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Green salts were prepared from plants grown in both Metacecariainfested and Metacercariafree aquariums and were force fed to two groups of rabbits.
The statistical population included all patients that came from different areas of Tehran for treatment to specialized gastroenterology clinics during May and June 2017.
In this article, an extremely rare case of metastatic ETTs in the lymph nodes is reported. Case presentation:
Comparative Study of the Effect of Indomethacin and Acetaminophen on Pain after Collagen Cross-Linking Surgery
At the beginning of the active phase of labor, one capsule (the saffron or placebo capsule) was used by the subject.
Background: Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) is a plasma derived product. IVIG has been used in treatment of autoimmune, immunodeficiency and infectious diseases.
Background & Aim: Maintaining and improving the health of the elderly through effective interventions requires the recognition of their lifestyle, including exercise using a valid and appropriate culturespecific tool.
In this experimental study, twenty one 68 week male rats were divided into 3 groups of salinecontrol, saline training and magnolia training.
Data were collected using Hochwarter, Casta, Mackgor, Mulkr, Robinson and Bennett, and House and Rizzo standard questionnaires.
The information was analyzed using SPSS 11.5 and descriptive statistical tests (mean and percentage) and inferential statistical tests (chisquare, ttest, ANOVA, etc).
Also, the gain in body weight of the HF group was significantly heavier than that of the HFL group (p<0.01).
Keywords: Colombia School of Nursing, Curriculum, Comparative Study, Iran, Bereday's Model, Nursing PhD.
Barlow test was more specific in diagnosis of DDH in comparison to Ortolani test and sonography examination was known as a certain method for paraclinical diagnosis.
Therefore, educating and encouraging housewives, married, uneducated and adolescent women as well as providing a suitable place for breast examination in health centers are necessary.
Therefore, rights of reproduction are not only dedicated to women but are basic rights of all human beings.
They comprised of five species: Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (34.23%), D. pteronyssinus farinae (27.18%), D. evansi (21.37%), Cheyletus malaccensis (12.24%) and, Ornithonyssus bacoti (4.98%).
Introduction: So far, the effects of blunt trauma on sperm parameters and reproductive capacity have not been firmly established and different reports have been presented.
Effects of anticoagulants and antiplatelets administration on COVID19 outcome in hospitalized patients of the educational hospitals of Iran University of Medical Sciences using a data mining approach
The relationship between selfdirected learning and academic success in nursing students of Ahvaz Jondishapur University of Medical Sciences
Results: The result of present study confirmed the degree of deacetylation of chitosan samples up to 65% by FTIR method.
Data analysis was performed by using SPSS software version 13. The evaluation was carried out by applying four criteria of WEBQEM.
Keywords: Coauthorship, Collaborative coefficient, Journal of Research in Medical Sciences.
In this cross sectional study, 82 patients with stable angina who candidates for angiography were studied.
Physical resources, medical university support and the hospital information system had the most effect on successful accreditation implementation.
To examine the individual consequences of an organizational trauma in a health service provider unit.
Clinical and laboratory data were collected and analyzed in SPSS V.16.
Match between school furniture dimensions and children's anthropometry in Isfahan schools
The results showed that the efficacy of the intervention approach was more than the parent and neurofeedback behavioral management training in reducing the problems of overactive children in the three areas under study, respectively.
The study subjects received 6 mg of caffeine per kilogram of body weight daily for 12 weeks.
This study aimed to investigate the relationship of emotional intelligence with mental health and demographic factors in IR army soldiers.
Materials and Methods: In this clinical trial, patients with lateral epicondylitis were randomely assigned to injection (n=18) and phonophoresis (n=18) groups.
Also, it was observed that the rising CO gas was the most effective factor in the shutdown of ESP systems.
In this study, body weight (P=0.040), body mass index (P=0.049) and body fat percent (P=0.041) were significantly decreased after exercise.
The results showed that selfregulatory strategies, achievement goals, mediated by SelfHandicapping and perfectionism promote students' academic engagement.
Aims: Diabetes type II is one of the most common disorders of endocrine system in the world.
Materials and methods: A retrospective cohort study was performed using the information on 1571 renal transplants in Kermanshah, Iran, 1989 to 2016.
The occurrence rate of nausea in metoclopramide group was higher than propofol group (28% versus 22%) that this difference was statistically significant (p=0.039).
However, there is no research concerning this issue in Iran.The aim of this study was to investigate Compression Emotion Regulation Negative Strategies in Smokers and NonSmoker Students.
The majority of the patients were 5060 years (55.52 ± 8.42) old and 54.3% of them demonstrated borderline metabolic control according to the World Health Organization criteria.
Stem cell therapy neurological disease stroke Parkinson Spinal injury
Background: Labor induction for terminating pregnancy in term parturients with unripe cervix has been concerned for many years.
Complete healing and repair of lesions occurred in 6 patients, more than 50% repair was seen in 16 patients and repair up to 50% in 7 patients.
The research was done by qualitative content analysis of the Qur'an based on interpretations and other Islamic studies.
Keywords: Association rules, Apriori algorithms, Gastric cancer eprint link:
Data was analyzed with Chisquare, ttest and paired ttest and descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation and variance) by spss version 16.
Keywords: aerobics, lipid semi facial, Liver Enzymes, green tea, Diabetes.
Keywords: Longitudinal Data, Generalized Estimating Equations, Quadratic Inference Function, Bipolar I Disorder
An emotion regulation program designed to improve the internalized and externalized symptoms of bullying adolescents was shown to be effective.
Antinociception was measured in a 60 min period of time (15, 30, 45, 60 min) after injection.
Surveying the New Species of Non-Tuberculosis Mycobacteria in the Last 10 Years (20032013) and Reviewing Their Clinical Significance
Loss of correction of 5° in the scoliosis and 13° in the kyphosis angles was observed in the final followup.
AD is becoming one of the most prevalent neurodegenerative conditions worldwide.
Assess the scale of distance estimation by pilots and nonpilots
CAD represents a spectrum of conditions, with acute myocardial infarction at one end of it and silent ischemia at the other.
The common age of foreign body aspiration was between 13 years (58%) followed by over 3 years (24%) and under 1 years old (18%).
In this case, there is a conflict between the right to individual health and the right to public health.
In the reporting section, the possibility to report the titles of medical documents was 92%.
The sample consisted of 150 students with specific learning disorderreading who were selected by convenience sampling.
The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in the individuals of 18 years and over in urban and rural areas of Kerman province. Materials and Methods:
The same treatments were performed on two other groups of pregnant rats in E17, E18 and E19 (group 4 for small platform and group 5 for large platform).
Study the Relationship Between Attachment to Religion and Belief in the Law with Delinquency (the Study of High School Students in Sari City)
The results showed that cytotoxic effects of cyclophosphamide on CO 88BV591 LCL is not related to miRNA15a3p and miRNA15a5p expressions.
In clearing method 183 teeth (91.5%) had singlecanal and 17 cases (8.5%) had two canals, and 3 teeth were type II and 8 teeth were type III.
A reduction in the sample size may happen due to different reasons, such as loss of information, i.e. existing missing value in some variables.
Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean, frequency and percentage) and analytical statistics (Pearson correlation coefficient or Spearman correlation coefficient).
Results: Prevalance of infraorbital ethmoid (haller's) cells on CT Image in patients older than 6 years were 11.6% (12.1% for men and 11% for women). There was no statistically significant difference between men and women.
The experimental group received eighteen 40min sessions of cognitive rehabilitation program based on prospective memory, while the control group remained on the waiting list.
The oneway ANOVA shows that the relationship between accidents and neuroticism, conscientiousness and safety culture score is significant (P<0.05).
The drug sensitivity test was determined for all of the 12 antibiotics using standards of disk diffusion in agar Kirby-Bauer.
Optimization of Chemically Defined Cell Culture Media for Recombinant ONTAK Immunotoxin Production
The aim of this study was the evaluation of tourniquet release time, on postoperative hemoglobin level in knee arthroplasty patients.
regression models, tracheostomy entered as depended variable and also p-value less than 5% considered as significant
Sites with primary stability showed a 10 times smaller distance from cover screw to the crest, which was statistically significant.
Effect of cold plasma on chickpea seed germination and its color changes using neural fuzzy modeling
There was a significant inverse relationship between hospital rank of nurses' clinical competence and total anxiety score of parents (r=-0.363, p<0.001).
All patients completed Chronic Pain Questionnaire, Catastrophizing subscale of Coping Strategies Questionnaire, Pain Self Efficacy Questionnaire in the pretest, posttest and 2months followup.
Child Symptom Inventory, CSI4 was completed separately by both the parents and teachers.
Also, this study indicated that cytologic diagnosis corresponded exactly to histologic diagnosis in 76.9% of the samples.
To collect data, researchers there have been used generalized anxiety questionnaire (2006), psychological wellbeing questionnaire of Ryff (1980) and rumination questionnaire (Nollen Hoeksema, 1991).
The experimental group received the group logotherapy for 8 sessions, and each session lasted for 1 and a half hours. The control group was put on a waiting list.
Diabetes Nerve conduction velocity (NCV) Coronary Artery Bypass
Recognizing and paying attention to these variables is a key factor in student's physical wellbeing.
Materials and Methods: This descriptive study for evaluating access and usage of computer and internet by dental students was done using a researchermade questionnaire on 401 dental students.
In order to achieve development and progress in various aspects of life, human should have the ability to deal with difficult situations.
A total of 166 isolates (83%) contained plasmids mostly with the sizes of 15 to 24 kb.
Therefore, the consumption of 2AESA can be recommended to people with CHF as a preventive nutrition strategy.
The posterior part of mandible and anterior region of maxilla were involved most frequently.
Today job stress is one of the important phenomena of social life and a serious threat to the health of the workforce in the world.
Furthermore, the physical literacy of children with fathers working in educationalsection was greater than those whose fathers work in operational section (P= 0/05).
The effect of mindfulnessbased cognitive therapy in reducing perceived stress in patients with MS
Materials and methods: For this existing data type study, all pop smear samples were stained according to Papanicolae technique and cytological alterations of trichomonasis were also determined.
The longest duration of fever after receiving oseltamivir was seen in patients with flu A virus infection (43 hours).
Keywords: Student, Mentallyretarded, Rhythmic movement, Music, Attention
PCR amplification products identifing the stx/stx1 and stx2 gene sequences were observed only in E. coli 0157:H7 and shigella dysenteriae typel.
The purpose of this project was to determine the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy on the depression of intractable epileptic patients in Isfahan; while focusing on dysfunctional attitudes related to epilepsy.
Incidence of gross congenital malformations after shortterm exposure to Aluminum Chloride in mice
In this study, 103 clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa including 58, 42 and 23 strains resistant to imipenem, meropenem, and doripenem were used, respectively.
The Effect of a Period of Swimming Exercise on Glucose and Insulin in Mice with Autism
100% of patients were completely cured and none of patients have failure of treatment or surgery complications.
Today, medical consultation is one of the main elements of medicine; therefore consultation request and responding to it must be completely based on logical and scientific bases.
Data collection was carried out by a reliable and valid questionnaire including questions on occupational efficiency, satisfaction, skill and capability.
Materials and methods: In this experimental study, 30 male rats were studied in five groups (n=6).
Blood glucose and PK gene expression were measured on the 0, 15 and 30 th days after feeding hydroalcoholic root extract of P. farcta.
regression analysis indicated that alexithymia and interpersonal problems significantly predicted 24% of the variance of marital satisfaction (0/001=p)
Each exercise training session consisted of 5 min warmup and cooldown at 4050% VO2max, 30 min interval running including 4 min highintensity (8590% VO2max) and 2 min active recovery (at 5060% VO2max).
Introduction: Oral anticoagulant therapies are intended for prevention of thrombotic adverse effects and to maintain the level of drug without bleeding.
After the treatment patients continued to perform clean intermittent selfcatheterization (CIC) and clinical followup was planned for 6 weeks, 6 months and 9 months after treatment and urodynamic study was repeated after 6 weeks.
In the mean while, %18.3 of the students had severe anxiety or low selfconcept.
The general health scores improved significantly after intervention.
Data collection method included observing midwifeclient encounter using a checklist and interviewing clients to fill out satisfaction questionnaire.
The teeth were then thermocycled for 500 cycles between 555°c and covered with nail polish except for 1mm around cavity margins and immersed in 1% methylene blue for 12 hours.
Cardiac rehabilitation; health system; The Relationship between subclinical hypothyroidism with Parathyroid hormone levels and Lipid profiles in patients on dialysis
Conclusion: Conventional radiographs are not able to detect root resorption of the incisors adjacent to impacted canines.
As the amount of mucilage increased initial drug release as well as drug release in the later hours was increased.
Results: Immunofluorescent studies showed that neural stem cells expressed specific neural marker; Nestin.
Collected data were then analyzed using SPSS version 15.0. Pearson's correlation coefficient, independent twosample t test, oneway ANOVA, and multiple linear regression model were utilized for data analysis.
Fear of falling is one of the consequences of stroke that could decrease the quality of life.
Background and Aims: The most important factor for pathogenicity of Staphylococcus epidermidis is the ability to produce biofilm.
It is recommended to make use of HFTS to triage HF patients in the ED.
Therefore, this study aims to develop the Persian version of online health information seeking questionnaire for pregnant women in Iran.
At this stage, Beck Depression Inventory and Acceptance and Practice Questionnaire - Second Edition were administered to the subjects as a pretest. Then the experimental group received 8 sessions of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in the intervention group.
Innovation and resilience could also directly predict organizational performance (ADJ.R^2 = 0.76).
Data were analyzed through descriptive (percentage, number, mean and standard deviation) and analytical (independent ttest and Chisquare) methods with SPSS 16 software.
Neither was there any significant difference between the 2 obese groups (one with a normal and one with a low REE) as regards lipid profile.
Maladaptive schema of social isolation / alienation and personality trait of agreement, and maladaptive schema of mistrust / abuse and personality trait of conscientiousness had the most prominent role in the second and third canonical roots, respectively.
Therefore the proportion of deaths registered in police, legal medicine and Shahid Bahonar hospital are 16%, 58% and 48% respectively.
Furthermore, the groups treated with the methanol extract dosedependently showed higher serum lactate dehydrogenase levels compared to the control (P<0.05).
But this important phenomenon has partly been ignored. This study aims to recognize the prevalence and possible influential factors on depression among pregnant women attended to Mirza Koochek Khan Hospital in Teheran.
Results The mean scores of the situational anxiety before and after the intervention in the control and experimental group showed a significant difference.
Background and Aim: Family physician is the core in the world efforts for quality improvement, cost effectiveness, and equity in the health care systems.
but the concentration of these hormones in experimental groups 2 and 3 were received Tribulus terrestris extract compared with the control group were increased.
The conflict management strategy used more frequently by most of the managers was the nonresponse strategy with an average score of 51.5 ± 12.5. Emotional intelligence showed a "good" status with an average of 121.9 ± 18.7 among the managers of the two hospitals.
Accordingly, this study aimed to assess the competence of emergency nurses in the field of patient safety in educationalmedical centers of Iran University of Medical Sciences in 1398.
Results: 106 patients were studied whose mean age was 47 ± 10 years.
Demographic data form, Manchester Driving Behavior and Siberia Shering's Emotional Intelligence questionnaires were used for gathering information and the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent ttest and Structural Equations Modeling.
To assess the severity of Stress, Dass21 test was used, happiness Oxford OHI and Hope was measured by Snyder Hope Questionnaire.
Introduction: Financing the health expenditures in societies which lack the prepaid mechanisms, and is often done through pay out of pocket, cause to take the financial burden to households and they face catastrophic health expenditures.
Since T lymphocytes are considered as the most important immune cells, effect of MSCs on the activity of these cells has a very special significance to direct immune response.
The results were plotted and analyzed by Excel 2007 Software based on the obtained scores in the matrix.
Conclusion: Echinacea purpurea dried herbal extract could be a new capable remedy to accelerate skin wound healing because of its potential antiphlogosis and wound healing stimulatory properties.
It has been established that multiple neuroendocrine factors such as orexin operate as metabolic signals for the reproductive tract.
Keywords: Membrane bioreactor, Activated sludge, Organic matter, Nitrification, Strength wastewater Treatment
Interview analysis was performed using a Colaizzi model and thematic analysis method.
This article as a part of a qualitative study, investigated the factors influencing attainment of teaching competency by nursing teachers.
Material and Methods: This study was performed on250patients with type IIdiabetes in
In this casecontrol study, 31 healthy individuals and 31 patients with OLP entered the study.
The greatest average score of life quality in the studied patients was related to the psychological state (2.17), while the smallest was related to the energy state (1.49).
In addition, to prove their pH sensitivity, curcumin was first encapsulated in situ in ZIF8 and characterized by XRD, SEM, TEM, DLS methods.
Comparison between Placing Surgical Sponges on both Sides of Uterus and Reverse Trendelenburg Position of 30 Degree to Reduce the Incidence of Shoulder Pain after Cesarean Section with Spinal Anesthesia
Introduction: Management of blood glucose is of great importance in diabetic patients and can prevent complications of diabetes.
Antibiogram analysis and tracking of the virulencerelated genes in Enterococcus faecalis isolates
Comparing the antimicrobial properties of pomegranate seed and peel extract with common antibiotics used on helicobacter pylori isolated from biopsies of patients referring to Kashan ShahidBeheshti hospital
We showed that the majority of our patients (74.2) were women with a Mean ± SD age of 33.95 ± 8.01 years old.
The patient of the present case report was a 45 years old Afghan man presented with lingual mass.
The research population was all of the staff of Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
Keywords: Eye Diseases Complication, Immunosuppression, Kidney Transplantation, Postoperative Complication
Because of the necessity in continuous consumption of this drug (even for many years), the acceptance of the patients to the drug is important.
The function of elbow and shoulder were assessed by MEPS and UCLA scores.
Some of these traits have been provided by humanistic schools and some by divine religions.
To perform a proper restoration, we are required to observe the principles in a framework of the restorative dentistry.
Keywords: Losartan, Angiotensin II, Capillary density, Diabetes
Previous studies have shown that the location of bone bruise has important clinical concepts, and can reflect the mechanism of injury.
This study aims to investigate the factors related to nurses" attitudes toward the elderly care and assess the predictive roles of altruism, moral intelligence, life satisfaction and general health.
This is a report of the first serological survey of influenza C virus in Iran, performed during a one year period (March 1997May 1998).
Keywords: Clinical Trial, Selective Outcome Reporting, Primary Outcome, Secondary Outcome, Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials
Abstract Iranian physicians and sages had a major role in the progress of medical science.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the passing of time in the treatment of pediatric elbow supracondylar fractures. Methods: In this study, 60 patients underwent early surgery (before 8 hours) and 60 patients with delayed arrival underwent delayed treatment (after 8 hours).
The aim of present study was to comparison of effectiveness of transdiagnostic and emotion regulation therapy in the rumination and emotional regulation on people with generalized anxiety disorder.
to determine the correlation between loneliness and internet addiction in Qom branch of Islamic Azad University students.
Conclusion: The quality of drinking water in the surveyed villages was around the area according to Iran's National Standard for water.
Results: The results of our study showed that clinical score of patients after 2 weeks was not different in both groups (p=0.261).
Results: From 1348 samples, 80 were diagnosed positive using direct smears, meanwhile 71 (88/75%) of these samples were positive for Neisseria gonorrhoeae culture as well.
Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS23 software, oneway ANOVA, multiple Tukey and Ttest comparisons. P<0.05 was considered as a significant level.
For conducting this research, 30 patients with vitiligo who were referred to the Behsima Skin and Laser Clinic in Tehran during 2016 were recruited. Data were collected using Beck suicide scale ideation and Kohen stress questionnaires.
Keywords: Spirituality, Islamic Spirituality, Spiritual Health, Professional Ethics, Medical Education, Internal Residents
The risk of malignancy was 28 fold higher among transplant recipients than in general population.
Background & Aim: Culturally sensitive care is an essential component of professional development process and one of the predictive factors of nurses" cultural competency.
Hcy levels were inversely related to serum Folate and vitamin B12 concentrations. After further adjustments, we detected a positive correlation between tHcy and age, male sex, smoking and BMI, and a negative one with LDLC and diabetes.
Results The results showed that the average score of the posttest for Autism Treatment increased in the experimental group (172.3 ± 5.11) compared with the posttest for control (1.151 ± 10.24), which was statistically significant.
The statistical population in this study was all basic science students of Shiraz Medical School in 1998.
In this regard, one of the treatment methods is mindfulness training.
In order to prevent type 2 DM in adolescents appropriate dietary and physical activity interventions are is recommended for the general population.
In other words, 73% changes of the variable HbA1 is determined by selfefficacy, type D personality and health locus of internal control variables
Professional Belonging in Nursing Students: A Qualitative Research
The preparation of the samples and the extraction of the pollutants were carried out by solvent carbon disulfide. The samples were analyzed using Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) device equipped with capillary columns.
Serum Levels of Lead in 67 Year Old Children in Bushehr in 2012
Type II diabetes aerobic training Urtica dioica Fasting Blood Sugar Lipid Profile
Comparison of the Effect of Standard Chemotherapy and its Combination with Cetuximab on the Survival of Patients with Progressive Colon Cancer
Herein, were present a case of acute myocardial infarction in a young adult male.
Background and Objective: Stuttering is a disorder in fluency of speech and is affected by different factors.
As a first step health providers can prioritize empathy remain mindful that words, illness concepts, and treatments can reinforce ineffective coping strategies and encourage curiosity about the human illness experience.
Key words: Diabetes, Aerobic exercise, Algae chlorella, Paraoxonase1, Lipid hydroperoxide, Rat Funding: This study was funded by Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch.
Results: Totally, 87 had at least one congenital anomaly that makes an overall prevalence of 63.2 per
To evaluate the susceptibility of the erythrocytes, Malondialdehyde (MDA) was measured after they were exposed to H2O2.
Aims: Highrisk and unsafe sexual behaviors are prevalent in individuals with drug use disorder, and sexual behaviors also play a key role in addiction treatment and general health of such individuals.
The experimental group went under 12 sessions of 75 minutes of metacognition training.
Then we calculated the measures of the speech quality parameters and analyzed them by statistical tests.
The data were analyzed by independent t-test, paired t-test, Chisquare and fisher exact test using the SPSS software version 18.
The Effect of Thera Band Resistance Training on the Electromyography Frequency Spectrum of Trunk and Lower Limb Muscles in Low Back Pain Patients with Pronated Feet During Walking: A Clinical Trial
The prevalence of D antigen was significantly higher in diabetic people (P=0.000).
It is suggested as the primary step in treatment of chronic fissure with surgical sphincterotomy reserved for refractory cases.
The statistical population comprised all mothers of students with special learning disabilities living in the city of Khosf, Iran, in the academic year of 2018-19.
Accordingly, 28 eligible individuals (per group) were selected using the convenience sampling method.
Materials & Methods: The quasiexperimental research design was pretestposttest with a control group.
1. Fetal stomach 2. Ultrasound 3. Biparietal diameter 4. Congenital abnormality
Conclusion: Study showed that the frequency of accidents has increased significantly in recent years and the need for improve safety measures revealed.
of 60 and 180 degrees/s before and after 8 weeks of waterbased exercise
Scientific database were searched and surveyed for collecting papers during 2000 to 2013 in English and Persian languages. From 49 found studies, 14 were selected for analysis.
Keywords: Factor Structure, Psychometric Properties, Identity Style Inventory (ISI)
The Comparison between Vaginal Progestrone and Isoxuprine Tab on Duration of Latent Phase after Controled Preterm Labor
This was a descriptive study. 77 thyroid specimens including 49 tumoral, 14 nontumoral and 14 tumor margin samples were collected and expression of survivin3b ands3a was investigated by heminested RTPCR method.
Conclusion: Findings indicated that expiratory rib cage compression before endotracheal suctioning improves airwaysecretion removal, compare to performing only endotracheal suctioning. The study recommends performing expiratory rib cage compression before endotracheal suctioning in patients receiving mechanical ventilation.
Materials & Methods: This quasiexperimental study was conducted on 80 patients undergoing endoscopy referred to Ayatollah Taleghani hospital of Urmia in 2014.
In 135 patients (70.7%) no aggressive procedure was taken.
Incidence of probation was calculated and odds ratio and difference percentage were used for analyzing the status of probable related factors.
Fingerprint patterns of people were classified into 3 major groups (Arch, Loop, and Whorl) and 9 minor fingerprint patterns.
Design and Manufacture of Domestic Sofas with Ergonomic Indices
Maxillomandibular fixation (MMF) method is performed in maxillary or mandibular fractures, plastic surgeries and congenitally anomaly of mandibular.
Background & Objectives: Hearing impairments affect most adaptation aspects of individuals with the environment and cause a delay in their mental processes.
Materials and Methods In this experimental study¸24 male Wistar rats were divided into following groups: control¸ diabetic and Kudzutreated diabetic groups.
Checklists and questionnaires were used for Information collection associated with the type, mechanism, risk factors and prevalence of trauma.
Conclusion: A lot of reported barriers involve the function of Pre-university and university educational system.
The purpose of this study was to determine the epidemiology of radiolucent lesions in patients who were referred to radiology department of Mashhad Dental School.
The moral courage score in the second posttest in the intervention group was 79.77±5.37, which was a minor increase, and the control group achieved 63.75±13.23 which showed a slight decrease (P<0.001).
According to the study and evaluating symptoms based on the risk factors, it is
FTIR results did not show new bond between the zein and essential oil of the plumeria matrix.
Perfectionism in General Medicine Interns of Guilan University of Medical Sciences in 2021
The aim of this study was to analyze the accuracy of linear measurements on CBCT in comparison with the anatomic measurements obtained from dry human skull.
Aim and Background: Personality traits are among the factors affecting the tendency to substance abuse.
In comparison, with reference to data obtained from WHO, 8.26% of students appeared obese, 21.83% were found to be overweight, 62.21% at normal weight, 5.87% underweight, and 1.83% extremely underweight.
We compared 80 HIV negative pulmonary TB patients with 40 HIV positive pulmonary TB patients during 19992005 in a teaching hospital of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran.
The survival rate of 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years and 5 years for patients were 84%, 60%, 49%, 25% and 10%, respectively.
Governments should decrease the inequality by increasing health facilities and financial aids in poor areas and in different ways such as different types of health insurance.
Evaluation of Medical Students" Opininon about Quality of Education in Medial Emergency Ward in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
At the end of the exam, students also reported their perceived ability and their learning experience.
In group S (sandblast), buccal surfaces were sandblasted for 5 seconds.
The first data included the amount of time that the subject could delay the delight.
Morphological, genetic and communal differences cannot be the criteria for dignity, and behaviors are subject to individual outlooks.
Purpose: Loneliness is one of the negative and unpleasant emotions that appear in couples for various reasons.
2009 Pearson correlation coefficient was used to define test reliability by completing two different Persian versions of Rey test among 35 aged persons with two months time delay.
Overall, those from affluent backgrounds showed a better understanding of the topic and there were significant differences in knowledge levels between the two high schools.
Studying the Self-Esteem of Gonabad University of Medical Sciences Students Participating in the I'tikaf Ceremony in 2015: A Descriptive Study
Background: Workrelated musculoskeletal disorders are the major factor in the loss of working time, increased costs, and human damages.
Materials and methods: AJ was collected from Lorestan province and was coded in Agriculture College of Lorestan University, and by the use of rotary device, it was extracted.
Clinical supervisors due to long time relationship with nursing staff in 24 hours and use of multiple roles of education, supervision and supporting, have
Association between Hamstring Muscle Strength and Strain in Athletes: A Systematic Review
Content from searching library and internet resources and searching for articles in SID, Irandoc, Iranmedex, Magiran, and Medlib databases from 20032016 using keywords search of continuing education, inservice training, retraining was extracted.
Generalized seizure was the most common type of seizure in both groups but the incidence of infantile spasm was higher in children with CP (11.7% vs. 1.6%)
Also the microscopic evaluation of the HepG2 cells indicated no granulation of the treated cells compared with the untreated cells confirming that the aqueous extract of lavender has no toxic effect on the HepG2 cell line.
Therefore, scientific work is a complex activity that needs to be evaluated by more than one metric and the need to use synthetic indices cannot be ignored.
In this regard, opioids are the common adjuvants but their safety and efficacy have not been studied extensively in children undergoing cleft lip repair.
According to the Iranian civil laws, determining the death time priority is essential for the diagnosis of inheritance, and therefore inquiries should be taken from forensic centers.
Conclusion: Media literacy potential affects social health.Therefore, using moral literacy makes it possible to promote social health, especially among medical staff.
Two groups were compared by the means of frequency of hepatitis D (Anti HDV Ab) and other risk factors including history of blood transfusion, surgery, intravenous drug abuse, dentistry interventions, traditional phlebotomy, tattoo and endoscopy.
Comparing the phosphors level before the intervention in Intervention (6.67±1.37 mg/dl) and Control group (6.69±0.28 mg/dl) showed no significant difference. Nicotinic acid significantly decreased the blood phosphorus level (P <0.001) in a dosedependent manner.
Instructions before labor are general instructions in the ninth month of pregnancy including diet, bath, sitz bath, anointment, topical drugs, physical and emotional status which help labor process by increase body moisture and flexibility and decrease rigidity and stiffness.
Background and Aim: The stressful resources have a significant impact on students" mental health which may cause dysfunction in both educational and professional performances in military students.
In addition, all the present sequences of five molecular markers, including COI, COII, D3, ITS2, and OBP1, were extracted from Gen-Bank and analyzed using bioinformatics software.
Ten of the EM faculties, gathered voluntarily and they peer reviewed the critical elementary topics and wrote scenarios during 48 regular sessions.
Therefore, reducing pain vulnerability can reduce pain intensity and inability in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain.
The study findings showed that the QOL in patients with alopecia areata was lower than that of controls.
The prevalence of SFL in obese children was 54.4% that was significantly higher than overweight (10.5%) and normal children (1%).
Keywords: Legume, Inflammation, Endothelial function, Adhesion molecules, Women
Websites characteristics were obtained by "website characteristics evaluation checklist" each of which was given a score from 9 according to Silberg criteria.
However, no study is available on the students' interest in nursing as a career.
Conclusion: Basil as a native and available plant with medical effects in Persian medicine and proven evidence in modern studies can be considered a complementary therapy in the field of research and treatment.
Effectiveness of Motivational Interview on Health Promoting Lifestyle and Health Hardiness in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
Sixtysix percent of the patients had skin infections and the most common skin infections were wart (34%) and tinea versicolor (11%). The relative frequency of skin infections was significantly higher in male patients than in females (p=0. 004).
These data can be used to identify and manage epidemics of infectious diseases.
In order to model time series data of the cancers, the autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) and seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) with BoxJenkins approach were applied.
Mean hearing age of participants was 67.7 months (SD=1.77) and we used independent T test for data analysis.
Results: with increasing contact time and the amount of nanoparticles, efficiency of processes was increased.
In recent years, it is wellknown that vitamin D deficiency has many complications, especially in elderly people and especially in Iran due to existence of multiple risk factors.
Results: Patients included 13 females and 17 males (mean age 26.3 ± 12.5 years) and the controls were five females and 10 males (mean age 30.1 ± 5.8 years).
It seems that teaching by qualified and competent instructors can enable students to reach their maximum capability.
Methods: Seventytwo sound third molars were collected. On the buccal surface of the crown, flat dentinal surfaces were created and bonded with two step Etch and Rinse adhesives: Adper single bond2 (ethanol/waterbased) and Prime and Bond2.1 (acetonebased).
A survey of input and process of clinical education in Iran University of Medical Sciences Objective (s):
Conclusion: Current results showed high rate of sodium potassium pump in plasma membrane of tumor cells.
Vasomotor symptom is one of the most commonly problems of women during menopause and can negatively affect women's quality of life.
Keywords: Falcaria vulgaris, Essential oil composition, Hydrodistilation
Evaluation of adhesion and morphology of human osteoblasts to white MTA/Gray MTA and IRM as root end filling materials by scanning electron microscopy
The PPvariant was associated with higher levels of LDL, triglycerides, and total cholesterol than for the P+P+ and P+Pgenotypes, but they were not statistically significant.
The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of familycentered psychological interventions on the enhancement of verbal ability in primary school children with Down syndrome.
Then the data were analyzed using AMOS statistical software.
The data collection tools included a Demographic Questionnaire, Snyder's Hope Questionnaire and cancerspecific quality of life questionnaire QLQC30 and for data analysis descriptive and inferential statistics was used.
Abstract Background and Aim: Discrimination in healthcare is one of the important challenges of health system managers in different countries so; discrimination is the main outcome of a lack of justice in health.
Materials and Methods: In this Quasiexperimental study, 30 patients (16 males, 14 females) with ACL tear, with mean age of 26.52 ± 8.72 years old were recruited during 2007.
The Study of Age and Sex Frequency of Epilepsy, and It's Relating Factors in Epileptic Patients Refered to Sina and Ghaem Hospital in Hamadan City (19861995)
The Webometric Evaluation for Hamadan University of Medical Sciences in Comparison with Topranked World and Iranian Medical Universities
Materials & Methods: This randomized clinical trial study was conducted on 79 pregnant women who were admitted for labor pain at 2633 weeks of gestation.
Background and Objective: Psychological factors, particularly stress are becoming recognized as one of the causes of absenteeism from work and early retirement .Stress is manifest typicality profession midwifery.
In this clinicaltrial study, 20 patients were selected among veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder, and then randomly assigned to experimental and control groups.
There is no significant relationship between age, sex, work period, work hours during week, stress, arm position, application of mirror and prevalence of pain. (p<0.2) Concusion:
The Effect of Whole Body Vibration Training and Detraining Periods on Neuromuscular Performance in Male Older People
Simon test was used to perform the fatigue program to the point of exhaustion.
92.6% of them total departmental costs were related to current expenditures and 7.4% of that was related to the capial expenditures.
So, we can say that metacognitive beliefs can better explain the obsessive symptoms through taking responsibility and intersection of thoughts.
The submaximal and progressive protocols respectively included running below the maximum intensity (70% of the heart rate reserve) to exhaustion and the Bruce's test on the treadmill.
By organizing activities, gives the institution a legal personality to divide the whole collection into partner's share and be guaranteed the continuity of physician services.
Mean scores for total IQ, performance IQ, and verbal IQ in cases and controls were as follows: 115±10 vs. 116±12, 113±11 vs. 116±12, 113±12 vs. 113±13
Evaluation of Therapeutic Properties of Sidr (Zizhyphus Spina-Christ) in the Teachings of Islamic, Persian Medicine and its Conformity with the New Findings of Medical Sciences
The Applied of Health Belief Model in Knowledge, Attitude and Practice in People Referred for Diabetes Screening Program: An Educational Trial
This difference was significant in the first three levels of the test.
Investigation of Tissue Heterogeneities Effect on Dose Distribution from 192-Ir Source During Brachytherapy Treatments
In the second day of incubation, the window was opened on eggs and the eggs were treated with 50, 100, 150 and 200 μg/mL silver nanoparticles.
Physical activity is the most important factor in treatment of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It is also the best way to decrease stress and balance brain chemicals.
The role of eosinphils in inhibition of the parasitic infections is also discussed briefly.
This test also had a good reliability coefficient and is suitable for diagnosing children with ASD.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between health promoting behaviors and severity of coronary artery stenosis among patients in angiography department in Mazandaran Heart Center, Iran.
Hot flash is the main reason of women's referring to receive menopausal care.
In this descriptiveanalytical study, analgesic prescription pattern by all general dental practitioners of Qom city, was investigated in 2015.
Since the Ethanol needs more time and specific procedures to act, it should be better to use disinfectants like Isopropyl Alcohol that acts faster and simpler.
Data analysis was done by spss11.5 software, and by using ttest, paired test and chisquare.
Data were analyzed by Chisquare, independent Ttest, Paired Ttest, and Mann-Whitney test using SPSS 16.
Identifying the Quranic-Narrative Nature of the Great Jihad, Understanding the Methodology of the Enemy's Action and the Ways to Cope with it in the Field of Economics
Conclusions: Reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament using autograft bonepatellartendon with miniarthrotomy has clinically acceptable results.
Confirmatory tests showed that 44 isolates (32.8%) were DDST positive and 17 isolates (12.6%) were MHT positive.
(P=.001) Conclusion: In this study we showed that Vit D deficiency among the elderly in nursing home residents was higher than the adjusted population out of nursing homes.
The means score sleep quality was 7.78 ± 3.14 and prevalence of sleep disturbance in pregnant women was 87.2%.
Based on the study' results, most of students had a positive view towards their future career.
The aim of this study was to identify carbapenem resistance genes in K. pneumonia strains isolated from hospitalized patients in Qom city.
The Effect of Maternal Prenatal Stress on Frontal Lobe Evolution and Evaluation of Seizure Threshold in NMRI Mice Offsprings
Conducting safety integrity level (SIL) studies in the process industries for assessing safety status and reliability of complex engineering systems is of particular importance.
The study of relationship between social influence and performance showed that there is positive correlation between performance and degree centrality. However, there is a negative correlation between performance and closeness and betweenness centrality.
A Survey of the Quality of the Iran's Medical Academic Library Web Pages and the Existence of their Organizational Metalinks
The present study showed that the epidemiological factors in these children were in the normal range and more studies are needed to obtain the causes of this disease.
Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between "depression, anxiety and stress" and aggression in people with drug dependence.
Therefore, this research was done with the purpose of determination and comparison of antioxidant capacity of diabetic patients, saliva with control Grope. Material and Methods:
In this study, there were 9 males in the case and control groups and the rest were female.
Data including age, sex, accident time, trauma mechanism, organ injury, hospitalization length, complications, and outcomes were all recorded and analyzed with Chi square and ttests.
Based on the findings of the study, age factor on depression, marital status factor on anxiety and shift factor had a significant effect on staff stress (p < 0.05).
The AE and HIIT groups ran on treadmills at speeds of 12 to 15 and 25 to 30 (m/min) for 8 weeks.
The study population consisted of all 11to 12yearold children with ADHD referring to Peyvand psychology clinic in Bandar Anzali City, Iran by schools from September 2019 to March 2020.
After 2 month, KAP of samples were determined (post-test) and then compared with pretest information.
Each subject received tablets containing 300 mg of garlic powder (Garcin) 3 times per day for 6 weeks.
CVD risk factors, including fasting blood glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol (Tchol), lowdensity (LDLC) and high densitylipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC) were assessed.
Keywords: Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, GABA, Blood pressure, Heart rate, Vasopressin
In other words cognitive training significantly led to promote the conceptualization, mental flexibility, initiation and design, inhibition and auditory memory of women with postpartum depression (P <0/001).
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effcts of Lthyroxine replacement on anxiety, depression and other neuropsychiatric aspects in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism.
Hospital Efficiency Using Pabon Lasso Model: A Systematic Review and Meta Analysis
Most schools have a good performance profile in terms of educational and training activities, the prohibition of harmful food promotions, and the availability of clean drinking water.
Most of the violence against nurses is verbal and then physical; sexual and racial violence have been studied in a few studies.
In this study the costing of provided services by the NICU section was 37/292/952/569 Rials, equivalent to 13.6% out of the total of costs of hospital.
Our finding showed that in patients undergoing lumbar posterior spinal fusion surgery, remifentanil and magnesium sulfate has the same hypotensive effect and the volume of blood loss without any significant side effects.
Systematic reviews are of the main research outputs in medical sciences, and they are finding more applications.
Conclusion: Given the importance of the role of iron in the production of calcitriol, VDD may occur in patients with IDA.
If the elderly had a sleep disorder based on the score of the insomnia severity index, she would be included in the intervention or control group.
This crosssectional study was performed in 150 military staffs" spouses residing in organizational houses, in Tehran, Iran (2013). The participants were randomly selected with multistage cluster sampling.
Therefore, provision of a framework for strengthening the moral sensitivity of nurses could be effective in reducing this phenomenon.
Background and Objectives: Gelatin is one of the most widely used colloidal proteins, which has unique characteristics and numerous applications, including the food industry, pharmaceutical, medical, and photography.
Independent t-Test, Chi Square and Fisher's Exact test in SPSS software version 18, were used to analyze data.
In total, 280 mandibular first premolars from 111 males and 169 females and 248 mandibular second premolars from 95 males and 154 females were investigated in this study.
Also, as more people use the mature defense mechanism, their deterioration of general health will be reduced, but this relationship will be stronger with the presence of resiliency.
This study was performed with aim to compare the effects of dill essence and Mefenamic acid on postpartum pain.
After reviewing the title or abstract of the articles, 343 articles entered the preliminary list, of which 45 qualified articles were required to enter the final evaluation.
Keywords: Quality, Education, Effective Factors, Higher Education, Work Performance
The results showed that there was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of arbitrary use of drugs (p=0.448).
Results: Cotrimoxazol obtained the lowest (23% PadtanTeb and 26% Mast) and Nitrofurantoin had the highest (86% PadtanTeb and 97% Mast) sensitivity in the two methods which were used in our study.
A significant increase was observed in the mean of behavior scores three months after the educational intervention (6/83±2/75 vs. 8/27±1/74 P<0/001).
Methods: The study had been done with "developmental research" method with the approach based on evidences in Intensive Care Units of Baqiyatallah hospital in 1392.
This clinical trial included 60 primiparous women referring to the maternity hospital of Amir-al-Mo'menin in 1395. The women were divided into three groups.
In this descriptive crosssectional study, 384 students of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences were selected through stratified random sampling.
Background & Objectives: Iron is a major essential micronutrient during pregnancy and has an important role in intrauterine fetal growth and safe delivery.
Keywords: Health Belief Model (HBM), health promoting lifestyle, Pregnancy anxiety, Pregnant women, Ardabil
Findings and Conclusions: The results show that on average, during the rainy seasons, the whole region had good quality (30.644).
Therefore, it is suggested that educational programs and workshops be organized to reduce divorces in women in order to properly manage the locus of control, irrational beliefs, and religious orientation.
The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanism of action of methanolic extract of Rumex alveolatus on membranes of some Candida species.
In which 45 nonforprofit and governmental schools were sampled using census method.
Background and Objective: Dietary intake of βcarotene and βcryptoxanthin may be associated with reduce the risk of insulin resistance, due to their antioxidant properties.
The second version of the SF36 questionnaire was used to assess the quality of life.
Investigating the relationship between noise and occupation on the status of mental disorders and depression of workers using questionnaire (DASS) and (BAKK) in steel industries
The purpose of this study is to review the studies on the effectiveness of cognitivebehavioral therapy on anxiety disorders in children and adolescents in Iran.
Study of Acute and Chronic Antihyperglycemic Activity of Methanolic Extract of Salvia mirzayanii Rech.
Given the stronger role of neuroticism, it seems necessary to provide more psychotherapeutic services in organizations for people with this characteristic.
The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of aqueous garlic extract (AGE) on enhancing Thelper IL10 and IL12 cytokines in the culture via macrophages for engulfment and destruction of Leishmania.
A 38yearold woman with a 3 cm wound in the right breast area that has gradually grown has been examined for exudative bloody discharge for the past 2 weeks.
In our study, no significant correlation was found between oocyte and embryo quality and homocysteine concentration of follicular fluid of PCOS patients but further studies with larger sample sizes are recommended.
The Effect of Dual Motorcognitive Task Training on Interjoin Coordination during Walking in Elderly with Balance Impairment