(4, 13564): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 568,
        "original_width": 800,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Air Pacific Boeing 747-400 DQ-FJK ("Island of Vanua Levu") taxing off runway 16R, shortly after touching down at Kingsford Smith airport, Sydney, Australia (SYD/YSSY). Own photo taken on 23 April 2005 from the beach viewing area. Русский: Самолет Боинг 747-400 фиджийской авиакомпании Air Pacific (Эйр Пасифик), бортовой номер DQ-FJK ("Остроа Вануа-Леву") съезжает со взлетно-посадочной полосе 16R, вскоре после приземления в аэропорту Кингсфорд Смит (SYD/YSSY), Сидней, Австралия. Снимок сделан 23 апреля 2005 года c зоны наблюдения на пляже. Español: Avión de Air Pacific Boeing 747-400 DQ-FJK ("Isla de Vanua Levu") poco después de aterrizarse en el aeropuerto Kingsford Smith, Sídney, Australia (SYD / YSSY). Propia fotografía tomada el 23 de Abril de 2005, desde el área de observacion en la playa. Suomi: Air Pacificin Boeing 747-400 DQ-FJK verottamalla off kiitotie 16R, pian sen jälkeen, kun kosket alas klo Kingsford Smith lentokentälle, Sydney, Australia (SYD / YSSY). Oma kuva otettu 23 päivänä Huhtikuuta 2005 alkaen ranta katselualue.',
    (6, 6301): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 344,
        "original_width": 791,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'For documentary purposes the German Federal Archive often retained the original image captions, which may be erroneous, biased, obsolete or politically extreme. ADN-ZB / Sindermann / 7.10.74 / Rostock: 25. Jahrestag-Flottenparade der NVA Zum Flottenverband der Volksmarine der DDR gehört das Küstenschutzschiff "Karl Marx"- Träger der Verdienstmedaille der NVA in Bronze. Im Hintergrund vier Raketenschnellboote. Information added by Wikimedia users.English: Ships of the GDRs navy parade in Rostock harbor during the celebrations in honor of the 25th birthday of the GDR in 1974. A soviet made Riga-class frigate named "Karl Marx" is followed by 4 OSA-class missileboats and 4 torpedoboats. Original caption reads: Rostock: 25th anniversary-parade of the NVA. Belonging to the fleet of the peoples navy of the GDR is coastdefense-ship "Karl Marx" - decorated with the order of merit in bronze. In the background four missileboats English: Ships of the GDRs navy parade in Rostock harbor during the celebrations in honor of the 25th birthday of the GDR in 1974. A soviet made Riga-class frigate named "Karl Marx" is followed by 4 OSA-class missileboats and 4 torpedoboats. Original caption reads: Rostock: 25th anniversary-parade of the NVA. Belonging to the fleet of the peoples navy of the GDR is coastdefense-ship "Karl Marx" - decorated with the order of merit in bronze. In the background four missileboats',
    (8, 3592): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 4019,
        "original_width": 3014,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: "Welcoming to Freedom" in Samuel Memorial, Philadelphia. "Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial: Welcoming to Freedom" sculptor Maurice Sterne, 1939. Bronze sculpture, granite base. SIRIS reference IAS PA001132. Frankly, I don\'t like this sculpture and I don\'t understand the rude gesture the seated guy is making. No visible copyright notice.',
    (15, 14244): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 470,
        "original_width": 640,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Dyffryn Conwy o Fwlch y Gwynt / Conwy Valley from Bwlch y Gwynt, CTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" id="geograph"> <head> <title>Dyffryn Conwy o Fwlch y Gwynt / Conwy Valley from Bwlch y Gwynt:: OS grid SH8160 :: Geograph Britain and Ireland - photograph every grid square!</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <meta name="description" content="The rather elegant double row of cedars close to the centre of the image line the driveway to Cyffdy Hall 1802087" /> <meta name="ICBM" content="53.126122351016, -3.7719448626072"/> <meta name="DC.title" content="Geograph:: Dyffryn Conwy o Fwlch y Gwynt / Conwy Valley from Bwlch y Gwynt:: OS grid SH8160"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Monitor" href="" media="screen" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href=""/> <link rel="alternate" type="application/" href="/photo/1917255.kml"/> <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Geograph Britain and Ireland search" href="/stuff/osd.xml" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> </head> <body> <a title="Geograph home page" href="/">Geograph - photograph every grid square</a> <a title="Grid Reference SH8160 :: 29 images" href="/gridref/SH8160">SH8160</a> : Dyffryn Conwy o Fwlch y Gwynt / Conwy Valley from Bwlch y Gwynt near to Melin-y-Coed, Conwy, Great Britain.',
    (26, 4874): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 1468,
        "original_width": 2051,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'Deutsch: Oehlerking-Sammlung - Allg. III 18 / Station Kiuhuhwi "Usambarabahn". Standort: StuUB Bildnummer: 002-0108-18 CD-Code: CD/3317/2014/0627/3317_2014_0627_0019 Text auf dem Bild: Allg. Oehl. 18. / Allg. 3. 18. Text auf der Hülle: Allg. III 18 / Station Kiuhuhwi "Usambarabahn".',
    (30, 1485): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 1607,
        "original_width": 2233,
        "mime_type": "image/png",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: The exact values are from (D.P. O\'neill and P.M.W. Gill, 2005). The mean-absolute-error (MAE) are shown in the inset. The difference between the predicted total energy and the exact total energy is first computed, and then divided by the number of electrons to obtain the "error per electron". /// /// Raw Data /// Total energies in Hatrees: Atom Exact Chachiyo B3LYP PBE TPSS H -0.5000 -0.5032 -0.5024 -0.4999 -0.4942 He -2.9037 -2.9088 -2.9151 -2.8928 -2.9095 Li -7.4781 -7.4857 -7.4922 -7.4612 -7.4886 Be -14.6674 -14.6589 -14.6726 -14.6290 -14.6712 B -24.6539 -24.6475 -24.6649 -24.6112 -24.6687 C -37.8450 -37.8397 -37.8608 -37.7975 -37.8661 N -54.5892 -54.5823 -54.6057 -54.5342 -54.6149 O -75.0673 -75.0660 -75.0990 -75.0129 -75.1081 F -99.7339 -99.7318 -99.7736 -99.6731 -99.7773 Ne -128.9376 -128.9277 -128.9771 -128.8623 -128.9773 Exact ref: D.P. O’neill and P.M.W. Gill, "Benchmark correlation energies for small molecules", Mol. Phys. 103 (2005) 763–766, ERKALE Input file: System correlation/ Method gga_x_chachiyo+gga_c_chachiyo #Method hyb_gga_xc_b3lyp #Method gga_x_pbe-gga_c_pbe #Method mgga_x_tpss-mgga_c_tpss Basis aug-cc-pVQZ Multiplicity 1 Charge 0 Direct True UseLM True B3LYP: P. J. Stephens, F. J. Devlin, C. F. Chabalowski, and M. J. Frisch, J. Phys. Chem. 98, 11623 (1994) PBE: J. P. Perdew, K. Burke, and M. Ernzerhof, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 3865 (1996) TPSS: J. Tao, J. P. Perdew, V. N. Staroverov, and G. E. Scuseria, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 146401 (2003) Chachiyo: T. Chachiyo, H. Chachiyo, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1172, 112669.',
    (31, 42): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 857,
        "original_width": 1142,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: St Andrew\'s church, CTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" id="geograph"> <head> <title>St Andrew\'s church:: OS grid SO9991 :: Geograph Britain and Ireland - photograph every grid square!</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <meta name="description" content="The sign outside the front (around to the right, and off this picture) says it\'s St Andrew\'s of Carters Green, but my maps suggest the surrounding area is known as Guns Village." /> <meta name="ICBM" content="52.524345331707, -2.0062941681805"/> <meta name="DC.title" content="Geograph:: St Andrew\'s church:: OS grid SO9991"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Monitor" href="" media="screen" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href=""/> <link rel="alternate" type="application/" href="/photo/3252864.kml"/> <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Geograph Britain and Ireland search" href="/stuff/osd.xml" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> </head> <body> <a title="Geograph home page" href="/">Geograph - photograph every grid square</a> <a title="Grid Reference SO9991 :: 16 images" href="/gridref/SO9991">SO9991</a> : St Andrew\'s church near to West Bromwich, Sandwell, Great Britain.',
    (38, 3974): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 640,
        "original_width": 372,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Christ Church, Hampstead Square, London NW3 - Vicars board, CTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" id="geograph"> <head> <title>Christ Church, Hampstead Square, London NW3 - Vicars board:: OS grid TQ2686 :: Geograph Britain and Ireland - photograph every grid square!</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <meta name="description" content="TQ2686 :: Christ Church, Hampstead Square, London NW3 - Vicars board, near to Hampstead, Camden, Great Britain" /> <meta name="ICBM" content="51.559694066727, -0.17656134082026"/> <meta name="DC.title" content="Geograph:: Christ Church, Hampstead Square, London NW3 - Vicars board:: OS grid TQ2686"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Monitor" href="" media="screen" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href=""/> <link rel="alternate" type="application/" href="/photo/1678859.kml"/> <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Geograph Britain and Ireland search" href="/stuff/osd.xml" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> </head> <body> <a title="Geograph home page" href="/">Geograph - photograph every grid square</a> <a title="Grid Reference TQ2686 :: 296 images" href="/gridref/TQ2686">TQ2686</a> : Christ Church, Hampstead Square, London NW3 - Vicars board near to Hampstead, Camden, Great Britain.',
    (39, 2518): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 18000,
        "original_width": 18000,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": "العربية: تُعدُّ هذه الصُورة لِسديم الجبَّار إحدى أكثر الصُور الفضائيَّة تفصيلًا على الإطلاق، وقد التقطها مقراب (تلسكوپ) هابل الفضائي التابع لِوكالتيّ ناسا والفضاء الأوروپيَّة. تطلَّب التقاط هذه الصُورة وإجراء الدراسة المُتعلِّقة بِهذا المقراب 105 دورات فلكيَّة كاملة لِيقوم بها المسبار سالف الذِكر. استُخدمت جميع أدوات التصوير الموجودة على متن المقراب بِشكلٍ مُتتالٍ في سبيل دراسة السديم المذكور. فُسيفساء الكاميرا المُتطوِّرة تُغطي تقريبًا الزاوية الظاهرة لِلسديم والتي يبلغ حجمها تقريبًا حجم البدر. Deutsch: Ansicht des Orionnebels erstellt durch das Hubble-Weltraumteleskop. Die Aufnahme wurde während105 Erdumläufen des Teleskops erstellt und ist eine der detailliertesten Ansichten des Nebels. Die Gesamtfläche des Fotos entspricht etwa der des Vollmondes. हिन्दी: अभी तक के लिए सबसे विस्तृत खगोलीय छायाचित्रों में नासा/ईएसए के हबल अंतरिक्ष दूरदर्शी ने ओरियन निहारिका का एक अद्वितीय चित्र लिया है। इस व्यापक शोध को पूर्ण करने के लिए हबल को १०५ कक्षीय परिक्रमाएँ करनी पड़ीं। दूरदर्शी पर उपलब्ध सभी उपकरणों का बारी बारी लगातार उपयोग ओरियन के शोध में किया गया। आधुनिक कैमरा द्वारा बनाए गये संपूर्ण पच्चीकारी चित्र का क्षेत्र पूर्ण चंद्रमा के कोणीय आकर को लगभग ढकता है। English: In one of the most detailed astronomical images ever produced, NASA/ESA's Hubble Space Telescope captured an unprecedented look at the Orion Nebula. ... This extensive study took 105 Hubble orbits to complete. All imaging instruments aboard the telescope were used simultaneously to study Orion. The Advanced Camera mosaic covers approximately the apparent angular size of the full moon. Coordinates Position (RA): 5 35 9.73 Position (Dec): -5° 24' 50.32\" Field of view: 30.03 x 30.03 arcminutes Orientation: North is 0.0° left of vertical Colours & filter Band Wavelength Telescope Optical B 435 nm Hubble Space Telescope ACS Optical V 555 nm Hubble Space Telescope ACS Optical H-alpha 658 nm Hubble Space Telescope ACS Infrared I 775 nm Hubble Space Telescope ACS Infrared Z 850 nm Hubble Space Telescope ACS Notes: Additional observational data from the WFI instrument on the ESO.MPG 2.2-metre telescope. فارسی: یکی از با کیفیت\u200cترین تصاویر تلسکوپ فضایی هابل که از سحابی شکارچی گرفته شده است.هابل برای گرفتن این عکس مجبور شد ۱۰۵ بار دور زمین بزند و از لحاظ زاویه\u200cای این سحابی به اندازه یک ماه کامل است. Français : Vue par le télescope spatial Hubble de la nébuleuse d'Orion. Cette image est l'une des images spatiales les plus détaillées jamais produites. Elle a nécéssité l'usage de tous les instruments de Hubble au cours de 105 orbites successives. Cette image couvre une surface comparable à celle de la pleine lune. For more translations SEE BELOW",
    (44, 9209): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 459,
        "original_width": 700,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'Deutsch: Chlamydia trachomatis Einschlußkörperchen (braun) in einer McCoy-Zellkultur English: Chlamydia trachomatis inclusion bodies (brown) in a McCoy cell culture Source: CDC-PHIL id#6427 (no deep link possible anymore - search for "Chlamydia trachomatis") Original description: This McCoy cell monolayer micrograph reveals a number of intracellular C. trachomatis inclusion bodies; Magnified 200X. The intracellular inclusion body represents the replication phase of the Chlamydia spp. organisms, whereupon, the reorganized reticulate body (RB) multiplies through binary fission into 100-500 new RBs, which mature into elementary bodies (EB). Content Providers(s): CDC/ Dr. E. Arum, Dr. N. Jacobs Creation Date: 1975 Copyright Restrictions: None - This image is in the public domain and thus free of any copyright restrictions. As a matter of courtesy we request that the content provider be credited and notified in any public or private usage of this image. 02:28, 4. Mär 2005 Marcus007 700 x 459 (54770 Byte)',
    (45, 9476): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 3264,
        "original_width": 2448,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'Nederlands: Haarlem, Westergracht Treurende vrouw In oktober 1944 besloot het Haarlems verzet om Fake Krist te liquideren. Deze Haarlemse politieman was levensgevaarlijk. Men wist dat hij lijsten op zak had met Haarlemmers die opgepakt moesten worden. De meesten zouden het er dan niet levend afbrengen. Krist was in de kost bij NSB-ers aan de Westergracht. Dagelijks vertrok hij van daar op een vaste tijd per fiets naar zijn bureau. Besloten werd Krist neer te schieten vanuit de Bavoschool, tegenover de kathedraal. Een klus voor Zwarte Kees, een van de beste schutters in de verzets-knokploeg. Samen met twee anderen verschanste hij zich op 25 oktober heel vroeg in de school, in de gymzaal op de 1e etage, achter een raam op hoek van de Leidsezijstraat. Het schoolhoofd had hen de sleutels bezorgd. Toen Krist op de fiets kwam aangereden richtte Zwarte Kees zijn karabijn en schoot. Het eerste schot schampte af op de koppel van Krist, maar de volgende twee troffen hem dodelijk. De Duitsers namen onmiddellijk wraak. Naast de school werden vier woningen ontruimd en in brand gestoken. De bewoners kregen nauwelijks tijd om hun huis te verlaten. Bovendien haalden de Duitsers 10 arrestanten op uit de gevangenis aan de Amsterdamse Weteringschans. Deze verzetsmensen werden als vergelding op 26 oktober 1944 in het openbaar aan de Westergracht gefusilleerd. Als gedenkteken staat daar sinds 1949 in het plantsoen naast de kerk "Treurende vrouw", een beeld van Ludwig Oswald Wenckebach (1895-1962). Het herinnert ons aan de tien slachtoffers: W. de Boer (26 jaar) W. Böhler (49 jaar) C. Erends (32 jaar) G. Fambach (32 jaar) R. Loggers (29 jaar) F. Maaswinkel (33 jaar) K. Tempelman (31 jaar) Mr. C. Vlot (37 jaar) J. de Vries (27 jaar) J. Wüthrich (40 jaar) This is an image of a war memorial in the Netherlands, number: 492',
    (47, 1104): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 7560,
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        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": "The globular cluster Omega Centauri — with as many as ten million stars — is seen in all its splendour in this image captured with the WFI camera from ESO's La Silla Observatory. The image shows only the central part of the cluster — about the size of the full moon on the sky (half a degree). North is up, East is to the left. This colour image is a composite of B, V and I filtered images. Note that because WFI is equipped with a mosaic detector, there are two small gaps in the image which were filled with lower quality data from the Digitized Sky Survey. Coordinates Position (RA): 13 26 47.32 Position (Dec): -47° 28' 46.86\" Field of view: 31.88 x 29.99 arcminutes Orientation: North is 0.0° right of vertical Colours & filters Band Wavelength Telescope Infrared B 451 nm MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope WFI Optical V 539 nm MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope WFI Optical I 783 nm MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope WFI",
    (47, 14778): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 864,
        "original_width": 1050,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": "English: Bethel Family Selling Dolls \"Yup'ik Eskimo woman and child with their fur dolls, which they offer for sale at the Bethel Roadhouse.\" The mother is in traditional clothing. Both are wearing traditional scarves, but the girl's coat is of modern style for the period. There appears to be a second child behind the girl, not mentioned in the FWS caption. FWS keywords: Villages, Wildlife refuges, Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge, YUDE, Native Americans, Crafts, Sewing, ARLIS, Alaska U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The Pribilof Report 1949. Source FWS-1683 Public domain",
    (48, 1037): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 468,
        "original_width": 700,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'ID#: 64 Description: Gross pathology of adenocarcinoma, colon "Napkin-ring" configuration of colonic adenocarcinoma. Surgical specimen. Content Providers(s): CDC/ Dr. Edwin P. Ewing, Jr. Creation Date: 1974 Copyright Restrictions: None - This image is in the public domain and thus free of any copyright restrictions. As a matter of courtesy we request that the content provider be credited and notified in any public or private usage of this image.',
    (48, 3395): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 3000,
        "original_width": 4000,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Naval Air Station Wildwood, in Rio Grande, NJ near the beach town of Wildwild, NJ.This is Hangar 1 is on the National Register of Historic Places since August 21, 1997 as "Hangar No. 1-United States Naval Air Station Wildwood" Jct. of Forrestal and Langley Rds., Cape May Airport, Lower Township, Cape May, NJ',
    (54, 4013): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 1232,
        "original_width": 2028,
        "mime_type": "image/png",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Chart of data from Department of Homeland Security, illustrating "removals" and "returns" of those immigrating illegally. Based on fiscal years. SOURCE AND CITATION: U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Table 39. Aliens Removed Or Returned: Fiscal Years 1892 To 2016. (2018). Archived from the original on January 12, 2019. [1] <ref name=DHS-Table39>{{cite web |author1=U.S. Department of Homeland Security |title=Table 39. Aliens Removed Or Returned: Fiscal Years 1892 To 2016 |url= | |archiveurl= |archivedate=January 12, 2019 |date=2018 |deadurl=no}}</ref> Version 2 (includes data for 2017 and 2018) Version 3 (includes data for 2019) NOTES FROM SOURCE: Removals are the compulsory and confirmed movement of an inadmissible or deportable alien out of the United States based on an order of removal. An alien who is removed has administrative or criminal consequences placed on subsequent reentry owing to the fact of the removal. Returns are the confirmed movement of an inadmissible or deportable alien out of the United States not based on an order of removal. Includes the 15 months from July 1, 1975 to September 30, 1976 because the end date of fiscal years was changed from June 30 to September 30. RAW DATA: Year Removals (with formal order of removal) Returns (without order of removal ) 2020 2019 359,885 171,445 2018 328,716 159,940 2017 287,093 100,695 2016 331,717 106,458 2015 325,328 129,661 2014 405,090 163,843 2013 432,228 178,976 2012 415,607 231,107 2011 390,423 322,047 2010 382,449 471,798 2009 379,739 582,567 2008 359,795 811,263 2007 319,382 891,390 2006 280,974 1,043,381 2005 246,431 1,096,920 2004 240,665 1,166,576 2003 211,098 945,294 2002 165,168 1,012,116 2001 189,026 1,349,371 2000 188,467 1,675,876 1999 183,114 1,574,863 1998 174,813 1,570,127 1997 114,432 1,440,684 1996 69,680 1,573,428 1995 50,924 1,313,764 1994 45,674 1,029,107 1993 42,542 1,243,410 1992 43,671 1,105,829 1991 33,189 1,061,105 1990 30,039 1,022,533 1989 34,427 830,890 1988 25,829 911,790 1987 24,336 1,091,203 1986 24,592 1,586,320 1985 23,105 1,041,296 1984 18,696 909,833 1983 19,211 931,600 1982 15,216 812,572 1981 17,379 823,875 1980 18,013 719,211 1979 26,825 966,137 1978 29,277 975,515 1977 31,263 867,015 1976 38,471 955,374 1975 24,432 655,814 1974 19,413 718,740 1973 17,346 568,005 1972 16,883 450,927 1971 18,294 370,074 1970 17,469 303,348 1969 11,030 240,958 1968 9,590 179,952 1967 9,728 142,343 1966 9,680 123,683 1965 10,572 95,263 1964 9,167 73,042 1963 7,763 69,392 1962 8,025 54,164 1961 8,181 52,383 1960 7,240 52,796 1959 8,468 56,610 1958 7,875 60,600 1957 5,989 63,379 1956 9,006 80,891 1955 17,695 232,769 1954 30,264 1,074,277 1953 23,482 885,391 1952 23,125 703,778 1951 17,328 673,169 1950 10,199 572,477 1949 23,874 276,297 1948 25,276 197,184 1947 23,434 195,880 1946 17,317 101,945 1945 13,611 69,490 1944 8,821 32,270 1943 5,702 11,947 1942 5,542 6,904 1941 7,336 6,531 1940 12,254 8,594 1939 14,700 9,590 1938 17,341 9,278 1937 16,905 8,788 1936 16,195 8,251 1935 13,877 7,978 1934 14,263 8,010 1933 25,392 10,347 1932 26,490 10,775 1931 27,886 11,719 1930 24,864 11,387 1929 31,035 25,888 1928 30,464 19,946 1927 31,417 15,012 1926 31,454 NA 1925 34,885 NA 1924 36,693 NA 1923 24,280 NA 1922 18,076 NA 1921 18,296 NA 1920 14,557 NA',
    (55, 8298): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 308,
        "original_width": 497,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: First postage stamps of Lithuania - First Vilnius Issue, named "Baltukas". Date of issue: December 27, 1918 Print house: Martynas Kukta print house (Vilnius) Printing: Letterpress printing Sheet: 20 (5x4) stamps on 120x115 mm sheet Paper: Yellowish, without gum Watermarks: Unwatermarked Perforation: 11¼, edges of sheet not perforated Notes: Counterfeits: White paper and uniform type. Well known variety eith inverted "h" has backstamp "Latfil", another variety vith normal "ų". Thr First Vilnius issue much thicker value numerals then Second Vilnius issue.',
    (64, 11696): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 2304,
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'Lézard Commun Renamed verison of "Image:00011.jpg": 18:14, 26. Jul. 2007 Goldy 3.072×2.304 3,31 MB {{Information |Description= Lézard Commun |Source= France |Date= 26 juillet 2007 |Author= Christophe Mehay |Permission= |other_versions= }}',
    (64, 16095): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Eniwa Kinder Garden special bus "Eniwa Rhythm Car" outside of Eniwa Kinder Garden in Eniwa, Hokkaido日本語: 北海道恵庭市 恵庭幼稚園の幼児バス「えにわリズム号」',
    (65, 5445): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": "English: Author Stanford's Geographical Establishment Date 1873 Short Title Sutro Tunnel And The Comstock Lode State Of Nevada Publisher Stanford's Geographical Establishment Publisher Location London Type Separate Map Obj Height cm 57 Obj Width cm 55 Scale 1 33,240 Note Color map measuring 42x32.5, with two profiles on one sheet. Relief shown by contour lines. State/Province Nevada County Storey County Lyon Region Comstock Lode Region Sutro Tunnel Subject Mining Full Title Topographical Map Showing the Locations of the Sutro Tunnel And The Comstock Lode State Of Nevada, United States Of America. Reduced and Compiled from U. States Govt. Surveys &c. at Stanford's Geographical Estabt. London, June, 1873. (with) Profile Of Sutro Tunnel ... Lithographed at Stanford's Geogl. Estabt., London. (with) Longitudinal Section Of The Comstock Lode, Shewing The Workings And Their Relative Depths, To The Sutro Tunnel. List No 5303.001 Series No 1 Publication Author Stanford's Geographical Establishment Pub Date 1873 Pub Title Topographical Map Showing the Locations of the Sutro Tunnel And The Comstock Lode State Of Nevada, United States Of America. Reduced and Compiled from U. States Govt. Surveys &c. at Stanford's Geographical Estabt. London, June, 1873. (with) Profile Of Sutro Tunnel ... Lithographed at Stanford's Geogl. Estabt., London. (with) Longitudinal Section Of The Comstock Lode, Shewing The Workings And Their Relative Depths, To The Sutro Tunnel. Pub Note One map measuring 42x32.5, with two profiles on one sheet. Pub List No 5303.000 Pub Type Separate Map Pub Height cm 57 Pub Width cm 55 Image No 5303001 Download 1 <a href= target=_blank>Full Image Download in MrSID Format</a> Download 2 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">GeoViewer for JP2 and SID files</a> Authors Stanford's Geographical Establishment",
    (76, 2400): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Abner Cloud House on the NRHP since August 31, 1992. At 14 Ravine Rd., Brandywine Hundred, "near" Wilmington in northern Delaware. Lots of trees- it may help to photograph this in the wintertime - but lots of fir tres as well',
    (84, 7484): {
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        "original_height": 224,
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: This is a snapshot I created from page 129 of "The annals of Ireland, tr. from the orig. Irish of the Four masters" by O. Connellan, published in 1845. View in Google Books Author Michael O\'Clery',
    (90, 3000): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'Nederlands: ALGEMENE BESCHRIJVING Indicatie van het percentage Nederlandstaligen per gemeente van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest op basis van de verhouding van het aantal geregistreerde kiezers met een Nederlandstalig adres in het bevolkingsregister op het totaal aantal geregistreerde kiezers voor de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van 14 oktober 2018. GEDETAILLEERDE BESCHRIJVING De afbeelding geeft per gemeente de ratio A / B in %, waarbij: A = het aantal geregistreerde kiezers met een Nederlandstalig adres voor de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van 14 oktober 2018, zoals gepubliceerd in het weekblad Bruzz #1633 van 10 oktober 2018 op pagina 7 onder de titel "Nederlandstaligen kiezen voor hippe gemeenten" (ook digitaal raadpleegbaar via De redactie van Bruzz vroeg bij politieke partijen cijfers op. Politieke partijen krijgen de inwonerslijsten om te communiceren met hun kiezers. Nederlandstalige partijen halen daar de Nederlandstalige adressen uit. Verschillende partijen deelden die informatie. B = het aantal geregistreerde kiezers voor de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van 14 oktober 2018, zoals gepubliceerd op volgende officiële website: (gegevens geraadpleegd op 17 oktober 2018). Dit geeft volgende gegevens (GEMEENTE;A;B;PERCENTAGE.) per gemeente: Anderlecht; 4358; 60873; 7,16%. Elsene; 2652; 41822; 6,34%. Etterbeek; 1578; 22962; 6,87%. Evere; 1746; 23643; 7,38%. Ganshoren; 1613; 15260; 10,57%. Jette; 3506; 30895; 11,35%. Koekelberg; 1050; 11363; 9,24%. Oudergem; 1023; 20098; 5,09%. Schaarbeek; 4854; 67412; 7,20%. Sint-Agatha-Berchem; 1723; 15426; 11,17%. Sint-Gillis; 1611; 23673; 6,81%. Sint-Jans-Molenbeek; 3533; 49787; 7,10%. Sint-Joost-ten-Node; 825; 13027; 6,33%. Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe; 1550 (schatting); 30744; 5,04%. Sint-Pieters-Woluwe; 1361; 23418; 5,81%. Stad Brussel; 9961; 90049; 11,06%. Ukkel; 1661; 48177; 3,45%. Vorst; 1559; 29814; 5,23%. Watermaal-Bosvoorde; 692; 16885; 4,10%. English: Indication of the rate of Dutch-speaking voters per municipality in the Brussels Capital Region, based on the fraction of the number of registered voters with an address in Dutch to the total number of registered voters for the municipal elections of the 14th of October 2018',
    (92, 11671): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Generated by wikipedia-range-maps. Base map derived from BlankMap-World.png. Diversity of Thamnophis, "garter snakes". Taxon: Animalia Chordata Reptillia Squamata Serpentes Colubridae Natricinae Thamnophis Containing the following taxa: Thamnophis angustirostris MISSING Thamnophis atratus IUCN Thamnophis brachystoma IUCN Thamnophis butleri IUCN Thamnophis chrysocephalus IUCN Thamnophis couchii IUCN Thamnophis cyrtopsis IUCN Thamnophis elegans IUCN Thamnophis eques IUCN Thamnophis errans IUCN Thamnophis exsul IUCN Thamnophis fulvus IUCN Thamnophis gigas IUCN Thamnophis godmani IUCN Thamnophis hammondi IUCN Thamnophis marcianus MISSING Thamnophis melanogaster IUCN Thamnophis mendax IUCN Thamnophis nigronuchalis IUCN Thamnophis ordinoides IUCN Thamnophis postremus IUCN Thamnophis proximus textual description Thamnophis pulchrilatus IUCN Thamnophis radix IUCN Thamnophis rossmani IUCN Thamnophis rufipunctatus IUCN Thamnophis sauritus IUCN Thamnophis scalaris IUCN Thamnophis scaliger IUCN Thamnophis sirtalis IUCN Thamnophis sumichrasti IUCN Thamnophis valida IUCN',
    (94, 4872): {
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        "original_height": 1399,
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        "caption_attribution_description": '1968 Ambassador, made by American Motors Corporation (AMC). A two-door hardtop with 343 CID (5.6 L) V8 engine and automatic transmission. This car is finished in "Hialeah Yellow" (paint code P58A) with two-tone roof paint ("Frost White" - P58A). Note: the outside rear view mirror on this car is not factory original, but an aftermarket replacement. The lower body side moulding is not original, but is similar in appearance to the factory trim for this model and year. This vehicle also has visible collision damage, with the right side of the front bumper, along with the right side headlamp assembly, pushed several inches into the right fender.',
    (96, 13216): {
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        "original_height": 2448,
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        "caption_attribution_description": "English: Brewer's signs at the National Brewery Centre: OS grid SK2423, about 1 km from Winshill, Staffordshire, Great Britain.",
    (96, 15290): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": "English: Seeing Near and Far The barred spiral galaxy known as NGC 4907 shows its best side from 270 million light-years away to anyone who can see it from the northern hemisphere.This is a new image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope of the face-on the galaxy, displaying its beautiful spiral arms, wound loosely around its central bright bar of stars. Shining brightly below the galaxy is a star that is actually within our own Milky Way galaxy. This star appears much brighter than the many millions of stars in NGC 4907 as it is 100 000 times closer, residing only 2500 light-years away. NGC 4907 is also part of the Coma Cluster, a group of over 1000 galaxies, some of which can be seen around NGC 4907 in this image. This massive cluster of galaxies lies within the constellation of Coma Berenices, which is named for the locks of Queen Berenice II of Egypt: the only constellation named after a historical person. Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, M. Gregg CoordinatesPosition Position (RA): 13 0 48.42 Position (Dec): 28° 8' 49.40\" Field of view: 2.63 x 2.70 arcminutes Orientation: North is 19.0° right of vertical Colours & filters Band Wavelength Telescope Optical Long Pass 350 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Optical Long Pass 600 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 .",
    (99, 5492): {
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        "original_height": 1936,
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        "caption_attribution_description": "Español: Sepulcro del Religioso mormón Carlos A. Cifuentes y su esposa Haydee Guzmán. Lat, Long (DDD) -33.530029700, -70.680045800 Lat, Long (DMM) -33° 31.801782', -70° 40.802748' Lat, Long (DMS) 33° 31' 48.1069\" S, 70° 40' 48.1649\" W Dirección o lugar PG1152 - Parada 4 / Cementerio Metropolitano, La Cisterna, Región Metropolitana de Santiago de Chile, Chile",
    (103, 7893): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'A balustrade. This is the renamed version of "Image:Bild(740).jpg" 21:02, 27. Sep. 2007 Extractor 640×480 89 KB {{Information |Description= |Source=self-made |Date= {{unknown|date}} |Author= Extractor }}',
    (104, 1393): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Taken in early 1893 by the commerical photographer Drake. donated to the Pickler Memorial Library at Truman State University in Kirksville. "Pickler Famous" Dry Goods Store is the second building from the left and is still in the same place on the 100 W. block of Harrison in Kirksville. Part of the Kirksville Courthouse Square Historic District on the NRHP since May 21, 2009, which includes the 200 block N. Franklin St., 100 block E. Harrison St., 100 block W. Harrison St., Kirksville, Adair County, MO.',
    (105, 12479): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: The \'White Shield\' car, CTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" id="geograph"> <head> <title>The \'White Shield\' car:: OS grid SK2423 :: Geograph Britain and Ireland - photograph every grid square!</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <meta name="description" content="Front view of the \'Worthington White Shield\' car, as seen at the recently reopened National Brewery Centre." /> <meta name="ICBM" content="52.806956264914, -1.6338465026079"/> <meta name="DC.title" content="Geograph:: The \'White Shield\' car:: OS grid SK2423"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Monitor" href="" media="screen" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href=""/> <link rel="alternate" type="application/" href="/photo/1890000.kml"/> <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Geograph Britain and Ireland search" href="/stuff/osd.xml" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> </head> <body> <a title="Geograph home page" href="/">Geograph - photograph every grid square</a> <a title="Grid Reference SK2423 :: 58 images" href="/gridref/SK2423">SK2423</a> : The \'White Shield\' car near to Winshill, Staffordshire, Great Britain.',
    (108, 14944): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'Deutsch: 16.08.2014 Dresden Neumarkt: Platzansicht von West nach Ost über den Neumarkt. V.l.n.r.: - An der Frauenkirche 22 (ehemals "Hotel Fürst Bismarck"). Moderner Neubau 2008 / - Eckhaus Neumarkt 4 entstand erst um 1850 in oberitalienischen Renaissance. / - Neumarkt 5: Ein komplizierte Baugeschichte hat das Haus Neu- markt 5/6 hinter sich. Die linken, drei Fensterachsen umfassende Haushälfte (Neumarkt 5) wurde 1730 Barock errichtet und nach dem Siebenjährigen Krieg wieder aufgebaut. 1790 hat man die beiden Häuser Neumarkt 5 und 6 zu einem vereinigt. Zwischen 1820 und 1830 kam ein Geschoß hinzu / - Neumarkt 6: Ein Neubau der Architektin Heike Böttcher, 2008 / - Neumarkt 7: Historischer barocker Nachbau 2008 / - Haus Landhausstraße 1: Moderner Neubau 2008. Die zusammengehörenden Hauseinheiten Landhausstraße 1 und Neumarkt 7 sollen als Ärztehaus genutzt werden. / - Auf der anderen Straßenseite, weiter rechts im Bild: Neumarkt 8 / Ecke Landhausstraße. Bis 1945 die Salomonis-Apotheke. Gaststätte "Freiberger Schankhaus". Davor das Denkmal für Friedrich August II / - Neumarkt 9, Steigenberger Hotel de Saxe mit der Fassade des 1888 abgerissenen Originals. .: [SAM5433-5434.JPG]20140816085MDR. JPG(c)Blobelt',
    (110, 1295): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": "English: Locale: Patan region. Period: 1725-1800. Yarn: Silk, hand-spun. Technique: Double ikat. Size: 103 x 445 cm (3' 4\" x 14' 7\") LW: 4.32 Design: Field decorated with circular floral pattern called jilamprang, which in Gujarat is known as chhabdi bhat or basket pattern. It represents an eight-petalled lotus, with buds and flowers radiating from it, encircled by the curvilinear outlines of leaves. Border are triangles alternated with inverted triangles called tumpal, a motif called tumpal. It was this patola type more than any other, that served as an inspiration to weavers all across the Indonesian archipelago. Comment: Several small holes, a few tears in the longitudinal border, one with old (clumsy) repair. The jilamprang covered field however is almost entirely intact and has lost none of its visual impact. Weaving is fairly loose and gauzy, giving the impression of raw silk.",
    (110, 10297): {
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        "original_height": 1929,
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: The largest member of the galaxy group known as Roberts Quartet is NGC 92, a spiral Sa galaxy with an unusual appearance. One of its arms, about 100,000 light-years long, has been distorted by interactions and contains a large quantity of dust. Using this H-alpha image obtained with FORS2 on the VLT, astronomers were able to study the properties of regions of active star formation ("HII regions"). They found more than 200 of such regions in NGC 92, with a size between 500 and 1,500 light-years. ID: phot-34b-05 Press: 34/05 Object: NGC 92 Instrument: FORS2 Size: 1789x1929 Credit: ESO',
    (113, 795): {
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        "original_height": 6493,
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        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: A preliminary scan of The Liberator Volume 11, Issue 13, 1913-01-17, p. 02 made by the Los Angeles Public Library from the Edmonds Family Collection ( for the 2018 Los Angeles City Hall Exhibit, "Write in America," presented in part by the office of Los Angeles City Council President, Herb Wesson. This article is significant because it illustrates the Liberator\'s support of African American businesses. Publication Information The Liberator. Publisher: Los Angeles, Calif. : Liberator Pub. Co., [189-]-1902. Edition/Format: Journal, magazine : Periodical : English Subjects African Americans -- California -- Los Angeles -- Periodicals. African Americans. California -- Los Angeles. OCLC record -',
    (126, 3685): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 3793,
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        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": "English: A preliminary scan of the Liberator Volume 9, Issue 18, 1911-06-16, p. 02 made by the Los Angeles Public Library from the Edmonds Family Collection ( for the 2018 Los Angeles City Hall Exhibit, \"Write in America,\" presented in part by the office of Los Angeles City Council President, Herb Wesson. This article is significant because it illustrates the Liberator's support of women's suffrage. Publication Information The Liberator. Publisher: Los Angeles, Calif. : Liberator Pub. Co., [189-]-1902. Edition/Format: Journal, magazine : Periodical : English Subjects African Americans -- California -- Los Angeles -- Periodicals. African Americans. California -- Los Angeles. OCLC record -",
    (127, 292): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 1060,
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        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Optics 32-inch Schulman Telescope (RCOS) Camera SBIG STX16803 CCD Camera Filters Astrodon Gen II Dates May - June 2015 Location Mount Lemmon SkyCenter Exposure RGB = 4:4:4 Hours Acquisition Astronomer Control Panel (ACP), Maxim DL/CCD (Cyanogen), FlatMan XL (Alnitak) Processing CCDStack, Photoshop CC, PixInsight Guest Astronomers Participants of "Astrophotography with Adam" May 22nd, 2015 Credit Line & Copyright Adam Block/Mount Lemmon SkyCenter/University of Arizona',
    (127, 13583): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 4096,
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        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'A photo of a replica of a Scottish claymore. This replica is a \'Chieftain Limited Edition Medieval Scottish War Sword\', sold by Albion Europe.[1] The sword measures: Total length: 118 cm (46,46"); Blade length: 92 cm (36,02"); CoG: 13 cm (5,24"); CoP: 59 cm (23,23"); Weight: 1800 g (3,968 lbs); Grip length: 18,3 cm (7,205").',
    (137, 7614): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": "Blue rejuvenation Globular clusters are inherently beautiful objects, but the subject of this NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image, Messier 3, is commonly acknowledged to be one of the most beautiful of them all. Containing an incredible half a million stars, this eight-billion-year-old cosmic bauble is one of the largest and brightest globular clusters ever discovered. However, what makes Messier 3 extra special is its unusually large population of variable stars — stars that fluctuate in brightness over time. New variable stars continue to be discovered in this sparkling stellar nest to this day, but so far we know of 274, the highest number found in any globular cluster by far. At least 170 of these are of a special variety called RR Lyrae variables, which pulse with a period directly related to their intrinsic brightness. If astronomers know how bright a star truly is based on its mass and classification, and they know how bright it appears to be from our viewpoint here on Earth, they can thus work out its distance from us. For this reason, RR Lyrae stars are known as standard candles — objects of known luminosity whose distance and position can be used to help us understand more about vast celestial distances and the scale of the cosmos. Messier 3 also contains a relatively high number of so-called blue stragglers, which are shown quite clearly in this Hubble image. These are blue main sequence stars that appear to be young because they are bluer and more luminous than other stars in the cluster. As all stars in globular clusters are believed to have formed together and thus be roughly the same age. Only a difference in mass can give these stars a different colour: a red, old star can appear bluer when it acquires more mass, for instance stripping it from a nearby star. The extra mass changes it into a bluer star, which makes us think it is younger than it really is. Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, G. Piotto et al. Coordinates Position (RA): 13 42 11.80 Position (Dec): 28° 22' 31.69\" Field of view: 2.78 x 2.43 arcminutes Orientation: North is 10.5° right of vertical Colours & filters Band Wavelength Telescope Optical U 336 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Ultraviolet UV 275 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Optical B 438 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Ultraviolet UV 275 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Optical U 336 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Optical V 606 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Optical B 438 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Optical V 606 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Optical I 814 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 .",
    (137, 8537): {
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        "original_height": 7725,
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        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": "English: Spiral galaxy NGC 1097 It is an almost-true colour composite based on images made with the multi-mode VIMOS instrument on the 8.2-m Melipal (Unit Telescope 3) of ESO's Very Large Telescope. Exposures were taken in three different wavebands which were associated to a given colour : R-band (centred around 652 nm; red), V (540 nm; green) and B (456 nm; blue). The images were taken on the night of December 9 to 10, 2004 in the presence of the President of the Republic of Chile, M. Ricardo Lagos. The observing conditions were very good (seeing well below 1 arcsec). The total exposure was 2.25 min in R, 3 min in V and 6 min in B. The scale is 0.205 arcsec/pix and the image covers a 7.7 x 6.6 arcmin2 region on the sky. All exposures were taken and pre-processed by ESO Paranal Science Operation astronomers. Additional image processing by Henri Boffin (ESO). Credit: ESO Coordinates Position (RA): 2 46 19.04 Position (Dec): -30° 16' 29.62\" Field of view: 6.85 x 7.74 arcminutes Orientation: North is 0.1° left of vertical Colours & filters Band Wavelength Telescope Optical B 456 nm Very Large Telescope VIMOS Optical V 540 nm Very Large Telescope VIMOS Optical R 652 nm Very Large Telescope VIMOS .",
    (138, 4863): {
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        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Jacob Broom House as photographed by Jack E. Boucher of HABS/NPS. Described as "Location: New Castle County, about 1 mile northwest of the Wilmington city limits, just north of New Bridge Road (Del. 141), Montchanin." which corresponds to the NRHP site Eleutherian Mills, listed November 13, 1966, North of Wilmington on Delaware Route 141 at Brandywine Creek Bridge 39°46′50″N 75°34′30″W Wilmington. Broom was the least known of the signers of the US Constitution. His House is a National Historic Landmark. He sold it and his mill to Eleuthere DuPont and the rest is history, except for the 3 or 4 NRHP sites that seem to occupy the same property. See Brandywine Powder Mills District, and Brandywine Manufacturers Sunday School. The house is also known as Hagley and we have an article for Hagley Library and Museum',
    (142, 10192): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": "Bucking the trend This luminous orb is the galaxy NGC 4621, better known as Messier 59. As this latter moniker indicates, the galaxy was listed in the famous catalogue of deep-sky objects compiled by French comet-hunter Charles Messier in 1779. However, German astronomer Johann Gottfried Koehler is credited with discovering the galaxy just days before Messier added it to his collection. Modern observations show that Messier 59 is an elliptical galaxy, one of the three main kinds of galaxies along with spirals and irregulars. Ellipticals tend to be the most evolved of the trio, full of old, red stars and exhibiting little or no new star formation. Messier 59, however, bucks this trend somewhat; the galaxy does show signs of star formation, with some newborn stars residing within a disc near the core. Located in the 2000-strong Virgo Cluster of galaxies within the constellation of Virgo (The Virgin), Messier 59 lies approximately 50 million light-years away from us. This image was taken by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope’s Advanced Camera for Surveys. Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, P. Cote Coordinates Position (RA): 12 42 2.17 Position (Dec): 11° 38' 47.46\" Field of view: 3.13 x 2.50 arcminutes Orientation: North is 105.8° right of vertical Colours & filters Band Wavelength Telescope Optical g 475 nm Hubble Space Telescope ACS Optical V 555 nm Hubble Space Telescope ACS Optical i 702 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 Optical z 850 nm Hubble Space Telescope ACS Optical i 702 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 Optical z 850 nm Hubble Space Telescope ACS .",
    (143, 1730): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 5794,
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        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Culver, Essae Martha, 1882-1973 Description An oval mounted photograph of Pomona College student Essae Martha Culver in a high-collared white dress. [Culver went on to become the first State Librarian of Louisiana in 1925.] Notes Photograph of a photograph. Portrait used in the 1904 Metate, pg. 143. Publisher Honnold Mudd Library. Special Collections Language eng Source Glass plate negative, 3.25 x 4.25 inches: paper sleeve title, "Miss Culver"; The Boynton Collection of Glass Negatives Accession Number bce00115 Collection Boynton Collection of Early Claremont -',
    (149, 13640): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 834,
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        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'RFA Fort George (A388) waiting at the Tail of the Bank on the Firth of Clyde in Scotland for "Neptune Warrior" "NW 063" multinational training exercise involving NATo and other forces off the west coast of Scotland from 23 October to 2 November 2006. IMO: 8800690 MMSI: 233105000 [UK] Callsign: GCOG Size: 204m x 30m x 8.7m Tonnage: 28821gt, 16061dwt Built: Apr 1993',
    (150, 5377): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Graph of amounts entered into IRS Form 990 (Form 990 - part VIII, Line 1) "Contributions, Gifts, Grants and Other Similar Amounts") by ACLU and ACLU Foundation from March 31, 2012 forward. Data labels in chart are rounded by Microsoft Excel to nearest million. Raw data: ACLU — ACLU Foundation — Year ending March 31 33,691,433 — 58,074,573 — 2012 34,615,205 — 52,043,425 — 2013 36,824,175 — 55,110,331 — 2014 50,508,454 — 79,581,425 — 2015 42,642,964 — 89,472,041 — 2016 155,307,291 — 140,053,645 — 2017 141,043,582 — 134,420,043 — 2018 135,216,702 — 156,940,567 — 2019 138,483,927 — 176,437,112 — 2020 167,943,139 — 227,368,352 — 2021 Archives of sources for ACLU reported donations: Archives of sources for ACLU Foundation reported donations:',
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        "caption_attribution_description": "English: Author Stanford's Geographical Establishment Date 1873 Short Title Sutro Tunnel And The Comstock Lode State Of Nevada Publisher Stanford's Geographical Establishment Publisher Location London Type Separate Map Obj Height cm 57 Obj Width cm 55 Scale 1 33,240 Note Color map measuring 42x32.5, with two profiles on one sheet. Relief shown by contour lines. State/Province Nevada County Storey County Lyon Region Comstock Lode Region Sutro Tunnel Subject Mining Full Title Topographical Map Showing the Locations of the Sutro Tunnel And The Comstock Lode State Of Nevada, United States Of America. Reduced and Compiled from U. States Govt. Surveys &c. at Stanford's Geographical Estabt. London, June, 1873. (with) Profile Of Sutro Tunnel ... Lithographed at Stanford's Geogl. Estabt., London. (with) Longitudinal Section Of The Comstock Lode, Shewing The Workings And Their Relative Depths, To The Sutro Tunnel. List No 5303.001 Series No 1 Publication Author Stanford's Geographical Establishment Pub Date 1873 Pub Title Topographical Map Showing the Locations of the Sutro Tunnel And The Comstock Lode State Of Nevada, United States Of America. Reduced and Compiled from U. States Govt. Surveys &c. at Stanford's Geographical Estabt. London, June, 1873. (with) Profile Of Sutro Tunnel ... Lithographed at Stanford's Geogl. Estabt., London. (with) Longitudinal Section Of The Comstock Lode, Shewing The Workings And Their Relative Depths, To The Sutro Tunnel. Pub Note One map measuring 42x32.5, with two profiles on one sheet. Pub List No 5303.000 Pub Type Separate Map Pub Height cm 57 Pub Width cm 55 Image No 5303001 Download 1 <a href= target=_blank>Full Image Download in MrSID Format</a> Download 2 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">GeoViewer for JP2 and SID files</a> Authors Stanford's Geographical Establishment",
    (161, 6171): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: White Shield Brewery, CTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" id="geograph"> <head> <title>White Shield Brewery:: OS grid SK2423 :: Geograph Britain and Ireland - photograph every grid square!</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <meta name="description" content="Part of the old Worthington Brewery at Burton upon Trent, adjacent to the stables and National Brewing Centre." /> <meta name="ICBM" content="52.807673576148, -1.6332470955598"/> <meta name="DC.title" content="Geograph:: White Shield Brewery:: OS grid SK2423"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Monitor" href="" media="screen" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href=""/> <link rel="alternate" type="application/" href="/photo/3181056.kml"/> <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Geograph Britain and Ireland search" href="/stuff/osd.xml" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> </head> <body> <a title="Geograph home page" href="/">Geograph - photograph every grid square</a> <a title="Grid Reference SK2423 :: 58 images" href="/gridref/SK2423">SK2423</a> : White Shield Brewery near to Winshill, Staffordshire, Great Britain.',
    (162, 7580): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 2119,
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        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": "English: \" A seated portrait of the historian and librarian Justin Winsor at the age of 23. He is seated on a chair wrapped in a large black cape looking directly at the viewer. He is posed against a painted backdrop depicting a garden scene. In October of 1852, Winsor left the States for a two-year sojourn in Europe, spending his time primarily in Paris and Heidelberg studying languages. Photograph has been heavily painted over in wash, oil, and gum arabic. It has been covered with an decorated oval mat with the photographer's stamp in the lower center edge. Photographer's imprint on verso. Hand-written in ink on imprint: Justin Winsor/Taken at Heidelberg, 1854. Gift of the Estate of Miss Penelope B. Noyes, September 1977. #1977.31b (no.2).\"",
    (164, 2044): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: An image of the Virgo cluster spiral galaxy NGC 4254, with the "metal-rich" H II regions indicated. (VLT ANTU and FORS1). ID: phot-20a-02 Press Release: 15/02 Object: NGC 4254 Telescope: UT2/Kueyen Instrument: FORS1 Size: 1791x2067 Credit: ESO',
    (175, 3069): {
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        "original_height": 731,
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        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": "Français : extrait de \" Les opérations de voirie par Théodore Jacoubet, architecte - Extension de Paris en 1860 (loi du 16 juin 1859). Opérations de voirie exécutées de 1854 à 1870. Paris avant l'annexion 8402 ha 56 a 07 ca - après 7949 ha 43 a 85 ca au 1/16 000",
    (177, 11728): {
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        "original_height": 4079,
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        "caption_attribution_description": "The darkness within? This atmospheric image shows a galaxy named Messier 85, captured in all its delicate, hazy glory by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. Messier 85 slants through the constellation of Coma Berenices (Berenice’s Hair), and lies around 50 million light-years from Earth. It was first discovered by Charles Messier’s colleague Pierre Méchain in 1781, and is included in the Messier catalogue of celestial objects. Messier 85 is intriguing — its properties lie somewhere between those of a lenticular and an elliptical galaxy, and it appears to be interacting with two of its neighbours: the beautiful spiral NGC 4394, located out of frame to the upper left, and the small elliptical MCG 3-32-38, located out of frame to the centre bottom. The galaxy contains some 400 billion stars, most of which are very old. However, the central region hosts a population of relatively young stars of just a few billion years in age; these stars are thought to have formed in a late burst of star formation, likely triggered as Messier 85 merged with another galaxy over four billion years ago. Messier 85 has a further potentially strange quality. Almost every galaxy is thought to have a supermassive black hole at its centre, but from measurements of the velocities of stars in this galaxy, it is unclear whether Messier 85 contains such a black hole. This image combines infrared, visible and ultraviolet observations from Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3. Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, R. O'Connell Coordinates Position (RA): 12 25 24.00 Position (Dec): 18° 11' 16.55\" Field of view: 2.55 x 2.69 arcminutes Orientation: North is 0.1° right of vertical Colours & filters Band Wavelength Telescope Optical u 336 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Optical B 438 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Optical V 555 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Optical I 814 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 .",
    (177, 15401): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Larger region of the sky around the starburst galaxy NGC 1313 showing the larger scale disturbance of the galaxy. The galaxy shows some large deformations in the lower right part of the image, while diffuse matter is also present at the top of the image. All this signals a very tormented past which could be at the origin of the burst of star formation.The image was made from data from the Digitized Sky Survey, obtained through blue, red and infrared filters. The "Second Epoch Survey" of the southern sky was made by the Anglo-Australian Observatory (AAO) with the UK Schmidt Telescope. Plates from this survey have been digitized and compressed by the ST ScI. The data were extracted and colour-composed by Henri Boffin (ESO). ID: phot-43b-06 Press Release: ESO 43/06 Long Caption Object: NGC 1313 Telescope: UT1/Antu Instrument: FORS2 Size: 800x801 Credit: ESO',
    (179, 5549): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": "Comet or cluster? Most globular clusters are almost perfectly spherical collections of stars — but Messier 62 breaks the mould. The 12-billion-year-old cluster is distorted, and stretches out on one side to form a comet-like shape with a bright head and extended tail. As one of the closest globular clusters to the centre of our galaxy, Messier 62 is likely affected by strong tidal forces that displace many of its stars, resulting in this unusual shape. When globular clusters form, they tend to be somewhat denser towards the centre. The more massive the cluster, the denser the centre is likely to be. With a mass with almost a million times that of the Sun, Messier 62 is one of the densest of them all. With so many stars at the centre, interactions and mergers occur regularly. Huge stars form and run out of fuel quickly, exploding violently and their remains collapse to form white dwarfs, neutron stars and even black holes! For many years, it was believed that any black holes that form in a globular cluster would quickly be kicked out due to the violent interactions taking place there. However, in 2013, a black hole was discovered in Messier 62 — the first ever to be found in a Milky Way globular cluster, giving astronomers a whole new hunting ground for these mysterious objects. This view comprises ultraviolet and visible light gathered by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope’s Advanced Camera for Surveys. Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, S. Anderson et al. Coordinates Position (RA): 17 1 9.44 Position (Dec): -30° 6' 37.91\" Field of view: 2.70 x 2.77 arcminutes Orientation: North is 2.9° right of vertical Colours & filters Band Wavelength Telescope Optical C 390 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Optical B 435 nm Hubble Space Telescope ACS Optical NII 658 nm Hubble Space Telescope ACS Optical r 625 nm Hubble Space Telescope ACS .",
    (179, 15327): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Christ Church, Hampstead Square, London NW3 - Organ, CTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" id="geograph"> <head> <title>Christ Church, Hampstead Square, London NW3 - Organ:: OS grid TQ2686 :: Geograph Britain and Ireland - photograph every grid square!</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <meta name="description" content="TQ2686 :: Christ Church, Hampstead Square, London NW3 - Organ, near to Hampstead, Camden, Great Britain" /> <meta name="ICBM" content="51.55978169421, -0.17641356898538"/> <meta name="DC.title" content="Geograph:: Christ Church, Hampstead Square, London NW3 - Organ:: OS grid TQ2686"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Monitor" href="" media="screen" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href=""/> <link rel="alternate" type="application/" href="/photo/1678857.kml"/> <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Geograph Britain and Ireland search" href="/stuff/osd.xml" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> </head> <body> <a title="Geograph home page" href="/">Geograph - photograph every grid square</a> <a title="Grid Reference TQ2686 :: 296 images" href="/gridref/TQ2686">TQ2686</a> : Christ Church, Hampstead Square, London NW3 - Organ near to Hampstead, Camden, Great Britain.',
    (187, 12145): {
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        "original_height": 1957,
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'Iconic[1] Few of the Universe’s residents are as iconic as the spiral galaxy. These limelight-hogging celestial objects combine whirling, pinwheeling arms with scatterings of sparkling stars, glowing bursts of gas, and dark, weaving lanes of cosmic dust, creating truly awesome scenes — especially when viewed through a telescope such as the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. In fact, this image from Hubble frames a perfect spiral specimen: the stunning NGC 2903. NGC 2903 is located about 30 million light-years away in the constellation of Leo (The Lion), and was studied as part of a Hubble survey of the central regions of roughly 145 nearby disc galaxies. This study aimed to help astronomers better understand the relationship between the black holes that lurk at the cores of galaxies like these, and the rugby-ball-shaped bulge of stars, gas, and dust at the galaxy’s centre — such as that seen in this image. References ↑ NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center (3 May 2019). "Hubble spots a stunning spiral galaxy". EurekAlert!. Retrieved on 4 May 2019. Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, L. Ho et al. Coordinates Position (RA): 9 32 10.11 Position (Dec): 21° 30\' 5.72" Field of view: 3.29 x 1.63 arcminutes Orientation: North is 97.7° right of vertical Colours & filters Band Wavelength Telescope Optical NII 658 nm Hubble Space Telescope ACS Optical NII 658 nm Hubble Space Telescope ACS Optical I 814 nm Hubble Space Telescope ACS Optical I 814 nm Hubble Space Telescope ACS .',
    (188, 694): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 3024,
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: A Nevadia weeksi trilobite, Order Redlichiida, superfamily "Nevadioidea", 35mm along the axis, collected at the Poleta f Esmeralda County, Nevada, USA, from the Lower Cambrian (Botomian)',
    (190, 10769): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 3751,
        "original_width": 5614,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'Deutsch: Bildarchiv der Kantonsarchäologie Aargau Kürzel/FotoNr.: Wet.56.1.6 Archiv Nr. Col./Dig.: 88725 Objekt: Neolithisches Steinkistengrab mit Hockerbestattung Lage: Wettingen, Schartenstr. 77 Aufnahmedatum: 1956 Zeitgenössische Beschriftung: "Wettingen. Von l. nach r.: Hr. Moll, stud.phil.; Hr. Hürbin jun.; Dr. Bosch; Hr. K. Hürbin sen." Ausgrabung: Beim Aushub für einen Öltank stieß man am 24. Juli 1956 in einer Tiefe von ca. 100 cm unter der Erdoberfläche auf ein ost/südost-west/nordwest orientiertes Steinkistengrab. Datierung des Befundes: Neolithisch Literatur: - JbSGU 47, 1958-59, S. 155 - Argovia 70, 1958, S. 238',
    (193, 2370): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 3590,
        "original_width": 4633,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": "English: This Hubble Space Telescope image of galaxy NGC 1275 reveals the fine, thread-like filamentary structures in the gas surrounding the galaxy. The red filaments are composed of cool gas being suspended by a magnetic field, and are surrounded by the 100-million-degree Fahrenheit hot gas in the center of the Perseus galaxy cluster. The filaments are dramatic markers of the feedback process through which energy is transferred from the central massive black hole to the surrounding gas. The filaments originate when cool gas is transported from the center of the galaxy by radio bubbles that rise in the hot interstellar gas. At a distance of 230 million light-years, NGC 1275 is one of the closest giant elliptical galaxies and lies at the center of the Perseus cluster of galaxies. The galaxy was photographed in July and August 2006 with the Advanced Camera for Surveys in three color filters. Coordinates Position (RA): 3 19 48.39 Position (Dec): 41° 30' 41.00\" Field of view: 3.86 x 2.99 arcminutes Orientation: North is 8.5° left of vertical Colours & filters Band Wavelength Telescope Optical B 435 nm Hubble Space Telescope ACS Optical V 550 nm Hubble Space Telescope ACS Optical R 625 nm Hubble Space Telescope ACS .",
    (194, 13262): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 3568,
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        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Front page of The Northern Star on 2 December 1837. Number: 3 Date: 2 December 1837 Number of Editions: 1 Price: 4 1/2d Size: 16 x 23"; 41 x 59cm Page Span: 8',
    (200, 3935): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 2923,
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        "caption_attribution_description": "English: When massive stars die at the end of their short lives, they light up the cosmos with bright, explosive bursts of light and material known as supernovae. A supernova event is incredibly energetic and intensely luminous — so much so that it forms what looks like an especially bright new star that slowly fades away over time. These exploding stars glow so incredibly brightly when they first form that they can be spotted from afar using telescopes such as the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. The subject of this image, a spiral galaxy named NGC 4051 — about 45 million light-years from Earth — has hosted multiple supernovae in past years. The first was spotted in 1983 (SN 1983I), the second in 2003 (SN 2003ie), and the most recent in 2010 (SN 2010br). These explosive events were seen scattered throughout the centre and spiral arms of NGC 4051. The SN 1983I and SN 2010br were both categorised as supernovae of type Ic. This type of supernova is produced by the core collapse of a massive star that has lost its outer layer of hydrogen and helium, either via winds or by mass transfer to a companion. Because of this, type Ic — and also type Ib — supernovae are sometimes referred to as stripped core-collapse supernovae. This galaxy’s beautiful spiral structure can be seen well in this image, along with other intriguing objects (including an emission-line galaxy known as SDSS J120312.35+443045.1, visible as the bright smudge to the lower middle of the image, beneath the sweeping arm of NGC 4051).NGC 4501 sits in the southern part of a cluster of galaxies known as the Ursa Major I Cluster; this cluster is especially rich in spirals such as NGC 4051, and is a subset of the larger Virgo Supercluster, which also houses the Milky Way. Coordinates Position (RA): 12 3 10.87 Position (Dec): 44° 31' 49.00\" Field of view: 2.60 x 1.93 arcminutes Orientation: North is 18.0° left of vertical Colours & filters Band Wavelength Telescope Ultraviolet UV 275 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Optical U 336 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Optical OIII 502 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Optical OIII 502 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Optical U 336 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Optical y 547 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Optical y 547 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 .",
    (200, 12896): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 3648,
        "original_width": 5633,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'Deutsch: Bildarchiv der Kantonsarchäologie Aargau Kürzel/FotoNr.: See.69.1.28 Archiv Nr. S/W: GB 154/42 Objekt: Kirche Lage: Seengen Aufnahmedatum: 1969 Zeitgenössische Beschriftung: ohne zeitgenössische Beschriftung Im Bild, von links nach rechts: Karl Holliger, Dr. Reinhold Bosch, und "Bruder Franz" (Baugeschäft Grundmann) Ausgrabung: Kirche Seengen Datierung des Befundes: - Erste fassbare Kirche: 7./8. Jh. - Nachfolgebau: 10./11. Jh. - Dritter Bau im Hochmittelalter: 12./13. Jh. - Um 1490/96 wurde die romanische Kirche in eine dreischiffige Hallenkirche mit langrechteckigem Chor und integriertem Kirchturm umgebaut. Literatur: - R. Bosch, Die archäologischen Forschungen in der Kirche von Seengen, Heimatkunde aus dem Seetal 42/43, 1969/1970, 23-30; - José Diaz Tabernero, Zwischen Bern, Luzern, Zürich und Basel: Münzen aus Aargauer Kirchen, Schweizerische Numismatische Rundschau 87, 2008, 147-184, und Taf. 9-12; insbes. 182, und Taf. 12',
    (201, 4687): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 814,
        "original_width": 1280,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Hand-coloured aquatint engraving of the "A picturesque voyage to India, by the way of China" / by Thomas Daniell, R.A., and William Daniell, A.R.A. Creator: Daniell, Thomas, 1749-1840. Contributor: Daniell, Thomas, 1749-1840, ill. Daniell, William, 1769-1837, ill. Publisher: London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, Paternoster-Row; and William Daniell, No. 9, Cleveland-Street, Fitzroy-Square. By Thomas Davison, Whitefriars,',
    (202, 7545): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 1418,
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        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'Español: Fotografía: Juan Gimeno Ramallo Abanico de pantalla h. 1833 Papel pintado, cartón y madera Museo Nacional del Romanticismo. Inv. 1195 victorian spanish screen fan - ca. 1833 Teje el cabello una historia. El peinado en el Romanticismo. Exposición temporal en el Museo Nacional del Romanticismo. Desde el 28/11/2019 hasta el 12/04/2020. ORGANIZACIÓN Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte Subdirección General de Museos Estatales Museo Nacional del Romanticismo COMISARIADO Carolina Miguel Arroyo COORDINACIÓN Laura González Vidales DISEÑO EXPOSITIVO Juan Gimeno Ramallo Estudio Pedro Feduchi DISEÑO GRÁFICO Blenk Juan Gimeno Ramallo MONTAJE EXPOSITIVO TdArte PRODUCCIÓN GRÁFICA Boomerang Graphics SL CONSERVACIÓN Y RESTAURACIÓN Carmen Cadenas Gómez Carmen Alquézar Gómez, Alizaria-Arte SL COMUNICACIÓN Mónica Rodríguez Subirana PUBLICACIONES Museo Museo Nacional del Romanticismo Inventario CE1195 Clasificación Genérica Complementos de indumentaria Objeto/Documento Abanico Tipología/Estado De pantalla Materia/Soporte Pantalla de abanico: Cartón Papel Pigmento Mango: Madera negra Técnica Pantalla de abanico: Pintado Pegado Mango: Torneado Dimensiones Abanico: Altura = 38,50 cm Mango: Altura = 20,50 cm Pantalla de abanico: Altura = 22,30 cm; Anchura = 18,30 cm Descripción Abanico de pantalla de forma heptagonal realizada de cartón, recubierta en el anverso por papel con escena impresa y el reverso con papel rojo. La pantalla va unida a un mango de madera torneada teñida de negro, con un hueco central que aloja una varilla metálica que produce el movimiento de la figura. En el anverso, se representa en primer plano una figura femenina en un jardín, junto a un estanque con cisnes y barca en la orilla, y en el lateral derecho, en último plano, el palacete. La figura lleva superpuesto el vestido, pieza de papel, cuya falda se mueve al accionar el mecanismo alojado en el mango. Los abanicos correspondientes al reinado de Mª Cristina de Borbón, denominados "cristinos", se caracterizan por estar realizados con varillas de madera, carey, hueso o marfil, la fuente adornada con lentejuelas o motivos dorados y el país de papel litografiado y coloreado con escenas al aire libre, con personajes bailando, paseando, jugando con los niños o en escenas galantes. El abanico fue uno de los complementos de moda femeninos más representativos del siglo XIX, aunque su uso se prolonga en el tiempo. Los ricos materiales aumentaban su precio, por lo que fueron también un símbolo de distinción y preeminencia social. Al igual que el pañuelo, permitió a las parejas comunicarse secretamente mediante un lenguaje cifrado, según el movimiento y disposición del mismo. Iconografia Figura femenina Datación 1833[ca] Contexto Cultural/Estilo Romanticismo Regencia de María Cristina de Borbón (1833-1840)',
    (202, 8074): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 3873,
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        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'Polski: Gromada kulista NGC 6397English: The globular cluster NGC 6397, located at a distance of approx. 7,200 light-years in the southern constellation Ara. It has undergone a "core collapse" and the central area is very dense. It contains about 400,000 stars and its age (based on evolutionary models) is 13,400 ± 800 million years. The photo is a composite of exposures in the B-, V- and I-bands obtained in the frame of the Pilot Stellar Survey with the Wide-Field-Imager (WFI) camera at the 2.2-m ESO/MPI telescope at the ESO La Silla Observatory. It was prepared and provided by the ESO Imaging Survey team. The spikes seen at some of the brighter stars are caused by the effect of overexposure (CCD "bleeding"). Colours & filters Band Telescope Optical B MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope WFI Optical V MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope WFI Optical I MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope WFI',
    (204, 4126): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 2735,
        "original_width": 3646,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: "Fairview" on the NRHP since April 8, 1982, on U.S. Route 13, west of Delaware City, New Castle County, Delaware. Note that there are 4 other "Fairviews" on the NRHP in New Castle County. The original house was built in 1822 (according to date on west facade); expanded by architect Frank Furness in 1885 for John C. Higgins.',
    (211, 6355): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 7676,
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        "caption_attribution_description": "English: The heart of the Lion The heart of the Lion It might appear featureless and unexciting at first glance, but NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope observations of this elliptical galaxy — known as Messier 105 — show that the stars near the galaxy’s centre are moving very rapidly. Astronomers have concluded that these stars are zooming around a supermassive black hole with an estimated mass of 200 million Suns! This black hole releases huge amounts of energy as it consumes matter falling into it and causing the centre to shine far brighter than its surroundings. This system is known as an active galactic nucleus. Hubble also surprised astronomers by revealing a few young stars and clusters in Messer 105, which was thought to be a “dead” galaxy incapable of star formation. Messier 105 is now thought to form roughly one Sun-like star every 10 000 years. Star-forming activity has also been spotted in a vast ring of hydrogen gas encircling both Messier 105 and its closest neighbour, the lenticular galaxy NGC 3384. Messier 105 was discovered in 1781, lies about 30 million light-years away in the constellation of Leo (The Lion), and is the brightest elliptical galaxy within the Leo I galaxy group. Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, C. Sarazin et al. Coordinates Position (RA): 10 47 49.63 Position (Dec): 12° 34' 55.76\" Field of view: 6.31 x 6.39 arcminutes Orientation: North is 127.8° right of vertical Colours & filters Band Wavelength Telescope Optical g 475 nm Hubble Space Telescope ACS Optical z 850 nm Hubble Space Telescope ACS Optical g 475 nm Hubble Space Telescope ACS Optical Z 850 nm Hubble Space Telescope ACS .",
    (214, 12055): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 426,
        "original_width": 640,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: MS "Riverdance" departing Warrenpoint. Aubrey Dale writes "Warrenpoint has a busy commercial harbour in a scenic setting. The ferry “Riverdance” is departing on her freight-only run to Heysham. The photograph was taken from the promenade and shows how close the ships are to the shore." IMO number : 7635361 Call Sign : C6CG3 Gross tonnage : 6041 Type of ship : Ro-Ro Cargo Ship Year of build : 1977',
    (218, 6967): {
        "metadata_url": "",
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        "original_width": 718,
        "mime_type": "image/png",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Graph comparing gun-related homicide rates to non-gun-related homicide rates in high-income countries, 2010. Countries are ordered based on increasing total homicide rates. Source of raw data: (March 2016). "Violent Death Rates: The US Compared with Other High-income OECD Countries, 2010". The American Journal of Medicine 129 (3): 266–273. DOI:10.1016/j.amjmed.2015.10.025. (Table 4). (PDF). Footnote, with links, is below.[1] Country Firearm Homicide Rate Non-Firearm Homicide Rate Total Homicide Rate U. S. A. 3.6 1.7 5.3 Czech Rep. 0.1 2.4 2.6 Finland 0.3 1.6 1.9 Canada 0.5 1 1.5 Hungary 0.1 1.4 1.5 S. Korea 0 1.3 1.3 New Zealand 0.2 1.1 1.2 Slovakia 0.2 1 1.2 Australia 0.2 0.9 1.1 Belgium 0.3 0.7 1.1 Portugal 0.5 0.5 1 Netherlands 0.2 0.7 0.9 Sweden 0.2 0.7 0.9 Denmark 0.2 0.6 0.8 Ireland 0.4 0.5 0.8 Italy 0.3 0.4 0.8 Norway 0 0.6 0.7 Spain 0.1 0.6 0.7 France 0.2 0.4 0.6 Germany 0.1 0.5 0.6 Austria 0.2 0.4 0.5 Japan 0 0.3 0.3 U. K. 0 0.3 0.3',
    (218, 15908): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'Deutsch: Das Fischereischutzboot "Seeadler" der Deutschen Küstenwache im Hamburger Hafen während des Hafengeburtstags 2007. IMO number : 9191541 Call Sign : DBFC Gross tonnage : 1774 Year of build : 2000Hafengeburtstag Köhlbrandbrücke Küstenwache',
    (220, 13059): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 1678,
        "original_width": 2517,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: "Green Gate", house in Arden, Delaware part of Ardens Historic District, on the NRHP since May 30, 2003, near Orleans Rd. at Harvey Rd., Arden, Delaware. Or part of Village of Arden, on the NRHP since February 6, 1973, located 6 miles north of Wilmington between Marsh Rd., Naaman\'s Creek, and Ardentown 39°48′40″N 75°29′14″W Arden, Delaware. (These clearly overlap) House reportedly designed by Will Price, built about 1910',
    (225, 6172): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 2764,
        "original_width": 4633,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Official group photo of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, taken on the occasion of Inauguration Day 2020. Description from source: "(Standing Right to Left): Supervisor Term Started Norman Yee (Seated) - President of the Board January 08, 2013 Dean Preston December 17, 2019 Matt Haney January 08, 2019 Rafael Mandelman July 11, 2018 Aaron Peskin December 08, 2015 Sandra Lee Fewer January 08, 2017 Catherine Stefani January 30, 2018 Hillary Ronen January 08, 2017 Gordon Mar January 08, 2019 Shamann Walton January 08, 2019 Ahsha Safai January 08, 2017 Angela Calvillo - Clerk of the Board"',
    (226, 13605): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 655,
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        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": "English: Quoting from The new English Canaan of Thomas Morton, Charles Francis Adams, Jr.. ed. (Boston, 1883): \"This View of Mount Wollaston is taken from Rev. Dr. William P. Lunt's Two Discourses on Occasion of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the First Congregational Church, Quincy, (p. 37) It represents the place very accurately as it appeared in 1840, and as it is supposed to have appeared from the time of the first settlement until recently. The single tree was a lofty red cedar. which must have been there when Wollaston landed, as it was a large tree of a long-lived species, and died from age about 1850. The trunk is still (1882) standing; and, though all the bark has dropped of, it measures some 66 inches in circumference. The central part of the above cut, including the tree, has been adopted as a seal for the town of Quincy, with the motto 'MANET'.\"",
    (228, 704): {
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        "original_height": 940,
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        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'Das Schiff "Meerkatze" der Küstenwache IMO number : 7600574 Call Sign : DBFM Gross tonnage : 1812 Year of build : 1977',
    (228, 11260): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 1498,
        "original_width": 993,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Australian (Dual) Power Outlet, utilizing "Insulation Displacement" as a means of connecting to Low Voltage (230 V) supply conductors. (Clipsal Part Number 2025QC. Installation Instructions - ) The instructions molded into the back-plate readː- TO Connect STEP 1:- INSERT CABLE WITHOUT STRIPPING STEP 2:- INSERT SCREWDRIVER STEP 3:- LEVER SCREWDRIVER UNTIL LOCKED REMOVAL:- REVERSE STEPS',
    (232, 2735): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 1349,
        "original_width": 1920,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'Polski: mury spalonego "małego zamku" /zamek Dohnów/ Morąg, ul. Dąbrowskiego 54, Morąg (miasto)',
    (232, 15554): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 1335,
        "original_width": 2000,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Hot spring "Blesi" in Haukadalur, in background geysir "Strokkur", Iceland Photo was taken using the following technique: Film: Fuji Velvia Lens: 2.0/20 Filter: none Body: Minolta 600si Support: Gitzo Monotrek Source: Image with Information in English Bild mit Informationen auf Deutsch',
    (233, 7560): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 2684,
        "original_width": 3578,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": "English: Marshall Field Garden Apartments, an early \"Housing Project\" (possibly non-governmental) on Chicago's near north side. Part of a NRHP Historic District since December 17, 1991. HD includes 1336-1452 N. Sedgwick Street, 1337-1453 N. Hudson Avenue, 400-424 W. Evergreen Street and 401-425 W. Blackhawk Street. This is building is likely 1360 N. Sedgwick (address not completely legible). Note the lamb sculpture at the top of building - this is on all or most of the buildings in the HD. Also note that this is the HQ of Jesse White's Tumbling Team.",
    (246, 8268): {
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        "original_height": 537,
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Joseph de la Vega, José, Josseph or Joseph Penso de la Vega, best known as Joseph de la Vega (ca.1650, Espejo, Spain — November 13, 1692, Amsterdam, Netherlands), was a successful Jewish merchant, poet, and philanthropist residing in 17th century Amsterdam. He became famous for his masterpiece Confusion of Confusions, the oldest book ever written on the stock exchange business. Biography Joseph was born about 1650 in Espejo, a small town in Córdoba province (Andalusia, Spain), into a family of Spanish and Portuguese Jews. He was the son of Isaac Penso Félix and of Esther de la Vega, whose family name he assumed, and who was a relative of the Vegas that founded a Talmudic school in Livorno. His father was a Marrano, who had made a solemn vow in the dungeon of the Inquisition that within a year after regaining his liberty he would openly profess Judaism. This oath he fulfilled in Middelburg after his escape to Antwerp. Isaac, from the time of his marriage until his death, which occurred in February, 1683, distributed 80,000 gulden as tithes from his profits. Penso had four brothers: Abraham, the eldest, who was charitable like his father; Joseph, David, and Raphael, who lived in London. Joseph went while still young to Amsterdam, where he was taught by Isaac Aboab da Fonseca and Moses Raphael de Aguilar. When in his eighteenth year he completed his first Hebrew drama, "Asire ha-Tiḳwah" ("Pardes Shoshannim"), in three acts, which appeared in Amsterdam in 1673 (2d ed., Leghorn, 1770), and in which he allegorically depicted the victory of the will over the passions. He became a respected merchant and an elegant Spanish poet, and filled the honorary offices of president of the Academia de los Sitibundos and secretary of the Academia de los Floridos, founded by Manuel de Belmonte. Penso wrote over 200 letters to different princes and statesmen, and was a prolific author, "the marvel of the academies, who made his work proof against criticism by presenting his subject in ordered form; delicate in his sentiments and of true refinement", as De Barrios ("Arbol de las Vidas", p. 90) characterizes him. Confusion of Confusions (1688) Although not a descriptive account of the process of stock trading, Penso presented the history of speculation in stocks and acquainted the reader with the sophisticated financial instruments used. The dialogue format allowed the reader to understand the respective perspectives of the various market participants and the intricacies of speculation and trading. Penso also came up with four basic rules of the share market that are still of the greatest relevance today: The first rule in speculation is: Never advise anyone to buy or sell shares. Where guessing correctly is a form of witchcraft, counsel cannot be put on airs. The second rule: Accept both your profits and regrets. It is best to seize what comes to hand when it comes, and not expect that your good fortune and the favorable circumstances will last. The third rule: Profit in the share market is goblin treasure: at one moment, it is carbuncles, the next it is coal; one moment diamonds, and the next pebbles. Sometimes, they are the tears that Aurora leaves on the sweet morning\'s grass, at other times, they are just tears. The fourth rule: He who wishes to become rich from this game must have both money and patience. In his honour, the Federation of European Securities Exchanges (FESE) awards since 2000 the annual De La Vega Prize to "young European researchers who distinguish themselves by outstanding research on the securities markets in Europe". Other works Other of his works include: Discurso académico moral. Hecho en la Insigne Academia de los Sitibundos (Amsterdam, 1683; dedicated to Isaac Senior Texeira in Hamburg). Triunfos del águila y eclipses de la luna (ib. 1683). La Rosa, Panegírico Sacro, Hecho en la Insigne Academia de los Sitibundos (ib. 1683). Rumbos peligrosos por donde navega con título de novelas la zozobrante nave de la temeridad (Antwerp, 1684). Discursos académicos, morales, retóricos, y sagrados. Recitados en la Florida Academia de los Floridos (ib. 1685). Retrato de la Prudencia, y simulacro del Valor, al Augusto Monarca Guilielmo Tercero, Rey de la Gran Bretaña (ib. 1690). References This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain: Jewish Encyclopedia. 1901–1906. The article there was written by Isidore Singer and Meyer Kayserling. ^ It is possible to read it in a full view mode here or buy here. ^ FESE\'s website Persondata Name Vega, Joseph de la Alternative names Short description Date of birth 1650 Place of birth Date of death 1692 Place of death Source Description above from the Wikipedia article Joseph de la Vega, licensed under CC-BY-SA full list of contributors here. Community Pages are not affiliated with, or endorsed by, anyone associated with the topic.',
    (253, 6345): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 617,
        "original_width": 414,
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'Français : Paul Saint-Olive, dessin et texte par lui-même, 1866 publié dans son livre "Un original" Éditeur A. Vingtrinier, 1866, 24 p. Bibliothèque municipale de Lyo. Google livres',
    (257, 13272): {
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        "original_height": 1049,
        "original_width": 700,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: *ID#: 11496 Description: In so many ways, gardening is a very beneficial activity, not only for the environment, but for those who partake in this exercise. This man was in the process of applying fertilizer to the base of one of his hardwood trees after having properly read the instructions. Though a very positive activity, gardening exposes the gardener to a number of possible bodily injuries, therefore, using personal protective equipment is always recommended. In this case, this man was wearing gloves, goggles, and a facial respirator, all of which helped to protect him against eye and skin exposure, and pesticide inhalation. He was also wearing jeans that would protect one against the harmful effects of the sun’s rays, abrasions, and insect bites. It’s recommended that sunscreen be applied to skin exposed to the sun, and that a hat, be worn, depending upon a number of activity variables, High Resolution: Right click here and select "Save Target As..." for hi-resolution image (33.60 MB) Content Providers(s): CDC/ Dawn Arlotta Creation Date: 2009 Photo Credit: Cade Martin Links: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR); Homepage Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) Public Health Advisories Categories: CDC Organization Copyright Restrictions: None - This image is in the public domain and thus free of any copyright restrictions. As a matter of courtesy we request that the content provider be credited and notified in any public or private usage of this image.',
    (259, 552): {
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        "original_height": 258,
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        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Darbhanga palace in Varanasi - before demolition (2002), after new construction (2011) Furthur information See Responsible development the present photo is made from Darbhanga palace in Varanasi Back portion of Darbhanga palace in Varanasi - during demolition ) Darbhanga palace in Varanasi Back portion of Darbhanga palace in Varanasi - during demolition (2 floors), during construction (year 2004-2012) and after new construction (4 floors) "The photographic evidence shows that the old building was demolished and what stands now is a much taller and wider construction; and therefore it is completely illegal". Darbhanga palace in Varanasi Back portion of Darbhanga palace in Varanasi - during demolition (2 floors), during construction (year 2004-2012) and after new construction (4 floors) "The photographic evidence shows that the old building was demolished and what stands now is a much taller and wider construction; and therefore it is completely illegal". Darbhanga palace in Varanasi Back portion of Darbhanga palace in Varanasi - during demolition (2 floors), during construction (year 2004-2012) and after new construction (4 floors) "The photographic evidence shows that the old building was demolished and what stands now is a much taller and wider construction; and therefore it is completely illegal". ___________________________ Public Interest Litigation - Allahabad High COurt - PIL 31229 of 2005 - "The photographic evidence below taken by the petitioner clearly shows that the old building is G, G+1 and that the new construction is G, G+1, G+2, G+3 and is therefore completely illegal and that the Respondents 6 to 8 have never shown the Hon’ble High Court these perspectives and these photographs of the Darbhanga Palace." ___________________________________________ INTACH in its 1992 listings and grading of Heritage Buildings on the Ganga riverfront ghats in Varanasi had declared the Darbhanga Palace, located at D-20/17 A, B, C and D-20/16, Munshi Ghat, originally built around 1860, as a heritage building as having Grade 1 status, implying that no modification could be permitted in any portion of the structure of the building. The Darbhanga Palace has been given the Grade 1 status even in the recent list of Heritage Buildings in Varanasi compiled by INTACH-Delhi as part of the Heritage Development Plan that it has prepared for VDA in 2009. INTACH Delhi never did and never could suport the demolition of the old structure of the Darbhanga Palace and the construction of a totally new structure. Instead, the advise of INTACH-Delhi has always been only to restore, rehabilitate and repair the Darbhanga Palace, as is evident in INTACH-Delhi’s letters to VDA dated January 8, 2003 and 10 April 1996, declaring and confirming that the Darbhanga Palace is a “heritage structure/building” and that the owners intend “retaining the original charatcer of the building”. . INTACH-Delhi, in the same letter, goes on to say that the Darbhanga Palace is in an area identified in an INTACH-Delhi study of 1986 as containing “the most valuable ensemble of elements of the heritage to be conserved”. That in the letter INTACH-Delhi further says that “no substantial change to what existed was being attempted except as necessitated by placing internal partitions for defining room and other functional areas”. See Annexure 3 on page # . The owners of the Darbhanga Palace confirmed that they wished to “maintain the original charatcer of the Palace by restoring/preserving the elevation and other salient fatures of the palace. The Darbhanga Palace is located in a heritage zone: The Darbhanga Palace is located on the Ganga riverfront ghats that is a heritage zone as declared by the VDA in its Master Development Plans (2001-2011 and 2013-2031) and where all new construction is prohibited as per the U.P. State government orders of 1998, 2000, 2001; The Darbhanga Palace is located within 300metre radius of an ASI protected monument which is a heritage zone; Since the Darbhanga Palace is a heritage building and is also located in a heritage zone and that since, as per Article 3.2.12 of the 2009 U.P. State Government Compounding bye laws, VDA cannot compound any new construction located in a heritage zone In a response to an RTI query made by the petitioner, the VDA states that the compounding of the new construction of the Darbhanga Palace (as per the map attached in the VDA affidavit dated 18.04.2013) was done in accordance with VDA bye laws of 2008 and U.P. State Government Compounding Bye laws of 2009. The Article 3.2.12 of the U.P. State Government Compounding bye laws of 2009 clearly states that no compounding is permitted in a heritage zone. Therefore, by compounding the new illegal G, G+1, G+2, G+3 construction on the West Side (back side) and South side of the Darbhanga Palace, the VDA has blatantly violated the norms and regulations of the U.P. State Government and has violated the conditional NOC given by ASI that the VDA itself considers an indispensable condition in its own Bye Laws. The Articles 3.1.9 and 3.1.10 of the VDA Bye laws of 2008 clearly state that permission within 200metres of the Ganga riverfront ghats will be given only for repair and restoration and that permission within 300metres of an ASI protected Monument will be given only after ASI issues an NOC. Therefore, by compounding the new illegal G, G+1, G+2, G+3 construction on the West Side (back side) and South side of the Darbhanga Palace, the VDA has blatantly also violated its own bye laws for heritage zones. See Annexure 8 on page # with relevant page of VDA Bye Laws . On all pages of the map of the Darbhanga Palace, attached by VDA to its affidavit of 18.04.2013, it is written “Restoration and reconstruction of Darbhanga Palace into a Heritage Hotel”. That if the Darbhanga Palace was only being restored and rehabiltated, why did VDA even need to compound the building? In the map on pages 74 and 75 of its affidavit dated 18.04.2013, the VDA clearly state that the construction being compounded is a new construction. As per Article 3.2.3. of the VDA bye laws, hotels located in residential areas require 12 metre wide road access. Therefore, as per article 3.2.3. of the VDA bye laws, VDA could not give the permission for “restoration” to the Darbhanga Palace to build a hotel and that this sanctioned map must therefore be considered null and void. The VDA is inconsistent and false in hiding the fact that they have compounded the illegal construction of an entire floor by sometimes stating that it is mezzanine and at other times stating that it is upper level. That in its affidavit dated 18.04.2013 on pg 60, and page 97, the VDA states that the G, G+1, G+2 (mezzanine) and G+2 are new constructions, and then on page 100 as well as the attached map, VDA states it approved the constructions of G, G+1, G+2 (upper level) and G+2. That the new illegal constructions of the Darbhanga Palace are neither mezzanine nor upper level but an entire G+3 floor and that the VDA bye laws do not include any article on a “upper level” construction; The VDA and the respondents 6 to 8, owners of the Darbhanga Palace, are concealing further true facts and are misleading the court about the completely new and illegal G, G+1, G+2, G+3 construction on the West Side (back side) and South side of the Darbhanga Palace, clearly demonstrating that VDA is hand in glove with the owners of the Darbhanga Palace: The Sale Deeds executed in 24 May 1995 by Respondents 6 to 8, for purchase of the Darbhanga Palace, located at D-20/17A, B, C and D-20/16, Munshi Ghat, clearly states that the orignal building of the Darbhanga Palace was only one floor. The Tax Assessment of the Nagar Nigam Varanasi for the Darbhanga Palace, located at D-20/17A, B, C and D-20/16, Munshi Ghat, clearly states that the building is a 2 floor construction. Despite the Darbhanga Palace being located within 300 metres of an ASI protected monument, the VDA have never ever asked the Darbhanga Palace owners to seek an NOC from the ASI neither before approving the building/construction map in 1997 and neither before rendering once again valid the same map on 26.05.2001. Despite the FIRs filed by ASI that clearly showed that the owners of the Darbhanga Palace were building illegal constructions, by going ahead to compound the same building, VDA violated the very NOC of the ASI and ignored the FIRs filed by ASI (in July 2003 and 8 April 2005); See Annexure 12 on page for the FIRs filed by ASI and See Annexure 13 on page for the NOC given by ASI for the restoration of the Darbhanga Palace The affidavit dated 22 April 2013 and in earlier affidavits, the Respondents 6 to 8 have never shown the old photographs (giving clear persepctive of the building) of the West (Back side) and of the South Side portion of their building, as instead is clearly visible in the old photographs below taken by the petitioner, that they completely demolished and on which they made a completely new higher and bigger construction. VDA has, without appropriate justifications, violated the orders issued by Mr. Bhullar, then Vice Chairman of VDA, in a letter dated 27 Feb 2001, cancelling the approval of the map for the Darbhanga Palace proposed in 1997, stating that as per the Government Order of 31 July 2000, no hotel construction would be permitted along the River Ganga in areas that are connected with pilgrimage and religious beliefs and that the previous approved plan of 26 April 1997 thereby stood cancelled. The fact of VDA repeatedly sealing the Darbhanga Palace since the latter continued to make illegal constructions (for ex: in 23.06.2003, 16.04.2005), violating NOCs and laws, government orders, is in itself evident that the VDA has considered the construction as illegal right from 2001. The owners of the Darbhanga Palace, located at D-20/17A, B, C and D-20/16, Munshi Ghat, have continued to build and complete a totally new and illegal G, G+1, G+2, G+3 construction on the West Side (back side) and South side of the Darbhanga Palace, violating the NOCs given by ASI and VDA as is evident in the FIRs filed by ASI and violating the judgment given by the Hon’ble High Court of Allahabad and as is evident in the photographs. The owners of the Darbhanga Palace violated (as is evident from the photographs below), the FIRs filed by ASI and the NOC given by ASI, on 20 July 2004, that included the following conditions: i. The outward appearance and original height of the building must remain unchanged ii. No alterations and modifications can be made and original texture of the building must remain the same iii. No hoarding must be placed over the monument iv. Any structure of historical importance which has been in existence for more than 75 years must not be demolished v. The building must be utilised only for the purposes for which the license was requested: restoration, conservation and renovation vi. Appropriate breathing space should be ensured around the building B. the owners of the Darbhanga Palace violated (as is evident from the photographs below) the conditions of VDA, as stated in its letter of 14 August 2001, (see Annexure 15 on pg ): i. permission given to the building was only for restoration/ rehabilitation, ii. name of the palace must not be changed, iii. approval was not for making a hotel; iv. owners would have to take a license for utilising the building as a hotel. The owners of the Darbhanga Palace violated (as is evident from the photographs below) the VDA approval letter for rehabilitation of the Darbhanga Palace, dated 3 March 2005, the VDA explicitly stated that: i. all construction in the Darbhanga Palace must be absolutely the same as the previous construction; ii. if, under any condition, the rehabilitation/ construction is not according to permission granted, the map will be considered cancelled. iii. Rehabilitation has to compulsorily be according to the conditions laid down in the NOC given by ASI on 20 July 2004 (see points 8, 9, 10 and 11 in Annexure 16 on page ) D. the owners of the Darbhanga Palace also violated the judgement made, on 22 Jan 2008, by the judge bench comprising Justice Amitava Lala and Justice V.C. Mishra, permitting the owners of the Darbhanga palace to only remodel/ restructure the building with appropriate sanction of VDA, thus committing a “Contempt of Court”. In Para 17 of the affidavit, dated 22 April 2013, submitted to the Hon’ble High Court, the owners of the Darbhanga Palace (Respondents 6 to 8) say that they have restored the building “to its original place by reconstruction of demolished area”. That in para 21, they continue to talk of “restoration” of their building and go on to say that the Hon’ble High Court order dated 18.01.2008 (on writ petition of owners 71449 of 2005) permitted respondents to go ahead with “restoration”. That in Para 22, they further say that there was no modiication in the original structure. That if there was no modification in the building and it still retains its original shape, why was there need for VDA to compound the building. The photographic evidence below taken by the petitioner clearly shows that the old building is G, G+1 and that the new construction is G, G+1, G+2, G+3 and is therefore completely illegal and that the Respondents 6 to 8 have never shown the Hon’ble High Court these perspectives and these photographs of the Darbhanga Palace.',
    (259, 6070): {
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        "original_height": 867,
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: "Drawn by N.E. Kinney C.E. Lexington N.C. 1917. George F. Cram Company, Chicago." Abstract Printed in color, mounted on linen. Townships designated by color. Map shows school districts, mills, churches, retail stores, rural mail routes, African American churches, townships, landowners, schools, African American schools, dairies, tenants, and railroads including the Southern Railway and the "Proposed Statesville Air Line Railway." Townships shown include New Hope, Union Grove, Eagle Mills, Sharpsburg, Olin, Turnersburg, Concord, Bethany, Cool Springs, Shiloh, Statesville, Chambersburg, Fallstown, Barringers, Davidson, and Coddle Creek.',
    (263, 623): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 622,
        "original_width": 979,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Title Female missionary in rickshaw, Congo, c. 1920-1930 Description Black and white lantern slide showing an unnamed European female missionary sitting in a rickshaw or garetta on a road near property of the Congo Balolo Mission. One Congolese man in a suit and pith helmet holds the front end of the rickshaw, whilst another man in a shirt and trousers stands at the rear. Both men are barefoot. The female missionary wears a light dress, stockings and shoes and a large pith helmet. The slide is captioned "J.J.M", which may refer to the J J Murray Conference. This slide comes from a collection generated by missionaries working for the Congo Balolo Mission, a mission begun in 1889 under the supervision of the East London Training Institute for Home and Foreign Missions that developed into the interdenominational evangelical mission Regions Beyond Missionary Union after 1900. Subject (genre) portraits Subject (lcsh) Women missionaries Rickshaws Subject (unesco) Road transport Subject (corporate name) Congo Balolo Mission Geographic subject roadways Geographic subject (country) Congo Geographic subject (continent) Africa Coverage date 1920/1930 Photographer Unknown Publisher (of the digital version) University of Southern California. Libraries Date created 1920/1930 Format (aacr2) lantern slides 8.2 x 8.2cm Format (aat) lantern slides photographs Part of collection International Mission Photography Archive, ca.1860-ca.1960 Part of subcollection Photographs from the Centre for the Study of World Christianity, University of Edinburgh, U.K., ca.1900-ca.1940s Part of series Regions Beyond Missionary Union. Congo Lantern Slides (CSCNWW33/OS10) File CSCNWW33/OS10/67 Rights Contact the repository for details. Physical access Repository name Centre for the Study of World Christianity Repository address The University of Edinburgh School of Divinity, New College, Mound Place, Edinburgh EH1 2LX, United Kingdom Repository email Filename IMP-CSCNWW33-OS10-67.tif Archival file Volume2/IMP-CSCNWW33-OS10-67.tif',
    (266, 13386): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": "English: Author Stanford's Geographical Establishment Date 1873 Short Title Sutro Tunnel And The Comstock Lode State Of Nevada Publisher Stanford's Geographical Establishment Publisher Location London Type Separate Map Obj Height cm 57 Obj Width cm 55 Scale 1 33,240 Note Color map measuring 42x32.5, with two profiles on one sheet. Relief shown by contour lines. State/Province Nevada County Storey County Lyon Region Comstock Lode Region Sutro Tunnel Subject Mining Full Title Topographical Map Showing the Locations of the Sutro Tunnel And The Comstock Lode State Of Nevada, United States Of America. Reduced and Compiled from U. States Govt. Surveys &c. at Stanford's Geographical Estabt. London, June, 1873. (with) Profile Of Sutro Tunnel ... Lithographed at Stanford's Geogl. Estabt., London. (with) Longitudinal Section Of The Comstock Lode, Shewing The Workings And Their Relative Depths, To The Sutro Tunnel. List No 5303.001 Series No 1 Publication Author Stanford's Geographical Establishment Pub Date 1873 Pub Title Topographical Map Showing the Locations of the Sutro Tunnel And The Comstock Lode State Of Nevada, United States Of America. Reduced and Compiled from U. States Govt. Surveys &c. at Stanford's Geographical Estabt. London, June, 1873. (with) Profile Of Sutro Tunnel ... Lithographed at Stanford's Geogl. Estabt., London. (with) Longitudinal Section Of The Comstock Lode, Shewing The Workings And Their Relative Depths, To The Sutro Tunnel. Pub Note One map measuring 42x32.5, with two profiles on one sheet. Pub List No 5303.000 Pub Type Separate Map Pub Height cm 57 Pub Width cm 55 Image No 5303001 Download 1 <a href= target=_blank>Full Image Download in MrSID Format</a> Download 2 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">GeoViewer for JP2 and SID files</a> Authors Stanford's Geographical Establishment",
    (266, 15494): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: 2012 Olympic Torch Relay Through Earlston - Image #4, CTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" id="geograph"> <head> <title>2012 Olympic Torch Relay Through Earlston - Image #4:: OS grid NT5738 :: Geograph Britain and Ireland - photograph every grid square!</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <meta name="description" content="The Torch Bearers\' coach heads along the High Street in Earlston." /> <meta name="ICBM" content="55.638552064606, -2.6755892704522"/> <meta name="DC.title" content="Geograph:: 2012 Olympic Torch Relay Through Earlston - Image #4:: OS grid NT5738"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Monitor" href="" media="screen" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href=""/> <link rel="alternate" type="application/" href="/photo/2994795.kml"/> <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Geograph Britain and Ireland search" href="/stuff/osd.xml" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> </head> <body> <a title="Geograph home page" href="/">Geograph - photograph every grid square</a> <a title="Grid Reference NT5738 :: 41 images" href="/gridref/NT5738">NT5738</a> : 2012 Olympic Torch Relay Through Earlston - Image #4 near to Earlston, Scottish Borders, Great Britain.',
    (268, 221): {
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        "original_height": 332,
        "original_width": 500,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": "English: Pantabangan, Nueva Ecija[1] [2]Land Area: 392.56 km² ZIP Code: 3124 Coordinates: 15°49'22\"N 121°9'22\"E[3][4] Mayor Romeo V. Borja, Sr. V.Vice-Mayor,Romeo Jr R. Borja.[5] Pantabangan, Nueva Ecija Pantabangan, Nueva Ecija The serene blue-sky glimpses the 1.61 kilometer long dam enveloped by the picturesque view of Sierra Madre Mountains. The dam's clear water with an average yearly in the sanctuary of tropical marine life and an inviting site for jetskiing and fishing. Pantabangan offers not only its enormous man-made lake but also its guesthouse, the Best View Hotel and Restaurant. With its Spa and Beauty Cottage Salon, swimming pool, tennis courts and water sports amenities, the tourists and guest enjoy the luxury and beauty of the placid scenery of the dam. [6][7] [8]First Gen Hydro Power Corporation (FG Hydro) owns and operates the Pantabangan-Masiway Hydroelectric Complex (PMHEP). The Pantabangan and Masiway plants are cascading hydroelectric power plants located in Nueva Ecija. Commissioned in 1977 and 1981, respectively, the Pantabangan and Masiway plants are part of a multipurpose hydro complex that supplies irrigation water for the vast rice fields of Nueva Ecija.",
    (268, 8556): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: MUGHLAI KEEMA PARATHA (This bread is a variation of the “Mughalai Paratha”, says Chinmay. It is made with a keema stuffing, and cooked with an egg wash.) Yield: 12 parathas Flour 500 grams Chicken 250 grams Oil To fry Onions 100 grams Ginger garlic paste 20 grams Green chillies 10 grams Black pepper 4 grams Cumin powder 5 grams Garam masala 5 grams Coriander powder 5 grams Method: For The Filling: • Heat the cooking oil in a wok or deep pan, on medium heat. • Add the cumin seeds and fry for 1 minute. Add the onions now. Fry till they turn a pale golden colour. • Add the ginger and garlic pastes and fry for 1 minute. • Add the minced meat and all the powdered spices - coriander, cumin, garam masala and salt to taste. • Continue to brown the minced meat, stirring often to prevent burning. This should take about 5-7 minutes. • Add the tomatoes, stir and cook till they are soft. • Turn the fire off, add the lime juice and stir. • Garnish with chopped coriander leaves and serve with hot chapatis or parathas. For the dough: • In a large bowl, combine the flour and salt. Add the milk gradually and knead. Once the milk is used up, add water. Knead well to make a medium-soft, smooth dough. Wet your hand and rub all over the surface of the dough. Cover with a damp cloth and keep aside for 15 minutes. • Whisk the eggs with salt to taste and keep aside. • Divide the dough into equal-sized balls and then press flat. On a floured surface, roll a ball out into a 4" circle. Put a large spoonful of the “Masala Kheema” in the center of the circle and fold edges of circle up to completely cover and seal the stuffing inside. Pinch the folds to shut. • Gently press down on the filled ball to flatten it and then roll it, with very gentle pressure, into a 6" circle. • Heat a griddle on a medium flame till hot. Put a paratha on it. Cook till you see tiny bubbles appearing on the upper surface. Now flip. • Wait for bubbles to appear on the surface that is now on top. Grease this surface with a little ghee/ cooking oil and flip again. • Brush the surface now on top with some egg and flip again. Grease the other side and brush egg on it also. • Cook till done, and take off the flame. Made by a student of the Department of Culinary Arts, WGSHA, Manipal University',
    (269, 15212): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": "The largest of its kind Star clusters are commonly featured in cosmic photoshoots, and are also well-loved by the keen eye of the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. These large gatherings of celestial gems are striking sights — and the subject of this Picture of the Week, Messier 2, is certainly no exception. Messier 2 is located in the constellation of Aquarius (The Water-Bearer), about 55 000 light-years away. It is a globular cluster, a spherical group of stars all tightly bound together by gravity. With a diameter of roughly 175 light-years, a population of 150 000 stars, and an age of 13 billion years, Messier 2 is one of the largest clusters of its kind and one of the oldest associated with the Milky Way. This Hubble image of Messier 2’s core was created using visible and infrared light. Most of the cluster’s mass is concentrated at its centre, with shimmering streams of stars extending outwards into space. It is bright enough that it can even be seen with the naked eye when observing conditions are extremely good. Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, G. Piotto et al. Coordinates Position (RA): 21 33 27.20 Position (Dec): 0° 49' 21.79\" Field of view: 2.43 x 2.44 arcminutes Orientation: North is 12.8° right of vertical Colours & filters Band Wavelength Telescope Ultraviolet UV 275 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Optical u 336 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Optical B 438 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 .",
    (271, 2804): {
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        "original_height": 863,
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        "caption_attribution_description": "English: Uhub vase inscription",
    (272, 6078): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'Catalogusnr. 160458 Datering 01/01/1913 - 31/12/1913 Beschrijving Gezicht op de spoorpont over de Rijn te Welle (Duitsland, spoorlijn Elten - Kleve), met een stoomlocomotief uit de serie 500 van de S.S. (later serie 6800 van de N.S.) Vervaardiger Nederlandse Spoorwegen (fotograaf) Opmerkingen Afbeelding behoort tot de Collectie De Pater. Repro van een foto in het gedenkboek "Maatschappij tot Exploitatie van Staatsspoorwegen 1863-1913" (bibl. HUA NS DF 14) Soort beeldmateriaal Fotografische documenten Categorie Maatschappelijk leven Topografie Negatief NS 206 Reproductienegatief',
    (275, 7843): {
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        "original_height": 651,
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        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": "English: Periódico El Eco del Comercio, Ponce, Puerto Rico, edicion de 5 de Julio de 1852",
    (283, 11413): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: One of the first images from the new VIMOS facility, obtained right after the moment of "first light" on Ferbruary 26, 2002. It shows the famous "Antennae Galaxies" (NGC 4038/9), the result of a recent collision between two galaxies. As an immediate outcome of this dramatic event, stars are born within massive complexes that appear blue in this composite photo, based on exposures through green, orange and red optical filters. Individual exposures of 60 seconds each; image quality 0.6 arcsec FWHM; the field measures 3.5 x 3.5 arcmin2. North is up and East is left. ID: 09a-02 Press Release: 04/02 Object: NGC 4038 Telescope: UT3/Melipal Instrument: VIMOS',
    (285, 15173): {
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        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Title Cleveland Flats: Lumber Yard Subject Cleveland (Ohio)--Photographs Flats (Cleveland, Ohio)--Photographs Description Showing a lumber yard in the Cleveland Flats. Next to high stacks of lumber is a railroad car that bears the initials C.C.C. & S.L. (Cleveland Cincinnati Chicago and St. Louis Railway) and the words "Big Four." The Cleveland Cincinnati Chicao and St. Louis Railway company was known as the Big Four. A man can be seen atop the lumber pile on the railroad car. Date (Alpha) 1912 Date 1912 Type Still Image Original Format Photographs Format Note Photograph, silver gelatin developed-out print,6-5/16 H x 9/38ub W. Digital Format image/jpeg Location Cleveland (Ohio) Cuyahoga County (Ohio) Ohio Original Collection Cleveland Picture Collection Location of Original Cleveland Public Library. Photograph Collection. Standardized Rights Statement Rights This work is free of known copyright. For more information, please go to: Rights License Public Domain Mark 1.0 Data Provider Cleveland Public Library Identifier cp0 2847Flats',
    (286, 15824): {
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        "original_height": 480,
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Bridge carrying St Werburgh\'s Road over the Fallowfield Loop Cycleway, CTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" id="geograph"> <head> <title>Bridge carrying St Werburgh\'s Road over the Fallowfield Loop Cycleway:: OS grid SJ8293 :: Geograph Britain and Ireland - photograph every grid square!</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <meta name="description" content="Since this photo was taken this section of disused railway line has been re-opened as part of the Metrolink tram network. The cycle path has been re-aligned to run under the previously unused bridge span to the left of the photo." /> <meta name="ICBM" content="53.438874643926, -2.2679132579945"/> <meta name="DC.title" content="Geograph:: Bridge carrying St Werburgh\'s Road over the Fallowfield Loop Cycleway:: OS grid SJ8293"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Monitor" href="" media="screen" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href=""/> <link rel="alternate" type="application/" href="/photo/1675562.kml"/> <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Geograph Britain and Ireland search" href="/stuff/osd.xml" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> </head> <body> <a title="Geograph home page" href="/">Geograph - photograph every grid square</a> <a title="Grid Reference SJ8293 :: 116 images" href="/gridref/SJ8293">SJ8293</a> : Bridge carrying St Werburgh\'s Road over the Fallowfield Loop Cycleway near to Withington, Manchester, Great Britain.',
    (294, 11388): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Illustraion of Corydalis marschalliana from the book: "Icones selectae plantarum quas in systemate universali : ex herbariis parisiensibus, praesertim ex Lessertiano." Author: Delessert, Benjamin. Published in Paris 1823 Українська: Ілюстрація Corydalis marschalliana — Ряст Маршаллів.',
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Image of a claviharp, a keyboard and harp combined. Posted at "" from a 1891 source: Title Scientific American Supplement Volumes 643, 647, 664, 711, 717, 787, 794, 795, 799 and 803 Author Various Authors Publisher Munn & Co. Year 1888-1891 Copyright 1891, Munn & Co.',
    (303, 11735): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Composite colour-coded image of the "grand design" spiral galaxy NGC 6118, at a distance of 80 million light-years. It is based on images obtained with the multi-mode VIMOS instrument on the ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT) in three different wavebands. The image covers 6.7 x 5.8 square arcminutes on the sky. North is up and East is to the left. ID: phot-33a-04 Press Photo: 33/04 Object: NGC 6118 Telescope: UT3/Melipal Instrument: VIMOS Size: 1996x1710 Credit: ESO',
    (306, 2191): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": "English: Eastern Orthodox Church faithfuls by country according to \"Religious Characteristics of States Dataset Project: Demographics v. 2.0 (RCS-Dem 2.0)\" by The Association of Religion Data Archives ( Statistic Data for 2015 from: . Data Principal Investigators: Dr. Davis Brown, Nonresident Fellow, Baylor University Institute for Studies of Religion; Dr. Patrick James, Dornsife Dean's Professor of International Relations, University of Southern California. Map based on World blank map countries.PNG. 95,0% Moldova 88,8% Serbia 80,4% Greece 79,7% Georgia 78,8% Romania 77,9% Bulgaria 72,1% Montenegro 68,9% Ukraine 65,1% Cyprus 57,4% Macedonia 50,3% Belarus 44,1% Russia 37,0% Bosnia-Herzegovina 20,0% Latvia 18,7% Kazakhstan 17,5% Estonia 6,9% Northern Cyprus 5,9% Kyrgyzstan 5,5% Albania 4,9% Lithuania 4,5% Croatia 4,4% Lebanon 2,4% Switzerland 2,3% Australia 2,3% Slovenia 2,0% Austria 1,9% Canada 1,8% Chile 1,8% USA 1,7% Germany 1,6% Azerbaijan 1,4% Kenya 1,4% Ireland 1,3% Poland 1,2% Liechtenstein 1,1% Finland 1,1% Uruguay 1,1% Sweden 1,0% Jordan 0,9% Kosovo 0,9% Tajikistan 0,9% Slovakia 0,8% United Kingdom 0,7% Португалія 0,7% Turkmenistan 0,7% Palestinian state 0,6% Uzbekistan 0,6% Belgium 0,6% Syria 0,5% Israel 0,5% France 0,5% South Africa 0,4% Cuba 0,3% Argentina 0,3% Cote d'Ivoir 0,3% Armenia 0,3% Iceland 0,3% New Zealand 0,3% Libya 0,3% Norway 0,3% Luxembourg 0,2% Italy 0,2% Denmark 0,2% Monaco 0,2% Czech Republic 0,2% United Arab Emirates 0,2% Paraguay 0,2% Barbados 0,2% Netherlands 0,1% Hungary 0,1% Madagaskar 0,1% Channel Islands 0,1% Bahamas 0,1% Mexico 0,1% Venezuela 0,1% Brasil 0,1% Mongolia 0,1% Uganda 0,1% Turkey 0,1% Bolivia 0,1% Honduras",
    (316, 14856): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 247,
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        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": "English: 1903 Yale 12 HP Model B Detachable Tonneau; a 2 cylinder car selling for $1750. Image is from an advertisement for the Kirtk Manufacturing company's \"Yale\" car. From the Google Books archive: Title McClure's magazine ..., Volume 20 Publisher S. S. McClure, Limited, 1903",
    (318, 15841): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 1624,
        "original_width": 2437,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Building 17, RCA Victor Company, Camden Plant, aka "The Nipper Building," on the NRHP since October 4, 2002. At 1 Market Street, Camden, New Jersey. Used to produce RCA Victor Records and has the dog "Nipper" in a stained-glass window in the tower. It was converted to luxury apartments and retail space in 2004. 39°56′51″N 75°7′38″W Camden',
    (325, 414): {
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        "original_height": 2808,
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Discovered by astronomer William Herschel in the late 1700s, NGC 201 is a barred spiral galaxy similar to our own galaxy, the Milky Way. It lies 200 million light-years from Earth in the constellation of Cetus (The Sea Monster), and is invisible to the naked eye. This new NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image of NGC 201 shows the galaxy in striking detail, capturing the bright centre and the barred spiral arms — arms that do not start directly from the galactic centre, but instead seem to be offset and stem from a "bar" of stars cutting through the middle of the galaxy. Along with three of its closest galactic neighbours (outside the frame), NGC 201 belongs to a group known as the HCG 7 compact galactic group. Hickson Compact Groups (HCG) are relatively small and isolated systems containing a handful of bright, compact galaxies that lie close to one another. As the galaxies within these groups move closer together they interact strongly, dragging galactic material out into space and distorting the structure of the other group members. Eventually, all the galaxies within one HCG will merge together. Simulations have shown that within a billion years, the galaxies within one HCG have merged to form a giant fossil galaxy. It is possible that this is the final fate of all galactic groups. A version of this image was submitted to the Hubble\'s Hidden Treasures image processing competition by contestant Luca Limatola. About the Object Name: HCG 7, NGC 201 Type: • Local Universe : Galaxy : Type : Spiral • Local Universe : Galaxy : Type : Barred • Local Universe : Galaxy : Grouping : Multiple • X - Galaxies Images/Videos Distance: 200 million light years Colours & filters Band Wavelength Telescope Optical B 435 nm Hubble Space Telescope ACS Optical V 606 nm Hubble Space Telescope ACS Infrared I 814 nm Hubble Space Telescope ACS .',
    (325, 11465): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'You can reproduce this in graphviz as follows digraph G { splines="FALSE"; /* entities */ Twin1 [label="Twin1", shape=box] Twin2 [label="Twin2", shape=box] A1 [label="A"] C1 [label="C"] E1 [label="E"] A2 [label="A"] C2 [label="C"] E2 [label="E"] /* relationships */ A1 -> Twin1 [label="37.2"] C1 -> Twin1 [label="1.9 "] E1 -> Twin1 [label="5.0"] A1 -> A2 [dir=both label="1 / 0.5"] C1 -> C2 [dir=both label="1"] A2 -> Twin2 [label="37.2"] C2 -> Twin2 [label="1.9"] E2 -> Twin2 [label="5.0"] /* ranks */ { rank=max; Twin1; Twin2}; /* max is bottom */ { rank=min; A1; C1; E1; A2; C2; E2;}; /* max is bottom */ } /* Danish male data (a representative population of eight independent multinational cohorts reported in Silventoinen et al (2003) Reference: K. Silventoinen, S. Sammalisto, M. Perola, D. I. Boomsma, B. K. Cornes, C. Davis, L. Dunkel, M. De Lange, J. R. Harris, J. V. Hjelmborg, M. Luciano, N. G. Martin, J. Mortensen, L. Nistico, N. L. Pedersen, A. Skytthe, T. D. Spector, M. A. Stazi, G. Willemsen and J. Kaprio. (2003). Heritability of adult body height: a comparative study of twin cohorts in eight countries. Twin Research, 6, 399-408. 10.1375/136905203770326402 */',
    (328, 7504): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": "English: File ID f106p1254 Creator Taylor, Eugene Date.Digital 2002-06-21 Date.Original 1910-1911 Description George Julian Zolnay had just completed the lions for Edward Gardner Lewis' Lion Gates when he became director of the People's University's Art Academy and head of the sculpture division. In this photograph, he is in the studio with several of the sculpture honor students. Christian Kiehl is on the left at the high bench. Caroline Risque is on the left working on a piece of sculpture on a stool. Zolnay is seated at the desk just right of center. Nancy Coonsman is kneeling on the far right. The large pieces of sculpture in the room are Zolnay's work. Source Photograph, mounted on scrapbook paper, upper right corner torn, 9.37\" by 7.20\" Subject University City (Mo.)--Pictorial Works Subject Zolnay, George Julian, 1863- Subject Coonsman, Nancy Subject Kiehl, Christina Subject Risque, Caroline Subject Art Academy (University City, Mo.) Subject Art Academy Building-Interior (University City, Mo.) Subject People's University (University City, Mo.) Subject.Keyword Sculpture Subject.Keyword People--Missouri--University City Title George Julian Zolnay with sculpture students at Art Academy of People's University",
    (329, 5679): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": "Colliding galaxies Located in the constellation of Hercules, about 230 million light-years away, NGC 6052 is a pair of colliding galaxies. They were first discovered in 1784 by William Herschel and were originally classified as a single irregular galaxy because of their odd shape. However, we now know that NGC 6052 actually consists of two galaxies that are in the process of colliding. This particular image of NGC 6052 was taken using the Wide Field Camera 3 on the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. A long time ago gravity drew the two galaxies together into the chaotic state we now observe. Stars from within both of the original galaxies now follow new trajectories caused by the new gravitational effects. However, actual collisions between stars themselves are very rare as stars are very small relative to the distances between them (most of a galaxy is empty space). Eventually things will settle down and one day the two galaxies will have fully merged to form a single, stable galaxy. Our own galaxy, the Milky Way, will undergo a similar collision in the future with our nearest galactic neighbour, the Andromeda Galaxy. Although this is not expected to happen for around 4 billion years so there is nothing to worry about just yet. This object was previously observed by Hubble with its old WFPC2 camera. That image was released in 2015. Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, A. Adamo et al. Coordinates Position (RA): 16 5 12.53 Position (Dec): 20° 32' 30.43\" Field of view: 1.62 x 1.28 arcminutes Orientation: North is 45.0° left of vertical Colours & filters Band Wavelength Telescope Optical U 336 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Optical B 438 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Optical V 555 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Optical H-alpha 665 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Optical I 814 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 .",
    (331, 12285): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Giovanni Boccaccio, translated by Laurent de Premierfait "Des Cas des nobles hommes et femmes (De casibus virorum illustrium in French translation)"- f. 464 Origin - Netherlands, S. (Bruges), BL Royal 14 E V',
    (332, 351): {
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        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Name: “XXXVII EUROPEAN MEN’S BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP” Issue date: 2011 01 22 Description: After a 72 years break Lithuania will host the European Men’s Basketball Championship of 2011, which will be held from August 31 until September 18. The 24 strongest European men’s basketball teams will compete for medals and qualify for the London 2012 Olympic Games. The most outstanding European basketball players will show their talent for the residents and guests of six Lithuanian cities. The group matches of the tournament will be played in Alytus, Klaipėda, Šiauliai and Panevėžys. Afterwards the strongest 12 teams of the Old Continent will gather in Vilnius and the champion and prize winners will be announced in the new Kaunas Arena, which is the largest arena in the Baltic countries. Artist E. Paukštytė. Offset. Art paper. Stamp – 32,25x26 mm. Perf.14¼x14. Sheet of 9 stamps (3x3). The upper and lower margins of a sheet are with inscription. Face value: 2,45 Lt. Edition: 180 000. Printed in "Österreichische Staatsdruckerei GmbH" printing-house in Austria (Vienna). Price LTL: 2.45 Lietuvių: Pavadinimas: „XXXVII EUROPOS VYRŲ KREPŠINIO ČEMPIONATAS“ Išleidimo metai: 2011 01 22 Aprašymas: 2011 metais po 72 metų pertraukos Lietuvoje vėl vyks Europos vyrų krepšinio čempionatas. Šių metų rugpjūčio 31–rugsėjo 18 dienomis Lietuvoje susirinks 24 stipriausios Europos vyrų krepšinio rinktinės, kurios kovos dėl medalių ir kelialapių į 2012 metų Londono olimpines žaidynes. Geriausius Europos krepšinio talentus galės išvysti net šešių Lietuvos miestų gyventojai ir svečiai, atvyksiantys iš užsienio. Pirmojo etapo čempionato varžybos vyks Alytuje, Klaipėdoje, Šiauliuose ir Panevėžyje. Vėliau 12 stipriausių senojo žemyno rinktinių susirinks Vilniuje, o čempionas ir prizininkai paaiškės Kaune, naujoje ir didžiausioje Baltijos šalyse arenoje. Dail. E. Paukštytė. Ofsetas. Kreidinis popierius. Ženklas 32,25x26 mm. Lapelyje 9 ženklai. 2,45 Lt – Skriejantis kamuolys. Tiražas: 0,18 mln.. Spausdina „Österreichische Staatsdruckerei GmbH“ spaustuvė Austrijoje, Vienoje. Kaina LTL: 2.45',
    (344, 13688): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'Deutsch: «Дон Кихот и Санчо Пансе. Звезды и золото» "Don Quijote und Sancho Pansa. Sterne und Gold" х. м. 1980 142х75',
    (347, 8245): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Abbey Pumping Station - Cylinder heads, <title>Abbey Pumping Station - Cylinder heads:: OS grid SK5806 :: Geograph Britain and Ireland - photograph every grid square!</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <meta name="description" content="One of many shots taken with varying degrees of shutter speed, appeture etc. The lighting was poor and bright lights in the distance glared me out heavily. This one is OK for my on camera flash. The two cylinders for this compund... more" /> <meta name="ICBM" content="52.654926337016, -1.1305720580145"/> <meta name="DC.title" content="Geograph:: Abbey Pumping Station - Cylinder heads:: OS grid SK5806"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Monitor" href="" media="screen" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico"/> <link rel="alternate" type="application/" href="/photo/2719826.kml"/> <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Geograph Britain and Ireland search" href="/stuff/osd.xml" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> </head> <body> <a title="Geograph home page" href="/">Geograph - photograph every grid square</a> <a title="Grid Reference SK5806 :: 98 images" href="/gridref/SK5806">SK5806</a> : Abbey Pumping Station - Cylinder heads near to Leicester, Great Britain.',
    (353, 5185): {
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        "original_height": 1716,
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        "mime_type": "image/png",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Homicide Rates in high-income OECD countries, 2010. Graph sums gun-related homicide rates and non-gun-related homicide rates. Countries are ordered based on increasing total homicide rates. Source of raw data: (March 2016). "Violent Death Rates: The US Compared with Other High-income OECD Countries, 2010". The American Journal of Medicine 129 (3): 266–273. DOI:10.1016/j.amjmed.2015.10.025. (Table 4). (PDF). Footnote, with links, is below.[1] Country Firearm Homicide Rate Non-Firearm Homicide Rate Total Homicide Rate U. S. A. 3.6 1.7 5.3 Czech Rep. 0.1 2.4 2.6 Finland 0.3 1.6 1.9 Canada 0.5 1 1.5 Hungary 0.1 1.4 1.5 S. Korea 0 1.3 1.3 New Zealand 0.2 1.1 1.2 Slovakia 0.2 1 1.2 Australia 0.2 0.9 1.1 Belgium 0.3 0.7 1.1 Portugal 0.5 0.5 1 Netherlands 0.2 0.7 0.9 Sweden 0.2 0.7 0.9 Denmark 0.2 0.6 0.8 Ireland 0.4 0.5 0.8 Italy 0.3 0.4 0.8 Norway 0 0.6 0.7 Spain 0.1 0.6 0.7 France 0.2 0.4 0.6 Germany 0.1 0.5 0.6 Austria 0.2 0.4 0.5 Japan 0 0.3 0.3 U. K. 0 0.3 0.3',
    (354, 3516): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Relief sculture at old US Court House and Post Office Building at 9th and Markets Streets, Market East neighborhood of Center City, Philadelphia, PA. The building is on the NRHP since October 19, 1990. The relief - "Mail Delivery" (West - Cowboy - One of Four) is by Edmond Amateis from 1941, while he worked for the PWA (Progress Works Administration - i.e. the Feds) at U.S. Post Office and Court House. Made from Granite, 108 x 120 in. Owned by the Federal Government via the General Services Administration',
    (355, 3306): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 600,
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        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: St Werburgh\'s Road Metrolink station, Chorlton, CTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" id="geograph"> <head> <title>St Werburgh\'s Road Metrolink station, Chorlton:: OS grid SJ8293 :: Geograph Britain and Ireland - photograph every grid square!</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <meta name="description" content="The South Manchester Line opened as far as the new stop near St Werburgh\'s Road in July 2011. The line uses part of the trackbed of the former South District heavy rail line, last used by passenger traffic in the 1960s. To the... more" /> <meta name="ICBM" content="53.438789472241, -2.2658052328698"/> <meta name="DC.title" content="Geograph:: St Werburgh\'s Road Metrolink station, Chorlton:: OS grid SJ8293"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Monitor" href="" media="screen" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href=""/> <link rel="alternate" type="application/" href="/photo/2553190.kml"/> <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Geograph Britain and Ireland search" href="/stuff/osd.xml" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> </head> <body> <a title="Geograph home page" href="/">Geograph - photograph every grid square</a> <a title="Grid Reference SJ8293 :: 116 images" href="/gridref/SJ8293">SJ8293</a> : St Werburgh\'s Road Metrolink station, Chorlton near to Withington, Manchester, Great Britain.',
    (358, 3887): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 2766,
        "original_width": 4150,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: Davenport, Scott County, Iowa Police Department Headquarters. The "bridge of sighs" to the left leads straight to the court house. This was the site of the Walsh Flats/Langworth Building on the NRHP since April 5, 1984. At 320-330 W. 4th St., Davenport, IA. Was a c lassical Revival style apartment block from 1910',
    (361, 11049): {
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        "mime_type": "image/png",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'An early silver kasu of Rajendra Chola (the Chola dynasty, south India). Original "Seated Tiger" design is (also used in a gold fanam coin) seen. Obverse: Tiger (Chola symbol) seated right faces towards two upright fishes (Pandya symbol) with Bow (Chera symbol) behind and the Umbrella above. Reverse: Uttama/Chola - in Nagari script. The coin is discussed by C. H. Biddulph in his 1966 monogram on Coins of the Cholas. In his catalog he lists this coin #26 as by Rajendra I (1012-1044 AD) after he assumed the title Uttama Chola. Michael Mitchiner (#713-725) notes that Chattopadhyaya (1977, p53) disagreed. Text edited from Coins of the Cholas: C. H. Biddulph, NSI #13, 1966. Oriental Coins: Michael Mitchiner, London, Hawkins Publications, 1978. SPECIFICATIONS Denomination - Kasu Alloy - Silver Type - Struck Diameter - 18.8 mm Thickness - 2.6 mm Weight - 4.10 g Shape - Round Edge - Plain Die Axis - 120°',
    (376, 7963): {
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        "original_height": 1800,
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        "mime_type": "image/png",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: w:Warming stripes w:data visualization diagram that represents temperature deviations above (in red stripes) and below (in blue stripes) a 1951-1980 mean value. General notes: Credit for general concept of w:warming stripes: climate scientist Ed Hawkins, w:University of Reading, U.K. Data values are visualized using color rather than locations of points on a graph. The average temperature in reference period 1951-1980 determines boundary between blue and red. Horizontal scale is time, from 1850 (left) to 2018 (right). Each hue (up to 8 blue and 8 red) covers a temperature range of 0.1 degrees Celsius. Data is global (not for a locality). Source documentation re the underlying data: Archive (data through 2018): More recent archive (data through 2020): "This file contains a brief summary of the changes in Earth\'s global average surface temperature estimated by combining the Berkeley Earth land-surface temperature field with a reinterpolated version of the HadSST ocean temperature a field. Two versions of this average are reported. These differ in how they treat locations with sea ice. In the first version, temperature anomalies in the presence of sea ice are extrapolated from land-surface air temperature anomalies. In the second version, temperature anomalies in the presence of sea ice are extrapolated from sea-surface water temperature anomalies (usually collected from open water areas on the periphery of the sea ice). ... "Temperatures are in Celsius and reported as anomalies relative to the Jan 1951-Dec 1980 average. ... "The land component is based on 45756 time series with 18875309 monthly data points "The ocean component is based on 376898952 instantaneous water temperature observations" Other datasets at Berkeley Earth: I found the dataset for this graphic by clicking through "annual summary" Land + Ocean (1850 – Recent) ... Monthly Global Average Temperature (annual summary) Creator/Uploader\'s remarks: This warming stripe graphic is based on the year-wise average of the two datasets described above (namely, when sea ice is present, measuring air temp above the ice and measuring water temp below the ice). I averaged the datasets year by year in Microsoft Excel, and separated the averaged values into categories with "cutoff" (boundary) temperatures being multiples of 0.1 degrees Celsius (a simple linear relation). I assembled color-coded rectangles in Microsoft Powerpoint, exported, and re-sized using Photoshop. My resulting warming stripes diagram differs from a well-publicized one (June 2019) published by Ed Hawkins because he may have used a different Berkeley Earth dataset than I did. Mine here is based on deviation from a 1951-1980 reference period average, whereas Hawkins\' data used a 1971-2000 reference period (the mean value separates blue from red). My "cutoff" temperatures (which determine boundaries between adjacent color bands) may be different. I used a different color scheme. Click at right to show/hide ACTUAL DATA The data: Year Temperature Anomaly 1850 -0.5015 1851 -0.3845 1852 -0.3675 1853 -0.3950 1854 -0.3450 1855 -0.3120 1856 -0.4600 1857 -0.5895 1858 -0.4475 1859 -0.3895 1860 -0.4520 1861 -0.5480 1862 -0.6190 1863 -0.3980 1864 -0.4235 1865 -0.3235 1866 -0.2650 1867 -0.2535 1868 -0.2305 1869 -0.2610 1870 -0.3305 1871 -0.3505 1872 -0.3290 1873 -0.2930 1874 -0.3750 1875 -0.4025 1876 -0.4055 1877 -0.0305 1878 0.0560 1879 -0.2655 1880 -0.3240 1881 -0.2305 1882 -0.2755 1883 -0.3385 1884 -0.4830 1885 -0.4635 1886 -0.4925 1887 -0.5090 1888 -0.3255 1889 -0.2055 1890 -0.4780 1891 -0.3765 1892 -0.4200 1893 -0.4070 1894 -0.3935 1895 -0.3365 1896 -0.2340 1897 -0.2315 1898 -0.4215 1899 -0.2590 1900 -0.1550 1901 -0.2265 1902 -0.3545 1903 -0.4630 1904 -0.5040 1905 -0.3455 1906 -0.2710 1907 -0.4350 1908 -0.4645 1909 -0.5155 1910 -0.4900 1911 -0.5205 1912 -0.4370 1913 -0.3970 1914 -0.2275 1915 -0.1645 1916 -0.4025 1917 -0.5085 1918 -0.3540 1919 -0.2890 1920 -0.2740 1921 -0.2030 1922 -0.2955 1923 -0.2785 1924 -0.2700 1925 -0.2245 1926 -0.0770 1927 -0.1965 1928 -0.1785 1929 -0.3575 1930 -0.1490 1931 -0.0900 1932 -0.1260 1933 -0.3075 1934 -0.1730 1935 -0.2085 1936 -0.1580 1937 -0.0050 1938 -0.0040 1939 -0.0135 1940 0.0660 1941 0.0640 1942 0.0160 1943 0.0455 1944 0.1420 1945 0.0140 1946 -0.0520 1947 0.0235 1948 -0.0620 1949 -0.0940 1950 -0.1695 1951 0.0030 1952 0.0640 1953 0.1230 1954 -0.0655 1955 -0.1165 1956 -0.1855 1957 0.0675 1958 0.0725 1959 0.0395 1960 -0.0075 1961 0.0780 1962 0.0230 1963 0.0690 1964 -0.1930 1965 -0.1035 1966 -0.0350 1967 0.0005 1968 -0.0490 1969 0.0880 1970 0.0305 1971 -0.0980 1972 -0.0075 1973 0.1090 1974 -0.1205 1975 -0.0580 1976 -0.1630 1977 0.1250 1978 0.0050 1979 0.1015 1980 0.2040 1981 0.2395 1982 0.0460 1983 0.2315 1984 0.0595 1985 0.0515 1986 0.0990 1987 0.2350 1988 0.2740 1989 0.1590 1990 0.3485 1991 0.3260 1992 0.1590 1993 0.1820 1994 0.2435 1995 0.3665 1996 0.2595 1997 0.4250 1998 0.5610 1999 0.3305 2000 0.3420 2001 0.4915 2002 0.5605 2003 0.5515 2004 0.4675 2005 0.6185 2006 0.5620 2007 0.5750 2008 0.4575 2009 0.5780 2010 0.6430 2011 0.5235 2012 0.5455 2013 0.5865 2014 0.6435 2015 0.7860 2016 0.8940 2017 0.7870 2018 0.7205',
    (377, 6633): {
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        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: St John\'s Church, Sparkhill, CTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" id="geograph"> <head> <title>St John\'s Church, Sparkhill:: OS grid SP0984 :: Geograph Britain and Ireland - photograph every grid square!</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <meta name="description" content="Grade II listed ." /> <meta name="ICBM" content="52.45414823717, -1.865898071853"/> <meta name="DC.title" content="Geograph:: St John\'s Church, Sparkhill:: OS grid SP0984"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Monitor" href="" media="screen" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href=""/> <link rel="alternate" type="application/" href="/photo/2646784.kml"/> <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Geograph Britain and Ireland search" href="/stuff/osd.xml" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> </head> <body> <a title="Geograph home page" href="/">Geograph - photograph every grid square</a> <a title="Grid Reference SP0984 :: 49 images" href="/gridref/SP0984">SP0984</a> : St John\'s Church, Sparkhill near to Moseley, Birmingham, Great Britain.',
    (385, 10876): {
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        "original_height": 1912,
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        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": "English: HaRGB image of The Ring Nebula (M57) showing the faint outer shells. Data from the Liverpool Telescope (a 2 m RC telescope on La Palma) processed by Göran Nilsson. 67 exposures totalling 1.9 hours Center (RA, hms): 18h 53m 35.091s Center (Dec, dms): +33° 01' 39.893\" Size: 9.99 x 9.67 arcmin Radius: 0.116 deg Pixel scale: 0.303 arcsec/pixel Orientation: Up is 90 degrees E of N",
    (388, 3156): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 1280,
        "original_width": 1920,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: flatfish (left‐eyed flounder) Keywords: flatfish, left‐eyed, flounder, plaice, fish, food, fake, food, ice Downloaded: 9 times Rating: 6 out of 10 6.0/10 Photo Download: Simple Download - Click on image to enlarge it. Right-click on image and select "Save Picture As..." Flatfish (left‐eyed Flounder) Photo License: This image is public domain. You may use this picture for any purpose, including commercial. If you do use it, please consider linking back to us. If you are going to redistribute this image online, a hyperlink to this particular page is mandatory. HTML: <a href="">Flatfish (left‐eyed Flounder)</a> by yamada taro Note: If you intend to use an image you find here for commercial use, please be aware that some photos do require a model or property release. Pictures featuring products should be used with care.',
    (392, 5535): {
        "metadata_url": "",
        "original_height": 369,
        "original_width": 511,
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'Русский: Почтовая марка СССР "Волга. Теплоход у Жигулей". Серия: Туризм в СССР. Дата выпуска 1966-07-20 Зубцовка гребенчатая 12 1/2 : гребенчатая 12 Тираж 4000000 шт. Номинал 4 коп. Номер Stamplandia 4295 Номер ЦФА 3384 Номер Michel 3242 Номер Scott 3227',
    (395, 10): {
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        "original_height": 1704,
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        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "caption_attribution_description": 'English: This Australian designed vintage 1929 Austin Seven Meteor sports model is one of a limited number built between 1928-29 by coachbuilder A Robinson & Co. of 181 Castlereagh Street, Sydney. • Chassis is standard production 1929 Austin Seven type AD Tourer, with exception of a lower steering box angle and lengthened steering column. • Engine is standard production late 1928 / early 1929 4 cylinder side-valve 2 bearing 1 1/8" crank-shaft developing 10.5bhp @ 2400rpm, with exception of a 1936 high compression cylinder head ( 1A911-AF1 5.6.6 ). • Body and single passenger door are constructed of sheet steel formed over an ash timber frame. The original painted 4 panel steel bonnet with louvered sides is replicated in polished aluminium. • The graceful sweeping cycle-type wings are made of sheet steel rolled to the 19" wheel’s profile. • A large steel cowling encases the radiator and a bulbous fairing covers the front axle assembly. • A 2 piece V-type fixed windscreen is mounted directly to the scuttle. • The single bench seat tub is upholstered in leather. The seat base is removed to access the battery, and the backrest folds forward to access the luggage compartment in the vehicle’s tail. • A collapsible Rexine hood and tonneau cover provide limited protection from inclement weather. • The dash houses a Smith PA speedometer, Harcourt oil pressure gauge and Lucas SM5 switch panel with ammeter. Radiator cap incorporates a Boyce MotoMeter water temperature gauge. • The 6 volt electrical system consists of Lucas R47 head lamps and side lamps, single Lucas AT201L tail lamp, Lucas SM5 switch panel, electric starter motor, Lucas DEL dynamo, Lucas CF1 cut-out and fuse unit, Lucas ignition coil, CAV DS4 distributor, and Lucas Altette horn. • The uncoupled breaking system is cable and drum. The foot brake-pedal operates the rear brakes, and the hand-brake leaver operates the front brakes. • Transmission is a 3 speed gate change "crash" gearbox, with a 4.9:1 differential gear ratio. • A 4 gallon petrol tank gravity feeds the updraft Zenith 22FZ bronze carburettor. • All bright metalwork is Nickel plated. The 1928 model Robinson Austin Seven Meteor had two small doors, whilst the 1929 model featured a single passenger’s side door with spare wheel mounted on the driver’s side of the body. It is unknown if any other examples of an Austin Seven Robinson Meteor have survived to this day. Car Number: A8-1359 Chassis Number: 78793 Engine Number: 73800',