--- language: - pt license: apache-2.0 size_categories: - 10K DatasetSourceSub-domainTask TypeClasses bidCorpus_NER_keyphrase-Seção Objeto de Editais de LicitaçãoNamed Entity Recognition4 bidCorpus_gold-Seção de Habilitação de Editais de LicitaçãoMulti-label Classification7 bidCorpus_object_similarity-Seção Objeto de Editais de LicitaçãoSentence Similarity2 bidCorpus_objects_correct_allowed-Seção Objeto de Editais de LicitaçãoMulti-class Classification4 bidCorpus_objects_type-Seção Objeto de Editais de LicitaçãoMulti-class Classification4 bidCorpus_qual_model-Seção de Habilitação de Editais de LicitaçãoMulti-label Classification7 bidCorpus_qual_weak_sup-Seção de Habilitação de Editais de LicitaçãoMulti-label Classification7 bidCorpus_sections_type-Seções de Editais de LicitaçãoMulti-label Classification5 bid_corpus_raw-Seções de Editais de Licitaçãon/an/a #### bidCorpus_NER_keyphrase This dataset is composed of texts from the "object" section of bidding notices. The dataset is labeled with two types of named entities, following the IOB (Inside-Outside-Beginning) format. 1. **Object of the bid**: Refers to the item to be acquired or the service to be contracted. The tags can be "B-OBJECT" (beginning of the entity) and "I-OBJECT" (continuation of the entity). 2. **Municipality of the managing unit**: Indicates the location of the entity responsible for the bid. The tags can be "B-MUNICIPALITY" (beginning of the entity) and "I-MUNICIPALITY" (continuation of the entity). This dataset is intended for training named entity recognition (NER) models, which are used to automatically identify and classify these entities within the texts. The labeled structure of the dataset facilitates the task of teaching models to distinguish between different types of relevant information in the bidding notices. The dataset follows the IOB format for named entity recognition, with entities labeled as either part of the object of the bid or the municipality of the managing unit. #### bidCorpus_gold This dataset consists of texts from the qualification section of bidding notices. Annotated by experts in public procurement, the dataset is multilabel and contains seven labels that indicate possible signs of fraud in public contracts. 1. **Certidão de Protesto**: Verification of any protests in the company's name. 2. **Certificado de Boas Práticas**: Assessment of adherence to recommended practices in the sector. 3. **Comprovante de Localização**: Confirmation of the company's physical address. 4. **Idoneidade Financeira**: Analysis of the company's financial health. 5. **Integralização de Capital**: Verification of the company's capital stock integration. 6. **Licença Ambiental**: Evaluation of compliance with environmental regulations. 7. **Limitação de Atestados**: Verification of the minimum and maximum number of certificates required. This dataset is used for training machine learning models to detect signs of fraud in public procurement processes. The multilabel structure allows the models to learn to identify multiple suspicious characteristics simultaneously, providing a valuable tool for the analysis and prevention of fraud in public contracts. #### bidCorpus_object_similarity This dataset is designed to assess text similarity in the "object" section of bidding notices by comparing pairs of distinct notices. Annotated by experts in public procurement, each entry consists of a pair of "object" sections labeled with: - **1**: The sections are similar. - **0**: The sections are not similar. The dataset supports tasks such as document comparison, clustering, and retrieval. It provides a valuable resource for training and evaluating models on how effectively they can determine similarities between bidding notices. The pairs are annotated with expert labels to ensure high-quality data, making this dataset ideal for developing and testing algorithms for text similarity analysis. It helps improve the efficiency and accuracy of managing and analyzing bidding documents. #### bidCorpus_objects_correct_allowed This dataset focuses on two classifications related to the "object" section of bidding notices: 1. **Object Classification**: Determines whether a section is the "object" section of a bidding notice. 2. **Permissivity Classification**: Assesses whether the object requires permissivity, meaning whether the contract involves areas such as the purchase of medications, cleaning services, or fuels, which might necessitate a certificate of location and an environmental license from regulatory institutions overseeing these activities. The dataset provides labels for these classifications to support the analysis of compliance and requirements in bidding documents. #### bidCorpus_objects_type This dataset focuses on classifying the type of procurement found in the "object" section of bidding notices. Specifically, it categorizes the type of product or service being bid on into one of the following categories: - **Consumables**: Items that are used up or consumed during use, such as office supplies or food products. - **Permanent Assets**: Items with a longer lifespan that are intended for repeated use, such as machinery or equipment. - **Services**: Non-tangible activities provided to fulfill a need, such as consulting or maintenance services. - **Engineering Works**: Projects related to construction, infrastructure, or other engineering tasks. The dataset provides labels for these classifications to assist in the analysis and organization of bidding documents, facilitating a better understanding of procurement types and aiding in the efficient management of bidding processes. #### bidCorpus_qual_model This dataset consists of texts from the qualification section of bidding notices and is annotated using a model trained on the original fraud detection dataset. It follows a multilabel format similar to the bidCorpus_gold dataset, with labels indicating possible signs of fraud in public procurement processes. 1. **Certidão de Protesto**: Verification of any protests in the company's name. 2. **Certificado de Boas Práticas**: Assessment of adherence to recommended practices in the sector. 3. **Comprovante de Localização**: Confirmation of the company's physical address. 4. **Idoneidade Financeira**: Analysis of the company's financial health. 5. **Integralização de Capital**: Verification of the company's capital stock integration. 6. **Licença Ambiental**: Evaluation of compliance with environmental regulations. 7. **Limitação de Atestados**: Verification of the minimum and maximum number of certificates required. Unlike the expert-annotated previous dataset, this dataset has been annotated by a model trained on that data. This automated process ensures consistency and scalability while utilizing insights from the original expert annotations. The dataset is intended for training and evaluating machine learning models to detect fraud in public procurement. The automated annotation enhances research and development in fraud detection, aiming to improve the accuracy and efficiency of identifying suspicious activities in bidding notices. Its multilabel structure supports the identification and classification of multiple fraud indicators simultaneously, aiding in the ongoing analysis and prevention of fraudulent practices in public contracts. #### bidCorpus_qual_weak_sup This dataset consists of texts from the qualification section of bidding notices and is annotated using weak supervision techniques, specifically through regular expressions. It follows a multilabel format similar to the bidCorpus_gold dataset, with labels indicating possible signs of fraud in public procurement processes. 1. **Certidão de Protesto**: Verification of any protests in the company's name. 2. **Certificado de Boas Práticas**: Assessment of adherence to recommended practices in the sector. 3. **Comprovante de Localização**: Confirmation of the company's physical address. 4. **Idoneidade Financeira**: Analysis of the company's financial health. 5. **Integralização de Capital**: Verification of the company's capital stock integration. 6. **Licença Ambiental**: Evaluation of compliance with environmental regulations. 7. **Limitação de Atestados**: Verification of the minimum and maximum number of certificates required. Unlike the previous expert-annotated dataset, this dataset has been annotated using weak supervision techniques, specifically regular expressions. This approach provides a scalable method for labeling data by applying patterns to identify potential fraud indicators, although it may lack the precision of expert annotations. The dataset is designed for training and evaluating machine learning models to detect fraud in public procurement. The use of weak supervision through regular expressions facilitates the creation of large annotated datasets, supporting research and development in fraud detection. The multilabel structure allows models to classify multiple fraud indicators simultaneously, improving the efficiency of identifying and preventing fraudulent practices in public contracts. #### bidCorpus_sections_type This dataset classifies different types of sections in bidding notices. The sections are categorized into the following labels: - **Habilitação**: Qualification section, where eligibility criteria and requirements are outlined. - **Julgamento**: Evaluation section, detailing the criteria and process for assessing bids. - **Objeto**: Object section, specifying the item or service being procured. - **Outros**: Other sections that do not fall into the categories above. - **Credenciamento**: Accreditation section, where the process for validating and registering vendors is described. The dataset provides a systematic approach to categorize the various sections found in bidding notices, facilitating better organization and analysis of procurement documents. #### bid_corpus_raw This dataset consists of raw, unlabeled texts from sections of bidding notices. The sections included are: - **Objeto**: Describes the item or service being procured. - **Julgamento**: Outlines the criteria and process for evaluating bids. - **Credenciamento**: Details the procedures for vendor registration and validation. - **Condições de Participação**: Specifies the conditions required for participation in the bidding process. - **Habilitação**: Provides information on the qualifications and eligibility criteria for bidders. This dataset offers a collection of unprocessed text from various sections of bidding notices, suitable for tasks such as text analysis, feature extraction, and the development of classification models. ### Languages We considered only datasets in Portuguese. ## Dataset Structure ### Data Instances #### bidCorpus_NER_keyphrase An example of 'train' looks as follows. ```json { "tokens": ["constitui", "objeto", "do", "presente", "edital", "a", "contratacao", "de", "empresa", "de", "engenharia", "para", "execucao", "da", "obra", "e", "/", "ou", "servico", "de", "elaboracao", "de", "plano", "diretor", "de", "arborizacao", "urbana", "de", "teresina", "-", "pi", ".", "a", "forma", "pela", "qual", "deverao", "ser", "executados", "os", "servicos", "licitados", "e", "as", "diversas", "obrigacoes", "dos", "licitantes", "e", "do", "adjudicatario", "do", "objeto", "desta", "licitacao", "estao", "registradas", "neste", "edital", ",", "no", "termo", "de", "referencia", "e", "minuta", "do", "contrato", "e", "demais", "anexos", "que", ",", "igualmente", ",", "integram", "as", "de", "informacoes", "sobre", "a", "licitacao", "."] "ner_tags": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] } ``` #### bidCorpus_gold An example of 'train' looks as follows. ```json { "text": ["para se habilitarem ao presente convite, os interessados deverao apresentar os documentos abaixo relacionados, nos termos dos artigos 27 a 31 e 32, paragrafo 1, da lei numero 666/93, atraves de seus representantes, no local, data e horario indicados no preambulo deste edital, em envelope inteiramente fechado, contendo em sua parte externa, alem da razao social e endereco da licitante, os seguintes dizeres: prefeitura municipal de angical ..."] "labels": "certidao_protesto": 0, "certificado_boas_praticas": 0, "comprovante_localizacao": 0, "idoneidade_financeira": 0, "integralizado": 0, "licenca_ambiental": 0, "n_min_max_limitacao_atestados": 0 } ``` #### bidCorpus_object_similarity An example of 'train' looks as follows. ```json { "nerObjeto1": ["execucao dos servicos de reforma e ampliacao da escola reunida francisco"], "nerObjeto2": ["execucao dos servicos de reforma da escola municipal"], "humanScore": 1.0, "bertscore_ner": 1 } ``` #### bidCorpus_objects_correct_allowed An example of 'train' looks as follows. ```json { "text": ["A presente licitação tem por objeto, selecionar empresas do ramo pertinente, Fornecimento de Lanches, marmitas para atender necessidade das Secretarias e Programa do Município com entrega parcelada ..."], "corretude": 1, "permitido": 0 } ``` #### bidCorpus_objects_type An example of 'train' looks as follows. ```json { "text": ["destina - se a presente licitacao a prestacao de servicos de pavimentacao em paralelepipedo, conforme especificacoes e quantidades constantes do anexo sao ..."], "label": 0 } ``` #### bidCorpus_qual_model An example of 'train' looks as follows. ```json { "text": ["regras gerais. 1 os documentos de habilitacao deverao ser enviados concomitantemente com o envio da proposta, conforme item 9 deste edital 2 havendo a necessidade de envio de documentos de habilitacao complementares ..."], "certidao_protesto": 0, "certificado_boas_praticas": 0, "comprovante_localizacao": 0, "idoneidade_financeira": 0, "integralizado": 0, "licenca_ambiental": 0, "n_min_max_limitacao_atestados": 0 } ``` #### bidCorpus_qual_weak_sup An example of 'train' looks as follows. ```json { "text": ["os licitantes encaminharao, exclusivamente por meio do sistema, concomitantemente com os documentos de habilitacao. exigidos no edital, proposta com a descricao ..."], "certidao_protesto": 0, "certificado_boas_praticas": 0, "comprovante_localizacao": 0, "idoneidade_financeira": 0, "integralizado": 0, "licenca_ambiental": 0, "n_min_max_limitacao_atestados": 0 } ``` #### bidCorpus_sections_type An example of 'train' looks as follows. ```json { "text": ["IMPUGNAÇÃO DO ATO CONVOCATÓRIO 5.1 No prazo de até 03 (três) dias úteis, antes da data fixada para abertura da Sessão Pública, qualquer pessoa poderá solicitar esclarecimentos e providências sobre o ato convocatório deste pregão ..."], "label": "outros" } ``` #### bid_corpus_raw An example of 'train' looks as follows. ```json { "ID-LICITACAO": 910809.0, "ID-ARQUIVO": 745202022.0, "OBJETO": "Artigo 20 Definição do Objeto\n1 – O objeto da licitação deve ser definido pela unidade ...", "JULGAMENTO":"Artigo 46 Disposições gerais 1 – As licitações podem adotar os modos de disputa aberto, fechado ou combinado, que deve ...", "CONDICAO_PARTICIPACAO": "5.1 - A participação no certame se dará por meio da digitação da senha pessoal e intransferível do representante ...", "HABILITACAO": "6.1 - Os proponentes encaminharão, exclusivamente por meio do sistema eletrônico, os documentos de habilitação exigidos no edital, proposta ...", "CREDENCIAMENTO": "4.1 - O credenciamento é o nível básico do registro cadastral no SICAF, que permite a participação dos interessados na modalidade licitatória ..." } ``` ### Data Fields #### bidCorpus_NER_keyphrase - `tokens`: a list of `string` features (list of tokens in a text). - `ner_tags`: a list of classification labels (a list of named entity recognition tags).
List of NER tags `O`, `B-LOCAL`, `I-LOCAL`, `B-OBJETO`, `I-OBJETO`
#### bidCorpus_gold - `text`: a `string` feature (string of factual paragraphs from the case description). - `certidao_protesto`: a 'int64` feature (indicates the presence or absence of a protest certificate). - `certificado_boas_praticas`: a 'int64` feature (indicates the presence or absence of a good practices certificate). - `comprovante_localizacao`: a 'int64` feature (indicates the presence or absence of a location proof). - `idoneidade_financeira`: a 'int64` feature (indicates the presence or absence of financial soundness). - `integralizado`: a 'int64` feature (indicates the presence or absence of full completion). - `licenca_ambiental`: a 'int64` feature (indicates the presence or absence of an environmental license). - `n_min_max_limitacao_atestados`: a 'int64` feature (indicates the presence or absence of limitation of certificates). #### bidCorpus_object_similarity - `objeto1`: a `string` feature (first object for comparison). - `nerObjeto1`: a `string` feature (NER tags for the first object). - `objeto2`: a `string` feature (second object for comparison). - `nerObjeto2`: a `string` feature (NER tags for the second object). - `humanScore`: a `float64` feature (human-provided similarity score). - `nerObjeto1_words`: a `int64` feature (number of words in the first object with NER tags). - `objeto1_words`: a `int64` feature (number of words in the first object). - `percentual_words`: a `float64` feature (percentage of similar words). - `nerObjeto2_words`: a 'int64` feature (number of words in the second object with NER tags). - `objeto2_words`: a `int64` feature (number of words in the second object). - `bertscore_ner`: a 'int64` feature (BERT score for NER). - `bertscore_objs`: a 'int64` feature (BERT score for objects). #### bidCorpus_objects_correct_allowed - `text`: a list of `string` features (list of factual paragraphs from the case description). - `corretude`: a list of `int64` features (correctness score). - `permitido`: a list of `int64` features (allowed score). #### bidCorpus_objects_type - `text`: a list of `string` features (list of factual paragraphs from the case description). - `label`: a list of `int64` features (classification labels for object types). #### bidCorpus_qual_model - `text`: a list of `string` features (list of factual paragraphs from the case description). - `certidao_protesto`: a list of `int64` features (presence or absence of protest certificate). - `certificado_boas_praticas`: a list of `int64` features (presence or absence of good practices certificate). - `comprovante_localizacao`: a list of `int64` features (presence or absence of location proof). - `idoneidade_financeira`: a list of `int64` features (presence or absence of financial soundness). - `integralizado`: a list of `int64` features (presence or absence of full completion). - `licenca_ambiental`: a list of `int64` features (presence or absence of environmental license). - `n_min_max_limitacao_atestados`: a list of `int64` features (presence or absence of limitation of certificates). #### bidCorpus_qual_weak_sup - `text`: a list of `string` features (list of factual paragraphs from the case description). - `certidao_protesto`: a list of `int64` features (presence or absence of protest certificate). - `certificado_boas_praticas`: a list of `int64` features (presence or absence of good practices certificate). - `comprovante_localizacao`: a list of `int64` features (presence or absence of location proof). - `idoneidade_financeira`: a list of `int64` features (presence or absence of financial soundness). - `integralizado`: a list of `int64` features (presence or absence of full completion). - `licenca_ambiental`: a list of `int64` features (presence or absence of environmental license). - `n_min_max_limitacao_atestados`: a list of `int64` features (presence or absence of limitation of certificates). #### bidCorpus_sections_type - `text`: a list of `string` features (list of factual paragraphs from the case description). - `label`: a list of `string` features (classification labels for sections types). #### bid_corpus_raw - `ID-LICITACAO`: a list of `float64` features (auction ID). - `ID-ARQUIVO`: a list of `float64` features (file ID). - `OBJETO`: a list of `string` features (object of the auction). - `JULGAMENTO`: a list of `string` features (judgment details). - `CONDICAO_PARTICIPACAO`: a list of `string` features (participation conditions). - `HABILITACAO`: a list of `string` features (qualification details). - `CREDENCIAMENTO`: a list of `string` features (accreditation details). ### Data Splits
Dataset Training Development Test Total
bidCorpus_NER_keyphrase 1,632 204 204 2,040
bidCorpus_gold 1,454 182 182 1,818
bidCorpus_object_similarity 1,403 175 176 1,754
bidCorpus_objects_correct_allowed 1,089 136 137 1,362
bidCorpus_objects_type 1,709 214 214 2,137
bidCorpus_qual_model 177,133 22,142 22,142 221,417
bidCorpus_qual_weak_sup 177,133 22,142 22,142 221,417
bidCorpus_sections_type 177,133 22,142 22,142 221,417
bid_corpus_raw 373,650 N/A N/A 373,650
## Dataset Creation ### Curation Rationale [More Information Needed](https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#how-to-contribute-to-the-dataset-cards) ### Source Data #### Initial Data Collection and Normalization [More Information Needed](https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#how-to-contribute-to-the-dataset-cards) #### Who are the source language producers? [More Information Needed](https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#how-to-contribute-to-the-dataset-cards) ### Annotations #### Annotation process [More Information Needed](https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#how-to-contribute-to-the-dataset-cards) #### Who are the annotators? [More Information Needed](https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#how-to-contribute-to-the-dataset-cards) ### Personal and Sensitive Information [More Information Needed](https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#how-to-contribute-to-the-dataset-cards) ## Considerations for Using the Data ### Social Impact of Dataset [More Information Needed](https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#how-to-contribute-to-the-dataset-cards) ### Discussion of Biases [More Information Needed](https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#how-to-contribute-to-the-dataset-cards) ### Other Known Limitations [More Information Needed](https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#how-to-contribute-to-the-dataset-cards) ## Additional Information [More Information Needed](https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#how-to-contribute-to-the-dataset-cards) ### Dataset Curators ### Licensing Information [More Information Needed](https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#how-to-contribute-to-the-dataset-cards) ### Citation Information ### Contributions