1 value
def simFN(a, b, t, disp, I): '\n Integrates the FHN ODEs\n\n Input:\n a: the shape of the cubic parabola\n b: describes the kinetics of the recovery variable w\n c: describes the kinetics of the recovery variable\n t: time to integrate over\n disp: (True/False) plot data\n I: input current\n\n Output\n V - membrane voltage\n w - recovery variable that mimics activation of an outward current\n I - resting current\n ' def dALLdt(X, t): (V, w, a, b, c, I) = X dVdt = (((V - ((V ** 3) / 3)) - w) + I) dwdt = (0.08 * ((V + 0.7) - (0.8 * w))) return [dVdt, dwdt] X = odeint(dALLdt, [0, 0.05, a, b, 0.5, I], t) V = X[(:, 0)] w = X[(:, 1)] if (disp == True): plt.subplot(211) plt.title('FitzHugh-Nagumo') plt.plot(t, V, 'r', label='v') plt.ylabel('V (mV)') plt.axis('tight') plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(t, w, 'g', label='w') plt.ylabel('w') def f(Y, t): (y1, y2) = Y return [((y1 - ((y1 ** 3) / 3)) - y2), (0.08 * ((y1 + 0.7) - (0.8 * y2)))] y1 = np.linspace((- 5.0), 5.0, 20) y2 = np.linspace((- 20.0), 20.0, 20) (Y1, Y2) = np.meshgrid(y1, y2) tau = 0 (u, v) = (np.zeros(Y1.shape), np.zeros(Y2.shape)) (NI, NJ) = Y1.shape for i in range(NI): for j in range(NJ): x = Y1[(i, j)] y = Y2[(i, j)] yprime = f([x, y], tau) u[(i, j)] = yprime[0] v[(i, j)] = yprime[1] Q = plt.quiver(Y1, Y2, u, v, color='r') plt.xlabel('V') plt.ylabel('w') plt.title('Phase Portrait of Fitzhugh Nagumo System') return (V, w)
Integrates the FHN ODEs Input: a: the shape of the cubic parabola b: describes the kinetics of the recovery variable w c: describes the kinetics of the recovery variable t: time to integrate over disp: (True/False) plot data I: input current Output V - membrane voltage w - recovery variable that mimics activation of an outward current I - resting current
def simFN(a, b, t, disp, I): '\n Integrates the FHN ODEs\n\n Input:\n a: the shape of the cubic parabola\n b: describes the kinetics of the recovery variable w\n c: describes the kinetics of the recovery variable\n t: time to integrate over\n disp: (True/False) plot data\n I: input current\n\n Output\n V - membrane voltage\n w - recovery variable that mimics activation of an outward current\n I - resting current\n ' def dALLdt(X, t): (V, w, a, b, c, I) = X dVdt = (((V - ((V ** 3) / 3)) - w) + I) dwdt = (0.08 * ((V + 0.7) - (0.8 * w))) return [dVdt, dwdt] X = odeint(dALLdt, [0, 0.05, a, b, 0.5, I], t) V = X[(:, 0)] w = X[(:, 1)] if (disp == True): plt.subplot(211) plt.title('FitzHugh-Nagumo') plt.plot(t, V, 'r', label='v') plt.ylabel('V (mV)') plt.axis('tight') plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(t, w, 'g', label='w') plt.ylabel('w') def f(Y, t): (y1, y2) = Y return [((y1 - ((y1 ** 3) / 3)) - y2), (0.08 * ((y1 + 0.7) - (0.8 * y2)))] y1 = np.linspace((- 5.0), 5.0, 20) y2 = np.linspace((- 20.0), 20.0, 20) (Y1, Y2) = np.meshgrid(y1, y2) tau = 0 (u, v) = (np.zeros(Y1.shape), np.zeros(Y2.shape)) (NI, NJ) = Y1.shape for i in range(NI): for j in range(NJ): x = Y1[(i, j)] y = Y2[(i, j)] yprime = f([x, y], tau) u[(i, j)] = yprime[0] v[(i, j)] = yprime[1] Q = plt.quiver(Y1, Y2, u, v, color='r') plt.xlabel('V') plt.ylabel('w') plt.title('Phase Portrait of Fitzhugh Nagumo System') return (V, w)
def simFN(a, b, t, disp, I): '\n Integrates the FHN ODEs\n\n Input:\n a: the shape of the cubic parabola\n b: describes the kinetics of the recovery variable w\n c: describes the kinetics of the recovery variable\n t: time to integrate over\n disp: (True/False) plot data\n I: input current\n\n Output\n V - membrane voltage\n w - recovery variable that mimics activation of an outward current\n I - resting current\n ' def dALLdt(X, t): (V, w, a, b, c, I) = X dVdt = (((V - ((V ** 3) / 3)) - w) + I) dwdt = (0.08 * ((V + 0.7) - (0.8 * w))) return [dVdt, dwdt] X = odeint(dALLdt, [0, 0.05, a, b, 0.5, I], t) V = X[(:, 0)] w = X[(:, 1)] if (disp == True): plt.subplot(211) plt.title('FitzHugh-Nagumo') plt.plot(t, V, 'r', label='v') plt.ylabel('V (mV)') plt.axis('tight') plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(t, w, 'g', label='w') plt.ylabel('w') def f(Y, t): (y1, y2) = Y return [((y1 - ((y1 ** 3) / 3)) - y2), (0.08 * ((y1 + 0.7) - (0.8 * y2)))] y1 = np.linspace((- 5.0), 5.0, 20) y2 = np.linspace((- 20.0), 20.0, 20) (Y1, Y2) = np.meshgrid(y1, y2) tau = 0 (u, v) = (np.zeros(Y1.shape), np.zeros(Y2.shape)) (NI, NJ) = Y1.shape for i in range(NI): for j in range(NJ): x = Y1[(i, j)] y = Y2[(i, j)] yprime = f([x, y], tau) u[(i, j)] = yprime[0] v[(i, j)] = yprime[1] Q = plt.quiver(Y1, Y2, u, v, color='r') plt.xlabel('V') plt.ylabel('w') plt.title('Phase Portrait of Fitzhugh Nagumo System') return (V, w)<|docstring|>Integrates the FHN ODEs Input: a: the shape of the cubic parabola b: describes the kinetics of the recovery variable w c: describes the kinetics of the recovery variable t: time to integrate over disp: (True/False) plot data I: input current Output V - membrane voltage w - recovery variable that mimics activation of an outward current I - resting current<|endoftext|>
def test_reinforceio_homepage(self): '\n Code example from the homepage and\n ' from tensorforce.agents import TRPOAgent agent = TRPOAgent(states=dict(shape=(10,), type='float'), actions=dict(type='int', num_actions=2), network=[dict(type='dense', size=50), dict(type='dense', size=50)], update_mode=dict(unit='episodes', batch_size=1, frequency=1), memory=dict(type='latest', include_next_states=False, capacity=100)) client = TestTutorialCode.MyClient('', 8080) state = client.get_state() action = agent.act(states=state) reward = client.execute(action) agent.observe(reward=reward, terminal=False) agent.close()
Code example from the homepage and
def test_reinforceio_homepage(self): '\n \n ' from tensorforce.agents import TRPOAgent agent = TRPOAgent(states=dict(shape=(10,), type='float'), actions=dict(type='int', num_actions=2), network=[dict(type='dense', size=50), dict(type='dense', size=50)], update_mode=dict(unit='episodes', batch_size=1, frequency=1), memory=dict(type='latest', include_next_states=False, capacity=100)) client = TestTutorialCode.MyClient('', 8080) state = client.get_state() action = agent.act(states=state) reward = client.execute(action) agent.observe(reward=reward, terminal=False) agent.close()
def test_reinforceio_homepage(self): '\n \n ' from tensorforce.agents import TRPOAgent agent = TRPOAgent(states=dict(shape=(10,), type='float'), actions=dict(type='int', num_actions=2), network=[dict(type='dense', size=50), dict(type='dense', size=50)], update_mode=dict(unit='episodes', batch_size=1, frequency=1), memory=dict(type='latest', include_next_states=False, capacity=100)) client = TestTutorialCode.MyClient('', 8080) state = client.get_state() action = agent.act(states=state) reward = client.execute(action) agent.observe(reward=reward, terminal=False) agent.close()<|docstring|>Code example from the homepage and<|endoftext|>
def test_blogpost_introduction(self): '\n Test of introduction blog post examples.\n ' import tensorflow as tf from tensorforce.agents import DQNAgent network_spec = [dict(type='dense', size=32), dict(type='dense', size=32)] states = dict(shape=(10,), type='float') actions = dict(type='int', num_actions=5) agent = DQNAgent(states=states, actions=actions, network=network_spec, update_mode=dict(unit='timesteps', batch_size=1, frequency=1), memory=dict(type='latest', include_next_states=True, capacity=100), target_sync_frequency=10) agent.close() states = dict(image=dict(shape=(64, 64, 3), type='float'), caption=dict(shape=(20,), type='int')) def observe(self, reward, terminal): super(DQNAgent, self).observe(reward, terminal) if ((self.timestep >= self.first_update) and ((self.timestep % self.target_update_frequency) == 0)): self.model.update_target() network_json = '\n [\n {\n "type": "conv2d",\n "size": 32,\n "window": 8,\n "stride": 4\n },\n {\n "type": "conv2d",\n "size": 64,\n "window": 4,\n "stride": 2\n },\n {\n "type": "flatten"\n },\n {\n "type": "dense",\n "size": 512\n }\n ]\n ' import json network_spec = json.loads(network_json) modified_dense = '\n [\n {\n "type": "dense",\n "size": 64,\n "bias": false,\n "activation": "selu",\n "l2_regularization": 0.001\n }\n ]\n ' network_spec = json.loads(modified_dense) from tensorforce.core.networks import Layer class BatchNormalization(Layer): def __init__(self, variance_epsilon=1e-06, scope='batchnorm', summary_labels=None): super(BatchNormalization, self).__init__(scope=scope, summary_labels=summary_labels) self.variance_epsilon = variance_epsilon def tf_apply(self, x, update): (mean, variance) = tf.nn.moments(x, axes=tuple(range((x.shape.ndims - 1)))) return tf.nn.batch_normalization(x=x, mean=mean, variance=variance, offset=None, scale=None, variance_epsilon=self.variance_epsilon) states = dict(shape=(10,), type='float') network_spec = [{'type': 'dense', 'size': 32}, {'type': BatchNormalization, 'variance_epsilon': 1e-09}] agent = DQNAgent(states=states, actions=actions, network=network_spec, update_mode=dict(unit='timesteps', batch_size=8, frequency=4), memory=dict(type='replay', include_next_states=True, capacity=100)) agent.close() from tensorforce.core.networks import Network class CustomNetwork(Network): def tf_apply(self, x, internals, update, return_internals=False): image = x['image'] caption = x['caption'] initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(mean=0.0, stddev=0.01, dtype=tf.float32) weights = tf.get_variable(name='W1', shape=(3, 3, 3, 16), initializer=initializer) image = tf.nn.conv2d(image, filter=weights, strides=(1, 1, 1, 1), padding='SAME') image = tf.nn.relu(image) image = tf.nn.max_pool(image, ksize=(1, 2, 2, 1), strides=(1, 2, 2, 1), padding='SAME') weights = tf.get_variable(name='W2', shape=(3, 3, 16, 32), initializer=initializer) image = tf.nn.conv2d(image, filter=weights, strides=(1, 1, 1, 1), padding='SAME') image = tf.nn.relu(image) image = tf.nn.max_pool(image, ksize=(1, 2, 2, 1), strides=(1, 2, 2, 1), padding='SAME') image = tf.reshape(image, shape=((- 1), (16 * 16), 32)) image = tf.reduce_mean(image, axis=1) weights = tf.get_variable(name='W3', shape=(30, 32), initializer=initializer) caption = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(params=weights, ids=caption) lstm = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(num_units=32) (caption, _) = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell=lstm, inputs=caption, dtype=tf.float32) caption = tf.reduce_mean(caption, axis=1) if return_internals: return (tf.multiply(image, caption), list()) else: return tf.multiply(image, caption) states = dict(image=dict(shape=(64, 64, 3), type='float'), caption=dict(shape=(20,), type='int')) agent = DQNAgent(states=states, actions=actions, network=CustomNetwork, memory=dict(type='replay', include_next_states=True, capacity=100)) agent.close() from tensorforce.core.networks import Layer class Lstm(Layer): def __init__(self, size, scope='lstm', summary_labels=()): self.size = size super(Lstm, self).__init__(scope=scope, summary_labels=summary_labels) def tf_apply(self, x, update, state): state = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMStateTuple(c=state[(:, 0, :)], h=state[(:, 1, :)]) self.lstm_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(num_units=self.size) (x, state) = self.lstm_cell(inputs=x, state=state) state = tf.stack(values=(state.c, state.h), axis=1) return (x, dict(state=state)) def internals_spec(self): return dict(state=dict(type='float', shape=(2, self.size), initialization='zeros')) states = dict(shape=(10,), type='float') network_spec = [{'type': 'flatten'}, {'type': Lstm, 'size': 10}] agent = DQNAgent(states=states, actions=actions, network=network_spec, update_mode=dict(unit='timesteps', batch_size=100, frequency=4), memory=dict(type='replay', include_next_states=True, capacity=100)) agent.close() states = dict(shape=(84, 84, 3), type='float') states_preprocessing_spec = [dict(type='image_resize', width=84, height=84), dict(type='grayscale'), dict(type='normalize')] agent = DQNAgent(states=states, actions=actions, network=network_spec, memory=dict(type='replay', include_next_states=True, capacity=100), target_sync_frequency=50, states_preprocessing=states_preprocessing_spec) agent.close() exploration = dict(type='ornstein_uhlenbeck', sigma=0.1, mu=0.0, theta=0.1) agent = DQNAgent(states=states, actions=actions, network=network_spec, memory=dict(type='replay', include_next_states=True, capacity=100), actions_exploration=exploration) agent.close() exploration = dict(type='epsilon_decay', initial_epsilon=1.0, final_epsilon=0.01, timesteps=1000000.0) agent = DQNAgent(states=states, actions=actions, network=network_spec, memory=dict(type='replay', include_next_states=True, capacity=100), actions_exploration=exploration) agent.close()
Test of introduction blog post examples.
def test_blogpost_introduction(self): '\n \n ' import tensorflow as tf from tensorforce.agents import DQNAgent network_spec = [dict(type='dense', size=32), dict(type='dense', size=32)] states = dict(shape=(10,), type='float') actions = dict(type='int', num_actions=5) agent = DQNAgent(states=states, actions=actions, network=network_spec, update_mode=dict(unit='timesteps', batch_size=1, frequency=1), memory=dict(type='latest', include_next_states=True, capacity=100), target_sync_frequency=10) agent.close() states = dict(image=dict(shape=(64, 64, 3), type='float'), caption=dict(shape=(20,), type='int')) def observe(self, reward, terminal): super(DQNAgent, self).observe(reward, terminal) if ((self.timestep >= self.first_update) and ((self.timestep % self.target_update_frequency) == 0)): self.model.update_target() network_json = '\n [\n {\n "type": "conv2d",\n "size": 32,\n "window": 8,\n "stride": 4\n },\n {\n "type": "conv2d",\n "size": 64,\n "window": 4,\n "stride": 2\n },\n {\n "type": "flatten"\n },\n {\n "type": "dense",\n "size": 512\n }\n ]\n ' import json network_spec = json.loads(network_json) modified_dense = '\n [\n {\n "type": "dense",\n "size": 64,\n "bias": false,\n "activation": "selu",\n "l2_regularization": 0.001\n }\n ]\n ' network_spec = json.loads(modified_dense) from tensorforce.core.networks import Layer class BatchNormalization(Layer): def __init__(self, variance_epsilon=1e-06, scope='batchnorm', summary_labels=None): super(BatchNormalization, self).__init__(scope=scope, summary_labels=summary_labels) self.variance_epsilon = variance_epsilon def tf_apply(self, x, update): (mean, variance) = tf.nn.moments(x, axes=tuple(range((x.shape.ndims - 1)))) return tf.nn.batch_normalization(x=x, mean=mean, variance=variance, offset=None, scale=None, variance_epsilon=self.variance_epsilon) states = dict(shape=(10,), type='float') network_spec = [{'type': 'dense', 'size': 32}, {'type': BatchNormalization, 'variance_epsilon': 1e-09}] agent = DQNAgent(states=states, actions=actions, network=network_spec, update_mode=dict(unit='timesteps', batch_size=8, frequency=4), memory=dict(type='replay', include_next_states=True, capacity=100)) agent.close() from tensorforce.core.networks import Network class CustomNetwork(Network): def tf_apply(self, x, internals, update, return_internals=False): image = x['image'] caption = x['caption'] initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(mean=0.0, stddev=0.01, dtype=tf.float32) weights = tf.get_variable(name='W1', shape=(3, 3, 3, 16), initializer=initializer) image = tf.nn.conv2d(image, filter=weights, strides=(1, 1, 1, 1), padding='SAME') image = tf.nn.relu(image) image = tf.nn.max_pool(image, ksize=(1, 2, 2, 1), strides=(1, 2, 2, 1), padding='SAME') weights = tf.get_variable(name='W2', shape=(3, 3, 16, 32), initializer=initializer) image = tf.nn.conv2d(image, filter=weights, strides=(1, 1, 1, 1), padding='SAME') image = tf.nn.relu(image) image = tf.nn.max_pool(image, ksize=(1, 2, 2, 1), strides=(1, 2, 2, 1), padding='SAME') image = tf.reshape(image, shape=((- 1), (16 * 16), 32)) image = tf.reduce_mean(image, axis=1) weights = tf.get_variable(name='W3', shape=(30, 32), initializer=initializer) caption = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(params=weights, ids=caption) lstm = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(num_units=32) (caption, _) = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell=lstm, inputs=caption, dtype=tf.float32) caption = tf.reduce_mean(caption, axis=1) if return_internals: return (tf.multiply(image, caption), list()) else: return tf.multiply(image, caption) states = dict(image=dict(shape=(64, 64, 3), type='float'), caption=dict(shape=(20,), type='int')) agent = DQNAgent(states=states, actions=actions, network=CustomNetwork, memory=dict(type='replay', include_next_states=True, capacity=100)) agent.close() from tensorforce.core.networks import Layer class Lstm(Layer): def __init__(self, size, scope='lstm', summary_labels=()): self.size = size super(Lstm, self).__init__(scope=scope, summary_labels=summary_labels) def tf_apply(self, x, update, state): state = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMStateTuple(c=state[(:, 0, :)], h=state[(:, 1, :)]) self.lstm_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(num_units=self.size) (x, state) = self.lstm_cell(inputs=x, state=state) state = tf.stack(values=(state.c, state.h), axis=1) return (x, dict(state=state)) def internals_spec(self): return dict(state=dict(type='float', shape=(2, self.size), initialization='zeros')) states = dict(shape=(10,), type='float') network_spec = [{'type': 'flatten'}, {'type': Lstm, 'size': 10}] agent = DQNAgent(states=states, actions=actions, network=network_spec, update_mode=dict(unit='timesteps', batch_size=100, frequency=4), memory=dict(type='replay', include_next_states=True, capacity=100)) agent.close() states = dict(shape=(84, 84, 3), type='float') states_preprocessing_spec = [dict(type='image_resize', width=84, height=84), dict(type='grayscale'), dict(type='normalize')] agent = DQNAgent(states=states, actions=actions, network=network_spec, memory=dict(type='replay', include_next_states=True, capacity=100), target_sync_frequency=50, states_preprocessing=states_preprocessing_spec) agent.close() exploration = dict(type='ornstein_uhlenbeck', sigma=0.1, mu=0.0, theta=0.1) agent = DQNAgent(states=states, actions=actions, network=network_spec, memory=dict(type='replay', include_next_states=True, capacity=100), actions_exploration=exploration) agent.close() exploration = dict(type='epsilon_decay', initial_epsilon=1.0, final_epsilon=0.01, timesteps=1000000.0) agent = DQNAgent(states=states, actions=actions, network=network_spec, memory=dict(type='replay', include_next_states=True, capacity=100), actions_exploration=exploration) agent.close()
def test_blogpost_introduction(self): '\n \n ' import tensorflow as tf from tensorforce.agents import DQNAgent network_spec = [dict(type='dense', size=32), dict(type='dense', size=32)] states = dict(shape=(10,), type='float') actions = dict(type='int', num_actions=5) agent = DQNAgent(states=states, actions=actions, network=network_spec, update_mode=dict(unit='timesteps', batch_size=1, frequency=1), memory=dict(type='latest', include_next_states=True, capacity=100), target_sync_frequency=10) agent.close() states = dict(image=dict(shape=(64, 64, 3), type='float'), caption=dict(shape=(20,), type='int')) def observe(self, reward, terminal): super(DQNAgent, self).observe(reward, terminal) if ((self.timestep >= self.first_update) and ((self.timestep % self.target_update_frequency) == 0)): self.model.update_target() network_json = '\n [\n {\n "type": "conv2d",\n "size": 32,\n "window": 8,\n "stride": 4\n },\n {\n "type": "conv2d",\n "size": 64,\n "window": 4,\n "stride": 2\n },\n {\n "type": "flatten"\n },\n {\n "type": "dense",\n "size": 512\n }\n ]\n ' import json network_spec = json.loads(network_json) modified_dense = '\n [\n {\n "type": "dense",\n "size": 64,\n "bias": false,\n "activation": "selu",\n "l2_regularization": 0.001\n }\n ]\n ' network_spec = json.loads(modified_dense) from tensorforce.core.networks import Layer class BatchNormalization(Layer): def __init__(self, variance_epsilon=1e-06, scope='batchnorm', summary_labels=None): super(BatchNormalization, self).__init__(scope=scope, summary_labels=summary_labels) self.variance_epsilon = variance_epsilon def tf_apply(self, x, update): (mean, variance) = tf.nn.moments(x, axes=tuple(range((x.shape.ndims - 1)))) return tf.nn.batch_normalization(x=x, mean=mean, variance=variance, offset=None, scale=None, variance_epsilon=self.variance_epsilon) states = dict(shape=(10,), type='float') network_spec = [{'type': 'dense', 'size': 32}, {'type': BatchNormalization, 'variance_epsilon': 1e-09}] agent = DQNAgent(states=states, actions=actions, network=network_spec, update_mode=dict(unit='timesteps', batch_size=8, frequency=4), memory=dict(type='replay', include_next_states=True, capacity=100)) agent.close() from tensorforce.core.networks import Network class CustomNetwork(Network): def tf_apply(self, x, internals, update, return_internals=False): image = x['image'] caption = x['caption'] initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(mean=0.0, stddev=0.01, dtype=tf.float32) weights = tf.get_variable(name='W1', shape=(3, 3, 3, 16), initializer=initializer) image = tf.nn.conv2d(image, filter=weights, strides=(1, 1, 1, 1), padding='SAME') image = tf.nn.relu(image) image = tf.nn.max_pool(image, ksize=(1, 2, 2, 1), strides=(1, 2, 2, 1), padding='SAME') weights = tf.get_variable(name='W2', shape=(3, 3, 16, 32), initializer=initializer) image = tf.nn.conv2d(image, filter=weights, strides=(1, 1, 1, 1), padding='SAME') image = tf.nn.relu(image) image = tf.nn.max_pool(image, ksize=(1, 2, 2, 1), strides=(1, 2, 2, 1), padding='SAME') image = tf.reshape(image, shape=((- 1), (16 * 16), 32)) image = tf.reduce_mean(image, axis=1) weights = tf.get_variable(name='W3', shape=(30, 32), initializer=initializer) caption = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(params=weights, ids=caption) lstm = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(num_units=32) (caption, _) = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell=lstm, inputs=caption, dtype=tf.float32) caption = tf.reduce_mean(caption, axis=1) if return_internals: return (tf.multiply(image, caption), list()) else: return tf.multiply(image, caption) states = dict(image=dict(shape=(64, 64, 3), type='float'), caption=dict(shape=(20,), type='int')) agent = DQNAgent(states=states, actions=actions, network=CustomNetwork, memory=dict(type='replay', include_next_states=True, capacity=100)) agent.close() from tensorforce.core.networks import Layer class Lstm(Layer): def __init__(self, size, scope='lstm', summary_labels=()): self.size = size super(Lstm, self).__init__(scope=scope, summary_labels=summary_labels) def tf_apply(self, x, update, state): state = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMStateTuple(c=state[(:, 0, :)], h=state[(:, 1, :)]) self.lstm_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(num_units=self.size) (x, state) = self.lstm_cell(inputs=x, state=state) state = tf.stack(values=(state.c, state.h), axis=1) return (x, dict(state=state)) def internals_spec(self): return dict(state=dict(type='float', shape=(2, self.size), initialization='zeros')) states = dict(shape=(10,), type='float') network_spec = [{'type': 'flatten'}, {'type': Lstm, 'size': 10}] agent = DQNAgent(states=states, actions=actions, network=network_spec, update_mode=dict(unit='timesteps', batch_size=100, frequency=4), memory=dict(type='replay', include_next_states=True, capacity=100)) agent.close() states = dict(shape=(84, 84, 3), type='float') states_preprocessing_spec = [dict(type='image_resize', width=84, height=84), dict(type='grayscale'), dict(type='normalize')] agent = DQNAgent(states=states, actions=actions, network=network_spec, memory=dict(type='replay', include_next_states=True, capacity=100), target_sync_frequency=50, states_preprocessing=states_preprocessing_spec) agent.close() exploration = dict(type='ornstein_uhlenbeck', sigma=0.1, mu=0.0, theta=0.1) agent = DQNAgent(states=states, actions=actions, network=network_spec, memory=dict(type='replay', include_next_states=True, capacity=100), actions_exploration=exploration) agent.close() exploration = dict(type='epsilon_decay', initial_epsilon=1.0, final_epsilon=0.01, timesteps=1000000.0) agent = DQNAgent(states=states, actions=actions, network=network_spec, memory=dict(type='replay', include_next_states=True, capacity=100), actions_exploration=exploration) agent.close()<|docstring|>Test of introduction blog post examples.<|endoftext|>
@property def id(self): 'The ID of the entity.' return[self.id_field]
The ID of the entity.
@property def id(self): return[self.id_field]
@property def id(self): return[self.id_field]<|docstring|>The ID of the entity.<|endoftext|>
@property def slug(self): 'The slug (short ID) of the entity.' try: return['slug'] except KeyError: return None
The slug (short ID) of the entity.
@property def slug(self): try: return['slug'] except KeyError: return None
@property def slug(self): try: return['slug'] except KeyError: return None<|docstring|>The slug (short ID) of the entity.<|endoftext|>
@classmethod def get(cls, id_): "Get an instance of an entity by ID or slug.\n\n Args:\n id_ (str):\n ID or slug of a catalog entity.\n\n Raises:\n CatalogError: if there's a problem when connecting to the catalog or no entities are found.\n\n " return cls._entity_repo.get_by_id(id_)
Get an instance of an entity by ID or slug. Args: id_ (str): ID or slug of a catalog entity. Raises: CatalogError: if there's a problem when connecting to the catalog or no entities are found.
@classmethod def get(cls, id_): "Get an instance of an entity by ID or slug.\n\n Args:\n id_ (str):\n ID or slug of a catalog entity.\n\n Raises:\n CatalogError: if there's a problem when connecting to the catalog or no entities are found.\n\n " return cls._entity_repo.get_by_id(id_)
@classmethod def get(cls, id_): "Get an instance of an entity by ID or slug.\n\n Args:\n id_ (str):\n ID or slug of a catalog entity.\n\n Raises:\n CatalogError: if there's a problem when connecting to the catalog or no entities are found.\n\n " return cls._entity_repo.get_by_id(id_)<|docstring|>Get an instance of an entity by ID or slug. Args: id_ (str): ID or slug of a catalog entity. Raises: CatalogError: if there's a problem when connecting to the catalog or no entities are found.<|endoftext|>
@classmethod def get_all(cls, filters=None): 'List all instances of an entity.\n\n Args:\n filters (dict, optional):\n Dict containing pairs of entity properties and its value to be used as filters to query the available\n entities. If none is provided, no filters will be applied to the query.\n\n ' return cls._entity_repo.get_all(filters)
List all instances of an entity. Args: filters (dict, optional): Dict containing pairs of entity properties and its value to be used as filters to query the available entities. If none is provided, no filters will be applied to the query.
@classmethod def get_all(cls, filters=None): 'List all instances of an entity.\n\n Args:\n filters (dict, optional):\n Dict containing pairs of entity properties and its value to be used as filters to query the available\n entities. If none is provided, no filters will be applied to the query.\n\n ' return cls._entity_repo.get_all(filters)
@classmethod def get_all(cls, filters=None): 'List all instances of an entity.\n\n Args:\n filters (dict, optional):\n Dict containing pairs of entity properties and its value to be used as filters to query the available\n entities. If none is provided, no filters will be applied to the query.\n\n ' return cls._entity_repo.get_all(filters)<|docstring|>List all instances of an entity. Args: filters (dict, optional): Dict containing pairs of entity properties and its value to be used as filters to query the available entities. If none is provided, no filters will be applied to the query.<|endoftext|>
@classmethod def get_list(cls, id_list): "Get a list of instance of an entity by a list of IDs or slugs.\n\n Args:\n id_list (list):\n List of ID or slugs of entities in the catalog to retrieve instances.\n\n Raises:\n CatalogError: if there's a problem when connecting to the catalog or no entities are found.\n\n " return cls._entity_repo.get_by_id_list(id_list)
Get a list of instance of an entity by a list of IDs or slugs. Args: id_list (list): List of ID or slugs of entities in the catalog to retrieve instances. Raises: CatalogError: if there's a problem when connecting to the catalog or no entities are found.
@classmethod def get_list(cls, id_list): "Get a list of instance of an entity by a list of IDs or slugs.\n\n Args:\n id_list (list):\n List of ID or slugs of entities in the catalog to retrieve instances.\n\n Raises:\n CatalogError: if there's a problem when connecting to the catalog or no entities are found.\n\n " return cls._entity_repo.get_by_id_list(id_list)
@classmethod def get_list(cls, id_list): "Get a list of instance of an entity by a list of IDs or slugs.\n\n Args:\n id_list (list):\n List of ID or slugs of entities in the catalog to retrieve instances.\n\n Raises:\n CatalogError: if there's a problem when connecting to the catalog or no entities are found.\n\n " return cls._entity_repo.get_by_id_list(id_list)<|docstring|>Get a list of instance of an entity by a list of IDs or slugs. Args: id_list (list): List of ID or slugs of entities in the catalog to retrieve instances. Raises: CatalogError: if there's a problem when connecting to the catalog or no entities are found.<|endoftext|>
def to_series(self): 'Converts the entity instance to a pandas Series.' return pd.Series(
Converts the entity instance to a pandas Series.
def to_series(self): return pd.Series(
def to_series(self): return pd.Series(<|docstring|>Converts the entity instance to a pandas Series.<|endoftext|>
def to_dict(self): 'Converts the entity instance to a Python dict.' return {key: value for (key, value) in if (key not in self.export_excluded_fields)}
Converts the entity instance to a Python dict.
def to_dict(self): return {key: value for (key, value) in if (key not in self.export_excluded_fields)}
def to_dict(self): return {key: value for (key, value) in if (key not in self.export_excluded_fields)}<|docstring|>Converts the entity instance to a Python dict.<|endoftext|>
def is_subscribed(self, credentials, entity_type): 'Check if the entity is subscribed' return (self.is_public_data or ( in subscriptions.get_subscription_ids(credentials, entity_type)))
Check if the entity is subscribed
def is_subscribed(self, credentials, entity_type): return (self.is_public_data or ( in subscriptions.get_subscription_ids(credentials, entity_type)))
def is_subscribed(self, credentials, entity_type): return (self.is_public_data or ( in subscriptions.get_subscription_ids(credentials, entity_type)))<|docstring|>Check if the entity is subscribed<|endoftext|>
def to_dataframe(self): 'Converts a list to a pandas DataFrame.\n\n Examples:\n >>> catalog = Catalog()\n >>> catalog.categories.to_dataframe()\n\n ' df = pd.DataFrame([ for item in self]) if ('summary_json' in df): del df['summary_json'] return df
Converts a list to a pandas DataFrame. Examples: >>> catalog = Catalog() >>> catalog.categories.to_dataframe()
def to_dataframe(self): 'Converts a list to a pandas DataFrame.\n\n Examples:\n >>> catalog = Catalog()\n >>> catalog.categories.to_dataframe()\n\n ' df = pd.DataFrame([ for item in self]) if ('summary_json' in df): del df['summary_json'] return df
def to_dataframe(self): 'Converts a list to a pandas DataFrame.\n\n Examples:\n >>> catalog = Catalog()\n >>> catalog.categories.to_dataframe()\n\n ' df = pd.DataFrame([ for item in self]) if ('summary_json' in df): del df['summary_json'] return df<|docstring|>Converts a list to a pandas DataFrame. Examples: >>> catalog = Catalog() >>> catalog.categories.to_dataframe()<|endoftext|>
@classmethod def load_viz(cls, viz_name: str, *args, **kwargs) -> Viz: 'Loads built in visualization class.\n Currently supports: "lorenz", "cylinder", "grayscott"\n\n Args:\n viz_name (str): Keyword/name of visualization class\n\n Raises:\n KeyError: If viz_name is not a supported visualization type\n\n Returns:\n (Viz): Initialized viz class\n ' if (viz_name in VIZ_MAPPING.keys()): viz_class = VIZ_MAPPING[viz_name] return viz_class(*args, **kwargs) else: err_str = 'Provided viz name, {:s}, not found in existing visualization classes.'.format(viz_name) raise KeyError(err_str)
Loads built in visualization class. Currently supports: "lorenz", "cylinder", "grayscott" Args: viz_name (str): Keyword/name of visualization class Raises: KeyError: If viz_name is not a supported visualization type Returns: (Viz): Initialized viz class
@classmethod def load_viz(cls, viz_name: str, *args, **kwargs) -> Viz: 'Loads built in visualization class.\n Currently supports: "lorenz", "cylinder", "grayscott"\n\n Args:\n viz_name (str): Keyword/name of visualization class\n\n Raises:\n KeyError: If viz_name is not a supported visualization type\n\n Returns:\n (Viz): Initialized viz class\n ' if (viz_name in VIZ_MAPPING.keys()): viz_class = VIZ_MAPPING[viz_name] return viz_class(*args, **kwargs) else: err_str = 'Provided viz name, {:s}, not found in existing visualization classes.'.format(viz_name) raise KeyError(err_str)
@classmethod def load_viz(cls, viz_name: str, *args, **kwargs) -> Viz: 'Loads built in visualization class.\n Currently supports: "lorenz", "cylinder", "grayscott"\n\n Args:\n viz_name (str): Keyword/name of visualization class\n\n Raises:\n KeyError: If viz_name is not a supported visualization type\n\n Returns:\n (Viz): Initialized viz class\n ' if (viz_name in VIZ_MAPPING.keys()): viz_class = VIZ_MAPPING[viz_name] return viz_class(*args, **kwargs) else: err_str = 'Provided viz name, {:s}, not found in existing visualization classes.'.format(viz_name) raise KeyError(err_str)<|docstring|>Loads built in visualization class. Currently supports: "lorenz", "cylinder", "grayscott" Args: viz_name (str): Keyword/name of visualization class Raises: KeyError: If viz_name is not a supported visualization type Returns: (Viz): Initialized viz class<|endoftext|>
def get_label(self): 'Gets the label of a traffic light color.\n\n Returns:\n :obj:`str`: The label string.\n ' if (self.value == 1): return 'red traffic light' elif (self.value == 2): return 'yellow traffic light' elif (self.value == 3): return 'green traffic light' else: return 'off traffic light'
Gets the label of a traffic light color. Returns: :obj:`str`: The label string.
def get_label(self): 'Gets the label of a traffic light color.\n\n Returns:\n :obj:`str`: The label string.\n ' if (self.value == 1): return 'red traffic light' elif (self.value == 2): return 'yellow traffic light' elif (self.value == 3): return 'green traffic light' else: return 'off traffic light'
def get_label(self): 'Gets the label of a traffic light color.\n\n Returns:\n :obj:`str`: The label string.\n ' if (self.value == 1): return 'red traffic light' elif (self.value == 2): return 'yellow traffic light' elif (self.value == 3): return 'green traffic light' else: return 'off traffic light'<|docstring|>Gets the label of a traffic light color. Returns: :obj:`str`: The label string.<|endoftext|>
@classmethod def from_simulator_actor(cls, traffic_light): ' Creates a TrafficLight from a simulator traffic light actor.\n\n Args:\n traffic_light: A simulator traffic light actor.\n\n Returns:\n :py:class:`.TrafficLight`: A traffic light.\n ' from carla import TrafficLight, TrafficLightState if (not isinstance(traffic_light, TrafficLight)): raise ValueError('The traffic light must be a TrafficLight') transform = pylot.utils.Transform.from_simulator_transform(traffic_light.get_transform()) trigger_volume_extent = pylot.utils.Vector3D(traffic_light.trigger_volume.extent.x, traffic_light.trigger_volume.extent.y, traffic_light.trigger_volume.extent.z) traffic_light_state = traffic_light.get_state() state = TrafficLightColor.OFF if (traffic_light_state == TrafficLightState.Red): state = TrafficLightColor.RED elif (traffic_light_state == TrafficLightState.Yellow): state = TrafficLightColor.YELLOW elif (traffic_light_state == TrafficLightState.Green): state = TrafficLightColor.GREEN return cls(1.0, state,, transform, trigger_volume_extent)
Creates a TrafficLight from a simulator traffic light actor. Args: traffic_light: A simulator traffic light actor. Returns: :py:class:`.TrafficLight`: A traffic light.
@classmethod def from_simulator_actor(cls, traffic_light): ' Creates a TrafficLight from a simulator traffic light actor.\n\n Args:\n traffic_light: A simulator traffic light actor.\n\n Returns:\n :py:class:`.TrafficLight`: A traffic light.\n ' from carla import TrafficLight, TrafficLightState if (not isinstance(traffic_light, TrafficLight)): raise ValueError('The traffic light must be a TrafficLight') transform = pylot.utils.Transform.from_simulator_transform(traffic_light.get_transform()) trigger_volume_extent = pylot.utils.Vector3D(traffic_light.trigger_volume.extent.x, traffic_light.trigger_volume.extent.y, traffic_light.trigger_volume.extent.z) traffic_light_state = traffic_light.get_state() state = TrafficLightColor.OFF if (traffic_light_state == TrafficLightState.Red): state = TrafficLightColor.RED elif (traffic_light_state == TrafficLightState.Yellow): state = TrafficLightColor.YELLOW elif (traffic_light_state == TrafficLightState.Green): state = TrafficLightColor.GREEN return cls(1.0, state,, transform, trigger_volume_extent)
@classmethod def from_simulator_actor(cls, traffic_light): ' Creates a TrafficLight from a simulator traffic light actor.\n\n Args:\n traffic_light: A simulator traffic light actor.\n\n Returns:\n :py:class:`.TrafficLight`: A traffic light.\n ' from carla import TrafficLight, TrafficLightState if (not isinstance(traffic_light, TrafficLight)): raise ValueError('The traffic light must be a TrafficLight') transform = pylot.utils.Transform.from_simulator_transform(traffic_light.get_transform()) trigger_volume_extent = pylot.utils.Vector3D(traffic_light.trigger_volume.extent.x, traffic_light.trigger_volume.extent.y, traffic_light.trigger_volume.extent.z) traffic_light_state = traffic_light.get_state() state = TrafficLightColor.OFF if (traffic_light_state == TrafficLightState.Red): state = TrafficLightColor.RED elif (traffic_light_state == TrafficLightState.Yellow): state = TrafficLightColor.YELLOW elif (traffic_light_state == TrafficLightState.Green): state = TrafficLightColor.GREEN return cls(1.0, state,, transform, trigger_volume_extent)<|docstring|>Creates a TrafficLight from a simulator traffic light actor. Args: traffic_light: A simulator traffic light actor. Returns: :py:class:`.TrafficLight`: A traffic light.<|endoftext|>
def is_traffic_light_visible(self, camera_transform: pylot.utils.Transform, town_name: str=None, distance_threshold: int=70): 'Checks if the traffic light is visible from the camera transform.\n\n Args:\n transform (:py:class:`~pylot.utils.Transform`): Transform of the\n camera in the world frame of reference.\n distance_threshold (:obj:`int`): Maximum distance to the camera\n (in m).\n\n Returns:\n bool: True if the traffic light is visible from the camera\n transform.\n ' prod =[self.transform.forward_vector.y, (- self.transform.forward_vector.x), self.transform.forward_vector.z], [camera_transform.forward_vector.x, camera_transform.forward_vector.y, camera_transform.forward_vector.z]) if (self.transform.location.distance(camera_transform.location) > distance_threshold): return (prod > 0.4) if (town_name is None): return (prod > (- 0.8)) elif ((town_name == 'Town01') or (town_name == 'Town02')): return (prod > 0.3) return (prod > (- 0.8))
Checks if the traffic light is visible from the camera transform. Args: transform (:py:class:`~pylot.utils.Transform`): Transform of the camera in the world frame of reference. distance_threshold (:obj:`int`): Maximum distance to the camera (in m). Returns: bool: True if the traffic light is visible from the camera transform.
def is_traffic_light_visible(self, camera_transform: pylot.utils.Transform, town_name: str=None, distance_threshold: int=70): 'Checks if the traffic light is visible from the camera transform.\n\n Args:\n transform (:py:class:`~pylot.utils.Transform`): Transform of the\n camera in the world frame of reference.\n distance_threshold (:obj:`int`): Maximum distance to the camera\n (in m).\n\n Returns:\n bool: True if the traffic light is visible from the camera\n transform.\n ' prod =[self.transform.forward_vector.y, (- self.transform.forward_vector.x), self.transform.forward_vector.z], [camera_transform.forward_vector.x, camera_transform.forward_vector.y, camera_transform.forward_vector.z]) if (self.transform.location.distance(camera_transform.location) > distance_threshold): return (prod > 0.4) if (town_name is None): return (prod > (- 0.8)) elif ((town_name == 'Town01') or (town_name == 'Town02')): return (prod > 0.3) return (prod > (- 0.8))
def is_traffic_light_visible(self, camera_transform: pylot.utils.Transform, town_name: str=None, distance_threshold: int=70): 'Checks if the traffic light is visible from the camera transform.\n\n Args:\n transform (:py:class:`~pylot.utils.Transform`): Transform of the\n camera in the world frame of reference.\n distance_threshold (:obj:`int`): Maximum distance to the camera\n (in m).\n\n Returns:\n bool: True if the traffic light is visible from the camera\n transform.\n ' prod =[self.transform.forward_vector.y, (- self.transform.forward_vector.x), self.transform.forward_vector.z], [camera_transform.forward_vector.x, camera_transform.forward_vector.y, camera_transform.forward_vector.z]) if (self.transform.location.distance(camera_transform.location) > distance_threshold): return (prod > 0.4) if (town_name is None): return (prod > (- 0.8)) elif ((town_name == 'Town01') or (town_name == 'Town02')): return (prod > 0.3) return (prod > (- 0.8))<|docstring|>Checks if the traffic light is visible from the camera transform. Args: transform (:py:class:`~pylot.utils.Transform`): Transform of the camera in the world frame of reference. distance_threshold (:obj:`int`): Maximum distance to the camera (in m). Returns: bool: True if the traffic light is visible from the camera transform.<|endoftext|>
def get_all_detected_traffic_light_boxes(self, town_name: str, depth_frame, segmented_image): ' Returns traffic lights for all boxes of a simulator traffic light.\n\n Note:\n All the traffic lights returned will have the same id and\n transform.\n\n Args:\n town_name (:obj:`str`): Name of the town in which the traffic light\n is.\n depth_frame (:py:class:`~pylot.perception.depth_frame.DepthFrame`):\n Depth frame.\n segmented_image: A segmented image np array used to refine the\n bounding boxes.\n\n Returns:\n list(:py:class:`~pylot.perception.detection.traffic_light.TrafficLight`):\n Detected traffic lights, one for each traffic light box.\n ' traffic_lights = [] bboxes = self._get_bboxes(town_name) for bbox in bboxes: bounding_box = [loc.to_camera_view(depth_frame.camera_setup.get_extrinsic_matrix(), depth_frame.camera_setup.get_intrinsic_matrix()) for loc in bbox] bbox_2d = get_bounding_box_in_camera_view(bounding_box, depth_frame.camera_setup.width, depth_frame.camera_setup.height) if (not bbox_2d): continue cropped_image = segmented_image[(bbox_2d.y_min:bbox_2d.y_max, bbox_2d.x_min:bbox_2d.x_max)] cropped_depth = depth_frame.frame[(bbox_2d.y_min:bbox_2d.y_max, bbox_2d.x_min:bbox_2d.x_max)] if (cropped_image.size > 0): masked_image = np.zeros_like(cropped_image) masked_image[np.where(np.logical_or((cropped_image == 12), (cropped_image == 18)))] = 1 if (np.sum(masked_image) >= (0.2 * masked_image.size)): masked_depth = cropped_depth[np.where((masked_image == 1))] mean_depth = (np.mean(masked_depth) * 1000) if ((abs((mean_depth - bounding_box[0].z)) <= 2) and (mean_depth < 150)): traffic_lights.append(TrafficLight(1.0, self.state,, self.transform, self.trigger_volume_extent, bbox_2d)) return traffic_lights
Returns traffic lights for all boxes of a simulator traffic light. Note: All the traffic lights returned will have the same id and transform. Args: town_name (:obj:`str`): Name of the town in which the traffic light is. depth_frame (:py:class:`~pylot.perception.depth_frame.DepthFrame`): Depth frame. segmented_image: A segmented image np array used to refine the bounding boxes. Returns: list(:py:class:`~pylot.perception.detection.traffic_light.TrafficLight`): Detected traffic lights, one for each traffic light box.
def get_all_detected_traffic_light_boxes(self, town_name: str, depth_frame, segmented_image): ' Returns traffic lights for all boxes of a simulator traffic light.\n\n Note:\n All the traffic lights returned will have the same id and\n transform.\n\n Args:\n town_name (:obj:`str`): Name of the town in which the traffic light\n is.\n depth_frame (:py:class:`~pylot.perception.depth_frame.DepthFrame`):\n Depth frame.\n segmented_image: A segmented image np array used to refine the\n bounding boxes.\n\n Returns:\n list(:py:class:`~pylot.perception.detection.traffic_light.TrafficLight`):\n Detected traffic lights, one for each traffic light box.\n ' traffic_lights = [] bboxes = self._get_bboxes(town_name) for bbox in bboxes: bounding_box = [loc.to_camera_view(depth_frame.camera_setup.get_extrinsic_matrix(), depth_frame.camera_setup.get_intrinsic_matrix()) for loc in bbox] bbox_2d = get_bounding_box_in_camera_view(bounding_box, depth_frame.camera_setup.width, depth_frame.camera_setup.height) if (not bbox_2d): continue cropped_image = segmented_image[(bbox_2d.y_min:bbox_2d.y_max, bbox_2d.x_min:bbox_2d.x_max)] cropped_depth = depth_frame.frame[(bbox_2d.y_min:bbox_2d.y_max, bbox_2d.x_min:bbox_2d.x_max)] if (cropped_image.size > 0): masked_image = np.zeros_like(cropped_image) masked_image[np.where(np.logical_or((cropped_image == 12), (cropped_image == 18)))] = 1 if (np.sum(masked_image) >= (0.2 * masked_image.size)): masked_depth = cropped_depth[np.where((masked_image == 1))] mean_depth = (np.mean(masked_depth) * 1000) if ((abs((mean_depth - bounding_box[0].z)) <= 2) and (mean_depth < 150)): traffic_lights.append(TrafficLight(1.0, self.state,, self.transform, self.trigger_volume_extent, bbox_2d)) return traffic_lights
def get_all_detected_traffic_light_boxes(self, town_name: str, depth_frame, segmented_image): ' Returns traffic lights for all boxes of a simulator traffic light.\n\n Note:\n All the traffic lights returned will have the same id and\n transform.\n\n Args:\n town_name (:obj:`str`): Name of the town in which the traffic light\n is.\n depth_frame (:py:class:`~pylot.perception.depth_frame.DepthFrame`):\n Depth frame.\n segmented_image: A segmented image np array used to refine the\n bounding boxes.\n\n Returns:\n list(:py:class:`~pylot.perception.detection.traffic_light.TrafficLight`):\n Detected traffic lights, one for each traffic light box.\n ' traffic_lights = [] bboxes = self._get_bboxes(town_name) for bbox in bboxes: bounding_box = [loc.to_camera_view(depth_frame.camera_setup.get_extrinsic_matrix(), depth_frame.camera_setup.get_intrinsic_matrix()) for loc in bbox] bbox_2d = get_bounding_box_in_camera_view(bounding_box, depth_frame.camera_setup.width, depth_frame.camera_setup.height) if (not bbox_2d): continue cropped_image = segmented_image[(bbox_2d.y_min:bbox_2d.y_max, bbox_2d.x_min:bbox_2d.x_max)] cropped_depth = depth_frame.frame[(bbox_2d.y_min:bbox_2d.y_max, bbox_2d.x_min:bbox_2d.x_max)] if (cropped_image.size > 0): masked_image = np.zeros_like(cropped_image) masked_image[np.where(np.logical_or((cropped_image == 12), (cropped_image == 18)))] = 1 if (np.sum(masked_image) >= (0.2 * masked_image.size)): masked_depth = cropped_depth[np.where((masked_image == 1))] mean_depth = (np.mean(masked_depth) * 1000) if ((abs((mean_depth - bounding_box[0].z)) <= 2) and (mean_depth < 150)): traffic_lights.append(TrafficLight(1.0, self.state,, self.transform, self.trigger_volume_extent, bbox_2d)) return traffic_lights<|docstring|>Returns traffic lights for all boxes of a simulator traffic light. Note: All the traffic lights returned will have the same id and transform. Args: town_name (:obj:`str`): Name of the town in which the traffic light is. depth_frame (:py:class:`~pylot.perception.depth_frame.DepthFrame`): Depth frame. segmented_image: A segmented image np array used to refine the bounding boxes. Returns: list(:py:class:`~pylot.perception.detection.traffic_light.TrafficLight`): Detected traffic lights, one for each traffic light box.<|endoftext|>
def _relative_to_traffic_light(self, points): 'Transforms the bounding box specified in the points relative to the\n light.\n\n Args:\n points: An array of length 4 representing the 4 points of the\n rectangle.\n ' def rotate(yaw, location): ' Rotate a given 3D vector around the Z-axis. ' rotation_matrix = np.identity(3) rotation_matrix[(0, 0)] = np.cos(yaw) rotation_matrix[(0, 1)] = (- np.sin(yaw)) rotation_matrix[(1, 0)] = np.sin(yaw) rotation_matrix[(1, 1)] = np.cos(yaw) location_vector = np.array([[location.x], [location.y], [location.z]]) transformed =, location_vector) return pylot.utils.Location(x=transformed[(0, 0)], y=transformed[(1, 0)], z=transformed[(2, 0)]) transformed_points = [rotate(np.radians(self.transform.rotation.yaw), point) for point in points] base_relative_points = [(self.transform.location + point) for point in transformed_points] return base_relative_points
Transforms the bounding box specified in the points relative to the light. Args: points: An array of length 4 representing the 4 points of the rectangle.
def _relative_to_traffic_light(self, points): 'Transforms the bounding box specified in the points relative to the\n light.\n\n Args:\n points: An array of length 4 representing the 4 points of the\n rectangle.\n ' def rotate(yaw, location): ' Rotate a given 3D vector around the Z-axis. ' rotation_matrix = np.identity(3) rotation_matrix[(0, 0)] = np.cos(yaw) rotation_matrix[(0, 1)] = (- np.sin(yaw)) rotation_matrix[(1, 0)] = np.sin(yaw) rotation_matrix[(1, 1)] = np.cos(yaw) location_vector = np.array([[location.x], [location.y], [location.z]]) transformed =, location_vector) return pylot.utils.Location(x=transformed[(0, 0)], y=transformed[(1, 0)], z=transformed[(2, 0)]) transformed_points = [rotate(np.radians(self.transform.rotation.yaw), point) for point in points] base_relative_points = [(self.transform.location + point) for point in transformed_points] return base_relative_points
def _relative_to_traffic_light(self, points): 'Transforms the bounding box specified in the points relative to the\n light.\n\n Args:\n points: An array of length 4 representing the 4 points of the\n rectangle.\n ' def rotate(yaw, location): ' Rotate a given 3D vector around the Z-axis. ' rotation_matrix = np.identity(3) rotation_matrix[(0, 0)] = np.cos(yaw) rotation_matrix[(0, 1)] = (- np.sin(yaw)) rotation_matrix[(1, 0)] = np.sin(yaw) rotation_matrix[(1, 1)] = np.cos(yaw) location_vector = np.array([[location.x], [location.y], [location.z]]) transformed =, location_vector) return pylot.utils.Location(x=transformed[(0, 0)], y=transformed[(1, 0)], z=transformed[(2, 0)]) transformed_points = [rotate(np.radians(self.transform.rotation.yaw), point) for point in points] base_relative_points = [(self.transform.location + point) for point in transformed_points] return base_relative_points<|docstring|>Transforms the bounding box specified in the points relative to the light. Args: points: An array of length 4 representing the 4 points of the rectangle.<|endoftext|>
def rotate(yaw, location): ' Rotate a given 3D vector around the Z-axis. ' rotation_matrix = np.identity(3) rotation_matrix[(0, 0)] = np.cos(yaw) rotation_matrix[(0, 1)] = (- np.sin(yaw)) rotation_matrix[(1, 0)] = np.sin(yaw) rotation_matrix[(1, 1)] = np.cos(yaw) location_vector = np.array([[location.x], [location.y], [location.z]]) transformed =, location_vector) return pylot.utils.Location(x=transformed[(0, 0)], y=transformed[(1, 0)], z=transformed[(2, 0)])
Rotate a given 3D vector around the Z-axis.
def rotate(yaw, location): ' ' rotation_matrix = np.identity(3) rotation_matrix[(0, 0)] = np.cos(yaw) rotation_matrix[(0, 1)] = (- np.sin(yaw)) rotation_matrix[(1, 0)] = np.sin(yaw) rotation_matrix[(1, 1)] = np.cos(yaw) location_vector = np.array([[location.x], [location.y], [location.z]]) transformed =, location_vector) return pylot.utils.Location(x=transformed[(0, 0)], y=transformed[(1, 0)], z=transformed[(2, 0)])
def rotate(yaw, location): ' ' rotation_matrix = np.identity(3) rotation_matrix[(0, 0)] = np.cos(yaw) rotation_matrix[(0, 1)] = (- np.sin(yaw)) rotation_matrix[(1, 0)] = np.sin(yaw) rotation_matrix[(1, 1)] = np.cos(yaw) location_vector = np.array([[location.x], [location.y], [location.z]]) transformed =, location_vector) return pylot.utils.Location(x=transformed[(0, 0)], y=transformed[(1, 0)], z=transformed[(2, 0)])<|docstring|>Rotate a given 3D vector around the Z-axis.<|endoftext|>
def size_term(land_use, destination_choice_coeffs): '\n This method takes the land use data and multiplies various columns of the\n land use data by coefficients from the spec table in order\n to yield a size term (a linear combination of land use variables).\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n land_use : DataFrame\n A dataframe of land use attributes - the column names should match\n the index of destination_choice_coeffs\n destination_choice_coeffs : Series\n A series of coefficients for the land use attributes - the index\n describes the link to the land use table, and the values are floating\n points numbers used to do the linear combination\n\n Returns\n -------\n values : Series\n The index will be the same as land use, and the values will the\n linear combination of the land use table columns specified by the\n coefficients series.\n ' coeffs = destination_choice_coeffs missing = coeffs[(~ coeffs.index.isin(land_use.columns))] if (len(missing) > 0): logger.warning(('%s missing columns in land use' % len(missing.index))) for v in missing.index.values: logger.warning(('missing: %s' % v)) return land_use[coeffs.index].dot(coeffs)
This method takes the land use data and multiplies various columns of the land use data by coefficients from the spec table in order to yield a size term (a linear combination of land use variables). Parameters ---------- land_use : DataFrame A dataframe of land use attributes - the column names should match the index of destination_choice_coeffs destination_choice_coeffs : Series A series of coefficients for the land use attributes - the index describes the link to the land use table, and the values are floating points numbers used to do the linear combination Returns ------- values : Series The index will be the same as land use, and the values will the linear combination of the land use table columns specified by the coefficients series.
def size_term(land_use, destination_choice_coeffs): '\n This method takes the land use data and multiplies various columns of the\n land use data by coefficients from the spec table in order\n to yield a size term (a linear combination of land use variables).\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n land_use : DataFrame\n A dataframe of land use attributes - the column names should match\n the index of destination_choice_coeffs\n destination_choice_coeffs : Series\n A series of coefficients for the land use attributes - the index\n describes the link to the land use table, and the values are floating\n points numbers used to do the linear combination\n\n Returns\n -------\n values : Series\n The index will be the same as land use, and the values will the\n linear combination of the land use table columns specified by the\n coefficients series.\n ' coeffs = destination_choice_coeffs missing = coeffs[(~ coeffs.index.isin(land_use.columns))] if (len(missing) > 0): logger.warning(('%s missing columns in land use' % len(missing.index))) for v in missing.index.values: logger.warning(('missing: %s' % v)) return land_use[coeffs.index].dot(coeffs)
def size_term(land_use, destination_choice_coeffs): '\n This method takes the land use data and multiplies various columns of the\n land use data by coefficients from the spec table in order\n to yield a size term (a linear combination of land use variables).\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n land_use : DataFrame\n A dataframe of land use attributes - the column names should match\n the index of destination_choice_coeffs\n destination_choice_coeffs : Series\n A series of coefficients for the land use attributes - the index\n describes the link to the land use table, and the values are floating\n points numbers used to do the linear combination\n\n Returns\n -------\n values : Series\n The index will be the same as land use, and the values will the\n linear combination of the land use table columns specified by the\n coefficients series.\n ' coeffs = destination_choice_coeffs missing = coeffs[(~ coeffs.index.isin(land_use.columns))] if (len(missing) > 0): logger.warning(('%s missing columns in land use' % len(missing.index))) for v in missing.index.values: logger.warning(('missing: %s' % v)) return land_use[coeffs.index].dot(coeffs)<|docstring|>This method takes the land use data and multiplies various columns of the land use data by coefficients from the spec table in order to yield a size term (a linear combination of land use variables). Parameters ---------- land_use : DataFrame A dataframe of land use attributes - the column names should match the index of destination_choice_coeffs destination_choice_coeffs : Series A series of coefficients for the land use attributes - the index describes the link to the land use table, and the values are floating points numbers used to do the linear combination Returns ------- values : Series The index will be the same as land use, and the values will the linear combination of the land use table columns specified by the coefficients series.<|endoftext|>
def tour_destination_size_terms(land_use, size_terms, model_selector): "\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n land_use - pipeline table\n size_terms - pipeline table\n model_selector - str\n\n Returns\n -------\n\n ::\n\n pandas.dataframe\n one column per model_selector segment with index of land_use\n e.g. for model_selector 'workplace', columns will be work_low, work_med, ...\n and for model_selector 'trip', columns will be eatout, escort, othdiscr, ...\n\n work_low work_med work_high work_veryhigh\n TAZ ...\n 1 1267.00000 522.000 1108.000 1540.0000 ...\n 2 1991.00000 824.500 1759.000 2420.0000 ...\n ...\n " land_use = land_use.to_frame() size_terms = size_terms[(size_terms.model_selector == model_selector)].copy() del size_terms['model_selector'] df = pd.DataFrame({key: size_term(land_use, row) for (key, row) in size_terms.iterrows()}, index=land_use.index) assert ( == 'TAZ') = if (not (df.dtypes == 'float64').all()): logger.warning('Surprised to find that not all size_terms were float64!') return df
Parameters ---------- land_use - pipeline table size_terms - pipeline table model_selector - str Returns ------- :: pandas.dataframe one column per model_selector segment with index of land_use e.g. for model_selector 'workplace', columns will be work_low, work_med, ... and for model_selector 'trip', columns will be eatout, escort, othdiscr, ... work_low work_med work_high work_veryhigh TAZ ... 1 1267.00000 522.000 1108.000 1540.0000 ... 2 1991.00000 824.500 1759.000 2420.0000 ... ...
def tour_destination_size_terms(land_use, size_terms, model_selector): "\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n land_use - pipeline table\n size_terms - pipeline table\n model_selector - str\n\n Returns\n -------\n\n ::\n\n pandas.dataframe\n one column per model_selector segment with index of land_use\n e.g. for model_selector 'workplace', columns will be work_low, work_med, ...\n and for model_selector 'trip', columns will be eatout, escort, othdiscr, ...\n\n work_low work_med work_high work_veryhigh\n TAZ ...\n 1 1267.00000 522.000 1108.000 1540.0000 ...\n 2 1991.00000 824.500 1759.000 2420.0000 ...\n ...\n " land_use = land_use.to_frame() size_terms = size_terms[(size_terms.model_selector == model_selector)].copy() del size_terms['model_selector'] df = pd.DataFrame({key: size_term(land_use, row) for (key, row) in size_terms.iterrows()}, index=land_use.index) assert ( == 'TAZ') = if (not (df.dtypes == 'float64').all()): logger.warning('Surprised to find that not all size_terms were float64!') return df
def tour_destination_size_terms(land_use, size_terms, model_selector): "\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n land_use - pipeline table\n size_terms - pipeline table\n model_selector - str\n\n Returns\n -------\n\n ::\n\n pandas.dataframe\n one column per model_selector segment with index of land_use\n e.g. for model_selector 'workplace', columns will be work_low, work_med, ...\n and for model_selector 'trip', columns will be eatout, escort, othdiscr, ...\n\n work_low work_med work_high work_veryhigh\n TAZ ...\n 1 1267.00000 522.000 1108.000 1540.0000 ...\n 2 1991.00000 824.500 1759.000 2420.0000 ...\n ...\n " land_use = land_use.to_frame() size_terms = size_terms[(size_terms.model_selector == model_selector)].copy() del size_terms['model_selector'] df = pd.DataFrame({key: size_term(land_use, row) for (key, row) in size_terms.iterrows()}, index=land_use.index) assert ( == 'TAZ') = if (not (df.dtypes == 'float64').all()): logger.warning('Surprised to find that not all size_terms were float64!') return df<|docstring|>Parameters ---------- land_use - pipeline table size_terms - pipeline table model_selector - str Returns ------- :: pandas.dataframe one column per model_selector segment with index of land_use e.g. for model_selector 'workplace', columns will be work_low, work_med, ... and for model_selector 'trip', columns will be eatout, escort, othdiscr, ... work_low work_med work_high work_veryhigh TAZ ... 1 1267.00000 522.000 1108.000 1540.0000 ... 2 1991.00000 824.500 1759.000 2420.0000 ... ...<|endoftext|>
def __init__(__self__, resource_name, opts=None, curve=None, key_opts=None, key_size=None, key_type=None, key_vault_id=None, name=None, tags=None, vault_uri=None, __name__=None, __opts__=None): '\n Manages a Key Vault Key.\n \n :param str resource_name: The name of the resource.\n :param kulado.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource.\n :param kulado.Input[str] curve: Specifies the curve to use when creating an `EC` key. Possible values are `P-256`, `P-384`, `P-521`, and `SECP256K1`. This field will be required in a future release if `key_type` is `EC` or `EC-HSM`. The API will default to `P-256` if nothing is specified. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.\n :param kulado.Input[list] key_opts: A list of JSON web key operations. Possible values include: `decrypt`, `encrypt`, `sign`, `unwrapKey`, `verify` and `wrapKey`. Please note these values are case sensitive.\n :param kulado.Input[float] key_size: Specifies the Size of the RSA key to create in bytes. For example, 1024 or 2048. *Note*: This field is required if `key_type` is `RSA` or `RSA-HSM`. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.\n :param kulado.Input[str] key_type: Specifies the Key Type to use for this Key Vault Key. Possible values are `EC` (Elliptic Curve), `EC-HSM`, `Oct` (Octet), `RSA` and `RSA-HSM`. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.\n :param kulado.Input[str] key_vault_id: The ID of the Key Vault where the Key should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.\n :param kulado.Input[str] name: Specifies the name of the Key Vault Key. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.\n :param kulado.Input[dict] tags: A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.\n\n > This content is derived from\n ' if (__name__ is not None): warnings.warn('explicit use of __name__ is deprecated', DeprecationWarning) resource_name = __name__ if (__opts__ is not None): warnings.warn("explicit use of __opts__ is deprecated, use 'opts' instead", DeprecationWarning) opts = __opts__ if (not resource_name): raise TypeError('Missing resource name argument (for URN creation)') if (not isinstance(resource_name, str)): raise TypeError('Expected resource name to be a string') if (opts and (not isinstance(opts, kulado.ResourceOptions))): raise TypeError('Expected resource options to be a ResourceOptions instance') __props__ = dict() __props__['curve'] = curve if (key_opts is None): raise TypeError("Missing required property 'key_opts'") __props__['key_opts'] = key_opts __props__['key_size'] = key_size if (key_type is None): raise TypeError("Missing required property 'key_type'") __props__['key_type'] = key_type __props__['key_vault_id'] = key_vault_id __props__['name'] = name __props__['tags'] = tags __props__['vault_uri'] = vault_uri __props__['e'] = None __props__['n'] = None __props__['version'] = None __props__['x'] = None __props__['y'] = None super(Key, __self__).__init__('azure:keyvault/key:Key', resource_name, __props__, opts)
Manages a Key Vault Key. :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. :param kulado.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource. :param kulado.Input[str] curve: Specifies the curve to use when creating an `EC` key. Possible values are `P-256`, `P-384`, `P-521`, and `SECP256K1`. This field will be required in a future release if `key_type` is `EC` or `EC-HSM`. The API will default to `P-256` if nothing is specified. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. :param kulado.Input[list] key_opts: A list of JSON web key operations. Possible values include: `decrypt`, `encrypt`, `sign`, `unwrapKey`, `verify` and `wrapKey`. Please note these values are case sensitive. :param kulado.Input[float] key_size: Specifies the Size of the RSA key to create in bytes. For example, 1024 or 2048. *Note*: This field is required if `key_type` is `RSA` or `RSA-HSM`. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. :param kulado.Input[str] key_type: Specifies the Key Type to use for this Key Vault Key. Possible values are `EC` (Elliptic Curve), `EC-HSM`, `Oct` (Octet), `RSA` and `RSA-HSM`. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. :param kulado.Input[str] key_vault_id: The ID of the Key Vault where the Key should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. :param kulado.Input[str] name: Specifies the name of the Key Vault Key. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. :param kulado.Input[dict] tags: A mapping of tags to assign to the resource. > This content is derived from
def __init__(__self__, resource_name, opts=None, curve=None, key_opts=None, key_size=None, key_type=None, key_vault_id=None, name=None, tags=None, vault_uri=None, __name__=None, __opts__=None): '\n Manages a Key Vault Key.\n \n :param str resource_name: The name of the resource.\n :param kulado.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource.\n :param kulado.Input[str] curve: Specifies the curve to use when creating an `EC` key. Possible values are `P-256`, `P-384`, `P-521`, and `SECP256K1`. This field will be required in a future release if `key_type` is `EC` or `EC-HSM`. The API will default to `P-256` if nothing is specified. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.\n :param kulado.Input[list] key_opts: A list of JSON web key operations. Possible values include: `decrypt`, `encrypt`, `sign`, `unwrapKey`, `verify` and `wrapKey`. Please note these values are case sensitive.\n :param kulado.Input[float] key_size: Specifies the Size of the RSA key to create in bytes. For example, 1024 or 2048. *Note*: This field is required if `key_type` is `RSA` or `RSA-HSM`. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.\n :param kulado.Input[str] key_type: Specifies the Key Type to use for this Key Vault Key. Possible values are `EC` (Elliptic Curve), `EC-HSM`, `Oct` (Octet), `RSA` and `RSA-HSM`. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.\n :param kulado.Input[str] key_vault_id: The ID of the Key Vault where the Key should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.\n :param kulado.Input[str] name: Specifies the name of the Key Vault Key. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.\n :param kulado.Input[dict] tags: A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.\n\n > This content is derived from\n ' if (__name__ is not None): warnings.warn('explicit use of __name__ is deprecated', DeprecationWarning) resource_name = __name__ if (__opts__ is not None): warnings.warn("explicit use of __opts__ is deprecated, use 'opts' instead", DeprecationWarning) opts = __opts__ if (not resource_name): raise TypeError('Missing resource name argument (for URN creation)') if (not isinstance(resource_name, str)): raise TypeError('Expected resource name to be a string') if (opts and (not isinstance(opts, kulado.ResourceOptions))): raise TypeError('Expected resource options to be a ResourceOptions instance') __props__ = dict() __props__['curve'] = curve if (key_opts is None): raise TypeError("Missing required property 'key_opts'") __props__['key_opts'] = key_opts __props__['key_size'] = key_size if (key_type is None): raise TypeError("Missing required property 'key_type'") __props__['key_type'] = key_type __props__['key_vault_id'] = key_vault_id __props__['name'] = name __props__['tags'] = tags __props__['vault_uri'] = vault_uri __props__['e'] = None __props__['n'] = None __props__['version'] = None __props__['x'] = None __props__['y'] = None super(Key, __self__).__init__('azure:keyvault/key:Key', resource_name, __props__, opts)
def __init__(__self__, resource_name, opts=None, curve=None, key_opts=None, key_size=None, key_type=None, key_vault_id=None, name=None, tags=None, vault_uri=None, __name__=None, __opts__=None): '\n Manages a Key Vault Key.\n \n :param str resource_name: The name of the resource.\n :param kulado.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource.\n :param kulado.Input[str] curve: Specifies the curve to use when creating an `EC` key. Possible values are `P-256`, `P-384`, `P-521`, and `SECP256K1`. This field will be required in a future release if `key_type` is `EC` or `EC-HSM`. The API will default to `P-256` if nothing is specified. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.\n :param kulado.Input[list] key_opts: A list of JSON web key operations. Possible values include: `decrypt`, `encrypt`, `sign`, `unwrapKey`, `verify` and `wrapKey`. Please note these values are case sensitive.\n :param kulado.Input[float] key_size: Specifies the Size of the RSA key to create in bytes. For example, 1024 or 2048. *Note*: This field is required if `key_type` is `RSA` or `RSA-HSM`. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.\n :param kulado.Input[str] key_type: Specifies the Key Type to use for this Key Vault Key. Possible values are `EC` (Elliptic Curve), `EC-HSM`, `Oct` (Octet), `RSA` and `RSA-HSM`. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.\n :param kulado.Input[str] key_vault_id: The ID of the Key Vault where the Key should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.\n :param kulado.Input[str] name: Specifies the name of the Key Vault Key. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.\n :param kulado.Input[dict] tags: A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.\n\n > This content is derived from\n ' if (__name__ is not None): warnings.warn('explicit use of __name__ is deprecated', DeprecationWarning) resource_name = __name__ if (__opts__ is not None): warnings.warn("explicit use of __opts__ is deprecated, use 'opts' instead", DeprecationWarning) opts = __opts__ if (not resource_name): raise TypeError('Missing resource name argument (for URN creation)') if (not isinstance(resource_name, str)): raise TypeError('Expected resource name to be a string') if (opts and (not isinstance(opts, kulado.ResourceOptions))): raise TypeError('Expected resource options to be a ResourceOptions instance') __props__ = dict() __props__['curve'] = curve if (key_opts is None): raise TypeError("Missing required property 'key_opts'") __props__['key_opts'] = key_opts __props__['key_size'] = key_size if (key_type is None): raise TypeError("Missing required property 'key_type'") __props__['key_type'] = key_type __props__['key_vault_id'] = key_vault_id __props__['name'] = name __props__['tags'] = tags __props__['vault_uri'] = vault_uri __props__['e'] = None __props__['n'] = None __props__['version'] = None __props__['x'] = None __props__['y'] = None super(Key, __self__).__init__('azure:keyvault/key:Key', resource_name, __props__, opts)<|docstring|>Manages a Key Vault Key. :param str resource_name: The name of the resource. :param kulado.ResourceOptions opts: Options for the resource. :param kulado.Input[str] curve: Specifies the curve to use when creating an `EC` key. Possible values are `P-256`, `P-384`, `P-521`, and `SECP256K1`. This field will be required in a future release if `key_type` is `EC` or `EC-HSM`. The API will default to `P-256` if nothing is specified. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. :param kulado.Input[list] key_opts: A list of JSON web key operations. Possible values include: `decrypt`, `encrypt`, `sign`, `unwrapKey`, `verify` and `wrapKey`. Please note these values are case sensitive. :param kulado.Input[float] key_size: Specifies the Size of the RSA key to create in bytes. For example, 1024 or 2048. *Note*: This field is required if `key_type` is `RSA` or `RSA-HSM`. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. :param kulado.Input[str] key_type: Specifies the Key Type to use for this Key Vault Key. Possible values are `EC` (Elliptic Curve), `EC-HSM`, `Oct` (Octet), `RSA` and `RSA-HSM`. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. :param kulado.Input[str] key_vault_id: The ID of the Key Vault where the Key should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. :param kulado.Input[str] name: Specifies the name of the Key Vault Key. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. :param kulado.Input[dict] tags: A mapping of tags to assign to the resource. > This content is derived from<|endoftext|>
def apply_weights(values: Sequence[float], weights: Sequence[float]): '\n Returns values[0] * weights[0] + values[1] * weights[1] + ... + values[n] * weights[n]\n ' return sum([(v[0] * v[1]) for v in zip(values, weights)])
Returns values[0] * weights[0] + values[1] * weights[1] + ... + values[n] * weights[n]
def apply_weights(values: Sequence[float], weights: Sequence[float]): '\n \n ' return sum([(v[0] * v[1]) for v in zip(values, weights)])
def apply_weights(values: Sequence[float], weights: Sequence[float]): '\n \n ' return sum([(v[0] * v[1]) for v in zip(values, weights)])<|docstring|>Returns values[0] * weights[0] + values[1] * weights[1] + ... + values[n] * weights[n]<|endoftext|>
def angle_to(self, other): '\n Returns the radian angles to other Vec2\n ' dot_prod = mag = self.magnitude() other_mag = other.magnitude() return acos((dot_prod / (mag * other_mag)))
Returns the radian angles to other Vec2
def angle_to(self, other): '\n \n ' dot_prod = mag = self.magnitude() other_mag = other.magnitude() return acos((dot_prod / (mag * other_mag)))
def angle_to(self, other): '\n \n ' dot_prod = mag = self.magnitude() other_mag = other.magnitude() return acos((dot_prod / (mag * other_mag)))<|docstring|>Returns the radian angles to other Vec2<|endoftext|>
@classmethod def obtain_barycentric_weights(cls, p, v0, v1, v2): '\n Returns the barycentric weights (reference:\n for a given point `p` inside a triangle (v0, v1, v2).\n ' denominator = (((v1.y - v2.y) * (v0.x - v2.x)) + ((v2.x - v1.x) * (v0.y - v2.y))) if (denominator == 0): return ((- 1), (- 1), (- 1)) w1 = ((((v1.y - v2.y) * (p.x - v2.x)) + ((v2.x - v1.x) * (p.y - v2.y))) / denominator) w2 = ((((v2.y - v0.y) * (p.x - v2.x)) + ((v0.x - v2.x) * (p.y - v2.y))) / denominator) w3 = ((1 - w1) - w2) return (w1, w2, w3)
Returns the barycentric weights (reference: for a given point `p` inside a triangle (v0, v1, v2).
@classmethod def obtain_barycentric_weights(cls, p, v0, v1, v2): '\n Returns the barycentric weights (reference:\n for a given point `p` inside a triangle (v0, v1, v2).\n ' denominator = (((v1.y - v2.y) * (v0.x - v2.x)) + ((v2.x - v1.x) * (v0.y - v2.y))) if (denominator == 0): return ((- 1), (- 1), (- 1)) w1 = ((((v1.y - v2.y) * (p.x - v2.x)) + ((v2.x - v1.x) * (p.y - v2.y))) / denominator) w2 = ((((v2.y - v0.y) * (p.x - v2.x)) + ((v0.x - v2.x) * (p.y - v2.y))) / denominator) w3 = ((1 - w1) - w2) return (w1, w2, w3)
@classmethod def obtain_barycentric_weights(cls, p, v0, v1, v2): '\n Returns the barycentric weights (reference:\n for a given point `p` inside a triangle (v0, v1, v2).\n ' denominator = (((v1.y - v2.y) * (v0.x - v2.x)) + ((v2.x - v1.x) * (v0.y - v2.y))) if (denominator == 0): return ((- 1), (- 1), (- 1)) w1 = ((((v1.y - v2.y) * (p.x - v2.x)) + ((v2.x - v1.x) * (p.y - v2.y))) / denominator) w2 = ((((v2.y - v0.y) * (p.x - v2.x)) + ((v0.x - v2.x) * (p.y - v2.y))) / denominator) w3 = ((1 - w1) - w2) return (w1, w2, w3)<|docstring|>Returns the barycentric weights (reference: for a given point `p` inside a triangle (v0, v1, v2).<|endoftext|>
def angle_to(self, other): '\n Returns the radian angles to other Vec2\n ' dot_prod = mag = self.magnitude() other_mag = other.magnitude() return acos((dot_prod / (mag * other_mag)))
Returns the radian angles to other Vec2
def angle_to(self, other): '\n \n ' dot_prod = mag = self.magnitude() other_mag = other.magnitude() return acos((dot_prod / (mag * other_mag)))
def angle_to(self, other): '\n \n ' dot_prod = mag = self.magnitude() other_mag = other.magnitude() return acos((dot_prod / (mag * other_mag)))<|docstring|>Returns the radian angles to other Vec2<|endoftext|>
@classmethod def triangle_area(cls, p0, p1, p2): '\n Returns twice the area - just to avoid division - of the oriented triangle (p0, p1, p2).\n The area is positive if the triangle is oriented counterclockwise.\n ' return (((p1.x - p0.x) * (p2.y - p0.y)) - ((p1.y - p0.y) * (p2.x - p0.x)))
Returns twice the area - just to avoid division - of the oriented triangle (p0, p1, p2). The area is positive if the triangle is oriented counterclockwise.
@classmethod def triangle_area(cls, p0, p1, p2): '\n Returns twice the area - just to avoid division - of the oriented triangle (p0, p1, p2).\n The area is positive if the triangle is oriented counterclockwise.\n ' return (((p1.x - p0.x) * (p2.y - p0.y)) - ((p1.y - p0.y) * (p2.x - p0.x)))
@classmethod def triangle_area(cls, p0, p1, p2): '\n Returns twice the area - just to avoid division - of the oriented triangle (p0, p1, p2).\n The area is positive if the triangle is oriented counterclockwise.\n ' return (((p1.x - p0.x) * (p2.y - p0.y)) - ((p1.y - p0.y) * (p2.x - p0.x)))<|docstring|>Returns twice the area - just to avoid division - of the oriented triangle (p0, p1, p2). The area is positive if the triangle is oriented counterclockwise.<|endoftext|>
@classmethod def is_counterclockwise(cls, p0, p1, p2): '\n Returns true if the Vec2s p0, p1, p2 are in a counterclockwise order\n ' return (Vec3.triangle_area(p0, p1, p2) > 0)
Returns true if the Vec2s p0, p1, p2 are in a counterclockwise order
@classmethod def is_counterclockwise(cls, p0, p1, p2): '\n \n ' return (Vec3.triangle_area(p0, p1, p2) > 0)
@classmethod def is_counterclockwise(cls, p0, p1, p2): '\n \n ' return (Vec3.triangle_area(p0, p1, p2) > 0)<|docstring|>Returns true if the Vec2s p0, p1, p2 are in a counterclockwise order<|endoftext|>
@classmethod def _build_dependencies(cls, analyzer_names): 'Build a dependency list of analyzers.\n\n Args:\n analyzer_names (list): List of analyzer names.\n\n Returns:\n A list of sets of analyzer names. Each set represents\n one dependency group.\n\n Raises:\n KeyError: if class introduces circular dependencies.\n ' dependency_tree = [] dependencies = {} for analyzer_name in analyzer_names: analyzer_class = cls.get_analyzer(analyzer_name) dependencies[analyzer_name] = [x.lower() for x in analyzer_class.DEPENDENCIES] while dependencies: dependency_list = [] for value in iter(dependencies.values()): dependency_list.extend(value) dependency_set = (set(dependency_list) - set(dependencies.keys())) dependency_set.update((name for (name, dep) in iter(dependencies.items()) if (not dep))) if (not dependency_set): raise KeyError('Unable to build dependency tree, there is a circular dependency somewhere') dependency_tree.append(dependency_set) new_dependencies = {} for (analyzer_name, analyzer_dependencies) in dependencies.items(): if (not analyzer_dependencies): continue new_dependencies[analyzer_name] = list((set(analyzer_dependencies) - dependency_set)) dependencies = new_dependencies return dependency_tree
Build a dependency list of analyzers. Args: analyzer_names (list): List of analyzer names. Returns: A list of sets of analyzer names. Each set represents one dependency group. Raises: KeyError: if class introduces circular dependencies.
@classmethod def _build_dependencies(cls, analyzer_names): 'Build a dependency list of analyzers.\n\n Args:\n analyzer_names (list): List of analyzer names.\n\n Returns:\n A list of sets of analyzer names. Each set represents\n one dependency group.\n\n Raises:\n KeyError: if class introduces circular dependencies.\n ' dependency_tree = [] dependencies = {} for analyzer_name in analyzer_names: analyzer_class = cls.get_analyzer(analyzer_name) dependencies[analyzer_name] = [x.lower() for x in analyzer_class.DEPENDENCIES] while dependencies: dependency_list = [] for value in iter(dependencies.values()): dependency_list.extend(value) dependency_set = (set(dependency_list) - set(dependencies.keys())) dependency_set.update((name for (name, dep) in iter(dependencies.items()) if (not dep))) if (not dependency_set): raise KeyError('Unable to build dependency tree, there is a circular dependency somewhere') dependency_tree.append(dependency_set) new_dependencies = {} for (analyzer_name, analyzer_dependencies) in dependencies.items(): if (not analyzer_dependencies): continue new_dependencies[analyzer_name] = list((set(analyzer_dependencies) - dependency_set)) dependencies = new_dependencies return dependency_tree
@classmethod def _build_dependencies(cls, analyzer_names): 'Build a dependency list of analyzers.\n\n Args:\n analyzer_names (list): List of analyzer names.\n\n Returns:\n A list of sets of analyzer names. Each set represents\n one dependency group.\n\n Raises:\n KeyError: if class introduces circular dependencies.\n ' dependency_tree = [] dependencies = {} for analyzer_name in analyzer_names: analyzer_class = cls.get_analyzer(analyzer_name) dependencies[analyzer_name] = [x.lower() for x in analyzer_class.DEPENDENCIES] while dependencies: dependency_list = [] for value in iter(dependencies.values()): dependency_list.extend(value) dependency_set = (set(dependency_list) - set(dependencies.keys())) dependency_set.update((name for (name, dep) in iter(dependencies.items()) if (not dep))) if (not dependency_set): raise KeyError('Unable to build dependency tree, there is a circular dependency somewhere') dependency_tree.append(dependency_set) new_dependencies = {} for (analyzer_name, analyzer_dependencies) in dependencies.items(): if (not analyzer_dependencies): continue new_dependencies[analyzer_name] = list((set(analyzer_dependencies) - dependency_set)) dependencies = new_dependencies return dependency_tree<|docstring|>Build a dependency list of analyzers. Args: analyzer_names (list): List of analyzer names. Returns: A list of sets of analyzer names. Each set represents one dependency group. Raises: KeyError: if class introduces circular dependencies.<|endoftext|>
@classmethod def clear_registration(cls): 'Clears all analyzer registration.' cls._class_ordering = [] cls._class_registry = {}
Clears all analyzer registration.
@classmethod def clear_registration(cls): cls._class_ordering = [] cls._class_registry = {}
@classmethod def clear_registration(cls): cls._class_ordering = [] cls._class_registry = {}<|docstring|>Clears all analyzer registration.<|endoftext|>
@classmethod def get_analyzers(cls, analyzer_names=None): 'Retrieves the registered analyzers.\n\n Args:\n analyzer_names (list): List of analyzer names.\n\n Yields:\n tuple: containing:\n str: the uniquely identifying name of the analyzer\n type: the analyzer class.\n ' if (not analyzer_names): analyzer_names = cls._class_registry.keys() completed_analyzers = set() for cluster in cls._build_dependencies(analyzer_names): for analyzer_name in cluster: if (analyzer_name in completed_analyzers): continue analyzer_class = cls.get_analyzer(analyzer_name) (yield (analyzer_name, analyzer_class)) completed_analyzers.add(analyzer_name)
Retrieves the registered analyzers. Args: analyzer_names (list): List of analyzer names. Yields: tuple: containing: str: the uniquely identifying name of the analyzer type: the analyzer class.
@classmethod def get_analyzers(cls, analyzer_names=None): 'Retrieves the registered analyzers.\n\n Args:\n analyzer_names (list): List of analyzer names.\n\n Yields:\n tuple: containing:\n str: the uniquely identifying name of the analyzer\n type: the analyzer class.\n ' if (not analyzer_names): analyzer_names = cls._class_registry.keys() completed_analyzers = set() for cluster in cls._build_dependencies(analyzer_names): for analyzer_name in cluster: if (analyzer_name in completed_analyzers): continue analyzer_class = cls.get_analyzer(analyzer_name) (yield (analyzer_name, analyzer_class)) completed_analyzers.add(analyzer_name)
@classmethod def get_analyzers(cls, analyzer_names=None): 'Retrieves the registered analyzers.\n\n Args:\n analyzer_names (list): List of analyzer names.\n\n Yields:\n tuple: containing:\n str: the uniquely identifying name of the analyzer\n type: the analyzer class.\n ' if (not analyzer_names): analyzer_names = cls._class_registry.keys() completed_analyzers = set() for cluster in cls._build_dependencies(analyzer_names): for analyzer_name in cluster: if (analyzer_name in completed_analyzers): continue analyzer_class = cls.get_analyzer(analyzer_name) (yield (analyzer_name, analyzer_class)) completed_analyzers.add(analyzer_name)<|docstring|>Retrieves the registered analyzers. Args: analyzer_names (list): List of analyzer names. Yields: tuple: containing: str: the uniquely identifying name of the analyzer type: the analyzer class.<|endoftext|>
@classmethod def get_analyzer(cls, analyzer_name): 'Retrieves a class object of a specific analyzer.\n\n Args:\n analyzer_name (str): name of the analyzer to retrieve.\n\n Returns:\n Analyzer class object.\n ' return cls._class_registry[analyzer_name.lower()]
Retrieves a class object of a specific analyzer. Args: analyzer_name (str): name of the analyzer to retrieve. Returns: Analyzer class object.
@classmethod def get_analyzer(cls, analyzer_name): 'Retrieves a class object of a specific analyzer.\n\n Args:\n analyzer_name (str): name of the analyzer to retrieve.\n\n Returns:\n Analyzer class object.\n ' return cls._class_registry[analyzer_name.lower()]
@classmethod def get_analyzer(cls, analyzer_name): 'Retrieves a class object of a specific analyzer.\n\n Args:\n analyzer_name (str): name of the analyzer to retrieve.\n\n Returns:\n Analyzer class object.\n ' return cls._class_registry[analyzer_name.lower()]<|docstring|>Retrieves a class object of a specific analyzer. Args: analyzer_name (str): name of the analyzer to retrieve. Returns: Analyzer class object.<|endoftext|>
@classmethod def register_analyzer(cls, analyzer_class): 'Registers an analyzer class.\n\n The analyzer classes are identified by their lower case name.\n\n Args:\n analyzer_class (type): the analyzer class to register.\n\n Raises:\n KeyError: if class is already set for the corresponding name.\n ' analyzer_name = analyzer_class.NAME.lower() if (analyzer_name in cls._class_registry): raise KeyError('Class already set for name: {0:s}.'.format(analyzer_class.NAME)) cls._class_registry[analyzer_name] = analyzer_class
Registers an analyzer class. The analyzer classes are identified by their lower case name. Args: analyzer_class (type): the analyzer class to register. Raises: KeyError: if class is already set for the corresponding name.
@classmethod def register_analyzer(cls, analyzer_class): 'Registers an analyzer class.\n\n The analyzer classes are identified by their lower case name.\n\n Args:\n analyzer_class (type): the analyzer class to register.\n\n Raises:\n KeyError: if class is already set for the corresponding name.\n ' analyzer_name = analyzer_class.NAME.lower() if (analyzer_name in cls._class_registry): raise KeyError('Class already set for name: {0:s}.'.format(analyzer_class.NAME)) cls._class_registry[analyzer_name] = analyzer_class
@classmethod def register_analyzer(cls, analyzer_class): 'Registers an analyzer class.\n\n The analyzer classes are identified by their lower case name.\n\n Args:\n analyzer_class (type): the analyzer class to register.\n\n Raises:\n KeyError: if class is already set for the corresponding name.\n ' analyzer_name = analyzer_class.NAME.lower() if (analyzer_name in cls._class_registry): raise KeyError('Class already set for name: {0:s}.'.format(analyzer_class.NAME)) cls._class_registry[analyzer_name] = analyzer_class<|docstring|>Registers an analyzer class. The analyzer classes are identified by their lower case name. Args: analyzer_class (type): the analyzer class to register. Raises: KeyError: if class is already set for the corresponding name.<|endoftext|>
def __init__(self, **kwargs): '\n Parameters\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n xL_0 Local plane x-value of the origin point\n xL Local plane x-value of the destination point\n yL_0 Local plane y-value of the origin point\n yL Local plane y-value of the destination point\n zL_0 Local plane z-value of the origin point\n zL Local plane z-value of the destination point\n alphaL_0 Local plane forward azimuth from the origin point (in\n radians)\n zetaL_0 Local plane zenith angle at the origin point (in radians)\n sL Local plane distance between origin and desintation points\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n Calculated Values\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n xL Local plane x-value of the destination point (if not in\n parameters)\n yL Local plane y-value of the destination point (if not in\n parameters)\n zL Local plane z-value of the destination point (if not in\n parameters)\n alphaL_0 Local plane forward azimuth from the origin point (in\n radians; if not in parameters)\n alphaL Local plane back azimuth to the origin point (in radians;\n if not in parameters)\n zetaL_0 Local plane zenith angle at the origin point (in radians;\n if not in parameters)\n sL Local plane distance between origin and desintation points\n (if not in parameters)\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n Usage\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n Instantiation of a local_polar object will perform calculations based\n on provided parameters.\n\n Use of the method provides parameters and calulcated\n values.\n \n Manual calculation is also available through object attribute\n assignment and use of the method.\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n ' self.params = kwargs self.__build()
Parameters ----------------------------------------------------------------------- xL_0 Local plane x-value of the origin point xL Local plane x-value of the destination point yL_0 Local plane y-value of the origin point yL Local plane y-value of the destination point zL_0 Local plane z-value of the origin point zL Local plane z-value of the destination point alphaL_0 Local plane forward azimuth from the origin point (in radians) zetaL_0 Local plane zenith angle at the origin point (in radians) sL Local plane distance between origin and desintation points ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Calculated Values ----------------------------------------------------------------------- xL Local plane x-value of the destination point (if not in parameters) yL Local plane y-value of the destination point (if not in parameters) zL Local plane z-value of the destination point (if not in parameters) alphaL_0 Local plane forward azimuth from the origin point (in radians; if not in parameters) alphaL Local plane back azimuth to the origin point (in radians; if not in parameters) zetaL_0 Local plane zenith angle at the origin point (in radians; if not in parameters) sL Local plane distance between origin and desintation points (if not in parameters) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Instantiation of a local_polar object will perform calculations based on provided parameters. Use of the method provides parameters and calulcated values. Manual calculation is also available through object attribute assignment and use of the method. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def __init__(self, **kwargs): '\n Parameters\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n xL_0 Local plane x-value of the origin point\n xL Local plane x-value of the destination point\n yL_0 Local plane y-value of the origin point\n yL Local plane y-value of the destination point\n zL_0 Local plane z-value of the origin point\n zL Local plane z-value of the destination point\n alphaL_0 Local plane forward azimuth from the origin point (in\n radians)\n zetaL_0 Local plane zenith angle at the origin point (in radians)\n sL Local plane distance between origin and desintation points\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n Calculated Values\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n xL Local plane x-value of the destination point (if not in\n parameters)\n yL Local plane y-value of the destination point (if not in\n parameters)\n zL Local plane z-value of the destination point (if not in\n parameters)\n alphaL_0 Local plane forward azimuth from the origin point (in\n radians; if not in parameters)\n alphaL Local plane back azimuth to the origin point (in radians;\n if not in parameters)\n zetaL_0 Local plane zenith angle at the origin point (in radians;\n if not in parameters)\n sL Local plane distance between origin and desintation points\n (if not in parameters)\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n Usage\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n Instantiation of a local_polar object will perform calculations based\n on provided parameters.\n\n Use of the method provides parameters and calulcated\n values.\n \n Manual calculation is also available through object attribute\n assignment and use of the method.\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n ' self.params = kwargs self.__build()
def __init__(self, **kwargs): '\n Parameters\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n xL_0 Local plane x-value of the origin point\n xL Local plane x-value of the destination point\n yL_0 Local plane y-value of the origin point\n yL Local plane y-value of the destination point\n zL_0 Local plane z-value of the origin point\n zL Local plane z-value of the destination point\n alphaL_0 Local plane forward azimuth from the origin point (in\n radians)\n zetaL_0 Local plane zenith angle at the origin point (in radians)\n sL Local plane distance between origin and desintation points\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n Calculated Values\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n xL Local plane x-value of the destination point (if not in\n parameters)\n yL Local plane y-value of the destination point (if not in\n parameters)\n zL Local plane z-value of the destination point (if not in\n parameters)\n alphaL_0 Local plane forward azimuth from the origin point (in\n radians; if not in parameters)\n alphaL Local plane back azimuth to the origin point (in radians;\n if not in parameters)\n zetaL_0 Local plane zenith angle at the origin point (in radians;\n if not in parameters)\n sL Local plane distance between origin and desintation points\n (if not in parameters)\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n Usage\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n Instantiation of a local_polar object will perform calculations based\n on provided parameters.\n\n Use of the method provides parameters and calulcated\n values.\n \n Manual calculation is also available through object attribute\n assignment and use of the method.\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n ' self.params = kwargs self.__build()<|docstring|>Parameters ----------------------------------------------------------------------- xL_0 Local plane x-value of the origin point xL Local plane x-value of the destination point yL_0 Local plane y-value of the origin point yL Local plane y-value of the destination point zL_0 Local plane z-value of the origin point zL Local plane z-value of the destination point alphaL_0 Local plane forward azimuth from the origin point (in radians) zetaL_0 Local plane zenith angle at the origin point (in radians) sL Local plane distance between origin and desintation points ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Calculated Values ----------------------------------------------------------------------- xL Local plane x-value of the destination point (if not in parameters) yL Local plane y-value of the destination point (if not in parameters) zL Local plane z-value of the destination point (if not in parameters) alphaL_0 Local plane forward azimuth from the origin point (in radians; if not in parameters) alphaL Local plane back azimuth to the origin point (in radians; if not in parameters) zetaL_0 Local plane zenith angle at the origin point (in radians; if not in parameters) sL Local plane distance between origin and desintation points (if not in parameters) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Instantiation of a local_polar object will perform calculations based on provided parameters. Use of the method provides parameters and calulcated values. Manual calculation is also available through object attribute assignment and use of the method. -----------------------------------------------------------------------<|endoftext|>
def get_init_state(self, user_id): 'Get init state' state = {'length': InitValues.LENGTH, 'width': InitValues.WIDTH, 'id': user_id} message = dict() for entities in self.get_entities(): for entity in entities: if (entity.get_name() in message): message[entity.get_name()].append(entity.get_state()) else: message[entity.get_name()] = [entity.get_state()] if message: state.update(message) return json.dumps({'type': 'init', **state})
Get init state
def get_init_state(self, user_id): state = {'length': InitValues.LENGTH, 'width': InitValues.WIDTH, 'id': user_id} message = dict() for entities in self.get_entities(): for entity in entities: if (entity.get_name() in message): message[entity.get_name()].append(entity.get_state()) else: message[entity.get_name()] = [entity.get_state()] if message: state.update(message) return json.dumps({'type': 'init', **state})
def get_init_state(self, user_id): state = {'length': InitValues.LENGTH, 'width': InitValues.WIDTH, 'id': user_id} message = dict() for entities in self.get_entities(): for entity in entities: if (entity.get_name() in message): message[entity.get_name()].append(entity.get_state()) else: message[entity.get_name()] = [entity.get_state()] if message: state.update(message) return json.dumps({'type': 'init', **state})<|docstring|>Get init state<|endoftext|>
def create_message(self): 'Create message to notify users about map update\n\n Returns:\n dict : {{"type": "map"}{ updated : entities }} OR None\n ' message = dict() new_game_map = self.create_map() def _update_message(entity): if (entity.get_name() in message): message[entity.get_name()].append(entity.get_state()) else: message[entity.get_name()] = [entity.get_state()] for position in new_game_map: if (self.game_map[position] != new_game_map[position]): if new_game_map[position]: for e in new_game_map[position]: _update_message(e) else: _update_message(Entity(position, self.mailbox)) self.game_map = new_game_map if message: message.update({'type': 'map'}) return json.dumps(message) return None
Create message to notify users about map update Returns: dict : {{"type": "map"}{ updated : entities }} OR None
def create_message(self): 'Create message to notify users about map update\n\n Returns:\n dict : {{"type": "map"}{ updated : entities }} OR None\n ' message = dict() new_game_map = self.create_map() def _update_message(entity): if (entity.get_name() in message): message[entity.get_name()].append(entity.get_state()) else: message[entity.get_name()] = [entity.get_state()] for position in new_game_map: if (self.game_map[position] != new_game_map[position]): if new_game_map[position]: for e in new_game_map[position]: _update_message(e) else: _update_message(Entity(position, self.mailbox)) self.game_map = new_game_map if message: message.update({'type': 'map'}) return json.dumps(message) return None
def create_message(self): 'Create message to notify users about map update\n\n Returns:\n dict : {{"type": "map"}{ updated : entities }} OR None\n ' message = dict() new_game_map = self.create_map() def _update_message(entity): if (entity.get_name() in message): message[entity.get_name()].append(entity.get_state()) else: message[entity.get_name()] = [entity.get_state()] for position in new_game_map: if (self.game_map[position] != new_game_map[position]): if new_game_map[position]: for e in new_game_map[position]: _update_message(e) else: _update_message(Entity(position, self.mailbox)) self.game_map = new_game_map if message: message.update({'type': 'map'}) return json.dumps(message) return None<|docstring|>Create message to notify users about map update Returns: dict : {{"type": "map"}{ updated : entities }} OR None<|endoftext|>
async def notify(self, message): '\n Notify all users about game updates\n ' try: (await asyncio.gather(*[ for user in self.users])) except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed: logging.debug('Connection lost') except Exception: logging.exception('Connection lost for unexpected reasons :') raise
Notify all users about game updates
async def notify(self, message): '\n \n ' try: (await asyncio.gather(*[ for user in self.users])) except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed: logging.debug('Connection lost') except Exception: logging.exception('Connection lost for unexpected reasons :') raise
async def notify(self, message): '\n \n ' try: (await asyncio.gather(*[ for user in self.users])) except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed: logging.debug('Connection lost') except Exception: logging.exception('Connection lost for unexpected reasons :') raise<|docstring|>Notify all users about game updates<|endoftext|>
def is_position_free(self, position): "Check if position doesn't contain a blockable entity" for entities in self.get_entities(): if (entities and next(iter(entities)).BLOCKABLE): for entity in entities: if (entity.get_position() == position): return False return True
Check if position doesn't contain a blockable entity
def is_position_free(self, position): for entities in self.get_entities(): if (entities and next(iter(entities)).BLOCKABLE): for entity in entities: if (entity.get_position() == position): return False return True
def is_position_free(self, position): for entities in self.get_entities(): if (entities and next(iter(entities)).BLOCKABLE): for entity in entities: if (entity.get_position() == position): return False return True<|docstring|>Check if position doesn't contain a blockable entity<|endoftext|>
def random_spawn(self, nb=1): 'Return nb available positions\n\n Args:\n nb (int, optional): nb positions. Defaults to 1.\n\n Returns:\n [Position]: positions list\n ' x_choices = range(InitValues.LENGTH) y_choices = range(InitValues.WIDTH) pos_choices = set() for x in x_choices: for y in y_choices: pos_choices.add(Position(x, y)) blocked_positions = set() for entities in self.get_entities(): for entity in entities: blocked_positions.add(entity.get_position()) new_pos = (pos_choices - blocked_positions) return random.choices(list(new_pos), k=nb)
Return nb available positions Args: nb (int, optional): nb positions. Defaults to 1. Returns: [Position]: positions list
def random_spawn(self, nb=1): 'Return nb available positions\n\n Args:\n nb (int, optional): nb positions. Defaults to 1.\n\n Returns:\n [Position]: positions list\n ' x_choices = range(InitValues.LENGTH) y_choices = range(InitValues.WIDTH) pos_choices = set() for x in x_choices: for y in y_choices: pos_choices.add(Position(x, y)) blocked_positions = set() for entities in self.get_entities(): for entity in entities: blocked_positions.add(entity.get_position()) new_pos = (pos_choices - blocked_positions) return random.choices(list(new_pos), k=nb)
def random_spawn(self, nb=1): 'Return nb available positions\n\n Args:\n nb (int, optional): nb positions. Defaults to 1.\n\n Returns:\n [Position]: positions list\n ' x_choices = range(InitValues.LENGTH) y_choices = range(InitValues.WIDTH) pos_choices = set() for x in x_choices: for y in y_choices: pos_choices.add(Position(x, y)) blocked_positions = set() for entities in self.get_entities(): for entity in entities: blocked_positions.add(entity.get_position()) new_pos = (pos_choices - blocked_positions) return random.choices(list(new_pos), k=nb)<|docstring|>Return nb available positions Args: nb (int, optional): nb positions. Defaults to 1. Returns: [Position]: positions list<|endoftext|>
async def game_loop(self): '\n Update and clean all entities and notify users\n ' while True: (await asyncio.sleep(InitValues.TICKS)) if self.users: self.mailbox.drop_key(EntitiesNames.BOARD) message_queue = self.mailbox.get(EntitiesNames.BOARD) if message_queue: tasks = [] if (Messages.BOOM in message_queue): boom_pos_list = message_queue.pop(Messages.BOOM) tasks += [self.boom(pos) for pos in boom_pos_list] if (Messages.MOVE in message_queue): move_mess = message_queue.pop(Messages.MOVE) tasks += [self.move_user(m[0], m[1]) for m in move_mess] if (Messages.BOMB in message_queue): bomb_mess = message_queue.pop(Messages.BOMB) tasks += [self.put_bomb(u) for u in bomb_mess] if tasks: (await asyncio.gather(*tasks)) self.mailbox.drop() entities_task_update = [] for entities in self.get_entities(): for entity in entities: entities_task_update.append(entity.update()) (await asyncio.gather(*entities_task_update)) message = self.create_message() if message: (await self.notify(message)) (await self.clean_entities()) (await self.send_logs()) else: (await asyncio.sleep(1))
Update and clean all entities and notify users
async def game_loop(self): '\n \n ' while True: (await asyncio.sleep(InitValues.TICKS)) if self.users: self.mailbox.drop_key(EntitiesNames.BOARD) message_queue = self.mailbox.get(EntitiesNames.BOARD) if message_queue: tasks = [] if (Messages.BOOM in message_queue): boom_pos_list = message_queue.pop(Messages.BOOM) tasks += [self.boom(pos) for pos in boom_pos_list] if (Messages.MOVE in message_queue): move_mess = message_queue.pop(Messages.MOVE) tasks += [self.move_user(m[0], m[1]) for m in move_mess] if (Messages.BOMB in message_queue): bomb_mess = message_queue.pop(Messages.BOMB) tasks += [self.put_bomb(u) for u in bomb_mess] if tasks: (await asyncio.gather(*tasks)) self.mailbox.drop() entities_task_update = [] for entities in self.get_entities(): for entity in entities: entities_task_update.append(entity.update()) (await asyncio.gather(*entities_task_update)) message = self.create_message() if message: (await self.notify(message)) (await self.clean_entities()) (await self.send_logs()) else: (await asyncio.sleep(1))
async def game_loop(self): '\n \n ' while True: (await asyncio.sleep(InitValues.TICKS)) if self.users: self.mailbox.drop_key(EntitiesNames.BOARD) message_queue = self.mailbox.get(EntitiesNames.BOARD) if message_queue: tasks = [] if (Messages.BOOM in message_queue): boom_pos_list = message_queue.pop(Messages.BOOM) tasks += [self.boom(pos) for pos in boom_pos_list] if (Messages.MOVE in message_queue): move_mess = message_queue.pop(Messages.MOVE) tasks += [self.move_user(m[0], m[1]) for m in move_mess] if (Messages.BOMB in message_queue): bomb_mess = message_queue.pop(Messages.BOMB) tasks += [self.put_bomb(u) for u in bomb_mess] if tasks: (await asyncio.gather(*tasks)) self.mailbox.drop() entities_task_update = [] for entities in self.get_entities(): for entity in entities: entities_task_update.append(entity.update()) (await asyncio.gather(*entities_task_update)) message = self.create_message() if message: (await self.notify(message)) (await self.clean_entities()) (await self.send_logs()) else: (await asyncio.sleep(1))<|docstring|>Update and clean all entities and notify users<|endoftext|>
@staticmethod async def clean_entity_list(entity_set, lock): 'Remove dead entities\n\n Args:\n entity_set (set): entity list to clean\n lock (async lock): entity lock\n ' async with lock: entity_set -= {e for e in entity_set if e.is_dead()}
Remove dead entities Args: entity_set (set): entity list to clean lock (async lock): entity lock
@staticmethod async def clean_entity_list(entity_set, lock): 'Remove dead entities\n\n Args:\n entity_set (set): entity list to clean\n lock (async lock): entity lock\n ' async with lock: entity_set -= {e for e in entity_set if e.is_dead()}
@staticmethod async def clean_entity_list(entity_set, lock): 'Remove dead entities\n\n Args:\n entity_set (set): entity list to clean\n lock (async lock): entity lock\n ' async with lock: entity_set -= {e for e in entity_set if e.is_dead()}<|docstring|>Remove dead entities Args: entity_set (set): entity list to clean lock (async lock): entity lock<|endoftext|>
def _identity(self): 'Identity element.' raise NotImplemented('Not yet implemented')
Identity element.
def _identity(self): raise NotImplemented('Not yet implemented')
def _identity(self): raise NotImplemented('Not yet implemented')<|docstring|>Identity element.<|endoftext|>
def _inverse(self): ' .' return SE3(((- self.rot.T) * self.pos), self.rot.T)
def _inverse(self): ' ' return SE3(((- selfrotT) * selfpos), selfrotT)
def _inverse(self): ' ' return SE3(((- selfrotT) * selfpos), selfrotT)<|docstring|>.<|endoftext|>
def _compose(self, Elem): 'With another Group element.' if (not isinstance(Elem, SE3)): raise NotImplemented R1 = self.rot R2 = Elem.rot p1 = self.pos p2 = Elem.pos return SE3((p1 + (R1 * p2)), (R1 * R2))
With another Group element.
def _compose(self, Elem): if (not isinstance(Elem, SE3)): raise NotImplemented R1 = self.rot R2 = Elem.rot p1 = self.pos p2 = Elem.pos return SE3((p1 + (R1 * p2)), (R1 * R2))
def _compose(self, Elem): if (not isinstance(Elem, SE3)): raise NotImplemented R1 = self.rot R2 = Elem.rot p1 = self.pos p2 = Elem.pos return SE3((p1 + (R1 * p2)), (R1 * R2))<|docstring|>With another Group element.<|endoftext|>
def _act(self, v): 'Act on a vector.' if (v.shape == (1, 3)): return (self.pos + (self.rot * v.T)) elif (v.shape == (3, 1)): return (self.pos + (self.rot * v)) else: raise ValueError('Vector must have length == 3')
Act on a vector.
def _act(self, v): if (v.shape == (1, 3)): return (self.pos + (self.rot * v.T)) elif (v.shape == (3, 1)): return (self.pos + (self.rot * v)) else: raise ValueError('Vector must have length == 3')
def _act(self, v): if (v.shape == (1, 3)): return (self.pos + (self.rot * v.T)) elif (v.shape == (3, 1)): return (self.pos + (self.rot * v)) else: raise ValueError('Vector must have length == 3')<|docstring|>Act on a vector.<|endoftext|>
def _log(self): 'Lift to tangent space.' ang = vee(ln(self.rot)) lin = (Vinv(ang) * self.pos) return TgSE3(lin, ang)
Lift to tangent space.
def _log(self): ang = vee(ln(self.rot)) lin = (Vinv(ang) * self.pos) return TgSE3(lin, ang)
def _log(self): ang = vee(ln(self.rot)) lin = (Vinv(ang) * self.pos) return TgSE3(lin, ang)<|docstring|>Lift to tangent space.<|endoftext|>
def _hat(self): 'Lie Algebra isomorphism.' if self.is_symbolic: return BlockMatrix([[self.ang.hat(), self.lin], [ZeroMatrix(1, 3), ZeroMatrix(1, 1)]]) else: return Matrix([[self.ang.hat(), self.lin], [0, 0, 0, 0]])
Lie Algebra isomorphism.
def _hat(self): if self.is_symbolic: return BlockMatrix([[self.ang.hat(), self.lin], [ZeroMatrix(1, 3), ZeroMatrix(1, 1)]]) else: return Matrix([[self.ang.hat(), self.lin], [0, 0, 0, 0]])
def _hat(self): if self.is_symbolic: return BlockMatrix([[self.ang.hat(), self.lin], [ZeroMatrix(1, 3), ZeroMatrix(1, 1)]]) else: return Matrix([[self.ang.hat(), self.lin], [0, 0, 0, 0]])<|docstring|>Lie Algebra isomorphism.<|endoftext|>
def _exp(self): 'Retract to group element.' theta = self.ang pos = (V(theta) * self.lin) rot = exp(theta.hat()) return SE3(pos, rot)
Retract to group element.
def _exp(self): theta = self.ang pos = (V(theta) * self.lin) rot = exp(theta.hat()) return SE3(pos, rot)
def _exp(self): theta = self.ang pos = (V(theta) * self.lin) rot = exp(theta.hat()) return SE3(pos, rot)<|docstring|>Retract to group element.<|endoftext|>
def test_init(): 'Test Initialization method.' arps = AdjustingRPSAgent() assert (arps.weight == 1) assert (arps.original_strategy == arps.strategy) assert (arps.counts == [(1 / 3), (1 / 3), (1 / 3)]) arps_int = AdjustingRPSAgent(weight=6) assert (arps_int.weight == 6) assert (arps_int.counts == [2, 2, 2]) arps_float = AdjustingRPSAgent(weight=2) assert (arps_float.weight == 2) assert (arps_float.counts == [(2 / 3), (2 / 3), (2 / 3)]) arps_nstd = AdjustingRPSAgent(strategy_in='rock') assert (arps_nstd.weight == 1) assert (arps_nstd.counts == [1, 0, 0]) arps_nstd_weight = AdjustingRPSAgent(strategy_in='rock', weight=5) assert (arps_nstd_weight.counts == [5, 0, 0])
Test Initialization method.
def test_init(): arps = AdjustingRPSAgent() assert (arps.weight == 1) assert (arps.original_strategy == arps.strategy) assert (arps.counts == [(1 / 3), (1 / 3), (1 / 3)]) arps_int = AdjustingRPSAgent(weight=6) assert (arps_int.weight == 6) assert (arps_int.counts == [2, 2, 2]) arps_float = AdjustingRPSAgent(weight=2) assert (arps_float.weight == 2) assert (arps_float.counts == [(2 / 3), (2 / 3), (2 / 3)]) arps_nstd = AdjustingRPSAgent(strategy_in='rock') assert (arps_nstd.weight == 1) assert (arps_nstd.counts == [1, 0, 0]) arps_nstd_weight = AdjustingRPSAgent(strategy_in='rock', weight=5) assert (arps_nstd_weight.counts == [5, 0, 0])
def test_init(): arps = AdjustingRPSAgent() assert (arps.weight == 1) assert (arps.original_strategy == arps.strategy) assert (arps.counts == [(1 / 3), (1 / 3), (1 / 3)]) arps_int = AdjustingRPSAgent(weight=6) assert (arps_int.weight == 6) assert (arps_int.counts == [2, 2, 2]) arps_float = AdjustingRPSAgent(weight=2) assert (arps_float.weight == 2) assert (arps_float.counts == [(2 / 3), (2 / 3), (2 / 3)]) arps_nstd = AdjustingRPSAgent(strategy_in='rock') assert (arps_nstd.weight == 1) assert (arps_nstd.counts == [1, 0, 0]) arps_nstd_weight = AdjustingRPSAgent(strategy_in='rock', weight=5) assert (arps_nstd_weight.counts == [5, 0, 0])<|docstring|>Test Initialization method.<|endoftext|>
def test_update_info(): 'Test that update_info works properly.' arps = AdjustingRPSAgent() assert (arps.strategy == [(1 / 3), (1 / 3), (1 / 3)]) arps.update_info(opp_move=0) assert (arps.counts == [(1 / 3), (4 / 3), (1 / 3)]) assert (arps.original_strategy == [(1 / 3), (1 / 3), (1 / 3)]) assert ([round(prob, 4) for prob in arps.strategy] == [0.1667, 0.6667, 0.1667]) arps_weight = AdjustingRPSAgent(weight=9) arps_weight.update_info(opp_move=1) assert (arps_weight.counts == [3, 3, 4]) assert (arps_weight.strategy == [0.3, 0.3, 0.4])
Test that update_info works properly.
def test_update_info(): arps = AdjustingRPSAgent() assert (arps.strategy == [(1 / 3), (1 / 3), (1 / 3)]) arps.update_info(opp_move=0) assert (arps.counts == [(1 / 3), (4 / 3), (1 / 3)]) assert (arps.original_strategy == [(1 / 3), (1 / 3), (1 / 3)]) assert ([round(prob, 4) for prob in arps.strategy] == [0.1667, 0.6667, 0.1667]) arps_weight = AdjustingRPSAgent(weight=9) arps_weight.update_info(opp_move=1) assert (arps_weight.counts == [3, 3, 4]) assert (arps_weight.strategy == [0.3, 0.3, 0.4])
def test_update_info(): arps = AdjustingRPSAgent() assert (arps.strategy == [(1 / 3), (1 / 3), (1 / 3)]) arps.update_info(opp_move=0) assert (arps.counts == [(1 / 3), (4 / 3), (1 / 3)]) assert (arps.original_strategy == [(1 / 3), (1 / 3), (1 / 3)]) assert ([round(prob, 4) for prob in arps.strategy] == [0.1667, 0.6667, 0.1667]) arps_weight = AdjustingRPSAgent(weight=9) arps_weight.update_info(opp_move=1) assert (arps_weight.counts == [3, 3, 4]) assert (arps_weight.strategy == [0.3, 0.3, 0.4])<|docstring|>Test that update_info works properly.<|endoftext|>
def test_reset_state(): 'Test that reset_state resets state.' arps = AdjustingRPSAgent() arps.update_info(opp_move=0) arps.reset_state() assert (arps.strategy == [(1 / 3), (1 / 3), (1 / 3)]) assert (arps.counts == [(1 / 3), (1 / 3), (1 / 3)]) arps_weight = AdjustingRPSAgent(weight=9) arps_weight.update_info(opp_move=0) arps_weight.reset_state() assert (arps_weight.strategy == [(1 / 3), (1 / 3), (1 / 3)]) assert (arps_weight.counts == [3, 3, 3])
Test that reset_state resets state.
def test_reset_state(): arps = AdjustingRPSAgent() arps.update_info(opp_move=0) arps.reset_state() assert (arps.strategy == [(1 / 3), (1 / 3), (1 / 3)]) assert (arps.counts == [(1 / 3), (1 / 3), (1 / 3)]) arps_weight = AdjustingRPSAgent(weight=9) arps_weight.update_info(opp_move=0) arps_weight.reset_state() assert (arps_weight.strategy == [(1 / 3), (1 / 3), (1 / 3)]) assert (arps_weight.counts == [3, 3, 3])
def test_reset_state(): arps = AdjustingRPSAgent() arps.update_info(opp_move=0) arps.reset_state() assert (arps.strategy == [(1 / 3), (1 / 3), (1 / 3)]) assert (arps.counts == [(1 / 3), (1 / 3), (1 / 3)]) arps_weight = AdjustingRPSAgent(weight=9) arps_weight.update_info(opp_move=0) arps_weight.reset_state() assert (arps_weight.strategy == [(1 / 3), (1 / 3), (1 / 3)]) assert (arps_weight.counts == [3, 3, 3])<|docstring|>Test that reset_state resets state.<|endoftext|>
@bp.route('/send', methods=['POST']) def send(): 'Send message to telegram bot.\n\n :returns: bot response\n ' data = request.get_json() try: message = data['message'] chat = data['chat'] except KeyError: abort(404) (response, status) = telegram_bot.send(chat, message) return (response, status)
Send message to telegram bot. :returns: bot response
@bp.route('/send', methods=['POST']) def send(): 'Send message to telegram bot.\n\n :returns: bot response\n ' data = request.get_json() try: message = data['message'] chat = data['chat'] except KeyError: abort(404) (response, status) = telegram_bot.send(chat, message) return (response, status)
@bp.route('/send', methods=['POST']) def send(): 'Send message to telegram bot.\n\n :returns: bot response\n ' data = request.get_json() try: message = data['message'] chat = data['chat'] except KeyError: abort(404) (response, status) = telegram_bot.send(chat, message) return (response, status)<|docstring|>Send message to telegram bot. :returns: bot response<|endoftext|>
@bp.route('/check', methods=['GET']) def check(): 'Get telegram bot info.\n\n :returns: bot response\n ' (response, status) = telegram_bot.check() return (response, status)
Get telegram bot info. :returns: bot response
@bp.route('/check', methods=['GET']) def check(): 'Get telegram bot info.\n\n :returns: bot response\n ' (response, status) = telegram_bot.check() return (response, status)
@bp.route('/check', methods=['GET']) def check(): 'Get telegram bot info.\n\n :returns: bot response\n ' (response, status) = telegram_bot.check() return (response, status)<|docstring|>Get telegram bot info. :returns: bot response<|endoftext|>
def is_process_running(pid): '\n Check if the provided pid is running\n ' try: os.kill(pid, 0) except OSError: return False else: return True
Check if the provided pid is running
def is_process_running(pid): '\n \n ' try: os.kill(pid, 0) except OSError: return False else: return True
def is_process_running(pid): '\n \n ' try: os.kill(pid, 0) except OSError: return False else: return True<|docstring|>Check if the provided pid is running<|endoftext|>
@API.public def factory(f: Optional[T]=None, *, singleton: Optional[bool]=None, scope: Optional[Scope]=Scope.sentinel(), wiring: Optional[Wiring]=Wiring()) -> Union[(Callable[([T], T)], T)]: "\n .. deprecated:: 1.4\n Use :py:func:`.lazy` instead for external classes or :py:func:`.injectable` with\n the :code:`factory_method` argument for classes you own.\n\n .. admonition:: MIGRATION\n\n For classes you own you should use :py:func:`.injectable`:\n\n .. doctest:: factory_migration\n\n >>> from antidote import injectable, world\n >>> @injectable(factory_method='build')\n ... class MyDatabase:\n ... @classmethod\n ... def build(cls) -> 'MyDatabase':\n ... return MyDatabase()\n >>> world.get(MyDatabase)\n <MyDatabase object at ...>\n\n For the other cases you can use :py:func:`.lazy`:\n\n .. doctest:: factory_migration\n\n >>> from antidote import lazy, inject\n >>> class External:\n ... pass\n >>> @lazy\n ... def my_external() -> External:\n ... return External()\n >>> @inject\n ... def build(ext: External = my_external()) -> External:\n ... return ext\n >>> build()\n <External object at ...>\n >>> # type hint only necessary for correct typing.\n ... build() is world.get[External](my_external())\n True\n\n In both cases you can inject the build function:\n\n .. doctest:: factory_migration\n\n >>> from antidote import injectable\n >>> @injectable\n ... class MyFactory:\n ... def create_external(self) -> External:\n ... return External()\n >>> @lazy\n ... def current_external(factory: MyFactory = -> External:\n ... return factory.create_external()\n >>> @injectable(factory_method='build')\n ... class MyExternal:\n ... @classmethod\n ... def build(cls, external: External = current_external()) -> 'MyExternal':\n ... return MyExternal()\n >>> world.get(MyExternal)\n <MyExternal object at ...>\n\n Registers a factory which provides as single dependency, defined through the return\n type annotation.\n\n .. doctest:: factory\n\n >>> from antidote import factory\n >>> class Database:\n ... pass\n >>> @factory\n ... def load_db() -> Database:\n ... return Database()\n\n Now to retrieve the dependency:\n\n .. doctest:: factory\n\n >>> from antidote import inject, world\n >>> @inject\n ... def f(db: Database = -> Database:\n ... return db\n >>> f() is world.get(Database, source=load_db)\n True\n\n :py:func:`.inject` supports two other alternatives:\n\n .. doctest:: factory\n\n >>> from typing import Annotated\n >>> from antidote import From, Get\n >>> @inject\n ... def f(db: Annotated[Database, From(load_db)]) -> Database:\n ... return db\n >>> @inject({'db': Get(Database, source=load_db)})\n ... def f(db: Database) -> Database:\n ... return db\n\n It's also possible to have a stateful factory using a class. The class will be instantiated\n only once.\n\n .. doctest:: factory\n\n >>> @factory\n ... class DatabaseFactory:\n ... def __call__(self) -> Database:\n ... return Database()\n\n\n\n Args:\n f: Factory function or class which builds the dependency.\n singleton: Whether the returned dependency is a singleton or not. If so,\n the factory will be called at most once and the result re-used. Mutually\n exclusive with :code:`scope`. Defaults to :py:obj:`True`.\n scope: Scope of the returned dependency. Mutually exclusive with\n :code:`singleton`. The scope defines if and how long the returned dependency\n will be cached. See :py:class:`~.core.container.Scope`. Defaults to\n :py:meth:`~.core.container.Scope.singleton`.\n wiring: :py:class:`.Wiring` to be used on the class. By defaults will apply\n a simple :py:func:`.inject` on all methods, so only annotated type hints are\n taken into account. Can be deactivated by specifying :py:obj:`None`. If the\n factory is a function, it'll only be injected if not :py:obj:`None`.\n\n Returns:\n The factory or the decorator.\n\n " scope = validated_scope(scope, singleton, default=Scope.singleton()) if ((wiring is not None) and (not isinstance(wiring, Wiring))): raise TypeError(f'wiring must be a Wiring or None, not a {type(wiring)!r}') @inject def register_factory(func: T, factory_provider: -> T: from .service import service if (callable(func) and inspect.isfunction(func)): output: object = get_type_hints(func).get('return') if (output is None): raise ValueError('A return type hint is necessary. It is used a the dependency.') if (not isinstance(output, type)): raise TypeError(f'The return type hint is expected to be a class, not {type(output)}.') if (wiring is not None): try: func = cast(T, inject(func, dependencies=wiring.dependencies)) except DoubleInjectionError: pass func = cast(T, FactoryWrapper(wrapped=cast(Callable[(..., object)], func), output=output)) factory_provider.register(factory=cast(Callable[(..., object)], func), scope=scope, output=output) elif isinstance(func, type): output = get_type_hints(func.__call__).get('return') if (output is None): raise ValueError('A return type hint is necessary. It is used a the dependency.') if (not isinstance(output, type)): raise TypeError(f'The return type hint is expected to be a class, not {type(output)}.') service(func, singleton=True, wiring=wiring) factory_provider.register(output=output, scope=scope, factory_dependency=func) else: raise TypeError(f'Factory must be either a class or a function, not a {type(func)}') return func return ((f and register_factory(f)) or register_factory)
.. deprecated:: 1.4 Use :py:func:`.lazy` instead for external classes or :py:func:`.injectable` with the :code:`factory_method` argument for classes you own. .. admonition:: MIGRATION For classes you own you should use :py:func:`.injectable`: .. doctest:: factory_migration >>> from antidote import injectable, world >>> @injectable(factory_method='build') ... class MyDatabase: ... @classmethod ... def build(cls) -> 'MyDatabase': ... return MyDatabase() >>> world.get(MyDatabase) <MyDatabase object at ...> For the other cases you can use :py:func:`.lazy`: .. doctest:: factory_migration >>> from antidote import lazy, inject >>> class External: ... pass >>> @lazy ... def my_external() -> External: ... return External() >>> @inject ... def build(ext: External = my_external()) -> External: ... return ext >>> build() <External object at ...> >>> # type hint only necessary for correct typing. ... build() is world.get[External](my_external()) True In both cases you can inject the build function: .. doctest:: factory_migration >>> from antidote import injectable >>> @injectable ... class MyFactory: ... def create_external(self) -> External: ... return External() >>> @lazy ... def current_external(factory: MyFactory = -> External: ... return factory.create_external() >>> @injectable(factory_method='build') ... class MyExternal: ... @classmethod ... def build(cls, external: External = current_external()) -> 'MyExternal': ... return MyExternal() >>> world.get(MyExternal) <MyExternal object at ...> Registers a factory which provides as single dependency, defined through the return type annotation. .. doctest:: factory >>> from antidote import factory >>> class Database: ... pass >>> @factory ... def load_db() -> Database: ... return Database() Now to retrieve the dependency: .. doctest:: factory >>> from antidote import inject, world >>> @inject ... def f(db: Database = -> Database: ... return db >>> f() is world.get(Database, source=load_db) True :py:func:`.inject` supports two other alternatives: .. doctest:: factory >>> from typing import Annotated >>> from antidote import From, Get >>> @inject ... def f(db: Annotated[Database, From(load_db)]) -> Database: ... return db >>> @inject({'db': Get(Database, source=load_db)}) ... def f(db: Database) -> Database: ... return db It's also possible to have a stateful factory using a class. The class will be instantiated only once. .. doctest:: factory >>> @factory ... class DatabaseFactory: ... def __call__(self) -> Database: ... return Database() Args: f: Factory function or class which builds the dependency. singleton: Whether the returned dependency is a singleton or not. If so, the factory will be called at most once and the result re-used. Mutually exclusive with :code:`scope`. Defaults to :py:obj:`True`. scope: Scope of the returned dependency. Mutually exclusive with :code:`singleton`. The scope defines if and how long the returned dependency will be cached. See :py:class:`~.core.container.Scope`. Defaults to :py:meth:`~.core.container.Scope.singleton`. wiring: :py:class:`.Wiring` to be used on the class. By defaults will apply a simple :py:func:`.inject` on all methods, so only annotated type hints are taken into account. Can be deactivated by specifying :py:obj:`None`. If the factory is a function, it'll only be injected if not :py:obj:`None`. Returns: The factory or the decorator.
@API.public def factory(f: Optional[T]=None, *, singleton: Optional[bool]=None, scope: Optional[Scope]=Scope.sentinel(), wiring: Optional[Wiring]=Wiring()) -> Union[(Callable[([T], T)], T)]: "\n .. deprecated:: 1.4\n Use :py:func:`.lazy` instead for external classes or :py:func:`.injectable` with\n the :code:`factory_method` argument for classes you own.\n\n .. admonition:: MIGRATION\n\n For classes you own you should use :py:func:`.injectable`:\n\n .. doctest:: factory_migration\n\n >>> from antidote import injectable, world\n >>> @injectable(factory_method='build')\n ... class MyDatabase:\n ... @classmethod\n ... def build(cls) -> 'MyDatabase':\n ... return MyDatabase()\n >>> world.get(MyDatabase)\n <MyDatabase object at ...>\n\n For the other cases you can use :py:func:`.lazy`:\n\n .. doctest:: factory_migration\n\n >>> from antidote import lazy, inject\n >>> class External:\n ... pass\n >>> @lazy\n ... def my_external() -> External:\n ... return External()\n >>> @inject\n ... def build(ext: External = my_external()) -> External:\n ... return ext\n >>> build()\n <External object at ...>\n >>> # type hint only necessary for correct typing.\n ... build() is world.get[External](my_external())\n True\n\n In both cases you can inject the build function:\n\n .. doctest:: factory_migration\n\n >>> from antidote import injectable\n >>> @injectable\n ... class MyFactory:\n ... def create_external(self) -> External:\n ... return External()\n >>> @lazy\n ... def current_external(factory: MyFactory = -> External:\n ... return factory.create_external()\n >>> @injectable(factory_method='build')\n ... class MyExternal:\n ... @classmethod\n ... def build(cls, external: External = current_external()) -> 'MyExternal':\n ... return MyExternal()\n >>> world.get(MyExternal)\n <MyExternal object at ...>\n\n Registers a factory which provides as single dependency, defined through the return\n type annotation.\n\n .. doctest:: factory\n\n >>> from antidote import factory\n >>> class Database:\n ... pass\n >>> @factory\n ... def load_db() -> Database:\n ... return Database()\n\n Now to retrieve the dependency:\n\n .. doctest:: factory\n\n >>> from antidote import inject, world\n >>> @inject\n ... def f(db: Database = -> Database:\n ... return db\n >>> f() is world.get(Database, source=load_db)\n True\n\n :py:func:`.inject` supports two other alternatives:\n\n .. doctest:: factory\n\n >>> from typing import Annotated\n >>> from antidote import From, Get\n >>> @inject\n ... def f(db: Annotated[Database, From(load_db)]) -> Database:\n ... return db\n >>> @inject({'db': Get(Database, source=load_db)})\n ... def f(db: Database) -> Database:\n ... return db\n\n It's also possible to have a stateful factory using a class. The class will be instantiated\n only once.\n\n .. doctest:: factory\n\n >>> @factory\n ... class DatabaseFactory:\n ... def __call__(self) -> Database:\n ... return Database()\n\n\n\n Args:\n f: Factory function or class which builds the dependency.\n singleton: Whether the returned dependency is a singleton or not. If so,\n the factory will be called at most once and the result re-used. Mutually\n exclusive with :code:`scope`. Defaults to :py:obj:`True`.\n scope: Scope of the returned dependency. Mutually exclusive with\n :code:`singleton`. The scope defines if and how long the returned dependency\n will be cached. See :py:class:`~.core.container.Scope`. Defaults to\n :py:meth:`~.core.container.Scope.singleton`.\n wiring: :py:class:`.Wiring` to be used on the class. By defaults will apply\n a simple :py:func:`.inject` on all methods, so only annotated type hints are\n taken into account. Can be deactivated by specifying :py:obj:`None`. If the\n factory is a function, it'll only be injected if not :py:obj:`None`.\n\n Returns:\n The factory or the decorator.\n\n " scope = validated_scope(scope, singleton, default=Scope.singleton()) if ((wiring is not None) and (not isinstance(wiring, Wiring))): raise TypeError(f'wiring must be a Wiring or None, not a {type(wiring)!r}') @inject def register_factory(func: T, factory_provider: -> T: from .service import service if (callable(func) and inspect.isfunction(func)): output: object = get_type_hints(func).get('return') if (output is None): raise ValueError('A return type hint is necessary. It is used a the dependency.') if (not isinstance(output, type)): raise TypeError(f'The return type hint is expected to be a class, not {type(output)}.') if (wiring is not None): try: func = cast(T, inject(func, dependencies=wiring.dependencies)) except DoubleInjectionError: pass func = cast(T, FactoryWrapper(wrapped=cast(Callable[(..., object)], func), output=output)) factory_provider.register(factory=cast(Callable[(..., object)], func), scope=scope, output=output) elif isinstance(func, type): output = get_type_hints(func.__call__).get('return') if (output is None): raise ValueError('A return type hint is necessary. It is used a the dependency.') if (not isinstance(output, type)): raise TypeError(f'The return type hint is expected to be a class, not {type(output)}.') service(func, singleton=True, wiring=wiring) factory_provider.register(output=output, scope=scope, factory_dependency=func) else: raise TypeError(f'Factory must be either a class or a function, not a {type(func)}') return func return ((f and register_factory(f)) or register_factory)
@API.public def factory(f: Optional[T]=None, *, singleton: Optional[bool]=None, scope: Optional[Scope]=Scope.sentinel(), wiring: Optional[Wiring]=Wiring()) -> Union[(Callable[([T], T)], T)]: "\n .. deprecated:: 1.4\n Use :py:func:`.lazy` instead for external classes or :py:func:`.injectable` with\n the :code:`factory_method` argument for classes you own.\n\n .. admonition:: MIGRATION\n\n For classes you own you should use :py:func:`.injectable`:\n\n .. doctest:: factory_migration\n\n >>> from antidote import injectable, world\n >>> @injectable(factory_method='build')\n ... class MyDatabase:\n ... @classmethod\n ... def build(cls) -> 'MyDatabase':\n ... return MyDatabase()\n >>> world.get(MyDatabase)\n <MyDatabase object at ...>\n\n For the other cases you can use :py:func:`.lazy`:\n\n .. doctest:: factory_migration\n\n >>> from antidote import lazy, inject\n >>> class External:\n ... pass\n >>> @lazy\n ... def my_external() -> External:\n ... return External()\n >>> @inject\n ... def build(ext: External = my_external()) -> External:\n ... return ext\n >>> build()\n <External object at ...>\n >>> # type hint only necessary for correct typing.\n ... build() is world.get[External](my_external())\n True\n\n In both cases you can inject the build function:\n\n .. doctest:: factory_migration\n\n >>> from antidote import injectable\n >>> @injectable\n ... class MyFactory:\n ... def create_external(self) -> External:\n ... return External()\n >>> @lazy\n ... def current_external(factory: MyFactory = -> External:\n ... return factory.create_external()\n >>> @injectable(factory_method='build')\n ... class MyExternal:\n ... @classmethod\n ... def build(cls, external: External = current_external()) -> 'MyExternal':\n ... return MyExternal()\n >>> world.get(MyExternal)\n <MyExternal object at ...>\n\n Registers a factory which provides as single dependency, defined through the return\n type annotation.\n\n .. doctest:: factory\n\n >>> from antidote import factory\n >>> class Database:\n ... pass\n >>> @factory\n ... def load_db() -> Database:\n ... return Database()\n\n Now to retrieve the dependency:\n\n .. doctest:: factory\n\n >>> from antidote import inject, world\n >>> @inject\n ... def f(db: Database = -> Database:\n ... return db\n >>> f() is world.get(Database, source=load_db)\n True\n\n :py:func:`.inject` supports two other alternatives:\n\n .. doctest:: factory\n\n >>> from typing import Annotated\n >>> from antidote import From, Get\n >>> @inject\n ... def f(db: Annotated[Database, From(load_db)]) -> Database:\n ... return db\n >>> @inject({'db': Get(Database, source=load_db)})\n ... def f(db: Database) -> Database:\n ... return db\n\n It's also possible to have a stateful factory using a class. The class will be instantiated\n only once.\n\n .. doctest:: factory\n\n >>> @factory\n ... class DatabaseFactory:\n ... def __call__(self) -> Database:\n ... return Database()\n\n\n\n Args:\n f: Factory function or class which builds the dependency.\n singleton: Whether the returned dependency is a singleton or not. If so,\n the factory will be called at most once and the result re-used. Mutually\n exclusive with :code:`scope`. Defaults to :py:obj:`True`.\n scope: Scope of the returned dependency. Mutually exclusive with\n :code:`singleton`. The scope defines if and how long the returned dependency\n will be cached. See :py:class:`~.core.container.Scope`. Defaults to\n :py:meth:`~.core.container.Scope.singleton`.\n wiring: :py:class:`.Wiring` to be used on the class. By defaults will apply\n a simple :py:func:`.inject` on all methods, so only annotated type hints are\n taken into account. Can be deactivated by specifying :py:obj:`None`. If the\n factory is a function, it'll only be injected if not :py:obj:`None`.\n\n Returns:\n The factory or the decorator.\n\n " scope = validated_scope(scope, singleton, default=Scope.singleton()) if ((wiring is not None) and (not isinstance(wiring, Wiring))): raise TypeError(f'wiring must be a Wiring or None, not a {type(wiring)!r}') @inject def register_factory(func: T, factory_provider: -> T: from .service import service if (callable(func) and inspect.isfunction(func)): output: object = get_type_hints(func).get('return') if (output is None): raise ValueError('A return type hint is necessary. It is used a the dependency.') if (not isinstance(output, type)): raise TypeError(f'The return type hint is expected to be a class, not {type(output)}.') if (wiring is not None): try: func = cast(T, inject(func, dependencies=wiring.dependencies)) except DoubleInjectionError: pass func = cast(T, FactoryWrapper(wrapped=cast(Callable[(..., object)], func), output=output)) factory_provider.register(factory=cast(Callable[(..., object)], func), scope=scope, output=output) elif isinstance(func, type): output = get_type_hints(func.__call__).get('return') if (output is None): raise ValueError('A return type hint is necessary. It is used a the dependency.') if (not isinstance(output, type)): raise TypeError(f'The return type hint is expected to be a class, not {type(output)}.') service(func, singleton=True, wiring=wiring) factory_provider.register(output=output, scope=scope, factory_dependency=func) else: raise TypeError(f'Factory must be either a class or a function, not a {type(func)}') return func return ((f and register_factory(f)) or register_factory)<|docstring|>.. deprecated:: 1.4 Use :py:func:`.lazy` instead for external classes or :py:func:`.injectable` with the :code:`factory_method` argument for classes you own. .. admonition:: MIGRATION For classes you own you should use :py:func:`.injectable`: .. doctest:: factory_migration >>> from antidote import injectable, world >>> @injectable(factory_method='build') ... class MyDatabase: ... @classmethod ... def build(cls) -> 'MyDatabase': ... return MyDatabase() >>> world.get(MyDatabase) <MyDatabase object at ...> For the other cases you can use :py:func:`.lazy`: .. doctest:: factory_migration >>> from antidote import lazy, inject >>> class External: ... pass >>> @lazy ... def my_external() -> External: ... return External() >>> @inject ... def build(ext: External = my_external()) -> External: ... return ext >>> build() <External object at ...> >>> # type hint only necessary for correct typing. ... build() is world.get[External](my_external()) True In both cases you can inject the build function: .. doctest:: factory_migration >>> from antidote import injectable >>> @injectable ... class MyFactory: ... def create_external(self) -> External: ... return External() >>> @lazy ... def current_external(factory: MyFactory = -> External: ... return factory.create_external() >>> @injectable(factory_method='build') ... class MyExternal: ... @classmethod ... def build(cls, external: External = current_external()) -> 'MyExternal': ... return MyExternal() >>> world.get(MyExternal) <MyExternal object at ...> Registers a factory which provides as single dependency, defined through the return type annotation. .. doctest:: factory >>> from antidote import factory >>> class Database: ... pass >>> @factory ... def load_db() -> Database: ... return Database() Now to retrieve the dependency: .. doctest:: factory >>> from antidote import inject, world >>> @inject ... def f(db: Database = -> Database: ... return db >>> f() is world.get(Database, source=load_db) True :py:func:`.inject` supports two other alternatives: .. doctest:: factory >>> from typing import Annotated >>> from antidote import From, Get >>> @inject ... def f(db: Annotated[Database, From(load_db)]) -> Database: ... return db >>> @inject({'db': Get(Database, source=load_db)}) ... def f(db: Database) -> Database: ... return db It's also possible to have a stateful factory using a class. The class will be instantiated only once. .. doctest:: factory >>> @factory ... class DatabaseFactory: ... def __call__(self) -> Database: ... return Database() Args: f: Factory function or class which builds the dependency. singleton: Whether the returned dependency is a singleton or not. If so, the factory will be called at most once and the result re-used. Mutually exclusive with :code:`scope`. Defaults to :py:obj:`True`. scope: Scope of the returned dependency. Mutually exclusive with :code:`singleton`. The scope defines if and how long the returned dependency will be cached. See :py:class:`~.core.container.Scope`. Defaults to :py:meth:`~.core.container.Scope.singleton`. wiring: :py:class:`.Wiring` to be used on the class. By defaults will apply a simple :py:func:`.inject` on all methods, so only annotated type hints are taken into account. Can be deactivated by specifying :py:obj:`None`. If the factory is a function, it'll only be injected if not :py:obj:`None`. Returns: The factory or the decorator.<|endoftext|>
def __init__(self, *, wiring: Optional[Wiring]=Wiring(), singleton: Optional[bool]=None, scope: Optional[Scope]=Scope.sentinel(), parameters: Optional[Iterable[str]]=None): '\n\n Args:\n wiring: Wiring to be applied on the factory. By default only\n :code:`__init__()` and :code:`__call__()` will be wired. To deactivate\n any wiring at all use :py:obj:`None`.\n singleton: Whether the returned dependency is a singleton or not. If yes,\n the factory will be called at most once and the result re-used.\n Mutually exclusive with :code:`scope`. Defaults to :py:obj:`True`\n scope: Scope of the returned dependency. Mutually exclusive with\n :code:`singleton`. The scope defines if and how long the returned\n dependency will be cached. See :py:class:`~.core.container.Scope`.\n Defaults to :py:meth:`~.core.container.Scope.singleton`.\n ' if (not ((wiring is None) or isinstance(wiring, Wiring))): raise TypeError(f'wiring must be a Wiring or None, not {type(wiring)}') super().__init__(wiring=wiring, scope=validated_scope(scope, singleton, default=Scope.singleton()), parameters=validated_parameters(parameters))
Args: wiring: Wiring to be applied on the factory. By default only :code:`__init__()` and :code:`__call__()` will be wired. To deactivate any wiring at all use :py:obj:`None`. singleton: Whether the returned dependency is a singleton or not. If yes, the factory will be called at most once and the result re-used. Mutually exclusive with :code:`scope`. Defaults to :py:obj:`True` scope: Scope of the returned dependency. Mutually exclusive with :code:`singleton`. The scope defines if and how long the returned dependency will be cached. See :py:class:`~.core.container.Scope`. Defaults to :py:meth:`~.core.container.Scope.singleton`.
def __init__(self, *, wiring: Optional[Wiring]=Wiring(), singleton: Optional[bool]=None, scope: Optional[Scope]=Scope.sentinel(), parameters: Optional[Iterable[str]]=None): '\n\n Args:\n wiring: Wiring to be applied on the factory. By default only\n :code:`__init__()` and :code:`__call__()` will be wired. To deactivate\n any wiring at all use :py:obj:`None`.\n singleton: Whether the returned dependency is a singleton or not. If yes,\n the factory will be called at most once and the result re-used.\n Mutually exclusive with :code:`scope`. Defaults to :py:obj:`True`\n scope: Scope of the returned dependency. Mutually exclusive with\n :code:`singleton`. The scope defines if and how long the returned\n dependency will be cached. See :py:class:`~.core.container.Scope`.\n Defaults to :py:meth:`~.core.container.Scope.singleton`.\n ' if (not ((wiring is None) or isinstance(wiring, Wiring))): raise TypeError(f'wiring must be a Wiring or None, not {type(wiring)}') super().__init__(wiring=wiring, scope=validated_scope(scope, singleton, default=Scope.singleton()), parameters=validated_parameters(parameters))
def __init__(self, *, wiring: Optional[Wiring]=Wiring(), singleton: Optional[bool]=None, scope: Optional[Scope]=Scope.sentinel(), parameters: Optional[Iterable[str]]=None): '\n\n Args:\n wiring: Wiring to be applied on the factory. By default only\n :code:`__init__()` and :code:`__call__()` will be wired. To deactivate\n any wiring at all use :py:obj:`None`.\n singleton: Whether the returned dependency is a singleton or not. If yes,\n the factory will be called at most once and the result re-used.\n Mutually exclusive with :code:`scope`. Defaults to :py:obj:`True`\n scope: Scope of the returned dependency. Mutually exclusive with\n :code:`singleton`. The scope defines if and how long the returned\n dependency will be cached. See :py:class:`~.core.container.Scope`.\n Defaults to :py:meth:`~.core.container.Scope.singleton`.\n ' if (not ((wiring is None) or isinstance(wiring, Wiring))): raise TypeError(f'wiring must be a Wiring or None, not {type(wiring)}') super().__init__(wiring=wiring, scope=validated_scope(scope, singleton, default=Scope.singleton()), parameters=validated_parameters(parameters))<|docstring|>Args: wiring: Wiring to be applied on the factory. By default only :code:`__init__()` and :code:`__call__()` will be wired. To deactivate any wiring at all use :py:obj:`None`. singleton: Whether the returned dependency is a singleton or not. If yes, the factory will be called at most once and the result re-used. Mutually exclusive with :code:`scope`. Defaults to :py:obj:`True` scope: Scope of the returned dependency. Mutually exclusive with :code:`singleton`. The scope defines if and how long the returned dependency will be cached. See :py:class:`~.core.container.Scope`. Defaults to :py:meth:`~.core.container.Scope.singleton`.<|endoftext|>
def copy(self, *, wiring: Union[(Optional[Wiring], Copy)]=Copy.IDENTICAL, singleton: Union[(bool, Copy)]=Copy.IDENTICAL, scope: Union[(Optional[Scope], Copy)]=Copy.IDENTICAL, parameters: Union[(Optional[Iterable[str]], Copy)]=Copy.IDENTICAL) -> Factory.Conf: '\n .. deprecated:: 1.1\n\n Copies current configuration and overrides only specified arguments.\n Accepts the same arguments as :code:`__init__`\n ' if (not ((singleton is Copy.IDENTICAL) or (scope is Copy.IDENTICAL))): raise TypeError('Use either singleton or scope argument, not both.') if isinstance(singleton, bool): scope = (Scope.singleton() if singleton else None) return Copy.immutable(self, wiring=wiring, scope=scope, parameters=parameters)
.. deprecated:: 1.1 Copies current configuration and overrides only specified arguments. Accepts the same arguments as :code:`__init__`
def copy(self, *, wiring: Union[(Optional[Wiring], Copy)]=Copy.IDENTICAL, singleton: Union[(bool, Copy)]=Copy.IDENTICAL, scope: Union[(Optional[Scope], Copy)]=Copy.IDENTICAL, parameters: Union[(Optional[Iterable[str]], Copy)]=Copy.IDENTICAL) -> Factory.Conf: '\n .. deprecated:: 1.1\n\n Copies current configuration and overrides only specified arguments.\n Accepts the same arguments as :code:`__init__`\n ' if (not ((singleton is Copy.IDENTICAL) or (scope is Copy.IDENTICAL))): raise TypeError('Use either singleton or scope argument, not both.') if isinstance(singleton, bool): scope = (Scope.singleton() if singleton else None) return Copy.immutable(self, wiring=wiring, scope=scope, parameters=parameters)
def copy(self, *, wiring: Union[(Optional[Wiring], Copy)]=Copy.IDENTICAL, singleton: Union[(bool, Copy)]=Copy.IDENTICAL, scope: Union[(Optional[Scope], Copy)]=Copy.IDENTICAL, parameters: Union[(Optional[Iterable[str]], Copy)]=Copy.IDENTICAL) -> Factory.Conf: '\n .. deprecated:: 1.1\n\n Copies current configuration and overrides only specified arguments.\n Accepts the same arguments as :code:`__init__`\n ' if (not ((singleton is Copy.IDENTICAL) or (scope is Copy.IDENTICAL))): raise TypeError('Use either singleton or scope argument, not both.') if isinstance(singleton, bool): scope = (Scope.singleton() if singleton else None) return Copy.immutable(self, wiring=wiring, scope=scope, parameters=parameters)<|docstring|>.. deprecated:: 1.1 Copies current configuration and overrides only specified arguments. Accepts the same arguments as :code:`__init__`<|endoftext|>
def lbeta(x, name='lbeta'): 'Computes `ln(|Beta(x)|)`, reducing along the last dimension.\n\n Given one-dimensional `z = [z_0,...,z_{K-1}]`, we define\n\n ```Beta(z) = \\prod_j Gamma(z_j) / Gamma(\\sum_j z_j)```\n\n And for `n + 1` dimensional `x` with shape `[N1, ..., Nn, K]`, we define\n `lbeta(x)[i1, ..., in] = Log(|Beta(x[i1, ..., in, :])|)`. In other words,\n the last dimension is treated as the `z` vector.\n\n Note that if `z = [u, v]`, then\n `Beta(z) = int_0^1 t^{u-1} (1 - t)^{v-1} dt`, which defines the traditional\n bivariate beta function.\n\n Args:\n x: A rank `n + 1` `Tensor` with type `float`, or `double`.\n name: A name for the operation (optional).\n\n Returns:\n The logarithm of `|Beta(x)|` reducing along the last dimension.\n\n Raises:\n ValueError: If `x` is empty with rank one or less.\n ' with ops.name_scope(name, values=[x]): x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name='x') x = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies([check_ops.assert_rank_at_least(x, 1)], x) is_empty = math_ops.equal(0, array_ops.size(x)) def nonempty_lbeta(): log_prod_gamma_x = math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.lgamma(x), reduction_indices=[(- 1)]) sum_x = math_ops.reduce_sum(x, reduction_indices=[(- 1)]) log_gamma_sum_x = math_ops.lgamma(sum_x) result = (log_prod_gamma_x - log_gamma_sum_x) return result def empty_lbeta(): assertion = check_ops.assert_rank_at_least(x, 2) with ops.control_dependencies([assertion]): return array_ops.squeeze(x, squeeze_dims=[0]) static_size = x.get_shape().num_elements() if (static_size is not None): if (static_size > 0): return nonempty_lbeta() else: return empty_lbeta() else: return control_flow_ops.cond(is_empty, empty_lbeta, nonempty_lbeta)
Computes `ln(|Beta(x)|)`, reducing along the last dimension. Given one-dimensional `z = [z_0,...,z_{K-1}]`, we define ```Beta(z) = \prod_j Gamma(z_j) / Gamma(\sum_j z_j)``` And for `n + 1` dimensional `x` with shape `[N1, ..., Nn, K]`, we define `lbeta(x)[i1, ..., in] = Log(|Beta(x[i1, ..., in, :])|)`. In other words, the last dimension is treated as the `z` vector. Note that if `z = [u, v]`, then `Beta(z) = int_0^1 t^{u-1} (1 - t)^{v-1} dt`, which defines the traditional bivariate beta function. Args: x: A rank `n + 1` `Tensor` with type `float`, or `double`. name: A name for the operation (optional). Returns: The logarithm of `|Beta(x)|` reducing along the last dimension. Raises: ValueError: If `x` is empty with rank one or less.
def lbeta(x, name='lbeta'): 'Computes `ln(|Beta(x)|)`, reducing along the last dimension.\n\n Given one-dimensional `z = [z_0,...,z_{K-1}]`, we define\n\n ```Beta(z) = \\prod_j Gamma(z_j) / Gamma(\\sum_j z_j)```\n\n And for `n + 1` dimensional `x` with shape `[N1, ..., Nn, K]`, we define\n `lbeta(x)[i1, ..., in] = Log(|Beta(x[i1, ..., in, :])|)`. In other words,\n the last dimension is treated as the `z` vector.\n\n Note that if `z = [u, v]`, then\n `Beta(z) = int_0^1 t^{u-1} (1 - t)^{v-1} dt`, which defines the traditional\n bivariate beta function.\n\n Args:\n x: A rank `n + 1` `Tensor` with type `float`, or `double`.\n name: A name for the operation (optional).\n\n Returns:\n The logarithm of `|Beta(x)|` reducing along the last dimension.\n\n Raises:\n ValueError: If `x` is empty with rank one or less.\n ' with ops.name_scope(name, values=[x]): x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name='x') x = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies([check_ops.assert_rank_at_least(x, 1)], x) is_empty = math_ops.equal(0, array_ops.size(x)) def nonempty_lbeta(): log_prod_gamma_x = math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.lgamma(x), reduction_indices=[(- 1)]) sum_x = math_ops.reduce_sum(x, reduction_indices=[(- 1)]) log_gamma_sum_x = math_ops.lgamma(sum_x) result = (log_prod_gamma_x - log_gamma_sum_x) return result def empty_lbeta(): assertion = check_ops.assert_rank_at_least(x, 2) with ops.control_dependencies([assertion]): return array_ops.squeeze(x, squeeze_dims=[0]) static_size = x.get_shape().num_elements() if (static_size is not None): if (static_size > 0): return nonempty_lbeta() else: return empty_lbeta() else: return control_flow_ops.cond(is_empty, empty_lbeta, nonempty_lbeta)
def lbeta(x, name='lbeta'): 'Computes `ln(|Beta(x)|)`, reducing along the last dimension.\n\n Given one-dimensional `z = [z_0,...,z_{K-1}]`, we define\n\n ```Beta(z) = \\prod_j Gamma(z_j) / Gamma(\\sum_j z_j)```\n\n And for `n + 1` dimensional `x` with shape `[N1, ..., Nn, K]`, we define\n `lbeta(x)[i1, ..., in] = Log(|Beta(x[i1, ..., in, :])|)`. In other words,\n the last dimension is treated as the `z` vector.\n\n Note that if `z = [u, v]`, then\n `Beta(z) = int_0^1 t^{u-1} (1 - t)^{v-1} dt`, which defines the traditional\n bivariate beta function.\n\n Args:\n x: A rank `n + 1` `Tensor` with type `float`, or `double`.\n name: A name for the operation (optional).\n\n Returns:\n The logarithm of `|Beta(x)|` reducing along the last dimension.\n\n Raises:\n ValueError: If `x` is empty with rank one or less.\n ' with ops.name_scope(name, values=[x]): x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name='x') x = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies([check_ops.assert_rank_at_least(x, 1)], x) is_empty = math_ops.equal(0, array_ops.size(x)) def nonempty_lbeta(): log_prod_gamma_x = math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.lgamma(x), reduction_indices=[(- 1)]) sum_x = math_ops.reduce_sum(x, reduction_indices=[(- 1)]) log_gamma_sum_x = math_ops.lgamma(sum_x) result = (log_prod_gamma_x - log_gamma_sum_x) return result def empty_lbeta(): assertion = check_ops.assert_rank_at_least(x, 2) with ops.control_dependencies([assertion]): return array_ops.squeeze(x, squeeze_dims=[0]) static_size = x.get_shape().num_elements() if (static_size is not None): if (static_size > 0): return nonempty_lbeta() else: return empty_lbeta() else: return control_flow_ops.cond(is_empty, empty_lbeta, nonempty_lbeta)<|docstring|>Computes `ln(|Beta(x)|)`, reducing along the last dimension. Given one-dimensional `z = [z_0,...,z_{K-1}]`, we define ```Beta(z) = \prod_j Gamma(z_j) / Gamma(\sum_j z_j)``` And for `n + 1` dimensional `x` with shape `[N1, ..., Nn, K]`, we define `lbeta(x)[i1, ..., in] = Log(|Beta(x[i1, ..., in, :])|)`. In other words, the last dimension is treated as the `z` vector. Note that if `z = [u, v]`, then `Beta(z) = int_0^1 t^{u-1} (1 - t)^{v-1} dt`, which defines the traditional bivariate beta function. Args: x: A rank `n + 1` `Tensor` with type `float`, or `double`. name: A name for the operation (optional). Returns: The logarithm of `|Beta(x)|` reducing along the last dimension. Raises: ValueError: If `x` is empty with rank one or less.<|endoftext|>
def einsum(axes, *inputs): '\n A generalized contraction between tensors of arbitrary dimension.\n\n Like numpy.einsum.\n ' match = re.match('([a-z,]+)->([a-z]+)', axes) assert match, ('Indices have incorrect format: %s' % axes) inputs = list(inputs) idx_in =',') idx_out = idx_all = set(''.join(idx_in)) assert (len(idx_in) == len(inputs)), ('Expected %d inputs but only got %d' % (len(idx_in), len(inputs))) for (i, (input_, axes_)) in enumerate(zip(inputs, idx_in)): assert (input_.get_shape().ndims == len(axes_)), ('Input %d with axes %s has incorrect number of dimensions (expected %d, got %d)' % (i, axes_, len(axes_), input_.get_shape().ndims)) sorted_idx = sorted(axes_) if (list(axes_) != sorted_idx): permuted = [axes_.find(ax) for ax in sorted_idx] inputs[i] = array_ops.transpose(input_, permuted) idx_in[i] = sorted_idx missing_idx = set(idx_out).difference(idx_all) assert (not missing_idx), ('Unknown ouput axes: %s' % missing_idx) reduction_idx = [] shapes = [[(dim if dim else (- 1)) for dim in tensor.get_shape().as_list()] for tensor in inputs] for (j, ax) in enumerate(sorted(idx_all)): dims = [] for (i, idx) in enumerate(idx_in): if (ax not in idx): shapes[i].insert(j, 1) else: dim = shapes[i][j] if (isinstance(dim, int) and (dim > 1)): dims.append(dim) assert (len(set(dims)) <= 1), ('Dimension mismatch on axis: %s' % ax) if (ax not in idx_out): reduction_idx.append(j) expanded_inputs = [array_ops.reshape(input_, shape) for (input_, shape) in zip(inputs, shapes)] expanded_output = 1 for input_ in expanded_inputs: expanded_output *= input_ return math_ops.reduce_sum(expanded_output, reduction_idx)
A generalized contraction between tensors of arbitrary dimension. Like numpy.einsum.
def einsum(axes, *inputs): '\n A generalized contraction between tensors of arbitrary dimension.\n\n Like numpy.einsum.\n ' match = re.match('([a-z,]+)->([a-z]+)', axes) assert match, ('Indices have incorrect format: %s' % axes) inputs = list(inputs) idx_in =',') idx_out = idx_all = set(.join(idx_in)) assert (len(idx_in) == len(inputs)), ('Expected %d inputs but only got %d' % (len(idx_in), len(inputs))) for (i, (input_, axes_)) in enumerate(zip(inputs, idx_in)): assert (input_.get_shape().ndims == len(axes_)), ('Input %d with axes %s has incorrect number of dimensions (expected %d, got %d)' % (i, axes_, len(axes_), input_.get_shape().ndims)) sorted_idx = sorted(axes_) if (list(axes_) != sorted_idx): permuted = [axes_.find(ax) for ax in sorted_idx] inputs[i] = array_ops.transpose(input_, permuted) idx_in[i] = sorted_idx missing_idx = set(idx_out).difference(idx_all) assert (not missing_idx), ('Unknown ouput axes: %s' % missing_idx) reduction_idx = [] shapes = [[(dim if dim else (- 1)) for dim in tensor.get_shape().as_list()] for tensor in inputs] for (j, ax) in enumerate(sorted(idx_all)): dims = [] for (i, idx) in enumerate(idx_in): if (ax not in idx): shapes[i].insert(j, 1) else: dim = shapes[i][j] if (isinstance(dim, int) and (dim > 1)): dims.append(dim) assert (len(set(dims)) <= 1), ('Dimension mismatch on axis: %s' % ax) if (ax not in idx_out): reduction_idx.append(j) expanded_inputs = [array_ops.reshape(input_, shape) for (input_, shape) in zip(inputs, shapes)] expanded_output = 1 for input_ in expanded_inputs: expanded_output *= input_ return math_ops.reduce_sum(expanded_output, reduction_idx)
def einsum(axes, *inputs): '\n A generalized contraction between tensors of arbitrary dimension.\n\n Like numpy.einsum.\n ' match = re.match('([a-z,]+)->([a-z]+)', axes) assert match, ('Indices have incorrect format: %s' % axes) inputs = list(inputs) idx_in =',') idx_out = idx_all = set(.join(idx_in)) assert (len(idx_in) == len(inputs)), ('Expected %d inputs but only got %d' % (len(idx_in), len(inputs))) for (i, (input_, axes_)) in enumerate(zip(inputs, idx_in)): assert (input_.get_shape().ndims == len(axes_)), ('Input %d with axes %s has incorrect number of dimensions (expected %d, got %d)' % (i, axes_, len(axes_), input_.get_shape().ndims)) sorted_idx = sorted(axes_) if (list(axes_) != sorted_idx): permuted = [axes_.find(ax) for ax in sorted_idx] inputs[i] = array_ops.transpose(input_, permuted) idx_in[i] = sorted_idx missing_idx = set(idx_out).difference(idx_all) assert (not missing_idx), ('Unknown ouput axes: %s' % missing_idx) reduction_idx = [] shapes = [[(dim if dim else (- 1)) for dim in tensor.get_shape().as_list()] for tensor in inputs] for (j, ax) in enumerate(sorted(idx_all)): dims = [] for (i, idx) in enumerate(idx_in): if (ax not in idx): shapes[i].insert(j, 1) else: dim = shapes[i][j] if (isinstance(dim, int) and (dim > 1)): dims.append(dim) assert (len(set(dims)) <= 1), ('Dimension mismatch on axis: %s' % ax) if (ax not in idx_out): reduction_idx.append(j) expanded_inputs = [array_ops.reshape(input_, shape) for (input_, shape) in zip(inputs, shapes)] expanded_output = 1 for input_ in expanded_inputs: expanded_output *= input_ return math_ops.reduce_sum(expanded_output, reduction_idx)<|docstring|>A generalized contraction between tensors of arbitrary dimension. Like numpy.einsum.<|endoftext|>
def timestamp2date(timestamp): '\n 时间戳转换为日期\n Parameters\n ----------\n timestamp: int or str\n 用户账号\n\n Returns\n -------\n datetime:\n 转换好的日期:年-月-日 时:分:秒\n ' time_array = time.localtime(int(timestamp)) datetime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time_array) return datetime
时间戳转换为日期 Parameters ---------- timestamp: int or str 用户账号 Returns ------- datetime: 转换好的日期:年-月-日 时:分:秒
def timestamp2date(timestamp): '\n 时间戳转换为日期\n Parameters\n ----------\n timestamp: int or str\n 用户账号\n\n Returns\n -------\n datetime:\n 转换好的日期:年-月-日 时:分:秒\n ' time_array = time.localtime(int(timestamp)) datetime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time_array) return datetime
def timestamp2date(timestamp): '\n 时间戳转换为日期\n Parameters\n ----------\n timestamp: int or str\n 用户账号\n\n Returns\n -------\n datetime:\n 转换好的日期:年-月-日 时:分:秒\n ' time_array = time.localtime(int(timestamp)) datetime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time_array) return datetime<|docstring|>时间戳转换为日期 Parameters ---------- timestamp: int or str 用户账号 Returns ------- datetime: 转换好的日期:年-月-日 时:分:秒<|endoftext|>
def save_mongo(data, host=None, port=None, name=None, password='', dbname=None, collname=None): '\n 存储数据到mongo\n Parameters\n ----------\n data: list\n 需要插入的数据\n host: str\n 主机名(默认为本机数据库)\n port: int\n mongo所在主机开放的端口,默认为27017\n username: str\n 用户名\n password: str\n 用户密码\n dbname: str\n 远程连接的数据库名\n collname: str\n 需要插入的集合名(collection)\n Returns\n -------\n None\n ' HOST = 'localhost' PORT = 27017 host = (HOST if (host is None) else host) port = (PORT if (port is None) else port) assert isinstance(host, str) assert isinstance(name, str) assert isinstance(password, str) assert isinstance(dbname, str) assert isinstance(collname, str) if (not isinstance(port, int)): raise TypeError('port must be an instance of int') from pymongo import MongoClient client = MongoClient(host, port) db_auth = client.admin db_auth.authenticate(name, password) coll = client[dbname][collname] coll.insert_many(data)
存储数据到mongo Parameters ---------- data: list 需要插入的数据 host: str 主机名(默认为本机数据库) port: int mongo所在主机开放的端口,默认为27017 username: str 用户名 password: str 用户密码 dbname: str 远程连接的数据库名 collname: str 需要插入的集合名(collection) Returns ------- None
def save_mongo(data, host=None, port=None, name=None, password=, dbname=None, collname=None): '\n 存储数据到mongo\n Parameters\n ----------\n data: list\n 需要插入的数据\n host: str\n 主机名(默认为本机数据库)\n port: int\n mongo所在主机开放的端口,默认为27017\n username: str\n 用户名\n password: str\n 用户密码\n dbname: str\n 远程连接的数据库名\n collname: str\n 需要插入的集合名(collection)\n Returns\n -------\n None\n ' HOST = 'localhost' PORT = 27017 host = (HOST if (host is None) else host) port = (PORT if (port is None) else port) assert isinstance(host, str) assert isinstance(name, str) assert isinstance(password, str) assert isinstance(dbname, str) assert isinstance(collname, str) if (not isinstance(port, int)): raise TypeError('port must be an instance of int') from pymongo import MongoClient client = MongoClient(host, port) db_auth = client.admin db_auth.authenticate(name, password) coll = client[dbname][collname] coll.insert_many(data)
def save_mongo(data, host=None, port=None, name=None, password=, dbname=None, collname=None): '\n 存储数据到mongo\n Parameters\n ----------\n data: list\n 需要插入的数据\n host: str\n 主机名(默认为本机数据库)\n port: int\n mongo所在主机开放的端口,默认为27017\n username: str\n 用户名\n password: str\n 用户密码\n dbname: str\n 远程连接的数据库名\n collname: str\n 需要插入的集合名(collection)\n Returns\n -------\n None\n ' HOST = 'localhost' PORT = 27017 host = (HOST if (host is None) else host) port = (PORT if (port is None) else port) assert isinstance(host, str) assert isinstance(name, str) assert isinstance(password, str) assert isinstance(dbname, str) assert isinstance(collname, str) if (not isinstance(port, int)): raise TypeError('port must be an instance of int') from pymongo import MongoClient client = MongoClient(host, port) db_auth = client.admin db_auth.authenticate(name, password) coll = client[dbname][collname] coll.insert_many(data)<|docstring|>存储数据到mongo Parameters ---------- data: list 需要插入的数据 host: str 主机名(默认为本机数据库) port: int mongo所在主机开放的端口,默认为27017 username: str 用户名 password: str 用户密码 dbname: str 远程连接的数据库名 collname: str 需要插入的集合名(collection) Returns ------- None<|endoftext|>
def save_json(fname, data): '\n 保存数据为txt格式\n Parameters\n ----------\n fname: str\n 保存为txt文件名\n data: list\n 爬取到的数据\n Returns\n -------\n None\n ' assert isinstance(fname, str) if ('.json' not in fname): raise IOError('fname must be json', fname) with open(fname, 'a+') as f: for item in data: f.write(json.dumps(item)) f.write('\n')
保存数据为txt格式 Parameters ---------- fname: str 保存为txt文件名 data: list 爬取到的数据 Returns ------- None
def save_json(fname, data): '\n 保存数据为txt格式\n Parameters\n ----------\n fname: str\n 保存为txt文件名\n data: list\n 爬取到的数据\n Returns\n -------\n None\n ' assert isinstance(fname, str) if ('.json' not in fname): raise IOError('fname must be json', fname) with open(fname, 'a+') as f: for item in data: f.write(json.dumps(item)) f.write('\n')
def save_json(fname, data): '\n 保存数据为txt格式\n Parameters\n ----------\n fname: str\n 保存为txt文件名\n data: list\n 爬取到的数据\n Returns\n -------\n None\n ' assert isinstance(fname, str) if ('.json' not in fname): raise IOError('fname must be json', fname) with open(fname, 'a+') as f: for item in data: f.write(json.dumps(item)) f.write('\n')<|docstring|>保存数据为txt格式 Parameters ---------- fname: str 保存为txt文件名 data: list 爬取到的数据 Returns ------- None<|endoftext|>
def process(self, text: str, verbose=False) -> str: '\n String-to-string coreference resolution through textual replacements.\n ' doc = self.nlp(text) if (not doc._.has_coref): return text processed_text = [] if verbose: print('Coreferencing replacements:') for token in doc: if token._.in_coref: main_subj_token = token._.coref_clusters[0].main main_subj_text = main_subj_token.text if ((not main_subj_text.isalpha()) or (main_subj_text.lower() in SUBJ_BLACKLIST)): processed_text.append(token.text_with_ws) else: if verbose: print('*{}*'.format(main_subj_token.text)) replacement = main_subj_text if (token.text.lower() in SUBJ_POSSESSION): replacement += "'s" if token.text_with_ws.endswith(' '): replacement += ' ' processed_text.append(replacement) else: processed_text.append(token.text_with_ws) if verbose: print() return ''.join(processed_text)
String-to-string coreference resolution through textual replacements.
def process(self, text: str, verbose=False) -> str: '\n \n ' doc = self.nlp(text) if (not doc._.has_coref): return text processed_text = [] if verbose: print('Coreferencing replacements:') for token in doc: if token._.in_coref: main_subj_token = token._.coref_clusters[0].main main_subj_text = main_subj_token.text if ((not main_subj_text.isalpha()) or (main_subj_text.lower() in SUBJ_BLACKLIST)): processed_text.append(token.text_with_ws) else: if verbose: print('*{}*'.format(main_subj_token.text)) replacement = main_subj_text if (token.text.lower() in SUBJ_POSSESSION): replacement += "'s" if token.text_with_ws.endswith(' '): replacement += ' ' processed_text.append(replacement) else: processed_text.append(token.text_with_ws) if verbose: print() return .join(processed_text)
def process(self, text: str, verbose=False) -> str: '\n \n ' doc = self.nlp(text) if (not doc._.has_coref): return text processed_text = [] if verbose: print('Coreferencing replacements:') for token in doc: if token._.in_coref: main_subj_token = token._.coref_clusters[0].main main_subj_text = main_subj_token.text if ((not main_subj_text.isalpha()) or (main_subj_text.lower() in SUBJ_BLACKLIST)): processed_text.append(token.text_with_ws) else: if verbose: print('*{}*'.format(main_subj_token.text)) replacement = main_subj_text if (token.text.lower() in SUBJ_POSSESSION): replacement += "'s" if token.text_with_ws.endswith(' '): replacement += ' ' processed_text.append(replacement) else: processed_text.append(token.text_with_ws) if verbose: print() return .join(processed_text)<|docstring|>String-to-string coreference resolution through textual replacements.<|endoftext|>
def get_globals(): 'Context variables that are available for every template rendered by\n OSFWebRenderer.\n ' user = _get_current_user() set_status_message(user) user_institutions = ([{'id': inst._id, 'name':, 'logo_path': inst.logo_path_rounded_corners} for inst in user.affiliated_institutions.all()] if user else []) location = (geolite2.reader().get(request.remote_addr) if request.remote_addr else None) if (request.host_url != settings.DOMAIN): try: inst_id = Institution.objects.get(, is_deleted=False)._id request_login_url = '{}institutions/{}'.format(settings.DOMAIN, inst_id) except Institution.DoesNotExist: request_login_url = request.url.replace(request.host_url, settings.DOMAIN) else: request_login_url = request.url return {'private_link_anonymous': is_private_link_anonymous_view(), 'user_name': (user.username if user else ''), 'user_full_name': (user.fullname if user else ''), 'user_id': (user._id if user else ''), 'user_locale': (user.locale if (user and user.locale) else ''), 'user_timezone': (user.timezone if (user and user.timezone) else ''), 'user_url': (user.url if user else ''), 'user_profile_image': (get_profile_image_url(user=user, size=25) if user else ''), 'user_email_verifications': (user.unconfirmed_email_info if user else []), 'user_api_url': (user.api_url if user else ''), 'user_entry_point': (metrics.get_entry_point(user) if user else ''), 'user_institutions': (user_institutions if user else None), 'display_name': (user.fullname if user else ''), 'anon': {'continent': (location or {}).get('continent', {}).get('code', None), 'country': (location or {}).get('country', {}).get('iso_code', None)}, 'use_cdn': settings.USE_CDN_FOR_CLIENT_LIBS, 'sentry_dsn_js': (settings.SENTRY_DSN_JS if sentry.enabled else None), 'dev_mode': settings.DEV_MODE, 'allow_login': settings.ALLOW_LOGIN, 'cookie_name': settings.COOKIE_NAME, 'status': status.pop_status_messages(), 'prev_status': status.pop_previous_status_messages(), 'domain': settings.DOMAIN, 'api_domain': settings.API_DOMAIN, 'disk_saving_mode': settings.DISK_SAVING_MODE, 'language': language, 'noteworthy_links_node': settings.NEW_AND_NOTEWORTHY_LINKS_NODE, 'popular_links_node': settings.POPULAR_LINKS_NODE, 'web_url_for': util.web_url_for, 'api_url_for': util.api_url_for, 'api_v2_url': util.api_v2_url, 'api_v2_domain': settings.API_DOMAIN, 'api_v2_base': util.api_v2_url(''), 'sanitize': sanitize, 'sjson': (lambda s: sanitize.safe_json(s)), 'webpack_asset': paths.webpack_asset, 'osf_url': settings.INTERNAL_DOMAIN, 'waterbutler_url': settings.WATERBUTLER_URL, 'login_url': cas.get_login_url(request_login_url), 'sign_up_url': util.web_url_for('auth_register', _absolute=True, next=request_login_url), 'reauth_url': util.web_url_for('auth_logout', redirect_url=request.url, reauth=True), 'profile_url': cas.get_profile_url(), 'enable_institutions': settings.ENABLE_INSTITUTIONS, 'keen': {'public': {'project_id': settings.KEEN['public']['project_id'], 'write_key': settings.KEEN['public']['write_key']}, 'private': {'project_id': settings.KEEN['private']['project_id'], 'write_key': settings.KEEN['private']['write_key']}}, 'institutional_landing_flag': flag_is_active(request, features.INSTITUTIONAL_LANDING_FLAG), 'maintenance': maintenance.get_maintenance(), 'recaptcha_site_key': settings.RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY, 'custom_citations': settings.CUSTOM_CITATIONS, 'osf_support_email': settings.OSF_SUPPORT_EMAIL, 'osf_contact_email': settings.OSF_CONTACT_EMAIL, 'footer_links': settings.FOOTER_LINKS, 'features': features, 'waffle': waffle, 'csrf_cookie_name': api_settings.CSRF_COOKIE_NAME, 'permissions': permissions}
Context variables that are available for every template rendered by OSFWebRenderer.
def get_globals(): 'Context variables that are available for every template rendered by\n OSFWebRenderer.\n ' user = _get_current_user() set_status_message(user) user_institutions = ([{'id': inst._id, 'name':, 'logo_path': inst.logo_path_rounded_corners} for inst in user.affiliated_institutions.all()] if user else []) location = (geolite2.reader().get(request.remote_addr) if request.remote_addr else None) if (request.host_url != settings.DOMAIN): try: inst_id = Institution.objects.get(, is_deleted=False)._id request_login_url = '{}institutions/{}'.format(settings.DOMAIN, inst_id) except Institution.DoesNotExist: request_login_url = request.url.replace(request.host_url, settings.DOMAIN) else: request_login_url = request.url return {'private_link_anonymous': is_private_link_anonymous_view(), 'user_name': (user.username if user else ), 'user_full_name': (user.fullname if user else ), 'user_id': (user._id if user else ), 'user_locale': (user.locale if (user and user.locale) else ), 'user_timezone': (user.timezone if (user and user.timezone) else ), 'user_url': (user.url if user else ), 'user_profile_image': (get_profile_image_url(user=user, size=25) if user else ), 'user_email_verifications': (user.unconfirmed_email_info if user else []), 'user_api_url': (user.api_url if user else ), 'user_entry_point': (metrics.get_entry_point(user) if user else ), 'user_institutions': (user_institutions if user else None), 'display_name': (user.fullname if user else ), 'anon': {'continent': (location or {}).get('continent', {}).get('code', None), 'country': (location or {}).get('country', {}).get('iso_code', None)}, 'use_cdn': settings.USE_CDN_FOR_CLIENT_LIBS, 'sentry_dsn_js': (settings.SENTRY_DSN_JS if sentry.enabled else None), 'dev_mode': settings.DEV_MODE, 'allow_login': settings.ALLOW_LOGIN, 'cookie_name': settings.COOKIE_NAME, 'status': status.pop_status_messages(), 'prev_status': status.pop_previous_status_messages(), 'domain': settings.DOMAIN, 'api_domain': settings.API_DOMAIN, 'disk_saving_mode': settings.DISK_SAVING_MODE, 'language': language, 'noteworthy_links_node': settings.NEW_AND_NOTEWORTHY_LINKS_NODE, 'popular_links_node': settings.POPULAR_LINKS_NODE, 'web_url_for': util.web_url_for, 'api_url_for': util.api_url_for, 'api_v2_url': util.api_v2_url, 'api_v2_domain': settings.API_DOMAIN, 'api_v2_base': util.api_v2_url(), 'sanitize': sanitize, 'sjson': (lambda s: sanitize.safe_json(s)), 'webpack_asset': paths.webpack_asset, 'osf_url': settings.INTERNAL_DOMAIN, 'waterbutler_url': settings.WATERBUTLER_URL, 'login_url': cas.get_login_url(request_login_url), 'sign_up_url': util.web_url_for('auth_register', _absolute=True, next=request_login_url), 'reauth_url': util.web_url_for('auth_logout', redirect_url=request.url, reauth=True), 'profile_url': cas.get_profile_url(), 'enable_institutions': settings.ENABLE_INSTITUTIONS, 'keen': {'public': {'project_id': settings.KEEN['public']['project_id'], 'write_key': settings.KEEN['public']['write_key']}, 'private': {'project_id': settings.KEEN['private']['project_id'], 'write_key': settings.KEEN['private']['write_key']}}, 'institutional_landing_flag': flag_is_active(request, features.INSTITUTIONAL_LANDING_FLAG), 'maintenance': maintenance.get_maintenance(), 'recaptcha_site_key': settings.RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY, 'custom_citations': settings.CUSTOM_CITATIONS, 'osf_support_email': settings.OSF_SUPPORT_EMAIL, 'osf_contact_email': settings.OSF_CONTACT_EMAIL, 'footer_links': settings.FOOTER_LINKS, 'features': features, 'waffle': waffle, 'csrf_cookie_name': api_settings.CSRF_COOKIE_NAME, 'permissions': permissions}
def get_globals(): 'Context variables that are available for every template rendered by\n OSFWebRenderer.\n ' user = _get_current_user() set_status_message(user) user_institutions = ([{'id': inst._id, 'name':, 'logo_path': inst.logo_path_rounded_corners} for inst in user.affiliated_institutions.all()] if user else []) location = (geolite2.reader().get(request.remote_addr) if request.remote_addr else None) if (request.host_url != settings.DOMAIN): try: inst_id = Institution.objects.get(, is_deleted=False)._id request_login_url = '{}institutions/{}'.format(settings.DOMAIN, inst_id) except Institution.DoesNotExist: request_login_url = request.url.replace(request.host_url, settings.DOMAIN) else: request_login_url = request.url return {'private_link_anonymous': is_private_link_anonymous_view(), 'user_name': (user.username if user else ), 'user_full_name': (user.fullname if user else ), 'user_id': (user._id if user else ), 'user_locale': (user.locale if (user and user.locale) else ), 'user_timezone': (user.timezone if (user and user.timezone) else ), 'user_url': (user.url if user else ), 'user_profile_image': (get_profile_image_url(user=user, size=25) if user else ), 'user_email_verifications': (user.unconfirmed_email_info if user else []), 'user_api_url': (user.api_url if user else ), 'user_entry_point': (metrics.get_entry_point(user) if user else ), 'user_institutions': (user_institutions if user else None), 'display_name': (user.fullname if user else ), 'anon': {'continent': (location or {}).get('continent', {}).get('code', None), 'country': (location or {}).get('country', {}).get('iso_code', None)}, 'use_cdn': settings.USE_CDN_FOR_CLIENT_LIBS, 'sentry_dsn_js': (settings.SENTRY_DSN_JS if sentry.enabled else None), 'dev_mode': settings.DEV_MODE, 'allow_login': settings.ALLOW_LOGIN, 'cookie_name': settings.COOKIE_NAME, 'status': status.pop_status_messages(), 'prev_status': status.pop_previous_status_messages(), 'domain': settings.DOMAIN, 'api_domain': settings.API_DOMAIN, 'disk_saving_mode': settings.DISK_SAVING_MODE, 'language': language, 'noteworthy_links_node': settings.NEW_AND_NOTEWORTHY_LINKS_NODE, 'popular_links_node': settings.POPULAR_LINKS_NODE, 'web_url_for': util.web_url_for, 'api_url_for': util.api_url_for, 'api_v2_url': util.api_v2_url, 'api_v2_domain': settings.API_DOMAIN, 'api_v2_base': util.api_v2_url(), 'sanitize': sanitize, 'sjson': (lambda s: sanitize.safe_json(s)), 'webpack_asset': paths.webpack_asset, 'osf_url': settings.INTERNAL_DOMAIN, 'waterbutler_url': settings.WATERBUTLER_URL, 'login_url': cas.get_login_url(request_login_url), 'sign_up_url': util.web_url_for('auth_register', _absolute=True, next=request_login_url), 'reauth_url': util.web_url_for('auth_logout', redirect_url=request.url, reauth=True), 'profile_url': cas.get_profile_url(), 'enable_institutions': settings.ENABLE_INSTITUTIONS, 'keen': {'public': {'project_id': settings.KEEN['public']['project_id'], 'write_key': settings.KEEN['public']['write_key']}, 'private': {'project_id': settings.KEEN['private']['project_id'], 'write_key': settings.KEEN['private']['write_key']}}, 'institutional_landing_flag': flag_is_active(request, features.INSTITUTIONAL_LANDING_FLAG), 'maintenance': maintenance.get_maintenance(), 'recaptcha_site_key': settings.RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY, 'custom_citations': settings.CUSTOM_CITATIONS, 'osf_support_email': settings.OSF_SUPPORT_EMAIL, 'osf_contact_email': settings.OSF_CONTACT_EMAIL, 'footer_links': settings.FOOTER_LINKS, 'features': features, 'waffle': waffle, 'csrf_cookie_name': api_settings.CSRF_COOKIE_NAME, 'permissions': permissions}<|docstring|>Context variables that are available for every template rendered by OSFWebRenderer.<|endoftext|>
def robots(): 'Serves the robots.txt file.' if os.path.exists(os.path.join(settings.STATIC_FOLDER, 'robots.local.txt')): robots_file = 'robots.local.txt' else: robots_file = 'robots.txt' return send_from_directory(settings.STATIC_FOLDER, robots_file, mimetype='html')
Serves the robots.txt file.
def robots(): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(settings.STATIC_FOLDER, 'robots.local.txt')): robots_file = 'robots.local.txt' else: robots_file = 'robots.txt' return send_from_directory(settings.STATIC_FOLDER, robots_file, mimetype='html')
def robots(): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(settings.STATIC_FOLDER, 'robots.local.txt')): robots_file = 'robots.local.txt' else: robots_file = 'robots.txt' return send_from_directory(settings.STATIC_FOLDER, robots_file, mimetype='html')<|docstring|>Serves the robots.txt file.<|endoftext|>
def sitemap_file(path): 'Serves the sitemap/* files.' if path.endswith('.xml.gz'): mime = 'application/x-gzip' elif path.endswith('.xml'): mime = 'text/xml' else: raise HTTPError(http_status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND) return send_from_directory((settings.STATIC_FOLDER + '/sitemaps/'), path, mimetype=mime)
Serves the sitemap/* files.
def sitemap_file(path): if path.endswith('.xml.gz'): mime = 'application/x-gzip' elif path.endswith('.xml'): mime = 'text/xml' else: raise HTTPError(http_status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND) return send_from_directory((settings.STATIC_FOLDER + '/sitemaps/'), path, mimetype=mime)
def sitemap_file(path): if path.endswith('.xml.gz'): mime = 'application/x-gzip' elif path.endswith('.xml'): mime = 'text/xml' else: raise HTTPError(http_status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND) return send_from_directory((settings.STATIC_FOLDER + '/sitemaps/'), path, mimetype=mime)<|docstring|>Serves the sitemap/* files.<|endoftext|>
def ember_app(path=None): 'Serve the contents of the ember application' ember_app_folder = None fp = (path or 'index.html') ember_app = None for k in EXTERNAL_EMBER_APPS.keys(): if request.path.strip('/').startswith(k): ember_app = EXTERNAL_EMBER_APPS[k] break if (not ember_app): raise HTTPError(http_status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND) if settings.PROXY_EMBER_APPS: path = request.path[len(ember_app['path']):] url = urljoin(ember_app['server'], path) resp = requests.get(url, stream=True, timeout=EXTERNAL_EMBER_SERVER_TIMEOUT, headers={'accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8'}) excluded_headers = ['content-encoding', 'content-length', 'transfer-encoding', 'connection'] headers = [(name, value) for (name, value) in resp.raw.headers.items() if (name.lower() not in excluded_headers)] return Response(resp.content, resp.status_code, headers) ember_app_folder = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ember_app['path'])) if (not ember_app_folder): raise HTTPError(http_status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND) if (not os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ember_app_folder, fp)).startswith(ember_app_folder)): raise HTTPError(http_status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND) if (not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(ember_app_folder, fp))): fp = 'index.html' return send_from_directory(ember_app_folder, fp)
Serve the contents of the ember application
def ember_app(path=None): ember_app_folder = None fp = (path or 'index.html') ember_app = None for k in EXTERNAL_EMBER_APPS.keys(): if request.path.strip('/').startswith(k): ember_app = EXTERNAL_EMBER_APPS[k] break if (not ember_app): raise HTTPError(http_status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND) if settings.PROXY_EMBER_APPS: path = request.path[len(ember_app['path']):] url = urljoin(ember_app['server'], path) resp = requests.get(url, stream=True, timeout=EXTERNAL_EMBER_SERVER_TIMEOUT, headers={'accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8'}) excluded_headers = ['content-encoding', 'content-length', 'transfer-encoding', 'connection'] headers = [(name, value) for (name, value) in resp.raw.headers.items() if (name.lower() not in excluded_headers)] return Response(resp.content, resp.status_code, headers) ember_app_folder = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ember_app['path'])) if (not ember_app_folder): raise HTTPError(http_status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND) if (not os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ember_app_folder, fp)).startswith(ember_app_folder)): raise HTTPError(http_status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND) if (not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(ember_app_folder, fp))): fp = 'index.html' return send_from_directory(ember_app_folder, fp)
def ember_app(path=None): ember_app_folder = None fp = (path or 'index.html') ember_app = None for k in EXTERNAL_EMBER_APPS.keys(): if request.path.strip('/').startswith(k): ember_app = EXTERNAL_EMBER_APPS[k] break if (not ember_app): raise HTTPError(http_status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND) if settings.PROXY_EMBER_APPS: path = request.path[len(ember_app['path']):] url = urljoin(ember_app['server'], path) resp = requests.get(url, stream=True, timeout=EXTERNAL_EMBER_SERVER_TIMEOUT, headers={'accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8'}) excluded_headers = ['content-encoding', 'content-length', 'transfer-encoding', 'connection'] headers = [(name, value) for (name, value) in resp.raw.headers.items() if (name.lower() not in excluded_headers)] return Response(resp.content, resp.status_code, headers) ember_app_folder = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ember_app['path'])) if (not ember_app_folder): raise HTTPError(http_status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND) if (not os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ember_app_folder, fp)).startswith(ember_app_folder)): raise HTTPError(http_status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND) if (not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(ember_app_folder, fp))): fp = 'index.html' return send_from_directory(ember_app_folder, fp)<|docstring|>Serve the contents of the ember application<|endoftext|>
def make_url_map(app): 'Set up all the routes for the OSF app.\n\n :param app: A Flask/Werkzeug app to bind the rules to.\n ' process_rules(app, [Rule('/<path:_>', ['get', 'post'], HTTPError(http_status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND), OsfWebRenderer('', render_mako_string, trust=False)), Rule('/api/v1/<path:_>', ['get', 'post'], HTTPError(http_status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND), json_renderer)]) process_rules(app, [Rule(['/<guid>/', '/<guid>/<path:suffix>'], ['get', 'post', 'put', 'patch', 'delete'], website_views.resolve_guid, notemplate), Rule(['/api/v1/<guid>/', '/api/v1/<guid>/<path:suffix>'], ['get', 'post', 'put', 'patch', 'delete'], website_views.resolve_guid, json_renderer)]) process_rules(app, [Rule('/favicon.ico', 'get', favicon, json_renderer), Rule('/robots.txt', 'get', robots, json_renderer), Rule('/sitemaps/<path>', 'get', sitemap_file, json_renderer)]) if settings.USE_EXTERNAL_EMBER: for prefix in EXTERNAL_EMBER_APPS.keys(): process_rules(app, [Rule(['/<provider>/<guid>/download', '/<provider>/<guid>/download/'], ['get', 'post', 'put', 'patch', 'delete'], website_views.resolve_guid_download, notemplate, endpoint_suffix=('__' + prefix))], prefix=('/' + prefix)) process_rules(app, [Rule(['/', '/<path:path>'], 'get', ember_app, json_renderer, endpoint_suffix=('__' + prefix))], prefix=('/' + prefix)) if EXTERNAL_EMBER_APPS.get('ember_osf_web'): process_rules(app, [Rule(ember_osf_web_views.routes, 'get', ember_osf_web_views.use_ember_app, notemplate)]) if ('routes' in EXTERNAL_EMBER_APPS['ember_osf_web']): for route in EXTERNAL_EMBER_APPS['ember_osf_web']['routes']: process_rules(app, [Rule(['/', '/<path:path>'], 'get', ember_osf_web_views.use_ember_app, notemplate, endpoint_suffix=('__' + route))], prefix=('/' + route)) process_rules(app, [Rule('/dashboard/', 'get', website_views.dashboard, notemplate), Rule('/myprojects/', 'get', website_views.my_projects, OsfWebRenderer('my_projects.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/reproducibility/', 'get', website_views.reproducibility, notemplate), Rule('/about/', 'get', website_views.redirect_about, notemplate), Rule('/help/', 'get', website_views.redirect_help, notemplate), Rule('/faq/', 'get', website_views.redirect_faq, notemplate), Rule(['/getting-started/', '/getting-started/email/', '/howosfworks/'], 'get', website_views.redirect_getting_started, notemplate), Rule(['/messages/'], 'get', {}, OsfWebRenderer('public/comingsoon.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/meetings/<meeting>/', 'get', conference_views.conference_results, OsfWebRenderer('public/pages/meeting.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/view/<meeting>/', 'get', conference_views.redirect_to_conference_results, notemplate), Rule('/view/<meeting>/plain/', 'get', conference_views.conference_results, OsfWebRenderer('public/pages/meeting_plain.mako', trust=False), endpoint_suffix='__plain'), Rule('/api/v1/view/<meeting>/', 'get', conference_views.conference_data, json_renderer), Rule('/meetings/', 'get', conference_views.conference_view, 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project_views.node.private_link_table, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/new/<nid>/'], 'post', project_views.node.project_new_from_template, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/'], 'put', project_views.node.update_node, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/'], 'delete', project_views.node.component_remove, json_renderer), Rule('/project/<pid>/reorder_components/', 'post', project_views.node.project_reorder_components, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/edit/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/edit/'], 'post', project_views.node.edit_node, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/tags/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/tags/', '/project/<pid>/tags/<tag>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/tags/<tag>/'], 'post', project_views.tag.project_add_tag, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/tags/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/tags/', '/project/<pid>/tags/<tag>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/tags/<tag>/'], 'delete', project_views.tag.project_remove_tag, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/contributors/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/contributors/'], 'post', project_views.contributor.project_contributors_post, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/fork/before/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/fork/before/'], 'get', project_views.node.project_before_fork, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/pointer/fork/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/pointer/fork/'], 'post', project_views.node.fork_pointer, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/beforeregister/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/beforeregister'], 'get', project_views.register.project_before_register, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/withdraw/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/withdraw/'], 'post', project_views.register.node_registration_retraction_post, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/identifiers/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/identifiers/'], 'post', identifier_views.node_identifiers_post, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/files/grid/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/files/grid/'], 'get', project_views.file.grid_data, json_renderer), Rule('/files/auth/', 'get', addon_views.get_auth, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/waterbutler/logs/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/waterbutler/logs/'], 'put', addon_views.create_waterbutler_log, json_renderer), Rule(['/registration/<pid>/callbacks/'], 'put', project_views.register.registration_callbacks, json_renderer), Rule('/settings/addons/', 'post', profile_views.user_choose_addons, json_renderer), Rule('/settings/notifications/', 'get', profile_views.user_notifications, json_renderer), Rule('/settings/notifications/', 'post', profile_views.user_choose_mailing_lists, json_renderer), Rule('/subscriptions/', 'get', notification_views.get_subscriptions, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/subscriptions/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/subscriptions/'], 'get', notification_views.get_node_subscriptions, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/tree/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/tree/'], 'get', project_views.node.get_node_tree, json_renderer), Rule('/subscriptions/', 'post', notification_views.configure_subscription, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/settings/addons/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/settings/addons/'], 'post', project_views.node.node_choose_addons, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/settings/comments/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/settings/comments/'], 'post', project_views.node.configure_comments, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/settings/requests/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/settings/requests/'], 'post', project_views.node.configure_requests, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/invite_contributor/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/invite_contributor/'], 'post', project_views.contributor.invite_contributor_post, json_renderer)], prefix='/api/v1') addon_base_path = os.path.abspath('addons') provider_static_path = os.path.abspath('assets') if settings.DEV_MODE: @app.route('/static/addons/<addon>/<path:filename>') def addon_static(addon, filename): addon_path = os.path.join(addon_base_path, addon, 'static') return send_from_directory(addon_path, filename) @app.route('/assets/<filename>') def provider_static(filename): return send_from_directory(provider_static_path, filename) @app.route('/ember-cli-live-reload.js') def ember_cli_live_reload(): req = requests.get('{}/ember-cli-live-reload.js'.format(settings.LIVE_RELOAD_DOMAIN), stream=True) return Response(stream_with_context(req.iter_content()), content_type=req.headers['content-type'])
Set up all the routes for the OSF app. :param app: A Flask/Werkzeug app to bind the rules to.
def make_url_map(app): 'Set up all the routes for the OSF app.\n\n :param app: A Flask/Werkzeug app to bind the rules to.\n ' process_rules(app, [Rule('/<path:_>', ['get', 'post'], HTTPError(http_status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND), OsfWebRenderer(, render_mako_string, trust=False)), Rule('/api/v1/<path:_>', ['get', 'post'], HTTPError(http_status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND), json_renderer)]) process_rules(app, [Rule(['/<guid>/', '/<guid>/<path:suffix>'], ['get', 'post', 'put', 'patch', 'delete'], website_views.resolve_guid, notemplate), Rule(['/api/v1/<guid>/', '/api/v1/<guid>/<path:suffix>'], ['get', 'post', 'put', 'patch', 'delete'], website_views.resolve_guid, json_renderer)]) process_rules(app, [Rule('/favicon.ico', 'get', favicon, json_renderer), Rule('/robots.txt', 'get', robots, json_renderer), Rule('/sitemaps/<path>', 'get', sitemap_file, json_renderer)]) if settings.USE_EXTERNAL_EMBER: for prefix in EXTERNAL_EMBER_APPS.keys(): process_rules(app, [Rule(['/<provider>/<guid>/download', '/<provider>/<guid>/download/'], ['get', 'post', 'put', 'patch', 'delete'], website_views.resolve_guid_download, notemplate, endpoint_suffix=('__' + prefix))], prefix=('/' + prefix)) process_rules(app, [Rule(['/', '/<path:path>'], 'get', ember_app, json_renderer, endpoint_suffix=('__' + prefix))], prefix=('/' + prefix)) if EXTERNAL_EMBER_APPS.get('ember_osf_web'): process_rules(app, [Rule(ember_osf_web_views.routes, 'get', ember_osf_web_views.use_ember_app, notemplate)]) if ('routes' in EXTERNAL_EMBER_APPS['ember_osf_web']): for route in EXTERNAL_EMBER_APPS['ember_osf_web']['routes']: process_rules(app, [Rule(['/', '/<path:path>'], 'get', ember_osf_web_views.use_ember_app, notemplate, endpoint_suffix=('__' + route))], prefix=('/' + route)) process_rules(app, [Rule('/dashboard/', 'get', website_views.dashboard, notemplate), Rule('/myprojects/', 'get', website_views.my_projects, OsfWebRenderer('my_projects.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/reproducibility/', 'get', website_views.reproducibility, notemplate), Rule('/about/', 'get', website_views.redirect_about, notemplate), Rule('/help/', 'get', website_views.redirect_help, notemplate), Rule('/faq/', 'get', website_views.redirect_faq, notemplate), Rule(['/getting-started/', '/getting-started/email/', '/howosfworks/'], 'get', website_views.redirect_getting_started, notemplate), Rule(['/messages/'], 'get', {}, OsfWebRenderer('public/comingsoon.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/meetings/<meeting>/', 'get', conference_views.conference_results, OsfWebRenderer('public/pages/meeting.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/view/<meeting>/', 'get', conference_views.redirect_to_conference_results, notemplate), Rule('/view/<meeting>/plain/', 'get', conference_views.conference_results, OsfWebRenderer('public/pages/meeting_plain.mako', trust=False), endpoint_suffix='__plain'), Rule('/api/v1/view/<meeting>/', 'get', conference_views.conference_data, json_renderer), Rule('/meetings/', 'get', conference_views.conference_view, OsfWebRenderer('public/pages/meeting_landing.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/api/v1/meetings/submissions/', 'get', conference_views.conference_submissions, json_renderer), Rule('/presentations/', 'get', conference_views.redirect_to_meetings, json_renderer), Rule('/news/', 'get', website_views.redirect_to_cos_news, notemplate), Rule(['/rr/', '/registeredreports/', '/registeredreport/'], 'get', registries_views.registered_reports_landing, OsfWebRenderer('registered_reports_landing.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/erpc/', 'get', closed_challenges_views.erpc_landing_page, OsfWebRenderer('erpc_landing_page.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/prereg/', 'get', prereg.prereg_landing_page, OsfWebRenderer('prereg_landing_page.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/preprints/', 'get', preprint_views.preprint_landing_page, OsfWebRenderer('public/pages/preprint_landing.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/registries/', 'get', registries_views.registries_landing_page, OsfWebRenderer('public/pages/registries_landing.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/reviews/', 'get', reviews_views.reviews_landing_page, OsfWebRenderer('public/pages/reviews_landing.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/preprint/', 'get', preprint_views.preprint_redirect, notemplate), Rule(['/api/v1/<campaign>/draft_registrations/', '/api/v1/draft_registrations/'], 'get', registries_views.draft_registrations, json_renderer)]) process_rules(app, [Rule('/citations/styles/', 'get', citation_views.list_citation_styles, json_renderer)], prefix='/api/v1') process_rules(app, [Rule(['/project/<pid>/<addon>/settings/disable/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/<addon>/settings/disable/'], 'post', addon_views.disable_addon, json_renderer), Rule('/profile/<uid>/<addon>/settings/', 'get', addon_views.get_addon_user_config, json_renderer)], prefix='/api/v1') process_rules(app, [Rule('/oauth/connect/<service_name>/', 'get', oauth_views.oauth_connect, json_renderer), Rule('/oauth/callback/<service_name>/', 'get', oauth_views.oauth_callback, OsfWebRenderer('util/oauth_complete.mako', trust=False))]) process_rules(app, [Rule(['/oauth/accounts/<external_account_id>/'], 'delete', oauth_views.oauth_disconnect, json_renderer)], prefix='/api/v1') process_rules(app, [Rule('/confirmed_emails/', 'put', auth_views.unconfirmed_email_add, json_renderer), Rule('/confirmed_emails/', 'delete', auth_views.unconfirmed_email_remove, json_renderer)], prefix='/api/v1') process_rules(app, [Rule(['/project/<pid>/comments/timestamps/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/comments/timestamps/'], 'put', project_views.comment.update_comments_timestamp, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/citation/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/citation/'], 'get', citation_views.node_citation, json_renderer)], prefix='/api/v1') process_rules(app, [Rule('/forms/signin/', 'get', website_views.signin_form, json_renderer), Rule('/forms/forgot_password/', 'get', website_views.forgot_password_form, json_renderer)], prefix='/api/v1') process_rules(app, [Rule(['/activity/', '/explore/activity/', '/explore/'], 'get', discovery_views.redirect_activity_to_search, notemplate)]) process_rules(app, [Rule('/confirm/<uid>/<token>/', 'get', auth_views.confirm_email_get, notemplate), Rule('/confirm/external/<uid>/<token>/', 'get', auth_views.external_login_confirm_email_get, notemplate), Rule('/resetpassword/<uid>/<token>/', 'get', auth_views.reset_password_get, OsfWebRenderer('public/resetpassword.mako', render_mako_string, trust=False)), Rule('/resetpassword/<uid>/<token>/', 'post', auth_views.reset_password_post, OsfWebRenderer('public/resetpassword.mako', render_mako_string, trust=False)), Rule('/resetpassword-institution/<uid>/<token>/', 'get', auth_views.reset_password_institution_get, OsfWebRenderer('public/resetpassword.mako', render_mako_string, trust=False)), Rule('/resetpassword-institution/<uid>/<token>/', 'post', auth_views.reset_password_institution_post, OsfWebRenderer('public/resetpassword.mako', render_mako_string, trust=False)), Rule('/resend/', 'get', auth_views.resend_confirmation_get, OsfWebRenderer('resend.mako', render_mako_string, trust=False)), Rule('/resend/', 'post', auth_views.resend_confirmation_post, OsfWebRenderer('resend.mako', render_mako_string, trust=False)), Rule('/external-login/email', 'get', auth_views.external_login_email_get, OsfWebRenderer('external_login_email.mako', render_mako_string, trust=False)), Rule('/external-login/email', 'post', auth_views.external_login_email_post, OsfWebRenderer('external_login_email.mako', render_mako_string, trust=False)), Rule('/register/', 'get', auth_views.auth_register, OsfWebRenderer('public/register.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/login/', '/account/'], 'get', auth_views.auth_login, notemplate), Rule('/api/v1/register/', 'post', auth_views.register_user, json_renderer), Rule('/logout/', 'get', auth_views.auth_logout, notemplate), Rule('/forgotpassword/', 'get', auth_views.forgot_password_get, OsfWebRenderer('public/forgot_password.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/forgotpassword/', 'post', auth_views.forgot_password_post, OsfWebRenderer('public/forgot_password.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/forgotpassword-institution/', 'get', auth_views.redirect_unsupported_institution, notemplate), Rule('/forgotpassword-institution/', 'post', auth_views.forgot_password_institution_post, OsfWebRenderer('public/forgot_password.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/login/connected_tools/', 'get', landing_page_views.connected_tools, notemplate), Rule('/login/enriched_profile/', 'get', landing_page_views.enriched_profile, notemplate)]) process_rules(app, [Rule('/profile/', 'get', profile_views.profile_view, OsfWebRenderer('profile.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/profile/<uid>/', 'get', profile_views.profile_view_id, OsfWebRenderer('profile.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/user/<uid>/<pid>/claim/'], ['get', 'post'], project_views.contributor.claim_user_form, OsfWebRenderer('claim_account.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/user/<uid>/<pid>/claim/verify/<token>/'], ['get', 'post'], project_views.contributor.claim_user_registered, OsfWebRenderer('claim_account_registered.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/settings/', 'get', profile_views.user_profile, OsfWebRenderer('profile/settings.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/project/<pid>/addons/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/addons/'], 'get', project_views.node.node_addons, OsfWebRenderer('project/addons.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/settings/account/', 'get', profile_views.user_account, OsfWebRenderer('profile/account.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/settings/account/password', 'post', profile_views.user_account_password, OsfWebRenderer('profile/account.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/settings/addons/', 'get', profile_views.user_addons, OsfWebRenderer('profile/addons.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/settings/notifications/', 'get', profile_views.user_notifications, OsfWebRenderer('profile/notifications.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/settings/applications/', 'get', profile_views.oauth_application_list, OsfWebRenderer('profile/oauth_app_list.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/settings/applications/create/', 'get', profile_views.oauth_application_register, OsfWebRenderer('profile/oauth_app_detail.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/settings/applications/<client_id>/', 'get', profile_views.oauth_application_detail, OsfWebRenderer('profile/oauth_app_detail.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/settings/tokens/', 'get', profile_views.personal_access_token_list, OsfWebRenderer('profile/personal_tokens_list.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/settings/tokens/create/', 'get', profile_views.personal_access_token_register, OsfWebRenderer('profile/personal_tokens_detail.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/settings/tokens/<_id>/', 'get', profile_views.personal_access_token_detail, OsfWebRenderer('profile/personal_tokens_detail.mako', trust=False))]) process_rules(app, [Rule('/profile/', 'get', profile_views.profile_view_json, json_renderer), Rule('/profile/', 'put', profile_views.update_user, json_renderer), Rule('/resend/', 'put', profile_views.resend_confirmation, json_renderer), Rule('/profile/<uid>/', 'get', profile_views.profile_view_id_json, json_renderer), Rule('/user/<uid>/<pid>/claim/email/', 'post', project_views.contributor.claim_user_post, json_renderer), Rule('/profile/export/', 'post', profile_views.request_export, json_renderer), Rule('/profile/region/', 'put', osfstorage_views.update_region, json_renderer), Rule('/profile/deactivate/', 'post', profile_views.request_deactivation, json_renderer), Rule('/profile/cancel_request_deactivation/', 'post', profile_views.cancel_request_deactivation, json_renderer), Rule('/profile/logins/', 'patch', profile_views.delete_external_identity, json_renderer), Rule('/settings/names/', 'get', profile_views.serialize_names, json_renderer), Rule('/settings/names/', 'put', profile_views.unserialize_names, json_renderer), Rule('/settings/names/impute/', 'get', profile_views.impute_names, json_renderer), Rule(['/settings/social/', '/settings/social/<uid>/'], 'get', profile_views.serialize_social, json_renderer), Rule(['/settings/jobs/', '/settings/jobs/<uid>/'], 'get', profile_views.serialize_jobs, json_renderer), Rule(['/settings/schools/', '/settings/schools/<uid>/'], 'get', profile_views.serialize_schools, json_renderer), Rule(['/settings/social/', '/settings/social/<uid>/'], 'put', profile_views.unserialize_social, json_renderer), Rule(['/settings/jobs/', '/settings/jobs/<uid>/'], 'put', profile_views.unserialize_jobs, json_renderer), Rule(['/settings/schools/', '/settings/schools/<uid>/'], 'put', profile_views.unserialize_schools, json_renderer)], prefix='/api/v1') process_rules(app, [Rule('/search/', 'get', search_views.search_view, OsfWebRenderer('search.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/share/registration/', 'get', {'register': settings.SHARE_REGISTRATION_URL}, json_renderer), Rule('/api/v1/user/search/', 'get', search_views.search_contributor, json_renderer), Rule('/api/v1/search/node/', 'post', project_views.node.search_node, json_renderer)]) process_rules(app, [Rule(['/search/', '/search/<type>/'], ['get', 'post'], search_views.search_search, json_renderer), Rule('/search/projects/', 'get', search_views.search_projects_by_title, json_renderer), Rule('/share/search/', 'get', website_views.legacy_share_v1_search, json_renderer)], prefix='/api/v1') process_rules(app, [Rule('/institutions/<inst_id>/', 'get', institution_views.view_institution, OsfWebRenderer('institution.mako', trust=False))]) process_rules(app, [Rule(['/institutions/<inst_id>/dashboard/'], 'get', institution_views.view_institution_dashboard, notemplate)]) process_rules(app, [Rule('/', 'get', website_views.index, OsfWebRenderer('institution.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/goodbye/', 'get', goodbye, notemplate), Rule(['/project/<pid>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/'], 'get', project_views.node.view_project, OsfWebRenderer('project/project.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/token_action/<pid>/'], 'get', project_views.node.token_action, notemplate), Rule('/project/<pid>/newnode/', 'post', project_views.node.project_new_node, notemplate), Rule('/project/new/<pid>/beforeTemplate/', 'get', project_views.node.project_before_template, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/contributors/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/contributors/'], 'get', project_views.node.node_contributors, OsfWebRenderer('project/contributors.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/project/<pid>/settings/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/settings/'], 'get', project_views.node.node_setting, OsfWebRenderer('project/settings.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/project/<pid>/permissions/<permissions>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/permissions/<permissions>/'], 'post', project_views.node.project_set_privacy, OsfWebRenderer('project/project.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/project/<pid>/forks/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/forks/'], 'get', project_views.node.node_forks, notemplate), Rule(['/project/<pid>/register/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/register/'], 'get', project_views.register.node_register_page, OsfWebRenderer('project/register.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/project/<pid>/register/<metaschema_id>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/register/<metaschema_id>/'], 'get', project_views.register.node_register_template_page, OsfWebRenderer('project/register.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/project/<pid>/registrations/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/registrations/'], 'get', project_views.node.node_registrations, notemplate), Rule(['/project/<pid>/registrations/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/registrations/'], 'post', project_views.drafts.new_draft_registration, OsfWebRenderer('project/edit_draft_registration.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/project/<pid>/drafts/<draft_id>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/drafts/<draft_id>/'], 'get', project_views.drafts.edit_draft_registration_page, OsfWebRenderer('project/edit_draft_registration.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/project/<pid>/drafts/<draft_id>/register/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/drafts/<draft_id>/register/'], 'get', project_views.drafts.draft_before_register_page, OsfWebRenderer('project/register_draft.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/project/<pid>/retraction/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/retraction/'], 'get', project_views.register.node_registration_retraction_redirect, notemplate), Rule(['/project/<pid>/withdraw/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/withdraw/'], 'get', project_views.register.node_registration_retraction_get, OsfWebRenderer('project/retract_registration.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/ids/<category>/<path:value>/', 'get', project_views.register.get_referent_by_identifier, notemplate), Rule(['/project/<pid>/analytics/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/analytics/'], 'get', project_views.node.project_statistics, notemplate), Rule(['/project/<pid>/files/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/files/'], 'get', project_views.file.collect_file_trees, OsfWebRenderer('project/files.mako', trust=False), view_kwargs={'mode': 'page'}), Rule(['/<guid>/files/<provider>/<path:path>/', '/project/<pid>/files/<provider>/<path:path>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/files/<provider>/<path:path>/'], 'get', addon_views.addon_view_or_download_file, OsfWebRenderer('project/view_file.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/download/<fid_or_guid>/', 'get', addon_views.persistent_file_download, json_renderer), Rule(['/api/v1/<guid>/files/<provider>/<path:path>/', '/api/v1/project/<pid>/files/<provider>/<path:path>/', '/api/v1/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/files/<provider>/<path:path>/'], 'get', addon_views.addon_view_or_download_file, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/files/deleted/<trashed_id>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/files/deleted/<trashed_id>/'], 'get', addon_views.addon_deleted_file, OsfWebRenderer('project/view_file.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/project/<pid>/<provider>/files/<path:path>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/<provider>/files/<path:path>/', '/project/<pid>/<provider>/files/<path:path>/download/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/<provider>/files/<path:path>/download/', '/project/<pid>/osffiles/<fid>/download/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/osffiles/<fid>/download/', '/project/<pid>/osffiles/<fid>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/osffiles/<fid>/', '/project/<pid>/osffiles/download/<fid>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/osffiles/download/<fid>/', '/project/<pid>/files/<fid>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/files/<fid>/', '/project/<pid>/files/download/<fid>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/files/download/<fid>/', '/project/<pid>/osffiles/<fid>/version/<vid>/download/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/osffiles/<fid>/version/<vid>/download/', '/project/<pid>/osffiles/<fid>/version/<vid>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/osffiles/<fid>/version/<vid>/', '/project/<pid>/osffiles/download/<fid>/version/<vid>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/osffiles/download/<fid>/version/<vid>/', '/project/<pid>/files/<fid>/version/<vid>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/files/<fid>/version/<vid>/', '/project/<pid>/files/download/<fid>/version/<vid>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/files/download/<fid>/version/<vid>/'], 'get', addon_views.addon_view_or_download_file_legacy, OsfWebRenderer('project/view_file.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/api/v1/project/<pid>/osffiles/<fid>/', '/api/v1/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/osffiles/<fid>/', '/api/v1/project/<pid>/files/download/<fid>/', '/api/v1/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/files/download/<fid>/', '/api/v1/project/<pid>/osffiles/<fid>/version/<vid>/', '/api/v1/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/osffiles/<fid>/version/<vid>/', '/api/v1/project/<pid>/files/download/<fid>/version/<vid>/', '/api/v1/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/files/download/<fid>/version/<vid>/'], 'get', addon_views.addon_view_or_download_file_legacy, json_renderer), Rule(['/quickfiles/<fid>/'], 'get', addon_views.addon_view_or_download_quickfile, json_renderer)]) process_rules(app, [Rule('/email/meeting/', 'post', conference_views.meeting_hook, json_renderer), Rule('/mailchimp/hooks/', 'get', profile_views.mailchimp_get_endpoint, json_renderer), Rule('/mailchimp/hooks/', 'post', profile_views.sync_data_from_mailchimp, json_renderer), Rule('/project/new/', 'post', project_views.node.project_new_post, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/contributors_abbrev/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/contributors_abbrev/'], 'get', project_views.contributor.get_node_contributors_abbrev, json_renderer), Rule('/tags/<tag>/', 'get', project_views.tag.project_tag, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/'], 'get', project_views.node.view_project, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/pointer/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/pointer/'], 'get', project_views.node.get_pointed, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/pointer/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/pointer/'], 'post', project_views.node.add_pointers, json_renderer), Rule(['/pointer/'], 'post', project_views.node.add_pointer, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/pointer/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>pointer/'], 'delete', project_views.node.remove_pointer, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/drafts/'], 'get', project_views.drafts.get_draft_registrations, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/drafts/<draft_id>/'], 'get', project_views.drafts.get_draft_registration, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/drafts/<draft_id>/'], 'put', project_views.drafts.update_draft_registration, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/drafts/<draft_id>/'], 'delete', project_views.drafts.delete_draft_registration, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/drafts/schemas/'], 'get', project_views.drafts.get_metaschemas, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/get_contributors/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/get_contributors/'], 'get', project_views.contributor.get_contributors, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/get_contributors_from_parent/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/get_contributors_from_parent/'], 'get', project_views.contributor.get_contributors_from_parent, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/contributors/manage/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/contributors/manage/'], 'POST', project_views.contributor.project_manage_contributors, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/contributor/remove/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/contributor/remove/'], 'POST', project_views.contributor.project_remove_contributor, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/get_editable_children/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/get_editable_children/'], 'get', project_views.node.get_editable_children, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/private_link/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/private_link/'], 'post', project_views.node.project_generate_private_link_post, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/private_link/edit/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/private_link/edit/'], 'put', project_views.node.project_private_link_edit, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/private_link/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/private_link/'], 'delete', project_views.node.remove_private_link, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/private_link/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/private_link/'], 'get', project_views.node.private_link_table, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/new/<nid>/'], 'post', project_views.node.project_new_from_template, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/'], 'put', project_views.node.update_node, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/'], 'delete', project_views.node.component_remove, json_renderer), Rule('/project/<pid>/reorder_components/', 'post', project_views.node.project_reorder_components, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/edit/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/edit/'], 'post', project_views.node.edit_node, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/tags/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/tags/', '/project/<pid>/tags/<tag>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/tags/<tag>/'], 'post', project_views.tag.project_add_tag, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/tags/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/tags/', '/project/<pid>/tags/<tag>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/tags/<tag>/'], 'delete', project_views.tag.project_remove_tag, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/contributors/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/contributors/'], 'post', project_views.contributor.project_contributors_post, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/fork/before/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/fork/before/'], 'get', project_views.node.project_before_fork, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/pointer/fork/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/pointer/fork/'], 'post', project_views.node.fork_pointer, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/beforeregister/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/beforeregister'], 'get', project_views.register.project_before_register, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/withdraw/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/withdraw/'], 'post', project_views.register.node_registration_retraction_post, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/identifiers/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/identifiers/'], 'post', identifier_views.node_identifiers_post, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/files/grid/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/files/grid/'], 'get', project_views.file.grid_data, json_renderer), Rule('/files/auth/', 'get', addon_views.get_auth, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/waterbutler/logs/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/waterbutler/logs/'], 'put', addon_views.create_waterbutler_log, json_renderer), Rule(['/registration/<pid>/callbacks/'], 'put', project_views.register.registration_callbacks, json_renderer), Rule('/settings/addons/', 'post', profile_views.user_choose_addons, json_renderer), Rule('/settings/notifications/', 'get', profile_views.user_notifications, json_renderer), Rule('/settings/notifications/', 'post', profile_views.user_choose_mailing_lists, json_renderer), Rule('/subscriptions/', 'get', notification_views.get_subscriptions, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/subscriptions/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/subscriptions/'], 'get', notification_views.get_node_subscriptions, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/tree/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/tree/'], 'get', project_views.node.get_node_tree, json_renderer), Rule('/subscriptions/', 'post', notification_views.configure_subscription, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/settings/addons/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/settings/addons/'], 'post', project_views.node.node_choose_addons, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/settings/comments/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/settings/comments/'], 'post', project_views.node.configure_comments, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/settings/requests/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/settings/requests/'], 'post', project_views.node.configure_requests, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/invite_contributor/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/invite_contributor/'], 'post', project_views.contributor.invite_contributor_post, json_renderer)], prefix='/api/v1') addon_base_path = os.path.abspath('addons') provider_static_path = os.path.abspath('assets') if settings.DEV_MODE: @app.route('/static/addons/<addon>/<path:filename>') def addon_static(addon, filename): addon_path = os.path.join(addon_base_path, addon, 'static') return send_from_directory(addon_path, filename) @app.route('/assets/<filename>') def provider_static(filename): return send_from_directory(provider_static_path, filename) @app.route('/ember-cli-live-reload.js') def ember_cli_live_reload(): req = requests.get('{}/ember-cli-live-reload.js'.format(settings.LIVE_RELOAD_DOMAIN), stream=True) return Response(stream_with_context(req.iter_content()), content_type=req.headers['content-type'])
def make_url_map(app): 'Set up all the routes for the OSF app.\n\n :param app: A Flask/Werkzeug app to bind the rules to.\n ' process_rules(app, [Rule('/<path:_>', ['get', 'post'], HTTPError(http_status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND), OsfWebRenderer(, render_mako_string, trust=False)), Rule('/api/v1/<path:_>', ['get', 'post'], HTTPError(http_status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND), json_renderer)]) process_rules(app, [Rule(['/<guid>/', '/<guid>/<path:suffix>'], ['get', 'post', 'put', 'patch', 'delete'], website_views.resolve_guid, notemplate), Rule(['/api/v1/<guid>/', '/api/v1/<guid>/<path:suffix>'], ['get', 'post', 'put', 'patch', 'delete'], website_views.resolve_guid, json_renderer)]) process_rules(app, [Rule('/favicon.ico', 'get', favicon, json_renderer), Rule('/robots.txt', 'get', robots, json_renderer), Rule('/sitemaps/<path>', 'get', sitemap_file, json_renderer)]) if settings.USE_EXTERNAL_EMBER: for prefix in EXTERNAL_EMBER_APPS.keys(): process_rules(app, [Rule(['/<provider>/<guid>/download', '/<provider>/<guid>/download/'], ['get', 'post', 'put', 'patch', 'delete'], website_views.resolve_guid_download, notemplate, endpoint_suffix=('__' + prefix))], prefix=('/' + prefix)) process_rules(app, [Rule(['/', '/<path:path>'], 'get', ember_app, json_renderer, endpoint_suffix=('__' + prefix))], prefix=('/' + prefix)) if EXTERNAL_EMBER_APPS.get('ember_osf_web'): process_rules(app, [Rule(ember_osf_web_views.routes, 'get', ember_osf_web_views.use_ember_app, notemplate)]) if ('routes' in EXTERNAL_EMBER_APPS['ember_osf_web']): for route in EXTERNAL_EMBER_APPS['ember_osf_web']['routes']: process_rules(app, [Rule(['/', '/<path:path>'], 'get', ember_osf_web_views.use_ember_app, notemplate, endpoint_suffix=('__' + route))], prefix=('/' + route)) process_rules(app, [Rule('/dashboard/', 'get', website_views.dashboard, notemplate), Rule('/myprojects/', 'get', website_views.my_projects, OsfWebRenderer('my_projects.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/reproducibility/', 'get', website_views.reproducibility, notemplate), Rule('/about/', 'get', website_views.redirect_about, notemplate), Rule('/help/', 'get', website_views.redirect_help, notemplate), Rule('/faq/', 'get', website_views.redirect_faq, notemplate), Rule(['/getting-started/', '/getting-started/email/', '/howosfworks/'], 'get', website_views.redirect_getting_started, notemplate), Rule(['/messages/'], 'get', {}, OsfWebRenderer('public/comingsoon.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/meetings/<meeting>/', 'get', conference_views.conference_results, OsfWebRenderer('public/pages/meeting.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/view/<meeting>/', 'get', conference_views.redirect_to_conference_results, notemplate), Rule('/view/<meeting>/plain/', 'get', conference_views.conference_results, OsfWebRenderer('public/pages/meeting_plain.mako', trust=False), endpoint_suffix='__plain'), Rule('/api/v1/view/<meeting>/', 'get', conference_views.conference_data, json_renderer), Rule('/meetings/', 'get', conference_views.conference_view, OsfWebRenderer('public/pages/meeting_landing.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/api/v1/meetings/submissions/', 'get', conference_views.conference_submissions, json_renderer), Rule('/presentations/', 'get', conference_views.redirect_to_meetings, json_renderer), Rule('/news/', 'get', website_views.redirect_to_cos_news, notemplate), Rule(['/rr/', '/registeredreports/', '/registeredreport/'], 'get', registries_views.registered_reports_landing, OsfWebRenderer('registered_reports_landing.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/erpc/', 'get', closed_challenges_views.erpc_landing_page, OsfWebRenderer('erpc_landing_page.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/prereg/', 'get', prereg.prereg_landing_page, OsfWebRenderer('prereg_landing_page.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/preprints/', 'get', preprint_views.preprint_landing_page, OsfWebRenderer('public/pages/preprint_landing.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/registries/', 'get', registries_views.registries_landing_page, OsfWebRenderer('public/pages/registries_landing.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/reviews/', 'get', reviews_views.reviews_landing_page, OsfWebRenderer('public/pages/reviews_landing.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/preprint/', 'get', preprint_views.preprint_redirect, notemplate), Rule(['/api/v1/<campaign>/draft_registrations/', '/api/v1/draft_registrations/'], 'get', registries_views.draft_registrations, json_renderer)]) process_rules(app, [Rule('/citations/styles/', 'get', citation_views.list_citation_styles, json_renderer)], prefix='/api/v1') process_rules(app, [Rule(['/project/<pid>/<addon>/settings/disable/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/<addon>/settings/disable/'], 'post', addon_views.disable_addon, json_renderer), Rule('/profile/<uid>/<addon>/settings/', 'get', addon_views.get_addon_user_config, json_renderer)], prefix='/api/v1') process_rules(app, [Rule('/oauth/connect/<service_name>/', 'get', oauth_views.oauth_connect, json_renderer), Rule('/oauth/callback/<service_name>/', 'get', oauth_views.oauth_callback, OsfWebRenderer('util/oauth_complete.mako', trust=False))]) process_rules(app, [Rule(['/oauth/accounts/<external_account_id>/'], 'delete', oauth_views.oauth_disconnect, json_renderer)], prefix='/api/v1') process_rules(app, [Rule('/confirmed_emails/', 'put', auth_views.unconfirmed_email_add, json_renderer), Rule('/confirmed_emails/', 'delete', auth_views.unconfirmed_email_remove, json_renderer)], prefix='/api/v1') process_rules(app, [Rule(['/project/<pid>/comments/timestamps/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/comments/timestamps/'], 'put', project_views.comment.update_comments_timestamp, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/citation/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/citation/'], 'get', citation_views.node_citation, json_renderer)], prefix='/api/v1') process_rules(app, [Rule('/forms/signin/', 'get', website_views.signin_form, json_renderer), Rule('/forms/forgot_password/', 'get', website_views.forgot_password_form, json_renderer)], prefix='/api/v1') process_rules(app, [Rule(['/activity/', '/explore/activity/', '/explore/'], 'get', discovery_views.redirect_activity_to_search, notemplate)]) process_rules(app, [Rule('/confirm/<uid>/<token>/', 'get', auth_views.confirm_email_get, notemplate), Rule('/confirm/external/<uid>/<token>/', 'get', auth_views.external_login_confirm_email_get, notemplate), Rule('/resetpassword/<uid>/<token>/', 'get', auth_views.reset_password_get, OsfWebRenderer('public/resetpassword.mako', render_mako_string, trust=False)), Rule('/resetpassword/<uid>/<token>/', 'post', auth_views.reset_password_post, OsfWebRenderer('public/resetpassword.mako', render_mako_string, trust=False)), Rule('/resetpassword-institution/<uid>/<token>/', 'get', auth_views.reset_password_institution_get, OsfWebRenderer('public/resetpassword.mako', render_mako_string, trust=False)), Rule('/resetpassword-institution/<uid>/<token>/', 'post', auth_views.reset_password_institution_post, OsfWebRenderer('public/resetpassword.mako', render_mako_string, trust=False)), Rule('/resend/', 'get', auth_views.resend_confirmation_get, OsfWebRenderer('resend.mako', render_mako_string, trust=False)), Rule('/resend/', 'post', auth_views.resend_confirmation_post, OsfWebRenderer('resend.mako', render_mako_string, trust=False)), Rule('/external-login/email', 'get', auth_views.external_login_email_get, OsfWebRenderer('external_login_email.mako', render_mako_string, trust=False)), Rule('/external-login/email', 'post', auth_views.external_login_email_post, OsfWebRenderer('external_login_email.mako', render_mako_string, trust=False)), Rule('/register/', 'get', auth_views.auth_register, OsfWebRenderer('public/register.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/login/', '/account/'], 'get', auth_views.auth_login, notemplate), Rule('/api/v1/register/', 'post', auth_views.register_user, json_renderer), Rule('/logout/', 'get', auth_views.auth_logout, notemplate), Rule('/forgotpassword/', 'get', auth_views.forgot_password_get, OsfWebRenderer('public/forgot_password.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/forgotpassword/', 'post', auth_views.forgot_password_post, OsfWebRenderer('public/forgot_password.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/forgotpassword-institution/', 'get', auth_views.redirect_unsupported_institution, notemplate), Rule('/forgotpassword-institution/', 'post', auth_views.forgot_password_institution_post, OsfWebRenderer('public/forgot_password.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/login/connected_tools/', 'get', landing_page_views.connected_tools, notemplate), Rule('/login/enriched_profile/', 'get', landing_page_views.enriched_profile, notemplate)]) process_rules(app, [Rule('/profile/', 'get', profile_views.profile_view, OsfWebRenderer('profile.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/profile/<uid>/', 'get', profile_views.profile_view_id, OsfWebRenderer('profile.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/user/<uid>/<pid>/claim/'], ['get', 'post'], project_views.contributor.claim_user_form, OsfWebRenderer('claim_account.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/user/<uid>/<pid>/claim/verify/<token>/'], ['get', 'post'], project_views.contributor.claim_user_registered, OsfWebRenderer('claim_account_registered.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/settings/', 'get', profile_views.user_profile, OsfWebRenderer('profile/settings.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/project/<pid>/addons/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/addons/'], 'get', project_views.node.node_addons, OsfWebRenderer('project/addons.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/settings/account/', 'get', profile_views.user_account, OsfWebRenderer('profile/account.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/settings/account/password', 'post', profile_views.user_account_password, OsfWebRenderer('profile/account.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/settings/addons/', 'get', profile_views.user_addons, OsfWebRenderer('profile/addons.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/settings/notifications/', 'get', profile_views.user_notifications, OsfWebRenderer('profile/notifications.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/settings/applications/', 'get', profile_views.oauth_application_list, OsfWebRenderer('profile/oauth_app_list.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/settings/applications/create/', 'get', profile_views.oauth_application_register, OsfWebRenderer('profile/oauth_app_detail.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/settings/applications/<client_id>/', 'get', profile_views.oauth_application_detail, OsfWebRenderer('profile/oauth_app_detail.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/settings/tokens/', 'get', profile_views.personal_access_token_list, OsfWebRenderer('profile/personal_tokens_list.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/settings/tokens/create/', 'get', profile_views.personal_access_token_register, OsfWebRenderer('profile/personal_tokens_detail.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/settings/tokens/<_id>/', 'get', profile_views.personal_access_token_detail, OsfWebRenderer('profile/personal_tokens_detail.mako', trust=False))]) process_rules(app, [Rule('/profile/', 'get', profile_views.profile_view_json, json_renderer), Rule('/profile/', 'put', profile_views.update_user, json_renderer), Rule('/resend/', 'put', profile_views.resend_confirmation, json_renderer), Rule('/profile/<uid>/', 'get', profile_views.profile_view_id_json, json_renderer), Rule('/user/<uid>/<pid>/claim/email/', 'post', project_views.contributor.claim_user_post, json_renderer), Rule('/profile/export/', 'post', profile_views.request_export, json_renderer), Rule('/profile/region/', 'put', osfstorage_views.update_region, json_renderer), Rule('/profile/deactivate/', 'post', profile_views.request_deactivation, json_renderer), Rule('/profile/cancel_request_deactivation/', 'post', profile_views.cancel_request_deactivation, json_renderer), Rule('/profile/logins/', 'patch', profile_views.delete_external_identity, json_renderer), Rule('/settings/names/', 'get', profile_views.serialize_names, json_renderer), Rule('/settings/names/', 'put', profile_views.unserialize_names, json_renderer), Rule('/settings/names/impute/', 'get', profile_views.impute_names, json_renderer), Rule(['/settings/social/', '/settings/social/<uid>/'], 'get', profile_views.serialize_social, json_renderer), Rule(['/settings/jobs/', '/settings/jobs/<uid>/'], 'get', profile_views.serialize_jobs, json_renderer), Rule(['/settings/schools/', '/settings/schools/<uid>/'], 'get', profile_views.serialize_schools, json_renderer), Rule(['/settings/social/', '/settings/social/<uid>/'], 'put', profile_views.unserialize_social, json_renderer), Rule(['/settings/jobs/', '/settings/jobs/<uid>/'], 'put', profile_views.unserialize_jobs, json_renderer), Rule(['/settings/schools/', '/settings/schools/<uid>/'], 'put', profile_views.unserialize_schools, json_renderer)], prefix='/api/v1') process_rules(app, [Rule('/search/', 'get', search_views.search_view, OsfWebRenderer('search.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/share/registration/', 'get', {'register': settings.SHARE_REGISTRATION_URL}, json_renderer), Rule('/api/v1/user/search/', 'get', search_views.search_contributor, json_renderer), Rule('/api/v1/search/node/', 'post', project_views.node.search_node, json_renderer)]) process_rules(app, [Rule(['/search/', '/search/<type>/'], ['get', 'post'], search_views.search_search, json_renderer), Rule('/search/projects/', 'get', search_views.search_projects_by_title, json_renderer), Rule('/share/search/', 'get', website_views.legacy_share_v1_search, json_renderer)], prefix='/api/v1') process_rules(app, [Rule('/institutions/<inst_id>/', 'get', institution_views.view_institution, OsfWebRenderer('institution.mako', trust=False))]) process_rules(app, [Rule(['/institutions/<inst_id>/dashboard/'], 'get', institution_views.view_institution_dashboard, notemplate)]) process_rules(app, [Rule('/', 'get', website_views.index, OsfWebRenderer('institution.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/goodbye/', 'get', goodbye, notemplate), Rule(['/project/<pid>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/'], 'get', project_views.node.view_project, OsfWebRenderer('project/project.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/token_action/<pid>/'], 'get', project_views.node.token_action, notemplate), Rule('/project/<pid>/newnode/', 'post', project_views.node.project_new_node, notemplate), Rule('/project/new/<pid>/beforeTemplate/', 'get', project_views.node.project_before_template, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/contributors/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/contributors/'], 'get', project_views.node.node_contributors, OsfWebRenderer('project/contributors.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/project/<pid>/settings/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/settings/'], 'get', project_views.node.node_setting, OsfWebRenderer('project/settings.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/project/<pid>/permissions/<permissions>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/permissions/<permissions>/'], 'post', project_views.node.project_set_privacy, OsfWebRenderer('project/project.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/project/<pid>/forks/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/forks/'], 'get', project_views.node.node_forks, notemplate), Rule(['/project/<pid>/register/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/register/'], 'get', project_views.register.node_register_page, OsfWebRenderer('project/register.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/project/<pid>/register/<metaschema_id>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/register/<metaschema_id>/'], 'get', project_views.register.node_register_template_page, OsfWebRenderer('project/register.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/project/<pid>/registrations/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/registrations/'], 'get', project_views.node.node_registrations, notemplate), Rule(['/project/<pid>/registrations/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/registrations/'], 'post', project_views.drafts.new_draft_registration, OsfWebRenderer('project/edit_draft_registration.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/project/<pid>/drafts/<draft_id>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/drafts/<draft_id>/'], 'get', project_views.drafts.edit_draft_registration_page, OsfWebRenderer('project/edit_draft_registration.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/project/<pid>/drafts/<draft_id>/register/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/drafts/<draft_id>/register/'], 'get', project_views.drafts.draft_before_register_page, OsfWebRenderer('project/register_draft.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/project/<pid>/retraction/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/retraction/'], 'get', project_views.register.node_registration_retraction_redirect, notemplate), Rule(['/project/<pid>/withdraw/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/withdraw/'], 'get', project_views.register.node_registration_retraction_get, OsfWebRenderer('project/retract_registration.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/ids/<category>/<path:value>/', 'get', project_views.register.get_referent_by_identifier, notemplate), Rule(['/project/<pid>/analytics/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/analytics/'], 'get', project_views.node.project_statistics, notemplate), Rule(['/project/<pid>/files/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/files/'], 'get', project_views.file.collect_file_trees, OsfWebRenderer('project/files.mako', trust=False), view_kwargs={'mode': 'page'}), Rule(['/<guid>/files/<provider>/<path:path>/', '/project/<pid>/files/<provider>/<path:path>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/files/<provider>/<path:path>/'], 'get', addon_views.addon_view_or_download_file, OsfWebRenderer('project/view_file.mako', trust=False)), Rule('/download/<fid_or_guid>/', 'get', addon_views.persistent_file_download, json_renderer), Rule(['/api/v1/<guid>/files/<provider>/<path:path>/', '/api/v1/project/<pid>/files/<provider>/<path:path>/', '/api/v1/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/files/<provider>/<path:path>/'], 'get', addon_views.addon_view_or_download_file, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/files/deleted/<trashed_id>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/files/deleted/<trashed_id>/'], 'get', addon_views.addon_deleted_file, OsfWebRenderer('project/view_file.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/project/<pid>/<provider>/files/<path:path>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/<provider>/files/<path:path>/', '/project/<pid>/<provider>/files/<path:path>/download/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/<provider>/files/<path:path>/download/', '/project/<pid>/osffiles/<fid>/download/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/osffiles/<fid>/download/', '/project/<pid>/osffiles/<fid>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/osffiles/<fid>/', '/project/<pid>/osffiles/download/<fid>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/osffiles/download/<fid>/', '/project/<pid>/files/<fid>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/files/<fid>/', '/project/<pid>/files/download/<fid>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/files/download/<fid>/', '/project/<pid>/osffiles/<fid>/version/<vid>/download/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/osffiles/<fid>/version/<vid>/download/', '/project/<pid>/osffiles/<fid>/version/<vid>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/osffiles/<fid>/version/<vid>/', '/project/<pid>/osffiles/download/<fid>/version/<vid>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/osffiles/download/<fid>/version/<vid>/', '/project/<pid>/files/<fid>/version/<vid>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/files/<fid>/version/<vid>/', '/project/<pid>/files/download/<fid>/version/<vid>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/files/download/<fid>/version/<vid>/'], 'get', addon_views.addon_view_or_download_file_legacy, OsfWebRenderer('project/view_file.mako', trust=False)), Rule(['/api/v1/project/<pid>/osffiles/<fid>/', '/api/v1/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/osffiles/<fid>/', '/api/v1/project/<pid>/files/download/<fid>/', '/api/v1/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/files/download/<fid>/', '/api/v1/project/<pid>/osffiles/<fid>/version/<vid>/', '/api/v1/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/osffiles/<fid>/version/<vid>/', '/api/v1/project/<pid>/files/download/<fid>/version/<vid>/', '/api/v1/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/files/download/<fid>/version/<vid>/'], 'get', addon_views.addon_view_or_download_file_legacy, json_renderer), Rule(['/quickfiles/<fid>/'], 'get', addon_views.addon_view_or_download_quickfile, json_renderer)]) process_rules(app, [Rule('/email/meeting/', 'post', conference_views.meeting_hook, json_renderer), Rule('/mailchimp/hooks/', 'get', profile_views.mailchimp_get_endpoint, json_renderer), Rule('/mailchimp/hooks/', 'post', profile_views.sync_data_from_mailchimp, json_renderer), Rule('/project/new/', 'post', project_views.node.project_new_post, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/contributors_abbrev/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/contributors_abbrev/'], 'get', project_views.contributor.get_node_contributors_abbrev, json_renderer), Rule('/tags/<tag>/', 'get', project_views.tag.project_tag, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/'], 'get', project_views.node.view_project, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/pointer/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/pointer/'], 'get', project_views.node.get_pointed, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/pointer/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/pointer/'], 'post', project_views.node.add_pointers, json_renderer), Rule(['/pointer/'], 'post', project_views.node.add_pointer, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/pointer/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>pointer/'], 'delete', project_views.node.remove_pointer, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/drafts/'], 'get', project_views.drafts.get_draft_registrations, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/drafts/<draft_id>/'], 'get', project_views.drafts.get_draft_registration, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/drafts/<draft_id>/'], 'put', project_views.drafts.update_draft_registration, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/drafts/<draft_id>/'], 'delete', project_views.drafts.delete_draft_registration, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/drafts/schemas/'], 'get', project_views.drafts.get_metaschemas, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/get_contributors/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/get_contributors/'], 'get', project_views.contributor.get_contributors, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/get_contributors_from_parent/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/get_contributors_from_parent/'], 'get', project_views.contributor.get_contributors_from_parent, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/contributors/manage/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/contributors/manage/'], 'POST', project_views.contributor.project_manage_contributors, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/contributor/remove/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/contributor/remove/'], 'POST', project_views.contributor.project_remove_contributor, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/get_editable_children/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/get_editable_children/'], 'get', project_views.node.get_editable_children, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/private_link/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/private_link/'], 'post', project_views.node.project_generate_private_link_post, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/private_link/edit/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/private_link/edit/'], 'put', project_views.node.project_private_link_edit, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/private_link/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/private_link/'], 'delete', project_views.node.remove_private_link, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/private_link/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/private_link/'], 'get', project_views.node.private_link_table, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/new/<nid>/'], 'post', project_views.node.project_new_from_template, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/'], 'put', project_views.node.update_node, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/'], 'delete', project_views.node.component_remove, json_renderer), Rule('/project/<pid>/reorder_components/', 'post', project_views.node.project_reorder_components, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/edit/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/edit/'], 'post', project_views.node.edit_node, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/tags/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/tags/', '/project/<pid>/tags/<tag>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/tags/<tag>/'], 'post', project_views.tag.project_add_tag, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/tags/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/tags/', '/project/<pid>/tags/<tag>/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/tags/<tag>/'], 'delete', project_views.tag.project_remove_tag, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/contributors/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/contributors/'], 'post', project_views.contributor.project_contributors_post, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/fork/before/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/fork/before/'], 'get', project_views.node.project_before_fork, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/pointer/fork/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/pointer/fork/'], 'post', project_views.node.fork_pointer, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/beforeregister/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/beforeregister'], 'get', project_views.register.project_before_register, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/withdraw/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/withdraw/'], 'post', project_views.register.node_registration_retraction_post, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/identifiers/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/identifiers/'], 'post', identifier_views.node_identifiers_post, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/files/grid/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/files/grid/'], 'get', project_views.file.grid_data, json_renderer), Rule('/files/auth/', 'get', addon_views.get_auth, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/waterbutler/logs/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/waterbutler/logs/'], 'put', addon_views.create_waterbutler_log, json_renderer), Rule(['/registration/<pid>/callbacks/'], 'put', project_views.register.registration_callbacks, json_renderer), Rule('/settings/addons/', 'post', profile_views.user_choose_addons, json_renderer), Rule('/settings/notifications/', 'get', profile_views.user_notifications, json_renderer), Rule('/settings/notifications/', 'post', profile_views.user_choose_mailing_lists, json_renderer), Rule('/subscriptions/', 'get', notification_views.get_subscriptions, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/subscriptions/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/subscriptions/'], 'get', notification_views.get_node_subscriptions, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/tree/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/tree/'], 'get', project_views.node.get_node_tree, json_renderer), Rule('/subscriptions/', 'post', notification_views.configure_subscription, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/settings/addons/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/settings/addons/'], 'post', project_views.node.node_choose_addons, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/settings/comments/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/settings/comments/'], 'post', project_views.node.configure_comments, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/settings/requests/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/settings/requests/'], 'post', project_views.node.configure_requests, json_renderer), Rule(['/project/<pid>/invite_contributor/', '/project/<pid>/node/<nid>/invite_contributor/'], 'post', project_views.contributor.invite_contributor_post, json_renderer)], prefix='/api/v1') addon_base_path = os.path.abspath('addons') provider_static_path = os.path.abspath('assets') if settings.DEV_MODE: @app.route('/static/addons/<addon>/<path:filename>') def addon_static(addon, filename): addon_path = os.path.join(addon_base_path, addon, 'static') return send_from_directory(addon_path, filename) @app.route('/assets/<filename>') def provider_static(filename): return send_from_directory(provider_static_path, filename) @app.route('/ember-cli-live-reload.js') def ember_cli_live_reload(): req = requests.get('{}/ember-cli-live-reload.js'.format(settings.LIVE_RELOAD_DOMAIN), stream=True) return Response(stream_with_context(req.iter_content()), content_type=req.headers['content-type'])<|docstring|>Set up all the routes for the OSF app. :param app: A Flask/Werkzeug app to bind the rules to.<|endoftext|>
def __call__(self, data, *args, **kwargs): "\n This function has been added to keep our Flask requests compatible with django-waffle, it's been adapted from\n waffle's own middleware code at\n " resp = super(OsfWebRenderer, self).__call__(data, *args, **kwargs) max_age = get_setting('MAX_AGE') if hasattr(request, 'waffles'): for k in request.waffles: name = smart_str((get_setting('COOKIE') % k)) (active, rollout) = request.waffles[k] if (rollout and (not active)): age = None else: age = max_age resp.headers.add('Set-Cookie', dump_cookie(name.encode(), str(active), max_age=age, expires='True')) return resp
This function has been added to keep our Flask requests compatible with django-waffle, it's been adapted from waffle's own middleware code at
def __call__(self, data, *args, **kwargs): "\n This function has been added to keep our Flask requests compatible with django-waffle, it's been adapted from\n waffle's own middleware code at\n " resp = super(OsfWebRenderer, self).__call__(data, *args, **kwargs) max_age = get_setting('MAX_AGE') if hasattr(request, 'waffles'): for k in request.waffles: name = smart_str((get_setting('COOKIE') % k)) (active, rollout) = request.waffles[k] if (rollout and (not active)): age = None else: age = max_age resp.headers.add('Set-Cookie', dump_cookie(name.encode(), str(active), max_age=age, expires='True')) return resp
def __call__(self, data, *args, **kwargs): "\n This function has been added to keep our Flask requests compatible with django-waffle, it's been adapted from\n waffle's own middleware code at\n " resp = super(OsfWebRenderer, self).__call__(data, *args, **kwargs) max_age = get_setting('MAX_AGE') if hasattr(request, 'waffles'): for k in request.waffles: name = smart_str((get_setting('COOKIE') % k)) (active, rollout) = request.waffles[k] if (rollout and (not active)): age = None else: age = max_age resp.headers.add('Set-Cookie', dump_cookie(name.encode(), str(active), max_age=age, expires='True')) return resp<|docstring|>This function has been added to keep our Flask requests compatible with django-waffle, it's been adapted from waffle's own middleware code at<|endoftext|>
def discover_single_file_for_basin(data_dir: str, basin: str) -> str: "\n Discovers a single dataset file for the specified basin. Discovery will be performed using the pattern\n '{data_dir}/*{basin}*', i.e. the basin ID has to be present in any file name within the directory. Note, that\n basin id '123' e.g. will match the following file names: 123_streamflow.txt,, 00123456_daymet_v4_daily_na.nc4,\n streamflow_123.csv. Be sure, that your file names are unique, otherwise only the first occurence will be returned.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n data_dir: str\n The data directory used for discovering a dataset file related to the specified basin\n basin: str\n ID of the basin\n\n Returns\n -------\n str\n Path of the file, which is related to the specified basin\n\n " files = glob.glob(f'{data_dir}/**/*{basin}*', recursive=True) if (len(files) == 0): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Can't find file for basin {basin} within directory {data_dir}.") if (len(files) > 1): logger.warning(f'Found multiple files for basin {basin} within directory {data_dir}. First one found will be returned.') return files[0]
Discovers a single dataset file for the specified basin. Discovery will be performed using the pattern '{data_dir}/*{basin}*', i.e. the basin ID has to be present in any file name within the directory. Note, that basin id '123' e.g. will match the following file names: 123_streamflow.txt,, 00123456_daymet_v4_daily_na.nc4, streamflow_123.csv. Be sure, that your file names are unique, otherwise only the first occurence will be returned. Parameters ---------- data_dir: str The data directory used for discovering a dataset file related to the specified basin basin: str ID of the basin Returns ------- str Path of the file, which is related to the specified basin
def discover_single_file_for_basin(data_dir: str, basin: str) -> str: "\n Discovers a single dataset file for the specified basin. Discovery will be performed using the pattern\n '{data_dir}/*{basin}*', i.e. the basin ID has to be present in any file name within the directory. Note, that\n basin id '123' e.g. will match the following file names: 123_streamflow.txt,, 00123456_daymet_v4_daily_na.nc4,\n streamflow_123.csv. Be sure, that your file names are unique, otherwise only the first occurence will be returned.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n data_dir: str\n The data directory used for discovering a dataset file related to the specified basin\n basin: str\n ID of the basin\n\n Returns\n -------\n str\n Path of the file, which is related to the specified basin\n\n " files = glob.glob(f'{data_dir}/**/*{basin}*', recursive=True) if (len(files) == 0): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Can't find file for basin {basin} within directory {data_dir}.") if (len(files) > 1): logger.warning(f'Found multiple files for basin {basin} within directory {data_dir}. First one found will be returned.') return files[0]
def discover_single_file_for_basin(data_dir: str, basin: str) -> str: "\n Discovers a single dataset file for the specified basin. Discovery will be performed using the pattern\n '{data_dir}/*{basin}*', i.e. the basin ID has to be present in any file name within the directory. Note, that\n basin id '123' e.g. will match the following file names: 123_streamflow.txt,, 00123456_daymet_v4_daily_na.nc4,\n streamflow_123.csv. Be sure, that your file names are unique, otherwise only the first occurence will be returned.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n data_dir: str\n The data directory used for discovering a dataset file related to the specified basin\n basin: str\n ID of the basin\n\n Returns\n -------\n str\n Path of the file, which is related to the specified basin\n\n " files = glob.glob(f'{data_dir}/**/*{basin}*', recursive=True) if (len(files) == 0): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Can't find file for basin {basin} within directory {data_dir}.") if (len(files) > 1): logger.warning(f'Found multiple files for basin {basin} within directory {data_dir}. First one found will be returned.') return files[0]<|docstring|>Discovers a single dataset file for the specified basin. Discovery will be performed using the pattern '{data_dir}/*{basin}*', i.e. the basin ID has to be present in any file name within the directory. Note, that basin id '123' e.g. will match the following file names: 123_streamflow.txt,, 00123456_daymet_v4_daily_na.nc4, streamflow_123.csv. Be sure, that your file names are unique, otherwise only the first occurence will be returned. Parameters ---------- data_dir: str The data directory used for discovering a dataset file related to the specified basin basin: str ID of the basin Returns ------- str Path of the file, which is related to the specified basin<|endoftext|>
def discover_files_for_basins(data_dir: str, basins: list) -> dict: '\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n data_dir: str\n The data directory used for discovering dataset files related to the specified basins\n basins: list\n List of basin IDs\n\n Returns\n -------\n dict\n Dict that holds the dataset path to each basin\n\n ' file_dict = {} for basin in basins: file = discover_single_file_for_basin(data_dir, basin) file_dict[basin] = file return file_dict
Parameters ---------- data_dir: str The data directory used for discovering dataset files related to the specified basins basins: list List of basin IDs Returns ------- dict Dict that holds the dataset path to each basin
def discover_files_for_basins(data_dir: str, basins: list) -> dict: '\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n data_dir: str\n The data directory used for discovering dataset files related to the specified basins\n basins: list\n List of basin IDs\n\n Returns\n -------\n dict\n Dict that holds the dataset path to each basin\n\n ' file_dict = {} for basin in basins: file = discover_single_file_for_basin(data_dir, basin) file_dict[basin] = file return file_dict
def discover_files_for_basins(data_dir: str, basins: list) -> dict: '\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n data_dir: str\n The data directory used for discovering dataset files related to the specified basins\n basins: list\n List of basin IDs\n\n Returns\n -------\n dict\n Dict that holds the dataset path to each basin\n\n ' file_dict = {} for basin in basins: file = discover_single_file_for_basin(data_dir, basin) file_dict[basin] = file return file_dict<|docstring|>Parameters ---------- data_dir: str The data directory used for discovering dataset files related to the specified basins basins: list List of basin IDs Returns ------- dict Dict that holds the dataset path to each basin<|endoftext|>
def discover_single_camels_us_forcings_file(data_dir: str, forcings_type: str, basin: str): "\n Discovers a single CAMELS-US forcing file by using the pattern '{data_dir}/**/{basin}_lump_{forcings_type}_forcing_leap.txt'.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n data_dir: str\n Path to the CAMELS-US data directory for forcings.\n forcings_type: str\n Type of the forcings timeseries, i.e. one of 'daymet', 'maurer', or 'nldas'\n basin: str\n ID of the basin, the forcings file will be discovered for.\n\n Returns\n -------\n str\n Path to the discovered forcings file\n\n " type_dict = {'daymet': 'cida', 'maurer': 'maurer', 'nldas': 'nldas'} if (forcings_type in type_dict): files = glob.glob(f'{data_dir}/**/{basin}_lump_{type_dict[forcings_type]}_forcing_leap.txt', recursive=True) if (len(files) == 0): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Can't find file for basin {basin} within directory {data_dir}.") if (len(files) > 1): logger.warning(f'Found multiple files for basin {basin} within directory {data_dir}. First one found will be returned.') else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid forcings type `{forcings_type}` specified.') return files[0]
Discovers a single CAMELS-US forcing file by using the pattern '{data_dir}/**/{basin}_lump_{forcings_type}_forcing_leap.txt'. Parameters ---------- data_dir: str Path to the CAMELS-US data directory for forcings. forcings_type: str Type of the forcings timeseries, i.e. one of 'daymet', 'maurer', or 'nldas' basin: str ID of the basin, the forcings file will be discovered for. Returns ------- str Path to the discovered forcings file
def discover_single_camels_us_forcings_file(data_dir: str, forcings_type: str, basin: str): "\n Discovers a single CAMELS-US forcing file by using the pattern '{data_dir}/**/{basin}_lump_{forcings_type}_forcing_leap.txt'.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n data_dir: str\n Path to the CAMELS-US data directory for forcings.\n forcings_type: str\n Type of the forcings timeseries, i.e. one of 'daymet', 'maurer', or 'nldas'\n basin: str\n ID of the basin, the forcings file will be discovered for.\n\n Returns\n -------\n str\n Path to the discovered forcings file\n\n " type_dict = {'daymet': 'cida', 'maurer': 'maurer', 'nldas': 'nldas'} if (forcings_type in type_dict): files = glob.glob(f'{data_dir}/**/{basin}_lump_{type_dict[forcings_type]}_forcing_leap.txt', recursive=True) if (len(files) == 0): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Can't find file for basin {basin} within directory {data_dir}.") if (len(files) > 1): logger.warning(f'Found multiple files for basin {basin} within directory {data_dir}. First one found will be returned.') else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid forcings type `{forcings_type}` specified.') return files[0]
def discover_single_camels_us_forcings_file(data_dir: str, forcings_type: str, basin: str): "\n Discovers a single CAMELS-US forcing file by using the pattern '{data_dir}/**/{basin}_lump_{forcings_type}_forcing_leap.txt'.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n data_dir: str\n Path to the CAMELS-US data directory for forcings.\n forcings_type: str\n Type of the forcings timeseries, i.e. one of 'daymet', 'maurer', or 'nldas'\n basin: str\n ID of the basin, the forcings file will be discovered for.\n\n Returns\n -------\n str\n Path to the discovered forcings file\n\n " type_dict = {'daymet': 'cida', 'maurer': 'maurer', 'nldas': 'nldas'} if (forcings_type in type_dict): files = glob.glob(f'{data_dir}/**/{basin}_lump_{type_dict[forcings_type]}_forcing_leap.txt', recursive=True) if (len(files) == 0): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Can't find file for basin {basin} within directory {data_dir}.") if (len(files) > 1): logger.warning(f'Found multiple files for basin {basin} within directory {data_dir}. First one found will be returned.') else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid forcings type `{forcings_type}` specified.') return files[0]<|docstring|>Discovers a single CAMELS-US forcing file by using the pattern '{data_dir}/**/{basin}_lump_{forcings_type}_forcing_leap.txt'. Parameters ---------- data_dir: str Path to the CAMELS-US data directory for forcings. forcings_type: str Type of the forcings timeseries, i.e. one of 'daymet', 'maurer', or 'nldas' basin: str ID of the basin, the forcings file will be discovered for. Returns ------- str Path to the discovered forcings file<|endoftext|>
def discover_single_camels_us_streamflow_file(data_dir: str, basin: str): "\n Discovers a single CAMELS-US streamflow file by using the pattern '{data_dir}/**/{basin}_streamflow_qc.txt'.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n data_dir: str\n Path to the CAMELS-US data directory for streamflow.\n basin: str\n ID of the basin, the streamflow file will be discovered for.\n\n Returns\n -------\n str\n Path to the discovered streamflow file\n\n " files = glob.glob(f'{data_dir}/**/{basin}_streamflow_qc.txt', recursive=True) if (len(files) == 0): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Can't find file for basin {basin} within directory {data_dir}.") if (len(files) > 1): logger.warning(f'Found multiple files for basin {basin} within directory {data_dir}. First one found will be returned.') return files[0]
Discovers a single CAMELS-US streamflow file by using the pattern '{data_dir}/**/{basin}_streamflow_qc.txt'. Parameters ---------- data_dir: str Path to the CAMELS-US data directory for streamflow. basin: str ID of the basin, the streamflow file will be discovered for. Returns ------- str Path to the discovered streamflow file
def discover_single_camels_us_streamflow_file(data_dir: str, basin: str): "\n Discovers a single CAMELS-US streamflow file by using the pattern '{data_dir}/**/{basin}_streamflow_qc.txt'.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n data_dir: str\n Path to the CAMELS-US data directory for streamflow.\n basin: str\n ID of the basin, the streamflow file will be discovered for.\n\n Returns\n -------\n str\n Path to the discovered streamflow file\n\n " files = glob.glob(f'{data_dir}/**/{basin}_streamflow_qc.txt', recursive=True) if (len(files) == 0): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Can't find file for basin {basin} within directory {data_dir}.") if (len(files) > 1): logger.warning(f'Found multiple files for basin {basin} within directory {data_dir}. First one found will be returned.') return files[0]
def discover_single_camels_us_streamflow_file(data_dir: str, basin: str): "\n Discovers a single CAMELS-US streamflow file by using the pattern '{data_dir}/**/{basin}_streamflow_qc.txt'.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n data_dir: str\n Path to the CAMELS-US data directory for streamflow.\n basin: str\n ID of the basin, the streamflow file will be discovered for.\n\n Returns\n -------\n str\n Path to the discovered streamflow file\n\n " files = glob.glob(f'{data_dir}/**/{basin}_streamflow_qc.txt', recursive=True) if (len(files) == 0): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Can't find file for basin {basin} within directory {data_dir}.") if (len(files) > 1): logger.warning(f'Found multiple files for basin {basin} within directory {data_dir}. First one found will be returned.') return files[0]<|docstring|>Discovers a single CAMELS-US streamflow file by using the pattern '{data_dir}/**/{basin}_streamflow_qc.txt'. Parameters ---------- data_dir: str Path to the CAMELS-US data directory for streamflow. basin: str ID of the basin, the streamflow file will be discovered for. Returns ------- str Path to the discovered streamflow file<|endoftext|>
def discover_multiple_camels_us_forcings_files(data_dir: str, forcings_type: str, basins: list=None): "\n Discovers multiple CAMELS-US forcing files. All files will be considered that follow the pattern\n '{data_dir}/**/*_lump_{forcings_type}_forcing_leap.txt'.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n data_dir: str\n Path to the CAMELS-US data directory for forcings.\n forcings_type: str\n Type of the forcing timeseries, i.e. one of 'daymet', 'maurer', or 'nldas'\n basins: list\n List of basins, the forcings files will be discovered for. If 'None', all present files will be considered\n\n Returns\n -------\n list\n List of forcing file paths for the specified basins.\n\n " type_dict = {'daymet': 'cida', 'maurer': 'maurer', 'nldas': 'nldas'} if (forcings_type in type_dict): files = glob.glob(f'{data_dir}/**/*_lump_{type_dict[forcings_type]}_forcing_leap.txt', recursive=True) if (basins is not None): files = [f for f in files if any(((basin == os.path.basename(f)[0:8]) for basin in basins))] else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid forcings type `{forcings_type}` specified.') return files
Discovers multiple CAMELS-US forcing files. All files will be considered that follow the pattern '{data_dir}/**/*_lump_{forcings_type}_forcing_leap.txt'. Parameters ---------- data_dir: str Path to the CAMELS-US data directory for forcings. forcings_type: str Type of the forcing timeseries, i.e. one of 'daymet', 'maurer', or 'nldas' basins: list List of basins, the forcings files will be discovered for. If 'None', all present files will be considered Returns ------- list List of forcing file paths for the specified basins.
def discover_multiple_camels_us_forcings_files(data_dir: str, forcings_type: str, basins: list=None): "\n Discovers multiple CAMELS-US forcing files. All files will be considered that follow the pattern\n '{data_dir}/**/*_lump_{forcings_type}_forcing_leap.txt'.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n data_dir: str\n Path to the CAMELS-US data directory for forcings.\n forcings_type: str\n Type of the forcing timeseries, i.e. one of 'daymet', 'maurer', or 'nldas'\n basins: list\n List of basins, the forcings files will be discovered for. If 'None', all present files will be considered\n\n Returns\n -------\n list\n List of forcing file paths for the specified basins.\n\n " type_dict = {'daymet': 'cida', 'maurer': 'maurer', 'nldas': 'nldas'} if (forcings_type in type_dict): files = glob.glob(f'{data_dir}/**/*_lump_{type_dict[forcings_type]}_forcing_leap.txt', recursive=True) if (basins is not None): files = [f for f in files if any(((basin == os.path.basename(f)[0:8]) for basin in basins))] else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid forcings type `{forcings_type}` specified.') return files
def discover_multiple_camels_us_forcings_files(data_dir: str, forcings_type: str, basins: list=None): "\n Discovers multiple CAMELS-US forcing files. All files will be considered that follow the pattern\n '{data_dir}/**/*_lump_{forcings_type}_forcing_leap.txt'.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n data_dir: str\n Path to the CAMELS-US data directory for forcings.\n forcings_type: str\n Type of the forcing timeseries, i.e. one of 'daymet', 'maurer', or 'nldas'\n basins: list\n List of basins, the forcings files will be discovered for. If 'None', all present files will be considered\n\n Returns\n -------\n list\n List of forcing file paths for the specified basins.\n\n " type_dict = {'daymet': 'cida', 'maurer': 'maurer', 'nldas': 'nldas'} if (forcings_type in type_dict): files = glob.glob(f'{data_dir}/**/*_lump_{type_dict[forcings_type]}_forcing_leap.txt', recursive=True) if (basins is not None): files = [f for f in files if any(((basin == os.path.basename(f)[0:8]) for basin in basins))] else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid forcings type `{forcings_type}` specified.') return files<|docstring|>Discovers multiple CAMELS-US forcing files. All files will be considered that follow the pattern '{data_dir}/**/*_lump_{forcings_type}_forcing_leap.txt'. Parameters ---------- data_dir: str Path to the CAMELS-US data directory for forcings. forcings_type: str Type of the forcing timeseries, i.e. one of 'daymet', 'maurer', or 'nldas' basins: list List of basins, the forcings files will be discovered for. If 'None', all present files will be considered Returns ------- list List of forcing file paths for the specified basins.<|endoftext|>
def discover_multiple_camels_us_streamflow_files(data_dir: str, basins: list=None): "\n Discovers multiple CAMELS-US streamflow files. All files will be considered that follow the pattern\n '{data_dir}/**/*_streamflow_qc.txt'.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n data_dir: str\n Path to the CAMELS-US data directory for streamflow\n basins: list\n List of basins, the streamflow files will be discovered for. If 'None', all present files will be considered.\n\n Returns\n -------\n list\n List of streamflow file paths for the specified basins.\n\n " files = glob.glob(f'{data_dir}/**/*_streamflow_qc.txt') if (basins is not None): files = [f for f in files if any(((basin == os.path.basename(f)[0:8]) for basin in basins))] return files
Discovers multiple CAMELS-US streamflow files. All files will be considered that follow the pattern '{data_dir}/**/*_streamflow_qc.txt'. Parameters ---------- data_dir: str Path to the CAMELS-US data directory for streamflow basins: list List of basins, the streamflow files will be discovered for. If 'None', all present files will be considered. Returns ------- list List of streamflow file paths for the specified basins.
def discover_multiple_camels_us_streamflow_files(data_dir: str, basins: list=None): "\n Discovers multiple CAMELS-US streamflow files. All files will be considered that follow the pattern\n '{data_dir}/**/*_streamflow_qc.txt'.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n data_dir: str\n Path to the CAMELS-US data directory for streamflow\n basins: list\n List of basins, the streamflow files will be discovered for. If 'None', all present files will be considered.\n\n Returns\n -------\n list\n List of streamflow file paths for the specified basins.\n\n " files = glob.glob(f'{data_dir}/**/*_streamflow_qc.txt') if (basins is not None): files = [f for f in files if any(((basin == os.path.basename(f)[0:8]) for basin in basins))] return files
def discover_multiple_camels_us_streamflow_files(data_dir: str, basins: list=None): "\n Discovers multiple CAMELS-US streamflow files. All files will be considered that follow the pattern\n '{data_dir}/**/*_streamflow_qc.txt'.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n data_dir: str\n Path to the CAMELS-US data directory for streamflow\n basins: list\n List of basins, the streamflow files will be discovered for. If 'None', all present files will be considered.\n\n Returns\n -------\n list\n List of streamflow file paths for the specified basins.\n\n " files = glob.glob(f'{data_dir}/**/*_streamflow_qc.txt') if (basins is not None): files = [f for f in files if any(((basin == os.path.basename(f)[0:8]) for basin in basins))] return files<|docstring|>Discovers multiple CAMELS-US streamflow files. All files will be considered that follow the pattern '{data_dir}/**/*_streamflow_qc.txt'. Parameters ---------- data_dir: str Path to the CAMELS-US data directory for streamflow basins: list List of basins, the streamflow files will be discovered for. If 'None', all present files will be considered. Returns ------- list List of streamflow file paths for the specified basins.<|endoftext|>
def load_forcings(path: str, ds_type: str): '\n Load a dataset that contains forcing data\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n path: str\n Path to the forcings dataset\n ds_type: str\n Type of dataset. One of {camels-us, daymet-2d}\n\n Returns\n -------\n Dataset contating forcings timeseries data\n\n ' if (ds_type == 'camels-us'): return load_forcings_camels_us(path) if (ds_type == 'daymet-2d'): return load_forcings_daymet_2d(path) raise ValueError("Unsupported forcings dataset type '{}'".format(ds_type))
Load a dataset that contains forcing data Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the forcings dataset ds_type: str Type of dataset. One of {camels-us, daymet-2d} Returns ------- Dataset contating forcings timeseries data
def load_forcings(path: str, ds_type: str): '\n Load a dataset that contains forcing data\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n path: str\n Path to the forcings dataset\n ds_type: str\n Type of dataset. One of {camels-us, daymet-2d}\n\n Returns\n -------\n Dataset contating forcings timeseries data\n\n ' if (ds_type == 'camels-us'): return load_forcings_camels_us(path) if (ds_type == 'daymet-2d'): return load_forcings_daymet_2d(path) raise ValueError("Unsupported forcings dataset type '{}'".format(ds_type))
def load_forcings(path: str, ds_type: str): '\n Load a dataset that contains forcing data\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n path: str\n Path to the forcings dataset\n ds_type: str\n Type of dataset. One of {camels-us, daymet-2d}\n\n Returns\n -------\n Dataset contating forcings timeseries data\n\n ' if (ds_type == 'camels-us'): return load_forcings_camels_us(path) if (ds_type == 'daymet-2d'): return load_forcings_daymet_2d(path) raise ValueError("Unsupported forcings dataset type '{}'".format(ds_type))<|docstring|>Load a dataset that contains forcing data Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the forcings dataset ds_type: str Type of dataset. One of {camels-us, daymet-2d} Returns ------- Dataset contating forcings timeseries data<|endoftext|>
def load_forcings_camels_us(path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: '\n Loads CAMELS forcing data from raw text files\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n path: str\n Path to the raw text file containing forcing data for a certain basin\n\n Returns\n -------\n pd.DataFrame\n DataFrame containing DateTime indexed forcing data for a basin\n\n ' colnames = pd.read_csv(path, sep=' ', skiprows=3, nrows=1, header=None) df = pd.read_csv(path, sep='\t', skiprows=4, header=None, decimal='.', names=colnames.iloc[(0, 3:)]) dates = df.iloc[(:, 0)] df = df.drop(columns=df.columns[0]) df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(dates.str.split(expand=True).drop([3], axis=1).rename(columns={0: 'year', 1: 'month', 2: 'day'})) df = df.set_index('date') return df
Loads CAMELS forcing data from raw text files Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the raw text file containing forcing data for a certain basin Returns ------- pd.DataFrame DataFrame containing DateTime indexed forcing data for a basin
def load_forcings_camels_us(path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: '\n Loads CAMELS forcing data from raw text files\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n path: str\n Path to the raw text file containing forcing data for a certain basin\n\n Returns\n -------\n pd.DataFrame\n DataFrame containing DateTime indexed forcing data for a basin\n\n ' colnames = pd.read_csv(path, sep=' ', skiprows=3, nrows=1, header=None) df = pd.read_csv(path, sep='\t', skiprows=4, header=None, decimal='.', names=colnames.iloc[(0, 3:)]) dates = df.iloc[(:, 0)] df = df.drop(columns=df.columns[0]) df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(dates.str.split(expand=True).drop([3], axis=1).rename(columns={0: 'year', 1: 'month', 2: 'day'})) df = df.set_index('date') return df
def load_forcings_camels_us(path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: '\n Loads CAMELS forcing data from raw text files\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n path: str\n Path to the raw text file containing forcing data for a certain basin\n\n Returns\n -------\n pd.DataFrame\n DataFrame containing DateTime indexed forcing data for a basin\n\n ' colnames = pd.read_csv(path, sep=' ', skiprows=3, nrows=1, header=None) df = pd.read_csv(path, sep='\t', skiprows=4, header=None, decimal='.', names=colnames.iloc[(0, 3:)]) dates = df.iloc[(:, 0)] df = df.drop(columns=df.columns[0]) df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(dates.str.split(expand=True).drop([3], axis=1).rename(columns={0: 'year', 1: 'month', 2: 'day'})) df = df.set_index('date') return df<|docstring|>Loads CAMELS forcing data from raw text files Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the raw text file containing forcing data for a certain basin Returns ------- pd.DataFrame DataFrame containing DateTime indexed forcing data for a basin<|endoftext|>
def load_forcings_gauge_metadata(path: str) -> Tuple[(float, float, float)]: '\n Loads gauge metadata from the header of a CAMELS-USE forcings file.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n path: str\n Path to the forcings file.\n\n Returns\n -------\n tuple\n (gauge latitude, gauge elevation, basin area [m²])\n\n ' with open(path, 'r') as file: latitude = float(file.readline()) elevation = float(file.readline()) area = float(file.readline()) return (latitude, elevation, area)
Loads gauge metadata from the header of a CAMELS-USE forcings file. Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the forcings file. Returns ------- tuple (gauge latitude, gauge elevation, basin area [m²])
def load_forcings_gauge_metadata(path: str) -> Tuple[(float, float, float)]: '\n Loads gauge metadata from the header of a CAMELS-USE forcings file.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n path: str\n Path to the forcings file.\n\n Returns\n -------\n tuple\n (gauge latitude, gauge elevation, basin area [m²])\n\n ' with open(path, 'r') as file: latitude = float(file.readline()) elevation = float(file.readline()) area = float(file.readline()) return (latitude, elevation, area)
def load_forcings_gauge_metadata(path: str) -> Tuple[(float, float, float)]: '\n Loads gauge metadata from the header of a CAMELS-USE forcings file.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n path: str\n Path to the forcings file.\n\n Returns\n -------\n tuple\n (gauge latitude, gauge elevation, basin area [m²])\n\n ' with open(path, 'r') as file: latitude = float(file.readline()) elevation = float(file.readline()) area = float(file.readline()) return (latitude, elevation, area)<|docstring|>Loads gauge metadata from the header of a CAMELS-USE forcings file. Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the forcings file. Returns ------- tuple (gauge latitude, gauge elevation, basin area [m²])<|endoftext|>
def load_forcings_daymet_2d(path: str) -> xr.Dataset: '\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n path: str\n Path to a Daymet NetCDF dataset\n\n Returns\n -------\n xarray.Dataset\n Dataset hat contains two dimensional Daymet forcings data\n\n ' with xr.open_dataset(path) as ds: return ds
Parameters ---------- path: str Path to a Daymet NetCDF dataset Returns ------- xarray.Dataset Dataset hat contains two dimensional Daymet forcings data
def load_forcings_daymet_2d(path: str) -> xr.Dataset: '\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n path: str\n Path to a Daymet NetCDF dataset\n\n Returns\n -------\n xarray.Dataset\n Dataset hat contains two dimensional Daymet forcings data\n\n ' with xr.open_dataset(path) as ds: return ds
def load_forcings_daymet_2d(path: str) -> xr.Dataset: '\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n path: str\n Path to a Daymet NetCDF dataset\n\n Returns\n -------\n xarray.Dataset\n Dataset hat contains two dimensional Daymet forcings data\n\n ' with xr.open_dataset(path) as ds: return ds<|docstring|>Parameters ---------- path: str Path to a Daymet NetCDF dataset Returns ------- xarray.Dataset Dataset hat contains two dimensional Daymet forcings data<|endoftext|>
def load_streamflow(path: str, ds_type: str): '\n Load streamflow data\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n path: str\n Path to a streamflow dataset\n ds_type: str\n Type of the streamflow dataset. One of {camels-us}\n\n Returns\n -------\n Dataset containing streamflow timeseries data\n\n ' if (ds_type == 'camels-us'): return load_streamflow_camels_us(path) raise ValueError("Unsupported streamflow dataset type '{}'".format(ds_type))
Load streamflow data Parameters ---------- path: str Path to a streamflow dataset ds_type: str Type of the streamflow dataset. One of {camels-us} Returns ------- Dataset containing streamflow timeseries data
def load_streamflow(path: str, ds_type: str): '\n Load streamflow data\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n path: str\n Path to a streamflow dataset\n ds_type: str\n Type of the streamflow dataset. One of {camels-us}\n\n Returns\n -------\n Dataset containing streamflow timeseries data\n\n ' if (ds_type == 'camels-us'): return load_streamflow_camels_us(path) raise ValueError("Unsupported streamflow dataset type '{}'".format(ds_type))
def load_streamflow(path: str, ds_type: str): '\n Load streamflow data\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n path: str\n Path to a streamflow dataset\n ds_type: str\n Type of the streamflow dataset. One of {camels-us}\n\n Returns\n -------\n Dataset containing streamflow timeseries data\n\n ' if (ds_type == 'camels-us'): return load_streamflow_camels_us(path) raise ValueError("Unsupported streamflow dataset type '{}'".format(ds_type))<|docstring|>Load streamflow data Parameters ---------- path: str Path to a streamflow dataset ds_type: str Type of the streamflow dataset. One of {camels-us} Returns ------- Dataset containing streamflow timeseries data<|endoftext|>
def load_streamflow_camels_us(path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: '\n Loads CAMELS streamflow data from raw text files\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n path: str\n Path to the raw text file containing streamflow data for a certain basin\n\n Returns\n -------\n pd.DataFrame\n DataFrame containing DateTime indexed streamflow data for a basin\n\n ' df = pd.read_csv(path, delim_whitespace=True, header=None, decimal='.', na_values=['-999.00'], names=['gauge_id', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'streamflow', 'qc_flag'], dtype={'gauge_id': str}) df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df[['year', 'month', 'day']]) df = df.drop(columns=['year', 'month', 'day']).set_index('date') return df
Loads CAMELS streamflow data from raw text files Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the raw text file containing streamflow data for a certain basin Returns ------- pd.DataFrame DataFrame containing DateTime indexed streamflow data for a basin
def load_streamflow_camels_us(path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: '\n Loads CAMELS streamflow data from raw text files\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n path: str\n Path to the raw text file containing streamflow data for a certain basin\n\n Returns\n -------\n pd.DataFrame\n DataFrame containing DateTime indexed streamflow data for a basin\n\n ' df = pd.read_csv(path, delim_whitespace=True, header=None, decimal='.', na_values=['-999.00'], names=['gauge_id', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'streamflow', 'qc_flag'], dtype={'gauge_id': str}) df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df[['year', 'month', 'day']]) df = df.drop(columns=['year', 'month', 'day']).set_index('date') return df
def load_streamflow_camels_us(path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: '\n Loads CAMELS streamflow data from raw text files\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n path: str\n Path to the raw text file containing streamflow data for a certain basin\n\n Returns\n -------\n pd.DataFrame\n DataFrame containing DateTime indexed streamflow data for a basin\n\n ' df = pd.read_csv(path, delim_whitespace=True, header=None, decimal='.', na_values=['-999.00'], names=['gauge_id', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'streamflow', 'qc_flag'], dtype={'gauge_id': str}) df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df[['year', 'month', 'day']]) df = df.drop(columns=['year', 'month', 'day']).set_index('date') return df<|docstring|>Loads CAMELS streamflow data from raw text files Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the raw text file containing streamflow data for a certain basin Returns ------- pd.DataFrame DataFrame containing DateTime indexed streamflow data for a basin<|endoftext|>
def load_camels_us_basin_physical_characteristics(path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: '\n Loads physical characteristics for CAMEL-US basins\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n path: str\n Path to the metadata file\n\n Returns\n -------\n pd.DataFrame\n DataFrame containing physical characteristics for CAMEL-US basins\n\n ' return pd.read_csv(path, delim_whitespace=True, decimal='.', dtype={'BASIN_ID': str})
Loads physical characteristics for CAMEL-US basins Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the metadata file Returns ------- pd.DataFrame DataFrame containing physical characteristics for CAMEL-US basins
def load_camels_us_basin_physical_characteristics(path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: '\n Loads physical characteristics for CAMEL-US basins\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n path: str\n Path to the metadata file\n\n Returns\n -------\n pd.DataFrame\n DataFrame containing physical characteristics for CAMEL-US basins\n\n ' return pd.read_csv(path, delim_whitespace=True, decimal='.', dtype={'BASIN_ID': str})
def load_camels_us_basin_physical_characteristics(path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: '\n Loads physical characteristics for CAMEL-US basins\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n path: str\n Path to the metadata file\n\n Returns\n -------\n pd.DataFrame\n DataFrame containing physical characteristics for CAMEL-US basins\n\n ' return pd.read_csv(path, delim_whitespace=True, decimal='.', dtype={'BASIN_ID': str})<|docstring|>Loads physical characteristics for CAMEL-US basins Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the metadata file Returns ------- pd.DataFrame DataFrame containing physical characteristics for CAMEL-US basins<|endoftext|>
def load_camels_us_gauge_information(path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: '\n Loads gauge information metadata for CAMEL-US basins\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n path: str\n Path to the metadata file\n\n Returns\n -------\n pd.DataFrame\n DataFrame containing physical characteristics for CAMEL-US basins\n\n ' return pd.read_csv(path, delim_whitespace=True, decimal='.', dtype={'HUC_02': str, 'GAGE_ID': str})
Loads gauge information metadata for CAMEL-US basins Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the metadata file Returns ------- pd.DataFrame DataFrame containing physical characteristics for CAMEL-US basins
def load_camels_us_gauge_information(path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: '\n Loads gauge information metadata for CAMEL-US basins\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n path: str\n Path to the metadata file\n\n Returns\n -------\n pd.DataFrame\n DataFrame containing physical characteristics for CAMEL-US basins\n\n ' return pd.read_csv(path, delim_whitespace=True, decimal='.', dtype={'HUC_02': str, 'GAGE_ID': str})
def load_camels_us_gauge_information(path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: '\n Loads gauge information metadata for CAMEL-US basins\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n path: str\n Path to the metadata file\n\n Returns\n -------\n pd.DataFrame\n DataFrame containing physical characteristics for CAMEL-US basins\n\n ' return pd.read_csv(path, delim_whitespace=True, decimal='.', dtype={'HUC_02': str, 'GAGE_ID': str})<|docstring|>Loads gauge information metadata for CAMEL-US basins Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the metadata file Returns ------- pd.DataFrame DataFrame containing physical characteristics for CAMEL-US basins<|endoftext|>
def create_out_dir(output: str, name: str) -> str: '\n Creates a directory in the given output folder for a given name and the current timestamp that can be used for\n storing outputs such as logs, monitoring metrics or saved models\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n output: str\n Output directory\n name: str\n Name of the current run\n\n Returns\n -------\n str\n Path of the created directory\n\n ' timestamp ='%Y%m%d%H%M%S%z') out_dir = os.path.join(output, f'{timestamp}_{name}') if (not os.path.exists(out_dir)): os.mkdir(out_dir)'Created directory {out_dir} for storing outputs.') else: logger.warning(f'Directory {out_dir} already exists.') return out_dir
Creates a directory in the given output folder for a given name and the current timestamp that can be used for storing outputs such as logs, monitoring metrics or saved models Parameters ---------- output: str Output directory name: str Name of the current run Returns ------- str Path of the created directory
def create_out_dir(output: str, name: str) -> str: '\n Creates a directory in the given output folder for a given name and the current timestamp that can be used for\n storing outputs such as logs, monitoring metrics or saved models\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n output: str\n Output directory\n name: str\n Name of the current run\n\n Returns\n -------\n str\n Path of the created directory\n\n ' timestamp ='%Y%m%d%H%M%S%z') out_dir = os.path.join(output, f'{timestamp}_{name}') if (not os.path.exists(out_dir)): os.mkdir(out_dir)'Created directory {out_dir} for storing outputs.') else: logger.warning(f'Directory {out_dir} already exists.') return out_dir
def create_out_dir(output: str, name: str) -> str: '\n Creates a directory in the given output folder for a given name and the current timestamp that can be used for\n storing outputs such as logs, monitoring metrics or saved models\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n output: str\n Output directory\n name: str\n Name of the current run\n\n Returns\n -------\n str\n Path of the created directory\n\n ' timestamp ='%Y%m%d%H%M%S%z') out_dir = os.path.join(output, f'{timestamp}_{name}') if (not os.path.exists(out_dir)): os.mkdir(out_dir)'Created directory {out_dir} for storing outputs.') else: logger.warning(f'Directory {out_dir} already exists.') return out_dir<|docstring|>Creates a directory in the given output folder for a given name and the current timestamp that can be used for storing outputs such as logs, monitoring metrics or saved models Parameters ---------- output: str Output directory name: str Name of the current run Returns ------- str Path of the created directory<|endoftext|>
def load_tracker(self, path, tracker_names=None, store=True): '\n Args:\n path(str): path to result\n tracker_name(list): name of tracker\n ' if (not tracker_names): tracker_names = [x.split('/')[(- 1)] for x in glob(path) if os.path.isdir(x)] if isinstance(tracker_names, str): tracker_names = [tracker_names] for name in tracker_names: traj_file = os.path.join(path, name, ( + '.txt')) if os.path.exists(traj_file): with open(traj_file, 'r') as f: pred_traj = [list(map(float, x.strip().split(','))) for x in f.readlines()] if (len(pred_traj) != len(self.gt_traj)): print(name, len(pred_traj), len(self.gt_traj), if store: self.pred_trajs[name] = pred_traj else: return pred_traj else: print(traj_file) self.tracker_names = list(self.pred_trajs.keys())
Args: path(str): path to result tracker_name(list): name of tracker
def load_tracker(self, path, tracker_names=None, store=True): '\n Args:\n path(str): path to result\n tracker_name(list): name of tracker\n ' if (not tracker_names): tracker_names = [x.split('/')[(- 1)] for x in glob(path) if os.path.isdir(x)] if isinstance(tracker_names, str): tracker_names = [tracker_names] for name in tracker_names: traj_file = os.path.join(path, name, ( + '.txt')) if os.path.exists(traj_file): with open(traj_file, 'r') as f: pred_traj = [list(map(float, x.strip().split(','))) for x in f.readlines()] if (len(pred_traj) != len(self.gt_traj)): print(name, len(pred_traj), len(self.gt_traj), if store: self.pred_trajs[name] = pred_traj else: return pred_traj else: print(traj_file) self.tracker_names = list(self.pred_trajs.keys())
def load_tracker(self, path, tracker_names=None, store=True): '\n Args:\n path(str): path to result\n tracker_name(list): name of tracker\n ' if (not tracker_names): tracker_names = [x.split('/')[(- 1)] for x in glob(path) if os.path.isdir(x)] if isinstance(tracker_names, str): tracker_names = [tracker_names] for name in tracker_names: traj_file = os.path.join(path, name, ( + '.txt')) if os.path.exists(traj_file): with open(traj_file, 'r') as f: pred_traj = [list(map(float, x.strip().split(','))) for x in f.readlines()] if (len(pred_traj) != len(self.gt_traj)): print(name, len(pred_traj), len(self.gt_traj), if store: self.pred_trajs[name] = pred_traj else: return pred_traj else: print(traj_file) self.tracker_names = list(self.pred_trajs.keys())<|docstring|>Args: path(str): path to result tracker_name(list): name of tracker<|endoftext|>
def draw_box(self, roi, img, linewidth, color, name=None): '\n roi: rectangle or polygon\n img: numpy array img\n linewith: line width of the bbox\n ' if ((len(roi) > 6) and ((len(roi) % 2) == 0)): pts = np.array(roi, np.int32).reshape((- 1), 1, 2) color = tuple(map(int, color)) img = cv2.polylines(img, [pts], True, color, linewidth) pt = (pts[(0, 0, 0)], (pts[(0, 0, 1)] - 5)) if name: img = cv2.putText(img, name, pt, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 1, color, 1) elif (len(roi) == 4): if (not np.isnan(roi[0])): roi = list(map(int, roi)) color = tuple(map(int, color)) img = cv2.rectangle(img, (roi[0], roi[1]), ((roi[0] + roi[2]), (roi[1] + roi[3])), color, linewidth) if name: img = cv2.putText(img, name, (roi[0], (roi[1] - 5)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 1, color, 1) return img
roi: rectangle or polygon img: numpy array img linewith: line width of the bbox
def draw_box(self, roi, img, linewidth, color, name=None): '\n roi: rectangle or polygon\n img: numpy array img\n linewith: line width of the bbox\n ' if ((len(roi) > 6) and ((len(roi) % 2) == 0)): pts = np.array(roi, np.int32).reshape((- 1), 1, 2) color = tuple(map(int, color)) img = cv2.polylines(img, [pts], True, color, linewidth) pt = (pts[(0, 0, 0)], (pts[(0, 0, 1)] - 5)) if name: img = cv2.putText(img, name, pt, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 1, color, 1) elif (len(roi) == 4): if (not np.isnan(roi[0])): roi = list(map(int, roi)) color = tuple(map(int, color)) img = cv2.rectangle(img, (roi[0], roi[1]), ((roi[0] + roi[2]), (roi[1] + roi[3])), color, linewidth) if name: img = cv2.putText(img, name, (roi[0], (roi[1] - 5)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 1, color, 1) return img
def draw_box(self, roi, img, linewidth, color, name=None): '\n roi: rectangle or polygon\n img: numpy array img\n linewith: line width of the bbox\n ' if ((len(roi) > 6) and ((len(roi) % 2) == 0)): pts = np.array(roi, np.int32).reshape((- 1), 1, 2) color = tuple(map(int, color)) img = cv2.polylines(img, [pts], True, color, linewidth) pt = (pts[(0, 0, 0)], (pts[(0, 0, 1)] - 5)) if name: img = cv2.putText(img, name, pt, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 1, color, 1) elif (len(roi) == 4): if (not np.isnan(roi[0])): roi = list(map(int, roi)) color = tuple(map(int, color)) img = cv2.rectangle(img, (roi[0], roi[1]), ((roi[0] + roi[2]), (roi[1] + roi[3])), color, linewidth) if name: img = cv2.putText(img, name, (roi[0], (roi[1] - 5)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 1, color, 1) return img<|docstring|>roi: rectangle or polygon img: numpy array img linewith: line width of the bbox<|endoftext|>
def show(self, pred_trajs={}, linewidth=2, show_name=False): "\n pred_trajs: dict of pred_traj, {'tracker_name': list of traj}\n pred_traj should contain polygon or rectangle(x, y, width, height)\n linewith: line width of the bbox\n " assert (self.imgs is not None) video = [] cv2.namedWindow(, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) colors = {} if ((len(pred_trajs) == 0) and (len(self.pred_trajs) > 0)): pred_trajs = self.pred_trajs for (i, (roi, img)) in enumerate(zip(self.gt_traj, self.imgs[self.start_frame:(self.end_frame + 1)])): img = img.copy() if (len(img.shape) == 2): img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) else: img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) img = self.draw_box(roi, img, linewidth, (0, 255, 0), ('gt' if show_name else None)) for (name, trajs) in pred_trajs.items(): if (name not in colors): color = tuple(np.random.randint(0, 256, 3)) colors[name] = color else: color = colors[name] img = self.draw_box(trajs[0][i], img, linewidth, color, (name if show_name else None)) cv2.putText(img, str((i + self.start_frame)), (5, 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 1, (255, 255, 0), 2) cv2.imshow(, img) cv2.waitKey(40) video.append(img.copy()) return video
pred_trajs: dict of pred_traj, {'tracker_name': list of traj} pred_traj should contain polygon or rectangle(x, y, width, height) linewith: line width of the bbox
def show(self, pred_trajs={}, linewidth=2, show_name=False): "\n pred_trajs: dict of pred_traj, {'tracker_name': list of traj}\n pred_traj should contain polygon or rectangle(x, y, width, height)\n linewith: line width of the bbox\n " assert (self.imgs is not None) video = [] cv2.namedWindow(, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) colors = {} if ((len(pred_trajs) == 0) and (len(self.pred_trajs) > 0)): pred_trajs = self.pred_trajs for (i, (roi, img)) in enumerate(zip(self.gt_traj, self.imgs[self.start_frame:(self.end_frame + 1)])): img = img.copy() if (len(img.shape) == 2): img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) else: img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) img = self.draw_box(roi, img, linewidth, (0, 255, 0), ('gt' if show_name else None)) for (name, trajs) in pred_trajs.items(): if (name not in colors): color = tuple(np.random.randint(0, 256, 3)) colors[name] = color else: color = colors[name] img = self.draw_box(trajs[0][i], img, linewidth, color, (name if show_name else None)) cv2.putText(img, str((i + self.start_frame)), (5, 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 1, (255, 255, 0), 2) cv2.imshow(, img) cv2.waitKey(40) video.append(img.copy()) return video
def show(self, pred_trajs={}, linewidth=2, show_name=False): "\n pred_trajs: dict of pred_traj, {'tracker_name': list of traj}\n pred_traj should contain polygon or rectangle(x, y, width, height)\n linewith: line width of the bbox\n " assert (self.imgs is not None) video = [] cv2.namedWindow(, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) colors = {} if ((len(pred_trajs) == 0) and (len(self.pred_trajs) > 0)): pred_trajs = self.pred_trajs for (i, (roi, img)) in enumerate(zip(self.gt_traj, self.imgs[self.start_frame:(self.end_frame + 1)])): img = img.copy() if (len(img.shape) == 2): img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) else: img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) img = self.draw_box(roi, img, linewidth, (0, 255, 0), ('gt' if show_name else None)) for (name, trajs) in pred_trajs.items(): if (name not in colors): color = tuple(np.random.randint(0, 256, 3)) colors[name] = color else: color = colors[name] img = self.draw_box(trajs[0][i], img, linewidth, color, (name if show_name else None)) cv2.putText(img, str((i + self.start_frame)), (5, 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 1, (255, 255, 0), 2) cv2.imshow(, img) cv2.waitKey(40) video.append(img.copy()) return video<|docstring|>pred_trajs: dict of pred_traj, {'tracker_name': list of traj} pred_traj should contain polygon or rectangle(x, y, width, height) linewith: line width of the bbox<|endoftext|>
def read_tooltips(gui_name): 'Read and format tooltips, return a dict.' dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) help_path = os.path.join(dirname, 'help', (gui_name + '.json')) with open(help_path) as fid: raw_tooltips = json.load(fid) format_ = TextWrapper(width=60, fix_sentence_endings=True).fill return {key: format_(text) for (key, text) in raw_tooltips.items()}
Read and format tooltips, return a dict.
def read_tooltips(gui_name): dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) help_path = os.path.join(dirname, 'help', (gui_name + '.json')) with open(help_path) as fid: raw_tooltips = json.load(fid) format_ = TextWrapper(width=60, fix_sentence_endings=True).fill return {key: format_(text) for (key, text) in raw_tooltips.items()}
def read_tooltips(gui_name): dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) help_path = os.path.join(dirname, 'help', (gui_name + '.json')) with open(help_path) as fid: raw_tooltips = json.load(fid) format_ = TextWrapper(width=60, fix_sentence_endings=True).fill return {key: format_(text) for (key, text) in raw_tooltips.items()}<|docstring|>Read and format tooltips, return a dict.<|endoftext|>
def test_no_args(capsys, monkeypatch): 'With no arguments, awsudo exits with usage.' monkeypatch.setattr(sys, 'argv', ['awsudo']) with pytest.raises(SystemExit): main.main() (out, err) = capsys.readouterr() assert ('Usage:' in err)
With no arguments, awsudo exits with usage.
def test_no_args(capsys, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(sys, 'argv', ['awsudo']) with pytest.raises(SystemExit): main.main() (out, err) = capsys.readouterr() assert ('Usage:' in err)
def test_no_args(capsys, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(sys, 'argv', ['awsudo']) with pytest.raises(SystemExit): main.main() (out, err) = capsys.readouterr() assert ('Usage:' in err)<|docstring|>With no arguments, awsudo exits with usage.<|endoftext|>
def test_only_option(capsys, monkeypatch): 'With only options, awsudo exits with usage.' monkeypatch.setattr(sys, 'argv', ['awsudo', '-u', 'default']) with pytest.raises(SystemExit): main.main() (out, err) = capsys.readouterr() assert ('Usage:' in err)
With only options, awsudo exits with usage.
def test_only_option(capsys, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(sys, 'argv', ['awsudo', '-u', 'default']) with pytest.raises(SystemExit): main.main() (out, err) = capsys.readouterr() assert ('Usage:' in err)
def test_only_option(capsys, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(sys, 'argv', ['awsudo', '-u', 'default']) with pytest.raises(SystemExit): main.main() (out, err) = capsys.readouterr() assert ('Usage:' in err)<|docstring|>With only options, awsudo exits with usage.<|endoftext|>
def test_parseArgs_env_profile(monkeypatch): 'Env vars is taken if no option are given.' environ = {'AWS_PROFILE': 'profile'} monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'environ', environ) monkeypatch.setattr(sys, 'argv', ['awsudo', 'command']) (profile, args) = main.parseArgs() assert (profile == 'profile') assert (args == ['command'])
Env vars is taken if no option are given.
def test_parseArgs_env_profile(monkeypatch): environ = {'AWS_PROFILE': 'profile'} monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'environ', environ) monkeypatch.setattr(sys, 'argv', ['awsudo', 'command']) (profile, args) = main.parseArgs() assert (profile == 'profile') assert (args == ['command'])
def test_parseArgs_env_profile(monkeypatch): environ = {'AWS_PROFILE': 'profile'} monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'environ', environ) monkeypatch.setattr(sys, 'argv', ['awsudo', 'command']) (profile, args) = main.parseArgs() assert (profile == 'profile') assert (args == ['command'])<|docstring|>Env vars is taken if no option are given.<|endoftext|>
def test_parseArgs_option_over_environ(monkeypatch): 'Options values are taken even if environment variables are set.' environ = {'AWS_PROFILE': 'profile-environ'} monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'environ', environ) monkeypatch.setattr(sys, 'argv', ['awsudo', '-u', 'profile-option', 'command']) (profile, args) = main.parseArgs() assert (profile == 'profile-option') assert (args == ['command'])
Options values are taken even if environment variables are set.
def test_parseArgs_option_over_environ(monkeypatch): environ = {'AWS_PROFILE': 'profile-environ'} monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'environ', environ) monkeypatch.setattr(sys, 'argv', ['awsudo', '-u', 'profile-option', 'command']) (profile, args) = main.parseArgs() assert (profile == 'profile-option') assert (args == ['command'])
def test_parseArgs_option_over_environ(monkeypatch): environ = {'AWS_PROFILE': 'profile-environ'} monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'environ', environ) monkeypatch.setattr(sys, 'argv', ['awsudo', '-u', 'profile-option', 'command']) (profile, args) = main.parseArgs() assert (profile == 'profile-option') assert (args == ['command'])<|docstring|>Options values are taken even if environment variables are set.<|endoftext|>
def test_cleanEnvironment(monkeypatch): 'cleanEnvironment strips AWS and boto configuration.' environ = {'AWS_SECRET': 'password1', 'BOTO_CONFIG': 'please work', 'HOME': 'ward bound'} monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'environ', environ) main.cleanEnvironment() assert ('AWS_SECRET' not in environ) assert ('BOTO_CONFIG' not in environ) assert (environ['HOME'] == 'ward bound')
cleanEnvironment strips AWS and boto configuration.
def test_cleanEnvironment(monkeypatch): environ = {'AWS_SECRET': 'password1', 'BOTO_CONFIG': 'please work', 'HOME': 'ward bound'} monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'environ', environ) main.cleanEnvironment() assert ('AWS_SECRET' not in environ) assert ('BOTO_CONFIG' not in environ) assert (environ['HOME'] == 'ward bound')
def test_cleanEnvironment(monkeypatch): environ = {'AWS_SECRET': 'password1', 'BOTO_CONFIG': 'please work', 'HOME': 'ward bound'} monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'environ', environ) main.cleanEnvironment() assert ('AWS_SECRET' not in environ) assert ('BOTO_CONFIG' not in environ) assert (environ['HOME'] == 'ward bound')<|docstring|>cleanEnvironment strips AWS and boto configuration.<|endoftext|>
def format_date(data_json) -> List[Dict[(str, Union[(str, int, datetime.datetime)])]]: ' Formats the date from a json object. ' for row in data_json: row_date = row['product_url__created_at'] row_date_formatted = eval(row_date) row['product_url__created_at'] = row_date_formatted return data_json
Formats the date from a json object.
def format_date(data_json) -> List[Dict[(str, Union[(str, int, datetime.datetime)])]]: ' ' for row in data_json: row_date = row['product_url__created_at'] row_date_formatted = eval(row_date) row['product_url__created_at'] = row_date_formatted return data_json
def format_date(data_json) -> List[Dict[(str, Union[(str, int, datetime.datetime)])]]: ' ' for row in data_json: row_date = row['product_url__created_at'] row_date_formatted = eval(row_date) row['product_url__created_at'] = row_date_formatted return data_json<|docstring|>Formats the date from a json object.<|endoftext|>
def group_products(data_json) -> Dict[(str, Union[(str, int, datetime.datetime)])]: ' Group duplicate products. ' new_data_list: List[List[Dict[(str, Union[(str, int, datetime.datetime)])]]] = [] products: Dict[(str, List[Any])] = {} for row in data_json: if (row['product_url'] in products): products[row['product_url']].append(row) else: products[row['product_url']] = [row] return products
Group duplicate products.
def group_products(data_json) -> Dict[(str, Union[(str, int, datetime.datetime)])]: ' ' new_data_list: List[List[Dict[(str, Union[(str, int, datetime.datetime)])]]] = [] products: Dict[(str, List[Any])] = {} for row in data_json: if (row['product_url'] in products): products[row['product_url']].append(row) else: products[row['product_url']] = [row] return products
def group_products(data_json) -> Dict[(str, Union[(str, int, datetime.datetime)])]: ' ' new_data_list: List[List[Dict[(str, Union[(str, int, datetime.datetime)])]]] = [] products: Dict[(str, List[Any])] = {} for row in data_json: if (row['product_url'] in products): products[row['product_url']].append(row) else: products[row['product_url']] = [row] return products<|docstring|>Group duplicate products.<|endoftext|>
def setup(bot: commands.Bot): 'Setup the discipline cog' bot.add_cog(Discipline(bot))
Setup the discipline cog
def setup(bot: commands.Bot): bot.add_cog(Discipline(bot))
def setup(bot: commands.Bot): bot.add_cog(Discipline(bot))<|docstring|>Setup the discipline cog<|endoftext|>
@commands.Command @server_only() @whitelist_only() async def warn(self, ctx, user: discord.User, severity: int, reason: str): "\n Permissions Requirement: \n Warning Whitelisted Users: Server Owner\n Warning Non-Whitelisted Users: Server Whitelisted\n Parameters:\n user - An @ mention or the userid of the user to be warned.\n severity - How severe the offense was. This number is added to the user's account for this server.\n reason - The reason for warning the user. It is recommended to issue warnings to whitelisted users who warn without adequate reason, or even for whitelist status to be revoked in extreme cases.\n Description:\n Warn a user for something they did and add <severity> severity points to their account for this server.\n Once a punishable number of severity points has been reached, then a punishment is automatically issued [2][3].\n If multiple punishable severity levels are surpassed, then the longest ban is issued.\n Punishments: [1]\n 10 severity points - banned for 1 hour\n 20 severity points - banned for 1 day\n 30 severity points - banned for 1 week\n Every 10 severity points afterwards will result in a 1 month ban (30 days)\n When banning users, Turt bot will send a DM including a server invite [4].\n After the ban has expired, Turt bot will unban the user [3].\n\n Notes:\n [1] Ban punishments round up to the next hour.\n [2] Turt bot cannot ban users with roles higher in the role hierarchy. If a user should be banned, consult someone who is higher in the hierarchy.\n [3] It is recommended to turn on the `ban members` permission for Turt, or Turt will be unable to ban or automatically unban users when their ban has expired.\n [4] It is recommended to turn on the `manage server` permission for Turt, or Turt will be unable to send server invites to banned users.\n " bans_in_hours = [1, 24, 168, 720] bans_strings = ['1 hour', '1 day', '1 week', '30 days'] cursor = conn = user_id = if (user_id == (await'You cannot warn yourself.')) return if (user_id != ctx.guild.owner_id): cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM whitelist WHERE serverid=? AND userid=?', (, user_id)) result = cursor.fetchone() if (result is not None): (await'Only the server owner can warn whitelisted users.')) return if (user is None): (await'That user does not exist on this server')) return if ( == config.bot_user_id): (await'You cannot warn me.')) return if (await'You cannot warn bots.')) return if (severity < 0): (await'You cannot give users negative severity points.')) return if (len(reason.strip()) == 0): (await'Warn reason cannot be whitespace.')) return cursor.execute('SELECT severitypoints FROM warnings WHERE userid=? AND serverid=?', (user_id, severity_points = cursor.fetchone() if (severity_points is None): cursor.execute('INSERT INTO warnings VALUES (?,?,?,?)', (user_id,, 0, (- 1))) conn.commit() severity_points = 0 else: severity_points = severity_points[0] total_severity_points = (severity_points + severity) cursor.execute('UPDATE warnings SET severitypoints=? WHERE userid=? AND serverid=?', (total_severity_points, user_id, conn.commit() punished = False current_time_in_hours = int(math.ceil((time.time() / 3600))) end_hour = current_time_in_hours ban_level = 0 if ((math.ceil((severity_points / 10)) <= math.floor((total_severity_points / 10))) and ((severity_points % 10) != 0)): index = (math.floor((total_severity_points / 10)) - 1) if (index > 3): index = 3 punished = True end_hour += bans_in_hours[index] ban_level = index if (severity == 0): punished = False if punished: server = (await bot_user = (await server.fetch_member(config.bot_user_id)) member = (await server.fetch_member(user_id)) if (bot_user.guild_permissions.ban_members and (bot_user.top_role.position > member.top_role.position)): ban_embed = discord.Embed() ban_embed.color = ban_embed.set_author(name=f'Last warned by {}', ban_embed.title = f'You have been banned from {} for {bans_strings[ban_level]}.' ban_embed.description = f'''The last straw: {reason}''' ban_embed.add_field(name='Severity Points Given', value=severity, inline=True) ban_embed.add_field(name='Total Severity Points', value=total_severity_points, inline=True) ban_embed.set_footer(text='Note: This server invite may not be active when your ban has expired') if bot_user.guild_permissions.manage_guild: invites = (await server.invites()) if (len(invites) == 0): ban_embed.add_field(name=f'Invite (For when ban expires)', value=f'Sorry! {} does not have any active invites!', inline=False) else: got_indefinite_invite = False longest_invite = invites[0] for invite in invites: if (invite.max_age == 0): ban_embed.add_field(name=f'Invite (For when ban expires)', value=str(invite), inline=False) got_indefinite_invite = True break if (invite.max_age > longest_invite.max_age): longest_invite = invite if (not got_indefinite_invite): ban_embed.add_field(name=f'Invite (For when ban expires)', value=str(longest_invite), inline=False) else: ban_embed.add_field(name=f'Invite (For when ban expires)', value=f'Sorry! Turt bot does not have permission to give out invites!', inline=False) if (user.dm_channel is None): (await user.create_dm()) (await user.dm_channel.send(embed=ban_embed)) ban_embed.title = f'{user.display_name} has been banned from the server for {bans_strings[ban_level]}.' ban_embed.set_thumbnail(url=member.avatar_url) ban_embed.remove_field(2) ban_embed.set_footer(text='') (await (await ctx.guild.ban(user, reason=reason, delete_message_days=0))'UPDATE warnings SET EndTime=? WHERE userid=? AND serverid=?', (end_hour, user_id,'UPDATE warnings SET severitypoints=? WHERE userid=? AND serverid=?', (total_severity_points, user_id, else: (await'Turt bot is unable to ban {user.mention} due to insufficient role status or' + f''' Turt is unable to ban users on this server. {} has accumulated ''') + f'{total_severity_points} severity points, so it is recommended that {} be banned ') + f'for {bans_strings[ban_level]}.'))) else: ban_embed = discord.Embed() ban_embed.color = ban_embed.set_author(name=f'Warned by {}', ban_embed.title = f'You have been warned in {}.' ban_embed.description = f'Reason: {reason}' ban_embed.add_field(name='Severity Points Given', value=severity, inline=True) ban_embed.add_field(name='Total Severity Points', value=total_severity_points, inline=True) ban_embed.add_field(name='Ban Punishments', value=((('10 severity points: 1 Hour\n' + '20 severity points: 1 Day\n') + '30 severity points: 1 Week\n') + 'Every 10 severity points afterwards: 1 Month (30 days)'), inline=False) if (user.dm_channel is None): (await user.create_dm()) (await user.dm_channel.send(embed=ban_embed)) ban_embed.title = f'{user.display_name} has been warned.' ban_embed.set_thumbnail(url=user.avatar_url) (await
Permissions Requirement: Warning Whitelisted Users: Server Owner Warning Non-Whitelisted Users: Server Whitelisted Parameters: user - An @ mention or the userid of the user to be warned. severity - How severe the offense was. This number is added to the user's account for this server. reason - The reason for warning the user. It is recommended to issue warnings to whitelisted users who warn without adequate reason, or even for whitelist status to be revoked in extreme cases. Description: Warn a user for something they did and add <severity> severity points to their account for this server. Once a punishable number of severity points has been reached, then a punishment is automatically issued [2][3]. If multiple punishable severity levels are surpassed, then the longest ban is issued. Punishments: [1] 10 severity points - banned for 1 hour 20 severity points - banned for 1 day 30 severity points - banned for 1 week Every 10 severity points afterwards will result in a 1 month ban (30 days) When banning users, Turt bot will send a DM including a server invite [4]. After the ban has expired, Turt bot will unban the user [3]. Notes: [1] Ban punishments round up to the next hour. [2] Turt bot cannot ban users with roles higher in the role hierarchy. If a user should be banned, consult someone who is higher in the hierarchy. [3] It is recommended to turn on the `ban members` permission for Turt, or Turt will be unable to ban or automatically unban users when their ban has expired. [4] It is recommended to turn on the `manage server` permission for Turt, or Turt will be unable to send server invites to banned users.
@commands.Command @server_only() @whitelist_only() async def warn(self, ctx, user: discord.User, severity: int, reason: str): "\n Permissions Requirement: \n Warning Whitelisted Users: Server Owner\n Warning Non-Whitelisted Users: Server Whitelisted\n Parameters:\n user - An @ mention or the userid of the user to be warned.\n severity - How severe the offense was. This number is added to the user's account for this server.\n reason - The reason for warning the user. It is recommended to issue warnings to whitelisted users who warn without adequate reason, or even for whitelist status to be revoked in extreme cases.\n Description:\n Warn a user for something they did and add <severity> severity points to their account for this server.\n Once a punishable number of severity points has been reached, then a punishment is automatically issued [2][3].\n If multiple punishable severity levels are surpassed, then the longest ban is issued.\n Punishments: [1]\n 10 severity points - banned for 1 hour\n 20 severity points - banned for 1 day\n 30 severity points - banned for 1 week\n Every 10 severity points afterwards will result in a 1 month ban (30 days)\n When banning users, Turt bot will send a DM including a server invite [4].\n After the ban has expired, Turt bot will unban the user [3].\n\n Notes:\n [1] Ban punishments round up to the next hour.\n [2] Turt bot cannot ban users with roles higher in the role hierarchy. If a user should be banned, consult someone who is higher in the hierarchy.\n [3] It is recommended to turn on the `ban members` permission for Turt, or Turt will be unable to ban or automatically unban users when their ban has expired.\n [4] It is recommended to turn on the `manage server` permission for Turt, or Turt will be unable to send server invites to banned users.\n " bans_in_hours = [1, 24, 168, 720] bans_strings = ['1 hour', '1 day', '1 week', '30 days'] cursor = conn = user_id = if (user_id == (await'You cannot warn yourself.')) return if (user_id != ctx.guild.owner_id): cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM whitelist WHERE serverid=? AND userid=?', (, user_id)) result = cursor.fetchone() if (result is not None): (await'Only the server owner can warn whitelisted users.')) return if (user is None): (await'That user does not exist on this server')) return if ( == config.bot_user_id): (await'You cannot warn me.')) return if (await'You cannot warn bots.')) return if (severity < 0): (await'You cannot give users negative severity points.')) return if (len(reason.strip()) == 0): (await'Warn reason cannot be whitespace.')) return cursor.execute('SELECT severitypoints FROM warnings WHERE userid=? AND serverid=?', (user_id, severity_points = cursor.fetchone() if (severity_points is None): cursor.execute('INSERT INTO warnings VALUES (?,?,?,?)', (user_id,, 0, (- 1))) conn.commit() severity_points = 0 else: severity_points = severity_points[0] total_severity_points = (severity_points + severity) cursor.execute('UPDATE warnings SET severitypoints=? WHERE userid=? AND serverid=?', (total_severity_points, user_id, conn.commit() punished = False current_time_in_hours = int(math.ceil((time.time() / 3600))) end_hour = current_time_in_hours ban_level = 0 if ((math.ceil((severity_points / 10)) <= math.floor((total_severity_points / 10))) and ((severity_points % 10) != 0)): index = (math.floor((total_severity_points / 10)) - 1) if (index > 3): index = 3 punished = True end_hour += bans_in_hours[index] ban_level = index if (severity == 0): punished = False if punished: server = (await bot_user = (await server.fetch_member(config.bot_user_id)) member = (await server.fetch_member(user_id)) if (bot_user.guild_permissions.ban_members and (bot_user.top_role.position > member.top_role.position)): ban_embed = discord.Embed() ban_embed.color = ban_embed.set_author(name=f'Last warned by {}', ban_embed.title = f'You have been banned from {} for {bans_strings[ban_level]}.' ban_embed.description = f'The last straw: {reason}' ban_embed.add_field(name='Severity Points Given', value=severity, inline=True) ban_embed.add_field(name='Total Severity Points', value=total_severity_points, inline=True) ban_embed.set_footer(text='Note: This server invite may not be active when your ban has expired') if bot_user.guild_permissions.manage_guild: invites = (await server.invites()) if (len(invites) == 0): ban_embed.add_field(name=f'Invite (For when ban expires)', value=f'Sorry! {} does not have any active invites!', inline=False) else: got_indefinite_invite = False longest_invite = invites[0] for invite in invites: if (invite.max_age == 0): ban_embed.add_field(name=f'Invite (For when ban expires)', value=str(invite), inline=False) got_indefinite_invite = True break if (invite.max_age > longest_invite.max_age): longest_invite = invite if (not got_indefinite_invite): ban_embed.add_field(name=f'Invite (For when ban expires)', value=str(longest_invite), inline=False) else: ban_embed.add_field(name=f'Invite (For when ban expires)', value=f'Sorry! Turt bot does not have permission to give out invites!', inline=False) if (user.dm_channel is None): (await user.create_dm()) (await user.dm_channel.send(embed=ban_embed)) ban_embed.title = f'{user.display_name} has been banned from the server for {bans_strings[ban_level]}.' ban_embed.set_thumbnail(url=member.avatar_url) ban_embed.remove_field(2) ban_embed.set_footer(text=) (await (await ctx.guild.ban(user, reason=reason, delete_message_days=0))'UPDATE warnings SET EndTime=? WHERE userid=? AND serverid=?', (end_hour, user_id,'UPDATE warnings SET severitypoints=? WHERE userid=? AND serverid=?', (total_severity_points, user_id, else: (await'Turt bot is unable to ban {user.mention} due to insufficient role status or' + f' Turt is unable to ban users on this server. {} has accumulated ') + f'{total_severity_points} severity points, so it is recommended that {} be banned ') + f'for {bans_strings[ban_level]}.'))) else: ban_embed = discord.Embed() ban_embed.color = ban_embed.set_author(name=f'Warned by {}', ban_embed.title = f'You have been warned in {}.' ban_embed.description = f'Reason: {reason}' ban_embed.add_field(name='Severity Points Given', value=severity, inline=True) ban_embed.add_field(name='Total Severity Points', value=total_severity_points, inline=True) ban_embed.add_field(name='Ban Punishments', value=((('10 severity points: 1 Hour\n' + '20 severity points: 1 Day\n') + '30 severity points: 1 Week\n') + 'Every 10 severity points afterwards: 1 Month (30 days)'), inline=False) if (user.dm_channel is None): (await user.create_dm()) (await user.dm_channel.send(embed=ban_embed)) ban_embed.title = f'{user.display_name} has been warned.' ban_embed.set_thumbnail(url=user.avatar_url) (await
@commands.Command @server_only() @whitelist_only() async def warn(self, ctx, user: discord.User, severity: int, reason: str): "\n Permissions Requirement: \n Warning Whitelisted Users: Server Owner\n Warning Non-Whitelisted Users: Server Whitelisted\n Parameters:\n user - An @ mention or the userid of the user to be warned.\n severity - How severe the offense was. This number is added to the user's account for this server.\n reason - The reason for warning the user. It is recommended to issue warnings to whitelisted users who warn without adequate reason, or even for whitelist status to be revoked in extreme cases.\n Description:\n Warn a user for something they did and add <severity> severity points to their account for this server.\n Once a punishable number of severity points has been reached, then a punishment is automatically issued [2][3].\n If multiple punishable severity levels are surpassed, then the longest ban is issued.\n Punishments: [1]\n 10 severity points - banned for 1 hour\n 20 severity points - banned for 1 day\n 30 severity points - banned for 1 week\n Every 10 severity points afterwards will result in a 1 month ban (30 days)\n When banning users, Turt bot will send a DM including a server invite [4].\n After the ban has expired, Turt bot will unban the user [3].\n\n Notes:\n [1] Ban punishments round up to the next hour.\n [2] Turt bot cannot ban users with roles higher in the role hierarchy. If a user should be banned, consult someone who is higher in the hierarchy.\n [3] It is recommended to turn on the `ban members` permission for Turt, or Turt will be unable to ban or automatically unban users when their ban has expired.\n [4] It is recommended to turn on the `manage server` permission for Turt, or Turt will be unable to send server invites to banned users.\n " bans_in_hours = [1, 24, 168, 720] bans_strings = ['1 hour', '1 day', '1 week', '30 days'] cursor = conn = user_id = if (user_id == (await'You cannot warn yourself.')) return if (user_id != ctx.guild.owner_id): cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM whitelist WHERE serverid=? AND userid=?', (, user_id)) result = cursor.fetchone() if (result is not None): (await'Only the server owner can warn whitelisted users.')) return if (user is None): (await'That user does not exist on this server')) return if ( == config.bot_user_id): (await'You cannot warn me.')) return if (await'You cannot warn bots.')) return if (severity < 0): (await'You cannot give users negative severity points.')) return if (len(reason.strip()) == 0): (await'Warn reason cannot be whitespace.')) return cursor.execute('SELECT severitypoints FROM warnings WHERE userid=? AND serverid=?', (user_id, severity_points = cursor.fetchone() if (severity_points is None): cursor.execute('INSERT INTO warnings VALUES (?,?,?,?)', (user_id,, 0, (- 1))) conn.commit() severity_points = 0 else: severity_points = severity_points[0] total_severity_points = (severity_points + severity) cursor.execute('UPDATE warnings SET severitypoints=? WHERE userid=? AND serverid=?', (total_severity_points, user_id, conn.commit() punished = False current_time_in_hours = int(math.ceil((time.time() / 3600))) end_hour = current_time_in_hours ban_level = 0 if ((math.ceil((severity_points / 10)) <= math.floor((total_severity_points / 10))) and ((severity_points % 10) != 0)): index = (math.floor((total_severity_points / 10)) - 1) if (index > 3): index = 3 punished = True end_hour += bans_in_hours[index] ban_level = index if (severity == 0): punished = False if punished: server = (await bot_user = (await server.fetch_member(config.bot_user_id)) member = (await server.fetch_member(user_id)) if (bot_user.guild_permissions.ban_members and (bot_user.top_role.position > member.top_role.position)): ban_embed = discord.Embed() ban_embed.color = ban_embed.set_author(name=f'Last warned by {}', ban_embed.title = f'You have been banned from {} for {bans_strings[ban_level]}.' ban_embed.description = f'The last straw: {reason}' ban_embed.add_field(name='Severity Points Given', value=severity, inline=True) ban_embed.add_field(name='Total Severity Points', value=total_severity_points, inline=True) ban_embed.set_footer(text='Note: This server invite may not be active when your ban has expired') if bot_user.guild_permissions.manage_guild: invites = (await server.invites()) if (len(invites) == 0): ban_embed.add_field(name=f'Invite (For when ban expires)', value=f'Sorry! {} does not have any active invites!', inline=False) else: got_indefinite_invite = False longest_invite = invites[0] for invite in invites: if (invite.max_age == 0): ban_embed.add_field(name=f'Invite (For when ban expires)', value=str(invite), inline=False) got_indefinite_invite = True break if (invite.max_age > longest_invite.max_age): longest_invite = invite if (not got_indefinite_invite): ban_embed.add_field(name=f'Invite (For when ban expires)', value=str(longest_invite), inline=False) else: ban_embed.add_field(name=f'Invite (For when ban expires)', value=f'Sorry! Turt bot does not have permission to give out invites!', inline=False) if (user.dm_channel is None): (await user.create_dm()) (await user.dm_channel.send(embed=ban_embed)) ban_embed.title = f'{user.display_name} has been banned from the server for {bans_strings[ban_level]}.' ban_embed.set_thumbnail(url=member.avatar_url) ban_embed.remove_field(2) ban_embed.set_footer(text=) (await (await ctx.guild.ban(user, reason=reason, delete_message_days=0))'UPDATE warnings SET EndTime=? WHERE userid=? AND serverid=?', (end_hour, user_id,'UPDATE warnings SET severitypoints=? WHERE userid=? AND serverid=?', (total_severity_points, user_id, else: (await'Turt bot is unable to ban {user.mention} due to insufficient role status or' + f' Turt is unable to ban users on this server. {} has accumulated ') + f'{total_severity_points} severity points, so it is recommended that {} be banned ') + f'for {bans_strings[ban_level]}.'))) else: ban_embed = discord.Embed() ban_embed.color = ban_embed.set_author(name=f'Warned by {}', ban_embed.title = f'You have been warned in {}.' ban_embed.description = f'Reason: {reason}' ban_embed.add_field(name='Severity Points Given', value=severity, inline=True) ban_embed.add_field(name='Total Severity Points', value=total_severity_points, inline=True) ban_embed.add_field(name='Ban Punishments', value=((('10 severity points: 1 Hour\n' + '20 severity points: 1 Day\n') + '30 severity points: 1 Week\n') + 'Every 10 severity points afterwards: 1 Month (30 days)'), inline=False) if (user.dm_channel is None): (await user.create_dm()) (await user.dm_channel.send(embed=ban_embed)) ban_embed.title = f'{user.display_name} has been warned.' ban_embed.set_thumbnail(url=user.avatar_url) (await<|docstring|>Permissions Requirement: Warning Whitelisted Users: Server Owner Warning Non-Whitelisted Users: Server Whitelisted Parameters: user - An @ mention or the userid of the user to be warned. severity - How severe the offense was. This number is added to the user's account for this server. reason - The reason for warning the user. It is recommended to issue warnings to whitelisted users who warn without adequate reason, or even for whitelist status to be revoked in extreme cases. Description: Warn a user for something they did and add <severity> severity points to their account for this server. Once a punishable number of severity points has been reached, then a punishment is automatically issued [2][3]. If multiple punishable severity levels are surpassed, then the longest ban is issued. Punishments: [1] 10 severity points - banned for 1 hour 20 severity points - banned for 1 day 30 severity points - banned for 1 week Every 10 severity points afterwards will result in a 1 month ban (30 days) When banning users, Turt bot will send a DM including a server invite [4]. After the ban has expired, Turt bot will unban the user [3]. Notes: [1] Ban punishments round up to the next hour. [2] Turt bot cannot ban users with roles higher in the role hierarchy. If a user should be banned, consult someone who is higher in the hierarchy. [3] It is recommended to turn on the `ban members` permission for Turt, or Turt will be unable to ban or automatically unban users when their ban has expired. [4] It is recommended to turn on the `manage server` permission for Turt, or Turt will be unable to send server invites to banned users.<|endoftext|>
def test_valid_http(): 'Test building a UnstructuredData.' validator = RecordValidator(True) ud = UnstructuredData('', FileType.TEXT) assert (ud.record is None) validator.validate_unstructured_data(ud) assert (ud.accessible == 'OK')
Test building a UnstructuredData.
def test_valid_http(): validator = RecordValidator(True) ud = UnstructuredData('', FileType.TEXT) assert (ud.record is None) validator.validate_unstructured_data(ud) assert (ud.accessible == 'OK')
def test_valid_http(): validator = RecordValidator(True) ud = UnstructuredData('', FileType.TEXT) assert (ud.record is None) validator.validate_unstructured_data(ud) assert (ud.accessible == 'OK')<|docstring|>Test building a UnstructuredData.<|endoftext|>
def test_valid_file(): 'Test building a UnstructuredData with file.' validator = RecordValidator(True) ud = UnstructuredData(f'file://{__file__}', FileType.TEXT) assert (ud.record is None) validator.validate_unstructured_data(ud) assert (ud.accessible == 'OK')
Test building a UnstructuredData with file.
def test_valid_file(): validator = RecordValidator(True) ud = UnstructuredData(f'file://{__file__}', FileType.TEXT) assert (ud.record is None) validator.validate_unstructured_data(ud) assert (ud.accessible == 'OK')
def test_valid_file(): validator = RecordValidator(True) ud = UnstructuredData(f'file://{__file__}', FileType.TEXT) assert (ud.record is None) validator.validate_unstructured_data(ud) assert (ud.accessible == 'OK')<|docstring|>Test building a UnstructuredData with file.<|endoftext|>
def test_missing_file(): 'Test building a UnstructuredData with missing file.' validator = RecordValidator(True) ud = UnstructuredData('file:///spam', FileType.TEXT) validator.validate_unstructured_data(ud) assert (ud.accessible == 'file missing')
Test building a UnstructuredData with missing file.
def test_missing_file(): validator = RecordValidator(True) ud = UnstructuredData('file:///spam', FileType.TEXT) validator.validate_unstructured_data(ud) assert (ud.accessible == 'file missing')
def test_missing_file(): validator = RecordValidator(True) ud = UnstructuredData('file:///spam', FileType.TEXT) validator.validate_unstructured_data(ud) assert (ud.accessible == 'file missing')<|docstring|>Test building a UnstructuredData with missing file.<|endoftext|>