As the European Parliament has called for in its resolution of 16 March 2000, that they initiatives will the presidency of the European Council intend to take to play a more active role in order to ensure the full implementation of the UN peace plan?
Reiterating the calls made by the European Parliament in its resolution of 16 March 2000, what initiatives does the Presidency of the European Council propose to take with a view to playing a more active role so as to guarantee the full and complete application of the UN peace plan?
Mr President, in my speech I shall focus on the report by Mrs Lalumière report, which I think is well thought-out and clearly formulated.
Mr President, I would like to focus in my speech on Mrs Lalumière' s report, which I think is clearly worded and well put together.
It must be the true brain coordination of the network of national agencies, which in turn will activate and coordinate a network of centres of excellence food safety at regional level.
It must genuinely be a centre for coordinating the network of national agencies which, in turn, must activate and coordinate a network of centres of excellence for food safety at the level of the individual regions.
I would also that the report of the Court of Auditors was that it had some clear recommendations - for example, one or two recommendations by chapter.
I should also have liked the Court of Auditors' report to have been a little more user-friendly and to have provided a number of clear recommendations, for example one or two per chapter.
Since the first thoughts on this issue, which took place at European level on the initiative of the European Parliament, the Commission committed itself in relation to the Member States to promote an action intended to develop what we could describe as a European Commissioner culture, based on the highest standards of ethics, respect for human rights and freedoms, and effectiveness in the fight against crime.
From the first discussions on this dossier, which were held at European level at the initiative of the European Parliament, the Commission has given a commitment to the Member States to pursue a course of action designed to develop what we might call a European police culture, grounded in the highest standards of duty, respect for the rights and freedoms of our citizens and efficiency in the fight against crime.
On my own behalf and on behalf of my colleagues in the Committee on Fisheries, I would ask you, Madam President, to send Parliament' s condolences to the families of the victims and to the local authorities in both Brittany and in Marín, Galicia, from where the majority of the victims came.
Madam President, I ask you, on behalf of my colleagues in the Committee on Fisheries and on my own behalf, to send a message of condolence from Parliament to the families of the victims and the local authorities of both Brittany that Marín, city of Galicia, where are from most of the victims.
Mr President, the Committee on citizens' freedoms and rights, justice and internal Affairs has prepared with great care the Karamanou report.
Mr President, we took a great deal of care over preparing the Karamanou report in the Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs.
As long ago as 1996 the European Parliament came out in favour of a ban on the use of meat-and-bone meal throughout the European Union in accordance with the precautionary principle - if only.
In 1996, the European Parliament has voted in favour of a ban on the use of meat and bone meal in the European Union, in accordance with the precautionary principle - if only we had listened to.
Mr President, the Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and we are to retain any prepared very carefully the Karamanou report.
Mr President, we took a great deal of care over preparing the Karamanou report in the Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs.
The UK Labour members of the PES Group welcome the adoption of their contribution to the ongoing work of the IGC on reinforced cooperation, without endorsing every single detail.
The UK Labour Members of the PSE Group welcome the favourable reception reserved for the contribution they have made to the ongoing work of the IGC on reinforced cooperation, without endorsing totally at all the details of this.
I find it a little strange to try to now force the Commission to a motion for a resolution and ask him in a same time to establish a Green Paper on the current state of voluntary insurance and health insurance complementary.
I find it rather odd that people are already trying to tie the Commission's hands in relation to the proposal for a directive, while at the same calling on it to present a Green Paper on the current situation with regard to optional and supplementary health insurance schemes.
B5-0794/2000, by Mr Medina Ortega, Mr Linkohr and Mr Fava, on behalf of the Group of the Party of European Socialists, on the kidnap in Colombia of a Spanish Jesuit engaged in negotiations with the guerillas;
(B5-0794 / 2000 by Mr Medina Ortega, Mr Linkohr and Mr Fava, on behalf of the Group of the Party of European Socialists, on the kidnapping of a Spanish sophistry in Colombia engaged in negotiations with the guerillas;
As long ago as 1996 the European Parliament came out in favour of a ban on the use of meat-and-bone meal throughout the European Union in accordance with the precautionary principle - if only.
Since 1996, the European Parliament decided in favour of a ban on the use of meat meal in the European Union, in accordance with the precautionary principle - if only we had been listened to.
I wonder whether the Commissioner already provides for steps to show that we consider Kostunica as the legally elected representative of the Serbian people and as a partner with which the European Union will now have to deal with.
I wonder if the Commissioner has planned any steps in this respect to demonstrate that we really do consider Kostunica to be the only lawfully elected representative of the Serbian people, and the only partner with whom the European Union is involved as from today.
While withdrawing the resolution, however, I express the conviction that this Parliament would have made its voice heard better if, in anticipation of the Council of Nice, it had devoted a specific and separate resolution to these important and difficult topics of the Intergovernmental Conference, instead of dealing with them in a single resolution that also embraces all the other points on the Council agenda.
By withdrawing our resolution, I nevertheless expresses the conviction that our Parliament would have done better its voice heard in devoting, in view of the Nice European Council, a specific and separate resolution to the issues so important and so difficult for the Intergovernmental Conference, rather than dealt with in the context of a single resolution including also all the other items on the agenda for the Council.
On my own behalf and on behalf of my colleagues in the Committee on Fisheries, I would ask you, Madam President, to send Parliament' s condolences to the families of the victims and to the local authorities in both Brittany and in Marín, Galicia, from where the majority of the victims came.
Madam President, I ask you, on behalf of my colleagues in the Committee on Fisheries and on my own behalf, to send a message of condolence from Parliament to the families of the victims and to the local authorities of both Brittany and of Marín, city of Galicia, which is from the majority of the victims.
These objectives, the main one and the secondary ones, will be the touchstone by which the concrete proposals submitted by the Commission must be judged.
These objectives, the primary objective and the secondary objectives, will represent the stone of hitting enabling us to judge the concrete proposals presented by the Commission.
- My party has serious reservations about Community law applying to the sale of consumer products, as against applying the concept of mutual recognition of standards.
My party issues serious reservations in connection with the regulation of the sales of products of consumption by the means of the community legislation, just like it issues reserves in connection with the concept of mutual recognition of the standards.
It is, of course, a very important point, it is the fact that we have the section four, with its approach, but we do not yet know very well if we managed to solve the problem, in particular because the Council does not wish to participate enough.
There is, of course, one crucial event, namely that a start has been made with category four and with looking at ways how we will deal with it, but it is not yet entirely clear whether we have managed to resolve this, partly because the Council refuses to have sufficient input in the attendant thought processes.
And I am telling you loud and clear: Kostunica must be given his chance here and I therefore hope that he will give amnesty in the next couple of weeks or months, but meanwhile, I do want the introduction of those two new budget lines, democratisation and reconstruction, to be accompanied by political conditions, both from a political and budgetary perspective.
And let me make it very clear: it is necessary to give its chance Kostunica, and I therefore hope that it will ensure an amnesty in the weeks and months ahead; but in the meantime, I wish, however, that, politically, and the budgetary level, the political conditions be coupled with the introduction of these two new budgetary lines, namely democratisation and reconstruction.
The Committee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market rightly insists on no upper limit and a minimum of no less than 7%.
It is rightly that the Legal Committee persists in the refusal of a ceiling and the maintenance of a minimum rate which cannot be lower than 7%.
Mr. President, I will concentrate in my intervention on the report/ratio of Mrs. Lalumière, report/ratio which I find formulated well conceived and clearly.
Mr President, I would like to focus in my speech on Mrs Lalumière' s report, which I think is clearly worded and well put together.
The situation is worsening, when it comes to women distant countries who have accepted this work by necessity and which have no alternative to continue to meet their basic needs.
The very worst situation is when the women concerned also come from distant countries, having taken the work on out of desperation because they have no other way of continuing to provide for themselves.
The Committee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market rightly insists on no upper limit and a minimum of no less than 7%.
It is right that the Committee on Legal Affairs continues in the refusal of a ceiling and the maintenance of a minimum rate which cannot be less than 7%.
The UK Labour members of the PES Group welcome the adoption of their contribution to the ongoing work of the IGC on reinforced cooperation, without endorsing every single detail.
The UK Labour Members of the PSE Group welcome the favourable response given to the contribution they have made to the continuing work of the IGC on closer cooperation, without adhering fully to all the details of this.
Do you think that the Austrian model, i.e. bilateral majority resolutions, will be used in future as a way of passing resolutions which bypass the European institutions and of forming a new institution or a new group in order to circumvent unanimity in the Council?
Do you think that the ‘ Austrian 'model – namely decision-making majority bilateral - will in future be an instrument for making it possible to take decisions by ignoring the European institutions and to establish a new institution, or a new group, to be able to get round the unanimity rule in the Council?
The lesson for this Parliament this morning must be that we have to conclude that maritime laws throughout the world are in a state of shambles and we have to begin the process of putting them right.
The lesson for us within this House in its debate this morning is that we are forced to conclude that the laws at sea are, in the world, in a state of chaos, and that we must get down to work to bring order.
Indeed, it is not at all convinced that the definition of fair price which is proposed is better than another, because the different definitions used in the Member States are sufficient all amply.
After all, it is by no means certain that the proposed definition of equitable price is better than any other, because the various definitions that are currently in use in the Member States are all perfectly satisfactory.
The labelling of beef which has been decided, which is a minimum labelling and which entered into force for two and a half months, does not allow for properly tracing the origin of animals, and we have belatedly banned specified risk material.
The labelling of beef that was agreed on, which is a minimum form of labelling and only came into force two and a half months ago, does not make it possible for the origin of animals to be adequately traced, and we were very slow to ban specified risk materials.
Mr President, the Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and internal affairs has prepared with great care the Karamanou report.
Mr President, we took a great deal of care over preparing the Karamanou report in the Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs.
I also voted against a text which calls for the incorporation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights into the eventual Treaty of Nice.
I also voted against a text which calls for the incorporation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in the future Treaty, which will be adopted in Nice.
You do not even want to incorporate it into the Treaty, which shows that this text was to be put to one side.
You do not even intend to incorporate it into the Treaty, evidence indeed that this text, this exercise was always destined to be laid aside.
As the European Parliament called for in its resolution of 16 March 2000, that these initiatives is the Presidency of the European Council intend to take to play a more active role in order to ensure the full implementation of the UN Peace Plan?
Reiterating the calls made by the European Parliament in its resolution of 16 March 2000, what initiatives does the Presidency of the European Council propose to take with a view to playing a more active role so as to guarantee the full and complete application of the UN peace plan?
Faced with criticisms, particularly those of Ireland and France, the British Chancellor of the Exchequer has given a new interpretation: it is now a matter of resources for all users, including the drivers of heavy goods vehicles.
That was changed in the face of criticism, especially from Ireland and France, and a different spin has now been put on it by the British Chancellor of the Exchequer: it is now being portrayed as a user charge for all, including British lorry drivers.
If we create a clear framework and binding on the Member States, the various systems to meet these requirements should have a longer period test.
If we define a clear, binding framework for the Member States, then there should be a longer evaluation period for the various support systems required to satisfy these requirements.
- My party has serious reservations about Community law applying to the sale of consumer products, as against applying the concept of mutual recognition of standards.
My party serious reservations about the regulation of the sale of consumption by means of Community legislation, as it has reservations about the concept of mutual recognition of standards.
myanmar 's pro-democracy leader aung san suu kyi will be kept under house arrest following her release from a hospital where she underwent surgery , her personal physician said friday .
myanmar 's pro-democracy leader aung san suu kyi will return home late friday but will remain in detention after recovering from surgery at a yangon hospital , her personal physician said .
an hour later israeli attack helicopters rained missiles on a car in gaza city , killing seven people , palestinian sources said .
an hour later , an israeli helicopter fired missiles at a car in gaza city , killing two hamas officials and at least five other people .
ursel reisen confirmed it operated the coach , but gave no details other than to say the passengers were of mixed ages .
ursel reisen confirmed it had been operating the coach , but declined to give details of the passengers other than to say they were of mixed ages .
tom kraynak , manager of operations and resources for the canton , ohio-based east central area reliability council , said investigators are considering the scenario .
tom kraynak , manager of operations and resources for the canton , ohio-based east central area reliability council , said that scenario is one among many that investigators are considering .
the people who are sending these messages are infringing on my rights and everyone else 's rights to use your computer , " mckechnie said .
" i feel that people that are sending these messages are infringing on my rights and everyone else 's rights to use their computers , " said mckechnie .
generally unwanted — and often pornographic or with fraudulent intent — spam is a nuisance and a distraction , " gates writes .
" generally unwanted - and often pornographic or with fraudulent intent - spam is a nuisance and a distraction , " gates writes , warming us up for the punchline .
daniels said he doesn 't know what bush will have to say about him at tonight 's $ 2,000-per-person presidential fund-raiser .
daniels said he doesn 't know what bush will say at tonight 's $ 2,000-per-person reception to raise funds for his presidential re-election bid .
abbas told the summit he would end the " armed intefadeh , " renounced " terrorism against the israelis wherever they might be " and alluded to the disarming of militants .
at wednesday 's summit , abbas pledged to end the " armed intefadeh , " renounced " terrorism against the israelis wherever they might be " and alluded to the disarming of militants .
professor moffitt said the results needed to be replicated before pursuing testing of individuals for the presence of the long or short versions of the gene .
moffitt said the results need to be replicated in another study before testing of individuals for presence of the long or short versions of the gene will be pursued .
dotson , 21 , was arrested and charged on july 21 after reportedly telling authorities he shot dennehy after dennehy tried to shoot him .
dotson was arrested july 21 after telling fbi agents he shot dennehy when dennehy tried to shoot him , according to the arrest warrant affidavit .
north american stock markets got off to a slow start tuesday , with investors ready to get their first taste of quarterly earnings .
north american futures pointed to a sub-par start to trading on tuesday , with investors ready to get their first taste of quarterly earnings .
another million barrels , bought by spanish refiner cepsa sa , was to be loaded onto a spanish tanker , the sandra tapias .
a spanish tanker , sandra tapias , was to be loaded with another million barrels , bought by spanish refiner cepsa sa , in the afternoon .
the lawyer for hollins jr . , thomas royce , has said his client had no link to the company that owned and operated e2 .
calvin hollins jr . ' s attorney , thomas royce , has repeatedly said his client had no link with the company that owned and operated e2 .
but the bureau never kept tabs on al-bayoumi — despite receiving prior information he was a secret saudi agent , the report says .
but the fbi never kept tabs on al-bayoumi - even though it had received information that he was a saudi agent , the document says .
wal- mart , kohl 's corp. , family dollar stores inc . , and big lots inc. posted may sales that fell below wall street 's modest expectations .
wal-mart , kohl 's corp. , family dollar stores inc . , and big lots inc. were among the merchants posting may sales that fell below wall street 's modest expectations .
several relatives of australian victims of the attack were in court to witness the proceedings , but few balinese attended the trial .
several relatives of australian victims of the attack sat in the front row of the court , but few balinese attended the trial .
previously , it had reported a profit of $ 12 million , or 0 cents a share , for that period .
previously , it had reported a small profit of $ 12 million , or break-even on a per-share basis , for the period .
hormone replacement therapy that combines estrogen and progestin doubles a woman 's risk of breast cancer , a british study of more than a million women has found .
a major british study has added to the evidence that hormone replacement therapy increases the risk of breast cancer , especially when women receive a combination of estrogen and progestin .
now , blanca 's husband , 63-year-old roger lawrence strunk of tracy , faces a murder indictment issued by the philippine government in february .
now , blanca 's american husband , 63-year-old roger lawrence strunk , faces a murder indictment issued in february by the philippine government , which says he 's the leading suspect .
the report shows that drugs sold in canadian pharmacies are manufactured in facilities approved by health canada - the fda 's counterpart in canada .
the report shows that drugs sold in canadian pharmacies are manufactured in facilities approved by health canada , which serves a similar role as the fda for the canadian government .
microsoft has been awarded a patent for a feature in instant messaging that alerts a user when the person they are communicating with is inputting a message .
microsoft has been awarded a patent on a popular instant-messaging feature that shows users when the person on the other end of the conversation is typing a message .
dolores mahoy , 68 , of colorado springs , colo . , is someone who might be helped by the legislation pending in congress .
dolores e. mahoy , 68 , of colorado springs is just the type of person who might be helped by the legislation pending in congress .
defense lawyers had said a change of venue was needed because massive pretrial publicity had tainted the jury pool against their client .
defense lawyers had requested a change of venue for two reasons : they argued that massive pretrial publicity had tainted the jury pool against their client .
the bank also said its offer was subject to the agreement of drax 's senior banks , senior bond holders and hedging banks by 30 september 2003 .
the offer is also subject to goldman signing an agreement with drax 's senior banks , senior bond holders and hedging banks by sept . 30 , it said .
the results were released at tuesday 's meeting in seattle of the american thoracic society and will be published in thursday 's new england journal of medicine .
the study results were released at a meeting in seattle of the american thoracic society and also will be published in tomorrow 's issue of the new england journal of medicine .
contrary to what peoplesoft management would have you believe , oracle intends to fully support peoplesoft customers and products for many years to come . "
ellison said that contrary to the contentions of peoplesoft management , oracle intends to " fully support peoplesoft customers and products " for many years to come .
" certainly what we know suggests that we should take what they 're saying very seriously , " he added .
" we don 't know everything [ but ] what we know suggests that we should take what they 're saying seriously , " he said .
lower courts have splintered on the issue , allowing depictions of the ten commandments in some instances and not in others .
appellate courts across the country have issued differing rulings on the issue , allowing public displays of the ten commandments in some cases and banning them in others .
the government has chosen three companies to develop plans to protect commercial aircraft from shoulder-fired missile attacks , homeland security officials announced tuesday .
the department of homeland security announced tuesday that it has selected three companies to continue research into ways to thwart shoulder-fired missile attacks on u.s. commercial aircraft .
" we condemn and denounce the governing council , which is headed by the united states , " moqtada al-sadr said .
" we condemn the governing council headed by the united states , " muqtada al sadr said in a sermon at a mosque .
but in the first 30 seconds after young entered the ring , the family knew it was an uneven match , meyers said .
but in the first 30 seconds of the bout , family members knew it was an uneven match , jodie meyers , stacy young 's sister , said .
a former partner of accountancy firm ernst & young was yesterday arrested by fbi agents in the us on charges of obstructing federal investigations .
fbi agents arrested a former partner of big four accounting firm ernst & young erny.ul on criminal charges of obstructing federal investigations , u.s. officials said on thursday .
taiwan reported 65 new cases on may 22 , a one-day record , and 55 new cases on may 23 , making its epidemic the world 's fastest-growing .
the island nation reported 65 new cases on may 22 , a one day record , and 55 new cases on may 23 , making taiwan 's epidemic the fastest-growing in the world .
" today , we are trying to convey this problem to russian president vladimir putin and us president george w bush . "
" today , we are trying to convey this problem to russian president vladimir putin ( news - web sites ) and president bush ( news - web sites ) . "
det chief insp norman mckinlay said there was " evidence a body or bodies have been in this area " .
detective chief inspector norman mckinlay , leading the investigation , said : " there is evidence a body or bodies have been in this area .
long lines formed sunday outside gas stations and people rushed to get money from cash machines as israelis braced for the strike 's effects .
long lines formed outside gas stations and people rushed to get money from cash machines sunday as israelis prepared to weather a strike that threatened to paralyze the country .
the prc epidemic began in guandong province in november , but the communist party government refused to report truthfully about its spread for four months .
the epidemic began in november in the mainland 's guangdong province , but the people 's republic of china refused to report truthfully about its spread for four months .
gerry kiely , a eu agriculture representative in washington , said eu ministers were invited but canceled because the union is closing talks on agricultural reform .
eu ministers were invited to the conference but canceled because the union is closing talks on agricultural reform , said gerry kiely , a eu agriculture representative in washington .
some women are also concerned that so many women are turning to cosmetic surgery in a quest for bodily perfection .
some women also express concern about a society in which more people than ever are turning to cosmetic surgery in a quest for bodily perfection .
the agency will " consider as timely any tax returns or payments due " aug. 15 if they are submitted by aug. 22 .
the agency said it would consider as timely any tax returns or payments due from friday through aug. 22 if they are completed by aug. 22 .
but vincent weafer , security director with symantec security response , said all the virus did was visit a pornography site .
but in the end , all the worm did was visit a pornography site , said vincent weafer , a security director with symantec security response in california .
and now it 's anything he wants to say , " confirmed stone county nursing and rehabilitation center social director alesha badgley .
and now it 's anything he wants to say , " alesha badgley , stone county nursing and rehabilitation center social director , said this week .
the national denomination of the episcopal church , with 2.3 million members , is the u.s. branch of the 77 million-member anglican communion .
the episcopal church , with 2.3 million members , is the american branch of the worldwide anglican communion , which has 77 million adherents .
the researchers say that the fact the map bug is present in the vast majority of crohns sufferers means it is almost certainly causing the intestinal inflammation .
" the discovery that the map bug is present in the vast majority of crohn 's sufferers means it is almost certainly causing the intestinal inflammation , " it said in a statement .
in an interview , ms. healey , who is a criminologist , said many lawmakers here and across the country shared a wariness toward capital punishment .
in an interview , healey , who is a criminologist , acknowledged that much of the sentiment among legislators here and across the country was wariness toward capital punishment .
police spokesman brig. gen. edward aritonang confirmed saturday that another two had been arrested , one in jakarta and another in magelang , central java .
brigadier general edward aritonang , a police spokesman , confirmed yesterday that another two had been arrested , one in jakarta and another in magelang , central java .
" whereas long lines used to catch 10 fish per 100 hooks , now they are lucky to catch one , " myers said .
where long-lines used to catch 10 fish per 100 hooks in past decades , they are now lucky to catch one , the study found .
teams of inspectors walked into a restricted area at one park without being stopped ; others took pictures of sensitive areas without being challenged .
teams of inspectors walked into a restricted area at one park without being stopped by employees ; others took pictures of security-sensitive areas without anyone challenging them .
when you crossed the line , you violated the constitutional right , " said charles weisselberg , a uc berkeley law professor .
when you crossed the line , you violated the constitutional right , " said charles weisselberg , who teaches law at the university of california , berkeley .
coca-cola co . ( ko ) reported higher profit for the quarter , helped by european demand , early on thursday .
on the upside , coca-cola co . ( nyse : ko - news - people ) reported higher profit for the quarter early on thursday , helped by european demand .
( contract bridge ) the highest bid becomes the contract setting the number of tricks that the bidder must make .
( contract bridge ) the highest bid becomes the contract setting in the number of tricks that the bidder must make .
( botany ) the usually underground organ that lacks buds or leaves or nodes ; absorbs water and mineral salts ; usually it anchors the plant to the ground .
botany -- the usually underground organ of a plant that lacks buds or leaves or nodes , which absorbs water and mineral salts ; usually it anchors the plant to the ground .
amplify an electron current by causing part of the power on the output circuit to act upon the input circuit .
amplify ( an electron current ) by causing part of the power in the output circuit to act upon the input circuit .
Myanmar's pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi will be kept under house arrest following her release from a hospital where she underwent surgery, her personal physician said Friday.
Myanmar's pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi will return home late Friday but will remain in detention after recovering from surgery at a Yangon hospital, her personal physician said.
Ursel Reisen confirmed it operated the coach, but gave no details other than to say the passengers were of mixed ages.
Ursel Reisen confirmed it had been operating the coach, but declined to give details of the passengers other than to say they were of mixed ages.
Tom Kraynak, manager of operations and resources for the Canton, Ohio-based East Central Area Reliability Council, said investigators are considering the scenario.
Tom Kraynak, manager of operations and resources for the Canton, Ohio-based East Central Area Reliability Council, said that scenario is one among many that investigators are considering.
Dotson, 21, was arrested and charged on July 21 after reportedly telling authorities he shot Dennehy after Dennehy tried to shoot him.
Dotson was arrested July 21 after telling FBI agents he shot Dennehy when Dennehy tried to shoot him, according to the arrest warrant affidavit.
North American stock markets got off to a slow start Tuesday, with investors ready to get their first taste of quarterly earnings.
North American futures pointed to a sub-par start to trading on Tuesday, with investors ready to get their first taste of quarterly earnings.
Several relatives of Australian victims of the attack were in court to witness the proceedings, but few Balinese attended the trial.
Several relatives of Australian victims of the attack sat in the front row of the court, but few Balinese attended the trial.
Microsoft has been awarded a patent for a feature in instant messaging that alerts a user when the person they are communicating with is inputting a message.
Microsoft has been awarded a patent on a popular instant-messaging feature that shows users when the person on the other end of the conversation is typing a message.
Defense lawyers had said a change of venue was needed because massive pretrial publicity had tainted the jury pool against their client.
Defense lawyers had requested a change of venue for two reasons: They argued that massive pretrial publicity had tainted the jury pool against their client.
The results were released at Tuesday's meeting in Seattle of the American Thoracic Society and will be published in Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine.
The study results were released at a meeting in Seattle of the American Thoracic Society and also will be published in tomorrow's issue of The New England Journal of Medicine.
The government has chosen three companies to develop plans to protect commercial aircraft from shoulder-fired missile attacks, homeland security officials announced Tuesday.
The Department of Homeland Security announced Tuesday that it has selected three companies to continue research into ways to thwart shoulder-fired missile attacks on U.S. commercial aircraft.
Taiwan reported 65 new cases on May 22, a one-day record, and 55 new cases on May 23, making its epidemic the world's fastest-growing.
The island nation reported 65 new cases on May 22, a one day record, and 55 new cases on May 23, making Taiwan's epidemic the fastest-growing in the world.