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Hi all, I have question regarding first time buying. I have my wallet with me (US citizen) but I'm currently in mexico. I'm green to all of this ,but my plan is to download VPN and purchase from here, but I now am finding out some exchanges are illegal in the US. What is the solution when in some cases the exchange will ban users who attempt to use a VPN or purchase from restricted countries. I was all ready to go, thinking binance to cold wallet, but I saw it was banned unless you use the US version(correct?). I'm only interested in buying BTC, and want an easy first time experience.bi guess my question is if I'm permitted to use binance in MX(international.version), and go back to the US in a month, did I make a purchase that will cause me issues down the line(legal/taxes). The answer is likely simple?but this is alot of learning for me and I'd send you all my gratitude for a nudge in the right direction, should anyone here know the answer. You've all been super insightful, and I'm happy to have a place to ask questions- especially relating to purchasing BTc as an American citizen, from a foreign country. May you all be abundant and free☺️ | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMSkNRWXVJb09VRTdJM24zbnZLOFlmc19PYndfdTh6MnhNVlBMT1BoSWljZ2VuNWliX0Z5WkJRT2dqOFJ0Yk1TTlBGTnBLNkRqT1pWeHZweGVYSEs5NEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZE16eHhNUGF3RjBfdEtkOGpSOTN0SV8tRFJJRHFKNWJNWnNLbzE4U2J5c2lieHdSUklDLXpxX19vMldYS1NPM0tmZWxKdml6c0c3S3ZsNlRBMzE0ZFhZSEJkVVYyYmxTb0dlSGFvX0g0enRhSVZnc3FMaHJLRTJDSjd5eGVDd3ZzR2hVNlZaNjNJV3F5d21pb2ZXVXo0X3BYRGpvYmNKbmpjZkJ4TklKRzlVPQ== |
Bread Dongo believes | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRUFqemh1NjZ1YnNhT1lSX3Fxd1d0ejVMbm9obVFjSUdCdnJqdVlURUZoXzZySjc2T2VYTE9UaFJNaU94MWFiWTZPZmFNaU8yeFFRZnNBZ19XWmZsOHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNX3drT0taV3ZJaGJuNF9Nd2JmRWRrUzNZMVIxTk91VTZaT3lPVHVJTFVrV1FHY2xNUFM3VzlQOVhhX3BMS3VvNjl6NGxDRkxseHI2TWw2eGtXalJKbUc5M0tCMFZ6R0dwSlZHYlF0U2QzcFNRVWhveFBaWV9DQWIwRHREMFNvOXBqUzhSWjBRT1g1NXdsSlVuOG1vS1ZLTmpVTkd3NWJTWUFkX1ZEMUwxaXR5X0R3ck40eFNEZDFWTWMxaW1yWlZ2b1cxRDBoQkVEQ1o1bFU0MWNCbk1uUT09 |
I just noticed FBTC also has options now. I never saw a big PSA. | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUnRtZlNrSUlsaUQtRm9EQzluVWkwN0N2RzBNMWxvODd6WkNvUkNSTkNrcm40TEpYZmNNODNGYlVpNWY3NGtIeXFOdnUtV1RCUGRRRHBHX1hSNGhVZWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNeWNfX3lEVFFoeFB0SFg5SUhGVV9GWE5lZEpsb3FRbElyTmhnczJJamRNMWYxM3JEUHdVNGJ3Nm5LcmdLdjJPQ2pYRVF0Z1lJZWJYLVBNdEcyWmlYOUhfSzRYek9jamtvb1JJclVoSDV4ZV9rRHVjeFVxc25USTZ0VEI5OU1ka0NmRXUtS05laWw4TjhOZDNpamFCdUhGVjNPRTg3UkpMM0JBREdNNE84SUIwPQ== |
The stock is trading at just 3x revenue right now, which is incredibly low for a company with this level of growth potential. On top of that, they raised their 2024 revenue forecast by $61 million, signaling that they expect momentum to pick up soon. The short-seller report from Gulper Research doesn’t seem to hold much weight either—Zeta’s rebuttal addressed the claims thoroughly, and historically, stocks shorted by Gulper Research tend to perform well after the initial hit.
Zeta is also making significant investments in their sales team for 2025, which is a smart move given the $64 billion U.S. market opportunity. Executives buying $3 million worth of stock is another strong signal that leadership has confidence in the company’s future. Plus, analysts are starting to turn bullish again, with Canaccord Genuity recently raising their price target.
While there’s some risk, this looks like a strong opportunity to buy in at a discount and position for a recovery.
Note: I also own another 10k in another broker | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMSG1iZERHLS1Pcm1XeEt4eGFZZ2V3RmtMVU00SW5YM2loeWQzNDhLSk1nUEJPLU83T3VxWXRxVUVxOHJMeTdPakJtM2wxd2doSmFucTZHaFVsVWNmR1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNeTE4TlpDdVdLcUNGeU1BM1htb0lxNjF2dFBON2ppNlVpMXBfSFhobFZjLXF1VzFlNVZkZ0h1OGVtSGlocDAtLWw2UGNNR2Y3bWxVWkNWb3JkZ29Nb1NSMTlwQm5UaXZkdnVsWkVyeTEtQTBHT0VwaXpaWHdidmN1cERnQTVPeThFcV9DcjJhTl85WHJpSWhyMzduVXhLUnNIc2REekdJemI4c3p2dmJMLS1nPQ== |
Solana has a very low transaction fee but still every CEXs have a high withdrawal fee of $1.5 or more, why? Is there any particular reason for it? Is there any CEX or bridge with lower fee? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWXd6SVpqbFBKMTktOWpLb1dYbUpEMGFOTlFYakw3b2xHaFQxMElkNnJuRmdhamZpM0lwSW5NeHhGRlRfTXVXUW9iMDAyVU9ySFFMSkUzR1k2U3dfMXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNdmoxT0E0RmxsbTFBRWx2V01HRVprV1BHNWxwek5uMDM3MGx3VU1LMVVCbjFCRFZHdEFVTU1YaGhnck1ieGRJcW1TU2U4cGRnMDNSVTlGVzR4TnQycnk3c2N5WnRwSGJNYWxUSy1pbjg4dl9tZ3J2T3ZaaUhEa1k2OUhVN1p1UHlDRlRwZTVDVVVIbldkYWRjeE9nbXg4SGZjd3lKV0ZId1hvc1RoVUQ1Z1BRPQ== |
why would they? | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbmhVdHFXT3pscTlLSzJhRXV2enFFTjkyWkNWdlVTajdnM2JNQ254czFFSG9MZjJmYjBIMFUtSUhYTGdQOHQ5R29qUGFlbFMzQ3JXTUVtLTBXN1NCYWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbkoyam5GbVJaTDJ1RTdidGd1WnJmT0h6WG5UdDVmcl96YXBWNi16RFFtRExXbFJkcTRIM01XUHhldDFmdHJhLW01VlRIcHhvRE1yczBsQjdzNGNDbkdpeEcyanBvc2xtQ0ZxMndsNkFSTWxNa2kxdnhKYjNIR29fcmV1bEZlaWpfbTY5elR5MHVzcFdaa1lGWmlyWWN3R0VFcmtOLWdLSUFJNjYxc0hKSHQwLVNuOXZmb2U3V0JGdThrZExNeExCYVJFUWgwSlZERkVmUEZEa1NjWXVtdz09 |
After 8 years of saving and working my ass off… I finally hit 2.5 bitcoin.
Got out of school at 18 to work and try to get better grades so I would go to college.
I got into college in 2018 at 20 years old, my father passed away half a year later and it broke me into pieces and I couldn’t keep going so I dropped out.
Spent the next 6 years battling through like a motherfucker, to this day. I have been through hell and back, I have seen and feel pretty much it all.
What kind of wealth is this at my age?
It feels like nothing and everything at the same time.
Fuck life.
Edit: https://imgur.com/a/ucxy0Bv | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdkVvZDMtSHZJMm9aa3RMN1U3cTNvelR0XzNSSS1iSW11MTdlcGtyRnpRb0lDN3lHdng2Smk3UXFkWTdHRzB3M29wT280ZkNobUQyY3VzNVliOHBEY0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQWF1SzFBV2Y0UFl0aVVhTGNEcVdOOXFMRXU1NWtqUURJMGF1aU9sdU15TS1YaUlvTV90aDFkZ1p4ek9OT1ZvNFMwZXlMcFV6eTRGMEI4c29tekpfMTNuQmlrYlRWSVNCSThjUnRjbWFTOHVGLVpDTHBwRVNfUENzbFRkZ2puVHdyS0pGYm14cWduQVlOMW80Z0wxa0F3dlY5N2M5ckE5QXZZNm5mQ05PRHg4PQ== |
> basically no one cares about this
Would "caring" help? If yes, how so? Send our lobby army to camp in front of the Central Bank of Brazil?
Would some shaking of fists do to show that I am not indifferent? (Is there an emoji for that?)
So many questions ... | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMcmVXUzBqWmt4cklDTERsRUl3SnZlZksyRUZoMnlBdTA2YnpHQ25STjlBa3NZbl9tRzNrdFN6UnBHUnpjNDFWN2FmSjNfMlAzbDg1NjZ4TXNzUTR1bGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNcXhkM3ZTSkdiVjJaMU9kVmozNDdRVUhqcHRDVTlUcnJ2bHFtRlFwY0F3VmIyQjBjMlY3dEdobHE0Z2tha3RULURCankxRmN3azNyT0lUTVRvczRRSWprNzNUQV9fRU5HQjMwRGhqczBBcnhMU3RhUUhfeWU3U284TlJsZG5SOW55bGxaZmRfbThISWwtWWJ1SlhNVGxrVlNBSDNPREJlSUVkZFpodEFxS25oWEhUcDYzS18wSUcwSHVFS0VhNXZWWldTSWZEOTFESmhBcHJZaWdjQk9QZz09 |
Hey guys 👋.
Fiat vrs Bitcoin
I need some help here. A BTC meme on this video please | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMb1dCb3pCM3BVMFBmbmNGQVkwNWEyQVY4bkpQU1NwLU5WY2ZYSUhQQ3ljVDFoSGdYc25UODZtZWl2WHpNZ1Q1Nkc2WUNhZ1ZZdHFHSjNtZUE3TFVsS1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQVMzSGJSUUJfak51NzRCMHFiNUF2ejE3bzRveTVNUWJ6QTU1MzFKWFE3WFltMHlHU0pfbFZ6d0loRlRjOE9VT1Zvc3JjLTRySlpHS2JpU1Y3SGpfbkdhbWpDNi05T0FxQ2ZyT21MRWZ0Rm9iOWQzeEZHaksteUxIYWQydDJvdWNQVWdaQlFnUzJqM2I5RFZQSXVQdWNoaXRHVlBIRVNnbnpWbzVEck5vTFVJPQ== |
It's been a few years since it cracked $40. I bet there's heavy resistance between $35-$40 | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZHgyZUZmYUtVOWFwWGpXcHZHMnNha3RnbFp4QmY3elI3bVR1WGVoMmRDRHhKTm02LUc4RU5NUkJuNFY1NnQ5XzFiOXRDLWZWLU4zRlU4TnhnQmZxSnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVjFWREJoN3FZMHZVMm5pdi1PdzRuX0c3N2pNR1RUQ2tHczY5X3VGNEdSQXBIU2dyMzNwdTB5OF80N2NfaE5xdnJOSmJnNnNrV2RSSFZqRnR4dEYwanlVTWt3al9tbDh4M1laNTFrSEd0NHlXQmV0VWg3b0R2YXU4THhuLUY1OGRfdzBGRTlBY0pNVlRWbWZ3dWJTUG54bTRfdnZ5dURxS3IxUl8xalBwdUZ4SVkwYWZ5aTZmX3pBT3BvZlVwYXFpVzliejAzVE5MX3l1RVliWFhsUzE5QzJ0Uk9vdnF6anRWZkE4S1dTVEo1bz0= |
[Posted a shitty DD here 4 months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1en6lx7/why_i_dumped_my_life_savings_into_sezl_the_next/) and got bullied into deleting it... well I'm back after a 400%+ JUMP. Not bothering to spoon feed you the DD. Take a look at their Q3 earnings report for more important numbers [HERE](https://investors.sezzle.com/en-ca/financials/quarterly-reports/).
Forward P/E @ 38 with current '25 EPS estimates (12 EPS), but it will blow well over 16-18EPS 2025 IMO.
Will see you guys at $1000 a share in 1-2 years, 5x potential 3-5+ years out from here. Cheers and good luck
few months ago it was few pips away from $40. this time is flying time. big bullrun flow🚀 | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMc0V1akk1RmZoUGdpTkxpaVh2RlNOZng2U1FiSHZoZ25sUDJqQmpXbUUyT0M5Y3NqNHFxVjQxQnJkbnYtYlcyck9FbVBYLU1fMVg4OWFFQ3VMbWZ1cUh6alV0UGVGeU9nQVU5aHdyQW0wRmc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNdDh6VGVZYmdkdXJHcEo1YUFZZXNkMUdjV1l5N2pzT20tQ3ZRZm1BOXBvWExKcTVSRG8xaFM1cGFzb3JLU25IamhxZFpmQ1Q3bHc4U0Iyc0pXU3V1VGxVQnUtNkFfRGVCUHJYYzFzNjU0TnNfZkJOakRYT25ranMyTUxNTkRuZktUeG9qNldyV0MzNnJhV0RzUE5PT1JENnFCSWMxN09oSEFGdGNhS1djZUJ5ZXYycGcwU20ydHNzQWdVSUE0WTJUUjJOeVE1NUhDZG92OHV5OVZuTGhlVlgwY1d3eWZwcjF3Qzc0RTd5aUxUbz0= |
On November 25, MicroStrategy CEO Michael Saylor announced the acquisition of 55,500 Bitcoin at an average price of \~$97,862, totaling $5.4 billion.
As of November 24, 2024, MicroStrategy’s BTC holdings amount to 386,700 coins, purchased for $21.9 billion at an average cost of \~$56,761 each, according to a post shared on X.
MicroStrategy now holds nearly 2% of Bitcoin’s total supply, with its holdings valued at over $37 billion at the time of this article.
The Block reports that Bernstein analysts anticipate MicroStrategy’s goal is to reach 4% of Bitcoin’s total supply by 2033. This goal requires $42 billion in capital, which the company expects to secure over three years. Analysts suggest, however, that MicroStrategy could achieve this in just 18 months.
While MicroStrategy shines under Michael Saylor’s leadership, U.S. spot Bitcoin ETFs reported a staggering $3.38 billion in net inflows last week (November 18–22), as per [SoSoValue In](http://sosovalue.in/) sharp contrast, U.S. spot Ethereum ETFs faced challenges, reporting $71.6 million in net outflows during the same period.
[The article](https://www.gncrypto.news/news/microstrategy-buys-dollar5-billion-more-in-bitcoin/) | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMd19OZ1Z6bUYyRnVaVFRyVW1iNjJwZnlWcTdBOTl2SE5FY3VoMmhwbXlMSHdnS3NQNFpySjNhQ1VobC1yWjl4TWtWS1NvVUFESHFBTndIUm5aQXBFYWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSUJMNzVTMXFsZ1k2WGd6Z3lpZk9TY2tMeHllV1dFTWZ0enlrRHlDQmpIU21iamgxM0l4bW9YRUIxQ2t0c002UzRYSldpamlrVkNaZTl6WlRCUG8yb3VsYzYwcVBJcWk4VGtYMlo0VHY1cWpLakVGWUI1dUZ5WC04VUY4cXFic0tEaW40WlVhZk5tM0VaNk8zR1BzQjdxUlNkM1JraDZuNUVMd1IzaFFOdGFBU1lEUnlmQmhNdTNpM3V2b3V6a1ozd284V2otNldZWng3QmdmUy1PdHF4dz09 |
Has revoking mint authority disabled me from changing the tokens uri metadata? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVXNERm1HLWFNRzZSMFhHbGZTTG5aejViSDhiRzhyQ0hTcWxmejc5QTU5VnpLLVdINE5ldmRSRkpYY0JXV3V1S0ExNFdoUEhuaE1YeWZIVXJsU0ZyT1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNekdWYXp1blNuWW1iN0wxdjNZRWR2YXhwWEFQMXFCd0tib3NMOERyS2lqN3hjTWVXa2hmZlVwYlVkTHVsSEVKaWc4R0w3YkNRTHVHWXg1b1pOY3NfNEhEM0puZUJKUHkzU1RpSlkzcGlzQlAtTlZoa2QzWXAwRk9MdUlHZTJmUVV2TVIzczNQeDh0aG45bjRKTnBSbUE3VXlZWDVGNWdMamt2eXZDSTAtak9BWTJja1B4S0RSY1pLa29XX09wLTZX |
I'm slowly starting to think so too, but as I've already spent a bit of money on this project, I'll wait, as I still think the 2x will still be possible. | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUnB1SUJLOTRueXdjNThGNTVRdkNQUFhraGdPdU9SM2FmNElzdnlhTHFnb1E0TXZhUWdsV01OcHd2LXUzSTBTM3B6clJYTG9DZmViWVdHbXBuYkxPVFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNM1NuemlhcE10d0VGOUx2RmR5SENYemMtVlg1V2lySXpLV0dzYjV1OVg1R3VHMXZLc3FWOVBzVXJXZnRRc29aTmFhUkZ2U2pGZ0FwWVZ6TXE3bGYwUjJsWWV0OE5KRVFPOEpubWdVRlZtZFh1LW5EZ25hUkFTZ3ZabWxWTHU3eHpaLXlTZjVaTVlldk15YjhwS2Z6ZkxDR0lLUVpkTUxoWTliSjJEblBMODVIeWZoWFRQLS1hakxyRWM4dTZsLWlwZWJRaVhGUFNjWEViejE5ZHAyQWh5QT09 |
Why not link something? Or even feign a reasonable answer, you are being extremely redundant. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRDc2T29RY3pnQ3M1ZzdRZkMwTF9WdzNiYWFNdDY2MTVuMTE2dFhGYUg3SzZSMEo2OHdFdTBTVTFpVTU1Yy1QTUZNQy0wSjltVUM5dFNsQVk5cU1kN1FjbzNCS19QNVJxZDZ4MWNSZkxEYVE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUDVEQmQxV3ZmdlVFc3ZTclJocEhSOFlhSmhNbXpYVXpaOHk1UVZYWWZJWnBJdXNPVnlvRExtaGhXVVZQS0tUMlloY21oT045VE9EYlE3VnpiZjNuUWFiSEJ6THVvblN3V21QRjkyTHpjSDV4VVBvcWhiajhUSk9KaDZPcE82ZU5YOXg3SXc0WTZFRXhpU2RWamJWN2dxSU5BRkkwQy1XYjNUN0F3cXRUaEFHeFVBQ3VtV1hQeTN2alJpZ3lzN3FY |
If you’re still doubting that bitcoin will reach 100k after watching this B.R.E.A.D analysis you’re hopeless lol. | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWVFzRVBPaXB0WjE5Q1VlS0s5aUZNQXpUekxMaVVac2xiWmU4c3pEcVpjX0Z5bTNxWXI5X1RIWWxFM2hVYThlWF9vMUZuT2JaNXl5amVpTlROa1EzU3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNd3hpdTlNNU91WldPQ2s2M1pkZkNPV3ZoUXdOWXFmeGhvYUl3SXJPNnU3WXRVUEUzakZrWjNsejI5T1dvdjVyX2NjZjZ3YnotTExXOHVMcGF6VUhPcmhsRGtIc2pnRnY2YUVveFJrZUgyNFdpOGdNQUFEaXBtM0E4SXg1MkRmYkluZmJWeGstanphTmRwOEFJX0VKaEYyR21GcVE1S1hCRFhNY2JVWm16U0M1ZDQzMXVxZldWZTRGNzJoX1Vyakll |
If you've been through it for a long haul, you'd want to see a dip so you can lower the cost basis. I want to stack more before some breakthrough news from the new administration. This run is just all based on rumors. | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQWlTNDQ0UXFEQnFFU0Q4eXRFTGNGUzlNbGlnbzdrTTNqcXNqcFhvclhkaWtLUTd4eXBXRk5aZ05lbjVveE1oenhZbHZqb05XamtNdG1Ga2ViTnVqNlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNMWs1bEdiZWZ2cy1nTzRyZTllTUt5WS1MZjlrQ2dDZklGM0hmY29SanFRQ3hWenViemJtNk12LThyVFJfamg3bFVQeFZrRG5CX2pmU2hOeUhwSWc0eC1DQWNwLXNvdDlOLXpCZ05OUjQyQ05Ba1dFTTNHS2M1QVRFTVAtd1RGQjMxeklncjBHZFV6bXNZXzZZREg1R1NaZVZYcjh6RWNDU2pOUzlhYWlVNUlpYktUYjloUWU3ZW9aNlZrNWFiSVVveTJpREgzTkxwQjFLU20tNGdCcnlTZz09 |
Parabéns! Você é um excelente comediante. Se não trabalha como comediante, recomendo que o faça: está perdendo dinheiro! | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMMEFRLTRCS2dncktRYnNkSXJ4Q2tLTFR5cllXOXFyYkVJa3I3S2lYU2huUUdneGFJYUotXzVFeUZrTmRWOEhGRzNHY3BsMElhNzJFZmNtVHNQTGl4Qnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQ0xSY2tnLWxCa1lTR3h3S3luUXcxTS1ockFyckFfbEFCWWs0OGhtYUlJaS1rUjF6OUU1NFkxWk4ybTFVamtWQ18wWTJ6b1JiN3Q0WDU0UFA5Uy05YWs0MnI2WVVhNElnZF8xYWl5MEd4WFJQVlBGU1I1WUNGdF90S2t2c05GOU04UDBOSS1PdG1zd00wb2JnOFhhbEp2YlJHTjU1MmpXSXdYSU1EUGhRekNjS3kyUzRZVk5sa1hWMjNEcFlXdlRDUXVmUlVCQVYyZzBhNXktVlYySWJSQT09 |
Que piadista! Todo gozado você! Eu ri tanto que até me mijei todinha. 😅😂😅😂 | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMaUFyQVVvZXg1SWFKUklsbGE3RDQ3VC0xaVJqTzRQdWppNzdvenAtSVBhM3NGTXJKTXdDRzdoakpZWVgyNy1mQ2NaZ05BbXltU3dDX1dXX2ZCWDczRUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRWxnSXhFZkNuQmZhTEFvVUlteHRLMjZJSWlhYUhaVGV4a19PdGh3dG9nX3VmamlxYzh0dk8wQ2xjeU1aYVJRWnh0ZWVkMkZPaS1JUThlU2tZSm9OSm8zNlQ4MFdmYW9sSTNyYjF6bktUOW9SekNsQm9JRFl6eTZmcHpSd2t3UVgwcFkxMHNBdzlRWlhwcnFUcmYwS0JCRkxLcHlIMXdnQ2ltczFkNUdhX0NHRTM3Mmhia2tOeDAzOXVSdHEwTmNvbzMwaHZFNEowZEFfcVdUMmtLYXNrdz09 |
Domestic oil production will benefit under Trump administration. PAA operates midstream pipelines and will benefit from increased domestic production volumes. Most competitors up 12-15% since election (e.g. ET +15%). PAA only up 3%. Target price $22-24 - currently trading at 6.8x EBITDA. IV on options is historically low. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMOV9VV25SVzJlMW52RUpSU1J2cjZ2UFYyaDZWNkRXYV9OamNiWVkwZEZBWC01LWhvcWF5S3lFYllyVXVtMmtvazNjRmtiZlFibE1kS1duTU5PaVNEMXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNblFfNVppalFMdGI2MUdRcWlrdDNqMXl5U0pZdmUxb1I2YzZZMk5PZFlBVkxZXzQyTGhPbHdscDhoSXFrc05TNzRJbzB1cXY4dXRCNDVhdE9aaGE5cVI4Yy1tWjc0cllNX09xVUt0NkluVUYtOVhpTlFhaVdFYTBqczVjX1IxTEsxWVl6UncyRmp5R0MtWVNFb2pXbFRudjNNdHhTejRtbS00ZENka2RoM2N3a3JmS3l4VlM0LXNPWng3Vy1hR0tB |
There are no laws or rules against listing so called "privacy coins" or "AEC's" in the US on centralized exchanges. What is currently happening under the current administration is behind the scenes pressures on centralized exchanges to not list so called "privacy coins" or "AEC's".
If we take the "crypto friendly" or "deregulation" promises of the new US administration at face at face vale , then one would expect that these pressures against listing so called "privacy coins" or "AEC's on centralized exchange will no longer continue.
Edit: Typo: no laws or rules | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVkduMjFiWDMwY3o0djUtZzNPbHJKZ092Zk1YUlNYa1lCM2xxSi1Eby1jLUtwZGw0S2Jab2dYQTVuYTJaR2lOZVpzbTNHNlZONThQdGEweHdvSUFSVXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNempGQzdqNUg5TnJZc3JUbXNVNnZfWG40cWdING5JLU1yeG9jTlRBMFNWUE5qNTJib3lTTUNaTktDQmtQQjhNc05tWlpoREJud296NzVwZDJSUUN5eXJQZ1BiZEpZblNrdU9iWlRDdDZtZ2poMHIzWkg0TTVxWjRxcGZaejVlcEZSVGtsQzYxbHZweHZFSU9WVWF3TG80RTBoNTIybVl4RkpySmFOV1lONXB5MXhzZGNVRXNVbFFzcW11OWRQTUpqSXlOX3lVbEE0R3RnTFBUdF9hUmdldz09 |
I’m not upside down anymore on it, but I’m wondering if it’ll fly again. They have a lot of buzz phrases like nasa and Lockheed and Berkeley etc, that use the product. But are they just surfing on a blockchain for nearly free while others hold the bag on the token? | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRXFuMk9Odi16SFI4bTVjd2xFZHlFd0NsTndGaExaSV9hS2tvTjFvZnBfcDZNUW5RT2Q0LUc3blU1bWwyV1V0czA2a2ZMOEhzQ2JZTGJkZFlwOFVxRXlKY25TVk8tZ1g5cWd4Wm8wRzdSbHc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNOFFwRUE0U1ZxWDZocFB4aEdISHgyS0NzZkRYZkdqYUhHVE9ESHpjejY3WTlpcGVTVFpyWmVRMHpEOUFubXh2U21ubTZnQkJqOVNVTEZnckhheVcxdVlZdy10SFVVRG9zeUY0UVFzbWljSG0yaEF5WmNxaUxZWTlTV0R1aVNTeDR0U3UxQ3NGUFpldWZCVDAtR1dFejBYekFmemtJc0RURmpoWWZablBvSktWS0U1SHk2Ulh5RTR5SjIwcnFpX1RPOEhMV3JTSWV5Vk5pYm51S01CeHhkdz09 |
Officially broke.. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTElQa1A5ZmVMUzBBNExlQTBJRzhvamtpT2J0a05QM1p1dFhlTnVoZFRfVFhRUGNocmc1S2J2TnBoUG9Na2E3cy0ybnpZY2l4ekxPNlQ2Q0oyeHhObmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZWxDZ1hsV1piTGI0MnktZlRXZW1wRjlIMGhmcE9VU0psM0ttdjg2aXJFbHN2TlpjTlNGUXpISEdOeU1wZDNPWGoteWNMdG1mbW1qQTd3aHZaSWh4OEdGa2dUZXNoZlNiNFZaOFY2eU93MjRSUll3THpKYWRRb2c3bHlsZl9BZmJieHNKd1htdFROQ1E3MGJYU2RwZ2xEVXpuQlFCMmxuX2s3VE1HY0ljSXFVPQ== |
gotta be more realistic m4 is in reach, lambo is is being delusional | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMOXFsUVRnZTgzSHRkTzduS0V1TG16QlA1UVNSdHFVTTBqUU1BZWRtb3FJN3lSaHBYY3lPTUNfZWMtQ29MTUpQelVZVVZDOTRwM3BEbjlaV0VtZC1fMlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVzVtTU1jaDhQMFRSZVU5SGtscWhWRVZSTXRPN280Und1NU5BVXg2d0xTcnBSS3NKSldJRkpGRXFpWjBTNXZFODdGVHl3aUh1ZkhWN1YzSmc0OGdDdjRDcndkaFZDOG9Hd3FsYzF2eURuYzVfVkEweVpJSjZpRVAxYnJzeWN2Z2NBdnVpTTZaVHlLUnJncV9uUWhRWjk5ekRzdDB3OEZvOHhKREYyZVRkeU9PN2R4ak9IVGhtOFBnT0swM2VoMXI3 |
I'm a bit surprised this isn't getting more traction. I know all the alts are a gamble but although boring sounding this appears to have genuine utility. I would love anyone's insight. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMeHdNak5ucktQd1I3V1pabnhBbm1HTlV0Sk9QQklob2c0ZktWdUZwc25JdU1nSkVVNk0xdUdSejM1T00zWXlaczlZYjR6X1Y4Mi1zZVdKVV9fYUQ4c3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNb3FoWGMzUXZTOFRweTJEeGNqamxkLWExdnNYNEFwOWhQTlAzSS00amd0Y01VQld2RzVIZi1rNHVnanhVaTI0XzQzX3FiREFYdGM5SlMtakRYR21MTEVRNUhxVmI1QVFPdzc1c3FldW8zXzYtOWVHTlJyeWUtNjFBWFpzek9ZMTBmRkh6dy0yWDVTTDVfQmM5NUdEdXNJOHplUEVyUVdsVFFEOXpXUVJTamNjPQ== |
1.49 million Today | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWnhLTk1kRUl2MG9yZ2kyYkozb0NwLXNYRGxHa29sX1BjWlNXT2Z3V1ZDaUVZY1BGUk1vWjVPa2ZxeERYT2J0cmdMdU9LV016Y0ZHZFFaZGV3YS1VVWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTHZJQTROc0lsazdBSUhGMTMyZjBqUF9FUUE0YXZWNzNZdTh5ZXg5c2ZHNXJDRVZPaUYzcGVMcmRaNWJ0b3RkbDV6Qlgyc0syUGpNRS1WaUxweXNQZ3Joa2VqMlJCYWRhcjlRa2EyVjFxV1ItSlNodmtRaEpfU3I5TEt4aDB1alpfNUxZR2h5UGZ3UzM0SnVfSGtVSjlBNjRMQjZNc0g3Q3JBZnJzQWl3bmhqS1hHRWJmdWJLb0E5Y2dHb2wyV241U29uNDlORW0tRi16ckJhMFNINjZCZz09 |
It looks like you're trying to buy or sell Monero. If you want to learn more, please check the pinned weekly thread for more information. If the weekly thread doesn't have the answer your question, feel free to leave a comment.
If this removal was in error, it should be approved by the moderators within a couple hours. Feel free to send a message to modmail if it's urgent.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Monero) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMMEYwNmNWenJLdUE5X2xLUlc5cnVPWkRtNnNyYTZnVjYwNENyZmlIZTlKcHdLQnhOTnZ6NVJiRkJPOGROR21jYzdrZFJSV05Ub3dVNTFpSEoyZVhSLVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbGJvc1FYaUFDcVlVTTRLbVQ3NERBdkp4bkU4cHE4dE5zZWY4TWVzWWgxeW1hblVRYkFiR0Vrb3RGVmRYUFV1SGUycjh1UzZ5V3JnYkk5T01BbVE3Rjk2TGtsaTFRajhsLTBTc2ppenYweUMzSE1fWi1BUTRJTGotN0RDaXdfMzNONjVZN2x6SjA2ZWpTaU9wUWxpUlVKRFZZU09tY3k2UDZUMWZoUEV5UHlBcTJNZWdCcDV2VzVRejFtc2tObzgz |
Made my bets, and they printed! I may be 🧠💀, but If it’s good enough to screenshot, it’s good enough to sell🐸 I’m going to keep my eyes on this one for a while | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMcHNJYkZPSmw2REt3bkJXQXRESEFCQVpYRHk1WWV1dWltQW9OblNOVmJjM1duSHNlYVF2Q3o0MkVxdHA4QnNwRGxUZUtpVVJiQnN1MnlQZVBWV0JldlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTW9feGUxbmFsdUdhb2JhT2xUS2lBYUtULUFwVE91dXNyV1pNRVNUYTBLZWZPLVZyX1NSdVlObzc1bjZTVjJfVlVHSEw1TzZ3a1ktbFBGbWtzelNpQnh2eXpONDZzUHJraFJrX3hzbU93X29uaG9TeDdfYVFFZjlEZloxQ3ZNRDVHN0t2WEZMVTgyM2lsc2VKRE55VDh4RC1YaEQ3am42UUtQd1N0UmF0Y1ZFPQ== |
Are you referring to Elon stopping censorship on Twitter? If so that’s a pretty low bar. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMaGdOa1BNbGRMVEdEaVpHdVBMX1VrS3VsekFZOWRRcjFSaFZpTDhvWHBMN05jXzlGbkU2bDdZZ0tKT1dnQjZrZHYxaFBRZjhneWNiWU9zMEYzT09yTGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZ1dnNWQ2M1BienlwRF9ycjhTS3FDTUp1eUFVWXJmZTlEVEJXN3F5SkNMTW1jbEFSRzBZem5NckF2UVA0ck5xUHdpZmZwTmFkQ0dwN0JoWXZONDFuODBUWXZRR1pJVm9DMWlGeWZWdi05N1Ftb1FHekFpOXl3b1NfRGxhX1R0clc1c1ZQbVBKYTV0ZF91R1VnQ1pPN3p5ejFaaDV3YTM2SkNBRWVBOVVCMGZtQTNyRFY2dUlXa09yc0RnZVpvUmdPaHRDZE1Zc1JtX1J0aXBSZU8yS0FoZmZMaVpwaFU5X3MtWEtXZmV0cDNZOD0= |
have around 500$ worth of ADA and XRP stuck in atomic wallet and it won’t allow me to withdraw, transfer or even swap it. Any ideas? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVGJ5N25xZm9sYklIc1hYdDFONHdPbnhLQk9NRkh5d2xSMWhaRWRud2ttQ2dIa09zMzZfeWdWSnRSOGcyZGQwYnNiUWd4RjR0MHRWZXJndjNqN1hjQ25qdXNxZTFEODV5OHk3d3F2OGtGTWs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUmxINUdDRUVvTEV5TGxQOE5KcGhfREZ5R1FEWVRoWWdXT3RhVXBBOU1WRnNqMXZRMU13SlR0QjcyLUZFQkV3MUhXelEtN3BVaVNxOHhvZFVKeUVOYTlzdlM5S0pFT0J0M0xDYldMb2x5Qno5LW1Uc2RkWEpMaVI4ejF0RVhzd0poVVJCYXhHWHNYckVNdTYxZlJ1Q3dTbnA5Ni1ST0VXU0pTbV9jcXREZm9rPQ== |
It looks like you're trying to buy or sell Monero. If you want to learn more, please check the pinned weekly thread for more information. If the weekly thread doesn't have the answer your question, feel free to leave a comment.
If this removal was in error, it should be approved by the moderators within a couple hours. Feel free to send a message to modmail if it's urgent.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Monero) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUF9EX3pMUHQxTVRYMjBxaWxmU2xBNlBFYzFERERvRVV3bW1tczUtZG1rZnJMYU1Qczl3VVB3X09uYlZnd3BqMWVvOS1oV0JCMVhsUHNhS01ya05Md3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNWDlLSG1nQm05THM4OGh5V3gwWkt0bllTZWFodHlGVXMxUTdtSTYwUDdqUVRIcUROUW5majBNQjZ3OHF2S3hKWVd3QnNLMG9lOFZKY3NpR0VGV1FYUEdXREZQTW9OMk1jRVdYbk8wWUJsNDhmV0c5RjczU2podXU2eFlxWHYtRFZsM211R09BcERyLXFMenJPWWFOUkxkeWJMeG0tRjNmQWNZbFhUSG1zQlJrYTUtNTVtSW1jSW1IUl96Q1RCMENRaW0wT3dLc2hXRDNibVFBX25pVkJ1QT09 |
The trend of bull runs is that we reach an aggressive growth spurt and either we see a mild dip or a substantial dip. Historically, mills dips are followed by a larger peak and then a big correction where things get stagnant. It seems to me we are currently in a mild correction as many sell and re-purchase. Based on past trends it's highly likely we will see a larger peak in the coming weeks. At that point we will likely see a big correction and stagnation.
So I'm holding out for one more peak and hope to take some profits. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNHoyejZOQnlTaV9oRldBLTBUeEUycFgyYnBpVV9Ed0U4ZHZNYnpEaDFZWVR4MHBYU3p1WXdtbEljdVFMVWpZb2Q5SnVBc1VPV0xwU1lWN09KNVd6TWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZXkxMWdTR2FVWW9GUmtFLWhHT0tHcGozbDJONURVWHZWcXpRdEdaSno5UzBxV1lwYjFpZExJRjJfRWhzeFVZcXcwT1d4QURBSEhCOUkzdzJERlZXX18wUEd4MlpDejFLbTZRU1prT1dPMGlEVXdHbDhZcG1ka214OWEwUFFiSWljVGpieGFHZjR3MVFFQ1BTVHIwbVNCRjBrZkcyNS1GNEo2cVVmSXlrY19OVkJjVzl0MEhVeTRhVndkUnc2VWdN |
I bought SHDW based on Invest Answers James review and thinking storage on SOL was a no brainer.
Nothing on the SHADOW website shows any partnerships or investors. The docs page [https://docs.shdwdrive.com/](https://docs.shdwdrive.com/)
shows: "[SHDW Token](https://docs.shdwdrive.com/token) \- Currently Deprecated" which is odd. I don't know if they are doing a rebrand or migration or what.
The twitter page posted a cryptic : "29 days… hope you’re rdy fam
[\#Solana](https://x.com/hashtag/Solana?src=hashtag_click) [\#web3](https://x.com/hashtag/web3?src=hashtag_click) [\#DePIN](https://x.com/hashtag/DePIN?src=hashtag_click) [$SHDW](https://x.com/search?q=%24SHDW&src=cashtag_click)"
I thought it was a utility token but I can't find anything about the tokenomics and if it's just governance. Very little on this project.
Are you holding this? Expect it to recover to previous price levels? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdFJvdjVpb2xPVXdCNUtibWFxM3ZsNnFVYWpxNndOeDluMlZmZjdEem5mbmowbEQwQkZDVUFIZy1EMmdDVGJGeFlpclc2M0pJMmhaLXdidmR4Rnlja3hLal9fZ29uWkRoLUpDX1RDSDFJSlk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNdUxuYUpROWNZU0tyRXRsN0Zldjl4UzFQZGdZLTZBTEM0dlRNNV93U3RvTGNlSjRSbHllTmJjYzduVEhKQ3NlM2tfNmItOHBZVzl2ODBCRllnM0ExblEzMlRheVByc3FiT2NKNFJiUVBKLUk1V1l6SFV2YjFnTU1HU2J3R2ptekpNNFRYMFBQendnZHpVQm4wUWRwTUluSXY0a3JGdGNsVm51Qm5ZMmI5QXdBSUhKdndqWFdrSnVuV2M2Z0x3MFlIZFY0ekx2MmVWcGpCX0lnaVY1QTZlZz09 |
It's a fundamentally different value proposition, and a lazy way I look at it conceptually / philosophically is in parallel to the genesis of Bitcoin. Bitcoin offered an alternative and sought to disrupt a centralized Fiat system, which came with incumbent rules, institutions and centres of power.
Given how quickly AI/LLMs being commercialised, again by a limited set of incumbents and in less and less transparent ways, TAO offers an alternative which favours transparency and a community-built brain. So it's part that it will aim to compete, but a large part of that value proposition is that it offers an alternative.
I jumped two feet into TAO last year and have now sold a bit of, even though it's my first love. Part of the reason is that I'm hedging because I think TAO could face competition from other decentralized AI coins. Key among them is Hypertensor, which has bittensor devs but solves a key issue around validators. IMHO both worth holding: see here for summary https://medium.com/@riccime/hypertensor-vs-bittensor-a-birds-eye-view-4d27e6d4a6f7 | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMMWRYOUVRLUN1b3Q1RWJ1MC1wR1d3Qk5hV3lIR1VHbF95YWU2UnZqYjhJeHAtdGRTa0VadjN1VVZfOEUwNGlxVGQ1a3dCX21mUDR2RlhZRVhKeEMxdzFsanFtSmtHS25Eb2RzT0FNLS1GUHM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNY3NyWi05UDdzODZqVEZrajRldW1rYU5VcFRWb0sxU2Y5a01heUxNYjcyZ1NfLVpuOTBLaTJEaFFWOGJSeVBFVkRJZi1CcFBDbUlqYTN5cjg3cHBhZE9qa1FoeXQ1RDU2NVg4ZHhXR3M1S08xOEViS2xEV0QweWlXVEdHTF9hd0JKMWw1cFI3RTVpMkhTRmRaVzRUSmUtTVBpUHJhWklsYWRGcHBYZ29aZVdpRHpCem8wYXlRRng5Vzh0QXRFSm5uLWhndF8tUWVMSFF2MVNfRFB0Xy1UQT09 |
Hi all, I am a beginner of SOL. I am staking very few SOLs on Binance right now. I am wondering if I should transfer my SOL to Phantom or Solflare (which one is recommended?) and connect to Marinade for staking.
Why do many people recommend storing SOLs on these 2 wallets rather than others?
Thanks for the reply. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMaXZWY1JVVkRIQ1BJS3FRWkRlaktHamlZLUViYkViQXdROGplc3VRbDMtUmo1VHl1d19YdUltRHoyX1pnTHdHWHozamdTazc1REhHbTJEY1g1LUNrYmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUHJrWndvdHBQWU1nZGVnWERkSkNFN29zd092ZXdmY0pnNTR3eWhhMWUyUWx6dGtOakJySDh2OGY1QzRzUWlJNzJDb0NOVG1SYTZWOG5pMnRzWk1VenhYanBRUW9xbHVvRWplZ2dPWmo5YThUR1hSYUN3bDdnUXVpcjVXSmhpbDQ1Qjh4RXN6ZmVGcFlhREk5WDNPZG1HaWoyNWZZRTFod3llZzlXU3FzWkZmUVYyR0VIbU1UdDM4azFwSk9lWGRQ |
lost 200 dollars cuz this keepte showing up and i still cant sell
Wildly off and misleading. If you were correct, the bitcoin blockchain would north of 5 terabytes. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbVl5VnNDY09GRkJxbDE0REVMbXlzVm8zei0ySlI3alJ4dGw3N3QybmdhZ01BaXZYazdsaU5BcXNKWmMteFR6T3ZqWlNjOEtQekF4dkZwMUFyNmVNQkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNR1loQV9SZWNKekcyMWVBU1dsNmhiRW5KQklMZUlQN041c2pDeEpyTFhiVDRNdmMzTFZRMmN6Z2tFVU51WWRCMHpsUkJSd1dRSHZ5SFhFbmhMSjd4Y09DUWI2aXI3VkZHUG45QlliRVFIUURqQjlmcXR4bEg3RS1pQ1dTZ2pxeS1sWUk1SWtZQ2hFSnM5U1RaWVNETjRIRjh3QmNrS25jcWFQeE9ZRzJvNUpPQ0pyMU1hMnBkaFhHM1JJM2E1RnppQlhvZ0ZtUEhRd2wwMFpidXhCR2JrQT09 |
Hey all, bit of a stab in the dark here.
I’ve been trading for a few weeks and made a few coins on pump fun and Orion tools to experiment. I’ve lost a fair bit of money learning, but hey! You have to learn somehow right?
I’m now looking for a small group of people to start a new community and a set of tokens to be slow released over the next few months.
I am aiming for transparency and to share my real identity and not rug or scam people. - which I think would go down well. I’ve started kick streaming and live streaming on pump fun.
I need people to help me with a solid plan to start and secure tokens that can be gainers over time.
If anyone is interested drop me a message.
Ideally I need:-
1) people who can help with artwork (I can build the website and socials etc, they’re almost done)
2) people who know the solana marketplace and coin creation process in depth (the process from pump fun to raydium after achieving bonding curves)
3) active community managers to can help spread the word once the plan is formalised
Let’s have some fun and make some wealth!
| r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUFF2OC05bGtiN3hDS24wSlY0NUxvTDFLRVFLZFJNa0dtUi1nS01uQnJhYTQ3NVdTRXJBY2ZwcHVMZ2M5YzVpdDJvdlU4QzdMY2xJMllUOGZXTF9GbVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNYTVpNGw5eUo4LVJPSTc4amN4Q3h3U1JsNG9hRWpfSEVIbWFMT281WEVaVGM1X2VNN1dpV0J6U3NLclBzbkNoZ1ZKenZ4NzQtZWhHZlA4NzE0ejZFRnloY0Y5dDMtdXBvd1NQVmFCOXgwQV8waUxKMFN1eGowZmJNV2FsMy1LMWtNbHA5SGRzWFBKMWdWU1lSX2ZackVhYmY4M1dxd2lYaXNRMm01YmdDS3F1d01LV0dVZGdnTVBsLTdyb1drbTFk |
If I keep all the money in my wallet, never move it will I have to pay capital gains tax? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMcVZVVUdkUjRldW5XQUp1NE1fV1lwbEpQOW1NRmNYUDhnMEVYY3lYeDUtb1oyQ0NOalI1X0NjTDVWcUFnNTdmN2VBMlFzRGZ1ZnA3T095eFBXNjA0QUJKRnlvd1FvTGpFdGJsZjRRTU5CTHM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUUZIMi03dmRwaDhQdkJUY1REZF9aaXpWVlJrUl85LV9jNEg3d2VPVlBCaWM4TkI2c3pHRUNsMkx0Ymc1WjZSQ05PNVNab0FjSFVvZ1dwS2x4WHVNNzNQa1BJNDZLT0Zvb1pwYS1KTHNxMDlOSmt1QUZGSXlCN2piTi1mdGRjTVVYR0FXRVdOVXhhOVBsbUltM2tSektiakc0RmJJT2lxMVNpcllzdDRoZnlULVk3UkdVU2xNM3pLSWpITHdER05iR2FnOURsVE00bFlhRlZSNmZ3aTNXZz09 |
Hi, the devs have not made the subnet live. Think the plan is tomorrow. Looks like a good one 🔥 | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQU5sWmMxMWVsSnhYeHB1bHBJdGN0UFNvVHE1X21LWUt4b3pZckJuZU1OaUpCYkpyTXd4SjhMMzlVMWQ0aW9EZkF5aUx3RXV3RU5Ob2U5WDUyVlkxOGtOMWhTYjE3YjJYd2JEb3hfQ3ZxUDA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZFF6LTNQeWZSRThIZkk5ZVlJYTVrVnJFb2x0cjU1RldzQkg2RW96cWFPRnlWaXliRDI1UjViNU1LZ3pQYXpPeDRTamhEQjlTMHFxWncydmRKX1p4OFhyZk93Z09ZTXJ3S0ZhMU9mTDNsZjB0aUJ5dTN5SEVpMl9ES3dSa0dncVFONnNLWXc0M0s4Q25IakRHT3RZY2hENENuU0padVRHNkRTQ01Fb05MOWdGa2dtY0gwU2cwTlBUYzgtTXRMV2FF |
Trading strategy discussion
I am seeking educated speculation from Long term crypto traders. I know this cycle is unique, but given the general cycle strategics when is a good time to sell off btc to alts -> rebuy btc?
I have sold some of my btc already to buy XRP, ADA, SOL and like 250$ each in some memes.
i am considering moving larger sums of my btc into alts however i am fairly new in this world so i have no educated guess to when the BTC “pump” is done and the alts rally. My gut tells me BTC is not done reaching ATH before at least a month after trumps instatement.
Follow up: how do i see signals that alts are slowing down and convert back to btc😅
I know its pure speculation but please lets have a good debate. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUHNXTzdXdGhNa0w4RUZpdlJVbmowSldLdWs2WGFTYkNlMDJleS1jWmppT2VBd1BTSEZ5RG5adExzLVQyRGZaN3lnVEpkTmJKTGF2emtDdGhweUdYb0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNM3RVUEZWelVmU3dqTGlmdnYyX0hhRlBlNmVLM1JrXzFoQi0teTB4UTRvbDN0RGNhTU9jMmZuN252cDJNSnJlbEkwT3hLQmhVa1FvQWEzdldHSTd6MWptdEY2bVVsTDZsXzNtcnRjUkNzWS1NLVBiaDc1Z2RmNl8xQVFBZW90bVJHZS1MTXM2Q3BuaXJuV01ZRXBCSlBDZ3hpOFhSYWJabnMyVjF4WjJoNkE0PQ== |
I would not put any positions with this low of liquidity, and leverage is impossible without it. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUEduTXhFOGo2akRwMjJfTm1QamlWYzBnSlczYkRmTjhtREdYa1gwODBWLS1yZVRQd0RkdzNpbzloMXdJSkFMSmdsQ0ZPMHVNYkllWVhYT1hWd3RMbGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRTY0dkNPZHp6T0prdHg0WDBBSDR4SlNQSXQzajF3LVowWWs2RERURVRacXV4S1MzZ21ZeDhtWk13bHNhcHdIajhCOUdwUGk4QVBTcEk3LXFwUnN2c3BZWlBaNTJhV0Z2QU9TcXNCRWsyZmstb3RKWWtNRmd1LXRFTjRHQTN4TXI4dC12VUdlLTRhekl0RFRZaENHd3BjY2c4WjMwNU1NV29lMDhqSktCSFAzVUpiczZrWFBsa1VUTTExNnlQRTdY |
LUNR and Rocket Lab have been good for the portfolio lately, but I was curious what other space stocks there are to YOLO into.
There's still one that's barely left the station. Planet Labs is up 58% on the month, but is still far below initial price (compare to LUNR or OKLO). It's been much more consistently going up relative to every other space stocks, many of which have run out of steam.
And! Earnings haven't happened yet. They're coming on the first week of December. Given the sheer amount of data PL generates, there's a massive AI platform to be built. This has kicked off in earnest.
Positions: 1250 in $5 calls for early December.
reposting as a YOLO because mods got upset that this was bad DD. which tbh it is. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMaS1HNzMwUkNDOURqbmVfdWNjWnJvN0dGZ3BoMUNtYXBocXFsdFZsY29tU2JHUHRBWUd0ZVl5MklQbXVUN1B1blA0YmJSMzVQa0ZHV0ZzU2hTUGpISnhQbnVyWTJsblVvYV9FVUotUkZFS0E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNYktQV1pCNDlVeWFuY1huZ3FoNEJJOHUwRUtBVExCcWE1eU5iRGRtalBKRXBxUS0ycjBodzdkbkU0VXB1ZFZ1SGdmZWF5V0ZXdDNkT0Y1Z1A5RDlBWVljTW1OVnlaMlVwbDdoQmFkeWxsNzJBMlZ2MUpEcDNieTFqZy1iRnEzbU1rOGdzRE82Z2twNzBNUlZvWGpjenBuRF9RZTdwX25JUjJWX3l6T1E2TjJYOWFFb0lkelNkaUF3cjFhSXd5UUU2 |
I have a friend who put a few grand into an exchange that does algo based trading in 30-120 second increments. He said you get added into a telegram group that's active with the "professional traders" that tell you when to get in/out of trades and they never miss. His account was growing substantially so he decided to move a significant amount of money into it. He's now made multiple big deposits into it, with the same "great success" in his account growing. But, I think he's being scammed and it about to lose a huge chunk of money.
Does anyone have direct experience with hotscoinaeg? | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUlN6UVA5dTNOTzY0YWgyVldFWG1Uam5vZm13elBDSlY0cDIxdFptal9nOVdzMmFWcnRmbURiU2FMRy15YUg4Z2Z6MDBZaGRwQUdqUC10WDc0REVGaUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZWZLOS0wZFVzVmx5U3J5ZWdMbWhiamk1dllIa0t4VHF1dnBzRTJnVnVwS0thN1NTNDg3d1lsOUNQMmZ1d3p2N3BvbTZDdFdjSmcxQ3lNZW53UDBjcFA3RzdEYUk0VTNDdjVtazhTTE1XdmtkNzJfMjBCUnE5Qndrd0ZVUnJUNGhnT0czbk93NFhMNF9vaDhJMXBFQVVRWkszYnRlTFcxX09HRkZHWmxLclZtTVk3ZG5sdlNDYmd1dDAxc0QwRTRh |
Yep, they’ll accept it as a national currency. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQUc4bUtHZzdhZThwNHRWOXFiRDI2aVcyY1k2ZVY2c3o2MnVmX2NGNzRyRmJ3UjVQYlNHY2RkUkxOaW1ybFl3RkY4dVpCVlVyQzBOXzNxbUxnS1p1dnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNc1pTVUgxbEVtaXZDdnNTUnFzYzlyc0ZWUFFOSGpxcXdrWmFtYUNrZ1hvdG5saTJoTmhRRDV6c1g1Tkd2OVJjQUhDOEE3X1hKNE9Gai1MdjFCeVgxMDg2LW1VNHpDY3pYeHF6ZlRjRFZmY0pFR1JrTU13OXhmLUJDVjJ2b3lJblBsRGMyUVBUZDMwQnFKVld2LTFvNjdlMldXa1cwb05MRHBkU0NVVlljTXRFcXExRThTVTdSNTlnM0tMYXZLb3FqOGZ5MUVVeHJpSzBPUDdmTDlNWk1yZz09 |
I’m not looking to move lots into a coin but I was thinking about 4k cad or the equivalent to 1 eth I was learning towards buying a eth and staking it and just letting it compound with the reasoning being eth is lacking behind btc YTD returns I have staked sol before on coinbase and the higher APR is very encouraging I was just wondering everyone’s thoughts on this this 4k is CAD and would just be used as a diversification from making some profits in the stock market would I be better to chase higher apr coins like DOT ATOM SCRT for example higher Apr thanks | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVWJLdUtCVEMxZ3V0b0VxVEhNQ01MdjBGQUVLalBGQWJwUzlJQVJvSnZYSW5CUTVfYkxVMGltQjQteFdKNTJYNloybnJaNWpGWDNTNV9NQnlwX0VPYmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNNmxISUlhaDVOWGtxX3Jla1VMWFBVdjhVeEpwRUJuVlE2VThNUG9mdXRYbHlLVFVVczQyUXktMXRwTC1XRUdJVWl6Rmh2cGs3S3ozcWZJOWUzU2ZGZG1tRTNqWHFmQ1dlQS1IbVEzdXhWN1Zob2tPVzk2c0xDWjBHV3hsSEtPTFYtM0dSdzdxaFgzcF9LdzhOMzBEOGQ3MjF1d3hpTHpNRERBZXZtQ2hHUVF0YlFfQVBRbTVXVmhZYlhhR21vd3o4WE5YTzFST3ZEbmNMYVUxZzVSQXpBUT09 |
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. [Click here to view the full post](https://sh.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1gztnvq) | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMa2JlUzhlSEt1MEc3R2RrMzRGYWlLOXVtMmIweDVfVDhyaWlTcjdFeDhYNlBDQzIwQXNDOUVoNE0yZ3hoTnJoVnlDQnBDcnZYNHZGVUsyV05JbFVXYnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNbXlJUmZMMmNkZmNTNEd1UEZEYzRxWlJCVXJxWE9UeFBCT0t1Xy1DdnRWT1dTb19YdVNsTTBmTDMtSmZhVS1ReXVSWUk3VHRrM0xJZGFuRW1wUHRZUHBZNnQ3SllUb0JYNlBNbXotWjFZUWVRNEJPUWhzQ2dkMHNTUFR5ZTJYVmI0WTF2SzlLam9PUXFfWV9YYW0yWTBzaENqWUlJZFBvZ21GSTFpNTVHZWFBNmxiZFBDNnBUNWFxMzBNQmFHeWlYTVpiSWhfRDh3c3BLVHI3UVhWVTZTQT09 |
If you’ve been around the [Pump.fun](http://Pump.fun) scene, you probably noticed their NSFW livestreams are gone. Turns out, the streams were causing chaos—tons of rug pulls happening in real-time as hype coins launched, and people FOMO’d in without a second thought.
On one hand, I get it: the streams were kinda fun to watch, and they brought some crazy volume to new launches. But let’s be real, they were also **a breeding ground for scams**. Devs would launch sketchy tokens, pump them live, and dump on everyone watching. Not to mention, the NSFW content wasn’t exactly helping the platform’s reputation.
With the livestreams gone, it feels like PF is focusing more on being a legit launchpad rather than a free-for-all. Personally, I think this is a step in the right direction for long-term trust, but I’m curious how others feel.
Did you enjoy the streams? Do you think shutting them down will actually reduce rug pulls, or will scammers just find other ways? Let’s hear it.
P.S. If you’re still hunting for solid projects, TrollFaceCoin ($TFC) is one I’ve launched. Check it here: [TrollFaceCoin on Pump.fun](https://pump.fun/coin/HS7iCSm2PDPRyUgKvpsEXbfgmkbMCqDRU5RhBY4Xpump). | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRVBqeFREZUZITTlqNzV6bFlqVGJwV3dicDNVTk5HSEs4Vl85NkZ1bXpZdldPVzRLWlhVMEZZQUpHRkxGNllCRXlVbmlEeXlOVnF2UmlsTkdhSUo0TlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNX3otYWxRa2FsOFBXUkh6ZHRaR1VYVjQ3VUE0VnVkUlFMb05iQ1NvRzVsb0tIaFZJRWlSclU1NUYySzJESHZEWUhPSjU3UnRKbVJ6VEpBWlFsQ29UQ1dDdHJEbUMyMUU4NzVGc0pMRmc5NjhXZjgydU9MY0RwUU14RkNrcndzQkV4aC1rR0R3MHN1a2YyUXp2WDlaYVdrRXJuUTE4anNCZi14ckMwclRqMVNEcjBPek8zSE9xc0FuNzd2X0ZISTdURXNidDJib0FpcGdoamtobjFJalZQQT09 |
What meme coins are we buying tonight?? Going to do my first meme coin trade so want to know what others are buying. Thinking about buying RIZZMAS to hold until Christmas also thinking about holding some doge and some shiba | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTXVlNHRNRC1Ca0hXVTRLZ1FDWkNnNmpYT2hmeXlIUFpiMzlKcDBFenNsTkptY3Nuc2U2NlVFNG8tcTdKTGx1MElGY2ZaM0tRVFBnc3cxWTBUMXdWVnh2cWpmUU9DNEo3c2djdjNLTW9RYU09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZkZfb1MwUGNSWWdWVnFtNkg1VUVsS3NuTzlwOUlsMkFhUW02djZnS2ZncU9weEE5RHNvWWNzeHdDMUEzelZUVjhqNndRbHlzUEFKUGoyNDRSb0VpUkV6ZUt6bmtKRmNpNjJSN1d0S2c0NFhCMko3QnJ2ZEVBNkFyajZnenVhYm5sR25KWU8tUGxTOVctREtTdjBKeFhud0tWbmRyM0dMSWE3b3BzZWxTb1RnPQ== |
This post looks like a trading thread, and is awaiting moderator approval. /r/Monero has a dedicated subreddit for trading discussion, /r/xmrtrader - feel free to use that subreddit instead.
If this removal was in error, it should be approved by the moderators within a couple hours. Feel free to send a message to modmail if it's urgent.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Monero) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTjFXOE81UFBoQlc4RkMyM0pMWGhmZkJrcURyZjNBeWZTajJqQ0Y2NmFPaXlvZ1pLR3NCeUZmYmF0Z2VxMEVUMUF4ajZHaEdsT2QtSENwN0ZtOFZwNmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNS21FMHRxWWVyZUVQdmlhRTRVNDlSU29sZGRQZHA2NjNUbTVRNnNtTTlSdGszOWJoblZ4UFNVVzFkTXdHZjdBUmhRZFpVclRfOGpld01FOVNIb0s3WGdxTEpPQ2U3Y0NfVF83ZTBUdWNQUDZKMkkyTUJBbXNCWl8wUU5SMDVQUVhVbzk1MlBEeVpEblVDQVMzVDFwb2RSZURCWnRqZDNYUHppQTRWckxGODU0VUduekNaUlZsYlk5c2VmOHdOQUE5Z2hma2gzVXRab09UWk9vSjU1U21Mdz09 |
Help a brother out 😭🙏 BnyRoHgfYmsauMtSLs2TyvfQNH6U5J1ZrdvZ3XBUVkEB | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMOEZGTEN3YktoUkVzQ0JJcG9qemc2Z08xRmJLc1Q2TkQ5cG5yaUdvSFFQdWkyamltQUhicjNHcEc2a014akxudGlvZW5EenVaZlN3U3B2elJRS3JDSFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZVdlbW5FVnZ0VjlFT1VXT201QUVvZ0RCMmVXMlNiWkg5RGctakpSd203b0N4Z0RGdHphSmxvZk9HMGxWbENNNXlhVGRsUjY5YXVOa3l0WkxoS3ROMmVwaS1kNmZzQnl5aDlSYnVtbTQ3cENoQWxJWm5XOVgwRVFQQU1RSlpGa2ZqY3ptZHJqVEtZWGc1OEJLODYteXllQktNUzJyelRpMGVqVDdIM2Y2bFVVPQ== |
Maybe so, but it's infinitely preferable to the trend of technocratic authoritarian censorship and 1984-esque control since 2016 | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMS1VrekE4VUM2Sm9XLUgtNXNKb1FvOUFES01xUzZsU3pPMmdZeXdLUzY4eFVENGZwYm1xeFFCZnQ3RkZ5RFlnWkFROU5faW1xX2pCbVNTZXF0MkR6TW5DSW5GOEZqcU5weXlkWC1zWHBPTDQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNaE5pNTByUUxQWGNwbHpSZUNRQnluSVdIQ1RVcDNjQ0hQdVVqUlFIaUh4U2cwUDRaMms5bV9rMU0wNXNKUEV5N2FYTUtNcXJBc2tnVXpBLTJDbnB4VGhrYnhySFdwQXNweEdVVnpHOW9hLXpkcWpDNjN0S1paOXZtZGxxVW56YnlacDhqdm1lV3I5OEQ0Y3FDOWdqUXNocHpqZ3ZMTmNqb0J1N09vWGxieUNqMUpOdUVHR2x4TmVqMkJlTm0xc19WWi11cDZiUDM0UHE1SmFHM0ducFdjVDIxbU1ia1FrR3B4QVBmVEdaQkk4RT0= |
This was meant to be a joke investment thingy cause my friends decided to start with a few dollars but I want to now sell my $size to buy another token, although it says I need solana to swap to solana? How does that work? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMd2YzWWZwdm5KS1RvWGZXYVduM3ktdkNTa050VXlvNG9Fb04tSzNXMDg3ZWxZT0EtYXVhZ3lLbHlPN2hkV00yZDlzaG9nUEI4X3hsaHEzSHVDMUY0bGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQkFyWjNzSTA5ZmhPQ2dSQ0Ruc3FuNEVZTEFMYzNUb0MzWnZGWF9GQnpfMHNRVmY5OTFXbjA4YnJVS0FyUDBHeFhqWTJxRXJjN0RXaDJHanJzLU54SDdMTWhrNDU5NlloSE53SUE1TExRcnhXYkxlNHR4Vk1iYlZTN3Z1TGkxSU5xbUN4RVBnSDZRS1J2LXNscTdDN0NvUzF4SHF3dmNuQ0w1dDNhU0xTSnc0PQ== |
Lots of shitcoins making big bank 🤣🤣 any advice would be GREATLY appreciated. I know most really don’t care, but I am in a rough spot in my life as of yesterday because my landlord is putting the property living in for sale (court ordered because the couple is getting divorced… he’s devastated and she’s the one that cheated!)
Anyways, sorry for the extra info my my mind has been racing ever since I found out, can’t sleep, can’t eat… any advice on a coin that you recommend could give me at least a 10% hike or even more would be great… sorry to bother some of you. I know this sub can be a bit… “harsh” just looking for advice. I live in Chicago and the cost of living is wild. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMOEZNVG1LQnFyM2lwV0paTU5SbmZrdW1ydUoyNXVsS21IYW9CVExrNVZ0YkU4R2d4ZnhScVZmM2dZQWRlZEY2S0p0OHZSV1FoeXZ3TkRkSmllSHFKTHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNWVJpVFpaQjlHRHJUTmtWbzBsZWxkcVU0MGx1cTZrUWppSUpOUFRYUTJRM05QYWN5SDlVMkx5ZHBxQzJsZEcyZHFMR2wtM1JJX3h6eG1BZ0pjMmIxMEF0V044U2RjVUlCR1ZDTkEtVlVtQ283V21uUS1zRXhHVVdMT3NvMHhQTzA4dTJtaU1JaGQyNDU1WWVEZlprYUNQUENaYmJJdjlKUnlNT1RBeE1xVWRNT1VMVUJ4YURHX25qZjQyYnFSMEsycDNpMkdmZ1dQYVJJN3FhSmZSNGVrUT09 |
TL;DR: Added few more contracts to a total of 106 1/15/2027 7C options | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNnoxbnoxR25lOG9FQXNMZ0xMTmhmMlpWLUQ0a3U1UHNhMXJQMXBxb0R2Wnp6TEtmako3ZllGcnliVm4yVDR2MmU4Z05PM3lOSFpEekdHMk1vZE5VU09JcmpPLXBLUmNCa2VDSHVHZmhKQjg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQXVZbWljZWlrYzJrU3lDUWFyMVNjazRzSjh3cGRtblduWkh0OUNYWFk4NUE4LWpQMGdacU56RlRCczd2LXRQcGczRFQxZVRVUlRuV0FnWGFWdmIxckJNSXBsMEUwVnowVXc1dDgwRkJrY29BSkFWT2gxLXZWeG5SbnZiNFJYSlEwS29FZ3RmU2NQRlZvV29TelhiUkRpajlzT241d2NDOUItMUU1RkFSaTFRPQ== |
Does it mean the dev is buying percentage of the liquidity once the coin reaches a certain amount ?
Or can they sniped the coin at different price using different wallets ? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMclpQak04MWJidHYzTTY1UXgxWGNYdW1ubExiMFczOU0wVWYtT0FDWGhYYThhYmtXNjZuMl9TVVlJcHRSbjIxb1Nsck1raDJiSno0Mm90blZtcVRTOHJfWWN6WFRtakcyTF8tTlA2S1NuM1E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNMEhSNHQ0VUdKSDc5OGRNWjl4NjVkZGhfVl84V0Fiakg4TXY2bm9GVlZKanBldGlTcW9sSlZnVlhmNl9XbGhNekJDcnJJUGRLSVZCdmpra3N1dS1YdERUeGV3ejdTTGZyTnhud3RURDdxV3dkWXFtREVVVldVeVowUTM3cE1PREFERkdIVUdRTFFrRUxYeGp4ekNhdmxzT1ZMSTdqM3NSekwzSjRtNzJkTGg3RlEya2Q5azBrOUNtRTc0UTRrbGU4 |
I went trough pump fun and i saw this coin, how can i buy it? I didnt manage it i want to dance to the music and buy something what looks fun and this one popped up. Help appreciated | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUVZQVmh0QXdWVmVseEw2cmNfSXV1bjNSaHB3RnM3Ti1ZSzZVV2RSWlZZUjhKVHJSTDVvdVRaQXYydjdDd0F2SjVyU2lIOUxtZTdJUHEyLXQ5NUYxSEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNdlhmSmZtZ2Y0dFVabm5ockdndkFvQktScnBxeU1weWhCaTZYVXljQVg5QUVXcTVFU2RVVldHbzRUYjVmSERZUmh2T2MtRzBhR2xBZGRsZ1ZSR2VHcGtRLXU5WWVmamt0V19nQTlnOTItVndYQm9NclNBbDZsdHR2TWt6TFc2dmpSRnJ4ZnpHUnRFeTRtTGtOWjNVVEQ0NTZjc1lycHc1X2MxZmVJSFV1VzlBPQ== |
I was fairly active with crypto a couple of years ago (not big big figures, maybe £2000 in total), but I came to a junction where I could only really invest in either crypto or stocks, so I went with what I thought would be the better/ safer option in the long run and sold all my crypto and went all in on ETFs. Don’t get me wrong that portfolio is doing good and I won’t be giving it up anytime soon (I’m up about 23% over the last 12 months) but I have FOMO on bitcoin.
Have I missed my chance to invest in this type of asset or is it never too late? I am only interested in getting back into BTC, as I can’t be bothered with ETH and its gas fees. BTC just seems more straightforward to me. All advice/ opinions would be welcome. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVGJyWW1kYUtCNk40SlhWelB5VjJ2NjYzQU41bGx6ZUpfTFZyVjVIRXR6NERkSkJpU1dVT3VzY01kNjY3YzZuRWJQczVoMHBMWTd2MU9tcEdCby1DN1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNV0w2UkNuaGlVV3NjVXdBYWwxS3hPRHhQdUFjWU00Y3VnNEZmTDdvQUJqb0V0VW9ZeDlObHp4V2NERTBfSHU2N1ZQX1llNjM0Wld0anNaSnBqRThQR1FjM2tUQVh3Zlh0elF4NEVaSlh3X0wzdGh6UVV1ZWVadjNFdUx2WWRYMk5DUGF1OFpvaGxNLS1pN21SeTFZOFBDQVNvSk5lcl9MOGJmcjlUNWZNNnZUVWdreGV5MWdtSDVzQmI3WThFOW85 |
If anyone could provide insights as to why they think one of the two is better it would be helpful | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMNHQ4bHVzRWl0S1o3TUJheWt3MVBCS2J6ajFGVHB0YzZpTmNOQkpFQU9FSk9rdXVidVcwYnU2dFBFWnRnNlF2T2dfZVBIeXY2ay03VEtudG11bWRwVlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNR0JpQkRQQmFaeHI4UmpZUDhGVzA4QnhfcU1LMGNDZWJ4b3FXQjlfZlVzMkc0Q3hmZjR2dUtuVzIzYkxhUjZfVkhOMXN6VkZpODdWVzdXaTZ2SnYwQmF5YlN2NkUyWTRCSEJZQWhlb3Bxc3RiTFl6d3o5cVc1NUY1blJZUnVnWE5sV1Y0Q0k2SEx3UFcwNjdfa1lxbW5Ed3kxcWVhc2RQajJTSVgzN1FOZUE4ZzRTU0p4SlZQbWFCb1V6cDVKa1dM |
How would it be possible for Monero transactions to be instantaneous like XNO, is this viable in the future? | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMakp5VXJDYURHUkpOQ3FCRFJkampTT2loVWk4RWZlMll4OWdUQVpMdldTSVpzZ09tV0NGanV0cDNTaVFMWVpTZmtCOEJPR05LOW54UGxBaWtjM0JOaXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNeVhtWE5oeHhzR2hWSUpoZ0ZYcE5MMDRFQ2NmWTFTZkVCZVZBdGVCaVRGWmd2VWJaQjAxcHk3bnJCWFRjSkZxV0tmeEw4RTF0dlQ1cFVodkN1YlFmUHJHczNFQXRldF9HQ3dqU2x2ZTAwWHRMLTNZMkU5M091RUtDcDZQYlF1REUwcUF1a2EwY0k5VmFhd04tVGRaWF9POGxtcGNxazZtOXRMYUJLUUx5Zmd3cl9pV2FjQUs5V3VCUTZNUThBMWhySlJwX29oT05fS0NZU2N1Qm41cV9jZz09 |
TSLA is irrationally priced and starting to see a correction.
NVDA is irrationally under-priced and will gain like crazy.
Our Billionaire Overlords started Monday dumping NVDA driving the stock down, $136 is an insane entry point for this money printing machine.
See for yourself:
https://finance.yahoo.com/compare/TSLA?comps=NVDA | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMOVFUeERnU25xTnctNWkzUmF1VDlJbC03S01jZlhTY1oyalBNZ01Qekc5V2R0R2VEOVRqZ1pxSFNlaVczRmVfVFA5QVdZc2NFUDRiYmE0QmdZRU5KekE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNMm1iT3Z1UVBCWkVWa1FwTGpnQ2VnQ1k2aXhxaS0wZWZwaGQ5OXAwS3RpTnF6MHJVaXVSNVBlVjJDRFlaNnpxWE9sNzZ6X2NXR2ZCdlB0M0k5eFQ4ZWxUWTk5WW1CTFBMV1NMY0hVbUZzTk9HVjVHV0E3cktWb3lld0lvTHI2b3ZESTNNUlUyamhlaXptY3BjZmxJYXZCc1ZiR2d4dDBISEJURG5ObXR5cHpVPQ== |
Cashless society | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbjZjbkxzMHo3bTI1YnlncncweXNWSmxPWmw2Qk1nVUJtZjlWOHluYU1wQkNrZlVtajU1YkltcnBKTkdNT0RXWE9mcGF1cWFuQlhncXRrZ0pGWmdUTWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNNVJpSmtSSmFXdURwX3BkSmd6RVNtam1ET1JjTmZTZ2tEdlVLZ2J5YnZmNm1JamV1MEk4QmEyY2Q3WlM4VzBZUE16VmJhcFVPd2xBdkxYVlVsTncwZFVXOTNrOXRXcVpYRnZ0RVRYRGtuUGFERFJ6MDZpMjBSYi1zYVkxTXhzTUQxSVl6QkgzM1l3WklmTWxWTTNHQTFpN3o0bWlOMGlxVjNmalh0MFJZVkhVQ3Zoa2Rzc2xidVJzSUVMaXRtZHp3ajlLVUJJaVZUUjZYY014THVWWWx1dz09 |
Hi guys, recently I start to use trojan bot to copy trade some wallet , unfortunately I got hacked this morning ,and my sol got drained,The wallet was generated by the bot,so take care and be cautious.
| r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVDNOOWI2ZjhSNVBUOVBsQXlVbWhmd1V3a3BxUVhqMXItZnhfeUJHbEQzUjYwNTFMYUFuRTBkQTh3ZGVFWTViQ3UxbnhXZE0tQ25ObDl3TWxCdXdmN00tQjBCeU1hUzBSeWRGaTMzQVA4SzA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNV0hvZGZmZDVvbUJEWVNaN0dtbHJlUmJwVmZxWHZfT1FiN1ZZaTFldm5Daklrd016bGJRTnFjZGIxcTMwQm01NTdrMVQ2b003LVdvTlVPU0pXUmZrc01sVVU0WC1ZeGg1WXAtdHYtenpPbjVHTTVEX0h6aG5uTFdNMzQzcHlRSlJoOG5qSkFpSExWcm9IcnJONjA3eG1SQnZHQzZjMW5QcmNOQXRPaUdLaVRybE9ac3Z2YV8zVXdiZmFMdlpVbVYt |
I'd appreciate different insights on both | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbm5TLTNnN1R0M2pGWWNHb21VVW84YUZDQUl3OXRWbGF5N01scktZMkROSERGQzFQSjJpWHh3TFZBejRwa203OVEtQ0lWYkw1bWJvd0g4RGlJYnBOT0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRE5iVFZaTUhBYnJyazFRRkc2c1NNZEp3NXVoSWU0ZHNXaDQ2SzBodzhvLXgzeEdvaDVrMUthdlZUU1FnZ3ljblFjT0dQQmNaUnphS3FYZURjUTNwcWlwYWJHaXRLeUxwQVQ1aG0tNnM5amptWE5aOW12V01ZM29XbkVjNl9IQTNyR3hjaUR3WWxUUDZ2dDdtME5WOE9DZTVodWtBQmt6RVdzOTJ2N3RfVVVuS2d1aHFYQ29FQUYzNzA2LVZwbFBn |
Stacking full coins at a time means absolutely nothing. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRGdfN3hhTllhRWxsYVhCWkZ4bGVmNWFCUDVodFlVXzhSRGF1QzNSSVpXQUFfMi1kTGlLUUxLZGhpUEI0Zzl4clZDWjRTWTBCWU1wczM2Z1pjNVZ0WHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNa2lJZ1EwM2w2eERmX3ZUMVlHR3dZX2s1OTN4UDR2RHNaZ1c5TlBYMTAzOF9SQXZkZHRQVk9DLVNaSTRKcjZrQVF6Mk1hTElvZmY0T0F6UWl6bzFlSnVwd2tEUW1kZFJ5ZElTRFN0YmUydUh4d2lmeko5a0JWaFlvUEJvcWVMOTBmOXFsZzY0Q3JhM3NWaUFoUS10TTdrWThVeXNRaDhkZkpNY1FZU0xoUl9SUlJvbDdNMHZ5MGN4cmVmQjBNdFdWMXNESEsxRkRoaU5tcmNrZjI3d0Z1QT09 |
I’m completely new to Phantom and I just made an account on my phone with my Apple-ID, I connected it with my fingerprint as well and chose a Pin, that I have never used before. I noted the Pin down (not online) and put it where it is save. Was this optimal? Are there any better ways to connect the wallet? Is there any possibility to connect the wallet also to your phone number, just my email seems a little bit unsafe. Pls tell me in the comments | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWlpJWmduWGt0R28tVEdVQW9jS0pIdFNhY2t5dUNTMzFJcUh6NkVCbVNjRHUydk1WV2w3eGJkQkRHY0JSY0lWanNPS0hvYkR4MUhoSWhtNFRDRzY0U0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTWlSLVJ0ai1lTTBWSHBJRXBjVWt5RjdjX25aRk43Y1F2enlwVHFrN1RNZndSNmNQeGxQZV9CMTB1UW0wS01NZXZoRTZiUEd4SHpXNDNpR0xHZW02V0swdC1aNGRRRmtmYUpZVkRWM0hDU3d0eFFhWHl2QTJ2c201YlliQ1lOSEc5cHRmMm9Jc0ZvZVZRWFpfZHZ4Ri02aThfenNiSDVGX2FYMlJ5TjMtc0ZVMjEwa1psM21sNkc0TENBY2N1dDM2ZDZBN3A3NUtRMmdUQVJzUTR2ajBQdz09 |
Why buy this when you can buy the actual BTC? | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMOVZMa2N5VnJDMVFJTGNvNzVxQjdlRzdUeHhEV3J6M2lPX2Q3cndGZWxxTGE3WkN5dy05T1JVdWQwd2Z2VlMtSTZjRFlQUW80VWtQNGxwU1FtOGdmTFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNR2JDV2x0R25WbnV3M2RQSVJ4dURoU3k5TGNBZk56YjVla1J1b1c2QTN5QVVKNndmMFcyUVZNeXFKMV9wbXppVHZZa0pTRldTT1NJU0VSSmV1YXlfVEpvZ1NxbUJ5ZmpFcXp6MV9OZ25ISjNOSURIMUFGcTR0cjRLTjdVYS1nS3R1SkNEZmZ2SlRKNi1sb09aNDkycDBtOTZpQlB4ME9kMTVjMzlNS0NEaV9lNXZWc2ZRTVAtSF9lYmppZzBBVnJ4V2NiMEJUQzRGQXBDVVhoLWtxYVk1Zz09 |
I don't think you'll find a buyer here.
Try https://moneromarket.io/ | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZDV0MHFmdU90M2lfZHB2SlhPSjVjTzh2TmVtSE5kNTk5QlFHS1RQNTJRT3dlWmxoNWJPN0Uwd2Fxamp6VTBWX3kzeEt5VGxFV2Z6b1ZWT2FuMkw4RXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVG9zOWp5amhqOGdveUlHZEZZdVU1VzA1QVJ6M29uVS1YNk5fSWgxVjF6TTNlZHRUaDJPMnk1MzRNN1JPdWhDWnNwZUJFekEzYVp5akZJNlVnbE9icmVuU1hoTi1yNllaVzkzdXRkdmQ0TDlpdll4a1pZNWhHYjBxN3pfc1V2RGVIeHg1TU1Tc0tkRlcyY1UzRWJabWY5LUtKUE1HUVNyT3N3el9lbHVKQnVJPQ== |
Simple . BTC is about 1.8 trillion dollar market cap . In order to get 100% return the market cap has to double in size to 3.6 trillion . Which it can for sure . But when the big money catches on to an undervalued sibling to bitcoin . That’s easily a 10x with just 100 billion dollars. I’d buy some BCH if I were you | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWW5ERUdpUS1aYmpSN3A3MWdLMXIzYzV1Tk1BY0pRd3N4NTZEWGdNNWlRYTJITlR2eTJ2c3R5cUdqNGlWZk5ldnZ0VmFHVEZzODB1WFA3YUF5YWY2MFRyOHRsbF9NYVFpVGh0NnNMeG8tWE09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNcS1qbTBieVl2THNHZXlpcDVjM2tOR0Vya2RsUURjVHlfb1dmZzI4UWVQaXFHM1ZQY1Q5eThRNE5Kc0Zoa0piaFVBMUJ3WFpxcmNndlF6dEQ0UFdEZFhjNmIyelRUeTB1VEFIZThSR2xuSUM0VkxXSWZUYXhvZ0R1ODVPd2t6WHVITVlPbFBDU2k2NHlGYnVaQUEtNURfSFY4c29QUDI3MTlaQTNlc3JadGgySlRySjhmdk9lMXR1akkxVTh0Z05JNU9odlJSMndSTE40VWhCNFB0VVVrZz09 |
He was criticizing Conservative Pierre Poilievre’s advice urging Canadians to opt out of inflation by buying BTC. This was Jan 2023 I believe or late 2022, could not locate source unfortunately . | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRXlHeGgzRWo0UUlsN0wzeWV4OTU4S051Z1BBVnZYSDNOLVpaZkE1Skc2Q1lXTUoyRy12VDFzazhySWozZFo0OW1zdzdvV3U3cmJVVmZPdHJ0WDJnVmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNT2g3Vy1fY0hjRG9MN3NMZW5PYTlkamxobk9yMThzLUN3NHltQkxGMGdRQVJOMWJzQlFMSHBKZjFlZXlBUHd6R2UzNndSZlpsZ2VIMGN2WUxVdXlBS2JfaklTWFpMMGFiNk5DbndZMjg0aVpqUWEzZUtrT1JfUy1aUFdFUEVGXzRodnRpOFdYWUpiLTZINm8wRk5lVWVpLTdVRUc4T3V0N1NVdDRMZXljLWlpb0R0SEQ2elA0enRUY3EwczVmYVB1MlJIWkxBZW5mRTF4MDIxcXBQQ051UT09 |
Downward trend? BTC will it spike to break 100? Will we see it this bull cycle?
We got close but no cigar 😏 | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMYWwxeTc3N0VuYjdJTnFGSXVObkxsamdmVFNETWFTbUJoNGNkdWlhZzlxRlI5SnhrMWpSTklMdlF6NzJST1lJbno5c3hnUnkwQWk4RmZvR2FoNGpyLUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNV3VtYWF3RTctMTUzY2VWXzU1SWxFU0VjNnhyQjYya29fS1ZJWllmWmZQWnRmQjNuQzAwWElhNVpYb3ZOZEFzX2pvVkF5WG5weU96MERVVG56MzM2WnpfUHB1N1czejJwNkFKWmVPQWxJUkJlRjRrb1pyU1BLNi0zbERGaUpXQ2lUazF1c19rRG11cVRsdURJOHhwclR3PT0= |
I do, I believe within the next decade we’ll see solana overtake etherum as the second highest crypto. Can you see that happening? Reasoning is its ecosystem is all around better and more versatile. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRWhGdGdiMEsxcGZySjdkS0syNDVMTHZEanFLcWJMUWw3eTNua29lSWxNRm9yU0VjMFVkNWFMTjBGQzVfb09xU2lDZ1VQWXl6OUh2UU5IOEdVaUsyanc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZUlhNks1eF9OLXNaeWxpcWNnREc5eFlSLU50dGt0SnhoZEN1bjFRZ0pYeUJsMXlvbE90YzZsTFpHS1pqNGloc2g4ZmhiMVVBNEplU040azJvejc3N1UzODRZb054WFVUM05IZlZFOVhTWW82LUZUYXl4ZmVRcVFxY1RhVzVQTUpTQzVLTFJ1V2d0N0pKUTROaGRzTVJ6alZFaHE0a216R2NkRWRucm5KY0g4RXhKQ01wR1FFOTlJTm56TTNzTnN1 |
The company produces medical devices to treat cancer in a novel way, using "Tumor Treating Fields". First product was a helmet, for brain tumors. It's a niche. No other company do the same. Competition is "classical" medical approaches.
Company isn't profitable, but revenues keep growing.
They are exploring new products, for treating more types of cancers. They had a failed trial for ovarian cancer, which caused a major drop in stock price. They got FDA approval recently for a type of lung cancer. Other products are in trials.
All time high is around 220, in 2021. current price 18.
Does anyone have an opinion on this stock? Is anyone watching it? I am wondering whether it can go back to Covid levels. Seems like the company is in better situation than back then.
According to LinkedIn, they are actively hiring, with around 50 open positions, and the head count growth is 2% in the last 6 months. Seem like positive indicators to me.
| r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMLVUyaVVzeVEteGt0UFpUV0ZIakJCZk1yWlFUSFlqUE5wNDB4X2VFUTY5dTY1M0E0MFZDOTl4ZlNGMUxkd1VNZkpUU0RPUGhqdXRrb2RZXzM5eVNPbUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQ2N2b3hpY1VBdmlyOHdlcGl5Rk16NWpFSGhfVjNqTGFxNzc1RkthcE5mSUdrZUhWblgyR0ZLN1IweE56aE1wMm9CdDVsMXlUU1k4dXA1SjBMMk9qUXgwODR5SzJvMnV2M0FIVjJRNEpORkd0ZjgtTFkyNDh2YWNpcnJyNDREVUluay14SjU2aVJoOVp3Y0NsN3Z2em82YkpRbTQyZDRnUWVxRnZsTEtOdjk5Vk9PS01US1lmelhtNFZxN0RmQkFk |
Hello ALL
I have a simple question, as the title may hint, I have been staking on Ledger for a long time now, I am asking, am I wasting a lot of rewards etc, I have never used the official Website or all the other apps like Nova, do you get airdrops, any other bonuses somewhere else, am I making some kind of mistake by staking on Ledger, what are your thoughts thanks so much | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZVF6aEtraklLc2pzTTJCbDk0WUNxZmRrU3NwLW55SEtPXzFKazVWWmQ1b3FkNUZLZlFpcHltV0lTdFJXWFVkT1lHN09YeW91YkFFOTQyc2NoeDkxbGtkWUNkbXVjc1hJUk9XLUJYWDdGT1U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSmQ1TWxfUHlSNTRVclBjY0YwTDlTa29QVnNSYk9lZW50eFJqd0VzUHdNZDJRY0twOWh5S0ZGME43cVZJNzJiQk9HaFpfV2JUZTE4Y2I5X29vQW1ESmxlNVI5a2prVnNZejU1VXA1cFdWMzhLbmdjMlV0Tlk3X2Q3Y1hVUzRfaTU4X1RkMnpBbjZGcWQzbjlUVnlzUTBtVXVWcUNTNzFtYWdBSE1QUW1FWFBnPQ== |
I have heard lots about Coinbase but they seem to have high fees. How should a noob go about purchasing? Ideally an app but doesn’t have to be. Thanks! | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMcndZMUtteDF1RDA3U1NldHM4RV9Jb1ExRUNWNDlWbGVUX04wZTF1Q1QzckZacTlxdEVmcXhMYXZsOW9URmFHX3h0SFMxaVI1Qno3a3BZWG11ZF8wM1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNOXcxSVJ5cnU0Nm5BVUFTandNX2tnZXo4QmxkVjJyUWZFeEdGR09yWTJLS3lOd2pXX3hHMDE5TzY2cjBKbnozNUdaWVRaeWZQek90aE9RRVR5Rm93bVBfRHFDTVlSMWNZaWROVFNYZ1c4dHhtU2dTM2x1N0d2SGs0UldSX2V5YnRyZngyZ3BLR3RVbWZmUnRmNThYTGY2YkU0Z005cmpFajlPX3hCcVBwX2FPeEdzaW1LZTNwX005OXE0d20tNVR1 |
There are eery comparisions to the dot-com bubble, it is becoming increasingly hard to believe that a rising industry such as the AI one is worth what investors are betting its worth.
Top 5 Positions in the S&P500 index as of as of 11/22/2024.
|1|Apple Inc.|6.91%|232.15|
|2|Nvidia Corp|6.91%|136.35|
|3|Microsoft Corp|6.13%|418.59|
|4|Amazon.com Inc|3.64%|201.47|
|5|Meta Platforms, Inc. Class A|2.42%|564.78|
Now lets look at the P/E of these companies:
* Apple: 38.28x
* Nvidia: 53.76x
* Microsoft: 34.64x
* Amazon: 43.14x
* Meta: 26.67x
>*"The 10 largest US stocks now account for 33% of the S&P 500 index’s market value, well above the 27% share reached at the peak of the tech bubble in 2000"* \- *Ben Snider, Goldman Sachs*
The revenues that these companies are generating are not at all adjusted to the prices at which their stocks are trading at, we are in a overconcentrated and overvalued market environment.
This is exactly what happened in 2001 with the dot-com bubble, companies were trading at absurd levels driven by the speculation that the internet would revolutionize the world and so anyone with a few spare bills dumped them into the market, deeming anything ".com" was good enough.
The same is happening today with AI, we started with NVIDIA and we are still in the honeymoon phase with it, however we are starting to see many other AI related startups and companies, there is a big speculation about this industry and the idea that it will revolutionize the world, altough it most likely will we must have into account that this is the economy we are talking about, and we are talking about fair value.
I would like to read your opinions on this if you are concerned at all and if you believe 2025 will bring a correction to the markets or we continue to fuel up this, so called, "bubble" (dont call me bubble boy).
Thank you in advance. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRXhUanNuYmh2MnlqZ2dkdGlvRllVbUp3Z1BfSnNZWUJHbWlrUTNQZFdGQnl0anlVQk1fSll6QUdXRjhvd3hWalBqYXZpWnBuaWN5RHJUVGZOX0FnTzRxUEw3MzIwQTgxcGp6ZTlSWEh3OUk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQV9iSHdJc3U3UnNkMW16S01xY0RUNDI1MVkwRnhVYXpDc085amM3Y0s1enV4T0ZmSVowdmdWVUdFOWR6bEhnRGRDREJsZlpmSWFyOU5VRlBLbjZKTmg4eVF2dkQ5WEQ0RWlkQTRmbm1ucHNPMXNHMXVQTXRZTVV3VTloQXlUSVBUQ1E5MkJSQUhNWllfZ252MXI3bmhVOV90WUxueVhpRnRscndPREpVUjhkcjc0MG1MX1MzRHFSR0h1VVlNSTUwOVExYktESmtIZlR4cHlIMGVDWUxJQT09 |
I'm looking to get a new hardware wallet for both BTC and alt coins. As the most popular choices, I've first looked into getting a Trezor or a Ledger, but there are things I hate about both.
Although Ledger has native support for nearly all of the alt coins I want, and seems fairly user-friendly, the fact that they're not fully open-source (AND seem to have a major f\*ck-up every few years that destroys trust even further) and invade your privacy in the Ledger Live app with trackers is pretty concerning to say the least.
And although Trezor is open source, their alt coin support sucks, native staking in the Trezor Suit is limited and they don't let you choose your preferred validator + take they a commission (even Ledger lets you choose your own validator!!!), they sometimes discontinue support for certain coins, and have a small screen size, which means that even if you're not blind signing transactions (strictly speaking), it may be harder to fully comprehend what you're signing in certain cases.
Plus, none of them are air-gapped, which isn't a "must", but it's definitely a "nice-to-have".
In an attempt to overcome the issues I have with the Trezor and the Ledger, I've started looking into other wallets – and I've come across the KeyStone 3 Pro.
At first glance, it seems like everything I'm looking for in a hardware wallet, and seems like the PERFECT wallet:
* Open source firmware
* Fully air-gapped
* Large screen and user-friendly interface
* Support for almost all coins, chains, and tokens
* It also has extra security features
* Plus, it has a pretty reasonable price (compared to competitors)
BUT after digging some more, I've come across a few potential cons:
* It's made in China, by a Chinese company (maybe not an issue on its own... then again, maybe it is?) – I'm mostly thinking it may be tampered with before shipping, it might have a built-in backdoor, pre-loaded seeds, or maybe it's not using true randomness when generating the seeds.
* Its reviews on Amazon are... not great. Not great at all.
* I can't find information on whether they've open sourced their hardware as well (like Trezor did).
* Obviously it's newer than Trezor and has a MUCH smaller user base, so despite being open sourced, there's a higher chance of potential unnoticed errors, backdoors, and security flaws.
I guess my questions are:
1. What's the community's overall opinion of the KeyStone 3 Pro wallet?
2. Are there any pros/cons (especially cons) I'm missing?
3. How concerned should I be about the cons I've listed?
4. And does anyone have actual experience with the KeyStone 3 Pro? If so, what's your take on the wallet? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRVZjRk4wdHEtLXFwcFJTcENJWnpQZ3Y5OWNCcnFBREx2bi1PRnNfNHlBUi1sLWNZQjNjTTdpdmZKUk1SOXE1VWx3SGhOaEQtamFYX1pUOWdva05GSDJRLWlsZTV5UzY1ODVWMjZLTl82b1k9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNWE5WbVNZNldxMHdzWS0wTzJpTWJIeXdaVHNYbm03ejRGVkFzclp3RFNNLTZHZjdlRGtHZzFMRTZ5SjRMaVAwUW5WMlB2MDlMR0wwNGk4MkQ3Y1hFY3ByV0ZtWWJkY0g4TkdlQW5kSnZpTGQ4eTBVYjBENUMyR21faW1JOWVRdm1vaXltTy03NGtnaGg5eW5CTzZLY0J4czZveENFdk1PWVJFNmw1UW5HNGRtcnp2WnpPdk8yN2gxWF9pbndyTEx2RjdYZ1VMWmJTNVVzbWppRS1mT3hwZz09 |
DippyAI was downloaded by millions of people, was top 10 apps downloaded couple of months, I use Corcel whenever I can. And I've used Bettensor tho I hate to be a gambler.
Corcel is the one currently competing with other LLMs, there's +50 subnets working on so many different problems.
The rest is competing with other players in their respective fields.
Corcel like Google & others LLMs has the competitive disadvantage of being second to arrive, ChatGPT got so much marketing at first it's hard to even know people who know the name let alone use Google or others. Now imagine Corcel without marketing...
Subnets marketing will come from being innovative and people spreading the word. | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMWEZ3UW9nTVhXOExSTTRFbTByS1pxQWdkX1lPR3l0cHFqOG5KSThXWkhoSXFLQnBBcm1qWUZNZjRfQTdDRlZES2E4ZTBiSGU2VkI5X0tHckV4aU1KeFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNYWV5U0RfTGx5MGloa3BmYV92cUFpRmtQVUt5ZDlsc09GeS1FdzVmRjhlZGJFanhCTXF5clBrbG96RFIyOHRBeDFQREYxYW9ETnFOanJVMGhiSHZMNm5MLTdTa1hDdnZpWWtLbEFDVnU2VHhDaUJjVThwYmd4SXQzamplSVlBNTZkZGkwTlpNbGplRnFWSVFkMTNqRHlQbjI2MzZzMnhFck84cUZuYXBIcWZDZVV5ZkRFLW9Wa0NLcTI3a09jX2ctLU94Z2JjTWFFWW1zZjZEdHNIZ2ozdz09 |
Yeah it’ll probably continuing on average going up until this bull run is over but when the bear market hits get ready for 2-3 years of pricing going down followed by another 12-18 months of a run up. | r/btc | comment | r/btc | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMTUVNVXRhUjIyRElvWllmZ0F2a284a3FtQmlDV2JqY0ViNlFPWTBBSUdPQlUwWnJSazlKU29XOHpTZlJZaHhOQkVUem9OTThzTjh0NXA1eTB2UmpMZWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNdnh1dzZhTDdUOFdOdnFGUWl3RXlPalZVakF2R3N6bkkzOEtDU182d3g2X1FpdTRXR1ZtZDhCdjVtT1pPWFk3NUd6Ry01UVJadndyUzZic21FYXE4SkVJWXZLdmN1Nml5STV6Tm5BUjktcG1Tdk1oeEl2ajZNZ1doVTJRLUE2bFNfc0pDWk9IZVUzT21DakRiZ0hZQ2dKZHdzQzNQX1hIanF1MnNLTkRIdVF5bHcza2tsVmxSTVM4bVpUYVp3NDIxZzRlR05nck1KM0Q2TDRpYVFYUUFRQT09 |
ADA | r/btc | comment | r/btc | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMQzZZczZsNkpiUXMyWC1McjVPLWtqNnhTSUNPVGxBbUdMUU82R0I2ajhQUHJBeUFqQm56TmM3eVBRTDZER1B2U3NESDFBay14RDBtVFRKNUtpd0ZmQWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNTVR4UmFzMGR4dzQ0S0hpM0lDV3RXZjNwZjdhTUVwTG95TjZ4SkF1bUVUcFVRT0ZiZWhCaUtkTldwWW94OGt6b1lzSnp2dU9ZZ1U0M3VYMnY3OUMzY0trdHo5d3FkTk5rZWszVEdmTnNiM3RiUnRtNjdaalJ4NmNIZEUxV1RBS1NUdEZxQkZjU29SQ3E0NEl4aHdZb0RYWC00RTNxSGktaWt1MnIxb3FDRWhRPQ== |
Fornme, it is more: at least there is some chance that pressure will be lower now. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMb0xhaG1XYk9RWW1RZ0ZYUmZsTUUtNmVjeVozd0dtd09nSmdfS0FOLU1oc19xT1ZkdHI5UmJsMW9BcGkyQ01IN1JtUG5zSzk4UTc0YTRPV09ibDlzQUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNR0RNRV9HM1lhcDEwZkh0Wjh1UWJUVncxMzh1SElmWDVGcGQ4YnFKZXh0d01IckpKVGVMNGRiTjZGMWtkNG1YYnBZX0xhMGIycnlnQW5RSFd5ZFk0QkI4b09LTnIwcXdyQWFjeHV1VWNxSHlOQWIxLXN6dURhVmliODBEVUIyV1A0Tml3Mjh5TnVKNUxhVC1wOGJlbi1yLUpNdWcwV1BXN3laajJBU3lLSUItLTRGQ3NpZ19Qdmo2VF9lVEJOQkN6cnQzXzhRV1UzMGdrUGQ4WDJwbXNBUT09 |
Might I respectfully ask the following: Is there any other investment potential in BTC other than someone paying more for BTC than one paid? If all 21 million coins are mined, and somehow BTC becomes a fiat currency, would that not bring about the end of the speculative nature of BTC trading? As I learn about BTC and look at it objectively, I cannot understand how one can ever hope to, say, receive a dividend on one's holding. It appears that the excitement that surrounds BTC is in the very significant gains one can make by buying it and holding it. At some point, when does one take profits if there are no other ways to realize gains other than selling? Thanks very much for any sage views. | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMblhwblM3a05nc0R1MVZOcG85MmJVekN3NTZENmZ2ajNwWjFxenpjZTVndkFNTDROVFlOdDdZNmtFdlZDU1k2N3VKLXBHYkV0SkFxVnBNc1QtbmtUVFhvLUVSRWVRTXRmeXV6dnBGOUJMRFE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNeHhUdDc1TXpLdWptNHY1YUNqMkZzYkdDeVJwV09wUGNJQlpEcGNtb296NllibEN6QnFmUGlWRjZweFcwek1lLXBMckIzLTcyWmNrNmVuZUd2Tm83MFJGb0hNVGV0QU81Q182b2FzaDA1d0ZKRU44THV1T0JuOWdfbk1qRENfUGlJQjd0ckNIWmJ0QkNKVzZ0RFIzNVJ0VXBuV1hsWEdsb09GS0dHUDdPeGtJPQ== |
accumulation accumulation 💎🚀 | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMRWRGT1BvNzkzRDc3VFhyc29WUTZJemNNNFZCZHZ6dzJSUGh4TjBuT2ktdEFwNnR6LS1PQWFWRDB5Zk1waGh0bm41MVFWbFNHalZOdjVMVWcycnFVYldubXZ6ek01b3h5ZGxrZHZicXptYmc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQ1ZTeURUbzFxVjBzRHVrU0lFQ2NOdnNPbHY5Zzg0a05ZR2duMGhWeG9nWkpCblNUTVFjV3d0M3kzNEd1ZllQM2RlaV9BdEd2ajZyZUZ1d2pXa05uU1JmNTNFM0o4U3ZjNS1nT240djA0QjZaUHVqQ2hpZktWbmtXc3MwZGNKY3VSZFFnb002SHpuM29mVndYRFZWY1p0N04xeDMtUTNRTm4xTDZ0dkhEZlJzPQ== |
Mean while, everyone else moves on. | r/btc | comment | r/btc | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZjJ3MXVPRV9ZcHN3NVpSX3dvV0NHNHhBZzUtbGEzU3c5R3p0TU9FN0RXZFozSFVCVHN3VllsQUlRRnlhWTlUdHBONjc4QWpDZGw3eFkzdHcwWlBmdEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNQmJsZzY5TTg2aUR5NE03SmFuQnk2Y1RJV1EzekRXMV9NWDdLTUVlVjZDd3ZFdEVXMEgwbkluNzQtU0d4U0FLcDl1d3JNVmJ5SUtLQ2dXaWhWWFFKc2JWaXQ5WHgwTndlV3lqcXF0cTRQd1BjQW5BZDNlR25UYUV1TWNDZ2FwU195NW0wWDJubmhfeDQxMzI5VUJKTjlvWi14ZDNGTHloWWxhLTZjWW5UWDQxLVNSS08wT2VBRFNuSTBlYUUtV3JOOFIzX3p6bEdqNlBmX1hVSm93TWRYZz09 |
Pelican 2 (their new satellite) is nearly about to take off, and so will the stock. Just look, it has the word ‘labs’ in its name, does that remind you of anything? I feel good about a stock that has labs in the name, Science is cool stuff. Probably not enough said, but you can do your own research why this stock is going to space. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMM1g1V2RHSWV0MVd0bGVrUWpIN0NqVkE0VXBfM3l1QzdwZUZVc2RmWVllTHk2OVhYMFRod2xQTnZBbXRMSXhISHZEZUh1MjJ6NjdQeWdmVGtSUl9rcEtJM2VzNEtMaVZpU1lmRy1ILUF5a1U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNcTBBTXJnanYwNEl1NFgzSWJ5ZXU3VGxUXzQwUXA0Z0NuRVYzTXE0c01mdzB2REtmdFNLZ3RfTGp5UGdLdmIxbGY0QWFfcFdlZUZSUjRtMEhRVXNZMm12TkxXYmZTU0pVUmo2b2prRGZod0RFWlAwc1dkQ0NhVTVGMlRZTmIwdlRUOXBRYzBvRDJlQ3h2U0d6bUNldDhNZ0hyWWNwZm1XTVloRmlVMC1URi02b0dmY013al82VmM2ay16ZjdaSTc5ZXQ0YXNKRWpvSUY1bU1YRVljZE1LZz09 |
✊💎💎Holding heavy bags to first target $300+ 🔥🚀🚀
![gif](giphy|S6xWK7BdK5ZjYtgNWD|downsized) | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbDE1a1VMRWVHNkVDakNMZ3NnUmJ5Rk5aUFJzb05tSlNoWkRWUGktdUhDRlhfSm0zbXFXeXU5VXdjeEM2bnRyX3ljZDR4UzFqTWJWWFRJZ0pTcXAyNWxpUWktclZLbGpGc3I1Q2tBZTA4MTg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVEk4bzBDc1l0dEpsYTNKOHI3ZGRmLU9ReWU1RXFmNlpSMGUyVHVnTm1aZmpkOURYWkhCQm9KdUtvcWJxQ21VRWJkZDF6bnI4YWc4YWdaSV92TkxMbFJocFRGNURLclNWeUFiRXVRbW9URWdqR3BfZVdYUVY2bC1RWXR1VUhJdkxXQ1FKN1BhLUY3UWt1dGtWblVIdXk0Qk00OVhOR2s5eHRiLVZaeVdSVERvPQ== |
Alright, I've been trading for about a month, and learned a ton. Mostly what NOT to do.
I've been trading using BullX, although I do my research using other platforms such as DEXscreener, X, and all that other stuff.
However, my Telegram or BullX keep getting hacked. It has happened twice now in a short period of time.
The FIRST time, I was BRAND NEW to crypto day trading. I was researching Solana coins, investing like .2 sol, getting rugged, all the dumb s\*\*\*, but I was just trying to learn. After some time, I made my first decent trade, it was a 5x. I made about 2 Sol profit, and was stoked. However, as soon as I got out of the trade, and went to bed, someone got into my BullX and added a withdrawal wallet before I could delete it. I woke up to everything being gone. So I took that as a learning opportunity. I realized the only way they must've gotten in was through an encrypted Telegram link off of a memecoins X, or DEX. So, I deleted my Telegram and wiped everything.
The SECOND time, I made a new Telegram and a new BullX. I made sure to set up 2FA, hide all my info, create super strong passwords, etc. Also, now I knew what those f\*\*\*ers could do. I was always cautious of clicking Telegrams, and I never joined any without having some sort of authorization, etc. However, obviously I clicked something I shouldn't have, and they got in again. Although, this time my Telegram app on my phone would give me notifications for BullX. So I saw a new wallet was added, and it obviously wasn't mine so I deleted it. This happened about 10 times, they kept adding new ones, and I'd delete it. I had my wallet added, and they kept deleting MINE (so I couldn't withdraw my own Sol). So after a while, they said f\*\*\* it and put ALL of my Sol into a random low cap s\*\*\*coin. I think it must've been one they made, because they bought and sold until everything was gone, and periodically, matching the transactions from my account the Dev would buy and sell. So I think they were just farming me because they couldn't simply withdraw my Solana. Once everything was gone they added a wallet named "you made me lose 1 solana on fees :(", and another named "on telegram with @yasuke. My name is kevin saudi ura do".
So this f\*\*\*er stole around 6 Solana from my account the second time, and the first time they stole 3 Solana. Which isn't a lot but I know they do this all day. They probably steal hundreds of peoples' Solana.
Anyways, I just wanted to make a post to let people know. There isn't any info out there I could really find about this. So be careful, don't click anything you don't 100% trust and know, and maybe don't use BullX or Telegram.
I made a wallet called "God knows what you did. I wish the best for you" so, I hope he can really sit and think about what a f\*\*\* he is lol. God will judge him, not me.
Alright, let me hear what you guys have to say!
| r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMYTFYV2d0dzg5NTJ0eG9SNzZVejBKMFVJN3VWMG5VQjBKeDQwTk53VFAtVGVDX0ZZck9NVzdKQ2pmeGZscks2NGF0UnQtdWRtOWxWTC1ZenN6cWp4Q0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNZ1hEUGdab3BVNGZpeS0zTzRJOG9DemxZcnhNVUN3d0VQcUtQTzdPSHd5VGpfTTB3aldfTWdGQUtTUnItMzFOd0w0UWxvMmtXVjItcDcxa3ljeTNzYTNtb3owdTY4NDR5b0oyRkdfYzE2N0UtVU5HNWh1c0kxa2hJZ1E3Ym85d3VhUUxYUk4xRlJ0Sm1XQUg2bjhlMXpjM2t6ZG1FbGhWUVhxWkdfTVJhQ0tKc1B2SU1XM25ESUd2M1N6a016NXZR |
TL;DR: Copy the Whales (big buyers); the whales are buying the dip big. Act accordingly. | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbUF4RUZQcmR6ZE4yTXRyRzVJeGptYXNWYzd0emtWNlJiWEVqUWJjZlZvSzdaS1pwcU0zeGtIbUp6UFhpNlhXLWJ5WXJqUER3SXg5NEQxdlo2cWVEeFRmeEswTWVWQ3Z0MXlPSmtfMmtUdDQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNdmZzamZFRHFsd0d5ZDdJQkxqelg3R05LS2tEUzVJdWZTSFdGX200RGdIeEw2aG9JWDlZeUFKR0lTbFpWVk9OOTFyU0wwNGx2YkxXUE1RUHBvZUtYUWl2RGltZGZXcTBWQkUwR1JqZjdUNkFvOWQwZ1loUmxnQ2lPNk9fSWdWQmc0QW9WM0hpZks4cGoxQmhLbDdwU3RrankzMlJJdVBkMkNHcnRQWnVwUGNpTzhtczZ4NFlad1hiUnBsTHc3U3lFeVpNMV9nckFpRGE4TWJfbUp0bFBWQT09 |
How? They stay exactly where they are: in custody. Moving on would mean to understand the paradigm shift and move onto self-custody. | r/btc | comment | r/btc | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMZVNaWVhCcHZjVElPb2ZaM0ZxbUFJMmhYbXFoV2ZkTWlnd1VXTXp0NmVESTB6Z1k2Z1lRSWNWWmRzQ3dlc0w2OU82Ul9yUURkWFFSYWQzSmUtbFJ5QnVHRTZfNGwtTjdHWUF5NWRnTHNia1E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUTVUNzlWbnAzZ0IyZHBuNXNCdU5IaFc1RFVPNGEtVEpRUXJ3Y1oyUlU2VHJaWDk4YV91Z2dib2JaSmlORllZZlJvTVhHQm82TFdaQVBkaEM2ZTl2WnViZDZMVjRCaGRoRC1WQjBRSFZzSHREc25yZElvUUJCSWJ3bzB4ZlhhZHNrM2FhRmZXUXdNaXZDX25YZ2xwN3Z6bkd5SkRGTnRSUWtKM1dHNjJtbHN3eFBURXhPRVJ5RGlWUUdtc2ZEcFJvU0UybXFsV2tOUUlwX1hrdkpZbVRuQT09 |
But the elites own most of that as well. And if you were lucky enough to buy Bitcoin in the early days then you are essentially part of the elite class now too. Even Saylor likes to draw comparisons between Bitcoin and "a new type of real estate".
At least inflationary pressure encourages people to participate in the economy. I understand it's not perfect and the elites just beat it by reinvesting their cash into assets that will outperform it, but what is the alternative? The only other thing I can think of is a UBI system where certain businesses are owned by the government and dividends are paid out to citizens at a flat rate per citizen.
Bitcoin and any other asset is just moving goalposts for the rich, offering them another chance at making even more money. And worse yet, they manipulate the markets and scare most retail investors into selling after horrible crashes. | r/btc | comment | r/btc | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMcV9wTE9PVlhZQ2liQlpid1poQTVqUkhoQ0ZxWWpjcm5XanpvY0lBT1BSOVhmTEl3ZG1LS1JGS3ZTQWR2SHgwSzVpYXZ4bm5zVXRLeGFSN180QXkyTnNTSlJhbm02eWpPb2NZY2VaZVpLamM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNR0xmZ0pwem1HTk5wQ083WjlRSVFacjFpd2ZRY042ZGFFVk1DYjZrazVXdU5UZUlmSlpUeC1sdExyN0ZpX3NIUzhDbUUybkNYOTY2U3BmMVhHZEZhQXl0Qkx5TWstMV93Qm9IMFRSdXNCQVdONTN6YnU3MTRzNlcxNVUxcl90ZjVNc1RMYzIxUU1kMl9PdjdoYXNzT0Y3ZERBRVBRb2dEa1dHdVpjZmZ4Zm9wVklDSjV1U3FmQnpvU2xKUDVNeHJy |
Hi, u/bitpay-team my wallet isn't listed, and isn't "connected" to anything. I just need a wallet address to send to. Is it possible to get a wallet address to send to? Or is that no longer supported?
I don't want to sign up for anything. Thanks! | r/btc | comment | r/btc | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMelZoMVFZaldGRGhrVHB6alEtaU9FZFZqN2dBcjZhbTUyRm4tZ1RDMHZuZWY5cUNvQWJrbVYzUkpIT0g1UjRHVmNYMG5TR2J0X0pFZWxmUFlmNGlQbXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNR3R0MnBmYjFqSG1URURwR3FoY1pJTTNvcHpmR2sydG0tb3AwemwyN184RVpaVHBtdUR4OHB2MGFhXzZ0QU9QUEZQbGpuVUsyamgzQ080NmxWZHpHc2tuUndJendPUEQxTUJ3a1d0RTk5MVU0Mks5Q2Rzd1JWaFdsRlRpalIwb2pVODVkUFFyWk9VcWhEOWQ1NGFxanJGS0NkdWZfVXFQMlhXVjgyYmdmcTJqTm9oQ0FrZnYtU1RVeGVuTndyTURrek1pWGx3cFRsUTNOazNBekRlcmwwQT09 |
Hi u/max-bitpay my wallet isn't listed, and isn't "connected" to anything. I just need a wallet address to send to. Is it possible to get a wallet address to send to? Or is that no longer supported?
I don't want to sign up for anything. Thanks! | r/btc | comment | r/btc | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMYkhyT09yNHoyWkg4MUViazZ5Z3FSb0t4VUxYSFlMU3gwZlpZZW5nQ3Z1Nl83cmlNUVU0c3VrWWw1Q0dtRkZ4bm5xLUZCYW14UE9FdU1fUlJPcHViU2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNYXI2dUtwMThvRlRpUmVMNGhqVHRSTHNtZXFMcHcwb3RxRHBsZ3ZLczEyam4weHVnck9QYy0tN09GenV0NmFJTmUtYzFvUlIwMXBLY2RrOWJwTkF6NUdOT2JPbGRMeXFxTE01Wnl0VmVmQjRLZVhCY2tkZElZVEE5cDNydWZhMGhTVnRtLVVKLUx4S20zZExkOWxMcWhuV1NiMGlad0NJQS1fNV82Y3FlTWs5dTFXa2NUY0VWTDA1d2xBZ0M5NWNoMkw3NjdWd2dabHpKUGFiZVJLcmd5UT09 |
This cycle or ill kms. | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMOXBVS3ctV1ZGdUJmYi03YkZ1dG90SzZRblRlLUlnMkhOOGg3X2hZRHRIVi1jNl9qd00ybEZtNmc4Z2ppWEtsNWREb3YtUjItUkJfdVM4bVNSNkRhRXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNVG5Ka0UyMVdHYnlMSDNSOHd1dG9ORTVnNEt0cTZrd2Z3QXJ4UGsxOXg3c3Jid3VDS1M0SWpIeFRGZEwxS05GM3Noa1owVlpPemEyNGwxNzlQRjlDajA2bG9fY2hBWlVDd1VCTjBaTG51TUEyQ0h3ZnlyaXp2WEtJems1QXhJMEl5dUJrTVBLMFNXdUVTOEJiclBiOEhCUHBWU21RNkVUTk84VFY3NTZSdHNRPQ== |
**Special Guest: AI Office Hours!**
NEAR Co-Founder, **Illia Polosukhin**, sits down with **Paolo Ardoino** of **Tether** (and many more hats) for the latest episode of AI Office Hours.
**Tomorrow. 16:30 UTC.**
Streamed on [X](https://x.com/NEARProtocol) and [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/live/p3T_WpbZ9Qk?si=nxA4OVe13Ty0wV2J).
PS: **NEAR is the blockchain for AI.** | r/nearprotocol | post | r/nearprotocol | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMdkJpcEVGelhib2dwdGhlT1lxMVJIZFItMkVad3JlVnNCdjhiQTU0MUJvS2N1aklXWTZSYWZuV1lMejFLbmp1QTFpUXZNQUNIN2ttVWl4eGxNQk9Yamc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRzNhVUlYckFqVnVVRUwwN0FGN0FIeU1tdjdwcWd4YTJjU2cwOTNwR1NMWUxBM0p5OVhQazJ0YVBtQW5uQ2ZDU2ZydDJ4SEZLSUd0ZkxDOV9MdDRUNFpES3BoVHVUSXVVUXNqbU5NS1h2aXVjTzB2OUpKdERTNGlaeHNDVjdCeUVaQkQtWXdWRWdvanNlV3c1SlYzV3gxVXF2UHhyTURuenFqcGJ6cjI4WnFwbkFRdnA0RTRQMXdXazJqb1FvZXNB |
I own a good amount with etf’s but feel like due to bitcoin being on paper it’s susceptible to demateilazation the same way that stockd are nowadays. so which way is better? with etf’s do you actually own the underlying asset? if the paper etf’s cease to exist or a major crash happens will they be valueless? or do crypto etf’s have something that make it easier to get my money or bitcoin out? just trying to understand which is the better long term. thanks gents. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMSXpjYXFuVTJhbm4xVUVHdzRpLVZrd3Itc2RjcnduYnR4eS13VTJBeHB3YXd5ZzBueGdESGlRaVpKSmZoS0dERUlRYTMtbU1Wa1FfUWVIS3FmQk4tdWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNSG9uVm1MaTBaYm0yV1pLSTVQYlg0eDRwU3d1UFkyUkRXN2YzcXlWdzBrUVAxRlFGVDFuTmhUSHFMTVFqaGk5VjluZHVCX194NHd1ZnN1TkJVR2x2UFZJbUZmZklkMWpRZmFMSzVOU1JlU1RHaFJuYW9hV1ZmbGFlS0VQazltY3dZSVIzdHlZaWd3aktOX2lGWEd5NXlJV3Bsd3ZhQ2dZZGNscEo1Zkk3RUhJb2xNUHI3VXdtSG5YYkJPRFBHYy1tbTZFT1NnWGFTa0tNQkpwdkYzM0Z2QT09 |
Almost on the daily there are headlines about rugs and massive pumps occurring in the SOL DEFI space. In fact I believe SOL is one the driving narratives in this bull cycle outside of the massive industrial investment for BTC. The Defi space has even see 100 billion in revenue compared to ETH's 55 billion in the past month, fueling the "SOL will flip ETH" argument. The issue is that SOL DEFI is heavily fueled by DEGEN spending and this is bad look for investors or the average person who is just looking into crypto. Do you think SOL should aim to clean up its DEFI DEGEN image or let it be? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMUUNjUTlvT3lOZkpOTlgtaWx0aW9ZLTVNREl6OHJ3Mi1mYmJ2RmdNSndmWk54SUNxM1ctbjd1RzlHWThPamJPZ1BsWS1UZkNHcjZfWHl2VWM0LVU0UTJHcDRzbXlDVUgtbVJVZEZWZ1YwUDQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNUmdiZDhqS0pYdUZWUm4telNTVU1ybW55cnlUbXNwTy04NXJfM1g4UnNBaTBfMlE5QVBLNVoxVTVXbFZ5bm1FUldzQ05ncjMxZm5oRkZMSV9KbjRwdDgwbmhUUmFXUTJ0REdwWE9EaDdPS0R3aFhUYzdFbVp3MmJqa3FET0thTkNUY0tBY0VVWmhTd0dUdjk5aXlhQldwMFRBQ0RyTlcxSVZfc3Y0RHc5MnFzQ1ltcWNpSHZ1U3ZHaEVLZ2ZpVkZqcDJDbWNqZEtUTW1hbW9JRFQzNjNGUT09 |
I liquid stake in bifrost, so never as it's automatic. | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMVEQ0RVVIb1pDN2FYZlhHZmh5REkwRnZCS3c0bXd6djFETnlERGpRY1lrbk9tbXBoY1NEV1FfOGoybmxHQU5zVVk0Q01TS2d0VVNfcUhnMFE1a0xJTEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNb1VIOEl0UEVRSHhvVVRYdHVPR1UxV0dxWHdSWGwwcXh1andxSUlJNThualFVMEpBMmthLUFpWmJobFdUc29aTDU5dFZka1QwalpVanlxNmtrcjN2M0JOMjVIN0NFNE5Zb0dmYjgycGcxVzBFVFJOb0VUT3p4Rk84SXpmNWFtZHJ2bTluR2xHeFl0a3ZCaFl4S3FScUhYYzFScHpGWnBuU1RMNUZUVXVZVV95LUJmNWZnN1pwUjJ5WnVkcWVCR0FZQVlPVUpPbWVUTWsxcWtKUkJWck4zUT09 |
I you have to ask "Should I buy?" Or "Is it a good time to buy" or "I have this amount of money. Which should I buy?" Then you probably shouldn't buy. Nobody knows your personal financial situation or personal risk tolerance. No one has a crystal ball or can tell you what is best for you. We're all just gambling. The ones that act like they know what's gonna happen are usually the most full of shit. Do some research. If you feel good about it. Roll the dice. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZMbVZhNDBkakhnbDZuNzEzMWJSTVBIRjVRcHpTbmNBVkx5SUNKTmtVNFZueEJrNGg0YUQ5R1FnblBxUE9CVUl3dXM4S0MtV3dGVHA1ZldPZ1dFZDB2b3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5Sa1ZNRC05dnItQmVwanFEREc4aWFfR0hJWFY1UWgyelMyVHF0U3BxUTJqV1RzaFBaUzgydkxnNm94c1ZFdS1neFh4aGV2a25qWDdqc3VVZ3ZsVXNJbThZSlY1cVBJXy00b3BoaXY0STMxclZQdW15cTNETVpHYmJpb0tLS2hiUlh5ejBUMkNyUFVyeU9tRFZ4cTVjQnhOUTNYbDFmRFlvQkU2bUwyd1FkdWNvaFhNPQ== |