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A Systematic Model for the Diffusion of Commercial Soft Technology in Iran's Oil Industry
For verification purposes, the modeling accuracy compared with the available experimental and numerical results.
The Resistance Spot Welding (RSW) has lots of industrial application, especially for body construction and some parts like car lamps.
It is also stated in the educational documents such as the principles and standards of school Mathematics (NCTM) that students should use a variety of visual representations to analyze mathematical problems and issues.
Therefore, removal of them from the effluents is essential for environmental protection.
Identification and ranking of the key success factors of e-learning from the Persian language instructors" perspective
For this reason, a numerical work is done theoretically, as well as an experimental activity in the laboratory.
Zinc oxide nanoparticles Escherichia coli Enterococcus faecalis Antimicrobial activity
An Investigation of Water Saturation, Viscosity and an Estimation of Producible Hydrocarbon of Ilam and Asmari Formation Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
In this study, two methods: descriptive study (survey) and semi-experimental that design with two groups pre-test and post-test has been used.
Numerical simulation Non-Newtonian High viscosity Multi-phase Polymer
It was shown that the prediction of springback with using the Yoshida-Umari model was more accurate.
The proposed filter can be used in telecommunication systems due to good performance.
Then, artificial rods are defined between control points and the estimated values of errors in the control points located at the vicinity of a typical point is assigned to each rod as a thermal gradient.
It is revealed that by increasing the magnetic field parameter, the velocity inside the boundary layer decreases and the temperature increased since the fluid particles in the boundary layer are ionized.
Simulation Of Blood Flow In The Sac-Type Ventricular Assist Device Using Computational Fluid Dynamic
Based on the results of the experiments, the DCP test was repeatable (CoV<30%).
Discrete element method (DEM) Fines content Coarse content Influence factors Critical State
Furthermore, regarding the importance of the criteria, product development flexibility held the highest importance with an importance coefficient of 0.307, while manufacturing flexibility had the lowest importance with an importance coefficient of 0.106.
Keywords: Routing, Optimization, Dijkstra\'s Algorithm, Navigation, Kwon Method
Effect of slip width on the permanent displacement of earth slopes
Furthermore, the effects on aerodynamic coefficient, stability and control derivatives are analyzed.
The results show that the vertical stress gradient calculated in the studied wells has inconsiderable variations in magnitude and can be used as a reference in future studies.
Optimization of Biodiesel Production from Waste Cooking Oil in Present of Polyoxometalate as Catalyst Via Electrolysis Method Based on Response Surface Methodology (RSM)
Rock blotting has important effect in rock mechanic projects.
A New Method for Slowing Down Avascular Tumor Growth
Experienced Knowledge Workers Motivation Mental Pattern Q Methodology
Experimental results showed that the critical water content, which corresponds to the initiation of desiccation crack increases when the temperature rises.
In this research, a model for managing open innovation projects has been developed by exploring experiences at the level of open innovation projects.
Parallel Thomas approach Parallel Processing Tridiagonal system of equations Graphic Processor Cyclic Reduction algorithm
The results represent that the plain concrete, compared to the self-compacting ones, shows more reduction in the surface strength due to the effect of drying shrinkage.
In this laboratory study, a mixing design was made of control concrete containing Portland cement.
Finally, simulation results show performance of the proposed controller.
Among the juice, peach juice has high popularity and in terms of nutrition also has been highly regarded.
The evaluation results of the proposed approach on 10 datasets from NASA and SoftLab with AUC indicate the effectiveness of this approach to predict the fault-prone modules.
One of the important issues in coordination of protective relays is minimization of the time interval between the operation of main and backup overcurrent (OC) relays.
In the nuclear reactors, one of the most dangerous accidents that can occur is the loss of coolant accident, that the most important of these events is the guillotine breaking in cold or hot leg coolant, which, this will melt the reactor core if it is not stopped.
Keywords: Digital Image, NDVI, Remote Sensing, Biomass, Wheat
In the buckling analysis, the hybrid composite plates with cutout, the effective parameters on buckling are the cutout geometry, fiber angle, cutout size to plate size ratio, bluntness of cutout corners, and rotation angle of cutout.
Heat transfer has a crucial importance in the engineering applications; therefore, various methods for enhancing the heat transfer have been proposed by the researchers and new methods have been developed in recent years.
Microstructural and Electromagnetically Methods were performed for evaluation of aging phenomenon in 2304 duplex stainless steel.
Given that the structure of e- learning is complex and consists of various components, it is necessary to examine all these components to evaluate the e-learning system. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive study to identify and introduce the main and practical indicators of evaluating the e-learning system so that they can be used for designing and developing appropriate frameworks and tools for evaluation of this system.
The failure mechanism of abutment is substantially governed by a network of discontinuities crossing the abutment.
By applying two steps of Kapur's entropy to two-dimensional images of the tumor area with points that have a higher brightness level than the threshold value are separated.
These hollow fibers were filled by one self-healing agent which is one two-part epoxy resin.
Due to the large number of classes and small inner-class distance, this problem is known as a hard classification problem.
In this study, the current dietary pattern and three alternative food baskets are evaluated by the multi-criteria group decision-making taking into account criteria including health (energy and protein intake from the diet), environment (water footprint), the economic cost of the diet, and social acceptance of the diet. Finally, the desired dietary pattern and its effects are introduced.
low power Power optimization Low Voltage CMOS RF Low Noise Amplifier
A computer model was finally developed to predict the subsidence of the city and its effects on the sewage network were studied.
Application of Genetic Algorithms and K-Nearest Neighbor Method in Developing Reservoir Operation Policies During Floods
The SOFS tests were conducted on the DC06 (EN 10130) and DC04 (MSC standard) alloy sheet metals; according to the following two approaches: in the first approach, the slider was forced to move in a single linear path, repeatedly.
For this, in BOT-annuity, it should be paid 7177 Milyard Rial yearly. If it is proposed step payment, it needs to be paid at least 301 Milyard Rial for first five years.
The analysis showed that only three factors of the 15 have a significant difference in RWD: being villa or apartment, car washing method, and carpet washing method, and the other factors didn't show a substantial difference in RWD. The results of this study indicated that some factors related to lifestyle have more essential effects on RWD.
Also, a lower bound is developed for the problem.
Extraction of Weighted Saliency Maps in Modelling Bottom-Up Auditory Attention
In this article, it is tried to minimize the landing errors at terminal point using Nonlinear Quadratic Tracking (NQT) and chasing a reference trajectory.
In this regard, Lee et al. demonstrated in their recent study that using dynamic methods can be more accurate than previous methods.
By increasing the time of diffusion welding from 45 to 60 minutes at two constant temperatures of 900 and 950 ° C, the shear strength increases %4.8 and %23.6, respectively.
Human stability Tilting platform Sagittal plane dynamic modeling Optimization Motion analysis system Gait Analysis Spinal Biomechanics Biomechanical Motor Control / Motor Control of Human Movement Human Movement Modeling Neuro-Muscular Engineering
Phase Diagram Medetomidine Hydrochloride Ketamine Hydrochloride Sevoflurane Propane HFC13
In addition, as research domains, information and communication technology, small and medium-sized companies, knowledge-based companies and universities have received the most attention.
Mesh WiMAX network is a promising technology by offering high data rate, broadband wireless access, high quality of service and large coverage area with the low cost of deployment.
Therefore, in this study, the hot working behavior of 304 austenitic stainless steel was investigated using the hot torsion test and the Johnson-Cook constitutive equation was developed for it.
The one of the most important aspects of this research is the complete classification of urban sustainability dimensions for the selection of multi-story car parks. Also, in this research, a new combination of fuzzy SWARA, fuzzy ARAS and GIS has been used for optimal decision making.
Th effort has been described in this paper. Acid wash, followed by neutralization and a final discoloration using surface active agents such as bentonite,is the method which has been used,and depending on the quality of what has been done,the level of clearness of the product could therefore vary between 2 to 4.5 on the LOVIBOND scale.
Synthesis Gas Methane Reforming Heterogeneous Two-Dimensional Model
In the cases with only surfactant the amount of filtrate much higher than desirable amount with respect to polymeric and combinating cases.
Bladeless Fan Airfoil Profile 3D Numerical Simulation Drag and Lift Coefficients
This paper is developed to assess reliability indices of Bakhtar Regional Electricity Company up to 1393 and the improving methods and their effects on the reliability indices in this network.
Also, the effects of higher modes on the structural response parameters are measured by considering three computational vectors of the ordered lateral loading prepared according to the participation of the basic mode, as well as the first 3 and 5 transitional modes, separately.
Managing operational strategies to standardize contractors' decisions in construction projects
Groundwater quality characteristics that is one of the important index for The Plain water resources planning, has been affected on application.
It is important to study the rheology of plastisol coatings, both at the beginning which is in the form of a paste that is usually applied by spraying and after being subjected to gelation and fusion processes, which can be controlled using rheology.
A brief look at the status of statistics provided by different authorities regarding the water crisis represents a leading threat to the spiritual capital of Iran.
Balanced Scorecard used as a tool of strategic assessment and suggested that all performance of organizations should not only be studied financial metrics but must non-financial metrics also be considered.
Data mining Classification Criminology Clustering Modeling
Results of potentiometric measurements showed that electrical conductivity of CNT modified silk fabric increases with the concentration of CNTs in the solution.
In the first group in which the maximum velocity, the Arias intensity and maximum displacement are relatively similar, the results indicate that the records which contain pulse type C, show more destructive responses. The difference is due to the shape nature (more half cycles) of this pulse type.
Necessity and methods of developing interaction and cooperation between university and industry
The forecasting share of geothermal energy from the world energy basket in 2030
Steel Slang High Temperature Compressive Strength SEM
All columns were tested under concentrated compression load.
Some New Bounds on the Information Ratio of the Cartesian Product of Some Classes of Graphs
The best condition with minimum level of migration of the plasticizer was obtained for Nano composite containing 5% of Nano clay.
This paper is a reviewing account on the application of polymeric dyes in textiles.
In this paper, the ability of hyperspectral imagery for detection of targets is investigated by providing two important analyses including anomaly detection and target recognition. Besides, in a case study, this ability is evaluated practically by performing the algorithms on a real hyperspectral image from the HyMap sensor.
The parameters studied in this paper are the average shear force, drift and rotation of floors, and input energy to the structure.
The present study introduces a model for reducing fuel consumption in manufacturing of finished goods, considering production and transportation scheduling.
Issues from the perspective of academic research
Keywords: Groundwater Potential, Geographical Information System, Remote Sensing, Analytical Hierarchy Process
Due to the particular topography of Kaleybar city, the water distribution network of this city has 7 pressure reducing valves that have been experimentally installed in different locations to manage the extra pressure in the network.
In this research, a new linear integer programming for multi-depot vehicle routing problem with multiple consecutive periods is formulated such that there is no obligation for vehicle to return to the fist depot and the first and the last depot for each route, in each period are specified based on the customers of other periods.
In part of our study, for the first time, a polymeric metal complex containing silver (I) and iron (II) ions was synthesized and characterized using the conventional methods such as NMR spectroscopy, Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry, UV-vis Spectrophotometry, single X-ray Crystallography and elemental analysis.
At present, numerical methods are successfully utilized in the stability analysis of the tunnels and for this purpose, three dimensional numerical modeling has given more realistic results in simulation of tunnel face and its effect on the support system.
The elastomeric stamps are negative replicas of the masters and they are fabricated by PDMS.
Strategic Management Supply Chain Management Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
In section of fuzzy logic the membership function of outputs define as the linear function of input's membership functions.
Also, the application of brain based learning principles in designing and developing the electronic courseware makes more external motivation in the users of this courseware than the users of typical courseware while learning.
In this work the coupled nonlinear problem of optimal spacecraft rendezvous and docking (RVD) is addressed.
Keywords: State observer, Static output feedback, Discrete-time systems, Linear matrix inequalities, Finsler's lemma.
With the widespread use of Voice over IP (VoIP) technology to transmit multimedia such as voice and video, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) has been the focus of many research.
Finally, simulation results are shown to demonstrate the efficiency of the designed controller.
Lack of resources is one of the problems of todays organizations, having a special character in each period of time. Project selection stands for the priority of projects and allocation of organization resources only for those projects that have gotten the greatest priority, and from which, due to selection and allocation, organization profit will be maximum.
Also, the highest of ions values was related to 80 (rpm) and extraction temperature 90 °C (1.13) and the lowest value was 80 (rpm) and 20 °C, (0.312).
A grip-based climbing robot is designed which has three legs and grippers for climbing through the truss and infrastructures and is able to perform manipulating tasks by locking two legs and its corresponding grippers.
Probable Maximum Precipitation is the greatest depth of precipitation for a certain duration and possible.
While in silty clay soil texture both designed and watermark sensors couldn't estimate the soil water content with acceptable precision.
Investigating and prioritizing the factors affecting the defeat of greenhouse business in Zarabad branch of Konarak region
This paper presents a novel design for the robust impedance control of a lower-limb rehabilitation robot by using fuzzy parameters and voltage control strategy.
An Intelligent and Time Adaptive Model for Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Faults during Power Swing
In the worst case (long manufacturing period and high discount rate), if the price of gas is 20cents/m3 or more, it has the most economic justification.
Stress and Strain Analysis of Femur in Taylor Spatial Frame
An investigation on the effect of gusset plate connection rigidity on the seismic behavior of special concentrically braced frames
Adding the particles more than optimum percent makes reduction in the concrete compression strength in comparison with the sample with optimum percent.
The results showed that the use of household tanks can significantly reduce the leakage level for water networks under operation.
Clay soils characteristics are completely changed in the exposure of the organic pollution, and the soil behavior determination is completely affected by some parameters such as organic pollutant type and stress history.
Each model considered the four layers; Chadagan dam operation, irrigation networks, crops, and growth stages.
In the last, we introduced a new method to construct matrices which have much more ECR than Hellman matrices. In fact, each matrix in this new method is constructed with one single chain, which is non-repeating trajectory from a random point.
The results of atomic phase transfer simulation showed that the deformation in nickel is mainly plastic and in aluminum elastic-plastic.
A kaolinite clayey sample was cured with different amounts of lime and nano-silica.
Identify Indicators for Evaluating the Performance of Corporate Entrepreneurship
In present paper, a two dimensional analytical solution for temperature, stress and displacement fields in a hollow cylinder is developed.
efficiency increase and switching losses decrease are the result of zero voltage switching.
The results demonstrated a relationship between tapered angle and bearing capacity, which have been compared with their cylindrical equivalents.
Mixing Heterogeneous zeta-potential Mixing entropy Electro-osmotic flow Helmholtz-Smoluchowski model
In this paper, the heat transfer and ablation thermal insulators in solid rocket motor are investigated.
In this respect, the energy absorption behavior of acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) foam with different densities was studied by efficiency and acutest parameters.
Keywords: Bio-Heat Transfer Equation Numerical Method Forced convection Detection of Tumor
In this article AIC standard (Akaike Information Criterion) and McFadden R square statistic tests were used for goodness-of-Fit of models.
The results of the FCM show that the average wind speed criterion has the highest weight.
On the other hand, although cement industry has adopted the most modern technologies to reduce pollution, different stages of cement production and transportation have a great share in the environmental pollution. Studies indicate that to produce one ton of cement and clinker in Iran 0.655 and 0.79 tons of CO2 greenhouse gas are emitted respectively (Milika Bildrici 2019).
The acidic and corrosive environments have necessitated the need for more research on the new concrete that uses cement or aggregates substitutes in their mixing design.
Walking Trips Binary Logit Discretionary Trips Built Environment
Indium Leaching selective precipitation Solvent extraction Cementation
The resulting integrated table includes different modes of business environment and is used as the external factors of the company, and the absorption and leakage coefficients are considered as internal ones in the Fuzzy analysis in the FIS system; thus the fuzzy model of choosing the appropriate technology strategy of the company is developed.
Our results indicate that 14, 38, and 46 percent of Cd, Cr, and Co, respectively, had been lost over five years.
This paper describes a new approach to predict the interfacial tension at the oil-water system in the presence of an ionic surfactant.
Image Segmentation Underwater Images Histogram Fish Object CIE L*a*b Color Space
Comparison of simulations results, achieve to this summary that the antenna beam squint can be compensated in monopulse computation unit but the boresight error of radome causes a non-compensable error in the target position measurement.
In today's knowledge societies, military organizations must be knowledge-based to achieve perfection like as any other organizations.
For this purpose, the destructive tests of metallography, hardness and electrical conductivity were performed along with the eddy currents non-destructive testing and then their data were compared with each other.
A method is proposed to evaluate the seismic deformation of soil reinforced structures using a combination of nonlinear static analysis of MDOF models and dynamic analysis of a 2DOF system. A computer program for dynamic analysis of nonlinear 2DOF systems was developed, in which seismic deformations of soil reinforced structures can be calculated.
Technological Catch-Up Complex Products and Systems Technological Capabilities Drilling industry
The optimum heavy metals removal efficiency was about 75% and that occurred when pH =7, retention time =120 minutes and the initial concentration of heavy metals =20 mg/L.
Production remanufacturing closed-loop supply chain lost sales defective items rework process
The results shows that opening of wastegate can reduce isentropic efficiency and power produced by the turbine significantly.
are used for the designation of optical sensors. The fabrication of MIP-based optical sensors is one of the considerable methods for the preparation of optical sensors.
Hydrodynamic Analysis of Stepped Planning Vessels - Sensitivity Analysis of Loading Condition to Air Breathing of Transvers Steps
In this approach, to extract nodes by the centrality method a total constraint is constructed on the network graph in order to proceed to the local nodes extracted from the node activity analysis.
The main structure of Fuzzy- proportional-integral-derivative is a proportional-integral-derivative controller in which the proportional, integrator and the derivative gains are obtained online by fuzzy system.
Best Thesis
Through applying this concept, chain members can reduce manufacturing variability, i.e. the variety of parts, materials, components, etc, and thereby enable companies to increase value by producing a variety of products.
In some statistical process control applications, quality of a process or product is characterized by a relationship between two or more variables which is referred to as a "profile."
Stability Analysis and Guidance Law Design with Finite-Time Stability Property in Presence of Measurement Noise
Shale hydration Inhibition performance of tallow amine ethoxylate was investigated through different experiments under various experimental conditions.
Thermobaric charge PBXIH-135 is an explosive with desirable mechanical and safety characteristics.
In this study, conventional multilayer perceptron diffusion networks have been used.
Predicting Dimensional Deviation of Ceramic Tiles using Machine Learning Methods
Also simulations based on daily TRMM versus 3-hourly TRMM were compared to evaluate effect of input time-step on the results.
In recent years, geopolymers, as a new class of green cement binders, have gained significant attention as an environmental-friendly alternative to ordinary Portland cement.
Urban Stormwater Management by Optimizing Low Impact Development Techniques and Integration of SWMM and SUSTAIN Models
Study of Effects of Combustion Gases and Cooling Thermal Boundary Conditions on Temperature Distribution of a Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Cylinder Head
Fixed-rate false alert detection based on strong scattering points for extended targets in white noise
The research method is descriptive-survey. The statistical population consists of all the students and instructors in Isfahan teacher training centers.
Using superconductors in the metamaterial leads to three unique features of very low losses, smaller dimensions of the structure, and increased resonator quality factor.
In this study, events possibility of serial dry and wet days were analyzed by Markov Chain method for 15 synoptic stations with different climates of coldest arid climates to its moderate humid in Iran.
The results show that buckling mode and energy absorption of this system have largely depend on the distance, and 2 to 4 mm distance causes the most energy dissipation.
Assuming lateral and longitudinal non-slippage of the robot wheels, nonholonomic kinematic constraints of the mobile robot are obtained. For dynamic modeling, the Lagrange principle is implemented and the final form of the nonlinear equations of the tractor-trailer robot is derived.
A single composition-dependent glass transition peak, which was indicative of miscibility, was detected in second heating thermograms of the blends.
In this paper, we investigate the orbital characteristics of a constellation consisting of 24 LEO satellites.
The proposed method does not require any primary information such as knowing the number of sources.
Mechanical properties including compressive and tensile strength of concrete in the hot condition and the durability characteristics of the concrete after cooling, including surface water absorption, the penetration depth of water, electrical resistance and weight loss have been investigated.
Betanins (CI Natural Red 33, E-number E162, betanidin 5-Ob- glucoside) are nitrogen-containing plant pigments whose colors range from red-violet betacyanins to yellow betaxanthins.
In recent years, due to the growing population and economic development of developing countries, there is a strong need for infrastructure development in many countries.
One of the requirements for the successful performance of organizations in today's competitive world is having innovation and creating competitive advantage.
The results showed, the sample was prepared by sol-gel method after heat treatment in furnace has been partially crystallized to hydroxyapatite.
Sour lemon drying by hot air drying under ultrasonic pre-treatment
Background and Objective: Vocational technical education plays an important role in developing productive employment, improving the business environment, making the best use of opportunities and increasing efficiency in the community economy.
In this research after alloying process, samples were casted via common direct casting (DC) and semisolid casting (SC) methods.
Today, organizational knowledge is recognized as a very valuable intangible resource for gaining a competitive advantage.
Keywords: Mobile Agent, Path Planning, Obstacle Avoidance, Potential Functions
In this study, a new energetic complex of copper (II) nitrate and DMAZ ligand was synthesized for the purpose of increasing the density of this ligand by metal-coordinating at two nano and bulk scales (with the medium particle size, 54.6 nano, and 45.33 micrometers, respectively). These synthesized complexes were characterized by FT-IR, UV-Vis, and fluorescence spectroscopy methods and The molar ligand-to-metal ratio was obtained by Job and Mole fraction methods.
The test of color removal in a batch system and also the effects of pH, temperature, contact time and adsorbent dose, were investigated.
Performance evaluation balanced scored card (BSC) data envelopment analysis (DEA) insurance companies
Parametrs controlling by Taguchi experimental design for synthesis of MgO-CeO2 nano powder
Also the optimum tip speed ratio increases in dynamic mode.
But, by the advent of the information age and the progress of science and technology, it is not possible to measure efficiency only by standard data envelopment analysis or by out of date approaches measuring efficiency.
Dyes due to coloring nature are appearance pollutants and destroys the transparency and aesthetic quality of surface waters even at relatively low concentration.
The proposed algorithm is tested by the existing data available at PSPLIB.
The proposed method of this paper improves the above algorithm so that both mentioned defects are solved.
Results from this study indicate that in selector zones with F/M ratios high enough to allow for rapid substrate uptake to occur predominately by floc forming microorganisms, the sludge settleability is influenced by the mode of substrate removal in the selector and by floc loading along the following lines.
Iran is a drought region which is located in middle meridian of earth. Especially in mountains, precipitations fall as snowfall and provide water supply for warm season.
Keywords: 2, 2-Bis (Bromomethyl) -1, 3-Propanediol, Adipic Acid, Condensation Polymerization, Poly Azido Ester, Binder.
Keywords: Friction Stir Spot Welding, AA-3105 Aluminum Alloy, Weld Strength, Mechanical Properties.
The grain refinement mechanism was the dominant strengthening mechanism in one cycle ARBed sample, contributing a strength increment estimated to about 95 MPa and its positive role was increased continuously by increasing the number of cycles.
So the prediction model of the impact of using types of speed bumps in decreasing accidents has been investigated and presented in the research.
Results also showed that an earthquake with high frequency content causes extended length of plastic hinges at the base of the piers.
After that, the classical linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and principle component analysis (PCA) methods are used to reduce the features dimension and then the modulated signals are classified.
The most suitable option to achieve these goals is to replace the traditional extraction methods with full-mechanized methods.
Inter-well connectivity determines how effectively injection and production wells are connected to each other.
To simulate the forming process, ABAQUS/Explicit finite element software was used.
Then, considering the estimated DOA and employing the RSS measured by two sensors, we propose a computationally efficient algorithm for uniquely estimation of the target range.
In this research the most important capability of mobile learning system is the modification of some of the problems such as low quality and quantity of education, the lack of motivating factors and participation in education.
Considering the properties of isotactic polybutene-1, including high creep and environmental stress cracking resistances, excellent elastic reversibility and good chemical abrasion resistance, there is a need to localize it in Iran.
The Effective Factors on Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) Welding of Al6061/Al2O3 Metal Matrix Composites
Numerical Investigation of the Effects of the Wall Porosity on the Hemodynamic Parameters of a Stenosed Carotid Artery under Pulsatile Blood Flow Conditions with a two-layer Flexible Wall
These effects can be a function of the frequency and intensity of the sound and the duration of the sound exposure.
Also, the effect of chemical surfactant on the responses was studied.
In this regard, dynamic of motion and coupling between satellite's axes is modeled. As a result, a closed form formula is yielded included moment of inertia ratio, angular velocity about yaw axis and pointing accuracy of control system.
Based on variance analysis, it was found that for reaching to the optimum process conditions and highest strength of plastisol coatings, K-value for PVC resin must be about 70, mesh size of calcium carbonate about 1000, type of plasticizer was dibutyl phthalate (DBP) and nano silica particle size was about 200 nm.
In contrast, inefficiencies in the transportation system will have serious environmental consequences, such as air pollution and adverse social and economic consequences.
For this purpose, in this research, the design and statistical-economic development of nP control diagram, in order to reduce costs and average detection time and increase the power of the diagram by using gray values and considering deviations for various reasons.
Accordingly, the most appropriate methods are determined based on the minimum error and maximum conformity with the measured values and proposed to practically estimation of the ultimate bearing capacity of rock mass in engineering projects.
These two features are in contrast to each other and are controlled by a parameter named watermark strength.
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the importance of domestic water demand management research and review and critique the results of the article published in Iran- Water Resources Research Journal entitled "Comparison of psychological factors affecting the residential water curtailment behaviors and water-efficiency behaviors; case study of Tehran, Iran."
Parallel mechanism theory of linear transformation screw theory type synthesis 4-DOF
Also, the difference between small deformation and large deformation analysis of cavity expansion curve has been assessed. Results show that in the strains smaller than 10 percent, the difference is marginal.
Gases are stated to have hydrothermal origin according to several studies.
-based Resource Allocation for Improving Throughput in Cellular D2D Communications
On the other hand, one of the most important preconditions for the implementation of these processes is the study of reactive azeotrope points.
After drying, a thin layer of iron powder was covered polystyrene beads.
For the structure resting on a flexible medium, the dynamic response of the structure will be different from the fixed-base condition owing to the interaction between the soil and the structure.
Complete range of mode mixities from pure mode I to pure mode II was created by placing the specimens in a modified Arcan fixture and their fracture strength under different loading directions were obtained using a static tensile machine.
Because of the risks of keeping aged rockets in depot, solid propellants must be removed and using safe and green methods disposal them.
Satellite Passive Positioning Using Azimuth-Elevation Angle-Only Data
In this paper, in order to direct control of vehicle longitudinal and lateral dynamics, an optimal nonlinear algorithm based on the prediction of system responses is presented to distribute the wheels braking forces properly.
Evaluating the Traffic Congestion Potentials in the Cities; Using IHWP Model
Heart sound (PCG) Signal Compression Down-sampling PCG Segmentation Quality Control
The code has been applied to examine the bearing performance of a locally manufactured engine "Peykan."
Negative heat flux wind cooling surface cooling experimental modeling analytical solution
Capillary Pressure Texture Porosity Hydrocarbon Reservoir Rock
Therefore, in this research, the effect of magnesium, sulfate and calcium ion concentrations in the process of enhanced oil recovery by smart water injection method on oil recovery coefficient from carbonate rock is investigated.
One type of warehouse that has become widely used recently is cross dock warehouses, which differ from traditional warehouses in terms of the number of products stored and their storage time.
The microstructural characteristics and electrochemical properties of the alloys were evaluated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and anodic polarization method, respectively.
In this article, the types of methods which are used by imaging camera for navigation or for the accuracy improvement of an inertial navigation system for UAVs are discussed.
Our investigations indicate that, in general, the blur image regions have lower frequency content than the un-blur (sharp) regions.
In this paper, we propose a structure for the content addressable memory in QCA that has a mask capability for comparison.
Buried Pipe Reverse Fault Numerical Model ABAQUS Software Pipe-Soil Interaction
Stabilization proof has been accomplished by use of Lyapunov control concept and adopting Lyapunov functional, for both cases.
This mechanism measures data quality via obtained contextual information from user data, and accordingly, gives score to the user.
Finally, the microstructure of the blends was assessed through rheological measurements.
Success risk management cost time development project FOWA
The results indicate that numerical simulation by the discrete element method can accurately represent the variations of soil dynamic properties with the considered variables.
Implementing the Persian sign language translator system has challenges due to its unstructured as well as the problem of ambiguity of some words in Persian, as well as the problems in Persian sign language and the limitations in the number of known movements of this language. The paper addressed the challenges to an acceptable degree by presenting a new architecture.
Furthermore, hypocentral distance is considered as the distance between the earthquake source and the location.
The total toll on the cordon is also reduced from 1.86 to 0.86 units.
Service composition provides new components by using an interactive model to accelerate the programs.
Therefore, in this paper, in order to cover the uncertainties associated with the load, the framework for the reconfiguration and DGs sizing problem is presented as a chance constrained programming problem and the Monte Carlo simulation is used in it.
A report by Congress to promote science and technology in Islamic world-
The results of the research show that most of the world's helium sources are in the United States of America, Qatar, Algeria and Russia.
Power coefficient Computational fluid dynamic Darrieus wind turbine Artificial neural network Genetic algorithm
Among renewable energies, wind energy is considered as the least costly source of available energy.
Investigation the effect of important design parameters from the perspective of Exergy in the generation of electricity and heat cycle (CHP)
A double-cyclone is used as a gas-solid separator in the fluid bed-drying process to prepare dry HDPE powder from a wet feed rate of 56000 kg/hr.
Regardless of modal interaction, the chaos threshold is then investigated.
It is important to consider the uncertainty in the data, and know how to deal with it when evaluating efficiency by using data envelopment analysis; since the presence of small deviations in the data can lead to significant changes in efficiency results.
The results reveal that not only does the use of hybrid structures provide more energy absorption and improve mechanical properties, but also the rational combination of two materials makes the bi-material three-dimensional lattice structure with the optimum energy absorption and stiffness, in comparison to those usual lattice structures with a single material. Additive manufacturing Elasto-plasto-damage Nonlinear FEM
Consideration of iso-line map of the Kriging method showed a hole in dam foundation.
This study proposes new models for predicting the elastic modulus of normal - and high-strength concrete using a hybrid polynomial neural network-invasive weed optimization algorithm (PNN-IWO).
Considering the advantages of verification based methods, there is a narrow but progressing trend for proposing such methods in recent years.
Also, the complexity of construction projects in recent years has risen the importance of clever management in cases of project financing and scheduling.
The information was collected by question aires and was classified in related table and analyzed by use of appropriate statistical (descriptive and comprehensive) methods.The results showed that principles of EFQM model has considered to some extent in the Water and Wastewater Company of Semnan province but still needs more research for its application in this company.
The results indicate the ability of the proposed method to extract the airplane modes with small damping ratios.
Experimental Study on Post-fire Behaviour of Concrete Containing Steel and Polypropylene Fiber and Recycled Metal Spring
In next step, an opto-mechanical baffle with length of 100 mm and 13 internal vanes is designed.
In this study, in order to investigate the resilience of the area in the catchment of Lake Urmia, in contrast to the destruction of the density of the stream network, a performance function matrix was developed in the probabilistic First Order Reliability Method (FORM).
A LQR/LQG method is developed for stability of satellite and a feedback quaternion strategy is used for maneuvering mode.
Seasonal variations in skid resistance have been a recurring phenomenon that has been studied by many researchers.
Under optimal conditions, using the EIS method specified that in the ranges of 1×10-15 to 1×10-5 M, The relationship between charge transfer resistance and the logarithm of antibiotic concentration was linear and the regression equation was y=119x+2600 (R2=0.977).
Meanwhile, it was found that the mode I Critical SIF linearly decreased with an increase in the notch width.
These findings emphasize organizational managers to pay attention about those factors to increase the safety level of staff.
Today, due to the increasing development of satellites, the need to increase the accuracy of satellite subsystems seems very necessary.
-Averaged velocity Fluent Sharp bend Turbulence model
Economic Estimation of Polymeric Solar Cells Fabrication
Integrated management of urban watersheds and effective productivity of its resources, especially water resources requires knowledge of its hydrology.
Furthermore, the results indicate the superiority of the GOA method toward particle swarm optimization (PSO) in reaching better target function and less cost.
Traffic accidents reduce the capacity of transportation networks and increase the travel delays.
Pyrolytic Coke Tetracycline Adsorption Aqueous Solution Modified Coke
Evaluation of the Fluid Contact Estimation Using Phase Equilibrium and Irreversible Thermodynamics in The Hydrocarbon Column of Porous Media; A Case Study in Oil Fractured Saturated Reservoir in the Southwest of Iran
The approach consists of several main steps.
Teaching Quality Improvement of Electronic Learning Systems Using Educational Data Mining
The purpose of this study was to identify and explain cultural factors and new or effective methods in the methods of employment and retention of human resources in less developed areas of education and training for equitable access to facilities and training forces in all areas.
Study of the Thickening Behavior and the Mechanical Properties of Sheet Molding Compound Prepared by Alkaline, Isocyanate and Dual Thickening Methods
The welding current and the welding time are the most important parameters of welding.
Using gap elements, the analysis of contact problems by finite element method is simplified and the Enormous volume of non-linear calculations is reduced.
In this study, hybrid artificial neural networks (ANN) with biogeography-based optimization (ANN-BBO) model were applied for predicting rotational torque.
The statistical analysis indicated that personality characteristics have a significant relationship with organizational citizenship behavior (P: 0.776). Similarly, psychological health also has a significant relationship with organizational citizenship behavior (P: 0.630).
Bond work index Physical and mechanical properties Iron ore limestone pozzolan
Experimental Analysis of a Flapping Aeroelastic Wing and Derivation of Genaralized Curves
Flexible Double Conversion Uninterruptible Power Supply
It is for the first time that mercaptoenthanol is being used during synthesis of Pbs.
Therefore, in this research the efficiency of Multiple Tuned Mass Damper (MTMD) in tall building is investigated. Also the effects of MTMD on regular and irregular tall moment resisting buildings are studied.
discontinuity set Orientation Frequency failure criterion
In this structure, input dominant parasitic capacitance is isolated by adding a cascoded inverter amplifier as a fully active feedback network in the booster of an RGC amplifier. As a result, a 6.4 GHz bandwidth is obtained at a lower power consumption.
In this study, results showed that with added nano-silica to RCCP, compression and tension strength are reduced and water absorption is increased. So the use of nano-silica not at all recommended in RCCP.
Matrix crack, fiber de-bonding, fiber breakage and foam crack were the mechanisms were investigated through sample failure photos, acoustic frequency count analysis, extracted energy in each frequency range and force-time diagrams.
Investigation effect of wetted surface of cylindrical shell on vibrational frequency in different immersion depth numerically and experimentally
Lightweight Aggregate Concrete Leca Scoria Perlit Compressive Strength Twist-off Method
One of the features of hybrid electric vehicles is the increase in power and torque in the power production system in the parallel arrangement.
In this trend, by connecting the actuator to the structure's freedom degrees and using the proposed method to find the proper control forces, the structure's movement is controlled and minimized.
A modeling framework to consider environmental (Env) and social (Soc) impacts of the EH's components is incorporated to achieve sustainable EH.
In the present article determin percentage empty space and also detection potential failure of the implemented asphalt layer with using the device GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) reviewed.
The results showed that this network had a high break rate (13.58) which indicates poor infrastructure and management of the system.
Large Eddy Simulation of Fire-induced Flow behind a Combustible Vertical Wall
In order to study the effect of non-homogenous slopes, slopes with different materials with 25, 30, 35, 45 and 60 degree are selected.
After the model was set up, the buoy data in the area was used to calibrate and validate the model results.
This classification is called aggregate index (AI). Then, this index is divided to P wave velocity called aggregate adjusted index (AAI).
The determinants of their differences were the type and amount of materials replaced with the sand which used in the lean concrete reference mix design.
Insulation of solid propellant to controlling and limiting the burning surface and also to avoid of heat transfer to the solid rocket body is done. This type of coating is defined as inhibitors of combustion.
The results show that as the fiber rheological behavior increases, the dynamic and static yield stresses, viscosity of dough and concrete concentration increase and 0.2% of steel fiber has the best performance in tensile strength. In compressive strength with increasing fiber content, these properties decreased and in the case of electrical resistance, self-compacting concrete with 0.2% polypropylene fibers has the best function.
Furthermore, the effect of loading type on the plate deformation is studied through varying the charge stand-off distance.
The maximum base shear of structures is reduced in the mentioned models.
-QPM: The New Framework to Query Evaluation for Data Warehouse Creation
Compare the simulation results with monitoring data indicates the efficiency of numerical model in condition like this.
It is hoped that this model will be a step towards developing an appropriate model in the field of staff technology competence for the Education Organization and other organizations.
The main aim of this paper compares different methods of modeling infilled frame with experimental results in order to choose the appropriate method for modelling of infilled RC frames.
The experiments showed that such system is steadily able to produce 300ml of O2 for at least 2 hours.
A examine of the methods and technologies of naval warfare from the perspective of international humanitarian law
Also, three different thicknesses used for the connection plate.
Measurements show a peak gain 28.1dB with a 1.5-dB gain bandwidth of 34% and maximum efficiency 57.5%.
The designed circuits are simulated with Cadence software.
The results of the Monte Carlo simulation shows that although some models have high R-squared values, the possibility of generation of negative outputs (Pr
In order to extract the corresponding state space and control the system in a closed loop way, exact method is used to reduce related partial differential equation of the systems into a set of two ordinary differential equations and the resultant state space is linearized about the operating point.
Traditional approaches and assumptions about the transition of knowledge from teacher to students have been overshadowed by new approaches like "Constructivism."
Therefore, in this research, the effect of natural disasters and eventful flood events on the roads of the country and its effects on the economic growth of this section have been studied in this period. The present study aimed to investigate the significant relationship between natural disasters and value added to the road transport sector.
Dimethylaminoethyl azide (DMAZ) is a good candidate fuel for hydrazine derivatives in aerospace industries.
Therefore, in this paper by modeling of SPSW specimen in the finite element software ABAQUS, verification of modeling and software work, were examined as compared to the experimental data.
In this work, a new catalyst based on Dawson salt, H 9 P 2 W 15 V 3 O 62, is presented for oxidation of high stable sulfur compounds.
Also, the optimal condition of input variables was determined using the desirability method. In addition, the optimal condition has been confirmed by implementing the verification test.
Confined masonry buildings, in which all or part of gravity loads and all of lateral loads on both main directions of the building are resisted by unreinforced masonry walls, have been widely used in Mediterranean Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, south Asia, and the Far East.
Deterministic approaches assume that all users perceive network travel times the same way, which is not the case in reality.
Statistical-experimental analysis composite grid -stiffened cylinder compressive axial load fabrication parameters Experimental study of the effects of halloysite nanoparticles and acrylonitrile butadiene rubber elastomer on mechanical properties of PVC/NBR/HNT nanocomposites
These films have many applications such as taste masking, fast and sustainable drugs release.
Also appropriate controller is designed for each stabilizer mechanism. The performances of the systems are investigated in the presence of disturbing forces.
The mathematical formulation of the objective functions are presented first and then after giving some high points on the topics of simulated annealing and genetic algorithm as our searching techniques, their efficiencies in the related problem is examined.
The results showed that in general, TRMM has a significant advantage over PERSIANN-CDR in all statistical indicators.
Finally, a numerical study is carried out to select international suppliers in the textile and clothing industry to show model applicability.
According to the simulation results, using CMOS90nm transistors, the amount of power consumption has been remarkably decreased with respect to the previous similar structures. The NF and S11 values in the whole of frequency range, DC to 1.85GHz, are less than 3.6dB and -10dB, respectively.
The results show that neglecting factors including fluid shear thinning, wall shear stress and inertia term effects and effect of magnetic field on plastic viscosity in conventional modelling methods results in considerable error that will increase as magnetic field, Reynolds number and gap are increasing.
Also increasing inlet pressure, humidity and mass flow rate results in partial power loss of fuel cell.
There is a significant correlation between land use and water quality (Su et al.
In order to omit the need of calculating the weight of criteria, to use the priority of decision- making criteria,, and to be able to assign each ranking to more than one alternative, a multi- objective linear programming method is suggested in this paper in which an objective function is defined for each criterion, to optimize alternatives based on that particular criterion. The objective function of each criterion consists of the total related performance point variables in the linear assignment model so that the best alternative, which is optimum in terms of all criteria, is chosen in the end.
A complication occurs when the sediment types change along the swath, because it is difficult to separate from the beam angular dependence and the true backscatter strength variations. Therefore, the classification method is applied to the MBES data of specific angle.
Keywords: Generation expansion planning, Renewable resources, Support schemes, Environmental issues.
Constitutive modeling Anisotropy Numerical Analysis Sand behavior
Iron nanopaticle way is an effective and rapid way to remove arsenic from water and various conditions have not considerable effect on it.
Then, by introducing an analytical method similar to one of the conventional methods of robust control known as loop shaping method, proposed model predictive controller parameters are adjusted and the stability and robustness of the closed-loop system against the uncertainty of the controller parameters are investigated.
From simulation results, the LINC structure modified with conjugate gradient algorithm has improvement in power spectrum density in adjacent channels. One of the main advantages of the proposed structure is its high convergence speed which can make in usable in modulations with higher data transmission rate.
Keywords: Floating offshore wind turbine, Hydrodynamic analysis, Mooring lines, Mooring tension, Statistical distribution
The findings show that "supporting successful innovators," "capital raising capacity," "uncertain start-up costs," and "proving the effectiveness of policies" are among the main challenges affecting the policy-making process of renewable technology development in Iran.
The results also suggest that the marginal cost of production per liter of gasoline and gas oil based on 1386 statistics, respectively, 4856 and 4706 is IRR.
Various machine learning classification and clustering approaches have been studied in literature with the purpose of improving the accuracy of the screening methods. Some of machine learning classification and clustering approaches are based on manually feature extraction of fundus images by image processing experts.
Due to extreme exploitation of fossil fuels and its consequence pollution, electrical hybrid cars are the most efficient mid-term solution to reduce issues instigated by environment pollution and the increase in fuel consumption. In this thesis, first, different kind of electrical hybrid cars and power transmission in this sort of cars are investigated.
Then, at the end of this paper, the quality of movement of a professional athlete and a beginner athlete are compared, and the result is shown. Kinematic and dynamic analyzes on the above activities showed the following results: The movements are generally correctly recorded.
In this paper, a new two-stage OTA is proposed which meeting the needs of high gain, low power and low noise, and designed based on the gm/ID technique with bulk driven method.
Small hydropower plants are one of the newest renewable power plants that can be built on small rivers without the need for a dam.
A user defined material model was supplied in LS-DYNA.
The characteristics of hyper-chaotic systems include higher complexity, higher parametric resistance and sensitivity to very small changes in initial conditions.
Surface blasting LS-DYNA concrete bridge dynamic behavior TM5-855-1
The results obtained by classifying the samples demonstrated the high capability of the electronic tongue system for detection of sodium benzoate adulteration in tomato paste.
Findings: Deficiencies such as showcasing the evaluators during the evaluation period on the one hand, and the lack of mastery of external judges on some organizational complexities and the apparent and hidden motivations of the evaluators for unrealistic evaluation in the self-evaluation process, on the other hand, are some of factors that challenge the evaluation results, and these defects in the hybrid evaluation model are eliminated using hesitant fuzzy numbers.
In addition, a new relation for combining the performance indices of network elements and obtaining an index for evaluating the total pipe performance and calculating the total hydraulic performance index of network has been introduced.
The effect of temperature on metal ions removal by sorbents was evaluated, the equilibrium data was fitted by Langmuir, Freundlich and Dubinin-radushkevich isotherms and thermodynamic constants were determined.
The methodology has been applied to an electrical manufacturing company to show the abilities of the methodology.
Concerning this matter, the brace with the S.R.P. ring shows a steady and wide hysteresis curve where tensile ductility factor of 2.77 was achieved.
Experimental Study and Thermodynamic Modeling of the Lipid Extraction Process from Wet Microalgae
In an integrated navigation system consisting of a basic navigation system, along with a navigation assistance system, the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) is a very common tool for integrating GPS and INS data.
According to this approach, in this paper, hybrid control of position and force for a spherical inverted pendulum on top of a quadrotor which its motion is constrained in the vertical direction, is studied to enable the quadrotor - spherical inverted pendulum system to perform operations such as painting and cleaning on high ceilings.
For this purpose cylindrical specimens with diameters of 28 mm, 54 mm, and 84 mm were prepared and tested at laboratory temperatures and temperatures of 100, 200, 400, and 600 ° C. The samples were subjected to compressive loading and heating simultaneously.
Therefore, the current passing through the protective equipment is closer to the fault than other equipment in the micro grid. And without the need for making connection between protective equipment, the protective coordination is guaranteed.
The plastic hinges formed under increased seismic loads in the elements have been modeled by elements with hinges that can resist a portion of the bending moment.Results show that by increasing the distance between columns in the 30 and 45-story tube in the tube structure, the chance of progressive collapse increases.
Unlike almost all existing works, the proposed algorithm does not generate the flight path directly, instead determines appropriate guidance commands (GCs) for control system at every point along the way. The GCs are generated in accordance with the current conditions.
The urban environments may have much functionality in different issues that each one depends on different aspects.
Ultrasound bath Extraction temperature Extraction time Ginger Phenolic compounds Antioxidant activity
Based on BIM and GIS's advantages, the integrated model of these two technologies can facilitate the decision-making process in the planning, design, and construction phases.
An explicit dynamic analysis method is employed to model the fluid-structure interaction using a Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL) formulation that is available in finite element code Abaqus.
In the present study, the dynamic response of Karun IV double curved concrete arch dam under air blast loading has is evaluated.
Polymer concrete polyester resin dynamic behavior strain rate
Then, with the addition of Tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) to the considered raw materials, the doped YSO compounds were produced in the presence of different amounts of SiO2 and crystallographic and microscopic structure and also the luminescence properties of the produced materials were evaluated.
The raising of global warming and environmental pollution has increased the use of biodegradable polymers.
In the current study, a symplectic scheme based on Leapfrog integrator and rapid expansion method (L-REM) is proposed to extrapolate the wave-field and its first derivatives in time for the same time step which can be used to calculate Poynting vectors for wave-field separation and to calculate the reflection angles.
The aerodynamic coefficient is in the case of power-off engine and different than the case where the engine is powered-on. This difference, changes the trim conditions and aircraft controllability.
Friction stir welding Aluminum alloys 5010 and 6061 Finite element simulation Optimization
The considerations and requirements of the projects implementation of clean development mechanism (CDM) in the field of photovoltaic power plant with statistical look at the projects registered
optimization Structural measures Flood Control Dam Levee
Heavy metals, including copper, can enter the food chain and the body of living organisms and can affect humans through toxic and carcinogenic effects.
On the other hand, a fundamental assumption in most control charts is the independence of process-related observations; But in practice we have situations with correlated data.
Providing a Conceptual Framework for Product Co-Development in Knowledge Based Organizations Based on Open Innovation and Environmental Dynamics
After estimating the volumetric soil moisture map, four outputs of the two methods are compared.
Fault rock strength Bimrock (large rock fragments in fine grained matrix) Brittle fault zone
A new method for detection of breast cancer in mammography images using a firefly algorithm
To solve this problem, many researchers have tried to present intelligent models for estimating oil prices using fuzzy logic, neural networks, etc.
Finally it will be observed that, the proposed PCF structure is much simpler than the conventional one in the fabrication process.
Actual test results confirm the accuracy of the proposed model compared with conventional models.
Hence, the quality of 28 estuaries along the coasts of Mazandaran province were investigated in the present study using water quality indexes.
Stabilization and Solidification of Incinerator Bottom Ash using Portland Cement and Silica Fume
Research type is practical and research method is descriptive- analytical and data collection done the method documentary and survey.
Strong ground motion parameters Prediction equations M5 model tree Earthquake risk assessment
The combination of radiative transfer models; PROSPECT-4 for leaf and 4SAIL for canopy, were used to simulate 50000 top of canopy synthetic spectral signatures and then soil effect was combined with them using linear spectral mixture model. After all, 150000 signatures were simulated.
Participants were subjected to one base scenario without any signs, and four scenarios including continuous transverse bars, peripheral transverse bars, dragon's teeth marking, and marginal hatched marking. In each scenario, data regarding speed and vehicle lateral position were collected and analyzed.
Chemical analysis of the soil before and after the treatment identifies the ionic migration, ionic exchanges and changes in chemical composition of the soil.
The simulations are done using LES with dynamic smagorinsky coefficient in OpenFOAM software.
Laboratory evaluation of moisture susceptibility and rutting potential of warm mix asphalt mixtures
An Overview on Applications of ZnO Nanostructures in Polymer Industries
The results showed that the mechanical characteristics of the PA6/NBR/GNP nanocomposites such as the tensile and modulus strength increased with increasing of GNP content in PA6/NBR blends, while these properties decreased when NBR content increased.
Moreover, F-doped titania samples degraded methylene blue 56% more than pure titania after 2 hours and exhibited better photocatalytic performance under UV radiation. This enhancement was due to reduction in particle size and formation of more homogeneous microstructures by using Fluorine as a dopant.
The main goal is to select the effective feature vectors using the genetic optimization method and also based on the evaluation function by Pearson correlation coefficients.
Improving the properties of a network will affect the flow pattern all around the network. In most studies, utility theory has been used to model user answer to realize the model to a greater degree.
Experiments were performed on blunt noses in the two conditions of with and without aerospike at Mach number of 6.4 by measuring the drag force and observing the shock waves using the Schlieren technique.
According to the seismic design codes, the response spectrum analysis (RSA) method can be used in the seismic analysis of tall buildings since it can consider the effect of higher modes.
Also, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) observations showed that the mechanisms of CNT-pull-out and CNT-bridging was the main reason for this findings.
The results indicated that the labor, raw materials and other services inputs are substitute sand labor and capital inputs are complements.
A maximum reduction in TCOD of more than 83% was achieved at the optimum conditions (pH of 4, catalyst concentration of 100 mg/l, temperature of 45 °C, and reaction time of 120 min).
To obtain the displacements of a tunnel is one of the major issues in the tunnel.
Correlation between Twinning and Surface Rumpling Phenomenon during Plastic Deformation of Austenitic Manganese Steel
Two first methods are widely used for synthesis of CHS. Hereby, in the first step, basic concepts of the methods and then, kinds of templates used in synthesis of CHS and the related publications will be considered.
In this paper, target strength of body components and air cylinder have been measured using Urick cylindrical model and considering the swimming state of the diver, the results have been assembled to obtaining the returning echo from the whole body.
Nano-hardness and Young's modulus of the coating were measured by nano-indentation method.
Results show that the difference in methods has a significant effect on geomechanical parameters. So that, a difference of 9 units in the geological strength index leads to more than 7GPa difference in the modulus of deformation.
Chemotherapy Doxorubicin Drug delivery Solid tumor Vascular network
In this paper, the parallel resonant converter (PRC) is used.
This converter is based on a three-level boost converter.
This study aims to investigate the possibility of using EMI spectroscopy to detect damage in marine structures.
Carbon nanotubes Nanofluids Thermal conductivity Artificial Neural Network Multilayer Perceptron
Therefore, CFDST members can practically increase the efficiency of composite structures.
Technical and financial feasibility studies indicate that Iran has major advantages in production and consumption of Mg and this industrial sector will experience major growth in the future.
This model shows flow separation region within 85 degree and maximum width of 40 percent, though measurements indicated it was located in the region with maximum width of 60 percent of total width and approximately 75 degree.
The findings showed that teachers benefit from social networks for personal purposes such as entertainment, access to the news and communication with friends, and for occupational purposes, such as professional development and interaction with colleagues.
Numerical Analysis of a Stented Coronary Artery: Investigating Function of Two Stents with Magnesium and Stainless Steel Materials
Since pavement roughness has a significant impact on road accident, it is necessary to be considered in road safety planning and improving pavement condition. In case of failure of pavement bumps and falling surface of pavement was studied.
It means that heat transfer and subsequently average Nusselt number are increased by an increase in the contact surface (porosity)..
Upon contact with water, a great thermal difference occurs in the heated organ which affects most properties.
These criterions consist of length, smoothness and safety of the trajectory.
Several landmark examples appearing in the literature have been solved by the proposed method, thus showing the efficacy of the developed procedure.
The results of the experiments showed that the peak current had the greatest effect on the surface roughness and material removal rate of the samples and also the comparison of microscopic images of the surface of the machined samples showed that the peak current has increased the cracks and the size of the cavities.
It has been shown that the modified pixels can return to their original values during the reconstruction process.
emissions driving data gathering is performed in real traffic conditions in order to provide the velocity time
In this paper, the gait in patients with PD is modeled by a mathematical and computational method.
Terminal sliding mode control, four wheels robot, Mecanum wheels, sliding surface, fixed-time stability.
Roll Forming Guillotine Shearing Shearing Defects Finite Element Simulation Experiment
Without a doubt, proper and accurate site selection play an undeniable role in increasing urban safety rate and it can decrease the hazards of human threats and natural disasters.
Bed shear stress development at the upstream corner of the abutment was seen at about a 45 degree angle.
The welding of Hastelloy B-2 Ni-Mo base superalloy was carried out with the aim of investigating the effect of current intensity and frequency on the microstructural evolutions of the welded areas.
Therefore, firstly, we present the stability criteria for a general model that ensures the convergence of all trajectories starting from a region of attraction to an ultimate bound.
Marin environments such as Qheshm Island, are the most destructive environments for reinforced concrete structures.
Optimal Bidding in Electricity Market Using Game Theory
River Stream-Flow and Zayanderoud Reservoir Operation Modeling Using the Fuzzy Inference System
The combined design was used to investigate the effects of extrusion conditions including feed moisture content (12-16%), screw speed (120-220 rpm) and blends of almond meal (Amygdalus communis L).: corn grits (10:90-30:70%w/w) on the humidity, aW, porosity, color indexes (L, a and b) and sensory properties of the puffed snacks.
The thin-film filter is silver-made and optimized by using a particle swarm algorithm in order to modify the corrugation period, duty cycle, film thickness, grating height and aperture diameter for infrared imaging.
A numerical example for the design of axially loaded pile following API is conducted to compare LRFD (reliability-based) and WSD (deterministic) methods of API.
To this end, transactions data in an online store for 2017-2018 were collected from active customers on the store's social network site (Instagram), and then divided into 15-day identical time intervals and the effect of emotions sent by active customers on amount of other customers' purchases, the increase in the number of loyal customers and the number of new customers are analyzed using statistical methods. In order to measure the emotions of active users, their opinions are examined at each interval.
Bankruptcy Method in Reduction of Groundwater Resources conflicts and Aquifer Balancing (Case Study: Haji Abad Aquifer)
Lignin Waste Engine Oil Ageing Rejuvenator
Deep brain stimulation Temporal interference Non-invasive Rat primary motor cortex
The use of Monte-Carlo sampling technique has made the algorithm easy to be implemented and the computational capacity needed is reduced.
Thus, the highest reduction of these pollutants was 23.8% at 1800 rpm and 38.75% at 1900 rpm, respectively.
The results showed an increase of 2.97% of methane in released gas than the feed, removal of corrosive compounds such as carbon dioxide and reduction of undesirable compounds such as nitrogen and oxygen from the feed.
The Surmeh formation is hosting important oil reserves in the Middle East and Iran.
Investigation of Priority and Typology of challenges Affecting Technology Acquisition in Defense Industries
Every industrial company will confront unforeseen and high expenses if there is not a plan for machinery
Sensitivity Analysis of Hazardous Air Pollutants Emission from Passenger Cars to Traffic, Geographic and Environmental Parameters (Case Study: Tehran)
According to these, modeling of writing using model predictive control (MPC) is possible.
PET and P.P. fiber reinforced specimens had 9 to 20\% increase in flexural strength. The presence of fibers increases the mechanical strength, toughness, and ductility of concrete and prevents loss of strength and spalling phenomenon at high temperatures, as well as having a fundamental role in the reduction of heat, microcracks, and retaining fundamental structure of concrete.
A wide range of natural phenomena is modeled by Saint-Venant equations or the dynamic wave model, such as: dam breaks and flood routing.
However, the metrics drawback is their limited applications in the closed loop control systems with nonlinear dynamics.
In this study, carbon nanotubes-reinforced composite honeycomb sandwich panels, were constructed using silicone molding.
Control and ideal path tracking have been applied by a back-stepping sliding mode control.
Launching pads are among the essential elements of missiles and their main function is to prepare missiles for launch.
Other important parameters which influence the accuracy of the attitude determination is knowing the exact coordinates of the intersection point vector of focal length lens with image sensors. By Land calibration for camera with a good accuracy, these parameters were estimated.
Hence the future distribution network operation and planning is encountered with new challenges.
The maps showed that the studies have good network coherence, the study and analysis of the content of the texts can help to better understand the currents of thought in the field of marketing in the textile and clothing industry and to be as a road map for future research in this direction.
Phenol is a highly toxic aromatic compound discharged into the environment through industrial effluents.
In this article, based on reliability analysis technique known as \"liquefaction otential assessment\" reference {1} and using the results of standard penetration test is expressed.
Experimental results, such as static pressure distribution, lift coefficient, wake and 3-D flow effects, are compared with the 2-D test results.
Determination f brasion/erosion strength is measured based on ASTM C1138, which can evaluate the abrasion/erosion strength of concrete under water and steel ball suspension.
The results showed, the usage of polymeric foam support improves the forming condition by achieving to the parts with higher wall angle.
This transitive relation, transfers the original information considered as a special code from the source in a form of subsets of special codes to hyper edges and therefore as a result, it puts each hyper edge in a one to one correspondence with a subset of special code.
Investigation of effect of nonlinear isolators on the seismic performance of base-isolated rectangular liquid containers incorporating liquid-structure interaction
Formation of Al-Cr rich intermetallic compounds in the joining area increased the hardness of joining zone more than two times of hardness of join without this components (140±5 HV and 60±5 HV). Furthermore, in-situ synthesis joining increase ultimate tensile strength of the joint from 40±5 Mpa to 130±10 Mpa
The aim of this research was to assess the trends and reasons of vulnerability of the Great Karun Water System to hazards with an especial focus on water quality as the main attribute of concern in the basin.
The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm, considering the characteristics of tasks and resources, has significant efficiency and effectiveness in the cloud environment, especially at high workloads.
Efficiency centrifugal pump impeller numerical solution lean angle
Effect of Temperature Rise on the Concrete Containing Recycled Metal Spring and Its Comparison with Ordinary Fibres
It was found that the particles are broken up during friction stir welding, and the severity of the breaking up of particles and grain size in the stir zone increase with increasing rotational speed. Consequently stability of grains increases.
Areversed cyclic load was applied to the tip of the full scale exterior beam-column specimen.
Experimental and Numerical study of piano key weir with upstream nose and semicircular section at the outlet
The simulation results show the satisfactory performance of the proposed control scheme with high dynamics and low ripple.
It was observed that over the permeable bed, the analytical equation estimates the sequent depths ratio better than the Blunger equation and also the sequent depths changes show more dependency on the Froude number in comparison to the bed permeability.
-Thermodynamic Mathematical Model of Stirling Engine to Improve Efficiency and Power
Accordingly, solutions will be needed to provide an appropriate ambiance for such a situation. Therefore, before running, the chains must be fully controlled, which requires the definition of chaining rules.
The associated results show that in P300 speller systems, the temporal filters outperform the spatial filters.
Emotional intelligence Components anxiety symptoms Olympiad students country Educational Science
Horizontally curved bridges Near-fault earthquake Deck rotation Field testing
The experimental results show a high accuracy of the proposed method in phenome recognition, indicating a significant improvement comparing with other state-of-the-art methods.
The results are validated using numerical and theoretical data available in the literature.