultural_Marxism_conspiracy_flowchart[1].jpg"] | null | null | Eliza | 96 | happen culturalneomarxisma coupl year ago everyon talk cultur marxism weapon use attack western civilizationnow seem complet disappear right wing lexicon hard ever see peopl talk especi polit peopl forgotten neomarxist principl critic theori bedrock fuel globohomobreak gender destruct nuclear famili equal outcom white guilt desecr histori etc stem neomarx happenedwhi convers move away | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-08 | 19:58:33 | christancs | null | GETTR | https://www.gettr.com/comment/c1m91x3b2ae | cultural marxism is rejecting God and calling Him a liar that He is a just God who have given mankind His statutes and we have broken every one of them... remember, "the wages for sin is DEATH..." | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 37 | cultur marxism reject god call liar god given mankind statut broken everi one rememb wage sin death | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-08 | 19:14:57 | Jack Posobiec | Turning Point USA | Telegram | https://t.me/Jack_Posobiec/20146 | Cultural Marxism is just the 7 deadly sins as a political ideology | null | null | null | Verified account | Eliza | 12 | cultur marxism dead sin polit ideolog | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-08 | 19:14:27 | jackposobiec | null | GETTR | https://www.gettr.com/post/p21453c4393 | Cultural Marxism is just the 7 deadly sins as a political ideology | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 12 | cultur marxism dead sin polit ideolog | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-08 | 18:05:45 | WeedleTLiar | null | Communities | https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/16ZXHQbUAy/juden-peterstein-gets-mad-over-someone-adressing-the-jewish-question/c/4TogxgwhDsa | Why doesn't he use his speech and address the point instead of shutting down discussion?
I'm willing to listen openly to someone trying to explain the fact that the rise in cultural marxism coincides with the decline of Christianity in our institutions and that *doesn't* have to do with those same institutions being disproportionately jewish, but he isn't.
The number one fact that makes me question the holocaust is that I'm not allowed to question the holocaust. | null | ["https://media.communities.win/post/67EJLl8Yx9YL.png"] | null | null | Eliza | 77 | doesnt use speech address point instead shut discus im will listen open someon tri explain fact rise cultur marxism coincid declin christian institut doesnt institut disproportion jewish isnt number one fact make question holocaust im allow question holocaust | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-08 | 17:44:43 | SpecialQForces | null | Telegram | https://t.me/SpecialQForces/58901 | üî• RUSSIAN SPECIAL MILITARY OPERATION O V Z -->> https://rumble.com/v1iw1xz-russian-special-military-operation-o-v-z.html üî• CONFIRMED - CIA WAS BEHIND THE 2014 COUP -->> https://rumble.com/v1qmfzb-confirmed-cia-was-behind-the-2014-coup.html üî• DOKU: UKRAINE ON FIRE & FUCK THE EU (NULAND) -->> https://rumble.com/v1jjrut-doku-ukraine-on-fire-and-fuck-the-eu-nuland.html üî• THE WAR IS ON! MILITARIES VS THE NEW WORLD ORDER: >> RUSSIA UNDER ATTACK -->> https://rumble.com/v1r9ej0-the-war-is-on-militaries-vs-the-new-world-order-russia....html üî• Donbass War: Summer 2014 -->> https://rumble.com/v1jxg03-donbass-war-summer-2014.html üî• C.I.A - 70 YEARS IN UKRAINE -->>> https://rumble.com/v1k5uz1-the-cia-70-years-in-ukraine.html üî• Fascism: A History / 2021 -->> https://rumble.com/v1o4zy4-fascism-a-history-2021-europe-ussr.html - üî• NAZISM IN THE 21st CENTURY -->> https://rumble.com/v1sbknw-nazism-in-the-21st-century-denazification-is-the-only-way.html ‚öîüá∑üá∫ ‚öî PRESIDENT PUTIN - COMMANDER IN CHIEF, deNAZIfication HERO and SATANIC ELITE ELIMINATOR -->> https://rumble.com/v1n39bm-putin-president-putin-commander-in-chief-denazification-hero-and-satanic-el.html ‚öîüá∑üá∫ ‚öî PUTIN vs THE DEEP STATE PART 1 - DENAZIFICATION -->> https://rumble.com/v1n18hc-putin-vs-deepstate-part-1.html ‚öîüá∑üá∫ ‚öî PUTIN VS THE DEEP STATE ‚Äî PART TWO ‚Äî RED LINES -->> https://rumble.com/v1n3hoy-putin-vs-the-deep-state-part-two-red-lines.html ‚öîüá∑üá∫ ‚öî PUTIN VS THE DEEP STATE ‚Äî PART THREE‚Äî THE WAR FOR THE WORLD -->> https://rumble.com/v1n1emq--putin-vs-the-deep-state-part-two-red-lines.html üî•CHILDREN OF DONBASS -->> https://rumble.com/v1odju5-children-of-donbass-the-war-is-on-children-vs-the-nazis-saveourchildren.html üî•CHILDREN OF DONBASS FULL DOKU -->>> https://rumble.com/v1oavs3-children-of-donbass-2022-ukraine-donbass.html üî•NAZI CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY -->> https://rumble.com/v1ob23l-operation-ukraine-nazi-crimes-without-punishment-2022.html ‚öîüá∑üá∫ ‚öî DENAZIFICATION - Inside Russia‚Äôs Special Military Operation / FULL DOKU 2022 -->> https://rumble.com/v1k6r0x-denazification-inside-russias-special-military-operation-full-doku-2022.html ‚öîüá∑üá∫ ‚öî DENAZIFICATION - Operation Liberation / FULL DOKU 2022 -->> https://rumble.com/v1k6k41-denazification-operation-liberation-full-doku-2022.html üî•OPERATION UKRAINE - NAZI WAR CRIMES -->> https://rumble.com/v1ob23l-operation-ukraine-nazi-crimes-without-punishment-2022.html Büí•Qüí•Qüí•Qüí•Qüí•M - Putin: Coronavirus was part of the biological weapons program in Ukraine -->> https://rumble.com/v1smkke-bqqqqm-putin-coronavirus-was-part-of-the-biological-weapons-program-in-ukra.html üî• Fascism: A History / 2021 #Europe #USSR -->> https://rumble.com/v1o4zy4-fascism-a-history-2021-europe-ussr.html - üî•Russophobia: History of Hate / DOKU 2022 -->> https://rumble.com/v1kdadz-russophobia-history-of-hate-doku-2022.html üî• CULTURAL MARXISM AGENDA OF THE NWO -->> https://rumble.com/v1k9c5f-cultural-marxism-agenda-of-the-nwo.html üî• Cultural Marxism - RETARDED LIBERALISM / SOCIALISM Explained --> https://rumble.com/v1qbqpl-cultural-marxism-retarded-liberalism-socialism-explained-in-7-minutes.html üî• FAST FORWARD TO FASCISM - https://rumble.com/v1irs0l-fast-forward-to-fascism.html üî• HOW UKRAINIAN CHILDREN ARE TAUGHT TO HATE RUSSIANS - https://rumble.com/v1vdkbe-how-ukrainian-children-were-taught-to-hate-russians.html BRAVE HERQS - THE SAVIORS OF DONBASS -- https://rumble.com/v1iy999-brave-herqs-the-saviors-of-donbass.html ALL REPORTS OF üá∫üá∏‚ò£Ô∏è üá∫üá¶BIOWEAPON LABSüá∫üá∏ ‚ò£Ô∏èüá∫üᶠ-->> https://t.me/EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL/15876 üî• CHRONOLOGICAL OVERVIEW: RUSSIA vs DeepState -->> https://t.me/EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL/21796 #EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL topic connected with @DUMBSandUNDERGROUND | null | null | https://rumble.com/v1iw1xz-russian-special-military-operation-o-v-z.html; https://rumble.com/v1qmfzb-confirmed-cia-was-behind-the-2014-coup.html; https://rumble.com/v1jjrut-doku-ukraine-on-fire-and-fuck-the-eu-nuland.html; https://rumble.com/v1r9ej0-the-war-is-on-militaries-vs-the-new-world-order-russia....html; https://rumble.com/v1jxg03-donbass-war-summer-2014.html; https://rumble.com/v1k5uz1-the-cia-70-years-in-ukraine.html; https://rumble.com/v1o4zy4-fascism-a-history-2021-europe-ussr.html; https://rumble.com/v1sbknw-nazism-in-the-21st-century-denazification-is-the-only-way.html; https://rumble.com/v1n39bm-putin-president-putin-commander-in-chief-denazification-hero-and-satanic-el.html; https://rumble.com/v1n18hc-putin-vs-deepstate-part-1.html; https://rumble.com/v1n3hoy-putin-vs-the-deep-state-part-two-red-lines.html; https://rumble.com/v1n1emq--putin-vs-the-deep-state-part-two-red-lines.html; https://rumble.com/v1odju5-children-of-donbass-the-war-is-on-children-vs-the-nazis-saveourchildren.html; https://rumble.com/v1oavs3-children-of-donbass-2022-ukraine-donbass.html; https://rumble.com/v1ob23l-operation-ukraine-nazi-crimes-without-punishment-2022.html; https://rumble.com/v1k6r0x-denazification-inside-russias-special-military-operation-full-doku-2022.html; https://rumble.com/v1k6k41-denazification-operation-liberation-full-doku-2022.html; https://rumble.com/v1ob23l-operation-ukraine-nazi-crimes-without-punishment-2022.html; https://rumble.com/v1smkke-bqqqqm-putin-coronavirus-was-part-of-the-biological-weapons-program-in-ukra.html; https://rumble.com/v1o4zy4-fascism-a-history-2021-europe-ussr.html; https://rumble.com/v1kdadz-russophobia-history-of-hate-doku-2022.html; https://rumble.com/v1k9c5f-cultural-marxism-agenda-of-the-nwo.html; https://rumble.com/v1qbqpl-cultural-marxism-retarded-liberalism-socialism-explained-in-7-minutes.html; https://rumble.com/v1irs0l-fast-forward-to-fascism.html; https://rumble.com/v1vdkbe-how-ukrainian-children-were-taught-to-hate-russians.html; https://rumble.com/v1iy999-brave-herqs-the-saviors-of-donbass.html; https://t.me/EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL/21796 | null | Eliza | 301 | üî• russian special militari oper v z httpsrumblecomviwxzrussianspecialmilitaryoperationovzhtml üî• confirm cia behind coup httpsrumblecomvqmfzbconfirmedciawasbehindthecouphtml üî• doku ukrain fire fuck eu nuland httpsrumblecomvjjrutdokuukraineonfireandfucktheeunulandhtml üî• war militari v new world order russia attack httpsrumblecomvrejthewarisonmilitariesvsthenewworldorderrussiahtml üî• donbas war summer httpsrumblecomvjxgdonbasswarsummerhtml üî• cia year ukrain httpsrumblecomvkuztheciayearsinukrainehtml üî• fascism histori httpsrumblecomvozyfascismahistoryeuropeussrhtml üî• nazism st centuri httpsrumblecomvsbknwnazisminthestcenturydenazificationistheonlywayhtml ‚öîüá∑üá∫ ‚öî presid putin command chief denazif hero satan elit elimin httpsrumblecomvnbmputinpresidentputincommanderinchiefdenazificationheroandsatanicelhtml ‚öîüá∑üá∫ ‚öî putin v deep state part denazif httpsrumblecomvnhcputinvsdeepstateparthtml ‚öîüá∑üá∫ ‚öî putin v deep state ‚äî part two ‚äî red line httpsrumblecomvnhoyputinvsthedeepstateparttworedlineshtml ‚öîüá∑üá∫ ‚öî putin v deep state ‚äî part three‚äî war world httpsrumblecomvnemqputinvsthedeepstateparttworedlineshtml üî•children donbas httpsrumblecomvodjuchildrenofdonbassthewarisonchildrenvsthenazissaveourchildrenhtml üî•children donbas full doku httpsrumblecomvoavschildrenofdonbassukrainedonbasshtml üî•nazi crime human httpsrumblecomvobloperationukrainenazicrimeswithoutpunishmenthtml ‚öîüá∑üá∫ ‚öî denazif insid russia‚äô special militari oper full doku httpsrumblecomvkrxdenazificationinsiderussiasspecialmilitaryoperationfulldokuhtml ‚öîüá∑üá∫ ‚öî denazif oper liber full doku httpsrumblecomvkkdenazificationoperationliberationfulldokuhtml üî•oper ukrain nazi war crime httpsrumblecomvobloperationukrainenazicrimeswithoutpunishmenthtml büí•qüí•qüí•qüí•qüí•m putin coronavirus part biolog weapon program ukrain httpsrumblecomvsmkkebqqqqmputincoronaviruswaspartofthebiologicalweaponsprograminukrahtml üî• fascism histori europ ussr httpsrumblecomvozyfascismahistoryeuropeussrhtml üî•russophobia histori hate doku httpsrumblecomvkdadzrussophobiahistoryofhatedokuhtml üî• cultur marxism agenda nwo httpsrumblecomvkcfculturalmarxismagendaofthenwohtml üî• cultur marxism retard liber social explain httpsrumblecomvqbqplculturalmarxismretardedliberalismsocialismexplainedinminuteshtml üî• fast forward fascism httpsrumblecomvirslfastforwardtofascismhtml üî• ukrainian child taught hate russian httpsrumblecomvvdkbehowukrainianchildrenweretaughttohaterussianshtml brave herq savior donbas httpsrumblecomviybraveherqsthesaviorsofdonbasshtml report üá∫üá∏‚ò£ô∏è üá∫üá¶bioweapon labsüá∫üá∏ ‚ò£ô∏èüá∫üᶠhttpstmeexposethepedosendofthecab üî• chronolog overview russia v deepstat httpstmeexposethepedosendofthecab exposethepedosendofthecab topic connect dumbsandunderground | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cultural Marxism | 2022-12-08 | 13:14:49 | americanmenace1 | null | GETTR | https://www.gettr.com/comment/c1m7t6lbdcf | MN has a 17 BILLION dollar surplus, and the only thing they are saying on our local news is “how should we spend it?”…. These thieves are so confident and Americans so weak, that they actually think they can rob us in the daylight and we just nod our heads like good little slaves… That’s nearly $3500 per person in our state (WITHOUT removing the non-working population from that math). A moral society would give every penny back to their people, especially in a time of rampant inflation and economic hardships… a slave state spends every dime on cultural Marxism. What do you think the outcome will be?! | null | null | null | null | Eliza | 108 | mn billion dollar surplus thing say local news ⊜how spend it⊝⊦ thiev confid american weak actual think rob u daylight nod head like good littl slaves⊦ that⊙ near per person state without remov nonwork popul math moral societi would give everi penni back peopl especi time rampant inflat econom hardships⊦ slave state spend everi dime cultur marxism think outcom | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
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