from datasets import load_dataset from underthesea import word_tokenize from underthesea.pipeline.word_tokenize.regex_tokenize import tokenize from os.path import dirname, join from underthesea.utils import logger dataset = load_dataset("undertheseanlp/UTS_Text_v1") sentences = dataset["train"]["text"] pwd = dirname(__file__) data_file = join(pwd, "data/train.txt") with open(data_file, "w") as f: f.write("") f = open(data_file, "a") content = "" for j, s in enumerate(sentences): if j % 100 == 0 and j > 0: f.write(content) content = "" words = word_tokenize(s) for word in words: tokens = tokenize(word) for i, token in enumerate(tokens): if i == 0: tag = "B-W" else: tag = "I-W" content += token + "\t" + tag + "\n" content += "\n" f.close()