stringlengths 10
| Markdown code
stringlengths 5
Create a basic line chart with default data settings: | <|{data}|chart|type='scatter'|mode='lines'|> |
Set up a bar chart with specific x and y axis column names: | <|{data}|chart|type='bar'|x='Category'|y='Value'|> |
Design a scatter plot chart with editable data and a custom title: | <|{data}|chart|type='scatter'|mode='markers'|editable=True|title='Scatter Plot'|> |
Implement a bubble chart with specific color settings and a hover text: | <|{data}|chart|type='bubble'|color='Group'|hover_text='Details'|> |
Create a pie chart with labels and values columns specified: | <|{data}|chart|type='pie'|labels='Category'|values='Value'|> |
Create a histogram with dynamic data and a specific class name: | <|{data}|chart|type='histogram'|class_name='taipy-chart'|> |
Set up a heatmap chart with editable properties and a custom layout: | <|{data}|chart|type='heatmap'|editable=True|layout={...}|> |
Design a candlestick chart for financial data, with high, low, open, and close values: | <|{data}|chart|type='candlestick'|high='High'|low='Low'|open='Open'|close='Close'|> |
Implement a radar chart with a specific orientation and marker settings: | <|{data}|chart|type='radar'|orientation='horizontal'|marker={...}|> |
Create a treemap chart with parent and text columns specified, and a custom hover text: | <|{data}|chart|type='treemap'|parents='Parent'|text='Label'|hover_text='Info'|> |
Create a scatter plot chart with editable data, a custom title, and specific x and y axis columns: | <|{data}|chart|type='scatter'|mode='markers'|editable=True|title='Scatter Plot'|x='X_Column'|y='Y_Column'|> |
Set up a bar chart with dynamic data rendering, a custom class name, and a specific layout: | <|{data}|chart|type='bar'|class_name='taipy-chart'|layout={...}|render=True|> |
Design a bubble chart with labels and values columns, and a hover text for detailed information: | <|{data}|chart|type='bubble'|labels='Category'|values='Value'|hover_text='Bubble Details'|> |
Implement a pie chart with editable properties, specific axis names, and a custom title: | <|{data}|chart|type='pie'|editable=True|labels='Category'|values='Value'|title='Pie Chart'|> |
Create a heatmap chart with dynamic data rendering, custom x and y axes, and a specific orientation: | <|{data}|chart|type='heatmap'|x='X_Axis'|y='Y_Axis'|orientation='horizontal'|render=True|> |
Create a candlestick chart for financial data, with high, low, open, and close values, and a custom layout: | <|{data}|chart|type='candlestick'|high='High'|low='Low'|open='Open'|close='Close'|layout={...}|> |
Set up a radar chart with editable properties, a specific marker setting, and a custom hover text: | <|{data}|chart|type='radar'|editable=True|marker={...}|hover_text='Radar Info'|> |
Design a treemap chart with parent and text columns, a specific title, and dynamic data rendering: | <|{data}|chart|type='treemap'|parents='Parent'|text='Label'|title='Treemap Chart'|render=True|> |
Implement a histogram with labels for specific points, a custom class name, and a hover text: | <|{data}|chart|type='histogram'|labels='Data Points'|class_name='taipy-chart'|hover_text='Histogram Details'|> |
Create a line chart with specific x and y axis columns, editable data, and a custom layout: | <|{data}|chart|type='scatter'|mode='lines'|x='X_Column'|y='Y_Column'|editable=True|layout={...}|> |
Create a line chart with data: | <|{data}|chart|type='scatter'|> |
Add a bar chart with x-axis labels: | <|{data}|chart|type='bar'|x='Category'|> |
Display a scatter plot with a custom title: | <|{data}|chart|type='scatter'|title='Scatter Plot'|> |
Show a bubble chart with color settings: | <|{data}|chart|type='bubble'|color='Group'|> |
Insert a pie chart with labels: | <|{data}|chart|type='pie'|labels='Category'|> |
Create a histogram with a class name: | <|{data}|chart|type='histogram'|class_name='taipy-chart'|> |
Design a heatmap chart with layout: | <|{data}|chart|type='heatmap'|layout={...}|> |
Create a candlestick chart with values: | <|{data}|chart|type='candlestick'|values='Value'|> |
Set up a radar chart with orientation: | <|{data}|chart|type='radar'|orientation='horizontal'|> |
Create a treemap chart with hover text: | <|{data}|chart|type='treemap'|hover_text='Info'|> |
Create a scatter plot chart with x-axis column: | <|{data}|chart|type='scatter'|x='X_Column'|> |
Display a bar chart with dynamic data rendering: | <|{data}|chart|type='bar'|render=True|> |
Show a bubble chart with hover text: | <|{data}|chart|type='bubble'|hover_text='Bubble Details'|> |
Insert a pie chart with editable properties: | <|{data}|chart|type='pie'|editable=True|> |
Create a heatmap chart with custom x-axis and y-axis: | <|{data}|chart|type='heatmap'|x='X_Axis'|y='Y_Axis'|> |
Implement a candlestick chart for financial data: | <|{data}|chart|type='candlestick'|> |
Set up a radar chart with specific marker setting: | <|{data}|chart|type='radar'|marker={...}|> |
Create a treemap chart with parent and text columns: | <|{data}|chart|type='treemap'|parents='Parent'|text='Label'|> |
Create a histogram with class name: | <|{data}|chart|type='histogram'|class_name='taipy-chart'|> |
Design a line chart with custom layout: | <|{data}|chart|type='scatter'|layout={...}|> |
Create a bar chart with a specific title: | <|{data}|chart|type='bar'|title='Bar Chart'|> |
Add a scatter plot chart with editable data: | <|{data}|chart|type='scatter'|editable=True|> |
Display a heatmap chart with custom orientation: | <|{data}|chart|type='heatmap'|orientation='horizontal'|> |
Show a pie chart with editable properties: | <|{data}|chart|type='pie'|editable=True|> |
Insert a radar chart with specific hover text: | <|{data}|chart|type='radar'|hover_text='Radar Info'|> |
Create a treemap chart with parent and text columns: | <|{data}|chart|type='treemap'|parents='Parent'|text='Label'|> |
Create a bubble chart with color settings: | <|{data}|chart|type='bubble'|color='Group'|> |
Add a histogram with specific class name: | <|{data}|chart|type='histogram'|class_name='taipy-chart'|> |
Display a candlestick chart for financial data: | <|{data}|chart|type='candlestick'|> |
Show a line chart with custom layout: | <|{data}|chart|type='scatter'|layout={...}|> |
Insert a bar chart with dynamic data rendering: | <|{data}|chart|type='bar'|render=True|> |
Create a scatter plot chart with hover text: | <|{data}|chart|type='scatter'|hover_text='Scatter Info'|> |
Create a pie chart with labels: | <|{data}|chart|type='pie'|labels='Category'|> |
Add a bubble chart with editable data: | <|{data}|chart|type='bubble'|editable=True|> |
Display a heatmap chart with custom x-axis: | <|{data}|chart|type='heatmap'|x='X_Axis'|> |
Show a candlestick chart with specific values: | <|{data}|chart|type='candlestick'|values='Value'|> |
Insert a radar chart with orientation: | <|{data}|chart|type='radar'|orientation='vertical'|> |
Create a treemap chart with a custom title: | <|{data}|chart|type='treemap'|title='Treemap Chart'|> |
Create a histogram with hover text: | <|{data}|chart|type='histogram'|hover_text='Histogram Info'|> |
Add a line chart with editable data: | <|{data}|chart|type='scatter'|editable=True|> |
Create a bar chart. | <|{data}|chart|type='bar'|> |
Add a scatter plot chart. | <|{data}|chart|type='scatter'|> |
Display a heatmap chart. | <|{data}|chart|type='heatmap'|> |
Show a pie chart. | <|{data}|chart|type='pie'|> |
Insert a radar chart. | <|{data}|chart|type='radar'|> |
Create a treemap chart. | <|{data}|chart|type='treemap'|> |
Create a bubble chart. | <|{data}|chart|type='bubble'|> |
Add a histogram. | <|{data}|chart|type='histogram'|> |
Display a candlestick chart. | <|{data}|chart|type='candlestick'|> |
Show a line chart. | <|{data}|chart|type='scatter'|> |
Insert a bar chart with dynamic data rendering. | <|{data}|chart|type='bar'|render=True|> |
Create a scatter plot chart with hover text. | <|{data}|chart|type='scatter'|hover_text='Scatter Info'|> |
Create a pie chart with labels. | <|{data}|chart|type='pie'|labels='Category'|> |
Add a bubble chart with editable data. | <|{data}|chart|type='bubble'|editable=True|> |
Display a heatmap chart with custom x-axis. | <|{data}|chart|type='heatmap'|x='X_Axis'|> |
Show a candlestick chart with specific values. | <|{data}|chart|type='candlestick'|values='Value'|> |
Insert a radar chart with orientation. | <|{data}|chart|type='radar'|orientation='vertical'|> |
Create a treemap chart with a custom title. | <|{data}|chart|type='treemap'|title='Treemap Chart'|> |
Create a histogram with hover text. | <|{data}|chart|type='histogram'|hover_text='Histogram Info'|> |
Add a line chart with editable data. | <|{data}|chart|type='scatter'|editable=True|> |
Create a Sales Pie Chart of Sales against Region | <|{data}|chart|type=pie|values=SALES|labels=Region|title=Sales Pie Chart|> |
Show a Pie Chart of Profit against Region | <|{data}|chart|type=pie|values=PROFIT|labels=Region|> |
Display Productivity against Employee in a line chart | <|{data}|chart|type=lines|x=EMPLOYEE|y=PRODUCTIVITY|> |
Insert a line chart titled 'Employee Productivity Trend' showing Productivity against Employee | <|{data}|chart|type=lines|x=EMPLOYEE|y=PRODUCTIVITY|title=Employee Productivity Trend|> |
Add Productivity and Satisfaction against Employee in a line chart | <|{data}|chart|type=lines|x=EMPLOYEE|y[1]=PRODUCTIVITY|y[2]=SATISFACTION|> |
Display Productivity against Employee with a Dashed line | <|{data}|chart|type=lines|x=EMPLOYEE|y=PRODUCTIVITY|line=dash|> |
Show Satisfaction by Employee on a Dotted line | <|{data}|chart|type=lines|x=EMPLOYEE|y=SATISFACTION|line=dot|> |
Add a Blue line chart for Productivity against Employee | <|{data}|chart|type=lines|x=EMPLOYEE|y=PRODUCTIVITY|color=Blue|> |
Insert a Green line chart for Satisfaction against Employee | <|{data}|chart|type=lines|x=EMPLOYEE|y=SATISFACTION|color=Green|> |
Create a line chart titled 'Satisfaction Overview' to Show Satisfaction against Employee in Green | <|{data}|chart|type=lines|x=EMPLOYEE|y=SATISFACTION|color=Green|title=Satisfaction Overview|> |
Insert a Red line chart for Productivity and a Yellow line chart for Satisfaction against Employee | <|{data}|chart|type=lines|x=EMPLOYEE|y[1]=PRODUCTIVITY|y[2]=SATISFACTION|color[1]=Red|color[2]=Yellow|> |
Display a Red dashed line chart for GDP and a Yellow Dotted line chart for Population against Country | <|{data}|chart|type=lines|x=COUNTRY|y[1]=GDP|y[2]=POPULATION|line[1]=dash|line[2]=dot|color[1]=Red|color[2]=Yellow|> |
Highlight Employee according to Productivity | <|{data}|chart|type=lines|x=EMPLOYEE|y=PRODUCTIVITY|> |
Add a bar chart for Productivity against Employee | <|{data}|chart|type=bar|x=EMPLOYEE|y=PRODUCTIVITY|> |
Insert a bar chart for Productivity against Employee and Satisfaction against Employee | <|{data}|chart|type=bar|x=EMPLOYEE|y[1]=PRODUCTIVITY|y[2]=SATISFACTION|> |
Create a bar chart to Display Productivity and Satisfaction against Employee | <|{data}|chart|type=bar|x=EMPLOYEE|y[1]=PRODUCTIVITY|y[2]=SATISFACTION|> |
Add a bar chart titled 'Work Overview' for Productivity against Employee and Satisfaction against Employee | <|{data}|chart|type=bar|x=EMPLOYEE|y[1]=PRODUCTIVITY|y[2]=SATISFACTION|title=Work Overview|> |
Insert a scatter plot to Show Productivity against Employee | <|{data}|chart|type=scatter|mode=markers|x=EMPLOYEE|y=PRODUCTIVITY|> |
Create a scatter plot titled 'Employee Scatter Plot' to Display Productivity and Satisfaction against Employee | <|{data}|chart|type=scatter|mode=markers|x=EMPLOYEE|y[1]=PRODUCTIVITY|y[2]=SATISFACTION|> |
Show GDP in Green points and Population in Yellow points against Country in a scatter plot | <|{data}|chart|type=scatter|mode=markers|x=COUNTRY|y[1]=GDP|y[2]=POPULATION|color[1]=Green|color[2]=Yellow|> |